
Sample records for ba bakteri bradyrhizobium





    2015 RAHAYU ANGGREINI coli Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi cemaran bakteri E. coli O157:H7 pada daging sapi di kota Makassar. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 72 sampel Kata Kunci : Daging sapi, pasar tradisional, E. coli, E. coli O157:H7, kontaminasi bakteri, identifikasi E. coli O157:H7.


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    Notowinarto Notowinarto


    Full Text Available Sepanjang pesisir pantai pada perairan di kawasan Kecamatan Bulang Kota Batam sebagai lokasi penelitian dengan banyak dijumpai pemukiman penduduk dan industri galangan kapal (Shipyard serta banyak mengeluarkan limbah yang langsung dibuang keperairan terbuka. Sampai saat ini masih minim informasi tentang populasi bakteri heterotrof, sehingga di perlukan pengkajian secara biologi perairan yakni bagaimana populasi bakteri Heterotrof di perairan Pulau Bulang Batam. Tujuan mengetahui estimasi total bakteri umum dan virus (TBU;TBV serta hubungan antara padatan populasi bakteri dengan kondisi in-situ kualitas antar perairan yang berbeda. Penelitian bersifat lapangan insitu dengan pengambilan sampling secara teknik purposive sampling dan ek-situ yakni sampel air segera di bawa ke Laboratorium Uji Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan Balai Budidaya Laut. Analisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan kuantitatif untuk mencari hubungan antara perkiraan populasi bakteri heterotrof dengan kondisi kualitas air antar lokasi sampling menggunakan pendekatan analisis sidik ragam (Ansira. Hasil sebagai berikut: a bahwa diperkiraan populasi bakteri heterotroph baik total bakteri umum (TBU maupun total bakteri virus (TBV yang nyata dengan kecenderungan (trend meningkat akibat adanya perubahan kualitas in-situ perairan, yakni pada lokasi Kuala Bulang 2 dan Selat Awa; b Kandungan nitrat memperlihatkan kisaran nilai yang tinggi berada di lokasi Selat Awa dan terendah terdapat pada stasiun Teluk Sepaku serta ammonium memperlihatkan nilai tertinggi pada stasiun Kuala Bulang Dua dan kandungan phospat kandungan tertinggi di stasiun Selat Awa, sehingga akan menimbulkan terjadinya peledakan populasi (blooming; dan c Hubungan korelasi antar stasiun pengamatan terhadap sebaran kepadatan total bakteri umum maupun vibrio (TBU/TBV tampaknya tidak nyata (non-signifikan. Walaupun tingkat hubungan (nilai r lebih dari 50%. Begitupula terhadap parameter kualitas air, hanya ada indikasi korelasi

  3. Bradyrhizobium tropiciagri sp. nov. and Bradyrhizobium embrapense sp. nov., nitrogen-fixing symbionts of tropical forage legumes. (United States)

    Delamuta, Jakeline Renata Marçon; Ribeiro, Renan Augusto; Ormeño-Orrillo, Ernesto; Parma, Marcia Maria; Melo, Itamar Soares; Martínez-Romero, Esperanza; Hungria, Mariangela


    Biological nitrogen fixation is a key process for agricultural production and environmental sustainability, but there are comparatively few studies of symbionts of tropical pasture legumes, as well as few described species of the genus Bradyrhizobium, although it is the predominant rhizobial genus in the tropics. A detailed polyphasic study was conducted with two strains of the genus Bradyrhizobium used in commercial inoculants for tropical pastures in Brazil, CNPSo 1112T, isolated from perennial soybean (Neonotonia wightii), and CNPSo 2833T, from desmodium (Desmodium heterocarpon). Based on 16S-rRNA gene phylogeny, both strains were grouped in the Bradyrhizobium elkanii superclade, but were not clearly clustered with any known species. Multilocus sequence analysis of three (glnII, gyrB and recA) and five (plus atpD and dnaK) housekeeping genes confirmed that the strains are positioned in two distinct clades. Comparison with intergenic transcribed spacer sequences of type strains of described species of the genus Bradyrhizobium showed similarity lower than 93.1 %, and differences were confirmed by BOX-PCR analysis. Nucleotide identity of three housekeeping genes with type strains of described species ranged from 88.1 to 96.2 %. Average nucleotide identity of genome sequences showed values below the threshold for distinct species of the genus Bradyrhizobium ( < 90.6 %), and the value between the two strains was also below this threshold (91.2 %). Analysis of nifH and nodC gene sequences positioned the two strains in a clade distinct from other species of the genus Bradyrhizobium. Morphophysiological, genotypic and genomic data supported the description of two novel species in the genus Bradyrhizobium, Bradyrhizobium tropiciagri sp. nov. (type strain CNPSo 1112T = SMS 303T = BR 1009T = SEMIA 6148T = LMG 28867T) and Bradyrhizobium embrapense sp. nov. (type strain CNPSo 2833T = CIAT 2372T = BR 2212T = SEMIA 6208T = U674T

  4. strong>Alle bakterier deler gener ved horisontal overførselstrong>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frigaard, Niels-Ulrik


    Bakterier har ikke blot en langt større mangfoldighed i deres stofskifte end dyr og planter. Ny forskning viser, at de også i stor stil udveksler gener, der koder for dele af deres stofskifte med andre bakterier. Det giver bakterier mulighed for at tilpasse sig nye levevilkår, men betyder også...

  5. Penerapan Metode Dempster Shafer Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Dari Akibat Bakteri Salmonella

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    Mikha Dayan Sinaga


    Full Text Available Infeksi dari bakteri Samonella dapat menyerang saluran gastrointestin yang mencakup perut, usus halus, dan usus besar atau kolon. Beberapa spesies salmonella dapat menyebabkan infeksi melalui makanan. Termasuk ke dalamnya adalah Salmonella Typhi yang mengakibatkan penyakit tifus, dan Salmonella Shigella yang mengakibatkan penyakit disentri dan diare. Masih banyak orang yang belum mengetahui gejala-gejala dari infeksi bakteri ini serta bagaimana cara untuk mendiagnosa dengan nilai kepastian yang tinggi. Untuk dapat mengetahui tingkat kepastian infeksi bakteri ini peneliti menggunakan metode Dempster-Shafer. Metode ini dipilih karena metode ini dianggap mampu untuk memberikan tingkat kepastian yang tinggi. Metode Dempster-Shafer adalah representasi, kombinasi dan propogasi ketidakpastian, dimana teori ini memiliki beberapa karakteristik yang secara instutif sesuai dengan cara berfikir seorang pakar, namun dasar matematika yang kuat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi sistem pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa bakteri dari akibat bakteri salmonella dengan menggunakan metode Dempster Shafer. Kata Kunci  : Sistem Pakar,Metode Dempster Shafer, Bakteri Salmonella.

  6. Perbedaan Cara Penyebaran Suspensi terhadap Jumlah Bakteri pada Media Eosin Methylene Blue Agar

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    Ahmad Nuzuludin Kadri


    Full Text Available Dalam rangka pengawasan mutu secara biologis dilakukan pengujian laboratorium untuk mengisolasi dan melakukan jumlah penghitungan jumlah bakteri patogen (enumerasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan cara penyebaran suspensi dengan menggunakan batang gelas bengkok, mikropipet dan ose terhadap jumlah bakteri yang terhitung pada media Eosin Methylene Blue Agar. Sampel diambil dari air susu kambing yang kemudian dihitung jumlah bakteri-nya dengan tiga kelompok perlakuan yaitu menggunakan batang gelas bengkok, mikropipet dan ose. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam, bila hasilnya berbeda nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Jumlah bakteri yang terhitung dengan menggunakan batang gelas bengkok, mikropipet dan ose per ml berturut-turut mengandung 9.722.222 cfu, 68.944.444 cfu dan 116.444.444 cfu. Dengan sidik ragam, perlakuan cara penyebaran dengan menggunakan mikropipet dan ose berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01 terhadap jumlah bakteri yang terhitung dengan menggunakan batang gelas bengkok. Setelah di uji dengan uji Duncan, rata-rata jumlah bakteri yang terhitung dengan menggunakan mikropipet dan ose lebih tinggi sangat nyata (P<0,01 dibandingkan dengan menggunakan batang gelas bengkok, sedangkan rata-rata jumlah bakteri yang terhitung menggunakan ose lebih tinggi sangat nyata (P<0,01 dibandingkan dengan menggunakan mikropipet. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan cara penyebaran suspensi dengan menggunakan batang gelas bengkok,mikropipet dan ose terhadap jumlah bakteri pada media EMBA. Penyebaran bakteri menggunakan ose lebih banyak (P<0,01 dibandingkan mikropipet dan batang gelas bengkok. Sedangkan penyebaran bakteri menggunakan mikropipet lebih banyak (P<0,01 dibandingkan dengan gelas bengkok.


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    Khairul Syahputra


    Full Text Available Denitrifikasi merupakan salah satu proses utama yang mengurangi kandungan senyawa nitrogen anorganik di lingkungan. Proses ini dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi kelebihan senyawa nitrogen anorganik yang tinggi di kolam budidaya perikanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi isolat bakteri denitrifikasi sebagai agen bioremediasi senyawa nitrogen anorganik. Sebanyak 21 isolat bakteri pereduksi nitrat berhasil diisolasi dari medium pengkayaan dengan konsentrasi nitrat 100 µM dan 1500 µM. Sebanyak 6 isolat merupakan kelompok bakteri denitrifikasi (fermentatif negatif dan 15 isolat termasuk kelompok bakteri fermentatif. Berdasarkan hasil seleksi didapatkan isolat HNF5 dan LNF mempunyai kemampuan reduksi nitrat yang tinggi. Aktivitas reduksi nitrat terjadi dari awal inkubasi, di mana aktivitas paling cepat terjadi pada fase eksponensial pertumbuhan bakteri. Isolat HNF5 dan LNF memiliki kecepatan maksimum reduksi nitrat (Vmaks 0,17 mM.h-1 dan 0,16 mM.h-1 dengan nilai konstanta Michaelis-Menten (Km 0,40 mM dan 0,28 mM. Identifikasi dengan sekuen 16S-rRNA memperlihatkan bahwa isolat HNF5 dan LNF mempunyai kemiripan dengan Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  8. Molekylærbiologer afslører bakteriers giftige hemmelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boesen, Thomas; Andersen, Gregers Rom


    niveau af, hvordan toksinet ødelægger sit mål. Forskningsresultaterne publiceres i det ansete tidsskrift Nature i dag.   De nye resultater kan få stor betydning, da denne type toksiner produceres af en række alvorlige sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier såsom pertussis (der giver kighoste), difteri, kolera......, coli og pseudomonas. Danskere vaccineres mod pertussis og difteri, og kolera er praktisk taget udryddet grundet forbedret hygiejne, men under naturkatastrofer og i udviklingslandene er disse bakterier stadigvæk skyld i sygdom og død.   Pseudomonas bakterier er i den vestlige verden mest kendt fra...


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    Lindawati S. A.


    Full Text Available Yogurt merupakan minuman susu yang difermentasi dengan menggunakan bakteri asam laktat Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophyllus sebagai starter. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kemampuan tertinggi dari yogurt berbasis air kelapa dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri pathogen (Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Klebsiela pneumonia dan E.coli secara in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL dengan empat perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Keempat perlakuan tersebut: Ko: susu skim 12%+air; K1: susu skim 12%+air kelapa gading; K2: susu skim 12%+kelapa gading bulan; K3: susu skim 12%+air kelapa hijau. Peubah yang diamati adalah aktivitas antimikroba yogurt terhadap bakteri pathogen (Salmonellatyphi, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella pneumonia dan E.coli, total plate count (TPC, total bakteri asam laktat dan E,coli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antimikroba tertinggi diperoleh pada yogurt berbasis air kelapa bulan terhadap bakeri Salmonella typhi dan Staphylococcus masing-masing sebesar 0,21 dan 0,26 cm dengan total bakteri asam laktat1,1×107 cfu/mL sedangkan untuk Klebsiella pneumonia dan E.coli diperoleh pada yogurt berbasis air kelapa gading sebesar 0,38 dan 0,64 mm dengan total bakteri asam laktat 3,1×106 cfu/mL.Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa yogurt berbasis air kelapa gading, bulan, hijau dan tanpa air kelapa memiliki aktivitas antimikroba berspektrum luas (menghambat bakteri gram positif dan negatif.

  10. Genomic identification and characterization of the elite strains Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense BR 3267 and Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi BR 3262 recommended for cowpea inoculation in Brazil. (United States)

    Leite, Jakson; Passos, Samuel Ribeiro; Simões-Araújo, Jean Luiz; Rumjanek, Norma Gouvêa; Xavier, Gustavo Ribeiro; Zilli, Jerri Édson


    The leguminous inoculation with nodule-inducing bacteria that perform biological nitrogen fixation is a good example of an "eco-friendly agricultural practice". Bradyrhizobium strains BR 3267 and BR 3262 are recommended for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) inoculation in Brazil and showed remarkable responses; nevertheless neither strain was characterized at species level, which is our goal in the present work using a polyphasic approach. The strains presented the typical phenotype of Bradyrhizobium with a slow growth and a white colony on yeast extract-mannitol medium. Strain BR 3267 was more versatile in its use of carbon sources compared to BR 3262. The fatty acid composition of BR 3267 was similar to the type strain of Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense; while BR 3262 was similar to Bradyrhizobium elkanii and Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA and three housekeeping genes placed both strains within the genus Bradyrhizobium: strain BR 3267 was closest to B. yuanmingense and BR 3262 to B. pachyrhizi. Genome average nucleotide identity and DNA-DNA reassociation confirmed the genomic identification of B. yuanmingense BR 3267 and B. pachyrhizi BR 3262. The nodC and nifH gene analyses showed that strains BR 3267 and BR 3262 hold divergent symbiotic genes. In summary, the results indicate that cowpea can establish effective symbiosis with divergent bradyrhizobia isolated from Brazilian soils. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.

  11. Bradyrhizobium centrolobii and Bradyrhizobium macuxiense sp. nov. isolated from Centrolobium paraense grown in soil of Amazonia, Brazil. (United States)

    Michel, Daniele C; Passos, Samuel R; Simões-Araujo, Jean L; Baraúna, Alexandre C; da Silva, Krisle; Parma, Marcia M; Melo, Itamar S; De Meyer, Sofie E; O'Hara, Graham; Zilli, Jerri E


    Thirteen Gram-negative, aerobic, motile with polar flagella, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from root nodules of Centrolobium paraense Tul. grown in soils from the Amazon region of Brazil. Growth of strains was observed at temperature range 20-36 °C (optimal 28 °C), pH ranges 5-11 (optimal 6.0-7.0), and 0.1-0.5%NaCl (optimal 0.1-0.3%). Analysis of 16S rRNA gene placed the strains into two groups within Bradyrhizobium. Closest neighbouring species (98.8%) for group I was B. neotropicale while for group II were 12 species with more than 99% of similarity. Multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) with dnaK, glnII, recA, and rpoB confirmed B. neotropicale BR 10247 T as the closest type strain for the group I and B. elkanii USDA 76 T and B. pachyrhizi PAC 48 T for group II. Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) differentiated group I from the B. neotropicale BR 10247 T (79.6%) and group II from B. elkanii USDA 76 T and B. pachyrhizi PAC 48 T (88.1% and 87.9%, respectively). Fatty acid profiles [majority C 16:0 and Summed feature 8 (18:1ω6c/18:1ω7c) for both groups], DNA G + C content, and carbon compound utilization supported the placement of the novel strains in the genus Bradyrhizobium. Gene nodC and nifH of the new strains have in general low similarity with other Bradyrhizobium species. Both groups nodulated plants from the tribes Crotalarieae, Dalbergiae, Genisteae, and Phaseoleae. Based on the presented data, two novel species which the names Bradyrhizobium centrolobii and Bradyrhizobium macuxiense are proposed, with BR 10245 T (=HAMBI 3597 T ) and BR 10303 T (=HAMBI 3602 T ) as the respective-type strains.

  12. Resistensi dan Sensitivitas Bakteri terhadap Antibiotik di RSU dr. Soedarso Pontianak Tahun 2011-2013


    Nurmala Nurmala; IGN Virgiandhy; Andriani Andriani; Delima F. Liana


    Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi resistensi, pemberian antibiotik harus berdasarkan pola bakteri penyebab infeksi dan kepekaan bakteri terhadap antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini untukmengetahui pola bakteri, resistensi dan sensitivitasnya terhadap antibiotik di RSU dr. SoedarsoPontianak tahun 2011-2013. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan retrospektif dilakukan RSU dr. Soedarso, Pontianak. Sampel penelitian adalah hasil pemeriksaan kultur dan uji kepekaan spesimen pus pasien yang diperi...


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    desi - sagita


    Full Text Available Bakteri endofit adalah salah satu alternatif penghasil senyawa antimikroba. Keberadaan bakteri dalam tanaman memungkinkan bakteri menghasilkan senyawa bioaktif yang sama seperti yang terkandung dalam tanaman inangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi bakteri endofit yang memiliki kemampuan menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri lainnya. Aktifitas antibakteri diukur menggunakan metode Kirbi Bauer. Sirih (Piper bettle adalah tanaman yang telah digunakan oleh banyak orang karena mengandung senyawa yang baik untuk kesehatan. Jumlah bakteri endofit yang berhasil diisolasi adalah 13 isolat yaitu E1, E2, E3,E4,E7,E8, E9, E10, E11, E12 dan E13. Berdasarkan uji aktifitas antibakteri, 6 dari 13 isolat endofit yang berpotensi memberikan aktifitas antibakteri. 5 dari isolat tersebut yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphyl,ococcus aureus dan E8 yang aktifitas nya tinggi dengan diameter zona bening 18.96 mm dan hanya 1 isolat yaitu E7 yang mampu menghambat  Escherichia coli dengan diameter zona bening 14.01 mm.

  14. Symbiotic effectiveness of acid-tolerant Bradyrhizobium strains with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Symbiotic effectiveness of acid-tolerant Bradyrhizobium strains with soybean in low pH soil. C Appunu, B Dhar. Abstract. Eight acid tolerant strains of Bradyrhizobium isolated from soybean plants grown on acid soils in Madhya Pradesh, India, were examined for their ability to survive in soil and YEMB at low pH levels. All the ...

  15. Isolasi, Karakterisasi dan Potensi Bakteri Aerob sebagai Pendegradasi Limbah Organik


    Zahidah, Dinda; Shovitri, Maya


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi bakteri aerob yang mampu mendegradasi amilum, protein dan selulosa. Penelitian ini berhasil memurnikan dan mengkarakterisasi isolat bakteri C5 yang cenderung masuk ke genus Bacillus. Berdasarkan uji kualitatif amilolitik, selulolitik dan proteolitik, diketahui bahwa isolat C5 memiliki indeks amilolitik (IA) sebesar 0.93, indeks selulolitik (IS) sebesar 1.95 dan indeks proteolitik (IP) sebesar 1.39


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    Ince Ayu Khairani Kadriah


    menggunakan isolat bakteri yang diisolasi dari budidaya udang windu di berbagai daerah di Sulawesi Selatan dan Jawa. Pada penelitian ini digunakan primer spesifik untuk mendeteksi gen-gen virulen toxR gene, hemolysin (vvh gene, dan GyrB gene dengan metode PCR. Dari 35 isolat yang diisolasi, 20 isolat terdeteksi memiliki gen virulensi dan 8 di antaranya memiliki dua gen virulen. Spesies bakteri yang memiliki gen virulen adalah: V.harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus, V. mimicus, dan V. campbelli

  17. Evolutionary Instability of Symbiotic Function in Bradyrhizobium japonicum (United States)

    Sachs, Joel L.; Russell, James E.; Hollowell, Amanda C.


    Bacterial mutualists are often acquired from the environment by eukaryotic hosts. However, both theory and empirical work suggest that this bacterial lifestyle is evolutionarily unstable. Bacterial evolution outside of the host is predicted to favor traits that promote an independent lifestyle in the environment at a cost to symbiotic function. Consistent with these predictions, environmentally-acquired bacterial mutualists often lose symbiotic function over evolutionary time. Here, we investigate the evolutionary erosion of symbiotic traits in Bradyrhizobium japonicum, a nodulating root symbiont of legumes. Building on a previous published phylogeny we infer loss events of nodulation capability in a natural population of Bradyrhizobium, potentially driven by mutation or deletion of symbiosis loci. Subsequently, we experimentally evolved representative strains from the symbiont population under host-free in vitro conditions to examine potential drivers of these loss events. Among Bradyrhizobium genotypes that evolved significant increases in fitness in vitro, two exhibited reduced symbiotic quality, but no experimentally evolved strain lost nodulation capability or evolved any fixed changes at six sequenced loci. Our results are consistent with trade-offs between symbiotic quality and fitness in a host free environment. However, the drivers of loss-of-nodulation events in natural Bradyrhizobium populations remain unknown. PMID:22073160

  18. Efek Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Mimba (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) terhadap Bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus Secara In Vitro


    Uli Ayini; Siti Harnina B.; Titis Candra Dewi


    Budidaya udang windu di Indonesia telah berkembang pesat. Salah satu kendala budidaya udang adalah penyakit Vibriosis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek antibakeri ekstrak daun mimba terhadap bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dilusi untuk mengetahui efek antibakteri ekstrak daun mimba terhadap bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus secara in vitro. Konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan (%) yaitu: 0; 2,5; 5; 7,...


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    Maimuna Nonci


    Full Text Available Kehadiran bakteri metanotrof pada daerah rhizosfer padi sangat dibutuhkan untuk mereduksi metan yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri metanogen, sehingga tidak terjadi emisi gas metan ke atmosfer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan koleksi dan seleksi bakteri methanotrof asal rhizosfer tanaman padi yang mampu menghasilkan enzim metan monooksigenase. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak pada tiga fase pertumbuhan tanaman padi yaitu fase vegetatif, reproduktif dan pematangan. Koleksi isolat dilakukan dengan metode isolasi dan pemurnian. Seleksi isolat dilakukan dengan pengujian reaksi gram, motil, indol, aerob/anaerob dan aktivitas enzim monooksigenase dianalisis dengan metode kolorimetrik.  Hasil penelitian diperoleh 52 koleksi isolat bakteri. Berdasarkan reaksi gram terseleksi 22 isolat gram negatif, berdasarkan analisis kolorimetrik  diperoleh 10 isolat  menghasilkan enzim metan monooksigenase.


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    Fitralia Elyza


    Full Text Available Limbah minyak kelapa sawit yang terbanyak adalah SBE (Spent Bleaching Earth, limbah ini mengandung residu minyak tinggi yang dapat mencemari lingkungan, 30% residu minyak pada limbah SBE dapat digunakan bakteri untuk pertumbuhannya, sehingga adanya bakteri mampu menjadi agen bioremediasi pencemaran SBE. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendapatkan bakteri lipolitik sebagai agen potensial bioremediasi pada limbah SBE. Metode pengambilan sampel limbah SBE secara random sampling. Sampel tanah diambil secara acak dari beberapa titik area limbah SBE. Bakteri diisolasi dari sampel limbah SBE, kemudian dilakukan tahapan yaitu : pemurnian, seleksi, uji potensi, bakteri berpotensi mereduksi lipid dikarakterisasi dan diidentifikasi genusnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aktivitas enzim lipase yang tinggi menandakan bahwa bakteri lipolitik bekerja optimal merombak zat pencemar. Bakteri yang memiliki potensi sebagai agen bioremediasi terdiri dari genus Citrobacter (B1, Enterobacter (B2 dan Acinetobacter (B3. The most palm oil waste is SBE (Spent Bleaching Earth, this waste had many reduced lipid that got pollution for inviroments, Bacteria can use lipid from SBE as much as 30% for growed. So that consist of bacteria in SBE as a potensial agent for remediation. This study aims to obtain lipolytic bacteria as a potential agent of bioremediation. The method of sampling soil were taken at random from SBE waste, Bacteria were isolated from the SBE waste, then they were selected into steps : performed purification, selection, potential test, then characterized and identified it’s genus of potential bacteria. The results showed that the higest activity enzyme of lipolytic indicated that the lipolytic bacteria worked optimal for reduce polution. Bacteria had potential as a bioremediation agent consisting of genus Citrobacter (B1, Enterobacter (B2 and Acinetobacter (B3.


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    Gusti Ayu Dianti Violentina


    Full Text Available Ikan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis merupakan ikan konsumsi yang disukai masyarakat.Pengetahuan tentang bakteri yang ditemukan pada tubuh ikan ini sangat penting untuk tujuan kesehatan masyarakat dan kajian biologi ikan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri yang berasosiasi dengan ikan tersebut.Bakteri dari usus ikan diambil secara aseptis dan ditumbuhkan pada Blood Agar dan Nutrient Broth. DNA total dari kultur agar cair diisolasi dengan chelax, gen 16S RNA diamplifikasi dengan PCR menggunakan primer universal dengan produk sekitar 1300 bp. Produk PCR dirunut dengan metode Big-Dye termination. Hasilnya disepadankan dan dianalisis dengan MEGA 6.0. Pada penelitian ini, 14 spesies bakteri yang memiliki > 99% kesamaan dengan data GenBankteridentifikasi, yaitu Photobacterium leiognathi, Uruburuella testudinis, Aeromonas molluscorum, Psychrobacter celer, Psychrobacer faecalis, Acinetobacter johnsonii, Vibrio gallicus, Bacillus megaterium, Vagococcus fessus, Shewanella baltica, Shewanella algae, Rothia nasimurium, Myroides phaeus dan Yersinia ruckeri. Peran bakteribakteri tersebut dalam biologi ikan dan kesehatan masyarakat perlu dikaji lebih lanjut.

  2. Co-inoculation effects of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Co-inoculation effects of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Azospirillum sp. on competitive nodulation and rhizosphere eubacterial community structures of soybean under rhizobia-established soil conditions.

  3. Wild peanut Arachis duranensis are nodulated by diverse and novel Bradyrhizobium species in acid soils. (United States)

    Chen, Jing Yu; Gu, Jun; Wang, En Tao; Ma, Xing Xian; Kang, Shi Tong; Huang, Ling Zi; Cao, Xue Ping; Li, Liang Bing; Wu, Yan Ling


    Aiming at learning the microsymbionts of Arachis duranensis, a diploid ancestor of cultivated peanut, genetic and symbiotic characterization of 32 isolates from root nodules of this plant grown in its new habitat Guangzhou was performed. Based upon the phylogeny of 16S rRNA, atpD and recA genes, diverse bacteria belonging to Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense, Bradyrhizobium elkanii, Bradyrhizobium iriomotense and four new lineages of Bradyrhizobium (19 isolates), Rhizobium/Agrobacterium (9 isolates), Herbaspirillum (2 isolates) and Burkholderia (2 isolates) were defined. In the nodulation test on peanut, only the bradyrhizobial strains were able to induce effective nodules. Phylogeny of nodC divided the Bradyrhizobium isolates into four lineages corresponding to the grouping results in phylogenetic analysis of housekeeping genes, suggesting that this symbiosis gene was mainly maintained by vertical gene transfer. These results demonstrate that A. duranensis is a promiscuous host preferred the Bradyrhizobium species with different symbiotic gene background as microsymbionts, and that it might have selected some native rhizobia, especially the novel lineages Bradyrhizobium sp. I and sp. II, in its new habitat Guangzhou. These findings formed a basis for further study on adaptation and evolution of symbiosis between the introduced legumes and the indigenous rhizobia. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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    Rita Febrianti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kerentanan empat strain ikan nila, yaitu: Sultana, Red NIFI, Srikandi, dan Aureus terhadap infeksi bakteri Streptococcus agalactiae. Ikan uji berukuran 15-20 g/ekor dan berasal dari populasi, serta batch umur yang sama. Infeksi bakteri S. agalactiae dilakukan secara buatan melalui penyuntikan intra peritoneal (IP pada dosis 104 cfu/mL, sedangkan kelompok kontrol diinjeksi dengan larutan Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap gejala klinis dan mortalitas ikan uji yang berlangsung selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh strain ikan nila mengalami respons yang sama terhadap infeksi bakteri S. agalactie yang ditandai dengan munculnya gejala klinis seperti: warna gelap/menghitam, sirip geripis, nekrosa pada mulut, mata menonjol, opaque, ulcer, dan dropsy. Kerentanan tertinggi terhadap infeksi bakteri S. agalactiae yang dimanifestasikan dengan rataan persentase mortalitas ikan uji diperoleh pada ikan nila Aureus sebesar 72%, Sultana 50%, Srikandi 36%, Red NIFI sebesar 24%, dan kontrol tidak ada mortalitas. Setelah diuji tantang, kadar limfosit mengalami kenaikan, netrofil dan monosit mengalami penurunan.

  5. Aplikasi Isolat Bakteri Indigenous Ubi Kayu Karet (Manihot glaziovii pada Fermentasi Pembuatan Mocaf

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    K Kamsina


    Full Text Available Indigenous bacteria isolate of cassava rubber (Manihot glaziovii is an isolate of native bacteria which is available in rubber cassava tubers. Rubber cassava tuber is a cassava with a high content of cyanide acid (HCN. The study was aimed to see the ability of indigenous bacteria isolate of cassava cultivar rubber (BUG1 on mocaf making fermentation. This study used a completely randomized design with treatments (A addition of starter indigenous bacteria isolates of rubber variety (BUG1, (B without isolates, and (C without  fermentation. The resulting mocaf product was conducted a chemical tests consisted of moisture, ash, starch, acid degree, coarse fiber, and HCN content, while organoleptic tests consisted of color, aroma, and texture. The analysis results on the various treatments showed that the optimal treatment of mocaf flour produced was the addition of indigenous bacteria isolate starter of rubber variety (BUG1.ABSTRAKIsolat bakteri indigenous ubi kayu karet (Manihot glaziovii merupakan isolat bakteri asli yang berada dalam umbi ubi kayu karet. Ubi kayu kultivar  karet merupakan ubi kayu dengan kandungan asam sianida (HCN tinggi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari kemampuan isolat bakteri indigenous ubi kayu kultivar karet (BUG1 pada fermentasi pembuatan mocaf. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL dengan perlakuan (A pemberian starter isolat bakteri indigenous varietas karet (BUG1, (B tanpa isolat, dan (C tanpa fermentasi. Terhadap produk mocaf  yang dihasilkan dilakukan uji kimia meliputi kadar air,  abu, pati, derajat asam, serat kasar, dan kadar HCN, sedangkan uji organoleptik meliputi warna, aroma, dan tekstur. Hasil analisis terhadap berbagai perlakuan menunjukkan perlakuan optimal untuk tepung mocaf  yang dihasilkan adalah pemberian starter isolat bakteri indigenous varietas karet (BUG1.

  6. Bradyrhizobium elkanii nod regulon: insights through genomic analysis

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    Luciane M. P. Passaglia


    Full Text Available Abstract A successful symbiotic relationship between soybean [Glycine max (L. Merr.] and Bradyrhizobium species requires expression of the bacterial structural nod genes that encode for the synthesis of lipochitooligosaccharide nodulation signal molecules, known as Nod factors (NFs. Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA 110 possesses a wide nodulation gene repertoire that allows NF assembly and modification, with transcription of the nodYABCSUIJnolMNOnodZ operon depending upon specific activators, i.e., products of regulatory nod genes that are responsive to signaling molecules such as flavonoid compounds exuded by host plant roots. Central to this regulatory circuit of nod gene expression are NodD proteins, members of the LysR-type regulator family. In this study, publicly available Bradyrhizobium elkanii sequenced genomes were compared with the closely related B. diazoefficiens USDA 110 reference genome to determine the similarities between those genomes, especially with regards to the nod operon and nod regulon. Bioinformatics analyses revealed a correlation between functional mechanisms and key elements that play an essential role in the regulation of nod gene expression. These analyses also revealed new genomic features that had not been clearly explored before, some of which were unique for some B. elkanii genomes.

  7. Epidemic Spread of Symbiotic and Non-Symbiotic Bradyrhizobium Genotypes Across California. (United States)

    Hollowell, A C; Regus, J U; Gano, K A; Bantay, R; Centeno, D; Pham, J; Lyu, J Y; Moore, D; Bernardo, A; Lopez, G; Patil, A; Patel, S; Lii, Y; Sachs, J L


    The patterns and drivers of bacterial strain dominance remain poorly understood in natural populations. Here, we cultured 1292 Bradyrhizobium isolates from symbiotic root nodules and the soil root interface of the host plant Acmispon strigosus across a >840-km transect in California. To investigate epidemiology and the potential role of accessory loci as epidemic drivers, isolates were genotyped at two chromosomal loci and were assayed for presence or absence of accessory "symbiosis island" loci that encode capacity to form nodules on hosts. We found that Bradyrhizobium populations were very diverse but dominated by few haplotypes-with a single "epidemic" haplotype constituting nearly 30 % of collected isolates and spreading nearly statewide. In many Bradyrhizobium lineages, we inferred presence and absence of the symbiosis island suggesting recurrent evolutionary gain and or loss of symbiotic capacity. We did not find statistical phylogenetic evidence that the symbiosis island acquisition promotes strain dominance and both symbiotic and non-symbiotic strains exhibited population dominance and spatial spread. Our dataset reveals that a strikingly few Bradyrhizobium genotypes can rapidly spread to dominate a landscape and suggests that these epidemics are not driven by the acquisition of accessory loci as occurs in key human pathogens.

  8. Efeitos de diferentes formulações comerciais de glyphosate sobre estirpes de Bradyrhizobium Effects of different glyphosate commercial formulations on Bradyrhizobium strains

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    J.B. Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar efeitos de formulações comerciais de glyphosate sobre estirpes de Bradyrhizobium, em condições de laboratório. As formulações foram aplicadas na concentração de 43,2 µg L-1 do equivalente ácido. As bactérias foram inoculadas em meio de cultura à base de manitol e extrato de levedura (YM. O efeito do herbicida no crescimento das estirpes de Bradyrhizobium foi avaliado mediante leitura da densidade ótica em espectrofotômetro. Avaliou-se o crescimento das estirpes de B. japonicum SEMIA 5079 e de B. elkanii SEMIA 5019 e SEMIA 587 sob efeito de nove formulações de glyphosate: Zapp Qi®, Roundup®, Roundup Multiação®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WG®, Trop®, Agrisato®, glyphosate técnico [padrão de N-(phosphonomethyl glycina] e controle sem adição de herbicida (testemunha para as estirpes. Foram utilizadas seis repetições. Confeccionaram-se curvas de crescimento para cada estirpe. Pelos resultados, pôde-se observar que todas as formulações de glyphosate causaram efeitos diferenciados sobre as estirpes de Bradyrhizobium SEMIA 5019, SEMIA 5079 e SEMIA 587. Constatou-se que a formulação Zapp Qi foi a menos tóxica às estirpes de Bradyrhizobium avaliadas. A maior toxicidade foi observada para Roundup Transorb, que provocou reduções no crescimento acima de 94% para todas as estirpes de Bradyrhizobium estudadas. Não se observou correlação entre o tipo de sal - isopropilamina, amônio ou potássico, presentes na formulação herbicida - e o grau de inibição no crescimento das estirpes. SEMIA 587 foi a estirpe menos tolerante à maioria das formulações testadas, porém SEMIA 5019 foi a mais sensível ao glyphosate padrão, sem adição de sais ou de outros aditivos.This work aimed to evaluate the effects of glyphosate commercial formulations on Bradyrhizobium strains under laboratory conditions. The formulations were applied in the concentration of 43.2 µg L-1 of the a.e. and

  9. Bradyrhizobium sacchari sp. nov., a legume nodulating bacterium isolated from sugarcane roots. (United States)

    de Matos, Gustavo Feitosa; Zilli, Jerri Edson; de Araújo, Jean Luiz Simões; Parma, Marcia Maria; Melo, Itamar Soares; Radl, Viviane; Baldani, José Ivo; Rouws, Luc Felicianus Marie


    Members of the genus Bradyrhizobium are well-known as nitrogen-fixing microsymbionts of a wide variety of leguminous species, but they have also been found in different environments, notably as endophytes in non-legumes such as sugarcane. This study presents a detailed polyphasic characterization of four Bradyrhizobium strains (type strain BR 10280 T ), previously isolated from roots of sugarcane in Brazil. 16S rRNA sequence analysis, multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) and analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer showed that these strains form a novel clade close to, but different from B. huanghuaihaiense strain CCBAU 23303 T . Average nucleotide identity (ANI) analyses confirmed that BR 10280 T represents a novel species. Phylogenetic analysis based on nodC gene sequences also placed the strains close to CCBAU 23303 T , but different from this latter strain, the sugarcane strains did not nodulate soybean, although they effectively nodulated Vigna unguiculata, Cajanus cajan and Macroptilium atropurpureum. Physiological traits are in agreement with the placement of the strains in the genus Bradyrhizobium as a novel species for which the name Bradyrhizobium sacchari sp. nov. is proposed.

  10. Resistensi dan Sensitivitas Bakteri terhadap Antibiotik di RSU dr. Soedarso Pontianak Tahun 2011-2013

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    Nurmala Nurmala


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi resistensi, pemberian antibiotik harus berdasarkan pola bakteri penyebab infeksi dan kepekaan bakteri terhadap antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini untukmengetahui pola bakteri, resistensi dan sensitivitasnya terhadap antibiotik di RSU dr. SoedarsoPontianak tahun 2011-2013. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan retrospektif dilakukan RSU dr. Soedarso, Pontianak. Sampel penelitian adalah hasil pemeriksaan kultur dan uji kepekaan spesimen pus pasien yang diperiksa di Bagian Mikrobiologi Unit Labolatorium Kesehatan (ULK. Dari 111 sampel,terdapat 21 jenis bakteri. Bakteri gram-negatif lebih banyak dari gram-positif, yaitu 70,7% dan 29,3%.Tiga bakteri terbanyak adalah Citrobacter freundii (18%, P. aeruginosa (17,1% dan Staphylococcusepidermidis (15,3%. Resistensi tertinggi bakteri adalah terhadap metronidazol (96,4%, sefaleksin(95,8%, sefuroksim (92,2%, oksasilin (91,7% dan sefadroksil (91,5% dan sensitivitas tertinggibakteri terhadap piperasilin/tozobaktam (89,7%, meropenem (82,9%, imepenem (78,1%, amikasin(76,3%, fosfomisin/trometamol (59,5% dan levofloksasin (56,1%. Kata kunci: bakteri, antibiotik, resistensi, sensitivitas, pus. Resistance and Sensitivity of Bacteria to Antibioticsat dr. Soedarso Hospital Pontianak 2011-2013 Abstract An effort to reduce resistance, antibiotics prescription should be based on information about pattern of bacteria and  sensitivity to antibiotics. The aim of the study is to  determine the patternof bacteria, resistance and sensitivity to antibiotics at dr. Soedarso Hospital Pontianak 2011-2013. This research is a descriptive study with retrospective approach. Samples were culture and sensitivity test result in pus specimen of dr. Soedarso Hospital patient’s examined at ULK. Thenumber of samples in this study were 111 samples. There were 21 type of bacterias. Gram-negativebacterias were found more than gram

  11. Growth and nitrogen dynamics of glycine max inoculated with bradyrhizobium japonicum and exposed to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehman, A.; Hamid, N.; Jawaid, F.


    Seeds of Glycine max (soybean) were inoculated with N-fixing bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum and grown in growth chamber to investigate interactive effects of atmospheric CO/sub 2/ and plants Nitrogen status on root and shoot length and biomass, nodule formation and Nitrogen concentration. Plants were grown with CO/sub 2/ at 3500 and 1000 ppm with or without Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation. Root and shoot length and dry mass of Glycine max increased significantly with CO/sub 2/ enrichment provided with Bradyrhizobium japonicum as compared to deficient Nitrogen fixing bacterium. While ambient and enriched CO/sub 2/ levels resulted in increased Nitrogen concentration of Glycine max shoot and root which is inoculated with N-fixing bacterium. Nodule formation was also enhanced in plants supplied with Bradyrhizobium japonicum as compared to plants which is Bradyrhizobium japonicum deficient at both CO/sub 2/ concentrations. (author)

  12. Pemanfaatan Serbuk Gergaji Menjadi Biobutanol dengan Hidrolisis Selulase dan Fermentasi Bakteri Clostridium Acetobutylicum

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    Hayuni Devina Fajariah


    Full Text Available Biobutanol adalah jenis alkohol ikatan C-4 (C4H9OH yang terbuat dari biomassa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu yang dihasilkan dari proses penggergajian kayu yang mengandung selulosa (55%, hemiselulosa (14%, dan lignin (21%. Biobutanol diproduksi dengan cara hidrolisis enzim selulase dan fermentasi bakteri Clostridium acetobutylicum. Variabel pada penelitian ini adalah penambahan enzim selulase pada proses hidrolisis (penambahan enzim atau tanpa penambahan enzim, pH awal proses fermentasi (5 atau 7 dan jumlah penambahan starter bakteri Clostridium acetobutylicum (5 atau 10 ml dengan variasi lama proses fermentasi 2,4,6,8,10,12 hari. Parameter dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa kadar selulosa, gula tereduksi, dan kadar butanol. Berdasarkan hasil penetian, diketahui bahwa proses hidrolisis dengan penambahan enzim selulase, kondisi awal fermentasi pH 5 dan penambahan inokulum bakteri Clostridium acetobutylicum sebanyak 10 ml dengan lama waktu fermentasi 12 hari merupakan kondisi yang paling efektif menghasilkan kadar butanol tertinggi dari 50 gram limbah serbuk gergaji. Kadar butanol tertinggi sebesar 1,88 % dari 1 µL sampel hasil fermentasi yang diinjeksikan ke dalam kromatografi gas.

  13. Penapisan Bakteri yang Diisolasi dari Tambak Udang sebagai Kandidat Probiotik pada Budi daya Udang Windu, Penaeus monodon

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    Muliani Muliani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan bakteri probiotik untuk budi daya udang windu P. monodon. Penelitian meliputi beberapa tahapan yaitu (1 isolasi bakteri dari tambak udang; (2 uji daya hambat terhadap Vibrio  harveyi; (3 karakterisasi secara fisiologi dan biokimia; (4 pertumbuhan bakteri pada beberapa konsentrasi NaCl; (5 pertumbuhan bakteri pada beberapa tingkat salinitas; (6 uji patogenisitas bakteri terhadap pascalarva udang windu; (7 uji tantang dengan V. harveyi dalam wadah pemeliharaan pascalarva udang windu; dan (8 analisis gen 16S-rRNA bakteri yang diisolasi dari tambak. Sedikitnya 14 isolat dari 2.228 isolat bakteri yang diisolasi dari tambak, potensial dijadikan probiotik pada budi daya udang windu. Sintasan udang windu tertinggi pada perlakuan yang menggunakan isolat BN2067. Isolat BT950 dan BT95 paling potensial menghambat pertumbuhan V. harveyi baik secara In vitro maupun In vivo. Hasil analisis gen 16Sr-RNA menunjukkan bahwa BT950 dan BT951 termasuk dalam kelompok Brevibacillus sp., sedangkan BN2067 termasuk dalam kelompok Vibrio vulnificus CMCP6 chr. This experiment was aimed for finding-out probiotic bacteria on tiger shrimp P. monodon culture. The research included several steps i.e. 1 isolation of bacteria from tiger shrimp pond; 2 inhibition test of  bacteria against V. harveyi; 3 biochemical and physiological characterization; 4 growth of bacteria at different concentration of NaCl; (5 growth of bacteria at different salinities; (6 pathogenicity test of bacteria to tiger shrimp post larvae, (7 challenge test of bacteria against V. harveyi in tiger shrimp culture media; (8 16S-rRNA gene analysis of  bacteria isolated from shrimp pond. Fourteen isolates of 2,228 isolates of bacteria isolated from tiger shrimp pond were potential for probiotic bacteria on tiger shrimp culture. The highest survival rate of tiger shrimp was obtained from those treated with BN2067 isolate. The potential isolates to inhibit V. harveyi both In

  14. Efektifitas Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale Var. Rubrum sebagai Additif Pakan dan Antimikrobia terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Anaerob dan Coliform Secara In Vivo pada Ayam Pedaging

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    J.R. Manullang


    Full Text Available Jahe merah (Zingiber officinale Var. Rubrum dikenal sebagai bakteriasida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakterial bubuk jahe terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri anaerob dan coliform (Escherichia coli dan Salmonella sp. secara in vivo pada Broiler. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua puluh empat DOC dengan berat badan 40,7 g. Pemberian bubuk jahe diberikan pada Broiler selama 5 hari dengan konsentrasi ekstrak jahe merah yaitu, 0,5, 1, dan 1,5% per kg pakan. Peubah yang diamati adalah berat badan, asupan pakan dan koloni bakteri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh ekstrak jahe merah pada total koloni bakteri yang cenderung menurun dengan semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak jahe merah, semakin tinggi efek hambatan pertumbuhan bakteri. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak jahe merah memiliki sejumlah aktivitas antibakteri untuk pertumbuhan bakteri anaerob dan coliform (E. coli dan Salmonella sp..


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    Taukhid Taukhid


    Full Text Available Riset dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh isolat kandidat yang imunogenik bagi pembuatan vaksin untuk pengendalian penyakit streptococcosis pada ikan nila telah dilakukan. Karakterisasi dilakukan secara biokimia dan API 20 STREP terhadap 15 isolat bakteri Streptococcus spp. Uji Koch’s Postulate kemudian dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran bakteri pada infeksi streptococcosis pada ikan nila. Konfirmasi taksonomis hingga level spesies isolat bakteri S. agalactiae dilakukan dengan teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR dengan menggunakan primer spesifik. Uji patogenisitas dilakukan terhadap 6 isolat yang terdiri atas 5 isolat S. agalactiae (N3M, N4M, N14G, N17O, NK1 dan 1 isolat S. iniae (N2O. Hasil penapisan menunjukkan bahwa bakteri S. agalactiae (N4M memiliki nilai LD50 terkecil, dan nilai terbesar dimiliki oleh bakteri S. iniae (N2O. Isolat bakteri N4M digunakan sebagai sumber antigen dalam pembuatan vaksin anti streptococcosis. Vaksin disiapkan dalam bentuk sel utuh dan diinaktivasi dengan formalin, pemanasan, dan sonikasi. Nilai titer antibodi dan sintasan tertinggi diperoleh pada kelompok ikan yang divaksin dengan formalin killed vaccine dibandingkan dengan teknik inaktivasi lainnya (heat killed vaccine dan sonicated vaccine.


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    Yusro Nuri Fawzya


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan sebagian dari rangkaian penelitian mengenai eksplorasi enzim kitinolitik dari mikroba lingkungan laut, khususnya dari limbah udang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi isolat bakteri KPU 2123 dari limbah udang, mengkarakterisasi dan mengaplikasikan enzim kitosanase yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri tersebut untuk produksi oligomer kitosan dan menguji bioaktivitas oligomer kitosan tersebut sebagai antitumor dan antibakteri. Karakterisasi enzim dilakukan dengan menguji aktivitas enzim pada berbagai suhu dan pH. Selain itu juga ditentukan besarnya aktivitas yang tersisa setelah enzim diinkubasi pada suhu dan lama waktu tertentu. Pengaruh ion logam terhadap aktivitas enzim juga dilihat dengan mereaksikan enzim dengan 1 mM ion logam dalam bentuk larutan khlorida. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan analisis gen 16S-rRNA, isolat bakteri KPU 2123 memiliki kemiripan 95% dengan Stanotrophomonas maltophilia. Enzim kitosanase dari isolat ini bekerja optimal pada suhu 50 ºC dan pH 6. Enzim ini cukup stabil pada suhu 37 ºC selama 120 menit. Penambahan ion logam berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas enzim. Ion logam Zn²+ (sebagai garam klorida 1 mM menghambat 100% aktivitas enzim tersebut. Penggunaan enzim kitosanase dalam menghidrolisis substrat kitosan, menghasilkan oligomer kitosan yang mengandung tetramer, pentamer dan heksamer Oligor kitosan tersebut mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus sebesar 10,06% dan dapat menyebabkan kematian sel HeLa dengan LC50 pada dosis 120 ppm.





    2015 Latar Belakang: Bakteri adalah salah satu mikroorganisme yang menyebabkan penyakit, salah satunya adalah bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Daun sirih dan daun saga memiliki sifat antibakteri karena mempunyai zat aktif yang berguna untuk meghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan efektivitas antara daun saga dan daun sirih. Metodologi : Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratories. Sampel penelitian ini adalah ...


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    Santi Nur Handayani


    Full Text Available Enzim lipase mempunyai peranan penting dalam katalis berbagai reaksi industri satu diantaranya pembuatan flavor melalui reaksi esterifikasi. Lipase adalah biokatalis yang berperan besar dalam aplikasi bioteknologi, seperti dalam sintesis biopolimer, biodiesel, produksi obat, dan produksi flavor. Peningkatan penggunaan lipase untuk industri mendorong dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan sumber-sumber lipase baru. Sumber lipase yang potensial salah satunya adalah bakteri Azospirillum sp.PRD1 dari isolat lokal Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Biologi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan ekstrak kasar lipase dan menentukan karakteristik sifat-sifat biokimiawinya. Metode yang digunakan antara lain peremajaan bakteri Azospirillum sp.PRD1, dan produksi inokulum, penentuan waktu produksi optimum dan fase pertumbuhan bakteri, ekstraksi dan produksi ekstrak kasar lipase dan penentuan karakteristik sifat-sifat biokimiawinya. Hasil penelitian diperoleh ekstrak kasar lipase dari inokulum berumur 7 jam dan medium produksi dengan induser minyak zaitun yang diinkubasi selama 3 jam memiliki aktivitas spesifik 7,0547 Unit/mg. Lipase ekstrak kasar optimum pada pH 7, suhu 40 oC dan waktu inkubasi selama 25 menit. Lipase merupakan metaloenzim dengan kofaktor Zn2+ , Mn2+, Hg2+, Ca2+, Co2+ and Mg2+.


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    Nurfijrin Ramadhani


    Full Text Available Rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dan kurangnya sarana kesehatan membuat penyakit infeksi semakin meningkat. Pengobatan secara alami sekarang menjadi pilihan baru sebagai antibakteri, salah satunya adalah mimba. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa daun mimba dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri, akan tetapi belum diketahui senyawa apa yang berperan sebagai antibakteri tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui di dalam daun mimba senyawa yang berperan sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode KLT Bioautografi langsung, dimana hasil maserasi esktrak etanol daun mimba yang telah dielusi ditempelkan ke media yang telah ditanami bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Zona hambat yang terbentuk dilakukan identifikasi senyawa dengan menggunakan pereaksi semprot Dragendorf, FeCl3, Sitroborat, Lieberman Bouchardat, dan SbCl3. Hasil uji KLT-Bioautografi menunjukkan bahwa daun mimba dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri yang ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona bening masing-masing dengan Rf 0,4 pada bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Senyawa yang berperan sebagai antibakteri terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli diduga adalah senyawa saponin dimana terbentuk warna ungu dengan pereaksi SbCl3.


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    Dewa Ketut Sastrawidana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas teknologi biofilm konsorsium bakteri pada  reaktor semianaerob-aerob ntuk mengolah air limbah pencelupan tekstil. Bakteri pada reaktor semianaerob terdiri dari  Aeromonas sp. Pseudomonas sp, dan Flavobacterium sp. sedangkan pada reaktor aerob terdiri dari Vibrio sp. Plesiomonas sp. dan Enterobacter sp. Perombakan proses pertumbuhan terlekat diawali dengan menumbuhkan konsorsium bakteri pada masing-masing reaktor selama 10  hari menggunakan pada batu vulkanik merah sebagai media pelekatan bakteri. Setelah terbentuk biofilm,selanjutnya digunakan untuk merombak limbah denagn waktu tinggal limbah 2 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknologi biofilm cukup efektif diaplikasikan pada skala lapang menghasilkan efisiensi perombakan TSS, BOD dan COD secara berturut-turut sebesar 84,7%; 80,56% dan 90,40%. Uji toksisitas air limbah tekstil menggunakan ikan nila dengan waktu paparan 3 hari menunjukkan bahwa air limbah tekstil sebelum diolah berkatagori toksik ringan dengan nilai EC50 adalah 88,80% sedangkan setelah diolah dalam reaktor biofilm konsorsium bakteri sistem anaerob-aerob selama 2 hari menjadi katagori tidak toksik dengan nilai EC50 sebesar 101,64%. Dengan demikian, pengolahan limbah tektil dengan sistem kombinasi anaerob-aerob menghasilkan kualitas limbah dengan kriteria sudah memenuhi baku mutu untuk dibuang ke lingkungan.

  1. Efek Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Mimba (Azadirachta indica A. Juss terhadap Bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus Secara In Vitro

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    Uli Ayini


    Full Text Available Budidaya udang windu di Indonesia telah berkembang pesat. Salah satu kendala budidaya udang adalah penyakit Vibriosis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek antibakeri ekstrak daun mimba terhadap bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dilusi untuk mengetahui efek antibakteri ekstrak daun mimba terhadap bakteri Vibrio algynoliticus secara in vitro. Konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan (% yaitu: 0; 2,5; 5; 7,5; 10; 12,5 dan sebagai kontrol terdiri dari kontrol positif, dan kontrol negatif. Pengumpulan data untuk menentukan MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration dilakukan dengan membandingkan kejernihan kultur di medium TSB 2% pada berbagai konsentrasi yang berbeda, dengan kontrol positif dan kontrol negatif. Penentuan MBC (Minimum Bacterisidal Concentration dilakukan dengan melihat ada tidaknya dan jumlah koloni bakteri Vibrio alginolyticus yang muncul pada medium subkultur TSA 2% setelah inkubasi 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai MIC yaitu konsentrasi 5%, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan tabung yang mulai jernih. Nilai MBC ekstrak daun mimba terhadap bakteri Vibrio alginolyticus adalah konsentrasi 12,5% ditandai dengan sudah tidak munculnya  koloni bakteri Vibrio alginolyticus. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun mimba dapat memberikan efek antibakteri terhadap bakteri Vibrio alginolyticus secara in vitro.Tiger shrimp cultivation in Indonesia has been growing rapidly. The main obstacle is the shrimp farming vibriosis disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio algynoliticus. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of neem leaf extract antibakeri against Vibrio algynoliticus. This study used a dilution method to determine the antibacterial effect of neem leaf extract against Vibrio algynoliticus bacteria in vitro. The concentration of the extract used (%: 0; 2.5; 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5 and as a control consisting of a positive

  2. Nodulation and N2 fixation effectiveness of Bradyrhizobium strains in symbiosis with Adzuki Bean, Vigna angularis

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    Dušica Delić


    Full Text Available In pot experiment, one isolate Knj from a Serbian soil, four strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and three strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. were examined for the effect on adzuki bean nodulation and effectiveness in symbiotic N2 fixation. All the tested strains produced root nodules in adzuki bean. Strains of B. japonicum showed high potential of N2 fixation, particularly 525 and 542. B. japonicum strains resulted 65-71% shoot dry weight and 99-138% total N content of uninoculated control with full N content (100%. No significant difference was found between the plants inoculated with Bradyrhizobium spp. strains and uninoculated control plants without N (40-42 and 42% shoot dry weight, respectively, which indicated symbiotic N2 fixation inactivity of the Bradyrhizobium spp. strains. Knj strain had the middle position (56% shoot dry weight. These data showed that B. japonicum 525 and 542 strains could be used in further investigations in order to apply them as inoculants in microbiological N fertilizers.


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    Yuska Novi Yanti


    Full Text Available Tumbuhan memiliki zat kimia aktif yang memiliki potensi besar salah satunya adalah membunuh atau menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Salah satu tanaman yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional adalah tanaman sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees yang mempunyai berbagai macam manfaat bagi kesehatan manusia,berbagai aktivitas farmakologi dari sambiloto adalah antiinflamasi,antibakteri,antipiretik dan antioksidan.Sampel dalam penelitan ini adalah koloni Staphylococcus aureus dan ekstrak kental tanaman sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees . Ekstraksi dengan metode maserasi Salanjutnya di rotary dengan menggunakan Rotary evaporator dan dilakukan uji susut pengeringan. Kemudian ekstrak dibagi menjadi lima perlakuan yaitu 10 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml, 100 µg/ml, 500 µg/ml, 1000 µg/ml dibuat kontrol posistif dan negatif lalu dilakukan pembuatan media NA dan NB. Selanjutnya dibuat peremajaan bakteri dan pembuatan larutan uji lalu dilalukan pengujian daya hambat dengan metode cakram lalu diikubasi dan diukur diameter zona hambat.Dari hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa semua konsentrasi ekstrak sambiloto memiliki daya hambat terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Daya hambat ekstrak sambiloto ditunjukkan dengan adanya zona bening disekitar cakram. Diketahui bahwa pada dosis 100 µg/mL, 1000 µg/mL memiliki daya hambat lemah dan dilanjutkan dengan analisa SPSS diperoleh hasil yang tidak berbeda secara signifikan.

  4. Colony Dimorphism in Bradyrhizobium Strains (United States)

    Sylvester-Bradley, Rosemary; Thornton, Philip; Jones, Peter


    Ten isolates of Bradyrhizobium spp. which form two colony types were studied; the isolates originated from a range of legume species. The two colony types differed in the amount of gum formed or size or both, depending on the strain. Whole 7-day-old colonies of each type were subcultured to determine the proportion of cells which had changed to the other type. An iterative computerized procedure was used to determine the rate of switching per generation between the two types and to predict proportions reached at equilibrium for each strain. The predicted proportions of the wetter (more gummy) or larger colony type at equilibrium differed significantly between strains, ranging from 0.9999 (strain CIAT 2383) to 0.0216 (strain CIAT 2469), because some strains switched faster from dry to wet (or small to large) and others switched faster from wet to dry (or large to small). Predicted equilibrium was reached after about 140 generations in strain USDA 76. In all but one strain (CIAT 3030) the growth rate of the wetter colony type was greater than or similar to that of the drier type. The mean difference in generation time between the two colony types was 0.37 h. Doubling times calculated for either colony type after 7 days of growth on the agar surface ranged from 6.0 to 7.3 h. The formation of two persistent colony types by one strain (clonal or colony dimorphism) may be a common phenomenon among Bradyrhizobium strains. Images PMID:16347599


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    Puguh Surjowardojo


    Full Text Available Apel Manalagi (Malus sylvestris Mill. sering dikonsumsi baik secara segar maupun diolah menjadi keripik apel. Pengolahan ini menghasilkan limbah berupa kulit. Kandungan kulit apel Manalagi berupa saponin, flavonoid, tannin, polifenol dan katekin yang dapat berperan sebagai antibakteri, kandungan ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pengganti larutan teat dipping iodip untuk menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli penyebab mastitis pada sapi perah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan apakah jus kulit apel Manalagi dapat menghambat pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli penyebab mastitis pada sapi perah serta untuk mengetahui konsentrasi yang lebih baik untuk menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcusaureus dan Escerichia coli. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium dengan cara diffusi sumurandengan analisis yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan juskulit apel Manalagi dengan konsentrasi 10%, 20% dan 30% dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteristaphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli secara signifikan (P<0,01 dengan hasil terbaik terhadapbakteri Staphylococcus aureus dengan menggunakan konsentrasi 30% sedangkan untuk bakteriEscherichia coli menggunakan konsentrasi 10%. Namun, penggunaan jus kulit apel Manalagi belumdapat mengimbangi iodip dalam menghambat bakteri Escherichia coli. Kesimpulan dari penelitian iniadalah jus kulit apel Manalagi dapat digunakan untuk larutan antiseptik alami untuk teat dipping padasapi perah. Kata kunci: Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli, zona hambat bakteri, mastitis.


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    Arsyik Ibrahim


    Full Text Available A research which identification of secondary metabolites and antibacterial activity test from methanol exstract of leaf Sungkai (Peronema canencens Jack to several pathogens bacterial, which aims to identification of secondary methabolites and determine the antibacterial activity from crude methanol extract of leaf Sungkai (P. canencens Jack. against Streptococcus mutans, Salmonella thyposa, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Material test obtained by maceration with methanol, then tested for activity. Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC value extract was determined by liquid dilution and the followed by scratches on solid media method.  Minimum Kill Concentration (KBM value extracts was determined by agar diffusion method with using paper disks.The results secondary metabolite identify form extracts of leaves P. canencens obtainable derived alkaloid, terpenoids - steroids, flavonoids, and tannin compounds. Methanol extract have the antibacterial activity. Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC value of extract is concentration of 20% for bacteria S. mutans, S.thiposa and S.aureus, while for the B. subtilis is konsentration of 15%. Minimum Kill Concentration (KBM values exstract at a concentration of 5% effective at killing S. mutans and S. thyposa bacteria, while the concentration of 1% effective to bacteria B.subtilis and S.aureus. Key words: P. canencens Jack,  antibacteria activity, S. mutans, S. thiposa, B. subtillis, S. aureus   ABSTRAK   Telah dilakukan penelitian identifikasi metabolit sekunder dan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak metanol daun Sungkai (P.canencens Jack terhadap beberapa bakteri patogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi metabolit sekunder dan mengetahui aktifitas antibakteri dan Kadar Hambat Minimum (KHM dan Nilai Kadar Bunuh Minimum (KBM ekstrak kasar metanol daun Sungkai (P.canencens Jack. terhadap bakteri  Streptococcus mutans, Salmonella thyposa, Bacillus subtilis dan

  7. Origin and Evolution of Nitrogen Fixation Genes on Symbiosis Islands and Plasmid in Bradyrhizobium (United States)

    Okubo, Takashi; Piromyou, Pongdet; Tittabutr, Panlada; Teaumroong, Neung; Minamisawa, Kiwamu


    The nitrogen fixation (nif) genes of nodule-forming Bradyrhizobium strains are generally located on symbiosis islands or symbiosis plasmids, suggesting that these genes have been transferred laterally. The nif genes of rhizobial and non-rhizobial Bradyrhizobium strains were compared in order to infer the evolutionary histories of nif genes. Based on all codon positions, the phylogenetic tree of concatenated nifD and nifK sequences showed that nifDK on symbiosis islands formed a different clade from nifDK on non-symbiotic loci (located outside of symbiosis islands and plasmids) with elongated branches; however, these genes were located in close proximity, when only the 1st and 2nd codon positions were analyzed. The guanine (G) and cytosine (C) content of the 3rd codon position of nifDK on symbiosis islands was lower than that on non-symbiotic loci. These results suggest that nif genes on symbiosis islands were derived from the non-symbiotic loci of Bradyrhizobium or closely related strains and have evolved toward a lower GC content with a higher substitution rate than the ancestral state. Meanwhile, nifDK on symbiosis plasmids clustered with nifDK on non-symbiotic loci in the tree representing all codon positions, and the GC content of symbiotic and non-symbiotic loci were similar. These results suggest that nif genes on symbiosis plasmids were derived from the non-symbiotic loci of Bradyrhizobium and have evolved with a similar evolutionary pattern and rate as the ancestral state. PMID:27431195


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    Fajar Winarni


    Full Text Available This study is an empirical legal research that uses primary and secondary data. The result of this  study is to be used f or the handling of  E.  coli  contamination where it  is the government ’s role to procure chlorine diffusers and monitor the quality of drinking water. The high level of contamination caused by the E. coli bacteria is due to the poor sanitation system and the close proximity of wells to septic tanks. Meanwhile, other constraints faced by the government include the lackof routine monitoring, lack of sanitation workers, and lack of proper implementation of the standardtechnical guidance on Procedures Planning Septic Tank with Absorption Systems. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris yang menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dalam rangka penanggulangan pencemaran bakteri E. coli dimana Pemerintahberperan dalam pengadaan alat chlorine diffuser, sosialisasi hidup bersih, pengawasan kualitas air minum, dan sebagainya. Tingginya pencemaran bakteri E. coli dikarenakan sistem sanitasi yang buruk, dan jarakyang dekat antara sumur dengan saluran septic tank. Sementara itu kendala yang dihadapi antara lainPemerintah tidak melakukan pengawasan secara rutin, terbatasnya petugas sanitasi, tidak dilaksanakannyapetunjuk teknis SNI tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan Tangki Septik dengan Sistem Resapan.Kata Kunci: peran pemerintah, pencemaran, bakteri E. coli.


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    Sefrita Tri Utami


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTLeptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which is caused by leptospira. Leptospirosis cases often show no specificclinical symptoms and is difficult to diagnose without testing samples in the laboratory. Testing using PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction is considered more accurate than the other methods. Components required in theexamination Leptospira bacteria in human blood samples using PCR method is DNA template, DNA polymeraseenzyme, forward primer (PU1 and SU1 and reverse primer (Lep R1, nuclease free water, Mg 2 +, and dNTPs.Examination of Leptospira bacteria in human blood samples include sampling, DNA isolation, examination byPCR, and electrophoresis running.Key words: leptospirosis, Leptospira, PCR methodsABSTRAKLeptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Leptospira. Kasus leptospirosis seringtidak menunjukkan gejala klinis yang spesifik dan sulit didiagnosis tanpa pengujian sampel di laboratorium.Pengujian dengan menggunakan metode PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction dinilai lebih akurat dibandingkandengan metode yang lain. Komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan dalam pemeriksaan bakteri Leptospira padasampel darah manusia menggunakan metode PCR adalah DNA template, enzim polymerase, Primer PU 1 danPrimer SU 1, Primer Lep R1, air, Mg2+ , dan dNTP. Pemeriksaan bakteri Leptospira pada sampel darah manusiameliputi pengambilan sampel, isolasi DNA, pemeriksaan dengan metode PCR, dan running elektroforesis.Kata kunci: leptospirosis, Leptospira, metode PCR

  10. Novel European free-living, non-diazotrophic Bradyrhizobium isolates from contrasting soils that lack nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes - a genome comparison (United States)

    Jones, Frances Patricia; Clark, Ian M.; King, Robert; Shaw, Liz J.; Woodward, Martin J.; Hirsch, Penny R.


    The slow-growing genus Bradyrhizobium is biologically important in soils, with different representatives found to perform a range of biochemical functions including photosynthesis, induction of root nodules and symbiotic nitrogen fixation and denitrification. Consequently, the role of the genus in soil ecology and biogeochemical transformations is of agricultural and environmental significance. Some isolates of Bradyrhizobium have been shown to be non-symbiotic and do not possess the ability to form nodules. Here we present the genome and gene annotations of two such free-living Bradyrhizobium isolates, named G22 and BF49, from soils with differing long-term management regimes (grassland and bare fallow respectively) in addition to carbon metabolism analysis. These Bradyrhizobium isolates are the first to be isolated and sequenced from European soil and are the first free-living Bradyrhizobium isolates, lacking both nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes, to have their genomes sequenced and assembled from cultured samples. The G22 and BF49 genomes are distinctly different with respect to size and number of genes; the grassland isolate also contains a plasmid. There are also a number of functional differences between these isolates and other published genomes, suggesting that this ubiquitous genus is extremely heterogeneous and has roles within the community not including symbiotic nitrogen fixation.

  11. Pola Resistensi Bakteri pada Sputum Pasien PPOK Terhadap Beberapa Antibiotika di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi RSUP Dr.M.Djamil Periode 2010 − 2012

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    Ashima Sonita


    Full Text Available AbstrakPeningkatan resistensi bakteri penyebab PPOK terhadap beberapa antibiotika yang lazim digunakan oleh klinisi dalam pemberian terapi empirik akan menyebabkan berkurangnya keefektifan terhadap terapi PPOK. Hal ini akan berdampak semakin tingginya morbiditas dan mortalitas yang disebabkan oleh PPOK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola resistensi bakteri penyebab PPOK terhadap beberapa antibiotika di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi RSUP.Dr.M.Djamil periode 2010 – 2012. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2013 sampai dengan Desember 2013 di Laboratotium Mikrobiologi RSUP Dr.M.Djamil Padang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif retrospektif. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bakteri penyebab PPOK adalah Klebsiella spp (42,44%, Streptococcus α hemolyticus (38,37%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12,21%, Staphylococcus aureus (4,65%, Proteus mirabilis (1,16%, Staphylococcus epidermidis (0,58% dan Streptococcus pneumoniae (0,58%. Disimpulkan bahwa bakteri tersering pada sputum pasien PPOK adalah Klebsiella spp. Tingkat resistensi tertinggi adalah Ampicillin, sedangkan tingkat kepekaan tertinggi adalah terhadap Netilmycin.Kata kunci: antibiotika, bakteri, resistensiAbstractIncreased resistance of bacteria that cause COPD to some antibiotics that are commonly used by clicicians in the provision of empiric therapy, it will cause a reduction in the effectiveness of the tratment of COPD. This study aimed to determine the resistance pattern of Bacteria in sputum of patients COPD to some antibiotics in Microbiology Laboratory Dr.M.Djamil Hospital Peroid 2010 – 2012. The research method was a descriptive and retrospective. According to the result, the bacteria that causes COPD is Klebsiella spp (42.44%, Streptococcus α hemolyticus (38.37%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12.21%, Staphylococcus aureus (4.65%, Proteus mirabilis (1.16%, Staphylococcus epidermidis (0.58%, and Streptococcus pneumoniae (0.58%. It can be concluded that the

  12. High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of the Bradyrhizobium elkanii type strain USDA 76T, isolated from Glycine max (L.) Merr (United States)

    Bradyrhizobium elkanii USDA 76T (INSCD = ARAG00000000), the type strain for Bradyrhizobium elkanii, is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod that was isolated from an effective nitrogen-fixing root nodule of Glycine max (L. Merr) grown in the USA. Because of its significance as a ...

  13. Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Buah Belimbing Manis (Averrhoa carambola terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae secara In Vitro

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    Rita Risandi


    Full Text Available AbstrakBuah belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola merupakan salah satu tanaman Indonesia yang diyakini memiliki khasiat obat. Salah satu manfaat yang dapat diambil dari sari buah belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola adalah dapat mengobati radang tenggorokan. Radang tenggorokan merupakan salah satu infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan daya hambat ekstrak buah belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae  secara in vitro. Metode studi ini ialah eksperimental dengan desain postest only control group design yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Biota Sumatera Universitas Andalas dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas dari Agustus sampai Oktober 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak buah belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola dengan konsentrasi yaitu 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20% tidak memiliki daya hambat terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae.  Hal ini terbukti karena tidak terbentuk zona hambat pada agar darah dan tidak terdapat pengaruh lama kontak ekstrak buah belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola  terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae secara in vitro. Ekstrak buah belimbing manis tidak memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae.Kata kunci: ekstrak buah belimbing manis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, daya hambat Abstract             Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola is a Indonesian plant that is believed to have medicinal properties. One of the benefits that can be drawn from the juice of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola is the ability to treat strep throat. Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. The objective of this study was to determine the inhibitory extract of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola on the growth of the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae in vitro. This was an experimental  research  with design


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    Luh Putu Happy Sandha


    Full Text Available Penggunaan tanaman tradisional sebagai obat telah banyak dikembangkan sebagai solusi pada kasus resistensi antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas antimikroba dari ekstrak sambiloto, kunyit serta kombinasinya terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri gram negatif Esherichia coli. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental murni yang dilakukan secara in-vitro. Ekstrak sampel kunyit dan sambiloto diperoleh dari proses ekstraksi menggunakan methanol 95%. Aktivitas antimikroba dinilai dari diameter zona hambat yang terbentuk pada bakteri E. coli dengan metode difusi cakram. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kombinasi ekstrak sambiloto dan kunyit memiliki potensi antimikroba yang bermakna terhadap bakteri E. coli dengan zona hambat sebesar 27,33 mm (p=0,002 pada konsentrasi 15 µg/ml. Ekstrak kunyit tunggal memiliki potensi antimikroba terhadap E. coli pada konsentrasi 15 µg/ml dengan zona hambat 28,67 mm (p=0,004. Ekstrak sambiloto tunggal tidak memiliki potensi antimikroba untuk E. coli. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu penggunaan kunyit sebagai antimikroba tunggal memiliki potensi yang lebih baik dibandingkan kombinasi ekstrak, sehingga tidak perlu dikombinasi dengan sambiloto.    

  15. Peanut plant growth and yield as influenced by co-inoculation with Bradyrhizobium and some rhizo-microorganisms under sandy loam soil conditions

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    F.Sh.F. Badawi


    Full Text Available The ability of tested rhizomicrobial isolates (Serratia marcescens and Trichoderma harzianum along with a strain of root nodule bacteria (Bradyrhizobium spp. to exhibit some PGP-properties was evaluated in vitro conditions. The main PGP-properties, namely the ability to solubilize-P and production of IAA, as well as production of siderophores and HCN were examined. Additionally, field trials were conducted on sandy loam soil at El-Tahrir Province during two successive summer seasons to study the effect of co-inoculation with Bradyrhizobium either individually or together with S. marcescens and/or T. harzianum on nodulation, some plant growth characters, peanut yield and its yield components. The in vitro experiment revealed that all of the tested microorganisms were apparently able to trigger PGP-properties. Phosphate solubilization was the common feature of the employed microorganisms. However, T. harzianum appeared to be superior to other microorganisms, and Bradyrhizobium displayed the lowest capacity. The ability of the microorganisms to produce indole compounds showed that S. marcescens was more effective in IAA production and followed by Bradyrhizobium. Capacity of S. marcescens and T. harzianum to excrete ferric-specific ligands (siderophores and HCN was detected, while Bradyrhizobium failed to produce such compounds. Results of field trials showed that the uninoculated peanut had the least nodulation status, N2-ase activity and all vegetative growth characters in both studied seasons. Bacterization of peanut seeds with bradyrhizobia exerted considerable improvement in number and mass of root nodules, increased the rate of acetylene reduction and all growth characters in comparison to the uninoculated control. The synergy inoculation between bradyrhizobia and any of the tested microorganisms led to further increases of all mentioned characters and strengthened the stimulating effect of the bacterial inoculation. However, the promotive


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    Dida Hani Rahman


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTFermented milk is a healthy product that has many benefits especially for human digestive tract. Manufacturing of probiotic fermented milk products as a functional food with a viable long shelf life needs to be developed. The purpose of this study was to formulate a dried fermented milk product using probiotic bacterias. The experimental design study was a complete random design with 4 treatments using different lactic acid bacteria (LAB: A1 (Streptococcus lactis: 0.5%; A2 (Streptococcus lactis: 0.25% and Lactobacillus casei: 0.25%; A3 (Streptococcus lactis: 0.25%, Lactobacillus bulgaricus: 0.125%, Streptococcus thermophiles: 0.125%; and A4 (Streptococcus lactis: 0.25% and Bifidobacterium longum: 0.25%. The highest level of hardness was A2 product and the highest level of tenderness is A1 product. Results of proximate analysis showed that dried fermented milk products had high levels of the protein, calcium, and phosphorus. Microbiological test results showed that the amount of lactic acid bacteria (BAL in dried fermented milk products were eligible based on CODEX: 243 (2003. Statictical analysis using ANOVA in the hedonic quality test showed that the treatments were significantly different (p 0.05 on the attributes of color, aroma, hardness, and flavor except texture.Key words: dried fermented milk, functional food, probiotic, lactic acid bacteria (LABABSTRAKSusu fermentasi merupakan produk kesehatan yang mempunyai banyak manfaat terutama untuk saluran pencernaan manusia. Pembuatan produk susu fermentasi probiotik sebagai makanan fungsional yang mempunyai kelangsungan hidup dan daya simpan yang lama perlu dikembangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memformulasikan susu fermentasi kering menggunakan bakteri probiotik. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan menggunakan 4 bakteri asam laktat (BAL, (Streptococcus lactis, 0.5%, A2 (Streptococcus lactis; 0.25% dan Lactobacillus casei; 0.25%, A3


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    Dwi Ningsih Susilowati


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenambatan nitrogen oleh bakteri rhizosfer dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyiasati dampak salinitas pada tanah sawah pesisir. Kemampuan tersebut disebabkan oleh aktivitas nitrogenase yang disandikan gen nifH pada komponen II. Penelitian  ini bertujuan  menganalisis aktivitas nitrogenase pada kondisi salin dan mengidentifikasi gen nifH. Sebanyak 50 isolat bakteri rhizosfer asal tanah sawah pesisir daerah Eretan dan Patimban, Jawa Barat telah dianalisis. Lima isolat yang menunjukkan aktivitas nitrogenase pada kondisi salin adalah Er B1 3, Er B1 4, Er B1 9, Er B2 10, dan Ptb B1 4. Gen nifH kelima sampel diidentifikasi menggunakan PCR menghasilkan amplikon berukuran ~360 bp. Aktivitas nitrogenase tertinggi berdasarkan Analisis Reduksi Asetilen (ARA diperoleh pada isolat Er B2 10 yang memiliki kekerabatan terdekat dengan bakteri Providencia sp. Hasil yang diperoleh membuktikan bahwa beberapa bakteri asal sawah pesisir dapat menambat nitrogen pada kondisi salin.AbstractThe ability of nitrogen fixation by rhizosphere bacteria could be used to decrease salinity impact in coastal paddy field, due to nitrogenase capability, encoded by a nifH gene in component II. The objectives of this research are to analyze nitrogenase activity in saline condition and identify the presense of the nifH gene. A total of 50 isolates of the rhizosphere bacteria coastal from wetland areas of Eretan and Patimban, West Java, has been isolated and being analyzed. Among them, five isolates i.e. Er B1 3, ER B1 4, Er B1 9, Er B2 10 and Ptb B1 4, showed the nitrogenase activity under saline condition. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR of the nifH gene from those five samples resulted in the amplicon size of  ~360 bp. The highest activity of nitrogenase assessed by acetylene reduction assay (ARA was shown by Er B2 10 which closely related to bacteria of Providencia sp. The obtained result showed that several bacteria from coastal paddy field were able to conduct nitrogen

  18. Application of representational difference analysis to identify genomic differences between Bradyrhizobium elkanii and B. Japonicum species. (United States)

    Soares, René Arderius; Passaglia, Luciane Maria Pereira


    Bradyrhizobium elkanii is successfully used in the formulation of commercial inoculants and, together with B. japonicum, it fully supplies the plant nitrogen demands. Despite the similarity between B. japonicum and B. elkanii species, several works demonstrated genetic and physiological differences between them. In this work Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) was used for genomic comparison between B. elkanii SEMIA 587, a crop inoculant strain, and B. japonicum USDA 110, a reference strain. Two hundred sequences were obtained. From these, 46 sequences belonged exclusively to the genome of B. elkanii strain, and 154 showed similarity to sequences from B. japonicum genome. From the 46 sequences with no similarity to sequences from B. japonicum, 39 showed no similarity to sequences in public databases and seven showed similarity to sequences of genes coding for known proteins. These seven sequences were divided in three groups: similar to sequences from other Bradyrhizobium strains, similar to sequences from other nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and similar to sequences from non nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These new sequences could be used as DNA markers in order to investigate the rates of genetic material gain and loss in natural Bradyrhizobium strains.

  19. Effect of Bradyrhizobium photosynthesis on stem nodulation of Aeschynomene sensitiva


    Giraud, Eric; Hannibal, Laure; Fardoux, Joël; Verméglio, A.; Dreyfus, Bernard


    Some leguminous species of the genus #Aeschynomene$ are specifically stem-nodulated by photosynthetic bradyrhizobia. To study the effect of bacterial photosynthesis during symbiosis, we generated a photosynthesis-negative mutant of the #Bradyrhizobium$ sp. strain ORS278 symbiont of #Aeschynomene sensitiva$. The presence of a functional photosynthetic unit in bacterioids and the high expression of the photosynthetic genes observed in stem nodules demonstrate that the bacteria are photosyntheti...

  20. UJI ZONA HAMBAT EKSTRAK DAUN PUTRI MALU (Mimosa pudica TERHADAP BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureus DAN Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA SECARA IN VITRO

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    Nyoman Ririn Chandrika Sari


    Full Text Available Resistensi Staphylococcus aureus dan MRSA terhadap antibiotika spektrum luas mendorong berbagai penelitian untuk menemukan senyawa aktif yang sensitif dan efektif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penghambatan ekstrak daun putri malu (Mimosa pudica terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan MRSA.Penelitian terhadap aktivitas antimikrobial ekstrak daun putri malu dilakukan dengan metode agar difusi cakram dengan menggunakan metode Kirby-Bauer.Suspensi bakteri disesuaikan dengan standar kekeruhan Mc Farland 0.5. Biakan bakteri dalam cawan petri masing-masing diberikan 6 perlakuan, yaitu kontrol positif (amoxicillin atau vancomycin, kontrol negatif (alkohol, serta ekstrak daun putri malu dengan konsentrasi 25 mcg/ml, 50 mcg/ml, 75 mcg/ml dan 100 mcg/ml. Pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus dihambat secara signifikan oleh ekstrak daun putri malu, dengan efek inhibisi pada semua konsentrasi secara signifikan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif (p<0.05. Zona inhibisi Staphylococcus aureus pada konsentrasi 25 mcg/ml adalah 28.86 mm dan telah memenuhi kriteria sebagai antimikrobial sensitif berdasarkan Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI. Inhibisi pertumbuhan MRSA secara signifikan terjadi pada semua konsentrasi ekstrak daun putri malu dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif (p=0.00. Zona inhibisi terbesar ditemukan pada konsentrasi 100 mcg/ml dengan diameter sebesar 14.16 mm dan memiliki efek antimikrobial sebanding dengan vancomycin dalam menghambat pertumbuhan MRSA (p=0.186. Hasil uji agar difusi cakram menunjukkan bahwa senyawa aktif dalam ekstrak daun putri malu memiliki aktivitas antimikrobial yang tinggi terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan MRSA secara in vitro.

  1. Uji Efektivitas Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia dalam Mempercepat Laju Disinfeksi Bakteri Escheria Coli pada Proses Solar Water Disinfection

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    Saprian Saprian


    Full Text Available Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS memerlukan waktu rata-rata berkisar antara 5-6 jam untuk dapat membunuh bakteri 3-4 Log pada air berkapasitas maksimal 2 liter atau 1 jam dengan suhu di atas 50°C. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa dengan mengkombinasikan SODIS dengan psoralens, zat aktif seperti yang terdapat pada jeruk Lemon (Citrus Limon dapat menginaktivasi bakteri hingga 5,6 Log reduksi dalam rentang waktu 30 menit pada suhu 29°C. Mengingat faktor ketersediaan dan harga jeruk lemon di Indonesia maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan dengan menggunakan jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi jeruk nipis untuk dipergunakan dalam mempercepat laju disinfeksi pada proses SODIS. Adapun faktor-faktor yang akan dipelajari terkait dengan hubungan antara variasi dosis jeruk nipis, perubahan pH dan suhu air terhadap efisiensi inaktivasi bakteri yang mampu dihasilkan. Variasi jeruk nipis yang digunakan adalah 0%, 2%, 4% dan 6% dengan variasi waktu 0 menit, 30 menit, 60 menit dan 120 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan SODIS dengan menggunakan jeruk nipis mampu menginaktivasi E. coli sebesar 5.4 Log dengan waktu 1 jam pada suhu 32°C. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Jeruk nipis berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam mempercepat laju disinfeksi E. coli pada air minum. Kata Kunci : SODIS, E.coli, Psoralens, Jeruk Nipis

  2. UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK RUMPUT LAUT Kappaphycus alvarezii DAN Eucheuma denticullatum TERHADAP BAKTERI Aeromonas hydrophila DAN Vibrio harveyii

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    Dwi Budi Wiyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian tentang Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dan Eucheuma denticullatum Terhadap Bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dan Vibrio harveyii dilakukan, mengingat banyak dijumpai  penyakit pada usaha budidaya ikan dan udang, terutama bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dan Vibrio harveyii. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas senyawa bioaktif rumput laut K. alvarezii dan E. denticullatum yang diekstrak menggunakan pelarut metanol dan etanol sebagai antibakteri terhadap A. hydrophila dan V. harveyii.  Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak dua tahap, yaitu: (1 Uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak rumput laut; dan (2 Analisa senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat pada ekstrak rumput laut, dimana masing-masing tahapan dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dua jenis ekstrak rumput laut dengan pelarut metanol dan etanol, mempunyai daya antibakteri terhadap A. hydrophila dan V. harveyii. Ekstrak E. denticullatum dengan pelarut metanol memiliki daya hambat lebih luas dibanding ekstrak K. alvarezii dengan pelarut metanol terhadap A. hydrophila (19.43±0,55 mm. Ekstrak E. denticullatum dengan pelarut metanol memiliki daya hambat lebih luas dibanding ekastrak K. alvarezii dengan pelarut metanol terhadap V. harveyii (19.85±0,23 mm. Asam heksadekanoat merupakan senyawa paling dominan dijumpai pada ekstrak rumput laut K. alvarezii, dan E. denticullatum yang diekstrak menggunakan pelarut metanol. Kata Kunci : Aktivitas Antibakteri, Rumput laut K. alvarezii dan E. denticullatum,  Bakteri A.  hydrophila dan V. harveyii. 

  3. Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of Bradyrhizobium strains: revealing high diversity of tropical diazotrophic symbiotic bacteria. (United States)

    Delamuta, Jakeline Renata Marçon; Ribeiro, Renan Augusto; Menna, Pâmela; Bangel, Eliane Villamil; Hungria, Mariangela


    Symbiotic association of several genera of bacteria collectively called as rhizobia and plants belonging to the family Leguminosae (=Fabaceae) results in the process of biological nitrogen fixation, playing a key role in global N cycling, and also bringing relevant contributions to the agriculture. Bradyrhizobium is considered as the ancestral of all nitrogen-fixing rhizobial species, probably originated in the tropics. The genus encompasses a variety of diverse bacteria, but the diversity captured in the analysis of the 16S rRNA is often low. In this study, we analyzed twelve Bradyrhizobium strains selected from previous studies performed by our group for showing high genetic diversity in relation to the described species. In addition to the 16S rRNA, five housekeeping genes (recA, atpD, glnII, gyrB and rpoB) were analyzed in the MLSA (multilocus sequence analysis) approach. Analysis of each gene and of the concatenated housekeeping genes captured a considerably higher level of genetic diversity, with indication of putative new species. The results highlight the high genetic variability associated with Bradyrhizobium microsymbionts of a variety of legumes. In addition, the MLSA approach has proved to represent a rapid and reliable method to be employed in phylogenetic and taxonomic studies, speeding the identification of the still poorly known diversity of nitrogen-fixing rhizobia in the tropics.


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    Arief Pambudi


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penggunaan pupuk kimia secara berlebih dapat menyebabkan kerusakan tanah dan menyebabkan ekosistem yang ada didalamnya terganggu. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR adalah bakteri yang hidup di daerah rizosfer tanaman yang dapat berperan sebagai biofertilizer, biostimulan dan bioprotektan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dan mengetahui karakteristik bakteri tanah yang berasal dari dua area persawahan, lokasi pertama di Desa Sukawali (TGR 1 dan lokasi kedua di Desa Belimbing (TGR 2, Kabupaten Tangerang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel tanah, kemudian sampel dikultur dalam media agar nutrien dengan pengenceran bertingkat. Total bakteri dihitung dan isolat yang diperoleh diuji kemampuan dan karakternya dalam menambat nitrogen (BPN, melarutkan fosfat (BPF, menghasilkan indole acetic acid (IAA, menghasilkan Hidrogen Cyanide (HCN, aktivitas katalase, jenis Gram dan karakter motilitas. Total bakteri yang dapat tumbuh dari kedua lokasi sebanyak 2,4x106 CFU/g dan 1,8x106 CFU/g. Kedua lokasi diperoleh total 45 isolat dengan seluruhnya positif BPN, 42 isolat positif BPF, 24 isolat menghasilkan IAA, 27 isolat menghasilkan HCN, 43 isolat katalase positif, 39 isolat Gram positif, 6 isolat Gram negatif, serta 41 isolat motil. Berdasarkan uji yang dilakukan, terdapat 16 isolat yang berpotensi sebagai pupuk hayati.  Abstract Excessive use of chemical fertilizer may cause soil damage and disturb the ecosystem. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR is a consortium bacteria that live in plant rhizosphere which acts as biofertilizer, biostimulant, and bioprotectant. The objective of this research is to isolate and investigate the characteristics of soil bacteria originating from two rice fields in Sukawali Village (TGR 1 and Belimbing Village (TGR 2, Tangerang Regency. The research was conducted by collecting soil samples and then culturing the bacteria onto nutrient agar medium with serial dilution. The total bacteria

  5. Efek Larvasida Bakteri Kitinolitik dari Limbah Kulit Udang terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti

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    Dyah Widiastuti


    Full Text Available Abstract. Aedes aegypti is a major vector for Dengue, a deadly disease causing death of millions of people in developing countries both in urban and rural populations. Ae. aegypti control using chemical insecticide was always carried out and lead to a widespread insecticide resistance. Therefore, mosquito biological control is needed to replace the usage of chemical insecticide. A chitinolytic bacteria, was isolated from shrimp’s waste (head and shell. The isolate showed chitinolytic activity as a transparent zone in colony inside the synthetic media, containing (w/v- 0,3 % colloidal chitin, 1% pepton, 0,5% yeast extract, 0,1% NaCl, 0,1% K2HPO4, 0,05% MgSO4.7H2O, 0,001% FeSO4.7H2O, 0,001% ZnSO4.7H2O, and each of 0,0001% CuSO4.5H2O, MnSO4.nH2O and CaCl2.2H2O at pH 7 and 300C after 72 h of incubation. The isolate was identified as gram positive group based on gram staining. In the experimental method, four concentrations of chitinolytic bacteria (4%, 8%, 16% and 32% was exposed to Ae. aegypti larvae. The result showed that chitinolytic bacterium degrades exoskeleton of third instar larvae of Ae. aegypti. Degradation of exoskeleton started on the 2nd days and occurred in thorax region. Probit analysis showed LC50 value was obtaninedat concentration of 2%. Keywords: chitinolytic bacteria, shrimp’s waste, Aedes aegypti Abstrak. Aedes aegypti merupakan vektor utama Dengue, penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian jutaan orang di negara-negara berkembang baik pada populasi perkotaan dan pedesaan. Pengendalian Ae. aegypti menggunakan insektisida kimia selalu dilakukan dan menyebabkan resistensi insektisida secara luas. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian nyamuk secara biologis diperlukan untuk menggantikan penggunaan insektisida kimia. Bakteri kitinolitik telah diisolasi dari limbah udang (kepala dan cangkang. Isolat menunjukkan aktivitas kitinolitik berupa zona bening di sekitar  koloni dalam media sintetik yang mengandung (w/v - 0,3% koloidal kitin, 1


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    Widanarni Widanarni


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bakteri probiotik yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Vibrio harveyi mengggunakan metode kultur bersama. Sebanyak 51 isolat kandidat probiotik berhasil diisolasi dari larva udang dan lingkungan pemeliharaannya di Balai Pengembangan Benih Ikan Air Payau dan Udang (BPBILAPU, Pangandaran serta hatcheri udang PT Biru Laut Khatulistiwa dan tambak udang intensif di Lampung. Dari total isolat tersebut setelah diseleksi secara in vitro menggunakan metode kultur bersama dipilih 3 isolat kandidat probiotik yang paling potensial dalam menekan atau menghambat pertumbuhan V. harveyi MR 5399 RfR yakni 1Ub, P20Bf, dan 10a. Ketiga isolat tersebut selanjutnya digunakan pada uji patogenisitas dan uji tantang pada larva udang windu. Hasil uji patogenisitas dengan konsentrasi bakteri 106 CFU/mL menunjukkan bahwa ketiga isolat tersebut tidak bersifat patogen pada larva udang windu. Hasil uji tantang pada larva udang juga menunjukkan bahwa ketiga isolat tersebut mampu meningkatkan sintasan larva udang windu. Nilai sintasan larva pada perlakuan yang selain diinfeksi dengan V. harveyi MR5399 RfR juga ditambah probiotik 1Ub, P20Bf, dan 10a masing-masing adalah 90,0%; 86,7%; dan 78,3% sedangkan pada perlakuan yang hanya diinfeksi dengan V. harveyi MR5399 RfR tanpa probiotik nilai sintasannya hanya mencapai 73,3%. Populasi bakteri V. harveyi pada perlakuan dengan penambahan bakteri probiotik lebih rendah dibanding perlakuan tanpa probiotik, hal ini menunjukkan kemungkinan adanya kompetisi antara bakteri V. harveyi dengan 1Ub. This research was aimed to obtain probiotic bacteria that can be used to inhibit the growth of Vibrio harveyi using co-culture method. This method succeeded in isolating 51 probiotic bacteria candidates from shrimp larva and their rearing environment in Balai Pengembangan Benih Ikan Laut Payau dan Udang (BPBILAPU, Pangandaran and shrimp hatchery of PT Biru Laut Khatulistiwa and intensively managed shrimp pond

  7. Identifikasi Carrier Bakteri Streptococcus β hemolyticus Group A pada Murid SD Negeri 13 Padang Berdasarkan Perbedaan Umur dan Jenis Kelamin

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    Fadhila Aini


    Full Text Available AbstrakStreptococcus β hemolyticus Grup A atau yang disebut juga Streptococcus pyogenes merupakan salah satu bakteri patogen yang banyak menginfeksi manusia.Bakteri ini dapat ditemukan sebagai carrier di saluran pernafasan terutama pada anak-anak, tidak menimbulkan penyakit tetapi berisiko untuk menyebarkan penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan jumlah carrier  bakteri Streptococcus β hemolyticus Grup A pada murid berdasarkan perbedaan umur dan jenis kelamin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif cross-sectional dengan menggunakan sampel seluruh murid SD Negeri 13 Padang. Hasil penelitian adalah didapatkan 2 orang murid yang menderita carrier, yaitu pada kelompok usia>8-9 tahun dan >11 tahun. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin yang terdiri dari 54 orang laki-laki dan 50 orang perempuan, didapatkan 2 orang carrier yaitu hanya pada anak laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa carrier bakteri Streptococcus β hemolyticus Group  A terdapat pada anak usia tersebut karena masih kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kebersihan. Carrier yang ditemukan hanya pada anak laki-laki kemungkinan disebabkan mereka lebih sering bermain di luar rumah dan terpapar dengan berbagai bakteri patogen dan kurang memperhatikan kebersihan diri.Kata kunci: carrier, streptococcus β hemolyticus grup A, umur, jenis kelamin AbstractGroup A Streptococcus β hemolyticus or also called Streptococcus pyogenes is one of many pathogenic bacteria that infect humans. These bacteria can be found as a carrier in the respiratory tract especially in children, do not cause disease but can be a risk for spreading the disease. This objective of this study was to determine the amount of the carrier of bacteria group A Streptococcus β hemolyticus based on age and gender differences. This research is a descriptive cross - sectional study using a sample of all students of SD Negeri 13 Padang. Based on the age of 104 students found that students who suffer 2 carrier, which is in the age

  8. SELEKSI DAN IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI ENDOFIT POTENSIAL PENGHASIL ENZIM PROTEASE DARI TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG HALIMUN - (The Selection and Identification of Potential Endophyte Bacteria as Protease Enzyme Producer from Halimun Mount National Park

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    Ruth Melliawati


    Full Text Available Endophytic bacteria have an equal chance to bacteria that live outside the plant tissue as potential bacteria. The selection has done towards 326 bacterial endophyte isolates. This research aimed to find and identify proteolytic potential isolates. The proteolytic selection of endophytic bacteria had done using solid skim milk. The capability of endophytic bacteria to agglomerate milk was tested using liquid skim milk which incubated for 7 days at room temperature. Enzyme production of four selected isolates was made through fermentation in GYS medium. The results showed that 86 isolates have proteolytic potential. Isolate HL.29B.63 had highest protease enzymes activity (65.918 U/mL. Medium optimization was able to increase the enzyme activity into 89.94% (125.04 U/mL. The analysis used 16s rDNA showed that isolate HL.29B.63 was Bacillus amyloliquefacient subs. plantarum strain FZB42.Keywords: endophytic bacteria, fermentation, identification, protease, selection ABSTRAKBakteri endofit mempunyai peluang yang sama dengan bakteri yang hidup diluar jaringan tanaman sebagai bakteri potensial. Seleksi dilakukan terhadap 326 isolat bakteri endofit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari isolat yang berpotensi proteolitik dan mengidentifikasinya. Seleksi proteolitik terhadap bakteri endofitik menggunakan skim milk padat. Uji kemampuan bakteri endofitik dalam menggumpalkan susu menggunakan medium skim milk cair yang diinkubasi selama 7 hari pada suhu ruang. Produksi enzim terhadap empat isolat terseleksi dilakukan melalui fermentasi dalam medium GYS. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 86 isolat mempunyai potensi proteolitik. Isolat HL.29B.63 mempunyai aktif enzim protease tertinggi (65,918 U/mL. Optimasi medium dapat meningkatkan aktivitas enzim sebesar 89,94% (125,04 U/mL. Analisis menggunakan 16s rDNA menunjukkan bahwa isolat HL.29B.63 adalah Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subs. plantarum strain FZB42.Kata kunci: bakteri endofit, fermentasi, identifikasi, protease

  9. POTENSI TUMBUHAN BANGKAL (Nauclea Orientalis UNTUK PENGENDALIAN BAKTERI Aeromonas Hydrophila (POTENTIAL PLANT BANGKAL (Nauclea orientalis FOR CONTROL Aeromonas Hydrophila

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    Siti Aisiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah didapatkan metode pengendalian penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila pada budi daya ikan yang ramah lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan uji sensitivitas terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila, uji minimal konsentrasi menghambat  bakteri A. hydrophila (uji MIC dan uji toksisitas terhadap ikan nila. Rancangan  yang digunakan untuk  uji toksisitas  adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL, dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu A  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak bangkal konsentrasi 20%, B  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak bangkal konsentrasi 40%,  C  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak bangkal konsentrasi 80%, dan D  = Kontrol (ikan tidak disuntik, diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Perlakuan ini didapat dari hasil uji sensitivitas antibakteri bangkal yang mempunyai daya hambat dan daya bunuh paling besar terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila yaitu ekstrak daun bangkal dengan pelarut akuades. Pengujian MIC menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak bangkal-akuades memiliki daya hambat minimal  20 % terhadap aktivitas bakteri A. hydrophila. Hasil uji toksisitas yang dilakukan terhadap ikan nila dengan konsentrasi 20%, 40% dan 80%  mortalitas ikan nila dibawah 50 %. Pengamatan hematologis yaitu eretrosit, leokosit, plasma darah, hematokrit dan leokokrit pada masing-masing perlakuan sebagian besar masih berada dalam kisaran yang normal. Parameter kualitas air yaitu, kadar oksigen terlarut,  pH, amoniak, CO2 dan suhu masih dapat mendukung kehidupan normal ikan nila. The purpose of this study was obtained method of controlling diseases caused by Aeromonas hydrophila in fish farming is environmentally friendly. In this study the sensitivity of the test  A. hydrophila, a minimum test konsentari inhibiting A. hydrophila (MIC test and toxicity test on  tilapia. The design used for toxicity tests is completely randomized design with 4 treatments it A = Fish injected with extracts bangkal concentration of 20 %,  B = Fish injected with extracts bangkal

  10. Identifikace PHA produkujících bakterií pomocí nástrojů molekulární biologie


    Gajdová, Barbora


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá identifikací bakterií, které jsou schopny produkce polyhydroxyalkanoátů (PHA). Mezi testovanými bakteriemi byli převážně zástupci rodu Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, dále vzorky z termofilní kultury a vzorky z přírodních zdrojů. Bakterie byly testovány pomocí molekulárně biologické metody PCR. Byla analyzována amplifikace genu kódujícího PHA syntázu (phaC). V první reakci byl detekován jak phaC gen zodpovědný za syntézu PHA, tak současně i 16S rRNA...

  11. Sobrevivência de Bradyrhizobium e Azorhizobium em misturas de solo contaminadas com metais pesados

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    A. Matsuda


    Full Text Available Estudos foram realizados no Departamento de Ciência do Solo da Universidade Federal de Lavras (MG, no período de novembro/1999 a janeiro/2000, com o objetivo de avaliar a sobrevivência de estirpe e isolados de rizóbio em solo contaminado com metais pesados e verificar a relação entre tolerância do rizóbio a metais pesados em meio de cultura e sua sobrevivência em solo contaminado. Foram utilizados os dois microrganismos mais tolerantes [BR-4406 (estirpe recomendada para Enterolobium spp. e UFLA-01-457 (isolado de solo contaminado, ambos pertencentes ao gênero Bradyrhizobium ] e os dois mais sensíveis (UFLA-01-486 e UFLA-01-510, isolados de solo contaminado, pertencentes ao gênero Azorhizobium , todos selecionados de um grupo de 60estirpes/isolados em estudos prévios deste laboratório, em meio de cultura suplementado com metais pesados.Empregaram-se misturas de um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (LE que continham 0, 15 e 45% (v/v de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo plíntico contaminado com Zn, Cd, Pb e Cu. As misturas de solo contaminado foram inoculadas com 20mL de cultura em YM na fase log das estirpes mencionadas, as quais foram testadas separadamente com três repetições. A avaliação do número de células viáveis no solo, realizada aos 0, 7, 14, 21 e 28dias de incubação, pelo método das diluições sucessivas e inoculação em placas com meio YMA, revelou comportamento diferenciado entre os organismos estudados. O número médio de células que sobreviveram ao final de 28 dias de incubação foi de (em UFCg-1de solo: 10(10,36, 10(10,29 e 10(9,70, para Bradyrhizobium, e 10(9,36, 10(7,54 e 0, para Azorhizobium em misturas de 0, 15 e 45% de solo contaminado, respectivamente. Portanto, houve maior sobrevivência de Bradyrhizobium do que de Azorhizobium , indicando maior tolerância a metais pesados do primeiro gênero.Como Bradyrhizobium foi também mais tolerante "in vitro", os resultados indicam haver relação entre o

  12. Improved Soybean Root Association of N-Starved Bradyrhizobium japonicum


    López-García, Silvina L.; Vázquez, Tirso E. E.; Favelukes, Gabriel; Lodeiro, Aníbal R.


    In this study, we addressed the effects of N limitation in Bradyrhizobium japonicum for its association with soybean roots. The wild-type strain LP 3001 grew for six generations with a growth rate of 1.2 day−1 in a minimal medium with 28 mM mannitol as the carbon source and with the N source [(NH4)2SO4] limited to only 20 μM. Under these conditions, the glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was five to six times higher than in similar cultures grown with 1 or 0.1 mM (NH4)2SO4. The NtrBC-inducibl...

  13. The genomes of three Bradyrhizobium sp. isolated from root nodules of Lupinus albescens grown in extremely poor soils display important genes for resistance to environmental stress. (United States)

    Granada, Camille E; Vargas, Luciano K; Sant'Anna, Fernando Hayashi; Balsanelli, Eduardo; Baura, Valter Antonio de; Oliveira Pedrosa, Fábio de; Souza, Emanuel Maltempi de; Falcon, Tiago; Passaglia, Luciane M P


    Lupinus albescens is a resistant cover plant that establishes symbiotic relationships with bacteria belonging to the Bradyrhizobium genus. This symbiosis helps the development of these plants in adverse environmental conditions, such as the ones found in arenized areas of Southern Brazil. This work studied three Bradyrhizobium sp. (AS23, NAS80 and NAS96) isolated from L. albescens plants that grow in extremely poor soils (arenized areas and adjacent grasslands). The genomes of these three strains were sequenced in the Ion Torrent platform using the IonXpress library preparation kit, and presented a total number of bases of 1,230,460,823 for AS23, 1,320,104,022 for NAS80, and 1,236,105,093 for NAS96. The genome comparison with closest strains Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA6 and Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 showed important variable regions (with less than 80% of similarity). Genes encoding for factors for resistance/tolerance to heavy metal, flagellar motility, response to osmotic and oxidative stresses, heat shock proteins (present only in the three sequenced genomes) could be responsible for the ability of these microorganisms to survive in inhospitable environments. Knowledge about these genomes will provide a foundation for future development of an inoculant bioproduct that should optimize the recovery of degraded soils using cover crops.

  14. Whole-Genome Sequence of Bradyrhizobium elkanii Strain UASWS1016, a Potential Symbiotic Biofertilizer for Agriculture. (United States)

    Crovadore, Julien; Calmin, Gautier; Chablais, Romain; Cochard, Bastien; Schulz, Torsten; Lefort, François


    Bradyrhizobium elkanii UASWS1016 has been isolated from a wet oxidation sewage plant in Italy. Fully equipped for ammonia assimilation, heavy metal resistances, and aromatic compounds degradation, it carries a large type IV secretion system, specific of plant-associated microbes. Deprived of toxins, it could be considered for agricultural and environmental uses. Copyright © 2016 Crovadore et al.

  15. Draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain BR 3262, an effective microsymbiont recommended for cowpea inoculation in Brazil. (United States)

    Simões-Araújo, Jean Luiz; Leite, Jakson; Marie Rouws, Luc Felicianus; Passos, Samuel Ribeiro; Xavier, Gustavo Ribeiro; Rumjanek, Norma Gouvêa; Zilli, Jerri Édson

    The strain BR 3262 was isolated from nodule of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) growing in soil of the Atlantic Forest area in Brazil and it is reported as an efficient nitrogen fixing bacterium associated to cowpea. Firstly, this strain was assigned as Bradyrhizobium elkanii, however, recently a more detailed genetic and molecular characterization has indicated it could be a Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi species. We report here the draft genome sequence of B. pachyrhizi strain BR 3262, an elite bacterium used as inoculant for cowpea. The whole genome with 116 scaffolds, 8,965,178bp and 63.8% of C+G content for BR 3262 was obtained using Illumina MiSeq sequencing technology. Annotation was added by the RAST prokaryotic genome annotation service and shown 8369 coding sequences, 52 RNAs genes, classified in 504 subsystems. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.

  16. Draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain BR 3262, an effective microsymbiont recommended for cowpea inoculation in Brazil

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    Jean Luiz Simões-Araújo

    Full Text Available Abstract The strain BR 3262 was isolated from nodule of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp growing in soil of the Atlantic Forest area in Brazil and it is reported as an efficient nitrogen fixing bacterium associated to cowpea. Firstly, this strain was assigned as Bradyrhizobium elkanii, however, recently a more detailed genetic and molecular characterization has indicated it could be a Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi species. We report here the draft genome sequence of B. pachyrhizi strain BR 3262, an elite bacterium used as inoculant for cowpea. The whole genome with 116 scaffolds, 8,965,178 bp and 63.8% of C+G content for BR 3262 was obtained using Illumina MiSeq sequencing technology. Annotation was added by the RAST prokaryotic genome annotation service and shown 8369 coding sequences, 52 RNAs genes, classified in 504 subsystems.

  17. Pembuatan Pasta Gigi Katekin Teh Hijau dan Uji Daya Hambat terhadap Bakteri Streptococcus Mutans dan Lactobascillus Ascidopillus

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    Fajriani Fajriani


    Peracikan formula dan pembuatan pasta gigi katekin teh hijau dilakukan sesuai hasil uji KHM (MIC. Pasta gigi katekin teh hijau ini dilakukan pengukuran kadar total flavonoid dan total polifenol, selanjutnya pengukuran uji daya hambat pasta gigi katekin teh hijau dilakukan dengan metode difusi menggunakan well (sumuran sebagai reservoar sampel uji terhadap bakteri streptococus mutans dan lactobacilus acidophilus. Hasil diperoleh prodak pasta gigi katekin teh hijau dengan kandungan kadar flavonoid 77% dan kadar polifenol 41%, sedangkan hasil uji diameter hambatan pasta gigi katekin teh hijau terhadap bakteri streptococcus mutans 17,2 mm dan bakteri lactobacillus acidophilus 19,6 mm. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa prodak katekin teh hijau ini sangat efektif digunakan sehari-hari sebagai perawatan gigi dan juga sebagai antibakteri kariogenik.   Making Green Tea Catechin Toothpaste and Inhibition Test Against Streptococcus Mutans and Acidophilus Lactobaccilus. The manufacture of this toothpaste is motivated by the desire of researchers to facilitate the public to use natural ingredients of green tea catechins whose result effectiveness against cariogenic bacteria was directly tested inhibition. This study is to find the right formula composition for greentea catechins toothpaste based on the result of the inhibition properties of greentea cathecins against tostreptococcus mutans dan lactobacillus acidophilus. The manufacture of greentea catechins toothpaste was after making catechins extracts and testing minimal inhibition concentration (MIC and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC using liquid dilution method. The toothpaste was then made according to the result of MIC. The toothpaste’s flavonoid and polyphenol total contain was measured; then the inhibition property of the toothpaste to was measured using diffusion method with wells as the sample reservoar for streptococus mutans dan lactobacilus acidophilus. It is found that the toothpaste contains

  18. Catabolism of indole-3-acetic acid and 4- and 5-chloroindole-3-acetic acid in Bradyrhizobium japonicum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, J B; Egsgaard, H; Van Onckelen, H


    Some strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum have the ability to catabolize indole-3-acetic acid. Indoleacetic acid (IAA), 4-chloro-IAA (4-Cl-IAA), and 5-Cl-IAA were metabolized to different extents by strains 61A24 and 110. Metabolites were isolated and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatogr...

  19. Uji Daya Hambat Sabun Cair Cuci Tangan pada Restoran Waralaba di Kota Padang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus Secara In Vitro

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    Anisha Fazlisia


    Full Text Available AbstrakSabun cair cuci tangan terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. Sebagian besar restoran waralaba di Kota Padang menyediakan sabun cair cuci tangan yang telah diencerkan. Proses pengenceran mengubah kemampuan sabun dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji daya hambat sabun cair cuci tangan pada restoran waralaba di Kota Padang terhadap pertumbuhan E. coli dan S. aureus. Sampel diambil dari empat restoran waralaba dan diuji dengan metode difusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat sabun dapat menghambat pertumbuhan S. aureus namun hanya sebagian yang memiliki daya hambat terhadap E. coli. Median daya hambat pertumbuhan E. coli dan S. aureus pada setiap periode yaitu 0, 7.4, 7.3 dan 0, 26.1, 23.3. Nilai maksimum daya hambat pertumbuhan E.coli dalam tiga periode yaitu 19.5, 35.4, 27.1 dan 20.7, 40.2, 36.6 untukS. aureus. Daya hambat minimum terhadap kedua bakteri adalah 0.00. Hal tersebut dapat dipengaruhi komposisi dan konsentrasi antiseptik, antibakteri, pH sabun, pengenceran dan struktur dinding sel bakteri. Disimpulkan bahwa sabun cair cuci tangan yang diuji memiliki kemampuan lebih besar dalam menghambat pertumbuhan S.aureus daripada E.coli.Kata kunci: sabun cair cuci tangan, restoran, pengenceran, uji daya hambat, pertumbuhan bakteriAbstractLiquid hand soaps proved to inhibit Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacterial growth. In Padang, most of Restaurants provide diluted liquid hand soaps. Research found dilution changed soap ability to inhibit bacterial growth. The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of Padang City Restaurants’ liquid hand soaps to inhibit E. coli and S. aureus bacterial growth. The samples were taken from four restaurants and examined by using diffusion method. The results showed all of them could inhibit S. aureus but only a half inhibited Escherichia coli bacterial growth. Median for E. coli and S

  20. DNA sekventering af bakterier i renseanlæg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Albertsen, Mads; Nierychlo, Marta; Nielsen, Per Halkjær

    nye muligheder, som vi ikke har turde drømme om indtil nu. Siden 2006 har vi i samarbejde med 54 danske renseanlæg, rådgivere (Krüger, Kemira) og Dansk Spildevandsteknisk Forening indsamlet prøver til MiDAS (Den Mikrobielle Database for Aktivt Slam) for at undersøge mikrobiologien og dens relation til...... drift og design af anlæggene. Vi kan nu f.eks. se hvilke bakteriearter, som findes i de danske anlæg, hvilke der er hyppige, hvilke anlægsparametre der er vigtige for artssammensætningen, og hvor lang tid det tager at få en stabil proces efter ændringer af drift eller procesdesign. Desuden giver de MiDAS...... karakterisering af mikrobiologien bliver brugt til, og hvordan den nye viden, der er indsamlet i MiDAS over de sidste 10 år, begynder at udmønte sig i konkrete værktøjer til trouble-shooting på de enkelte renseanlæg. Disse vil bl.a. omfatte forbedret identifikation og kontrol af visse trådformede bakterier samt...

  1. Kajian patogenisitas bakteri Edwardsiella ictaluri pada ikan patin Pangasionodon hypophthalmus

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    Wiwik Susanti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT One of major problem of striped catfish Pangasionodon hypophthalmus culture is enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC, bacterial disease of Edwardsiella ictaluri, caused of more than 50% of mortalities. This reaserch was aimed to determine pathogenicity of local isolate E. ictaluri. Thirty individu of five group fishes, 6–10 g in body weight, injected intraperitoneally with 0,1 mL of bacteria suspension of 102 cfu/mL; 104 cfu/mL; 106 cfu/mL; 108 cfu/mL; 1010 cfu/mL; and PBS as control, were culture in 18 of 60×40×45 cm3 aquarium for seven days. External organs of fish (skin and abdomen and internal organs (liver, kidney, and brain were examined macroscopicly and microscopicly. Internal organ sample were taken on the 5th day for histopatologic test while blood sample was on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th day after infection. Mortality rate was count to reach LD50. Clinical signs and pathology anatomy of co-infection fish showed vertical swim, petechial hemorrhage in the skin, dropsy, ascites in the abdominal cavity, pale liver and the kidney was dark red. Histopathology showed hydropic degeneration, fatty degeneration, hemorrhage and necrosis in the liver, melano macrophage center (MMC and necrosis in the kidneys, hemorrhage, and inflammatory cell infiltrates were also found in the kidneys and brain. Decreased of hematocrit and hemoglobin values of all tread group were statistically significant different (P<0,05 compared to controls. LD50 dose was 2,8×104 cfu/mL. The result indicated that E. ictaluri was very pathogenic on striped catfish P. hypophthalmus.  Keywords: Edwardsiella ictaluri, enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC, pathogenicity, striped catfish  ABSTRAK Salah satu kendala yang dijumpai pada budidaya ikan patin Pangasionodon hypophthalmus yaitu serangan penyakit bakterial. Enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC adalah penyakit infeksi bakteri Edwardsiella ictaluri yang dapat menyebabkan kematian ikan patin sampai >50%. Penelitian ini

  2. Respon Pertumbunan Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Bradyrhizobium japonicum Toleran Masam dan Pemberian Pupuk di Tanah Masam

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    , Triadiati


    Full Text Available The use of acid tolerant rhizobacteria such as Bradyrhizobium japonicum is one effort for increasing soybeanproductivity in acid soil. B. japonicum is a N-fixing bacteria that can promote soybean growth through symbiosis with thehost plants. The objective of this study was to investigate the growth and production of soybean var. Wilis inoculated by B.japonicum and NPK inorganic fertilizer application in acid soil. Two isolates of B. japonicum that were BJ 11(19 and BJ11(wt were used as inoculant for soybean. BJ 11(19 was resulted by transposons mutagenesis, whereas BJ 11(wt is a wild type of bacteria. Both isolates of B. japonicum were acid tolerant. Soybean was inoculated with BJ 11(19 and BJ 11(wtcombined with compost and nitrogen fertilizer (with two rates. The field experiment was conducted at Cikabayan, Darmaga,in a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments and 3 replicates. The results showed that application of the acidtolerant B. japonicum BJ 11(wt, compost, and nitrogen fertilizer (10 g m-2 increased the plant height, dry weight of shootsand roots, nodule number, dry weight of nodules, nitrogenase activity, number of pod and seed, seed weight, and nitrogencontent of seeds in acid soil.Keywords: acid soil, acid tolerant rhizobia, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, compost, nitrogen fertilizer

  3. An oxidative burst and its attenuation by bacterial peroxidase activity is required for optimal establishment of the Arachis hypogaea-Bradyrhizobium sp. symbiosis. (United States)

    Muñoz, V; Ibáñez, F; Figueredo, M S; Fabra, A


    The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the Arachis hypogaea L. root oxidative burst, produced at early stages of its symbiotic interaction with Bradyrhizobium sp. SEMIA 6144, and the bacterial antioxidant system are required for the successful development of this interaction. Pharmacological approaches were used to reduce both plant oxidative burst and bacterial peroxidase enzyme activity. In plants whose H2 O2 levels were decreased, a low nodule number, a reduction in the proportion of red nodules (%) and an increase in the bacteroid density were found. The symbiotic phenotype of plants inoculated with a Bradyrhizobium sp. SEMIA 6144 culture showing decreased peroxidase activity was also affected, since the biomass production, nodule number and percentage of red nodules in these plants were lower than in plants inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. control cultures. We demonstrated for the first time that the oxidative burst triggered at the early events of the symbiotic interaction in peanut, is a prerequisite for the efficient development of root nodules, and that the antioxidant system of bradyrhizobial peanut symbionts, particularly the activity of peroxidases, is counteracting this oxidative burst for the successful establishment of the symbiosis. Our results provide new insights into the mechanisms involved in the development of the symbiotic interaction established in A. hypogaea L. a legume infected in an intercellular way. © 2016 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  4. Peskütenin Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine bir Araştırma

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    Ahmet Kurt


    Full Text Available Bu araştırmada Sivas ili ve çevresinden şansa bağlı olarak alınan 14 adet Pesküten örneği üzerinde kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Belirlenen değerler ortalama olarak şöyledir: Kurumaddede %30.96, su %69.04, yağ %3.66, yağsız kurumadde %27.30, toplam kül %4.92, kurumaddede kül %15.95, kurumaddede tuz %12.18, saf kül %1.13, protein %22.08, şeker ve benzerleri %0.295 ve asitlik derecesi 83.90 SH olmuştur. Bunun yanında ortalama mikrobiyolojik içerik; toplam bakteri sayısı 3.735x106/g, koliform bakteri sayısı 5.69x104/g, maya ve küf sayısı 1.398x104/g, laktik bakteri sayısı 1.997x106/g, proteolitik bakteri sayısı, 12.34x104/g ve lipolitik bakteri sayısı 10.14x104/g olarak belirlenmiştir.

  5. Bakteri Legionella pneumophila Terdeteksi pada Air Kolam Renang di Kota Surabaya dengan Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (LEGIONELLA PNEUMOPHILA BACTERIADETECTED IN SWIMMING POOL WATER OF SURABAYA BY USING NESTED POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION

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    Eduardus Bimo Aksono


    Full Text Available Legionella pneumophila is a Gram-negative bacillus that causes nosocomial and community-acquired pneumonia. The aim of this research was to detect the presence of bacteria of L. pneumophila species in the swimming pools water of Surabaya city by using nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR assay of a specific gene for L. pneumophila (mip gene. This study used purposive sampling method. A total of 10 water samples were collected from five swimming pools consisting of 200 mL water for each swimming pool. The results showed that of 10 samples tested by nested PCR, one sample was positive for L. pneumophila, and nine samples were negative. L. pneumophila were found in pool water samples with a higher temperature (>30ºC.Serogrouping analysis of positive sample that L. pneumophila bacteria detected in the water sample of swimming pool in Surabaya was L. pneumophila serogroup 9 (98% and serogroup 10 (98%. L. pneumophila detection of bacteria is expected to raise the awareness of physician and microbiologists about the transmission of L. pneumophila and will also be useful for controlling the agents. ABSTRAK Legionella pneumophila adalah bakteri Gram-negatif berbentuk batang yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit nosokomial dan pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeteksi keberadaan bakteri L. pneumophila pada air kolam renang di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR berbasis gen spesifik L. pneumophila (mip gene. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sebanyak sepuluh sampel diambil dari lima kolam renang. Sampel diambil sebanyak 200 mL dari air kolam renang di setiap lokasi. Hasil dari 10 sampel yang diuji menggunakan nested PCR, satu sampel menunjukkan hasil positif untuk L.pneumophila, dan sembilan sampel menunjukkan hasil negatif. Bakteri L. pneumophila ditemukan pada sampel air kolam dengan suhu yang lebih tinggi (>30ºC. Satu sampel positip tersebut ketika dilanjutkan terhadap analisis serogrup

  6. Cowpea and peanut in southern Africa are nodulated by diverse Bradyrhizobium strains harboring nodulation genes that belong to the large pantropical clade common in Africa. (United States)

    Steenkamp, Emma T; Stepkowski, Tomasz; Przymusiak, Anna; Botha, Wilhelm J; Law, Ian J


    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea) in southern Africa are nodulated by a genetically diverse group of Bradyrhizobium strains. To determine the identity of these bacteria, a collection of 22 isolates originating from the root nodules of both hosts in Botswana and South Africa was investigated using the combined sequences for the core genome genes rrs, recA, and glnII. These data separated the majority of the isolates into one of three unique lineages that most likely represent novel Bradyrhizobium species. Some isolates were also conspecific with B. yuanmingense and with B. elkanii, although none grouped with B. japonicum, B. canariense or B. liaoningense. To study the evolution of nodulation genes in these bacteria, the common nodulation gene, nodA, and host-specific nodulation genes, nodZ, noeE, and noeI, were analyzed. The nodA phylogeny showed that the cowpea and peanut Bradyrhizobium isolates represent various locally adapted groups or ecotypes that form part of Clade III of the seven known BradyrhizobiumnodA clades. This large and highly diverse clade comprises all strains from sub-Saharan Africa, as well as some originating from the Americas, Australia, Indonesia, China and Japan. Some similar groupings were supported by the other nodulation genes, although the overall phylogenies for the nodulation genes were incongruent with that inferred from the core genome genes, suggesting that horizontal gene transfer significantly influences the evolution of cowpea and peanut root-nodule bacteria. Furthermore, identification of the nodZ, noeI, and noeE genes in the isolates tested indicates that African Bradyrhizobium species may produce highly decorated nodulation factors, which potentially represent an important adaptation enabling nodulation of a great variety of legumes inhabiting the African continent.

  7. Evaluation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the competitiveness analysis of selected indigenous cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) Bradyrhizobium strains from Kenya. (United States)

    Ndungu, Samuel Mathu; Messmer, Monika M; Ziegler, Dominik; Thuita, Moses; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Frossard, Emmanuel; Thonar, Cécile


    Cowpea N 2 fixation and yield can be enhanced by selecting competitive and efficient indigenous rhizobia. Strains from contrasting agro-ecologies of Kilifi and Mbeere (Kenya) were screened. Two pot experiments were established consisting of 13 Bradyrhizobium strains; experiment 1 (11 Mbeere + CBA + BK1 from Burkina Faso), experiment 2 (12 Kilifi + CBA). Symbiotic effectiveness was assessed (shoot biomass, SPAD index and N uptake). Nodule occupancy of 13 simultaneously co-inoculated strains in each experiment was analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) to assess competitiveness. Strains varied in effectiveness and competitiveness. The four most efficient strains were further evaluated in a field trial in Mbeere during the 2014 short rains. Strains from bacteroids of cowpea nodules from pot and field experiments were accurately identified as Bradyrhizobium by MALDI-TOF based on the SARAMIS™ database. In the field, abundant indigenous populations 7.10 × 10 3 rhizobia g -1 soil, outcompeted introduced strains. As revealed by MALDI-TOF, indigenous strains clustered into six distinct groups (I, II, III, IV, V and VI), group III were most abundant occupying 80% of nodules analyzed. MALDI-TOF was rapid, affordable and reliable to identify Bradyrhizobium strains directly from nodule suspensions in competition pot assays and in the field with abundant indigenous strains thus, its suitability for future competition assays. Evaluating strain competitiveness and then symbiotic efficacy is proposed in bioprospecting for potential cowpea inoculant strains.

  8. Genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. LMTR 3, a diazotrophic symbiont of Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus

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    Ernesto Ormeño-Orrillo


    Full Text Available Bradyrhizobium sp. LMTR 3 is a representative strain of one of the geno(species of diazotrophic symbionts associated with Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus in Peru. Its 7.83 Mb genome was sequenced using the Illumina technology and found to encode a complete set of genes required for nodulation and nitrogen fixation, and additional genes putatively involved in root colonization. Its draft genome sequence and annotation have been deposited at GenBank under the accession number MAXC00000000.

  9. Phylogenies of symbiotic genes of Bradyrhizobium symbionts of legumes of economic and environmental importance in Brazil support the definition of the new symbiovars pachyrhizi and sojae. (United States)

    Delamuta, Jakeline Renata Marçon; Menna, Pâmela; Ribeiro, Renan Augusto; Hungria, Mariangela


    Bradyrhizobium comprises most tropical symbiotic nitrogen-fixing strains, but the correlation between symbiotic and core genes with host specificity is still unclear. In this study, the phylogenies of the nodY/K and nifH genes of 45 Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from legumes of economic and environmental importance in Brazil (Arachis hypogaea, Acacia auriculiformis, Glycine max, Lespedeza striata, Lupinus albus, Stylosanthes sp. and Vigna unguiculata) were compared to 16S rRNA gene phylogeny and genetic diversity by rep-PCR. In the 16S rRNA tree, strains were distributed into two superclades-B. japonicum and B. elkanii-with several strains being very similar within each clade. The rep-PCR analysis also revealed high intra-species diversity. Clustering of strains in the nodY/K and nifH trees was identical: 39 strains isolated from soybean grouped with Bradyrhizobium type species symbionts of soybean, whereas five others occupied isolated positions. Only one strain isolated from Stylosanthes sp. showed similar nodY/K and nifH sequences to soybean strains, and it also nodulated soybean. Twenty-one representative strains of the 16S rRNA phylogram were selected and taxonomically classified using a concatenated glnII-recA phylogeny; nodC sequences were also compared and revealed the same clusters as observed in the nodY/K and nifH phylograms. The analyses of symbiotic genes indicated that a large group of strains from the B. elkanii superclade comprised the novel symbiovar sojae, whereas for another group, including B. pachyrhizi, the symbiovar pachyrhizi could be proposed. Other potential new symbiovars were also detected. The co-evolution hypotheses is discussed and it is suggested that nodY/K analysis would be useful for investigating the symbiotic diversity of the genus Bradyrhizobium. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  10. Bioakumulasi Logam Berat oleh Beberapa Galur Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    Full Text Available Heavy metal utilization in industry and agriculture have caused an environmental problem to existing life. Bioaccumulation is made up by a concentration of certain chemical compounds in living tissues. The objective of this research was to reveal the ability of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs of heavy metal Bradyrhizobium japonicum tolerant strains in accumulating heavy metals. The strains used were BDG 10, KDR 10, and KDR 15. The ability of each strains on heavy metal accumulation of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Cd were quantitatively determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The result showed that each strains has its own capacity to accumulate heavy metals. Accumulation of Cu (0.100, Pb (0.320, and Cd (0.048 ppm/mg dry weight by KDR 10 seem higher than BDG 10 and KDR 15. The highest accumulation of Zn and Ni was shown by KDR 15 in which the value were 0.360 and 0.165 ppm/mg dry weight, respectively and the least accumulation of all heavy metal studied was shown by BDG 10.

  11. Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum enhances the organic and fatty acids content of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) seeds. (United States)

    Silva, Luís R; Pereira, Maria J; Azevedo, Jessica; Mulas, Rebeca; Velazquez, Encarna; González-Andrés, Fernando; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B


    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is one of the most important food crops for human and animal consumption, providing oil and protein at relatively low cost. The least expensive source of nitrogen for soybean is the biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by the symbiotic association with soil bacteria, belonging mainly to the genus Bradyrhizobium. This study was conducted to assess the effect of the inoculation of G. max with Bradyrhizobium japonicum on the metabolite profile and antioxidant potential of its seeds. Phenolic compounds, sterols, triterpenes, organic acids, fatty acids and volatiles profiles were characterised by different chromatographic techniques. The antioxidant activity was evaluated against DPPH, superoxide and nitric oxide radicals. Inoculation with B. japonicum induced changes in the profiles of primary and secondary metabolites of G. max seeds, without affecting their antioxidant capacity. The increase of organic and fatty acids and volatiles suggest a positive effect of the inoculation process. These findings indicate that the inoculation with nodulating B. japonicum is a beneficial agricultural practice, increasing the content of bioactive metabolites in G. max seeds owing to the establishment of symbiosis between plant and microorganism, with direct effects on seed quality. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. An L-glucitol oxidizing dehydrogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 for production of D-sorbose with enzymatic or electrochemical cofactor regeneration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gauer, Sabrina; Wang, Zhijie; Otten, Harm


    A gene in Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110, annotated as a ribitol dehydrogenase (RDH), had 87 % sequence identity (97 % positives) to the N-terminal 31 amino acids of an L-glucitol dehydrogenase from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia DSMZ 14322. The 729-bp long RDH gene coded for a protein consistin...

  13. Tolerância de estirpes e isolados de Bradyrhizobium e de Azorhizobium a zinco, cádmio e cobre "in vitro"

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    I. C. B. Trannin


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a tolerância a metais pesados "in vitro" de estirpes inoculantes (I, isolados de solos contaminados com metais (ISC e de solos não contaminados (ISNC de Bradyrhizobium, simbiontes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (tamboril e de Acacia mangium (acácia e de Azorhizobium, simbiontes de Sesbania virgata (sesbânia, foram realizados dois experimentos. No primeiro, dez estirpes e, ou, isolados para cada espécie vegetal foram testados em meio YMA modificado por adição de tampões biológicos (HEPES e MES, suplementado com diferentes concentrações de Cu, Cd e Zn. Cobre e Cd foram testados em concentrações de 0 a 40 mg L-1, para ambos os gêneros, enquanto Zn variou de 0 a 1.000 mg L-1, para Bradyrhizobium, e de 0 a 500 mg L-1, para Azorhizobium. O crescimento de rizóbio nas diferentes concentrações de metais foi avaliado com atribuição de valores para os padrões observados (0 a 5. Os ISC de ambos os gêneros foram mais tolerantes, mas Bradyrhizobium tolerou Zn (800 mg L-1 até duas vezes e Cu (40 mg L-1 até oito vezes mais que Azorhizobium. No segundo experimento, estirpes e isolados tolerantes (T, sensíveis (S e de tolerância média (TM a metais selecionados em meio YMA modificado foram estudados em soluções aquosas com diferentes concentrações de Cu (0 a 0,01 mg L-1, Cd e Zn (0 a 1,0 mg L-1. A avaliação do número de células viáveis em soluções de metais foi feita por contagem das unidades formadoras de colônia em 0, 24, 48, 72 e 96 h de incubação, pelo método das diluições sucessivas e inoculação em YMA. Embora as soluções de metais tenham sido mais discriminatórias quanto a tolerância a metais que o meio YMA, estes dois métodos mostraram que: (a Azorhizobium foi mais sensível que Bradyrhizobium, (b os ISC de ambos os gêneros foram mais tolerantes do que os ISNC e (c a ordem de toxidez dos metais foi Cu > Cd > Zn.

  14. PhaP phasins play a principal role in poly-β-hydroxybutyrate accumulation in free-living Bradyrhizobium japonicum


    Yoshida, Ken-ichi; Takemoto, Yuki; Sotsuka, Takayuki; Tanaka, Kosei; Takenaka, Shinji


    Background Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, a soybean symbiont, is capable of accumulating a large amount of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) as an intracellular carbon storage polymer during free-living growth. Within the genome of USDA110, there are a number of genes annotated as paralogs of proteins involved in PHB metabolism, including its biosynthesis, degradation, and stabilization of its granules. They include two phbA paralogs encoding 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, two phbB paralogs encoding ...

  15. Occurrence of an Unusual Hopanoid-containing Lipid A Among Lipopolysaccharides from Bradyrhizobium Species* (United States)

    Komaniecka, Iwona; Choma, Adam; Mazur, Andrzej; Duda, Katarzyna A.; Lindner, Buko; Schwudke, Dominik; Holst, Otto


    The chemical structures of the unusual hopanoid-containing lipid A samples of the lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from three strains of Bradyrhizobium (slow-growing rhizobia) have been established. They differed considerably from other Gram-negative bacteria in regards to the backbone structure, the number of ester-linked long chain hydroxylated fatty acids, as well as the presence of a tertiary residue that consisted of at least one molecule of carboxyl-bacteriohopanediol or its 2-methyl derivative. The structural details of this type of lipid A were established using one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, chemical composition analyses, and mass spectrometry techniques (electrospray ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and MALDI-TOF-MS). In these lipid A samples the glucosamine disaccharide characteristic for enterobacterial lipid A was replaced by a 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-d-glucopyranosyl-(GlcpN3N) disaccharide, deprived of phosphate residues, and substituted by an α-d-Manp-(1→6)-α-d-Manp disaccharide substituting C-4′ of the non-reducing (distal) GlcpN3N, and one residue of galacturonic acid (d-GalpA) α-(1→1)-linked to the reducing (proximal) amino sugar residue. Amide-linked 12:0(3-OH) and 14:0(3-OH) were identified. Some hydroxy groups of these fatty acids were further esterified by long (ω-1)-hydroxylated fatty acids comprising 26–34 carbon atoms. As confirmed by mass spectrometry techniques, these long chain fatty acids could form two or three acyloxyacyl residues. The triterpenoid derivatives were identified as 34-carboxyl-bacteriohopane-32,33-diol and 34-carboxyl-2β-methyl-bacteriohopane-32,33-diol and were covalently linked to the (ω-1)-hydroxy group of very long chain fatty acid in bradyrhizobial lipid A. Bradyrhizobium japonicum possessed lipid A species with two hopanoid residues. PMID:25371196

  16. Antibacterial Activity Test of Nudibranches Polka - Dot (Jorunna funebris (Gastropods : Molusc Extract Against Multi(Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Nudibranch Polka-Dot (Jorunna funebris (Gastropoda : Moluska Terhadap Bakteri Multidrug Resistant (MDR

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    Delianis Pringgenies


    Full Text Available Terjadinya resistensi antibiotik menjadi permasalahan dalam dunia kesehatan. Peningkatan kemampuan patogen dalam menahan efek obat menyebabkan timbulnya resistensi. Beberapa bakteri patogen pada manusia dilaporkan telah mengalami resistensi terhadap lebih dari satu kelas antibiotik. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan pencarian senyawa antibiotik baru yang lebih efektif dalam mengatasi permasalahan bakteri Multi-drug Resistant (MDR. Metabolit sekunder yang diproduksi oleh invertebrata laut  mempunyai prospek sebagai bahan obat dari laut. Nudibranch diduga mampu menghasilkan metabolit sekunder sebagai mekanisme pertahanan diri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui fraksi dari ekstrak nudibranch Jorunna funebris yang menunjukkan bioaktivitas terhadap bakteri Multi-drug Resistant (MDR. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi. Fraksinasi dengan Kromatografi Kolom Terbuka (KKT. Uji aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi agar. Analisis komponen senyawa dengan GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 8 fraksi ekstrak nudibranch J. funebris menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil uji aktivitas menunjukkan fraksi I paling aktif terhadap 5 bakteri uji yaitu Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter 5 dan Enterobacter 10 dengan rata-rata zona hambatan secara berurutan sebesar 12,78 mm; 12,51 mm; 15,47 mm; 14,09 mm dan 12,46 mm. Fraksi II paling aktif terhadap bakteri Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus dengan rata-rata zona hambatan sebesar 12,70 mm. Analisis GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa dalam fraksi II terdapat senyawa 1-oktadekanol yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri. Kata kunci : nudibranch, Jorunna funebris, antibakteri, multi-drug resistant, 1-oktadekanol Emergence of antibiotic resistance become a problems on medical world. Increasing pathogen ability to hold the antibiotic effect caused resistance. Several human-patogen bacteria were resistance to one or more classes of antibiotics

  17. Bradyrhizobium strain and the 15N natural abundance quantification of biological N2 fixation in soybean Estirpe do Bradyrhizobium e quantificação da fixação biológica de nitrogênio em soja utilizando a técnica da abundância natural de 15N

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    Ana Paula Guimarães


    Full Text Available In commercial plantations of soybean in both the Southern and the Cerrado regions, contributions from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF are generally proportionately high. When using the 15N natural abundance technique to quantify BNF inputs, it is essential to determine, with accuracy, the 15N abundance of the N derived from BNF (the 'B' value. This study aimed to determine the effect of four recommended strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. (two B. japonicum and two B. elkanii on the 'B' value of soybean grown in pots in an open field using an equation based on the determination of δ15N natural abundance in a non-labelled soil, and estimate of the contribution of BNF derived from the use of 15N-isotope dilution in soils enriched with 15N. To evaluate N2 fixation by soybean, three non-N2-fixing reference crops were grown under the same conditions. Regardless of Bradyrhizobium strain, no differences were observed in dry matter, nodule weight and total N between labelled and non-labelled soil. The N2 fixation of the soybeans grown in the two soil conditions were similar. The mean 'B' values of the soybeans inoculated with the B. japonicum strains were -1.84 ‰ and -0.50 ‰, while those inoculated with B. elkanii were -3.67 ‰ and -1.0 ‰, for the shoot tissue and the whole plant, respectively. Finally, the 'B' value for the soybean crop varied considerably in function of the inoculated Bradyrhizobium strain, being most important when only the shoot tissue was utilised to estimate the proportion of N in the plant derived from N2 fixation.Em plantações comerciais de soja na região Sul e do Cerrado, as contribuições da fixação biológica de Nitrogênio (FBN são geralmente elevadas. Quando usamos a técnica da abundância natural de 15N para quantificar a FBN, é essencial determinar com exatidão a abundância de 15N do N derivado da FBN (valor 'B'. Este trabalho buscou determinar o efeito das quatro estirpes de Bradyrhizobium spp. (duas B

  18. Mass spectrometric determination of stability of gaseous BaMoO2, Ba2MoO4, Ba2MoO5, Ba2Mo2O8 molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudin, L.S.; Balduchchi, Dzh.; Dzhil'i, G.; Gvido, M.


    During the mass spectrometric investigation of BaCrO 4 evaporation Cr + , Ba + , BaO + main ions are recorded as well as BaMoO 4 + , BaMoO 3 + , BaMoO 2 + , BaMoO + , BaMoO 4 + , Ba 2 MoO 5 + , BaMo 2 O 8 + ions - the products of ionization of three-component (Ba, Mo, M) molecules, forming as a result of substance chemical interaction with the material of an effusion cell (Mo). Heats of formation of BaMoO 2 , Ba 2 MoO 4 , Ba 2 MoO 5 and Ba 2 Mo 2 O 8 molecules which constituted - 577+-70, -1343+-115, -1464+-70, -2393+-90 k J/mol respectively are determined on the base of the analysis of curves of ionisation efficiency and of reaction heats Ba 2 MoO 5 =BaO+BaMoO 4 , ΔH 0 0 =322+-60 kJ/mol Ba 2 Mo 2 O 8 =2BaMoO 4 , ΔH 0 0 =351+-80 kJ/mol calculated with the use of third low of thermodynamics [ru

  19. Inhibition of hydrogenase synthesis by DNA gyrase inhibitors in Bradyrhizobium japonicum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novak, P.D.; Maier, R.J.


    Derepression of an uptake hydrogenase in Bradyrhizobium japonicum is dependent on a microaerophilic environment. Addition of DNA gyrase inhibitors during derepression of hydrogenase specifically prevented expression of the hydrogenase enzyme. Antibodies to individual hydrogenase subunits failed to detect the protein after derepression in the presence of inhibitors, although there was no general inhibition of protein synthesis. The general pattern of proteins synthesized from 14 C-labeled amino acids during derepression was no significantly different whether proteins were labeled in the presence or in the absence of gyrase inhibitors. In contrast, if transcription or translation was inhibited by addition of inhibitors of those functions, virtually no proteins were labeled during derepression. This indicated that most of the 14 C-labeled proteins were synthesized de novo during derepression, synthesis of most proteins was unaffected by gyrase inhibitors, and the dependence of hydrogenase synthesis on gyrase activity was a specific one

  20. Optimasi Konsentrasi Fruktooligosakarida untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Bakteri Asam Laktat Starter Yoghurt (CONCENTRATION OPTIMIZATION OF FRUCTOOLIGOSACCHARIDES TO INCREASE GROWTH OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA YOGHURT STARTER

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    Raden Haryo Bimo Setiarto


    Full Text Available Fructooligosaccharides are prebiotic source that widely used in food products, such as: fermented milk and infant formula. Prebiotics are food components that cannot be digested in the digestive tract enzymatically. However, they can be fermented by probiotic bacteria in the colon. This study aimed to determine the optimum concentrations of fructooligosaccharides in order to increase the growth of lactic acid bacteria yogurt starter (Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophillus. Optimation concentration of fructooligosaccharides on the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophillus can be determined based on OD (optical density, TPC (Total Plate Count, total lactic acid content and pH value. Suplementation of fructooligosaccharides 1 % (w/v on the media MRSB increased significantly the growth of L. acidophilus, L.bulgaricus, S. thermophilus. Furthermore, L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus experienced exponential growth phase during incubation period from 6 to 18 hours. Fermentation of L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus in MRSB medium supplemented by fructooligosaccharides decreased the pH value of the formation of organic acids from 6.00 to 4.00. ABSTRAK Fruktooligosakarida adalah sumber prebiotik yang banyak digunakan dalam produk pangan olahan seperti susu fermentasi dan susu formula. Prebiotik adalah komponen bahan pangan fungsional yang tidak dapat dicerna di dalam saluran pencernaan secara enzimatik sehingga akan difermentasi oleh bakteri probiotik dalam usus besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan konsentrasi optimum fruktooligosakarida untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat starter yoghurt (Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophillus. Konsentrasi optimum fruktooligosakarida pada pertumbuhan Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophillus dapat

  1. PERAN BAKTERI DALAM MENGUBAH ARSEN ANORGANIK MENJADI ARSEN ORGANIK DI PERAIRAN (The Roles of Bacteria in Modifying Inorganic Arsen to Organic Arsen in Waters

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    Eko Sugiharto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peranan bakteri Esherichia coli dan Pseudomonas sp. dalam menubah spesies arsen. Arsenik dikenal sebagai salah satu unsur kimia yang mempunyai toksisitas tinggi. Analisis mentenai spesiasi arsen yang terkandung dalam perairan dilakukan dengan metode gabungan Kromatografi cair Kinerja Tinggi – Spektrometri Serapan Atom (HPLC-AAS. Untuk mengetahui peranan bakteri E.Coli dan Pseudomnonas sp. maka dilakukan tiga perlakuan, yaituperlakuan dengan variasi media pertumbuhan, variasi pH, dan variasi suhu inkubasi. Media pertumbuhan yant ditunakan yai5u air, l – metionin, nutrient broth, czapek dox, dan garam mineral. Variasi pH dilakukan pada pH 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, dan 9, sedangkan variasi suhu silakukan pada 25oC sampai dengan 35oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan persentase jumlah As (V yang terenduksi menjadi As (III dalam media garam mineral pH7 dengan suhu optimum 35oC. Enzim yang dihasilkan Pseudomonas sp. dapat mereduksi As (V menjadi As (III pada media garam mineral pH 8 dan optimum pada semua variasi suhu. Keseluruhan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri E. coli dan Peseudomonas sp. dapat meningkatkan toksisitas arsen di perairan karena kedua bakteri dapat mereduksi As (V menjadi As (III pada pH dan temperatur optimum.   ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to know the roles of Escharichia coli and Pseudomonas sp. in arsenic speciation. Arsenic has been known as highly toxic chemical element. The analysis towards arsenic speciation which is contained in waters was done by using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC – Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS coupling method. The observation towards the roles of E.coli and Pseudomonas.sp was done by variating the growth medium, pH and incubation temperature. The growth medium used in this observation were later, l – metionin, nutrient broth, czapek dox and mineral salt. The variation of pH was carried out at pH of 4

  2. European Origin of Bradyrhizobium Populations Infecting Lupins and Serradella in Soils of Western Australia and South Africa† ‡


    Stępkowski, Tomasz; Moulin, Lionel; Krzyżańska, Agnieszka; McInnes, Alison; Law, Ian J.; Howieson, John


    We applied a multilocus phylogenetic approach to elucidate the origin of serradella and lupin Bradyrhizobium strains that persist in soils of Western Australia and South Africa. The selected strains belonged to different randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR clusters that were distinct from RAPD clusters of applied inoculant strains. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with nodulation genes (nodA, nodZ, nolL, noeI), housekeeping genes (dnaK, recA, glnII, atpD), and 16S-23S rRNA inter...

  3. Uptake and metabolism of carbohydrates by Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteroids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salminen, S.O.; Streeter, J.G.


    Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteroids were isolated anaerobically and were supplied with 14 C-labeled trehalose, sucrose, UDP-glucose, glucose, or fructose under low O 2 (2% in the gas phase). Uptake and conversion of 14 C to CO 2 were measured at intervals up to 90 minutes. Of the five compounds studied, UDP-glucose was most rapidly absorbed but it was very slowly metabolized. Trehalose was the sugar most rapidly converted to CO 2 , and fructose was respired at a rate of at least double that of glucose. Sucrose and glucose were converted to CO 2 at a very low but measurable rate ( 2 at a rate 30 times greater than the conversion of carbon Number 6 to CO 2 , indicating high activity of the pentose phosphate pathway. Enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway were not detected in bacteroids, but very low activities of sucrose synthase and phosphofructokinase were demonstrated. Although metabolism of sugars by B. japonicum bacteroids was clearly demonstrated, the rate of sugar uptake was only 1/30 to 1/50 the rate of succinate uptake. The overall results support the view that, although bacteroids metabolize sugars, the rates are very low and are inadequate to support nitrogenase

  4. Nickel accumulation and storage in bradyrhizobium japonicum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maier, R.J.; Pihl, T.D.; Stults, L.; Sray, W.


    Hydrogenase-depressed (chemolithotrophic growth conditions) and heterotrophically grown cultures of Bradyrhizobium japonicum accumulated nickel about equally over a 3-h period. Both types of cultures accumulated nickel primarily in a form that was not exchangeable with NiCl 2 , and they accumulated much more Ni than would be needed for the Ni-containing hydrogenase. The nickel accumulated by heterotrophically incubated cultures could later be mobilized to allow active hydrogenase synthesis during derepression in the absence of nickel, while cells both grown with Ni and the derepressed without nickel had low hydrogenase activities. The level of activity in cells grown with Ni and then derepressed without nickel was about the same as that in cultures derepressed in the presence of nickel. The Ni accumulated by heterotrophically grown cultures was associated principally with soluble proteins rather than particulate material, and this Ni was not lost upon dialyzing an extract containing the soluble proteins against either Ni-containing or EDTA-containing buffer. However, this Ni was lost upon pronase or low pH treatments. The soluble Ni-binding proteins were partially purified by gel filtration and DEAE chromatography. They were not antigenically related to hydrogenase peptides. Much of the 63 Ni eluted as a single peak of 48 kilodaltons. Experiments involving immunuprecipitation of 63 Ni-containing hydrogenase suggested that the stored source of Ni in heterotrophic cultures that could later be mobilized into hydrogenase resided in the nonexchangeable Ni-containing fraction rather than in loosely bound or ionic forms

  5. Complete Genome Sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321: Insights into Symbiosis Evolution in Soil Oligotrophs (United States)

    Okubo, Takashi; Tsukui, Takahiro; Maita, Hiroko; Okamoto, Shinobu; Oshima, Kenshiro; Fujisawa, Takatomo; Saito, Akihiro; Futamata, Hiroyuki; Hattori, Reiko; Shimomura, Yumi; Haruta, Shin; Morimoto, Sho; Wang, Yong; Sakai, Yoriko; Hattori, Masahira; Aizawa, Shin-ichi; Nagashima, Kenji V. P.; Masuda, Sachiko; Hattori, Tsutomu; Yamashita, Akifumi; Bao, Zhihua; Hayatsu, Masahito; Kajiya-Kanegae, Hiromi; Yoshinaga, Ikuo; Sakamoto, Kazunori; Toyota, Koki; Nakao, Mitsuteru; Kohara, Mitsuyo; Anda, Mizue; Niwa, Rieko; Jung-Hwan, Park; Sameshima-Saito, Reiko; Tokuda, Shin-ichi; Yamamoto, Sumiko; Yamamoto, Syuji; Yokoyama, Tadashi; Akutsu, Tomoko; Nakamura, Yasukazu; Nakahira-Yanaka, Yuka; Hoshino, Yuko Takada; Hirakawa, Hideki; Mitsui, Hisayuki; Terasawa, Kimihiro; Itakura, Manabu; Sato, Shusei; Ikeda-Ohtsubo, Wakako; Sakakura, Natsuko; Kaminuma, Eli; Minamisawa, Kiwamu


    Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321 is an oligotrophic bacterium isolated from paddy field soil. Although S23321 is phylogenetically close to Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, a legume symbiont, it is unable to induce root nodules in siratro, a legume often used for testing Nod factor-dependent nodulation. The genome of S23321 is a single circular chromosome, 7,231,841 bp in length, with an average GC content of 64.3%. The genome contains 6,898 potential protein-encoding genes, one set of rRNA genes, and 45 tRNA genes. Comparison of the genome structure between S23321 and USDA110 showed strong colinearity; however, the symbiosis islands present in USDA110 were absent in S23321, whose genome lacked a chaperonin gene cluster (groELS3) for symbiosis regulation found in USDA110. A comparison of sequences around the tRNA-Val gene strongly suggested that S23321 contains an ancestral-type genome that precedes the acquisition of a symbiosis island by horizontal gene transfer. Although S23321 contains a nif (nitrogen fixation) gene cluster, the organization, homology, and phylogeny of the genes in this cluster were more similar to those of photosynthetic bradyrhizobia ORS278 and BTAi1 than to those on the symbiosis island of USDA110. In addition, we found genes encoding a complete photosynthetic system, many ABC transporters for amino acids and oligopeptides, two types (polar and lateral) of flagella, multiple respiratory chains, and a system for lignin monomer catabolism in the S23321 genome. These features suggest that S23321 is able to adapt to a wide range of environments, probably including low-nutrient conditions, with multiple survival strategies in soil and rhizosphere. PMID:22452844

  6. System analysis of salt and osmotic stress induced proteins in Nostoc muscorum and Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    Vipin Kaithwas


    Full Text Available In this study the proteome response of the two diazotrophic organism’s viz. Nostoc muscorum and Bradyrhizobium japonicum exposed to salt (NaCl and osmotic (sucrose stresses was compared. Out of the total over expressed proteins; we have selected only three over expressed proteins viz. GroEL chaperonin, nitrogenase Mo-Fe protein and argininosuccinate synthase for further analysis, and then we analyzed the amino acid frequencies of all the three over expressed proteins. That led to the conclusion that amino acids e.g. alanine, glycine and valine that were energetically cheaper to produce were showing higher frequencies. This study would help in tracing the phylogenetic relationship between protein families.

  7. Soybean Lectin Enhances Biofilm Formation by Bradyrhizobium japonicum in the Absence of Plants

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    Julieta Pérez-Giménez


    Full Text Available Soybean lectin (SBL purified from soybean seeds by affinity chromatography strongly bound to Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 cell surface. This lectin enhanced biofilm formation by B. japonicum in a concentration-dependent manner. Presence of galactose during biofilm formation had different effects in the presence or absence of SBL. Biofilms were completely inhibited in the presence of both SBL and galactose, while in the absence of SBL, galactose was less inhibitory. SBL was very stable, since its agglutinating activity of B. japonicum cells as well as of human group A+ erythrocytes was resistant to preincubation for one week at 60°C. Hence, we propose that plant remnants might constitute a source of this lectin, which might remain active in soil and thus favor B. japonicum biofilm formation in the interval between soybean crop seasons.

  8. Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak meniran merah (Phyllanthus urinaria terhadap penekanan jumlah limfosit pada organ timus mencit balb/C yang diinfeksi bakteri Salmonella thypi

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    Full Text Available Ifandari, Suranto, Wuryaningsih YNS. 2012. Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak meniran merah (Phyllanthus urinaria terhadap penekanan jumlah limfosit pada organ timus mencit balb/C yang diinfeksi bakteri Salmonella thypi. Bioteknologi 9: 1-6. Meniran merah merupakan salah satu anggota dalam genus Phyllanthus. Anggota dalam genus ini memiliki variasi karakter morfologi dimana beberapa diantaranya telah digunakan sebagai tanaman obat tradisional. Meniran merah digunakan dalam pene- litian sebagai diuretik, hipoglikemik, antihepatitis-B dan anti kanker. Kemanfaatan tanaman ini sebagaii immunomodulator belum digali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian meniran merah terhadap jumlah limfosit pada organ timus mencit Balb/C yang diinfeksi bakteri Salmonella thypi dan mengetahui pengaruh variasi dosis ekstrak meniran merah terhadap jumlah limfositnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan the post test-only control group terhadap 48 ekor mencit Balb/C yang terbagi dalam 8 kelompok dan dilakukan selama 10 hari. Kelompok kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, kelompok perlakuan dengan variasi dosis masing-masing 3x 0,065 mg/hr, 3x0,130 mg/hr dan 3x0,260 mg/hr untuk tiap jenis ekstrak meniran merah dan hijau. Mencit diinfeksi pada hari ke-4 S. typhi dan hari ke-11 dikorbankan. Limfosit diisolasi dari organ timus, kemudian dihitung jumlahnya. Data dianalisis dengan T test untuk melihat perbedaanya dan data dalam kelompok meniran merah dilakukan uji anava. Pemberian ekstrak meniran merah menekan jumlah limfosit mendekati keadaan normal. Variasi penambahan dosis ekstrak meniran merah tidak mepengaruhi penurunan jumlah limfosit.

  9. Refinement of crystal structures of CaHCl, SrHCl, BaHCl, BaHBr, and BaHI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beck, H.P.; Limmer, A.


    The structures of CaHCl, SrHCl, BaHBr, BaHCl, and BaHI have been refined using single crystal data. The comparison of the parameters with the corresponding data of isotypic fluorohalide compounds gives a valuable insight into the bonding interactions in this structure type. (author)

  10. Refinement of crystal structures of CaHCl, SrHCl, BaHCl, BaHBr, and BaHI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beck, H.P.; Limmer, A. (Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Anorganische Chemie)


    The structures of CaHCl, SrHCl, BaHBr, BaHCl, and BaHI have been refined using single crystal data. The comparison of the parameters with the corresponding data of isotypic fluorohalide compounds gives a valuable insight into the bonding interactions in this structure type.

  11. Survival and Competitiveness of Bradyrhizobium japonicum Strains 20 Years after Introduction into Field Locations in Poland. (United States)

    Narożna, Dorota; Pudełko, Krzysztof; Króliczak, Joanna; Golińska, Barbara; Sugawara, Masayuki; Mądrzak, Cezary J; Sadowsky, Michael J


    It was previously demonstrated that there are no indigenous strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum forming nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbioses with soybean plants in arable field soils in Poland. However, bacteria currently classified within this species are present (together with Bradyrhizobium canariense) as indigenous populations of strains specific for nodulation of legumes in the Genisteae tribe. These rhizobia, infecting legumes such as lupins, are well established in Polish soils. The studies described here were based on soybean nodulation field experiments, established at the Poznań University of Life Sciences Experiment Station in Gorzyń, Poland, and initiated in the spring of 1994. Long-term research was then conducted in order to study the relation between B. japonicum USDA 110 and USDA 123, introduced together into the same location, where no soybean rhizobia were earlier detected, and nodulation and competitive success were followed over time. Here we report the extra-long-term saprophytic survival of B. japonicum strains nodulating soybeans that were introduced as inoculants 20 years earlier and where soybeans were not grown for the next 17 years. The strains remained viable and symbiotically competent, and molecular and immunochemical methods showed that the strains were undistinguishable from the original inoculum strains USDA 110 and USDA 123. We also show that the strains had balanced numbers and their mobility in soil was low. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the extra-long-term persistence of soybean-nodulating strains introduced into Polish soils and the first analyzing the long-term competitive relations of USDA 110 and USDA 123 after the two strains, neither of which was native, were introduced into the environment almost 2 decades ago. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  12. Genetic diversity and symbiotic effectiveness of Bradyrhizobium strains nodulating selected annual grain legumes growing in Ethiopia. (United States)

    Degefu, Tulu; Wolde-Meskel, Endalkachew; Rasche, Frank


    Vigna unguiculata, Vigna radiata and Arachis hypogaea growing in Ethiopia are nodulated by a genetically diverse group of Bradyrhizobium strains. To determine the genetic identity and symbiotic effectiveness of these bacteria, a collection of 36 test strains originating from the root nodules of the three hosts was investigated using multilocus sequence analyses (MLSA) of core genes including 16S rRNA, recA, glnII, gyrB, atpD and dnaK. Sequence analysis of nodA and nifH genes along with tests for symbiotic effectiveness using δ 15 N analysis were also carried out. The phylogenetic trees derived from the MLSA grouped most test strains into four well-supported distinct positions designated as genospecies I-IV. The maximum likelihood (ML) tree that was constructed based on the nodA gene sequences separated the entire test strains into two lineages, where the majority of the test strains were clustered on one of a well-supported large branch that comprise Bradyrhizobium species from the tropics. This clearly suggested the monophyletic origin of the nodA genes within the bradyrhizobia of tropical origin. The δ 15 N-based symbiotic effectiveness test of seven selected strains revealed that strains GN100 (δ 15 N=0.73) and GN102 (δ 15 N=0.79) were highly effective nitrogen fixers when inoculated to cowpea, thus can be considered as inoculants in cowpea production. It was concluded that Ethiopian soils are a hotspot for rhizobial diversity. This calls for further research to unravel as yet unknown bradyrhizobia nodulating legume host species growing in the country. In this respect, prospective research should also address the mechanisms of symbiotic specificity that could lead to high nitrogen fixation in target legumes.

  13. European origin of Bradyrhizobium populations infecting lupins and serradella in soils of Western Australia and South Africa. (United States)

    Stepkowski, Tomasz; Moulin, Lionel; Krzyzańska, Agnieszka; McInnes, Alison; Law, Ian J; Howieson, John


    We applied a multilocus phylogenetic approach to elucidate the origin of serradella and lupin Bradyrhizobium strains that persist in soils of Western Australia and South Africa. The selected strains belonged to different randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR clusters that were distinct from RAPD clusters of applied inoculant strains. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with nodulation genes (nodA, nodZ, nolL, noeI), housekeeping genes (dnaK, recA, glnII, atpD), and 16S-23S rRNA intergenic transcribed spacer sequences. Housekeeping gene phylogenies revealed that all serradella and Lupinus cosentinii isolates from Western Australia and three of five South African narrow-leaf lupin strains were intermingled with the strains of Bradyrhizobium canariense, forming a well supported branch on each of the trees. All nodA gene sequences of the lupin and serradella bradyrhizobia formed a single branch, referred to as clade II, together with the sequences of other lupin and serradella strains. Similar patterns were detected in nodZ and nolL trees. In contrast, nodA sequences of the strains isolated from native Australian legumes formed either a new branch called clade IV or belonged to clade I or III, whereas their nonsymbiotic genes grouped outside the B. canariense branch. These data suggest that the lupin and serradella strains, including the strains from uncultivated L. cosentinii plants, are descendants of strains that most likely were brought from Europe accidentally with lupin and serradella seeds. The observed dominance of B. canariense strains may be related to this species' adaptation to acid soils common in Western Australia and South Africa and, presumably, to their intrinsic ability to compete for nodulation of lupins and serradella.



    Alkan, Rezan


    Probiyotikler uygun miktarlarda kullanıldığında konakçı sağlığı üzerinde yararları olan, bağırsakta canlı kalabilen ,sindirime dirençli bakteri ve maya gibi canlı mikroorganizmalar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Saccharomyces boulardii  patojen olmayan bir maya olup, tedavi edici olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kontrollü olarak yapılan klinik çalışmalarda S.boulardii’nin çeşitli bağırsak hastalıklarının önlenmesi ve ...

  15. Eksplorasi Bakteriosin dari Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal Rusip Bangka dan Kalimantan

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    Arifah Kusmarwati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memproduksi dan mengkarakterisasi bakteriosin yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri asam laktat yang diisolasi dari rusip. Rusip merupakan produk ikan fermentasi tradisional Bangka. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel rusip yang berasal dari Bangka dan Kalimantan. Sampel diisolasi hingga diperoleh isolat murni yang selanjutnya dilakukan skrining untuk memperoleh isolat yang mampu menghasilkan aktivitas antibakteri tertinggi. Isolat terpilih selanjutnya diidentifikasi dan digunakan untuk memproduksi bakteriosin kasar. Bakteriosin kasar diuji sensitifitasnya terhadap enzim proteolitik dan dikarakterisasi melalui pengujian stabilitas terhadap suhu tinggi, pH, surfaktan, serta stabilitasnya selama penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolat RK4 menghasilkan bakteriosin yang bersifat sensitif terhadap enzim proteolitik seperti proteinase-K dan papain. Bakteriosin tersebut stabil terhadap suhu tinggi dan pH 2–8 serta menghasilkan aktivitas antibakteri yang tertinggi terhadap Staphylococcus aureus. Hasil identifikasi memperlihatkan bahwa isolat RK4 termasuk dalam jenis pediococcus pentosaceus I. Bakteriosin dari Pediococcus pentosaceus I tersebut aktivitasnya distimulasi oleh EDTA, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS dan lauryl sarcosine. Namun sebaliknya, bioaktivitasnya tidak dipengaruhi oleh Triton X-100, Tween 20, Tween 80 dan urea. Bakteriosin kasar RK4 stabil pada penyimpanan suhu 37 °C selama 4 minggu dan pada suhu dingin selama 2 minggu.

  16. Influência do pH do meio de cultivo e da turfa no comportamento de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium

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    D. L. Miguel


    Full Text Available A acidez dos solos representa um problema que afeta grandes áreas agrícolas pelo mundo, principalmente nos trópicos, onde fósforo e nitrogênio também são limitantes. No caso do nitrogênio, a fixação biológica torna-se uma das alternativas mais viáveis do ponto de vista ecológico e econômico, por diminuir o uso e o impacto causado pelos fertilizantes nitrogenados. Neste trabalho, foram realizados dois experimentos in vitro e um em casa de vegetação com quatro estirpes de Bradyrhizobium (Br 4406, Br 29, SEMIA 587 e INPA 03-11B, no Departamento de Ciência do Solo (UFLA, de julho de 1998 a julho de 1999, para verificar o efeito de três valores de pH (5,0; 6,0; 6,9 no crescimento destas em meio de cultura YM, na sua simbiose com soja, assim como na sua sobrevivência em inoculantes produzidos com turfa. No primeiro experimento, as estirpes de Bradyrhizobium tiveram um comportamento diferenciado em meio líquido, obtendo melhor desempenho em pH 6,0, tanto em número de unidades formadoras de colônias quanto em produção de exopolissacarídeos. +No segundo experimento, o número de nódulos, a atividade da nitrogenase (Nase, as massas secas de nódulos, raízes e parte aérea de plantas de soja, de modo geral, não foram influenciados pelos valores de pH de cultivo das estirpes no inoculante. Entretanto, a estirpe INPA 03 - 11B mostrou-se efetiva, apresentando número de nódulos e atividade de Nase semelhantes aos de Br 29 e SEMIA 587, que são recomendadas como estirpes inoculantes, devendo, assim, ser indicada para testes de eficiência em campo. No terceiro experimento, com exceção da Br 29, que atingiu maior sobrevivência de células em pH 6,0, as outras estirpes tiveram sobrevivência semelhante neste valor de pH e em pH 6,9. O melhor desempenho das estirpes de Bradyrhizobium em pH 6,0 no meio de cultura e em turfa demonstrou a possibilidade do uso de inoculantes corrigidos para esse valor de pH, como modo de pr

  17. Sensibilidade de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium ao glyphosate

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    Rodrigo Josemar Seminoti Jacques


    Full Text Available A aplicação do glyphosate sobre a soja resistente a este herbicida pode causar prejuízos à simbiose com o rizóbio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade ao herbicida glyphosate de três estirpes de Bradyrhizobium recomendadas para a produção de inoculantes de sementes de soja no Brasil. Avaliou-se o efeito das concentrações de 0,0; 5,4; 10,8; 21,6 e 43,2 µg L-1 do ingrediente ativo do glyphosate [N-(fosfonometil glicina] no meio YM líquido sobre o crescimento de B. japonicum (estirpe SEMIA 5079 e de B. elkanii (estirpe SEMIA 5019 e estirpe SEMIA 587, por meio de leituras das densidades óticas e geração de curvas de crescimento. As reduções de crescimento na presença da menor concentração do glyphosate foram de 18% para SEMIA 5079, 29% para SEMIA 5019 e de 35% para SEMIA 587, sendo, de modo geral, quanto maior a concentração do herbicida no meio de cultura maior a inibição do crescimen­to. As estirpes apresentaram sensibilidade diferencial somente às concentrações mais baixas do glyphosate; nesse caso, foi possível determinar a seguinte ordem de sensibilidade: SEMIA 587 > SEMIA 5019 > SEMIA 5079. Essa sensibilidade diferencial é dependente da concentração do herbicida, pois na presença de 43,2 µg L-1 todas as estirpes tiveram seu crescimento severamente reduzido, não havendo diferença entre elas.

  18. Phase equilibria in the BaUO3-BaZrO3-BaMoO3 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurosaki, Ken; Yamanaka, Shinsuke; Matsuda, Tetsushi; Uno, Masayoshi; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Namekawa, Takashi


    The phase equilibria in the pseudo-ternary BaUO 3 -BaZrO 3 -BaMoO 3 system were studied to understand the thermochemical properties of the perovskite type gray oxide phase in high burnup MOX fuel. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculation for the system was performed by using a Chem Sage program under the various oxygen potentials. Solid solutions existing in the system were treated by an ideal solution model. The present calculation results well agreed with the previous reported post irradiation examination results, showing that BaMoO 3 was scarcely included in the gray oxide phase. (author)

  19. Syntheses, crystal structure, and electronic properties of the five ABaMQ{sub 4} compounds RbBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaVS{sub 4}, RbBaVSe{sub 4}, and CsBaVSe{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesbah, Adel [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); ICSM, UMR 5257 CEA / CNRS / UM / ENSCM, Site de Marcoule-Bâtiment 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze Cedex (France); Prakash, Jai [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Rocca, Dario; Lebègue, Sébastien [Laboratoire de Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique, et Modélisations CRM2 (UMR UHP-CNRS 7036), Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Lorraine, BP 70239, Boulevard des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex (France); Beard, Jessica C.; Lewis, Benjamin A. [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Ibers, James A., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States)


    Five new compounds belonging to the ABaMQ{sub 4} family were synthesized by solid-state chemistry at 1123 K. The compounds RbBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaVS{sub 4}, RbBaVSe{sub 4}, and CsBaVSe{sub 4} are isostructural and have the TlEuPS{sub 4} structure type. They crystallize in space group D{sup 16}{sub 2h} – Pnma of the orthorhombic system. Their structure consists isolated MQ{sub 4} tetrahedra separated by A and Ba atoms to form a salt-like structure. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of the electronic structures with the use of the HSE functional suggest that the compounds are semiconductors with calculated band gaps of 3.3 eV (RbBaPS{sub 4}), 3.4 eV (CsBaPS{sub 4}), 2.3 eV (CsBaVS{sub 4}), and 1.6 eV (RbBaVSe{sub 4}). - Graphical abstract: General view of the ABaMQ{sub 4} structure down the a axis. - Highlights: • Five new ABaMQ{sub 4} compounds were synthesized by solid-state chemistry at 1123 K. • RbBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaPS{sub 4}, CsBaVS{sub 4}, RbBaVSe{sub 4}, and CsBaVSe{sub 4} have the TlEuPS{sub 4} structure type. • The compounds are semiconductors with calculated band gaps ranging from 1.6 to 3.4 eV.

  20. A Proteomic Approach of Bradyrhizobium/Aeschynomene Root and Stem Symbioses Reveals the Importance of the fixA Locus for Symbiosis

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    Nathanael Delmotte


    Full Text Available Rhizobia are soil bacteria that are able to form symbiosis with plant hosts of the legume family. These associations result in the formation of organs, called nodules in which bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen to the benefit of the plant. Most of our knowledge on the metabolism and the physiology of the bacteria during symbiosis derives from studying roots nodules of terrestrial plants. Here we used a proteomics approach to investigate the bacterial physiology of photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium sp. ORS278 during the symbiotic process with the semi aquatical plant Aeschynomene indica that forms root and stem nodules. We analyzed the proteomes of bacteria extracted from each type of nodule. First, we analyzed the bacteroid proteome at two different time points and found only minor variation between the bacterial proteomes of 2-week- and 3-week-old nodules. High conservation of the bacteroid proteome was also found when comparing stem nodules and root nodules. Among the stem nodule specific proteins were those related to the phototrophic ability of Bradyrhizobium sp. ORS278. Furthermore, we compared our data with those obtained during an extensive genetic screen previously published. The symbiotic role of four candidate genes which corresponding proteins were found massively produced in the nodules but not identified during this screening was examined. Mutant analysis suggested that in addition to the EtfAB system, the fixA locus is required for symbiotic efficiency.

  1. Genetic diversity of symbiotic Bradyrhizobium elkanii populations recovered from inoculated and non-inoculated Acacia mangium field trials in Brazil. (United States)

    Perrineau, M M; Le Roux, C; de Faria, S M; de Carvalho Balieiro, F; Galiana, A; Prin, Y; Béna, G


    Acacia mangium is a legume tree native to Australasia. Since the eighties, it has been introduced into many tropical countries, especially in a context of industrial plantations. Many field trials have been set up to test the effects of controlled inoculation with selected symbiotic bacteria versus natural colonization with indigenous strains. In the introduction areas, A. mangium trees spontaneously nodulate with local and often ineffective bacteria. When inoculated, the persistence of inoculants and possible genetic recombination with local strains remain to be explored. The aim of this study was to describe the genetic diversity of bacteria spontaneously nodulating A. mangium in Brazil and to evaluate the persistence of selected strains used as inoculants. Three different sites, several hundred kilometers apart, were studied, with inoculated and non-inoculated plots in two of them. Seventy-nine strains were isolated from nodules and sequenced on three housekeeping genes (glnII, dnaK and recA) and one symbiotic gene (nodA). All but one of the strains belonged to the Bradyrhizobium elkanii species. A single case of housekeeping gene transfer was detected among the 79 strains, suggesting an extremely low rate of recombination within B. elkanii, whereas the nodulation gene nodA was found to be frequently transferred. The fate of the inoculant strains varied depending on the site, with a complete disappearance in one case, and persistence in another. We compared our results with the sister species Bradyrhizobium japonicum, both in terms of population genetics and inoculant strain destiny. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  2. Structural characterization of the thermostable Bradyrhizobium japonicumD-sorbitol dehydrogenase. (United States)

    Fredslund, Folmer; Otten, Harm; Gemperlein, Sabrina; Poulsen, Jens Christian N; Carius, Yvonne; Kohring, Gert Wieland; Lo Leggio, Leila


    Bradyrhizobium japonicum sorbitol dehydrogenase is NADH-dependent and is active at elevated temperatures. The best substrate is D-glucitol (a synonym for D-sorbitol), although L-glucitol is also accepted, giving it particular potential in industrial applications. Crystallization led to a hexagonal crystal form, with crystals diffracting to 2.9 Å resolution. In attempts to phase the data, a molecular-replacement solution based upon PDB entry 4nbu (33% identical in sequence to the target) was found. The solution contained one molecule in the asymmetric unit, but a tetramer similar to that found in other short-chain dehydrogenases, including the search model, could be reconstructed by applying crystallographic symmetry operations. The active site contains electron density consistent with D-glucitol and phosphate, but there was not clear evidence for the binding of NADH. In a search for the features that determine the thermostability of the enzyme, the T m for the orthologue from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, for which the structure was already known, was also determined, and this enzyme proved to be considerably less thermostable. A continuous β-sheet is formed between two monomers in the tetramer of the B. japonicum enzyme, a feature not generally shared by short-chain dehydrogenases, and which may contribute to thermostability, as may an increased Pro/Gly ratio.

  3. Draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium manausense strain BR 3351T, an effective symbiont isolated from Amazon rainforest. (United States)

    Simões-Araújo, Jean Luiz; Rumjanek, Norma Gouvêa; Xavier, Gustavo Ribeiro; Zilli, Jerri Édson

    The strain BR 3351 T (Bradyrhizobium manausense) was obtained from nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) growing in soil collected from Amazon rainforest. Furthermore, it was observed that the strain has high capacity to fix nitrogen symbiotically in symbioses with cowpea. We report here the draft genome sequence of strain BR 3351 T . The information presented will be important for comparative analysis of nodulation and nitrogen fixation for diazotrophic bacteria. A draft genome with 9,145,311bp and 62.9% of GC content was assembled in 127 scaffolds using 100bp pair-end Illumina MiSeq system. The RAST annotation identified 8603 coding sequences, 51 RNAs genes, classified in 504 subsystems. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.

  4. Draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium manausense strain BR 3351T, an effective symbiont isolated from Amazon rainforest

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    Jean Luiz Simões-Araújo

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The strain BR 3351T (Bradyrhizobium manausense was obtained from nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp growing in soil collected from Amazon rainforest. Furthermore, it was observed that the strain has high capacity to fix nitrogen symbiotically in symbioses with cowpea. We report here the draft genome sequence of strain BR 3351T. The information presented will be important for comparative analysis of nodulation and nitrogen fixation for diazotrophic bacteria. A draft genome with 9,145,311 bp and 62.9% of GC content was assembled in 127 scaffolds using 100 bp pair-end Illumina MiSeq system. The RAST annotation identified 8603 coding sequences, 51 RNAs genes, classified in 504 subsystems.

  5. Trakya Bölgesi Geleneksel İçeceği Hardaliyenin Üretimi ve Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma (İngilizce

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    Halide Aydoğdu


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, Trakya Bölgesi'ne özgü geleneksel bir içecek olan hardaliyenin laboratuvar koşullarında üretimi yapılarak mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmiş, hardaliye üretim yöntemi değerlendirilmiştir. Laboratuvar ölçekli üretimde Alphonse Lavallée ve Papazkarası üzüm çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Denemelerde, farklı konsantrasyonlarda hardal tohumu kullanılmış, buna bağlı olarak mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal analizlerde beklenen şekilde farklı sonuçlar alınmıştır. Elde edilen hardaliyelerde koliform bakteri, E. coli, maya ve küf sayıları yok ya da fermantasyon boyunca kayda değer ölçüde azalırken, toplam aerobik mezofil koloni sayısı ve laktik asit bakterileri sayılarında genel olarak azalma/ artma/ azalma şeklinde bir seyir izlenmiştir. Bu seyir, asitlik artışı ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde anlamlı bulunmuştur (P<0.05. Aerobik mezofilik koloni sayısı ile laktik asit bakteri sayısının çok yakın olması, bu bakteriyel floranın önemli ölçüde laktik asit bakterilerinden geldiğini göstermektedir. Maya sayısının düşük olması nedeni ile hardaliyelerde alkol oluşması gerçekleşmemiş ve şeker içeriğinde bir değişiklik olmamıştır. Tersine olarak laktik asit bakteri sayısındaki artışa bağlı olarak asitlikte beklendiği şekilde artış olmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, geleneksel bir üzüm değerlendirme şekli olan hardaliyenin, koliform grup bakteri sayısının düşüklüğü ve laktik asit fermantasyonuna bağlı olan yüksek asitliği nedeni ile mikrobiyolojik açıdan güvenli bir gıda olduğu söylenebilir. Endüstriyel ölçekli üretime geçiş için bu konuda daha fazla araştırmaya gerek vardır.

  6. European Origin of Bradyrhizobium Populations Infecting Lupins and Serradella in Soils of Western Australia and South Africa† ‡ (United States)

    Stępkowski, Tomasz; Moulin, Lionel; Krzyżańska, Agnieszka; McInnes, Alison; Law, Ian J.; Howieson, John


    We applied a multilocus phylogenetic approach to elucidate the origin of serradella and lupin Bradyrhizobium strains that persist in soils of Western Australia and South Africa. The selected strains belonged to different randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR clusters that were distinct from RAPD clusters of applied inoculant strains. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with nodulation genes (nodA, nodZ, nolL, noeI), housekeeping genes (dnaK, recA, glnII, atpD), and 16S-23S rRNA intergenic transcribed spacer sequences. Housekeeping gene phylogenies revealed that all serradella and Lupinus cosentinii isolates from Western Australia and three of five South African narrow-leaf lupin strains were intermingled with the strains of Bradyrhizobium canariense, forming a well supported branch on each of the trees. All nodA gene sequences of the lupin and serradella bradyrhizobia formed a single branch, referred to as clade II, together with the sequences of other lupin and serradella strains. Similar patterns were detected in nodZ and nolL trees. In contrast, nodA sequences of the strains isolated from native Australian legumes formed either a new branch called clade IV or belonged to clade I or III, whereas their nonsymbiotic genes grouped outside the B. canariense branch. These data suggest that the lupin and serradella strains, including the strains from uncultivated L. cosentinii plants, are descendants of strains that most likely were brought from Europe accidentally with lupin and serradella seeds. The observed dominance of B. canariense strains may be related to this species' adaptation to acid soils common in Western Australia and South Africa and, presumably, to their intrinsic ability to compete for nodulation of lupins and serradella. PMID:16269740





    A cultura do grão-de-bico (Cicer arietinum L.) inexiste comercialmente no Brasil. No presente estudo, num podzólico vermelho-amarelo em Coimbra, microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, desenvolveram-se dois experimentos com grão-de-bico: um com o cultivar IAC-Marrocos e o outro com o 'IAC Índia-4'. Os tratamentos constituíram um fatorial 24, no qual os fatores foram: Bradyrhizobium sp. (inoculação das sementes ou não), adubação nitrogenada em cobertura (0 ou 30 kg.ha-1 de N), molibdênio em pulv...

  8. Subnitride chemistry: A first-principles study of the NaBa3N, Na5Ba3N, and Na16Ba6N phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliva, Josep M.


    An ab initio study on the electronic structure of the subnitrides NaBa 3 N, Na 5 Ba 3 N, and Na 16 Ba 6 N is performed for the first time. The NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N phases consist of infinite 1 ∞ [NBa 6/2 ] strands composed of face-sharing NBa 6 octahedra surrounded by a 'sea' of sodium atoms. The Na 16 Ba 6 N phase consist of discrete [NBa 6 ] octahedra arranged in a body-cubic fashion, surrounded by a 'sea' of sodium atoms. Our calculations suggest that the title subnitrides are metals. Analysis of the electronic structure shows partial interaction of N(2s) with Ba(5p) electrons in the lower energy region for NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N. However, no dispersion is observed for the N(2s) and Ba(5p) bands in the cubic phase Na 16 Ba 6 N. The metallic band below the Fermi level shows a strong mixing of N(2p), Ba(6s), Ba(5d), Ba(6p), Na(3s) and Na(3p) orbitals. The metallic character in these nitrides stems from delocalized electrons corresponding to hybridized 5d l 6s m 6p n barium orbitals which interact with hybridized 3s n 3p m sodium orbitals. Analysis of the electron density and electronic structure in these nitrides shows two different regions: a metallic matrix corresponding to the sodium atoms and the regions around them and heteropolar bonding between nitrogen and barium within the infinite 1 ∞ [NBa 6/2 ] strands of the NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N phases, and within the isolated [NBa 6 ] octahedra of the Na 16 Ba 6 N phase. The nitrogen atoms inside the strands and octahedra are negatively charged, the anionic character of nitrogens being larger in the isolated octahedra of the cubic phase Na 16 Ba 6 N, due to the lack of electron delocalization along one direction as opposed to the other phases. The sodium and barium atoms appear to be slightly negatively and positively charged, the latter to a larger extent. From the computed Ba-N overlap populations as well as the analysis of the contour maps of differences between total density and superposition of

  9. A Proteomic Network for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency in Bradyrhizobium elkanii. (United States)

    Cooper, Bret; Campbell, Kimberly B; Beard, Hunter S; Garrett, Wesley M; Mowery, Joseph; Bauchan, Gary R; Elia, Patrick


    Rhizobia colonize legumes and reduce N 2 to NH 3 in root nodules. The current model is that symbiotic rhizobia bacteroids avoid assimilating this NH 3 . Instead, host legume cells form glutamine from NH 3 , and the nitrogen is returned to the bacteroid as dicarboxylates, peptides, and amino acids. In soybean cells surrounding bacteroids, glutamine also is converted to ureides. One problem for soybean cultivation is inefficiency in symbiotic N 2 fixation, the biochemical basis of which is unknown. Here, the proteomes of bacteroids of Bradyrhizobium elkanii USDA76 isolated from N 2 fixation-efficient Peking and -inefficient Williams 82 soybean nodules were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Nearly half of the encoded bacterial proteins were quantified. Efficient bacteroids produced greater amounts of enzymes to form Nod factors and had increased amounts of signaling proteins, transporters, and enzymes needed to generate ATP to power nitrogenase and to acquire resources. Parallel investigation of nodule proteins revealed that Peking had no significantly greater accumulation of enzymes needed to assimilate NH 3 than Williams 82. Instead, efficient bacteroids had increased amounts of enzymes to produce amino acids, including glutamine, and to form ureide precursors. These results support a model for efficient symbiotic N 2 fixation in soybean where the bacteroid assimilates NH 3 for itself.

  10. Identification of Bradyrhizobium elkanii Genes Involved in Incompatibility with Vigna radiata

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    Hien P. Nguyen


    Full Text Available The establishment of a root nodule symbiosis between a leguminous plant and a rhizobium requires complex molecular interactions between the two partners. Compatible interactions lead to the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules, however, some legumes exhibit incompatibility with specific rhizobial strains and restrict nodulation by the strains. Bradyrhizobium elkanii USDA61 is incompatible with mung bean (Vigna radiata cv. KPS1 and soybean cultivars carrying the Rj4 allele. Here, we explored genetic loci in USDA61 that determine incompatibility with V. radiata KPS1. We identified five novel B. elkanii genes that contribute to this incompatibility. Four of these genes also control incompatibility with soybean cultivars carrying the Rj4 allele, suggesting that a common mechanism underlies nodulation restriction in both legumes. The fifth gene encodes a hypothetical protein that contains a tts box in its promoter region. The tts box is conserved in genes encoding the type III secretion system (T3SS, which is known for its delivery of virulence effectors by pathogenic bacteria. These findings revealed both common and unique genes that are involved in the incompatibility of B. elkanii with mung bean and soybean. Of particular interest is the novel T3SS-related gene, which causes incompatibility specifically with mung bean cv. KPS1.

  11. Complete Genome Sequence of the Soybean Symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum Strain USDA6T

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    Nobukazu Uchiike


    Full Text Available The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of the soybean symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA6T was determined. The genome of USDA6T is a single circular chromosome of 9,207,384 bp. The genome size is similar to that of the genome of another soybean symbiont, B. japonicum USDA110 (9,105,828 bp. Comparison of the whole-genome sequences of USDA6T and USDA110 showed colinearity of major regions in the two genomes, although a large inversion exists between them. A significantly high level of sequence conservation was detected in three regions on each genome. The gene constitution and nucleotide sequence features in these three regions indicate that they may have been derived from a symbiosis island. An ancestral, large symbiosis island, approximately 860 kb in total size, appears to have been split into these three regions by unknown large-scale genome rearrangements. The two integration events responsible for this appear to have taken place independently, but through comparable mechanisms, in both genomes.

  12. Syntheses and crystal structures of BaAgTbS{sub 3}, BaCuGdTe{sub 3}, BaCuTbTe{sub 3}, BaAgTbTe{sub 3}, and CsAgUTe{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prakash, Jai; Beard, Jessica C.; Ibers, James A. [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Mesbah, Adel [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); ICSM-UMR 5257 CNRS/CEA/UM2/ENSCM, Bat 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols/Ceze (France)


    Five new quaternary chalcogenides of the 1113 family, namely BaAgTbS{sub 3}, BaCuGdTe{sub 3}, BaCuTbTe{sub 3}, BaAgTbTe{sub 3}, and CsAgUTe{sub 3}, were synthesized by the reactions of the elements at 1173-1273 K. For CsAgUTe{sub 3} CsCl flux was used. Their crystal structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The sulfide BaAgTbS{sub 3} crystallizes in the BaAgErS{sub 3} structure type in the monoclinic space group C{sup 3},{sub 2h}-C2/m, whereas the tellurides BaCuGdTe{sub 3}, BaCuTbTe{sub 3}, BaAgTbTe{sub 3}, and CsAgUTe{sub 3} crystallize in the KCuZrS{sub 3} structure type in the orthorhombic space group D{sup 1},{sub 2}{sup 7},{sub h}-Cmcm. The BaAgTbS{sub 3} structure consists of edge-sharing [TbS{sub 6}{sup 9-}] octahedra and [AgS{sub 5}{sup 9-}] trigonal pyramids. The connectivity of these polyhedra creates channels that are occupied by Ba atoms. The telluride structure features {sup 2}{sub ∞}[MLnTe{sub 3}{sup 2-}] layers for BaCuGdTe{sub 3}, BaCuTbTe{sub 3}, BaAgTbTe{sub 3}, and {sup 2}{sub ∞}[AgUTe{sub 3}{sup 1-}] layers for CsAgUTe{sub 3}. These layers comprise [MTe{sub 4}] tetrahedra and [LnTe{sub 6}] or [UTe{sub 6}] octahedra. Ba or Cs atoms separate these layers. As there are no short Q..Q (Q = S or Te) interactions these compounds achieve charge balance as Ba{sup 2+}M{sup +}Ln{sup 3+}(Q{sup 2-}){sub 3} (Q = S and Te) and Cs{sup +}Ag{sup +}U{sup 4+}(Te{sup 2-}){sub 3}. (Copyright copyright 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  13. Draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain BR 3267, an elite strain recommended for cowpea inoculation in Brazil

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    Jean Luiz Simões-Araújo

    Full Text Available Abstract The strain BR 3267 is a nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacteria isolated from soil of semi-arid area of Brazilian Northeast using cowpea as the trap plant. This strain is used as commercial inoculant for cowpea and presents high efficient in nitrogen fixation as consequence of its adaptation potential to semi-arid conditions. We report here the draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain BR 3267, an elite bacterium used as inoculant for cowpea. Whole genome sequencing of BR 3267 using Illumina MiSeq sequencing technology has 55 scaffolds with a total genome size of 7,904,309 bp and C+G 63%. Annotation was added by the RAST prokaryotic genome annotation service and has shown 7314 coding sequences and 52 RNA genes.

  14. Produtividade da soja em resposta à aplicação de Molibdênio e inoculação com Bradyrhizobium japonicum Soybean yield in response to Molybdenum and Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation

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    Eloir Paulo Gris


    Full Text Available A soja em simbiose com Bradyrhizobium japonicum é capaz de ter a sua exigência de N satisfeita com a fixação biológica de N2 (FBN. Entretanto, a FBN é afetada pela deficiência Mo, visto que este nutriente faz parte da enzima nitrogenase responsável pelo processo. Foi realizado um experimento, em condição de campo, em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, no município de Palotina, PR, com o objetivo de avaliar o tratamento de sementes com Mo, inoculação de B. japonicum e adubação foliar de Mo na produtividade da soja. Os tratamentos foram quatro doses de Mo (0, 40, 80 e 160 g ha-1 aplicadas em adubação foliar e tratamento com aplicação nas sementes de 40 g ha-1 de Mo, combinados com e sem inoculação com B. japonicum. Não foram observados efeitos estatísticos significativos do tratamento de sementes com Mo, inoculação de B. japonicum e adubação foliar de Mo na produtividade da soja. Não foram obtidas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, obtendo-se tendência apra ganho de produtividade apenas com aplicação foliar de 80 g ha-1 de Mo e tratamento de sementes com 40 g ha-1.Soybean in symbiosis with Bradyrhizobium japonicum is able to satisfy its nitrogen (N2 demand with biological nitrogen fixation (BNF. However, BNF can be affected by molybdenium deficiency because this micronutrient is part of the nitrogenase enzyme responsible for the process. An experiment was conducted under field conditions on a Red Latosol (Oxisol in Palotina, state of Paraná, Brazil. The effects of seed treatments with Mo, B. japonicum inoculation as well as foliar Mo fertilization on soybean yield were evaluated. Four Mo rates (0, 40, 80 and 160 g ha-1 were applied as foliar fertilizer in two Mo application forms (without Mo, seed treatment with Mo 40 g ha-1 combined with and without B. japonicum inoculation. There were no significant effects of the seed treatments with Mo, inoculation with B. japonicum and foliar Mo fertilization on

  15. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of BaWO{sub 4} and Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capece, Angela M., E-mail: [California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (United States); Polk, James E. [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (United States); Shepherd, Joseph E. [California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (United States)


    Highlights: • XPS reference spectra for Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6} and BaWO{sub 4} are presented. • Binding energies of Ba 3d and W 4f lines are 0.7 eV higher for BaWO{sub 4} than Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}. • Ca 2p spectrum contains two sets of Ca 2p doublets attributed to Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6} and CaCO{sub 3}. - Abstract: XPS reference spectra for Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6} and BaWO{sub 4} are presented, including high resolution spectra of the Ba 3d, W 4f, C 1s, Ca 2p, and O 1s lines. The peak locations and full widths at half maximum are also given. The binding energies of the Ba 3d and W 4f lines are 0.7 eV higher for BaWO{sub 4} than for Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6}. The Ca 2p spectrum contains two sets of Ca 2p doublets that were attributed to Ba{sub 2}CaWO{sub 6} and CaCO{sub 3}.

  16. Polarizabilities of Ba and Ba2: Comparison of molecular beam experiments with relativistic quantum chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaefer, Sascha; Mehring, Max; Schaefer, Rolf; Schwerdtfeger, Peter


    The dielectric response to an inhomogeneous electric field has been investigated for Ba and Ba 2 within a molecular beam experiment. The ratio of the polarizabilities per atom of Ba 2 and Ba is determined to be 1.30±0.13. The experimental result is compared to a high level ab initio quantum chemical coupled cluster calculation with an energy-consistent scalar relativistic small-core pseudopotential for Ba. For the barium atom a polarizability of 40.82 A 3 is obtained and the isotropic value of the polarizability calculated for Ba 2 is 97.88 A 3 , which is in good agreement with the experimental results, demonstrating that a quantitative understanding of the interaction between two closed-shell heavy element metal atoms has been achieved



    Gretel Gómez; María C. Nápoles; R. Núñez; J. Martínez


    La cepa ICA 8001 de Bradyrhizobium elkanii es ampliamente usada en Cuba para la producción de inoculantes para soya. Uno de los medios de cultivos diseñados para la multiplicación de este microorganismo contiene melaza y extracto acuoso de soya, elementos de variable composición y origen, que aportan cantidades notables de sustratos carbonados. Por esta causa, se determinó la concentración de carbohidratos totales solubles y carbohidratos reductores, así como los contenidos de N, P, K, Ca, Mg...

  18. Transformasi α-Pinena dengan Bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 25923

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    Nanik Wijayati


    Full Text Available Indonesia adalah Negara utama yang memproduksi minyak atsiri di dunia. Minyak terpentin adalah minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan dari destilasi getah pinus Pinus merkusi J ungh. Et. De. Vr. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan nilai minyak terpentin dengan mengubah kandungan utamanya, α-pinena menjadi senyawa baru menggunakan P. Aeruginosa dalam metode mikrobiologi. Minyak terpentin diambil dari Perhutani Laboratorium Jawa Tengah, dibuat dengan seri konsentrasi 0,5%, 1%, 2%, dan 4%. Minyak terpentin diinokulasi dalam suspensi P. areuginosa selama 48 jam pada suhu kamar (25-28oC. Hasilnya diekstraksi menggunakan dietil eter. Filtrat Terpentin dianalisis menggunakan GCdan IR. Hasil analisis GC menunjukkan puncak baru di konsentrasi 0,5%, 1%, dan 2%, tetapi dalam konsentrasi 4% tidak menunjukkan puncak baru. Hasil IR menunjukkan hidroksil (OH- dan C-O alkohol. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa minyak terpentin dapat ditransformasi untuk menjadi senyawa yang mengandung gugus-OH melalui metode mikrobiologi dengan menggunakan bakteri P. aeruginosa. Indonesia is the main producer of essential oil in the world. Turpentine oil is an essential oil which is obtained from pine resin distillation of Pinus merkusi Jungh. et. De.Vr. The aim of this experiment was to increase the value of turpentine oil by changing its main content, i.e. α-pinene, into a new compound using P. aeruginosa in microbiological method. Turpentine oil was collected from Perhutani Central Java Laboratory, and was made into 0.5%; 1%; 2%; and 4% concentrations and it was inoculated in P. areuginosa suspension for 48 hours in room temperature (25°C-280C. The result was extracted using diethylether. The filtrate of turpentine was analyzed using GC and IR. The GC analysis result showed a new peak in 0.5%; 1%; and 2% concentrations, but in the 4% concentration didn’t show a new peak. The IR result showed alcohol with hydroxyl (-OH and –C–O groups. This

  19. Ba incorporation in benthic foraminifera

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Nooijer, L.J.; Brombacher, Anieke; Mewes, A.; Langer, Gerald; Nehrke, G.; Bijma, Jelle; Reichart, G.J.


    Barium (Ba) incorporated in the calcite of many foraminiferal species is proportional to the concentration of Ba in seawater. Since the open ocean concentration of Ba closely follows seawater alkalinity, foraminiferal Ba ∕ Ca can be used to reconstruct the latter. Alternatively, Ba ∕ Ca from

  20. Alpha decay of 114Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazzocchi, C.; Janas, Z.; Batist, L.; Belleguic, V.; Doering, J.; Kapica, M.; Kirchner, R.; Roeckl, E.; Gierlik, M.; Zylicz, J.; Mahmud, H.; Schmidt, K.; Woods, P.J.


    The neutron-deficient isotope 114 Ba was produced in a fusion evaporation reaction at the GSI On-Line Mass Separator. We measured the α-particle energy of 114 Ba, the half-life of its daughter nucleus 110 Xe, and the α-decay branching ratios for 114 Ba, 110 Xe and 106 Te. (orig.)

  1. Effect of local environment on crossluminescence kinetics in SrF{sub 2}:Ba and CaF{sub 2}:Ba solid solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Terekhin, M.A. [P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Leninskij Prospekt 53, 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation); Makhov, V.N., E-mail: [P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Leninskij Prospekt 53, 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation); Lebedev, A.I.; Sluchinskaya, I.A. [Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991 (Russian Federation)


    Spectral and kinetic properties of extrinsic crossluminescence (CL) in SrF{sub 2}:Ba (1%) and CaF{sub 2}:Ba (1%) are compared with those of intrinsic CL in BaF{sub 2} and are analyzed taking into account EXAFS data obtained at the Ba L{sub III} edge and results of first-principles calculations. The CL decay time was revealed to be longer in SrF{sub 2}:Ba and CaF{sub 2}:Ba compared to BaF{sub 2}. This fact contradicts the expected acceleration of luminescence decay which could result from an increased overlap of wave functions in solid solutions due to shortening of the Ba-F distance obtained in both EXAFS measurements and first-principles calculations. This discrepancy is explained by the effect of migration and subsequent non-radiative decay of the Ba (5p) core holes in BaF{sub 2} and by decreasing of the probability of optical transitions between Ba (5p) states and the valence band in SrF{sub 2}:Ba and CaF{sub 2}:Ba predicted by first-principles calculations. - Highlights: • The crossluminescence kinetics in SrF{sub 2}:Ba and CaF{sub 2}:Ba is slower than in BaF{sub 2}. • Ba{sup 2+} ions substitute for host Ca{sup 2+}(Sr{sup 2+}) ions in the on-center positions. • The nearest Ba-F distances in SrF{sub 2}:Ba and CaF{sub 2}:Ba are shorter than in BaF{sub 2}. • EXAFS data and first-principles calculations of the local structure agree well. • First-principles calculations explain slower luminescence decay in solid solutions.

  2. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from soils by Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation (United States)

    Itakura, Manabu; Uchida, Yoshitaka; Akiyama, Hiroko; Hoshino, Yuko Takada; Shimomura, Yumi; Morimoto, Sho; Tago, Kanako; Wang, Yong; Hayakawa, Chihiro; Uetake, Yusuke; Sánchez, Cristina; Eda, Shima; Hayatsu, Masahito; Minamisawa, Kiwamu


    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas that is also capable of destroying the ozone layer. Agricultural soil is the largest source of N2O (ref. ). Soybean is a globally important leguminous crop, and hosts symbiotic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria (rhizobia) that can also produce N2O (ref. ). In agricultural soil, N2O is emitted from fertilizer and soil nitrogen. In soybean ecosystems, N2O is also emitted from the degradation of the root nodules. Organic nitrogen inside the nodules is mineralized to NH4+, followed by nitrification and denitrification that produce N2O. N2O is then emitted into the atmosphere or is further reduced to N2 by N2O reductase (N2OR), which is encoded by the nosZ gene. Pure culture and vermiculite pot experiments showed lower N2O emission by nosZ+ strains and nosZ++ strains (mutants with increased N2OR activity) of Bradyrhizobium japonicum than by nosZ- strains. A pot experiment using soil confirmed these results. Although enhancing N2OR activity has been suggested as a N2O mitigation option, this has never been tested in the field. Here, we show that post-harvest N2O emission from soybean ecosystems due to degradation of nodules can be mitigated by inoculation of nosZ+ and non-genetically modified organism nosZ++ strains of B. japonicum at a field scale.

  3. Bıldırcın ve Ördek Yumurtalarında Maya-Küf ve Total Bakteri Açısından İncelenmesi

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    Işın Var


    Full Text Available Bıldırcın yumurtası, besin değeri yönünden tavuk yumurtasından oransal olarak daha zengin kabul edilmektedir. Daha çok salata, pasta, mayonez vb. yapımında yaygın olarak kullanılan ördek yumurtası (Pekin ördeği tavuk yumurtasına göre daha büyük olup, ağırlıkları 70-90 g arasında değişmektedir. Bıldırcın yumurtası son yıllarda özellikle küçük çocuk ve yaşlı beslenmesinde önem kazanmıştır. Bunun yanısıra bazı hastalıkların tedavisi amacıyla da halk arasında oldukça yaygın kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle çiğ olarak tüketilen bıldırcın yumurtaları zaman zaman içerdikleri patojen mikroorganizmalarla tehlikeli olabilmektedirler. Bu çalışmada bıldırcın ve ördek yumurtalarında maya-küf ve total bakteri aranmıştır. Bıldırcın ve ördek yumurtalarının özellikle kabuğunda hem total bakteri hem de maya-küf bulunmuştur. Bıldırcın yumurtasının akı ve sarısında ise zaman zaman kontaminasyonla karşılaşılmıştır.


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    Siti Aisiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui   daya  hambat  daun  sirih   yang  paling  besar  terhadap  bakteri Aeromonas Hydrophila, mengetahui konsentrasi minimal ekstrak daun sirih yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri  A. hydrophila  dan mengetahui toksisitas konsentrasi efektif dari  ekstrak daun sirih terhadap ikan patin. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan untuk  uji toksisitas  adalah rancangan acak lengkap, terdiri dari 4 perlakuan yaitu A  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 75%, B  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 25%, C  = Kontrol positif (ikan disuntik dengan akuades steril dan D  = Kontrol negatif (ikan tidak disuntik, diulang 3 kali. Hasil uji sensitivitas antibakteri daun sirih yang mempunyai daya hambat dan daya bunuh paling besar terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila adalah ekstrak daun sirih-metanol. Pengujian MIC menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun sirih-metanol memiliki daya hambat minimal 25 % terhadap aktivitas bakteri A. hydrophila. Hasil uji toksisitas yang dilakukan terhadap ikan patin dengan konsentrasi 75% dan 25% menunjukkan bahwa mortalitas yang terjadi tidak mencapai 50%. Pengamatan hematologis pada masing-masing perlakuan menunjukkan hasil yang berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap kesehatan ikan patin. Parameter kualitas air pada penelitian ini yaitu, , kadar oksigen terlarut,  pH, amoniak, CO2 dan suhu masih dapat mendukung kehidupan ikan patin. This research was aimed a finding the part of Piper betle Linn  which had the biggest resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria and to know the minimal concentrate which could obstruct the growth of A. hydrophila  bacteria and to know effective concentrate toxicity of P. betle Linn  to Pangasius hypophthalmus.  The random sampling used proportionate stratified random sampling. In toxicity test, it had be done 4 treatment, which was given to fish, those were : A = fish was injected with 25 % concentrate of extract  P

  5. Improvement of the field-trapping capabilities of bulk Nd Ba Cu O superconductors using Ba Cu O substrates (United States)

    Matsui, Motohide; Nariki, Shinya; Sakai, Naomichi; Iwafuchi, Kengo; Murakami, Masato


    We used Ba-Cu-O substrates to fabricate bulk Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors using a top-seeded melt-growth method. There were several advantages for the use of Ba-Cu-O substrate compared to conventional substrate materials such as MgO, ZrO2, Al2O3, RE123 and RE211 (RE = rare earth). The Ba-Cu-O did not react with the precursor and minimized liquid loss. Accordingly, the introduction of large-sized cracks was suppressed. We also found that Tc values were high at the bottom regions, which was ascribed to the beneficial effect of Ba-Cu-O in suppressing Nd/Ba substitution. As a result, we obtained bulk Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors that exhibited fairly good field-trapping capabilities, even at the bottom surfaces.

  6. Co2FeAl based magnetic tunnel junctions with BaO and MgO/BaO barriers

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    J. Rogge


    Full Text Available We succeed to integrate BaO as a tunneling barrier into Co2FeAl based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs. By means of Auger electron spectroscopy it could be proven that the applied annealing temperatures during BaO deposition and afterwards do not cause any diffusion of Ba neither into the lower Heusler compound lead nor into the upper Fe counter electrode. Nevertheless, a negative tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR ratio of -10% is found for Co2FeAl (24 nm / BaO (5 nm / Fe (7 nm MTJs, which can be attributed to the preparation procedure and can be explained by the formation of Co- and Fe-oxides at the interfaces between the Heusler and the crystalline BaO barrier by comparing with theory. Although an amorphous structure of the BaO barrier seems to be confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM, it cannot entirely be ruled out that this is an artifact of TEM sample preparation due to the sensitivity of BaO to moisture. By replacing the BaO tunneling barrier with an MgO/BaO double layer barrier, the electric stability could effectively be increased by a factor of five. The resulting TMR effect is found to be about +20% at room temperature, although a fully antiparallel state has not been realized.

  7. Structural and electrical properties of Barium Titanate (BaTiO3 and Neodymium doped BaTiO3 (Ba0.995Nd0.005TiO3

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    Tuan Sulong Tuan Amirah


    Full Text Available Barium titanate (BaTiO3 and Neodymium (Nd doped BaTiO3 with composition Ba0.995Nd0.005TiO3 were prepared using conventional solid state reaction method to study the dielectric properties of materials. Pure phase samples were found at final heating temperature of 1400°C for overnight. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals the changes in the lattice parameter and unit cell volume of the pure perovskite tetragonal structure with space group (P4mm. Electrical analysis is carried out to investigate the dielectric properties, conductivity behaviour and dielectric loss of BaTiO3 and Ba0.995Nd0.005TiO3. Ba0.995Nd0.005TiO3 have a broaden dielectric peaks with high permittivity of 8000 and reasonably low loss tan δ which is about 0.004 (1 kHz.

  8. Chalcogenidosilicates: Ba/sub 2/SiTe/sub 4/ and Ba/sub 2/SiSe/sub 4/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brinkmann, C; Eisenmann, B; Schaefer, H [Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany, F.R.). Fachbereich Anorganische Chemie und Kernchemie


    The new compounds Ba/sub 2/SiSe/sub 4/ and Ba/sub 2/SiTe/sub 4/ crystallize in the monoclinic system, space group: P2/sub 1//m (No. 11) with the lattice constants Ba/sub 2/SiSe/sub 4/: a = 918.4(5) pm, b = 703.3(3) pm, c = 687.2(3) pm, ..beta.. = 109.2(1)/sup 0/, Ba/sub 2/SiTe/sub 4/: a = 965.0(5) pm, b = 762.6(3) pm, c = 746.6(3) pm, ..beta.. = 108.9(1)/sup 0/. Both compounds are isotypic to the Sr/sub 2/GeS/sub 4/ structure. Ba/sub 2/SiTe/sub 4/ is the first o-telluridosilicate with discrete SiTe/sub 4//sup 4 -/ anions.

  9. Stellar Laboratories: 3. New Ba 5, Ba 6, and Ba 7 Oscillator Strengths and the Barium Abundance in the Hot White Dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289 (United States)

    Rauch, T.; Werner, K.; Quinet, P.; Kruk, Jeffrey Walter


    Context. For the spectral analysis of high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra of hot stars, state-of-the-art non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model atmospheres are mandatory. These are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that is used for their calculation. Aims. Reliable Ba 5-7 oscillator strengths are used to identify Ba lines in the spectra of the DA-type white dwarf G191-B2B and the DO-type white dwarf RE 0503-289 and to determine their photospheric Ba abundances. Methods. We newly calculated Ba v-vii oscillator strengths to consider their radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions in detail in our NLTE stellar-atmosphere models for the analysis of Ba lines exhibited in high-resolution and high-S/N UV observations of G191-B2B and RE 0503-289. Results. For the first time, we identified highly ionized Ba in the spectra of hot white dwarfs. We detected Ba vi and Ba vii lines in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum of RE 0503-289. The Ba vi/Ba vii ionization equilibrium is well reproduced with the previously determined effective temperature of 70 000 K and surface gravity of log g=7.5. The Ba abundance is 3.5 +/- 0.5 × 10(exp-4) (mass fraction, about 23 000 times the solar value). In the FUSE spectrum of G191-B2B, we identified the strongest Ba vii line (at 993.41 Å) only, and determined a Ba abundance of 4.0 +/- 0.5 × 10(exp-6) (about 265 times solar). Conclusions. Reliable measurements and calculations of atomic data are a pre-requisite for stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Ba vi-vii line profiles in two white dwarfs' (G191-B2B and RE 0503-289) far-ultraviolet spectra were well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths. This allowed to determine the photospheric Ba abundance of these two stars precisely.

  10. The BaBar Mini

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, David N.


    BaBar has recently deployed a new event data format referred to as the Mini. The mini uses efficient packing and aggressive noise suppression to represent the average reconstructed BaBar event in under 7 KBytes. The Mini packs detector information into simple transient data objects, which are then aggregated into roughly 10 composite persistent objects per event. The Mini currently uses Objectivity persistence, and it is being ported to use Root persistence. The Mini contains enough information to support detailed detector studies, while remaining small and fast enough to be used directly in physics analysis. Mini output is customizable, allowing users to both truncate unnecessary content or add content, depending on their needs. The Mini has now replaced three older formats as the primary output of BaBar event reconstruction. A reduced form of the Mini will soon replace the physics analysis format as well, giving BaBar a single, flexible event data format covering all its needs

  11. The BaBar mini

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, David N.; BaBar Collaboration


    BaBar has recently deployed a new event data format referred to as the Mini. The mini uses efficient packing and aggressive noise suppression to represent the average reconstructed BaBar event in under 7 KBytes. The Mini packs detector information into simple transient data objects, which are then aggregated into roughly 10 composite persistent objects per event. The Mini currently uses Objectivity persistence, and it is being ported to use Root persistence. The Mini contains enough information to support detailed detector studies, while remaining small and fast enough to be used directly in physics analysis. Mini output is customizable, allowing users to both truncate unnecessary content or add content, depending on their needs. The Mini has now replaced three older formats as the primary output of BaBar event reconstruction. A reduced form of the Mini will soon replace the physics analysis format as well, giving BaBar a single, flexible event data format covering all its needs

  12. Preliminary Study on Bacterial Pathogenic in Grouper Culture and Its Inhibitor Bacteria in Lampung Bay

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    A. Hatmanti


    Full Text Available Investigation of pathogenic bacteria and its inhibitor on grouper culture in some places of Lampung Bay had been carried out. Six strains of pathogenic bacteria and 28 strains of inhibitior bacteria were found in grouper and its habitat.  By inhibition test, 4 strains inhibited pathogenic bacteria were obtained. Inhibition test for Vibrio harveyi had also been performed using a bacterial collection of Marine Microbiology Laboratory of Research Center of Oceanography-LIPI.  The result showed that 3 strains could be used against bacterial infection. This study offers a positive prospect to prevent outbreak of bacterial diseases in grouper culture. Keywords: grouper culture, Lampung, inhibitor bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, inhibition test   ABSTRAK Penelitian penyakit bakterial dan bakteri penghambatnya pada budidaya ikan kerapu di beberapa tempat di perairan Teluk Lampung telah dilakukan. Enam strain bakteri patogen dan 28 strain bakteri penghambat telah berhasil diisolasi dari ikan kerapu dan habitat tempat hidupnya.  Dari hasil uji tantang (inhibition test yang dilakukan, diperoleh 4 strain bakteri penghambat yang mampu menekan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen. Selain itu, uji tantang terhadap bakteri patogen Vibrio harveyi, menggunakan bakteri penghambat koleksi Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Laut Puslit Oseanografi LIPI juga telah dilakukan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 3 strain bakteri mampu memberikan hambatan terhadap pertumbuhan Vibrio harveyi.  Studi ini memberikan prospek positif terhadap penanggulangan penyakit bakterial pada budidaya ikan kerapu. Kata kunci: budidaya kerapu, Lampung, bakteri penghambat, bakteri patogen, uji tantang

  13. Back-contacted BaSi

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vismara, R.; Isabella, O.; Zeman, M.


    We present the optical investigation of a novel back-contacted architecture for solar cells based on a thin barium (di)silicide (BaSi2) absorber. First, through the analysis of absorption limits of different semiconducting materials, we show the potential of BaSi2 for

  14. Co-existence of Rhizobia and Diverse Non-rhizobial Bacteria in the Rhizosphere and Nodules of Dalbergia odorifera Seedlings Inoculated with Bradyrhizobium elkanii, Rhizobium multihospitium–Like and Burkholderia pyrrocinia–Like Strains

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    Junkun Lu


    Full Text Available Rhizobia induce root nodules and fix atmospheric N2 for most legume species in exchange for carbon. However, the diverse endophytic non-rhizobial bacteria in legume nodules that co-exist with rhizobia are often ignored because they are difficult to cultivate using routine cultivation approaches. To enhance our understanding of the incidence and diversity of legume–bacteria associations, a high-throughput sequencing analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA genes was used to examine the bacterial community in the rhizospheres and root nodules of Dalbergia odorifera seedlings that were uninoculated or inoculated with Bradyrhizobium elkanii H255, Rhizobium multihospitium–like HT221, or Burkholderia pyrrocinia–like H022238, in two growth media (nitrogen [N]-supplied soil or N-omitted potting mix. Seedlings inoculated with Bradyrhizobium had significantly more nodules than seedlings in the other inoculation conditions, regardless of growth media. Using the 15N natural abundance method, it was shown that the inoculated plants had significantly higher N2 fixation efficiency (48–57% and specific nodule activity [269–313 μg N mg−1 of dry weight (dwt nodule] compared to the uninoculated plants (203 μg N mg−1 dwt nodule. The 16S rRNA gene analysis showed that there was generally a higher bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere than in the nodules in the corresponding condition. Both rhizobial inoculation and media status significantly altered the bacterial communities in the rhizospheres and nodules (P < 0.05, with the exception of the inoculated soil rhizospheres. Regarding non-rhizobial bacteria, three genera, i.e., Lactococcus, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas, were consistently enriched in the rhizosphere and Bradyrhizobium, Chloroplast norank (which belongs to Cyanobacteria, and Lactococcus were commonly found in the nodules. In contrast, common rhizobial genera (including Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, and Burkholderia were only present in the nodules at low

  15. Octupole correlations in neutron-rich {sup 143,145}Ba and a type of superdeformed band in {sup 145}Ba

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, S.J.; Wang, M.G.; Long, G.L.; Zhu, L.Y.; Gan, C.Y.; Yang, L.M.; Sakhaee, M.; Li, M.; Deng, J.K. [Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, Peoples Republic of (China); Zhu, S.J.; Hamilton, J.H.; Ramayya, A.V.; Jones, E.F.; Hwang, J.K.; Zhang, X.Q.; Gore, P.M.; Peker, L.K.; Drafta, G.; Babu, B.R.; Deng, J.K.; Ginter, T.N.; Beyer, C.J.; Kormicki, J.; Ter-Akopian, G.M.; Daniel, A.V. [Physics Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235 (United States); Zhu, S.J.; Ter-Akopian, G.M.; Daniel, A.V. [Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 (United States); Ma, W.C. [Physics Department, Mississippi State University, Mississippi 39762 (United States); Cole, J.D.; Aryaeinejad, R.; Drigert, M.W. [Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 (United States); Rasmussen, J.O.; Asztalos, S.; Lee, I.Y.; Macchiavelli, A.O.; Chu, S.Y.; Gregorich, K.E.; Mohar, M.F. [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 (United States); Ter-Akopian, G.M.; Daniel, A.V.; Oganessian, Y.T.; Kliman, J. [Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russia); Donangelo, R. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68528, RG (Brazil); Stoyer, M.A.; Lougheed, R.W.; Moody, K.J.; Wild, J.F. [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550 (United States); Prussin, S.G. [Nuclear Engineering Department, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720 (United States); Kliman, J. [Institute of Physics, SASc, Dubravskacesta 9, 84228 Bratislava (Slovakia); Griffin, H.C. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (United States)


    High spin states in neutron-rich odd-{ital Z} {sup 143,145}Ba nuclei have been investigated from the study of prompt {gamma} rays in the spontaneous fission of {sup 252}Cf by using {gamma}-{gamma}- and {gamma}-{gamma}-{gamma}- coincidence techniques. Alternating parity bands are identified for the first time in {sup 145}Ba and extended in {sup 143}Ba. A new side band, with equal, constant dynamic, and kinetic moments of inertia equal to the rigid body value, as found in superdeformed bands, is discovered in {sup 145}Ba. Enhanced E1 transitions between the negative- and positive-parity bands in these nuclei give evidence for strong octupole deformation in {sup 143}Ba and in {sup 145}Ba. These collective bands show competition and coexistence between symmetric and asymmetric shapes in {sup 145}Ba. Evidence is found for crossing M1 and E1 transitions between the s=+i and s={minus}i doublets in {sup 143}Ba. {copyright} {ital 1999} {ital The American Physical Society}

  16. Phonon dispersion curves of BCC Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizuki, J.; Stassis, C.; Zarestky, J.


    Ba, as well as Sr and Ca, is a divalent alkaline earth metal. At room temperature and ambient pressure, the structure of Ba is bcc, whereas that of Sr and Ca is fcc. Under pressure, the bcc phase of Ba transforms to an hcp structure at 55 kbar. Also, at 37 kbar Ba becomes a superconductor with T/sub c/ = 0.06 K. These properties are highly dependent on the position of the d bands relative to the Fermi level. Experimental investigation of the elastic and lattice dynamical properties of these metals has been hindered by difficulties in growing single crystals. However, recently the authors were able to grow several single crystals of bcc Ba of sufficient volume for inelastic neutron scattering experiments. Some of the results are summarized here

  17. Hyperfine structure and isotope shift of the neutron-rich barium isotopes 139-146Ba and 148Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wendt, K.; Ahmad, S.A.; Klempt, W.; Neugart, R.; Otten, E.W.


    The hyperfine structure and isotope shift in the 6s 2 S 1/2 -6p 2 P 3/2 line of Ba II (455.4 nm) have been measured by collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy for the neutron-rich isotopes 139-146 Ba and 148 Ba. Nuclear moments and mean square charge radii of these isotopes have been recalculated. The isotope shift of the isotope 148 Ba (T 1/2 = 0.64 s) could be studied for the first time, yielding δ 2 > 138,148 = 1.245(3) fm 2 . (orig.)

  18. Influência da antibiose exercida por actinomicetos às estirpes de Bradyrhizobium SPP., na nodulação da soja Influence of antibiosis produced by actinomycetes on strains of Bradyrhizobium SPP. on soybean nodulation

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    João Carlos Pereira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o espectro antibiótico de actinomicetos provenientes de solos de Cerrados e a sua influência na nodulação da soja. As estirpes BR 29, BR 33, BR 40, BR 85, BR 86, BR 96, 47/587, 3B-7 e 4A-5 de Bradyrhizobium spp. apresentaram comportamento diferenciado em relação à resistência natural aos antibióticos produzidos por 204 actinomicetos. As estirpes BR 29 e BR 96 foram sensíveis a 5,2 e 9,9% dos antibióticos produzidos, respectivamente, enquanto a BR 33 apresentou sensibilidade a 20,3%. O antagonismo exercido pelos actinomicetos exclusivamente à BR 29 e BR 33 foi de 1,6 e 5,7%, respectivamente. Esse efeito não foi observado nas estirpes BR 40 e BR 96. Inoculações simples e em mistura das estirpes na presença de actinomicetos influenciaram a nodulação da soja. A co-inoculação da BR 33 e BR 29 com o isolado 370 reduziu o percentual de ocorrência média, nos nódulos, da BR 29, de 94,1% para 83,7%, com conseqüente aumento da BR 33 de 6,7% para 17,2%. Os resultados evidenciam a importância de estudos ecológicos desses microrganismos, visando avaliar o seu papel no estabelecimento de uma nodulação eficiente.The aim of this work was to evaluate the antibiotic spectrum of actinomycetes from Cerrado soils and their influence on soybean nodulation. Strains BR 29, BR 33, BR 40, BR 85, BR 86, BR 96, 47/587, 3B-7 and 4A-5 of Bradyrhizobium spp. were characterized by their natural resistence to antibiotics produced by 204 actinomycete isolates. The strains BR 29 and BR 96 of B. elkanii were sensitive to 5.2% and 9.9% the products of actinomycete isolates, respectively, while BR 33 was sensitive up to 20.3%. The antagonistic effects caused by actinomycete exclusively to BR 29 and BR 33 were 1.6% and 5.7% respectively. This effect was not observed for strains BR 40 and BR 96. Single and multistrains inoculations in the presence or absence of actinomycetes affected soybean nodulation. On double

  19. Syntheses, crystal structures and characterizations of BaZn(SeO3)2 and BaZn(TeO3)Cl2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Hailong; Feng Meiling; Mao Jianggao


    Two new barium zinc selenite and tellurite, namely, BaZn(SeO 3 ) 2 and BaZn(TeO 3 )Cl 2 , have been synthesized by the solid state reaction. The structure of BaZn(SeO 3 ) 2 features double chains of [Zn(SeO 3 ) 2 ] 2- anions composed of four- and eight-member rings which are alternatively along a-axis. The double chains of [Zn 2 (TeO 3 ) 2 Cl 3 ] 3- anions in BaZn(TeO 3 )Cl 2 are formed by Zn 3 Te 3 rings in which each tellurite group connects with three ZnO 3 Cl tetrahedra. BaZn(SeO 3 ) 2 and BaZn(TeO 3 )Cl 2 are wide bandgap semiconductors based on optical diffuse reflectance spectrum measurements. -- Graphical abstract: Two new barium zinc selenite and tellurite, namely, BaZn(SeO 3 ) 2 and BaZn(TeO 3 )Cl 2 , have been synthesized by solid state reaction. The structure of BaZn(SeO 3 ) 2 features 1D double chains of [Zn(SeO 3 ) 2 ] 2- anions composed of four- and eight-member rings which are alternatively along a-axis. The 1D double chains of [Zn 2 (TeO 3 ) 2 Cl 3 ] 3- anions in BaZn(TeO 3 )Cl 2 are formed by Zn 3 Te 3 rings in which each tellurite group connects with one ZnO 3 Cl and two ZnO 2 Cl 2 tetrahedra. BaZn(SeO 3 ) 2 and BaZn(TeO 3 )Cl 2 are wide bandgap semiconductors based on optical diffuse reflectance spectrum measurements

  20. Stellar laboratories. III. New Ba v, Ba vi, and Ba vii oscillator strengths and the barium abundance in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289 (United States)

    Rauch, T.; Werner, K.; Quinet, P.; Kruk, J. W.


    Context. For the spectral analysis of high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra of hot stars, state-of-the-art non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model atmospheres are mandatory. These are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that is used for their calculation. Aims: Reliable Ba v-vii oscillator strengths are used to identify Ba lines in the spectra of the DA-type white dwarf G191-B2B and the DO-type white dwarf RE 0503-289 and to determine their photospheric Ba abundances. Methods: We newly calculated Ba v-vii oscillator strengths to consider their radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions in detail in our NLTE stellar-atmosphere models for the analysis of Ba lines exhibited in high-resolution and high-S/N UV observations of G191-B2B and RE 0503-289. Results: For the first time, we identified highly ionized Ba in the spectra of hot white dwarfs. We detected Ba vi and Ba vii lines in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum of RE 0503-289. The Ba vi/Ba vii ionization equilibrium is well reproduced with the previously determined effective temperature of 70 000 K and surface gravity of log g = 7.5. The Ba abundance is 3.5 ± 0.5 × 10-4 (mass fraction, about 23 000 times the solar value). In the FUSE spectrum of G191-B2B, we identified the strongest Ba vii line (at 993.41 Å) only, and determined a Ba abundance of 4.0 ± 0.5 × 10-6 (about 265 times solar). Conclusions: Reliable measurements and calculations of atomic data are a pre-requisite for stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Ba vi-vii line profiles in two white dwarfs' (G191-B2B and RE 0503-289) far-ultraviolet spectra were well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths. This allowed to determine the photospheric Ba abundance of these two stars precisely. Based on observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for

  1. High spin structure in 130,131Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaur, Navneet; Kumar, A.; Singh, Amandeep; Kumar, S.; Kaur, Rajbir; Singh, Varinderjit; Behera, B.R.; Singh, K.P.; Singh, G.; Mukherjee, G.; Sharma, H.P.; Kumar, Suresh; Kumar Raju, M.; Madhusudhan Rao, P.V.; Muralithar, S.; Singh, R.P.; Kumar, Rakesh; Madhvan, N.; Bhowmik, R.K.


    High spin states of 130,131 Ba have been investigated via fusion evaporation reactions 122 Sn( 13 C,4n) 131 Ba and 122 Sn( 13 C, 5n) 130 Ba at E beam =65 MeV. The level schemes of 130,131 Ba have been extended by placing several new γ transitions. A few interband transitions connecting two negative-parity bands, which are the experimental fingerprints of signature partners, have been established in 130 Ba. Spin and parity of a side band have been assigned in 131 Ba and this dipole band is proposed to have a three-quasiparticle configuration, νh 11/2 x πh 11/2 x πg 7/2 . The observed band structures and nuclear shape evolution as a function of the angular momentum have been discussed in the light of Total-Routhian-Surface calculations. (orig.)

  2. Thermal analysis of formation of nano-crystalline BaTiO3 using Ba(NO32 and TiO2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Md. Jawed Ansaree


    Full Text Available The reaction of Ba(NO32 with TiO2 was studied by thermogravimetric (TG and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC techniques up to 1000 °C and in nitrogen atmosphere. It was found that the formation of BaTiO3 takes place above 600 °C and that precursor mixing time and heating rate have no effect on the reaction temperature. BaTiO3 powder was prepared by calcination of Ba(NO32 and TiO2 precursor mixture at 800 °C for 8 h. X-ray diffraction analysis of the synthesized BaTiO3 confirmed the formation of tetragonal phase with lattice parameters a = 3.9950±0.0003 Å and c = 4.0318±0.0004 Å. Thermal analysis of the synthesized BaTiO3 powder showed weight loss within temperature range 40–1000 °C of only 0.40%. This small amount of weight loss was connected with some impurity phase, and identified as BaCO3 using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR technique.

  3. Growth and characterization of acentric BaHf(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} and BaZr(BO{sub 3}){sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mączka, Mirosław, E-mail: [Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 1410, 50-950 Wrocław 2 (Poland); Szymborska-Małek, Katarzyna; Gągor, Anna [Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 1410, 50-950 Wrocław 2 (Poland); Majchrowski, Andrzej [Institute of Applied Physics, Military University of Technology, 2 Kaliskiego Str., 00-908 Warszawa (Poland)


    Growth, single crystal X-ray diffraction, polarized Raman and infrared (IR) studies of BaHf(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} are presented. Raman and IR spectra of polycrystalline BaZr(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} are also reported to facilitate assignment of modes. BaHf(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} borate crystallizes in trigonal system, space group R3c, with lattice parameters: a=5.1540(4) Å, c=33.901(3) Å. It accommodates dolomite-like structure doubled in the c direction, which is built of alternating layers of HfO{sub 6} octahedra and BaO{sub 6} distorted trigonal prisms that are connected through borate groups. The obtained structural as well as spectroscopic data show that BaHf(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} is isostructural with BaZr(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} and the deviations from centrosymmetry is small. - Graphical abstract: Arrangement of BO{sub 3} groups in BaHf(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} along the c direction in one unit cell. Dark and light blue denote different borate groups. - Highlights: • BaHf(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} single crystals were grown. • X-ray diffraction showed that this borate crystallizes in the acentric R3c structure. • Raman and IR spectra were measured for BaHf(BO{sub 3}){sub 2} and BaZr(BO{sub 3}){sub 2}, respectively. • Assignment of modes is proposed.

  4. Mitigation of soil N2O emission by inoculation with a mixed culture of indigenous Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens (United States)

    Akiyama, Hiroko; Hoshino, Yuko Takada; Itakura, Manabu; Shimomura, Yumi; Wang, Yong; Yamamoto, Akinori; Tago, Kanako; Nakajima, Yasuhiro; Minamisawa, Kiwamu; Hayatsu, Masahito


    Agricultural soil is the largest source of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas. Soybean is an important leguminous crop worldwide. Soybean hosts symbiotic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria (rhizobia) in root nodules. In soybean ecosystems, N2O emissions often increase during decomposition of the root nodules. Our previous study showed that N2O reductase can be used to mitigate N2O emission from soybean fields during nodule decomposition by inoculation with nosZ++ strains [mutants with increased N2O reductase (N2OR) activity] of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens. Here, we show that N2O emission can be reduced at the field scale by inoculation with a mixed culture of indigenous nosZ+ strains of B. diazoefficiens USDA110 group isolated from Japanese agricultural fields. Our results also suggested that nodule nitrogen is the main source of N2O production during nodule decomposition. Isolating nosZ+ strains from local soybean fields would be more applicable and feasible for many soybean-producing countries than generating mutants.

  5. Synthesis of BaTiO3 nanoparticles from TiO2-coated BaCO3 particles derived using a wet-chemical method

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    Yuuki Mochizuki


    Full Text Available BaCO3 particles coated with amorphous TiO2 precursor are prepared by a wet chemical method to produce BaTiO3 nanoparticles at low temperatures. Subsequently, we investigate the formation behavior of BaTiO3 particles and the particle growth behavior when the precursor is subjected to heat treatment. The state of the amorphous TiO2 coating on the surface of BaCO3 particles depends on the concentration of NH4HCO3, and the optimum concentration is found to be in the range 0.5–1.0 M. Thermogravimetric curves of the BaCO3 particles coated with the TiO2 precursor, prepared from BaCO3 particles of various sizes, show BaTiO3 formation occurring mainly at 550–650 °C in the case of fine BaCO3 particles. However, as evidenced from the curves, the temperature of formation of BaTiO3 shifts to higher values with an increase in the size of the BaCO3 particles. The average particle size of single phase BaTiO3 at heat-treatment temperature of 650–900 °C is observed to be in the range 60–250 nm.

  6. Spectral analysis of Pr{sup 3+} doped germanate glasses modified by BaO and BaF{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pisarska, Joanna, E-mail: [University of Silesia, Institute of Chemistry, Szkolna 9 Street, 40-007 Katowice (Poland); Pisarski, Wojciech A. [University of Silesia, Institute of Chemistry, Szkolna 9 Street, 40-007 Katowice (Poland); Dorosz, Dominik; Dorosz, Jan [Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wiejska 45D Street, 15-351 Bialystok (Poland)


    Luminescence properties of Pr{sup 3+} ions in germanate glasses modified by BaF{sub 2} were investigated. Several luminescence bands originating to transitions from the {sup 3}P{sub 0} state to the lower-lying states of Pr{sup 3+} were registered under 450 nm excitation. The spectral analysis suggests that the positions of luminescence bands and their relative intensities are changed significantly with BaF{sub 2} content. The relative integrated luminescence intensities of {sup 3}P{sub 0}→{sup 3}H{sub 4} transition (blue) to the {sup 3}P{sub 0}→{sup 3}F{sub 2} transition (red) of Pr{sup 3+} ions strongly depend on fluoride modifier BaF{sub 2} in glass composition. The luminescence bands of Pr{sup 3+} ions are shifted to shorter wavelengths with increasing BaF{sub 2} content. - Highlights: • Praseodymium doped lead-free germanate glasses modified by BaF{sub 2} were prepared. • Emission spectra correspond to transitions from {sup 3}P{sub 0} state to lower-lying states of Pr{sup 3+}. • The relative emission band intensities of Pr{sup 3+} depend strongly on BaF{sub 2} content. • Emission bands of Pr{sup 3+} are shifted to shorter wavelengths with increasing BaF{sub 2} content.

  7. High field-effect mobility at the (Sr,Ba)SnO{sub 3}/BaSnO{sub 3} interface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujiwara, Kohei, E-mail:; Nishihara, Kazuki; Shiogai, Junichi; Tsukazaki, Atsushi [Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan)


    A perovskite oxide, BaSnO{sub 3}, has been classified as one of transparent conducting materials with high electron mobility, and its application for field-effect transistors has been the focus of recent research. Here we report transistor operation in BaSnO{sub 3}-based heterostructures with atomically smooth surfaces, fabricated on SrTiO{sub 3} substrates by the (Sr,Ba)SnO{sub 3} buffer technique. Indeed, modulation of band profiles at the channel interfaces with the insertion of wide bandgap (Sr,Ba)SnO{sub 3} as a barrier layer results in a significant improvement of field-effect mobility, implying effective carrier doping at the regulated heterointerface. These results provide an important step towards realization of high-performance BaSnO{sub 3}-based field-effect transistors.

  8. Optical characteristics of BaGa2S4:Ho3+ and BaGa2Se4:Ho3+ single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choe, Sung-Hyu; Jin, Moon-Seog; Kim, Wha-Tek


    BaGa 2 S 4 , BaGa 2 S 4 :Ho 3+ , BaGa 2 Se 4 , and BaGa 2 Se 4 :Ho 3+ single crystals were grown by using the chemical transport reaction method. The optical energy gaps of the single crystals were investigated in the temperature region from 11 K to 300 K. The temperature dependence of the optical energy gap was well fitted by the Varshni equation. Two broad emission bands were observed in the photoluminescence spectra of the single crystals. These bands were attributed to donor-acceptor pair recombinations. Sharp emission peaks were observed in the BaGa 2 S 4 :Ho 3+ and the BaGa 2 Se 4 :Ho 3+ single crystals and were assigned to radiation recombination between split Stark levels of Ho 3+ .

  9. Functional characterization of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum modA and modB genes involved in molybdenum transport. (United States)

    Delgado, María J; Tresierra-Ayala, Alvaro; Talbi, Chouhra; Bedmar, Eulogio J


    A modABC gene cluster that encodes an ABC-type, high-affinity molybdate transporter from Bradyrhizobium japonicum has been isolated and characterized. B. japonicum modA and modB mutant strains were unable to grow aerobically or anaerobically with nitrate as nitrogen source or as respiratory substrate, respectively, and lacked nitrate reductase activity. The nitrogen-fixing ability of the mod mutants in symbiotic association with soybean plants grown in a Mo-deficient mineral solution was severely impaired. Addition of molybdate to the bacterial growth medium or to the plant mineral solution fully restored the wild-type phenotype. Because the amount of molybdate required for suppression of the mutant phenotype either under free-living or under symbiotic conditions was dependent on sulphate concentration, it is likely that a sulphate transporter is also involved in Mo uptake in B. japonicum. The promoter region of the modABC genes has been characterized by primer extension. Reverse transcription and expression of a transcriptional fusion, P(modA)-lacZ, was detected only in a B. japonicum modA mutant grown in a medium without molybdate supplementation. These findings indicate that transcription of the B. japonicum modABC genes is repressed by molybdate.

  10. Perbandingan Efektivitas Daya Hambat Kotrimoksazol Generik dan Paten terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli sebagai Penyebab Infeksi Saluran Kemih secara In Vitro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Puti Anggun Sari


    Full Text Available AbstrakInfeksi saluran kemih merupakan salah satu infeksi yang sering ditemukan setelah infeksi saluran napas. Penyebab terbanyak infeksi saluran kemih adalah Escherichia coli. Kotrimoksazol merupakan kombinasi dari dua obat yaitu trimetoprim dan sulfametoksazol serta salah satu contoh antibiotik yang merupakan first-line therapy untuk infeksi saluran kemih. Kotrimoksazol terbagi menjadi dua jenis obat yaitu obat generik dan paten. Akan tetapi, belakangan ini penggunaan obat generik mulai menurun di masyarakat dan masyarakat cenderung meragukan kualitasnya. Padahal masyarakat yang akan diuntungkan jika mengetahui mutu obat generik tidak kalah dengan obat paten. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan efektivitas daya hambat kotrimoksazol generik dan paten terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Escherichia coli sebagai penyebab infeksi saluran kemih secara in vitro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik eksperimental dengan desain cross-sectional study. Penelitian ini menggunakan 19 sampel isolat bakteri dari pasien infeksi saluran kemih yang disebabkan oleh Escherichia coli di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil yang ditentukan rumus minimal adequate sample size menggunakan metode difusi cakram dan dilihat perbandingan antara zona bebas kuman yang dibentuk oleh obat generik dan paten tersebut. Data yang diperoleh akan diolah secara statistik dengan uji hipotesis t-independent test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada 17 sampel tidak didapatkan zona bebas kuman baik pada kotrimoksazol generik atau paten. Sedangkan pada 2 sampel lainnya didapatkan zona bebas kuman pada kedua obat kotrimoksazol generik dan paten. Setelah dilakukan analisis statistik menggunakan SPSS dengan uji t-independent test didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara sensitivitas bakteri Escherichia coli penyebab infeksi saluran kemih terhadap kotrimoksazol generik dan paten. Sedangkan resistensi yang terjadi pada 17 sampel lain diduga disebabkan penggunaan

  11. Incorporation of Ba in Al and Fe pollucite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vance, Eric R., E-mail: [Institute of Materials Engineering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Locked Bag 2001 Kirrawee DC, NSW 2232 (Australia); Gregg, Daniel J.; Griffiths, Grant J. [Institute of Materials Engineering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Locked Bag 2001 Kirrawee DC, NSW 2232 (Australia); Gaugliardo, Paul R. [Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009 (Australia); Grant, Charmaine [Institute of Materials Engineering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Locked Bag 2001 Kirrawee DC, NSW 2232 (Australia)


    Ba, the transmutation product of radioactive Cs, can be incorporated at levels of up to ∼0.07 formula units in Cs{sub (1−2x)}Ba{sub x}AlSi{sub 2}O{sub 6} aluminium pollucite formed by sol-gel methods and sintering at 1400 °C, with more Ba forming BaAl{sub 2}Si{sub 2}O{sub 8} phases. The effect of Ba substitution in pollucite-structured CsFeSi{sub 2}O{sub 6} was also studied and no evidence of Ba substitution in the pollucite structure via cation vacancies or Fe{sup 2+} formation was obtained. The Ba entered a Fe-silicate glass structure. Charge compensation was also attempted with a Cs{sup +} + Fe{sup 3+} ↔ Ba{sup 2+} + Ni{sup 2+} scheme but again the Ba formed a glass and NiO was evident. PCT leaching data showed CsFeSi{sub 2}O{sub 6} to be very leach resistant. - Highlights: • Barium can be incorporated into aluminium pollucite. • Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy supports a charge vacancy mechanism of incorporation. • Iron pollucite does not appear to incorporate any barium with either vacancy or charge compensation mechanisms. • Leaching data suggest iron pollucite is very leach resistant.

  12. Submillimeter and microwave residual losses in epitaxial films of Y-Ba-Cu-O and Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, D.; Richards, P.L.; Eom, C.B.; Geballe, T.H.; Etemad, S.; Inam, A.; Venkatesan, T.; Martens, J.S.; Lee, W.Y.


    We have used a novel bolometric technique and a resonant technique to obtain accurate submillimeter and microwave residual loss data for epitaxial thin films of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 , Tl 2 Ca 2 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 10 and Tl 2 CaBa 2 Cu 2 O 8 . For all films we obtain good agreement between the submillimeter and microwave data, with the residual losses in both the Y-Ba-Cu-O and Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O films scaling approximately as frequency squared below ∼ 1 THz. We are able to fit the losses in the Y-Ba-Cu-O films to a two fluid and a weakly coupled grain model for the a-b planeconductivity, in good agreement with results from a Kramers-Kronig analysis of the loss data

  13. Processing of R-Ba-Cu-O superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, H.


    Precipitation processes were developed to introduce second phases as flux pinning centers in Gd-Ba-Cu-O and Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors. In Gd-Ba-Cu-O, precipitation is caused by the decrease of the upper solubility limit of Gd 1+x Ba 2-x Cu 3 O 7 solid solution (Gd123ss) in low oxygen partial pressure. Processing of supersaturated Gd 1.2 Ba 1.8 Cu 3 O 7 in low oxygen partial pressure can produce dispersed second phases. Gd211 is formed as a separate phase while extensive Gd124 type stacking fault is formed instead of a separate CuO phase. As a result of the precipitation reaction, the transition temperature and critical current density are increased. In Nd-Ba-Cu-O, precipitation is caused by the decrease of the lower solubility limit of Nd 1+x Ba 2-x Cu 3 O 7 solid solution (Nd123ss) in oxygen. DTA results reveal the relative stability of Nd123ss in different oxygen partial pressures. In 1 bar oxygen partial pressure, Nd123ss with x = 0.1 is the most stable phase. In lower oxygen partial pressures, the most stable composition shifts towards the stoichiometric composition. The relative stability changes faster with decreasing oxygen partial pressure. Therefore, processing in oxygen and air tends to produce broad superconducting transitions but sharp transitions can be achieved in 0.01 bar and 0.001 bar oxygen partial pressures. While the lower solubility limits in 0.01 bar and 0.001 bar oxygen partial pressures remain at x = 0.00, the solubility limits in oxygen and air show a narrowing with decreasing temperature. Because of the narrowing of the solubility range in oxygen, oxygen annealing of Nd123 initially processed in low oxygen partial pressures will result in precipitation of second phases. The equilibrium second phase is BaCuO 2 for temperature above 608 C, and at lower temperatures the equilibrium second phases are Ba 2 CuO 3.3 and Ba 2 Cu 3 O 5+y . However, annealing at low temperature may produce a fine metastable transition phase. A coherent intermediate


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    Pei-Jung Kuo


    Full Text Available In this paper, I discuss the legitimacy of positing a Transitivity Projection (= TrP cf. Bowers 1993, 1997, 2001 and 2002 in the BA construction in Mandarin Chinese. BA has been proposed to be a semantically-bleached verb, inserted in the v position (Huang 1997 and Lin 2001. Several pieces of evidence such as manner adverbial placement (cf. Huang, Li and Li 2009 and GEI-insertion (cf. Tang 2001 indicate that there must be a functional projection between the vP and VP to host the BA NP. I propose that a TrP is probably the most apt candidate for the XP. I also argue, in contrast to the proposal by Huang, Li and Li (2009, that the present proposal which employs a TrP captures most of the properties of the BA construction. A comparison with the structure of the BEI construction also shows that the TrP proposal fits into the general picture of current linguistic theory on transitive constructions without extra stipulations.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Usman Usman


    Full Text Available Bioflok merupakan agregat campuran heterogen mikroba yang diinisiasi oleh bakteri heterotrof dan memiliki nutrisi yang cukup baik yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan oleh beberapa jenis ikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi metode menumbuhkan bioflok dalam media budidaya ikan bandeng intensif. Penumbuhan bakteri heterotrof dilakukan dengan mempertahankan keseimbangan rasio Karbon/Nitrogen (C/N sebesar 10 dalam media budidaya. Sumber nitrogen berasal dari limbah 40 ekor ikan bandeng (bobot rata-rata 75 g/ekor yang dipelihara dalam bak fibre glass berisi air bersalinitas 25 ppt sebanyak 625 L. Ikan uji diberi pakan komersial dengan kadar protein 26%. Molase digunakan sebagai sumber Corganik. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah: (A tanpa inokulasi bakteri heterotrof (0 cfu/mL, (B inokulasi bakteri heterotrof sebanyak 102 cfu/mL, (C inokulasi bakteri heterotrof sebanyak 104 cfu/mL, dan (D inokulasi bakteri heterotrof sebanyak 106 cfu/mL. Hasil percobaan selama masa 30 hari menunjukkan bahwa penambahan inokulasi bakteri heterotrof sebanyak 106 cfu/mL cenderung lebih meningkatkan laju konversi limbah N menjadi bioflok dibandingkan jumlah inokulasi bakteri yang lebih rendah dan kontrol. Indikator utamanya dapat dilihat dari pola penurunan konsentrasi TAN dan peningkatan VSS. Penambahan inokulasi bakteri heterotrof (Bacillus sp. cenderung meningkatkan kandungan asam amino bioflok

  16. Structural evolution of Ba8Ti3Nb4O24 from BaTiO3 using a series of Ba(Ti1−5xNb4x)O3 solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrientos Hernández, F.R.; Lira Hernández, I.A.; Gómez Yáñez, C.; Arenas Flores, A.; Cabrera Sierra, R.; Pérez Labra, M.


    Highlights: • The evolution phase Ba 8 Ti 3 Nb 4 O 24 was obtained through the mechanism Ba(Ti 1-5x Nb 4x )O 3 . • Addition of niobium can accelerate grain growth of BaTiO 3 ceramics. • Ba 8 Ti 3 Nb 4 O 24 presents a dielectric loss of 0.0035 and permittivity value of 54.6. • Electrical measurements showed that Nb 5+ content drops Curie temperature. • Samples with x ⩾ 0.0625 shows an insulating behavior. -- Abstract: In this work, the structural evolution of hexagonal phase Ba 8 Ti 3 Nb 4 O 24 by adding Nb 2 O 5 to perovskite structure of BaTiO 3 was investigated. The compositions Ba(Ti 1-5x Nb 4x )O 3 ceramics, with 0.00025 ⩽ x ⩽ 0.125 were prepared by the conventional solid state route in air atmosphere, the powders precursors, BaTiO 3 , BaCO 3 and Nb 2 O 5 , were mixed in stoichiometric proportions and ground in a ball mill using alumina balls and acetone. The mixed powders were calcined at temperatures up to 1500 °C. The phase transformation of Ba 8 Ti 3 Nb 4 O 24 from BaTiO 3 was studied by DRX, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, electrical measurements (relative permittivity and P–E hysteresis loops); Rietveld’s refinement was used to structurally characterize the samples. For the devices obtained capacitance was measured at 1 kHz; with these values we calculated the relative permittivity. The samples show typical P–E hysteresis loops at room temperature accompanied by saturation polarization (Ps) and remnant polarization (Pr). The DRX and Rietveld’s refinement results show x ⩽ 0.01 has a ferroelectric behavior. When the doped level is increased x ⩾ 0.02, a peak displacement is observed, this is due to the phase transformation of tetragonal to cubic into the unit cell. Finally, with x = 0.125 the crystal structure transforms to the characteristic hexagonal phase Ba 8 Ti 3 Nb 4 O 24 which resonates at microwave frequencies

  17. Separation of Sr from Ca, Ba and Ra by means of Ca(OH)2 and Ba(Ra)Cl2 or Ba(Ra)SO4 for the determination of radiostrontium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Q.J.; Hou, Xiaolin; Yu, Y.X.


    be completed. The new separation procedure has been successfully used for the determination of Sr-90 in samples with high Ca content, such as 451 of seawater and 2001 of drinking water. The analytical quality of the results is comparable to that of the traditional method using fuming nitric acid and BaCrO4......A simple procedure is developed to separate Sr from a large amount of Ca, which relies on the insolubility of Ca(OH)(2) in alkaline solution. Calcium is quantitatively separated from Sr and more than 95% of Sr is recovered from a sample with as much as 50 g of Ca and a Ca/Sr mole ratio of 250....... A new procedure for the separation of Sr from Ba and Ra is also investigated, which is based on the difference in solubility of the chlorides of Sr, Ba and Ra in HCl media. In 9.5 mol 1(-1) HCl or 7.5 mol 1(-1) HCl-10% acetone media, >97% of Ba and Ra can be removed by Ba(Ra)Cl-2 precipitation, and >94...

  18. Characterization and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 prepared from Ba(NO3)2-TiO2 mixture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Othman, K.I.; Hassan, A.A.; Ali, M.E.; Abdelal, O.A.; Salah El Dien, F.E.; El-Raghy, S.M.; Abdel-Karim, R.


    BaTiO 3 powder was prepared through a solid-state reaction between the Ba(NO 3 ) 2 and TiO 2 . The thermal analysis and XRD techniques were used to study its formation. A single phase BaTiO 3 was formed after calcination at 600 degree C for 6 hrs. The dielectric properties of the sintered BaTiO 3 were determined in the temperature range from room temperature to 20 degree C at a frequency ranging from 500 Hz to 100 khz. The relative permittivity and the dielectric loss of the sintered pellets at 1 khz, measured at room temperature,were 1805 and 0.419 respectively.

  19. Pas på pastaen fra i går

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abildgaard, Inger; Skibsted, Leif Horsfelt


    Der kan være bakterier i ris og pasta fra dagen før. En sporedannende bakterie kan vokse frem og danne giftstoffer, når de kogte ris eller den kogte pasta gemmes.......Der kan være bakterier i ris og pasta fra dagen før. En sporedannende bakterie kan vokse frem og danne giftstoffer, når de kogte ris eller den kogte pasta gemmes....

  20. Synthesis, crystal structure and electrical properties of A-site cation ordered BaErMn2O5 and BaErMn2O6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Świerczek, Konrad; Klimkowicz, Alicja; Zheng, Kun; Dabrowski, Bogdan


    In this paper, we report on a synthesis procedure, structural and electrical properties of BaErMn 2 O 5 and BaErMn 2 O 6 , A-site double perovskites having layered arrangement of Ba and Er cations. These materials belong to a family of BaLnMn 2 O 5+δ oxides, which up to now were successfully synthesized for Ln=Y and La–Ho lanthanides. Up to our knowledge, this is the first report on the successful synthesis of BaErMn 2 O 5 and BaErMn 2 O 6 , yielding>95 wt% of the considered compounds. Structural characterization of the materials is given at room temperature, together with in situ XRD studies, performed during oxidation of BaErMn 2 O 5 in air, at elevated temperatures up to 500 °C. A complex structural behavior was observed, with oxidation process of BaErMn 2 O 5 occurring at around 300 °C. The oxidized BaErMn 2 O 6 shows a structural phase transition at about 225 °C. Results of structural studies are supported by thermogravimetric measurements of the oxidation process, performed in air, as well as reduction process, preformed in 5 vol% of H 2 in Ar. Additionally, isothermal oxidation/reduction cycles were measured at 500 °C, showing interesting properties of BaErMn 2 O 5+δ , from a point of view of oxygen storage technology. Electrical conductivity of BaErMn 2 O 5 is of the order of 10 −4 S cm −1 at room temperature and shows activated character on temperature with activation energy E a =0.30(1) eV. Positive sign of Seebeck coefficient for this material indicates holes as dominant charge carriers. Oxidized BaErMn 2 O 6 possesses much higher electrical conductivity, almost 0.2 S cm −1 at room temperature. Additional, about 10-fold increase of electrical conductivity, occurring in the vicinity of 225 °C for this material, can be associated with phase transition from charge/orbital-ordered insulator COI(CE) to paramagnetic metal PM phase. The highest conductivity for BaErMn 2 O 6 was measured near 500 °C and is almost equal to 40 S cm −1 , while

  1. Revisiting the BaO2/BaO redox cycle for solar thermochemical energy storage. (United States)

    Carrillo, A J; Sastre, D; Serrano, D P; Pizarro, P; Coronado, J M


    The barium peroxide-based redox cycle was proposed in the late 1970s as a thermochemical energy storage system. Since then, very little attention has been paid to such redox couples. In this paper, we have revisited the use of reduction-oxidation reactions of the BaO2/BaO system for thermochemical heat storage at high temperatures. Using thermogravimetric analysis, reduction and oxidation reactions were studied in order to find the main limitations associated with each process. Furthermore, the system was evaluated through several charge-discharge stages in order to analyse its possible degradation after repeated cycling. Through differential scanning calorimetry the heat stored and released were also determined. Oxidation reaction, which was found to be slower than reduction, was studied in more detail using isothermal tests. It was observed that the rate-controlling step of BaO oxidation follows zero-order kinetics, although at high temperatures a deviation from Arrhenius behaviour was observed probably due to hindrances to anionic oxygen diffusion caused by the formation of an external layer of BaO2. This redox couple was able to withstand several redox cycles without deactivation, showing reaction conversions close to 100% provided that impurities are previously eliminated through thermal pre-treatment, demonstrating the feasibility of this system for solar thermochemical heat storage.

  2. Synthesis and characterization of BaTiO3 ferroelectric material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osman, K.I.


    BaTiO 3 powder was prepared at low temperatures using the solid-state reaction, starting with two different precursors; the BaCO 3 /TiO 2 and the Ba(NO 3 ) 2 /TiO 2 powder mixtures. It was found that, a single phase BaTiO 3 was formed after calcination at 750 degree C for 10 h and at 600 degree C for 6 h for the first and second mixtures, respectively. Thermal and XRD analyses were used to study the formation kinetics of BaTiO 3 . Contracting volume reaction model was found to control both reactions. The SEM of the as milled powder, TMA, TG and thermodynamics analysis have been used to propose a realistic approach describing the reaction mechanism of BaTiO 3 . Characterization and the dielectric properties of the sintered BaTiO 3 were investigated. The relative permittivity and the dielectric loss measured at room temperature and at 1 khz were 2028.5 and 0.043 for BaTiO 3 prepared from BaCO 3 /TiO 2 , while they were 1805.33 and 0.41 for BaTiO 3 prepared from Ba(NO 3 ) 2 /TiO 2 .

  3. Expressão dos genes nodC, nodW e nopP em Bradyrhizobium japonicum estirpe CPAC 15 avaliada por RT-qPCR Expression of nodC, nodW and nopP genes in Bradyrhizobium japonicum CPAC 15 strain evaluated by RT-qPCR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Bortolan


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a expressão, por RT-qPCR, dos genes de nodulação nodC e nodW e do gene nopP da estirpe CPAC 15, que provavelmente atuam na infecção das raízes da soja. Foram realizados dois experimentos. No primeiro, a expressão dos genes foi avaliada nas células após a incubação com genisteína por 15 min, 1, 4 e 8 horas. Os resultados revelaram que os três genes apresentaram maior expressão imediatamente após o contato com o indutor (15 min. No segundo experimento, a bactéria foi cultivada na presença de indutores (genisteína ou exsudatos de sementes de soja por 48 horas. A expressão dos três genes foi maior na presença de genisteína, com valores de expressão para nodC, nodW e nopP superiores ao controle. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a funcionalidade dos três genes na estirpe CPAC 15, com ênfase para o nopP, cuja funcionalidade em Bradyrhizobium japonicum foi descrita pela primeira vez.The objective of this work was to evaluate, by RT-qPCR, the expression of the nodC and nodW nodulation genes and of the nopP gene of the CPAC 15 strain, which probably play a role in the infection of soybean roots. Two experiments were done. In the first, the gene expression was evaluated in cells after incubation with genistein for 15 min, 1, 4 and 8 hours. Results showed that the three genes showed higher expression immediately after contact with the inducer (15 min. In the second experiment, the bacterium was grown in the presence of inducers (genistein or soybean seed exudates for 48 hours. The expression of the three genes was greater when induced by genistein, and the expression of nodC, nodW and nopP had higher values than the control. The results confirm the functionality of the three genes in the CPAC 15 strain, with an emphasis on the nopP, whose functionality in Bradyrhizobium japonicum was described for the first time.

  4. Experimental investigation of decay properties of neutron deficient $^{116-118}$Ba isotopes and test of $^{112-115}$Ba beam counts

    CERN Multimedia

    We propose to study decay of neutron deficient isotopes $^{116-118}$Ba using Double Sided Silicon Strip Detector (DSSSD). To study delayed-proton and $\\alpha$-decay branching ratios of $^{116-118}$Ba are of special interest because of their vicinity to the proton drip line. The nuclear life-times and properties of the proton unstable states of Cs isotopes, populated through decay of $^{116-118}$Ba isotopes will be measured. In addition to that we propose beam development of $^{112-115}$Ba to study exotic decay properties of these neutron deficient nuclei and to search for super-allowed $\\alpha$-decay in future.

  5. Enhanced 77 K vortex-pinning in Y Ba2Cu3O7−x films with Ba2Y TaO6 and mixed Ba2Y TaO6 + Ba2Y NbO6 nano-columnar inclusions with irreversibility field to 11 T

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Rizzo


    Full Text Available Pulsed laser deposited thin Y Ba2Cu3O7−x (YBCO films with pinning additions of 5 at. % Ba2Y TaO6 (BYTO were compared to films with 2.5 at. % Ba2Y TaO6 + 2.5 at. % Ba2Y NbO6 (BYNTO additions. Excellent magnetic flux-pinning at 77 K was obtained with remarkably high irreversibility fields greater than 10 T (YBCO-BYTO and 11 T (YBCO-BYNTO, representing the highest ever achieved values in YBCO films.

  6. (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratio dependence of the dielectric properties for (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 thin films prepared by ion beam sputtering (United States)

    Yamamichi, Shintaro; Yabuta, Hisato; Sakuma, Toshiyuki; Miyasaka, Yoichi


    (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 thin films were prepared by ion beam sputtering from powder targets with (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratios ranging from 0.80 to 1.50. All of the perovskite (Ba,Sr)TiO3 films were single phase except for the film with a (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratio of 1.41. The dielectric constant values notably depended on the (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratio for films thicker than 70 nm. The highest dielectric constant of 580 was achieved for the 5% (Ba+Sr) rich film. This (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratio dependence was diminished by the thickness dependence for thinner films. The grain sizes for the 9% (Ba+Sr) rich film and for the 6% (Ba+Sr) poor film ranged from 70 to 100 nm and from 30 to 60 nm, respectively. This grain size difference could explain why slightly A-site rich (Ba,Sr)TiO3 films have a larger dielectric constant than A-site poor films.

  7. Structural and thermodynamic characterization of the perovskite-related BA{sub 1+y}UO{sub 3+x} and (BA,SR){sub 1+y}UO{sub 3+x} phases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cordfunke, E.H.P. [Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), Petten (Netherlands); Booij, A.S. [Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), Petten (Netherlands); Smit-Groen, V. [Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), Petten (Netherlands); Vlaanderen, P. van [Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), Petten (Netherlands); IJdo, D.J.W. [Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (Netherlands). Gorlaeus Labs.


    The perovskite-type BaUO{sub 3} structure has been investigated by X-ray and neutron diffraction. The Ba/U ratio, the (Ba, Sr)/U ratio, and the oxygen stoichiometry in Ba{sub 1+y}UO{sub 3+x} were varied, and the integral enthalpies of formation determined by solution calorimetry. In addition, equilibrium oxygen partial pressures were measured using a reversible EMF cell. The chemical defect mechanism is discussed, and it is shown that a continuous series BaUO{sub 3}-Ba{sub 1+y}UO{sub 3+x}-Ba{sub 3}UO{sub 6} exist in which uranium vacancies are gradually filled up with barium ions, whereas uranium is oxidized via the pentavalent to the hexavalent state in Ba{sub 3}UO{sub 6}(=Ba{sub 2}(Ba, U)O{sub 6}). (orig.).

  8. Dynamics of photoexcited Ba+ cations in 4He nanodroplets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain))" data-affiliation=" (Departament ECM, Facultat de Física, and IN2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain))" >Leal, Antonio; 2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain))" data-affiliation=" (Departament ECM, Facultat de Física, and IN2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain))" >Pi, Martí; Zhang, Xiaohang; Drabbels, Marcel; 2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain); Laboratoire des Collisions, Agrégats, Réactivité, IRSAMC, UMR 5589, CNRS et Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 (France))" data-affiliation=" (Departament ECM, Facultat de Física, and IN2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain); Laboratoire des Collisions, Agrégats, Réactivité, IRSAMC, UMR 5589, CNRS et Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 (France))" >Barranco, Manuel; Cargnoni, Fausto; Hernando, Alberto; Mateo, David; Mella, Massimo


    We present a joint experimental and theoretical study on the desolvation of Ba + cations in 4 He nanodroplets excited via the 6p ← 6s transition. The experiments reveal an efficient desolvation process yielding mainly bare Ba + cations and Ba + He n exciplexes with n = 1 and 2. The speed distributions of the ions are well described by Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions with temperatures ranging from 60 to 178 K depending on the excitation frequency and Ba + He n exciplex size. These results have been analyzed by calculations based on a time-dependent density functional description for the helium droplet combined with classical dynamics for the Ba + . In agreement with experiment, the calculations reveal the dynamical formation of exciplexes following excitation of the Ba + cation. In contrast to experimental observation, the calculations do not reveal desolvation of excited Ba + cations or exciplexes, even when relaxation pathways to lower lying states are included.

  9. The interaction of NO2 with BaO: from cooperative adsorption to Ba(NO3)2 formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi, Cheol-Woo W.; Kwak, Ja Hun H.; Szanyi, Janos


    The effect of water on the morphology of BaO/Al2O3-based NOx storage materials was investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, temperature programmed desorption, and time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques. The results of this multi-spectroscopy study reveal that, in the presence of water, surface Ba-nitrates convert to bulk nitrates, and water facilitates the formation of large Ba(NO3)2 particles. The conversion of surface to bulk Ba-nitrates is completely reversible, i.e. after the removal of water from the storage material a significant fraction of the bulk nitrates re-convert to surface nitrates. NO2 exposure of a H2O-containing (wet) BaO/Al2O3 sample results in the formation of nitrites and bulk nitrates exclusively, i.e. no surface nitrates form. After further exposure to NO2, the nitrites completely convert to bulk nitrates. The amount of NOx taken up by the storage material is, however, essentially unaffected by the presence of water, regardless of whether the water was dosed prior to or after NO2 exposure. Based on the results of this study we are now able to explain most of the observations reported in the literature on the effect of water on NOx uptake on similar storage materials

  10. Growth of BaSi2 continuous films on Ge(111) by molecular beam epitaxy and fabrication of p-BaSi2/n-Ge heterojunction solar cells (United States)

    Takabe, Ryota; Yachi, Suguru; Tsukahara, Daichi; Toko, Kaoru; Suemasu, Takashi


    We grew BaSi2 films on Ge(111) substrates by various growth methods based on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). First, we attempted to form BaSi2 films directly on Ge(111) by MBE without templates. We next formed BaSi2 films using BaGe2 templates as commonly used for MBE growth of BaSi2 on Si substrates. Contrary to our prediction, the lateral growth of BaSi2 was not promoted by these two methods; BaSi2 formed not into a continuous film but into islands. Although streaky patterns of reflection high-energy electron diffraction were observed inside the growth chamber, no X-ray diffraction lines of BaSi2 were observed in samples taken out from the growth chamber. Such BaSi2 islands were easily to get oxidized. We finally attempted to form a continuous BaSi2 template layer on Ge(111) by solid phase epitaxy, that is, the deposition of amorphous Ba-Si layers onto MBE-grown BaSi2 epitaxial islands, followed by post annealing. We achieved the formation of an approximately 5-nm-thick BaSi2 continuous layer by this method. Using this BaSi2 layer as a template, we succeeded in forming a-axis-oriented 520-nm-thick BaSi2 epitaxial films on Ge substrates, although (111)-oriented Si grains were included in the grown layer. We next formed a B-doped p-BaSi2(20 nm)/n-Ge(111) heterojunction solar cell. A wide-spectrum response from 400 to 2000 nm was achieved. At an external bias voltage of 1 V, the external quantum efficiency reached as high as 60%, demonstrating the great potential of BaSi2/Ge combination. However, the efficiency of a solar cell under AM1.5 illumination was quite low (0.1%). The origin of such a low efficiency was examined.

  11. Laserspectroscopic studies of collective properties of neutron deficient Ba nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bekk, K.; Andl, A.; Goering, S.; Hanser, A.; Nowicki, G.; Rebel, H.; Schatz, G.


    Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure of the BaI resonance-line (lambda=553.6 nm) have been measured by dye laser induced resonance fluorescence on an atomic beam for sup(135m,129g,129m,126) Ba thus extending previous high resolution measurements of neutron deficient Ba nuclides (N - isomers sup(135m) Ba and sup(135m) Ba show a decreased staggering. Conspicuously the isomer shift of the g 7/2 + isomer sup(129m) Ba proves to be negative. The nuclear structure information is discussed in the context of gamma-spectroscopic studies of transitional nuclei with 50 [de

  12. Occurrence of H2-Uptake Hydrogenases in Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) and Their Expression in Nodules of Lupinus spp. and Ornithopus compressus1 (United States)

    Murillo, Jesús; Villa, Ana; Chamber, Manuel; Ruiz-Argüeso, Tomás


    Fifty-four strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) from worldwide collections were screened by a colony hybridization method for the presence of DNA sequences homologous to the structural genes of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum hydrogenase. Twelve strains exhibited strong colony hybridization signals, and subsequent Southern blot hybridization experiments showed that they fell into two different groups on the basis of the pattern of EcoRI fragments containing the homology to the hup probe. All strains in the first group (UPM860, UPM861, and 750) expressed uptake hydrogenase activity in symbiosis with Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius, Lupinus luteus, and Ornithopus compressus, but both the rate of H2 uptake by bacteroids and the relative efficiency of N2 fixation (RE = 1 - [H2 evolved in air/acetylene reduced]) by nodules were markedly affected by the legume host. L. angustifolius was the less permissive host for hydrogenase expression in symbiosis with the three strains (average RE = 0.76), and O. compressus was the more permissive (average RE = 1.0). None of the strains in the second group expressed hydrogenase activity in lupine nodules, and only one exhibited low H2-uptake activity in symbiosis with O. compressus. The inability of these putative Hup+ strains to induce hydrogenase activity in lupine nodules is discussed on the basis of the legume host effect. Among the 42 strains showing no homology to the B. japonicum hup-specific probe in the colony hybridization assay, 10 were examined in symbiosis with L. angustifolius. The average RE for these strains was 0.51. However, one strain, IM43B, exhibited high RE values (higher than 0.80) and high levels of hydrogenase activity in symbiosis with L. angustifolius, L. albus, and L. luteus. In Southern blot hybridization experiments, no homology was detected between the B. japonicum hup-specific DNA probe and total DNA from vegetative cells or bacteroids from strain IM43B even under low stringency hybridization

  13. Decrease in electrical contact resistance of Sb-doped n+-BaSi2 layers and spectral response of an Sb-doped n+-BaSi2/undoped BaSi2 structure for solar cells (United States)

    Kodama, Komomo; Takabe, Ryota; Yachi, Suguru; Toko, Kaoru; Suemasu, Takashi


    We investigated how the electron concentration n in a 300-nm-thick Sb-doped n+-BaSi2 layer grown by molecular beam epitaxy affected the contact resistance R C to surface electrodes (Al, indium-tin-oxide). As the n of n-BaSi2 increased, R C decreased and reached a minimum of 0.019 Ω cm2 at n = 2.4 × 1018 cm-3 for the Al electrodes. This value was more than 1 order of magnitude smaller than that obtained for Al/B-doped p-BaSi2. We believe that this significant decrease in R C came from Sb segregation. Furthermore, the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) spectrum was evaluated for an Sb-doped n+-BaSi2 (20 nm)/undoped BaSi2 (500 nm)/n+-Si(111) structure. Its IQE reached as high as ˜50% over a wide wavelength range under a small bias voltage of 0.1 V applied between the top and bottom electrodes.

  14. Phase relationships in the BaO-Ga2O3-Ta2O5 system and the structure of Ba6Ga21TaO40. (United States)

    Cao, Jiang; Yu, Xiaodi; Kuang, Xiaojun; Su, Qiang


    Phase relationships in the BaO-Ga(2)O(3)-Ta(2)O(5) ternary system at 1200 °C were determined. The A(6)B(10)O(30) tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) related solution in the BaO-Ta(2)O(5) subsystem dissolved up to ~11 mol % Ga(2)O(3), forming a ternary trapezoid-shaped TTB-related solid solution region defined by the BaTa(2)O(6), Ba(1.1)Ta(5)O(13.6), Ba(1.58)Ga(0.92)Ta(4.08)O(13.16), and Ba(6)GaTa(9)O(30) compositions in the BaO-Ga(2)O(3)-Ta(2)O(5) system. Two ternary phases Ba(6)Ga(21)TaO(40) and eight-layer twinned hexagonal perovskite solid solution Ba(8)Ga(4-x)Ta(4+0.6x)O(24) were confirmed in the BaO-Ga(2)O(3)-Ta(2)O(5) system. Ba(6)Ga(21)TaO(40) crystallized in a monoclinic cell of a = 15.9130(2) Å, b = 11.7309(1) Å, c = 5.13593(6) Å, β = 107.7893(9)°, and Z = 1 in space group C2/m. The structure of Ba(6)Ga(21)TaO(40) was solved by the charge flipping method, and it represents a three-dimensional (3D) mixed GaO(4) tetrahedral and GaO(6)/TaO(6) octahedral framework, forming mixed 1D 5/6-fold tunnels that accommodate the Ba cations along the c axis. The electrical property of Ba(6)Ga(21)TaO(40) was characterized by using ac impedance spectroscopy.

  15. Ruthenium perovskites of type Ba/sub 2/BRuO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 3/BRu/sub 2/O/sub 9/ with B = indium, rhodium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaller, H U; Kemmler-Sack, S [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Anorganische Chemie 2


    The black perovskites Ba/sub 2/InRu/sup 5 +/O/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 3/InRu/sub 2/O/sub 9/ (mean oxydation state of ruthenium: +4.5) adopt the hexagonal BaTiO/sub 3/ structure and form a continuous series of mixed crystals. According to the intensity calculations and analysis of the vibrational spectroscopic data an ordered distribution between indium and ruthenium is present: 1:1 order in Ba/sub 2/RuO/sub 6/ (space group P-3m1 respective Dsub(3d)/sup 3/; R' = 5.3%); 1:2 order in Ba/sub 3/InRu/sub 2/O/sub 9/ (space group P6/sub 3//mmc respective Dsub(6h)/sup 4/; R' = 4.6%). The corresponding black Rh compounds, Ba/sub 2/RhRuO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 3/RhRu/sub 2/O/sub 9/, crystallize in the rhombohedral 9 L type of BaRuO/sub 3/ (author).

  16. Antagonism of Roseobacter clade bacteria against pathogenic bacteria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Porsby, Cisse Hedegaard

    Ph.d. projektet omhandler brug af probiotiske bakterier mod bakteriesygdomme i fiskeopdræt. Marine bakterier, der tilhører Roseobacter-gruppen, har vist sig at være lovende probiotiske bakterier. En del af bakteriernes probiotiske effekt skyldes sandsynligvis produktion af et antibakerielt stof, ...

  17. Scintillation and radiation damage of doped BaF2 crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gong Zufang; Xu Zizong; Chang Jin


    The emission spectra and the radiation damage of BaF 2 crystals doped Ce and Dy have been studied. The results indicate that the doped BaF 2 crystals have the intrinsic spectra of impurity besides the intrinsic spectra of BaF 2 crystals. The crystals colored and the transmissions decrease with the concentration of impurity in BaF 2 crystals after radiation by γ-ray of 60 Co. The doped Ce BaF 2 irradiated by ultraviolet has faster recover of transmissions but for doped Dy the effect is not obvious. The radiation resistance is not good as pure BaF 2 crystals

  18. Chemiluminescence from the reaction of Ba 3D with nitric oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, S.A.; Solarz, R.W.; Dubrin, J.W.; Brotzmann, R.


    The reaction of laser excited Ba*( 3 D) states with nitric oxide is presented. BaO product is not detected, although the channel is thermodynamically open, and instead chemiluminescence is observed. Experiments which suggest that radiative recombination, Ba + NO → BaNO* → BaNO, is the observed reaction channel will also be presented

  19. Thermoelectric properties of doped BaHfO_3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dixit, Chandra Kr.; Bhamu, K. C.; Sharma, Ramesh


    We have studied the structural stability, electronic structure, optical properties and thermoelectric properties of doped BaHfO_3 by full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. The electronic structure of BaHfO_3 doped with Sr shows enhances the indirect band gaps of 3.53 eV, 3.58 eV. The charge density plots show strong ionic bonding in Ba-Hf, and ionic and covalent bonding between Hf and O. Calculations of the optical spectra, viz., the dielectric function, refractive index and extinction coefficient are performed for the energy range are calculated and analyzed. Thermoelectric properties of semi conducting are also reported first time. The doped BaHfO_3 is approximately wide band gap semiconductor with the large p-type Seebeck coefficient. The power factor of BaHfO_3 is increased with Sr doping, decreases because of low electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity.

  20. Crystal structure of a new natural (Ba, Nb) silicate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamnova, N.A.; Pushcharovskii, D.Yu.; Voloshin, A.V.


    The structure of a new mineral Ba 3 (Ti 1.2 Nb 4.8 ) Si 4 O 25.4 is determined (166 reflections, method of least squares in anisotropic approximation, R = 0.040). The crystallographic parameters are: a = 9.03(1), c = 7.868(6) angstrom, Z = 1, space group P anti 62m. Like the previously investigated synthetic analogs Ba 3 Si 4 Nb 6 O 26 , Ba 3 Si 4 Ti 6 O 23 , and Ba 3 Si 4 Ta 6 O 26 , the structure contains a mixed framework of octahedral columns of triangular section, bound to the diortho groups [Si 2 O 7 ], of which the cavities contain the Ba atoms


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    'Brug mo skyid འབྲུག་མོ་སྐྱིད། (Zhoumaoji 周毛吉


    Full Text Available Mkha' mo rgyal was born in Dgon gong ma Village, 'Ba' (Tongde County, Mtsho lho (Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon (Qinghai Province. While attending the Tibetan Studies College of Mtsho sngon Nationalities University she began writing. In addition to editing and translating teaching materials for primary and secondary schools, she has also published short stories and poetry (Mkha' mo rgyal, 2015. Phyur ba is the first Tibetan women's novel (Robin 2016:86 and was recognized as an Outstanding Work by the Qinghai Writers Guild in 2014 (Duojiecairang and Limaoyou 2014. 1 The name, which translates as 'dried cheese' is a food eaten daily by many Tibetans. Made from fermented milk without cream, it is dried in the sun by women in pastoral areas. Both sweet and sour, phyur ba brings to mind the happiness and sadness, ups and downs, laughter and tears that life brings. ...



    Aida T. Rodríguez; María C. Nápoles; M. A. Ramírez; Yamilet Gutiérrez; Daimy Costales


    Algunos derivados de la soya se han utilizado como medio de cultivo para Bradyrhizobium, demostrándose su efecto positivo sobre la dinámica de crecimiento de estos microorganismos, así como su poder inductor sobre la expresión de los genes de nodulación. El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Departamento de Fisiología y Bioquímica Vegetal, perteneciente al Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA), donde se realizó la caracterización química del grano molido y la torta desgrasada de...

  3. High-pressure BaCrO_3 polytypes and the 5H–BaCrO_2_._8 phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arévalo-López, Angel M.; Paul Attfield, J.


    Polytypism of BaCrO_3 perovskites has been investigated at 900–1100 °C and pressures up to 22 GPa. Hexagonal 5H, 4H, and 6H perovskites are observed with increasing pressure, and the cubic 3C perovskite (a=3.99503(1) Å) is observed in bulk form for the first time at 19–22 GPa. An oxygen-deficient material with limiting composition 5H–BaCrO_2_._8 is synthesised at 1200 °C under ambient pressure. This contains double tetrahedral Cr"4"+ layers and orders antiferromagnetically below 260 K with a (0 0 1/2) magnetic structure. - Graphical abstract: Hexagonal 5H, 4H, and 6H perovskites polytypes of BaCrO_3 are observed with increasing pressure and the cubic 3C perovskite is stabilised in bulk form for the first time at 19–22 GPa. Oxygen-deficient 5H–BaCrO_2_._8 synthesised at ambient pressure contains double tetrahedral Cr"4"+ layers and orders antiferromagnetically below 260 K with a (0 0 1/2) magnetic structure.

  4. Biodistribution and Radiation Dosimetry of the Integrin Marker 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 Determined from Whole-Body PET/CT in a Non-Human Primate (United States)

    Liu, Shuanglong; Vorobyova, Ivetta; Park, Ryan; Conti, Peter S.


    Introduction: 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 is a positron emission radiotracer taken up by integrin αvβ3, which is overexpressed in many malignancies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biodistribution of 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 in a non-human primate with positron emission tomography and to estimate the absorbed doses in major organs for human. Materials and methods: Whole-body PET imaging was done in a Siemens Biograph scanner in a male macaque monkey. After an i.v. injection of 13.1–19.7 MBq/kg of 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2, whole body scan was collected for a total duration of 180 min. Attenuation and scatter corrections were applied to reconstruction of the whole-body emission scan. After image reconstruction, three-dimensional volumes of interest (VOI) were hand-drawn on the PET transaxial or coronal slices of the frame where the organ was most conspicuous. Time-activity curves for each VOI were obtained, and residence time of each organ was calculated by integration of the time-activity curves. Human absorbed doses were estimated using the standard human model in OLINDA/EXM software. Results: Injection of 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 was well tolerated in the macaque monkey, with no serious tracer-related adverse events observed. 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 was cleared rapidly from the blood pool, with a 12.1-min biological half-time. Increased 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 uptake was observed in the kidneys, and bladder, with mean percentage injected dose (ID%) values at 1 h after injection approximately 35.50 ± 6.47 and 36.89 ± 5.48, respectively. The calculated effective dose was 15.30 ± 2.21 µSv/MBq, and the kidneys had the highest absorbed dose at 108.43 ± 16.41 µGy/MBq using the non-voiding model. For an injected activity of 925 MBq 64Cu for human, the effective dose would be 14.2 ± 2.1 mSv. Discussion: Due to the limitation of the monkey number, we evaluated 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 in the same monkey of three imaging sessions. Measured absorbed doses and effective doses of 64Cu-BaBaSar-RGD2 are

  5. An approach to WWER fuels with BaCo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marino, A.; Demarco, G.


    BaCo is a code for the simulation of the behaviour of a nuclear fuel rod under operation conditions. BaCo, a quasi 2D code based on a finite differences scheme, has been used for simulating PHWR, CANDU, PWR, BWR, MOX, WWER, and experimental fuel rods. We improve the performance of BaCo with a set of tools based on the method of finite elements for 3D analysis of the stress-strain state. We can simulate any UO 2 pellet geometry. Standard WWER-440 fuel assemblies irradiated in the Kola-3 reactor of the CRP FUMEX II of the IAEA were the first WWER simulations with BaCo. We find a very good agreement among our calculations, the experimental results and other qualified fuel codes. We present the BaCo code and our results for PWR and WWER fuels of the CRP FUMEX II, the 3D analysis of WWER fuel pellet and the projections of these results with the Argentinean nuclear fuels development. (authors)

  6. Three new chalcohalides, Ba4Ge2PbS8Br2, Ba4Ge2PbSe8Br2 and Ba4Ge2SnS8Br2: Syntheses, crystal structures, band gaps, and electronic structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Zuohong; Feng, Kai; Tu, Heng; Kang, Lei; Lin, Zheshuai; Yao, Jiyong; Wu, Yicheng


    Highlights: • Three new chalcohalides: Ba 4 Ge 2 PbS 8 Br 2 , Ba 4 Ge 2 PbSe 8 Br 2 and Ba 4 Ge 2 SnS 8 Br 2 have been synthesized. • The MQ 5 Br octahedra and GeQ 4 tetrahedra form a three-dimensional framework with Ba 2+ in the channels. • Band Gaps and electronic structures of the three compounds were studied. - Abstract: Single crystals of three new chalcohalides: Ba 4 Ge 2 PbS 8 Br 2 , Ba 4 Ge 2 PbSe 8 Br 2 and Ba 4 Ge 2 SnS 8 Br 2 have been synthesized for the first time. These isostructural compounds crystallize in the orthorhombic space group Pnma. In the structure, the tetra-valent Ge atom is tetrahedrally coordinated with four Q (Q = S, Se) atoms, while the bi-valent M atom (M = Pb, Sn) is coordinated with an obviously distorted octahedron of five Q (Q = S, Se) atoms and one Br atom, showing the stereochemical activity of the ns 2 lone pair electron. The MQ 5 Br (M = Sn, Pb; Q = S, Se) distorted octahedra and the GeQ 4 (Q = S, Se) tetrahedra are connected to each other to form a three-dimensional framework with channels occupied by Ba 2+ cations. Based on UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy measurements and the electronic structure calculations, Ba 4 Ge 2 PbS 8 Br 2 , Ba 4 Ge 2 PbSe 8 Br 2 and Ba 4 Ge 2 SnS 8 Br 2 have indirect band gaps of 2.054, 1.952, and 2.066 eV respectively, which are mainly determined by the orbitals from the Ge, M and Q atoms (M = Pb, Sn; Q = S, Se)

  7. Intermetallic and metal-rich phases in the system Li-Ba-In-N

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smetana, Volodymyr; Vajenine, Grigori V.; Kienle, Lorenz; Duppel, Viola; Simon, Arndt


    Three new intermetallic phases, BaLi 2.1 In 1.9 , BaLi 1.12 In 0.98 , and BaLi 1.06 In 1.16 and two subnitrides Li 35 In 45 Ba 39 N 9 and LiIn 2 Ba 3 N 0.83 have been synthesized and their crystal structures have been determined. According to single crystal X-ray diffraction data BaLi 2.1 In 1.9 and BaLi 1.12 In 0.98 crystallize with hexagonal symmetry (BaLi 2.1 In 1.9 : P6 3 /mmc, a=10.410(2), c=8.364(2) A, Z=6, V=785.0(2) A 3 ) and BaLi 1.12 In 0.98 : P6/mmm, a=17.469(1), c=10.6409(7) A, Z=30, V=2813.5(8) A 3 ), while BaLi 1.06 In 1.16 has a rhombohedral structure (R-3c, a=18.894(3), c=85.289(17) A, Z=276, V=26368(8) A 3 ). BaLi 2.1 In 1.9 is isostructural with the known phase BaLi 4 . The phase BaLi 1.12 In 0.98 is structurally related to Na 8 K 23 Cd 12 In 48 , while BaLi 1.06 In 1.16 is isostructural with Li 33.3 Ba 13.1 Ca 3 . A sample containing structurally similar BaLi 1.12 In 0.98 and BaLi 1.02 In 1.16 was also investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Li 35 In 45 Ba 39 N 9 and LiIn 2 Ba 3 N 0.83 crystallize with tetragonal (I-42m, a=15.299(2), c=30.682(6) A, Z=2, V=7182(2) A 3 ) and cubic (Fd-3m, a=14.913(2) A, Z=8, V=3316.7(7) A 3 ) symmetry, respectively. While the first-mentioned subnitride belongs to the Li 80 Ba 39 N 9 structure type, the second extends the structural family of Ba 6 In 4.78 N 2.72 . The structural features of the new compounds are discussed in comparison to the known phases and the results of total energy calculations. - Graphical abstract: One-dimensional chain of face-sharing centered icosahedra in BaLi 2.1 In 1.9

  8. Wet routes of high purity BaTiO3 nanopowders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Liqiu; Liu Liang; Xue Dongfeng; Kang Hongmin; Liu Changhou


    High purity BaTiO 3 nanopowders were prepared in wet routes through stearic acid gel (SAG) and acetic acid gel (AAG) techniques, respectively. BaTiO 3 samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, and thermal gravimetric analysis. The present results indicate that both methods have a similar reaction process during calcination, while BaTiO 3 crystallites were initially formed at 550 deg. C by SAG and 800 deg. C by AAG. Both methods could produce BaTiO 3 powders with a cubic perovskite structure, while they had different grain size distributions within 25-50 nm for SAG and 50-80 nm for AAG. BaTiO 3 samples prepared by SAG had a lower agglomeration than those by AAG. SAG has shown many distinctive advantages in the preparation of high purity BaTiO 3 nanopowders, without Ba and Ti losses and hazardous wastes

  9. Ferroelectric relaxor Ba(TiCe)O3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Ang; Zhi Jing; Yu Zhi


    The dielectric behaviour of Ba(Ti 1-y Ce y )O 3 solid solutions (y=0-0.3) has been studied. A small amount of Ce doping (y=0.02) has weak influence on the dielectric behaviour of Ba(Ti 1-y Ce y )O 3 . With increasing Ce concentration, three phase transitions of pure BaTiO 3 are pinched into one rounded dielectric peak with frequency dispersion, and the relaxation time follows the Vogel-Fulcher relation. The evolution from a normal ferroelectric to a ferroelectric relaxor is emphasized. High strains (S=∼0.1-0.19%) with a small hysteresis under ac fields are obtained in ferroelectric relaxors Ba(Ti 1-y Ce y )O 3 . The physical mechanism of the relaxation process, the pinching effect of the phase transitions and their influence on the ferroelectric and electrostrictive behaviour are discussed. (author)

  10. NILAI CERNA DAN BIODEGRADASI THEOBROMIN POD KAKAO DENGAN PERLAKUAN FERMENTASI MENGGUNAKAN INOKULUM MULTI MIKROBIA (Digestibility Value and Theobromine Biodegradation of Cocoa Pod with Treatment of Fermentation Using Multi Microbial Inoculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suci Wulandari


    SBP terhadap nilai cerna serat dan biodegradasi theobromin. Pod kakao difermentasi dalam kondisi anaerob pada suhu ruang. Kadar inokulum yang ditambahkan adalah 0; 0,05; dan 0,1 %. Selama fermentasi dilakukan pengambilan sampel pada hari ke-0, 3, dan 6 untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan bakteri selama fermentasi pod kakao, perubahan pH, perubahan nilai cerna, dan degradasi theobromin selama fermentasi, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan isolasi bakteri untuk mengetahui karakteristik isolat bakteri dari pod kakao terfermentasi dengan cara isolat yang diperoleh diuji kemampuannya dalam menghasilkan enzim selulase (CMC-ase dan β-glukoseidase dan kemampuannya dalam mendegradasi theobromin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama fermentasi pod kakao terjadi kenaikan populasi bakteri asam laktat dan bakteri total, penurunan pH, kenaikan nilai cerna serat, dan penurunan kandungan theobromin dalam pod kakao. Perubahan parameter tersebut lebih nyata terjadi pada pod kakao yang difermentasi dengan kadar air 40% dan diinokulasi dengan SBP® dosis 0,05% dengan lama fermentasi 6 hari. Penurunan theobromin pada pod kakao fermentasi terbesar mencapai 17,02%. Kenaikan nilai cerna serat dan penurunan kandungan theobromin selama fermentasi pod kakao oleh inokulan SBP dikonfirmasi dengan karakteristik isolat-isolat bakteri yang diperoleh dari pod kakao yang terfermentasi. Ada 8 isolat bakteri yang mampu menghasilkan enzim CMC-ase dan β-glukosidase dengan tingkat produksi yang berbeda-beda. Beberapa isolat bakteri juga mampu menurunkan kandungan theobromin dalam kultur cair sampai sebesar 27,07%. Kata kunci: Pod kakao, theobromin, nilai cerna serat, selulase

  11. Metaplasia mieloide do baço na Ancilostomose

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W. O. Cruz


    Full Text Available Pesquizamos, no figado e baço de dez casos puros de ancilostomose, elementos hemocitopoieticos; verificamos o peso do baço em 23 casos de individuos com idades compreendidas entre 3 e 60 anos; não encontramos, em nenhum caso, celulas hemoformadoras no figado. Em sete casos, encontramos, no baço, elementos da série vermelha em adiantado estado de evolução (eritroblastos ortocromaticos de nucleo picnotico. Em alguns destes casos observamos megacariocitos e numerosos mielocitos eosinofilos. Os tres casos que não apresentavam metaplasia mieloide no baço, eram os de individuos acima de 50 anos de idade. Entretanto, em outro caso de um individuo com 59 anos esta metaplasia foi verificada. Em individuos acima de 20 anos, o peso médio do baço, em nove casos, mostrou-se igual ao peso normal. Em 14 casos, compreendidos entre 3 e 14 anos, o peso deste orgão foi sempre sensivelmente mais elevado que nos normais de idade correspondente. Estes resultados sugerem a possibilidade de ser a metaplasia mieloide responsavel pelos aumentos de pezo nos baços de individuos jovens, vitimados pela anemia ancilostomica. A notavel proliferação dos eritroblastos ortocromaticos mostra que o grão e a rapidez da regeneração sanguinea, após a administração de ferro, são devidos, essencialmente, á grande quantidade de hemoglobina já preformada no baço e na medula ossea dos organismos ancilostomados.

  12. Compounds of the type Ba/sub 3/Bsup(II)M/sub 2/sup(V)O/sub 9/ with Bsup(II) = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Msup(V) = Nb, Ta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kemmler-Sack, S; Thumm, I; Herrmann, M [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Anorganische Chemie 2


    The hexagonal perovskites Ba/sub 3/Bsup(II)M/sub 2/sup(V)O/sub 9/ (Msup(V) = Nb, Ta) crystallize with Bsup(II) = Mg, Ca in a 3 L structure (sequence (c)/sub 3/) and Bsup(II) = Sr in the hexagonal BaTiO/sub 3/ type (6 L; sequence (hcc)/sub 2/) with an 1:2 order for the B and M ions. Intensity calculations for Ba/sub 3/SrNb/sub 2/O/sub 9/ and Ba/sub 3/SrTa/sub 2/O/sub 9/ gave in the space group P6/sub 3//mmc a refined, intensity related R' value of 8.4% (Nb) and 9.0% (Ta) respectively. For Bsup(II) = Ba the perovskite Ba/sub 3/BaTa/sub 2/O/sub 9/ has an orthorhombic distorted 6 L structure and forms with Ba/sub 3/SrTa/sub 2/O/sub 9/ a continuous series of mixed crystals (Ba/sub 3/Srsub(1-x)Basub(x)Ta/sub 2/O/sub 9/). In the system Ba/sub 3/Srsub(1-x)Basub(x)Nb/sub 2/O/sub 9/ the range of existence of the hexagonal BaTiO/sub 3/ type is confined to the Sr richer end. The pure Ba compound posesses a proper structure type (5 L: Ba/sub 5/BaNb/sub 3/vacantOsub(13.5)vacantsub(1.5)).

  13. First-principles study of (Ba ,Ca ) TiO3 and Ba (Ti ,Zr ) O3 solid solutions (United States)

    Amoroso, Danila; Cano, Andrés; Ghosez, Philippe


    (Ba ,Ca ) TiO3 and Ba (Ti ,Zr ) O3 solid solutions are the building blocks of lead-free piezoelectric materials that attract a renewed interest. We investigate the properties of these systems by means of first-principles calculations, with a focus on the lattice dynamics and the competition between different ferroelectric phases. We first analyze the four parent compounds in order to compare their properties and their different tendency towards ferroelectricity. The core of our study is systematic characterization of the binary systems (Ba ,Ca ) TiO3 and Ba (Ti ,Zr ) O3 within both the virtual crystal approximation and direct supercell calculations. In the case of Ca doping, we find a gradual transformation from B -site to A -site ferroelectricity due to steric effects that largely determines the behavior of the system. In the case of Zr doping, in contrast, the behavior is eventually dominated by cooperative Zr-Ti motions and the local electrostatics. In addition, our comparative study reveals that the specific microscopic physics of these solids sets severe limits to the applicability of the virtual crystal approximation for these systems.

  14. Electronic structure of Ca, Sr, and Ba under pressure. (United States)

    Animalu, A. O. E.; Heine, V.; Vasvari, B.


    Electronic band structure calculations phase of Ca, Sr and Ba over wide range of atomic volumes under pressure electronic band structure calculations for fcc phase of Ca, Sr and Ba over wide range of atomic volumes under pressure electronic band structure calculations for fcc phase of Ca, Sr and Ba over wide range of atomic volumes under pressure

  15. Effect of Barium-Precursors on Reaction Kinetics in Y-Ba-Cu-O System

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The reactions of stoichiometric Y2O3, CuO, and different Ba salts or oxides (BaCO3, Ba(NO3)2, BaO2, BaCuO2) for forming various compounds in the Y-Ba-Cu-O system (i.e., YBa2Cu3O7-δ, BaCuO2, Y2BaCuO5 and Y2Cu2O5) were systematically investigated by thermal analysis and X-ray diffractometry. The relevant activation energies were calculated from thermogravimetric data. It is found that the reaction pathway significantly depends on the thermal stability of the Ba precursors. Binary BaO-CuO phases form at low temperature (650~700 ℃) when in presence of easy-to-decompose Ba precursors, and then slowly transform to ternary compounds. On the contrary, when Ba ions are released at temperature higher than 900 ℃, ternary phases form directly from the components.

  16. Strain induced optical properties of BaReO3 (United States)

    Kumavat, Sandip R.; Kansara, Shivam; Gupta, Sanjeev K.; Sonvane, Yogesh


    Here, we have performed strain induce optical properties of BaReO3 by using density functional theory (DFT). We noticed that after applying intrinsic and extrinsic strain to the BaReO3, it shows the metallic behavior. We also studied optical properties, which show good activity in the ultraviolet region. The results show that after applying intrinsic and extrinsic strain to BaReO3 the absorption peaks are shifted towards the high UV region of the spectrum. Thus, we concluded that, BaReO3 material with extrinsic strain can be useful for high frequency UV device and optoelectronic devices.

  17. IR-spectroscopic study and electrical properties of glasses in the Ba(PO3)2-Ba(Hal)2 systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sokolov, I.A.; Tarlakov, Yu.P.; Murin, I.V.; Pronkin, A.A.


    Temperature-concentration dependence of electric conductivity of glasses in the systems Ba(PO 3 ) 2 -Ba(Hal) 2 , where Hal = Cl, Br, I, is studied by the method of conductometry, the numbers of iodide-ions transfer are determined and their concentration dependence is found. Data of IR spectroscopy permitted ascertained participation of halide ions in formation of anionic constituent of the glass structure at the expense of bridge bonds formation, as well as formation of structural-chemical units of [(Hal) - Ba 2+ O - POO 2/2 ] type, their dissociation giving rise to formation of halide ions their dissociation giving rise to formation of halide ions taking part in electric current transfer [ru

  18. High-Temperature Superconductivity in Doped BaFe2As2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, Marianne


    This thesis provides a detailed look on the synthesis, structural features and physical properties of iron arsenides. Especially the properties of BaFe 2 As 2 and the solid solutions (Ba 1-x K x )Fe 2 As 2 , (Ba 1-x Sr x )Fe 2 As 2 and BaFe 2 (As 1-x P x ) 2 which were all synthesized by solid state reactions by heating mixtures of the elements, were intensively investigated.

  19. Molecular recognition at methyl methacrylate/n-butyl acrylate (MMA/nBA) monomer unit boundaries of phospholipids at p-MMA/nBA copolymer surfaces. (United States)

    Yu, Min; Urban, Marek W; Sheng, Yinghong; Leszczynski, Jerzy


    Lipid structural features and their interactions with proteins provide a useful vehicle for further advances in membrane proteins research. To mimic one of potential lipid-protein interactions we synthesized poly(methyl methacrylate/ n-butyl acrylate) (p-MMA/nBA) colloidal particles that were stabilized by phospholipid (PLs). Upon the particle coalescence, PL stratification resulted in the formation of surface localized ionic clusters (SLICs). These entities are capable of recognizing MMA/nBA monomer interfaces along the p-MMA/nBA copolymer backbone and form crystalline SLICs at the monomer interface. By utilizing attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR FT-IR) spectroscopy and selected area electron diffraction (SAD) combined with ab initio calculations, studies were conducted that identified the origin of SLICs as well as their structural features formed on the surface of p-MMA/nBA copolymer films stabilized by 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC) PL. Specific entities responsible for SLIC formation are selective noncovalent bonds of anionic phosphate and cationic quaternary ammonium segments of DLPC that interact with two neighboring carbonyl groups of nBA and MMA monomers of the p-MMA/nBA polymer backbone. To the best of our knowledge this is the first example of molecular recognition facilitated by coalescence of copolymer colloidal particles and the ability of PLs to form SLICs at the boundaries of the neighboring MMA and nBA monomer units of the p-MMA/nBA chain. The dominating noncovalent bonds responsible for the molecular recognition is a combination of H-bonding and electrostatic interactions.

  20. Epitaxial thin-film growth of Ruddlesden-Popper-type Ba3Zr2O7 from a BaZrO3 target by pulsed laser deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Butt, Shariqa Hassan; Rafique, M.S.; Siraj, K.; Latif, A.; Afzal, Amina; Awan, M.S.; Bashir, Shazia; Iqbal, Nida


    Ruddlesden-Popper Ba 3 Zr 2 O 7 thin films have been synthesized via pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. The optimization of deposition parameters in PLD enables the formation of thin film of metastable Ba 3 Zr 2 O 7 phase from BaZrO 3 target. In order to see the post-annealing effects on the structural and optical properties, the deposited Ba 3 Zr 2 O 7 thin films were annealed at 500, 600 and 800 C. X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals the formation of Ba 3 Zr 2 O 7 phase with tetragonal structure. The changes in the surface of the deposited films were analysed by FE-SEM and AFM. The thin film post-annealed at 500 C exhibited the best structural, optical and surface properties. Furthermore, the chemical states and chemical composition of the films were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) near the surface. The XPS results show that Ba, Zr and O exist mainly in the form of Ba 3 Zr 2 O 7 Ruddlesden-Popper-type perovskite structure. (orig.)

  1. Experimental study on Ra2+ uptake by barite (BaSO{sub 4}). Kinetics of solid solution formation via BaSO{sub 4} dissolution and Ra{sub x}Ba{sub 1-x}SO{sub 4} (re) precipitation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bosbach, Dirk; Boettle, Melanie; Metz, Volker (Karlsruher Inst. fuer Technologie, Inst fuer Nukleare Entsorgung (INE), Karlsruhe (Germany))


    226Ra2+ and 133Ba2+ uptake by barite in aqueous solution is studied on the basis of batch type experiments with two different barite powders with different specific surface area (0.5 m2/g and 3.2 m2/g, respectively). The uptake of 226Ra2+ and 133Ba2+ is not only limited to adsorption reactions but proceeds significantly into the bulk of the barite crystals. 133Ba2+ uptake kinetics is affected by various parameters, such as amount of sample, specific surface area, sample type and solution composition. In the case of 133Ba2+, complete isotopic equilibration of the 133Ba2+ spiked solution with the barite powder occurs within 50 to 600 days. This information is derived by monitoring the aqueous 133Ba2+ concentration combined with simple mass balance calculations. In the case of 226Ra2+ a Ra{sub x}Ba{sub 1-x}SO{sub 4} solid solution forms and the uptake rate drops significantly within 400 days. The observed 226Ra2+ concentration in solution is controlled by the solubility of a Ra{sub x}Ba{sub 1-x}SO{sub 4} solid solution and several orders of magnitude below the Ra2+ solubility with respect to a pure RaSO{sub 4}(s) end member. It cannot be demonstrated unambiguously that a zero exchange rate and therefore thermodynamic equilibrium has been established within the observation period. The observed concentrations may be interpreted either as (1) a partial equilibration of 20 to 50% of the barite crystals with 226Ra2+ or (2) as complete equilibration of a Ra{sub 0.000128}Ba{sub 0.999872}SO{sub 4} solid solution with 226Ra2+ with no pure barite left. In both cases it is concluded that equilibration between aqueous Ra2+ and barite involves the replacement of a substantial fraction of the initial barite and proceeds significantly beyond pure surface adsorption processes

  2. Enhancement of polarization property of silane-modified BaTiO3 nanoparticles and its effect in increasing dielectric property of epoxy/BaTiO3 nanocomposites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thi Tuyet Mai Phan


    Full Text Available The surface modification of synthesized nano-BaTiO3 particles was carried out using γ-aminopropyl trimethoxy silane (γ-APS in an ethanol/water solution. The modified particles were characterized by FTIR, TGA, surface charge analysis, and by dielectric constant measurement. The silane molecules were attached to the surface of BaTiO3 particles through SiOBaTiO3 bonds. The γ-APS grafted on BaTiO3 made the dielectric constant of the particles increase at frequencies ≥0.3 kHz in a wide range of temperature (25 °C–140 °C, due to the presence of NH2 groups. The dependence of the polarization vs. electrical field was measured in order to elucidate the dielectric behavior of the silane treated BaTiO3 in comparison to untreated BaTiO3. The nanocomposite based on epoxy resin containing BaTiO3 nanoparticles untreated and treated with γ-APS was also prepared and characterized. The results indicated that the γ-APS-modified BaTiO3 surfaces significantly enhanced the dielectric property of the nanocomposite.

  3. Controlled Confinement of Half-metallic 2D Electron Gas in BaTiO3/Ba2FeReO6/BaTiO3 Heterostructures: A First-principles Study (United States)

    Saha-Dasgupta, Tanusri; Baidya, Santu; Waghmare, Umesh; Paramekanti, Arun

    Using density functional theory calculations, we establish that the half-metallicity of bulk Ba2FeReO6 survives down i to 1 nm thickness in BaTiO3/Ba2FeReO6/BaTiO3 heterostructures grown along the (001) and (111) directions. The confinement of the two-dimensional (2D) electron gas in this quantum well structure arises from the suppressed hybridization between Re/Fe d states and unoccupied Ti d states, and it is further strengthened by polar fields for the (111) direction. This mechanism, distinct from the polar catastrophe, leads to an order of magnitude stronger confinement of the 2D electron gas than that at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. We further show low-energy bands of (111) heterostructure display nontrivial topological character. Our work opens up the possibility of realizing ultra-thin spintronic devices. Journal Ref: Phys. Rev. B 92, 161106(R) (2015) S.B. and T.S.D thank Department of Science and Technology, India for the support through Thematic Unit of Excellence. AP was supported by NSERC (Canada).

  4. The new barium zinc mercurides Ba3ZnHg10 and BaZn0.6Hg3.4 – Synthesis, crystal and electronic structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwarz, Michael; Wendorff, Marco; Röhr, Caroline


    The title compounds Ba 3 ZnHg 10 and BaZn 0.6 Hg 3.4 were synthesized from stoichiometric ratios of the elements in Ta crucibles. Their crystal structures, which both represent new structure types, have been determined using single crystal X-ray data. The structure of Ba 3 ZnHg 10 (orthorhombic, oP28, space group Pmmn, a=701.2(3), b=1706.9(8), c=627.3(3)pm, Z=2, R1=0.0657) contains folded 4 4 Hg nets, where the meshes form the bases of flat rectangular pyramids resembling the structure of BaAl 4 . The flat pyramids are connected via Hg–Zn/Hg bonds, leaving large channels at the folds, in which Ba(1) and Hg(2) atoms alternate. Whereas the remaining Hg/Zn atoms form a covalent 3D network of three- to five-bonded atoms with short M–M distances (273–301 pm; CN 9–11), the Hg(2) atoms in the channels adopt a comparatively large coordination number of 12 and increased distances (317–348 pm) to their Zn/Hg neighbours. In the structure of BaZn 0.6 Hg 3.4 (cubic, cI320, space group I4 ¯ 3d, a=2025.50(7) pm, Z=64, R1=0.0440), with a chemical composition not much different from that of Ba 3 ZnHg 10 , the Zn/Hg atoms of the mixed positions M(1/2) are arranged in an slightly distorted primitive cubic lattice with a 4×4×4 subcell relation to the unit cell. The 24 of the originating 64 cubes contain planar cis tetramers Hg(5,6) 4 with Hg in a nearly trigonal planar or tetrahedral coordination. In another 24 of the small cubes, two opposing faces are decorated by Hg(3,4) 2 dumbbells, two by Ba(2) atoms respectively. The third type of small cubes are centered by Ba(1) atoms only. The complex 3D polyanionic Hg/Zn network thus formed is compared with the Hg partial structure in Rb 3 Hg 20 applying a group-subgroup relation. Despite their different overall structures, the connectivity of the negatively charged Hg atoms, the rather metallic Zn bonding characteristic (as obtained from FP-LAPW band structure calculations) and the coordination number of 16 for all Ba cations

  5. Dynamics of photoexcited Ba{sup +} cations in {sup 4}He nanodroplets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leal, Antonio; Pi, Martí [Departament ECM, Facultat de Física, and IN" 2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain); Zhang, Xiaohang; Drabbels, Marcel [Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Moléculaire, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland); Barranco, Manuel [Departament ECM, Facultat de Física, and IN" 2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain); Laboratoire des Collisions, Agrégats, Réactivité, IRSAMC, UMR 5589, CNRS et Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 (France); Cargnoni, Fausto [Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari (ISTM), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, via Golgi 19, 20133 Milano (Italy); Hernando, Alberto [Social Thermodynamics Applied Research (SThAR), EPFL Innovation Park, Bâtiment C, CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland); Mateo, David [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University at Northridge, Northridge, California 91330 (United States); Mella, Massimo [Dipartimento di Scienza ed Alta Tecnologia, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, via Valleggio 11, 22100 Como (Italy)


    We present a joint experimental and theoretical study on the desolvation of Ba{sup +} cations in {sup 4}He nanodroplets excited via the 6p ← 6s transition. The experiments reveal an efficient desolvation process yielding mainly bare Ba{sup +} cations and Ba{sup +}He{sub n} exciplexes with n = 1 and 2. The speed distributions of the ions are well described by Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions with temperatures ranging from 60 to 178 K depending on the excitation frequency and Ba{sup +} He{sub n} exciplex size. These results have been analyzed by calculations based on a time-dependent density functional description for the helium droplet combined with classical dynamics for the Ba{sup +}. In agreement with experiment, the calculations reveal the dynamical formation of exciplexes following excitation of the Ba{sup +} cation. In contrast to experimental observation, the calculations do not reveal desolvation of excited Ba{sup +} cations or exciplexes, even when relaxation pathways to lower lying states are included.

  6. Thermoelectric properties of doped BaHfO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dixit, Chandra Kr., E-mail:, E-mail: [Dept. of Physics, Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow-229001, U.P India (India); Bhamu, K. C. [Department of Physics, Goa University, Goa-403 206 (India); Sharma, Ramesh, E-mail:, E-mail: [Dept. of Physics, Feroze Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Raebareli-229001, U.P India (India)


    We have studied the structural stability, electronic structure, optical properties and thermoelectric properties of doped BaHfO{sub 3} by full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. The electronic structure of BaHfO{sub 3} doped with Sr shows enhances the indirect band gaps of 3.53 eV, 3.58 eV. The charge density plots show strong ionic bonding in Ba-Hf, and ionic and covalent bonding between Hf and O. Calculations of the optical spectra, viz., the dielectric function, refractive index and extinction coefficient are performed for the energy range are calculated and analyzed. Thermoelectric properties of semi conducting are also reported first time. The doped BaHfO{sub 3} is approximately wide band gap semiconductor with the large p-type Seebeck coefficient. The power factor of BaHfO{sub 3} is increased with Sr doping, decreases because of low electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity.

  7. Operability test procedure for 211BA flow proportional sampler

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weissenfels, R.D.


    The purpose of this operability test procedure (OTP) is to verify the 211-BA flow proportional sampler system and components function correctly as intended by design. System test will include the sampling system, all associated instrumentation, and Facility Process Monitor and Control System (FPMCS). The combined chemical sewer stream from B Plant flows through sump 211BA-SMP-01 located in 211-BA and is continuously monitored for gamma and beta radiation and pH. 211-BA has been upgraded to include a flow proportional sampler. A specified sample volume will be withdrawn at programmed intervals from the 211BA sump and deposited in a 19 liter plastic carboy. The sampler will be programmed per the vendor installation and operations manual by B Plant instrument maintenance personnel. Samples will be taken during five consecutive sample cycles with the sample volumes and sample frequencies recorded for comparison purposes. Additional tests related to the sampler include the alarm circuitry for loss of power and failure to obtain sample

  8. Ba-bah on tulnud / Liina Jänes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jänes, Liina, 1977-


    Eesti noori disainereid-sisearhitekte ühendavast disainiagentuurist Ba-bah, selle eesmärgist. Agentuuri juhib Veiko Jääger. Mais 2005 Disaini- ja Arhitektuurigaleriis toimunud Ba-bahi avanäitusest, kus oli väljas töid EKA sisearhitektuuri, klaasi-, ehte- ja sepakunsti eriala üliõpilastelt ning metallmööbli valmistajalt Kalle Pruudenilt

  9. The microscopic twins and their crystal phase in the high Tc Y-Ba-Cu-O and Dy-Ba-Cu-O superconductive ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zu, Z.J.; Chen, Y.L.


    Most consider that the structure of Y-Ba- Cu-O and Dy-Ba-Cu-O stable superconductive crystals with high Tc is associated with the right-angled phase. The superconductivity is closely connected with the right-angled character of the crystalline texture; the better the right- angled character, the better the superconductivity. From statistical investigations of examples the authors have discovered that most of the Y-Ba-Cu-O and Dy-Ba-Cu-O superconductivity with high Tc ceramic crystals is in the monoclinic phase, which, consists of microscopic, lamellar, single twins. The long-columnar grains consisting of lamellar twin slabs show the optical characteristics of right-angled phase. The microscopic twinning and grain morphologies are summarized in this paper

  10. Local manifestations of a static magnetoelectric effect in nanostructured BaTiO3-BaFe12O9 composite multiferroics (United States)

    Trivedi, Harsh; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Medeiros, Marco S. A.; Pullar, Robert C.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Zelenovskiy, Pavel; Sosnovskikh, Andrey; Shur, Vladimir Ya.


    A study on magnetoelectric phenomena in the barium titanate-barium hexaferrite (BaTiO3-BaFe12O19) composite system, using high resolution techniques including switching spectroscopy piezoresponse force microscopy (SSPFM) and spatially resolved confocal Raman microscopy (CRM), is presented. It is found that both the local piezoelectric coefficient and polarization switching parameters change on the application of an external magnetic field. The latter effect is rationalized by the influence of magnetostrictive stress on the domain dynamics. Processing of the Raman spectral data using principal component analysis (PCA) and self-modelling curve resolution (SMCR) allowed us to achieve high resolution phase distribution maps along with separation of average and localized spectral components. A significant effect of the magnetic field on the Raman spectra of the BaTiO3 phase has been revealed. The observed changes are comparable with the classical pressure dependent studies on BaTiO3, confirming the strain mediated character of the magnetoelectric coupling in the studied composites.

  11. Daya Hambat Ekstrak Aloe Vera terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus Aureus


    Rahmat, drg.Sp,Pros


    Dari hasil penelitian , maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak Aloe Vera dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Stafhylococcus aureus, dan kadar hambat minimal ekstrak Aloe Vera adalah pada konsentrasi 25%. Tujuan Penelitan Ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas ekstrak Aloe vera dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Stafhylococcus aureus dan daya hambat menimal, (DHM) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah pertumbuhan ekstrak Aloe vera, penegnceran ekstrak , pemur...

  12. The BaBar silicon vertex tracker

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bozzi, C.; Carassiti, V.; Ramusino, A. Cotta; Dittongo, S.; Folegani, M.; Piemontese, L.; Abbott, B.K.; Breon, A.B.; Clark, A.R.; Dow, S.; Fan, Q.; Goozen, F.; Hernikl, C.; Karcher, A.; Kerth, L.T.; Kipnis, I.; Kluth, S.; Lynch, G.; Levi, M.; Luft, P.; Luo, L.; Nyman, M.; Pedrali-Noy, M.; Roe, N.A.; Zizka, G.; Roberts, D.; Barni, D.; Brenna, E.; Defendi, I.; Forti, A.; Giugni, D.; Lanni, F.; Palombo, F.; Vaniev, V.; Leona, A.; Mandelli, E.; Manfredi, P.F.; Perazzo, A.; Re, V.; Angelini, C.; Batignani, G.; Bettarini, S.; Bondioli, M.; Bosi, F.; Calderini, G.; Carpinelli, M.; Dutra, F.; Forti, F.; Gagliardi, D.; Giorgi, M.A.; Lusiani, A.; Mammini, P.; Morganti, M.; Morsani, F.; Paoloni, E.; Profeti, A.; Rama, M.; Rampino, G.; Rizzo, G.; Sandrelli, F.; Simi, G.; Triggiani, G.; Tritto, S.; Vitale, R.; Burchat, P.; Cheng, C.; Kirkby, D.; Meyer, T.; Roat, C.; Bona, M.; Bianchi, F.; Daudo, F.; Girolamo, B. Di; Gamba, D.; Giraudo, G.; Grosso, P.; Romero, A.; Smol, A.; Trapani, P.; Zanin, D.; Bosisio, L.; Ricca, G. Della; Lanceri, L.; Pompili, A.; Poropat, P.; Prest, M.; Rastelli, C.; Vallazza, E.; Vuagnin, G.; Hast, C.; Potter, E.P.; Sharma, V.; Burke, S.; Callahan, D.; Campagnari, C.; Dahmes, B.; Eppich, A.; Hale, D.; Hall, K.; Hart, P.; Kuznetsova, N.; Kyre, S.; Levy, S.; Long, O.; May, J.; Richman, J.; Verkerke, W.; Witherell, M.; Beringer, J.; Eisner, A.M.; Frey, A.; Grillo, A.; Grothe, M.; Johnson, R.; Kroeger, W.; Lockman, W.; Pulliam, T.; Rowe, W.; Schmitz, R.; Seiden, A.; Spencer, E.; Turri, M.; Wilder, M.; Charles, E.; Elmer, P.; Nielsen, J.; Orejudos, W.; Scott, I.; Walsh, J.; Zobernig, H.


    The BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) is designed to provide the high-precision vertexing necessary for making measurements of CP violation at the SLAC B-Factory PEP-II. The instrument consists of five layers of double-sided silicon strip detectors and has been installed in the BaBar experiment and taking colliding beam data since May 1999. An overview of the design as well as performance and experience from the initial running will be presented

  13. Genome Sequence of African Swine Fever Virus BA71, the Virulent Parental Strain of the Nonpathogenic and Tissue-Culture Adapted BA71V. (United States)

    Rodríguez, Javier M; Moreno, Leticia Tais; Alejo, Alí; Lacasta, Anna; Rodríguez, Fernando; Salas, María L


    The strain BA71V has played a key role in African swine fever virus (ASFV) research. It was the first genome sequenced, and remains the only genome completely determined. A large part of the studies on the function of ASFV genes, viral transcription, replication, DNA repair and morphogenesis, has been performed using this model. This avirulent strain was obtained by adaptation to grow in Vero cells of the highly virulent BA71 strain. We report here the analysis of the genome sequence of BA71 in comparison with that of BA71V. They possess the smallest genomes for a virulent or an attenuated ASFV, and are essentially identical except for a relatively small number of changes. We discuss the possible contribution of these changes to virulence. Analysis of the BA71 sequence allowed us to identify new similarities among ASFV proteins, and with database proteins including two ASFV proteins that could function as a two-component signaling network.

  14. Praseodymium valency from crystal structure in Pr-Ba-Cu-O and (Y-Pr)-Ba-Cu-O single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collin, G.; Albouy, P.A.; Monod, P.; Ribault, M.


    The substitution of Pr to Y leads to materials with a general formula (Y 1-v Pr v ) (Ba 2-x Pr x ) (Cu 3-y vac y ) O 6+x/2-y+z and with a structural transition around v + x' ∼ 0.5. For v + x 0.5 the crystals are tetragonal, La 1.5 Ba 1.5 Cu 3 O 7±z type, with the characteristic tri-twinning of this phase. The Pr valency, in the range 3-3.2 + depending on preparation conditions, is determined from interatomic distances. Orthorhombic crystals of Pr Ba Cu O prepared at high temperatures exhibit a high amount of defects, y ∼ 0.25 on the Cu(1) site and are semiconductors with a T -1/4 activation law attributed to the praseodymium valence fluctuation

  15. Structural evolution of Ba{sub 8}Ti{sub 3}Nb{sub 4}O{sub 24} from BaTiO{sub 3} using a series of Ba(Ti{sub 1−5x}Nb{sub 4x})O{sub 3} solid solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrientos Hernández, F.R., E-mail: [Academic Area of Earth Sciences and Materials, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Road Pachuca-Tulancingo km 4.5, Mineral de la Reforma zip code 42184, Hidalgo (Mexico); Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, ESIQIE, National Polytechnic Institute, UPALM, Zacatenco, Mexico City, zip code 07738 (Mexico); Lira Hernández, I.A. [Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, ESIQIE, National Polytechnic Institute, UPALM, Zacatenco, Mexico City, zip code 07738 (Mexico); Industrial Engineering Department, Technological Institute of Pachuca, Road México-Pachuca km. 87.5, Pachuca de Soto zip code 42080, Hidalgo (Mexico); Gómez Yáñez, C. [Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, ESIQIE, National Polytechnic Institute, UPALM, Zacatenco, Mexico City, zip code 07738 (Mexico); Arenas Flores, A. [Academic Area of Earth Sciences and Materials, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Road Pachuca-Tulancingo km 4.5, Mineral de la Reforma zip code 42184, Hidalgo (Mexico); Cabrera Sierra, R. [Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, ESIQIE, National Polytechnic Institute, UPALM, Zacatenco, Mexico City, zip code 07738 (Mexico); Pérez Labra, M. [Academic Area of Earth Sciences and Materials, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Road Pachuca-Tulancingo km 4.5, Mineral de la Reforma zip code 42184, Hidalgo (Mexico)


    Highlights: • The evolution phase Ba{sub 8}Ti{sub 3}Nb{sub 4}O{sub 24} was obtained through the mechanism Ba(Ti{sub 1-5x}Nb{sub 4x})O{sub 3}. • Addition of niobium can accelerate grain growth of BaTiO{sub 3} ceramics. • Ba{sub 8}Ti{sub 3}Nb{sub 4}O{sub 24} presents a dielectric loss of 0.0035 and permittivity value of 54.6. • Electrical measurements showed that Nb{sup 5+} content drops Curie temperature. • Samples with x ⩾ 0.0625 shows an insulating behavior. -- Abstract: In this work, the structural evolution of hexagonal phase Ba{sub 8}Ti{sub 3}Nb{sub 4}O{sub 24} by adding Nb{sub 2}O{sub 5} to perovskite structure of BaTiO{sub 3} was investigated. The compositions Ba(Ti{sub 1-5x}Nb{sub 4x})O{sub 3} ceramics, with 0.00025 ⩽ x ⩽ 0.125 were prepared by the conventional solid state route in air atmosphere, the powders precursors, BaTiO{sub 3}, BaCO{sub 3} and Nb{sub 2}O{sub 5}, were mixed in stoichiometric proportions and ground in a ball mill using alumina balls and acetone. The mixed powders were calcined at temperatures up to 1500 °C. The phase transformation of Ba{sub 8}Ti{sub 3}Nb{sub 4}O{sub 24} from BaTiO{sub 3} was studied by DRX, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, electrical measurements (relative permittivity and P–E hysteresis loops); Rietveld’s refinement was used to structurally characterize the samples. For the devices obtained capacitance was measured at 1 kHz; with these values we calculated the relative permittivity. The samples show typical P–E hysteresis loops at room temperature accompanied by saturation polarization (Ps) and remnant polarization (Pr). The DRX and Rietveld’s refinement results show x ⩽ 0.01 has a ferroelectric behavior. When the doped level is increased x ⩾ 0.02, a peak displacement is observed, this is due to the phase transformation of tetragonal to cubic into the unit cell. Finally, with x = 0.125 the crystal structure transforms to the characteristic hexagonal phase Ba{sub 8}Ti{sub 3}Nb{sub 4}O{sub 24} which

  16. From Ba3Ta5O14N to LaBa2Ta5O13N2: Decreasing the optical band gap of a photocatalyst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anke, B.; Bredow, T.; Pilarski, M.; Wark, M.; Lerch, M.


    Yellow LaBa 2 Ta 5 O 13 N 2 was successfully synthesized as phase-pure material crystallizing isostructurally to previously reported Ba 3 Ta 5 O 14 N and mixed-valence Ba 3 Ta V 4 Ta IV O 15 . The electronic structure of LaBa 2 Ta 5 O 13 N 2 was studied theoretically with the range-separated hybrid method HSE06. The most stable structure was obtained when lanthanum was placed on 2a and nitrogen on 4h sites confirming Pauling's second rule. By incorporating nitrogen, the measured band gap decreases from ∼3.8 eV for the oxide via 2.74 eV for Ba 3 Ta 5 O 14 N to 2.63 eV for the new oxide nitride, giving rise to an absorption band well in the visible-light region. Calculated fundamental band gaps confirm the experimental trend. The atom-projected density of states has large contributions from N2p orbitals close to the valence band edge. These are responsible for the observed band gap reduction. Photocatalytic hydrogen formation was investigated and compared with that of Ba 3 Ta 5 O 14 N revealing significantly higher activity for LaBa 2 Ta 5 O 13 N 2 under UV-light. - Graphical abstract: X-ray powder diffraction pattern of LaBa 2 Ta 5 O 13 N 2 with the results of the Rietveld refinements. Inset: Unit cell of LaBa 2 Ta 5 O 13 N 2 and polyhedral representation of the crystal structure. - Highlights: • Synthesis of a new oxide nitride LaBa 2 Ta 5 O 13 N 2 . • Refinement of the crystal structure. • Quantum chemical calculations provided band gap close to the measured value. • New phase shows a higher photocatalytic H 2 evolution rate compared to prior tested Ba 3 Ta 5 O 14 N.

  17. Flora da Paraíba, Brasil: Loganiaceae Flora of Paraíba, Brazil: Loganiaceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kiriaki Nurit


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresenta-se o tratamento taxonômico da família Loganiaceae, como parte do projeto "Flora da Paraíba", que vem sendo realizado com o objetivo de identificar e catalogar as espécies da flora local. Realizouse coletas e observações de campo para as identificações, descrições e ilustrações botânicas que foram efetuadas após estudos morfológicos, com o auxílio da bibliografia especializada, complementados pela análise de fotos de tipos, espécimes dos herbários EAN, JPB e IPA, e comparação com material identificado por especialistas. Registrou-se para a Paraíba quatro espécies: Spigelia anthelmia L., com ampla distribuição, e três espécies de Strychnos, somente coletadas em remanescentes de Mata Atlântica, S. atlantica Krukoff & Barneby, S. parvifolia A. DC. e S. trinervis (Vell. Mart.This work constitutes a taxonomic treatment of the Loganiaceae family as part of the project "Flora da Paraíba", which have been carried out with the objective to identify and catalogue the species of the local flora. The botanical identifications and illustrations were made by morphological studies supported by bibliography, analysis of the types, specimens from herbaria EAN, JPB and IPA, and comparison with samples previously identified by specialists, complemented by field observations. Four species of Loganiaceae belonging two genera were found in State of Paraíba: Spigelia anthelmia L. that has wide distribution and three species of Strychnos, found on remains of Atlantic forest, which are S. atlantica Krukoff & Barneby, S. parvifolia A. DC. and S. trinervis (Vell. Mart.

  18. Optical characteristics of BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Ho{sup 3+} and BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Ho{sup 3+} single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choe, Sung-Hyu [Chosun University, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of); Jin, Moon-Seog [Dongshin University, Naju (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Wha-Tek [Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}, BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Ho{sup 3+}, BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}, and BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Ho{sup 3+} single crystals were grown by using the chemical transport reaction method. The optical energy gaps of the single crystals were investigated in the temperature region from 11 K to 300 K. The temperature dependence of the optical energy gap was well fitted by the Varshni equation. Two broad emission bands were observed in the photoluminescence spectra of the single crystals. These bands were attributed to donor-acceptor pair recombinations. Sharp emission peaks were observed in the BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Ho{sup 3+} and the BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Ho{sup 3+} single crystals and were assigned to radiation recombination between split Stark levels of Ho{sup 3+}.

  19. Non-observation of 12C cluster decay of 114Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guglielmetti, A.; Bonetti, R.; Poli, G.; Collatz, R.; Hu, Z.; Kirchner, R.; Roeckl, E.; Gunn, N.; Price, P.B.; Weaver, B.A.; Westphal, A.; California Univ., Berkeley, CA; Szerypo, J.


    By means of the on-line mass separator at Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, we produced 114 Ba through the 58 Ni( 58 Ni,2n) reaction, separated it as a 114 Ba 19 F + beam, and implanted it into a stopper foil positioned in the center of an array of track detectors, which were used to search for 12 C radioactivity of 114 Ba. A total number of (5.4±1.7).10 4 114 Ba atoms were implanted. No 12 C event was found after a total exposure time of 116 hours, corresponding to a 58 Ni beam dose of 1.3.10 17 . The resulting upper limit of 3.4.10 -5 (84% c. 1.) for the branching ratio for 12 C decay of 114 Ba is considerably lower than the limits obtained in previous experiments, which represents an inconsistency at levels of more than 90%. A semiempirical estimate of 19.3 MeV for the upper limit of the Q-value for 12 C decay of 114 Ba is derived. (orig.)

  20. Analysis of oxygen binding-energy variations for BaO on W (United States)

    Haas, G. A.; Shih, A.; Mueller, D.; Thomas, R. E.

    Interatomic Auger analyses have been made of different forms of BaO layers on W substrates. Variations in Auger spectroscopy energies of the Ba4dBa5pO2p interatomic Auger transition were found to be largely governed by the O2p binding energy of the BaO adsorbate. This was illustrated by comparing results of the Auger data values with values derived from O2p binding energies using ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. Very good agreement was observed not only for the W substrate but also for the W substrate which showed two oxygen-induced electronics state. Variations in binding energy were noted for different states of BaO lattice formation and for different amounts of oxidation, ranging from the transition of Ba to BaO and continuing to the BaO 2 stoichiometry and beyond. Effects were also reported for adsorbate alignment and thermal activation (i.e., reduction) of the oxidized state. An empirical relationship was found suggesting that the more tightly bound the O2p states of the BaO adsorbate were, the lower its work function would be. This link between binding energy and work function was observed to be valid not only for cases of poisoning by oxidation, but held as well during reactivation by the subsequent reduction of the oxide. In addition, this relationship also appeared to predict the low work function obtained through the introduction of substances such as Sc to the BaO-W system. Possible qualitative reasons which might contribute to this are discussed in terms of enhanced dipole effects and shifts in band structure.

  1. Optical energy gaps and photoluminescence peaks of BaGa2S4:Er3+ and BaGa2Se4:Er3+ single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choe, Sung-Hyu; Jin, Moon-Seog; Kim, Wha-Tek


    BaGa 2 S 4 :Er 3+ and BaGa 2 Se 4 :Er 3+ single crystals were grown by using the chemical transport reaction method. The optical energy gaps of the BaGa 2 S 4 :Er 3+ and the BaGa 2 Se 4 :Er 3+ single crystals were found to be 4.045 eV and 3.073 eV, respectively, at 11 K. The temperature dependence of the optical energy gap was well fitted by the Varshni equation. Sharp emission peaks were observed in the photoluminescence spectra of the single crystals and assigned to radiation recombination between split Stark levels of the Er 3+ ion.

  2. Construction and Expression of Pet Operon Using Shuttle Vector for Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria


    Riyanti, Eny Ida; Rogers, Peter L


    Keuntungan fermentasi etanol pada suhu tinggi mendorong penelitian perakitan bakteri termofilik etalogenik. Selain itu, kemampuan bakteri termofilik dalam penggunaan gula pentosa hasil degradasi biomasa memberi peluang untuk menekan biaya produksi bioetanol. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkonstruksi pet (production of ethanol) operon dengan menggunakan shuttle vector pMK18 dan melihat ekspresinya dalam bakteri mesofilik dan termofilik. Konstruksi dan ekspresi pet operon dengan me...

  3. Preparation of Ba1-xSrxWO4 and Ba1-xCaxWO4 films on tungsten plate by mechanically assisted solution reaction at room temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rangappa, Dinesh; Fujiwara, Takeshi; Watanabe, Tomoaki; Yoshimura, Masahiro


    Preparation of the alkaline earth tungstate films such as Ba 1-x Sr x WO 4 and Ba 1-x Ca x WO 4 on the tungsten substrate was studied with a simple solution process assisted with the ball rotation at room temperature. The solid solution formation and limitations, the effect of oxidizing agent H 2 O 2 and alkaline earth ions concentration on the dissolution of W substrate and the growth of Ba 1-x Sr x WO 4 and Ba 1-x Ca x WO 4 films were studied in detail. The ball rotation assistance plays a very important role to enhance the dissolution of the W substrate and mass transport of the reactant species such as alkaline earth ions and WO 4 2- ions onto the solid/solution interface region, where precipitation occurs. Therefore, the rate of film formation was accelerated by the ball rotation assistance to the reaction system. Ba-rich Ba 1-x Sr x WO 4 and Ba 1-x Ca x WO 4 films were formed without high energy or high temperature treatment

  4. Thermochemical investigations into the system Y-Ba-Cu-O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neuschuetz, D.; Zimmermann, E.; Hack, K.; Boudene, A.; Mohammad, A.


    For a consistent thermodynamic description of the quaternary system Y-Ba-Cu-O, the binary and ternary subsystems must be known. The metallic binaries and the ternary system Y-Ba-Cu have been evaluated by the authors. Discrepancies within the Cu-O system made a thorough experimental re-investigation necessary, leading to a new consistent thermodynamic data set for copper-oxygen which can now serve as a basis for the description of phase equilibria of all high temperature superconductors. Extensive experimental work on the ternaries Y-Cu-O and Ba-Cu-O, which are oxygen partial pressure dependent, revealed liquid phases down to 790degC. The ternary Y-Ba-O could be described more easily on the basis of literature values and present experimental results, because it does not contain any liquid phases at relevant temperatures. The representation of the quaternary Y-Ba-Cu-O is complicated both by its dependence on the oxygen potential and the existence of liquid oxide phases. In contrast to common practice, the present investigations had to start from Cu-free Ba-Y-O in order to avoid unknown liquid phases in the experiments. The present results being insufficient for a complete description of the quaternary system, the work is being continued within an EC joint research project. (orig.) With 84 refs., 8 tabs., 47 figs [de

  5. Studi On Oxidation State Of U In Ba2NdUO6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Firman Windarto, Hendri


    Ba 2 NdUO 6 is not of the important compounds that is formed from a solidification process for high level liquid waste using super high temperature method Ba 2 NdUO 6 has ordered perovskite structure. The objective of this study is to investigate oxidation state of U in Ba 2 NdUO 6 . The properties of Ba 2 NdUO 6 were observed by using Faraday-type torsion magnetometer and X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS). The magnetic susceptibility measured in the temperature range of 4K to room temperature showed that the Ba 2 NdUO 6 is paramagnetism that obeys the Curie-Weiss law. The effective moment of Ba 2 NdUO 6 is 3.04 μB. The results of xPs spectrum showed that the peaks of U4f for Ba 2 NdUO 6 appeared exactly between binding energy of UO 2 and UO 3 . It can be concluded that Ba 2 NdUO 6 has binding energy peaks corresponding to pentavalent uranium

  6. Thermoelectric transport properties of BaBiTe{sub 3}-based materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Yiming; Zhao, Li-Dong, E-mail:


    BaBiTe{sub 3}, a material with low thermal conductivity, is an inferior thermoelectric material due to the poor electrical properties originated from its narrow band gap. We choose two types of dopants, K and La, trying to optimize its electrical transport properties. The minority carriers, which harm the Seebeck coefficient in this system, are suppressed by La doping. With the increase of both electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, the power factor of 3% La doped BaBiTe{sub 3} reaches 3.7 μW cm{sup −1} K{sup −2} which increased by 40% from undoped BaBiTe{sub 3}. Besides high power factor, the thermal conductivity is also reduced in it. Eventually, a high ZT value, 0.25 at 473 K, for n-type BaBiTe{sub 3} is achieved in 3% La doped BaBiTe{sub 3}. - Graphical abstract: BaBiTe{sub 3} possesses a low thermal conductivity. However, it is an inferior thermoelectric material due to the poor electrical properties originated from its narrow band gap. A high ZT value of 0.25 at 473 K for n-type BaBiTe{sub 3} can be achieved through optimizing electrical transport properties via La doping. - Highlights: • BaBiTe{sub 3} is an analogue of these promising thermoelectric materials: such as CsBi{sub 4}Te{sub 6} and K{sub 2}Bi{sub 8}Se{sub 13}, etc. • BaBiTe{sub 3} possesses a low thermal conductivity. • La is an effective dopant to enhance electrical transport properties. • A high ZT value of 0.25 at 473 K can be achieved in n-type La-doped BaBiTe{sub 3}.

  7. Bound-bound transitions in the emission spectra of Ba+-He excimer (United States)

    Moroshkin, P.; Kono, K.


    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the emission and absorption spectra of the Ba+ ions and Ba+*He excimer quasimolecules in the cryogenic Ba-He plasma. We observe several spectral features in the emission spectrum, which we assign to the electronic transitions between bound states of the excimer correlating to the 6 2P3 /2 and 5 2D3 /2 ,5 /2 states of Ba+. The resulting Ba+(5 2DJ) He is a metastable electronically excited complex with orbital angular momentum L =2 , thus expanding the family of known metal-helium quasimolecules. It might be suitable for high-resolution spectroscopic studies and for the search for new polyatomic exciplex structures.

  8. Er3+ infrared fluorescence affected by spatial distribution synchronicity of Ba2+ and Er3+ in Er3+-doped BaO–SiO2 glasses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atsunobu Masuno


    Full Text Available Glasses with the composition xBaO–(99.9 − xSiO2–0.1ErO3/2 (0 ≤x ≤ 34.9 were fabricated by a levitation technique. The glasses in the immiscibility region were opaque due to chemical inhomogeneity, while the other glasses were colorless and transparent. The scanning electron microscope observations and electron probe microanalysis scan profiles revealed that more Er3+ ions were preferentially distributed in the regions where more Ba2+ ions existed in the chemically inhomogeneous glasses. The synchronicity of the spatial distributions of the two ions initially increased with increasing x and then decreased when the Ba2+ concentration exceeded a certain value. The peak shape and lifetime of the fluorescence at 1.55 μm depended on x as well as the spatial distribution of both ions. These results indicate that although ErOn polyhedra are preferentially coordinated with Ba2+ ions and their local structure is affected by the coordination of Ba2+, there is a maximum in the amount of Ba2+ ions that can coordinate ErOn polyhedra since the available space for Ba2+ ions is limited. These findings provide us with efficient ways to design the chemical composition of glasses with superior Er3+ fluorescence properties for optical communication network systems.

  9. Nuclear spectroscopy of doubly-even130,132Ba (United States)

    Gupta, Anuradha; Gupta, Surbhi; Singh, Suram; Bharti, Arun


    A comparative study of some high-spin characteristic nuclear structure properties of doubly-even 130,132Ba nuclei has been made using two microscopic frameworks - CHFB and PSM. The yrast spectra, intrinsic quadrupole moment and deformation systematics of these nuclei have been successfully calculated. Further, the calculated data from both the frameworks is also compared with the available experimental data and a good agreement has been obtained. The present CHFB calculations describes very well the low spin structure of even-even 130,132Ba nuclei whereas PSM calculations provide a qualitative description of the high-spin band structure of doubly-even 130,132Ba nuclei.

  10. Superconductivity in the U(Th)-Y-Ba-Cu-O systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin Qizong; He Adi; Jia Weijie; Ma Lidun; Cheng Huansheng; Hua Zhongyi


    High T c superconductivity has been observed both resistively and magnetically in the new U(Th)-Y-Ba-Cu-O systems. The zero resistance temperature of the three samples with nominal composition of U 0.1 Y 1.1 Ba 0.8 Cu O 4-z , U 0.15 Y 1.05 Ba 0.8 Cu 4-z and Th 0.3 Y 0.8 Ba 0.8 Cu 4-z is 87K, 79K and 74K, respectively. The result of ac magnetic susceptibility measurement implies that the superconducting state is realized in the U-doped samples below 90K. The stoichimetry of the U-Y-Ba-Cu O superconductors has the aid of Rutherford backscattering and nuclear reaction 16 O(d, p) 17 O. The analytical results show that the 'real composition' of somples may be different from that of the nomial composition. The X ray diffraction analysis of the U-Y-Ba-Cu-O system shows that none of the peaks can be fitted to the uranium oxides and the other raw materiale structure, and its pattern may be attributed to new multiple phases with structure different from the known singlephase superconducting oxides

  11. Construction and simulation of the Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 metabolic network: a comparison between free-living and symbiotic states. (United States)

    Yang, Yi; Hu, Xiao-Pan; Ma, Bin-Guang


    Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens is a rhizobium able to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium by establishing mutualistic symbiosis with soybean. It has been recognized as an important parent strain for microbial agents and is widely applied in agricultural and environmental fields. In order to study the metabolic properties of symbiotic nitrogen fixation and the differences between a free-living cell and a symbiotic bacteroid, a genome-scale metabolic network of B. diazoefficiens USDA110 was constructed and analyzed. The metabolic network, iYY1101, contains 1031 reactions, 661 metabolites, and 1101 genes in total. Metabolic models reflecting free-living and symbiotic states were determined by defining the corresponding objective functions and substrate input sets, and were further constrained by high-throughput transcriptomic and proteomic data. Constraint-based flux analysis was used to compare the metabolic capacities and the effects on the metabolic targets of genes and reactions between the two physiological states. The results showed that a free-living rhizobium possesses a steady state flux distribution for sustaining a complex supply of biomass precursors while a symbiotic bacteroid maintains a relatively condensed one adapted to nitrogen-fixation. Our metabolic models may serve as a promising platform for better understanding the symbiotic nitrogen fixation of this species.

  12. Punta Pitt, Galapagos Ba/Ca Data for 1963-1982 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — File contains Ba/Ca data (in mmol/mol) presented by Lea et al. (1989). Samples were measured at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by D. Lea. Ba...

  13. Determination of the UO2-ZrO2-BaO equilibrium diagram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paschoal, J.O.A.; Kleykanp, H.; Thuemmler, F.


    It is determined the equilibrium diagram of UO 2 - ZrO 2 - BaO to interpret and predict changes in the chemical properties of ceramic (oxide) nuclear fuels during irradiation. The isothermal section of the system at 1700 0 C was determined experimentally, utilizing the techniques of ceramography, X-ray diffraction analysis, microprobe analysis and differential thermal analysis. The solid solubility limits at 1700 0 C between UO 2 and ZrO 2 , UO 2 and BaO, ZrO 2 and BaO, ZrO 2 and BaO and BaUO 3 and BaZrO 3 is presented. The influence of oxygen potential in relation to the different phases is discussed and the phase diagram of the system presented. (M.C.K.) [pt

  14. Left posterior BA37 is involved in object recognition: a TMS study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stewart, Lauren; Meyer, Bernd-Ulrich; Frith, Uta


    Functional imaging studies have proposed a role for left BA37 in phonological retrieval, semantic processing, face processing and object recognition. The present study targeted the posterior aspect of BA37 to see whether a deficit, specific to one of the above types of processing could be induced...... to name pictures when TMS was given over lBA37 compared to vertex or rBA37. rTMS over lBA37 had no significant effect on word reading, nonword reading or colour naming. The picture naming deficit is suggested to result from a disruption to object recognition processes. This study corroborates the finding...... from a recent imaging study, that the most posterior part of left hemispheric BA37 has a necessary role in object recognition....

  15. Particle-hole states in 138Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bondarenko, V.A.; Khitrov, V.A.; Popov, Yu.P.; Brant, S.; Paar, V.; Simicic, L.


    The thermal-neutron-capture gamma rays and γγ-coincidences were measured by means of Ge detectors. Using primary and secondary (n, γ) data, the level scheme of 138 Ba was established with 63 levels up to an excitation energy of 5 MeV. The level energies and (d, p) transfer data were compared with model predictions of the interacting boson-fermion-fermion model. As shown, this model provides a basic understanding of the neutron particle-hole states of 138 Ba in the energy range of 3.5-5.0 MeV. ((orig.))

  16. Symbiotic efficiency and genetic characteristics of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain UFSM LA 1.3 isolated from Lupinus albescens (H. et Arn Eficiência simbiótica e características genéticas da estirpe UFSM LA 1.3 de Bradyrhizobium sp. isolado de Lupinus albescens (H. et Arn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Roberto Dobler Stroschein


    Full Text Available Legume species belonging to the genus Lupinus are annual herb plants. The majority of them are indigenous to the Americas. They are known for nitrogen-fixing symbioses with soil bacteria collectively called rhizobia. The aim of this study was to characterize a rhizobium strain isolated from Lupinus albescens using phenotypic, symbiotic and molecular approaches. Strain UFSM LA 1.3 was tested in vitro according to several parameters: colony size, color and growing rate; acid or alkaline reaction in yeast mannitol media supplemented with bromothymol blue; gum production. Molecular characterization was evaluated by PCR technique using primers BOX A1-R and sequence analysis of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic region (ITS. ITS sequencing fragments showed genetic similarity with Bradyrhizobium sp. The polymorphism observed by BOX-PCR have shown that strain differs from the reference strain SEMIA 928 and SEMIA 938. The symbiotic efficiency under axenic conditions of UFSM LA 1.3 was 94.6%, without statistical differences compared to the mineral nitrogen fertilized control, to which was applied solution of 400 mg of ammonium nitrate.Espécies de leguminosas pertencentes ao gênero Lupinus são plantas herbáceas anuais. A maioria é originária das Américas. Estas plantas estabelecem simbioses com bactérias do solo que realizam fixação biológica de nitrogênio coletivamente chamada de rizóbios. Caracterizou-se uma estirpe isolada de Lupinus albescens por meio de características fenotípicas, simbióticas e moleculares. A estirpe UFSM LA 1.3 foi testada in vitro de acordo com os parâmetros: tamanho de colônia; cor e taxa de crescimento; reação ácida ou básica em meio levedura manitol suplementado com azul de bromotimol; produção de goma. A caracterização molecular foi feita pela técnica de PCR usando os oligonucleotídeos BOX A1-R e seqüenciamento da região ITS. A análise da seqüência dos fragmentos da região intergênica (ITS 16S-26S r

  17. Lack of glyphosate resistance gene transfer from Roundup Ready soybean to Bradyrhizobium japonicum under field and laboratory conditions. (United States)

    Isaza, Laura Arango; Opelt, Katja; Wagner, Tobias; Mattes, Elke; Bieber, Evi; Hatley, Elwood O; Roth, Greg; Sanjuán, Juan; Fischer, Hans-Martin; Sandermann, Heinrich; Hartmann, Anton; Ernst, Dieter


    A field study was conducted at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center to determine the effect of transgenic glyphosate-resistant soybean in combination with herbicide (Roundup) application on its endosymbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum. DNA of bacteroids from isolated nodules was analysed for the presence of the transgenic 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (CP4-EPSPS) DNA sequence using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To further assess the likelihood that the EPSPS gene may be transferred from the Roundup Ready (RR) soybean to B. japonicum, we have examined the natural transformation efficiency of B. japonicum strain 110spc4. Analyses of nodules showed the presence of the transgenic EPSPS DNA sequence. In bacteroids that were isolated from nodules of transgenic soybean plants and then cultivated in the presence of glyphosate this sequence could not be detected. This indicates that no stable horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of the EPSPS gene had occurred under field conditions. Under laboratory conditions, no natural transformation was detected in B. japonicum strain 110spc4 in the presence of various amounts of recombinant plasmid DNA. Our results indicate that no natural competence state exists in B. japonicum 110spc4. Results from field and laboratory studies indicate the lack of functional transfer of the CP4-EPSPS gene from glyphosate-tolerant soybean treated with glyphosate to root-associated B. japonicum.

  18. The BaBar Data Acquisition System

    CERN Document Server

    Scott, I; Grosso, P; Huffer, M E; O'Grady, C; Russell, J J


    The BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center is designed to perform a search for CP violation by ana-lyzing the decays of a very large sample of B and B(Bar) mesons produced at the high luminosity PEP-II accelerator. The data acquisition system must cope with a sustained high event rate, while supporting real time feature extraction and data compression with minimal dead time. The BaBar data acquisition system is based around a common VME interface to the electronics read-out of the separate detec-tor subsystems. Data from the front end electronics is read into commercial VME processors via a custom "Personality Card" and PCI interface. The commercial CPUs run the Tornado operating system to provide a platform for detector subsystem code to perform the necessary data processing. The data is read out via a non-blocking network switch to a farm of commercial UNIX processors. The current implementation of the BaBar data acquisition sys-tem has been shown to sustain a Level 1 trigger rate of 1.3...

  19. Proton microbeam irradiation effects on PtBA polymer

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Microbeam irradiation effects on poly-tert-butyl-acrylate (PtBA) polymer using 2.0 MeV proton microbeam are reported. Preliminary results on pattern formation on PtBA are carried out as a function of fluence. After writing the pattern, a thin layer of Ge is deposited. Distribution of Ge in pristine and ion beam patterned surface ...

  20. Application of AM Fungi with Bradyrhizobium japonicum in improving growth, nutrient uptake and yield of Vigna radiata L. under saline soil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nisha Kadian


    Full Text Available A pot experiment was conducted under polyhouse conditions, to evaluate the effect of two different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (G. mosseae and A. laevis in combination with Bradyrhizobium japonicum on growth and nutrition of mungbean plant grown under different salt stress levels (4 dS m−1, 8dS m−1 and 12 dS m−1. It was found that under saline conditions, mycorrhizal fungi protect the host plant against the detrimental effect of salinity. The AM inoculated plants showed positive effects on plant growth, dry biomass production, chlorophyll content, mineral uptake, electrolyte leakage, proline, protein content and yield of mungbean plants in comparison to non-mycorrhizal ones but the extent of response varied with the increasing level of salinity. In general, the reduction in Na uptake along with associated increase in P, N, K, electrolyte leakage and high proline content were also found to be better in inoculated ones. The overall results demonstrate that the co-inoculation of microbes with AM fungi promotes salinity tolerance by enhancing nutrient acquisition especially phosphorus (P, producing plant growth hormones, improving rhizospheric and condition of soil by altering the physiological and biochemical properties of the mungbean plant.

  1. The 226Ra-Ba relationship in the North Atlantic during GEOTRACES-GA01 (United States)

    Le Roy, Emilie; Sanial, Virginie; Charette, Matthew A.; van Beek, Pieter; Lacan, François; Jacquet, Stéphanie H. M.; Henderson, Paul B.; Souhaut, Marc; García-Ibáñez, Maribel I.; Jeandel, Catherine; Pérez, Fiz F.; Sarthou, Géraldine


    We report detailed sections of radium-226 (226Ra, T1/2 = 1602 years) activities and barium (Ba) concentrations determined in the North Atlantic (Portugal-Greenland-Canada) in the framework of the international GEOTRACES program (GA01 section - GEOVIDE project, May-July 2014). Dissolved 226Ra and Ba are strongly correlated along the section, a pattern that may reflect their similar chemical behavior. Because 226Ra and Ba have been widely used as tracers of water masses and ocean mixing, we investigated their behavior more thoroughly in this crucial region for thermohaline circulation, taking advantage of the contrasting biogeochemical patterns existing along the GA01 section. We used an optimum multiparameter (OMP) analysis to distinguish the relative importance of physical transport (water mass mixing) from nonconservative processes (sedimentary, river or hydrothermal inputs, uptake by particles and dissolved-particulate dynamics) on the 226Ra and Ba distributions in the North Atlantic. Results show that the measured 226Ra and Ba concentrations can be explained by conservative mixing for 58 and 65 % of the samples, respectively, notably at intermediate depth, away from the ocean interfaces. 226Ra and Ba can thus be considered conservative tracers of water mass transport in the ocean interior on the space scales considered here, namely, on the order of a few thousand kilometers. However, regions in which 226Ra and Ba displayed nonconservative behavior and in some cases decoupled behaviors were also identified, mostly at the ocean boundaries (seafloor, continental margins and surface waters). Elevated 226Ra and Ba concentrations found in deepwater in the West European Basin suggest that lower Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADWl) accumulates 226Ra and Ba from sediment diffusion and/or particle dissolution during transport. In the upper 1500 m of the West European Basin, deficiencies in 226Ra and Ba are likely explained by their incorporation in planktonic calcareous

  2. Tritellurides of comples cations: Synthesis and crystal structure of (Ba(en)/sub 3/)Te/sub 3/ and (Ba(en)/sub 4,5/)Te/sub 3/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zagler, R; Eisenmann, B; Schaefer, H


    The two title compounds have been prepared by reaction of appropriate mixtures of the elements in ethylenediamine. The structures have been determined on the basis of single crystal data. (Ba(en)/sub 3/Te/sub 3/ crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2/sub 1/c with a = 918.0(4), b = 1203.7(6), c = 1639,9(6) pm, ..beta.. = 93.4(1)/sup 0/. In the structure there are bent tritelluride anions Te/sub 3//sup 2 -/ (bond lengths 273,9-278,5 pm, bond angle (105.7/sup 0/). The Ba/sup 2 +/ cations are six coordinate by the bidentate ligand ethylenediamine. (Ba(en)/sub 4,5/)Te/sub 3/ crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group Cc with a = 1752.8(6), b = 938.9(4), c = 3041.7(8) pm, ..beta.. = 91.3(1)/sup 0/. In this structure the bond lengths in the TE/sub 3//sup 2 -/ anions are shorter (272.1-273.1 pm, bond angles 110.9-112.2/sup 0/). The cations are coordinated by four bidentate ligands, and are connected into pairs by a further ethylenediamine molecule. The resulting dinuclear (Ba(en)/sub 4/)en(Ba(en)/sub 4/)/sup 4 +/ units have the Ba/sup 2 +/ cations in CN 9.

  3. Earth Observation for Biodiversity Assessment (EO-BA)

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Cho, Moses A


    Full Text Available in the Dukuduku coastal forest Earth Observation for Biodiversity Assessment (EO-BA) MA CHO, P DEBBA, R MATHIEU, A RAMOELO, L NAIDOO, H VAN DEVENTER, O MALAHLELA AND R MAIN CSIR Natural Resources and the Environment, Pretoria, South Africa PO Box 395... Observation for Biodiversity Assessment (EO-BA) programme is designed to enhance biodiversity assessment and conservation through the application of earth observation data, with particular focus on the African continent. MISSION To initiate and develop...

  4. Effect of molases addition on survival and growth of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon Fab. larva treated with SKT-b Vibrio probiotic bacteria

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    , Widanarni


    Full Text Available  ABSTRACTProbiotic bacteria SKT-b Vibrio that belong to heterotrophic bacteria have been tested can suppress the growth of pathogenic Vibrio harveyi in tiger shrimp larvae. One of the most important energy sources of heterotrophic bacteria is organic carbon such as sucrose and glucose found in molasses. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of molasses addition on the survival and growth rate of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon larvae treated with SKT-b Vibrio probiotic bacteria. This experiment was done both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro tests performed by growing bacteria in media containing molasses, fish meal and premix. Whereas in vivo tests performed with the addition of molasses to shrimp larva culture media inoculated with SKT-b Vibrio bacteria which included five treatments: the control treatment without bacteria and molasses addition (K, the addition of bacteria without molasses (B, the addition of molasses 1 ppm and bacteria (MB1, the addition of molasses 3 ppm and bacteria (MB3, and the addition of molasses 5 ppm and bacteria (MB5. The result of in vitro tests showed the SKT-b Vibrio bacteria can grow on molasses media with a population reached 0,41 × 108 CFU/ml. In vivo test results showed that treatment MB3 gave the highest survival (93.3% and growth weight (35.94%, but were not significantly different from control result in the survival and growth weight that respectively were 83.3% and 30.38%.Keywords: probiotic bacteria, SKT-b Vibrio, molasses, tiger shrimp larvae ABSTRAKBakteri probiotik Vibrio SKT-b yang tergolong bakteri heterotrof telah diuji dapat menekan pertumbuhan Vibrio harveyi yang bersifat patogen pada larva udang windu. Salah satu sumber energi yang paling penting bagi bakteri heterotrof adalah karbon organik seperti sukrosa dan glukosa yang terdapat pada molase. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan molase terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan larva udang

  5. 40 CFR 721.10010 - Barium manganese oxide (BaMnO3). (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Barium manganese oxide (BaMnO3). 721... Substances § 721.10010 Barium manganese oxide (BaMnO3). (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as barium manganese oxide (BaMnO3) (PMN P-00...

  6. Characterization of the insulator barrier and the superconducting transition temperature in GdBa2Cu3O7−δ/BaTiO3 bilayers for application in tunnel junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navarro, H.; Sirena, M.; Haberkorn, N.; Yang, Ilkyu; Kim, Jeehoon


    The optimization of the superconducting properties in a bottom electrode and the quality of an insulator barrier are the first steps in the development of superconductor/insulator/superconductor tunnel junctions. Here, we study the quality of a BaTiO 3 tunnel barrier deposited on a 16 nm thick GdBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ thin film by using conductive atomic force microscopy. We find that the tunnel current is systematically reduced (for equal applied voltage) by increasing the BaTiO 3 barrier thickness between 1.6 and 4 nm. The BaTiO 3 layers present an energy barrier of ≈1.2 eV and an attenuation length of 0.35–0.5 nm (depending on the applied voltage). The GdBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ electrode is totally covered by a BaTiO 3 thickness above 3 nm. The presence of ferroelectricity was verified by piezoresponse force microscopy for a 4 nm thick BaTiO 3 top layer. The superconducting transition temperature of the bilayers is systematically suppressed by increasing the BaTiO 3 thickness. This fact can be associated with stress at the interface and a reduction of the orthorhombicity of the GdBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ . The reduction in the orthorhombicity is expected by considering the interface mismatch and it can also be affected by reduced oxygen stoichiometry (poor oxygen diffusion across the BaTiO 3 barrier)

  7. Left cytoarchitectonic BA 44 processes syntactic gender violations in determiner phrases. (United States)

    Heim, Stefan; van Ermingen, Muna; Huber, Walter; Amunts, Katrin


    Recent neuroimaging studies make contradictory predictions about the involvement of left Brodmann's area (BA) 44 in processing local syntactic violations in determiner phrases (DPs). Some studies suggest a role for BA 44 in detecting local syntactic violations, whereas others attribute this function to the left premotor cortex. Therefore, the present event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study investigated whether left-cytoarchitectonic BA 44 was activated when German DPs involving syntactic gender violations were compared with correct DPs (correct: 'der Baum'-the[masculine] tree[masculine]; violated: 'das Baum'--the[neuter] tree[masculine]). Grammaticality judgements were made for both visual and auditory DPs to be able to generalize the results across modalities. Grammaticality judgements involved, among others, left BA 44 and left BA 6 in the premotor cortex for visual and auditory stimuli. Most importantly, activation in left BA 44 was consistently higher for violated than for correct DPs. This finding was behaviourally corroborated by longer reaction times for violated versus correct DPs. Additional brain regions, showing the same effect, included left premotor cortex, supplementary motor area, right middle and superior frontal cortex, and left cerebellum. Based on earlier findings from the literature, the results indicate the involvement of left BA 44 in processing local syntactic violations when these include morphological features, whereas left premotor cortex seems crucial for the detection of local word category violations. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  8. Luminescent properties of BaCl2-Eu microcrystals embedded in a CsI matrix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pushak, A.; Vistovskyy, V.; Voloshinovskii, A.; Savchyn, P.; Antonyak, O.; Demkiv, T.; Dacyuk, Yu.; Myagkota, S.; Gektin, A.


    The spectral-luminescent properties of CsI-BaCl 2 (1 mol%)-Eu(0.02 mol%) crystalline system are studied. Europium ion doped BaCl 2 microcrystals embedded in a CsI matrix are revealed on CsI-BaCl 2 (1 mol%)-Eu(0.02 mol%) freshly cleaved surface by the scanning electron microscopy. The size of microcrystals is shown to be within 0.5–5 microns. The luminescent parameters of the BaCl 2 -Eu 2+ microcrystals are shown to be similar to ones of a single crystal analogue. The 4f → 5d absorption transitions in europium ions and the reabsorption of the intrinsic emission of the CsI host are the main excitation mechanisms of europium luminescence in the BaCl 2 microcrystals. -- Highlights: ► The formation of chloride BaCl 2 :Eu microcrystals in the case of BaCl 2 doped CsI crystal has been revealed. ► The observed size of microcrystals at BaCl 2 concentration of 1% is about 0.5–5 μm. ► Majority of Eu 2+ ions in CsI-BaCl 2 -EuCl 3 crystalline system enters into BaCl 2 microcrystals. ► The luminescent parameters of the BaCl 2 :Eu 2+ microcrystals and its bulk analogue are similar

  9. Quo Vadis the B.A. degree: Perceptions and visions1

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    Annette L. Combrink


    Full Text Available Today is a very special day for all the graduates assembled to have a B.A. degree conferred on them. It is a day on which to celebrate the reward for hard work and for realized dreams. This is a very homogeneous group of people - in the sense that they will be receiving B.A. degrees, and for that reason it would be highly apposite to share some cherished thought and ideas about the B.A. degree.


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    Full Text Available Apple trees, eight-year-old ‘Gala’/M.9 and four-year-old ‘Golden Delicious’/M.9 have been thinned with 6- benzyladenine (BA 50 ppm, 100 ppm and 200 ppm, with 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 20 ppm, and with the tank mix combinations of BA 50 ppm + NAA 5 ppm or BA 20 ppm + NAA 5 ppm, all at 9-10 mm fruitlet diameter. All applied concentrations of BA and NAA thinned both cultivars significantly and no significant difference was found between BA or NAA thinning action. No concentration response on thinning was observed with neither BA nor NAA application. All BA or NAA separate treatments caused yield of fruit to shift to bigger size class. The only concentration response effect was found on evaluation of mean fruit weight data on ‘Golden Delicious’. The higher concentration of BA was used, the higher was the weight of ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit. On the opposite, the higher concentration of NAA was used, the lower was the weight of ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit (not significantly. When BA and NAA were sprayed on ‘Gala’ or ‘Golden Delicious’ as a tank mix combination, similar effect on thinning or fruit growth occurred comparing to BA or NAA when sprayed alone. Return bloom was enhanced on all thinned ‘Gala’ trees while flower formation of ‘Golden Delicious’ was better in the case of BA 200 ppm, NAA 5 ppm, NAA 20 ppm or tank mix spraying of BA 20 ppm + NAA 5 ppm.

  11. Application of NAA and BA in chemical thinning of some commercial apple cultivars

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    Šebek Gordana


    Full Text Available This paper presents the fruit thinning response of some commercial apple cultivars to NAA and BA plant regulators. The experiment was designed to evaluate NAA applied separately at three concentrations - 13.2 ppm, 17.82 ppm and 26.73 ppm, and BA + NAA combinations (BA - 60 ppm, 100 ppm, 120 ppm or 140 ppm + NAA 4.29 ppm for thinning the assessed apple cultivars. All treatments with NAA and BA + NAA adequately thinned 'McIntosh' and 'Jonathan', whereas the application of NAA 17.82 ppm and 26.73 ppm and the combined treatment BA 140 ppm+ NAA 4.29 ppm were effective fruit thinners for 'Prima'. In terms of the average fruit weight, number of fruits categorized as large (> 75 mm or > 65 mm, and number of fruit per trunk cross-sectional area, the treatment BA 140 ppm + NAA 4.29 ppm was most effective on 'McIntosh' and 'Prima', whereas BA 100 ppm + NAA 4.29 ppm had the best effect on 'Jonathan'.

  12. Epitaxial thin-film growth of Ruddlesden-Popper-type Ba{sub 3}Zr{sub 2}O{sub 7} from a BaZrO{sub 3} target by pulsed laser deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Butt, Shariqa Hassan; Rafique, M.S.; Siraj, K.; Latif, A.; Afzal, Amina [University of Engineering and Technology, Laser and Optronics Centre, Department of Physics, Lahore (Pakistan); Awan, M.S. [Ibn-e-Sina Institute of Science and Technology (ISIT), Islamabad (Pakistan); Bashir, Shazia [Government College University, Centre for Advanced Studies in Physics, Lahore (Pakistan); Iqbal, Nida [Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Medical Devices and Technology Group (MEDITEG), Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, Johor Bahru, Johor (Malaysia)


    Ruddlesden-Popper Ba{sub 3}Zr{sub 2}O{sub 7} thin films have been synthesized via pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. The optimization of deposition parameters in PLD enables the formation of thin film of metastable Ba{sub 3}Zr{sub 2}O{sub 7} phase from BaZrO{sub 3} target. In order to see the post-annealing effects on the structural and optical properties, the deposited Ba{sub 3}Zr{sub 2}O{sub 7} thin films were annealed at 500, 600 and 800 C. X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals the formation of Ba{sub 3}Zr{sub 2}O{sub 7} phase with tetragonal structure. The changes in the surface of the deposited films were analysed by FE-SEM and AFM. The thin film post-annealed at 500 C exhibited the best structural, optical and surface properties. Furthermore, the chemical states and chemical composition of the films were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) near the surface. The XPS results show that Ba, Zr and O exist mainly in the form of Ba{sub 3}Zr{sub 2}O{sub 7} Ruddlesden-Popper-type perovskite structure. (orig.)

  13. Baština Starog grada Zrinskih


    Kovač, Ivana


    Stari grad Zrinskih priča bogate, zanimljive i velike priče u svakom svojem kutku. Dvorac je prepun kulturne baštine koja će svakog ostaviti bez daha i dat će nam nove poglede na hrvatsku povijest, a još više na međimursku povijest. U ovom završnom radu pisat ću o ljepotama kraja, povijesnim zbivanjima i kulturnoj baštini grada, od samog početka pa do danas. Posebno ću se posvetiti predmetima koji su nam ostavili naši preci, a najviše umjetnosti grada i okolice. Čakovečki stari grad ima djelo...

  14. Magnetic and electrical properties in BaNiS2-type solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irizawa, Akinori; Yoshimura, Kazuyoshi; Kosuge, Koji


    The magnetic and electrical properties are reported in the new solid solutions BaCo 1-x Cu x S 2 and BaNi 1-x Fe x S 2 . Both compounds show spin-glass-like behavior, although the type of spin frustrations is different with each other. BaCo 1-x Cu x S 2 shows a competition type spin-glass behavior with reentrant phenomenon from antiferromagnetic to spin-glass at low temperatures. BaNi 1-x Fe x S 2 shows a dilute type spin-glass behavior together with super-paramagnetic properties. The temperature variation of 57 Fe Moessbauer spectra in BaNi 0.8 Fe 0.2 S 2 is explicable in a framework of cluster-glass. (author)

  15. Inoculation of Mimosa latispinosa Lam with the Commercial Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 197198, and Bradyrhizobium spp. Under Nursery Production Conditions in South-East Madagascar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarasin, G.


    Full Text Available Qit Madagascar Minerals (QMM has planned several actions to reduce the environmental footprint of its mining project located near the city of Fort-Dauphin (Madagascar. One of these actions is the reclamation of a portion of its mined sites. Different symbiotic strains were tested as bio-enhancers for the ecological restoration using Mimosa latispinosa Lam, a native and pioneer shrub. The symbiotic strains tested in nursery were the commercial strain of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198, and two local strains of Bradyrhizobium spp., STM1415 and STM1447, inoculated alone or dually with the arbuscular mycorrhiza. Treatments did not significantly increase the plant height and dry mass. However, plants grown in tyndallized soil had better growth than those in unsterilized soil. Results obtained twenty weeks after inoculation suggest that soil tyndallization (heating at 100°C and at atmospheric pressure of 700 kPa during three hours is an effective method for nursery production of high quality seedlings of M. latispinosa.

  16. Photoluminescence properties of BaMoO4 amorphous thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marques, Ana Paula Azevedo; Melo, Dulce M.A. de; Longo, Elson; Paskocimas, Carlos A.; Pizani, Paulo S.; Leite, Edson R.


    BaMoO 4 amorphous and crystalline thin films were prepared from polymeric precursors. The BaMoO 4 was deposited onto Si wafers by means of the spinning technique. The structure and optical properties of the resulting films were characterized by FTIR reflectance spectra, X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and optical reflectance. The bond Mo-O present in BaMoO 4 was confirmed by FTIR reflectance spectra. XRD characterization showed that thin films heat-treated at 600 and 200 deg. C presented the scheelite-type crystalline phase and amorphous, respectively. AFM analyses showed a considerable variation in surface morphology by comparing samples heat-treated at 200 and 600 deg. C. The reflectivity spectra showed two bands, positioned at 3.38 and 4.37 eV that were attributed to the excitonic state of Ba 2+ and electronic transitions within MoO 2- 4 , respectively. The optical band gaps of BaMoO 4 were 3.38 and 2.19 eV, for crystalline (600 deg. C/2 h) and amorphous (200 deg. C/8 h) films, respectively. The room-temperature luminescence spectra revealed an intense single-emission band in the visible region. The PL intensity of these materials was increased upon heat-treatment. The excellent optical properties observed for BaMoO 4 amorphous thin films suggested that this material is a highly promising candidate for photoluminescent applications

  17. Stability of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O superconducting thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegal, M. P.; Overmyer, D. L.; Venturini, E. L.; Padilla, R. R.; Provencio, P. N.


    We report the stability of TlBa 2 CaCu 2 O 7 and Tl 2 Ba 2 CaCu 2 O 8 on LaAlO 3 (100) epitaxial thin films, under a variety of conditions. All films are stable in acetone and methanol and with repeated thermal cycling to cryogenic temperatures. Moisture, especially vapor, degrades film quality rapidly. These materials are stable to high temperatures in either N 2 or O 2 ambients. While total degradation, resulting from Tl depletion, occurs at the same temperatures for both phases, 600 degree sign C in N 2 and 700 degree sign C in O 2 , the onset of degradation occurs at somewhat lower temperatures for TlBa 2 CaCu 2 O 7 than for Tl 2 Ba 2 CaCu 2 O 8 . (c) 1999 Materials Research Society

  18. Performance simulation of BaBar DIRC bar boxes in TORCH (United States)

    Föhl, K.; Brook, N.; Castillo García, L.; Cussans, D.; Forty, R.; Frei, C.; Gao, R.; Gys, T.; Harnew, N.; Piedigrossi, D.; Rademacker, J.; Ros García, A.; van Dijk, M.


    TORCH is a large-area precision time-of-flight detector based on the DIRC principle. The DIRC bar boxes of the BaBar experiment at SLAC could possibly be reused to form a part of the TORCH detector time-of-flight wall area, proposed to provide positive particle identification of low momentum kaons in the LHCb experiment at CERN. For a potential integration of BaBar bar boxes into TORCH, new imaging readout optics are required. From the several designs of readout optics that have been considered, two are used in this paper to study the effect of BaBar bar optical imperfections on the detector reconstruction performance. The kaon-pion separation powers obtained from analysing simulated photon hit patterns show the performance reduction for a BaBar bar of non-square geometry compared to a perfectly rectangular cross section.

  19. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Chemical-Bonding Analysis of BaZn(NCN2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex J. Corkett


    Full Text Available The ternary carbodiimide BaZn(NCN2 was prepared by a solid-state metathesis reaction between BaF2, ZnF2, and Li2NCN in a 1:1:2 molar ratio, and its crystal structure was determined from Rietveld refinement of X-ray data. BaZn(NCN2 represents the aristotype of the LiBa2Al(NCN4 structure which is unique to carbodiimide/cyanamide chemistry and is well regarded as being constructed from ZnN4 tetrahedra, sharing edges and vertices through NCN2− units to form corrugated layers with Ba2+ in the interlayer voids. Structural anomalies in the shape of the cyanamide units are addressed via IR spectrometry and DFT calculations, which suggest the presence of slightly bent N=C=N2− carbodiimide units with C2v symmetry. Moreover, chemical-bonding analysis within the framework of crystal orbital Hamilton population (COHP reveals striking similarities between the bonding interactions in BaZn(NCN2 and SrZn(NCN2 despite their contrasting crystal structures. BaZn(NCN2 is only the second example of a ternary post-transition metal carbodiimide, and its realization paves the way for the preparation of analogues featuring divalent transition metals at the tetrahedral Zn2+ site.

  20. Design, synthesis and luminescence properties of Ba2 YB2 O6 Cl- and Ba2 YB2 O6 F-based phosphors. (United States)

    Chen, Wanping; Yang, Xin; Liu, Yan; Dai, Xiaoyan


    Using a high-temperature solid-state reaction, the chlorine in Ba2 YB2 O6 Cl is gradually replaced by F, and a new compound with the nominal chemical formula Ba2 YB2 O6 F and two phosphors doped with Ce(3+) and Eu(3+) , respectively, are obtained. X-Ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectroscopy are used to characterize the as-synthesized samples. The as-synthesized Ba2 YB2 O6 Cl exhibits bright blue emission in the spectral range ~ 330-410 nm with a maximum around 363 nm under X-ray or UV excitation. Ba2 YB2 O6 F:0.01Ce(3+) exhibits blue emission in the range ~ 340-570 nm with a maximum around 383 nm. Ba2 YB2 O6 F:0.01Eu(3+) exhibits a predominantly (5) D0 -(7)  F2 emission (~610 nm) and the relative intensities of the (5) D0 -(7)  F0,1,2 emissions are tunable under different wavelength UV excitation. The luminescence behaviors of the two phosphors are explained simply in terms of the host composition and site occupancy probability of Ce(3+) and Eu(3+) , respectively. The results indicate that these phosphors have potential application as a blue phosphor or as a red phosphor. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. How Extended Is Wernicke’s Area? Meta-Analytic Connectivity Study of BA20 and Integrative Proposal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfredo Ardila


    Full Text Available Understanding the functions of different brain areas has represented a major endeavor of contemporary neurosciences. The purpose of this paper was to pinpoint the connectivity of Brodmann area 20 (BA20 (inferior temporal gyrus, fusiform gyrus in language tasks. A meta-analysis was conducted to assess the language network in which BA20 is involved. The DataBase of Brainmap was used; 11 papers corresponding to 12 experimental conditions with a total of 207 subjects were included in this analysis. Our results demonstrated seven clusters of activation including other temporal lobe areas (BA3, BA21, the insula, and the prefrontal cortex; minor clusters in the cingulate gyrus and the occipital lobe were observed; however, the volumes of all the activation clusters were small. Our results suggest that regardless of BA20 having certain participation in language processes it cannot be considered as a core language processing area (Wernicke’s area; nonetheless, it could be regarded as kind of language processing marginal area, participating in “extended Wernicke’s area” or simply “Wernicke’s system.” It is suggested that “core Wernicke’s area” roughly corresponds to BA21, BA22, BA41, and BA42, while a “language associations area” roughly corresponds to BA20, BA37, BA38, BA39, and BA40 (“extended Wernicke’s area” or “Wernicke’s system”.

  2. Strain induced enhancement of magnetization in Ba{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6} based heterostructure with (Ba{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x})TiO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Kyeong-Won; Norton, David P. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 (United States); Ghosh, Siddhartha, E-mail:; Buvaev, Sanal; Hebard, Arthur F. [Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 (United States)


    High quality epitaxial Ba{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6} thin films and Ba{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6}–(Ba{sub x}Sr{sub 1−x})TiO{sub 3} bi-layer (BL) and superlattice (SL) structures were grown via pulsed laser deposition under low oxygen pressure, and their structural, magnetic, and magneto-transport properties were examined. Superlattice and bi-layer structures were confirmed by X-ray diffraction patterns. Low temperature magnetic measurement shows that the saturation magnetization (M{sub S}) is significantly higher for SLs and almost similar or lower for BLs, when compared to phase pure Ba{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6} thin films. The variation of the coercive field (H{sub C}) follows exact opposite trend, where BL samples have higher H{sub C} and SL samples have lower H{sub C} than pure Ba{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6} thin films. Also, a significant decrease of the Curie temperature is found in both BL and SL structures compared to pure Ba{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6} thin films. Negative magneto-resistance is seen in all the BL and SL structures as well as in pure Ba{sub 2}FeMoO{sub 6} thin films. In contrast to the magnetic properties, the magneto-transport properties do not show much variation with induced strain.

  3. Phase controlled synthesis of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles with high uniformity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, S.F.; Li, Q.; Zu, X.T.; Xiang, X.; Liu, W.; Li, S.


    (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles were successfully synthesized through modifying the atomic ratio of polysaccharide and chelating agent at an optimal sintering temperature. In the process, the polysaccharide plays an important role in drastically shrinking the precursor during the gel drying process. In the metal-complex structure, M"2"+ ion active sites were coordinated by −OH of the water molecules except for EDTA anions. The MFe_2O_4 magnetic nanoparticles exhibited enhanced magnetic properties when compared with nano-MFe_2O_4 of similar particle size synthesized by other synthesis route reported in the literature. In particular, the sintering temperature improves the crystallinity and increases the hysteresis loop squareness ratio of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite nanoparticles significantly. - Graphical abstract: Schematic representation of the proposed model for MFe_2O_4 nanoparticle synthesis, starting from EDTA-chelated M"2"+ (M=Mg, Ca, or Ba) cations (left). High dispersion (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by a modified polyacrylamide gel route. Optimized utilization of polysaccharide, chelating agent, and sintering temperature allowed the formation of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite nanoparticles with a narrow diameter distribution. - Highlights: • We report a modified polyacrylamide gel route to synthesize (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles. • Chelate mechanism of metal ions (Mg, Ca, Ba) and EDTA has been discussed. • Phase transformation process of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrites has been discussed. • The preparation method increases the hysteresis loop squareness ratio of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite nanoparticles.

  4. Isolation of endophyic bacteria from purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina Kds.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tri Widayat


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina Kds. merupakan tanaman obat langka yang berkhasiat sebagai afrodisiak. Tanaman yang mengandung kumarin tersebut berinteraksi dengan bakteri endofi t. Senyawa kumarin dalam industri dimanfaatkan untuk bahan aditif makanan dan parfum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bakteri endofi t dari tanaman purwoceng, menganalisis kemampuan tumbuh bakteri endofi t dalam medium yang mengandung kumarin, dan pengaruh bakteri tersebut terhadap jumlah kumarin dalam medium pertumbuhan.Metode: Isolasi bakteri endofi t dilakukan secara langsung dari akar dan daun purwoceng. Seleksi bakteri endofi t penghasil kumarin dilakukan berdasarkan kemampuan bertahan hidup pada medium cair ammoniumsalt sugar (ASS yang mengandung infusa herba purwoceng. Pengaruh bakteri terhadap jumlah kumarin di dalam medium pertumbuhan diuji melalui percobaan kultivasi isolat bakteri terpilih pada medium yang sama. Jumlah kumarin dalam kultur dideteksi menggunakan teknik kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT.Hasil: Sembilan isolat bakteri endofi t yang berhasil diisolasi dari akar dan daun tanaman purwoceng mampu bertahan hidup pada medium basal yang diberi infusa herba purwoceng dengan waktu generasi (g 2,7-5,07jam dan kecepatan pertumbuhan spesifi k (μ 0,14-0,26/jam. Kultivasi isolat terpilih menunjukkan bahwa BAP5 menghasilkan senyawa dengan Rf 0,27 yang diduga sebagai turunan kumarin. Bakteri BAP5 mampu tumbuh dengan jumlah kumarin 1072 arbitrary unit (AU dalam medium.Kesimpulan: Bakteri endofi t dapat diisolasi dari tanaman purwoceng dan secara in vitro mampu mempertahankan jumlah kumarin yang terkandung di dalam medium. (Health Science Indones 2012;1:31-6Kata kunci: bakteri endofi t, purwoceng, Pimpinella alpina Kds, kumarinAbstractBackground: Purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina Kds. is a medicinal plant species used as aphrodisiac. Like any other plants, the coumarin containing plant probably interacts with endophytic bacteria. Coumarin


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janusz PRUSIŃSKI


    Full Text Available A strict two-factor field ‘Mister’ yellow lupin experiment was made in a split-plot design in poor rye complex soil (soil valuation class IVb at the Experiment Station of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, the University of Technology and Life Sciences at Mochełek over 2008-2011. The experiment design covered 2 factors: growing yellow lupin after intercrops of ‘Bardena’ white mustard and ‘Pastar’ winter rye as well as seed inoculation with Bradyrhizobium lupini with or without genistein added. Growing intercrops in the poor rye complex soil considerably decreased neither the Nmin content in early spring nor the size of nodulation in yellow lupin. After lupin harvest, slightly more Nmin was noted for the treatments where intercrops were applied, especially rye in the 0-30 cm layer. The weather pattern, especially moisture conditions, pointed to a special sensitivity of nodulation to water deficit or excess in the rhizosphere. The method of preparing seeds for sowing did not play a greater role in developing the Nmin content in both soil profile layers analysed. White mustard showed a negative effect on the dry weight of nodules and the total N content in the plants and the seeds of yellow lupin as well as created the least favourable conditions for the survival and the capacity for symbiosis by symbiotic bacteria remaining in soil after lupin harvest. The state of yellow lupin plant nitrogen nutrition did not depend on the experimental factors.

  6. The relationship of structure to superconductivity in the Pr-Ba-Cu-O system (United States)

    Minseo, P.


    The relation of structure to lack of superconductivity in Pr-Ba-Cu-O was systematically investigated. First, the phase equilibria of this system was studied to find the processing parameters which maximize the cation-site ordering between Pr and Ba ions. Second, a comparative study between superconducting Nd-Ba-Cu-O and nonsuperconducting Pr-Ba-Cu-O was performed by forming solid-solution Nd-Pr-Ba-Cu-O. The relation between structure and superconductivity in Nd(1-x)Pr(x)Ba2Cu3O(7-delta) is investigated. T sub c decreases monotonically with increasing x and superconductivity disappears at around x = 0.3 to 0.4. T sub c is enhanced by 10 K when the sample is processed at an oxygen partial pressure (PO2) of 0.01 atm, followed by oxygenation at 450 C. Depression of T sub c as a function of x and PO2 is explained in terms of a charge-transfer model. It is suggested that destruction of superconductivity in the RE(1-x)Pr(x)Ba2Cu3O(7-delta) (RE=rare-earth) system can be viewed as disruption of four-fold planar coordinated Cu ions in the chain-site due to permanent occupation of extra Pr ions on Ba sites.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Mingshun Liu; Haixiang Gao; Xiaomei Fu; Po Ma


    Objectives: To explore applied value on CT and BA in diagnosis of patients with atherothrombotic brain infarction. Methods:CT and BA were examined in 246 patients with atherothrombotic brain infarction. Results:The different change of CT and BA were showed in 246 patients with atherothrombotic brain infarction. Conclusions: There were separately different advantage and shortcoming in CT and BA in diagnosis of atherothrombotic brain infarction. The value of clinical application of BA was important in diagnosis of atherothrombotic brain infarction.

  8. Effect of lithium doping in BaTiO3 ceramics for vibration sensor application (United States)

    Praveen, E.; Murugan, S.; Jayakumar, K.


    Phase pure undoped and Lithium doped BaTiO3 particles have been synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction method. Substitution of Lithium at the Ba2+ site in BaTiO3 lattice has been investigated. The structural, vibrational, electrical and mechanical characterization have been carried out. The poled samples were used as a sensing element for the detection of mechanical oscillations and the presence of 80 Hz pulse in the output spectrum manifest the response of the sensor element to the applied mechanical stress. In comparison with pure BaTiO3 the sensitivity of Li doped BaTiO3 is 14 times greater than the pure BaTiO3. This confirms that Li doped BaTiO3 could be an efficient candidate for the functionalization of vibration sensors in space application.

  9. Growth of BaTiO3-PVDF composite thick films by using aerosol deposition (United States)

    Cho, Sung Hwan; Yoon, Young Joon


    Barium titanate (BaTiO3)-polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) composite thick films were grown by using aerosol deposition at room temperature with BaTiO3 and PVDF powders. To produce a uniform composition in ceramic and polymer composite films, which show a substantial difference in specific gravity, we used PVDF-coated BaTiO3 powders as the starting materials. An examination of the microstructure confirmed that the BaTiO3 were well distributed in the PVDF matrix in the form of a 0 - 3 compound. The crystallite size in the BaTiO3-PVDF composite thick films was 5 ˜ 50 times higher than that in pure BaTiO3 thick films. PVDF plays a role in suppressing the fragmentation of BaTiO3 powder during the aerosol deposition process and in controlling the relative permittivity.

  10. Glass formation and physicochemical properties of glasses of Ba(PO3)2-LiRAlF6 (R=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khalilev, V.D.; Chkhenkeli, G.D.; Vakhrameev, V.I.


    Glass formation regions, crystallizability, optical constants, thermal linear expansion coefficient and IR absorption spectra of glass are studied in Ba(PO) 3 ) 2 - LiRAlF 6 system where R=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba. The carried out investigation confirms participation of introduced fluorides (as modified cryolites) in structural transformations manifested in increase of glass formation regions and nonlinear variations of properties

  11. Crystallization of the HigBA2 toxin-antitoxin complex from Vibrio cholerae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hadǽi, San; Garcia-Pino, Abel; Martinez-Rodriguez, Sergio


    The genome of Vibrio cholerae encodes two higBA toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules that are activated by amino-acid starvation. Here, the TA complex of the second module, higBA2, as well as the C-terminal domain of the corresponding HigA2 antitoxin, have been purified and crystallized. The HigBA2 compl...

  12. Superconductivity of Ba8Si46-xGax clathrates (United States)

    Li, Yang; Zhang, Ruihong; Chen, Ning; Ma, Xingqiao; Cao, Guohui; Luo, Z. P.; Hu, C. R.; Ross, Joseph H., Jr.


    We have presented a combined experimental and theoretical study of the effect of Gallium substitution on the superconductivity of the type I clathrate Ba8Si46-xGax. In Ga-doped clathrates, the Ga state is found to be strongly hybridized with the cage conduction-band state. Ga substitution results in a shift toward to a lower energy, a decrease of density of states at Fermi level, a lowering of the carrier concentration and a breakage of integrity of the sp3 hybridized networks. These play key roles in the suppression of superconductivity. For Ba8Si40Ga6, the onset of the superconducting transition occurs at Tc=3.3 K. The investigation of the magnetic superconducting state shows that Ba8Si40Ga6 is a type II superconductor. The critical magnetic fields were measured to be Hc1=35 Oe and Hc2=8.5 kOe. Our estimate of the lectron-phonon coupling reveals that Ba8Si40Ga6 is a moderate phonon-mediated BCS superconductor.

  13. Growth and scintillation properties of BaMgF4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yanagida, Takayuki; Kawaguchi, Noriaki; Fujimoto, Yutaka; Sugiyama, Makoto; Furuya, Yuki; Kamada, Kei; Yokota, Yuui; Yoshikawa, Akira; Chani, Valery


    By using the micro-pulling down (μ-PD) method, the barium magnesium fluoride (BaMgF 4 ) single crystalline scintillator was produced. The crystal was cut and mirror polished to the physical dimensions of 1x2x10 mm 3 for examination of scintillation properties. BaMgF 4 demonstrated ∼70% transmittance in wavelength range above 170 nm, and strong emission peaking around 205 nm was observed under X-ray excitation. The absolute light yield of BaMgF 4 was 1300±100 ph/MeV, and the decay time profile showed two components as 0.57±0.01 (70%) and 2.2±0.31 (30%) ns at room temperature.

  14. Tomas Peyniri. II. Peynir Örneklerine Katılan P. roqueforti Starter Kültürleri ve Doğal Mikrobiyal Floranın Olgunlaşma Süresince Değişimi

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    H. Hüsnü Gündüz


    Full Text Available Bu araştırmada, Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinin bazı yörelerinde üretilen Tomas peynirinin mikrobiyal florası, olgunlaştırma süresince incelenmiştir. Laboratuvarda üretilen peynir örnekleri, 4 ayrı Penicillium roqueforti suşu ile aşılanmış ve 5±1 oC da 4 ay süre ile olgunlaştırılmıştır. Örnekler, 0., 1., 2., 3. ve 4. aylarda mikrobiyolojik yönden analize tabi tutulmuştur. Uygulanan analizler sonucunda; Tomas peyniri örneklerinde, ortalama 26.14x107 adet/g toplam canlı bakteri, 18.70x107 adet/g toplam süt asidi bakterileri sayımı yapılmıştır. Süt asidi bakterilerinden, Streptococcus lactis (ortalama 5.7x107 adet/g, S. cremoris (ort. 2.9x107 adet/g, S. thermophilus (ort. 2.7x107 adet/g, Lactobacillus bulgaricus (ort. 6.5x107 adet/g ve L. plantarum (ort. 12.1x107 adet/g türleri tanımlanmıştır. Proteolitik bakteri olarak, ortalama 6.5x107 adet/g bakteri saptanmış, lipolitik mikroorganizma olarak ise, Candida lipolytica mayası tanımlanmış ve ortalama olarak 13.3x107 adet/g maya belirlenmiştir. Peynir örneklerinde starter kültür olarak kullanılan P. roqueforti suşlarından başka küf mantarına rastlanmamış olup, bu suşlar için sayısal ortalama değer 99.98x107 adet/g olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, örneklerde, coli grubu bakteriye de rastlanılmamıştır

  15. Improvement of β-phase crystal formation in a BaTiO3-modified PVDF membrane (United States)

    Lin, SHEN; Lei, GONG; Shuhua, CHEN; Shiping, ZHAN; Cheng, ZHANG; Tao, SHAO


    In this paper, low temperature plasma is used to modify the surface of barium titanate (BaTiO3) nanoparticles in order to enhance the interfacial compatibility between ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and BaTiO3 nanoparticles. The results demonstrate that oxygenic groups are successfully attached to the BaTiO3 surface, and the quantity of the functional groups increases with the treatment voltage. Furthermore, the effect of modified BaTiO3 nanoparticles on the morphology and crystal structure of the PVDF/BaTiO3 membrane is investigated. The results reveal that the dispersion of BaTiO3 nanoparticles in the PVDF matrix was greatly improved due to the modification of the BaTiO3 nanoparticles by air plasma. It is worth noting that the formation of a β-phase in a PVDF/modified BaTiO3 membrane is observably promoted, which results from the strong interaction between PVDF chains and oxygenic groups fixed on the BaTiO3 surface and the better dispersion of BaTiO3 nanoparticles in the PVDF matrix. Besides, the PVDF/modified BaTiO3 membrane at the treatment voltage of 24 kV exhibits a lower water contact angle (≈68.4°) compared with the unmodified one (≈86.7°). Meanwhile, the dielectric constant of PVDF/BaTiO3 nanocomposites increases with the increase of working voltage.

  16. BaBar Data Aquisition

    CERN Document Server

    Scott, I; Grosso, P; Hamilton, R T; Huffer, M E; O'Grady, C; Russell, J J


    The BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center is designed to perform a search for CP violation by analysing the decays of a very large sample of B and Bbar mesons produced at the high luminosity PEP-11 accelerator. The data acquisition system must cope with a sustained high event rate, while supporting real time feature extraction and data compression with minimal dead time. The BaBar data acquisition system is based around a common VME interface to the electronics read-out of the separate detector subsystems. Data from the front end electronics is read into commercial VME processors via a custom "personality card" and PCI interface. The commercial CPUs run the Tornado operating system to provide a platform for detector subsystem code to perform the necessary data processing. The data are read out via a non-blocking network switch to a farm of commercial UNIX processors. Careful design of the core data acquisition code has enabled us to sustain events rates in excess of 20 kHz while maintaini...

  17. Effect of Ba in the glass characteristics of cesium loaded iron phosphate glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joseph, Kitheri; Asuvathraman, R.; Vasudeva Rao, P.R.


    Radioactive 137 Cs extracted from high level nuclear waste, when immobilized in a suitable matrix can be used as a γsource in medical industry. Iron phosphate glass (IPG) is one of a suitable matrix for the immobilization of 137 Cs prior to the immobilization of 137 Cs in IPG, it is essential to optimize the immobilization conditions using natural (inactive) cesium. Glass characteristics of inactive Cs loaded iron phosphate glasses were already explored in our earlier studies. However, the change in glass characteristics of 137 Cs loaded iron phosphate glass to 137 Ba loaded iron phosphate glass need to be studied before the immobilization of 137 Cs in iron phosphate glass as 137 Cs transforms to 137 Ba due to nuclear transmutation ( 137 Cs(β,γ) 137 Ba). This paper reports the studies on such a behaviour by incorporating inactive Ba in cesium loaded iron phosphate glasses. Cs and Ba loaded iron phosphate glasses were prepared by melt quench technique in air using appropriate amounts of Fe 2 O 3 , NH 4 H 2 PO 4 , Ba(OH) 2.8 H 2 O and Cs 2 CO 3 . The chemicals were added such that the glass formed possesses the batch composition of (a) 21.4 wt. % Fe 2 O 3 -45 wt. % Cs 2 O-5 wt % BaO-P 2 O 5 (henceforth referred as IP50Cs45Ba5); (b) 21.4 wt. % Fe 2 O 3 -25 wt. % Cs 2 O-25 wt % BaO-P 2 O5 (henceforth referred as IP50Cs25Ba25). The thermal expansion measurements were also carried out using a home-built quartz push-rod dilatometer. The data related to change in thermal expansion behaviour, glass forming ability, glass stability and structural changes in phosphate network due to the partial replacement of Cs with Ba will also be discussed. (author)

  18. The BaBar Software Architecture and Infrastructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cosmo, Gabriele


    The BaBar experiment has in place since 1995 a software release system (SRT Software Release Tools) based on CVS (Concurrent Version System) which is in common for all the software developed for the experiment, online or offline, simulation or reconstruction. A software release is a snapshot of all BaBar code (online, offline, utilities, scripts, makefiles, etc.). This set of code is tested to work together, and is indexed by a release number (e.g., 6.8.2) so a user can refer to a particular release and get reproducible results. A release will involve particular versions of packages. A package generally consists of a set of code for a particular task, together with a GNU makefile, scripts and documentation. All BaBar software is maintained in AFS (Andrew File System) directories, so the code is accessible worldwide within the Collaboration. The combination SRT, CVS, AFS, has demonstrated to be a valid, powerful and efficient way of organizing the software infrastructure of a modern HEP experiment with collaborating Institutes distributed worldwide, both in a development and production phase

  19. Pengaruh Fermentasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia Tepung Gadung Modifikasi (Dioscorea hispida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Haryo Bimo Setiarto


    Full Text Available Yam (Dioscorea hispida is one of the tubers belonging to the family dioscoreaceae. Yam tubers not only have high content of carbohydrate, but also contain some toxic compounds such as: cyanogenic glycosides, alkaloids dioscorin, dehydrodioscorin, saponin and sapogenin. Fermentation of yam tubers can affected for physicochemical and amylography characteristics of modified yam flour and reduced toxic compounds. This study was aimed to determine effect of lactic acid bacteria (LAB fermentation on the physicochemical properties and characteristics of yam flour amilography modification. From the 15 isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum had been selected two isolate (L. plantarum B291 and B307 with the highest amylase enzyme activity to be used as starter fermentation to produce modified yam flour. Fermentation of LAB could reduce levels of HCN on modified yam flour, although decreased levels of HCN was not significant with requirements of SNI. Fermentation of LAB increased levels of protein, fat and lactic acid, but decreased pH value and carbohydrate content in modified yam flour. Based on results of amylography analysis, control of yam flour with shredded without fermentation had the best gelatinization profile because it most resistant about heating.ABSTRAKGadung (Dioscorea hispida merupakan salah satu jenis umbi-umbian yang tergolong dalam family Dioscoreaceae.  Ubi gadung memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi, akan tetapi juga mengandung beberapa senyawa racun berupa glikosida sianogenik, alkaloid dioscorin, dehydrodioscorin, saponin dan sapogenin yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Fermentasi umbi gadung dapat mempengaruhi sifat fisikokimia dan amilografi tepung gadung modifikasi serta menurunkan senyawa toksiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bakteri asam laktat (BAL penghasil amilase terhadap sifat fisikokimia dan amilografi tepung gadung modifikasi. Sebanyak 15 isolat Lactobacillus plantarum telah diseleksi, sehingga

  20. Structural phase transition of BaZrO3 under high pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Xue; Li, Quanjun; Liu, Ran; Liu, Bo; Zhang, Huafang; Jiang, Shuqing; Zou, Bo; Cui, Tian; Liu, Bingbing; Liu, Jing


    We studied the phase transition behavior of cubic BaZrO 3 perovskite by in situ high pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments up to 46.4 GPa at room temperature. The phase transition from cubic phase to tetragonal phase was observed in BaZrO 3 for the first time, which takes place at 17.2 GPa. A bulk modulus 189 (26) GPa for cubic BaZrO 3 is derived from the pressure–volume data. Upon decompression, the high pressure phase transforms into the initial cubic phase. It is suggested that the unstable phonon mode caused by the rotation of oxygen octahedra plays a crucial role in the high pressure phase transition behavior of BaZrO 3

  1. Phase controlled synthesis of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles with high uniformity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, S.F., E-mail: [School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, Sichuan (China); Science and technology on vacuum technology and physics laboratory, Lanzhou Institute of Physics, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu (China); Li, Q. [School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, Sichuan (China); Zu, X.T., E-mail: [Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, Sichuan (China); Xiang, X.; Liu, W. [School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, Sichuan (China); Li, S., E-mail: [School of Material Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052 (Australia)


    (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles were successfully synthesized through modifying the atomic ratio of polysaccharide and chelating agent at an optimal sintering temperature. In the process, the polysaccharide plays an important role in drastically shrinking the precursor during the gel drying process. In the metal-complex structure, M{sup 2+} ion active sites were coordinated by −OH of the water molecules except for EDTA anions. The MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} magnetic nanoparticles exhibited enhanced magnetic properties when compared with nano-MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} of similar particle size synthesized by other synthesis route reported in the literature. In particular, the sintering temperature improves the crystallinity and increases the hysteresis loop squareness ratio of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite nanoparticles significantly. - Graphical abstract: Schematic representation of the proposed model for MFe{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticle synthesis, starting from EDTA-chelated M{sup 2+} (M=Mg, Ca, or Ba) cations (left). High dispersion (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by a modified polyacrylamide gel route. Optimized utilization of polysaccharide, chelating agent, and sintering temperature allowed the formation of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite nanoparticles with a narrow diameter distribution. - Highlights: • We report a modified polyacrylamide gel route to synthesize (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles. • Chelate mechanism of metal ions (Mg, Ca, Ba) and EDTA has been discussed. • Phase transformation process of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrites has been discussed. • The preparation method increases the hysteresis loop squareness ratio of (Mg, Ca, Ba)-ferrite nanoparticles.

  2. Microstructural properties of BaTiO3 ceramics and thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fundora C, A.; Portelles, J.J.; Siqueiros, J.M.


    A microstructural study of BaTiO 3 ceramics obtained by the conventional ceramic method is presented. Targets were produced to grow BaTiO 3 thin films by pulsed laser deposition on Pt/Ti/Si (100) substrates. X-ray diffraction, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, X-ray Photon Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy were used to study the properties of the BaTiO 3 ceramic samples and thin films, as deposited and after an annealing process. (Author)

  3. The Preparation and Characterization of Tourmaline-Containing Functional Copolymer p (VST/MMA/BA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yingmo Hu


    Full Text Available Tourmaline was modified with vinyl triethoxysilane containing double bond to prepare the polymerizable organic vinylsiliconoxyl tourmaline (VST and then copolymerized with methyl methacrylate (MMA and butyl acrylate (BA to produce the tourmaline-containing functional copolymer p (VST/MMA/BA. The structures and morphologies of VST and p (VST/MMA/BA copolymer were characterized by IR, SEM, and EDX. The experimental results indicated that tourmaline was introduced into the copolymer via surface modification and the tourmaline-containing functional copolymer was obtained by a copolymerization process with MMA and BA. The prepared p (VST/MMA/BA copolymer displayed excellent storage stabilities, high far-infrared radiation and negative ion releasing performances, and good mechanical properties.

  4. Perovskite phases in the systems AO-SE/sub 2/O/sub 3/-UO/sub 2,x/ with A=alkaline earth metal and SE=rare earths, La, and Y. VII. The systems Ba/sub 2/CaUO/sub 6/-Ba/sub 2/Gd/sub 0. 67/UO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/CaUO/sub 6/-Ba/sub 2/Y/sub 0. 67/UO/sub 6/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kemmler-Sack, S; Seemann, I; Schittenhelm, H J [Tuebingen Univ. (F.R. Germany). Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie


    The ordered perovskite Ba/sub 2/CaUO/sub 6/ forms a solid solution series with Ba/sub 2/Gdsub(0.67)UO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/Ysub(0.67)UO/sub 6/, respectively. The deviations from the ideal behaviour are studied by X-ray, diffuse reflectance and vibrational methods.

  5. Perovskite phases in the systems AO-SE/sub 2/O/sub 3/-UO/sub 2,x/ with A=alkaline earth metal and SE=rare earths, La, and Y. IX. The systems Ba/sub 2/SrUO/sub 6/-Ba/sub 2/Gd/sub 0. 67/UO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/SrUO/sub 6/-Ba/sub 2/Y/sub 0. 67/UO/sub 6/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kemmler-Sack, S; Seemann, I [Tuebingen Univ. (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische Chemie I


    The ordered perovskite Ba/sub 2/SrUO/sub 6/ forms a solid solution series with Ba/sub 2/Gdsub(0.67)UO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/Ysub(0.67)UO/sub 6/ respectively. The deviations from the ideal behaviour are studied by X-ray, diffuse reflectance and vibrational methods.

  6. Benzo(A)pyrene (BaP) treatment results in complete infertility in female pigeons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hough, J.L.; Darrow, D.; Eaton, J.; Baird, M.B. (Masonic Medical Research Lab., Utica, NY (United States))


    BaP is a carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and a common environmental pollutant. Show Racer and White Carneau female pigeons injected weekly with BaP for 3 for 5 months were completely infertile, with ovaries appearing necrotic or oxidized. Fertility in benzo(e)pyrene (BeP, a noncarcinogenic PAH) treated birds was the same as for corn oil treated controls, as was embryo development. Thus, infertility in BaP treated birds appears to be related to its structure-carcinogenic potential. There was no readily apparent affect of BaP treatment on testes from male birds. In order to determine whether BaP metabolites covalently bind to DNA in the ovaries of these birds, pigeons were injected with BaP or BeP, controls were injected with corn oil. Animals were sacrificed 24h later, the ovaries or testes removed, and the DNA isolated and analyzed for PAH-DNA adducts by {sup 32}P-post labeling assay. One major and one minor PAH-DNA adduct was found in ovaries and testes from BaP treated birds. However, no PAH adducts were found in BeP treated or control animals. Thus, problems with fertility may arise because of the alteration in DNA by BaP metabolite binding in ovaries where rapid cell growth occurs during egg production.

  7. Isothermal cross-sections of Sr-Al-Ge and Ba-Al-Ge systems at 673 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutsenok, N.L.; Yanson, T.I.


    X-ray and microstructural analyses are used to study phase equilibria in Sr-Al-Ge and Ba-Al-Ge systems. Existence of SrAl 2 Ge 2 , Sr(Al, Ge) 2 Ba(Al, Ge) 2 , Sr 3 Al 2 Ge 2 , Ba 3 Al 2 Ge 2 ternary compounds is confirmed, a new BaGe 4 binary compound and also new ternary compounds of approximate composition Sr 57 Al 30 Ge 13 and Ba 20 Al 40 Ge 40 , which crystal structure is unknown, are detected. Aluminium solubility in SrAl 4 and BaAl 4 binary compounds (0.05 atomic fraction) is determined. Ba(Al, Ge) 2 compound homogeneity region is defined more exactly (aluminium content varies from 0.27 to 0.51 at. fractions)

  8. Water adsorption induced in-plane domain switching on BaTiO{sub 3} surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, X.; Bai, Y.; Su, Y. J., E-mail: [Corrosion and Protection Center, Key Laboratory for Environmental Fracture (MOE), University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Wang, B. C. [Corrosion and Protection Center, Key Laboratory for Environmental Fracture (MOE), University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Multiscale Materials Modelling group, Department of Materials and Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, SE-10044 Stockholm (Sweden)


    In this study, the influences of the adsorption of water molecules on the changes in the atomic and electric structures of BaTiO{sub 3} surface were investigated using ab initio calculation. Water molecules are molecularly and dissociatively adsorbed on the BaTiO{sub 3} surface, which makes electrons transfer from water molecules to the BaTiO{sub 3} surface. The redistribution of electrons in the BaTiO{sub 3} surface layers weakens the Ba-O interactions and strengthens the Ti-O interactions, so that the Ti atom shifts in TiO{sub 2} plane, i.e., an in-plane domain switching. The adsorption of water molecules on BaTiO{sub 3} surfaces also results in a reduction in the surface rumpling.

  9. Advances in enlargement of melt-textured Gd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nariki, S; Sakai, N; Kita, M; Fujikura, M; Murakami, M; Hirabayashi, I


    We investigated the fabrication of melt-textured Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors with the employment of a Gd 2 BaO 4 (Gd210)-BaCuO 2 -CuO precursor. This enabled us to synthesize a very large Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor, 140 mm in diameter. The trapped field distribution measured at 77 K revealed that the sample had no serious cracks, and the maximum field was 2.3 T. The formation behaviour and depressing mechanism of cracking were studied using sintered Gd210-containing precursors. The Ba-Cu-O component in the precursor melted at around 900 deg. C. The formation of such a liquid phase enhanced the densification of the precursor by liquid phase sintering. The mechanical strength of the sintered precursor was increased compared to the conventional Gd123-Gd211 precursor. This will be effective in preventing crack formation in the texturing process of large single-grain samples. The superconducting properties of the bulk sample fabricated from Gd210-containing precursor have been discussed

  10. Rattling of Ba-atoms in Ba8ZnxGe43-5x/8([]3-3x/8)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melnychenko, N.; Grytsiv, A.; Rotter, M.; Rogl, P.; Devishvili, A.


    Full text: In order to improve the figure of merit of thermoelectric materials, one of the key parameters to be minimized is the lattice thermal conductivity. It is thus essential for the design of new thermoelectric materials to understand the lattice dynamics, especially the scattering mechanism of low energy phonons. The present paper describes formation, phase relations at subsolidus temperatures as well as at 800 o C, crystal chemistry and physical properties of a series of ternary clathrates as part of the solid solution, Ba 8 Zn x (Ge 43-5x/8[]3-3x/8 ), deriving from binary Ba 8 Ge 43 []3 with a solubility limit of 8 Zn per formula unit at 800 o C. Structural investigations in all cases confirm cubic primitive symmetry with a lattice parameter a ∼ 1.1 nm consistent with the space group type Pm-3n. Studies of transport coefficients evidence electrons as the majority charge carriers in the systems. Thermal conductivity exhibits a pronounced low temperature maximum, dominated by the lattice contribution, while at higher temperatures the electronic part gains weight. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments are used to study the phonon spectrum for Ba 8 Zn 8 Ge 38 . (author)

  11. Carbon-14 immobilization via the CO2-Ba(OH)2 hydrate gas-solid reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haag, G.L.


    For the treatment of an air-based off-gas stream, the use of packed beds of Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O flakes to remove CO 2 has been demonstrated. However, the operating conditions must be maintained between certain upper and lower limits with respect to the partial pressure of water. If the water vapor pressure in the gas is less than the dissociation vapor pressure of Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O, the bed will deactivate. If the vapor pressure is considerably greater, pressure drop problems will increase with increaseing humidity as the particles curl and degrade. Results have indicted that when operated in the proper regime, the bulk of the increase in pressure drop results from the conversion of Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O to BaCO 3 and not from the hydration of the commercial Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O (i.e., Ba(OH) 2 .7.50H 2 O) to Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O

  12. Isolasi dan Identifikasi Mikroba Lipolitik dari Limbah Cair Surimi dan Rajungan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Devi Ambarwati Oktavia


    Full Text Available Industri pengolahan hasil perikanan di sepanjang pantai Utara Jawa seperti pengalengan rajungan di Cirebon (Jawa Barat dan pengolahan surimi di Kendal (Jawa Tengah, menghasilkan air limbah yang mengandung banyak protein dan lemak. Bakteri yang hidup di limbah yang banyak mengandung protein dan lemak tersebut diperkirakan memiliki kemampuan untuk menghidrolisis lemak menjadi asam lemak dan gliserol sehingga berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bioremedian alami bagi penanganan air limbah hasil perikanan di tempat lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penapisan dan identifikasi bakteri lipolitik potensial sebagai bioremedian air limbah perikanan. Penapisan dilakukan terhadap 11 isolat bakteri lipolitik dari air limbah yang diambil dari industri pengalengan rajungan di Cirebon dan pengolahan surimi di Kendal dengan menggunakan media spesifik agar tributirin. Isolat bakteri lipolitik potensial ditentukan berdasarkan zona bening yang terbentuk di sekitar koloni, yaitu sekurang-kurangnya 6 mm. Isolat bakteri potensial ini selanjutnya diidentifikasi secara molekuler berdasarkan analisis sekuen 16S-rDNA. Dari penapisan diperoleh empat isolat bakteri potensial, yaitu isolat SPB, SHj, SOr dan SKn. Identifikasi molekuler menunjukkan bahwa isolat SPB dan SHj masing-masing adalah Serratia fonticola 10AdanBacillus cereus strain 103.2.2dengan kemiripan 97%, isolat SOr memiliki kemiripan 96% dengan Bacillus pumilus strain vit bac1 dan isolat SKn adalah Enterococcus pseudoavium strain L3C21K2dengan kemiripan 87%. Keempat isolat tersebut berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bioremedian pada air limbah dari industri pengolahan hasil perikanan di Indonesia.

  13. The BaBar electromagnetic calorimeter

    CERN Document Server

    Lewandowski, B


    The BaBar electromagnetic calorimeter is a hermetic, total-absorption array of CsI(Tl)-crystals, operated at the asymmetric e sup - e sup + -collider PEP-II at SLAC. The design and the status of the performance as of February 2002 is presented.

  14. Phase formation, structural and microstructural characterization of novel oxynitride-perovskites synthesized by thermal ammonolysis of (Ca,Ba)MoO4 and (Ca,Ba)MoO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logvinovich, D.; Aguirre, M.H.; Hejtmanek, J.; Aguiar, R.; Ebbinghaus, S.G.; Reller, A.; Weidenkaff, A.


    Reactions of AMoO 4 and AMoO 3 (A=Ca 2+ , Ba 2+ ) with ammonia were investigated at 873 K 3 and to study their crystal structure. CaMo(O,N) 3 and BaMo(O,N) 3 were prepared by thermal ammonolysis of the corresponding CaMoO 3 and BaMoO 3 precursors at T=898 and 998 K, respectively. The structural parameters of the oxynitrides were obtained from Rietveld refinements of X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data. CaMo(O,N) 3 crystallizes in the GdFeO 3 distorted perovskite structure with orthorhombic space group Pbnm and a=5.5029(1) A, b=5.5546(1) A, c=7.8248(1) A as determined by X-ray powder diffraction. Its O/N content refined from the neutron diffraction data corresponds to the composition CaMoO 1.7(1) N 1.3(1) . BaMo(O,N) 3 crystallizes in the cubic perovskite structure with space group Pm3-bar m and a=4.0657(1) A as determined by X-ray powder diffraction. Transmission electron microscopy reveals a complex microstructure for both CaMoO 3 and CaMoO 1.7(1) N 1.3(1) represented by twin domains of different orientation. - Graphical abstract: Reactions of AMoO 4 and AMoO 3 (A=Ca 2+ , Ba 2+ ) oxides with ammonia have been studied at T=873-1123 K. Orthorhombic CaMoO 1.7(1) N 1.3(1) (Pbnm) and cubic BaMo(O,N) 3 (Pm3-bar m) were prepared by thermal ammonolysis of the corresponding CaMoO 3 and BaMoO 3 precursors at T=898 and 998 K, respectively. Display Omitted

  15. Evolution of deformation in neutron-rich Ba isotopes up to A =150 (United States)

    Licǎ, R.; Benzoni, G.; Rodríguez, T. R.; Borge, M. J. G.; Fraile, L. M.; Mach, H.; Morales, A. I.; Madurga, M.; Sotty, C. O.; Vedia, V.; De Witte, H.; Benito, J.; Bernard, R. N.; Berry, T.; Bracco, A.; Camera, F.; Ceruti, S.; Charviakova, V.; Cieplicka-Oryńczak, N.; Costache, C.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Creswell, J.; Fernandez-Martínez, G.; Fynbo, H.; Greenlees, P. T.; Homm, I.; Huyse, M.; Jolie, J.; Karayonchev, V.; Köster, U.; Konki, J.; Kröll, T.; Kurcewicz, J.; Kurtukian-Nieto, T.; Lazarus, I.; Lund, M. V.; Mǎrginean, N.; Mǎrginean, R.; Mihai, C.; Mihai, R. E.; Negret, A.; Orduz, A.; Patyk, Z.; Pascu, S.; Pucknell, V.; Rahkila, P.; Rapisarda, E.; Regis, J. M.; Robledo, L. M.; Rotaru, F.; Saed-Samii, N.; Sánchez-Tembleque, V.; Stanoiu, M.; Tengblad, O.; Thuerauf, M.; Turturica, A.; Van Duppen, P.; Warr, N.; IDS Collaboration


    The occurrence of octupolar shapes in the Ba isotopic chain was recently established experimentally up to N =90 . To further extend the systematics, the evolution of shapes in the most neutron-rich members of the Z =56 isotopic chain accessible at present, Ba,150148, has been studied via β decay at the ISOLDE Decay Station. This paper reports on the first measurement of the positive- and negative-parity low-spin excited states of 150Ba and presents an extension of the β -decay scheme of 148Cs. Employing the fast timing technique, half-lives for the 21+ level in both nuclei have been determined, resulting in T1 /2=1.51 (1 ) ns for 148Ba and T1 /2=3.4 (2 ) ns for 150Ba. The systematics of low-spin states, together with the experimental determination of the B (E 2 :2+→0+) transition probabilities, indicate an increasing collectivity in Ba-150148, towards prolate deformed shapes. The experimental data are compared to symmetry conserving configuration mixing (SCCM) calculations, confirming an evolution of increasingly quadrupole deformed shapes with a definite octupolar character.

  16. Stability of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O superconducting thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siegal, M. P. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1421 (United States); Overmyer, D. L. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1421 (United States); Venturini, E. L. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1421 (United States); Padilla, R. R. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1421 (United States); Provencio, P. N. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1421 (United States)


    We report the stability of TlBa{sub 2}CaCu{sub 2}O{sub 7} and Tl{sub 2}Ba{sub 2}CaCu{sub 2}O{sub 8} on LaAlO{sub 3}(100) epitaxial thin films, under a variety of conditions. All films are stable in acetone and methanol and with repeated thermal cycling to cryogenic temperatures. Moisture, especially vapor, degrades film quality rapidly. These materials are stable to high temperatures in either N{sub 2} or O{sub 2} ambients. While total degradation, resulting from Tl depletion, occurs at the same temperatures for both phases, 600 degree sign C in N{sub 2} and 700 degree sign C in O{sub 2}, the onset of degradation occurs at somewhat lower temperatures for TlBa{sub 2}CaCu{sub 2}O{sub 7} than for Tl{sub 2}Ba{sub 2}CaCu{sub 2}O{sub 8}. (c) 1999 Materials Research Society.

  17. Surface structures and dielectric response of ultrafine BaTiO3 particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, B.; Peng, J.L.; Bursill, L.A.


    Characteristic differences are observed for the dielectric response and microstructures of BaTiO 3 nanoscale fine powders prepared using sol gel (SG) and steric acid gel (SAG) methods. The former exhibit a critical size below which there is no paraelectric/ferroelectric phase transition whereas BaTiO 3 prepared via the SAG route remained cubic for all conditions. Atomic resolution images of both varieties showed a high density of interesting surface steps and facets. Computer simulated images of surface structure models showed that the outer (100) surface was typically a BaO layer and that at corners and ledges the steps are typically finished with Ba+2 ions; i.e. the surfaces and steps are Ba-rich. Otherwise the surfaces were typically clean and free of amorphous layers. The relationship between the observed surfaces structures and theoretical models for size effects on the dielectric properties is discussed. (authors)

  18. Identification of the neutron-rich nuclides /sup 147; 148/Ba and half- life determination of the heavy isotopes of Rb, Sr, Y, Cs, Ba and La

    CERN Document Server

    Amiel, S; Nir-El, Y; Shmid, M


    The neutron nuclides /sup 147; 148/Ba were produced in the thermal neutron induced fission of /sup 235/U. A new surface ionization integrated target ion source operating at temperatures in the region of 1800 degrees C permits the measurement of half-lives of isotopes down to about 0.1 sec due to the very fast release of atoms from the target. Isotopes of Rb, Sr, Cs, and Ba were separated by positive surface ionization and their half-lives measured using beta activity detected by a silicon surface barrier detector with a depletion depth of 300 mu . The isotopes /sup 147/Ba and /sup 148/Ba were identified for the first time and their half-lives were found to be 0.72+or-0.07 sec and 0.47+or-0.20 sec, respectively. (0 refs).

  19. Bifunctional properties of hydrothermal synthesized BaMF4 (M = Co, Ni and Zn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farheen N. Sayed


    Full Text Available BaMF4 (M = Co, Ni and Zn samples having orthorhombic structure have been synthesized by a mild hydrothermal method and characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD, magnetic and electrical measurements. Single phase formation of these compounds has been found to be dependent on various factors like reaction time, pH, temperature etc. All the samples showed ferroelectricity, which decreases with increase in temperature. BaMF4 (M = Co, Ni samples show 10-15 times more leakage current compared to that of BaZnF4 at higher applied field. Absence of multivalent ions in BaZnF4 can be the reason for its minimum leakage current. All the samples except, BaZnF4, exhibit weak room temperature ferromagnetism also.

  20. Estimation of the specific mass effect in the isotope shifts of energy levels in the optical spectrum of Ba I and Ba II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pendrill, L.R.


    A graphical method for separating mass and volume effects from purely optical isotope shift data is presented and compared with King's ''bunching'' method. Recent experimental data on isotope shifts for a wide range of spectral lines in the naturally abundant isotopes of Ba I and Ba II are analysed. Some agreement is found with muonic X-ray data concerning the nuclear size for the isotopes 136, 137 and 138, but there is disagreement (over 20%) for the other isotopes. The level isotope shifts are further parameterised in terms of a linear model, and the specific mass effect is decomposed into sums of one-electron and two-electron shift parameters with respect to the inert-gas like ground state of Ba III. (orig.)

  1. Intertextuality in Ba's So Long a Letter and Umunnakwe's Dear ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Intertextuality takes for granted the interdependence of literary texts because every artistic creation is a re-echoing of past knowledge. Mariama Ba's So Long A Letter and Ndubisi Umunnakwe's Dear Ramatoulaye are African examples. This work examines how Ba's So Long A Letter intertextualises with Umunnakwe's Dear ...

  2. A Dubious Distinction? The BA versus the BS in Psychology (United States)

    Pfund, Rory A.; Norcross, John C.; Hailstorks, Robin; Aiken, Leona S.; Stamm, Karen E.; Christidis, Peggy


    Previous studies have documented small differences between the bachelor of arts (BA) and the bachelor of science (BS) psychology degrees in their general education core requirements, particularly mathematics and science courses. But are there differences between the BA and BS degrees within the psychology curriculum? Using data from the…

  3. modified BiFeO3–BaTiO3

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    based perovskite structures lead- free BiFeO3–BaTiO3 solid solutions are popularly studied due to the high Curie temperature (TC). It was reported that the BiFeO3–BaTiO3 system possessed high piezoelectric. ∗. Author for correspondence ...

  4. CeF3(Ba) radiation hard scintillator for electromagnetic calorimeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aseev, A.A.; Devitsin, E.G.; Kozlov, V.A.; Hovepyan, Yu.I.; Potashov, S.Yu.; Sokolovsky, K.A.; Uvarova, T.V.; Vasilchenko, V.G.


    The influence of divalent fluoride dopants BaF 2 , CaF 2 , SrF 2 on radiation and luminescent properties of CeF 3 crystal is studied. A high radiation hardness (>10 8 rad) has been obtained for CeF 3 crystals doped with BaF 2 . (orig.)

  5. Electrodeposition of BaCO3 coatings on stainless steel substrates ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Dedicated to the memory of the late Professor S K Rangarajan. *For correspondence. Electrodeposition of BaCO3 coatings on stainless steel substrates: Oriented growth ... orientation by an interfacial molecular recognition mechanism. BaCO3 has important applications in paint, ceramic, and paper industries. Also it is used ...

  6. Integrated roles of BclA and DD-carboxypeptidase 1 in Bradyrhizobium differentiation within NCR-producing and NCR-lacking root nodules. (United States)

    Barrière, Quentin; Guefrachi, Ibtissem; Gully, Djamel; Lamouche, Florian; Pierre, Olivier; Fardoux, Joël; Chaintreuil, Clémence; Alunni, Benoît; Timchenko, Tatiana; Giraud, Eric; Mergaert, Peter


    Legumes harbor in their symbiotic nodule organs nitrogen fixing rhizobium bacteria called bacteroids. Some legumes produce Nodule-specific Cysteine-Rich (NCR) peptides in the nodule cells to control the intracellular bacterial population. NCR peptides have antimicrobial activity and drive bacteroids toward terminal differentiation. Other legumes do not produce NCR peptides and their bacteroids are not differentiated. Bradyrhizobia, infecting NCR-producing Aeschynomene plants, require the peptide uptake transporter BclA to cope with the NCR peptides as well as a specific peptidoglycan-modifying DD-carboxypeptidase, DD-CPase1. We show that Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens strain USDA110 forms undifferentiated bacteroids in NCR-lacking soybean nodules. Unexpectedly, in Aeschynomene afraspera nodules the nitrogen fixing USDA110 bacteroids are hardly differentiated despite the fact that this host produces NCR peptides, suggesting that USDA110 is insensitive to the host peptide effectors and that nitrogen fixation can be uncoupled from differentiation. In agreement with the absence of bacteroid differentiation, USDA110 does not require its bclA gene for nitrogen fixing symbiosis with these two host plants. Furthermore, we show that the BclA and DD-CPase1 act independently in the NCR-induced morphological differentiation of bacteroids. Our results suggest that BclA is required to protect the rhizobia against the NCR stress but not to induce the terminal differentiation pathway.

  7. Beyond survival: fostering growth and innovation in doctoral study--a concept analysis of the Ba space. (United States)

    Krahe, J A E; Lalley, Cathy; Solomons, Nan M


    This concept analysis examines the Ba space in the context of interdisciplinary doctoral study in nursing and healthcare innovation in a minimal residency program. The authors identified Ba in their small, highly diverse, self-selected doctoral study group and believe Ba is an educational innovation that will prove useful to nursing and healthcare educators. Ba originates from Japanese philosophy and is foundational to the birth and sustainment of environments fostering knowledge creation. Ba manifests in complex environments where participants are emotionally invested and relies on the tacit knowledge of each participant, allowing for synthesis of rationality and intuition. Walker and Avant's concept analysis methodology will explore Ba's centrality to interdisciplinary education. Ba's utility and application in fostering innovation in doctoral study will be illustrated. Ba is a true educational innovation, enriching learning environments promoting interdisciplinary collaboration. Ba permits each member a voice and fosters a safe environment where relationships are created and sustained.

  8. Superconductivity in gallium-substituted Ba8Si46 clathrates (United States)

    Li, Yang; Zhang, Ruihong; Liu, Yang; Chen, Ning; Luo, Z. P.; Ma, Xingqiao; Cao, Guohui; Feng, Z. S.; Hu, Chia-Ren; Ross, Joseph H., Jr.


    We report a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of superconductivity in Ga-substituted type-I silicon clathrates. We prepared samples of the general formula Ba8Si46-xGax , with different values of x . We show that Ba8Si40Ga6 is a bulk superconductor, with an onset at TC≈3.3K . For x=10 and higher, no superconductivity was observed down to T=1.8K . This represents a strong suppression of superconductivity with increasing Ga content, compared to Ba8Si46 with TC≈8K . Suppression of superconductivity can be attributed primarily to a decrease in the density of states at the Fermi level, caused by a reduced integrity of the sp3 -hybridized networks as well as the lowering of carrier concentration. These results are corroborated by first-principles calculations, which show that Ga substitution results in a large decrease of the electronic density of states at the Fermi level, which explains the decreased superconducting critical temperature within the BCS framework. To further characterize the superconducting state, we carried out magnetic measurements showing Ba8Si40Ga6 to be a type-II superconductor. The critical magnetic fields were measured to be HC1≈35Oe and HC2≈8.5kOe . We deduce the London penetration depth λ≈3700Å and the coherence length ξc≈200Å . Our estimate of the electron-phonon coupling reveals that Ba8Si40Ga6 is a moderate phonon-mediated BCS superconductor.

  9. BaMa / Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurak, Raivo, 1949-


    Eesti ülikoolide üleminekust 3+2 süsteemile. Lühend BaMa on tulnud kasutusele seoses Euroopa ülikoolide õppekavade reformimisega ning tähistab õppekava, kus esimese astme läbimise järel omandatakse bakalaureuse- ja teise järel magistrikraad. Õppekavade tüüpidest Eesti ja Euroopa Liidu kõrgkoolides ning Bologna deklaratsioonist

  10. Hexagonal perovskites with cationic vacancies. 21. Structure of Ba/sub 4/Nb/sub 2/WvacantO/sub 12/ and Ba/sub 3/LaNb/sub 3/vacantO/sub 12/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rother, H J; Kemmler-Sack, S; Treiber, U; Cyris, W R [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Anorganische Chemie 2


    Compounds of type Ba/sub 4/M/sub 2/sup(V)WvacantO/sub 12/ and Ba/sub 3/LaM/sub 3/sup(V)vacantO/sub 12/ with Msup(V) = Nb, Ta belong to the group of rhombohedral 12 L stacking polytypes (space group R-3m, sequence (hhcc)/sub 3/). The structure determinations on powder patterns for the Nb compounds gave a refined, intensity related R' value of 6.3% (Ba/sub 4/Nb/sub 2/WvacantO/sub 12/) and 6.6% (Ba/sub 3/LaNb/sub 3/vacantO/sub 12/). The octahedral net consists of blocks of three face connected octahedra with a central void (M/sub 2/vacantO/sub 12/ unit), which are linked to each other through single corner sharing octahedra. In both compounds the M atoms in the M/sub 2/vacantO/sub 12/ groups are displaced in the direction of the central void. The A atoms move in the same direction but the dislocation for A in the hexagonal packed sheets (neighbouring the vacancies) is stronger than in the cubic packed AO/sub 3/ sheets. The results of the vibrational spectroscopic investigations are reported for Ba/sub 4/Nb/sub 2/WvacantO/sub 12/, Ba/sub 4/Ta/sub 2/WvacantO/sub 12/, Ba/sub 3/LaNb/sub 3/vacantO/sub 12/ and Ba/sub 4/CeW/sub 2/vacantO/sub 12/; they are discussed in connection with the factor group analysis.

  11. Adsorption removal of Sr by Barium impregnated 4A Zeolite(BaA) from high radioactive seawater waste

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Eil Hee; Lee, Keun Young; Kim, Kwang Wook; Kim, Ik Soo; Chung, Dong Yong; Moon, Jei Kwon; Choi, Jong Won [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    This study investigated the removal of Sr, which was one of the high radioactive nuclides, by adsorption with Barium (Ba) impregnated 4A zeolite (BaA) from high-radioactive seawater waste (HSW). Adsorption of Sr by BaA (BaA-Sr), in the impregnated Ba concentration of above 20.2wt%, was decreased by increasing the impregnated Ba concentration, and the impregnated Ba concentration was suitable at 20.2wt%. The BaA-Sr adsorption was added to the co-precipitation of Sr with BaSO4 precipitation in the adsorption of Sr by 4A (4A-Sr) within BaA. Thus, it was possible to remove Sr more than 99% at m/V (adsorbent weight/solution volume)=5 g/L for BaA and m/V >20 g/L for 4A, respectively, in the Sr concentration of less than 0.2 mg/L (actual concentration level of Sr in HSW). It shows that BaA-Sr adsorption is better than 4A-Sr adsorption in for the removal capacity of Sr per unit gram of adsorbent, and the reduction of the secondary solid waste generation (spent adsorbent etc.). Also, BaA-Sr adsorption was more excellent removal capacity of Sr in the seawater waste than distilled water. Therefore, it seems to be effective for the direct removal of Sr from HSW. On the other hand, the adsorption of Cs by BaA (BaA-Cs) was mainly performed by 4A within BaA. Accordingly, it seems to be little effect of impregnated Ba into BaA. Meanwhile, BaA-Sr adsorption kinetics could be expressed the pseudosecond order rate equation. By increasing the initial Sr concentrations and the ratios of V/m, the adsorption rate constants (k2) were decreased, but the equilibrium adsorption capacities (qe) were increasing. However, with increasing the temperature of solution, k2 was conversely increased, and qe was decreased. The activation energy of BaA-Sr adsorption was 38 kJ/mol. Thus, the chemical adsorption seems to be dominant rather than physical adsorption, although it is not a chemisorption with strong bonding form.

  12. Stellar neutron capture cross sections of the Ba isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voss, F.; Wisshak, K.; Guber, K.; Kaeppeler, F.; Reffo, G.


    The neutron capture cross sections of 134 Ba, 135 Ba, 136 Ba, and 137 Ba were measured in the energy range from 5 to 225 keV at the Karlsruhe 3.75 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. Neutrons were produced via the 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be reaction by bombarding metallic Li targets with a pulsed proton beam. Capture events were registered with the Karlsruhe 4π Barium Fluoride Detector. Several runs have been performed under different experimental conditions to study the systematic uncertainties, which resulted mainly from the large ratios of total to capture cross sections of up to 400. The cross section ratios were determined with an overall uncertainty of ∼3%, an improvement by factors of five to eight compared to existing data. Severe discrepancies were found with respect to previous results. Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross sections were calculated for thermal energies between kT=10 keV and 100 keV. These stellar cross sections were used in an s-process analysis. For the s-only isotopes 134 Ba and 136 Ba the N s ratio was determined to 0.875±0.025. Hence, a significant branching of the s-process path at 134 Cs can be claimed for the first time, in contrast to predictions from the classical approach. This branching yields information on the s-process temperature, indicating values around T 8 =2. The new cross sections are also important for the interpretation of barium isotopic anomalies, which were recently discovered in SiC grains of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Together with the results from previous experiments on tellurium and samarium, a general improvement of the N s systematics in the mass range A=120 to 150 is achieved. This allows for a more reliable separation of s- and r-process yields, resulting in an improved assignment of the respective contributions to elemental barium that is required for comparison with stellar observations. (orig.) [de

  13. BaFCl:Eu2+, a new phosphor for X-ray-intensifying screens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevels, A.L.N.; Pingault, F.


    A number of phosphors for X-ray-intensifying screens have been evaluated by calculating figures of merit. On use in combination with standard (''blue''-sensitive) X-ray film, BaFCl:Eu 2+ and BaFBr:Eu 2+ give better performance than the traditional CaWO 4 and more recently developed UV or blue-emitting materials (e.g., sulphates and y-oxysulphides). The calculated figures of merit of BaFCl:Eu 2+ or BaFBr:Eu 2+ /standard-film combinations are comparable to those of Gd 2 O 2 S:Tb/green-sensitive X-ray film systems. The preparation of optimal fluorohalide:Eu 2+ phosphors involves proper formation of the host lattice, complete reduction of Eu 3+ ions as well as elimination of afterglow. Measurements on powders and experimental screens indicate that by using BaFCl:Eu 2+ screens in radiography, important dose reductions can be achieved without the necessity of using other than standard (''blue''-sensitive) X-ray films

  14. Rapid preparation of ultrafine BaSO{sub 3} by SO{sub 2} storage material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Fei; Sha, Feng; Qiao, Xian Shu; Zhao, Tian Xiang; Guo, Bo; Zhang, Jian Bin [College of Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Huhhot (Korea, Republic of)


    In this work, a green and efficient process was developed for the preparation of ultrafine BaSO{sub 3} with layered nanostructure surface via the reaction of BaCl{sub 2} with a SO{sub 2} storage material (SO{sub 2}SM) at room temperature. The absorption of SO{sub 2} with equimolar ethylenediamine (EDA) and ethylene glycol (EG) afforded SO{sub 2}SM, which not only offered alkyl sulfite but also released EDA and EG that served as efficient surfactants to promote the formation of BaSO{sub 3} with spherical morphology and porous structure in the process of synthesis of ultrafine BaSO{sub 3}. The factors affecting the morphology and size of BaSO{sub 3} particle were assessed by investigating the effects of SO{sub 2}SM concentration, BaCl{sub 2} concentration, stirring time and speed. It was found that a higher SO{sub 2}SM concentration led to a higher degree of supersaturation, and the particle size of BaSO{sub 3} could be reduced by increasing SO{sub 2}SM concentration. Moreover, under the identified optimal reaction conditions, ultrafine BaSO{sub 3} was obtained with an average diameter of 450 nm. In addition, a plausible formation process of BaSO{sub 3} was proposed to explain the observed reaction results. Overall, the developed process in this work provides an efficient method for the capture, utilization, and conversion of SO{sub 2} into a valuable chemical.

  15. Synthesis of BaTiO3 powder from barium titanyl oxalate (BTO ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    the synthesis of BaTiO3 from the mixture of barium car- bonate and titanium dioxide employing microwave heat- ing. They observed that hypostoichiometric TiO2 (TiO2–x) reacted with BaCO3 in the presence of microwave field at temperature as low as 350°C to give the mixture of hexa- gonal and tetragonal forms of BaTiO3 ...

  16. Daya antibakteri obat kumur chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, fluoride suplementasi zinc terhadap, Streptococcus mutans dan Porphyromonas gingivalis (Antibacterial effect of mouth washes containing chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, fluoride plus zinc on Strep

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Betadion Rizki Sinaredi


    dengan suplementasi zinc. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti efek antibakteri dari obat kumur berbahan aktif chlorhexidine, povidone iodine dan fluoride dengan suplementasi zinc terhadap bakteri campur plak, S. mutans dan P. gingivalis. Metode: Pengukuran efek antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode disk diffusion. Bakteri sampel (bakteri campur plak, Streptococcus mutans dan Porphyromonas gingivalis ditanam secara merata pada cawan petri dengan medium MHA. Cakram kertas yang mengandung obat kumur diletakkan di tengah cawan petri dan diinkubasi selama 24 jam pada suhu 37o C (anaerob untuk P. gingivalis, aerob untuk S.mutans dan bakteri campur. Diameter zona hambat bakteri yang mengelilingi cakram kertas diukur dan dibandingkan antara masing-masing bahan aktif yang terkandung dalam obat kumur. Hasil: Chlorhexidine mempunyai efek antibakteri paling kuat dibanding povidone iodine dan fluoride. Chlorhexidine lebih ampuh menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S.mutans dibanding terhadap bakteri P.gingivalis dan bakteri campur dalam plak, sedang Povidone iodine dan fluoride lebih efektif menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri campur. Simpulan: Obat kumur chlorhexidine lebih efektif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri campur dari plak, Streptococcus mutans dan Porphyromonas gingivalis dibanding povidone iodine dan fluoride dengan suplementasi zinc.

  17. Self-Organized Ni Nanocrystal Embedded in BaTiO3 Epitaxial Film

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    Ge FF


    Full Text Available Abstract Ni nanocrystals (NCs were embedded in BaTiO3 epitaxial films using the laser molecular beam epitaxy. The processes involving the self-organization of Ni NCs and the epitaxial growth of BaTiO3 were discussed. With the in situ monitoring of reflection high-energy electron diffraction, the nanocomposite films were engineered controllably by the fine alternation of the self-organization of Ni NCs and the epitaxial growth of BaTiO3. The transmission electron microscopy and the X-ray diffraction characterization confirmed that the composite film consists of the Ni NCs layers alternating with the (001/(100-oriented epitaxial BaTiO3 separation layers.

  18. submitter Performance simulation of BaBar DIRC bar boxes in TORCH

    CERN Document Server

    Föhl, K; Castillo García, L; Cussans, D; Forty, R; Frei, C; Gao, R; Gys, T; Harnew, N; Piedigrossi, D; Rademacker, J; Ros García, A; van Dijk, M


    TORCH is a large-area precision time-of-flight detector based on the DIRC principle. The DIRC bar boxes of the BaBar experiment at SLAC could possibly be reused to form a part of the TORCH detector time-of-flight wall area, proposed to provide positive particle identification of low momentum kaons in the LHCb experiment at CERN. For a potential integration of BaBar bar boxes into TORCH, new imaging readout optics are required. From the several designs of readout optics that have been considered, two are used in this paper to study the effect of BaBar bar optical imperfections on the detector reconstruction performance. The kaon-pion separation powers obtained from analysing simulated photon hit patterns show the performance reduction for a BaBar bar of non-square geometry compared to a perfectly rectangular cross section.

  19. Melatonin ve Bağışıklık Sistemi


    ÇETİN, E.


    Melatonin, pineal bezin beta adrenerjik reseptörlerinin aktivasyonu ile triptofandan sentezlenen bir hormondur.Üretim ve salınımı karanlık ile başlar ve aydınlıkla sona erer. Melatonin, birçok biyolojik fonksiyonun düzenlenmesinderol oynar. Bu derlemede melatonin hakkında genel bilgiler verilerek, melatoninin lenfoid dokular, humoral bağışıklık,hücresel bağışıklık ve kanser üzerine etkileri tartışılmıştır

  20. Detection of Vibrio harveyi using hemolysin primer in tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon

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    Irma Suriyani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study was aimed to analyze the sensitivity and ability of primer hemolysin in detecting pathogenetic Vibrio on tiger shrimp post-larvae (PL exposed under different exposure times in media inoculated with Vibrio harveyi. The PL of tiger shrimp were infected with 106 cfu/mL of V. harveyi by immersion method for three, six, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. The presence of hemolisin genes was detected by PCR techniques. The electrophoresis detected narrow hemolysin genes after PL were exposed for three and six hours. Clear visible bands of DNA Vibrio were observed for 12 hours of exposure. In contrast, no detected hemolysin gene of Vibrio was observed for PL exposed within 24, 48, and 72 hours. The rapid detection on Vibrio pathogenic for tiger shrimp PL should be conducted within three to 12 hours of exposure. No recommendation in utilizing this rapid detection for tiger shrimp PL exposed beyond 12 hours of V. harveyi. Keywords: specific primer, luminous Vibrio bacteria, pathogenic, PCR method, hemolysin gene  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan atau sensitivitas primer hemolisin dalam mendeteksi Vibrio patogen dengan lama pemaparan berbeda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menginfeksikan Vibrio harveyi pada benur udang dengan metode perendaman pada konsentrasi 106 cfu/mL. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada waktu tiga, enam, 12, 24, 48, dan 72 jam pascainfeksi. Keberadaan gen hemolisin pada bakteri V. harveyi dideteksi menggunakan teknik polymerase chain reaction (PCR. Hasil elektroforesis memperlihatkan bahwa pada pemaparan tiga dan enam jam keberadaan gen hemolisin dari bakteri Vibrio patogen yang diinfeksikan sudah dapat terdeteksi pada benur walaupun masih terlihat tipis. Pada pemaparan 12 jam terlihat sangat jelas pita-pita DNA dari bakteri patogen. Sedangkan pada pemaparan 24, 48, dan 72 jam sudah tidak terdeteksi lagi gen hemolisin dari bakteri Vibrio. Hal ini diduga disebabkan terjadinya penurunan populasi

  1. Phase equilibria, crystal chemistry, electronic structure and physical properties of Ag-Ba-Ge clathrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeiringer, I.; Chen Mingxing [Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Waehringerstr. 42, 1090 Wien (Austria); Bednar, I.; Royanian, E.; Bauer, E. [Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 Wien (Austria); Podloucky, R.; Grytsiv, A. [Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Waehringerstr. 42, 1090 Wien (Austria); Rogl, P., E-mail: [Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Waehringerstr. 42, 1090 Wien (Austria); Effenberger, H. [Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, University of Vienna, A-1090 Wien (Austria)


    In the Ag-Ba-Ge system the clathrate type-{Iota} solid solution, Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub x}Ge{sub 46-x-y{open_square}y}, extends at 800 deg. C from binary Ba{sub 8}Ge{sub 43{open_square}3} ({open_square} is a vacancy) to Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub 5.3}Ge{sub 40.7}. For the clathrate phase (1 {<=} x {<=} 5.3) the cubic space group Pm3-bar n was established by X-ray powder diffraction and confirmed by X-ray single-crystal analyses of the samples Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub 2.3}Ge{sub 41.9{open_square}1.8} and Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub 4.4}Ge{sub 41.3{open_square}0.3}. Increasing the concentration of Ag causes the lattice parameters of the solid solution to increase linearly from a value of a = 1.0656 (x = 0, y = 3) to a = 1.0842 (x = 4.8, y = 0) nm. Site preference determination using X-ray refinement reveals that Ag atoms preferentially occupy the 6d site randomly mixed with Ge and vacancies, which become filled in the compound Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub 4.8}Ge{sub 41.2} when the Ag content increases. At 600 {sup o}C the phase region of the clathrate solution Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub x}Ge{sub 46-x-y{open_square}y} becomes separated from the Ba-Ge boundary and extends from 6.6 to 9.8 at.% Ag. The compound Ba{sub 6}Ge{sub 25} (clathrate type-{Iota}X) dissolves at 800 {sup o}C a maximum of 1.5 at.% Ag. The homogeneity regions of the two ternary compounds BaAg{sub 2-x}Ge{sub 2+x} (ThCr{sub 2}Si{sub 2}-type, 0.2 {<=} x {<=} 0.7) and Ba(Ag{sub 1-x}Ge{sub x}){sub 2} (AlB{sub 2}-type, 0.65 {<=} x {<=} 0.75) were established at 800 deg. C. Studies of transport properties for the series of Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub x}Ge{sub 46-x-y{open_square}y} compounds evidenced that electrons are the predominant charge carriers with the Fermi energy close to a gap. Its position can be fine-tuned by the substitution of Ge by Ag atoms and by mechanical processing of the starting material, Ba{sub 8}Ge{sub 43}. The proximity of the electronic structure at Fermi energy of Ba{sub 8}Ag{sub x}Ge{sub 46-x-y{open_square}y} to a gap is also corroborated by density

  2. BaCO3 mediated modifications in structural and magnetic properties of natural nanoferrites (United States)

    Widanarto, W.; Jandra, M.; Ghoshal, S. K.; Effendi, M.; Cahyanto, W. T.


    Preparing M-type barium hexaferrite and improving the magnetic response of natural ferrites by incorporating barium carbonate (BaCO3) is ever-demanding. Series of barium carbonate doped ferrites with composition (100-x)Fe3O4·xBaCO3 (x=0, 10, 20, 30 wt%) are prepared through solid state reaction method and sintered gradually at temperatures of 800 and 1000 °C. Nanoparticles of natural ferrite and commercial BaCO3 are used as raw materials. Impacts of BaCO3 on structural and magnetic properties of these synthesized ferrites are inspected. The obtained ferrites are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) at room temperature. Uniform barium hexaferrite particles in terms of both morphology and size are not achieved. The average crystallite size of BaFe12O19 is observed to be within 30-600 nm. The sintering process results phase transformation from Fe3O4 (magnetite) to α-Fe2O3 (hematite) and the formation of hexagonal barium ferrite crystals. The occurrence of barium crystal is found to enhance with the increase of BaCO3 concentrations up to 20 wt% and suddenly drop at 30 wt%. Saturation and remanent magnetization of the doped ferrites are significantly augmented up to 16.37 and 8.92 emu g-1, respectively compared to their pure counterpart. Furthermore, the coercivity field is slightly decreased as BaCO3 concentrations are increased. BaCO3 mediated improvements in the magnetic response of natural ferrites are demonstrated.

  3. Topological phases in Ba-Borate glasses (United States)

    Holbrook, Chad; Czaja, Andrew; Boolchand, Punit


    Twelve compositions in the (BaO)x(B2O3)100-x pseudo binary, in the 15% Modulated- DSC and Raman scattering experiments were undertaken systematically as function of BaO content (x). Calorimetric measurements reveal Tg(x) to show a broad maximum and the non-reversing enthalpy to show a Gaussian-like reversibility window2, both centered near x = 28%. Raman scattering displays rich lineshapes with modes similar to those observed in Na-Borates2. Modes near 808 cm-1, 770 cm-1, 740 cm-1 and 705 cm-1 are observed, and identified with breathing modes of pure and mixed rings from characteristic structural groupings2. These preliminary results suggest that glasses at x 30% in the flexible phase. Supported by NSF Grant DMR 08-53957.

  4. BaSi2 formation mechanism in thermally evaporated films and its application to reducing oxygen impurity concentration (United States)

    Hara, Kosuke O.; Yamamoto, Chiaya; Yamanaka, Junji; Arimoto, Keisuke; Nakagawa, Kiyokazu; Usami, Noritaka


    Thermal evaporation is a simple and rapid method to fabricate semiconducting BaSi2 films. In this study, to elucidate the BaSi2 formation mechanism, the microstructure of a BaSi2 epitaxial film fabricated by thermal evaporation has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The BaSi2 film is found to consist of three layers with different microstructural characteristics, which is well explained by assuming two stages of film deposition. In the first stage, BaSi2 forms through the diffusion of Ba atoms from the deposited Ba-rich film to the Si substrate while in the second stage, the mutual diffusion of Ba and Si atoms in the film leads to BaSi2 formation. On the basis of the BaSi2 formation mechanism, two issues are addressed. One is the as-yet unclarified reason for epitaxial growth. It is found important to quickly form BaSi2 in the first stage for the epitaxial growth of upper layers. The other issue is the high oxygen concentration in BaSi2 films around the BaSi2-Si interface. Two routes of oxygen incorporation, i.e., oxidation of the Si substrate surface and initially deposited Ba-rich layer by the residual gas, are identified. On the basis of this knowledge, oxygen concentration is decreased by reducing the holding time of the substrate at high temperatures and by premelting of the source. In addition, X-ray diffraction results show that the decrease in oxygen concentration can lead to an increased proportion of a-axis-oriented grains.

  5. Concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn in Brazil nuts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armelin, Maria José A.; Maihara, Vera A.; Cardoso, Paulo S.; Saiki, Mitiko [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Cozollino, Silvia M.F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade de São Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas


    The concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn were determined in samples of Brazil nuts collected in two ways: a) in a production farm predominantly for export and, b) in various points of sale from different regions of Brazil. Instrumental neutron activation analysis was the analytical technique used in this study. Results indicate that the concentrations of Se and Ba varied greatly among the Brazil nut samples analyzed. This large variability may be related to the soil characteristics from which the nuts were produced. An inverse correlation was observed between the concentrations of Se and Ba. On the other hand, the concentrations of Zn and Mn did not show significant differences among these samples. (author)

  6. Concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn in Brazil nuts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armelin, Maria José A.; Maihara, Vera A.; Cardoso, Paulo S.; Saiki, Mitiko; Cozollino, Silvia M.F.


    The concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn were determined in samples of Brazil nuts collected in two ways: a) in a production farm predominantly for export and, b) in various points of sale from different regions of Brazil. Instrumental neutron activation analysis was the analytical technique used in this study. Results indicate that the concentrations of Se and Ba varied greatly among the Brazil nut samples analyzed. This large variability may be related to the soil characteristics from which the nuts were produced. An inverse correlation was observed between the concentrations of Se and Ba. On the other hand, the concentrations of Zn and Mn did not show significant differences among these samples. (author)

  7. Growth and scintillation properties of BaMgF{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yanagida, Takayuki, E-mail: [Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Kawaguchi, Noriaki [Tokuyama Corporation, Shibuya 3-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8383 (Japan); Fujimoto, Yutaka; Sugiyama, Makoto; Furuya, Yuki; Kamada, Kei; Yokota, Yuui [Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Yoshikawa, Akira [Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe), Tohoku University, 6-6-10 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579 (Japan); Chani, Valery [Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan)


    By using the micro-pulling down ({mu}-PD) method, the barium magnesium fluoride (BaMgF{sub 4}) single crystalline scintillator was produced. The crystal was cut and mirror polished to the physical dimensions of 1x2x10 mm{sup 3} for examination of scintillation properties. BaMgF{sub 4} demonstrated {approx}70% transmittance in wavelength range above 170 nm, and strong emission peaking around 205 nm was observed under X-ray excitation. The absolute light yield of BaMgF{sub 4} was 1300{+-}100 ph/MeV, and the decay time profile showed two components as 0.57{+-}0.01 (70%) and 2.2{+-}0.31 (30%) ns at room temperature.

  8. Effect of Ba ions on the growth and mitochondrial metabolism of Mung bean seedlings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minton, G A; Wilson, R H


    The presence of high concentrations of BaCl/sub 2/ in vermiculite grown Mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) resulted in a reduction in shoot growth compared with plants grown in equivalent concentrations of CaCl/sub 2/. A high level of Ba ion was found in the mitochondria from plants grown at high Ba ion concentrations. Respiration rates of isolated mitochondria from plants grown at high levels of Ba were more rapid with all substrates tested, while the coupling parameters, including respiratory control with all substrates tested and ADP/O ratios with pyruvate-malate were partially reduced. These results are discussed as a possible mechanism of inhibition of plants grown in high-Ba soils. 12 references, 1 figure, 3 tables.

  9. Audit Secara Prospektif terhadap Antimicrobial Stewardship Program pada Pasien Kanker Payudara di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yelly Oktavia Sari


    Full Text Available Pembedahan yang digunakan sebagai bagian dari pengobatan kanker payudara memiliki potensi risiko infeksi karena pengaruh flora normal pada tubuh dan udara di lingkungan rawat inap. Keefektifan suatu antibiotik dipengaruhi oleh resistensi bakteri terhadap antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pola bakteri, pola sensitifitas antibiotik dan pola penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien kanker payudara di bangsal bedah RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang pada bulan April - September 2017. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara prospektif menggunakan metode observasi yang bersifat deskriptif. Pola bakteri pada pasien ditemukan Staphylococcus aureus dan Klebsiella sp. sedangkan pada udara ditemukan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis dan Klebsiella sp. Berdasarkan pola sensitifitas bakteri terhadap antibiotik  selama bulan April-Mei 2017 maka yang tergolong baik (>80% adalah amoksisilin/asam klavulanat dan meropenem sementara pada bulan Agustus-September 2017 adalah meropenem. Pola sensitifitas bakteri udara selama bulan April-Mei 2017 tidak ditemukan yang tergolong baik sedangkan pada bulan Agustus-September 2017 adalah gentamisin, siprofloksasin dan meropenem. Dari total pasien sebanyak 32 orang, yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi hanya 7 orang pasien. Pola penggunaan antibiotik terbanyak pada pasien adalah seftriakson dengan jumlah 7(77,8% dan terjadi perubahan pola sensitifitas antibiotik seftriakson pada bulan April - Mei 2017 yaitu sensitif (66,7% menjadi (33,3% pada bulan Agustus-September 2017. Evaluasi kerasionalan penggunaan antibiotik, diperoleh 6(66,7% tepat obat, 9(100% tepat dosis, 7(77,8% tepat lama pemberian 9(100% tepat rute,7(100% tepat pasien dan 4(45,1% tepat indikasi serta potensi interaksi obat sebanyak 1(14,3% yaitu potensi minor.

  10. Effect of BaSi2 template growth duration on the generation of defects and performance of p-BaSi2/n-Si heterojunction solar cells (United States)

    Yachi, Suguru; Takabe, Ryota; Deng, Tianguo; Toko, Kaoru; Suemasu, Takashi


    We investigated the effect of BaSi2 template growth duration (t RDE = 0-20 min) on the defect generation and performance of p-BaSi2/n-Si heterojunction solar cells. The p-BaSi2 layer grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) was 15 nm thick with a hole concentration of 2 × 1018 cm-3. The conversion efficiency η increased for films grown at long t RDE, owing to improvements of the open-circuit voltage (V OC) and fill factor (FF), reaching a maximum of η = 8.9% at t RDE = 7.5 min. However, η decreased at longer and shorter t RDE owing to lower V OC and FF. Using deep-level transient spectroscopy, we detected a hole trap level 190 meV above the valence band maximum for the sample grown without the template (t RDE = 0 min). An electron trap level 106 meV below the conduction band minimum was detected for a sample grown with t RDE = 20 min. The trap densities for both films were (1-2) × 1013 cm-3. The former originated from the diffusion of Ba into the n-Si region; the latter originated from defects in the template layer. The crystalline qualities of the template and MBE-grown layers were discussed. The root-mean-square surface roughness of the template reached a minimum of 0.51 nm at t RDE = 7.5 min. The a-axis orientation of p-BaSi2 thin films degraded as t RDE exceeded 10 min. In terms of p-BaSi2 crystalline quality and solar cell performance, the optimum t RDE was determined to be 7.5 min, corresponding to approximately 4 nm in thickness.

  11. The BaBar instrumented flux return performance: lessons learned

    CERN Document Server

    Anulli, F; Baldini, R; Band, H R; Bionta, R; Brau, J E; Brigljevic, V; Buzzo, A; Calcaterra, A; Carpinelli, M; Cartaro, C; Cavallo, N; Crosetti, G; De Nardo, Gallieno; De Sangro, R; Eichenbaum, A; Fabozzi, F; Falciai, D; Ferrarotto, F; Ferroni, F; Finocchiaro, G; Forti, F; Frey, R; Gatto, C; Graug; Iakovlev, N I; Iwasaki, M; Johnson, J R; Lange, D J; Lista, L; Lo Vetere, M; Lü, C; Macri, M; Messner, R; Moore, T B; Morganti, S; Neal, H; Neri, N; Palano, A; Paoloni, E; Paolucci, P; Passaggio, S; Pastore, F C; Patteri, P; Peruzzi, I; Piccolo, D; Piccolo, M; Piredda, G; Robutti, E; Roodman, A; Santroni, A; Sciacca, C; Sinev, N B; Soha, A; Strom, D; Tosi, S; Vavra, J; Wisniewski, W J; Wright, D M; Xie, Y; Zallo, A


    The BaBar Collaboration has operated an instrumented flux return (IFR) system covering over 2000 m sup 2 with resistive plate chambers (RPCs) for nearly 3 years. The chambers are constructed of bakelite sheets separated by 2 mm. The inner surfaces are coated with linseed oil. This system provides muon and neutral hadron detection for BaBar. Installation and commissioning were completed in 1998, and operation began mid-year 1999. While initial performance of the system reached design, over time, a significant fraction of the RPCs demonstrated significant degradation, marked by increased currents and reduced efficiency. A coordinated effort of investigations have identified many of the elements responsible for the degradation. This article presents our current understanding of the aging process of the BaBar RPCs along with the action plan to combat performance degradation of the IFR system.

  12. The new barium mercuride BaHg6 and ternary indium and gallium derivatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wendorff, Marco; Röhr, Caroline


    Highlights: ► The new binary Hg-rich mercuride BaHg 6 crystallizes with a singular structure type. ► Ternary In substituted compounds are isotypic, whereas Ga substituted compounds are only structurally related. ► Structure relation to other Hg-rich alkali and alkaline earth mercurides. ► Discussion of covalent and metallic bonding aspects, as found by structure features and band structure calculations. - Abstract: The new binary barium mercuride BaHg 6 and the derived ternary indium and gallium containing compounds BaIn 1.2 Hg 4.8 and BaGa 0.8 Hg 5.2 were synthesized from melts of the elements, which were slowly cooled from 500 to 200 °C. Their crystal structures have been determined by means of single crystal X-ray diffraction. The binary mercuride BaHg 6 (Pnma, a = 1338.9(3), b = 519.39(13), c = 1042.6(4) pm, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0885) and the isotypic indium substituted compound BaIn 1.2 Hg 4.8 as well as the structurally related gallium mercuride BaGa 0.8 Hg 5.2 (Cmcm, a = 729.77(7), b = 1910.1(2), c = 507.48(5) pm, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0606) crystallize with new structure types. Common features of both structures are planar nets of five- and eight-membered Hg rings, stacked perpendicular to the shortest axes. According to their lengths, the Hg–Hg bonds can be classified into three groups: strong, short ones (I, 285–292 pm), which are only found inside the nets, and longer distances (II), still carrying bond critical points, around 300 pm. Further contacts (III) serve to complete the coordination spheres of Hg/M (320–358 pm). The overall coordination numbers of Hg/M range from 10 to 13. The Ba cations are positioned in the centers of the octagons of the Hg/M nets, thus exhibiting a 5:8:5, i.e. 18, coordination by Hg/M atoms. DFT calculations of the electronic band structure of pure BaHg 6 and ordered models of the indium ( ′ BaInHg 5 ′ ) and the gallium ( ′ BaGaHg 5 ′ ) mercurides were performed using the FP-LAPW method. The calculated Bader charges

  13. Thermodynamic model for the solubility of BaSeO4(cr) in the aqueous Ba2+-SeO42--Na+-H+-OH--H2O system. Extending to high selenate concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rai, Dhanpat; Felmy, Andrew R.; Kitamura, Akira; Yoshikawa, Hideki; Doi, Reisuke; Yoshida, Yasushi; Moore, Dean A.


    The aqueous solubility of BaSeO 4 (cr) was studied at 23 ± 2 C as a function of Na 2 SeO 4 concentrations (0.0001 to 4.1 mol kg -1 ) and equilibration periods (3 to 596 d). The equilibrium, approached from both the under- and over-saturation directions, in this system was reached rather rapidly (≤ 3d). The SIT and Pitzer's ion-interaction models were used to interpret these data and the predictions based on both of these models agreed closely with the experimental data. Thermodynamic analyses of the data show that BaSeO 4 (cr) is the solubility-controlling phase for Na 2 SeO 4 concentrations -1 . The log 10 K 0 value for the BaSeO 4 (cr) solubility product (BaSeO 4 (cr) ↔ Ba 2+ + SeO 4 2- ) calculated by the SIT and Pitzer models were very similar (-7.32 ± 0.07 with Pitzer and -7.25 ± 0.11 with SIT). Although the BaSeO 4 (cr) solubility product and Ba concentrations as a function of Na 2 SeO 4 concentrations predicted by both the SIT and Pitzer models are similar, the models required different sets of fitting parameters. For examples, (1) interpretations using the SIT model required the inclusion of Ba(SeO 4 ) 2 2- species with log 10 K 0 = 3.44 ± 0.12 for the reaction (Ba 2+ + 2SeO 4 2- ↔ Ba(SeO 4 ) 2 2- ), whereas these species are not needed for Pitzer model, and (2) at Na 2 SeO 4 concentrations > 0.59 mol kg -1 it was also possible to calculate the value for log 10 K 0 for the solubility product of a proposed double salt (Na 2 Ba(SeO 4 ) 2 (s) ↔ 2Na + + Ba 2+ + 2SeO 4 2- ) which for the SIT model is -(8.70 ± 0.29) whereas for the Pitzer model it is -(9.19 ± 0.19). The ion-interaction/ion-association parameters hitherto unavailable for both the SIT and Pitzer models required to fit these extensive data extending to as high ionic strengths as 12.3 mol kg -1 were determined. The model developed in this study is consistent with all of the reliable literature data, which was also used to extend the model to barium concentrations as high as 0.22 mol kg

  14. Preparation and self-assembly of nanostructured BaCrO4 from CTAB reverse microemulsions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Zhonghao; Zhang Jianling; Du Jimin; Han Buxing; Mu Tiancheng; Gao Yanan; Liu Zhimin


    Well-defined superstructures of rectangular-shaped BaCrO 4 and extensive network of BaCrO 4 nanoparticles constructed by self-assembly were prepared in cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) reverse microemulsions. The effects of aging time and reactant concentrations on the morphology and the self-assemble pattern of the nanostructured BaCrO 4 were investigated. TEM combined with the electron diffraction was used to characterize the morphology and the crystal structure of the prepared nanostructured BaCrO 4 at different conditions

  15. Muon spin depolarization in Gd- and EuBa2Cu3Ox

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooke, D.W.; Hutson, R.L.; Kwok, R.S.; Maez, M.; Rempp, H.; Schillaci, M.E.; Smith, J.L.; Willis, J.O.; Lichti, R.L.; Chan, K.C.; Boekema, C.; Weathersby, S.; Oostens, J.


    Positive muon spin rotation (μSR) measurements on Gd- and EuBa 2 Cu 3 O x (x ∼ 7) have been conducted in the temperature interval 4 - 300 K. For each sample, muons stop both at grain boundaries and within the superconducting grains. Measured magnetic field penetration depths are 1550 and 1900 Angstrom for two specimens of GdBa 2 Cu 3 O x , and 1350 Angstrom for EuBa 2 Cu 3 O x

  16. Dependence of transfer number of fluorine on cation type in glasses of Ba(PO3)2-MeF2 systems (Me=Ba,Sr,Ca,Mg)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pronkin, A.A.


    The influence of Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg cations on transfer numbers of fluorine in glasses of Ba(PO 3 ) 2 - MeF 2 pseudobinary systems is studied. Transfer numbers are essentially different in one and the same fluorine ion concentration in glasses, containing various alkali-earth cations: increase of the cation field force brings about decrease of the transfer numbers of fluorine, and the glass-formation region in the Ba-Sr-Ca-Mg series rises. The dependence of transfer numbers of fluorine on the fluorine concentration logarithm is presented. It is established, that alkali-earth metals influence the transfer numbers of fluorine on account of selective interaction with the phosphate constituent of glass structure

  17. Characterization of the insulator barrier and the superconducting transition temperature in GdBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7−δ}/BaTiO{sub 3} bilayers for application in tunnel junctions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Navarro, H., E-mail:; Sirena, M.; Haberkorn, N. [Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo and CNEA, 8400 Bariloche (Argentina); Centro Atómico Bariloche, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Av. Bustillo 9500, 8400 San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina); Yang, Ilkyu [Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Jeehoon [Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); CALDES, Institute for Basic Science, Pohang (Korea, Republic of)


    The optimization of the superconducting properties in a bottom electrode and the quality of an insulator barrier are the first steps in the development of superconductor/insulator/superconductor tunnel junctions. Here, we study the quality of a BaTiO{sub 3} tunnel barrier deposited on a 16 nm thick GdBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7−δ} thin film by using conductive atomic force microscopy. We find that the tunnel current is systematically reduced (for equal applied voltage) by increasing the BaTiO{sub 3} barrier thickness between 1.6 and 4 nm. The BaTiO{sub 3} layers present an energy barrier of ≈1.2 eV and an attenuation length of 0.35–0.5 nm (depending on the applied voltage). The GdBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7−δ} electrode is totally covered by a BaTiO{sub 3} thickness above 3 nm. The presence of ferroelectricity was verified by piezoresponse force microscopy for a 4 nm thick BaTiO{sub 3} top layer. The superconducting transition temperature of the bilayers is systematically suppressed by increasing the BaTiO{sub 3} thickness. This fact can be associated with stress at the interface and a reduction of the orthorhombicity of the GdBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7−δ}. The reduction in the orthorhombicity is expected by considering the interface mismatch and it can also be affected by reduced oxygen stoichiometry (poor oxygen diffusion across the BaTiO{sub 3} barrier)

  18. The Synthesis of BaAl2O4 Powder with High Surface Area%高比表面积BaAl2O4粉体合成研究

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    乔彦辉; 顾士甲; 王明辉; 田元; 李欢; 江莞


    BaAl2O4是优良的NOx存储催化剂材料,同时也是一种理想的荧光基体材料,受到了研究人员的广泛关注.但是一般的BaAl2O4粉体由于比表面积相对较小,使用受到了限制.虽然纳米颗粒有大的比表面积,但其团聚的缺陷严重限制了其应用.本文采用了一种简单的软模板法合成了BaAl2O4粉体.该粉体经过XRD表征表明为BaAl2O4,经BET表征具有较大比表面积.BaAl2O4粉体不仅化学稳定性好,而且具有相对较大的比表面积.其合成方法节省能源、生产效率高,在特定场合极有可能替代普通粉体做实际应用.%BaAl2O4 is an excellent NOx storage catalyst material. At the same time, it is also an ideal fluorescent matrix material and draws extensive attention. However, the general BaAl2O4 powder is limited by the relatively small surface area. Although the nanoparticles have larger surface area, the defect of their aggregation severely limits their applications. In this study, BaAl2O4 powder was synthesized by a simple soft template method, which not only had a good chemical stability, but also had a relatively large surface area. After characterizing by XRD, BET and TEM, the powder proved exactly the BaAl2O4 with a larger surface area. The synthesis method in this paper has high production efficiency and energy efficiency, and the powder is likely to replace the commonly-used powder on particular occasions.

  19. An overview of the metabolic differences between Bradyrhizobium japonicum 110 bacteria and differentiated bacteroids from soybean (Glycine max) root nodules: an in vitro 13C- and 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vauclare, Pierre; Bligny, Richard; Gout, Elisabeth; Widmer, Francois


    Bradyrhizobium japonicum is a symbiotic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria that induce root nodules formation in legume soybean (Glycine max.). Using 13 C- and 31 P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we have analysed the metabolite profiles of cultivated B. japonicum cells and bacteroids isolated from soybean nodules. Our results revealed some quantitative and qualitative differences between the metabolite profiles of bacteroids and their vegetative state. This includes in bacteroids a huge accumulation of soluble carbohydrates such as trehalose, glutamate, myo-inositol and homo-spermidine as well as Pi, nucleotide pools and intermediates of the primary carbon metabolism. Using this novel approach, these data show that most of the compounds detected in bacteroids reflect the metabolic adaptation of rhizobia to the surrounding microenvironment with its host plant cells. (authors)

  20. Electrical properties and structure of glasses in the Ba(PO3)2-MF2 systems, where M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sokolov, I.A.; Tarlakov, Yu.P.; Murin, I.V.; Pronkin, A.A.


    Using the methods of conductometry and IR spectroscopy the concentrational dependences of electric conductivity are studied, the nature of current carriers is determined, the concentrational dependence of transfer numbers is ascertained and structural changes in glasses of the system Ba(PO 3 ) 2 -MF 2 (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba), depending on MF 2 content, are considered. It is shown that F - ions take part in electric current transfer. Influence of crystallochemical nature of alkaline-earth cations on physicochemical properties and structure of the glasses studied is analyzed [ru

  1. The Impact of Different Permissible Exposure Limits on Hearing Threshold Levels Beyond 25 dBA. (United States)

    Sayapathi, Balachandar S; Su, Anselm Ting; Koh, David


    Development of noise-induced hearing loss is reliant on a few factors such as frequency, intensity, and duration of noise exposure. The occurrence of this occupational malady has doubled from 120 million to 250 million in a decade. Countries such as Malaysia, India, and the US have adopted 90 dBA as the permissible exposure limit. According to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the exposure limit for noise is 90 dBA, while that of the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is 85 dBA for 8 hours of noise exposure. This study aimed to assess the development of hearing threshold levels beyond 25 dBA on adoption of 85 dBA as the permissible exposure limit compared to 90 dBA. This is an intervention study done on two automobile factories. There were 203 employees exposed to noise levels beyond the action level. Hearing protection devices were distributed to reduce noise levels to a level between the permissible exposure limit and action level. The permissible exposure limits were 90 and 85 dBA in factories 1 and 2, respectively, while the action levels were 85 and 80 dBA, respectively. The hearing threshold levels of participants were measured at baseline and at first month of postshift exposure of noise. The outcome was measured by a manual audiometer. McNemar and chi-square tests were used in the statistical analysis. We found that hearing threshold levels of more than 25 dBA has changed significantly from pre-intervention to post-intervention among participants from both factories (3000 Hz for the right ear and 2000 Hz for the left ear). There was a statistically significant association between participants at 3000 Hz on the right ear at 'deteriorated' level ( χ² (1) = 4.08, φ = - 0.142, P = 0.043), whereas there was worsening of hearing threshold beyond 25 dBA among those embraced 90 dBA. The adoption of 85 dBA as the permissible exposure limit has preserved hearing threshold level among participants at 3000 Hz

  2. Nuclear charge radii and nuclear moments of neutron deficient Ba isotopes from high resolution laser spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nowicki, G.; Bekk, K.; Goering, S.; Hanser, A.; Rebel, H.; Schatz, G.


    Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure of the BaI 6s 2 1 S 0 -6s6p 1 P 1 transitions (lambda = 553.6 nm) in neutron deficient Ba nuclides (N 131 Ba, 128 Ba, in addition to remeasurements of all stable Ba nuclides. The extracted values of delta 2 >, the observed odd-even staggering and the nuclear moments are discussed in the light of other theoretical and experimental nuclear structure studies of the region 50 [de

  3. Variations of force constants, M-O distances and bond order in solid solutions between Ba/sub 2/MgUO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/MgWO/sub 6/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kemmler-Sack, S; Fadini, A [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Chemie


    In solid solutions between the 1:1 ordered perovskites Ba/sub 2/MgUO/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/MgWO/sub 6/ (system Ba/sub 2/MgUsub(1-x)Wsub(x)O/sub 6/) the force constants of the UO/sub 6/ and WO/sub 6/ octahedras are variied. The valence force constants fsub(MO) tend to adjust for each x. The bond order and the M-O distances are reported as well.

  4. Effect of Sucrose as Carbon Source and Probiotic Administrations on Bacterial Population Dinamic and Water Quality in White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei Culture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    . Sukenda


    dilakukan penambahan sumber karbon (sukrosa, penambahan probiotik dan penambahan sukrosa + probiotik pada masing-masing wadah yang berisi 25 liter air dan udang Vanamei, Litopenaeus vannamei. Pakan yang diberikan berupa pellet komersial dengan kadar protein 30% setiap hari sebanyak 5% dari biomassa awal. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa populasi bakteri pada media budidaya meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya waktu pemeliharaan. Peningkatan jumlah populasi bakteri ini diikuti oleh semakin menurunnya nilai DO secara umum. Selain bakteri heterohof, tumbuh juga bakteri golongan Vibrio dengan persentase kemunculan yang berbeda pada setiap perlakuan. Penambahan sukrosa dalam media budidaya mendukung proliferasi bakteri secara umum, heterotrof, probiotik dan golongan Vibrio. Secara spesifik, timbul juga interaksi antara bakteri probiotik dengan bakteri Vibrio. Tumbuhnya bakteri probiotik berimplikasi negatif terhadap populasi Vibrio. Selain itu pertumbuhan bakteri secara umum juga berimplikasi terhadap fluktuasi kadar amonia perairan. Kata kunci : karbon, sukrosa, probiotik, udang vaname, Litopenaeus vannamei

  5. Sediment pollution in margins of the Lake Guaíba, Southern Brazil. (United States)

    de Andrade, Leonardo Capeleto; Tiecher, Tales; de Oliveira, Jessica Souza; Andreazza, Robson; Inda, Alberto Vasconcellos; de Oliveira Camargo, Flávio Anastácio


    Sediments are formed by deposition of organic and inorganic particles on depth of water bodies, being an important role in aquatic ecosystems, including destination and potential source of essential nutrients and heavy metals, which may be toxic for living organisms. The Lake Guaíba supplies water for approximately two million people and it is located in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the sediment pollution in the margins of Lake Guaíba in the vicinity of Porto Alegre city. Surface sediment was sampled in 12 sites to assess the concentration of several elements (C, N, P, Fe, Al, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Ba, Zn, V, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, Cd, Mo, and Se) and the mineralogical composition. Sediment in margins of Lake Guaíba presented predominantly (> 95%) sandy fraction in all samples, but with significant differences between evaluated sites. Sediments in the margins of Lake Guaíba showed indications of punctual water pollution with Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, TOC, TKN, and P, mainly derived from urban streams that flow into the lake. In order to solve these environmental liabilities, public actions should not focus only on Guaíba, but also in the streams that flow into the lake.

  6. Photoluminescent BaMoO4 nanopowders prepared by complex polymerization method (CPM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azevedo Marques, Ana Paula de; Melo, Dulce M.A. de; Paskocimas, Carlos A.; Pizani, Paulo S.; Joya, Miryam R.; Leite, Edson R.; Longo, Elson


    The BaMoO 4 nanopowders were prepared by the Complex Polymerization Method (CPM). The structure properties of the BaMoO 4 powders were characterized by FTIR transmittance spectra, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectra, photoluminescence spectra (PL) and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM). The XRD, FTIR and Raman data showed that BaMoO 4 at 300 deg. C was disordered. At 400 deg. C and higher temperature, BaMoO 4 crystalline scheelite-type phases could be identified, without the presence of additional phases, according to the XRD, FTIR and Raman data. The calculated average crystallite sizes, calculated by XRD, around 40 nm, showed the tendency to increase with the temperature. The crystallite sizes, obtained by HR-SEM, were around of 40-50 nm. The sample that presented the highest intensity of the red emission band was the one heat treated at 400 deg. C for 2 h, and the sample that displayed the highest intensity of the green emission band was the one heat treated at 700 deg. C for 2 h. The CPM was shown to be a low cost route for the production of BaMoO 4 nanopowders, with the advantages of lower temperature, smaller time and reduced cost. The optical properties observed for BaMoO 4 nanopowders suggested that this material is a highly promising candidate for photoluminescent applications

  7. Positron annihilation lifetime study of positive temperature coefficient BaTiO3 samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ling Chen; Mingkang Teng; Guanghou Wang; Xiaoyun Li; Tianchang Lu


    In order to investigate the doped vacancies in BaTiO 3 samples as well as their influence on the positive temperature coefficient (PTC) the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy was applied. Two groups of BaTiO 3 samples with BaO excess were prepared by doping different concentrations of La 2 O 3 and Nb 2 O 5 , respectively in the range from 0.1 to 3 at%. A third group of samples of two Sb-doped PTC BaTiO 3 semiconductors with excess BaO or TiO 2 were studied by the aid of positron technique before and after being reduced. It is shown that the positron lifetime parameters are sensitive to changes in the vacancy concentration in BaTiO 3 ceramics near the 0.1 mol% region. But they are almost unchanged during reduction processing; the resistivity of samples changed by one to two orders of magnitude through the reduction. It can be concluded that the PTC effect is due to oxygen on the grain boundary rather than vacancies, and that the Heywang-Jonker model is more reasonable

  8. Thermoelectric properties of Cu/Ag doped type-III Ba24Ge100 clathrates (United States)

    Fu, Jiefei; Su, Xianli; Yan, Yonggao; Liu, Wei; Zhang, Zhengkai; She, Xiaoyu; Uher, Ctirad; Tang, Xinfeng


    Type-III Ba24Ge100 clathrates possess low thermal conductivity and high electrical conductivity at room temperature and, as such, have a great potential as thermoelectric materials for power generation. However, the Seebeck coefficient is very low due to the intrinsically high carrier concentration. In this paper, a series of Ba24CuxGe100-x and Ba24AgyGe100-y specimens were prepared by vacuum melting combined with the subsequent spark plasma sintering (SPS) process. Doping Cu or Ag on the Ge site not only suppresses the concentration of electrons but it also decreases the thermal conductivity. In addition, the carrier mobility and the Seebeck coefficient increase due to the decrease in the carrier concentration. Thus, the power factor is greatly improved, leading to an improvement in the dimensionless figure of merit ZT. Cu-doped Ba24Cu6Ge94 reaches the maximum ZT value of about 0.17 at 873 K, while Ag-doped Ba24Ag6Ge94 attains the dimensionless figure of merit ZT of 0.31 at 873 K, more than 2 times higher value compared to un-doped Ba24Ge100.

  9. Compounds of type Ba/sub 2/Bsup(III)Ossup(V)O/sub 6/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Treiber, U; Kemmler-Sack, S [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Anorganische Chemie 2


    The black perovskites of type Ba/sub 2/Bsup(III)Ossup(V)O/sub 6/ crystallize cubic (Bsup(III) = Pr, Nd, Sm-Lu, Y) and rhombohedral (Bsup(III) = La) respectively; the cell volumina decrease linearily with (rsub(B)sup(III))/sup 3/. Intensity calculations on powder data for Ba/sub 2/YOsO/sub 6/ (space group Fm3m-Osub(h)/sup 5/) and Ba/sub 2/LaOsO/sub 6/ (space group R-3m-Dsub(3d)/sup 5/) gave the intensity related R'values of 4.6% and 5.0% respectively. The results of the vibrational spectroscopic investigations are reported in common with the bond orders, M-O distances and mean amplitudes and compared with the corresponding values of the series Ba/sub 2/Bsup(III)Irsup(V)O/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/Bsup(III)Rusup(V)O/sub 6/.

  10. Influence of Ba/Fe mole ratios on magnetic properties, crystallite size and shifting of X-ray diffraction peaks of nanocrystalline BaFe12O19 powder, prepared by sol gel auto combu (United States)

    Suastiyanti, Dwita; Sudarmaji, Arif; Soegijono, Bambang


    Barium hexaferrite BaFe12O19 (BFO) is of great importance as permanent magnets, particularly for magnetic recording as well as in microwave devices. Nano-crystalline BFO powders were prepared by sol gel auto combustion method in citric acid - metal nitrates system. Hence the mole ratios of Ba/Fe were variated at 1:12; 1:11.5 and 1:11. Ratio of cation to fuel was fixed at 1:1. An appropriate amount of amonia solution was added dropwise to this solution with constant stirring until the PH reached 7 in all cases. Heating at 850oC for 10 hours for each sample to get final formation of BFO nanocrystalline. The data from XRD showing the lattice parameters a,c and the unit-cell volume V, confirm that BFO with ratio 1:12 has same crystall parameters with ratio 1:11. Ratio of Ba/Fe 1:12 and 1:11 have diffraction pattern similarly at almost each 2 θ for each samples. Ratio of Ba/Fe 1: 11.5 has the finest crystallite size 22 nm. Almost diffraction pattern peaks of Ba/Fe 1:11.5 move to the left from of Ba/Fe 1:12 then return to diffraction pattern of Ba/Fe 1:12 for Ba/Fe 1:11. SEM observations show the particle size less than 100 nm and the same shape for each sample. Ratio of Ba/Fe 1: 12 gives the highest intrinsic coercive Hc = 427.3 kA/m. The highest remanent magnetization is at ratio 1:11 with Mr = 0.170 T. BFO with mole ratio 1:11.5 has the finest grain 22 nm, good magnetic properties and the highest value of best FoM 89%.

  11. Configuration Database for BaBar On-line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salnikov, Andrei


    The configuration database is one of the vital systems in the BaBar on-line system. It provides services for the different parts of the data acquisition system and control system, which require run-time parameters. The original design and implementation of the configuration database played a significant role in the successful BaBar operations since the beginning of experiment. Recent additions to the design of the configuration database provide better means for the management of data and add new tools to simplify main configuration tasks. We describe the design of the configuration database, its implementation with the Objectivity/DB object-oriented database, and our experience collected during the years of operation

  12. Microstructural properties of BaTiO{sub 3} ceramics and thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fundora C, A.; Portelles, J.J.; Siqueiros, J.M. [Posgrado en Fisica de Materiales, Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada. Apartado Postal 2861, 22800 Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico)


    A microstructural study of BaTiO{sub 3} ceramics obtained by the conventional ceramic method is presented. Targets were produced to grow BaTiO{sub 3} thin films by pulsed laser deposition on Pt/Ti/Si (100) substrates. X-ray diffraction, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, X-ray Photon Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy were used to study the properties of the BaTiO{sub 3} ceramic samples and thin films, as deposited and after an annealing process. (Author)

  13. Structural, optical and electronic properties of K2Ba(NO3)4 crystal (United States)

    Isaenko, L. I.; Korzhneva, K. E.; Goryainov, S. V.; Goloshumova, A. A.; Sheludyakova, L. A.; Bekenev, V. L.; Khyzhun, O. Y.


    Nitrate crystals reveal nonlinear optical properties and could be considered as converters of laser radiation in the short-wave region. The conditions for obtaining and basic properties of K2Ba(NO3)4 double nitrate crystals were investigated. Crystal growth was implemented by slow cooling in the temperature range of 72-49 °C and low rate evaporation. The structural analysis of K2Ba(NO3)4 formation on the basis of two mixed simple nitrate structures is discussed. The main groups of oscillations in K2Ba(NO3)4 crystal were revealed using Raman and IR spectroscopy, and the table of vibrations for this compound was compiled. The electronic structure of K2Ba(NO3)4 was elucidated in the present work from both experimental and theoretical viewpoints. In particular, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed in the present work to measure binding energies of the atoms constituting the titled compound and its XPS valence-band spectrum for both pristine and Ar+ ion-bombarded surfaces. Further, total and partial densities of states of constituent atoms of K2Ba(NO3)4 have been calculated. The calculations reveal that the O 2p states dominate in the total valence-band region of K2Ba(NO3)4 except of its bottom, where K 3p and Ba 5p states are the principal contributors, while the bottom of the conduction band is composed mainly of the unoccupied O 2p states, with somewhat smaller contributions of the N 2p∗ states as well. With respect to the occupation of the valence band by the O 2p states, the present band-structure calculations are confirmed by comparison on a common energy scale of the XPS valence-band spectrum and the X-ray emission O Kα band for the K2Ba(NO3)4 crystal under study. Furthermore, the present calculations indicate that the K2Ba(NO3)4 compound is a direct-gap material.

  14. High Pressure Properties of a Ba-Cu-Zn-P Clathrate-I

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    Juli-Anna Dolyniuk


    Full Text Available The high pressure properties of the novel tetrel-free clathrate, Ba8Cu13.1Zn3.3P29.6, were investigated using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. The pressure was applied using a diamond anvil cell. No structural transitions or decomposition were detected in the studied pressure range of 0.1–7 GPa. The calculated bulk modulus for Ba8Cu13.1Zn3.3P29.6 using a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state is 65(6 GPa at 300 K. This bulk modulus is comparable to the bulk moduli of Ge- and Sn-based clathrates, like A8Ga16Ge30 (A = Sr, Ba and Sn19.3Cu4.7P22I8, but lower than those for the transition metal-containing silicon-based clathrates, Ba8TxSi46−x, T = Ni, Cu; 3 ≤ x ≤ 5.

  15. Molecular glues for manipulating enzymes: trypsin inhibition by benzamidine-conjugated molecular glues† †Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Synthesis of TEG–BA, Gluen–BA, mGluen–BA and Gluen–Ph; 1H NMR, 13C NMR, MALDI-TOF MS, electronic absorption, and CD spectra; zeta potential distributions; SLS plots; DLS histograms; and related experimental procedures. See DOI: 10.1039/c5sc00524h Click here for additional data file. (United States)

    Mogaki, Rina


    Water-soluble bioadhesive polymers bearing multiple guanidinium ion (Gu+) pendants at their side-chain termini (Gluen–BA, n = 10 and 29) that were conjugated with benzamidine (BA) as a trypsin inhibitor were developed. The Gluen–BA molecules are supposed to adhere to oxyanionic regions of the trypsin surface, even in buffer, via a multivalent Gu+/oxyanion salt-bridge interaction, such that their BA group properly blocks the substrate-binding site. In fact, Glue10–BA and Glue29–BA exhibited 35- and 200-fold higher affinities for trypsin, respectively, than a BA derivative without the glue moiety (TEG–BA). Most importantly, Glue10–BA inhibited the protease activity of trypsin 13-fold more than TEG–BA. In sharp contrast, mGlue27–BA, which bears 27 Gu+ units along the main chain and has a 5-fold higher affinity than TEG–BA for trypsin, was inferior even to TEG–BA for trypsin inhibition. PMID:28706668

  16. In vitro anticancer potential of BaCO3 nanoparticles synthesized via green route. (United States)

    Nagajyothi, P C; Pandurangan, Muthuraman; Sreekanth, T V M; Shim, Jaesool


    Green synthesis of nanoparticles is a growing research area because of their potential applications in nanomedicine. Barium carbonate nanoparticles (BaCO3 NPs) were synthesized using an aqueous extract of Mangifera indica seed as a reducing agent. These particles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), Energy-dispersive-X-ray (EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. HR-TEM images are confirmed that green synthesized BaCO3 NPs have spherical, triangular and uneven shapes. EDX analysis confirmed the presence of Ba, C and O. The peaks at 2θ of 19.45, 23.90, 24.29, 27.72, 33.71, 34.08, 34.60, 41.98, 42.95, 44.18, 44.85, and 46.78 corresponding to (110), (111), (021), (002), (200), (112), (130), (221), (041), (202), (132) and (113) showed that BaCO3 NPs average size was ~18.3 nm. SAED pattern confirmed that BaCO3 NPs are crystalline nature. BaCO3 NPs significantly inhibited cervical carcinoma cells, as evidenced by cytotoxicity assay. Immunofluorescence and fluorescence assays showed that BaCO3 NPs increased the expression and activity of caspase-3, an autocatalytic enzyme that promotes apoptosis. According to the results, green synthesis route has great potential for easy, rapid, inexpensive, eco-friendly and efficient development of novel multifunctional nanoparticles for the treatment of cancer. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Growth of single crystals of BaFe12O19 by solid state crystal growth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fisher, John G.; Sun, Hengyang; Kook, Young-Geun; Kim, Joon-Seong; Le, Phan Gia


    Single crystals of BaFe 12 O 19 are grown for the first time by solid state crystal growth. Seed crystals of BaFe 12 O 19 are buried in BaFe 12 O 19 +1 wt% BaCO 3 powder, which are then pressed into pellets containing the seed crystals. During sintering, single crystals of BaFe 12 O 19 up to ∼130 μm thick in the c-axis direction grow on the seed crystals by consuming grains from the surrounding polycrystalline matrix. Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis shows that the single crystal and the surrounding polycrystalline matrix have the same chemical composition. Micro-Raman scattering shows the single crystal to have the BaFe 12 O 19 structure. The optimum growth temperature is found to be 1200 °C. The single crystal growth behavior is explained using the mixed control theory of grain growth. - Highlights: • Single crystals of BaFe 12 O 19 are grown by solid state crystal growth. • A single crystal up to ∼130 μm thick (c-axis direction) grows on the seed crystal. • The single crystal and surrounding ceramic matrix have similar composition. • Micro-Raman scattering shows the single crystal has the BaFe 12 O 19 structure.

  18. High-pressure densified solid solutions of alkaline earth hexaborides (Ca/Sr, Ca/Ba, Sr/Ba) and their high-temperature thermoelectric properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gürsoy, M.; Takeda, M.; Albert, B.


    Solid solutions of alkaline earth hexaborides were synthesized and densified by spark plasma sintering at 100 MPa. The high-temperature thermoelectric properties (Seebeck coefficients, electrical and thermal diffusivities, heat capacities) were measured between room temperature and 1073 K. CaB 6 , SrB 6 , BaB 6 and the ternary hexaborides Ca x Sr 1−x B 6 , Ca x Ba 1−x B 6 , Sr x Ba 1−x B 6 (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) are n-type conducting compounds over the whole compositional and thermal ranges. The values of the figure of merit ZT for CaB 6 (ca. 0.3 at 1073 K) were found to be significantly increased compared to earlier investigations which is attributed to the densification process. - Highlights: • Solid solutions of alkaline earth hexaborides were synthesized. • High-temperature thermoelectric properties of mixed calcium borides are excellent. • Spark plasma source densification results in high ZT values. • Borides are rare-earth free and refractory materials

  19. Influence of Impurities on the Luminescence of Er3+ Doped BaTiO3 Nanophosphors

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    G. D. Webler


    Full Text Available The influence of the presence of barium carbonate (BaCO3 phase on the luminescence properties of barium titanate nanocrystals (BaTiO3 powders was investigated. Structural and optical characterizations of erbium (Er3+ doped BaTiO3 synthesized by the sol-emulsion-gel were performed. Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction, we identified the presence of impurities related to BaCO3 and quantified its fraction. It was observed that the presence of BaCO3 phase, even at low levels, depletes significantly the infrared-to-visible upconverted luminescence efficiency of the produced nanopowders.

  20. From Ba{sub 3}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 14}N to LaBa{sub 2}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 13}N{sub 2}: Decreasing the optical band gap of a photocatalyst

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anke, B. [Institut für Chemie, Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin (Germany); Bredow, T. [Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universität Bonn, Beringstr. 4, 53115 Bonn (Germany); Pilarski, M.; Wark, M. [Institut für Chemie, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg (Germany); Lerch, M., E-mail: [Institut für Chemie, Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin (Germany)


    Yellow LaBa{sub 2}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 13}N{sub 2} was successfully synthesized as phase-pure material crystallizing isostructurally to previously reported Ba{sub 3}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 14}N and mixed-valence Ba{sub 3}Ta{sup V}{sub 4}Ta{sup IV}O{sub 15}. The electronic structure of LaBa{sub 2}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 13}N{sub 2} was studied theoretically with the range-separated hybrid method HSE06. The most stable structure was obtained when lanthanum was placed on 2a and nitrogen on 4h sites confirming Pauling's second rule. By incorporating nitrogen, the measured band gap decreases from ∼3.8 eV for the oxide via 2.74 eV for Ba{sub 3}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 14}N to 2.63 eV for the new oxide nitride, giving rise to an absorption band well in the visible-light region. Calculated fundamental band gaps confirm the experimental trend. The atom-projected density of states has large contributions from N2p orbitals close to the valence band edge. These are responsible for the observed band gap reduction. Photocatalytic hydrogen formation was investigated and compared with that of Ba{sub 3}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 14}N revealing significantly higher activity for LaBa{sub 2}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 13}N{sub 2} under UV-light. - Graphical abstract: X-ray powder diffraction pattern of LaBa{sub 2}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 13}N{sub 2} with the results of the Rietveld refinements. Inset: Unit cell of LaBa{sub 2}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 13}N{sub 2} and polyhedral representation of the crystal structure. - Highlights: • Synthesis of a new oxide nitride LaBa{sub 2}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 13}N{sub 2}. • Refinement of the crystal structure. • Quantum chemical calculations provided band gap close to the measured value. • New phase shows a higher photocatalytic H{sub 2} evolution rate compared to prior tested Ba{sub 3}Ta{sub 5}O{sub 14}N.

  1. Analysis of bacterial genetic diversity in biofloc by using ARDRA 16S-rRNA gene

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    , Widanarni


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the genetic diversity of bacteria associated in bioflocs using 16S-rRNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR with ARDRA technique. A total of 38 dominant bacterial isolates was obtained from bioflocs samples and of these isolates, 16S-rRNA gene was then isolated and amplified using PCR. The 16S-rRNA gene of the isolates was then cut using HaeIII (5’-GG↓CC and HhaI (5’-GCG↓C restriction enzymes resulting an ARDRA pattern which was further used as the binary data for the construction of phylogenetics tree that was used to estimate the group of bacteria. The result with HaeIII cut restriction enzyme from biofloc-associated bacteria gave 11 ARDRA patterns, while with the restriction enzyme HhaI gave eight ARDRA patterns. Phylogenetics of bacterial populations from biofloc-based cultivation system water consisted of at least 13 different bacterial species. Result of sequencing from two gene sample 16S-rRNA were identified as Microbacterium foliorumand and Pseudomonas putida. Keywords: bacterial diversity, ARDRA, biofloc, phylogeny  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keragaman genetika bakteri bioflok menggunakan metode polymerase chain reaction (PCR 16S-rRNA dengan teknik ARDRA. Sebanyak 38 isolat bakteri dominan yang diperoleh diamplifikasi gen 16S-rRNAnya dengan PCR, kemudian dipotong dengan enzim restriksi HaeIII (5’-GG↓CC dan HhaI (5’-GCG↓C. Pola ARDRA ini dijadikan data biner sebagai input untuk konstruksi pohon filogenetika yang dapat digunakan untuk memerkirakan jenis bakteri yang ada. Gen 16S-rRNA hasil PCR setelah dipotong dengan enzim restriksi HaeIII didapatkan 11 pola ARDRA, sedangkan dengan enzim restriksi HhaI menghasilkan delapan pola ARDRA. Berdasarkan pohon filogenetika, diketahui populasi bakteri pada air sistem budidaya bioflok sedikitnya terdiri atas 13 jenis bakteri. Berdasarkan sekuensing dari dua sampel gen 16S-rRNA teridentifikasi jenis bakteri Microbacterium

  2. Effects of different doses of skt-b vibrio probiotic bacteria addition on survival and growth rate of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon larva

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    . Widanarni


    Full Text Available Probiotic bacteria has been widely used as biocontrol agents in tiger shrimp hatcheries.  Vibrio SKT-b is one of the probiotic bacteria candidates that could suppressed the growth of pathogenic bacteria Vibrio harveyi and could increase survival rate of tiger shrimp larva. This experiment was carried out to study the effects of probiotic bacteria SKT-b Vibrio addition at different doses on survival and growth rate of tiger shrimp larva.  Experiment was conducted with five treatments and three replications, consisted of SKT-b Vibrio probiotic bacteria addition at the doses of 103 CFU/ml, 104 CFU/ml, 105 CFU/ml, and 106 CFU/ml and control (0 CFU/ml.  Results showed that optimum dose of probiotic bacteria for tiger shrimp was 104 CFU/ml with a survival rate of 94.67%. However, the addition of probiotic bacteria at this particular dose did not significantly increase shrimp growth rate as compared with control. Key words: Probiotic bacteria, SKT-b Vibrio, doses, tiger shrimp larva   ABSTRAK Bakteri probiotik telah banyak digunakan sebagai agen biokontrol dalam pembenihan udang windu.  Vibrio SKT-b merupakan salah satu jenis bakteri kandidat probiotik yang telah diuji dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen Vibrio harveyi dan dapat meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup larva udang windu.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bakteri probiotik Vibrio SKT-b dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan larva udang windu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 5 perlakuan dengan masing-masing 3 ulangan, yaitu penambahan bakteri probiotik Vibrio SKT-b dengan dosis 103 CFU/ml, 104 CFU/ml, 105 CFU/ml, dan 106 CFU/ml dan kontrol (0 CFU/ml.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis optimal untuk larva udang windu adalah 104 CFU/ml dengan nilai kelangsungan hidup 94,67%. Namun, pemberian bakteri probiotik tersebut belum menghasilkan pertumbuhan yang berbeda nyata dengan kontrol. Kata kunci: Bakteri probiotik

  3. Wet chemical synthesis of LiBaF{sub 3} phosphor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Vartika S., E-mail: [Physics Department, Shri Ramdeobaba K.N. Engineering College, Katol Road, Nagpur 440 013 (India); Joshi, C.P. [Physics Department, Shri Ramdeobaba K.N. Engineering College, Katol Road, Nagpur 440 013 (India); Moharil, S.V. [Department of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 010 (India)


    Highlights: •LiBaF{sub 3}:RE{sup 3+} phosphors synthesized by a simple wet chemical method. •Ce{sup 3+} and Tb{sup 3+} emissions observed in as-prepared powders without any thermal treatment. •Intense Eu{sup 2+} emission observed after annealing in reductive atmosphere. -- Abstract: LiBaF{sub 3} has great potential applications as X-ray storage phosphor, slow neutron imaging, scintillator, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) optical lithography, etc. Conventionally, LiBaF{sub 3} is prepared by solid state reaction between the constituent fluorides. However, the preparation of phase pure material and especially single crystals is rather tricky due to incongruent melting. For the first time, a wet chemical preparation of rare earth activated LiBaF{sub 3} is described here. As precipitated powders containing Ce{sup 3+} or Tb{sup 3+} exhibited characteristic luminescence. For observing Eu{sup 2+} emission, it was necessary to heat the powders in a reductive atmosphere. It is suggested that phosphors prepared by this method may prove useful in applications like OSL, X-ray imaging, etc. which do not require large single crystals.

  4. Development of BaSO4:Eu thermoluminescence phosphor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Madhusoodanan, U.; Jose, M.T.; Lakshmanan, A.R.


    A highly sensitive thermoluminescence (TL) phosphor based on BaSO 4 :Eu was developed following the coprecipitation technique and firing in argon atmosphere at 1123 K. Photoluminescence studies confirm that firing in argon atmosphere instead of air increased the incorporation of Eu ions in 2+ valence state. At low γ-ray doses, its TL sensitivity is nearly 2 to 3 times higher than that of CaSO 4 :Dy phosphor. The other salient features of this BaSO 4 :Eu TL phosphor are a constant glow curve shape and a nearly linear γ-ray dose response

  5. History of the Balkan Stomatological Society (BaSS

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    Todorović Ljubomir


    Full Text Available Some of the main activities of the Balkan Stomatological Society (BaSS over a rich 19-year history are presented. These activities have been aimed at improving oral health care provided by the dentists throughout the Balkans, and to establish ties of friendship and collaboration between researchers and clinicians in this region, creating a foundation for mutual understanding and peace. To accomplish these goals, the BaSS annually organizes congresses and publishes a scientific journal, beside many other activities, such as public oral health promotion, bringing into accordance study programmes and curricula, supporting student exchange programmes, etc.

  6. The study of the effect of Ba coverage through the accelerations lifetime of activated BaO/SrO cathodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashim, A.A.; Ray, A.K.; Hassan, A.K.; Barratt, D.S.


    A novel type of BaO/SrO oxide cathode with 5% addition of Ni powder by weight on a Ni cap containing an activating impurity was studied. The conductivity and the electron activation energy were studied as a function of temperature in the range of 300-1200 K after conversion and activation of the cathode at 1200 K for 1 h. The experimental results yield three values for the activation energy of 1.49, 2.23 and 3.3 eV, which are close to BaO band structure parameters with a small shift due to the effect of other oxide components and metallic fraction additions. The experiments furthermore confirm that the current density of the cathode was enhanced at high temperature range with the long operation. The conduction mechanisms observed a metallic conduction at low temperature after operation for several 100 h due to improvements in the Ba coverage layer on the grains of oxide layer. Additionally, there appears a qualified conduction stability of the current density J = 10-45 mA cm -2 at the acceleration temperature range of 1100-1150 K under the duty of low voltage. The low voltage duty V = 30 mV is focused on the conduction electrons faraway from the emission electrons

  7. Oxygen excess in the '114' cobaltite hexagonal structure: The ferrimagnet CaBaCo4O7.50

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pralong, V.; Caignaert, V.; Sarkar, T.; Lebedev, O.I.; Duffort, V.; Raveau, B.


    The study of the oxidation of the '114' orthorhombic cobaltite CaBaCo 4 O 7 , using first electrochemistry and then soft chemistry based on oxidation by NaClO, has allowed a new phase, CaBaCo 4 O 7.50 , to be prepared topotactically. The structural study of this phase shows that its hexagonal structure, closely related to that of orthorhombic CaBaCo 4 O 7 , is curiously similar to that of the members of the LnBaCo 4 O 7 series, in spite of its excess oxygen. Its magnetic study shows that this phase, like CaBaCo 4 O 7 , is ferrimagnetic with the same T C (60 K), but differently exhibits an unusual magnetic hysteresis. This exceptional behavior of CaBaCo 4 O 7 with respect to oxidation as well as the magnetic properties of CaBaCo 4 O 7.50 is interpreted in terms of the presence of defects due to oxidation. - Graphical Abstract: The study of the oxidation of the '114' orthorhombic cobaltite CaBaCo 4 O 7 , using first electrochemistry and then soft chemistry based on oxidation by NaClO, has allowed a new phase, CaBaCo 4 O 7.50 , to be prepared topotactically. The structural study of this phase shows that its hexagonal structure, closely related to that of orthorhombic CaBaCo 4 O 7 , is curiously similar to that of the members of the LnBaCo 4 O 7 series, in spite of its oxygen excess. Its magnetic study shows that this phase, like CaBaCo 4 O 7 , is ferrimagnetic. Highlights: → Topotactic oxidation by means of electrochemistry and soft chemistry of the '114' orthorhombic cobaltite CaBaCo 4 O 7 . → This new phase, CaBaCo 4 O 7.5 shows an hexagonal structure, is closely related to that of orthorhombic mother phase CaBaCo 4 O 7 . → CaBaCo 4 O 7.5 is ferrimagnetic and exhibits an unusual magnetic hysteresis, due to defect pinning centers.

  8. Carbon-14 immobilization via the CO2-Ba(OH)2 hydrate gas-solid reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haag, G.L.


    Although no restrictions have been placed on the release of carbon-14, it has been identified as a potential health hazard due to the ease in which it may be assimilated into the biosphere. The intent of the Carbon-14 Immobilization Program, funded through the Airborne Waste Program Management Office, is to develop and demonstrate a novel process for restricting off-gas releases of carbon-14 from various nuclear facilities. The process utilizes the CO 2 -Ba(OH) 2 hydrate gas-solid reaction to directly remove and immobilize carbon-14. The reaction product, BaCO 3 , possesses both the thermal and chemical stability desired for long-term waste disposal. The process is capable of providing decontamination factors in excess of 1000 and reactant utilization of greater than 99% in the treatment of high volumetric, airlike (330 ppM CO 2 ) gas streams. For the treatment of an air-based off-gas stream, the use of packed beds of Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O flakes to remove CO 2 has been demonstrated. However, the operating conditions must be maintained between certain upper and lower limits with respect to the partial pressure of water. If the water vapor pressure in the gas is less than the dissociation vapor pressure of Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O, the bed will deactivate. If the vapor pressure is considerably greater, pressure drop problems will increase with increasing humidity as the particles curl and degrade. Results have indicated that when operated in the proper regime, the bulk of the increase in pressure drop results from the conversion of Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O to BaCO 3 and not from the hydration of the commercial Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O (i.e. Ba(OH) 2 .7.50H 2 O) to Ba(OH) 2 .8H 2 O

  9. Optical energy gaps and photoluminescence peaks of BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} and BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choe, Sung-Hyu [Chosun University, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of); Jin, Moon-Seog [Dongshin University, Naju (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Wha-Tek [Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} and BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} single crystals were grown by using the chemical transport reaction method. The optical energy gaps of the BaGa{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} and the BaGa{sub 2}Se{sub 4}:Er{sup 3+} single crystals were found to be 4.045 eV and 3.073 eV, respectively, at 11 K. The temperature dependence of the optical energy gap was well fitted by the Varshni equation. Sharp emission peaks were observed in the photoluminescence spectra of the single crystals and assigned to radiation recombination between split Stark levels of the Er{sup 3+} ion.

  10. The synthesis and characterization of p(nBA-DEAEMA) polymer (United States)

    Jiang, X. M.; Zhu, J.; Duan, Y. Y.


    In this paper, the polymer of p (nBA-DEAEMA) was polymerized and characterized. The structure of copolymer was characterized by FT-IR and 1HNMR, and the analysis of particle size, appearance and rheology was determined too. The results showed that, the p (nBA-DEAEMA) was synthesised successful, and it could become a surface modification for the inner face of artificial trachea, after further optimization.

  11. Structural characterization of a new vacancy ordered perovskite modification found for Ba3Fe3O7F (BaFeO2.333F0.333): Towards understanding of vacancy ordering for different perovskite-type ferrites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clemens, Oliver


    The new vacancy ordered perovskite-type compound Ba 3 Fe 3 O 7 F (BaFeO 2.33 F 0.33 ) was prepared by topochemical low-temperature fluorination of Ba 2 Fe 2 O 5 (BaFeO 2.5 ) using stoichiometric amounts of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF). The vacancy order was found to be unique so far for perovskite compounds, and the connectivity pattern can be explained by the formula Ba 3 (FeX 6/2 ) (FeX 5/2 ) (FeX 3/2 X 1/1 ), with X=O/F. Mössbauer measurements were used to confirm the structural analysis and agree with the presence of Fe 3+ in the above mentioned coordination environments. Group–subgroup relationships were used to build a starting model for the structure solution and to understand the relationship to the cubic perovskite structure. Furthermore, a comparison of a variety of vacancy-ordered iron-containing perovskite-type structures is given, highlighting the factors which favour one structure type over the other depending on the composition. - Graphical abstract: The crystal structure of Ba 3 Fe 3 O 7 F in comparison to other perovskite type ferrites. - Highlights: • The crystal structure of Ba 3 Fe 3 O 7 F in comparison to other perovskite type ferrites. • Ba 3 Fe 3 O 7 F was synthesized by low temperature fluorination of Ba 2 Fe 2 O 5 . • Ba 3 Fe 3 O 7 F shows a unique vacancy order not found for other perovskite type compounds. • The structure of Ba 3 Fe 3 O 7 F was solved using group–subgroup relationships. • A systematic comparison to other ferrite type compounds reveals structural similarities and differences. • The A-site coordination of the cation is shown to play an important role for the type of vacancy order found

  12. Dielectric enhancement of BaTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices with embedded Ni nanocrystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiong Zhengwei; Sun Weiguo; Wang Xuemin; Jiang Fan; Wu Weidong


    Highlights: ► The BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices with embedded Ni NCs were successfully fabricated by L-MBE. ► The influence with the various concentrations of Ni nanocrystals embedded in BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices was also discussed. ► The BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices with lower concentration of embedded Ni NCs had higher permittivity and dielectric loss compared with the pure BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices. ► The dielectric enhancement of BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices with embedded Ni NCs was proposed to explained by Drude quasi-free-electron theory. - Abstract: The self-organized Ni nanocrystals (NCs) were embedded in BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices using laser molecular beam epitaxy (L-MBE). The stress of the composite films was increased with the increasing concentration of embedded Ni NCs, as investigation in stress calculation. The influence with the various concentrations of Ni NCs embedded in BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices was also discussed. The internal stress of the films was too strong to epitaxial growth of BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices. Compared with the pure BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices, the BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices with lower concentration of embedded Ni NCs had higher permittivity and dielectric loss. Furthermore, the dielectric enhancement of BaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices with embedded Ni NCs was proposed to explained by Drude quasi-free-electron theory.

  13. Impacts of Mining and Urbanization on the Qin-Ba Mountainous Environment, China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xinliang Xu


    Full Text Available The Qin-Ba Ecological Functional Zone is a component of China’s ecological security pattern designed to protect the regional ecosystem and maintain biodiversity. However, due to the impact of mining and urban encroachment, the plight of a sustainable ecosystem in the Qin-Ba mountainous area is deteriorating. This paper has used a remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS to examine the impacts of mining and urban encroachment on the environment in the Qin-Ba mountainous area. The results indicate that the total mined area in 2013 was 22 km2 and is predicted to escalate. Results also show that the ecosystems in Fengxian County, Shaanxi Province and Baokang County, Hubei Province were most severely affected by mining. Urbanization in the Qin-Ba mountainous area has seen an increase of 85.58 km2 in urban land use from 2010 to 2013. In addition, infrastructure development including airport construction, tourism resorts and real estate development in the Qin-Ba mountainous area has intensified environmental and biodiversity disturbances since large areas of forest have been cleared. Our results should provide insight and assistance to city planners and government officials in making informed decisions.

  14. Recent progress in material technology on RE-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teshima, Hidekazu; Morita, Mitsuru


    The current status of large-grained RE-Ba-Cu-O (RE: Y or rare earth elements) bulk superconductors with excellent superconducting properties is described. Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors can trap a very high magnetic field even if they are melt-processed in air. Although the electromagnetic force caused by the trapped field is larger for a larger sample and may break the sample, a large sample of Gd-Ba-Cu-O 46 mm in diameter has the potential of trapped magnetic fields greater than 10 T at around 40 K. In addition, single-grained bulk superconductors as large as 150 mm can be obtained using the RE compositional gradient method. Dy-Ba-Cu-O is an ideal material for current leads because it has low thermal conductivity and high critical current density at 77 K in high magnetic fields. Eu-Ba-Cu-O has low magnetic permeability, and is therefore suitable for bulk NMR applications. Progress in machining technology has made possible various bulk superconductors with complicated shapes such as coils, leading to small and strong electromagnets by stacking several coil-shaped bulk superconductors together. (author)

  15. Large linear magnetoresistance in a new Dirac material BaMnBi2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yi-Yan; Yu Qiao-He; Xia Tian-Long


    Dirac semimetal is a class of materials that host Dirac fermions as emergent quasi-particles. Dirac cone-type band structure can bring interesting properties such as quantum linear magnetoresistance and large mobility in the materials. In this paper, we report the synthesis of high quality single crystals of BaMnBi 2 and investigate the transport properties of the samples. BaMnBi 2 is a metal with an antiferromagnetic transition at T N = 288 K. The temperature dependence of magnetization displays different behavior from CaMnBi 2 and SrMnBi 2 , which suggests the possible different magnetic structure of BaMnBi 2 . The Hall data reveals electron-type carriers and a mobility μ (5 K) = 1500 cm 2 /V·s. Angle-dependent magnetoresistance reveals the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) Fermi surface in BaMnBi 2 . A crossover from semiclassical MR ∼ H 2 dependence in low field to MR ∼ H dependence in high field, which is attributed to the quantum limit of Dirac fermions, has been observed in magnetoresistance. Our results indicate the existence of Dirac fermions in BaMnBi 2 . (rapid communication)

  16. Ion conductivities of ZrF4-BaF2-CsF glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawamoto, Yoji; Nohara, Ichiro


    The glass-forming region in the ZrF 4 -BaF 2 -CsF glass system has been determined and the ac conductivity and the transport number of fluoride ions have been measured. The conductivities of compounds β-Cs 2 ZrF 6 , α-SrZrF 6 , α-BaZrF 6 , β-BaZrF 6 and α-PbZrF 6 have also been measured. These results and a previous study of ZrF 4 -BaF 2 -MF n (M: the groups I-IV metals) glasses revealed the following: (1) the ZrF 4 -BaF 2 -CsF glasses are exclusively fluoride-ion conductors; (2) the ionic conductivities of ZrF 4 -based glasses are predominantly determined by the activation energies for conduction; (3) the activation energy for conduction decreases with an increase in the average polarizability of glass-constituting cations; (4) a decrease in average Zr-F bond length and a lowering of the average F coordination number of Zr are presumed to increase the activation energy for conduction. Principles of developing ZrF 4 -based glasses with higher conductivities have also been proposed. (Auth.)

  17. Growth of single crystals of BaFe12O19 by solid state crystal growth (United States)

    Fisher, John G.; Sun, Hengyang; Kook, Young-Geun; Kim, Joon-Seong; Le, Phan Gia


    Single crystals of BaFe12O19 are grown for the first time by solid state crystal growth. Seed crystals of BaFe12O19 are buried in BaFe12O19+1 wt% BaCO3 powder, which are then pressed into pellets containing the seed crystals. During sintering, single crystals of BaFe12O19 up to ∼130 μm thick in the c-axis direction grow on the seed crystals by consuming grains from the surrounding polycrystalline matrix. Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis shows that the single crystal and the surrounding polycrystalline matrix have the same chemical composition. Micro-Raman scattering shows the single crystal to have the BaFe12O19 structure. The optimum growth temperature is found to be 1200 °C. The single crystal growth behavior is explained using the mixed control theory of grain growth.

  18. Simulation of iron impurity in BaTiO3 crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stashans, Arvids; Castillo, Darwin


    Iron-doped barium titanate (BaTiO 3 ) has been simulated taking into account cubic and tetragonal crystallographic lattices of the crystal. A quantum-chemical method based on the Hartree-Fock formalism has been used throughout the study. The calculated equilibrium structures of Fe-doped crystals reveal the defect-inward displacements of the Ti and O atoms whereas the shifts for the Ba atoms are encountered to be away with respect to the Fe impurity. According to the analysis of electron density population and electron band structure it is found that some unusual chemical bonding might take place between the Fe atom and its six adjacent O atoms. The role of Fe impurity in the ferroelectric polarization of the tetragonal BaTiO 3 crystal has been discussed too.

  19. Biological Control of Plant Disease Caused by Bacteria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Triwidodo Arwiyanto


    Full Text Available Bacterial diseases in plants are difficult to control. The emphasis is on preventing the spread of the bacteria rather than curing the diseased plant. Integrated management measures for bacterial plant pathogens should be applied for successfull control. Biological control is one of the control measures viz. through the use of microorganisms to suppress the growth and development of bacterial plant pathogen and ultimately reduce the possibility of disease onset. The study of biological control of bacterial plant pathogen was just began compared with of fungal plant pathogen. The ecological nature of diverse bacterial plant pathogens has led scientists to apply different approach in the investigation of its biological control. The complex process of entrance to its host plant for certain soil-borne bacterial plant pathogens need special techniques and combination of more than one biological control agent. Problem and progress in controlling bacterial plant pathogens biologically will be discussed in more detail in the paper and some commercial products of biological control agents (biopesticides will be introduced.     Penyakit tumbuhan karena bakteri sulit dikendalikan. Penekanan pengendalian adalah pada pencegahan penyebaran bakteri patogen dan bukan pada penyembuhan tanaman yang sudah sakit. Untuk suksesnya pengendalian bakteri patogen tumbuhan diperlukan cara pengelolaan yang terpadu. Pengendalian secara biologi merupakan salah satu cara pengendalian dengan menggunakan mikroorganisme untuk menekan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bakteri patogen tumbuhan dengan tujuan akhir menurunkan kemungkinan timbulnya penyakit. Sifat ekologi bakteri patogen tumbuhan yang berbeda-beda mengharuskan pendekatan yang berbeda pula dalam pengendaliannya secara biologi. Masalah dan perkembangan dalam pengendalian bakteri patogen tumbuhan secara biologi didiskusikan secara detail dalam makalah ini.

  20. Synthesis and characterization of (Ba,Yb doped ceria nanopowders

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    Branko Matović


    Full Text Available Nanometric size (Ba, Yb doped ceria powders with fluorite-type structure were obtained by applying selfpropagating room temperature methods. Tailored composition was: Ce0.95−xBa0.05YbxO2−δ with fixed amount of Ba − 0.05 and varying Yb content “x” from 0.05 to 0.2. Powder properties such as crystallite and particle size and lattice parameters have been studied. Röntgen diffraction analyses (XRD were used to characterize the samples at room temperature. Also, high temperature treatment (up to 1550°C was used to follow stability of solid solutions. The mean diameters of the nanocrystals are determined from the full width at half maxima (FWHM of the XRD peaks. It was found that average diameter of crystallites is less than 3 nm. WilliamsonHall plots were used to separate the effect of the size and strain in the nanocrystals.

  1. Synthesis and electrical properties of BaBiO3 and high resistivity BaTiO3–BaBiO3 ceramics

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    Nitish Kumar


    Full Text Available Ceramics of the composition BaBiO3 (BB were sintered in oxygen to obtain a single phase with monoclinic I2/m symmetry as suggested by high-resolution X-ray diffraction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the presence of bismuth in two valence states — 3+ and 5+. Optical spectroscopy showed presence of a direct bandgap at ∼ 2.2eV and a possible indirect bandgap at ∼ 0.9eV. This combined with determination of the activation energy for conduction of 0.25eV, as obtained from ac impedance spectroscopy, suggested that a polaron-mediated conduction mechanism was prevalent in BB. The BB ceramics were crushed, mixed with BaTiO3 (BT, and sintered to obtain BT–BB solid solutions. All the ceramics had tetragonal symmetry and exhibited a normal ferroelectric-like dielectric response. Using ac impedance and optical spectroscopy, it was shown that resistivity values of BT–BB were orders of magnitude higher than BT or BB alone, indicating a change in the fundamental defect equilibrium conditions. A shift in the site occupancy of Bi to the A-site is proposed to be the mechanism for the increased electrical resistivity.

  2. Solution based approaches for the morphology control of BaTiO3 particulates

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    Florentina Maxim


    Full Text Available Within the action COST 539 - ELENA our contribution was aimed at studying solution based approaches for the morphology control of BaTiO3 particulates. Initially, our kinetic analysis and systematic structural and morphological studies, demonstrated that during hydrothermal synthesis from layered titanate nanotubes (TiNTS, BaTiO3 forms via two mechanisms depending on the temperature and time. At low temperatures (90°C, “wild” type BaTiO3 dendritic particles with cubic structure were formed through a phase boundary topotactic reaction. At higher temperatures and/or for longer times time, the reaction is controlled by a dissolution precipitation mechanism and “seaweed” type BaTiO3 dendrites are formed. Our results unambiguously elucidated why TiNTs do not routinely act as templates for the formation of 1D BaTiO3.In our subsequent investigations, the effect of additives on the aqueous and hydrothermal synthesis of BaTiO3 was assessed. We reported that although the tested additives influenced the growth of BaTiO3, their behaviour varied; poly(acrylic acid (PAA adsorbed on specific crystallographic faces changing the growth kinetics and inducing the oriented attachment of the particles; poly(vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP, sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC act as growth inhibitors rather than crystal habit modifiers; and DFructose appeared to increase the activation energy for nucleation, resulting in small crystals (26 nm. Our work clearly indicates that the synthesis of 1D nanostructures of complex oxides by chemical methods is non trivial.

  3. Growth of BaSi2 film on Ge(100) by vacuum evaporation and its photoresponse properties (United States)

    Trinh, Cham Thi; Nakagawa, Yoshihiko; Hara, Kosuke O.; Kurokawa, Yasuyoshi; Takabe, Ryota; Suemasu, Takashi; Usami, Noritaka


    We have successfully grown a polycrystalline orthorhombic BaSi2 film on a Ge(100) substrate by an evaporation method. Deposition of an amorphous Si (a-Si) film on the Ge substrate prior to BaSi2 evaporation plays a critical role in obtaining a high-quality BaSi2 film. By controlling substrate temperature and the thickness of the a-Si film, a crack-free and single-phase polycrystalline orthorhombic BaSi2 film with a long carrier lifetime of 1.5 µs was obtained on Ge substrates. The photoresponse property of the ITO/BaSi2/Ge/Al structure was clearly observed, and photoresponsivity was found to increase with increasing substrate temperature during deposition of a-Si. Furthermore, the BaSi2 film grown on Ge showed a higher photoresponsivity than that grown on Si, indicating the potential application of evaporated BaSi2 on Ge to thin-film solar cells.

  4. Preparation and characterization of BaFe12O19/Y3Fe5O12 composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Ying; Kang, Pan; Yang, Haibo; Liu, Miao


    Highlights: • BaM/YIG composites were fabricated by microwave sintering method. • A simple sol–gel method was used to synthesize BaM/YIG composite powders. • The BaM phase and YIG phase are well exchange coupled in the composites. • The (BH) max can be much enhanced by the introduction of YIG. - Abstract: BaFe 12 O 19 /Y 3 Fe 5 O 12 (BaM/YIG) composites with giant enhancement of magnetic energy product ((BH) max ) were fabricated by microwave sintering the BaM/YIG composite powders, which were firstly prepared using a simple sol–gel method. The phase composition and surface morphology of the as-synthesized composites were characterized by an X-ray diffractometer and a scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, respectively. The magnetic properties of the composites were investigated by a vibrating sample magnetometer. All the composites show single-phase-like magnetic hysteresis loops. The results reveal the hard phase (BaM) and soft phase (YIG) are well exchange coupled and the introduction of YIG could significantly enhance the remnant magnetization (M r ), coercivity (H c ) and (BH) max of BaM

  5. Barium isotope fractionation during experimental formation of the double carbonate BaMn[CO3](2) at ambient temperature. (United States)

    Böttcher, Michael E; Geprägs, Patrizia; Neubert, Nadja; von Allmen, Katja; Pretet, Chloé; Samankassou, Elias; Nägler, Thomas F


    In this study, we present the first experimental results for stable barium (Ba) isotope ((137)Ba/(134)Ba) fractionation during low-temperature formation of the anhydrous double carbonate BaMn[CO(3)](2). This investigation is part of an ongoing work on Ba fractionation in the natural barium cycle. Precipitation at a temperature of 21±1°C leads to an enrichment of the lighter Ba isotope described by an enrichment factor of-0.11±0.06‰ in the double carbonate than in an aqueous barium-manganese(II) chloride/sodium bicarbonate solution, which is within the range of previous reports for synthetic pure BaCO (3) (witherite) formation.

  6. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles on the basis of low and high molar mass exopolysaccharides of Bradyrhizobium japonicum 36 and its antimicrobial activity against some pathogens. (United States)

    Rasulov, Bakhtiyor; Rustamova, Nigora; Yili, Abulimiti; Zhao, Hai-Qing; Aisa, Haji A


    Silver nanoparticles (SNPs) were synthesized on the basis of exopolysaccharides (low and high molar mass) of diazotrophic Bradyrhizobium japonicum 36 strain. The synthesis of SNPs was carried out by direct reduction of silver nitrate with ethanol-insoluble (high molar mass, HMW) and ethanol-soluble (low molar mass, LMW) fractions of exopolysaccharides (EPS), produced by diazotrophic strain B. japonicum 36. SNPs were characterized using UV-vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). SNPs synthesized on the basis of LMW EPS absorbed radiation in the visible regions of 420 nm, whereas SNPs based on the HMW EPS have a wavelength maximum at 450 nm because of the strong SPR transition. Moreover, the antibacterial and antifungal activities of the SNPs were examined in vitro against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. SNPs synthesized on the basis of LMW EPS were active than those synthesized on the basis of HMW EPS. Besides, UV-visible spectroscopic evaluation confirmed that SNPs synthesized on the basis of LMW EPS were far more stable than those obtained on the basis of HMW EPS.

  7. Inhibitory Mechanism of Robiotic Bacteria on The Growth of Vibrio harveyi in Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon Larvae

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    . Widanarni


    Full Text Available Three probiotics named SKT-b, 1Ub, and Ua had inhibitory activity against the growth of Vibrio harveyi. These strains were mutated by rifampicin resistant. The inhibitory effect of SKT-b,1Ub, and Ua on the growth of V. harveyi was investigated by concomitant incubation of the two bacteria in a culture shrimp larvae. Colony forming unit of V. harveyi, probiotic and total of bacteria in dead, live larvae and water culture was monitored, and survival rate of larvae was investigated. Shrimp inoculated probiotic previously had survival rate higher than control (without probiotic. Number of V. harveyi in treatment without probiotic inoculation also higher compared to treatment with probiotic inoculation in dead, live larvae and water culture.  It demonstrated possible inhibition of probiotic bacteria on V. harveyi through competition for adherence sites or nutrition source. Partial sequencing of 16S-rRNA gene showed that 1Ub was similar to Pseudoalteromonas piscicida, whereas SKT-b and Ua were similar to Vibrio alginolyticus. Keywords: probiotic bacteria, inhibitory mechanism, V. harveyi, tiger shrimp   ABSTRAK Tiga isolat bakteri probiotik yaitu 1Ub, SKT-b dan Ua telah diuji memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terhadap pertumbuhan V. harveyi secara in vitro. Ketiga isolat ini kemudian diberi penanda resisten rifampisin (RfR melalui mutasi spontan untuk mempelajari mekanisme penghambatannya pada larva udang windu.  Efek penghambatan dari 1Ub, SKT-b dan Ua terhadap pertumbuhan V. harveyi diamati melalui pemberian secara bersamaan antara bakteri probiotik dan V. harveyi tersebut dalam air pemeliharaan larva udang.  Jumlah sel bakteri probiotik, V. harveyi dan total bakteri baik pada larva mati, larva hidup dan air pemeliharaan diamati dan kelangsungan hidup larva dihitung.  Nilai kelangsungan hidup udang pada perlakuan yang diinokulasi bakteri probiotik lebih tinggi daripada kontrol (tanpa penambahan bakteri probiotik. Jumlah sel V. harveyi pada

  8. Dosimetry of ultraviolet radiation with BaHfO{sub 3} powders; Dosimetria de radiacion ultravioleta con polvos de BaHfO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrera A, A. A.; Aguilar D, G. A.; Guzman M, J.; Rivera M, T. [IPN, Centro de Investigacion en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada, Av. Legaria 694, Col. Irrigacion, 11500 Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico); Ceron R, V., E-mail: [Universidad de Guanajuato, 37670 Leon, Guanajuato (Mexico)


    Ceramic materials based on pure barium hafnate (BaHfO{sub 3}) have been obtained as a powder by the co-precipitation method. The powders obtained have a cubic structure that favors the thermoluminescent and optical properties, through which a better detection of the non-ionizing radiation is allowed. With these powders various tests were performed in the ultraviolet range at different exposure times. These thermoluminescent (Tl) studies were carried out using a Tl 3500 hand held reader which yielded a brightness curve that ranged from room temperature to the 350 degrees Celsius. This BaHfO{sub 3} response exhibits a broad brightness curve with a single peak centered around 225 degrees Celsius. Finally, is reported that there are materials of barium hafnate (BaHfO{sub 3}) doped with some rare earths (Eu, Tb) which, instead of improving the performance of the powders, decrease it, so that the use of intrinsic barium hafnate is the most appropriate. (Author)

  9. Improvement of the performance of microwave X band absorbers based on pure and doped Ba-hexaferrite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seyyed Afghahi, Seyyed Salman [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Jafarian, Mojtaba, E-mail: [Young Researchers and Elite Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Salehi, Mohsen [Young Researchers and Elite Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Atassi, Yomen [Department of Applied Physics, Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology, Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic)


    Optimum Fe/Ba mole ratio is determined in doped Ba-hexaferrite prepared via mechanical activation. X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and vector network analyzer are used to analyze phases, structures, electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties. The mole ratio of Fe/Ba=10 is detected to be optimum for doping and synthesizing the Ba-hexaferrite. In order to achieve high absorption in X band the ions of Zr{sup 4+}–Sn{sup 4+}–Ti{sup 4+}–M{sup 2+} (M=Mg{sup 2+}, Zn{sup 2+}, Cu{sup 2+}, Co{sup 2+}) are used as dopants. The results indicate the formation of single phase Ba-hexaferrite in either pure or doped compounds without any non-magnetic intermediate phases and with spherical and hexagonal morphologies respectively for the pure and doped ferrite. It is found out that BaCo{sub 2}Zr(SnTi){sub 0.5}Fe{sub 8}O{sub 19} compound has the maximum saturation magnetization (49.80 emu/g). Also the composite of BaCo{sub 2}Zr(SnTi){sub 0.5}Fe{sub 8}O{sub 19} 50 wt% in epoxy resin exhibits a minimum reflection loss of −29 dB at 12.2 GHz with 2.6 GHz bandwidth. - Highlights: • Optimum Fe/Ba mole ratio is determined in doped Ba-hexaferrite. • Formation of a single phase M-hexaferrite, pure or doped when Fe/Ba=10. • Preparation of microwave absorber of BaCo{sub 2}Zr(SnTi){sub 0.5}Fe{sub 8}O{sub 19}/epoxy resin, 50 wt%. • The absorber exhibits a minimum RL of −29 dB at 12.2 GHz with 2.6 GHz bandwidth.

  10. Conduction Mechanisms in Multiferroic Multilayer BaTiO3/NiFe2O4/BaTiO3 Memristors (United States)

    Samardzic, N.; Bajac, B.; Srdic, V. V.; Stojanovic, G. M.


    Memristive devices and materials are extensively studied as they offer diverse properties and applications in digital, analog and bio-inspired circuits. In this paper, we present an important class of memristors, multiferroic memristors, which are composed of multiferroic multilayer BaTiO3/NiFe2O4/BaTiO3 thin films, fabricated by a spin-coating deposition technique on platinized Si wafers. This cost-effective device shows symmetric and reproducible current-voltage characteristics for the actuating voltage amplitude of ±10 V. The origin of the conduction mechanism was investigated by measuring the electrical response in different voltage and temperature conditions. The results indicate the existence of two mechanisms: thermionic emission and Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling, which alternate with actuating voltage amplitude and operating temperature.




  12. Two steps hydrothermal growth and characterisations of BaTiO3 films composed of nanowires (United States)

    Zawawi, Che Zaheerah Najeehah Che Mohd; Salleh, Shahril; Oon Jew, Lee; Tufail Chaudhary, Kashif; Helmi, Mohamad; Safwan Aziz, Muhammad; Haider, Zuhaib; Ali, Jalil


    Barium titanate (BaTiO3) films composed of nanowires have gained considerable research interest due to their lead-free composition and strong energy conversion efficiency. BaTiO3 films can be developed with a simple two steps hydrothermal reactions, which are low cost effective. In this research, BaTiO3 films were fabricated on titanium foil through two steps hydrothermal method namely, the growth of TiO2 and followed by BaTiO3 films. The structural evolutions and the dielectric properties of the films were investigated as well. The structural evolutions of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and BaTiO3 nanowires were characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. First step of hydrothermal reaction, TiO2 nanowires were prepared in varied temperatures of 160 °C, 200 °C and 250 °C respectively. Second step of hydrothermal reaction was performed to produce a layer of BaTiO3 films.

  13. Growth and self-assembly of BaTiO3 nanocubes for resistive switching memory cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chu, Dewei; Lin, Xi; Younis, Adnan; Li, Chang Ming; Dang, Feng; Li, Sean


    In this work, the self-assembled BaTiO 3 nanocubes based resistive switching memory capacitors are fabricated with hydrothermal and drop-coating approaches. The device exhibits excellent bipolar resistance switching characteristics with ON/OFF ratio of 58–70, better reliability and stability over various polycrystalline BaTiO 3 nanostructures. It is believed that the inter cube junctions is responsible for such a switching behaviour and it can be described by the filament model. The effect of film thickness on switching ratio (ON/OFF) was also investigated in details. - Graphical abstract: This work describes a novel resistive switching memory cell based on self-assembled BaTiO 3 nanocubes. - Highlights: • BaTiO 3 nanocubes were prepared by one step facile hydrothermal method. • Self-assembled BaTiO 3 nanocubes thin films were obtained by drop-coating approach. • The BaTiO 3 nanocubes show excellent resistive switching properties for memory applications

  14. Vakumla Paketlenen İnegöl Köftelerin Farklı Derecelerde Buzdolabında Saklanması Sırasında Bakteri Florasında ve Listeria monocytogenes Sayısındaki Değişiklikler

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    Ece Soyutemiz


    Full Text Available Çalışma, günümüzde hazır olarak satışı yaygınlaşan inegöl köftenin vakumla paketlenerek farklı derecelerde muhafazası sırasın­da köftenin bakteri florasını ve L. monocytogenes 'ingelişimini incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Birinci grup köftelere 4.0x103 kob/g, 9.0x103 kob/g ve 2.4x104 kob/g düzeylerinde 3 farklı L. monocytogenes inokülasyonu uygulanarak, va­kumla paketleme işleminden sonra 7 gün süreyle 4°C'de muhafaza edildi, ikinci grup köftelere ise, 2,9x103 kob/g, 7.0x102 kob/g ve 4.3x103 kob/g düzeylerinde etken inoküle edilerek vakumla paketlendi ve 4°C'de 7 gün süreyle muhafaza edildi. Ayrıca köfteler mezofil aerob bakteri, psikrofil bakteriler, koliform bakteriler, E.coli,stafilokok ve mikrokoklar, koagülaz pozitif stafilokoklar, sülfit indirgeyen anaeroblar, laktobasiller, maya-küf ve enterokoklar bakımından analizlere alındı. Köftelerin ayrınca pH değerleri belirtendi. Analizler depolamanın 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ve 7. günlerinde yapıldı. İnegöl köftelerin, vakumla paketlenerek 0°C'de ve 4°C'de muhafaza işlemi L. monocytogenes 'inçoğalmasını önlese bile etken bu süre içinde varlığını sürdürmeye devam etti. Bu nedenle köfte yapımında hijyen prensiplerinin ve köftelere yeterli ızgara işlemi uygulamasının önem ka­zandığı düşünüldü.

  15. Investigation on microstructure and dielectric behaviour of (Ba0· 999 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Ceramics of BaTiO3 co-doped with Gd and Cr at Ba-site was synthesized via solid-state reaction route. Surface morphology shows the increase in grain size with the increase of Cr-content below 3 mol%. The high value of in the synthesized samples is associated with space charge polarization and inhomogeneous ...

  16. Searches for low-mass Higgs and dark bosons at BaBar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oberhof, Benjamin, E-mail: [INFN sezione di Pisa and Universitá di Pisa, Polo Fibonacci - Edificio C, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, 56125 - Pisa (Italy)


    We present BaBar latest results for the direct search of a light CP-odd Higgs boson using radiative decays of the ϒ(nS) (n=1,2,3) resonances in different final states. We also present the results for the search of a hidden sector gauge and Higgs bosons using the full BaBar datasample.

  17. Particle morphology as a control of permeation in polymer films obtained from MMA/nBA colloidal dispersions. (United States)

    Lestage, David J; Urban, Marek W


    The combination of precision-controlled weight loss measurements and spectroscopic surface FT-IR analysis allowed us to identify unique behaviors of poly(methyl methacrylate) (p-MMA). When MMA and n-butyl acrylate (nBA) are polymerized into p-MMA and p-nBA homopolymer blends, MMA/nBA random copolymers, and p-MMA/p-nBA core-shell morphologies, a controlled mobility and stratification of low molecular weight components occurs in films formed from coalesced colloidal dispersions. Due to different affinities toward water, p-MMA and p-nBA are capable of releasing water at different rates, depending upon particle morphological features of initial dispersions. As coalescence progresses, water molecules are released from the high free volume p-nBA particles, whereas p-MMA retains water molecules for the longest time due to its hydrophilic nature. As a result, water losses at extended coalescence times are relatively small for p-MMA. MMA/nBA copolymer and p-MMA/p-nBA blends follow the same trends, although the magnitudes of changes are not as pronounced. The p-MMA/p-nBA core-shell behavior resembles that of p-nBA homopolymer, which is attributed to significantly lower content of the p-MMA component in particles. Annealing of coalesced colloidal films at elevated temperatures causes migration of SDOSS to the F-A interface, but for films containing primarily p-nBA, reverse diffusion back into the bulk is observed. These studies illustrate that the combination of different particle morphologies and temperatures leads to controllable permeation processes through polymeric films. Copyright 2004 American Chemical Society

  18. Fabrication of Ba-K-Bi-O thick film artefacts with improved critical currents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moore, J.C.; Salter, C.J.; Jenkins, R.J.; Grovenor, C.R.M.; Jones, H.


    The Ba-K-Bi-O system has a maximum T c of around 30K for a composition of Ba 0.6 K 0.4 BiO 3 . Fabrication of good quality single phase samples is extremely difficult and requires careful control of the fabrication conditions. Successful synthesis procedures for Ba-K-Bi-O powder and melt cast material which allow some control of the potassium content of the product were established by Hinks et al. The process is based on a melt and sinter step in an inert atmosphere which creates oxygen vacancies and allows potassium to enter the lattice. The oxygen vacancies are then filled by a subsequent oxygen anneal to obtain superconductivity. Ba-K-Bi-O is, therefore, metastable and consequently difficult to synthesise. There have been few reports of transport measurements and even fewer reports of transport critical currents for bulk material. It is often accepted that Ba-K-Bi-O has an intrinsically low critical current, and extremely poor critical current densities of 0.05 Acm -2 have been quoted for melt cast material. It has been suggested that the presence of weak links is the cause. However, there has been little research into the relationship between process conditions and superconducting properties for melt processed Ba-K-Bi-O to confirm this. (orig.)

  19. Mapping the involvement of BA 4a and 4p during Motor Imagery. (United States)

    Sharma, Nikhil; Jones, P S; Carpenter, T A; Baron, Jean-Claude


    Motor Imagery (MI) is an attractive but intriguing means to access the motor network. There are marked inconsistencies in the functional imaging literature regarding the degree, extent and distribution of the primary motor cortex (BA 4) involvement during MI as compared to Executed Movement (EM), which may in part be related to the diverse role of BA 4 and its two subdivisions (i.e., 4a and 4p) in motor processes as well as to methodological issues. Here we used fMRI with monitoring of compliance to show that in healthy volunteers optimally screened for their ability to perform MI the contralateral BA 4 is involved during MI of a finger opposition sequence (2, 3, 4, 5; paced at 1 Hz), albeit less than during EM of the same sequence, and in a location sparing the hand area. Furthermore, both 4a and 4p subdivisions were found to be involved in MI, but the relative involvement of BA 4p appeared more robust and closer to that seen with EM. We suggest that during MI the role of BA 4 and its subdivisions may be non-executive, perhaps related to spatial encoding, though clearly further studies are needed. Finally, we report a similar hemispheric activation balance within BA 4 with both tasks, which extends the commonalities between EM and MI.

  20. Nucleation control and inhibition of BaTiO3 films using hydrothermal-electrochemical method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escobar, Ivan; Silva, Carmen; Silva, Eric; Vargas, Tomas; Fuenzalida, Victor


    The microstructure of BaTiO 3 films on titanium by the hydrothermal-electrochemical method was investigated using a three electrode high pressure electrochemical cell in a 0.2 M Ba(OH) 2 electrolyte at 150 0 C. The spontaneous initial linked to pure hydrothermal BaTiO 3 formation can be inhibited by cathodically protecting titanium electrode since its immersion in the electrolyte. The application of initial nucleation pulses of varying the cathodic potentials affected the grain size of the deposit. It is suggested that the formation of a titanium oxide layers is a necessary step previous to the nucleation of BaTiO 3

  1. Pulsed laser deposition of Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ianno, N.J.; Liou, S.H.; Woollam, J.A.; Thompson, D.; Johs, B.


    Pulsed laser deposition is a technique commonly used to deposit high quality thin films of high temperature superconductors. This paper discusses the results obtained when this technique is applied to the deposition of Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O thin films using a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser operating at 532 nm and an excimer laser operating at 248 nm. Films with onset temperatures of 125 K and zero resistance temperatures of 110 K deposited on (100) oriented MgO from a composite Tl2Ca2Ba2Cu3Ox target were obtained at both wavelengths upon appropriate post deposition annealing. Films deposited at 532 nm exhibit a rough surface, while those deposited at 248 nm are smooth and homogeneous. Upon annealing, films deposited at both wavelengths are single phase Tl2Ca2Ba2Cu3Ox. 12 refs

  2. Accurate projected augmented wave datasets for BaFe2As2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Chao; Wu Yuing; Hamdan, Rashid; Wang, Yunpeng; Cheng Haiping


    By carefully choosing parameters and including more semi-core orbitals as valence electrons, we have constructed a high-quality projected augmented wave dataset that yields results comparable to existing full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave calculations. The dataset was then applied to BaFe 2 As 2 to study the effects of different levels of structure optimization, as well as different choices of exchange-correlation functionals. It was found that the local density approximation exchange-correlation functional fails to find the correct spin-density-wave anti-ferromagnetic (SDW-AFM) ground state under full optimization, while the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation functional obtains the correct state but significantly overestimates the magnetism. The electronic structure of the SDW-AFM state is not very sensitive to structure optimizations with the PBE exchange-correlation functional because the positions of the As atoms are preserved under optimizations. We further investigated the Ba atom diffusion process on the BaFe 2 As 2 surface using the nudged elastic bands method. The Ba atom was found to be stable above the center of the squares formed by the surface As atoms, and a diffusion barrier of 1.2 eV was found. Our simulated scanning tunneling microscopy image suggests an ordered surface Ba atom structure, in agreement with Massee et al (2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 140507; van Heumen E et al 2010 arXiv:1009.3493v1).

  3. Antibacterial power Village Fowl Egg Albumen (Gallus domesticus and Kate chicken (Gallus Bantam against fecal Coliform Bacteria Species at Eggshell Egg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Pramesti Wijaya


    Full Text Available Daya Antibakteri Albumen Telur Ayam Kampung (Gallus Domesticus dan Ayam Kate (Gallus Bantam terhadap Spesies Bakteri Coliform Fekal pada Cangkang Telur Abstract: This study aims to identify the species of fecal coliform bacteria found in chicken egg shells and Bantam and analyze the influence of chicken egg albumen and egg Bantam on the inhibition of the growth of species of fecal coliform bacteria found in chicken egg shells. This study is experimental with the independent variable in the form of chicken egg albumen and kate. The dependent variable in the form of growth inhibition zone fecal coliform bacteria. Tests performed by the agar diffusion method. Testing the antibacterial activity of chicken egg albumen and Bantam done by measuring the diameter of growth inhibition zone of each species colonies of fecal coliform bacteria in the medium Nutrient Agar. The research data is the measurement data growth inhibition zone diameter species of fecal coliform bacteria. Results were analyzed using analysis of variance single, and continued with LSD 1%. Results of the study are: (1 species fecal coliform bacteria found in chicken egg shells and chicken egg is Actinobacillus sp., Serratia liquefaciens, ozaenae Klebsiella, and Escherichia vulneris; and (2 there is the effect of different chicken egg albumen and egg Bantam towards the inhibition of the growth of species of fecal coliform bacteria found in chicken egg shells. Key Words: albumen of eggs, chicken, Bantam, antibacterial, fecal coliform bacteria Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi spesies-spesies bakteri koliform fekal yang terdapat pada cangkang telur ayam kampung dan ayam kate dan menganalisis pengaruh albumen telur ayam kampung dan telur ayam kate terhadap penghambatan pertumbuhan spesies-spesies bakteri koliform fekal yang terdapat pada cangkang telur ayam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ekperimen dengan variabel bebas berupa albumen telur ayam kampung dan kate

  4. The Danish Microbiology Database (MiBa) 2010 to 2013. (United States)

    Voldstedlund, M; Haarh, M; Mølbak, K


    The Danish Microbiology Database (MiBa) is a national database that receives copies of reports from all Danish departments of clinical microbiology. The database was launched in order to provide healthcare personnel with nationwide access to microbiology reports and to enable real-time surveillance of communicable diseases and microorganisms. The establishment and management of MiBa has been a collaborative process among stakeholders, and the present paper summarises lessons learned from this nationwide endeavour which may be relevant to similar projects in the rapidly changing landscape of health informatics.

  5. Preparation, photoluminescent properties and luminescent dynamics of BaAlF5:Eu2+ nanophosphors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Wei; Hua, Ruinian; Liu, Tianqing; Zhao, Jun; Na, Liyan; Chen, Baojiu


    Graphical abstract: Rice-shaped BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors were synthesized via one-pot hydrothermal process. The as-prepared BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ are composed of many particles with an average diameter of 40 nm. When excited at 260 nm, the sharp line emission located at 361 nm of Eu 2+ was observed. The optimum doping concentration of Eu 2+ was confirmed to be 5 mol%. The strong ultraviolet emission of Eu 2+ ions in BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanoparticles suggests that these nanoparticles may have potential applications for sensing, solid-state lasers and spectrometer calibration. - Highlights: • BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors were synthesized via a mild hydrothermal process. • The Van and Huang models were used to research the mechanism of concentration quenching. • The optimum doping concentration of Eu2+ was confirmed to be 5 mol%. - Abstract: Eu 2+ -doped BaAlF 5 nanophosphors were synthesized via a facile one-pot hydrothermal method. The final products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD results showed that the prepared samples are single-phase. The FE-SEM and TEM images indicated that the prepared BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors are composed of many rice-shaped particles with an average diameter of 40 nm. When excited at 260 nm, BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors exhibit the sharp line emissions of Eu 2+ at room temperature. The optimum doping concentration of Eu 2+ was confirmed to be 5 mol%. The Van and Huang models were used to study the mechanism of concentration quenching and the electric dipole–dipole interaction between Eu 2+ can be deduced to be a dominant for quenching fluorescence in BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors. The strong ultraviolet emission of Eu 2+ in BaAlF 5 :Eu 2+ nanophosphors suggests that these nanoparticles may have potential applications for sensing, spectrometer calibration and solid-state lasers

  6. Sequential structural and antiferromagnetic transitions in BaFe2Se3 under pressure (United States)

    Zhang, Yang; Lin, Ling-Fang; Zhang, Jun-Jie; Dagotto, Elbio; Dong, Shuai


    The discovery of superconductivity in the two-leg ladder compound BaFe2S3 has established the 123-type iron chalcogenides as a novel and interesting subgroup of the iron-based superconductor family. However, in this 123 series, BaFe2Se3 is an exceptional member, with a magnetic order and crystalline structure different from all others. Recently, an exciting experiment reported the emergence of superconductivity in BaFe2Se3 at high pressure [J. Ying et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 241109(R) (2017), 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.241109]. In this paper, we report a first-principles study of BaFe2Se3 . Our analysis unveils a variety of qualitative differences between BaFe2S3 and BaFe2Se3 , including in the latter an unexpected chain of transitions with increasing pressure. First, by gradually reducing the tilting angle of iron ladders, the crystalline structure smoothly transforms from P n m a to C m c m at ˜6 GPa. Second, the system becomes metallic at 10.4 GPa. Third, its unique ambient-pressure Block antiferromagnetic ground state is replaced by the more common stripe (so-called CX-type) antiferromagnetic order at ˜12 GPa, the same magnetic state as the 123-S ladder. This transition is found at a pressure very similar to the experimental superconducting transition. Finally, all magnetic moments vanish at 30 GPa. This reported theoretical diagram of the complete phase evolution is important because of the technical challenges to capture many physical properties in high-pressure experiments. The information obtained in our calculations suggests different characteristics for superconductivity in BaFe2Se3 and BaFe2S3 : in 123-S pairing occurs when magnetic moments vanish, while in 123-Se the transition region from Block- to CX-type magnetism appears to catalyze superconductivity. Finally, an additional superconducting dome above ˜30 GPa is expected to occur.

  7. Structures, phase transitions and microwave dielectric properties of the 6H perovskites Ba3BSb2O9, B=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ling, Chris D.; Rowda, Budwy; Avdeev, Maxim; Pullar, Robert


    We present a complete temperature-composition phase diagram for Ba 3 BSb 2 O 9 , B=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, along with their electrical behavior as a function of B. These compounds have long been recognized as 6H-type perovskites, but (with the exception of B=Mg) their exact structures and properties were unknown due to their low symmetries, temperature-dependent phase transitions, and difficulties in synthesizing pure samples. The full range of possible space group symmetries is observed, from ideal hexagonal P6 3 /mmc to monoclinic C2/c to triclinic P1-bar. Direct second-order transitions between these phases are plausible according to group theory, and no evidence was seen for any further intermediate phases. The phase diagram with respect to temperature and the effective ionic radius of B is remarkably symmetrical for B=Mg, Ca, and Sr. For B=Ba, a first-order phase transition to a locally distorted phase allows a metastable hexagonal phase to persist to lower temperatures than expected before decomposing around 600 K. Electrical measurements revealed that dielectric permittivity corrected for porosity does not change significantly as a function of B and is in a good agreement with the values predicted by the Clausius-Mossotti equation. - Graphical abstract: Thermodynamic phase diagram for Ba 3 BSb 2 O 9 , B=Mg, Ca, and Sr, as a function of temperature T and effective ionic radius (IR) of the B 2+ cation

  8. Effects of Ce, La and Ba addition on the electrochemical behavior of super duplex stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, Yun-Ha; Choi, Yoon-Seok; Kim, Jung-Gu; Park, Yong-Soo


    The effects of rare earth metal (REM: Ce, La) and Ba addition on aqueous corrosion properties of super duplex stainless steels (SDSS) were investigated by electrochemical tests and surface analyses. The results of potentiodynamic test indicated that the passive range increased by the addition of Ce, La, and Ba, indicating increased relative resistance to localized corrosion. The EIS measurements showed that the Ce-La-Ba-bearing alloys exhibited higher R ct and R p values than the Ce-La-Ba-free alloy at the passive and breakdown states. Furthermore, the additions of REMs and Ba together promoted the formation of dense chromium-enriched passive film.

  9. Nuclear sub-structure in 112–122Ba nuclei within relativistic mean field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhuyan, M.; Patra, S.K.; Arumugam, P.; Gupta, Raj K.


    Working within the framework of relativistic mean field theory, we study for the first time the clustering structure (nuclear sub-structure) of 112–122 Ba nuclei in an axially deformed cylindrical coordinate. We calculate the individual neutrons and protons density distributions for Ba-isotopes. From the analysis of the clustering configurations in total (neutrons-plus-protons) density distributions for various shapes of both the ground and excited states, we find different sub-structures inside the Ba nuclei considered here. The important step, carried out here for the first time, is the counting of number of protons and neutrons present in the clustering region(s). 12 C is shown to constitute the cluster configuration in prolate-deformed ground-states of 112–116 Ba and oblate-deformed first excited states of 118–122 Ba nuclei. Presence of other lighter clusters such as 2 H, 3 H and nuclei in the neighborhood of N = Z, 14 N, 34–36 Cl, 36 Ar and 42 Ca are also indicated in the ground and excited states of these nuclei. Cases with no cluster configuration are shown for 112–116 Ba in their first and second excited states. All these results are of interest for the observed intermediate-mass-fragments and fusion–fission processes, and the so far unobserved evaporation residues from the decaying Ba* compound nuclei formed in heavy ion reactions. (author)

  10. Microwave-Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of High-Purity Nb Doped BaTiO3 Nanocrystals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Khanfekr


    Full Text Available The synthesis of Nb doped BaTiO3 has been investigated under Microwave-Hydrothermal (MH conditions in the temperature of 150°C for only 2 h using C16H36O4Ti, BaH2O2.8H2O and NbCl5 as Ba, Ti and  Nb sources, respectively.  Typical experiments performed on MH processing have not yet reported for Nb doped BaTiO3.  In the MH process, the formation of high purity nano tetragonal Nb-BaTiO3 was strongly enhanced. New hydrothermal method was used instead of the previous solid state reaction for the BaTiO3±Nb2O3 system. The new method uses high pressure to create nano dimension particles in a lower time and temperature. In case of the phase evolution studies, the XRD pattern measurements and Raman spectroscopy were performed. TEM and FE-SEM images were taken for the detailed analysis of the particle size, surface and morphology.  Synthesis of Nb doped BaTiO3 with the Microwave-hydrothermal provides an advantage of fast crystallization and reduced crystal size when compared to existing methods.

  11. Apresentação Workshop Baía de Guanabara

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    Claudia Gutteres Vilela


    Full Text Available Ano 2003 Volume 26 - Workshop Baía de Guanabara Editor: Ismar de Souza Carvalho Coordenadora: Claudia Gutteres Vilela: Apresentação ISSN: 0101-9759 É com grande prazer que participo da edição do Anuário de 2003 do Instituto de Geociências, que inclui os trabalhos apresentados no Workshop Baía, realizado nos dias 12 e 13 de novembro de 2002, nesta instituição. O sucesso desse evento deve-se em grande parte aos trabalhos, apresentados sob a forma de palestras em mesas redondas ou painéis, por pesquisadores consagrados no Brasil e no exterior. O conteúdo dos trabalhos possui uma abrangência que se estende desde a Geologia até a Biologia, passando pela Oceanografia e Geografia, sempre com o objetivo comum de reunir dados sobre a Baía de Guanabara visando o diagnóstico ambiental. O Workshop Baía congregou diversas linhas de pesquisa desenvolvidas na Baía de Guanabara e regiões adjacentes, procurando uma integração das mesmas. Deste modo alguns trabalhos caracterizaram, em um contexto mais geral, a evolução do nível do mar na região sudeste durante o Holoceno, bem como apresentaram a neotectônica da região. Geoquímica orgânica de hidrocarbonetos e de metais pesados, sedimentologia e hidrogeologia integraram-se à distribuição de microorganismos nos sedimentos e na água, analisando diversas respostas a diferentes graus de poluição em regiões distintas. Um zoneamento ambiental ofereceu uma visão dinâmica das condições naturais e sociais do conjunto da Baía de Guanabara. A importância do workshop deve-se à busca de uma integração maior dos trabalhos acadêmicos para aplicação à gestão do desenvolvimento sustentável da Baía de Guanabara e seu entorno, que abriga a cidade do Rio de Janeiro e se constitui em uma das regiões com maior índice demográfico do Brasil. Seu impacto pode se avaliado pela presença de representantes de órgãos públicos como a SERLA, a Prefeitura de Niterói e ONGs ligadas a

  12. Emergence of the sub-THz central peak at phase transitions in artificial BaTiO3/(Ba,Sr)TiO3 superlattices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tikhonov, Yu.A.; Razumnaya, A.G.; Torgashev, V.I.; Zakharchenko, I.N.; Yuzyuk, Yu.I.; El Marssi, M.; Ortega, N.; Kumar, A.; Katiyar, R.S.


    A prominent central peak in the sub-THz frequency range was observed in the Raman spectra of BaTiO 3 /(Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BT/BST) superlattice grown on (001)MgO substrate. Both soft and central mode show an anomaly around 200 K and 280 K, which can be correlated with orthorhombic to monoclinic phase transition of BST and BT, respectively. The observed temperature dependence of the central mode enabled us to explain rather broad temperature dependence of the dielectric permittivity previously observed in BT/BST superlattices. (copyright 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  13. First-principles calculations on the four phases of BaTiO3. (United States)

    Evarestov, Robert A; Bandura, Andrei V


    The calculations based on linear combination of atomic orbitals basis functions as implemented in CRYSTAL09 computer code have been performed for cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, and rhombohedral modifications of BaTiO(3) crystal. Structural and electronic properties as well as phonon frequencies were obtained using local density approximation, generalized gradient approximation, and hybrid exchange-correlation density functional theory (DFT) functionals for four stable phases of BaTiO(3). A comparison was made between the results of different DFT techniques. It is concluded that the hybrid PBE0 [J. P. Perdew, K. Burke, M. Ernzerhof, J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 105, 9982.] functional is able to predict correctly the structural stability and phonon properties both for cubic and ferroelectric phases of BaTiO(3). The comparative phonon symmetry analysis in BaTiO(3) four phases has been made basing on the site symmetry and irreducible representation indexes for the first time. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Commensurability oscillations in NdBa2Cu3Oy single crystals

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    gated by angular dependent magnetization in very pure twinned and twin-free NdBa2 Cu3 Oy single ... The layered structure and the c-axis coherence length, ξc ≈ 4 ˚A, smaller than the lattice ... The high quality of both crystals is demonstrated by ... Commensurability oscillations in NdBa2Cu3Oy single crystals. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

  15. Limited Streamer Tubes for the BaBar Instrumented Flux Return Upgrade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, C.


    Starting from the very beginning of their operation the efficiency of the RPC chambers in the BaBar Instrumented Flux Return (IFR) has suffered serious degradation. After intensive investigation, various remediation efforts had been carried out, but without success. As a result the BaBar collaboration decided to replace the dying barrel RPC chambers about two years ago. To study the feasibility of using the Limited Streamer Tube (LST) as the replacement of RPC we carried out an R and D program that has resulted in BaBar's deciding to replace the barrel RPC's with LST's. In this report we summarize the major detector R and D results, and leave other issues of the IFR system upgrade to the future publications

  16. First-principles studies on the adsorption of molecular oxygen on Ba(110) surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, S.F.; Xue Xinlian; Li Pinglin; Li Xinjian; Jia Yu


    The adsorption of O 2 on Ba(110) surface is studied with first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. Our calculations predict that O 2 may prefer to dissociative adsorption on Ba(110) surface without obvious barrier. Also our results do not support the model of charge transfer from the surface to the molecule as a bond breaking mechanism. Instead, the increasing hybridization between O 2 orbitals and the d states of Ba(110) surface may play an important role in the dissociation adsorption

  17. Hydrothermal–galvanic couple synthesis of directionally oriented BaTiO3 thin films on TiN-coated substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Chia-Jung; Tsai, Di-You; Chan, Pei-Hsuan; Wu, Chu-Tsun; Lu, Fu-Hsing


    BaTiO 3 films were synthesized on TiN-coated Si substrate below 100 °C by a hydrothermal–galvanic couple technique in barium contained alkaline solutions. X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction results show that the BaTiO 3 thin films were directionally oriented grown on the TiN/Si substrates, i.e., (111) BaTiO 3 over (111) TiN. The surface morphologies revealed that BaTiO 3 nucleated and grew over the TiN surface with a single layer. From kinetic analyses, the growth rates of BaTiO 3 films prepared by the hydrothermal–galvanic couple technique were faster than a hydrothermal method. The galvanic effects were confirmed by investigating the induced currents and energies. The galvanic currents were generated and controlled by both the dissolution of TiN and the formation of BaTiO 3 . The output electric energies increased rapidly with the reaction time and leveled off at the full coverage of BaTiO 3 . - Highlights: • Cubic BaTiO 3 films are synthesized by a hydrothermal–galvanic couple method (HT–GC). • Growth rates of BaTiO 3 films made by HT–GC are faster than a hydrothermal method. • BaTiO 3 films are directionally oriented grown on the TiN/Si substrates. • Galvanic currents are controlled by dissolution of TiN and formation of BaTiO 3

  18. Factors influencing formation of highly dispersed BaTiO3 nanospheres with uniform sizes in static hydrothermal synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Jiabing; Shi, Haiyue; Dong, Huina; Zhang, Rui; Chen, Deliang


    Highly dispersed BaTiO 3 nanospheres with uniform sizes have important applications in micro/nanoscale functional devices. To achieve well-dispersed spherical BaTiO 3 nanocrystals, we carried out as reported in this paper the systematic investigation on the factors that influence the formation of BaTiO 3 nanospheres by the static hydrothermal process, including the NaOH concentrations [NaOH], molar Ba/Ti ratios (R Ba/Ti ), hydrothermal temperatures, and durations, with an emphasis on understanding the related mechanisms. Barium nitrate and TiO 2 sols derived from tetrabutyl titanate were used as the starting materials. The as-synthesized BaTiO 3 samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, and FT-IR spectra. The highly dispersed BaTiO 3 nanospheres (76 ± 13 nm) were achieved under the optimum hydrothermal conditions at 200 °C for 10 h: [NaOH] = 2.0 mol L −1 and R Ba/Ti  = 1.5. Higher NaOH concentrations, higher Ba/Ti ratios, higher hydrothermal temperatures, and longer hydrothermal durations are favorable in forming BaTiO 3 nanospheres with larger fractions of tetragonal phase and higher yields; but too long hydrothermal durations resulted in abnormal growth and reduced the uniformity in particle sizes. The possible formation mechanisms for BaTiO 3 nanocrystals under the static hydrothermal conditions were investigated

  19. Thin film hybrid Josephson junctions with Co doped Ba-122

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, Stefan; Doering, Sebastian; Schmidl, Frank; Tympel, Volker; Grosse, Veit; Seidel, Paul [Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Institut fuer Festkoerperphysik, Helmholtzweg 5, 07743 Jena (Germany); Haindl, Silvia; Iida, Kazumasa; Kurth, Fritz; Holzapfel, Bernhard [IFW Dresden, Institut fuer Metallische Werkstoffe, Helmholtzstrasse 20, 01069 Dresden (Germany); Moench, Ingolf [IFW Dresden, Institut fuer Integrative Nanowissenschaften, Helmholtzstrasse 20, 01069 Dresden (Germany)


    Josephson junctions are a strong tool to investigate fundamental superconducting properties, such as gap behaviour, dependencies from external fields and the order parameter symmetry. Finding secure values enables the possibility of theoretical descriptions to understand the physical processes within the new iron-based superconductors. Based on Co-doped BaFe{sub 2}As{sub 2} (Ba-122) layers produced via pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O{sub 3} substrates, we manufactured superconductor-normal conductor-superconductor (S-N-S) junctions structures by using photolithography, ion beam etching as well as insulating SiO{sub 2} layers. We present working Ba-122/Au/PbIn thin film Josephson junctions with different contact areas and barrier thicknesses, their temperature dependence and response to microwave irradiation. The calculated I{sub c}R{sub N} product is in the range of a couple of microvolts.

  20. Hydrothermal growth of highly textured BaTiO3 films composed of nanowires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Zhi; Tang Haixiong; Sodano, Henry A; Lin Yirong


    Textured barium titanate (BaTiO 3 ) films are attracting immense research interest due to their lead-free composition and excellent piezoelectric and dielectric properties. Most synthesis methods for these films require a high temperature, leading to the formation of a secondary phase and an overall decrease in the electrical properties of the ceramic. In order to alleviate these issues, a novel fabrication method is introduced by transferring oriented rutile TiO 2 nanowires to a textured BaTiO 3 film at temperatures below 160 °C. The microstructure and thickness of the fabricated BaTiO 3 films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and the crystal structure and degree of orientation were evaluated by x-ray diffraction patterns using the Lotgering method. It is shown that the thickness of the BaTiO 3 film can be controlled by the length of TiO 2 nanowire array template, and the degree of orientation of the textured BaTiO 3 films is highly dependent on the film thickness; the crystallographic orientation has been measured to reach up to 87%. The relative dielectric constant (ε r = 1300) and ferroelectric properties (P r = 2.7 μC cm −2 , E c = 4.0 kV mm −1 ) of the textured BaTiO 3 films were also characterized to demonstrate their potential application in sensors, random access memory, and micro-electromechanical systems. (paper)

  1. Fluorine dynamics in BaF2 superionic conductors investigated by NMR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gumann, Patryk


    In this work the dynamics of fluorine in solid-state electrolytes having BaF 2 -structure was investigated using three different NMR-methods: field cycling relaxometry, lineshape analysis, and static field gradient NMR. For this purpose a pure BaF 2 crystal, as well as crystals doped with trivalent impurities (LaF 3 ), were studied as a function of temperature. Using MAS NMR it was possible to identify two lines in Ba 0.9 La 0.1 F 2.1 having different chemical shift, and to refer them to the modified crystal structure. On this basis a model for the fluorine lineshape has been developed, taking into account three motional processes characterized by their correlation times. It includes jump diffusion of the fluorine ions among equivalent sites within two crystallographically distinct sublattices, and inter-lattice exchange processes. By measuring frequency and temperature-dependent spin lattice relaxation times, it was possible to gain information about fluorine dynamics on microscopic length scales. An attempt was also made to analyze the data for pure BaF 2 and low admixture concentration samples with a non-exponential correlation function. (orig.)

  2. Hamburgerlerin bazı Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerine Donmuş Depolama Sıcaklığı ve Depolama Süresinin Etkisi Üzerinde Araştırma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Hamdi Ertaş


    Full Text Available Ticari amaçla üretilen hamburgerler, -8 oC ve –26 oC’de 85 gün süre ile depolanmışlar ve depolama sıcaklığının ve süresinin hamburgerlerin bazı fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri üzerine olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. Fiziksel kriterler olarak su tutma kapasitesi (STK, pişirme kaybı (PK ve büzülme derecesi (BD; kimyasal kriterler olarak rutubet, protein, yağ miktarları ile pH değeri ve tiyobarbütirik asit (TBA sayısı; mikrobiyolojik kriterler olarak ise toplam mezofil aerob bakteri (TMAB sayısı, psikrofil bakteri (PB sayısı ve koliform grubu bakteri (KGB sayısı dikkate alınmıştır. Depolama sıcaklığı ve depolama süresinin rutubet, protein, yağ miktarları, STK, PK ve BD üzerine etkisinin olmadığı, pH değeri üzerine p<0.01 düzeyinde etkisinin olduğu, TBA-sayısı üzerine depolama sıcaklığının p<0.01 düzeyinde depolama süresinin p<0.05 düzeyinde etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir. –8 oC de depolama, hamburgerlerin pH değerlerini ve TBA-sayılarını önemli düzeyde artırırken, -26 oC de depolamada artış daha az düzeyde olmuştur. TMAB, PB ve KGB sayılarına, depolama sıcaklığının ve depolama süresinin etkisi görülmüş (p<0.01; -8 oC’de, depolama süresine bağlı olarak TMAB, PB ve KGB sayılarında sürekli bir artış görülürken –26 oC’de depolamada azalma olmuştur.

  3. Metrological activity determination of {sup 133}Ba by sum-peak absolute method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, R.L. da; Delgado, J.U.; Poledna, R.; Santos, A.; Veras, E.V. de; Rangel, J.; Trindade, O.L. [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Almeida, M.C.M. de, E-mail:, E-mail: [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The National Laboratory for Metrology of Ionizing Radiation provides gamma sources of radionuclide and standardized in activity with reduced uncertainties. Relative methods require standards to determine the sample activity while the absolute methods, as sum-peak, not. The activity is obtained directly with good accuracy and low uncertainties. {sup 133}Ba is used in research laboratories and on calibration of detectors for analysis in different work areas. Classical absolute methods do not calibrate {sup 133}Ba due to its complex decay scheme. The sum-peak method using gamma spectrometry with germanium detector standardizes {sup 133}Ba samples. Uncertainties lower than 1% to activity results were obtained.

  4. Chemical correlations in Caetite (BA) region, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gennari, R.F.; Almeida, Geangela M.; Souza, S.O.


    Brazil's economic situation is responsible for an urgent demand for energy. There are several ways to generate energy, in some localities of our country, energy generation occurs almost exclusively by nuclear route, as in Rio de Janeiro state. Brazil has the sixth largest reserve of the uranium ore in the world. Nowadays there is only one mine under exploration (Uraniferous District of Lagoa Real - Caetite-BA). Unfortunately, nuclear power generation is better known, by common citizen, more for its unwanted effects than for its benefits. This fact is also powered by some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), such as Greenpeace, who claim the uranium mine is dangerous since it causes environmental contamination. However, Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) rejected these accusations. In a previous study, we demonstrated that doses of the Caetite (BA) population are consistent with those usually found in other countries. We stated also the higher concentration of 238 U determined, in only one water sample, is probably due to natural processes, as soil leaching. In order to verify the existing natural processes, macro and micro chemical elements present in water and soil samples collected in the Caetite (BA) region were determined by ICP-MS. The results were transformed into dendrograms where chemical correlations are evidenced and they are consistent with existing natural chemical processes. It was also possible to observe a correlation between samples corroborating with the Geographic Information Systems data to be presented in this same scientific event. (author)

  5. Chemical correlations in Caetite (BA) region, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gennari, R.F., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica. Dept. de Fisica Nuclear; Campos, S.S., E-mail: [Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), Itapetinga, BA, (Brazil); Almeida, Geangela M.; Souza, S.O., E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Sao Cristovao, SE (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica


    Brazil's economic situation is responsible for an urgent demand for energy. There are several ways to generate energy, in some localities of our country, energy generation occurs almost exclusively by nuclear route, as in Rio de Janeiro state. Brazil has the sixth largest reserve of the uranium ore in the world. Nowadays there is only one mine under exploration (Uraniferous District of Lagoa Real - Caetite-BA). Unfortunately, nuclear power generation is better known, by common citizen, more for its unwanted effects than for its benefits. This fact is also powered by some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), such as Greenpeace, who claim the uranium mine is dangerous since it causes environmental contamination. However, Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) rejected these accusations. In a previous study, we demonstrated that doses of the Caetite (BA) population are consistent with those usually found in other countries. We stated also the higher concentration of {sup 238}U determined, in only one water sample, is probably due to natural processes, as soil leaching. In order to verify the existing natural processes, macro and micro chemical elements present in water and soil samples collected in the Caetite (BA) region were determined by ICP-MS. The results were transformed into dendrograms where chemical correlations are evidenced and they are consistent with existing natural chemical processes. It was also possible to observe a correlation between samples corroborating with the Geographic Information Systems data to be presented in this same scientific event. (author)

  6. Consideration of the band-gap tunability of BaSi2 by alloying with Ca or Sr based on the electronic structure calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imai, Yoji; Watanabe, Akio


    The electronic structures and total energies of BaSi 2 -SrSi 2 and BaSi 2 -CaSi 2 systems have been calculated using the first-principle pseudopotential method to clarify the band gap tunability of BaSi 2 by alloying with Sr or Ca. From an energetic consideration of the compounds where all the Ba I sites or all the Ba II sites of the BaSi 2 lattice are preferentially replaced by Sr or Ca, it is expected that the Ba I site will be preferentially replaced by Sr rather than the Ba II sites. Compounds where all the Ba II sites are replaced by Sr or all the Ba II or all the Ba I sites are replaced by Ca are energetically unfavorable compared to the undissolved system of BaSi 2 and SrSi 2 or CaSi 2 . The effect of the addition of Sr or Ca into the BaSi 2 lattice on the gap value is different depending on the replaced sites of Ba. The replacement of Ba I site by Sr will broaden the band gap of BaSi 2 , which is consistent with the observed results

  7. Improved the lithium storage capability of BaLi2Ti6O14 by electroless silver coating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Xiaoting; Wang, Pengfei; Li, Peng; Yu, Haoxiang; Qian, Shangshu; Shui, Miao; Wang, Dongjie; Long, Nengbing; Shu, Jie


    Highlights: • BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 /Ag is fabricated via a facile electroless deposition. • Highly dispersed Ag nanoparticles are successively coated on BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 . • BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 /Ag is used as anode material for lithium storage. • BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 /Ag exhibits improved lithium storage capability. - Abstract: To form BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 /Ag, highly dispersed Ag nanoparticles are successfully deposited on the surface of BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 by a simple chemical deposition method. The morphology, quantity and size of Ag nanoparticles in BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 /Ag composites are significantly influenced by the Ag coating contents. Electrochemical results show that Ag nanoparticles play a positive role in reducing redox polarization and improving electrical conductivity of BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 during lithiation/delithiation processes. Among all the as-obtained products, 6 wt.% Ag coated BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 shows the highest initial charge specific capacity of 160 mAh g −1 at the current density of 100 mA g −1 (1C), which is much higher than the 149.1 mAh g −1 for bare BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 . After 100 charge/discharge cycles, the reversible capacity can be maintained at 117.0 mAh g −1 . Moreover, this sample also shows excellent rate performance with high reversible charge capacities of 147.5, 139.7, 132.6, and 126.7 mAh g −1 at the rates of 2C, 3C, 4C and 5C, respectively. Compared with bare BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 , the superior electrochemical performance indicates that BaLi 2 Ti 6 O 14 /Ag can be a good anode material in lithium ion batteries.

  8. Large linear magnetoresistance in a new Dirac material BaMnBi2 (United States)

    Wang, Yi-Yan; Yu, Qiao-He; Xia, Tian-Long


    Dirac semimetal is a class of materials that host Dirac fermions as emergent quasi-particles. Dirac cone-type band structure can bring interesting properties such as quantum linear magnetoresistance and large mobility in the materials. In this paper, we report the synthesis of high quality single crystals of BaMnBi2 and investigate the transport properties of the samples. BaMnBi2 is a metal with an antiferromagnetic transition at T N = 288 K. The temperature dependence of magnetization displays different behavior from CaMnBi2 and SrMnBi2, which suggests the possible different magnetic structure of BaMnBi2. The Hall data reveals electron-type carriers and a mobility μ(5 K) = 1500 cm2/V·s. Angle-dependent magnetoresistance reveals the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) Fermi surface in BaMnBi2. A crossover from semiclassical MR ˜ H 2 dependence in low field to MR ˜ H dependence in high field, which is attributed to the quantum limit of Dirac fermions, has been observed in magnetoresistance. Our results indicate the existence of Dirac fermions in BaMnBi2. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574391), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China (Grant No. 14XNLQ07).

  9. Development of BaSO sub 4 :Eu thermoluminescence phosphor

    CERN Document Server

    Madhusoodanan, U; Lakshmanan, A R


    A highly sensitive thermoluminescence (TL) phosphor based on BaSO sub 4 :Eu was developed following the coprecipitation technique and firing in argon atmosphere at 1123 K. Photoluminescence studies confirm that firing in argon atmosphere instead of air increased the incorporation of Eu ions in 2+ valence state. At low gamma-ray doses, its TL sensitivity is nearly 2 to 3 times higher than that of CaSO sub 4 :Dy phosphor. The other salient features of this BaSO sub 4 :Eu TL phosphor are a constant glow curve shape and a nearly linear gamma-ray dose response.

  10. Ormebekæmpelse i vandværksfiltre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Sarah Christine Boesgaard; Boe-Hansen, Rasmus; Albrechtsen, Hans-Jørgen


    oligochaete orme, der er fundet i danske vandværksfiltre, er 10 cm lange og udgør derved en æstetisk udfordring for drikkevandsforsyninger. MikroskoMikroskopiske rundorme har vist sig at kunne være vært for uønskede bakterier herunder coliforme bakterier. Fjernelse af orme i filtrene udgør i dag en alvorlig...

  11. Profiles of traditional farms: soil texture, total inorganic N and bacteria-producing estate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuni Puji Hastuti


    Full Text Available Pond traditional system is the pond in still activity with a symple management system.  This activity indicated by low technology and relatively low production level.  Aquaculture activities in traditional pond not loss from nitrification and denitrification prosess, however this process is more low production rather than semiintensive and intensive system. This study aims to observe abundance of bacteria nitrification along with changes soil texture, and N-organic in the soil of traditional pond. Chemical and biological analyses were done using spectroscopy and Most Probable Number methods to determine the amount of nitrite and ammonium production of bacteria.  Based of the result, each stratum traditional ponds have relatively similar abundance in nitrite producing bacteria of 7.08-7.47 Log CFU/g.  Increasing abundance in ammonium producing bacteria was found in all stratum, range from 5.63 Log cfu/g to 8.12 Log cfu/g. From the first day of preparation, traditional ponds have a lot of nitrite and ammonium producing bacteria.Keywords: traditional, pond, nitrification, abundance of bacteri. ABSTRAKTambak sistem tradisional merupakan tambak yang dalam kegiatannya masih menggunakan sistem manajemen sederhana.  Hal ini ditandai dengan penerapan teknologi sederhana, dan tingkat produksi relatif rendah.  Kegiatan budidaya di tambak tradisional tidak akan terlepas dari proses nitrifikasi dan denitrifikasi, namun demikian proses ini relatif lebih rendah aktivitasnya daripada tambak sistem semiintensif dan intensif.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari kelimpahan bakteri penghasil senyawa nitrit, amonium seiring dengan perubahan tekstur tanah, dan N-organik pada tanah tambak tradisional. Media pertumbuhan bakteri dikondisikan bebas oksigen (oxygen free nitrogen/OFN method , sedangkan kelimpahan bakteri dianalisis dengan rumus most porbable number (MPN. Berdasarkan hasil, setiap strata tanah tambak tradisional memiliki jumlah bakteri

  12. Simulation of iron impurity in BaTiO{sub 3} crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stashans, Arvids, E-mail: [Grupo de Fisicoquimica de Materiales, Instituto de Quimica Aplicada, Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, Apartado 11-01-608, Loja (Ecuador); Castillo, Darwin [Grupo de Fisicoquimica de Materiales, Instituto de Quimica Aplicada, Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, Apartado 11-01-608, Loja (Ecuador); Escuela de Electronica y Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, Apartado 11-01-608, Loja (Ecuador)


    Iron-doped barium titanate (BaTiO{sub 3}) has been simulated taking into account cubic and tetragonal crystallographic lattices of the crystal. A quantum-chemical method based on the Hartree-Fock formalism has been used throughout the study. The calculated equilibrium structures of Fe-doped crystals reveal the defect-inward displacements of the Ti and O atoms whereas the shifts for the Ba atoms are encountered to be away with respect to the Fe impurity. According to the analysis of electron density population and electron band structure it is found that some unusual chemical bonding might take place between the Fe atom and its six adjacent O atoms. The role of Fe impurity in the ferroelectric polarization of the tetragonal BaTiO{sub 3} crystal has been discussed too.

  13. Glassy and Metastable Crystalline BaTi2O5 by Containerless Processing (United States)

    Yoda, Shinichi; Kentei Yu, Yu; Kumar, Vijaya; Kameko, Masashi

    Many efforts have been devoted to forming bulk glass from the melt of ferroelectric crystalline materials without adding any network-forming oxides such as SiO2 due to the potential for producing transparent glass ceramics with high dielectric constant and enhanced piezoelectric, pyroelectric and electro-optic use. The containerless processing is an attractive synthesis tech-nique as it can prevent melt contamination, minimize heterogeneous nucleation, and allow melt to achieve deep undercooling for forming metastable and glassy materials. We have fabricated a new ferroelectric materiel BaTi2 O5 [1] as bulk glass from melt by us-ing containerless processing and studied the phase relationship between microstructure and ferroelectric properties of BaTi2 O5 [2]. The structures of glassy and metastable crystalline BaTi2 O5 fabricated by the containerless pro-cessing were comprehensively investigated by combined X-ray and neutron diffractions, XANES analyses and computer simulations [3]. The 3-dimensional atomic structure of glassy BaTi2 O5 (g-BaTi2 O5 ), simulated by Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) modelling on diffraction data, shows that extremely distorted TiO5 polyhedra interconnected with both corner-and edge-shared oxy-gen, formed a higher packing density structure than that of conventional silicate glass linked with only corner-sharing of SiO4 polyhedra. In addition, XANES measurement reveales that five-coordinated TiO5 polyhedra were formable in the crystallized metastable a-and b-BaTi2 O5 phases. The structure of metastable b-BaTi2 O5 was solved by ab initio calculation, and refined by Rietveld refinement as group Pnma with unit lattices a = 10.23784 ˚, b = 3.92715 ˚, c A A = 10.92757 A ˚. Our results show that the glass-forming ability enhanced by containerless pro-cessing, not by `strong glass former', fabricated new bulk oxide glasses with peculiar structures and properties. The intermediate-range structure of g-BaTi2 O5 and the crystalline structure of

  14. Dosimetry of ultraviolet radiation with BaHfO_3 powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrera A, A. A.; Aguilar D, G. A.; Guzman M, J.; Rivera M, T.; Ceron R, V.


    Ceramic materials based on pure barium hafnate (BaHfO_3) have been obtained as a powder by the co-precipitation method. The powders obtained have a cubic structure that favors the thermoluminescent and optical properties, through which a better detection of the non-ionizing radiation is allowed. With these powders various tests were performed in the ultraviolet range at different exposure times. These thermoluminescent (Tl) studies were carried out using a Tl 3500 hand held reader which yielded a brightness curve that ranged from room temperature to the 350 degrees Celsius. This BaHfO_3 response exhibits a broad brightness curve with a single peak centered around 225 degrees Celsius. Finally, is reported that there are materials of barium hafnate (BaHfO_3) doped with some rare earths (Eu, Tb) which, instead of improving the performance of the powders, decrease it, so that the use of intrinsic barium hafnate is the most appropriate. (Author)

  15. Electronic States of IC60BA and PC71BM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheng Chun-Qi; Wang Peng; Shen Ying; Li Wen-Jie; Li Hong-Nian; Zhang Wen-Hua; Zhu Jun-Fa; Lai Guo-Qiao


    We investigate the electronic states of IC 60 BA and PC 71 BM using first-principles calculations and photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) measurements. The energy level structures for all possible isomers are reported and compared with those of C 60 , C 70 and PC 61 BM. The attachment of the side chains can raise the LUMO energies and decrease the HOMO-LUMO gaps, and thus helps to increase the power-conversion efficiency of bulk heterojunction solar cells. In the PES studies, we prepared IC 60 BA and PC 71 BM films on Si:H(111) substrates to construct adsorbate/substrate interfaces describable with the integer charge-transfer (ICT) model. Successful measurements then revealed that one of the most important material properties for an electron acceptor, the energy of the negative integer charge-transfer state (E ICT− ), is 4.31 eV below the vacuum level for PC 71 BM. The E ICT− of IC 60 BA is smaller than 4.14 eV

  16. Influence of seeding on crystallization behaviour of BaNaB9 glasses

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Influence of seeding on crystallization behaviour of BaNaB9. O15 glasses. RAHUL VAISH and K B R VARMA*. Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India. MS received 18 August 2008. Abstract. Transparent BaNaB9O15 (BNBO) glasses were fabricated via the conventional melt- ...

  17. Laser-induced fluorescence spectra of Ba+*-He exciplexes produced in cold He gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuyama, Yoshimitsu; Matsuo, Yukari; Moriwaki, Yoshiki


    We report the observation of laser-induced fluorescence spectra of Ba +* -He exciplexes. The experiment is carried out in an environment of cold gaseous helium at a temperature range of 3-30 K. We have observed the emission spectra of exciplexes by means of excitation of the 6p 2 P 32 2 S 12 transition of Ba + ions. It is found that these spectra are redshifted from the D2 emission line in the free space and are composed of several peaks. The experimental results are reproduced well by theoretical calculation of the emission spectra for vibrational levels of Ba +* -He. We also investigate the vibrational dynamics of the 6p 2 Π 32 state of Ba + *-He, and we have determined the collision-induced vibrational relaxation cross sections of the 6p 2 Π 32 state to be 9.7±1.1 A 2 at 15 K

  18. Ab Initio Calculations for the BaTiO3 (001) Surface Structure

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    XUE Xu-Yan; WANG Chun-Lei; ZHONG Wei-Lie


    @@ The ab initio method within the local density approximation is applied to calculate cubic BaTiO3 (001) surface relaxation and rumpling for two different terminations (BaO and TiO2). Our calculations demonstrate that cubic perovskite BaTiO3 crystals possess surface polarization, accompanied by the presence of the relevant electric field.We analyse their electronic structures (band structure, density of states and the electronic density redistribution with emphasis on the covalency effects). The results are also compared with that of the previous ab initio calculations. Considerable increases of Ti-O chemical bond covalency nearby the surface have been observed.The band gap reduces especially for the TiO2 termination.

  19. Is Urgent Evoke a Digital Ba?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wichmand, Mette


    of such a platform, the World Bank’s online game Urgent Evoke, which has been designed with the pur- pose of engaging citizens in developing innovative solutions for sociopolitical problems like poverty. The analysis is based on Nonaka’s concept of Ba, which means “place” and is described as a platform for advancing...

  20. Metal-insulator transition and magnetic properties of La - (Ba/Ca) - Mn - O compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anbarasu, V.; Manigandan, A.; Sathiyakumar, S.; Jayabalan, K.; Kaliyaperumal, L.K.


    The manganite compounds La 2 BaMn (3+x) P y (where x = 0, 0.5 and 1) and La 2 CaMn 3 O y have been prepared for the importance in the field of magneto resistance materials through solid-state reaction technique. From the Powder XRD patterns it was confirmed that both compounds were in single phase and the refined crystal system matches with superconducting perovskite structure and the lattice parameters were calculated as a = 3.892( 6) A, b = 3.899(3) A and c = 11.619(8) A for La 2 BaMn 3 O y ; a = 3.851(3) A, b = 3.891(9) A and c = 11.542(7) A for La 2 CaMn 3 O y . The low temperature resistivity measurement reveals that the compound La 2 BaMn 3 O y exhibiting M - I transition and the transition temperature was found to be 270 K. The study on magnetization nature of the La 2 BaMn 3+x Oy (where x = 0, 0.5 and I) compounds through vibrating sample magnetometer confirms the superparamagnetic nature at room temperature condition where as La 2 CaMn 3 O y exhibits paramagnetic nature. The structural relations between the prepared manganite systems La 2 BaMn 3 O y and La 2 CaMn 3 O y with superconducting perovskite compound LaBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-y was studied with the technological application of magneto resistive property of the prepared compounds. (author)

  1. Bioaccessibility of Ba, Cu, Pb, and Zn in urban garden and orchard soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Meifang; McBride, Murray B.; Li, Kaiming


    Exposure of young children to toxic metals in urban environments is largely due to soil and dust ingestion. Soil particle size distribution and concentrations of toxic metals in different particle sizes are important risk factors in addition to bioaccessibility of these metals in the particles. Analysis of particle size distribution and metals concentrations for 13 soils, 12 sampled from urban gardens and 1 from orchard found that fine particles (<105 μm) comprised from 22 to 66% by weight of the tested soils, with Ba, Cu, Pb and Zn generally at higher concentrations in the finer particles. However, metal bioaccessibility was generally lower in finer particles, a trend most pronounced for Ba and Pb. Gastric was higher than gastrointestinal bioaccessibility for all metals except Cu. The lower bioaccessibility of Pb in urban garden soils compared to orchard soil is attributable to the higher organic matter content of the garden soils. - Highlights: • The bioaccessibility of metals in urban garden and orchard soils was measured. • Ba, Cu, Pb, Zn were concentrated in fine particles of the soils. • Bioaccessibilities of Ba and Pb were generally lower in fine particles of soils. • Pb bioaccessibility was generally lower in soils with higher organic matter content. • Pb bioaccessibility was lower in urban garden soils than in an orchard soil. - Pb and other trace metals (Ba, Cu, Zn) were concentrated in fine particles of urban and orchard soils, but the bioaccessibility of Ba and Pb was generally lower in finer particles.

  2. Anomalous Ba/Ca signals associated with low temperature stresses in Porites corals from Daya Bay, northern South China Sea

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Tianran Chen; Kefu Yu; Shu Li; Tegu Chen; Qi Shi


    Barium to calcium (Ba/Ca) ratio in corals has been considered as a useful geochemical proxy for upwelling,river flood and other oceanic processes.However,recent studies indicated that additional environmental or biological factors can influence the incorporation of Ba into coral skeletons.In this study,Ba/Ca ratios of two Porites corals collected from Daya Bay,northern South China Sea were analyzed.Ba/Ca signals in the two corals were 'anomalous' in comparison with Ba behaviors seen in other near-shore corals influenced by upwelling or riverine runoff.Our Ba/Ca profiles displayed similar and remarkable patterns characterized by low and randomly fluctuating background signals periodically interrupted by sharp and large synchronous peaks,clearly indicating an environmental forcing.Further analysis indicated that the Ba/Ca profiles were not correlated with previously claimed environmental factors such as precipitation,coastal upwelling,anthropogenic activities or phytoplankton blooms in other areas.The maxima of Ba/Ca appeared to occur in the period of Sr/Ca maxima,coinciding with the winter minimum temperatures,which suggests that the anomalous high Ba/Ca signals were related to winter-time low sea surface temperature.We speculated that the Ba/Ca peaks in corals of the Daya Bay were most likely the results of enrichment of Ba-rich particles in their skeletons when coral polyps retracted under the stresses of anomalous winter low temperatures.In this case,Ba/Ca ratio in relatively high-latitude corals can be a potential proxy for tracing the low temperature stress.

  3. Performances of RPCs in the BaBar Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Messner, Robert


    The BaBar experiment uses a big system based on RPC detectors to discriminate muons from pions and to identify neutral hadrons. About 2000 m{sup 2} of RPC chambers have been working at SLAC since the end of 1998. We report on the performances of the RPC chambers focusing on new problems discovered in the RPC behavior. These problems started very soon after the installation of the chambers on the detector when the high ambient temperature triggered an increase of dark currents inside the chambers and a reduction of the efficiency. Careful analysis of the BaBar data and dedicated R&D efforts in the laboratory have helped to identify the main source of the trouble in the linseed oil varnish on the bakelite electrodes.

  4. DIRC - a particle identification system for BaBar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoecker, A.


    The DIRC (an acronym for Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) is a novel type of Cherenkov imaging device that has been developed, built and installed as part of the BaBar detector at the asymmetric B-factory PEP-II at SLAC. The DIRC is based on total internal reflection of Cherenkov photons produced and guided within thin, rectangular quartz bars covering the barrel region of BaBar. The photon detector is an array of photomultiplier tubes covering the photon phase space at the backward end of the bars. In its first few months of operation the DIRC performance has been found to achieve the design requirements. This note presents results from cosmic ray data and an analysis of the first beam collision runs. (author)

  5. Structural, morphological and Raman studies on hybridized PVDF/BaTiO3 nanocomposites (United States)

    Rajamanickam, N.; Jayakumar, K.; Ramachandran, K.


    Hybridized nanocomposites of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and nano - barium titanate (BaTiO3) were prepared using the solution casting method for different concentrations of nano-BaTiO3 and were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The flower like structure for morphology was observed in SEM. Raman analysis showed that the modified BaTiO3 particles, due to higher specific surfaces, induce, predominantly, the crystallization of the electrically active β-phase of PVDF, while the initial micron size particles induce the formation of the most common but non-polar α-crystal form.

  6. Thermoluminescence of rare earth doped BaSO/sub 4/ phosphors and its applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagpal, J.S.; Varadharajan, G. (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (India). Div. of Radiological Protection)


    Thermoluminescence of synthetic BaSO/sub 4/ samples individually doped with Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy and Tm has been studied after ..gamma..- and microwave irradiations. BaSO/sub 4/:Eu has the highest response for ..gamma..-radiation while BaSO/sub 4/:Tb exhibits highest reduction in its ..gamma..-induced TL after exposure to microwave radiation (2425 +- 25 MHz). The reduction depends on the microwave radiant exposure and is independent of the irradiance level in the range 25-200 mW . cm/sup -2/ and hence can be useful for microwave dosimetry.

  7. Inter-atomic force constants of BaF{sub 2} by diffuse neutron scattering measurement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakuma, Takashi, E-mail:; Makhsun,; Sakai, Ryutaro [Institute of Applied Beam Science, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512 (Japan); Xianglian [College of Physics and Electronics Information, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Tongliao 028043 (China); Takahashi, Haruyuki [Institute of Applied Beam Science, Ibaraki University, Hitachi 316-8511 (Japan); Basar, Khairul [Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40132 (Indonesia); Igawa, Naoki [Quantum Beam Science Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai 319-1195 (Japan); Danilkin, Sergey A. [Bragg Institute, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Kirrawee DC NSW 2232 (Australia)


    Diffuse neutron scattering measurement on BaF{sub 2} crystals was performed at 10 K and 295 K. Oscillatory form in the diffuse scattering intensity of BaF{sub 2} was observed at 295 K. The correlation effects among thermal displacements of F-F atoms were obtained from the analysis of oscillatory diffuse scattering intensity. The force constants among neighboring atoms in BaF{sub 2} were determined and compared to those in ionic crystals and semiconductors.

  8. Muon spin depolarization in Gd- and EuBa1Cu3O/sub x/

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooke, D.W.; Hutson, R.L.; Kwok, R.S.


    Positive muon spin rotation (μSR) measurements on Gd- and EuBa 2 Cu 3 O/sub x/ (x ∼ 7) have been conducted in the temperature interval 4-300K. For each sample, muons stop both at grain boundaries and within the superconducting grains. Measured magnetic field penetration depths are 1550 and 1900/angstrom/ for two specimens of GdBa 2 Cu 3 O/sub x/, and 1350/angstrom/ for EuBa 2 Cu 3 O/sub x/. 2 refs., 5 figs

  9. Polymorphism of tungsten perovskite compounds Ba/sub 2/SEsub(0. 67)WO/sub 6/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schittenhelm, H J; Kemmler-Sack, S [Tuebingen Univ. (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische Chemie


    The compounds Ba/sub 2/SEsub(0.67)WO/sub 6/ with SE = Gd-Lu are polymorphic. Above 1200/sup 0/C the instable cubic modification (ordered perovskite with 4 formula units Ba/sub 2/SEsub(0.67)vacantsub(0.33)WO/sub 6/ per cell) transforms irreversibly into a hexagonal modification with completely filled cationic lattice. For Ba/sub 2/Eusub(0.67)WO/sub 6/ the transformation is incomplete. With SE = Nd and Sm only the cubic modification is formed.

  10. Synthesis, structure, optical property, and electronic structure of Ba7AgGa5Se15

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin, Wenlong; He, Ran; Feng, Kai; Hao, Wenyu; Yao, Jiyong; Wu, Yicheng


    Graphical abstract: -- Highlights: •A new quaternary chalcogenide Ba 7 AgGa 5 Se 15 was synthesized. •It adopts a new structure type in the space group P31c of the trigonal system. •The structure contains a three-dimensional framework built from GaSe 4 and AgSe 4 tetrahedra. •Ba 7 AgGa 5 Se 15 is a direct semiconductor with the band gap of 2.60 (2) eV. •The electronic structure was calculated to explain the optical properties. -- Abstract: A new quaternary chalcogenide Ba 7 AgGa 5 Se 15 was synthesized by solid state reaction. It crystallizes in a new structure type in the noncentrosymmetric space group P31c of the trigonal system. In the structure, three Ga2Se 4 tetrahedra and one Ga1Se 4 tetrahedron are connected to each other by corner-sharing to form [Ga 4 Se 10 ] 8− anion clusters, which are further connected to AgSe 4 tetrahedra by corner-sharing to form a three-dimensional framework with Ba, Se7, and isolated Ga3Se 4 tetrahedra residing in the cavities. The optical band gap of 2.60 (2) eV for Ba 7 AgGa 5 Se 15 was deduced from the diffuse reflectance spectrum. From a band structure calculation, Ba 7 AgGa 5 Se 15 is a direct semiconductor and the transition between Se and Ba plays an important role in the band gap

  11. Effect of 6-BA on nodal explant bud sproutings of Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo Efeito de 6-BA na brotação de gemas de explantes nodais de Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Carlos da Silva Ramos


    Full Text Available Coffee plants can be micropropagated by nodal bud sprouting using the 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA hormone. However, literature reports the use of a wide range of 6-BA, from 0.5 to 88.8 µM L-1. So, this study was performed to narrow that range. Nodal explants of Coffea arabica cv Mundo Novo obtained from in vitro plantlets were inoculated on gelled-MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of 6-BA. Two assays were carried out: in the first one, 6-BA was used at concentrations of 0, 5, 25, 50, and 100 µM L-1, being evaluated at 43 and 123 days. In the second experiment, dosis of 10, 20 and 30 µM L-1, have evaluated at 65 and 100 days. Treatments with 6-BA induced multiple sprouting from the nodal explants, which were best characterized around 100 days after inoculation. The nodal explants grew taller and showed multiple shoots, whereas the effect of 6-BA at 5 to 25 µM L-1 was similar to that with higher concentrations (50 and 100 µM L-1. Nodal explants yielded from 2.9 to 6.0 buds per node, achieving height of 1.3 to 1.5 cm at 5 to 25 µM L-1 of 6-BA, whereas they yielded from 4.3 to 4.9 buds per node but the sprouting grew about 0.8 cm at 50 and 100 µM L-1 of 6-BA. This study indicated that multiple sprouting of lateral buds can be induced by lower concentrations of 6-BA, for example, from 10 to 30 µM L-1, diminishing possible risks of somaclonal variation due to high levels of hormone concentration.O cafeeiro pode ser micropropagado via brotação de gemas laterais, aplicando o regulador de crescimento 6-benzilaminopurina (6-BA. Entretanto, a literatura apresenta ampla variação da dose empregada, desde 0.5 a 88.8 µM L-1. Assim, este estudo visou otimizar doses para explantes nodais do cafeeiro C. arabica cv Mundo Novo. Explantes nodais, obtidos de plântulas cultivadas in vitro, foram inoculados em meio MS geleificado, com adição de diferentes concentrações de 6-BA. Foram feitos dois experimentos: no primeiro, 6-BA foi

  12. Heat capacity measurement of Ba3SrNb2O9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, B.M.; Samui, Pradeep; Agarwal, Renu; Mukerjee, S.K.


    Barium, Strontium and Niobium are important fission products in nuclear reactor with reasonable fission yields. During irradiation of oxide fuels, they can combine to form compounds of Ba-Sr-Nb-O system. Therefore, thermodynamic properties of Ba 3 SrNb 2 O 9 are required for modelling fuel behaviour however thermodynamic data of this compound is not available in literature. Ba 3 SrNb 2 O 9 was prepared by solid state route, by mixing stoichiometric amounts of finely grounded SrCO 3 , BaCO 3 and Nb 2 O 5 . Finally mixed powder was pressed into a pellet at 5 ton pressure for 2 minutes in a hydraulic press and the pellet was heated at 1123 K for 60 h in air. The pellet was cooled, finely grounded, re-pelletised and heated at 1473 K for 120 h. The formation of compound was confirmed by X-ray diffraction pattern, collected at room temperature using Cu-K α radiation (λ = 1.54 nm), scanned over the angular range 20-80° (2θ) with steps of 0.02°. Heat capacity of the compound was measured by the classical three-step method, in continuous mode, using LABSYS EVO, in temperature range of 370 and 950 K. No transition was observed in the investigated temperature range

  13. Physical and magnetic properties of (Ba/Sr) substituted magnesium nano ferrites (United States)

    Ateia, Ebtesam E.; Takla, E.; Mohamed, Amira T.


    In the presented paper, strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) nano ferrites were synthesized by citrate auto combustion method. The investigated samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction technique (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The structural properties of the obtained samples were examined by XRD analysis showing that the synthesized nanoparticles are in cubic spinel structure. The average crystallite sizes are in the range of 22.66 and 21.95 nm for Mg0.7Ba0.3Fe2O4 and Mg0.7 Sr0.3Fe2O4 respectively. The VSM analysis confirms the existence of ferromagnetic nature of Sr2+/Ba2+ substituted magnesium nano particles. Exchange interaction between hard (Sr/Ba) and soft (Mg) magnetic phases improves the structural and magnetic properties of nano ferrite particles. Rigidity modulus, longitudinal and shear wave velocities are predicted theoretically from Raman spectroscopy and structural data of the investigated spinel ferrite. The magnetic and structural properties of magnesium are enhanced by doping with barium and strontium nano particles. The saturation magnetization, remanent magnetization and coercivity reported on vibrating sample magnetometer curve illustrate the promising industrial and magnetic recording applications of the prepared samples.

  14. Extended analysis of four-times ionized barium: (Ba V)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, M.K.; Rahimullah, K.; Tauheed, A.


    The fifth spectrum of barium (Ba V) has been investigated with the aid of experimental recordings made on a 3-m normal incidence vacuum spectrograph at the Antigonish laboratory (Canada) in the wavelength region 300–2080 Å using triggered spark as an excitation source. The spectral analysis has been extended considerably to include new configuration 5s 2 5p 3 6p in even parity configuration and, 5s 2 5p 3 6d and 5s 2 5p 3 7s in odd parity configuration. Previously reported levels of the ground configuration and three lowest excited configurations 5s5p 5 , 5s 2 5p 3 5d and 5s 2 5p 3 6s in Ba V have been confirmed and all the J≥4 unknown levels of 5s 2 5p 3 5d configuration have now been established through the identification of transitions from the levels of 5s 2 5p 3 6p configuration. All the levels of 5s 2 5p 3 6p configuration and thirty seven out of forty eight levels of the 5s 2 5p 3 6d and 5s 2 5p 3 7s configurations have now been established. A configuration interaction Hartree–Fock calculation supports the analysis. -- Highlights: • The spectrum of Ba was recorded on a 3-m spectrograph with triggered spark source. • CI calculations with relativistic corrections were made for theoretical predictions. • Atomic transitions for Ba V were identified to established new energy levels. • Weighted oscillator strength (gf) and transition probabilities (gA) were calculated

  15. Computational study of Ca, Sr and Ba under pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jona, F; Marcus, P M


    A first-principles procedure for the calculation of equilibrium properties of crystals under hydrostatic pressure is applied to Ca, Sr and Ba. The procedure is based on minimizing the Gibbs free energy G (at zero temperature) with respect to the structure at a given pressure p, and hence does not require the equation of state to fix the pressure. The calculated lattice constants of Ca, Sr and Ba are shown to be generally closer to measured values than previous calculations using other procedures. In particular for Ba, where careful and extensive pressure data are available, the calculated lattice parameters fit measurements to about 1% in three different phases, both cubic and hexagonal. Rigid-lattice transition pressures between phases which come directly from the crossing of G(p) curves are not close to measured transition pressures. One reason is the need to include zero-point energy (ZPE) of vibration in G. The ZPE of cubic phases is calculated with a generalized Debye approximation and applied to Ca and Sr, where it produces significant shifts in transition pressures. An extensive tabulation is given of structural parameters and elastic constants from the literature, including both theoretical and experimental results

  16. Computational study of Ca, Sr and Ba under pressure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jona, F; Marcus, P M [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794-2275 (United States)


    A first-principles procedure for the calculation of equilibrium properties of crystals under hydrostatic pressure is applied to Ca, Sr and Ba. The procedure is based on minimizing the Gibbs free energy G (at zero temperature) with respect to the structure at a given pressure p, and hence does not require the equation of state to fix the pressure. The calculated lattice constants of Ca, Sr and Ba are shown to be generally closer to measured values than previous calculations using other procedures. In particular for Ba, where careful and extensive pressure data are available, the calculated lattice parameters fit measurements to about 1% in three different phases, both cubic and hexagonal. Rigid-lattice transition pressures between phases which come directly from the crossing of G(p) curves are not close to measured transition pressures. One reason is the need to include zero-point energy (ZPE) of vibration in G. The ZPE of cubic phases is calculated with a generalized Debye approximation and applied to Ca and Sr, where it produces significant shifts in transition pressures. An extensive tabulation is given of structural parameters and elastic constants from the literature, including both theoretical and experimental results.

  17. Cesium immobilization in (Ba,Cr)-hollandites: Effects on structure (United States)

    Tumurugoti, Priyatham; Sundaram, S. K.; Misture, Scott T.


    Hollandites with compositions Ba1.15-xCs2xCr2.3Ti5.7O16 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.15) intended for the immobilization of cesium (Cs) from nuclear waste have been prepared, characterized, and analyzed for Cs retention properties. Sol-gel synthesized powders were used for structural characterization using a combination of X-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction techniques. Phase-pure hollandites adopting tetragonal (I4/m) or monoclinic symmetry (I2/m) were observed to form in the compositional range 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4. Structural models for the compositions, x = 0, 0.15, and 0.25 were developed from Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data. Refined anisotropic displacement parameters (βij) for the Ba and Cs ions in the hollandite tunnels indicate local disorder of Ba/Cs along the tunnel direction. In addition, weak superlattice reflections were observed in X-ray and electron diffraction patterns that were due to the compositional modulation i.e., ordering of ions and vacancies along tunnel direction. Our overall observations suggest the phase-pure hollandites studied assumed supercell structures with ordered tunnel cations, which in turn have positional disorder in individual supercells.

  18. Colloidal synthesis of BaF2 nanoparticles and their application as fillers in polymer nanocomposites (United States)

    Sathyamurthy, Srivatsan; Tuncer, Enis; More, Karren L.; Gu, Baohua; Sauers, Isidor; Paranthaman, M. Parans


    Nanoparticles of pure and Eu-doped BaF2 have been prepared through sol-gel colloidal synthesis. In addition, BaF2-filled PMMA polymer nanocomposites were fabricated and dielectric properties were measured. The as-synthesized pure and Eu-doped BaF2 nanoparticles were analyzed by both X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy and consisted of crystalline BaF2 particles with an average diameter of 13.6 nm with a standard deviation of about ±2.4 nm. The photoluminescence properties of the pure and Eu-doped (2%, 4% and 8%) nanoparticles showed characteristic emission of Eu3+ (5D0→7F J ( J=1-4) transitions). We also measured significantly enhanced dielectric breakdown strength of up to 30% for BaF2 nanocomposites over the unfilled PMMA polymer. This study thus offers some promise of sol-gel synthesis of nanocomposite dielectrics with great potential for use as electrical insulation materials in cryogenic high-voltage applications.

  19. Colloidal synthesis of BaF2 nanoparticles and their application as fillers in polymer nanocomposites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sathyamurthy, Srivatsan [ORNL; Tuncer, Enis [ORNL; More, Karren Leslie [ORNL; Gu, Baohua [ORNL; Sauers, Isidor [ORNL; Paranthaman, Mariappan Parans [ORNL


    Nanoparticles of pure and Eu-doped BaF2 have been prepared through sol-gel colloidal synthesis. In addition, BaF2 filled PMMA polymer nanocomposites were fabricated and dielectric properties were measured. The as-synthesized pure and Eu-doped BaF2 nanoparticles were analyzed by both X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy and consisted of crystalline BaF2 particles with an average diameter of 13.6 nm with a standard deviation of about 2.4 nm. The photoluminescence properties of the pure and Eu-doped (2%, 4% and 8%) nanoparticles showed characteristic emission of Eu3+ (5D0 7FJ (J=1-4) transitions). We also measured significantly enhanced dielectric breakdown strength of up to 30% for BaF2 nanocomposites over the unfilled PMMA polymer. This study thus offers some promise of sol-gel synthesis of nanocomposite dielectrics with great potential for use as electrical insulation materials in cryogenic high voltage applications.

  20. Surface reconstruction switching induced by tensile stress of DB steps: From Ba/Si(0 0 1)- 2 × 3 to Ba/Si(0 0 1)-4° off- 3 × 2 (United States)

    Kim, Hidong; Lkhagvasuren, Altaibaatar; Zhang, Rui; Seo, Jae M.


    The alkaline-earth metal adsorption on Si(0 0 1) has attracted much interest for finding a proper template in the growth of high- κ and crystalline films. Up to now on the flat Si(0 0 1) surface with double domains and single-layer steps, the adsorbed Ba atoms are known to induce the 2 × 3 structure through removing two Si dimers and adding a Ba atom per unit cell in each domain. In the present investigation, the Si(0 0 1)-4° off surface with DB steps and single domains has been employed as a substrate and the reconstruction at the initial stage of Ba adsorption has been investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy and synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy. On this vicinal and single domain terrace, a novel 3 × 2 structure rotated by 90° from the 2 × 3 structure has been found. Such a 3 × 2 structure turns out to be formed by adding a Ba atom and a Si dimer per unit cell. This results from the fact that the adsorbed Ba2+ ions with a larger ionic radius relieve tensile stress on the original Si dimers exerted by the rebonded atoms at the DB step.

  1. Stability of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Thin Films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siegal, M.P.; Overmyer, D.L.; Venturini, E.L.; Padilla, R.R.; Provencio, P.N.


    We report the stability of TlBa{sub 2}CaCu{sub 2}O{sub 7} (Tl-1212) and Tl{sub 2}Ba{sub 2}CaCu{sub 2}O{sub 8} (T1-2212) thin films and by inference, the stability of TlBa{sub 2}Ca{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 9} (Tl-1223) and Tl{sub 2}Ba{sub 2}Ca{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 10} (Tl-2223) thin films, under a variety of conditions. In general, we observe that the stability behavior of the single Tl-O layer materials (Tl-1212 and Tl-1223)are similar and the double Tl-O layer materials (Tl-2212 and Tl-2223) are similar. All films are stable with repeated thermal cycling to cryogenic temperatures. Films are also stable in acetone and methanol. Moisture degrades film quality rapidly, especially in the form of vapor. Tl-1212 is more sensitive to vapor than Tl-2212. These materials are stable to high temperatures in either N{sub 2}, similar to vacuum for the cuprates, and O{sub 2} ambients. While total degradation of properties (superconducting and structural) occur at the same temperatures for all phases, 600 C in N{sub 2} and 700 C in O{sub 2}, the onset of degradation occurs at somewhat lower temperatures for Tl-1212 than for Tl-2212 films. In all cases, sample degradation is associated with Tl depletion from the films.

  2. Synthesis and luminescence properties of BaTiO3:RE (RE = Gd , Dy ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    thermoluminescence (TL) properties of BaTiO3 samples doped with Gd3+, Dy3+, Tb3+ and Lu3+ were investigated. ... electron microscope using an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. .... doping of 1% mole Gd3+ ion into the BaTiO3 compound.

  3. Structural phase transition and magnetic properties of double perovskites Ba2CaMO6 (M=W, Re, Os)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamura, Kazuhiro; Wakeshima, Makoto; Hinatsu, Yukio


    Structures and magnetic properties for double perovskites Ba 2 CaMO 6 (M=W, Re, Os) were investigated. Both Ba 2 CaReO 6 and Ba 2 CaWO 6 show structural phase transitions at low temperatures. For Ba 2 CaReO 6 , the second order transition from cubic Fm3-bar m to tetragonal I4/m has been observed near 120K. For Ba 2 CaWO 6 , the space group of the crystal structure is I4/m at 295K and the transition to monoclinic I2/m has been observed between 220K. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show that Ba 2 CaReO 6 (S=1/2) and Ba 2 CaOsO 6 (S=1) transform to an antiferromagnetic state below 15.4 and 51K, respectively. Anomalies corresponding to their structural phase transition and magnetic transition have been also observed through specific heat measurements

  4. Optical properties of BaO added bioactive Na2O-CaO-P2O5 glasses (United States)

    Edathazhe, Akhila B.; Shashikala, H. D.


    This paper deals with the effect of BaO addition on the optical properties of bioactive Na2O-CaO-P2O5 glasses for biomedical optics applications. The phosphate glasses with composition (26-x)Na2O-xBaO-29CaO-45P2O5 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15 mol%) have been prepared by melt-quenching technique at 1100°C. The refractive index of glasses increased with BaO content. The optical band gap and Urbach energy of synthesized glasses were derived from the optical absorption spectra by using UV-Visible spectrometer. The addition of 5 mol% of BaO increased the band gap energy of glasses due to the formation of ionic cross-links in the glass structure. The defect and interstitial bonds formation in theglasses decreased with BaO additions as indicated by reductions in the Urbach energy values. No such variations in the band gap and Urbach energy values of glasses were observed with BaO content from 5 to 15 mol%. The molar and oxide ion polarizability values were calculated from the band gap and molar volume of glasses. The increase in the calculated optical basicity and metallization criteria of glasses supported the rise in band gap energy values with BaO additions. As the melting temperature of glasses decreased from 1200 to 1100°C, the refractive index increased as supported by the measured density values. The band gap energy is not changed with melting temperature. The Urbach energy decreased with decrease in melting temperature in case of BaO-free Na2O-CaO-P2O5 glasses, whereas it increased in case of BaO added glasses due to the role of BaO as modifying oxide.

  5. Synthesis and magnetic properties of single-crystalline BaFe12O19 nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Jiangying; Tang Shaolong; Zhai Lin; Shi Yangguang; Du Youwei


    Rod-like and platelet-like nanoparticles of simple-crystalline barium hexaferrite (BaFe 12 O 19 ) have been synthesized by the molten salt method. Both particle size and morphology change with the reaction temperature and time. The easy magnetization direction (0 0 l) of the BaFe 12 O 19 nanoparticles has been observed directly by performing X-ray diffraction on powders aligned at 0.5 T magnetic field. The magnetic properties of the BaFe 12 O 19 magnet were investigated with various sintering temperatures. The maximum values of saturation magnetization (σ s =65.8 emu/g), remanent magnetization (σ r =56 emu/g) and coercivity field (H ic =5251 Oe) of the aligned samples occurred at the sintering temperatures of 1100 deg. C. These results indicate that BaFe 12 O 19 nanoparticles synthesized by the molten salt method should enable detailed investigation of the size-dependent evolution of magnetism, microwave absorption, and realization of a nanodevice of magnetic media.

  6. Improved osteoblasts growth on osteomimetic hydroxyapatite/BaTiO_3 composites with aligned lamellar porous structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Beilei; Chen, Liangjian; Shao, Chunsheng; Zhang, Fuqiang; Zhou, Kechao; Cao, Jun; Zhang, Dou


    Osteoblasts growing into bone substitute is an important step of bone regeneration. This study prepared porous hydroxyapatite (HA)/BaTiO_3 piezoelectric composites with porosity of 40%, 50% and 60% by ice-templating method. Effects of HA/BaTiO_3 composites with different porosities, with and without polarizing treatment on adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts were investigated in vitro. Results revealed that cell densities of the porous groups were significantly higher than those of the dense group (p 0.05). The absence of mechanical loading on the polarized samples may account for this. The results indicated that hierarchically porous HA/BaTiO_3 played a favorable part in osteoblasts proliferation, differentiation and adhesion process and is a promising bone substitute material. - Graphical abstract: Aligned porous structure of HA/BaTiO_3 piezoelectric composites prepared by ice-templating method was similar to the lamellar Haversian system in bone tissue. When co-cultured with human osteosarcoma cells (MG63), porous HA/BaTiO_3 composites exhibited remarkable biological activity in promoting proliferation, differentiation and adhesion of MG63 cells. - Highlights: • The aligned porous structure of HA/BaTiO_3 composite was similar to the lamellar Haversian system in bone tissue. • The piezoelectric d_3_3 coefficient of HA/BaTiO_3 with porosity of 50% was 5.0 pC/N, much higher than that of natural bone. • HA/BaTiO_3 with porosity of 50% promoted proliferation, differentiation and adhesion of MG63 cells remarkably.

  7. Redox reactions and mechanism of luminescence in BaFCl:Eu

    CERN Document Server

    Upadeo, S V; Gundurao, T K


    The phenomenon of stimulable luminescence of phosphors pre-irradiated with high-energy radiation is widely used in the field of imaging. Phosphors such as BaFX:Eu (X = Cl, Br) are extensively used in x-ray screens for digital image processing. There is, however, divided opinion regarding the mechanism responsible for the luminescence process in these materials. In this paper we have discussed the role of Eu sup 3 sup +reversible Eu sup 2 sup + conversion in BaFCl:Eu phosphor using PL, TL, TL emission and ESR techniques. (author)

  8. Nitrogen induced ferromagnetism in Cobalt doped BaTiO3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chandrima Mitra


    Full Text Available The electronic structure and magnetism of Cobalt doped BaTiO3 (BaTi1−xCoxO3 is investigated. Substitutional Nitrogen on an Oxygen site is found to play an important role in inducing net magnetic moments in the system. The presence of a Nitrogen atom as nearest neighbour to a Cobalt atom is crucial in producing spin splitting of both the Nitrogen and Cobalt states thereby introducing a net local magnetic moment. The introduction of Nitrogen is further found to enhance ferromagnetic interactions between Cobalt atoms.

  9. Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum (KHM) Kadar Sampel Alang-Alang (Imperata Cylindrica) dalam Etanol melalui Metode Difusi Cakram


    Mulyadi, Moh; Wuryanti, Wuryanti; Sarjono, Purbowatiningrum Ria


    Bakteri merupakan mikroorganisme yang berada di sekitar kita. Penelitian yang sering dilakukan untuk mencari sumber alternatif lain yang berfungsi sebagai antibakteri karena adanya beberapa bakteri yang menjadi resisten terhadap suatu antibakteri. Bahan-bahan yang dilaporkan memiliki aktifitas antibakteri diantaranya adalah alang-alang. Alang-alang berkhasiat untuk obat radang ginjal akut, antibakteri, muntah darah, kencing nanah dan mimisan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh Kosentra...

  10. Forgotten constructions erected for mining and salt-works activities in Zlatá Baňa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ján Brehuv


    Full Text Available Village Zlatá Baňa is known for the mining activities for gold, silver, mercury and antimony in the past. This article is devoted notto mining activities but to forgotten 2 dams, which were erected on the Delňa brook. The first was constructed above Zlatá Baňa fromwood in 1691 and does not exist presently. The second one was erected beneath Zlatá Baňa between 1802 – 1807 from stone and cementmortar. It exists up to this day but it is not working. The mentioned dams enabled to create water reservoirs. The first one enabled the water transport of wood trunksfrom Žlatá Baňa to Soľná Baňa in 1691 for a mining output of a salt-stone (or stone-salt. In the years 1807-1917, water from the second reservoir enabled the water transport of wood by a wooden flume 18,9 km long from Zlatá Baňa to the salt-works in Solivar. The mentioned dams and their water reservoirs enabled the high economical effectivity of the mining output of salt and salt-production of the salt-works in Solivar.

  11. Tl, Bi, and Pb doping in Ba4BiPb2TlO12-δ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sutto, T.E.; Averill, B.A.


    To determine the effects of different 6s metal concentrations on the superconducting nature of Ba 4 BiPb 2 TlO 12-δ , materials produced via four doping schemes were examined: Ba 4 Bi(Pb, Tl) 3 O 12-δ , Ba 4 -(BiPb) 3 TlO 12-δ , Ba 4 (Bi,Tl) 2 Pb 2 O 12-δ , and Ba 4 Bi x Pb 4-2x Tl x O 12-δ . For the parent compound a value of δ = 0.91 was observed, indicating that approximately 1/4 oxygen atom was missing per cubic subsection of the unit cell. For all samples, the symmetry of the parent compound changed from orthorhombic to tetragonal as the system moved away from the ideal composition. This was usually accompanied by the loss of superconductivity, which exhibited a maximum T c of 10.5 K for the parent compound Ba 4 BiPb 2 TlO 12-δ . Also reported are high-temperature magnetic susceptibility results, which are used to determine the effect of metal substitution on the density of states at the Fermi level. For each set of variants on the parent composition, the onset of superconductivity was accompanied by a significant decrease in the size of the Pauli paramagnetic signal. 16 refs., 6 figs

  12. Investigation of BaMoO4-Ln2(MoO4)3 systems (Ln = Nd, Sm, Yb)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vakulyuk, V.V.; Evdokimov, A.A.; Khomchenko, G.P.


    Using the methods of X-ray phase and differential-thermal analyses phase ratios in the systems BaMoO 4 -Ln 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 (Ln=Nd, Sm, Yb); BaNd 2 (MoO 4 ) 4 -MaGd 2 (MoO 4 ) are studied. Unit cell parameters and the character of melting of the compounds BaLn 2 (MoO 4 ) 4 are specified. Effect of growth conditions on laminated nature of BaGd 2 (MoO 4 ) 4 monocrystals is studied

  13. Modelo de adaptación de Roy en el baño en cama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Manuel Flórez Ramos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de dos tipos de baño en cama: seco y tradicional, frente a la respuesta adaptativa en modo fisiológico de Roy en paciente crítico cardiovascular (pccv. Metodología: Estudio de diseño cuasi-experimental, de intervención con preprueba y posprueba, realizado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (uci de la Clínica Medellín. El grupo experimental fue de 36 pacientes, a quienes se les realizó baño en cama seco; el grupo control fue de 36 pacientes, a quienes se les realizó baño en cama tradicional. Se utilizaron los estadísticos Wilcoxon, u de Mann Whitney y el Modelo de dos factores, con medidas repetidas en un factor. Resultados: Se encontró un efecto benéfico durante la realización del baño en cama en seco, puesto que los indicadores de tensión arterial y frecuencia respiratoria no presentaron respuestas inefectivas (p = 0,03 y p = 0,013, respectivamente. Por otra parte, las variables duración del baño y cuidados adicionales fueron satisfactorias en comparación con el baño en cama tradicional. Conclusiones: Los resultados permiten recomendar el uso del baño en cama en seco en paciente crítico cardiovascular (pccv, en virtud de los efectos benéficos que facilitan los procesos de adaptación, contribuyendo así a cualificar el cuidado de enfermería en este tipo de pacientes.

  14. Hybrid molecular beam epitaxy for the growth of stoichiometric BaSnO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prakash, Abhinav, E-mail:; Dewey, John; Yun, Hwanhui; Jeong, Jong Seok; Mkhoyan, K. Andre; Jalan, Bharat, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 (United States)


    Owing to its high room-temperature electron mobility and wide bandgap, BaSnO{sub 3} has recently become of significant interest for potential room-temperature oxide electronics. A hybrid molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) approach for the growth of high-quality BaSnO{sub 3} films is developed in this work. This approach employs hexamethylditin as a chemical precursor for tin, an effusion cell for barium, and a radio frequency plasma source for oxygen. BaSnO{sub 3} films were thus grown on SrTiO{sub 3} (001) and LaAlO{sub 3} (001) substrates. Growth conditions for stoichiometric BaSnO{sub 3} were identified. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) intensity oscillations, characteristic of a layer-by-layer growth mode were observed. A critical thickness of ∼1 nm for strain relaxation was determined for films grown on SrTiO{sub 3} using in situ RHEED. Scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with electron energy-loss spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy confirmed the cube-on-cube epitaxy and composition. The importance of precursor chemistry is discussed in the context of the MBE growth of BaSnO{sub 3}.

  15. Template synthesis and magnetic properties of highly aligned barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19) nanofibers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Boneng; Li, Congju; Wang, Jiaona


    Using electrospun poly(ethylene terephthalate)/citric acid (PET/CA) microfibers as the template, highly aligned barium hexaferrite (BaFe 12 O 19 ) nanofibers with diameters of ca. 800 nm and lengths up to 2 cm were synthesized by sol–gel precursor coating technique and subsequent high temperature calcination. Structural and morphological investigations revealed that individual BaFe 12 O 19 nanofibers were composed of numerous nanocrystallites stacking alternatively along the nanofiber axis, the average grain size was ca. 225 nm and the single crystallites on each BaFe 12 O 19 nanofibers were of random orientations. The formation mechanism of aligned BaFe 12 O 19 nanofibers was proposed based on experiment. The magnetic measurement revealed that the aligned BaFe 12 O 19 nanofibers exhibited orientation-dependent magnetic behavior with respect to the applied magnetic field. The magnetic anisotropy with the easy magnetizing axis along the length of the nanofibers was due to the shape anisotropy. Such aligned magnetic nanofibers can find relevance in application requiring an orientation-dependent physical response. - Highlights: ► A simple method was used to synthesize the aligned BaFe 12 O 19 nanofibers. ► The aligned BaFe 12 O 19 nanofibers display an obvious orientation-dependent magnetic behavior. ► The method can be readily applied to other aligned one-dimensional inorganic nanomaterials

  16. One-step synthesis of single phase micro-sized BaFe12O19 hexaplates via a modified hydrothermal approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, Liangliang; Zeng, Yanwei; Ding, Chuan; Li, Rongjie; Li, Chuanming; Zhang, Chengzhe


    Single phase BaFe 12 O 19 ferrite identified by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy has been successfully synthesized using Fe(NO 3 ) 3 ·9H 2 O and Ba(NO 3 ) 2 as starting materials and NaOH as a precipitant via a modified one-step hydrothermal approach which involves the elimination of carbonate radicals from reaction system based on the stoichiometric ratio of [Ba 2+ ]/[Fe 3+ ]. Hydrothermal products under various synthetic conditions were studied, including different addition amounts of Ba(NO 3 ) 2 in the modified operation, reaction temperatures and times, and hydroxyl concentrations. The BaFe 12 O 19 particles featuring an excellent hexagonal plates shape can be hydrothermally synthesized with the aid of polyethylene glycol. It has been found that the presence of α-Fe 2 O 3 in a traditional hydrothermal process is motivated by the deviation from the desired [Ba 2+ ]/[Fe 3+ ] ratio caused by the negligent precipitation of Ba 2+ ions to BaCO 3 . An investigation on the preferred hydrothermal product through thermodynamic calculation shows that the reduction in Gibbs free energy for the exclusive formation of BaFe 12 O 19 with 1 mol of Fe 3+ ions at 220 °C is approximately 32 kJ higher than that for the complete transformation to α-Fe 2 O 3 with an equal consumption quantity of Fe 3+ ions. - Highlights: • Pure BaFe 12 O 19 was hydrothermally synthesized based on the stoichiometric ratio. • A modified operation was employed to eliminate self-invited carbonate ions. • BaFe 12 O 19 particles feature an excellent micro-sized hexaplates shape. • BaFe 12 O 19 was thermodynamically confirmed to be preferred result instead of α-Fe 2 O 3 .

  17. Jumping the gun: Smoking constituent BaP causes premature primordial follicle activation and impairs oocyte fusibility through oxidative stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sobinoff, A.P.; Pye, V.; Nixon, B.; Roman, S.D.; McLaughlin, E.A.


    Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is an ovotoxic constituent of cigarette smoke associated with pre-mature ovarian failure and decreased rates of conception in IVF patients. Although the overall effect of BaP on female fertility has been documented, the exact molecular mechanisms behind its ovotoxicity remain elusive. In this study we examined the effects of BaP exposure on the ovarian transcriptome, and observed the effects of in vivo exposure on oocyte dysfunction. Microarray analysis of BaP cultured neonatal ovaries revealed a complex mechanism of ovotoxicity involving a small cohort of genes associated with follicular growth, cell cycle progression, and cell death. Histomorphological and immunohistochemical analysis supported these results, with BaP exposure causing increased primordial follicle activation and developing follicle atresia in vitro and in vivo. Functional analysis of oocytes obtained from adult Swiss mice treated neonatally revealed significantly increased levels of mitochondrial ROS/lipid peroxidation, and severely reduced sperm-egg binding and fusion in both low (1.5 mg/kg/daily) and high (3 mg/kg/daily) dose treatments. Our results reveal a complex mechanism of BaP induced ovotoxicity involving developing follicle atresia and accelerated primordial follicle activation, and suggest short term neonatal BaP exposure causes mitochondrial leakage resulting in reduced oolemma fluidity and impaired fertilisation in adulthood. This study highlights BaP as a key compound which may be partially responsible for the documented effects of cigarette smoke on follicular development and sub-fertility. -- Highlights: ► BaP exposure up-regulates canonical pathways linked with follicular growth/atresia. ► BaP causes primordial follicle activation and developing follicle atresia. ► BaP causes oocyte mitochondrial ROS and lipid peroxidation, impairing fertilisation. ► Short term neonatal BaP exposure compromises adult oocyte quality.

  18. Jumping the gun: Smoking constituent BaP causes premature primordial follicle activation and impairs oocyte fusibility through oxidative stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sobinoff, A.P.; Pye, V. [Reproductive Science Group, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW2308 (Australia); Nixon, B.; Roman, S.D. [Reproductive Science Group, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW2308 (Australia); ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW2308 (Australia); McLaughlin, E.A., E-mail: [Reproductive Science Group, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW2308 (Australia); ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW2308 (Australia)


    Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is an ovotoxic constituent of cigarette smoke associated with pre-mature ovarian failure and decreased rates of conception in IVF patients. Although the overall effect of BaP on female fertility has been documented, the exact molecular mechanisms behind its ovotoxicity remain elusive. In this study we examined the effects of BaP exposure on the ovarian transcriptome, and observed the effects of in vivo exposure on oocyte dysfunction. Microarray analysis of BaP cultured neonatal ovaries revealed a complex mechanism of ovotoxicity involving a small cohort of genes associated with follicular growth, cell cycle progression, and cell death. Histomorphological and immunohistochemical analysis supported these results, with BaP exposure causing increased primordial follicle activation and developing follicle atresia in vitro and in vivo. Functional analysis of oocytes obtained from adult Swiss mice treated neonatally revealed significantly increased levels of mitochondrial ROS/lipid peroxidation, and severely reduced sperm-egg binding and fusion in both low (1.5 mg/kg/daily) and high (3 mg/kg/daily) dose treatments. Our results reveal a complex mechanism of BaP induced ovotoxicity involving developing follicle atresia and accelerated primordial follicle activation, and suggest short term neonatal BaP exposure causes mitochondrial leakage resulting in reduced oolemma fluidity and impaired fertilisation in adulthood. This study highlights BaP as a key compound which may be partially responsible for the documented effects of cigarette smoke on follicular development and sub-fertility. -- Highlights: ► BaP exposure up-regulates canonical pathways linked with follicular growth/atresia. ► BaP causes primordial follicle activation and developing follicle atresia. ► BaP causes oocyte mitochondrial ROS and lipid peroxidation, impairing fertilisation. ► Short term neonatal BaP exposure compromises adult oocyte quality.

  19. Crystal structure and chemical bonding analysis of BaPtCd{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gulo, Fakhili [Department of Chemical Education, Sriwijaya University, Inderalaya 30662, South Sumatra (Indonesia); Koehler, Juergen [Max Planck Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 1, 70569 Stuttgart (Germany)


    The new ternary intermetallic phase, BaPtCd{sub 2}, was synthesized by solid-state reaction from direct combination of the elements in a stoichiometric mixture. The reaction was done at 850 C for 15 h, followed by an equilibration at 600 C for 4 d. The crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction method on a single crystal. BaPtCd{sub 2} is isotypic to MgCuAl{sub 2} and crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Cmcm [a = 4.467(2), b = 11.143(4), c = 8.240(3) Aa, V = 410.2(3) Aa{sup 3}, and Z = 4]. Barium atoms are linked together forming zigzag chains. Cadmium atoms are bonded to each other forming six-membered rings of platinum centered boat and anti-boat conformations. BaPtCd{sub 2} contains 16 electrons per formula unit and belongs to the electron poorest compounds with MgCuAl{sub 2} type structure. Calculations based on the linear muffin-tin orbitals method in the atomic spheres approximation show that significant bonding states in BaPtCd{sub 2} are unoccupied. (Copyright copyright 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  20. Fluorine dynamics in BaF{sub 2} superionic conductors investigated by NMR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gumann, Patryk


    In this work the dynamics of fluorine in solid-state electrolytes having BaF{sub 2}-structure was investigated using three different NMR-methods: field cycling relaxometry, lineshape analysis, and static field gradient NMR. For this purpose a pure BaF{sub 2} crystal, as well as crystals doped with trivalent impurities (LaF{sub 3}), were studied as a function of temperature. Using MAS NMR it was possible to identify two lines in Ba{sub 0.9}La{sub 0.1}F{sub 2.1} having different chemical shift, and to refer them to the modified crystal structure. On this basis a model for the fluorine lineshape has been developed, taking into account three motional processes characterized by their correlation times. It includes jump diffusion of the fluorine ions among equivalent sites within two crystallographically distinct sublattices, and inter-lattice exchange processes. By measuring frequency and temperature-dependent spin lattice relaxation times, it was possible to gain information about fluorine dynamics on microscopic length scales. An attempt was also made to analyze the data for pure BaF{sub 2} and low admixture concentration samples with a non-exponential correlation function. (orig.)