
Sample records for application au traitement

  1. Une chaîne de traitement de l'information géographique au service de l'application de la loi Littoral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick GUILLOPÉ


    Full Text Available L’application de la loi Littoral nécessitait une approche nouvelle de la part de l’État et la mise en œuvre d’outils nouveaux pour une gestion à long terme. L’apport de traitements automatiques de l’information géographique a été ainsi testé au CETE Normandie-Centre sur trois des grands principes posés par cette loi.

  2. Introduction au traitement mathématique des images méthodes déterministes

    CERN Document Server

    Bergounioux, Maïtine


    Ce cours est une introduction au traitement d'image mathématique déterministe. Les principales problématiques en traitement et analyse d’image y sont présentées: débruitage/filtrage/restauration, segmentation, rehaussement/défloutage, ainsi qu’un aperçu de quelques techniques d’acquisition. Les méthodes mathématiques utilisées ont essentiellement déterministes : transformation de Fourier, ondelettes, équations aux dérivées partielles, morphologie mathématique et méthodes variationnelles. Quelques applications y sont brièvement présentées pour illustrer le propos : la stéganographie, la compression et l’inpainting (ou désocclusion). Le livre comprend également un rappel des principales notions mathématiques utilisées (il se veut auto-suffisant) et la bibliographie abondante doit permettre au lecteur d’approfondir les techniques qui l’intéressent. Cet ouvrage s’adresse à des étudiants de MASTER, élèves-ingénieurs ou chercheurs désireux de comprendre ou d’approfond...

  3. Facteurs influençant l'initiation au traitement antirétroviral des personnes vivant avec le VIH dans les Centres de Traitement Agréés de Bamenda et de Bertoua au Cameroun (United States)

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Voundi, Esther Voundi; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Emah, Irène; Angwafo, Fru; Muna, Walinjom


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les facteurs influençant l'initiation au traitement antirétroviral des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) dans les centres de traitements agrées (CTA) de Bamenda et de Bertoua au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, analytique réalisée de Janvier à Avril 2011, dans les CTA de Bamenda et de Bertoua. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats Nous avons étudiés 460 dossiers de patients séropositifs en phase d'initiation au traitement antirétroviral dans les CTA de Bamenda et de Bertoua, 53,9% et 46,1% respectivement. L ‘âge médian était de 36 ans. La plupart des séropositifs à Bertoua (41) avaient fait un dépistage volontaire du VIH par rapport à ceux de Bamenda (22) (p= 0.008). Il y ‘avait plus de VIH de type 1 et 2 dans le CTA de Bamenda (15) par rapport à Bertoua (3) (p= 0.011). La majorité des patients était classé au stade clinique II à Bamenda (54,0%) tandis qu ‘à Bertoua le stade clinique III était prédominant (52,4%) (p = 0,000). Le taux médian de CD4 était de 133 cellules/mm3 dans le CTA de Bamenda et de 175 cellules/mm3 à Bertoua (p = 0,008). La Zidovudine était plus prescrit à Bamenda et le Ténofovir à Bertoua (p = 0,000). L ‘Efavirenz était plus prescrit à Bertoua tandis que la Névirapine l ‘était plus à Bamenda (p = 0,000). Le Lopinavir/r était plus prescrit à Bamenda qu ‘à Bertoua (p = 0,017). Conclusion Il apparait urgent de standardiser la prise en charge des PVVIH dans les CTA du Cameroun. PMID:25184023

  4. Profils des porteurs du VIH/SIDA au début du traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But : Décrire les profils des porteurs de VIH/sida au début du traitement antirétroviral. Matériels et méthode: Les dossiers des porteurs du VIH/sida de la région maritime ont été analysés de mai 2008 à avril 2009 par le comité thérapeutique. Résultats: Parmi les 641 dossiers analysés, 67,40% venaient du district de Yoto.

  5. Evolution de films de cuivre sur un substrat de cordiérite au cours de traitements thermiques (United States)

    Guille, Jean-Louis; Gondolf, Marc


    Copper films were applied on low sintering temperature cordierite substrates either by sputtering or screen printing. Their behaviour during thermal treatments was studied as a function of various parameters : deposition technique, thickness, firing atmosphere, physical state of the substrate (green or sintered). Films were most often broken during the treatment. In the case of screen printed films the effects of an oxydation-reduction cycle of copper are pointed out. Des films de cuivre ont été déposés sur un substrat de cordiérite à basse température de frittage par deux techniques, pulvérisation cathodique et sérigraphie. On étudie leur comportement au cours de traitements thermiques en fonction de différents paramètres : technique de déposition, épaisseur, atmosphère de traitement, état physique du substrat (cru ou fritté). On constate le plus souvent une fragmentation du film. Dans le cas des films sérigraphiés on met en évidence les effets dus à l'oxydation et à la réduction du cuivre.

  6. Procédés de traitements des effluents de cave adaptés au secteur des vins biologiques : état des lieux et perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rochard Joël


    Full Text Available Au-delà des itinéraires viticoles et œnologiques, la viticulture biologique doit également s'intéresser aux difflérents aspects de la viticulture durable concernant notamment le traitement des effluents de cave, avec une approche écologique. Parallèlement à la performance d'épuration, le traitement des effluents doit intégrer difflérentes orientations écologiques : faible consommation d'énergie et limitation des déchets (boues de plus en plus difflicile à gérer par voie agronomique. En complément, en liaison avec le concept d'éco-oenotourisme, une intégration harmonieuse de dispositif peut être envisagée, qui associe à la fois une limitation des nuisances olfactives et sonores, une valorisation paysagère et de la biodiversité ainsi qu'éventuellement une réutilisation des eaux traitées pour l'irrigation. Les techniques de lits ou massifs plantés ont prouvé leur efflicacité dans le domaine de l'épuration des effluents d'origine domestique. Leur application aux effluents de cave qui fait l'objet de difflérentes recherches depuis plusieurs années, permet de valoriser l'environnement esthétique et écologique de la cave. L'objectif de la communication et de présenter le principe de l'épuration par lit planté de roseaux avec les difflérentes mises en œuvre envisageable au niveau des caves.

  7. Aspects descriptifs du VIH/SIDA chez les sujets âgés de 50 ans et plus suivis au Centre de Traitement Agréé de Bafoussam - Cameroun (United States)

    Mbopi-Kéou, François-Xavier; Djomassi, Lucienne Dempouo; Monebenimp, Francisca


    Introduction La littérature scientifique dispose de très peu de données relatives à l’épidémiologie du VIH chez les sujets âgés en Afrique subsaharienne. Au Cameroun, les caractéristiques épidémiologiques de l'infection par le VIH chez les sujets âgés de 50 ans et plus ne sont pas documentées. Méthodes Dans une étude de cohorte rétrospective et une enquête transversale, nous avons comparé les caractéristiques clinico-biologiques et la survie post thérapeutique des patients âgés de 50 ans et plus, sous traitement antirétroviral au Centre de Traitement Agrée de Bafoussam - Cameroun, aux adultes plus jeunes. Résultats L’âge moyen était de 39 ans, les extrêmes étant 17 et 88 ans. Les sujets âgés de 50 ans et plus représentaient 14,1% des cas. Les plus âgés étaient moins bien informés sur les modes de transmission du virus (p = 0,04). Leur séropositivité au VIH était le plus souvent découverte au décours d'une infection opportuniste (p = 0,02). La fréquence de comorbidité était significativement plus élevée chez les personnes âgées de 50 ans et plus (p VIH. La promotion du dépistage et les programmes d’éducation sanitaire relatifs au VIH/SIDA devraient être renforcés au sein de cette communauté déjà affaiblie par le poids de l’âge, afin de réduire l'incidence du SIDA et de leur assurer prise en charge précoce. PMID:23133707

  8. Etude de l'anémie chez les enfants séropositifs au VIH naïfs au traitement antirétroviral à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Mwadianvita, Costa Kazadi; Ilunga, Eric Kasamba; Djouma, Jackson; Wembonyama, Cecile Watu; Mutomb, Florence Mujing A; Ekwalanga, Michel Balaka; Kabongo, Joe; Mundongo, Henri; Mupoya, Kalombo; Wembonyama, Stanis; Kalenga Mwenze, Prosper; Nkoy, Albert Mwembo-Tambwe A


    Introduction Beaucoup d'enfants infectés par le VIH arrivent à la consultation dans un état d'anémie. Notre objectif était d’évaluer la prévalence et le typage de l'anémie chez ces enfants. Méthodes C'est une étude transversale réalisée dans 3 centres de prise en charge des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH à Lubumbashi de Mai 2010 à Mai 2011. La population d’étude était de 152 enfants, âgés de 6 à 180 mois, naïfs au traitement antirétroviral. Les statistiques descriptives usuelles ont été utilisées. Résultats La prévalence globale de l'anémie (définie comme l'hémoglobine < 11g/dl) était de 69,1% (n=105) et 11,4% avaient une anémie sévère (Hg < 7,0 g/dl). Parmi eux, 16% ont été transfusés au moins 1 fois. L'anémie sévère était positivement associée au stade clinique de la maladie (p=0,02). L'anémie microcytaire était majoritaire dans les deux tranches d’âge. Elle était plus hypochrome chez les enfants en âge préscolaire soit 9,5% et plus normochrome en âge scolaire soit 15,2%. L'anémie normocytaire était plus normochrome dans les deux tranches d’âge soit 12,4% en âge préscolaire et 6,7% en âge scolaire. L'anémie macrocytaire était rare. Conclusion Environ sept enfants sur dix, âgés de moins de 15 ans infectés par le VIH naïfs au traitement antirétroviral dans notre milieu sont anémiques. L'anémie est corrélée à la sévérité de la maladie. Il est important d'associer une prise en charge nutritionnelle et corriger l'anémie avant une trithérapie antirétrovirale. PMID:25018796

  9. Le traitement informatisé de ressources électroniques au Service de l'Information Scientifique du CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Pignard, Nathalie; Jerdelet, Jocelyne


    Nous présentons une méthode automatique d'importation de données mise en oeuvre au Service de l'Information Scientifique, SIS, du CERN. Ce programme informatique, baptisé Uploader, permet d'importer dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque du CERN des notices bibliographiques et le texte intégral de documents provenant de diverses sources sur Internet. Ces bases de données concernent la littérature grise en physique et dans les disciplines voisines (par exemple DOE, KEK, Math-Doc, TipTop, etc.). Cette politique d'acquisition, qui met en avant le traitement informatisé des ressources électroniques, soulève quelques réflexions sur l'augmentation du nombre de documents collectés et sur l'élargissement des domaines traités. Le souci constant d'enrichir ces données et d'en faciliter l'accès aux utilisateurs, sur un mode hypertextuel, conduit à une évolution des métiers de la gestion documentaire.

  10. Procédé de traitement d'une ressource fluide, programme d'ordinateur et module de traitement associés


    Rapaport, Alain; Rousseau, Antoine; Harmand, Jérôme


    Pour la bio-remédiation de ressources en eau (bassins, lacs..) qui nécessitent d’être traitées par une unité externe de purification à l’aide de bioprocédés, l’invention consiste à mettre en place un réseau « intelligent » de pompes qui s’adaptent au cours du temps à l’hydrodynamique et à la pollution du milieu. L’objectif est d’optimiser la durée du traitement et/ou la qualité de la remédiation.

  11. Appendicite aigue non compliquée: y a-t- il une place pour le traitement conservateur (United States)

    El Khader, Ahmed; Lahkim, Mohamed; El Barni, Rachid; Achour, Abdessamad


    Le but de cette étude a été d’évaluer l'efficacité de l'antibiothérapie seule dans le traitement des appendicites aigues non compliquées. C'est une étude prospective, intéressant 68 patients ayant eu une appendicite aigue simple, de confirmation radiologique, traités par l'amoxicilline associée à l'acide clavulanique pendant 10 jours. L'appendicectomie a été réalisée en cas d'aggravation ou en cas de non amélioration au bout de 48heures de traitement. Le traitement conservateur a été efficace dans 82,35% avec une résolution complète des symptômes chez 56 patients. Les 12 cas restants (17,65%) ont subit une appendicectomie. l'appendicite a été gangréneuse dans 8 cas et phlegmoneuse dans 4 cas. Cinq des 56 patients, qui ont bien évolué sous traitement conservateur, ont été réadmis et opérés pour récidive, soit 8,9%. Deux cas ont eu une appendicite compliquée. L'appendicectomie reste le traitement de référence pour l'appendicite aigue, mais le traitement antibiotique peut être proposé en première intension à des patients présentant une appendicite aigue non compliquée. PMID:26327981

  12. Evaluation du niveau de connaissance des patients sur la gestion du traitement par les antis vitamines K dans le service de cardiologie de Ouagadougou (United States)

    Samadoulougou, André; Temoua Naibe, Dangwé; Mandi, Germain; Yameogo, Relwendé Aristide; Kabore, Elisé; Millogo, Georges; Yameogo, Nobila Valentin; Kologo, Jonas Koudougou; Thiam/Tall, Anna; Toguyeni, Boubacar Jean Yves; Zabsonre, Patrice


    Introduction Les antivitamines K (AVK), traitement anticoagulant oral le plus largement prescrit, posent un réel problème de santé publique du fait de leur risque iatrogène. L'objectif de cette étude était de préciser le niveau de connaissance des patients sur la gestion de leur traitement par les AVK. Méthodes Il s'est agi d'une enquête transversale descriptive réalisée au CHU-Yalgado Ouédraogo, sur une période de 03 mois : du 1er mars au 31 mai 2012. Un questionnaire a été administré aux patients bénéficiant d'un traitement AVK depuis au moins un mois. Résultats Soixante-dix patients ont été inclus dans l'étude dont 30 hommes. L'âge moyen était de 49 ans ± 16 ans. Les cardiopathies et la maladie thromboembolique veineuse justifiant l'institution du traitement AVK étaient retrouvées respectivement dans 58,6% et 41,4% des cas. Le nom de l'AVK et la raison exacte du traitement étaient connus respectivement dans 91,4% et 67,1% des cas. Plus de la moitié des patients (68,6%) savaient que les AVK rendaient le sang plus fluide. Quarante-six patients (65,7%) citaient l'INR comme examen biologique de surveillance du traitement et seulement 28 patients (40%) connaissaient les valeurs cibles. La majorité des patients ne connaissait pas les risques encourus en cas de surdosage (72,8%) et de sous-dosage (71,4%). Une automédication par anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien était signalée par 18 patients (25,7%). Les choux (74,3%) et la laitue (62,9%), aliments à consommer avec modération, étaient les plus cités. Conclusion Les connaissances des patients sur la gestion des AVK étaient fragmentaires et insuffisantes pour assurer la sécurité et l'efficacité du traitement. La création d'un programme d'éducation thérapeutique sur les AVK s'avère alors nécessaire. PMID:25870741

  13. La tuberculose iléo-caecale : à propos de deux cas au CHU ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le traitement antituberculeux instauré était conforme au protocole du programme national burkinabè de lutte contre la tuberculose. L'évolution a été favorable dans les deux cas. Mots clés: tuberculose - jonction iléocaécale - traitement antituberculeux - chirurgie. English Abstract. The ileo-caecal tuberculosis is rare and ...

  14. Profils des enfants infectes par le vih en debut du traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But : Décrire les profils des enfants infectés par le VIH au début du traitement antirétroviral. Matériels et méthode: Les dossiers des enfants infectés par le VIH dans la région maritime ont été analysés de mai 2008 à février 2010 par le comité thérapeutique. Résultats: Parmi les 96 dossiers analysés, 66,67% venaient du ...

  15. Etude des facteurs liés à l'observance au traitement antirétroviral chez les patients suivis à l'Unité de Prise En Charge du VIH/SIDA de l'Hôpital de District de Dschang, Cameroun (United States)

    Mbopi-Kéou, François-Xavier; Dempouo Djomassi, Lucienne; Monebenimp, Francisca


    Introduction Etudier les facteurs liés à l'observance au traitement antirétroviral chez les patients adultes suivis à l'Unité de Prise en Charge du VIH/SIDA (UPEC) de l'hôpital de District de Dschang. Méthodes Dans une étude descriptive transversale conduite à l'hôpital de District de Dschang, l'observance a été évaluée sur la base des déclarations des patients et sur la régularité du renouvellement de leurs ordonnances (observance calculée). Résultats Parmi les 389 patients répondant à nos critères d'inclusion, 356 ont été interrogés. La durée moyenne du suivi était de 27 mois. La moyenne d’âge était égale à 41 ans et le sexe ratio 2,46 en faveur du sexe féminin. Le statut sérologique était découvert pour 60,56% des patients à l'occasion d'un épisode maladif. Le niveau d'observance déclarée était significativement plus élevé que le niveau global de l'observance calculée (80,2% vs 51,5%, p<10−5). Les deux principales barrières à l'observance étaient l'oubli et le travail. Les patients référés dans cette UPEC étaient moins bien observants (p<10−4). L'observance au traitement antirétroviral était d'autant meilleure quand le taux de CD4 en début de traitement était élevé (p= 0,01) et que la durée du traitement était prolongée (p=0,00). Conclusion La discordance observée entre les résultats des deux méthodes utilisées pour estimer l'observance, tout en soulévant les contraintes liées à l’évaluation de l'observance thérapeutique, souligne l'importance des méthodes biologiques. Les facteurs individuels se sont avérés être les principales raisons de non-observance. Enfin, un accent devrait être mis sur les consultations d’éducation thérapeutique et le suivi psycho-social des patients sous traitement antirétroviral dans cette UPEC. PMID:22937195

  16. Les filières de traitement et de valorisation des boues d'épuration en France. Rapport d'enquête


    Richard, M.; Pradel, M.


    / Irstea, en partenariat avec l'Onema, étudie les impacts environnementaux des filières de traitement et de valorisation/élimination des boues d'épuration présentes dans les stations de traitement des eaux usées (STEU) en France. Dans le cadre de la conception et de la structuration d'un outil ACV simplifié, la connaissance des filières boues mises en place en France est nécessaire. Ainsi, une enquête au niveau national a été menée en 2014. L'objectif de cette enquête est dans un premier t...

  17. Processus de traitement de l'air t.1

    CERN Document Server



    Edition entièrement revue et actualisée du tome 1 de « L'intégrale de la Clim », consacré aux processus de traitement de l'air. Cet ouvrage qui comprend 224 pages (au lieu de 166 lors de la précédente édition), aborde d'une façon très pratique toutes les techniques mises en oeuvre pour traiter les caractéristiques physiques de l'air en fonction de la qualité de l'ambiance recherchée : habitat, locaux tertiaires, locaux industriels, salles propres, salles de spectacles, piscines, etc. Dans un premier temps sont présentées les propriétés physiques de l'air humide et l'ensemble de ses caractéristiques. Après avoir analysé les fonctions que l'on souhaite réaliser, le système aéraulique est choisi et les différents débits d'air sont calculés. Chaque traitement élémentaire (chauffage, refroidissement, humidification, déshumidification, filtration, atténuation acoustique, récupération de chaleur, etc.) est ensuite étudié. Les procédés de régulation sont aussi examinés. Un nouve...

  18. Image processing. A system for the automatic sorting of chromosomes; Traitement d'images - Applications au classement des chromosomes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Najai, Amor


    The present paper deals with two aspects of the system: - an automata (specialized hardware) dedicated to image processing. Images are digitized, divided into sub-units and computations are carried out on their main parameters. - A software for the automatic recognition and sorting of chromosomes is implemented on a Multi-20 minicomputer, connected to the automata. (author) [French] Nous decrivons un systeme automatique de classification de chromosomes. Il se compose de: - l'A.S.T.I., Automate Specialise de Traitement d'Images permettant de numeriser celles-ci, d'isoler des sous-images, d'effectuer des calculs sur leurs parametres principaux. - Un programme de reconnaissance et de classification automatique des chromosomes implante sur un mini-ordinateur MULTI-20, couple a l'A.S.T.I. (auteur)

  19. Decontamination of irradiated-fuel processing waste using manganese dioxide hydrate; Decontamination des effluents de traitement des combustibles irradies par le bioxyde de manganese hydrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auchapt, J M; Gaudier, J F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Chusclan (France). Centre de Production de Plutonium de Marcoule


    The 'manganese dioxide' process is designed to replace the 'calcium carbonate' treatment for low and medium activity wastes. The objective to attain during the research for a new process was the diminution of the volume of the sludge without decreasing the decontamination factor of the wastes. The new process involves addition in series of twice over 100 ppm of Mn{sup 2+} in the waste which has previously been made basic and oxidizing; the precipitate formed in situ is separated after each addition. The process has the advantage of increasing the decontamination of strontium. The treatment can be used in a plant including two decantation units and has given effective results when applied in such a plant. (author) [French] Le procede au ''bioxyde de manganese'' est destine a remplacer le traitement ''carbonate de calcium'' dans les effluents de moyenne activite. L'objectif poursuivi lors de la recherche d'un procede nouveau etait de diminuer le volume des boues sans diminuer le facteur de decontamination des effluents. Le nouveau traitement consiste a effectuer en cascade sur les effluents rendus basiques et oxydants une double precipitation de 100 ppm de Mn{sup 2+} avec separation intermediaire du precipite. Il presente en outre l'avantage d'ameliorer la decontamination en strontium. Le traitement est utilisable dans la chaine des deux decanteurs et a donne satisfaction lors de son exploitation industrielle. Le volume des boues seches a ete reduit d'un facteur 3 a 4 par rapport au traitement carbonate. (auteur)

  20. Un système d'aide au traitement des informations de veille stratégique : concepts, méthode et résultats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rouibah, K.


    RÉSUMÉ Cette recherche s¿inscrit dans le cadre du traitement des informations fragmentaires et incertaines (IFI) de veille stratégique. Le traitement des IFI est un problème peu structuré, pour lequel il existe peu de recherches utiles aux dirigeants d¿entreprises. Devenu un axe de recherche assez

  1. Treatment of effluent at the Saclay Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires (1960); Le traitement des effluents du Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wormser, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires at Saclay possesses several installations from which liquid radioactive effluent is rejected, and it has thus been found necessary to construct a station for the purification of radioactive liquids and to settle various chemical, analytical and technological problems. This report describes, in the following order: - the disposal possibilities at the Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay, - the effluents produced at the centre, - the set-up for collecting effluent, - treatment of the effluent, - results of these treatments. (author) [French] La presence, au Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, de plusieurs installations susceptibles de rejeter des effluents liquides radioactifs a necessite la construction d'une station d'epuration d'eaux radioactives et la mise au point de differents problemes chimiques, analytiques et technologiques. Dans ce rapport, nous exposerons successivement: - les possibilites de rejet du Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, - les effluents du centre, - le dispositif de collecte des effluents, - le traitement de ces effluents, - les resultats de ces traitements. (auteur)

  2. La cardiomyopathie dilatee au centre hospitalier Universitaire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But : Afin d'améliorer la prise en charge, d'éviter l'évolution rapide vers une insuffisance cardiaque réfractaire au traitement, nous avons entrepris cette étude en milieu hospitalier. Méthode : il s'est agi d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive dans le service de cardiologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Tokoin de Lomé.

  3. allocution de son excellence l'ambassadeur du canada au burkina ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ali Anwer

    Population et Coordonnateur de l'Unité d'Appui Régional du. PARSEP ... habilitées à concevoir et à produire les instruments nécessaires au suivi de la ... Ces outils permettent le traitement et l'analyse des données relatives à la pauvreté qui ...

  4. L'eau et les liquides de dialyse dans le traitement de l'insuffisance rénale chronique terminale


    Kunegel , Edouard


    Non disponible / Not available; Seules trois méthodes de traitement, aujourd'hui, s'offrent au patient insuffisant rénal chronique (IRC) en phase terminale : la dialyse péritonéale, l'hémodialyse, et la transplantation rénale. L'esquisse de ces techniques sera dessinée au fil de ce travail, avec un focus particulier sur l'hémodialyse, méthode à ce jour encore la plus utilisée. À ses débuts, les résultats proposés par cette procédure, assortis d'une lourde mortalité, étaient peu concluants.Jus...

  5. Decontamination of irradiated fuel processing waste using lead paraperiodate; Decontamination des effluents de traitement des combustibles irradies par le paraperiodate de plomb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auchapt, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Chusclan (France). Centre de Production de Plutonium de Marcoule


    The process is designed to eliminate ruthenium. It consists in an oxidation using para-periodic acid whose excess, acting then as a carrying-over agent, is precipitated in the form of a lead salt at a pH of 5 or 6. This process makes it possible to precipitate 80 to 98 per cent of the ruthenium which is not removed by the conventional precipitation techniques which follow it. If the waste is a reducing agent, it is pre-oxidized using ozone or potassium permanganate. The process was developed at Marcoule in 1963 and has since 1965 been applied industrially; its cost price is of the same order of magnitude as conventional processes and its results are satisfactory. (author) [French] Le procede est destine a l'elimination du ruthenium. Il consiste en une oxydation par l'acide par paraperiodique dont l'exces, jouant alors le role d'entraineur, est precipite sous forme de sel de plomb a pH 5 ou 6. Ce traitement permet de precipiter 80 a 98 pour cent du ruthenium rebelle aux traitements de precipitation classique, qui doivent le suivre. Si l'effluent est reducteur il est preoxyde a l'ozone ou au permanganate de potassium. Mis au point a Marcoule en 1963, il est depuis 1965 exploite industriellement, son prix de revient est du meme ordre de grandeur que celui des traitements habituels et les resultats ont donne satisfaction. (auteur)

  6. Prediction du profil de durete de l'acier AISI 4340 traite thermiquement au laser (United States)

    Maamri, Ilyes

    Les traitements thermiques de surfaces sont des procedes qui visent a conferer au coeur et a la surface des pieces mecaniques des proprietes differentes. Ils permettent d'ameliorer la resistance a l'usure et a la fatigue en durcissant les zones critiques superficielles par des apports thermiques courts et localises. Parmi les procedes qui se distinguent par leur capacite en terme de puissance surfacique, le traitement thermique de surface au laser offre des cycles thermiques rapides, localises et precis tout en limitant les risques de deformations indesirables. Les proprietes mecaniques de la zone durcie obtenue par ce procede dependent des proprietes physicochimiques du materiau a traiter et de plusieurs parametres du procede. Pour etre en mesure d'exploiter adequatement les ressources qu'offre ce procede, il est necessaire de developper des strategies permettant de controler et regler les parametres de maniere a produire avec precision les caracteristiques desirees pour la surface durcie sans recourir au classique long et couteux processus essai-erreur. L'objectif du projet consiste donc a developper des modeles pour predire le profil de durete dans le cas de traitement thermique de pieces en acier AISI 4340. Pour comprendre le comportement du procede et evaluer les effets des differents parametres sur la qualite du traitement, une etude de sensibilite a ete menee en se basant sur une planification experimentale structuree combinee a des techniques d'analyse statistiques eprouvees. Les resultats de cette etude ont permis l'identification des variables les plus pertinentes a exploiter pour la modelisation. Suite a cette analyse et dans le but d'elaborer un premier modele, deux techniques de modelisation ont ete considerees, soient la regression multiple et les reseaux de neurones. Les deux techniques ont conduit a des modeles de qualite acceptable avec une precision d'environ 90%. Pour ameliorer les performances des modeles a base de reseaux de neurones, deux

  7. Traitement du foisonnement filamenteux dû à Microthrix parvicella par ajout de sels métalliques


    Durban, N.; Juzan, L.; Krier, J.; Héduit, A.; Gillot, S.


    National audience; Les dysfonctionnements biologiques dus au développement de bactéries filamenteuses posent de nombreux problèmes d’exploitation aux stations d'épuration du type boues activées. Le filament le plus souvent mis en cause dans ce type de dysfonctionnement en France est Microthrix parvicella. La solution curative la plus utilisée actuellement est la chloration, traitement efficace mais non spécifique, qui impacte également la biologie des boues activées. Une solution émergente co...

  8. Complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures : aspects ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tous les patients reçus avec des complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures ont été inclus dans ce travail. Le diagnostic des lésions était clinique et radiologique. Nous avions reçu 51 patients porteurs de complications suite à des traitements de médecine traditionnelle, soit 13,7% du total des patients hospitalisés ...

  9. Un solveur HLLT pour les equations de Saint-Venant et traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Un solveur HLLT pour les equations de Saint-Venant et traitement des ... Enfin, des applications numériques sur des cas tests sont présentées. ... the system of partial-differential equations is completed by a trivial equation for the bathymetry.

  10. Un solveur HLLTpour les equations de Saint-vVenant et traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Un solveur HLLTpour les equations de Saint-vVenant et traitement des ... Enfin, des applications numériques sur des cas tests sont présentées. ... the system of partial-differential equations is completed by a trivial equation for the bathymetry.

  11. Long term developments in irradiated natural uranium processing costs. Optimal size and siting of plants; Perspectives a long terme des couts de traitement de l'uranium naturel irradie. Tailles et localisations optimales des usines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thiriet, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Oger, C; Vaumas, P de [Saint-Gobain Nucleaire, 92 - Courbevoie (France)


    processing plants are shown, different from those in part two. The indirect effect of these reprocessing programmes on the availability of plutonium, and therefore on the possibility.of undertaking plutonium burning reactor programmes, must be taken into account. (authors) [French] L'objet de cette communication est d'apporter une contribution a la solution du probleme du choix des tailles et des localisations optimales des usines de traitement des combustibles nucleaires irradies, associees a des programmes de puissance electrique installee. Dans une premiere partie, on etudie la structure des couts d'investissements et d'exploitation des usines de traitement de l'uranium naturel irradie, l'influence de la taille des usines sur ces couts et ces structures de couts. Au cout de traitement de l'uranium naturel irradie s'ajoute d'autre part le cout du transport des combustibles irradies des lieux de production aux sites des usines de traitement. La recherche du cout minimum pour la production d'un pays ou d'un ensemble de pays fait donc intervenir a la fois la taille et la localisation des usines. On indique les couts de transport previsibles pour l'uranium naturel irradie et la structure de ces couts (transport, assurance, couts et amortissement des containers). Dans une deuxieme partie, et pour differents echeanciers de combustibles irradies a traiter chaque annee, on determine les tailles et les localisations optimales des usines de traitement et la sensibilite de ces resultats, aux hypotheses de base concernant le cout du traitement, le cout du transport, l'annee de demarrage du programme d'usines, l'horizon choisi. - le probleme de nature combinatoire, assez complexe, est resolu par l'application des methodes de la programmation dynamique. - on montre que les methodes sont egalement applicables au probleme du choix des tailles et des localisations optimales des usines de traitement des elements du type MTR, associees aux programmes de reacteurs de recherche ainsi qu

  12. Recherche et ingénierie au service des acteurs de l'assainissement - Avant-propos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    HEDUIT, Alain


    Full Text Available L'épuration des eaux usées domestiques est un point clé de la protection des milieux aquatiques. L’Union européenne, à travers la directive relative au traitement des eaux résiduaires urbaines (DERU, 1991 et la directive cadre sur l’eau (DCE, 2000, a imposé aux États membres des obligations en termes de traitement des eaux usées et de qualité des milieux aquatiques. Ces exigences ont nécessité des efforts financiers considérables dans le domaine de l’assainissement. Lire la suite


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Paul Céré


    Full Text Available En vertu de l'article 3 de la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l'homme, les Etats ne peuvent ni pratiquer la torture ni infliger des traitements inhumains ou dégradants. Le particularisme de cette convention par rapport aux autres textes internationaux ou régionaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme réside indéniablement dans le système de protection existant qu’elle a organisé. Un organe juridictionnel, la cour européenne des droits de l’homme, est en charge de sanctionner les Etats qui ne respectent la Convention. Au terme d’une jurisprudence novatrice et évolutive, la cour européenne des droits de l’homme impose de plus en plus efficacement de lutter contre la torture, les traitements inhumains et dégradants.

  14. The reprocessing of irradiated fuels improvement and extension of the solvent extraction process; Le traitement des combustibles irradies amelioration et extension du procede utilisant les solvants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faugeras, P; Chesne, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Improvements made in the conventional tri-butylphosphate process are described, in particular. the concentration and the purification of plutonium by one extraction cycle using tri-butyl-phosphate with reflux; and the use of an apparatus working continuously for precipitating plutonium oxalate, for calcining the oxalate, and for fluorinating the oxide. The modifications proposed for the treatment of irradiated uranium - molybdenum alloys are described, in particular, the dissolution of the fuel, and the concentration of the fission product solutions. The solvent extraction treatment is used also for the plutonium fuels utilized for the fast breeder reactor (Rapsodie) An outline of the process is presented and discussed, as well as the first experimental results and the plans for a pilot plant having a capacity of 1 kg/day. The possible use of tn-lauryl-amine in the plutonium purification cycle is now under consideration for the processing plant at La Hague. The flowsheet for this process and its performance are presented. The possibility of vitrification is considered for the final treatment of the concentrated radioactive wastes from the Marcoule (irradiated uranium) and La Hague (irradiated uranium-molybdenum) Centers. Three possible processes are described and discussed, as well as the results obtained from the operation of the corresponding experimental units using tracers. (authors) [French] On decrit les ameliorations apportees au procede classique utilisant le phosphate tributylique, et notamment la concentration et la purification du plutonium par un cycle d'extraction au tributylphosphate avec reflux, l'utilisation d'un appareillage continu de precipitation d'oxalate de plutonium, de calcination de l'oxalate, et de fluoration de l'oxyde. On presente les modifications envisagees pour le traitement des alliages uranium-molybdene irradies, principalement en ce qui concerne la dissolution du combustible et la concentration des solutions de produits de fission


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion L'endoprothèse JJ associant un traitement antituberculeux est proposée comme une alternative à la chirurgie classique. Un traitement corticoïde s'il est accordé précocement peut aider sans doute à une réduction de la sténose. Treatment of Ureteral Stricture due to Tuberculosis by a ";Double J"; Catheter

  16. Programming list processes. SLIP: symmetric list processor - applications; Le traitement de listes en programmation. SLIP: langage de listes symetrique - applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broudin, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Modern aspects of programming languages are essentially turned towards list processing. The ordinary methods of sequential treatment become inadequate and we must substitute list processes for them, where the cells of a group have no neighbourhood connection, but where the address of one cell is contained in the preceding one. These methods are required in 'time sharing' solving problems. They also allow us to treat new problems and to solve others in the shortest time. Many examples are presented after an abstract of the most usual list languages and a detailed study of one of them : SLIP. Among these examples one should note: locating of words in a dictionary or in a card index, treatment of non numerical symbols, formal derivation. The problems are treated in Fortran II on an IBM 7094 machine. The subroutines which make up the language are presented in an appendix. (author) [French] La programmation moderne ne se satisfait plus des methodes classiques de traitement sequentiel ni des tableaux a positions de memoire contigues. Elle tend a generaliser les methodes de listes ou les cellules d'un groupe n'ont pas de relation de voisinage, mais sont enchainees en listes, l'une donnant l'adresse machine de l'autre. Ces methodes sont indispensables en 'partage de temps' et dans les traitements en 'temps reel'. De plus, elles permettent de traiter des problemes nouveaux et d'optimiser le temps de traitement de nombreux autres. De nombreux exemples sont traites, apres un resume des langages les plus utilises et une etude plus precise d'un langage de listes: SLIP. Parmi les exemples traites signalons la recherche lexicographique, le traitement de symboles alphanumeriques, la derivation formelle. Probleme traite en Fortran II sur IBM 7094. Les sous-programmes constitutifs du langage sont fournis en annexe. (auteur)

  17. Application de la théorie des graphes au traitement de la carte géologique Applying the Theory of Graphs to the Treatment of Geological Maps

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bouillé F.


    Full Text Available La saisie des informations d'une carte géologique par les méthodes classiques (grilles ou relevés aléatoires de courbes ne constitue pas une base de données opérationnelle. Par contre, l'assimilation des limites géologiques à un graphe orienté répond aux critères d'optimalité (encombrement très réduit, temps minimal, fiabilité, et permet une digitalisation rationnelle de la carte, une bonne structuration du fichier, et la réalisation d'applications intéressantes : restitutions graphiques sélectives à toutes échelles, calculs de pendages, surfaces, volumes, études de corrélation. Nous avons donc établi une chaîne de traitement de la carte géologique dont chaque maillon (saisie des informations; contrôle, mise à jour, consultation, application opère sur un ou plusieurs graphes. Obtaining data from geological maps by conventional methods (grids or random curve plotting is not an operational data base. However, the comparison of geological boundaries with a directional graph meets criteria of optimalness (very small bulk, minimum time, reliability and makes it possible to digitize the map rationally, to structure the file properly and to achieve significant applications such as selective graph plotting on all scales, calculating dips, areas and volumes, and making correlotion analyses. Therefore, we worked out a geological map processing sequence in which each element (data acquisition, checking, updating, consulting, applications operates on one or several graphs.

  18. L'utilisation avisée de l'eau au service des villes en pleine croissance

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... durables axées sur l'utilisation des eaux pluviales et le recyclage des eaux usées urbaines. ... L'utilisation avisée de l'eau au service des villes en pleine croissance ... Traitement des eaux usées à Mexico – équilibre entre les bienfaits et les ...

  19. A treatment station for solid radio-active waste at the Saclay nuclear research centre (1962); Station de traitement des dechets radioactifs solides au centre d'etudes nucleaires de Saclay (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerre, P; Mestre, E; Lebrun, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The waste from an atomic centre is very varied in nature, in form, and in activity, going from weakly contaminated laboratory waste to objects actuated in a pile and strongly radioactive. After one year's working of a pilot plant, a factory has been built, in which solide waste is treated and then conditioned in concrete blocks. The present communication describes the treatment and conditioning techniques in this factory which uses to a maximum remotely controlled operation. (authors) [French] Les dechets d'un Centre Atomique sont de natures, de forme et d'activites extremement variees, allant des dechets de laboratoires faiblement contamines, aux dispositifs actives en pile et fortement radioactifs. Apres l'exploitation pendant un an d'une unite pilote, une usine a ete construite dans laquelle les dechets solides sont traites, puis conditionnes en bloc de beton. La presente communication a pour objet la description des techniques de traitement et de conditionnement dans cette usine ou les operations sont au maximum commandees automatiquement et a distance. (auteurs)

  20. Ville et santé publique au Japon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takano Takehito


    Full Text Available Mon intervention porte sur le niveau de santé en secteur urbain et les questions à l'ordre du jour dans le domaine de la santé publique au Japon. La première partie concerne la cartographie des indices de santé en secteur urbain. Une telle cartographie requiert l'utilisation de techniques de traitement de l'image. On peut l'effectuer soit à l'aide du “ système d'information géographique ” (Geographic Information System, GIS, soit par une “image-diagnostic” (Image Diagnosis des différentes ...

  1. Thermodynamic Aspects of Supercritical Fluids Processing: Applications of Polymers and Wastes Treatment Aspects thermodynamiques des procédés mettant en oeuvre des fluides supercritiques : applications aux traitements des polymères et des déchets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beslin P.


    , fibres et substrats (produits pharmaceutiques, explosifs, revêtements, pour le séchage des matériaux (gels. Cet article présente les propriétés physicochimiques exceptionnelles des fluides supercritiques en rapport avec leurs applications en ingénierie. Après un bref rappel des concepts fondamentaux relatifs au comportement critique des fluides purs, nous développons d'une manière plus détaillée les propriétés physicochimiques ajustables des fluides dans le domaine supercritique. La deuxième partie de l'article décrit les applications en ingénierie des fluides supercritiques relatives aux réactions chimiques et au traitement des polymères. Chaque présentation d'application est divisée en deux parties : la première rappelle les concepts de base et le contexte général ainsi que les propriétés physicochimiques, la seconde développe les applications en ingénierie se rapportant au domaine concerné.

  2. Évaluation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre des filières de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées


    Reverdy, A.L.; Pradel, M.


    / Ce rapport présente l'inventaire des différentes consommations énergétiques, en consommables et des GES pour chaque poste de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées.

  3. Tuberculose hépatique nodulaire: complication inhabituelle au cours de la maladie de Wilson (United States)

    Zinebi, Ali; Rkiouak, Adil; Akhouad, Youssef; Reggad, Ahmed; Kasmy, Zohor; Boudlal, Mostapha; Rabhi, Monsef; Ennibi, Khalid; Chaari, Jilali


    La tuberculose hépatique nodulaire est rare. Nous rapportons une forme pseudo-tumorale dont le tableau clinico-biologique et radiologique initial était aspécifique. Il s'agit d'un jeune marocain suivi pour maladie de Wilson et présentant une fièvre au long cours. L'imagerie met en évidence une lésion nodulaire hépatique non spécifique. L'examen anatomo-pathologique au cours d'une biopsie écho guidée du nodule hépatique permit de porter le diagnostic. L’évolution clinique est favorable sous traitement spécifique. PMID:24932333

  4. Thermal cycling behaviour and thermal stability of uranium-molybdenum alloys of low molybdenum content; Comportement au cyclage thermique et stabilite thermique des alliaces uranium-molybdene de faibles teneurs en molybdene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Decours, J; Fabrique, B; Peault, O [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We have studied the behaviour during thermal cycling of as-cast U-Mo alloys whose molybdenum content varies from 0.5 to 3 per cent; results are given concerning grain stability during extended heat treatments and the effect of treatments combining protracted heating with thermal cycling. The thermal cycling treatments were carried out at 550, 575, 600 and 625 deg C for 1000 cycles; the protracted heating experiments were done at 550, 575, 600 and 625 deg C for 2000 hours (4000 hrs at 625 deg C). The 0.5 per cent alloy resists much better to the thermal cycling than does the non-alloyed uranium. This resistance is, however, much lower than that of alloys containing over l per cent, even at 550 deg C it improves after a heat treatment for grain-refining. Alloys of over 1.1 per cent have a very good resistance to a cycling treatment even at 625 deg C, and this behaviour improves with increasing concentrations up to 3 per cent. An increase in the temperature up to the {gamma}-phase has few disadvantages provided that it is followed by rapid cooling (50 to 100 deg C/min). The {alpha} grain is fine, the {gamma}-phase is of the modular form, and the behaviour during a thermal cycling treatment is satisfactory. If this cooling is slow (15 deg /hr) the {alpha}-grain is coarse and cycling treatment behaviour is identical to that of the 0.5 per cent alloy. The protracted heat treatments showed that the {alpha}-grain exhibits satisfactory stability after 2000 hours at 575, 600 and 625 deg C, and after 4000 hours at 625 deg C. A heat cycling treatment carried out after these tests affects only very little the behaviour of these alloys during cycling. (authors) [French] Nous avons etudie le comportement au cyclage thermique des alliages U-Mo, brut de coulee, dont la teneur varie de 0,5 a 3 pour cent de molybdene, les resultats de stabilite du grain au cours de traitements thermiques de longue duree, ainsi que ceux des traitements combines de longue duree et de cyclage. Les

  5. TiAu based shape memory alloys for high temperature applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wadood, Abdul; Yamabe-Mitarai, Yoko; Hosoda, Hideki


    TiAu (equiatomic) exhibits phase transformaion from B2 (ordered bcc) to thermo-elastic orthorhombic B19 martensite at about 875K and thus TiAu is categorized as high temperature shape memory alloy. In this study, recent research and developments related to TiAu based high temperature shape memory alloys will be discussed in the Introduction part. Then some results of our research group related to strengthening of TiAu based high temperature shape memory alloys will be presented. Potential of TiAu based shape memory alloys for high temperature shape memory materials applications will also be discussed

  6. Optimisation des proprietes fonctionnelles des alliages a memoire de forme suite a l'application de traitements thermomecaniques (United States)

    Demers, Vincent

    L'objectif de ce projet est de determiner les conditions de laminage et la temperature de traitement thermique maximisant les proprietes fonctionnelles de l'alliage a memoire de forme Ti-Ni. Les specimens sont caracterises par des mesures de calorimetrie, de microscopie optique, de gene ration de contrainte, de deformation recuperable et des essais mecaniques. Pour un cycle unique, l'utilisation d'un taux d'ecrouissage e=1.5 obtenu avec l'application d'une force de tension FT = 0.1sigma y et d'une huile minerale resulte en un echantillon droit, sans microfissure et qui apres un recuit a 400°C, produit un materiau nanostructure manifestant des proprietes fonctionnelles deux fois plus grandes que le meme materiau ayant une structure polygonisee. Pour des cycles repetes, les memes conditions de laminage sont valables mais le niveau de deformation optimal est situe entre e=0.75-2, et depend particulierement du mode de sollicitation, du niveau de stabilisation et du nombre de cycles a la rupture requis par l'application.

  7. Ordered Au Nanodisk and Nanohole Arrays: Fabrication and Applications

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Yue Bing; Juluri, Bala Krishna; Kiraly, Brian; Huang, Tony Jun


    We have utilized nanosphere lithography (NSL) to fabricate ordered Au nanodisk and nanohole arrays on substrates and have studied the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of the arrays. Through these investigations, we demonstrate that the angle- dependent behavior of the LSPR in the Au nanodisk arrays enables real-time observation of exciton-plasmon couplings. In addition, we show that the NSL-fabricated Au nanohole arrays can be applied as templates for patterning micro-/nanoparticles under capillary force. The unique structural and plasmonic characteristics of the Au nanodisk and nano- hole arrays, as well as the low-cost and high-throughput NSL-based nanofabrication technique, render these arrays excellent platforms for numerous engineering applications. © 2010 by ASME.

  8. Etude pilote par PET/CT de la réponse à l'ipilimumab dans le traitement du mélanome métastatique.


    Rochat, N.


    0 Abstract L'incidence du mélanome est en nette augmentation en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. La Chirurgie peut être curative au stade précoce de la maladie,la radiothérapie se pratique À visée palliative, les chimiothérapies n'ont montré que peu d'effet. Les progress actuels se font via l'immunothérapie. Des traitements par l'interleukine-2 et l'interféron-α se sont montrés efficaces chez certains patients, mais leur utilisation est limitée par leur forte toxicité. Depuis 201...

  9. Pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-technological approaches of actinides decorporation by an in vivo sequestering agent. Application to the development of new treatments; Approches pharmacocinetique et pharmacotechnique de la decorporation d'actinides par un agent complexant in vivo. Application a la mise au point de nouveaux traitements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phan, G.


    distribution tissulaire et forte excretion urinaire) qui ne coincide pas avec la distribution des actinides dans l'organisme. De plus, du fait de ses proprietes physico-chimiques, la molecule hydrophile et polaire n'a pas la capacite de traverser les membranes plasmiques et de penetrer dans les cellules. En consequence, l'utilisation de vecteurs colloidaux tels que les liposomes pourrait permettre de moduler la pharmacocinetique du DTPA ainsi que de promouvoir l'acces de l'agent chelateur au compartiment intracellulaire des macrophages du systeme reticulo-endothelial ou se concentrent egalement les radionucleides. L'objectif de cette these a donc ete d'ameliorer le traitement de decorporation des actinides transuraniens en etudiant le cas du plutonium (Pu) par le DTPA selon une approche double. La strategie a consiste a developper des formes pharmaceutiques de types liposomes afin d'encapsuler et de modifier la distribution du DTPA in vivo. L'encapsulation du DTPA dans de larges liposomes multilamellaires (MLV) conventionnels (composEs de DOPC:CH:PG) et furtifs (composes de DOPC:CH:DSPE-PEG) a en effet pu modifier la pharmacocinEtique du DTPA en prolongeant son temps de circulation plasmatique et en augmentant sa distribution surtout dans le foie (MLV conventionnels) et au niveau du squelette (MLV furtifs). Ces modifications de distribution du DTPA ont ete dans un premier temps correlees a une augmentation du pouvoir decorporant du DTPA vis-a-vis du Pu chez le rat. La reduction du diametre des liposomes a environ 100 nm a permis de moduler davantage les paramEtres pharmacocinetiques en allongeant leur temps de circulation. Les liposomes furtifs de diametres reduits autour de 100 nm (SL-100nm) prEsentent une distribution a priori la plus favorable a une amelioration de l'effet pharmacologique du DTPA. En effet, l'administration d'une dose unique d'environ 3 {mu}{sup -1} de DTPA encapsule dans les SL-100nm

  10. Au Based Nanocomposites Towards Plasmonic Applications (United States)

    Panniello, A.; Curri, M. L.; Placido, T.; Reboud, V.; Kehagias, N.; Sotomayor Torres, C. M.; Mecerreyes, D.; Agostiano, A.; Striccoli, M.


    Incorporation of nano-sized metals in polymers can transfer their unique features to the host matrix, providing nanocomposite materials with improved optical, electric, magnetic and mechanical properties. In this work, colloidal Au nanorods have been incorporated into PMMA based random co-polymer, properly functionalized with amino groups and the optical and morphological properties of the resulting nanocomposite have been investigated by spectroscopic and AFM measurements. Au nanorods have demonstrated to preserve the plasmon absorption and to retain morphological features upon the incorporation, thus making the final metal modified polymer composite exploitable for the fabrication of plasmonic devices. The prepared nanocomposites have been then patterned by Nano Imprint Lithography technique in order to demonstrate the viability of the materials towards optical applications.

  11. Apports des ontologies à la création de bases de connaissances pour la maîtrise des conformités légales en santé et sécurité au travail


    Vigneron , Jonathan; Rallo , Jean-Marc; Guarnieri , Franck


    La "Santé-Sécurité au Travail" (SST) est au coeur des politiques d'entreprise et la judiciarisation de la société concourt à une inflation du nombre de textes réglementaires publiés chaque année. Les préventeurs sont donc confrontés au traitement croissant de données afin de rester en conformité. Ils se forment au droit et s'entourent de compétences interne (direction juridique) ou externe (bureaux de contrôle et de conseil) et se dotent de systèmes d'information. Ces derniers sont principale...

  12. Les séquelles de brûlures cervicales: aspects épidémiologique, clinique et thérapeutique au Maroc (United States)

    Rafik, Amine; Chabak, Hakim; Diouri, Mounia; Bahechar, Naïma; Chlihi, Abdessamad


    Les séquelles de brûlures cervicales représentent une entité fréquente des séquelles de brûlure, elles affectent la fonction, l'esthétique et l’état psychologique des patients et peuvent être de traitement difficile. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective étalée sur 5 ans de Mars 2009 au Octobre2014, réalisée au centre national des brûlés et de chirurgie plastique au CHU Ibn Rochd Casablanca. Nous avons analysé les caractéristiques épidémiologiqueset cliniques ainsi que les indications et les résultats thérapeutiques chez 300 patients présentant des rétractions cervicales post-brûlure, suivis dans notre formation. Les jeunes femmes étaient le plus souvent touchées (56%). la brûlure thermique par flamme de butane dans le cadre d'accident domestique était l’étiologie la plus fréquente (91%).75% des patients ont été pris en charge dans un délai de 18 mois après avoir présenté une incapacité fonctionnelle. Les brides cervicales modérées et sévères sont les plus fréquentes et représentent respectivement 60% et 16% des cas. Le traitement chirurgical a fait appel aux greffes cutanées dans 67%des cas, aux plasties locales dans 24%des cas et aux lambeaux dans 24% des cas, les résultats sont jugés bons dans 75%des cas et moyens dans 18% des cas, tandis que les cas restants (7%) ont nécessité une reprise chirurgicale. Le traitement des brides cervicales doit être associé à un programme de rééducation adapté, afin d'assurer la pérennité des résultats fonctionnels et esthétiques. PMID:26301017

  13. Criteria for Handling Qualities of Military Aircraft. (United States)


    en son ban fonctionnement, asise sur de multiples campagnes dessais star bane eau sol, 6taat suffisante pour que los respansables des essais an vol de...du traitement analytiqoe des probli6mes complexes do lloprateur humain, andlioration quo l’application do l CRG apporterait au cours do la prochaine...control cnetia Gouverne do direction information Proceuig nt Traitement dinformation Fig. 2 - Principles of Active Control Principes do la CAG CL C Z W

  14. Profil hormonal chez l’homme en cas d’infertilité au laboratoire de radio immunologie de l’institut des radioisotopes de Niamey

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    D. Moussa


    Conclusion: Les endocrinopathies susceptibles de donner une infertilité masculine sont nombreuses; elles peuvent être congénitales ou acquises et concerner plusieurs étages, hypothalamo-hypophysaire, testiculaire. D’où la nécessité de réaliser un bilan hormonal en vue de dresser un diagnostic précis; ceci est d’autant plus important que certaines de ces endocrinopathies sont accessibles au traitement.

  15. Arthropathie destructrice des epaules au cours d�une acromegalie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nessrine Akasbi


    Full Text Available L�acromegalie est une maladie endocrinienne rare, en rapport avec une hypersecretion d�hormone de croissance. Elle a des consequences rhumatologiques: l�arthropathie peripherique, l�atteinte rachidienne et les syndromes canalaires. L�atteinte articulaire accompagne une acromegalie active, sa survenue apres un traitement radical et une remission complete est rare. Nous presentons le cas d�une patiente de 70 ans ayant un antecedent d�acromegalie sur adenome hypophysaire il y a 25 ans, traitee chirurgicalement et declaree en remission complete, a developpe une arthropathie destructrice des deux epaules. Le but de notre observation est de mettre le point sur la possibilite d�une atteinte articulaire au cours de l�acromegalie et de son retentissement fonctionnelle.

  16. Améliorer le traitement de la douleur chez les enfants en Thaïlande ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2016 ... FLIKR/ROSS POLLOCK. Des lignes directrices sur la gestion de la douleur dans les hôpitaux thaïlandais aident à prévenir ou à traiter la douleur chez les enfants. Global Health Research Initiative. Les enfants sont plus susceptibles que les adultes de souffrir de l'absence de traitement ou de traitement ...

  17. Émissions azotées au champ et performances des machines lors de l'épandage de boues issues du traitement des eaux usées


    Pradel, M.; Pacaud, T.; Cariolle, M.


    / Ce document est un rapport de synthèse des travaux réalisés dans le cadre du projet Ecodefi sur l'estimation des émissions azotées lors de l'épandage de boues issues du traitement des eaux usées en lien avec les performances technologiques des machines utilisées à cet effet.

  18. Traitement de surface par explosif du cuivre polycristallin : caractérisation microstructurale et comportement en fatigue plastique (United States)

    Gerland, M.; Dufour, J. P.; Presles, H. N.; Violan, P.; Mendez, J.


    A new surface treatment technique with a primary explosive deposited in thin layer was applied to a polycrystalline pure copper. After treatment, surface roughness remains of high quality especially when compared to shot peened surfaces. The treated zone extends over several hundreds microns in depth and the microhardness profile exhibits a significant increasing of hardness with a maximum reaching 100% at the surface. The transmission electron microscopy shows a microstructure which changes with depth : below the surface, there is a thin recrystallized layer with very small grains followed by a region with numerous mechanical twins the density of which decreases when depth increases. Tested in fatigue with a constant plastic strain amplitude, the treated copper specimens exhibit a strong hardening from the first cycles compared to the untreated specimen ; however this initial hardening erases after 2% of the fatigue life. The fatigue resistance is not modified by the treatment. Une nouvelle technique de traitement de surface à l'aide d'un explosif primaire déposé en couche mince a été utilisée sur du cuivre pur polycristallin. L'état de surface après traitement reste de très bonne qualité, surtout comparé aux surfaces grenaillées. La zone traitée s'étend sur une profondeur de quelques centaines de microns et le profil de microdureté montre une importante augmentation de dureté avec un maximum en surface pouvant atteindre 100%. La micrcrostructure, observée par microscopie électronique en transmission, est caractérisée par une fine recristallisation en surface, puis par un abondant maclage dont la densité décroît lorsque la profondeur augmente. Testé en fatigue à déformation plastique imposée, le cuivre traité présente un fort écrouissage initial dès les premiers cycles, mais qui s'efface progressivement au cours du cyclage après 2% de la durée de vie, cette dernière n'étant pas modifiée par le traitement.

  19. Spectral Matrix Filtering Applied to Vsp Processing Application du filtrage matriciel au traitement des profils sismiques verticaux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glangeaud F.


    données et de séparer ces signaux. Nous montrons que les signaux peuvent être automatiquement séparés sans connaissance a priori sur leurs vitesses apparentes, en fonction du produit scalaire (calculé dans le domaine fréquentiel et de l'amplitude relative des signaux. Nous montrons des exemples d'application sur des données de sismique de puits. Le filtrage matriciel est effectué dans le domaine fréquentiel en utilisant la matrice spectrale construite à l'aide des intercorrélations des différents enregistrements constituant les données à traiter. Les méthodes d'estimation de la matrice spectrale sont des méthodes de moyenne : moyenne en fréquence (méthode du périodogramme lissé et/ou moyenne en distance (lissage réalisé le long des diagonales de la matrice spectrale. Le lissage en fréquence est obtenu par l'intermédiaire d'une fonction de pondération (par exemple fenêtre de Hanning élevée à une puissance donnée appliquée à chaque corrélation. Les moyennes sont utilisées pour décorréler les signaux et de ce fait favoriser la séparation. Une fois correctement estimée, la matrice spectrale est diagonalisée sur toutes les fréquences du spectre moyenné, et décomposée selon ses vecteurs propres qui sont orthogonaux entre eux et normalisés. Chaque vecteur propre a une valeur propre associée qui représente la répartition d'énergie en fonction de la fréquence du modèle lié au vecteur propre. Le filtrage est réalisé par projection des données sur les différents vecteurs propres issus de la matrice spectrale. Il est à noter cependant que la séparation des différents signaux (projection sur vecteur propre n'est réalisée en terme d'indicatrice sismique que si les événements sismiques sont naturellement orthogonaux et alignés sur les vecteurs propres. Glangeaud et al (1989 ont étudié l'influence des amplitudes relatives et du produit scalaire de deux ondes. Si la vitesse apparente d'une onde est connue, cette derni

  20. Evaluation du traitement antirétroviral chez les femmes enceintes VIH-1 positif, sur la transmission de l'infection de la mère à l'enfant: cas du Centre Médical Saint Camille de Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso (United States)

    Soubeiga, Serge Theophile; Compaore, Rebecca; Djigma, Florencia; Zagre, Nicaise; Assengone, Elsa; Traore, Lassina; Diarra, Birama; Bisseye, Cyrille; Ouermi, Djeneba; Sagna, Tani; Karou, Simplice; Pietra, Virginio; Simpore, Jacques


    Introduction L'infection au VIH chez les nouveau-nés par leur mère peut être réduite grâce à des programmes de prévention de transmission mère-enfant du VIH (PTME). L'objectif dans cette étude était d’évaluer le traitement antirétroviral chez les femmes enceintes VIH-1 positif sur la transmission mère-enfant de l'infection au Centre Médical Saint Camille de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Méthodes Des échantillons de spot de sang total ont été collectés chez 160 enfants âgés de 6 semaines, nés de mères VIH-1 positif et chez 40 enfants âgés de 2 à 13 mois provenant d'orphelinats et dont les mères étaient inconnues. Ces échantillons ont été testés avec le kit Abbott Real Time HIV-1 Qualitative. Un questionnaire a permis de connaitre les âges et les fonctions des femmes enceintes. Résultats Les femmes enceintes avaient un âge moyen global de 29,50±5,19 ans. Au total, 50,5% (101/200) ont été mises sous combinaison AZT/3TC/NVP et 29,5% (59/200) étaient sous prophylaxie (AZT/3TC). Le taux de transmission verticale du VIH-1 était de 0,0% (0/160) (p VIH-1 de la mère à l'enfant. De plus, le dépistage par PCR, des enfants orphelins infectés verticalement par le VIH, permet leur prise en charge thérapeutique précoce. PMID:26301003

  1. La fibrillation atriale, fréquence, facteurs étiologiques, évolution et traitement dans un service de cardiologie de Dakar, Sénégal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kane Abdoul


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: La fibrillation atriale est le trouble du rythme cardiaque soutenu le plus fréquent. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient d’étudier la fréquence, les facteurs étiologiques, l’évolution et le traitement de la fibrillation atriale dans un service de cardiologie de Dakar au Sénégal. METHODES: Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective réalisée sur cinq ans et portant sur l’analyse de 150 dossiers de patients hospitalisés pour une fibrillation atriale. RESULTATS: La fréquence de la fibrillation atriale était de 5,35 % et représentait 66% des troubles du rythme cardiaque avec une prédominance féminine (sex-ratio H/F = 0,45 et un âge moyen de 57,06 ± 18,64 ans. L’origine de la fibrillation était valvulaire dans 36,7% des cas. Les complications thromboemboliques étaient plus fréquentes dans la fibrillation atriale non valvulaire (p=0,006, chez les sujets d’âge > 50 ans (p=0,01 et en cas de dilatation de l’oreillette gauche (p=0,05. Une anticoagulation par anti-vitamine K était instaurée dans 62% des cas et un traitement de contrôle de la fréquence cardiaque dans 87,33%. CONCLUSION: La fibrillation atriale est fréquente en milieu hospitalier africain et concerne des sujets relativement jeunes. L’hypertension artérielle et les valvulopathies rhumatismales sont les principaux facteurs étiologiques. Le traitement reste essentiellement médicamenteux par contrôle de la fréquence cardiaque.

  2. Traitement De La Peripneumonie Contagieuse Bovine Par L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Traitement De La Peripneumonie Contagieuse Bovine Par L'oxyteTracycline Longe Action Et Transmission Experimentale de la Maladie A Partir de Bovins Traites. ... Tous les 14 animaux ont séroconverti et l'analyse post-mortem a montré la présence des lésions chroniques dont des séquestres pulmonaires chez 4 d'entre ...

  3. Aircraft Corrosion (United States)


    attribud au choix de traitements et de rev~tements spproprids. Au contrairo, dens d’sutros structures des corrosions iirportsntea se sont traitement . micaniqus qui provoque une compression de surface - h1l’spplication i1’une double protection comportant oxydation snodique et...chlore mais dans une proportion semblable b cells d’une eau de vil)e ; - lea solides, d’aprbs lea analyses chimique et criatallographique, paraissaiont

  4. Formation of multifunctional Fe3O4/Au composite nanoparticles for dual-mode MR/CT imaging applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Yong; Li Jing-Chao; Shen Ming-Wu; Shi Xiang-Yang


    Recent advances with iron oxide/gold (Fe 3 O 4 /Au) composite nanoparticles (CNPs) in dual-modality magnetic resonance (MR) and computed tomography (CT) imaging applications are reviewed. The synthesis and assembly of “dumbbelllike” and “core/shell” Fe 3 O 4 /Au CNPs is introduced. Potential applications of some developed Fe 3 O 4 /Au CNPs as contrast agents for dual-mode MR/CT imaging applications are described in detail. (topical review - magnetism, magnetic materials, and interdisciplinary research)

  5. Clinical And Serological Evidences For The Presence Of Rabbit ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le traitement au fenbendazole par voie orale, au dexaméthazone par voie parentérale, à l\\'oxytetracycline et aux multivitamines par injection n\\'ont pas permis de traiter l\\'encéphalitozoonose, probablement à cause de l\\'état chronique de la maladie et à d\\'autres complications latentes, ou à cause du traitement tardif ...

  6. Special equipment for processing can-rupture measurements; Equipement specialise de traitement des mesures de rupture de gaines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaiser, J.; Phalippou, J.; Dumont, D.; Viellard, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    installees sur des reacteurs nucleaires utilisent dans la partie du traitement des mesures en totalite ou en partie un calculateur numerique. La fiabilite du systeme est limitee par celle du calculateur, celui-ci representant un point commun pour tout le traitement DRG. Pour satisfaire aux exigences de la securite de fonctionnement il faudrait envisager dans certains cas de doubler le calculateur. L'utilisation d'un calculateur necessite comme interface entre l'equipement de detection et lui-meme des echelles fonctionnant en integrateur pour les impulsions sortant du detecteur. En ajoutant un certain nombre de circuits a ces echelles on est capable d'effectuer le travail demande actuellement au calculateur, en ce qui concerne le calcul. Ce raisonnement nous a conduit a une solution dite ''decentralisee'' en realisant des equipements specialises au niveau du prospecteur meme. Nous croyons que cette solution represente, en dehors de l'aspect de fiabilite, surtout un interet economique. Dans notre solution, le point commun dans le traitement d'information se situe maintenant non plus au niveau d'elaboration du resultat comme dans le cas du calculateur, mais a un niveau plus bas, dans l'impression des resultats. Meme dans le cas d'une defaillance du point commun, les resultats sont elabores, affiches et compares aux seuils d'alarme. Dans le cas d'une panne d'un equipement specialise les resultats de ce prospecteur ne sont plus disponibles, les autres restent en fonction. Il semble que cette solution represente un degre de fiabilite meilleur que la solution utilisant les calculateurs universels. L'utilisation d'une technique a tiroir interchangeable (MULTIBLOC) permet un remplacement rapide de l'equipement specialise en panne. L'emploi systematique des circuits integres (TTL) assure une fiabilite accrue de l'equipement. (auteur)

  7. Résultats positifs de traitements de prévention de venues d'eau en Russie Successful Application Cases of Water Control Treatments in Russia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kolher N.


    Full Text Available La production d'eau dans les puits de pétrole ou de gaz est généralement responsable à la fois d'une diminution rapide de la productivité et d'un accroissement des coûts opératoires lié à la nécessité de transporter et de traiter de grandes quantités d'eau. Des problèmes induits tels que production de sable ou de fines, corrosion ou dépôts sont souvent rencontrés. Il en résulte une fermeture prématurée de ces puits du fait d'une production devenue non économique. Pour faire face à ces problèmes et allonger la durée de vie des puits, quelques compagnies ont tenté d'injecter des ciments, des résines ou des gels forts, organiques ou inorganiques, dans les intervalles producteurs d'eau. Ces barrières imperméables, qui nécessitent une isolation de zone au cours de leur mise en place, ont pour but d'empêcher tout écoulement de fluides. Ces traitements présentent cependant des risques importants notamment lorsque les niveaux producteurs d'huile ou d'eau ne peuvent pas être facilement distingués ou lorsque la complétion du puits ne permet pas une isolation de zone au cours du traitement. Pour surmonter ces difficultés, des études ont été conduites à partir de 1984 dans les laboratoires de l'Institut Français du Pétrole (lFP afin de développer des systèmes susceptibles de réduire sélectivement la production d'eau sans affecter de manière significative l'écoulement des hydrocarbures. Ces systèmes sont constitués de polymères de haut poids moléculaire, solubles dans l'eau, utilisés soit seuls, soit sous forme de gels faibles obtenus en présence de certains agents réticulants. Plusieurs procédés ont été développés, chacun d'eux étant adapté à des conditions de réservoir spécifiques, en particulier température de fond et salinité. Tous ces procédés présentent l'avantage de réduire sélectivement la perméabilité à l'eau tout en maintenant, voire en améliorant, la production d

  8. Shape and size controlled synthesis of Au nanorods: H2S gas-sensing characterizations and antibacterial application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanh, Le Thi; Hoa, Tran Thai; Cuong, Nguyen Duc; Khieu, Dinh Quang; Quang, Duong Tuan; Van Duy, Nguyen; Hoa, Nguyen Duc; Van Hieu, Nguyen


    Highlights: • We have demonstrated a facile method to prepare colloid Au nanorods. • The size and shape of Au nanorods can be controlled via seed-mediated growth method. • The H 2 S gas-sensing properties have been investigated. • The antibacterial application has been conducted. - Abstract: Controlling their size and shape is one of the important issues in the fundamental study and application of colloidal metal nanoparticles. In the current study, different sizes and shapes of Au nanorods were fabricated using a seed-mediated growth method. Material characterization by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the obtained products were made of single-crystal Au nanorods with an average diameter and length of 10 nm and 40 nm, respectively. The Au nanorod-based sensor exhibited significantly high sensitivity and fast response/recovery time to low concentrations (2.5–10 ppm) of H 2 S at temperatures ranging from 300 °C to 400 °C. Additionally, they exhibited antibacterial effect at low concentration. These results suggested that the fabricated Au nanorods have excellent potential for practical application in air pollution monitoring and biomedicine

  9. Observation of Au + AuAu + Au + ρ0 and Au + AuAu* + Au* + ρ0 with STAR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spencer, K.


    First observation of the reactions Au + AuAu + Au + ρ 0 and Au + AuAu* + Au* + ρ 0 with the STAR detector are reported. The ρ are produced at small perpendicular momentum, as expected if they couple coherently to both nuclei. Models of vector meson production and the correlation with nuclear breakup are discussed, as well as a fundamental test of quantum mechanics that is possible with the system. (author)

  10. Use of ion exchange and early treatment of radioactive contamination in the digestive tract; Utilisation des echangeurs d'ions et traitement precoce de la contamination radioactive par voie digestive

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michon, G; Guilloux, M J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The efficiency of cation exchange resins for the treatment of digestive contamination with strontium has been studied on rats. The results obtained show that the most efficient resins are those of sulfonic type when administered in the ammonium form. The treatment is still efficient when applied 45 minutes after the ingestion of strontium. In the most favourable cases, the radioactivity of the skeleton was lower by a factor 6 in the treated animals than in controls. This easily applicable, rather safe and non specific treatment deserves to be retained for use. (author) [French] Une etude de l'efficacite des resines echangeuses de cations dans le traitement d'une contamination digestive par le strontium a ete entreprise chez le rat. Les resultats montrent que parmi les resines, les plus efficaces sont celles de type sulfonique, administrees sous forme ammonium. Le traitement est encore efficace 45 minutes apres l'ingestion du strontium. Dans les meilleurs cas, le squelette des rats traites etait six fois moins radioactif que celui des temoins. Ce traitement d'emploi facile, peu dangereux, non specifique, merite d'etre retenu. (auteur)

  11. CERN wide inventory of existing vacuum and heat treatment furnaces

    CERN Document Server

    Milani, Adrien


    L’utilisation des fours au CERN a plusieurs objectifs (Traitement thermique, brasage, séchage, polymérisation, ... ). Les fours sont donc répartis dans les différents départements, en fonction de l’utilisation de chacun. Cependant il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de référencement permettant de connaitre la présence de chaque four ainsi que leurs caractéristiques techniques. L’objectif de mon stage a donc été de créer un inventaire des fours de traitement thermique présents au CERN, afin de connaitre précisément leurs applications possibles. Cette base de données permettra entre autre aux différents départements de savoir quelle personne contacter en fonction de l’utilisation voulue.

  12. Shape and size controlled synthesis of Au nanorods: H{sub 2}S gas-sensing characterizations and antibacterial application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lanh, Le Thi [College of Sciences, Hue University, 77 Nguyen Hue, Hue City (Viet Nam); Hoa, Tran Thai, E-mail: [College of Sciences, Hue University, 77 Nguyen Hue, Hue City (Viet Nam); Cuong, Nguyen Duc [College of Sciences, Hue University, 77 Nguyen Hue, Hue City (Viet Nam); Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Hue University, 22 Lam Hoang, Hue City (Viet Nam); Khieu, Dinh Quang [College of Sciences, Hue University, 77 Nguyen Hue, Hue City (Viet Nam); Quang, Duong Tuan [College of Education, Hue University, 34 Le Loi, Hue City (Viet Nam); Van Duy, Nguyen; Hoa, Nguyen Duc [International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Van Hieu, Nguyen, E-mail: [International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi (Viet Nam)


    Highlights: • We have demonstrated a facile method to prepare colloid Au nanorods. • The size and shape of Au nanorods can be controlled via seed-mediated growth method. • The H{sub 2}S gas-sensing properties have been investigated. • The antibacterial application has been conducted. - Abstract: Controlling their size and shape is one of the important issues in the fundamental study and application of colloidal metal nanoparticles. In the current study, different sizes and shapes of Au nanorods were fabricated using a seed-mediated growth method. Material characterization by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the obtained products were made of single-crystal Au nanorods with an average diameter and length of 10 nm and 40 nm, respectively. The Au nanorod-based sensor exhibited significantly high sensitivity and fast response/recovery time to low concentrations (2.5–10 ppm) of H{sub 2}S at temperatures ranging from 300 °C to 400 °C. Additionally, they exhibited antibacterial effect at low concentration. These results suggested that the fabricated Au nanorods have excellent potential for practical application in air pollution monitoring and biomedicine.

  13. Automation on computer of the partial area method in the analysis of resonances induced by 'S' neutrons 2. with an interference term and extension of the method to the treatment of multi resonances (1963); Automatisation sur ordinateur de la methode des aires partielles dans l'analyse des resonances induites par les neutrons ''S''. 2, avec terme d'interference et extension de la methode au traitement des multiresonances (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bianchi, G; Corge, C R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This report deals with the numerical analysis on an I.B.M. 7090 computer of transmission resonances induced by 's' wave neutrons in time of flight experiments. The analysis method used is the partial area one. In this second part the interference term is taken into account. Modifications have been made in the programs and subroutines described in the first part, to determine the resonant transmissions from experimental raw data, and the relating partial areas. Also programs and subroutines are thoroughly described, which estimate the resonance parameters. The field of the partial area method has been extended to cover the case where several resonances have to be treated simultaneously, provided they do not interfere. (authors) [French] Le pretent rapport a pour objet l'analyse numerique sur ordinateur I.B.M. 7090 des resonances dues aux neutrons ''s'' dans les experiences de transmission par temps de vol, la methode d'analyse utilisee etant la methode dea aires partielles. Dans cette deuxieme partie il a ete tenu compte du terme d'interference. On y trouvera une description des amenagements apportes aux programmes et sous-programmes decrits dans la premiere partie pour determiner les transmissions interfero-resonnantes a partir des donnees experimentales brutes et les aires partielles afferentes. Sont egalement decrits les programmes et sous-programmes necessaires au calcul des parametres caracteristiques des resonances. Le domaine d'application de la methode a ete etendu au traitement simultane de plusieurs resonances groupees n'interferant pas entre elles. (auteurs)

  14. Les politiques d’employabilité en Belgique : traitement clinique des chômeurs et traitement statistique du chômage The Politics of Employability in Belgium : Clinical Treatment of the Unemployed and Statistical Treatment of Unemployment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-François Orianne


    Full Text Available Cet article interroge la mise en œuvre et le suivi des politiques européennes d’employabilité en Belgique à la lumière de la sociologie de Norbert Elias, en reliant les dimensions sociogénétiques et psychogénétiques de la construction européenne. Le traitement clinique des chômeurs, qui repose principalement sur la construction professionnelle de troubles de l’employabilité, contribue à l’intériorisation de normes à grande échelle, à la socialisation de la population active au marché du travail et renforce la concurrence entre les actifs occupés et les actifs inoccupés (principale condition de stabilité de la monnaie unique. Parallèlement, le traitement statistique du chômage, qui consiste en un jeu rationnel entre États (et Régions de maximisation des indicateurs de résultats, renforce la compétition territoriale pour attirer les investisseurs et encadre, légitime, dynamise ce mouvement incertain d’harmonisation ou d’intégration des systèmes de protection sociale en Europe.This article investigates the setting up and follow-up of European employment politics in Belgium, in light of the sociology of Norbert Elias, in blending the socio-genetic and psycho-genetic dimensions of European construction. The clinical treatment of the unemployed, principally based on the professional construction of employability troubles, contributes to the internalization of standards on a vast scale, to the socialization of the active population on the job market and reinforcing competition between occupied actives and unoccupied actives (a principal condition for the stability of a unique currency. At the same time, the statistical treatment of unemployment, consisting in a deliberate game between States (and Regions of maximization of result indicators, reinforces a territorial competition aimed at attracting investors as well as organizing, legitimating and dynamizing the unsteady movement toward harmonization or

  15. Au/ZnO nanoarchitectures with Au as both supporter and antenna of visible-light

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Tianyu; Chen, Wei; Hua, Yuxiang; Liu, Xiaoheng, E-mail:


    Highlights: • An inversed Au/ZnO nanostructure was fabricated with ZnO loaded onto Au. • The Au/ZnO nanocomposites showed enhanced properties in visible-light photocatalysis. • The SPR effect of Au was considered important for visible-light photocatalysis. - Abstract: In this paper, we fabricate Au/ZnO nanostructure with smaller ZnO nanoparticles loaded onto bigger gold nanoparticles via combining seed-mediated method and sol-gel method. The obtained Au/ZnO nanocomposites exhibit excellent properties in photocatalysis process like methyl orange (MO) degradation and oxidative conversion of methanol into formaldehyde under visible light irradiation. The enhanced properties were ascribed to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect of Au nanoparticles, which could contribute to the separation of photo-excited electrons and holes and facilitate the process of absorbing visible light. This paper contributes to the emergence of multi-functional nanocomposites with possible applications in visible-light driven photocatalysts and makes the Au/ZnO photocatalyst an exceptional choice for practical applications such as environmental purification of organic pollutants in aqueous solution and the synthesis of fine chemicals and intermediates.

  16. Au/ZnO nanoarchitectures with Au as both supporter and antenna of visible-light

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Tianyu; Chen, Wei; Hua, Yuxiang; Liu, Xiaoheng


    Highlights: • An inversed Au/ZnO nanostructure was fabricated with ZnO loaded onto Au. • The Au/ZnO nanocomposites showed enhanced properties in visible-light photocatalysis. • The SPR effect of Au was considered important for visible-light photocatalysis. - Abstract: In this paper, we fabricate Au/ZnO nanostructure with smaller ZnO nanoparticles loaded onto bigger gold nanoparticles via combining seed-mediated method and sol-gel method. The obtained Au/ZnO nanocomposites exhibit excellent properties in photocatalysis process like methyl orange (MO) degradation and oxidative conversion of methanol into formaldehyde under visible light irradiation. The enhanced properties were ascribed to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect of Au nanoparticles, which could contribute to the separation of photo-excited electrons and holes and facilitate the process of absorbing visible light. This paper contributes to the emergence of multi-functional nanocomposites with possible applications in visible-light driven photocatalysts and makes the Au/ZnO photocatalyst an exceptional choice for practical applications such as environmental purification of organic pollutants in aqueous solution and the synthesis of fine chemicals and intermediates.

  17. Processing ore from Forez; Etude pour le traitement du minerai du Forez

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kremer, M


    A new process is given for the chemical separation, simply and economically, of the uranium contained in solutions formed by sulfuric acid attack of low uranium content ores. The attacking solution is processed in two stages. The solution is neutralized to pH 2,7 to 3 with milk of lime and a portion of the dissolved impurities are precipitated. Then milk of lime of the uranium is precipitated to pH 6,5 to 7. The uranium concentrate is then subjected to controlled sulfuric attack for its total reduction to a solution containing a minimum of foreign ions. The uranium solution thus obtained is purified by extraction with TBP. (author) [French] Ce nouveau procede permet de separer par voie chimique et de facon simple et economique des solutions obtenues par l'attaque a l'acide sulfurique des minerais d'uranium a faible teneur. Le traitement de la solution d'attaque se fait en deux temps: 1) neutralisation de la solution a pH 2,7-3, par un lait de chaux et elimination par precipitation d'une partie des impuretes dissoutes a l'attaque. 2) precipitation par un lait de chaux, de l'uranium a pH 6,5-7. Le concentre d'uranium est ensuite soumis a une attaque sulfurique qui fait repasser tout l'uranium en solution avec le minimum d'ions etrangers. La solution d'uranium ainsi obtenue est purifiee par extraction au TBP. (auteur)

  18. Résultats du traitement chirurgical des traumatismes du rachis à l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    incomplète était prédictive de bon pronostic P< 0,001. Les traumatismes du rachis cervical sont des urgences neurologiques qui mettent en jeu le pronostic vital et fonctionnel des patients. Mots clés : Traumatisme, rachis, traitement. The purpose of this series was to describe the results of surgical treatment of spinal injury.

  19. Colloidal Au-enhanced surface plasmon resonance imaging: application in a DNA hybridization process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manera, M G; Spadavecchia, J; Taurino, A; Rella, R


    The detection of the DNA hybridization mechanism using monodispersed gold nanoparticles as labels is an interesting alternative to increase the sensitivity of the SPR imaging technique. DNA-modified Au nanoparticles (DNA-Au NPs) containing single-stranded (ss) portions of DNA were prepared by monitoring their monolayer formation by UV–vis spectroscopy. The hybridization process between specific thio-oligonucleotides immobilized on the DNA–Au NPs and the corresponding complementary strands is reported and compared with the traditional hybridization process on properly self-assembled thin gold films deposited on glass substrates. A remarkable signal amplification is observed, following the incorporation of colloidal Au into a SPR biosensing experiment, resulting in an increased SPR response to DNA–DNA interactions. In particular Fusarium thiolated DNA (5'HS poly(T) 15 ATC CCT CAA AAA CTG CCG CT-3) and trichothecenes complementary DNA (5'-AGC GGC AGT TTT TGA GGG AT-3') sequences have been explored due to their possible application to agro-industry for the control of food quality

  20. Évolution des conditions d’initiation du traitement antirétroviral des patients infectés par le VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest (United States)

    Bashi, J.; Balestre, E.; Messou, E.; Maiga, M.; Coffie, P.A.; Zannou, D.M.; Ba-Gomis, O.; Traore, H.A.; Eholie, S.; Minga, A.; Sow, P.S.; Bissagnene, E.; Dabis, F.; Ekouevi, D.K.


    Résumé Objectif Étudier entre 1996 et 2006, l’évolution des schémas thérapeutiques et du profil clinique et immunologique des patients infectés par le VIH au début du traitement antirétroviral (TARV) en Afrique de l’Ouest. Cadre et méthode Les données issues de 12 centres cliniques adultes (IeDEA West Africa réseau collaboratif de prise en charge de l’infection à VIH) de cinq pays (Bénin, Cote d’Ivoire, Sénégal, Gambie, Mali) ont été mises en commun et analysées. Les patients âgés de 16 ans et plus dont le sexe, la date de naissance et la date d’initiation du TARV étaient connus ont été inclus dans cette étude. Résultats Quatorze mille quatre-cent-quatre-vingt-seize patients avaient débuté un TARV entre 1996–2006 avec 55 % des patients l’ayant débuté entre 2005–2006. La proportion de femmes était de 46 % en 1996–2000 et de 63 % en 2005–2006. L’âge médian à la mise sous traitement était constant: 35 ans chez les femmes et 40 ans chez les hommes. La proportion de patients qui ont débuté le TARV avec un taux de CD4 inférieur à 200 cellules/µl était de 54 % en 1996–2000 et de 64 % en 2005–2006. Les combinaisons thérapeutiques les plus prescrites étaient: AZT/3TC (ou d4T/DDI)/IDV (27 %) en 1996–2000; d4T (ou AZT)/3TC/EFV (59 %) en 2003–2004; et d4T/3TC/NVP (49 %) en 2005–2006. Les traitements de première ligne recommandés par l’OMS étaient débutés dans 83 % de cas en 2005–2006. Conclusion De nouvelles approches pour débuter un TARV plus précocement doivent être développées pour améliorer la survie des patients sous TARV. PMID:20045273

  1. Resultat du traitement d'un craniopharyngiome kystique par de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction Le craniopharyngiome est une tumeur bénigne qui provient de nids épithéliaux ou de zones de métaplasies squameuses liées à l'embryogenèse hypophysaire. Touchant surtout l'enfant, peut être potentiellement agressive et caractérisée par un taux élevé de récidive après traitement chirurgical. La bléomycine ...

  2. Les filtres et lits plantés de roseaux en traitement d'eaux usées domestiques. Perspectives pour le traitement d'eaux pluviales


    Boutin, C.; Esser, D.; Molle, P.; Liénard, A.


    L'article decrit puis compare le fonctionement des filtres plantes de roseaux a flux vertical puis horizontal a partir d'experiences francaises ou internationales sur le traitement des eaux usees domestiques. La discussion finale signale, par l'intermediaire d'experiences, la possibilite de traiter des eaux pluviales par ces techniques; pour autant, les bases de dimensionnement ne sont pas établies. / This article presents and describes vertical and horizontal reed beds filters for domestic w...

  3. TiAu-based micro-calorimeters for space applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dirks, B.P.F.; Popescu, M.; Bruijn, M.; Gottardi, L.; Hoevers, H.F.C.; Korte, P.A.J. de; Kuur, J. van der; Ridder, M.; Takei, Y.


    We present the latest results of the performance of micro-calorimeters based on transition edge sensors (TESs) for space applications. Sensors based on TiAu superconductive layers with Cu/Bi absorbers are discussed and have been characterized. Different coupling schemes between absorber and TES have been tested leading to an optimal (preferred) design for a new batch of arrays. We discuss the progress on array development for the International X-ray Observatory (IXO) in terms of pixel uniformity and filling factor. Inter-pixel cross-talk is discussed as well.

  4. Computer processing of {gamma} spectra. Application to the dosage of mixed natural or artificial radioelements; Traitement par ordinateur des spectres {gamma}. Application au dosage de melanges de radioelements naturels ou artificiels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coulomb, R; Goldsztein, M; Schiltz, J C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A program, written in Fortran II for IBM 7034 II, permitting resolution by means of least squares of a mixture of natural or artificial radioelements, is described. The spectra are processed in measurement batches, making up a homogeneous study, which comprise standards and samples. This highly versatile program may either ensure the processing of a great number of daily analyses, or be used pending development of radiochemical methods. The feeding of data has been simplified as much as possible. On the contrary, at the outlet, the numerical or graphical controls, error computations, and the printing of results in clear and legible form have been multiplied. In spite of this, the calculation times are exceedingly short. Several independent studies which include about sixty spectra may be processed in less than five minutes. (authors) [French] On decrit un programme, redige en Fortran H, pour IBM 7094 H, permettant la resolution par les moindres carres d'un melange de radioelements naturels ou artificiels. Les spectres sont traites par groupe de mesures, constituant une etude homogene, comprenant etalons et echantillons. Ce programme, extremement souple, peut, soit repondre a une production journaliere importante d'analyses, soit etre utilise en periode de mise au point de methodes radiochimiques. L'introduction des donnees a ete simplifiee au maximum. Au contraire, a la 'sortie', on a multiplie les controles numeriques ou graphiques, les calculs d'erreur, les impressions de resultats sous une forme aussi claire et lisible que possible. Malgre cela, les temps de calculs sont extremement brefs, plusieurs etudes independantes comportant une soixantaine de spectres peuvent etre traitees en moins de 5 minutes. (auteurs)

  5. 294 Analyse de la variabilité germinative de la vesce commune ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ... la santé publique [1,2] ; notons l'exemple des régions irriguées par les eaux usées au ... La salinité des sols ainsi que de l'eau de l'irrigation dans ces terrains pose un ... L'application des traitements a été faite dès la mise des graines en ...

  6. H:\\PMKER 25(3)\\BEUGRE F..xps

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    nodules and permitted the application of the herbicide, better development of soybean plants. Herbicide ... négative sur les micro-organismes du sol, en particulier, sur les .... différences significatives entre les traitements sont apparus à partir de 45e jour après le semis. (JAS), et ce, jusqu'au 90e JAS. En effet, pendant ...

  7. Mise au point d'un pilote micro-ondes multifonction en vue d'un séchage d'algues alimentaires


    Mikula, Stéphane


    Le séchage ou dessiccation consiste à évacuer l'eau d'un matériau humide vers le milieu ambiant dans le but d'en assurer la stabilité. Actuellement, le séchage à l'air chaud est le mode de déshydratation le plus employé dans le monde pour le traitement des denrées alimentaires. Cependant, cette technique présente quelques inconvénients. Au cours du séchage, il se produit généralement un gradient de déshydratation aboutissant à un dessèchement superficiel caractérisé par un croûtage et u...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Dans le cadre de la spectroscopie RMN, notre objectif est de déterminer le spectre d'absorption du signal de précession libre FID par la méthode de prédiction linéaire (PL. Ceci revient à résoudre le problème de prédiction linéaire en exploitant la méthode de corrélation par l'utilisation de la décomposition en valeurs singulières SVD pour l'inversion de la matrice de corrélation. Or, cette technique est la source d'un certain nombre de problèmes lorsque le signal est noyé dans du bruit. Aussi sera-t-elle coûteuse en temps lorsque les dimensions de la matrice de corrélation sont importantes. Afin de résoudre ce problème, nous exploitons les propriétés d'une nouvelle technique dérivée de la SVD, la décomposition ULV pour minimiser le coût du traitement et assurer une inversion correcte de la matrice de corrélation. Dans ce but, nous déterminons le spectre d'absorption par la technique ULV et nous le comparons avec le spectre déterminé par la SVD et  la FFT. Nous comparons par la suite la qualité des spectres obtenus par rapport au spectre d'absorption idéal  déterminé par FFT.

  9. Use of X-ray fluorescence in a laboratory for the treatment of uranium ores (1960); Utilisation de la fluorescence X dans un laboratoire de traitements de minerais d'uranium (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillet, H [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A brief description will be given of some aspects of the experience gained over a year during which X-ray fluorescence was used at the laboratory or the present Section Autonome d'Etudes, Recherches et Applications Chimiques of the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. First part. - Reproducibility of results. A standard is tested daily. The observations made during the months from december 58 to may 59 are described. Second part. - Study of two chemical treatment processes using X-ray fluorescence, without development of a detailed method of analysis. a) Acid lixiviation of uranium ores. The residues are analysed by X-Ray fluorescence directly in powder form. b) Fixation and elution of vanadium on ion exchange resin. Third part. - Method for the quantitative analysis of the uranium in solution. A method of analysis of the uranium in solution is described for concentrations between 30 {gamma}/cc and 600 {gamma}/cc, whatever may be the impurities present (except for the elements between Zn and Rb, and between Ir and Pa). (author) [French] On se propose de decrire brievement quelques aspects de l'experience acquise en une annee d'utilisation de fluorescence X au laboratoire de l'actuelle Section Autonome d'Etudes, Recherches et Applications chimiques du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. Premiere Partie. - Etude de la reproductibilite des resultats. Un standard est teste quotidiennement. On donne la description des observations faites durant les mois de decembre 58 a mai 59. Deuxieme Partie. - Etude de deux procedes de traitements chimiques au moyen de la fluorescence X sans mise au point de methode d'analyse elaboree. a) Liziviation acide de minerais d'uranium. Les residus sont analyses par fluorescence X directement sous forme pulverulente. b) Fixation et elution du vanadium sur resine echangeuse d'ions. Troisieme partie. - Methode d'analyse quantitative de l'uranium en solution. On decrit une methode d'analyse de l'uranium en solution pour des concentrations allant

  10. Treatment of Radioactive Effluents at the Saclay Nuclear Research Centre; Traitement des Effluents Radioactifs au Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay; 041e 0414 ; Tratamiento de los Efluentes Radiactivos en el Centro de Energia Nuclear de Saclay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wormser, G. [Service de Controle des Radiations et de Genie Radioactif, Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France)


    The Report Gives The Account Of Four Years' Experience In Operating The Treatment Plant For Effluents From The Saclay Nuclear Research Centre. It Contains Data Relating To The Origin, Volume And Treatment Of Waste. (author) [French] Ce rapport presente un bilan d'exploitation de l'installation de traitement des effluents du Centre d'etudes nucleaires de Saclay depuis quatre ans. On donne des chiffres concernant l'origine des residus, leur volume, leur traitement. (author) [Spanish] El autor hace un balance de explotacion de la instalacion de tratamiento de efluentes del centro de Saclay desde hace cuatro anos, dando las cifras correspondientes al origen de los residuos, a su volumen y a su tratamiento. (author) [Russian] V jetom dokumente podvoditsja itog chetyrehletnej jekspluatacii ustanovki po obrabotke zhidkih othotov v Centre jadernyh issledovanij v Sakle. V doklade privodjatsja dannye o proishozhdenii othodov, jh ob'eme i obrabotke. (author)

  11. AZO/Au/AZO tri-layer thin films for the very low resistivity transparent electrode applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chu, Chien-Hsun [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); Wu, Hung-Wei, E-mail: [Department of Computer and Communication, Kun Shan University, Tainan 71003, Taiwan (China); Huang, Jow-Lay [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung 81148, Taiwan (China); Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China)


    Highlights: • High-quality Al-doped ZnO (AZO)/Au/AZO transparent conducting oxide films. • AZO films (30 nm) made by RF sputtering; ion sputtering for Au film (5–20 nm). • Effects of Au thickness on optical and electrical properties were analyzed. • The resistivity of 9 × 10{sup −5} Ω cm and the transmittance of 86.2% of the multilayer films were obtained in this study. - Abstract: Aluminum-doped ZnO (AZO)/gold/AZO tri-layer structures with very low resistivity and high transmittance are prepared by simultaneous RF magnetron sputtering (for AZO) and ion sputtering (for Au). The properties of the tri-layer films are investigated at different Au layer thicknesses (5–20 nm). The effects of Au layer thickness and the role of Au on the transmission properties of the tri-layer films were investigated. The very low resistivity of 1.01 × 10{sup −5} Ω cm, mobility of 27.665 cm{sup 2} V{sup −1} s{sup −1}, and carrier concentration of 4.563 × 10{sup 22} cm{sup −3} were obtained at an Au layer thickness of 20 nm. The peak transmittance of 86.18% at 650-nm wavelength was obtained at an Au layer thickness of 8 nm. These results show the films to be a good candidate for high-quality electrode scheme in various display applications.

  12. Disposal of the radioactive effluents at the 'Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique'. Treatment leading to evacuation into a river; Probleme du rejet des residus radioactifs liquides au CEA. Traitements aboutissant a des rejets en riviere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel,; Menoux,; Candillon, [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    loaded water, 10) Impot elements other than Sr{sup 90} are also studied. (author) [French] Le probleme du traitement des residus radioactifs liquides au CEA est envisage sous l'angle du rejet ultime en riviere dans des conditions optima permettant de satisfaire aux Normes de la protection. 2) A Saclay, ou l'on ne dispose que d'un etang ou l'eau ne se renouvelle pas, les liquides epures sont envoyes par camion citerne a Fontenay-aux-Roses, ou ils sont deverses provisoirement - dans les egouts - en attendant qu'un point de rejet en Seine ait ete determine. 3) Au Bouchet, les eaux residuaires de l'Usine de traitement de minerais d'urano-thorianite devront etre traitees en deux temps de facon a separer le radium dans une premiere phase, ce qui facilitera l'epuration au cours de la deuxieme phase. 4) En vue des futurs rejets a Marcoule, une etude a ete conduite a Saclay, sur des effluents synthetiques - type Marcoule - ayant pour but de mettre au point des procedes d'elimination selective du Sr d'une part, du Cs d'autre part, par coprecipitation. 5) Dans le cas general du rejet ultime en riviere, les problemes suivants sont successivement envisages: - predilution entre les bassins de stockage des eaux epurees et le fleuve; - mode d'injection dans le fleuve; - dilution dans le fleuve (etude prealable par traceurs); - evolution de l'activite dans les eaux du fleuve (adsorption par les organismes inertes ou vivants, contamination des berges); - incidence sur le choix d'un site; - dilution isotopique. 6) Ce dernier probleme est specialement detaille. 7) La teneur de l'eau en un element donne conditionne la dilution isotopique de son isotope radioactif. L'analyse decelant une carence, il est possible d'y suppleer par des rejets d'isotope stable. 8) Cette methode conduit en certains cas a des analyses delicates (en particulier dans le cas du {sup 90}Sr), la teneur en isotope stable necessaire a une forte dilution isotopique restant faible (ce qui est d'ailleurs un avantage). 9

  13. Ultra-relativistic Au+Au and d+Au collisions: (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.

    In this talk I will review PHOBOS data on charged particle multiplicities, obtained in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at RHIC. The general features of the Au+Au pseudorapidity distributions results will be discussed and compared to those of /line{p}p collisions. The total charged particle multiplicity, scaled by the number of participant pairs, is observed to be about 40% higher in Au+Au collisions than in /line{p}p and d+Au systems, but, surprisingly at the same level of e+e- collisions. Limiting fragmentation scaling is seen to be obeyed in Au+Au collisions.

  14. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2015 ... une étape fondamentale dans le traitement du cancer de l'enfant, elle doit être évaluée dès l'étape diagnostique et surveillée tout au long du traitement. Pan African ..... Mémoire et douleur chez l'enfant. Douleurs. 2004;.

  15. Study of the aqueous chemical treatment of uranium zirconium fuels; Etude du traitement chimique des combustibles uraniumzirconium par voie seche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourgeois, M; Nollet, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A dry process has been studied for separating the uranium from the zirconium-either for recovering the enriched uranium from fuel element production waste, or with a view to treating this waste after irradiation. In this process the alloy is treated with hydrochloric acid at 400 deg. C in a fluidized corundum bed which causes the zirconium to volatilize as tetrachloride and the uranium to form the trichloride. This latter is then converted to the hexafluoride by attack with fluorure. After the laboratory tests, a first pilot plant with a capacity of 1 kg of alloy was tried out at the Fontenay-aux-Roses Nuclear Research Centre; this made it possible to fix the operational conditions for the process. An industrial scale plant was then built with the collaboration of the from Kuhlmann, and operated until a satisfactory process had been developed for treating the waste. This installation treats 3 kg/h of alloy with a yield for the hydrochloric acid of about 50 per cent and with a uranium loss in the zirconium tetrachloride of about 0.1 per cent. An active pilot plant capable of treating of treating a few kilos of irradiated alloy is now being studied. (authors) [French] On a etudie un procede de voie seche pour effectuer la separation de l'uranium et du zirconium - soit en vue de la recuperation de l'uranium enrichi contenu dans les dechets de fabrication des elements combustibles - soit en vue du traitement de ceux-ci apres irradiation. Ce procede consiste a attaquer l'alliage par l'acide chlorhydrique a 400 deg. C dans un lit fluidise de corindon, ce qui a pour effet de volatiliser le zirconium sous forme de tetrachlorure et de transformer l'uranium en trichlorure. Ce dernier est ensuite converti en hexafluorure par action du fluor. Apres des essais de laboratoire, un premier pilote a l'echelle de 1 kg d'alliage a ete experimente au Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses et a permis de determiner les conditions operatoires du procede. En collaboration avec

  16. Fabricating a Homogeneously Alloyed AuAg Shell on Au Nanorods to Achieve Strong, Stable, and Tunable Surface Plasmon Resonances

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Jianfeng


    Colloidal metal nanocrystals with strong, stable, and tunable localized surface plasmon resonances (SPRs) can be useful in a corrosive environment for many applications including field-enhanced spectroscopies, plasmon-mediated catalysis, etc. Here, a new synthetic strategy is reported that enables the epitaxial growth of a homogeneously alloyed AuAg shell on Au nanorod seeds, circumventing the phase segregation of Au and Ag encountered in conventional synthesis. The resulting core–shell structured bimetallic nanorods (AuNR@AuAg) have well-mixed Au and Ag atoms in their shell without discernible domains. This degree of mixing allows AuNR@AuAg to combine the high stability of Au with the superior plasmonic activity of Ag, thus outperforming seemingly similar nanostructures with monometallic shells (e.g., Ag-coated Au NRs (AuNR@Ag) and Au-coated Au NRs (AuNR@Au)). AuNR@AuAg is comparable to AuNR@Ag in plasmonic activity, but that it is markedly more stable toward oxidative treatment. Specifically, AuNR@AuAg and AuNR@Ag exhibit similarly strong signals in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy that are some 30-fold higher than that of AuNR@Au. When incubated with a H2O2 solution (0.5 m), the plasmonic activity of AuNR@Ag immediately and severely decayed, whereas AuNR@AuAg retained its activity intact. Moreover, the longitudinal SPR frequency of AuNR@AuAg can be tuned throughout the red wavelengths (≈620–690 nm) by controlling the thickness of the AuAg alloy shell. The synthetic strategy is versatile to fabricate AuAg alloyed shells on different shaped Au, with prospects for new possibilities in the synthesis and application of plasmonic nanocrystals.

  17. Le domaine des co-infections et des maladies concomitantes du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC : lignes directrices canadiennes pour la prise en charge et le traitement de la co-infection par le VIH et l’hépatite C chez les adultes (United States)

    Hull, Mark; Giguère, Pierre; Klein, Marina; Shafran, Stephen; Tseng, Alice; Côté, Pierre; Poliquin, Marc; Cooper, Curtis


    HISTORIQUE : De 20 % à 30 % des Canadiens qui vivent avec le VIH sont co-infectés par le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC), lequel est responsable d’une morbidité et d’une mortalité importantes. La prise en charge du VIH et du VHC est plus complexe en raison de l’évolution accélérée de la maladie hépatique, du choix et des critères d’initiation de la thérapie antirétrovirale et du traitement anti-VHC, de la prise en charge de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies, des obstacles socioéconomiques et des interactions entre les nouvelles thérapies antivirales à action directe du VHC et les antirétroviraux OBJECTIF : Élaborer des normes nationales de prise en charge des adultes co-infectés par le VHC et le VIH dans le contexte canadien. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Le Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada a réuni un groupe d’experts possédant des compétences cliniques en co-infection par le VIH et le VHC pour réviser les publications à jour ainsi que les lignes directrices et les protocoles en place. Après une vaste sollicitation afin d’obtenir des points de vue, le groupe de travail a approuvé des recommandations consensuelles, qu’il a caractérisées au moyen d’une échelle de qualité des preuves fondée sur la classe (bienfaits par rapport aux préjudices) et sur la catégorie (degré de certitude). RÉSULTATS : Toutes les personnes co-infectées par le VIH et le VHC devraient subir une évaluation en vue de recevoir un traitement du VHC. Les personnes qui ne sont pas en mesure d’entreprendre un traitement du VHC devraient être soignées pour le VIH afin de ralentir l’évolution de la maladie hépatique. La norme de traitement du VHC de génotype 1 est un régime comprenant de l’interféron pégylé et de la ribavirine dosée en fonction du poids, associés à un inhibiteur de la protéase du VHC. Pour les génotypes 2 ou 3, une bithérapie classique est recommandée pendant 24 semaines s

  18. Phéochromocytome et grossesse - Gestion péri opératoire et conduite à tenir obstétricale: a propos d’un cas clinique et revue de littérature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hicham Sbai


    Full Text Available L’association phéochromocytome et grossesse est rare pouvant mettre en jeu le pronostic vital maternel et fœtal. Le diagnostic est aisé à condition d’y penser systématiquement face à une hypertension artérielle gravidique atypique, accompagnée de signes cliniques évocateurs, ou résistante au traitement. La certitude diagnostique est donnée par des tests biologiques simples et fiables. Nous rapportons le cas d’un phéochromocytome survenu au 1er trimestre, révélé par des épisodes d’hypertension artérielle. Le traitement avait consisté en une préparation médicale préopératoire suivie d’une surrénalectomie. L’évolution materno-fœtale était favorable. La survenue d’un phéochromocytome au cours de la grossesse pose un problème de diagnostic et de contrôle tensionnel. La stratégie thérapeutique dépend du terme, du retentissement materno-fœtal et de la réponse au traitement médical.

  19. Co-infection tuberculose et VIH: Hausse des CD4 avec le traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    INTRODUCTION: L'administration parallèle d'antituberculeux et d'antirétroviraux chez nos patients co-infectés par la tuberculose et le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) nous a fait observer près de 25 % d'hépatites toxiques conduisant à l'arrêt de tous traitements. Nous avons ainsi dû mener ce travail en ...

  20. Data processing in gamma spectrometry. Application to the decay schemes study; Traitement des informations en spectrometrie gamma application a l'etude de schemas de desintegration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boulanger, J P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, departement d' electronique generale, service d' instrumentation nucleaire


    The purpose of this thesis is the processing of the data issued from a gamma spectrometer, and its applications to the decay schemes study. The mathematical analysis of the full energy peaks, in connection with the very good resolution of semi-conductor detectors, leads to a very accurate determination of the energies. The resolution of complex spectra by the least squares method, completed by a spectra generating process, allows the calculation of branching ratios. Then, the handling of the two dimensional experiments permits the coincidence exam. For each of these methods, the calculation principle, then the systematics tests realized in order to prove their validity and to determine their application ranges as well as some experimental results appropriate to illustrate their possibilities, are presented. The energies of some nuclides, frequently used as standards have been thus measured and the decay schemes of {sup 134}Cs and {sup 110m}Ag determined precisely. (author) [French] Cette these est consacree aux methodes de traitement des informations issues d'un spectrometre {gamma}, et a leur application a l'etude des schemas de desintegration: l'analyse mathematique des pics d'absorption totale, conjuguee avec l'excellent pouvoir de resolution des detecteurs semi-conducteurs, conduit a une determination tres precise des energies. La decomposition des spectres complexes par la methode des moindres carres, completee par un procede de generation de spectres, autorise le calcul des rapports de branchement. Enfin le depouillement des experiences biparametriques permet l'examen des coincidences. Pour chacune de ces methodes, on expose le principe des calculs et les essais systematiques effectues afin d'eprouver leur validite et de definir leurs domaines d'application, ainsi que quelques resultats experimentaux propres a illustrer leurs possibilites. Les energies de quelques isotopes utilises couramment comme etalons ont ainsi ete mesurees, et les schemas de

  1. 1-Hexadecylamine as both reducing agent and stabilizer to synthesize Au and Ag nanoparticles and their SERS application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hou Xiaomiao; Zhan, Xiaoling; Fang Yan; Chen Shutang; Li Na; Zhou Qi


    1-Hexadecylamine (HDA)-capped Au and Ag nanoparticles (NPs) have been successfully prepared by a one-pot solution growth method. The HDA is used as both reducing agent and stabilizer in the synthetic process is favorable for investigating the capping mechanism of Au and Ag NPs’ surface. The growth process and characterization of Au and Ag NPs are determined by Ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Experimental results demonstrate that the HDA-capped Au and Ag NPs are highly crystalline and have good optical properties. Furthermore, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra of 2-thionaphthol are obtained on the Au and Ag NPs modified glass surface, respectively, indicating that the as-synthesized noble metal NPs have potentially high sensitive optical detection application.

  2. 1-Hexadecylamine as both reducing agent and stabilizer to synthesize Au and Ag nanoparticles and their SERS application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hou Xiaomiao; Zhan, Xiaoling, E-mail: [Beijing Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, School of Science (China); Fang Yan, E-mail: [Capital Normal University, Beijing Key Lab for Nano-Photonics and Nano-Structure (NPNS), Department of Physics (China); Chen Shutang; Li Na; Zhou Qi [Beijing Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, School of Science (China)


    1-Hexadecylamine (HDA)-capped Au and Ag nanoparticles (NPs) have been successfully prepared by a one-pot solution growth method. The HDA is used as both reducing agent and stabilizer in the synthetic process is favorable for investigating the capping mechanism of Au and Ag NPs' surface. The growth process and characterization of Au and Ag NPs are determined by Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Experimental results demonstrate that the HDA-capped Au and Ag NPs are highly crystalline and have good optical properties. Furthermore, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra of 2-thionaphthol are obtained on the Au and Ag NPs modified glass surface, respectively, indicating that the as-synthesized noble metal NPs have potentially high sensitive optical detection application.

  3. A white-emitting ZnO-Au nanocomposite and its SERS applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun Lanlan [State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3888 East Nan-Hu Road, Open Economic Zone, Changchun 130033 (China); Zhao Dongxu, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3888 East Nan-Hu Road, Open Economic Zone, Changchun 130033 (China); Ding Meng; Zhao Haifeng; Zhang Zhenzhong; Li Binghui; Shen Dezhen [State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3888 East Nan-Hu Road, Open Economic Zone, Changchun 130033 (China)


    We reported a simple method to synthesize ZnO-Au nanocomposites (hybrid A) by combining hydrothermal and electric beam evaporation deposition method. It was found that Au deposition time takes an important role in the generation of Au nanoparticles. Changing Au deposition time makes the thickness of Au formed on ZnO nanorods increase from 10 nm to 70 nm. On the other hand, white-emitting ZnO-Au nanocomposites (hybrid B) were obtained after treating hybrid A with HCl solution. Thanks to the covering of Au film and acid etching, it induces many defects on the surface of ZnO NRs, and largely enhances the visible emission of surviving ZnO and finally generates white emission on Au mesocrystals (hybrid B). Both of the ZnO-Au hybrids (A and B) can be applied as substrates in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) measurement. A typical probe molecule, 4-ATP was used to test the SERS activity of the ZnO-Au composites and the results indicated good Raman activity on the substrates.

  4. Radioactive Waste Facilities at the Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment; Installations pour le Traitement des Dechets Radioactifs au Centre de Recherche de la Commission Australienne a l'Energie Atomique; 0423 0421 0422 0414 ; Dispositivos para Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos en el Centro de Investigaciones de la Australian Atomic Energy Commission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berglin, C. L.W.; Keher, L. H.; Miles, G. L.; Wilson, A. R.W. [Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights, Sydney, NSW (Australia)


    This paper describes the facilities,which are being provided for the collection, treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes at Lucas Heights in relation to the estimated arisings. Low-activity effluent is divided into three types: (a) Sewage; (b) Trades waste, arising from reactor cooling tower blow-down and engineering workshops and other inactive areas; and (c) Effluent arising from laboratories and other active areas. The effluent treatment plant for the latter type of effluent consists essentially of mixing and alkali dosing tanks, a sludge-blanket clarifier (using a calcium- iron-phosphate process) and holding tanks. Methods of concentrating the sludge and of secondary treatment are at present being investigated and are discussed. The discharge formula and the expected dilution obtained in the Woronora river are discussed, together with a dilution experiment carried out in the tidal waters. It is proposed to bury all low-activity solid waste after baling where appropriate and the choice and location of the disposal area is discussed. A facility for the storage and disposal of highly active solid waste is discussed. It is proposed to evaporate and store the medium- and high-activity liquid waste. Details are given of the capital and operating costs of the Effluent Treatment Plant and other waste handling facilities. (author) [French] Le memoire decrit les installations que le Centre de Lucas Heights cree a l'heure actuelle, eu egard au developpement envisage'en matiere de rassemblement, de traitement et d'elimination des dechets radioactifs. Les' effluents de faible activite se divisent en trois categories: a) Eaux d'egout; b) Dechets industriels provenant de la tour de refroidissement du reacteur, des ateliers et d'autres zones non-actives; c) Effluents provenant des laboratoires et d'autres zones actives. L'usine affectee au traitement du dernier type d'effluents se compose essentiellement de malaxeurs, de bacs de dosage d'alcalis, d'un clarificateur d

  5. Conductive Au nanowires regulated by silk fibroin nanofibers (United States)

    Dong, Bo-Ju; Lu, Qiang


    Conductive Au-biopolymer composites have promising applications in tissue engineering such as nerve tissue regeneration. In this study, silk fibroin nanofibers were formed in aqueous solution by regulating silk self-assembly process and then used as template for Au nanowire fabrication. We performed the synthesis of Au seeds by repeating the seeding cycles for several times in order to increase the density of Au seeds on the nanofibers. After electroless plating, densely decorated Au seeds grew into irregularly shaped particles following silk nanofiber to fill the gaps between particles and finally form uniform continuous nanowires. The conductive property of the Au-silk fibroin nanowires was studied with current-voltage ( I-V) measurement. A typical ohmic behavior was observed, which highlighted their potential applications in nerve tissue regeneration.

  6. Disposal of the radioactive effluents at the 'Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique'. Treatment leading to evacuation into a river; Probleme du rejet des residus radioactifs liquides au CEA. Traitements aboutissant a des rejets en riviere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel; Menoux; Candillon [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    to find out in loaded water, 10) Impot elements other than Sr{sup 90} are also studied. (author) [French] Le probleme du traitement des residus radioactifs liquides au CEA est envisage sous l'angle du rejet ultime en riviere dans des conditions optima permettant de satisfaire aux Normes de la protection. 2) A Saclay, ou l'on ne dispose que d'un etang ou l'eau ne se renouvelle pas, les liquides epures sont envoyes par camion citerne a Fontenay-aux-Roses, ou ils sont deverses provisoirement - dans les egouts - en attendant qu'un point de rejet en Seine ait ete determine. 3) Au Bouchet, les eaux residuaires de l'Usine de traitement de minerais d'urano-thorianite devront etre traitees en deux temps de facon a separer le radium dans une premiere phase, ce qui facilitera l'epuration au cours de la deuxieme phase. 4) En vue des futurs rejets a Marcoule, une etude a ete conduite a Saclay, sur des effluents synthetiques - type Marcoule - ayant pour but de mettre au point des procedes d'elimination selective du Sr d'une part, du Cs d'autre part, par coprecipitation. 5) Dans le cas general du rejet ultime en riviere, les problemes suivants sont successivement envisages: - predilution entre les bassins de stockage des eaux epurees et le fleuve; - mode d'injection dans le fleuve; - dilution dans le fleuve (etude prealable par traceurs); - evolution de l'activite dans les eaux du fleuve (adsorption par les organismes inertes ou vivants, contamination des berges); - incidence sur le choix d'un site; - dilution isotopique. 6) Ce dernier probleme est specialement detaille. 7) La teneur de l'eau en un element donne conditionne la dilution isotopique de son isotope radioactif. L'analyse decelant une carence, il est possible d'y suppleer par des rejets d'isotope stable. 8) Cette methode conduit en certains cas a des analyses delicates (en particulier dans le cas du {sup 90}Sr), la teneur en isotope

  7. Data processing in gamma spectrometry. Application to the decay schemes study; Traitement des informations en spectrometrie gamma application a l'etude de schemas de desintegration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boulanger, J.P. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, departement d' electronique generale, service d' instrumentation nucleaire


    The purpose of this thesis is the processing of the data issued from a gamma spectrometer, and its applications to the decay schemes study. The mathematical analysis of the full energy peaks, in connection with the very good resolution of semi-conductor detectors, leads to a very accurate determination of the energies. The resolution of complex spectra by the least squares method, completed by a spectra generating process, allows the calculation of branching ratios. Then, the handling of the two dimensional experiments permits the coincidence exam. For each of these methods, the calculation principle, then the systematics tests realized in order to prove their validity and to determine their application ranges as well as some experimental results appropriate to illustrate their possibilities, are presented. The energies of some nuclides, frequently used as standards have been thus measured and the decay schemes of {sup 134}Cs and {sup 110m}Ag determined precisely. (author) [French] Cette these est consacree aux methodes de traitement des informations issues d'un spectrometre {gamma}, et a leur application a l'etude des schemas de desintegration: l'analyse mathematique des pics d'absorption totale, conjuguee avec l'excellent pouvoir de resolution des detecteurs semi-conducteurs, conduit a une determination tres precise des energies. La decomposition des spectres complexes par la methode des moindres carres, completee par un procede de generation de spectres, autorise le calcul des rapports de branchement. Enfin le depouillement des experiences biparametriques permet l'examen des coincidences. Pour chacune de ces methodes, on expose le principe des calculs et les essais systematiques effectues afin d'eprouver leur validite et de definir leurs domaines d'application, ainsi que quelques resultats experimentaux propres a illustrer leurs possibilites. Les energies de quelques isotopes utilises couramment comme etalons ont ainsi ete

  8. Self-standing corrugated Ag and Au-nanorods for plasmonic applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Habouti, S.; Mátéfi-Tempfli, M.; Solterbeck, C.-H.


    We use home-made Si-supported anodized alumina thin film templates for the electrodeposition of large area self-standing Ag- and Au-nanorod (Au-NR) arrays. The deposition conditions chosen, i.e. electrolyte composition and deposition voltage, lead to a corrugated rod morphology, particularly for Au...

  9. Hypnose et douleurs chroniques: "est-ce que l'hypnose peut améliorer la qualité de vie des patients douloureux chroniques ?"


    Granger, Julie; Duc, Céline; Hilfiker, Roger


    Au travers de cette revue systématique, nous souhaitons confirmer l’efficacité de l’hypnose dans le traitement de la douleur chronique. Nous avons recherché des études comparant deux groupes, l’un recevant uniquement des traitements physiothérapeutiques et l’autre de l’hypnose combinée à des traitements physiothérapeutiques. Mit dieser Systematischen Literaturübersicht möchten wir die Effizienz der Hypnose die Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen untersuchen. Wir haben Studien gesucht, die 2 G...

  10. Traitement des diagraphies acoustiques. Deuxième partie : séparation des ondes en diagraphie acoustique Full-Waveform Acoustic Data Processing. Second Part: Wave Separation in Acoustic Well Logging


    Gavin P.; Mari J. L.


    L'utilisation d'outils acoustiques à émetteurs-récepteurs multiples et enregistrement numérique permet de faire une microsismique de puits en utilisant des techniques de traitement dérivées du traitement sismique. Comme les enregistrements acoustiques sont composés de différents types d'ondes (ondes de volume réfractées ou réfléchies et ondes d'interface), une étape importante du traitement acoustique est la séparation des ondes. Cet article montre que la séparation des ondes peut être optimi...

  11. The treatment of effluents; Ameliorations apportees aux traitements des residus radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wormser, G; Rodier, J; Robien, E de; Fernandez, N [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    resins are used in the sodium form; the regeneration is carried out using a sodium salt solution which, after decontamination by coprecipitation is used again. With this process it is possible to use a smaller volume of sludge. 2 - The use of a natural evaporator. This process uses atmospheric air which is not saturated with water vapour and which is at a normal temperature, in order to extract water from the aqueous effluents. (authors) [French] Depuis plusieurs annees, le Commissariat a l'Eneregie Atomique Francais s'est penche avec interet sur les problemes poses par les effluents radioactifs. Les hautes activites n'ayant pas encore recu de solution definitive, nous nous bornerons a traiter, dans cette communication, que des realisations et des recherches relatives aux effluents faiblement et moyennement actifs. Dans le domaine des realisations, diverses stations de traitement ont ete construites en France; nous en ferons une breve enumeration, tout en faisant ressortir les nouveautes les plus importantes. C'est ainsi que nous presenterons plus specialement les dernieres stations de traitement mises en oeuvre (Grenoble, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Cadarache). De I'ensemble de ces realisations nouvelles, nous traiterons d'une maniere un peu plus approfondie, les trois sujets suivants: 1 - Atelier de conditionnement par bitumage des boues provenant de la concentration des radio-nucleides. 2 - Atelier de traitement des dechets solides radioactifs et combustibles par incineration. 3 - Ensemble de concentration effluents liquides radioactifs par evaporation. Dans le domaine de la recherche, de nombreuses voies ont ete abordees; nous en ferons I'inventaire. Il s'agit, dans la plupart des cas, de la concentration des radio-nucleides en vue d'un stockage pratique et peu onereux, concentration associee a une decontamination efficace, et Ie meilleur marche possible, des liquides aqueux, en vue de leur rejet. Pour l'amelioration des traitements aboutissant a la concentration des radio

  12. Radioactive Waste Control at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell; Traitement des Dechets Radioactifs au Centre de Recherche sur l'Energie Atomique de Harwell; 041a 041e 041d 0422 0420 041e 041b 042c 0417 0410 0423 0414 ; Control de Desechos Radiactivos en el A.E.R.E., Harwell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burns, R. H. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (United Kingdom)


    The paper outlines the present practices in the control and treatment of radioactive wastes at Harwell. The large-volume, low-level active liquid effluent is treated by phosphate coagulation methods and, eventually, discharged to the River Thames. The medium-level wastes are segregated and undergo a two-stage chemical treatment followed by passage through columns of Vermiculite. The latter process has been found to be effective in removing radoicaesium, which is not dealt with efficiently by the precipitation methods used. Liquid wastes with a high- activity content are stored and a new plant, incorporating chemical treatment, ion exchange and evaporation, is being installed. The chemical sludges formed in the treatment processes are dumped at sea after de-watering by filtration. The contaminated solid waste is either stored or disposed of at sea. It is important to reduce the volume as much as possible and the methods employed include pressure baling, melting and incineration of combustible matter. Small quantities of activity are discharged to the atmosphere through exhaust stacks. The cleaning of this discharge air is commonly achieved by the use of high-efficiency filters or liquid scrubbing systems. Regular stack monitoring is carried out and this is backed up by a comprehensive district sampling programme. (author) [French] L'auteur decrit les methodes de controle et de traitement des dechets radioactifs qui sont appliquees au Centre de Harwell. Le volume considerable des effluents liquides de faible activite est traite par des methodes de coagulation au moyen des phosphates, puis evacue dans la Tamise. Apres separation, les dechets d'activite moyenne sont soumis a un traitement chimique en deux temps, avant de traverser des colonnes de Vermiculite. On a constate que ce dernier processus eliminait le radio- cesium, ce que les methodes de precipitation utilisees ne permettent pas de faire de maniere efficace. Les dechets liquides d'activite intense sont

  13. How Does Amino Acid Ligand Modulate Au Core Structure and Characteristics in Peptide Coated Au Nanocluster? (United States)

    Li, Nan; Li, Xu; Zhao, Hongkang; Zhao, Lina


    The atomic structures and the corresponding physicochemical properties of peptide coated Au nanoclusters determine their distinctive biological targeting applications. To learn the modulation of amino acid ligand on the atomic structure and electronic characteristics of coated Au core is the fundamental knowledge for peptide coated Au nanocluster design and construction. Based on our recent coated Au nanocluster configuration study (Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 11454), we built the typically simplified Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) system to more clearly learn the basic modulation information of amino acid ligand on Au core by the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. There are two isomers as ligand adjacent bonding (Iso1) and diagonal bonding (Iso2) to Au13 cores. The geometry optimizations indicate the adjacent bonding Iso1 is more stable than Iso2. More important, the Au13 core of Iso1 distorts much more significantly than that of Iso2 by Cys-Au-Cys bonding through the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) analysis, which modulate their electronic characteristics in different ways. In addition, the frontier molecular orbital results of Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) isomers confirm that the Au cores mainly determine the blue shifts of Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) systems versus the original Au13 core in their UV-visible absorption spectrum studies. The configuration of Au13 core performs deformation under Cys-Au-Cys ligand modulation to reach new stability with distinct atomic structure and electronic properties, which could be the theory basis for peptide coated AuNCs design and construction.

  14. work pdf

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    En bref, l'immunohistochimie permet au pathologiste préciser son diagnostic au maximum, ce qui à son tour, donne au clinicien la possibilité de choisir le traitement ... Given that immunohistochemistry is costly, it is therefore essential to make the best choice amongst the numerous available antibody tests, whose diagnostic ...

  15. Mise au point

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    chyme parotidien après injection du produit de contraste. (Fig.2) chez l'enfant qui avait un carcinome muco- épidermoïde. ... injection de produit de contraste (B). Tous nos malades ont eu un traitement chirurgical. Celui- .... Ces hémangiomes sont généralement de type capillaire, pouvant avec le temps, subir une régression ...

  16. Use of tri-laurylamine during the retreatment of irradiated fuels; Utilisation de la trilaurylamine au retraitement des combustibles irradies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bathellier, A; Koehly, G; Perez, J J; Chesne, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The purification of aqueous solutions of plutonium can be made by extraction of the Pu (IV) nitrate complex using trilaurylamine in dodecane. The principal physical properties of this solution are considered along with its extractive properties and the influence of foreign ions on the extraction. The application of this method of extraction in a processing cycle for irradiated material is proposed: either for a final purification process or for auxiliary cycles for recovering plutonium from metal production wastes, oxalate precipitation supernatants, or any general aqueous plutonium waste solution. Also proposed are clean-up procedures for regeneration of an extractive solution which has undergone chemical or radiolytic degradation. (authors) [French] La purification du plutonium contenu dans des solutions aqueuses peut etre effectuee par extraction du nitrate de l'ion tetravalent par la trilaurylamine diluee dans du dodecane. Les principales proprietes physiques de ce solvant sont passees en revue ainsi que ses proprietes extractives et l'influence des ions etrangers sur celles-ci. L'application de cette methode d'extraction dans le cycle de traitement des combustibles irradies est envisagee: soit dans le traitement de purification finale, soit dans les cycles annexes ayant trait a la recuperation de plutonium a partir des scories d'elaboration du metal, des eaux-meres oxaliques et d'une facon generale des solutions aqueuses contenant du plutonium. Des traitements de regeneration du solvant ayant subi des degradations chimique ou radiolytique, sont proposes. (auteurs)

  17. Use of tri-laurylamine during the retreatment of irradiated fuels; Utilisation de la trilaurylamine au retraitement des combustibles irradies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bathellier, A.; Koehly, G.; Perez, J.J.; Chesne, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The purification of aqueous solutions of plutonium can be made by extraction of the Pu (IV) nitrate complex using trilaurylamine in dodecane. The principal physical properties of this solution are considered along with its extractive properties and the influence of foreign ions on the extraction. The application of this method of extraction in a processing cycle for irradiated material is proposed: either for a final purification process or for auxiliary cycles for recovering plutonium from metal production wastes, oxalate precipitation supernatants, or any general aqueous plutonium waste solution. Also proposed are clean-up procedures for regeneration of an extractive solution which has undergone chemical or radiolytic degradation. (authors) [French] La purification du plutonium contenu dans des solutions aqueuses peut etre effectuee par extraction du nitrate de l'ion tetravalent par la trilaurylamine diluee dans du dodecane. Les principales proprietes physiques de ce solvant sont passees en revue ainsi que ses proprietes extractives et l'influence des ions etrangers sur celles-ci. L'application de cette methode d'extraction dans le cycle de traitement des combustibles irradies est envisagee: soit dans le traitement de purification finale, soit dans les cycles annexes ayant trait a la recuperation de plutonium a partir des scories d'elaboration du metal, des eaux-meres oxaliques et d'une facon generale des solutions aqueuses contenant du plutonium. Des traitements de regeneration du solvant ayant subi des degradations chimique ou radiolytique, sont proposes. (auteurs)

  18. Charge transport through O-deficient Au-MgO-Au junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Fadlallah, M. M.; Eckern, Ulrich; Rungger, Ivan; Schuster, Cosima; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    Metal-oxide heterostructures have been attracting considerable attention in recent years due to various technological applications. We present results of electronic structure and transport calculations for the Au-MgO-Au (metal-insulator-metal) heterostructure based on density-functional theory and the nonequilibrium Green’s functions method. The dependence of the conductance of the heterostructure on the thickness of the MgO interlayer and the interface spacing is studied. In addition, we address the effects of O vacancies. We observe deviations from an exponentially suppressed conductance with growing interlayer thickness caused by Au-O chemical bonds. Electronic states tracing back to O vacancies can increase the conductance. Furthermore, this effect can be enhanced by enlarging the interface spacing as the vacancy induced Mg states are shifted toward the Fermi energy.

  19. Charge transport through O-deficient Au-MgO-Au junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Fadlallah, M. M.


    Metal-oxide heterostructures have been attracting considerable attention in recent years due to various technological applications. We present results of electronic structure and transport calculations for the Au-MgO-Au (metal-insulator-metal) heterostructure based on density-functional theory and the nonequilibrium Green’s functions method. The dependence of the conductance of the heterostructure on the thickness of the MgO interlayer and the interface spacing is studied. In addition, we address the effects of O vacancies. We observe deviations from an exponentially suppressed conductance with growing interlayer thickness caused by Au-O chemical bonds. Electronic states tracing back to O vacancies can increase the conductance. Furthermore, this effect can be enhanced by enlarging the interface spacing as the vacancy induced Mg states are shifted toward the Fermi energy.

  20. Synthesis of Au Nanostars and Their Application as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering-Activity Tags Inside Living Cells. (United States)

    Cao, Xiaowei; Shi, Chaowen; Lu, Wenbo; Zhao, Hang; Wang, Man; Tong, Wei; Dong, Jian; Han, Xiaodong; Qian, Weiping


    This work presents the synthesis and characterization of Au nanostars (AuNSs) and demonstrates their application as surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-activity tags for cellular imaging and sensing. Nile blue A (NBA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were used as Raman reporter molecules and capping materials, respectively. The SERS-activity tags were tested on human lung adenocarcinoma cell (A549) and alveolar type II cell (AT II) and found to present a low level of cytotoxicity and high chemical stability. These SERS-activity tags not only can be applied in multiplexed cellular imaging, including dark field imaging, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and SERS imaging, but also can be used for cellular sensing. The SERS spectra clearly identified cellular important components such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. This study also shows that endocytosis is the main channel of tags internalized in cells. The AuNSs exhibiting strong surface enhanced Raman effects are utilized in the design of an efficient, stable SERS-activity tag for intracellular applications.

  1. Colloidal Au and Au-alloy catalysts for direct borohydride fuel cells: Electrocatalysis and fuel cell performance (United States)

    Atwan, Mohammed H.; Macdonald, Charles L. B.; Northwood, Derek O.; Gyenge, Elod L.

    Supported colloidal Au and Au-alloys (Au-Pt and Au-Pd, 1:1 atomic ratio) on Vulcan XC-72 (with 20 wt% metal load) were prepared by the Bönneman method. The electrocatalytic activity of the colloidal metals with respect to borohydride electro-oxidation for fuel cell applications was investigated by voltammetry on static and rotating electrodes, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and fuel cell experiments. The fundamental electrochemical techniques showed that alloying Au, a metal that leads to the maximum eight-electron oxidation of BH 4 -, with Pd or Pt, well-known catalysts of dehydrogenation reactions, improved the electrode kinetics of BH 4 - oxidation. Fuel cell experiments corroborated the kinetic studies. Using 5 mg cm -2 colloidal metal load on the anode, it was found that Au-Pt was the most active catalyst giving a cell voltage of 0.47 V at 100 mA cm -2 and 333 K, while under identical conditions the cell voltage using colloidal Au was 0.17 V.

  2. Colloidal Au and Au-alloy catalysts for direct borohydride fuel cells: Electrocatalysis and fuel cell performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atwan, Mohammed H.; Northwood, Derek O. [Department of Mechanical, Auto and Materials Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor (Canada N9B 3P4); Macdonald, Charles L.B. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Windsor, Windsor (Canada N9B 3P4); Gyenge, Elod L. [Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (Canada V6T 1Z4)


    Supported colloidal Au and Au-alloys (Au-Pt and Au-Pd, 1:1 atomic ratio) on Vulcan XC-72 (with 20wt% metal load) were prepared by the Bonneman method. The electrocatalytic activity of the colloidal metals with respect to borohydride electro-oxidation for fuel cell applications was investigated by voltammetry on static and rotating electrodes, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and fuel cell experiments. The fundamental electrochemical techniques showed that alloying Au, a metal that leads to the maximum eight-electron oxidation of BH{sub 4}{sup -}, with Pd or Pt, well-known catalysts of dehydrogenation reactions, improved the electrode kinetics of BH{sub 4}{sup -} oxidation. Fuel cell experiments corroborated the kinetic studies. Using 5mgcm{sup -2} colloidal metal load on the anode, it was found that Au-Pt was the most active catalyst giving a cell voltage of 0.47V at 100mAcm{sup -2} and 333K, while under identical conditions the cell voltage using colloidal Au was 0.17V. (author)

  3. Calculation of reactivity by digital processing; Calcul de la reactivite par traitement numerique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hedde, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    With a view to exploring the new possibilities offered by digital techniques, a description is given of the optimum theoretical conditions of a computation of the realtime reactivity using counting samples (obtained from a nuclear reactor). The degree to which these optimum conditions can be attained depends on the complexity of the processing which can be accepted. A compromise thus has to be made between the accuracy required and the simplicity of the equipment carrying out the processing. An example is given, using a relatively simple structure, which gives an idea of the accuracy of the results obtained over a wide range of reactor power. (author) [French] Dans le but d'explorer les possibilites nouvelles des techniques numeriques, on decrit les conditions theoriques optimales d'un calcul de la reactivite en temps reel a partir d'echantillons de comptage (en provenance d'un reacteur nucleaire). Ces conditions optimales peuvent etre approchees d'autant mieux que l'on accepte un traitement plus complexe. Un compromis est donc a faire entre la precision desiree et la simplicite du materiel assurant le traitement. Un exemple adoptant une structure de complexite reduite permet de juger de la precision des resultats obtenus sur une importante plage d'evolution de la puissance. (auteur)

  4. Calculation of reactivity by digital processing; Calcul de la reactivite par traitement numerique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hedde, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    With a view to exploring the new possibilities offered by digital techniques, a description is given of the optimum theoretical conditions of a computation of the realtime reactivity using counting samples (obtained from a nuclear reactor). The degree to which these optimum conditions can be attained depends on the complexity of the processing which can be accepted. A compromise thus has to be made between the accuracy required and the simplicity of the equipment carrying out the processing. An example is given, using a relatively simple structure, which gives an idea of the accuracy of the results obtained over a wide range of reactor power. (author) [French] Dans le but d'explorer les possibilites nouvelles des techniques numeriques, on decrit les conditions theoriques optimales d'un calcul de la reactivite en temps reel a partir d'echantillons de comptage (en provenance d'un reacteur nucleaire). Ces conditions optimales peuvent etre approchees d'autant mieux que l'on accepte un traitement plus complexe. Un compromis est donc a faire entre la precision desiree et la simplicite du materiel assurant le traitement. Un exemple adoptant une structure de complexite reduite permet de juger de la precision des resultats obtenus sur une importante plage d'evolution de la puissance. (auteur)

  5. Electrical conductivity dependence of thin metallic films of Au and Pd as a top electrode in capacitor applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazarpour, S.; Langenberg, E.; Jambois, O.; Ferrater, C.; Garcia-Cuenca, M.V.; Polo, M.C.; Varela, M.


    Electrical conductivity dependence of thin metallic films of Au and Pd over the different perovskites was investigated. It is found from electrical properties that crystallographic growth orientation of Au and Pd thin layers attained from X-ray diffraction results indicate the slop of current (I)-voltage (V) plots. Besides, surface morphology and topography was considered using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy, respectively. Obtained results showed the Stranski-Krastanov growth of the Pd and Au. Indeed, diminishing of the root-mean-square roughness of Pd/BiMnO 3 /SrTiO 3 following by Au deposition should be concerned due to growth of Au onto the crack-like parts of the substrate. These crack-like parts appeared due to parasitic phases of the Bi-Mn-O system mainly Mn 3 O 4 (l 0 l) and Mn 3 O 4 (0 0 4 l). The different response in the electrical properties of heterostructures suggests that electrical conductance of the Au and Pd thin metallic films have the crystallographic orientation dependence. Furthermore, polycrystallinity of the thin metallic films are desired in electrode applications due to increase the conductivity of the metallic layers.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D Slimani


    Full Text Available Des couches minces du titane pur ont été déposées avec la méthode de pulvérisation cathodique sur des substrats en acier, type FF80 K-1 contenants ~1% mass. en carbone. La réaction entre les deux parties du système substrat-couche mince est activée avec des traitements thermiques sous vide dans l’intervalle de températures de 400 à900°Cpendant 30 minutes. Les Spectres de diffraction de rayons x confirment l’inter- diffusion des éléments  chimiques du système résultants la formation et la croissance des nouvelles phases en particulier le carbure binaire TiC ayant des caractéristiques thermomécaniques importantes. L’analyse morphologique des échantillons traités  avec le microscope électronique à balayage (MEB montre l’augmentation du flux de diffusion atomique avec la température de recuit, notamment la diffusion du manganèse et du fer vers la surface libre des échantillons aux températures élevées provoquant la dégradation des propriétés mécaniques des revêtements contrairement au premiers stades d’interaction où on a obtenu des bonnes valeurs de la microdureté.

  7. Facile Synthesis of Quasi-One-Dimensional Au/PtAu Heterojunction Nanotubes and Their Application as Catalysts in an Oxygen-Reduction Reaction. (United States)

    Cai, Kai; Liu, Jiawei; Zhang, Huan; Huang, Zhao; Lu, Zhicheng; Foda, Mohamed F; Li, Tingting; Han, Heyou


    An intermediate-template-directed method has been developed for the synthesis of quasi-one-dimensional Au/PtAu heterojunction nanotubes by the heterogeneous nucleation and growth of Au on Te/Pt core-shell nanostructures in aqueous solution. The synthesized porous Au/PtAu bimetallic nanotubes (PABNTs) consist of porous tubular framework and attached Au nanoparticles (AuNPs). The reaction intermediates played an important role in the preparation, which fabricated the framework and provided a localized reducing agent for the reduction of the Au and Pt precursors. The Pt7 Au PABNTs showed higher electrocatalytic activity and durability in the oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR) in 0.1 M HClO4 than porous Pt nanotubes (PtNTs) and commercially available Pt/C. The mass activity of PABNTs was 218 % that of commercial Pt/C after an accelerated durability test. This study demonstrates the potential of PABNTs as highly efficient electrocatalysts. In addition, this method provides a facile strategy for the synthesis of desirable hetero-nanostructures with controlled size and shape by utilizing an intermediate template. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au and Fe-Au alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohno, S.; Shimakura, H. [Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, Higashijima, Akiha-ku, Niigata 956-8603 (Japan); Tahara, S. [Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara-cho, Okinawa 903-0213 (Japan); Okada, T. [Niigata College of Technology, Kamishin’eicho, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2076 (Japan)


    The magnetic susceptibility of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au, Fe-Au and Cu-Au alloys was investigated as a function of temperature and composition. Liquid Cr{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.5 ≤ c and Mn{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.3≤c obeyed the Curie-Weiss law with regard to their dependence of χ on temperature. The magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Fe-Au alloys also exhibited Curie-Weiss behavior with a reasonable value for the effective number of Bohr magneton. On the Au-rich side, the composition dependence of χ for liquid TM-Au (TM=Cr, Mn, Fe) alloys increased rapidly with increasing TM content, respectively. Additionally, the composition dependences of χ for liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au, and Fe-Au alloys had maxima at compositions of 50 at% Cr, 70 at% Mn, and 85 at% Fe, respectively. We compared the composition dependences of χ{sub 3d} due to 3d electrons for liquid binary TM-M (M=Au, Al, Si, Sb), and investigated the relationship between χ{sub 3d} and E{sub F} in liquid binary TM-M alloys at a composition of 50 at% TM.

  9. Synthesis of biocompatible AuAgS/Ag2S nanoclusters and their applications in photocatalysis and mercury detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Qian; Chen, Shenna; Zhang, Lingyang; Huang, Haowen; Liu, Fengping; Liu, Xuanyong


    In this paper, a facile approach for preparation of AuAgS/Ag 2 S nanoclusters was developed. The unique AuAgS/Ag 2 S nanoclusters capped with biomolecules exhibit interesting excellent optical and catalytic properties. The fluorescent AuAgS/Ag 2 S nanoclusters show tunable luminescence depending on the nanocluster size. The apoptosis assay demonstrated that the AuAgS/Ag 2 S nanoclusters showed low cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility. Therefore, the nanoclusters can be used not only as a probe for labeling cells but also for their photocatalytic activity for photodegradation of organic dye. Moreover, a highly selective and sensitive assay for detection of mercury including Hg 2+ and undissociated mercury complexes was developed based on the quenching fluorescent AuAgS/Ag 2 S nanoclusters, which provides a promising approach for determining various forms of Hg in the mercury-based compounds in environment. These unique nanoclusters may have potential applications in biological labeling, sensing mercury, and photodegradation of various organic pollutants in waste water.Graphical Abstract

  10. Les filtres plantés de roseaux en assainissement : de la compréhension des mécanismes vers l'optimisation des procédés et la diversification des domaines d'application.


    Molle, P.


    / L'usage des végétaux aquatiques dans les filières de traitement des eaux provient de l'observation du rôle des zones humides naturelles dans la préservation de la qualité des milieux aquatiques. En France l'expérience a démarré en 1978. Depuis les premières réalisations jusqu'au début des années 2000 la filière a été évaluée principalement par des bilans 24 h à chaque étape de traitement. Si cette méthode considère les systèmes comme une boîte noire et ne donne pas accès à la quantification...

  11. Les conjonctivites néonatales dans le canton de Glidji au Sud du Togo: une étude transversale à propos de 159 nouveau-nés (United States)

    Kokou, Vonor; Nidain, Maneh; Kassoula, Nononsaa Batomguela; Kwassi, Fiaty- Amenouvor; Meba, Banla; Patrice, Balo Komi


    Introduction Le but de l’étude était décrire les aspects épidémiologiques des conjonctivites néonatales dans le canton de Glidji au Sud du Togo. Methodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale dans les 4 Unités Sanitaires Périphériques du canton de Glidji du 19 Mars au 13 Mai 2009 soit 8 semaines. Tous les nouveau-nés ont été inclus et la conjonctivite néonatale était définie par la présence chez un nouveau-né d'au moins deux des signes suivants: hyperhémie conjonctivale, œdème palpébral, chémosis, sécrétions purulentes, larmoiement. Les paramètres étudiés étaient l’âge, le sexe, les facteurs de risque, les antécédents, la présence ou non de conjonctivite, les germes en causes et l’évolution sous traitement. Resultats Sur la période, 159 nouveau-nés ont été examinés. L’âge moyen était de 10,9 jours avec des extrêmes de 0 à 28 jours. Il y avait 80 garçons pour 79 filles soit un sex-ratio de 1,01. Sur les 159 nouveau-nés, 7 cas de conjonctivite ont été diagnostiqués soit une prévalence de 4,4%. Les facteurs de risque identifiés étaient l'accouchement par voie basse et la présence d'IST chez la mère pendant la grossesse. Sur les 7 cas de conjonctivite, l'examen cytobactériologique a permis d'isoler le staphylococcus aureus dans 2 cas. L’évolution des cas de conjonctivite sous traitement était favorable avec régression des signes dès le 3è jour. Conclusion Les conjonctivites néonatales avaient une prévalence de 4,4% dans le canton de Glidji au sud du Togo et le staphylocoque doré était le germe en cause. Leur prévention passe par un bon suivi lors de la consultation prénatale et l'instillation de collyre antibiotique à la naissance PMID:27642383

  12. AuCu@Pt Nanoalloys for Catalytic Application in Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sadia Mehmood


    Full Text Available To enhance and optimize nanocatalyst ability for nitrophenol (4-NP reduction reaction we look beyond Au-metal nanoparticles and describe a new class of Au nanoalloys with controlled composition for core of AuCu-metals and Pt-metal shell. The reduction of 4-NP was investigated in aqueous media spectroscopically on 7.8 nm Au nanospheres (AuNSs, 8.3 nm AuCuNSs, and 9.1 nm AuCu@Pt core-shell NSs in diameter. The rate constants of the catalyzed reaction at room temperature, activation energies, and entropies of activation of reactions catalyzed by the AuCu@Pt core-shell NSs are found to have different values to those of the pure metal NSs. The results strongly support the proposal that catalysis by nanoparticles is taking place efficiently on the surface of NSs. These core-shell nanocatalysts exhibited stability throughout the reduction reaction and proved that heterogonous type mechanisms are most likely to be dominant in nanoalloy based catalysis if the surface of the NSs is not defected upon shell incorporation.

  13. Enhanced middle-infrared light transmission through Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au aperture arrays. (United States)

    Xiao, Gongli; Yao, Xiang; Ji, Xinming; Zhou, Jia; Bao, Zongming; Huang, Yiping


    The enhanced middle-infrared light transmission through Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au aperture arrays by changing the refractive index and the thickness of a dielectric layer was studied experimentally. The results indicated that the transmission spectra was highly dependent on the refractive index and the thickness of SiO(x)N(y). We found that the transmission peaks redshifted regularly along with the refractive index from 1.6 to 1.8, owing to the role of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) coupling in the Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au cascaded metallic structure. Simultaneously, a higher transmission efficiency and narrower transmission peak was obtained in Au/SiO2.1N0.3/Au cascaded metallic structure with small refractive index (1.6) than in Au/SiO0.6N1/Au cascaded metallic structure with large refractive index (1.8). When the thickness of SiO(x)N(y) changes from 0.2 to 0.4 microm, the shape of transmission spectra exhibits a large change. It was found that a higher transmission efficiency and narrower transmission peak was obtained in Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au cascaded metallic structure with a thin dielectric film (0.2 microm), with the increase of SiO(x)N(y) film's thickness, the transmission peak gradually widened and disappeared finally. This effect is useful in applications of biochemical sensing and tunable integrated plasmonic devices in the middle-infrared region.

  14. Acces au traitement anticancereux au Togo (access to treatment of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Among the 18 patients with a chemotherapy prescription, two did not initiate treatment due to lack of money and 13 have paid the treatment by themselves with a credit or a mortgage. Each patient receive a prescription of 5 to 10 cycles of chemotherapy and the mean cost of each regimen was >300 000 FCFA. About two ...


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    Full Text Available Cette étude concerne un acier faiblement allié au manganèse et chrome. L’utilisation principale de cet acier est la fabrication des tubes sans soudure, employés pour le forage ou le transport pétrolier. Les tubes traités thermiquement doivent supporter d’importantes contraintes de tension et de compression, sans risque de rupture. Les tubes trempés à l’eau souffrent d’une hétérogénéité structurale impliquant une diminution de dureté à la surface interne. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer les structures de l’acier après différents types de traitements, au cours de refroidissement continus dans les conditions industrielles de trempe (930°C et de revenu (670°C. Les résultats montrent que la vitesse critique de trempe est de 50°C/sec et, pour éviter la formation de la ferrite, une vitesse plus grande que 12°C/sec est nécessaire. Cet acier a une bonne trempabilité (11mm. La décroissance de la dureté de la martensite revenue est remarquable lorsque la température atteint 600°C.

  16. Technical and Administrative Considerations in the Management of Radioactive Wastes; Considerations Techniques et Administratives Relatives au Traitement des Dechets Radioactifs; 0422 0415 0425 041d 0418 0427 0415 0421 041a 0414 ; Aspectos Tecnicos y Administrativos de la Manipulacion de Desechos Radiactivos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolman, Abel [Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (United States); Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC (United States); Lieberman, Joseph A. [Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Branch, Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC (United States)


    administratifs du traitement des dechets en rattachant cette analyse aux mesures qu'il pourrait etre necessaire de prendre dans l'avenir pour assurer un traitement et un controle efficaces, sur le plan administratif et juridique, des effluents radioactifs resultant de la production d'energie atomique. Les auteurs repartissent tout d'abord en de larges categories les differentes sortes de dechets pour bien souligner que le probleme de leur traitement presente de multiples aspects et qu'on ne saurait en donner une solution unique. Ils examinent rapidement le role des differents milieux dans le choix des methodes de traitement des dechets et definissent les procedes fondamentaux de controle (dilution et dispersion, concentration et confinement). Les auteurs distinguent entre les normes fondamentales de protection radiologique et les criteres de fonctionnement qui doivent etre fixes pour realiser le controle des effluents de facon a veiller a ce que les normes fondamentales soient respectees. Les auteurs examinent les progres realises en matiere de normes et criteres ainsi que l'application de ceux-ci dans l'etablissement de reglements de sante et de securite et la mise au point de procedures administratives et juridiques. A cet egard, ils signalent les avantages que presente, du point de vue de l'opinion publique et du travail administratif, l'utilisation la plus large des textes legislatifs et des procedures administratives dans les services deja crees aux divers echelons de l'autorite. Malgre l'importance des depenses qu'entrainent le traitement et l'elimination des dechets radioactifs, le cout par unite d'energie electrique produite ne represente qu'une partie relativement restreinte du cout total par unite d'energie. Les auteurs indiquent d'autres facteurs economiques qui jouent un role dans la manipulation et l'elimination des dechets, notamment en fonction de l'emplacement de l'usine et du point d'evacuation. En outre, ils examinent d'autres aspects du traitement des dechets

  17. Near-infrared-responsive, superparamagnetic Au@Co nanochains

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Varadee Vittur


    Full Text Available This manuscript describes a new type of nanomaterial, namely superparamagnetic Au@Co nanochains with optical extinctions in the near infrared (NIR. The Au@Co nanochains were synthesized via a one-pot galvanic replacement route involving a redox-transmetalation process in aqueous medium, where Au salt was reduced to form Au shells on Co seed templates, affording hollow Au@Co nanochains. The Au shells serve not only as a protective coating for the Co nanochain cores, but also to give rise to the optical properties of these unique nanostructures. Importantly, these bifunctional, magneto-optical Au@Co nanochains combine the advantages of nanophotonics (extinction at ca. 900 nm and nanomagnetism (superparamagnetism and provide a potentially useful new nanoarchitecture for biomedical or catalytic applications that can benefit from both activation by light and manipulation using an external magnetic field.

  18. Fabrication of Au-Pd Core-shell Nanoparticles using Au Thin-Film Dewetting at High Temperature and Chemical Synthesis Methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Min-Gyu; Lee, Hye-Jung; Oh, Yong-Jun [Hanbat National Univ., Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Au-Pd bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) have received a lot of attention in the fields of catalysts and hydrogen sensors. In this study, Au-Pd core-shell NP arrays were successfully fabricated using two steps: formation of the ordered array of Au NPs cores via solid-state dewetting of a Au thin film on a topographic silica substrate, and Pd shell formation via chemical synthesis using two different surfactants (CTAB and CTAC). Using the CTAB surfactant in particular, a 2-D composite structure comprised of an ordered array of Au-Pd NPs, with smaller Pd NPs on the nanoscopic gaps between the Au-Pd NPs, could be formed. This structure is expected to have potential application in resistance-base hydrogen sensors.

  19. Exigences réglementaires et recommandations concernant le traitement de l'eau vis-à-vis des agents pathogènes en entrée et en sortie d'écloseries conchylicoles


    Bonvarlet, Florence


    Ce document présente les exigences réglementaires et recommandations relatives aux différents traitement de l'eau en entrée et en sortie d'écloseries conchylicoles. Afin de respecter cette réglementation des solutions, des méthodes de traitement y sont mentionnées.

  20. The point-defect of carbon nanotubes anchoring Au nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lv, Y. A.; Cui, Y. H.; Li, X. N.


    The understanding of the interaction between Au and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is very important since Au/CNTs composites have wide applications in many fields. In this study, we investigated the dispersion of Au nanoparticles on the CNTs by transmission electron microscopy and the bonding mechanism...

  1. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    9 mai 2016 ... correspondant à 12 g de carbonate de lithium), bien amélioré cliniquement après trois séances d'hémodialyse. Cette observation .... fréquent d'observer au cours du traitement chronique un diabète insipide néphrogénique avec ... complication au cours de tentative de suicide au lithium. Notre observation ...

  2. Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Behavior of Au nanoparticles-hybridized Pb (II) metal-organic framework and its application in selective sensing hexavalent chromium. (United States)

    Ma, Hongmin; Li, Xiaojian; Yan, Tao; Li, Yan; Liu, Haiyang; Zhang, Yong; Wu, Dan; Du, Bin; Wei, Qin


    In this work, a novel electrochemiluminescence (ECL) sensor based on Au nanoparticles-hybridized Pb (II)-β-cyclodextrin (Pb-β-CD) metal-organic framework for detecting hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) was developed. Pb-β-CD shows excellent ECL behavior and unexpected reducing ability towards Au ions. Au nanoparticles could massively form on the surface of Pb-β-CD (Au@Pb-β-CD) without use of any additional reducing agent. In the presence of coreactant K2S2O8, the ECL emission of Pb-β-CD was enhanced by the formation of Au nanoparticles. Cr(VI) can collisionally quench the ECL behavior of Au@Pb-β-CD/S2O8(2-) system and the detection mechanism was investigated. This ECL sensor is found to have a linear response in the range of 0.01-100 μM and a low detection limit of 3.43 nM (S/N = 3) under the optimal conditions. These results suggest that metal-organic framework Au@Pb-β-CD has great potential in extending the application in the ECL field as an efficient luminophore.

  3. Controlled electrodeposition of Au monolayer film on ionic liquid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma, Qiang; Pang, Liuqing; Li, Man; Zhang, Yunxia; Ren, Xianpei [Key Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry, National Ministry of Education, Shaanxi Engineering Lab for Advanced Energy Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062 (China); Liu, Shengzhong Frank, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry, National Ministry of Education, Shaanxi Engineering Lab for Advanced Energy Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062 (China); Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023 (China)


    Highlights: • We fabricate Au monolayer film on Ionic liquid substrate using an electrochemical deposition technique. • Au monolayer film was deposited on a “soft substrate” for the first time. • Au monolayer film can contribute extra Raman enhancement. - Abstract: Gold (Au) nanoparticles have been attractive for centuries for their vibrant appearance enhanced by their interaction with sunlight. Nowadays, there have been tremendous research efforts to develop them for high-tech applications including therapeutic agents, sensors, organic photovoltaics, medical applications, electronics and catalysis. However, there remains to be a challenge to fabricate a monolayer Au coating with complete coverage in controlled fashion. Here we present a facile method to deposit a uniform Au monolayer (ML) film on the [BMIM][PF{sub 6}] ionic liquid substrate using an electrochemical deposition process. It demonstrates that it is feasible to prepare a solid phase coating on the liquid-based substrate. Moreover, the thickness of the monolayer coating can be controlled to a layer-by-layer accuracy.

  4. L'infertilité: comment la surmonter?

    CERN Multimedia


    Actuellement, plus d'un couple sur dix se retrouve confronté à un problème d'infertilité. De nos jours, il existe plusieurs thérapies qui peuvent permettre à des couples infertiles de connaître la joie de mettre des enfants au monde. Ces traitements vont des techniques "simples", comme un traitement hormonal, à des techniques de pointe telles que la fécondation in vitro.

  5. Le pouvoir au féminin dans la Castille médiévale : une deuxième voie ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanuelle Klinka


    Full Text Available Comment définir le lien entre femme et pouvoir dans les anciens royaumes de Castille et León ? Y a-t-il un exercice spécifique du pouvoir par les femmes ? Les chroniques n’en offrent qu’une vision très lacunaire et la Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris en est un exemple intéressant du fait même de l’a priori idéologique qui préside à sa composition. Je me suis donc intéressée au traitement particulier que cette chronique réserve au protagonisme féminin.¿Cómo definir el vínculo entre mujer y poder en los antiguos reinos de Castilla y León? ¿Existe un ejercicio del poder por las mujeres? Sólo ofrecen las crónicas una visión muy lagunosa y la Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris es un interesante ejemplo por el a priori ideológico que rige su composición. Me interesé pues por el particular tratamiento que esta crónica reserva al protagonismo femenino.

  6. Comment ameliorer la selection et le traitement des messages verbaux? (How to Improve the Selection and Processing of Verbal Messages)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Rivenez, Marie; Darwin, Chris; Guillaume, Anne


    L'objectif de cette recherche est d'ameliorer la selection des messages verbaux. Nous cherchons a determiner les facteurs influencant le traitement d'un message verbal lorsque l'attention est portee sur un autre message...

  7. Optimizing the planar structure of (1 1 1) Au/Co/Au trilayers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumah, D P; Cebollada, A; Clavero, C; Garcia-MartIn, J M; Skuza, J R; Lukaszew, R A; Clarke, R


    Au/Co/Au trilayers are interesting for a range of applications which exploit their unusual optical and electronic transport behaviour in a magnetic field. Here we present a comprehensive structural and morphological study of a series of trilayers with 0-7 nm Co layer thickness fabricated on glass by ultrahigh vacuum vapour deposition. We use a combination of in situ electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy and x-ray scattering to determine the optimum deposition conditions for highly textured, flat and continuous layered structures. The 16 nm Au-on-glass buffer layer, deposited at ambient temperature, is found to develop a smooth (1 1 1) texture on annealing at 350 deg. C for 10 min. Subsequent growth of the Co layer at 150 deg. C produces a (1 1 1) textured film with lateral grain size of ∼150 nm in the 7 nm-thick Co layer. A simultaneous in-plane and out-of-plane Co lattice expansion is observed for the thinnest Co layers, converging to bulk values for the thickest films. The roughness of the Co layer is similar to that of the Au buffer layer, indicative of conformal growth. The 6 nm Au capping layer smoothens the trilayer surface, resulting in a surface roughness independent of the Co layer thickness

  8. Contrôle du marché informel à l’heure de la mondialisation des échanges. Le cas des antirétroviraux au Chili (United States)

    Brousselle, Astrid; Morales, Cristián


    Résumé Les nouveaux médicaments pour le VIH/sida ont créé des besoins d’accessibilité aux traitements que les gouvernements n’ont pas toujours réussi à couvrir. Il en résulte l’émergence d’un marché informel des ARV. Par l’analyse de la situation au Chili, nous traitons des différents créneaux d’approvisionnement, des conséquences de l’existence d’un tel marché, ainsi que des moyens envisageables pour réduire les effets indésirables. Les aspects tant microéconomiques que macroéconomiques concernant le marché et l’accessibilité aux médicaments sont abordés. PMID:23997580

  9. Developing an aqueous approach for synthesizing Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars with plasmonic properties


    Du, Jingshan; Yu, Junjie; Xiong, Yalin; Lin, Zhuoqing; Zhang, Hui; Yang, Deren


    Anisotropic Au nanoparticles show unique localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties, which make it attractive in optical, sensing, and biomedical applications. In this contribution, we report a general and facile strategy towards aqueous synthesis of Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars by reducing HAuCl4 with ethanolamine in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). According to electron microscopic observation and spectral monitoring, we found that the layered...

  10. Application of 198Au colloid in the treatment of chronic knee synovial effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buril, J.; Zak, J.


    25 cases of chronic synovial exudates of the knee joint were treated with the use of 198 Au colloid (5mCi). Improvement was noted in two thirds of the patients after different numbers of applications (one to five). No improvement was seen in four cases of progressive polyarthritis or in two patients with gonarthrosis. This was to be expected though the number of the cases of the disease treated was very low. (author)

  11. Identification des freins et des leviers dans la coopération médecin généraliste-pharmacien d'officine, au sein d'un programme d'ETP sur l'ostéoporose (Projet SIOUX)


    Mettavant , Laurie


    Non disponible / Not available; L’ostéoporose post-ménopausique est un enjeu important de santé publique. A l’heure actuelle, nousdisposons de moyens thérapeutiques efficaces permettant d’envisager une meilleure prise en charge,mais l’adhésion du patient à son traitement conditionne le succès thérapeutique. Les patientes peuventintégrer un programme d’éducation thérapeutique et prolonger leur suivi dans le cadre du projetSIOUX (Suivi Intégré de l’Ostéoporose par les URPS-X) au CHR de Metz-Thi...

  12. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Activités de l'uranium et du radium dans des échantillons d'eau naturelle au Sahara marocain ... Caractérisation physico-chimique des eaux usées d'abattoir en vue de la mise en oeuvre d'un traitement adéquat : cas de Kénitra au Maroc

  13. Properties of ordered titanium templates covered with Au thin films for SERS applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grochowska, Katarzyna, E-mail: [Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14 St., 80-231 Gdańsk (Poland); Siuzdak, Katarzyna [Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14 St., 80-231 Gdańsk (Poland); Sokołowski, Michał; Karczewski, Jakub [Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12 St., 80-233 Gdańsk (Poland); Szkoda, Mariusz [Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14 St., 80-231 Gdańsk (Poland); Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12 St., 80-233 Gdańsk (Poland); Śliwiński, Gerard [Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14 St., 80-231 Gdańsk (Poland)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Dimpled Ti substrates prepared via anodization followed by etching. • Highly ordered nano-patterned titanium templates covered with thin Au films. • Enhanced Raman signal indicates on promising sensing material. - Abstract: Currently, roughened metal nanostructures are widely studied as highly sensitive Raman scattering substrates that show application potential in biochemistry, food safety or medical diagnostic. In this work the structural properties and the enhancement effect due to surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of highly ordered nano-patterned titanium templates covered with thin (5–20 nm) gold films are reported. The templates are formed by preparation of a dense structure of TiO{sub 2} nanotubes on a flat Ti surface (2 × 2 cm{sup 2}) and their subsequent etching down to the substrate. SEM images reveal the formation of honeycomb nanostructures with the cavity diameter of 80 nm. Due to the strongly inhomogeneous distribution of the electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the Au film discontinuities the measured average enhancement factor (10{sup 7}–10{sup 8}) is markedly higher than observed for bare Ti templates. The enhancement factor and Raman signal intensity can be optimized by adjusting the process conditions and thickness of the deposited Au layer. Results confirm that the obtained structures can be used in surface enhanced sensing.

  14. Terrestrial Propagation Characteristics in Modern Systems of Communications, Surveillance, Guidance and Control, Proceedings of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel Specialists’ Meeting Held in Ottawa (Canada) on 20-24 October 1986 (United States)


    Evidente des gra- dients de temirature potentielles et des gradients des tensions de vapeur d eau potentielles nlest pes suffisinent 6trolte pour de traitement de dnnkes s’adaptant au systime de collecte ARGOS, Colloque ADERA, BORDEAUX, 12-14 Octobre 1982. FRANCE W.T. BARNETT Multipath...leur pr~ traitement . ARGOS IMPLANTATION DES BALSES Flguu• 1 Implantatlo• des dtsposititt d’cqulsitlon dr doniuie• o11 FRANICF - WNML• _ -_ l m l m i

  15. Simultaneous AuIII Extraction and In Situ Formation of Polymeric Membrane-Supported Au Nanoparticles: A Sustainable Process with Application in Catalysis. (United States)

    Mora-Tamez, Lucía; Esquivel-Peña, Vicente; Ocampo, Ana L; Rodríguez de San Miguel, Eduardo; Grande, Daniel; de Gyves, Josefina


    A polymeric membrane-supported catalyst with immobilized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) was prepared through the extraction and in situ reduction of Au III salts in a one-step strategy. Polymeric inclusion membranes (PIMs) and polymeric nanoporous membranes (PNMs) were tested as different membrane-support systems. Transport experiments indicated that PIMs composed of cellulose triacetate, 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether, and an aliphatic tertiary amine (Adogen 364 or Alamine 336) were the most efficient supports for Au III extraction. The simultaneous extraction and reduction processes were proven to be the result of a synergic phenomenon in which all the membrane components were involved. Scanning electron microscopy characterization of cross-sectional samples suggested a distribution of AuNPs throughout the membrane. Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the AuNPs indicated average particle sizes of 36.7 and 2.9 nm for the PIMs and PNMs, respectively. AuNPs supported on PIMs allowed for >95.4 % reduction of a 0.05 mmol L -1 4-nitrophenol aqueous solution with 10 mmol L -1 NaBH 4 solution within 25 min. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Depistage clinique des infections sexuellement transmissibles chez ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Depistage clinique des infections sexuellement transmissibles chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH suivies au Centre de Traitement Ambulatoire du Centre National Hospitalier Universitaire Hubert Koutoukou Maga de Cotonou.

  17. Novel electrochemical redox-active species: one-step synthesis of polyaniline derivative-Au/Pd and its application for multiplexed immunoassay (United States)

    Wang, Liyuan; Feng, Feng; Ma, Zhanfang


    Electrochemical redox-active species play crucial role in electrochemically multiplexed immunoassays. A one-pot method for synthesizing four kinds of new electrochemical redox-active species was reported using HAuCl4 and Na2PdCl4 as dual oxidating agents and aniline derivatives as monomers. The synthesized polyaniline derivative-Au/Pd composites, namely poly(N-methyl-o-benzenediamine)-Au/Pd, poly(N-phenyl-o-phenylenediamine)-Au/Pd, poly(N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine)-Au/Pd and poly(3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine)-Au/Pd, exhibited electrochemical redox activity at -0.65 V, -0.3 V, 0.12 V, and 0.5 V, respectively. Meanwhile, these composites showed high H2O2 electrocatalytic activity because of the presence of Au/Pd. The as-prepared composites were used as electrochemical immunoprobes in simultaneous detection of four tumor biomarkers (carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA199), carbohydrate antigen 72-4 (CA724), and alpha fetoprotein (AFP)). This immunoassay shed light on potential applications in simultaneous gastric cancer (related biomarkers: CEA, CA199, CA724) and liver cancer diagnosis (related biomarkers: CEA, CA199, AFP). The present strategy to the synthesize redox species could be easily extended to other polymers such as polypyrrole derivatives and polythiophene derivatives. This would be of great significance in the electrochemical detection of more analytes.

  18. Electrochemical Properties of Alkanethiol Monolayers Adsorbed on Nanoporous Au Surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chu, Yeon Yi; Seo, Bora; Kim, Jong Won


    We investigated the electrochemical properties of alkanethiol monolayers adsorbed on NPG surfaces by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and the results are compared to those on flat Au surfaces. The reductive desorption of alkanethiols on NPG surfaces is observed in more negative potential regions than that on flat Au surfaces due the stronger S-Au interaction on NPG surfaces. While the electron transfer through alkanethiol monolayers on flat Au surfaces occurs via a tunneling process through the monolayer films, the redox species can permeate through the monolayers on NPG surfaces to transfer the electrons to the Au surfaces. The results presented here will help to elucidate the intrinsic electrochemical properties of alkanethiol monolayers adsorbed on curved Au surfaces, particularly on the surface of AuNPs. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of thiolate molecules on Au surfaces have been the subject of intensive research for the last few decades due to their unique physical and chemical properties. The well-organized surface structures of thiolate SAMs with various end-group functionalities can be further utilized for many applications in biology and nanotechnology. In addition to the practical applications, SAMs of thiolate molecules on Au surfaces also provide unique opportunities to address fundamental issues in surface chemistry such as self-organized surface structures, electron transfer behaviors, and moleculesubstrate interactions. Although there have been numerous reports on the fundamental physical and chemical properties of thiolate SAMs on Au surfaces, most of them were investigated on flat Au surfaces, typically on well-defined Au(111) surfaces

  19. Une enquête réalisée en Jamaïque contribue à améliorer la santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 mai 2012 ... On a procédé au dépistage de l'hypertension et au dépistage – et au traitement rapide – de la syphilis chez les femmes, et l'on a encouragé les femmes enceintes présentant des facteurs de risque ou habitant dans des régions éloignées à accoucher ... Developing the PALM Plus diagnostic tool for Malawi.

  20. Une enquête réalisée en Jamaïque contribue à améliorer la santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 mai 2012 ... On a procédé au dépistage de l'hypertension et au dépistage – et au traitement rapide – de la syphilis chez les femmes, et l'on a encouragé les femmes enceintes présentant des facteurs de risque ou habitant dans des régions éloignées à accoucher dans un centre hospitalier. Des campagnes de ...

  1. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 janv. 2015 ... en pédiatrie. Sa prévalence chez l'enfant au Maroc est de l'ordre de. 10 à 15 % avec .... urgences d'une autre formation hospitalière dans les heures ou .... menée et continue doit impérativement être intégrée au traitement.

  2. : tous les projets | Page 180 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Argentina, South America, Chile, Uruguay, North and Central America. Programme: Gouvernance et justice. Financement total : CA$ 507,700.00. Capacités en science du comportement pour relever les facteurs qui entravent ou facilitent les essais d'un vaccin contre le VIH au Nigeria. Projet. L'accès au traitement ...

  3. Le don après un décès d'origine cardiocirculatoire au Canada (United States)

    Shemie, Sam D.; Baker, Andrew J.; Knoll, Greg; Wall, William; Rocker, Graeme; Howes, Daniel; Davidson, Janet; Pagliarello, Joe; Chambers-Evans, Jane; Cockfield, Sandra; Farrell, Catherine; Glannon, Walter; Gourlay, William; Grant, David; Langevin, Stéphan; Wheelock, Brian; Young, Kimberly; Dossetor, John


    Résumé Ces recommandations sont le fruit d'un processus multidisciplinaire national ayant duré un an et visant à déterminer si et comment l'on pourrait procéder au don d'organes après un décès d'origine cardiocirculatoire («don après le décès cardiocirculatoire», ou DDC) au Canada. Le forum national organisé en février 2005 a permis aux participants de discuter et d'élaborer des recommandations sur les principes, interventions et pratiques se rapportant au DDC. Les aspects éthiques et juridiques ont été abordés dans les discussions. À la fin du Forum, la majorité des participants ont été favorables à l'implantation de programmes de DDC au Canada. Les participants du Forum ont également convenu qu'il fallait formuler et prôner des valeurs fondamentales pour orienter l'élaboration de programmes et de protocoles basés sur le cadre médical, éthique et juridique établi lors de cette réunion. Même si la possibilité d'un don d'organes et de tissus doit faire partie intégrante des soins de fin de vie, il faut insister sur le fait que le devoir de diligence envers les patients mourants et leurs familles doit demeurer la priorité des équipes soignantes. La complexité et les répercussions profondes du décès sont reconnues et doivent être respectées, de même que les différences personnelles, ethnoculturelles et religieuses face à la mort et au don d'organes. Les décisions d'arrêter le traitement de maintien des fonctions vitales, la prise en charge des derniers moments de la vie et le diagnostic de décès selon des critères cardiocirculatoires doivent être distincts et indépendants des processus de don et transplantation. Ce rapport contient des recommandations destinées aux gestionnaires de program, aux autorités sanitaires régionales et aux instances appelés à élaborer les protocoles de DDC. Les programmes doivent être conçus en fonction des éléments suivants : direction et planification locales, éducation et

  4. Crystallographic investigation of Au nanoparticles embedded in a SrTiO{sub 3} thin film for plasmonics applications by means of synchrotron radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pincini, Davide, E-mail: [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, CS 40220, 71, avenue des Martyrs, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy); Mazzoli, Claudio [Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy); Bernhardt, Hendrik; Katzer, Christian; Schmidl, Frank [Institut für Festkörperphysik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Helmholtzweg 5, 07743 Jena (Germany); Uschmann, Ingo [Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena (Germany); Detlefs, Carsten [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, CS 40220, 71, avenue des Martyrs, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France)


    Self-organized monocrystalline Au nanoparticles with potential applications in plasmonics are grown in a SrTiO{sub 3} matrix by a novel two-step deposition process. The crystalline preferred orientation of these Au nanoparticles is investigated by synchrotron hard x-ray diffraction. Nanoparticles preferentially align with the (111) direction along the substrate normal (001), whereas two in-plane orientations are found with [110]{sub SrTiO{sub 3}}∥[110]{sub Au} and [100]{sub SrTiO{sub 3}}∥[110]{sub Au}. Additionally, a smaller diffraction signal from nanoparticles with the (001) direction parallel to the substrate normal (001) is observed; once again, two in-plane orientations are found, with [100]{sub SrTiO{sub 3}}∥[100]{sub Au} and [100]{sub SrTiO{sub 3}}∥[110]{sub Au}. The populations of the two in-plane orientations are found to depend on the thickness of the gold film deposited in the first step of the growth.

  5. 16 Élaboration et caractérisation des sources solides de diffusion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Un traitement thermique de séchage et de densification conduit ensuite au matériau désiré. Dans notre travail nous avons utilisé la technique de dépôt par rotation du substrat (spin coating) pour le dépôt des couches sur des substrats de silicium. Après le dépôt, un traitement thermique est réalisé afin d‟obtenir les ...

  6. Le bestiaire au dix-neuvième siècle. Animalité, pauvreté et criminalité dans Les mystères de Paris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nigel Lezama


    Full Text Available Cet article présente le contexte épistémologique de la question animale au dix-neuvième siècle et interroge la façon dont le feuilleton d’Eugène Sue, Les Mystères de Paris, déploie la figure animale dans la mise en scène des marginaux. Bien qu’une telle peinture risque de nuire à l’animal par le biais d’un positivisme qui le réifie, le feuilleton trouve un moyen d’énoncer un nouvel argument contre la souffrance animale tout en soulignant la nécessité de réfléchir aux grands problèmes sociaux et à leur résolution par le biais du traitement des animaux.

  7. Study of the retention of fission products by a few common minerals. Application to the treatment of medium activity effluents (1962); Etude de la retention des produits de fission par quelques mineraux usuels. Application aux traitements d'effluents de moyenne activite specifique (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auchapt, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The conditions in which strontium is fixed on calcite (the object of the Geneva report P/395 - USA - 1958) are more closely studied and the work is extended to five fission products present in the effluents, and to 17 common rocks and minerals. Although as it turns out this fixation is not suitable as a method of treating the S.T.E. effluents (i.e. those from the Effluent Treatment plant at Marcoule), the study shows that all the crystals considered are strongly contaminated by simple contact with the effluents. (author) [French] Les conditions de fixation du strontium sur la calcite (objet du rapport de Geneve P/395 - USA - 1958) sont approfondies et l'etude est etendue aux cinq produits de fission presents dans les effluents et a 17 roches et minerais courants. Bien qu'en definitive cette fixation se revele inutilisable comme procede de traitement d'effluents S.T.E. (Station de Traitement des Effluents, Marcoule), l'etude montre que tous les cristaux consideres se contaminent fortement par simple contact avec les effluents. (auteur)

  8. Stabilizing ultrasmall Au clusters for enhanced photoredox catalysis. (United States)

    Weng, Bo; Lu, Kang-Qiang; Tang, Zichao; Chen, Hao Ming; Xu, Yi-Jun


    Recently, loading ligand-protected gold (Au) clusters as visible light photosensitizers onto various supports for photoredox catalysis has attracted considerable attention. However, the efficient control of long-term photostability of Au clusters on the metal-support interface remains challenging. Herein, we report a simple and efficient method for enhancing the photostability of glutathione-protected Au clusters (Au GSH clusters) loaded on the surface of SiO 2 sphere by utilizing multifunctional branched poly-ethylenimine (BPEI) as a surface charge modifying, reducing and stabilizing agent. The sequential coating of thickness controlled TiO 2 shells can further significantly improve the photocatalytic efficiency, while such structurally designed core-shell SiO 2 -Au GSH clusters-BPEI@TiO 2 composites maintain high photostability during longtime light illumination conditions. This joint strategy via interfacial modification and composition engineering provides a facile guideline for stabilizing ultrasmall Au clusters and rational design of Au clusters-based composites with improved activity toward targeting applications in photoredox catalysis.

  9. Properties of ordered titanium templates covered with Au thin films for SERS applications (United States)

    Grochowska, Katarzyna; Siuzdak, Katarzyna; Sokołowski, Michał; Karczewski, Jakub; Szkoda, Mariusz; Śliwiński, Gerard


    Currently, roughened metal nanostructures are widely studied as highly sensitive Raman scattering substrates that show application potential in biochemistry, food safety or medical diagnostic. In this work the structural properties and the enhancement effect due to surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of highly ordered nano-patterned titanium templates covered with thin (5-20 nm) gold films are reported. The templates are formed by preparation of a dense structure of TiO2 nanotubes on a flat Ti surface (2 × 2 cm2) and their subsequent etching down to the substrate. SEM images reveal the formation of honeycomb nanostructures with the cavity diameter of 80 nm. Due to the strongly inhomogeneous distribution of the electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the Au film discontinuities the measured average enhancement factor (107-108) is markedly higher than observed for bare Ti templates. The enhancement factor and Raman signal intensity can be optimized by adjusting the process conditions and thickness of the deposited Au layer. Results confirm that the obtained structures can be used in surface enhanced sensing.

  10. Heterojunction metal-oxide-metal Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au single nanowire device for spintronics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reddy, K. M., E-mail:; Punnoose, Alex; Hanna, Charles [Department of Physics, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho 83725 (United States); Padture, Nitin P. [School of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 (United States)


    In this report, we present the synthesis of heterojunction magnetite nanowires in alumina template and describe magnetic and electrical properties from a single nanowire device for spintronics applications. Heterojunction Au-Fe-Au nanowire arrays were electrodeposited in porous aluminum oxide templates, and an extensive and controlled heat treatment process converted Fe segment to nanocrystalline cubic magnetite phase with well-defined Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} interfaces as confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy. Magnetic measurements revealed Verwey transition shoulder around 120 K and a room temperature coercive field of 90 Oe. Current–voltage (I-V) characteristics of a single Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au nanowire have exhibited Ohmic behavior. Anomalous positive magnetoresistance of about 0.5% is observed on a single nanowire, which is attributed to the high spin polarization in nanowire device with pure Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} phase and nanocontact barrier. This work demonstrates the ability to preserve the pristine Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} and well defined electrode contact metal (Au)–magnetite interface, which helps in attaining high spin polarized current.

  11. Arthrose médiale du genou : évaluations et recommandations cliniques pour les traitements par infiltration, orthèses plantaires et/ou orthèse du genou à l'aide d'analyses quantifiées de la marche


    Dessery, Yoann


    L’arthrose du genou (gonarthrose) est une des sources d’incapacité physique les plus fréquentes dans le monde. Plusieurs traitements sont disponibles pour réduire la douleur et ralentir l’évolution de la maladie. Cependant, certains de ces traitements manquent encore de documentation ou d’ajustement par rapport aux patients. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’impact de différents traitements de la gonarthrose médiale sur la vie quotidienne et le patron de marche afin d’aider le...

  12. Cluster-to-cluster transformation among Au6, Au8 and Au11 nanoclusters. (United States)

    Ren, Xiuqing; Fu, Junhong; Lin, Xinzhang; Fu, Xuemei; Yan, Jinghui; Wu, Ren'an; Liu, Chao; Huang, Jiahui


    We present the cluster-to-cluster transformations among three gold nanoclusters, [Au6(dppp)4]2+ (Au6), [Au8(dppp)4Cl2]2+ (Au8) and [Au11(dppp)5]3+ (Au11). The conversion process follows a rule that states that the transformation of a small cluster to a large cluster is achieved through an oxidation process with an oxidizing agent (H2O2) or with heating, while the conversion of a large cluster to a small one occurs through a reduction process with a reducing agent (NaBH4). All the reactions were monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy and ESI-MS. This work may provide an alternative approach to the synthesis of novel gold nanoclusters and a further understanding of the structural transformation relationship of gold nanoclusters.

  13. The Preparation of Au@TiO2 Yolk-Shell Nanostructure and its Applications for Degradation and Detection of Methylene Blue. (United States)

    Wan, Gengping; Peng, Xiange; Zeng, Min; Yu, Lei; Wang, Kan; Li, Xinyue; Wang, Guizhen


    This paper reports the synthesis of a new type of Au@TiO 2 yolk-shell nanostructures by integrating ion sputtering method with atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique and its applications as visible light-driven photocatalyst and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate. Both the size and amount of gold nanoparticles confined in TiO 2 nanotubes could be facilely controlled via properly adjusting the sputtering time. The unique structure and morphology of the resulting Au@TiO 2 samples were investigated by using various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques in detail. It is found that all tested samples can absorb visible light with a maximum absorption at localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) wavelengths (550-590 nm) which are determined by the size of gold nanoparticles. The Au@TiO 2 yolk-shell composites were used as the photocatalyst for the degradation of methylene blue (MB). As compared with pure TiO 2 nanotubes, Au@TiO 2 composites exhibit improved photocatalytic properties towards the degradation of MB. The SERS effect of Au@TiO 2 yolk-shell composites was also performed to investigate the detection sensitivity of MB.

  14. The Preparation of Au@TiO2 Yolk-Shell Nanostructure and its Applications for Degradation and Detection of Methylene Blue (United States)

    Wan, Gengping; Peng, Xiange; Zeng, Min; Yu, Lei; Wang, Kan; Li, Xinyue; Wang, Guizhen


    This paper reports the synthesis of a new type of Au@TiO2 yolk-shell nanostructures by integrating ion sputtering method with atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique and its applications as visible light-driven photocatalyst and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate. Both the size and amount of gold nanoparticles confined in TiO2 nanotubes could be facilely controlled via properly adjusting the sputtering time. The unique structure and morphology of the resulting Au@TiO2 samples were investigated by using various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques in detail. It is found that all tested samples can absorb visible light with a maximum absorption at localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) wavelengths (550-590 nm) which are determined by the size of gold nanoparticles. The Au@TiO2 yolk-shell composites were used as the photocatalyst for the degradation of methylene blue (MB). As compared with pure TiO2 nanotubes, Au@TiO2 composites exhibit improved photocatalytic properties towards the degradation of MB. The SERS effect of Au@TiO2 yolk-shell composites was also performed to investigate the detection sensitivity of MB.

  15. Developing an aqueous approach for synthesizing Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars with plasmonic properties (United States)

    Du, Jingshan; Yu, Junjie; Xiong, Yalin; Lin, Zhuoqing; Zhang, Hui; Yang, Deren

    Anisotropic Au nanoparticles show unique localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties, which make it attractive in optical, sensing, and biomedical applications. In this contribution, we report a general and facile strategy towards aqueous synthesis of Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars by reducing HAuCl4 with ethanolamine in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). According to electron microscopic observation and spectral monitoring, we found that the layered epitaxial growth mode (i.e., Frank-van der Merwe mechanism) contributes to the enlargement of the core, while, the random attachment of Au nanoclusters onto the cores accounts for the formation of the branches. Both of them are indispensable for the formation of the nanostars. The LSPR properties of the Au nanoparticles have been well investigated with morphology control via precursor amount and growth temperature. The Au nanostars showed improved surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) performance for rhodamine 6G due to their sharp edges and tips, which were therefore confirmed as good SERS substrate to detect trace amount of molecules.

  16. Molecular beam epitaxy of GaAs nanowires and their sustainability for optoelectronic applications. Comparing Au- and self-assisted growth methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Breuer, Steffen


    In this work the synthesis of GaAs nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using the vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism is investigated. A comparison between Au- and self-assisted VLS growth is at the centre of this thesis. While the Au-assisted method is established as a versatile tool for nanowire growth, the recently developed self-assisted variation results from the exchange of Au by Ga droplets and thus eliminates any possibility of Au incorporation. By both methods, we achieve nanowires with epitaxial alignment to the Si(111) substrates. Caused by differences during nanowire nucleation, a parasitic planar layer grows between the nanowires by the Au-assisted method, but can be avoided by the self-assisted method. Au-assisted nanowires grow predominantly in the metastable wurtzite crystal structure, while their self-assisted counterparts have the zincblende structure. All GaAs nanowires are fully relaxed and the strain arising from the lattice mismatch between GaAs and Si of 4.1 % is accommodated by misfit dislocations at the interface. Self-assisted GaAs nanowires are generally found to have vertical and non-polar side facets, while tilted and polar nanofacets were described for Au-assisted GaAs nanowires. We employ VLS nucleation theory to understand the effect of the droplet material on the lateral facets. Optoelectronic applications require long minority carrier lifetimes at room temperature. We fabricate GaAs/(Al,Ga)As core-shell nanowires and analyse them by transient photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The results are 2.5 ns for the self-assisted nanowires as well as 9 ps for the Au-assisted nanowires. By temperature-dependent PL measurements we find a characteristic activation energy of 77 meV that is present only in the Au-assisted nanowires. We conclude that most likely Au is incorporated from the droplets into the GaAs nanowires and acts as a deep, non-radiative recombination centre.

  17. Observation of dynamic water microadsorption on Au surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Xiaokang, E-mail:; Gupta, Gaurav; Gao, Weixiang; Tran, Van; Nguyen, Bang; McCormick, Eric; Cui, Yongjie; Yang, Yinbao; Hall, Craig; Isom, Harold [TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc., 500 W Renner Road, Richardson, Texas 75080 (United States)


    Experimental and theoretical research on water wettability, adsorption, and condensation on solid surfaces has been ongoing for many decades because of the availability of new materials, new detection and measurement techniques, novel applications, and different scales of dimensions. Au is a metal of special interest because it is chemically inert, has a high surface energy, is highly conductive, and has a relatively high melting point. It has wide applications in semiconductor integrated circuitry, microelectromechanical systems, microfluidics, biochips, jewelry, coinage, and even dental restoration. Therefore, its surface condition, wettability, wear resistance, lubrication, and friction attract a lot of attention from both scientists and engineers. In this paper, the authors experimentally investigated Au{sub 2}O{sub 3} growth, wettability, roughness, and adsorption utilizing atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, reflectance spectrometry, and contact angle measurement. Samples were made using a GaAs substrate. Utilizing a super-hydrophilic Au surface and the proper surface conditions of the surrounding GaAs, dynamic microadsorption of water on the Au surface was observed in a clean room environment. The Au surface area can be as small as 12 μm{sup 2}. The adsorbed water was collected by the GaAs groove structure and then redistributed around the structure. A model was developed to qualitatively describe the dynamic microadsorption process. The effective adsorption rate was estimated by modeling and experimental data. Devices for moisture collection and a liquid channel can be made by properly arranging the wettabilities or contact angles of different materials. These novel devices will be very useful in microfluid applications or biochips.

  18. Synthesis of Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with concave Au nanocuboids as seeds and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties in the ethanol oxidation reaction (United States)

    Tan, Lingyu; Li, Lidong; Peng, Yi; Guo, Lin


    Herein, a new type of uniform and well-structured Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) with highly active concave Au nanocuboids (NCs) as seeds was successfully synthesized by using the classic seed-mediated method. Electrochemical measurements were conducted to demonstrate their greatly enhanced catalytic performance in the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). It was found that the electrochemical performance for Au@Pt BNPs with the concave Au NCs as seeds, which were enclosed by {611} high-index facets, could be seven times higher than that of the Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with regular spherical Au NPs as seeds. Furthermore, our findings show that the morphology and electrocatalytic activity of the Au@Pt BNPs can be tuned simply by changing the compositional ratios of the growth solution. The lower the amount of H2PtCl6 used in the growth solution, the thinner the Pt shell grew, and the more high-index facets of concave Au NCs seeds were exposed in Au@Pt BNPs, leading to higher electrochemical activity. These as-prepared concave Au@Pt BNPs will open up new strategies for improving catalytic efficiency and reducing the use of the expensive and scarce resource of platinum in the ethanol oxidation reaction, and are potentially applicable as electrochemical catalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells.

  19. Synthesis of Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with concave Au nanocuboids as seeds and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties in the ethanol oxidation reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, Lingyu; Li, Lidong; Peng, Yi; Guo, Lin


    Herein, a new type of uniform and well-structured Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) with highly active concave Au nanocuboids (NCs) as seeds was successfully synthesized by using the classic seed-mediated method. Electrochemical measurements were conducted to demonstrate their greatly enhanced catalytic performance in the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). It was found that the electrochemical performance for Au@Pt BNPs with the concave Au NCs as seeds, which were enclosed by {611}high-index facets, could be seven times higher than that of the Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with regular spherical Au NPs as seeds. Furthermore, our findings show that the morphology and electrocatalytic activity of the Au@Pt BNPs can be tuned simply by changing the compositional ratios of the growth solution. The lower the amount of H_2PtCl_6 used in the growth solution, the thinner the Pt shell grew, and the more high-index facets of concave Au NCs seeds were exposed in Au@Pt BNPs, leading to higher electrochemical activity. These as-prepared concave Au@Pt BNPs will open up new strategies for improving catalytic efficiency and reducing the use of the expensive and scarce resource of platinum in the ethanol oxidation reaction, and are potentially applicable as electrochemical catalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells. (paper)

  20. Controlled electrodeposition of Au monolayer film on ionic liquid (United States)

    Ma, Qiang; Pang, Liuqing; Li, Man; Zhang, Yunxia; Ren, Xianpei; Liu, Shengzhong Frank


    Gold (Au) nanoparticles have been attractive for centuries for their vibrant appearance enhanced by their interaction with sunlight. Nowadays, there have been tremendous research efforts to develop them for high-tech applications including therapeutic agents, sensors, organic photovoltaics, medical applications, electronics and catalysis. However, there remains to be a challenge to fabricate a monolayer Au coating with complete coverage in controlled fashion. Here we present a facile method to deposit a uniform Au monolayer (ML) film on the [BMIM][PF6] ionic liquid substrate using an electrochemical deposition process. It demonstrates that it is feasible to prepare a solid phase coating on the liquid-based substrate. Moreover, the thickness of the monolayer coating can be controlled to a layer-by-layer accuracy.

  1. Le traitement de l’idéologie dans la sociologie de Luc Boltanski

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Vrydaghs


    Full Text Available IntroductionLe concept d’idéologie apparaît dans la sociologie de Luc Boltanski à partir du Nouvel Esprit du capitalisme, publié en 1999. L’auteur y revient dans La Condition fœtale, paru en 2004. On aurait donc pu se contenter de ces ouvrages pour examiner le traitement réservé à l’idéologie dans la sociologie de Luc Boltanski. On préférera pourtant revenir aux travaux antérieurs du sociologue, et ce pour deux raisons.D’abord parce que le concept d’idéologie tel qu’il est employé dans Le Nou...

  2. Intense fluorescence of Au 20

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Chongqi; Harbich, Wolfgang; Sementa, Luca; Ghiringhelli, Luca; Apra, Edoardo; Stener, Mauro; Fortunelli, Alessandro; Brune, Harald


    Ligand-protected Au clusters are non-bleaching fluorescence markers in bio- and medical applications. We show that their fluorescence is an intrinsic property of the Au cluster itself. We find a very intense and sharp fluorescence peak located at λ =739.2 nm (1.68 eV) for Au20 clusters in a Ne matrix held at 6 K. The fluorescence reflects the HOMO-LUMO diabatic bandgap of the cluster. The cluster shows a very rich absorption fine structure reminiscent of well defined molecule-like quantum levels. These levels are resolved since Au20 has only one stable isomer (tetrahedral), therefore our sample is mono-disperse in cluster size and conformation. Density-functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations clarify the nature of optical absorptionand predict both main absorption peaks and intrinsic fluorescence in good agreement with experiment.

  3. Damping Effects in Aerospace Structures (United States)


    Fourier transform of the weighting function h(T) + 00 m -00 Is eaUed the frequency response function. TV« H(u) - j h(T) e"Jwt dr , l... traitement par revitemnt simple a permis une attenuation de Vordre de 3 dB, ramenSc I l’enseflfcle sur la frequence de rotation et de 4 (ffi pour...raidisseurs cir- conf§rentiels et longitudinaux. D’autre part, la masse 3 consacrer au traitement acoustlque est fixge. La question est done posfie

  4. Chiral magnetic effect search in p+Au, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at RHIC (United States)

    Zhao, Jie


    Metastable domains of fluctuating topological charges can change the chirality of quarks and induce local parity violation in quantum chromodynamics. This can lead to observable charge separation along the direction of the strong magnetic field produced by spectator protons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a phenomenon called the chiral magnetic effect (CME). A major background source for CME measurements using the charge-dependent azimuthal correlator (Δϒ) is the intrinsic particle correlations (such as resonance decays) coupled with the azimuthal elliptical anisotropy (v2). In heavy-ion collisions, the magnetic field direction and event plane angle are correlated, thus the CME and the v2-induced background are entangled. In this report, we present two studies from STAR to shed further lights on the background issue. (1) The Δϒ should be all background in small system p+Au and d+Au collisions, because the event plane angles are dominated by geometry fluctuations uncorrelated to the magnetic field direction. However, significant Δϒ is observed, comparable to the peripheral Au+Au data, suggesting a background dominance in the latter, and likely also in the mid-central Au+Au collisions where the multiplicity and v2 scaled correlator is similar. (2) A new approach is devised to study Δϒ as a function of the particle pair invariant mass (minv) to identify the resonance backgrounds and hence to extract the possible CME signal. Signal is consistent with zero within uncertainties at high minv. Signal at low minv, extracted from a two-component model assuming smooth mass dependence, is consistent with zero within uncertainties.

  5. Les déterminants du statut “perdu de vue” chez les patients pris en charge pour cancer au Maroc: situation avant le Plan Cancer (United States)

    Najdi, Adil; Berraho, Mohamed; Bendahhou, Karima; Obtel, Majdouline; Zidouh, Ahmed; Errihani, Hassan; Nejjari, Chakib


    Introduction Le cancer au Maroc représente un problème majeur de santé publique, sa prise en charge doit être globale, active et complète pour tous les patients. L'objectif de ce travail était d'estimer la fréquence des perdus de vue « PDV » en oncologie au Maroc durant la première année de suivi et de déterminer les facteurs associés à ce problème. Méthodes Par une étude rétrospective portant sur 2854 dossiers de malades hospitalisés dans les trois principaux centres d'oncologie au Maroc depuis janvier 2003 jusqu’à juin 2007 et concernant les cinq principales localisations de cancer au Maroc, nous avons cherché la date des dernières nouvelles des patients ayant un recul de 18 mois minimum afin de déterminer le statut de ces malades après un an de suivi. Résultats La moyenne d’âge était de 52±14 ans, une proportion féminine de 63%, les sujets actifs constituaient 28%, les mariés 71%, les analphabètes 51%, 70% des patients habitaient en milieu urbain et seulement 11% des malades disposaient d'une couverture sociale. La localisation cancéreuse la plus fréquente était le poumon (23,8%) suivie du colon-rectum (23,5%) puis le col (21,9%), le sein (20,4%) et les lymphomes (10,4%). Le taux des «PDV» à un an de suivi était de 48%, ce statut était significativement lié au sexe, à l’âge, au NSE et au statut matrimonial. Sur le plan médical, le statut «PDV» était lié à la localisation du cancer, au stade de diagnostic et au type de traitement reçu. Conclusion Notre étude a mis en évidence la grande ampleur du problème des PDV en cancérologie au Maroc ainsi que ces déterminants. Ces résultats incitent tous les acteurs dans le domaine de la cancérologie à collaborer ensemble pour prendre les mesures qui s'imposent pour y pallier PMID:25400850

  6. Traitement statistique des distorsions non-linéaires pour la restauration des enregistrements sonores.


    Picard , Guillaume


    L'objet de la thèse est l'étude, la modélisation et le traitement des distorsions non linéaires sonores, pour lesquelles les techniques actuelles s'avèrent impuissantes. L'approche retenue consiste à représenter, globalement, à la fois le signal audio à restaurer et le processus de distorsion, dans le cadre d'un modèle statistique. Cette approche présente un bon compromis entre une souhaitable généricité -possibilité de traiter à l'aide d'une méthode globale plusieurs types de distorsions- et...

  7. Etude microdosimetrique de l'influence des materiaux sur l'efficacite biologique d'une source d'iode-125 (United States)

    Taschereau, Richard

    Cette these concerne les implants permanents pour la prostate. Les isotopes employes, le 103Pd et l'125I, semblent produire les memes resultats cliniques: le premier a cause d'une radiation plus efficace et le second a cause de sa demi-vie plus longue. La recherche utilise le cadre theorique de la microdosimetrie et des simulations Monte Carlo. Elle propose d'employer le spectre d'ejection dans le calcul de l'efficacite; ce changement fait passer l'efficacite relative du 103Pd de 10% a 5%. Elle montre ensuite qu'il est possible d'ameliorer l'efficacite de la radiation de 125I par l'exploitation des rayons X caracteristiques de la capsule. Une source amelioree faite de molybdene et d'yttrium est donnee en exemple. Elle procure une radiation de 5--7% plus efficace, ce qui surclasse les deux sources existantes. Les applications ne se limitent pas au traitement de la prostate; le traitement du melanome oculaire et la curietherapie endovasculaire pourraient en beneficier.

  8. Photoluminescence enhancement in few-layer WS2 films via Au nanoparticles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sin Yuk Choi


    Full Text Available Nano-composites of two-dimensional atomic layered WS2 and Au nanoparticles (AuNPs have been fabricated by sulfurization of sputtered W films followed by immersing into HAuCl4 aqueous solution. The morphology, structure and AuNPs distribution have been characterized by electron microscopy. The decorated AuNPs can be more densely formed on the edge and defective sites of triangle WS2. We have compared the optical absorption and photoluminescence of bare WS2 and Au-decorated WS2 layers. Enhancement in the photoluminescence is observed in the Au-WS2 nano-composites, attributed to localized surface plasmonic effect. This work provides the possibility to develop photonic application in two-dimensional materials.

  9. Synthesis of SERS active Au nanowires in different noncoordinating solvents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hou Xiaomiao; Zhang Xiaoling, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Cluster Science of Ministry of Education, Beijing Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, School of Science (China); Fang Yan, E-mail: [Beijing Key Laboratory for Nano-Photonics and Nano-Structure (NPNS), Capital Normal University (China); Chen Shutang; Li Na; Zhou Qi [Key Laboratory of Cluster Science of Ministry of Education, Beijing Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, School of Science (China)


    Au nanowires with length up to micrometers were synthesized through a simple and one-pot solution growth method. HAuCl{sub 4} was reduced in a micellar structure formed by 1-octadecylamine and oleic acid in hexane, heptane, toluene and chloroform, respectively. As the non-polarity of noncoordinating solvents can affect the nucleation and growth rates of Au nanostructures, Au nanowires with different diameters could be obtained by changing the noncoordinating solvents in the synthetic process. The influences of the solvents on the morphology of Au nanowires were systematically studied. When using hexane as reaction solvent, the product turned to be high portion of Au nanowires with more uniform size than the others. Furthermore, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectrum of 2-thionaphthol was obtained on the Au nanowire-modified substrate, indicating that the as-synthesized Au nanowires have potential for highly sensitive optical detection application.

  10. Gold nanoparticles production using reactor and cyclotron based methods in assessment of {sup 196,198}Au production yields by {sup 197}Au neutron absorption for therapeutic purposes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khorshidi, Abdollah, E-mail:


    Medical nano-gold radioisotopes is produced regularly using high-flux nuclear reactors, and an accelerator-driven neutron activator can turn out higher yield of {sup 197}Au(n,γ){sup 196,198}Au reactions. Here, nano-gold production via radiative/neutron capture was investigated using irradiated Tehran Research Reactor flux and also simulated proton beam of Karaj cyclotron in Iran. {sup 197}Au nano-solution, including 20 nm shaped spherical gold and water, was irradiated under Tehran reactor flux at 2.5E + 13 n/cm{sup 2}/s for {sup 196,198}Au activity and production yield estimations. Meanwhile, the yield was examined using 30 MeV proton beam of Karaj cyclotron via simulated new neutron activator containing beryllium target, bismuth moderator around the target, and also PbF{sub 2} reflector enclosed the moderator region. Transmutation in {sup 197}Au nano-solution samples were explored at 15 and 25 cm distances from the target. The neutron flux behavior inside the water and bismuth moderators was investigated for nano-gold particles transmutation. The transport of fast neutrons inside bismuth material as heavy nuclei with a lesser lethargy can be contributed in enhanced nano-gold transmutation with long duration time than the water moderator in reactor-based method. Cyclotron-driven production of βeta-emitting radioisotopes for brachytherapy applications can complete the nano-gold production technology as a safer approach as compared to the reactor-based method. - Graphical abstract: This figure describes gold nanoparticles production via cyclotron based method. The aim of investigating is to estimate activity and saturation yield of {sup 197}Au(n,γ){sup 198}Au and {sup 197}Au(n,2n){sup 196}Au reactions using Karaj cyclotron available in Iran. The feasibility of a cyclotron-driven production of βeta-emitting radioisotopes was investigated for therapeutic applications via a new neutron activator design. - Highlights: • Nano-gold radioisotope production

  11. Les carcinomes epidermoïdes du scrotum: à propos de 7 cas avec revue de la litterature (United States)

    Halfya, Ayoub; Elmortaji, Khalid; Redouane, Rabii; fethi, Meziane; Rafik, Amine; Mohamed, Ezzoubi; Abdessamad, Chlihi


    Quoique rare le carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum a un mauvais pronostic. Les Carcinomes du scrotum induite et - liées au travail sont moins fréquentes en raison d'une meilleure hygiène, vêtements de protection, et la sensibilisation de la cancérogénicité des huiles industrielles. L’épidémie à l'HPV a induit une augmentation de l'incidence. Le traitement de dépend toujours exérèse locale de la lésion primaire. La radiothérapie a peu de bénéfice thérapeutique dans le traitement d'un carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum. La bléomycine peut être utile comme traitement adjuvant pour les maladies ilio-inguinal généralisée avant la tentative exérèse, même si cela n'a pas encore été prouvé. Entre janvier 2011 au 1er janvier 2013, 7 patients atteints de carcinome épidermoïde ont été pris en charge, Trois patients ont présenté une localisation ganglionnaire. Les sept patients ont eu un traitement chirurgical par exérèse large avec reconstruction, Deux patients ont été adressé pour chimiothérapie.2 patients ont présenté une récidive, dont un est décédé. PMID:26113906

  12. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    9 janv. 2012 ... Après mesures de réanimation, le traitement chirurgical a été instauré, avec bonne évolution. Nous essayons à partir de ce cas .... une femme enceinte à cause du risque moins important de fausse couche (0 contre 12 % au premier trimestre) et d'accouchement prématuré (5 à8 % contre 30 % au troisième ...

  13. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    19 févr. 2015 ... Google Scholar. 9. Rapport de progrès N° 11-septembre 2008: Vers l'accès universel aux traitements et soins en faveur des adultes et enfants vivant avec le VIH/SIDA au Cameroun. Comité National de Lutte Contre le SIDA. Google Scholar. 10. L'impact du VIH et du sida au Cameroun à l'horizon 2020,.

  14. Complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures : à propos de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : La médecine moderne, comme celle traditionnelle, concourt au rétablissement du bien être physique, mental et social. Au Sénégal comme ailleurs ces deux médecines se pratiquent à tous les niveaux. Faut-il établir un rapport de nécessité entre les deux ou mettre une nette séparation ; chacune évoluant pour ...

  15. Successful synthesis and thermal stability of immiscible metal Au-Rh, Au-Ir andAu-Ir-Rh nanoalloys (United States)

    Shubin, Yury; Plyusnin, Pavel; Sharafutdinov, Marat; Makotchenko, Evgenia; Korenev, Sergey


    We successfully prepared face-centred cubic nanoalloys in systems of Au-Ir, Au-Rh and Au-Ir-Rh, with large bulk miscibility gaps, in one-run reactions under thermal decomposition of specially synthesised single-source precursors, namely, [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6], [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6] х [Rh(NO2)6]1-х and [AuEn2][Rh(NO2)6]. The precursors employed contain all desired metals ‘mixed’ at the atomic level, thus providing significant advantages for obtaining alloys. The observations using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy show that the nanoalloy structures are composed of well-dispersed aggregates of crystalline domains with a mean size of 5 ± 3 nm. Еnergy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements confirm the formation of AuIr, AuRh, AuIr0.75Rh0.25, AuIr0.50Rh0.50 and AuIr0.25Rh0.75 metastable solid solutions. In situ high-temperature synchrotron XRD (HTXRD) was used to study the formation mechanism of nanoalloys. The observed transformations are described by the ‘conversion chemistry’ mechanism characterised by the primary development of particles comprising atoms of only one type, followed by a chemical reaction resulting in the final formation of a nanoalloy. The obtained metastable nanoalloys exhibit essential thermal stability. Exposure to 180 °C for 30 h does not cause any dealloying process.

  16. Au-Ge based Candidate Alloys for High-Temperature Lead-Free Solder Alternatives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chidambaram, Vivek; Hald, John; Hattel, Jesper Henri


    Au-Ge based candidate alloys have been proposed as an alternative to high-lead content solders that are currently being used for high-temperature applications. The influence of the low melting point metals namely In, Sb and Sn to the Au-Ge eutectic with respect to the microstructure and microhard......Au-Ge based candidate alloys have been proposed as an alternative to high-lead content solders that are currently being used for high-temperature applications. The influence of the low melting point metals namely In, Sb and Sn to the Au-Ge eutectic with respect to the microstructure...... was primarily strengthened by the refined (Ge) dispersed phase. The distribution of phases played a relatively more crucial role in determining the ductility of the bulk solder alloy. In the present work it was found that among the low melting point metals, the addition of Sb to the Au-Ge eutectic would...

  17. Lead Telluride Doped with Au as a Very Promising Material for Thermoelectric Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pantelija M. Nikolic


    Full Text Available PbTe single crystals doped with monovalent Au or Cu were grown using the Bridgman method. Far infrared reflectivity spectra were measured at room temperature for all samples and plasma minima were registered. These experimental spectra were numerically analyzed and optical parameters were calculated. All the samples of PbTe doped with Au or Cu were of the “n” type. The properties of these compositions were analyzed and compared with PbTe containing other dopants. The samples of PbTe doped with only 3.3 at% Au were the best among the PbTe + Au samples having the lowest plasma frequency and the highest mobility of free carriers-electrons, while PbTe doped with Cu was the opposite. Samples with the lowest Cu concentration of 0.23 at% Cu had the best properties. Thermal diffusivity and electronic transport properties of the same PbTe doped samples were also investigated using a photoacoustic (PA method with the transmission detection configuration. The results obtained with the far infrared and photoacoustic characterization of PbTe doped samples were compared and discussed. Both methods confirmed that when PbTe was doped with 3.3 at% Au, thermoelectric and electrical properties of this doped semiconductor were both significantly improved, so Au as a dopant in PbTe could be used as a new high quality thermoelectric material.

  18. Synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates from hexagonal-close-packed Au square sheets

    KAUST Repository

    Fan, Zhanxi


    The synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic (fcc) Au@Pt rhombic nanoplates is reported through the epitaxial growth of Pt on hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) Au square sheets (AuSSs). The Pt-layer growth results in a hcp-to-fcc phase transformation of the AuSSs under ambient conditions. Interestingly, the obtained fcc Au@Pt rhombic nanoplates demonstrate a unique (101)f orientation with the same atomic arrangement extending from the Au core to the Pt shell. Importantly, this method can be extended to the epitaxial growth of Pd on hcp AuSSs, resulting in the unprecedented formation of fcc Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates with (101)f orientation. Additionally, a small amount of fcc (100)f-oriented Au@Pt and Au@Pd square nanoplates are obtained with the Au@Pt and Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates, respectively. We believe that these findings will shed new light on the synthesis of novel noble bimetallic nanostructures. Phase change: Ultrathin Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates were prepared from Au square sheets. A phase transformation from hexagonal close-packed (hcp) to face-centered cubic (fcc) is observed upon coating the hcp Au square sheets with Pt or Pd under ambient conditions. The prepared fcc Au@Pt and Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates demonstrate unique (101)f orientation (picture shows a typical fcc Au@Pt rhombic nanoplate). © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Action de I'AlA sur la teneur en azote total et protéinique des graines de céréales cultivées à different niveau de la capacité capillaire en eau

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wiesław Nowakowski


    Full Text Available L'action de I'AIA sur la teneur en azote total et en azote protéinique des graines du Triticum vulgare, d'Hordeum vulgare et d'Avena sativa cultivés a 30%, 60% et 90% de la capacité capillaire en eau du sable a tété étudiée au cours de trois ans (1969, 1970, 1971. La teneur en g-protéines totales liée au rendement des graines de céréales examinees a été plus élevée dans les conditions de sécheresse (30% de la capacite capillaire en eau à la suite d'un traitement auxinique. La teneur (% en azote total et proteinique ne semble pas etre tellement modifiee dans les graines de cereales à la suite d'un traitement auxinique.

  20. The Electronic Properties and L3 XANES of Au and Nano-Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yiu, Y.M.; Zhang, P.; Sham, T.K.


    The electronic properties of Au crystal and nano Au have been investigated by theory and experiment. Molecularly capped nano-Au was synthesized using the two-phase method. Au nano-particles have been characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). They retain the fcc crystal structure. Their sizes have been determined to be in a range from 5.5 nm to 1.7 nm. The L3 X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) of nano-Au and Au foil have been recorded using synchrotron radiation, and examined by theoretical calculation based on the first principles. Both theory and experiment show that the nano-Au particles have essentially all the Au L3 XANES features of bulk Au in the near edge region with less pronounced resonance peaks. It is also shown that nano Au exhibits lower 4f binding energy than bulk Au in good agreement with quantum confined Au systems reported previously.

  1. 100-MeV proton beam intensity measurement by Au activation analysis using {sup 197}Au(p, pn){sup 196}Au and {sup 197}Au(p, p3n){sup 194}Au reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mokhtari Oranj, Leila [Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Nam-Suk; Oh, Joo-Hee [Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Hee-Seock, E-mail: [Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of)


    The proton beam intensity of a 100-MeV proton linac at the Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex (KOMAC) was measured by an Au activation analysis using {sup 197}Au(p, pn){sup 196}Au and {sup 197}Au(p, p3n){sup 194}Au reactions to determine the accuracy and precision of beam intensity measurement using Gafchromic film dosimetry method. The target, irradiated by 100-MeV protons, was arranged in a stack consisting of Au, Al foils and Pb plates. The yields of produced radio-nuclei in Au foils were obtained by gamma-ray spectroscopy. The FLUKA code was employed to calculate the energy spectrum of protons onto the front surface of Au foils located at three different depth points of the target and also to investigate the condition of incident beam on the target. A good agreement was found between the beam intensity measurements using the activation analysis method at three different depth points of the target. An excellent agreement was also observed between the beam intensity measurements using the Au activation analysis method and the dosimetry method using Gafchromic film.

  2. Chemical treatment of uranium ores in France; Le traitement chimique des minerais d'uranium en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouret, P; Sartorius, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The various processes of chemical treatmenturanium ores, from the oldest to the more recent, are exposed, considering the following conditions: economics, geography, techniques and safety. The interest of obtaining a final concentrate as uranyl nitrate is discussed. (author)Fren. [French] Les differents procedes de traitement chimique des minerais uraniferes sont exposes depuis les premiers jusqu'aux plus recents, en tenant compte des facteurs economiques, geographiques, techniques et de salubrite. L'interet d'obtenir un concentre final a l'etat de nitrate d'uranyle est discute. (auteur)

  3. Tratamento da miastenia pseudo-paralìtica: A propósito de três casos de enervação sinucarotídea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diogo Furtado

    Full Text Available Les auteurs présentent les résultats du traitement opératoire de trois cas de myasthenic pseudo-paralitique par l'inervation sinu carotidienne. Ils font d'abord une revision critique des résultats des autres traitements de la myasthénie. À propos du traitement pharmacologique, basée, surtout, sur l'action de la prostigmine et de ses derives, ils font une mise au point des idées sur la pathogénie du phénomène myasthénique, par rapport avec Teff et brillant mais transitoire de la prostigmine. Ils envisagent ensuite les résultats du traitement chirurgical par la thymectomie et par l'énérvation sinu carotidienne. Cette dernière operation a été pratiquée en trois malades du sexe féminin. Dans deux de ces cas, le resultai a été très favorable, l'intervention ayant été pratiquée dans un seul coté. L'autre cas, malgré l'intervention bilaterale et le traitement medicai associò, a evolué vers l'exitus lethal

  4. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2005) - Articles Asphyxie neonatale au centre hospitalier et Universitaire de Yaounde, Cameroun Abstract · Vol 4, No 1 (2007) - Articles L\\'antibiotherapie de premiere intention dans le traitement de l\\'empyeme pleural de l\\'enfant en milieu Africain ...

  5. Une installation expérimentale pour l'étude du traitement par combustion des fumées industrielles An Experimental Plant for Processing Industrial Fumes by Combustion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morillon R.


    Full Text Available Le rejet à l'atmosphère d'effluents gazeux d'origine industrielle entraîne un accroissement sensible de la pollution atmosphérique ; en outre, il s'accompagne souvent d'une perte d'énergie lorsque l'élément polluant est un hydrocarbure. Dans ce cas, l'utilisation du gaz naturel pour le traitement par combustion des fumées industrielles apporte une solution élégante et souvent peu coûteuse grâce à la récupération d'énergie qu'il est possible de faire. La première partie de l'article rappelle les aspects théoriques de ce traitement ; en particulier, l'influence des divers éléments sur son efficacité y est discutée (composition de l'atmosphère polluée, température, temps de séjour, etc.. II apparaît ainsi que diverses conditions doivent être remplies simultanément pour obtenir une efficacité satisfaisante. Afin de disposer d'éléments d'ingénierie permettant de construire les unités de traitement les plus efficaces et les plus sûres possible, au coût le plus bas possible, la Direction des études et techniques nouvelles du Gaz de France a réalisé une installation expérimentale qui est présentée dans la deuxième partie de l'article. Enfin, quelques examples d'utilisation de cette installation expérimentale, qui constitue un nouvel outil de travail mis à la disposition des utisitateurs et des constructeurs, sont décrits dans la troisième partie de l'article. The discharge into the atmosphere of industrial waste gases causes substantially increased air pollution. Moreover, it is often accompanied by loss of energy when the polluting element is a hydrocarbon. In such cases, the use of natural gas for processing industrial fumes by combustion provides an elegant solution, which moy often prove economical too becouse of the recovery of energy it makes possible. The first part of this article reviews the theoretical aspects of such processing. The way in which its effectiveness is affected by various parameters

  6. Les campagnes communautaires de promotion du depistage VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest : perceptions des usagers au Burkina Faso (United States)

    Desclaux, Alice; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Somé, Jean-François; Makhlouf-Obermeyer, Carla


    Résumé La politique actuelle de lutte contre le sida qui repose sur l’extension de l’accès aux traitements et à la prévention exige qu’une proportion élevée de la population connaisse son statut en matière de VIH. Pour cela, l’OMS a proposé le développement de stratégies communautaires délivrant le dépistage et le conseil au-delà des services de soins, comme le test à domicile ou les campagnes de sensibilisation et dépistage de grande envergure, appliqués en Afrique australe et de l’Est. Pour définir les stratégies pertinentes dans des régions de basse prévalence comme l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les expériences communautaires de promotion du dépistage doivent y être évaluées. Cet article présente une évaluation des campagnes au Burkina Faso du point de vue des usagers. Dans le cadre d’un projet sur les pratiques et l’éthique du dépistage dans quatre pays africains (MATCH), une enquête qualitative spécifique a été menée pendant la campagne de 2008, auprès de personnes ayant fait le test pendant la campagne, ayant fait le test hors campagne ou n’ayant pas fait le test. Les appréciations sont globalement très favorables aux campagnes, notamment à cause de l’information dispensée, l’accessibilité des sites, la gratuité du test, la qualité des services et l’effet d’entrainement. Les limites ou critiques sont essentiellement liées à l’affluence ou à la crainte de ne pas être soutenu en cas de résultat positif. La démarche de recours au test ne fait plus l’objet de suspicion, au moins pendant la campagne. Cette « normalisation » du recours au test et la mobilisation collective facilitent des pratiques en groupe, ce qui peut rendre difficile de garder son statut VIH secret. L’évaluation des campagnes par les usagers les présente comme une opportunité pour accéder facilement au test et pour communiquer à ce sujet dans divers espaces sociaux à partir des informations délivrées sur le VIH

  7. Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Au-based monolayer derivatives in honeycomb structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kapoor, Pooja, E-mail:; Sharma, Munish; Ahluwalia, P. K. [Physics Department, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India 171005 (India); Kumar, Ashok [Centre for Physical Sciences, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India, 151001 (India)


    We present electronic properties of atomic layer of Au, Au{sub 2}-N, Au{sub 2}-O and Au{sub 2}-F in graphene-like structure within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The lattice constant of derived monolayers are found to be higher than the pristine Au monolayer. Au monolayer is metallic in nature with quantum ballistic conductance calculated as 4G{sub 0}. Similarly, Au{sub 2}-N and Au{sub 2}-F monolayers show 4G{sub 0} and 2G{sub 0} quantum conductance respectively while semiconducting nature with calculated band gap of 0.28 eV has been observed for Au{sub 2}-O monolayer. Most interestingly, half metalicity has been predicted for Au{sub 2}-N and Au{sub 2}-F monolayers. Our findings may have importance for the application of these monolayers in nanoelectronic and spintronics.

  8. 102 La décoloration des rejets liquides de textile (noir de soufre) par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Résumé. Dans cette étude, nous nous intéressons au traitement d'un rejet de coloration de textile par voie ... L'industrie textile utilise environs 10 000 types de colorants, la ..... Electrochemical coagulation for textile effluent decolorization.

  9. Cancer de la Vessie au Togo : Aspects Diagnostiques Et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mots clés : cancer de la vessie, diagnostic, traitement ;. ABSTRACT. Cancer of the Bladder in Togo. Clinical and Management Aspects at the Teaching Hospital of Sylvanus Olympio. Objective: to describe the clinical and management features in patients followed for bladder cancer at the teaching hospital of Sylvanus ...

  10. Suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein (United States)

    Sisler, Jeffrey; Chaput, Geneviève; Sussman, Jonathan; Ozokwelu, Emmanuel


    Résumé Objectif Offrir aux médecins de famille un résumé des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes pour guider les soins aux survivantes traitées pour le cancer du sein. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE entre 2000 et 2016 à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, survivorship, follow-up care, aftercare, guidelines et survivorship care plans, en se concentrant sur la revue des lignes directrices publiées récemment par les organismes nationaux de cancérologie. Les données étaient de niveaux I à III. Message principal Les soins aux survivantes comportent 4 facettes : surveillance et dépistage, prise en charge des effets à long terme, promotion de la santé et coordination des soins. La surveillance des récidives ne se traduit que par une mammographie annuelle, et le dépistage d’autres cancers doit suivre les lignes directrices basées sur la population. La prise en charge des effets à long terme du cancer et de son traitement aborde des problèmes courants tels la douleur, la fatigue, le lymphœdème, la détresse et les effets indésirables des médicaments, de même que les préoccupations à long terme comme la santé du cœur et des os. La promotion de la santé met en relief les bienfaits de l’activité chez les survivantes du cancer, avec l’accent mis sur l’activité physique. Les soins aux survivantes sont de meilleure qualité lorsque divers services et professionnels de la santé participent aux soins, et le médecin de famille joue un rôle important dans la coordination des soins. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont de plus en plus souvent les principaux fournisseurs de soins de suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein. Le cancer du sein doit être considéré comme une affection médicale chronique, même chez les femmes en rémission, et les patientes profitent de la même approche que celle utilisée pour les autres affections chroniques en

  11. Incidence de la densite sur les performances de production, la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'étude montre l'incidence du facteur densités sur les résultats d'élevage, le rendement carcasse, la qualité organoleptique et le comportement de deux souches de poulets chair élevées au Bénin. Au total, 180 poulets de chair soit 90 poulets de chacune des souches Ross et Cobb 500 répartis en 4 traitements de trois ...

  12. Fabrication of Te and Te-Au Nanowires-Based Carbon Fiber Fabrics for Antibacterial Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ting-Mao Chou


    Full Text Available Pathogenic bacteria that give rise to diseases every year remain a major health concern. In recent years, tellurium-based nanomaterials have been approved as new and efficient antibacterial agents. In this paper, we developed the approach to directly grow tellurium nanowires (Te NWs onto commercial carbon fiber fabrics and demonstrated their antibacterial activity. Those Te NWs can serve as templates and reducing agents for gold nanoparticles (Au NPs to deposit. Three different Te-Au NWs with varied concentration of Au NPs were synthesized and showed superior antibacterial activity and biocompability. These results indicate that the as-prepared carbon fiber fabrics with Te and Te-Au NWs can become antimicrobial clothing products in the near future.

  13. High-p$_{T}$ Tomography of d+Au and Au+Au at SPS, RHIC, and LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Vitev, I; Vitev, Ivan; Gyulassy, Miklos


    The interplay of nuclear effects on the p_T > 2 GeV inclusive hadron spectra in d+Au and Au+Au reactions at root(s) = 17, 200, 5500 GeV is compared to leading order perturbative QCD calculations for elementary p+p (p-bar+p) collisions. The competition between nuclear shadowing, Cronin effect, and jet energy loss due to medium-induced gluon radiation is predicted to lead to a striking energy dependence of the nuclear suppression/enhancement pattern in A+A reactions. We show that future d+Au data can used to disentangle the initial and final state effects.

  14. Influence des traitements thermiques et de la microstructure sur les phénomènes de découplage dans les composés au bismuth (United States)

    Nicolas, M.; Guyen van Huong, C. N.; Burger, J. P.; Dubon, A.; Fitoussi, J. P.; Laval, J. Y.


    a.c. susceptibility measurements and 3D electronic microscopy observation were carried out on three Bi-compounds (2212 and 2223). Depending on the annealing conditions, one observes lamellar-type materials organized either in a more or less dense structure of fine particles or in very large slabs. The a.c. susceptibility signals allow to separate the intergranular from the intragranular effects. The combined results obtained by both techniques lead us to conclude that the intergranular and the intragranular decoupling, induced by magnetic fields are of same nature, i.e. occur at the (BiO)2 slab. Nous avons couplé des mesures de susceptibilité altemative et d'observation au microscope électronique en 3D sur trois échantillons supraconducteurs au bismuth (2212 et 2223). Selon les conditions de recuit, on observe des matériaux de type lamellaire, organisés soit en une structure plus ou moins dense de fines particules, soit en larges plaquettes. L'étude des signaux de susceptibilité alternative χ' et χ'' permet de séparer les effets intergranulaires des effets intragranulaires. les résultats combinés des deux techniques nous ont conduit à conclure que les deux types de découplage (inter et intragranulaires), induits par les champs magnétiques sont de même nature, c'est-à-dire se produisent au niveau des bicouches (BiO)2.

  15. Fabrication de transistors mono-electroniques en silicium pour le traitement classique et quantique de l'information: une approche nanodamascene (United States)

    Harvey-Collard, Patrick

    Les transistors mono-electroniques (SETs) sont des dispositifs ayant un grand potentiel d'applications, comme la detection de charge ultra-sensible, la logique a basse consommation de puissance, la memoire ou la metrologie. De plus, la possibilite de pieger un seul electron et de manipuler son etat de spin pourrait permettre des applications en informatique quantique. Le silicium est un materiau interessant pour fabriquer l'ilot d'un SET. Son gap semi-conducteur permet le fonctionnement du dispositif dans le regime a un seul electron ou trou et pourrait permettre d'etendre la plage d'operation du SET en temperature en augmentant l'energie d'addition du diamant central de la valeur du gap. En outre, le silicium beneficie de plus de quarante annees d'expertise en microfabrication et d'une compatibilite avec la technologie metal--oxyde--semi-conducteur complementaire (CMOS). Cependant, la fabrication de ces dispositifs fait face a de serieuses limitations a cause de la taille nanometrique requise pour l'ilot. A ce jour, les procedes de fabrication proposes permettant l'operation a la temperature ambiante sont trop peu reproductibles pour permettre des applications a grande echelle. Dans ce memoire de maitrise, la fabrication de transistors mono-electroniques en silicium (Si-SETs) pour le traitement classique et quantique de l'information est realisee avec un procede nanodamascene. Le polissage chimico-mecanique (CMP) est introduit comme etape clef de la fabrication du transistor, permettant le controle au nanometre pres (nanodamascene) de l'epaisseur du transistor. Cet outil permet la fabrication de dispositifs ayant une geometrie auparavant impossible a realiser et ouvre la porte a l'innovation technologique. De plus, un procede de gravure du silicium par plasma a couplage inductif (ICP) est developpe pour permettre la fabrication de nanostructures de silicium sur une nanotopographie alliant le nano et le 3D. Les Si-SETs fabriques sont caracterises a basse

  16. Efficient H2 production over Au/graphene/TiO2 induced by surface plasmon resonance of Au and band-gap excitation of TiO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Yang; Yu, Hongtao; Wang, Hua; Chen, Shuo; Quan, Xie


    Highlights: • Both surface plasmon resonance and band-gap excitation were used for H 2 production. • Au/Gr/TiO 2 composite photocatalyst was synthesized. • Au/Gr/TiO 2 exhibited enhancement of light absorption and charge separation. • H 2 production rate of Au/Gr/TiO 2 was about 2 times as high as that of Au/TiO 2 . - Abstract: H 2 production over Au/Gr/TiO 2 composite photocatalyst induced by surface plasmon resonance of Au and band-gap excitation of TiO 2 using graphene (Gr) as an electron acceptor has been investigated. Electron paramagnetic resonance study indicated that, in this composite, Gr collected electrons not only from Au with surface plasmon resonance but also from TiO 2 with band-gap excitation. Surface photovoltage and UV–vis absorption measurements revealed that compared with Au/TiO 2 , Au/Gr/TiO 2 displayed more effective photogenerated charge separation and higher optical absorption. Benefiting from these advantages, the H 2 production rate of Au/Gr/TiO 2 composite with Gr content of 1.0 wt% and Au content of 2.0 wt% was about 2 times as high as that of Au/TiO 2 . This work represents an important step toward the efficient application of both surface plasmon resonance and band-gap excitation on the way to converting solar light into chemical energy

  17. Local structure of disordered Au-Cu and Au-Ag alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frenkel, A. I.; Machavariani, V. Sh.; Rubshtein, A.; Rosenberg, Yu.; Voronel, A.; Stern, E. A.


    X-ray-absorption fine structure (XAFS) and x-ray-diffraction (XRD) measurements of disordered alloys Au x Cu 1-x and Au 0.5 Ag 0.5 prepared by melt spinning were performed. In the Au 0.5 Ag 0.5 alloy, no significant local deviations of the atoms from the average fcc lattice were detected while in Au x Cu 1-x alloys, significant deviations of atoms from the average fcc lattice were found. Mean-square vibrations of the Cu-Cu distances revealed by the XAFS in Au x Cu 1-x alloys indicate the weakening of contact between Cu atoms in the dilute limit. Our computer simulation for Au x Cu 1-x clusters of 10 5 atoms reproduces the main features of both the XAFS and XRD data

  18. ITO/Au/ITO sandwich structure for near-infrared plasmonics. (United States)

    Fang, Xu; Mak, Chee Leung; Dai, Jiyan; Li, Kan; Ye, Hui; Leung, Chi Wah


    ITO/Au/ITO trilayers with varying gold spacer layer thicknesses were deposited on glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Transmission electron microscopy measurements demonstrated the continuous nature of the Au layer down to 2.4 nm. XRD patterns clearly showed an enhanced crystallinity of the ITO films promoted by the insertion of the gold layer. Compared with a single layer of ITO with a carrier concentration of 7.12 × 10(20) cm(-3), the ITO/Au/ITO structure achieved an effective carrier concentration as high as 3.26 × 10(22) cm(-3). Transmittance and ellipsometry measurements showed that the optical properties of ITO/Au/ITO films were greatly influenced by the thickness of the inserted gold layer. The cross-point wavelength of the trilayer samples was reduced with increasing gold layer thickness. Importantly, the trilayer structure exhibited a reduced loss (compared with plain Au) in the near-infrared region, suggesting its potential for plasmonic applications in the near-infrared range.

  19. Nuclear spin of 185Au and hyperfine structure of 188Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekstroem, C.; Ingelman, S.; Wannberg, G.


    The nuclear spin of 185 Au, I = 5/2, and the hyperfine separation of 188 Au, Δγ = +- 2992(30) MHz, have been measured with the atomic-beam magnetic resonance method. The spin of 185 Au indicates a deformed nuclear shape in the ground state. The small magnetic moment of 188 Au is close in value to those of the heavier I = 1 gold isotopes 190 192 194 Au, being located in a typical transition region. (Auth.)

  20. Partially and fully de-alloyed glassy ribbons based on Au: Application in methanol electro-oxidation studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paschalidou, Eirini Maria, E-mail: [Dipartimento di Chimica e Centro Interdipartimentale NIS (Nanostructured Surfaces and Interfaces), Università di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 7, 10125, Torino (Italy); Scaglione, Federico [Dipartimento di Chimica e Centro Interdipartimentale NIS (Nanostructured Surfaces and Interfaces), Università di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 7, 10125, Torino (Italy); Gebert, Annett; Oswald, Steffen [Leibniz Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung IFW, Helmholtzstraße 20, 01069, Dresden (Germany); Rizzi, Paola; Battezzati, Livio [Dipartimento di Chimica e Centro Interdipartimentale NIS (Nanostructured Surfaces and Interfaces), Università di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 7, 10125, Torino (Italy)


    In this work, electrochemical de-alloying of an amorphous alloy, Au{sub 40}Cu{sub 28}Ag{sub 7}Pd{sub 5}Si{sub 20}, cast in ribbon form by melt spinning, has been performed, obtaining self standing nanoporous materials suitable for use as electrodes for electrocatalytic applications. The de-alloying encompasses removal of less noble elements and the crystallization of Au, resulting in interconnected ligaments whose size and morphology are described as a function of time. Depending on de-alloying time, the crystals may contain residual amounts of Cu, Ag and Pd, as shown by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) in a basic solution. Current density peaks in the 0.16–0.28 V range (vs Ag/AgCl) indicate that the porous ribbons are active for the electro-oxidation of methanol. The partially de-alloyed samples, which still partially contain the amorphous phase because of the shorter etching times, have finer ligaments and display peaks at lower potential. However, the current density decreases rapidly during repeated potential scans. This is attributed to the obstruction of Au sites, mainly by the Cu oxides formed during the scans. The fully de-alloyed ribbons display current peaks at about 0.20 V and remain active for hundreds of scans at more than 60% of the initial current density. They can be fully re-activated to achieve the same performance levels after a brief immersion in nitric acid. The good activity is due to trapped Ag and Pd atoms in combination with ligament morphology. - Graphical abstract: Fine ligaments and pores made by de-alloying a glassy ribbon of a Au-based alloy, homogeneously produced across the thickness (25 μm) for studying methanol's electro-oxidation behavior. - Highlights: • Size and composition of nanoporous layers tailored in de-alloying Au-based glassy ribbons. • From amorphous precursor fine crystals occur in ligaments with residual Pd and Ag. • Fully de

  1. Complete Au@ZnO core-shell nanoparticles with enhanced plasmonic absorption enabling significantly improved photocatalysis (United States)

    Sun, Yiqiang; Sun, Yugang; Zhang, Tao; Chen, Guozhu; Zhang, Fengshou; Liu, Dilong; Cai, Weiping; Li, Yue; Yang, Xianfeng; Li, Cuncheng


    Nanostructured ZnO exhibits high chemical stability and unique optical properties, representing a promising candidate among photocatalysts in the field of environmental remediation and solar energy conversion. However, ZnO only absorbs the UV light, which accounts for less than 5% of total solar irradiation, significantly limiting its applications. In this article, we report a facile and efficient approach to overcome the poor wettability between ZnO and Au by carefully modulating the surface charge density on Au nanoparticles (NPs), enabling rapid synthesis of Au@ZnO core-shell NPs at room temperature. The resulting Au@ZnO core-shell NPs exhibit a significantly enhanced plasmonic absorption in the visible range due to the Au NP cores. They also show a significantly improved photocatalytic performance in comparison with their single-component counterparts, i.e., the Au NPs and ZnO NPs. Moreover, the high catalytic activity of the as-synthesized Au@ZnO core-shell NPs can be maintained even after many cycles of photocatalytic reaction. Our results shed light on the fact that the Au@ZnO core-shell NPs represent a promising class of candidates for applications in plasmonics, surface-enhanced spectroscopy, light harvest devices, solar energy conversion, and degradation of organic pollutants.Nanostructured ZnO exhibits high chemical stability and unique optical properties, representing a promising candidate among photocatalysts in the field of environmental remediation and solar energy conversion. However, ZnO only absorbs the UV light, which accounts for less than 5% of total solar irradiation, significantly limiting its applications. In this article, we report a facile and efficient approach to overcome the poor wettability between ZnO and Au by carefully modulating the surface charge density on Au nanoparticles (NPs), enabling rapid synthesis of Au@ZnO core-shell NPs at room temperature. The resulting Au@ZnO core-shell NPs exhibit a significantly enhanced plasmonic

  2. Evidence of final-state suppression of high-p{_ T} hadrons in Au + Au collisions using d + Au measurements at RHIC (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Becker, B.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harrington, A. S.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.; Zhang, J.

    Transverse momentum spectra of charged hadrons with pT 2 GeV/c). In contrast, the d + Au nuclear modification factor exhibits no suppression of the high-pT yields. These measurements suggest a large energy loss of the high-pT particles in the highly interacting medium created in the central Au + Au collisions. The lack of suppression in d + Au collisions suggests that it is unlikely that initial state effects can explain the suppression in the central Au + Au collisions. PACS: 25.75.-q

  3. High stability of the goldalloy fullerenes: A density functional theory investigation of M12@Au20 (M = Na, Al, Ag, Sc, Y, La, Lu, and Au) clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Meng; Feng Xiao-Juan; Zhao Li-Xia; Zhang Hong-Yu; Luo You-Hua


    Discovering highly stable metal fullerenes such as the celebrated C 60 is interesting in cluster science as they have potential applications as building blocks in new nanostructures. We here investigated the structural and electronic properties of the fullerenes M 12 @Au 20 (M = Na, Al, Ag, Sc, Y, La, Lu, and Au), using a first-principles investigation with the density functional theory. It is found that these compound clusters possess a similar cage structure to the icosahedral Au 32 fullerene. La 12 @Au 20 is found to be particularly stable among these clusters. The binding energy of La 12 @Au 20 is 3.43 eV per atom, 1.05 eV larger than that in Au 32 . The highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO-LUMO) gap of La 12 @Au 20 is only 0.31 eV, suggesting that it should be relatively chemically reactive. (condensed matter: structural, mechanical, and thermal properties)

  4. Mot-croisé : Trafic.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacques Virchaux


    Full Text Available   Le point de vue de l’informatique. Le trafic est constitué des éléments d'informations qui circulent entre deux équipements — typiquement un ordinateur et un serveur — par l'intermédiaire du réseau. Ces informations sont structurées selon des protocoles pour permettre un dialogue harmonieux et ne pas se perdre. Elles sont organisées en différentes couches pour leur traitement jusqu'au niveau d'une application, seul résultat intéressant en fin de compte ...

  5. Comparative efficiencies of photothermal destruction of malignant cells using antibody-coated silica-Au nanoshells, hollow Au/Ag nanospheres and Au nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheng, Fong-Yu; Chen, Chen-Tai; Yeh, Chen-Sheng, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan (China)


    Three Au-based nanomaterials (silica-Au nanoshells, hollow Au/Ag nanospheres and Au nanorods) were evaluated for their comparative photothermal efficiencies at killing three types of malignant cells (A549 lung cancer cells, HeLa cervix cancer cells and TCC bladder cancer cells) using a CW NIR laser. Photodestructive efficiency was evaluated as a function of the number of nanoparticles required to destroy the cancer cells under 808 nm laser wavelength at fixed laser power. Of the three nanomaterials, silica/Au nanoshells needed the minimum number of particles to produce effective photodestruction, whereas Au nanorods needed the largest number of particles. Together with the calculated photothermal conversion efficiency, the photothermal efficiency rankings are silica-Au nanoshells > hollow Au/Ag nanospheres > Au nanorods. Additionally, we found that HeLa cells seem to present better heat tolerance than the other two cancer cell lines.

  6. Developpement d'une methode de Monte Carlo dependante du temps et application au reacteur de type CANDU-6 (United States)

    Mahjoub, Mehdi

    CANDU-6. Les sections efficaces dependantes du temps ont ete par la suite utilisees dans un calcul de diffusion espace-temps pour un reacteur CANDU-6 subissant un accident de type LOCA affectant la moitie du coeur afin d'observer son comportement durant toutes les phases de la perturbation. Dans la phase de developpement, nous avons choisi de demarrer avec le code OpenMC, developpe au MIT,comme plateforme initiale de developpement. L'introduction et le traitement des neutrons retardes durant la simulation ont presente un grand defi a surmonter. Il est important de noter que le code developpe utilisant la methode Monte Carlo peut etre utilise a grande echelle pour la simulation de tous les types des reacteurs nucleaires si les supports informatiques sont disponibles.

  7. Les frameworks au coeur des applications web


    Moro, Arielle; Daehne, Peter


    Depuis quelques années, Internet est vraiment entré dans les mœurs : tant dans les entreprises qu’au sein de chaque foyer. En effet, Internet permet de communiquer à travers le monde en quelques secondes, de vendre toute sorte de produits en déployant des solutions e-commerce facilement et bien d’autres choses. Internet est donc un véritable vecteur de communication, de commerce et à présent, avec le Web 2.0, un vrai berceau d’informations (tant des informations personnelles que des informati...

  8. Technical and Economic Problems Associated with the Development of Methods of Processing and Using Radioactive Waste; Problemes techniques et economiques lies au developpement des methodes de traitement et d'utilisation des dechets radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thiriet, L; Sauteron, J; Oger, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-Aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The paper briefly reviews the various techniques used in processing the radioactive wastes which unavoidably result from the generation of electric power from nuclear sources. The paper goes on to define the relative importance, in nuclear fuel cycles, of the problem raised by these wastes. Emphasis is placed on the economic influence of management policies on the cost of power generation, and hence on the relative position of nuclear energy. A substantial percentage of these wastes can be economically utilized. Attention is drawn to the major technical and economic features of the industry which will come into being as a result of this utilization. The major uses anticipated are discussed: radiation sources, heat sources, auxiliary power generation. The paper concludes that satisfactory solutions have already been found to these problems, and describes possible improvements. (author) [French] La communication rappelle d'abord succinctement les differentes techniques de traitement des dechets radioactifs resultant necessairement de la production d'electricite d'origine nucleaire. On situe ensuite l'importance du probleme pose par ces residus dans le cycle du combustible nucleaire. On fait ressortir l'influence economique du choix des methodes de gestion sur le cout de production de l'energie, et par consequent sur la place devolue a l'energie nucleaire. Une part importante de ces dechets peut faire l'objet d'une utilisation rentable de l'industrie qui naitra de cette utilisation. Les principales applications envisagees sont evoquees: sources d'irradiation, sources chauffantes, generateurs auxiliaires d'energie. On conclut que d'ores et deja des solutions satisfaisantes ont ete apportees a ces problemes, et l'on decrit les perspectives d'amelioration concevables. (auteur)

  9. Spherical and polygonal shape of Au nanoparticles coated functionalized polymer microspheres

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Ting; Li, Yingzhi; Zhang, Junxian; Qi, Yalong; Zhao, Xin; Zhang, Qinghua, E-mail:


    Highlights: • PS/PPy with well-defined core/shell structures was prepared in aqueous solution. • Au NPs were coated on PS/PPy by the fixation and continuous growth process. • Mercapto-groups played a role in the number and morphology of Au shell. • PS/PPy/Au had homogeneous and dense Au coatings with different shape. - Abstract: Uniform polystyrene (PS)/polypyrrole (PPy) composite microspheres with well-defined core/shell structures are synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization. Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) are successfully coated on the surface of PS/PPy microspheres by means of electrostatic interactions due to the functionalized PPy coatings supplying sufficient amino groups and the additive of mercapto acetic acid. Furthermore, the as-prepared PS/PPy/Au microspheres serving as seeds facilitate Au NPs further growth by in situ reduction in HAuCl{sub 4} solution to obtain PS/PPy/Au spheres with the core/shell/shell structure. Morphology observation demonstrates that the monodisperse PS/PPy/Au microspheres compose of uniform cores and the compact coatings containing distinct two layers. X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscope confirm the existence of PPy and Au on the surface of the composite spheres. This facile approach to preparing metal-coated polymer spheres supplies the potential applications in biosensors, electronics and medical diagnosis.

  10. Synthesis of nir-sensitive Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids for drug delivery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ren, L.; Chow, G.M


    Near IR (NIR) sensitive Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids were prepared by mixing HAuCl{sub 4} and Na{sub 2}S in aqueous solutions. An anti-tumor drug, cis-platin, was adsorbed onto Au-Au{sub 2}S nanoparticle surface via the 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) layers. The results show that the degree of adsorption of cis-platin onto Au-Au{sub 2}S nanoparticles was controlled by the solution pH value, and the drug release was sensitive to near-infrared irradiation. The cis-platin-loaded Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids can be potentially applied as NIR activated drug delivery carrier.

  11. Soldiers in Cold Environments (Soldats en environnements froids) (United States)


    survie par temps froid et en eau froide pour l’essai de divers ensembles d’habillement ; d) envisager l’adoption du procédé d’Ulm pour le traitement des...vêtements d’hiver ; • Les expériences de laboratoire en air froid et sur la morsure du gel; • La modélisation de la survie en eau froide et en air froid...normalisés au sein des pays de l’OTAN ; b) développer un protocole commun pour le traitement de l’hypothermie; c) développer un modèle de prévision de

  12. Impact of Emerging NDE-NDI Methods on Aircraft Design, Manufacture and Maintenance (L’Impact des Nouvelles Methodes d’Examen Non Destructif et de Controle Non Destructif (NDE-NDI) sur la Conception, la Fabrication et la Maintenance des Aeronefs) (United States)


    canique et refroidissenent A eau p1Ilot6 par l’autanate de la crmande nun~rIque. - Le banc est tout A fait compatible avec un syst~me d’analyse...SAPIR est un syst~me de traitement et de restitution d’irnages, i1 assure la nun~risation sur 12 bits (512 points par ligne) des signaux requs des...avant ou aprbs le traitement . Lc SAPIR est cmnand6 et configurA par l’utilisateur au moyen d’un terminal de dialogue, et est pourvu d’une liaison rapide

  13. Spectroscopically forbidden infra-red emission in Au-vertical graphene hybrid nanostructures (United States)

    Sivadasan, A. K.; Parida, Santanu; Ghosh, Subrata; Pandian, Ramanathaswamy; Dhara, Sandip


    Implementation of Au nanoparticles (NPs) is a subject for frontier plasmonic research due to its fascinating optical properties. Herein, the present study deals with plasmonic assisted emission properties of Au NPs-vertical graphene (VG) hybrid nanostructures. The influence of effective polarizability of Au NPs on the surface enhanced Raman scattering and luminescence properties is investigated. In addition, a remarkable infra-red emission in the hybrid nanostructures is observed and interpreted on the basis of intra-band transitions in Au NPs. The flake-like nanoporous VG structure is invoked for the generation of additional confined photons to impart additional momentum and a gradient of confined excitation energy towards initiating the intra-band transitions of Au NPs. Integrating Au plasmonic materials in three-dimensional VG nanostructures enhances the light-matter interactions. The present study provides a new adaptable plasmonic assisted pathway for optoelectronic and sensing applications.

  14. Characterization of self-assembled electrodes based on Au-Pt nanoparticles for PEMFC application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valenzuela, E. [Politecnica Univ. de Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (Mexico). Energia y Sustentabilidad; Sebastian, P.J. [Politecnica Univ. de Chiapas, Chiapas (Mexico). Energia y Sustentabilidad; Centro de Investigacion en Energia, UNAM, Morelos (Mexico); Gamboa, S.A. [Centro de Investigacion en Energia, UNAM, Morelos (Mexico); Pal, U. [Inst. de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla Univ., Puebla (Mexico). Inst. de Fisica; Gonzalez, I. [Autonoma Metropolitana Univ. (Mexico). Dept. de Quimica


    This paper reported on a study in which membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) were fabricated by depositing Au, Pt and AuPt nanoparticles on Nafion 115 membrane for use in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). A Rotating Disc Electrode (RDE) was used to measure the nanoparticle catalyst activity. After deposition of the nanoparticles on the membrane, the surface was studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The membrane proton conduction process was studied by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) with the 4 probe technique. The MEAs fabricated with Nafion/Metal membranes were evaluated in a PEMFC under standard conditions. Colloidal solutions were used to prepare self-assembled electrodes with nanoparticles deposited on Nafion membrane. The particles deposited on Nafion showed good stability and had homogeneous distribution along the membrane surface. The impedance results revealed an increase in the membrane proton resistance of the self-assembled electrodes compared to unmodified Nafion. The Au-Pt nanoparticles were obtained by chemical reduction. The nanoparticle size in the three systems was about 2 nm. The self-assembled electrodes performed well in standard conditions. The optimum colloidal concentration and immersion time must be determined in order to obtain good catalytic activity and high membrane conductance. The self-assembled Nafion/AuPt had the best open circuit potential (887 mV). The Au and Pt self-assemblies showed a similar performance in terms of maximum power and maximum current density. The performance of the Nafion/Au self-assembly was influenced more by ohmic losses, particularly in the membrane. The maximum power generation was obtained at 0.35 V. The mass transport losses increased after this value, thereby affecting the efficiency of the PEMFC. 2 figs.

  15. English for au pairs the au pair's guide to learning English

    CERN Document Server

    Curtis, Lucy


    English for Au Pairs has interlinked stories about a group of au pairs new to England. Marta, an 18-year-old from Poland arrives in the UK to work as an au pair. Throughout her year-long stay she has many different experiences - some bad, some good - but with the support of her host family she finds new friends and improves her English. English for Au Pairs offers insight into the joys and difficulties of being an au pair while at the same time reinforcing English language learning through grammar explanations and exercises.

  16. A general and high-yield galvanic displacement approach to Au-M (M = Au, Pd, and Pt) core-shell nanostructures with porous shells and enhanced electrocatalytic performances. (United States)

    Kuai, Long; Geng, Baoyou; Wang, Shaozhen; Sang, Yan


    In this work, we utilize the galvanic displacement synthesis and make it a general and efficient method for the preparation of Au-M (M = Au, Pd, and Pt) core-shell nanostructures with porous shells, which consist of multilayer nanoparticles. The method is generally applicable to the preparation of Au-Au, Au-Pd, and Au-Pt core-shell nanostructures with typical porous shells. Moreover, the Au-Au isomeric core-shell nanostructure is reported for the first time. The lower oxidation states of Au(I), Pd(II), and Pt(II) are supposed to contribute to the formation of porous core-shell nanostructures instead of yolk-shell nanostructures. The electrocatalytic ethanol oxidation and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) performance of porous Au-Pd core-shell nanostructures are assessed as a typical example for the investigation of the advantages of the obtained core-shell nanostructures. As expected, the Au-Pd core-shell nanostructure indeed exhibits a significantly reduced overpotential (the peak potential is shifted in the positive direction by 44 mV and 32 mV), a much improved CO tolerance (I(f)/I(b) is 3.6 and 1.63 times higher), and an enhanced catalytic stability in comparison with Pd nanoparticles and Pt/C catalysts. Thus, porous Au-M (M = Au, Pd, and Pt) core-shell nanostructures may provide many opportunities in the fields of organic catalysis, direct alcohol fuel cells, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, and so forth. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Electron diffraction on amorphous and crystalline AuAl2 , AuGa2 and AuIn2 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohorquez, A.


    Experimental (in situ) measurements of electron diffraction and resistivity of amorphous and crystalline AuAl 2 , AuGa 2 and AuIn 2 thin films were performed. Thin films were produced by quench condensation. Interference and atomic distribution functions were analyzed assuming the same short range order for the three systems in the amorphous phase. The experimental results do not agree with this assumption, giving evidence that the short range order is not the same for the three amorphous systems. Further discussion of interference and atomic distribution functions shows a more evident tendency in amorphous AuIn 2 where short order of AuIn 2 and In can be inferred. (Author)

  18. Pratique de la science sociale au maghreb: l'approche intercontextuelle de la modernité

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Z. Samandi


    Full Text Available L'étude pose le problème du statut scientifique de la pratique du chercheur en science sociale dans les contextes non producteurs de savoir. Comment opérer avec des formes de savoir produites ailleurs? Telle est la question que nous avons essayé de décrypter à travers les débats développés, d'une part par les sociologues arabes et, d'autre part l'approche mise en œuvre par Arkoun, Djaït et El Jabri dans leur analyse des réalités arabo-musulmanes. Le traitement de la raison tel qu'il se donne à voir à travers les démarches examinées met au jour la pertinence de la médiation contextuelle qui ne peut se réduire à un simple transfert des outils d'analyse. L'intercontextualité comme pratique est de la sorte induite par le travers de décontextualisation-recontextualisation opéré à l'intérieur du champ de la recherche. Elle est inscrite en creux dans l'exercice d'analyse et se présente à la fois comme dimension épistémologique et herméneutique.

  19. Abstract Résumé

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Integrating strong counselling support with ART provision helped channel the power of shared illness experience into ... le diagnostic du VIH et en l'importance d'adhérer au traitement. La majorité ..... the matter: It is like I am in prison. The virus ...

  20. Facile Synthesis of Au Nanocube-CdS Core-Shell Nanocomposites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity (United States)

    Liu, Xiao-Li; Liang, Shan; Li, Min; Yu, Xue-Feng; Zhou, Li; Wang, Qu-Qua


    Au nanocube-CdS core-shell nanocomposites are prepared by using a one-pot method in aqueous phase with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as the surfactant. The extinction properties and photocatalytic activity of Au-CdS nanocomposites are investigated. Compared with the pure Au nanocubes, the Au-CdS nanocomposites exhibit enhanced extinction intensity. Compared with CdS nanoparticles, the Au-CdS nanocomposites exhibit improved photocatalytic activity. Furthermore, the photocatalytic efficiency is even better with the increase in the core size of the Au-CdS nanocomposites. Typically, the photocatalytic efficiency of the Au-CdS with 62 nm sized Au nanocubes is about two times higher than that of the pure CdS. It is believed that the Au-CdS nanocomposites may find potential applications in environmental fields, and this synthesis method can be extended to prepare a wide variety of functional composites with Au cores.

  1. Dosage of fission products in irradiated fuel treatment effluents (radio-chemical method); Dosage des produits de fission dans les effluents du traitement des combustibles irradies (methode radiochimique)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auchapt, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The dosage methods presented here are applicable to relatively long-lived fission products present in the effluents resulting from irradiated fuel treatment processes (Sr - Cs - Ce - Zr - Nb - Ru - I). The methods are based on the same principle: - addition of a carrying-over agent - chemical separation over several purification stages, - determination of the chemical yield by calorimetry - counting of an aliquot liquid portion. (author) [French] Les methodes de dosage presentees concernent les produits de fission a vie relativement longue presents dans les effluents de traitement des combustibles irradies (Sr - Cs - Ce - Zr - Nb - Ru - I). Elles sont toutes basees sur le meme principe: - addition d'entraineur, - separation chimique en plusieurs stades de purification, - determination du rendement chimique par calorimetrie, - comptage d'une aliquote liquide. (auteur)

  2. Caractérisation et tests de traitement des déchets ménagers et boues de vidange par voie anaérobie et compostage pour la ville de Kinshas


    Mindele Ukondalemba, Léonard


    Dans les pays en développement (PED) en général et en République Démocratique du Congo en particulier, la problématique de l’assainissement (eaux usées et des déchets solides) constitue un enjeu majeur pour les spécialistes et les autorités locales. Cette thèse a comme objectif général de faire une évaluation de l’état des lieux et de dégager des pistes possibles de traitements des déchets solides et liquides en vue de protéger les populations et de s’orienter vers des traitements qui res...

  3. Theoretical prediction of thermodynamic activities of liquid Au-Sn-X (X=Bi, Sb, Zn) solder systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Awe, O.E., E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan (Nigeria); Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (Nigeria); Oshakuade, O.M. [Department of Physics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan (Nigeria)


    Molecular interaction volume model has been theoretically used to predict the thermodynamic activities of tin in Au-Sn-Bi and Au-Sn-Sb and the thermodynamic activity of zinc in Au-Sn-Zn at experimental temperatures 800 K, 873 K and 973 K, respectively. On the premise of agreement between the predicted and experimental values, we predicted the activities of the remaining two components in each of the three systems. This prediction was extended from three cross-sections to five cross-sections, and to temperature range 400–600 K, relevant for applications. Iso-activities were plotted. Results show that addition of tin reduces the tendency for chemical short range order in both Au-Sb and Au-Zn systems, while addition of gold and bismuth, respectively, reduce the tendency for chemical short range order in Sn-Sb and Au-Sn systems. Also, we found that, in the desired high-temperature region for applications, while a combination of chemical order and miscibility of components exist in both Au-Sn-Bi and Au-Sn-Zn systems, only chemical order exist in the Au-Sn-Sb system. Results, further show that increase in temperature reduces the phase separation tendency in Au-Sn-Bi system.

  4. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with Au-nanoparticle substrate fabricated by using femtosecond pulse (United States)

    Zhang, Wending; Li, Cheng; Gao, Kun; Lu, Fanfan; Liu, Min; Li, Xin; Zhang, Lu; Mao, Dong; Gao, Feng; Huang, Ligang; Mei, Ting; Zhao, Jianlin


    Au-nanoparticle (Au-NP) substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) were fabricated by grid-like scanning a Au-film using a femtosecond pulse. The Au-NPs were directly deposited on the Au-film surface due to the scanning process. The experimentally obtained Au-NPs presented local surface plasmon resonance effect in the visible spectral range, as verified by finite difference time domain simulations and measured reflection spectrum. The SERS experiment using the Au-NP substrates exhibited high activity and excellent substrate reproducibility and stability, and a clearly present Raman spectra of target analytes, e.g. Rhodamine-6G, Rhodamine-B and Malachite green, with concentrations down to 10‑9 M. This work presents an effective approach to producing Au-NP SERS substrates with advantages in activity, reproducibility and stability, which could be used in a wide variety of practical applications for trace amount detection.

  5. Coinfection pulmonaire par pneumocystis jirovecii et pseudomonas aeruginosa au cours du SIDA: à propos de deux cas (United States)

    Mamoudou, Savadogo; Bellaud, Guillaume; Ana, Canestri; Gilles, Pialoux


    Rapporter deux cas cliniques de coinfections pulmonaires par Pneumocystis jirovecii et par Pseudomonas aeruginosa chez des patients vivant avec le VIH. Les deux patients étaient âgés respectivement de 32 ans et 46 ans. Un patient a été pris en charge à l'hôpital Yalgado Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso et l'autre a été pris en charge à l'hôpital Ténon de Paris, en France. Les deux souffraient de pneumopathie confirmée à la radiographie et à la tomodensitométrie. L'un des patients était sévèrement immuno déprimé, contrairement à l'autre. L'examen bactériologique dans les crachats avait permis d'isoler Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Pneumocystis jirovecii chez les deux patients. Sous traitement, l’évolution a été favorable. Les coinfections morbides sont relativement fréquentes chez les patients vivant avec le VIH. Devant une symptomatologie respiratoire du sujet vivant avec le VIH, il faut savoir rechercher en plus du Bacille de Koch, Pneumocystis jirovecii et Pseudomonas aeruginosa par un lavage broncho alvéolaire. PMID:26516396

  6. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR (United States)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Bai, X.; Bairathi, V.; Banerjee, A.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Bouchet, J.; Brandenburg, D.; Brandin, A. V.; Bunzarov, I.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Campbell, J. M.; Cebra, D.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chakaberia, I.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, J. H.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Christie, W.; Contin, G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, S.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Esha, R.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Federic, P.; Fedorisin, J.; Feng, Z.; Filip, P.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Fulek, L.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, S.; Gupta, A.; Guryn, W.; Hamad, A.; Hamed, A.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; He, L.; Heppelmann, S.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, T.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Jia, J.; Jiang, K.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikoła, D. P.; Kisiel, A.; Kochenda, L.; Koetke, D. D.; Kosarzewski, L. K.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kumar, L.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; Li, X.; Li, W.; Li, Z. M.; Li, Y.; Li, C.; Li, X.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Ma, R.; Ma, L.; Magdy, N.; Majka, R.; Manion, A.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; Meehan, K.; Mei, J. C.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mishra, D.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Niida, T.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Okorokov, V.; Olvitt, D.; Page, B. S.; Pak, R.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peterson, A.; Pile, P.; Pluta, J.; Poniatowska, K.; Porter, J.; Posik, M.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Sharma, M. K.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Sikora, R.; Simko, M.; Singha, S.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, N.; Smirnov, D.; Song, L.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stepanov, M.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Summa, B.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, X.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Tawfik, A.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Todoroki, T.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Tripathy, S. K.; Tsai, O. D.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Upsal, I.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Varma, R.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S. A.; Vossen, A.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, F.; Wang, H.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Wen, L.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Wu; Xiao, Z. G.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, Z.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y. F.; Xu, N.; Yang, S.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Q.; Yang, Y.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, L.; Zhu, X.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.


    The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au + Au and minimum-bias d + Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au + Au data with respect to the d + Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons) are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.

  7. Processing of wastewaters of column bases of the C.E.B. uranium-thorianite plant; Traitement des eaux residuaires des pieds de colonne de l'usine d'urano-thorianite du C.E.B.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cohen, P.; Wormser, G.


    teneur en plomb de la solution residuaire etait suffisante pour entrainer efficacement le radium avec un precipite de sulfate de plomb, et qu'une decontamination complementaire, par precipitation d'hydroxydes au moyen de soude ou carbonate de soude, pouvait etre obtenue. Au lieu de faire une etude systematique sur un prelevement donne (dont les resultats auraient ete difficilement exploitables, d'une part parce que le prelevement aurait ete fait durant une periode de rodage de l'usine uranothorianite et, d'autre part, a cause du changement de la composition radio-chimique du prelevement stocke, 'vieillissement' de la solution au cours de la duree des essais), nous avons prefere preciser les points essentiels du traitement sur des prelevement bi-hebdomadaires effectues au cours de l'annee 1957. Les resultats des essais indiquent qu'on a interet a proceder a une filtration intermediaire du sulfate de plomb, puis a faire sur le filtrat une epuration complementaire; dans ce cas, le facteur de decontamination final est multiplie par 10 et le radium est recupere dans un precipite de faible volume non souille d'hydroxydes. Nous avons ete conduits a proposer le mode operatoire suivant: - adduction de 60 g de SO{sub 4}Na{sub 2}, 10 H{sub 2}O par litre de solution, - agitation d'une heure puis separation du precipite, - neutralisation par le CO{sub 3}Na{sub 2} jusqu'a pH = 7 L'adduction simultanee de 20 g de nitrate de baryum par litre de solution durant la seconde precipitation a ameliore la decontamination du radium d'un facteur 2 sur les prelevements essayes. Les resultats des essais sont consignes dans la seconde partie de ce rapport tandis que dans la premiere partie sont precisees les methodes de mesure utilisees pour la determination des α totaux et du radium dans des solutions fortement chargees en sels. (auteurs)

  8. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au+Au and d+Au collisions at STAR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Adamczyk


    Full Text Available The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au+Au and minimum-bias d+Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au+Au data with respect to the d+Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.

  9. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamczyk, L; Adkins, JK; Agakishiev, G; Aggarwal, MM; Ahammed, Z; Alekseev, I; Aparin, A; Arkhipkin, D; Aschenauer, EC; Averichev, GS; Bai, X; Bairathi, V; Banerjee, A; Bellwied, R; Bhasin, A; Bhati, AK; Bhattarai, P; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, LC; Bordyuzhin, IG; Bouchet, J; Brandenburg, D; Brandin, AV; Bunzarov, I; Butterworth, J; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Campbell, JM; Cebra, D; Cervantes, MC; Chakaberia, I; Chaloupka, P; Chang, Z; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, X; Chen, JH; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Christie, W; Contin, G; Crawford, HJ; Das, S; De Silva, LC; Debbe, RR; Dedovich, TG; Deng, J; Derevschikov, AA; di Ruzza, B; Didenko, L; Dilks, C; Dong, X; Drachenberg, JL; Draper, JE; Du, CM; Dunkelberger, LE; Dunlop, JC; Efimov, LG; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Esha, R; Evdokimov, O; Eyser, O; Fatemi, R; Fazio, S; Federic, P; Fedorisin, J; Feng, Z; Filip, P; Fisyak, Y; Flores, CE; Fulek, L; Gagliardi, CA; Garand, D; Geurts, F; Gibson, A; Girard, M; Greiner, L; Grosnick, D; Gunarathne, DS; Guo, Y; Gupta, S; Gupta, A; Guryn, W; Hamad, A; Hamed, A; Haque, R; Harris, JW; He, L; Heppelmann, S; Heppelmann, S; Hirsch, A; Hoffmann, GW; Hofman, DJ; Horvat, S; Huang, T; Huang, B; Huang, HZ; Huang, X; Huck, P


    The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au + Au and minimum-bias d + Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au + Au data with respect to the d + Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons) are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.

  10. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation de l'activite antihyperglycemiante de Holarrhena africana, Strophantus hispidus Et Bridelia ferruginea, plantes utilisees dans le traitement du diabete en medecine traditionnelle au Togo Abstract · Vol 17, No 1 (2015) - Articles Distribution et utilites des mauvaises herbes des champs de cultures du campus ...

  11. Stability, structural and electronic properties of benzene molecule adsorbed on free standing Au layer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katoch, Neha, E-mail:; Kapoor, Pooja; Sharma, Munish; Ahluwalia, P. K. [Physics Department, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India 171005 (India); Kumar, Ashok [Center for Physical Sciences, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India, 151001 (India)


    We report stability and electronic properties of benzene molecule adsorbed on the Au atomic layer within the framework of density function theory (DFT). Horizontal configuration of benzene on the top site of Au monolayer prefers energetically over other studied configurations. On the adsorption of benzene, the ballistic conductance of Au monolayer is found to decrease from 4G{sub 0} to 2G{sub 0} suggesting its applications for the fabrications of organic sensor devices based on the Au atomic layers.

  12. Rapid synthesis and characterization of hybrid ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods for high performance, low temperature NO{sub 2} gas sensor applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ponnuvelu, Dinesh Veeran [Nanosensor Laboratory, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore 641 004 (India); Pullithadathil, Biji, E-mail: [Nanosensor Laboratory, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore 641 004 (India); Prasad, Arun K.; Dhara, Sandip [Surface and Nanoscience Division, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam (India); Ashok, Anuradha [Nanosensor Laboratory, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore 641 004 (India); Mohamed, Kamruddin; Tyagi, Ashok Kumar [Surface and Nanoscience Division, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam (India); Raj, Baldev [Nanosensor Laboratory, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore 641 004 (India)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Hybrid ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods were developed using rapid chemical method that can be used as a high performance, low temperature NO{sub 2} gas sensor. • Surface defect analysis (PL and XPS) clearly illustrates the presence of surface oxygen species and Zn interstitials involved in charge transport properties in-turn affecting gas sensing properties. • Hybrid ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods establish enhanced gas sensing performance at 150 °C compared to ZnO (300 °C) with a lower detection limit of 500 ppb using conventional electrodes. • The enhanced performance of ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods based sensor was owing to the presence of Au nanoclusters on the surface of ZnO nanorods which is attributed to the formation of Schottky contacts at the interfaces leading to sensitization effects. • The hybrid material found to be selective toward NO{sub 2} gas and highly stable in nature. - Abstract: A rapid synthesis route for hybrid ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods has been realized for ultrasensitive, trace-level NO{sub 2} gas sensor applications. ZnO nanorods and hybrid ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods are structurally analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Optical characterization using UV–visible (UV–vis), photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopies elucidate alteration in the percentage of defect and charge transport properties of ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods. The study reveals the accumulation of electrons at metal–semiconductor junctions leading to upward band bending for ZnO and thus favors direct electron transfer from ZnO to Au nanoclusters, which mitigates charge carrier recombination process. The operating temperature of ZnO@Au core–shell nanorods based sensor significantly decreased to 150 °C compared to alternate NO{sub 2} sensors (300 °C). Moreover, a linear sensor response in the range of 0.5–5

  13. Développement de la mémoire de travail et traitement des phrases complexes : Quelle relation ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frauenfelder Ulrich


    Full Text Available La complexité syntaxique d’une phrase en langage oral peut se caractériser par le nombre et la nature des opérations syntaxiques nécessaires à son élaboration, et notamment par la profondeur de son enchâssement. Cette complexité influence l’âge d’acquisition des différentes structures syntaxiques, les énoncés les plus complexes étant maîtrisés plus tardivement par l’enfant. Certains auteurs attribuent cette acquisition de la syntaxe complexe à des contraintes développementales externes au système linguistique lui-même et notamment à des limitations dans les capacités de mémoire de travail (Jakubowicz, 2007. Ainsi, le traitement d’une phrase complexe engendrerait un coût cognitif important et constituerait une surcharge pour des capacités de mémoire de travail davantage limitées chez le jeune enfant. La maturation normale de ce système mnémonique permettrait ensuite à l’enfant de comprendre et de produire des énoncés de plus en plus complexes. La présente recherche a pour objectif d’éclaircir les liens entre le développement de la mémoire de travail et le traitement des phrases complexes chez l’enfant tout-venant âgé de 5 à 12 ans. Suivant le modèle de la mémoire de travail de Baddeley & Hitch (1986 et les travaux de Barrouillet & Camos (2001, 2007, nous avons appréhendé les compétences de la boucle phonologique via des épreuves d’empans simples (empan direct de chiffres, répétition de mots et de pseudo-mots et la mémoire de travail verbale via des tâches d’empans complexes (empan indirect de chiffres, counting span et running span. Les habiletés syntaxiques des enfants ont été évaluées en compréhension et en répétition d’énoncés complexes. Une analyse d’échantillons de langage spontané a enfin permis de récolter les données liées à l’utilisation de la syntaxe complexe en contexte écologique (LME, taux de subordination et taux d’enchâssement profond. Les

  14. Au nanoinjectors for electrotriggered gene delivery into the cell nucleus. (United States)

    Kang, Mijeong; Kim, Bongsoo


    Intracellular delivery of exogenous materials is an essential technique required for many fundamental biological researches and medical treatments. As our understanding of cell structure and function has been improved and diverse therapeutic agents with a subcellular site of action have been continuously developed, there is a demand to enhance the performance of delivering devices. Ideal intracellular delivery devices should convey various kinds of exogenous materials without deteriorating cell viability regardless of cell type and, furthermore, precisely control the location and the timing of delivery as well as the amount of delivered materials for advanced researches.In this chapter the development of a new intracellular delivery device, a nanoinjector made of a Au (gold) nanowire (a Au nanoinjector) is described in which delivery is triggered by external application of an electric pulse. As a model study, a gene was delivered directly into the nucleus of a neuroblastoma cell, and successful delivery without cell damage was confirmed by the expression of the delivered gene. The insertion of a Au nanoinjector directly into a cell can be generally applied to any kind of cell, and a high degree of surface modification of Au allows attachment of diverse materials such as proteins, small molecules, or nanoparticles as well as genes on Au nanoinjectors. This expands their applicability, and it is expected that they will provide important information on the effects of delivered exogenous materials and consequently contribute to the development of related therapeutic or clinical technologies.

  15. Au-Pt-Au nanoraspberry structures used for mercury ion detection (United States)

    Huang, Jiang-Hao; Huang, Shuai; Wen, Xiaoyan; Li, Min; Lu, Haifei


    Detection of Hg2+ with high sensitivity is of great significance in the biochemical sensing field. Quantitative of Hg2+ was realized based on the influence of Hg2+ on the UV-vis absorption performance of Au-Pt-Au core-shell nanoraspberry (APA)-rhodamine-6G (R6G) structure. First, APA sol was added into R6G indicator solution and the UV-vis absorption signal intensity of R6G was evidently promoted. The signal intensity monotonously increased as more APA sol was added. However, when HgCl2 solution was introduced, the signal intensity declined. A linear relationship between Hg2+ concentration and signal intensity at 527 nm was revealed, based on which quantitative determination of Hg2+ could be realized. Hg2+ detection sensitivity was measured to be 0.031 a.u./M with a limit of detection of 10-7 M and the response time was 20 s. A high Hg2+ detection selectivity over Cu2+, Na+, Li+, and K+ was demonstrated. Due to its simplicity and high sensitivity, the proposed method could find an extensive application prospect in the Hg2+ detection field.

  16. Phenomenological approach to the spin glass state of (Cu-Mn, Ag-Mn, Au-Mn and Au-Fe) alloys at low temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Jalali, Muhammad A.; Kayali, Fawaz A.


    Full text.The spin glass of: (Cu-Mn, Ag-Mn, Au-Mn, Au-Fe) alloys has been extensively studied. The availability of published and assured experimental data on the susceptibility x(T) of this alloys has enabled the design and application of phenomenological approach to the spin glass state of these interesting alloys. The use of and advanced (S.P.S.S) computer software has resulted revealing some important features of the spin glass in these alloys, the most important of which is that the spin glass state do not represent as phase change

  17. Three-particle correlations from parton cascades in Au+Au collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, G.L.; Ma, Y.G.; Zhang, S.; Cai, X.Z.; Chen, J.H.; He, Z.J.; Huang, H.Z.; Long, J.L.; Shen, W.Q.; Shi, X.H.; Zhong, C.; Zuo, J.X.


    We present a study of three-particle correlations among a trigger particle and two associated particles in Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeV using a multi-phase transport model (AMPT) with both partonic and hadronic interactions. We found that three-particle correlation densities in different angular directions with respect to the triggered particle ('center', 'cone', 'deflected', 'near' and 'near-away') increase with the number of participants. The ratio of 'deflected' to 'cone' density approaches to 1.0 with the increasing of number of participants, which indicates that partonic Mach-like shock waves can be produced by strong parton cascades in central Au+Au collisions

  18. Solvent extraction of Au(III) for preparation of a carrier-free multitracer and an Au tracer from an Au target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weginwar, R.G.; Kobayashi, Y.; Ambe, S.; Liu, B.; Enomoto, S.; Ambe, F.


    Separation of Au(III) and various carrier-free radionuclides by solvent extraction was investigated using an Au target irradiated by an energetic heavy-ion beam. Percentage extraction of Au(III) and coextraction of the radionuclides were determined with varying parameters such as kinds of solvent, molarity of HCl or pH, and Au concentration. Under the conditions where Au(III) was effectively extracted, namely extraction with ethyl acetate or isobutyl methyl ketone from 3 mol*dm -3 HCl, carrier-free radionuclides of many elements were found to be more or less coextracted. Coextraction of radionuclides of some elements was found to increase with an increase in the concentration of Au(III). This finding is ascribed to the formation of strong association of the complex of these elements with chloroauric acid. In order to avoid serious loss of these elements by the extraction, lowering of the Au(III) concentration or the use of a masking agent such as sodium citrate is necessary. Gold(III) was shown to be effectively back extracted with a 0.1 mol*dm -3 aqueous solution of 2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol. Thus, a radiochemical procedure has been established for preparing a carrier-free multitracer and an Au tracer with carrier form from an Au target irradiated with a heavy-ion beam. Both tracers are now used individually for chemical and biological experiments. (author). 22 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs

  19. Fermi surfaces properties of AuAl2, AuGa2, and AuIn2 with the CaF2-type cubic structure (United States)

    Nishimura, K.; Kakihana, M.; Suzuki, F.; Yara, T.; Hedo, M.; Nakama, T.; Ōnuki, Y.; Harima, H.


    We grew high-quality single crystals of AuAl2, AuGa2, and AuIn2 with the fluorite (CaF2)-type cubic structure and determined the Fermi surface properties by the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) experiments using full-potential LAPW bad calculations. The Fermi surface and optical properties for three compounds were once studied from an interest of colors because AuAl2 has a striking bright reddish-purple color, whereas AuGa2 and AuIn2 are, respectively, neutral and bluish. The detected dHvA frequencies in the present study are found to be in a wide range of (0.1-13)×107 Oe. The main dHvA branches for three compounds are in excellent agreement with the theoretical ones, but some dHvA branches with small dHvA frequencies are slightly deviated from the theoretical ones, especially in AuGa2 and AuIn2.

  20. 1782-IJBCS-Article-Douira Allal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Catalogue des plantes médicinales utilisées dans le traitement de la lithiase rénale dans la province de ..... (Nbeg), en poudre associée au miel, est utilisé contre les calculs ..... d'Equipement et du Transport, Tan-Tan,. Maroc, 3-5. Fekak H ...

  1. Radiculoplexopathie, anticorps anti Yo et cancer ovarien sous ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les radiculo-plexopathies au cours des cancers sont le plus souvent d'origine métastatique. Leur origine dysimmune est rare. Nous rapportons un cas de radiculoplexopathie d'évolution favorable sous traitement immunomodulateur, survenue chez une patiente porteuse d'un carcinome ovarien bilatéral sous ...

  2. institutions pour la gestion efficace de la demande en eau

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    1 On entend par la gestion de la demande en eau (GDE) « toute mesure ...... Mis à part un faible pourcentage réservé à l'abreuvement du bétail et au traitement de base des ..... demand management », Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, vol.

  3. Seed-mediated growth and manipulation of Au nanorods via size-controlled synthesis of Au seeds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Juncheng; Duggan, Jennifer N.; Morgan, Joshua; Roberts, Christopher B.


    Seed-mediated growth of gold (Au) nanorods with highly controllable length, width, and aspect ratio was accomplished via carefully size-controlled synthesis of the original Au seeds. A slow dynamic growth of Au nanoparticle seeds was observed after reduction of the Au salt (i.e., hydrogen tetrachloroaurate (III) hydrate) by sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) in the presence of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). As such, the size of the Au nanoparticle seeds can therefore be manipulated through control over the duration of the reaction period (i.e., aging times of 2, 8, 48, 72, and 144 h were used in this study). These differently sized Au nanoparticles were subsequently used as seeds for the growth of Au nanorods, where the additions of Au salt, CTAB, AgNO 3 , and ascorbic acid were employed. Smaller Au nanoparticle seeds obtained via short growth/aging time resulted in Au nanorods with higher aspect ratio and thus longer longitudinal surface plasmon wavelength (LSPW). The larger Au nanoparticle seeds obtained via longer growth/aging time resulted in Au nanorods with lower aspect ratio and shorter LSPW.

  4. Treatment of uranium ores by natural leaching in Portugal; Traitement par lixiviation naturelle des minerais uraniferes portugais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacerda, J de [Junta de Energia Nuclear, Lisbonne (Portugal)


    The technique described for treating uranium ores by natural leaching has been developed as a result of research carried out in Portugal with a view to determining and eliminating the causes of uranium migration in ores stored in the open. With the natural leaching method, which has been successfully applied to primary uranium ores, the ore is piled up on a waterproof surface and sprayed intermittently with mine water. Pyrite and ferrous sulphate are used as solid reagents and are mixed with the ore in amounts averaging 0.4% and 0.2% respectively. Over 70 000 tons of ore with a U{sub 3}O{sub 8} content of between 0.076 and 0.150% have been treated at five natural leaching plants. The average recovery in these operations was between 57.7 and 85.9%. The average cost was US $3.31/lb U{sub 3}O{sub 8}. (author) [French] Le traitement des minerais uraniferes par lixiviation naturelle est le fruit des recherches effectuees au Portugal dans le but de determiner et d'eliminer les causes de la migration de l'uranium contenu dans les minerais emmagasines a ciel ouvert. La methode de lixiviation naturelle, appliquee avec succes aux mineraux primaires d'uranium, consiste essentiellement en l'arrosage intermittent, avec l'eau des mines, du minerai entasse sur des aires impermeabilisees. On utilise comme reactifs solides la pyrite et le sulfate ferreux melanges avec le minerai a raison de 0,4% et 0,2% respectivement en moyenne. Plus de 70 000 t de minerai, dont les teneurs en U{sub 3}O{sub 8} etaient comprises entre 0,076% et 0,150%, ont ete traitees dans cinq installations de lixiviation naturelle ou on a obtenu des recuperations moyennes oscillant entre 57,7% et 85,9%, pour le prix de revient moyen de 3,31 dollars par livre de U{sub 3}O{sub 8}. (author)

  5. Recent Advances in Laser-Ablative Synthesis of Bare Au and Si Nanoparticles and Assessment of Their Prospects for Tissue Engineering Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed Al-Kattan


    Full Text Available Driven by surface cleanness and unique physical, optical and chemical properties, bare (ligand-free laser-synthesized nanoparticles (NPs are now in the focus of interest as promising materials for the development of advanced biomedical platforms related to biosensing, bioimaging and therapeutic drug delivery. We recently achieved significant progress in the synthesis of bare gold (Au and silicon (Si NPs and their testing in biomedical tasks, including cancer imaging and therapy, biofuel cells, etc. We also showed that these nanomaterials can be excellent candidates for tissue engineering applications. This review is aimed at the description of our recent progress in laser synthesis of bare Si and Au NPs and their testing as functional modules (additives in innovative scaffold platforms intended for tissue engineering tasks.

  6. Controlled Synthesis of Au@AgAu Yolk-Shell Cuboctahedra with Well-Defined Facets. (United States)

    Londono-Calderon, Alejandra; Bahena, Daniel; Yacaman, Miguel J


    The synthesis of Au@AgAu yolk-shell cuboctahedra nanoparticles formed by galvanic replacement in a seed-mediated method is described. Initially, single-crystal Au seeds are used for the formation of Au@Ag core-shell nanocubes, which serve as the template material for the deposition of an external Au layer. The well-controlled synthesis yields the formation of cuboctahedra nanoparticles with smooth inner and outer Au/Ag surfaces. The deposition/oxidation process is described to understand the formation of cuboctahedra and octahedra nanoparticles. The Au core maintains the initial morphology of the seed and remains static at the center of the yolk-shell because of residual Ag. Structural analysis of the shell indicates intrinsic stacking faults (SFs) near the surface. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) compositional analysis show an Au-Ag nonordered alloy forming the shell. The three-dimensional structure of the nanoparticles presented open facets on the [111] as observed by electron tomography SIRT reconstruction over a stack of high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) images. The geometrical model was validated by analyzing the direction of streaks in coherent nanobeam diffraction (NBD). The catalytic activity was evaluated using a model reaction based on the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NTP) by NaBH4 in the presence of Au@AgAu yolk-shell nanoparticles.

  7. Controlled synthesis of PbS-Au nanostar-nanoparticle heterodimers and cap-like Au nanoparticles (United States)

    Zhao, Nana; Li, Lianshan; Huang, Teng; Qi, Limin


    Uniform PbS-Au nanostar-nanoparticle heterodimers consisting of one Au nanoparticle grown on one horn of a well-defined six-horn PbS nanostar were prepared using the PbS nanostars as growth substrates for the selective deposition of Au nanoparticles. The size of the Au nanoparticles on the horns of the PbS nanostars could be readily adjusted by changing the PbS concentration for the deposition of Au nanoparticles. An optimum cetyltrimethylammonium bromide concentration and temperature were essential for the selective deposition of uniform Au nanoparticles on single horns of the PbS nanostars. Unusual PbS-Au nanoframe-nanoparticle heterodimers were obtained by etching the PbS-Au nanostar-nanoparticle heterodimers with oxalic acid while novel cap-like Au nanoparticles were obtained by etching with hydrochloric acid. The obtained heterodimeric nanostructures and cap-like nanoparticles are promising candidates for anisotropic nanoscale building blocks for the controllable assembly of useful, complex architectures.

  8. Eco-friendly synthesis of TiO2, Au and Pt doped TiO2 nanoparticles for dye sensitized solar cell applications and evaluation of toxicity (United States)

    Gopinath, K.; Kumaraguru, S.; Bhakyaraj, K.; Thirumal, S.; Arumugam, A.


    Driven by the demand of pure TiO2, Au and Pt doped TiO2 NPs were successfully synthesized using Terminalia arjuna bark extract. The eco-friendly synthesized NPs were characterized by UV-Vis-DRS, ATR-FT-IR, PL, XRD, Raman, SEM with EDX and TEM analysis. The synthesized NPs were investigation for dye sensitized solar cell applications. UV-Vis-Diffused Reflectance Spectra clearly showed that the expected TiO2 inter band absorption below 306 nm, incorporation of gold shows surface plasma resonant (SPR) near 555 nm and platinum incorporated TiO2 NPs shows absorbance at 460 nm. The energy conversion efficiency for Au doped TiO2 NPs when compared to pure and Pt doped TiO2 NPs. In addition to that, Au noble metal present TiO2 matrix and an improve open-circuit voltage (Voc) of DSSC. Synthesized NPs was evaluated into antibacterial and antifungal activities by disk diffusion method. It is observed that NPs have not shown any activities in all tested bacterial and fungal strains. In this eco-friendly synthesis method to provide non toxic and environmental friendly nanomaterials can be used for solar energy device application.

  9. A facile approach for reducing the working voltage of Au/TiO2/Au nanostructured memristors by enhancing the local electric field (United States)

    Arab Bafrani, Hamidreza; Ebrahimi, Mahdi; Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed; Moshfegh, Alireza Z.


    Memristor devices have attracted tremendous interest due to different applications ranging from nonvolatile data storage to neuromorphic computing units. Exploring the role of surface roughness of the bottom electrode (BE)/active layer interface provides useful guidelines for the optimization of the memristor switching performance. This study focuses on the effect of surface roughness of the BE electrode on the switching characteristics of Au/TiO2/Au three-layer memristor devices. An optimized wet-etching treatment condition was found to modify the surface roughness of the Au BE where the measurement results indicate that the roughness of the Au BE is affected by both duration time and solution concentrations of the wet-etching process. Then we fabricated arrays of TiO2-based nanostructured memristors sandwiched between two sets of cross-bar Au electrode lines (junction area 900 μm2). The results revealed a reduction in the working voltages in current-voltage characteristic of the device performance when increasing the surface roughness at the Au(BE)/TiO2 active layer interface. The set voltage of the device (Vset) significantly decreased from 2.26-1.93 V when we increased the interface roughness from 4.2-13.1 nm. The present work provides information for better understanding the switching mechanism of titanium-dioxide-based devices, and it can be inferred that enhancing the roughness of the Au BE/TiO2 active layer interface leads to a localized non-uniform electric field distribution that plays a vital role in reducing the energy consumption of the device.

  10. Au pair trajectories

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Karina Märcher


    pair-sending families in the Philippines, this dissertation examines the long-term trajectories of these young Filipinas. It shows how the au pairs’ local and transnational family relations develop over time and greatly influence their life trajectories. A focal point of the study is how au pairs...... that Filipina au pairs see their stay abroad as an avenue of personal development and social recognition, I examine how the au pairs re-position themselves within their families at home through migration, and how they navigate between the often conflicting expectations of participation in the sociality......Since 2000, thousands of young Filipino migrants have come to Denmark as au pairs. Officially, they are there to “broaden their cultural horizons” by living temporarily with a Danish host family, but they also conduct domestic labor in exchange for food and money, which allows them to send...

  11. Development of Au-Ge based candidate alloys as an alternative to high-lead content solders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chidambaram, Vivek; Hald, John; Hattel, Jesper Henri


    Au-Ge based candidate alloys have been proposed as an alternative to high-lead content solders that are currently being used for high-temperature applications. The changes in microstructure and microhardness associated with the addition of low melting point metals namely In, Sb and Sn to the Au......-Ge-In and Au-Ge-Sn combinations was determined to be the classic solid solution strengthening. The Au-Ge-Sb combination was primarily strengthened by the refined (Ge) dispersed phase. The aging temperature had a significant influence on the microhardness in the case of the Au-Ge-Sn candidate alloy...

  12. Theoretical prediction of the noble gas complexes HeAuF and NeAuF

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Ab initio calculations were carried out to investigate the structures and the stability of the noble gas complexes HeAuF and NeAuF through MP2 and CCSD(T) methods.The HeAuF was predicted to have a linear structure with weak He-Au covalent bonding,the distance of which is closer to the covalent limit in comparison with the corresponding van der Waals limit.The dissociation energy with respect to He + AuF was found to be 24 and 26 kJ·mol-1 at the CCSD(T)/basis set B and B’ levels,respectively.However,similar calculations for NeAuF indicate that NeAuF is not a stable species.

  13. Enhanced catalyst activity by decorating of Au on Ag@Cu2O nanoshell (United States)

    Chen, Lei; Liu, Maomao; Zhao, Yue; Kou, Qiangwei; Wang, Yaxin; Liu, Yang; Zhang, Yongjun; Yang, Jinghai; Jung, Young Mee


    We successfully synthesized Au-decorated Ag@Cu2O heterostructures via a simple galvanic replacement method. As the Au precursor concentration increased, the density of the Au nanoparticles (NPs) on the Ag@Cu2O surface increased, which changed the catalytic activity of the Ag@Cu2O-Au structure. The combination of Au, Ag, and Cu2O exhibited excellent catalytic properties, which can further effect on the catalyst activity of the Ag@Cu2O-Au structure. In addition, the proposed Ag@Cu2O-Au nanocomposite was used to transform the organic, toxic pollutant, 4-nitrophenol (4-NP), into its nontoxic and medicinally important amino derivative via a catalytic reduction to optimize the material performance. The proposed Au-decorated Ag@Cu2O exhibited excellent catalytic activity, and the catalytic reduction time greatly decreased (5 min). Thus, three novel properties of Ag@Cu2O-Au, i.e., charge redistribution and transfer, adsorption, and catalytic reduction of organic pollutants, were ascertained for water remediation. The proposed catalytic properties have potential applications for photocatalysis and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)- and peroxidase-like catalysis.

  14. Synthesis and electrocatalytic activity of Au/Pt bimetallic nanodendrites for ethanol oxidation in alkaline medium. (United States)

    Han, Xinyi; Wang, Dawei; Liu, Dong; Huang, Jianshe; You, Tianyan


    Gold/Platinum (Au/Pt) bimetallic nanodendrites were successfully synthesized through seeded growth method using preformed Au nanodendrites as seeds and ascorbic acid as reductant. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of a series of Au/Pt nanodendrites modified electrodes in 1M KOH solution containing 1M ethanol showed that the electrocatalyst with a molar ratio (Au:Pt) of 3 exhibited the highest peak current density and the lowest onset potential. The peak current density of ethanol electro-oxidation on the Au(3)Pt(1) nanodendrites modified glassy carbon electrode (Au(3)Pt(1) electrode) is about 16, 12.5, and 4.5 times higher than those on the polycrystalline Pt electrode, polycrystalline Au electrode, and Au nanodendrites modified glassy carbon electrode (Au dendrites electrode), respectively. The oxidation peak potential of ethanol electro-oxidation on the Au(3)Pt(1) electrode is about 299 and 276 mV lower than those on the polycrystalline Au electrode and Au dendrites electrode, respectively. These results demonstrated that the Au/Pt bimetallic nanodendrites may find potential application in alkaline direct ethanol fuel cells (ADEFCs). Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Effets de traitements herbicides sur Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    -169. Paré, J., 1993. Aspects de la dynamique de la formation de graine chez Striga. (Scrophulariaceae) parasite des céréales tropicales. Contribution à la mise au point d'une lutte chimique. Thèse de doctorat ès Sc. Nat.

  16. L'initiative Agua Limpia para Perú est dirigée par un ancien titulaire ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 juil. 2014 ... Au Pérou, de nombreuses sources d'eau sont contaminées par de ... l'accès à une eau propre et la formation sur l'assainissement, les eaux usées et les ... par AguaSAN Perú aux fins du traitement des eaux (en espagnol).

  17. Enzymes in Poultry and Swine Nutrition | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Book cover Enzymes in Poultry and Swine Nutrition. Auteur(s) : Ronald R. ... mechanisms. Such studies will enhance our understanding of the role of dietary enzymes in animal nutrition. ... Six équipes de chercheurs de classe mondiale étudieront comment surmonter la résistance au traitement des cancers les plus mortels.

  18. Comment éviter la crise de l'eau | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 déc. 2010 ... Une crise mondiale de l'eau aux répercussions aussi tragiques que celles ... région aride ne modifie en profondeur ses pratiques de gestion de l'eau. ... Au Moyen-Orient, le traitement et la réutilisation de l'eau provenant des ...

  19. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation de l'activite antihyperglycemiante de Holarrhena africana, Strophantus hispidus Et Bridelia ferruginea, plantes utilisees dans le traitement du diabete en medecine traditionnelle au Togo Abstract · Vol 16, No 3 (2014) - Articles Effet anti-ulcereux de l'extrait hydroalcoolique D'ecorce de tronc et de racine de Ficus ...

  20. The extraction characteristic of Au-Ag from Au concentrate by thiourea solution (United States)

    Kim, Bongju; Cho, Kanghee; On, Hyunsung; Choi, Nagchoul; Park, Cheonyoung


    The cyanidation process has been used commercially for the past 100 years, there are ores that are not amenable to treatment by cyanide. Interest in alternative lixiviants, such as thiourea, halogens, thiosulfate and malononitrile, has been revived as a result of a major increase in gold price, which has stimulated new developments in extraction technology, combined with environmental concern. The Au extraction process using the thiourea solvent has many advantages over the cyanidation process, including higher leaching rates, faster extraction time and less than toxicity. The purpose of this study was investigated to the extraction characteristic of Au-Ag from two different Au concentrate (sulfuric acid washing and roasting) under various experiment conditions (thiourea concentration, pH of solvent, temperature) by thiourea solvent. The result of extraction experiment showed that the Au-Ag extraction was a fast extraction process, reaching equilibrium (maximum extraction rate) within 30 min. The Au-Ag extraction rate was higher in the roasted concentrate than in the sulfuric acid washing. The higher the Au-Ag extraction rate (Au - 70.87%, Ag - 98.12%) from roasted concentrate was found when the more concentration of thiourea increased, pH decreased and extraction temperature increased. This study informs extraction method basic knowledge when thiourea was a possibility to eco-/economic resources of Au-Ag utilization studies including the hydrometallurgy.

  1. Morphological Characteristics of Au Films Deposited on Ti: A Combined SEM-AFM Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco Ruffino


    Full Text Available Deposited Au films and coatings are, nowadays, routinely used as active or passive elements in several innovative electronic, optoelectronic, sensing, and energy devices. In these devices, the physical properties of the Au films are strongly determined by the films nanoscale structure. In addition, in these devices, often, a layer of Ti is employed to promote adhesion and, so, influencing the nanoscale structure of the deposited Au film. In this work, we present experimental analysis on the nanoscale cross-section and surface morphology of Au films deposited on Ti. In particular, we sputter-deposited thick (>100 nm thickness Au films on Ti foils and we used Scanning Electron Microscopy to analyze the films cross-sectional and surface morphology as a function of the Au film thickness and deposition angle. In addition, we analyzed the Au films surface morphology by Atomic Force Microscopy which allowed quantifying the films surface roughness versus the film thickness and deposition angle. The results establish a relation between the Au films cross-sectional and surface morphologies and surface roughness to the film thickness and deposition angle. These results allow setting a general working framework to obtain Au films on Ti with specific morphological and topographic properties for desired applications in which the Ti adhesion layer is needed for Au.

  2. Multifragmentation in Au + Au collisions studied with AMD-V

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ono, Akira [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). Faculty of Science


    AMD-V is an optimum model for calculation of multifragmentation in Au + Au collisions. AMD-V consider anti-symmetry of incident nucleus, target nucleus and fragments, furthermore, it treat the quantum effect to exist many channels in the intermediate and final state. 150 and 250 MeV/nucleon incident energy were used in the experiments. The data of multifragment atom in {sup 197}Au + {sup 197}Au collisions was reproduced by AMD-V calculation using Gognny force, corresponding to the imcompressibility of nuclear substance K = 228 MeV and its mean field depend on momentum. When other interaction (SKG 2 force, corresponding to K = 373 KeV) was used an mean field does not depend on momentum, the calculation results could not reproduce the experimental values, because nucleus and deuteron were estimated too large and {alpha}-particle and intermediate fragments estimated too small. (S.Y.)

  3. Que prescrire dans les candidoses vaginales au Togo ? What do we ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    C. albicans a été l'espèce la plus fréquemment retrouvée (57,5%). ... sensibilité est nécessaire en cas d'échec du traitement ou d'infections récurrentes. ... transverse survey has been led from vaginal secretions submitted to a mycologic exam.

  4. Synthesis of Core/Shell MnFe2O4/Au Nanoparticles for Advanced Proton Treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jeong Chan


    Among many approaches for the surface modification with materials, such as polymers, organic ligands and metals, one of the most attractive ways is using metals. The fabrication of metal-based, monolayer-coated magnetic nanoparticles has been intensively studied. However, the synthesis of metal-capped magnetic nanoparticles with monodIspersities and controllable sizes is still challenged. Recently, gold-capped magnetic nanoparticles have been reported to increase stability and to provide biocompatibility. Magnetic nanoparticle with gold coating is an attractive system, which can be stabilized in biological conditions and readily functionalized through well-established surface modification (Au-S) chemistry. The Au coating offers plasmonic properties to magnetic nanoparticles. The core/shell nanoparticles were transferred from organic to aqueous solutions for biomedical applications. The core/shell structured MnFe 2 O 4 /Au nanoparticles have been prepared and transferred from organic phase to aqueous solutions. The resulting Au-coated nanocrystals may be an attractive system for biomedical applications, which are needed both magnetic resonance imaging and optical imaging. The phase transferred core/shell nanoparticles can be decorated with targeting moiety, such as antibodies, peptides, aptamers, small molecules and ligands for biological applications. The proton treatment with the resulting Au-MnFe 2 O 4 nanoparticles is undergoing.

  5. Synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates from hexagonal-close-packed Au square sheets

    KAUST Repository

    Fan, Zhanxi; Zhu, Yihan; Huang, Xiao; Han, Yu; Wang, Qingxiao; Liu, Qing; Huang, Ying; Gan, Chee Lip; Zhang, Hua


    @Pd rhombic nanoplates, respectively. We believe that these findings will shed new light on the synthesis of novel noble bimetallic nanostructures. Phase change: Ultrathin Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates were prepared from Au square sheets. A phase

  6. Surface Modification of Carbon Nanotube Networked Films with Au Nanoclusters for Enhanced NO2 Gas Sensing Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Penza


    Full Text Available Multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT films have been deposited by using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD system onto alumina substrates, provided with 6 nm thick cobalt (Co growth catalyst for remarkably improved NO2 gas sensing, at working temperature in the range of 100–250∘C. Functionalization of the MWCNTs with nanoclusters of gold (Au sputtering has been performed to modify the surface of carbon nanotube networked films for enhanced and specific NO2 gas detection up to sub-ppm level. It is demonstrated that the NO2 gas sensitivity of the MWCNT-based sensors depends on Au-loading used as surface-catalyst. The gas response of MWCNT-based chemiresistor is attributed to p-type conductivity in the Au-modified semiconducting MWCNTs with a very good short-term repeatability and faster recovery. The sensor temperature of maximum NO2 sensitivity of the Au-functionalized MWCNTs is found to decrease with increasing Au-loading on their surface, and continuous gas monitoring at ppb level of NO2 is effectively performed with Au-modified MWCNT chemiresistors.

  7. Optimization of nanocomposite Au/TiO2 thin films towards LSPR optical-sensing (United States)

    Rodrigues, M. S.; Costa, D.; Domingues, R. P.; Apreutesei, M.; Pedrosa, P.; Martin, N.; Correlo, V. M.; Reis, R. L.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P.; Sampaio, P.; Borges, J.; Vaz, F.


    Nanomaterials based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) phenomena are revealing to be an important solution for several applications, namely those of optical biosensing. The main reasons are mostly related to their high sensitivity, with label-free detection, and to the simplified optical systems that can be implemented. For the present work, the optical sensing capabilities were tailored by optimizing LSPR absorption bands of nanocomposite Au/TiO2 thin films. These were grown by reactive DC magnetron sputtering. The main deposition parameters changed were the number of Au pellets placed in the Ti target, the deposition time, and DC current applied to the Ti-Au target. Furthermore, the Au NPs clustering, a key feature to have biosensing responses, was induced by several post-deposition in-air annealing treatments at different temperatures, and investigated via SEM analysis. Results showed that the Au/TiO2 thin films with a relatively low thickness (∼100 nm), revealing concentrations of Au close to 13 at.%, and annealed at temperatures above 600 °C, had the most well-defined LSPR absorption band and thus, the most promising characteristics to be explored as optical sensors. The NPs formation studies revealed an incomplete aggregation at 300 and 500 ⁰C and well-defined spheroidal NPs for higher temperatures. Plasma treatment with Ar led to a gradual blue-shift of the LSPR absorption band, which demonstrates the sensitivity of the films to changes in the dielectric environment surrounding the NPs (essential for optical sensing applications) and the exposure of the Au nanoparticles (crucial for a higher sensitivity).

  8. and Au nanoparticles for SERS applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fazio Enza


    Full Text Available The morphological and optical properties of noble metal nanoparticles prepared by picosecond laser generated plasmas in water were investigated. First, the ablation efficiency was maximized searching the optimal focusing conditions. The nanoparticle size, measured by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, strongly depends on the laser fluence, keeping fixed the other deposition parameters such as the target to scanner objective distance and laser repetition frequency. STEM images indicate narrow gradients of NP sizes. Hence the optimization of ablation parameters favours a fine tuning of nanoparticles. UV-Visible spectroscopy helped to determine the appropriate laser wavelength to resonantly excite the localized surface plasmon to carry out Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS measurements. The SERS activity of Ag and Au substrates, obtained spraying the colloids synthesized in water, was tested using crystal violet as a probe molecule. The good SERS performance, observed at excitation wavelength 785 nm, is attributed to aggregation phenomena of nanoparticles sprayed on the support.

  9. Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV (United States)

    Roland, Christof; PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. The evolution of the spectra for transverse momenta p_T from 0.25 to 5GeV/c is studied as a function of collision centrality over a range from 65 to 344 participating nucleons. We find a significant change of the spectral shape between proton-antiproton and peripheral Au+Au collisions. Comparing peripheral to central Au+Au collisions, we find that the yields at the highest p_T exhibit approximate scaling with the number of participating nucleons, rather than scaling with the number of binary collisions.

  10. Bacteriologie de l'otite moyenne suppuree chronique de l'enfant au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: L'otite moyenne suppurée chronique est une affection fréquente chez l'enfant. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent favoriser l'installation d'un tel processus infectieux (rhinopharyngites, otites mal traitées …). L'identification du germe causal de l'otite est une étape essentielle pour mener un traitement adéquat.

  11. Bitumen coating of the radio-active sludges from the effluent treatment plant at the Marcoule centre. Review of the progress reports 1, 2, 3 and 4 (1963); Enrobage par le bitume des boues radioactives de la station de traitement des effluents du centre de Marcoule. Mise au point des etats d'avancement 1, 2, 3 et 4. (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodier, J.; Lefillatre, G.; Scheidhauer, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Besides the very high activity liquids containing fission products, the chemical treatment of irradiated fuels produces a large volume of aqueous effluents and solid waste of relatively low radioactivity. These weakly active products can be eliminated in the ground, in a hydrographic land system or in the sea. Techniques of evaporation, of resin concentration, and of coprecipitation give rise to inorganic sludges with a high water content. All these residues occupy a large volume and represent a far from negligible weight. In the case of the sludge, their relative fluidity necessitates a conditioning guaranteeing safe storage. The solution to the problem will consist in passing directly from a liquid or a suspension, to a solid whose structure is homogeneous and whose matter is inert with respect to the storage medium (soil, sea, etc. ). We have proposed to coat the radioactive products with bitumen. This article is designed to give a review of the studies undertaken on this method. It consists of a progress report rather than a final assessment. (authors) [French] En dehors des liquides de tres haute activite contenant des produits de fission, le traitement chimique des combustibles irradies produit un volume important d'effluents aqueux et de residus solides de radioactivite relativement faible. Ces produits, faiblement actifs, peuvent etre elimines dans le sol, dans un systeme hydrographique terrestre ou dans la mer. Les techniques d'evaporation, de concentration sur resine, de coprecipitation, permettent la decontamination prealable des liquides. La coprecipitation donne naissance a des boues minerales dont la teneur en eau est elevee. Tous ces residus occupent un volume important et representent un poids non negligeable. Dans le cas des boues, leur fluidite relative exige un conditionnement donnant toutes garanties de securite au stockage. La solution du probleme consistera a passer directement d'un liquide ou d'une suspension a un solide

  12. Bitumen coating of the radio-active sludges from the effluent treatment plant at the Marcoule centre. Review of the progress reports 1, 2, 3 and 4 (1963); Enrobage par le bitume des boues radioactives de la station de traitement des effluents du centre de Marcoule. Mise au point des etats d'avancement 1, 2, 3 et 4. (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodier, J; Lefillatre, G; Scheidhauer, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Besides the very high activity liquids containing fission products, the chemical treatment of irradiated fuels produces a large volume of aqueous effluents and solid waste of relatively low radioactivity. These weakly active products can be eliminated in the ground, in a hydrographic land system or in the sea. Techniques of evaporation, of resin concentration, and of coprecipitation give rise to inorganic sludges with a high water content. All these residues occupy a large volume and represent a far from negligible weight. In the case of the sludge, their relative fluidity necessitates a conditioning guaranteeing safe storage. The solution to the problem will consist in passing directly from a liquid or a suspension, to a solid whose structure is homogeneous and whose matter is inert with respect to the storage medium (soil, sea, etc. ). We have proposed to coat the radioactive products with bitumen. This article is designed to give a review of the studies undertaken on this method. It consists of a progress report rather than a final assessment. (authors) [French] En dehors des liquides de tres haute activite contenant des produits de fission, le traitement chimique des combustibles irradies produit un volume important d'effluents aqueux et de residus solides de radioactivite relativement faible. Ces produits, faiblement actifs, peuvent etre elimines dans le sol, dans un systeme hydrographique terrestre ou dans la mer. Les techniques d'evaporation, de concentration sur resine, de coprecipitation, permettent la decontamination prealable des liquides. La coprecipitation donne naissance a des boues minerales dont la teneur en eau est elevee. Tous ces residus occupent un volume important et representent un poids non negligeable. Dans le cas des boues, leur fluidite relative exige un conditionnement donnant toutes garanties de securite au stockage. La solution du probleme consistera a passer directement d'un liquide ou d'une suspension a un solide dont la structure

  13. Reduction of uranium and plutonium oxides by aluminum. Application to the recycling of plutonium; Reduction des oxydes d'uranium et de plutonium par l'aluminium application au recyclage du plutonium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gallay, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Valduc (France). Centre d' Etudes


    A process for treating plutonium oxide calcined at high temperatures (1000 to 2000 deg. C) with a view to recovering the metal consists in the reduction of this oxide dissolved in a mixture of aluminium, sodium and calcium fluorides by aluminium at about 1180 deg. C. The first part of the report presents the results of reduction tests carried out on the uranium oxides UO{sub 2} and U{sub 3}O{sub 8}; these are in agreement with the thermodynamic calculations of the exchange reaction at equilibrium. The second part describes the application of this method to plutonium oxides. The Pu-Al alloy obtained (60 per cent Pu) is then recycled in an aqueous medium. (author) [French] Un procede de traitement de l'oxyde de plutonium calcine a haute temperature (1000 deg. C a 2000 deg. C), en vue de la recuperation du metal, consiste a reduire cet oxyde dissous dans un melange de fluorures d'aluminium, de sodium et de calcium, par l'aluminium vers 1180 deg. C. Une premiere partie du rapport presente les resultats des essais de reduction des oxydes d'uranium UO{sub 2} et U{sub 3}O{sub 8}, en accord avec les resultats du calcul thermodynamique de la reaction d'echange a l'equilibre. Une seconde partie rend compte de l'application de cette methode a l'oxyde de plutonium. L'alliage Pu-Al obtenu (60 pour cent Pu) est ensuite recycle par voie aqueuse. (auteur)

  14. Influence of Au Nanoparticle Shape on Au@Cu2O Heterostructures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jie Zhu


    Full Text Available Synthesis of metal-semiconductor heterostructures may allow the combination of function of the corresponding components and/or the enhanced performance resulting from the interactions between all the components. In this paper, Au@Cu2O core-shell heterostructures are prepared by a seed-growth method, using different-shaped Au nanocrystals as the seeds such as nanorods, octahedra, decahedra, dots, and nanocubes. The results revealed that the final structure of Au@Cu2O was greatly influenced by the shape of the seeds used. Exposure of Cu2O{111} and Cu2O{001} favored when the overgrowth happened on Au{111} and Au{001} surface, respectively. The size of the product can also be tuned by the amount of the seeds. The results reported here provide a thinking clue to modulate the shape and size of core-shell nanocrystals, which is useful in developing new materials with desired performance.

  15. Architecture effects of glucose oxidase/Au nanoparticle composite Langmuir-Blodgett films on glucose sensing performance (United States)

    Wang, Ke-Hsuan; Wu, Jau-Yann; Chen, Liang-Huei; Lee, Yuh-Lang


    The Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition technique is employed to prepare nano-composite films consisting of glucose oxidase (GOx) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for glucose sensing applications. The GOx and AuNPs are co-adsorbed from an aqueous solution onto an air/liquid interface in the presence of an octadecylamine (ODA) template monolayer, forming a mixed (GOx-AuNP) monolayer. Alternatively, a composite film with a cascade architecture (AuNP/GOx) is also prepared by sequentially depositing monolayers of AuNPs and GOx. The architecture effects of the composite LB films on the glucose sensing are studied. The results show that the presence of AuNPs in the co-adsorption system does not affect the adsorption amount and preferred conformation (α-helix) of GOx. Furthermore, the incorporation of AuNPs in both composite films can significantly improve the sensing performance. However, the enhancement effects of the AuNPs in the two architectures are distinct. The major effect of the AuNPs is on the facilitation of charge-transfer in the (GOx-AuNP) film, but on the increase of catalytic activity in the (AuNP/GOx) one. Therefore, the sensing performance can be greatly improved by utilizing a film combining both architectures (AuNP/GOx-AuNP).

  16. Problématique de la prise en charge des cancers du sein au Sénégal: une approche transversale (United States)

    Gueye, Serigne Modou Kane; Gueye, Mamour; Coulbary, Sophie Aminata; Diouf, Alassane; Moreau, Jean Charles


    L’heure où les thérapeutiques innovantes se multiplient dans le cancer du sein, des pays moins nantis comme le Sénégal accusent encore un retard considérable dans la prise en charge globale de ce type de cancer. Au Sénégal, même si la prise en charge des cancers du sein avancés est actuellement bien codifiée, les résultats en terme de survie et de morbidités sont encore médiocres vu les retards diagnostiques et les traitements mutilants, parfois onéreux et mal tolérés, devenus nécessaires. Pour ces cancers avancés, les défis qui restent à relever résident dans l’érection de centres de soins palliatifs et le développement de la pluridisciplinarité pour améliorer la qualité de vie et l’accompagnement des malades. En revanche, pour les cancers infracliniques ou potentiellement guérissables, les défis restent immenses car il s’agira de les dépister, de bien les localiser et les diagnostiquer aussitôt (biopsie écho guidée ou stéréotaxique) mais également de les opérer de façon précise et entière (repérage – exérèse in sano et radiographie de pièce opératoire) tout en limitant les complications comme celles du curage classique (biopsie du ganglion sentinelle). Il s’agit là autant d’objectifs auxquels nos structures de santé ne sont pas toujours préparées. Cette mise au point est une analyse situationnelle sur les écueils contextuels qui grèvent encore la prise en charge globale des cancers du sein au Sénégal. PMID:28154696

  17. One-step synthesis of graphene-Au nanoparticle hybrid materials from metal salt-loaded micelles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, X; Zhang, X W; Meng, J H; Wang, H L; Yin, Z G; Wu, J L; Gao, H L


    In this study, we present a facile one-step method to synthesize graphene-Au nanoparticle (NP) hybrid materials by using HAuCl 4 -loaded poly(styrene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS-P2VP) micelles as solid carbon sources. N-doped graphene with controllable thickness can be grown from PS-P2VP micelles covered by a Ni capping layer by an annealing process; simultaneously, the HAuCl 4 in the micelles were reduced into Au NPs under a reductive atmosphere to form Au NPs on graphene. The decoration of Au NPs leads to an obviously enhanced electrical conductivity and a slightly increased work function of graphene due to the electron transfer effect. The graphene-Au NP hybrid materials also exhibit a localized surface plasmon resonance feature of Au NPs. This work provides a novel and accessible route for the one-step synthesis of graphene-Au NP hybrid materials with high quality, which might be useful for future applications in optoelectronic devices. (paper)

  18. Activites antimicrobiennes des extraits de trios plantes medicinales ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les propriétés antimicrobiennes des extraits hydroéthanoliques des feuilles de Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiaceae), de Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae) et de Pterocarpus santalinoides L. (Papilionadeae) sont étudiées afin de justifier leur utilisation pour le traitement des infections et toxi-infections alimentaires au Bénin.

  19. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    5 juin 2015 ... L'antigénemie cryptococcique est revenue positive. La recherche du cryptocoque dans les crachats est revenue négative. L'examen .... PubMed | Google. Scholar. 6. Furrer H. Traitement et prévention des infections opportunistes les plus importantes associées au virus HIV. Curriculum. Forum. Med Suisse.

  20. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    12 janv. 2013 ... Abstract. L'arthroplastie de la hanche est un moyen fiable dans le traitement des affections de la hanche. En lui rendant sa mobilité sa stabilité et son indolence. Cependant cette chirurgie prothétique expose au risque de la survenue des complications qui peuvent engager le pronostic fonctionnel.

  1. Catalytic activity of Au nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Britt Hvolbæk; Janssens, Ton V.W.; Clausen, Bjerne


    Au is usually viewed as an inert metal, but surprisingly it has been found that Au nanoparticles less than 3–5 nm in diameter are catalytically active for several chemical reactions. We discuss the origin of this effect, focusing on the way in which the chemical activity of Au may change with par......Au is usually viewed as an inert metal, but surprisingly it has been found that Au nanoparticles less than 3–5 nm in diameter are catalytically active for several chemical reactions. We discuss the origin of this effect, focusing on the way in which the chemical activity of Au may change...... with particle size. We find that the fraction of low-coordinated Au atoms scales approximately with the catalytic activity, suggesting that atoms on the corners and edges of Au nanoparticles are the active sites. This effect is explained using density functional calculations....

  2. Synthesis, characterization of Ag-Au core-shell bimetal nanoparticles and its application for electrocatalytic oxidation/sensing of L-methionine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murugavelu, M.; Karthikeyan, B., E-mail:


    The Ag-Au core-shell bimetal nanoparticles (BNPs) was prepared using chemical reduction method. The prepared Ag-Au core-shell BNPs were characterized by UV–Visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) pattern. These results showed the Ag-Au BNPs exhibited core-shell shape. The Ag-Au core-shell BNPs was examined towards electrocatalytic oxidation of L-methionine (L-Met) by cyclic voltammetry (CV), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and chronoamperometry. According to the results, L-Met is determined with detection limit of 30 μM. Interference studies in biological buffer was also studied. - Highlights: • The Ag-Au core-shell BNPs are synthesized and characterized • Ag-Au core-shell BNPs modified (Ag-Au/GCE) has been examined for L-methionine oxidation/sensing by using electrochemical method. • The Ag-Au/GCE exhibited good performance for the detection of L-methionine.

  3. Charged particle density distributions in Au + Au collisions at ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Charged particle pseudorapidity distributions have been measured in Au + Au collisions using the BRAHMS detector at RHIC. The results are presented as a function of the collision centrality and the center of mass energy. They are compared to the predictions of different parton scattering models and the important role of ...

  4. Synthesis; characterization; and growth mechanism of Au/CdS heterostructured nanoflowers constructed with nanorods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kong Qingcheng; Wu Rong; Feng Xiumei; Ye Cui; Hu Guanqi; Hu Jianqiang; Chen Zhiwu


    Research highlights: → Well-defined and flower-shaped Au/CdS heterostructured nanocrystals were for the first time synthesized. → The Au-nanorod-induced hydrothermal strategy was for the first time used to fabricate metal/semiconductor heterostructured nanomaterials. → A preliminary crystal growing mechanism was also proposed for better understanding the growth process of other Au/semiconductor heterostructure nanocrystals. → The route devised here should also be extendable to fabricate other Au/semiconductor heterostructure nanomaterials. - Abstract: Gold/sulfide cadmium (Au/CdS) heterostructured nanocrystals with a flower-like shape were for the first time synthesized through an Au-nanorod-induced hydrothermal method. The Au/CdS nanoflowers possessed the average size of about 350 nm while the nanorods constructing the nanoflowers had the average diameter, length, and aspect ratio of approximately 50 nm, 100 nm, and 2, respectively. Our method suggested that Au-nanorods played a decisive role in the formation of Au/CdS heterostructured nanoflowers, demonstrated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), electron diffraction (ED), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy measurements. A preliminary experiment model to reveal the Au/CdS growth mechanism was also put forward. The route devised here should be perhaps extendable to fabricate other Au/semiconductor heterostructured nanomaterials, and the Au/CdS nanoflowers may have potential applications in nanodevices, biolabels, and clinical detection and diagnosis.

  5. Preparation of dendritic Ag/Au bimetallic nanostructures and their application in surface-enhanced Raman scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi Zao; Chen Shanjun; Chen Yan; Luo Jiangshan; Wu Weidong; Yi Yougen; Tang Yongjian


    Dendritic Ag/Au bimetallic nanostructures have been synthesized via a multi-stage galvanic replacement reaction of Ag dendrites in a chlorauric acid (HAuCl 4 ) solution at room temperature. After five stages of replacement reaction, one obtains structures with protruding nanocubes; these will mature into many porous structures with a few Ag atoms that are left over dendrites. The morphological and compositional changes which evolved with reaction stages were analyzed by using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, UV–visible spectroscopy, selected area electron diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The replacement of Ag with Au was confirmed. A formation mechanism involving the original development of Ag dendrites into porous structures with the growth of Au nanocubes on this underlying structure as the number of reaction stages is proposed. This was confirmed by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The dendritic Ag/Au bimetallic nanostructures could be used as efficient SERS active substrates. It was found that the SERS enhancement ability was dependent on the stage of galvanic replacement reaction. - Highlights: ► Dendritic Ag/Au bimetallic nanostructures have been synthesized. ► Protruding cubic nanostructures obtained after 5 stages mature into porous structures. ► SERS results allow confirm the proposed formation mechanism. ► The nanostructures could be used as efficient SERS active substrates.

  6. Amélioration de la nutrition au Cambodge au moyen de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Amélioration de la nutrition au Cambodge au moyen de l'aquaculture et des jardins potagers domestiques (FCRSAI). Si l'on produit au Cambodge suffisamment de riz pour nourrir la population, la sous-alimentation maternelle et infantile y demeure quand même élevée en raison de la faible diversification des cultures et du ...

  7. [Hyp-Au-Sn9(Hyp)3-Au-Sn9(Hyp)3-Au-Hyp]-: the longest intermetalloid chain compound of tin. (United States)

    Binder, Mareike; Schrenk, Claudio; Block, Theresa; Pöttgen, Rainer; Schnepf, Andreas


    The reaction of the metalloid tin cluster [Sn 10 (Hyp) 4 ] 2- with (Ph 3 P)Au-SHyp (Hyp = Si(SiMe 3 ) 3 ) gave an intermetalloid cluster [Au 3 Sn 18 (Hyp) 8 ] - 1, which is the longest intermetalloid chain compound of tin to date. 1 shows a structural resemblance to binary AuSn phases, which is expected for intermetalloid clusters.

  8. Hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation reactions

    KAUST Repository

    Song, Hyon Min


    Hybrid alloys among gold, palladium and platinum become a new category of catalysts primarily due to their enhanced catalytic effects. Enhancement means not only their effectiveness, but also their uniqueness as catalysts for the reactions that individual metals may not catalyze. Here, preparation of hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) and their use as electrocatalysts are reported. Galvanic displacement with Ag NPs is used to obtain hollow NPs, and higher reduction potential of Au compared to Ag, Pd, and Pt helps to produce hollow Au cores first, followed by Pd or Pt shell growth. Continuous and highly crystalline shell growth was observed in Au@Pd core-shell NPs, but the sporadic and porous-like structure was observed in Au@Pt core-shell NPs. Along with hollow core-shell NPs, hollow porous Pt and hollow Au NPs are also prepared from Ag seed NPs. Twin boundaries which are typically observed in large size (>20 nm) Au NPs were not observed in hollow Au NPs. This absence is believed to be due to the role of the hollows, which significantly reduce the strain energy of edges where the two lattice planes meet. In ethanol oxidation reactions in alkaline medium, hollow Au@Pd core-shell NPs show highest current density in forward scan. Hollow Au@Pt core-shell NPs maintain better catalytic activities than metallic Pt, which is thought to be due to the better crystallinity of Pt shells as well as the alloy effect of Au cores. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

  9. Multifunctional BSA-Au nanostars for photoacoustic imaging and X-ray computed tomography. (United States)

    Zu, Lihui; Liu, Lin; Qin, Yeshan; Liu, Hongguang; Yang, Haishan


    We report the synthesis and characterization of bovine serum albumin-capped Au nanostars (BSA-AuNSs) for dual-modal computed tomography (CT)/photoacoustic (PA) imaging application. The BSA-AuNSs have an average size of 85nm, and a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peak at approximately 770nm. They have excellent biocompatibility, good X-ray attenuation, and great PA contrast enhancement properties. When injected intravenously, liver signal markedly increases in both CT and PA modalities. The in vivo biodistribution studies and pathology results showed that the BSA-AuNSs were mainly excreted through the liver and intestines with no obvious biotoxicity. These results indicate that BSA-AuNSs have high potential to be used as dual-modal CT/PA imaging contrast agents or further used to develop targeted probes. This preliminary study suggests that PA tomography may be used to non-invasively trace the kinetics and biodistribution of the nanoparticles. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Characterization of self-assembled electrodes based on Au-Pt nanoparticles for PEMFC application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valenzuela, E. [Univ. Politecnica de Chiapas (Mexico). Energia y Sustentabilidad; Sebastian, P.J.; Gamboa, S.A.; Joseph, S. [Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Morelos (Mexico). Centrode Investigacion en Energia; Pal, U. [Univ. Autonoma de Puebla, Pue (Mexico). Inst. de Fisica; Gonzalez, I. [Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City (Mexico). Dept. de Quimica


    This paper described the synthesis and characterization of gold (Au), platinum (Pt) and Au-Pt nanoparticles impregnated on a Nafion membrane in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The aim of the study was to fabricate the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) by depositing the nanoparticles on the membrane using an immersion technique. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used to study the deposition process. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study the membrane proton conduction process. An elemental mapping analysis was performed in order to study the location of the Au and Pt in the self-assemblies. Results of the study showed that the particles deposited on the Nafion had good stability and a homogenous distribution along the membrane surface. The particles showed a direct relation in size and location with the hydrophilic and hydrophobic distribution phases of the membrane. The main membrane resistance was located between the membrane and the electrolyte. The self-assembled electrodes demonstrated a good performance at standard conditions. 33 refs., 4 tabs., 11 figs.

  11. Evidence from d+Au measurements for final-state suppression of high-p(T) hadrons in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. (United States)

    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhaskar, P; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Ganti, M S; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guedon, M; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gushin, E; Gutierrez, T D; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Rykov, V; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trivedi, M D; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasiliev, A N; Vasiliev, M; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    We report measurements of single-particle inclusive spectra and two-particle azimuthal distributions of charged hadrons at high transverse momentum (high p(T)) in minimum bias and central d+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The inclusive yield is enhanced in d+Au collisions relative to binary-scaled p+p collisions, while the two-particle azimuthal distributions are very similar to those observed in p+p collisions. These results demonstrate that the strong suppression of the inclusive yield and back-to-back correlations at high p(T) previously observed in central Au+Au collisions are due to final-state interactions with the dense medium generated in such collisions.

  12. Evaluation des indicateurs d’alerte précoce de la résistance du VIH aux ARV en Côte d’Ivoire en 2011 (United States)

    Yao, Kouadio Jean; Damey, Néto Florence; Konan, Diby Jean Paul; Aka, Joseph; Aka-Konan, Sandrine; Ani, Alex; Bonle, Marguerite Te; Kouassi, Dinard


    Introduction En 2001, l'Organisation des Nations Unies recommandait de rendre disponible les médicaments antirétroviraux dans les pays à ressources limitées. Cependant, l'utilisation de ces médicaments à grande échelle s'accompagne du développement de résistance du virus. En Côte d'Ivoire, plusieurs sites prescrivent les antirétroviraux. Cette étude avait pour objectif d'évaluer les facteurs programmatiques associés à un risque élevé d'émergence de résistance du VIH aux antirétroviraux. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une cohorte rétrospective sur 20 sites de prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH. La population d'étude était constituée des personnes ayant initié leur traitement antirétroviral sur les sites en 2008-2009. L'estimation de la taille de l'échantillon a été faite à partir de la stratégie d'échantillonnage de l'OMS. Résultats Sur 20 sites, 98% des prescriptions initiales étaient conformes aux directives nationales et 20% des sites avaient 100% de prescriptions conformes. Au total, 33% des patients étaient perdus de vue au cours des 12 premiers mois de traitement antirétroviral et 20% des sites avaient moins de 20% de perdus de vue. A 12 mois, 51% des patients demeuraient sous traitement de première intention approprié et 11% des sites ont atteint le seuil d'au moins 70% de patients sous traitement de première intention approprié. Un seul site n'a pas connu de rupture d'antirétroviraux sur les 12 mois. Conclusion Des insuffisances relevées dans la prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH traduisent l'existence d'un risque important de résistance du virus aux antirétroviraux en 2008-2009. Pour minimiser ce risque les pratiques de prescription devraient être améliorées, un système de recherche des absents aux rendez-vous devrait être mis en place et la disponibilité constante des antirétroviraux devraient être assurée. PMID:28250876

  13. First-principles study of SF_6 decomposed gas adsorbed on Au-decorated graphene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Xiaoxing; Yu, Lei; Gui, Yingang; Hu, Weihua


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • We theoretically investigated the decomposed gaseous components of sulfur hexafluoride (SF_6), namely, H_2S, SO_2, SOF_2, and SO_2F_2, adsorbed on pristine and Au-embedded graphene based on DFT-D, in which the van der Waals effect is considered. • H_2S, SO_2, SOF_2, and SO_2F_2 are chemisorption on Au-doped graphene, appreciably stronger than physisorption on pristine graphene in which the van der Waals dominates. • Only H_2S exhibits n-type doping to Au-graphene, whereas the rest gases exhibit p-type doping. The n-type and p-type sensing behaviors that Au-doped graphene displays to different gases play a crucial role in selective sensing application. • Magnetic moments fluctuate substantially in the original Au-graphene when H_2S and SO_2 are adsorbed. While the adsorption effects of SOF_2 and SO_2F_2 generate magnetism quenching. The different changes of magnetic moments in every adsorption system provide another approach to selective detection. • The charge transfer mechanism is deeply discussed in this paper. - Abstract: We theoretically investigated the decomposed gaseous components of sulfur hexafluoride (SF_6), namely, H_2S, SO_2, SOF_2, and SO_2F_2, adsorbed on pristine and Au-embedded graphene based on the revised Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof calculation, which empirically includes a dispersion correction (DFT-D) for van der Waals interaction with standard generalized gradient approximation. Pristine graphene exhibits weak adsorption and absence of charge transfer, which indicates barely satisfactory sensing for decomposed components. The Au atom introduces magnetism to the pristine graphene after metal-embedded decoration as well as enhances conductivity. All four molecules induce certain hybridization between the molecules and Au-graphene, which results in chemical interactions. SOF_2 and SO_2F_2 exhibit a strong chemisorption interaction with Au-graphene, while H_2S and SO_2 exhibit quasi-molecular binding

  14. Influence of Au Nanoparticle Shape on Au@Cu2O Heterostructures


    Zhu, Jie; Lu, Na; Chen, Wei; Kong, Lina; Yang, Yun; Ma, Dekun; Huang, Shaoming


    Synthesis of metal-semiconductor heterostructures may allow the combination of function of the corresponding components and/or the enhanced performance resulting from the interactions between all the components. In this paper, Au@Cu2O core-shell heterostructures are prepared by a seed-growth method, using different-shaped Au nanocrystals as the seeds such as nanorods, octahedra, decahedra, dots, and nanocubes. The results revealed that the final structure of Au@Cu2O was greatly influenced by ...

  15. Flow in Au+Au collisions at RHIC (United States)

    Belt Tonjes, Marguerite; the PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wozniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    The study of flow can provide information on the initial state dynamics and the degree of equilibration attained in heavy-ion collisions. This contribution presents results for both elliptic and directed flow as determined from data recorded by the PHOBOS experiment in Au+Au runs at RHIC at \\sqrt{sNN} = 19.6, 130 and 200 GeV. The PHOBOS detector provides a unique coverage in pseudorapidity for measuring flow at RHIC. The systematic dependence of flow on pseudorapidity, transverse momentum, centrality and energy is discussed.

  16. Recent advances in the synthesis of Fe3O4@AU core/shell nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salihov, Sergei V.; Ivanenkov, Yan A.; Krechetov, Sergei P.; Veselov, Mark S.; Sviridenkova, Natalia V.; Savchenko, Alexander G.; Klyachko, Natalya L.; Golovin, Yury I.; Chufarova, Nina V.; Beloglazkina, Elena K.; Majouga, Alexander G.


    Fe 3 O 4 @Au core/shell nanoparticles have unique magnetic and optical properties. These nanoparticles are used for biomedical applications, such as magnetic resonance imaging, photothermal therapy, controlled drug delivery, protein separation, biosensors, DNA detection, and immunosensors. In this review, recent methods for the synthesis of core/shell nanoparticles are discussed. We divided all of the synthetic methods in two groups: methods of synthesis of bi-layer structures and methods of synthesis of multilayer composite structures. The latter methods have a layer of “glue” material between the core and the shell. - Highlights: • Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles are promising for biomedical applications but have some disadvantages. • Covering Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles with Au shell leads to better stability and biocompatibility. • Core/shell nanoparticles are widely used for biomedical applications. • There are two types of Fe 3 O 4 @Au core/shell nanoparticles structures: bi-layer and multilayer composite. • Different synthetic methods enable production of nanoparticles of different sizes

  17. Les morsures de serpent en milieux pédiatriques à l'hôpital de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    FAV-Afrique) actif sur les espèces Bitis, Echis, Naja et Dendroaspis de Sanofi Pasteur couplé au besoin d'un traitement symptomatique. Résultats: Un total de 56 dossiers de patients (sex-ratio 1,6; âge moyen = 9,36 ± 3,66 ans) ont été colligés ...

  18. Recours therapeutique en pediatrie: place de l'automedication chez ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'itineraire therapeutique fait reference aux parcours utilises par les individus pour !'obtention de soins en developpant des strategies les mettant en relation avec divers lieux de traitements. L' objectif de notre travail etait d'etudier les itineraires therapeutiques des enfants rei(US au CHUP CDG. 11 s'est agi d'une etude ...

  19. Gouvernance des systèmes de santé - la participation ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    On évaluera dans quelle mesure ces structures remplissent leurs fonctions, notamment les fonctions associées au traitement des plaintes formulées par les patients. On établira des liens ... The main objective of this competitive research fund is to support applied research in areas vital to achieving long-term food security.

  20. Prévalence et caractéristiques des effets indésirables des antihypertenseurs chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo (United States)

    Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Zongo, Ragomzingba Frank Edgard; Benao, Anita; Youl, Estelle Noëla Hoho; Bassoleth, Blaise Alexandre Bazona; Ouédraogo, Moussa; Zabsonré, Patrice; Guissou, Innocent Pierre


    La prise en charge médicamenteuse de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) entraine des effets indésirables qui peuvent être gênants et ainsi influencer l'observance du patient. Nous avons étudié ces effets indésirables dans le service de cardiologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo afin de déterminer leurs fréquences et leurs caractéristiques. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale de juillet à septembre 2015 chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire pour HTA. Les données ont été obtenues à partir de l'interrogatoire, des carnets de suivi des patients et des fiches de consultations. Au total 278 patients ont été inclus. La population d'étude incluait 69,1% de femmes. L'âge moyen était de 52,2 ans avec des extrêmes de 23 et 86 ans. Quatre vingt et sept virgule huit pourcent (87,8%) vivaient en milieu urbain. Le tabagisme, la dyslipidémie et les antécédents familiaux d'HTA représentaient respectivement 9%, 35,6% et 57,2%. Au plan thérapeutique, 43,2% étaient sous monothérapie, 35,6% sous bithérapie à l'initiation du traitement. Les inhibiteurs calciques (59,7%) étaient la classe thérapeutique la plus utilisée. La prévalence globale des effets indésirables était de 60,1%. Les inhibiteurs calciques étaient impliqués dans 53,6% suivis des diurétiques (48,6%) dans la survenue de l'effet indésirable. La prévalence spécifique par molécule était 28,1% pour l'amlodipine et 24,5% pour l'hydrochlorothiazide. La diurèse excessive (13,7%), la toux (12,9%) et les vertiges (11,5%) étaient les effets indésirables les plus fréquemment évoqués par les patients. Le système nerveux central et périphérique et le système ostéo-musculaire étaient les systèmes les plus atteints. Les effets indésirables sont un déterminant majeur de l'adhésion aux traitements antihypertenseur, car leur impact sur la vie quotidienne des patients peut s'avérer significatif. PMID:29875965

  1. Second Colloquim on the Scattering of Ultrasonic Waves (Deuxieme Colloque sur la Diffusion des Ondes Ultrasonores). (United States)


    8217 eau , Huiti me colloque sur le traitement du signal et ses applications (GRETSI), Nice, 1-5 June 1981, p. 637-644. [16] G. Maze, B. Taconet, and J...December 1984, to appear as a special issue of Traitement du Signal, published by La Direction des Recherches, Etudes et Techniques, 26 blvd. Victor...submerged in water, Huiti~me collogue sur le traitement du signal et ses applications (GRETSI), Nice, 1-5 June 1981, p. 637-644. [19] G. Maze et J

  2. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Leptoseris in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Leptoseris in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  3. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Porites in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Porites in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  4. Au, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation as SERS substrates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Vinod


    Full Text Available Chemically pure colloidal suspensions of gold and silver nanoparticles were synthesized using pulsed laser ablation. The dependence of laser fluence on the surface plasmon characteristics of the nanoparticles was investigated. Au:Ag colloidal suspensions were prepared by mixing highly monodisperse Au and Ag nanocolloids. The plasmon band of these mixtures was found to be highly sensitive to Au:Ag concentration ratio and wavelength of the laser beam used in the ablation process. The Au:Ag mixture consists of almost spherical shaped nanostructures with a tendency to join with adjacent ones. The surface enhanced Raman scattering activity of the Au, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal suspensions was tested using crystal violet as probe molecules. Enhancement in Raman signal obtained with Au:Ag substrates was found to be promising and strongly depends on its plasmon characteristics.

  5. The synthesis of high yield Au nanoplate and optimized optical properties (United States)

    Ni, Yuan; Kan, Caixia; Xu, Juan; Liu, Yang


    The applications of Au nanoplates based on the tunable plasmon properties and enhanced electromagnetic field at the sharp tip and straight edges, have generated a great deal of interest in recent years, especially in the fields of the bio-chemical sensing and imaging. In this review, we focus on the synthesis of nanoscale platelike structures by multiple synthetic strategies (such as thermal solution method, seed-mediated method, seedless method, and some greener methods), and explore corresponding growth mechanism in different synthetic approaches. Other than to review the fabrication of Au nanoplates, the purification strategies are also discussed in order to support the applications in various fields. Modifying synthetic method to obtain well-defined nanoplates can tuned optical absorption from visible to near-infrared region. Moreover, the Au nanoplate dimers (vertex-to-vertex and edge-by-edge assemblies) can induce more specific plasmon properties and stronger localized field due to coupling of interparticles. Compared with 0D quasi-spherical nanoparticles and 1D nanorods, the 2D nanoplates can be applied as a good surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate because of the sharp corners and straight edges. This review will provide background information for the controllable synthesis of anisotropic nanoparticles and advance the application of coupled nanostructures.

  6. Self-propelled micromotors based on Au-mesoporous silica nanorods (United States)

    Wang, Ying-Shuai; Xia, Hong; Lv, Chao; Wang, Lei; Dong, Wen-Fei; Feng, Jing; Sun, Hong-Bo


    Here, a chemical powered micromotor from the assembly of Au-SiO2 nanorods is presented. This new micromotor can be propelled efficiently by hydrogen bubbles generated from a hydrolysis reaction of aqueous NaBH4 and KBH4 and by oxygen bubbles produced by decomposition of H2O2. The monodisperse Au nanoparticles in mesoporous silica particles could catalyze the decomposition of two different kinds of fuels and produce bubbles. High speeds of 80 μm s-1 and recycles of more than 30 times are achieved in both NaBH4 and H2O2 media. Locomotion and rolling forms of movement were found. The locomotion forms can be obtained in a larger proportion by patterning the Au-SiO2 nanorods and a PDMS membrane. These micromotors that use multiple fuel sources to power them offer a broader scope of preparation and show considerable promise for diverse applications of nanomotors in different chemical environments.Here, a chemical powered micromotor from the assembly of Au-SiO2 nanorods is presented. This new micromotor can be propelled efficiently by hydrogen bubbles generated from a hydrolysis reaction of aqueous NaBH4 and KBH4 and by oxygen bubbles produced by decomposition of H2O2. The monodisperse Au nanoparticles in mesoporous silica particles could catalyze the decomposition of two different kinds of fuels and produce bubbles. High speeds of 80 μm s-1 and recycles of more than 30 times are achieved in both NaBH4 and H2O2 media. Locomotion and rolling forms of movement were found. The locomotion forms can be obtained in a larger proportion by patterning the Au-SiO2 nanorods and a PDMS membrane. These micromotors that use multiple fuel sources to power them offer a broader scope of preparation and show considerable promise for diverse applications of nanomotors in different chemical environments. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: More electronic microscopy graphs, UV-Vis spectra and N2 adsorption isotherms. See DOI: 10.1039/c5nr02545a

  7. Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Lee, J. W.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. The spectra were measured for transverse momenta pT from 0.25 to 4.5 GeV/c in a pseudorapidity range of 0.2<η<1.4. The evolution of the spectra is studied as a function of collision centrality, from 65 to 344 participating nucleons. The results are compared to data from proton-antiproton collisions and Au+Au collisions at lower RHIC energies. We find a significant change of the spectral shape between proton-antiproton and semi-peripheral Au+Au collisions. Comparing semi-peripheral to central Au+Au collisions, we find that the yields at high pT exhibit approximate scaling with the number of participating nucleons, rather than scaling with the number of binary collisions.

  8. Wetting Behavior of Ternary Au-Ge-X (X = Sb, Sn) Alloys on Cu and Ni (United States)

    Jin, S.; Valenza, F.; Novakovic, R.; Leinenbach, C.


    Au-Ge-based alloys are potential substitutes for Pb-rich solders currently used for high-temperature applications. In the present work, the wetting behavior of two Au-Ge-X (X = Sb, Sn) ternary alloys, i.e., Au-15Ge-17Sb and Au-13.7 Ge-15.3Sn (at.%), in contact with Cu and Ni substrates has been investigated. Au-13.7Ge-15.3Sn alloy showed complete wetting on both Cu and Ni substrates. Total spreading of Au-15Ge-17Sb alloy on Cu was also observed, while the final contact angle of this alloy on Ni was about 29°. Pronounced dissolution of Cu substrates into the solder alloys investigated was detected, while the formation of Ni-Ge intermetallic compounds at the interface of both solder/Ni systems suppressed the dissolution of Ni into the solder.

  9. Strain Distribution of Au and Ag Nanoparticles Embedded in Al2O3 Thin Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Honghua Huang


    Full Text Available Au and Ag nanoparticles embedded in amorphous Al2O3 matrix are fabricated by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD method and rapid thermal annealing (RTA technique, which are confirmed by the experimental high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM results, respectively. The strain distribution of Au and Ag nanoparticles embedded in the Al2O3 matrix is investigated by the finite-element (FE calculations. The simulation results clearly indicate that both the Au and Ag nanoparticles incur compressive strain by the Al2O3 matrix. However, the compressive strain existing on the Au nanoparticle is much weaker than that on the Ag nanoparticle. This phenomenon can be attributed to the reason that Young’s modulus of Au is larger than that of Ag. This different strain distribution of Au and Ag nanoparticles in the same host matrix may have a significant influence on the technological potential applications of the Au-Ag alloy nanoparticles.

  10. Toward hybrid Au nanorods @ M (Au, Ag, Pd and Pt) core-shell heterostructures for ultrasensitive SERS probes (United States)

    Xie, Xiaobin; Gao, Guanhui; Kang, Shendong; Lei, Yanhua; Pan, Zhengyin; Shibayama, Tamaki; Cai, Lintao


    Being able to precisely control the morphologies of noble metallic nanostructures is of essential significance for promoting the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect. Herein, we demonstrate an overgrowth strategy for synthesizing Au @ M (M = Au, Ag, Pd, Pt) core-shell heterogeneous nanocrystals with an orientated structural evolution and highly improved properties by using Au nanorods as seeds. With the same reaction condition system applied, we obtain four well-designed heterostructures with diverse shapes, including Au concave nanocuboids (Au CNs), Au @ Ag crystalizing face central cube nanopeanuts, Au @ Pd porous nanocuboids and Au @ Pt nanotrepangs. Subsequently, the exact overgrowth mechanism of the above heterostructural building blocks is further analysed via the systematic optimiziation of a series of fabrications. Remarkably, the well-defined Au CNs and Au @ Ag nanopeanuts both exhibit highly promoted SERS activity. We expect to be able to supply a facile strategy for the fabrication of multimetallic heterogeneous nanostructures, exploring the high SERS effect and catalytic activities.

  11. NaNO3/NaCl Oxidant and Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Capped Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) as a Novel Green Route for AuNPs Detection in Electrochemical Biosensors. (United States)

    López-Marzo, Adaris M; Hoyos-de-la-Torre, Raquel; Baldrich, Eva


    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been exploited as signal-producing tags in electrochemical biosensors. However, the electrochemical detection of AuNPs is currently performed using corrosive acid solutions, which may raise health and environmental concerns. Here, oxidant salts, and specifically the environmentally friendly and occupational safe NaNO 3 /NaCl mixture, have been evaluated for the first time as potential alternatives to the acid solutions traditionally used for AuNPs electrooxidation. In addition, a new strategy to improve the sensitivity of the biosensor through PEG-based ligand exchange to produce less compact and easier to oxidize AuNPs immunoconjugates is presented too. As we show, the electrochemical immunosensor using NaNO 3 /NaCl measurement solution for AuNPs electrooxidation and detection, coupled to the employment of PEG-capped nanoimmunoconjugates, produced results comparable to classical HCl detection. The procedure developed was next tested for human matrix metallopeptidase-9 (hMMP9) analysis, exhibiting a 0.18-23 ng/mL linear range, a detection limit of 0.06 ng/mL, and recoveries between 95 and 105% in spiked human plasma. These results show that the procedure developed is applicable to the analysis of protein biomarkers in blood plasma and could contribute to the development of more environmentally friendly AuNP-based electrochemical biosensors.

  12. Formation of Au nano-patterns on various substrates using simplified nano-transfer printing method (United States)

    Kim, Jong-Woo; Yang, Ki-Yeon; Hong, Sung-Hoon; Lee, Heon


    For future device applications, fabrication of the metal nano-patterns on various substrates, such as Si wafer, non-planar glass lens and flexible plastic films become important. Among various nano-patterning technologies, nano-transfer print method is one of the simplest techniques to fabricate metal nano-patterns. In nano-transfer printing process, thin Au layer is deposited on flexible PDMS mold, containing surface protrusion patterns, and the Au layer is transferred from PDMS mold to various substrates due to the difference of bonding strength of Au layer to PDMS mold and to the substrate. For effective transfer of Au layer, self-assembled monolayer, which has strong bonding to Au, is deposited on the substrate as a glue layer. In this study, complicated SAM layer coating process was replaced to simple UV/ozone treatment, which can activates the surface and form the -OH radicals. Using simple UV/ozone treatments on both Au and substrate, Au nano-pattern can be successfully transferred to as large as 6 in. diameter Si wafer, without SAM coating process. High fidelity transfer of Au nano-patterns to non-planar glass lens and flexible PET film was also demonstrated.

  13. La Greffe de Peau dans le Traitement des Sequelles de la Main Brulee. A Propos de 152 Cas - Experience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc (United States)

    El Mazouz, S.; Fejjal, N.; Hafidi, J.; Cherkab, L.; Mejjati, H.; Belfqih, R.; Gharib, N.; Abbassi, A.


    Summary La main est fréquemment exposée aux brûlures, entraînant des séquelles esthétiques et fonctionnelles. Le traitement de ces séquelles est surtout chirurgical et consiste en la greffe de peau, dont le type dépend de la localisation de la brûlure et du type des séquelles. Dans ce travail rétrospectif, nous rapportons une série de 152 cas de brûlures des mains colligés au service de chirurgie plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina de Rabat sur une période de dix ans, allant de 1998 à 2007. Les indications thérapeutiques dépendent du type de séquelles et de la localisation de la brûlure. En tout, 97 patients ont bénéficié d'une greffe cutanée, dont 76% par greffe de peau totale, 21% par greffe de peau demi-épaisse et 3% par peau fine. Les séquelles des brûlures des mains posent un problème thérapeutique majeur, malgré la diversité des procédés chirurgicaux, d'où l'intérêt de la prévention. PMID:21991196

  14. Silver Nanopartical over AuFON Substrate for Enhanced Raman Readout and Their Application in Pesticide Monitoring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kun Guo


    Full Text Available Surface-enhanced Raman detection of thiram is demonstrated by using Ag-nanoparticles (Ag NPs on Au film over nanosphere (AuFON substrate as the hybrid substrate. The SERS signal of the Ag NPs attached to solid supports is studied. The close coupling together of thousands of Ag NPs on AuFON leads to the generation of hot spots for SERS. The Ag NPs on AuFON can be applied to detect rhodamine-6G (R6G with the detection limitation of 10−11 M and the pesticide thiram in acetone with a detection limit of as low as 0.24 ppm, which is much lower than the maximal residue limit (MRL of 7 ppm in fruit prescribed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA. The hybrid substrates are shown to be highly sensitive for the detection of thriam, which produce highly enhanced Raman signals with good uniformity and reproducibility due to having plenty of hot spots on its surface.

  15. Identification des discriminations institutionnelles à l'encontre des personnes vivant avec le VIH en Suisse


    Dubois-Arber, Françoise; Haour-Knipe, Mary; Alberti Marina et al. (Collab.),


    Formes de discriminations institutionnelle en raison du statut [I. Santé] Restrictions d'accès aux soins: refus ou différences de traitement en raison du statut VIH. Tests nominaux de routine sans consentement, non-confidentialité des données médicales. Contrôle sanitaire, mise en quarantaine, internement obligatoire, ségrégation dans les hôpitaux. Notification obligatoire du statut sérologique au partenaire ou à la famille. Tests sans consentement, refus d'annonce du résultat au patient. Lic...

  16. Au 38 (SPh) 24 : Au 38 Protected with Aromatic Thiolate Ligands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rambukwella, Milan; Burrage, Shayna; Neubrander, Marie; Baseggio, Oscar; Aprà, Edoardo; Stener, Mauro; Fortunelli, Alessandro; Dass, Amala


    Au38(SR)24 is one of the most extensively investigated gold nanomolecules along with Au25(SR)18 and Au144(SR)60. However, so far it has only been prepared using aliphatic-like ligands, where R = –SC6H13, -SC12H25 and –SCH2CH2Ph. Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 when reacted with HSPh undergoes core-size conversion to Au36(SPh)24, and existing literature suggest that Au38(SPh)24 cannot be synthesized. Here, contrary to prevailing knowledge, we demonstrate that Au38(SPh)24 can be prepared if the ligand exchanged conditions are optimized, without any formation of Au36(SPh)24. Conclusive evidence is presented in the form of MALDI-MS, ESI-MS characterization, and optical spectra of Au38(SPh)24 in a solid glass form showing distinct differences from that of Au38(S-aliphatic)24. Theoretical analysis confirms experimental assignment of the optical spectrum and shows that the stability of Au38(SPh)24 is comparable to that of its aliphatic analogues, but results from different physical origins, with a significant component of ligand-ligand attractive interactions.

  17. Preliminary investigations on the preparation of gold nanoparticles intrinsically radiolabeled with 199Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vimalnath, K.V.; Chakraborty, Sudipta; Dash, Ashutosh


    Radiolabeled nanoparticles are of great interest in the current perspective of the nuclear medicine. Water dispersible materials with nanoscale dimensions are finding role in biomedical application owing to their size. These particles can access otherwise unreachable regions in tumor mainly due to Enhanced Permeability and Retention (EPR) effect. Nanoparticles of gold (AuNPs) can bind to a wide range of biologically active molecules with functional groups that have high affinity for the gold surface. Sulfur containing compounds (e.g. thiols, disulfides), organic phosphates, amines, PEG, etc. are some of the well known surface modifiers. Functional thiolates, oligonucleotides, peptides and PEGs are introduced upon subsequent bimolecular substitution of a ligand by a functional thiol easily attached to AuNPs. Owing to its favourable decay characteristics 199 Au (T 1/2 = 3.15 d, E âmax = 474 keV, Eg 158.4 keV (36.9 %) and 208.2 keV (8.4 %)) is an attractive radionuclide for theragnostic applications. In the present work, we have carried out preliminary radiochemical investigations on the preparation of gold nanoparticles intrinsically radiolabeled with 199 Au for its potential utility as a theragnostic agent targeted delivery to the tumors

  18. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    21 janv. 2012 ... les endocrinopathies et aussi les effets secondaires des antihypertenseurs [6,7]. Les recommandations de la JNC VII [8] ... de Lomé, ayant concerné 394 patients hypertendus en traitement régulier (médicaments antihypertenseurs + mesures hygiéno-diététiques) depuis au moins 1 mois et bien observants.

  19. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    18 nov. 2012 ... A l'examen gynécologique, on note l'absence de visualisation de pertuis cervical avec au toucher vaginal et rectal un empâtement sensible vaginale gauche. .... Parant O, Monzozies X, Lemasson F. Hématocolpos su hémivagin borgne avec duplication génitale complète: diagnostic et traitement - A.

  20. Untitled

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    en nutriments dans les especes de Vermonia amer (V. amygdalina, V. cahoana var. amere) et non amer (V. colorata et V. cahoana var. non amere) rencontrées au Cameroun. Les traitements utilisés sont le lavage, le lavage après blanchiment Sans natron, le lavage après blanchiment avec une concentration de natron.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    18 juin 2007 ... L'imagerie constitue une étape indispensable au diagnos- tic; elle précise la topographique de la tumeur et son exten- sion. Le diagnostic de ces tumeurs repose sur l'association des données cliniques, biologiques et anatomopatholo- giques. Le traitement de ces tumeurs est basé sur la chirurgie et la.

  2. Six équipes de chercheurs de classe mondiale étudieront comment ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Six équipes de chercheurs de classe mondiale étudieront comment surmonter la résistance au traitement des cancers les plus mortels. 26 octobre 2017. Avec nos partenaires, les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, l'Azrieli Foundation et l'Israel Science Foundation, nous sommes heureux de dévoiler l'identité des ...

  3. Preferential Au precipitation at deformation-induced defects in Fe–Au and Fe–Au–B–N alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, S., E-mail: [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands); Langelaan, G. [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands); Brouwer, J.C.; Sloof, W.G. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft (Netherlands); Brück, E. [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands); Zwaag, S. van der [Novel Aerospace Materials Group, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft (Netherlands); Dijk, N.H. van [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands)


    Highlights: • Fe–Au–B–N forms a good model alloy system for self healing of deformation damage. • Solute Au atoms exclusively precipitate at grain boundaries, cracks and cavities. • XPS indicates a strong tendency for Au segregation on free surfaces at 550 °C. • Interstitial B and N form hexagonal BN on free surfaces at 550 °C. • Selective Au precipitation at open volume defects can cause autonomous repair. -- Abstract: The influence of deformation-induced defects on the isothermal precipitation of Au was studied in high-purity Fe–Au and Fe–Au–B–N alloys. Preferential Au precipitation upon annealing at 550 °C is observed at local plastic indentations. In fractured Fe–Au–B–N, solute Au atoms were found to heterogeneously precipitate at grain boundaries and local micro-cracks. This is supported by in-situ creep tests that showed a strong tendency for Au precipitation at cracks and cavities also formed during creep loading at 550 °C. Complementary X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiments indicate a strong tendency of Au, B and N segregation onto free surface during aging. The observed site-specific precipitation of Au holds interesting opportunities for defect healing in steels subjected to creep deformation.

  4. Jet-Hadron Correlations in √sNN =200 GeV p +p and Central Au +Au Collisions (United States)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Anson, C. D.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Banerjee, A.; Beavis, D. R.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bichsel, H.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Borowski, W.; Bouchet, J.; Brandin, A. V.; Brovko, S. G.; Bültmann, S.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Cebra, D.; Cendejas, R.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H. F.; Chen, J. H.; Chen, L.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Chwastowski, J.; Codrington, M. J. M.; Contin, G.; Cramer, J. G.; Crawford, H. J.; Cui, X.; Das, S.; Davila Leyva, A.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; Derradi de Souza, R.; Dhamija, S.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Ding, F.; Djawotho, P.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Engle, K. S.; Eppley, G.; Eun, L.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Fedorisin, J.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Gangadharan, D. R.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Gliske, S.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, S.; Guryn, W.; Haag, B.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.-X.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Kesich, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikola, D. P.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Koetke, D. D.; Kollegger, T.; Konzer, J.; Koralt, I.; Kotchenda, L.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kulakov, I.; Kumar, L.; Kycia, R. A.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; LeVine, M. J.; Li, C.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Z. M.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Madagodagettige Don, D. M. M. D.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; McShane, T. S.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J. M.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Ohlson, A.; Okorokov, V.; Oldag, E. W.; Olvitt, D. L., Jr.; Pachr, M.; Page, B. S.; Pal, S. K.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlak, T.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peryt, W.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Pluta, J.; Poljak, N.; Porter, J.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Przybycien, M.; Pujahari, P. R.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Riley, C. K.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Ross, J. F.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sangaline, E.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Singaraju, R. N.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, D.; Smirnov, N.; Solanki, D.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stevens, J. R.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Sun, X.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Symons, T. J. M.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsai, O. D.; Turnau, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Vanfossen, J. A.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G. M. S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Vossen, A.; Wada, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, X. L.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Xiao, Z.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, J.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Yan, W.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zawisza, Y.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhao, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Y. H.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.; Zyzak, M.; STAR Collaboration


    Azimuthal angular correlations of charged hadrons with respect to the axis of a reconstructed (trigger) jet in Au +Au and p +p collisions at √sNN =200 GeV in STAR are presented. The trigger jet population in Au +Au collisions is biased toward jets that have not interacted with the medium, allowing easier matching of jet energies between Au +Au and p +p collisions while enhancing medium effects on the recoil jet. The associated hadron yield of the recoil jet is significantly suppressed at high transverse momentum (pTassoc) and enhanced at low pTassoc in 0%-20% central Au +Au collisions compared to p +p collisions, which is indicative of medium-induced parton energy loss in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.

  5. Induced accumulation of Au, Ag and Cu in Brassica napus grown in a mine tailings with the inoculation of Aspergillus niger and the application of two chemical compounds. (United States)

    González-Valdez, Eduardo; Alarcón, Alejandro; Ferrera-Cerrato, Ronald; Vega-Carrillo, Héctor René; Maldonado-Vega, María; Salas-Luévano, Miguel Ángel; Argumedo-Delira, Rosalba


    This study evaluated the ability of Brassica napus for extracting gold (Au), silver (Ag) and copper (Cu) from a mine tailings, with the inoculation of two Aspergillus niger strains, and the application of ammonium thiocyanate (NH 4 SCN) or ammonium thiosulfate [(NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 ]. After seven weeks of growth inoculated or non-inoculated plants were applied with 1 or 2 g kg -1 of either NH 4 SCN or (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 , respectively. Eight days after the application of the chemical compounds, plants were harvested for determining the total dry biomass, and the content of Au, Ag, and Cu in plant organs. Application of (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 or NH 4 SCN resulted in enhanced Au-accumulation in stems (447% and 507%, respectively), while either (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 +Aspergillus, or NH 4 SCN increased the Au-accumulation in roots (198.5% and 404%, respectively) when compared to the control. Treatments with (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 or (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 +Aspergillus significantly increased (P ≤ 0.001) the accumulation of Ag in leaves (677% and 1376%, respectively), while NH 4 SCN + Aspergillus, and (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 enhanced the accumulation in stems (7153% and 6717.5%). The Ag-accumulation in roots was stimulated by NH 4 SCN+ Aspergillus, and (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 + Aspergillus (132.5% and 178%, respectively), when compared to the control. The combination of NH 4 SCN+Aspergillus significantly enhanced the Cu-accumulation in leaves (228%); whereas NH 4 SCN+ Aspergillus, or (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 + Aspergillus resulted in greater accumulation of Cu in stems (1233.5% and 1580%, respectively) than the control. Results suggest that either NH 4 SCN or (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 (with or without Aspergillus) improved the accumulation of Au and Ag by B. napus. Accumulation of Au and Ag in plant organs overpassed the hyperaccumulation criterion (> 1 mg kg -1 of plant biomass); whereas Cu-accumulation in stems and roots also overpassed such criterion (> 1000 mg kg -1 ) by applying

  6. Study of Au+Au relativistic collisions with the Fopi-Phase I detector; Etude des collisions relativistes Au+Au avec le detecteur Fopi-Phase I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dupieux, P


    Au+Au relativistic collisions, in a 100-1000 MeV energy domain per nucleon, are described. Experiments have been carried out with the SIS accelerator at GSI/Darmstadt. Data are analysed with the FOPI-phase I detector. These data are compared with IQMD model (Isospin Quantum Molecular Dynamics) Predictions. (S.G). 80 refs., 77 figs., 5 tabs.

  7. Faire du business au bas de la pyramide : la réalité des marches émergents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reuben Abraham


    Full Text Available Le rôle du business a été traditionnellement ignoré dans les débats internationaux portant sur le développement économique et la lutte contre la pauvreté. Toutefois, le succès mondial récent du secteur de la téléphonie mobile et son essor rapide sur les marchés émergents au cours des deux dernières décennies ont imposé une remise en question. Au lieu de stratégies de développement descendantes, orientées sur l’aide, les débats portent à présent davantage sur la fourniture de biens et de services rentables à la base de la pyramide économique (BOP, comme le font les entreprises de téléphonie mobile. Des équipes de recherche du CEMS (Centre for Emerging Markets Solutions  ont découvert que, bien qu’il soit possible de desservir de façon rentable les marchés BOP, cela exige de s’écarter des stratégies préconisées dans les publications ordinaires sur la BOP. Cette approche oblige notamment à aborder des questions liées au climat macroéconomique et commercial du pays, aux erreurs d’appréciation du risque, à l’esprit d’entreprise. Elle implique également une réorientation, afin de s'éloigner des multinationales et de se rapprocher du secteur des petites entreprises, avec les coûts de transaction qui le minent. Ce document examine également quelques modèles d’entreprise durables qui ont fonctionné sur ces marchés et analyse quelques secteurs que les capitaux commerciaux trouveront extrêmement intéressants et dignes d’investissements. Enfin, nous étudierons comment structurer et exploiter les énormes opportunités commerciales générées par le traitement du manque d'organisation des marchés BOP, à l’aide d’une combinaison de modèles d’entreprise innovants (en particulier autour de structures à coût réduit, de recherche, d’esprit d’entreprise et de capitaux patients.

  8. Contribution to the study of physico-chemical properties of surfaces modified by laser treatment. Application to the enhancement of localized corrosion resistance of stainless steels; Contribution a l'etude des proprietes physico-chimiques des surfaces modifiees par traitement laser. Application a l'amelioration de la resistance a la corrosion localisee des aciers inoxydables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacquentin, W.


    integrite sur des periodes de plus en plus longues. L'objectif de ce travail de these est d'evaluer le potentiel d'un traitement de refusion laser pour ameliorer la resistance a la corrosion d'un acier inoxydable de type 304L; l'utilisation du laser dans le domaine des traitements de surface constituant un procede en pleine evolution a cause des changements recents dans la technologie des lasers. Dans le cadre de ce travail, le choix du laser s'est porte sur un laser nano-impulsionnel a fibre dopee ytterbium dont les caracteristiques permettent la fusion quasiinstantanee sur quelques microns de la surface traitee, immediatement suivie d'une solidification ultra-rapide avec des vitesses de refroidissement pouvant atteindre 1011 K/s. La combinaison de ces processus favorise l'elimination des defauts surfaciques, la formation de phases hors equilibre, la segregation d'elements chimiques et la formation d'une nouvelle couche d'oxyde dont les proprietes sont gouvernees par les parametres laser. Afin de les correler avec la reactivite electrochimique de la surface, l'influence de deux parametres laser sur les proprietes physicochimiques de la surface a ete etudiee: la puissance du laser et le taux de recouvrement des impacts laser. Pour clarifier ces relations, la resistance a la corrosion par piquration des surfaces traitees a ete determinee par des tests electrochimiques. Pour des parametres laser specifiques, le potentiel de piquration d'un acier inoxydable de type 304L augmente de plus de 500 mV traduisant ainsi une meilleure tenue a la corrosion localisee en milieu chlorure. L'interdependance des differents phenomenes resultant du traitement laser a rendu complexe la hierarchisation de leur effet sur la sensibilite de l'alliage teste. Cependant, il a ete montre que la nature de l'oxyde thermique forme au cours de la refusion laser et ses defauts sont du premier ordre pour l'amorcage des

  9. Au/CeO2-chitosan composite film for hydrogen peroxide sensing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Wei; Xie Guoming; Li Shenfeng; Lu Lingsong; Liu Bei


    Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) were in situ synthesized at the cerium dioxide nanoparticles (CeO 2 NPs)-chitosan (CS) composite film by one-step direct chemical reduction, and the resulting Au/CeO 2 -CS composite were further modified for enzyme immobilization and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) biosensing. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), UV-vis spectra and electrochemical techniques have been utilized for characterization of the prepared composite. The stepwise assembly process and electrochemical performances of the biosensor were characterized by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and typical amperometric response (i-t). The Au/CeO 2 -CS composite exhibited good conductibility and biocompatibility, and the developed biosensor exhibited excellent response to hydrogen peroxide in the linear range of 0.05-2.5 mM (r = 0.998) with the detection limit of 7 μM (S/N = 3). Moreover, the biosensor presented high affinity (K m app =1.93mM), good reproducibility and storage stability. All these results demonstrate that the Au/CeO 2 -CS composite film can provide a promising biointerface for the biosensor designs and other biological applications.

  10. A rapid green strategy for the synthesis of Au "meatball"-like nanoparticles using green tea for SERS applications (United States)

    Wu, Shichao; Zhou, Xi; Yang, Xiangrui; Hou, Zhenqing; Shi, Yanfeng; Zhong, Lubin; Jiang, Qian; Zhang, Qiqing


    We report a simple and rapid biological approach to synthesize water-soluble and highly roughened "meatball"-like Au nanoparticles using green tea extract under microwave irradiation. The synthesized Au meatball-like nanoparticles possess excellent monodispersity and uniform size (250 nm in diameter). Raman measurements show that these tea-generated meatball-like gold nanostructures with high active surface areas exhibit a high enhancement of surface-enhanced Raman scattering. In addition, the Au meatball-like nanoparticles demonstrate good biocompatibility and remarkable in vitro stability at the biological temperature. Meanwhile, the factors that influence the Au meatball-like nanoparticles morphology are investigated, and the mechanisms behind the nonspherical shape evolution are discussed.

  11. An SFG and DFG investigation of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes in contact with aqueous solutions containing KCN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bozzini, Benedetto; Busson, Bertrand; De Gaudenzi, Gian Pietro; Mele, Claudio; Tadjeddine, Abderrahmane


    In this paper, the behaviour of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu (Cu 25%) and Au-Ag-Cu (Ag 10%, Cu 15%) electrodes in contact with neutral aqueous solutions of KCN has been studied as a function of potential by means of in situ sum frequency generation (SFG) and difference frequency generation (DFG) spectroscopies. The potential-dependent spectra have been analysed quantitatively with a model for the second-order non-linear susceptibility accounting for vibrational and electronic effects. The potential-dependence of the CN - stretching band position and of the free-electron contribution to the real part of the non-resonant component of the second-order susceptibility have been accounted for. Spectroelectrochemical results were complemented by cyclic voltammetric measurements. The chief stress in this work has been placed on systematising and quantifying the interaction between the vibrational and electronic structures of the electrodic interfaces studied. The effects of adsorbates on the electronic structure of the adsorbing electrode, as a function of electrode alloy composition and applied potential are particularly critical for the understanding of Au-alloy electrochemistry in the presence of cyanide and cyanocomplexes. The systematic comparison of SFG and DFG spectra measured under the same electrochemical conditions for Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes discloses a rich phenomenology related to the electronic structure of the interface

  12. An SFG and DFG investigation of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes in contact with aqueous solutions containing KCN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bozzini, Benedetto [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell' Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, v. Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce (Italy)]. E-mail:; Busson, Bertrand [CLIO-LCP, Universite Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex (France); De Gaudenzi, Gian Pietro [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell' Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, v. Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce (Italy); Mele, Claudio [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell' Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, v. Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce (Italy); Tadjeddine, Abderrahmane [UDIL-CNRS, Bat. 201, Centre Universitaire Paris-Sud, BP 34, 91898 Orsay Cedex (France)


    In this paper, the behaviour of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu (Cu 25%) and Au-Ag-Cu (Ag 10%, Cu 15%) electrodes in contact with neutral aqueous solutions of KCN has been studied as a function of potential by means of in situ sum frequency generation (SFG) and difference frequency generation (DFG) spectroscopies. The potential-dependent spectra have been analysed quantitatively with a model for the second-order non-linear susceptibility accounting for vibrational and electronic effects. The potential-dependence of the CN{sup -} stretching band position and of the free-electron contribution to the real part of the non-resonant component of the second-order susceptibility have been accounted for. Spectroelectrochemical results were complemented by cyclic voltammetric measurements. The chief stress in this work has been placed on systematising and quantifying the interaction between the vibrational and electronic structures of the electrodic interfaces studied. The effects of adsorbates on the electronic structure of the adsorbing electrode, as a function of electrode alloy composition and applied potential are particularly critical for the understanding of Au-alloy electrochemistry in the presence of cyanide and cyanocomplexes. The systematic comparison of SFG and DFG spectra measured under the same electrochemical conditions for Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes discloses a rich phenomenology related to the electronic structure of the interface.

  13. Incidence du cancer au Canada : tendances et projections (1983-2032

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin Xie


    plus entre le recul du tabagisme et la diminution ultérieure de l'incidence de cancer, les taux d'incidence chez les femmes commenceront probablement à chuter de façon plus accentuée à long terme. Cependant, l'incidence devrait augmenter dans le même temps pour les cancers non liés au tabagisme. Cancers associés à un excédent de poids et à la sédentarité : Au cours de la période de projection de 25 ans, on estime que les taux d'incidence des cancers associés à un excédent de poids et à la sédentarité augmenteront de 0,6 à 16 % pour, en ordre décroissant, les cancers de l'utérus, du rein, du pancréas, du sein chez la femme et de l'oesophage chez l'homme. Les taux d'incidence devraient fléchir de 2 à 6 % pour le cancer colorectal et le cancer de l'oesophage chez la femme. La prévalence accrue de l'obésité au Canada contribuerait aux tendances à la hausse de l'incidence. Cancers les plus courants associés à des infections : Entre 2003-2007 et 2028-2032, on s'attend à une escalade des taux d'incidence du cancer du foie, presque trois fois plus rapide chez les hommes que chez les femmes (43 % contre 15 %, tandis que les taux de cancer de l'estomac et de cancer du col de l'utérus continueront de fléchir de 20 à 30 %. La tendance à la hausse constante de l'incidence du cancer du foie est peut-être liée à l'augmentation constatée par le passé et à l'incidence élevée actuelle de l'infection par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC, au vieillissement de la population déjà infectée et à l'augmentation de l'immigration issue de zones où les facteurs de risque comme le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB sont prévalents. La diminution constante de l'incidence du cancer de l'estomac peut s'expliquer par l'adoption d'un mode de vie plus sain, en particulier la baisse du tabagisme et un changement des habitudes alimentaires, ainsi que par une amélioration des techniques de reconnaissance et de traitement de l'infection à Helicobacter pylori. La

  14. Balance functions from Au+Au, d+Au, and p+p collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alakhverdyants, A. V.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G. S.; Balewski, J.; Barnby, L. S.; Baumgart, S.; Beavis, D.R.; Bellwied, R.; Betancourt, M.J.; Betts, R. R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A.K.; Bichsel, H.; Bielčík, Jaroslav; Bielčíková, Jana; Biritz, B.; Bland, L.C.; Bonner, B.E.; Bouchet, J.; Braidot, E.; Brandin, A.V.; Bridgeman, A.; Bruna, E.; Bueltmann, S.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Sanchez, M.C.D.; Catu, O.; Cebra, D.; Cendejas, R.; Cervantes, M.C.; Chajecki, Z.; Chaloupka, Petr; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, J.H.; Chen, J.Y.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Choi, K.E.; Christie, W.; Chung, P.; Clarke, R.F.; Codrington, M.J.M.; Corliss, R.; Cramer, J. G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, D.; Dash, S.; Leyva, A.D.; De Silva, L.C.; Debbe, R.R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Derevschikov, A.A.; de Souza, R.D.; Didenko, L.; Djawotho, P.; Dogra, S.M.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J.L.; Draper, J. E.; Dunlop, J.C.; Mazumdar, M.R.D.; Efimov, L.G.; Elhalhuli, E.; Elnimr, M.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Eun, L.; Evdokimov, O.; Fachini, P.; Fatemi, R.; Fedorisin, J.; Fersch, R.G.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fine, V.; Fisyak, Y.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Gangaharan, D.R.; Ganti, M. S.; Garcia-Solis, E.J.; Geromitsos, A.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gorbunov, Y.N.; Gordon, A.; Grebenyuk, O.; Grosnick, D.; Guertin, S.M.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, N.; Guryn, W.; Haag, B.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.X.; Harris, J.W.; Hays-Wehle, J.P.; Heinz, M.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, A.M.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Hofman, D.J.; Horner, M.J.; Huang, B.; Huang, H.Z.; Humanic, T.J.; Huo, L.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Jena, C.; Jin, F.; Jones, C.L.; Jones, P.G.; Joseph, J.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kajimoto, K.; Kang, K.; Kapitán, Jan; Kauder, K.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Kettler, D.; Kikola, D.P.; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Klein, S.R.; Knospe, A.G.; Kocoloski, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Konzer, J.; Koralt, I.; Koroleva, L.; Korsch, W.; Kotchenda, L.; Kushpil, Vasilij; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Krus, M.; Kumar, L.; Kurnadi, P.; Lamont, M.A.C.; Landgraf, J.M.; LaPointe, S. (ed.); Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednický, Richard; Lee, Ch.; Lee, J.H.; Leight, W.; LeVine, M.J.; Li, C.; Li, L.; Li, N.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.M.; Lin, G.; Lindenbaum, S.J.; Lisa, M.A.; Liu, F.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W.J.; Longacre, R.S.; Love, W.A.; Lu, Y.; Luo, X.; Ma, G.L.; Ma, Y.G.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Mall, O.I.; Mangotra, L.K.; Manweiler, R.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H.S.; Matulenko, Yu.A.; McDonald, D.; McShane, T.S.; Meschanin, A.; Milner, R.; Minaev, N.G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mischke, A.; Mitrovski, M.K.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M.M.; Morozov, B.; Morozov, D.A.; Munhoz, M. G.; Nandi, B.K.; Nattrass, C.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J.M.; Netrakanti, P.K.; Ng, M.J.; Nogach, L.V.; Nurushev, S.B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Okorokov, V.; Oldag, E.W.; Olson, D.; Pachr, M.; Page, B.S.; Pal, S.K.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Yu.; Pawlak, T.; Peitzmann, T.; Perevoztchikov, V.; Perkins, C.; Peryt, W.; Phatak, S.C.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Ploskon, M.A.; Pluta, J.; Plyku, D.; Poljak, N.; Poskanzer, A.M.; Potukuchi, B.V.K.S.; Powell, C.B.; Prindle, D.; Pruneau, C.; Pruthi, N.K.; Pujahari, P.R.; Putschke, J.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R.L.; Redwine, R.; Reed, R.; Ritter, H.G.; Roberts, J.B.; Rogachevskiy, O.V.; Romero, J.L.; Rose, A.; Roy, C.; Ruan, L.; Sahoo, R.; Sakai, S.; Sakrejda, I.; Sakuma, T.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sangaline, E.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R.P.; Schmitz, N.; Schuster, T.R.; Seele, J.; Seger, J.; Selyuzhenkov, I.; Seyboth, P.; Shahaliev, E.; Shao, M.; Sharma, M.; Shi, S.S.; Sichtermann, E.P.; Simon, F.; Singaraju, R.N.; Skoby, M.J.; Smirnov, N.; Sorensen, P.; Sowinski, J.; Spinka, H.M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T.D.S.; Staszak, D.; Stevens, J.R.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Suarez, M.C.; Subba, N.L.; Šumbera, Michal; Sun, X.M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D.N.; Symons, T.J.M.; de Toledo, A. S.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, A.H.; Tang, Z.; Tarini, L.H.; Tarnowsky, T.; Thein, D.; Thomas, J.H.; Tian, J.; Timmins, A.R.; Timoshenko, S.; Tlustý, David; Tokarev, M. V.; Trainor, T.A.; Tram, V.N.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tsai, O.D.; Ulery, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D.G.; Van Buren, G.; van Leeuwen, M.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vanfossen, J.A.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G.M.S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Videbaek, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S.A.; Wada, M.; Walker, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.S.; Wang, Q.; Wang, X.L.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Westfall, G.D.; Whitten, C.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S.W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y.F.; Xie, W.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q.H.; Xu, W.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Xue, L.; Yang, Y.; Yepes, P.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.K.; Yue, Q.; Zawisza, M.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zhan, W.; Zhang, J.B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, W.M.; Zhang, X.P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.P.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, J.; Zhou, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Y.H.; Zoulkarneev, R.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.


    Roč. 82, č. 2 (2010), 024905/1-024905/16 ISSN 0556-2813 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505; CEZ:AV0Z10100502 Keywords : HEAVY-ION COLLISIONS * AU-AU COLLISIONS * TIME PROJECTION CHAMBER Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 3.416, year: 2010

  15. Les coûts du diabète sur 10 ans au Canada : intégration des coûts en soins de santé imputables au diabète à un modèle de prédiction de son incidence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anja Bilandzic


    Full Text Available Introduction : Notre objectif était d’estimer les coûts de santé directs liés au traitement du diabète au Canada sur 10 ans, à l’aide de données de sondages nationaux et d’un outil de prévision du risque de diabète, ainsi que les coûts par personne. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé le Diabetes Population Risk Tool pour estimer le nombre de nouveaux cas de diabète chez les personnes âgées de 20 ans et plus sur 10 ans (jusqu'en 2022 à l’aide des données de 2011 et de 2012 de l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes. Nous avons évalué les coûts liés au diabète à partir d’une étude de cohorte faisant appel à l’appariement par score de propension, en utilisant la base de données sur le diabète de l’Ontario ainsi que d’autres données administratives. Nous avons calculé les coûts totaux en utilisant les coûts associés aux nouveaux cas, en tenant compte du sexe, de l’année du diagnostic et des taux de mortalité annuels dus à la maladie. Résultats : D'après nos calculs, le risque de développer le diabète sur 10 ans s’élevait pour la population canadienne en 2011-2012 à 9,98 %, soit 2,16 millions de nouveaux cas. Les coûts totaux en soins de santé imputables au diabète pendant cette période sont de 15,36 milliards (7,55 milliards pour les femmes et 7,81 milliards pour les hommes. Ce sont les hospitalisations de courte durée qui constituent la majeure partie de ces coûts (43,2 %. Des interventions menées au sein de la population entraînant une perte de poids de 5 % au sein de la population permettraient de réduire les coûts des soins de santé de 2,03 milliards de dollars. Une réduction du risque de 30 % obtenue grâce à des interventions auprès des personnes à plus haut risque de développer le diabète (c.-à-d. les 10 % au sommet du groupe à risque le plus élevé entraînerait des économies de l’ordrede 1,48 million de dollars. Conclusion : D'ici 2022

  16. Evolution of Self-Assembled Au NPs by Controlling Annealing Temperature and Dwelling Time on Sapphire (0001). (United States)

    Lee, Jihoon; Pandey, Puran; Sui, Mao; Li, Ming-Yu; Zhang, Quanzhen; Kunwar, Sundar


    Au nanoparticles (NPs) have been utilized in a wide range of device applications as well as catalysts for the fabrication of nanopores and nanowires, in which the performance of the associated devices and morphology of nanopores and nanowires are strongly dependent on the size, density, and configuration of the Au NPs. In this paper, the evolution of the self-assembled Au nanostructures and NPs on sapphire (0001) is systematically investigated with the variation of annealing temperature (AT) and dwelling time (DT). At the low-temperature range between 300 and 600 °C, three distinct regimes of the Au nanostructure configuration are observed, i.e., the vermiform-like Au piles, irregular Au nano-mounds, and Au islands. Subsequently, being provided with relatively high thermal energy between 700 and 900 °C, the round dome-shaped Au NPs are fabricated based on the Volmer-Weber growth model. With the increased AT, the size of the Au NPs is gradually increased due to a more favorable surface diffusion while the density is gradually decreased as a compensation. On the other hand, with the increased DT, the size and density of Au NPs decrease due to the evaporation of Au at relatively high annealing temperature at 950 °C.

  17. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Montipora Corals in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Montipora in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  18. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Leptoseris Corals in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Leptoseris in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  19. Theoretical study on the photocatalytic properties of graphene oxide with single Au atom adsorption (United States)

    Ju, Lin; Dai, Ying; Wei, Wei; Li, Mengmeng; Jin, Cui; Huang, Baibiao


    The photocatalytic properties of graphene oxide (GO) with single Au atom adsorption are studied via the first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory. The present study addresses the origin of enhancement in photocatalytic efficiency of GO derived from single Au atom depositing. Compared with the clean one, the work function of the single Au atom adsorbed GO is lowered due to the charge transfer from Au to GO, indicating enhanced surface activity. The Au atom plays as an electron trapping center and a mediating role in charge transfer from photon excited GO to target species. The photogenerated electron-hole pairs can be separated effectively. For the GO configuration with atomic Au dispersion, there are some states introduced in the band gap, which are predominantly composed of Au 6s states. Through the in-gap state, the photo-generated electron transfer from the valence band of clean GO to the conductive band more easily. In addition, the reduction of the gap in the system is also presented in the current work, which indicates that the single Au atom adsorption improves light absorption for the GO based photocatalyst. These theoretical results are valuable for the future applications of GO materials as photocatalyst for water splitting.

  20. Filipino au pairs on the move

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Karina Märcher


    Most Filipina au pairs in Denmark send remittances back home, and for many, au pairing forms part of longer-term migration trajectories. This article explores how Filipina au pairs try to carve out a future for themselves abroad. It shows that they navigate within tight webs of financial interdep......Most Filipina au pairs in Denmark send remittances back home, and for many, au pairing forms part of longer-term migration trajectories. This article explores how Filipina au pairs try to carve out a future for themselves abroad. It shows that they navigate within tight webs of financial...

  1. Ab initio simulations of scanning-tunneling-microscope images with embedding techniques and application to C58-dimers on Au(111). (United States)

    Wilhelm, Jan; Walz, Michael; Stendel, Melanie; Bagrets, Alexei; Evers, Ferdinand


    We present a modification of the standard electron transport methodology based on the (non-equilibrium) Green's function formalism to efficiently simulate STM-images. The novel feature of this method is that it employs an effective embedding technique that allows us to extrapolate properties of metal substrates with adsorbed molecules from quantum-chemical cluster calculations. To illustrate the potential of this approach, we present an application to STM-images of C58-dimers immobilized on Au(111)-surfaces that is motivated by recent experiments.

  2. Géographie de l’union civile au Vermont

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baptiste Coulmont


    Full Text Available Le Vermont, État rural du Nord des États-Unis, a créé en 2000 les «unions civiles», réservées aux couples du même sexe. Cette forme de mariage s’est appuyée sur une communauté gay et lesbienne locale, tout en contribuant à développer un «tourisme homosexuel» et à pousser certaines églises à revoir leur traitement des couples homosexuels: homosexualité et ruralité ne sont pas nécessairement opposées.

  3. Split resonance modes of a AuBRC plasmonic nanosystem caused by the coupling effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ni, Yuan; Kan, Caixia; Xu, Haiying; Wang, Changshun


    A plasmonic nanosystem can give rise to particular optical responses due to a coupling effect. In this work, we investigate the optical properties and field distributions of a novel ‘matrioska’ nanocavity structure composed of a Au nanorod (AuNR) within a nanobox (AuNB) via finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. This nanocavity can be fabricated by a two-step wet-chemical method. The multiple SPR modes of optical spectrum for nanocavity are caused by the strong interaction between the AuNR-core and AuNB-shell when the incident light is perpendicular or parallel to the long axis of the Au box/rod nanocavity (AuBRC). The SPR modes are known as the dipole–dipole bonding resonance mode in the lower-energy region and the antibonding resonance mode in the higher-energy region. It is proposed that AuBRC can escape the orientation confinement of AuNR because the multiple modes occur and provide a potential application for the enhancement of the photoluminescence signal. Additionally, the SPR modes red-shift with increasing the offset of the AuNR-core, whereas the SPR mode dramatically blue-shifts when the conductive coupling is formed. The intense ‘hot-spot’ could be induced within a small interaction region in the conductive coupled system. The SPR line-shape of high quality would also be promoted. The SPR is highly sensitive to the medium, which is promising in the sensing and detecting devices. (paper)

  4. Single-crystal Au microflakes modulated by amino acids and their sensing and catalytic properties. (United States)

    Li, Mingjie; Wu, Xiaochen; Zhou, Jiyu; Kong, Qingshan; Li, Chaoxu


    Single-crystal Au microflakes with the planar area over 10(3)μm(2) (i.e. being accessible to the human eye resolution) were synthesized in an environment-friendly route by directing two-dimensional growth of Au nanocrystals into macroscopic scales with amino acids as both reducing agents and capping agents. Side groups of amino acids were found to be a determinant parameter to tune the dimension and size of Au single crystals. The successful synthesis of Au microflakes provides an unprecedented opportunity to bridge nanotechnology and macroscopic devices, and hereby to start a new scenario of exploring their unique properties and applications in optoelectronic devices and bio-sensing fields across multiple length scales. For example, Au microflakes respond to air humidity upon depositing on films of chitin nanofibrils, and sense various physiological molecules as electrode materials of biosensors. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Recours aux médicaments et aux consultations psychologiques chez les Canadiens atteints d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siobhan O'Donnell


    Full Text Available Introduction : L'étude décrit le recours aux médicaments sur ordonnance et aux consultations psychologiques au cours des 12 derniers mois chez les Canadiens adultes ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et cliniques associées à ce recours et les raisons invoquées pour ne pas y recourir. Méthodologie : L'Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada - Composante sur les troubles de l'humeur et d'anxiété de 2014 a été utilisée. L'échantillon de l'étude (n = 2 916 a été divisé en quatre sous-groupes de traitement : (1 prend des médicaments seulement; (2 a reçu des consultations psychologiques seulement; (3 prend des médicaments et a reçu des consultations psychologiques; ou (4 n'a eu recours à aucun de ces deux traitements. Nous avons combiné les trois premiers sous-groupes et effectué des analyses descriptives et de régression logistique multivariée pour comparer ceux qui prenaient des médicaments et/ou avaient reçu des consultations psychologiques par rapport à ceux n'ayant pas eu recours à ces deux traitements. Nous avons pondéré toutes les estimations afin que les données soient représentatives de la population canadienne adulte vivant en logement privé dans l'une des 10 provinces et ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété. Résultats : La majorité (81,8 % des Canadiens adultes ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété ont indiqué prendre des médicaments et/ou avoir reçu des consultations psychologiques (47,6 % prenaient des médicaments seulement, 6,9 % avaient reçu des consultations psychologiques seulement et 27,3 % avaient eu recours aux deux modalités de traitement. Après ajustement des caractéristiques individuelles, le recours aux médicaments et/ou aux consultations psychologiques était significativement

  6. Gold(I) Complexes with N-Donor Ligands. 2.(1) Reactions of Ammonium Salts with [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] To Give [Au(NH(3))L](+), [(AuL)(2)(&mgr;(2)-NH(2))](+), [(AuL)(4)(&mgr;(4)-N)](+), or [(AuL)(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)](+). A New and Facile Synthesis of [Au(NH(3))(2)](+) Salts. Crystal Structure of [{AuP(C(6)H(4)OMe-4)(3)}(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]CF(3)SO(3). (United States)

    Vicente, José; Chicote, María-Teresa; Guerrero, Rita; Jones, Peter G.; Ramírez De Arellano, M. Carmen


    The complexes [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] (acac = acetylacetonate, R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4) react with (NH(4))ClO(4) to give amminegold(I), [Au(NH(3))(PR(3))]ClO(4), amidogold(I), [(AuPR(3))(2)(&mgr;(2)-NH(2))]ClO(4), or nitridogold(I), [(AuPR(3))(4)(&mgr;(4)-N)]ClO(4), complexes, depending on the reaction conditions. Similarly, [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PPh(3))] reacts with (NH(3)R')OTf (OTf = CF(3)SO(3)) (1:1) or with [H(3)N(CH(2))(2)NH(2)]OTf (1:1) to give (amine)gold(I) complexes [Au(NH(2)R')(PPh(3))]OTf (R' = Me, C(6)H(4)NO(2)-4) or [(AuPPh(3))(2){&mgr;(2)-H(2)N(CH(2))(2)NH(2)}](OTf)(2), respectively. The ammonium salts (NH(2)R'(2))OTf (R' = Et, Ph) react with [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] (R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4) (1:2) to give, after hydrolysis, the oxonium salts [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]OTf (R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4). When NH(3) is bubbled through a solution of [AuCl(tht)] (tht = tetrahydrothiophene), the complex [Au(NH(3))(2)]Cl precipitates. Addition of [Au(NH(3))(2)]Cl to a solution of AgClO(4) or TlOTf leads to the isolation of [Au(NH(3))(2)]ClO(4) or [Au(NH(3))(2)]OTf, respectively. The crystal structure of [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]OTf.Me(2)CO (R = C(6)H(4)OMe-4) has been determined: triclinic, space group P&onemacr;, a = 14.884(3) Å, b = 15.828(3) Å, c = 16.061(3) Å, alpha = 83.39(3) degrees, beta = 86.28(3) degrees, gamma = 65.54(3) degrees, R1 (wR2) = 0.0370 (0.0788). The [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)](+) cation shows an essentially trigonal pyramidal array of three gold atoms and one oxygen atom with O-Au-P bond angles of ca. 175 degrees and Au.Au contacts in the range 2.9585(7)-3.0505(14) Å. These cations are linked into centrosymmetric dimers through two short Au.Au [2.9585(7), 3.0919(9) Å] contacts. The gold atoms of the dimer form a six-membered ring with a chair conformation.

  7. φ meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at √sNN=200 GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adams, J.; Adler, C.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Ahammed, Z.; Amonett, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G.S.; Badyal, S.K.; Balewski, J.; Barannikova, O.; Barnby, L.S.; Baudot, J.; Bekele, S.; Belaga, V.V.; Bellwied, R.; Berger, J.; Bezverkhny, B.I.; Bhardwaj, S.; Bhati, A.K.; Bichsel, H.; Billmeier, A.; Bland, L.C.; Blyth, C.O.; Bonner, B.E.; Botje, M.; Boucham, A.; Brandin, A.; Bravar, A.; Cadman, R.V.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Calderon de la Barca Sanchez, M.; Carroll, J.; Castillo, J.; Cebra, D.; Chaloupka, P.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, Y.; Chernenko, S.P.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Coffin, J.P.; Cormier, T.M.; Cramer, J.G.; Crawford, H.J.; Das, D.; Das, S.; Derevschikov, A.A.; Didenko, L.; Dietel, T.; Dong, W.J.; Dong, X.; Draper, J.E.; Du, F.; Dubey, A.K.; Dunin, V.B.; Dunlop, J.C.; Dutta Majumdar, M.R.; Eckardt, V.; Efimov, L.G.; Emelianov, V.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Fachini, P.; Faine, V.; Faivre, J.; Fatemi, R.; Filimonov, K.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flierl, D.; Foley, K.J.; Fu, J.; Gagliardi, C.A.; Gagunashvili, N.; Gans, J.; Ganti, M.S.; Gaudichet, L.; Germain, M.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gonzalez, J.E.; Grachov, O.; Grebenyuk, O.; Gronstal, S.; Grosnick, D.; Guedon, M.; Guertin, S.M.; Gupta, A.; Gutierrez, T.D.; Hallman, T.J.; Hamed, A.; Hardtke, D.; Harris, J.W.; Heinz, M.; Henry, T.W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hippolyte, B.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Horsley, M.; Huang, H.Z.; Huang, S.L.; Hughes, E.; Humanic, T.J.; Igo, G.; Ishihara, A.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Janik, M.; Johnson, I.; Jones, P.G.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kaplan, M.; Keane, D.; Khodyrev; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J.; Klein, S.R.; Klyachko, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Kopytine, S.M.; Kotchenda, L.; Kovalenko, A.D.; Kramer, M.; Kravtsov, P.; Kravstov, V.I.; Krueger, K.; Kuhn, C.; Kulikov, A.I.; Kumar, A.; Kunde, G.J.; Kunz, C.L.; Kutuev, R.Kh.


    We report the STAR measurement of ψ meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV. Using the event mixing technique, the ψ spectra and yields are obtained at midrapidity for five centrality bins in Au+Au collisions and for non-singly-diffractive p+p collisions. It is found that the ψ transverse momentum distributions from Au+Au collisions are better fitted with a single-exponential while the p+p spectrum is better described by a double-exponential distribution. The measured nuclear modification factors indicate that ψ production in central Au+Au collisions is suppressed relative to peripheral collisions when scaled by the number of binary collisions ( bin >). The systematics of T > versus centrality and the constant ψ/K - ratio versus beam species, centrality, and collision energy rule out kaon coalescence as the dominant mechanism for ψ production

  8. Monolayer-Enriched Production of Au-Decorated WS2 Nanosheets via Defect Engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dunklin, Jeremy R [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Lafargue, Paul [Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg; Higgins, Thomas M. [Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg; Forcherio, Gregory T. [U.S. Army Research Laboratory; Benamara, Mourad [University of Arkansas; McEvoy, Niall [Trinity College Dublin; Roper, D. Keith [University of Arkansas; Coleman, Jonathan N. [Trinity College Dublin; Vaynzof, Yana [Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg; Backes, Claudia [Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg


    Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) represent a diverse, emerging source of two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures with broad application in optoelectronics and energy. Chemical functionalization has evolved into a powerful tool to tailor properties of these 2D TMDs; however, functionalization strategies have been largely limited to the metallic 1T-polytype. The work herein illustrates that 2H-semiconducting liquid-exfoliated tungsten disulfide (WS2) undergoes a spontaneous redox reaction with gold (III) chloride (AuCl3). Au nanoparticles (NPs) predominantly nucleate at nanosheet edges with tuneable NP size and density. AuCl3 is preferentially reduced on multi-layer WS2 and resulting large Au aggregates are easily separated from the colloidal dispersion by simple centrifugation. This process may be exploited to enrich the dispersions in laterally large, monolayer nanosheets. It is proposed that thiol groups at edges and defects sides reduce the AuCl3 to Au0 and are in turn oxidized to disulfides. Optical emission, i.e. photoluminescence, of the monolayers remained pristine, while the electrocatalytic activity towards the hydrogen evolution reaction is significantly improved. Taken together, these improvements in functionalization, fabrication, and catalytic activity represent an important advance in the study of these emerging 2D nanostructures.

  9. Graphene nanoribbons synthesized from molecular precursor polymerization on Au(110)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Massimi, Lorenzo; Ourdjini, Oualid; Della Pia, Ada; Mariani, Carlo; Betti, Maria Grazia [Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, I - 00185 Roma (Italy); Cavaliere, Emanuele; Gavioli, Luca [i-LAMP & Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Cattolica, 25121 Brescia (Italy)


    A spectroscopic study of 10,10-dibromo-9,9 bianthracene (DBBA) molecules deposited on the Au(110) surface is presented, by means of ultraviolet and X-ray photoemission, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Through a thermally activated procedure, these molecular precursors polymerize and eventually form graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with atomically controlled shape and width, very important building blocks for several technological applications. The GNRs observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) appear as short segments on top of the gold surface reconstruction, pointing out the delicate balance among surface diffusion and surface corrugation in their synthesis on the Au(110) surface.

  10. Properties of transparent and conductive Al:ZnO/Au/Al:ZnO multilayers on flexible PET substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimopoulos, T.; Bauch, M.; Wibowo, R.A.; Bansal, N.; Hamid, R.; Auer, M.; Jäger, M.; List-Kratochvil, E.J.W.


    Highlights: • Transparent, low resistive AZO/Au/AZO layers were sputtered on PET substrates. • AZO/Au/AZO has higher figure of merit than ITO for specific Au thicknesses. • The resistance of AZO/Au/AZO is stable against repetitive substrate bending. • AZO/Au/AZO electrode performance is comparable to ITO in light emitting diodes. - Abstract: We investigate the structural, electrical and optical properties of transparent electrodes, consisting of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) and ultrathin Au layers, sputtered on polyethylene terephthalate (PET). These electrodes are relevant for optoelectronic devices and thin film photovoltaics. When deposited on AZO, Au films as thin as 3 nm form electrically conductive, meandering structures, whereas uniform Au films are obtained from a thickness of 5 nm. The sheet resistance decreases with Au thickness, reaching 7 Ω for 11 nm-thick Au. AZO/Au/AZO trilayers combine lowest resistance with highest transparency, while their resistance stability against bending fatigue is superior to the Sn-doped In 2 O 3 (ITO) electrode. The figure of merit of AZO/Au/AZO is larger than of ITO for Au thickness equal to or larger than 9 nm. To demonstrate the applicability of the AZO/Au/AZO transparent electrode, simple organic light emitting diodes were fabricated and tested in comparison to PET/ITO standard substrates

  11. Properties of transparent and conductive Al:ZnO/Au/Al:ZnO multilayers on flexible PET substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dimopoulos, T., E-mail: [AIT-Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department, Photovoltaic Systems, Giefinggasse 2, 1210, Vienna (Austria); Bauch, M.; Wibowo, R.A.; Bansal, N. [AIT-Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department, Photovoltaic Systems, Giefinggasse 2, 1210, Vienna (Austria); Hamid, R. [AIT-Austrian Institute of Technology, Mobility Department, Electric Drive Technologies, Giefinggasse 2, 1210, Vienna (Austria); Auer, M.; Jäger, M. [NanoTecCenter Weiz Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Franz-Pichler Straße 32, A-8160 Weiz (Austria); List-Kratochvil, E.J.W. [NanoTecCenter Weiz Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Franz-Pichler Straße 32, A-8160 Weiz (Austria); Institute of Solid State Physics, Graz University of Technology, Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz (Austria)


    Highlights: • Transparent, low resistive AZO/Au/AZO layers were sputtered on PET substrates. • AZO/Au/AZO has higher figure of merit than ITO for specific Au thicknesses. • The resistance of AZO/Au/AZO is stable against repetitive substrate bending. • AZO/Au/AZO electrode performance is comparable to ITO in light emitting diodes. - Abstract: We investigate the structural, electrical and optical properties of transparent electrodes, consisting of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) and ultrathin Au layers, sputtered on polyethylene terephthalate (PET). These electrodes are relevant for optoelectronic devices and thin film photovoltaics. When deposited on AZO, Au films as thin as 3 nm form electrically conductive, meandering structures, whereas uniform Au films are obtained from a thickness of 5 nm. The sheet resistance decreases with Au thickness, reaching 7 Ω for 11 nm-thick Au. AZO/Au/AZO trilayers combine lowest resistance with highest transparency, while their resistance stability against bending fatigue is superior to the Sn-doped In{sub 2}O{sub 3} (ITO) electrode. The figure of merit of AZO/Au/AZO is larger than of ITO for Au thickness equal to or larger than 9 nm. To demonstrate the applicability of the AZO/Au/AZO transparent electrode, simple organic light emitting diodes were fabricated and tested in comparison to PET/ITO standard substrates.

  12. Synthesis of Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24, Au36(SPh-tBu)24, and Au30(S-tBu)18 Nanomolecules from a Common Precursor Mixture. (United States)

    Rambukwella, Milan; Dass, Amala


    Phenylethanethiol protected nanomolecules such as Au 25 , Au 38 , and Au 144 are widely studied by a broad range of scientists in the community, owing primarily to the availability of simple synthetic protocols. However, synthetic methods are not available for other ligands, such as aromatic thiol and bulky ligands, impeding progress. Here we report the facile synthesis of three distinct nanomolecules, Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 , Au 36 (SPh-tBu) 24 , and Au 30 (S-tBu) 18 , exclusively, starting from a common Au n (glutathione) m (where n and m are number of gold atoms and glutathiolate ligands) starting material upon reaction with HSCH 2 CH 2 Ph, HSPh-tBu, and HStBu, respectively. The systematic synthetic approach involves two steps: (i) synthesis of kinetically controlled Au n (glutathione) m crude nanocluster mixture with 1:4 gold to thiol molar ratio and (ii) thermochemical treatment of the purified nanocluster mixture with excess thiols to obtain thermodynamically stable nanomolecules. Thermochemical reactions with physicochemically different ligands formed highly monodispersed, exclusively three different core-size nanomolecules, suggesting a ligand induced core-size conversion and structural transformation. The purpose of this work is to make available a facile and simple synthetic method for the preparation of Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 , Au 36 (SPh-tBu) 24 , and Au 30 (S-tBu) 18 , to nonspecialists and the broader scientific community. The central idea of simple synthetic method was demonstrated with other ligand systems such as cyclopentanethiol (HSC 5 H 9 ), cyclohexanethiol(HSC 6 H 11 ), para-methylbenzenethiol(pMBT), 1-pentanethiol(HSC 5 H 11 ), 1-hexanethiol(HSC 6 H 13 ), where Au 36 (SC 5 H 9 ) 24 , Au 36 (SC 6 H 11 ) 24 , Au 36 (pMBT) 24 , Au 38 (SC 5 H 11 ) 24 , and Au 38 (SC 6 H 13 ) 24 were obtained, respectively.

  13. Hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation reactions

    KAUST Repository

    Song, Hyon Min; Anjum, Dalaver H.; Sougrat, Rachid; Hedhili, Mohamed N.; Khashab, Niveen M.


    that individual metals may not catalyze. Here, preparation of hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) and their use as electrocatalysts are reported. Galvanic displacement with Ag NPs is used to obtain hollow NPs, and higher reduction potential of Au

  14. Transverse expansion in 197 Au + 197 Au collisions at RHIC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Y.; Liu, F.; Liu, K.; Schweda, K.; Xu, N.


    Using the RQMD model, transverse momentum distributions and particle ratios are studied for 197 Au + 197 Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV. In particular, they present results on the mean transverse momentum of charged pions, charged kaons, protons and anti-protons and compare with experimental measurements. They discuss an approach to study early partonic collectivity in high energy nuclear collisions

  15. Towards a laser fluence dependent nanostructuring of thin Au films on Si by nanosecond laser irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruffino, F.; Pugliara, A.; Carria, E.; Romano, L.; Bongiorno, C.; Fisicaro, G.; La Magna, A.; Spinella, C.; Grimaldi, M.G.


    Highlights: ► Au nanoclusters are produced by nanosecond laser irradiations of thin Au film on Si. ► The shape, size, and surface density of the Au nanoclusters are tunable by laser fluence. ► The formation dynamic of the Au nanoclusters under nanosecond laser irradiation is analyzed. - Abstract: In this work, we study the nanostructuring effects of nanosecond laser irradiations on 5 nm thick Au film sputter-deposited on Si. After deposition of Au on Si substrate, nanosecond laser irradiations were performed increasing the laser fluence from 750 to 1500 mJ/cm 2 . Several analyses techniques, such as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy were crossed to study the morphological evolution of the Au film as a function of laser fluence. In particular, the formation of Au nanoparticles was observed. The analyses allowed a quantitative evaluation of the evolution of the nanoparticles size, surface density, and shape as a function of the laser fluence. Therefore, a control the structural properties of the Au nanoparticles is reached, for example, for applications in Si nanowires growth or plasmonics.

  16. Photoluminescence from Au nanoparticles embedded in Au:oxide composite films (United States)

    Liao, Hongbo; Wen, Weijia; Wong, George K.


    Au:oxide composite multilayer films with Au nanoparticles sandwiched by oxide layers (such as SiO2, ZnO, and TiO2) were prepared in a magnetron sputtering system. Their photoluminescence (PL) spectra were investigated by employing a micro-Raman system in which an Argon laser with a wavelength of 514 nm was used as the pumping light. Distinct PL peaks located at a wavelength range between 590 and 680 nm were observed in most of our samples, with Au particle size varying from several to hundreds of nanometers. It was found that the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in these composites exerted a strong influence on the position of the PL peaks but had little effect on the PL intensity.

  17. Photoluminescence from Au nanoparticles embedded in Au:oxide composite films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liao Hongbo; Wen Weijia; Wong, George K. L.


    Au:oxide composite multilayer films with Au nanoparticles sandwiched by oxide layers (such as SiO 2 , ZnO, and TiO 2 ) were prepared in a magnetron sputtering system. Their photoluminescence (PL) spectra were investigated by employing a micro-Raman system in which an Argon laser with a wavelength of 514 nm was used as the pumping light. Distinct PL peaks located at a wavelength range between 590 and 680 nm were observed in most of our samples, with Au particle size varying from several to hundreds of nanometers. It was found that the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in these composites exerted a strong influence on the position of the PL peaks but had little effect on the PL intensity

  18. Experimental Design: Application to the Development of a Treatment to Inhibit the Deposition of Barium Sulfate Liable to Be Formed in Enhanced Oil Recovery by Waterflooding Planification d'expériences : application à la mise au point d'un traitement inhibiteur du depôt de sulfate de baryum susceptible de se former en récupération assistée du pétrole par injection d'eau

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roque C.


    Full Text Available For technical and economic reasons, waterflooding is the most widely-used method in enhanced oil recovery [1]. In many situations, unfortunately, the formation water is incompatible with the injection water. The deposits and corrosion induced by the various reactions of this incompatibility cause irreversible damage, which is especially dangerous for the reservoir rock and the downhole and surface production facilities. This study is concerned exclusively with barium sulfate deposits liable to occur in surface production facilities by the mixing of injection water loaded with sulfate (1300 mg. 1 to the power of (-1 with a formation water with a high barium concentration (1200 mg. 1 to the power of (-1 [2]. Pour des raisons techniques et économiques, l'injection d'eau dans les réservoirs est la méthode la plus employée dans la récupération du pétrole. Malheureusement, dans bien des cas, l'eau en place dans le gisement est incompatible avec l'eau injectée. Les dépôts et les corrosions causés par les diverses réactions physico-chimiques de cette incompatibilité provoquent des dégradations irréversibles particulièrement dangereuses pour les installations de production de fond comme de surface et quelquefois pour la roche réservoir elle-même. Dans le cadre des travaux de recherche relatifs à l'inhibition des dépôts de sulfate sur le champ algérien de Tin Fouyé Tabankort, cette étude a eu pour objectif de sélectionner et d'adapter aux conditions spécifiques de la production un traitement de prévention des dépôts par injection d'un agent inhibiteur. Elle concerne exclusivement les dépôts de sulfate de baryum pouvant apparaître dans les installations de production par mélange d'eau d'injection très chargée en ion sulfate (1300 mg. 1 puissance(-1 avec une eau de gisement très concentrée en élément baryum (1200 mg. 1 puissance(-1. Une méthode expérimentale au laboratoire, faisant appel à des mesures de type

  19. Treatment, Processing and Future Disposal of Radioactive Wastes at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant; Traitement et Elimination Future des Dechets Radioactifs a l'Usine de Traitement Chimique de L'Idaho; 0410 041d 0414 ; Tratamiento y Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos en la Planta de Tratamiento Quimico de Idaho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stevens, James I. [Phillips Petroleum Company, Atomic Energy Division, Idaho Falls (United States)


    incorporer dans d'autres substances les dechets a eliminer est la production d'une masse solide contenant les produits de fission. L'inconvenient que constituent les frais de traitement plus eleves peut etre parfois compense par une reduction des frais de stockage. La faible conductivite thermique des corps solides donne plus d'importance a la temperature de stockage que dans le cas de liquides. Les dechets acides de nitrate d'aluminium provenant du traitement des combustibles du type de ceux que l'on utilise dans les reacteurs d'essai des materiaux peuvent etre transformes en aluminium granule par voie de calcination dans un lit fluidifie a une temperature allant de 350 Degree-Sign a 550 Degree-Sign C. Les principaux elements de l'installation sont: un calculateur chauffe au NaK, un systeme d'epuration des gaz d'echappement et un ensemble de recipients pour le stockage des matieres solides obtenues. L'auteur donne un apercu du processus de traitement et du programme de recherche et de mise au point. L'auteur examine un certain nombre de systemes futurs de stockage et leurs incidences sur le milieu ambiant en prenant pour base les resultats positifs de la demonstration du systeme de calcination a ht fluidifie et d'emmagasinage a haute temperature ainsi que d'autres considerations. (author) [Spanish] En la planta de tratamiento quimico de Idaho, los desechos acidos procedentes de la recuperacion del uranio enriquecido de los combustibles nucleares que contienen aluminio, zirconio y acero inoxidable se almacenan en tanques subterraneos de dos formas, con capacidades nominales de 30,000 y 300,000 galones. El autor describe la organizacion y funcionamiento de la seccion de tanques, asi como los metodos utilizados para la evacuacion de desechos de baja actividad. La evacuacion de desechos con arreglo al, principio de la 'concentracion y confinamiento' tiene por finalidad la obtencion de una masa solida que retenga los productos de fision. Los gastos mas elevados que este

  20. The effect of Au amount on size uniformity of self-assembled Au nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, S-H; Wang, D-C; Chen, G-Y; Chen, K-Y [Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (China)


    The self-assembled fabrication of nanostructure, a dreaming approach in the area of fabrication engineering, is the ultimate goal of this research. A finding was proved through previous research that the size of the self-assembled gold nanoparticles could be controlled with the mole ratio between AuCl{sub 4}{sup -} and thiol. In this study, the moles of Au were fixed, only the moles of thiol were adjusted. Five different mole ratios of Au/S with their effect on size uniformity were investigated. The mole ratios were 1:1/16, 1:1/8, 1:1, 1:8, 1:16, respectively. The size distributions of the gold nanoparticles were analyzed by Mac-View analysis software. HR-TEM was used to derive images of self-assembled gold nanoparticles. The result reached was also the higher the mole ratio between AuCl{sub 4}{sup -} and thiol the bigger the self-assembled gold nanoparticles. Under the condition of moles of Au fixed, the most homogeneous nanoparticles in size distribution derived with the mole ratio of 1:1/8 between AuCl{sub 4}{sup -} and thiol. The obtained nanoparticles could be used, for example, in uniform surface nanofabrication, leading to the fabrication of ordered array of quantum dots.

  1. Gold chloride clusters with Au(III) and Au(I) probed by FT-ICR mass spectrometry and MP2 theory. (United States)

    Lemke, Kono H


    Microsolvated clusters of gold chloride are probed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and scalar relativistic electronic structure calculations. Electrospray ionization of aqueous AuCl3 leads to mononuclear clusters of types [AuCl2](+)(H2O)n (n = 0-4), [AuOHCl](+)(H2O)n (n = 0-1) and [AuCl2](+)(HCl)2(H2O)n (n = 0-4). In addition, strong ion signals due to dinuclear [Au2Cl5-xOHx](+)(H2O)n (x = 0-1) are present in ESI mass spectra of aqueous AuCl3, with the abundance of individual dinuclear species controlled by the concentration-dependent variation of the precursor complexes [AuCl2-xOHx](+)(H2O)n and AuCl3. Equilibrium structures, energies and thermodynamic properties of mono- and dinuclear gold clusters have been predicted using MP2 and CCSD(T) theory, and these data have been applied to examine the influence of microsolvation on cluster stability. Specifically, results from CCSD(T) calculations indicate that non-covalently bound ion-neutral complexes Au(+)(Cl2)(H2O)n, with formal Au(I), are the dominant forms of mononuclear gold with n = 0-2, while higher hydrates (n > 2) are covalently bound [AuCl2](+)(H2O)n complexes in which gold exists as Au(III). MP2 calculations show that the lowest energy structure of dinuclear gold is an ion-molecule cluster [Au2Cl(Cl2)2](+) consisting of a single-bridged digold-chloronium ion bound end-on to two dichlorine ligands, with two higher energy isomers, single-bridged [Au2Cl3(Cl2)](+) and double-bridged [Au2Cl5](+) clusters. Finally, AuAu interactions in the singly-bridged clusters [Au2Cl(Cl2)2](+)(H2O)n and [Au2Cl3(Cl2)](+)(H2O)n are examined employing a wide range of computational tools, including natural bond order (NBO) analysis and localized orbital locator (LOL) profiles.

  2. Mise au point

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    31 mai 2013 ... traités au service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale et chirurgie plastique de l'hôpital ... qui est la fracture simple isolée du corps, on a inclut ce type de fracture ... sion latérale au niveau de la queue du sourcil. La voie vestibulaire ...

  3. Origin of the p-type character of AuCl3 functionalized carbon nanotubes

    KAUST Repository

    Murat, Altynbek


    The microscopic origin of the p-type character of AuCl3 functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is investigated using first-principles self-interaction corrected density functional theory (DFT). Recent DFT calculations suggest that the p-type character of AuCl3 functionalized CNTs is due to the Cl atoms adsorbed on the CNTs. We test this hypothesis and show that adsorbed Cl atoms only lead to a p-type character for very specific concentrations and arrangements of the Cl atoms, which furthermore are not the lowest energy configurations. We therefore investigate alternative mechanisms and conclude that the p-type character is due to the adsorption of AuCl4 molecules. The unraveling of the exact nature of the p-doping adsorbates is a key step for further development of AuCl3 functionalized CNTs in water sensor applications. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

  4. Cross-sections of 197Au(n,α)198Au and 63Cu(n,α)64Cu induced by 252Cf neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mandal, Ranjita; Sengupta, D.; Roy, Malobika; Naik, Mamta; Bhoraskar, V.N.


    Analytical work, employing nuclear techniques, is normally carried out through (n,α) reaction because of the availability of neutrons either from reactors or laboratory sources such as Sb-Be, Am-Be, Ra-Be, Po-Be, 252 Cf, etc. The laboratory neutron sources are though portable and adaptable to a particular experimental arrangement, suffer from the disadvantage of slow neutron yield (except 252 Cf). In this set up since the neutrons available are monoenergetic, it was thought appropriate to initiate a program to measure cross-sections of a few nuclear reactions which have practical applications. Earlier studies on cross-section measurement of the reaction 197 Au(n,α) 198 Au and 63 Cu(n,α) 64 Cu has been carried out using different sources, monitors and techniques

  5. Antimicrobial photodynamic activity and cytocompatibility of Au25(Capt18 clusters photoexcited by blue LED light irradiation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miyata S


    spectra of oxidized MTX. Successful application of photoexcited Au clusters to aPDT was demonstrated by dose-dependent decreases in the turbidity of oral bacterial cells. Morphological observation revealed that application of Au clusters stimulated destruction of bacterial cell walls and inhibited biofilm formation. Aggregation of Au clusters around bacterial cells was fluorescently observed. However, photoexcited Au clusters did not negatively affect the adhesion, spreading, and proliferation of mammalian cells, particularly at lower doses. In addition, application of Au clusters demonstrated significantly better cytocompatibility ­compared to MB. We found that a combination of Au25(Capt18 clusters and blue LED irradiation exhibited good antimicrobial effects through 1O2 generation and biosafe characteristics, which is desirable for aPDT in dentistry. Keywords: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, photosensitizer, Porphyromonas gingivalis, singlet oxygen, Streptococcus mutans

  6. Electrochemical synthesis of mesoporous Pt-Au binary alloys with tunable compositions for enhancement of electrochemical performance. (United States)

    Yamauchi, Yusuke; Tonegawa, Akihisa; Komatsu, Masaki; Wang, Hongjing; Wang, Liang; Nemoto, Yoshihiro; Suzuki, Norihiro; Kuroda, Kazuyuki


    Mesoporous Pt-Au binary alloys were electrochemically synthesized from lyotropic liquid crystals (LLCs) containing corresponding metal species. Two-dimensional exagonally ordered LLC templates were prepared on conductive substrates from diluted surfactant solutions including water, a nonionic surfactant, ethanol, and metal species by drop-coating. Electrochemical synthesis using such LLC templates enabled the preparation of ordered mesoporous Pt-Au binary alloys without phase segregation. The framework composition in the mesoporous Pt-Au alloy was controlled simply by changing the compositional ratios in the precursor solution. Mesoporous Pt-Au alloys with low Au content exhibited well-ordered 2D hexagonal mesostructures, reflecting those of the original templates. With increasing Au content, however, the mesostructural order gradually decreased, thereby reducing the electrochemically active surface area. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction profiles, X-ray photoelectron spectra, and elemental mapping showed that both Pt and Au were atomically distributed in the frameworks. The electrochemical stability of mesoporous Pt-Au alloys toward methanol oxidation was highly improved relative to that of nonporous Pt and mesoporous Pt films, suggesting that mesoporous Pt-Au alloy films are potentially applicable as electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cells. Also, mesoporous Pt-Au alloy electrodes showed a highly sensitive amperometric response for glucose molecules, which will be useful in next-generation enzyme-free glucose sensors.

  7. High-temperature stability of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Cu surface finishes (United States)

    Ho, C. E.; Hsieh, W. Z.; Lee, P. T.; Huang, Y. H.; Kuo, T. T.


    Thermal reliability of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(4-6 wt.% P)/Cu trilayers in the isothermal annealing at 180 °C were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The pure Pd film possessed a nanocrystalline structure with numerous grain boundaries, thereby facilitating the interdiffusion between Au and Cu. Out-diffusion of Cu through Pd and Au grain boundaries yielded a significant amount of Cu oxides (CuO and Cu2O) over the Au surface and gave rise to void formation in the Cu film. By contrast, the Pd(P) film was amorphous and served as a good diffusion barrier against Cu diffusion. The results of this study indicated that amorphous Pd(P) possessed better oxidation resistance and thermal reliability than crystalline Pd.

  8. Role of work function in field emission enhancement of Au island decorated vertically aligned ZnO nanotapers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Avanendra [School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), HBNI, Bhubaneswar 752050, Odisha (India); Senapati, Kartik, E-mail: [School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), HBNI, Bhubaneswar 752050, Odisha (India); Kumar, Mohit; Som, Tapobrata [SUNAG Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar 751005, Odisha (India); Sinha, Anil K. [Indus Synchrotrons Utilization Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore 452013, M.P. (India); Sahoo, Pratap K., E-mail: [School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), HBNI, Bhubaneswar 752050, Odisha (India)


    Highlights: • Hydrothermally synthesized nanotapers were decorated by gold corrugation using simple evaporation techniques for large area applications. • A significantly enhanced field emission properties of nanotapers were achieved. • The metal induced midgap states formed at the ZnO-Au interface and the reduced effective work function are responsible for low turn-on field. • TUNA measurements revealed a very uniform spatial emission profile in the Au decorated nanotapers. - Abstract: In this report, we demonstrate significantly enhanced field emission properties of ZnO nanotapers achieved via a corrugated decoration of Au. Field emission experiments on these Au-decorated ZnO nanotapers showed emission current densities comparable to the best results in the literature. Au decoration of 5 nm also reduced the effective turn-on field to ∼0.54 V/μm, compared to the as grown ZnO nanotapers, which showed a turn-on field of ∼1.1 V/μm. Tunneling atomic force microscopy measurements revealed a very uniform spatial emission profile in the 5 nm Au decorated nanotapers, which is a basic requirement for any large scale application. We believe that metal induced mid-gap states formed at the ZnO–Au interface are responsible for the observed low turn-on field because such interface states are known to reduce the effective work function. A direct measurement of effective work function using Kelvin probe force microscopy indeed showed more than 1.1 eV drop in the case of 5 nm Au decorated ZnO nanotapers compared to the pristine nanotapers, supporting the above argument.

  9. Une méthode pour estimer l’interception du rayonnement par un couvert bas : application au colza avant montaison

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denoroy Pascal


    Full Text Available Dans les modèles de simulation du fonctionnement des cultures, l’interception du rayonnement est une variable cruciale pour la prévision de la productivité en biomasse. D’autre part, la connaissance de l’interception du rayonnement par une culture permet de mieux analyser la réponse à un traitement en autorisant la distinction entre les effets morphogénétique et physiologique du traitement. Par exemple, dans l’étude de la fertilisation azotée du colza [1] on a pu faire la part de l’effet morphogénétique (accroissement de l’indice foliaire, donc de l’interception et de l’amélioration de la conversion photosynthétique du rayonnement absorbé. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, une estimation correcte de l’interception du rayonnement est essentielle. Très souvent, un formalisme dérivé de la loi de Beer-Lambert est utilisé pour quantifier la part interceptée du rayonnement : PARi = epsiloni PAR (1 et epsiloni = 1 - e- k.IF (2, PAR représentant le rayonnement photosynthétiquement actif incident (exprimé en Joules ou en moles de photons, PARi la part de ce dernier interceptée par le couvert, epsiloni le coefficient (sans dimension d’interception, IF l’indice foliaire et k le coefficient d’extinction du rayonnement. Un formalisme un peu plus complexe doit être utilisé si on veut considérer le rayonnement absorbé [1, 2]. Pour des cultures couvrantes, la sensibilité de ces modèles à la valeur de k est faible pour les IF élevés, c’est pourquoi ces modèles sont souvent utilisés avec succès. Mais aux faibles IF, les modèles sont sensibles à k, d’où l’importance de l’estimation de ce paramètre pour les cultures présentant une longue période de faible couverture du sol, tel le colza peu fertilisé en phase hivernale. De plus, pour les cultures discontinues, c’est-à-dire présentant des zones où le sol n’est pas du tout couvert par la végétation, comme les inter-rangs, on doit

  10. Highly reproducible surface-enhanced Raman scattering-active Au nanostructures prepared by simple electrodeposition: origin of surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity and applications as electrochemical substrates. (United States)

    Choi, Suhee; Ahn, Miri; Kim, Jongwon


    The fabrication of effective surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates has been the subject of intensive research because of their useful applications. In this paper, dendritic gold (Au) rod (DAR) structures prepared by simple one-step electrodeposition in a short time were examined as an effective SERS-active substrate. The SERS activity of the DAR surfaces was compared to that of other nanostructured Au surfaces with different morphologies, and its dependence on the structural variation of DAR structures was examined. These comparisonal investigations revealed that highly faceted sharp edge sites present on the DAR surfaces play a critical role in inducing a high SERS activity. The SERS enhancement factor was estimated to be greater than 10(5), and the detection limit of rhodamine 6G at DAR surfaces was 10(-8)M. The DAR surfaces exhibit excellent spot-to-spot and substrate-to-substrate SERS enhancement reproducibility, and their long-term stability is very good. It was also demonstrated that the DAR surfaces can be effectively utilized in electrochemical SERS systems, wherein a reversible SERS behavior was obtained during the cycling to cathodic potential regions. Considering the straightforward preparation of DAR substrates and the clean nature of SERS-active Au surfaces prepared in the absence of additives, we expect that DAR surfaces can be used as cost-effective SERS substrates in analytical and electrochemical applications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Reduced sintering of mass-selected Au clusters on SiO2 by alloying with Ti: an aberration-corrected STEM and computational study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Niu, Yubiao; Schlexer, Philomena; Sebök, Béla


    Au nanoparticles represent the most remarkable example of a size effect in heterogeneous catalysis. However, a major issue hindering the use of Au nanoparticles in technological applications is their rapid sintering. We explore the potential of stabilizing Au nanoclusters on SiO2 by alloying them...... in the Au/Ti clusters, but in line with the model computational investigation, Au atoms were still present on the surface. Thus size-selected, deposited nanoalloy Au/Ti clusters appear to be promising candidates for sustainable gold-based nanocatalysis....

  12. L’apprentissage au cern

    CERN Multimedia


    pour les professions d’électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L’apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l’examen de fin d’apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat fédéral de capacité suisse (CFC). 6 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L’apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l’apprentissage ; avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9e du Cycle d’orientation genevois (3e en France) ; être ressortissant d’un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, République tchèque, République slovaque , Suède, Suisse) ; pour les résidents en Suisse : être ressortissant su...

  13. Precursor polymers for the carbon coating of Au@ZnO multipods for application as active material in lithium-ion batteries. (United States)

    Oschmann, Bernd; Tahir, Muhammad Nawaz; Mueller, Franziska; Bresser, Dominic; Lieberwirth, Ingo; Tremel, Wolfgang; Passerini, Stefano; Zentel, Rudolf


    The synthesis of statistical and block copolymers based on polyacrylonitrile, as a source for carbonaceous materials, and thiol-containing repeating units as inorganic nanoparticle anchoring groups is reported. These polymers are used to coat Au@ZnO multipod heteroparticles with polymer brushes. IR spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy prove the successful binding of the polymer onto the inorganic nanostructures. Thermogravimetric analysis is applied to compare the binding ability of the block and statistical copolymers. Subsequently, the polymer coating is transformed into a carbonaceous (partially graphitic) coating by pyrolysis. The obtained carbon coating is characterized by Raman spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. The benefit of the conformal carbon coating of the Au@ZnO multipods regarding its application as lithium-ion anode material is revealed by performing galvanostatic cycling, showing a highly enhanced and stabilized electrochemical performance of the carbon-coated particles (still 831 mAh g(-1) after 150 cycles) with respect to the uncoated ones (only 353 mAh g(-1) after 10 cycles). © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Au@AuPt nanoparticles embedded in B-doped graphene: A superior electrocatalyst for determination of rutin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Xianlan; Yang, Guangming; Feng, Shaoping; Shi, Ling; Huang, Zhaolong [School of Science, Honghe University (China); Key Laboratory of Natural Pharamaceutical & Chemical Biology of Yunnan Province Mengzi, Yunnan 661100 (China); Pan, Haibo [Fujian Key Lab of Medical Instrument & Pharmaceutical Technology, Yishan Campus, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); Liu, Wei, E-mail: [School of Science, Honghe University (China); Key Laboratory of Natural Pharamaceutical & Chemical Biology of Yunnan Province Mengzi, Yunnan 661100 (China)


    Highlights: • The formation of B-doped graphene (BG) with high content of a total B species use hydrothermal method with B{sub 2}O{sub 3} as reducing agent and boron source. • BG was exfoliated into monolayer nanosheet impregnated by Au@AuPt NPs because B atom creates a net positive charge to facilitate NPs adsorption. • The dispersed carboxyl units of BG can form hydrogen bonding with the phenolic hydroxyl groups of rutin, making more rutin participate in reaction. • Au@AuPt NPs can form charge accumulation or valence change on prominent part of the surface, improving the catalytic effect to rutin. • More electroactive sites were generated by doping B atoms into graphene structures, which act as multidimensional electron transport pathways. - Abstract: A hydrothermal approach was used to prepare B-doped graphene with B{sub 2}O{sub 3} as reductant and boron source. Results reveal that the boron atoms have been successfully embedded into graphene with a high content of a total B species (2.85 at.%). Then, B-doped graphene was exfoliated further into monolayer nanosheet by impregnating Au@AuPt core-shell nanoparticles (Au@AuPt NPs) because boron atom creates a net positive charge, which facilitates Au@AuPt NPs adsorption to form Au@AuPt NPs/B-doped graphene hybrid nanocatalysts. After that, the Au@AuPt NPs/B-doped hybrid suspension was dropped on glassy carbon electrode for sensing rutin. In this way, the dispersed carboxyl units of B-doped graphene can form hydrogen bonding with the phenolic hydroxyl groups of rutin, making rutin enrich easily on modified electrode surface to enhance the electrochemical response. At the same time, its electrochemical mechanism on the modified electrode was elucidated using cyclic voltammetry. It was found that its electrochemical behavior on modified electrode surface was a surface-controlled quasi-reversible process, and the charge transfer coefficient (α) and electron transfer number (n) were 0.296 and 2, respectively

  15. Bonding properties of FCC-like Au 44 (SR) 28 clusters from X-ray absorption spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Rui [Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada.; Chevrier, Daniel M. [Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada.; Zeng, Chenjie [Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.; Jin, Rongchao [Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.; Zhang, Peng [Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada.


    Thiolate-protected gold clusters with precisely controlled atomic composition have recently emerged as promising candidates for a variety of applications because of their unique optical, electronic, and catalytic properties. The recent discovery of the Au44(SR)28 total structure is considered as an interesting finding in terms of the face-centered cubic (FCC)-like core structure in small gold-thiolate clusters. Herein, the unique bonding properties of Au44(SR)28 is analyzed using temperature-dependent X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements at the Au L3-edge and compared with other FCC-like clusters such as Au36(SR)24 and Au28(SR)20. A negative thermal expansion was detected for the Au–Au bonds of the metal core (the first Au–Au shell) and was interpreted based on the unique Au core structure consisting of the Au4 units. EXAFS fitting results from Au28(SR)20, Au36(SR)24, and Au44(SR)28 show a size-dependent negative thermal expansion behavior in the first Au–Au shell, further highlighting the importance of the Au4 units in determining the Au core bonding properties and shedding light on the growth mechanism of these FCC-like Au clusters.

  16. Synthesis and optical properties of Au decorated colloidal tungsten oxide nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tahmasebi, Nemat; Mahdavi, Seyed Mohammad


    Highlights: • Tungsten oxide nanoparticles were prepared by pulsed laser ablation (PLA). • A very fine metallic Au particles or coating are decorated on the surface of tungsten oxide nanoparticles. • UV–Vis spectroscopy shows an absorption peak at ∼530 nm which is due to SPR effect of gold. • After exposing to hydrogen gas, Au/WO_3 colloidal nanoparticles show excellent gasochromic coloring. - Abstract: In this study, colloidal tungsten oxide nanoparticles were fabricated by pulsed laser ablation of tungsten target using the first harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) in deionized water. After ablation, a 0.33 g/lit HAuCl_4 aqueous solution was added into as-prepared colloidal nanoparticles. In this process, Au"3"+ ions were reduced to decorate gold metallic state (Au"0) onto colloidal tungsten oxide nanoparticles surface. The morphology and chemical composition of the synthesized nanoparticles were studied by AFM, XRD, TEM and XPS techniques. UV–Vis analysis reveals a distinct absorption peak at ∼530 nm. This peak can be attributed to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of Au and confirms formation of gold state. Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals that Au ions’ reduction happens after adding HAuCl_4 solution into as-prepared colloidal tungsten oxide nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscope shows that an Au shell has been decorated onto colloidal WO_3 nanoparticles. Noble metal decorated tungsten oxide nanostructure could be an excellent candidate for photocatalysis, gas sensing and gasochromic applications. Finally, the gasochromic behavior of the synthesized samples was investigated by H_2 and O_2 gases bubbling into the produced colloidal Au/WO_3 nanoparticles. Synthesized colloidal nanoparticles show excellent coloration contrast (∼80%) through NIR spectra.

  17. NUISIBILITE DE L'HERBE A OIGNON, Cyperus rotundus L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    difficulté de leur maîtrise. Dans ce cas, le recours au traitement chimique devient incontournable. Mais, les produits chimiques pour contrôler cette adventice en culture cannière font cruellement défaut dans le contexte ivoirien. Ainsi, par exemple, le glyphosate a été testé vainement sur elle mais avec succès sur Imperata ...

  18. Sud du Sahara | Page 180 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Read more about Renforcement de la capacité de mener des essais de prévention de la transmission du VIH au personnel de la santé. Langue French. Read more about Établissement d'une plateforme commune de recherche sur le vaccin contre le VIH et d'un programme de traitement des personnes infectées par le VIH.

  19. sommaire N°13

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le traitement de cette tumeur bénigne et agressive n'est pas bien codifié. il fait recours essentiellement à la chi- rurgie. Nous rapportons une observation d'un FNP avec exten- sion au niveau de la fosse infratemporale traité par chi- rurgie après embolisation et discutons les autres moyens thérapeutiques. oBSERVAtIoN.

  20. La tuberculose sternale: à propos de 2 cas | Ouarssani | Pan African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    On rapporte deux cas de tuberculose sternale âgés respectivement de 45 ans et de 10ans, colligés au service de pneumologie, l'examen histologique et bactériologique ont permis d'affirmer le diagnostic de tuberculose, et le traitement antibacillaire a permis une évolution favorable .A la lumière de ces observations, les ...

  1. Public Access ICT across Cultures : Diversifying Participation in the ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 juin 2015 ... Ce livre est dédié à la mémoire d'Amy Mahan. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, consultez la page Web de ... Six équipes de chercheurs de classe mondiale étudieront comment surmonter la résistance au traitement des cancers les plus mortels. Les équipes de recherche de calibre mondial se ...

  2. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    7 oct. 2010 ... ayant un retentissement sur l'axe hypothalamo-hypophysaire avec une TSHus élevée ont bénéficié d'un traitement substitutif hormonal à base de la L-thyroxine (LEVOTHYROX®), à doses progressives. La dose journalière initiale était de 50 µg. Pour le reste des patients en hypothyroïdie biologique (au ...

  3. : tous les projets | Page 42 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les tumeurs malignes au cerveau sont la cause la plus courante de décès chez les enfants atteints du cancer, mais il n'y a pas de traitement connu. Date de début : 1 décembre 2015. Sujet: BRAIN, MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH, CANCER, THERAPY, CANADA. Région: India, Canada. Programme: Fondements pour l' ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    tic si l'examen histologique et immunohistochimique est concluant (2, 4). Le traitement de choix est l'exérèse complète avec des marges larges mais elle est rarement réalisable au niveau cervico-facial (8). L'envahissement ganglionnaire est excep- tionnel. Par conséquent, un curage ganglionnaire est non recommandé en ...

  5. An enhanced photocatalytic response of nanometric TiO2 wrapping of Au nanoparticles for eco-friendly water applications. (United States)

    Scuderi, Viviana; Impellizzeri, Giuliana; Romano, Lucia; Scuderi, Mario; Brundo, Maria V; Bergum, Kristin; Zimbone, Massimo; Sanz, Ruy; Buccheri, Maria A; Simone, Francesca; Nicotra, Giuseppe; Svensson, Bengt G; Grimaldi, Maria G; Privitera, Vittorio


    We propose a ground-breaking approach by an upside-down vision of the Au/TiO2 nano-system in order to obtain an enhanced photocatalytic response. The system was synthesized by wrapping Au nanoparticles (∼8 nm mean diameter) with a thin layer of TiO2 (∼4 nm thick). The novel idea of embedding Au nanoparticles with titanium dioxide takes advantage of the presence of metal nanoparticles, in terms of electron trapping, without losing any of the TiO2 exposed surface, so as to favor the photocatalytic performance of titanium dioxide. A complete structural characterization was made by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The remarkable photocatalytic performance together with the stability of the nano-system was demonstrated by degradation of the methylene blue dye in water. The non-toxicity of the nano-system was established by testing the effect of the material on the reproductive cycle of Mytilus galloprovincialis in an aquatic environment. The originally synthesized material was also compared to conventional TiO2 with Au nanoparticles on top. The latter system showed a dispersion of Au nanoparticles in the liquid environment, due to their instability in the aqueous solution that clearly represents an environmental contamination issue. Thus, the results show that nanometric TiO2 wrapping of Au nanoparticles has great potential in eco-friendly water/wastewater purification.

  6. Uniform formation of Au coated polystyrene core-shell structure using metallization process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Kyoungseob; Koo, Jonghyun; Roh, Yonghan, E-mail:


    There are several methods for the fabrication of core-shell particles, including chemical reduction and self-assembly. In this study, the chemical reduction method was used to fabricate 100 nm, Au-coated polystyrene nanoparticles. The formation of the gold layer was based on the increase of gold coverage by the reaction with aniline and HAuCl{sub 4}. This method allowed for efficient control of the gold coverage and led to relatively stable products. The formation of Au clusters on the surface of the 100 nm polystyrene beads was characterized by scanning electron microscope and high resolution tunneling electron microscope. As a result, the Au-coated nanoparticles can be used in various applications such as surface plasmon resonators, drug delivery systems and electronic optical devices.

  7. Effect of Au Precursor and Support on the Catalytic Activity of the Nano-Au-Catalysts for Propane Complete Oxidation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arshid M. Ali


    Full Text Available Catalytic activity of nano-Au-catalyst(s for the complete propane oxidation was investigated. The results showed that the nature of both Au precursor and support strongly influences catalytic activity of the Au-catalyst(s for the propane oxidation. Oxidation state, size, and dispersion of Au nanoparticles in the Au-catalysts, surface area, crystallinity, phase structure, and redox property of the support are the key aspects for the complete propane oxidation. Among the studied Au-catalysts, the AuHAuCl4-Ce catalyst is found to be the most active catalyst.

  8. Resonance production and exotic clusters in Au+Au, d+Au and p+p collisions at √(s) = 200 AGeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Besliu, Calin; Jipa, Alexandru; Lungescu, Andrea; Zgura, Sorin


    The resonance production in Au+Au, d+Au and p+p collisions at √(s) = 200 AGeV are presented. The resonances are used as a sensitive tool to examine the collision dynamics in the hadronic medium through their decay and regeneration. The modification of resonance mass, width, and shape due to phase space and dynamical effects are also discussed. The measurement of resonances provides an important tool for studying the dynamics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions by probing the time evolution of the source from chemical to kinetic freeze-out and the hadronic interactions at later stages

  9. Gd doped Au nanoclusters: Molecular magnets with novel properties

    KAUST Repository

    Mokkath, Junais Habeeb


    The structural, magnetic, and optical properties of subnanometer Au N and AuN-1Gd1 gas phase clusters (N = 2 to 8) are systematically investigated in the framework of (time-dependent) density functional theory, using the B3LYP hybrid exchange correlation functional. The size dependent evolution of the gap between the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals, the magnetism, and the absorption spectra are studied. The simultaneous appearance of large magnetic moments, significant band gaps, and plasmon resonances in the visible spectral region leads to novel multi-functional nanomaterials for applications in drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging, and photo-responsive agents. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Yield and Economics of Plantain Production under Six Weed Management Systems in a Derived Savanna Agro Ecosystem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Echezona, BC.


    Full Text Available Le coût de la gestion des mauvaises herbes pourrait représenter jusqu'à 45% du coût total de gestion des plantations de banane plantain au Nigeria. Ainsi, l'importance des études sur l'approche intégrée de la gestion des mauvaises herbes qui permettront d'améliorer la durabilité et la rentabilité de la production du faux corne plantain. Les études de terrain ont été menées pour évaluer la croissance, le rendement des grappes et l'économie de la production de la banane plantain avec six techniques de gestion des mauvaises herbes. Les études ont été menées au cours de deux saisons culturales en 2005 et 2006 à Nsukka, au Nigeria. Le dispositif expérimental était un dispositif en blocs aléatoires complets (blocs de Fisher avec six traitements, chacun reproduit quatre fois. Les six systèmes de gestion des mauvaises herbes évalués ont été exempts de mauvaise herbe (témoin, coup de bâton à 8 semaines d'intervalle, paillage avec de la sciure, coup de bâton + application de glyphosate, paillage + application de glyphosate et de l'application du glyphosate seul. Les parcelles qui ont reçu le paillage + traitement au glyphosate avaient de meilleurs résultats que d'autres parcelles en termes de réduction de la période de floraison (334 jours, augmentation du nombre de mains par régime (4,7, le nombre de doigts commercialisables par grappe (18,6; la longueur du doigt le plus long (24,2 cm, la plus grande circonférence de doigts (15,7 cm, le rendement (4,6 t/ ha, le retour sur investissement (11.126,2 $, le ratio coût-bénéfice (3,87 et la marge brute (74,2%. Il y avait un paillage additif + effet glyphosate sur le rendement du peloton et d'autres indices économiques évalués par rapport à ou soit le paillage ou le glyphosate seul a été appliqué. Le paillage de la banane plantain avec la sciure + glyphosate à 2,16 kg/ha a été recommandé et repose sur une amélioration du rendement en fruits et une

  11. Unravelling Thiol’s Role in Directing Asymmetric Growth of Au Nanorod–Au Nanoparticle Dimers

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Jianfeng


    Asymmetric nanocrystals have practical significance in nanotechnologies but present fundamental synthetic challenges. Thiol ligands have proven effective in breaking the symmetric growth of metallic nanocrystals but their exact roles in the synthesis remain elusive. Here, we synthesized an unprecedented Au nanorod-Au nanoparticle (AuNR-AuNP) dimer structure with the assistance of a thiol ligand. On the basis of our experimental observations, we unraveled for the first time that the thiol could cause an inhomogeneous distribution of surface strains on the seed crystals as well as a modulated reduction rate of metal precursors, which jointly induced the asymmetric growth of monometallic dimers. © 2015 American Chemical Society.

  12. Binary analysis: 1. part: definitions and treatment of binary functions; 2. part: applications and functions of trans-coding; Analyse binaire: 1ere partie: definitions et traitements des fonctions binaires; 2eme partie: applications et fonctions de transcodage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vallee, R L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The study of binary groups under their mathematical aspects constitutes the matter of binary analysis, the purpose of which consists in developing altogether simple, rigorous and practical methods needed by the technicians, the engineers and all those who may be mainly concerned by digital processing. This subject, fast extending if not determining, however tends actually to play a main part in nuclear electronics as well as in several other research areas. (authors) [French] L'analyse binaire a pour objet l'etude mathematique des proprietes d'ensembles binaires algebriques et pour but l'elaboration de methodes simples, rigoureuses et pratiques, destinees aux techniciens, aux ingenieurs et a tous ceux qu'interesse directement le traitement numerique de l'information, discipline en expansion rapide qui, deja, en electronique nucleaire comme dans de nombreux autres domaines de la recherche, tend a jouer un role essentiel sinon determinant. (auteurs)

  13. A highly crystalline single Au wire network as a high temperature transparent heater (United States)

    Rao, K. D. M.; Kulkarni, Giridhar U.


    A transparent conductor which can generate high temperatures finds important applications in optoelectronics. In this article, a wire network made of Au on quartz is shown to serve as an effective high temperature transparent heater. The heater has been fabricated by depositing Au onto a cracked sacrificial template. The highly interconnected Au wire network thus formed exhibited a transmittance of ~87% in a wide spectral range with a sheet resistance of 5.4 Ω □-1. By passing current through the network, it could be joule heated to ~600 °C within a few seconds. The extraordinary thermal performance and stability owe much to the seamless junctions present in the wire network. Furthermore, the wire network gets self-annealed through joule heating as seen from its increased crystallinity. Interestingly, both transmittance and sheet resistance improved following annealing to 92% and 3.2 Ω □-1, respectively. A transparent conductor which can generate high temperatures finds important applications in optoelectronics. In this article, a wire network made of Au on quartz is shown to serve as an effective high temperature transparent heater. The heater has been fabricated by depositing Au onto a cracked sacrificial template. The highly interconnected Au wire network thus formed exhibited a transmittance of ~87% in a wide spectral range with a sheet resistance of 5.4 Ω □-1. By passing current through the network, it could be joule heated to ~600 °C within a few seconds. The extraordinary thermal performance and stability owe much to the seamless junctions present in the wire network. Furthermore, the wire network gets self-annealed through joule heating as seen from its increased crystallinity. Interestingly, both transmittance and sheet resistance improved following annealing to 92% and 3.2 Ω □-1, respectively. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Optical micrographs, EDAX, XRD, SEM and TEM images of Au metal wires. See DOI: 10.1039/c4nr00869c

  14. Architecture of Pd-Au bimetallic nanoparticles in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate reverse micelles as investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. (United States)

    Chen, Ching-Hsiang; Sarma, Loka Subramanyam; Chen, Jium-Ming; Shih, Shou-Chu; Wang, Guo-Rung; Liu, Din-Goa; Tang, Mau-Tsu; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Hwang, Bing-Joe


    In this study, we demonstrate the unique application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) as a fundamental characterization tool to help in designing and controlling the architecture of Pd-Au bimetallic nanoparticles within a water-in-oil microemulsion system of water/sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT)/n-heptane. Structural insights obtained from the in situ XAS measurements recorded at each step during the formation process revealed that Pd-Au bimetallic clusters with various Pd-Au atomic stackings are formed by properly performing hydrazine reduction and redox transmetalation reactions sequentially within water-in-oil microemulsions. A structural model is provided to explain reasonably each reaction step and to give detailed insight into the nucleation and growth mechanism of Pd-Au bimetallic clusters. The combination of in situ XAS analysis at both the Pd K-edge and the Au L(III)-edge and UV-vis absorption spectral features confirms that the formation of Pd-Au bimetallic clusters follows a (Pd(nuclei)-Au(stack))-Pd(surf) stacking. This result further implies that the thickness of Au(stack) and Pd(surf) layers may be modulated by varying the dosage of the Au precursor and hydrazine, respectively. In addition, a bimetallic (Pd-Au)(alloy) nanocluster with a (Pd(nuclei)-Au(stack))-(Pd-Au(alloy))(surf) stacking was also designed and synthesized in order to check the feasibility of Pd(surf) layer modification. The result reveals that the Pd(surf) layer of the stacked (Pd(nuclei)-Au)(stack) bimetallic clusters can be successfully modified to form a (Au-Pd alloy)(surf) layer by a co-reduction of Pd and Au ions by hydrazine. Further, we demonstrate the alloying extent or atomic distribution of Pd and Au in Pd-Au bimetallic nanoparticles from the derived XAS structural parameters. The complete XAS-based methodology, demonstrated here on the Pd-Au bimetallic system, can easily be extended to design and control the alloying extent or atomic distribution, atomic

  15. Solution-dispersible Au nanocube dimers with greatly enhanced two-photon luminescence and SERS (United States)

    Liu, Xiao-Li; Liang, Shan; Nan, Fan; Yang, Zhong-Jian; Yu, Xue-Feng; Zhou, Li; Hao, Zhong-Hua; Wang, Qu-Quan


    We report the synthesis of 43-nm diameter Au nanocube dimers by using Ag+ ions as competitive ligands to freeze l-cysteine-induced assembly process of the nanocubes to a desirable stage. Ascribed to the resonant interparticle coupling with an newly arising plasmon band at 710 nm and local field enhancement, the two-photon luminescence intensity of the Au nanocube dimers in solution was over 20 times stronger than that of the monomers in the wavelength range 555-620 nm. Furthermore, by coupling Raman tags onto the nanocube surface, a solution-based surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of the nanocube dimers had an enhancement factor of over 10 times compared to the isolated nanocubes. To sum up, with high stability in solution and attractive optical properties, the Au nanocube dimers have potential applications in in vivo bio-imaging and solution-based SERS.We report the synthesis of 43-nm diameter Au nanocube dimers by using Ag+ ions as competitive ligands to freeze l-cysteine-induced assembly process of the nanocubes to a desirable stage. Ascribed to the resonant interparticle coupling with an newly arising plasmon band at 710 nm and local field enhancement, the two-photon luminescence intensity of the Au nanocube dimers in solution was over 20 times stronger than that of the monomers in the wavelength range 555-620 nm. Furthermore, by coupling Raman tags onto the nanocube surface, a solution-based surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of the nanocube dimers had an enhancement factor of over 10 times compared to the isolated nanocubes. To sum up, with high stability in solution and attractive optical properties, the Au nanocube dimers have potential applications in in vivo bio-imaging and solution-based SERS. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c3nr01170d

  16. Au70S20(PPh3)12: an intermediate sized metalloid gold cluster stabilized by the Au4S4 ring motif and Au-PPh3 groups. (United States)

    Kenzler, Sebastian; Schrenk, Claudio; Frojd, Andrew R; Häkkinen, Hannu; Clayborne, Andre Z; Schnepf, Andreas


    Reducing (Ph 3 P)AuSC(SiMe 3 ) 3 with l-Selectride® gives the medium-sized metalloid gold cluster Au 70 S 20 (PPh 3 ) 12 . Computational studies show that the phosphine bound Au-atoms not only stabilize the electronic structure of Au 70 S 20 (PPh 3 ) 12 , but also behave as electron acceptors leading to auride-like gold atoms on the exterior.

  17. {phi} meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at {radical}s{sub NN}=200 GeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, J.; Adler, C.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Ahammed, Z.; Amonett, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G.S.; Badyal, S.K.; Balewski, J.; Barannikova, O.; Barnby, L.S.; Baudot, J.; Bekele, S.; Belaga, V.V.; Bellwied, R.; Berger, J.; Bezverkhny, B.I.; Bhardwaj, S.; Bhati, A.K.; Bichsel, H.; Billmeier, A.; Bland, L.C.; Blyth, C.O.; Bonner, B.E.; Botje, M.; Boucham, A.; Brandin, A.; Bravar, A.; Cadman, R.V.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Calderon de la Barca Sanchez, M.; Carroll, J.; Castillo, J.; Cebra, D.; Chaloupka, P.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, Y.; Chernenko, S.P.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Coffin, J.P.; Cormier, T.M.; Cramer, J.G.; Crawford, H.J.; Das, D.; Das, S.; Derevschikov, A.A.; Didenko, L.; Dietel, T.; Dong, W.J.; Dong, X.; Draper, J.E.; Du, F.; Dubey, A.K.; Dunin, V.B.; Dunlop, J.C.; Dutta Majumdar, M.R.; Eckardt, V.; Efimov, L.G.; Emelianov, V.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Fachini, P.; Faine, V.; Faivre, J.; Fatemi, R.; Filimonov, K.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flierl, D.; Foley, K.J.; Fu, J.; Gagliardi, C.A.; Gagunashvili, N.; Gans, J.; Ganti, M.S.; Gaudichet, L.; Germain, M.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gonzalez, J.E.; Grachov, O.; Grebenyuk, O.; Gronstal, S.; Grosnick, D.; Guedon, M.; Guertin, S.M.; Gupta, A.; Gutierrez, T.D.; Hallman, T.J.; Hamed, A.; Hardtke, D.; Harris, J.W.; Heinz, M.; Henry, T.W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hippolyte, B.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Horsley, M.; Huang, H.Z.; Huang, S.L.; Hughes, E.; Humanic, T.J.; Igo, G.; Ishihara, A.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Janik, M.; Johnson, I.; Jones, P.G.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kaplan, M.; Keane, D.; Khodyrev; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J.; Klein, S.R.; Klyachko, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Kopytine, S.M.; Kotchenda, L.; Kovalenko, A.D.; Kramer, M.; Kravtsov, P.; Kravstov, V.I.; Krueger, K.; Kuhn, C.; Kulikov, A.I.; Kumar, A.; Kunde, G.J.; Kunz, C.L.; Kutuev, R.Kh.; et al.


    We report the STAR measurement of {psi} meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV. Using the event mixing technique, the {psi} spectra and yields are obtained at midrapidity for five centrality bins in Au+Au collisions and for non-singly-diffractive p+p collisions. It is found that the {psi} transverse momentum distributions from Au+Au collisions are better fitted with a single-exponential while the p+p spectrum is better described by a double-exponential distribution. The measured nuclear modification factors indicate that {psi} production in central Au+Au collisions is suppressed relative to peripheral collisions when scaled by the number of binary collisions (). The systematics of versus centrality and the constant {psi}/K{sup -} ratio versus beam species, centrality, and collision energy rule out kaon coalescence as the dominant mechanism for {psi} production.

  18. Identified particles in Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV (United States)

    Phobos Collaboration; Wosiek, Barbara; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    The yields of identified particles have been measured at RHIC for Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV using the PHOBOS spectrometer. The ratios of antiparticle to particle yields near mid-rapidity are presented. The first measurements of the invariant yields of charged pions, kaons and protons at very low transverse momenta are also shown.

  19. Search for hyperheavy toroidal nuclear structures formed in Au + Au collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sochocka, A.; Planeta, R.; Starypan, Z.; Benisz, A.; Hachaj, P.; Nicolis, N.G.


    We study the feasibility of an experimental observation of toroidal breakup configurations in Au+Au collisions using the CHIMERA multidetector system. BUU simulations indicate that the threshold energy for toroidal configuration is around 23 MeV/nucleon. The simulations of decay process using the ETNA code indicate the sensitivity of some observables to different studied break-up geometries. (author)

  20. Predicted Habitat Suitability for All Mesophotic Corals in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for all mesophotic corals in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to...

  1. pH-Induced transformation of ligated Au25 to brighter Au23 nanoclusters. (United States)

    Waszkielewicz, Magdalena; Olesiak-Banska, Joanna; Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde; Bertorelle, Franck; Dagany, Xavier; Bansal, Ashu K; Sajjad, Muhammad T; Samuel, Ifor D W; Sanader, Zeljka; Rozycka, Miroslawa; Wojtas, Magdalena; Matczyszyn, Katarzyna; Bonacic-Koutecky, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodolphe; Ozyhar, Andrzej; Samoc, Marek


    Thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters have recently attracted considerable attention due to their size-dependent luminescence characterized by a long lifetime and large Stokes shift. However, the optimization of nanocluster properties such as the luminescence quantum yield is still a challenge. We report here the transformation of Au25Capt18 (Capt labels captopril) nanoclusters occurring at low pH and yielding a product with a much increased luminescence quantum yield which we have identified as Au23Capt17. We applied a simple method of treatment with HCl to accomplish this transformation and we characterized the absorption and emission of the newly created ligated nanoclusters as well as their morphology. Based on DFT calculations we show which Au nanocluster size transformations can lead to highly luminescent species such as Au23Capt17.

  2. Jet-hadron correlations in √[s(NN)]=200  GeV p+p and central Au+Au collisions. (United States)

    Adamczyk, L; Adkins, J K; Agakishiev, G; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Alekseev, I; Alford, J; Anson, C D; Aparin, A; Arkhipkin, D; Aschenauer, E C; Averichev, G S; Banerjee, A; Beavis, D R; Bellwied, R; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bhattarai, P; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Bordyuzhin, I G; Borowski, W; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Brovko, S G; Bültmann, S; Bunzarov, I; Burton, T P; Butterworth, J; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Cebra, D; Cendejas, R; Cervantes, M C; Chaloupka, P; Chang, Z; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Chen, L; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Chwastowski, J; Codrington, M J M; Contin, G; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Cui, X; Das, S; Davila Leyva, A; De Silva, L C; Debbe, R R; Dedovich, T G; Deng, J; Derevschikov, A A; Derradi de Souza, R; Dhamija, S; di Ruzza, B; Didenko, L; Dilks, C; Ding, F; Djawotho, P; Dong, X; Drachenberg, J L; Draper, J E; Du, C M; Dunkelberger, L E; Dunlop, J C; Efimov, L G; Engelage, J; Engle, K S; Eppley, G; Eun, L; Evdokimov, O; Eyser, O; Fatemi, R; Fazio, S; Fedorisin, J; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flores, C E; Gagliardi, C A; Gangadharan, D R; Garand, D; Geurts, F; Gibson, A; Girard, M; Gliske, S; Greiner, L; Grosnick, D; Gunarathne, D S; Guo, Y; Gupta, A; Gupta, S; Guryn, W; Haag, B; Hamed, A; Han, L-X; Haque, R; Harris, J W; Heppelmann, S; Hirsch, A; Hoffmann, G W; Hofman, D J; Horvat, S; Huang, B; Huang, H Z; Huang, X; Huck, P; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Jacobs, W W; Jang, H; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kalinkin, D; Kang, K; Kauder, K; Ke, H W; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Kesich, A; Khan, Z H; Kikola, D P; Kisel, I; Kisiel, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konzer, J; Koralt, I; Kotchenda, L; Kraishan, A F; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kulakov, I; Kumar, L; Kycia, R A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Landry, K D; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, J H; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, W; Li, X; Li, X; Li, Y; Li, Z M; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Lomnitz, M; Longacre, R S; Luo, X; Ma, G L; Ma, Y G; Madagodagettige Don, D M M D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Masui, H; Matis, H S; McDonald, D; McShane, T S; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mohanty, B; Mondal, M M; Morozov, D A; Mustafa, M K; Nandi, B K; Nasim, Md; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nigmatkulov, G; Nogach, L V; Noh, S Y; Novak, J; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Oh, K; Ohlson, A; Okorokov, V; Oldag, E W; Olvitt, D L; Pachr, M; Page, B S; Pal, S K; Pan, Y X; Pandit, Y; Panebratsev, Y; Pawlak, T; Pawlik, B; Pei, H; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Pile, P; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Pruthi, N K; Przybycien, M; Pujahari, P R; Putschke, J; Qiu, H; Quintero, A; Ramachandran, S; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Riley, C K; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Ross, J F; Roy, A; Ruan, L; Rusnak, J; Rusnakova, O; Sahoo, N R; Sahu, P K; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sangaline, E; Sarkar, A; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmah, A M; Schmidke, W B; Schmitz, N; Seger, J; Seyboth, P; Shah, N; Shahaliev, E; Shanmuganathan, P V; Shao, M; Sharma, B; Shen, W Q; Shi, S S; Shou, Q Y; Sichtermann, E P; Singaraju, R N; Skoby, M J; Smirnov, D; Smirnov, N; Solanki, D; Sorensen, P; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, T D S; Stevens, J R; Stock, R; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Sumbera, M; Sun, X; Sun, X M; Sun, Y; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Svirida, D N; Symons, T J M; Szelezniak, M A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tang, Z; Tarnowsky, T; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Tlusty, D; Tokarev, M; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tribedy, P; Trzeciak, B A; Tsai, O D; Turnau, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; van Nieuwenhuizen, G; Vandenbroucke, M; Vanfossen, J A; Varma, R; Vasconcelos, G M S; Vasiliev, A N; Vertesi, R; Videbæk, F; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Vossen, A; Wada, M; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, H; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Wang, Y; Webb, G; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wu, Y F; Xiao, Z; Xie, W; Xin, K; Xu, H; Xu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Y; Xu, Z; Yan, W; Yang, C; Yang, Y; Yang, Y; Ye, Z; Yepes, P; Yi, L; Yip, K; Yoo, I-K; Yu, N; Zawisza, Y; Zbroszczyk, H; Zha, W; Zhang, J B; Zhang, J L; Zhang, S; Zhang, X P; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, F; Zhao, J; Zhong, C; Zhu, X; Zhu, Y H; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zyzak, M


    Azimuthal angular correlations of charged hadrons with respect to the axis of a reconstructed (trigger) jet in Au+Au and p+p collisions at √[s(NN)]=200  GeV in STAR are presented. The trigger jet population in Au+Au collisions is biased toward jets that have not interacted with the medium, allowing easier matching of jet energies between Au+Au and p+p collisions while enhancing medium effects on the recoil jet. The associated hadron yield of the recoil jet is significantly suppressed at high transverse momentum (pTassoc) and enhanced at low pTassoc in 0%-20% central Au+Au collisions compared to p+p collisions, which is indicative of medium-induced parton energy loss in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.

  3. Efficient adsorption of Au(CN)2- from gold cyanidation with graphene oxide-polyethylenimine hydrogel as adsorbent (United States)

    Yang, Lang; Jia, Feifei; Yang, Bingqiao; Song, Shaoxian

    The adsorption of gold cyanide complex ion (Au(CN)2-) on graphene oxide-polyethylenimine hydrogel (GO/PEI hydrogel) from gold cyanidation has been studied to explore the possibility of the application of GO/PEI hydrogel in gold cyanidation process for extracting gold from ores. The adsorption was carried out in artificial Au(CN)2- aqueous solution with GO/PEI hydrogel as adsorbent. The experimental results, as well as IR, XPS and SEM-EDS, have shown that GO/PEI hydrogel exhibited a high adsorption capacity and a fast adsorption rate of Au(CN)2-, suggesting that GO/PEI hydrogel might be a good adsorbent for the recovery of Au(CN)2-. The adsorption of Au(CN)2- on GO/PEI hydrogel obeyed the Langmuir isotherm model and fitted well with the pseudo second order model. The good recovery of Au(CN)2- was largely related to the porous structure, large specific surface area, as well as the oxygenous functional groups on the surface of GO/PEI hydrogel.

  4. Application of a parallel genetic algorithm to the global optimization of medium-sized Au-Pd sub-nanometre clusters (United States)

    Hussein, Heider A.; Demiroglu, Ilker; Johnston, Roy L.


    To contribute to the discussion of the high activity and reactivity of Au-Pd system, we have adopted the BPGA-DFT approach to study the structural and energetic properties of medium-sized Au-Pd sub-nanometre clusters with 11-18 atoms. We have examined the structural behaviour and stability as a function of cluster size and composition. The study suggests 2D-3D crossover points for pure Au clusters at 14 and 16 atoms, whereas pure Pd clusters are all found to be 3D. For Au-Pd nanoalloys, the role of cluster size and the influence of doping were found to be extensive and non-monotonic in altering cluster structures. Various stability criteria (e.g. binding energies, second differences in energy, and mixing energies) are used to evaluate the energetics, structures, and tendency of segregation in sub-nanometre Au-Pd clusters. HOMO-LUMO gaps were calculated to give additional information on cluster stability and a systematic homotop search was used to evaluate the energies of the generated global minima of mono-substituted clusters and the preferred doping sites, as well as confirming the validity of the BPGA-DFT approach.

  5. Etude du secteur des préparations pour desserts 2009


    Combris, Pierre; Goglia, Raffaella; Henini, Marion; Lafitte, Caroline; Soler, Louis Georges; Spiteri, Marine; Stevenin, Florence; Observatoire de la Qualité de l'Alimentation


    Cette étude sectorielle de suivi du marché des préparations pour desserts repose principalement sur les informations relevées sur les emballages, notamment les valeurs nutritionnelles, la taille des portions indiquées, les repères nutritionnels, les recommandations de consommation… Pour cette première année d’étude, la base de données compte 155 références, correspondant à une couverture d’au moins 67% du marché en volume. Pour affiner au mieux les traitements effectués, le secteur a été déco...

  6. Measurements of mass-dependent azimuthal anisotropy in central p + Au, d + Au, and 3He + Au collisions at √{sN N}=200 GeV (United States)

    Adare, A.; Aidala, C.; Ajitanand, N. N.; Akiba, Y.; Alfred, M.; Andrieux, V.; Apadula, N.; Asano, H.; Azmoun, B.; Babintsev, V.; Bagoly, A.; Bai, M.; Bandara, N. S.; Bannier, B.; Barish, K. N.; Bathe, S.; Bazilevsky, A.; Beaumier, M.; Beckman, S.; Belmont, R.; Berdnikov, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Blau, D. S.; Boer, M.; Bok, J. S.; Boyle, K.; Brooks, M. L.; Bryslawskyj, J.; Bumazhnov, V.; Campbell, S.; Canoa Roman, V.; Cervantes, R.; Chen, C.-H.; Chi, C. Y.; Chiu, M.; Choi, I. J.; Choi, J. B.; Chujo, T.; Citron, Z.; Connors, M.; Cronin, N.; Csanád, M.; Csörgő, T.; Danley, T. W.; Datta, A.; Daugherity, M. S.; David, G.; Deblasio, K.; Dehmelt, K.; Denisov, A.; Deshpande, A.; Desmond, E. J.; Dion, A.; Diss, P. B.; Dixit, D.; Do, J. H.; Drees, A.; Drees, K. A.; Durham, J. M.; Durum, A.; Enokizono, A.; En'yo, H.; Esumi, S.; Fadem, B.; Fan, W.; Feege, N.; Fields, D. E.; Finger, M.; Finger, M.; Fokin, S. L.; Frantz, J. E.; Franz, A.; Frawley, A. D.; Fukuda, Y.; Gal, C.; Gallus, P.; Garg, P.; Ge, H.; Giordano, F.; Glenn, A.; Goto, Y.; Grau, N.; Greene, S. V.; Grosse Perdekamp, M.; Gunji, T.; Guragain, H.; Hachiya, T.; Haggerty, J. S.; Hahn, K. I.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamilton, H. F.; Han, S. Y.; Hanks, J.; Hasegawa, S.; Haseler, T. O. S.; Hashimoto, K.; He, X.; Hemmick, T. K.; Hill, J. C.; Hill, K.; Hodges, A.; Hollis, R. S.; Homma, K.; Hong, B.; Hoshino, T.; Hotvedt, N.; Huang, J.; Huang, S.; Imai, K.; Imrek, J.; Inaba, M.; Iordanova, A.; Isenhower, D.; Ivanishchev, D.; Jacak, B. V.; Jezghani, M.; Ji, Z.; Jia, J.; Jiang, X.; Johnson, B. M.; Jorjadze, V.; Jouan, D.; Jumper, D. S.; Kanda, S.; Kang, J. H.; Kapukchyan, D.; Karthas, S.; Kawall, D.; Kazantsev, A. V.; Key, J. A.; Khachatryan, V.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kim, C.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E.-J.; Kim, G. W.; Kim, M.; Kim, M. H.; Kimelman, B.; Kincses, D.; Kistenev, E.; Kitamura, R.; Klatsky, J.; Kleinjan, D.; Kline, P.; Koblesky, T.; Komkov, B.; Kotov, D.; Kudo, S.; Kurgyis, B.; Kurita, K.; Kurosawa, M.; Kwon, Y.; Lacey, R.; Lajoie, J. G.; Lebedev, A.; Lee, S.; Lee, S. H.; Leitch, M. J.; Leung, Y. H.; Lewis, N. A.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Lim, S. H.; Liu, M. X.; Loggins, V.-R.; Lökös, S.; Lovasz, K.; Lynch, D.; Majoros, T.; Makdisi, Y. I.; Makek, M.; Manion, A.; Manko, V. I.; Mannel, E.; Masuda, H.; McCumber, M.; McGaughey, P. L.; McGlinchey, D.; McKinney, C.; Meles, A.; Mendoza, M.; Metzger, W. J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Mihalik, D. E.; Milov, A.; Mishra, D. K.; Mitchell, J. T.; Mitsuka, G.; Miyasaka, S.; Mizuno, S.; Mohanty, A. K.; Montuenga, P.; Moon, T.; Morrison, D. P.; Morrow, S. I.; Moukhanova, T. V.; Murakami, T.; Murata, J.; Mwai, A.; Nagai, K.; Nagashima, K.; Nagashima, T.; Nagle, J. L.; Nagy, M. I.; Nakagawa, I.; Nakagomi, H.; Nakano, K.; Nattrass, C.; Netrakanti, P. K.; Niida, T.; Nishimura, S.; Nouicer, R.; Novák, T.; Novitzky, N.; Nyanin, A. S.; O'Brien, E.; Ogilvie, C. A.; Orjuela Koop, J. D.; Osborn, J. D.; Oskarsson, A.; Ottino, G. J.; Ozawa, K.; Pak, R.; Pantuev, V.; Papavassiliou, V.; Park, J. S.; Park, S.; Pate, S. F.; Patel, M.; Peng, J.-C.; Peng, W.; Perepelitsa, D. V.; Perera, G. D. N.; Peressounko, D. Yu.; Perezlara, C. E.; Perry, J.; Petti, R.; Phipps, M.; Pinkenburg, C.; Pinson, R.; Pisani, R. P.; Pun, A.; Purschke, M. L.; Radzevich, P. V.; Rak, J.; Ramson, B. J.; Ravinovich, I.; Read, K. F.; Reynolds, D.; Riabov, V.; Riabov, Y.; Richford, D.; Rinn, T.; Rolnick, S. D.; Rosati, M.; Rowan, Z.; Rubin, J. G.; Runchey, J.; Safonov, A. S.; Sahlmueller, B.; Saito, N.; Sakaguchi, T.; Sako, H.; Samsonov, V.; Sarsour, M.; Sato, K.; Sato, S.; Schaefer, B.; Schmoll, B. K.; Sedgwick, K.; Seidl, R.; Sen, A.; Seto, R.; Sett, P.; Sexton, A.; Sharma, D.; Shein, I.; Shibata, T.-A.; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shioya, T.; Shukla, P.; Sickles, A.; Silva, C. L.; Silvermyr, D.; Singh, B. K.; Singh, C. P.; Singh, V.; Skoby, M. J.; Slunečka, M.; Snowball, M.; Soltz, R. A.; Sondheim, W. E.; Sorensen, S. P.; Sourikova, I. V.; Stankus, P. W.; Stepanov, M.; Stoll, S. P.; Sugitate, T.; Sukhanov, A.; Sumita, T.; Sun, J.; Sziklai, J.; Takeda, A.; Taketani, A.; Tanida, K.; Tannenbaum, M. J.; Tarafdar, S.; Taranenko, A.; Tarnai, G.; Tieulent, R.; Timilsina, A.; Todoroki, T.; Tomášek, M.; Towell, C. L.; Towell, R.; Towell, R. S.; Tserruya, I.; Ueda, Y.; Ujvari, B.; van Hecke, H. W.; Vazquez-Carson, S.; Velkovska, J.; Virius, M.; Vrba, V.; Vukman, N.; Wang, X. R.; Wang, Z.; Watanabe, Y.; Watanabe, Y. S.; Wei, F.; White, A. S.; Wong, C. P.; Woody, C. L.; Wysocki, M.; Xia, B.; Xu, C.; Xu, Q.; Xue, L.; Yalcin, S.; Yamaguchi, Y. L.; Yamamoto, H.; Yanovich, A.; Yin, P.; Yoo, J. H.; Yoon, I.; Yu, H.; Yushmanov, I. E.; Zajc, W. A.; Zelenski, A.; Zharko, S.; Zhou, S.; Zou, L.; Phenix Collaboration


    We present measurements of the transverse-momentum dependence of elliptic flow v2 for identified pions and (anti)protons at midrapidity (|η |<0.35 ), in 0%-5% central p +Au and 3He+Au collisions at √{sNN}=200 GeV. When taken together with previously published measurements in d +Au collisions at √{sNN}=200 GeV, the results cover a broad range of small-collision-system multiplicities and intrinsic initial geometries. We observe a clear mass-dependent splitting of v2(pT) in d +Au and 3He+Au collisions, just as in large nucleus-nucleus (A +A ) collisions, and a smaller splitting in p +Au collisions. Both hydrodynamic and transport model calculations successfully describe the data at low pT (<1.5 GeV /c ), but fail to describe various features at higher pT. In all systems, the v2 values follow an approximate quark-number scaling as a function of the hadron transverse kinetic energy per constituent quark (K ET/nq ), which was also seen previously in A +A collisions.

  7. Fabrication and characterizations of ZnO nanorods/Au nanoparticle composites on the electropolished Ti substrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Hsiang, E-mail: [National Chi Nan University, No.1, Daxue Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan, ROC (China); Yeh, Yih-Min [WuFeng University, No. 117, Sec 2, Chiankuo Rd, Minhsiung, Chiayi County 62153, Taiwan, ROC (China); Chen, Jian-Zhi [National Chi Nan University, No.1, Daxue Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan, ROC (China); Liu, Song-Ming [WuFeng University, No. 117, Sec 2, Chiankuo Rd, Minhsiung, Chiayi County 62153, Taiwan, ROC (China); Huang, Bo Yun; Wu, Zhi-Huei; Tsai, Shaung-Lin; Chang, Hung-Wei; Chu, Yu-Cheng; Liao, Chuan Hao [National Chi Nan University, No.1, Daxue Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan, ROC (China)


    Au nanoparticles (NPs) were spread on ZnO nanorods (NRs) on the polished Ti substrate to form Au/ZnO nanocomposites. Multiple material analyses including field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) and images taken by optical microscope were performed on Au NPs of 2 nm and 20 nm on ZnO NRs. The FESEM and optical images under optical microscope indicate that 20 nm NPs can form more and larger clusters than 2 nm NPs on ZnO nanorod. Furthermore, more Au can be detected by EDS and XRD. We studied the behaviors of Au NPs on ZnO NR applications for future potential biosensing and antiseptic devices. - Highlights: • Nanocomposites of Au nanoparticles were spread on ZnO nanorods on Ti substrate. • Multiple material analyses were performed on 2 nm and 20 nm nanoparticles. • 20 nm nanoparticles formed more and larger clusters. • Optical images show well-distributed nanoparticle ZnO nanorods.

  8. Evidence for Bioavailability of Au Nanoparticles from Soil and Biodistribution within Earthworms (Eisenia fetida)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    J Unrine; S Hunyadi; O Tsyusko; W Rao; A Shoults-Wilson; P Bertsch


    Because Au nanoparticles (NPs) are resistant to oxidative dissolution and are easily detected, they have been used as stable probes for the behavior of nanomaterials within biological systems. Previous studies provide somewhat limited evidence for bioavailability of Au NPs in food webs, because the spatial distribution within tissues and the speciation of Au was not determined. In this study, we provide multiple lines of evidence, including orthogonal microspectroscopic techniques, as well as evidence from biological responses, that Au NPs are bioavailable from soil to a model detritivore (Eisenia fetida). We also present limited evidence that Au NPs may cause adverse effects on earthworm reproduction. This is perhaps the first study to demonstrate that Au NPs can be taken up by detritivores from soil and distributed among tissues. We found that primary particle size (20 or 55 nm) did not consistently influence accumulated concentrations on a mass concentration basis; however, on a particle number basis the 20 nm particles were more bioavailable. Differences in bioavailability between the treatments may have been explained by aggregation behavior in pore water. The results suggest that nanoparticles present in soil from activities such as biosolids application have the potential to enter terrestrial food webs.

  9. The influence of cyclic deposition and anneal on growth of isolated and well-dispersed Au nanoisland arrays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Xin; Li, Hao, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Isolated and well-dispersed Au nanoislands were prepared by cyclical deposition and anneal. • The morphology of Au nanoislands were shown to be influenced by the number of growth cycles. • SERS sensing application was shown to be viable with as-prepared Au nanoislands. - Abstract: Isolated and well-dispersed Au nanoisland arrays were prepared with sputter deposition and post-deposition anneal in a cyclic fashion. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterization and associated image analysis in aspects of nanoisland size, coverage, circularity, and density were performed to investigate the influence of cyclic deposition and anneal (DAA) on the morphology of as-prepared Au nanoisland arrays. This study revealed that, given a fixed amount of Au deposition per cycle, increasing the number of DAA cycles drove Au nanoislands’ gradual growth that was interpreted with the increase of their size and coverage and decrease of their density and circularity. In addition, given a fixed amount of total Au deposition, dividing the growth process into more cycles was shown to lower the growth rate of Au nanoislands. Moreover, the as-prepared Au nanoisland arrays were demonstrated to be a viable option as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensing platform whose SERS enhancement was found to be highly dependent upon the size of nanoislands.

  10. The influence of cyclic deposition and anneal on growth of isolated and well-dispersed Au nanoisland arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Xin; Li, Hao


    Highlights: • Isolated and well-dispersed Au nanoislands were prepared by cyclical deposition and anneal. • The morphology of Au nanoislands were shown to be influenced by the number of growth cycles. • SERS sensing application was shown to be viable with as-prepared Au nanoislands. - Abstract: Isolated and well-dispersed Au nanoisland arrays were prepared with sputter deposition and post-deposition anneal in a cyclic fashion. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterization and associated image analysis in aspects of nanoisland size, coverage, circularity, and density were performed to investigate the influence of cyclic deposition and anneal (DAA) on the morphology of as-prepared Au nanoisland arrays. This study revealed that, given a fixed amount of Au deposition per cycle, increasing the number of DAA cycles drove Au nanoislands’ gradual growth that was interpreted with the increase of their size and coverage and decrease of their density and circularity. In addition, given a fixed amount of total Au deposition, dividing the growth process into more cycles was shown to lower the growth rate of Au nanoislands. Moreover, the as-prepared Au nanoisland arrays were demonstrated to be a viable option as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensing platform whose SERS enhancement was found to be highly dependent upon the size of nanoislands.

  11. Synthesis and characterization in AuCu–Si nanostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novelo, T.E.; Amézaga-Madrid, P.; Maldonado, R.D.; Oliva, A.I.; Alonzo-Medina, G.M.


    Au/Cu bilayers with different Au:Cu concentrations (25:75, 50:50 and 75:25 at.%) were deposited on Si(100) substrates by thermal evaporation. The thicknesses of all Au/Cu bilayers were 150 nm. The alloys were prepared by thermal diffusion into a vacuum oven with argon atmosphere at 690 K during 1 h. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed different phases of AuCu and CuSi alloys in the samples after annealing process. CuSi alloys were mainly obtained for 25:75 at.% samples, meanwhile the AuCuII phase dominates for samples prepared with 50:50 at.%. Additionally, the Au:Cu alloys with 75:25 at.%, produce Au 2 Cu 3 and Au 3 Cu phases. The formed alloys were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) to study the morphology and the elemental concentration of the formed alloys. - Highlights: • AuCu/Si alloy thin films were prepared by thermal diffusion. • Alloys prepared with 50 at.% of Au produce the AuCuII phase. • Alloys prepared with 75 at.% of Au produce Au 3 Cu and Au 2 Cu 3 phases. • All alloys present diffusion of Si and Cu through the CuSi alloy formation

  12. Study of the low temperature oxidation of uranium powders and its application to the sintering of uranium oxide powders; Etude de l'oxydation des poudres dtranium a basse temperature et son application au frittage de poudres d'uranium oxyde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conte-Albert, M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    techniques utilisees sont la micrographie, la thermogravimetrie, le frittage sous charge, la radiocristallographie. A 170 deg. C, sous air ou dans des melanges argon + oxygene, l'oxyde d'uranium forme est toujours UO{sub 2} et il est uniformement reparti autour des billes d'uranium de depart. Ces poudres mixtes se frittent facilement sous charge en phase {gamma}. On obtient des echantillons dont la densite est de 85 a 90 pour cent de la densite theorique. L'influence de l'UO{sub 2} sur les proprietes de l'uranium a ete mise en evidence par dilatometrie et cyclage thermique en phase {alpha}. Les temperatures des changements de phase {alpha} {r_reversible} {beta}, {beta} {r_reversible} {gamma} sont abaissees, l'allongement remanent est diminue. Les echantillons de bonne densite ont une bonne tenue au cyclage thermique; les defauts caracteristiques de l'uranium: grande distorsion, peau d'orange, n'existent presque plus. Des traitements thermiques sous vide secondaire a 1050 deg. C provoquent la cristallisation de l'UO{sub 2} sous forme geometrique et l'apparition d'une phase, de systeme cristallin C.F.C., de formule U{sub W}C{sub X}O{sub Y}N{sub Z}. Cette phase provoque un nouvel abaissement des temperatures de transformation {alpha} {r_reversible} {beta}, {beta} {r_reversible} {gamma} de l'uranium. Apres dix cycles dilatometriques, l'allongement remanent de l'echantillon est de l'ordre de 0,5 pour cent. La tenue au cyclage thermique d'un echantillon de faible densite ayant ete traite thermiquement est comparable a celle d'un echantillon de bonne densite n'ayant pas subi de traitement thermique. (auteur)

  13. Development of bimetallic (Zn@Au) nanoparticles as potential PET-imageable radiosensitizers. (United States)

    Cho, Jongmin; Wang, Min; Gonzalez-Lepera, Carlos; Mawlawi, Osama; Cho, Sang Hyun


    Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are being investigated actively for various applications in cancer diagnosis and therapy. As an effort to improve the imaging of GNPs in vivo, the authors developed bimetallic hybrid Zn@Au NPs with zinc cores and gold shells, aiming to render them in vivo visibility through positron emission tomography (PET) after the proton activation of the zinc core as well as capability to induce radiosensitization through the secondary electrons produced from the gold shell when irradiated by various radiation sources. Nearly spherical zinc NPs (∼5-nm diameter) were synthesized and then coated with a ∼4.25-nm gold layer to make Zn@Au NPs (∼13.5-nm total diameter). 28.6 mg of these Zn@Au NPs was deposited (∼100 μm thick) on a thin cellulose target and placed in an aluminum target holder and subsequently irradiated with 14.15-MeV protons from a GE PETtrace cyclotron with 5-μA current for 5 min. After irradiation, the cellulose matrix with the NPs was placed in a dose calibrator to assess the induced radioactivity. The same procedure was repeated with 8-MeV protons. Gamma ray spectroscopy using an high-purity germanium detector was conducted on a very small fraction (<1 mg) of the irradiated NPs for each proton energy. In addition to experimental measurements, Monte Carlo simulations were also performed with radioactive Zn@Au NPs and solid GNPs of the same size irradiated with 160-MeV protons and 250-kVp x-rays. The authors measured 168 μCi of activity 32 min after the end of bombardment for the 14.15-MeV proton energy sample using the (66)Ga setting on a dose calibrator; activity decreased to 2 μCi over a 24-h period. For the 8-MeV proton energy sample, PET imaging was additionally performed for 5 min after a 12-h delay. A 12-h gamma ray spectrum showed strong peaks at 511 keV (2.05 × 10(6) counts) with several other peaks of smaller magnitude for each proton energy sample. PET imaging showed strong PET signals from mostly decaying (66)Ga

  14. Development of bimetallic (Zn@Au) nanoparticles as potential PET-imageable radiosensitizers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Jongmin, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030 (United States); Wang, Min [Department of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005 (United States); Gonzalez-Lepera, Carlos [Department of Nuclear Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030 (United States); Mawlawi, Osama [Department of Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030 (United States); Cho, Sang Hyun [Departments of Radiation Physics and Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030 (United States)


    Purpose: Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are being investigated actively for various applications in cancer diagnosis and therapy. As an effort to improve the imaging of GNPs in vivo, the authors developed bimetallic hybrid Zn@Au NPs with zinc cores and gold shells, aiming to render them in vivo visibility through positron emission tomography (PET) after the proton activation of the zinc core as well as capability to induce radiosensitization through the secondary electrons produced from the gold shell when irradiated by various radiation sources. Methods: Nearly spherical zinc NPs (∼5-nm diameter) were synthesized and then coated with a ∼4.25-nm gold layer to make Zn@Au NPs (∼13.5-nm total diameter). 28.6 mg of these Zn@Au NPs was deposited (∼100 μm thick) on a thin cellulose target and placed in an aluminum target holder and subsequently irradiated with 14.15-MeV protons from a GE PETtrace cyclotron with 5-μA current for 5 min. After irradiation, the cellulose matrix with the NPs was placed in a dose calibrator to assess the induced radioactivity. The same procedure was repeated with 8-MeV protons. Gamma ray spectroscopy using an high-purity germanium detector was conducted on a very small fraction (<1 mg) of the irradiated NPs for each proton energy. In addition to experimental measurements, Monte Carlo simulations were also performed with radioactive Zn@Au NPs and solid GNPs of the same size irradiated with 160-MeV protons and 250-kVp x-rays. Results: The authors measured 168 μCi of activity 32 min after the end of bombardment for the 14.15-MeV proton energy sample using the {sup 66}Ga setting on a dose calibrator; activity decreased to 2 μCi over a 24-h period. For the 8-MeV proton energy sample, PET imaging was additionally performed for 5 min after a 12-h delay. A 12-h gamma ray spectrum showed strong peaks at 511 keV (2.05 × 10{sup 6} counts) with several other peaks of smaller magnitude for each proton energy sample. PET imaging showed strong PET

  15. Au Kenya, des oiseaux nuisent à une culture adaptée au climat ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 août 2013 ... Selon Evans Kituyi, spécialiste de programme principal au Centre de ... principal au Gadam Sorghum Production and Marketing Project. Si les graines occupent une place de premier plan dans l'alimentation des oiseaux, ...

  16. Electrosynthesis and characterization of polypyrrole/Au nanocomposite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Wei [School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Li, C.M. [School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore)]. E-mail:; Chen Peng [School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Sun, C.Q. [School of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore)


    Polypyrrole films containing gold nanoparticles (PPy/Au) were electrosynthesized on a glassy carbon electrode. This was done by applying a constant current of 1.43 mA cm{sup -2} in solutions containing colloidal Au particles and pyrrole monomer. A chloroaurate medium with a citrate/tannic acid reducing/protection agent was employed for generating the Au colloids. The PPy/Au films were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman spectroscopy. Also, electrochemical behaviors of the PPy/Au films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and AC impedance measurements. Experimental results demonstrate that PPy/Au has greater conductivity and better stability than PPy. The effect of incorporated Au nanoparticles in PPy matrix was studied and the mechanism was suggested.

  17. The processing and management of wastes from atomic reactors; Nouvelles installations industrielles du C.E.A. pour le traitement des dechets radioactifs liquides et solides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerre, P; Mestre, E; Bourdrez, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The policy concerning radioactive wastes studied by all Atomic Centres has led to various procedures which, while apparently numerous, come under a few standard headings. Whether the wastes are in the liquid or solid state their management depends on their physical and chemical nature. The procedure adopted is governed by three general principles: - determination of the most economical means possible of storage and processing by volume reduction; - conversion to a solid compact form; - complete acceptance of the accepted standards at all places and all times. In this communication all the standard solutions adopted and used by the various Centres of the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique will be examined bearing in mind the preceding remarks. Particular mention will be made of the following: - For liquids, physical, chemical and physico-chemical processing - For solids, decontamination, volume reduction and long-term conditioning techniques. The different procedures for collecting and storing solid wastes before and after processing are also discussed. The paper ends with a brief review of the studies, both technical and economic, being pursued on this subject. (authors) [French] La gestion des dechets etudies par tous les Centres Atomiques a donne lieu a des solutions qui - bien que nombreuses en apparence - se ramenent a quelques solutions types, peu nombreuses. Qu'il s'agisse de dechets solides ou liquides, la nature physique et chimique des dechets conditionne leur mode de gestion. Celle-ci procede de trois principes generaux: - recherche du mode de stockage et de traitement aussi economique que possible par reduction de volume; - mise sous forme compacte solide; - garantie du respect des normes en tous lieux et en tous temps. Dans cette communication, nous examinons toutes les solutions types, compte tenu des remarques precedentes, qui ont ete adoptees et sont utilisees par les differents Centres du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. Nous rappelons en

  18. Voltage Controlled Hot Carrier Injection Enables Ohmic Contacts Using Au Island Metal Films on Ge. (United States)

    Ganti, Srinivas; King, Peter J; Arac, Erhan; Dawson, Karl; Heikkilä, Mikko J; Quilter, John H; Murdoch, Billy; Cumpson, Peter; O'Neill, Anthony


    We introduce a new approach to creating low-resistance metal-semiconductor ohmic contacts, illustrated using high conductivity Au island metal films (IMFs) on Ge, with hot carrier injection initiated at low applied voltage. The same metallization process simultaneously allows ohmic contact to n-Ge and p-Ge, because hot carriers circumvent the Schottky barrier formed at metal/n-Ge interfaces. A 2.5× improvement in contact resistivity is reported over previous techniques to achieve ohmic contact to both n- and p- semiconductor. Ohmic contacts at 4.2 K confirm nonequilibrium current transport. Self-assembled Au IMFs are strongly orientated to Ge by annealing near the Au/Ge eutectic temperature. Au IMF nanostructures form, provided the Au layer is below a critical thickness. We anticipate that optimized IMF contacts may have applicability to many material systems. Optimizing this new paradigm for metal-semiconductor contacts offers the prospect of improved nanoelectronic systems and the study of voltage controlled hot holes and electrons.

  19. Manipulating the optical properties of dual implanted Au and Zn nanoparticles in sapphire (United States)

    Epie, E. N.; Scott, D.; Chu, W. K.


    We have synthesized and manipulated the optical properties of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) by using a combination of low-energy high-fluence dual implantation and thermal annealing. We demonstrated that by implanting Zn before Au, the resulting absorption peak is enormously blue-shifted by 120 nm with respect to that of Au-only implanted samples. This magnitude of optical shift is not characteristic of unalloyed Au and to the best of our knowledge cannot be attributed to NP size change alone. On the other hand, the absorption peak for samples implanted with Au followed by Zn is blue-shifted about 20 nm. Additionally, by carefully annealing all implanted samples, both NP size distribution and corresponding optical properties can be further modified in a controlled manner. We attribute these behaviours to nanoalloy formation. This work provides a direct method for synthesizing and manipulating both the plasmonic and structural properties of metallic alloy NP in various transparent dielectrics for diverse applications.

  20. First-principles study of SF{sub 6} decomposed gas adsorbed on Au-decorated graphene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Xiaoxing, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China); Yu, Lei; Gui, Yingang [State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China); Hu, Weihua [Institute for Clean Energy & Advanced Materials, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 (China)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • We theoretically investigated the decomposed gaseous components of sulfur hexafluoride (SF{sub 6}), namely, H{sub 2}S, SO{sub 2}, SOF{sub 2}, and SO{sub 2}F{sub 2}, adsorbed on pristine and Au-embedded graphene based on DFT-D, in which the van der Waals effect is considered. • H{sub 2}S, SO{sub 2}, SOF{sub 2}, and SO{sub 2}F{sub 2} are chemisorption on Au-doped graphene, appreciably stronger than physisorption on pristine graphene in which the van der Waals dominates. • Only H{sub 2}S exhibits n-type doping to Au-graphene, whereas the rest gases exhibit p-type doping. The n-type and p-type sensing behaviors that Au-doped graphene displays to different gases play a crucial role in selective sensing application. • Magnetic moments fluctuate substantially in the original Au-graphene when H{sub 2}S and SO{sub 2} are adsorbed. While the adsorption effects of SOF{sub 2} and SO{sub 2}F{sub 2} generate magnetism quenching. The different changes of magnetic moments in every adsorption system provide another approach to selective detection. • The charge transfer mechanism is deeply discussed in this paper. - Abstract: We theoretically investigated the decomposed gaseous components of sulfur hexafluoride (SF{sub 6}), namely, H{sub 2}S, SO{sub 2}, SOF{sub 2}, and SO{sub 2}F{sub 2}, adsorbed on pristine and Au-embedded graphene based on the revised Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof calculation, which empirically includes a dispersion correction (DFT-D) for van der Waals interaction with standard generalized gradient approximation. Pristine graphene exhibits weak adsorption and absence of charge transfer, which indicates barely satisfactory sensing for decomposed components. The Au atom introduces magnetism to the pristine graphene after metal-embedded decoration as well as enhances conductivity. All four molecules induce certain hybridization between the molecules and Au-graphene, which results in chemical interactions. SOF{sub 2} and SO

  1. Studies of iron carbon alloys; Contribution a l'etude des alliages dilues de carbone dans le fer {alpha}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anagnostopoulos, T [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Precipitation of carbon in {alpha} iron during a thermal treatment was followed using the magnetic after effect. A study was made of the influence of different parameters such as quenching speed, annealing rate, carbon concentration with or without impurity, irradiation effects. A transient sur-saturation occurs during dissolution of carbon in iron at 500 C. (author) [French] La precipitation du carbone dans le fer au cours d'un traitement thermique a ete suivie au moyen du trainage magnetique. L'etude de differents parametres tels que: vitesse de trempe, mode de recuit, concentration en carbone, presence d'impuretes, effet d'une irradiation, ont ete menes a bien. Un phenomene de sursaturation transitoire au cours de la remise en solution a 500 C a ete mis en evidence. (auteur)

  2. Approximate treatment of semicore states in GW calculations with application to Au clusters. (United States)

    Xian, Jiawei; Baroni, Stefano; Umari, P


    We address the treatment of transition metal atoms in GW electronic-structure calculations within the plane-wave pseudo-potential formalism. The contributions of s and p semi-core electrons to the self-energy, which are essential to grant an acceptable accuracy, are dealt with using a recently proposed scheme whereby the exchange components are treated exactly at the G0W0 level, whereas a suitable approximation to the correlation components is devised. This scheme is benchmarked for small gold nano-clusters, resulting in ionization potentials, electron affinities, and density of states in very good agreement with those obtained from calculations where s and p semicore states are treated as valence orbitals, and allowing us to apply this same scheme to clusters of intermediate size, Au20 and Au32, that would be otherwise very difficult to deal with.

  3. Approximate treatment of semicore states in GW calculations with application to Au clusters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xian, Jiawei [SISSA – Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Via Bonomea 265, I-34136 Trieste (Italy); Baroni, Stefano [SISSA – Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Via Bonomea 265, I-34136 Trieste (Italy); CNR-IOM Democritos, Theory-Elettra group, Trieste (Italy); Umari, P., E-mail: [CNR-IOM Democritos, Theory-Elettra group, Trieste (Italy); Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, I-35131 Padova (Italy)


    We address the treatment of transition metal atoms in GW electronic-structure calculations within the plane-wave pseudo-potential formalism. The contributions of s and p semi-core electrons to the self-energy, which are essential to grant an acceptable accuracy, are dealt with using a recently proposed scheme whereby the exchange components are treated exactly at the G{sub 0}W{sub 0} level, whereas a suitable approximation to the correlation components is devised. This scheme is benchmarked for small gold nano-clusters, resulting in ionization potentials, electron affinities, and density of states in very good agreement with those obtained from calculations where s and p semicore states are treated as valence orbitals, and allowing us to apply this same scheme to clusters of intermediate size, Au{sub 20} and Au{sub 32}, that would be otherwise very difficult to deal with.

  4. Approximate treatment of semicore states in GW calculations with application to Au clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xian, Jiawei; Baroni, Stefano; Umari, P.


    We address the treatment of transition metal atoms in GW electronic-structure calculations within the plane-wave pseudo-potential formalism. The contributions of s and p semi-core electrons to the self-energy, which are essential to grant an acceptable accuracy, are dealt with using a recently proposed scheme whereby the exchange components are treated exactly at the G 0 W 0 level, whereas a suitable approximation to the correlation components is devised. This scheme is benchmarked for small gold nano-clusters, resulting in ionization potentials, electron affinities, and density of states in very good agreement with those obtained from calculations where s and p semicore states are treated as valence orbitals, and allowing us to apply this same scheme to clusters of intermediate size, Au 20 and Au 32 , that would be otherwise very difficult to deal with

  5. Synthesis and application of strawberry-like Fe3O4-Au nanoparticles as CT-MR dual-modality contrast agents in accurate detection of the progressive liver disease. (United States)

    Zhao, Hui Y; Liu, Sen; He, Jian; Pan, Chao C; Li, Hui; Zhou, Zheng Y; Ding, Yin; Huo, Da; Hu, Yong


    Development of non-invasive assay for the accurate diagnosis of progressive liver diseases (e.g., fatty liver and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)) is of great clinical significance and remains to be a big challenge. Herein, we reported the synthesis of strawberry-like Fe3O4-Au hybrid nanoparticles at room temperature that simultaneously exhibited fluorescence, enhanced X-ray attenuation, and magnetic properties. The results of in vitro fluorescence assay showed that the nanoparticles had significant photo-stability and could avoid the endosome degradation in cells. The in vivo imaging of normal mice demonstrated that the Fe3O4-Au nanoparticles provided 34.61-fold contrast enhancement under magnetic resonance (MR) guidance 15 min post the administration. Computed tomography (CT) measurements showed that the highest Hounsfield Unit (HU) was 174 at 30 min post the injection of Fe3O4-Au nanoparticles. In vivo performance of the Fe3O4-Au nanoparticles was further evaluated in rat models bearing three different liver diseases. For the fatty liver model, nearly homogeneous contrast enhancement was observed under both MR (highest contrast ratio 47.33) and CT (from 19 HU to 72 HU) guidances without the occurrences of focal nodules or dysfunction. For the cirrhotic liver and HCC, pronounced enhancement under MR and CT guidance could be seen in liver parenchyma with highlighted lesions after Fe3O4-Au injection. Furthermore, pathological, hematological and biochemical analysis revealed the absence of acute and chronic toxicity, confirming the biocompatibility of our platform for in vivo applications. Collectively, These Fe3O4-Au nanoparticles showed great promise as a candidate for multi-modality bio-imaging. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Chemical and electrical characteristics of annealed Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au contacts on AlGaN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ngoepe, P.N.M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028 (South Africa); Meyer, W.E.; Auret, F.D.; Omotoso, E.; Diale, M. [Department of Physics, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028 (South Africa); Swart, H.C.; Duvenhage, M.M.; Coetsee, E. [Department of Physics, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300 (South Africa)


    The evolution of Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au metal contacts deposited on AlGaN was investigated at different annealing temperatures. The samples were studied with electrical and chemical composition techniques. I–V characteristics of the Schottky diodes were optimum after 500 and 600 °C annealing for Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au based diodes, respectively. The depth profiles of the contacts were measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy. These chemical composition techniques were used to examine the evolution of the metal contacts in order to verify the influence the metals have on the electrical properties of the diodes. The insertion of Ir as a diffusion barrier between Ni and Au effected the electrical properties, improving the stability of the contacts at high temperatures. Gold diffused into the AlGaN film, degrading the electrical properties of the Ni/Au diode. At 500 °C, the insertion of Ir, however, prevented the in-diffusion of Au into the AlGaN substrate.

  7. Fabrication of Te@Au core-shell hybrids for efficient ethanol oxidation (United States)

    Jin, Huile; Wang, Demeng; Zhao, Yuewu; Zhou, Huan; Wang, Shun; Wang, Jichang


    Using Au nanoparticles to catalyze the oxidation of alcohols has garnered increasing attention due to its potential application in direct alcohol fuel cells. In this research Te@Au core-shell hybrids were fabricated for the catalytic oxidation of ethanol, where the preparation procedure involved the initial production of Te crystals with different microstructures and the subsequent utilization of the Te crystal as a template and reducing agent for the production of Te@Au hybrids. The as-prepared core-shell hybrids were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction techniques. Electrochemical measurements illustrate that the hybrids have great electrocatalytic activity and stability toward ethanol oxidation in alkaline media. The enhanced electrocatalytic property may be attributed to the cooperative effects between the metal and semiconductor and the presence of a large number of active sites on the hybrids surface.

  8. Uptake of Au(III) Ions by Aluminum Hydroxide and Their Spontaneous Reduction to Elemental Gold (Au(0)). (United States)

    Yokoyama; Matsukado; Uchida; Motomura; Watanabe; Izawa


    The behavior of AuCl(4)(-) ions during the formation of aluminum hydroxide at pH 6 was examined. With an increase in NaCl concentration, the content of gold taken up by aluminum hydroxide decreased, suggesting that chloro-hydroxy complexes of Au(III) ion were taken up due to the formation of Al-O-Au bonds. It was found unexpectedly that the Au(III) ions taken up were spontaneously reduced to elemental gold without addition of a specific reducing reagent and then colloidal gold particles were formed. The mechanisms for the uptake of Au(III) ions by aluminum hydroxide and for their spontaneous reduction are discussed. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

  9. The determination by irradiation with a pulsed neutron generator and delayed neutron counting of the amount of fissile material present in a sample; Determination de la quantite de matiere fissile presente dans un echantillon par irradiation au moyen d'une source pulsee de neutrons et comptage des neutrons retardes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beliard, L; Janot, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A preliminary study was conducted to determine the amount of fissile material present in a sample. The method used consisted in irradiating the sample by means of a pulsed neutron generator and delayed neutron counting. Results show the validity of this method provided some experimental precautions are taken. Checking on the residual proportion of fissile material in leached hulls seems possible. (authors) [French] Ce rapport rend compte d'une etude preliminaire effectuee en vue de determiner la quantite de matiere fissile presente dans un echantillon. La methode utilisee consiste a irradier l'echantillon considere au moyen d'une source puisee de neutrons et a compter les neutrons retardes produits. Les resultats obtenus permettent de conclure a la validite de la methode moyennant certaines precautions. Un controle de la teneur residuelle en matiere fissile des gaines apres traitement semble possible. (auteurs)

  10. influence de la phosphatation au zinc sur la resistance a la co

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    AKA Boko Mathieu

    en condition du matériau par la préparation de surface et la conversion chimique. ... sa préparation : ce sont en général des traitements thermiques qui provoquent ... son stockage : l'humidité ambiante peut, dans de nombreux cas, déclencher un .... L'évolution de la perte en poids en fonction de l'épaisseur de la couche de ...

  11. Qualité du cacao camerounais : Facteurs influençant la présence et l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La qualité du cacao peut être influencée par la microflore fongique, en particulier toxinogène. Des cabosses de cacao, récoltées dans la région de Kumba au Cameroun, ont subi deux types de traitements post-récolte (fermentation en caisse et en tas de cabosses saines ou blessées). La numération des moisissures ...

  12. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 déc. 2015 ... Abstract. Les pyélonéphrites aigues gravidiques (PNAg) sont fréquentes et peuvent avoir des conséquences maternelles et fœtales graves. Le but de notre étude était de déterminer les facteurs prédictifs cliniques, biologiques et radiologiques qui permettent de se limiter au traitement médical ou d'associer ...

  13. Diagnostic des cancers colo-rectaux et resultats de la prise en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Une survie à deux ans a été notée chez 17 patients (34,6%). Conclusion: Le diagnostic des cancers colorectaux est souvent tardif au CHU Sylvanus Olympio avec des formes compliquées dans près de la moitié des cas. Les efforts dans la prise en charge doivent porter sur le diagnostic précoce et les traitements adjuvants.

  14. African Journal of Urology - Vol 11, No 4 (2005)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'effet du traitement oral par de la gomme arabe sur le statut martial et de protéinémie chez les patients en insuffisance rénale chronique sous hémodialyse régulière au Soudan centrale · EMAIL FREE ... Les complications rencontrées pendant l'urétéroscopie rigide · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT

  15. Sciences & Nature - Vol 7, No 1 (2010)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Impact agro écologique de simulation de culture transgénique de maïs résistant au glyphosate et effet répétitif d'un traitement herbicide sur la flore adventice en Cote d'ivoire · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. M Boraud, E Aké-Assi, N Kassi, S Aké, ...

  16. Dépérissement des manguiers et citrus dans la région centrale du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 nov. 2017 ... l'inoculer avec le champignon avant d'asperger les colonies de champignon en développement après deux jours d'incubation avec une suspension aqueuse des fongicides testés à la dose recommandée et selon le mode d'emploi du fabricant. Le troisième traitement consistait au témoin 1 c'est-à-dire que ...

  17. MAQUETTE ORL Décembre 2004

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    derniers entraînent des altérations de l'ADN des kératinocytes basaux et une diminution de leur activité mitotique. L'épithélium devient à terme atrophique et la capacité photoprotectrice est diminuée. Les femmes seraient relativement protégées par l'utilisa- tion de cosmétiques labiaux. Le traitement au laser CO2.

  18. 2248-IJBCS-Article-Dr Adiaratou Togola Diarra

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le Sucralfate, utilisé comme témoin a présenté une protection de 87,50%. Ces résultats démontrent que les feuilles de Opilia celtidifolia peuvent intervenir dans le traitement de l'ulcère gastrique. La mise au point d'un phytomédicament contre l'ulcère gastrique à base des feuilles de cette plante est donc envisageable.

  19. The effect of gum Arabic oral treatment on the iron and protein status ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of gum Arabic oral treatment on the iron and protein status in chronic renal failure patients under regular hemodialysis in Central Sudan L'effet du traitement oral par de la gomme arabe sur le statut martial et de protéinémie chez les patients en insuffisance rénale chronique sous hémodialyse régulière au Soudan ...

  20. Transformation des découvertes en génomique pour soigner les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Transformation des découvertes en génomique pour soigner les tumeurs cérébrales ultrahypermutantes déficientes en système de réparation des mésappariements. Les tumeurs malignes au cerveau sont la cause la plus courante de décès chez les enfants atteints du cancer, mais il n'y a pas de traitement connu.

  1. Analyse technico–économique des Aliments densifies sur les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Une étude portant sur l'influence des aliments densifiés sur la performance de croissance des boucs roux de Maradi a été conduite entre juillet 2016 à septembre 2016. Quarante deux (42) boucs ont été répartis au hasard en six lots de sept individus. Chaque lot correspond à un aliment ou traitement préparé à partir des.

  2. Foire aux questions — AIPRP | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Centre de recherches pour le développement international. CP 8500 150, rue Kent Ottawa (Ontario) K1G 3H9. Nota. Des frais de 5 $ payables au Centre de recherches pour le développement international sont exigés avant que le traitement de votre demande en vertu de la Loi sur l'accès à l'information puisse commencer.

  3. Surface-confined fluorescence enhancement of Au nanoclusters anchoring to a two-dimensional ultrathin nanosheet toward bioimaging (United States)

    Tian, Rui; Yan, Dongpeng; Li, Chunyang; Xu, Simin; Liang, Ruizheng; Guo, Lingyan; Wei, Min; Evans, David G.; Duan, Xue


    Gold nanoclusters (Au NCs) as ultrasmall fluorescent nanomaterials possess discrete electronic energy and unique physicochemical properties, but suffer from relatively low quantum yield (QY) which severely affects their application in displays and imaging. To solve this conundrum and obtain highly-efficient fluorescent emission, 2D exfoliated layered double hydroxide (ELDH) nanosheets were employed to localize Au NCs with a density as high as 5.44 × 1013 cm-2, by virtue of the surface confinement effect of ELDH. Both experimental studies and computational simulations testify that the excited electrons of Au NCs are strongly confined by MgAl-ELDH nanosheets, which results in a largely promoted QY as well as prolonged fluorescence lifetime (both ~7 times enhancement). In addition, the as-fabricated Au NC/ELDH hybrid material exhibits excellent imaging properties with good stability and biocompatibility in the intracellular environment. Therefore, this work provides a facile strategy to achieve highly luminescent Au NCs via surface-confined emission enhancement imposed by ultrathin inorganic nanosheets, which can be potentially used in bio-imaging and cell labelling.Gold nanoclusters (Au NCs) as ultrasmall fluorescent nanomaterials possess discrete electronic energy and unique physicochemical properties, but suffer from relatively low quantum yield (QY) which severely affects their application in displays and imaging. To solve this conundrum and obtain highly-efficient fluorescent emission, 2D exfoliated layered double hydroxide (ELDH) nanosheets were employed to localize Au NCs with a density as high as 5.44 × 1013 cm-2, by virtue of the surface confinement effect of ELDH. Both experimental studies and computational simulations testify that the excited electrons of Au NCs are strongly confined by MgAl-ELDH nanosheets, which results in a largely promoted QY as well as prolonged fluorescence lifetime (both ~7 times enhancement). In addition, the as-fabricated Au NC

  4. Recent advances in the synthesis of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}@AU core/shell nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salihov, Sergei V. [National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Leninskiy, Building 9, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation, (Russian Federation); Ivanenkov, Yan A.; Krechetov, Sergei P.; Veselov, Mark S. [Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), 9 Institutskiy lane, Dolgoprudny City, Moscow Region, 141700 (Russian Federation); Sviridenkova, Natalia V.; Savchenko, Alexander G. [National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Leninskiy, Building 9, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation, (Russian Federation); Klyachko, Natalya L. [National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Leninskiy, Building 9, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation, (Russian Federation); Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Lenins kie gory, Building 1/3, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991 (Russian Federation); Golovin, Yury I. [Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Lenins kie gory, Building 1/3, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991 (Russian Federation); Chufarova, Nina V., E-mail: [Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), 9 Institutskiy lane, Dolgoprudny City, Moscow Region, 141700 (Russian Federation); Beloglazkina, Elena K. [National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Leninskiy, Building 9, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation, (Russian Federation); Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Lenins kie gory, Building 1/3, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991 (Russian Federation); Majouga, Alexander G., E-mail: [National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Leninskiy, Building 9, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation, (Russian Federation); Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Lenins kie gory, Building 1/3, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991 (Russian Federation)


    Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}@Au core/shell nanoparticles have unique magnetic and optical properties. These nanoparticles are used for biomedical applications, such as magnetic resonance imaging, photothermal therapy, controlled drug delivery, protein separation, biosensors, DNA detection, and immunosensors. In this review, recent methods for the synthesis of core/shell nanoparticles are discussed. We divided all of the synthetic methods in two groups: methods of synthesis of bi-layer structures and methods of synthesis of multilayer composite structures. The latter methods have a layer of “glue” material between the core and the shell. - Highlights: • Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles are promising for biomedical applications but have some disadvantages. • Covering Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles with Au shell leads to better stability and biocompatibility. • Core/shell nanoparticles are widely used for biomedical applications. • There are two types of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}@Au core/shell nanoparticles structures: bi-layer and multilayer composite. • Different synthetic methods enable production of nanoparticles of different sizes.

  5. Synthesis of triangular Au core-Ag shell nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rai, Akhilesh; Chaudhary, Minakshi; Ahmad, Absar; Bhargava, Suresh; Sastry, Murali


    In this paper, we demonstrate a simple and reproducible method for the synthesis of triangular Au core-Ag shell nanoparticles. The triangular gold core is obtained by the reduction of gold ions by lemongrass extract. Utilizing the negative charge on the gold nanotriangles, silver ions are bound to their surface and thereafter reduced by ascorbic acid under alkaline conditions. The thickness of the silver shell may be modulated by varying the pH of the reaction medium. The formation of the Au core-Ag shell triangular nanostructures has been followed by UV-vis-NIR Spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements. The sharp vertices of the triangles coupled with the core-shell structure is expected to have potential for application in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and in the sensitive detection of biomolecules

  6. Substrate-dependent Au{sub x} cluster: A new insight into Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, Kong-Jie; Yang, Yan-Ju [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Lang, Jia-Jian [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Engineering Laboratory of Specialty Fibers and Nuclear Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315201 (China); Teng, Bo-Tao, E-mail: [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Wu, Feng-Min [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Du, Shi-Yu [Engineering Laboratory of Specialty Fibers and Nuclear Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315201 (China); Wen, Xiao-Dong, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001 (China)


    Graphical abstract: 2D Au{sub x} (x < 10) on CeO{sub 2}(110) are more stable than 3D ones, while the stability trend changes for x ≥ 10; Au{sub x} (x ≤ 4) prefer to monatomically disperse on CeO{sub 2}(100) and aggregate to 3D clusters for x > 4. - Highlights: • The stable structures of Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2} are dependent of index surfaces of CeO{sub 2}. • Au{sub x} prefers to monatomically disperse on CeO{sub 2}(100) at low coverage. • Au{sub x} aggregates to 3D clusters on CeO{sub 2}(100) at high coverage. • 2D Au{sub x} (x < 10) are more stable than the 3D ones on CeO{sub 2}(110). • The effects on the stability of Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2} are systematically discussed. - Abstract: To theoretically study the structures of metal clusters on oxides is very important and becomes one of the most challenging works in computational heterogeneous catalysis since many factors affect their structures and lead to various possibilities. In this work, it is very interesting to find that the stable structures and stability evolution of Au{sub x} clusters on ceria are varied with different index surfaces of CeO{sub 2}. The corresponding reasons in chemical, geometric and electronic properties are systematically explored. Au{sub x} (x = 1–4) clusters prefer to separately disperse at the O-O bridge sites on CeO{sub 2}(100) due to the low coordination number of surface O; while aggregate due to the strong Au–Au attractions when x is larger than 4. Owing to the uniform distribution of O-O bridge sites on CeO{sub 2}(111) and (100), the most stable configurations of Au{sub x} are 3D structures with bottom atoms more than top ones when x is larger than 4. However, 2D configurations of Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2}(110) (x < 10) are more stable than the corresponding 3D structures due to the particular O-O arrangement on CeO{sub 2}(110). 3D Au{sub x} clusters across O-O-Y lines are suggested as the most stable configurations for Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2}(110) (x ≥ 10). The present

  7. Thiol ligand-induced transformation of Au38(SC2H4Ph)24 to Au36(SPh-t-Bu)24. (United States)

    Zeng, Chenjie; Liu, Chunyan; Pei, Yong; Jin, Rongchao


    We report a disproportionation mechanism identified in the transformation of rod-like biicosahedral Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 to tetrahedral Au36(TBBT)24 nanoclusters. Time-dependent mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy analyses unambiguously map out the detailed size-conversion pathway. The ligand exchange of Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 with bulkier 4-tert-butylbenzenethiol (TBBT) until a certain extent starts to trigger structural distortion of the initial biicosahedral Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 structure, leading to the release of two Au atoms and eventually the Au36(TBBT)24 nanocluster with a tetrahedral structure, in which process the number of ligands is interestingly preserved. The other product of the disproportionation process, i.e., Au40(TBBT)m+2(SCH2CH2Ph)24-m, was concurrently observed as an intermediate, which was the result of addition of two Au atoms and two TBBT ligands to Au38(TBBT)m(SCH2CH2Ph)24-m. The reaction kinetics on the Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 to Au36(TBBT)24 conversion process was also performed, and the activation energies of the structural distortion and disproportionation steps were estimated to be 76 and 94 kJ/mol, respectively. The optical absorption features of Au36(TBBT)24 are interpreted on the basis of density functional theory simulations.

  8. Tuning the nonlinear optical absorption in Au/BaTiO3 nanocomposites with gold nanoparticle concentration (United States)

    Bijeesh, M. M.; Shakhi, P. K.; Varier, Geetha K.; Nandakumar, P.


    We report on the nonlinear optical absorption coefficient of Au/BaTiO3 nanocomposite films and its dependence on gold nanoparticle concentration. Au/BaTiO3 nanocomposite films with different molar ratio of Au/Ba are prepared by sol-gel technique and characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV Visible absorption spectroscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. An open aperture Z-scan technique is employed to study the third order nonlinear optical properties of Au/BaTiO3 thin films. An Nd:YAG laser operating at 532 nm wavelength having a pulse width of 5 ns is used for the measurements. The two-photon absorption coefficient of the films increases linearly with gold nanoparticle concentration and significant enhancement of nonlinear optical absorption is observed. This ability to fine tune the nonlinear optical coefficients of Au/BaTiO3 films would be handy in optical device applications.

  9. Diffusion of 1,4-butanedithiol radicals on Au(111) and Au(100): A DFT-based comparison

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franke, Andreas; Pehlke, Eckhard [Institut fuer Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universitaet Kiel, 24098 Kiel (Germany)


    Organic molecules chemisorbed on surfaces hold the perspective of surface functionalization. The 1,4-butanedithiol radical chemisorbed at the Au(111) or Au(100) surface serves as a model system for the S-Au molecule-substrate bond. Density functional total-energy calculations have been carried out for the chemisorption of the radical on the unreconstructed Au surfaces, which are both known to be stabilized under electrochemical conditions. Local minima with close-by energies indicate multi-valley potential-energy surfaces, which originate from the interplay between the two S-Au adsorbate-substrate bonds and the internal degrees of freedom of the butanedithiol radical. Diffusion paths of the radical on both Au surfaces have been calculated within DFT using VASP. The diffusion barriers for translation and rotation of the radical differ. They can be fine-tuned by varying the applied potential in the electrochemical cell. This is considered theoretically by inspecting the variation of the dipole moment along the reaction paths. Consequences for the dynamics of succeeding diffusion hops are discussed.

  10. Flow and bose-einstein correlations in Au-Au collisions at RHIC (United States)

    Phobos Collaboration; Manly, Steven; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; Garcia, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyinski, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    Argonne flow and Bose-Einstein correlations have been measured in Au-Au collisions at S=130 and 200 GeV using the PHOBOS detector at RHIC. The systematic dependencies of the flow signal on the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity, and centrality of the collision, as well as the beam energy are shown. In addition, results of a 3-dimensional analysis of two-pion correlations in the 200 GeV data are presented.

  11. Transverse velocity scaling in 197Au+197Au fragmentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukasik, J.; Hudan, S.; Lavaud, F.


    Invariant transverse-velocity spectra of intermediate-mass fragments were measured with the 4π multi-detector system INDRA for collisions of 197 Au on 197 Au at incident energies between 40 and 150 MeV per nucleon. Their scaling properties as a function of incident energy and atomic number Z are used to distinguish and characterize the emissions in (i) peripheral collisions at the projectile and target rapidities, and in (ii) central and (iii) peripheral collisions near mid-rapidity. The importance of dynamical effects is evident in all three cases and their origin is discussed. (orig.)

  12. Apprentissages techniques : L'apprentissage au CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU PERSONNEL HR/PMD L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le Canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité Suisse (CFC). 7 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : • avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage • avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9ème du Cycle d'orientation genevois (3ème en France) • être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgiqu...

  13. Photoinduced Glycerol Oxidation over Plasmonic Au and AuM (M = Pt, Pd and Bi) Nanoparticle-Decorated TiO2 Photocatalysts (United States)

    Jedsukontorn, Trin; Saito, Nagahiro; Hunsom, Mali


    In this study, sol-immobilization was used to prepare gold nanoparticle (Au NP)-decorated titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalysts at different Au weight % (wt. %) loading (Aux/TiO2, where x is the Au wt. %) and Au–M NP-decorated TiO2 photocatalysts (Au3M3/TiO2), where M is bismuth (Bi), platinum (Pt) or palladium (Pd) at 3 wt. %. The Aux/TiO2 photocatalysts exhibited a stronger visible light absorption than the parent TiO2 due to the localized surface plasmon resonance effect. Increasing the Au content from 1 wt. % to 7 wt. % led to increased visible light absorption due to the increasing presence of defective structures that were capable of enhancing the photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared catalyst. The addition of Pt and Pd coupled with the Au3/TiO2 to form Au3M3/TiO2 improved the photocatalytic activity of the Au3/TiO2 photocatalyst by maximizing their light-absorption property. The Au3/TiO2, Au3Pt3/TiO2 and Au3Pd3/TiO2 photocatalysts promoted the formation of glyceraldehyde from glycerol as the principle product, while Au3Bi3/TiO2 facilitated glycolaldehyde formation as the major product. Among all the prepared photocatalysts, Au3Pd3/TiO2 exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity with a 98.75% glycerol conversion at 24 h of reaction time. PMID:29690645

  14. Application of Direct Current Atmospheric Pressure Glow Microdischarge Generated in Contact with a Flowing Liquid Solution for Synthesis of Au-Ag Core-Shell Nanoparticles. (United States)

    Dzimitrowicz, Anna; Jamroz, Piotr; Nyk, Marcin; Pohl, Pawel


    A direct current atmospheric pressure glow microdischarge (dc-μAPGD) generated between an Ar nozzle microjet and a flowing liquid was applied to produce Au-Ag core-shell nanoparticles (Au@AgCSNPs) in a continuous flow system. Firstly, operating dc-μAPGD with the flowing solution of the Au(III) ions as the cathode, the Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) core was produced. Next, to produce the core-shell nanostructures, the collected AuNPs solution was immediately mixed with an AgNO₃ solution and passed through the system with the reversed polarity to fabricate the Ag nanoshell on the AuNPs core. The formation of Au@AgCSNPs was confirmed using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorbance spectrophotometry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Three localized surface plasmon resonance absorption bands with wavelengths centered at 372, 546, and 675 nm were observed in the UV-Vis spectrum of Au@AgCSNPs, confirming the reduction of both the Au(III) and Ag(I) ions. The right configuration of metals in Au@AgCSNPs was evidenced by TEM. The Au core diameter was 10.2 ± 2.0 nm, while the thickness of the Ag nanoshell was 5.8 ± 1.8 nm. The elemental composition of the bimetallic nanoparticles was also confirmed by EDS. It is possible to obtain 90 mL of a solution containing Au@AgCSNPs per hour using the applied microdischarge system.

  15. Au nanoparticles attached carbon nanotubes as a high performance active element in field effect transistor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Myeongsoon; Kim, Don, E-mail:


    The Au nanoparticles attached carbon nanotubes (Au-CNTs), diameter ranged from 40 to 250 nm, were prepared and discussed their chemical and electrical properties. The shape and crystallinity of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) phase depended main2ly on the diameter of CNTs (r{sub Au-CNT}). Highly crystalline, straight CNTs were observed when the r{sub Au-CNT} exceeded 80 nm, and less crystalline noodle-shaped CNTs were observed when the r{sub Au-CNT} was smaller than 80 nm. The crystallinity of the CNT phase was confirmed by analyzing the G and D bands in their Raman spectra and the electrical conductivities of the Au-CNTs. The electrical conductivity of the highly crystalline carbon phase of Au-CNTs (r{sub Au-CNT} = 250 nm) was ∼10{sup 4} S/cm. The back-gated field effect transistors (FETs) based on the Au-CNTs, which were assembled on a SiO{sub 2}/Si wafer using the dielectrophoresis technique, showed that the Au-CNTs would be a good functional electronic material for future electronic and sensing applications. The transconductance and hole mobility of the FETs, which were assembled with the highly crystalline Au-CNTs (r{sub Au-CNT} = 250 nm), reached to 3.6 × 10{sup −4} A/V and 3.1 × 10{sup 4} cm{sup 2}/V s, respectively. These values are in the middle of those of reported for single walled carbon nanotubes and graphene. However, we could not find any field effect in a CNTFET, which assembled without Au nanoparticles, through the same process. - Highlights: • The shape and crystallinity of the CNTs depended mainly on the diameter of CNTs. • The electrical conductivity of the highly crystalline Au-CNTs was ∼10{sup 4} S/cm. • The Au-CNT FET shows typical p-channel gate effect with the on/off ratio of ∼10{sup 4}. • The Au-CNT FET shows very high transconductance (g{sub m}) and carrier mobility (μ{sub h}).

  16. Microstructural evolution of Au/TiO{sub 2} nanocomposite films: The influence of Au concentration and thermal annealing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borges, J., E-mail: [Instituto Pedro Nunes, Laboratório de Ensaios, Desgaste e Materiais, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra (Portugal); SEG-CEMUC, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Coimbra, 3030-788 Coimbra (Portugal); Centro/Departamento de Física, Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal); Kubart, T.; Kumar, S.; Leifer, K. [Solid-State Electronics, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 534, Uppsala SE-751 21 (Sweden); Rodrigues, M.S. [Instituto Pedro Nunes, Laboratório de Ensaios, Desgaste e Materiais, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra (Portugal); Centro/Departamento de Física, Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal); Duarte, N.; Martins, B.; Dias, J.P. [Instituto Pedro Nunes, Laboratório de Ensaios, Desgaste e Materiais, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra (Portugal); Cavaleiro, A. [SEG-CEMUC, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Coimbra, 3030-788 Coimbra (Portugal); Vaz, F. [SEG-CEMUC, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Coimbra, 3030-788 Coimbra (Portugal); Centro/Departamento de Física, Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal)


    Nanocomposite thin films consisting of a dielectric matrix, such as titanium oxide (TiO{sub 2}), with embedded gold (Au) nanoparticles were prepared and will be analysed and discussed in detail in the present work. The evolution of morphological and structural features was studied for a wide range of Au concentrations and for annealing treatments in air, for temperatures ranging from 200 to 800 °C. Major findings revealed that for low Au atomic concentrations (at.%), there are only traces of clustering, and just for relatively high annealing temperatures, T ≥ 500 °C. Furthermore, the number of Au nanoparticles is extremely low, even for the highest annealing temperature, T = 800 °C. It is noteworthy that the TiO{sub 2} matrix also crystallizes in the anatase phase for annealing temperatures above 300 °C. For intermediate Au contents (5 at.% ≤ C{sub Au} ≤ 15 at.%), the formation of gold nanoclusters was much more evident, beginning at lower annealing temperatures (T ≥ 200 °C) with sizes ranging from 2 to 25 nm as the temperature increased. A change in the matrix crystallization from anatase to rutile was also observed in this intermediate range of compositions. For the highest Au concentrations (> 20 at.%), the films tended to form relatively larger clusters, with sizes above 20 nm (for T ≥ 400 °C). It is demonstrated that the structural and morphological characteristics of the films are strongly affected by the annealing temperature, as well as by the particular amounts, size and distribution of the Au nanoparticles dispersed in the TiO{sub 2} matrix. - Highlights: • Au:TiO{sub 2} films were produced by magnetron sputtering and post-deposition annealing. • The Au concentration in the films increases with the Au pellet area. • Annealing induced microstructural changes in the films. • The nanoparticle size evolution with temperature depends on the Au concentration.

  17. Epitaxial growth of zigzag PtAu alloy surface on Au nano-pentagrams with enhanced Pt utilization and electrocatalytic performance toward ethanol oxidation reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du, Cheng; Gao, Xiaohui; Zhuang, Zhihua; Cheng, Chunfeng; Zheng, Fuqin; Li, Xiaokun; Chen, Wei


    Highlights: • PtAu nanoalloy surface is heteroepitaxially grown on the pre-synthesized Au nano-pentagrams. • The PtAu/Au nano-pentagrams exhibit excellent electrocatalytic activity for ethanol oxidation. • The charge transfer resistance of PtAu/Au is lower than that of commercial Pt/C. • The durability and anti-poisoning ability of PtAu/Au is much better than those of commercial Pt/C - Abstract: Improving Pt utilization is of fundamental importance for many significant processes in energy conversion, which is strongly dependent on the surface structure of used catalysts. Based on the traditional Pt-on-Au system which has been proved to be an ideal nanostructure for improving the catalytic activity and stability of Pt, and the recent follow-up studies on this system, we introduce here a new strategy for fabricating Pt surface with high-index facets over the Pt-on-Au system. To achieve this goal, we elaborately designed and fabricated a unique zigzag PtAu alloy nanosurface on Au nano-pentagrams (PtAu/Au NPs) through epitaxial growth of Pt along the high-index facets on the pre-synthesized Au nano-pentagrams. Owing to the surface electronic interaction between Au and Pt and the exposed high-index facets from the unique morphology of zigzag PtAu alloy nanosurface, the as-prepared PtAu/Au NPs exhibited excellent electrocatalytic performance toward ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR) in alkaline condition. The specific activity (8.3 mA cm"−"2) and mass activity (4.4 A mg"−"1) obtained from PtAu/Au NPs are about 5.2 and 5.5 times, respectively, higher than those from commercial Pt/C for EOR.

  18. Observation of D0 meson nuclear modifications in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV. (United States)

    Adamczyk, L; Adkins, J K; Agakishiev, G; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Alekseev, I; Alford, J; Anson, C D; Aparin, A; Arkhipkin, D; Aschenauer, E C; Averichev, G S; Banerjee, A; Beavis, D R; Bellwied, R; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bhattarai, P; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Bordyuzhin, I G; Borowski, W; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Brovko, S G; Bültmann, S; Bunzarov, I; Burton, T P; Butterworth, J; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Cebra, D; Cendejas, R; Cervantes, M C; Chaloupka, P; Chang, Z; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Chen, L; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Chwastowski, J; Codrington, M J M; Contin, G; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Cui, X; Das, S; Davila Leyva, A; De Silva, L C; Debbe, R R; Dedovich, T G; Deng, J; Derevschikov, A A; Derradi de Souza, R; Dhamija, S; di Ruzza, B; Didenko, L; Dilks, C; Ding, F; Djawotho, P; Dong, X; Drachenberg, J L; Draper, J E; Du, C M; Dunkelberger, L E; Dunlop, J C; Efimov, L G; Engelage, J; Engle, K S; Eppley, G; Eun, L; Evdokimov, O; Eyser, O; Fatemi, R; Fazio, S; Fedorisin, J; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flores, C E; Gagliardi, C A; Gangadharan, D R; Garand, D; Geurts, F; Gibson, A; Girard, M; Gliske, S; Greiner, L; Grosnick, D; Gunarathne, D S; Guo, Y; Gupta, A; Gupta, S; Guryn, W; Haag, B; Hamed, A; Han, L-X; Haque, R; Harris, J W; Heppelmann, S; Hirsch, A; Hoffmann, G W; Hofman, D J; Horvat, S; Huang, B; Huang, H Z; Huang, X; Huck, P; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Jacobs, W W; Jang, H; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kalinkin, D; Kang, K; Kauder, K; Ke, H W; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Kesich, A; Khan, Z H; Kikola, D P; Kisel, I; Kisiel, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konzer, J; Koralt, I; Kotchenda, L; Kraishan, A F; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kulakov, I; Kumar, L; Kycia, R A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Landry, K D; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, J H; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, W; Li, X; Li, X; Li, Y; Li, Z M; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Lomnitz, M; Longacre, R S; Luo, X; Ma, G L; Ma, Y G; Madagodagettige Don, D M M D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Masui, H; Matis, H S; McDonald, D; McShane, T S; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mohanty, B; Mondal, M M; Morozov, D A; Mustafa, M K; Nandi, B K; Nasim, Md; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nigmatkulov, G; Nogach, L V; Noh, S Y; Novak, J; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Oh, K; Ohlson, A; Okorokov, V; Oldag, E W; Olvitt, D L; Pachr, M; Page, B S; Pal, S K; Pan, Y X; Pandit, Y; Panebratsev, Y; Pawlak, T; Pawlik, B; Pei, H; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Pile, P; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Pruthi, N K; Przybycien, M; Pujahari, P R; Putschke, J; Qiu, H; Quintero, A; Ramachandran, S; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Riley, C K; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Ross, J F; Roy, A; Ruan, L; Rusnak, J; Rusnakova, O; Sahoo, N R; Sahu, P K; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sangaline, E; Sarkar, A; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmah, A M; Schmidke, W B; Schmitz, N; Seger, J; Seyboth, P; Shah, N; Shahaliev, E; Shanmuganathan, P V; Shao, M; Sharma, B; Shen, W Q; Shi, S S; Shou, Q Y; Sichtermann, E P; Singaraju, R N; Skoby, M J; Smirnov, D; Smirnov, N; Solanki, D; Sorensen, P; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, T D S; Stevens, J R; Stock, R; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Sumbera, M; Sun, X; Sun, X M; Sun, Y; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Svirida, D N; Symons, T J M; Szelezniak, M A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tang, Z; Tarnowsky, T; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Tlusty, D; Tokarev, M; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tribedy, P; Trzeciak, B A; Tsai, O D; Turnau, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; van Nieuwenhuizen, G; Vandenbroucke, M; Vanfossen, J A; Varma, R; Vasconcelos, G M S; Vasiliev, A N; Vertesi, R; Videbæk, F; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Vossen, A; Wada, M; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, H; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Wang, Y; Webb, G; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wu, Y F; Xiao, Z; Xie, W; Xin, K; Xu, H; Xu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Y; Xu, Z; Yan, W; Yang, C; Yang, Y; Yang, Y; Ye, Z; Yepes, P; Yi, L; Yip, K; Yoo, I-K; Yu, N; Zawisza, Y; Zbroszczyk, H; Zha, W; Zhang, J B; Zhang, J L; Zhang, S; Zhang, X P; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, F; Zhao, J; Zhong, C; Zhu, X; Zhu, Y H; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zyzak, M


    We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D(0)) production via the hadronic decay channel (D(0) → K(-) + π(+)) in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, N(bin), from p+p to central Au+Au collisions. The D(0) meson yields in central Au + Au collisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by N(bin), for transverse momenta p(T) > 3 GeV/c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate p(T) is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.

  19. Observation of D0 Meson Nuclear Modifications in Au +Au Collisions at √sNN =200 GeV (United States)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Anson, C. D.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Banerjee, A.; Beavis, D. R.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bichsel, H.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Borowski, W.; Bouchet, J.; Brandin, A. V.; Brovko, S. G.; Bültmann, S.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Cebra, D.; Cendejas, R.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H. F.; Chen, J. H.; Chen, L.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Chwastowski, J.; Codrington, M. J. M.; Contin, G.; Cramer, J. G.; Crawford, H. J.; Cui, X.; Das, S.; Davila Leyva, A.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; Derradi de Souza, R.; Dhamija, S.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Ding, F.; Djawotho, P.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Engle, K. S.; Eppley, G.; Eun, L.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Fedorisin, J.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Gangadharan, D. R.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Gliske, S.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, S.; Guryn, W.; Haag, B.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.-X.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Kesich, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikola, D. P.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Koetke, D. D.; Kollegger, T.; Konzer, J.; Koralt, I.; Kotchenda, L.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kulakov, I.; Kumar, L.; Kycia, R. A.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; LeVine, M. J.; Li, C.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Z. M.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Madagodagettige Don, D. M. M. D.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; McShane, T. S.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J. M.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Ohlson, A.; Okorokov, V.; Oldag, E. W.; Olvitt, D. L.; Pachr, M.; Page, B. S.; Pal, S. K.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlak, T.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peryt, W.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Pluta, J.; Poljak, N.; Porter, J.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Przybycien, M.; Pujahari, P. R.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Riley, C. K.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Ross, J. F.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sangaline, E.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Singaraju, R. N.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, D.; Smirnov, N.; Solanki, D.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stevens, J. R.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Sun, X.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Symons, T. J. M.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsai, O. D.; Turnau, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Vanfossen, J. A.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G. M. S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Vossen, A.; Wada, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, X. L.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Xiao, Z.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, J.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Yan, W.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zawisza, Y.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhao, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Y. H.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.; Zyzak, M.; STAR Collaboration


    We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D0) production via the hadronic decay channel (D0→K-+π+) in Au +Au collisions at √sNN =200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, Nbin, from p +p to central Au +Au collisions. The D0 meson yields in central Au +Au collisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by Nbin, for transverse momenta pT>3 GeV /c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate pT is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.

  20. Magnetic Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au core-shell nanostructures for surface enhanced Raman scattering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wheeler, D.A.; Adams, S.A.; Zhang, J.Z. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (United States); Lopez-Luke, T. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (United States); Cento de Investigaciones en Optica, A.P. 1-948 Leon, Gto. 37150 (Mexico); Torres-Castro, A. [Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, A.P. 126-F, Monterrey, NL, 66450 (Mexico)


    The synthesis, structural and optical characterization, and application of superparamagnetic and water-dispersed Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au core-shell nanoparticles for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is reported. The structure of the nanoparticles was determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). STEM images of the Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au core-shell nanoparticles reveal an average diameter of 120 nm and a high degree of surface roughness. The nanoparticles, which display superparamagnetic properties due to the core Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} material, exhibit a visible surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peaked at 580 nm due to the outer gold shell. The nanoparticles are used as a substrate for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with rhodamine 6G (R6G) as a Raman reporter molecule. The SERS enhancement factor is estimated to be on the order of 10{sup 6}, which is {proportional_to} 2 times larger than that of conventional gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) under similar conditions. Significantly, magnetically-induced aggregation of the Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au core-shell nanoparticles substantially enhanced SERS activity compared to non-magnetically-aggregated Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au nanoparticles. This is attributed to both increased scattering from the aggregates as well as ''hot spots'' due to more junction sites in the magnetically-induced aggregates. The magnetic properties of the Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} core, coupled with the optical properties of the Au shell, make the Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au nanoparticles unique for various potential applications including biological sensing and therapy. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  1. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur la rhinosinusite chronique (United States)

    Kaplan, Alan


    Résumé Objectif Présenter un résumé clinique des lignes directrices canadiennes sur la rhinosinusite chronique (RSC) qui comporte des recommandations pertinentes aux médecins de famille. Qualité des données Les auteurs des lignes directrices ont effectué une recherche documentaire systématique dans la littérature médicale et ont rédigé une ébauche de recommandations. Une cote a été donnée à la fois en fonction de la fiabilité des données probantes et de la solidité des recommandations. On a sollicité les commentaires d’experts en contenu de l’extérieur, ainsi que l’aval des sociétés médicales (Association pour la microbiologie médicale et l’infectiologie Canada, Société canadienne d’allergie et d’immunologie clinique, Canadian Society of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Association canadienne des médecins d’urgence et Regroupement canadien des médecins de famille en santé respiratoire). Message principal Le diagnostic d’une RSC se fonde sur le type et la durée des symptômes et une constatation objective d’une inflammation de la muqueuse nasale ou des sinus paranasaux. La rhinosinusite chronique est catégorisée en fonction de la présence ou de l’absence de polypes nasaux et cette distinction entraîne des différences dans le traitement. On traite la rhinosinusite chronique avec polypes nasaux au moyen de corticostéroïdes par voie intranasale. Des antibiotiques sont recommandés quand les symptômes indiquent une infection (douleur ou purulence). Pour une RSC sans polypes nasaux, on recommande des corticostéroïdes par voie intranasale et des antibiotiques de deuxième ligne (par ex. combinaisons amoxicilline–acide clavulanique ou fluoroquinolones à activité accrue contre Gram positif). Une irrigation avec une solution saline, des stéroïdes par voie orale et des tests d’allergies pourraient être appropriées. Si le patient ne répond pas au traitement, il faudrait envisager d

  2. Fluorescent probe for turn-on sensing of L-cysteine by ensemble of AuNCs and polymer protected AuNPs. (United States)

    Xu, Xiaozhe; Qiao, Juan; Li, Nan; Qi, Li; Zhang, Shufeng


    A new fluorescent probe based on ensemble of gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) and polymer protected gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for turn-on sensing of L-cysteine was designed and prepared. The AuNCs were protected by bovine serum albumin and had strong fluorescence. The polymer protected AuNPs were synthesized by a facile in situ strategy at room temperature and could quench the fluorescence of AuNCs due to the Förster resonance energy transfer. Interestingly, it has been observed that the quenched fluorescence of AuNCs was recovered by L-cysteine, which could induce the aggregation of polymer protected AuNPs by sulfur group. Then the prepared fluorescent probe was successfully used for determination of L-Cys in human urines, which would have an evolving aspect and promote the subsequent exploration. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Au-nanoparticles grafted on plasma treated PE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svorcik, V.; Chaloupka, A.; Rezanka, P.; Slepicka, P.; Kolska, Z.; Kasalkova, N.; Hubacek, T.; Siegel, J.


    Polyethylene (PE) surface was treated with Ar plasma. Activated surface was grafted from methanol solution of 1,2-ethanedithiol. Then the sample was immersed into freshly prepared colloid solution of Au-nanoparticles. Finally Au layer was sputtered on the samples. Properties of the modified PE were studied using various methods: AFM, EPR, RBS and nanoindentation. It was shown that the plasma treatment results in degradation of polymer chain (AFM) and creation of free radicals by EPR. After grafting with dithiol, the concentration of free radicals declines. The presence of Au and S in the surface layer after the coating with Au-nanoparticles was proved by RBS. Plasma treatment changes PE surface morphology and increases surface roughness, too. Another significant change in surface morphology and roughness was observed after deposition of Au-nanoparticles. Nanoindentation measurements show that the grafting with Au-nanoparticles increases adhesion of subsequently sputtered Au layer.

  4. Search for toroidal and bubble nuclei formed in the Au + Au reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Planeta, R.; Brzychczyk, J.; Majka, Z. [M.Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krakow (Poland); Blicharska, J.; Grzeszczuk, A.; Zipper, W.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalski, S. [Silesian University, Institute of Physics, Katowice (Poland); Cibor, J. [Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow (Poland); Hachaj, P. [Cracow Univ. of Technology, Krakow (Poland); Nicolis, N. [Ioannina Univ. (Greece)


    In this contribution we present the feasibility study for the experimental observation of toroidal and bubble nuclei. This search is based on data collected by the CHIMERA collaboration for the Au + Au reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon. The beam time needed to achieve this goal is calculated for events with at least 5 heavy fragments. We found that the fraction of such events among the accumulated data is equal to 8*10{sup -4}. Assuming the Au beam intensity is 0.03 pnA and target thickness equals 0.3 mg/cm{sup 2} we estimated that 450 hours of beam time is needed to record 10{sup 6} multifragment events. Present status of the Monte-Carlo simulation predictions is shortly discussed. (A.C.)

  5. Search for toroidal and bubble nuclei formed in the Au + Au reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Planeta, R.; Brzychczyk, J.; Majka, Z.; Blicharska, J.; Grzeszczuk, A.; Zipper, W.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalski, S.; Cibor, J.; Hachaj, P.; Nicolis, N.


    In this contribution we present the feasibility study for the experimental observation of toroidal and bubble nuclei. This search is based on data collected by the CHIMERA collaboration for the Au + Au reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon. The beam time needed to achieve this goal is calculated for events with at least 5 heavy fragments. We found that the fraction of such events among the accumulated data is equal to 8*10 -4 . Assuming the Au beam intensity is 0.03 pnA and target thickness equals 0.3 mg/cm 2 we estimated that 450 hours of beam time is needed to record 10 6 multifragment events. Present status of the Monte-Carlo simulation predictions is shortly discussed. (A.C.)

  6. Emergency measures and treatment in the event of accidental aver exposure to radiation or of radioactive contamination; Mesures d'urgence et traitement en cas de surexposition accidentelle aux rayonnements ou en cas de contamination radioactive

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jammet, H [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In the first part the author presents an overall view of emergency measures to be applied in the case of internal or external radioactive contamination. He states in particular, in these two cases, the methods by which it is possible to eliminate the contaminating radioactive substances from the organism. The author then considers the therapeutic methods to be adopted in the case of an accident of overexposure to radiation, distinguishing between the case of a partial irradiation and that of an acute total irradiation. There will be essentially three methods used depending on the physical measures carried out (irradiation, conditions, estimation of the dose received) and of the clinical data collected: particular treatments, treatment for helping the organism during its return to normal activity, temporary or permanent replacement of the organs affected. (author) [French] L'auteur presente, en une premiere partie, une vue d'ensemble des mesures d'urgence a appliquer en cas de contamination radioactive externe ou interne. Il fait etat en particulier, dans ces deux cas, des methodes permettant de debarrasser l'organisme des substances radioactives contaminantes. L'auteur envisage, ensuite, la therapeutique a adopter lors d'un accident de surexposition aux rayonnements, distinguant le cas d'une irradiation partielle et celui d'une irradiation totale aigue. Trois traitements seront essentiellement mis en oeuvre en fonction des mesures physiques effectuees (conditions d'irradiation, evaluation de la dose recue) et des donnees cliniques recueillies: traitements specifiques, traitement de soutien de l'organisme preparant la restauration, suppleance temporaire ou definitive d'organes defaillants. (auteur)

  7. Development of mercury porosimeter. Application to nuclear graphite studies (1961); Mise au point d'un porosimetre a mercure. Application a l'etude des graphites nucleaires (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bocquet, M; Genisson, J; Sailleau, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A mercury porosimeter, model IFP-CEA, has been developed for application to nuclear graphite studies. The apparatus is based on the capillary depression phenomenon. The relationship between the radius of a pore and the pressure at which mercury fills it is pr = -2 {sigma} cos {theta} ( {sigma} is the surface tension, {theta} the angle of contact of the mercury). After some theoretical consideration, the apparatus is described. The mercury pressure is increased step-wise from 0 to 1000 kg/cm{sup 2} thus yielding the complete distribution of pores from 92 {mu} to 75 A. Results are, then presented concerning nuclear graphites which show the evolution of the porous structure under the effect of bitumen impregnation. In general, the volume of the large pores decreases while that of the small pores increases. The structure of impregnated products appears to depend to a certain extent on that of the starting materials. It has also been possible to study other products with this porosimeter; the range of measurements possible is such that it may be used for the study of the majority of porous materials. (authors) [French] Un porosimetre a mercure modele IFP-CEA a ete mis au point en vue de son application a l'etude de graphites nucleaires. Le fonctionnement de l'appareil repose sur le phenomene de depression capillaire. On etablit la relation existant entre le rayon r d'un pore et la pression p pour laquelle le mercure peut y penetrer: pr = -2 {sigma} cos {theta} ( {sigma} tension superficielle, {theta} angle de contact du mercure). Apres quelques considerations theoriques, l'appareil utilise est decrit. Il permet de faire varier par palier la pression du mercure entre 0 et 1000 kg/cm{sup 2} et d'etablir ainsi la distribution complete des rayons de pores compris entre 92 {mu} et 75 A. Les resultats d'une etude faite sur des graphites nucleaires sont alors presentes faisant apparaitre l'evolution de la structure poreuse sous l'effet des impregnations au brai. D'une facon

  8. Half-life measurements in doubly-odd sup(186,188,190)Au nuclei and the 188Hg -> Au decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abreu, M.C.; Berg, V.; Fransson, K.; Hoeglund, A.; Oms, J.; Porquet, M.G.


    A level scheme has been established for 188 Hg -> Au decay which was studied with the online isotope separator ISOCELE. Precise conversion-electron measurements were performed with a semicircular magnetic spectrograph. The half-lives of the 16.0, 82.7 and 114.8 keV levels in 188 Au were measured with a lens electron spectrometer and reduced transition rates were deduced. Similarly the half-lives of the 36.1, 113.9, 227.7, 251.5, 288.0 and 363.6 keV levels in 186 Au and of the 28.9 and 171.5 keV levels in 190 Au were measured. Comparison of the reduced e.m. transition rates shows that a 1 + and a 2 - state have respectively the same structure in sup(186,) sup(188,) sup(190,) 192 Au, the same conclusion holding for the 1 - sub(g.s.) of sup(188,) sup(190,) 192 Au. Additional measurements in 189 , 191 Hg and 185 , 187 Au together with data from the literature enable us to interpret them as a coupling of certain quasiparticle states of neighbouring odd-A nuclei corresponding to oblate shapes. Indications are given that some other negative- and positive-parity states in 188 Au also belong to an oblate system. The nucleus 188 Au appears as the last of a series of doubly-odd gold nuclei where no shape coexistence has, as yet, been observed. (orig.)

  9. Au/SiO2 nanocomposite film substrates with a high number density of Au nanoparticles for molecular conductance measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dae-Gun; Koyama, Emiko; Kikkawa, Yoshihiro; Kirihara, Kazuhiro; Naitoh, Yasuhisa; Kim, Deok-Soo; Tokuhisa, Hideo; Kanesato, Masatoshi; Koshizaki, Naoto


    Au/SiO 2 nanocomposite films consisting of an extremely high number density of Au nanoparticles dispersed in a SiO 2 matrix a few nanometres thick were deposited by a co-sputtering method, and employed for molecular conductance measurement by immobilizing and bridging conjugated biphenyl molecules on dispersed Au nanoparticles. The number density of Au nanoparticles in the insulating SiO 2 matrix was approximately 14 000 μm 2 , and the average interparticle distance from their neighbours was about 8 nm. The current increased considerably up to the range of nanoamperes after the immobilization of the conjugated biphenyl molecules, 10 5 times larger than without molecules before immobilization. Although the Au nanoparticles can be connected to only 30% of all combinations of neighbouring Au nanoparticles by biphenyl molecules 2.4 nm long from the topological analysis, the biphenyl molecules can bridge most of the Au nanoparticles, and their bridging continuity is over 100 nm in length. Thus the measured current is suggested to come from the continuously bridged molecules between the Au nanoparticles. Furthermore the I-V data of the whole Au/SiO 2 nanocomposite film immobilized with conjugated molecules are confirmed to be in a reasonable range in comparison with the scanning tunnelling spectroscopy data of similar conjugated molecules

  10. Visible light photoactivity of TiO{sub 2} loaded with monometallic (Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gołąbiewska, Anna, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, 80-233 Gdańsk (Poland); Lisowski, Wojciech [Mazovia Center for Surface Analysis, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, 01-224 Warsaw (Poland); Jarek, Marcin; Nowaczyk, Grzegorz [NanoBioMedical Center, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznań (Poland); Zielińska-Jurek, Anna; Zaleska, Adriana [Department of Chemical Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, 80-233 Gdańsk (Poland)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Au/Pt nanoparticles enhanced TiO{sub 2} photocatalytic activity under visible irradiation. • Higher photoactivity of Au/Pt-TiO{sub 2} resulted from smaller Au/Pt particles. • Intermetallic state of AuPt favors charge transfer between the metals. • TiO{sub 2} obtained by TIP hydrolysis seems to be best matrix for Au/Pt-TiO{sub 2}. - Abstract: TiO{sub 2} modified with monometallic (Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles have been prepared using a water-in-oil microemulsion system (water/AOT/cyclohexane) followed by calcination step. The effect of metal ratio, reducing agent type (NaBH{sub 4} or N{sub 2}H{sub 4}), TiO{sub 2} matrix type (P-25, ST-01, TiO-5, TiO{sub 2} nanotubes or TiO{sub 2} obtained by TIP hydrolysis) as well as calcination temperature (from 350 to 650 °C) were systematically investigated. Obtained photocatalysts were characterized by UV–vis diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), BET surface area measurements, scanning transmission microscopy (STEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Photocatalytic activity under visible light (λ > 420 nm) has been estimated in phenol degradation reaction in aqueous phase. The results showed that phenol degradation rate under visible light in the presence of TiO{sub 2} loaded with Au/Pt nanoparticles differed from 0.7 to 2.2 μmol dm{sup −3} min{sup −1} for samples prepared using different reducing agent. Sodium borohydride (NaBH{sub 4}) favors formation of smaller Au/Pt nanoparticles and higher amount gold in Au/Pt is in the form of electronegative species (Au{sup δ−}) resulted in higher photoactivity. TiO{sub 2} obtained by TIP hydrolysis in microemulsion system seems to be the best support for Au/Pt nanoparticles from all among investigated matrix. It was also observed that enhancement of calcination temperature from 450 to 650 °C resulted in rapid drop of Au/Pt-TiO{sub 2} photoactivity under visible light

  11. The sandwich-type electrochemiluminescence immunosensor for α-fetoprotein based on enrichment by Fe3O4-Au magnetic nano probes and signal amplification by CdS-Au composite nanoparticles labeled anti-AFP. (United States)

    Zhou, Hankun; Gan, Ning; Li, Tianhua; Cao, Yuting; Zeng, Saolin; Zheng, Lei; Guo, Zhiyong


    A novel and sensitive sandwich-type electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunosensor was fabricated on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) for ultra trace levels of α-fetoprotein (AFP) based on sandwich immunoreaction strategy by enrichment using magnetic capture probes and quantum dots coated with Au shell (CdS-Au) as the signal tag. The capture probe was prepared by immobilizing the primary antibody of AFP (Ab1) on the core/shell Fe(3)O(4)-Au nanoparticles, which was first employed to capture AFP antigens to form Fe(3)O(4)-Au/Ab1/AFP complex from the serum after incubation. The product can be separated from the background solution through the magnetic separation. Then the CdS-Au labeled secondary antibody (Ab2) as signal tag (CdS-Au/Ab2) was conjugated successfully with Fe(3)O(4)-Au/Ab1/AFP complex to form a sandwich-type immunocomplex (Fe(3)O(4)-Au/Ab1/AFP/Ab2/CdS-Au), which can be further separated by an external magnetic field and produce ECL signals at a fixed voltage. The signal was proportional to a certain concentration range of AFP for quantification. Thus, an easy-to-use immunosensor with magnetic probes and a quantum dots signal tag was obtained. The immunosensor performed at a level of high sensitivity and a broad concentration range for AFP between 0.0005 and 5.0 ng mL(-1) with a detection limit of 0.2 pg mL(-1). The use of magnetic probes was combined with pre-concentration and separation for trace levels of tumor markers in the serum. Due to the amplification of the signal tag, the immunosensor is highly sensitive, which can offer great promise for rapid, simple, selective and cost-effective detection of effective biomonitoring for clinical application. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. L’olivier au Maroc

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    El Mouhtadi Issam


    Full Text Available L’olivier est une culture traditionnelle sur le pourtour de la Méditerranée. Il est donc naturel de trouver cet arbre au Maroc où il est présent depuis des siècles. Cultivé surtout traditionnellement jusqu’à ses dernières années, il fait l’objet maintenant d’un plan de valorisation très ambitieux pour non seulement garder le Royaume à son niveau actuel (2e producteur mondial pour l’olive de conserve et 6e pour l’huile d’olive mais pour conquérir de nouveaux marchés au niveau mondial et profiter ainsi de l’engouement que connaît cette huile reconnue pour ses bienfaits. Le plan national « Maroc Vert » permet ainsi, grâce à des subventions conséquentes, non seulement de renouveler les vergers existant avec la variété traditionnelle picholine du Maroc, mais également la plantation de nouvelles variétés en super-intensif dans le but d’industrialiser au maximum de nouveaux vergers. Il en est de même pour la transformation des olives en huile de bonne qualité avec la mise en place d’unités de trituration modernes qui doivent supplanter à terme la multitude de « maâsra » et réduire ainsi l’impact environnemental dû aux margines. L’olive ne sera plus dans l’avenir que représentée par son huile et ses formes comestibles, mais les résidus de son extraction seront valorisés soit sous forme de combustible élaboré pour le grignon, soit sous forme d’une base de chimie verte pour les sous-produits du raffinage. D’autres applications sont actuellement à l’étude, car le Maroc à compris, comme tous les autres grands pays producteurs, que l’olive était un nouveau gisement de richesses.

  13. Highly sensitive and rapid bacteria detection using molecular beacon-Au nanoparticles hybrid nanoprobes. (United States)

    Cao, Jing; Feng, Chao; Liu, Yan; Wang, Shouyu; Liu, Fei


    Since many diseases are caused by pathogenic bacterial infections, accurate and rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria is in urgent need to timely apply appropriate treatments and to reduce economic costs. To end this, we designed molecular beacon-Au nanoparticle hybrid nanoprobes to improve the bacterial detection efficiency and sensitivity. Here, we show that the designed molecular beacon modified Au nanoparticles could specifically recognize synthetic DNAs targets and can readily detect targets in clinical samples. Moreover, the hybrid nanoprobes can recognize Escherichia coli within an hour at a concentration of 10(2) cfu/ml, which is 1000-folds sensitive than using molecular beacon directly. Our results show that the molecular beacon-Au nanoparticle hybrid nanoprobes have great potential in medical and biological applications. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Positron transport studies at the Au - (InP:Fe) interface (United States)

    Au, H. L.; Lee, T. C.; Beling, C. D.; Fung, S.


    Positron mobility and lifetime measurements have been carried out on semi-insulating Fe-doped InP samples with Au contacts used for electric field application. The lifetime measurements, with electric fields directed towards the Au - InP:Fe interface, reveal no component associated with interfacial open-volume sites and thus give no evidence of any positron mobility. The mobility measurements, made using the Doppler-shifted annihilation radiation technique, however, reveal a temperature independent positron mobility of about 0953-8984/8/10/012/img1 in the range 150 - 300 K. These observations, together with results from I - V analysis, are discussed with reference to two possible band-bending schemes. The first, which requires an ionized shallow donor region adjacent to the Au - InP interface, seems less plausible on a number of grounds. In the second, however, an 0953-8984/8/10/012/img2 negative space charge produces an adverse diffusion barrier for positrons approaching the interface together with a non-uniform electric field in the samples capable of explaining the observed mobility results.

  15. Crystal phase-based epitaxial growth of hybrid noble metal nanostructures on 4H/fcc Au nanowires (United States)

    Lu, Qipeng; Wang, An-Liang; Gong, Yue; Hao, Wei; Cheng, Hongfei; Chen, Junze; Li, Bing; Yang, Nailiang; Niu, Wenxin; Wang, Jie; Yu, Yifu; Zhang, Xiao; Chen, Ye; Fan, Zhanxi; Wu, Xue-Jun; Chen, Jinping; Luo, Jun; Li, Shuzhou; Gu, Lin; Zhang, Hua


    Crystal-phase engineering offers opportunities for the rational design and synthesis of noble metal nanomaterials with unusual crystal phases that normally do not exist in bulk materials. However, it remains a challenge to use these materials as seeds to construct heterometallic nanostructures with desired crystal phases and morphologies for promising applications such as catalysis. Here, we report a strategy for the synthesis of binary and ternary hybrid noble metal nanostructures. Our synthesized crystal-phase heterostructured 4H/fcc Au nanowires enable the epitaxial growth of Ru nanorods on the 4H phase and fcc-twin boundary in Au nanowires, resulting in hybrid Au-Ru nanowires. Moreover, the method can be extended to the epitaxial growth of Rh, Ru-Rh and Ru-Pt nanorods on the 4H/fcc Au nanowires to form unique hybrid nanowires. Importantly, the Au-Ru hybrid nanowires with tunable compositions exhibit excellent electrocatalytic performance towards the hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media.

  16. Energy Dependence of Particle Multiplicities in Central Au+Au Collisions (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Corbo, J.; Decowski, M. P.; Garcia, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Henderson, C.; Hicks, D.; Hofman, D.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A.; Mülmenstädt, J.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Rafelski, M.; Rbeiz, M.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present the first measurement of the pseudorapidity density of primary charged particles in Au+Au collisions at (sNN) = 200 GeV. For the 6% most central collisions, we obtain dNch/dη\\|\\|η\\|<1 = 650+/-35(syst). Compared to collisions at (sNN) = 130 GeV, the highest energy studied previously, an increase by a factor of 1.14+/-0.05 at 90% confidence level, is found. The energy dependence of the pseudorapidity density is discussed in comparison with data from proton-induced collisions and theoretical predictions.

  17. Long-term antibacterial characteristics and cytocompatibility of titania nanotubes loaded with Au nanoparticles without photocatalytic effects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Guomin [Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China); Feng, Hongqing, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China); Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST), Beijing 100083 (China); Jin, Weihong; Gao, Ang; Peng, Xiang; Li, Wan; Wu, Hao [Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China); Li, Zhou [Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST), Beijing 100083 (China); Chu, Paul K., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China)


    Highlights: • Au@TiO{sub 2}-NT shows long-term antibacterial effects without photocatalytical effects. • An ROS-free antibacterial process is confirmed. • Au@TiO{sub 2}-NT shows good compatibility with osteoblasts and does not induce ROS production. - Abstract: Au nanoparticles (NPs) can endow titania nanotubes (Au@TiO{sub 2}-NT) with light-independent antibacterial properties which bode well for in vivo application because of the dark environment inside tissues. In this work, the long-term antibacterial bactericidal properties and cytocompatibility of Au@TiO{sub 2}-NT without photocatalytic effects are studied in details. The materials exhibit antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus according to antibacterial tests carried out for a total time of 21 days, which are normally long enough for early stage tissue healing after surgery. In addition, adhesion and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts on Au@TiO{sub 2}-NT reveal cytocompatibility comparable to that of TiO{sub 2}-NT. No reactive oxygen species (ROS) are detected from either the bacteria or MC3T3-E1 cells cultured on the Au@TiO{sub 2}-NT surface. The absence of ROS, long-term antibacterial properties, and cytocompatibility make Au@TiO{sub 2}-NT promising biomaterials in orthopedic devices and implants.

  18. Central Au on Au collisions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alard, J.P.; Amouroux, V. [Labo de Phys. Corp., IN2P3-CRNS, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Fd. (France); Basrak, Z. [Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia)] [and others; FOPI-Collaboration


    In nucleus-nucleus collisions the initial relative kinetic energy of target and projectile is available for internal excitation of the interacting system; it is however still not well established to what extent local equilibrium and thermalisation occur. Local equilibrium is of interest to derive, within the formalism of transport equations and of the equation of state, (EOS), general properties of compressed and excited nuclear matter. Such approach describes in relatively simple terms the complex many body interactions occuring within extended baryonic and hadronic (or quark) matter. For a basic microscopic understanding it is highly desirable to investigate the elementary in-medium interactions in relation to the free elementary processes. Excitation function measurements of central collisions between the heaviest available nuclei (like Au on Au), supply the best ground for such studies: the highest degree of thermalisation and compression is expected for such reactions. The consideration presented here of energy thermalisation and of an expanding system clusterizing at freeze-out in a situation close to the liquid gas phase transition can be of interest to astrophysics as well as to the quark gluon plasma deconfinement studied in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the higher energy regime of CERN and Brookhaven. (orig.).

  19. Complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures : à propos de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nos objectifs ont été de faire une étude épidémiologique, de rechercher les raisons du choix initial de cette médecine par les patients et celles qui les incitent à ... Matériel et méthode : Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective sur un an (1e juillet 2005 au 30 juin 2006) Le recrutement des patients a été fait aux services des ...

  20. Centrality, Rapidity And Transverse-Momentum Dependence of Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on J/Psi Production in D Au, Cu Cu And Au Au Collisions at S(NN)**(1/2)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreiro, E.G.; /Santiago de Compostela U.; Fleuret, F.; /Ecole Polytechnique; Lansberg, J.P.; /Ecole Polytechnique /SLAC; Rakotozafindrabe, A.; /SPhN, DAPNIA, Saclay


    We have carried out a wide study of Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects on J/{Psi} = production in dAu, CuCu and AuAu collisions at {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV. We have studied the effects of three different gluon-shadowing parameterizations, using the usual simplified kinematics for which the momentum of the gluon recoiling against the J/{Psi} is neglected as well as an exact kinematics for a 2 {yields} 2 process, namely g + g {yields} J/{psi} + g as expected from LO pQCD. We have shown that the rapidity distribution of the nuclear modification factor R{sub dAu}, and particularly its anti-shadowing peak, is systematically shifted toward larger rapidities in the 2 {yields} 2 kinematics, irrespective of which shadowing parameterization is used. In turn, we have noted differences in the effective final-state nuclear absorption needed to fit the PHENIX dAu data. Taking advantage of our implementation of a 2 {yields} 2 kinematics, we have also computed the transverse momentum dependence of the nuclear modification factor, which cannot be predicted with the usual simplified kinematics. All the corresponding observables have been computed for CuCu and AuAu collisions and compared to the PHENIX and STAR data. Finally, we have extracted the effective nuclear absorption from the recent measurements of RCP in dAu collisions by the PHENIX collaboration.