
Sample records for c-6 como potenciais

  1. Staphylinidae e Silphidae (Coleoptera como Potenciais Famílias Bioindicadoras de Qualidade Ambiental

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    Fabiana dos Santos Fernandes


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo levantar a biodiversidade de coleópteros do IZMA (Eng. Paulo de Frontin - RJ, compreender suas relações com as composições florísticas e buscar identificar potenciais bioindicadores. Foram realizadas quatro coletas, em oito pontos distintos, de abril de 2008 a março de 2009, com utilização de armadilhas pitfall. Os insetos foram triados, identificados, e armazenados no Laboratório de Monitoramento Ambiental – USS; os dados foram analisados por meio da Diversidade e Dominância de Simpson e Similaridade de Cluster. Capturaram-se 1990 coleópteros (15 famílias, com maior ocorrência de Staphylinidae no interior da mata. Os pontos V e VI foram os mais similares e Silphidae, em áreas intermediárias; os pontos VII e VIII, mais similares. A 1ª coleta apresentou maior dominância; a 4ª coleta, maior diversidade. O ponto IV obteve maior abundância; o V, maior dominância; os pontos I e III, maior diversidade; os pontos III e VII, maior similaridade. Os pontos III, IV, VI, e VII mostraram-se os mais conservados, Staphylinidae e Silphidae foram apontados como potenciais bioindicadores, por apresentar sensibilidade às modificações do ambiente.

  2. Perfil farmacológico e fitoquímico de plantas indicadas pelos caboclos do Parque Nacional do Jaú (AM) como potenciais analgésicas: parte I


    Rodrigues,Eliana; Duarte-Almeida,Joaquim M.; Pires,Júlia Movilla


    Muitos estudos de plantas medicinais baseiam-se em informações etnofarmacológicas, na intenção de encurtar o tempo e diminuir os recursos financeiros no desenvolvimento de novas drogas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar estudos de farmacologia pré-clínica e fitoquímica com três extratos vegetais, obtidos de duas das 42 plantas com potenciais efeitos analgésico e/ou antiinflamatório, indicadas pelos moradores do Parque Nacional do Jaú, AM. Os extratos hidroalcoólicos foram submet...

  3. Interações medicamentosas potenciais entre medicamentos psicotrópicos dispensados

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    Eloise Balen

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a frequência e caracterizar as interações medicamentosas potenciais entre fármacos psicotrópicos sujeitos a controle especial pela portaria 344/98 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa, os quais foram prescritos e dispensados em uma farmácia pública do Município de Cascavel, Paraná. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo com desenho seccional foi realizado em uma Farmácia Pública Municipal. A amostra foi composta por prescrições de medicamentos sujeitos a controle especial, dispensados entre primeiro de julho a 31 de agosto de 2010. As prescrições retidas na farmácia foram analisadas retrospectivamente e as informações, coletadas. As interações medicamentosas potenciais foram identificadas em 824 prescrições. Resultados As prescrições eram na maioria para pacientes do sexo feminino e com idade entre 19 e 59 anos. Em relação à especialidade do prescritor, 30,6% foram prescritas por psiquiatra. Em 77,9% das prescrições identificou-se pelo menos uma interação medicamentosa potencial. Foram descritas 54 diferentes interações medicamentosas potenciais, sendo 34 graves e 20 moderadas. Encontrou-se uma correlação linear entre medicamentos prescritos e interações medicamentosas potenciais (p valor < 0,001. Conclusão O presente estudo identificou uma alta frequência de interações medicamentosas potenciais envolvendo fármacos de controle especial e uma associação positiva entre o número de fármacos prescritos com a maior frequência dessas interações.


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    Ana Carolina Freschi


    Full Text Available A partir da caracterização do teletandem como Terceiro Espaço, onde o contato intercultural tem território privilegiado (KRAMSCH; URYU, 2014, e dos conceitos de competência intercultural (BELZ, 2003 e paráfrases (ORLANDI, 1987; 2000; PECHÊUX, 1997,  discutimos a relevância da identificação de potenciais sequências de aprendizagem intercultural (BORGHETTI et al, 2015 como oportunidades para melhor autocompreensão e autocrítica e desenvolvimento da competência intercultural a partir da mediação realizada no teletandem. Assim, nosso artigo situa-se na interface entre estudos linguísticos, estudos culturais e análise do discurso de linha francesa. Os dados analisados foram coletados em 2011, 2012 e 2014 e tiveram como temas: preconceito linguístico e regional, eleições presidenciais, copa do mundo de futebol no Brasil e generalizações quanto a situação das escolas no Estado de São Paulo. Esses assuntos embasaram parte das interações e suscitaram diversas paráfrases que nos levaram aos questionamentos apresentados. Por meio da análise de quatro sessões de teletandem de pares diferentes, pudemos identificar potenciais sequências de aprendizagem intercultural, o que demonstra o potencial do teletandem como espaço desse tipo de aprendizagem. As sessões de mediação podem contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento dessa competência, auxiliando a compreender as identidades e o que entendemos ser a identidade que afirmamos ter.

  5. Eventos adversos por interações medicamentosas potenciais em unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital de ensino

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    Mariana Macedo Alvim


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a existência de interações medicamentosas potenciais na unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital, com foco nos antimicrobianos. Métodos: Estudo transversal, que analisou prescrições eletrônicas de pacientes da unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital de ensino, avaliando potenciais interações medicamentosas relacionadas aos antimicrobianos, entre 1º de janeiro e 31 de março de 2014. O consumo dos antimicrobianos foi expresso em dose diária definida por 100 pacientes-dia. A busca e a classificação das interações foram realizadas com base no sistema Micromedex®. Resultados: Foram analisadas prescrições diárias de 82 pacientes, totalizando 656 prescrições. Do total de medicamentos prescritos, 25% eram antimicrobianos, sendo meropenem, vancomicina e ceftriaxona os mais prescritos. Os antimicrobianos mais consumidos, segundo a metodologia de dose diária definida por 100 pacientes-dia, foram cefepime, meropenem, sulfametoxazol + trimetoprima e ciprofloxacino. A média de interações por paciente foi de 2,6. Entre as interações, 51% foram classificadas como contraindicadas ou de gravidade importante. Destacaram-se as interações altamente significativas (valor clínico 1 e 2, com prevalência de 98%. Conclusão: Com o presente trabalho verifica-se que os antimicrobianos são uma classe frequentemente prescrita na unidade de terapia intensiva, apresentando elevada quantidade de interações medicamentosas potenciais, sendo a maior parte das interações considerada altamente significativa.


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    Livia Maria Nunes de Almeida


    Full Text Available As UTIN constituem-se em setores onde são internados recém-nascidos em estado grave, em situações de risco, que necessitam de recursos técnicos e humanos especializados para sua recuperação, exigindo uma abordagem integral da saúde por uma equipe multidisciplinar, cujos membros estão expostos a riscos ambientais e ocupacionais diariamente. No Brasil, há inúmeros convênios e recomendações da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT, aprovados pelas Normas Regulamentadoras (NR32, por intermédio do Ministério do Trabalho que têm como objetivo eliminar ou controlar os riscos ocupacionais. Este artigo teve por objetivo geral identificar as fontes potenciais dos riscos físicos presentes em uma UTIN localizada no interior do estado do Maranhão, capazes de gerar acidentes de trabalho e doenças ocupacionais. O método utilizado foi descritivo e exploratório, de campo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa. Os resultados apontaram como principais agravantes para os riscos a acidentes de trabalho: o teto com rachaduras, pisos de cor escura e sem proteção antiderrapante, armários e outros mobiliários em má conservação e instalações elétricas inadequadas. Quanto aos riscos físicos foram identificados o excesso de ruídos, o calor e a radiação. Concluiu-se ser necessário o desenvolvimento de estudos que discutam os riscos a que os profissionais da saúde da UTIN estão expostos e suas implicações, de modo a oferecer segurança a esses profissionais durante suas atividades laborais, possibilitando, consequentemente, a prestação de uma assistência de qualidade.

  7. Synthesis of aryl b-N-acetylglucosamine desmodified at C-6 as potential antimicrobial agents; Sintese de b-N-acetilglicosaminideos de arila modificados em C-6 como potenciais agentes antimicrobianos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manfrini, Rozangela Magalhaes; Souza Filho, Jose Dias de [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Inst. de Ciencias Exatas; Figueireido, Rute Cunha; D' Angelis, Allison Fabiano; Prado, Maria Auxiliadora Fontes; Nunan, Elziria de Aguiar; Martins, Gabriela Aires; Alves, Ricardo Jose [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Faculdade de Farmacia. Dept. de Produtos Farmaceuticos]. E-mail:


    We report herein the synthesis of aryl beta-N-acetylglucosaminides containing azido, amino and acetamido groups at C-6 as potential antimicrobial agents. It was expected that these compounds could interfere with the biosynthesis and/or biotransformation of Nacetylglucosamine in fungi and bacteria. None of the compounds showed antimicrobial activity against bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), filamentous fungus (Aspergillus niger) and yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisae, Candida albicans and Candida tropicallis), at the concentration of 1 mg/mL in agar diffusion assay. (author)

  8. Anos potenciais de vida perdidos e custos hospitalares da leptospirose no Brasil

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    Verena Maria Mendes de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar os custos associados à hospitalização e os anos potenciais de vida perdidos devido à leptospirose. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados os bancos de dados de sistemas de informação em saúde do Ministério da Saúde para o relacionamento probabilístico dos casos e internações que evoluíram a óbito por leptospirose em 2007. No Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação os casos confirmados foram subdivididos em internação e óbito, que foram relacionados às seguintes bases: Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (registros com diagnóstico principal e Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (causa básica do óbito, A27.0, A27.8 e A27.9. Foram estimados os custos parciais de internação, os óbitos pela doença, os anos potenciais de vida e de trabalho perdidos. RESULTADOS: As características da maioria das internações que evoluíram para óbito eram: sexo masculino, entre 18 e 49 anos, raça branca, zona urbana e ensino fundamental incompleto. Foram 6.490 anos potenciais de vida perdidos, sendo 75% da faixa etária de 20 a 49 anos. Quando ajustada pela população, a perda foi de 15 dias de vida/1.000 habitantes. A proporção de anos potenciais de vida perdidos pelo número de óbitos foi em média de 30 anos perdidos para cada óbito. O impacto financeiro estimado foi equivalente a R$ 22,9 milhões em salários não ganhos. Os custos hospitalares foram de R$ 831,5 mil. Considerando os dias de salário perdidos por período de internação (mediana: 6 dias, houve perda de R$ 103,0 mil. CONCLUSÕES: Houve elevado custo social em termo de anos potenciais de vida perdidos e gasto hospitalar parcial com leptospirose quando comparado ao possível tratamento precoce ou não adoecimento, o que poderia ter minimizado o impacto dessa doença na população brasileira.

  9. Interacoes medicamentosas potenciais em pacientes com doenca renal cronica

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    Alessandra Batista Marquito


    Full Text Available Introdução: Interações medicamentosas (IMs são frequentes na prática clínica e estão diretamente relacionadas a fatores como polifarmácia, idade avançada e deficiência na metabolização e excreção de fármacos. Indivíduos com doença renal crônica (DRC comumente utilizam diversas classes de medicamentos, constituindo um importante grupo de risco para IMs. Objetivo: Identificar potenciais interações entre medicamentos prescritos a renais crônicos em tratamento conservador, e fatores associados a sua ocorrência. Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal, com análise de 558 prescrições. O potencial interativo dos medicamentos foi traçado tendo como suporte a base de dados MICROMEDEX®, software que disponibiliza farmacopeias conhecidas internacionalmente. Resultados: Houve predomínio de indivíduos do sexo masculino (54,7%, idosos (69,4%, no estágio 3 da DRC (47,5%, com sobrepeso e obesos (66,7%. As comorbidades mais prevalentes foram a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (68,5% e o diabetes mellitus (31,9%. IMs potenciais foram detectadas em 74,9% das prescrições. De um total de 1.364 IMs detectadas, 229 (16,8% foram de gravidade maior e 5 (0,4% contraindicadas, com necessidade de intervenção imediata. Interações de gravidade moderada ou menor foram identificadas respectivamente em 1.049 (76,9% e 81 (5,9% das prescrições. Observou-se que a probabilidade de ocorrência de uma IM aumentou em 2,5 vezes para cada medicamento adicional (IC = 2,18-3,03. Obesidade, diabetes, hipertensão e estágio avançado da DRC foram fatores de risco fortemente associados para ocorrência de IM. Conclusão: A associação de medicamentos em indivíduos com DRC relacionou-se com alta prevalência de IMs potencialmente graves, especialmente nos estágios mais avançados da doença.

  10. Estudo de potenciais interações medicamentosas em pacientes hipertensos

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    Sally Cristina Moutinho MONTEIRO ; Wandson Rodrigues SOUSA1, Clemilson da Silva BARROS ; Karla Valéria Santos de CAMPOS


    Full Text Available Hipertensão arterial é uma elevação crônica da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica e é provavelmente a doença crônica mais comum nos dias de hoje. Os portadores desse agravo necessitam de atenção especial, uma vez que muitos fazem uso de associação de medicamentos, aumentando assim o risco de interações medicamentosas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar potenciais interações medicamentosas com anti-hipertensivos em usuários hipertensos de uma estratégia de saúde da família, em São Luís. MA. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo observacional de corte transversal com 60 hipertensos do Sistema de Cadastramento e Acompanhamento de Hipertensos e Diabéticos (SIS-HIPERDIA, vinculado a uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS de São Luís, MA. A população estudada foi predominantemente do sexo feminino (71,67%, de cor parda (46,66%, com ensino fundamental incompleto (55% e renda familiar de até meio salário mínimo (65%. Foram observadas 70 potenciais interações medicamentosas, onde destacaram-se as interações moderadas (84,28%. As classes terapêuticas mais frequentemente envolvidas foram os anti-inflamatórios e as associações mais frequentes ocorreram entre ácido acetilsalicílico com losartana e hidroclorotiazida com captopril. Os resultados mostraram alta prevalência de potenciais interações medicamentosas na população estudada, ratificando dados encontrados na literatura. A busca do trabalho colaborativo entre prescritores e farmacêuticos deve ser constante objetivando a intensificação do processo de cuidados em saúde, o compartilhamento de conhecimentos e a integralidade do cuidado

  11. Potenciais benefícios do sistema de rastreabilidade animal dos EUA para o setor de carnes americano

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    Moisés de Andrade Resende Filho


    Full Text Available Este artigo investigou os potenciais ganhos do setor de carnes americano advindos da implantação do Sistema Nacional de Identificação Animal (NAIS, dos EUA. Foram analisados os potenciais efeitos do NAIS sobre a percepção de risco dos consumidores americanos em relação aos perigos decorrentes do consumo das carnes bovina, suína e de aves e seus derivados. Sistemas de equações de demanda foram estimados, incorporando-se como "proxies" da percepção de risco do consumidor, séries de índices de segurança do alimento, separadamente construídas para cada tipo de carne. Tais séries foram concebidas, somando-se o número de referências nos principais jornais americanos a problemas de segurança da carne. Foi utilizado o melhor modelo estimado, escolhido com base em uma série de testes de especificação, para se construir três cenários, simulando-se os casos em que o NAIS não está implementado; que está implementado apenas para o gado bovino; e que está implementado para suínos e bovinos. Foram utilizadas as diferenças entre as receitas estimadas para cada cenário e para cada tipo de carne, como uma medida do potencial ganho advindo da implementação do NAIS. Foi concluído que os setores da carne bovina e suína poderiam arcar com os custos do NAIS. Esse resultado, contudo, depende de o quanto desses potenciais ganhos chegarão efetivamente aos produtores agrícolas.This article investigates the potential gains to the U.S. meat sector with the implantation of the U.S. National Animal Identification System (NAIS. The focus is on the effect that the NAIS could have on consumers' risk perception about eating meat. System of demand equations are estimated using time series of food safety indexes variables used as proxies for consumers' reactions to news on meat safety issues. The series of food safety indexes are built on the basis of the number of food safety news reported in top U.S. newspapers. Using the preferred model

  12. A Imagem como Agente Motivador para o Ecoturismo

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    Stefanie Geerdink


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    Os objetivos deste trabalho são delimitar o quanto a imagem é efetiva no processo motivacional para o Ecoturismo, em comparação ao relato textual descritivo do mesmo local, além de comparar e avaliar as diferentes percepções individuais e seu poder de motivar ecoturistas potenciais, bem como quantificar o impacto que a imagem e o relato causam no indivíduo, e qual a influência de um sobre o outro na perspectiva de potenciais ecoturistas. A partir das metodologias do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo juntamente com a Escala de Análise de Humor, no sentido de captar de forma quantitativa as percepções em uma avaliação de natureza discreta sobre as imagens e relatos aos quais os discentes do curso de Bacharelado em Turismo da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, campus de Sorocaba foram expostos. A partir dos resultados, a hipótese foi refutada, contrariando as expectativas deste trabalho.

  13. Compreendendo os profissionais de saúde da família como potenciais estudantes na educação à distância

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    José Batista Cisne Tomaz

    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve os principais achados de um inquérito realizado no Estado do Ceará, Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar a aceitabilidade de um curso baseado em Educação à Distância entre os profissionais que atuam no Programa Saúde da Família - uma nova estratégia para prover Atenção Primária à Saúde para a população brasileira. Foram enviados 255 questionários aos potenciais sujeitos, com uma taxa de resposta de 81,9%. Os achados mostraram que, em geral, os respondentes têm percepções e atitudes positivas em relação à EAD e estão motivados em participar num curso baseado nessa estratégia. Propõe-se uma lista de recomendações para ajudar os planejadores do curso.

  14. Multimodal evoked potentials and the ovarian cycle in young ovulating women Potenciais evocados nas diferentes fases do ciclo menstrual da mulher

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    Full Text Available There is controversy over how hormonal conditions influence cerebral physiology. We studied pattern-shift visual evoked potentials (PS-VEP, brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP and short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEV in 20 female volunteers at different phases of the menstrual cycle (estrogen phase, ovulatory day and progesterone phase. Statistical analysis showed decreased latencies for P100 (PS-VEP, N19 and P22 (SSEV waves in the progesterone phase compared with the estrogen phase. There was no significant difference between the estrogen and the ovulation day values. Comparing the three above stages, there were no significant differences in the brainstem auditory evoked potentials. The reduction of the latencies of the potentials generated in multisynaptic circuits provides the first consistent neurophysiological basis for a tentative comprehension of human pre-menstrual syndrome.Há controvérsias sobre como variações hormonais do ciclo menstrual da mulher influenciam a neurofisiologia cerebral. Estudamos potenciais evocados de curta latência, visuais, auditivos e sômato-sensoriais, em 20 mulheres voluntárias normais, nas diferentes fases do ciclo menstrual (fase estrogênica, fase ovulatória, fase progestacional. Comparação entre fase estrogênica e ovulatória mostrou resultados similares. Ondas I, III, V dos potenciais evocados auditivos não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as três fases do ciclo. Análise estatística dos resultados mostrou diminuição significativa das latências das ondas P100, N19 e P22 obtidas na fase progestacional, comparadas com aquelas obtidas na fase estrogênica. Como estas ondas são geradas em circuitos multissinápticos, tal redução de latências, na fase progestacional, fornece a primeira base neurofisiológica consistente para tentativa de compreensão da síndrome pré-menstrual da mulher.

  15. El cáncer como oportunidad


    Mallo Caamaño, Rocío


    El objetivo de este proyecto es el de tratar el tema de la actitud ante el cáncer. El diagnóstico del cáncer es algo devastador para la persona diagnosticada principalmente, además de para sus allegados más cercanos. Apoyo en este trabajo la propuesta del cáncer como una oportunidad; una oportunidad para aprender de la experiencia traumática que éste supone y salir reforzados de la situación.

  16. Potenciais interações medicamentosas em pacientes com artrite reumatoide Potential drug interactions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Fabíola Bagatini


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O termo polifarmácia, ou seja, a utilização concomitante de múltiplos fármacos pelo mesmo indivíduo vem sendo amplamente associado a pacientes institucionalizados e idosos, no entanto pode ocorrer em grupos de pacientes portadores de doenças crônicas como artrite reumatoide (AR. OBJETIVO: Quantificar a polifarmácia em um grupo de pacientes com AR e realizar um levantamento sobre o risco de potenciais interações indesejáveis entre os medicamentos utilizados no manejo dessa doença e os fármacos utilizados em enfermidades não crônicas. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo de coorte com 103 pacientes portadores de AR, atendidos no Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica/MS, Florianópolis/SC. Os pacientes foram acompanhados mensalmente, por meio de fichas. As interações medicamentosas foram identificadas pelo Drugdex System - Thomson Micromedex® - Interactions. RESULTADOS: Observou-se a presença de polifarmácia em 95,1% dos pacientes e de 19 potenciais interações indesejáveis entre os medicamentos utilizados por 74 pacientes, em média 3,0 ± 1,2 interações/paciente. Todas as potenciais interações estavam relacionadas a metotrexato. Omeprazol foi o principal representante, correspondendo a 29,3% delas, seguido por diclofenaco sódico (17,6% e dipirona sódica (13,2%. CONCLUSÃO: Considerando que este estudo confirma que a polifarmácia é uma prática comum na terapêutica dos pacientes portadores de AR, deve haver maior vigilância acerca de efeitos adversos ou de redução da efetividade de determinados fármacos devido às suas interações farmacológicasINTRODUCTION: The term polypharmacy, meaning the concomitant use of multiple medications by one individual, has been widely reported in institutionalized or elderly patients. It can, however, occur in patients with chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA. OBJECTIVE: To quantify polypharmacy in a group of RA patients and to assess the

  17. Seleção de bactérias endofíticas de tomateiro como potenciais agentes de biocontrole e de promoção de crescimento Screening of endophytic bacteria isolated from tomato plants as potencial biocontrol agents and growth promotion

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    Patrícia Baston Barretti


    Full Text Available Quarenta isolados bacterianos endofíticos de plantas sadias de tomateiro foram avaliados quanto à sua potencialidade como agentes de biocontrole de doenças do tomateiro. Foi realizada, em casa de vegetação, uma seleção massal utilizando-se Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato e Alternaria solani, como patógenos desafiantes. Com base na média do número de lesões por planta, quatro isolados foram selecionados como potenciais agentes de biocontrole dessas enfermidades fúngica e bacteriana do tomateiro. Esses isolados foram identificados, por meio do sequenciamento do gene 16S do DNA ribossômico, como Acinetobacter johnsonii (UFV-E05, Serratia marcescens (UFV-E13, Sinorhizobium sp. (UFV-E25 e Bacillus megaterium (UFV-E26. Os mesmos isolados selecionados para o biocontrole também foram avaliados quanto à sua capacidade de promover o crescimento em plantas e somente S. marcescens (UFV-E13 proporcionou aumento na altura das plantas.Forty isolates of endophytic bacteria obtained from healthy tomato plants were tested for their potential as biocontrol agents of tomato diseases. A massal screening was performed at greenhouse using Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Alternaria solani as challenging pathogens. Based on the average number of lesions per plant, four isolates were selected as potential agents of biocontrol of these tomato diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. These isolates were identified by 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis as Acinetobacter johnsonii (UFV-E05, Serratia marcescens (UFV-E13, Sinorhizobium sp. (UFV-E25 and Bacillus megaterium (UFV-E26. The four endophytes selected for biocontrol were also evaluated for their ability of promoting plant growth and only S. marcescens (UFV-E13 presented increase in the height of the plants.

  18. Interações Medicamentosas Potenciais em Pacientes de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva

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    Liliana Batista Vieira


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo é determinar a frequência de interações fármaco-fármaco em prescrições de pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva e analisar os fatores associados relativos à farmacoterapia e ao paciente. O estudo descritivo transversal foi realizado em dois hospitais de ensino da região centro oeste do Brasil. As interações medicamentosas potenciais foram identificadas nas prescrições do primeiro dia (24 horas e do quinto dia (120 horas de internação empregando o software Drug Reax. Dos 117 pacientes do estudo, 63,2% apresentaram interações medicamentosas potenciais nas primeiras 24 horas de internação e 68,4% pacientes em 120 horas. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre o número de medicamentos prescritos e a ocorrência de interações medicamentosas nos dois momentos de internação. O estudo demonstrou que a prevalência de interações fármaco-fármaco foi elevada nos hospitais investigados e que a chance de interação aumentou com o número de medicamentos prescritos, número de diagnósticos e idade maior que 60 anos. O conhecimento do mecanismo farmacológico e dos fatores de risco para interações medicamentosas potenciais contribuem para aumentar a segurança e efetividade do tratamento. Para ampliar a segurança da farmacoterapia, é essencial implementar estratégias que auxiliem a equipe de saúde a identificar as interações e implementar medidas de prevenção e monitorização de pacientes em riscos de desenvolver interações medicamentosas. A atuação do farmacêutico clínico na unidade de terapia intensiva é uma ferramenta importante para a prevenção, identificação e monitorização das interações medicamentosas.

  19. Potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico em usuários de crack e múltiplas drogas Auditory brainstem evoked potentials in crack and multiple drugs addicts

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    Loretta Fabianni Nigri


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico em usuários de crack e múltiplas drogas, bem como levantar as possíveis queixas auditivas e de equilíbrio nesta população. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 40 usuários de drogas (20 com uso há mais de cinco anos e 20 há menos de cinco anos e 20 não usuários, do sexo masculino, com idades entre 19 e 46 anos, com limiares auditivos dentro da normalidade. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas dos potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico dos usuários de drogas quando comparados ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Os potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico dos usuários de drogas não diferiram significantemente do grupo controle. As queixas apresentadas pelos usuários de drogas foram hiperacusia, alucinação auditiva, zumbido e alteração de equilíbrio.PURPOSE: To study the findings of auditory brainstem evoked potentials in crack and multiple drugs users, as well as to raise possible auditory and balance complaints in this population. METHODS: A total of 40 drugs addicts (20 who had been using drugs for over five years and 20 for less than five years and 20 non-users were evaluated. Subjects were all male, with ages ranging from 19 to 46 years, and had auditory thresholds within normal. RESULTS: No significant statistical differences were found regarding the auditory brainstem evoked potentials findings of the addicts group, when compared to the non-users. CONCLUSION: Auditory brainstem evoked potentials in crack and multiple drugs users did not differ significantly from the control group. Complaints presented by drugs addicts were hyperacusis, auditory hallucination, tinnitus and altered balance.

  20. Enteógenos e Inteligência Existencial: Plantas Mestres como Instrumentos Cognitivos

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    Kenneth Tupper


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.12957/periferia.2011.3946 A partir de recentes mudanças nas legislações em relação às drogasem diferentes países, investiguei o potencial dos enteógenos (i.e.,plantas psicoativas usadas como sacramentos espirituais comoinstrumentos para favorecer a inteligência existencial. PlantasMestres das Américas como a ayahuasca, os cogumelos depsilocibina, o peiote e o soma indo-ariano da Eurásia, são alguns dosexemplos de enteógenos que foram e continuam a ser utilizados, nopassado e no presente. Todas estas plantas foram reverenciadas porpessoas e culturas diferentes como instrumentos cognitivos quepromovem um mais rico entendimento cosmológico do mundo. Utilizoa teoria das múltiplas inteligências revisada por Gardner (1999 e suaformulação de uma inteligência “existencial” como uma lente teóricaatravés da qual se deve considerar as possibilidades cognitivas dosenteógenos e explorar potenciais caminhos na Educação.

  1. Conflitos Potenciais na Relação entre Franqueadores e Franqueados Soteropolitanos

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    Marcos Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar conflitos potenciais que ocorrem na relação entre Franqueadores e Franqueados soteropolitanos, atuantes nas áreas de alimentação, vestuário e calçados e acessórios. A seleção dos segmentos investigados deveu-se não somente pela sua participação representativa na produtividade de varejo, mas também por concentrar grande número de empresas, muitas delas associadas à Associação Brasileira de Franchising (ABS. A pesquisa teve caráter exploratório, utilizando técnicas qualitativas do tipo estudos de casos múltiplos, com aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise documental e observação participante. Uma vez identificados os pontos de conflitos entre os participantes investigados - perfil do candidato (falta de critérios específicos, previamente, recursos financeiros (nenhum planejamento financeiro anual acompanhado pelo franqueador junto ao seu franqueado, ponto comercial (as franqueadoras não orientam quanto à melhor escolha do ponto ou quanto aos aspectos que podem e devem ser observados e comunicação (ponto de amenização de conflitos, quando constante e bem conduzida – e avaliadas as práticas adotadas, foi possível propor medidas para minimizar o impacto dos conflitos no sistema de franchising.

  2. Avaliacao de interacoes medicamentosas potenciais em prescricoes da atencao primaria de Vitoria da Conquista (BA, Brasil

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    Danyllo Fabio Lessa Leao


    Full Text Available As interações medicamentosas são fatores de risco para a ocorrência de reações adversas a medicamentos. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA, visando preencher a lacuna de conhecimento sobre essa temática no Brasil. Foram coletadas informações sobre diversas variáveis de prescrições oriundas da atenção primária e as interações medicamentosas avaliadas a partir dos bancos de dados do Medscape e Micromedex(r. Verificou-se ainda a frequência de polifarmácia e associação desta com a ocorrência de interações medicamentosas. Os resultados mostraram frequência de 48,9% de interações medicamentosas, 74,9% delas de gravidade moderada ou maior, e 8,6% de prescrições em polifarmácia que, em teste qui-quadrado, mostrou associação positiva com ocorrência de interações medicamentosas potenciais (p < 0,001. As prescrições oriundas da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA apresentaram uma alta frequência de interações medicamentosas, porém faz-se necessária a análise de outros fatores de risco para ocorrência destas nesse nível de atenção à saúde.

  3. Interações Medicamentosas Potenciais em Pacientes de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva


    Liliana Batista Vieira; Adriano Max Moreira Reis; Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho; Leila Márcia Pereira de Faria; Silvia Helena de Bortoli Cassiani


    O objetivo do estudo é determinar a frequência de interações fármaco-fármaco em prescrições de pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva e analisar os fatores associados relativos à farmacoterapia e ao paciente. O estudo descritivo transversal foi realizado em dois hospitais de ensino da região centro oeste do Brasil. As interações medicamentosas potenciais foram identificadas nas prescrições do primeiro dia (24 horas) e do quinto dia (120 horas) de interna...

  4. Evolução da mortalidade por câncer cérvico-uterino em Salvador - BA, 1979-1997 Evolution of the mortality for cervico-uterine cancer in Salvador - BA, 1979-1997

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    Susanne Andrade Derossi


    Full Text Available O câncer cérvico-uterino, quando diagnosticado e tratado precocemente, constitui-se em uma causa de morte perfeitamente evitável. Entretanto, no Brasil, a mortalidade por esta causa ainda é elevada, persistindo como problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a evolução da mortalidade e estimar os anos potenciais e produtivos de vida perdidos por esta neoplasia, em Salvador-Bahia, entre 1979 e 1997. Trata-se de um estudo de agregados de série temporal, no qual foram considerados todos os óbitos de mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 20 anos, que tiveram como causa básica de morte o câncer de colo uterino e de porção não especificada do útero. Utilizou-se como fontes de dados o CD ROM: DATA SUS/ MS, o IBGE e a Secretaria de Saúde do Estado da Bahia/SESAB. Os indicadores empregados foram as taxas de mortalidade específicas por idade, brutas e padronizadas por idade. Houve um decréscimo de 50,6% na taxa padronizada de mortalidade por este tipo de câncer, no período analisado, cujos valores variaram de 17,6/100.000 mulheres em 1979 a 8,7 em 1997. Observou-se ainda que o risco de morte por esta causa cresce à medida que aumenta a idade e que a sua magnitude torna-se mais expressiva a partir de 40 anos. A variação da média de anos potenciais de vida perdidos por mulher foi de 15,5 no ano de 1986 a 20,4 em 1980. Os autores concluem que a mortalidade por câncer cérvico-uterino neste município ainda é alta e discutem os possíveis fatores determinantes da evolução desta mortalidade. Destacam a necessidade de ações efetivas na prevenção da morbi-mortalidade por esta causa.When early diagnosed and treated, cervical cancer is a perfectly avoidable cause of death. In Brazil, however, mortality from cervical cancer is still high and remains a public health problem. This study is aimed at both describing the evolution of such mortality and estimating the potential and productive years of life lost due

  5. Cúmulos globulares como trazadores de bimodalidad estelar en galaxias cD (United States)

    Forte, J. C.

    Se muestra que tanto la forma de los perfiles de brillo como de color observados en dos galaxias arquetípicas de tipo cD (NGC 1399 y NGC 4486) son compatibles con la presencia de poblaciones estelares bi-modales que comparten la misma distribución espacial y composición química de las familias dominantes de cúmulos globulares asociadas con ellas. El modelo resultante también predice una variación de la frecuencia específica de los cúmulos como función del radio galactocéntrico. Se discute este resultado en el contexto de una variedad de escenarios astrofísicos que intentan describir la formación de galaxias cD.

  6. Potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico em fumantes

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    Denise Miranda Terra Martins


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: comparar os resultados dos exames de potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico em indivíduos não tabagistas e tabagistas. Métodos: foram estudados 40 indivíduos, sendo 20 não tabagistas e 20 tabagistas, com idades entre 20 e 59 anos. Todos os participantes incluídos na pesquisa deveriam apresentar respostas de limiares tonais dentro dos padrões da normalidade e timpanometria tipo A com presença de reflexos acústicos contralaterais e ipsilaterais. Em ambos os grupos foram realizados os potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico (PEATE, por meio de cliques. Os parâmetros que foram utilizados na comparação dos dois grupos foram as latências absolutas das ondas I, III e V; as interlatências das ondas I-III, I-V e III-V em ambas as orelhas; a diferença da latência interpico I-V entre as duas orelhas e a diferença interaural da latência absoluta da onda V entre as duas orelhas. Resultados: os resultados encontrados mostraram que o grupo de tabagistas apresentou latência I da Orelha Direita (p=0,036, latência V da Orelha Direita (p=0,007, latência V da Orelha Esquerda (p=0,014, interlatência III-V da Orelha Direita (p=0,015 e Orelha Esquerda (p=0,016 significantemente maior que o grupo de não tabagistas. Não houve diferença significante na latência da onda V entre as duas orelhas. Conclusão: os resultados da pesquisa levaram à conclusão de que o tabaco é um fator de risco para o sistema nervoso auditivo central, que pode interferir nas latências e interlatências das ondas do PEATE no grupo de tabagistas quando comparado com o grupo de não tabagistas.

  7. Farinha de banana verde como ingrediente funcional em produtos alimentícios

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    Andréa dos Anjos Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Nos últimos anos, a banana verde tem despertado interesse do mercado consumidor, pois, além do aspecto nutricional, destaca-se a presença de compostos funcionais, em especial o amido resistente. Contudo, sua adstringência limita seu consumo e sua comercialização em forma de farinhas é a principal forma de consumo e utilização, como ingrediente funcional. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os potenciais usos da farinha de banana verde (FBV na elaboração de produtos alimentícios e os principais métodos de obtenção, e seus efeitos sobre a qualidade físico-química, sensorial e funcional das farinhas obtidas. Fatores como tipo de cultivar ou variedade da fruta, presença ou ausência de casca, técnica de desidratação e condições de operação do equipamento influenciam as características físico-químicas, tecnológicas e funcionais da FBV. A FBV tem sido utilizada como ingrediente funcional na elaboração de diferentes produtos alimentícios, como pão, biscoito cookie, pré-mistura de bolo, snacks, nuggets e, sobretudo, na elaboração de massas alimentícias. De forma geral, o emprego de FBV e produtos alimentícios promove a melhoria de suas propriedades funcionais, devido ao aumento do teor de amido resistente, compostos fenólicos e da atividade antioxidante. A FBV também reduz o teor e a porcentagem de hidrólise do amido digerível e, consequentemente, do índice glicêmico dos produtos, que apresentaram potencial para compor a dieta, principalmente de indivíduos diabéticos e obesos. A FBV pode ser amplamente utilizada tanto pela indústria de alimentos (pães, biscoitos, macarrão, etc., como ingrediente na preparação de pratos prontos e na elaboração de produtos cárneos.

  8. Bioindicadores ambientais: insetos como um instrumento desta avaliação

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    Marco Antonio de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Atividades agrícolas, florestais e do setor imobiliário vêm, ao longo do tempo, modificando ambientes ecologicamente estruturados. As consequências são drásticas e, por isso, faz-se necessária a busca por ferramentas e instrumentos para diagnosticar e monitorar a diversidade biológica desses locais. Os insetos têm-se destacado como potenciais organismos bioindicadores e isso se deve ao fato de apresentarem grande capacidade perceptiva, no que se refere a alterações do meio ambiente, principalmente por seu apurado sistema sensorial, que lhes permite qualificar condições ambientais em determinadas situações e, ainda, quantificar danos causados ao meio. Um dos problemas que podem ser associados a este setor é a falta de padronização e definição de protocolos de coleta e avaliação da biodiversidade, para que esses resultados possam ser analisados e extrapolados para diferentes ambientes antropizados. Neste trabalho, é contextualizada a importância da entomofauna como bioindicadora, em ecossistemas.

  9. Interações medicamentosas potenciais entre idosos em uso dos anti-hipertensivos da Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil

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    Pablo Mibielli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência de interações medicamentosas potenciais entre anti-hipertensivos e outros fármacos. Foi realizado um inquérito domiciliar com pessoas de 60 anos ou mais de idade, residentes no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foram identificadas as interações medicamentosas potenciais entre os anti- hipertensivos com evidência estabelecida, provável ou suspeita e com gravidade moderada ou elevada. Foram entrevistados 577 idosos (média de idade = 72 anos, 45,2% dos quais em uso de anti-hipertensivos, sendo 31,0% deles sujeitos a interações medicamentosas potenciais. A maioria das interações foi moderadamente grave. Comparados aos demais, os sujeitos às interações medicamentosas potenciais têm chance acima de 4 vezes de usar 5 ou mais medicamentos e acima de duas vezes de ter sido hospitalizado no ano anterior. Entre os pares de interações mais frequentes, 75% produzem redução do efeito hipotensivo (65/87, o que pode resultar em baixa efetividade no controle da pressão arterial, prescrição de mais medicamentos e risco de outros efeitos adversos e de interações.

  10. Avaliação dos efeitos da orientação da bobina de estimulação magnética transcraniana nos potenciais evocados motores do músculo abdutor curto do polegar por eletromiografia de alta densidade


    Victor Hugo de Oliveira e Souza


    A estimulação magnética transcraniana (EMT) aplicada com diferentes orientações da bobina causa variações na amplitude e na latência dos potenciais evocados motores (PEM) dos músculos da mão. No entanto, as propriedades dos PEM são afetadas também pelos sistemas de detecção, e.g. localização e tamanho dos eletrodos de aquisição, e pela anatomia do músculo analisado, e.g. arquitetura dos tecidos muscular e adiposo. Neste estudo, verificamos como variam a distribuição espacial, a amplitude pico...

  11. Prevalência de potenciais interações medicamentosas droga-droga em unidades de terapia intensiva Potential drug interactions prevalence in intensive care units

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    Jean André Hammes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Interações medicamentosas ocorrem quando os efeitos e/ou a toxicidade de um fármaco são alterados pela presença de outro. São geralmente imprevistas e indesejáveis. Realizado estudo com objetivo de verificar a prevalência e o valor clínico das interações medicamentosas potenciais em unidades de terapia intensiva. MÉTODOS: Incluídos todos pacientes de três unidades de terapia intensiva em um período de 2 meses, analisados transversalmente. Foram excluídos aqueles com tempo de permanência menor que 2 dias. Os dados foram tabulados de acordo com as combinações de fármacos observadas no período de 24 horas. A presença e o valor clínico das interações medicamentosas potenciais foram conferidos ao final do seguimento. RESULTADOS: Analisados 140 pacientes, 67,1% apresentaram alguma interações medicamentosas potenciais significativa e das 1069 prescrições, 39,2% tiveram este achado. De 188 interações medicamentosas potenciais diferentes, 29 foram consideradas altamente significativas. Por análise univariada, observou-se no grupo que apresentou interação significativa maior quantidade de medicamentos, fármacos/dia, número de médicos prescritores e tempo de internação na unidade de teapia intensiva. Por modelo de regressão logística multivariada, apenas o número de fármacos/dia correlacionou-se com o aumento do risco de interação medicamentosa potencial significativa (p = 0.0011; o uso de mais que 6 medicamentos/dia aumenta em 9.8 vezes este risco. CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes em unidades de terapia intensiva estão submetidos a alto risco de interações medicamentosas potenciais e o número de fármacos/dia é condição com alto valor preditivo positivo para tal. Os intensivistas devem ser alertados para o reconhecimento do problema e criados mecanismos para o manejo adequado e prudente, diminuindo iatrogenias.OBJECTIVES: Drug interactions occur when effects and/or toxicity of a drug are affected by

  12. Mol 7C/6; Mol 7C/6

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aberle, J.; Schleisiek, K.; Schmuck, I.; Schmidt, L.; Romer, O.; Weih, G.


    The Mol 7C/6 coolant blockage experiment in the Belgian BR2 reactor yielded results different from Mol 7C experiments with low burnup pins: At 10% burnup local failure is not self-limiting, but requires active systems for detection and scram. The Mol 7C series was finished in 1991. In each of the test bundles Mol 7C/4, /5 and /6, 30 Mk I pins pre-irradiated in KNK II were used. The central blockage consisted of enriched UO{sub 2} covering 30 percent of the bundle cross-section, with a height of 40 mm. The most important system for timely detection of coolant blockages of the type studied in Mol 7C/6 is based on DND. (orig.)

  13. Estresse osmótico na germinação de sementes de Petiveria alliacea L.




    RESUMOO trabalho teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos dos estresses hídrico e salino na germinação de sementes de Petiveria alliacea , bem como definir os limites máximos de tolerância da espécie a esses estresses. As sementes foram submetidas aos agentes osmóticos NaCl, CaCl2 e PEG nos potenciais à 0; -0,1; -0,2; -0,3; -0,4; -0,5; -0,6; -0,7; -0,8; -0,9 e -1,0 MPa sob temperatura constante de 25˚C e fotoperíodo de 12 horas, com avaliações diárias durante 30 dias. As variáveis analisa...

  14. A informação e o conhecimento como insumo ao processo de desenvolvimento

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    Maria Alice Guimarães Borges


    Full Text Available As mudanças estruturais e conjunturais, das últimas décadas do século XX, trouxeram um novo paradigma econômico, social e tecnológico, onde a informação, o conhecimento e as tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC surgem como elementos potenciais de transformação, interferindo em diferentes aspectos da vida social, econômica, educacional, cultural, política e do cotidiano do cidadão. O surgimento da Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento, como sucessora da Sociedade Industrial, reforçou a importância e a necessidade da informação e do conhecimento em todos os aspectos da realidade atual, constituindo-se num dos principais insumos do processo de desenvolvimento de uma nação, de uma organização e de um povo. Essa nova sociedade revela-se como paradigma norteador no cenário da crise econômica mundial, demonstrando as tendências das relações entre as nações.

  15. Diga-Me no que Andas e te Direi Quem És: Aspectos de Influência nos Jovens da Classe C Brasileira para Adquirir Automóveis

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    Rafael Mendes Lübeck


    Full Text Available o presente trabalho foi elaborado com o intuito de verificar quais aspectos motivam um grupo de integrantes da classe C, pertencentes à geração Y, a realizar a compra ou a manter um automóvel. A pesquisa é relevante em vista da Classe C brasileira estar em expansão econômica e representar um dos maiores potenciais de consumo para bens duráveis, tais como um automóvel. A coleta dos dados foi baseada em um grupo de foco e complementada por entrevistas em profundidade, com indivíduos cuja renda mensal posicionava-se entre R$ 1.064 até R$ 4.561,00 (Neri, 2011. A pesquisa tem como essenciais as considerações de que o consumo de carros na amostra estudada está associado ao sentimento de elevação social, segurança e comodidade. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v13i3.2506

  16. Synthesis and characterization of [Ru(η6-C6Me6)Cl2(CNPy)] and [Cl2(η6-C6Me6)Ru-(μ-CNPy)-Ru(η6-C6Me6)Cl2] and reactivity of [Ru(η6-C6Me6)Cl2(CNPy)] with various bases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandey, D.S.; Sahay, A.N.; Agarwala, U.C.


    Reactions of [(Ru(η 6 -C 6 Me 6 )Cl 2 ) 2 ] with 4-cyanopyridine leads to the formation of neutral mono and dimeric complexes viz., [Ru(η 6 C 6 Me 6 )Cl 2 (CNPy)] (I) and [Cl 2 (η 6 -C 6 Me 6 ) Ru-(μ-CNPy)-Ru(η 6 -C 6 Me 6 )Cl 2 ] (II). Complex (I) undergoes metathetical reactions with EPh 3 (E=P, As and Sb) and N-donor heterocyclic bases yielding corresponding substitutional products which have been characterized by elemental analyses and spectroscopic: (IR, UV/vis, 1 H and 13 C NMR) studies. (author). 21 refs., 1 tab

  17. Vectores recombinantes basados en el virus modificado de ankara (MVA), con deleción en el gen C6L, como vacunas contra el VIH/SIDA y otras enfermedades


    García-Arriaza, J.; Gómez, Carmen E.; Esteban, Mariano


    [ES] La presente invención engloba dentro de los campos de la biología molecular y de la biotecnología. Especificamente se refiere a virus recombinantes basados en el virus modificado de Ankara (MVA) que expresan los antigenos gp120 y Gag-Pol-Nef del virus de la inmunodeficienciahumana (VIH-1) de subtipo B (MVA-B), sobre los que see ha delecionado el gen de vaccinia C6L, y que han sido diseñados para utilizarse como vacunas contra el VIH/SIDA y otras enfermedades.

  18. Vectores recombinantes basados en el virus modificado de Ankara (MVA), con deleción en el gen C6L, como vacunas contra el VIH/SIDA y otras enfermedades


    García-Arriaza, J.; Gómez, Carmen E.; Esteban, Mariano


    La presente invención se engloba dentro de los campos de la biología molecular y de la biotecnología. Específicamente se refiere a virus recombinantes basados en el virus modificado de Ankara (MVA) que expresan los antígenos gp120 y Gag-Pol-Nef del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH-1) de subtipo B (MVA-B), sobre los que se ha delecionado el gen de vaccinia C6L, y que han sido diseñados para utilizarse como vacunas contra el VIH/SIDA y otras enfermedades.

  19. Prevalência de potenciais interações medicamentosas droga-droga em unidades de terapia intensiva


    Hammes,Jean André; Pfuetzenreiter,Felipe; Silveira,Fabrízio da; Koenig,Álvaro; Westphal,Glauco Adrieno


    OBJETIVOS: Interações medicamentosas ocorrem quando os efeitos e/ou a toxicidade de um fármaco são alterados pela presença de outro. São geralmente imprevistas e indesejáveis. Realizado estudo com objetivo de verificar a prevalência e o valor clínico das interações medicamentosas potenciais em unidades de terapia intensiva. MÉTODOS: Incluídos todos pacientes de três unidades de terapia intensiva em um período de 2 meses, analisados transversalmente. Foram excluídos aqueles com tempo de perman...

  20. Dinâmica populacional canina: potenciais efeitos de campanhas de esterilização Canine population dynamics: the potential effect of sterilization campaigns

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    Marcos Amaku


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar, por meio de modelos matemáticos, os potenciais impactos das campanhas de esterilização na redução da densidade populacional de cães domiciliados. MÉTODOS: Foram elaborados modelos matemáticos para simular a dinâmica populacional de cães domiciliados e projetar os resultados de estratégias de controle para diferentes taxas de esterilização. RESULTADOS:Mesmo para altas taxas de esterilização (por exemplo, 0,80 ano-1, seriam necessários cerca de 5 anos de campanhas para possibilitar uma redução de 20% na densidade. No entanto, outras fontes de crescimento populacional, como a importação de cães de outras áreas, poderiam reduzir a efetividade dos programas de esterilização. CONCLUSÕES: A efetividade de um programa depende não apenas da taxa de esterilização, mas também da taxa de crescimento populacional. As campanhas de esterilização podem potencialmente reduzir a densidade populacional, embora a redução nem sempre possa ser notada de imediato.OBJECTIVE: To analyze, through mathematical modeling, the potential ability of sterilization campaigns to reduce the population density of pet dogs. METHODS: Mathematical models were constructed to simulate the canine population dynamics and project the results of control strategies based on several sterilization rates. RESULTS: Even at high sterilization rates (for example, 0.80 year-1, it would take approximately 5 years to reduce density by 20%. Even so, other sources of population growth, such as the importing of dogs from other geographic areas, could outweigh the effects of a sterilization program. CONCLUSIONS: A program's effectiveness is contingent upon not only on the sterilization rate, but also the rate of population growth. Sterilization campaigns may potentially reduce population density, but this reduction may not be immediately evident.

  1. Influência dos contrastes de fala nos potenciais evocados auditivos corticais The influence of speech stimuli contrast in cortical auditory evoked potentials

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    Kátia de Freitas Alvarenga


    Full Text Available Estudos voltados aos potenciais evocados auditivos com estímulos de fala em indivíduos ouvintes são importantes para compreender como a complexidade do estímulo influencia nas características do potencial cognitivo auditivo gerado. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o potencial evocado auditivo cortical e o potencial cognitivo auditivo P3 com estímulos de contrastes vocálico e consonantal em indivíduos com audição normal. MÉTODO: Participaram deste estudo 31 indivíduos sem alterações auditivas, neurológicas e de linguagem na faixa etária de 7 a 30 anos. Os potenciais evocados auditivos corticais e cognitivo auditivo P3 foram registrados nos canais ativos Fz e Cz utilizando-se os contrastes de fala consonantal (/ba/-/da/ e vocálico (/i/-/a/. Desenho: Estudo de coorte, transversal e prospectivo. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre o contraste de fala utilizado e as latências dos componentes N2 (p = 0,00 e P3 (p = 0,00, assim como entre o canal ativo considerado (Fz/Cz e os valores de latência e amplitude de P3. Estas diferenças não ocorreram para os componentes exógenos N1 e P2. CONCLUSÃO: O contraste do estímulo de fala, vocálico ou consonantal, deve ser considerado na análise do potencial evocado cortical, componente N2, e do potencial cognitivo auditivo P3.Studies about cortical auditory evoked potentials using the speech stimuli in normal hearing individuals are important for understanding how the complexity of the stimulus influences the characteristics of the cortical potential generated. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the cortical auditory evoked potential and the P3 auditory cognitive potential with the vocalic and consonantal contrast stimuli in normally hearing individuals. METHOD: 31 individuals with no risk for hearing, neurologic and language alterations, in the age range between 7 and 30 years, participated in this study. The cortical auditory evoked potentials and the P3 auditory cognitive one were recorded in the Fz and Cz

  2. C_6_0"3"- versus C_6_0"4"- /C_6_0"2"- - synthesis and characterization of five salts containing discrete fullerene anions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boeddinghaus, M. Bele; Klein, Wilhelm; Wahl, Bernhard; Faessler, Thomas F.; Jakes, Peter; Eichel, Ruediger A.


    Five new compounds, [Rb(18crown-6)]_3[C_6_0] (1), [Rb(18crown-6)]_6[C_6_0]_2(C_3H_7NO)_2(C_4H_8O)_2 (2), [Rb(benzo18crown-6)]_6[C_6_0]_2(C_2H_8N_2)_5 (3), [Cs(benzo18crown-6)]_3C_6_0(C_2H_8N_2)_2 (4), and [Cs_3(benzo18crown-6)_5]C_6_0(C_2H_8N_2)_(_4_._5_+_x_) (5) were synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determination. All compounds contain discrete C_6_0 anions, which are ordered in 1, 2, and 4, where direct cation-anion contacts occur. The unit cells of 1 and 2 contain two independent fullerides, which coordinate to the rubidium atoms either of two or of four [Rb(18crown-6)] units. Owing to the presence of differently coordinated fullerene units in compounds 1 and 2, a possible disproportionation of C_6_0"3"- into C_6_0"2"- and C_6_0"4"- anions is discussed. In 3 and 4 the C_6_0 anions are coordinated by three Rb and Cs atoms, respectively. In all compounds the average charge of the anion is -3. Magnetic data reveal a doublet spin state for 3. The EPR spectra are discussed for compounds 3 and 5. The role of a dynamic Jahn-Teller distortion is discussed, and we report the first IR spectroscopic data of fullerene trianions, which have been obtained in solution. (Copyright copyright 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  3. Potenciais interações entre fármacos e produtos à base de valeriana ou alho

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    Rodrigo F. Alexandre

    Full Text Available Atualmente, as potenciais interações entre fármacos e plantas medicinais e/ou medicamentos fitoterápicos são objetos de inúmeros estudos. Tais estudos são motivados pelo fato de que a fitoterapia é amplamente utilizada em associação com diversos fármacos. Nesta revisão, as informações sobre as principais interações entre produtos elaborados com valeriana ou alho foram localizadas, avaliadas e sistematizadas. Verificou-se que tais plantas podem alterar os perfis farmacocinéticos e/ou farmacodinâmicos de diversos fármacos, podendo provocar conseqüências graves aos pacientes. A valeriana pode aumentar os efeitos adversos dos benzodiazepínicos, reduzir a biodisponibilidade dos fármacos metabolizados pelo sistema P450-CYP3A4 e provocar hemorragias graves quando utilizada juntamente com anticoagulantes orais e antiplaquetários. O alho pode aumentar a biodisponibilidade dos relaxantes musculares, potencializar os efeitos terapêuticos e adversos dos hipoglicemiantes, provocar hemorragias quando administrado juntamente com anticoagulantes orais e antiplaquetários e reduzir a biodisponibilidade dos anti-retrovirais inibidores de protease. Porém, tais potenciais interações não são consensos na literatura, visto que há limitações metodológicas e diferenças significativas entre os estudos localizados. Mesmo assim, o uso de produtos à base de valeriana ou alho, associado com determinados fármacos, deve ser adequadamente monitorado por um profissional da área da saúde.

  4. Complexos de escorpionato: papel biológico como potenciais agentes anti-tumor


    Veiga, Kelly


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina O cancro é uma doença genética com origem em células somáticas desordenadas à nível celular, que sofreram alterações permitindo escapar à vigilância do sistema imunitário. O tratamento por quimioterapia pretende controlar a disseminação da doença por metastização. Sendo assim, a investigação de compostos com acção citostática é de grande importância. Tendo sido comprovado a existência de complexos de escorpi...

  5. Study of the unimolecular decompositions of the (C3H6)+2 and (c-C3H6)+2 complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tzeng, W.; Ono, Y.; Linn, S.H.; Ng, C.Y.


    The major product channels identified in the unimolecular decompositions ofC 3 H + 6 xC 3 H 6 and c-C 3 H + 6 xc-C 3 H 6 in the total energy [neutral (C 3 H 6 ) 2 or (c-C 3 H 6 ) 2 heat of formation plus excitation energy] range of approx.230--450 kcal/mol are C 3 H + 7 +C 3 H 5 , C 4 H + 7 +C 2 H 5 , C 4 H + 8 +C 2 H 4 , and C 5 H + 9 +CH 3 . The measured appearance energy for C 4 H + 7 (9.54 +- 0.04 eV) from (C 3 H 6 ) 2 is equal to the thermochemical threshold for the formation of C 4 H + 7 +C 2 H 5 from (C 3 H 6 ) 2 , indicating that the exit potential energy barrier for the ion--molecule reaction C 3 H + 6 +C 3 H 6C 4 H + 7 +C 2 H 5 is negligible. There is evidence that the formations of C 4 H + 7 +C 2 H 4 +H from (C 3 H 6 ) + 2 and (c-C 3 H 6 ) + 2 also proceed with high probabilities when they are energetically allowed. The variations of the relative abundances for C 4 H + 7 ,C 4 H + 8 , and C 5 H + 9 from (C 3 H 6 ) + 2 and (c-C 3 H 6 ) + 2 as a function of ionizing photon energy are in qualitative agreement, suggesting that (C 3 H 6 ) + 2 and (c-C 3 H 6 ) + 2 rearrange to similar C 6 H + 12 isomers prior to fragmentation. The fact that C 6 H + 11 is found to be a primary ion from the unimolecular decomposition of (c-C 3 H 6 ) + 2 but not (C 3 H 6 ) + 2 supports the conclusion that the distribution of C 6 H + 12 collision complexes involved in the C 3 H + 6 +C 3 H 6 reactions is different from that in the cyclopropane ion--molecule reactions

  6. O Papel dos Ácidos Gordos na Nutrição Humana e Desenvolvimentos Sobre o Modo Como Influenciam a Saúde

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    Raquel Guiné


    Segundo alguns estudos realizados, a maior parte destes efeitos está comprovada, mas nem todos os casos estão ainda cientificamente aceites e existem casos em que, muitos dos autores entram em “conflito” devido a divergência de opiniões, por via de resultados eventualmente contraditórios obtidos em estudos quer “in vitro” quer “in vivo”. É, então, necessário verificar e comprovar todos estes potenciais efeitos, no sentido de verificar que os ácidos gordos, provavelmente, na sua maioria, podem funcionar muitas vezes como nutracêuticos ou complementar uma medicação em variadas situações.

  7. Controvérsia científica no telejornalismo brasileiro: um estudo sobre a cobertura das células-tronco no Jornal Nacional

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    Carla Almeida


    Full Text Available Em 1998, pesquisas com células-tronco tornaram-se objeto de intensa controvérsia. No Brasil, a polêmica atingiu seu ápice em 2008, quando o Supremo Tribunal Federal iniciou julgamento de ação legal, questionando a nova Lei de Biossegurança por permitir o uso de embriões humanos em pesquisas. Analisa-se aqui a cobertura sobre as células-tronco embrionárias humanas realizada pelo Jornal Nacional . Observa-se tom positivo, marcado pela ênfase nos potenciais benefícios oferecidos pela pesquisa e omissão de limitações e riscos envolvidos. O pequeno índice de sucesso obtido até então como resultado de pesquisas com células-tronco embrionárias e os riscos de elas induzirem a formação de tumores foram omitidos, fazendo crer que a única barreira a novos tratamentos e curas era a legislação.

  8. Cuidando a las mujeres con cáncer de mama: el afrontamiento como predictor de la calidad de vida


    Bueno Ferrán, Mercedes


    El cáncer de mama es un problema de salud relevante como indican sus cifras de incidencia, prevalencia, mortalidad y coste. La consideración del cáncer como enfermedad crónica, donde el paciente experimenta cambios que afectan tanto a nivel físico como psíquico y social, requiere un enfoque integral de la atención sanitaria. El impacto del cáncer en general y del cáncer de mama en particular, se extiende a todas las esferas de la vida de las personas afectadas y sus familias, impacto que detr...

  9. Experimental and theoretical studies of the C{sub 6}H{sub 5} + C{sub 6}H{sub 6} reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, J.; Burova, S.; Rodgers, A.S.; Lin, M.C.


    The absolute rate constants for the C{sub 6}H{sub 5} + C{sub 6}H{sub 6} and C{sub 6}D{sub 6} reactions have been measured by cavity ringdown spectrometry at temperatures between 298 and 495 K at a constant 40 Torr Ar pressure. The new results, which reveal no detectable kinetic isotopic effect, can be represented by the Arrhenius equation, {kappa}{sub 1} = 10{sup (11.91{+-}0.13)} exp[{minus}(2,102 {+-} 106)/T] cm{sup 3}/(mol s). Low-temperature data for the addition/stabilization process, C{sub 6}H{sub 5} + C{sub 6}H{sub 6} {r{underscore}arrow} C{sub 12}H{sub 11}, can be correlated with those obtained in a low-pressure, high-temperature Knudsen cell study for the addition/displacement reaction, C{sub 6}H{sub 5} + C{sub 6}H{sub 6} {r{underscore}arrow} C{sub 12}H{sub 10} + H, by the RRKM theory using the molecular and transition-state parameters computed at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level of theory. Combination of these two sets of data gives {kappa}{sub 1} = 10{sup (11.98{+-}0.03)} exp[{minus}(2168 {+-} 34)/T] cm{sup 3}/(mol s) covering the temperature range 298--1,330 K. The RRKM theory also correlates satisfactorily the forward reaction data with the high-temperature shock-tube result for the reverse H-for-C{sub 6}H{sub 5} substitution process with 2.7 and 4.7 kcal/mol barriers for the entrance (C{sub 6}H{sub 5} + C{sub 6}H{sub 6}) and reverse (H + C{sub 12}H{sub 10}) reactions, respectively. For modeling applications, the authors have calculated the forward reaction rate constants for the formation of the two competing products, H + C{sub 12}H{sub 10} and C{sub 12}H{sub 11}, at several pressures covering 300 K {lt} T {lt} 2,500 K.

  10. La obesidad como factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de cáncer

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    Deissy Herrera-Covarrubias

    Full Text Available De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, cada año fallecen 3,4 millones de personas adultas por consecuencias del sobrepeso u obesidad. Personas con un índice de masa corporal superior a 30, presentan cierto aumento en la incidencia de algunas enfermedades entre las que se encuentran algunos tipos de cánceres. En esta revisión de tipo narrativa se aborda el papel que tiene el tejido adiposo como modulador del sistema endocrino y facilitador de la inflamación crónica subclínica. Se discute cómo la obesidad puede producir un microambiente favorable para el desarrollo de tumores, principalmente por el incremento del estrés oxidativo y en las concentraciones de diversas hormonas como la leptina, la insulina y la prolactina. Se concluye que, en conjunto, estos factores incrementan la probabilidad de desarrollar cáncer

  11. Avaliacao de interacoes medicamentosas potenciais em prescricoes da atencao primaria de Vitoria da Conquista (BA), Brasil


    Danyllo Fabio Lessa Leao; Cristiano Soares de Moura; Danielle Souto de Medeiros


    As interações medicamentosas são fatores de risco para a ocorrência de reações adversas a medicamentos. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA), visando preencher a lacuna de conhecimento sobre essa temática no Brasil. Foram coletadas informações sobre diversas variáveis de prescrições oriundas da atenção primária e as interações medicamentosas avaliadas a partir dos bancos de dados do Medsc...

  12. Judicialização da saúde e a audiência pública convocada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal em 2009: o que mudou de lá para cá?


    Gomes,Dalila F.; Souza,Camila Rufino; Silva,Felipe Luiz da; Pôrto,Julianna Alves; Morais,Indyara de Araújo; Ramos,Maíra Catharina; Silva,Everton Nunes da


    Em 2009, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) convocou uma Audiência Pública para discutir a judicialização, quando foram ministradas 51 palestras. Utilizando o método descritivo-analítico, sistematizaram-se os argumentos, visando identificar potenciais medidas para contornar o problema e analisar o que foi feito até então. As políticas públicas possuem algumas falhas ao aplicar, no caso concreto, os princípios do SUS, e a judicialização deve ser vista como um instrumento excepcional, não como re...

  13. A relação de valores de potenciais consumidores de cursos de graduação

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    Samuel Carvalho De Benedicto


    Full Text Available   Atualmente as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES enfrentam grande competitividade, por isso, buscam um novo posicionamento no mercado. A compreensão do perfil do consumidor permite o desenvolvimento de estratégias de posicionamento para novos produtos/serviços. Para tanto, é necessário compreender as variáveis que precisam ser aperfeiçoadas a fim de melhorar a imagem corporativa da organização e a satisfação dos ingressantes e dos alunos com os serviços educacionais oferecidos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar a relação de valores de potenciais consumidores de cursos de graduação, quando da escolha de uma IES. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade utilizando a técnica qualitativa laddering, que faz uso dos pressupostos teóricos da cadeia de meios e fins. Foi construído um Mapa Hierárquico de Valor (MHV, o qual permite identificar as cadeias dominantes que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor em sua decisão de compra. Os resultados mostram a preocupação dos consumidores com IES que apresentem um conjunto de atributos essenciais que lhes permitam um lugar no mercado de trabalho e alcançar uma gama de aspirações pessoais. Os clientes/consumidores pesquisados almejam IES que tenham: reconhecimento da sociedade; professores qualificados; ensino de qualidade; aulas práticas em laboratórios especializados. Tais atributos levam a diversas conseqüências desejáveis aos consumidores dos serviços educacionais no ensino superior: a ampliação do conhecimento do estudante; o aumento das chances de conseguir um emprego; a segurança no exercício da profissão; a conquista da tão sonhada independência financeira. Tais atributos e conseqüências se encontram ligados a diversos valores, tais como: prazer, segurança, realização pessoal, felicidade, solidariedade e independência/liberdade.

  14. Aleitamento materno como fator de proteção para o câncer de mama

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    Clícia Valim Côrtes Gradim


    Full Text Available Estudio cuantitativo, transversal que tuvo como objetivo verificar si las mujeres que amamantaron relacionan este acto como un factor de protección para el cáncer de mama. Se aplicó un formulario a 200 mujeres que amamantaron, y solían frecuentar una clínica municipal en Alfenas-Míi, entre mayo y julio de 2008. El análisis de los datos se basó en la estadística descriptiva yen el test chí cuadrado, con nivel de sígntñcancta de 5%. El índice de asociación entre la lactancia materna y el cáncer de mama fue de 3S%. La escolaridad estuvo significativamente relacionada al conocimiento de la lactancia materna no exclusiva como un factor de protección para esa neoplasia mamaria (p <0,001. Los profesionales de la salud deben alentar y concíentízar a las mujeres acerca de las ventajas de la lactancia materna, tanto sobre los beneficios para el niño como para la madre, pues la protege del cáncer de mama.

  15. Syntheses of [6-14C] and [5-carboxy, 6-14C2]nitrendipine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maul, N.; Scherling, D.


    [6- 14 C]Nitrendipine synthesis started from barium[ 14 ]carbonate, which was converted to [1- 14 C]acetyl chloride. The acid chloride was condensed with Meldrum's acid (2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione). The resulting intermediate was treated with boiling methanol to give methyl [3- 14 C]acetoacetate. The reaction with gaseous ammonia in toluene yielded the corresponding methyl 3-amino[3- 14 C]crotonate which was condensed with ethyl 2-(3-nitro-benzylidene) acetoacetate to obtain [6- 14 C]nitrendipine. (author)

  16. Radiolabeling and animal experimental studies of anti-breast cancer McAb 6C6 and mouse-human chimeric antibody 6C6CHI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Zhi; Hu Xiaoqian; Li Erqiu


    The aim of this work is to study bio-distribution and tumor absorption of anti breast cancer monoclonal antibody 6C6 and its chimeric antibody 6C6-CHI. The modified Schwartz method was employed to label 6C6 and 6C6CHI with 99 Tc m . The labeled antibody was injected to mouse via tail vein and the blood clearance and whole body clearance were observed. Nude mice bearing breast cancer MCF7 were injected with 99 Tc m -labeled antibody and the bio-distribution was studied and imaged with γ-ray camera. The yield of the two labeled antibodies was more than 90% and their immunoactivities were more than 80%. The whole body eliminated half-time of 99 Tc m -6C6 was 4.1h, and the half-times in blood were T α =0.55h and T β =12.42h respectively. The whole body half-time of 99 Tc m -6C6CHI was 4.28h and the half-times in blood were T α =0.98h and T β =12.42h respectively. The bio-distribution of nude mice bearing breast cancer MCF7 cells was as follows: the ID%/g of tumor and blood was (7.42±0.85) and (5.67±1.44) respectively at 23h after injection of 99 Tc m -6C6. The T/NT (tumor to non tumor) ratios were all more than 1.0 except kidney and the ID%/g of tumor and blood was (4.23±0.64) and (6.97±0.23) respectively at 23 h after injection of 99 Tc m -6C6CHI. The T/NT (tumor to non tumor) ratios were all more than 1.0 except blood and kidney. The γ imaging results showed that the tumor was imaged clearly at 24h after injection of radiolabeled antibodies and the other organs did not concentrate the antibodies except kidney. Anti-breast cancer monoclonal antibody 6C6 can be well located in tumor. Although ID%/g of tumor of the chimeric antibody 6C6CHI was slightly lower than that of 6C6 antibody, and ID%/g of blood was higher than that of 6C6, the tumor imaging of 6C6-CHI was also clear

  17. New metal-organic frameworks of [M(C6H5O7)(C6H6O7)(C6H7O7)(H2O)] . H2O (M=La, Ce) and [Ce2(C2O4)(C6H6O7)2] . 4H2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weng Shengfeng; Wang, Yun-Hsin; Lee, Chi-Shen


    Two novel materials, [M(C 6 H 5 O 7 )(C 6 H 6 O 7 )(C 6 H 7 O 7 )(H 2 O)] . H 2 O (M=La(1a), Ce(1b)) and [Ce 2 (C 2 O 4 )(C 6 H 6 O 7 ) 2 ] . 4H 2 O (2), with a metal-organic framework (MOF) were prepared with hydrothermal reactions and characterized with photoluminescence, magnetic susceptibility, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray powder diffraction in situ. The crystal structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Compound 1 crystallized in triclinic space group P1-bar (No. 2); compound 2 crystallized in monoclinic space group P2 1 /c (No. 14). The structure of 1 is built from a 1D MOF, composed of deprotonated citric ligands of three kinds. Compound 2 contains a 2D MOF structure consisting of citrate and oxalate ligands; the oxalate ligand arose from the decomposition in situ of citric acid in the presence of Cu II ions. Photoluminescence spectra of compounds 1b and 2 revealed transitions between the 5d 1 excited state and two levels of the 4f 1 ground state ( 2 F 5/2 and 2 F 7/2 ). Compounds 1b and 2 containing Ce III ion exhibit a paramagnetic property with weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the two adjacent magnetic centers. - Graphical Abstract: [M(C 6 H 5 O 7 )(C 6 H 6 O 7 )(C 6 H 7 O 7 )(H 2 O)] . H 2 O (M=La(1a), Ce(1b)) and [Ce 2 (C 2 O 4 )(C 6 H 6 O 7 ) 2 ] . 4H 2 O (2)—with 1D and 2D structures were synthesized and characterized. Highlights: ► Two MOF – [M(C 6 H 5 O 7 )(C 6 H 6 O 7 )(C 6 H 7 O 7 )(H 2 O)] . H 2 O (M=La(1a), Ce(1b)) and [Ce 2 (C 2 O 4 )(C 6 H 6 O 7 ) 2 ] . 4H 2 O (2) – with 1D and 2D structures. ► The adjacent chains of the 1D framework were correlated with each other through an oxalate ligand to form a 2D layer structure. ► The source of the oxalate ligand was the decomposition in situ of citric acid oxidized in the presence of Cu II ions.

  18. Mol 7C/6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aberle, J.; Schleisiek, K.; Schmuck, I.; Schmidt, L.; Romer, O.; Weih, G.


    The Mol 7C/6 coolant blockage experiment in the Belgian BR2 reactor yielded results different from Mol 7C experiments with low burnup pins: At 10% burnup local failure is not self-limiting, but requires active systems for detection and scram. The Mol 7C series was finished in 1991. In each of the test bundles Mol 7C/4, /5 and /6, 30 Mk I pins pre-irradiated in KNK II were used. The central blockage consisted of enriched UO 2 covering 30 percent of the bundle cross-section, with a height of 40 mm. The most important system for timely detection of coolant blockages of the type studied in Mol 7C/6 is based on DND. (orig.)

  19. Isomerisation of c4-c6 aldoses with zeolites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The present invention relates to isomerization of C4-C6 aldoses to their corresponding C4-C6 ketoses. In particular, the invention concerns isomerization of C4-C6 aldoses over solid zeolite catalysts free of any metals other than aluminum, in the presence of suitable solvent(s) at suitable elevated...... temperatures. C6 and C5 aldose sugars such as glucose and xylose, which are available in large amounts from biomass precursors, are isomerized to fructose and xylulose respectively, in a one or two-step process over inexpensive commercially available zeolite catalysts, containing aluminum as the only metal...

  20. O site educativo de português como língua materna: um olhar da lingüística aplicada crítica

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    Noadia Íris da Silva


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento da rede mundial de computadores tem contribuído para o surgimento de novas formas de socialização do conhecimento favorecendo a educação a distância, fenômeno ao qual se vincula uma grande procura de cursos de português. Nesse cenário, o site educativo tem se transformado num importante recurso de ensino/aprendizagem, sendo procurado por usuários pelos mais diferentes motivos. Esse movimento, todavia, não tem recebido a devida atenção da academia no sentido de estudar os objetivos, a qualidade e os ganhos potenciais que são oferecidos aos alunos/internautas em tais espaços pedagógicos. Neste estudo, visamos a analisar sites de ensino de português quanto aos propósitos perseguidos, suas concepções de língua e gramática através da realização de uma pesquisa empírica com três desses sites. Nosso corpus é composto pela apreciação dos conteúdos veiculados e a descrição das aulas e atividades propostas nos sites. Nossos resultados apontam para a existência de contradições entre os conteúdos declarados e os efetivamente abordados, além de uma tendência redutora de conceber a língua como um código e a gramática como um conjunto de regras de uso da norma culta. Assim, chamamos a atenção do leitor para a cautela necessária ao adotar sites como recurso para o ensino/aprendizagem de língua.

  1. Viabilidad tecnológica y biodisponibilidad de diferentes sales de calcio como ingredientes funcionales en productos cárnicos


    Soto Carrión, Ana María


    La carne y los productos cárnicos son alimentos importantes de la dieta, ya que poseen compuestos de un elevado valor biológico como los aminoácidos, vitaminas, principalmente del grupo B y minerales como el hierro, zinc y fósforo. Sin embargo, durante los últimos años, se han relacionado con algunas enfermedades como las cardiovasculares y la obesidad. Este hecho ha contribuido a un descenso de su consumo y se han convertido en objetivo de científicos e industrias cárnicas para transformarlo...

  2. Bioimpressão e produção de mini-órgãos com células tronco

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    Naila A. Oliveira

    Full Text Available RESUMO: A bioimpressão é considerada uma fonte promissora no desenvolvimento celular, e na produção de mini-órgãos, válulas, cartilagens que futuramente poderão ser utilizados na terapia para transplantes em animais e humanos. Assim, essa técnica poderá ser utilizada como uma terapia eletiva, no tratamento de injúrias e principalmente no tratamento de doenças crônico-degenerativas. Em humanos essa terapia está sendo pesquisada a fim de auxiliar a medicina no tratamento e regeneração de tecidos impressos a partir de arcabouços de células desenvolvidas a partir de células-tronco, biomateriais e impressões em 3D. O uso dessa tecnologia é também um auxiliar nas pesquisas oncológicas com o intuito de projetar e avaliar a proliferação celular de tumores, bem como a ação de novos medicamentos quimioterápicos. No entanto, a maior limitação para o uso da terapia utilizando-se a impressora de células, órgãos e tecidos em 3D é a falta de protocolos unificados com metodologias reprodutíveis e detalhadas; com o objetivo de viabilizar a utilização da impressora e a impressão de células, órgãos e tecidos em 3D. Dessa forma, esta revisão busca reunir as publicações mais atuais na área, as quais destacam os avanços no uso de bioimpressão com células-tronco, a fim de descrever as principais técnicas e os potenciais de utilização como alternativa terapêutica na medicina humana e veterinária.

  3. Interrogating the vibrational relaxation of highly excited polyatomics with time-resolved diode laser spectroscopy: C6H6, C6D6, and C6F6+CO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sedlacek, A.J.; Weston, R.E. Jr.; Flynn, G.W.


    The vibrational relaxation of highly excited ground state benzene, benzene d 6 , and hexafluorobenzene by CO 2 has been investigated with high resolution diode laser spectroscopy. The vibrationally hot polyatomics are formed by single photon 248 nm excitation to the S 1 state followed by rapid radiationless transitions. It has been found that in all cases less than 1% of the energy initially present in the polyatomics is deposited into the high frequency mode of CO 2 (ν 3 ). An investigation of the CO 2 (00 0 1) nascent rotational distribution under single collision conditions reveals that very little rotational excitation accompanies vibrational energy transfer to the ν 3 mode. The CO 2 (ν 3 ) rotational states can be described by temperatures, T rot , as follows: C 6 H 6 , T rot =360±30 K; C 6 D 6 , T rot =350±35 K and C 6 F 6 , T rot =340±23 K. An estimate of left-angle ΔE right-angle ν3 , the mean energy transferred to the CO 2 ν 3 mode per collision, suggests that as the availability of low frequency modes in the excited molecule increases, less energy is deposited into the high frequency mode of CO 2 . Finally, evidence is presented suggesting that even at moderate laser fluences, the two-photon ionization of benzene can lead to substantial CO 2 ν 3 excitation via electron+CO 2 inelastic collisions

  4. Potenciais interações entre medicamentos usados na síndrome metabólica = Potential interactions between drugs used in metabolic syndrome

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    Bandeira, Vanessa Adelina Casali


    Conclusões: O tratamento da síndrome metabólica é complexo por requerer a associação de vários medicamentos, o que aumenta os riscos de interações medicamentosas e de efeitos adversos. O presente estudo identificou um grande número de potenciais interações medicamentosas entre esses medicamentos, o que pode reduzir ou potencializar a eficácia dos mesmos e expor o usuário a riscos

  5. Bromuro de metilo como tratamiento cuarentenario para cítricos infestados por la mosca del Mediterráneo


    Zapater, Miguel Carlos


    p.171-176 Distintas variedades de naranjas, mandarinas y pomelos Infestadas por la mosca del Mediterráneo, Ceratitis capitata, fueron expuestas al bromuro de metilo (BM) para determinar la posibilidad de su empleo como tratamiento cuarentenario interno. 32 g-m3 de BM a 26 °C aplicados durante 2 hs. a fruta infestada artificialmente, alcanzaron el nivel de mortalidad correspondiente al standard probit 9, indicando su aptitud como fumigante adecuado para el tratamiento de las variedades cítr...

  6. Análise dos medicamentos e interações potenciais de prescrições contendo antimicrobianos dispensados em uma farmácia comunitária de Ijuí / RS

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    Bruna Rodrigues Weber


    Full Text Available A resistência bacteriana se constitui em preocupação mundial e a prescrição inadequada de antimicrobianos é um dos fatores que pode influenciar nas suas taxas. O objetivo foi avaliar as prescrições contendo antimicrobianos dispensados em uma farmácia comunitária do município de Ijuí/RS, para identificar os antimicrobianos e osfármacos prescritos em associação, bem como interações medicamentosas potenciais. Métodos: A amostra foi constituída por prescrições retidas no local do estudo, de 28 de novembro de 2010 a 31 de março de 2011, que continham ao menos um antimicrobiano listado no Anexo I da RDC 44/2010. Resultados: Foram analisadas 268 prescrições, contendo 283 antimicrobianos, em 15 prescrições foram prescritos dois produtos. A classe das penicilinas, presente em 30,04% das prescrições, e as quinolonas (23,67% foram os mais prescritos. Em 45,9% das prescrições, pelo menos mais um medicamento foi associado aoantimicrobiano, totalizando 167 medicamentos, sendo principalmente a classe dos analgésicos e antipiréticos (43,11% e dos antiinflamatórios e antirreumáticos não-esteróides (29,94%. Os antiinflamatórios e antirreumáticos não-esteróides estavampresentes em 82,05% das 39 interações medicamentosas potenciais encontradas, sendo que a principal classe de antimicrobianosenvolvida foi a das penicilinas (64,1%. Conclusão: é necessário que os profissionais responsáveis pela prescrição e pela dispensação estejam capacitados para identificar e evitar a presença de interações medicamentosas, proporcionando mais segurança para o usuário e efetividade no tratamento. Entende-se que seja necessário rever e padronizar os critérios de prescrição, dispensação e administração, a fim de racionalizar o uso dos antimicrobianos.


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    Cae Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objetivo central destacar o valor potencial do "vagabonding" como estratégia pedagógica em programas de aprendizagem experiencial de educação ambiental, sustentando-se na importância da "desconstrução/reconstrução fenomenológica" em processos educativos críticos. A proposta do "vagabonding" ("lazer vagabundo" é fundamentada por vivências perceptivas/sensoriais com o ambiente que permitam a construção de relações espaço-temporais que causem certo "desconforto" e "estranheza", assim como o distanciamento de objetivos centrados no "desempenho" (performance. Tal proposta se justifica pela consideração de que esse tipo de vivência pode criar espaços com potenciais aberturas para discutir diferentes aspectos estéticos, éticos e políticos que envolvem as relações ser humano (sociedade / mundo (natureza. Assim, enquanto vivência sociocultural "alternativa", o "vagabonding" teria como principal contribuição a potencial incorporação de uma concepção fenomenológica de tempo e de espaço que possibilite a "desconstrução/reconstrução"de conceitos/ideias socialmente "naturalizados", um importante passo ao encontro dos objetivos das teorias críticas/pós-críticas de educação.

  8. Estudo de caso aplicando modelo para identificação de potenciais geradores de intangíveis

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    Rodney Wernke


    Full Text Available Relata estudo de caso em que foi aplicado o modelo Mapa para Identificação de Potenciais Geradores de Intangíveis. Após mencionar resumidamente a ferramenta utilizada, apresentam-se os procedimentos seguidos para implementar tal modelo numa empresa industrial, evidenciando os passos seguidos, as análises realizadas, os resultados alcançados e as limitações inerentes.This article reports on a case study which applied the model called Map for the Identification of Potential Intangible Asset Generators. After a summarized description of the applied tool, we present the procedures followed to implement such a model in an industrial company, disclosing the steps that were taken, the analyses carried out, obtained results and inherent limitations.

  9. Syntheses of (6- sup 14 C) and (5-carboxy, 6- sup 14 C sub 2 )nitrendipine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maul, N.; Scherling, D. (Bayer AG, Wuppertal (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Pharmakologie)


    (6-{sup 14}C)Nitrendipine synthesis started from barium({sup 14})carbonate, which was converted to (1-{sup 14}C)acetyl chloride. The acid chloride was condensed with Meldrum's acid (2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione). The resulting intermediate was treated with boiling methanol to give methyl (3-{sup 14}C)acetoacetate. The reaction with gaseous ammonia in toluene yielded the corresponding methyl 3-amino(3-{sup 14}C)crotonate which was condensed with ethyl 2-(3-nitro-benzylidene) acetoacetate to obtain (6-{sup 14}C)nitrendipine. (author).

  10. Relação entre potenciais evocados auditivos de média latência e distúrbio de processamento auditivo: estudo de casos

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    Ana Carla Leite Romero


    Full Text Available O Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Média Latência é um teste objetivo promissor na audiologia na pesquisa neuro-diagnóstica das disfunções do sistema auditivo. Tem como vantagens a precisão e objetividade na avaliação e por isso é útil em crianças. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar os potenciais evocados auditivos de média latência em dois pacientes com distúrbio de processamento auditivo e relacionar as medidas objetivas e comportamentais. Para tanto foi realizado estudo de caso de dois pacientes (P1= feminino, 12 anos; P2= masculino, 17 anos, ambos com ausência de alterações sensoriais, distúrbios neurológicos, neuropsiquiátricos. Ambos foram submetidos à anamnese, inspeção do meato acústico externo, avaliação audiológica e avaliação do exame de potencial evocado auditivo de média latência. Houve associação significante entre os resultados dos exames comportamentais e objetivos. Na anamnese, houve queixas referentes à dificuldade de escuta em ambiente ruidoso, localização sonora, desatenção, além de trocas fonológicas na escrita e na fala. Foram observadas alterações no processo de decodificação auditiva à direita em ambos os casos na avaliação comportamental do processamento auditivo e no exame de potencial evocado auditivo de média latência a resposta da via contralateral direita foi deficitária, confirmando as dificuldades dos pacientes estudados na atribuição de significado às informações acústicas em condição de competição sonora à direita nos dois casos. Para os casos estudados comprovou-se à associação entre os resultados, porém há necessidade de novos estudos com maior amostra para confirmação dos dados.

  11. Potenciais biomarcadores da terapia cognitivo-comportamental para o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático: uma revisão sistemática

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    Raquel Gonçalves


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: O estabelecimento de biomarcadores relacionados à terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC é uma maneira de consolidar a eficácia do tratamento de forma mais objetiva, sendo crítico para o avanço desse campo de pesquisa. OBJETIVOS: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de estudos que: 1 utilizaram parâmetros biológicos para verificar a eficácia da TCC no tratamento do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT; e 2 utilizaram esses parâmetros como preditores de resposta à CBT. MÉTODOS: Foram conduzidas buscas eletrônicas nas bases PubMed/Medline, ISI/Thompson Reuters e Pilot. RESULTADOS: Doze artigos foram selecionados para esta revisão, sendo quatro deles estudos sobre predição de resposta ao tratamento. Foi observada relação entre a eficácia da TCC e modificações nesses parâmetros, sendo a resposta da frequência cardíaca à evocação de sintomas o parâmetro mais utilizado até o presente momento. Sua redução está associada à melhora nos sintomas de TEPT. Potenciais biomarcadores de predição de resposta encontrados incluem 5α-redutase, ativação da amígdala, ativação e volume do córtex cingulado anterior e frequência cardíaca. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da escassez de estudos e das limitações metodológicas neles observadas, investigações iniciais sugerem que os biomarcadores da TCC em pacientes com TEPT poderão ser úteis para o monitoramento mais objetivo dos efeitos do tratamento, identificação de predição de resposta e para o desenvolvimento de estratégias mais eficazes de tratamento e prevenção do desenvolvimento de TEPT.

  12. Genes relacionados ao metabolismo dos fosfolípides como fatores de risco para o transtorno afetivo bipolar

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    Meira-Lima Ivanor V


    Full Text Available Os estudos de epidemiologia genética fornecem consistente evidência de que o componente genético tem um papel preponderante no risco para o Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB, embora genes de vulnerabilidade ainda não tenham sido identificados de forma inequívoca. Nesta atualização os autores apresentam dados demonstrando que os fosfolípides exercem um relevante papel nos processos de sinalização intracelular e que estudos da neuroquímica dos estabilizadores do humor convergem em apontar para uma ação destas drogas nas vias de transdução de sinais reguladas pelas fosfolipases. Concluem que investigações de variantes nos genes que codificam enzimas do metabolismo dos fosfolípides como potenciais genes de susceptibilidade podem ampliar o conhecimento acerca dos fatores de risco e dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos no surgimento destes transtornos do humor.

  13. Mosquitos vetores potenciais de dirofilariose canina na Região Nordeste do Brasil Mosquitoes potential vectors of canine heartworm in the Northeast Region from Brazil

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    Silvia MM Ahid


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em alguns bairros costeiros de São Luís, Maranhão, a prevalência da dirofilariose chega a mais de 40% entre os cães domiciliados. Porém, desconhecem-se os vetores naturais, tanto lá quanto no resto do Nordeste do país. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os prováveis vetores dessa parasitose. MÉTODOS: Realizaram-se coletas mensais de mosquitos em um bairro costeiro de São Luís, MA, de março de 1996 a maio de 1997, no peridomicílio, tendo cão e homem como iscas. Os mosquitos foram dissecados para a pesquisa de larvas da Dirofilaria immitis. RESULTADOS: Coletaram-se 1.738 mosquitos de 11 espécies. Culex quinquefasciatus, capturada todos os meses, porém menos freqüente na estação chuvosa, correspondeu a 54,5% do total, seguido de Aedes albopictus (20,3%, Aedes taeniorhynchus e Aedes scapularis (ambos 11%. Larvas de D.immitis foram encontradas em 0,1% dos Cx. quinquefasciatus e 0,5% dos Ae. taeniorhynchus. CONCLUSÕES: Ae. taeniorhynchus e Cx. quinquefasciatus foram considerados vetores potenciais da dirofilariose em São Luís. A importância local de Cx. quinquefasciatus como transmissor primário da D. immitis necessita ser melhor avaliada.INTRODUCTION: In some coastal districts of São Luís, capital of the state of Maranhão, Brazil, the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis is more than 40% in house dogs. Natural potential vectors, as found in other areas of Northeastern Brazil, are unknown. The aim of this study was to identify probable vectors of the disease. METHODS: Mosquito catches were performed at a coastal, district Olho d'Água, in S. Luís, to look for local potential vectors. Captures were carried out monthly, from March 1996 to May 1997, outdoors, having a man and a dog as baits. Mosquitoes were dissected for D. immitis larvae. RESULTS: A total of 1,738 mosquitoes belonging to 11 species were collected. Culex quinquefasciatus, the only species collected every month, was more frequently in the dry

  14. Recusa de doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplante relatados por familiares de potenciais doadores


    Moraes,Edvaldo Leal de; Massarollo,Maria Cristina Komatsu Braga


    OBJETIVO: Conhecer a percepção de familiares de potenciais doadores sobre os motivos de recusa para doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplante. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na vertente fenomenológica, modalidade "estrutura do fenômeno situado". Participaram do estudo oito familiares que recusaram a doação dos órgãos e tecidos. RESULTADOS: Após análise das entrevistas, foram revelados dez motivos de recusa, considerados pelos familiares. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: As proposições ...

  15. Análise de potenciais interações medicamentosas em prescrições de um hospital veterinário do noroeste paulista como ferramenta do serviço de farmácia hospitalar para reduzir suas reais manifestações

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    Ana Gabriela dos Reis


    Full Text Available A associação entre medicamentos é uma ferramenta terapêutica amplamente utilizada, devido à existência de comorbidades. Contudo, essa prática eleva o índice de interações medicamentosas (IM, que podem ser benéficas ou acarretar danos à vida do paciente. Nesse contexto, os farmacêuticos de um hospital veterinário do noroeste paulista, implantaram em sua rotina a análise de todas as prescrições por meio de softwares e programas on line quanto à ocorrência de potenciais IM relacionadas à farmacoterapia de animais internados. Foram analisadas 5.376 prescrições, aviadas pelo serviço de farmácia hospitalar no período de 01 de junho de 2009 a 20 de dezembro de 2010. Todas foram elaboradas pelos médicos veterinários da instituição aos animais de pequeno porte que após atendimento ambulatorial permaneceram sob regime de internação. As IM estiveram presentes em 4,92% (n=265 das prescrições, as mais incidentes ocorreram entre ampicilina e heparina com 23,8% (n=63; ranitidina e cetoprofeno 12,9% (n=34; alimento e cefalexina 11,7% (n=31; cetoprofeno e heparina 9,4% (n=25 e metoclopramida e tramadol 8,3% (n=22. Quanto à gravidade, a maioria 52,4% (n=139 foi classificada como de nível menor; 24,9% (n=66 moderadas, 11% (n=29 potencialmente fatais, e 11,7% (n=31 não foram classificadas. As informações sobre estudos de IM e interações alimentares em animais são escassas, embora seja comum a ocorrência de IM na prática clínica. Assim essa avaliação tem o papel principal de alertar o médico veterinário prescritor para as consequências dessas no tratamento medicamentoso do animal e ainda no prognóstico da doença.

  16. Hoy como ayer


    Rodríguez M.


    Leyendo el artículo titulado “Los medicamentos baratos” de la revista La Farmacia Española, publicada en Madrid el jueves 21 de diciembre de 1893, uno se pregunta cómo puede ser que se reconozca la situación como si fuera de ahora mismo, cómo puede ser que estemos igual que hace más de cien años. Entonces eran los descuentos que se empezaban a extender en las farmacias, francesas sobre todo, y que amenazaban el prestigio profesional de todo el colectivo. Con frases como éstas se define la sit...

  17. Produção de biotensoativos a partir de resíduos de óleos e gorduras Fats and oils wastes as substrates for biosurfactant production

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    Siddhartha Georges Valadares Almeida de Oliveira Costa


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho visou a seleção de microrganismos com capacidade de produzir biotensoativos a partir de resíduos de óleos e gorduras gerados em restaurantes e indústrias alimentícias. Borra de soja, gordura de frango, gordura vegetal hidrogenada e óleo de soja usado em frituras foram estudados como fonte de carbono. Os isolados LMI 6c e LMI 7a, ambos pertencentes ao gênero Pseudomonas, foram selecionados como potenciais produtores de biotensoativos. Dentre os resíduos propostos, a borra de soja foi considerada o melhor substrato, gerando 9,69 g.L-1 de ramnolipídios e uma tensão superficial de 31 mN/m.The purpose of this study was to select microorganisms that were able to produce biosurfactants from fats and oils wastes generated by the food industry and restaurants. Soybean soapstock, chicken fat, hydrogenated vegetable fat and soybean frying oil were evaluated as alternative substrates. Pseudomonas sp. isolates LMI 6c and LMI 7a showed a capacity to utilize the substrates and to produce rhamnolipid surfactants. Soybean soapstock was considered the best substrate, generating 9.69 g.L-1 of rhamnolipids and a surface tension of 31 mN/m.

  18. Derivados azufrados de N-acetilhexosaminas y su uso como inhibidores de la división de células tumorales


    Fernández-Mayoralas, Alfonso; Nieto-Sampedro, Manuel; Casas Brugulat, Josefina; García-Álvarez, Isabel; Romero-Ramírez, Lorenzo


    como inhibidores de la división de células tumorales. La presente invención describe una serie de tioglicósidos y sus derivados oxidados sulfóxido y sulfona, que confieren mayor solubilidad en medios acuosos, y su uso como antitumorales, principalmente frente a líneas celulares de glioma y adenocarcinoma de pulmón. Los nuevos tioderivados son resistentes a la hidrólisis catalizada por enzimas N-acetilhexosaminidasas y reducen el contenido de gangliósidos en células ...

  19. Calculos de potenciais de ionização de algumas bases e aza-analogas utilizando o metodo semi-empirico HAM/3


    Jose Jair Vianna Cirino


    Resumo: Inicialmente procedeu-se a otimização de geometrias das bases purinas guanina, 8-azaguanjna, xantina, 8-azaxantina e hipoxantina com o uso dos métodos semi-empíricos MNDO, AMI e MNDO-PM3. Nesta etapa também fez-se uso de métodos ab initio utilizando o conjunto de base cep-31G. Os potenciais de ionização dos elétrons do caroço das bases purinas foram calculados posteriormente por meio do método semi-empírico HAM/3 empregando as geometrias otimizadas pelos métodos semi-empíricos na etap...

  20. La hoja de cálculo como herramienta para el análisis económico financiero


    García Cuenca, José


    Las aplicaciones ofimáticas como las hojas de cálculo permiten realizar todo tipo de cálculos en la gestión diaria de todo tipo de empresas. Dentro de este grupo, las aplicaciones de hojas de cálculo, cuyo máximo exponente es Microsoft Excel, permiten realizar todo tipo de cálculo que ayude a la efectiva gestión de dichas empresas. Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

  1. Estratégias de Aprendizagem em Curso Corporativo a Distância: como Estudam os Trabalhadores?

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    Thaís Zerbini

    Full Text Available Resumo A presente pesquisa objetiva verificar as evidências de validade da Escala de Estratégias de Aprendizagem (EEA aplicada em um curso a distância em ambiente corporativo. Pretende ainda verificar quais são as estratégias de aprendizagem mais utilizadas pelos trabalhadores em ambiente virtual de estudo no contexto de trabalho. O curso avaliado abrange venda de produtos bancários oferecido por um banco de grande porte aos seus funcionários. A EEA foi aplicada em 541 participantes. Foram realizadas análises de componentes principais, fatoriais, consistência interna e descritivas. Os resultados indicaram uma escala de cinco fatores: Controle da Emoção, 4 itens (α = 0,91, Repetição e Organização, 6 itens (α = 0,83, Controle da Motivação, 4 itens (α = 0,97, Elaboração, 3 itens (α = 0,89, Monitoramento da Compreensão, 6 itens (α = 0,91. Busca de Ajuda Interpessoal e Busca de Ajuda ao Material Didático não figuraram como potenciais fatores – já que o desenho do curso avaliado não apresenta material didático, tampouco oferece tutoria ativa aos participantes. A maior ocorrência de médias altas concentra-se nos itens do fator Elaboração eControle da Emoção. Esse fato pode ser explicado pelos indivíduos estarem acostumados a utilizar as estratégias de elaboração e de controle da emoção ao longo da vida, em seus estudos individuais em diferentes situações educacionais.

  2. Radiosynthesis of 6-[C-11]-D-glucose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grierson, J.R.; Biskupiak, J.E.; Link, J.M.; Krohn, K.A.


    Availability of 6-[C-11]-D-glucose will permit positron emission tomography (PET) investigations of glucose utilization derived from the pentose shunt which supports biosynthesis in tissues. The first radiosynthesis of 6-[C-11]-D-glucose is described. As much as 1 mCi of 6-[C-11]-D-glucose, sufficient for animal studies, is obtained from [C-11]CO 2 after 100 min with a 16% radiochemical yield (EOB). The radiosynthesis has many attractive features. The method uses [C-11]CH 3 I and combines a Wittig reaction and a stereoselective OsO 4 catalyzed alkene hydroxylation. The OsO 4 hydroxylation of the [C-11]-labeled alkene (9) is accomplished in less than 10 min with high stereoselectivity (94:6) in favor of the 6-[C-11]-D-gluco-isomer. HPLC purification (C-18) of the protected labeled sugar removes the undesired 6-[C-11]-L-ido-sugar at an early stage and avoids the use of an expensive low-capacity ion-exchange HPLC column. OsO 4 , a highly toxic reagent, is removed in the process by adsorption and inactivation on polymer-bound triphenylphosphine. (Author)

  3. Synthesis of methyl 3-O-{alpha}-d-glucopyranosyl-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-{beta}-d-xylopyranoside and methyl 2-O-{alpha}-d-Glucopyranosyl-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-l-noviopyranoside; Synthese de methyl-3-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-C{sup 14}-beta-D-xylophranoside et methyl-2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-L-noviopyranoside; Sintez metil-3-O-{alpha}-D-glyukopiranozila-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-{beta}-D-ksilopiranozid i metil 2-O-{alpha}-D-glyukopiranozil-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-L-noviopiranozid; Sintesis de la metil 3-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-{beta}-D-xilopiranosido y de la metil 2-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-L-noviopiranosido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barker, S A; Keith, M C; Stacey, M; Stroud, D B.E. [Chemistry Department, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)


    microbianas. Como ejemplo de la aplicacion de esta tecnica, los autores describen las sintesis siguientes: Maltosa-{sup 14}C{sub 12} + metil-{beta}-D-xilopiranosido Transglucosilasa del/Penicillium lilacinum {yields} Metil 3-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-{beta}-D-xilopiranosido (I) Glucosa-{sup 14}C{sub 6} Maltosa-{sup 14}C{sub 12} + Metil L-noviopiranosido Transglucosilasa del/Fusarium moniliforme {yields} Metil 2-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-L-noviopiranosido (II) + Glucosa-{sup 14}C{sub 6}. Se puede esperar que en estas sintesis se conserve en el disacarico obtenido por sintesis el caracter anomerico del enlace glucosidico del disacarido donor y que el resto glucosido transferido se una por su grupo reductor al glucomonosacarido receptor. Si se emplea un disacarido donor o un glucosido receptor marcados con {sup 14}C, se puede sintetizar un disacarido mareado solamente en uno de los dos azucares que lo componen. En la sintesis del compuesto II, el unico grupo oxhidrilo libre en el metilnoviosido receptor se encuentra en el C{sub 2} y el resto glucosido que se transfiere solo puede unirse en ese punto. En la sintesis del compuesto I, el metilxilosido posee grupos oxhidrilo libres en C{sub 2}, C{sub 3} y C{sub 4}, y se ha encontrado que la enzima microbiana transfiere el resto glucosido especificamente al grupo oxhidrilo en el C{sub 3}. Se han determinado las estructuras de los compuestos I y II por analisis elemental, asi como por estudio de la actividad optica de los espectros infrarrojos y de los productos obtenidos por hidrolisis en medio acido y por oxidacion con peryodato. (author) [Russian] V sluchae zatrudneniya provedeniya khimicheskogo sinteza disakharida glikozida, mechennogo uglerodom-14, osobenno tol'ko v odnoj iz grupp sakhara chasto tselesoobrazno ispol'zovat' katalizirovannyj sintez s pomoshch'yu mikrobial'nogo transglikozilasa. V doklade soobshchaetsya o dvukh primerakh ispol'zovaniya dannogo metoda: Mal'toza-C{sub 12}{sup 14

  4. El cómic en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera

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    Jorge Catalá Carrasco


    Full Text Available La experiencia práctica que voy a relatar pretende mostrar las posibilidades que el cómic tiene, como producto cultural, dentro de las clases de español para extranjeros. Mi relación con las clases de español como lengua extranjera (E/LE se ciñe a estudiantes universitarios de un nivel avanzado, esto es, aquellos que han cursado las clases básicas de gramática y quieren profundizar en la lengua y la cultura hispánicas. Dentro de este marco es donde encuadro la presente experiencia. Los estudiantes con los que he trabajado provienen, en su mayoría, de The University of Georgia en los EE.UU. y cursan un semestre en Valencia (España para perfeccionar el idioma. Mi relación profesional con esta universidad norteamericana data de hace más de 4 años, primero como profesor asistente de español en los EE.UU. y luego como coordinador y profesor dentro del programa académico UGA en España, en Valencia.

  5. El cómic en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Catalá Carrasco


    Full Text Available La experiencia práctica que voy a relatar pretende mostrar las posibilidades que el cómic tiene, como producto cultural, dentro de las clases de español para extranjeros. Mi relación con las clases de español como lengua extranjera (E/LE se ciñe a estudiantes universitarios de un nivel avanzado, esto es,  aquellos que han cursado las clases básicas de gramática y quieren profundizar en la lengua y la cultura hispánicas. Dentro de este marco es donde encuadro la presente experiencia. Los estudiantes con los que he trabajado provienen, en su mayoría, de The University of Georgia en los EE.UU. y cursan un semestre en Valencia (España para perfeccionar el idioma. Mi relación profesional con esta universidad norteamericana data de hace más de 4 años, primero como profesor asistente de español en los EE.UU. y luego como  coordinador y profesor dentro del programa académico UGA en España, en Valencia.

  6. Synthesis of [5,6-13C2, 1-14C]olivetolic acid, methyl [1'-13C]olivetolate and [5,6-13C2, 1-14C]cannabigerolic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porwoll, J.P.; Leete, E.


    Potential advanced intermediates in the biosynthesis of delta 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol, the major psychoactive principle of marijuana, have been synthesized labeled with two contiguous 13 C atoms and 14 C. Methyl [5,6- 13 C 2 , 1- 14 C]olivetolate was prepared from lithium [ 13 C 2 ]acetylide and dimethyl [2- 14 C]malonate. Reaction with geranyl bromide afforded methyl [5,6- 13 C 2 , 1- 14 C]cannabigerolate, and hydrolysis of these methyl esters with lithium propyl mercaptide yielded the corresponding labeled acids. The 13 C- 13 C couplings observable in the 13 C NMR spectra of these 13 C-enriched compounds and their synthetic precursors are recorded. Methyl [1'- 14 C]olivetolate was prepared from 13 CO 2 to confirm assignments of the 13 C chemical shifts in the pentyl side chain of these compounds. (author)

  7. Cytochrome c6B of Synechococcus sp. WH 8102 – Crystal structure and basic properties of novel c6-like family representative

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zatwarnicki, Pawel; Barciszewski, Jakub; Krzywda, Szymon; Jaskolski, Mariusz; Kolesinski, Piotr; Szczepaniak, Andrzej


    Highlights: • Crystal structure of cytochrome c 6B from Synechococcus sp. WH 8102 was solved. • Basic biophysical properties of cytochrome c 6B were determined. • Cytochrome c 6B exhibits similar architecture to cytochrome c 6 . • Organization of heme binding pocket of cytochrome c 6B differs from that of c 6 . • Midpoint potential of cytochrome c 6B is significantly lower than of cytochrome c 6 . - Abstract: Cytochromes c are soluble electron carriers of relatively low molecular weight, containing single heme moiety. In cyanobacteria cytochrome c 6 participates in electron transfer from cytochrome b 6 f complex to photosystem I. Recent phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of a few families of proteins homologous to the previously mentioned. Cytochrome c 6A from Arabidopsis thaliana was identified as a protein responsible for disulfide bond formation in response to intracellular redox state changes and c 550 is well known element of photosystem II. However, function of cytochromes marked as c 6B , c 6C and c M as well as the physiological process in which they take a part still remain unidentified. Here we present the first structural and biophysical analysis of cytochrome from the c 6B family from mesophilic cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. WH 8102. Purified protein was crystallized and its structure was refined at 1.4 Å resolution. Overall architecture of this polypeptide resembles typical I-class cytochromes c. The main features, that distinguish described protein from cytochrome c 6 , are slightly red-shifted α band of UV–Vis spectrum as well as relatively low midpoint potential (113.2 ± 2.2 mV). Although, physiological function of cytochrome c 6B has yet to be determined its properties probably exclude the participation of this protein in electron trafficking between b 6 f complex and photosystem I

  8. Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in infants with G6PD c.563C > TVariant

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    Moiz Bushra


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is a strong correlation between glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD deficiency and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia with a rare but potential threat of devastating acute bilirubin encephalopathy. G6PD deficiency was observed in 4–14% of hospitalized icteric neonates in Pakistan. G6PD c.563C > T is the most frequently reported variant in this population. The present study was aimed at evaluating the time to onset of hyperbilirubinemia and the postnatal bilirubin trajectory in infants having G6PD c.563C > T. Methods This was a case–control study conducted at The Aga Khan University, Pakistan during the year 2008. We studied 216 icteric male neonates who were re-admitted for phototherapy during the study period. No selection was exercised. Medical records showed that 32 were G6PD deficient while 184 were G6PD normal. Each infant was studied for birth weight, gestational age, age at the time of presentation, presence of cephalhematoma, sepsis and neurological signs, peak bilirubin level, age at peak bilirubin level, days of hospitalization, whether phototherapy or exchange blood transfusion was initiated, and the outcome. During hospital stay, each baby was tested for complete blood count, reticulocyte count, ABO and Rh blood type, direct antiglobulin test and quantitative G6PD estimation [by kinetic determination of G6PDH]. G6PDgenotype was analyzed in 32 deficient infants through PCR-RFLP analysis and gene sequencing. Results G6PD variants c.563C > T and c.131 C > G were observed in 21 (65% and three (9% of the 32 G6PD deficient infants, respectively. DNA of eight (25% newborns remained uncharacterized. In contrast to G6PD normal neonates, infants with c.563C > T variant had significantly lower enzyme activity (mean ± 1SD; 0.3 ± 0.2 U/gHb vs. 14.0 ± 4.5 U/gHb, p p = 0.008 which peaked earlier after birth (mean ± 1SD 2.9 ± 1.6 vs. 4.3 ± 2.3 days, p = 0.007. No statistically significant

  9. Potential drug interactions in intensive care patients at a teaching hospital Interacciones medicamentosas potenciales en pacientes de una unidad de terapia intensiva de un hospital universitario Interações medicamentosas potenciais em pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital universitário

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    Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima


    realizadas por el enfermero. Sin embargo, para que estas ocurran, de hecho, es importante que el enfermero conozca los mecanismos farmacológicos de las IMs, así como sus factores precipitantes.Este estudo investigou interações medicamentosas (IM potenciais em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI de um hospital universitário do Ceará. Dos 102 pacientes do estudo, 72,5% apresentaram 311 potenciais IMs. Desses, 64% eram do sexo feminino, com idade maior ou igual a 60 anos e tempo de internação maior ou igual a nove dias. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre o número de medicamentos e a ocorrência de IM, e 1 140 medicamentos foram aprazados no mesmo horário. Desses, 74% apresentaram potencial para IM. Quanto à classificação das IMs, 48,2% apresentaram perfil farmacocinético, 55,4% início demorado, 54,7% moderada gravidade e 60,6% bem documentadas na literatura. O manejo clínico mais freqüente foi "observar sinais e sintomas". Oitenta por cento das intervenções para evitar os efeitos indesejáveis das IMs podem ser realizadas pelo enfermeiro. No entanto, para que essas ocorram, de fato, é importante que o enfermeiro conheça os mecanismos farmacológicos das IMs, bem como seus fatores precipitantes.

  10. Densities, viscosities, and refractive indexes for {C2H5CO2(CH2)2CH3+C6H13OH+C6H6} at T=308.15 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casas, Herminio; Garcia-Garabal, Sandra; Segade, Luisa; Cabeza, Oscar.; Franjo, Carlos; Jimenez, Eulogio


    In this work we present densities, kinematic viscosities, and refractive indexes of the ternary system {C 2 H 5 CO 2 (CH 2 ) 2 CH 3 +C 6 H 13 OH+C 6 H 6 } and the corresponding binary mixtures {C 2 H 5 CO 2 (CH 2 ) 2 CH 3 +C 6 H 6 }, {C 2 H 5 CO 2 (CH 2 ) 2 CH 3 +C 6 H 13 OH}, and {C 6 H 13 OH+C 6 H 6 }. All data have been measured at T=308.15 K and atmospheric pressure over the whole composition range. The excess molar volumes, dynamic viscosity deviations, and changes of the refractive index on mixing were calculated from experimental measurements. The results for binary mixtures were fitted to a polynomial relationship to estimate the coefficients and standard deviations. The Cibulka equation has been used to correlate the experimental values of ternary mixtures. Also, the experimental values obtained for the ternary mixture were used to test the empirical methods of Kohler, Jacob and Fitzner, Colinet, Tsao and Smith, Toop, Scatchard et al., and Hillert. These methods predict excess properties of the ternary mixtures from those of the involved binary mixtures. The results obtained for dynamic viscosities of the binary mixtures were used to test the semi-empirical relations of Grunberg-Nissan, McAllister, Auslaender, and Teja-Rice. Finally, the experimental refractive indexes were compared with the predicted results for the Lorentz-Lorenz, Gladstone-Dale, Wiener, Heller, and Arago-Biot equations. In all cases, we give the standard deviation between the experimental data and that calculated with the above named relations

  11. Avaliação da presença de fungos em amostras de leite cru e estudo da susceptibilidade destes microrganismos às relações temperatura/tempo empregadas nos processos de pasteurização e fervura


    Monica Ruz-Peres


    O presente trabalho foi delineado considerando-se a importância de fungos filamentosos e leveduras, os quais estão associados a diversas patologias no homem e animais. Deve-se considerar ainda que o leite e seus derivados lácteos contaminados com estes microrganismos podem constituir potenciais vias de transmissão de zoonoses a eles relacionados. Foram analisadas amostras de leite cru dos tipos A, B e C colhidas nas próprias propriedades leiteiras, bem como amostras de leite comercializado di...

  12. Positronium formation in CS2 and C6F6 mixtures with triethylamine or tetrahydrofuran

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhicheng Zhang; Ito, Yasuo; Tabata, Yoneho


    Positronium (Ps) yields were measured for CS 2 /THF, CS 2 /TEA, C 6 F 6 THF and C 6 F 6 /TEA mixtures. Addition of C 6 F 6 or CS 2 into TEA or THF showed a similar influence which induces a decrease of Ps yield. This is ascribed to the non-dissociative electron scavenging by both CS 2 and C 6 F 6 . On the other hand, the effect of addition of TEA and THF has been found to be different for C 6 F 6 and CS 2 , i.e. both TEA and THF did not change Ps yield in CS 2 substantially, while they caused a sharp decrease of Ps yield in C 6 F 6 . The latter sharp decreases was ascribed to quenching of excited state of C 6 F 6 . This interpretation is supported by pulse radiolysis emission measurements for the same system, in which it was found that TEA quenches the excited state of C 6 F 6 efficiently. (author)

  13. The singlet-triplet energy gap in divalent three, five and seven-membered cyclic C2H2M, C4H4M and C6H6M (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn AND Pb

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    E. Vessally


    Full Text Available Total energy gaps, ∆Et–s, enthalpy gaps, ∆Ht–s, and Gibbs free energy gaps, ∆Gt–s, between singlet (s and triplet (t states were calculated for three, five and seven-membered cyclic C2H2M, C4H4M and C6H6M (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn and Pb at B3LYP/6-311++G**. The singlet-triplet free energy gaps, ∆Gt–s, for C2H2M (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn and Pb are found to be increased in the order: C2H2Si > C2H2C > C2H2Ge > C2H2Sn > C2H2Pb. The ∆Gt–s of C4H4M are found to be increased in the order: C4H4Pb > C4H4Sn > C4H4Ge > C4H4Si > C4H4C. Also, the ∆Gt–s of C6H6M are determined in the order: C6H6Pb > C6H6Ge ≥ C6H6Sn > C6H6Si > C6H6C. The most stable conformers of C2H2M, C4H4M and C6H6M are proposed for both the singlet and triplet states. Nuclear independent chemical shifts (NICS calculations were carried out for determination of aromatic character. The geometrical parameters are calculated and discussed.

  14. Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Estado Estável no diagnóstico audiológico infantil: uma comparação com os Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Tronco Encefálico Steady-state auditory evoked responses in audiological diagnosis in children: a comparison with brainstem evoked auditory responses

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    Gabriela Ribeiro Ivo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Os Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Estado Estável (PEAEE têm sido apontados como uma técnica promissora na avaliação audiológica infantil. OBJETIVO: Investigar o nível de concordância entre os resultados dos PEAEE e dos Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE-clique em um grupo de crianças com perda auditiva sensorioneural, averiguando assim a aplicabilidade clínica desta técnica na avaliação audiológica infantil. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo de coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 15 crianças com idade entre dois e 36 meses e diagnóstico de perda auditiva sensorioneural. A concordância entre as respostas dos dois testes foi avaliada por meio do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e o teste de McNemar comparou os dois testes quanto à probabilidade de ocorrência de resposta. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes de correlação encontrados foram 0,70; 0,64; 0,49; 0,69; 0,63 e 0,68 respectivamente para as frequências de 1, 2, 4, 1-2, 2-4 e 1-2-4kHz. No teste de McNemar foi obtido p=0.000, indicando que a probabilidade de se obter resposta presente nos dois testes não é igual, sendo maior nos PEAEE. CONCLUSÃO: A boa concordância observada entre as técnicas sugere que um exame pode ser complementar ao outro. Os PEAEE, entretanto, promoveram informações adicionais nos casos de perdas severas e profundas, acrescentando dados importantes para a reabilitação destas crianças e proporcionando maior precisão no diagnóstico audiológico.Auditory Steady-State Responses (ASSR are being recognized as a promising technique in the assessment of hearing in children. AIM: To investigate the agreement level between results obtained from ASSR and click-ABR in a group of children with sensorineural hearing loss, in order to study the clinical applicability of this technique to evaluate the hearing status in young children. STUDY DESIGN: clinical prospective with a cross-sectional cohort. MATERIALS AND METHODS

  15. M6-C artificial disc placement. (United States)

    Coric, Domagoj; Parish, John; Boltes, Margaret O


    There has been a steady evolution of cervical total disc replacement (TDR) devices over the last decade resulting in surgical technique that closely mimics anterior cervical discectomy and fusion as well as disc design that emphasizes quality of motion. The M6-C TDR device is a modern-generation artificial disc composed of titanium endplates with tri-keel fixation as well as a polyethylene weave with a polyurethane core. Although not yet approved by the FDA, M6-C has finished a pilot and pivotal US Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) study. The authors present the surgical technique for implantation of a 2-level M6-C cervical TDR device. The video can be found here: .

  16. Electronic Structure of Eu6C60

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    WANG Xiao-Xiong; LI Hong-Nian; XU Ya-Bo; WANG Peng; ZHANG Wen-Hua; XU Fa-Qiang


    We study the valence band of Eu-intercalated C60 by synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy to un-derstand the ferromagnetism (FM) and the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) of Eu6C60. The results reveal the semiconducting property and the remarkable 5d6s-π hybridization. Eu-C60 bonding has both ionic and covalent contributions. No more than half the 5d6s electrons transfer from Eu to the LUMO derived band of C60, and the LUMO+1 derived band is not filled. The remaining valence electrons of Eu, together with some π (LUMO, HOMO and HOMO-1) electrons, constitute the covalent bond. The electronic structure implies that the magnetic coupling in Eu6C60 should be through the intra-atomic f-sd exchange and the medium of the π electrons. The possibility of the GMR being tunnelling magnetoresistance is ruled out.

  17. Potenciais miogênicos evocados vestibulares: metodologias de registro em homens e cobaias Vestibular evoked myogenic potential: recording methods in humans and guinea pigs

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    Aline Cabral de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O potencial miogênico evocado vestibular (VEMP é um teste clínico que avalia a função vestibular através de um reflexo vestíbulo-cervical inibitório captado nos músculos do corpo em resposta à estimulação acústica de alta intensidade. OBJETIVO: Verificar e analisar os diversos métodos de registro dos potenciais miogênicos evocados vestibulares no homem e em cobaias. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Realizou-se busca eletrônica nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SCIELO e COCHRANE. RESULTADOS: Foram verificadas divergências quanto às formas de registro dos potenciais miogênicos evocados vestibulares, relacionadas com os seguintes fatores: posição do paciente no momento do registro, tipo de estímulo sonoro utilizado (clicks ou tone bursts, parâmetros para a promediação dos estímulos (intensidade, freqüência, tempo de apresentação, filtros, ganho de amplificação das respostas e janelas para captação dos estímulos, tipo de fone utilizado e forma de apresentação dos estímulos (monoaural ou binaural, ipsi ou contralateral. CONCLUSÃO: Não existe consenso na literatura quanto ao melhor método de registro dos potenciais evocados miogênicos vestibulares, havendo necessidade de pesquisas mais específicas para comparação entre estes registros e a definição de um modelo padrão para a utilização na prática clínica.The vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP is a clinical test that assess the vestibular function by means of an inhibitory vestibulo-neck reflex, recorded in body muscles in response to high intensity acoustic stimuli. AIM: To check and analyze the different methods used to record VEMPs in humans and in guinea pigs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We researched the following databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, SCIELO and COCHRANE. RESULTS: we noticed discrepancies in relation to the ways used to record the vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in relation to the following factors: patient position at the time of recording

  18. Collisions of C{sup 6+} with Helium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGovern, M; Walters, H R J [Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Queen' s University, Belfast BT7 1NN (United Kingdom); Assafrao, D; Mohallem, J R [Laboratorio de Atomos e Moleculas Especiais, Departamento de Fisica, ICEx, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, P.O Box 702, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Whelan, Colin T, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0116 (United States)


    We report triple differential cross sections for single ionization of He by C{sup 6+}. The calculations are based upon a coupled pseudostate impact parameter formalism which includes the interaction of the C{sup 6+} with the He nucleus.


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    Pedro Picaluga Nevado


    Full Text Available Como é que um porto marítimo pode ser crescentemente competitivo? Este artigo, conceptual, parte da logística para aproximar os portos dos seus potenciais clientes especialmente as empresas exportadoras nacionais e as empresas multinacionais. Acompanhar as movimentações estratégicas dos potenciais clientes é o principal impulsionador da internacionalização dos portos. Com base nesta proposta enquadrada pela globalização e pela confluência entre a logística e as estratégias corporate internacionais concluímos com cinco proposições mais detalhadas para a competitividade dos portos.

  20. Auditory brainstem evoked potentials in crack and multiple drugs addicts


    Nigri, Loretta Fabianni; Samelli, Alessandra Giannella; Schochat, Eliane


    OBJETIVO: Analisar os potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico em usuários de crack e múltiplas drogas, bem como levantar as possíveis queixas auditivas e de equilíbrio nesta população. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 40 usuários de drogas (20 com uso há mais de cinco anos e 20 há menos de cinco anos) e 20 não usuários, do sexo masculino, com idades entre 19 e 46 anos, com limiares auditivos dentro da normalidade. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas dos potenciais evocados audi...

  1. Six potencial woods for bows of stringed instruments: organoleptic properties, machining and commercial availability. Seis madeiras potenciais para arcos de instrumentos de corda: propriedades organolépticas, trababilidade e disponibilidade comercial.

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    Eduardo Luiz LONGUI


    Full Text Available In this paper it was investigated the organoleptic properties and machining of six potential woods for bows of stringed instruments and compared the results with those mentioned for the Caesalpinia echinata wood, the reference for modern bows. Thirty wood stores were visited in different cities of the São Paulo state to verify the commercial availability of these woods. We concluded that despite the traditionalism of the red tones in the woods for bows, woods with yellowish tones such as Handroanthus spp. and Dipteryx spp. or brownish such as Diplotropis spp. with appropriate properties, may offer alternative colors and textures to the musicians. It was observed that the Mezilaurus itauba and Astronium lecointei, woods with easy machining, have no potential suitable for bows. Regarding to availability, all woods tested are relatively easy to find nowadays in the wood market. Handroanthus spp. and Dipteryx spp. showed greater potential for making bows for professional musicians.The woods of Mezilaurus itauba and Astronium lecointei did not show good potentialfor bows.Neste trabalho foram investigadas as propriedades organolépticas e a trabalhabilidade de seis madeiras potenciais para arcos de instrumentos de corda e os resultados comparados com os da madeira de Caesalpinia echinata, referência para arcos modernos. Foram visitadas 30 madeireiras em diferentes cidades do Estado de São Paulo para observar a disponibilidade das seis madeiras. Conclui-se que apesar do tradicionalismo dos tons de vermelhos na madeira para arcos, outras madeiras com tons amarelados como Handroanthus spp. e Dipteryx spp. ou acastanhados como Diplotropis spp., desde que possuam propriedades adequadas, podem oferecer alternativas de cores e texturas para os músicos. Madeiras de fácil trabalhabilidade, como Mezilaurus itauba e Astronium lecointei não são adequadas para a fabricação dos arcos. Atualmente, todas as madeiras testadas são relativamente fáceis de

  2. Dieta, obesidad y sedentarismo como factores de riesgo del cáncer de mama

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    Carlos Antonio Oliva Anaya

    Full Text Available El cáncer de mama es la primera causa de muerte por tumores malignos entre las mujeres. Una dieta no saludable, el sedentarismo y la obesidad son factores de riesgo importantes para padecer cáncer de mama, sobre todo en mujeres posmenopáusicas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es revisar los estudios epidemiológicos más relevantes sobre dieta, obesidad y cáncer de mama en las mujeres. Se estableció una estrategia de información, educación y comunicación social como apoyo a las acciones del Programa Nacional de Control de Cáncer Mamario. Para la prevención y tratamiento de la obesidad e incidencia de cáncer de mama es necesario actividades de educación nutricional, para producir cambios en los patrones y hábitos alimentarios y por consiguiente de estilos de vida, que promuevan una dieta más variada y el aumento del ejercicio físico, entre otros aspectos.

  3. 40 CFR 721.2088 - Carboxylic acids, (C6-C9) branched and linear. (United States)


    ... linear. 721.2088 Section 721.2088 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.2088 Carboxylic acids, (C6-C9) branched and linear. (a) Chemical... as carboxylic acids, (C6-C9) branched and linear (PMNs P-93-313, 314, 315, and 316) are subject to...

  4. Nido-Carborane building-block reagents. 2. Bulky-substituent (alkyl)2C2B4H6 derivatives and (C6H5)2C2B4H6: synthesis and properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyter, H.A. Jr.; Grimes, R.N.


    The preparation and chemistry of nido-2,3-R 2 C 2 C 2 B 4 H 6 carboranes in which R is n-butyl, isopentyl, n-hexyl, and phenyl was investigated in order to further assess the steric and electronic influence of the R groups on the properties of the nido-C 2 B 4 cage, especially with respect to metal complexation at the C 2 B 3 face and metal-promoted oxidative fusion. The three dialkyl derivatives were prepared from the corresponding dialkylacetylenes via reaction with B 5 H 9 and triethylamine, but the diphenyl compound could not be prepared in this manner and was obtained instead in a thermal reaction of B 5 H 9 with diphenylacetylene in the absence of amine. All four carboranes are readily bridge-deprotonated by NaH in THF, and the anions of the dialkyl species, on treatment with FeCl 2 and air oxidation, generate the respective R 4 C 4 B 8 H 8 carborane fusion products were R = n-C 4 H 9 , i-C 5 H 11 or n-C 6 H 13 . The diphenylcarborane anion Ph 2 C 2 B 4 H 5 - did not form detectable metal complexes with Fe 2+ , Co 2+ , or Ni 2+ , and no evidence of a Ph 4 C 4 B 8 H 8 fusion product has been found. Treatment of Ph 2 C 2 B 4 H 6 with Cr(CO) 6 did not lead to metal coordination of the phenyl rings, unlike (PhCH 2 ) 2 C 2 B 4 H 6 , which had previously been shown to form mono- and bis(tricarbonylchromium) complexes. However, the reaction of Ph 2 C 2 B 4 H 5 - , CoCl 2 , and (PhPCH 2 ) 2 did give 1,1-(Ph 2 PCH 2 ) 2 -1-Cl-1,2,3-Co(Ph 2 C 2 B 4 H 4 ), the only case in which metal complexation of the diphenylcarborane was observed. 14 references, 3 figures, 3 tables

  5. Judicialização da saúde e a audiência pública convocada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal em 2009: o que mudou de lá para cá?

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    Dalila F. Gomes

    Full Text Available Em 2009, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF convocou uma Audiência Pública para discutir a judicialização, quando foram ministradas 51 palestras. Utilizando o método descritivo-analítico, sistematizaram-se os argumentos, visando identificar potenciais medidas para contornar o problema e analisar o que foi feito até então. As políticas públicas possuem algumas falhas ao aplicar, no caso concreto, os princípios do SUS, e a judicialização deve ser vista como um instrumento excepcional, não como regra do sistema. As principais medidas adotadas foram o uso de evidência científica na tomada de decisão do Executivo e do Judiciário e a sustentabilidade do financiamento das aúde. Em ambos os casos, houve avanços significativos.

  6. High temperature hydrogenation of CaC6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srinivas, G.; Howard, C.A.; Skipper, N.T.; Bennington, S.M.; Ellerby, M.


    The structure and superconducting properties of high temperature hydrogenated calcium-graphite intercalation compound, CaC 6 have been investigated using room temperature X-ray diffraction, and temperature and field dependence of magnetisation. It is found that the hydrogenation can only decompose the CaC 6 phase, and generate a mixture of CaH 2 and graphite as the final compound. The hydrogenation of CaC 6 also reveals a degradation of its superconducting properties. The experimental results are discussed in detail and it is found that the formation of stable CaH 2 and deintercalation are the main source for observed phase separation and suppression in superconductivity.

  7. Identificação das áreas potenciais de produção de sedimentos com o modelo AGNPS e técnicas de SIG em uma microbacia hidrográfica Identification of the potential areas of sediment production with the AGNPS model and GIS techniques in a micro-basin

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    Adriano Rausch Souto


    Full Text Available O planejamento de uso do solo em bacias hidrográficas deveria ter, como base, a identificação de áreas agrícolas suscetíveis aos processos erosivos, visto que a avaliação de sistemas integrados de manejo de solo e culturas em microbacias é campo ideal para esta investigação, uma vez que a qualidade final das águas dos rios é o reflexo das atividades ali desenvolvidas. Objetivou-se determinar áreas potenciais de poluição não pontual e avaliar práticas conservacionistas de solo, empregando-se o modelo matemático AGNPS, associado a técnicas de SIG. O estudo foi conduzido na microbacia hidrográfica córrego Água Grande e Ribeirão Pensamento, no município de Mamborê, PR, sobre as reais condições de produção agrícola. A estimativa da produção de sedimentos foi realizada através de simulações para diferentes cenários de uso do solo, referindo-se a distintos eventos de precipitação em uma seqüência de quatro anos agrícolas. Foram identificadas as causas de produção de sedimentos e as áreas potenciais, verificando-se que a modificação das técnicas de cultivo reduziu a produção de sedimentos.Planning soil use in watersheds should be supported by the identification of agricultural areas susceptible to erosion. The evaluation of integrated systems of soil and crop management is a proper subject for this investigation since the final water quality of rivers is a reflection of the activities developed in the micro-basin. The objective of this study was to determine potential sources of nonpoint pollution and to evaluate soil conservation practices through the AGNPS model associated with GIS techniques. The study location was the Água Grande and Pensamento micro-basin in Mamborê, Paraná State, under real agricultural production. The sediment production estimation was accomplished through simulations for different scenarios of soil use and different precipitation events in a sequence of four agricultural years

  8. Nuevos medios como herramienta para el aprendizaje cívico

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    Ellen Middaugh


    Full Text Available El aprendizaje-servicio es un método que se utiliza con frecuencia en la educación para la ciudadanía en los EEUU. Proporciona oportunidades a los jóvenes para definir y abordar las necesidades de la población, y al mismo tiempo, reflexionar sobre los conocimientos, habilidades y relaciones que requiere dicha tarea. De acuerdo con este enfoque, la educación para la ciudadanía democrática debe ayudar a los jóvenes a comprender que forman parte de una comunidad más amplia, fomentar su sentido de función y eficacia como agentes cívicos, y mejorar su capacidad para analizar cuestiones sociales y políticas, entendiéndose que estos resultados se consiguen de mejor forma si el aprendizaje es a través de la experiencia. Crear estas condiciones puede suponer un reto en el contexto escolar donde el alumnado suele estar apartado de la comunidad, muy controlado en sus actividades, y con un tiempo limitado para comprender las complejidades de ciertos temas. El presente artículo responde al papel creciente de los nuevos medios en la actividad cívica y política. Analiza específicamente cómo la integración de los nuevos medios en el servicio-aprendizaje puede facilitar o cuestionar los objetivos pedagógicos básicos de este enfoque de la educación cívica y las implicaciones para la práctica de fomentar la participación cívica de los jóvenes en los entornos escolares. Basándose en una revisión de los programas existentes y los resultados de estudios realizados, los autores muestran la forma en que nuevos medios pueden ser utilizados para apoyar los cuatro objetivos principales del aprendizaje-servicio: el diseño de entornos de aprendizaje auténtico, la creación de enlaces con la comunidad, apoyar la voz de los jóvenes y alentar la participación en cuestiones de justicia social.

  9. El aprovechamiento del cómic como herramienta didáctica desde el enfoque comunicativo

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    Isabel García Martínez


    Full Text Available El cómic es un recurso que, en muchos casos, se utiliza de modo anecdótico en el aula y con una función puramente de entretenimiento, sin dar muchas veces la importancia que se merece a lo que muchos consideran el noveno arte. Esta experiencia práctica pretende mostrar la idoneidad y la versatilidad de este medio narrativo en el aula de español como lengua extranjera. Tras un breve acercamiento teórico al uso del cómic en el aula de E/LE, se presentan los resultados de un análisis previo sobre la presencia de cómics en los manuales de E/LE. Las diferentes aplicaciones didácticas que se presentan, dirigidas a diferentes niveles que oscilan desde el nivel B1 hasta el C2, suplen las carencias detectadas en el mencionado análisis, utilizan cómics españoles e hispanoamericanos, y fomentan el uso de las TIC y los álbumes completos.

  10. Extraction and high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of C60, C70, and [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester in synthetic and natural waters. (United States)

    Bouchard, Dermont; Ma, Xin


    Studies have shown that C(60) fullerene can form stable colloidal suspensions in water that result in C(60) aqueous concentrations many orders of magnitude above C(60)'s aqueous solubility; however, quantitative methods for the analysis of C(60) and other fullerenes in environmental media are scarce. Using a 80/20v/v toluene-acetonitrile mobile phase and a 4.6 mm x 150 mm Cosmosil 5micron PYE column, C(60), C(70), and PCBM ([6,6]-phenyl C(61)-butyric acid methyl ester) were fully resolved. Selectivity factors (alpha) for C(60) relative to PCBM and C(70) relative to C(60) were 3.18 and 2.19, respectively. The best analytical wavelengths for the fullerenes were determined to be 330, 333, and 333 nm with log molar absorption coefficients (log epsilon) of 4.63, 4.82, and 4.60 for PCBM, C(60), C(70), respectively. Extraction and quantitation of all three fullerenes in aqueous suspensions over a range of pH (4-10) and ionic strengths were very good. Whole-method quantification limits for ground and surface suspensions were 2.87, 2.48, and 6.54 microg/L for PCBM, C(60), and C(70), respectively.

  11. Estresse osmótico na germinação de sementes de Petiveria alliacea L.

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    Full Text Available RESUMOO trabalho teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos dos estresses hídrico e salino na germinação de sementes de Petiveria alliacea , bem como definir os limites máximos de tolerância da espécie a esses estresses. As sementes foram submetidas aos agentes osmóticos NaCl, CaCl2 e PEG nos potenciais à 0; -0,1; -0,2; -0,3; -0,4; -0,5; -0,6; -0,7; -0,8; -0,9 e -1,0 MPa sob temperatura constante de 25˚C e fotoperíodo de 12 horas, com avaliações diárias durante 30 dias. As variáveis analisadas foram porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, tempo médio de germinação, índice de sincronização e frequência relativa da germinação. As sementes de P. alliacea sob estresse osmótico apresentam menor porcentagem e velocidade de germinação com a redução dos potencias osmóticos, principalmente com CaCl2. Em potenciais osmóticos mais negativos que -0,4; -0,5 e -0,7 MPa, respectivamente nos agentes CaCl2, NaCl, e PEG, não ocorre germinação. O padrão de distribuição da frequência relativa aumentou a polimodalidade, o tempo médio de germinação e o índice de sincronização da germinação com a redução dos potencias osmóticos.

  12. Proteína C reactiva como marcador inflamatorio en la enfermedad periodontal

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    Víctor Martínez-Aguilar


    Full Text Available La Proteína C Reactiva (PCR es una de las proteínas plasmáticas que aparecen en la fase aguda de la inflamación. La periodontitis se relaciona con niveles elevados de PCR en adul tos y con una reducción de la misma después de su tratamiento. La diabetes, por otro lado, es una enfermedad que compromete la respuesta tanto inflamatoria como reparativa del organismo y los tejidos periodontales son particularmente sensibles a su efecto. La PCR por lo tanto, puede ser útil en el diagnóstico y en la determinación de progresión de la enfermedad periodontal (EP. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los niveles de PCR en pacientes con EP y pacientes con EP y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2. Se incluyeron 60 sujetos distribuidos en 3 grupos: 15 pacientes con EP (Grupo 1, 15 pacientes con EP y DM2 (grupo 2 y 30 pacientes sistémicamente sanos (grupo 3. A cada uno de los participantes se les realizaron pruebas bioquímicas: Proteína C Re activa (NycoCard® PCR, HbA1c (NycoCard® y glucosa en sangre. Para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal se siguieron los parámetros del 5° Taller Europeo de Periodontología. Para evaluar las diferencias entre los grupos se usó la prueba de Kruskal Wallis. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas al comparar la concentración de PCR en los 3 grupos (p<0.01, siendo el grupo de pacientes sanos el que presentaba el menor promedio (4.88±0.08 y los mayores promedios para los grupos de EP (5 .95±2.23 y EP/DM2 (5.21±0.20. Además se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.01 en los tres grupos con respecto a la concentración hemoglobina, talla, IMC y PI. Los resultados indican que los niveles séricos de PCR se elevan en pacientes con EP y en pacientes con EP y DM2. Aunque se notó esta diferencia, existen diversos factores tanto locales como sistémicos que pueden potencialmente influir en los niveles de PCR y estos representan una limitación y dificultad al momento de

  13. Simultaneous occurrence of hereditary C6 and C2 deficiency in a French-Canadian family. (United States)

    Delâge, J M; Lehner-Netsch, G; Lafleur, R; Simard, J; Brun, G; Prochazka, E


    The sera of four sisters were found to lack the sixth component of complement (C6) and the serum of one was also partially deficient in the second component (C2). Two other blood relatives were found to be heterozygous for both deficiencies, while only one sibling had normal values. The father of these eight siblings was heterozygous for C2D and C6D and in the third generation, six children were heterozygous for C6 deficiency was treated for chronic active brucel-transmitted; the C6 deficiency was not linked to the HLA system, while the C2-deficiency segregated with the haplotype A10,B18. The proband, homozygous for C6 deficiency was treated for chronic active Brucellosis and in another sibling with C6 deficiency, toxoplasmosis was diagnosed. Neither bleeding disorders nor a tendency to collagen diseases have been observed and the opsonic activity was normal in the sera of all family members.

  14. Scientific Impact of MODIS C5 Calibration Degradation and C6+ Improvements (United States)

    Lyapustin, A.; Wang, Y.; Xiong, X.; Meister, G.; Platnick, S.; Levy, R.; Franz, B.; Korkin, S.; Hilker, T.; Tucker, J.; hide


    The Collection 6 (C6) MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) land and atmosphere data sets are scheduled for release in 2014. C6 contains significant revisions of the calibration approach to account for sensor aging. This analysis documents the presence of systematic temporal trends in the visible and near-infrared (500 m) bands of the Collection 5 (C5) MODIS Terra and, to lesser extent, in MODIS Aqua geophysical data sets. Sensor degradation is largest in the blue band (B3) of the MODIS sensor on Terra and decreases with wavelength. Calibration degradation causes negative global trends in multiple MODIS C5 products including the dark target algorithm's aerosol optical depth over land and Ångstrom exponent over the ocean, global liquid water and ice cloud optical thickness, as well as surface reflectance and vegetation indices, including the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI). As the C5 production will be maintained for another year in parallel with C6, one objective of this paper is to raise awareness of the calibration-related trends for the broad MODIS user community. The new C6 calibration approach removes major calibrations trends in the Level 1B (L1B) data. This paper also introduces an enhanced C6C calibration of the MODIS data set which includes an additional polarization correction (PC) to compensate for the increased polarization sensitivity of MODIS Terra since about 2007, as well as detrending and Terra- Aqua cross-calibration over quasi-stable desert calibration sites. The PC algorithm, developed by the MODIS ocean biology processing group (OBPG), removes residual scan angle, mirror side and seasonal biases from aerosol and surface reflectance (SR) records along with spectral distortions of SR. Using the multiangle implementation of atmospheric correction (MAIAC) algorithm over deserts, we have also developed a detrending and cross-calibration method which removes residual decadal trends on

  15. Aspectos biológicos e espécies potenciais para restauração ecológica de áreas em desertificação no Sul do Piauí - Brasil

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    Milton Marques Fernandes


    Full Text Available O presente estudo foi realizado em uma área em processo de desertificação no município de Gilbués – PI. Este trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar espécies lenhosas potenciais para restauração de áreas em processo de desertificação, por meio do levantamento fitossociológica e a relação com as propriedades químicas do solo. As espécies lenhosas (DNS > 1 cm foi amostrada em um trecho de área desertificada em um transecto de 10000 m2 (1 ha sendo subdividida em 10 parcelas de 1000 m2 (0,1. Myracroduon urundeuva Fr. All., Tabebuia aurea Benth. & Hook. e Astronium fraxinifolium Schott. baseado nos parâmetros fitossociológicos  são espécies arbóreas com maior potencial para restauração de áreas desertificadas aliado ao fato de serem pioneiras com dispersão pelo vento. A vegetação lenhosa da área desertificada apresenta-se no inicio da sucessão ecológica com maior parte dos indivíduos nas menores classes de altura e diâmetro.  Myracroduon urundeuva Fr. All. e Astronium fraxinifolium Schott. apresentaram correlação significativa com propriedades químicas do solo sendo mais adaptadas as condições edáficas das áreas desertificadas.  


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    Odara Horta Boscolo


    Full Text Available A Etnobotânica estuda as sociedades humanas e suas interações culturais e simbólicas com as plantas. Indicação Geográfica (IG é um tipo de proteção que reflete o esforço coletivo de defesa e gestão dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. Marca Coletiva (MC é utilizada para identificar produtos ou serviços provindos de membros de uma determinada entidade. As IG e as MC podem ser usadas ​​como ferramentas estratégicas para diferenciar e proteger os ativos intangíveis por meio de produtos de propriedade intelectual gerados por comunidades locais no mercado, agregando valor a sua cultura e meio ambiente, oferecendo ao consumidor um sinal distintivo da sua tipicidade. A pesquisa etnobotânica foi realizada em uma comunidade rural no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi sugerida a possibilidade de proteção da Indicação Geográfica "Rio Bonito de Cima de Friburgo" para o inhame, seus métodos de produção e uma MC para a Oficina das Ervas. Estas proposições auxiliam na manutenção e criação de postos de trabalho como uma possibilidade de compartilhar os benefícios econômicos para toda a cadeia produtiva e indiretamente estimular outras atividades rentáveis, como o ecoturismo. Assim, etnobotânica destaca-se como uma ferramenta de pesquisa para indicar potenciais produtos e serviços que podem ser protegidos com IG ou MC e representa mais uma oportunidade de um retorno à comunidade pelo estudo realizado.

  17. Perfil do geoturista do Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Moça (MG)


    Fonseca Filho, Ricardo Eustáquio; Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, MG; Ribeiro, Gabriela Sousa; Circuito Turístico Montanhas e Fé, MG


    O Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Moça (PESRM) é uma unidade de conservação de Proteção Integral em Minas Gerais, com características geológicas e geomorfológicas que o caracterizam como um geossítio do Geoparque do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, com alto potencial para o geoturismo. A pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer o perfil do visitante do PESRM, na tentativa de identificar se há entre os visitantes potenciais geoturistas. A metodologia incluiu revisão bibliográfica e digital, e trabalho de c...

  18. La virtud cívica como concepto sociológico. Definición y extensión social

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    Tena, Jordi


    Full Text Available This paper attempts to offer a number of basic lines for what endeavours to be a sociological definition of civic virtue. Civic virtue is defined as a motivation for public-spirited action. The paper argues that civic virtue is constituted by motivations, which cause specific actions, not by behaviours or character dispositions. In the same way, it is also claimed that virtuous motivations can consist either on motivations to cooperate and to punish free-riders or on supportive and altruistic ones. However, it is remarked that moral motivations and, particularly, altruistic motivations, are not always virtuous. Finally, the social extension of civic virtue consists in the emergence of a publicly spirited body of moral and social norms. This fact, and others that we will see throughout the paper, offer reasons in favour of conceiving the correct articulation between civic virtue and institutional design as a social optimum.

    En este trabajo se intenta ofrecer algunas líneas básicas de lo que debería ser una definición sociológica del concepto de virtud cívica. Se sostiene que debemos entender la virtud cívica como la motivación para actuar de forma públicamente orientada. Se argumenta que la virtud cívica es constituida por las motivaciones que causan las acciones concretas, no por las conductas ni por las disposiciones de carácter. Asimismo, también se sostiene que las motivaciones virtuosas pueden consistir en motivaciones para la cooperación y para sancionar a los que no cooperen, así como en motivaciones de tipo solidario y altruista. No obstante, se sostiene también que no todas las motivaciones morales y, en particular, no todas las motivaciones altruistas pueden ser calificadas de virtuosas. Finalmente, se argumenta que la extensión social de la virtud cívica debe consistir en la extensión de un cuerpo de normas morales y sociales públicamente orientadas. En este sentido, se aportan razones en favor de concebir la

  19. La importancia de los números especiales “fin de temporada” de la revista 6Toros6 como fuente de información especializada para la práctica periodística

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    María Verónica de Haro de San Mateo


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia los números especiales “fin de temporada” editados por la revista 6TOROS6 con el objetivo de poner de relieve su importancia como fuente de información especializada para la práctica periodística. Los procedimientos metodológicos empleados han consistido en la descripción y el estudio de contenido de los ciento treinta y nueve ejemplares especiales publicados por este prestigioso semanario especializado en tauromaquia. Dicho estudio nos ha permitido constatar la objetividad de los apéndices estadísticos contenidos en estos anuarios así como el grado de especialización de los profesionales que los confeccionan. Y entre otros, estos valores nos han permitido concluir que los especiales “fin de temporada” de la revista 6TOROS6 son una válida y muy útil herramienta documental para el ejercicio de la actividad periodística.

  20. O jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção das câmaras em formigas cortadeiras? Fungus garden acts as a template for the construction of chambers in ants?

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    Roberto da Silva Camargo


    Full Text Available Os ninhos adultos das formigas cortadeiras (gênero Atta e Acromyrmex são compostos de milhares de câmaras subterrâneas, as quais abrigam o jardim de fungo, lixo e a população desses insetos. Entretanto, como as câmaras são construídas? Para responder essa questão, nós hipotetizamos que o jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção das câmaras. Assim, foram utilizadas 20 colônias de 6 meses de idade, divididas em quatro séries experimentais: padrão (quantidade normal de jardim de fungo; metade de jardim de fungo; dobro de jardim de fungo e sem jardim de fungo (Testemunha. As variáveis estudadas foram: parâmetros morfológicos das estruturas (túneis e câmara formada; fluxo das atividades das operárias; volume de solo escavado. Como se esperava, o jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção das câmaras em formigas cortadeiras. Os resultados foram: o tratamento sem jardim de fungo não apresentou nenhuma câmara, apenas túneis, em contraposição às demais séries experimentais que apresentaram no mínimo 2 câmaras, com dimensões similares; o fluxo das operárias carregando pellet de solo por minuto durante as 72 horas diferiu estatisticamente entre as séries experimentais e, finalmente, o volume do solo escavado foi resultado da taxa de escavação das operárias, diferindo estatisticamente entre as séries experimentais. Os resultados corroboram a hipótese de que o jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção da câmara. A ausência de uma estrutura funcional como uma câmara, quando o jardim de fungo está ausente, comprova a hipótese.Adult nests of leaf cutting ants (genus Atta and Acromyrmex are composed of thousands of underground chambers, which harbor the fungus garden, garbage and their population. However, how the chambers are constructed? To answer this question, we hypothesized that the fungus garden acts as a template for the chambers construction. Thus, we used 20 colonies of

  1. The Prevalence of Medial Epicondylitis Among Patients With C6 and C7 Radiculopathy (United States)

    Lee, Aaron Taylor; Lee-Robinson, Ayse L.


    Background: Medial epicondylitis, or golfer’s/pitcher’s elbow, develops as a result of medial stress overload on the flexor muscles at the elbow and presents as pain at the medial epicondyle. Cervical radiculopathy has been associated with lateral epicondylitis, but few associations between the cervical spine and medial epicondylitis have been made. Researchers propose that there is an association, suggesting that the weakness and imbalance in the elbow flexor and extensor muscles from C6 and C7 radiculopathy allow for easy onset of medial epicondylitis. Hypothesis: Medial epicondylitis will present in over half the patients diagnosed with C6 and C7 radiculopathy. Methodology: A total of 102 patients initially presenting with upper extremity or neck symptoms were diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy. They were then examined for medial epicondylitis. Data were collected by referring to patient charts from February 2008 until June 2009. Results: Fifty-five patients were diagnosed with medial epicondylitis. Of these, 44 had C6 and C7 radiculopathy whereas 11 presented with just C6 radiculopathy. Conclusion: Medial epicondylitis presented with cervical radiculopathy in slightly more than half the patients. Weakening of the flexor carpi radialis and pronator teres and imbalance of the flexor and extensor muscles from the C6 and C7 radiculopathy allow for easy onset of medial epicondylitis. Patients with medial epicondylitis should be examined for C6 and C7 radiculopathy to ensure proper treatment. Physicians dealing with golfers, pitchers, or other patients with medial epicondylitis should be aware of the association between these 2 diagnoses to optimize care. PMID:23015956

  2. The H_6_0Si_6C_5_4 heterofullerene as high-capacity hydrogen storage medium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yong, Yongliang; Zhou, Qingxiao; Li, Xiaohong; Lv, Shijie


    With the great success in Si atoms doped C_6_0 fullerene and the well-established methods for synthesis of hydrogenated carbon fullerenes, this leads naturally to wonder whether Si-doped fullerenes are possible for special applications such as hydrogen storage. Here by using first-principles calculations, we design a novel high-capacity hydrogen storage material, H_6_0Si_6C_5_4 heterofullerene, and confirm its geometric stability. It is found that the H_6_0Si_6C_5_4 heterofullerene has a large HOMO-LUMO gap and a high symmetry, indicating it is high chemically stable. Further, our finite temperature simulations indicate that the H_6_0Si_6C_5_4 heterofullerene is thermally stable at 300 K. H_2 molecules would enter into the cage from the Si-hexagon ring because of lower energy barrier. Through our calculation, a maximum of 21 H_2 molecules can be stored inside the H_6_0Si_6C_5_4 cage in molecular form, leading to a gravimetric density of 11.11 wt% for 21H_2@H_6_0Si_6C_5_4 system, which suggests that the hydrogenated Si_6C_5_4 heterofullerene could be suitable as a high-capacity hydrogen storage material.

  3. Behavioral profiles of three C57BL/6 substrains

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    Naoki Matsuo


    Full Text Available C57BL/6 inbred strains of mice are widely used in knockout and transgenic research. To evaluate the loss-of-function and gain-of-function effects of the gene of interest, animal behaviors are often examined. However, an issue of C57BL/6 substrains that is not always appreciated is that behaviors are known to be strongly influenced by genetic background. To investigate the behavioral characteristics of C57BL/6 substrains, we subjected C57BL/6J, C57BL/6N, and C57BL/6C mice to a behavior test battery. We performed both a regular-scale analysis, in which experimental conditions were tightly-controlled, and meta-analysis from large number of behavioral data that we have collected so far through the comprehensive behavioral test battery applied to 700-2,200 mice in total. Significant differences among the substrains were found in the results of various behavioral tests, including the open field, rotarod, elevated plus maze, prepulse inhibition, Porsolt forced swim, and spatial working memory version of the 8-arm radial maze. Our results show a divergence of behavioral performance in C57BL/6 substrains, which suggest that small genetic differences may have a great influence on behavioral phenotypes. Thus, the genetic background of different substrains should be carefully chosen, equated, and considered in the interpretation of mutant behavioral phenotypes.

  4. El tabaco como factor de riesgo en el cáncer de pulmón


    Fernández Hidalgo, Lorena


    El tabaco está compuesto por numerosas sustancias adictivas que producen efectos nocivos en la salud, tanto en sus consumidores activos, como en sus consumidores pasivos. Es considerado el principal factor de riesgo del cáncer de pulmón. Además, tras numerosos estudios, se ha apreciado una relación directa entre el número de cigarrillos consumidos, el tipo de cigarrillos, la edad de inicio de su consumo, el nivel de exposición y el desarrollo de esta enfermedad. A pesar de numerosas medidas a...

  5. Structure and phase transitions of the 6,6-cyclopropane isomer of C61H2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stetzer, M.R.; Heiney, P.A.; Stephens, P.W.; Dinnebier, R.E.; Zhu, Q.; McGhie, A.R.; Strongin, R.M.; Brandt, B.M.; Smith, A.B. III


    We have used x-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry to study the crystalline structures and thermal behavior of the 6,6-cyclopropane isomer of C 61 H 2 . At room temperature, the C 61 H 2 cyclopropane molecules, like those of the 6,5-annulene isomer and C 60 O epoxide, are orientationally disordered and crystallize on a face-centered-cubic lattice such that their methylene groups are statistically disordered among the octahedral voids. Unlike 6,5-C 61 H 2 and C 60 O, the low-temperature structure is not Pa3-bar, but rather a low-symmetry orthorhombic lattice in which a≅b< c. The orientational melting takes place via a two-step transition centered around 198-213 K

  6. [2,4-(13)C]β-hydroxybutyrate metabolism in astrocytes and C6 glioblastoma cells. (United States)

    Eloqayli, Haytham; Melø, Torun M; Haukvik, Anne; Sonnewald, Ursula


    This study was undertaken to determine if the ketogenic diet could be useful for glioblastoma patients. The hypothesis tested was whether glioblastoma cells can metabolize ketone bodies. Cerebellar astrocytes and C6 glioblastoma cells were incubated in glutamine and serum free medium containing [2,4-(13)C]β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) with and without glucose. Furthermore, C6 cells were incubated with [1-(13)C]glucose in the presence and absence of BHB. Cell extracts were analyzed by mass spectrometry and media by (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and HPLC. Using [2,4-(13)C]BHB and [1-(13)C]glucose it could be shown that C6 cells, in analogy to astrocytes, had efficient mitochondrial activity, evidenced by (13)C labeling of glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. However, in the presence of glucose, astrocytes were able to produce and release glutamine, whereas this was not accomplished by the C6 cells, suggesting lack of anaplerosis in the latter. We hypothesize that glioblastoma cells kill neurons by not supplying the necessary glutamine, and by releasing glutamate.

  7. Tipos de tabaquismo como factor de riesgo asociado a cáncer bucal. Reporte de dos casos

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    Martha Rebolledo Cobos


    Full Text Available El tabaquismo corresponde a uno de los hábitos más comunes en la población mundial, tanto en hombres como en mujeres, siendo un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de lesiones neoplásicas malignas y premalignas en la cavidad bucal. Las diferentes formas de utilización de este hábito, como fumar cigarrillo de manera convencional, tabaquismo invertido y pasivo, presentan variables en cuanto a la incidencia y prevalencia de aparición de tumores, así como el tipo, cantidad y la intensidad de tabaco consumido. Las células epiteliales que recubren la mucosa bucal reaccionan como mecanismos de defensa ante el estímulo del humo y la combustión, al igual que frente a los sustancias químico- tóxicas que de ellos provienen; manifestándose como lesiones que varían entre leucoedemas, hiperqueratosis nicotínicas, fibrosis epiteliales, lesiones precancerosas, carcinomas in situ, hasta el desarrollo de verdaderas neoplasias malignas. El estomatólogo juega un rol fundamental en el diagnóstico oportuno y la prevención de estas afecciones, puesto que está entrenado para detectar cualquier lesión en estado incipiente, y así simplificar su tratamiento, mejorando la calidad de vida del paciente; pero mucho más importante que detectar la lesión es prevenir que aparezca, orientando, población y combatiendo los factores de riesgo. Se presentan dos casos de pacientes fumadoras activas que acudieron al servicio de Estomatología y Cirugía Oral de la Fundación Universitaria San Martín, sede Puerto Colombia, por presentar lesiones tumorales en cavidad bucal semejantes clínicamente a carcinomas bucales; a quienes se les realizaron biopsias que confirmaron diagnósticos de carcinoma escamocelular.

  8. Plastocyanin/cytochrome c6 interchange in Scenedesmus vacuolatus. (United States)

    Miramar, M Dolores; Inda, Luis A; Saraiva, Lígia M; Peleato, M Luisa


    Plastocyanin and cytochrome c6 from the green alga Scenedesmus vacuolatus were immunoquantified in cells grown under different concentrations of copper and iron. Plastocyanin expression was constitutive, its synthesis was not significantly affected by iron availability, and increases with copper availability. On the contrary, cytochrome c6 synthesis is repressed by copper, and only residual amounts of the protein were detected at 0.1 micromol/L copper. Under copper deficiency, cytochrome c6 is slightly dependent on iron. In natural environments, plastocyanin seems to be the predominant electron donor to P700.

  9. Total Synthesis of Zoanthamine Alkaloids, Part 2. Construction of the C1-C5, C6-C10 and C11-C24 Fragments of Zoanthamine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanner, David Ackland; Tedenborg, Lars; Somfai, Peter


    This paper describes the construction of three key intermediates for a projected total synthesis of the marine alkaloid zoanthamine. These building blocks, corresponding to the C1-C5, C6-C10 and C11-C24 fragments of the target molecule, are synthesised efficiently form (R)-hydroxymethyl-butyrolac......This paper describes the construction of three key intermediates for a projected total synthesis of the marine alkaloid zoanthamine. These building blocks, corresponding to the C1-C5, C6-C10 and C11-C24 fragments of the target molecule, are synthesised efficiently form (R...

  10. Mortalidade por tumores de cérebro no Brasil, 1980-1998

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monteiro Gina Torres Rego


    Full Text Available Os tumores cerebrais são raros, mas sua incidência e mortalidade vêm aumentando ao longo das últimas décadas em vários países, inclusive no Brasil, particularmente entre idosos. O presente artigo descreve o perfil da mortalidade desses tumores no país, analisando a distribuição de suas taxas segundo sexo, idade, topografia e natureza tumoral entre 1980 e 1998. As taxas de mortalidade por esta neoplasia, ajustadas por idade pela população mundial, cresceram de 2,24/100 mil para 3,35/100 mil, correspondendo a um aumento de 50%. Estas foram mais elevadas na infância que na adolescência, aumentando posteriormente com a idade e alcançando níveis altos nos mais idosos, sendo o crescimento médio nos maiores de 70 anos de 6% ao ano ao longo da série estudada. São analisadas as taxas de tumores do encéfalo e das meninges cerebrais para o país e para capitais selecionadas. A constatação do aumento dessas taxas demanda a elaboração de estudos com vistas a elucidar o papel de novas tecnologias diagnósticas, assim como de potenciais fatores de risco ambientais.

  11. Extracting performance of cesium by 25,27-bis (2-propyloxy) calix[4]-26,28-crown-6 (iPr-C[4]C-6) in n-octanol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jianchen Wang; Xiaowen Zhu; Chongli Song


    In this work, the extraction of cesium (Cs + ) in nitric acid and in a simulated high level liquid waste (HLLW) by iPr-C[4]C-6 was investigate in the dilluent n-octanol. The slope of the extractant dependency equals 1, indicating that the complex has 1:1[Cs + .iPr-C[4]C-6]Cs + to ligand. 0.025mol/L iPr-C[4]C-6 in n-octanol (abbreviated to iPr-C[4]C-6-n-octanol) has a stronger extracting ability to Cs when acidities are between 1.0mol/L and 4.0mol/L. The stripping properties of Cs loading in 0.025mol/L iPr-C[4]C-6-n-octanol was studied. Cs loading in iPr-C[4]C-6-n-octanol can be stripped easily into the aqueous phase because the distribution ratios of Cs are lower than 0.5 when pH is between 2 and 10 in the aqueous phase. On above basis, the better parameters were selected and the cold cascade test for removing Cs from the simulated HLLW was investigated on miniature centrifugal contactors. The results of the test are attractive. The removing ratio of Cs from the simulated HLLW is 99.5% and the stripping ratio of Cs loading in 0.025mol/L iPr-C[4]C-6-n-octanol is 99.2%. The results show that 0.025mol/L iPr-C[4]C-6-n-octanol is an effective process for removing Cs from HLLW. (author)

  12. Experimental ion mobility measurements in Xe-C2H6 (United States)

    Perdigoto, J. M. C.; Cortez, A. F. V.; Veenhof, R.; Neves, P. N. B.; Santos, F. P.; Borges, F. I. G. M.; Conde, C. A. N.


    In this paper we present the results of the ion mobility measurements made in gaseous mixtures of xenon (Xe) with ethane (C2H6) for pressures ranging from 6 to 10 Torr (8-10.6 mbar) and for low reduced electric fields in the 10 Td to 25 Td range (2.4-6.1 kVṡcm-1ṡ bar-1), at room temperature. The time of arrival spectra revealed two peaks throughout the entire range studied which were attributed to ion species with 3-carbons (C3H5+, C3H6+ C3H8+ and C3H9+) and with 4-carbons (C4H7+, C4H9+ and C4H10+). Besides these, and for Xe concentrations above 70%, a bump starts to appear at the right side of the main peak for reduced electric fields higher than 20 Td, which was attributed to the resonant charge transfer of C2H6+ to C2H6 that affects the mobility of its ion products (C3H8+ and C3H9+). The time of arrival spectra for Xe concentrations of 20%, 50%, 70% and 90% are presented, together with the reduced mobilities as a function of the Xe concentration calculated from the peaks observed for the low reduced electric fields and pressures studied.

  13. Unresolved problems in superconductivity of CaC6

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mazin, I.I.; Boen, L.; Dolgov, O.V.; Golubov, Alexandre Avraamovitch; Bachelet, G.B.; Giantomassi, M.; Andersen, O.K.


    We discuss the current status of the theory of the “high-temperature” superconductivity in intercalated graphites YbC6 and CaC6. We emphasize that while the general picture of conventional, phonon-driven superconductivity has already emerged and is generally accepted, there are still interesting

  14. Cluster-enhanced X-O-2 photochemistry (X=CH3I, C3H6, C6H12, and Xe)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baklanov, A.V.; Bogdanchikov, G.A.; Vidma, K.V.; Chestakov, D.A.; Parker, D.H.


    The effect of a local environment on the photodissociation of molecular oxygen is investigated in the van der Waals complex X-O-2 (X=CH3I, C3H6, C6H12, and Xe). A single laser operating at wavelengths around 226 nm is used for both photodissociation of the van der Waals complex and simultaneous

  15. Atmospheric histories and growth trends of C4F10, C5F12, C6F14, C7F16 and C8F18

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. F. Weiss


    Full Text Available Atmospheric observations and trends are presented for the high molecular weight perfluorocarbons (PFCs: decafluorobutane (C4F10, dodecafluoropentane (C5F12, tetradecafluorohexane (C6F14, hexadecafluoroheptane (C7F16 and octadecafluorooctane (C8F18. Their atmospheric histories are based on measurements of 36 Northern Hemisphere and 46 Southern Hemisphere archived air samples collected between 1973 to 2011 using the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE "Medusa" preconcentration gas chromatography-mass spectrometry systems. A new calibration scale was prepared for each PFC, with estimated accuracies of 6.8% for C4F10, 7.8% for C5F12, 4.0% for C6F14, 6.6% for C7F16 and 7.9% for C8F18. Based on our observations the 2011 globally averaged dry air mole fractions of these heavy PFCs are: 0.17 parts-per-trillion (ppt, i.e., parts per 1012 for C4F10, 0.12 ppt for C5F12, 0.27 ppt for C6F14, 0.12 ppt for C7F16 and 0.09 ppt for C8F18. These atmospheric mole fractions combine to contribute to a global average radiative forcing of 0.35 mW m−2, which is 6% of the total anthropogenic PFC radiative forcing (Montzka and Reimann, 2011; Oram et al., 2012. The growth rates of the heavy perfluorocarbons were largest in the late 1990s peaking at 6.2 parts per quadrillion (ppq, i.e., parts per 1015 per year (yr for C4F10, at 5.0 ppq yr−1 for C5F12 and 16.6 ppq yr−1 for C6F14 and in the early 1990s for C7F16 at 4.7 ppq yr−1 and in the mid 1990s for C8F18 at 4.8 ppq yr−1. The 2011 globally averaged mean atmospheric growth rates of these PFCs are subsequently lower at 2.2 ppq yr−1 for C4F10, 1.4 ppq yr−1 for C5F12, 5.0 ppq yr−1 for C6F14, 3.4 ppq yr−1 for C7F16 and 0.9 ppq yr−1 for C8F18. The more recent slowdown in the growth rates suggests that emissions are declining as compared to the 1980s and 1990s.

  16. Synthesis of (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)olivetolic acid, methyl (1'-/sup 13/C)olivetolate and (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)cannabigerolic acid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porwoll, J P; Leete, E [Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis (USA). Dept. of Chemistry


    Potential advanced intermediates in the biosynthesis of delta/sup 9/-tetrahydrocannabinol, the major psychoactive principle of marijuana, have been synthesized labeled with two contiguous /sup 13/C atoms and /sup 14/C. Methyl (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)olivetolate was prepared from lithium (/sup 13/C/sub 2/)acetylide and dimethyl (2-/sup 14/C)malonate. Reaction with geranyl bromide afforded methyl (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)cannabigerolate, and hydrolysis of these methyl esters with lithium propyl mercaptide yielded the corresponding labeled acids. The /sup 13/C-/sup 13/C couplings observable in the /sup 13/C NMR spectra of these /sup 13/C-enriched compounds and their synthetic precursors are recorded. Methyl (1'-/sup 14/C)olivetolate was prepared from /sup 13/CO/sub 2/ to confirm assignments of the /sup 13/C chemical shifts in the pentyl side chain of these compounds.

  17. La mundialización del Darwinismo como proceso y como texto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Matilde Restrepo Forero


    Full Text Available El fenómeno de la difusión del Darwinismo ha sido ampliamente estudiado. No solo existe una “Industria de Darwin” que se ha ocupado de investigar cómo se produjo la obra de Darwin, sino que también existe una “Industria de la Difusión del Darwinismo”, que investiga los procesos de recepción del Darwinismo en diversas partes del mundo. En el artículo se cuestiona la separación entre los estudios que examinan la producción del Origen de las especies y los que estudian su posterior difusión, considerados como procesos completamente independientes. Con base en unos pocos ejemplos, se muestra cómo Darwin fue produciendo y modificando su obra a partir de las contribuciones que fue recogiendo en diferentes partes del mundo y a partir de las respuestas que fue recibiendo a medida que su obra era comentada y discutida. Fianlmente se examina cómo al estudiar la mundialización del darwinismo surge el problema de cómo definir el fenómeno bajo estudio, si con una perspectiva normativa, que imponga un orden en la proliferación de sentidos que surge como consecuencia de la expansión, o con una perspectiva no-esencialista que más bien sitúe al darwinismo en relación con sus diferentes usos y apropiaciones locales.

  18. Bioprospecção dos potenciais farmacológicos do monoterpeno 7-hidroxicitronelal: Ensaios in silico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcus Antônio Bezerra da Silva


    Full Text Available Os óleos essenciais de plantas, bem como os compostos derivados destes óleos como os terpenos, têm atraído cada vez mais interesse por causa das suas propriedades antioxidantes. O 7-hidroxicitronelal é um monoterpeno derivado do citronelal, apresentando fórmula molecular C10H20O2. Objetivou-se avaliar as atividades farmacológicas in silico do monoterpeno, entre elas a atividade antioxidante. Para isso, utilizou-se as técnicas in silico através do programa: PASS® online, para avaliação das propriedades farmacológicas teóricas da substância. Os resultados mostraram amplo espectro de atividades farmacológicas in silico, entre elas efeito antioxidante. Assim conclui-se que o monoterpeno é portador de atividade antioxidante teórica in silico. Contudo mais estudos in vitro e em organismos vivos devem ser realizados para corroborar essas atividades.

  19. Clinical Chemistry Reference Intervals for C57BL/6J, C57BL/6N, and C3HeB/FeJ Mice (Mus musculus). (United States)

    Otto, Gordon P; Rathkolb, Birgit; Oestereicher, Manuela A; Lengger, Christoph J; Moerth, Corinna; Micklich, Kateryna; Fuchs, Helmut; Gailus-Durner, Valérie; Wolf, Eckhard; Hrabě de Angelis, Martin


    Although various mouse inbred strains are widely used to investigate disease mechanisms and to establish new therapeutic strategies, sex-specific reference intervals for laboratory diagnostic analytes that are generated from large numbers of animals have been unavailable. In this retrospective study, we screened data from more than 12,000 mice phenotyped in the German Mouse Clinic from January 2006 through June 2014 and selected animals with the genetic background of C57BL/6J, C57BL/6N, or C3HeB/FeJ. In addition, we distinguished between the C57BL/6NTac substrain and C57BL/6N mice received from other vendors. The corresponding data sets of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, inorganic phosphate), lipids (cholesterol, triglyceride), and enzyme activities (ALT, AST, ALP, α-amylase) and urea, albumin, and total protein levels were analyzed. Significant effects of age and sex on these analytes were identified, and strain- or substrain- and sex-specific reference intervals for 90- to 135-d-old mice were calculated. In addition, we include an overview of the literature that reports clinical chemistry values for wild-type mice of different strains. Our results support researchers interpreting clinical chemistry values from various mouse mutants and corresponding wild-type controls based on the examined strains and substrains.

  20. Comportamento de sementes de feijão sob diferentes potenciais osmóticos Bean seed performance under different osmotic potentials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilberto Antonio Freitas de Moraes


    Full Text Available A hidratação é o fator externo mais importante na germinação de sementes. Para simular as condições complexas do solo, soluções com diferentes potenciais osmóticos têm sido usadas para umedecer os substratos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do estresse hídrico e salino sobre a germinação e o vigor de sementes de feijão. Sementes da cultivar IAPAR 44 foram colocadas a germinar em papel-toalha embebido em soluções de polietileno glicol (PEG 6000 e cloreto de sódio (NaCl nos potenciais osmóticos zero; -0,05; -0,10; -0,15; -0,20; -0,25 e -0,30 MPa. O desempenho das sementes foi avaliado por meio do teste de germinação, primeira contagem da germinação, comprimento e matéria seca de plântulas. Concluiu-se que a redução do potencial osmótico, induzido por PEG 6000 ou NaCl, reduz o vigor e, a partir de -0,20 MPa, reduz a germinação de sementes de feijão. O PEG 6000 produz efeitos adversos mais drásticos do que o NaCl na qualidade fisiológica das sementes.Hydration is the most important external factor for seed germination. To simulate the complex soil conditions solutions with different osmotic potentials have been used to soak substrata. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effects of hydric and saline stress to germination and strength of bean seeds. Seeds of the cultivar IAPAR were germinated in towel-paper soaked in PEG 6000 and NaCl solutions in the zero osmotic potentials; -0.05; -0.10; -0.15; -0.20; -0.25 and 0.30 MPa. Seed performance was evaluated through the germination test, first count of germination, length, and dry seedling weight. In conclusion, osmotic potential reduction, induced by Polyethylene glicol (PEG 6000 or Sodium chlorine (NaCl, reduces the strength and, from -0.20 to -0.30 MPa, the germination of bean seeds. The PEG 6000 produces more severe and adverse effects than the NaCl in the physiologic quality of been seeds.

  1. Structural Stability and Electronic Properties of Na2C6O6 for a Rechargeable Sodium-ion Battery (United States)

    Yamashita, Tomoki; Fujii, Akihiro; Momida, Hiroyoshi; Oguchi, Tamio


    Sodium-ion batteries have been explored as a promising alternative to lithium-ion batteries owing to a significant advantage of a natural abundance of sodium. Recently, it has been reported that disodium rhodizonate, Na2C6O6, exhibit good electrochemical properties and cycle performance as a minor-metal free organic cathode for sodium-ion batteries. However, its crystal structures during discharge/charge cycle still remain unclear. In this work, we theoretically propose feasible crystal structures of Na2+xC6O6 using first principles calculations. A structural phase transition has been found: Na4C6O6 has a different C6O6 packing arrangement from Na2C6O6. Electronic structures of Na2+xC6O6 during discharge/charge cycle are also discussed. Our predictions could be the key to understanding the discharge/charge process of Na2C6O6. Supported by MEXT program ``Elements Strategy Initiative to Form Core Rersearch Center'' (since 2012), MEXT; Ministry of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

  2. Rho GTPasas como blancos terapéuticos relevantes en cáncer y otras enfermedades humanas

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    Pablo Lorenzano Menna


    Full Text Available Las Rho GTPasas son una familia de proteínas clave en la transmisión de señales provenientes del exterior celular hacia efectores intracelulares tanto citoplasmáticos como nucleares. En los últimos año ha habido un desarrollo vertiginoso de múltiples herramientas genéticas y farmacológicas, lo que ha permitido establecer de manera mucho más precisa las funciones específicas de estas proteínas. El objetivo de la presente revisión es hacer foco en las múltiples funciones celulares reguladas por las Rho GTPasas, describiendo en detalle el mecanismo molecular involucrado. Se discute además la participación de estas proteínas en diversas enfermedades humanas haciendo énfasis en su vinculación con el cáncer. Por último, se hace una actualización detallada sobre las estrategias terapéuticas en experimentación que tienen a las Rho GTPasas como blancos moleculares.

  3. Synthesis of (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)olivetolic acid, methyl (1'-/sup 13/C)olivetolate and (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)cannabigerolic acid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porwoll, J.P.; Leete, E. (Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis (USA). Dept. of Chemistry)


    Potential advanced intermediates in the biosynthesis of delta/sup 9/-tetrahydrocannabinol, the major psychoactive principle of marijuana, have been synthesized labeled with two contiguous /sup 13/C atoms and /sup 14/C. Methyl (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)olivetolate was prepared from lithium (/sup 13/C/sub 2/)acetylide and dimethyl (2-/sup 14/C)malonate. Reaction with geranyl bromide afforded methyl (5,6-/sup 13/C/sub 2/, 1-/sup 14/C)cannabigerolate, and hydrolysis of these methyl esters with lithium propyl mercaptide yielded the corresponding labeled acids. The /sup 13/C-/sup 13/C couplings observable in the /sup 13/C NMR spectra of these /sup 13/C-enriched compounds and their synthetic precursors are recorded. Methyl (1'-/sup 14/C)olivetolate was prepared from /sup 13/CO/sub 2/ to confirm assignments of the /sup 13/C chemical shifts in the pentyl side chain of these compounds.

  4. Antiproliferative activity of some novel platinum complexes on C6 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    MCF-7) and glioma cells (C6). IC50 values of the three compounds were lower in the cisplatin-resistant cell type C6 cell lines than in MCF-7 cells. Key words: Cisplatin, antiproliferative activity, breast cancer cells (MCF-7), glioma cells (C6), IC50.

  5. Chromosomal aberrations induced by 12C6+ ions and 6Co γ-rays in mouse immature oocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Hong; Duan Xin; Yuan Zhigang; Li Wenjian; Zhou Guangming; Zhou Qingming; Bing Liu; Min Fengling; Li Xiaoda; Xie Yi


    The ovaries of Kun-Ming strain mice (3 weeks) were irradiated with different doses of 12 C 6+ ion or 6 Co γ-ray. Chromosomal aberrations were analyzed in metaphase II oocytes at 7 weeks after irradiation. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 12 C 6+ ion was calculated with respect to 6 Co γ-ray for the induction of chromosomal aberrations. The 12 C 6+ ion and 6 Co γ-ray dose-response relationships for chromosomal aberrations were plotted by linear quadratic models. The data showed that there was a dose-related increase in frequency of chromosomal aberrations in all the treated groups compared to controls. The RBE values for 12 C 6+ ions relative to 6 Co γ-rays were 2.49, 2.29, 1.57, 1.42 or 1.32 for the doses of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 or 6.0 Gy, respectively. Moreover, a different distribution of the various types of aberrations has been found for 12 C 6+ ion and 6 Co γ-ray irradiations. The dose-response relationships for 12 C 6+ ion and 6 Co γ-ray exhibited positive correlations. The results from the present study may be helpful for assessing genetic damage following exposure of immature oocytes to ionizing radiation

  6. Thermochemistry analyses for transformation of C6 glucose compound into C9, C12 and C15 alkanes using density functional theory (United States)

    Verma, Anand Mohan; Kishore, Nanda


    The hydrolysis of cellulose fraction of biomass yields C6 glucose which further can be transformed into long-chain hydrocarbons by C-C coupling. In this study, C6 glucose is transformed into three chain alkanes, namely, C9, C12 and C15 using C-C coupling reactions under the gas and aqueous phase milieus. The geometry optimisation and vibrational frequency calculations are carried out at well-known hybrid-GGA functional, B3LYP with the basis set of 6-31+g(d,p) under the density functional theory framework. The single point energetics are calculated at M05-2X/6-311+g(3df,2p) level of theory. All thermochemical properties are calculated over a wide range of temperature between 300 and 900 K at an interval of 100 K. The thermochemistry suggested that the aqueous phase behaviour is suitable for the hydrolysis of sugar into long-chain alkanes compared to gas-phase environment. The hydrodeoxygenation reactions under each reaction pathway are found as most favourable reactions in both phases; however, aqueous phase dominates over gas phase in all discussed thermodynamic parameters.

  7. Junctional Adhesion Molecule (JAM)-C Deficient C57BL/6 Mice Develop a Severe Hydrocephalus (United States)

    Liebner, Stefan; Mittelbronn, Michel; Deutsch, Urban; Enzmann, Gaby; Adams, Ralf H.; Aurrand-Lions, Michel; Plate, Karl H.; Imhof, Beat A.; Engelhardt, Britta


    The junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-C is a widely expressed adhesion molecule regulating cell adhesion, cell polarity and inflammation. JAM-C expression and function in the central nervous system (CNS) has been poorly characterized to date. Here we show that JAM-C−/− mice backcrossed onto the C57BL/6 genetic background developed a severe hydrocephalus. An in depth immunohistochemical study revealed specific immunostaining for JAM-C in vascular endothelial cells in the CNS parenchyma, the meninges and in the choroid plexus of healthy C57BL/6 mice. Additional JAM-C immunostaining was detected on ependymal cells lining the ventricles and on choroid plexus epithelial cells. Despite the presence of hemorrhages in the brains of JAM-C−/− mice, our study demonstrates that development of the hydrocephalus was not due to a vascular function of JAM-C as endothelial re-expression of JAM-C failed to rescue the hydrocephalus phenotype of JAM-C−/− C57BL/6 mice. Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation within the ventricular system of JAM-C−/− mice excluded occlusion of the cerebral aqueduct as the cause of hydrocephalus development but showed the acquisition of a block or reduction of CSF drainage from the lateral to the 3rd ventricle in JAM-C−/− C57BL/6 mice. Taken together, our study suggests that JAM-C−/− C57BL/6 mice model the important role for JAM-C in brain development and CSF homeostasis as recently observed in humans with a loss-of-function mutation in JAM-C. PMID:23029139


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    Henrique Machado Dias


    Full Text Available Caravelas, município localizado no sul do estado da Bahia, as principais formações vegetais são as florestas de mangue e as restingas apresentando, estas últimas, alto grau de degradação. O objetivo deste artigo consiste em descrever as principais espécies florestais de restingas e seus usos diretos associados, com vistas à recuperação e ao manejo de áreas degradadas e à geração de trabalho e renda, compondo, dessa forma, importante ferramenta para a gestão integrada da zona costeira. Para isso, a elaboração de listagens florísticas e visitas ao campo foram necessárias para reconhecimento do ambiente. Na seleção das espécies, uma literatura referente ao uso, manejo e valor agregado de cada uma das espécies identificadas foi utilizada e, a partir daí, foram reconhecidas quatro espécies com potencialidade para geração de trabalho e renda nos moldes dessa proposta: mangaba (Hancornia speciosa, pitanga (Eugenia uniflora, caju (Anacardium occidentale e aroeira (Schinus terebinthifolius. As três primeiras apresentam associação de seus frutos ao uso alimentar, servindo a aroeira como condimentação, com alta valorização no mercado mundial, e o caju, a partir da sua estrutura fértil (castanha e polpa. A identificação dos subprodutos vegetais fornecidos assegura a utilização sustentada das espécies e do ambiente e os Produtos Florestais Não Madeiráveis podem ser estratégicos no gerenciamento costeiro, tornando-se instrumento para se alcançar inclusão social através da geração de trabalho e renda, sob o movimento da Tecnologia Social, contribuindo, portanto, para a redução da vulnerabilidade social de comunidades costeiras tradicionais.

  9. Do estudo dos potenciais de média latência eliciados por logon em sujeitos do sexo feminino com audição normal A study of logon-evoked middle latency responses in female subjects with normal hearing

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    Erika Maria Fukushima


    Full Text Available Os potenciais de média latência são potenciais auditivos que ocorrem entre 10ms a 80ms, formados por ondas polifásicas positivas e negativas denominadas de N0, P0, Na, Pa, Nb e Pb. O logon é um estímulo acústico que permite eliciar respostas de média latência ativando regiões específicas da cóclea. Sua vantagem sobre o clique é a possibilidade avaliar as áreas de baixa freqüência (abaixo de 1kHz. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a resposta eletrofisiológica das MLR estimulados por logon nas freqüências de 500, 1000 e 2000 Hz. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Forma de estudo prospectivo e descritivo de uma amostra de 14 voluntárias do sexo feminino, normais dos pontos de vista otológico e audiológico convencional. O estímulo foi monoaural e ipsilateral à derivação de captação dos potenciais (Cz/A1-2. RESULTADOS: O complexo NaPa foi o mais facilmente identificado e esteve presente em 100% dos exames realizados a 2000 Hz e em 96,4% a 500 e 1000 Hz. CONCLUSÕES: As MLR podem se eliciadas pelo logon nas freqüências de 500, 1000 e 2000 Hz; o complexo NaPa foi o evento prevalente das MLR e o estímulo logon a 2000 Hz eliciou maior número de respostas do que as outras freqüências.The middle latency response (MLR to an acoustic stimulus occurs between 10 and 80 ms. The waveform is characterized by a series of peaks and troughs labeled N0, P0, Na, Pa, Nb and Pb. Certain acoustic stimuli may excite specific cochlear areas in contrast with clicks, that activate the cochlea between 1000 and 4000 Hz. The logon stimulus activates segmentar areas of the cochlea and has advantages over clicks when assessing low frequency areas of the cochlea (below 1 kHz. AIM: The aim of this paper was to study the MLR electrophysiologic response when activated by logon stimuli at 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz. Method- a prospective and descriptive study. 14 female volunteers had normal otology and conventional audiology results. The stimulus was

  10. The 6C Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Silje Alberthe Kamille


    students, teachers, and clients reflect on what abilities the designer must possess in order to be able to promote transformation. The study is informed by the 6C Model, a theory describing the types of knowledge production taking place in design processes, and by the Co-creation Cards, a collection...... of methods translating knowledge production into practical approaches. Design students from six design disciplines explore a regional challenge posed by the local official tourist organization: The City of Aarhus is the European Capital of Culture 2017—how can the entire region, including nineteen...

  11. Studies on a transplantable C57BL/6 mouse lymphoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kendall, C.E.


    A C57BL/6 mouse lymphoma was demonstrated to be of T cell origin by treating the lymphoma cells with anti-Thy 1.2 antisera in a complement-dependent cytotoxicity test. The lymphoma's growth pattern was described using flow microfluorometric determinations and spleen weight progression. C-type particles were identified in electron micrographs of the lymphoma. C57BL/6 mice were immunized against the lymphoma by injecting x-ray inactivated lymphoma cells into the mice. Protection of immunized mice against live lymphoma cells demonstrated tumor antigens on the lymphoma cells. The success of immunization was found to depend on: route of injection, antigen dosage, state of the antigen, number of injections and the vaccination-challenge interval. Attempts were made to passively transfer immunity from immunized C57BL/6 mice which had survived lymphoma challenge to non-treated, syngeneic mice. The route of immunization in the donors influenced the success of passively transferred immunity in the recipients. Serum from days 1 to 3 and days 11 to death (day 17) had an enhancing effect on lymphoma growth. However, sera from days 5 to 9 retarded lymphoma growth. The C57BL/6 lymphoma cells were injected into rabbits and other strains of mice to demonstrate tumor specificity. The lymphoma did not grow in rabbits and only grew in one mouse strain. This strain had the same major histocompatibility loci as C57BL/6 mice. Crosses were made between C57BL/6 mice and a resistant strain of mice (DBA/2 mice). The F 1 hybrids were found to be less susceptible to the lymphoma than the C57BL/6 strain. Sublethal x-irradiation of the F 1 mice decreased its ability to resist the C57BL/6 lymphoma. Immunization with x-ray inactivated C57BL/6 lymphoma cells increased survival after challenge with lymphoma in the F 1 mice

  12. Los círculos de calidad como forma de participación directa en el trabajo: evolución y perspectivas en España


    Martín Hernández, Antonio


    Las formas de trabajo en grupo son, en nuestro país, recientes. Pero en otros países, como en Japón, han constituido una de las claves de su éxito organizativo. En esta tesis se investiga el grado de adaptación a nuestra cultura organizativa de los círculos de calidad, como forma grupal voluntaria que se incorpora para la gestión de ideas e innovación en las empresas. Tras una muestra de más de 1500 círculos de calidad se demuestra que se trata de un tipo de organización grupal que no se adap...

  13. Coloración cualitativa y cuantitativa del glicógeno de las células del epitelio vaginal, como test del funcionamiento ovárico

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    Hernando Trujillo Jáuregui


    acuerdo con su edad, ciclo menstrual y en algunos estados patológicos como el hipoovarismo crónico. Como bien se sabe, las células del epitelio vaginal de la mujer con ovarios que funcionan activamente son de carácter preponderantemente escamoso y tienen un elevado contenido en glicógeno, mientras que en la hipoovárica o la menopáusica contienen poco o ningún glicógeno. Cuando se ha administrado una terapia estrogénica adecuada a las enfermas hipoováricas o menopáusicas el contenido en glicógeno de sus células vaginales aumenta notablemente.

  14. Total Synthesis of Zoanthamine Alkaloids, Part 2. Construction of the C1-C5, C6-C10 and C11-C24 Fragments of Zoanthamine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanner, David Ackland; Tedenborg, Lars; Somfai, Peter


    This paper describes the construction of three key intermediates for a projected total synthesis of the marine alkaloid zoanthamine. These building blocks, corresponding to the C1-C5, C6-C10 and C11-C24 fragments of the target molecule, are synthesised efficiently form (R...

  15. Funções de pedotransferência para predição da umidade retida a potenciais específicos em solos do estado de Pernambuco

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    L. B. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Funções de pedotransferência são equações usadas para estimar características edáficas de difícil determinação a partir de outras mais facilmente obtidas. Apesar do bom número de equações disponíveis para estimativa da umidade retida a potenciais matriciais específicos, elas não devem ser usadas indiscriminadamente, pois, em sua maioria, foram desenvolvidas com solos de clima temperado e a partir de dados gerados por métodos diversos dos em uso nos laboratórios brasileiros. O presente trabalho teve por objetivos: (a elaborar funções de pedotransferência para estimar o conteúdo de água nos potenciais de -33 e -1.500 kPa e a água disponível, a partir de dados granulométricos e de densidade do solo, para solos do estado de Pernambuco e (b comparar a eficiência de predição das equações propostas em relação a equações similares, disponíveis na literatura. No desenvolvimento das equações, foi utilizada uma base de dados composta por 98 perfis de solos e 467 horizontes. Os perfis foram agrupados, de acordo com Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, em 27 classes de terceiro nível categórico (grande grupo. As equações desenvolvidas apresentaram bons coeficientes de determinação e baixo erro de predição. A sistematização dos dados por atividade da fração argila ou grau aproximado de desenvolvimento ou classe textural não produziu melhorias na capacidade preditiva das pedofunções. As equações propostas em outros trabalhos apresentaram elevado erro de predição, o que restringe a sua utilização para solos do estado de Pernambuco.

  16. Las leyendas regionales como intangibles territoriales

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    Eloy Martos Núñez


    Full Text Available El artículo examina el concepto de leyenda como intangible territorial en diversas escalas, desde la local a la regional o nacional, y su relación con la construcción de mitos étnicos y la emergencia de tradiciones translocales. Para ello, se revisan la metodología de los estudios corográficos y las nociones de ecotipo y de paisaje cultural, así como la etnografía de los territorios simbólicos a la luz de conceptos como el clásico «témenos» y modernos como el «mytho-moteur» (Abadal, 1958. Se aplican estudios de casos que evidencian cómo es el Imaginario, en interacción con factores geohistóricos del lugar, el que a menudo acota y perimetrea un territorio a través de cauces como la fabulación legendaria y los ritos paralitúgicos, como procesiones o peregrinaciones. La conclusión es que las leyendas y los arquetipos de origen étnico y genealógico reescriben tradiciones que crean identidades y se pueden proyectar en ámbitos diferentes de la vida política o recreativa, con perfiles igualmente diferentes.

  17. Structural basis for c-KIT inhibition by the suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 (SOCS6) ubiquitin ligase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zadjali, Fahad; Pike, Ashley C W; Vesterlund, Mattias


    to substrate residue position pY+6 and envelopes the c-KIT phosphopeptide with a large BG loop insertion that contributes significantly to substrate interaction. We demonstrate that SOCS6 has ubiquitin ligase activity toward c-KIT and regulates c-KIT protein turnover in cells. Our data support a role of SOCS6...

  18. Effect of ketamine on exploratory behaviour in BALB/C and C57BL/6 mice. (United States)

    Akillioglu, Kubra; Melik, Emine Babar; Melik, Enver; Boga, Ayper


    In this study, we evaluated the effect of ketamine on exploratory locomotion behaviours in the Balb/c and C57BL/6 strains of mice, which differ in their locomotion behaviours. Intraperitoneal administration of ketamine at three different doses (1, 5 or 10 mg/kg, 0.1 ml/10 gr body weight) was performed on adult male Balb/c and C57BL/6 mice. The same volume of saline was applied to the control group. The open-field and elevated plus maze apparatus were used to evaluate exploratory locomotion. In the open-field test, Balb/c mice less spend time in the centre of the field and was decreased locomotor activity compared to C57BL/6 mice (pmice at 10 mg/kg dose caused an increase in locomotor activity and an increase in the amount of time spent in the centre in the open-field test, compared to the control group (pmice, ketamine treatment (1 and 10 mg/kg) decreased locomotor activity (pmice, the three different doses of ketamine application each caused a decrease in the frequency of centre crossing (pmice compared to C57BL/6 mice (pmice at 10 mg/kg dose caused an increase in the open-arm activity (pmice (pmice. In contrast, a subanaesthetic dose of ketamine decreased exploratory locomotion in C57BL/6 mice. In conclusion, hereditary factors may play an important role in ketamine-induced responses. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Effect of preservation of the C-6 spinous process and its paraspinal muscular attachment on the prevention of postoperative axial neck pain in C3-6 laminoplasty. (United States)

    Mori, Eiji; Ueta, Takayoshi; Maeda, Takeshi; Yugué, Itaru; Kawano, Osamu; Shiba, Keiichiro


    Axial neck pain after C3-6 laminoplasty has been reported to be significantly lesser than that after C3-7 laminoplasty because of the preservation of the C-7 spinous process and the attachment of nuchal muscles such as the trapezius and rhomboideus minor, which are connected to the scapula. The C-6 spinous process is the second longest spinous process after that of C-7, and it serves as an attachment point for these muscles. The effect of preserving the C-6 spinous process and its muscular attachment, in addition to preservation of the C-7 spinous process, on the prevention of axial neck pain is not well understood. The purpose of the current study was to clarify whether preservation of the paraspinal muscles of the C-6 spinous process reduces postoperative axial neck pain compared to that after using nonpreservation techniques. The authors studied 60 patients who underwent C3-6 double-door laminoplasty for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy or cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament; the minimum follow-up period was 1 year. Twenty-five patients underwent a C-6 paraspinal muscle preservation technique, and 35 underwent a C-6 nonpreservation technique. A visual analog scale (VAS) and VAS grading (Grades I-IV) were used to assess axial neck pain 1-3 months after surgery and at the final follow-up examination. Axial neck pain was classified as being 1 of 5 types, and its location was divided into 5 areas. The potential correlation between the C-6/C-7 spinous process length ratio and axial neck pain was examined. The mean VAS scores (± SD) for axial neck pain were comparable between the C6-preservation group and the C6-nonpreservation group in both the early and late postoperative stages (4.1 ± 3.1 vs 4.0 ± 3.2 and 3.8 ± 2.9 vs 3.6 ± 3.0, respectively). The distribution of VAS grades was comparable in the 2 groups in both postoperative stages. Stiffness was the most prevalent complaint in both groups (64.0% and 54

  20. Hoy como ayer

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    Rodríguez M.


    Full Text Available Leyendo el artículo titulado “Los medicamentos baratos” de la revista La Farmacia Española, publicada en Madrid el jueves 21 de diciembre de 1893, uno se pregunta cómo puede ser que se reconozca la situación como si fuera de ahora mismo, cómo puede ser que estemos igual que hace más de cien años. Entonces eran los descuentos que se empezaban a extender en las farmacias, francesas sobre todo, y que amenazaban el prestigio profesional de todo el colectivo. Con frases como éstas se define la situación que se presentaba en aquel momento: “…el desprestigio de que vaya por unos cuantos desnaturalizándose el ejercicio de la farmacia en tal forma que se convierta en un comercio impuro y de la peor estofa; pero conviene mucho combatir con mano firme la tendencia a la baratería, tanto más cuanto que no puede dudarse que significa un rebajamiento a todas luces nocivo y que supone una desorganización que nos llevaría en breve a la más completa ruina, y lo que creo aún más grave, a la desmoralización y el desorden, que no se compadecen en modo alguno con lo que en realidad es hoy y ha sido siempre el ejercicio de una profesión genuinamente científica como lo es la de la farmacia”. La propuesta que se hacía para controlar la situación era “la limitación de farmacias, con vigilancia estrecha del Estado y tarifa uniforme oficial”, así como “hace falta mucha inteligencia y mucha unión, hace falta que nadie permanezca indiferente, que todos y cada uno pongan de su parte lo que puedan”. Nuestra profesión mezcla una doble vertiente sanitaria y comercial que no siempre es fácil mantener equilibrada y, por lo que se ve, esto ha ocurrido así desde siempre. El problema que existe hoy en día es la mercantilización de la farmacia, un desplazamiento de establecimiento sanitario hacia una simple empresa.

  1. Anos potenciais de vida perdidos e custos hospitalares da leptospirose no Brasil Años potenciales de vida perdidos y costos hospitalarios de la leptospirosis en Brasil Years of potential life lost and hospitalization costs associated with leptospirosis in Brazil

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    Verena Maria Mendes de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar os custos associados à hospitalização e os anos potenciais de vida perdidos devido à leptospirose. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados os bancos de dados de sistemas de informação em saúde do Ministério da Saúde para o relacionamento probabilístico dos casos e internações que evoluíram a óbito por leptospirose em 2007. No Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação os casos confirmados foram subdivididos em internação e óbito, que foram relacionados às seguintes bases: Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (registros com diagnóstico principal e Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (causa básica do óbito, A27.0, A27.8 e A27.9. Foram estimados os custos parciais de internação, os óbitos pela doença, os anos potenciais de vida e de trabalho perdidos. RESULTADOS: As características da maioria das internações que evoluíram para óbito eram: sexo masculino, entre 18 e 49 anos, raça branca, zona urbana e ensino fundamental incompleto. Foram 6.490 anos potenciais de vida perdidos, sendo 75% da faixa etária de 20 a 49 anos. Quando ajustada pela população, a perda foi de 15 dias de vida/1.000 habitantes. A proporção de anos potenciais de vida perdidos pelo número de óbitos foi em média de 30 anos perdidos para cada óbito. O impacto financeiro estimado foi equivalente a R$ 22,9 milhões em salários não ganhos. Os custos hospitalares foram de R$ 831,5 mil. Considerando os dias de salário perdidos por período de internação (mediana: 6 dias, houve perda de R$ 103,0 mil. CONCLUSÕES: Houve elevado custo social em termo de anos potenciais de vida perdidos e gasto hospitalar parcial com leptospirose quando comparado ao possível tratamento precoce ou não adoecimento, o que poderia ter minimizado o impacto dessa doença na população brasileira.OBJETIVO: Estimar los costos asociados a la hospitalización y los años potenciales de vida perdidos debido a la leptospirosis. MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron

  2. O6-ethylguanine carcinogenic lesions in DNA: An NMR study of O6etG·C pairing in dodecanucleotide duplexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalnik, M.W.; Li, B.F.L.; Swann, P.F.; Patel, D.J.


    The pairing of O 6 etG with C located four base pairs in from either end of the self-complementary d(C1-G2-C3-O 6 etG4-A5-G6-C7-T8-C9-G10-C11-G12) duplex (designated O 6 etG·C 12-mer) has been investigated from an analysis of proton and phosphorus two-dimensional NMR experiments. The structural consequences of increasing the alkyl group size were elucidated from a comparative study of the pairing of O 6 meG4 with C9 in a related sequence (designated O 6 meG·C 12-mer). The NMR parameters for both O 6 alkG-containing dodecanucleotides are also compared with those of the control sequence containing G4·C9 base pairs (designated G·C 12-mer). The NOE cross-peaks detected in the two-dimensional NOESY spectra of the O 6 alkG·C 12-mer duplexes in H 2 O solution establish that the O 6 etG4/O 6 meG4 and C9 bases at the lesion site stack into the helix between the flanking C3·G10 and A5·T8 Watson-Crick base pairs. The observed NOEs between the amino protons of C9 and the CH 3 protons of O 6 alkG4 establish a syn orientation of the O 6 -alkyl group with respect to the N 1 of alkylated guanine. A wobble alignment of the O 6 alkG4·C9 base pair stabilized by two hydrogen bonds, one between the amino group of C9 and N 1 of O 6 alkG and the other between the amino group of O 6 alkG and N 3 of C9, is tentatively proposed on the basis of the NOEs between the amino protons of C9 at the lesion site and the imino protons of flanking Watson-Crick base pairs

  3. La comunicación del diagnóstico de cáncer como práctica saludable para pacientes y profesionales de la salud

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    Henry Mauricio Puerto Pedraza


    Full Text Available Introducción: Uno de los retos planteados por el cáncer a los profesionales de la salud es la comunicación del diagnóstico de la enfermedad, pues no es un asunto de protocolo, sino la primera acción que tiene impacto en la condición sobre el paciente, por esto, es necesario revisar la forma en la que a ellos se les brinda información. Materiales y Métodos: Artículo reflexivo basado en literatura que aborda la relación entre la comunicación, el diagnóstico y el curso del tratamiento. Resultados: El silencio y la imprecisión son frecuentes a la hora de informar el diagnóstico del cáncer en los pacientes. Discusión: Se llama la atención sobre el impacto negativo que las pautas de comunicación mencionadas tienen en el curso de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: Debe fortalecerse el entrenamiento en habilidades comunicativas para que éstas se conviertan en herramientas que apoyen el trabajo de los profesionales de la salud.Cómo citar este artículo: Puerto HM, Gamba HA. La comunicación del diagnóstico de cáncer como práctica saludable para pacientes y profesionales de la salud. Rev Cuid. 2015; 6(1: 964-9.

  4. Componentes C3 e C4 do sistema complemento como biomarcadores no diagnóstico de asma atópica intermitente

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    Tainá Mosca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os componentes séricos C3 e C4 do sistema complemento como possíveis biomarcadores de asma atópica intermitente. MÉTODOS: Determinação dos níveis séricos dos componentes C3 e C4 do complemento em 70 crianças com história de "chiado no peito” entre 3 e 14 anos. Após 2 anos de acompanhamento ambulatorial, seguindo-se critérios de inclusão e exclusão, as crianças foram divididas em 2 grupos: 40 crianças com asma atópica intermitente e 30 crianças sem asma. Não houve uso de corticosteroides inalatórios ou sistêmicos ou de broncodilatadores de ação prolongada em nenhum dos grupos. Os dois grupos apresentaram faixas etárias semelhantes, comparadas pelo teste t de Student. Os resultados dos componentes C3 e C4 mostraram distribuição normal e foram então comparados utilizando-se o teste t de Student, considerando-se significante quando p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os valores observados no grupo de crianças portadoras de asma atópica intermitente mostraram aumentos significativos para: C3 em 85,0% das crianças; C4 em 87,5%; C3 e C4 em 72,5%; C3 ou C4 em 97,5%, quando comparados aos valores observados das crianças sem asma e da mesma faixa etária. CONCLUSÃO: Observamos um aumento dos valores séricos dos componentes C3 e/ou C4 do sistema complemento na maioria das crianças estudadas portadoras de asma atópica intermitente, em comparação aos valores de crianças sem asma, da mesma faixa etária. Concluímos que a presença de valores aumentados dos componentes C3 e/ou C4 do complemento possa representar um biomarcador no diagnóstico de asma atópica intermitente.

  5. Cistatina C como predictor de síndrome cardio-renal y mal pronóstico en pacientes internados por insuficiencia cardíaca aguda y función renal normal

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    Iván Constantin


    Full Text Available Introducción: El desarrollo de disfunción renal en el contexto de una falla cardíaca aguda se conoce como síndrome cardiorrenal (SCR tipo 1. El empeoramiento de la función renal (EFR durante la internación es un predictor de mal pronóstico. La cistatina C ha surgido como un marcador de función renal alternativo a la creatinina. Objetivo: Demostrar la utilidad clínica de la cistatina C como predictor de EFR y factor pronóstico en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca aguda y sin disfunción renal evaluada por creatinina al ingreso. Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional, prospectivo, de pacientes consecutivos con diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca aguda y sin disfunción renal, definida como un valor de creatinina < 1,3 mg/dl al ingreso. Se realizó un dosaje de cistatina C al ingreso. El punto final primario fue EFR y los secundarios fueron mortalidad hospitalaria, mortalidad total y reinternación por insuficiencia cardíaca. Resultados: Se incluyeron 166 pacientes con una mediana de edad de 85 años (IIC 77,7-89. La incidencia de EFR fue del 29,7%, con una mortalidad hospitalaria del 3,1% y una mortalidad total del 24,4%. La mediana de seguimiento fue de 193 días. El valor de cistatina C fue significativamente mayor en los pacientes que desarrollaron EFR (1,72 ± 0,58 mg/dl vs. 1,51 ± 0,41 mg/dl; p = 0,03 y en los pacientes que murieron en el seguimiento (1,76 ± 0,49 mg/dl vs. 1,51 ± 0,46 mg/dl; p = 0,004. La cistatina C resultó un predictor independiente de mortalidad (OR 3,03, IC 95% 1,22-7,47 y de EFR (OR 2,38, IC 95% 1,02- 5,5 en el análisis multivariado. Se halló un punto de corte óptimo de 1,6 mg/dl de cistatina, con una sensibilidad del 61,22% y una especificidad del 60,34% para el desarrollo de EFR y del 61,54% y 61,98%, respectivamente, para mortalidad total. Conclusión: El valor de cistatina C al ingreso es predictor de desarrollo de EFR durante la internación y de mayor mortalidad en

  6. Padronização da determinação da velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva dos nervos tibial e peroneal de cães clinicamente sadios, pela utilização de eletrodos de superfície

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feitosa M.M.


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a padronização dos valores de referência de velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva dos nervos tibial e peroneal em cães clinicamente sadios, pela utilização de eletrodos de superfície. Em todos os sítios de estimulação, captação, referência e terra foram utilizados eletrodos do "tipo jacaré", exceto na captação do estímulo no nervo peroneal, próximo à articulação fêmur-tibial, onde o registro só foi possível com a utilização de eletrodo de agulha. Foram utilizados 30 cães, 11 machos e 19 fêmeas, sem raça definida, com idade entre dois e seis anos. Os valores médios das medidas dos potenciais evocados pela estimulação sensitiva dos nervos tibial e peroneal foram: latência inicial, 1,82±0,30ms (1,30 a 2,55ms e 1,57±0,29ms (1,01 a 2,16ms, amplitude de pico a pico, 96,48±45,78miV (41,6 a 214miV e 121,25±57,49miV (54,8 a 299miV e duração, 1,97±0,69ms (1,01 a 3,56ms e 2,37±0,85ms (1,11 a 3,94ms, respectivamente. Os valores médios das medidas de velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva dos nervos tibial e peroneal foram, respectivamente, 62,14+7,71ms (50,0 a 77,2ms e 65,18+6,42ms (53,8 a 79,2ms, respectivamente.

  7. Aplicaciones del SiC biomórfico como reforzante estructural en hormigones refractarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sepúlveda, R.


    Full Text Available This work is devoted to the study of the time and temperature dependence of the static grain growth in YTZP 4 mol %, with an average grain size within the submicrometric range (> 0.1 μm. Also, the mechanical response in the temperature interval between 1200 ºC and 1500 ºC is analysed. The grain growth is controlled by the yttria segregation at the grain boundaries, which plays a key role in the cationic diffusion processes. Microstructural characterization of both as-received and deformed samples allows to conclude that plastic deformation is due to grain boundary sliding (GBS, with stress exponents increasing with the flow stress, but in all cases they are lower than n = 2.

    Una posible aplicación del SiC biomórfico (bioSiC son los reforzante estructural en hormigones refractarios. En este caso se han fabricado piezas de bioSiC con forma de cilindros alargados, 3-4 mm de diámetro y 30-35 mm de longitud, mediante infiltración reactiva de Si líquido en piezas de carbón obtenidas por pirolización de madera de haya de calidad comercial. Hemos estudiado las características microestructurales y las propiedades mecánicas de los reforzantes, como paso previo al estudio de la aplicación mencionada, de la que se ofrece un avance en este trabajo. Para caracterizar la calidad del material y del proceso de fabricación, la microestructura de las piezas se ha estudiado mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los reforzantes de bioSiC fueron ensayados a compresión uniaxial y flexión en cuatro puntos a temperatura ambiente y a alta temperatura (1250-1400ºC para la determinación de sus propiedades mecánicas, y se realizaron estudios fractográficos en el segundo tipo de ensayos. Subsecuentemente, se prepararon ladrillos refractarios con un 3% en peso de reforzantes de bioSiC, que fueron curados a diferentes temperaturas (máx. 1600ºC. Estos ladrillos se han ensayado en compresión y flexión en tres puntos, a temperatura ambiente

  8. Síntese e caracterização de nanoestruturas de sílica SBA -16 contendo gadolinio-159 como potencial sistema nanoparticulado para o tratamento do câncer


    André Felipe de Oliveira


    O câncer é uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo, sendo as neoplasias malignas de pulmão, estômago, fígado, cólon e mama em maior número. E, recentemente, observa-se na literatura um grande número de trabalhos onde novos materiais, especialmente nanoparticulados, vêm sendo estudados como carreadores de drogas e radioisótopos aplicados ao tratamento do câncer. Como materiais mesoporosos à base de sílica, graças a sua enorme área superficial e biocompatibilidade, têm sido estudados...

  9. El círculo de conversación como estrategia didáctica: Una experiencia para reflexionar y aplicar en educación superior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Arias-Monge


    La experiencia que presento a continuación tiene como propósito la reflexión, fundamentación, planificación y aplicación del círculo de conversación como estrategia didáctica, en la asignatura “PF-4237 Teoría de la Educación: Multiculturalidad y Educación”, del Programa de Doctorado Latinoamericano en Educación, de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Experiencia de formación que tiene como fundamento la teoría de la acción comunicativa, orientada a integrar el acompañamiento docente, la confrontación a la alteridad y la construcción de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes sociales en educación superior.

  10. 26 CFR 1.381(c)(6)-1 - Depreciation method. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Depreciation method. 1.381(c)(6)-1 Section 1.381... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Insolvency Reorganizations § 1.381(c)(6)-1 Depreciation method. (a) Carryover... corporation which computes its allowance for the depreciation of the property under section 167(b)(2), (3), or...

  11. Biodesulfurización de queroseno con células inmovilizadas de Pseudomonas sp. No. 6 (aislado nativo) en un novedoso biorreactor de lecho de tubos con recirculación


    Silva, Edelberto; Caicedo, Luis; Pulido, Paula; Lentijo, Iván


    En este trabajo se realizó la biodesulfurización de queroseno con células inmovilizadas de Pseudomonas sp. ATCC 39327, en un sistema emulsionado, W/O 30/70 (v/v), con medio mínimo de sales (MMS) como fase dispersa. El sistema de inmovilización consta de dos paneles de 60 tubos cada uno. Los tubos de alta alúmina tienen 140 mm de largo, 6,6 mm de diámetro externo y 3,2 mm de diámetro interno, con una porosidad del 43% y capacidad de retención de 9,5x109 células/g de soporte, colocados dentro d...

  12. Electron stimulated desorption of cations from C sub 6 H sub 6 and C sub 6 H sub 1 sub 2 molecules adsorbed on Pt(1 1 1) and Ar spacer layer

    CERN Document Server

    Kawanowa, H; Hanatani, K; Gotoh, Y; Souda, R


    Mechanisms of electron stimulated cation desorption have been investigated for adsorbed C sub 6 H sub 6 and C sub 6 H sub 1 sub 2 molecules on the Pt(1 1 1) surface and the Ar spacer layer formed on it. The ion yields from the molecules adsorbed on the Ar spacer layer are highly enhanced at the smallest coverage and decay steeply with increasing coverage. No such enhancement was observed when they are adsorbed directly on the Pt(1 1 1) substrate. This behavior is explained in terms of the Coulombic repulsion of cations confined in nanoclusters, together with the delocalization of valence holes on the Pt(1 1 1) substrate as well as in the multilayer hydrocarbons. The holes in the C sub 6 H sub 6 molecule are more delocalized than those in the C sub 6 H sub 1 sub 2 molecule due to the overlap of pi orbitals.

  13. Underestimation of glucose turnover measured with [6-3H]- and [6,6-2H]- but not [6-14C]glucose during hyperinsulinemia in humans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McMahon, M.M.; Schwenk, W.F.; Haymond, M.W.; Rizza, R.A.


    Recent studies indicate that hydrogen-labeled glucose tracers underestimate glucose turnover in humans under conditions of high flux. The cause of this underestimation is unknown. To determine whether the error is time-, pool-, model-, or insulin-dependent, glucose turnover was measured simultaneously with [6-3H]-, [6,6-2H2]-, and [6-14C]glucose during a 7-h infusion of either insulin (1 or saline. During the insulin infusion, steady-state glucose turnover measured with both [6-3H]glucose (8.0 +/- 0.5 and [6,6-2H2]glucose (7.6 +/- 0.5 was lower (P less than .01) than either the glucose infusion rate required to maintain euglycemia (9.8 +/- 0.7 or glucose turnover determined with [6-14C]glucose and corrected for Cori cycle activity (9.8 +/- 0.7 Consequently negative glucose production rates (P less than .01) were obtained with either [6-3H]- or [6,6-2H2]- but not [6-14C]glucose. The difference between turnover estimated with [6-3H]glucose and actual glucose disposal (or 14C glucose flux) did not decrease with time and was not dependent on duration of isotope infusion. During saline infusion, estimates of glucose turnover were similar regardless of the glucose tracer used. High-performance liquid chromatography of the radioactive glucose tracer and plasma revealed the presence of a tritiated nonglucose contaminant. Although the contaminant represented only 1.5% of the radioactivity in the [6-3H]glucose infusate, its clearance was 10-fold less (P less than .001) than that of [6-3H]glucose. This resulted in accumulation in plasma, with the contaminant accounting for 16.6 +/- 2.09 and 10.8 +/- 0.9% of what customarily is assumed to be plasma glucose radioactivity during the insulin or saline infusion, respectively (P less than .01)

  14. Preparation and microstructural characterization of TiC and Ti0.6W0.4/TiC0.6 composite thin films obtained by activated reactive evaporation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montes de Oca, J. A.; LePetitcorps, Y.; Manaud, J.-P.; Vargas Garcia, J. R.


    Titanium carbide-based coatings were deposited on W substrates at a high coating growth rate by activated reactive evaporation at 500 and 600 deg. C in a L560 Leybold system using propene as reactive atmosphere. The crystal structure, lattice parameter, preferred orientation, and grain size of the coatings were determined by x-ray diffraction technique using Cu Kα. The analysis of the coating morphology was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the composition of the films was analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy and electron-probe microanalysis. Experimental results suggested that temperature was one of the most important parameters in the fabrication of stoichiometric TiC coatings. Thus, TiC coatings were obtained at 600 deg. C, whereas TiC 0.6 nonstoichiometric coatings codeposited with a free Ti phase were obtained at 500 deg. C, giving rise to the formation of a composite thin film. After annealing at 1000 deg. C, the stoichiometric films remained stable, but a crack pattern was formed over the entire coating surface. In addition, Ti 0.6 W 0.4 /TiC 0.6 composite thin coatings were obtained for the films synthesized at 500 deg. C. The formation of a Ti 0.6 W 0.4 ductile phase in the presence of a TiC 0.6 phase was responsible to avoid the coating cracking

  15. Avaliação de interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA), Brasil


    Leão,Danyllo Fábio Lessa; Moura,Cristiano Soares de; Medeiros,Danielle Souto de


    As interações medicamentosas são fatores de risco para a ocorrência de reações adversas a medicamentos. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA), visando preencher a lacuna de conhecimento sobre essa temática no Brasil. Foram coletadas informações sobre diversas variáveis de prescrições oriundas da atenção primária e as interações medicamentosas avaliadas a partir dos bancos de dados do Medsc...

  16. Uso de pré, pró e simbióticos como coadjuvantes no tratamento do câncer colorretal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jésica Tamara Jacoby


    Full Text Available Introdução: Definido como uma proliferação descontrolada de células malignas, o câncer colorretal (CCR é um dos tumores malignos mais comuns, e a terceira causa de mortes relacionadas ao câncer. Várias estratégias têm sido estudadas para auxiliar na prevenção e no tratamento coadjuvante dos sintomas do CCR, entre elas a ingestão de probióticos, prebióticos ou simbióticos. Probióticos são microrganismos vivos, que quando administrados em quantidade adequada afetam beneficamente o hospedeiro. Os probióticos são comumente encontrados em alimentos fermentados como em iogurtes por exemplo, ou na forma de suplementos que contém culturas microbianas vivas. Prebióticos são componentes alimentares não digeríveis que afetam beneficamente o hospedeiro, estimulando seletivamente a multiplicação ou atividade de populações microbianas desejáveis no cólon. Já, os simbióticos consistem na associação de probióticos e prebióticos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi definir a validade do uso dos probióticos, prebióticos ou simbióticos como coadjuvantes no tratamento do CCR por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados PUBMED, SCIELO, COCHRANE e CLINICAL TRIALS. Os termos de busca foram: “colorectal cancer AND probiotics”, “colorectal cancer AND prebiotics”. Resultados: Dos 68 artigos elegíveis, 14 foram revisados, com publicação entre 2012 e 2017, escritos no idioma inglês, português ou espanhol. O número amostral variou de 38 a 310 pacientes, com idade entre 18 e 75 anos, a duração do tratamento foi de 3 dias a 3 meses. Em 3 dos estudos foram utilizados simbióticos, em 1 prebióticos, e em 10 probióticos. As cepas de probióticos continham entre 1 e 10 substâncias, prebióticos 4 substâncias e os simbióticos entre 5 e 8. Conclusão: O trabalho possibilitou o reconhecimento dos principais microrganismos que vem sendo estudados no tratamento

  17. Kinematic characteristics of tenodesis grasp in C6 quadriplegia. (United States)

    Mateo, S; Revol, P; Fourtassi, M; Rossetti, Y; Collet, C; Rode, G


    Descriptive control case study. To analyze the kinematics of tenodesis grasp in participants with C6 quadriplegia and healthy control participants in a pointing task and two daily life tasks involving a whole hand grip (apple) or a lateral grip (floppy disk). France. Four complete participants with C6 quadriplegia were age matched with four healthy control participants. All participants were right-handed. The measured kinematic parameters were the movement time (MT), the peak velocity (PV), the time of PV (TPV) and the wrist angle in the sagittal plane at movement onset, at the TPV and at the movement end point. The participants with C6 quadriplegia had significantly longer MTs in both prehension tasks. No significant differences in TPV were found between the two groups. Unlike control participants, for both prehension tasks the wrist of participants with C6 quadriplegia was in a neutral position at movement onset, in flexion at the TPV, and in extension at the movement end point. Two main kinematic parameters characterize tenodesis grasp movements in C6 quadriplegics: wrist flexion during reaching and wrist extension during the grasping phase, and increased MT reflecting the time required to adjust the wrist's position to achieve the tenodesis grasp. These characteristics were observed for two different grips (whole hand and lateral grip). These results suggest sequential planning of reaching and tenodesis grasp, and should be taken into account for prehension rehabilitation in patients with quadriplegia.

  18. Hes6 is required for actin cytoskeletal organization in differentiating C2C12 myoblasts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malone, Caroline M.P.; Domaschenz, Renae; Amagase, Yoko [MRC Cancer Cell Unit, Hutchison-MRC Research Centre, Addenbrooke' s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0XZ (United Kingdom); Dunham, Ian [EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD (United Kingdom); Murai, Kasumi [MRC Cancer Cell Unit, Hutchison-MRC Research Centre, Addenbrooke' s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0XZ (United Kingdom); Jones, Philip H., E-mail: [MRC Cancer Cell Unit, Hutchison-MRC Research Centre, Addenbrooke' s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0XZ (United Kingdom)


    Hes6 is a member of the hairy-enhancer-of-split family of transcription factors that regulate proliferating cell fate in development and is known to be expressed in developing muscle. Here we investigate its function in myogenesis in vitro. We show that Hes6 is a direct transcriptional target of the myogenic transcription factors MyoD and Myf5, indicating that it is integral to the myogenic transcriptional program. The localization of Hes6 protein changes during differentiation, becoming predominantly nuclear. Knockdown of Hes6 mRNA levels by siRNA has no effect on cell cycle exit or induction of myosin heavy chain expression in differentiating C2C12 myoblasts, but F-actin filament formation is disrupted and both cell motility and myoblast fusion are reduced. The knockdown phenotype is rescued by expression of Hes6 cDNA resistant to siRNA. These results define a novel role for Hes6 in actin cytoskeletal dynamics in post mitotic myoblasts.

  19. Hes6 is required for actin cytoskeletal organization in differentiating C2C12 myoblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malone, Caroline M.P.; Domaschenz, Renae; Amagase, Yoko; Dunham, Ian; Murai, Kasumi; Jones, Philip H.


    Hes6 is a member of the hairy-enhancer-of-split family of transcription factors that regulate proliferating cell fate in development and is known to be expressed in developing muscle. Here we investigate its function in myogenesis in vitro. We show that Hes6 is a direct transcriptional target of the myogenic transcription factors MyoD and Myf5, indicating that it is integral to the myogenic transcriptional program. The localization of Hes6 protein changes during differentiation, becoming predominantly nuclear. Knockdown of Hes6 mRNA levels by siRNA has no effect on cell cycle exit or induction of myosin heavy chain expression in differentiating C2C12 myoblasts, but F-actin filament formation is disrupted and both cell motility and myoblast fusion are reduced. The knockdown phenotype is rescued by expression of Hes6 cDNA resistant to siRNA. These results define a novel role for Hes6 in actin cytoskeletal dynamics in post mitotic myoblasts.

  20. Production of lactic acid from C6-polyols by alkaline hydrothermal reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Huazhen; Jin Fangming; Wu Bing; Cao Jianglin; Duan Xiaokun; Kishita, Atsushi


    Production of lactic acid from C6-polyols (Mannitol) under alkaline hydrothermal conditions was investigated. Experiments were performed to examine the difference in the production of lactic acid between C6-polyols and C3-polyols (glycerine), as well as C6-aldoses (glucose). Results showed that the yield of lactic acid from C6-polyols was lower than that from both glycerine and glucose. It indicated that long chain polyols might follow a different reaction pathway from that of glycerine. Further investigation is needed to clarify the reaction mechanism and improve the relatively low lactic acid acid yield from C6-polyols.

  1. Uso da alga Lithothamnium calcareum como fonte alternativa de cálcio nas rações de frangos de corte


    Carlos,André Carreira; Sakomura,Nilva Kazue; Pinheiro,Sandra Regina Freitas; Toledano,Fernando Marcelo Micai; Giacometti,Renato; Silva Júnior,José Walter da


    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o uso da alga Lithothamnium calcareum (Pallas) Areschoug nas rações para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 e 21 a 42 dias de idade, em substituição à fonte de cálcio tradicional (calcário calcítico). Para isso, foram utilizados 300 pintos machos, da linhagem Cobb®, que receberam rações contendo o calcário calcítico e a alga Lithothamnium calcareum (colhida de inteira e na forma de areia biodentrítica) como fontes de cálcio. O delineamento experimental utiliza...

  2. Motivação humana : motivos envolvidos no processo educacional na UFAC


    Minoru Martins Kinpara


    Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo conhecer e compreender os motivos que levam as pessoas a participarem do processo de educação superior no Acre, permanecendo na Universidade até completarem a graduação e tendo como quadro teórico a concepção de desenvolvimento humano de Abraham Harold Maslow. A teoria presta ênfase à natureza e potenciais de crescimento intrínsecos ao homem como determinantes de seu desenvolvimento pessoal. 552 sujeitos, alunos e alguns professores ...

  3. Experimental investigation of slow-positron emission from 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ling, C.C.; Beling, C.D.; Fung, S.; Weng, H.M.


    Slow-positron emission from the surfaces of as-grown n-type 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC (silicon carbide) with a conversion efficiency of ∼10 -4 has been observed. After 30 min of 1000 deg. C annealing in forming gas, the conversion efficiency of the n-type 6H-SiC sample was observed to be enhanced by 75% to 1.9x10 -4 , but it then dropped to ∼10 -5 upon a further 30 min annealing at 1400 deg. C. The positron work function of the n-type 6H-SiC was found to increase by 29% upon 1000 deg. C annealing. For both p-type 4H-SiC and p-type 6H-SiC materials, the conversion efficiency was of the order of ∼10 -5 , some ten times lower than that for the n-type materials. This was attributed to the band bending at the p-type material surface which caused positrons to drift away from the positron emitting surface. (author)

  4. Analysis on Biomechanical Characteristics of Post-operational Vertebral C5-C6 Segments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heqiang Tian


    Full Text Available Both anterior cervical decompression and fusion (ACDF and artificial cervical disc replacement (ACDR have obvious advantages in the treatment of cervical spondylosis. To analyze the operation results, it is absolutely necessary to study the biomechanics of the movement range of post-operational vertebral C5-C6 segments, especially the biomechanical characteristics in cervical tissues in actual movements. In this study, using the human vertebral 3D graph gained by imaging diagnosis (CT, a vertebral solid model is established by the 3D reconstruction algorithm and reverse engineering technology. After that, with cervical soft tissue structure added to the solid model and set with a joint contact mechanism, a finite element model with a complete, accurate cervical C5-C6 kinematic unit is constructed, based on relevant physiological anatomical knowledge. This model includes vertebral segments, an intervertebral disc, ligament and zygopophysis in the cervical C5-C6 kinematic unit. In the created vertebral finite element model, the model is amended, referring to ACDF and ACDR, and the load and constraint are applied to a normal group, a fusion group and a displacement group, so as to analyze the biomechanical characteristics of the cervical vertebra after ACDF and ACDR. By comparing the finite element simulation results of different surgeries, this paper is intended to evaluate the functions and biomechanical behaviors of the post-operational vertebra, and explore the influence of the operation on the biomechanical stability of the cervical vertebra. This will provide theoretical guidance for implementation and optimization of ACDF and ACDR.

  5. C6 Coefficients and Dipole Polarizabilities for All Atoms and Many Ions in Rows 1-6 of the Periodic Table. (United States)

    Gould, Tim; Bučko, Tomáš


    Using time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) with exchange kernels, we calculate and test imaginary frequency-dependent dipole polarizabilities for all atoms and many ions in rows 1-6 of the periodic table. These are then integrated over frequency to produce C6 coefficients. Results are presented under different models: straight TDDFT calculations using two different kernels; "benchmark" TDDFT calculations corrected by more accurate quantum chemical and experimental data; and "benchmark" TDDFT with frozen orbital anions. Parametrizations are presented for 411+ atoms and ions, allowing results to be easily used by other researchers. A curious relationship, C6,XY ∝ [αX(0)αY(0)](0.73), is found between C6 coefficients and static polarizabilities α(0). The relationship C6,XY = 2C6,XC6,Y/[(αX/αY)C6,Y + (αY/αX)C6,X] is tested and found to work well (30% errors) in a small fraction of cases.

  6. Lowest instrumented vertebra selection in Lenke 3C and 6C scoliosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yu; Bünger, Cody; Zhang, Yanqun


    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate whether or not post-op curve behaviour differs due to different choices of lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) with reference to lumbar apical vertebra (LAV) in Lenke 3C and 6C scoliosis. METHODS: We reviewed all the AIS cases surgically treated...... it can yield similar correction while preserving more lumbar mobility and growth potential....

  7. Detecção de potenciais marcadores moleculares séricos da doença de Hodgkin Detection of potential serum molecular markers for Hodgkin's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Costa Carvalho


    Full Text Available MOTIVAÇÃO: Neste trabalho foi analisado o perfil de proteínas séricas de pacientes com doença de Hodgkin (DH localizada e avançada em busca de novos e potenciais biomarcadores para o diagnóstico médico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O perfil de proteínas presentes no soro de 14 indivíduos saudáveis, 14 pacientes com DH avançada e 15 pacientes com DH localizada, assim como pools de soro dos respectivos grupos, foi analisado em gel desnaturante de poliacrilamida a 12% corado pela prata. A densitometria e a intensidade média das bandas de interesse foram estudadas utilizando-se o Kodak 1D Scientific Imaging System. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: O perfil protéico apresentou acentuada variação entre os pacientes examinados; entretanto foi observada a indução predominante de determinadas proteínas (aproximadamente 26kDa e 18kDa, cuja expressão foi substancialmente diferente quando em comparação com os controles (p AIM: In this work the serum protein profile of patients with localized and advanced Hodgkin's disease (HD was analyzed to search for new potential biomarkers of medical interest. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The serum protein profile of 14 healthy donors, 14 patients with advanced disease, 15 patients with localized disease and serum pools of the respective groups, were analyzed using silver stained 12% denaturating polyacrylamide gel. The densitometry and mean band intensity from the bands of interest were analyzed using the Kodak 1D Scientific Imaging System. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The patients' protein profiles presented heterogenous variations; however over-expressed proteins of approximately 26kDa and 18kDa were proven to be statistically different when compared to healthy donors. Such proteins could potentially constitute in molecular markers for diagnosis and patient treatment follow-up.

  8. Covalent functionalization of octagraphene with magnetic octahedral B6- and non-planar C6- clusters (United States)

    Chigo-Anota, E.; Cárdenas-Jirón, G.; Salazar Villanueva, M.; Bautista Hernández, A.; Castro, M.


    The interaction between the magnetic boron octahedral (B6-) and non-planar (C6-) carbon clusters with semimetal nano-sheet of octa-graphene (C64H24) in the gas phase is studied by means of DFT calculations. These results reveal that non-planar-1 (anion) carbon cluster exhibits structural stability, low chemical reactivity, magnetic (1.0 magneton bohr) and semiconductor behavior. On the other hand, there is chemisorption phenomena when the stable B6- and C6- clusters are absorbed on octa-graphene nanosheets. Such absorption generates high polarity and the low-reactivity remains as on the individual pristine cases. Electronic charge transference occurs from the clusters toward the nanosheets, producing a reduction of the work function for the complexes and also induces a magnetic behavior on the functionalized sheets. The quantum descriptors obtained for these systems reveal that they are feasible candidates for the design of molecular circuits, magnetic devices, and nano-vehicles for drug delivery.

  9. Miniplacas de titânio na redução de fraturas mandibulares em cães e gatos: estudo de seis casos Titanium miniplates in mandibular fracture repair in dogs and cats: study of 6 cases


    Cristiano Gomes; Aline Silva Gouvêa; Marcelo Meller Alievi; Emerson Antonio Contesini; Ney Luis Pippi


    Fraturas de mandíbula e maxila são comuns em cães e gatos, correspondendo a cerca de 3 a 6% de todas as fraturas. Muitos tratamentos são propostos para a correção desse defeito, como o uso de pino intramedular, a fixação esquelética externa, a cerclagem e o uso de acrílicos e placas ósseas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o uso das mini e microplacas de titânio do sistema 2,0 e 1,5mm no tratamento de fraturas mandibulares, em cães e gatos, respectivamente. Os parafusos e as miniplacas ...

  10. Data on morphometric analysis of the pancreatic islets from C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago Aparecido da Silva


    Full Text Available The endocrine portion of the pancreas, which is characterized by pancreatic islets, has been widely investigated among different species. The BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice are extensively used in experimental research, and the morphometric differences in the pancreatic islets of these animals have not been evaluated so far. Thus, our data have a comparative perspective related to the morphometric analysis of area, diameters, circularity, and density of pancreatic islets from BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. The data presented here are focused to evaluate the differences in morphology of pancreatic islets of two common laboratory mouse strains. Keywords: Pancreatic islets, Morphometry, BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice

  11. Possible association of 3' UTR +357 A>G, IVS11-nt 93 T>C, c.1311 C>T polymorphism with G6PD deficiency. (United States)

    Sirdah, Mahmoud M; Shubair, Mohammad E; Al-Kahlout, Mustafa S; Al-Tayeb, Jamal M; Prchal, Josef T; Reading, N Scott


    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a common X-linked inherited enzymopathic disorder affecting more than 500 million people worldwide. It has so far been linked to 217 distinct genetic variants in the exons and exon-intron boundaries of the G6PD gene, giving rise to a wide range of biochemical heterogeneity and clinical manifestations. Reports from different settings suggested the association of intronic and other mutations outside the reading frame of the G6PD gene with reduced enzyme activity and presenting clinical symptoms. The present study aimed to investigate any association of other variations apart of the exonic or exonic intronic boundaries in the development of G6PD deficiency. Sixty-seven unrelated Palestinian children admitted to the pediatric hospital with hemolytic crises due to G6PD deficiency were studied. In our Palestinian cohort of 67 [59 males (M) and 8 females (F)] G6PD-deficient children, previously hospitalized for acute hemolytic anemia due to favism, molecular sequencing of the G6PD gene revealed four cases (3M and 1F) that did not have any of the variants known to cause G6PD deficiency, but the 3' UTR c.*+357A>G (rs1050757) polymorphism in association with IVS 11 (c.1365-13T>C; rs2071429), and c.1311C>T (rs2230037). We now provide an additional evidence form Palestinian G6PD-deficient subjects for a possible role of 3' UTR c.*+357 A>G, c.1365-13T>C, and/or c.1311C>T polymorphism for G6PD deficiency, suggesting that not only a single variation in the exonic or exonic intronic boundaries, but also a haplotype of G6PD should considered as a cause for G6PD deficiency.

  12. Microencapsulation of a putative probiotic Enterobacter species, C6-6, to protect rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), against bacterial coldwater disease. (United States)

    Ghosh, B; Cain, K D; Nowak, B F; Bridle, A R


    Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of bacterial coldwater disease (BCWD), which has a major impact on salmonid aquaculture globally. An Enterobacter species, C6-6, isolated from the gut of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), has been identified as a potential probiotic species providing protection against BCWD. This study examined the effects of alginate microencapsulation on the protective efficacy of C6-6 against BCWD in vivo when administered to rainbow trout fry orally or by intraperitoneal (IP) injection. Viable C6-6 bacteria were microencapsulated successfully, and this process (microencapsulation) did not significantly deteriorate its protective properties as compared to the administration of non-microencapsulated C6-6 bacteria. Both oral and IP delivery of C6-6 achieved significantly better protection than control treatments that did not contain C6-6 bacteria. The highest relative percent survival (RPS) resulted from IP delivery (71.4%) and was significantly greater than the highest oral RPS (38.6%). Successful intestinal colonization was not critical to protective effects of C6-6. The study showed that C6-6 administration, with or without encapsulation, was a viable choice for protecting fry from BCWD especially when administered intraperitoneally. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. 3D organic Na4C6O6/graphene architecture for fast sodium storage with ultralong cycle life. (United States)

    Gu, Jianan; Gu, Yue; Yang, Shubin


    Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have aroused increasing interest as one of the most promising replacements for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Here, a novel organic-inorganic 3D Na 4 C 6 O 6 -graphene architecture was successfully fabricated from commercial Na 2 C 6 O 6 and for the first time applied for sodium storage. Hence, the 3D Na 4 C 6 O 6 -graphene architecture exhibits a high reversible capacity, good cyclic performance and high-rate capability for sodium storage.

  14. Síntese e estudo microestrutural de perovskita do tipo La0,8Ca0,2MO3 (M = Co ou Mn com gelatina como precursor orgânico para aplicação em catálise automotiva Synthesis and microstructural characterization of La0.8Ca0.2MO3 (M = Co or Mn perovskite with gelatin as organic precursor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. B. M. Wanderley


    Full Text Available Materiais com estrutura perovskita são potenciais catalisadores para prevenir a emissão de componentes poluentes no meio ambiente. Vários métodos têm sido propostos para a síntese desses materiais visando produzir materiais homogêneos com tamanho de partícula nanométrico. Neste trabalho os compostos manganato de lantânio e cobaltato de lantânio com substituição parcial de cálcio foram sintetizados com gelatina como agente de polimerização, visando sua utilização como catalisadores automotivos. Esse método de síntese foi utilizado porque permite a obtenção de fases cristalinas com pós homogêneos e porosos. Os pós obtidos a 300 ºC/4 h foram calcinados a 700 e 900 ºC/4 h e caracterizados pelas técnicas de análise termogravimétrica, difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As perovskitas obtidas foram monofásicas, manométricas, porosas e com propriedades adequadas para aplicação em catálise automotiva.Materials with perovskite structure are potential catalysts to prevent emission of pollutants into the environment. Various methods have been proposed for the synthesis of these materials, to produce homogeneous materials with nanoscale particle size. In this work, lanthanum manganate and lanthanum cobaltate compounds with partial substitution of calcium were synthesized using gelatin as a precursor agent, aiming its use as automotive catalysts. This synthesis method was used because it allows the synthesis of crystalline phases with homogeneous and porous powders. The powders obtained at 300 °C/4 h were calcined at 700 and 900 ºC/4 h and were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The obtained perovskites were monophasic, nanometric, porous and with suitable properties for application in automotive catalysis.

  15. High-pressure pyrolysis study of C sub 3 N sub 6 H sub 6 : a route to preparing bulk C sub 3 N sub 4

    CERN Document Server

    Ma, H A; Chen, L X; Zhu, P W; Guo, W L; Guo, X B; Wang, Y D; Li, S Q; Zou Guang Tian; Zhang, G; Bex, P


    In order to prepare bulk C sub 3 N sub 4 , high-pressure pyrolysis of melamine (C sub 3 N sub 6 H sub 6) at different temperatures was carried out. The products were characterized by C, N, H element analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and x-ray diffractometry. The results of the analysis reveal that graphitic phase C sub 3 N sub 4 has been synthesized. It provides a novel route to synthesis of the theoretical superhard cubic C sub 3 N sub 4 and other C sub 3 N sub 4 phases from organic compounds by a high-pressure and high-temperature method.

  16. Electronic and electrochemical properties of platinum(II) and platinum-mercury-carboxylato complexes containing 2-Me2NCH2C6H4, 2,6-(Me2NCH2)2C6H3- and 2-Me2NC6H4CH2 - ligands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koten, G. van; Ploeg, A.F.M.J. van der; Schmitz, J.E.J.; Linden, J.G.M. van der


    The organoplatinum(II) compounds [{2, 6-(Me{2}NCH{2}){2}C{6}H{3}}PtBr] and cis-[(C-N){2}Pt] (C-N = 2-Me{2}NCH{2}C{6}H{4}, 2-Me{2}NC{6}H{4}CH{2}) can be chemically irreversibly oxidized in the potential range 1.00 to 1.35 V vs. an Ag/AgCl electrode, whereas the organoplatinum@?mercury complexes

  17. Temporal characteristics of stress-induced decrease in benzodiazepine reception in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. (United States)

    Yarkova, M A; Seredenin, S B


    We studied the duration of the drop of specific (3)H-flunitrazepam binding by synaptosomal membranes from the brain of C57Bl/6 and BALB/c mice after open-field and "contact with predator" tests. It was found that reduced benzodiazepine reception in BALB/c mice after open-field test persisted for 1.5 h, but no changes of this parameter were found in C57Bl/6 mice. After contact with predator, the binding capacity of the benzodiazepine site of GABAA receptor was reduced for 8 h in BALB/c mice and for 24 h in C57Bl/6 mice.

  18. MicroRNA, miR-374b, directly targets Myf6 and negatively regulates C2C12 myoblasts differentiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma, Zhiyuan; Sun, Xiaorui; Xu, Dequan; Xiong, Yuanzhu; Zuo, Bo, E-mail:


    Myogenesis is a complex process including myoblast proliferation, differentiation and myotube formation and is controlled by myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs), MyoD, MyoG, Myf5 and Myf6 (also known as MRF4). MicroRNA is a kind of ∼22 nt-long non-coding small RNAs, and act as key transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. Identification of miRNAs involved in the regulation of muscle genes could improve our understanding of myogenesis process. In this study, we investigated the regulation of Myf6 gene by miRNAs. We showed that miR-374b specifically bound to the 3'untranslated region (UTR) of Myf6 and down-regulated the expression of Myf6 gene at both mRNA and protein level. Furthermore, miR-374b is ubiquitously expressed in the tissues of adult C57BL6 mouse, and the mRNA abundance increases first and then decreases during C2C12 myoblasts differentiation. Over-expression of miR-374b impaired C2C12 cell differentiation, while inhibiting miR-374b expression by 2′-O-methyl antisense oligonucleotides promoted C2C12 cell differentiation. Taken together, our findings identified miR-374b directly targets Myf6 and negatively regulates myogenesis. - Highlights: • MiR-374b directly targets 3′UTR of Myf6. • MiR-374b negatively regulates Myf6 in C2C12 cells. • MiR-374b abundance significiently changes during C2C12 cells differentiation. • MiR-374b negatively regulates C2C12 cells differentiation.

  19. Práticas educativas, estilos parentais e abuso físico no contexto familiar


    Cecconello, Alessandra Marques; De Antoni, Clarissa; Koller, Sílvia Helena


    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre práticas educativas e estilos parentais no contexto familiar, com o objetivo de analisá-los como fatores potenciais de proteção ou de risco para o abuso físico, sob o enfoque ecológico do desenvolvimento humano. São discutidos vários indicadores nas esferas familiar, pessoal e social, tais como: características individuais, experiência dos pais em suas famílias de origem, rede de apoio social e eventos estressantes no ciclo vital. A compre...

  20. Studies of the pressure-induced phase transition of C sub 3 N sub 6 H sub 6

    CERN Document Server

    Ma Hong An; Cui Qi Liang; Pan Yue Wu; Zhu Pin Wen; Guo Wei; Chen Li Xue; Ren Guo Zheng; Zou Guang Tian; LiuJing


    In situ high pressure energy dispersive X-ray diffraction experiments have been carried out on C sub 3 N sub 6 H sub 6 by using diamond anvil cell (DAC) device with synchrotron radiation source. Two structural phase transitions of C sub 3 N sub 6 H sub 6 have been observed within 14.7 GPa pressure range, from monoclinic to triclinic structure at 1.3 GPa and from triclinic to orthorhombic structure at 8.2 GPa, respectively

  1. F1 hybrids of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mouse strains respond differently ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    cross was decided between C57BL/6 female and BALB/c ... on the mouse 7.4k cDNA microarray slide (University Health ... The ratio of two-fold increase (2.0) or decrease (−2.0) in ... were carried out to validate data from the cDNA micror- ray.

  2. In vivo detection of c-Met expression in a rat C6 glioma model. (United States)

    Towner, R A; Smith, N; Doblas, S; Tesiram, Y; Garteiser, P; Saunders, D; Cranford, R; Silasi-Mansat, R; Herlea, O; Ivanciu, L; Wu, D; Lupu, F


    The tyrosine kinase receptor, c-Met, and its substrate, the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), are implicated in the malignant progression of glioblastomas. In vivo detection of c-Met expression may be helpful in the diagnosis of malignant tumours. The C6 rat glioma model is a widely used intracranial brain tumour model used to study gliomas experimentally. We used a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) molecular targeting agent to specifically tag the cell surface receptor, c-Met, with an anti-c-Met antibody (Ab) linked to biotinylated Gd (gadolinium)-DTPA (diethylene triamine penta acetic acid)-albumin in rat gliomas to detect overexpression of this antigen in vivo. The anti-c-Met probe (anti-c-Met-Gd-DTPA-albumin) was administered intravenously, and as determined by an increase in MRI signal intensity and a corresponding decrease in regional T(1) relaxation values, this probe was found to detect increased expression of c-Met protein levels in C6 gliomas. In addition, specificity for the binding of the anti-c-Met contrast agent was determined by using fluorescence microscopic imaging of the biotinylated portion of the targeting agent within neoplastic and 'normal'brain tissues following in vivo administration of the anti-c-Met probe. Controls with no Ab or with a normal rat IgG attached to the contrast agent component indicated no non-specific binding to glioma tissue. This is the first successful visualization of in vivo overexpression of c-Met in gliomas.

  3. Analogía y metáfora en el análisis organizacional. Un ejemplo: la organización como cárcel

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    Jairo E. Carrillo G.


    Full Text Available Este ensayo busca mostrar cómo la analogía y la metáfora constituyen recursos metodológicos adecuados para describir y comprender aspectos centrales de la dinámica organizacional, no accesibles por otros métodos. Como ilustración se hará énfasis en la metáfora que asocia las organizaciones con el concepto de prisión psíquica o cárcel virtual

  4. Generating Chimeric Mice by Using Embryos from Nonsuperovulated BALB/c Mice Compared with Superovulated BALB/c and Albino C57BL/6 Mice. (United States)

    Esmail, Michael Y; Qi, Peimin; Connor, Aurora Burds; Fox, James G; García, Alexis


    The reliable generation of high-percentage chimeras from gene-targeted C57BL/6 embryonic stem cells has proven challenging, despite optimization of cell culture and microinjection techniques. To improve the efficiency of this procedure, we compared the generation of chimeras by using 3 different inbred, albino host, embryo-generating protocols: BALB/cAnNTac (BALB/c) donor mice superovulated at 4 wk of age, 12-wk-old BALB/c donor mice without superovulation, and C57BL/6NTac-Tyr(tm1Arte) (albino B6) mice superovulated at 4 wk of age. Key parameters measured included the average number of injectable embryos per donor, the percentage of live pups born from the total number of embryos transferred to recipients, and the number of chimeric pups with high embryonic-stem-cell contribution by coat color. Although albino B6 donors produced significantly more injectable embryos than did BALB/c donors, 12-wk-old BALB/c donor produced high-percentage (at least 70%) chimeras more than 2.5 times as often as did albino B6 mice and 20 times more efficiently than did 4-wk-old BALB/c donors. These findings clearly suggest that 12-wk-old BALB/c mice be used as blastocyst donors to reduce the number of mice used to generate each chimera, reduce the production of low-percentage chimeras, and maximize the generation of high-percentage chimeras from C57BL/6 embryonic stem cells.

  5. The profile of potential organ and tissue donors El perfil de probables donadores de órganos y tejidos O perfil de potenciais doadores de órgãos e tecidos

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    Edvaldo Leal de Moraes


    Full Text Available This study aimed to characterize donors according to gender, age group, cause of brain death; quantify donors with hypernatremia, hyperpotassemia and hypopotassemia; and get to know which organs were the most used in transplantations. This quantitative, descriptive, exploratory and retrospective study was performed at the Organ Procurement Organization of the University of São Paulo Medical School Hospital das Clínicas. Data from the medical records of 187 potential donors were analyzed. Cerebrovascular accidents represented 53.48% of all brain death causes, sodium and potassium disorders occurred in 82.36% of cases and 45.46% of the potential donors were between 41 and 60 years old. The results evidenced that natural death causes exceeded traumatic deaths, and that most donors presented sodium and potassium alterations, likely associated to inappropriate maintenance.Se tuvo como objetivos determinar las características de los donadores según el sexo, el intervalo de edad, y, las causas por muerte encefálica; determinar el número donadores que presentaban hipernatremia, hiperpotasemia y hipopotasemia; conocer los órganos que fueron más utilizados para el trasplante. Es un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, exploratorio y retrospectivo. La investigación fue realizada en una Institución de donación de Órganos perteneciente al Hospital de las Clínicas de Sao Paulo. Fueron analizados los datos de 187 probables donadores. Entre las causas de muerte encefálica el 53,48% fueron por accidente cerebro vascular, en 82,36% de los casos se produjeron alteraciones en los valores de sodio y potasio y los donadores se encontraban entre 41 y 60 años de edad. Los resultados muestran que las causas naturales de muerte superaron a las muertes por traumatismo. La mayoría de los donadores tuvo alteraciones en los niveles de sodio y potasio, estando posiblemente relacionadas a medidas de conservación inadecuadas.Objetivou-se caracterizar os

  6. Diodes of nanocrystalline SiC on n-/n+-type epitaxial crystalline 6H-SiC (United States)

    Zheng, Junding; Wei, Wensheng; Zhang, Chunxi; He, Mingchang; Li, Chang


    The diodes of nanocrystalline SiC on epitaxial crystalline (n-/n+)6H-SiC wafers were investigated, where the (n+)6H-SiC layer was treated as cathode. For the first unit, a heavily boron doped SiC film as anode was directly deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition method on the wafer. As to the second one, an intrinsic SiC film was fabricated to insert between the wafer and the SiC anode. The third one included the SiC anode, an intrinsic SiC layer and a lightly phosphorus doped SiC film besides the wafer. Nanocrystallization in the yielded films was illustrated by means of X-ray diffraction, transmission electronic microscope and Raman spectrum respectively. Current vs. voltage traces of the obtained devices were checked to show as rectifying behaviors of semiconductor diodes, the conduction mechanisms were studied. Reverse recovery current waveforms were detected to analyze the recovery performance. The nanocrystalline SiC films in base region of the fabricated diodes are demonstrated as local regions for lifetime control of minority carriers to improve the reverse recovery properties.

  7. Sr2YSbO6 como potencial sustrato para la deposición de películas supercnductoras de YBa2Cu3O7-δ

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    Omar Ortiz


    Full Text Available Se sinteitzó un nuevo material y por medio de la técnica de difracción de rayos X se encontró que su ordenamiento estructual corresponde al de una perovskita compleja de tipo A2BB'O6 con valor de parámetro de red 8,2561 A. Este estudio junto con un análisis EDX permitieron asignar a este compuesto la fórmula Sr2YSbO6. Se elaboraron mezclas homogéneas de este material con YBa2Cu3O7-δ, compactando luego las muestras en forma de pastilla para someterlas a un tratamiento térmico a 900 ºC durante diez horas. Los estudios de difracción de rayos X y magnetización para temperaturas entre 5 y 300 K sobre estas mezclas permitieron determinar que Sr2YSbO6 no reaccionó químicamente con el YBa2Cu3O7-δ y no altero el valor de la temperatura de transiión del superconductor a pesar del tratamiento térmico. Estos estudios permitieron determinar que el nuevo material Sr2YSbO6 podría ser utilizado como sustrato para el crecimiento epitaxial de películas superconductoras de YBa2Cu3O7-δ.

  8. Measurement of the figure of merit M for 1-C3F6/SF6 mixtures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jørn Erik Berril; McAllister, Iain Wilson


    High precision measurements of the linear part of the Paschen curve are reported for 1-C3F6/SF6 mixtures. From these measurements, values for the pressure-reduced limiting electric field strength (E/p)lim and the associated figure of merit M are derived. These two parameters can be used to charac......High precision measurements of the linear part of the Paschen curve are reported for 1-C3F6/SF6 mixtures. From these measurements, values for the pressure-reduced limiting electric field strength (E/p)lim and the associated figure of merit M are derived. These two parameters can be used...

  9. Fine and hyperfine collisional excitation of C6H by He (United States)

    Walker, Kyle M.; Lique, François; Dawes, Richard


    Hydrogenated carbon chains have been detected in interstellar and circumstellar media and accurate modelling of their abundances requires collisional excitation rate coefficients with the most abundant species. Among them, the C6H molecule is one of the most abundant towards many lines of sight. Hence, we determined fine and hyperfine-resolved rate coefficients for the excitation of C6H(X2Π) due to collisions with He. We present the first interaction potential energy surface for the C6H-He system, obtained from highly correlated ab initio calculations and characterized by a large anisotropy due to the length of the molecule. We performed dynamical calculations for transitions among the first fine structure levels (up to J = 30.5) of both spin-orbit manifolds of C6H using the close-coupling method, and rate coefficients are determined for temperatures ranging from 5 to 100 K. The largest rate coefficients for even ΔJ transitions conserve parity, while parity-breaking rate coefficients are favoured for odd ΔJ. Spin-orbit changing rate coefficients are several orders of magnitude lower than transitions within a single manifold. State-to-state hyperfine-resolved cross-sections for the first levels (up to J = 13.5) in the Ω = 3/2 spin-orbit manifold are deduced using recoupling techniques. Rate coefficients are obtained and the propensity rule ΔJ = ΔF is seen. These new data will help determine the abundance of C6H in astrophysical environments such as cold dense molecular clouds, star-forming regions and circumstellar envelopes, and will help in the interpretation of the puzzling C6H-/C6H abundance ratios deduced from observations.

  10. The novel cytochrome c6 of chloroplasts: a case of evolutionary bricolage? (United States)

    Howe, Christopher J; Schlarb-Ridley, Beatrix G; Wastl, Juergen; Purton, Saul; Bendall, Derek S


    Cytochrome c6 has long been known as a redox carrier of the thylakoid lumen of cyanobacteria and some eukaryotic algae that can substitute for plastocyanin in electron transfer. Until recently, it was widely accepted that land plants lack a cytochrome c6. However, a homologue of the protein has now been identified in several plant species together with an additional isoform in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. This form of the protein, designated cytochrome c6A, differs from the 'conventional' cytochrome c6 in possessing a conserved insertion of 12 amino acids that includes two absolutely conserved cysteine residues. There are conflicting reports of whether cytochrome c6A can substitute for plastocyanin in photosynthetic electron transfer. The evidence for and against this is reviewed and the likely evolutionary history of cytochrome c6A is discussed. It is suggested that it has been converted from a primary role in electron transfer to one in regulation within the chloroplast, and is an example of evolutionary 'bricolage'.

  11. Protocolo para captação dos potenciais evocados auditivos de longa latência Protocol to collect late latency auditory evoked potentials

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    Luzia Maria Pozzobom Ventura


    Full Text Available Os potenciais evocados auditivos de longa latência (PEALLs se referem a uma série de mudanças elétricas, ocorridas no sistema nervoso central, resultante da estimulação da via sensorial auditiva. Muitos estudos abordam o uso destes potenciais, controlando o artefato gerado pelo movimento ocular com a utilização de equipamentos com grande número de canais. Porém, na prática clínica nacional, a realidade é diferente, havendo disponibilidade de equipamentos com número reduzido de canais. OBJETIVO: Comparar dois métodos de controle do artefato gerado pelo movimento ocular durante a captação dos PEALLs usando dois canais de registro. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo pela aplicação de dois métodos de captação dos PEALLs (subtração do artefato ocular e controle do limite de rejeição em 10 adultos ouvintes normais. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os valores de latência obtidos com o uso dos dois métodos, apenas entre os valores de amplitude. CONCLUSÃO: Os dois métodos foram eficientes para a captação dos PEALLs e para o controle do artefato do movimento ocular. O método do controle do limite de rejeição promoveu maiores valores de amplitude.Long Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials (LLAEP represents a number of electrical changes occurring in the central nervous system, resulting from stimulation of the auditory sensorial pathways. Many studies approach the use of these potentials controlling the artifact created by eye movement with the use of equipment with a large number of channels. However, what happens is very different in Brazilian clinical practice, where the equipment used has a very limited number of channels. AIM: to compare the two methods used to control the artifacts created by eye movements during LLAEP capture using two recording channels. MATERIALS AND METHODS: this is a prospective study with the application of two LLAEP capturing methods (eye artifact

  12. Entericidin is required for a probiotic treatment (Enterobacter sp. strain C6-6) to protect trout from cold-water disease challenge. (United States)

    Schubiger, Carla B; Orfe, Lisa H; Sudheesh, Ponnerassery S; Cain, Kenneth D; Shah, Devendra H; Call, Douglas R


    Flavobacterium psychrophilum causes bacterial cold-water disease in multiple fish species, including salmonids. An autochthonous Enterobacter strain (C6-6) inhibits the in vitro growth of F. psychrophilum, and when ingested as a putative probiotic, it provides protection against injection challenge with F. psychrophilum in rainbow trout. In this study, low-molecular-mass (≤3 kDa) fractions from both Enterobacter C6-6 and Escherichia coli K-12 culture supernatants inhibited the growth of F. psychrophilum. The ≤3-kDa fraction from Enterobacter C6-6 was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, and subsequent tandem mass spectroscopy identified EcnB, which is a small membrane lipoprotein that is a putative pore-forming toxin. Agar plate diffusion assays demonstrated that ecnAB knockout strains of both Enterobacter C6-6 and E. coli K-12 no longer inhibited F. psychrophilum (P ) and the wild-type strain (C6-6) were added to the fish diet every day for 38 days. On day 11, the fish were challenged by injection with a virulent strain of F. psychrophilum (CSF 259-93). Fish that were fed C6-6 had significantly longer survival than fish fed the ecnAB knockout strain (P Enterobacter C6-6, and it may present new opportunities for therapeutic and prophylactic treatments against similarly susceptible pathogens. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


    Pereira, Íria Márcia; Lima, Sarah Buzaim; Freitas, Aline de Araújo; Vinaud, Marina Clare; Junior, Ruy de Souza Lino


    Human cysticercosis is one of the most severe parasitic infections affecting tissues. Experimental models are needed to understand the host-parasite dynamics involved throughout the course of the infection. The subcutaneous experimental model is the closest to what is observed in human cysticercosis that does not affect the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to evaluate macroscopically and microscopically the experimental subcutaneous cysticercosis caused by Taenia crassiceps cysticerci in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. Animals were inoculated in the dorsal subcutaneous region and macroscopic and microscopic aspects of the inflammatory process in the host-parasite interface were evaluated until 90 days after the inoculation (DAI). All the infected animals presented vesicles containing cysticerci in the inoculation site, which was translucent at 7 DAI and then remained opaque throughout the experimental days. The microscopic analysis showed granulation tissue in BALB/c mice since the acute phase of infection evolving to chronicity without cure, presenting 80% of larval stage cysticerci at 90 DAI. While C57BL/6 mice presented 67% of final stage cysticerci at 90 DAI, the parasites were surrounded by neutrophils evolving to the infection control. It is possible to conclude that the genetic features of susceptibility (BALB/c) or resistance (C57BL/6) were confirmed in an experimental subcutaneous model of cysticercosis.

  14. Synthesis, structure and electronic configuration of [Rh{sub 6}Te{sub 8}(PPh{sub 3}){sub 6}].4C{sub 6}H{sub 6}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thiele, Guenther; Balmer, Markus [Marburg Univ. (Germany). Fachbereich Chemie; Dehnen, Stefanie [Marburg Univ. (Germany). Fachbereich Chemie and Wissenschaftliches Zentrum fuer Materialwissenschaften


    [Rh{sub 6}Te{sub 8}(PPh{sub 3}){sub 6}].4C{sub 6}H{sub 6}, the first compound with a molecular Chevrel-type [Rh{sub 6}Te{sub 8}] cluster core has been synthesized and structurally characterized. By means of quantum chemical calculation, the close relationship of its electronic configuration to that of the lighter homologue has been demonstrated. The different crystal solvent content prevents an isostructural crystallization.


    Donnell, B.


    CLIPS, the C Language Integrated Production System, is a complete environment for developing expert systems -- programs which are specifically intended to model human expertise or knowledge. It is designed to allow artificial intelligence research, development, and delivery on conventional computers. CLIPS 6.0 provides a cohesive tool for handling a wide variety of knowledge with support for three different programming paradigms: rule-based, object-oriented, and procedural. Rule-based programming allows knowledge to be represented as heuristics, or "rules-of-thumb" which specify a set of actions to be performed for a given situation. Object-oriented programming allows complex systems to be modeled as modular components (which can be easily reused to model other systems or create new components). The procedural programming capabilities provided by CLIPS 6.0 allow CLIPS to represent knowledge in ways similar to those allowed in languages such as C, Pascal, Ada, and LISP. Using CLIPS 6.0, one can develop expert system software using only rule-based programming, only object-oriented programming, only procedural programming, or combinations of the three. CLIPS provides extensive features to support the rule-based programming paradigm including seven conflict resolution strategies, dynamic rule priorities, and truth maintenance. CLIPS 6.0 supports more complex nesting of conditional elements in the if portion of a rule ("and", "or", and "not" conditional elements can be placed within a "not" conditional element). In addition, there is no longer a limitation on the number of multifield slots that a deftemplate can contain. The CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) provides object-oriented programming capabilities. Features supported by COOL include classes with multiple inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, dynamic binding, and message passing with message-handlers. CLIPS 6.0 supports tight integration of the rule-based programming features of CLIPS with


    Riley, G.


    CLIPS, the C Language Integrated Production System, is a complete environment for developing expert systems -- programs which are specifically intended to model human expertise or knowledge. It is designed to allow artificial intelligence research, development, and delivery on conventional computers. CLIPS 6.0 provides a cohesive tool for handling a wide variety of knowledge with support for three different programming paradigms: rule-based, object-oriented, and procedural. Rule-based programming allows knowledge to be represented as heuristics, or "rules-of-thumb" which specify a set of actions to be performed for a given situation. Object-oriented programming allows complex systems to be modeled as modular components (which can be easily reused to model other systems or create new components). The procedural programming capabilities provided by CLIPS 6.0 allow CLIPS to represent knowledge in ways similar to those allowed in languages such as C, Pascal, Ada, and LISP. Using CLIPS 6.0, one can develop expert system software using only rule-based programming, only object-oriented programming, only procedural programming, or combinations of the three. CLIPS provides extensive features to support the rule-based programming paradigm including seven conflict resolution strategies, dynamic rule priorities, and truth maintenance. CLIPS 6.0 supports more complex nesting of conditional elements in the if portion of a rule ("and", "or", and "not" conditional elements can be placed within a "not" conditional element). In addition, there is no longer a limitation on the number of multifield slots that a deftemplate can contain. The CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) provides object-oriented programming capabilities. Features supported by COOL include classes with multiple inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, dynamic binding, and message passing with message-handlers. CLIPS 6.0 supports tight integration of the rule-based programming features of CLIPS with

  17. La Beta 2 Microglobulina como Marcador Tumoral.


    Saúco Márquez, Juan José


    En el presente trabajo hemos efectuado un estudio acerca del valor que tiene la Beta 2 Microglobulina para ser empleada como marcador tumoral. Esta sustancia es una microproteína que es producida por casi todas las células del organismos excepto los eritrocitos y las células trofoblásticas, es liberada a la circulación y es filtrada a nivel glomerular siendo reabsorbida por los túbulos renales en cuyas células es catabolizada y degradada ha...

  18. Experiencias en el establecimiento de Arachis pintoi Krapov & W.C. Greg. como cobertura en cítricos de Veracruz, México

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    B. Valles


    Full Text Available Se realizaron dos experimentos para evaluar el establecimiento de Arachis pintoi (Ap como cobertera en cítricos; el primero, en limón Persa, y el segundo, en naranjo. En el primero se sembraron los ecotipos CIAT 17434, 18744 y 18748 en suelo rastreado, en surcos separados a un metro, y distancia de 50 cm entre plantas. En el segundo, se sembró Ap 17434 en suelo rastreado, escardado, u hoyado; plantando a 50 y 35 cm en surcos separados a 75 cm, con y sin P+K+Mg. La cobertura se evaluó a 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 y 24 semanas postsiembra, con la misma frecuencia en el segundo caso hasta 20 semanas. El diseño experimental fue para el primero completamente al azar; y el segundo, de bloques al azar, en parcelas subdivididas. Del primero, resultó que las semanas para alcanzar 50% y 100% de cobertura fueron 16 y 32, 12 y 24, y 13 y 26, para 17434, 18744 y 18748, respectivamente (P=0.0001. Para el segundo caso, los máximos valores de cobertura fueron en suelo rastreado, en rango de 53.5 a 87.5 %, según la densidad de siembra y fertilización. En los restantes tratamientos los valores fueron pobres (3.5 % a 33.7%. Del primer experimento, los ecotipos 18744 y 18748 se consideraron como los más promisorios en cuanto al tiempo necesario para cubrir totalmente el terreno. Para el segundo experimento, la preparación del terreno con pases de rastra garantizó el mejor establecimiento de la cobertura.

  19. Theoretical investigation of the photochemical C2-C6 cyclisation of enyne-heteroallenes. (United States)

    Spöler, Carsten; Engels, Bernd


    Herein we discuss computations that explain experimental results regarding a highly efficient triplet analogue of the C(2)-C(6) cyclisation of enyne-heteroallenes recently discovered by Schmittel and co-workers.1 To shed some light on the reasons for the differences found between enyne-carbodiimides, enyne-ketenimines and enyne-allenes, we have computed the reaction profiles of the C(2)-C(6) and of the C(2)-C(7) cyclisations for various model compounds, assuming that the reactions take place on the lowest-lying triplet surfaces. Our results nicely explain the differences and the unexpected high efficiency found for the enyne-carbodiimides. The differences between enyne-carbodiimides and enyne-ketenimines prove to be due to differences in the shapes of the corresponding triplet surfaces. In contrast to the enyne-carbodiimides, for which our calculations predict that a direct cyclisation to the biradical intermediates should occur after the vertical excitation, the enyne-ketenimines relax into a local minimum on the triplet surface. As a consequence, further reaction channels are opened. Our computations indicate that enyne-allene compounds do not react because the necessary excitation energy lies outside the range of the employed triplet photosensitizer. Finally, the close agreement between our results and the experimental findings indicates that the underlying reasons for the differences in the photochemical behaviour of enyne-carbodiimides, enyne-ketenimines and enyne-allenes are related to differences in the electronic structures of the parent systems, while substituent effects are less important.

  20. El CO2 como disolvente y como reactivo


    La Franca Pitarresi, Vincenzo Rosario


    Existen numerosas ventajas asociada con el uso de CO2 , tanto como disolvente que como reactivo, y todas se pueden resumir en cuatro categorías generales: beneficios ambiental, beneficios de salud y seguridad, beneficios en el procedimiento y beneficios químicos. Los procesos que implican el CO2 como disolvente no aumentaría las emisiones de CO2, más bien proporcionaría una oportunidad para el reciclaje de CO2 residual. Además, los esfuerzos para secuestrar el CO2 producido de los gases de co...

  1. Xenotransplante ovariano de gatas domésticas em camundongas C57BL/6 SCID e sua resposta á gonadotrofina coriõnica equina


    Santos, Fernanda Araujo dos


    Xenotransplante ovariano é uma técnica reprodutiva auxiliar que permite a conservação do germoplasma de espécies de alto valor zootécnico ou em perigo de extinção. O uso de gonadotrofinas exógenas auxilia no desenvolvimento desses tecidos xenotransplantados e na obtenção de folículos viáveis para produção in vitro de embriões (PIVE), entretanto esse uso não foi relatado em xenotransplante de ovários de gatas com fêmeas C57BL/6 SCID como receptora. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho ...

  2. La realidad como materia novelable: Alejo Carpentier

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    Raquel Arias Careaga


    Full Text Available Desde que en 1897 Benito Pérez Galdós defendiera como materia prima legítima de la literatura «la vida misma, de donde el artista saca las ficciones que nos instruyen y embelesan» (Pérez Galdós, 1990: 159, el realismo como instrumento de indagación y análisis de la sociedad no ha dejado de crecer y expandirse. Realismo crítico, como este de Galdós, que implica una ampliación del concepto chato de «realidad», incluyendo en ella «recuerdos, sueños, imaginación, locura, símbolos» para contribuir a la formación de un «realismo total» (Rodríguez Puértolas, 2000, II: 93, al que se une también la asimilación de enseñanzas esenciales como la que representa la narrativa de Cervantes: La novelística de Galdós hunde sus raíces en el mejor Cervantes, como puede verse en su peculiar sentido del humor y de la ironía, en la concepción perspectivista de la realidad y en tantas otras cosas, algunas de ellas en verdad fundamentales. Así el concepto de la Naturaleza y sus relaciones dialécticas con el ser humano; así el Amor como elemento vital y animador del orden cósmico, muy alejado del idealismo vulgar romántico (Ibid., 93.

  3. Modelagem da curva de retenção de água de Latossolos utilizando a Equação Duplo Van Genuchten

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    Carla Eloize Carducci


    Full Text Available Os Latossolos da região do Cerrado brasileiro, em função da mineralogia da fração argila e estrutura granular, apresentam elevado volume de poros grandes e de poros extremamente pequenos, não mostrando significativo volume de poros intermediários, o que faz com que neles a disponibilidade de água para as plantas seja baixa. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar e modelar o comportamento da retenção de água em Latossolos oxídicos da região do Cerrado, pertencentes a diferentes classes texturais. Foram coletadas amostras do horizonte Bw de 10 Latossolos oxídicos sob vegetação nativa. A retenção de água nos potenciais matriciais de 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 kPa foi obtida em unidade de sucção nos potenciais de 33, 60, 100, 500 e 1.500 kPa no extrator de Richards, e a água retida sob potenciais de 1.500 a 300.000 kPa foi quantificada utilizando o psicrômetro de termopar WP4-T. O modelo duplo van Genuchten foi proposto para ajustar os dados experimentais de retenção de água por meio de procedimentos de ajuste de modelos não lineares do software R 2.10.1; também foi avaliada a relação entre as estimativas dos parâmetros do modelo, bem como a inclinação do ponto de inflexão com as propriedades texturais dos solos, aplicando o teste de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados mostraram o bom ajuste do modelo e alto poder de predição, sendo observada correlação do conteúdo de argila do solo com os parâmetros da equação (Usat, Upmp, Ures, assim como, com a inclinação do segundo ponto de inflexão (Itex. A textura dos Latossolos influenciou o comportamento das curvas de retenção de água. As curvas de retenção de água dos Latossolos em estudo apresentaram comportamento bimodal no intervalo de potencial matricial estudado.

  4. Myeloid-derived suppressor cell functionality and interaction with Leishmania major parasites differ in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. (United States)

    Schmid, Maximilian; Zimara, Nicole; Wege, Anja Kathrin; Ritter, Uwe


    Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) represent a heterogeneous population of CD11b+ cells. According to the surface molecules Ly6G and Ly6C (where Ly6G and Ly6C are lymphocyte antigen 6, locus G and C, respectively), MDSCs are further divided into monocytic (Mo-MDSCs, CD11b+ /Ly6C(high) /Ly6G-) and polymorphonucleated suppressor cells (PMN-MDSCs, CD11b+ /Ly6C(int) /Ly6G+). Most published manuscripts focus on the suppressive role of MDSCs in cancer, whereas their impact on adaptive immunity against obligatory intracellular parasites is not well understood. Furthermore, it is not clear how the genetic background of mice influences MDSC functionality. Therefore, we implemented an experimental model of leishmaniasis, and analyzed MDSC maturation and the impact of MDSCs on the parasite-specific T-cell responses in resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible BALB/c mice. This experimental setup demonstrated the impaired ability of BALB/c mice to produce Mo-MDSCs when compared with C57BL/6 mice. This phenotype is detectable after subcutaneous infection with parasites and is specifically represented by a reduced accumulation of Mo-MDSCs at the site of infection in BALB/c mice. Moreover, infected C57BL/6-derived MDSCs were able to suppress Leishmania-specific CD4+ -cell proliferation, whereas BALB/c-derived MDSCs harboring parasites lost this suppressive function. In conclusion, we demonstrate that (i) genetic background defines MDSC differentiation; and (ii) Leishmania major parasites are able to modulate the suppressive effect of MDSCs in a strain-dependent manner. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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    Ana María Miralles C.


    Full Text Available La autora retoma el ejercicio del periodismo cívico como el espacio en el cual la formación de la opinión pública adquiere características de un proyecto político dinámico en el que el ciudadano es el ente fundamental.

  6. Caracterización y cuantificación de la influencia de la música como agente físico sobre el comportamiento de células madre neurales embrionarias en cultivo


    Navarro Fernández, Neysa


    Diferentes estudios científicos sugieren que la música podría ejercer una influencia directa sobre el comportamiento de células del SNC pero pocos clarifican este dato. Éste estudio surge con la intención establecer una relación directa y causal entre un fenómeno físico como es la música y el comportamiento de células del SNC. Para ello desarrollamos un modelo de cultivo in vitro de precursores neuroepiteliales de cerebro embrionario de ratón como modelo simple, altamente sensible a ...

  7. Characterization of 6H-SiC JFET Integrated Circuits Over A Broad Temperature Range from -150 C to +500 C (United States)

    Neudeck, Philip G.; Krasowski, Michael J.; Chen, Liang-Yu; Prokop, Norman F.


    The NASA Glenn Research Center has previously reported prolonged stable operation of simple prototype 6H-SiC JFET integrated circuits (logic gates and amplifier stages) for thousands of hours at +500 C. This paper experimentally investigates the ability of these 6H-SiC JFET devices and integrated circuits to also function at cold temperatures expected to arise in some envisioned applications. Prototype logic gate ICs experimentally demonstrated good functionality down to -125 C without changing circuit input voltages. Cascaded operation of gates at cold temperatures was verified by externally wiring gates together to form a 3-stage ring oscillator. While logic gate output voltages exhibited little change across the broad temperature range from -125 C to +500 C, the change in operating frequency and power consumption of these non-optimized logic gates as a function of temperature was much larger and tracked JFET channel conduction properties.

  8. Efeitos de potenciais de água no solo, em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura da cevada (Hordeum vulgare L. Effects of soil water potentials at different phenological phases of barley crop (Hordeum vulgare L.

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    M.A. Urchei


    Full Text Available Objetivando avaliar os efeitos de défices hídricos, em três estádios fonológicos da cultura da cevada (Hordeum vulgare L., foi conduzido experimento em vasos, com delineamento em blocos ao acaso. Foram utilizados nove tratamentos decorrentes da combinação dos potenciais mínimos de água no solo de -0,05, -0,20 e -1,50 MPa, com os estádios fenológicos de máximo perfilhamento, florescimento e grão leitoso, permanecendo uniformizados durante o restante do ciclo, entre os potenciais de -0,01 a -0,05 MPa. Os resultados de produção, peso e teor de proteína dos grãos, tamanho de espigas, número total e número de espigas chochas, mostraram que os efeitos de défices hídricos variaram com a intensidade, duração e estádio fenológico da cultura, onde o estádio de florescimento mostrou-se mais sensível ao défice de água. A ocorrência de défice hídrico intenso, em cada um dos estádios, bem como ciclos repetidos de défices moderados ou intensos, levaram à diminuições significativas na produção de grãos, além de ocorrer tendência ao aumento do teor de protema dos grãos. O manejo da irrigação na cultura da cevada, quando se busca a máxima eficiência no uso da água, deve levar em conta os diferentes estádios fenológicos.The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions, with the objective of evaluating the effects of water deficits in three phenological phases of barley crop (Hordeum vulgare L.. Pots were arranged in a randomized block design with nine treatments. They originated from the combination of minimum soil water potentials of -0,05, -0,20 and -1,50 MPa, with the phenological phases of maximum tillering, flowering and milky grain, having been hold uniformly along the rest of the cycle, between -0,01 and -0,05 MPa potentials. Weight of grain, protein content, spike sizes, spike total number and number of hollow spikes, showed that water deficit effects varied with the intensity, duration and

  9. Carolee Schneemann. El cine como autobiografía, la artista como actriz, el cuerpo como pincel

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    María Barbaño González-Moreno


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la relación de cine y mujer a partir de la obra fílmica de Carolee Schneemann, principalmente de su obra autobiográfica Fuses (1964-1966. Desde ella, se plantea el papel de la artista como productora, directora y protagonista principal de todas sus obras. Reflexionamos así sobre el rol del creador-director como actor que derivaría en la consecución de una obra cinematográfica de tintes necesariamente autobiográficos. Asumiendo la visión vanguardista del cine como diario personal/Entendido el cine como diario personal, Schneemann va a explorar en su obra diferentes aspectos de la identidad y la sexualidad de la mujer en un cine artístico, alternativo y de tendencia política feminista. Entendido/Asumido su cine como elemento plástico, la artista explorará de forma paralela la experimentación matérica y física a través de los cuerpos filmados así como de la propia materialidad de la película, excluyendo toda posibilidad narrativa, dramática e ilusoria de proyección del espectador en el espacio cinematográfico y el espacio privado del creador.

  10. Strengthening mechanisms in Ti-6Al-4V/TiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, A.J. Wagoner; Kumar, K.S.; Briant, C.L.


    In this study, the compressive behavior of Ti-6Al-4V/TiC composites considered for ballistic applications was examined at strain rates of 0.1, 1.0, and 10 s-1. As little as 1 vol% of particulate TiC provided nearly a 25% increase in strength in Ti-6Al-4V/TiC composites over that of the monolithic Ti-6Al-4V, while subsequent additions of TiC did not provide proportional benefit. The mechanisms responsible for such a significant increase in strength were investigated for the first time in this study. Microscopy (optical, SEM, TEM) aided in identifying the possible strengthening mechanisms that are typically important to the strength of metal matrix composites. These mechanisms include grain size and subgrain size refinement and an increase in dislocation density, all of which can occur during processing. Two other important mechanisms are thermal mismatch strains and load transfer from the matrix to the particle; the contribution of these mechanisms to the strength of the composite was evaluated using the Eshelby approach. A quantitative comparison of the mechanisms listed clearly showed that none of them was responsible for the large increase in strength with only 1vol%TiC in Ti-6Al-4V. The results from this study show for the first time that carbon in solution is, by far, the most potent strengthening mechanism in the Ti-6Al-4V/TiC particulate composites

  11. Ab initio calculation of the voltage profile for LiC6

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Kganyago, KR


    Full Text Available , Council for the Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa c Davy Faraday Research Laboratory, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BS, UK Received 12 March 2002; received in revised form 10 June....2 Faraday per mole and the cyclable charge x is around 0.5 [1].Theanode reaction can be summarised as: xLi? ?xeC0 ?6C ? LixC6 ?1? In this communication, we explore the contribution to the voltage by the anode material using first- principles electronic...

  12. Comparison of male chimeric mice generated from microinjection of JM8.N4 embryonic stem cells into C57BL/6J and C57BL/6NTac blastocysts. (United States)

    Fielder, Thomas J; Yi, Charles S; Masumi, Juliet; Waymire, Katrina G; Chen, Hsiao-Wen; Wang, Shuling; Shi, Kai-Xuan; Wallace, Douglas C; MacGregor, Grant R


    To identify ways to improve the efficiency of generating chimeric mice via microinjection of blastocysts with ES cells, we compared production and performance of ES-cell derived chimeric mice using blastocysts from two closely related and commonly used sub-strains of C57BL/6. Chimeras were produced by injection of the same JM8.N4 (C57BL/6NTac) derived ES cell line into blastocysts of mixed sex from either C57BL/6J (B6J) or C57BL/6NTac (B6NTac) mice. Similar efficiency of production and sex-conversion of chimeric animals was observed with each strain of blastocyst. However, B6J chimeric males had fewer developmental abnormalities involving urogenital and reproductive tissues (1/12, 8%) compared with B6NTac chimeric males (7/9, 78%). The low sample size did not permit determination of statistical significance for many parameters. However, in each category analyzed the B6J-derived chimeric males performed as well, or better, than their B6NTac counterparts. Twelve of 14 (86%) B6J male chimeras were fertile compared with 6 of 11 (55%) B6NTac male chimeras. Ten of 12 (83%) B6J chimeric males sired more than 1 litter compared with only 3 of 6 (50%) B6NTac chimeras. B6J male chimeras produced more litters per productive mating (3.42 ± 1.73, n = 12) compared to B6NTac chimeras (2.17 ± 1.33, n = 6). Finally, a greater ratio of germline transmitting chimeric males was obtained using B6J blastocysts (9/14; 64%) compared with chimeras produced using B6NTac blastocysts (4/11; 36%). Use of B6J host blastocysts for microinjection of ES cells may offer improvements over blastocysts from B6NTac and possibly other sub-strains of C57BL/6 mice.

  13. The magnetic epoch-6 carbon shift: a change in the ocean's 13C/12C ratio 6.2 million years ago

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vincent, E.; Killingley, J.S.; Berger, W.H.


    Tropical Indian Ocean planktonic and benthic foraminifera have 13 C/ 12 C ratios which change abruptly within Magnetic Epoch 6 about 6.2 million years ago. All species analyzed in the Late Miocene section of DSDP Site 238 show a shift towards lighter values of delta 13 C by about 0.8 per thousand. The oxygen isotope signal indicates that the pre-shift period is climatically quiet while the post-shift period has strong fluctuations. The authors suggest that the shift reflects a sudden increase in the rate of supply of organic carbon from coastal lowlands and from shelves exposed by regression, as well as a change in deep circulation patterns and ocean fertility. The event marks the transition of the ocean-atmosphere system from a quiet Early and Middle Neogene climate regime toward a Late Neogene regime characterized by climatic amplifying mechanisms (albedo feedback, bottom water production) located around the northern North Atlantic. The beginning of this regime may have been strongly influenced by the isolation of the Mediterranean basin. (Auth.)

  14. Prescrição de medicamentos para crianças hospitalizadas: como avaliar a qualidade?

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    Full Text Available Pacientes pediátricos, chamados "órfãos terapêuticos", são geralmente excluídos de ensaios clínicos para desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos, os quais são usados em crianças de modo empírico e muitas vezes questionável. Este estudo descreve o padrão de prescrição de medicamentos para crianças hospitalizadas e propõe critérios para avaliar a qualidade da prescrição. MÉTODOS: O farmacêutico hospitalar determinou a prevalência de prescrição de medicamentos em cinco enfermarias pediátricas, a partir da análise conjunta de dados reunidos em quatro coletas de um dia, nos meses de março, abril, maio e junho de 1999, quando foram registrados todos os medicamentos prescritos nas enfermarias em estudo. Foram propostos seis critérios para avaliar a qualidade das prescrições. Os medicamentos foram classificados pela ATC, classificação recomendada pela OMS. RESULTADOS: Foi analisada a prescrição de 332 pacientes. Os diagnósticos mais freqüentes foram pneumonia (40,4%, meningite e meningococcemia 6%, diarréia e desidratação 6%. As três classes terapêuticas mais prescritas foram: sistema nervoso (N 109%, antiinfecciosos de uso sistêmico (J 81,9% e sistema respiratório ( R 69%. Os três medicamentos mais prescritos foram dipirona 88,3%, fenoterol 30,7% e penicilina G 25,0%. A avaliação da qualidade, frente aos critérios propostos, mostrou: 1. excessivo uso da via endovenosa, 2. adequada dose dos medicamentos de baixo índice terapêutico, 3. nenhuma duplicação terapêutica, 4. presença de prescrição de medicamentos não aprovados para uso em pediatria ou para indicações não aprovadas, 5. freqüentes interações medicamentosas potenciais, e 6. prescrição de medicamentos não padronizados pela instituição. CONCLUSÃO: Medidas simples, como o uso mais criterioso da via intravenosa e padronização adequada às necessidades dos pacientes pediátricos, podem acrescentar qualidade ao atendimento de crian

  15. Application of C_6_0, C_7_2 and carbon nanotubes as anode for lithium-ion batteries: A DFT study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Najafi, Meysam


    The application of C_6_0, C_7_2, CNT (8, 0) and CNT (10, 0) as anode materials for Lithium-ion batteries were investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Results show that the average values of voltage cell (V_c_e_l_l) and adsorption energy (E_a_d) of CNT (8, 0) and CNT (10, 0) were higher than C_6_0 and C_7_2 ca 0.327 V and 6.52 kcal/mol, respectively. The NH_2 functionalization of studied nanostructures as a strategy to improve the performance of these systems as anode materials of Lithium-ion batteries were investigated. Results show that, NH_2 functionalization of studied nanostructures increase the average values of voltage cell and adsorption energy ca 0.197 V and 8.20 kcal/mol, respectively. Obtained results propose that NH_2 functionalized C_7_2 and CNT (10, 0) have larger V_c_e_l_l and E_a_d values and therefore these nanostructures have higher potential as anode material for Lithium-ion battery. - Highlights: • C_6_0 and CNT (10, 0) as anode materials for Lithium-ion batteries were investigated. • V_c_e_l_l and E_a_d of CNT (8, 0) and CNT (10, 0) were higher than C_6_0 and C_7_2 ca. • NH_2 functionalization of C_6_0 improve the performance of it as anode materials of Lithium-ion batteries.

  16. Damage accumulation and annealing in 6H-SiC irradiated with Si+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, W.; Weber, W.J.; Thevuthasan, S.; McCready, D.E.


    Damage accumulation and annealing in 6H-silicon carbide (α-SiC) single crystals have been studied in situ using 2.0 MeV He + RBS in a left angle 0001 right angle -axial channeling geometry (RBS/C). The damage was induced by 550 keV Si + ion implantation (30 off normal) at a temperature of -110 C, and the damage recovery was investigated by subsequent isochronal annealing (20 min) over the temperature range from -110 C to 900 C. At ion fluences below 7.5 x 10 13 Si + /cm 2 (0.04 dpa in the damage peak), only point defects appear to be created. Furthermore, the defects on the Si sublattice can be completely recovered by thermal annealing at room temperature (RT), and recovery of defects on the C sublattice is suggested. At higher fluences, amorphization occurs; however, partial damage recovery at RT is still observed, even at a fluence of 6.6 x 10 14 Si + /cm 2 (0.35 dpa in the damage peak) where a buried amorphous layer is produced. At an ion fluence of 6.0 x 10 15 Si + /cm 2 (-90 C), an amorphous layer is created from the surface to a depth of 0.6 μm. Because of recovery processes at the buried crystalline-amorphous interface, the apparent thickness of this amorphous layer decreases slightly (<10%) with increasing temperature over the range from -90 C to 600 C. (orig.)

  17. Silicato de cálcio como amenizante da toxidez de metais pesados em mudas de eucalipto


    Accioly,Adriana Maria de Aguiar; Soares,Cláudio Roberto Fonsêca Sousa; Siqueira,José Oswaldo


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do silicato de cálcio na redução da toxidez de metais pesados no solo para Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Foram utilizadas cinco doses de silicato de cálcio (0, 1,6, 3,2, 4,8 e 6,4 g kg-1), em solos com diferentes graus de contaminação. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos com 1,5 kg de solo, com uma muda por vaso, em esquema fatorial 4x5 (quatro graus de contaminação x cinco doses de silicato). O silicato de cálcio reduziu a toxidez de metais pesados...

  18. 28 CFR 55.6 - Coverage under section 203(c). (United States)


    ... THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT REGARDING LANGUAGE MINORITY GROUPS Nature of Coverage § 55.6 Coverage under section 203(c). (a) Coverage formula. There are four ways in which a political subdivision can become subject to section 203(c). 2 2 The criteria for coverage are contained in section 203(b). (1) Political...

  19. HeLa DNA damage response induced by 12C6+ ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Jidong; Li Ning; Zhang Hong; Wu Zhenhua


    The aim of this study is to explore the DNA damage response of HeLa irradiated by 12 C 6+ beam and the mechanism of the p53 activation change in this response.In our present study, double strands break(DSB)of HeLa cells irradiated with 12 C 6+ beam were detected through neutral single cell gel electrophoresis, and AO/EB staining was used to detect the apoptosis of irradiated HeLa in 24h irradiation. Moreover, HeLa was pre-treated with caffeine (ATM and ATR inhibiting) or wormannin with certain concentrations (20 μmol/L, ATM and DNA-PK inhibiting) and irradiated with 1Gy of 12 C 6+ beam,and the expression of p53 was detected with Western blot analysis. The results show that DSB of HeLa caused by 12 C 6+ beam increases with absorbed doses and decreases with the time after irradiation. The apoptosis percentage of irradiated HeLa increases with absorbed doses. It has been found that the p53 expression increases after irradiation, but has not significant increment with caffeine or wortmannin pre-treatment in cells.It can be deduced that the p53 activation is ATM-dependent, but not ATR and DNA-PK-dependent in HeLa DNA damage response induced by 12 C 6+ beam. (authors)

  20. El cómic como fuente histórica : el falso testimonio de Tintín en el Congo Belga

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    Óscar Gual Boronat


    Full Text Available A través del estudio de la obra Tintin au Congo del dibujante belga Hergé, tratamos de probar la capacidad del cómic para ser utilizado como fuente histórica. La actual definición de fuente puede englobarlo perfectamente pero es necesaria una demostración práctica. Tras contextualizar dicha historieta pasamos a realizar una lectura atenta de la misma, así como de sus aspectos más polémicos, para a continuación describir el proceso de trabajo del propio Hergé y las influencias de su entorno. Por último, entraremos a debatir cuál es el origen de la historieta como medio y cuál es el método de análisis a la hora de interrogarla históricamente.Through the study of the Belgian cartoonist Hergé's work Tintin au Congo we try to test the ability of comics to be used as a historical source. The current source definition can cover it very well but requires a practical demonstration. After we contextualize this story we make a careful reading of it and of its most controversial features, then we describe the process of Hergé's own work and the influences of their environment. Finally we enter into a discussion about which is the origin of comics as a medium and which is the method of analysis when questioning historically.

  1. Caracterização eletrofisiológica em girassol: cinética, rotas de propagação, trocas gasosas e fluorescência da clorofila


    Diogo Capelin


    Esta tese refere-se a pesquisa cujo o principal objetivo foi estudar os efeitos da sinalização elétrica sobre parâmetros fisiológicos de trocas gasosas e fluorescência da clorofila, bem como caracterizar e identificar rotas de propagação de sinais elétricos desencadeados por estímulos de queima em plantas de girassol. Os resultados obtidos a partir deste estudo demonstram que os sinais elétricos desencadeados por estímulo de queima podem ser classificados como potenciais de variação (PV). Est...

  2. Direct analysis of [6,6-(2)H2]glucose and [U-(13)C6]glucose dry blood spot enrichments by LC-MS/MS. (United States)

    Coelho, Margarida; Mendes, Vera M; Lima, Inês S; Martins, Fátima O; Fernandes, Ana B; Macedo, M Paula; Jones, John G; Manadas, Bruno


    A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) in a triple-quadrupole scan mode was developed and comprehensively validated for the determination of [6,6-(2)H2]glucose and [U-(13)C6]glucose enrichments from dried blood spots (DBS) without prior derivatization. The method is demonstrated with dried blood spots obtained from rats administered with a primed-constant infusion of [U-(13)C6]glucose and an oral glucose load enriched with [6,6-(2)H2]glucose. The sensitivity is sufficient for analysis of the equivalent to blood and the overall method was accurate and precise for the determination of DBS isotopic enrichments. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Direct interaction of the inhibitory gamma-subunit of Rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) with the PDE6 GAFa domains. (United States)

    Muradov, Khakim G; Granovsky, Alexey E; Schey, Kevin L; Artemyev, Nikolai O


    Retinal rod and cone cGMP phosphodiesterases (PDE6 family) function as the effector enzyme in the vertebrate visual transduction cascade. The activity of PDE6 catalytic subunits is controlled by the Pgamma-subunits. In addition to the inhibition of cGMP hydrolysis at the catalytic sites, Pgamma is known to stimulate a noncatalytic binding of cGMP to the regulatory GAFa-GAFb domains of PDE6. The latter role of Pgamma has been attributed to its polycationic region. To elucidate the structural basis for the regulation of cGMP binding to the GAF domains of PDE6, a photoexcitable peptide probe corresponding to the polycationic region of Pgamma, Pgamma-21-45, was specifically cross-linked to rod PDE6alphabeta. The site of Pgamma-21-45 cross-linking was localized to Met138Gly139 within the PDE6alpha GAFa domain using mass spectrometric analysis. Chimeras between PDE5 and cone PDE6alpha', containing GAFa and/or GAFb domains of PDE6alpha' have been generated to probe a potential role of the GAFb domains in binding to Pgamma. Analysis of the inhibition of the PDE5/PDE6alpha' chimeras by Pgamma supported the role of PDE6 GAFa but not GAFb domains in the interaction with Pgamma. Our results suggest that a direct binding of the polycationic region of Pgamma to the GAFa domains of PDE6 may lead to a stabilization of the noncatalytic cGMP-binding sites.

  4. Short-chain C6 ceramide sensitizes AT406-induced anti-pancreatic cancer cell activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Xiaoguang; Sun, Baoyou; Zhang, Jingjing; Zhang, Ruishen; Zhang, Qing


    Our previous study has shown that AT406, a first-in-class small molecular antagonist of IAPs (inhibitor of apoptosis proteins), inhibits pancreatic cancer cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo. The aim of this research is to increase AT406's sensitivity by adding short-chain C6 ceramide. We show that co-treatment of C6 ceramide dramatically potentiated AT406-induced caspase/apoptosis activation and cytotoxicity in established (Panc-1 and Mia-PaCa-2 lines) and primary human pancreatic cancer cells. Reversely, caspase inhibitors largely attenuated C6 ceramide plus AT406-induced above cancer cell death. Molecularly, C6 ceramide downregulated Bcl-2 to increase AT406's sensitivity in pancreatic cancer cells. Intriguingly, C6 ceramide-mediated AT406 sensitization was nullified with Bcl-2 shRNA knockdown or pretreatment of the Bcl-2 inhibitor ABT-737. In vivo, liposomal C6 ceramide plus AT406 co-administration dramatically inhibited Panc-1 xenograft tumor growth in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. The combined anti-tumor activity was significantly more potent than either single treatment. Expressions of IAPs (cIAP1/XIAP) and Bcl-2 were downregulated in Panc-1 xenografts with the co-administration. Together, we demonstrate that C6 ceramide sensitizes AT406-mediated anti-pancreatic cancer cell activity possibly via downregulating Bcl-2. - Highlights: • C6 ceramide dramatically potentiates AT406-induced pancreatic cancer cell death. • C6 ceramide facilitates AT406-induced pancreatic cancer cell apoptosis. • C6 ceramide downregulates Bcl-2 to increase AT406's sensitivity in pancreatic cancer cells. • Liposomal C6 ceramide enhances AT406-induced anti-pancreatic cancer activity in vivo.

  5. Influence of gamma-ray irradiation on 6H-SiC MOSFETs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohshima, Takeshi; Yoshikawa, Masahito; Itoh, Hisayoshi; Nashiyama, Isamu; Okada, Sohei


    Enhancement-type n-channel MOSFETs were fabricated on 6H-SiC epitaxial films using pyrogenic or dry oxidation process. Oxide-trapped charges and interface traps produced in 6H-Sic MOSFETs by gamma-ray irradiation are evaluated from changes in the subthreshold-current curve. The net numbers of radiation-induced-oxide-trapped charges and interface traps depend on the oxidation process. The 6H-SiC MOSFETs exhibit higher radiation resistance than Si MOSFETs. (author)

  6. Viabilidade de armazenamento de sementes de soja inoculadas com Sclerotinia sclerotiorum em meio com restrição hídrica

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    Grazieli Frotas dos Reis


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito da restrição hídrica, em meio de cultura agarizado, sobre a germinação de sementes de soja inoculadas com Sclerotinia sclerotiorum nos potenciais osmóticos de 0, -0,3, -0,6 e -0,9 MPa promovido pelo uso dos solutos manitol, MgCl e NaCl, em diferentes tempos de exposição das sementes ao patógeno (6, 12, 18, 24 e 30 horas e a possibilidade de armazenamento das sementes inoculadas. Avaliaram-se o crescimento micelial de S. sclerotiorum nos meios modificados osmoticamente, a germinação das sementes submetidas à inoculação e, após o armazenamento das sementes inoculadas, a emergência em solo e transmissão do patógeno. Pelos resultados obtidos a adição de manitol ao meio de cultura BDA, nos potenciais osmóticos -0,3, -0,6 e -0,9 MPa, e de NaCl, -0,3 e -0,6 MPa, não restringe o crescimento micelial de S. sclerotiorum; os solutos utilizados até o potencial osmótico -0,9 MPa não interferiram na germinação de sementes de soja. Níveis de infecção satisfatórios foram obtidos com 24 horas de incubação em meio de cultura com restrição hídrica. Tanto a viabilidade das sementes como a do patógeno são mantidas após o armazenamento das sementes inoculadas em meio com restrição hídrica.

  7. Isolation of the antibiotic pseudopyronine B and SAR evaluation of C3/C6 alkyl analogs. (United States)

    Bouthillette, Leah M; Darcey, Catherine A; Handy, Tess E; Seaton, Sarah C; Wolfe, Amanda L


    Natural products are an abundant source of structurally diverse compounds with antibacterial activity that can be used to develop new and potent antibiotics. One such class of natural products is the pseudopyronines. Here we present the isolation of pseudopyronine B (2) from a Pseudomonas species found in garden soil in Western North Carolina, and SAR evaluation of C3 and C6 alkyl analogs of the natural product for antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. We found a direct relationship between antibacterial activity and C3/C6 alkyl chain length. For inhibition of Gram-positive bacteria, alkyl chain lengths between 6 and 7 carbons were found to be the most active (IC 50 =0.04-3.8µg/mL) whereas short alkyl chain analogs showed modest activity against Gram-negative bacteria (IC 50 =223-304µg/mL). This demonstrates the potential for this class of natural products to be optimized for selective activity against either Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Efecto de la ciclosporina A en ratones C57BL/6 infectados con Encephalitozoon intestinalis.

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    Ana Luz Galván


    Full Text Available Introducción. Encephalitozoon intestinalis es un microsporidio parásito del intestino, que puede diseminarse en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Existen referencias de modelos animales inmunosuprimidos para el estudio de la microsporidiosis utilizando fármacos que producen supresión total de la respuesta inmune; sin embargo, no se han estudiado los efectos de inmunosupresores con acción selectiva sobre los componentes de esta respuesta. Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la inmunosupresión con ciclosporina A (CsA en ratones C57BL/6 infectados con E. intestinalis. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 80 ratones C57BL/6 distribuidos en cuatro grupos: infectados, inmunosuprimidos e infectados, inmunosuprimidos no infectados y controles. La inmunosupresión con CsA (50 mg/kg se realizó vía intraperitoneal durante todo el estudio. En la semanas 2, 3, 4 y 6 posteriores a la infección se obtuvo sangre para determinar los anticuerpos, y materia fecal para evaluar la cinética de excreción de esporas. Además, se extrajeron varios órganos para estudiar la histopatología y observar la posible diseminación del parásito. Resultados. La producción de anticuerpos IgG fue mayor en los ratones inmunocompetentes infectados que en los inmunosuprimidos infectados con E. intestinalis. No se encontró el parásito en órganos diferentes al intestino delgado en los dos grupos infectados. Sin embargo, la excreción de esporas, tanto en heces como en líquido duodenal, fue mayor en el grupo inmunosuprimido infectado. Conclusión. La CsA en el modelo en ratón no indujo la diseminación de E. intestinalis ni la exacerbación de la enfermedad, pero contribuyó al aumento en la cinética de excreción de esporas y la disminución de la producción de anticuerpos IgG en los ratones inmunosuprimidos infectados.

  9. Análisis del software libre como herramienta de producción

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    Eduardo Miguel De la Hoz Correa


    Full Text Available En este artículo se muestran datos cuantitativos que permiten tener una idea más clara al momento de la evaluación en la adquisición de software y la implementación de código abierto y software libre. En él se examinan variables como el mercado objetivo, la fiabilidad, el rendimiento, la escalabilidad, seguridad y el costo de adquisición al momento de mirar al código abierto como alternativa viable con respecto al software propietario desde una perspectiva objetiva teniendo como base estudios a fondo a nivel mundial de aquellos factores que influyen en la toma de decisiones en todos los niveles de implementación del software de todo tipo.

  10. Defect-induced polytype transformations in LPE grown SiC epilayers on (1 1 1) 3C-SiC seeds grown by VLS on 6H-SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marinova, Maya; Zoulis, Georgios; Robert, Teddy; Mercier, Frederic; Mantzari, Alkioni; Galben, Irina; Kim-Hak, Olivier; Lorenzzi, Jean; Juillaguet, Sandrine; Chaussende, Didier; Ferro, Gabriel; Camassel, Jean; Polychroniadis, Efstathios K.


    The results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with low-temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) and Raman studies of liquid phase grown epilayers on top of a vapor liquid solid (VLS) grown 3C-SiC buffer layer are compared. While the 6H-SiC substrate was completely covered by the 3C-SiC seed after the first VLS process, degradation occurred during the early stage of the liquid phase epitaxy process. This resulted in polytype instabilities, such that several rhombohedral forms stabilized one after the other. These (21R-SiC, 57R-SiC) eventually led after few microns to a final transition back to 6H-SiC. This interplay of polytypes resulted in a complex optical signature, with specific LTPL and Raman features.

  11. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia as a predictor factor for motor alteration at 6 months corrected age in premature infants Displasia broncopulmonar como fator predisponente para alterações motoras aos 6 meses em prematuros

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    Priscila Silveira Martins


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to assess bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD as a predisposing factor for alteration in the psychomotor development index (PDI in premature infants and verify the incidence of neuromotor alterations at 6 months corrected age. METHOD: This was a prospective cohort study that followed the neuromotor development of 152 very low birth weight premature infants, with psychomotor development index as the outcome. The study used the Bayley Scale of Infant Development at 6 months corrected age, and neurological examination. RESULTS: Incidence of BPD was 13.2% (n=20. Logistic regression analysis showed an association between BPD and altered psychomotor development index (OR 3.98; 95%CI: 1.04-15.1 after adjusting for confounding variables. Neurological examination was altered in 67.1% of the 152 infants. CONCLUSION: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia acted as an independent predisposing factor for alteration in the psychomotor development index in premature infants at 6 months corrected age.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a displasia broncopulmonar (DBP como fator predisponente para alteração no índice de desenvolvimento psicomotor em prematuros e verificar a incidência das alterações neuromotoras aos 6 meses de idade corrigida. MéTODO: Estudo de coorte prospectivo que acompanhou o desenvolvimento neuromotor de 152 prematuros de muito baixo peso, cujo desfecho foi o desenvolvimento psicomotor. Utilizou-se a Bayley Scale of Infant Development aos 6 meses de idade corrigida e exame neurológico. RESULTADOS: A incidência de DBP foi de 13,2% (n=20. A análise de regressão logística mostrou associação entre a DBP e alteração no índice de desenvolvimento psicomotor (RC 3,98 IC 95%:1,04-15,1 após ajuste para as variáveis de confundimento. O exame neurológico apresentou-se alterado em 67,1% das 152 crianças. CONCLUSão: A displasia broncopulmonar atuou como fator predisponente independente para alteração no índice de desenvolvimento

  12. El contenido de los mensajes icónicos: El discurso icónico como totalidad (2)


    Dr. Raymond Colle


    En el capítulo anterior, hemos hablado de los códigos icónicos de modo general, por cuanto tienen algunas características comunes, en particular el uso de figuras como factores de los significantes. Sin embargo, como lo hemos señalado al final, no todos se construyen ni articulan de la misma manera. Tal como las lenguas son muchas y los códigos lingüísticos se rigen por diferentes reglas -aunque sobre la base de fonemas unidos secuencialmente-, los códigos icónicos son también variados y regi...

  13. Relationship between HCO_3"- concentration to weight of C_6H_6 of environmental isotop "1"4C analysis and its relationship with sampling in the field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satrio; Rasi Prasetio


    It has been done the groundwater sampling process of deep aquifer in Jakarta and surrounding areas for the analysis of environmental isotope "1"4C. Groundwater sampling was preceded by calculating the concentration of HCO_3"- (bicarbonate ion) through titration in the field. The number of repetitions of sampling is determined by the concentration data of HCO_3"- which obtained. The Repetition of this sampling will determine the acquisition of a solution of C_6H_6 (benzene) during the synthesis process benzene. In the field, the sampling is done by extracting of 60 liters of water to precipitate BaCO_3. The sampling process is repeated based on data from the bicarbonate ion concentration. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between the concentration of HCO_3"- to the weights C_6H_6 which obtained in the analysis of environmental isotope "1"4C and evaluate the number of repetitions of the sampling that should be done. Based on the analysis of titration in the field, shows that concentration HCO_3"- ranged between 180 - 600 ppm with the acquisition of benzene between 1.84 to 4.5 grams. There is a strong relationship between the concentration of HCO_3"- and C_6H_6 weights obtained in the process of synthesis of benzene with a correlation of about 0.900. This correlation can be improved by measuring the concentration of HCO_3"- in advance in the laboratory tend to be more accurate than in the field. (author)


    Donnell, B.


    CLIPS, the C Language Integrated Production System, is a complete environment for developing expert systems -- programs which are specifically intended to model human expertise or knowledge. It is designed to allow artificial intelligence research, development, and delivery on conventional computers. CLIPS 6.0 provides a cohesive tool for handling a wide variety of knowledge with support for three different programming paradigms: rule-based, object-oriented, and procedural. Rule-based programming allows knowledge to be represented as heuristics, or "rules-of-thumb" which specify a set of actions to be performed for a given situation. Object-oriented programming allows complex systems to be modeled as modular components (which can be easily reused to model other systems or create new components). The procedural programming capabilities provided by CLIPS 6.0 allow CLIPS to represent knowledge in ways similar to those allowed in languages such as C, Pascal, Ada, and LISP. Using CLIPS 6.0, one can develop expert system software using only rule-based programming, only object-oriented programming, only procedural programming, or combinations of the three. CLIPS provides extensive features to support the rule-based programming paradigm including seven conflict resolution strategies, dynamic rule priorities, and truth maintenance. CLIPS 6.0 supports more complex nesting of conditional elements in the if portion of a rule ("and", "or", and "not" conditional elements can be placed within a "not" conditional element). In addition, there is no longer a limitation on the number of multifield slots that a deftemplate can contain. The CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) provides object-oriented programming capabilities. Features supported by COOL include classes with multiple inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, dynamic binding, and message passing with message-handlers. CLIPS 6.0 supports tight integration of the rule-based programming features of CLIPS with

  15. Raman spectroscopy of few-layer graphene prepared by C2–C6 cluster ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Z.S.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, Z.D.; Huang, Z.H.; Liu, C.S.; Fu, D.J.; Liu, J.R.


    Few-layer graphene has been prepared on 300 nm-thick Ni films by C 2 –C 6 cluster ion implantation at 20 keV/cluster. Raman spectroscopy reveals significant influence of the number of atoms in the cluster, the implantation dose, and thermal treatment on the structure of the graphene layers. In particular, the graphene samples exhibit a sharp G peak at 1584 cm −1 and 2D peaks at 2711–2717 cm −1 . The I G /I 2D ratios higher than 1.70 and I G /I D ratio as high as 1.95 confirm that graphene sheets with low density of defects have been synthesized with much improved quality by ion implantation with larger clusters of C 4 –C 6

  16. Cervical pedicle screw fixation at C6 and C7 A cadaveric study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ye Li


    Conclusion: The intersection of the horizontal line through the midpoint of the transverse process root and vertical line through the intersection of the posterolateral and posterior planes of the isthmus can be used as an entry point for C6 and C7 pedicle screw fixation. The screws should be inserted at 60 or 90° with the posterolateral isthmus in the horizontal plane and at 75° with the posterior isthmus in the sagittal plane. The LSC should not exceed 30 mm.

  17. Bridging Binding Modes of Phosphine-Stabilized Nitrous Oxide to Zn(C6F5)2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neu, Rebecca C.; Otten, Edwin; Stephan, Douglas W.


    Reaction of [tBu3PN2O(B(C6H4F)3)] with 1, 1.5, or 2 equivalents of Zn(C6F5)2 affords the species [{tBu3PN2OZn(C6F5)2}2], [{tBu3PN2OZn(C6F5)2}2Zn(C6F5)2], and [tBu3PN2O{Zn(C6F5)2}2] displaying unique binding modes of Zn to the phosphine-stabilized N2O fragment.

  18. High-field, high-T/sub c/ superconductivity in U6Fe and U6Co

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeLong, L.E.; Hall, L.N.; Malik, S.K.; Crabtree, G.W.; Lwpl, W.; Gschneidner, K. A. Jr.


    Upper critical field data for U 6 Fe and U 6 Co are found to be markedly inconsistent with the weak coupling WHHM model. Nevertheless, excellent quantitative fits of H/sub c/ 2 vs T are obtained by using a modifiction of the WHHM model in which the orbital field is multiplied by a temperature-dependent enhancement factor

  19. Farinha de algas marinhas (“Lithothamnium calcareum”) como suplemento mineral na cicatrização óssea de autoenxerto cortical em cães


    Costa Neto, João Moreira da; Teixeira, Raquel Graça; Sá, Marcelo Jorge Cavalcanti de; Lima, Alessandra Estrela da Silva; Jacinto Aragão, Glauber Sergio; Teixeira, Marcelo Weinstein; Martins Filho, Emanoel Ferreira; Toríbio, Júlia Morena de Miranda Leão; Azevedo, Adílio Santos de


    Foi avaliada, em cães, a influência da farinha de algas marinhas (Lithothamnium calcareum) como suplemento mineral na cicatrização de falha óssea cortical reconstituída com autoenxerto cortical. Foram utilizados dez cães adultos, machos, sem raça definida, com peso entre 10 e 15kg. O enxerto, constituído de um bloco cilíndrico de osso cortical foi obtido da diáfise proximal da ulna, mediante ostectomia com trefina de oito milímetros de diâmetro. Igualmente criada...

  20. An Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Kinetic Isotope Effect of C2H6 and C2D6 Reaction with OH

    KAUST Repository

    Khaled, Fathi; Giri, Binod; Szőri, Milá n; Viskolcz, Bé la; Farooq, Aamir


    We report experimental and theoretical results for the deuterated kinetic isotope effect (DKIE) of the reaction of OH with ethane (C2H6) and deuterated ethane (C2D6). The reactions were investigated behind reflected shock waves over 800–1350 K by monitoring OH radicals near 306.69 nm using laser absorption. In addition, high level CCSD(T)/cc-pV(T,Q)Z//MP2/cc-pVTZ quantum chemical and statistical rate theory calculations were performed which agreed very well with the experimental findings. The results reported herein provide the first experimental evidence that DKIE for alkanes asymptotes to a value of 1.4 at high temperatures.

  1. An Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Kinetic Isotope Effect of C2H6 and C2D6 Reaction with OH

    KAUST Repository

    Khaled, Fathi


    We report experimental and theoretical results for the deuterated kinetic isotope effect (DKIE) of the reaction of OH with ethane (C2H6) and deuterated ethane (C2D6). The reactions were investigated behind reflected shock waves over 800–1350 K by monitoring OH radicals near 306.69 nm using laser absorption. In addition, high level CCSD(T)/cc-pV(T,Q)Z//MP2/cc-pVTZ quantum chemical and statistical rate theory calculations were performed which agreed very well with the experimental findings. The results reported herein provide the first experimental evidence that DKIE for alkanes asymptotes to a value of 1.4 at high temperatures.

  2. EBP como metodología activa para la enseñanza del cálculo diferencial. discusión y reflexión sobre algunos problemas de cálculo en las ciencias económicas

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    Azcárate, Carmen


    Full Text Available Debido a los cambios que se vienen gestando dentro del sistema de educación superior mundial, el sistema de enseñanza está manifestando modificaciones considerables, obligando al profesor a utilizar una metodología más activa, donde el estudiante se vea en la obligación de una mayor participación y así construir su propio conocimiento. La enseñanza del cálculo diferencial a nivel universitario no es la excepción, en este caso, nosotros apostamos por generar conocimiento en el estudiante frente a la transmisión de conocimiento. Tomando en cuenta la puesta en funcionamiento del nuevo sistema de créditos europeos (ECTS; de manera experimental por el momento y oficial a partir de 2010, cuya columna vertebral del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es el estudiante y no el docente como se viene haciendo. Además, el hecho de que en las universidades latinoamericanas y en particular la venezolana, apuestan en sus programas de cálculo por la resolución de problemas como estrategia didáctica; consideramos que es oportuno apostar por una estrategia dinámica y activa como lo es la enseñanza basada en problemas (EBP. En este sentido, la presente comunicación describe parte de una experiencia de discusión y reflexión llevada a acabo con un grupo de profesores de universidad sobre la enseñanza del cálculo diferencial en carreras de ciencias económicas por el alto valor aplicado e instrumental de las matemáticas en la economía.

  3. Anti-hyperglycemic action of apigenin-6-C-β-fucopyranoside from Averrhoa carambola. (United States)

    Cazarolli, Luisa Helena; Kappel, Virgínia Demarchi; Pereira, Danielle Fontana; Moresco, Henrique Hunger; Brighente, Inês Maria Costa; Pizzolatti, Moacir Geraldo; Silva, Fátima Regina Mena Barreto


    A stimulatory effect of apigenin-6-C-β-fucopyranoside (1) on glucose uptake was observed when rat soleus muscle was incubated with 1, 10 and 100 μM of this flavonoid glycoside. The presence of specific insulin signaling inhibitors, such as wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), RO318220, an inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC), PD98059, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEK), and HNMPA(AM)₃, an insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor showed that apigenin-6-C-β-fucopyranoside triggers different metabolic pathways in skeletal muscle. The oral administration of crude extract, fractions and isolated flavonoids (apigenin-6-C-β-fucopyranoside (1) and apigenin-6-C-(2″-O-α-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-fucopyranoside (2)) from Averrhoa carambola leaves exhibited a potential hypoglycemic activity in hyperglycemic normal rats. Additionally, both flavonoids significantly increased the muscle and liver glycogen content after an acute treatment. The results indicate that A. carambola can be regarded as a potent antihyperglycemic agent with insulin secretagogue and insulin mimetic properties. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Comparative Study Between M6-C and Mobi-C Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement: Biomechanical Outcomes and Comparison with Normative Data. (United States)

    Pham, My; Phan, Kevin; Teng, Ian; Mobbs, Ralph J


    Cervical spondylosis affects a huge proportion of the middle-aged population. Degenerative changes can occur in multiple regions of the cervical spine typically affecting the joints, intervertebral discs and endplates. These changes lead to compression of adjacent nervous structures, which results in radiculopathic and myelopathic pain. Various treatment modalities are currently available with non-surgical approaches the initial go to if there is no symptomatic cord compression. Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, or arthroplasty are the two common surgical approaches if non-surgical treatments fail to relieve symptoms of the patients or there are signs of central cord compression. However, studies have shown that there is an increased risk of adjacent segment disease related to fusion. Cervical disc arthroplasty aims to restore normal range of motion (ROM) in patients with pain and disability due to degenerative disc disease resistant to conservative care. Two common disc prostheses used include M6-C and Mobi-C. Both prostheses comprise a mobile polymer segment sandwiched between two metal endplates with mechanisms resembling an actual intervertebral disc. This study aims to compare the kinematics associated with these prostheses, against the normal range of motion in the non-degenerative population. Patients who underwent M6-C or Mobi-C disc replacements by the senior author from 2012 to 2015 were identified at a single tertiary institution. Routine 3-month postoperative lateral radiographs were analyzed for flexion and extension ROM angles at the involved vertebral level by two independent authors. Data was compared to previous published studies investigating cervical spine ROM of asymptomatic patients. There was no statistical significance in the difference of overall flexion range between M6-C and Mobi-C prostheses. However, overall range of extension of Mobi-C was greater compared to M6-C (P = 0.028). At C 5-6 , the range of flexion for both implants

  5. High frequency mechanical ventilation affects respiratory system mechanics differently in C57BL/6J and BALB/c adult mice. (United States)

    Hadden, Hélène


    We tested the hypothesis that high frequency ventilation affects respiratory system mechanical functions in C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice. We measured respiratory mechanics by the forced oscillation technique over 1h in anesthetized, intubated, ventilated BALB/c and C57BL/6J male mice. We did not detect any change in airway resistance, Rn, tissue damping, G, tissue elastance, H and hysteresivity, eta in BALB/c mice during 1h of ventilation at 150 or at 450 breaths/min; nor did we find a difference between BALB/c mice ventilated at 150 breaths/min compared with 450 breaths/min. Among C57BL/6J mice, except for H, all parameters remained unchanged over 1h of ventilation in mice ventilated at 150 breaths/min. However, after 10 and 30 min of ventilation at 450 breaths/min, Rn, and respiratory system compliance were lower, and eta was higher, than their starting value. We conclude that high frequency mechanical ventilation affects respiratory system mechanics differently in C57BL/6J and BALB/c adult mice. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of C6-Schiff bases derivatives of chitosan. (United States)

    Xu, Ruibo; Aotegen, Bayaer; Zhong, Zhimei


    C 6 -Schiff bases derivatives of chitosan were synthesized for the first time. C 2 -amino groups and C 3 -hydroxy groups were firstly protected by CuSO 4 ·5H 2 O, and the C 6 -hydroxy was then transformed into aldehyde, which then reacted with anilines through nucleophilic addition to introduce the CN group at C 6 -position in chitosan chain. Finally, C 6 -Schiff bases derivatives of chitosan were got by the deprotection of C 2 -NH 2 with cation exchange resin. The structures and properties of the new synthesized products were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 13 C NMR, SEM image, and elemental analysis. The antibacterial activities of derivatives were tested in the experiment, and the results showed that the prepared chitosan derivatives had significantly improved antibacterial activity toward Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The Cytotoxicity test showed that the prepared chitosan derivatives had low Cytotoxicity, compared with chitosan and C 2 -benzaldehyde Schiff bases of chitosan. This paper allowed a new method for the synthesis of Schiff bases of chitosan, which was enlightening. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Chimeric anti-tenascin antibody 81C6: Increased tumor localization compared with its murine parent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zalutsky, Michael R.; Archer, Gary E.; Garg, Pradeep K.; Batra, Surinder K.; Bigner, Darell D.


    When labeled using the Iodogen method, a chimeric antibody composed of the human IgG 2 constant region and the variable regions of murine anti-tenascin 81C6 exhibited superior uptake in human glioma xenografts compared with its murine parent. In the current study, three paired-label experiments were performed in athymic mice with subcutaneous D-54 MG human glioma xenografts to evaluate further the properties of radioiodinated chimeric 81C6. These studies demonstrated that (a) the enhanced tumor uptake of chimeric 81C6 is specific; (b) when labeling was performed using N-succinimidyl 3-iodobenzoate, chimeric 81C6 again showed preferential accumulation in tumor compared with murine 81C6; and (c) the tumor uptake advantage observed previously with murine 81C6 for N-succinimidyl 3-iodobenzoate compared with Iodogen labeling did not occur with chimeric 81C6

  8. Galectins expressed differently in genetically susceptible C57BL/6 and resistant BALB/c mice during acute ocular Toxoplasma gondii infection. (United States)

    Chen, S-J; Zhang, Y-X; Huang, S-G; Lu, F-L


    Ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) caused by Toxoplasma gondii is a major cause of infectious uveitis, however little is known about its immunopathological mechanism. Susceptible C57BL/6 (B6) and resistant BALB/c mice were intravitreally infected with 500 tachyzoites of the RH strain of T. gondii. B6 mice showed more severe ocular pathology and higher parasite loads in the eyes. The levels of galectin (Gal)-9 and its receptors (Tim-3 and CD137), interferon (IFN)-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 were significantly higher in the eyes of B6 mice than those of BALB/c mice; however, the levels of IFN-α and -β were significantly decreased in the eyes and CLNs of B6 mice but significantly increased in BALB/c mice after infection. After blockage of galectin-receptor interactions by α-lactose, neither ocular immunopathology nor parasite loads were different from those of infected BALB/c mice without α-lactose treatment. Although the expressions of Gal-9/receptor were significantly increased in B6 mice and Gal-1 and -3 were upregulated in both strains of mice upon ocular T. gondii infection, blockage of galectins did not change the ocular pathogenesis of genetic resistant BALB/c mice. However, IFN-α and -β were differently expressed in B6 and BALB/c mice, suggesting that type I IFNs may play a protective role in experimental OT.

  9. O corte da genitália feminina: rompendo o debate e ainda assim, violando direitos humanos

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    Celine Jacquemin


    Full Text Available

    6.0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;">Resumo: a luta internacional contra as várias formas de circumcisão feminina, ou da mutilação dos genitais de mulheres e meninas, tem muitos aspectos diferentes. Embora nenhum texto de nenhuma religião sugere esta prática, ainda em muitos países a tortura de moças e mulheres continua. Ainda existe a suposição de que o fenômeno é exclusivo dos países subdesenvolvidos, muitas práticas comuns no mundo ocidental, tais como as cirurgias plásticas da vagina e da vulva, assim como as plásticas para mudar o rosto e o corpo das mulheres, podem ser incluídas na mesma tendência de se apresentar as mulheres como impuras, incompletas, necessitando ser melhoradas para que elas possa ser aceitas pelos potenciais maridos.

  10. Uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação para pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais como contribuição para inclusão social, educacional e digital>/b>

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    Daniela Cristina Barros de Souza


    Full Text Available  Este artigo visa demonstrar um trabalho realizado em um laboratório didático de pesquisa da FCT/Unesp - Presidente Prudente/ Brasil, cujo objetivo é usar as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC para a inclusão digital e social de pessoas com necessidades especiais. Os alunos com Síndrome de Down e atraso cognitivo, inseridos em um ambiente Construcionista Contextualizado e Significativo (CCS, participam de atividades construídas a partir dos seus interesses e desejos, onde o computador torna-se um potencializador de habilidades, de forma a favorecer a construção do conhecimento. Para tanto, fizemos um estudo de caso de cada aluno, considerando suas dificuldades mentais, vivência social e familiar, e com isto temos a possibilidade de elaborar atividades significativas e que levem em consideração o seu contexto. Logo, o nosso objetivo foi criar possibilidades para que os alunos fossem capazes de explorar suas habilidades e competências independentemente de suas características físicas e/ou mentais, utilizando recursos como a rede Internet para pesquisas e uso de softwares diferenciados. Assim, este trabalho nos proporcionou resultados positivos, como a socialização e desenvolvimento afetivo e cognitivo dos alunos. Nosso trabalho com essas pessoas permitiu o acesso às diversas habilidades, possibilitando que os alunos se descobrissem como membros ativos e participantes da sociedade, por meio de um método capaz de superar padrões de inteligência estabelecidos pela mesma sociedade e proporcionar sua Inclusão Digital e Social, evidenciando seus potenciais e competências, desenvolvidos em um ambiente de aprendizado diferenciado com o uso das TIC. Palavras-chave: Informática Educacional. Educação Especial. Abordagem Construcionista.

  11. Evaluación de la fibroína de seda como biomaterial de soporte para el crecimiento de células mesenquimales estromales de pulpa dental

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    Lyda Caballero Mendez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la fibroína de la seda obtenida del gusano de seda Bombyx mori L como material de soporte para el crecimiento de células mesenquimales estromales de pulpa dental (CMPD. Métodos. La fibroína fue obtenida a partir de capullos de gusanos de seda Bombyx mori L criados en la Granja El Pílamo, propiedad de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Se realizaron procedimientos para obtención de películas de fibroína íntegras y resistentes a condiciones de cultivo. Las CMPD fueron obtenidas a partir de un donante de diente premolar, la pieza dental se cortó con disco de diamante para la obtención de la pulpa que fue sometida a disgregación enzimática. Las células obtenidas se subcultivaron hasta el segundo pase para después ser transferidas a cajas de cultivo que contenían películas de fibroína, se sometieron a condiciones inherentes al proceso de incubación con seguimiento de su crecimiento y viabilidad celular durante 27 días. Resultados. Al final del periodo de incubación, se observaron películas integras, estables y resistentes que permitieron el crecimiento celular. Conclusión. Se plantea el uso de la fibroína como un biopolímero natural que brinda un soporte mecánico, un microambiente óptimo y un mimetismo de la estructura organizacional de los tejidos, postulándose como un potencial biomaterial para procesos de crecimiento de células en Medicina Regenerativa basada en Ingeniería de Tejidos.

  12. Persistence of Leishmania antigen in C57Bl/6j inbred mice infected with Leishmania (Leishmania amazonensis Persistência do antígeno da Leishmania no camundongo isogênico C57Bl/6j infectado com a Leishmania (Leishmania amazonensis

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    C. Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available PURPOSE. To develop an animal model for studying mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. METHODS. The hind footpad of C57Bl/6j inbred mice was experimentally infected with 10(7 Leishmania (Leishmania amazonensis promastigote and the skin was studied through light and electron transmission microscopy and immunohistochemistry (PAP techniques. RESULTS. There were morphological evidences of cellular immune mechanisms and hypersensitivity reaction after eight weeks of infection and metastasis and well shaped parasites at ultrastructural level by fifty-one weeks post infection. Relapse of infection with mucosa lesions occurred around the 50th week after inoculation. CONCLUSION. The use of this animal model in long term follow up could be an useful experimental model for human mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.OBJETIVO. Desenvolver um modelo experimental para o estudo da leishmaniose cutâneo-mucosa. MÉTODOS. O coxim plantar traseiro de camundongos isogênicos C57Bl/6j foi inoculado com 10(7 formas promastigotas da Leishmania (Leishmania amazonensis e a pele foi estudada através da microscopia óptica e eletrônica e de técnica imunohistoquímica (PAP. RESULTADOS. Ocorreram evidências morfológicas de mecanismos imunes mediados por células, concomitantemente ao de reação de hipersensibilidade, após a oitava semana de infecção e a presença de parasitas com ultraestrutura preservada na quinquagésima primeira semana após a infecção. Houve recidiva da infecção com surgimento de lesões mucosas por volta da 50a semana pós inoculação. CONCLUSÃO. Este modelo animal, com um período de tempo de seguimento prolongado, poderia ser empregado como modelo para o estudo experimental da leishmaniose cutâneo-mucosa.

  13. Rapid and sensitive quantification of C3- and C6-phosphoesters in starch by fluorescence-assisted capillary electrophoresis. (United States)

    Verbeke, Jeremy; Penverne, Christophe; D'Hulst, Christophe; Rolando, Christian; Szydlowski, Nicolas


    Phosphate groups are naturally present in starch at C3- or C6-position of the glucose residues and impact the structure of starch granules. Their precise quantification is necessary for understanding starch physicochemical properties and metabolism. Nevertheless, reliable quantification of Glc-3-P remains laborious and time consuming. Here we describe a capillary electrophoresis method for simultaneous measurement of both Glc-6-P and Glc-3-P after acid hydrolysis of starch. The sensitivity threshold was estimated at the fg scale, which is compatible with the analysis of less than a μg of sample. The method was validated by analyzing antisense potato lines deficient in SBEs, GWD or GBSS. We show that Glc-3-P content is altered in the latter and that these variations do not correlate with modifications in Glc-6-P content. We anticipate the method reported here to be an efficient tool for high throughput study of starch phosphorylation at both C3- and C6-position. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    T. Fernández-Mora


    Full Text Available La ateroesclerosis está involucrada en el desarrollo de la enfermedad cardiovascular, una de las principales enfermedades de morbimortalidad en el mundo. Se han determinado una serie de factores de riesgo, tanto clásicos como emergentes, implicados en el desarrollo de esta enfermedad. Recientes investigaciones han demostrado que la inflamación juega un papel clave en el desarrollo de la ateroesclerosis. Las células del sistema inmune se encuentran presentes en todos los estadios de las lesiones arterioescleróticasy sus moléculas efectoras pueden acelerar la progresión de las lesiones y orquestar los mecanismos de inflamación inducidos en los síndromes coronarios agudos. La evidencia crítica implica a mediadores de la inmunidad tanto innata como adquirida en los diferentes estados de la ateroesclerosis. Dentro de loscomponentes inmunes involucrados en el proceso de la ateroesclerosis se encuentran componentes celulares como macrófagos, linfocitos, células dendríticas, mastocitos, células NK; componentes humoralescomo anticuerpos, citocinas proinflamatorias y moduladoras de la respuesta inmune, complemento, proteínas de fase aguda; y otros componentes como moléculas de adhesión y de choque térmico. A partirdel esclarecimiento del papel del sistema inmune en el desarrollo de la arterioesclerosis, han surgido una serie de perspectivas diagnósticas y terapéuticas para la enfermedad cardiovascular.

  15. Aspects of transmetallation reactions of 2-Me2NCH2C6H4- and 2,6-(Me2NCH2)-C6H3-metal (Pd,Pt,Hg,Tl) complexes with metal carboxylates and low-valent metal (Pd,Pt) complexes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koten, G. van; Ploeg, A.F.M.J. van der; Vrieze, K.


    A study has been made of reactions involving organometallic compounds containing ortho-Me{2}NCH{2} substituted aryl ligands. The single step syntheses of the new compounds [(2-Me{2}NCH{2}C{6}H{4}){2}TlCl], [ [{(S)-2-Me{2}NCH(Me)C{6}H{4}}{2}TlCl], [{(S)-2-Me{2}NCH(Me)C{6}H{4}}TlCl{2}], [{2,

  16. A Comparison of the Effects of Benzalkonium Chloride on Ocular Surfaces between C57BL/6 and BALB/c Mice

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    Qian Yang


    Full Text Available Models of benzalkonium chloride (BAC-induced ocular disruption have been created and are widely used in various animals. This study aimed to compare the effects of BAC on the ocular surfaces of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice were treated separately with BAC eye-drops at different concentrations. Eyes were evaluated by scoring epithelial disruption, corneal opacity and neovascularization in vivo, and by histological assays with hematoxylin/eosin (H/E and periodic acid-Schiff stainings and by determining the expression of inflammatory factors in vitro on Days 7 and 14. The in vivo corneal epithelial disruption, corneal edema/opacity and neovascularization, which were in accordance with the results of the H/E staining and peaked at Day 7, were observed in a dose-dependent manner in the BAC-treated mice, with more severe signs in the C57BL/6 mice than the BALB/c mice. The loss of conjunctival goblet cells in the conjunctivas and the increasing expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1, growth-regulated protein alpha (GROa and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1a in the corneas were found in a dose-dependent manner in both strains of mice. Topical application of BAC can dramatically disrupt the ocular surfaces of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice, and the disruptions were much more severe in the C57BL/6 mice that received high doses of BAC.

  17. Plantas daninhas como hospedeiras alternativas para Pratylenchus brachyurus

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    Guilherme Braga Pereira Braz

    Full Text Available RESUMO Uma das ações indiretas exercidas pelas plantas daninhas na interferência sob espécies cultivadas é o potencial de hospedar agentes causadores de enfermidades. O nematoide das lesões radiculares (Pratylenchus brachyurus vem causando uma série de danos em diversas culturas no Brasil. Para o manejo deste fitoparasita, o cultivo de diferentes espécies de crotalárias tem sido empregado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a hospedabilidade de plantas daninhas para P. brachyurus, bem como o efeito de supressão de diferentes espécies de crotalária. Para isso, foi instalado um experimento em casa de vegetação no delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial (2x17, com seis repetições. O primeiro fator consistiu na presença ou ausência da inoculação do nematoide. O segundo correspondeu a dezessete espécies vegetais, sendo onze plantas daninhas, quatro crotalárias (C. breviflora, C. juncea, C. ochroleuca e C spectabilis e duas variedades de soja, as quais serviram como testemunha sendo hospedeiras de P. brachyurus. A inoculação do nematoide das lesões radiculares não influenciou a altura de plantas e massa seca de parte aérea das diferentes espécies avaliadas. Portulaca oleracea, Amaranthus viridis e Sida rhombifolia foram as espécies com maior número de nematoides por sistema radicular, e apenas a S. rhombifolia apresentou comportamento semelhante a testemunha (variedade de soja BMX Potência RR®. Com relação ao número de nematoides por grama de raiz, os maiores valores foram observados para A. viridis, seguido por P. oleracea. Excluindo-se a C. juncea, todas as demais espécies de crotalária apresentaram-se como boas opções para o manejo em áreas infestadas com P. brachyurus.

  18. Identification of immunodominant Leishmania major antigenic markers of the early C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice infection stages. (United States)

    Sassi, Atfa; Kaak, Olfa; Elgaaied, Amel Benammar


    The C57BL/6 mouse strain is resistant to Leishmania (L.) major infection and, unlike susceptible BALB/c, develops small self healing cutaneous lesions. The specific antibody responses of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice were previously characterized by the predominance of IgG2a ("resistant" isotype associated with Th1) and IgG1 ("pathogenic" isotype associated with Th2) antibodies, respectively. In this study, we looked for the presence of antigens able to elicit an exclusive or predominant IgG1 production during the early stages of C57BL/6 lesion development and checked whether they are recognized or not by BALB/c mice. We demonstrate first that IgG2a predominance in C57BL/6 sera occurs only late after infection whereas in BALB/c, IgG1 antibodies dominate mostly in the early stages. Interestingly, soon after inoculation of live amastigotes, C57BL/6 displayed an exclusive IgG1 reactivity against particular L. major antigens but with MWs different from those identified in BALB/c. Furthermore, mice immunized with killed amastigotes displayed striking differences in their immunodetection profiles, particularly for the IgG1 isotype. Taken together, the observed differences in the specific antibody repertoires between infected mice resulted, at least in part, from immunological events independent from those triggered by the replicating parasite, and bring new insights into the selection of future vaccine candidates. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  19. Neutron diffraction analysis of HRh[P(C6H5)3]4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bau, R.; Stevens, R.C.; McLean, M.; Koetzle, T.F.


    We have collected neutron diffraction data on a large single crystal of the title compound. The most surprising result is an extremely short Rh-H distance of 1.31(8) A, presumably caused by steric interactions involving the bulky triphenyl phosphine ligands. Crystallographic details: HRh[P(C 6 H 5 ) 3 ] 4 . 1 / 2 C 6 H 6 crystallizes in the space group Pa3, with a = b = c = 22.776(3) A, Z = 8. Data were collected at the Brookhaven High Flux Beam reactor at a temperature of -23 0 C, λ = 1.15882(7) A -1 . Least-squares refinement (in which the phenyl rings were treated as rigid groups) resulted in an R factor [based on data with f > 4σ(F)] of 0.12 for 914 reflections and 95 parameters. 10 refs

  20. Biomodelo para la evaluación de cepas atenuadas como candidatos vacunales contra el cólera humano. I. Estudio de la virulencia, capacidad de colonización y adherencia a la mucosa intestinal

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    Reynaldo Oliva


    Full Text Available El cólera continúa siendo en muchos países un problema para la salud humana, manteniéndose como una enfermedad epidémica o endémica que afecta tanto a niños como adultos y causa la muerte en casos no tratados. Una vacuna viva oral contra esta enfermedad puede ser la solución. En el presente trabajo se seleccionó y aplicó un biomodelo para la evaluación de cepas atenuadas genéticamente de Vibrio cholerae como candidatas vacunales contra el cólera. La virulencia, capacidad de colonización y adherencia a la mucosa intestinal de las cepas fueron evaluadas mediante el uso de ratones neonatos de 2 a 4 días de nacidos de la línea Balb/c, con un peso entre 1,5-2 g. Los resultados obtenidos con este biomodelo demostraron que las cepas atenuadas genéticamente son no virulentas, colonizan y se adhieren a la mucosa intestinal. Se concluye que el biomodelo utilizado permite la evaluación y selección de cepas candidatas para vacunas vivas orales contra el cólera.

  1. Solubility of DCH18C6 and n-octanol in nitric acid system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Qiange; Wang Jianchen; Chen Jing


    Equilibrium solubility of DCH18C6 and n-octanol in aqueous solution were determined by GC. And effects of temperature, concentration of Sr 2+ or HNO 3 were studied. The results indicate that solubility of DCH18C6 is substantial and make the crown ether continually drain from organic phase which could be 3% at most. As diluent, n-octanol could dissolve in water with certain quantity. So n-octanol, and then kerosene should be used to extract DCH18C6 and n-octanol from aqueous phase. Or toluene is taken to recover DCH18C6 and n-octanol at the same time. Above extractants could recover more than 99% of solute from aqueous solution in the volume ratio 1:1. (author)

  2. Cúrcuma: planta medicinal, condimentar e de outros usos potenciais Curcuma: medicinal, spice and of other potential use plant

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    Arthur Bernardes Cecilio Filho


    Full Text Available A cúrcuma (Curcuma longa L., espécie originária do sudeste asiático, é considerada uma preciosa especiaria. Com a proibição do uso de pigmentos sintéticos nos principais países da América do Norte e Europa, têm sido procuradas alternativas naturais. A cúrcuma, além de sua principal utilização como condimento, possui substâncias antioxidantes, antimicrobianas e corantes (curcumina que lhe conferem possibilidade de emprego nas áreas de cosméticos, têxtil, medicinal e alimentício. Até o presente momento, poucos estudos foram realizados com a cúrcuma no Brasil, fato que determina baixa produtividade. Entretanto, recentes resultados de pesquisa mostram a possibilidade de obtenção de produtividades semelhantes às de seu país de origem, ainda que maiores estudos sejam necessários para definição de estande, adubação e outras práticas culturais. Os objetivos do presente trabalho são apresentar a versatilidade mercadológica da cúrcuma, caracterizar a espécie quanto a aspectos botânicos, nutricionais e químicos, bem como reunir e discutir informações técnicas para melhoria da produtividade e qualidade dos rizomas.The turmeric (Curcuma longa L., original species of the Asian Southeast, is considered a precious spice. With the prohibition of the use of synthetic pigments in the main countries of North America and Europe, it has natural alternatives have been sought. The turmeric, besides its main use as condiment, has anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and dye (curcumin substances that can be used in the cosmetic, textile, medicinal and food areas. Until the present moment, few studies were accomplished with the turmeric in Brazil, fact this that determines low yield. However, recent research results show the possibility of obtaining of yields similar to the one of its origin country, although larger studies are necessary for stand definition, fertilizer and other cultural practices. The objectives of the present work are

  3. Structural and magnetic properties of Co films on highly textured and randomly oriented C_6_0 layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong-Ok; Choi, Jun Woo; Lee, Dong Ryeol


    The structural and magnetic properties of Co/C_6_0/pentacene and Co/C_6_0 thin film structures were investigated. Atomic force microscopy and x-ray reflectivity analysis show that the presence or absence of a pentacene buffer layer leads to a highly textured or randomly oriented C_6_0 layer, respectively. A Co film deposited on a randomly oriented C_6_0 layer penetrates into the C_6_0 layer when it is deposited at a slow deposition rate. The Co penetration can be minimized, regardless of the Co deposition rate, by growth on a highly textured and nanostructured C_6_0/pentacene layer. Vibrating sample magnetometry measurements show that the saturation magnetization of Co/C_6_0/pentacene is significantly reduced compared to that of Co/C_6_0. On the other hand, the Co penetration does not seem to have an effect on the magnetic properties, suggesting that the structural properties of the Co and C_6_0 layer, rather than the Co penetration into the organic C_6_0 layer, are critical to the magnetic properties of the Co/C_6_0. - Highlights: • Structural and magnetic properties of metal(Co)-organic(C_6_0) interface is studied. • Highly textured C_6_0 layer was grown on a pentacene buffer layer (C_6_0/pentacene). • Co penetration into the C_6_0 is significantly suppressed in Co/C_6_0/pentacene. • The Co magnetization in Co/C_6_0/pentacene is reduced than that in Co/C_6_0.

  4. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis


    Pablo López Mato; Alfonso Varela Fariña; Elena Seco Hernández; Antonio J. Chamorro Fernández


    La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  5. Interleucina 6 e proteína c reativa no diagnóstico de sepse tardia no recém-nascido Interleukins 6 and c - reactive protein for the diagnosis of late onset sepsis in the newborn infant

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    Maria Esther J. R. Ceccon


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a acurácia da interleucina 6 (IL-6 e da proteína C reativa (PCR para o diagnóstico de sepse tardia no recém-nascido (RN. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo de coorte prospectivo com 43 RNs internados com suspeita de sepse tardia na UTIN. Foram dosados no dia da suspeita diagnóstica (dia 0 e nos dias 1, 3 e 7 de evolução os níveis séricos da IL-6 e da PCR e calculado o melhor valor de coorte para o diagnóstico de sepse. Também foram calculados os índices de sensibilidade (S, especificidade (E, valor preditivo positivo e negativo (VPP, VPN para cada um dos testes, assim como para a combinação entre eles. RESULTADOS: Os níveis séricos da IL-6 e da PCR estiveram acima do ponto de coorte nos RN com sepse e com sepse presumível com diferenças significantes entre ambos os grupos, nos quais a única diferença foi hemocultura positiva no primeiro. Foi possível afastar esse diagnóstico em seis RNs. Para o diagnóstico de sepse, a IL-6 obteve os melhores índices no dia da suspeita diagnóstica, dia 0 (S: 88,9%, E: 80%, VPP: 76,2%, VPN: 90,9%, seguida da proteína C reativa (S: 94%, E: 78,3%, VPP: 77,3%, VPN: 94,7% 24 horas após. A combinação dos dois (IL 6/PCR mostrou-se mais adequada para o diagnóstico precoce no dia 0 e até 24 horas de evolução com S e VPN de 100%. CONCLUSÃO: A combinação de IL6/PCR apresentou acurácia para o diagnóstico de sepse. A evolução destes testes ao longo dos dias refletiu a evolução clínica dos RN.BACKGROUND: Verify the accuracy of interleukin 6 (IL-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP for diagnosis of late onset sepsis in newborn (NB infants. METHODS: a prospective cohort study with 43 NB infants hospitalized at the NICU with suspicion of late onset sepsis was carried out. Levels of IL-6 and of CRP were dosed with suspicion diagnoses; day (0 and sequentially on day 1, 3, and 7 of the evolution and the best cut-off values were calculated for the diagnoses. Indices of sensibility (S

  6. Cervical cancer in Iquitos, Peru: local realities to guide prevention planning Câncer cérvico-uterino em Iquitos, Peru: realidade local como guia para planejamento da prevenção

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    Jennifer L. Hunter


    Full Text Available Cervical cancer is a major public health problem in Latin America, and in much of the underdeveloped world. This issue has not historically been addressed as a health priority, but in recent years is receiving increased attention and funding. This ethnographic study on the experience of cervical cancer was conducted in Iquitos, Peru, between August 1998 and May 1999. Research methodologies included: (1 observation and household interviews to obtain background knowledge about the region, medical systems, and local cultural understanding of illness; (2 cancer experience interviews; and (3 case studies of women in various stages of cervical cancer or diagnosis. Findings are presented related to local knowledge and experience of Pap smears and cervical cancer and the ineffectiveness of a recently initiated cervical cancer screening program. The findings guide recommendations for interventions in the region in relation to: (1 needed changes in health education, (2 screening frequency and age, (3 sites for screening and treatment, (4 type and availability of treatment, (5 payment issues, (6 documentation of care, and (7 the potential of herbal remedies.O câncer cérvico-uterino representa um desafio para a saúde pública na América Latina e em grande parte do mundo subdesenvolvido como um todo. Historicamente, a questão não tem sido tratada como prioridade de saúde; entretanto, nos últimos anos houve um aumento de interesse e de financiamento para enfrentar o problema. Este estudo etnográfico sobre a experiência com o câncer cérvico-uterino foi realizado em Iquitos, Peru, entre agosto de 1998 e maio de 1999. As metodologias de pesquisa incluíram: (1 observação e entrevistas domiciliares para levantar dados sobre a ocorrência na região, sobre os sistemas de saúde e a cultura local em relação ao processo da doença; (2 entrevistas sobre experiências pessoais e familiares com o câncer; e (3 estudos de caso de mulheres em diversas

  7. Superficial nephrons in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice facilitate in vivo multiphoton microscopy of the kidney.

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    Ina Maria Schießl

    Full Text Available Multiphoton microscopy (MPM offers a unique approach for addressing both the function and structure of an organ in near-real time in the live animal. The method however is limited by the tissue-specific penetration depth of the excitation laser. In the kidney, structures in the range of 100 µm from the surface are accessible for MPM. This limitation of MPM aggravates the investigation of the function of structures located deeper in the renal cortex, like the glomerulus and the juxtaglomerular apparatus. In view of the relevance of gene-targeted mice for investigating the function of these structures, we aimed to identify a mouse strain with a high percentage of superficially located glomeruli. The mean distance of the 30 most superficial glomeruli from the kidney surface was determined in 10 commonly used mouse strains. The mean depth of glomeruli was 118.4±3.4, 123.0±2.7, 133.7±3.0, 132.3±2.6, 141.0±4.0, 145.3±4.3, 148.9±4.2, 151.6±2.7, 167.7±3.9, and 207.8±3.2 µm in kidney sections from 4-week-old C3H/HeN, BALB/cAnN, SJL/J, C57BL/6N, DBA/2N, CD1 (CRI, 129S2/SvPas, CB6F1, FVB/N and NMRI (Han mice, respectively (n = 5 animals from each strain. The mean distance from the kidney surface of the most superficial glomeruli was significantly lower in the strains C3H/HeN Crl, BALB/cAnN, DBA/2NCrl, and C57BL/6N when compared to a peer group consisting of all the other strains (p<.0001. In 10-week-old mice, the most superficial glomeruli were located deeper in the cortex when compared to 4-week-old animals, with BALB/cAnN and C57BL/6N being the strains with the highest percentage of superficial glomeruli (25% percentile 116.7 and 121.9 µm, respectively. In summary, due to significantly more superficial glomeruli compared to other commonly used strains, BALB/cAnN and C57BL/6N mice appear to be particularly suitable for the investigation of glomerular function using MPM.

  8. LDL oxidada: Como um fator de risco para doença cardiovascular no transplante renal

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    Adele Soltani


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos: A taxa de mortalidade de pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC, que tenham sido submetidos à terapia de substituição renal, é muito elevada devido a doenças cardiovasculares (DCV. Alguns estudos indicaram que a ciclosporina A (CsA, um medicamento utilizado para prevenir a rejeição de transplante, está associada à perda óssea após o transplante. Além disso, ela tem um efeito oxidante sobre os lipídeos circulantes. Seu efeito pró-oxidante nas membranas celulares provoca a liberação de cálcio. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar se o transplante renal pode ou não resultar em melhora no estresse oxidativo (EO; e avaliar a associação entre a LDL oxidada (LDL-ox e algumas variáveis na predição do risco de DCV em pacientes transplantados renais (TR, comparados com o grupo controle. Materiais e Métodos: Um total de 30 pacientes com DRC foram recrutados para avaliação das alterações dependentes do tempo no biomarcador de EO antes e após TR. Foram avaliados: LDL-ox, parâmetros do metabolismo dos lipídeos, a CsA, creatinina, cálcio e fosfato tanto antes do TR, 10 dias e 6 meses após o TR, em comparação com o grupo controle (n = 30. Resultados: após 6 meses, a concentração de LDL-ox mudou de 79,7 ± 9,7-72 ± 7 mU/ml (p < 0,009. O nível de fosfato de cálcio foi positivamente correlacionado com a concentração de LDL-ox (R = 0,467, p = 0,011 e ciclosporina (r = 0,419, p = 0,024 6 meses após o transplante. Conclusão: Os resultados indicaram que a restauração da função renal pelo transplante, melhora o estresse oxidativo induzido pela uremia. O produto de fosfato de cálcio, como um fator de risco independente para DCV, correlaciona-se com o LDL-ox antes do TR e 6 meses após o TR. O produto de fosfato de cálcio também se correlaciona com a ciclosporina no grupo TR.

  9. Efficient cell culture system for hepatitis C virus genotype 6A

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The present inventors developed hepatitis C virus 6a/2a intergenotypic recombinants in which the JFH1 structural genes (Core, E1 and E2), p7 and the complete NS2 were replaced by the corresponding genes of the genotype 6a reference strain HK6a. Sequence analysis of recovered 6a/2a recombinants from...


    Donnell, B.


    CLIPS, the C Language Integrated Production System, is a complete environment for developing expert systems -- programs which are specifically intended to model human expertise or knowledge. It is designed to allow artificial intelligence research, development, and delivery on conventional computers. CLIPS 6.0 provides a cohesive tool for handling a wide variety of knowledge with support for three different programming paradigms: rule-based, object-oriented, and procedural. Rule-based programming allows knowledge to be represented as heuristics, or "rules-of-thumb" which specify a set of actions to be performed for a given situation. Object-oriented programming allows complex systems to be modeled as modular components (which can be easily reused to model other systems or create new components). The procedural programming capabilities provided by CLIPS 6.0 allow CLIPS to represent knowledge in ways similar to those allowed in languages such as C, Pascal, Ada, and LISP. Using CLIPS 6.0, one can develop expert system software using only rule-based programming, only object-oriented programming, only procedural programming, or combinations of the three. CLIPS provides extensive features to support the rule-based programming paradigm including seven conflict resolution strategies, dynamic rule priorities, and truth maintenance. CLIPS 6.0 supports more complex nesting of conditional elements in the if portion of a rule ("and", "or", and "not" conditional elements can be placed within a "not" conditional element). In addition, there is no longer a limitation on the number of multifield slots that a deftemplate can contain. The CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) provides object-oriented programming capabilities. Features supported by COOL include classes with multiple inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, dynamic binding, and message passing with message-handlers. CLIPS 6.0 supports tight integration of the rule-based programming features of CLIPS with

  11. Chemistry through cocrystals: pressure-induced polymerization of C2H2·C6H6 to an extended crystalline hydrocarbon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ward, Matthew D. [Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington; USA; Huang, Haw-Tyng [Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Pennsylvania State University; University Park; USA; Zhu, Li [Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington; USA; Biswas, Arani [Department of Chemistry; Pennsylvania State University; University Park; USA; Popov, Dmitry [High Pressure Collaborative Access Team (HPCAT); Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Argonne; USA; Badding, John V. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Pennsylvania State University; University Park; USA; Department of Chemistry; Strobel, Timothy A. [Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington; USA


    The 1 : 1 acetylene–benzene cocrystal, C2H2·C6H6, was synthesized under pressure in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and its evolution under pressure was studied with single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy.

  12. Chemistry through cocrystals: pressure-induced polymerization of C2H2·C 6H6 to an extended crystalline hydrocarbon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ward, Matthew D. [Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington; USA; Huang, Haw-Tyng [Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Pennsylvania State University; University Park; USA; Zhu, Li [Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington; USA; Biswas, Arani [Department of Chemistry; Pennsylvania State University; University Park; USA; Popov, Dmitry [High Pressure Collaborative Access Team (HPCAT); Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Argonne; USA; Badding, John V. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Pennsylvania State University; University Park; USA; Department of Chemistry; Strobel, Timothy A. [Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington; USA


    The 1:1 acetylene–benzene cocrystal, C2H2·C6H6, was synthesized under pressure in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and its evolution under pressure was studied with single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy.

  13. Papel del factor de bloqueo inducido por Progesterona (PIBF en embarazo y cáncer

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    Araceli Gutiérrez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El factor de bloqueo inducido por progesterona (PIBF es una proteína inmunomoduladora por medio de la cual la progesterona ejerce varios de sus efectos inmunológicos en diferentes células de alta proliferación, que incluyen desde células embrionarias hasta células tumorales. El PIBF ocasiona un incremento en la síntesis de anticuerpos asimétricos y de citocinas tipo Th2 como las interleucinas (IL 4, 6 y 10, así como una disminución en la actividad citotóxica de las células NK y en la producción de citocinas tipo Th1, como el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFα e IL-12. Lo anterior provoca una reducción en la relación Th1/Th2 que es característica del embarazo sano, lo que tiene como consecuencia un aumento en la inmunidad humoral y una disminución en la inmunidad celular. Estos mecanismos inmunomoduladores tienen como resultado una evasión del sistema inmune de la madre por parte del feto para que el embarazo llegue a término. De manera interesante, diversos estudios sugieren que estos mismos mecanismos son utilizados por las células cancerosas para facilitar la progresión de tumores que presentan sobre-expresión del PIBF.

  14. Auditoria e controlo interno no setor público casos de estudo: Câmara Municipal de São Miguel e Câmara Municipal de São Lourenço dos Órgãos


    Monteiro, Astrid Neiva Amador Freire


    A auditoria numa organização precisa de um sistema de controlo interno para assegurar o controlo de potenciais erros. No setor público, apresenta-se como uma importante ferramenta para uma boa gestão da “coisa” pública. O estágio decorreu na Inspeção Geral de Finanças de Cabo Verde e incidiu sobre os Serviços de Inspeção do Setor Público Administrativo das Autarquias Locais. Teve como casos de estudo, o Município de São Miguel e o Município de São Lourenço dos Órgãos, relativam...

  15. Bacteriophage SP6 encodes a second tailspike protein that recognizes Salmonella enterica serogroups C2 and C3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gebhart, Dana; Williams, Steven R.; Scholl, Dean


    SP6 is a salmonella phage closely related to coliphage K1-5. K1-5 is notable in that it encodes two polysaccharide-degrading tailspike proteins, an endosialidase that allows it to infect E. coli K1, and a lyase that enables it to infect K5 strains. SP6 is similar to K1-5 except that it encodes a P22-like endorhamnosidase tailspike, gp46, allowing it to infect group B Salmonella. We show here that SP6 can also infect Salmonella serogroups C 2 and C 3 and that a mutation in a putative second tailspike, gp47, eliminates this specificity. Gene 47 was fused to the coding region of the N-terminal portion of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa R2 pyocin tail fiber and expressed in trans such that the fusion protein becomes incorporated into pyocin particles. These pyocins, termed AvR2-SP47, killed serogroups C 2 and C 3 Salmonella. We conclude that SP6 encodes two tail proteins providing it a broad host range among Salmonella enterica. - Highlights: • SP6 is a “dual specificity” bacteriophage that encodes two different receptor binding proteins giving it a broad host range. • These receptor binding proteins can be used to re-target the spectrum of R-type bacteriocins to Salmonella enterica. • Both SP6 and the engineered R-type bacteriocins can kill the Salmonella serovars most associated with human disease making them attractive for development as antimicrobial agents.

  16. Multiple proton decays of 6Be, 8C, 8B(IAS) and excited states in 10C (United States)

    Sobotka, Lee


    Recent technical advances have allowed for high-order correlation experiments to be done. We have primarily focused on experiments in which the final channels are composed of only alphas and protons. Four cases we have studied are: 6Be, 10C*, 8C, and 8B*(IAS) via 3, 4, 5, and 3-particle correlation measurements, respectively. While the first case had been studied before, our work presents very high statistics in the full Jacobi coordinates (the coordinates needed to describe 3-body decay.) Our study of 10C excited states provides isolatable examples of: correlated 2p decay, from one state, and the decay of another which is unusually highly correlated, a ``ménage a quatre.'' 8C decay presents the only case of sequential 3-body 2p decay steps (i.e. 2p-2p.) The intermediate in this 2-step process is the first example (6Be) mentioned above. Unlike the well-studied second step (6Be decay), the first step in this 2p-2p process provides another example of correlated 2p emission. The decay of 8B(IAS), the isobaric analog of 8C, also decays overwhelmingly by 2p emission, in this case to 6Li(IAS). This IAS-to-IAS 2p decay is one for which decay to the potential 1p intermediates is energetically allowed but isospin forbidden. This represents an expansion, over that originally envisioned by Goldanski, of the conceivable nuclear territory for 2p decay.

  17. Considerações Sobre a Reciclagem de Embalagens Plásticas

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    Forlin Flávio J.


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda considerações atualizadas sobre a reciclagem de embalagens plásticas com foco no setor de alimentos. No contexto mundial é avaliado o crescente volume de utilização de embalagens plásticas na preservação de alimentos e levantados os componentes sanitários, mercadológicos, sócio-econômicos e ambientais associados. São avaliadas como potenciais vias de reciclagem a transformação mecânica de embalagens plásticas em novos materiais ou produtos, a recuperação de resinas, a transformação térmica, a reutilização de embalagens e a degradação ambiental. O contexto brasileiro mostra potenciais características de viabilidade sócio-econômica e empresarial para a reciclagem de embalagens plásticas, exigindo, todavia, maior conjunção de ações governamentais, empresariais e de pesquisa no setor.

  18. Characterization of laser deposited Ti6Al4V/TiC composite powders on a Ti6Al4V substrate

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mahamood, RM


    Full Text Available This paper reports the material characterization of Ti6Al4V/TiC composite produced by laser metal deposition. The Ti6Al4V/TiC composites were deposited with a composition ratio of 50 wt.% Ti64l4V and 50 wt.% TiC. The depositions were achieved...

  19. Carambola como causa de lesão renal aguda

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    Karilla Lany Scaranello


    Full Text Available A carambola pertence à família das Oxalidáceas, espécie Averrhoa carambola. É rica em sais minerais, vitaminas A, C, complexo B e ácido oxálico. Estudos recentes demonstram que a toxicidade da fruta difere entre os indivíduos e pode ser explicada pelas respostas biológicas individuais como idade, quantidade da ingestão, neurotoxinas em cada tipo de fruta. Adicionalmente, a nefrotoxicidade causada pela fruta é dose dependente, podendo levar ao desenvolvimento de lesão renal aguda pela deposição de cristais de oxalato de cálcio intratubular, assim como por lesão direta das células epiteliais tubulares, levando à apoptose das mesmas. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente que, após a ingestão do suco da fruta e fruta in natura, desenvolveu lesão renal aguda, necessitando de terapia dialítica, evoluindo com desfecho favorável e recuperação da função renal.

  20. Study of the 6-n-propyl-2 thiouracil (PTU) as radioprotector in the thyroid cancer; Estudio del 6 propil-2 tiouracilo (PTU) como radioprotector en el tratamiento del cancer de tiroides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perona, Marina; Dagrosa, Maria A; Pisarev, Mario A; Juvenal, Guillelrmo J [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Radiogiologia; Pagotto, R; Pignataro, O [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires (Argentina). Instituto de Biologia y Medicina Experimental; Casal, M [Instituto Nacional de Oncologia ' Angel H. Roffo' , Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    epidemiologicos han demostrado que la exposicion a altas dosis de radiacion externa incrementa la frecuencia de neoplasias de tiroides, particularmente cuando la misma ocurre en la niniez o en la adolescencia. El uso de radioprotectores de la tiroides seria de utilidad para evitar efectos tumorigenicos en la glandula cuando la radiacion ionizante en la zona del cuello es la unica terapia posible. Objetivos: Estudiar el posible efecto radioprotector de la droga antitiroidea 6 propil-2 tiouracilo (PTU). Se cultivaron celulas tiroideas normales (linea FRTL-5 de rata) y patologicas (lineas de cancer humano tiroideo anaplasico ARO). Las mismas fueron irradiadas con una fuente de 60Co (1Gy/min) en dosis variables entre 1 y 8 Gy, en presencia y ausencia de PTU (1 mM). A posteriori se evaluo el danio post radiacion mediante el ensayo de formacion de colonias tomando la fraccion de sobrevida (FS) como indicador del efecto. Resultados: La FS aumento respecto del Control en ambas lineas celulares para todas las dosis utilizadas. La relacion PTU vs. Control fue de 2,3 y 2,7 para las celulas ARO y FRTL-5 respectivamente. El efecto radioprotector del PTU es el mismo si es agregado 24 hs antes o inmediatamente post irradiacion. Dado que se ha demostrado que el aumento de la radioresistencia de los tejidos puede inducirse mediante la estimulacion de las vias del AMP ciclico (cAMP), se midieron los niveles del segundo mensajero luego de incubar las lineas celulares durante 5, 24, 48 y 72 horas con diferentes concentraciones de PTU (0; 0,1 mM; 1 mM y 2 mM). El PTU aumento los niveles intra y extracelulares del cAMP en todos los tratamientos. Se observo un pico a las 24 hs en los niveles extracelulares incubados con PTU 1 mM de 36,97 {+-} 6,37 (fmol/{mu}g de prot) vs Control 16,67 {+-} 3,92 (fmol/{mu}g de prot). El efecto radioprotector del PTU fue mimetizado por el cAMP. Conclusion: El PTU ejerce un efecto radioprotector estimulando la via del cAMP. (autor)

  1. Phase stability, electronic and elastic properties of Fe6−xWxC (x = 0−6) from density functional theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lv, Z.Q.; Zhou, Z.A.; Sun, S.H.; Fu, W.T.


    The calculated formation enthalpies of Fe 3 W 3 C (W in the 48f site) and Fe 2 W 4 C are negative, and they are of higher stability than other (Fe,W) 6 C phases. The 16d and 32e sites are comfortable for Fe atoms, while the W atom is preferential in the 48f site during the formation process of (Fe,W) 6 C carbides. An exchange of electrons takes place between the Fe/W and the C atom, and also appears between the Fe and W atom. In M–M bonds, besides metallic characters, a valence character between W–W bonds exists. Besides the nonmetal C atom with negative charges (obtaining electrons), the partial metal atoms of Fe and W in different M 6 C-type carbides show an electronegative phenomenon. The carbides W 6 C, Fe 5 WC, Fe 2 W 4 C and Fe 3 W 3 C-II likely have high temperature superconductive characters. The hardness of Fe 3 W 3 C (16.5 GPa) is the highest in these phases, and that of Fe 2 W 4 C (13.7 GPa) is the second highest. The Debye temperature (θ D ) of Fe 3 W 3 C–I (Fe in the 48f site) is lowest (254 K) in these carbides, and that of Fe 3 W 3 C-II suddenly changes to 568 K when W is in the 48f site. The change of the atom in the 48f site intensively influences the properties of M 6 C (M = Fe/W). - Graphical abstract: Display Omitted - Highlights: • The 16d and 32e sites are comfortable for Fe atoms, whereas W atom is preferential in 48f site. • An exchange of electrons takes place in the Fe/W–C, and also appears between the Fe and W atom. • Besides C atom with negative charges, Fe and W partially exists the electronegative phenomenon. • θ D of Fe 3 W 3 C (Fe in 48f) is 254 K, whereas that of Fe 3 W 3 C (W in 48f) changes to 568 K

  2. Effects of phenazepam on the behavior of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice in the open field test after naloxone pretreatment. (United States)

    Seredenin, S B; Nadorova, A V; Kolik, L G; Yarkova, M A


    We studied the effects of phenazepam (0.075 mg/kg) after pretreatment (5 minutes before) with naloxone (10 mg/kg) on open-field behavior of C57Bl/6 and BALB/c mice. In ex vivo experiments, we studied the effects of naloxone (1 and 10 mg/kg) on receptor binding of [(3)H]-flunitrazepam by membranes of brain fraction (P1+P2) of C57Bl/6 and BALB/c mice. It was shown that naloxone increased motor activity in the open field in BALB/c mice and decreased this parameter in C57Bl/6 mice. During combined treatment, naloxone potentiated the activating effects of phenazepam on the open-field behavior of BALB/c mice and slightly increased the sedative effect of this drug in C57Bl/6 mice. Naloxone stimulated reception of [(3)H]-flunitrazepam in BALB/c mice and slightly increased radioligand binding in C57Bl/6 mice. These data attest to enhanced reception in benzodiazepine site of GABAA-receptor under conditions of opioid receptor blockade, the presence of anxiolytic or sedative (depending on the phenotype of the response to emotional stress) effect of naloxone, and co-directed effects of naloxone and benzodiazepine tranquilizer on open-field behavior of C57Bl/6 and BALB/c mice.

  3. El método de elementos finitos como alternativa en el cálculo de engranajes

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    Roberto José García Martín


    Full Text Available A pesar de que la optimización y el diseño racional de los engranajes han sido temas de muchas investigaciones, aún siguen siendo del interés de muchos especialistas y estudiosos de los engranajes. Las razones fundamentales para este hecho están condicionadas en primer lugar a que el diseño de un engranaje es en extremo complejo debido al número de variables, limitaciones y relaciones que involucra, y por otro lado existe la particularidad de que para cada caso de optimización la función objetivo, las restricciones y las variables independientes son generalmente diferentes. En los últimos años los nuevos sistemas de computación para auxiliar al diseño (CAD han sido empleados como alternativas para el cálculo de los engranajes, pero la variedad de sistemas y las amplias posibilidades de generación de modelos matemáticos empleados en la evaluación de esfuerzos y deformaciones requieren de una validación de sus resultados a partir de cotejarlos con los procedimientos y normas establecidos por la práctica y la experiencia de años. Es conocido que los resultados de los nuevos sistemas CAD con implementación del método de elementos finitos son generalmente muy dependientes de la forma de generación de los modelos de piezas y conjuntos diseñados por complicados procedimientos, que son tratados cuál una caja negra por los proveedores de estos potentes programas y sistemas en el mercado de la informática. En este sentido, el presente trabajo pretende contrastar los esfuerzos obtenidos mediante el empleo de dos de los más potentes sistemas CAD dirigidos a la aplicación del método de los elementos finitos, como son el Solid Edge y el Cosmo Edge, con los procedimientos de cálculo derivados de las vigentes normas ISO para evaluar la capacidad de carga de los engranajes cilíndricos. En el trabajo se exponen las bases del método de generación del perfil de los dientes de un engranaje cilíndrico de dientes rectos, un algoritmo

  4. C6/36 Aedes albopictus cells have a dysfunctional antiviral RNA interference response.

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    Doug E Brackney


    Full Text Available Mosquitoes rely on RNA interference (RNAi as their primary defense against viral infections. To this end, the combination of RNAi and invertebrate cell culture systems has become an invaluable tool in studying virus-vector interactions. Nevertheless, a recent study failed to detect an active RNAi response to West Nile virus (WNV infection in C6/36 (Aedes albopictus cells, a mosquito cell line frequently used to study arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses. Therefore, we sought to determine if WNV actively evades the host's RNAi response or if C6/36 cells have a dysfunctional RNAi pathway. C6/36 and Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells were infected with WNV (Flaviviridae, Sindbis virus (SINV, Togaviridae and La Crosse virus (LACV, Bunyaviridae and total RNA recovered from cell lysates. Small RNA (sRNA libraries were constructed and subjected to high-throughput sequencing. In S2 cells, virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs from all three viruses were predominantly 21 nt in length, a hallmark of the RNAi pathway. However, in C6/36 cells, viRNAs were primarily 17 nt in length from WNV infected cells and 26-27 nt in length in SINV and LACV infected cells. Furthermore, the origin (positive or negative viral strand and distribution (position along viral genome of S2 cell generated viRNA populations was consistent with previously published studies, but the profile of sRNAs isolated from C6/36 cells was altered. In total, these results suggest that C6/36 cells lack a functional antiviral RNAi response. These findings are analogous to the type-I interferon deficiency described in Vero (African green monkey kidney cells and suggest that C6/36 cells may fail to accurately model mosquito-arbovirus interactions at the molecular level.

  5. La hepatitis C como un problema de salud pública en México Hepatitis C as a public health problem in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Se reportan resultados de un seminario multidisciplinario que aborda el reconocimiento y construcción de la hepatitis C como problema de salud en México. La prevalencia es de 1.4%. La incidencia se estima en 19 300 nuevos casos por año. Al disminuir los casos relacionados a transfusión, aumentan en importancia la transmisión nosocomial y uso de drogas vía intravenosa o intranasal. Es necesario construir nuevos contenidos para las representaciones sociales y percepción de riesgo. El tratamiento basado en respuesta por PCR-ARN ha modificado los esquemas de manejo, situación importante al considerar políticas de tratamiento. Jurídicamente existe poca incidencia legislativa en el tema. La distribución de competencias entre el Gobierno Federal y las entidades federativas en materia de salubridad general se encuentra establecida en el artículo 13 de la Ley General de Salud (México. Es necesario definir una estrategia que adquiera el carácter de política pública de alcance nacional.We report the results of a multidisciplinary seminar approaching the recognition and construction of hepatitis C as a health issue in Mexico. Its prevalence is 1.4% and its incidence is estimated in 19 300 new cases per year.As transfusion decreases as a risk factor, the relevance of nosocomial transmision and use of intravenous or intranasal drugs increases. It is necessary to develop new contents for the social representation and risk perception of the disease. Response guided treatment based on PCR-RNA has modified the treatment schemes, a very important issue when considering policies for management. Legislation about hepatitis C in the country is limited. Assignments of the Federal Government and the federative entities in the country regarding health issues are framed in the 13th article of the General Mexican health law. It is necessary to advance towards the development of a public health policy at the national level for hepatitis C.

  6. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo López Mato


    Full Text Available La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  7. CD11c(hi) Dendritic Cells Regulate Ly-6C(hi) Monocyte Differentiation to Preserve Immune-privileged CNS in Lethal Neuroinflammation. (United States)

    Kim, Jin Hyoung; Choi, Jin Young; Kim, Seong Bum; Uyangaa, Erdenebelig; Patil, Ajit Mahadev; Han, Young Woo; Park, Sang-Youel; Lee, John Hwa; Kim, Koanhoi; Eo, Seong Kug


    Although the roles of dendritic cells (DCs) in adaptive defense have been defined well, the contribution of DCs to T cell-independent innate defense and subsequent neuroimmunopathology in immune-privileged CNS upon infection with neurotropic viruses has not been completely defined. Notably, DC roles in regulating innate CD11b(+)Ly-6C(hi) monocyte functions during neuroinflammation have not yet been addressed. Using selective ablation of CD11c(hi)PDCA-1(int/lo) DCs without alteration in CD11c(int)PDCA-1(hi) plasmacytoid DC number, we found that CD11c(hi) DCs are essential to control neuroinflammation caused by infection with neurotropic Japanese encephalitis virus, through early and increased infiltration of CD11b(+)Ly-6C(hi) monocytes and higher expression of CC chemokines. More interestingly, selective CD11c(hi) DC ablation provided altered differentiation and function of infiltrated CD11b(+)Ly-6C(hi) monocytes in the CNS through Flt3-L and GM-CSF, which was closely associated with severely enhanced neuroinflammation. Furthermore, CD11b(+)Ly-6C(hi) monocytes generated in CD11c(hi) DC-ablated environment had a deleterious rather than protective role during neuroinflammation, and were more quickly recruited into inflamed CNS, depending on CCR2, thereby exacerbating neuroinflammation via enhanced supply of virus from the periphery. Therefore, our data demonstrate that CD11c(hi) DCs provide a critical and unexpected role to preserve the immune-privileged CNS in lethal neuroinflammation via regulating the differentiation, function, and trafficking of CD11b(+)Ly-6C(hi) monocytes.

  8. Historia de obesidad como factor asociado al cáncer de mama en pacientes de un hospital público del Perú

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    José Rojas-Camayo


    Full Text Available Realizamos un estudio de casos y controles, en 123 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer mamario (casos y 208 pacientes sanas (controles. En la medición se consideró el índice de masa corporal (IMC antiguo (peso promedio de la vida adulta de la persona e IMC actual (peso cuantificado al momento de efectuar la investigación y otros factores de riesgo conocidos. Los IMC antiguos mostraron un riesgo incrementado tanto en mujeres en la premenopausia: sobrepeso OR: 7,29 (IC95%: 1,75 - 30,38 y obesidad OR: 23,43 (IC95%: 2,4 - 229.7; como en mujeres posmenopáusicas: obesidad OR: 3,33 (IC95%: 1,54 - 7,19 y obesidad OR: 6,04 (IC95%: 1,78 - 20,50. Por otro lado, al evaluar el IMC actual, se encontró asociación en las premenopáusicas donde el sobrepeso es un factor protector OR: 0,23 (IC95%: 0,05 - 0,99 y la obesidad no muestra asociación OR: 0,37 (IC95%: 0,08 - 1,8, asimismo, en las posmenopáusicas no se evidenció asociación con el sobrepeso OR: 0,79 (IC95%:0,35 - 1,85 ni con la obesidad OR: 1,19 (IC95%: 0,42 - 3,38. Se concluye que la historia de obesidad está asociada con un incremento de riesgo de cáncer mamario tanto en mujeres premenopáusicas y posmenopáusicas.

  9. Synthesis of 1-benzyl-4-[(5,6-dimethoxy[2-14C]-1-indanon)-2-YL]-methylpiperidine hydrochloride (E2020-14C)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iimura, Youichi; Mishima, Mannen; Sugimoto, Hachiro


    1-Benzyl-4-[(5,6-dimethoxy[2- 14 C]-1-indanon)-2-yl]-methylpiperidine hydrochloride (E2020- 14 C), and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor for studying the pharmacokinetic profiles of E2020, was synthesized from 5,6-dimethoxy[2- 14 C]-1-indanone as the labelled starting material. (author)



    López Rivera, Jorge Andrés


    El liberalismo utilitarista como ideología moderna surge bajo la pretensión de establecer criterios objetivos de moralidad secular. La máxima felicidad se plantea como principio rector de la acción. Sin embargo, su expresión y aplicación difiere dentro de las distintas versiones del liberalismo utilitarista. Así, en este texto el autor pretende exponer cómo diferentes planteamientos de la epistemología que procura fundamentar principios morales objetivos y, consecuentemente, interpretar las r...

  11. Batendo à porta do céu o bóson de Higgs e como a física modern ilumina o universo

    CERN Document Server

    Randall, Lisa


    Nesta obra a autora conduz seu mais novo trabalho, seduzindo o leitor pelas descobertas e teorias mais recentes da fisica, conforme realiza uma apaixonada - e necessaria - defesa da importancia da ciencia em nossas vidas. Na veia de autores como Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Greene e Carl Sagan, Randall explora seculos de conhecimento cientifico para tracar uma rica e esclarecedora historia do nosso Universo - do seu nascimento ate a inevitavel morte. Explica tambem o funcionamento do LHC, o maior acelerador de particulas do mundo, uma estrutura gigantesca construida na Suica que vem ajudando cientistas de todo o mundo a solucionar os misterios da materia e da origem da vida. Num capitulo feito especialmente apos a descoberta do boson de Higgs, a chamada 'particula de Deus', Randall elucida as consequencias deste que e um dos mais importantes avancos da historia da fisica. Valendo-se de uma prosa agil e explicativa, e travando um dialogo com profissionais de diversas areas, como roteiristas de cinema, c...

  12. Avaliação do efeito da metformina em carcinoma de cabeça e pescoço


    Rêgo, Daniela Fortunato


    O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar os potenciais efeitos da metformina no carcinoma espinocelular de cabeça e pescoço (HNSCC) e realizar um estudo de revisão sistemática para evidenciar os potenciais efeitos clínicos da metformina no tratamento dessa doença. Para subsidiar essa análise, utilizaram-se linhagens de células de carcinoma espinocelular de boca (SCC9 e SCC-25) e orofaringe (FaDu). Para efeito de comparação e controle, utilizou-se as linhagens de carcinoma espinocelular cervical (H...

  13. Developmental validation of the PowerPlex(®) Fusion 6C System. (United States)

    Ensenberger, Martin G; Lenz, Kristy A; Matthies, Learden K; Hadinoto, Gregory M; Schienman, John E; Przech, Angela J; Morganti, Michael W; Renstrom, Daniel T; Baker, Victoria M; Gawrys, Kori M; Hoogendoorn, Marlijn; Steffen, Carolyn R; Martín, Pablo; Alonso, Antonio; Olson, Hope R; Sprecher, Cynthia J; Storts, Douglas R


    The PowerPlex(®) Fusion 6C System is a 27-locus, six-dye, multiplex that includes all markers in the expanded CODIS core loci and increases overlap with STR database standards throughout the world. Additionally, it contains two, rapidly mutating, Y-STRs and is capable of both casework and database workflows, including direct amplification. A multi-laboratory developmental validation study was performed on the PowerPlex(®) Fusion 6C System. Here, we report the results of that study which followed SWGDAM guidelines and includes data for: species specificity, sensitivity, stability, precision, reproducibility and repeatability, case-type samples, concordance, stutter, DNA mixtures, and PCR-based procedures. Where appropriate we report data from both extracted DNA samples and direct amplification samples from various substrates and collection devices. Samples from all studies were separated on both Applied Biosystems 3500 series and 6-dye capable 3130 series Genetic Analyzers and data is reported for each. Together, the data validate the design and demonstrate the performance of the PowerPlex(®) Fusion 6C System. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  14. Ensayos argumentativos en inglés como lengua extranjera y su escritura como una práctica social situada: revisión de conceptos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Antonio Chala


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una discusión sobre las tendencias teóricas que ven la escritura de ensayos argumentativos en inglés lengua extranjera como práctica social situada. Los conceptos que se exploran en este documento constituyen la base de una propuesta de investigación que aborda la escritura argumentativa desde una perspectiva innovadora, social, situada, y basada en la enseñanza de géneros que se puede ver como una alternativa para fomentar la escritura de ensayos en inglés lengua extranjera como una práctica social situada que trascienda los límites del salón de clase. La discusión de los conceptos se visualiza primero desde la teoría de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y los dominios de la lingüística aplicada que fundamentan la propuesta. Luego se presentan, se exploran y se explican los conceptos centrales; éstos incluyen, primero, la escritura como práctica social situada, segundo, la escritura de ensayos argumentativos como un proceso dinámico de creación, y tercero, el género como acción social situada. Finalmente, el artículo presenta una reflexión sobre cómo estos conceptos se pueden entender e interrelacionar para que la escritura de ensayos argumentativos sea abordada como una práctica de alfabetización que contribuya a la formación de estudiantes de inglés lengua extranjera como escritores reflexivos, críticos y sociales.

  15. Synthesis of 14C labelled lidocaine (α-diethylamino acet-2,6-dimethylanilide)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Zhentang; Qian Guojun; Lin Fenzhi; Zhuang Daoling; Zhang Yulong; He Zhanjun


    14 C-lidocaine was composed by 14 C-diethylamine reaction with ω-chloroacetic-2,6-dimethylaniline. 14 C-diethylamine was prepared from Ba 14 CO 3 via K 14 CN and 14 C-acetonitrile which was hydrogenated. Radiochemical purity of 14 C-diethylamine and 14 C-lidocaine is >99% by HPLC and TLC respectively. 14 C-lidocaine is needed for breath assay of mouse for measuring liver function

  16. Optimization of Thixoforging Parameters for C70S6 Steel Connecting Rods (United States)

    Özkara, İsa Metin; Baydoğan, Murat


    A microalloyed steel, C70S6, with a solidification interval of 1390-1479 °C, was thixoforged in the semisolid state in a closed die at temperatures in the range 1400-1475 °C to form a 1/7 scaled-down model of a passenger vehicle connecting rod. Die design and an optimized thixoforging temperature eliminated the excessive flash and other problems during forging. Tension test samples from connecting rods thixoforged at the optimum temperature of 1440 °C exhibited nearly the same hardness, yield strength, and ultimate tensile strength as conventional hot forged samples but ductility decreased by about 45% due to grain boundary ferrite network formed during cooling from the thixoforging temperature. Thus, C70S6-grade steel can be thixoforged at 1440 °C to form flash-free connecting rods. This conclusion was also validated using FEA analysis.

  17. El derecho como modelo para las ciencias naturales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vittorio Villa


    Full Text Available El artículo comienza con una exposición del modo tradicional de entender, durante siglos, la relación entre ciencia jurídica y ciencias naturales. Describe después el cambio radical del contexto epistemológico de fondo que se ha producido en las últimas cuatro décadas. Expone luego cómo, dentro de ese cambio, va apareciendo el derecho como modelo para las ciencias naturales, en fuerza de dos tipos diversos de analogía entre el derecho y esas ciencias. La última parte está dedicada a proponer la concepción del autor sobre las razones de la elección del derecho como modelo

  18. Limitaciones del IMC como indicador exclusivo de estado nutricional


    Moreno Romero, Susana; Dipierri, José Edgardo; Marrodán, María D.


    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el potencial diagnóstico y las limitaciones del uso del Índice de Masa Corporal como único indicador del estado nutricional. Para ello se analizó una muestra constituida por 2155 sujetos de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 18 años y pertenecientes a tres poblaciones jujeñas que difieren en ubicación altitudinal y nivel socieconómico (NSE): 1.) Susques, localidad rural situada a 3675 m.s.n.m; 2.) Alto Comedero, barrio perifér...

  19. La cárcel como institución social límite


    Omar Alejandro Bravo


    Los efectos subjetivos de las instituciones carcelarias han sido claramente descriptos por Goffman como aspectos comunes de lo que este autor denominó instituciones totales, principalmente a partir de las prácticas y discursos que las caracterizan. También Foucault resulta, en este sentido, una referencia obligada para este análisis. No obstante, desde las ciencias sociales y humanas en general, y desde la psicología en particular, no se produjeron aportes significativos al respecto de los ef...

  20. Increased Prevalence of the IL-6 -174C Genetic Polymorphism in Long Distance Swimmers


    Ben-Zaken Sigal; Meckel Yoav; Nemet Dan; Kassem Eias; Eliakim Alon


    Abstract The IL-6 -174G/C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) functionally affects IL-6 activity, with the G-allele associated with increased IL-6 levels. The C-allele was found to be associated with exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between the IL-6 -174G/C polymorphism and athletic performance among elite swimmers and runners. The study sample included 180 track and field athletes and 80 swimmers. Track and field athletes w...

  1. Interfacial reaction in SiC_f/Ti-6Al-4V composite by using transmission electron microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Bin; Li, Maohua; Chen, Yanxia; Luo, Xian; Yang, Yanqing


    The interfacial reactions of continuous SiC fiber reinforced Ti-6Al-4V matrix composite (SiC_f/Ti-6Al-4V composite) and continuous SiC fiber coated by C reinforced Ti-6Al-4V matrix composite (SiC_f/C/Ti-6Al-4V composite) were investigated by using micro-beam electron diffraction (MBED) and energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS) on transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The sequence of the interfacial reactions in the as-processed and exposed at 900°C for 50h SiC_f/Ti-6Al-4V composites can be described as SiC||TiC||Ti_5Si_3 + TiC||Ti-6Al-4V and SiC||TiC||Ti_5Si_3||TiC||Ti_5Si_3||TiC||Ti_5Si_3||Ti-6Al-4V, respectively. Additionally, both in as-processed and exposed composites, Ti_3SiC_2 and Ti_3Si are absent at the interfaces. For the SiC_f/C/Ti-6Al-4V composite exposed at 900 °C for 50 h, the sequence of the interfacial reaction can be described as SiC||C||TiC_F||TiC_C||Ti-6Al-4V before C coating is completely consumed by interfacial reaction. When interfacial reaction consumes C coating completely, the sequence of the interfacial reaction can be described as SiC||TiC||Ti_5Si_3||TiC||Ti-6Al-4V. Furthermore, in SiC_f/C/Ti-6Al-4V composite, C coating can absolutely prevent Si diffusion from SiC fiber to matrix. Basing on these results, the model of formation process of the interfacial reaction products in the composites was proposed. - Highlights: • We obtained the sequence of the interfacial reactions in the as-processed and exposed at 900 °C for 50 h SiC_f/Ti-6Al-4 V composites as well as in the SiC_f/C/Ti-6Al-4 V composite exposed at 900 °C for 50 h. • We verified that both in as-processed and exposed SiC_f/Ti-6Al-4 V composites, Ti_3SiC_2 and Ti_3Si are absent at the interfaces. • Carbon coating can absolutely prevent silicon diffusion from SiC fiber to matrix. • Basing on these results, the model of formation process of the interfacial reaction products in the composites was proposed.

  2. Mosquito cell line C6/36 shows resistence to Cyt1Aa6

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zhang, L.; Huang, E.; Tang, B.; Guan, X.; Gelbič, Ivan


    Roč. 50, č. 4 (2012), s. 265-269 ISSN 0019-5189 R&D Projects: GA MŠk 2B08003 Grant - others:National Nature Science Foundation of China(CN) 31071745; Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China(CN) 20093515110010; Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China(CN) 20093515120010; Transformation Fund for Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements(CN) 2010GB2C400212; Fujian Colleges and Universities for the Development of the West Strait(CN) 0b08b005 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50070508 Keywords : Bacillus thuringiensis * C6/36 cells * indirect immunofluorescence assay Subject RIV: ED - Physiology Impact factor: 1.195, year: 2012

  3. Neutron-diffraction study of cubic ErC/sub 0.6/ in the temperature range 1.6--296 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atoji, M.


    Neutron-diffraction measurements have shown that the form of ErC/sub 0.6/ that has a cubic, NaCl-type structure is paramagnetic above 90 K, exhibiting a free Er 3+ moment. Below 90 K, ErC/sub 0.6/ becomes a ferromagnet with a saturation moment of 2.5 Bohr magnetons (only 28% of the maximum free-ion moment), indicating a large crystal-field effect. By measuring the preferential crystallite orientation induced by the applied magnetic field, the direction of the ferromagnetically ordered moment was found to be parallel to the axis. A ferromagnetic, short-range ordering coexists with the ferromagnetic long-range ordering at temperatures down to 1.6 K

  4. El paisaje como archivo del territorio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esther Isabel Prada Llorente


    (1 Este trabajo es una parte seleccionada sobre un aspecto muy concreto, como es la escala territorial, de la tesis doctoral “Sayago, evolución histórica y proyección futura de su estructura territorial” leída en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid en octubre de 2002. (2 Sayago: Posible relación con yacimientos mineros de época celta derivando de la palabra céltica Salliacum. Sus formas medievales serían: Saliago, Salago, Salagu y Sayago (cfr. MARTÍN VISO, 1996. De sayo, sayal, capa o “sagum” celtibérico y lusitano de color pardo, buriel o vellorí de las ovejas llamadas negras. Se pagaban como tributos por los vencidos celtíberos a las tribus romanas. Con el “paño sayal” se confeccionaron (hasta finales del s.XIX, principios del XX, todas las prendas externas de la indumentaria sayaguesa (cfr. Del Brío Mateos, 1998. (3 Escuadro: Topónimo de origen romanizador posiblemente referido a algún tipo de parcelación romana (Informante: Juan Vicent, prehistoriador del C.S.I.C. “Ex-cuadro” o “fuera del cuadro”, según la tradición popular este poblamiento hubiera surgido a raíz de los acompañamientos que las tropas romanas necesitaban para su abastecimiento en todos los aspectos, dejando fuera del recinto en otro lugar, al conjunto de herreros, artesanos, prostitutas, etc. que constituían dicho acompañamiento

  5. Intracellular pH and 42.00 C heat response of CHO cells cultured at pH 6.6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, J.A.; Fox, M.H.


    The authors previously reported that cells under chronic low pH (6.6) conditions have altered thermotolerance. They further characterized both the doubling time (t/sub d/) and the internal pH (pH/sub 1/) of CHO cells continuously cultured at pH 6.6 for times greater than one year. The following differences were noted: 1) A t/sub d/ of 16 hr compared to a t/sub d/ of 12 hr for cells at normal pH (7.3) and a t/sub d/ of 25 hr for the acute low pH cells (pH = 6.6; incubation time = 4 hr). 2) A pH/sub i/ 0.1-0.15 pH units > normal cells and 0.3 pH units > acute low pH cells. 3) Survival at 42.0 0 C which differed from both normal and acute low pH cells. The chronic culture was still quite sensitive to 42.0 0 C treatments during the first 5 hr, but developed tolerance at a higher level than cells under acute low pH conditions. The pH/sub i/ of the chronic culture responded to 42.0 0 C heating in a manner similar to that for acute low pH cells. Whether this culture represents a normal response to long term low pH exposure, or was the response of a mutant population is at the present unknown

  6. Influence of Interleukin-6 (174G/C Gene Polymorphism on Obesity in Egyptian Children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ola M. Ibrahim


    CONCLUSION: Our study showed that carriers of the C allele for the IL-6 (174G/C polymorphism have higher BMI. As the G174C polymorphism is likely to affect IL-6 expression and its physiological regulation; consequently this polymorphism may affect adiposity.

  7. Geographic distribution of hepatitis C virus genotype 6 subtypes in Thailand. (United States)

    Akkarathamrongsin, Srunthron; Praianantathavorn, Kesmanee; Hacharoen, Nisachol; Theamboonlers, Apiradee; Tangkijvanich, Pisit; Tanaka, Yasuhito; Mizokami, Masashi; Poovorawan, Yong


    The nucleotide sequence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 6 found mostly in south China and south-east Asia, displays profound genetic diversity. The aim of this study to determine the genetic variability of HCV genotype 6 (HCV-6) in Thailand and locate the subtype distribution of genotype 6 in various geographic areas. Four hundred nineteen anti-HCV positive serum samples were collected from patients residing in - the central part of the country. HCV RNA positive samples based on reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of the 5'UTR were amplified with primers specific for the core and NS5B regions. Nucleotide sequences of both regions were analyzed for the genotype by phylogenetic analysis. To determine geographic distribution of HCV-6 subtypes, a search of the international database on subtype distribution in the respective countries was conducted. Among 375 HCV RNA positive samples, 71 had HCV-6 based on phylogenetic analysis of partial core and NS5B regions. The subtype distribution in order of predominance was 6f (56%), 6n (22%), 6i (11%), 6j (10%), and 6e (1%). Among the 13 countries with different subtypes of HCV-6, most sequences have been reported from Vietnam. Subtype 6f was found exclusively in Thailand where five distinct HCV-6 subtypes are circulating. HCV-6, which is endemic in south China and south-east Asia, displays profound genetic diversity and may have evolved over a considerable period of time. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  8. MRP-1 expression levels determine strain-specific susceptibility to sodium arsenic-induced renal injury between C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Akihiko; Ishida, Yuko; Wada, Takashi; Yokoyama, Hitoshi; Mukaida, Naofumi; Kondo, Toshikazu


    To clarify the pathophysiological mechanism underlying acute renal injury caused by acute exposure to arsenic, we subcutaneously injected both BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice with sodium arsenite (NaAs; 13.5 mg/kg). BALB/c mice exhibited exaggerated elevation of serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (CRE) levels, compared with C57BL/6 mice. Moreover, half of BALB/c mice died by 24 h, whereas all C57BL/6 mice survived. Histopathological examination on kidney revealed severe hemorrhages, acute tubular necrosis, neutrophil infiltration, cast formation, and disappearance of PAS-positive brush borders in BALB/c mice, later than 10 h. These pathological changes were remarkably attenuated in C57BL/6 mice, accompanied with lower intrarenal arsenic concentrations, compared with BALB/c mice. Among heavy metal inducible proteins including multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP)-1, multidrug resistance gene (MDR)-1, metallothionein (MT)-1, and arsenite inducible, cysteine- and histidine-rich RNA-associated protein (AIRAP), intrarenal MDR-1, MT-1, and AIRAP gene expression was enhanced to a similar extent in both strains, whereas NaAs challenge augmented intrarenal MRP-1 mRNA and protein expression levels in C57BL/6 but not BALB/c mice. Moreover, the administration of a specific inhibitor of MRP-1, MK-571, significantly exaggerated acute renal injury in C57BL/6 mice. Thus, MRP-1 is crucially involved in arsenic efflux and eventually prevention of acute renal injury upon acute exposure to NaAs

  9. Potenciais evocados auditivos: estudo com indivíduos portadores de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico A study of auditory evoked potentials in systemic lupus erythematosus patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maíra dos Santos da Mata Rezende


    Full Text Available O Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES é uma doença inflamatória crônica sistêmica, de etiologia desconhecida, multifatorial, caracterizada imunologicamente pela presença de múltiplos auto-anticorpos, sendo as manifestações clínicas bastante polimórficas. Essa doença pode comprometer múltiplos órgãos e sistemas. Os comprometimentos mais comuns são: articular, cutâneo, vascular, renal, neurológico, cardíaco, gastrointestinal, hematológico, ocular e auditivo. OBJETIVO: Investigar a função auditiva central de indivíduos com Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi realizado estudo de série, no qual foram avaliados 60 indivíduos do sexo feminino, com idades entre 21 a 46 anos, sendo 30 no grupo controle e 30 no grupo pesquisa. Os participantes foram submetidos a Anamnese, Avaliação Audiológica (Audiometria Tonal, Logoaudiometria e Medidas de Imitância Acústica, e pesquisa dos Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Curta (PEATE, Média (PEAML e Longa Latências (PEALL. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os dois grupos avaliados, em nenhuma das avaliações realizadas. CONCLUSÕES: Não há diferença nos Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Curta (PEATE, Média (PEAML e Longa Latência (P300 entre os indivíduos dos grupos controle e pesquisa.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE is a multifactorial chronic systemic inflammatory disease, of unknown origin, characterized by the presence of autoantibodies and polymorphic clinical manifestations. This disease may involve multiple organs and systems. The most common findings are articular, cutaneous, vascular, renal, neurological, cardiac, gastrointestinal, hematological, ocular, and auditory abnormalities. AIM: To investigate the central auditory function of subjects diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A time-series study was made of sixty

  10. Lattice dynamics of CaC.sub.6./sub. by Raman spectroscopy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hlinka, Jiří; Gregora, Ivan; Pokorný, Jan; Hérold, C.; Emery, N.; Mareché, J.F.; Lagrange, P.


    Roč. 76, č. 14 (2007), 144512/1-144512/6 ISSN 1098-0121 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : Raman scattering * phonon spectra * CaC 6 * superconductivity Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 3.172, year: 2007

  11. Quantitative twoplex glycan analysis using 12C6 and 13C6 stable isotope 2-aminobenzoic acid labelling and capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Váradi, Csaba; Mittermayr, Stefan; Millán-Martín, Silvia; Bones, Jonathan


    Capillary electrophoresis (CE) offers excellent efficiency and orthogonality to liquid chromatographic (LC) separations for oligosaccharide structural analysis. Combination of CE with high resolution mass spectrometry (MS) for glycan analysis remains a challenging task due to the MS incompatibility of background electrolyte buffers and additives commonly used in offline CE separations. Here, a novel method is presented for the analysis of 2-aminobenzoic acid (2-AA) labelled glycans by capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS). To ensure maximum resolution and excellent precision without the requirement for excessive analysis times, CE separation conditions including the concentration and pH of the background electrolyte, the effect of applied pressure on the capillary inlet and the capillary length were evaluated. Using readily available 12/13 C 6 stable isotopologues of 2-AA, the developed method can be applied for quantitative glycan profiling in a twoplex manner based on the generation of extracted ion electropherograms (EIE) for 12 C 6 'light' and 13 C 6 'heavy' 2-AA labelled glycan isotope clusters. The twoplex quantitative CE-MS glycan analysis platform is ideally suited for comparability assessment of biopharmaceuticals, such as monoclonal antibodies, for differential glycomic analysis of clinical material for potential biomarker discovery or for quantitative microheterogeneity analysis of different glycosylation sites within a glycoprotein. Additionally, due to the low injection volume requirements of CE, subsequent LC-MS analysis of the same sample can be performed facilitating the use of orthogonal separation techniques for structural elucidation or verification of quantitative performance.

  12. The nano-science of C sub 6 0 molecule

    CERN Document Server

    Rafii-Tabar, H


    Over the past few years, nano-science and its associated nano-technology have emerged into prominence in research institutions across the world. They have brought about new scientific and engineering paradigms, allowing for the manipulation of single atoms and molecules, designing and fabricating new materials, atom-by-atom, and devices that operate on significantly reduced time and length scales. One important area of research in nano-science and nano technology is carbon-based physics in the form of fullerene physics. The C sub 6 0 molecule, and other cage-like fullerenes, together with carbon nano tubes provide objects that can be combined to generate three-dimensional functional structures for use in the anticipated nano-technology of future. The unique properties of C sub 6 0 can also be exploited in designing nano-phase thin films with applications in nano-scope device technology and processes such as nano-lithography. This requires a deep understanding of the highly complex process of adsorption of thi...

  13. Conformal anomaly c-coefficients of superconformal 6d theories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beccaria, Matteo [Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica Ennio De Giorgi, Università del Salento & INFN,Via Arnesano, 73100 Lecce (Italy); Tseytlin, Arkady A. [The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College,London SW7 2AZ (United Kingdom)


    We propose general relations between the conformal anomaly and the chiral (R-symmetry and gravitational) anomaly coefficients in 6d (1,0) superconformal theories. The suggested expressions for the three type B conformal anomaly c{sub i}-coefficients complement the expression for the type A anomaly a-coefficient found in We check them on several examples — the standard (1,0) hyper and tensor multiplets as well as some higher derivative short multiplets containing vector fields that generalize the superconformal 6d vector multiplet discussed in We also consider a family of higher derivative superconformal (2,0) 6d multiplets associated to 7d multiplets in the KK spectrum of 11d supergravity compactified on S{sup 4}. In particular, we prove that (2,0) 6d conformal supergravity coupled to 26 tensor multiplets is free of all chiral and conformal anomalies. We discuss some interacting (1,0) superconformal theories, predicting the c{sub i}-coefficients for the “E-string” theory on multiple M5-branes at E{sub 8} 9-brane and for the theory describing M5-branes at an orbifold singularity ℂ{sup 2}/Γ. Finally, we elaborate on holographic computation of subleading corrections to conformal anomaly coefficients coming from R{sup 2}+R{sup 3} terms in 7d effective action, revisiting, in particular, the (2,0) theory case.

  14. C sub 6 sub 0 fullerene and its molecular complexes under axial and shear deformation

    CERN Document Server

    Spitsina, N G; Bashkin, I V; Meletov, K P


    We have studied the pristine C sub 6 sub 0 and its molecular complexes with the organic donors bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF or ET) and tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene (TMTSF) by means of ESR and Raman spectroscopy at high pressure. The important changes in the ESR signal of C sub 6 sub 0 were observed under axial pressure combined with shear deformation. It is shown that the treatment at a anisotropic pressure of 4 GPa results in a reduction in the symmetry of the C sub 6 sub 0 molecule and the formation of radicals. Treatment of the molecular complex of (ET) sub 2 centre dot C sub 6 sub 0 at a pressure of approx 4.5 GPa and a temperature of 150 deg. C leads to the formation of C sub 6 sub 0 dimers. The Raman spectra of the molecular complex C sub 6 sub 0 centre dot TMTSF centre dot 2(CS sub 2) were measured in situ at ambient temperature and pressures up to 9.5 GPa. The pressure behaviour of the Raman peaks reveals singularity at 5.0 +- 0.5 GPa related to the softening and splitting of so...

  15. Differential effects of age on circulating and splenic leukocyte populations in C57BL/6 and BALB/c male mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filipov Nikolay M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite several reports on age-related phenotypic changes of the immune system's cells, studies that use a multipoint age comparison between the specific and innate immune cell populations of prototypical Th1- and Th2-type polarized mouse strains are still lacking. Results Using a multipoint age comparison approach, cells from the two major immune system compartments, peripheral blood and spleen, and flow cytometry analysis, we found several principal differences in T cell and professional antigen presenting cell (APC populations originating from a prototypical T helper (Th 1 mouse strain, C57BL/6, and a prototypical Th2 strain, BALB/c. For example, regardless of age, there were strain differences in both peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC and spleens in the proportion of CD4+ (higher in the BALB/c strain, CD8+ T cells and CD11b+/CD11c+ APC (greater in C57BL/6 mice. Other differences were present only in PBMC (MHC class II + and CD19+ were greater in C57BL/6 mice or differences were evident in the spleens but not in circulation (CD3+ T cells were greater in C57BL/6 mice. There were populations of cells that increased with age in PBMC and spleens of both strains (MHC class II+, decreased in the periphery and spleens of both strains (CD11b+ or did not change in the PBMC and spleens of both strains (CD8+. We also found strain and age differences in the distribution of naïve and memory/activated splenic T cells, e.g., BALB/c mice had more memory/activated and less naive CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and the C57BL/6 mice. Conclusion Our data provide important information on the principal differences, within the context of age, in T cell and professional APC populations between the prototypical Th1 mouse strain C57BL/6 and the prototypical Th2 strain BALB/c. Although the age-related changes that occur may be rather subtle, they may be very relevant in conditions of disease and stress. Importantly, our data indicate that age and


    Ferrer, Jorge José


    El artículo examina el estatuto epistemológico de la bioética como disciplina académica. El autor sostiene que el estatuto epistemológico de un discurso lo determina la pregunta fundamental que se plantea y la respuesta que se busca, focos integradores del discurso. En el caso de la bioética, la pregunta fundamental es de índole moral. La bioética es pues una disciplina ética que tiene su hogar epistemológico en la filosofía. El autor también defiende el concepto de “éticas aplicadas”. Sugiere finalmente que el método de la bioética, sobre todo la que se hace desde nuestras latitudes, debería adoptar el círculo hermenéutico como metodología para su filosofar. PMID:20463860


    Mendoza-Ticona, Alberto


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis en el lugar de trabajo, se revisan las evidencias para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores de salud y se presenta la legislación peruana vigente al respecto. PMID:22858771

  18. Insights into jumonji c-domain containing protein 6 (JMJD6): a multifactorial role in FMDV replication in cells (United States)

    The Jumonji C-domain containing protein 6 (JMJD6) has had a convoluted history. It was first identified as the phosphatidylserine receptor (PSR) on the cell surface responsible for recognizing phosphatidylserine on the surface of apoptotic cells resulting in their engulfment by phagocytic cells. Sub...

  19. 海马神经元中TAT-GluR6-9c-dansyl小肽的荧光观察%Delivery of GluR6-9c into hippocampal neurons by TAT transduction domain

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    纵艳艳; 裴冬生; 孙亚峰; 张光毅


    目的研究TAT-GluR6-9c-dansyl荧光小肽是否可以进入细胞内部.方法在培养的海马神经元中加入TAT-GluR6-9c-dansyl荧光小肽和对照肽TAT38-48-dansyl.结果用10 μmol/L TAT-GluR6-9c-dansyl处理的海马神经元在荧光显微镜下可以观到绿色荧光的出现,而对照肽TAT38-48-dansyl无荧光出现.结论 TAT-GluR6-9c-dansyl荧光小肽可以进入细胞.

  20. Development of a mathematical model describing hydrolysis and co-fermentation of C6 and C5 sugars

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morales Rodriguez, Ricardo; Gernaey, Krist; Meyer, Anne S.


    saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF) of C6 and C5 sugars. Model construction has been carried out by combining existing mathematical models for enzymatic hydrolysis on the one hand and co-fermentation on the other hand. An inhibition of ethanol on cellulose conversion was introduced in order to increase...

  1. Rip3 knockdown rescues photoreceptor cell death in blind pde6c zebrafish. (United States)

    Viringipurampeer, I A; Shan, X; Gregory-Evans, K; Zhang, J P; Mohammadi, Z; Gregory-Evans, C Y


    Achromatopsia is a progressive autosomal recessive retinal disease characterized by early loss of cone photoreceptors and later rod photoreceptor loss. In most cases, mutations have been identified in CNGA3, CNGB3, GNAT2, PDE6C or PDE6H genes. Owing to this genetic heterogeneity, mutation-independent therapeutic schemes aimed at preventing cone cell death are very attractive treatment strategies. In pde6c(w59) mutant zebrafish, cone photoreceptors expressed high levels of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIP1) and receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIP3) kinases, key regulators of necroptotic cell death. In contrast, rod photoreceptor cells were alternatively immunopositive for caspase-3 indicating activation of caspase-dependent apoptosis in these cells. Morpholino gene knockdown of rip3 in pde6c(w59) embryos rescued the dying cone photoreceptors by inhibiting the formation of reactive oxygen species and by inhibiting second-order neuron remodelling in the inner retina. In rip3 morphant larvae, visual function was restored in the cones by upregulation of the rod phosphodiesterase genes (pde6a and pde6b), compensating for the lack of cone pde6c suggesting that cones are able to adapt to their local environment. Furthermore, we demonstrated through pharmacological inhibition of RIP1 and RIP3 activity that cone cell death was also delayed. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the underlying mechanism of cone cell death in the pde6c(w59) mutant retina is through necroptosis, whereas rod photoreceptor bystander death occurs through a caspase-dependent mechanism. This suggests that targeting the RIP kinase signalling pathway could be an effective therapeutic intervention in retinal degeneration patients. As bystander cell death is an important feature of many retinal diseases, combinatorial approaches targeting different cell death pathways may evolve as an important general principle in treatment.

  2. Biomonitoramento de metais pesados no Córrego do Cravo e Represa Paraíso utilizando Astianax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758 (Characiformes, Characidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Mariano-da-Silva


    Full Text Available As áreas utilizadas como lixões e aterros controlados são focos potenciais de poluição, uma vez que os resíduos sólidos podem conter substâncias químicas com características tóxicas, como os metais pesados por exemplo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os teores de cobalto, cádmio, chumbo, cromo, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco em chorume e em peixes da espécie Astyanax bimaculatus oriundos do córrego do Cravo e da Represa Paraíso, que sofre com a contaminação direta e indireta dos líquidos percolados do aterro controlado de Jataí – GO. Uma amostra de chorume foi extraída da bacia de deposição, situada no lado nordeste do aterro. Outras onze amostras foram coletadas em diferentes pontos de afloramento superficial espontâneo, todos estes localizados sobre o aterro sanitário, totalizando doze amostras de chorume. Os espécimes foram coletados entre os meses de janeiro a março de 2008, utilizando anzol, em toda a extensão (5 km, em 32 pontos do Córrego do Cravo (±130 em 130 metros e em 3 pontos da Represa Paraíso. Foi comprovada a contaminação pelos metais cádmio, chumbo, cromo e ferro, considerando os valores máximos permitidos, indicando que nos compartimentos ambientais estudados está havendo contaminação.

  3. Determinação de cistatina C como marcador de função renal Cystatin C measurement as renal function marker

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Letícia Aparecida Lopes Neri


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A cistatina C sérica tem sido apontada como um marcador de filtração glomerular. OBJETIVO: Realizar a validação de um método específico e automatizado, a imunonefelometria, mensurando os níveis séricos de cistatina C por meio do nefelômetro da empresa Behring (BN II e correlacionar resultados obtidos entre pacientes transplantados. O ensaio perfaz o intervalo de referência de 0,23-7,25 mg/l. A imprecisão intra e interensaio foi de 8,73% e 5,38%, respectivamente. A recuperação analítica da cistatina C após adição de controle foi entre 86,7 % e 98% (média 92,3%. A estabilidade da cistatina C à temperatura ambiente, sob refrigeração e sob congelamento foi testada. A perda mais significativa foi encontrada nas amostras armazenadas à temperatura ambiente, em que foram perdidos até 10% da concentração inicial. Foi encontrado coeficiente de variação de 14,79% para sensibilidade analítica. Durante todo o processo foram comparados os resultados com o controle de qualidade e obtivemos bons resultados. Depois desses testes, nós comparamos as correlações em três grupos de pacientes transplantados renais sob diferentes esquemas de imunossupressão (n = 197 - azatioprina (n = 36, micofenolato mofetil (n = 131 e sirolimus (n = 30 - entre as equações de estimativa de filtração glomerular (Cockroft Gault, Nankivell e Modification of Diet in Renal Disease e cistatina C sérica ou creatinina sérica. CONCLUSÃO: O ensaio nefelométrico cistatina C pode perfeitamente ser adequado à nossa rotina laboratorial e as correlações entre creatinina sérica e as diferentes equações de estimativa de filtração glomerular são melhores do que quando comparamos as mesmas à cistatina C nos três grupos, independentemente da terapia imunossupressora utilizada.INTRODUCTION: Serum cystatin C has been identified as a glomerular filtration marker. OBJECTIVE: To validate immunonephelometry, a specific and automated method, by

  4. Optimization of hydrothermal pretreatment for co-utilization C-5 and C-6 sugars of cassava alcohol residue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Huisheng; Lv, Chunliu; Zhang, Minhua; Liu, Shuangyan; Liu, Jiatao; Lian, Feng


    Highlights: • Cassava alcohol residue was first pretreated by hydrothermal reaction. • Hydrothermal pretreatment was optimized by RSM for co-utilization of C-5 and C-6 sugars. • The maximum xylose yield and the highest enzymatic digestibility were not obtained at the same conditions. • Optimum pretreatment conditions were at 193 °C, with 11.4% solids and for 51 min. • The optimal theoretical ethanol production was 69.5 mg/g raw materials by co-utilization of C-5 and C-6 sugars. - Abstract: Hydrothermal reaction was first applied to pretreat cassava alcohol residue for realizing the co-utilization of xylose and glucose to assume fermentation ethanol. This work focused on the influence of hydrothermal pretreatment conditions on ethanol production. Hydrothermal reaction was used to explore the maximum xylose and glucose yields, in respect to reaction temperature (120–240 °C), solid-liquid ratio (0.023–0.150) and reaction time (15–120 min). The results showed that the suitable conditions were at 180–200 °C, for 45–60 min and with 10–12.5% solids. In this range, the conjunct of xylose and glucose would reach the maximum, which can make full use of hemicellulose and cellulose in cassava alcohol residue. According to the results, respond surface methodology (RSM) based on Box-Behnken design was used to further optimize the three independent variables for the highest ethanol by co-utilization of xylose and glucose. RSM revealed that the effect of temperature on ethanol production was much more significant than the effect of reaction time and solid-liquid ratio, and the highest ethanol production was 70.6 mg/g that was close to the experiment value of 69.5 mg/g at 193 °C for 51 min and with 11.5% solids. Furthermore, the crystallinity and morphology of the untreated and pretreated cassava alcohol residue were investigated to assess the effect of hydrothermal pretreatment by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD

  5. Proton spectra from 6.3 GeV/c deuteron break-up on H, D, C, Al and Bi nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azhgirey, L.S.; Ignatenko, M.A.; Ivanov, V.V.; Kuznetsov, A.S.; Mescheryakov, M.G.; Razin, S.V.; Stoletov, G.D.; Vzorov, I.K.; Zhmyrov, V.N.


    The proton spectra from deuteron break-up on H, D, 12 C, 27 Al and 209 Bi nuclei were measured at an angle of 103 mrad (lab. system) in the momentum interval from 2.6 to 3.6 GeV/c. The measurements were made at the JINR synchrophasotron by one-arm magnetic spectrometer on-line with a computer. The extracted 6.3 GeV/c deuteron beam was incident on targets of CH 2 , CD 2 , C, Al and Bi at the thickness from 0.8 to 2 g/cm 2 . The flux of deuteron beam was equal to 5x10 8 -5x10 9 particles/pulse with a typical pulse length of 300 ms. The repetition rate was one pulse every 10 s. Proton peaks with the maximum at about 3.1 GeV/c and 280-300 MeV/c FWHM dominate in all the measured spectra. Experimental proton spectra are compared with calculations with the Reid, the Moravcsik Gartenhaus, the Hulten and the Gauss wave functions. The results, on the whole, are reasonably reproduced in the framework of the Glauber multiple scattering model taking into account the relativistic deformation of the deuteron wave function

  6. Corticosterone facilitates extinction of fear memory in BALB/c mice but strengthens cue related fear in C57BL/6 mice. (United States)

    Brinks, V; de Kloet, E R; Oitzl, M S


    Corticosterone, the naturally occurring glucocorticoid of rodents is secreted in response to stressors and is known for its facilitating and detrimental effects on emotional learning and memory. The large variability in the action of corticosterone on processing of emotional memories is postulated to depend on genetic background and the spatio-temporal domain in which the hormone operates. To address this hypothesis, mice of two strains with distinct corticosterone secretory patterns and behavioural phenotype (BALB/c and C57BL/6J) were treated with corticosterone (250 microg/kg, i.p.), either 5 min before or directly after acquisition in a fear conditioning task. As the paradigm allowed assessing in one experimental procedure both context- and cue-related fear behaviour, we were able to detect generalization and specificity of fear. BALB/c showed generalized strong fear memory, while C57BL/6J mice discriminated between freezing during context- and cue episodes. Corticosterone had opposite effects on fear memory depending on the strain and time of injection. Corticosterone after acquisition did not affect C57BL/6J mice, but destabilized consolidation and facilitated extinction in BALB/c. Corticosterone 5 min before acquisition strengthened stress-associated signals: BALB/c no longer showed lower fear memory, while C57BL/6J mice displayed increased fear memory and impaired extinction in cue episodes. We propose that corticosterone-induced facilitation of fear memory in C57BL/6J mice can be used to study the development of fear memories, corticosterone administration in BALB/c mice presents a model to examine treatment. We conclude that genetic background and time of corticosterone action are modifiers of fear memory with interesting translational implications for anxiety-related diseases.

  7. Determination of C6-C10 aromatic hydrocarbons in water by purge-and-trap capillary gas chromatography (United States)

    Eganhouse, R.P.; Dorsey, T.F.; Phinney, C.S.; Westcott, A.M.


    A method is described for the determination of the C6-C10 aromatic hydrocarbons in water based on purge-and-trap capillary gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometric detection. Retention time data and 70 eV mass spectra were obtained for benzene and all 35 C7-C10 aromatic hydrocarbons. With optimized chromatographic conditions and mass spectrometric detection, benzene and 33 of the 35 alkylbenzenes can be identified and measured in a 45-min run. Use of a flame ionization detector permits the simultaneous determination of benzene and 26 alkylbenzenes.

  8. Inhibitory effect of 12C6+ ion and X-ray on angiogenesis in HMEC-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Yuanyuan; Zhang Hong; Liu Yang; Wu Zhenhua; Sun Chao; Li Hongyan


    The study aims to explore the effect of 12 C 6+ ion and X-ray on proliferation, migration, tube formation and MMPS of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Transwell migration experiment showed that the radiation could inhibit the migration of HMEC-1 in sub-lethal dose 24 h after irradiation. Furthermore, the inhibition ability of 12 C 6+ ion was stronger than that of X-ray. Matrigel experiment indicated that 12 C 6+ ion suppressed the tube formation of HMEC-1 spontaneously. However, the inhibitory effect of X-ray had no significance. Meanwhile, Gelatin Zymography showed the expression of MMP-2 was inhibited obviously by 12 C 6+ ion, while X-ray had little effect on the expression of MMP-2. In conclusion, 12 C 6+ ion is superior to X-ray in radiotherapy of tumor. (authors)

  9. Observation of charge-exchange spectra on C6+ +H in low-energy collision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobuchi, Takashi; Sato, Kuninori; Goto, Motoshi; Ohyabu, Nobuyoshi; Kawahata, Kazuo; Sudo, Shigeru; Motojima, Osamu


    The extreme ultraviolet spectra of C VI have been studied for a Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) plasmas in Large Helical Device (LHD). A strong distortion in the population distribution over the excited levels was observed and we conclude that is caused by charge-exchange recombining (CXR) processes between C 6+ ion and recycling neutral hydrogen. Spatially resolved measurements show that the C 6+ -H CXR processes take place in the plasma peripheral region in LHD. We have taken a CXR part of C VI 1s-4p line using the result of a calculation code. (author)

  10. cAMP-dependent signaling regulates the adipogenic effect of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Lise; Pedersen, Lone Møller; Liaset, Bjørn


    The effect of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6 PUFAs) on adipogenesis and obesity is controversial. Using in vitro cell culture models, we show that n-6 PUFAs was pro-adipogenic under conditions with base-line levels of cAMP, but anti-adipogenic when the levels of cAMP were elevated. The anti...

  11. A utilização de jogos como metodologia de ensino da matemática: uma experiência com alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental

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    Cirléia Pereira Barbosa


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados de uma experiência - envolvendo o jogo como metodologia de ensino de Matemática - realizada na Educação Básica. A partir da literatura estudada, acredita-se que jogo é um instrumento que centraliza o aluno no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, em que os conhecimentos podem ser obtidos ou fixados na elaboração de soluções para situações problematizadoras presentes no jogo. Com a intenção de exemplificar sua abordagem em sala de aula, foi aplicado o Jogo da Velha em uma turma do sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública da cidade de Formiga (MG. O Jogo da Velha tem por finalidade trabalhar o cálculo mental, o raciocínio lógico e a percepção visual dos discentes. Os resultados mostraram que o jogo contribuiu para a fixação do cálculo mental nos estudantes, para o desenvolvimento da capacidade de abstração e raciocínio lógico, para a socialização e cooperação dos alunos no decorrer da atividade, para o diagnóstico de possíveis concepções errôneas e para o aprendizado docente dos pesquisadores.Palavras-chave: Matemática. Jogo de estratégia. Cálculo mental.ABSTRACTThe use of games as a mathematics teaching strategy: an experience with students on the 6th grade of elementary schoolThe following work has the objective to present the results of an experience - regarding the use of games as a teaching method of Mathematics - applied to Basic Education. From the studied literature, it’s believed that games are an instrument that centralizes the students in the teaching and learning process, in which knowledge can be obtained or fixed in the elaboration of solutions to problem situations presented in a game. In order to illustrate its use in the classroom, the hash game was applied to a class of the 6th year of elementary school, in a public school in the city of Formiga, MG, Brazil. The hash gamehas the goal to work mental calculation

  12. Antiamnesic evaluation of C. phlomidis Linn. bark extract in mice Avaliação da atividade antiamnésica da casca de C. phlomidis Linn. em camundongos

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    anumanthachar Joshi


    Full Text Available Clerodendron phlomidis Linn. (Verbenaceae is known as Agnimantha in sanskrit. Bark of the plant is used in treating various nervous disorders. In the present study C. phlomidis was investigated for its potential as a nootropic agent in mice. The aqueous extract of the C. phlomidis (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o. was administered for 6 successive days to both young and aged mice. Exteroceptive behavioral models such as elevated plus maze and passive avoidance paradigm were employed to evaluate short term and long term memory respectively. Scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg, i.p., diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p. were employed to induce amnesia in mice. To delineate the mechanism by which C. phlomidis exerts nootropic action, its effect on brain acetyl cholinesterase levels were determined. Piracetam (200 mg/kg, i.p. was used as a standard nootropic agent. Pretreatment with C. phlomidis (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o. for 6 successive days significantly improved learning and memory in mice. It reversed the amnesia induced by scopolamine, diazepam and natural ageing. It also decreased the acetyl cholinesterase levels in the whole brain. The bark of C. phlomidis can be of enormous use in the management of treatment of cognitive disorders such as amnesia and Alzheimer's disease.Clerodendron phlomidis Linn. (Verbenaceae é conhecida como Agnimantha em sânscrito. A casca da planta é utilizada no tratamento de várias disfunções neurológicas. No presente estudo, C. phlomidis foi investigada pelo seu potencial como agente nootrópico em camundongos. O extrato aquoso de C. phlomidis (100 e 200 mg/kg, p.o. foi administrado por seis dias consecutivos tanto para camundongos jovens quanto para idosos. Modelos comportamentais exteroceptivos, tais como labirinto em cruz elevada e paradigma de esquiva passiva foram empregados para avaliar memória recente e tardia, respectivamente. Escopolamina (0,4 mg/kg i.p., diazepam (1 mg/kg i.p. foram empregados para induzir amnésia em camundongos. A

  13. Graphical linking of MO multicenter bond index and VB structures. II-5-c rings and 6-c heterocyclic rings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollini, Carlos Guido; Giambiagi, Mario; Giambiagi, Myriam Segre de; Figueiredo, Aloysio Paiva de


    Through the graphical method proposed it is possible to set a link between an MO multicenter bond index and VB structures. The value of the index depends on the order of the atoms involved if they are more than three. For 5-c rings three basic structures are required; the eventually different values are 12. Unlike the 6-c case it may happen that different pairs of basic structures are used to build the same polygon. For the 6-c rings including heteroatoms the original degeneracy of benzene splits leading eventually to 60 different I ring values. (author)

  14. Integrating total quality management principles with the requirements of DOE Order 5700.6C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hedges, D. [Scientific Ecology Group, Inc. (United States)


    The Department of Energy has recently required its field offices, contractors, and subcontractors to implement DOE Order 5700.6C, ``Quality Assurance,`` for all work on waste management contracts. The order restructures the 18 criteria of NQA-1 and focuses on the role of management in achieving and assuring quality, performance of activities to achieve and assure quality, and management`s assessment of its performance for the purpose of identifying improvements to be made. The DOE order also introduces elements of the total quality management (TQM) philosophy, which were not present in DOE Order 5700.6B. The research community within DOE has recently issued a document entitled DOE Order 5700.6C Implementation Guide, which is more explicit about the integration of TQM principles with the implementation of DOE Order 5700.6C in research facilities. The Environmental Protection Agency is sponsoring a quality assurance standard (ANSI/ASQC E-4) to replace EPA`s QAMS 005/80. The new standard is consistent with DOE Order 5700.6C, and it also stresses the integration of TQM principles within the quality assurance process. This paper discusses the intent and philosophy of the 10 criteria of the new DOE order, the status of ANSI/ASQC E-4, and how to effectively integrate TQM principles into the quality assurance process as the conversion is made from NQA-1 to DOE Order 5700.6C. The purpose and value of DOE Order 5700.6C Implementation Guide for research will also be discussed.

  15. 17 CFR 270.6c-6 - Exemption for certain registered separate accounts and other persons. (United States)


    ... portfolio company has the same: (i) Investment objectives, (ii) Fundamental policies, and (iii) Voting... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CONTINUED) RULES AND REGULATIONS, INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT OF 1940 § 270.6c... which is, or is a part of, a unit investment trust registered under the Act, engaged in a continuous...

  16. Assembly and Regulation of the Membrane Attack Complex Based on Structures of C5b6 and sC5b9

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    Michael A. Hadders


    Full Text Available Activation of the complement system results in formation of membrane attack complexes (MACs, pores that disrupt lipid bilayers and lyse bacteria and other pathogens. Here, we present the crystal structure of the first assembly intermediate, C5b6, together with a cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction of a soluble, regulated form of the pore, sC5b9. Cleavage of C5 to C5b results in marked conformational changes, distinct from those observed in the homologous C3-to-C3b transition. C6 captures this conformation, which is preserved in the larger sC5b9 assembly. Together with antibody labeling, these structures reveal that complement components associate through sideways alignment of the central MAC-perforin (MACPF domains, resulting in a C5b6-C7-C8β-C8α-C9 arc. Soluble regulatory proteins below the arc indicate a potential dual mechanism in protection from pore formation. These results provide a structural framework for understanding MAC pore formation and regulation, processes important for fighting infections and preventing complement-mediated tissue damage.

  17. Copa do mundo de futebol como desencadeador de eventos cardiovasculares

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    Daniel Guilherme Suzuki Borges


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Síndromes coronarianas agudas são a maior causa de mortalidade no mundo. Estímulos externos, também conhecidos como gatilhos, como estado emocional ou atividade física, podem produzir mudanças fisiopatológicas desencadeantes. Dentre os gatilhos estudados, eventos estressantes, como campeonatos de futebol, são controversos na literatura e não há dados efetivos para a população brasileira. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos agudos do estresse ambiental induzido pelos jogos da Copa do Mundo de Futebol no aumento da incidência de doenças cardiovasculares no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram obtidos dados publicamente disponíveis do Sistema Único de Saúde referentes às internações hospitalares com código internacional de doenças, referentes às síndromes isquêmicas agudas, no período de maio a agosto de 1998 a 2010 (155.992 internações. Restringiu-se a análise aos pacientes maiores que 35 anos e internados por especialidades clínicas. Comparou-se a incidência de infarto e óbito entre os dias sem copa (Grupo I: 144.166; 61,7 ± 12,3 anos; 59,4%masculino, dias de copa sem jogos do Brasil (Grupo II: 9.768; 61,8 ± 12,3 anos; 60,0% masculino e dias de jogos do Brasil (Grupo III: 2.058; 61,6 ± 12,6 anos; 57,8% masculino. Utilizou-se regressão logística e de Poisson para ajustar por idade, gênero, densidade populacional e número de postos de atendimento. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento da incidência de infarto para jogos de copa do mundo (1,09; IC95% = 1,05-1,15 e do Brasil (1,16; IC95% = 1,06-1,27. Não houve impacto sobre mortalidade - copa (1,00; IC95% = 0,93-1,08 e Brasil (1,04; IC95% = 0,93-1,22. CONCLUSÃO: A copa do mundo e, especialmente, os jogos da seleção brasileira implicam maior incidência de infarto agudo do miocárdio, mas não de mortalidade intra-hospitalar.

  18. Efeito dos antimicrobianos sobre a eficácia dos contraceptivos orais

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    CORRÊA Elisabete Míriam de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O uso dos antimicrobianos para a profilaxia e tratamento de infecções orais é uma prática comum em odontologia. Sendo assim, é importante que o dentista conheça os riscos potenciais de seu uso, como reações adversas e interações medicamentosas. Uma importante interação envolve o uso concomitante de antimicrobianos e contraceptivos orais, podendo resultar em perda da eficácia contraceptiva e gravidez inesperada. Este artigo faz uma revisão sobre os principais antimicrobianos e possíveis mecanismos envolvidos no processo, assim como analisa a responsabilidade do dentista e os meios de se prevenir tal complicação.

  19. New homo- and heteroleptic derivatives of trivalent ytterbium containing anion-radical 1,4-diazadiene ligands. Synthesis, properties and crystal structure of (C9H7)2Yb[2-MeC6H4NC(Me)C(Me)NC6H4Me-2] and [PhNC(Ph)C(Ph)NPh]3Yb complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gudilenkov, I.D.; Fukin, G.K.; Cherkasov, A.V.; Shavyrin, A.S.; Trifonov, A.A.; Larionova, Yu.E.


    Reaction of ytterbium bisindenyl complex (C 9 H 7 ) 2 Yb II (THF) 2 (1) with 1,4-diazabutadiene 2-MeC 6 H 4 N=C(Me)-C(Me)=NC 6 H 4 Me-2 ( Me DAD) is accompanied by the oxidation of metal atom until trivalent state and results in the formation of paramagnetic compound of metallocenes type (C 9 H 7 ) 2 Yb III ( Me DAD -. ) (3) containing 1,4-diazabutadiene anion-radical. Structure of complex 3 is ascertained by the X-ray structure analysis. Reactions of bisindenyl (1) and bisfluorenyl (C 13 H 9 ) 2 Yb II (THF) 2 (2) derivatives of bivalent ytterbium with 1,4-diazabutadiene PhN=C(Ph)-C(Ph)=NPh ( Ph DAD) (at 1:2 molar ratio of reagents) proceed with the complete break of Yb-C bonds, oxidation of ytterbium atom until trivalent state, and result in the formation of homoligand complex ( Ph DAD -. ) 3 Yb (6) containing three anion-radical 1,4-diazadiene ligands. Complex 6 was also prepared by the exchange reaction of YbCl 3 with Ph DAD -. K + (1:3) in THF. Complex 6 is characterized by the X-ray structure analysis [ru

  20. Human ClC-6 is a late endosomal glycoprotein that associates with detergent-resistant lipid domains.

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    Sofie Ignoul

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The mammalian CLC protein family comprises nine members (ClC-1 to -7 and ClC-Ka, -Kb that function either as plasma membrane chloride channels or as intracellular chloride/proton antiporters, and that sustain a broad spectrum of cellular processes, such as membrane excitability, transepithelial transport, endocytosis and lysosomal degradation. In this study we focus on human ClC-6, which is structurally most related to the late endosomal/lysomal ClC-7. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a polyclonal affinity-purified antibody directed against a unique epitope in the ClC-6 COOH-terminal tail, we show that human ClC-6, when transfected in COS-1 cells, is N-glycosylated in a region that is evolutionary poorly conserved between mammalian CLC proteins and that is located between the predicted helices K and M. Three asparagine residues (N410, N422 and N432 have been defined by mutagenesis as acceptor sites for N-glycosylation, but only two of the three sites seem to be simultaneously N-glycosylated. In a differentiated human neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y, endogenous ClC-6 colocalizes with LAMP-1, a late endosomal/lysosomal marker, but not with early/recycling endosomal markers such as EEA-1 and transferrin receptor. In contrast, when transiently expressed in COS-1 or HeLa cells, human ClC-6 mainly overlaps with markers for early/recycling endosomes (transferrin receptor, EEA-1, Rab5, Rab4 and not with late endosomal/lysosomal markers (LAMP-1, Rab7. Analogously, overexpression of human ClC-6 in SH-SY5Y cells also leads to an early/recycling endosomal localization of the exogenously expressed ClC-6 protein. Finally, in transiently transfected COS-1 cells, ClC-6 copurifies with detergent-resistant membrane fractions, suggesting its partitioning in lipid rafts. Mutating a juxtamembrane string of basic amino acids (amino acids 71-75: KKGRR disturbs the association with detergent-resistant membrane fractions and also affects the segregation of ClC-6

  1. Density Functional Theory Study of the Interaction of Hydrogen with Li6C60. (United States)

    Wang, Qian; Jena, Puru


    Hydrogen storage properties of Li-coated C60 fullerene have been studied using density functional theory within the local density as well as generalized gradient approximation. Hydrogen atoms are found to bind to Li6C60 in two distinct forms, with the first set attaching to C atoms, not linked to Li, in atomic form. Once all such C atoms are saturated with hydrogen, the second set of hydrogen atoms bind quasi-molecularly to the Li atoms, five of which remain in the exohedral and the sixth in the endohedral position. The corresponding hydrogen gravimetric density in Li6C60H40 is 5 wt %. Desorption of hydrogen takes place in succession, the ones bound quasi-molecularly desorbing at a temperature lower than the ones bound atomically. The results are compared with the recent experiment on hydrogen adsorption in Li6C60.

  2. Germination of cotton cultivar seeds under water stress induced by polyethyleneglycol-6000 Germinação de sementes de cultivares de algodoeiro sob estresse hídrico induzido por polietilenoglicol-6000

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    Carlos Henrique Salvino Gadelha Meneses


    Full Text Available The physiological quality of cotton cultivar seeds (Gossypium hirsutum var. latifolium L. was evaluated in laboratory by the simulation of water potentials with polyethyleneglycol-6000 (0.0; -0.2; -0.4; -0.6; -0.8 and -1.0 MPa, at 25ºC using germitest paper as substrate. A completely randomized design in a 4 × 6 factorial scheme with four replications of 50 seeds each was used. The studied variables were: germination percentage, first count of germination, germination velocity index, accelerated aging in water, electrical conductivity, humidity, vigor classification, radicle length and radicle/shoot length ratio. The effect of water stress on seed viability and on plantlet vigor was severe at potentials below -0.4 MPa. The 'CNPA 187 8H' cultivar was the least sensitive to the tested osmotic potentials, both in terms of germination and of vigor. The 'BRS-201' cultivar was mostly affected by the viability and vigor tests under water deficit conditions. Differential viability and vigor between cultivars were observed under the water stress levels.A qualidade fisiológica de sementes de cultivares de algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum var. latifolium L. foi avaliada em laboratório pela simulação de potenciais hídricos com polietilenoglicol-6000 (0,0; -0,2; -0,4; -0,6; -0,8 e -1,0 MPa, na temperatura de 25ºC, em substrato papel germitest. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 × 6, com quatro repetições de 50 sementes. As variáveis estudadas foram: porcentagem de germinação, primeira contagem da germinação e índice de velocidade de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado em água, condutividade elétrica, umidade, classificação de vigor (plântulas normais, fortes ou fracas, comprimento de radícula e relação radícula/parte aérea. O efeito do estresse hídrico na viabilidade das sementes e no vigor das plântulas foi severo a partir de -0.4 MPa. O cultivar CNPA 187 8H foi o menos sensível aos


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    Perla E. Hernández González


    Full Text Available Actualmente los profesores de química están en la búsqueda de nuevos modelos que permitan experiencias de laboratorio integradoras, donde convergen conocimientos interdisciplinarios del área de química. Con este marco de ideas este trabajo describe la síntesis y caracterización del compuesto (2 E , 6 E - 2,6 - bis(4 - metoxi benzilideno ciclohexanona , como eje motor del conocimiento, para invitar al alumno a desarrollar sus habilidades cognitivas, como pensamiento crítico y resoluc ión de problemas, así como interpret ación y análisis de resultados. Se sintetizó el compuesto por una reacción de condensación de Claisen - Schmidt, involucrando un aldehído aromático y ciclohexanona. El compuesto fue caracterizado espectroscópicamente por RMN, IR, y UV - Vis. Se realizaron pruebas de solubilidad y punto de fusión. La estructura química fue confirmada por difracción de rayos X (RX de un monocristal. En conclusión, esta experiencia de laboratorio permite a los estudiantes involucrarse con téc nicas y procedimientos usados comúnmente en el laboratorio de química orgánica para la síntesis y caracterización de compuestos orgánicos.


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    Henny Sri Astuty


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Prinsip 6C (Character, Capacity, Capital, Condition of Economy, Collateral dan Constraint dalam Wirausaha Mahasiswa. Kegiatan wirausaha yang sekarang banyak dilakukan oleh mahasiswa memiliki sisi positif maupun negatif, dari yang berhasil kuliah dan wirausahanya hingga yang gagal semuanya. Untuk ini diperlukan pemahaman tentang prinsip enam C (character, capacity, capital, condition of economy, collateral and constraint yang akan membantu mahasiswa sebagai bekal dalam melakukan kegiatan usahanya. Banyak faktor yang diperoleh dalam prinsip ini yaitu aspek manajemen, pemasaran, produksi, dan keuangan. Kata Kunci: prinsip 6c, wirausaha, mahasiswa Abstract: 6C Principles (Character, Capacity, Capital, Condition of Economy, Collateral and Constraint in Entrepreneurial Students. Entrepreneurial activity that is widely performed by students has two different stories. Some of them are successful on the other hand, the rest of them are fail. Accordingly, it is required an understanding of the 6C principles of the six C (character, capacity, capital, condition of economy, collateral and constraints which will help the students as a preparation in conducting their business activities. Many factors obtained in this principle namely: management, marketing, production, and financial aspects. Keywords: 6C principles, entrepreneurs, students

  5. Heidegger E A Técnica Moderna Como Perigo E Como Salvação

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    Robson Costa Cordeiro


    Full Text Available O mundo contemporâneo é marcado por uma compreensão de técnica que se ergue como tal a partir de um sentido próprio e autônomo. Este sentido pode ser caracterizado como um logos que se constitui a partir de sua própria natureza e se manifesta como tecnologia no decorrer da história. Compreender esse sentido e assumi-lo como condição de nossa existência no mundo é comprender a técnica como nossa herança e nosso envio. Nesse sentido, compreender a essência da técnica é fundamental para o mundo contemporâneo, assumindo que, nesse processo, consiste o perigo e a salvação da espécie.

  6. Identification of 6H-SiC polar faces with pull-off force of atomic force microscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gan, Di; Song, Youting; Yang, Junwei; Chen, Hongxiang [Research & development Center for Functional Crystals, Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Guo, Liwei, E-mail: [Research & development Center for Functional Crystals, Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Chen, Xiaolong, E-mail: [Research & development Center for Functional Crystals, Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing (China)


    Highlights: • A new method is proposed and demonstrated to distinguish the polar faces of 6H-SiC by pull-off forces which are clearly different on the Si-face and the C-face of 6H-SiC. • The reliability of this method is confirmed on 6H-SiC samples treated with different surface processing procedures. • The essence of different pull-off forces on different polar faces of 6H-SiC is that the surface energies between them are obviously different. • Theoretical calculations are consistent with our experimental results. - Abstract: Distinguishing SiC (0001) Si-face from SiC (000-1) C-face without any damages is extremely important because the two polar faces have different physical and chemical properties which seriously influence the quality of a homoepitaxy or heteroepitaxy thin film on it. Here, a convenient and nondestructive detection method is developed to distinguish the Si-face and C-face of a (0001) oriented SiC wafer by employing a pull-off force measurement using atomic force microscopy. It is found that the pull-off force from a Si-face of 6H-SiC is about two times of that from a C-face, no matter it is a two-face chemical mechanical polishing or etched 6H-SiC wafer. The method developed here is suitable to identify polar faces of materials only if the two polar faces having different surface energy.

  7. Comparative study of the catalytic activity of the complexes Cp*RuCl(PAr3)2 [Ar = -C6H5 and 4-CF3-C6H4] in the ATRP of styrene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villa-Hernandez, Alejandro M.; Rosales-Velazquez, Claudia P.; Torres-Lubian, Jose R.; Saldivar-Guerra, Enrique


    Styrene polymerization by ATRP was conducted independently using the complexes Cp * RuCl(PPh 3 ) 2 , and Cp * RuCl[P(4-CF 3 -C 6 H 4 ) 3 ] 2 as catalysts, in order to evaluate the influence of the electronic properties of the phosphine ligands on the rate and control of the polymerization. The kinetic data for polymerizations carried out with Cp * RuCl(PPh 3 ) 2 , show that molecular weights increase linearly with conversion with an average initiation efficiency of 0.77. The molecular weights obtained in the kinetic study with Cp * RuCl[P(4-CF 3 -C 6 H 4 ) 3 ] 2 also increase with conversion but show a marked deviation below the theoretical molecular weights. This behavior was explained by the gradual, irreversible, oxidation of catalyst Cp * RuCl[P(4-CF 3 -C 6 H 4 ) 3 ] 2 as confirmed by 31 P-NMR spectroscopy. Catalyst Cp * RuCl(PPh 3 ) 2 promotes the polymerization with a rate of polymerization higher than that obtained using Cp * RuCl[P(4-CF 3 -C 6 H 4 ) 3 ] 2 ; this is consistent with the better electron donating properties of PPh 3 versus P(4-CF 3 -C 6 H 4 ) 3 . Preliminary studies of styrene polymerization by ATRP in supercritical CO 2 , shows that only catalyst Cp * RuCl[P(4-CF 3 -C 6 H 4 ) 3 ] 2 , with fluorinated ligands, was active. (author)

  8. Sensibilidade e especificidade do "California Mastitis Test" como recurso diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em relação à contagem de células somáticas

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    Brito José Renaldi Feitosa


    Full Text Available O "California Mastitis Test" (CMT estima o conteúdo de células somáticas no leite e é interpretado subjetivamente, estabelecendo-se escores que, na maioria dos casos, variam de 1 a 5. O escore 1 indica uma reação completamente negativa e os de 2-5 indicam graus crescentes de resposta inflamatória do úbere, sendo normalmente considerados como indicativos de mastite subclínica. Dependendo da interpretação dos escores, o CMT pode produzir resultados falso-positivos ou falso-negativos. Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do CMT em relação à contagem de células somáticas (CCS. Foram utilizadas 3.012 amostras de leite provenientes de 760 vacas Holandesas ou mestiças Holandês-Zebu, pertencentes a 15 rebanhos. Todas as amostras foram submetidas ao CMT e processadas para CCS em equipamento Fossomatic 90. Os valores médios de CCS (x 1.000 células/ml obtidos para os escores de CMT foram 1 (79,9, 2 (333,5, 3 (670,3, 4 (1.354,0 e 5 (4.455,6. Três opções de interpretação (doente/não-doente para o CMT foram testadas, em relação aos valores de CCS, iniciando com 100.000 células/ml: (a 1 versus 2, 3, 4, e 5; (b 1 e 2 versus 3, 4 e 5; (c 1, 2, 3 versus 4 e 5. As sensibilidades do CMT em identificar corretamente quartos mamários acima de 200.000 células/ml foram 79%, 61% e 34%, para as opções a, b e c, respectivamente. Para identificar corretamente contagens acima de 500.000 células/ml, as sensibilidades do CMT, para as opções a, b e c, foram, respectivamente: 93%, 82% e 54%. A sensibilidade do CMT em identificar quartos mamários com mastite subclínica foi adequada (acima de 80% quando a interpretação do teste foi mais rigorosa (opções a e b. A interpretação da reação 3 como negativa (opção c só alcançou sensibilidade de 80% para contagens entre 1.200.000 e 1.400.000 células/ml. As especificidades do CMT, para CCS de 200.000 e 500.000 foram, respectivamente, 90% e 80% (op

  9. Bis(arene) actinide sandwich complexes, (η6-C6H3R3)2An: Linear or bent?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, J.; Bursten, B.E.


    The syntheses of the sandwich complexes ferrocene, (η 5 -C 5 H 5 ) 2 -Fe, in 1951 and uranocene, (η 8 -C 8 H 8 ) 2 U, in 1968 ushered in the modern eras of organotransition metal and organoactinide chemistry, respectively. Ferrocene and uranocene are examples of linear sandwich complexes, that is, those in which the (ring centroid)-M-(ring centroid) angle (denoted θ) is 180 degree. In the case of (η 5 -C 5 H 5 ) 2 M chemistry, a number of bent (θ 2 An (An = Th-Am) and (η 6 -C 6 H 3 R 3 ) 2 An (An = Th, U, Pu; R = Me, t Bu) obtained by using local density approximation (LDA) and Perdew-Wang (PW91) gradient-corrected relativistic density functional theory (DFT) methods. These DFT methods are found to be able to reproduce the experimental geometries and vibrational frequencies of organoactinide complexes with satisfactory accuracy. The (TTB) 2 An calculations that are reported here are, to date, the largest full geometry optimizations to be carried out on an actinide system

  10. Graphical linking of MO multicenter bond index and VB structures. II-5-c rings and 6-c heterocyclic rings

    CERN Document Server

    Bollini, C G; Giambiagi, M


    Through the graphical method proposed it is possible to set a link between an MO multicenter bond index and VB structures. The value of the index depends on the order of the atoms involved if they are more than three. For 5-c rings three basic structures are required; the eventually different values are 12. Unlike the 6-c case it may happen that different pairs of basic structures are used to build the same polygon. For the 6-c rings including heteroatoms the original degeneracy of benzene splits leading eventually to 60 different I sub r sub i sub n sub g values.

  11. Coding sequence of human rho cDNAs clone 6 and clone 9

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chardin, P; Madaule, P; Tavitian, A


    The authors have isolated human cDNAs including the complete coding sequence for two rho proteins corresponding to the incomplete isolates previously described as clone 6 and clone 9. The deduced a.a. sequences, when compared to the a.a. sequence deduced from clone 12 cDNA, show that there are in human at least three highly homologous rho genes. They suggest that clone 12 be named rhoA, clone 6 : rhoB and clone 9 : rhoC. RhoA, B and C proteins display approx. 30% a.a. identity with ras proteins,. mainly clustered in four highly homologous internal regions corresponding to the GTP binding site; however at least one significant difference is found; the 3 rho proteins have an Alanine in position corresponding to ras Glycine 13, suggesting that rho and ras proteins might have slightly different biochemical properties.

  12. Pharmacogenetic Variation at CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19: Population Genetic and Forensic Aspects


    Sistonen, Johanna


    Pharmacogenetics deals with genetically determined variation in drug response. In this context, three phase I drug-metabolizing enzymes, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19, have a central role, affecting the metabolism of about 20-30% of clinically used drugs. Since genes coding for these enzymes in human populations exhibit high genetic polymorphism, they are of major pharmacogenetic importance. The aims of this study were to develop new genotyping methods for CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 that would...

  13. Diffuse soil emission of hydrothermal gases (CO2, CH4, and C6H6) at Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei, southern Italy)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tassi, F.; Nisi, B.; Cardellini, C.; Capecchiacci, F.; Donnini, M.; Vaselli, O.; Avino, R.; Chiodini, G.


    Highlights: • We present the first measurements of soil C 6 H 6 fluxes in a volcanic system. • Methane oxidation rate is controlled by soil gas fluxes. • Benzene oxidation rate is controlled by presence of a SO 4 2- rich aquifer. • Fumarolic emissions cause a strong benzene air contamination at a local scale. • Endogenous monoaromatics are detected in air samples from the whole crater. - Abstract: Measurements of soil fluxes of hydrothermal gases, with special emphasis on C 6 H 6 , as well as chemical composition of mono-aromatic compounds in fumaroles and air, were carried out in April 2012 at the Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy) to investigate the distribution and behavior of these species as they migrate through the soil from their deep source to the atmosphere. Soil fluxes of CO 2 , CH 4 and C 6 H 6 exhibit good spatial correlation, suggesting that diffuse degassing is mainly controlled by local fractures. The calculated total output of diffuse C 6 H 6 from Solfatara is 0.10 kg day −1 , whereas fluxes of CO 2 and CH 4 are 79 × 10 3 and 1.04 kg day −1 , respectively. A comparison between soil gas fluxes and fumarole composition reveals that within the crater soil CH 4 is significantly affected by oxidation processes, which are more efficient for low gas fluxes, being dependent on the residence time of the uprising hydrothermal gases at shallow depth. Benzene degradation, mainly proceeding through oxidation via benzoate, seems to be strongly controlled by the presence of a shallow SO 4 2- rich aquifer located in the central and southwestern sectors of the crater, suggesting that the process is particularly efficient when SO 4 2- acts as terminal electron acceptor (SO 4 reduction). Relatively high C 6 H 6 /C 7 H 8 ratios, typical of hydrothermal fluids, were measured in air close to the main fumarolic field of Solfatara crater. Here, C 6 H 6 concentrations, whose detection limit is ∼0.1 μg m −3 , are more than one order of

  14. Fabrication and surface passivation of porous 6H-SiC by atomic layer deposited films

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lu, Weifang; Ou, Yiyu; Petersen, Paul Michael


    Porous 6H-SiC samples with different thicknesses were fabricated through anodic etching in diluted hydrofluoric acid. Scanning electron microscope images show that the dendritic pore formation in 6HSiC is anisotropic, which has different lateral and vertical formation rates. Strong photoluminesce...... above the 6H-SiC crystal band gap, which suggests that the strong photoluminescence is ascribed to surface state produced during the anodic etching....

  15. Ação larvicida de derivados arilsulfonílicos da (+- cânfora e da (+- isopinocanfona sobre o carrapato Boophilus microplus Larvicidal action of (+-camphor and (+- isopinocamphone arilsulphonyl derivatives on Boophilus microplus cattle tick

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.C.S. Chagas


    Full Text Available Testou-se a atividade larvicida de 33 derivados arilsulfonílicos da (+-cânfora e da (+-isopinocanfona no carrapato B. microplus, na busca de princípios ativos menos tóxicos para o seu controle. Os produtos foram obtidos por clorossulfonação da (+-cânfora e da (+-isopinocanfona. Eles foram submetidos à solubilização e testados separadamente e em conjunto contra larvas de carrapato encerradas em envelopes contendo papéis impregnados e acondicionadas em estufa climatizada. A mortalidade média não atingiu 5% em todos os testes realizados, indicando que a clorossulfonação não é a rota de síntese mais adequada para a obtenção de derivados sintéticos com efeito larvicida sobre B. microplus. Os 33 produtos testados sob a forma de triagem biológica não podem ser considerados como potenciais acaricidas.It was investigated the acaricidal activity of (+- camphor and (+- isopinocamphone arilsulphonyl derivatives against Boophilus microplus cattle tick. The products were obtained through the camphor and isopinocamphone clorosulfonation. Thirty-three products were submitted to solubilization and tested alone and together, against tick larvae. Ticks were caught in filter paper envelopes impregnated with products, which were incubated under controlled conditions. The average mortality did not reach 5% in all trials, indicating that clorosulfonation is not an appropiate procedure to obtain derivatives with larvicidal effect against B. microplus. The 33 products tested in the biological screening could not be considered as potential acaricides.

  16. Excitonic Wigner crystal and high T sub c ferromagnetism in RB sub 6

    CERN Document Server

    Kasuya, T


    The mechanisms for the high T sub c ferromagnetism in La-doped divalent hexaborides DB sub 6 are studied in detail comparing with similar family materials, in particular with YbB sub 6 , EuB sub 6 and Ce monopnictides. It is shown that in DB sub 6 the light-electron-heavy-hole paired excitonic states form the Wigner crystal, or Wigner glass in actual materials, in which the conventional intersite electron exchange interactions similar to that in Ni dominate the pair singlet formation due to the intra pair mixing causing a ferromagnetic spin glass-like ordering of electron spins. In the La-doped system La sub x D sub 1 sub - sub x B sub 6 , the population of molecular La impurity states with giant moments increases as x approaches the optimal value x sub 0 approx 0.005 for high T sub c providing vacant states for the roton-like fluctuations, which cause the high T sub c at the boundary of the delocalization of electron carriers. Therefore, the critical La concentration for delocalization coincides with the opt...

  17. A Brinquedoteca como possibilidade para desvelar o cotidiano da criança com câncer em tratamento ambulatorial La ludoteca como posibilidad para desvelar la rutina del niño con cáncer en tratamiento ambulatorio The toy library as a possibility to unveil the daily life of children with cancer under outpatient treatment

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    Luciana de Lione Melo


    Full Text Available A proposta deste estudo é desvelar o sentido de Ser-criança com câncer em tratamento ambulatorial, utilizando a brinquedo-teca como possibilidade de favorecer a expressão, pela criança, de seu mundo cotidiano. Participaram sete crianças entre três e nove anos, com diagnóstico de algum tipo de câncer infantil. A fim de desvelar o sentido das vivências das crianças com câncer, foi realizada uma análise à luz da fenomenologia existencial de Martin Heidegger. A criança-com-câncer configurou-se como um ir e vir permeado ora pela autenticidade, quando a criança assumia sua doença e seu ser-para-a-morte, ora pela inautenticidade, quando se deixava levar pelo modo de ser da decadência dos familiares e da equipe de saúde. O brincar pôde favorecer um rico acesso às vivências da criança gravemente doente.La propuesta de este estudio es develar el sentido del Ser-niño con cáncer en tratamiento ambulatorio, utilizando la ludoteca como posibilidad de favorecer la expresión, por parte del niño, de su mundo cotidiano. Participaron siete niños de entre tres y nueve años con diagnóstico de algún tipo de cáncer infantil. A los efectos de develar el sentido de las experiencias de los niños con cáncer, se realizó un análisis a la luz de la fenomenología existencial de Martin Heidegger. El niño-con-cáncer exhibió un movimiento de ida y vuelta, permeado algunas veces por la autenticidad, cuando el niño asumía su enfermedad y su ser-para-la-muerte, y otras veces por la inauten-ticidad, cuando se dejaba llevar por el modo de ser de la decadencia de los familiares y del equipo de salud. El jugar puede favorecer un rico acceso a las experiencias del niño gravemente enfermo.The purpose of this study is to learn the meaning of being-a-child with cancer submitted to ambulatory treatment and using the toy library as a possibility to enable their expression about their world. Participants were seven children of ages 3 to 9 years, who

  18. CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 in Papua New Guinea: High frequency of previously uncharacterized CYP2D6 alleles and heterozygote excess. (United States)

    von Ahsen, Nicolas; Tzvetkov, Mladen; Karunajeewa, Harin A; Gomorrai, Servina; Ura, Alice; Brockmöller, Jürgen; Davis, Timothy M E; Mueller, Ivo; Ilett, Kenneth F; Oellerich, Michael


    A high frequency of previously unknown CYP2D6 alleles have been reported in Oceania populations. Genetic and functional properties of these alleles remain unknown. We performed analyses of the genetic variability of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genes using AmpliChip genotyping in cohorts from two distinct Papua New Guinea (PNG) populations (Kunjingini, n=88; Alexishafen, n=84) focussing on the genetic characterisation of PNG-specific alleles by re-sequencing. Previously unknown CYP2D6 alleles have population frequencies of 24% (Kunjingini) and 12% (Alexishafen). An allele similar to CYP2D6*1, but carrying the 1661G>C substitution, was the second most frequent CYP2D6 allele (20% Kunjingini and 10% Alexishafen population frequency). Sequencing suggests the CYP2D6* 1661G>C allele originated from a cross-over between CYP2D6*1 and *2 and thus is predicted to confer fully active CYP2D6 enzyme. Two additional predicted full activity alleles [1661G>C;4180G>C] and 31G>A were found in the Kunjingini cohort (frequencies 3 c/c and 1%, respectively) and a novel predicted reduced activity allele [100C>T;1039C>T] was found in the Alexishafen cohort (frequency 2%). A high frequency of ultra-rapid (15%) and notably low frequencies of intermediate and poor CYP2D6 metabolizers (exogamy and recent introduction of alleles by migration that are yet to reach HWE in relatively isolated populations. The CYP2D6*1661 allele common in Oceania may be regarded as functionally equivalent to the full activity CYP2D6*1 allele.

  19. Interleucina-6: ¿amiga o enemiga? Bases para comprender su utilidad como objetivo terapéutico = Interleukin-6: friend or foe? Basis to understand its utility as a therapeutic target

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    Saavedra Ramírez, Publio Giovanni


    Full Text Available Las citocinas son moléculas de comunicación intercelular. Exhiben una gran cantidad de funciones en diferentes sistemas y procesos orgánicos; en particular, ejercen una acción muy importante en los mecanismos que producen la inflamación. La interleucina-6 es una molécula pleiotrópica con acciones proinflamatorias y antinflamatorias. Diversas fuentes de evidencia la vinculan de modo importante y directo con la fisiopatología de diferentes enfermedades autoinmunes. Este artículo revisa las bases moleculares y los diversos efectos biológicos de esta citoquina, así como la experiencia clínica acumulada hasta la fecha con terapias dirigidas al bloqueo de sus acciones proinflamatorias en pacientes con artritis reumatoide.

  20. El queso como recurso turístico para el desarrollo regional:la Vall de Boí como caso de estudio

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    Francesc Fusté Forné


    Full Text Available El turismo gastronómico es una tipología turística que sea o no la motivación principal de un desplazamiento turístico, está presente en cualquier viaje. Éste representa una fuente de ingresos provenientes de los turistas y a la vez genera también sinergias que benefician el desarrollo de la comunidad local. Este artículo analiza cómo el queso actúa como un recurso turístico y a la vez como una herramienta para el desarrollo de los productores autóctonos, desde un punto de vista cualitativo. Para ello se analiza en qué formas el queso está presente en las cartas de los restaurantes de la Vall de Boí, destino Patrimonio de la Humanidad en el Pirineo catalán.

  1. El inquisidor como profesor

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    Adriano PROSPERI


    Full Text Available Giovanni Botero, en una célebre página de su Ragion di stato, se detuvo sobre el tema de la fuerza de la religión en los gobiernos. Esta función de la religión cristiana —para Botero, católica— es garante del orden público y se presenta también como opuesta a la generadora de desorden de Lutero y Calvino, quienes siembran por todo cizañas y revoluciones de estados y ruinas de los reinos. Estamos en los orígenes del esquema historiografía de la periodización de la Edad Moderna que confió precisamente a la Reforma el papel de nodriza de las revoluciones que nacieron en Europa.

  2. Photoemission study of Ca-intercalated graphite superconductor CaC6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okazaki, Hiroyuki; Yoshida, Rikiya; Iwai, Keisuke; Noami, Kengo; Muro, Takayuki; Nakamura, Tetsuya; Wakita, Takanori; Muraoka, Yuji; Hirai, Masaaki; Tomioka, Fumiaki; Takano, Yoshihiko; Takenaka, Asami; Toyoda, Masahiro; Oguchi, Tamio; Yokoya, Takayoshi


    In this work, we have performed resonant photoemission studies of Ca-intercalated graphite superconductor CaC 6 . Using photon energy of the Ca 2p-3d threshold, the photoemission intensity of the peak at Fermi energy (E F ) is resonantly enhanced. This result provides spectroscopic evidence for the existence of Ca 3d states at E F , and strongly supports that Ca 3d state plays a crucial role for the superconductivity of this material with relatively high T c .

  3. Avian metapneumovirus subgroup C induces autophagy through the ATF6 UPR pathway. (United States)

    Hou, Lei; Wei, Li; Zhu, Shanshan; Wang, Jing; Quan, Rong; Li, Zixuan; Liu, Jue


    An increasing number of studies have demonstrated that macroautophagy/autophagy plays an important role in the infectious processes of diverse pathogens. However, it remains unknown whether autophagy is induced in avian metapneumovirus (aMPV)-infected host cells, and, if so, how this occurs. Here, we report that aMPV subgroup C (aMPV/C) induces autophagy in cultured cells. We demonstrated this relationship by detecting classical autophagic features, including the formation of autophagsomes, the presence of GFP-LC3 puncta and the conversation of LC3-I into LC3-II. Also, we used pharmacological regulators and siRNAs targeting ATG7 or LC3 to examine the role of autophagy in aMPV/C replication. The results showed that autophagy is required for efficient replication of aMPV/C. Moreover, infection with aMPV/C promotes autophagosome maturation and induces a complete autophagic process. Finally, the ATF6 pathway, of which one component is the unfolded protein response (UPR), becomes activated in aMPV/C-infected cells. Knockdown of ATF6 inhibited aMPV/C-induced autophagy and viral replication. Collectively, these results not only show that autophagy promotes aMPV/C replication in the cultured cells, but also reveal that the molecular mechanisms underlying aMPV/C-induced autophagy depends on regulation of the ER stress-related UPR pathway.

  4. Synthesis, spectroscopic, structural and thermal characterizations of [(C7H6NO42TeBr6·4H2O

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    S. Smaoui


    Full Text Available Tellurium (IV complexes with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate ligand were synthesized by slow evaporation from aqueous solutions yielding a new compound: [(C7H6NO42TeBr6·4H2O]. The structure of this compound was solved and refined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound is centrosymmetric P21/c (N°: 14 with the parameters a = 8.875(5 Å, b = 15.174(5 Å, c = 10.199(5 Å, β = 94.271° (5 and Z = 2. The structure consists of isolated H2O, isolated [TeBr6]2− octahedral anions and (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate [C7H6NO4]+ cations. The stability of the structure was ensured by ionic and hydrogen bonding contacts (N–H⋯Br and O–H⋯Br and Van-Der Walls interaction. The thermal decomposition of the compound was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The FTIR and Raman spectroscopy at different temperatures confirm the existence of vibrational modes that correspond to the organic, inorganic and water molecular groups. Additionally, the UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectrum was recorded in order to investigate the band gap nature. The measurements show that this compound exhibits a semiconducting behavior with an optical band gap of 2.66 eV.

  5. Insulation Strength and Decomposition Characteristics of a C6F12O and N2 Gas Mixture

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    Xiaoxing Zhang


    Full Text Available This paper explores the decomposition characteristics of a new type of environmentally friendly insulating gas C6F12O and N2 mixed gas under AC voltage. The breakdown behavior of 3% C6F12O and N2 mixed gas in quasi-uniform field was investigated through a breakdown experiment. The self-recovery of the mixed gas was analyzed by 100 breakdown experiments. The decomposition products of C6F12O and N2 under breakdown voltage were determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (GC-MS. Finally, the decomposition process of the products was calculated by density functional theory, and the ionization energy, affinity, and molecular orbital gap of the decomposition products were also calculated. The properties of the decomposition products were analyzed from the aspects of insulation and environmental protection. The experimental results show that the 3% C6F12O and N2 mixed gas did not show a downward trend over 100 breakdown tests under a 0.10 MPa breakdown voltage. The decomposition products after breakdown were CF4, C2F6, C3F6, C3F8, C4F10, and C5F12. The ionization energies of several decomposition products are more than 10 eV. The Global Warming Potential (GWP values of the main products are lower than SF6. C2F6, C3F8, and C4F10 have better insulation properties.

  6. Photoelectric Properties of Si Doping Superlattice Structure on 6H-SiC(0001). (United States)

    Li, Lianbi; Zang, Yuan; Hu, Jichao; Lin, Shenghuang; Chen, Zhiming


    The energy-band structure and visible photoelectric properties of a p/n-Si doping superlattice structure (DSL) on 6H-SiC were simulated by Silvaco-TCAD. The,n the Si-DSL structures with 40 nm-p-Si/50 nm-n-Si multilayers were successfully prepared on 6H-SiC(0001) Si-face by chemical vapor deposition. TEM characterizations of the p/n-Si DSL confirmed the epitaxial growth of the Si films with preferred orientation and the misfit dislocations with a Burgers vector of 1/3 at the p-Si/n-Si interface. The device had an obvious rectifying behavior, and the turn-on voltage was about 1.2 V. Under the visible illumination of 0.6 W/cm², the device demonstrated a significant photoelectric response with a photocurrent density of 2.1 mA/cm². Visible light operation of the Si-DSL/6H-SiC heterostructure was realized for the first time.

  7. Photoelectric Properties of Si Doping Superlattice Structure on 6H-SiC(0001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lianbi Li


    Full Text Available The energy-band structure and visible photoelectric properties of a p/n-Si doping superlattice structure (DSL on 6H-SiC were simulated by Silvaco-TCAD. The,n the Si-DSL structures with 40 nm-p-Si/50 nm-n-Si multilayers were successfully prepared on 6H-SiC(0001 Si-face by chemical vapor deposition. TEM characterizations of the p/n-Si DSL confirmed the epitaxial growth of the Si films with preferred orientation and the misfit dislocations with a Burgers vector of 1/3 <21-1> at the p-Si/n-Si interface. The device had an obvious rectifying behavior, and the turn-on voltage was about 1.2 V. Under the visible illumination of 0.6 W/cm2, the device demonstrated a significant photoelectric response with a photocurrent density of 2.1 mA/cm2. Visible light operation of the Si-DSL/6H-SiC heterostructure was realized for the first time.

  8. Draft Genome Sequence of Acinetobacter johnsonii C6, an Environmental Isolate Engaging in Interspecific Metabolic Interactions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaas, Rolf Sommer; Mordhorst, Hanne; Leekitcharoenphon, Pimlapas


    Acinetobacter johnsonii C6 originates from creosote-polluted groundwater and performs ecological and evolutionary interactions with Pseudomonas putida in biofilms. The draft genome of A. johnsonii C6 is 3.7 Mbp and was shaped by mobile genetic elements. It reveals genes facilitating the biodegrad......Acinetobacter johnsonii C6 originates from creosote-polluted groundwater and performs ecological and evolutionary interactions with Pseudomonas putida in biofilms. The draft genome of A. johnsonii C6 is 3.7 Mbp and was shaped by mobile genetic elements. It reveals genes facilitating...

  9. Elimination of C-6-hydrogen during the formation of ecdysteroids from cholesterol in Locusta migratoria ovaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujimoto, Y.; Hiramoto, M.; Kakinuma, K.; Ikekawa, N.


    Being administered to Locusta migratoria adult females, [6- 3 H, 4- 14 C]cholesterol was incorporated into ecdysone and 2-deoxyecdysone. The ratio of 3 H/ 14 C of the two ecdysteroids isolated from newly laid eggs revealed that C-6-hydrogen of cholesterol was eliminated during the conversion to ecdysteroids in the ovaries of the insects. Thus, a hypothetical mechanism involving migration of the C-6-hydrogen to the C-5 position in the formation of A/B cis junction turned out to be less likely

  10. Bubble-point pressures of some selected methane + synthetic C{sub 6+} mixtures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shariati, A.; Moshfeghian, M. [Shiraz Univ. (Iran, Islamic Republic of). Dept. of Chemical Engineering; Peters, C.J. [Delft Univ. of Technology (Netherlands). Lab. of Applied Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria


    In this work, a series of bubble-point measurements were carried out on some synthetic C{sub 6+} mixtures in the presence of methane. These synthetic mixtures included alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics. The experiments were carried out using the Cailletet apparatus, and bubble-point pressures were measured in a temperature range of 311--470 K. The corresponding pressures were predicted using the Peng-Robinson equation of state, and the relative errors were estimated. It is shown that such synthetic C{sub 6+} mixtures can be simulated reasonably well by this equation of state.

  11. Identification of the gamma subunit-interacting residues on photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase, PDE6alpha '. (United States)

    Granovsky, A E; Artemyev, N O


    Photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the effector enzyme in the G protein-mediated visual transduction cascade. In the dark, the activity of PDE6 is shut off by the inhibitory gamma subunit (Pgamma). Chimeric proteins between cone PDE6alpha' and cGMP-binding and cGMP-specific PDE (PDE5) have been constructed and expressed in Sf9 cells to study the mechanism of inhibition of PDE6 catalytic activity by Pgamma. Substitution of the segment PDE5-(773-820) by the corresponding PDE6alpha'-(737-784) sequence in the wild-type PDE5 or in a PDE5/PDE6alpha' chimera containing the catalytic domain of PDE5 results in chimeric enzymes capable of inhibitory interaction with Pgamma. The catalytic properties of the chimeric PDEs remained similar to those of PDE5. Ala-scanning mutational analysis of the Pgamma-binding region, PDE6alpha'-(750-760), revealed PDE6alpha' residues essential for the interaction. The M758A mutation markedly impaired and the Q752A mutation moderately impaired the inhibition of chimeric PDE by Pgamma. The analysis of the catalytic properties of mutant PDEs and a model of the PDE6 catalytic domain suggest that residues Met(758) and Gln(752) directly bind Pgamma. A model of the PDE6 catalytic site shows that PDE6alpha'-(750-760) forms a loop at the entrance to the cGMP-binding pocket. Binding of Pgamma to Met(758) would effectively block access of cGMP to the catalytic cavity, providing a structural basis for the mechanism of PDE6 inhibition.

  12. Esposas como principais provedoras de renda familiar Esposas como principales proveedoras de la renta familiar Wives as the main household earners

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    Izabel Guimarães Marri


    Full Text Available Este trabalho procura discutir um aspecto ainda pouco explorado do papel da mulher na formação dos rendimentos familiares, que é a situação na qual as esposas obtêm, no mercado de trabalho, rendimentos superiores aos de seus cônjuges. Além da descrição de características demográficas e socioocupacionais destas mulheres e de seus cônjuges, procura-se discutir as seguintes questões: como algumas das características observadas estão correlacionadas com a probabilidade de as famílias terem as esposas como principais provedoras; a não reversão dos padrões tradicionais de divisão do trabalho, já que a mulher mantém um número de horas muito maior do que seus cônjuges nas tarefas domésticas, mesmo quando é a principal provedora financeira do casal; e os diferenciais no rendimento médio de maridos e esposas provedores e a decomposição deste diferencial entre o que pode ser atribuído às características produtivas de ambos os grupos e o que é geralmente chamado de discriminação.Este trabajo procura discutir un aspecto aún poco explorado del papel de la mujer en la formación de los rendimientos familiares, que es la situación en la cual las esposas obtienen, en el mercado de trabajo, rendimientos superiores a los de sus cónyuges. Además de la descripción de características demográficas y socio-ocupacionales de estas mujeres y de sus cónyuges, se busca discutir los siguientes aspectos: como algunas de las características observadas están correlacionadas con la probabilidad de que las familias tengan a las esposas como principales proveedoras; la no reversión de los estándares tradicionales de división del trabajo, ya que la mujer dedica un número de horas mucho mayor que sus cónyuges a las tareas domésticas, aún cuando es la principal proveedora financiera de la pareja; los diferenciales en el rendimiento promedio de maridos y esposas proveedores y la descomposición de este diferencial entre lo que puede

  13. Uso de la simulación en hoja de cálculo como herramientas pedagógica para la inferencia estadística: Aplicación a las propiedades clásicas de los estimadores.

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    Carlos Martínez de Ibarreta Zorita


    Full Text Available En esta comunicación se presenta y describe una aplicación realizada en hoja de cálculo (Excel que, mediante el uso de métodos de simulación tipo Montecarlo, ilustra y permite experimentar con algunas de las propiedades clásicas (insesgo, eficiencia, consistencia de diversos estimadores de parámetros poblacionales, así como las características de su distribución muestral. El interés pedagógico de esta aplicación, ampliamente utilizada por el autor en sus cursos de docencia universitaria, radica en los siguientes aspectos: (a ofrecer una visión más intuitiva, aplicada y complementaria de algunos de los conceptos teóricos habitualmente enseñados en los cursos de inferencia estadística, lo que facilita su comprensión y asimilación por parte de los alumnos, (b mostrar una visión introductoria de las técnicas de simulación como herramienta de investigación y análisis, (c permitir un aprendizaje más activo del alumno en estas materias y, como objetivo de carácter secundario y transversal, (d posibilitar la mejora en el uso de la hoja de cálculo por el alumno como herramienta avanzada para el diseño, planteamiento y solución de problemas de carácter estadístico. La comunicación finaliza con posibles propuestas de extensión de esta aplicación a ámbitos diferentes al presentado.

  14. Synthesis of 1-benzyl-4-((5,6-dimethoxy(2- sup 14 C)-1-indanon)-2-YL)-methylpiperidine hydrochloride (E2020- sup 14 C)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iimura, Youichi; Mishima, Mannen; Sugimoto, Hachiro (Eisai Co., Ltd., Ibaraki (Japan). Tsukuba Research Labs.)


    1-Benzyl-4-((5,6-dimethoxy(2-{sup 14}C)-1-indanon)-2-yl)-methylpiperidine hydrochloride (E2020-{sup 14}C), and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor for studying the pharmacokinetic profiles of E2020, was synthesized from 5,6-dimethoxy(2-{sup 14}C)-1-indanone as the labelled starting material. (author).

  15. Modelling of phase equilibria in CH4–C2H6C3H8–nC4H10–NaCl–H2O systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Jun; Zhang, Zhigang; Luo, Xiaorong; Li, Xiaochun


    Highlights: • A new model was established for the phase equilibria of C1–C2–C3–nC4–brine systems. • The model can reproduce of hydrocarbon–brine equilibria to high T&P and salinity. • The model can well predict H 2 O solubility in light hydrocarbon rich phases. - Abstract: A thermodynamic model is presented for the mutual solubility of CH 4 –C 2 H 6C 3 H 8 –nC 4 H 10 –brine systems up to high temperature, pressure and salinity. The Peng–Robinson model is used for non-aqueous phase fugacity calculations, and the Pitzer model is used for aqueous phase activity calculations. The model can accurately reproduce the experimental solubilities of CH 4 , C 2 H 6 , C 3 H 8 and nC 4 H 10 in water or NaCl solutions and H 2 O solubility in the non-aqueous phase. The experimental data of mutual solubility for the CH 4 –brine subsystem are sufficient for temperatures exceeding 250 °C, pressures exceeding 1000 bar and NaCl molalities greater than 6 molal. Compared to the CH 4 –brine system, the mutual solubility data of C 2 H 6 –brine, C 3 H 8 –brine and nC 4 H 10 –brine are not sufficient. Based on the comparison with the experimental data of H 2 O solubility in C 2 H 6 -, C 3 H 8 - or nC 4 H 10 -rich phases, the model has an excellent capability for the prediction of H 2 O solubility in hydrocarbon-rich phases, as these experimental data were not used in the modelling. Predictions of hydrocarbon solubility (at temperatures up to 200 °C, pressures up to 1000 bar and NaCl molalities greater than 6 molal) were made for the C 2 H 6 –brine, C 3 H 8 –brine and nC 4 H 10 –brine systems. The predictions suggest that increasing pressure generally increases the hydrocarbon solubility in water or brine, especially in the lower-pressure region. Increasing temperature usually decreases the hydrocarbon solubility at lower temperatures but increases the hydrocarbon solubility at higher temperatures. Increasing water salinity dramatically decreases

  16. Distribution of the bispyridinium oxime [14C] HI-6 in male and female rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lundy, P.M.; Hand, B.T.; Hamilton, M.G.; Broxup, B.R.; Yipchuck, G.


    The present study was designed first to determine the distribution pattern and concentration of [ 14 C] HI-6 in rats, and secondly, to determine the possibility that HI-6 might be located in high concentrations in critical tissues in the female as opposed to the male. To these ends, [ 14 C] HI-6 was administered to groups of male and female rats and its radiolabelled distribution determined by whole body autoradiography and/or by measurement of its actual concentration, by scintillation spectrometry. The experiments were repeated in the presence of 2xLD 50 soman and supporting therapy with atropine. In both sexes, HI-6 levels were highest in the kidney, followed in order by cartilage > plasma > liver > heart ≥ lung>> diaphragm > brain and spinal cord. The relative distribution in the two sexes was confirmed by both methods and was not significantly altered in the presence of soman and atropine. The lack of a measurable difference in tissue distribution of [ 14 C] HI-6 derived radioactivity between males and females suggested that the hormone-dependent difference in the protective effects previously observed was not due to selective accumulation of [ 14 C] HI-6 in organs believed to be important in its therapeutic activity, such as brain or diaphragm. (orig.)


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    E Yulianto


    Full Text Available Background: Osteoporosis is a silent metabolic disease characterized by diminished bone mass and change in bone microstructure which cause increment of fracture risk. Until now, osteoporosis still becomes one of major health problems around the world. In Indonesia, the incidence of osteoporosisis 25%. Previous study have shown the relation between osteoporosis and IL-6 gene polymorphism at-572G>C and -174 G>C. There are some controversies about the correlation between thesepolymorphism and osteoporosis because of different result between each study. Genotype G polymorphism at -572 G>C of IL-6 gene has been correlated with lower Bone mineral density (BMD and Genotype G polymorphism at -174G>C of IL-6 gene has been correlated with higher BMD value.In Indonesia, there are still no study about the association between IL-6 gene polymorphism and osteoporosis. In the future this IL-6 gene polymorphism could be used as a genetic marker for osteoporosis in postmenopausal woman. The objective of this study is to determine the difference ofgenotype of -572G>C and -174G>C polymorphism of IL-6 gene and osteoporosis in Balinese postmenopausal women.Method: This research design is a case control study. Sample was obtained at orthopedic outpatient clinic of Sanglah General Hospital, Bali-Indonesia from June 2012 untilNovember 2012. The diagnosis of osteoporosis is described as BMD value with T score ≤ -2.5 SDusing DEXA. All sample’s peripheral blood are taken to be isolated for DNA and analyzed for IL-6 gene polymorphism at -572G>C and -174G>C using Real Time PCR. Data obtained was analyzed with chi square test using SPSS.Results: This research found 11 osteoporosis sample from total 52 with no difference sample characteristic between case and control (p > 0.05. Using Chi square test,There was a significant differences between genotype -572 G>C; IL-6 gene polymorphism in Balinese postmenopausal woman with osteoporosis and in Balinese

  18. Bacteriophage SP6 encodes a second tailspike protein that recognizes Salmonella enterica serogroups C{sub 2} and C{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gebhart, Dana; Williams, Steven R.; Scholl, Dean, E-mail:


    SP6 is a salmonella phage closely related to coliphage K1-5. K1-5 is notable in that it encodes two polysaccharide-degrading tailspike proteins, an endosialidase that allows it to infect E. coli K1, and a lyase that enables it to infect K5 strains. SP6 is similar to K1-5 except that it encodes a P22-like endorhamnosidase tailspike, gp46, allowing it to infect group B Salmonella. We show here that SP6 can also infect Salmonella serogroups C{sub 2} and C{sub 3} and that a mutation in a putative second tailspike, gp47, eliminates this specificity. Gene 47 was fused to the coding region of the N-terminal portion of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa R2 pyocin tail fiber and expressed in trans such that the fusion protein becomes incorporated into pyocin particles. These pyocins, termed AvR2-SP47, killed serogroups C{sub 2} and C{sub 3}Salmonella. We conclude that SP6 encodes two tail proteins providing it a broad host range among Salmonella enterica. - Highlights: • SP6 is a “dual specificity” bacteriophage that encodes two different receptor binding proteins giving it a broad host range. • These receptor binding proteins can be used to re-target the spectrum of R-type bacteriocins to Salmonella enterica. • Both SP6 and the engineered R-type bacteriocins can kill the Salmonella serovars most associated with human disease making them attractive for development as antimicrobial agents.

  19. Relations between open-field, elevated plus-maze, and emergence tests as displayed by C57/BL6J and BALB/c mice. (United States)

    Lalonde, R; Strazielle, C


    The relations between open-field, elevated plus-maze, and emergence tests were examined in two strains of mice. In the open-field, C57BL/6J mice had more ambulatory movements and rears but not stereotyped movements relative to BALB/c. In addition, C57BL/6J mice entered more often than BALB/c into enclosed and open arms of the elevated plus-maze. When placed inside a large enclosure, C57BL/6J mice emerged more quickly than BALB/c from a small toy object. In the entire series of mice, ambulation and rears in the open-field were linearly correlated with open and enclosed arm visits in the elevated plus-maze. Ambulatory movements and rears were also correlated with emergence latencies. In contrast, stereotyped movements were correlated with emergence latencies, but not with any elevated plus-maze value. These results specify the extent and limits of association between the three tests.

  20. Microwave-assisted solid phase conversion study of Meldrum's acid to ethylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (C 6O 6) (United States)

    Taherpour, Avat (Arman)


    Utilization of microwave irradiation provides an effective method for fast synthesizing of some important compounds. Microwave-assisted solid phase is an especial class in chemical synthesis. By the use of MW-irradiation on chemicals, sometimes interesting results can be seen. The synthesis of the interesting molecule ethylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (C 6O 6) was attempted with a few different methods. In this study, the microwave-assisted solid phase conversion of Meldrum's acid to ethylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride was reported. This conversion was characterized by FT-IR, GC/MS and NMR spectroscopy results.

  1. Annealing study on radiation-induced defects in 6H-SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinheiro, M.V.B.; Lingner, T.; Caudepon, F.; Greulich-Weber, S.; Spaeth, J.M.


    We present the results of a systematic isochronal annealing investigation of vacancy-related defects in electron-irradiated n-type 6H-SiC:N. A series of 10 samples cut from a commercial wafer and annealed up to 1200 C after electron-irradiation (1.5 x 10 18 cm -3 ) was characterized with photoluminescence (PL), Magnetic circular dichroism of the absorption (MCDA) and conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Apart from less stable triplet-related defects which vanished between 150 C and 300 C, the thermal behavior of three radiation-induced defects was studied: the silicon vacancy (V Si ), the carbon-antisite-carbon-vacancy pair (C Si -V C ) and the D1 center. Their annealing behavior showed that the destruction of the isolated V Si between 750 C and 900 C is followed by the formation of thermally more stable C Si -V C pairs, a result that has been theoretically predicted recently. By further heating the samples the C Si -V C pairs are annealed out between 900 C and 1050 C and were followed by an increase in the D1 center concentration. (orig.)

  2. La espiritualidad como dimensión de la concepción holística de salud


    Guirao Solís, Adolf


    En este artículo se analiza el concepto de espiritualidad y como se relaciona con la salud. Se aportan una somera revisión de cómo los aspectos espirituales pueden influir en los resultados de salud y la necesidad de contemplar la dimensión espiritual como un elemento más del concepto de salud. Partiendo del análisis se reconceptualiza el concepto de salud como un constructo multidimensional de carácter complejo.

  3. 26 CFR 1.1402(c)-6 - Members of certain professions. (United States)


    ...) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Tax on Self-Employment Income § 1.1402(c)-6 Members of certain..., chiropractor, naturopath, optometrist, Christian Science practitioner, architect, certified public accountant, accountant registered or licensed as an accountant under State or municipal law, full-time practicing public...

  4. Hedonism as a Decision Factor and Technologic UsageHedonismo como um Fator de Decisão e Uso TecnológicoHedonismo como un Factor de Decisión y Uso Tecnológico

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    ARRUDA FILHO, Emílio José Montero


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTIn the current selection and use of technological products, consumers prefer to adopt products which include new service packages and features. This article presents that all-in-one or integrated products are hedonic but explanation for use thereof is utilitarian. This paper analyzes factors of technological integration, hedonic and utilitarian behavior, in addition to the more traditional environmental factors of price, budget, brand, and choice. All variables presented can be considered decision factors or factors that change preference, given the inclusion of several integrations. Accordingly, we assessed smart phones with different services integrated, such as Internet, wireless, music, video, and camera functions. Our findings support our assertion that consumer preference is based on the integration of product features for both enjoyment and pleasure of use.RESUMOO uso de produtos tecnológicos na atualidade demonstra que consumidores preferem adotar novas tecnologias aliadas a pacotes de novos serviços incluídos nos produtos. Este artigo apresenta que produtos com multifuncionalidades ou integrações são hedônicos e possuem justificação de seu uso como se fossem utilitários, apresentando fatores de integração tecnológica, comportamento hedônico e utilitário, além de ambientes criados pelo preço, orçamento, marca e escolha, que seria o fato de comprarem o produto para si mesmos ou receberem-no como um presente. Todas as variáveis apresentadas servem como fatores de decisão ou mudanças de preferência, dada a composição de múltiplas integrações. Com isso, avaliam-se neste trabalho os dispositivos celulares conhecidos como smartphones, com diferentes serviços integrados, como internet, wireless, música, câmera fotográfica e câmera de vídeo, apresentando que mesmo quando esses produtos possuem maior qualidade, como produtos individuais, a preferência ainda é encorajada para equipamentos possuindo todas


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    Jorge José Ferrer


    Full Text Available El artículo examina el estatuto epistemológico de la bioética como disciplina académica. El autor sostiene que el estatuto epistemológico de un discurso lo determina la pregunta fundamental que se plantea y la respuesta que se busca, focos integradores del discurso. En el caso de la bioética, la pregunta fundamental es de índole moral. La bioética es pues una disciplina ética que tiene su hogar epistemológico en la filosofía. El autor también defiende el concepto de "éticas aplicadas". Sugiere finalmente que el método de la bioética, sobre todo la que se hace desde nuestras latitudes, debería adoptar el círculo hermenéutico como metodología para su filosofar.O artigo examina o estatuto espistemológico da bioética como disciplina acadëmica. O autor defende que o estatuto espistemológico de um discurso é determinado pela pergunta fundamental que se faz e a resposta que se busca, focos integradores do discurso. No caso da bioética, a pergunta fundamental é de índole moral. A bioética é uma disciplina ética que encontra seu lugar epistemológico na filosofia. O autor também defende o conceito de "éticas aplicadas". O autor sugere finalmente que o método da bioética, sobretudo a que se faz a partir de nossas terras, deveria adotar o círculo hermenëutico como metodologia para seu filosofar.This article examines the epistemological statute of bioethics as an academic discipline. The author claims that the epistemological statute of a dialogue determines the fundamental question that is raised and the answer that is sought, essential points of discourse. In the case of bioethics, the fundamental question is of a moral nature. Therefore, bioethics is an ethical discipline that has its epistemological roots in philosophy. The author also defends the concept of applied ethics. Finally, he suggests that bioethical methods, above all especially what is realized in our latitudes, should adopt the Hermeneutic Circle as the

  6. Synthesis of [13C6]-labelled phenethylamine derivatives for drug quantification in biological samples. (United States)

    Karlsen, Morten; Liu, HuiLing; Berg, Thomas; Johansen, Jon Eigill; Hoff, Bård Helge


    The availability of high-quality (13)C-labelled internal standards will improve accurate quantification of narcotics and drugs in biological samples. Thus, the synthesis of 10 [(13)C6]-labelled phenethylamine derivatives, namely amphetamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine, 4-methoxyamphetamine, 4-methoxymethamphetamine, 3,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine, have been undertaken. [(13)C6]-Phenol proved to be an excellent starting material for making (13)C-labelled narcotic substances in the phenethylamine class, and a developed Stille-type coupling enabled an efficient synthesis of the 3,4-methylenedioxy and 4-methoxy derivatives. The pros and cons of alternative routes and transformations are also discussed. The [(13)C6]-labelled compounds are intended for use as internal standards in forensic analysis, health sciences and metabolomics studies by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. The functional curcumin liposomes induce apoptosis in C6 glioblastoma cells and C6 glioblastoma stem cells in vitro and in animals. (United States)

    Wang, Yahua; Ying, Xue; Xu, Haolun; Yan, Helu; Li, Xia; Tang, Hui


    Glioblastoma is a kind of malignant gliomas that is almost impossible to cure due to the poor drug transportation across the blood-brain barrier and the existence of glioma stem cells. We prepared a new kind of targeted liposomes in order to improve the drug delivery system onto the glioma cells and induce the apoptosis of glioma stem cells afterward. In this experiment, curcumin was chosen to kill gliomas, while quinacrine was used to induce apoptosis of the glioma stem cells. Also, p -aminophenyl-α-D-mannopyranoside could facilitate the transport of liposomes across the blood-brain barrier and finally target the brain glioma cells. The cell experiments in vitro indicated that the targeted liposomes could significantly improve the anti-tumor effects of the drugs, while enhancing the uptake effects, apoptosis effects, and endocytic effects of C6 glioma cells and C6 glioma stem cells. Given the animal experiments in vivo, we discovered that the targeted liposomes could obviously increase the survival period of brain glioma-bearing mice and inhibit the growth of gliomas. In summary, curcumin and quinacrine liposomes modified with p -aminophenyl-α-D-mannopyranoside is a potential preparation to treat brain glioma cells and brain glioma stem cells.

  8. MRI and morphological observation in C6 glioma model rats and significance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Ying; Yuan Bo; Wang Hao; Lu Jin; Yuan Changji; Ma Yue; Tong Dan; Zhang Kun; Gao Feng; Wu Xiaogang


    Objective: To establish stable and reliable rat C6 glioma model, and to perform MRI dynamic observation and pathomorphological observation in model animal brain, and to provide experimental basis for pharmaceutical research on anti-glioma drugs. Methods: The C6 glioma cells were cultured and 20 μL cultural fluid containing 1×10 6 C6 cells was sterotactically implanted into the left caudate nuclei in 10 male Wistar rats, respectively. The changes in the behavior of the rats after implantation were observed and recorded. MRI dynamic scanning was performed in 10 rats 2, 3 and 4 weeks after implantation and the brain tissues were taken for general and pathological examination when the 10 rats were naturally dead. The survival period of tumor-bearing rats was calculated. Results: 2 weeks after implantation the rats showed decreased activities and food intake, fur lackluster, and conjunctival congestion and so on; 3 weeks later, some rats appeared nerve symptoms such as body twitch, body hemiplegy, body distortion, rotation and so on. All the 10 rats died in 8-30 d. The median survival period of the tumor-bearing rats was 18 d, the average survival period was (18.3±7.3) d. The pathological examination showed that the tumor cells were arranged irregularly closely and karyokinesis was easy to see; tumor vascular tissue proliferation and tumor invasive growth into surrounding normal tissues were found. The expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was positive in the tumors. Conclusion: A stable animal model of intracranial glioma is successfully established by stereotactic implantation of C6 cells into the rat caudate nucleus. The results of MRI dynamic observation and pathohistological observation on the model animal brain tissue. Can provide experimental basis for selecting the appropriate time window to perform the pharmaceutical research on anti-glioma drugs. (authors)

  9. Water production in comets C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) and C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) from observations with Soho/Swan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Combi, M. R.; Aptekar, G.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Quémerais, E.; Ferron, S.; Mäkinen, J. T. T.


    Comets C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) and C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) were observed throughout their 2012-2013 apparitions with the Solar Wind Anisotropies (SWAN) all-sky hydrogen Lyα camera on board the Solar and Heliosphere Observatory (SOHO) satellite. SOHO has been in a halo orbit around the L1 Earth-Sun Lagrange point since early 1996 and has been observing the interplanetary medium and comets beginning with C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake). The global water production from these comets was determined from an analysis of the SWAN Lyα camera observations. Comet C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS), which reached its perihelion distance of 0.302 AU on 2013 March 10.17, was observed on 50 days between 2013 January 29 and April 30. Comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon), which reached its perihelion distance of 0.731 AU on 2013 March 24.51, was observed on 109 days between 2012 November 29 and 2013 June 31. The maximum water production rates were ∼1 × 10 30 molecules s –1 for both comets. The activities of both comets were asymmetric about perihelion. C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) was more active before perihelion than after, but C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) was more active after perihelion than before.

  10. Ladrillo ecológico como material sostenible para la construcción


    Cabo Laguna, María


    Se propone la realización de un nuevo material constructivo, denominado Ecoladrillo, inspirado en el tradicional adobe y que sustituya al ladrillo convencional cocido. Para ello se emplea un suelo marginal no empleado hasta el momento para la fabricación de ladrillos. Como aditivos comerciales se emplean el cemento para la realización de las combinaciones de referencia y, la menos usual pero igual de eficiente cal hidráulica. Como aditivo resistente se utilizan las cenizas de cáscaras de arro...

  11. Rastreamento de resultados adversos nas internações do Sistema Único de Saúde

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    Monica Aguilar Estevam Dias


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a frequência de rastreadores de potenciais resultados adversos em internações no Sistema Único de Saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, incluindo as internações de adultos na clínica médica (n = 3.565.811 e clínica cirúrgica (n = 2.614.048 no Brasil em 2007. O Sistema de Informações Hospitalares foi utilizado como fonte de informação. A mensuração dos resultados adversos baseou-se no rastreamento de 11 condições clínicas, definidas em estudos internacionais anteriores, registradas no campo diagnóstico secundário. Foram realizadas análises bivariada e multivariada, no intuito de associar resultado adverso, óbito (variável dependente e outras variáveis como idade, utilização de unidade de terapia intensiva e realização de cirurgia. RESULTADOS: A frequência obtida foi 3,6 potenciais resultados adversos por 1.000 internações para ambas as clínicas, superior na clínica médica (5,3 por 1.000 em relação à clínica cirúrgica (1,3 por 1.000. Houve diferenças no perfil das internações: na clínica médica predominaram idosos, maior tempo médio de permanência, maior taxa de mortalidade e menor custo total de internação. O rastreador de resultado adverso mais frequente foi pneumonia hospitalar. Choque/parada cardíaca apresentou maior risco de óbito (OR = 5,76 em relação aos demais resultados adversos. Os maiores gastos com internações estiveram relacionados à sepse hospitalar. Os rastreadores de potencial resultado adverso apresentaram altas chances de óbito, mesmo com a introdução de variáveis como uso de terapia intensiva e realização de cirurgia. CONCLUSÕES: A alta frequência de resultados adversos em internações indica a necessidade de desenvolver estratégias de monitoramento e melhorias dirigidas para a segurança do paciente.

  12. Specific depletion of Ly6C(hi) inflammatory monocytes prevents immunopathology in experimental cerebral malaria. (United States)

    Schumak, Beatrix; Klocke, Katrin; Kuepper, Janina M; Biswas, Aindrila; Djie-Maletz, Andrea; Limmer, Andreas; van Rooijen, Nico; Mack, Matthias; Hoerauf, Achim; Dunay, Ildiko Rita


    Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) infection of C57BL/6 mice leads to experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) that is commonly associated with serious T cell mediated damage. In other parasitic infection models, inflammatory monocytes have been shown to regulate Th1 responses but their role in ECM remains poorly defined, whereas neutrophils are reported to contribute to ECM immune pathology. Making use of the recent development of specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb), we depleted in vivo Ly6C(hi) inflammatory monocytes (by anti-CCR2), Ly6G+ neutrophils (by anti-Ly6G) or both cell types (by anti-Gr1) during infection with Ovalbumin-transgenic PbA parasites (PbTg). Notably, the application of anti-Gr1 or anti-CCR2 but not anti-Ly6G antibodies into PbTg-infected mice prevented ECM development. In addition, depletion of Ly6C(hi) inflammatory monocytes but not neutrophils led to decreased IFNγ levels and IFNγ+CD8+ T effector cells in the brain. Importantly, anti-CCR2 mAb injection did not prevent the generation of PbTg-specific T cell responses in the periphery, whereas anti-Gr1 mAb injection strongly diminished T cell frequencies and CTL responses. In conclusion, the specific depletion of Ly6C(hi) inflammatory monocytes attenuated brain inflammation and immune cell recruitment to the CNS, which prevented ECM following Plasmodium infection, pointing out a substantial role of Ly6C+ monocytes in ECM inflammatory processes.

  13. Stability and isomerization reactions of phenyl cation C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup +} isomers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shi, Dandan [Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 (China); Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (Jilin University), Changchun 130012 (China); Yang, Xue [College of Science, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin 132022 (China); Zhang, Xiaomei; Shan, Shimin [Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 (China); Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (Jilin University), Changchun 130012 (China); Xu, Haifeng, E-mail: [Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 (China); Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (Jilin University), Changchun 130012 (China); Yan, Bing, E-mail: [Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 (China); Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (Jilin University), Changchun 130012 (China)


    Highlights: • A total of 60 isomers of C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup +} cations were obtained at density functional theory. • The stability and isomerization reactions of C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup +} isomers were performed. • The structures, frequencies, thermodynamic properties of isomers were summarized. • Ring to ring or chain isomerization pathways were investigated using IRC method. • Result shows reactions contain hydrogen transfer, bond broken and reconstruction. - Abstract: As a key polyatomic molecular cation that plays a pivotal role in growth of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenyl cation C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup +} exhibits various isomers and isomerization reactions. Investigation on the structure and stability of the isomers as well as the isomerization is important for better understanding the chemical reactions involving C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup +} cations. In this work, we have performed a theoretical study on the stability and isomerization reactions of C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup +} isomers at density functional theory B3LYP/6-311G (d, p) level. We have obtained a total of 60 isomers of C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup +} cations, most of which are reported for the first time. The geometries, vibrational frequencies, thermodynamic properties and stability of 28 out of 60 isomers have been summarized in detail. Different ring-to-ring and ring-to-chain isomerization pathways, which are connected via 28 transition states, have been investigated using the intrinsic reaction coordinate method. The results show that the isomerization reactions occur via hydrogen migration followed by bond-breaking and reconstruction.

  14. Arquitectura como percepción

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    Mañana Borrazás, Patricia


    Full Text Available This text sets out to illustrate types of basic analysis in researching a question as intrinsically human as perception. In the analysis of a construction, the aspects relative to perception allow us to access interesting information as to how a construction functions and what is implied by its different spaces, information which is in direct relation to more human, living aspects of architecture. These analyses complement formal analyses, as while these allow us to describe a construction in time and space, analyses of perception seek to stress the existing relationship between the human being and the construction, understanding architecture as a physical element to be experienced and which has been constructed to create a favourable atmosphere for certain perceptions. The study first shows the most basic elements in perception analysis and how these support a methodology that attempts to understand a construction in all its aspects (formal, social, symbolic, giving as an example a Neolithic Galician burial mound.Este texto trata de ilustrar los tipos de análisis básicos para investigar una cuestión tan intrínsecamente humana como la percepción. En el análisis de una construcción, los aspectos relativos a la percepción nos permiten acceder a una interesante información de cómo una construcción funciona y qué implican sus distintos espacios, información en directa relación con los aspectos más humanos y vivenciales de la arquitectura. Son unos análisis complementarios a los análisis formales, ya que mientras estos nos permiten describir en el espacio y en el tiempo una construcción, los análisis de percepción tratan de incidir en la relación existente entre el ser humano y la construcción, entendiendo a la arquitectura también como elemento físico a experimentar y que ha sido construido para propiciar ciertas percepciones. Se exponen en primer lugar las claves más básicas de los análisis de percepción y cómo estos se

  15. La matriz ficcional como estrategia creativa en la adaptación audiovisual

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    Vicente Peña Timón


    Full Text Available El artículo pone de relieve la capacidad de las matrices ficcionales para ser utilizadas como estrategias del discurso de la narración, a la hora de realizar una adaptación (audiovisual cinematográfica. Comienza con una aproximación al concepto, con el fin de conocer el contexto y cómo beneficiarse de las matrices ficcionales a la hora de adaptar una obra original. Se define, en primer lugar, el término adaptación audiovisual, para después explicar el ya conocido paradigma de la estructura clásica y, a partir de éste, explicar qué es una matriz ficcional, para ejemplificar,  por último, cómo opera la matriz ficcional usada como estrategia en las adaptaciones audiovisuales.  

  16. Carvão pirogênico como condicionante para substrato de mudas de Tachigali vulgaris L.G. Silva & H.C. Lima

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    Fabiane Furlaneto Souchie


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficiência de carvão vegetal pirogênico como condicionante de substrato para o desenvolvimento de mudas florestais de alto vigor, testando-se o carvoeiro (Tachigali vulgaris como espécie representativa do Bioma Cerrado. Foram tomados como modelo de produtividade os solos de elevada capacidade de troca catiônica com Horizonte A antrópico da Amazônia (Terras Pretas de Índio, ricos em carbono pirogênico derivado de carvão vegetal. O experimento foi realizado no viveiro da Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, no município de Nova Xavantina-MT. Foram utilizadas quatro concentrações de carvão de eucalipto (Eucalyptus sp. com 5; 12,5; 25 e 50% do volume total do substrato base e 0% como testemunha. Foi avaliada a porcentagem de emergência no início do experimento. Durante oito meses, a cada 30 dias, foi contado o número de folhas e medida a altura total das mudas. No oitavo mês foi medido o diâmetro do coleto e determinada à massa seca da raiz e da parte aérea. Os tratamentos e a testemunha apresentaram emergência superior a 80%, não havendo influência do carvão. Entretanto, o carvão vegetal incrementou significativamente a altura das mudas, o número de folhas, o diâmetro do coleto e a massa seca radicular e da parte aérea, o que ficou evidenciado pela forte correlação positiva com as concentrações de carvão. Portanto, o carvão vegetal pirogênico é uma alternativa viável como condicionante de origem biológica do substrato para a produção de mudas potencialmente mais resistentes, requerimento importante para plantios em campo sob condições mais severas, como na recuperação de áreas degradadas no Bioma Cerrado.

  17. The Unexpectedly Bright Comet C-2012 F6 (Lemmon) Unveiled at Near-Infrared Wavelengths (United States)

    Paganini, Lucas; Disanti, Michael A.; Mumma, Michael J.; Villanueva, Geronimo L.; Bonev, Boncho P.; Keane, Jacqueline V.; Gibb, Erika L.; Boehnhardt, Hermann; Meech, Karen J.


    We acquired near-infrared spectra of the Oort cloud comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) at three different heliocentric distances (R h) during the comet's 2013 perihelion passage, providing a comprehensive measure of the outgassing behavior of parent volatiles and cosmogonic indicators. Our observations were performed pre-perihelion at R h = 1.2 AU with CRIRES (on 2013 February 2 and 4), and post-perihelion at R h = 0.75 AU with CSHELL (on March 31 and April 1) and R h = 1.74 AU with NIRSPEC (on June 20). We detected 10 volatile species (H2O, OH* prompt emission, C2H6, CH3OH, H2CO, HCN, CO, CH4, NH3, and NH2), and obtained upper limits for two others (C2H2 and HDO). One-dimensional spatial profiles displayed different distributions for some volatiles, confirming either the existence of polar and apolar ices, or of chemically distinct active vents in the nucleus. The ortho-para ratio for water was 3.31 +/- 0.33 (weighted mean of CRIRES and NIRSPEC results), implying a spin temperature >37 K at the 95% confidence limit. Our (3s) upper limit for HDO corresponds to D/H comet C/2012 F6 as rather depleted in C2H6 and CH3OH, while HCN, CH4, and CO displayed abundances close to their median values found among comets. H2CO was the only volatile showing a relative enhancement. The relative paucity of C2H6 and CH3OH (with respect to H2O) suggests formation within warm regions of the nebula. However, the normal abundance of HCN and hypervolatiles CH4 and CO, and the enhancement of H2CO, may indicate a possible heterogeneous nucleus of comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon), possibly as a result of radial mixing within the protoplanetary disk

  18. Evaluación del etanol obtenido a partir de residuos forestales como aditivo en gasolina para motores de combustión interna


    Flores Quintero, Jesús Enrique; Marín Lopez, Angie M.


    La presente investigación consistió en la obtención de etanol a partir de residuos forestales para ser evaluado como aditivo en gasolina. Se obtuvo un mosto (a partir de residuos forestales) rico en azúcares a través de una hidrólisis ácida con ácido sulfúrico al 6% por 3 horas a 80 ºC. Se definieron experimentalmente las condiciones del proceso de fermentación del mosto obtenido con levadura Saccharomices cerevisiae al 50% durante 6 días y destilación simple para la purificación del etanol h...


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    Cristine da Silva Autran


    Full Text Available Ainda que recente, a técnica para a determinação da cor da madeira por meio da colorimetria quantitativa mostra-se precisa e eficaz. O sistema CIELAB 1976, que determina os parâmetros colorimétricos L*, a*, b*, C e h*, mostrou-se eficiente para a determinação da cor das madeiras de muirapiranga (Brosimum rubescens e de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis, clone Tjir 16. A madeira de muirapiranga é de cor vermelha-amarronzada (L* de 42,39, tendo o pigmento vermelho (a* de 22,02 como determinante, apesar de o pigmento amarelo (b* ter influência significativa na definição de sua cor. A madeira de seringueira apresenta cor amarela (L* de 77,55, fortemente influenciada pelo pigmento amarelo (b* de 19,61. Considerando o parâmetro cor, ambas as madeiras apresentam potenciais para serem utilizadas em interiores.

  20. C3-6 laminoplasty for cervical spondylotic myelopathy maintains satisfactory long-term surgical outcomes. (United States)

    Sakaura, Hironobu; Hosono, Noboru; Mukai, Yoshihiro; Iwasaki, Motoki; Yoshikawa, Hideki


    Study Design Prospective cohort study. Objective To clarify long-term surgical outcomes of C3-6 laminoplasty preserving muscles attached to the C2 and C7 spinous processes in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). Methods Twenty patients who underwent C3-6 open-door laminoplasty for CSM and who were followed for 8 to 10 years were included in this study. Myelopathic symptoms were assessed using Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score. Axial neck pain was graded as severe, moderate, or mild. C2-7 angle was measured using lateral radiographs of the cervical spine before surgery and at final follow-up. Results Mean JOA score before surgery (11.7) was significantly improved to 15.2 at the time of maximum recovery (1 year after surgery), declining slightly to 14.9 by the latest follow-up. Late deterioration of JOA score developed in eight patients, but was unrelated to the cervical spine lesions in each case. No patient suffered from prolonged postoperative axial neck pain at final follow-up. The mean C2-7 angle before surgery (13.8 degrees) significantly increased to 19.2 degrees at final follow-up. Conclusions C3-6 laminoplasty preserving muscles attached to the C2 and C7 spinous processes in patients with CSM maintained satisfactory long-term neurologic improvement with significantly reduced frequencies of prolonged postoperative axial neck pain and loss of C2-7 angle after surgery.

  1. Efeito de supressão nas vias auditivas: um estudo com os potenciais de média e longa latência Effect of suppression in the auditory pathways: a study with middle and long latency potentials

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    Mariana Buncana Simões


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito de supressão no Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Média e Longa Latência em indivíduos sem alterações auditivas, com presença de emissões otoacústicas (EOA transientes em ambas as orelhas. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 25 indivíduos (50 orelhas de 18 a 30 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, utilizando-se os Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Média e Longa latência sem e com ruído branco contralateral. Os sujeitos não apresentavam queixa relacionada ao Processamento Auditivo. Foram verificados e comparados os valores numéricos das latências e amplitudes das ondas na avaliação convencional sem ruído e com ruído contralateral. RESULTADOS: a média aritmética da amplitude de resposta na situação com ruído (mascaramento reduziu em todas as posições (C3/A1, C4/A1, C3/A2 e C4/A2, porém estes achados foram estatisticamente significantes nas posições C4/A1, C3/A2 e C4/A2. CONCLUSÃO: a diminuição da amplitude pode ter relação com o número de sinapses realizadas. O efeito de supressão na amplitude pode estar relacionado à ação do sistema eferente que suprime o número de sinapses neuronais.PURPOSE: to evaluate the suppression effect of the Middle Latency Response (MLR and Long Latency Potential on normal hearing individuals. METHODS: twenty-five individuals of both genders between 18 and 30-year old were evaluated (50 ears, with presence of OAE in both ears (thus, excluding any middle ear problem or hearing loss that could compromise the final evaluation. The individuals did not present any complain on the Auditory Processing. We used MLR and P300 with and with no contralateral white noise. The latency and amplitude of the waves were evaluated (with and with no noise and the results were compared. RESULTS: we found reduction in the median amplitude in the situation with noise (masking in all positions (C3/A1, C4/A1, C3/A2 and C4/A2. However, these findings had no statistically significant difference in

  2. Piezocomposites metal-cerámica como elementos activos en acelerómetros


    Ochoa, Pilar; Villegas, Marina; Pons Rovira, José Luis; Fernández Lozano, José Francisco; Bengochea, M. A.


    [ES] Los materiales cerámicos piezoeléctricos presentan un número importante y en continuo aumento de aplicaciones. Entre éstas su utilización como elementos activos en el diseño de acelerómetros posibilita el control de vibraciones en la industria del transporte, aerospacial, robótica e ingeniería civil entre otras. Entre los múltiples diseños como material compuesto destaca, gracias a sus elevados coeficientes de carga efectivos, el denominado tipo címbalo. En este trabajo se compr...

  3. Synergistic effects of iodine and silver ions co-implanted in 6H-SiC (United States)

    Kuhudzai, R. J.; Malherbe, J. B.; Hlatshwayo, T. T.; van der Berg, N. G.; Devaraj, A.; Zhu, Z.; Nandasiri, M.


    Motivated by the aim of understanding the release of fission products through the SiC coating of fuel kernels in modern high temperature nuclear reactors, a fundamental investigation is conducted to understand the synergistic effects of implanted silver (Ag) and iodine (I) in 6H-SiC. The implantation of the individual species, as well as the co-implantation of 360 keV ions of I and Ag at room temperature in 6H-SiC and their subsequent annealing behaviour has been investigated by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). SIMS and APT measurements indicated the presence of Ag in the co-implanted samples after annealing at 1500 °C for 30 h in sharp contrast to the samples implanted with Ag only. In samples implanted with Ag only, complete loss of the implanted Ag was observed. However, for I only implanted samples, some iodine was retained. APT of annealed co-implanted 6H-SiC showed clear spatial association of Ag and I clusters in SiC, which can be attributed to the observed I assisted retention of Ag after annealing. Such detailed studies will be necessary to identify the fundamental mechanism of fission products migration through SiC coatings.

  4. Specific depletion of Ly6C(hi inflammatory monocytes prevents immunopathology in experimental cerebral malaria.

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    Beatrix Schumak

    Full Text Available Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA infection of C57BL/6 mice leads to experimental cerebral malaria (ECM that is commonly associated with serious T cell mediated damage. In other parasitic infection models, inflammatory monocytes have been shown to regulate Th1 responses but their role in ECM remains poorly defined, whereas neutrophils are reported to contribute to ECM immune pathology. Making use of the recent development of specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb, we depleted in vivo Ly6C(hi inflammatory monocytes (by anti-CCR2, Ly6G+ neutrophils (by anti-Ly6G or both cell types (by anti-Gr1 during infection with Ovalbumin-transgenic PbA parasites (PbTg. Notably, the application of anti-Gr1 or anti-CCR2 but not anti-Ly6G antibodies into PbTg-infected mice prevented ECM development. In addition, depletion of Ly6C(hi inflammatory monocytes but not neutrophils led to decreased IFNγ levels and IFNγ+CD8+ T effector cells in the brain. Importantly, anti-CCR2 mAb injection did not prevent the generation of PbTg-specific T cell responses in the periphery, whereas anti-Gr1 mAb injection strongly diminished T cell frequencies and CTL responses. In conclusion, the specific depletion of Ly6C(hi inflammatory monocytes attenuated brain inflammation and immune cell recruitment to the CNS, which prevented ECM following Plasmodium infection, pointing out a substantial role of Ly6C+ monocytes in ECM inflammatory processes.

  5. Anos potenciais de vida perdidos por mulheres vítimas de homicídio na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Years of potential life lost by female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Leonildo Severino da Silva


    Full Text Available Estudo epidemiológico, transversal, objetivando calcular os anos potenciais de vida perdidos por mulheres vítimas de homicídio na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, no quinquênio 2003-2007. Utilizou-se de um banco de dados da Gerência Operacional de Informação de Mortalidade e Natalidade da Secretaria de Saúde do Recife, e foram revisadas todas as declarações de óbitos das vítimas de homicídio, com idade fértil no quinquênio analisado. Os resultados revelaram que houve 12.120 anos potenciais de vida perdidos, no período, por mulheres jovens, negras (88%, de escolaridade desconhecida (78,2%, solteiras (80%, mortas na Região Político-administrativa III, que foram assassinadas com uso de arma de fogo, no próprio domicílio. A taxa de mortalidade específica, no período, correspondeu a 10,8 por 100 mil mulheres em idade fértil. Os 43,3 anos de vida perdidos por cada vítima refletem, entre outros aspectos, as características do município, relativas ao nível de pobreza, desemprego, densidade populacional, instabilidade residencial, desigualdade social, que expõem seus habitantes a crises sociais, crimes e violência.This cross-sectional epidemiological study aimed to calculate the potential years of life lost by female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, in 2003-2007. A database was used from the Operational Division for Information on Births and Deaths under the Recife Municipal Health Department. All death certificates for childbearing-age women were reviewed for the five-year period. The results showed a total of 12,120 potential years of life lost by these women, mostly young, black (88%, with unknown levels of schooling (78.2%, single (80%, in District III of the city, and murdered with firearms in their own homes. The specific mortality rate was 10.8 homicides per 100,000 childbearing-age women. The 43.3 years of life lost per woman express the city's characteristics, poverty levels, unemployment

  6. La prótesis bucal como causante del carcinoma espinocelular oral


    Caballero Herrera, Rafael; Bru de Sala Oms, Carlos


    La aparición de cáncer bucal está vinculada a múltiples factores de riesgo. En este artículo queremos exponer como uno de ellos la úlcera crónica producida por las prótesis dentales removibles o fijas.

  7. Perfil farmacológico e fitoquímico de plantas indicadas pelos caboclos do Parque Nacional do Jaú (AM como potenciais analgésicas: parte I Phytochemical and pharmacological profile of plants indicated by caboclos of Jaú National Park (AM as potential analgesic: part I

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    Eliana Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Muitos estudos de plantas medicinais baseiam-se em informações etnofarmacológicas, na intenção de encurtar o tempo e diminuir os recursos financeiros no desenvolvimento de novas drogas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar estudos de farmacologia pré-clínica e fitoquímica com três extratos vegetais, obtidos de duas das 42 plantas com potenciais efeitos analgésico e/ou antiinflamatório, indicadas pelos moradores do Parque Nacional do Jaú, AM. Os extratos hidroalcoólicos foram submetidos à caracterização fitoquímica por meio de cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD. Os testes de farmacologia pré-clínica empregados foram: screening inicial, rota rod, atividade motora, placa quente, tail flick e contorções abdominais, nas doses de 300 e 500 mg/kg. Os três extratos foram obtidos a partir das cascas da cumandá: Campsiandra comosa Benth., Fabaceae (EHCC e das folhas (EHSF e cascas (EHSC da sucuuba: Himatanthus sucuuba (Spruce ex Müll. Arg. Woodson, Apocynaceae. As análises fitoquímicas revelaram a presença de flavonóides, taninos, iridóides e triterpenos nos diferentes extratos; enquanto os alcalóides e cumarinas não foram detectados. A investigação farmacológica demonstrou atividade analgésica discreta apenas no teste de contorções abdominais para os extratos EHSF e EHCC; nenhuma alteração foi observada no aparelho de rota rod e de modo geral, observou-se diminuição da atividade motora em todos os extratos nas diferentes doses testadas. Diferentes extratos destas plantas estão sendo testados em outros modelos, pelo mesmo grupo de trabalho, a fim de aprofundar os conhecimentos acerca do perfil farmacológico destas espécies.This work aimed to study the pre-clinical pharmacology and phytochemistry of three plant extracts, obtained from two of the 42 plants with potential analgesic and / or anti-inflammatory, indicated by the residents of the National Park of Jaú, AM. The hydroalcoholic extracts were

  8. Fabrication of SiC nanopillars by inductively coupled SF6/O2 plasma etching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, J H; Bano, E; Latu-Romain, L; Dhalluin, F; Chevolleau, T; Baron, T


    In this paper, we demonstrate a top-down fabrication technique for nanometre scale silicon carbide (SiC) pillars using inductively coupled plasma etching. A set of experiments in SF 6 -based plasma was carried out in order to realize high aspect ratio SiC nanopillars. The etched SiC nanopillars using a small circular mask pattern (115 nm diameter) show high aspect ratio (7.4) with a height of 2.2 µm at an optimum bias voltage (300 V) and pressure (6 mTorr). Under the optimal etching conditions using a large circular mask pattern with 370 nm diameter, the obtained SiC nanopillars exhibit high anisotropy features (6.4) with a large etch depth (>7 µm). The etch characteristic of the SiC nanopillars under these conditions shows a high etch rate (550 nm min -1 ) and a high selectivity (over 60 for Ni). We also studied the etch profile of the SiC nanopillars and mask evolution over the etching time. As the mask pattern size shrinks in nanoscale, vertical and lateral mask erosion plays a crucial role in the etch profile of the SiC nanopillars. Long etching process makes the pillars appear with a hexagonal shape, coming from the crystallographic structure of α-SiC. It is found that the feature of pillars depends not only on the etching process parameters, but also on the crystallographic structure of the SiC phase. (paper)

  9. Centrosymmetric [N(CH3)4]2TiF6 vs. noncentrosymmetric polar [C(NH2)3]2TiF6: A hydrogen-bonding effect on the out-of-center distortion of TiF6 octahedra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Eun-ah; Lee, Dong Woo; Ok, Kang Min


    The syntheses, structures, and characterization of organically templated zero-dimensional titanium fluoride materials, A 2 TiF 6 (A=[N(CH 3 ) 4 ] or [C(NH 2 ) 3 ]), are reported. Phase pure samples of A 2 TiF 6 were synthesized by either solvothermal reaction method or a simple mixing method. While [N(CH 3 ) 4 ] 2 TiF 6 crystallizes in a centrosymmetric space group, R-3, [C(NH 2 ) 3 ] 2 TiF 6 crystallizes in a noncentrosymmetric polar space group, Cm. The asymmetric out-of-center distortion of TiF 6 octahedra in polar [C(NH 2 ) 3 ] 2 TiF 6 are attributable to the hydrogen-bonding interactions between the fluorine atoms in TiF 6 octahedra and the nitrogen atoms in the [C(NH 2 ) 3 ] + cation. Powder second-harmonic generation (SHG) measurements on the [C(NH 2 ) 3 ] 2 TiF 6 , using 1064 nm radiation, indicate the material has SHG efficiency of 25× that of α-SiO 2 , which indicates an average nonlinear optical susceptibility, 〈d eff 〉 exp of 2.8 pm/V. Additional SHG measurements reveal that the material is not phase-matchable (Type 1). The magnitudes of out-of-center distortions and dipole moment calculations for TiF 6 octahedra will be also reported. - Graphical abstract: The out-of-center distortion of TiF 6 octahedron in the polar noncentrosymmetric [C(NH 2 ) 3 ] 2 TiF 6 is attributable to the hydrogen-bonding interactions between the F in TiF 6 octahedron and the H–N in the [C(NH 2 ) 3 ] + . Highlights: ► Two titanium fluorides materials have been synthesized in high yields. ► Hydrogen-bonds are crucial for the out-of-center distortion of TiF 6 octahedra. ► [C(NH 2 ) 3 ] 2 TiF 6 has a SHG efficiency of 25× that of α-SiO 2 .

  10. Complexation of c6-ceramide with cholesteryl phosphocholine - a potent solvent-free ceramide delivery formulation for cells in culture.

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    Pramod Sukumaran

    Full Text Available Ceramides are potent bioactive molecules in cells. However, they are very hydrophobic molecules, and difficult to deliver efficiently to cells. We have made fluid bilayers from a short-chain D-erythro-ceramide (C6-Cer and cholesteryl phosphocholine (CholPC, and have used this as a formulation to deliver ceramide to cells. C6-Cer complexed with CholPC led to much larger biological effects in cultured cells (rat thyroid FRTL-5 and human HeLa cells in culture compared to C6-Cer dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO. Inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis was significantly more efficient by C6-Cer/CholPC compared to C6-Cer dissolved in DMSO. C6-Cer/CholPC also permeated cell membranes and caused mitochondrial Ca(2+ influx more efficiently than C6-Cer in DMSO. Even though CholPC was taken up by cells to some extent (from C6-Cer/CholPC bilayers, and was partially hydrolyzed to free cholesterol (about 9%, none of the antiproliferative effects were due to CholPC or excess cholesterol. The ceramide effect was not limited to D-erythro-C6-Cer, since L-erythro-C6-Cer and D-erythro-C6-dihydroCer also inhibited cell priolifereation and affected Ca(2+ homeostasis. We conclude that C6-Cer complexed to CholPC increased the bioavailability of the short-chain ceramide for cells, and potentiated its effects in comparison to solvent-dissolved C6-Cer. This new ceramide formulation appears to be superior to previous solvent delivery approaches, and may even be useful with longer-chain ceramides.

  11. Obesidad pregestacional como factor de riesgo asociado a preeclampsia

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    Zoila Moreno


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la obesidad como factor de riesgo de preeclampsia. Diseño: Estudio caso control realizado en el Hospital Dos de Mayo, Lima, Perú. Material y Métodos: Después de excluir 35 pacientes, se comparó 107 mujeres preeclámpticas con 107 gestantes normotensas, pareadas para edad gestacional (±1 semana. Se correlacionó peso pregestacional con la presencia de preeclampsia usando chi-cuadrado; se empleó t de student para comparar promedios y se controló variables confusoras usando la regresión logística. Resultados: La preeclampsia estuvo asociada con una edad de 35 años o más (OR 3,0; IC 95% 1,2 a 7,9, historia de preeclampsia en el embarazo previo (OR 5,4; IC 95% 1,6 a 17,9 y obesidad (OR 6,5; 6,2 a 2,8, considerada como el tercil más alto de los parámetros índice de masa corporal (IMC, pliegue tricipital y circunferencia braquial media en el grupo control. Existió significativa tendencia linear de riesgo de preeclampsia con estos parámetros (p< 0,001. Conclusiones: Las mujeres obesas deben ser cuidadosamente controladas, para reducir la incidencia de preeclampsia y sus complicaciones.

  12. Pastas de Rhodomonas salina (Cryptophyta como alimento para Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera

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    Miguel Guevara


    Full Text Available Pastas de Rhodomonas salina, obtenidas mediante centrifugación y floculación con quitosano y preservadas con o sin vitamina C, a -20°C fueron evaluadas bioquímicamente y proporcionadas como alimento al rotífero Brachionus plicatilis. Las pastas microalgales: (1 centrifugada y con vitamina C (CV, (2 centrifugada y sin vitamina C (C, (3 floculada y con vitamina C (FV y (4 floculada y sin adición de vitamina C (F; mantuvieron sus contenidos de proteínas y lípidos totales similares al cultivo control, con valores de 40.0±2.32% y 12.0±1.45%, respectivamente. La relación feofitina a/clorofila a fue similar (0.09-0.11 entre las pastas centrifugadas y el cultivo control, pero mayor en las pastas floculadas (1.28-1.48. Las pastas centrifugadas presentaron porcentajes de PUFAs totales, EPA y DHA similares al cultivo control (PUFAs: 47%, EPA: 4% y DHA: 4.7% y superiores al de las pastas floculadas. Las pastas obtenidas por centrifugación indujeron un crecimiento del rotífero igual al obtenido con el alimento control (densidad máxima: 320rotíferos/mL; tasa instantánea de crecimiento: 0.23rotíferos/día, fecundidad: 1.49huevos/ hembra y productividad: 43x103rotíferos/L/día. Se concluye que la pasta de R. salina centrifugada y congelada a -20°C, durante cuatro semanas, sin adición de vitamina C, mantiene su calidad nutricional similar a la del alga fresca y puede ser usada como alimento de Brachionus plicatilis.

  13. Antitumor Activity of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells during Direct or Indirect Co-Culturing with C6 Glioma Cells. (United States)

    Gabashvili, A N; Baklaushev, V P; Grinenko, N F; Mel'nikov, P A; Cherepanov, S A; Levinsky, A B; Chehonin, V P


    The tumor-suppressive effect of rat mesenchymal stem cells against low-differentiated rat C6 glioma cells during their direct and indirect co-culturing and during culturing of C6 glioma cells in the medium conditioned by mesenchymal stem cells was studied in an in vitro experiment. The most pronounced antitumor activity of mesenchymal stem cells was observed during direct co-culturing with C6 glioma cells. The number of live C6 glioma cells during indirect co-culturing and during culturing in conditioned medium was slightly higher than during direct co-culturing, but significantly differed from the control (C6 glioma cells cultured in medium conditioned by C6 glioma cells). The cytotoxic effect of medium conditioned by mesenchymal stem cells was not related to medium depletion by glioma cells during their growth. The medium conditioned by other "non-stem" cells (rat astrocytes and fibroblasts) produced no tumor-suppressive effect. Rat mesenchymal stem cells, similar to rat C6 glioma cells express connexin 43, the main astroglial gap junction protein. During co-culturing, mesenchymal stem cells and glioma C6 cells formed functionally active gap junctions. Gap junction blockade with connexon inhibitor carbenoxolone attenuated the antitumor effect observed during direct co-culturing of C6 glioma cells and mesenchymal stem cells to the level produced by conditioned medium. Cell-cell signaling mediated by gap junctions can be a mechanism of the tumor-suppressive effect of mesenchymal stem cells against C6 glioma cells. This phenomenon can be used for the development of new methods of cell therapy for high-grade malignant gliomas.

  14. Effect of High-Dose Vitamin C Infusion in a Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase-Deficient Patient (United States)

    Gerber, Bryan; Kenyon, Katharine; Muthukanagaraj, Purushothaman


    Vitamin C supplementation is generally regarded as benign. There has been a resurgence of interest in the general medical community regarding the use of vitamin C most notably in the care of sepsis. Nonetheless, caution must be taken if supraphysiologic vitamin C supplementation is being administered as it should be considered a medication just like any other. We present a case of hemolysis in a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase- (G6PD-) deficient patient receiving high-dose vitamin C infusions for his rheumatoid arthritis. PMID:29317868

  15. Streptomycetes antagonism against Cladosporium fulvum Cooke and Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. lycopersici Antagonismo de estreptomicetos a Cladosporium fulvum Cooke e Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. lycopersici

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    Ana Cristina Fermino Soares


    Full Text Available This research aimed to evaluate the secondary effects of secondary metabolites produced by streptomycetes on spore germination and mycelial growth of the phytopathogenic fungi Cladosporium fulvum Cooke and Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. lycopersici from tomato plants. Metabolites produced by streptomycete isolates codified as AC-147 and AC-92 caused 94.1% inhibition of C. fulvum while AC-95 isolate caused 33.9% inhibition. AC-92 was the most efficient for F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, causing 94.2% inhibition of spore germination. For mycelial growth, AC-26 and AC-92 were the most efficient in inhibiting C. fulvum growth by 46.6% and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by 29.9%. These streptomycetes are potential agents for biocontrol development methods of these tomato plant pathogenic fungi.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de metabólitos secundários produzidos por estreptomicetos na germinação de esporos e no crescimento micelial dos fungos Cladosporium fulvum Cooke e Fusarium oxysporum sp. f. lycopersici da cultura do tomateiro. Metabólitos produzidos pelos isolados AC-147 e AC-92 causaram 94,1% de inibição da germinação de esporos de C. fluvum, enquanto que o isolado AC-95 causou 33,9% de inibição. O AC-92 foi o mais eficiente para F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, causando 94,2% de inibição na germinação de esporos. Para o crescimento micelial, AC-26 e AC-92 foram os mais eficientes na inibição dos fungos C. fulvum, em 46,6%, e F. oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici, em 29,9%. Esses estreptomicetos são potenciais agentes para o desenvolvimento de métodos de controle biológico desses fungos fitopatogênicos do tomateiro.

  16. Mapeamento de Empresas Industriais no Estado de Mato Grosso

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    Rafael Vitaliano Ferreira Coelho


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou mapear potenciais Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs Industriais no estado de Mato Grosso, por meio de dados quantitativos de Unidades Empresariais e Industriais, obtidos pelo Banco de Dados da JUCEMAT – Junta Comercial do Estado de Mato Grosso, no período de janeiro de 2010 a dezembro de 2013. Foi adotado como metodologia de identificação de APLs potenciais o Coeficiente Locacional (QL. A partir dos dados, foram feitas análises buscando evidenciar as aglomerações industriais dentre o universo total de empresas distribuídas entre os 141 municípios mato-grossenses. Os resultados indicaram cerca de 70 municípios potenciais especialistas em indústria extrativa no período entre 2010 e 2013, sendo que 14 foram classificadas no 1º quartil dos municípios com QL>1 em todo o período. Além disso, cerca de 68 municípios apresentaram QL>1 para indústria de transformação e 12 locais encontram-se no 1º quartil deste grupo no período 2010-2013. De forma geral, a mesorregião Norte Mato-grossense apresentou maior aglomeração de municípios especializados em indústria, indicando potencial de adensamento produtivo. Em que pese a reduzida participação da indústria extrativa no PIB regional, o número de empreendimentos extrativos cresceu a uma taxa geométrica de 3,88% ao ano entre 2010 e 2013, frente a uma expansão de 4,64% de todo o tecido empresarial e de 0,22% das indústrias transformadoras no mesmo período. Concluem-se da necessidade de criação de mecanismos de atratividade e adensamento dos APLs potenciais industriais, aproveitando o nível de especialização existente para que haja maior agregação de valor dos produtos agropecuários de Mato Grosso.

  17. A comparative study of the progression of radiation pulmonary injury in C57BL/6J and C3H/HeN mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Ying; Li Yang; Peng Ruiyun; Wang Shuming; Gao Yabing; Ma Junjie; Song Liangwen


    Objective: To compare the course of radiation pulmonary injury in C57BL/6J and C3H/HeN mice. Methods: C57BL/6J and C3H/HeN mice irradiated with 20 Gy 60 Co gamma rays were used as animal models. Sirius red staining and hydroxyproline measurement were used to detect the distribution of type I and III collagens and the content of pulmonary hydroxyproline. Immunohistochemistry was used to observe the changes of the expressions of fibronectin (FN) and laminin (LN) and alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in the lung. Results: The changes in the lungs in C57BL/6J mice were as follows: the pathological changes undergone interstitial pneumonia, proliferation and fibrosis; significant increase of collagen deposition; FN increased rapidly to a significantly higher level at 1 and 3 months after irradiation than that in the control (P<0.01), and then decreased gradually to a normal level at 6 month after irradiation; LN elevated gradually after irradiation; the expressions of α-SMA were more intense than that in C3H/HeN mice. The changes in the lungs in C3H/HeN mice were as follows: the pathological changes mainly developed institial pneumonitis; no significant changes of FN expression was observed after irradiation compared to that in the control; LN increased significantly at 1 and 3 months after irradiation, and then decreased gradually. Conclusions: The models of radiation pulmonary fibrosis-sensitive and-resistant were established by irradiation with gamma rays, C57BL/6J mice developed late radiation pulmonary fibrosis, and were characterized by the significant accumulation of collagen. C3H/HeN mice did not develop radiation pulmonary fibrosis. (authors)

  18. Ion irradiation-induced precipitation of Cr23C6 at dislocation loops in austenitic steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin, Shuoxue; Guo, Liping; Luo, Fengfeng; Yao, Zhongwen; Ma, Shuli; Tang, Rui


    The irradiation-induced precipitates in argon ion-irradiated austenitic stainless steel at 550 °C were examined via transmission electron microscopy. The selected-area electron diffraction patterns of precipitates indicated unambiguously that the precipitates were Cr 23 C 6 carbides. It was observed directly for the first time that irradiation-induced Cr 23 C 6 precipitates formed at dislocation loops in austenitic stainless steel, and coarsened with increasing irradiation dose.

  19. Increased Prevalence of the IL-6-174C Genetic Polymorphism in Long Distance Swimmers. (United States)

    Ben-Zaken, Sigal; Meckel, Yoav; Nemet, Dan; Kassem, Eias; Eliakim, Alon


    The IL-6 -174G/C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) functionally affects IL-6 activity, with the G-allele associated with increased IL-6 levels. The C-allele was found to be associated with exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between the IL-6 -174G/C polymorphism and athletic performance among elite swimmers and runners. The study sample included 180 track and field athletes and 80 swimmers. Track and field athletes were assigned to three sub-groups: long-distance runners, middle-distance runners and short-distance runners. Swimmers were assigned to two subgroups: long-distance swimmers and short-distance swimmers. The control group consisted of 123 non-athletic healthy individuals. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood following a standard protocol. Genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The CC genotype and C-allele frequency were significantly higher in the long-distance swimmers (18 and 43%, respectively) compared to the long-distance runners (3 and 14%, respectively, p < 0.001); middle-distance runners (4 and 22%, respectively, p < 0.001); and controls (5 and 19%, respectively, p < 0.001). In addition, the CC genotype and C-allele frequency were significantly higher (p < 0.001) in long-distance swimmers compared to short-distance swimmers (18 versus 5% and 43 versus 29% for the CC genotype and C-allele frequency, respectively). The higher frequency of the C-allele and CC genotype among long-distance swimmers suggests that the rarity of exercise-associated rhabdomyolysis among swimmers is probably related to other sports-specific or water-related protective mechanisms. It is possible that swimming selection in talented endurance athletes who are C-allele carriers represents an example of genetically-dependent sports selection.

  20. Synergistic effects of iodine and silver ions co-implanted in 6H–SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuhudzai, R.J.; Malherbe, J.B.; Hlatshwayo, T.T.; Berg, N.G. van der; Devaraj, A.; Zhu, Z.; Nandasiri, M.


    Motivated by the aim of understanding the release of fission products through the SiC coating of fuel kernels in modern high temperature nuclear reactors, a fundamental investigation is conducted to understand the synergistic effects of implanted silver (Ag) and iodine (I) in 6H–SiC. The implantation of the individual species, as well as the co-implantation of 360 keV ions of I and Ag at room temperature in 6H–SiC and their subsequent annealing behaviour has been investigated by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). SIMS and APT measurements indicated the presence of Ag in the co-implanted samples after annealing at 1500 °C for 30 h in sharp contrast to the samples implanted with Ag only. In samples implanted with Ag only, complete loss of the implanted Ag was observed. However, for I only implanted samples, some iodine was retained. APT of annealed co-implanted 6H–SiC showed clear spatial association of Ag and I clusters in SiC, which can be attributed to the observed I assisted retention of Ag after annealing. Such detailed studies will be necessary to identify the fundamental mechanism of fission products migration through SiC coatings. - Highlights: • Co-implantation of Ag and I ions in 6H–SiC was performed. • Clear spatial association of Ag and I clusters observed after annealing. • Complete loss of Ag after high temperature annealing of silver only sample. • Iodine was retained in iodine only sample after high temperature annealing. • Iodine was found to play a role in the retention of Ag in the co-implanted samples.

  1. Increased Prevalence of the IL-6 -174C Genetic Polymorphism in Long Distance Swimmers

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    Ben-Zaken Sigal


    Full Text Available The IL-6 -174G/C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP functionally affects IL-6 activity, with the G-allele associated with increased IL-6 levels. The C-allele was found to be associated with exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between the IL-6 -174G/C polymorphism and athletic performance among elite swimmers and runners. The study sample included 180 track and field athletes and 80 swimmers. Track and field athletes were assigned to three sub-groups: long-distance runners, middle-distance runners and short-distance runners. Swimmers were assigned to two subgroups: long-distance swimmers and short-distance swimmers. The control group consisted of 123 non-athletic healthy individuals. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood following a standard protocol. Genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR. The CC genotype and C-allele frequency were significantly higher in the long-distance swimmers (18 and 43%, respectively compared to the long-distance runners (3 and 14%, respectively, p < 0.001; middle-distance runners (4 and 22%, respectively, p < 0.001; and controls (5 and 19%, respectively, p < 0.001. In addition, the CC genotype and C-allele frequency were significantly higher (p < 0.001 in long-distance swimmers compared to short-distance swimmers (18 versus 5% and 43 versus 29% for the CC genotype and C-allele frequency, respectively. The higher frequency of the C-allele and CC genotype among long-distance swimmers suggests that the rarity of exercise-associated rhabdomyolysis among swimmers is probably related to other sports-specific or water-related protective mechanisms. It is possible that swimming selection in talented endurance athletes who are C-allele carriers represents an example of genetically-dependent sports selection.

  2. Decreased catalytic activity and altered activation properties of PDE6C mutants associated with autosomal recessive achromatopsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grau, Tanja; Artemyev, Nikolai O; Rosenberg, Thomas


    study on PDE6C mutations including the mutation spectrum, its prevalence in a large cohort of ACHM/cone dysfunction patients, the clinical phenotype and the functional characterization of mutant PDE6C proteins. Twelve affected patients from seven independent families segregating PDE6C mutations were......Mutations in the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the cone photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6C) have been recently reported in patients with autosomal recessive inherited achromatopsia (ACHM) and early-onset cone photoreceptor dysfunction. Here we present the results of a comprehensive...... identified in our total patient cohort of 492 independent families. Eleven different PDE6C mutations were found including two nonsense mutations, three mutations affecting transcript splicing as shown by minigene assays, one 1 bp-insertion and five missense mutations. We also performed a detailed functional...

  3. Materiales híbridos basados en fosfato de vanadilo y polímeros conductores como cátodos en baterías reversibles de litio

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    Cuentas-Gallegos, A. K.


    Full Text Available Vanadyl phosphate is a well known layered inorganic phase, capable of intercalating a great variety of organic molecules. By means of an in-situ polymerisation of aniline or pyrrole between the layers of the inorganic phase, it is possible to obtain organic-inorganic hybrids. We describe the synthesis and characterization of these type of hybrids, and some preliminary results of their application as active cathodic materials for positive electrodes in reversible lithium cells.

    El fosfato de vanadilo es bien conocido como una fase inorgánica laminar capaz de intercalar una gran variedad de moléculas orgánicas. Mediante la polimerización in-situ, de anilina o pirrol, en la fase inorgánica es posible preparar materiales híbridos orgánico-inorgánicos en los que el polímero queda intercalado. Se describe la síntesis y caracterización de este tipo de híbridos y algunos resultados preliminares de su aplicación como materiales activos de cátodo en celdas reversibles de litio.

  4. Micromechanics of fiber pull-out and crack bridging in SCS-6 SiC- CVD SiC composite system at high-temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Azab, A.; Ghoniem, N.M.


    A micro mechanical model is developed to study fiber pull-out and crack bridging in fiber reinforced SiC-SiC composites with time dependent thermal creep. By analyzing the creep data for monolithic CVD SiC (matrix) and the SCS-6 SiC fibers in the temperature range 900-1250 degrees C, it is found that the matrix creep rates can be ignored in comparison to those of fibers. Two important relationships are obtained: (1) a time dependent relation between the pull-out stress and the relative sliding distance between the fiber and matrix for the purpose of analyzing pull-out experiments, and (2) the relation between the bridging stress and the crack opening displacement to be used in studying the mechanics and stability of matrix crack bridged by fibers at high temperatures. The present analysis can also be applied to Nicalon-reinforced CVD SiC matrix system since the Nicalon fibers exhibit creep characteristics similar to those of the SCS-6 fibers

  5. Sensitivity of C6 Glioma Cells Carrying the Human Poliovirus Receptor to Oncolytic Polioviruses. (United States)

    Sosnovtseva, A O; Lipatova, A V; Grinenko, N F; Baklaushev, V P; Chumakov, P M; Chekhonin, V P


    A humanized line of rat C6 glioma cells expressing human poliovirus receptor was obtained and tested for the sensitivity to oncolytic effects of vaccine strains of type 1, 2, and 3 polioviruses. Presentation of the poliovirus receptor on the surface of C6 glioma cells was shown to be a necessary condition for the interaction of cells with polioviruses, but insufficient for complete poliovirus oncolysis.

  6. Evaluación del comportamiento hidráulico en un reactor anaerobio de doble cámara (RADCA

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    Nancy Rincón


    tales como cortos circuitos, zonas muertas y recirculación interna afectan su desempeño. En esta investigación se evaluó el comportamiento hidráulico de un reactor anaerobio de doble cámara (RADCA de 534,5 L (cámara 1=305 L y cámara 2= 229,5 L como innovación tecnológica de los reactores UASB. El RADCA fue alimentado con agua residual municipal (ARM de la ciudad de Maracaibo, Venezuela; cada una de las cámaras fueron inoculadas con lodo granular (20% v/v proveniente de una cervecería local. La evaluación hidráulica se realizó en la fase líquida y en operación utilizando Li+ (LiCl como trazador aplicado de forma instantánea en el afluente a tiempo de retención hidráulico teórico (TRHt de 6 horas; 3,4 h en la cámara 1 y 2,6 para la cámara 2. El RADCA describió un flujo pistón en ambas cámaras y una eficiencia hidráulica cercana a la unidad (1 indicando una presencia casi nula de zonas muertas. La eficiencia de remoción de la DQO total (DQOT del RADCA se mantuvo en el rango de 59,77% a 74,64% con un promedio de 68,26%. Para las cámaras 1 y 2 la eficiencia promedio fue 60,4 y 20,94% con una producción de biogás (L/h de 2,768 y 0,541 respectivamente.

  7. A DPOC como uma doença de envelhecimento acelerado

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    Kazuhiro Ito


    de oxigénio (ROS, da falência em reparar o ADN lesado e do encurtamento do telómero. Os telómeros protegem as extremidades dos cromossomas, mas, quando se encontram expostos a elevados níveis de stress oxidativo, vão-se encurtando progressivamente à medida que as células se dividem. Com o envelhecimento, a perda e encurtamento dos telómeros condicionam o declínio da capacidade para as células se dividirem – senescência replicativa.O stress oxidativo causa lesão do ADN, o que acelera o processo de envelhecimento e aumenta o risco de cancro (exemplo, a senescência da glândula mamária e o risco elevado de cancro da mama.Os gases ambientais, como o fumo do cigarro ou outros poluentes, podem acelerar o envelhecimento do pulmão ou agravar os eventos relacionados com o envelhecimento pulmonar através de uma resolução defeituosa da inflamação. A redução das moléculas anti-envelhecimento como as histona desacetilases e as sirtuínas, pode igualmente induzir a progressão acelerada para a DPOC.Ainda não é claro como é que o processo de envelhecimento está envolvido no declínio da função pulmonar e na inflamação da DPOC. Contudo, o pulmão do idoso e o pulmão do doente com DPOC apresentam muitas semelhanças. A lesão provocada pelo fumo do cigarro e outros pneumopoluentes conduz a um declínio mais acelerado da função pulmonar, com falência dos mecanismos de reparação e de manutenção. A presença de inflamação nos dois processos (envelhecimento e DPOC traduz-se em acumulação de neutrófilos, na activação da NF-kB e na elevação dos níveis plasmáticos de interleucinas IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-α. Também os telómeros das células alveolares tipo II, das células endoteliais e das células mononucleares em doentes com enfisema são significativamente mais curtos do que em indivíduos n

  8. Comparative study on stress in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures grown on 6H-SiC, Si and on composite substrates of the 6H-SiC/poly-SiC and Si/poly-SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guziewicz, M; Kaminska, E; Piotrowska, A; Golaszewska, K; Domagala, J Z; Poisson, M-A; Lahreche, H; Langer, R; Bove, P


    The stresses in GaN-based HEMT structures grown on both single crystal 6H SiC(0001) and Si(111) have been compared to these in the HEMT structures grown on new composite substrates engendered as a thin monocrystalline film attached to polycrystalline 3C-SiC substrate. By using HRXRD technique and wafer curvature method we show that stress of monocrystalline layer in composite substrates of the type mono-Si/poly-SiC is lower than 100 MPa and residual stress of epitaxial GaN buffer grown on the composite substrate does not exceed 0.31 GPa, but in the cases of single crystal SiC or Si substrates the GaN buffer stress is compressive in the range of -0.5 to -0.75 GPa. The total stress of the HEMT structure calculated from strains is consistent with the averaged stress of the multilayers stack measured by wafer curvature method. The averaged stress of HEMT structure grown on single crystals is higher than those in structures grown on composites substrates

  9. Search for [C II] emission in z = 6.5-11 star-forming galaxies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    González-López, Jorge; Infante, Leopoldo [Instituto de Astrofísica, Facultad de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, 782-0436 Macul, Santiago (Chile); Riechers, Dominik A., E-mail:, E-mail: [Astronomy Department, Cornell University 220 Space Sciences Building, Ithaca, NY 14853 (United States); and others


    We present the search for the [C II] emission line in three z > 6.5 Lyα emitters (LAEs) and one J-dropout galaxy using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy and the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. We observed three bright z ∼ 6.5-7 LAEs discovered in the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) and the multiple imaged lensed z ∼ 11 galaxy candidate found behind the galaxy cluster MACSJ0647.7+7015. For the LAEs IOK-1 (z = 6.965), SDF J132415.7+273058 (z = 6.541), and SDF J132408.3+271543 (z = 6.554) we find upper limits for the [C II] line luminosity of <2.05, <4.52, and <10.56 × 10{sup 8} L {sub ☉}, respectively. We find upper limits to the far-IR (FIR) luminosity of the galaxies using a spectral energy distribution template of the local galaxy NGC 6946 and taking into account the effects of the cosmic microwave background on the millimeter observations. For IOK-1, SDF J132415.7+273058, and SDF J132408.3+271543 we find upper limits for the FIR luminosity of <2.33, 3.79, and 7.72 × 10{sup 11} L {sub ☉}, respectively. For the lensed galaxy MACS0647-JD, one of the highest-redshift galaxy candidates to date with z{sub ph}=10.7{sub −0.4}{sup +0.6}, we put an upper limit in the [C II] emission of <1.36 × 10{sup 8} × (μ/15){sup –1} L {sub ☉} and an upper limit in the FIR luminosity of <6.1 × 10{sup 10} × (μ/15){sup –1} L {sub ☉} (where μ is the magnification factor). We explore the different conditions relevant for the search for [C II] emission in high-redshift galaxies as well as the difficulties for future observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope (CCAT).

  10. A condicionalidade como zona conceitual

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    Taísa Peres de OLIVEIRA

    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho avaliam-se diferentes padrões de construções condicionais no português a partir dos parâmetros de condicionalidade. O objetivo principal é mostrar como a categoria está internamente organizada não apenas em termos de um núcleo prototípico, mas mostrando como os exemplares mais periféricos se relacionam a ele. As bases teóricas deste trabalho assentam-se sobre concepções funcional-cognitivistas, nos termos de Bybee (2010 e Dancygier (1998, especialmente considerando a relativa instabilidade da gramática e a fluidez da categoria. As reflexões principais apontam a condicionalidade como uma categoria bastante complexa que serve de/como abrigo de múltiplas construções.

  11. Os Novos Serviços na Sociedade da Informação: o Caso do Uber na Cidade de São Paulo

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    Marcelo Guerra Martins


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como foco o serviço de transporte por meio da utilização do Uber, tecnologia típica da sociedade da informação, pautada pela utilização da internet e de equipamentos eletrônicos como tablets e smartphones. São abordados também os aspectos sociais, econômicos e jurídicos dessa novel tecnologia de transporte nas grandes cidades brasileiras, com ênfase na cidade de São Paulo, que regulou o uso do Uber em 2016. As conclusões enfatizam a compatibilidade do novo serviço com o sistema jurídico brasileiro, bem como as potenciais vantagens em relação ao transporte realizado pelos taxis tradicionais. A metodologia utilizada é o estudo bibliográfico com caráter qualitativo e indutivo.

  12. “Proyecto Couchsurfing como herramienta comunicacional para el intercambio cultural”


    León Paredes, Gabriela Fernanda


    En esta era digital en la que vivimos, se evidencia cómo el ser humano se ve involucrado en procesos de transformación tanto a nivel comunicacional como de interacción con los demás. Estas transformaciones, están determinadas por las conexiones entre lo digital y lo humano, es decir, se da mucha importancia a los aspectos digitales que también promulgan las relaciones sociales. Por tanto, este trabajo muestra cómo las tecnologías de la ...

  13. Avaliação do potencial farmacológico de café (Coffea arabica L.) verde e torrado


    Moreira, Maria Eliza de Castro


    O café é uma das matérias-primas com maior importância no comércio internacional e uma das bebidas mais apreciadas em todo mundo, principalmente por seus atributos sensoriais e efeito estimulante. Devido ao seu elevado e distribuído consumo mundial, os potenciais efeitos na saúde tem sido estudados em diversos modelos experimentais, tendo sido provado que seu consumo pode contribuir para a redução de ocorrência de doenças como Parkinson, diabetes, Alzheimer, perda de peso e hepatopatias. Os g...

  14. Efeito da prática de trabalhos manuais sobre a autoimagem de idosos


    Guedes, Maria Heliana Mota; Guedes, Helisamara Mota; Almeida, Martha Elisa Ferreira de


    A população mundial vem envelhecendo com rapidez; assim, a expectativa de vida vem aumentando e as pessoas estão prolongando seus anos de vida. A arte permite ao ser humano a liberação de seus sentimentos e emoções, aumentando a qualidade afetiva das relações interpessoais, pela melhora da comunicação, fortalecimento da autoimagem e redescoberta de potenciais criativos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar de que forma a prática dos trabalhos manuais pode influenciar a autoimagem do id...

  15. Métodos alternativos do teste de frio para avaliação do vigor de sementes de milho Alternative methods of the cold test for evaluation of corn seed vigor


    Roseli Fátima Caseiro; Júlio Marcos Filho


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo básico estudar comparativamente quatro métodos para a condução do teste de frio, visando a avaliação do potencial fisiológico das sementes de milho. Para tanto, foram utilizados dois cultivares de milho (AG 3010 e AG 5011), cada um representado por 5 lotes com potenciais fisiológicos distintos. Amostras de sementes de todos os lotes foram submetidas a quatro procedimentos do teste de frio, a saber: "terra" (mistura de terra e areia) em caixas empilhadas ...

  16. Síntese e caracterização de nanoestruturas compósitas


    Neves, Márcia Carvalho


    Os nanocompósitos de semicondutores têm uma elevada importância tecnológica devido às suas propriedades serem condicionadas pelo tamanho que apresentam. Estes materiais poderão ter aplicações tão variadas como em fotocatálise, em fungicidas, biomedicina ou em dispositivos optoelectrónicos. O primeiro capítulo desta tese faz uma breve contextualização do trabalho no âmbito geral da Nanotecnologia e Nanociência: principais estratégias, nanomateriais e potenciais aplicações. Investigou-se a depo...

  17. Variação espacial da fotossíntese e de mecanismos de fotoproteção no cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)


    Dias, Paulo Cesar


    O comportamento das trocas gasosas, dos parâmetros de fluorescência da clorofila a e do sistema antioxidativo foi estudado em plantas adultas de café arábica cultivadas em campo e orientadas no sentido norte-sul, em Viçosa-MG, objetivando-se identificar potenciais mecanismos de fotoproteção e avaliar como tais mecanismos se ajustariam espacial e diurnamente. Para isso, procederam-se às avaliações em diferentes posições da copa, em agosto de 2005, época relativamente fria, seca e com alta inso...

  18. Ambiente institucional e organização de redes de franquias: uma comparação entre Brasil e França.


    Vivian Lara dos Santos Silva


    Esta tese discute os impactos do ambiente institucional, interpretado como as regras formais e informais que definem o espaço de interações entre os atores econômicos (NORTH, 1990), sobre o modo de organização de redes de franquias. Os potenciais riscos de perda de valor da marca franqueada principal ativo em redes de franquias (RUBIN, 1978) orientam a escolha desse modo de organização. Em decorrência da divergência de interesses intrínseca à relação franqueado-franqueador, e...

  19. Terapia nutricional no diabetes gestacional


    Padilha,Patricia de Carvalho; Sena,Ana Beatriz; Nogueira,Jamile Lima; Araújo,Roberta Pimenta da Silva; Alves,Priscila Dutra; Accioly,Elizabeth; Saunders,Cláudia


    Trata-se de uma revisão da literatura científica sobre a terapia nutricional no Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional, sem restrição de data e com fontes primárias indexadas nas bases de dados SciELO, PubMed, Medline. Os resultados desta revisão apontam a intervenção nutricional como uma importante aliada no controle do Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional, trazendo potenciais benefícios à saúde materno-fetal. Na avaliação do estado nutricional materno devem ser empregados os indicadores antropométricos, di...

  20. Benzoquinona e hidroquinona preniladas y otros constituyentes aislados de Piper Bogotense C. DC.


    Luz Angela Peña; Eliseo Avella; Aura María Puentes de Díaz


    Dos compuestos, que innovan la química conocida del género Piper, (2'E,6'E)-2- famesilhidroquinona, (2'E,6'E)-2-famesil- 1,4-benzoquinona, y a-D-glucosa fueron aislados de los frutos de Piper bogotense C. DC; los tallos y las hojas presentaron, como constimyentes mayoritarios, lactama del ácido 10-amino-4-hidroxi-2,3-dimetoxifenantreno carboxílico, 1,2-metilendioxi- 6-metil-4H-dibenzo lde,g] quinolina- ,5(6H)-diona (Cefaradiona A), estigmasterol y sitosterol. Adicionalmente de las ho...

  1. Benzoquinona e hidroquinona preniladas y otros constituyentes aislados de piper bogotense c. dc.


    Peña, Luz Angela; Avella, Eliseo; Puentes de Díaz, Aura María


    Dos compuestos, que innovan la química conocida del género Piper, (2'E,6'E)-2- famesilhidroquinona, (2'E,6'E)-2-famesil- 1,4-benzoquinona, y a-D-glucosa fueron aislados de los frutos de Piper bogotense C. DC; los tallos y las hojas presentaron, como constimyentes mayoritarios, lactama del ácido 10-amino-4-hidroxi-2,3-dimetoxifenantreno carboxílico, 1,2-metilendioxi- 6-metil-4H-dibenzo lde,g] quinolina- ,5(6H)-diona (Cefaradiona A), estigmasterol y sitosterol. Adicionalmente de las ho...

  2. Low-temperature thermal expansion of pure and inert gas-doped fullerite C sub 6 sub 0

    CERN Document Server

    Aleksandrovskii, A N; Eselson, V B; Gavrilko, V G; Manzhelii, V G; Udovidchenko, B G; Bakai, A S; Gadd, G E; Moricca, S; Sundqvist, B


    The low temperature (2-24 K) thermal expansion of pure (single-crystal and polycrystalline) C sub 6 sub 0 and polycrystalline C sub 6 sub 0 intercalated with He, Ne, Ar, and Kr has been investigated using the high-resolution capacitance dilatometer. The investigation of the time dependence of the sample length variations DELTA L(t) on heating by DELTA T shows that the thermal expansion is determined by the sum of positive and negative contributions, which have different relaxation times. The negative thermal expansion usually prevails at helium temperatures. The positive expansion is connected with the phonon thermalization of the system. The negative expansion is caused by reorientation of the C sub 6 sub 0 molecules. It is assumed that the reorientation is of a quantum character. The inert gas impurities affect the reorientation of the C6 sub sub 0 molecules very strongly, especially at liquid helium temperatures. A temperature hysteresis of the thermal expansion coefficient of Kr- and He-C sub 6 sub 0 solu...

  3. Nonuniformities of electrical resistivity in undoped 6H-SiC wafers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Q.; Polyakov, A.Y.; Skowronski, M.; Sanchez, E.K.; Loboda, M.J.; Fanton, M.A.; Bogart, T.; Gamble, R.D.


    Chemical elemental analysis, temperature-dependent Hall measurements, deep-level transient spectroscopy, and contactless resistivity mapping were performed on undoped semi-insulating (SI) and lightly nitrogen-doped conducting 6H-SiC crystals grown by physical vapor transport (PVT). Resistivity maps of commercial semi-insulating SiC wafers revealed resistivity variations across the wafers between one and two orders of magnitude. Two major types of variations were identified. First is the U-shape distribution with low resistivity in the center and high in the periphery of the wafer. The second type had an inverted U-shape distribution. Secondary-ion-mass spectrometry measurements of the distribution of nitrogen concentration along the growth axis and across the wafers sliced from different locations of lightly nitrogen-doped 6H-SiC boules were conducted. The measured nitrogen concentration gradually decreased along the growth direction and from the center to the periphery of the wafers. This change gives rise to the U-like distribution of resistivity in wafers of undoped SI-SiC. The concentrations of deep electron traps exhibited similar dependence. Compensation of nitrogen donors by these traps can result in the inverted U-like distribution of resistivity. Possible reasons for the observed nonuniformities include formation of a (0001) facet in PVT growth coupled with orientation-dependent nitrogen incorporation, systematic changes of the gas phase composition, and increase of the deposition temperature during boule growth

  4. [Effects of nootropic drugs on behavior of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice in the exploratory cross-maze test]. (United States)

    Vasil'eva, E V; Salimov, R M; Kovalev, G I


    Exploratory behavior, locomotor activity, and anxiety in inbred mice of C57BL/6 and BALB/c strains subchronically treated with placebo or various types of nootropic (cognition enhancing) drugs (piracetam, phenotropil, noopept, semax, pantogam, nooglutil) have been evaluated using the exploratory cross-maze test. It was found that BALB/c mice in comparison to C57BL/6 mice are characterized by greater anxiety and lower efficiency of exploratory behavior in the previously unfamiliar environment. All tested drugs clearly improved the exploratory behavior in BALB/c mice only. In BALB/c mice, piracetam, phenotropil, noopept, and semax also reduced anxiety, while phenotropil additionally increased locomotor activity. Thus, the nootropic drugs displayed clear positive modulation of spontaneous orientation in the mice strain with initially low exploratory efficiency (BALB/c) in the cross-maze test. Some drugs (pantogam, nooglutil) exhibited only nootropic properties, while the other drugs exhibited both nootropic effects on the exploratory activity and produced modulation of the anxiety level (piracetam, fenotropil, noopept, semax) and locomotor activity (fenotropil).

  5. Insights into the photocatalytic mechanism of mediator-free direct Z-scheme g-C3N4/Bi2MoO6(010) and g-C3N4/Bi2WO6(010) heterostructures: A hybrid density functional theory study (United States)

    Opoku, Francis; Govender, Krishna Kuben; Sittert, Cornelia Gertina Catharina Elizabeth van; Govender, Penny Poomani


    Graphite-like carbon nitride (g-C3N4)-based heterostructures have received much attention due to their prominent photocatalytic activity. The g-C3N4/Bi2WO6 and g-C3N4/Bi2MoO6 heterostructures, which follow a typical hetero-junction charge transfer mechanisms show a weak potential for hydrogen evolution and reactive radical generation under visible light irradiation. A mediator-free Z-scheme g-C3N4/Bi2MoO6(010) and g-C3N4/Bi2WO6(010) heterostructures photocatalyst are designed for the first time using first-principles studies. Moreover, theoretical understanding of the underlying mechanism, the effects of interfacial composition and the role the interface play in the overall photoactivity is still unexplained. The calculated band gap of the heterostructures is reduced compared to the bulk Bi2WO6 and Bi2MoO6. In this study, we systematically calculated energy band structure, optical properties and charge transfer of the g-C3N4/Bi2MoO6(010) and g-C3N4/Bi2WO6(010) heterostructures using the hybrid density functional theory approach. The results show that the charge transfer at the interface of the heterostructures induces a built-in potential, which benefits the separation of photogenerated charge carriers. The g-C3N4/Bi2MoO6(010) heterostructure with more negative adhesion energy (-1.10 eVA-2) is predicted to have a better adsorptive ability and can form more easily compared to the g-C3N4/Bi2WO6(010) interface (-1.16 eVA-2). Therefore, our results show that the g-C3N4 interaction with Bi2MoO6 is stronger than Bi2WO6, which is also verified by the smaller vertical separation (3.25 Å) between Bi2MoO6 and g-C3N4 compared to the g-C3N4/Bi2WO6(010) interface (3.36 Å). The optical absorption verifies that these proposed Z-scheme heterostructures are excellent visible light harvesting semiconductor photocatalyst materials. This enhancement is ascribed to the role of g-C3N4 monolayer as an electron acceptor and the direct Z-scheme charge carrier transfer at the interface of

  6. Evaluation of EGM 2008 and EIGEN-6C3stat \

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kostelecký, J.; Klokočník, Jaroslav; Bezděk, Aleš

    -, č. 5 (2015), s. 3-12 ISSN 1810-8555 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-36843S Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ)(CZ) CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0090 Institutional support: RVO:67985815 Keywords : gravity field evaluation * EGM 2008 * EIGEN-6C3stat Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics

  7. Quadriplegia recovery after hemi-section and transplant model of spinal cord at the level of C5 and C6. (United States)

    Bitar-Alatorre, W E; Segura-Torres, J E; Rosales-Corral, S A; Jiménez-Avila, J M; Huerta-Viera, M


    A spinal cord hemi-section with a homologous transplant of medullar tissue at the level of C5-C6 and preservation of the anterior spinal artery was used to evaluate the histological characteristics such as quantity and quality of axons, myelin index and blood vessels after quadriplegia recovery. Vascular changes after spinal injury results in severe endothelial damage, axonal edema, neuronal necrosis and demyelinization as well as cysts and infarction. Preservation of the anterior spinal artery has demonstrated clinical recuperation; therefore, in addition to the lesion we included a homologous transplant to visualize changes at a cellular level. Two groups of dogs (hemi-section and transplant) went through a traumatic spinal cord hemi-section of 50% at the level of C5-C6. The transplant group formed by animals which simultaneously had 4 mm of spinal cord removed and the equal amount substituted from a donor animal at the level of C5-C6 corresponding to the half right side; both preserving the anterior spinal artery. Histological evaluation of all groups took place at days 3 (acute) and 28 (chronic) post-operation. Changes of degeneration and axonal regeneration were found in the hemi-section and transplant groups at acute and chronic time, as well as same quadriplegia recovery at chronic time in the hemi-section and transplant groups which closely related to mechanisms which participate in regeneration and functional recuperation due to the preservation of the anterior spinal artery and presence of new blood vessels. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. New type of M23C6 carbide precipitation in an austenitic stainless steel containing niobium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terao, Nobuzo; Sasmal, B.


    An electron microscopic study has been made of precipitation in an austenitic stainless steel, 16Cr-16Ni-0.8Nb-1.8Mo-0.06C. Attention has been focused on structural changes which take place during long ageing treatments, extended up to 14.4 Ms (4000 h). In addition to the wellknown chromium rich M 23 C 6 carbides, which appear, together with NbC, from the beginning of the precipitation treatment at 1073 K, a new plate-like morphology of M 23 C 6 carbide precipitation was observed after long ageing treatments. These M 23 C 6 carbide plates were formed on (110) planes in regions near pre-existing undissolved NbC particles and their edges were bounded by (111) planes of the fcc alloy matrix. It is suggested that this unexpected process might be favoured by the stresses produced around the undissolved NbC particles. (author)

  9. Radio universitaria: trabajo en red como imperativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiziana Cavallo


    Full Text Available Trabajo en red es un concepto clave en la radio universitaria, tanto desde el punto de vista individual como del colectivo. A través de dos estudios de caso, enfocados en la radio universitaria de Italia y de Colombia, este artículo muestra cómo el trabajo en red ha sido decisivo para el fortalecimiento de su función, la ampliación de su impacto, la conformación de su identidad y el crecimiento de su visibilidad en las sociedades en las cuales desarrollan su labor.

  10. El trabajo de campo como proceso. La "etnografía colaborativa" como perspectiva analítica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leticia Katzer


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene una serie de reflexiones elaboradas al poner en diálogo experiencias de campo en el marco de investigaciones individuales; una, con indígenas adscriptos como Huarpes, en el noreste de la provincia de Mendoza; la otra, con indígenas adscriptos como Qom. Éstas reflexiones intentan contribuir a desnaturalizar y visibilizar la complejidad de los contextos de interacción, considerando que abarcan distintas dimensiones y aspectos —tales como posición de los interlocutores en la estructura social, expectativas individuales, experiencias y relaciones previas de los sujetos, y recursos materiales y simbólicos en intermediación—, enfatizando así el carácter situacional y dinámico de esas relaciones de interlocución.A la luz de los actuales debates de la crítica cultural y en un intento por contribuir a los estudios de la Etnografía Colaborativa, el objetivo de este artículo es exponer y describir comparativamente lo que entendemos como performances de campo, situando como objeto de análisis la experiencia etnográfica en sí misma. Entendiendo el trabajo etnográfico como proceso y texto, identificamos tres grandes nudos críticos, reunidos en tres escenas etnográficas, que analizamos como una red multisituada de mediaciones e interrelaciones.

  11. Antitenascin antibody 81C6 armed with {sup 177}Lu: in vivo comparison of macrocyclic and acyclic ligands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yordanov, Alexander T. [Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 27710 (United States); Hens, Marc [Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 27710 (United States); Pegram, Charles [Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 27710 (United States); Bigner, Darell D. [Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 27710 (United States); Zalutsky, Michael R. [Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 27710 (United States)]. E-mail:


    Introduction: When labeled with iodine-131, the antitenascin monoclonal antibody (mAb) 81C6 has shown promise as a targeted radiotherapeutic in patients with brain tumors. Because of its more favorable {gamma}-ray properties, lutetium-177 might be a better low-energy {beta}-emitter for this type of therapy. Materials and Methods: Chimeric 81C6 (ch81C6) was labeled with {sup 177}Lu using the acyclic 1B4M ligand and the macrocyclic ligands NHS-DOTA and MeO-DOTA and evaluated for binding to tenascin. Three paired-label tissue distribution experiments were performed in normal mice receiving one of the {sup 177}Lu-labeled immunoconjugates plus {sup 125}I-labeled ch81C6 labeled using Iodogen. Paired-label experiments in athymic mice bearing subcutaneous D54 MG human glioma xenografts were done to directly compare the biodistribution of ch81C6-1B4M-{sup 177}Lu and {sup 125}I-labeled ch81C6, and ch81C6-MeO-DOTA-{sup 177}Lu and {sup 125}I-labeled ch81C6. Similar comparisons were done using murine (mu) instead of ch81C6. The primary parameter utilized for evaluation was the {sup 177}Lu/{sup 125}I uptake ratio in each tissue. Results: In the studies performed in normal mice, the NHS-DOTA ligand yielded the highest {sup 177}Lu/{sup 125}I uptake ratios in tissues indicative of loss of label from the chelate; for this reason, only 1B4M and MeO-DOTA were evaluated further. The {sup 177}Lu/{sup 125}I ratio in bone increased gradually with time for the chimeric conjugates; however, there were no significant differences between ch81C6-1B4M-DTPA-{sup 177}Lu and ch81C6-MeO-DOTA-{sup 177}Lu. In contrast, mu81C6-1B4M-DTPA-{sup 177}Lu and mu81C6-MeO-DOTA-{sup 177}Lu showed a more dramatic increase in the {sup 177}Lu/{sup 125}I ratio in bone - from 2.4{+-}0.3 and 1.7{+-}0.2 at Day 1 to 8.5{+-}1.1 and 4.2{+-}0.5 at Day 7, respectively. Conclusion: With these antitenascin constructs, the nature of the mAb had a profound influence on the relative degree of loss of {sup 177}Lu from these

  12. Emotion and cognition in high and low stress sensitive mouse strains: a combined neuroendocrine and behavioral study in BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Brinks


    Full Text Available Emotionally arousing experiences and stress influence cognitive processes and vice versa. Understanding the relations and interactions between these three systems forms the core of this study. We tested two inbred mouse strains (BALB/c, C57BL/6J; male; 3-month-old for glucocorticoid stress system markers (expression of MR and GR mRNA and protein in hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex; blood plasma corticosterone, used behavioral tasks for emotions and cognitive performance (elevated plus maze, holeboard to assess the interdependence of these factors. We hypothesize that BALB/c mice have a stress-vulnerable neuroendocrine phenotype and that emotional expressions in BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice will differentially contribute to learning and memory. We applied factor analyses on emotional and cognitive parameters to determine the behavioral structure of BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice. Glucocorticoid stress system markers indeed show that BALB/c mice are more stress-vulnerable than C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, emotional and explorative factors differed between naïve BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice. BALB/c mice display high movement in anxiogenic zones and high risk assessment, while C57BL/6J mice show little movement in anxiogenic zones and display high vertical exploration. Furthermore, BALB/c mice are superior learners, showing learning related behavior which is highly structured and emotionally biased when exposed to a novel or changing situation. In contrast, C57BL/6J mice display a rather ‘‘chaotic’’ behavioral structure during learning in absence of an emotional factor. These results show that stress vulnerability coincides with more emotionality, which drives well orchestrated goal directed behavior to the benefit of cognition. Both phenotypes have their advantage depending on environmental demands.

  13. Formation of oxide-trapped charges in 6H-SiC MOS structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoshikawa, Masahito; Ohshima, Takeshi; Itoh, Hisayoshi; Nashiyama, Isamu [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Takasaki, Gunma (Japan). Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment; Okumura, Hajime; Yoshida, Sadafumi


    The silicon and the carbon faces of hexagonal silicon carbide (6H-SiC) substrates were oxidized pyrogenically at 1100degC, and the metal-oxide-semiconductor structures were formed on these faces. The MOS capacitors developed using the silicon and the carbon faces were irradiated with {sup 60}Co gamma-rays under argon atmosphere at room temperature. The bias voltages with the different polarity were applied to the gate electrode during irradiation to examine the formation mechanisms of the trapped charges in the oxides of these MOS capacitors. The amount of the trapped charges in the oxide were obtained from capacitance pulse voltage characteristics. The generation of the trapped charges are affects with not only the absorbed dose but also the bias polarity applied to the gate electrodes during irradiation. The formation mechanisms of the trapped charges in the oxides were estimated in conjunction with the surface orientation of 6H-SiC substrates. (author)

  14. Formation of M23C6-type precipitates and chromium-depleted zones in austenite stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaneko, Kenji; Fukunaga, Tatsuya; Yamada, Kazuhiro; Nakada, Nobuo; Kikuchi, Masao; Saghi, Zineb; Barnard, Jon S.; Midgley, Paul A.


    Graphical abstract: Precipitate formation during the in situ annealing experiment at 650 o C. -- Formation of M 23 C 6 carbides and chromium-depleted zones in commercially available type 304L stainless steel were investigated by in situ transmission electron microscopy and analytical transmission electron microscopy. It was found that each individual small M 23 C 6 carbide starts to grow with a clear orientation relationship with the matrix, and film-like carbide was subsequently observed at the interfaces with asymmetric Cr-depleted zones. From these experimental results, a model describing the precipitation of M 23 C 6 and the formation of the Cr-depleted zone was proposed.

  15. The unexpectedly bright comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) unveiled at near-infrared wavelengths

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paganini, Lucas; DiSanti, Michael A.; Mumma, Michael J.; Villanueva, Geronimo L.; Bonev, Boncho P. [Goddard Center for Astrobiology, NASA GSFC, MS 690, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Keane, Jacqueline V.; Meech, Karen J. [Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822 (United States); Gibb, Erika L. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO 63121 (United States); Boehnhardt, Hermann, E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, D-37191, Katlenburg-Lindau (Germany)


    We acquired near-infrared spectra of the Oort cloud comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) at three different heliocentric distances (R {sub h}) during the comet's 2013 perihelion passage, providing a comprehensive measure of the outgassing behavior of parent volatiles and cosmogonic indicators. Our observations were performed pre-perihelion at R {sub h} = 1.2 AU with CRIRES (on 2013 February 2 and 4), and post-perihelion at R {sub h} = 0.75 AU with CSHELL (on March 31 and April 1) and R {sub h} = 1.74 AU with NIRSPEC (on June 20). We detected 10 volatile species (H{sub 2}O, OH* prompt emission, C{sub 2}H{sub 6}, CH{sub 3}OH, H{sub 2}CO, HCN, CO, CH{sub 4}, NH{sub 3}, and NH{sub 2}), and obtained upper limits for two others (C{sub 2}H{sub 2} and HDO). One-dimensional spatial profiles displayed different distributions for some volatiles, confirming either the existence of polar and apolar ices, or of chemically distinct active vents in the nucleus. The ortho-para ratio for water was 3.31 ± 0.33 (weighted mean of CRIRES and NIRSPEC results), implying a spin temperature >37 K at the 95% confidence limit. Our (3σ) upper limit for HDO corresponds to D/H < 2.45 × 10{sup –3} (i.e., <16 Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, VSMOW). At R {sub h} = 1.2 AU (CRIRES), the production rate for water was Q(H{sub 2}O) = 1.9 ± 0.1 × 10{sup 29} s{sup –1} and its rotational temperature was T {sub rot} ∼ 69 K. At R {sub h} = 0.75 AU (CSHELL), we measured Q(H{sub 2}O) = 4.6 ± 0.6 × 10{sup 29} s{sup –1} and T {sub rot} = 80 K on March 31, and 6.6 ± 0.9 × 10{sup 29} s{sup –1} and T {sub rot} = 100 K on April 1. At R {sub h} = 1.74 AU (NIRSPEC), we obtained Q(H{sub 2}O) = 1.1 ± 0.1 × 10{sup 29} s{sup –1} and T {sub rot} ∼ 50 K. The measured volatile abundance ratios classify comet C/2012 F6 as rather depleted in C{sub 2}H{sub 6} and CH{sub 3}OH, while HCN, CH{sub 4}, and CO displayed abundances close to their median values found among comets. H{sub 2}CO was the only volatile

  16. Synthesis, β-haematin inhibition, and in vitro antimalarial testing of isocryptolepine analogues: SAR study of indolo[3,2-c]quinolines with various substituents at C2, C6, and N11. (United States)

    Wang, Ning; Wicht, Kathryn J; Imai, Kento; Wang, Ming-Qi; Anh Ngoc, Tran; Kiguchi, Ryo; Kaiser, Marcel; Egan, Timothy J; Inokuchi, Tsutomu


    A series of indolo[3,2-c]quinolines were synthesized by modifying the side chains of the ω-aminoalkylamines at the C6 position and introducing substituents at the C2 position, such as F, Cl, Br, Me, MeO and NO2, and a methyl group at the N11 position for an SAR study. The in vitro antiplasmodial activities of the derivative agents against two different strains (CQS: NF54 and CQR: K1) and the cytotoxic activity against normal L6 cells were evaluated. The test results showed that compounds 6k and 6l containing the branched methyl groups of 3-aminopropylamino at C6 with a Cl atom at C2 exhibited a very low cytotoxicity with IC50 values above 4000 nM, high antimalarial activities with IC50 values of about 11 nM for CQS (NF54), IC50 values of about 17 nM for CQR (K1), and RI resistance indices of 1.6. Furthermore, the compounds were tested for β-haematic inhibition, and QSAR revealed an interesting linear correlation between the biological activity of CQS (NF54) and three contributing factors, namely solubility, hydrophilic surface area, and β-haematin inhibition for this series. In vivo testing of 6l showed a reduction in parasitaemia on day 4 with an activity of 38%. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Triagem neonatal de deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase e prevalência das mutações G202A (G6PD A-) e C563T (G6PD Mediterrâneo) em Mato Grosso/Brasil


    Maria de Fatima de Carvalho Ferreira


    Objetivos: A deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PD) está associada a um maior risco de encefalopatia bilirrubínica e de crise hemolítica aguda grave desencadeada por drogas como a primaquina e a dapsona. Conhecer a prevalência dessa deficiência enzimática em área onde a malária e a hanseníase ainda estão presentes e conhecer a prevalência das principais mutações traz subsídios para planejamento de estratégias com vistas à redução de riscos associados a esta deficiência enzimáti...

  18. Boronophenylalanine uptake in C6 glioma model is dramatically increased by L-DOPA preloading

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capuani, S. [CNR-INFM SOFT, Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, Rome (Italy); Enrico Fermi Center, Compendio Viminale, Rome (Italy)], E-mail:; Gili, T. [CNR-INFM SOFT, Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, Rome (Italy); Enrico Fermi Center, Compendio Viminale, Rome (Italy); Bozzali, M. [Neuroimaging Laboratory, Santa Lucia Foundation, Via Ardeatina 306, Rome (Italy); Russo, S. [Victor Horsley Department of Neurosurgery, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London (United Kingdom); Porcari, P. [CNR-INFM SOFT, Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, Rome (Italy); Cametti, C. [CNR-INFM SOFT, Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, Rome (Italy); Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, Rome (Italy); Muolo, M. [Department of Biological Science, University ' Rome III' , Viale G. Marconi 446, Rome (Italy); D' Amore, E. [Serv. Qual./Sicurezza Sperim. Anim., Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome (Italy); Maraviglia, B. [Enrico Fermi Center, Compendio Viminale, Rome (Italy); Neuroimaging Laboratory, Santa Lucia Foundation, Via Ardeatina 306, Rome (Italy); Lazzarino, G. [Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Catania, Viale A. Doria 6, Catania (Italy); Pastore, F.S. [Department of Neuroscience, Institute of Neurosurgery, University ' Tor Vergata' , Via Montpellier 1, Rome (Italy)


    One of the main limitations for BNCT effectiveness is the insufficient intake of {sup 10}B nuclei within tumour cells. This work was aimed at investigating the use of L-DOPA as enhancer for boronophenylalanine (BPA) uptake in the C6 glioma model. The investigation was first performed in vitro, and then extended in vivo to the animal model. BPA accumulation in C6 glioma cells was assessed, using radiowave dielectric spectroscopy (RDS), with and without L-DOPA preloading. C6 glioma cells were also implanted in the brain of 25 rats, randomly assigned to two experimental branches: (1) intra-carotid BPA infusion; (2) intra-carotid BPA infusion after pre-treatment with L-DOPA, administrated 24 h before BPA infusion. All animals were sacrificed, and assessment of BPA concentrations in tumour tissue, normal brain, and blood samples was performed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). L-DOPA preloading induced a massive increase of BPA concentration either in vitro on C6 glioma cells or in vivo in the animal model tumour. Moreover, no significant difference was found in the normal brain and blood samples between the two animal groups. This study suggests the potential use of L-DOPA as enhancer for BPA accumulation in malignant gliomas eligible for BNCT.

  19. Boronophenylalanine uptake in C6 glioma model is dramatically increased by L-DOPA preloading

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capuani, S.; Gili, T.; Bozzali, M.; Russo, S.; Porcari, P.; Cametti, C.; Muolo, M.; D'Amore, E.; Maraviglia, B.; Lazzarino, G.; Pastore, F.S.


    One of the main limitations for BNCT effectiveness is the insufficient intake of 10 B nuclei within tumour cells. This work was aimed at investigating the use of L-DOPA as enhancer for boronophenylalanine (BPA) uptake in the C6 glioma model. The investigation was first performed in vitro, and then extended in vivo to the animal model. BPA accumulation in C6 glioma cells was assessed, using radiowave dielectric spectroscopy (RDS), with and without L-DOPA preloading. C6 glioma cells were also implanted in the brain of 25 rats, randomly assigned to two experimental branches: (1) intra-carotid BPA infusion; (2) intra-carotid BPA infusion after pre-treatment with L-DOPA, administrated 24 h before BPA infusion. All animals were sacrificed, and assessment of BPA concentrations in tumour tissue, normal brain, and blood samples was performed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). L-DOPA preloading induced a massive increase of BPA concentration either in vitro on C6 glioma cells or in vivo in the animal model tumour. Moreover, no significant difference was found in the normal brain and blood samples between the two animal groups. This study suggests the potential use of L-DOPA as enhancer for BPA accumulation in malignant gliomas eligible for BNCT.

  20. Suppression of interleukin-6-induced C-reactive protein expression by FXR agonists

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Songwen; Liu Qiangyuan; Wang Juan; Harnish, Douglas C.


    C-reactive protein (CRP), a human acute-phase protein, is a risk factor for future cardiovascular events and exerts direct pro-inflammatory and pro-atherogenic properties. The farnesoid X receptor (FXR), a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, plays an essential role in the regulation of enterohepatic circulation and lipid homeostasis. In this study, we report that two synthetic FXR agonists, WAY-362450 and GW4064, suppressed interleukin-6-induced CRP expression in human Hep3B hepatoma cells. Knockdown of FXR by short interfering RNA attenuated the inhibitory effect of the FXR agonists and also increased the ability of interleukin-6 to induce CRP production. Furthermore, treatment of wild type C57BL/6 mice with the FXR agonist, WAY-362450, attenuated lipopolysaccharide-induced serum amyloid P component and serum amyloid A3 mRNA levels in the liver, whereas no effect was observed in FXR knockout mice. These data provide new evidence for direct anti-inflammatory properties of FXR.

  1. El voluntariado y la identidad voluntaria como herramientas neoliberales: en pauta el voluntariado contra el cáncer infantil piauiense

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    Lourdes Almeida Silva


    Full Text Available El argumento desarrollado reside en que el tercer sector es una construcción político-económica del Estado para la implantación del programa neoliberal de reducción de la acción social estatal, y el voluntariado una construcción revalorada socioculturalmente, en los últimos años, en Brasil. El voluntariado, como identidad social, es una de las herramientas de legitimación de la nueva postura del Estado brasileño. Con la reducción de la acción social del Estado, hubo la disminución con lo social por parte de este y la consecuente responsabilidad de la sociedad por la gerencia de políticas sociales puntuales y focalistas. La cultura de los voluntariados promovió la construcción de las identidades voluntarias. En este proceso, los derechos sociales y la solidaridad social fueron transformados en deberes sociales y solidaridad voluntaria y local, como es el caso del voluntariado de la Red Femenina de Combate al Cáncer de Piauí (RFCC-PI, organización social que actúa en la prevención y terapéutica de cáncer. Concluimos que el tercer sector y los voluntariados, de entre ellos el de la RFCC-PI, son campo de minas, debido al Estado financiar/subsidiar inúmeras categorías del tercer sector y, así, desfavorecer las demandas sociales. Sin embargo, independientemente del contexto neoliberal brasileño, la importancia del voluntariado de la RFCC-PI está en su acción complementaria del cuidado humanizado a personas con cáncer, uniendo medicina y terapia lúdica. Los autores utilizados en este análisis son: Ana Amaral (2003; Zygmunt Bauman (2005; Elaine Behring (2003; Paula Bonfim (2010; Lúcia Costa (2006; Denys Cuche (2002; Victor Ferreira (2005; Stuart Hall (2000; Rodrigo Horochovski (2003; José Mendes (2002; Maria Luiza Mestriner (2005; Thomaz Silva (2000, Susan Sontag (1984 e Kathryn Woodward (2000. La metodología se basó en la revisión de la literatura, análisis de documentos, entrevistas y trabajo de campo.

  2. As equações dos estados quase-permanentes e uma visão alternativa da indução eletromagnética

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    Ferreira G. F. Leal


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se o sistema de equações que descreve consistentemente os estados quase-permanentes, campos e potenciais, abrangendo a eletrostática, a magnetostática e a lei de indução de Faraday. Mostra-se que ele é correto até a ordem de v² = c² e de wr = c² em que v e w são a velocidade e a aceleração tópicas das cargas, c a velocidade da luz e r a distância ao ponto considerado. Pode-se então obter o campo elétrico de uma carga em movimento nessa aproximação, o qual corrige o campo de Coulomb por termos dependentes da velocidade e da aceleração da carga. Mostra-se assim, como feito anteriormente por Ritz e O'Rahilly, que a indução eletromagnética pode ser atribuída à aceleração das cargas do circuito indutor, propiciando uma visão alternativa dessa interação, usualmente atribuída à variação do fluxo no interior do circuito.

  3. The change of p16 gene expression in glioma cell line C6 after radiation with gamma knife

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Xingli; Zhao Conghai; Tian Yu


    Objective: T observe the change of expression of p16 gene product, P16 protein, after treated by gamma knife on glioma cell line C6. Methods: Glioma C6 cells proliferated in vitro, treated by γ-knife in dose of 5.00 and 6.22 Gy, respectively. P16 protein was detected by immunohistochemical technique and image analysis. Results: The P16 protein in glioma C6 cells was notably increased after treatment with γ knife (P < 0.01). The grey number in C6 group (control group) was 167.1 +- 6.2 and was 155.4 +- 2.0 and 124.9 +- 7.1, respectively, in 5.00 Gy and 6.22 Gy gamma knife treated group. Conclusion: It is suggests that one of the mechanisms of glioma cell C6 apoptosis induced by γ-knife radiation may be associated with activation of p16 gene and increase of P16 protein expression

  4. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Factors Affecting the Cycloplatination of the Chiral Ferrocenylaldimine (SC-[(η5-C5H5Fe{(η5-C5H4–C(H=N–CH(Me(C6H5}

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    Concepción López


    Full Text Available The study of the reactivity of the enantiopure ferrocenyl Schiff base (SC-[FcCH=N–CH(Me(C6H5] (1 (Fc = (η5-C5H5Fe(η5-C5H4 with cis-[PtCl2(dmso2] under different experimental conditions is reported. Four different types of chiral Pt(II have been isolated and characterized. One of them is the enantiomerically pure trans-(SC-[Pt{κ1-N[FcCH=N–CH(Me(C6H5]}Cl2(dmso] (2a in which the imine acts as a neutral N-donor ligand; while the other three are the cycloplatinated complexes: [Pt{κ2-C,N [(C6H4–N=CHFc]}Cl(dmso] (7a and the two diastereomers {(Sp,SC and (Rp,SC} of [Pt{κ2-C,N[(η5-C5H3–CH=N–{CH(Me(C6H5}]Fe(η5-C5H5}Cl(dmso] (8a and 9a, respectively. Isomers 7a-9a, differ in the nature of the metallated carbon atom [CPh (in 7a or CFc (in 8a and 9a] or the planar chirality of the 1,2-disubstituted ferrocenyl unit (8a and 9a. Reactions of 7a–9a with PPh3 gave [Pt{κ2-C,N[(C6H4–N=CHFc]}Cl(PPh3] (in 7b and the diastereomers (Sp,SC and (Rp,SC of [Pt{κ2-C,N[(η5-C5H3–CH=N–{CH(Me(C6H5}] Fe(η5-C5H5}Cl(PPh3] (8b and 9b, respectively. Comparative studies of the electrochemical properties and cytotoxic activities on MCF7 and MDA-MB231 breast cancer cell lines of 2a and cycloplatinated complexes 7b-9b are also reported. Theoretical studies based on DFT calculations have also been carried out in order to rationalize the results obtained from the cycloplatination of 1, the stability of the Pt(II complexes and their electrochemical properties.

  5. Induction of apoptosis by 3-amino-6-(3-aminopropyl)-5,6-dihydro-5,11-dioxo-11H-indeno[1,2-c]isoquinoline via modulation of MAPKs (p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase) and c-Myc in HL-60 human leukemia cells. (United States)

    Park, Eun-Jung; Kiselev, Evgeny; Conda-Sheridan, Martin; Cushman, Mark; Pezzuto, John M


    Recently, we reported that 3-amino-6-(3-aminopropyl)-5,6-dihydro-5,11-dioxo-11H-indeno[1,2-c]isoquinoline (AM6-36), sharing structural similarity with naturally occurring isoquinolines, induced activities mediated by retinoid X receptor (RXR) response element accompanied by antiproliferative effects on breast cancer cells. To further characterize the biologic potential of AM6-36, we currently report studies conducted with HL-60 human leukemia cells. AM6-36 significantly inhibited cellular proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner with an IC(50) value of 86 nM. When evaluated at low test concentrations (≤0.25 μM), AM6-36 induced arrest in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. At higher concentrations (1 and 2 μM), the response shifted to apoptosis, which was consistent with the effect of AM6-36 on other apoptotic signatures including an increase of apoptotic annexin V(+) 7-AAD(-) cells, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, induction of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, and activation of several caspases. These apoptotic effects are potentially due to up-regulation of p38 MAPK and JNK phosphorylation and down-regulation of c-Myc oncogene expression. Taken together, AM6-36 might serve as an effective anticancer agent by inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through the activation of MAPKs and inhibition of c-Myc.

  6. GEANT4 simulation of the neutron background of the C$_6$D$_6$ set-up for capture studies at n_TOF

    CERN Document Server

    Žugec, P.; Bosnar, D.; Altstadt, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Audouin, L.; Barbagallo, M.; Bécares, V.; Bečvář, F.; Belloni, F.; Berthoumieux, E.; Billowes, J.; Boccone, V.; Brugger, M.; Calviani, M.; Calviño, F.; Cano-Ott, D.; Carrapiço, C.; Cerutti, F.; Chiaveri, E.; Chin, M.; Cortés, G.; Cortés-Giraldo, M.A.; Diakaki, M.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Dressler, R.; Duran, I.; Dzysiuk, N.; Eleftheriadis, C.; Ferrari, A.; Fraval, K.; Ganesan, S.; García, A.R.; Giubrone, G.; Gómez-Hornillos, M.B.; Gonçalves, I.F.; González-Romero, E.; Griesmayer, E.; Guerrero, C.; Gunsing, F.; Gurusamy, P.; Heinitz, S.; Jenkins, D.G.; Jericha, E.; Kadi, Y.; Käppeler, F.; Karadimos, D.; Kivel, N.; Koehler, P.; Kokkoris, M.; Krtička, M.; Kroll, J.; Langer, C.; Lederer, C.; Leeb, H.; Leong, L.S.; Lo Meo, S.; Losito, R.; Manousos, A.; Marganiec, J.; Martìnez, T.; Massimi, C.; Mastinu, P.F.; Mastromarco, M.; Meaze, M.; Mendoza, E.; Mengoni, A.; Milazzo, P.M.; Mingrone, F.; Mirea, M.; Mondalaers, W.; Paradela, C.; Pavlik, A.; Perkowski, J.; Plompen, A.; Praena, J.; Quesada, J.M.; Rauscher, T.; Reifarth, R.; Riego, A.; Roman, F.; Rubbia, C.; Sarmento, R.; Saxena, A.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Schmidt, S.; Schumann, D.; Tagliente, G.; Tain, J.L.; Tarrío, D.; Tassan-Got, L.; Tsinganis, A.; Valenta, S.; Vannini, G.; Variale, V.; Vaz, P.; Ventura, A.; Versaci, R.; Vermeulen, M.J.; Vlachoudis, V.; Vlastou, R.; Wallner, A.; Ware, T.; Weigand, M.; Weiß, C.; Wright, T.


    The neutron sensitivity of the C$_6$D$_6$ detector setup used at n_TOF for capture measurements has been studied by means of detailed GEANT4 simulations. A realistic software replica of the entire n_TOF experimental hall, including the neutron beam line, sample, detector supports and the walls of the experimental area has been implemented in the simulations. The simulations have been analyzed in the same manner as experimental data, in particular by applying the Pulse Height Weighting Technique. The simulations have been validated against a measurement of the neutron background performed with a $^\\mathrm{nat}$C sample, showing an excellent agreement above 1 keV. At lower energies, an additional component in the measured $^\\mathrm{nat}$C yield has been discovered, which prevents the use of $^\\mathrm{nat}$C data for neutron background estimates at neutron energies below a few hundred eV. The origin and time structure of the neutron background have been derived from the simulations. Examples of the neutron backg...

  7. O Estado Federativo de cooperação e as políticas de municipalização do ensino: limites e potenciais El Estado Federativo de cooperación y las políticas de municipalización de la enseñanza: límites y potencialidades The Federal State of cooperation and the municipalization of the educational system: limitations and potentials

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    Sonia Martins de Almeida Nogueira


    Full Text Available A municipalização do ensino emerge como diretriz política adotada pelo Brasil em sua identidade de Estado Federativo de caráter cooperativo, em decorrência de políticas internacionais em sua abrangência e afirmação do sistema neoliberal-capitalista, da globalização, da inserção na Constituição Federal de 1988, da distribuição de competências entre os entes federativos, dos princípios da gestão democrática do ensino público e da colaboração recíproca. Este ensaio tem como objetivo delinear como se desenvolve o processo político de municipalização, apontando seus limites e potenciais no que se refere à política educacional no Brasil, a partir de uma abordagem dos efeitos de políticas traçadas na legislação constitucional e infraconstitucional, caracterizados em tais documentos como favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de uma nação identificada pela diversidade econômica, política e social.La municipalización de la enseñanza emerge como directriz política que Brasil adoptó en su identidad de Estado Federativo de carácter cooperativo, como consecuencia de políticas internacionales en su amplitud y afirmación del sistema neoliberal-capitalista, de la globalización, de la inserción en la Constitución Federal de 1988, de la distribución de competencias entre las entidades federativas, de los principios de la gestión democrática de la enseñanza pública y de la colaboración recíproca. Este ensayo tiene por objeto delinear el desarrollo del proceso político de municipalización, señalar sus límites y potencialidades referentes a la política educacional brasileña, a partir de un abordaje de los efectos de políticas orientadas en la legislación constitucional e Infra-constitucional, caracterizados en tales documentos como favorables al desarrollo de una nación identificada por su diversidad económica, política y social.The municipalization of education emerges as a policy guideline adopted by Brazil

  8. Radiation-induced tumours in C57BLf/6JNrs[SPF] and C3Hf/HeMsNrs[SPF] strain male mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasuga, T.; Sado, T.; Noda, Y.; Terasima, T.; Kitagawa, T.


    Mice at the age of 12 weeks were irradiated with single graded doses of gamma rays delivered from caesium-137. The mice were kept in specific pathogen-free (SPF) conditions until death. In this communication, autopsy data from 385 males of C57BLf/6JNrs[SPF] and 278 males of C3Hf/HeMsNrs[SPF] mice are summarized. The median survival time of unirradiated control mice was 29 months for the C57BL and 25 months for the C3H mice respectively. The incidence of tumour-bearing mice in the control groups was 71.3% for the C57BL and 90.9% for the C3H mice. Major, spontaneous tumour types were reticular cell sarcoma (51.3%), liver tumour (8.8%), lung tumour (11.3%) for the C57BL, and liver tumour (84.6%), lung tumour (8.2%) and non-thymic lymphoma (3.6%) for the C3H mice. Miscellaneous tumours with a low incidence were vascular, bone, muscle, adrenal tumours and others. In the C57BL mice the incidence of reticular cell sarcoma declined gradually with increasing doses of radiation exposure from 0 to 800 R. Histological examination revealed that reticular cell sarcomas normally found in unirradiated C57BL mice originated from abdominal lymphatic tissues whereas lymphoblastic lymphoma in irradiated mice arose from thymus and/or submandibular lymph nodes. It is noteworthy that the peak incidence of thymoma (33.3%) was found after whole-body exposure up to 700 R. Myeloid leukaemia was also included although to a slight extent. The age at death with lymphoreticular tumours and myeloid leukaemias was shortened in a dose-dependent manner. In the C3H mice tumour induction by radiation was generally not remarkable. The incidence of myeloid leukaemia attained a peak (15%) at 200 R. A lowering of the age at death was found to be proportional to the dose delivered

  9. C3–6 Laminoplasty for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Maintains Satisfactory Long-Term Surgical Outcomes (United States)

    Sakaura, Hironobu; Hosono, Noboru; Mukai, Yoshihiro; Iwasaki, Motoki; Yoshikawa, Hideki


    Study Design Prospective cohort study. Objective To clarify long-term surgical outcomes of C3–6 laminoplasty preserving muscles attached to the C2 and C7 spinous processes in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). Methods Twenty patients who underwent C3–6 open-door laminoplasty for CSM and who were followed for 8 to 10 years were included in this study. Myelopathic symptoms were assessed using Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score. Axial neck pain was graded as severe, moderate, or mild. C2–7 angle was measured using lateral radiographs of the cervical spine before surgery and at final follow-up. Results Mean JOA score before surgery (11.7) was significantly improved to 15.2 at the time of maximum recovery (1 year after surgery), declining slightly to 14.9 by the latest follow-up. Late deterioration of JOA score developed in eight patients, but was unrelated to the cervical spine lesions in each case. No patient suffered from prolonged postoperative axial neck pain at final follow-up. The mean C2–7 angle before surgery (13.8 degrees) significantly increased to 19.2 degrees at final follow-up. Conclusions C3–6 laminoplasty preserving muscles attached to the C2 and C7 spinous processes in patients with CSM maintained satisfactory long-term neurologic improvement with significantly reduced frequencies of prolonged postoperative axial neck pain and loss of C2–7 angle after surgery. PMID:25083358

  10. Limitaciones del IMC como indicador exclusivo de estado nutricional

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    Moreno Romero, Susana


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el potencial diagnóstico y las limitaciones del uso del Índice de Masa Corporal como único indicador del estado nutricional. Para ello se analizó una muestra constituida por 2155 sujetos de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 18 años y pertenecientes a tres poblaciones jujeñas que difieren en ubicación altitudinal y nivel socieconómico (NSE: 1. Susques, localidad rural situada a 3675 m.s.n.m; 2. Alto Comedero, barrio periférico de San Salvador de Jujuy (1250 m.s.n.m. de NSE bajo; y 3. José Hernández, muestra representativa del estrato SE elevado de la misma capital. Se tomaron las medidas directas de talla, peso, perímetro braquial y pliegues de grasa subcutánea tricipital y subescapular, entre otras. A partir de éstas, se calculó el IMC y las áreas tisulares del brazo. Se establecieron las categorías nutricionales en función de los percentilos establecidos por el NHANES I y II para la talla, IMC, área magra y grasa del brazo y pliegues tricipital y subescapular. Al comparar los resultados obtenidos para cada variable se comprueba como el uso exclusivo del IMC enmascara importantes patologías nutricionales, tanto por defecto como por exceso.

  11. The H{sub 60}Si{sub 6}C{sub 54} heterofullerene as high-capacity hydrogen storage medium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yong, Yongliang, E-mail: [College of Physics and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003 (China); Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 (China); Zhou, Qingxiao; Li, Xiaohong; Lv, Shijie [College of Physics and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003 (China)


    With the great success in Si atoms doped C{sub 60} fullerene and the well-established methods for synthesis of hydrogenated carbon fullerenes, this leads naturally to wonder whether Si-doped fullerenes are possible for special applications such as hydrogen storage. Here by using first-principles calculations, we design a novel high-capacity hydrogen storage material, H{sub 60}Si{sub 6}C{sub 54} heterofullerene, and confirm its geometric stability. It is found that the H{sub 60}Si{sub 6}C{sub 54} heterofullerene has a large HOMO-LUMO gap and a high symmetry, indicating it is high chemically stable. Further, our finite temperature simulations indicate that the H{sub 60}Si{sub 6}C{sub 54} heterofullerene is thermally stable at 300 K. H{sub 2} molecules would enter into the cage from the Si-hexagon ring because of lower energy barrier. Through our calculation, a maximum of 21 H{sub 2} molecules can be stored inside the H{sub 60}Si{sub 6}C{sub 54} cage in molecular form, leading to a gravimetric density of 11.11 wt% for 21H{sub 2}@H{sub 60}Si{sub 6}C{sub 54} system, which suggests that the hydrogenated Si{sub 6}C{sub 54} heterofullerene could be suitable as a high-capacity hydrogen storage material.

  12. Evaluación de la celulosa de papel y de las cenizas de carbón, como materiales aislantes alternativos

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    Full Text Available Se construyó un medidor de conductividad térmica de materiales sólidos según las recomendaciones de las Normas ASTM C518 y C177. El equipo sirvió para medir la conductividad térmica como una función de la temperatura de dos materiales de desecho sólidos, cenizas de carbón y una mezcla de celulosa de papel con cemento. La conductividad de las cenizas fue tan baja como 0.073 W/mK a una temperatura de 250ºC y la conductividad de la mezcla de celulosa de papel con cemento fue de 0.241 W/mK a una temperatura de 160ºC. Esto muestra que ambos materiales tienen propiedades de aislantes térmicos como para usarse industrialmente. Las cenizas de carbón que soportan altas temperaturas pueden reemplazar la costosa fibra cerámica.

  13. A Layered Solution Crystal Growth Technique and the Crystal Structure of (C 6H 5C 2H 4NH 3) 2PbCl 4 (United States)

    Mitzi, D. B.


    Single crystals of the organic-inorganic perovskite (C6H5C2H4NH3)2PbCl4 have been grown at room temperature using a layered solution approach. The bottom solution layer, contained within a long straight tube, consists of PbCl2 dissolved in concentrated aqueous HCl. A less dense layer of methanol is carefully placed on top of the HCl/PbCl2 solution using a syringe. Finally, a stoichiometric quantity of C6H5C2H4NH2 (relative to the PbCl2) is added to the top of the column. As the layers slowly diffuse together, well-formed crystals of (C6H5C2H4NH3)2PbCl4 appear near the interface between the HCl/PbCl2 and C6H5C2H4NH2 solutions. The thick, plate-like crystals are well suited for X-ray crystallography studies. Room temperature intensity data were refined using a triclinic (Poverline1) cell (a=11.1463(3) Å, b=11.2181(3) Å, c=17.6966(5) Å, α= 99.173(1)°, β=104.634(1)°, γ=89.999(1)°, V=2111.8(1) Å3, Z=4, Rf/Rw=0.031/0.044). The organic-inorganic layered perovskite structure features well-ordered sheets of corner-sharing distorted PbCl6 octahedra separated by bilayers of phenethylammonium cations. Tilting and rotation of the PbCl6 octahedra within the perovskite sheets, coupled with organic cation ordering, leads to the unusual in-sheet 2ap×2ap superstructure, where ap is the lattice constant for the ideal cubic perovskite.

  14. ANC of 6.92 MeV (2"+) and 7.12 MeV (1"-) states from sub-Coulomb "1"2C("6Li,d) data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mondal, Ashok; Basu, C.; Adhikari, S.


    The determination of the astrophysical S-factor of the "1"2C(α,γ) reaction at 300 keV requires a R-matrix extrapolation. This is because a direct measurement of this reaction at 300 keV is almost impossible due to the very small cross-section. The R-matrix extrapolation requires as input the asymptotic normalization constant (ANC) of mainly two "1"6O states states viz. 6.92 MeV and 7.12 MeV on which the fit is most sensitive. The ANC of these two states have been determined from indirect measurements, mainly from "1"2C("6Li,d) and "1"2C("7Li,t) alpha transfer reactions. Most of these measurements are done at above barrier energies as cross-sections are larger. In this work, we determine the ANC of the 6.92 MeV and 7.12 MeV states of "1"6O using the "1"2C("6Li,d) data of Heikkinen et al measured at 4.5 to 5.0 MeV incident energies. The data spans over a larger angular span in comparison to Avila though the former data do not cover the very backward angles as in the Avila data. As the Heikkinen data has never been analyzed to extract the ANC we report the results of our analysis of the data

  15. Crystal and molecular structures of benzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2-c]quinazolin-6-one and 10-carboxybenzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2-c]quinazolin-6-one: A quantum-chemical study of their tautomerism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koval’chukova, O. V.; Stash, A. I.; Strashnov, P. V.; Neborak, E. V.; Strashnova, S. B.; Zaitsev, B. E.


    Benzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2-c]quinazolin-6-one and 10-carboxybenzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2-c]quinazolin-6-one were isolated in the crystalline state and studied by X-ray diffraction. The crystal and molecular structures of these compounds were determined by X-ray diffraction. The energy characteristics of the tautomeric and ionic forms were calculated by the quantum-chemical PM3 method.

  16. Electrically active defects in n-type 4H- and 6H-SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doyle, J.P. [Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Solid State Electronics]|[IBM Research Div., T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY (United States); Aboelfotoh, M.O. [Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Solid State Electronics]|[North Carolina State Univ., Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Raleigh, NC (United States); Svensson, B.G. [Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Solid State Electronics


    We have found that in 6H-SiC, irradiation induced defects can become mobile at temperatures as low as 200 C. Through isochronal and isothermal annealing a level at 0.51 eV below the conduction band (with a capture cross-section of 2 x 10{sup -14} cm{sup 2}), appears to disassociate through a first order process with an activation energy of 1.45 eV+/-0.1 eV. In 4H-SiC, we have observed two irradiation induced defects assigned the positions 0.62 eV and 0.68 eV below E{sub c} (with capture cross-sections of 4 x 10{sup -14} cm{sup 2} and 5 x 10{sup -15} cm{sup 2}, respectively) which are found to be unstable at room temperature with time. SIMS analysis indicates that in both 6H- and 4H-SiC the defect levels are not due to the incorporation of the transition metals Ti, V, or Cr. Additionally, in both polytypes of SiC that were examined, the defects are found to display acceptor-like behavior as no evidence of a Poole-Frenkel shift was observed during DLTS measurements. (orig.) 10 refs.

  17. La utilidad como satisfacción de sí

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel Emilio Muñoz Cardona


    Full Text Available El fin del presente ensayo es mostrar cómo debería ser entendido hoy el término utilitarismo desde la economía política y desde la filosofía moral. Generalmente se asocia el término utilitario a una persona o a una acción política o social con una calificación despectiva, que da a entender una posición altamente egoísta de utilización fría y calculadora. Lo que no debería de ser así, ya que el fin que perseguían los filósofos y economistas del siglo XVIII como: Francis Hutcheson, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham y John Stuart Mill fue la de ilustrar cuál es la importancia social de buscar en cada una de las acciones particulares el bienestar general. Es decir, encontrar la mejor manera de mostrar el mal que representa tanto para sí mismo como para la construcción de una sociedad prospera y pujante el egoísmo (selfishness. Por lo tanto, el utilitarismo debería ser visto y entendido como la preocupación filosófica y de la economía política más importante (desde el siglo XVIII hasta nuestros días en la búsqueda por el bienestar social como un todo. En otras palabras, lo bueno que por naturaleza significa para el hombre la satisfacción en el cuidado de su yo social, en su self love.

  18. Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in 4H- and 6H-SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, C. C.; You, A. H.; Wong, E. K.


    The Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of electron transport properties at high electric field region in 4H- and 6H-SiC are presented. This MC model includes two non-parabolic conduction bands. Based on the material parameters, the electron scattering rates included polar optical phonon scattering, optical phonon scattering and acoustic phonon scattering are evaluated. The electron drift velocity, energy and free flight time are simulated as a function of applied electric field at an impurity concentration of 1x10 18 cm 3 in room temperature. The simulated drift velocity with electric field dependencies is in a good agreement with experimental results found in literature. The saturation velocities for both polytypes are close, but the scattering rates are much more pronounced for 6H-SiC. Our simulation model clearly shows complete electron transport properties in 4H- and 6H-SiC.

  19. El proyecto Wiki Learning: Wikipedia como entorno de aprendizaje abierto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Los enfoques predominantes en el sistema educativo tradicional circunscriben las posibilidades de aprendizaje a entornos formales y cerrados. Sin embargo, las tecnologías móviles y plataformas digitales están transformando este paradigma, expandiendo las posibilidades de aprendizaje. A partir de esta condición y en el marco de la producción del conocimiento entre pares, sostenemos que Wikipedia puede ser utilizada como un entorno de aprendizaje abierto que cumple varios propósitos: a permite adquirir competencias básicas; b contribuye a la inteligencia colectiva; c acorta la brecha global de conocimiento; y, d facilita la construcción de redes globales de aprendizaje. Este estudio de caso tiene como objetivo presentar el proceso, estrategias y resultados del proyecto Wiki Learning, como modelo de aprendizaje abierto a través del uso de Wikipedia en una universidad mexicana. El proyecto abarcó desde la producción de artículos hasta talleres para el desarrollo de capacidades de profesores y estudiantes. Se realizaron encuestas a 57 docentes y 115 alumnos para identificar la percepción acerca de Wikipedia, su uso y posibilidades como herramienta educativa. Los resultados demostraron que a pesar de que todos son usuarios de Wikipedia, existe un desconocimiento general sobre su funcionamiento, estructura y comunidades, además de cierta desconfianza. Se presenta un desafío para romper el estigma y recuperar el valor de la gestión compartida del conocimiento, el propósito de la enciclopedia y su lugar como producto de la inteligencia colectiva.

  20. The Source of interleukin-6 in the central nervous system determines its effects on body weight and behavior /


    Fernández Gayol, Olaya,


    La interleucina-6 (IL-6) es una citocina pleiotrópica con funciones tanto inflamatorias como no inflamatorias. Participa en la diferenciación de células B a células plasmáticas, la inducción de proteínas de fase aguda y la regulación de la transición entre la inmunidad innata y adquirida. En cuanto a sus funciones no relacionadas con la inflamación, participa en la regulación del peso corporal y el comportamiento, entre otras. Dado que es producida por múltiples tipos celulares, tanto en la p...