
Sample records for aplicaciones del stent

  1. Aplicaciones farmacéuticas del quitosano


    Montalvo Aique, Pedro Luis; Montalvo Aique, Pedro Luis; Montalvo Aique, Pedro Luis


    Entre los temas que se trataran en este informe es sobre el quitosano como una breve reseña histórica donde hablaré sobre las fuentes y métodos de obtención de la quitina, caracterización del quitosano, aplicaciones generales del quitosano, derivados del quitosano de mayor importancia, modificación química del quitosano, quitosanos en diversas formas y las aplicaciones farmacéuticas del quitosano como la liberación de fármacos. La actividad industrial de procesado de los productos de la pe...

  2. La estructura del fullereno C60 y sus aplicaciones


    Vasilievna Kharissova, Oxana; Ortiz Méndez, Ubaldo


    Se revisan los datos reportados de una nueva clase de materiales basados en los fullerenos. Se explica la estructura del fullereno C60 y sus compuestos con metales alcalinos, sus propiedades y aplicaciones. Se señala que estos compuestos tienen propiedades de superconducción comparable con la de los tradicionales cupratos. Se indica que esta modificación del carbono puede formar nanotubos que tienen varias aplicaciones prácticas debido a sus propiedades.

  3. Análisis del comportamiento contextual del usuario y su relación con el consumo de aplicaciones móviles


    Luis Antonio Rojas-Potosí; Leandro Krug Wives; Alejandro Fernández; Juan Carlos Corrales


    El mercado de aplicaciones móviles crece aceleradamente, captando la atención sobre el análisis del consumo de las mismas para mejorar su recomendación y la satisfacción del usuario, soportado en la búsqueda de información que permita explicar la ocurrencia de eventos del ciclo de vida de las aplicaciones. En este sentido algunos estudios muestran una fuerte relación entre dichos eventos e información sobre la situación contextual actual del usuario y su registro de consumo de aplicaciones. S...

  4. Aplicaciones científicas numéricas: El (ciclo de vida del) Software heredado


    Méndez, Mariano; Tinetti, Fernando Gustavo


    El objetivo de esta línea de investigación es el estudio de las aplicaciones científicas de cómputo numérico desde el punto de vista de la Ingeniería de Software y del Procesamiento Paralelo. Además, se orienta a desarrollar técnicas y herramientas destinadas a reestructurar dichas aplicaciones permitiendo que éstas evolucionen a través del tiempo mejorando sus prestaciones y su estructura.

  5. Aplicaciones del Caos y la Complejidad en la Cadena de Suministros del Sector Agroindustrial


    Lara Atencia, Manuel Santiago


    La presente investigación consiste en determinar las aplicaciones existentes de las teorías del caos y las teorías de la complejidad en la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial colombiano. Además, tiene como propósito describir el sector de la agroindustria y la cadena de suministro, identificar los modelos de caos y complejidad y posteriormente determinar cuáles de éstos son aplicables al sector. Se define el caos como una sub-disciplina de las matemáticas que estudia sistemas compl...

  6. Aplicaciones de la tecnologia de control termico y de madurez del concreto en Colombia


    Quimbay Herrera, Rodrigo


    La Tecnología del control térmico y de madurez del concreto (TCTM) tiene un potencial muy amplio en la industria del cemento y del concreto en Colombia, tanto por sus múltiples aplicaciones en los procesos de control de calidad en obra (instrumentación de elementos, control de probetas), como en el control de calidad de recepción en planta para la materia prima (control en tiempo real del cemento). Igualmente, en el control de producción de las diferentes mezclas (e...

  7. Aplicaciones del GRC en España y Argelia

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    Rodríguez Santiago, Jesús


    Full Text Available Not Available.Este artículo resume la experiencia obtenida en la utilización del mortero de cemento reforzado con fibra de vidrio (GRC en el campo de la construcción. Se describen en primer lugar las características del material y el proceso de fabricación en factoría de paneles de GRC. Se exponen a continuación algunas realizaciones llevadas a cabo con este material destacando, por su volumen y rapidez de ejecución, el conjunto de fachadas para edificios de viviendas, hospitales y centros escolares construidos en Argelia. También se comentan otras aplicaciones del GRC para la rehabilitación y decoración interior de edificios y para la construcción de elementos singulares. Finalmente, en el apartado de las conclusiones se menciona la necesidad de seguir investigando en el comportamiento a largo plazo de este material para poder aumentar su utilización en la construcción.

  8. Tema 1: HTTP y aplicaciones web


    Colomina Pardo, Otto; Arques Corrales, Pilar; Montoyo Bojo, Javier


    En este tema se introduce el funcionamiento básico del protocolo HTTP, que es el que se usa en las comunicaciones cliente-servidor en aplicaciones web. Además se hace una introducción a las herramientas y plataformas de desarrollo de aplicaciones web.

  9. Del telegrama a los tweets: investigación sobre la interacción del adulto mayor con las redes sociales y aplicaciones Google considerando aspectos de usabilidad y accesibilidad web


    Díaz, Francisco Javier; Harari, Ivana


    En este artículo se presenta el estado de avance de la tesina “Del Telegrama a los Tweets: Investigación sobre la Interacción del Adulto Mayor con las Redes Sociales y Aplicaciones Google, considerando Aspectos de Usabilidad y Accesibilidad Web” para el magister de Redes de Datos de la Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La misma consiste en una investigación integral sobre la interacción entre los adultos mayores y las aplicaciones de Web 2.0 actuales como Facebook y T...

  10. QRLabel y Blackbird: 2 aplicaciones accesibles para Android


    Mercade Aguila, Gisela


    El objetivo de este proyecto es el de realizar dos aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android. Estas aplicaciones están ideadas para ser usadas por una persona invidente o con deficiencias visuales. El transcurso del desarrollo de cada aplicacion sirve para conocer y experimentar con diferentes herramientas que dispone este sistema operativo, y de este modo estudiar sus ventajas y limitaciones. Se presentan dispositivos y prototipos de dispositivos diseñados exclusiv...

  11. Evaluación económica del stent medicado vs. convencional para pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del ST en Colombia

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    Mateo Ceballos


    Conclusiones: El stent medicado con sirolimus no es costo-efectivo para pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del ST en Colombia. Se recomienda mayor investigación futura sobre la probabilidad de muerte y trombosis muy tardía del stent, así como en subgrupos específicos de pacientes y stents medicados de segunda generación.

  12. Aplicaciones de la teoría del control a la economía

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    Wolf Kerpel S.


    Full Text Available La teoría del control se ha desarrollado y aplicado ampliamente en muchas áreas de la Ingeniería. En los últimos años se ha venido aplicando también, en campos diferentes a los de la ingeniería como por ejemplo en Ecología, Economía, diversas áreas de Biología, Sicología, etc.; con excelentes resultados. Los éxitos conseguidos derivan entre otros del hecho de que dichos campos encierran procesos claramente identificables como de control, y, evidentemente también, del gran avance logrado en el desarrollo de la teoría del control. En este articulo nos ocuparemos de las aplicaciones de la teoría del control a la Economía, específicamente a los modelos macroeconómicos. El trabajo es básicamente una recopilación de información relacionada con el tema, y pretende despertar el interés por él en nuestro medio. Al final se presenta una bibliografía extensa.

  13. Uso de las TIC en el Trastorno de Espectro Autista: aplicaciones

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    Susana García Guillén


    Full Text Available A través de este trabajo de investigación se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica detallada sobre el uso de las aplicaciones y el autismo. En primer lugar se ha realizado un recorrido histórico a través del concepto autismo y las aplicaciones disponibles. Los objetivos generales han sido conocer la evolución del término autismo, conocer la bibliografía relacionada con el autismo y el uso de aplicaciones, así como las aplicaciones disponibles para niños autistas. A través de las dos bases de datos, dialnet y google aplicaciones, se presenta la revisión sistemática realizada. Como resultado, se han seleccionado cuatro artículos a través de la base de datos dialnet y treinta y cinco aplicaciones. Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC ofrecen a los usuarios diferentes beneficios como la estimulación de los sentidos y el desarrollo de habilidades que le ayuden a la integración, mejorando sus habilidades sociales para lograr una mejor relación con sus iguales.

  14. Biotecnologia Ambiental. Aplicacions biotecnològiques a la millora del medi ambient


    Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet


    La biotecnología ambiental comprende el conjunto de actividades tecnológicas que facilitan la comprensión y la gestión de los sistemas biológicos en el medio ambiente, con el fin de proveer productos y servicios. Actualmente, la gestión del medio ambiente y de sus recursos naturales no se comprende si no se realiza de manera sostenible. Los avances científicos y tecnológicos le están permitiendo a la biotecnología ambiental, el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas y aplicaciones con los que resp...

  15. Identificación de prestaciones en nuevas aplicaciones de vidrio estructural


    Abascal Capilla, Alba


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en la identificación de las prestaciones que se deben cumplir de cara al diseño de los elementos de vidrio estructural para aplicaciones actuales, novedosas e innovadoras. Para la identificación de las prestaciones se comienza por una evaluación del estado actual del vidrio; posteriormente se hace una selección de obras innovadoras en aplicaciones existentes con vidrio estructural (fachadas, cubiertas, barandillas, suelos, escaleras, pilares y viga...

  16. Lenguaje específico de dominio para aplicaciones de modelación glaciológica


    Gel, Matías; Urciuolo, Adriana Beatriz; Iturraspe, Rodolfo Javier


    Las aplicaciones de software de modelado de la naturaleza se caracterizan por la complejidad propia de la información y procesos ambientales. Se requiere un nivel de abstracción adecuado y flexibilidad para la modelación de los procesos naturales. Algunas limitaciones del software del dominio provienen del uso de herramientas y lenguajes que carecen de facilidades para representar los conceptos particulares de estas aplicaciones. El Modelado específico del dominio (DSM) propone elevar el nive...

  17. Desarrollo de aplicaciones web


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Agradecimientos 1. Introducción a las aplicaciones web 2. Instalación del servidor 3. Diseño de páginas web 4. Formato estructurado de texto: XML 5. Contenido dinámico 6. Acceso a bases de datos: JDBC 7. Servicios web 8. Utilización y mantenimiento 9. Monitorización y análisis Bibliografía GNU Free Documentation License

  18. Aplicaciones sobre plataformas de redes neuronales en tiempo real


    Tosini, Marcelo Alejandro; Acosta, Nelson


    El presente trabajo pretende el diseño de una metodología para la construcción de aplicaciones basadas en redes neuronales sobre una plataforma Muren. Las aplicaciones se restringen a sistemas de control y reconocimiento de patrones por imágenes. Se describe la arquitectura del sistema de desarrollo Muren, basado en 2 procesadores ZISC de 78 neuronas cada uno, una FPGA Spartan II, bancos de memoria y lógica adicional de comunicación.

  19. Calidad de vida para personas con discapacidad intelectual y otras discapacidades del desarrollo. Aplicaciones para personas, organizaciones, comunidades y sistemas. Serie: Feaps


    Schalock, Robert L.; Gardner, James F.; Bradley, Valerie J.


    Las perspectivas de mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y otras discapacidades del desarrollo han ido variando de forma continua desde los comienzos del movimiento en los primeros años de la década de los ochenta. Todos estos cambios de perspectiva han forzado una nueva estructura y mejora de los procesos de la calidad en el desarrollo del concepto, sus aplicaciones lógicas, mediciones y resultados. Este nuevo libro de la colección FEAPS es una traducción...

  20. Analysis of the effect of stent porosity and shape on saccular intracranial aneurysm using the Lattice Boltzmann method Análisis del efecto de la porosidad y forma de un stent en un aneurisma sacular intracraneal utilizando el método Lattice Boltzmann

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    D S Ayala


    Full Text Available This article presents an analysis of blood flow patterns in intracranial saccular aneurysm and the effects of the shape and porosity of the stents used in endovascular treatments. In this study will be used the flow reduction criteria for characterizing the efficiency of the stent. The hemodynamic properties of a newtonian blood flow into the aneurysm will be evaluated using the Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM. Porosity values and stent forms are proposed for analysis. In all stent cases analyzed is observed a reduction of velocity and pressure and an increase in viscosity. It is further noted that the rectangular contour stent is the optimal case and reduces the magnitude of the flow velocity inside the aneurysm much as 76%. The results help to understand the role of porosity in the form and design of a stent.En este artículo se presenta un analísis de los patrones de flujo sanguíneo en un aneurisma sacular intracraneal y los efectos de la forma y la porosidad de los stents empleados en tratamientos endovasculares. En este estudio se empleará el criterio de reducción del flujo para caracterizar la eficiencia del stent. Se evaluarán las propiedades hemodinámicas de un flujo sanguíneo newtoniano dentro del aneurisma a partir del método de Lattice Boltzmann (LBM. Se proponen algunos valores de porosidad y forma de stent para el análisis. En todos los casos de stent analizados se observa una reducción de velocidades y presiones y un aumento de viscosidad. Se observa además que el stent de contorno rectangular es el caso óptimo y reduce la magnitud de la velocidad del flujo en el interior del aneurisma hasta en un 76 %. Los resultados obtenidos ayudan a entender el papel de la forma y porosidad en el diseño de un stent.

  1. Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles bajo la plataforma de Iphone

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    Jaime Esteban Roa Castañeda


    Full Text Available El iPhone es un dispositivo móvil que lleva cerca de cinco años en el mercado de celulares, y sus funciones van más allá del uso como tal de un teléfono celular, gracias al App Store, que ofrece miles de aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores alrededor del mundo. La arquitectura y el sistema operativo del iPhone permiten que las aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores usen tecnologías especializadas para diferentes tipos de usuarios, permitiendo incluir características como gráficos de alta definición o usar accesorios de hardware, haciendo uso de los frameworks soportados por la arquitectura del dispositivo; todo esto es posible crearlo gracias a las herramientas de desarrollo provistas por Apple. El almacenamiento y la persistencia de datos se ven plasmados en el desarrollo de una aplicación caso de estudio que hace uso de Core Data para el manejo de la información.

  2. Efecto de la química superficial del óxido de grafeno en el desarrollo de aplicaciones


    Ramos Fernández, Gloria


    Las excelentes propiedades del grafeno, y la predicción de que este material pueda dar solución a todas las necesidades tecnológicas ha supuesto una gran revolución. Dada la versatilidad de este material, como consecuencia de los distintos métodos de producción disponibles, que generaran un material final con propiedades muy distintas, este se postula como un buen candidato para el desarrollo de distintas aplicaciones. Uno de los productos derivados de grafeno más usados es el óxido de grafe...

  3. Seguridad y privacidad en aplicaciones Android


    Piñeiro Ramos, Ismael


    Este trabajo explora las vulnerabilidades existentes en los dispositivos móviles tomando como plataforma el sistema operativo Android. Se pretende estudiar en profundidad las posibilidades de inoculación de código de mal comportamiento y el control del hardware de forma remota. La necesidad de estar permanentemente conectado a través del correo electrónico, las herramientas y aplicaciones para redes sociales, la integración de la grabadora de sonido, vídeo y cámara fotográfica en el propio di...

  4. Desarrollo de material didáctico multimedia del cultivo de tejidos vegetales con aplicaciones agrarias y ambientales

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    Oscar Agudelo Varela


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones pedagógicas tradicionales se fundamentan en el desarrollo de la clase con marcador y tablero, y con leves avances en el manejo de diapositivas; sin embargo, las tecnologías digitales presentan una serie de novedades que complementan el trabajo de la enseñanza con aprendizaje autónomo, que puede desarrollar el educando en áreas agrarias y ambientales. El desarrollo de material didáctico multimedia MDM complementa las actividades curriculares de los cursos, particularmente, los que tienen laboratorio, y por otro lado, generan en el estudiante habilidades para el aprendizaje autónomo. Se desarrolló un MDM para el aprendizaje de las prácticas realizadas en el laboratorio de cultivos vegetales, con arquitectura cliente/ servidor, usando tecnologías actuales en el desarrollo de software, con características de tiempo real y bajo el paradigma de desarrollo de aplicaciones isomórficas. Con base al MDM, se realizó evaluación cualitativa por parte de estudiantes de Licenciatura en Producción Agropecuaria, la cual reporto un 86% de aprobación del material. Se encontró que las herramientas digitales para el aprendizaje, facilitan y mejoran en cierta medida el aprendizaje de los educandos. El uso de tecnologías nuevas como React, permite mejorar el renderizado de las páginas y optimiza la carga del servidor en las peticiones necesarias por parte del aprendiz, y hace más eficiente el engranaje de enseñanza-aprendizaje. De esta manera, el MDM permitirá fundamentar el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en la producción agraria y en el manejo de especies de ecosistemas con ambientes naturales.

  5. Evaluación de los Frameworks en el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con Python


    Jimmy Rolando Molina Ríos; Nancy Magaly Loja Mora; Mariuxi Paola Zea Ordóñez; Erika Lizbeth Loaiza Sojos


    Debido a la creciente interacción de los usuarios con sistemas web, surge la necesidad de combinar las funcionalidades de aplicaciones clásicas de escritorio, con la accesibilidad y bajo costo de la publicación de aplicaciones web; dando origen a la elección del mejor marco de trabajo que se adopte a las necesidades de los desarrolladores. Esta investigación presenta un análisis comparativo de los frameworks que trabajan con el lenguaje Python para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Para ello...

  6. Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles bajo la plataforma de Iphone

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    Karen Melissa Rojas Lizarazo


    Full Text Available El iPhone es un dispositivo móvil que lleva cerca de cinco años en el mercado de celulares, y sus funciones van más allá del uso como tal de un teléfono celular, gracias al App Store, que ofrece miles de aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores alrededor del mundo. La arquitectura y el sistema operativo del iPhone permiten que las aplicaciones creadas por desarrolladores usen tecnologías especializadas para diferentes tipos de usuarios, permitiendo incluir características como gráficos de alta definición o usar accesorios de hardware, haciendo uso de los frameworks soportados por la arquitectura del dispositivo; todo esto es posible crearlo gracias a las herramientas de desarrollo provistas por Apple. El almacenamiento y la persistencia de datos se ven plasmados en el desarrollo de una aplicación caso de estudio que hace uso de Core Data para el manejo de la información.

  7. Procedimiento para la mejora del proceso de desarrollo de software en la UEB “Aplicaciones de Redes”.

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    Marely Collazo Palmero


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar un procedimiento para la mejora del proceso de desarrollo de software en la UEB “Aplicaciones de Redes”, el procedimiento se compone de 6 etapas basadas en el ciclo de Deming que comienza con el diagnóstico de la situación actual del proceso productivo, se detectan los problemas existentes y sus causas para elaborar un plan de acción que da lugar a los aportes más significativos de esta investigación: la elaboración del flujograma del servicio de desarrollo de software y los procedimientos e instrucciones necesarios, logrando la estandarización de las herramientas a usar y los artefactos a cumplir en cada etapa del ciclo de vida del software, permitiendo de una forma rápida y organizada el cumplimiento de los requisitos del cliente. Se emplean técnicas y herramientas como conformación del grupo de expertos, tormenta de ideas, lista de chequeo, diagrama causa efecto, revisión de documentos, diagrama de flujo y gráficos de barra tanto para la obtención de información como para facilitar el análisis de los resultados arrojados. El procedimiento contribuye a elevar el por ciento de satisfacción de los clientes involucrando a todo el personal del área productiva.

  8. Implantes personalizados de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) para aplicaciones en craneoplastia


    Arango Ospina, Marcela


    Los implantes a la medida para aplicaciones en craneoplastias tienen el objetivo de restaurar la protección del cerebro que el cráneo proporcionaba y mejorar el aspecto de la superficie después de sufrir un traumatismo o para corregir una malformación. Los principales inconvenientes del procedimiento de craneoplastia incluyen la individualización de la geometría y las propiedades mecánicas del implante para que sea funcional. El objetivo de nuestra investigación fue proponer un...

  9. Gestión de organizaciones: enfoques y aplicaciones


    Zárate, Rodrigo; Argüelles Pabón, Denise Caroline; Aparicio García, Santiago; Largacha Martínez, Carlos; Pérez Uribe, Rafael; de la Hoz, Gerardo A.


    Una buena gestión puede transformar una organización. El libro Gestion de organizaciones enfoques y aplicaciones, realiza un análisis de todos los aspectos relevantes que llevan a una organización a generar nuevas y mejores prácticas para el impulso de su productividad y competitividad. se estudian diferentes modelos de gestión con el fin de potencializar el aprendizaje organizacional, es decir la gestión del conocimiento, del talento y la gestión por competencias....

  10. Investigación en Progreso: Ingeniería de Software en el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Sensibles al Contexto

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    Marisa D. Panizzi


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones han ido evolucionando independientemente de cuál sea su dominio de aplicación, actualmente nos encontramos con aplicaciones que pueden brindar servicios de acuerdo a la ubicación, tiempo y perfil del usuario. Este tipo de aplicaciones que brindan estos servicios se las conoce como Aplicaciones Sensibles al Contexto (CA – Context Aware, en este tipo de aplicaciones predominan los dispositivos móviles y el perfil del usuario. La evolución varía en función de la forma de uso de la computadora, es decir que se brinden servicios a pedido del usuario o que se brinden servicios de manera automática. Para acompañar la evolución de este tipo de aplicaciones, la Ingeniería de Software ha focalizado sus esfuerzos en aspectos relacionados a separar la aplicación de todo lo concerniente a la captación, interpretación, control y supervisión de la información contextual. Es decir que desde el punto de vista del diseño, se separe la conducta sensible al contexto de la conducta propia de la aplicación con el propósito de que ambos tipos de aplicaciones pueden evolucionar en forma independiente además de reducir el tiempo de desarrollo en este tipo de sistemas. Este proyecto presenta una sub línea, la cual orientará sus aportes, en la consolidación de un framework de gestión contextual de dos o tres variables de contexto como por ejemplo: la ubicación, considerando la construcción de la documentación relevante que lo respalde como así también su fase de experimentación con una aplicación que permitirá a los usuarios de la comunidad universitaria UM hacer uso de los servicios ofrecidos por la misma. La segunda sub línea, se vincula al Área de la Ingeniería de Requisitos, pretendiendo obtener un modelo para la especificación de requisitos de software para sistemas sensibles al contexto.


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    Jesús David Guerra Lyons


    Full Text Available El presente artículo revisa el concepto de compromiso desde la Teoría de la Valoración propuesta por Martin y White y de algunas de sus aplicaciones pedagógicas. Desde la perspectiva bajtiniana de dialogismo, Martin y White definen el compromiso como el conjunto de recursos mediante los cuales los usuarios del lenguaje entran en diálogo con las múltiples voces que inevitablemente permean sus textos, aceptándolas, rebatiéndolas, retomándolas o distanciándose de ellas. El compromiso se divide en dos tipos: monoglosia y heteroglosia. Este último se desagrega en varias subcategorías, que son definidas e ilustradas con ejemplos tomados del corpus del español de Davies. Consideramos algunas aplicaciones pedagógicas del concepto de compromiso mediante la revisión de estudios desarrollados principalmente en el contexto latinoamericano.

  12. Neurofeedback, aplicaciones y eficacia


    Fajardo, Alexandra; Guzmán, Ana Lucía


    El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue describir la técnica de neurofeedback, sus aplicaciones y usos, como así también determinar su eficacia a lo largo de los estudios revisados. De esta forma se encuentra la compilación de 53 artículos científicos acerca de la técnica, que describen cómo los autores han demostrado su funcionalidad, cuando se trata de proyectar de manera tangible el rendimiento de algún tipo de población para la posterior formulación de un tratamiento o intervención par...

  13. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.


    A. Codina García


    El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in desi...

  14. Planteamiento y evaluación de las aplicaciones de los productos obtenidos en la hidrólisis alcalina de las virutas de cromo generadas durante el procesamiento del cuero


    Díaz, Andrea; Jiménez, Juliana; Pérez, Monica; Narváez Rincón, Paulo César


    Considerando el concepto de maximizar la reutilización de residuos sólidos de curtiembres en diversos usos industriales y la minimización del impacto ambiental que estos generan, se evalúan algunas aplicaciones de los subproductos obtenidos por la hidrólisis alcalina de las “virutas de cromo”5 generadas durante la etapa de rebalado en el procesamiento del cuero. El hidróxido de cromo obtenido transformado en sulfato de cromo mo- nobasico puede reutilizarse en el procesamiento del cuero co...

  15. Evaluación de los Frameworks en el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con Python

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    Jimmy Rolando Molina Ríos


    Full Text Available Debido a la creciente interacción de los usuarios con sistemas web, surge la necesidad de combinar las funcionalidades de aplicaciones clásicas de escritorio, con la accesibilidad y bajo costo de la publicación de aplicaciones web; dando origen a la elección del mejor marco de trabajo que se adopte a las necesidades de los desarrolladores. Esta investigación presenta un análisis comparativo de los frameworks que trabajan con el lenguaje Python para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Para ello el análisis se formuló mediante un modelo de evaluación que se basa en las características de calidad propuestas en la norma ISO/IEC 9126. Estas a su vez permiten establecer sub-características, atributos y métricas para evaluar la calidad de las aplicaciones web. Permitiendo obtener como resultado una matriz para la Evaluación de Frameworks: Django, Pyramid, Turbogear y Web2PY. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron las fortalezas y debilidades de cada framework y fue la base para determinar que Django es el mejor framework para la implementación de desarrollo de sistemas web. Este framework cumplió con todos los indicadores del modelo de evaluación, los resultados redactados al final del documento determinan que tomando en cuenta las métricas de calidad se puede elegir qué marco de trabajo es el que mejor se adapta para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en la Ciudad de Machala. Antes de realizar una evaluación se considera indispensable conocer y comprender el funcionamiento de los elementos que se vaya a cotejar, para ello es recomendable emplear tablas para la comparación de las características, teniendo como referencia sitios web confiables que aporten documentación sobre los frameworks y el empleo de estándares de calidad para su determinación.

  16. Paralelización de aplicaciones econométricas que requieren estimación de los modelos de elección discreta


    Trigila, Mariano; Di Pasquale, Ricardo


    En las últimas dos décadas, el uso eficiente del hardware para aplicaciones científicas fue creciendo en dificultad. Además, muchas de estas aplicaciones requieren mejorar el rendimiento del procesamiento y tratar datos masivos. Estos son sistemas complejos de implementar y en especial para aquellos que no son especialista en computación. Es necesario desarrollar e implementar abstracciones de programación de alto nivel que permitan modelos de programación simples de usar. Las aplica...

  17. Aplicaciones de caucho reciclado: Una revisión de la literatura

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    Gabriel Jaime Peláez Arroyave


    Full Text Available La generación de residuos de caucho se ha convertido en una preocupación global por su impacto negativo en el medio ambiente y en la salud humana. La legislación ambiental sobre la disposición de este tipo de residuos ha venido aumentando las exigencias a los fabricantes, comercializadores y usuarios, con lo cual se ha acelerado la búsqueda de alternativas para el reaprovechamiento de los residuos de caucho. Este artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica acerca de las principales tendencias en la utilización del caucho reciclado, incluyendo aplicaciones actualmente comercializadas y otras derivadas tanto de estudios terminados como de líneas de investigación en desarrollo. Las aplicaciones con mayor potencial de volumen consumido son del sector infraestructura y construcciones civiles, especialmente asfaltos, concretos y materiales aislantes para construcción liviana. Algunas aplicaciones con potencial en el futuro cercano son los filtros para la limpieza de aguas contaminadas y como componente en materiales compuestos con matriz termoplástica o en poliuretano. Se evidencia la pertinencia de continuar investigando sobre esta temática, que posee unos retos científicos de alta relevancia, los cuales ameritan la mayor atención por el problema ambiental significativo asociado al manejo de los residuos de caucho.

  18. La Nariz Electrónica: Estado del Arte

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    Iveth Moreno


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta el estado del arte de los sistemas olfativos artificiales o narices electrónicas, su funcionamiento y algunas de sus aplicaciones. Además, se revisa el concepto de olfato electrónico, pasando por sus aplicaciones más relevantes. Posteriormente, se analizan las similitudes del funcionamiento de la nariz electrónica con el sistema del olfato humano. Finalmente, se incluyen los conceptos más importantes relacionados con la instalación de narices electrónicas sobre robots móviles, destacando sus consiguientes aplicaciones. Palabras clave: nariz electrónica, sensor de olor, técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones, robots móviles.

  19. Sistemas ubiquos: desarrollo y aplicaciones


    Ramón, Hugo Dionisio; Charne, Javier; Di Cicco, Carlos; Riva, Diego Germán de la; Smail, Ana; Osella Massa, Germán Leandro


    Se presenta un proyecto de investigación aplicada al cómputo ubiquo (ubicomp), abarcando aspectos que van desde los fundamentos del desarrollo (técnicas de Ingeniería de requerimientos, metodologías de gestión, desarrollo de proyectos, técnicas de planificación, métricas, normas de calidad, redes de sensores y algoritmos inteligentes y procesamiento de señales) hasta la concepción de aplicaciones específicas orientadas a los procesos productivos de la región y el país, procesos de egobierno y...

  20. Aplicaciones del equipo automático de difracción de polvo marca Philips modelo PW-1700 instalado en el Instituto "Eduardo Torroja" de la construcción y del cemento

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    Sagrera, José Luis


    Full Text Available In this article, the author has the purpose to give a general view of the applications of the automatic equipment of X ray diffraction purchased by the I.E.T.c.c., quoting the main software programs used by the team in its qualitative, quantitative and crystallographic analysis, as well as to give a simplified account of the data that can be obtained from de computer storage.

    El autor pretende, en este artículo, dar una visión general de las aplicaciones del equipo automático de difracción de rayos X adquirido por el I.E.T.c.c., citando los principales programas del software que utiliza el equipo en sus análisis cualitativos, cuantitativos y cristalográficos, además de una relación simplificada de datos que pueden obtenerse de la memoria del ordenador.

  1. Desvascularización preoperatoria de tumor del glomus mediante colocación de stent cubierto en la carótida externa

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    Sergio A. Garrido


    Full Text Available RESUMENLos tumores del glomus carotídeo se caracterizan por su vascularización importante y sumanejo preoperatorio puede incluir la embolización percutánea previa a la resección quirúrgica.Esta técnica disminuye la hemorragia y el tamaño del tumor y hace menos riesgosala disección, con reducción de la morbimortalidad. Una técnica alternativa es la interrupciónde la irrigación del tumor mediante la colocación de un stent cubierto en la carótidaexterna, que es la vía principal de irrigación. Esta técnica es útil en especial en tumoresgrandes y evita el riesgo de embolia intracraneal cuando se emplean coils para realizar laembolización. En esta presentación se describe el caso de una paciente de 31 años tratadade esta manera; se le colocó el stent y 24 horas después se realizó la resección del tumor.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:252-254.

  2. Formación de usuarios de la información mediante aplicaciones Web 2.0

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    Eder Ávila Barrientos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar las aplicaciones web 2.0 para estimar su utilización en los programas de formación de usuarios de la información. Método: Análisis documental y la hermenéutica del discurso aplicados a los documentos impresos y digitales que abordan la temática del objeto de estudio. Resultados: se responden una serie de cuestionamientos relacionados con la integración de las aplicaciones Web 2.0 en el diseño de programas de formación de usuarios de la información. En lo que respecta a la selección de aplicaciones web 2.0, se empleo la técnica de análisis de atributos basada en las variables de uso didáctico. Concluisones: Las tecnologías de la web 2.0 y su integración en los programas de formación de usuarios de la información, representan un nicho de oportunidad para los bibliotecólogos. Una oportunidad para alcanzar el futuro y romper viejos paradigmas de la formación de usurios.

  3. Autoría de aplicaciones móviles para el análisis de datos


    Person Montero, Tatiana


    La incorporación de aplicaciones móviles en diversos entornos genera una gran cantidad de información resultante de la interacción de los usuarios con estas aplicaciones. El análisis de esta información puede ser de gran utilidad para el profesional, ya que le puede facilitar la toma de decisiones o la valoración del proceso que esté aplicando, permitiendo mejorar los resultados o detectar determinados patrones. La información recogida se puede definir siguiendo una serie de características: ...

  4. Análisis de Desarrollo de Software Orientado a Feature - Línea de Producto de Software para Aplicaciones de TVDI

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    Mirtha Fabiana Miranda


    Full Text Available El Desarrollo de Software Orientado a Features (FOSD consiste en la construcción de sistemas a partir de un conjunto de características, cada feature o característica es una unidad funcional que satisface un requisito de software. Las fases son análisis del dominio, diseño e implementación del dominio, configuración y generación del producto de software, obteniendo así una Línea de Productos de Software (SPL. El presente trabajo realiza una comparación de herramientas para su implementación y, se analiza un conjunto de aplicaciones que modelan features. Resultando un espacio de estudio abierto para modelar aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi. Además se han encontrado diversos métodos, artefactos y patrones de diseño para el modelado de una aplicación de TVDi en particular, reflejando un estudio para el modelado de variabilidad. El objetivo principal es estudiar SPL / FOSD, empleando los Patrones de Diseño de Interacción (PDI para el dominio de las aplicaciones de TVDi.


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    Edwin Mauricio Hincapié-Montoya


    Full Text Available Preservar los espacios y difundirlos es una función social que debe mantener unidos a los pueblos y que no puede dejarse a un lado por el clamor y la voz del desarrollo. Para ello la tecnología juega un papel de facilitador mediático a través de la cual se puede llegar a diferentes espacios y lugares históricamente importantes pero físicamente inaccesibles por su desaparición. En los últimos años se han desarrollado aplicaciones que buscan reactivar el patrimonio cultural y hacen uso de tecnologías como realidad virtual, realidad aumentada o juegos serios. Sin embargo, la mayoría son casos de estudio en un tema particular y el área carece de un framework metodológico, que guie y facilite el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. En este articulo proponemos un framework metodológico conceptual, el cual busca guiar el desarrollo de aplicaciones relacionadas con la reactivación del patrimonio cultural al tiempo que maximiza el aprendizaje de los usuarios en este tema.

  6. Posicionamiento y proyección actual del motor de paso en aplicaciones industriales. // Position and proyection in actual industrial applications of stepping motors.

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    A. Codina García


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda el empleo del motor de paso en las aplicaciones industriales actuales, los recientesavances y tendencias en la construcción de los mismos así como sus principales características y variantes másconocidas.Palabras claves: Motores de paso, control de movimiento.______________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper focuses on the position of stepping motors in current industrial applications, recent advances andgeneral trends in design and manufacturing such motors. Their most outstanding features and different typesare also shown.Key words: Stepping motors, motion control.

  7. Martingalas discretas. Aplicaciones

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    Miguel A. Marmolejo


    Full Text Available Debido a su amplio rango de aplicaciones, la teoría de las martingalas es parte fundamental de la probabilidad. En este artículo se presentan las nociones básicas de las martingalas discretas y se recopilan algunas de sus aplicaciones en probabilidad y análisis, dando idea de los diferentes contextos donde se usan.

  8. Aplicaciones del Just-In-Time en la Argentina


    Enrique Yacuzzi; Carolina Fajntich; María Pía Romeo


    Este trabajo presenta el concepto de JIT (Just-In-Time, o justo a tiempo) y ofrece aplicaciones en la Argentina. En la Parte I, pone el JIT en el contexto de la gestión japonesa (management japonés): destaca las características de esta gestión, y resume su evolución a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Hace hincapié en la gestión de la producción y analiza los desafíos, críticas y las teorías de la convergencia con los sistemas occidentales que se han examinado a lo largo de los últimos 20 años...


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    L. Saucedo-Hernández


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de estudiar el efecto del calcio sobre la poscosecha de frutos de aguacate, árboles del cv. 'Fuerte' se asperjaron con Ca(NO32 al 0, 0.3 y 0.5 %. Se realizaron seis aplicaciones precosecha a partir del 4 de mayo del 2001, la cosecha se realizó en enero del 2002, una vez cosechados los frutos se almacenaron a temperatura ambiente y a 5 °C por cinco semanas, realizando evaluaciones a las 0, 3 y 5 semanas. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que existió un incremento en el contenido de calcio en cáscara y pulpa en los frutos de aguacate tratados con nitrato de calcio. Las aplicaciones precosecha de nitrato de calcio al 0.3 y 0.5 % mejoraron la firmeza y redujeron la pérdida de peso de los frutos siendo diferentes al testigo, así también diminuyó la producción de CO2, etileno y daños por frío.

  10. Identificación de las fortalezas y debilidades de la competencia digital en el uso de aplicaciones de internet del alumno de primer curso del Grado de Magisterio

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    Marta LIESA ORÚS


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio se centra en identificar la competencia digital en el uso de aplicaciones de internet en los estudiantes del primer curso del Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Zaragoza del curso académico 2014-2015, un total de 960 alumnos, de los cuales 240 estaban matriculados en la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca, 240 en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de Teruel y 480 en la Facultad de Educación de Zaragoza. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario de elaboración propia, realizado por profesores del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, del Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad de Zaragoza y por profesores del área de Tecnología y del área de Matemáticas de dos Institutos de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los estudiantes que llegan a la Universidad, a pesar de ser de la generación de la era digital, tienen debilidades importantes en el uso de las herramientas de internet que analizamos en este estudio. El análisis cualitativo de los resultados muestra que la mayoría de los estudiantes conocen y usan frecuentemente tan solo cuatro de las veinte herramientas sobre las que se les pregunta en esta investigación

  11. Exploración de viabilidad sobre ideas de aplicaciones en el mercado colombiano


    Tarazona Ocampo, Andrés Felipe; Soto Florez, María Paz; Camacho Cala, Paula Vanessa


    La economía mundial cambia a un ritmo vertiginoso y exponencial gracias a la rápida transformación de la tecnología. Diferentes dinámicas como el crecimiento en cobertura del internet; la creciente facilidad de obtención de una tarjeta de crédito; la popularización del uso de smartphones; y el crecimiento en uso del comercio electrónico; han dado cabida a la aparición de nuevos tipos de negocio, como el de servicios electrónicos y aplicaciones, que hace algunas décadas atrás eran inviables. ...

  12. Banco de ensayos para materiales piezoeléctricos en aplicaciones viales

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    de Frutos, J.


    Full Text Available The test bench system described in this paper performs experiments on piezoelectric materials used in road traffic applications, covering a range between 14 and 170 km/h, which is considered enough for testing under standard traffic conditions. A software has been developed to control the three phase induction motor driver and to acquire all the measurement data of the piezoelectric materials. The mass over each system’s axis can be selected, with a limit of 60 kg over each wheel. The test bench is used to simulate the real behaviour of buried piezoelectric cables in road traffic applications for both light and heavy vehicles. This new test bed system is a powerful research tool and can be applied to determine the optimal installation and configuration of the piezoelectric cable sensors and opens a new field of research: the study of energy harvesting techniques based on piezoelectric materials.

    En este trabajo se define y propone un banco de ensayos que permite testar materiales piezoeléctricos para aplicaciones viales en sus diferentes configuraciones en un rango de velocidad entre los 14 y los 170 km/h, lo que cubre sobradamente las condiciones de tráfico real. Tanto el control del variador de velocidad del motor trifásico que realiza el accionamiento del banco, como la recogida de resultados de medida en las pruebas de excitación y de fatiga de los compuestos piezoeléctricos, se realiza de forma automatizada mediante código informatico. El peso que soporta cada eje del banco es configurable, permitiendo reproducir las señales obtenidas en aplicaciones donde los materiales piezoeléctricos actúan de sensores enterrados en la calzada para vehículos tanto pesados como ligeros. Gracias a esta nueva herramienta se facilita la investigación con materiales de este tipo en aplicaciones viales optimizando tanto el tipo como la disposición e instalación de los mismos, además de abrir el camino a la novedosa investigación sobre

  13. Receptor GNSS multiantena para aplicaciones aeroespaciales


    Cogo, Jorge; López La Valle, Ramón G.; Puga, Gerardo L.; Smidt, Javier A.; Díaz, Juan G.; García, Javier Gonzalo; Roncagliolo, Pedro Agustín; Muravchik, Carlos Horacio


    La determinación de la posición y velocidad del vehículo es una de las tareas críticas en las aplicaciones aeroespaciales como es el caso de aviones, satélites o cohetes. En los últimos años esta tarea se ha visto favorecida por el despliegue de los Sistemas de Navegación Global por Satélite (GNSS). Estos sistemas, utilizando como base una constelación de satélites que envían señales a la superficie terrestre, permiten que un usuario que cuente con un receptor adecuado pueda obtener esta info...


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    Víctor Alfonso Zapata


    Full Text Available La diversidad cultural en la Web surge como resultado del crecimiento de internet en los últimos años, logrando que los servicios y aplicaciones Web sean cada vez más utilizados por usuarios de diversas culturas, que en muchos casos terminan siendo diferentes a los usuarios iniciales en los que se basó su diseño y construcción. Este trabajo analiza las diferencias que se presentan en la comunicación multicultural a través de la Web, tomando como punto de partida las dimensiones culturales propuestas por Victor, Hofstede, Trompenaars y Hall. Se identificaron los elementos de diseño Web que están relacionados con las dimensiones culturales y su comportamiento en sitios Web representativos de Argentina, Colombia y España para finalmente construir un conjunto de Patrones de Multiculturalidad para el Diseño de Aplicaciones Web.

  15. Aterectomía rotacional para manejo de expansión inadecuada de stent (stentablacion

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    Juan M. Sénior


    Full Text Available Resumen: El uso de la aterectomía rotacional para la ablación de parte de un stent metálico ha sido muy limitado. Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 40 años de edad, con inadecuada expansión del stent a pesar de la dilatación con balón de alta presión, debido a una placa severamente calcificada. La paciente es tratada con éxito con ablación del stent. Abstract: The use of rotational atherectomy for the ablation of part of a metallic stent has been very limited. We report the case of a 40 year-old female patient with an inadequate expansion of the stent despite the dilation with a high-pressure balloon, due to severely calcified plaque. Patient is successfully treated with stent ablation. Palabras clave: Stent, Ablación, Angioplastia coronaria, Keywords: Stent, Ablation, Coronary angioplasty

  16. Potenciales aplicaciones de Moringa oleifera. Una revisión crítica

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    C Martín

    Full Text Available Moringa oleifera es un árbol originario de la India al que se le atribuyen múltiples beneficios para el bienestar humano. Es de crecimiento rápido, de relativamente poca exigencia hacia el suelo y se cultiva en toda la franja intertropical. Uno de los principales usos de sus hojas y de la torta de prensado de su semilla es en la formulación de raciones para la alimentación animal. Sin embargo, prácticamente todas las partes del árbol tienen diversas aplicaciones, sobre lo cual existen testimonios que se remontan a la Antigüedad. En este trabajo se hace una revisión de la literatura disponible sobre la utilización de esta planta. Se presentan distintos campos de aplicación de M. oleifera a la luz del creciente interés científico que ha generado en los últimos lustros. El objetivo es presentar las evidencias aportadas por la literatura científica que confirman y explican las propiedades y aplicaciones de la moringa, las cuales se distancian de versiones sin confirmar aportadas por la literatura popular y la publicidad.

  17. Efecto del calcio en aplicaciones precosecha y poscosecha sobre la severidad de antracnosis (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y la calidad de frutos de papaya (Carica papaya

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    Daniel Saborío


    Full Text Available Se evalu6 el efecto de aplicaciones pre- cosecha y poscosecha de calcio en papaya va- riedad "criolla" sabre la severidad de antracno- sis (CoUetotrichum gloeosporioides y varia- hIes de calidad del fruto. Los tratamientos pre- cosecha fueron 4: aspersi6n de CaCl2 al 1% Y 4% (2 aplicaciones: <40 dfas posantesis (dpa y entre 100-140 dpa con el penetrante alquilaril- polimero (NP- 7 Bayer (0.4 mIlL, CaCO3 al suelo (1 ton/ha, 70 dpa y testigo (0% Ca. El diseno experimental fue un BCA (4 repeticio- nes de 20 frutos. Los tratamientos poscosecha fueron 3: inmersiones par 5 min con 0%, 1 % Y 4% de CaCI2, con el mismo penetrante. El dise- no experimental fue un BCA (3 repeticiones de 15 frutas. Se evalu6 severidad, % calcio en cascara, brix, pH, % acidez, firmeza (cascara y pulpa y % de madurez. En la aplicaci6n de cal- cia precosecha la severidad fue: 1 % CaC12 con 6%, testigo 7%, CaCO3 9% y 4% CaC12 con 11 %, no se encontr6 que el Ca tuviera un efec-

  18. Extracción y aplicaciones alimentarias de membranas de cáscaras de huevo


    García Campos, Tania


    Caracterización físico-química de la membrana de la cáscara de huevo, seguida del estudio y desarollo de posibles aplicaciones de la membrana en diversos campos, entre los que destaca la formación de geles y la retención de cobre y proteínas.

  19. El grafeno: posibilidades del grafeno en la arquitectura


    Paz Ortega, Irene


    El grafeno es una forma alotrópica del carbono. Es un material en auge, cuya estructura molecular es bidimensional, organizado en una red hexagonal con el espesor de un átomo. Tras un análisis de la estructura química del grafeno, sus formas de obtención y sus propiedades, en este trabajo se examinan las aplicaciones existentes de dicho material. Gracias a su conductividad eléctrica y térmica, el grafeno puede utilizarse en aplicaciones electrónicas. Este material se encu...

  20. Aplicaciones de redes neuronales en economía.

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    Pacheco Bonrostro, J.


    Full Text Available La metodología de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales, está siendo usada con profusión, dentro del campo de la Economía, hasta tal punto que existe una publicación bimensual, que trata específicamente estas aplicaciones a los mercados financieros: Neurove$t Journal. En este trabajo, se presentan las principales líneas de investigación existentes, a continuación la que nosotros estamos siguiendo, con algunos resultados iniciales, para finalizar con las líneas a seguir y una selección bibliográfica.

  1. Mindfulness: Conceptos generales, psicoterapia y aplicaciones clínicas.


    Vásquez-Dextre, Edgar R.


    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una revisión sobre el concepto de Mindfulness, su uso en la psicoterapia y sus aplicaciones clínicas. Mindfulness es una técnica de meditación que consiste en observar la realidad en el momento presente, sin intenciones de juzgar y conplena apertura y aceptación. Existen terapias que usan Mindfulness dentro de su estructura y sus programas, tales como como la Terapia Dialéctico-Conductual y la Reducción del Estrés basada en Mindfulness. Mindfulness ha...

  2. La evaluación de las aplicaciones de lectura web: un paso más en el proceso de editorialización de la web

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    Noelia Patón Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En el desarrollo de la lectura digital confluyen una serie de factores que pasan entre otras cuestiones por la evolución tecnológica de los dispositivos y el desarrollo de numerosas aplicaciones que facilitan la lectura al tiempo que está provocando cambios en los hábitos de lectura tal y como lo demuestran los diferentes informes. Uno de los desarrollos tecnológicos está relacionado con el diseño de aplicaciones específicas para la lectura en la pantalla del ordenador, son las llamadas aplicaciones de lectura web. En este artículo, tras definir qué son las aplicaciones de lectura web se explican los objetivos y el proceso seguido para la selección, definición y sistematización de los parámetros que servirán para la evaluación de las aplicaciones de lectura web.

  3. Absorbable stent: focus on clinical applications and benefits

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    Gonzalo N


    Full Text Available Nieves Gonzalo, Carlos MacayaInterventional Cardiology, Cardiovascular Institute. Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, SpainAbstract: Coronary stents have improved very significantly the immediate and long-term results of percutaneous coronary interventions. However, once the vessel has healed, the scaffolding function of the stent is no longer needed, and the presence of a permanent metallic prosthesis poses important disadvantages. This has led to the idea of creating new devices that are able to provide mechanical support for a determined period and then disappear from the vessel, allowing its natural healing and avoiding the risks associated with having a permanent metallic cage, such as stent thrombosis. Absorbable stents currently appear as one of the most promising fields in interventional cardiology. The present article will review the available clinical evidence regarding these devices at present and their future perspectives.Keywords: absorbable stent, bioresorbable stent, absorb, percutaneous coronary intervention

  4. Aplicaciones Móviles: Mejorar la imagen corporativa de los aeropuertos y diferenciarlos ante la competencia


    Florido-Benítez, Lázaro


    La imagen que proyectan los aeropuertos a través de sus apps afectan directa e indirectamente en la satisfacción del pasajero. Hoy día los aeropuertos compiten entre si para captar un mayor números de aerolíneas y pasajeros, con el objetivo de incrementar sus ingresos comerciales. Las aplicaciones aeroportuarias como herramienta de marketing están ofreciendo un abanico de oportunidades al binomio pasajero y aeropuerto. Si los aeropuertos quieren mejorar la experiencia del pasajero y diferenci...

  5. Código de barras del ADN y sus posibles aplicaciones en el campo de la Entomología

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    Analía A. LANTERI


    Full Text Available En este artículo se abordan algunos aspectos de la controversia sobre la iniciativa «Código de barras del ADN», y se hace hincapié en sus potenciales aplicaciones en Entomología. Esta iniciativa propone emplear información dentro de una misma región génica (gen mitocondrial de la Citocromo c Oxidasa I = COI, en todas las especies vivientes y con condiciones de secuenciación universalmente aceptadas y estandarizadas. En la actualidad, no pretende sustituir la taxonomía alfa y la filogenia sino agilizar las tareas de identificación, especialmente en el campo de la Biomedicina (identificación de patógenos, parásitos y vectores, el control de plagas (intercepción de especies invasoras, cualquiera sea su estado de desarrollo ontogenético y los estudios sobre conservación de la biodiversidad. Para arribar a una correcta delimitación de las especies biológicas es preciso contar con las secuencias de COI de numerosos individuos a lo largo de todo su rango geográfico y además, secuencias de genes nucleares e información morfológica y biológica detallada. Las «Unidades Evolutivas Significativas», identificadas sobre la base del «código de barras», podrían corresponder tanto a morfoespecies como a especies crípticas y a subespecies o linajes con diferentes preferencias de huéspedes. La integración del «código de barras del ADN», el trabajo de campo, las colecciones de museos y la investigación científica resultan imprescindibles para que esta herramienta redunde en avances significativos en el campo de la Sistemática Entomológica.

  6. Interactive applications for energy saving; Aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, Alejandro; Ramirez Anaya, Cesar; Gutierrez, Hector; Dominguez Ojeda, Xerxes; Aguilar Galvan, Alfredo [Ingenieria Energetica Integral S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A series of ideas are presented that can help in the development of interactive applications for energy saving. Emphasis is made on the Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE)`s Interactive Course on Demand Management and Power Factor Compensation, in order to demonstrate how far one can go with the multimedia development. [Espanol] Se presenta un conjunto de ideas que pueden auxiliar en la elaboracion de aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia. Se hace principal enfasis sobre el curso interactivo Administracion de la Demanda y Compensacion del Factor de Potencia del Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE) con la finalidad de mostrar hasta donde puede llegarse con un desarrollo multimedia.

  7. Interactive applications for energy saving; Aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, Alejandro; Ramirez Anaya, Cesar; Gutierrez, Hector; Dominguez Ojeda, Xerxes; Aguilar Galvan, Alfredo [Ingenieria Energetica Integral S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A series of ideas are presented that can help in the development of interactive applications for energy saving. Emphasis is made on the Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE)`s Interactive Course on Demand Management and Power Factor Compensation, in order to demonstrate how far one can go with the multimedia development. [Espanol] Se presenta un conjunto de ideas que pueden auxiliar en la elaboracion de aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia. Se hace principal enfasis sobre el curso interactivo Administracion de la Demanda y Compensacion del Factor de Potencia del Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE) con la finalidad de mostrar hasta donde puede llegarse con un desarrollo multimedia.

  8. Absorbable stent: focus on clinical applications and benefits


    Gonzalo, Nieves; Macaya, Carlos


    Nieves Gonzalo, Carlos MacayaInterventional Cardiology, Cardiovascular Institute. Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, SpainAbstract: Coronary stents have improved very significantly the immediate and long-term results of percutaneous coronary interventions. However, once the vessel has healed, the scaffolding function of the stent is no longer needed, and the presence of a permanent metallic prosthesis poses imp...

  9. Arquitectura de software basada en microservicios para desarrollo de aplicaciones web de la Asamblea Nacional


    López Hinojosa, José Daniel


    Proponer una arquitectura de software basada en microservicios para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en la Coordinación General de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador. Actualmente, el proceso de desarrollo de software que realiza la Coordinación General de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (CGTIC) de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador (ANE) constituye el empleo de una arquitectura de software tradicional o monolítica que ha sido ...

  10. Influencia del rayado sobre la resistencia electroquímica de les aleaciones de NiTi tratadas por un nuevo tratamiento térmico para aplicaciones biomédicas


    Soualah, Lakhdar


    Las aleaciones de níquel-titanio son aleaciones que se utilizan cada vez más en aplicaciones biomédicas, por sus propiedades interesantes de superelasticidad, de memoria de forma, de resistencia a la corrosión y de biocompatibilidad. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos de su resistencia a la corrosión son muy variables, dependiendo del estado de superficie. Así, para mejorar, la resistencia a la corrosión de este material, se diseñó en un trabajo anterior un nuevo tratamie...

  11. Las aplicaciones interactivas multimedia en España: ¿hacia dónde evoluciona el mercado?

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    Lic. Nati Ramajo Hernández


    Full Text Available El despegue del sector multimedia en nuestro país (entendiendo como tal las aplicaciones interactivas multimedia ha sido espectacular en los últimos tiempos. El número de títulos publicados en CD-ROM, al igual que el número de productores, ha aumentado considerablemente. Pero, ¿cómo es esa nueva industria?, ¿qué productos ofrece?, ¿hacia dónde evoluciona el mercado? El presente trabajo pretende hacer un repaso a la breve historia de las aplicaciones interactivas multimedia en España hasta llegar al momento actual, analizando por el camino la tipología de los productos y concluyendo con los nuevos formatos que están cambiando el mercado.


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    Odalys Jordán Enríquez


    Full Text Available


    La integración de aplicaciones es el proceso de lograr que aplicaciones independientes trabajen juntas para producir un conjunto unificado de funcionalidades. Los desarrolladores de aplicaciones siempre tienen que lograr comunicar disímiles arquitecturas de información y hacer interoperar diferentes tecnologías, incluyendo sistemas operativos, lenguajes de programación, plataformas de aplicaciones y sistemas gestores de bases de datos. Las soluciones de integración pueden tener muchas variantes y estar presentes a varios niveles. En este trabajo se abordan los desafíos de la integración, criterios a considerar al realizar la integración y cuatro tipos de integración de aplicaciones. En estos tipos de soluciones presentadas, los patrones de la solución son el enfoque, no las implementaciones.

  13. Propuesta de un modelo de negocio en base a la identificación y caracterización de los factores más influyentes en el crecimiento del sector de descargas de aplicaciones y juegos en dispositivos móviles entre universitarios de clase media – alta de Quito


    Romero Bedón, Félix Alberto


    El propósito de la presente tesis es identificar y diseñar un modelo de negocio que permita aprovechar las oportunidades del mercado de descarga de aplicaciones y juegos en dispositivos móviles entre universitarios de clase media-alta de Quito en sistemas iOS y Android. Entre los propósitos específicos se encuentran el esquematizar la evolución de los dispositivos móviles y el mercado de aplicaciones y juegos. Analizar el mercado de los dispositivos móviles y las descargas de juegos y aplicac...



    Cosio Jara, Fernando


    El Derecho Tributario es el conjunto de normas que regulan el tributo. entendido como una fuente de recursos públicos destinados a financiar los gastos que cubrirán el costo de los servicios necesarios para satisfacer las necesidades públicas. Es una de las funciones principales de Aduana, no la única, la recaudación del tributo aduanero (no olvidemos su función de control relacionada con medidas de orden público, sanidad, defensa del consumidor y del patrimonio cultural). El Derecho Adua...

  15. Assessment methodology of the summer time schedule change (CHV) in Mexico: 10 years of application; Metodologia de evaluacion del cambio de horario de verano (CHV) en Mexico: 10 anos de aplicacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maqueda Zamora, Martin Roberto; Perez Rebolledo, Hugo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    medio ambiente dependen del uso eficiente de la energia. Con la aplicacion del horario de verano, todo el pais participa en el cuidado de los recursos energeticos que se derivan de su aplicacion y genera en la poblacion una cultura del cuidado de la energia y el medio ambiente. Este programa se aplica a nivel mundial, incluyendo a los paises industrializados. En este trabajo se presenta la metodologia implementada por el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), para realizar los calculos de ahorro en consumo de energia electrica y la cuantificacion de la demanda evitada, asi como los principales resultados obtenidos en 10 anos de aplicacion de la medida en Mexico.

  16. Development of a Web application for a real time information system; Desarrollo de una aplicacion web para un sistema de informacion en tiempo real

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espinosa R, Alfredo; Silva F, Brisa M; Quintero R, Agustin [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this article its is described a technique for the development of a Web application for a real time information system that allows the remote and concurrent connection of different equipment to the network historical data base of the system, without the need of the installation of any software component in the remote equipment of the user who makes the consultation. It defines and establishes the software architecture that allows the development of the Web application, the analysis stages, the operation of the technology to be used, as well as the design, development and implementation of the application. Finally, the accomplishments obtained with the development of the Web application for a real time information system are described. [Spanish] En este articulo se describe una tecnica para el desarrollo de una aplicacion web para un sistema de informacion en tiempo real, que permita la conexion remota y concurrente de diferentes equipos en la red a la base de datos historica del sistema, sin necesidad de que se instale ningun componente de software en el equipo remoto del usuario que realiza la consulta. Se define y establece la arquitectura de software que permite el desarrollo de la aplicacion web, las etapas de analisis, el funcionamiento de la tecnologia a utilizar, asi como el diseno, desarrollo e implementacion de la aplicacion. Finalmente, se describen los logros obtenidos con el desarrollo de la aplicacion web para un sistema de informacion en tiempo real.

  17. Drug eluting stents and modern stent technologies for in-stent restenosis. (United States)

    Werner, Martin


    The implantation of metallic stents has become a standard procedure to improve the outcome after angioplasty of peripheral vessels. However, the occurrence of in-stent restenosis is hampering the long-term efficacy of these procedures and is associated with re-occurrence of symptoms. The optimal treatment modality for in-stent-restenosis in the peripheral vasculature is not well examined. This review discusses the existing evidence for the treatment of in-stent restenosis with drug eluting stents and modern stent technologies.

  18. Análisis de eficiencia en arquitecturas multiprocesador para aplicaciones de transmisión y procesamiento de datos


    Osio, Jorge R.; Salvatore, Juan Eduardo; Kunysz, Eduardo; Montezanti, Diego Miguel; Alonso, Daniel; Guarepi, V. L.; Morales, Daniel Martín


    Las principales líneas de investigación de este proyecto están orientadas a la utilización de arquitecturas multicore para cómputo paralelo en aplicaciones de Telemedicina, Procesamiento de Imágenes Médicas, robótica y de sistemas ópticos basados en MIOC, (Multifunctional Integrated Optical Chip), que requieren procesamiento y transmisión de datos de forma remota. Paralelamente a estos lineamientos, dentro del marco del proyecto se exploran nuevas tendencias en cómputo paralelo, siendo las...

  19. Sentido y alcance del análisis acústico de la entonación. Una muestra del trabajo que está en curso

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    Mapi Ballesteros Panizo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se ofrece una muestra de las descripciones que permite obtener el análisis acústico de la entonación. Se trata de información útil para desarrollar diversas aplicaciones como la elaboración de aplicaciones destinadas a la producción de voz sintética para crear sistemas de diálogo hombre- máquina. Sin embargo, estas descripciones se obtienen en la primera fase del trabajo que ha de estar seguido del estudio de las dimensiones funcionales y comportamentales de la entonación. Más allá de la utilidad de los datos, nos interesa contribuir a alcanzar descripciones que ayuden a desentrañar los mecanismos de interacción de los distintos niveles del habla pues es la que genera los sentidos añadidos que no forman parte del sentido literal de las palabras que se usan en la comunicación cotidiana.

  20. La evaluación de las aplicaciones de lectura web: un paso más en el proceso de editorialización de la web


    Noelia Patón Rodríguez; Raquel Gómez-Diaz


    [ES]En el desarrollo de la lectura digital confluyen una serie de factores que pasan entre otras cuestiones por la evolución tecnológica de los dispositivos y el desarrollo de numerosas aplicaciones que facilitan la lectura al tiempo que está provocando cambios en los hábitos de lectura tal y como lo demuestran los diferentes informes. Uno de los desarrollos tecnológicos está relacionado con el diseño de aplicaciones específicas para la lectura en la pantalla del ordenador, son las llamadas a...

  1. Usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles

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    Juan Gabriel Enriquez


    Full Text Available La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes dentro de la calidad de un producto de software. Debido a esto es de interés poder contar con metodologías para medir la usabilidad de las aplicaciones. Los métodos de análisis de usabilidad que actualmente se utilizan, métodos clásicos, fueron desarrollados para aplicaciones de escritorio. Con la aparición, el uso masivo y el crecimiento de los dispositivos móviles, especialmente los Smartphones, la medición de usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles se tornó un tema de investigación. Los métodos y métricas actualmente utilizados para medir usabilidad pueden no ser directamente aplicables a este tipo de productos. Los estudios de usabilidad se han efectuado sobre diferentes contextos, recientemente se empezó a considerar la usabilidad en un contexto móvil. Este trabajo examina los métodos y las métricas utilizados para medir usabilidad y pretende analizar que desafíos existen al momento de realizar pruebas de usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles, donde el contexto que cambia continuamente pasa a tener un rol preponderante.

  2. Aplicaciones al análisis automático del contenido provenientes de la teoría matemática de la información

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    José Antonio Moreiro González


    Full Text Available Reflexión sintética para revisar las propuestas más relevantes que, siguiendo la teoría matemática de la comunicación de Shannon y Weaver, hayan afectado a los procedimientos del análisis automático del contenido documental. Partiendo del empleo de la teoría matemática en Ciencia de la Información se explican sus aplicaciones metodológicas en nuestra especialidad, en especial respecto a las técnicas de recuperación de la información. Para después describir los modelos matemáticos aplicados al análisis automático del contenido: leyes de Zipf y Goffman, antidiccionarios para índices permutados, Indización Estadística de Términos por Frecuencias, algoritmos n-grams y de stemming, así como los referidos a los métodos de agrupación y clasificación como clusters por valor de discriminación y por relevancia de los términos como son los métodos de agrupación basados en Grafos Teóricos, los basados en Centros de masas, el algoritmo K-vecinos o Kmedias, el K-vecinos axial o incremental, y el algoritmo ISODATA. Para luego exponer los clasificadores cienciométricos como el método de Chen y finalmente los métodos con sistemas de aprendizaje

  3. Aplicaciones del colgajo frontonasal para la cobertura de defectos nasales

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    M. Pérez


    Full Text Available Presentamos una revisión retrospectiva de los pacientes a los cuales se realizó un colgajo frontonasal para la cobertura de defectos nasales intervenidos en la Unidad de Tumores Cutáneos de nuestro Servicio en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2010 y mayo de 2014. El objetivo es analizar nuestras aplicaciones y resultados además de describir un algoritmo que permita indicar los distintos diseños en función de la localización y el tamaño del defecto a reparar. Empleamos el colgajo frontonasal en 78 pacientes (49 mujeres y 29 varones con un rango de edad de 47 a 92 años (media de 73 años. Creamos un total de 81 defectos, puesto que en 3 casos se resecaron simultáneamente 2 tumoraciones, todos de etiología tumoral (64 carcinomas basocelulares, 16 carcinomas espinocelulares y 1 caso de léntigo maligno melanoma, localizados en el área nasal, con un tamaño mínimo de 12 x 17 mm y máximo de 30 x 35 mm (media de 22 x 25 mm. El periodo de seguimiento fue de entre 2 meses y 4 años (media de 2,5 años. Respecto a las complicaciones observadas, todas ellas menores, hubo 6 casos de necrosis marginal, 8 de dehiscencia parcial de la herida y 1 de cicatrización hipertrófica, tratándose en su mayor parte de varones fumadores. Todos los colgajos sobrevivieron con resultado estético satisfactorio. El colgajo frontonasal permite la cobertura en un sólo tiempo quirúrgico de defectos nasales independientemente de su localización, de hasta 30 x 35 mm en nuestra serie. Se trata de un colgajo seguro y versátil en sus múltiples modificaciones, con unos resultados estéticos satisfactorios. Estas ventajas son de especial importancia en pacientes de edad avanzada como alternativa a técnicas más complejas. Se trata por lo tanto, a nuestro juicio, de una opción a tener en cuenta para la reconstrucción en un único tiempo quirúrgico de defectos nasales.

  4. Elementos mínimos que debe incluir un plan de marketing digital. Una investigación sobre los elementos, conceptos y aplicaciones disponibles para complementar un plan de mercadeo tradicional, parte 2: verificar las clases de aplicaciones que se deberían utilizar y las que actualmente se aplican en las estrategias del mercadeo digital



    El desarrollo del internet como un “nuevo” medio de comunicación se traducirá en un cambio de poder de los consumidores y en importantes modificaciones en los canales de ventas tradicionales hacia los consumidores. Esto genera unas nuevas reglas de juego en el mercadeo, al crearse la necesidad de incorporar la parte digital en la forma de contactar a los consumidores. El objetivo de la investigación es explorar, describir y detallar las aplicaciones, técnicas y herramientas de E-marketing que...

  5. Spectral Imaging for Intracranial Stents and Stent Lumen. (United States)

    Weng, Chi-Lun; Tseng, Ying-Chi; Chen, David Yen-Ting; Chen, Chi-Jen; Hsu, Hui-Ling


    Application of computed tomography for monitoring intracranial stents is limited because of stent-related artifacts. Our purpose was to evaluate the effect of gemstone spectral imaging on the intracranial stent and stent lumen. In vitro, we scanned Enterprise stent phantom and a stent-cheese complex using the gemstone spectral imaging protocol. Follow-up gemstone spectral images of 15 consecutive patients with placement of Enterprise from January 2013 to September 2014 were also retrospectively reviewed. We used 70-keV, 140-keV, iodine (water), iodine (calcium), and iodine (hydroxyapatite) images to evaluate their effect on the intracranial stent and stent lumen. Two regions of interest were individually placed in stent lumen and adjacent brain tissue. Contrast-to-noise ratio was measured to determine image quality. The maximal diameter of stent markers was also measured to evaluate stent-related artifact. Two radiologists independently graded the visibility of the lumen at the maker location by using a 4-point scale. The mean of grading score, contrast/noise ratio and maximal diameter of stent markers were compared among all modes. All results were analyzed by SPSS version 20. In vitro, iodine (water) images decreased metallic artifact of stent makers to the greatest degree. The most areas of cheese were observed on iodine (water) images. In vivo, iodine (water) images had the smallest average diameter of stent markers (0.33 ± 0.17mm; P stent lumen (160.03 ±37.79; P stent-related artifacts of Enterprise and enhance contrast of in-stent lumen. Spectral imaging may be considered a noninvasive modality for following-up patients with in-stent stenosis.


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    Richard Lobo


    Full Text Available En una red coexisten diversos dispositivos de comunicación tales como switch (conmutadores, routers (enrutadores, firewall y los servidores; estos últimos garantizan el funcionamiento de los servicios de una red que son instalados por los administradores de redes, utilizando para ello un elevado número de herramientas y requiriendo un elevado grado de especialización para su correcta configuración. Cuando surge un problema en los servicios, la detección, diagnóstico y posterior solución dependerán de la disponibilidad de los encargados de administrar la red de datos, solución que podría tardar algún tiempo. Si algunos de estos servicios dejan de funcionar, traería como consecuencia la inoperatividad del servicio prestado, provocando el descontento de los usuarios. En el presente artículo, se desarrolla un sistema de recuperación automático de servidores (SIRAS realizando reinstalación remota y desatendida para el mejoramiento de los servicios de la Red de Datos del Rectorado la Universidad de los Andes (ULA Mérida, Venezuela. Para ello, se utilizan varias aplicaciones tales como sistemas de archivos remotos, protocolos de autoconfiguración de red, protocolo de transferencia de archivos, entre otros, que ayudan a optimizar los servicios de las redes en cuestión, sobre la infraestructura ya existente. Los datos se recolectaron directamente del lugar donde ocurren los hechos. Los resultados indican un comportamiento estable tanto para GNU/Linux en la interconexión de las aplicaciones, como para las comunicaciones en red, independientemente del sistema operativo utilizado. Además, el sistema SIRAS permitió mejorar los servicios de la red. Asimismo, se demostró que el hardware que aloja al sistema de recuperación no se vio afectado en su rendimiento al momento de la ejecución simultánea de todas las aplicaciones y protocolos de red que intervinieron en el sistema.

  7. 'Stent in a stent'--an alternative technique for removing partially covered stents following sleeve gastrectomy complications. (United States)

    Vasilikostas, Georgios; Sanmugalingam, Nimalan; Khan, Omar; Reddy, Marcus; Groves, Chris; Wan, Andrew


    Endoscopic stenting is a relatively new technique for the treatment of post sleeve gastrectomy complications. Partially covered stents are used in this method to minimise the risk of migration but they are associated with difficulties with removal. Patients requiring emergency stenting following sleeve gastrectomy underwent insertion of a partially covered metallic stent. One month later, if the stent was not easily removable, a fully covered overlapping stent was inserted and the patient was readmitted 2 weeks later for removal of both stents. Four patients required stenting following sleeve gastrectomy leaks, and one patient required stenting for a stricture. In these cases, a 'stent in a stent' technique was used for removal. This technique allows the safe removal of partially covered stents inserted following sleeve gastrectomy complications.

  8. Control del brazo robot IRB120 mediante el dispositivo háptico PHANTOM


    Pardo Alía, Samuel


    El proyecto expuesto en el presente libro consiste en el control del brazo robot IRB120 a través de diferentes aplicaciones por medio de una interfaz gráfica creada con el software matemático MATLAB. Todo ello se llevará a cabo gracias a un socket de comunicación desarrollado en lenguaje RAPID que permite el envío simultáneo de varias posiciones al robot. Entre esas aplicaciones destaca el empleo del dispositivo háptico Phantom Omni para la creación de dibujos o textos a man...

  9. Fundamentos y aplicaciones del diseño de casos cruzados Case-crossover design: Basic essentials and applications

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    Eduardo Carracedo-Martínez


    Full Text Available El diseño de casos cruzados es un diseño epidemiológico observacional propuesto por Maclure en 1991 para valorar si alguna exposición intermitente o inusual ha desencadenado un evento agudo a muy corto plazo. En este trabajo se presentan los fundamentos de los diseños de casos cruzados, con sus aplicaciones y limitaciones. El diseño de casos cruzados se basa en seleccionar sólo sujetos caso. Para calcular el riesgo relativo se compara la exposición durante el periodo de tiempo previo al evento (periodo caso con la exposición del mismo sujeto en uno o varios periodos control. Este método únicamente es adecuado cuando las exposiciones son cambiantes en el tiempo, con efectos a corto plazo, y el efecto es agudo. Para exposiciones en que no existe tendencia, el planteamiento unidireccional es el más frecuente, y consiste en seleccionar uno o varios periodos control previos al momento caso. Cuando la exposición tiene una tendencia temporal (por ejemplo las de contaminación atmosférica, el planteamiento unidireccional proporciona estimaciones sesgadas, por lo que se utilizan diseños de casos cruzados bidireccionales, que seleccionan periodos de tiempo control anteriores y posteriores al del evento. Es un método que cuenta con una creciente utilización en amplios campos: desencadenantes de accidentes de tráfico, laborales y domésticos, o de infarto agudo de miocardio, contaminación atmosférica y salud, farmacoepidemiología, etc. Para el análisis de datos, generalmente se pueden considerar los diseños de casos cruzados como estudios de casos y controles emparejados, por lo que se aplica regresión logística condicional. Finalmente, en este trabajo se analizan ejemplos prácticos de diferentes aplicaciones del diseño de casos cruzados.Case-crossover analysis is an observational epidemiological design that was proposed by Maclure in 1991 to assess whether a given intermittent or unusual exposure may have triggered an immediate

  10. Predictors of early stent occlusion among plastic biliary stents. (United States)

    Khashab, Mouen A; Kim, Katherine; Hutfless, Susan; Lennon, Anne Marie; Kalloo, Anthony N; Singh, Vikesh K


    A major disadvantage of plastic biliary stents is their short patency rates. The aim of this study was to identify predictors of early stent occlusion among patients receiving conventional plastic biliary stents. Early stent occlusion was defined as worsening cholestatic liver test results of a severity sufficiently significant to warrant ERCP with stent exchange prior to the planned stent exchange, or as symptoms of cholangitis. The association of cumulative stent diameter, demographics, stricture location, procedure indication, Charlson comorbidity index, history of prior early stent occlusion, presence of gallbladder, and performance of sphincteromy with the occurrence of early stent occlusion was studied using logistic regression and multivariate analysis. Our patient cohort comprised 343 patients (mean age 59.3 years) who underwent 561 ERCP procedures with the placement of one or more plastic biliary stents (mean number of stents per procedure 1.2, mean total diameter of stents per procedure 12 Fr). Early stent occlusion occurred in 73 (13 %) procedures. Female gender was protective against early stent occlusion (adjusted OR 0.54, 95 % CI 0.32-0.90, p = 0.02), while hilar stricture location was independently associated with a significantly increased risk of early stent occlusion (adjusted OR 3.41, 95 % CI 1.68-6.90, p = 0.0007). Early occlusion of conventional biliary stents occurred in 13 % of cases. While female gender decreased the risk of early stent occlusion, hilar stricture location was a significant predictor of early stent occlusion. Our results suggest that physicians should consider early elective stent exchange in patients with hilar strictures.

  11. La web, las aplicaciones de las Matemáticas y las metodologías activas: Una propuesta para el aula

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    María José Pérez Peñalver


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de implicar a los estudiantes en su aprendizaje y de que relacionen los contenidos que se imparten en las clases de matemáticas, se ha creado una pequeña práctica de aula en primero de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. En la tarea, los estudiantes investigan en grupo las aplicaciones de las cónicas y las cuádricas a través de la red. Posteriormente eligen varias aplicaciones y elaboran una pequeña presentación que comparten con el resto de grupos. Finalmente realizan la evaluación de la tarea, que ha sido una responsabilidad compartida entre el profesor y los grupos y se ha organizado en forma de concurso con un premio para el mejor. En el artículo se muestra la descripción detallada del proceso, los resultados obtenidos, el grado de satisfacción de los alumnos y del docente, los problemas que surgieron y las propuestas de mejora.

  12. Delayed complications after flow-diverter stenting: reactive in-stent stenosis and creeping stents. (United States)

    Cohen, José E; Gomori, John Moshe; Moscovici, Samuel; Leker, Ronen R; Itshayek, Eyal


    We assessed the frequency and severity of changes in stent configuration and location after the treatment of intracranial aneurysms, and patterns of in-stent stenosis. We retrospectively reviewed data for consecutive aneurysm patients managed with endovascular implantation of flow-diverter stents (Silk Flow Diverter [Balt Extrusion, Montmorency, France] and Pipeline Embolization Device [ev3/Coviden, Minneapolis, MN, USA]) from October 2011 to July 2012. Routine 2, 6, 9-12, and 16-20 month follow-up angiograms were compared, with a focus on changes in stent configuration and location from immediately after deployment to angiographic follow-up, and the incidence and development of in-stent stenosis. Thirty-four patients with 42 aneurysms met inclusion criteria. The Silk device was implanted in 16 patients (47%, single device in 15), the Pipeline device in 18 (53%, single device in 16). On first follow-up angiography, in-stent stenosis was observed in 38% of Silk devices and 39% of Pipeline devices. In-stent stenosis was asymptomatic in 12 of 13 patients. One woman presented with transient ischemic attacks and required stent angioplasty due to end tapering and mild, diffuse in-stent stenosis. Configuration and location changes, including stent creeping and end tapering were seen in 2/16 patients (13%) with Silk devices, and 0/18 patients with Pipeline devices. We describe stent creeping and end tapering as unusual findings with the potential for delayed clinical complications. In-stent stenosis, with a unique behavior, is a frequent angiographic finding observed after flow-diverter stent implant. The stenosis is usually asymptomatic; however, close clinical and angiographic monitoring is mandatory for individualized management. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. The risk and prognostic impact of definite stent thrombosis or in-stent restenosis after coronary stent implantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thayssen, Per; Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Lassen, Jens Flensted


    Aims: Data are limited on the prognostic impact of stent thrombosis and in-stent restenosis in patients treated with coronary stents. We examined the prognostic impact of stent thrombosis and in-stent restenosis in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods and results......: All patients who underwent stent implantation from 2002 to 2005 were identified in the Western Denmark Heart Registry. The hazard ratio (HR) for death associated with stent thrombosis or in-stent restenosis was estimated with a Cox regression analysis with stent thrombosis or in-stent restenosis...... as time-dependent variables. A total of 12,277 patients were treated with stent implantation. Stent thrombosis was observed in 111 (0.9%) patients and in-stent restenosis in 503 (4.1%) patients within 12 months after the index PCI. Occurrence of stent thrombosis was associated with an increased risk...

  14. Implementación de un sistema de desarrollo de aplicaciones en contenedores Docker y su automatización a través de un bot de Slack


    Redondo de Álvaro, Eloy


    Este trabajo trata del desarrollo y la implementación de un nuevo sistema de automatización para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en la empresa MADISON Experience Marketing en la que me encuentro realizando una beca. El sistema de automatización empleará un sistema de desarrollo de aplicaciones en contenedores Docker. Gracias a este sistema, el desarrollo por parte de los distintos equipos de la empresa, podrá realizarse de una forma más ágil e independiente. El sistema consistirá en tres ...



    Sánchez Acosta, Carlos; Universidad Señor de Sipán; Tuesta Monteza, Victor; Universidad Señor de Sipán; Mejía Cabrera, Iván


    En éste documento se presenta un análisis comparativo de frameworks en Java para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, aplicando una matriz de un modelo de evaluación. Para analizar los frameworks y seleccionarlos se realizó en base a criterios de madurez y documentación, obteniendo como resultado los Frameworks Spring, Struts, JSF, Angular JS para su evaluación.  Asimismo para el análisis teórico de frameworks se formuló un método QSOS, concebido para definir características comparativas del so...

  16. Potenciales singulares en sistemas cuánticos tridimensionales y aplicaciones físicas.


    Santamaría Sanz, Lucía


    El presente trabajo pretende abordar el análisis de un problema de mecánica cuántica con interés por sus potenciales aplicaciones en física de materiales (en especial aislantes topológicos) y en física de agujeros negros. Fundamentalmente se trata de resolver la ecuación de Schrödinger (caso no relativista) en tres dimensiones espaciales (3D) para un potencial singular con simetría radial del tipo V (r) = A δ(r − r0) Interesan tanto sus estados ligados (interpretados como...

  17. Propiedades y aplicaciones de los materiales aislantes a base de vidrio espumado

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    Sánchez Castro, Carlos


    Full Text Available Not availableEn un artículo precedente, aparecido en el núm. 82 de U. A. M. C., se definieron y estudiaron brevemente los materiales aislantes a base de vidrio espumado -Foamglas-, dedicándose una atención más amplia a los procedimientos y ensayos de laboratorio, realizados para obtener la máxima espumación del producto. Entonces sólo se mencionaron algunas de sus características y propiedades más importantes; también se indicaron, sin entrar en detalles, algunas de sus aplicaciones. Seguidamente, y como complemento de lo anteriormente dicho, se van a enumerar: las características de este material, pesos específicos, coeficientes de aislamiento, resistencias, etc.; los productos que con él se fabrican, bloques, planchas, coquillas, etc.; y las distintas aplicaciones que tiene en la construcción y en otras industrias, a las cuales beneficia con su colaboración, resolviendo problemas de aislamiento, aligeramiento de peso, etc. En distintas fotografías se presentan algunos ejemplos de aislamiento, de edificios, fijación de piezas y enlucido o revestimiento de los paramentos realizados con este producto.

  18. Algumas aplicaciones del método cluster a la organización de la producción en talleres de tratamiento térmico

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    Roberto Cespón Castro


    Full Text Available El trabajo expone algunas aplicaciones del método CLUSTER a la solución de problemas que se presentan en los talleres y secciones de tratamiento térmico, enfatizándose en las cuestiones relacionadas con el agrupamiento de piezas y la formación de células flexibles de fabricación, lo cual constituye la base para la introducción de todo un conjunto de técnicas y criterios de avanzada en la actividad productiva de estas instalaciones.This work deals with some applications of CLUSTER method for problem-solving in heat treatment workshoops and sections. The main aspects related to parts grouping and manufacturing flexible cells building are explained, as a basis for implementing a set of tools and advanced criteria to manufacturing activities at these facilities.

  19. Codificación de red y sus aplicaciones

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    Francisco de Asís López Fuentes


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una revisión general de una nueva técnica en el campo de la teoría de la información, llamada “codificación de red”. La codificación de red se presenta como una técnica prometedora y de activa investigación en la teoría de redes. Diversos beneficios relacionados al flujo de información, tales como un óptimo aprovechamiento del ancho de banda y la reducción de retardos en redes de extremo a extremo han sido reportados en la literatura. Nuestro trabajo en este documento se enfoca principalmente a los siguientes aspectos de codificación de red: planteamiento del modelo, áreas de aplicación y beneficios obtenidos al usar esta técnica. Los aspectos discutidos en este trabajo cubren tanto a las redes fijas como móviles. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar al lector la relevancia y potencial de esta técnica y las aplicaciones que se están desarrollando a su alrededor.

  20. Evaluación de las aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin para el control químico del minador de los cítricos en la provincia de Tucumán Evaluation of aerial abamectin applications to control citrus leafminer in Tucumán province

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    Hernán Salas


    Full Text Available Desde fines de 1995, el minador de la hoja se ha convertido en una de las plagas más importantes de los cítricos de la región. El corto tiempo en que desarrolla sus generaciones, la disponibilidad de brotes nuevos durante el verano y la relación entre la plaga y la dispersión de la cancrosis obliga al productor a realizar hasta seis aplicaciones para su control. Operativamente, solo es posible pulverizar en forma terrestre 4 hectáreas por hora, mientras que por avión, en el mismo tiempo se tratan 100 hectáreas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la eficiencia del control de la plaga mediante un programa de manejo que incluye monitoreo y aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin entre los años 2002 y 2006. Se seleccionaron seis fincas comerciales aplicadas y seis sin tratar en dos zonas de la provincia. La aplicación se realizó con un avión Air Tractor equipado con micronaires empleando 20 l de agua, 5 l de aceite mineral y 1,8 g i.a. de abamectin (Vertimec 1,8%® por hectárea. El número de aplicaciones por campaña y por zona varió dependiendo de los resultados del monitoreo. Se extrajeron muestras semanalmente y se evaluó el porcentaje de hojas con larvas vivas. Al final de la experiencia se estimó el daño foliar en brotes previamente marcados. En las fincas tratadas con aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin, en todas las campañas evaluadas, el porcentaje de infestación del minador varió entre 15 y 34% y el de daño foliar entre 2 y 8% mientras que en las fincas testigo la infestación fue entre 35 y 60% y el daño foliar, entre 18 y 30%. El monitoreo de la plaga permitió ajustar el número de aplicaciones en cada año y zona para lograr un manejo racional del minador.Since 1995, the citrus leafminer has become one of the most important citrus pests in the region. Its short generation time, the availability of new flushes during summer and the relationship between the pest and canker spread, force citrus farmers to make up

  1. Evaluación fisiológica del lactato como marcador bioquímico utilizado para indicar la intensidad del ejercicio


    Álvarez Romero, Javier Alejandro


    Pretende esta revisión contribuir en la posibilidad de utilización del lactato como marcador cuantitativo de la intensidad del ejercicio. Además, es conocido que esta sustancia tiene una estrecha relación con la liberación de hidrogeniones pero ha sido catalogada erróneamente como una relación causa efecto en lo referente a la acidosis láctica. Se muestran en esta revisión otras funciones del lactato recientemente descubiertas y las aplicaciones de dichas funciones en la Fisiología del Ejerci...

  2. Expandable stents. (United States)

    Nesbitt, J C; Carrasco, H


    Expandable metallic stents are effective in selected patients with malignant or benign airway stenoses. When used for malignant lesions, the primary purpose of the stent is to improve the quality of life; stents are usually chosen for palliation of symptoms in recognition of the low likelihood of success for other therapy. For patients with benign stenoses, the stents provide a permanent source of structural support to alleviate the narrowed segment. The advantages of the expandable metallic stents are as follows: (1) they can be inserted through an endotracheal tube or under local anesthesia with relative simplicity under fluoroscopic guidance; (2) they do not impair the drainage of sputum because ciliary movement is not interrupted; (3) over a period of a few weeks, the meshwork is gradually covered with mucosa as the stent becomes incorporated into the airway wall; (4) ventilation usually is not impaired if the metallic mesh stent covers another nonstenosed bronchus, because the interstices of the stent are nonobstructive; and (5) they are dynamic and continue to expand over time, particularly if concurrent treatment achieves an effect on the lesion that caused stenosis. Disadvantages of the expandable stent include (1) they often are only temporarily effective for tracheobronchial stenosis due to intraluminal tumor or granulation tissue, both of which can grow between the wires; (2) they are considered permanent stents because removal is difficult; and (3) they can be poorly positioned during placement or can become displaced by progressive migration after placement, and they cannot be repositioned. A relative contraindication to insertion is an inflammatory process or infection that can predispose to granulation formation, particularly at the points of maximal contact pressure of the stent to the airway mucosa. In the presence of inflammation, it may be better to use a silicone prosthesis until the inflammatory process subsides and fibrosis occurs. Granulation

  3. Aplicaciones del Gore-tex en Oftalmología

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    María Cáceres Toledo

    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar los resultados terapéuticos en la corrección quirúrgica de afecciones oculares, con el uso del Gore-tex y con la modificación realizada a la técnica quirúrgica convencional de la suspensión al frontal. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo en una serie de 16 casos: 7 con ptosis, 5 con estrabismo y 4 con retracción palpebral inferior. Para la corrección de la retracción y la ptosis se utilizaron fragmentos del referido material y una sutura de Gore-tex en la corrección del estrabismo y en algunos casos con ptosis. Se colocaron 2 mm de Gore-tex por cada milímetro de retracción y de ptosis palpebral. Se corrigieron 2 dioptrías prismáticas por cada milímetro de retroinserción del músculo afectado. Resultados: fueron satisfactorios en un total de 13 casos (87 %. La mayoría de los pacientes operados con la modificación realizada a la técnica de la suspensión al frontal disminuyeron los mm de caída hasta el nivel fisiológico palpebral. Conclusiones: los resultados son satisfactorios en la mayoría de los casos operados con el uso del Gore-tex y con la técnica de suspensión al frontal modificada.


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    Oscar Orozco Sarasti


    Full Text Available La alta demanda de energía en sectores clave de la productividad incita a una búsqueda permanente de nuevas formas de utilizar los recursos naturales no renovables, que contribuya al mejoramiento de aspectos como sostenibilidad y eficiencia. Los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte Verdes buscan el mejoramiento de la movilidad, la reducción de la accidentalidad y la mitigación del impacto ambiental mediante la gestión inteligente del tráfico vehicular a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC. Este artículo presenta una revisión de las Redes Vehiculares Ad hoc (VANET, sus características y enfoques, además de la clasificación de sus aplicaciones, los modelos de movilidad utilizados, y una caracterización para el modelado del tráfico vehicular, junto con sus particularidades, en Colombia. Se concluye con la tendencia actual de simulación y el desarrollo futuro del proyecto de investigación.

  5. Usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles


    Juan Gabriel Enriquez; Sandra Isabel Casas


    La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes dentro de la calidad de un producto de software. Debido a esto es de interés poder contar con metodologías para medir la usabilidad de las aplicaciones. Los métodos de análisis de usabilidad que actualmente se utilizan, métodos clásicos, fueron desarrollados para aplicaciones de escritorio. Con la aparición, el uso masivo y el crecimiento de los dispositivos móviles, especialmente los Smartphones, la medición de usabilidad en ap...

  6. Producción y Comercialización de Bases y Aceites Lubricantes Partiendo del Aceite Usado


    Espol; Sosa Tobar, Edison Anibal; Castillo Tutiven, Christian Omar; Talbot, Jorge


    El aceite lubricante, resulta de un proceso de mezcla de bases lubricantes con aditivos; ambos son productos manufacturados a partir del petróleo en la refinerías. Dentro de sus aplicaciones más comunes están los automotores y la industria en general (transmisiones mecánicas, aplicaciones hidráulicas, etc.) Sin embargo, el empleo del mismo está sujeto a un periodo de vida útil que es el tiempo que tarda el aceite en perder sus propiedades producto de la contminación con partículas metálicas ...

  7. Long-term results after carotid artery stenting. Restenosis after carotid artery stenting using self-expandable stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Yasushi; Furui, Eisuke; Tsuboi, Ken; Takahashi, Akira; Ezura, Masayuki


    Carotid artery stenting has emerged as an acceptable treatment alternative in patients with carotid artery stenosis. Although early clinical results of carotid artery stenting have shown promise, long, term clinical results remain less certain. We report the frequency, management, and clinical results of in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting using a self-expandable stent. Between August 1998 and September 2004, 80 carotid artery stenting procedures in 78 patients were performed. We evaluated 76 of the 80 procedures in 75 of the 78 patients treated during this period who had a minimum 6-month clinical and imaging (ultrasound and/or magnetic resonance angiography) follow-up. Recurrent stenosis (≥50%) after carotid artery stenting occurred in 3 (3.9%) patients. The recurrent stenosis occurred within one year after the procedure in all cases. The low rate of in-stent restenosis using self-expandable stent suggested that carotid artery stenting may be an effective alternative treatment for carotid artery stenosis, but more data of long-term follow-up are required. (author)

  8. El papel de las variables sociodemográficas en el uso de las aplicaciones basadas en Internet por los Mayores

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    Begoña Peral Peral


    Full Text Available La población mundial está envejeciendo progresivamente. Se prevé que en 2050 el número de personas mayores de 60 años alcance los dos mil millones en el mundo. El empleo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC puede suponer para la población de mayor edad un impacto significativo en su calidad de vida, contribuyendo a conseguir mayores activos, disminuyendo la marginalización y el aislamiento social. Aunque existen diferencias importantes en el uso que los Mayores hacen de Internet y sus aplicaciones respecto al resto de la población, hay que considerar que este segmento no constituye un grupo homogéneo. Este trabajo busca comprobar si dentro del grupo de los Mayores existen diferencias en la frecuencia de uso de distintas aplicaciones basadas en Internet, en función de la edad, el sexo, el nivel de estudios alcanzados y la actividad laboral desarrollada en el pasado. Los resultados demuestran que existen diferencias significativas en el empleo de algunas aplicaciones en función de las variables sociodemográficas analizadas.

  9. Aplicaciones industriales de la tecnología nuclear


    Vargas, Celso


    Las aplicaciones industriales de la tecnología nuclear son muydiversas a nivel mundial. En Costa Rica se ha comenzado a introducir este tipo de tecnología para evaluar y mejorar diferentes procesos industriales. Estas aplicaciones se clasifican en dos o en tres categorías, según el criterio utilizado. Están los sistemasde control nucleónico, el perfilaje gamma y los radiotrazadores.

  10. Ecarga y la estrategia de marketing digital para aplicaciones móviles


    Hervella Baturone, Beatriz


    RESUMEN: Ecarga y la estrategia de marketing digital para aplicaciones móviles es un proyecto que trata de recoger cuáles son las principales aspectos que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de promocionar una aplicación móvil. El trabajo consta de una primera parte, de contenido más teórico, que trata el contexto actual del mercado móvil y una segunda parte, de contenido más práctico, que consta de la descripción y documentación real de la estrategia de promoción seguida por la aplicación móv...

  11. Aplicaciones multimedia para rehabilitación cognitiva


    Ortega Bastida, Javier


    Diseño de aplicaciones multimedia que posibilitan la rehabilitación de los pacientes a través de aplicaciones de realidad virtual e interfaces 3D: manipulación virtual de entidades, texto predictivo y dibujo guiado sobre entrono integrado para sistema multisensor para rehabilitación e interacción de personas con discapacidad, tanto motora, como cognitiva. El sistema permite la realización de terapias utilizando distintos modos de interacción hombre-máquina, posibilitando múltiples modos de in...

  12. Aplicaciones del cemento reforzado con fibra de vidrio (GRC

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    Barros Llerena, Ángel


    Full Text Available Not available.

    El presente artículo tiene como objeto dar a conocer la utilización de fibras de vidrio como refuerzo de los cementos. Se da una breve reseña histórica, se mencionan sus características y comportamiento. Además se presenta un caso práctico y reciente de utilización en la fabricación de elementos de fachada del Estadio «Santiago Bernabéu» del Real Madrid C. de F., y se completa con una relación de los actuales y futuros usos del G.R.C. (glass reinforced cement, denominación inglesa del material más comúnmente utilizado.

  13. Stent fabric fatigue of grafts supported by Z-stents versus ringed stents: an in vitro buckling test. (United States)

    Lin, Jing; Wang, Lu; Guidoin, Robert; Nutley, Mark; Song, Ge; Zhang, Ze; Du, Jia; Douville, Yvan


    Stent-grafts externally fitted with a Z-shaped stents were compared to devices fitted with ringed stents in an in vitro oscillating fatigue machine at 200 cycles per minute and a pressure of 360 mmHg for scheduled durations of up to 1 week. The devices fitted with Z-stents showed a considerably lower endurance limit to buckling compared to the controls. The contact between the apexes of adjacent Z-stents resulted in significant damage to the textile scaffolds and polyester fibers due to the sharp angle of the Z-stents. The ringed stents did not cause any fraying in the textile scaffolds.

  14. The effect of stent coating on stent deliverability: direct randomised comparison of drug eluting and bare metal stents using the same stent platform. (United States)

    Siminiak, Tomasz; Link, Rafał; Wołoszyn, Maciej; Kałmucki, Piotr; Baszko, Artur


    There is certain experimental and clinical evidence indicating that the covering of bare metal stents (BMS) with drug eluting polymers to produce drug eluting stents (DES) results in increased stent stiffness and modifies the mechanical properties of the stent platform. In addition, it has been speculated that the mechanical performance of DES, compared to BMS, may be related to the type of polymer used to cover stents. We aimed at evaluating the deliverability of DES with a lactate based biodegradable polymer and BMS in patients with stable coronary artery disease in a prospective randomised study. One hundred eleven consecutive patients (age: 36-77, mean 58.8 years) scheduled for routine angioplasty due to stable coronary disease were randomised to receive BMS (Chopin II(TM), Balton, Poland) or paclitaxel eluting stent (Chopin Luc(TM), Balton, Poland) using the same metal platform. Only patients scheduled for angioplasty using the direct implantation technique of a single stent were randomised. The exclusion criteria included patients 〉 80 years, multivessel disease and reference diameter of the target vessel 〉 3.5 mm. In the BMS group (n = 55; 35 males and 20 females), the mean diameter of implanted stents was 3.09 ± 0.40 and the mean length was 11.37 ± 2.80, whereas in the DES group (n = 56; 34 males and 22 females) the mean stent sizes were 3.02 ± 0.34 and 17.90 ± 7.38 mm, respectively (p 〉 0.05 for length). The groups did not significantly differ regarding the frequency of stent implantation to particular coronary vessels. The direct stenting technique was attempted and failed, leading to the stents' implantation after predilatation in five patients in the BMS group and six patients in the DES group. Failure of stent implantation and subsequent implantation of another stent type was observed in no BMS patients and in one DES patient (NS). Although stent covering with lactate based drug eluting polymer may increase its stiffness, it does not affect

  15. Drug-eluting stents to prevent stent thrombosis and restenosis. (United States)

    Im, Eui; Hong, Myeong-Ki


    Although first-generation drug-eluting stents (DES) have significantly reduced the risk of in-stent restenosis, they have also increased the long-term risk of stent thrombosis. This safety concern directly triggered the development of new generation DES, with innovations in stent platforms, polymers, and anti-proliferative drugs. Stent platform materials have evolved from stainless steel to cobalt or platinum-chromium alloys with an improved strut design. Drug-carrying polymers have become biocompatible or biodegradable and even polymer-free DES were introduced. New limus-family drugs (such as everolimus, zotarolimus or biolimus) were adopted to enhance stent performances. As a result, these new DES demonstrated superior vascular healing responses on intracoronary imaging studies and lower stent thrombotic events in actual patients. Recently, fully-bioresorbable stents (scaffolds) have been introduced, and expanding their applications. In this article, the important concepts and clinical results of new generation DES and bioresorbable scaffolds are described.

  16. Intravascular ultrasound assessed incomplete stent apposition and stent fracture in stent thrombosis after bare metal versus drug-eluting stent treatment the Nordic Intravascular Ultrasound Study (NIVUS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kosonen, Petteri; Vikman, Saila; Jensen, Lisette Okkels


    This prospective multicenter registry used intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in patients with definite stent thrombosis (ST) to compare rates of incomplete stent apposition (ISA), stent fracture and stent expansion in patients treated with drug-eluting (DES) versus bare metal (BMS) stents. ST...... is a rare, but potential life threatening event after coronary stent implantation. The etiology seems to be multifactorial....

  17. Análisis Costo Efectividad del Stent Farmacológico V/S Stent no Farmacológico en Cardiopatía Isquémica en Chile. (United States)

    De la Puente, Catherine; Vallejos, Carlos; Velásquez, Mónica; Soto, David; Orellana, Juan


    To evaluate and compare the costs and effectiveness of two alternative stent, drug eluting stent (SF) and bare metal stent (SNF). Cost-utility analysis based on a Markov model using data from a cohort study of Hospital Las Higueras of Talcahuano, Chile. The effectiveness measure was the rate of restenosis and the time of restenosis. The effectiveness outcomes are expressed in quality-adjusted life years (QALY) gained. Costs are expressed in national currency 2011. The evaluation perspective was from the public heath budget. We model a cohort from age 63 to 80 years, life expectancy in Chile. Apply discount rate of 0, 3% and 6% for results and costs. Sensitivity analysis is performed according to the ranges of variability in costs, the utility values of the variables and transition between states. No differences in restenosis rates between the two stents, although there were differences in the time of restenosis. The incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) no discount rate was CH$ 235.749 per QALY gained when using drug-eluting stent, the value below the equivalent of 1 Gross Domestic Product (PIB) per capita for 2011 in Chile. The drug-eluting stent (SF) is cost effective compared to bare metal stent (SNF). The ICER is not affected by the sensitivity analysis (variability of cost, utility ranges used, probability of restenosis). Copyright © 2012 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. An in Vitro Twist Fatigue Test of Fabric Stent-Grafts Supported by Z-Stents vs. Ringed Stents

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    Jing Lin


    Full Text Available Whereas buckling can cause type III endoleaks, long-term twisting of a stent-graft was investigated here as a mechanism leading to type V endoleak or endotension. Two experimental device designs supported with Z-stents having strut angles of 35° or 45° were compared to a ringed control under accelerated twisting. Damage to each device was assessed and compared after different durations of twisting, with focus on damage that may allow leakage. Stent-grafts with 35° Z-stents had the most severe distortion and damage to the graft fabric. The 45° Z-stents caused less fabric damage. However, consistent stretching was still seen around the holes for sutures, which attach the stents to the graft fabric. Larger holes may become channels for fluid percolation through the wall. The ringed stent-graft had the least damage observed. Stent apexes with sharp angles appear to be responsible for major damage to the fabrics. Device manufacturers should consider stent apex angle when designing stent-grafts, and ensure their devices are resistant to twisting.

  19. An in Vitro Twist Fatigue Test of Fabric Stent-Grafts Supported by Z-Stents vs. Ringed Stents. (United States)

    Lin, Jing; Guidoin, Robert; Du, Jia; Wang, Lu; Douglas, Graeham; Zhu, Danjie; Nutley, Mark; Perron, Lygia; Zhang, Ze; Douville, Yvan


    Whereas buckling can cause type III endoleaks, long-term twisting of a stent-graft was investigated here as a mechanism leading to type V endoleak or endotension. Two experimental device designs supported with Z-stents having strut angles of 35° or 45° were compared to a ringed control under accelerated twisting. Damage to each device was assessed and compared after different durations of twisting, with focus on damage that may allow leakage. Stent-grafts with 35° Z-stents had the most severe distortion and damage to the graft fabric. The 45° Z-stents caused less fabric damage. However, consistent stretching was still seen around the holes for sutures, which attach the stents to the graft fabric. Larger holes may become channels for fluid percolation through the wall. The ringed stent-graft had the least damage observed. Stent apexes with sharp angles appear to be responsible for major damage to the fabrics. Device manufacturers should consider stent apex angle when designing stent-grafts, and ensure their devices are resistant to twisting.

  20. Adolescentes y cibermedios: Una didáctica basada en aplicaciones periodísticas para smartphones


    Vázquez-Cano, Esteban; Calvo-Gutiérrez, Elvira


    La investigación analiza el uso por parte del alumnado y profesorado de enseñanza secundaria de aplicaciones periodísticas en smartphones para el desarrollo curricular de las diferentes materias. Presentamos un estudio de casos en el que, por medio de una investigación de corte cuantitativo, se estudian las variables principales que afectan al desarrollo didáctico y social de los smartphones en la enseñanza desde una perspectiva sociodidáctica e informativa. Los resultados muestran cómo la es...

  1. Generación automática de aplicaciones web móviles mediante componentes configurables


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González, Carina; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto


    Teniendo como objetivo final la generación completa del código fuente de una aplicación, se ha desarrollado CBDHM (Metodología de Modelado Hipermedia Basada en Componentes). Esta metodología está basada en UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) y permite diseñar y construir aplicaciones web móviles utilizando dos modelos: el modelo de datos y el modelo de interfaz de usuario. El modelo de datos está basado en el diagrama de clases UML extendido para poder generar la base de datos y sus relacion...

  2. Stent (United States)

    ... Drugs & Supplements Videos & Tools Español You Are Here: Home → Medical Encyclopedia → Stent URL of this page: // Stent To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. A stent is a tiny tube placed into a hollow structure in your ...

  3. Symptomatic stent cast.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Keohane, John


    Biliary stent occlusion is a major complication of endoscopic stent insertion and results in repeat procedures. Various theories as to the etiology have been proposed, the most frequently studied is the attachment of gram negative bacteria within the stent. Several studies have shown prolongation of stent patency with antibiotic prophylaxis. We report the case of stent occlusion from a cast of a previously inserted straight biliary stent; a "stent cast" in an 86-year-old woman with obstructive jaundice. This was retrieved with the lithotrypter and she made an uneventful recovery. This is the first reported case of a biliary stent cast.

  4. Aplicaciones clínicas del biomagnetismo


    Madroñero de la Cal, Antonio


    194 págs.-- Exhaustiva guía sobre las perspectivas y los campos de aplicación del biomagnetismo y su relación con los seres vivientes, dirigido a quienes se inician en la exploración de tal tipo de herramientas terapéuticas. La presentación de este cúmulo de conocimientos de manera sencilla busca paralelamente paliar el ruido informativo que induce a una gran confusión.

  5. Primary and revision efficacy of cross-wired metallic stents for endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement in malignant hilar biliary strictures. (United States)

    Lee, T H; Moon, J H; Kim, J H; Park, D H; Lee, S S; Choi, H J; Cho, Y D; Park, S H; Kim, S J


    Endoscopic bilateral drainage for inoperable malignant hilar biliary strictures (HBS) using metal stents is considered to be technically difficult. Furthermore, endoscopic revision of bilateral stenting after occlusion can be challenging. This study was performed to evaluate the long-term efficacy of endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement of cross-wired metallic stents in high-grade malignant HBS and planned endoscopic bilateral revision. A total of 84 patients with inoperable high-grade malignant HBS were enrolled from three academic tertiary referral centers. Two cross-wired metal stents were inserted using a bilateral stent-in-stent placement method. Bilateral endoscopic revision was also performed during follow-up using either identical metal stents or plastic stents. The main outcome measurements were technical and functional success, complications, stent patency, and endoscopic revision efficacy. The technical and clinical success rates of endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement of cross-wired metallic stents were 95.2% (80/84) and 92.9% (78/84), respectively. Median patency (range) and survival were 238 days (10-429) and 256 days (10-1130), respectively. Obstruction of primary bilateral stents occurred in 30.8% (24/78) of patients with functionally successful stent placement. The technical and clinical success rates of planned bilateral endoscopic revision for occluded stents were 83.3% (20/24) and 79.2% (19/24), respectively. For revision, bilateral metallic stents were placed in 11 patients (55.0%); the remaining patients received plastic stents. Palliative endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement of cross-wired metallic stents was effective in patients with inoperable HBS. Revision endoscopic bilateral stenting may be feasible and successful in cases where the primary deployed metal stents are occluded. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  6. Circumferential Stent Fracture: Novel Detection and Treatment with the Use of StentBoost


    Ramegowda, Raghu T.; Chikkaswamy, Srinivas B.; Bharatha, Ashalatha; Radhakrishna, Jayashree; Krishnanaik, Geetha B.; Nanjappa, Manjunath C.; Panneerselvam, Arunkumar


    Circumferential stent fracture is extremely uncommon, and in rare cases, it can cause stent thrombosis. Recognizing stent fracture can be difficult on conventional fluoroscopy because of poor stent radiopacity. We found that StentBoost image acquisition yields improved visibility of stent struts, enabling the identification of stent fracture and the precise positioning of new stents over previously stented segments.

  7. Metodología de modelado de aplicaciones web móviles basada en componentes


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González González, Carina Soledad; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea


    Esta línea de investigación busca crear una metodología de modelado utilizando una extensión conservativa de UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) que permita diseñar aplicaciones web móviles centrándose en el modelado de la interfaz de usuario mediante la utilización de componente configurables. El objetivo final es la generación automática del código fuente completo de la aplicación. Para lograr tal fin se extienden los diagramas de clases y componentes de UML. El diagrama de clases es exten...

  8. Metallic ureteral stents in malignant ureteral obstruction: clinical factors predicting stent failure. (United States)

    Chow, Po-Ming; Hsu, Jui-Shan; Huang, Chao-Yuan; Wang, Shuo-Meng; Lee, Yuan-Ju; Huang, Kuo-How; Yu, Hong-Jheng; Pu, Yeong-Shiau; Liang, Po-Chin


    To provide clinical outcomes of the Resonance metallic ureteral stent in patients with malignant ureteral obstruction, as well as clinical factors predicting stent failure. Cancer patients who have received Resonance stents from July 2009 to March 2012 for ureteral obstruction were included for chart review. Stent failure was detected by clinical symptoms, image studies, and renal function tests. Survival analysis for stent duration was used to estimate patency rate and factors predicting stent failure. A total of 117 stents were inserted successfully into 94 ureteral units in 79 patients. There were no major complications. These stents underwent survival analysis and proportional hazard regression. The median duration for the stents was 5.77 months. In multivariate analysis, age (P=0.043), preoperative serum creatinine level (P=0.0174), and cancer type (P=0.0494) were significant factors associated with stent failure. Cancer treatment before and after stent insertion had no effect on stent duration. Resonance stents are effective and safe in relieving malignant ureteral obstructions. Old age and high serum creatinine level are predictors for stent failure. Stents in patients with lower gastrointestinal cancers have longer functional duration.

  9. The Effect of Stent Cell Geometry on Carotid Stenting Outcomes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alparslan, Burcu, E-mail: [Yozgat State Hospital, Radiology Clinic (Turkey); Nas, Omer Fatih, E-mail: [Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology (Turkey); Eritmen, Ulku Turpcu, E-mail: [Special Eregli Anatolia Hospital, Radiology Clinic (Turkey); Duran, Selcen, E-mail: [Yerkoy State Hospital, Neurology Clinic (Turkey); Ozkaya, Guven, E-mail: [Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biostatistics (Turkey); Hakyemez, Bahattin, E-mail: [Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology (Turkey)


    PurposeThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of stent cell geometry on midterm results of carotid artery stenting (CAS).Materials and MethodOne hundred fifty-five patients underwent CAS between February 2010 and December 2012. Ninety-one open- and 84 closed-cell stents were used in this non-randomized, retrospective study. Periprocedural complications were defined as the ones happened during the procedure or within 30 days afterwards. Starting from the 6th month after the procedure, in-stent restenosis was detected with multidetector computed tomography angiography and classified into four groups from focal restenosis to occlusion.ResultsEleven complications were encountered in the periprocedural period (four on the open- and seven on the closed-cell group). Total complication rate was 6.3 % (11/175). No significant difference was detected in terms of periprocedural complications between two groups (p = 0.643). There was statistically significant difference between stent design groups in regard to radiological findings (p = 0.002). Sixteen of open-cell stents and three of closed-cell stents had focal restenosis. One closed-cell stent had diffuse proliferative restenosis and one open-cell stent had total occlusion.ConclusionIn-stent restenosis was more common in open-cell stent group, which have larger free cell area than closed-cell stents. Although our radiologic findings promote us to use closed-cell design if ‘possible’, no difference was detected in terms of clinical outcomes.

  10. Radial force measurement of endovascular stents: Influence of stent design and diameter. (United States)

    Matsumoto, Takuya; Matsubara, Yutaka; Aoyagi, Yukihiko; Matsuda, Daisuke; Okadome, Jun; Morisaki, Koichi; Inoue, Kentarou; Tanaka, Shinichi; Ohkusa, Tomoko; Maehara, Yoshihiko


    Angioplasty and endovascular stent placement is used in case to rescue the coverage of main branches to supply blood to brain from aortic arch in thoracic endovascular aortic repair. This study assessed mechanical properties, especially differences in radial force, of different endovascular and thoracic stents. We analyzed the radial force of three stent models (Epic, E-Luminexx and SMART) stents using radial force-tester method in single or overlapping conditions. We also analyzed radial force in three thoracic stents using Mylar film testing method: conformable Gore-TAG, Relay, and Valiant Thoracic Stent Graft. Overlapping SMART stents had greater radial force than overlapping Epic or Luminexx stents (P stents was greater than that of all three endovascular stents (P stents, site of deployment, and layer characteristics. In clinical settings, an understanding of the mechanical characteristics, including radial force, is important in choosing a stent for each patient. © The Author(s) 2015.

  11. Psicología del aprendizaje: aplicaciones en el aula


    Zambon, Mauro


    ¿Qué es el proceso de aprendizaje? ¿Cómo se desarrolla? ¿Cuales variables influyen en ese proceso? En el análisis del tema se considerarán aspectos correlatos e imprescindibles en el contexto del aprendizaje: la memoria, la inteligencia y la motivación. Después de una introducción y una presentación de estos temas se efectuará una reflexión crítica y se sugerirán algunas estrategias aplicables en el aula para la mejora del proceso. La memoria y sus aspectos correlatos, inteligencia y ap...

  12. Una revisión de metodologías seguras en cada fase del ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Marulanda L.


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de software seguro es un asunto de alta importancia en las compañías, debido a que la mayoría de ellas dependen altamente de sus aplicaciones para su operación normal. Es por esto que se hace necesario implementar efectivamente metodologías de desarrollo seguro que sean aplicadas en cada fase del ciclo de vida: requisitos, diseño, desarrollo y pruebas. Es importante tener presente la seguridad desde las etapas más tempranas del proceso de desarrollo y no dejarla en un segundo plano. Además, se requiere investigar el estado del arte en desarrollo de aplicaciones seguras y así escoger metodologías de acuerdo con las necesidades de cada aplicación y los requisitos de los interesados en el producto final. El objetivo de este artículo es recopilar una serie de metodologías y herramientas existentes que se puedan implementar, añadiendo seguridad en toda la aplicación y desarrollando no sólo software de alta calidad sino también de alta seguridad.

  13. Predictors of stent dysfunction after self-expandable metal stent placement for malignant gastric outlet obstruction: tumor ingrowth in uncovered stents and migration of covered stents. (United States)

    Hori, Yasuki; Naitoh, Itaru; Hayashi, Kazuki; Ban, Tesshin; Natsume, Makoto; Okumura, Fumihiro; Nakazawa, Takahiro; Takada, Hiroki; Hirano, Atsuyuki; Jinno, Naruomi; Togawa, Shozo; Ando, Tomoaki; Kataoka, Hiromi; Joh, Takashi


    Endoscopic metallic stenting is widely accepted as a palliation therapy for malignant gastric outlet obstruction (GOO). However, the predictors of stent dysfunction have not been clarified. We aimed to evaluate the predictors, especially tumor ingrowth in uncovered self-expandable metallic stents (U-SEMS) and migration of covered self-expandable metallic stents (C-SEMS), which are the main causes related to the stent characteristics. In this multicenter retrospective study, we compared patients with U-SEMS and C-SEMS in terms of clinical outcomes, and predictors of stent dysfunction. In total, 252 patients (126 with U-SEMS and 126 with C-SEMS) were enrolled. There were no significant differences in technical success, clinical success, GOO score, or time to stent dysfunction. Tumor ingrowth was significantly more frequent in U-SEMS (U-SEMS, 11.90% vs. C-SEMS, 0.79%; p = 0.002), and stent migration was significantly more frequent for C-SEMS (C-SEMS, 8.73% vs. U-SEMS, 0.79%; p = 0.005). Karnofsky performance status (p = 0.04), no presence of ascites (p = 0.02), and insufficient (stent expansion (p = 0.003) were significantly associated with tumor ingrowth in U-SEMS. Meanwhile, a shorter stent length (p = 0.05) and chemotherapy (p = 0.03) were predictors of C-SEMS migration. Both U-SEMS and C-SEMS are effective with comparable patencies. Tumor ingrowth and stent migration are the main causes of stent dysfunction for U-SEMS and C-SEMS, respectively. With regard to stent dysfunction, U-SEMS might be a good option for patients receiving chemotherapy, while C-SEMS with longer stents for patients in good condition. (Clinical trial registration number: UMIN000024059).

  14. Seguridad de aplicaciones híbridas para dispositivos móviles


    Pérez-Pérez, Iván


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster consiste en un estudio comparativo de las distintas soluciones para el desarrollo de aplicaciones híbridas para móviles (esto es, aplicaciones diseñadas con tecnologías web, pero empaquetadas en contenedores nativos) desde el punto de vista de la seguridad. Se realizará un análisis sobre el estado actual de las aplicaciones híbridas y las tecnologías que se emplean en la creación de las mismas. Se desarrollará una prueba de concepto usando u...

  15. Airway stents (United States)

    Keyes, Colleen


    Stents and tubes to maintain the patency of the airways are commonly used for malignant obstruction and are occasionally employed in benign disease. Malignant airway obstruction usually results from direct involvement of bronchogenic carcinoma, or by extension of carcinomas occurring in the esophagus or the thyroid. External compression from lymph nodes or metastatic disease from other organs can also cause central airway obstruction. Most malignant airway lesions are surgically inoperable due to advanced disease stage and require multimodality palliation, including stent placement. As with any other medical device, stents have significantly evolved over the last 50 years and deserve an in-depth understanding of their true capabilities and complications. Not every silicone stent is created equal and the same holds for metallic stents. Herein, we present an overview of the topic as well as some of the more practical and controversial issues surrounding airway stents. We also try to dispel the myths surrounding stent removal and their supposed use only in central airways. At the end, we come to the long-held conclusion that stents should not be used as first line treatment of choice, but after ruling out the possibility of curative surgical resection or repair. PMID:29707506

  16. Reconfigurando aplicaciones multi-cloud con líneas de producto software dinámicas


    Cubo, Javier; Gámez,Nadia; Pimentel, Ernesto; Fuentes, Lidia


    La reconfiguración dinámica de aplicaciones multi-cloud es un reto complejo aún no suficientemente explorado. En estos entornos las aplicaciones o sus módulos pueden estar desplegados en diferentes proveedores. Por lo tanto, reconfigurar en tiempo de ejecución estas aplicaciones puede requerir la modificación de la distribución en múltiples y heterogéneos proveedores. Obtener la nueva distribución para que sigan funcionando correctamente las aplicaciones no es una tarea senc...

  17. Recurrence of Subacute Stent Thrombosis and In-Stent Restenosis during Five Months after Stent Implantation in the LAD. A Case Report.


    島田, 弘英; 大和, 眞史; 櫻井, 俊平; 疋田, 博之; 池田, 修一


    A coronary stent was deployed in the left anterior descending artery of an 82-year-old woman with unstable angina.Recurrence of subacute stent thrombosis and in-stent restenosis occurred frequently during the five months after initial stent implantation.Balloon angioplasty and cutting balloon angioplasty failed to prevent these complications,but they ceased after re-stenting in the initial stent.In this case,tissue protrusion through the stent strut, deformation of the coil stent and inadequa...

  18. Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones


    Fernández López, Víctor Manuel; López de Lacey, Antonio; Rüdiger Ortiz, Olaf


    Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones. En la presente invención se protegen electrodos biológicos modificados con enzimas hidrogenasas (ánodos) mediante los cuales es posible obtener energía eléctrica del hidrógeno en una configuración típica de pilas de combustible; asimismo, con estos electrodos modificados con hidrogenasa (cátodos) es posible producir hidrógeno a partir de agua en una configuración típica de cél...

  19. StentBoost Visualization for the Evaluation of Coronary Stent Expansion During Percutaneous Coronary Interventions


    Cura, Fernando; Albertal, Mariano; Candiello, Alfonsina; Nau, Gerardo; Bonvini, Victor; Tricherri, Hernan; Padilla, Lucio T.; Belardi, Jorge A.


    Introduction Inadequate stent implantation is associated with stent thrombosis and restenosis. StentBoost can enhance stent visualization and evaluate stent expansion. Currently, there are limited comparison studies between StentBoost and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). We aimed to test the correlation and agreement between IVUS and StentBoost measurements. Methods From December 2010 to December 2011, 38 patients (54 stents) were analyzed using IVUS and StentBoost. Minimal stent diameter and...

  20. Stent malapposition, as a potential mechanism of very late stent thrombosis after bare-metal stent implantation: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Higuma, Takumi, E-mail:; Abe, Naoki; Hanada, Kenji; Yokoyama, Hiroaki; Tomita, Hirofumi; Okumura, Ken


    A 90-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. He had a history of post-infarction angina pectoris 79 months ago and had a bare-metal stent (BMS) implanted in the proximal left anterior descending artery at our hospital. Emergent coronary angiography demonstrated thrombotic occlusion in the previously stented segment. After catheter thrombectomy, antegrade flow was restored, but 90% stenosis with haziness persisted in the proximal and distal portions of the previously stented segment. Intravascular ultrasound imaging showed interstrut cavities or stent malapposition at the proximal and distal sites of stented segment. In close proximity to the sites, residual thrombi were also observed. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) demonstrated neither lipid-laden neointimal tissue nor rupture but clearly demonstrated residual thrombus adjacent to the malapposed region in addition to the stent malapposition. PCI with balloon was successfully performed and stent apposition was confirmed by OCT. Stent malapposition is an unusual mechanism of very late stent thrombosis after BMS implantation. OCT can clearly reveal the etiology of stent thrombosis.

  1. Preferencias del Turista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jose Luis Leiva Olivencia


    Full Text Available Actualmente existen aplicaciones orientadas al turismo basadas en realidad aumentada, pero no integran técnicas de recomendación. Este articulo describe RAMCAT (Realidad Aumentada Móvil Contextual Aplicada al Turismo un modelo de guía turística, que recomienda puntos de interés, teniendo en cuenta factores como preferencias personales y atributos contextuales. Se presentan los componentes teóricos de la arquitectura propuesta, así como sus características, destacando la integración de diferentes sistemas de recomendación, que permiten añadir nuevos motores en el futuro. El articulo se centra en describir sus funcionalidades y el modulo correspondiente al sistema de recomendación basado en el perfil del turista. Otra característica importante del sistema propuesto es la retroalimentación del mismo mediante calificaciones del turista y su trazabilidad.

  2. Framework para desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas móviles, basado en modelos de enseñanza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Oswaldo Cuervo Gómez


    Full Text Available Los adelantos tecnológicos registrados en los últimos años en el sector de los dispositivos móviles han permitido contar con mejores especificaciones de hardware y software. Iniciativas como la del gobierno de Colombia, que tiene el propósito de dotar con tabletas a las instituciones educativas oficiales del país, motivaron el interés de docentes y demás actores del proceso educativo por proponer estrategias para la incorporación de dispositivos móviles en contextos educativos. En esta perspectiva, la presente investigación tiene como propósito proponer un framework, que permite combinar aspectos pedagógicos y tecnológicos en el proceso de desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas móviles, que respondan a las necesidades del entorno educativo al cual serán incorporadas. Este documento muestra los resultados obtenidos en la investigación desarrollada en cuatro etapas metodológicas: diagnóstico, conceptualización y caracterización, propuesta e implementación del framework, y análisis de resultados.

  3. Evaluación de hidrogeles para aplicaciones agroforestales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Barón Cortés


    Full Text Available Con hidrogeles sintetizados por medio de la técnica de polimerización en suspensión inversa (PSI, compuestos por acrilamida y acrilato de potasio entrecruzados con N, N’ metilen-bis-acrilamida y que presentan diferentes comportamientos desde el punto de vista de capacidad y velocidad de hinchamiento, módulo elástico y propie-dades de liberación, se estudia la modificación de las propiedades hidráulicas de un suelo tipo franco arcilloso realizando curvas de retención de humedad, empleando ollas de presión de plato cerámico, y se desarrollan montajes para evaluar la modificación en la retención de los mismos, ante condiciones de dosificación prolongada e instantánea de agua de irrigación. Adicionalmente, se realizan cultivos de acacia y rábano en fase vivero en suelos acondicionados con diferentes hidrogeles, en el primer cultivo se evalúa el retraso en la marchitez de la especie y en el segundo la diferencia en crecimiento; simultáneamente para los cultivos, se hace el seguimiento del contenido de humedad in situ del suelo con respecto al tiempo. Se logra un método para la medición del módulo elástico y las propiedades de liberación y se establece un modelo para predecir el comportamiento de los hidrogeles en el suelo con el conocimiento de sus propiedades básicas en el estado libre. Finalmente, los resultados muestran la bondad del uso de hidrogeles en estas aplicaciones: hay mayor facilidad de liberación y retención de agua aprovechable por el suelo, retraso notable del marchitamiento en condiciones hostiles, y es mayor el crecimiento de las especies, entre otros beneficios, además se establecen pautas para definir las características del hidrogel más adecuado dependiendo de la aplicación deseada y se realiza una proyección hacia la disminución del consumo de agua para el mantenimiento de un cultivo.

  4. Incidence of definite stent thrombosis or in-stent restenosis after drug-eluting stent implantation for treatment of coronary in-stent restenosis. From western denmark heart registry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jesper; Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Terkelsen, Christian Juhl


    There are limited data on the optimal management of in-stent restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with bare metal stent (BMS) or drug-eluting stent (DES) implantations. We assessed the clinical presentation, the incidence, and prognosis of definite stent thrombosis...

  5. Hardening en servidor web Linux Apache, PHP y configurar el firewall de aplicaciones modsecurity para mitigar ataques al servidor


    Espol; Delgado Quishpe, Byron Alberto


    Realizar un hardening al servidor web, se procederá a revisar las directivas en los archivos de configuración del servicio Apache, PHP, y se procederá a realizar instalación y configuración de un firewall de aplicaciones llamado mod_security la cual nos permitirá mitigar ataques a nuestro servidor web. realizando un análisis de vulnerabilidades encontrado en el servidor. Guayaquil Magíster en Seguridad Informática Aplicada

  6. Risk of stent thrombosis among bare-metal stents, first-generation drug-eluting stents, and second-generation drug-eluting stents: results from a registry of 18,334 patients. (United States)

    Tada, Tomohisa; Byrne, Robert A; Simunovic, Iva; King, Lamin A; Cassese, Salvatore; Joner, Michael; Fusaro, Massimiliano; Schneider, Simon; Schulz, Stefanie; Ibrahim, Tareq; Ott, Ilka; Massberg, Steffen; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig; Kastrati, Adnan


    This study sought to compare the risk of stent thrombosis among patients treated with bare-metal stents (BMS), first-generation drug-eluting stents (G1-DES), and second-generation drug-eluting stents (G2-DES) for a period of 3 years. In patients undergoing coronary stenting, there is a scarcity of long-term follow-up data on cohorts large enough to compare rates of stent thrombosis across the stent generations. A total of 18,334 patients undergoing successful coronary stent implantation from 1998 to 2011 at 2 centers in Munich, Germany, were included in this study. Patients were stratified into 3 groups according to treatment with BMS, G1-DES, and G2-DES. The cumulative incidence of definite stent thrombosis at 3 years was 1.5% with BMS, 2.2% with G1-DES, and 1.0% with G2-DES. On multivariate analysis, G1-DES compared with BMS showed a significantly higher risk of stent thrombosis (odds ratio [OR]: 2.05; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.47 to 2.86; p stent thrombosis compared with BMS (OR: 0.82; 95% CI: 0.56 to 1.19; p = 0.30). Beyond 1 year, the risk of stent thrombosis was significantly increased with G1-DES compared with BMS (OR: 4.72; 95% CI: 2.01 to 11.1; p stenting, compared with BMS, there was a significant excess risk of stent thrombosis at 3 years with G1-DES, driven by an increased risk of stent thrombosis events beyond 1 year. G2-DES were associated with a similar risk of stent thrombosis compared with BMS. Copyright © 2013 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Seguridad de las aplicaciones web


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Conferencia "Seguridad de las aplicaciones web" impartida en las III Jornadas Informáticas - UTE 2016 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería e Industrias de la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Quito, Ecuador) el 5 de julio de 2016.



    Guitart, Moises Esteban


    En el siguiente trabajo se exponen las bases teóricas y se ilustran algunas aplicaciones de una visión de la psicología cultural alrededor del concepto de "vivencia" y "geografía vital". Según esta perspectiva, el desarrollo humano es el resultado de la participación en prácticas educativas a través de las cuales nos apropiamos de los "signos", "tecnología cultural" o formas explícitas e implícitas de vida compartida. Se postulan dos supuestos y tres características. Los supuestos son que la ...

  9. Aplicaciones de normas no cuadráticas en tratamiento digital de la señal


    Páez Borrallo, José Manuel


    La mayoría de los problemas de estimación están basados en la minimización de una función de coste cuadrática del error de estimación. Este criterio de calidad posee la propiedad de proporcionar el mejor y más sencillo estimador posible en un gran número de aplicaciones. Sin embalo, existen situaciones concretas donde la selección de funciones de costo más generales ofrecen similares o incluso mejores prestaciones que la minimización cuadrática. El presente trabajo introduce criterios de opti...

  10. Removal of retrievable self-expandable urethral stents: experience in 58 stents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Ji Hoon; Song, Ho-Young; Kim, Jin Hyoung; Ko, Heung-Kyu; Kim, Yong Jae; Woo, Chul-Woong; Kim, Tae-Hyung; Ko, Gi-Young; Yoon, Hyun-Ki; Sung, Kyu-Bo; Park, Hyungkeun


    The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of removing retrievable self-expandable urethral stents using a retrieval hook wire. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the removal of 58 polyurethane or PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene)-covered stents was attempted in 33 patients using a retrieval hook wire. Indications for removal were elective removal (n=21), stent migration (n=19), formation of tissue hyperplasia around or inside of the stent (n=14), stent deformity (n=3), and severe pain (n=1). The mean time the stents remained in place was 64.8±42.9 days (range, 1-177 days). Fifty-six (97%) of the 58 stents were successfully removed using the retrieval hook wire despite the following difficulties; hook wire disconnection (n=2), untied drawstrings (n=3), and polyurethane membrane disruption/separation (n=4). The removal procedure using a retrieval hook wire failed in two stents (3%) which had migrated into the urinary bladder. One of the two stents with migration into the urinary bladder was removed using a snare through the cystostomy route. The overall complication rate was 14% (seven hematuria cases and one urethral tear case), and all were minor and spontaneously resolved without further treatment. In conclusion, removal of retrievable urethral stents using a retrieval hook wire was safe and effective despite some technical difficulties. It is a useful method for allowing temporary stent placement and solving various complications of stent use. (orig.)

  11. Removal of retrievable self-expandable urethral stents: experience in 58 stents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Ji Hoon; Song, Ho-Young; Kim, Jin Hyoung; Ko, Heung-Kyu; Kim, Yong Jae; Woo, Chul-Woong; Kim, Tae-Hyung; Ko, Gi-Young; Yoon, Hyun-Ki; Sung, Kyu-Bo [Asan Medical Center, Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea); Park, Hyungkeun [Asan Medical Center, Department of Urology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea)


    The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of removing retrievable self-expandable urethral stents using a retrieval hook wire. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the removal of 58 polyurethane or PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene)-covered stents was attempted in 33 patients using a retrieval hook wire. Indications for removal were elective removal (n=21), stent migration (n=19), formation of tissue hyperplasia around or inside of the stent (n=14), stent deformity (n=3), and severe pain (n=1). The mean time the stents remained in place was 64.8{+-}42.9 days (range, 1-177 days). Fifty-six (97%) of the 58 stents were successfully removed using the retrieval hook wire despite the following difficulties; hook wire disconnection (n=2), untied drawstrings (n=3), and polyurethane membrane disruption/separation (n=4). The removal procedure using a retrieval hook wire failed in two stents (3%) which had migrated into the urinary bladder. One of the two stents with migration into the urinary bladder was removed using a snare through the cystostomy route. The overall complication rate was 14% (seven hematuria cases and one urethral tear case), and all were minor and spontaneously resolved without further treatment. In conclusion, removal of retrievable urethral stents using a retrieval hook wire was safe and effective despite some technical difficulties. It is a useful method for allowing temporary stent placement and solving various complications of stent use. (orig.)

  12. Endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement for malignant hilar obstruction using a large cell type stent. (United States)

    Park, Jin Myung; Lee, Sang Hyub; Chung, Kwang Hyun; Jang, Dong Kee; Ryu, Ji Kon; Kim, Yong-Tae; Lee, Jae Min; Paik, Woo Hyun


    Bilateral stent-in-stent (SIS) self-expandable metal stent placement is technically challenging for palliation of unresectable malignant hilar obstruction. In the SIS technique, the uniform large cell type biliary stent facilitates contralateral stent deployment through the mesh of the first metallic stent. This study aimed to assess the technical success and clinical effectiveness of this technique with a uniform large cell type biliary stent. Thirty-one patients who underwent bilateral SIS placement using a large cell type stent were reviewed retrospectively. All patients showed malignant hilar obstruction (Bismuth types II, III, IV) with different etiologies. Sixteen (51.6%) patients were male. The mean age of the patients was 67.0+/-14.0 years. Most patients were diagnosed as having hilar cholangiocarcinoma (58.1%) and gallbladder cancer (29.0%). Technical success rate was 83.9%. Success was achieved more frequently in patients without masses obstructing the biliary confluence (MOC) than those with MOC (95.2% vs 60.0%, P=0.03). Functional success rate was 77.4%. Complications occurred in 29.0% of the patients. These tended to occur more frequently in patients with MOC (50.0% vs 19.0%, P=0.11). Median time to recurrent biliary obstruction was 188 days and median survival was 175 days. The large cell type stent can be used efficiently for bilateral SIS placement in malignant hilar obstruction. However, the risk of technical failure increases in patients with MOC, and caution is needed to prevent complications for these patients.

  13. Self-Expandable Metal Stents and Trans-stent Light Delivery: Are Metal Stents and Photodynamic Therapy Compatible? (United States)

    Wang, Luo-Wei; Li, Li-Bo; Li, Zhao-Shen; Chen, Yang K; Hetzel, Fred W.; Huang, Zheng


    Background and Objectives: Obstructive non-small cell lung cancer and obstructive esophageal cancer are US FDA approved indications of photodynamic therapy (PDT). The usefulness of PDT for the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma is currently under clinical investigation. Endoscopic stenting for lumen restoration is a common palliative intervention for those indications. It is important to assess whether self-expandable metal stents are compatible with trans-stent PDT light delivery. Study Design/Materials and Methods: Direct effects of various components of metal biliary (n = 2), esophageal (n = 2), and bronchial (n = 1) stents on PDT light transmittance and distribution were examined using a point or linear light source (630 or 652 nm diode laser). Resected pig biliary duct and esophageal wall tissues were used to examine the feasibility of PDT light delivery through the fully expanded metal stents. Results: While using a point light source, the metal components (thread and joint) of the stent could cause a significant shadow effect. The liner material (polytetrafluoroethylene or polyurethane) could cause various degrees of light absorption. When the stent was covered with a thin layer of biliary duct and esophageal tissues containing all wall layers, the shadow effect could be mitigated due to tissue scattering. Conclusions: This study clearly demonstrates that it is feasible to combine stenting and PDT for the treatment of luminal lesions. PDT light dose should be adjusted to counteract the reduction of light transmittance caused by the metal and liner materials of stent. PMID:18951422

  14. El potencial de las aplicaciones educativas en el proceso de evaluación formativa

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    Mayara Lustosa de Oliveira


    Full Text Available El debate sobre los objetivos reales de la evaluación no es nuevo. Sin embargo, todavía predominan aspectos como la excesiva valoración de la memoria, lo que refleja una visión tradicional y limitada. Es necesario superar el uso exclusivo de la evaluación tradicional con el fin de adoptar una evaluación formativa, modalidad que busca identificar las fallas y necesidades de los estudiantes durante el proceso educativo con el fin de recibir retroalimentación para tomar las medidas necesarias que permitan mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Siguiendo esta necesidad, y buscando ayudar a los profesores en la aplicación de una evaluación formativa, algunos recursos tecnológicos han sido desarrollados. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir el potencial de tres aplicaciones (Armet, The Cell y 3DClass en el proceso de evaluación formativa usando las bases de datos asociadas a cada aplicación. Los resultados muestran que estas aplicaciones proporcionan métricas de evaluación más transparentes, coherentes y que permiten al profesor sistematizar criterios e indicadores, lo que reduce la subjetividad del proceso de evaluación formativa y el tiempo necesario para la preparación, tabulación y análisis de datos. Gracias a que con esta tecnología es posible verificar en tiempo real el número de errores totales y por pregunta preguntas con el mayor número de errores recurrentes, preguntas con el mayor y menor índice de aciertos y el tiempo que los alumnos emplean para desarrollar la actividad, es posible determinar el progreso de los alumnos a lo largo del tiempo e identificar puntualmente dónde ocurren los errores; esto permite una investigación minuciosa sobre sus posibles causas. Esta información facilita la retroalimentación para los alumnos, ya sea como intervenciones puntuales o direccionadas por parte del profesor.

  15. Effects of 32P radioactive stents on in-stent restenosis in a double stent injury model of the porcine coronary arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Han-Soo; Chan, Rosanna C.; Kollum, Marc; Au, Arthur; Tio, Fermin O.; Yazdi, Hamid A.; Ajani, Andrew E.; Waksman, Ron


    Background: The major limitation of coronary stenting remains in-stent restenosis, due to the development of neointimal proliferation. Radioactive stents have demonstrated the ability to reduce this proliferation in the healthy nonatherosclerotic porcine animal model. However, inhibition of tissue proliferation in the in-stent restenotic lesion in a porcine model is not well characterized. The objective of this study was to examine the efficacy and safety of the 32 P radioactive stent for the treatment of in-stent restenosis in a double stent injury model of the porcine coronaries. Methods and Materials: Eighteen coronary arteries in 9 pigs underwent nonradioactive stent (8 mm in length) implantation. Thirty days after the initial stent implantation, a 32 P radioactive stent (18 mm in length) with an activity of 0 and 18 μCi was implanted to cover the initial stent. The swine were killed 30 days after the second stent implantation. Histomorphometric analysis was performed for vessel area (VA), stent strut area (SSA), intimal area (IA), and lumen area (LA). Results: Injury scores, VA, SSA, and LA were similar among the control and radiated groups. Neointimal formation was significantly reduced after placement of radioactive stents as compared to control in both the overlapped (0.93±0.12 vs. 1.31±0.51 mm 2 , p 2 , p 32 P radioactive stents may be safe and effective in reducing neointimal formation leading to in-stent restenosis. Longer follow-up will be required to examine whether these positive findings can be maintained

  16. Angulated Stents-A Novel Stent Improvisation to Manage Difficult Post-tuberculosis Bronchial Stenosis. (United States)

    Tay, Chee Kiang; Jeong, Byeong-Ho; Kim, Hojoong


    Post-tuberculosis bronchostenosis (PTBS), a complication of endobronchial tuberculosis is currently treated by bronchial stenting. However, in cases of angulated bronchial stenoses, difficulty is often encountered in stent insertion and maintenance, resulting in stent migration, granulation tissue overgrowth, and restenosis. To accommodate the angulated alignment of the stenosis, we devised an "angulated stent"-a novel improvisation of the conventional stent via splicing and suturing to achieve a resultant angulated shape. A retrospective review was undertaken to evaluate the performance of this stent. Among 283 PTBS patients who underwent interventional bronchoscopy at our center from 2004 to 2014, 21 were treated with at least one angulated stent. Clinical outcomes, including the stenting duration were investigated. After a median follow-up of 26 months, stent removal was successful in 7 (33.3%) out of 21 patients. In patients managed with angulated stents, the median duration to stent change or eventual removal was longer than those treated with straight tube stents (392 days vs. 86 days; p < 0.05). Angulated stents are a feasible treatment option in patients with angulated PTBS by reducing complications and prolonging the stent-changing interval.

  17. Plan de Auditoría del desarrollo de aplicaciones en una empresa informática




    El proceso de la auditoría requiere una gran recopilación de datos, realización de pruebas y comprobación de requisitos de control. En este trabajo pretendemos, primero mostrar una visión global de la auditoría para posteriormente centrarnos en la auditoría que nos interesa en este proyecto, la auditoría de los Sistemas de desarrollo de aplicaciones informáticas, explicaremos las características que tiene la organización a la que le vamos a realizar el plan de auditoría junt...

  18. Automatización mediante equipos EIB de una cocina adaptada dentro del entorno del robot asistencial ASIBOT


    Rodríguez Fernández, Julián


    El presente proyecto realiza una revisión de los conceptos teóricos y aplicaciones más recientes del campo de la domótica y automatización de viviendas y edificios al entorno doméstico de personas con necesidades especiales. Este tipo de usuarios presentan limitaciones funcionales que les impiden interactuar con el entorno con normalidad, viéndose necesitados de ayudas técnicas. El objetivo del proyecto, será por tanto, el estudio de las posibilidades que las tecnologías domóticas pueden faci...

  19. A comparative evaluation of early stent occlusion among biliary conventional versus wing stents. (United States)

    Khashab, Mouen A; Hutfless, Susan; Kim, Katherine; Lennon, Anne Marie; Canto, Marcia I; Jagannath, Sanjay B; Okolo, Patrick I; Shin, Eun Ji; Singh, Vikesh K


    Conventional plastic stents with a lumen typically have limited patency. The lumenless wing stent was engineered to overcome this problem. The objective of this study was to compare the incidence of early stent occlusion (symptomatic occlusion/cholangitis necessitating re-insertion within 90 days) for wing stents and conventional plastic stents. Patients with biliary pathology treated with plastic biliary stenting during the period 2003-2009 comprised the study cohort. Patients who had at least one biliary wing stent placed comprised the wing stent group, whereas patients who underwent only conventional stent plastic placement comprised the conventional stent group. Patients were stratified by indication: benign biliary strictures (group 1), malignant biliary strictures (group 2), or benign biliary non-stricture pathology (group 3). The association of stent type with the occurrence of primary outcome by indication was analyzed by use of multivariable logistic regression. Three-hundred and forty-six patients underwent 612 ERCP procedures with placement of plastic biliary stent(s). On multivariate analysis, early stent occlusion did not differ between the wing and conventional groups in groups 1, 2, and 3. Among patients who achieved primary outcome in group 2, significantly fewer patients in the wing group had cholangitis (6.7% vs. 39.1%, P = 0.03). Among patients who achieved primary outcome in group 3, significantly fewer patients in the wing group had cholangitis (10% vs. 50%, P = 0.03). Early stent occlusion was similar for wing stents and conventional plastic stents. Wing stents, however, were associated with a lower incidence of cholangitis in patients with malignant biliary obstruction and benign non-stricturing biliary pathology.

  20. EL ENFOQUE CRÍTICO: Una revisión de su historia, naturaleza y algunas aplicaciones

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    Nora Cebotarev


    Full Text Available La intención de este artículo es explorar las bases filosóficas e históricas de los múltiples y complejos significados y usos del Pensamiento Crítico (PC. El PC es definido como un método, analítico y autoreflexivo, teóricamente sustentado, de crítica de ideologías y prácticas convencionales, incluyendo la vida cotidiana, los sistemas políticos, el método científico de crear conocimientos y los del mismo PC. Su propósito es reunir valores morales y científicos. El artículo contiene cuatro partes. La primera discute las diversas acepciones de PC. La segunda traza el origen histórico del PC, su articulación teórica por la Escuela de Frankfurt y las múltiples contribuciones filosóficas que enriquecieron y ampliaron su significado. La tercera parte discute sus requisitos epistemológicos, morales y metodológicos y la última parte presenta algunos ejemplos de las múltiples aplicaciones del PC en varios campos.

  1. Mechanical behavior of peripheral stents and stent-vessel interaction: A computational study (United States)

    Dottori, Serena; Flamini, Vittoria; Vairo, Giuseppe


    In this paper stents employed to treat peripheral artery disease are analyzed through a three-dimensional finite-element approach, based on a large-strain and large-displacement formulation. Aiming to evaluate the influence of some stent design parameters on stent mechanics and on the biomechanical interaction between stent and arterial wall, quasi-static and dynamic numerical analyses are carried out by referring to computational models of commercially and noncommercially available versions of both braided self-expandable stents and balloon-expandable stents. Addressing isolated device models, opening mechanisms and flexibility of both opened and closed stent configurations are numerically experienced. Moreover, stent deployment into a stenotic peripheral artery and possible postdilatation angioplasty (the latter for the self-expandable device only) are simulated by considering different idealized vessel geometries and accounting for the presence of a stenotic plaque. Proposed results highlight important differences in the mechanical response of the two types of stents, as well as a significant influence of the vessel shape on the stress distributions arising upon the artery-plaque system. Finally, computational results are used to assess both the stent mechanical performance and the effectiveness of the stenting treatment, allowing also to identify possible critical conditions affecting the risk of stent fracture, tissue damage, and/or pathological tissue response.

  2. Caracterización del proceso y herramientas metodológicas de la ingeniería de requerimientos para aplicaciones de sistemas de información geográfica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Fernando Medina Cardonal


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el proceso de la ingeniería de requerimientos y las herramientas metodológicas usadas en aplicaciones de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG ante la ausencia de una alternativa integral y consistente específica para este dominio. Para ello, por un lado, se introduce la problemática de la ingeniería de requerimientos en aplicaciones SIG, se exhiben los tipos de requerimientos, actores involucrados y aspectos comunicativos relevantes en el proceso de requerimientos y se clasifican las metodologías existentes en lenguajes de modelamiento y especificación. Adicionalmente, se presentan los estándares geomáticos como un elemento transversal a tener en cuenta en las aplicaciones SIG.

  3. Development and application of a methodology for the classification of the operating conditions of power transformers; Desarrollo y aplicacion de una metodologia para la clasificacion del estado operativo de transformadores de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lara Covarrubias, Hector


    Electricidad (CFE). Se asignan tres estados de semaforizacion (verde, amarillo y rojo) para cada paso relativo y de acuerdo a los resultados de prueba se le asignara un paso relativo (1, 2 o 3). Asignacion de pesos especificos a cada una de las pruebas consideradas en el modelo. Determinacion del producto del vapor relativo para su peso especifico para cada prueba, obteniendo un puntaje para cada una de las pruebas. Obtencion del grado de riesgo del transformador bajo evaluacion mediante un calculo de puntaje final, es decir, la sumatoria de los puntajes individuales de cada prueba. Definicion de tres categorias para la clarificacion del grado de riesgo de transformadores de acuerdo a sus puntajes finales. Clasificacion del estado operativo de los transformadores evaluados de acuerdo al puntaje obtenido, el cual se ubica en una de las tres categorias definidas. Con la semaforizacion se priorizan las recomendaciones pertinentes. Con la aplicacion del modelo para la clasificacion del estado operativo de los transformadores de potencia, se puede programar mantenimiento de acuerdo al grado de riesgo. El modelo desarrollado puede ser aplicado a todo el parque de transformacion de la CFE, permitiendo con esto programar la inversion para la situacion, previniendo fallas catastroficas que pueden ocasionar problemas de logistica y economicos a la operacion del sistema electrico nacional de potencia. Como ejemplo, se analizan los resultados de la aplicacion del modelo en 2 bancos de transformacion instalados en la Central Hidroelectrica Malpaso.

  4. ANGIOPLASTIA PERCUTÁNEA CON STENT EN EL TRONCO PRINCIPAL DE LA ARTERIA CORONARIA IZQUIERDA / Percutaneous angioplasty with stent in the left main coronary artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Almeida Gómez


    Full Text Available ResumenIntroducción y objetivos: La afectación significativa del tronco común izquierdo, es la más letal de las presentaciones de la enfermedad arterial coronaria. El tratamiento de elección, es la cirugía de derivación aorto-coronaria. En varios estudios multicéntricos, se sugiere la posibilidad de tratar la enfermedad de tronco mediante el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo con implantación de prótesis endoluminal o stent. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la angioplastia percutánea con stent en el tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en 21 pacientes con angioplastia percutánea con stent en el tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda, realizadas en el laboratorio de Hemodinámica y Cardiología Intervencionista del Hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras", entre enero 2010 y julio 2011. Resultados: No existió diferencia significativa en el sexo. Predominó el grupo de edad entre 50-64 años (47,6 % y el color de la piel blanca (76,19 %. El factor de riesgo cardiovascular más encontrado fue la HTA (85,71 %, seguido de dislipidemia (47,61 %. El diagnóstico más observado fue la angina de esfuerzo estable, 14 casos (66,66 %. La lesión en el cuerpo del tronco (12 pacientes, 57,1 %, fue la más encontrada, seguida de la ostial (8 casos. El tipo de stent más utilizado fue el liberador de fármacos (61,9 %, y solamente 4 pacientes presentaban troncos protegidos quirúrgicamente. Conclusiones: La mayor cantidad de casos fueron electivos, con predominio de los troncos no protegidos. El factor de riesgo coronario más encontrado fue la HTA. Se encontró asociación significativa entre la diabetes mellitus y la localización ostial de la lesión tratada. / AbstractIntroduction and Objectives: Significant impairment of the left main coronary artery is the most lethal presentation of coronary artery disease. The treatment of choice

  5. Angiographic CT: in vitro comparison of different carotid artery stents-does stent orientation matter? (United States)

    Lettau, Michael; Bendszus, Martin; Hähnel, Stefan


    Our aim was to evaluate the in vitro visualization of different carotid artery stents on angiographic CT (ACT). Of particular interest was the influence of stent orientation to the angiography system by measurement of artificial lumen narrowing (ALN) caused by the stent material within the stented vessel segment to determine whether ACT can be used to detect restenosis within the stent. ACT appearances of 17 carotid artery stents of different designs and sizes (4.0 to 11.0 mm) were investigated in vitro. Stents were placed in different orientations to the angiography system. Standard algorithm image reconstruction and stent-optimized algorithm image reconstruction was performed. For each stent, ALN was calculated. With standard algorithm image reconstruction, ALN ranged from 19.0 to 43.6 %. With stent-optimized algorithm image reconstruction, ALN was significantly lower and ranged from 8.2 to 18.7 %. Stent struts could be visualized in all stents. Differences in ALN between the different stent orientations to the angiography system were not significant. ACT evaluation of vessel patency after stent placement is possible but is impaired by ALN. Stent orientation of the stents to the angiography system did not significantly influence ALN. Stent-optimized algorithm image reconstruction decreases ALN but further research is required to define the visibility of in-stent stenosis depending on image reconstruction.

  6. Coronary and peripheral stenting in aorto-ostial protruding stents: The balloon assisted access to protruding stent technique. (United States)

    Helmy, Tarek A; Sanchez, Carlos E; Bailey, Steven R


    Treatment of aorto-ostial in-stent restenosis lesions represents a challenge for interventional cardiologists. Excessive protrusion of the stent into the aorta may lead to multiple technical problems, such as difficult catheter reengagement of the vessel ostium or inability to re-wire through the stent lumen in repeat interventions. We describe a balloon assisted access to protruding stent technique in cases where conventional coaxial engagement of an aorto-ostial protruding stent with the guide catheter or passage of the guide wire through the true lumen is not feasible. This technique is applicable both in coronary and peripheral arteries. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Aplicaciones clínicas del colgajo en cono

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    W. Calderón


    Full Text Available Presentamos nuestra experiencia con el uso de un colgajo previamente descrito, el colgajo denominado en cono por la forma final que obtiene, como la de un barquillo de helado con su bocado. Consta de 2 colgajos acoplados: uno de rotación local y otro un avance en V-Y, ambos fasciocutáneos. Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo de 108 pacientes intervenidos entre 2000 y 2013 por lesiones en diferentes partes del organismo, con edades comprendidas entre los 20 y los 52 años, de los cuales 99 fueron varones, y en los que empleamos este tipo de colgajo. Los defectos cubiertos afectaban a las piernas en el 27% de los casos, tobillos en el 10%, planta del pie en el 9%, al talón en el 8% y a otras localizaciones en el resto de los pacientes. Del total, 80 colgajos tuvieron buena evolución (74%, 11 sufrieron dehiscencia mayor (10,2 %, 13 dehiscencia menor (12% y 4 necrosis (3,7 %. Los resultados confirman que el colgajo en cono es versátil, reproducible, sencillo y seguro de realizar, y permite al cirujano plástico resolver problemas quirúrgicos complejos de forma muy segura y a bajo costo.

  8. Microvascular stent anastomosis using N-fibroin stents: feasibility, ischemia time, and complications. (United States)

    Smeets, Ralf; Vorwig, Oliver; Wöltje, Michael; Gaudin, Robert; Luebke, Andreas M; Beck-Broichsitter, Benedicta; Rheinnecker, Michael; Heiland, Max; Grupp, Katharina; Gröbe, Alexander; Hanken, Henning


    To evaluate a novel microvascular anastomosis technique using N-fibroin stents. Cylinder stents of 1 mm diameter and 5 mm length were fabricated using N-fibroin from silkworms. In 22 rats, aortas were dissected, and the stent was inserted into the two ends of the aorta and fixed using methylmethacrylate. Stent anastomosis was successful in 21 (96%) rats. The mean ischemia time was 7.4 minutes, significantly shorter than the 15.9 minutes in the control group with conventional sutures (P stent anastomosis cases, and marked host rejection was evident at the stent anastomosis sites. Around the stents, thrombi were frequent (52%). Our study demonstrated the basic feasibility of stent anastomosis using N-fibroin stents and reduced ischemia time. However, thrombus formation, frequent and severe abdominal infections, and heavy host rejection remain critical issues. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Aplicaciones del mindfulness (conciencia plena en lesión deportiva

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    Silvia Sol\\u00E9


    Full Text Available El concepto mindfulness o conciencia plena, definido como un constructo que explica el hecho de prestar atención, en el momento presente y sin intención de juzgar la experiencia vivida (Kabat-Zinn, 1982, y considerado como técnicas de 3ª generación en terapia conductual, siendo aplicado en numerosos campos con beneficios en variables tales como la gestión del estrés, el dolor o la calidad de vida. En el ámbito de la psicología del deporte se está utilizando para mejorar la gestión del estrés y la mejora del rendimiento de los deportistas (Birrer et al., 2012. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los trabajos empíricos en psicología del deporte con intervenciones basadas en mindfulness y ver los beneficios potenciales de la aplicación de este método de trabajo para su aplicación a la prevención, rehabilitación y recuperación de la lesión deportiva.


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    Marcos Gestal


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El framework J2EE ha sido el gran dominador, durante mucho tiempo, en el desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales. Esto hecho originó la aparición de un rico ecosistema de herramientas, manuales, tutoriales, etc., que explican las diferentes alternativas o peculiaridades a la hora de su implementación. La irrupción de .NET Framework, en el ámbito empresarial, ha producido una fuerte demanda de implementación de aplicaciones bajo dicha arquitectura. Sin embargo, la cantidad o calidad de la documentación disponible dista considerablemente con respecto a la existente, su principal alternativa (J2EE. Esta laguna de documentación, es especialmente visible y preocupante cuando se establece como objetivo dar a conocer los conceptos del framework, desde un punto de vista docente, a los futuros egresados del Grado en Ingeniería en Informática. Este trabajo describe el enfoque docente seguido, para alcanzar el citado objetivo de familiarizar a los alumnos con este framework alternativo y las prácticas habituales de modelo dentro de éste. Para ello, se basa principalmente de un conjunto de sencillos tutoriales con los que mostrar los fundamentos de la tecnología y dos aplicaciones completas (miniportal y minibank en las que se muestra cómo aplicar patrones de diseño, a la hora de abordar una aplicación empresarial. ABSTRACT: For a long time, J2EE has been the dominating framework for the development of business applications. This fact resulted in a rich ecosystem of tools, manuals, tutorials, etc. that explain different implementation alternatives or peculiarities. The incursion of .NET Framework in the business environment has generated a strong demand of application implementation under this architecture. However, the quantity and quality of documents available significantly differs from its main alternative (J2EE. This documentation gap is especially visible and worrying when the objective is to teach the concepts of Framework

  11. The stenting strategy of drug-eluting stents for coronary artery disease in patients on dialysis

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    Hiroshi Fujita


    Full Text Available Background: Reports regarding the relationship between the length and diameter of implanted drug-eluting stents and clinical and angiographic outcomes in dialysis patients are limited. Aim: We investigated the efficiency of drug-eluting stents for coronary artery disease in patients on dialysis from the viewpoint of stent sizing. Methods: Sirolimus-eluting stents were implanted in 88 lesions and bare metal stents were implanted in 43 lesions. We compared stenting strategy, major adverse cardiac events, and angiographic results between sirolimus-eluting stent and bare metal stent groups. Results: Stent diameter was smaller and stent length was longer in the sirolimus-eluting stent group than in the bare metal stent group in our routine practices. There was no significant between-group difference in late diameter loss. Rates of angiographic restenosis and target lesion revascularization were significantly higher in the sirolimus-eluting stent group than in the bare metal stent group. Although stent length was significantly longer and stent diameter was smaller in the sirolimus-eluting stent group, sirolimus-eluting stents did not improve the subsequent clinical and angiographic results compared with bare metal stents in dialysis patients. Conclusion: In dialysis patients, a longer length and/or smaller diameter sirolimus-eluting stent implantation was associated with high rates of restenosis and target lesion revascularization compared with bare metal stents.

  12. Stent-in-Stent Technique for the Treatment of Proximal Bronchial Restenosis after Insertion of Metallic Stents: A Report of Two Cases

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    Benjamin Bondue


    Full Text Available Endoscopic treatment of a bronchial restenosis previously treated by insertion of a partially covered self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS can be difficult. Classically, after recanalization of the bronchus, the stent is removed and replaced by a more adapted one. We report on two cases of proximal bronchial restenosis treated by insertion of an additional stent inside the lumen of the previously inserted stent using the stent-in-stent (SIS technique. The indications for the initial stent were malignancy in Patient 1 and posttransplant bronchial stenosis in Patient 2. Restenosis occurred at the proximal end of the stent within months in both cases. Stent removal and insertion of a new stent were considered, but this option was discarded because of an excessive risk of bronchial perforation and preference towards an alternative approach. In both cases, a second customized SEMS was placed using the SIS technique after ablation of the proximal end stenosis of the stent by argon plasma coagulation and/or dilation with a balloon. Recanalization of the bronchus was achieved in both cases without complications. The SIS technique is a valuable alternative to removal of SEMS in case of proximal bronchial restenosis.

  13. Endovascular AAA exclusion: will stents with hooks and barbs prevent stent-graft migration? (United States)

    Malina, M; Lindblad, B; Ivancev, K; Lindh, M; Malina, J; Brunkwall, J


    To investigate if stents with hooks and barbs will improve stent-graft fixation in the abdominal aorta. Sixteen- to 24-mm-diameter Dacron grafts were deployed inside cadaveric aortas. The grafts were anchored by stents as in endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. One hundred thirty-seven stent-graft deployments were carried out with modified self-expanding Z-stents with (A) no hooks and barbs (n = 75), (B) 4 5-mm-long hooks and barbs (n = 39), (C) 8 10-mm-long, strengthened hooks and barbs (n = 19), or (D) hooks only (n = 4). Increasing longitudinal traction was applied to determine the displacement force needed to extract the stent-grafts. The radial force of the stents was measured and correlated to the displacement force. The median (interquartile range) displacement force needed to extract grafts anchored by stent A was 2.5 N (2.0 to 3.4), stent B 7.8 N (7.4 to 10.8), and stent C 22.5 N (17.1 to 27.9), p barbs added anchoring strength. During traction, the weaker barbs were distorted or caused intimal tears. The stronger barbs engaged the entire aortic wall. The radial force of the stents had no impact on fixation, while aortic calcification and graft oversizing had marginal effects. Stent barbs and hooks increased the fixation of stent-grafts tenfold, while the radial force of stents had no impact. These data may prove important in future endograft development to prevent stent-graft migration after aneurysm exclusion.

  14. Estudio de las propiedades mecánicas del sistema óseo


    Alvaro Mendoza G.


    Los estudios adelantados fueron realizados para el área de Biomecánica, tratando de que su desarrollo fuera lo más científico posible; y aplicado al estudio del sistema óseo del hombre, ya que él posee un material que tiene un comportamiento que hace posible las aplicaciones de conceptos mecánicos y físicos de la Ingenlerla para su análisis.

  15. Preliminary Report of Carotid Artery Stenting Using a Tapered Stent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Chang Woo; Kim, Dong Hyun; Hong, Seung; Jeong; Kim, Young Suk; Byun, Joo Nam; Oh, Jae Hee [Dept. of Radiology, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Ahn, Seong Hwan [Dept. of Neurology, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    To analyze the results of carotid artery stenting using a tapered stent and to evaluate the effectiveness of the tapered stent compared to previously reported studies using non-tapered stents. From October 2008 to August 2010, elective carotid artery stenting using a tapered stent was attempted in 39 lesions from 36 consecutive patients. Post-procedural complications were evaluated by neurologic symptoms and magnetic resonance imaging. Restenosis or occlusion was evaluated by carotid Doppler ultrasound and computerized tomography with angiography. Newly developed neurologic symptoms were evaluated clinically. The self-expandable tapered stent was placed across the carotid artery stenosis. A total stroke was noted in 3 patients, while a major stroke was noted in 1 patient. On diffusion weighted imaging, new lesions were observed in 15 patients, but 13 patients were clinically silent. Follow-up imaging studies were performed in the 13 clinically silent lesions, and no evidence of restenosis or occlusion was found any of the 13 lesions. During clinical follow-up in 34 lesions from 31 patients, there were newly developed neurological symptoms in only 1 patient.

  16. La anticipación de las crisis (una aplicación del enfoque del caos

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    Manuel Guzmán Hennessey


    Full Text Available Este ensayo explora la posibilidad de aplicar la teoría del caos en el contexto de las dinámicas de crisis. Se examinan las bases filosóficas del pensamiento cognitivo borroso y se explora un modelo de aproximación a la realidad, a partir del reconocimiento de sus ciclos evolutivos caos orden. El problema de ver es la línea de investigación del Centro de Aplicaciones de la Teoría del Caos (Bogotá, Buenos Aires. Este trabajo es un avance de la investigación “Mil Matices: materiales para una teoría de las crisis”, cuyo propósito, entre otros, plantea: ¿Cuál es, en realidad, la esencia y el origen del Caos, y cómo pueden aplicarse sus enfoques en una sociedad que necesita superar sus crisis y aprender a moverse en contextos turbulentos?

  17. Predictive Factors of In-Stent Restenosis in Renal Artery Stenting: A Retrospective Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vignali, Claudio; Bargellini, Irene; Lazzereschi, Michele; Cioni, Roberto; Petruzzi, Pasquale; Caramella, Davide; Pinto, Stefania; Napoli, Vinicio; Zampa, Virna; Bartolozzi, Carlo


    Purpose. To retrospectively evaluate the role of clinical and procedural factors in predicting in-stent restenosis in patients with renovascular disease treated by renal artery stenting. Methods. From 1995 to 2002, 147 patients underwent renal artery stenting for the treatment of significant ostial atherosclerotic stenosis. Patients underwent strict clinical and color-coded duplex ultrasound follow-up. Ninety-nine patients (111 stents), with over 6 months of continuous follow-up (mean 22±12 months, range 6-60 months), were selected and classified according to the presence (group A, 30 patients, 32 lesions) or absence (group B, 69 patients, 79 lesions) of significant in-stent restenosis. A statistical analysis was performed to identify possible preprocedural and procedural predictors of restenosis considering the following data: sex, age, smoking habit, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, serum creatinine, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, renal artery stenosis grade, and stent type, length and diameter. Results. Comparing group A and B patients (χ 2 test), a statistically significant relation was demonstrated between stent diameter and length and restenosis: the risk of in-stent restenosis decreased when the stent was ≥6 mm in diameter and between 15 and 20 mm in length. This finding was confirmed by multiple logistic regression analysis. Stent diameter and length were proved to be significantly related to in-stent restenosis also when evaluating only patients treated by Palmaz stent (71 stents). Conclusion. Although it is based on a retrospective analysis, the present study confirms the importance of correct stent selection in increasing long-term patency, using stents of at least 6 mm in diameter and with a length of approximately 15-20 mm

  18. Células tronco mesenquimales: definiciones, cultivo y aplicaciones potenciales

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    Willy Ceron

    Full Text Available En los últimos años, las células troncales mesenquimales (Mesenchymal Stem Cells, MSC han adquirido mucha importancia debido a su gran plasticidad y su capacidad de liberar factores paracrinos con capacidad de interactuar con diversos tipos celulares, tejidos y órganos. El uso de MSC en medicina regenerativa es importante debido a que, al no expresar las moléculas del complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad (MHC clase II ni moléculas co-estimuladoras y tener baja expresión del MHC clase I, haría que no sean rechazadas por individuos de la misma especie, es posible utilizarlas no sólo de manera autóloga, sino también, eventualmente, alogénica. Sin embargo, es importante demostrar científicamente muchas de sus propiedades, entre ellas las inmunomoduladoras. Al tener varias fuentes de obtención, se debe estandarizar la que sea la mejor para garantizar la pureza y calidad de las MSC. Finalmente, es importante que cuando se trabaje con estas células se demuestre completamente las características del cultivo celular, la inmunotipificación y su capacidad de diferenciación. Se están ensayando muchas aplicaciones clínicas de las MSC. Dentro de ellas, su capacidad para mejorar la recuperación y potencial curación de úlceras crónicas como las diabéticas, ha atraído la atención por su potencial impacto terapéutico.

  19. El enfoque crítico: una revisión de su historia, naturaleza y algunas aplicaciones

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    Eleanora A. Cebotarev


    Full Text Available La intención de este artículo es explorar las bases filosóficas e históricas de los múltiples y complejos significados y usos del Pensamiento Critico (PC. El PC es definido como un método, analítico y autoreflexivo, teóricamente sustentado, de crítica de ideologías y prácticas convencionales, incluyendo la vida cotidiana, los sistemas políticos, el método científico de crear conocimientos y los del mismo PC. Su propósito es reunir valores morales y científicos. El artículo contiene cuatro partes. La primera discute las diversas acepciones de PC. La segunda traza el origen histórico del PC, su articulación teórica por la Escuela de Frankfurt y las múltiples contribuciones filosóficas que enriquecieron y ampliaron su significado. La tercera parte discute sus requisitos epistemológicos, morales y metodológicos y la última parte presenta algunos ejemplos de las múltiples aplicaciones del PC en varios campos

  20. Efectos tóxicos del mercurio


    Myriam Gutiérrez de Salazar


    EI mercurio se encuentra en rocas de muchas clases. Su mina principal es el cinabrio del cual recupera en un 86.2%; otras fuentes son la livingstonita, metacinabarita y corderoita. Se presenta en una gran variedad de estados físicos y químicos, cada uno de ellos tiene toxicidad diferente y sus aplicaciones en la industria, la agricultura y la medicina requieren de distintas evaluaciones.

  1. Intravascular stent graft with polyurethane and metallic stent: experimental study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Do, Young Soo; Lee, Won Jae; Kim, Boo Kyung Han; Park, Jae Hyung; Lee, Hak Jong; Lee, Sang Hyun; Kim, Sung Hyun; Kim, Jong Won; Ha, Jongwon


    To evaluate the usefulness of a new model of the stent graft, and of tissue response related to placement of the stent graft. The stent graft was constructed from polyurethane (Pellethane) graft and Hanaro stent(12mm in diameter, 45mm in length, 10 bends). A stent grafts was inserted into the lower thoracic aorta in each of six adult mongrel dogs(body weight, 12-16kg). At one, two, four, and six months, follow-up studies of angiography and spiral CT angiography were preformed to evaluate wascular patency, vascular stenosis, and thrombus formation. Two dogs were sacrificed at 1month, 2months, and 6months after insertion of the stent graft and macroscopic, light microscopic, and scanning electron microscopic examinations of the aortic segment including the stent graft were performed to evaluate intimal hyperplasia, endothelial growth to the graft, and thrombus formation. During follow-up at one, two, four, and six months, angiography or spiral CT angiography showed 20-100% luminal stenosis or occlusion of the lower thoracic aorta by the thrombus and perigraft leaks in three dogs(50%), and collateral vessels caused by occlusion of the aorta in two (33.3%). On gross examination, there were thrombi of 1-5mm thickness at the graft portions in all dogs, and this thickness gradually increased. The mean thickness of intimal hyperplasia at the stent portion gradually increased from 120μm to 227μm and the mean thickness of intimal hyperplasia at the graft portion from 93μm to 914μm. This thickness was greater at the graft portion than at the stent portion. Scanning electron microscopy showed elliptical endothelial lining on the neointimal surfaces at each end of the graft. Thrombi caused stenosis or occlusion of the stent graft. In order for such a graft to be ideal, further study is needed

  2. Aplicaciones del mindfulness (conciencia plena) en lesión deportiva


    Solé Cases, Silvia; Carrança, Bruno; Serpa, Sidónio; Palmi Guerrero, Joan


    El concepto mindfulness o conciencia plena, definido como un constructo que explica el hecho de prestar atención, en el momento presente y sin intención de juzgar la experiencia vivida (Kabat-Zinn, 1982), y considerado como técnicas de 3a generación en terapia conductual, siendo aplicado en numerosos campos con beneficios en variables tales como la gestión del estrés, el dolor o la calidad de vida. En el ámbito de la psicología del deporte se está utilizando para mejorar la gestión del estrés...

  3. Stent Coating Integrity of Durable and Biodegradable Coated Drug Eluting Stents. (United States)

    Yazdani, Saami K; Sheehy, Alexander; Pacetti, Stephen; Rittlemeyer, Brandon; Kolodgie, Frank D; Virmani, Renu


    Coatings consisting of a polymer and drug are widely used in drug-eluting stents (DES) and are essential in providing programmable drug release kinetics. Among other factors, stent coating technologies can influence blood compatibility, affect acute and sub-acute healing, and potentially trigger a chronic inflammatory response. The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term (7 and 28 days) and long-term (90 and 180 days) coating integrity of the Xience Prime Everolimus-Eluting Stent (EES), Resolute Zotarolimus-Eluting Stent (ZES), Taxus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent (PES), and Nobori Biolimus A9-Eluting Stent (BES) in a rabbit ilio-femoral stent model. Stented arteries (n = 48) were harvested and the tissue surrounding the implanted stents digested away with an enzymatic solution. Results demonstrated that the majority of struts of EES were without any coating defects with a few struts showing minor defects. Similarly, for the ZES, most of the struts were without coating defects at all time points except at 180 days. The majority of PES demonstrated mostly webbing and uneven coating. In the BES group, the majority of strut coating showed polymer cracking. Overall, the EES and ZES had fewer coating defects than the PES and BES. Coating defects, however increase over time for the ZES, whereas the percent of coating irregularities remained constant for the EES. These results provide, for the first time, a comparison of the long-term durability of these drug-eluting stent coatings in vivo. © 2016, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Modelo de Sistema Basado en Conocimiento en el Dominio de la Seguridad de Aplicaciones

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    María Victoria Bajarlía


    Full Text Available El objetivo es proponer un modelo de un sistema basado en conocimiento (SBC aplicado al análisis de seguridad de aplicaciones de gestión. El modelo se fundamenta en un sistema basado en conocimiento (SBC que cuenta con un componente cognitivo que le permite incorporar conocimiento. En virtud de que las amenazas y los ataques informáticos representan un problema constante y creciente se puede suponer que el SBC, a través del aprendizaje dinámico que lo mantendrá actualizado, podrá asistir a los especialistas en Seguridad de la Información, en el área de competencia, a la elaboración de Especificación de Requerimientos.

  5. Técnicas hortícolas para optimizar el tamaño y la calidad del fruto del naranjo (Citrus sinensis L.

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    Cabezas-Gutiérrez Marco


    Full Text Available

    Con el fin de mejorar la calidad del fruto de la variedad de naranja Sweety Orange injertada sobre el patrón enanizante ‘Flying Dragon’, se realizó un experimento en el que se probaron técnicas de anillado de ramas, defoliación parcial, raleo de frutos, fertilización foliar, aplicaciones de sacarosa al follaje y poda de ramas no productivas. El trabajo se realizó en un huerto comercial en el norte del departamento del Valle del Cauca (Colombia, en plantas de 9 años de edad. Al comparar los resultados con el experimento control se observa que: i el anillado de ramas productivas influyó significativamente en la producción total de fruta por planta e incrementó el número de frutos retenidos en el árbol en un 38%; ii la aplicación de sacarosa mejoró la calidad interna del fruto al incrementar el contenido de sólidos solubles totales en un 10% y disminuir la acidez en un 36%. Ni la selección de fruta ni la fertilización foliar mostraron diferencias significativas con el tratamiento control. Se concluye que la combinación de anillado y aplicaciones externas de sacarosa pueden ser técnicas útiles para mejorar la calidad del naranjo en la zona cafetera colombiana.


  6. Estudio de las propiedades mecánicas del sistema óseo

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    Alvaro Mendoza G.


    Full Text Available Los estudios adelantados fueron realizados para el área de Biomecánica, tratando de que su desarrollo fuera lo más científico posible; y aplicado al estudio del sistema óseo del hombre, ya que él posee un material que tiene un comportamiento que hace posible las aplicaciones de conceptos mecánicos y físicos de la Ingenlerla para su análisis.

  7. Los jóvenes como usuarios de aplicaciones de marca en dispositivos móviles

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    Francisco Javier Ruiz del Olmo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el papel de los jóvenes consumidores en el contexto de los nuevos procesos comunicativos que surgen de tecnologías emergentes: el uso de las aplicaciones de marca en los dispositivos móviles. Éstos incorporan funcionalidades sociales y comunicativas cada vez más complejas y, entre ellas, las aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes que vinculan publicidad comercial y pagos forman un campo novedoso pero de interés prioritario para distintos actores comunicativos, como son las marcas comerciales, los servicios bancarios y las propias compañías tecnológicas. En ese contexto la presente investigación describe y codifica cualitativamente cómo los usuarios entienden, perciben y utilizan, como prosumidores, las aplicaciones de marca corporativa y los pagos. Para ello se aplican técnicas de investigación en cuatro grupos focales, de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 24 años, compuestos por jóvenes universitarios españoles estudiantes en Comunicación, como usuarios que muestran una predisposición y una adopción temprana de estas prácticas. Las respuestas de las reuniones del grupo de discusión permitieron una clasificación de las prácticas comunicativas. En conclusión, se constata una alta predisposición de estos consumidores activos por interactuar con contenidos comerciales, estableciendo redes sociales bajo el amparo de una cultura e imagen de marca, como forma de cohesión grupal. Otros usos se relacionan con el entretenimiento y la información, al tiempo que aún se muestran reticentes al pago de productos o servicios mediante el dispositivo móvil.

  8. Mechanisms and Patterns of Intravascular Ultrasound In-Stent Restenosis Among Bare Metal Stents and First- and Second-Generation Drug-Eluting Stents. (United States)

    Goto, Kosaku; Zhao, Zhijing; Matsumura, Mitsuaki; Dohi, Tomotaka; Kobayashi, Nobuaki; Kirtane, Ajay J; Rabbani, LeRoy E; Collins, Michael B; Parikh, Manish A; Kodali, Susheel K; Leon, Martin B; Moses, Jeffrey W; Mintz, Gary S; Maehara, Akiko


    The most common causes of in-stent restenosis (ISR) are intimal hyperplasia and stent under expansion. The purpose of this study was to use intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) to compare the ISR mechanisms of bare metal stents (BMS), first-generation drug-eluting stents (DES), and second-generation DES. There were 298 ISR lesions including 52 BMS, 73 sirolimus-eluting stents, 52 paclitaxel-eluting stents, 16 zotarolimus-eluting stents, and 105 everolimus-eluting stent. Mean patient age was 66.6 ± 1.1 years, 74.2% were men, and 48.3% had diabetes mellitus. BMS restenosis presented later (70.0 ± 66.7 months) with more intimal hyperplasia compared with DES (BMS 58.6 ± 15.5%, first-generation DES 52.6 ± 20.9%, second-generation DES 48.2 ± 22.2%, p = 0.02). Although reference lumen areas were similar in BMS and first- and second-generation DES, restenotic DES were longer (BMS 21.8 ± 13.5 mm, first-generation DES 29.4 ± 16.1 mm, second-generation DES 32.1 ± 18.7 mm, p = 0.003), and stent areas were smaller (BMS 7.2 ± 2.4 mm(2), first-generation DES 6.1 ± 2.1 mm(2), second-generation DES 5.7 ± 2.0 mm(2), p Stent fracture was seen only in DES (first-generation DES 7 [5.0%], second-generation DES 8 [7.4%], p = 0.13). In conclusion, restenotic first- and second-generation DES were characterized by less neointimal hyperplasia, smaller stent areas, longer stent lengths, and more stent fractures than restenotic BMS. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Uso y aplicaciones de drones en minería


    Sánchez García, Manuel


    Los drones son una tecnología actual y en pleno desarrollo con múltiples aplicaciones pero ¿conocemos todas las posibilidades que nos ofrecen dentro de la minería? Este proyecto pretende dar respuesta a esta pregunta y poner de manifiesto todas las aplicaciones potenciales. Los drones, también conocidos como VANT (Vehículo Aéreo No Tripulado) o UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle), son aeronaves que vuelan sin tripulación, reutilizables, capaz de mantener de manera autónoma un vuelo controlado y ...

  10. Implementación de un entorno cloud en las infraestructuras del laboratorio de aplicaciones telemáticas


    Pereira Diéguez, Martín


    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se expone el procedimiento de despliegue de un entorno Cloud OpenStack utilizando dos soluciones de virtualización distintas. Citrix XenServer con Mirantis OpenStack y CentOS 7 con RDO PackStack ambas sobre servidores Huawei. Se integra dicha infraestructura en el Laboratorio de Aplicaciones de Telemáticas y se configuran los equipos de red para permitir el acceso desde el Laboratorio de Telemática. Además, se configuran el direccionamiento de los servidores para que ...

  11. 4D phase contrast flow imaging for in-stent flow visualization and assessment of stent patency in peripheral vascular stents--a phantom study. (United States)

    Bunck, Alexander C; Jüttner, Alena; Kröger, Jan Robert; Burg, Matthias C; Kugel, Harald; Niederstadt, Thomas; Tiemann, Klaus; Schnackenburg, Bernhard; Crelier, Gerard R; Heindel, Walter; Maintz, David


    4D phase contrast flow imaging is increasingly used to study the hemodynamics in various vascular territories and pathologies. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and validity of MRI based 4D phase contrast flow imaging for the evaluation of in-stent blood flow in 17 commonly used peripheral stents. 17 different peripheral stents were implanted into a MR compatible flow phantom. In-stent visibility, maximal velocity and flow visualization were assessed and estimates of in-stent patency obtained from 4D phase contrast flow data sets were compared to a conventional 3D contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) as well as 2D PC flow measurements. In all but 3 of the tested stents time-resolved 3D particle traces could be visualized inside the stent lumen. Quality of 4D flow visualization and CE-MRA images depended on stent type and stent orientation relative to the magnetic field. Compared to the visible lumen area determined by 3D CE-MRA, estimates of lumen patency derived from 4D flow measurements were significantly higher and less dependent on stent type. A higher number of stents could be assessed for in-stent patency by 4D phase contrast flow imaging (n=14) than by 2D phase contrast flow imaging (n=10). 4D phase contrast flow imaging in peripheral vascular stents is feasible and appears advantageous over conventional 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography and 2D phase contrast flow imaging. It allows for in-stent flow visualization and flow quantification with varying quality depending on stent type. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Estudio de las aplicaciones de gestión de la red WAN de un operador de telecomunicaciones


    González Medina, Mariano


    Este proyecto se basa en analizar y estudiar exhaustivamente las aplicaciones de gestión de la red WAN de un operador de telecomunicaciones (OdT). Dichas aplicaciones se dividen en dos fases importantes: provisión y mantenimiento. Aquest projecte es basa en analitzar i estudiar exhaustivament les aplicacions de gestió de la xarxa WAN d'un operador de telecomunicacions (OdT). Aquestes aplicacions es divideixen en dues fases importants: provisió i manteniment.

  13. Tratamiento paliativo de la obstrucción tumoral del vaciamiento gástrico con prótesis metálicas autoexpandibles insertadas endoscópicamente Palliative management of malignant gastric outlet obstruction with endoscopically inserted self-expanding metal stents

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    J. García-Cano


    Full Text Available Antecedentes y objetivo: la inserción de prótesis metálicas autoexpandibles para paliar la obstrucción tumoral del vaciamiento gástrico es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo, que cada vez se utiliza con más frecuencia. Presentamos la experiencia de esta técnica en un hospital de nivel II del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Pacientes y métodos: estudio retrospectivo de un periodo de cinco años (2003-2007, en los que se trató de resolver la obstrucción tumoral del vaciamiento gástrico en 27 ocasiones a 23 pacientes (media de 0,45 procedimientos por mes, mediante la inserción endoscópica de prótesis no recubiertas (Wallstent® y Wallflex®. Resultados: la inserción fue técnicamente posible en el 100% de los 27 intentos. Se obtuvo un buen resultado clínico en 25 ocasiones (92,5%. Se utilizó sólo endoscopia 10 (37% veces y en las otras 17 (63% también fluoroscopia. Tras la inserción de la prótesis se intervino a un paciente con intención curativa y a otro, en el que la prótesis no funcionó, para realizar una derivación paliativa. Cuatro prótesis se obstruyeron por crecimiento tumoral, recanalizándose mediante la inserción de nuevas prótesis. En tres ocasiones se produjo ictericia obstructiva en prótesis que cubrían la papila de Vater. No hubo otras complicaciones. Tampoco mortalidad derivada del procedimiento. La media de supervivencia fue de 104 días (rango 28-400, DE ± 94. Conclusiones: en nuestra experiencia, la inserción endoscópica de prótesis metálicas autoexpandibles parece un método seguro y eficaz en el tratamiento paliativo de la obstrucción tumoral del vaciamiento gástrico y puede llevarse a cabo con éxito en un centro de nuestras características.Aim and background: the insertion of self-expanding metal stents to palliate malignant gastric outlet obstruction is a minimally invasive procedure that is being increasingly used. We discuss experience with this technique in a level-II hospital in the

  14. Causes and prevention of in-stent restenosis of vertebral artery origin after stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Huipin; Li Shenmao; Zhang Guangping


    Vertebral artery stenosis is an important cause of posterior circulation stroke. Vertebral artery stenosis most commonly occurs at its origin site. In recent years, balloon angioplasty and stent implantation have been widely employed in the treatment of vertebral artery origin stenosis. However, the long term outcome of stent implantation is affected by in-stent restenosis. Multiple contributory factors have been identified, but clear understanding of the overall underlying mechanism remains an enigma. With the development of pathophysiology, prevention and treatment methods of in-stent restenosis have been improved. In recent years, drug-eluting stents, radioactive stents and magnetic stents have been widely applied. To some extent, these stents and drug therapy can solve the problem of restenosis. This article aims to review the clinical application and the up-to-date research progresses in preventing and managing vertebral artery origin restenosis. (authors)

  15. Outcomes of the single-stent versus kissing-stents technique in asymmetric complex aortoiliac bifurcation lesions. (United States)

    Suh, Yongsung; Ko, Young-Guk; Shin, Dong-Ho; Kim, Jung-Sun; Kim, Byeong-Keuk; Choi, Donghoon; Hong, Myeong-Ki; Jang, Yangsoo


    This study investigated the outcomes of single-stent vs kissing-stents techniques in asymmetric complex aortoiliac bifurcation (ACAB) lesions. We retrospectively investigated 80 consecutive patients (69 males, 66.6 ± 8.7 years) treated with a single stent and 30 patients (26 males, 67.1 ± 7.7 years) treated with kissing stents for ACAB between January 2005 and December 2012 from a single-center cohort. A ACAB lesion was defined as a symptomatic unilateral common iliac artery stenosis (>50%) combined with intermediate stenosis (30%-50%) in the contralateral common iliac artery ostium. The primary end point was the primary patency of the ACAB. The baseline clinical characteristics did not differ significantly between the single-stent and the kissing-stents group. Technical success was achieved in all patients. The single-stent group required fewer stents (1.3 ± 0.5 vs 2.3 ± 0.8; P stent group (3%) required bailout kissing stents because of plaque shift to the contralateral side. The major complication rates were 8% in single-stent vs 13% in the kissing-stent group, which was similar (P = .399). At 3 years, the single-stent and kissing-stents group had similar rates of primary patency (89% vs 87%; P = .916) and target lesion revascularization-free survival (93% vs 87%; P = .462). The single-stent technique in ACAB was safe and showed midterm outcomes comparable with those of kissing stents. Considering the benefits, such as fewer stents, less bilateral femoral access, and the availability of contralateral access for future intervention, the single-stent technique may be an advantageous treatment option in ACAB. Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Plastic Biliary Stent Migration During Multiple Stents Placement and Successful Endoscopic Removal Using Intra-Stent Balloon Inflation Technique: A Case Report and Literature Review. (United States)

    Calcara, Calcedonio; Broglia, Laura; Comi, Giovanni; Balzarini, Marco


    Late migration of a plastic biliary stent after endoscopic placement is a well known complication, but there is little information regarding migration of a plastic stent during multiple stents placement. A white man was hospitalized for severe jaundice due to neoplastic hilar stenosis. Surgical eligibility appeared unclear on admission and endoscopy was carried out, but the first stent migrated proximally at the time of second stent insertion. After failed attempts with various devices, the migrated stent was removed successfully through cannulation with a dilation balloon. The migration of a plastic biliary stent during multiple stents placement is a possible complication. In this context, extraction can be very complicated. In our patient, cannulation of a stent with a dilation balloon was the only effective method.

  17. Extracción de contextos definitorios en textos de especialidad a partir del reconocimiento de patrones lingüísticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerardo Sierra


    Full Text Available La extracción automática de definiciones a partir de textos de especialidad es una tarea cada vez más demandante para diferentes aplicaciones del Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, tales como lexicografía computacional, extracción de información, semántica computacional, sistemas pregunta-respuesta, minería de textos, Web semántica y aprendizaje automático. Este artículo presenta un panorama de los trabajos realizados en el Grupo de Ingeniería Lingüística en el tema, desde los aspectos teóricos, la revisión del estado del arte, los estudios lingüísticos sobre definiciones y contextos definitorios, la metodología para la extracción automática y hasta diversas aplicaciones

  18. Genous endothelial progenitor cell-capturing stent system: a novel stent technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klomp, Margo; Beijk, Marcel A. M.; de Winter, Robbert J.


    Drug-eluting stents have been demonstrated to significantly reduce clinical and angiographic restenosis in patients with coronary artery disease compared with bare-metal stents. Intuitively, however, a prohealing approach for the prevention of in-stent restenosis by promoting accelerated

  19. Prospective Multicenter Study on the Challenges Inherent to Using Large Cell-Type Stents for Bilateral Stent-in-Stent Placement in Patients with Inoperable Malignant Hilar Biliary Obstruction. (United States)

    Yang, Min Jae; Kim, Jin Hong; Hwang, Jae Chul; Yoo, Byung Moo; Lee, Sang Hyub; Ryu, Ji Kon; Kim, Yong-Tae; Woo, Sang Myung; Lee, Woo Jin; Jeong, Seok; Lee, Don Haeng


    Although endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement is challenging, many recent studies have reported promising outcomes regarding technical success and endoscopic reintervention. This study aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility of stent-in-stent placement using large cell-type stents in patients with inoperable malignant hilar biliary obstruction. Forty-three patients with inoperable malignant hilar biliary obstruction from four academic centers were prospectively enrolled from March 2013 to June 2015. Bilateral stent-in-stent placement using two large cell-type stents was successfully performed in 88.4% of the patients (38/43). In four of the five cases with technical failure, the delivery sheath of the second stent became caught in the hook-cross-type vertex of the large cell of the first stent, and subsequent attempts to pass a guidewire and stent assembly through the mesh failed. Functional success was achieved in all cases with technical success. Stent occlusion occurred in 63.2% of patients (24/38), with a median patient survival of 300 days. The median stent patency was 198 days. The stent patency rate was 82.9%, 63.1%, and 32.1% at 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. Endoscopic re-intervention was performed in 14 patients, whereas 10 underwent percutaneous drainage. Large cell-type stents for endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement showed acceptable functional success and stent patency when technically successful. However, the technical difficulty associated with the entanglement of the second stent delivery sheath in the hook-cross-type vertex of the first stent may preclude large cell-type stents from being considered as a dedicated standard tool for stent-in-stent placement.

  20. Efectos tóxicos del mercurio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Myriam Gutiérrez de Salazar


    Full Text Available EI mercurio se encuentra en rocas de muchas clases. Su mina principal es el cinabrio del cual recupera en un 86.2%; otras fuentes son la livingstonita, metacinabarita y corderoita. Se presenta en una gran variedad de estados físicos y químicos, cada uno de ellos tiene toxicidad diferente y sus aplicaciones en la industria, la agricultura y la medicina requieren de distintas evaluaciones.

  1. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite "Elaeis Guineensis" e hibrido O x G


    Lizarazo Salcedo, Iván Alberto; Alfonso Carvajal, Oscar Alberto


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limitacio...

  2. Delayed cerebral infarction due to stent folding deformation following carotid artery stenting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Kwon Duk; Lee, Kyung Yul; Suh, Sang Hyun [Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Byung Moon [Dept. of Radiology, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We report a case of delayed cerebral infarction due to stent longitudinal folding deformation following carotid artery stenting using a self-expandable stent with an open-cell design. The stented segment of the left common carotid artery was divided into two different lumens by this folding deformation, and the separated lumens became restricted with in-stent thrombosis. Although no established method of managing this rare complication exists, a conservative approach was taken with administration of anticoagulant and dual antiplatelet therapy. No neurological symptoms were observed during several months of clinical follow-up after discharge.

  3. MR Angiography of Peripheral Arterial Stents: In Vitro Evaluation of 22 Different Stent Types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthias C. Burg


    Full Text Available Purpose. To evaluate stent lumen visibility of a large sample of different peripheral arterial (iliac, renal, carotid stents using magnetic resonance angiography in vitro. Materials and Methods. 21 different stents and one stentgraft (10 nitinol, 7 316L, 2 tantalum, 1 cobalt superalloy, 1 PET + cobalt superalloy, and 1 platinum alloy were examined in a vessel phantom (vessel diameters ranging from 5 to 13 mm filled with a solution of Gd-DTPA. Stents were imaged at 1.5 Tesla using a T1-weighted 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequence. Image analysis was performed measuring three categories: Signal intensity in the stent lumen, lumen visibility of the stented lumen, and homogeneity of the stented lumen. The results were classified using a 3-point scale (good, intermediate, and poor results. Results. 7 stents showed good MR lumen visibility (4x nitinol, 2x tantalum, and 1x cobalt superalloy. 9 stents showed intermediate results (5x nitinol, 2x 316L, 1x PET + cobalt superalloy, and 1x platinum alloy and 6 stents showed poor results (1x nitinol, and 5x 316L. Conclusion. Stent lumen visibility varies depending on the stent material and type. Some products show good lumen visibility which may allow the detection of stenoses inside the lumen, while other products cause artifacts which prevent reliable evaluation of the stent lumen with this technique.

  4. Stent insertion in patients with malignant biliary obstruction: problems of the Hanaro stent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Jae Hyun; Seong, Chang Kyu; Shin, Tae Beom; Kim, Yong Joo [School of Medicine, Kyungpook National Univ., Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Gyoo Sik [School of Medicine, Kosin National Univ., Pusan (Korea, Republic of); Park, Byeung Ho [School of Medicine, Donga National Univ., Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    To investigate the problems of the Hanaro stent (Solco Intermed, Seoul, Korea) when used in the palliative treatment of patients with inoperable malignant biliary obstruction. Between January 2000 and May 2001, the treatment of 46 patients with malignant biliary obstruction involved percutaneous placement of the Hanaro stent. Five patients encountered problems during removal of the stent's introduction system. The causes of obstruction were pancreatic carcinoma (n=2), cholangiocarcinoma (n=2), and gastric carcinoma with biliary invasion (n=1). In one patient, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography and stent insertion were performed as a one-step procedure, while the others underwent conventional percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage for at least two days prior to stent insertion. A self-expandable Hanaro stent, 8-10 mm in deameter and 50-100 mm in lengh, and made from a strand of nitinol wire, was used in all cases. Among the five patients who encountered problems, breakage of the olive tip occourred in three, upward displacement of the stent in two, and improper expansion of the distal portion of the stent, unrelated with the obstruction site, in one. The broken olive tip was pushed to the duodenum in two cases and to the peripheral intrahepatic duct in one. Where the stent migrated during withdrawal of its introduction system, an additional stent was inserted. In one case, the migrated stent was positioned near the liver capsule and the drainage catheter could not be removed. Although the number of patients in this study was limited, some difficulties were encountered in withdrawing the stent's introduction system. To prevent the occurrence of this unusual complication, the stent should be appropriately expansile, and shape in the olive tip should be considered.

  5. Risk Factors and Clinical Evaluation of Superficial Femoral Artery Stent Fracture: Prote'ge'GPS Stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Da Un; Kim, Jae Kyu; Jung, Hye Doo; Huh, Tae Wook; Yim, Nam Yeol; Oh, Hyun jun; Choi, Soo Jin Na; Chang, Nam Kyu


    To evaluate the occurrence of superficial femoral artery stent fractures, the risk factors of stent fracture, and the relationship between fractures and clinical findings. Of the 38 patients who underwent treatment with Prote'ge'GPS stenting due to arterial occlusions on the superficial femoral artery, 17 also underwent a clinical analysis. Forty-three stents were inserted in the 17 superficial femoral arteries, ranging between 15 and 50 cm in length, with a mean treated length of 26.4 cm (15-50 cm). A fracture was evaluated by taking a PA and lateral simple radiography, as well as a follow-up evaluation accompanied with a CT angiography, DSA, and a color Doppler sonography. The examination involved the assessment of the difference between bone fractures due to length, placement, and frequency. Fractures occurred in 13 of 43 stents (30.2%). A total of 10 (71.4%) occurred in the upper third, compared to 4 (28.6%) in the lower third of the superficial femoral artery. In addition, 10 stents (71.4%) had a single strut fracture, whereas 4 (28.6%) had multiple strut fractures. A stent fracture occurred more frequently when the stents and lesions were longer (p=0.021, 0.012) and the stents were inserted near the joint. However, there was no significant relationship between stent numbers and the fractures (p=0.126). When the stents were inserted along the popliteal artery, a stent fracture occurred more frequently in the lower third of the artery. The stent fractures did not significantly influence the patency rate of the stented artery (p=0.44) Prote'ge'GPS stents in the superficial femoral artery revealed a considerable number of fractures and the fracture frequency showed a significant relationship with the length of stents and lesions. The closer stent insertion was to the joints, the more frequently fractures occurred. There were no evident significant relationships between the presence of stent fractures and the patency of the stented arteries

  6. 4D phase contrast flow imaging for in-stent flow visualization and assessment of stent patency in peripheral vascular stents – A phantom study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bunck, Alexander C.; Jüttner, Alena; Kröger, Jan Robert; Burg, Matthias C.; Kugel, Harald; Niederstadt, Thomas; Tiemann, Klaus; Schnackenburg, Bernhard; Crelier, Gerard R.


    Purpose: 4D phase contrast flow imaging is increasingly used to study the hemodynamics in various vascular territories and pathologies. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and validity of MRI based 4D phase contrast flow imaging for the evaluation of in-stent blood flow in 17 commonly used peripheral stents. Materials and methods: 17 different peripheral stents were implanted into a MR compatible flow phantom. In-stent visibility, maximal velocity and flow visualization were assessed and estimates of in-stent patency obtained from 4D phase contrast flow data sets were compared to a conventional 3D contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) as well as 2D PC flow measurements. Results: In all but 3 of the tested stents time-resolved 3D particle traces could be visualized inside the stent lumen. Quality of 4D flow visualization and CE-MRA images depended on stent type and stent orientation relative to the magnetic field. Compared to the visible lumen area determined by 3D CE-MRA, estimates of lumen patency derived from 4D flow measurements were significantly higher and less dependent on stent type. A higher number of stents could be assessed for in-stent patency by 4D phase contrast flow imaging (n = 14) than by 2D phase contrast flow imaging (n = 10). Conclusions: 4D phase contrast flow imaging in peripheral vascular stents is feasible and appears advantageous over conventional 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography and 2D phase contrast flow imaging. It allows for in-stent flow visualization and flow quantification with varying quality depending on stent type

  7. Partially Covered Metal Stents May Not Prolong Stent Patency Compared to Uncovered Stents in Unresectable Malignant Distal Biliary Obstruction (United States)

    Kim, Jae Yun; Ko, Gyu Bong; Lee, Tae Hoon; Park, Sang-Heum; Lee, Yun Nah; Cho, Young Sin; Jung, Yunho; Chung, Il-Kwun; Choi, Hyun Jong; Cha, Sang-Woo; Moon, Jong Ho; Cho, Young Deok; Kim, Sun-Joo


    Background/Aims Controversy still exists regarding the benefits of covered self-expandable metal stents (SEMSs) compared to uncovered SEMSs. We aimed to compare the patency and stent-related adverse events of partially covered SEMSs (PC-SEMSs) and uncovered SEMSs in unresectable malignant distal biliary obstruction. Methods A total of 134 patients who received a PC-SEMS or uncovered SEMS for palliation of unresectable malignant distal biliary obstruction were reviewed retrospectively. The main outcome measures were stent patency, stent-related adverse events, and overall survival. Results The median stent patency was 118 days (range, 3 to 802 days) with PC-SEMSs and 105 days (range, 2 to 485 days) with uncovered SEMSs (p=0.718). The overall endoscopic revision rate due to stent dysfunction was 36.6% (26/71) with PC-SEMSs and 36.5% (23/63) with uncovered SEMSs (p=0.589). Tumor ingrowth was more frequent with uncovered SEMSs (4.2% vs 19.1%, p=0.013), but migration was more frequent with PC-SEMSs (11.2% vs 1.5%, p=0.04). The incidence of stent-related adverse events was 2.8% (2/71) with PC-SEMSs and 9.5% (6/63) with uncovered SEMSs (p=0.224). The median overall survival was 166 days with PC-SEMSs and 168 days with uncovered SEMSs (p=0.189). Conclusions Compared to uncovered SEMSs, PC-SEMSs did not prolong stent patency in unresectable malignant distal biliary obstruction. Stent migration was more frequent with PC-SEMSs. However, tumor ingrowth was less frequent with PC-SEMSs compared to uncovered SEMSs. PMID:28208003

  8. Comparison of self-expandable and balloon-expanding stents for hybrid ductal stenting in hypoplastic left heart complex. (United States)

    Goreczny, Sebastian; Qureshi, Shakeel A; Rosenthal, Eric; Krasemann, Thomas; Nassar, Mohamed S; Anderson, David R; Morgan, Gareth J


    We aimed to compare the procedural and mid-term performance of a specifically designed self-expanding stent with balloon-expandable stents in patients undergoing hybrid palliation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome and its variants. The lack of specifically designed stents has led to off-label use of coronary, biliary, or peripheral stents in the neonatal ductus arteriosus. Recently, a self-expanding stent, specifically designed for use in hypoplastic left heart syndrome, has become available. We carried out a retrospective cohort comparison of 69 neonates who underwent hybrid ductal stenting with balloon-expandable and self-expanding stents from December, 2005 to July, 2014. In total, 43 balloon-expandable stents were implanted in 41 neonates and more recently 47 self-expanding stents in 28 neonates. In the balloon-expandable stents group, stent-related complications occurred in nine patients (22%), compared with one patient in the self-expanding stent group (4%). During follow-up, percutaneous re-intervention related to the ductal stent was performed in five patients (17%) in the balloon-expandable stent group and seven patients (28%) in self-expanding stents group. Hybrid ductal stenting with self-expanding stents produced favourable results when compared with the results obtained with balloon-expandable stents. Immediate additional interventions and follow-up re-interventions were similar in both groups with complications more common in those with balloon-expandable stents.

  9. Future developments in biliary stenting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hair CD


    Full Text Available Clark D Hair,1 Divyesh V Sejpal21Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; 2Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY, USAAbstract: Biliary stenting has evolved dramatically over the past 30 years. Advancements in stent design have led to prolonged patency and improved efficacy. However, biliary stenting is still affected by occlusion, migration, anatomical difficulties, and the need for repeat procedures. Multiple novel plastic biliary stent designs have recently been introduced with the primary goals of reduced migration and improved ease of placement. Self-expandable bioabsorbable stents are currently being investigated in animal models. Although not US Food and Drug Administration approved for benign disease, fully covered self-expandable metal stents are increasingly being used in a variety of benign biliary conditions. In malignant disease, developments are being made to improve ease of placement and stent patency for both hilar and distal biliary strictures. The purpose of this review is to describe recent developments and future directions of biliary stenting.Keywords: plastic stents, self-expandable metal stents, drug eluting stents, bioabsorbable stents, malignant biliary strictures, benign biliary strictures

  10. Targeting In-Stent-Stenosis with RGD- and CXCL1-Coated Mini-Stents in Mice. (United States)

    Simsekyilmaz, Sakine; Liehn, Elisa A; Weinandy, Stefan; Schreiber, Fabian; Megens, Remco T A; Theelen, Wendy; Smeets, Ralf; Jockenhövel, Stefan; Gries, Thomas; Möller, Martin; Klee, Doris; Weber, Christian; Zernecke, Alma


    Atherosclerotic lesions that critically narrow the artery can necessitate an angioplasty and stent implantation. Long-term therapeutic effects, however, are limited by excessive arterial remodeling. We here employed a miniaturized nitinol-stent coated with star-shaped polyethylenglycole (star-PEG), and evaluated its bio-functionalization with RGD and CXCL1 for improving in-stent stenosis after implantation into carotid arteries of mice. Nitinol foils or stents (bare metal) were coated with star-PEG, and bio-functionalized with RGD, or RGD/CXCL1. Cell adhesion to star-PEG-coated nitinol foils was unaltered or reduced, whereas bio-functionalization with RGD but foremost RGD/CXCL1 increased adhesion of early angiogenic outgrowth cells (EOCs) and endothelial cells but not smooth muscle cells when compared with bare metal foils. Stimulation of cells with RGD/CXCL1 furthermore increased the proliferation of EOCs. In vivo, bio-functionalization with RGD/CXCL1 significantly reduced neointima formation and thrombus formation, and increased re-endothelialization in apoE-/- carotid arteries compared with bare-metal nitinol stents, star-PEG-coated stents, and stents bio-functionalized with RGD only. Bio-functionalization of star-PEG-coated nitinol-stents with RGD/CXCL1 reduced in-stent neointima formation. By supporting the adhesion and proliferation of endothelial progenitor cells, RGD/CXCL1 coating of stents may help to accelerate endothelial repair after stent implantation, and thus may harbor the potential to limit the complication of in-stent restenosis in clinical approaches.

  11. Genómica Funcional de Plantas: Estudio del Desarrollo de Flores y Frutos Genómica Funcional de Plantas: Estudio del Desarrollo de Flores y Frutos


    Octavio Rubén Salazar Moya; José Irepan Reyes Olalde; Víctor Manuel Zúñiga Mayo; Stefan de Folter; Nayelli Marsch Martínez


    La última fase del desarrollo floral es la fertilización de los óvulos y la formación de los frutos,que son muy importantes tanto biológica como económicamente. Notoriamente, más del 80% de los alimentos que son consumidos por el ser humano proviene de flores y frutos.La obtención de conocimientos acerca de las bases moleculares del desarrollo de frutos en especies modelo es de gran interés científico, y un paso indispensable para poder facilitar investigaciones y de ser factible, aplicacione...

  12. Self-expandable metallic stents vs. plastic stents for endoscopic biliary drainage in hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Chung, Kwang Hyun; Lee, Sang Hyub; Park, Jin Myung; Lee, Jae Min; Ahn, Dong-Won; Ryu, Ji Kon; Kim, Yong-Tae


    The patency of self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) is known to be better than plastic stents in the palliation of malignant biliary obstruction. However, data are scarce for obstructive jaundice caused by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This study aimed to compare SEMSs and plastic stents for the palliation of obstructive jaundice in unresectable HCC. A total of 96 patients who underwent endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage with SEMSs or plastic stents were included in this retrospective analysis. The rate of successful biliary drainage, adverse events, stent patency duration, and patient survival were compared between the SEMS (n = 36) and plastic stent (n = 60) groups. The rate of successful biliary drainage was similar between the SEMS and plastic stent groups (25/36 [69.4 %] vs. 39/60 [65.0 %]; P = 0.655). Adverse events occurred in 6 patients (16.7 %) in the SEMS group and 13 patients (21.7 %) in the plastic stent group (P = 0.552). The median patency duration was also similar between the two groups (60 vs. 68 days; P = 0.396). The median patient survival was longer in the plastic stent group than in the SEMS group (123 vs. 48 days; P = 0.005). SEMSs were not superior to plastic stents for the palliation of malignant biliary obstruction in HCC with regard to successful drainage, stent patency, and adverse events. Patient survival was better in the plastic stent group. Given the lower cost, plastic stents could be a favorable option for malignant biliary obstruction caused by HCC. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  13. Wavelets y sus aplicaciones


    Castro, Liliana Raquel; Castro, Silvia Mabel


    Se presenta una introducción a la teorfa de wavelets. Ademas, se da una revisión histórica de cómo fueron introducidas las wavelets para la representación de funciones. Se efectúa una comparación entre la transformada wavelet y la transformada de Fourier. Por último, se presentan también algunas de los múltiples aplicaciones de esta nueva herramienta de análisis armónico.

  14. Mechanical properties of various z-stent designs: an endovascular stent-grafting perspective. (United States)

    Bashar, Abul Hasan Muhammad; Kazui, Teruhisa; Washiyama, Naoki; Terada, Hitoshi; Yamashita, Katsushi; Haque, Mohammad E


    To comparatively assess the mechani-cal behavior of various clinically relevant Z-stent designs. A total of 16 Z-stents of original, biliary, spiral, and double-skirted designs (n=4 for each) were constructed using similar specifications for all. Stents were then evaluated for stiffness, snap opening force (SOF), flexibility, and displacement force using a novel tensiometer. Differences among the stents were determined using statistical methods. Stents explanted from dog aorta after a mean follow-up of 13 months were examined under a scanning electron microscope for surface defects. Forces required for about 50% reduction in diameter were 1.88 +/- 0.16 N, 3.81 +/- 0.21 N, 2.76 +/- 0.22 N, and 3.35 +/- 0.19 N for original, biliary, spiral, and skirted designs, respectively. Differences among the four designs were statistically significant at almost all points of measurement (P designs showed higher SOF values in the early measurements. Stents explanted from dog aorta after a mean duration of 13 months showed no obvious corrosion or breakage in the wire struts. Significant differences exist among the various Z-stent designs in terms of their mechanical properties. Understanding them should help to select the appropriate stent for a given lesion. 316L stainless steel shows a favorable long-term tissue interaction.

  15. Nasolacrimal Stenting: Toward Improving Outcomes with a Simple Modification of the Song Stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanciego, Carlos; Miguel, Silvia De; Padilla, Manuel; Perea, Miguel; Rodriguez-Merlo, Rufo; Garcia-Garcia, Lorenzo


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in a prospective, single-center study, the effectiveness of Song's polyurethane stents, modified 'in-house,' in the percutaneous management of epiphora. Patients (n = 170; age range 18-83, mean = 64; 50 male, 120 female) with severe epiphora had the modified stents inserted (183 eyes/195 stents) to treat unilateral/bilateral and complete/partial obstruction of the nasolacrimal system. The etiology of the obstruction was idiopathic in 119 cases (61%) and chronic dacryocystitis in 76 (39%). The set designed by Song was used in all patients but modified by us such that the extreme end is cone-shaped. The original technique was slightly modified by us and the procedure was conducted on an outpatient basis. The initial technical success rate of stent placement was 97%. Resolution of epiphora was complete in 180 eyes and partial in 3. On follow-up (mean = 18 months; range: 2 days to 24 months), 165 of 195 stents (85%) remained patent. Primary patency rates at follow-up were 86%, 84%, 84%, and 79% in the first 6 months, second and third 6 months, and the present (24 months), respectively. Stents became obstructed in 30 patients, but all but 2 were easily withdrawn and 20 of these patients remained asymptomatic for a mean of 14 months (secondary patency of 67%). Following stent removal, the withdrawn stent was replaced with a new stent in the same intervention on 14 occasions. In another six cases, patency was re-established without the need of a second stent. The procedure is simple and safe, both in stent insertion as well as in mechanical de-blocking and withdrawal when occluded. Success was >80 % in the short term (1-year follow-up). Stenting failure does not preclude other treatment because with the modification that we had introduced, the extreme end of the stent becomes more accessible to mechanical de-blocking, withdrawal, and relocation. The levels of primary and secondary patencies are promising and warrant more

  16. Stent thrombosis with drug-eluting and bare-metal stents: evidence from a comprehensive network meta-analysis. (United States)

    Palmerini, Tullio; Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; Della Riva, Diego; Stettler, Christoph; Sangiorgi, Diego; D'Ascenzo, Fabrizio; Kimura, Takeshi; Briguori, Carlo; Sabatè, Manel; Kim, Hyo-Soo; De Waha, Antoinette; Kedhi, Elvin; Smits, Pieter C; Kaiser, Christoph; Sardella, Gennaro; Marullo, Antonino; Kirtane, Ajay J; Leon, Martin B; Stone, Gregg W


    The relative safety of drug-eluting stents and bare-metal stents, especially with respect to stent thrombosis, continues to be debated. In view of the overall low frequency of stent thrombosis, large sample sizes are needed to accurately estimate treatment differences between stents. We compared the risk of thrombosis between bare-metal and drug-eluting stents. For this network meta-analysis, randomised controlled trials comparing different drug-eluting stents or drug-eluting with bare-metal stents currently approved in the USA were identified through Medline, Embase, Cochrane databases, and proceedings of international meetings. Information about study design, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample characteristics, and clinical outcomes was extracted. 49 trials including 50,844 patients randomly assigned to treatment groups were analysed. 1-year definite stent thrombosis was significantly lower with cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents (CoCr-EES) than with bare-metal stents (odds ratio [OR] 0·23, 95% CI 0·13-0·41). The significant difference in stent thrombosis between CoCr-EES and bare-metal stents was evident as early as 30 days (OR 0·21, 95% CI 0·11-0·42) and was also significant between 31 days and 1 year (OR 0·27, 95% CI 0·08-0·74). CoCr-EES were also associated with significantly lower rates of 1-year definite stent thrombosis compared with paclitaxel-eluting stents (OR 0·28, 95% CI 0·16-0·48), permanent polymer-based sirolimus-eluting stents (OR 0·41, 95% CI 0·24-0·70), phosphorylcholine-based zotarolimus-eluting stents (OR 0·21, 95% CI 0·10-0·44), and Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stents (OR 0·14, 95% CI 0·03-0·47). At 2-year follow-up, CoCr-EES were still associated with significantly lower rates of definite stent thrombosis than were bare-metal (OR 0·35, 95% CI 0·17-0·69) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (OR 0·34, 95% CI 0·19-0·62). No other drug-eluting stent had lower definite thrombosis rates compared with bare

  17. Comparison of a New Polytetrafluoroethylene-Covered Metallic Stent to a Noncovered Stent in Canine Ureters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Hwan-Hoon; Lee, Seung Hwa; Cho, Sung Bum; Park, Hong Suk; Kim, Young Sik; Kang, Byung Chul; Frisoli, Joan K.; Razavi, Mahmood K.


    The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of using a newly designed polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-covered metallic stent in the ureter by comparing its effectiveness with that of the noncovered stent in a canine model. We placed 14 stents in the ureters of seven mongrel dogs that weighed 30-40 kg each. The covered and noncovered stents were deployed in the right and left ureters, respectively, of six dogs. In the seventh dog, a covered stent and a double-J catheter were inserted in the right ureter, and a covered stent only was inserted in the left ureter. The first six dogs were sacrificed at 5, 10, and 15 weeks after deployment of the stents (two for each follow-up period), and the seventh dog was sacrificed at 30 weeks. There was no migration or poor expansion of any of the stents observed on plain radiography. On intravenous pyelogram and retrograde pyelogram, all of the covered stents at each follow-up period had patent lumens at the stented segments without hydronephrosis, and the passage of contrast material through it was well preserved. The noncovered stents in the dogs sacrificed at 5 and 10 weeks and one of the two dogs sacrificed at 15 weeks showed near-complete occlusion of the stent lumen due to ingrowth of the soft tissue, and severe hydronephrosis was also noted. The noncovered stent in the other dog sacrificed at 15 weeks showed the passage of contrast material without hydronephrosis, but the lumen of the stent was still nearly occluded by the soft tissue. There was no evidence of hydronephrosis or passage disturbance of the contrast material in both ureters of the dog sacrificed at 30 weeks. We conclude that the newly designed PTFE-covered stent effectively prevented the luminal occlusion caused by urothelial hyperplasia compared to the near-total occlusion of the noncovered stents, and no migration of the covered stents was noted

  18. Treatment of Post-Stent Gastroesophageal Reflux by Anti-Reflux Z-Stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davies, Roger Philip; Kew, Jacqueline; Byrne, Peter D.


    Severe symptoms of heartburn and retrosternal pain consistent with gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) developed in a patient following placement of a conventional self-expanding 16-24-mm-diameter x 12-cm-long esophageal stent across the gastroesophageal junction to treat an obstructing esophageal carcinoma. A second 18-mm-diameter x 10-cm-long esophageal stent with anti-reflux valve was deployed coaxially and reduced symptomatic GER immediately. Improvement was sustained at 4-month follow-up. An anti-reflux stent can be successfully used to treat significant symptomatic GER after conventional stenting

  19. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite “Elaeis Guineensis” e hibrido O x G


    Iván Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo; Oscar Alberto Alfonso Carvajal


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limit...

  20. Impact of stent strut design in metallic stents and biodegradable scaffolds. (United States)

    Foin, Nicolas; Lee, Renick D; Torii, Ryo; Guitierrez-Chico, Juan Luis; Mattesini, Alessio; Nijjer, Sukhjinder; Sen, Sayan; Petraco, Ricardo; Davies, Justin E; Di Mario, Carlo; Joner, Michael; Virmani, Renu; Wong, Philip


    Advances in the understanding of healing mechanisms after stent implantation have led to the recognition of stent strut thickness as an essential factor affecting re-endothelialization and overall long term vessel healing response after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI). Emergence of Drug-eluting stents (DESs) with anti-proliferative coating has contributed to reducing the incidence of restenosis and Target Lesion Revascularization (TVR), while progress and innovations in stent materials have in the meantime facilitated the design of newer platforms with more conformability and thinner struts, producing lesser injury and improving integration into the vessel wall. Recent advances in biodegradable metal and polymer materials now also allow for the design of fully biodegradable platforms, which are aimed at scaffolding the vessel only temporarily to prevent recoil and constrictive remodeling of the vessel during the initial period required, and are then progressively resorbed thereby avoiding the drawback of leaving an unnecessary implant permanently in the vessel. The aim of this article is to review recent evolution in stent material and stent strut design while understanding their impact on PCI outcomes. The article describes the different metallic alloys and biodegradable material properties and how these have impacted the evolution of stent strut thickness and ultimately outcomes in patients. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Fundamentos del diseño de interacción


    Verdines, Patricia; Campbell, Moraima


    El objetivo de este eBook es desarrollar hablidades para aplicar el proceso de diseño centrado en el usuario al generar productos, aplicaciones y ambientes de información interactivos. Por lo anterior esta obra es una introducción al área de diseño interactivo, los fundamentos en los que se basa, la importancia de considerar a los usuarios como parte central del proceso creativo en todas las etapas del sieño y los enfoques para llevar a cabo el p...

  2. Aplicaciones actuales de la hipnosis clínica en Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estefania Castañeda


    Full Text Available La hipnosis es un tema controversial y estigmatizado. Las múltiples investigaciones de las últimas décadas han permitido tanto derrumbar mitos, como evidenciar sus mecanismos y aplicaciones, y cómo estos contribuyen al bienestar de las personas. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las aplicaciones actuales de la hipnosis clínica en el contexto latinoamericano. Con este fin se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos Lilacs y SciELo, empleando los términos “hipnosis”, “hipnosis clínica” y “Latinoamé- rica”. Se incluyeron revisiones de la literatura, artículos originales que tuvieran poblaciones latinoamericanas y presentaciones de caso, publicados entre 1990 y el 2016, escritos en español. La búsqueda inicial arrojó 202 artículos; después de eliminar replicaciones y los que no cumplían criterios de inclusión, 20 artículos fueron incluidos en la revisión. Las aplicaciones de la hipnosis descritas incluyen manejo del dolor, preparación a la cirugía, tabaquismo, problemas gastrointestinales y otras condiciones médicas, aplicaciones en niños y adolescentes, etcétera. Desafortunadamente, los estudios revisados tienen importantes falencias metodológicas, lo que dificulta extraer conclusiones sólidas. A pesar de que la hipnosis es eficaz, práctica, costo-efectiva y aplicada en una gran variedad de problemas clínicos, la evidencia que avala su uso en el contexto latinoamericano es muy limitada. Se requieren investigaciones con una metodología más rigurosa que permitan evidenciar su eficacia en este contexto.

  3. Self-expandable metalic endotracheal stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Do, Young Soo; Cho, Dae Soon; Cho, Kyung Ja; Lee, Young Soo; Lee, Mi Jae


    Six bare stents and six covered stents were inserted in the trachea of 12 dogs under general anesthesia. After 1-10 weeks of observation, the dogs were killed, and the trachea and lung were examined grossly and histologically. Pneumonia and stent migration were observed more frequently at covered stent group. Inflammatory change of the trachea was more severe at covered stent group. In conclusion, we believe that it is inadequate to insert silicone covered stent in the tracheobronchial tree. (Author)

  4. Self-expandable metalic endotracheal stent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Do, Young Soo; Cho, Dae Soon; Cho, Kyung Ja; Lee, Young Soo; Lee, Mi Jae [Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Six bare stents and six covered stents were inserted in the trachea of 12 dogs under general anesthesia. After 1-10 weeks of observation, the dogs were killed, and the trachea and lung were examined grossly and histologically. Pneumonia and stent migration were observed more frequently at covered stent group. Inflammatory change of the trachea was more severe at covered stent group. In conclusion, we believe that it is inadequate to insert silicone covered stent in the tracheobronchial tree. (Author).

  5. evaluación de conceptos y aplicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naomar Almeida-Filho


    Full Text Available Varios elementos epistemológicos y metodológicos han sido propuestos como tendencia alternativa a la ciencia contemporánea, agrupados bajo el rótulo de "nuevo paradigma" y con diferentes grados de interarticulación. Estos elementos sugieren que una nuova scienza se encuentra en desarrollo, demandando categorías epistemológicas propias (como la categoría de la complejidad, nuevos modelos teóricos (como la "teoría del caos" y nuevas formas lógicas de análisis (como los modelos matemáticos no lineales, la geometría fractal, la lógica borrosa y la teoría de redes. También en el campo de la Salud Colectiva, varios autores han defendido la necesidad de nuevos paradigmas. Esas propuestas vienen siendo ampliadas y difundidas con el objetivo de fomentar una producción científica concreta, capaz de alimentar efectivamente un posible paradigma nuevo. En este texto se pretende presentar brevemente los principales enfoques que representan algún tipo de cambio paradigmático de un modo general en el seno de la ciencia. También se discuten algunos de los diversos elementos constitutivos del paradigma de la complejidad, desde sus posibles aplicaciones a la problemática de la salud en poblaciones, buscando examinar estas cuestiones en el ámbito de nuestro interés específico e indicando algunas tentativas en el sentido de producir evidencias empíricas para el análisis de la situación de salud, sus efectos y sus determinantes a partir de estos abordajes.

  6. El GreenSeeker TM y el diagnóstico del estado de salud de los cultivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco V. Guti\\u00E9rrez-Soto


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es proveer los conocimientos básicos y los principios técnicos necesarios para el uso correcto del GreenSeeker' en aplicaciones agrícolas como la fertilización nitrogenada, la dosifi cación del riego, el mapeo de los campos agrícolas y la agricultura de precisión. Se describe el instrumento y las bases físicas y fi siológicas que respaldan su uso en la agricultura, además de las propiedades radiativas de las superfi cies vegetales, y la refl exión de la luz en cultivos sanos y vigorosos comparados con plantas estresadas. Se discuten las posibles aplicaciones del GreenSeeker en el diagnóstico y la corrección de diversos tipos de estrés y otros "desórdenes" experimentados por los cultivos en el campo, en tiempo real, y acorde con la heterogeneidad espacial siempre presente de los agroecosistemas tropicales. Se incluyen las limitaciones de la tecnología disponible actualmente y las perspectivas para su uso en otros cultivos tropicales, además del arroz y el maíz.

  7. Mashup d'aplicacions basat en un buscador intel·ligent


    Sancho Piqueras, Javier


    Mashup de funcionalitats, basat en un cercador intel·ligent, en aquest cas pensat per a cursos, carreres màsters, etc. La finalitat és adjuntar diverses aplicacions amb l'únic propòsit que en aquest cas és un buscador però que també ens permet utilitzar eines per a la connectivitat mitjançant web Services, o xarxes socials. Mashup de funcionalidades, basado en un buscador inteligente, en este caso pensado para cursos, carreras másters, etc. La finalidad es juntar diversas aplicaciones con ...

  8. Predictive factors for the failure of endoscopic stent-in-stent self-expandable metallic stent placement to treat malignant hilar biliary obstruction. (United States)

    Sugimoto, Mitsuru; Takagi, Tadayuki; Suzuki, Rei; Konno, Naoki; Asama, Hiroyuki; Watanabe, Ko; Nakamura, Jun; Kikuchi, Hitomi; Waragai, Yuichi; Takasumi, Mika; Sato, Yuki; Hikichi, Takuto; Ohira, Hiromasa


    To investigate the factors predictive of failure when placing a second biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMSs). This study evaluated 65 patients with an unresectable malignant hilar biliary obstruction who were examined in our hospital. Sixty-two of these patients were recruited to the study and divided into two groups: the success group, which consisted of patients in whom a stent-in-stent SEMS had been placed successfully, and the failure group, which consisted of patients in whom the stent-in-stent SEMS had not been placed successfully. We compared the characteristics of the patients, the stricture state of their biliary ducts, and the implemented endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures between the two groups. The angle between the target biliary duct stricture and the first implanted SEMS was significantly larger in the failure group than in the success group. There were significantly fewer wire or dilation devices (ERCP catheter, dilator, or balloon catheter) passing the first SEMS cell in the failure group than in the success group. The cut-off value of the angle predicting stent-in-stent SEMS placement failure was 49.7 degrees according to the ROC curve (sensitivity 91.7%, specificity 61.2%). Furthermore, the angle was significantly smaller in patients with wire or dilation devices passing the first SEMS cell than in patients without wire or dilation devices passing the first SEMS cell. A large angle was identified as a predictive factor for failure of stent-in-stent SEMS placement.

  9. Auxetic coronary stent endoprosthesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amin, Faisal; Ali, Murtaza Najabat; Ansari, Umar


    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular heart disease is one of the leading health issues in the present era and requires considerable health care resources to prevent it. The present study was focused on the development of a new coronary stent based on novel auxetic geometry which enables the stent to exhibit...... a negative Poisson's ratio. Commercially available coronary stents have isotropic properties, whereas the vascular system of the body shows anisotropic characteristics. This results in a mismatch between anisotropic-isotropic properties of the stent and arterial wall, and this in turn is not favorable...... for mechanical adhesion of the commercially available coronary stents with the arterial wall. It is believed that an auxetic coronary stent with inherent anisotropic mechanical properties and negative Poisson's ratio will have good mechanical adhesion with the arterial wall. METHODS: The auxetic design...

  10. Application techniques of coatings by thermal projection; Tecnicas de aplicacion de recubrimientos por proyeccion termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porcayo Calderon, Jesus [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The coatings applied by thermal projection have an important number of applications in different industries (chemical, oil, electric, nuclear, etc.). The main purpose of the protection by means of coatings is to alter the surface characteristics of a component so as to resist corrosive environments, abrasion and erosion, among others. The coatings can be applied by different methods, but due to the fact that its characteristics appreciably differ from the base metal, it is important the knowledge of its properties when a coating is selected for a specific use. In this article the characteristics of the applied coatings by thermal projection, the factors that affect its performance and the principal application techniques, are described. [Espanol] Los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica tienen un numero importante de aplicaciones en diferentes industrias (quimica, petrolera, electrica, nuclear, etc.). El proposito principal de la proteccion por medio de recubrimientos es alterar las caracteristicas de la superficie de un componente de manera que resista ambientes corrosivos, abrasion y erosion, entre otros. Los recubrimientos pueden aplicarse por diferentes metodos, pero debido a que sus propiedades difieren apreciablemente de las del metal base, es importante el conocimiento de sus propiedades cuando se selecciona un recubrimiento para un uso especifico. En este articulo se describen las caracteristicas de los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica, los factores que afectan su desempeno y las principales tecnicas de aplicacion.

  11. Application techniques of coatings by thermal projection; Tecnicas de aplicacion de recubrimientos por proyeccion termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porcayo Calderon, Jesus [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The coatings applied by thermal projection have an important number of applications in different industries (chemical, oil, electric, nuclear, etc.). The main purpose of the protection by means of coatings is to alter the surface characteristics of a component so as to resist corrosive environments, abrasion and erosion, among others. The coatings can be applied by different methods, but due to the fact that its characteristics appreciably differ from the base metal, it is important the knowledge of its properties when a coating is selected for a specific use. In this article the characteristics of the applied coatings by thermal projection, the factors that affect its performance and the principal application techniques, are described. [Espanol] Los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica tienen un numero importante de aplicaciones en diferentes industrias (quimica, petrolera, electrica, nuclear, etc.). El proposito principal de la proteccion por medio de recubrimientos es alterar las caracteristicas de la superficie de un componente de manera que resista ambientes corrosivos, abrasion y erosion, entre otros. Los recubrimientos pueden aplicarse por diferentes metodos, pero debido a que sus propiedades difieren apreciablemente de las del metal base, es importante el conocimiento de sus propiedades cuando se selecciona un recubrimiento para un uso especifico. En este articulo se describen las caracteristicas de los recubrimientos aplicados por proyeccion termica, los factores que afectan su desempeno y las principales tecnicas de aplicacion.

  12. A method to determine the kink resistance of stents and stent delivery systems according to international standards

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brandt-Wunderlich Christoph


    Full Text Available The kink behavior of vascular stents is of particular interest for clinicians, stent manufacturers and regulatory as a kinked stent generates a lumen loss in the stented vessel and can lead to in-stent restenosis. In this study methods to determine the kink resistance of stents and stent delivery systems according to the ISO 25539-2 and FDA guidance no. 1545 were presented. The methods are applicable for balloon expandable stents as well as for self-expanding stents and determine the lumen loss and residual diameter change dependent on the specific bending radius.

  13. Future developments in biliary stenting (United States)

    Hair, Clark D; Sejpal, Divyesh V


    Biliary stenting has evolved dramatically over the past 30 years. Advancements in stent design have led to prolonged patency and improved efficacy. However, biliary stenting is still affected by occlusion, migration, anatomical difficulties, and the need for repeat procedures. Multiple novel plastic biliary stent designs have recently been introduced with the primary goals of reduced migration and improved ease of placement. Self-expandable bioabsorbable stents are currently being investigated in animal models. Although not US Food and Drug Administration approved for benign disease, fully covered self-expandable metal stents are increasingly being used in a variety of benign biliary conditions. In malignant disease, developments are being made to improve ease of placement and stent patency for both hilar and distal biliary strictures. The purpose of this review is to describe recent developments and future directions of biliary stenting. PMID:23837001

  14. Endothelial cell repopulation after stenting determines in-stent neointima formation: effects of bare-metal vs. drug-eluting stents and genetic endothelial cell modification. (United States)

    Douglas, Gillian; Van Kampen, Erik; Hale, Ashley B; McNeill, Eileen; Patel, Jyoti; Crabtree, Mark J; Ali, Ziad; Hoerr, Robert A; Alp, Nicholas J; Channon, Keith M


    Understanding endothelial cell repopulation post-stenting and how this modulates in-stent restenosis is critical to improving arterial healing post-stenting. We used a novel murine stent model to investigate endothelial cell repopulation post-stenting, comparing the response of drug-eluting stents with a primary genetic modification to improve endothelial cell function. Endothelial cell repopulation was assessed en face in stented arteries in ApoE(-/-) mice with endothelial-specific LacZ expression. Stent deployment resulted in near-complete denudation of endothelium, but was followed by endothelial cell repopulation, by cells originating from both bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells and from the adjacent vasculature. Paclitaxel-eluting stents reduced neointima formation (0.423 ± 0.065 vs. 0.240 ± 0.040 mm(2), P = 0.038), but decreased endothelial cell repopulation (238 ± 17 vs. 154 ± 22 nuclei/mm(2), P = 0.018), despite complete strut coverage. To test the effects of selectively improving endothelial cell function, we used transgenic mice with endothelial-specific overexpression of GTP-cyclohydrolase 1 (GCH-Tg) as a model of enhanced endothelial cell function and increased NO production. GCH-Tg ApoE(-/-) mice had less neointima formation compared with ApoE(-/-) littermates (0.52 ± 0.08 vs. 0.26 ± 0.09 mm(2), P = 0.039). In contrast to paclitaxel-eluting stents, reduced neointima formation in GCH-Tg mice was accompanied by increased endothelial cell coverage (156 ± 17 vs. 209 ± 23 nuclei/mm(2), P = 0.043). Drug-eluting stents reduce not only neointima formation but also endothelial cell repopulation, independent of strut coverage. In contrast, selective targeting of endothelial cell function is sufficient to improve endothelial cell repopulation and reduce neointima formation. Targeting endothelial cell function is a rational therapeutic strategy to improve vascular healing and decrease neointima formation after stenting.

  15. Endoscopic stent suture fixation for prevention of esophageal stent migration during prolonged dilatation for achalasia treatment. (United States)

    Rieder, E; Asari, R; Paireder, M; Lenglinger, J; Schoppmann, S F


    The aim of this study is to compare endoscopic stent suture fixation with endoscopic clip attachment or the use of partially covered stents (PCS) regarding their capability to prevent stent migration during prolonged dilatation in achalasia. Large-diameter self-expanding metal stents (30 mm × 80 mm) were placed across the gastroesophageal junction in 11 patients with achalasia. Stent removal was scheduled after 4 to 7 days. To prevent stent dislocation, endoscopic clip attachment, endoscopic stent suture fixation, or PCS were used. The Eckardt score was evaluated before and 6 months after prolonged dilatation. After endoscopic stent suture fixation, no (0/4) sutured stent migrated. When endoscopic clips were used, 80% (4/5) clipped stents migrated (p = 0.02). Of two PCS (n = 2), one migrated and one became embedded leading to difficult stent removal. Technical adverse events were not seen in endoscopic stent suture fixation but were significantly correlated with the use of clips or PCS (r = 0.828, p = 0.02). Overall, 72% of patients were in remission regarding their achalasia symptoms 6 months after prolonged dilatation. Endoscopic suture fixation of esophageal stents but not clip attachment appears to be the best method of preventing early migration of esophageal stents placed at difficult locations such as at the naive gastroesophageal junction. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  16. Applications of the renewable energies; Aplicaciones de las energias renovables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez Rocha, Luis Martin [Comision Nacional para el Ahorro de Energia, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The solar energy manifests itself in different forms and its application has been fundamental for the humankind development. These forms are known as renewable energies, since they are energy forms that are renewed or remade with time or that are so abundant on Earth, that they will last for hundreds or thousands of years, either we use them or not. The main advantage of the utilization of the renewable energies in comparison with hydrocarbons is the one of having smaller impact on the environment, which brings about the conservation of nonrenewable resources, and to postpone its exhaustion. They allow the distributed generation, diminishing the power losses in the transmission and distribution systems, which increases the overall efficiency. In addition they can be the drive for regional development and generation of employment, because when having applications in remote zones and being a field still not completely developed in Mexico, the possibility exists of enabling professionals and technicians. From the point of view of the power sector, the renewable energies extend the supply and availability of energy, making more flexible and independent the operation and reliability of the national power system. [Spanish] La energia solar se manifiesta de diversas formas y su aplicacion ha sido fundamental para el desarrollo de la humanidad. A estas formas se les conoce como energias renovables, ya que son formas de energia que se van renovando o rehaciendo con el tiempo o que son tan abundantes en la tierra, que perduraran por cientos o miles de anos, las usemos o no. La principal ventaja del aprovechamiento de las energias renovables en comparacion con los hidrocarburos es la de tener menor impacto al medio ambiente, lo que trae consigo la conservacion de recursos no renovables, y posponer su termino. Permiten la generacion distribuida, disminuyendo las perdidas energeticas en los sistemas de transmision y distribucion, lo que incrementa la eficiencia general. Ademas

  17. Percutaneous biliary drainage and stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Totev, M.


    Full text: Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) is an X-ray or US guided procedure that involves the injection of a contrast material directly into the bile ducts inside the liver to produce pictures of them. If a blockage or narrowing is found, additional procedures may be performed: 1. insertion of a catheter to drain excess bile out of the body or both - internal and external; 2. plastic endoprothesis placement; 3. self-expandable metal stents placement to help open bile ducts or to bypass an obstruction and allow fluids to drain. Current percutaneous biliary interventions include percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) and biliary drainage to manage benign and malignant obstructions. Internal biliary stents are either plastic or metallic, and various types of each kind are available. Internal biliary stents have several advantages. An external tube can be uncomfortable and have a psychological disadvantage. An internal stent prevents the problems related to external catheters, for example, pericatheter leakage of bile and the need for daily flushing. The disadvantages include having to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or new PTC procedures to obtain access in case of stent obstruction. Better patency rates are reported with metallic than with plastic stents in cases of malignant obstruction, though no effect on survival is noted. Plastic internal stents are the cheapest but reportedly prone to migration. Metallic stents are generally not used in the treatment of benign disease because studies have shown poor long-term patency rates. Limited applications may include the treatment of patients who are poor surgical candidates or of those in whom surgical treatment fails. Most postoperative strictures are treated surgically, though endoscopic and (less commonly) percutaneous placement of nonmetallic stents has increasingly been used in the past few years. Now there are some reports about use of biodegradable biliary

  18. Sistema Oscilador Mejorado para Aplicaciones de Microbalanza (QCM) en Medios Líquidos y Propuesta de un Nuevo Método de Caracterización para Biosensores Piezoeléctricos




    La microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo (QCM) se usa como técnica alternativa de análisis químico, donde las aplicaciones dependen directamente de la sensibilidad del cristal. Por tanto, es el parámetro más importante que determina el uso de los cristales de cuarzo frente a otras técnicas. La ecuación de Sauerbrey, teóricamente relaciona la variación de la densidad de masa en la superficie del cristal con el cambio de la frecuencia y al mismo tiempo predice que la sensibilidad aumenta en la mis...

  19. [Absorbable coronary stents. New promising technology]. (United States)

    Erbel, Raimund; Böse, Dirk; Haude, Michael; Kordish, Igor; Churzidze, Sofia; Malyar, Nasser; Konorza, Thomas; Sack, Stefan


    Coronary stent implantation started in Germany 20 years ago. In the beginning, the progress was very slow and accelerated 10 years later. Meanwhile, coronary stent implantation is a standard procedure in interventional cardiology. From the beginning of permanent stent implantation, research started to provide temporary stenting of coronary arteries, first with catheter-based systems, later with stent-alone technology. Stents were produced from polymers or metal. The first polymer stent implantation failed except the Igaki-Tamai stent in Japan. Newly developed absorbable polymer stents seem to be very promising, as intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography have demonstrated. Temporary metal stents were developed based on iron and magnesium. Currently, the iron stent is tested in peripheral arteries. The absorbable magnesium stent (Biotronik, Berlin, Germany) was tested in peripheral arteries below the knee and meanwhile in the multicenter international PROGRESS-AMS (Clinical Performance and Angiographic Results of Coronary Stenting with Absorbable Metal Stents) study. The first magnesium stent implantation was performed on July 30, 2004 after extended experimental testing in Essen. The magnesium stent behaved like a bare-metal stent with low recoil of 5-7%. The stent struts were absorbed when tested with IVUS. Stent struts were not visible by fluoroscopy or computed tomography (CT) as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). That means, that the magnesium stent is invisible and therefore CT and MRI can be used for imaging of interventions. Only using micro-CT the stent struts were visible. The absorption process could be demonstrated in a patient 18 days after implantation due to suspected acute coronary syndrome, which was excluded. IVUS showed a nice open lumen. Stent struts were no longer visible, but replaced by tissue indicating the previous stent location. Coronary angiography after 4 months showed an ischemia-driven target lesion

  20. Substation automation. Integration of applications of the SICLE; Automatizacion de subestaciones. Integracion de aplicaciones sobre el SICLE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutierrez, Gustavo; Vega, Miguel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper presents the first applications developed by the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) on the infrastructure of the SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de la Estacion) (Station Information and Local Control System), that Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) is now acquiring in order to automate its transmission substations. A computer infrastructure was obtained similar to the existing in the substation for the development of program testing at the IIE; the personnel of the same was trained; the applications in conjunction with the CFE specialists were defined; the agreed developments were made and installed at the Temascal II Substation. [Espanol] En el presente articulo se presentan las primeras aplicaciones desarrolladas por el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) sobre la infraestructura del SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de Estacion) que esta adquiriendo la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) a fin de automatizar sus subestaciones de transmision. Se obtuvo una infraestructura de computo similar a la existente en la subestacion para el desarrollo de prueba de programas en el IIE; se capacito al personal en la misma; se definieron las aplicaciones conjuntamente con los especialistas de la CFE; se hicieron los desarrollos acordados y se instalaron en la subestacion Temascal II.

  1. Substation automation. Integration of applications of the SICLE; Automatizacion de subestaciones. Integracion de aplicaciones sobre el SICLE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutierrez, Gustavo; Vega, Miguel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper presents the first applications developed by the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) on the infrastructure of the SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de la Estacion) (Station Information and Local Control System), that Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) is now acquiring in order to automate its transmission substations. A computer infrastructure was obtained similar to the existing in the substation for the development of program testing at the IIE; the personnel of the same was trained; the applications in conjunction with the CFE specialists were defined; the agreed developments were made and installed at the Temascal II Substation. [Espanol] En el presente articulo se presentan las primeras aplicaciones desarrolladas por el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) sobre la infraestructura del SICLE (Sistema de Informacion y Control Local de Estacion) que esta adquiriendo la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) a fin de automatizar sus subestaciones de transmision. Se obtuvo una infraestructura de computo similar a la existente en la subestacion para el desarrollo de prueba de programas en el IIE; se capacito al personal en la misma; se definieron las aplicaciones conjuntamente con los especialistas de la CFE; se hicieron los desarrollos acordados y se instalaron en la subestacion Temascal II.

  2. Drug-eluting stents and bare metal stents in patients with NSTE-ACS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Sune Haahr; Pfisterer, Matthias; Kaiser, Christoph


    the randomised BASKET-PROVE trial (sirolimus-eluting stent vs. everolimus-eluting stent vs. bare metal stent in large-vessel stenting). The primary endpoint was the combined two-year rate of cardiovascular death or non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI). Secondary endpoints were each component of the primary...... implantation in large vessels was associated with a reduction in both TVR and the combined endpoint consisting of cardiovascular death/MI. Thus, DES use improves both efficacy and safety. These findings support the use of DES in NSTE-ACS patients....

  3. Percutaneous placement of ureteral stent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Seung Hyup; Park, Jae Hyung; Han, Joon Koo; Han, Man Chung [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Antegrade placement of ureteral stents has successfully achieved in 41 of 46 ureters. When it was difficult to advance ureteral stents through the lesion, it was facilitated by retrograde guide-wire snare technique through urethra. Complications associated with the procedure were non-function of ureteral stent by occlusion, upward migration,and spontaneous fracture of ureteral stent. These complications were managed by percutaneous nephrostomy and removal of ureteral stents by guide-wire snare technique and insertion of a new ureteral stent. While blood cell in urine was markedly increased in about 50% of patients following the procedure.

  4. Covered duodenal self-expandable metal stents prolong biliary stent patency in double stenting: The largest series of bilioduodenal obstruction. (United States)

    Hori, Yasuki; Naitoh, Itaru; Hayashi, Kazuki; Kondo, Hiromu; Yoshida, Michihiro; Shimizu, Shuya; Hirano, Atsuyuki; Okumura, Fumihiro; Ando, Tomoaki; Jinno, Naruomi; Takada, Hiroki; Togawa, Shozo; Joh, Takashi


    Endoscopic biliary and duodenal stenting (DS; double stenting) is widely accepted as a palliation therapy for malignant bilioduodenal obstruction. The aim of the current study was to investigate the patency and adverse events of duodenal and biliary stents in patients with DS. Patients who underwent DS from April 2004 to March 2017 were analyzed retrospectively with regard to clinical outcomes and predictive factors of recurrent biliary and duodenal obstruction (recurrent biliary obstruction [RBO] and recurrent duodenal obstruction [RDO]). A total of 109 consecutive patients was enrolled. Technical success of DS was achieved in 108 patients (99.1%). Symptoms due to biliary and duodenal obstruction were improved in 89 patients (81.7%). RBO occurred in 25 patients (22.9%) and RDO in 13 (11.9%). The median times to RBO and RDO from DS were 87 and 76 days, respectively. Placement of a duodenal uncovered self-expandable metal stent (U-SEMS) was significantly associated with RBO in the multivariable analysis (P = 0.007). Time to RBO was significantly longer in the duodenal covered self-expandable metal stent group than in the U-SEMS group (P = 0.003). No predictive factors of RDO were detected, and duodenal stent type was not associated with the time to RDO (P = 0.724). Double stenting was safe and effective for malignant bilioduodenal obstruction. Duodenal U-SEMS is a risk factor for RBO. The covered self-expandable metal stent is the preferred type of duodenal SEMS in patients with DS (Clinical trial registration number: UMIN000027606). © 2017 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  5. Implante de stent dentro de stent recém-implantado em ponte de veia safena para otimização do resultado angiográfico Stenting a stent in saphenous vein graft to optimize the angiographic result

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Esteves Fº


    Full Text Available Mulher de 60 anos, com angina progressiva e revascularização do miocárdio, há oito anos, com ponte de veia safena para coronária direita e anastomose de artéria mamaria esquerda para artéria descendente anterior. Submetida a implante de stent Gianturco-Roubin II em terço proximal da ponte de veia safena para artéria coronária direita, com resultado insatisfatório pela persistência de lesão residual, provavelmente, decorrente de prolapso para dentro da luz de material aterosclerótico através dos coils. Foi implantado outro stent (Palmaz-Schatz biliar dentro do stent GRII com sucesso e ótimo resultado angiográfico. Um 2º stent Palmaz-Schatz biliar foi implantado em lesão distal no corpo da ponte, ultrapassando os dois stents, anteriormente implantados, com sucesso. Em algumas situações, implante de stent dentro de outro stent é recurso útil para otimização de resultado angiográfico do implante de um stent.A 60 year-old woman with progressive angina who had been submitted to saphenous bypass-graft to right coronary artery and a left mammary artery graft to anterior descending artery eight years previously, underwent implantation of a Gianturco Roubin II stent in the proximal third of the saphenous vein graft. The result was suboptimal by persistence of a residual stenosis probably due to prolapse of atherosclerotic material through the coil spaces. Another stent (Palmaz-Schatz biliar stent was implanted at the previously stented site with no residual stenosis. Another Palmaz-Schatz biliar stent was successfully implanted in the distal body of the graft to treat another lesion (passing through the previously stents without difficulty. Stenting a stent, in selected situations, is a useful tool to optimize the angiographic result of stent implantation.

  6. Creación de un Framework de desarrollo de aplicaciones para la web con lenguaje PHP


    Henríquez Chavarría, José Antonio


    El desarrollo de Frameworks, para desarrollo de aplicaciones en ambiente web, ha tenido un notable aumento, en los últimos años, debido a la necesidad de crear aplicaciones web y la urgencia de muchos por conseguir desarrollos con un ciclo de vida rápido, de forma que actualmente muchos desarrolladores de software requieren herramientas como un Framewok para lograr programar sus aplicaciones y dar seguimiento para siguientes versiones. El presente proyecto se plantea como una alternativa s...

  7. [Cost-effectiveness trial of self-expandable metal stents and plastic biliary stents in malignant biliary obstruction]. (United States)

    Daróczi, Tímea; Bor, Renáta; Fábián, Anna; Szabó, Ella; Farkas, Klaudia; Bálint, Anita; Czakó, László; Rutka, Mariann; Szűcs, Mónika; Milassin, Ágnes; Molnár, Tamás; Szepes, Zoltán


    Self-expandable metal and plastic stents can be applied in the palliative endoscopic treatment of patients with unresectable malignant biliary obstruction. The use of metal stentsis recommended if the patient's life expectancy is more than four months. To compare the therapeutic efficacy and cost-effectiveness of metal and plastic stents in the treatment of malignant biliary obstruction. The authors retrospectively enrolled patients who received metal (37 patients) or plastic stent (37 patients). The complication rate, stent patency and cumulative cost of treatment were assessed in the two groups. The complication rate of metal stents was lower (37.84% vs. 56.76%), but the stent patency was higher compared with plastic stents (19.11 vs. 8.29 weeks; p = 0.0041). In the plastic stent group the frequency of hospitalization of patients in context with stent complications (1.18 vs. 2.32; p = 0.05) and the necessity of reintervention for stent dysfunction (17 vs. 27; p = 0.033) were substantially higher. In this group multiple stent implantation raised the stent patency from 7.68 to 10.75 weeks. There was no difference in the total cost of treatment of malignant biliary obstruction between the two groups (p = 0.848). Considering the cost of treatment and the burden of patients the authors recommend self-expandable metal sten timplantation if the life expectancy of patients is more than two months. In short survival cases multiple plastic stent implantation is recommended.

  8. Experimental absorbable stent permits airway remodeling. (United States)

    Liu, Kuo-Sheng; Liu, Yun-Hen; Peng, Yi-Jie; Liu, Shih-Jung


    Despite metallic and silicone stents being effective in treating various airway lesions, many concerns still remain. A bioresorbable stent that scaffolds the airway lumen and dissolves after the remodeling process is completed has advantages over metallic and silicone stents. We designed and fabricated a new mesh-type bioresorbable stent with a backbone of polycaprolactone (PCL), and evaluated its safety and biocompatibility in a rabbit trachea model. The PCL stent was fabricated by a laboratory-made microinjection molding machine. In vitro mechanical strength of the PCL stents was tested and compared to that of commercial silicone stents. The bioresorbable stents were surgically implanted into the cervical trachea of New Zealand white rabbits (n=6). Animals received bronchoscopic examination at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery. Histological examination was completed to evaluate the biocompatibility of the stents. No animals died during the period of study. Distal stent migration was noted in 1 rabbit. In-stent secretion accumulation was found in 2 rabbits. Histological examination showed intact ciliated epithelium and marked leukocyte infiltration in the submucosa of the stented area at 10 and 28 weeks. Stent degradation was minimal, and the mechanical strength was well preserved at the end of 33 weeks. These preliminary findings showed good safety and biocompatibility of the new PCL stent when used in the airway remodeling. PCL could be a promising bioresorbable material for stent design if prolonged degradation time is required. Copyright © 2011 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Management of stent dislodgment in coarctoplasty of aorta with three overlapping self-expandable nitinol stents. (United States)

    Ghazi, Payam; Haji-Zeinali, Ali-Mohammad


    We describe a case of native coarctation of aorta managed with three self-expandable nitinol stents. After balloon pre-dilation, the first and second stents were dislodged. The coarcted area was successfully treated with the third stent overlapped with the previous stents. During follow up (30 months), the patient was free of complications. It seems that implantation of multiple overlapping self-expandable stents in aortic coarctation patients, if needed, is safe and possible.

  10. MRT of carotid stents: influence of stent properties and sequence parameters on visualization of the carotid artery lumen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Straube, T.; Wolf, S.; Alfke, K.; Jansen, O.; Flesser, A.; Deli, M.; Nabavi, A.


    Purpose: To evaluate MR artifacts of carotid artery stents and to optimize stent properties and sequence parameters. Material and Methods: Four carotid artery stents - Wallstent (mediloy), Precise (nitinol), ACCULINK (nitinol) and a stent prototype (nitinol) - were investigated in a flow model of the cervical vessels. The model was made of silicon tubing and a flow pump that produces realistic flow curves of the carotid artery. To investigate the effects of magnetic susceptibility and radiofrequency induced shielding artifacts, turbo spin echo and gradient echo sequences as well as CE-MRAs were measured. To improve the visualization of the stent lumen in a CE-MRA, flip angle as well as geometry and covering of the stent prototype were altered. Results: Susceptibility artifacts in stents of the carotid artery only influence the lumen visualization at the proximal and distal end of the braided mediloy stent. A change of stent coverings has no significant influence on radiofrequency artifacts, whereas a reduction in linking elements between stent segments and a change in diameter of stent struts improves visualization of the stent lumen. By increasing the flip angle in a CE-MRA, visualization of the stent lumen is possible in both mediloy and nitinol stents. Conclusion: The choice of stent material and changes in stent geometry as well as the optimization of the flip angle of the CE-MRA may reduce susceptibility and radiofrequency artifacts, rendering feasible the CE-MRA of a stented carotid artery. (orig.)

  11. Ultraescalabilidad en sistemas heterogéneos: Integración de técnicas de gestión del paralelismo


    Ji Ye, Senmao


    El incremento en el uso de aplicaciones paralelas de gran escala dentro del cómputo científico, ha provocado el gran desarrollo de los último años de la programación paralela. Esto ha incrementado la complejidad en el desarrollo de este tipo de programación, con un número cada vez mayor de arquitecturas diferentes y tipos de aceleradores. Por otro lado, las restricciones físicas de los materiales y las limitaciones energéticas, obligan a optimizar el rendimiento de estas aplicaciones en orden...

  12. Modified nasolacrimal duct stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian Min; Jin Mei; Chen Huanjun; Li Yi


    Objective: Traditional nasolacrimal duct stenting possesses some shortcoming including difficulty of pulling ball head guide wire from the nasal cavity with turbinate hypertrophy and nasal septal deviation. The new method of nose-oral tube track establishment can overcome the forementioned and increase the successful rate. Methods: 5 F catheter and arterial sheath were modified to be nasolacrimal duct stent delivery device respectively. Antegrade dacryocystography was taken firstly to display the obstructed site and followed by the modified protocol of inserting the guide wire through nasolacrimal duct and nasal cavity, and establishing the stent delivery track for retrograde stent placement. Results: 5 epiphora patients with failure implantation by traditional method were all succeeded through the modified stenting (100%). During 6-mouth follow-up, no serious complications and reocclusion occurred. Conclusion: The establishment of eye-nose-mouth-nose of external nasal guide wire track can improve the successful rate of nasolacrimal duct stenting. (authors)

  13. Factors application of MW-mile method and participation in the allocation of charges by the drills use in electricity markets; Aplicacion de los factores de participacion y del metodo de MW-milla en la asignacion de cargos por uso de redes de transmision en mercados de electricidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alba-Gomez, L; Tovar-Hernandez, J. H; Gutierrez-Alcaraz, G [Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    Use of network allocation costs by shift factors and MW-Mile method is reported in this paper. Conventional shift factors are computed based on DC power flow. DC power flow requires to selecting a slack bus in order to avoid matrix singularity. Therefore, shift factors are slack bus dependent. In order to evade slack bus dependency, two approaches are considered. [Spanish] Este trabajo presenta la asignacion de costos por uso de red mediante la aplicacion de Factores de Participacion (FP) y el metodo de MW-Milla. Los FP clasicos son calculados a partir del modelo lineal de flujos de potencia para lo que se requiere de establecer un nodo de referencia a fin de eliminar la singularidad de la matriz de coeficientes. Por lo tanto, los FP son dependientes de la asignacion del nodo de referencia. Dos metodos alternativos para evitar la dependencia del nodo compensador en la obtencion de los factores de participacion son presentados.

  14. Compliance Study of Endovascular Stent Grafts Incorporated with Polyester and Polyurethane Graft Materials in both Stented and Unstented Zones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ying Guan


    Full Text Available Compliance mismatch between stent graft and host artery may induce complications and blood flow disorders. However, few studies have been reported on stent graft compliance. This study aims to explore the deformation and compliance of stent graft in stented and unstented zones under three pressure ranges. Compliance of two stent grafts incorporated with polyurethane graft (nitinol-PU and polyester graft (nitinol-PET materials respectively were tested; the stents used in the two stent grafts were identical. For the circumferential deformation of the stent grafts under each pressure range, the nitinol-PET stent graft was uniform in both zones. The nitinol-PU stent graft was circumferentially uniform in the stented zone, however, it was nonuniform in the unstented zone. The compliance of the PU graft material was 15 times higher than that of the PET graft. No significant difference in compliance was observed between stented and unstented zones of the nitinol-PET stent graft regardless of the applied pressure range. However, for the nitinol-PU stent graft, compliance of the unstented PU region was approximately twice that of the stented region; thus, compliance along the length of the nitinol-PU stent graft was not constant and different from that of the nitinol-PET stent graft.

  15. Therapies targeting inflammation after stent implantation. (United States)

    Okura, Hiroyuki; Takagi, Tsutomu; Yoshida, Kiyoshi


    Since the introduction of coronary vessel scaffold by metallic stent, percutaneous coronary intervention has become widely performed all over the world. Although drug-eluting stent technology has further decrease the incidence of in-stent restenosis, there still remaining issues related to stent implantation. Vessel inflammation is one of the causes that may be related to stent restenosis as well as stent thrombosis. Therefore, systemic therapies targeting inflammation emerged as adjunctive pharmacological intervention to improve outcome. Statins, corticosteroids, antiplatelets, and immunosuppresive or anti-cancer drugs are reported to favorably impact outcome after bare-metal stent implantation. In type 2 diabetic patients, pioglitazone may be the most promising drug that can lower neointimal proliferation and, as a result, lower incidence of restenosis and target lesion revascularization. On the other hand, several new stent platforms that might decrease inflammatory response after drug-eluting stent implantation have been introduced. Because durable polymer used in the first generation drug-eluting stents are recognized to be responsible for unfavorable vessel response, biocompatible or bioabsorbable polymer has been introduce and already used clinically. Furthermore, polymer-free drug-eluting stent and bioresorbable scaffold are under investigation. Although vessel inflammation may be reduced by using these new drug-eluting stents or scaffold, long-term impact needs to be investigated further.

  16. Aplicaciones terrestres de bajo volumen con abamectin y spinosad para el control químico del minador de los cítricos en limoneros Abamectin and spinosad low volume applications to control citrus leafminer on lemon trees

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán Salas


    Full Text Available El minador de los cítricos, Phyllocnistis citrella, produce daños directos al afectar los brotes nuevos de las plantas jóvenes, e indirectos al permitir la entrada de la bacteria responsable de la cancrosis de los cítricos, a través de las heridas que producen las larvas en las hojas. Este daño indirecto motivó a los productores citrícolas a controlar las poblaciones del minador también en plantas adultas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el control de P. citrella mediante aplicaciones con bajo volumen de abamectin y spinosad, combinados con aceite mineral emulsionable. Las aplicaciones de bajo volumen se hicieron durante tres campañas consecutivas sobre plantas de limonero de siete años de edad al momento de iniciar las experiencias, usando 2 l de caldo formulado por planta. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: abamectin (1,8 g i.a./ha, spinosad (24 g i.a./ha, ambos combinados con aceite mineral, y un testigo sin tratar. Se hicieron dos aplicaciones por campaña cada 15 días. Se extrajeron muestras semanalmente para evaluar el porcentaje de hojas con larvas vivas. Al final de la experiencia se estimó el daño foliar en brotes previamente marcados. Tanto abamectin como spinosad controlaron la plaga durante 14 días y el porcentaje de área foliar dañada fue menor a 3,5%. El control obtenido con ambos tratamientos, nos permite disponer de dos opciones de activos para el control del minador con el fin de rotar los productos y evitar posibles problemas de resistencia.The citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella, produces direct damages affecting new flushes of young trees, and indirect ones, since the wounds produced on the leaves by the leafminer represent an entry way for the bacterium responsible for citrus canker. This indirect damage has motivated citrus farmers to control leafminer on adult trees. The aim of this work was to evaluate leafminer control using low volume applications of abamectin and spinosad with mineral

  17. Transient coronary aneurysm formation after Nevo™ stent implantation versus persistent coronary aneurysm after Cypher Select™ stent implantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Evald Høj; Lassen, Jens Flensted; Jensen, Lisette Okkels


    We implanted a Cypher Select™ coronary stent and two months later a Nevo™ sirolimus-eluting coronary stent in another vessel. At a prescheduled angiographic follow-up, coronary aneurysms were seen in the two stented segments, 6 and 8 months after stent implantation, respectively. Six months later......, the aneurysm had healed in the Nevo, but was still present in the Cypher stented segment. We hypothesize that aneurysm formation was induced by sirolimus and the polymer of the implanted stents, and that subsequent healing was possible in the Nevo stent after degradation of the polymer....

  18. Forgotten Ureteral Stents: An Avoidable Morbidity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murtaza, B.; Alvi, S.


    Objective: To assess the clinical presentation of forgotten ureteral stents and highlight the etiological factors resulting in the retention of these stents. Study Design: Observational study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Urology, Armed Forces Institute of Urology, Rawalpindi, from January 2010 to Jun 2011. Methodology: Thirty-eight patients, with forgotten ureteral stents, retained for more than 6 months duration, were enrolled. A detailed evaluation was performed, along with the questions regarding the patients' opinion about the ureteral stents. They were specially asked whether they knew about the stents or were they formally informed regarding the stents. Subsequently, the patients were managed according to their clinical condition. Results: The male to female ratio was 2.1:1 aged 23 - 69 years, mean being 40.24 ± 12.59 years. The time of presentation after the ureteral stenting was 7 - 180 months (mean = 28.89 ± 33.435 years). Seven patients (18.4 percentage) reported with chronic kidney disease, including ESRD in two cases. Recurrent UTI was seen in 28 cases (73.6 percentage), calculus formed over the stents in 20 cases (52.6 percentage), and stent fragmented in 5 patients (13.1 percentage). Majority of patients, (n = 23, 60.5 percentage), were not even aware of the placement of these stents while 8 (21.0 percentage) knew but were reluctant about its removal. In 3 cases (7.8 percentage), the relatives knew about the stent but never informed the patients. The stent had been removed in 2 cases (5.2 percentage), but the other broken fragment was missed. One case (2.6 percentage) each had a misconception about the permanent placement of the stents like cardiac stents and regarding degradation of the stents in situ. Conclusion: Forgotten ureteral stents produce clinical features ranging from recurrent UTI to ESRD. This preventable urological complication is primarily due to the unawareness or ignorance of the patients and their relatives

  19. Stent underexpansion in angiographic guided percutaneous coronary intervention, despite adjunctive balloon post-dilatation, in drug eluting stent era

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehrdad Taherioun


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Stent underexpansion is the most powerful predictor of long-term stent patency and clinical outcome. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence and predictors of stent underexpansion despite adjunctive post-dilatation with non-compliant balloon. METHODS: After elective coronary stent implantation and adjunctive post-dilatation with non-compliant balloon and optimal angiographic result confirmed by the operator, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS was performed for all the treated lesions. If the treated lesions fulfilled the IVUS criteria, they are considered as the optimal stent group; if not, they are considered as the suboptimal group. RESULTS: From 50 patients enrolled in this study 39 (78% had optimal stent deployment and 11 (22% had suboptimal stent deployment. In the suboptimal group 7 (14% had underexpansion, 2 (4% malposition, and 2 (4% had asymmetry. There were no stent edge dissections detected by IVUS. We did not find any correlation between lesion calcification, ostial lesions, stent length, and stent underexpansion. Stent diameter ≤ 2.75 mm had a strong correlation with stent underexpansion. CONCLUSION: Despite adjunctive post-dilatation with noncompliant balloon, using a relatively small stent diameter was a strong predictor for underexpansion. IVUS guided percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI may be considered for drug eluting stent (DES implantation in relatively small vessels.   Keywords: Stent, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Ultrasound, Post-dilatation 

  20. Metallic Limus-Eluting Stents Abluminally Coated with Biodegradable Polymers: Angiographic and Clinical Comparison of a Novel Ultra-Thin Sirolimus Stent Versus Biolimus Stent in the DESTINY Randomized Trial. (United States)

    Lemos, Pedro A; Abizaid, Alexandre A C; Meireles, George C; Sarmento-Leite, Rogério; Prudente, Mauricio; Cantarelli, Marcelo; Dourado, Adriano D; Mariani, Jose; Perin, Marco A; Costantini, Costantino; Costa, Ricardo A; Costa, José Ribamar; Chamie, Daniel; Campos, Carlos A; Ribeiro, Expedito


    To evaluate the outcomes of patients treated with a new drug-eluting stent formulation with low doses of sirolimus, built in an ultra-thin-strut platform coated with biodegradable abluminal coating. This study is a randomized trial that tested the main hypothesis that the angiographic late lumen loss of the novel sirolimus-eluting stent is noninferior compared with commercially available biolimus-eluting stent. A final study population comprising 170 patients with one or two de novo lesions was randomized in the ratio 2:1 for sirolimus-eluting stent or biolimus-eluting stent, respectively. The primary endpoint was 9-month angiographic in-stent late lumen loss. Adverse clinical events were prospectively collected for 1 year. After 9 months, the novel sirolimus-eluting stent was shown noninferior compared with the biolimus stent for the primary endpoint (angiographic in-stent late lumen loss: 0.20 ± 0.29 mm vs. 0.15 ± 0.20 mm, respectively; P value for noninferiority <0.001). The 1-year incidence of death, myocardial infarction, repeat revascularization, and stent thrombosis remained low and not significantly different between the groups. The present randomized trial demonstrates that the tested novel sirolimus-eluting stent was angiographically noninferior in comparison with a last-generation biolimus-eluting stent. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. [The Predictive Factors of Stent Failure in the Treatment of Malignant Extrinsc Ureteral Obstruction Using Internal Ureteral Stents]. (United States)

    Matsuura, Hiroshi; Arase, Shigeki; Hori, Yasuhide; Tochigi, Hiromi


    In this study, we retrospectively reviewed the experiences at our single institute in the treatment of malignant extrinsic ureteral obstruction (MUO) using ureteral stents to investigate the clinical outcomes and the predictive factors of stent failure. In 52 ureters of 38 patients who had radiologically significant hydronephrosis due to MUO, internal ureteral stents (The BARD(R) INLAY(TM) ureteral stent set) were inserted. The median follow-up interval after the initial stent insertion was 124.5 days (4-1,120). Stent failure occurred in 8 ureters (15.4%) of the 7 patients. The median interval from the first stent insertion to stent failure was 88 days (1-468). A Cox regression multivariate analysis showed that the significant predictors of stent failure were bladder invasion. Based on the possibility of stent failure, the adaptation of the internal ureteral stent placement should be considered especially in a patient with MUO combined with bladder invasion.

  2. A novel balloon assisted two-stents telescoping technique for repositioning an embolized stent in the pulmonary conduit. (United States)

    Kobayashi, Daisuke; Gowda, Srinath T; Forbes, Thomas J


    A 9-year-old male, with history of pulmonary atresia and ventricular septal defect, status post complete repair with a 16 mm pulmonary homograft in the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) underwent 3110 Palmaz stent placement for conduit stenosis. Following deployment the stent embolized proximally into the right ventricle (RV). We undertook the choice of repositioning the embolized stent into the conduit with a transcatheter approach. Using a second venous access, the embolized stent was carefully maneuvered into the proximal part of conduit with an inflated Tyshak balloon catheter. A second Palmaz 4010 stent was deployed in the distal conduit telescoping through the embolized stent. The Tyshak balloon catheter was kept inflated in the RV to stabilize the embolized stent in the proximal conduit until it was successfully latched up against the conduit with the deployment of the overlapping second stent. One year later, he underwent Melody valve implantation in the pre-stented conduit relieving conduit insufficiency. This novel balloon assisted two-stents telescoping technique is a feasible transcatheter option to secure an embolized stent from the RV to the RVOT. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel H. Moreno


    Full Text Available A pesar de su gran potencial, los xerogeles de carbono no se producen a gran escala debido a los largos y tediosos procesos tradicionales de obtención. El objetivo ha sido desarrollar un nuevo método de síntesis que permita su producción a gran escala de forma competitiva, sin perder el control de las propiedades y la posibilidad de producirlos a medida de cada aplicación. En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo proceso de obtención que permite reducir notablemente el tiempo del proceso de síntesis (>75% y utilizando un único dispositivo, constituyendo un paso muy importante para la implementación a escala industrial de la producción de xerogeles de carbono. En este trabajo se presentan resultados notables de dichos xerogeles de carbono en aplicaciones tan diversas como el almacenamiento de hidrógeno, como material activo en supercondensadores o como material de relleno en columnas de separación de gases, mostrando la gran versatilidad de estos materiales.

  4. Air cholangiography in endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement of metallic stents for malignant hilar biliary obstruction. (United States)

    Lee, Jae Min; Lee, Sang Hyub; Jang, Dong Kee; Chung, Kwang Hyun; Park, Jin Myung; Paik, Woo Hyun; Lee, Jun Kyu; Ryu, Ji Kon; Kim, Yong-Tae


    Although endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent (SIS) placement of self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) is one of the major palliative treatments for unresectable malignant hilar biliary obstruction, post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) cholangitis can occur frequently due to inadequate drainage, especially after contrast injection into the biliary tree. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of air cholangiography-assisted stenting. This study included 47 patients with malignant hilar biliary obstruction who underwent endoscopic bilateral SEMS placement using the SIS technique. They were divided into two groups, air (n = 23) or iodine contrast (n = 24) cholangiography. We retrospectively compared comprehensive clinical and laboratory data of both groups. There were no significant differences found between the two groups with respect to technical success (87% versus 87.5%, air versus contrast group, respectively), functional success (95% versus 95.2%), 30-day mortality (8.3% versus 8.7%) and stent patency. Post-ERCP adverse events occurred in 5 (21.7%) of the patients in the air group and 8 (33.3%) of the patients in the contrast group. Among these, the rate of cholangitis was significantly lower in the air group (4.8% versus 29.2%, p = 0.048). In multivariate analysis, air cholangiography, technical success and a shorter procedure time were significantly associated with a lower incidence of post-ERCP cholangitis. Air cholangiography-assisted stenting can be a safe and effective method for endoscopic bilateral SIS placement of SEMS in patients with malignant hilar biliary obstruction.

  5. Stent Design Affects Femoropopliteal Artery Deformation. (United States)

    MacTaggart, Jason; Poulson, William; Seas, Andreas; Deegan, Paul; Lomneth, Carol; Desyatova, Anastasia; Maleckis, Kaspars; Kamenskiy, Alexey


    Poor durability of femoropopliteal artery (FPA) stenting is multifactorial, and severe FPA deformations occurring with limb flexion are likely involved. Different stent designs result in dissimilar stent-artery interactions, but the degree of these effects in the FPA is insufficiently understood. To determine how different stent designs affect limb flexion-induced FPA deformations. Retrievable markers were deployed into n = 28 FPAs of lightly embalmed human cadavers. Bodies were perfused and CT images were acquired with limbs in the standing, walking, sitting, and gardening postures. Image analysis allowed measurement of baseline FPA foreshortening, bending, and twisting associated with each posture. Markers were retrieved and 7 different stents were deployed across the adductor hiatus in the same limbs. Markers were then redeployed in the stented FPAs, and limbs were reimaged. Baseline and stented FPA deformations were compared to determine the influence of each stent design. Proximal to the stent, Innova, Supera, and SmartFlex exacerbated foreshortening, SmartFlex exacerbated twisting, and SmartControl restricted bending of the FPA. Within the stent, all devices except Viabahn restricted foreshortening; Supera, SmartControl, and AbsolutePro restricted twisting; SmartFlex and Innova exacerbated twisting; and Supera and Viabahn restricted bending. Distal to the stents, all devices except AbsolutePro and Innova exacerbated foreshortening, and Viabahn, Supera, Zilver, and SmartControl exacerbated twisting. All stents except Supera were pinched in flexed limb postures. Peripheral self-expanding stents significantly affect limb flexion-induced FPA deformations, but in different ways. Although certain designs seem to accommodate some deformation modes, no device was able to match all FPA deformations.

  6. Resinas acetálicas: diversas aplicaciones en odontoestomatología


    Puigpelat Martí, Ana M.; Casanellas Bassols, Josep M. (Josep Maria)


    La resina acetálica o Polioxime­tileno (POM) es un nuevo material estético de reciente aplicación en el campo de la Odontoestomatolo­gía. En este artículo presentamos al­gunas de las aplicaciones donde la estética desempeña una función importante. Una de las aplicaciones de las re­sinas acetálicas es el campo de la Prótesis Parcial Removible, cuan­do queremos sustituir los retene­dores vestibulares convencionales (metálicos) por retenedores más es­téticos. Otra posible aplicación puede ser la...

  7. Heterogeneous Intravascular Ultrasound Findings of Stent Thrombosis


    Morofuji, Toru; Inaba, Shinji; Aisu, Hiroe; Takahashi, Kayo; Saito, Makoto; Higashi, Haruhiko; Yoshii, Toyofumi; Sumimoto, Takumi


    Objective The underlying mechanisms of stent thrombosis are not completely understood. Methods We experienced 12 definite stent thrombosis cases (1 early, 1 late, and 10 very late) at our hospital from July 2011 to April 2016 and evaluated the possible causes of stent thrombosis by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Results Five different potential morphological causes of stent thrombosis (neoatherosclerosis, stent malapposition, stent fracture, edge dissection, and stent underexpansion) were d...

  8. Coronary In-Stent Restenosis: Assessment with Corrected Coronary Opacification Difference across Coronary Stents Measured with CT Angiography. (United States)

    Gao, Yang; Lu, Bin; Hou, Zhi Hui; Yu, Fang Fang; Yin, Wei Hua; Wang, Zhi Qiang; Wu, Yong Jian; Mu, Chao Wei; Meinel, Felix G; McQuiston, Andrew D; Schoepf, U Joseph


    To determine whether changes in coronary opacification normalized to the aorta (corrected coronary opacification [CCO]) across stents can help identify in-stent restenosis (ISR) severity with use of invasive coronary angiography as the standard of reference. This study was approved by the institutional review board, and the requirement to obtain informed consent was waived. The authors retrospectively analyzed 106 patients (88 men, 18 women; mean age, 59.6 years ± 10.4; age range, 36-84 years) who had previously undergone stent implantation within 3 months of coronary computed tomographic (CT) angiography. Attenuation values in the coronary lumen were measured proximal and distal to the stents and normalized to the descending aorta. The CCO difference across the stent was compared with the severity of ISR. One-way analysis of variance least significant difference was used for comparison. A total of 141 stents were assessed. Seventy-six stents were normally patent, 18 had ISR of less than 50%, 28 had ISR of 50%-99%, and 19 were fully occluded. The median CCO differences in the four groups were 0.078, 0.163, 0.346, and 0.606, respectively. There was no significant difference between stents with an ISR of at least 50% and those with total occlusion (P = .056), although the other groups had significant differences at pairwise comparison (P stents smaller than 3 mm in diameter, the median CCO differences in the four groups were 0.086, 0.136, 0.390, and 0.471, respectively. The CCO differences across normal stents and stents with ISR of less than 50% were significantly less than those across stents with an ISR of at least 50% and those with total occlusion (P stents with no ISR and those with an ISR of less than 50% (P = .821) and between stents with an ISR of at least 50% and those with an ISR of 100% (P = .836). The CCO difference across coronary stents is related to ISR severity in obstructive ISR in stents smaller than 3 mm in diameter. © RSNA, 2014.

  9. Aplicaciones innovadoras de la madera en la construcción

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García Navarro, Justo


    Full Text Available The use of wooden products in construction has experienced significant changes during the last decades. New technologies have allowed to produce better and more predictable products for structural applications while have improved transformation processes to make more efficient use of the available raw resource. This paper describes current applications of new wooden materials uncommon in the Spanish construction. The Fundación Cultural COAM has channeled this information to designers in a number of seminars and courses during the last two years with special attention to the innovative applications.

    La utilización de la madera como material de construcción ha sufrido un profundo cambio en el último medio siglo. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos industriales han provocado, junto a la optimización de las características intrínsecas del material, un mejor aprovechamiento y utilización de la madera, tanto para usos estructurales como para usos no resistentes. Este artículo, que recoge algunos de los temas desarrollados en las distintas Jornadas y Cursos sobre Construcción en Madera, organizados por la Fundación Cultural COAM durante los últimos dos años, pretende hacer un repaso no exhaustivo a las diferentes aplicaciones del material, haciendo especial hincapié en los aspectos más innovadores que, por diversas circunstancias, no han sido, hasta la fecha, suficientemente utilizados en España.

  10. Mechanical Properties of Metallic Stents: How Do These Properties Influence the Choice of Stent for Specific Lesions?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dyet, John F.; Watts, William G.; Ettles, Duncan F.; Nicholson, Anthony A.


    Purpose: To assess selected balloon-expandable and self-expanding stents for radial force, flexibility, radio-opacity, and trackability, and to relate these physical characteristics to potential indications for placement.Methods: Force-strain curves were plotted for each stent and the force required to produce 50% luminal narrowing was recorded. The ability of the stent to show elastic recoil following deformation was also noted. Flexibility was measured by bending the stents against a force transducer and recording the force required per degree of flexion. Radio-opacity was measured by comparing each stent against a standard aluminum step wedge. Trackability was measured by testing the ability of the stent on its delivery system to track over angles of 90 deg. and 60 deg. Results: The balloon-expandable stents showed greater radial strength and radio-opacity but, apart from the AVE Iliac Bridge stent, showed poorer flexibility and trackability. The self-expanding stents showed less radial force but were able to re-expand following deformity. They were generally more flexible and had better trackability but lower radio-opacity.Conclusion: There is no stent which exhibits all the ideal properties required and therefore the interventionist will need to keep a range of stents available if all lesions are to be addressed

  11. PulmoStent : In Vitro to In Vivo Evaluation of a Tissue Engineered Endobronchial Stent

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thiebes, Anja Lena; Kelly, Nicola; Sweeney, Caoimhe A.; McGrath, Donnacha J.; Clauser, Johanna; Kurtenbach, Kathrin; Gesche, Valentine N.; Chen, Weiluan; Kok, Robbert Jan; Steinseifer, Ulrich; Bruzzi, Mark; O’Brien, Barry J.; McHugh, Peter E.; Jockenhoevel, Stefan; Cornelissen, Christian G.

    Currently, there is no optimal treatment available for end stage tumour patients with airway stenosis. The PulmoStent concept aims on overcoming current hurdles in airway stenting by combining a nitinol stent with a nutrient-permeable membrane, which prevents tumour ingrowth. Respiratory epithelial

  12. Stent migration after right ventricular outflow tract stenting in the severe cyanotic Tetralogy of Fallot case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamaki Hayashi


    Full Text Available We report our experience with a stent migration after right ventricle outflow tract stenting and converted to patent ductus arteriosus stenting in Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF with severe infundibular stenosis. Finally, the patient achieved to TOF repair, and the migrated stent was removed without any complication.

  13. Creation of individual ideally shaped stents using multi-slice CT: in vitro results from the semi-automatic virtual stent (SAVS) designer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hyodoh, Hideki; Katagiri, Yoshimi; Hyodoh, Kazusa; Akiba, Hidenari; Hareyama, Masato; Sakai, Toyohiko


    To plan stent-grafting for thoracic aortic aneurysm with complicated morphology, we created a virtual stent-grafting program [Semi Automatic Virtual Stent (SAVS) designer] using three-dimensional CT data. The usefulness of the SAVS designer was evaluated by measurement of transformed anatomical and straight stents. Curved model images (source, multi-planer reconstruction and volume rendering) were created, and a hollow virtual stent was produced by the SAVS designer. A straight Nitinol stent was transformed to match the curved configuration of the virtual stent. The accuracy of the anatomical stent was evaluated by experimental strain phantom studies in comparison with the straight stent. Mean separation length was 0 mm in the anatomical stent [22 mm outer diameter (OD)] and 5 mm in the straight stent (22 mm OD). The straight stent strain voltage was four times that of the anatomical stent at the stent end. The anatomical stent is useful because it fits the curved structure of the aorta and reduces the strain force compared to the straight stent. The SAVS designer can help to design and produce the anatomical stent. (orig.)

  14. Configuration affects parallel stent grafting results. (United States)

    Tanious, Adam; Wooster, Mathew; Armstrong, Paul A; Zwiebel, Bruce; Grundy, Shane; Back, Martin R; Shames, Murray L


    A number of adjunctive "off-the-shelf" procedures have been described to treat complex aortic diseases. Our goal was to evaluate parallel stent graft configurations and to determine an optimal formula for these procedures. This is a retrospective review of all patients at a single medical center treated with parallel stent grafts from January 2010 to September 2015. Outcomes were evaluated on the basis of parallel graft orientation, type, and main body device. Primary end points included parallel stent graft compromise and overall endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) compromise. There were 78 patients treated with a total of 144 parallel stents for a variety of pathologic processes. There was a significant correlation between main body oversizing and snorkel compromise (P = .0195) and overall procedural complication (P = .0019) but not with endoleak rates. Patients were organized into the following oversizing groups for further analysis: 0% to 10%, 10% to 20%, and >20%. Those oversized into the 0% to 10% group had the highest rate of overall EVAR complication (73%; P = .0003). There were no significant correlations between any one particular configuration and overall procedural complication. There was also no significant correlation between total number of parallel stents employed and overall complication. Composite EVAR configuration had no significant correlation with individual snorkel compromise, endoleak, or overall EVAR or procedural complication. The configuration most prone to individual snorkel compromise and overall EVAR complication was a four-stent configuration with two stents in an antegrade position and two stents in a retrograde position (60% complication rate). The configuration most prone to endoleak was one or two stents in retrograde position (33% endoleak rate), followed by three stents in an all-antegrade position (25%). There was a significant correlation between individual stent configuration and stent compromise (P = .0385), with 31

  15. A novel self-expanding fully retrievable intracranial stent (SOLO): experience in nine procedures of stent-assisted aneurysm coil occlusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liebig, Thomas; Henkes, Hans; Reinartz, Joerg; Miloslavski, Elina; Kuehne, Dietmar


    The endovascular treatment of large and broad-necked aneurysms may require the use of a remodelling balloon or a stent system to achieve proper occlusion while maintaining the patency of the parent vessel. With the advent of self-expanding stents that can be delivered through a microcatheter, this kind of treatment has improved and problems with the previously used balloon expandable stents have largely been overcome. However, rigidity, insufficient trackability, and limited or non-existent retrievability may still restrict the application of self-expanding stents in some situations. Recently, a stent system with a new and different design has been introduced. This stent is highly flexible, fully retrievable, and can be delivered through a standard 0.021-inch microcatheter without a wire. We describe the first nine cases of stent-assisted coil occlusion of intracranial aneurysms with the use of this stent system. Between May and June of 2004, nine patients with large or broad-necked aneurysms were treated in two endovascular centres. The anatomy of the aneurysms and parent vessels, technical details of the procedure, performance of the stent system, and follow-up results were evaluated. In all procedures, the SOLO stent could be introduced without difficulty, in one procedure after positioning of a different self-expanding stent system had failed due to vessel tortuosity. Overlapping stents were placed in one patient and stent retrieval or repositioning was successfully performed in two procedures. There was no interference or limitation of subsequent coil occlusion after stenting. With regard to the stent, immediate postprocedure and follow-up angiograms were unremarkable in terms of thromboembolic events and signs of intimal hyperplasia. From our experience, we conclude that the SOLO stent shows satisfactory performance overall. Its unique design gives the stent properties that may help overcome some of the difficulties experienced with other self

  16. Propuesta de una Arquitectura y un Componente Genérico para Acceso a Bases de Datos en Aplicaciones Orientadas a Objetos


    Molina Villa, Andreas


    Muchas aplicaciones requieren el acceso a información almacenada en bases de datos. En la actualidad las bases de datos más usadas son las bases de datos relaciónales, y los ambientes de desarrollo orientados a objetos son los que predominan en el mercado. Ambas tecnologías están basadas en paradigmas diferentes, lo que ocasiona que la comunicación e integración entre ambas sea difícil de lograr. En un desarrollo orientado a objetos con el uso de bases de datos relaciónales, gran parte del có...

  17. Reintervention for stent occlusion after bilateral self-expandable metallic stent placement for malignant hilar biliary obstruction. (United States)

    Inoue, Tadahisa; Naitoh, Itaru; Okumura, Fumihiro; Ozeki, Takanori; Anbe, Kaiki; Iwasaki, Hiroyasu; Nishie, Hirotada; Mizushima, Takashi; Sano, Hitoshi; Nakazawa, Takahiro; Yoneda, Masashi; Joh, Takashi


    Endoscopic reintervention for stent occlusions following bilateral self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS) placement for malignant hilar biliary obstruction (MHBO) is challenging, and time to recurrent biliary obstruction (RBO) of the revisionary stent remains unclear. We aimed to clarify a suitable reintervention method for stent occlusions following bilateral SEMS placement for MHBO. Between 2002 and 2014, 52 consecutive patients with MHBO who underwent endoscopic reintervention for stent occlusion after bilateral SEMS placement were enrolled at two university hospitals and one tertiary care referral center. We retrospectively evaluated the technical and functional success rates of the reinterventions, and the time to RBO of the revisionary stents. Technical and functional success rates of the reinterventions were 92% (48/52) and 90% (43/48), respectively. Univariate analysis did not determine any significant predictive factors for technical and functional failures. Median time to RBO of the revisionary stents was 68 days. Median time to RBO was significantly longer for revisionary SEMS placement than for plastic stent placement (131 days vs 47 days, respectively; log-rank test, P = 0.005). Revisionary SEMS placement was the only independent factor that was significantly associated with a longer time to RBO of the revisionary stent in the multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis (hazard ratio 0.37; 95% confidence interval 0.14-0.95; P = 0.039). Revisionary SEMS placement is a suitable endoscopic reintervention method for stent occlusion following bilateral SEMS placement from the perspective of time to RBO of the revisionary stent. © 2016 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society.


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    Full Text Available El pastoreo trashumante ofrece una oportunidad para explorar determinadas conceptualizaciones del habitar, un término vinculado a Heidegger, recientemente esgrimido y reelaborado por diversas tradiciones académicas como núcleo para la reflexión geográfica. Una visión somera del concepto tendería a identificarlo con situaciones de sedentarismo y enraizamiento conservador. Sin embargo, una lectura abierta del habitar, entendido como relación plena con el espacio y la red de historias y narrativas que lo irrigan, permite contemplar su despliegue en situaciones itinerantes, desasidas y nómadas, como el oficio pastoril muestra con ejemplar nitidez. Así pues, la trashumancia ilustra de forma luminosa las posibilidades del concepto del habitar: la rica implicación de animales y seres humanos en el rítmico mundo, a traves de desempeños encarnados (embodied performances, Se densifica por iteración, y antecede a la concreción formal del espacio.

  19. A comparison of clinical efficacy between covered stent-grafts and bare stents in transjuglar in-trahepatic portosystemic shunt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Yongbin; Zhang Xitong; Zhang Wei; Xia Yonghui; Liang Songnian; Xu Ke


    Objective: To compare the clinical efficacy between covered stent and uncovered stent in transjuglar in-trahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). Methods: Thirty patients with liver cirrhosis (portal hypertension), who received TIPS, were retrospectively studied. All patients were divided into two groups covered-stent group (n=20) and uncovered-stent group (n=10). For each patient, portal pressure was measured before and after operation, and the patency of shunt was evaluated by color Doppler ultrasound after operation. The mortality, recurrent bleeding rate and incidence of hepatic encephalopathy were analyzed by Fisher exact probability test. Results: The TIPS treatment was successful in all patients, the portal pressure in the covered-stent group reduced from (3.78 ± 0.50)kPa to (2.13 ± 0.44) kPa and that of the uncovered-stent group reduced from (3.67 ± 0.48)kPA TO (2.13 ± 0.35)kPa. Twenty-six cases were postoperatively followed-up (17 cases in covered-stent group, 9 cases in uncovered-stent group). the follow-up period varied from 7 days to 62 months (median follow-up period was 23 months). Thirteen patients died of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and hepatic failure. The difference of mortality between covered-stent group (8/17) and uncovered-stent group (5/17) and the uncovered-stent group (3/9) was not different too (P>0.05). The incidence of hepatic encephalopathy in the covered-stent group (4/17) was not different from that of the uncovered-stent group (2/9) (P>0.05). The patency rates of 6 months and 12 months reached 100% in the covered-stent group, which were higher than those in the uncovered-stent group 77.8% (7/9) and 55.6%(5/9) (P<0.05). Conclusions: The patency rate of shunt at 12 months after TIPS was higher in the covered-stent group than the uncovered-stent group, while the mortality, recurrent bleeding rate and incidence of hepatic encephalopathy were not significantly different between the two groups. (authors)

  20. Comparison of closed-cell and hybrid-cell stent designs in carotid artery stenting: clinical and procedural outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ersan TatlI


    Full Text Available Introduction: Carotid artery stenting (CAS is a promising alternative to surgery in high-risk patients. However, the impact of stent cell design on outcomes in CAS is a matter of continued debate. Aim : To compare the periprocedural and clinical outcomes of different stent designs for CAS with distal protection devices. Material and methods : All CAS procedures with both closed- and hybrid-cell stents performed at our institution between February 2010 and December 2015 were analyzed retrospectively. Adverse events were defined as death, major stroke, minor stroke, transient ischemic attack and myocardial infarction. Periprocedural and 30-day adverse events and internal carotid artery (ICA vasospasm rates were compared between the closed-cell and hybrid-cell stent groups. Results : The study included 234 patients comprising 146 patients with a closed-cell stent (Xact stent, Abbott Vascular (mean age: 68.5 ±8.6; 67.1% male and 88 patients with a hybrid-cell stent (Cristallo Ideale, Medtronic (mean age: 67.2 ±12.8; 68.2% male. There was no significant difference between the groups with respect to periprocedural or 30-day adverse event rates. While there was no difference in terms of tortuosity index between the groups, there was a higher procedural ICA vasospasm rate in the closed-cell stent group (35 patients, 23% compared with the hybrid-cell stent group (10 patients, 11% (p = 0.017. Conclusions : The results of this study showed no significant difference in the clinical adverse event rates after CAS between the closed-cell stent group and the hybrid-cell stent group. However, procedural ICA vasospasm was more common in the closed-cell stent group.

  1. The forgotten ureteric JJ stent and its prevention: a prospective audit of the value of a ureteric stent logbook. (United States)

    Thomas, A Z; Casey, R G; Grainger, R; McDermott, T; Flynn, R; Thornhill, J A


    Temporary ureteric stent insertion is an integral part of modern endo-urological practice. Delayed stent removal or forgotten stents are associated with increased patient morbidity and complications which are often difficult to manage. We prospectively audited our ureteric stent insertion and removal logbook system to determine the value and effectiveness of our stent follow-up. Over a 1-year period, 210 ureteric stents were inserted in our urological unit. Of these, 47 (22.4%) patients were unaccounted as having their stents removed within the stent logbooks. One patient was lost to follow-up and re-presented with stent encrustation 10 months later. Our results in this audit suggest that our system of ureteric stent follow-up is not effective. We have now introduced a new system that we feel is a safer and a satisfactory alternative to the stent logbooks. This includes a patient education leaflet and removal date scheduling prior to discharge from hospital.

  2. Metallic stents provide better QOL than plastic stents in patients with stricture of unresectable advanced esophageal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohta, Kazuki; Nagahara, Akihito; Iijima, Katsuyori


    The aim of this study was to elucidate the utility and safety of treatment with esophageal stents (plastic and metallic stents) for unresectable advanced esophageal cancer. Between 1992 and 2002, 14 cases of unresectable advanced esophageal cancer were treated with esophageal stents (the plastic stent group, 7 cases; and the metallic stent group, 7 cases). Of these, 10 cases had a history of chemotherapy and or radiotherapy. An improvement in oral intake and performance status (PS), survival time, periods at home, and adverse events were compared between the two groups. After stenting, oral intake and PS were significantly improved in the metallic stent group. Follow-up at home was possible in 71.4%. There was no significant difference in survival or duration of time at home between the two groups. All adverse events were controllable and there was no difference between the two groups. Stenting not only improved oral intake and PS but also allowed a stay at home, resulting in a marked improvement in patients' quality of life (QOL). Stenting was performed safely even in cases with a history of radiotherapy. There was no difference in survival, ratios of staying at home, and safety between the two groups, but QOL was significantly improved in the metallic stent group. These outcomes indicate that placement of metallic stents should be actively considered to treat stricture due to advanced esophageal cancer. (author)

  3. Clinical experience in coronary stenting with the Vivant Z Stent. (United States)

    Chee, K H; Siaw, F S; Chan, C G; Chong, W P; Imran, Z A; Haizal, H K; Azman, W; Tan, K H


    This single centre study was designed to demonstrate feasibility, safety and efficacy of the Vivant Z stent (PFM AG, Cologne, Germany). Patients with de novo lesion were recruited. Coronary angioplasty was performed with either direct stenting or after balloon predilatation. Repeated angiogram was performed 6 months later or earlier if clinically indicated. Between January to June 2003, a total of 50 patients were recruited (mean age 55.8 +/- 9 years). A total of 52 lesions were stented successfully. Mean reference diameter was 2.77 mm (+/-0.59 SD, range 2.05-4.39 mm) with mean target lesion stenosis of 65.5% (+/-11.6 SD, range 50.1-93.3%). Forty-six lesions (88.5%) were American College of Cardiologist/American Heart Association class B/C types. Direct stenting was performed in 18 (34.6%) lesions. Mean stent diameter was 3.18 mm (+/-0.41 SD, range 2.5-4 mm), and mean stent length was 14.86 mm (+/-2.72 SD, range 9-18 mm). The procedure was complicated in only one case which involved the loss of side branch with no clinical sequelae. All treated lesions achieved Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction 3 flow. Mean residual diameter stenosis was 12.2% (+/-7.55 SD, range 0-22.6%) with acute gain of 1.72 mm (+/-0.50 SD, range 0.5-2.8). At 6 months, there was no major adverse cardiovascular event. Repeated angiography after 6 months showed a restenosis rate of 17% (defined as >50% diameter restenosis). Mean late loss was 0.96 mm (+/-0.48 SD) with loss index of 0.61 (+/-0.38 SD). The restenosis rate of those lesions less than 3.0 mm in diameter was 22.2% compared with 6.25% in those lesions more than 3.0 mm in diameter. The Vivant Z stent was shown to be safe and efficacious with low restenosis rate in de novo coronary artery lesion.

  4. Comparison of Recanalization and In-Stent Stenosis Between the Low-Profile Visualized Intraluminal Support Stent and Enterprise Stent-Assisted Coiling for 254 Intracranial Aneurysms. (United States)

    Feng, Xin; Qian, Zenghui; Liu, Peng; Zhang, Baorui; Wang, Luyao; Guo, Erkang; Wen, Xiaolong; Xu, Wenjuan; Jiang, Chuhan; Wu, Zhongxue; Li, Youxiang; Liu, Aihua


    To compare the rates of recanalization and in-stent stenosis between the Enterprise (EP) and low-profile visualized intraluminal support (LVIS) stent deployments for intracranial aneurysms (IAs), and the factors associated therein. Between June 2014 and July 2016, 142 patients with a total of 161 IAs were treated by LVIS stent-assisted coiling and 111 patients with a total of 142 IAs were treated by EP stent-assisted coiling at our institution. Procedure-related complications, angiographic follow-up results, and clinical outcomes were analyzed statistically. The rates of initially complete and near-complete IA occlusion immediately after the procedure were similar in the LVIS and EP groups (94.3% vs. 89.9%; P = 0.275). On follow-up, complete and near-complete occlusion rates and recanalization rates were also similar in the 2 groups (96.6% vs. 92.1%; P =0.330 and 8.0% vs. 13.5%; P = 0.245, respectively). On logistic regression analysis, a higher size ratio (SR) was significantly associated with the recanalization of aneurysms in the EP group, but not in the LVIS group. The rate of moderate to severe in-stent stenosis was lower in the LVIS group (10.2%) than in the EP group (16.8%), but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.198). Our data show acceptable rates of complete and near-complete occlusion with both the LVIS and EP stents. LVIS stents were associated with lower rates of recanalization and in-stent stenosis, but the difference was not significant. Higher SR (≥2) was a significant predictor of recanalization in IAs treated with EP stents, but not in those treated with LVIS stents. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. Influence of a pressure gradient distal to implanted bare-metal stent on in-stent restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Thayssen, Per; Thuesen, Leif


    pullback recording in the entire length of the artery. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 98 patients with angina pectoris, 1 de novo coronary lesion was treated with a bare-metal stent. After stent implantation, pressure wire measurements (P(d)=mean hyperemic coronary pressure and P(a)=mean aortic pressure) were......-stent restenosis after 9 months. CONCLUSIONS: A residual abnormal P(d)/P(a) distal to a bare-metal stent was an independent predictor of in-stent restenosis after implantation of a coronary bare-metal stent. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Dec-11......BACKGROUND: Fractional flow reserve predicts cardiac events after coronary stent implantation. The aim of the present study was to assess the 9-month angiographic in-stent restenosis rate in the setting of optimal stenting and a persisting gradient distal to the stent as assessed by a pressure wire...

  6. Study on the application of big cup membranate stent on restenosis after stenting for carcinoma of esophago cardia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiuping; Yao Zhongqiang; Liu Jian; Zhang Yan


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of self-designed big cup membranate stent on restenosis after stenting for carcinoma of esophago-cardia. Methods: 12 cases of restenosis after stenting for carcinoma of esophago-cardia were involved in the study. Self-designed big cup membranate stent made by Nanjing Weichuang Company (the length of the cup was 3.5 cm)was placed into the constricted stent under guidance of fluoroscopy. Clinical effect, restenosis, and complications were observed during followed up. Results: All the 12 cases of big cup membranat stent placement went along smoothly without indigitation of the cup of the stent. Follow-up of 1.5-8 months showed that 2 cases developed severe restenosis on the big cup of the stem, resulting in third grade difficult deglutition. Among them, one occurred 1 month after stenting, caused by hyperplasia of large amount of granulation tissue; another occurred 6 months after stenting, caused by growth of tumor tissue. 3 cases developed mild to moderate restenosis, 2.3-7 months (mean: 4.6 months) after stenting, with result of first grade difficult deglutition. The remaining 7 cases (mean 5.6 months follow-up) did not have difficulty during deglutition. Conclusions: Application of big cup membranate stent on restenosis after stenting for carcinoma of esophago-cardia can effectively prevent the stent from moving downwards and thus lower down the rate of restenosis, and postpone the occurrence of restenosis. (authors)

  7. Combate del moho gris (Botrytis cinerea) de la fresa mediante Gliocladium roseum


    Néstor Chaves; Amy Wang


    En la zona de Poasito de Alajuela, se evaluó la acción del antagonista Gliocladium roseum, en forma individual y en conjunto con los fungicidas empleados en la finca, para el combate de Botrytis cinerea en fresa; comparándose los resultados contra los obtenidos con el manejo comercial. Se empleó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 4 repeticiones y se hicieron aplicaciones semanales del antagonista (a una concentración ³ 107 conidios ml-1) durante un períod...

  8. Plastic strains during stent deployment have a critical influence on the rate of corrosion in absorbable magnesium stents. (United States)

    Galvin, Emmet; Cummins, Christy; Yoshihara, Shoichiro; Mac Donald, Bryan J; Lally, Caitríona


    Magnesium stents are a promising candidate in the emerging field of absorbable metallic stents (AMSs). In this study, the mechanical and corrosion performance of dog-bone specimens and a specific stent design of a magnesium alloy, WE43, are assessed experimentally in terms of their corrosion behaviour and mechanical integrity. It is shown that plastic strains that are induced in the struts of the stent during stent deployment have a critical influence in directing subsequent corrosion behaviour within the material. In addition, the deployment and scaffolding characteristics of the magnesium stent are elucidated and contrasted with those of a commercial stainless steel stent. The magnesium stent is found to support higher levels of cyclic strain amplitude than the stainless steel stent, even prior to degradation, and this may play a role in reducing in-stent restenosis. This study provides new insights into the experimental performance of a current AMS design and material whilst demonstrating the critical influence of plastic strain on the corrosion performance and scaffolding ability of an AMS.

  9. Experimental study of the preventive effect of 1'03Pd stent on in-stent restenosis in rabbit iliac artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Quanyong; Chen Libo; Yuan Zhibin; Lu Hankui; Zhu Ruisen


    Objective: To investigate the ability of γ-emitting 103 Pd radioactive stent implantation for preventing in-stent restenosis in iliac artery of rabbits. Methods: Twenty New Zealand white rabbits were divided into six groups on the basis of radioactivity loading [2.22 (n=3), 5.55 (n=4), 9.25 (n=4), 14.8 (n=3), 22.2 (n=3), 33.3 MBq (n=3)]. 103 Pd stent was implanted in one of the two iliac arteries of each rabbit and nonradioactive stent in the contralateral artery. The rabbits were fed with high fat diet. Treatment efficiency was assessed by angiography and quantitative histomorphometry of the stented iliac segments 28 d after the implantation. Results: Quantitative histomorphometry analysis indicated that 103 Pd stents induced a significant reduction in neointimal area and the percentage of stenosis within radioactive stents was lower compared with that in the control stents. Nevertheless, the suppression of neointima formation by 103 Pd stent implantation was not in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusions: Low-dose intravascular brachytherapy via a γ-particle-emitting 103 Pd radioactive stent potently inhibits neointimal hyperplasia and prevents the in-stent restenosis in rabbit iliac artery. 103 Pd stent implantation probably can be employed as a novel means to prevent in-stent restenosis

  10. Stent Thrombosis is the Primary Cause of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction following Coronary Stent Implantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Søren Lund; Galløe, Anders M; Thuesen, Leif


    Background: The widespread use of coronary stents has exposed a growing population to the risk of stent thrombosis, but the importance in terms of risk of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions (STEMIs) remains unclear. Methods: We studied five years follow-up data for 2,098 all-comer patients...... treated with coronary stents in the randomized SORT OUT II trial (mean age 63.6 yrs. 74.8% men). Patients who following stent implantation were readmitted with STEMI were included and each patient was categorized ranging from definite-to ruled-out stent thrombosis according to the Academic Research...... Consortium definitions. Multivariate logistic regression was performed on selected covariates to assess odds ratios (ORs) for definite stent thrombosis. Results: 85 patients (4.1%), mean age 62.7 years, 77.1% men, were admitted with a total of 96 STEMIs, of whom 60 (62.5%) had definite stent thrombosis...

  11. Impact of stent length on clinical outcomes of first-generation and new-generation drug-eluting stents. (United States)

    Konishi, Hirokazu; Miyauchi, Katsumi; Dohi, Tomotaka; Tsuboi, Shuta; Ogita, Manabu; Naito, Ryo; Kasai, Takatoshi; Tamura, Hiroshi; Okazaki, Shinya; Isoda, Kikuo; Daida, Hiroyuki


    The aim of this study is to compare first- and new-generation drug-eluting stents (DESs) which are implanted in long lesion. Stent length is known to be a predictor of adverse events after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), even with the first-generation DESs. The introduction of new-generation DESs has reduced the rates of adverse clinical events. However, the impact of stent length on long-term clinical outcomes is not well known. A total of 1181 consecutive patients who underwent PCI using either a first-generation DES (n = 885) or a new-generation DES (n = 296) between 2004 and 2011 were investigated. In each of the stent groups, the patients were divided into two groups by stent length (>32 and ≤32 mm) and compared. During the follow-up period, the incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) was significantly higher for patients with long stents implanted than with short stents (P stent groups in the new-generation DES group (P = 0.24; log-rank test). On multivariate Cox regression analysis, stent length was not associated with adverse events in the new-generation DES groups [hazard ratio (HR) 0.87; 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 0.71-1.04; P = 0.14]. Implanted stent length was significantly associated with a higher risk of MACEs in patients who received first-generation DESs, but not in patients who received the new-generation DESs.

  12. Evaluation of a novel stent technology: the Genous EPC capturing stent

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klomp, M.


    Tegenwoordig gebruiken ziekenhuizen een nieuwe stent bij dotterbehandelingen van kransslagadervernauwingen. Deze Genous-stent heeft een laag met antistoffen waardoor het behandelde bloedvat snel bedekt raakt met lichaamseigen cellen. Zo wordt tegengegaan dat er opnieuw een vernauwing optreedt of dat

  13. Effect of Covered Metallic Stents Compared With Plastic Stents on Benign Biliary Stricture Resolution (United States)

    Coté, Gregory A.; Slivka, Adam; Tarnasky, Paul; Mullady, Daniel K.; Elmunzer, B. Joseph; Elta, Grace; Fogel, Evan; Lehman, Glen; McHenry, Lee; Romagnuolo, Joseph; Menon, Shyam; Siddiqui, Uzma D.; Watkins, James; Lynch, Sheryl; Denski, Cheryl; Xu, Huiping; Sherman, Stuart


    IMPORTANCE Endoscopic placement of multiple plastic stents in parallel is the first-line treatment for most benign biliary strictures; it is possible that fully covered, self-expandable metallic stents (cSEMS) may require fewer endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedures (ERCPs) to achieve resolution. OBJECTIVE To assess whether use of cSEMS is noninferior to plastic stents with respect to stricture resolution. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Multicenter (8 endoscopic referral centers), open-label, parallel, randomized clinical trial involving patients with treatment-naive, benign biliary strictures (N = 112) due to orthotopic liver transplant (n = 73), chronic pancreatitis (n = 35), or postoperative injury (n = 4), who were enrolled between April 2011 and September 2014 (with follow-up ending October 2015). Patients with a bile duct diameter less than 6 mm and those with an intact gallbladder in whom the cystic duct would be overlapped by a cSEMS were excluded. INTERVENTIONS Patients (N = 112) were randomized to receive multiple plastic stents or a single cSEMS, stratified by stricture etiology and with endoscopic reassessment for resolution every 3 months (plastic stents) or every 6 months (cSEMS). Patients were followed up for 12 months after stricture resolution to assess for recurrence. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Primary outcome was stricture resolution after no more than 12 months of endoscopic therapy. The sample size was estimated based on the noninferiority of cSEMS to plastic stents, with a noninferiority margin of −15%. RESULTS There were 55 patients in the plastic stent group (mean [SD] age, 57 [11] years; 17 women [31%]) and 57 patients in the cSEMS group (mean [SD] age, 55 [10] years; 19 women [33%]). Compared with plastic stents (41/48, 85.4%), the cSEMS resolution rate was 50 of 54 patients (92.6%), with a rate difference of 7.2% (1-sided 95% CI, −3.0% to ∞; P stents was rejected. The mean number of ERCPs to achieve resolution

  14. Stent thrombosis, myocardial infarction, and death after drug-eluting and bare-metal stent coronary interventions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Maeng, Michael; Kaltoft, Anne


    OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to examine outcomes subsequent to implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES) and bare-metal stents (BMS). BACKGROUND: Use of DES might be associated with increased risk of stent thrombosis (ST), myocardial infarction (MI), and death. METHODS: From January 2002...... through June 2005, data from all percutaneous coronary interventions in western Denmark were prospectively recorded in the Western Denmark Heart Registry; 12,395 consecutive patients (17,152 lesions) treated with stent implantation were followed for 15 months. Data on death and MI were ascertained from...... within 15 months after implantation of DES seems unlikely to outweigh the benefit of these stents. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Jul-31...

  15. Aplicaciones del electromagnetismo en sistemas médicos de diagnostico y tratamiento


    Martínez López, Laura


    El corazón es el órgano principal de nuestro sistema circulatorio, el cual se encarga de suministrar sangre por todo el cuerpo. La función del corazón se fundamenta en las propiedades eléctricas y contráctiles de sus células. Presenta un ritmo de contracción autónomo, cuya frecuencia e intensidad dependen de las necesidades metabólicas del organismo y del volumen sanguíneo de entrada y las resistencias de la salida. En el presente trabajo de Fin de Grado se pretenden aplicar los conocimi...

  16. Stent implantation into the tracheo-bronchial system in rabbits: histopathologic sequelae in bare metal vs. drug-eluting stents. (United States)

    Sigler, Matthias; Klötzer, Julia; Quentin, Thomas; Paul, Thomas; Möller, Oliver


    Stent implantation into the tracheo-bronchial system may be life-saving in selected pediatric patients with otherwise intractable stenosis of the upper airways. Following implantation, significant tissue proliferation may occur, requiring re-interventions. We sought to evaluate the effect of immunosuppressive coating of the stents on the extent of tissue proliferation in an animal model. Bare metal and sirolimus-coated stents (Bx Sonic and Cypher Select, Johnson & Johnson, Cordis) were implanted into non-stenotic lower airways of New Zealand white rabbits (weight 3.1 to 4.8 kg). Three stents with sirolimus coating and six bare metal stents could be analyzed by means of histology and immunohistochemistry 12 months after implantation. On a macroscopic evaluation, all stents were partially covered with a considerable amount of whitish tissue. Histologically, these proliferations contained fiber-rich connective tissue and some fibromuscular cells without significant differences between both stent types. The superficial tissue layer was formed by typical respiratory epithelium and polygonal cells. Abundant lymphocyte infiltrations and moderate granulocyte infiltrations were found in both groups correspondingly, whereas foreign-body reaction was more pronounced around sirolimus-eluting stents. After stent implantation in the tracheo-bronchial system of rabbits, we found tissue reactions comparable to those seen after stent implantation into the vascular system. There was no difference between coated and uncoated stents with regard to quality and quantity of tissue proliferation. We found, however, a significantly different inflammatory reaction with a more pronounced foreign-body reaction in sirolimus-coated stents. In our small series, drug-eluting stents did not exhibit any benefit over bare metal stents in an experimental setting.

  17. One Year Outcomes of 101 BeGraft Stent Grafts used as Bridging Stents in Fenestrated Endovascular Repairs. (United States)

    Spear, Rafaelle; Sobocinski, Jonathan; Hertault, Adrien; Delloye, Matthieu; Azzauiu, Richard; Fabre, Dominique; Haulon, Stéphan


    To evaluate the outcomes of the second generation BeGraft balloon expandable covered stent Graft System (Bentley InnoMed, Hechingen, Germany) implanted as bridging stent grafts during fenestrated endovascular aortic repair (FEVAR) of complex aneurysms. This was a single centre prospective study including all consecutive patients treated by FEVAR performed with second generation BeGraft stent grafts as bridging stents. Demographics of patients, diameter and length of the bridging stent grafts, technical success, re-interventions, occlusions, post-operative events, and imaging (Cone Beam CT and/or CT scan, and contrast enhanced ultrasound) were prospectively collected in an electronic database. Duplex ultrasound was performed before discharge and at 6 month follow-up. At 1 year, patients were evaluated clinically and by imaging (CT and ultrasound). Between November 2015 and September 2016, 39 consecutive patients (one woman) were treated with custom made fenestrated endografts (2-5 fenestrations) for complex aneurysms or type 1 endoleak after EVAR, using a variety of bridging stents including the BeGraft. All 101 BeGraft stent grafts were successfully delivered and deployed. There was no in hospital mortality. Early fenestration patency rate was 99% (96/97); the sole target vessel post-operative occlusion was secondary to a dissection of the renal artery distal to the stent. Complementary stenting was unsuccessful in recovering renal artery patency; bilateral renal stent occlusion was observed in the same patient on a CT scan performed 2 months after the procedure. He required post-operative dialysis. No additional renal impairment was observed. During follow-up (median 13 months [11-15]), all fenestrations stented with BeGraft stent grafts remained patent (95/97, 98%). One type 1b endoleak was detected and treated (2.6%). BeGraft stent grafts used as bridging stents during FEVAR are associated with favourable outcomes at 1 year follow-up. Long-term follow-up is

  18. Tracheal obstruction caused by an expandable metallic stent: a case of successful removal of the stent. (United States)

    Okuyama, Hiroomi; Kubota, Akio; Kawahara, Hisayoshi; Oue, Takaharu; Nose, Satoko; Ihara, Toshiyuki


    We report a case of tracheal obstruction caused by an expandable metallic stent. A 3-month-old girl with severe tracheomalacia had a placement of a Palmaz stent. At 3 years of age, she developed progressive dyspnea. The CT scan showed tracheal obstruction caused by granulation tissue over the stent. At operation, the stent was found to have penetrated the posterior tracheal wall. Under partial cardiopulmonary bypass, the stent was removed along with the membranous wall of the trachea, and the trachea was reconstructed using slide tracheoplasty. Tracheal obstruction is one of the serious complications caused by an expandable metallic stent. Direct open approach to the trachea under cardiopulmonary bypass is thought to be a safe way to manage this problem.

  19. Prospective Evaluation of Two iStent® Trabecular Stents, One iStent Supra® Suprachoroidal Stent, and Postoperative Prostaglandin in Refractory Glaucoma: 4-year Outcomes. (United States)

    Myers, Jonathan S; Masood, Imran; Hornbeak, Dana M; Belda, Jose I; Auffarth, Gerd; Jünemann, Anselm; Giamporcaro, Jane Ellen; Martinez-de-la-Casa, Jose M; Ahmed, Iqbal Ike K; Voskanyan, Lilit; Katz, L Jay


    This study evaluates long-term outcomes of two trabecular micro-bypass stents, one suprachoroidal stent, and postoperative prostaglandin in eyes with refractory open angle glaucoma (OAG). Prospective ongoing 5-year study of 80 eligible subjects (70 with 4-year follow-up) with OAG and IOP ≥ 18 mmHg after prior trabeculectomy and while taking 1-3 glaucoma medications. Subjects received two iStent ® trabecular micro-bypass stents, one iStent Supra ® suprachoroidal stent, and postoperative travoprost. Postoperative IOP was measured with medication and annually following medication washouts. Performance was measured by the proportion of eyes with ≥ 20% IOP reduction on one medication (the protocol-specified prostaglandin) versus preoperative medicated IOP (primary outcome); and the proportion of eyes with postoperative IOP ≤ 15 and ≤ 18 mmHg on one medication (secondary outcome). Additional clinical and safety data included medications, visual field, pachymetry, gonioscopy, adverse events, visual acuity, and slit-lamp and fundus examinations. Preoperatively, mean medicated IOP was 22.0 ± 3.1 mmHg on 1.2 ± 0.4 medications, and mean unmedicated IOP was 26.4 ± 2.4 mmHg. Postoperatively, among eyes without later cataract surgery, mean medicated IOP at all visits through 48 months was ≤ 13.7 mmHg (≥ 37% reduction), and annual unmedicated IOP was ≤ 18.4 mmHg (reductions of ≥ 30% vs. preoperative unmedicated IOP and ≥ 16% vs. preoperative medicated IOP). At all postoperative visits among eyes without additional surgery or medication, ≥ 91% of eyes had ≥ 20% IOP reduction on one medication versus preoperative medicated IOP. At month 48, 97 and 98% of eyes achieved IOP ≤ 15 and ≤ 18 mmHg, respectively, on one medication. Six eyes required additional medication, no eyes required additional glaucoma surgery, and safety measurements were favorable throughout follow-up. IOP control was achieved safely with two

  20. Aplicación del proceso Fenton en el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen petroquímico


    Rubio-Clemente, Ainhoa; Chica, Edwin L.; Peñuela, Gustavo A.


    Este artículo hace una revisión sobre las aplicaciones del proceso Fenton para el tratamiento de aguas residuales procedentes de la industria petroquímica. En él se describe brevemente el mecanismo de reacción y se analizan las principales variables que influyen en la eficiencia de este proceso (concentración del agente oxidante y del catalizador, temperatura, pH, tiempo de reacción, tipo de contaminante y presencia de aniones). Asimismo, se detallan diversos estudios que evalúan la viabilida...

  1. [Coronary stents: 30 years of medical progress]. (United States)

    Silvain, Johanne; Cayla, Guillaume; Collet, Jean-Philippe; Fargeot, Catherine; Montalescot, Gilles


    The history of interventional cardiology has been marked by several technologic revolutions since the late 1970s. The first key step was the use of inflatable balloon angioplasty as an alternative to CABG surgery for coronary revascularization, followed by intracoronary delivery of bare metal stent (BMS) and drug eluting stents (DES) to drastically reduce intracoronary restenosis observed with BMS. Improved stents platforms and polymers (absorbable or biocompatible) led to a dramatic reduction in the rate of late stent thrombosis. Self-expanding stents are now available to improve stent a position especially in acute myocardial infarction. The emergence of new fully bioabsorbable stents that can be combined with antiproliferative drugs is the ongoing revolution. A new generation of stents is continuously improving and likely to become the ideal stent for coronary revascularization in the near future. © 2014 médecine/sciences – Inserm.

  2. Safety and efficacy of everolimus-eluting stents for bare-metal in-stent restenosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ota, Hideaki [Division of Interventional Cardiology, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC 20010 (United States); Mahmoudi, Michael [University of Surrey, Guildford Road, Surrey, GU2-7XH (United Kingdom); Torguson, Rebecca; Satler, Lowell F.; Suddath, William O.; Pichard, Augusto D. [Division of Interventional Cardiology, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC 20010 (United States); Waksman, Ron, E-mail: [Division of Interventional Cardiology, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC 20010 (United States)


    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the safety and efficacy of the everolimus-eluting stents (EES) with the paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) and sirolimus-eluting stent (SES) for the treatment of bare-metal in-stent restenosis. Background: The optimal treatment for bare-metal in-stent restenosis remains controversial. Methods: The study cohort comprised 322 consecutive patients (543 lesions) who presented with bare-metal in-stent restenosis to our institution and underwent coronary artery stent implantation with EES (114 patients; 181 lesions), PES (65 patients; 116 lesions) and SES (143 patients; 246 lesions). The analyzed clinical parameters were the 1-year rates of death, Q-wave myocardial infarction (MI), target lesion revascularization (TLR), target vessel revascularization (TVR), definite stent thrombosis (ST) and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) defined as the composite of death, MI, or TLR at 1-year. Results: The three groups were well matched for the conventional risk factors except for age and chronic kidney disease. The 1-year analyzed clinical parameters were similar in the three groups: death (EES = 3.5%, PES = 4.6%, SES = 4.2%; p = 0.94), MI (EES = 3.5%, PES = 6.3%, SES = 2.1%; p = 0.31), TLR (EES = 9.8%, PES = 9.5%, SES = 5.7%; p = 0.42), TVR (EES = 14.3%, PES = 11.1%, SES = 11.3%; p = 0.74), definite ST (EES = 0.9%, PES = 3.1%, SES = 3.5%; p = 0.38) and MACE (EES = 14.0%, PES = 15.4%, SES = 10.5%; p = 0.54). Male gender (hazard ratio = 0.47; 95% confidence interval = 0.25–0.88) and number of treated lesions (hazard ratio = 1.47; 95% confidence interval = 1.06–2.05) were found to be independent predictors of MACE. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that EES may provide similar safety and efficacy as first generation DES for the treatment of patients presenting with bare-metal in-stent restenosis.

  3. The Text of the Agreement between Iran and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; Texto Del Acuerdo Concertado Entre El Iran Y El Organismo Para La Aplicacion De Salvaguardias En Relacion Con El Tratado Sobre La No Proliferacion De Las Armas Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the agreement between Iran and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members [Spanish] Para informacion de todos los Estados Miembros, en el presente documento se trans cribe el texto del Acuerdo concertado entre el Iran y el Organismo para la aplicacion de salvaguardias en relacion con el Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucle ares.

  4. Introduction of a high-throughput double-stent animal model for the evaluation of biodegradable vascular stents. (United States)

    Borinski, Mauricio; Flege, Christian; Schreiber, Fabian; Krott, Nicole; Gries, Thomas; Liehn, Elisa; Blindt, Rüdiger; Marx, Nikolaus; Vogt, Felix


    Current stent system efficacy for the treatment of coronary artery disease is hampered by in-stent restenosis (ISR) rates of up to 20% in certain high-risk settings and by the risk of stent thrombosis, which is characterized by a high mortality rate. In theory, biodegradable vascular devices exhibit crucial advantages. Most absorbable implant materials are based on poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) owing to its mechanical properties; however, PLLA might induce an inflammatory reaction in the vessel wall. Evaluation of biodegradable implant efficacy includes a long-term examination of tissue response; therefore, a simple in vivo tool for thorough biocompatibility and biodegradation evaluation would facilitate future stent system development. Rats have been used for the study of in vivo degradation processes, and stent implantation into the abdominal aorta of rats is a proven model for stent evaluation. Here, we report the transformation of the porcine double-stent animal model into the high-throughput rat abdominal aorta model. As genetic manipulation of rats was introduced recently, this novel method presents a powerful tool for future in vivo biodegradable candidate stent biocompatibility and biodegradation characterization in a reliable simple model of coronary ISR. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Sistema para la monitorización y estudio de aplicaciones maliciosas para Android


    Gutiérrez Hernández, Sergio


    Los teléfonos móviles inteligentes (smartphones) se han posicionado como aparatos altamente populares con grandes capacidades de cómputo, comunicación y sensorización. Estos dispositivos se caracterizan por su habilidad para incorporar aplicaciones desarrolladas por terceras partes, capaces de acceder a los servicios proporcionados por el smartphone. En este contexto, hemos podido observar durante los últimos años un crecimiento exponencial en el número de muestras de aplicaciones haciendo un...

  6. Initial experience with a new biodegradable airway stent in children: Is this the stent we were waiting for? (United States)

    Antón-Pacheco, Juan L; Luna, Carmen; García, Enrique; López, María; Morante, Rocío; Tordable, Cristina; Palacios, Alba; de Miguel, Mónica; Benavent, Isabel; Gómez, Andrés


    To report our experience with a new type of biodegradable airway stent in the setting of severe tracheobronchial obstruction in children. We conducted a retrospective and prospective (since June 2014) study of pediatric patients with severe airway obstruction treated with biodegradable stents in our institution between 2012 and 2015. The following data were collected: demographics, indication for stenting, bronchoscopic findings, insertion technique complications, clinical outcome, stent related complications, re-stenting, and time of follow-up. Thirteen custom-made polydioxanone stents were placed in four infants (mean age, 4 months) with severe tracheobronchial obstruction: tracheomalacia (two patients), bronchomalacia (1), and diffuse tracheal stenosis (1). All the stents were bronchoscopically inserted uneventfully. Immediate and maintained clinical improvement was observed in every case. No major stent related complications have occurred and only mild or moderate granulation tissue was observed during surveillance bronchoscopy. Two patients required repeated stenting as expected. All the patients are alive and in a good respiratory condition with a follow-up ranging from 5 to 40 months. Biodegradable airway stents seem to be safe, effective, and cause fewer complications than other types of stents. They can be an alternative to the classic metallic or plastic stents for severe tracheal stenosis or malacia in small children. More experience is needed in order to establish the definite clinical criteria for their use in pediatric patients. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016;51:607-612. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Stent Fracture and Reocclusion After Placement of a Single Self-Expanding Stent in the Common Iliac Artery and Endovascular Treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Higashiura, Wataru; Sakaguchi, Shoji; Morimoto, Kengo; Kichikawa, Kimihiko


    We present a case of fracture of a single self-expanding stent placed in the common iliac artery (CIA). An 80-year-old woman underwent placement of a self-expanding stent for CIA occlusion. Stent fracture and reocclusion were detected after 18 months. Successful revascularization was achieved using a stent-in-stent maneuver. The possibility of stent fracture with reocclusion should be considered following treatment with a single self-expanding stent for CIA occlusion.

  8. La industria del cemento dentro de la problemática de la contaminación atmosférica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enseñat de Villalonga, Alfonso


    Full Text Available Venir a hablar del cemento en el "Santuario del cemento" como muy bien podría llamarse a este Instituto Eduardo Torreja, es una osadía-sólo permisible a los alquimistas de este preciado material de construcción o a los tecnólogos que dominan y perfeccionan cada día los procesos de producción y amplían el campo de sus aplicaciones. Y más destacable es aún el atrevimiento del conferenciante que acude a unas jornadas que congregan a casi todos los magnates y sabios del cemento.

  9. Intraluminal Radioactive Stent Compared with Covered Stent Alone for the Treatment of Malignant Esophageal Stricture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Zhongmin; Huang Xunbo; Cao Jun; Huang Gang; Chen Kemin; LIu Yu; Liu Fenju


    Objective: This study was designed to compare the clinical effectiveness of intraluminal radioactive stent loaded with iodine-125 seeds implantation versus covered stent alone insertion in patients with malignant esophageal stricture. Methods: We studied two groups of patients with malignant esophageal stricture. Group A comprised 28 patients (19 men and 9 women) who underwent intraluminal radioactive stent loaded with iodine-125 seeds implantation and were followed prospectively. Group B comprised 30 patients (18 men and 12 women) who had previously received covered stent alone insertion; these patients were evaluated retrospectively. There was no crossover between the two groups during follow-up. Informed consent was obtained from each patient, and our institutional review board approved the study. The dysphagia score, overall survival rates, complication rates, and reintervention rates were compared in the two groups. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of baseline characteristics. Stent placement was technically successful and well tolerated in all patients. The dysphagia score was improved in both groups after stent placement. The median survival was significantly longer in group A than in group B: 11 versus 4.9 months, respectively (P < 0.001). The complications of chest pain, esophageal reflux, and stent migration was more frequent in group B, but this difference did not reach statistical significance. There was no statistical difference in reintervention between two groups. Conclusions: Intraluminal radioactive stent loaded with iodine-125 seeds implantation was a feasible and practical management in treating malignant esophageal stricture and was superior to covered stent alone insertion, as measured by survival.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Lotero Vélez

    Full Text Available El interés de investigadores y profesionales de diversas disciplinas en el análisis de sistemas sociales, biológicos y artificiales desde la perspectiva de las redes complejas ha crecido notablemente en los últimos años. Algunas de estas redes son la base de muchas de las actividades del ser humano, como es el caso de las redes de transporte urbano que hacen parte de la infraestructura crítica. Una de las propiedades de mayor relevancia práctica de las redes complejas es su capacidad para mantener algunas funciones cuando ocurren fallas, errores o ataques a sus nodos o vínculos, la cual ha sido denominada robustez, resiliencia o vulnerabilidad por distintos autores. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre el concepto de vulnerabilidad en el formalismo de las redes complejas y algunas aplicaciones al transporte urbano. El propósito de este artículo de revisión es el de dar a conocer a académicos y tomadores de decisión nuevos enfoques para el análisis del sistema de movilidad.

  11. The Incidence and Risk Factors of In-Stent Restenosis for Vertebrobasilar Artery Stenting. (United States)

    Zheng, Dai; Mingyue, Zhu; Wei, Shi; Min, Li; Wanhong, Chen; Qiliang, Dai; Yongjun, Jiang; Xinfeng, Liu


    In-stent restenosis (ISR) remains a challenge for vertebrobasilar artery stenting (VBAS). We aimed to investigate the incidence and risk factors of ISR. This was a retrospective study. From July 28, 2005, to July 30, 2015, patients who received VBAS with an angiographic follow-up time of 6 to 12 months after surgery were enrolled. The clinical and angiographic issues were recorded and analyzed. In total, 283 patients with 335 stents were incorporated into the study. Vertebral ostial lesions accounted for 73.4% (246/335) of the lesions. During the follow-up period, 58 patients with 60 stents experienced ISR (>50%). Stepwise logistic regression analysis showed that the degree of residual stenosis, stent diameter, and alcohol consumption were independent predictors of ISR. Our study demonstrated the incidence and risk factors of ISR after VBAS. This retrospective study with the largest cohort to date provided insight into the occurrence of ISR after VBAS. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Magnetizable stent-grafts enable endothelial cell capture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tefft, Brandon J. [Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Uthamaraj, Susheil [Division of Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Harburn, J. Jonathan [School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health, Durham University, Stockton-on-Tees (United Kingdom); Hlinomaz, Ota [Department of Cardioangiology, St. Anne' s University Hospital, Brno (Czech Republic); Lerman, Amir [Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Dragomir-Daescu, Dan [Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Sandhu, Gurpreet S., E-mail: [Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States)


    Emerging nanotechnologies have enabled the use of magnetic forces to guide the movement of magnetically-labeled cells, drugs, and other therapeutic agents. Endothelial cells labeled with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) have previously been captured on the surface of magnetizable 2205 duplex stainless steel stents in a porcine coronary implantation model. Recently, we have coated these stents with electrospun polyurethane nanofibers to fabricate prototype stent-grafts. Facilitated endothelialization may help improve the healing of arteries treated with stent-grafts, reduce the risk of thrombosis and restenosis, and enable small-caliber applications. When placed in a SPION-labeled endothelial cell suspension in the presence of an external magnetic field, magnetized stent-grafts successfully captured cells to the surface regions adjacent to the stent struts. Implantation within the coronary circulation of pigs (n=13) followed immediately by SPION-labeled autologous endothelial cell delivery resulted in widely patent devices with a thin, uniform neointima and no signs of thrombosis or inflammation at 7 days. Furthermore, the magnetized stent-grafts successfully captured and retained SPION-labeled endothelial cells to select regions adjacent to stent struts and between stent struts, whereas the non-magnetized control stent-grafts did not. Early results with these prototype devices are encouraging and further refinements will be necessary in order to achieve more uniform cell capture and complete endothelialization. Once optimized, this approach may lead to more rapid and complete healing of vascular stent-grafts with a concomitant improvement in long-term device performance. - Highlights: • Magnetic stent-grafts were made from 2205 steel stents and polyurethane nanofibers. • Stent-grafts remained patent and formed a thin and uniform neointima when implanted. • Stent-grafts captured endothelial cells labeled with magnetic nanoparticles.

  13. Optimización multi-objetivo : Aplicaciones a problemas del mundo real


    López, Javier


    Cuando hablamos de optimización en el ámbito de las ciencias de la computación hacemos referencia al mismo concepto coloquial asociado a esa palabra, la concreción de un objetivo utilizando la menor cantidad de recursos disponibles, o en una visión similar, la obtención del mejor objetivo posible utilizando todos los recursos con lo que se cuenta. Los métodos para encontrar la mejor solución (óptima) varían de acuerdo a la complejidad del problema enfrentado. Para problemas triviales, el c...

  14. Covered stent placement for the treatment of malignant superior vena cava syndrome: Is unilateral covered stenting and effective?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Young Hoon; Gwon, Dong Il; Ko, Gi Young; Ko, Heung Kyu; Kim, Jin Hyoung; Shin, Ji Hoon; Yoon, Hyun Ki; Sung, Kyu Bo


    To evaluate the safety and efficacy of unilateral covered stent placement in patients with malignant superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Between October 2008 and November 2012, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent placement for malignant SVC syndrome was performed in 40 consecutive patients (35 men and five women; mean age, 61.4 years; range, 35-81 years). All covered stents were unilaterally placed within the SVC or across the venous confluence when needed to relieve venous obstruction and prevent tumor overgrowth, regardless of patency of contralateral brachiocephalic veins. Stent placement was technically successful in all patients. There were no major complications. Of the 37 patients symptomatic prior to stent placement, 34 (92%) experienced complete symptomatic relief 1-8 days after stent placement. Of the 29 patients who underwent covered stent placement across the venous confluence, nine patients had patent contralateral brachiocephalic veins prior to stent placement. However, no sign of SVC obstruction or contralateral upper extremity venous thrombosis was observed during the follow-up period. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed median patient survival of 163 days. Stent occlusion occurred in four (10%) of 40 patents. Cumulative stent patency rates at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months were 95%, 92%, 86%, and 86%, respectively. Unilateral covered stent placement appears to be a safe and effective method for treating malignant SVC syndrome, despite the location of SVC occlusion.

  15. Covered stent placement for the treatment of malignant superior vena cava syndrome: Is unilateral covered stenting and effective?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Young Hoon; Gwon, Dong Il; Ko, Gi Young; Ko, Heung Kyu; Kim, Jin Hyoung; Shin, Ji Hoon; Yoon, Hyun Ki; Sung, Kyu Bo [Dept. of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the safety and efficacy of unilateral covered stent placement in patients with malignant superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Between October 2008 and November 2012, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent placement for malignant SVC syndrome was performed in 40 consecutive patients (35 men and five women; mean age, 61.4 years; range, 35-81 years). All covered stents were unilaterally placed within the SVC or across the venous confluence when needed to relieve venous obstruction and prevent tumor overgrowth, regardless of patency of contralateral brachiocephalic veins. Stent placement was technically successful in all patients. There were no major complications. Of the 37 patients symptomatic prior to stent placement, 34 (92%) experienced complete symptomatic relief 1-8 days after stent placement. Of the 29 patients who underwent covered stent placement across the venous confluence, nine patients had patent contralateral brachiocephalic veins prior to stent placement. However, no sign of SVC obstruction or contralateral upper extremity venous thrombosis was observed during the follow-up period. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed median patient survival of 163 days. Stent occlusion occurred in four (10%) of 40 patents. Cumulative stent patency rates at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months were 95%, 92%, 86%, and 86%, respectively. Unilateral covered stent placement appears to be a safe and effective method for treating malignant SVC syndrome, despite the location of SVC occlusion.

  16. Renal PTA stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsetis, D.


    Full text: Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is a common condition that may lead to hypertension, progressive renal dysfunction and cardiovascular morbidity. Catheter-based therapy for symptomatic, haemodynamically significant, RAS has become the preferred method of revascularization. Balloon angioplasty has been the traditional treatment of choice for fibromuscular dysplasia, however stents are increasingly used for the treatment of atheromatous lesions; in many cases-such as in ostial lesions-, direct stenting is strongly indicated. Despite the increased use of endovascular therapy for renal artery stenosis, there is still controversy regarding the optimal management and the net benefit of this treatment. Several randomized trials of balloon angioplasty or stenting for renal artery stenosis compared with medical therapy alone have been conducted, however these could not show definite advantage of endovascular therapy. Problems encountered with those trials include enrollment of small number of patients, frequent crossover from medical to interventional therapy compromising the intention-to-treat results, or selection of patients that are not expected to show clear benefit. The Angioplasty and Stenting for Renal Artery Lesions (ASTRAL) is the most important of these trials; however, it,s study design was faulty and therefore did not provide conclusive evidence to answer the question of whether angioplasty and stenting or medical therapy is the best treatment for haemodynamically significant RAS. All expectations are now focused on the Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal Atherosclerotic Lesions (CORAL) trial which was designed to answer the same question, and its methodologies took into consideration the weaknesses of the ASTRAL trial. Regarding stent device itself, it seems that the optimal design is probably a stainless steel, laser cut, open-cells stent mounted on a rapid exchange delivery balloon catheter compatible with 0.014-in and 0.018-in guidewire. As a future

  17. Hacia un tratamiento computacional del Aktionsart

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Aparicio


    Full Text Available En el área del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN, a la hora de crear aplicaciones inteligentes, el tratamiento semántico es fundamental. Sin embargo, la investigación que actualmente se está llevando a cabo en PLN está todavía lejos de conseguir niveles profundos de compresión del lenguaje. El objetivo principal de nuestra investigación es la representación del Aktionsart (la manera como se construye el evento expresado por un verbo en su desarrollo temporal. Una de las dificultades básicas que presenta el tratamiento semántico del lenguaje es el establecimiento de clases, debido principalmente a la naturaleza gradual del significado y la alta incidencia del contexto en la interpretación de las diferentes unidades. En este artículo nos centraremos en la presentación de las clases aspectuales léxicas de nuestra propuesta. El total de clases definidas se clasifica en dos grupos, las clases simples: estados, procesos y puntos, cuya combinación da lugar a las clases complejas: culminaciones, realizaciones y graduales. Esta presentación se llevará a cabo tanto desde el punto de vista teórico, como de su implementación computacional.

  18. Influence of covered stent versus bare stent on long-term efficacy of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt: a meta-analysis

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    XU Lu


    Full Text Available Objective To investigate the long-term postoperative efficacy of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE-covered stent or bare stent, and to provide a basis of evidence-based medicine for the selection of stent in TIPS. Methods CBM, Wanfang Data, CNKI, VIP, MEDLINE, and PubMed were searched for controlled trials on TIPS in the treatment of cirrhotic portal hypertension published form 1989 to 2015; the studies which met the inclusion criteria were selected, and quality assessment was performed for these articles. RevMan 5.3 software was used to analyze the incidence rates of stent dysfunction and hepatic encephalopathy and 1-year survival rate after TIPS, and funnel plots were used to analyze publication bias. Results A total of 11 studies were included, consisting of 698 patients in PTFE-covered stent group and 1283 patients in bare stent group. The results of the meta-analysis showed that the PTFE-covered stent group showed a significantly lower incidence rate of stent dysfunction than the bare stent group (14.8% vs 47.0%, OR=0.18, 95% CI: 0.13-0.24, P<0.001. There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of hepatic encephalopathy between the two groups (23.5% vs 25.7%, OR=0.88, 95% CI: 0.66-1.17, P=0.37. The PTFE-covered stent group had a significantly higher 1-year survival rate than the bare stent group (76.9% vs 62.7%, OR=2.10, 95% CI: 1.54-2.85, P<0.001. The funnel plots which were plotted based on the incidence rates of stent dysfunction and hepatic encephalopathy and 1-year survival rate lacked symmetry, which suggested that a certain degree of publication bias might exist. Conclusion Compared with the bare stent, the PTFE-covered stent can improve stent dysfunction and 1-year survival rate after TIPS, while there is no significant change in the incidence rate of hepatic encephalopathy. Therefore, the PTFE-covered stent has certain advantages over the bare stent in TIPS. In

  19. Long-Term Type 1 Diabetes Enhances In-Stent Restenosis after Aortic Stenting in Diabetes-Prone BB Rats

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    Geanina Onuta


    Full Text Available Type 1 diabetic patients have increased risk of developing in-stent restenosis following endovascular stenting. Underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are not fully understood partly due to the lack of a relevant animal model to study the effect(s of long-term autoimmune diabetes on development of in-stent restenosis. We here describe the development of in-stent restenosis in long-term (~7 months spontaneously diabetic and age-matched, thymectomized, nondiabetic Diabetes Prone BioBreeding (BBDP rats (n=6-7 in each group. Diabetes was suboptimally treated with insulin and was characterized by significant hyperglycaemia, polyuria, proteinuria, and increased HbA1c levels. Stented abdominal aortas were harvested 28 days after stenting. Computerized morphometric analysis revealed significantly increased neointima formation in long-term diabetic rats compared with nondiabetic controls. In conclusion, long-term autoimmune diabetes in BBDP rats enhances in-stent restenosis. This model can be used to study the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms of diabetes-enhanced in-stent restenosis as well as to test new therapeutic modalities.

  20. Aspectos de la evolución de la industria italiana del cemento durante el último quinquenio (1955-1959

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    Malquori, Giovanni


    Full Text Available Not availableComo acabo de decir, hace ahora cinco años que tuve el grato honor de describir, en este mismo Centro, la evolución de la industria italiana del cemento, desde sus comienzos, en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, hasta nuestros días, y de ilustrar brevemente los resultados conseguidos, tanto en el sector de la producción como en el de las aplicaciones.

  1. Endotracheal expandable metallic stent placement in dogs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sawada, S; Tanabe, Y; Fujiwara, Y; Koyama, T; Tanigawa, N; Kobayashi, M; Katsube, Y; Nakamura, H [Tottori Univ. School of Medicine, Yonago (Japan). Dept. of Radiology Research Inst. for Microbial Diseases, Osaka (Japan). Dept. of Radiology


    Various types of Gianturco zig-zag wire stent were implanted into the tracheas of 4 dogs to define the suitable characteristics of the endotracheal wire stent in these animals. These stents were constructed of 0.45, and 0.33 mm stainless steel wire. The diameter of the fully expanded stents was 3 cm and their lengths were 2, 3, and 4 cm. The 2 cm stent constructed of 0.33 mm wire showed minimum pathologic changes of the trachea of the dog compared to the other stents, and at the same time had a complete covering of ciliated columnar epithelium over the stent surface. (orig.).

  2. Covered metal stent or multiple plastic stents for refractory pancreatic ductal strictures in chronic pancreatitis: a systematic review. (United States)

    Shen, Yonghua; Liu, Mingdong; Chen, Min; Li, Yunhong; Lu, Ying; Zou, Xiaoping


    Refractory chronic pancreatitis has been proposed as a challenge for endoscopists following routine single plastic stenting. However, data on the efficacy and safety of further endoscopic stenting are still controversial. The current systematic review aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of placement of fully covered self-expandable metal stent (FCSEMS) and multiple plastic stents. Databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, CBM, CNKI, VIP, and WANFANG Database were used to search relevant trials. Published studies were assessed by using well-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The process was independently performed by two investigators. A total of 5 studies provided data of 80 patients. Forest plots and publication bias were not carried out because few studies were relevant and screened studies were all case series. The technical success rate was 100% both in placement of FCSEMS and multiple plastic stents. The functional success rate after placement of FCSEMS was 100%, followed by multiple plastic stents (94.7%). Complications occurred 26.2% after FCSEMS placement, which was not described in detail in multiple plastic stents. The stent migration rate was 8.2% for FCSEMS and 10.5% for multiple plastic stents. Reintervention rate was 9.8% for FCSEMS and 15.8% for multiple plastic stents. Pain improvement rate was 85.2% for FCSEMS and 84.2% for multiple plastic stents. FCSEMS appeared to be no significant difference with multiple plastic stents in treatment of refractory chronic pancreatitis. We need to develop more investigations. Copyright © 2014 IAP and EPC. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Particle imaging velocimetry evaluation of intracranial stents in sidewall aneurysm: hemodynamic transition related to the stent design. (United States)

    Bouillot, Pierre; Brina, Olivier; Ouared, Rafik; Lovblad, Karl-Olof; Farhat, Mohamed; Pereira, Vitor Mendes


    We investigated the flow modifications induced by a large panel of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) intracranial stents in an idealized sidewall intracranial aneurysm (IA). Flow velocities in IA silicone model were assessed with and without stent implantation using particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). The use of the recently developed multi-time-lag method has allowed for uniform and precise measurements of both high and low velocities at IA neck and dome, respectively. Flow modification analysis of both regular (RSs) and flow diverter stents (FDSs) was subsequently correlated with relevant geometrical stent parameters. Flow reduction was found to be highly sensitive to stent porosity variations for regular stents RSs and moderately sensitive for FDSs. Consequently, two distinct IA flow change trends, with velocity reductions up to 50% and 90%, were identified for high-porosity RS and low-porosity FDS, respectively. The intermediate porosity (88%) regular braided stent provided the limit at which the transition in flow change trend occurred with a flow reduction of 84%. This transition occurred with decreasing stent porosity, as the driving force in IA neck changed from shear stress to differential pressure. Therefore, these results suggest that stents with intermediate porosities could possibly provide similar flow change patterns to FDS, favourable to curative thrombogenesis in IAs.

  4. El potencial del software libre en la gestión de información en bibliotecas

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    Juan Manuel Zurita Sánchez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone los fundamentos éticos y tecnológicos que dieron origen al movimiento del software libre, así como la relación que este movimiento guarda con el mundo de las bibliotecas y el manejo de información digital. A su vez presenta algunas de las aplicaciones más populares de software libre que existen para la gestión de información en bibliotecas, a fin de mostrar los alcances y posibilidades que dichas aplicaciones tienen en la creación de sistemas de información a bajo costo, acordes con el ideal de un ciberespacio público.

  5. Análisis de la calidad y seguridad de la información de aplicaciones móviles en prevención terciaria

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    Martínez-Moreno J


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar la calidad y seguridad de la información de las aplicaciones móviles en la App Store de Apple® destinadas a prevención terciaria. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal de las aplicaciones móviles más populares en la categoría de medicina disponibles en Apple Store® a día de 21 de diciembre de 2014. Las aplicaciones fueron evaluadas con los criterios establecidos en el programa AppSaludable. Se seleccionaron aquellos criterios relacionados con la evaluación de la calidad y seguridad de la información. Resultados: De las 160 aplicaciones recogidas, sólo 12 aplicaciones estaban incluidas en la prevención terciaria. Todas las aplicaciones recuperadas estaban relacionadas con la adherencia, diabetes, hipertensión y alergia. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas por equipos multidisciplinares fueron las que presentaron mayor rigor en su información, Conclusiones: La presencia de un profesional sanitario como colaborador de la aplicación parece mejorar la calidad de la información.

  6. Covered Balloon-Expanding Stents in Airway Stenosis. (United States)

    Majid, Adnan; Kheir, Fayez; Chung, Jey; Alape, Daniel; Husta, Bryan; Oh, Scott; Folch, Erik


    The balloon-expanding stents are widely available but rarely described for use within the tracheobronchial tree. This report describes our experience with these stents in airway stenosis particularly as a lobar salvage therapy. This was a retrospective review of all records in which the balloon-expanding stents were used at a tertiary medical center. Ages, sex, location of stenosis, etiology of stenosis, stent size, duration of stent placement and associated interventions for airway stenosis were recorded. Patient's self-reported respiratory symptoms, dyspnea scale, and radiographic imaging at baseline and after stent placement were also reported. Twenty-one Atrium iCAST stents were inserted in 18 patients with malignant and benign airway disease. The median age was 69.5 years (interquartile range, 53.5 to 74). Most stents (n=20, 95%) were deployed in the lobar airways. There was a significant improvement in the modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale from median of 3 to 2 (Pstent placement was achieved in 15 patients (83%). No deaths were related to airway stenting complications. Adverse events related to stents included migration (n=2, 9.5%), granulation tissue formation (n=2, 9.5%) and mucus plugging (n=1, 4.8%). Lobar stenting with balloon-expanding metallic stents appears feasible, safe and improves symptoms as well as radiographic atelectasis in patients with lobar airway stenosis in this small case series. Larger studies are needed to confirm this observation and to address long-term safety.

  7. In vitro stent lumen visualisation of various common and newly developed femoral artery stents using MR angiography at 1.5 and 3 tesla. (United States)

    Syha, R; Ketelsen, D; Kaempf, M; Mangold, S; Sixt, S; Zeller, T; Springer, F; Schick, F; Claussen, C D; Brechtel, K


    To evaluate stent lumen assessment of various commonly used and newly developed stents for the superficial femoral artery (SFA) using MR angiography (MRA) at 1.5 and 3 T. Eleven nitinol stents and one cobalt-chromium stent were compared regarding stent lumen visualisation using a common three-dimensional MRA sequence. Maximum visible stent lumen width and contrast ratio were analysed in three representative slices for each stent type. A scoring system for lumen visualisation was applied. Nitinol stents showed significantly better performance than the cobalt chromium stent (P stent lumen ranged between 43.4 and 95.5 %, contrast ratio between 7.2 and 110.6 %. Regarding both field strengths, seven of the nitinol stents were classified as "suitable". Three nitinol stents were "limited", and one nitinol stent and the cobalt chromium stent were "not suitable". Intraluminal loss of signal and artefacts of most of the SFA stents do not markedly limit assessment of stent lumen by MRA at 1.5 and 3 T. MRA can thus be considered a valid technique for detection of relevant in-stent restenosis. Applied field strength does not strongly influence stent lumen assessment in general, but proper choice of field strength might be helpful.

  8. Novel 3D-CT evaluation of carotid stent volume: greater chronological expansion of stents in patients with vulnerable plaques. (United States)

    Itami, Hisakazu; Tokunaga, Koji; Okuma, Yu; Hishikawa, Tomohito; Sugiu, Kenji; Ida, Kentaro; Date, Isao


    Although self-expanding carotid stents may dilate gradually, the degrees of residual stenosis have been quantified by the NASCET criteria, which is too simple to reflect the configuration of the stented artery. We measured the volumes of the stent lumens chronologically by 3D-CT in patients after carotid artery stenting (CAS), and analyzed the correlations between the volume change and medical factors. Fourteen patients with carotid artery stenosis were treated using self-expanding, open-cell stents. All patients underwent preoperative plaque MRI (magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition gradient-echo, MPRAGE) and chronological 3D-CT examinations of their stents immediately after their placement and 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month after the procedure. The volume of the stent lumen was measured using a 3D workstation. The correlations between stent volume and various factors including the presence of underlying diseases, plaque characteristics, and the results of the CAS procedure were analyzed. Stent volume gradually increased in each case and had increased by 1.04-1.55 (mean, 1.25)-fold at 1 postoperative month. The presence of underlying medical diseases, plaque length, the degree of residual stenosis immediately after CAS, and plaque calcification did not have an impact on the change in stent volume. On the other hand, the stent volume increase was significantly larger in the patients with vulnerable plaques that demonstrated high MPRAGE signal intensity (P stent volume. Self-expanding stents in carotid arteries containing vulnerable plaques expand significantly more than those without such plaques in a follow-up period.

  9. Fluoroscopically guided placement of self-expandable metallic stents and stent-grafts in the treatment of acute malignant colorectal obstruction. (United States)

    Kim, Honsoul; Kim, Seung Hyoung; Choi, Sun Young; Lee, Kwang-Hun; Won, Jong Yoon; Lee, Do Yun; Lee, Jong Tae


    To evaluate the technical feasibility and clinical effectiveness of fluoroscopically guided placement of self-expandable metallic stents and stent-grafts for acute malignant colorectal obstruction. Radiologic images and clinical reports of 42 patients (22 men, 20 women; age range, 28-93 years; median age, 65.5 years) who underwent fluoroscopically guided colorectal stent insertion without endoscopic assistance for acute malignant obstruction were reviewed retrospectively. Eighteen patients received bare stents as a bridge to surgery. Twenty-four patients received 27 insertions of either a bare stent (n = 15) or a stent-graft (n = 12) for palliation. The obstruction was located in the rectum (n = 8), sigmoid (n = 17), descending colon (n = 8), splenic flexure (n = 3), and transverse colon (n = 6). Clinical success, defined as more than 50% dilatation of the stent with subsequent symptomatic improvement, was achieved in 41 of the 42 patients (98%). No major procedure-related complications occurred. Minor complications occurred in eight of the 45 procedures (18%). No perioperative mortalities occurred within 1 month after surgery. In the palliative group, the median stent patency was 62 days (range, 0-1,014 days). There was no statistically significant difference in stent patency between the bare stents (range, 0-855 days; median, 68 days) and stent-grafts (range, 1-1,014 days; median, 81 days). Fluoroscopically guided placement of self-expandable metallic stents and stent-grafts for the relief of acute malignant colorectal obstruction was technically feasible without endoscopic assistance-even in lesions proximal to the splenic flexure and transverse colon-and clinically effective in both bridge to surgery and palliative management.

  10. Changes in the mechanical environment of stenotic arteries during interaction with stents: computational assessment of parametric stent designs. (United States)

    Holzapfel, Gerhard A; Stadler, Michael; Gasser, Thomas C


    Clinical studies have identified factors such as the stent design and the deployment technique that are one cause for the success or failure of angioplasty treatments. In addition, the success rate may also depend on the stenosis type. Hence, for a particular stenotic artery, the optimal intervention can only be identified by studying the influence of factors such as stent type, strut thickness, geometry of the stent cell, and stent-artery radial mismatch with the wall. We propose a methodology that allows a set of stent parameters to be varied, with the aim of evaluating the difference in the mechanical environment within the wall before and after angioplasty with stenting. Novel scalar quantities attempt to characterize the wall changes inform of the contact pressure caused by the stent struts, and the stresses within the individual components of the wall caused by the stent. These quantities are derived numerically and serve as indicators, which allow the determination of the correct size and type of the stent for each individual stenosis. In addition, the luminal change due to angioplasty may be computed as well. The methodology is demonstrated by using a full three-dimensional geometrical model of a postmortem specimen of a human iliac artery with a stenosis using imaging data. To describe the material behavior of the artery, we considered mechanical data of eight different vascular tissues, which formed the stenosis. The constitutive models for the tissue components capture the typical anisotropic, nonlinear and dissipative characteristics under supra-physiological loading conditions. Three-dimensional stent models were parametrized in such a way as to enable new designs to be generated simply with regard to variations in their geometric structure. For the three-dimensional stent-artery interaction we use a contact algorithm based on smooth contact surfaces of at least C-continuity, which prevents numerical problems known from standard facet-based contact

  11. Retreatment of recanalized aneurysms after Y-stent-assisted coil embolization with double enterprise stents: case report and systematic review of the literature. (United States)

    Kono, Kenichi; Shintani, Aki; Terada, Tomoaki


    It is necessary to consider possibility of recanalization and retreatment after coil embolization for cerebral aneurysms. There is concern that retreatment for recanalized aneurysms after Y-stent-assisted coil embolization may be difficult because of double stents, especially in Y-stents with double closed-cell stents owing to narrowed structures. However, no detailed reports of retreatment after Y-stent have been reported. Between July 2010 and June 2013, we treated four aneurysms with Y-stent-assisted coil embolization using Enterprise closed-cell stents. Recanalization occurred in one case (25%), and retreatment was performed. We easily navigated a microcatheter into the target portions of the aneurysm through the Y-stent and occluded the aneurysm with coils. Additionally, by systematically searching in PubMed, we found 105 cases of Y-stent-assisted coil embolization using Enterprise stents or Neuroform stents with more than 6 months of follow-up. Among them, retreatment was performed in 10 cases (9.5%). There were no significant differences in retreatment rates among different stent combinations (P=0.91; Fisher's exact test). In conclusion, navigation of a microcatheter into the aneurysm through the Y-stent with double Enterprise stents was feasible, and retreatment rates after Y-stent-assisted coiling may not depend on stent combinations.

  12. Angioplasty and stent placement - carotid artery (United States)

    ... Angioplasty and stent placement - carotid artery To use the sharing features ... to remove plaque buildup ( endarterectomy ) Carotid angioplasty with stent placement Description Carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS) is ...

  13. Comparison of in vivo acute stent recoil between the bioabsorbable everolimus-eluting coronary stent and the everolimus-eluting cobalt chromium coronary stent: insights from the ABSORB and SPIRIT trials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanimoto, Shuzou; Serruys, Patrick W; Thuesen, Leif


    OBJECTIVES: This study sought to evaluate and compare in vivo acute stent recoil of a novel bioabsorbable stent and a metallic stent. BACKGROUND: The bioabsorbable everolimus-eluting coronary stent (BVS) is composed of a poly-L-lactic acid backbone, coated with a bioabsorbable polymer containing...... the antiproliferative drug, everolimus, and expected to be totally metabolized and absorbed in the human body. Because the BVS is made from polymer, it may have more acute recoil than metallic stents in vivo. METHODS: A total of 54 patients, who underwent elective stent implantation for single de novo native coronary...... artery lesions, were enrolled: 27 patients treated with the BVS and 27 patients treated with the everolimus-eluting cobalt chromium stent (EES). Acute absolute recoil, assessed by quantitative coronary angiography, was defined as the difference between mean diameter of the last inflated balloon...

  14. Coronary artery aneurysm after stent implantation: acute and long-term results after percutaneous treatment with a stent graft. (United States)

    Rubartelli, Paolo; Terzi, Giacomo; Borgo, Lorenzo; Giachero, Corinna


    A patient with unstable angina was treated with elective Palmaz-Schatz stent implantation on a focal stenosis of the left circumflex artery. One year later, a large (13 mm in diameter) coronary artery aneurysm was diagnosed at angiography in the stented site. Intravascular ultrasound examination confirmed the presence of a true aneurysm located at the proximal end of the stent. The aneurysm was successfully treated with a Jostent Graft (Jomed Implantate) consisting of two slotted tube stainless steel stents supporting a polytetrafluoroethylene tube. The stent graft was implanted under intravascular ultrasound guidance. The 18-month angiographic follow-up showed good patency of the stent graft and complete exclusion of the aneurysm.

  15. Endobronchial Occlusion Stent: A Preliminary Experimental Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Yo Won; Jeong, Woo Kyoung; Lee, Seoung Hoon; Heo, Jeong Nam; Jeon, Seok Chol [Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ko, Gi Young; Song, Ho Young [University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the safety and the technical feasibility of the use of an endobronchial occlusion stent and to get preliminary data for the development of the optimal material required for endobronchial occlusions. A commercialized, self-expandable tracheobronchial stent was modified; one half had a polyurethane cover with an occluded end and the other half was uncovered with a flaring configuration. The occluded end was placed such that it would face the distal lung. Under fluoroscopic guidance, seven stents were placed at the lower lobar bronchus in 6 mini-pigs. The bronchial obstruction was examined immediately after stent placement. Chest radiographs were taken at days 1, 7, 14, and 28 after stent placement and the removed airways from two, two, one, and one mini-pigs sacrificed on corresponding days were examined for the maintenance of bronchial obstruction. Stents were successfully placed and induced the immediate bronchial obstruction in all mini-pigs. Five of seven airways with occlusion stents maintained an obstruction until the mini-pigs were sacrificed. Proximal stent migration occurred in two mini-pigs (29%), and pulmonary consolidations were observed distal to four of the stents (57%). The placement of an endobronchial occlusion stent and the obstruction of targeted bronchi seem to be feasible, but an add-on check valve should be considered to prevent stent migration and obstructive pneumonia

  16. Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting (United States)

    Carotid angioplasty and stenting Overview Carotid angioplasty (kuh-ROT-id AN-jee-o-plas-tee) and stenting ... to better see and examine the blood vessels. Food and medications You'll receive instructions on what ...

  17. Nanopartículas de plata con potenciales aplicaciones en materiales implantables: síntesis, caracterización fisicoquímica y actividad bactericida


    Flores, Constanza Y.


    El objetivo general del presente Trabajo de Tesis fue la preparación y caracterización de superficies sólidas modificadas con nanopartículas de plata con potenciales aplicaciones en Biomedicina. Para esto se optimizó el método de síntesis de nanopartículas de plata (NPs Ag) recubiertas con citrato, obteniendo NPs Ag monodispersas de 6 ± 2 nm de diámetro recubiertas con citrato y estables en medios acuosos. Asimismo, se estudió la inmovilización de estas NPs Ag sobre superficies de Ti/TiO2, en...

  18. Self-Expandable Metallic Stent Placement in Malignant Gastric Outlet Obstruction: A Comparison Between 2 Brands of Stents. (United States)

    Ye, Bing-Wei; Lee, Kuei-Chuan; Hsieh, Yun-Cheng; Li, Chung-Pin; Chao, Yee; Hou, Ming-Chih; Lin, Han-Chieh


    Malignant gastric outlet obstruction is a late complication of intraabdominal malignancy. Self-expandable metallic stent placement has been a safe palliative treatment to relieve obstructive symptoms. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of metallic stents in our patients and analyzed the clinical outcome of different brands. Seventy-one patients with inoperable gastric outlet obstruction receiving WallFlex enteral stents (WallFlex group) or Bonastents (Bonastent group) since April 2010 were analyzed retrospectively. The overall technical and clinical success rates of stent placement were 100% and 93%, respectively. The baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes including procedure-related complications, restenosis, and reintervention rates were comparable between the 2 groups. However, the Bonastent group had a higher rate of stent fracture than the WallFlex group (13.3% vs 0%, P = 0.03). The mean duration of overall stent patency was 132.7 days. The mean duration of survival was 181.9 days. Resumption of regular diet or low residual diet at day 7 after stent insertion predicted stent patency (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.28, P = 0.01). Cancer with gastric origin (HR: 0.25, P = 0.045) and poststent chemotherapy (HR: 0.38, P = 0.006) predicted lower mortality; however, peritoneal carcinomatosis (HR: 3.09, P = 0.04) correlated with higher mortality. Metallic stent placement is a safe and effective method for relieving gastric outlet obstruction. Except higher rate of stent fracture in the Bonastent group, there is no significant difference in clinical outcomes between the Bonastent group and the WallFlex group.

  19. Comparison of retrievable stents and permanent stents for Budd-Chiari syndrome due to obstructive inferior vena cava. (United States)

    Bi, Yonghua; Chen, Hongmei; Ding, Penxu; Ren, Jianzhuang; Han, Xinwei


    To compare long-term outcomes of retrievable stents and permanent stents for BCS due to long-segment obstructive IVC. Between July 2000 and August 2016, 42 patients with BCS due to long-segment obstructive IVC were treated with retrievable stents (RS) and 41 patients were treated with permanent stents (PS). The retrievable stents was removed eventually after thrombus disappeared. Patients were subsequently followed-up by color Doppler sonography or CT scanning. All retrievable stent placements were successfully, and 37 retrievable stents were retrieved 8 to 29 days later. Forty-two stents were implanted in PS Group. One failure retrieval of retrievable stents occurred, and two failures of cannulations were found in PS Group. Two deaths may procedure-related and died from acute pulmonary thromboembolism perioperatively. One patient developed acute cerebral infarction and recovered after treatment. In PS Group, minor complications were found in 3 patients. The length of IVC lesion segment, length and thickness of IVC thrombus decreased significantly, and diameter of retrocaval IVC and diaphragm IVC increased significantly in both groups. During follow up, 3 patients died from liver failure in RS Group and 2 patients died in PS Group. RS Group showed a significantly higher primary patency rate than PS Group. Cumulative 1-, 3-, and 5-year secondary patency rates were 95.2%, 89.6%, 89.6% in RS Group, and 100%, 96.6%, 96.6% in PS Group (p= 0.7109). Retrievable stents is effective for BCS due to long-segment obstructive IVC, with a higher primary patency rate. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  20. Modelado del proceso de extracción de ácido acético con recuperación del disolvente orgánico


    Sánchez Levoso, Ana


    El ácido acético es uno de los ácidos carboxílicos más utilizados tanto en la industria química como en la alimentaria, siendo sus principales aplicaciones la producción de acetato de vinilo monómero, empleado en la fabricación de pinturas, adhesivos y papel, y la producción de ácido terftálico purificado, precursor del poliéster PET. Además, es el ingrediente clave en el vinagre. Entre las formas de obtención del ácido acético se distinguen la fermentación bacteriana y las vías sintéti...

  1. Dual-Source CT Angiography of Peripheral Arterial Stents: In Vitro Evaluation of 22 Different Stent Types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Köhler


    Full Text Available Purpose. To test different peripheral arterial stents using four image reconstruction approaches with respect to lumen visualization, lumen attenuation and image noise in dual-source multidetector row CT (DSCT in vitro. Methods and Materials. 22 stents (nitinol, steel, cobalt-alloy, tantalum, platinum alloy were examined in a vessel phantom. All stents were imaged in axial orientation with standard parameters. Image reconstructions were obtained with four different convolution kernels. To evaluate visualization characteristics of the stent, the lumen diameter, intraluminal density and noise were measured. Results. The mean percentage of the visible stent lumen diameter from the nominal stent diameter was 74.5% ± 5.7 for the medium-sharp kernel, 72.8% ± 6.4 for the medium, 70.8% ± 6.4 for the medium-smooth and 67.6% ± 6.6 for the smooth kernel. Mean values of lumen attenuation were 299.7HU ± 127 (medium-sharp, 273.9HU ± 68 (medium, 270.7HU ± 53 (medium-smooth and 265.8HU ± 43. Mean image noise was: 54.6 ± 6.3, 20.5 ± 1.7, 16.3 ± 1.7, 14.0 ± 2 respectively. Conclusion. Visible stent lumen diameter varies depending on stent type and scan parameters. Lumen diameter visibility increases with the sharpness of the reconstruction kernel. Smoother kernels provide more realistic density measurements inside the stent lumen and less image noise.

  2. Direct stent puncture technique for intraluminal stent recanalization in the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries in-stent occlusion: Outcomes from a prospective clinical analysis of diabetics with critical limb ischemia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palena, Luis Mariano, E-mail:; Manzi, Marco


    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of “Direct Stent Puncture” technique for intraluminal stent recanalization in the femoro-popliteal segments. Methods and Materials: A cohort of diabetics who had symptomatic in-stent occlusion of the superficial femoral or popliteal arteries underwent endovascular recanalization. After antegrade failure, direct stent puncture technique was performed. The primary end-point was to efficacy assessment, intended as technical success and clinical improvement. The secondary end-point was safety assessment, intended as free of complication rate. Results: Fifty-four patients (37 men; 73.6 ± 8.5 years) underwent direct stent puncture technique, after several unsuccessful antegrade attempts to cross the occluded stent. Technical success for intraluminal stent recanalization was achieved in 53/54 (98.2%) of cases and failed in 1/54 (1.8%). Clinical improvement was obtained in 51/54 (94.4%) of cases, with regression of the clinical symptoms and improvement of the TcPO{sub 2}, from 3 ± 18 mmHg to 43 ± 11 mmHg after 15 days (p < 0.001). Free of complications rate was 92.5%. In 2/54 (3.7%) of cases distal embolization occurred, in 1/54 (1.9%) case a sudden vessel thrombosis was diagnosed after 12 hours and in 1/54 (1.9%) case hematoma at the stent puncture site was observed. Conclusions: Direct Stent Puncture technique is an efficacy and safety option for intraluminal stent recanalization in the femoro-popliteal segment in-stent occlusion.

  3. Wing-shaped plastic stents vs. self-expandable metal stents for palliative drainage of malignant distal biliary obstruction: a randomized multicenter study. (United States)

    Schmidt, Arthur; Riecken, Bettina; Rische, Susanne; Klinger, Christoph; Jakobs, Ralf; Bechtler, Matthias; Kähler, Georg; Dormann, Arno; Caca, Karel


    Previous studies have shown superior patency rates for self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) compared with plastic stents in patients with malignant biliary obstruction. The aim of this study was to compare stent patency, patient survival, and complication rates between a newly designed, wing-shaped, plastic stent and SEMSs in patients with unresectable, malignant, distal, biliary obstruction. A randomized, multicenter trial was conducted at four tertiary care centers in Germany. A total of 37 patients underwent randomization between March 2010 and January 2013. Patients underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiography with insertion of either a wing-shaped, plastic stent without lumen or an SEMS.  Stent failure occurred in 10/16 patients (62.5 %) in the winged-stent group vs. 4/18 patients (22.2 %) in the SEMS group (P = 0.034). The median time to stent failure was 51 days (range 2 - 92 days) for the winged stent and 80 days (range 28 - 266 days) for the SEMS (P = 0.002). Early stent failure (stent failure was significantly higher in the winged-stent group compared with the SEMS group. A high incidence of early stent failure within 8 weeks was observed in the winged-stent group. Thus, the winged, plastic stent without central lumen may not be appropriate for mid or long term drainage of malignant biliary obstruction. Study registration (NCT01063634). © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  4. Indications for stenting during thrombolysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bækgaard, N; Broholm, R; Just, Sven Richardt Lundgren


    of a stent in this position is the treatment of choice facilitating the venous flow into an unobstructed outflow tract either from the femoral vein or the deep femoral vein or both. The stent, made of stainless steel or nitinol, has to be self-expandable and flexible with radial force to overcome...... the challenges in this low-pressure system. The characteristics of the anatomy with external compression and often a curved vein segment with diameter difference make stent placement necessary. Ballooning alone has no place in this area. The proportion of inserted stents varies in the published materials...

  5. Ingeniería de software en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles


    Thomas, Pablo Javier; Galdámez, Nicolás; Delía, Lisandro Nahuel; Cristina, Federico; Dapoto, Sebastián H.; Tinetti, Fernando Gustavo; Pesado, Patricia Mabel; De Giusti, Armando Eduardo


    Se presenta una línea de investigación y desarrollo que tiene por objeto estudiar temas relacionados con aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles, fundamentalmente aspectos de Ingeniería de Software orientados al desarrollo e implementación de aplicaciones móviles, sobre diversos entornos operativos y el estudio y desarrollo de aspectos de conectividad entre dispositivos móviles.

  6. Stent-assisted coiling of intracranial aneurysms using LEO stents: long-term follow-up in 153 patients. (United States)

    Sedat, Jacques; Chau, Yves; Gaudart, Jean; Sachet, Marina; Beuil, Stephanie; Lonjon, Michel


    Coiling associated with placement of a self-expandable intracranial stent has improved the treatment of intracranial wide-necked aneurysms. Little is known, however, about the durability of this treatment. The purpose of this report is to present our experience with the LEO stent and to evaluate the complications, effectiveness, and long-term results of this technique. We analyzed the records of 155 intracranial unruptured aneurysms that were treated by stent-assisted coiling with a LEO stent between 2008 and 2012. Procedural, early post-procedural, and delayed complications were recorded. Clinical and angiographic follow-up of patients was conducted over a period of at least 36 months. No procedural mortality was observed. One-month morbidity was observed in 14 out of 153 patients (9,15%). One hundred thirty-eight patients (with 140 aneurysms) had clinical and angiographic follow-up for more than 36 months. No aneurysm rupture was observed during follow-up. Four patients presented an intra-stent stenosis at 8 months, and 6 patients who had an early recurrence were retreated. Final results showed 85% complete occlusion, 13% neck remnants, and 2% stable incomplete occlusion. Stent-assisted coiling with the LEO stent is a safe and effective treatment for unruptured intracranial aneurysms. The long-term clinical outcomes with the LEO stent are excellent with a high rate of complete occlusion that is stable over time.

  7. Use of flow-diverting stents as salvage treatment following failed stent-assisted embolization of intracranial aneurysms. (United States)

    Heiferman, Daniel M; Billingsley, Joshua T; Kasliwal, Manish K; Johnson, Andrew K; Keigher, Kiffon M; Frudit, Michel E; Moftakhar, Roham; Lopes, Demetrius K


    Flow-diverting stents, including the Pipeline embolization device (PED) and Silk, have been beneficial in the treatment of aneurysms previously unable to be approached via endovascular techniques. Recurrent aneurysms for which stent-assisted embolization has failed are a therapeutic challenge, given the existing intraluminal construct with continued blood flow into the aneurysm. We report our experience using flow-diverting stents in the repair of 25 aneurysms for which stent-assisted embolization had failed. Nineteen (76%) of these aneurysms at the 12-month follow-up showed improved Raymond class occlusion, with 38% being completely occluded, and all aneurysms demonstrated decreased filling. One patient developed a moderate permanent neurologic deficit. Appropriate stent sizing, proximal and distal construct coverage, and preventing flow diverter deployment between the previously deployed stent struts are important considerations to ensure wall apposition and prevention of endoleak. Flow diverters are shown to be a reasonable option for treating previously stented recurrent cerebral aneurysms. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  8. Exclusion of Atherosclerotic Plaque from the Circulation Using Stent-Grafts: Alternative to Carotid Stenting with a Protection Device?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peynircioglu, Bora; Geyik, Serdar; Yavuz, Kivilcim; Cil, Barbaros E.; Saatci, Isil; Cekirge, Saruhan


    Purpose. To retrospectively assess the feasibility, safety, and clinical mid-term outcome of patients undergoing carotid artery stenting with stent-grafts. Methods. Over a 4 year period stent-grafts were used in the endovascular treatment of symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis in 12 patients (2 women, 10 men, aged 47-83 (mean 64) years). Protection devices were not used. Possible microembolic complications were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations of the brain before and the day after the procedure in all patients. Mean follow-up was 22 months (range 1-42 months), by Doppler ultrasonography and conventional angiography as well as clinical examination .Results. The technical success rate was 100%. A total of 13 coronary stent-grafts were used. The mean stenosis rate (in terms of diameter) was 85% and the mean length of stent-grafts used was 20.9 mm. The mean diameter to which the stent-grafts were dilated was 4.66 mm. In-hospital complications occurred in 1 patient who suffered a minor femoral access hematoma that did not require transfusion or surgical decompression. Post-stenting diffusion-weighted MRI revealed several ipsilateral silent microemboli in only 1 case, which was completely asymptomatic. Two patients had a major stroke after 2 years of follow-up. Restenosis was found in 2 patients who underwent successful balloon dilatation followed by placement of a self-expandable bare stent within the stent-grafts. Conclusions. Stent-grafts may prevent microembolic complications during stenting of atherosclerotic carotid lesions in selected cases, offering immediate exclusion of the atherosclerotic lesion from the circulation by pressing the plaque against the vessel wall. Comparative, randomized studies in larger series of patients are needed with carotid-dedicated stent-graft designs

  9. Stent Thrombosis With Drug-Eluting Stents and Bioresorbable Scaffolds: Evidence From a Network Meta-Analysis of 147 Trials. (United States)

    Kang, Si-Hyuck; Chae, In-Ho; Park, Jin-Joo; Lee, Hak Seung; Kang, Do-Yoon; Hwang, Seung-Sik; Youn, Tae-Jin; Kim, Hyo-Soo


    This study sought to perform a systematic review and network meta-analysis to compare the relative safety and efficacy of contemporary DES and BVS. To improve outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary revascularization, there have been advances in the design of drug-eluting stents (DES), including the development of drug-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS). Prospective, randomized, controlled trials comparing bare-metal stents (BMS), paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES), sirolimus-eluting stents (SES), Endeavor zotarolimus-eluting stents (E-ZES), cobalt-chromium (CoCr) everolimus-eluting stents (EES), platinum-chromium (PtCr)-EES, biodegradable polymer (BP)-EES, Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stents (R-ZES), BP biolimus-eluting stents (BP-BES), hybrid sirolimus-eluting stents (H [Orsiro]-SES), polymer-free sirolimus- and probucol-eluting stents, or BVS were searched in online databases. The primary endpoint was definite or probable stent thrombosis at 1 year. A total of 147 trials including 126,526 patients were analyzed in this study. All contemporary DES were superior to BMS and PES in terms of definite or probable stent thrombosis at 1 year. CoCr-EES, PtCr-EES, and H-SES were associated with significantly lower risk than BVS. CoCr-EES and H-SES were superior to SES and BP-BES. The risk of myocardial infarction was significantly lower with H-SES than with BVS. There were no significant differences regarding all-cause or cardiac mortality. Contemporary devices including BVS showed comparably low risks of repeat revascularization. Contemporary DES, including biocompatible DP-DES, BP-DES, and polymer-free DES, showed a low risk of definite or probable stent thrombosis at 1 year. BVS had an increased risk of device thrombosis compared with CoCr-EES, PtCr-EES, and H-SES. Data from extended follow-up are warranted to confirm the long-term safety of contemporary coronary devices. Copyright © 2016 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by

  10. Magnetizable stent-grafts enable endothelial cell capture (United States)

    Tefft, Brandon J.; Uthamaraj, Susheil; Harburn, J. Jonathan; Hlinomaz, Ota; Lerman, Amir; Dragomir-Daescu, Dan; Sandhu, Gurpreet S.


    Emerging nanotechnologies have enabled the use of magnetic forces to guide the movement of magnetically-labeled cells, drugs, and other therapeutic agents. Endothelial cells labeled with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) have previously been captured on the surface of magnetizable 2205 duplex stainless steel stents in a porcine coronary implantation model. Recently, we have coated these stents with electrospun polyurethane nanofibers to fabricate prototype stent-grafts. Facilitated endothelialization may help improve the healing of arteries treated with stent-grafts, reduce the risk of thrombosis and restenosis, and enable small-caliber applications. When placed in a SPION-labeled endothelial cell suspension in the presence of an external magnetic field, magnetized stent-grafts successfully captured cells to the surface regions adjacent to the stent struts. Implantation within the coronary circulation of pigs (n=13) followed immediately by SPION-labeled autologous endothelial cell delivery resulted in widely patent devices with a thin, uniform neointima and no signs of thrombosis or inflammation at 7 days. Furthermore, the magnetized stent-grafts successfully captured and retained SPION-labeled endothelial cells to select regions adjacent to stent struts and between stent struts, whereas the non-magnetized control stent-grafts did not. Early results with these prototype devices are encouraging and further refinements will be necessary in order to achieve more uniform cell capture and complete endothelialization. Once optimized, this approach may lead to more rapid and complete healing of vascular stent-grafts with a concomitant improvement in long-term device performance.

  11. Aplicación móvil basada en el contexto para promover el aprendizaje del idioma inglés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osiris Montero Ríos


    Full Text Available La telefonía móvil que en un principio se comercializó como dispositivos de comunicación y entretenimiento, en la actualidad es empleada en sectores tan diversos como la educación. Dentro de los métodos de apoyo al proceso de aprendizaje destacan las aplicaciones móviles y en especial las relacionadas con los idiomas. En su mayoría, estas aplicaciones emplean estrategias de enseñanza universal que sugieren situaciones ajenas al entorno sociocultural del usuario, lo cual podría impactar en su aprendizaje. En este artículo se muestra el desarrollo de una aplicación Android para promover el aprendizaje del idioma inglés basada en información provista por el usuario que le resulta de su interés. Se presenta el diseño del contenido educativo y de la aplicación móvil que permiten al usuario generar su propio material didáctico en base a sus intereses. Como caso de estudio se considera la evaluación de la aplicación para el área de las ciencias computacionales.

  12. La Seguridad en Internet de las Cosas: Analizando el Tráfico de Información en Aplicaciones para iOS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan-Manuel Martínez


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha observado un gran avance tecnológico y el servicio de Internet no es la excepción (en México el servicio doméstico básico es 180 veces más rápido que hace 15 años. Esto ha permitido conectar cada vez más dispositivos, surgiendo así el Internet de las cosas (IoT. De esta manera, el número de dispositivos conectados ha alcanzado una cifra aproximada de 20 mil millones, y se espera que para 2020 llegue a 50 mil millones. Esto ha generado grandes retos para mantener la seguridad y privacidad de la información ya que la mayoría de los dispositivos de IoT se centran en la conectividad y están incluyendo configuraciones por defecto donde la seguridad se ve gravemente afectada. Este artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de tráfico realizado a diversas aplicaciones para iOS, con el objetivo de informar lo fácil que puede ser capturar el tráfico, aunque se utilice el protocolo https y que aún existen muchas aplicaciones que transmiten información sin cifrar.

  13. Impact on outcome of different types of carotid stent: results from the European Registry of Carotid Artery Stenting. (United States)

    Stabile, Eugenio; Giugliano, Giuseppe; Cremonesi, Alberto; Bosiers, Marc; Reimers, Bernhard; Setacci, Carlo; Cao, Piergiorgio; Schmidt, Andrej; Sievert, Horst; Peeters, Patrick; Nikas, Dimitrios; Sannino, Anna; de Donato, Gianmarco; Parlani, Giambattista; Castriota, Fausto; Hornung, Marius; Rubino, Paolo; Esposito, Giovanni; Tesorio, Tullio


    Conflicting data exist on the impact on outcome of the use of different stent types during carotid artery stenting (CAS). The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical outcomes according to different carotid stent design among the population of the European Registry of Carotid Artery Stenting (ERCAS). The present study was conducted in 1,604 patients who underwent neuroprotected CAS in ERCAS. All types of commercially available carotid stent were used. Open-cell design stents were classified according to free cell area into 7.5 mm2. A total of 713 closed-cell, 456 hybrid-cell, 238 7.5 mm2 open-cell stents were implanted. Overall, the 30-day stroke and death rate was 1.37%. At 30 days, 19 strokes occurred (1.18%): eight in the group of patients treated with a closed-cell (1.12%), two in those with a hybrid-cell (0.44%), three in those with a 7.5 mm2 open-cell stent (3.05%) (p=0.045). Data of the present study suggest that, in the setting of neuroprotected CAS performed in high-volume centres by properly trained operators, the use of an open-cell design stent with a free cell area >7.5 mm2 may be associated with an increased 30-day stroke risk.

  14. Investigation of adverse events associated with an off-label use of arterial stents and CE-marked iliac vein stents in the iliac vein: insights into developing a better iliac vein stent. (United States)

    Shida, Takuya; Umezu, Mitsuo; Iwasaki, Kiyotaka


    We analyzed the adverse events associated with an off-label use of arterial stents and CE-marked iliac vein stents for the treatment of iliac venous thromboembolism and investigated their relationships with the anatomical features of the iliac vein, to gain insights into the development of a better iliac vein stent. Reports of adverse events following the use of stents in the iliac vein were retrieved from the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database that contain suspected device-associated complications reported to the Food and Drug Administration. Data from 2006 to 2016 were investigated. The literature analysis was also conducted using PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Web of Science focusing on English articles published up to 4 October 2016. The analysis of 88 adverse events from the MAUDE database and 182 articles from the literature revealed that a higher number of adverse events had been reported following the use of arterial stents in the iliac vein compared to CE-marked iliac vein stents. While stent migration and shortening were reported only for the arterial stents, stent fracture and compression occurred regardless of the stent type, even though a vein does not pulsate. A study of the anatomical features of the iliac vein implies that bending, compression, and kink loads are applied to the iliac vein stents in vivo. For designing, developing, and pre-clinical testing of stents intended for use in the iliac vein, the above mechanical load environments induced by the anatomical features should be considered.

  15. Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction after Coronary Stent Fracture. (United States)

    Rafighdust, Abbasali; Eshraghi, Ali


    The invention of the drug-eluting stent (DES) has brought about revolutionary changes in the field of interventional cardiology. In the DES era, in-stent restenosis has declined but new issues such as stent thrombosis have emerged. One of the emerging paradigms in the DES era is stent fracture. There are reports about stent fracture leading to in-stent restenosis or stent thrombosis. Most of these reports concern the Sirolimus-eluting stent. The present case is a representation of a Biolimus-eluting stent fracture. We introduce a 64-year-old male patient, for whom the BioMatrix stent was deployed in the right coronary artery. Five months after the implantation, he experienced acute myocardial infarction, with stent fracture leading to stent thrombosis being the causative mechanism. Another DES (Cypher) was used to manage this situation, and the final result was good.

  16. Nitinol Esophageal Stents: New Designs and Clinical Indications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strecker, Ernst-Peter; Boos, Irene; Vetter, Sylvia; Strohm, Michael; Domschke, Sigurd


    Purpose: To evaluate the clinical use of covered and noncovered, knitted nitinol stents in patients presenting new stent indications. Methods: Self-expandable, knitted nitinol stents were implanted in four patients for treatment of dysphagia. In two patients who had malignant strictures and had esophago-respiratory fistulae and in one patient with an esophagocutaneous fistula, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-covered stents were implanted. One patient received a noncovered stent, but a retrograde approach through a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) fistula had to be chosen for recanalization of an esophageal occlusion. Two patients received stents for treatment of benign strictures. Results: Recanalization of the stricture and stent implantation were performed under fluoroscopic control without any procedure-related morbidity or mortality. Dysphagia improved in all patients and the esophageal fistulae could be sealed off by covered stents. During a maximum follow-up of 18 months, there was no stent migration or esophageal perforation. Complications observed were stent stenosis due to food impaction (1/4) and benign stent stenosis (2/2). Most complications could be treated by the interventional radiologist. Conclusion: Self-expandable, covered Nitinol stents provide an option for the treatment of dysphagia combined with esophageal fistulae. In combination with interventional radiology techniques, even complex strictures are accessible. For benign strictures, the value of stent treatment has not yet been proven

  17. Diseño de una arquitectura para redes de sensores con soporte para aplicaciones de detección de eventos




    Las aplicaciones para redes de sensores inalámbricas, o Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), han mostrado un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años. Actualmente constituyen una alternativa tecnológica interesante para el desarrollo de aplicaciones que requieren monitorizar constantemente el estado de cualquier variable relacionada con escenarios de diversos ámbitos. Si las aplicaciones detectan cambios en los valores de dichas variables, pueden activar la ejecución de acciones preventivas ...

  18. Serial Versus Direct Dilation of Small Diameter Stents Results in a More Predictable and Complete Intentional Transcatheter Stent Fracture: A PICES Bench Testing Study. (United States)

    Crystal, Matthew A; Morgan, Gareth J; Danon, Saar; Gray, Robert G; Gruenstein, Daniel H; Gordon, Brent M; Goldstein, Bryan H


    Balloon-expandable stents, implanted in infants and children with congenital heart disease (CHD), often require redilation to match somatic growth. Small diameter stents may eventually require longitudinal surgical transection to prevent iatrogenic vascular stenosis. Intentional transcatheter stent fracture (TSF) is an emerging alternative approach to stent transection, but little is known about the optimal stent substrate and best protocol to improve the likelihood of successful TSF. Bench testing was performed with a stent dilation protocol. After recording baseline characteristics, stents were serially or directly dilated using ultra-high-pressure balloons (UHPB) until fracture occurred or further stent dilation was not possible. Stent characteristics recorded were as follows: cell design, metallurgy, mechanism, and uniformity of fracture. Stents tested included bare-metal coronary stents, premounted small diameter stents, and ePTFE-covered small diameter premounted stents. Ninety-four stents representing 9 distinct models were maximally dilated, with 80 (85%) demonstrating evidence of fracture. Comprehensive fracture details were recorded in 64 stents: linear and complete in 34/64 stents (53.1%), linear and incomplete in 9/64 stents (14.1%), transverse/complex and complete in 6/64 stents (9.4%), and transverse/complex and incomplete in 15/64 stents (23.4%). Stent fracture was not accomplished in some stent models secondary to significant shortening, i.e., "napkin-ring" formation. Serial dilation resulted in evidence of fracture in 62/67 (92.5%) stents compared with 18/27 (66.7%) stents in the direct dilation group (p = 0.003). Intentional TSF is feasible in an ex vivo model. Serial dilation more reliably expanded the stent and allowed for ultimate stent fracture, whereas direct large diameter dilation of stents was more likely to generate a "napkin-ring" configuration, which may be more resistant to fracture. In vivo animal and human testing is necessary to

  19. Anchoring barbs and balloon expandable stents: what is the risk of perforation and failed stent deployment? (United States)

    Bown, M J; Harrison, G J; How, T V; Brennan, J A; Fisher, R K; Vallabhaneni, S R; McWilliams, R G


    Balloon expandable stents may on occasion be deployed in close proximity to the anchoring barbs of endovascular grafts. The aim of this study was to determine the risk and effect of balloon perforation by anchoring barbs and to assess whether these risks are different if the balloon is protected by a covered stent mounted upon it. A bench-top model was developed to mimic the penetration of anchoring barbs into the lumen of medium sized blood vessels. The model allowed variation of angle and depth of vessel penetration. Both bare balloons and those with covered stents mounted upon them were tested in the model to determine whether there was a risk of perforation and which factors increased or decreased this risk. All combinations of barb angle and depth caused balloon perforation but this was most marked when the barb was placed perpendicular to the long axis of the balloon. When the deployment of covered stents was attempted balloon perforation occurred in some cases but full stent deployment was achieved in all cases where the perforation was in the portion of the balloon covered by the stent. The only situation in which stent deployment failed was where the barb was intentionally placed in the uncovered portion of the balloon. This resulted in only partial deployment of the stent. Balloon rupture is a distinct possibility when deploying balloon-expandable stents in close proximity to anchoring barbs. Care should be taken in this circumstance to ensure that the barb is well away from the uncovered portion of the balloon. Copyright © 2012 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. The impact of precise robotic lesion length measurement on stent length selection: ramifications for stent savings. (United States)

    Campbell, Paul T; Kruse, Kevin R; Kroll, Christopher R; Patterson, Janet Y; Esposito, Michele J


    Coronary stent deployment outcomes can be negatively impacted by inaccurate lesion measurement and inappropriate stent length selection (SLS). We compared visual estimate of these parameters to those provided by the CorPath 200® Robotic PCI System. Sixty consecutive patients who underwent coronary stent placement utilizing the CorPath System were evaluated. The treating physician assessed orthogonal images and provided visual estimates of lesion length and SLS. The robotic system was then used for the same measures. SLS was considered to be accurate when visual estimate and robotic measures were in agreement. Visual estimate SLSs were considered to be "short" or "long" if they were below or above the robotic-selected stents, respectively. Only 35% (21/60) of visually estimated lesions resulted in accurate SLS, whereas 33% (20/60) and 32% (19/60) of the visually estimated SLSs were long and short, respectively. In 5 cases (8.3%), 1 less stent was placed based on the robotic lesion measurement being shorter than the visual estimate. Visual estimate assessment of lesion length and SLS is highly variable with 65% of the cases being inaccurately measured when compared to objective measures obtained from the robotic system. The 32% of the cases where lesions were visually estimated to be short represents cases that often require the use of extra stents after the full lesion is not covered by 1 stent [longitudinal geographic miss (LGM)]. Further, these data showed that the use of the robotic system prevented the use of extra stents in 8.3% of the cases. Measurement of lesions with robotic PCI may reduce measurement errors, need for extra stents, and LGM. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. [Developments in percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary stents]. (United States)

    Simsek, C; Daemen, J; Zijlstra, F


    In The Netherlands, more than 30.000 patients undergo a percutaneous coronary intervention every year, during which a coronary stent implantation will be performed in 90% of the cases. It is estimated that more than 5 million coronary stent implantations will be performed worldwide this year. While these numbers are impressive, however, coronary stents still have as a limitation the possibility of stent thrombosis. This has been and is an important stimulus for the development of both coronary stents, from a bare metal stent via a drug eluting stent to the present-day development of bio-absorbable stents, and anti-platelet drugs,from acenocoumarol to thieropyridines. The possibility of shortening the period of use of this powerful medication by developing new kinds of non-thrombogenic stents would, for example, make it possible to achieve significant reductions in subsequent bleeding during (dental) procedures.

  2. Polymeric Biodegradable Stent Insertion in the Esophagus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kai Yang


    Full Text Available Esophageal stent insertion has been used as a well-accepted and effective alternative to manage and improve the quality of life for patients diagnosed with esophageal diseases and disorders. Current stents are either permanent or temporary and are fabricated from either metal or plastic. The partially covered self-expanding metal stent (SEMS has a firm anchoring effect and prevent stent migration, however, the hyperplastic tissue reaction cause stent restenosis and make it difficult to remove. A fully covered SEMS and self-expanding plastic stent (SEPS reduced reactive hyperplasia but has a high migration rate. The main advantage that polymeric biodegradable stents (BDSs have over metal or plastic stents is that removal is not require and reduce the need for repeated stent insertion. But the slightly lower radial force of BDS may be its main shortcoming and a post-implant problem. Thus, strengthening support of BDS is a content of the research in the future. BDSs are often temporarily effective in esophageal stricture to relieve dysphagia. In the future, it can be expect that biodegradable drug-eluting stents (DES will be available to treat benign esophageal stricture, perforations or leaks with additional use as palliative modalities for treating malignant esophageal stricture, as the bridge to surgery or to maintain luminal patency during neoadjuvant chemoradiation.

  3. Flexibility and trackability of laser cut coronary stent systems. (United States)

    Szabadíts, Péter; Puskás, Zsolt; Dobránszky, János


    Coronary stents are the most important supports in present day cardiology. Flexibility and trackability are two basic features of stents. In this paper, four different balloon-expandable coronary stent systems were investigated mechanically in order to compare their suitability. The coronary stent systems were assessed by measurements of stent flexibility as well as by comparison of forces during simulated stenting in a self-investigated coronary vessel model. The stents were cut by laser from a single tube of 316L stainless steel or L-605 (CoCr) cobalt chromium alloy. The one-and four-point bending tests were carried out to evaluate the stent flexibility E x I (Nmm(2)), under displacement control in crimped and expanded configurations. The flexibility of stents would be rather dependent on the design than on raw material. In general a more flexible stent needs lower tracking force during the implantation. The L-605 raw material stents need lower track force to pass through in the vessel model than the 316L raw material stents. The sort and long stents passed through the curved vessel model in different ways. The long stents nestled to the vessel wall at the outer arc and bent, while the short stents did not bend in the curve, only the delivery systems bent.

  4. Aplicaciones y retos del sensado remoto hiperespectral en la geología colombiana

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    Ariolfo Camacho-Velasco


    Full Text Available El Sensado Remoto (SR es una técnica que permite captar información de una escena sin entrar en contacto físico con ella, mediante el empleo de sensores ubicados, principalmente, en plataformas aéreas, los cuales captan información en diferentes rangos del espectro electromagnético, incluyendo el visible (VIS, el cercano al infrarrojo (NIR y el de ondas cortas del infrarrojo (SWIR. Teniendo en cuenta que cada material presente en una escena tiene características espectrales diferentes, es posible, a través del análisis de las firmas espectrales, realizar su identificación o clasificación mediante algoritmos. Las Imágenes Hiperespectrales (HSI captadas por sensores remotos en cientos de bandas espectrales son de importancia en áreas como la geología, la mineralogía, la agronomía y la ecología, entre otras; sin embargo, el gran volumen de literatura dispersa en diferentes líneas (SR, HSI y geología dificulta su acceso y análisis. Este trabajo presenta un compendio de conceptos, principios básicos y fundamentos matemáticos del SR, e incluye investigaciones y tendencias de él, destacando su desarrollo y sus retos en Colombia, y un caso de uso de HSI en la geología colombiana, cuyas evaluaciones muestran la capacidad de detección del sensor hiperespectral Hyperion, ubicado en el satélite EO-1, para el mapeo geológico en un sitio de prueba al noroccidente del municipio de Girón, departamento de Santander. Los resultados de las evaluaciones son satisfactorios; espectralmente, el coeficiente de correlación fue alto y la relación espacial entre la firma espectral obtenida y la geología conocida del área fue aceptable y correspondió al análisis de Difracción de Rayos X (DRX realizado a muestras tomadas del área de estudio.

  5. Comparison of diamond-like carbon-coated nitinol stents with or without polyethylene glycol grafting and uncoated nitinol stents in a canine iliac artery model (United States)

    Kim, J H; Shin, J H; Shin, D H; Moon, M-W; Park, K; Kim, T-H; Shin, K M; Won, Y H; Han, D K; Lee, K-R


    Objective Neointimal hyperplasia is a major complication of endovascular stent placement with consequent in-stent restenosis or occlusion. Improvements in the biocompatibility of stent designs could reduce stent-associated thrombosis and in-stent restenosis. We hypothesised that the use of a diamond-like carbon (DLC)-coated nitinol stent or a polyethylene glycol (PEG)-DLC-coated nitinol stent could reduce the formation of neointimal hyperplasia, thereby improving stent patency with improved biocompatibility. Methods A total of 24 stents were implanted, under general anaesthesia, into the iliac arteries of six dogs (four stents in each dog) using the carotid artery approach. The experimental study dogs were divided into three groups: the uncoated nitinol stent group (n = 8), the DLC-nitinol stent group (n = 8) and the PEG-DLC-nitinol stent group (n = 8). Results The mean percentage of neointimal hyperplasia was significantly less in the DLC-nitinol stent group (26.7±7.6%) than in the nitinol stent group (40.0±20.3%) (p = 0.021). However, the mean percentage of neointimal hyperplasia was significantly greater in the PEG-DLC-nitinol stent group (58.7±24.7%) than in the nitinol stent group (40.0±20.3%) (p = 0.01). Conclusion Our findings indicate that DLC-coated nitinol stents might induce less neointimal hyperplasia than conventional nitinol stents following implantation in a canine iliac artery model; however, the DLC-coated nitinol stent surface when reformed with PEG induces more neointimal hyperplasia than either a conventional or DLC-coated nitinol stent. PMID:21325363

  6. Estudio preliminar de PEP-3 como instrumento de evaluación funcional de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista


    Orobal Císcar, Paloma


    En el presente estudio, además de traducir, adaptar lingüísticamente y realizar una aplicación preliminar de un instrumento de evaluación funcional del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) llamado PEP-3 (Perfil Psicoeducativo-3ªEdición); se han realizado dos aplicaciones del instrumento a un grupo de 10 niños y niñas con TEA atendidos en un Centro de Atención Temprana de Valencia con el objetivo de analizar la sensibilidad del instrumento para medir cambios tras tres meses de intervención bas...

  7. Análisis de la herramienta de medición del riesgo ergonómico en agricultura (AERAT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Madriz Quirós


    Full Text Available La agricultura se caracteriza por ser unaactividad estacional, en condicionesclimáticas inclementes, con un sector pocoorganizado, el cual obtiene resultados aun alto costo social que se resume en eldeterioro de la salud de los trabajadores.La herramienta AERAT fue diseñadapensando en condiciones adversasde trabajo y tomando como indicadorprincipal el nivel de consumo de oxígenode los trabajadores en las plantacionesde banano.El sector de atención de estaherramienta llama poderosamente laatención, ya que es un sector donde laergonomía pocas veces se concentra ydonde encontramos aplicaciones muyreducidas. Tradicionalmente, la ergonomíase ha centrado en aplicaciones ofimáticasy de uso del computador.

  8. Temporary urethral covered stent - third year of experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stojanovis, V.; Maksimovis, H.; Markovis, B.; Markovis, Z.


    Full text: In October 2003, a new generation of urethral stents ALLIUM, produced in Israel, were used at the Department of Interventional Radiology, CCS, in 18 patients with chronic stricture of bulbar urethra. The indications for insertion were determined according to well-known and recognized therapeutical protocols. The stent is made of nitinol wire with polyurethane cover. It is inserted under local anesthesia by a special self-expandable system that may be fixed or flexible. The stents we used were 3-6 cm long and 28 Fr wide. Radioscopic-assisted insertion was performed over formerly placed metal guide. Prior to insertion, balloon-catheter dilatation of stricture matching the stent width was carried out. Pre-insertion urethrotomy was performed in one case. The insertion technique is simple, presupposing the knowledge of older generations of techniques of urethral dilatation and insertion of self-expandable stents. The follow-up of results was done according to a priori established protocol including the following: UCG, uroflowmetry and interview with patients. Due to stent migration, the 'stent over stent' technique was applied in one case, while reposition by balloon-catheter outward traction was performed in two cases of caudal migration. No irritative discomforts were reported in the first 4 months after stent dwelling. Uroflowmetric controls verified at least four times better results than before the insertion. Given it is the question of covered stent, there is no possibility of proliferative secondary lumen obstruction. On account of soft structure and conic shape of posterior part of stent, no lesions of the external urethral sphincter were manifested. The stent is simply withdrawn after 6 months by outward traction using the forceps at the time when the stent construction turns into soft and straight wire. The first clinical experiences are very favorable and ALLIUM stent may be expected to be the stent of choice for chronic bulbar strictures

  9. The effect of stent structure changes on the hemodynamics and the formation of in-stent restenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Xia; Xu Ke; Xiao Liang; Zhang Xitong; Su Hongying; Feng Bo


    Objective: To investigate the effect of stent structure changes on the formation of in-stent restenosis by studying the influence of these changes on the shear force to the vascular wall, on the velocity of flow and on the flow pattern. Methods: Five stent models were established by using Pro/engineer wildfire 3.0. Model A was regarded as control structure. On the base structure of model A, transverse link component was added to form model B, and vertical link component was added to form model C. The thickness of model D was twice than that of model A, and the meshes density of model E was twice than that of model A. Fluid models were built up by importing these stent models into computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software ansys11.0-CFX, then, CFD analysis was proceeded to study the effect of stent structure on hemodynamics. Results: After the stents were implanted, the percentage of low wall shear stress on the surface of model A, B, C, D and E was 7.78%, 6.65%, 1.48%, 16.52% and 12.12%, respectively. The percentage of D and E was obviously larger than that of A, while the percentage of B was markedly smaller than that of A. The velocity vector on the cross-sectional planes showed that the low velocity and eddy areas in D and E were much larger than that in A, while this area in C was smaller than that in A. Conclusion: The stent structure changes can cause obvious changes in hemodynamics in the implanted vessels. The increase in the thickness and meshes density of the stent is the main factor that induces the formation of low wall shear stress, which will precipitate the development of in-stent restenosis. The added vertical link component will reduce the area of low wall shear stress as well as the occurrence of in-stent restenosis. (authors)

  10. Gianturco-Rösch Z stents in tracheobronchial stenoses. (United States)

    Petersen, B D; Uchida, B T; Barton, R E; Keller, F S; Rösch, J


    To evaluate expandable metallic Gianturco-Rösch Z (GRZ) stents for treatment of benign and malignant tracheobronchial stenoses. Six patients, ages 45-73 years, were treated for severe dyspnea with placement of GRZ stents. Three patients had benign tracheal lesions (one tracheomalacia, two postoperative) and received uncovered GRZ stents. Three patients had malignant stenoses at the level of the carina; one received an uncovered stent and the other two received silicone-covered GRZ stents. Two patients with benign lesions responded well to stent placement. One was asymptomatic for a year and then was lost to follow-up; the other improved substantially but died of end-stage lung disease 5 months after stent placement. A third patient with a benign high tracheal lesion did poorly; symptoms recurred secondary to inferior migration of a stent, which was removed surgically at 4 months. All patients with malignant lesions improved symptomatically after stent placement and remained without significant dyspnea until death (from 1 to 6 months). Expandable GRZ stents are promising devices for treatment of benign lesions and offer effective palliation of malignant tracheobronchial stenoses.

  11. Thermal analysis for energy consumption reduction in cooling water systems; Analisis termico para la reduccion del consumo de energia en sistemas de agua de enfriamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Picon Nunez, Martin [Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato (Mexico); Quillares Vargas, Luis [Tecnopinch, S. A. de C. V., (Mexico)


    This paper presents the fundamental principles for the thermal analysis of cooling water systems in processing plants. In existing heat dissipating networks this methodology application allows the identification of opportunities for reducing the energy consumption used for cooling water pumping. The methodology is based on the determination of the minimum cooling water flow as a function of the installed heat exchange capacity, subjected to the restrictions of the maximum allowed temperature elevation. The methodology application to real systems, has resulted in saving 20% of the total energy consumed in cooling water pumping. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presentan los principios fundamentales para el analisis termico de sistemas de enfriamiento en plantas de proceso. En redes de eliminacion de calor existentes, la aplicacion de esta metodologia permite identificar oportunidades para reducir el consumo de energia utilizada para el bombeo del fluido enfriante. La metodologia se basa en la determinacion del flujo minimo de agua de enfriamiento en funcion de la capacidad de transferencia de calor instalada, sujeta a las restricciones de maximo incremento de temperatura permitido. La aplicacion de la metodologia a sistemas reales, ha resultado en ahorros del 20% del total de la energia que se consume en el bombeo del agua de enfriamiento.

  12. Thermal analysis for energy consumption reduction in cooling water systems; Analisis termico para la reduccion del consumo de energia en sistemas de agua de enfriamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Picon Nunez, Martin [Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato (Mexico); Quillares Vargas, Luis [Tecnopinch, S. A. de C. V., (Mexico)


    This paper presents the fundamental principles for the thermal analysis of cooling water systems in processing plants. In existing heat dissipating networks this methodology application allows the identification of opportunities for reducing the energy consumption used for cooling water pumping. The methodology is based on the determination of the minimum cooling water flow as a function of the installed heat exchange capacity, subjected to the restrictions of the maximum allowed temperature elevation. The methodology application to real systems, has resulted in saving 20% of the total energy consumed in cooling water pumping. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presentan los principios fundamentales para el analisis termico de sistemas de enfriamiento en plantas de proceso. En redes de eliminacion de calor existentes, la aplicacion de esta metodologia permite identificar oportunidades para reducir el consumo de energia utilizada para el bombeo del fluido enfriante. La metodologia se basa en la determinacion del flujo minimo de agua de enfriamiento en funcion de la capacidad de transferencia de calor instalada, sujeta a las restricciones de maximo incremento de temperatura permitido. La aplicacion de la metodologia a sistemas reales, ha resultado en ahorros del 20% del total de la energia que se consume en el bombeo del agua de enfriamiento.

  13. Insertion of Self-Expandable Nitinol Stents Without Previous Balloon Angioplasty Reduces Restenosis Compared with PTA Prior to Stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harnek, Jan; Zoucas, Evita; Stenram, Unne; Cwikiel, Wojciech


    Purpose: To compare the development of intimal hyperplasia after deployment of a self-expanding nitinol stent with and without previous percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTA), with the results after PTA alone. Methods: In nine healthy pigs, the iliac arteries were divided into three groups: group 1 (n = 6 arteries) was treated with PTA; group 2 n 6)with insertion of self-expanding stents after PTA; and group 3 (n = 6) with stent insertion without previous PTA. After 8 weeks the vessels were examined with intravascular ultrasonography,histologic examination and morphometric analysis. Results: Although the injury index in group 1 (0.17± 0.57) was lower (p <0.05) than in group 2 (0.26 ± 0.06) and group 3 (0.26 ± 0.08), PTA-treated arteries showed significantly (p <0.05) reduced mean luminal gain (0.53 ± 2.84) compared with arteries treated with PTA prior to stenting (2.58 ± 1.38) and compared with stenting alone (4.65 ±5.34). Stenting after PTA resulted in a higher (p<0.05) restenosis index (2.63 ± 1.06) compared with stenting without PTA (1.35 ± 0.59). Group 2 also had a significantly thicker intimap <0.05) and 83% and 74% higher intima/mediaratio (p <0.05) compared with groups 1 and 3, respectively. Conclusion: Insertion of a self-expandable nitinol stent without previous PTA results in less intimalhyperplasia than if PTA is performed prior to stenting, suggesting that direct stenting can be used in angioplasty sessions with a favorable outcome

  14. Mechanical thrombectomy using Rotarex system and stent-in-stent placement for treatment of distal femoral artery occlusion secondary to stent fracture – a case report and literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dys, Krzysztof; Drelichowska-Durawa, Justyna; Dołega-Kozierowski, Bartosz; Lis, Michał; Sokratous, Kyriakos; Iwanowski, Wojciech; Drelichowski, Stanisław; Witkiewicz, Wojciech


    Treatment of peripheral arterial diseases may be distinguished into conservative and interventional management; the latter is divided into surgical and endovascular procedures. Management of peripheral artery stenosis and occlusion with vascular stents is associated with the risk of late complications such as restenosis, stent fracture or dislocation. A 62-year-old woman with generalized atherosclerosis, particularly extensive in lower limb arteries, was admitted to the Department of Angiology 11 months after having an endovascular procedure performed due to critical ischemia of left lower limb. Because of stent occlusion, a decision to perform angiographic examination of lower limb arteries was made. Examination revealed occlusion of the superficial femoral artery along its entire length, including previously implanted stents. Distal stent was fractured with slight dislocation of the proximal segment. A decision was made to perform mechanical thrombectomy using a Rotarex system followed by a stent-in-stent placement procedure. Follow-up angiography and ultrasound scan performed 24 hours after the procedure revealed a patent vessel with satisfactory blood flow. Nowadays, imaging diagnostics of peripheral artery stenosis involves non-invasive examinations such as ultrasound, minimally invasive examinations such as angio-MRI and MDCT, or invasive examinations such as DSA and IVUS. DSA examinations are used to confirm significant stenosis or occlusion of a vessel, particularly when qualifying a patient for endovascular treatment. Due to their anatomic location, the superficial femoral artery and the popliteal artery are subject to various forces e.g. those exerted by the working muscles. Mechanical thrombectomy and atherectomy are efficient methods of arterial recanalization used in the treatment of acute, subacute or even chronic occlusions or stenosis of peripheral vessels. Frequency of angioplasty and vascular stent implantation procedures is increased in patients

  15. Drug-eluting stents appear superior to bare metal stents for vein-graft PCI in vessels up to a stent diameter of 4 mm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oliver P. Guttmann


    Full Text Available BackgroundResearch trials have shown improved short-term outcome with drug-eluting stents (DES over bare metal stents (BMS in saphenous vein graft (SVG percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, primarily by reducing target vessel revascularization (TVR for in-stent restenosis. We compared the outcomes in patients undergoing SVG stent implantation treated with DES or BMS. In exploratory analyses we investigated the influence of stent generation and diameter.MethodsData were obtained from a prospective database of 657 patients who underwent PCI for SVG lesions between 2003 and 2011. A total of 344 patients had PCI with BMS and 313 with DES. Propensity scores were developed based on 15 observed baseline covariates in a logistic regression model with stent type as the dependent variable. The nearest-neighbour-matching algorithm with Greedy 5-1 Digit Matching was used to produce two patient cohorts of 313 patients each. We assessed major adverse cardiac events (MACE out to a median of 3.3 years (interquartile range: 2.1-4.1. MACE was defined as all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction (MI, TVR and stroke.ResultsThere was a significant difference in MACE between the two groups in favour of DES (17.9% DES vs. 31.2% BMS group; p = 0.0017 over the 5-year follow-up period. MACE was driven by increased TVR in the BMS group. There was no difference in death, MI or stroke. Adjusted Cox analysis confirmed a decreased risk of MACE for DES compared with BMS 0.75 (95% confidence interval (CI 0.52-0.94, with no difference in the hazard of all-cause mortality (hazard ratio: 1.08; 95% CI: 0.77-1.68. However, when looking at stent diameters greater than 4 mm, no difference was seen in MACE rates between BMS and DES.ConclusionsOverall in our cohort of patients who had PCI for SVG disease, DES use resulted in lower MACE rates compared with BMS over a 5-year follow-up period; however, for stent diameters over 4 mm no difference in MACE rates was seen.

  16. Direct coronary stenting in reducing radiation and radiocontrast consumption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caluk, Jasmin; Osmanovic, Enes; Barakovic, Fahir; Kusljugic, Zumreta; Terzic, Ibrahim; Caluk, Selma; Sofic, Amela


    Coronary stenting is the primary means of coronary revascularization. There are two basic techniques of stent implantation: stenting with balloon predilatation of stenosis and stenting without predilatation (direct stenting). Limiting the time that a fluoroscope is activated and by appropriately managing the intensity of the applied radiation, the operator limits radiation in the environment, and this saves the exposure to the patient and all personnel in the room. Nephrotoxicity is one of the most important properties of radiocontrast. The smaller amount of radiocontrast used also provides multiple positive effects, primarily regarding the periprocedural risk for the patients with the reduced renal function. The goal of the study was to compare fluoroscopy time, the amount of radiocontrast, and expenses of material used in direct stenting and in stenting with predilatation. In a prospective study, 70 patients with coronary disease were randomized to direct stenting, or stenting with predilatation. Fluoroscopy time and radiocontrast use were significantly reduced in the directly stented patients in comparison to the patients stented with balloon-predilatation. The study showed a significant reduction of expenses when using a direct stenting method in comparison to stenting with predilatation. If the operator predicts that the procedure can be performed using direct stenting, he is encouraged to do so. Direct stenting is recommended for all percutaneous coronary interventions when appropriate conditions have been met. If direct stenting has been unsuccessful, the procedure can be converted to predilatation

  17. In vivo evaluation of axial integrity of coronary stents using intravascular ultrasound: Insights on longitudinal stent deformation. (United States)

    Dvir, Danny; Kitabata, Hironori; Barbash, Israel M; Minha, Sa'ar; Badr, Salem; Loh, Joshua P; Chen, Fang; Torguson, Rebecca; Waksman, Ron


    To evaluate the axial integrity of different coronary stents using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Longitudinal stent deformation was recently reported. Consecutive patients who underwent IVUS analysis after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation for de novo coronary lesions were evaluated. Stent length was compared with label length for calculation of absolute change and relative difference (absolute change divided by label length). A total of 233 DES utilizing five different platforms were included. The median absolute change in stent length was 0.90 mm (interquartile range [IQR] 0.48-1.39) and the relative difference was 5.24% (IQR 2.55-8.29). There was no significant difference among the groups in median absolute or relative change: Cypher 0.89 mm/3.89%, Taxus 0.88 mm/5.39%, Endeavor 1.16 mm/6.77%, Xience V 0.86 mm/5.80%, and PROMUS Element 0.79 mm/5.34% (P = 0.085, P = 0.072, respectively). Multivariate logistic regression revealed that the Cypher stent was independently correlated with a lower change in length, whereas stent label length and deployment pressure were correlated with higher absolute change. The axial integrity of DES platforms examined in vivo was high, with only mild changes in stent length after implantation. While there are differences between first- and second-generation DES, axial integrity among second-generation DES was similar. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Scintigraphic examinations after stent implantation in central airways; Szintigraphische Untersuchungen bei Stents in den zentralen Atemwegen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Richter, W.S.; Kettner, B.I.; Munz, D.L. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinikum Charite, Medizinische Fakulteat der Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin (Germany)


    Endotracheal and endobronchial stent implantation has been developed as an effective treatment of benign and malignant airway stenosis and of tracheo- or bronchoesophageal fistulas. The selection of the stent type depends on the kind and site of disease. Chest X-ray and bronchoscopy are the procedures of choice for monitoring of stent position, structure, and function. However, with scintigraphic methods the effects of stent implantation on pulmonary ventilation and perfusion can be assessed non-invasively. The validation of the effect of a stent implantation on mucociliary and tussive clearance remains to be elucidated. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die endotracheale und -bronchiale Stentimplantation wurde in den letzten Jahren als effektive Massnahme bei benignen und malignen Stenosen der Atemwege, drohendem Atemwegsverschluss und bei tracheo- bzw. bronchooesophagealen Fisteln eingefuehrt. Der gewaehlte Stenttyp richtet sich nach dem Implantationsort und den krankheitsbedingten Veraenderungen. Zum Monitoring von Lage, Struktur und Funktion eines Stents dienen Thoraxroentgenaufnahmen und die Bronchoskopie. Nuklearmedizinische Verfahren koennen nicht-invasiv den Effekt der Stenteinlage auf Lungenventilation und -perfusion belegen. Die Validierung des Effekts einer Stentimplantation auf die mukoziliaere und tussive Clearance steht noch aus. (orig.)

  19. Efficacy of different types of self-expandable stents in carotid artery stenting for carotid bifurcation stenosis. (United States)

    Liu, Ya-min; Qin, Hao; Zhang, Bo; Wang, Yu-jing; Feng, Jun; Wu, Xiang


    Both open and closed loop self-expandable stents were used in carotid artery stenting (CAS) for carotid bifurcation stenosis. We sought to compare the efficacy of two types of stents in CAS. The data of 212 patients treated with CAS (42 and 170 cases implanted with closed and open loop stents, respectively) for carotid bifurcation stenosis and distal filtration protection devices were retrospectively analyzed. Between closed and open loop stents, there were no significant differences in hospitalization duration, NIHSS score before and after the treatment, stenosis at 12th month, and cumulative incidence of primary endpoint events within 30 days or from the 31st day to the 12th month; while there were significant differences in hemodynamic changes and rate of difficulty in recycling distal filtration protection devices. Use of open vs. closed loop stents for carotid bifurcation stenosis seems to be associated with similar incidence of complications, except for greater rate of hemodynamic changes and lower rate of difficulty in recycling the distal filtration protection devices.

  20. Clinical application of hepatic vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent after stent placement in inferior vena cava

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Hao; Zu Maoheng; Gu Yuming; Li Guojun; Zhang Qingqiao; Wei Ning; Xu Wei; Liu Hongtao


    Objective: To investigate the feasibility and effect of recanalization of hepatic vein with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stent after stent placement in inferior vena cava (IVC). Methods: Eleven patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS)were once performed metal stent placement in IVC at other hospital, but ascites was not subsided in 9 patients after the stent placement and occurred again in 2 patients in 3 months after the procedure. PTA and metal stent placement were used to treat the occlusion of the hepatic vein (HV) via stent in IVC. Results: Recanalization of occlusive HV was successful in all 11 patients, and symptoms disappeared or were obviously improved. The mean blood pressure in HV dropped from pre-operation (45.12 ± 1.57) cm H 2 O (1 cm H 2 O=0.098 kPa) to post-operation (17.53 ± 0.68) cm H 2 O (P<0.01). In a period of 4-30 months (mean: 13.6 months) following-up, no patient reoccurred symptoms. Conclusion: Recanalization of HV via stent in IVC is a feasible and effective method for occlusive HV, but it is difficult. (authors)

  1. Semi-Automatic Electronic Stent Register: a novel approach to preventing ureteric stents lost to follow up. (United States)

    Macneil, James W H; Michail, Peter; Patel, Manish I; Ashbourne, Julie; Bariol, Simon V; Ende, David A; Hossack, Tania A; Lau, Howard; Wang, Audrey C; Brooks, Andrew J


    Ureteric stents are indispensable tools in modern urology; however, the risk of them not being followed-up once inserted poses medical and medico-legal risks. Stent registers are a common solution to mitigate this risk; however, manual registers are logistically challenging, especially for busy units. Western Sydney Local Health District developed a novel Semi-Automatic Electronic Stent Register (SAESR) utilizing billing information to track stent insertions. To determine the utility of this system, an audit was conducted comparing the 6 months before the introduction of the register to the first 6 months of the register. In the first 6 months of the register, 457 stents were inserted. At the time of writing, two of these are severely delayed for removal, representing a rate of 0.4%. In the 6 months immediately preceding the introduction of the register, 497 stents were inserted, and six were either missed completely or severely delayed in their removal, representing a rate of 1.2%. A non-inferiority analysis found this to be no worse than the results achieved before the introduction of the register. The SAESR allowed us to improve upon our better than expected rate of stents lost to follow up or severely delayed. We demonstrated non-inferiority in the rate of lost or severely delayed stents, and a number of other advantages including savings in personnel costs. The semi-automatic register represents an effective way of reducing the risk associated with a common urological procedure. We believe that this methodology could be implemented elsewhere. © 2017 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

  2. Basic Knowledge about Metal Stent Development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seok Jeong


    Full Text Available Biliary self-expandable metal stents (SEMS, a group of non-vascular stents, have been used in the palliative management of biliary obstruction around the world. However, there are still unmet needs in the clinical application of biliary SEMS. Comprehensive understanding of the SEMS is required to resolve the drawbacks and difficulties of metal stent development. The basic structure of SEMS, including the materials and knitting methods of metal wires, covering materials, and radiopaque markers, are discussed in this review. What we know about the physical and mechanical properties of the SEMS is very important. With an understanding of the basic knowledge of metal stents, hurdles such as stent occlusion, migration, and kinking can be overcome to develop more ideal SEMS.

  3. System for the reliability analysis of the electric energy supply; Sistema para el analisis de confiabilidad del suministro de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perales, Favio; Martinez, Javier; Huesca, Francisco; Garcia, Norma; Nieva, Rolando [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A computer tool, developed for the reliability evaluation of the electric energy supply, considering the faults in the generation and transmission systems, is presented. The application of the tool in planning the expansion and operation of the electric systems, the methodology of the solution employed and the various functions it accounts for, are described. At the end some illustrative examples of its applications by means of the studies with a model of representative characteristics of the interconnected national system. [Espanol] Se presenta una herramienta computacional desarrollada para evaluar la confiabilidad del suministro de energia electrica, considerando las fallas en los sistemas de generacion y transmision. Se describen las aplicaciones de la herramienta en la planeacion de la expansion y de la operacion de sistemas electricos, la metodologia de solucion empleada y las diversas funciones con que cuenta. Al final se presentan algunos ejemplos ilustrativos de sus aplicaciones mediante estudios con un modelo de caracteristicas representativas del sistema interconectado nacional.

  4. System for the reliability analysis of the electric energy supply; Sistema para el analisis de confiabilidad del suministro de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perales, Favio; Martinez, Javier; Huesca, Francisco; Garcia, Norma; Nieva, Rolando [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A computer tool, developed for the reliability evaluation of the electric energy supply, considering the faults in the generation and transmission systems, is presented. The application of the tool in planning the expansion and operation of the electric systems, the methodology of the solution employed and the various functions it accounts for, are described. At the end some illustrative examples of its applications by means of the studies with a model of representative characteristics of the interconnected national system. [Espanol] Se presenta una herramienta computacional desarrollada para evaluar la confiabilidad del suministro de energia electrica, considerando las fallas en los sistemas de generacion y transmision. Se describen las aplicaciones de la herramienta en la planeacion de la expansion y de la operacion de sistemas electricos, la metodologia de solucion empleada y las diversas funciones con que cuenta. Al final se presentan algunos ejemplos ilustrativos de sus aplicaciones mediante estudios con un modelo de caracteristicas representativas del sistema interconectado nacional.

  5. Efecto de cinco Dosis de Heterorhabditis indica Poinat cepa P2M sobre la broca del café (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari).


    Yander Fernández Cancio; Marcos Tulio García González; Manuel Rodríguez González


    Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de Heterorhaditis indica cepa P2M en el manejo de la broca del café (Hypotenemushampei Ferrari) se realizó la investigación en condiciones controladas en el Laboratorio Provincial de Sanidad Vegetal de Sancti Spíritus con cinco dosis del patógeno: 20, 45, 75, 100 y 200 individuos juveniles infestiles/adulto (iji/adulto). Se diseñaron dos experimentos: variante 1 con aplicaciones directa sobre los adultos del insecto en placas Petri con siete repeticiones y...

  6. Prevention of stent thrombosis: challenges and solutions (United States)

    Reejhsinghani, Risheen; Lotfi, Amir S


    Stent thrombosis is an uncommon but serious complication which carries with it significant mortality and morbidity. This review analyzes the entity of stent thrombosis from a historical and clinical perspective, and chronicles the evolution of this condition through the various generations of stent development, from bare metal to first-generation, second-generation, and third-generation drug-eluting stents. It also delineates the specific risk factors associated with stent thrombosis and comprehensively examines the literature related to each of these risks. Finally, it highlights the preventative strategies that can be garnered from the existing data, and concludes that a multifactorial approach is necessary to combat the occurrence of stent thrombosis, with higher risk groups, such as patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, meriting further research. PMID:25657588

  7. 21 CFR 876.4620 - Ureteral stent. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Ureteral stent. 876.4620 Section 876.4620 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES GASTROENTEROLOGY-UROLOGY DEVICES Surgical Devices § 876.4620 Ureteral stent. (a) Identification. A ureteral stent...

  8. Stents: Biomechanics, Biomaterials, and Insights from Computational Modeling. (United States)

    Karanasiou, Georgia S; Papafaklis, Michail I; Conway, Claire; Michalis, Lampros K; Tzafriri, Rami; Edelman, Elazer R; Fotiadis, Dimitrios I


    Coronary stents have revolutionized the treatment of coronary artery disease. Improvement in clinical outcomes requires detailed evaluation of the performance of stent biomechanics and the effectiveness as well as safety of biomaterials aiming at optimization of endovascular devices. Stents need to harmonize the hemodynamic environment and promote beneficial vessel healing processes with decreased thrombogenicity. Stent design variables and expansion properties are critical for vessel scaffolding. Drug-elution from stents, can help inhibit in-stent restenosis, but adds further complexity as drug release kinetics and coating formulations can dominate tissue responses. Biodegradable and bioabsorbable stents go one step further providing complete absorption over time governed by corrosion and erosion mechanisms. The advances in computing power and computational methods have enabled the application of numerical simulations and the in silico evaluation of the performance of stent devices made up of complex alloys and bioerodible materials in a range of dimensions and designs and with the capacity to retain and elute bioactive agents. This review presents the current knowledge on stent biomechanics, stent fatigue as well as drug release and mechanisms governing biodegradability focusing on the insights from computational modeling approaches.

  9. Análisis del comportamiento de los viajeros del transporte interurbano en la isla de Gran Canaria


    Cristóbal Betancor, Teresa


    Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI) [ES] En este trabajo se hace uso de técnicas de Inteligencia de Negocio y Minería de Datos para la extracción de conocimiento útil para la empresa concesionaria del servicio de transporte interurbano de la isla de Gran Canaria. El objetivo ha sido encontrar un patrón que permita predecir la cantidad de viajeros que querrán ir de un punto a otro de red de transporte en un momento dado. Para ello se ...

  10. A novel, ring-connected stent versus conventional GI stents: comparative study of physical properties and migration rates in a canine colon obstruction model. (United States)

    Park, Hong Suk; Choo, In Wook; Seo, Soowon; Hyun, Dongho; Lim, Sooyoun; Kim, Jae J; Hong, Saet-Byul; Min, Byung-Hoon; Do, Young Soo; Choo, Sung Wook; Shin, Sung Wook; Park, Kwang Bo; Cho, Sung Ki


    Migration of stents is one of the most common adverse events in covered stent placement in GI tract obstruction. To compare physical property and migration rates in a canine colon obstruction model among a novel stent and conventional stents. Comparative physical test and animal study. Medical device testing laboratory and animal laboratory. Mongrel dogs (N=26). Surgical colon obstruction followed by placement of a novel (n=13) or conventional (n=13) stent. Physical properties, migration, and adverse events. The novel stent showed better flexibility, as in a physical test of longitudinal compressibility and axial force, than did conventional stents, and it withstood the fatigue test for 10 days. In terms of radial force and tensile strength, the novel stent showed the same or better results than conventional stents. In a canine colon obstruction model, the migration rate of a novel stent was significantly lower than that of a conventional stent (2/13, 15.4% vs 8/13, 61.5%; P=.008). Animal study of limited size. The novel, ring-connected stent is more flexible and more resistant to migration than the conventional stents. Copyright © 2015 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Clinical presentation and outcomes of coronary in-stent restenosis across 3-stent generations. (United States)

    Magalhaes, Marco A; Minha, Sa'ar; Chen, Fang; Torguson, Rebecca; Omar, Al Fazir; Loh, Joshua P; Escarcega, Ricardo O; Lipinski, Michael J; Baker, Nevin C; Kitabata, Hironori; Ota, Hideaki; Suddath, William O; Satler, Lowell F; Pichard, Augusto D; Waksman, Ron


    Clinical presentation of bare metal stent in-stent restenosis (ISR) in patients undergoing target lesion revascularization is well characterized and negatively affects on outcomes, whereas the presentation and outcomes of first- and second-generation drug-eluting stents (DESs) remains under-reported. The study included 909 patients (1077 ISR lesions) distributed as follows: bare metal stent (n=388), first-generation DES (n=425), and second-generation DES (n=96), categorized into acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or non-ACS presentation mode at the time of first target lesion revascularization. ACS was further classified as myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina. For bare metal stent, first-generation DES and second-generation DES, ACS was the clinical presentation in 67.8%, 71.0%, and 66.7% of patients, respectively (P=0.470), whereas MI occurred in 10.6%, 10.1%, and 5.2% of patients, respectively (P=0.273). The correlates for MI as ISR presentation were current smokers (odds ratio, 3.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.78-5.13; Ppresentations had an independent effect on major adverse cardiac events (death, MI, and re-target lesion revascularization) at 6 months (MI versus non-ACS: adjusted hazard ratio, 4.06; 95% CI, 1.84-8.94; Pclinical presentation is similar irrespective of stent type. MI as ISR presentation seems to be associated with patient and not device-related factors. ACS as ISR presentation has an independent effect on major adverse cardiac events, suggesting that ISR remains a hazard and should be minimized. © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana María Molina

    Full Text Available El paujil de pico azul, Crax alberti, es un ave endémica del norte de Colombia en peligro crítico de extinción, sometida a la pérdida del hábitat y a la cacería de subsistencia como principales amenazas. Se desarrolló una aplicación de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG para comparar el estado de conservación de las áreas de bosque, hábitat del paujil de pico azul, en 15 municipios de la región del nororiente de Antioquia en dos períodos de tiempo diferentes (1986 y 2002. La aplicación desarrollada que incorpora información cartográfica digital permitió clasificar ocho zonas definidas en el área de estudio para realizar un análisis de las prioridades de conservación. Se formularon, además, algunas recomendaciones para futuras aplicaciones de SIG como herramienta para la gestión de la conservación de especies amenazadas en Colombia.

  13. Functional Self-Expandable Metal Stents in Biliary Obstruction (United States)

    Kwon, Chang-Il; Ko, Kwang Hyun; Hahm, Ki Baik


    Biliary stents are widely used not only for palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruction but also for benign biliary diseases. Each plastic stent or self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) has its own advantages, and a proper stent should be selected carefully for individual condition. To compensate and overcome several drawbacks of SEMS, functional self-expandable metal stent (FSEMS) has been developed with much progress so far. This article looks into the outcomes and defects of each stent type for benign biliary stricture and describes newly introduced FSEMSs according to their functional categories. PMID:24143314

  14. Effects of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents or bare metal stent on fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valgimigli, Marco; Sabaté, Manel; Kaiser, Christoph


    eluting stents with bare metal stents were selected. The principal investigators whose trials met the inclusion criteria provided data for individual patients. PRIMARY OUTCOMES: The primary outcome was cardiac mortality. Secondary endpoints were myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, definite...... a significant reduction of cardiac mortality (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 0.91; P=0.01), myocardial infarction (0.71, 0.55 to 0.92; P=0.01), definite stent thrombosis (0.41, 0.22 to 0.76; P=0.005), definite or probable stent thrombosis (0.48, 0.31 to 0.73; P... coronary syndrome v stable coronary artery disease), diabetes mellitus, female sex, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, and up to one year v longer duration treatment with dual antiplatelets. CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis offers evidence that compared with bare metal stents the use of cobalt...

  15. Y-configuration double-stent-assisted coiling using two closed-cell stents for wide-neck basilar tip aneurysms. (United States)

    Jeon, Pyoung; Kim, Byung Moon; Kim, Dong Joon; Kim, Dong I K; Park, Keun Young


    This study aimed to evaluate clinical and angiographic outcomes of Y-configuration double-stent-assisted (Y-stent) coiling using two closed-cell stents for wide-necked basilar tip aneurysm (BTA). A total of 25 patients underwent Y-stent coiling using two closed-cell stents as a first-time treatment in 18 (3 ruptured) BTAs, retreatment in 2 BTAs and as a third treatment in 5 wide-necked BTAs. Clinical and angiographic outcomes were evaluated retrospectively. Treatment-related complications were three (12.0 %) thromboembolic infarctions due to two acute in-stent thromboses and one embolism. Twenty-two (88 %) patients had favorable outcomes (modified Rankin scale score [mRS], 0-2) during the follow-up period (mean, 30 months; range, 6-54 months). Two patients died: one from initial subarachnoid hemorrhage and the other from intracerebral hemorrhage due to underlying Moyamoya disease. Post-treatment angiograms showed complete occlusion in nine aneurysms, residual neck in 11 aneurysms and residual sac in five aneurysms. Follow-up angiograms were available at least once between 5 to 34 months (mean, 16 months) in 21 patients. Nineteen patients showed improved or stable states (complete occlusion, n = 17; residual neck, n = 2). Major recurrences occurred in two BTAs (9.5 %). Those two major recurrent aneurysms had been large-sized aneurysms at the initial coiling procedure. Both showed not only coil compaction but also progressive growth to giant-sized aneurysms and intra-aneurysmal thrombus formation at the Y-stent coiling as a third-time treatment. Y-stent coiling using two closed-cell stents is a safe and durable treatment option for wide-necked BTA, but may have limited efficacy for large/giant sized and thrombosed aneurysms.

  16. Management of JJ stent-related symptoms. (United States)

    Papatsoris, Athanasios; Dellis, Athanasios; Daglas, George; Sanguedolce, Francesco


    Ureteric JJ stents are inserted in numerous pa- tients as a routine procedure. Nevertheless, the ideal JJ stent that does not cause any lower urinary tract symptoms has not been developed yet. Even special validated ques- tionnaires have been used for the assessment of JJ stent-related symtoms. For the management of such symtoms usually alpha-blockers are admin- istered. Also, studies have examined the efficacy and safety of anticholinergics and calcium channel blo- ckers. In this article we review the literature upon the management of JJ stent-related symptoms.

  17. 21 CFR 884.3900 - Vaginal stent. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Vaginal stent. 884.3900 Section 884.3900 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES... stent. (a) Identification. A vaginal stent is a device used to enlarge the vagina by stretching, or to...

  18. New expandable metallic stents: An experimental study in vessels of dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Ho Young; Lee, Jung Min; Chung, Jin Young; Chung, Gyung Ho; Kim, Bog Yi; Kuh, Ja Houng


    Three-types of expandable metallic stents were constructed to evaluate the differences between the stents: one, formed in a cylindrical zigzag pattern wth stainless steel wire (Gianturco stent), another, made by coating the Gianturco stent with silicone rubber (Silicone stent), the third, made by coating the Gianturco stent with 24 carat gold (Gold stent) for tissue acceptance. A total of 69 stents (each 23 stents of Gianturco, Silicone, and Gold stents) of 8-12 mm in diameter and 20 mm long were placed into normal abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava and lilac artery of nine adults dogs for 2 weeks to 11 months. It was more difficult to introduce Silicone stent into an introducing sheath than Gianturco or Gold stent due to the thickness of silicone rubber. Four Gianturco stents and three Silicone stents showed migration but Gold stent did not. Luminal narrowing or occlusion was noted in 3 Silicone stents. In 2 Gianturco stents, and in 1 Gold stent. Neointimal proliferation over the stent wires was more rapid and even in Gold stent than Silicone or Gianturco stent. Although further study is needed, Gold stent seems to be better than Gianturco or Silicone stent as an endovascular graft material

  19. New expandable metallic stents: An experimental study in vessels of dogs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Ho Young; Lee, Jung Min; Chung, Jin Young; Chung, Gyung Ho; Kim, Bog Yi; Kuh, Ja Houng [Chunbuk National University Medical School, Chunju (Korea, Republic of)


    Three-types of expandable metallic stents were constructed to evaluate the differences between the stents: one, formed in a cylindrical zigzag pattern wth stainless steel wire (Gianturco stent), another, made by coating the Gianturco stent with silicone rubber (Silicone stent), the third, made by coating the Gianturco stent with 24 carat gold (Gold stent) for tissue acceptance. A total of 69 stents (each 23 stents of Gianturco, Silicone, and Gold stents) of 8-12 mm in diameter and 20 mm long were placed into normal abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava and lilac artery of nine adults dogs for 2 weeks to 11 months. It was more difficult to introduce Silicone stent into an introducing sheath than Gianturco or Gold stent due to the thickness of silicone rubber. Four Gianturco stents and three Silicone stents showed migration but Gold stent did not. Luminal narrowing or occlusion was noted in 3 Silicone stents. In 2 Gianturco stents, and in 1 Gold stent. Neointimal proliferation over the stent wires was more rapid and even in Gold stent than Silicone or Gianturco stent. Although further study is needed, Gold stent seems to be better than Gianturco or Silicone stent as an endovascular graft material.

  20. Iliocaval Confluence Stenting for Chronic Venous Obstructions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Graaf, Rick de, E-mail: [Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC), Department of Radiology (Netherlands); Wolf, Mark de, E-mail: [Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC), Department of Surgery (Netherlands); Sailer, Anna M., E-mail: [Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC), Department of Radiology (Netherlands); Laanen, Jorinde van, E-mail:; Wittens, Cees, E-mail: [Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC), Department of Surgery (Netherlands); Jalaie, Houman, E-mail: [University Hospital Aachen, Department of Surgery (Germany)


    PurposeDifferent techniques have been described for stenting of venous obstructions. We report our experience with two different confluence stenting techniques to treat chronic bi-iliocaval obstructions.Materials and MethodsBetween 11/2009 and 08/2014 we treated 40 patients for chronic total bi-iliocaval obstructions. Pre-operative magnetic resonance venography showed bilateral extensive post-thrombotic scarring in common and external iliac veins as well as obstruction of the inferior vena cava (IVC). Stenting of the IVC was performed with large self-expandable stents down to the level of the iliocaval confluence. To bridge the confluence, either self-expandable stents were placed inside the IVC stent (24 patients, SECS group) or high radial force balloon-expandable stents were placed at the same level (16 patients, BECS group). In both cases, bilateral iliac extensions were performed using nitinol stents.ResultsRecanalization was achieved for all patients. In 15 (38 %) patients, a hybrid procedure with endophlebectomy and arteriovenous fistula creation needed to be performed because of significant involvement of inflow vessels below the inguinal ligament. Mean follow-up was 443 ± 438 days (range 7–1683 days). For all patients, primary, assisted-primary, and secondary patency rate at 36 months were 70, 73, and 78 %, respectively. Twelve-month patency rates in the SECS group were 85, 85, and 95 % for primary, assisted-primary, and secondary patency. In the BECS group, primary patency was 100 % during a mean follow-up period of 134 ± 118 (range 29–337) days.ConclusionStenting of chronic bi-iliocaval obstruction shows relatively high patency rates at medium follow-up. Short-term patency seems to favor confluence stenting with balloon-expandable stents.

  1. Complication after self expandable metallic stent for esophageal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagahama, Takeshi; Maruyama, Michio; Kato, Kiyomi; Shinoura, Hiroshi; Hasegawa, Kumi; Takashima, Itaru; Ebuchi, Masakazu


    Major complications after placement of esophageal stent and airway stent were reviewed and evaluated. Four patients, including two patients with perforations and two patients with fistula formation, developed major complications after placement of a self expandable metallic stent. Two patients underwent additional radiation to improve stricture after stent placement. In one patient, stent placement was selected to improve esophageal stricture that occurred after radical radiation therapy. In one patient, migration of stent into the lesion caused a perforation. It can be concluded that additional radiation after stent placement increases the risk of complication. Stent migration also can lead to the risk of perforation. (author)

  2. The Role Of Inflammation In Stent Restenosis More Than 1 Year Afetr Drug Eluting Stent Implantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasan Shemirani


    Full Text Available Background: In stent restenosis (ISR following endovascular interventions is the main limitation of their long-term success. Despite advances have been made during recent years to decrease restenosis, it remains a challenging clinical problem.The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between angiographic coronary in stent restenosis, inflammation after successful stent implantation. Methods: This study included 78 patients, 35year old and higher who underwent coronary angiography more than 1 year after drug-eluting stent (DES implantation because of symptoms suggestive ischemia. Patients were divided into ISR group (case and patent stent group (control according to angiography results. For all patients blood lipids and high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP were measured simultaneously. Results: Age, sex, hypertension, current smoking, and lipid profile other than High Density Lipoprotein (HDL-C of patients in the case and control groups were similar .However, HDL-C < 40mg/L was more prevalent with ISR (66.7% vs. 30.8%, p=0.002. The hsCRP level was 2.98±2.06 mg/L in the case group and 2.50±1.80 mg/L in the control group. There were no significant differences in mean hsCRP concentration between the two groups (p=0.14, however mean hsCRP level was significantly higher in men of case group than control group (3.35mg/L vs. 2.21mg/L, p<0.05. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that in men but not in women inflammation may be a predictor of in stent restenosis more than 1 year after drug eluting stent implantation. Also, high-density lipoprotein (HDL probably has protective effect against stent restenosis.

  3. Effects of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents or bare metal stent on fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events: patient level meta-analysis. (United States)

    Valgimigli, Marco; Sabaté, Manel; Kaiser, Christoph; Brugaletta, Salvatore; de la Torre Hernandez, Jose Maria; Galatius, Soeren; Cequier, Angel; Eberli, Franz; de Belder, Adam; Serruys, Patrick W; Ferrante, Giuseppe


    To examine the safety and effectiveness of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents compared with bare metal stents. Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Cox proportional regression models stratified by trial, containing random effects, were used to assess the impact of stent type on outcomes. Hazard ratios with 95% confidence interval for outcomes were reported. Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomised controlled trials that compared cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents with bare metal stents were selected. The principal investigators whose trials met the inclusion criteria provided data for individual patients. The primary outcome was cardiac mortality. Secondary endpoints were myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, definite or probable stent thrombosis, target vessel revascularisation, and all cause death. The search yielded five randomised controlled trials, comprising 4896 participants. Compared with patients receiving bare metal stents, participants receiving cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents had a significant reduction of cardiac mortality (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 0.91; P=0.01), myocardial infarction (0.71, 0.55 to 0.92; P=0.01), definite stent thrombosis (0.41, 0.22 to 0.76; P=0.005), definite or probable stent thrombosis (0.48, 0.31 to 0.73; Pstents the use of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents improves global cardiovascular outcomes including cardiac survival, myocardial infarction, and overall stent thrombosis. © Valgimigli et al 2014.

  4. Metallic ureteral stents in malignant ureteral obstruction: short-term results and radiological features predicting stent failure in patients with non-urological malignancies. (United States)

    Chow, Po-Ming; Hsu, Jui-Shan; Wang, Shuo-Meng; Yu, Hong-Jheng; Pu, Yeong-Shiau; Liu, Kao-Lang


    To provide short-term result of the metallic ureteral stent in patients with malignant ureteral obstruction and identify radiological findings predicting stent failure. The records of all patients with non-urological malignant diseases who have received metallic ureteral stents from July 2009 to March 2012 for ureteral obstruction were reviewed. Stent failure was detected by clinical symptoms and imaging studies. Survival analysis was used to estimate patency rates and factors predicting stent failure. A total of 74 patients with 130 attempts of stent insertion were included. A total of 113 (86.9 %) stents were inserted successfully and 103 (91.2 %) achieved primary patency. After excluding cases without sufficient imaging data, 94 stents were included in the survival analysis. The median functional duration of the 94 stents was 6.2 months (range 3-476 days). Obstruction in abdominal ureter (p = 0.0279) and lymphatic metastasis around ureter (p = 0.0398) were risk factors for stent failure. The median functional durations of the stents for abdominal and pelvic obstructions were 4.5 months (range 3-263 days) and 6.5 months (range 4-476 days), respectively. The median durations of the stents with and without lymphatic metastasis were 5.3 months (range 4-398 days) and 7.8 months (range 31-476 days), respectively. Metallic ureteral stents are effective and safe in relieving ureteral obstructions resulting from non-urological malignancies, and abdominal ureteral obstruction and lymphatic metastasis around ureter were associated with shorter functional duration.

  5. A sirolimus-eluting bioabsorbable polymer-coated stent (MiStent) versus an everolimus-eluting durable polymer stent (Xience) after percutaneous coronary intervention (DESSOLVE III): a randomised, single-blind, multicentre, non-inferiority, phase 3 trial. (United States)

    de Winter, Robbert J; Katagiri, Yuki; Asano, Taku; Milewski, Krzysztof P; Lurz, Philipp; Buszman, Pawel; Jessurun, Gillian A J; Koch, Karel T; Troquay, Roland P T; Hamer, Bas J B; Ophuis, Ton Oude; Wöhrle, Jochen; Wyderka, Rafał; Cayla, Guillaume; Hofma, Sjoerd H; Levesque, Sébastien; Żurakowski, Aleksander; Fischer, Dieter; Kośmider, Maciej; Goube, Pascal; Arkenbout, E Karin; Noutsias, Michel; Ferrari, Markus W; Onuma, Yoshinobu; Wijns, William; Serruys, Patrick W


    MiStent is a drug-eluting stent with a fully absorbable polymer coating containing and embedding a microcrystalline form of sirolimus into the vessel wall. It was developed to overcome the limitation of current durable polymer drug-eluting stents eluting amorphous sirolimus. The clinical effect of MiStent sirolimus-eluting stent compared with a durable polymer drug-eluting stents has not been investigated in a large randomised trial in an all-comer population. We did a randomised, single-blind, multicentre, phase 3 study (DESSOLVE III) at 20 hospitals in Germany, France, Netherlands, and Poland. Eligible participants were any patients aged at least 18 years who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention in a lesion and had a reference vessel diameter of 2·50-3·75 mm. We randomly assigned patients (1:1) to implantation of either a sirolimus-eluting bioresorbable polymer stent (MiStent) or an everolimus-eluting durable polymer stent (Xience). Randomisation was done by local investigators via web-based software with random blocks according to centre. The primary endpoint was a non-inferiority comparison of a device-oriented composite endpoint (DOCE)-cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction, or clinically indicated target lesion revascularisation-between the groups at 12 months after the procedure assessed by intention-to-treat. A margin of 4·0% was defined for non-inferiority of the MiStent group compared with the Xience group. All participants were included in the safety analyses. This trial is registered with, number NCT02385279. Between March 20, and Dec 3, 2015, we randomly assigned 1398 patients with 2030 lesions; 703 patients with 1037 lesions were assigned to MiStent, of whom 697 received the index procedure, and 695 patients with 993 lesions were asssigned to Xience, of whom 690 received the index procedure. At 12 months, the primary endpoint had occurred in 40 patients (5·8%) in the sirolimus-eluting stent group and in 45

  6. Assessment Of Coronary Arterial Stents By Multislice-CT Angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maintz, D.; Fallenberg, E. M.; Heindel, W.; Fischbach, R.; Grude, M.


    Purpose: To assess patency and lumen visibility of coronary artery stents by multislice-CT angiography (MSCTA) in comparison with conventional coronary angiography as the standard of reference. Material and Methods: 47 stents of 13 different types were evaluated in 29 patients. MSCTA was performed on a 4-slice scanner with a standard coronary protocol (detector collimation 4 x 1 mm; table feed 1.5 mm/rotation, 400 mAs, 120 kV). Image evaluation was performed by two readers who were blinded to the reports from the catheter angiography. MIP reconstructions were evaluated for image quality on a 4-point scale (1 = poor, 4 = excellent) and stent patency (contrast distal to the stent as an indirect patency sign). Axial images and multiplanar reformations through the stents were used for assessment of stent lumen visibility (measurement of the visible stent lumen diameter) and detection of relevant in-stent stenosis (50%). Results: Image quality was fair to good on average (score 2.64 ± 1.0) and depended on the heart rate (heart rate 45-60: average score 3.2, heart rate 61-70: average score 2.8, heart rate >71: average score 1.4). Thirty-seven stents were correctly classified as patent, 1 was correctly classified as occluded and 9 stents were not assessable due to insufficient image quality because of triggering artifacts. Parts of the stent lumen could be visualized in 30 cases. On average, 20-40% of the stent lumen diameter was visible. Twenty-five stents were correctly classified as having no stenosis, 1 was falsely classified as stenosed, 1 was correctly classified as occluded. In 20 stents lumen visibility was not sufficient for stenosis evaluation. Conclusion: Although the stent lumen may be partly visualized in most stents, a reliable evaluation of in-stent stenoses does not seem practical by 4-slice MSCT. Nevertheless, for stent patency evaluation, MS-CTA might provide valuable clinical information. With submillimeter MSCT (e.g. 16-slice scanners) and more

  7. Risk factors for proximal migration of biliary tube stents. (United States)

    Kawaguchi, Yoshiaki; Ogawa, Masami; Kawashima, Yohei; Mizukami, Hajime; Maruno, Atsuko; Ito, Hiroyuki; Mine, Tetsuya


    To analyze the risk factors for biliary stent migration in patients with benign and malignant strictures. Endoscopic stent placement was performed in 396 patients with bile duct stenosis, at our institution, between June 2003 and March 2009. The indications for bile duct stent implantation included common bile duct stone in 190 patients, malignant lesions in 112, chronic pancreatitis in 62, autoimmune pancreatitis in 14, trauma in eight, surgical complications in six, and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) in four. We retrospectively examined the frequency of stent migration, and analyzed the patient factors (disease, whether endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed, location of bile duct stenosis and diameter of the bile duct) and stent characteristics (duration of stent placement, stent type, diameter and length). Moreover, we investigated retrieval methods for migrated stents and their associated success rates. The frequency of tube stent migration in the total patient population was 3.5%. The cases in which tube stent migration occurred included those with common bile duct stones (3/190; 1.6%), malignant lesions (2/112; 1.8%), chronic pancreatitis (4/62; 6.5%), autoimmune pancreatitis (2/14; 14.3%), trauma (1/8; 12.5%), surgical complications (2/6; 33.3%), and PSC (0/4; 0%). The potential risk factors for migration included bile duct stenosis secondary to benign disease such as chronic pancreatitis and autoimmune pancreatitis (P = 0.030); stenosis of the lower bile duct (P = 0.031); bile duct diameter > 10 mm (P = 0.023); duration of stent placement > 1 mo (P = 0.007); use of straight-type stents (P stents (P stents was successful in all cases. The grasping technique, using a basket or snare, was effective for pig-tailed or thin and straight stents, whereas the guidewire cannulation technique was effective for thick and straight stents. Migration of tube stents within the bile duct is rare but possible, and it is important to determine the risk factors

  8. Stenting plus coiling: dangerous or helpful?; Stenting plus Coiling bei akut rupturierten intrakraniellen Aneurysmen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wanke, I.; Gizewski, E.; Doerfler, A.; Stolke, D.; Forsting, M. [Essen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Radiologie und Neuroradiologie


    Purpose: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the procedural risk of treating acute ruptured aneurysms with a stentcoil combination. Material and methods: between August 2001 and January 2004 we treated nine acute subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients with a combination of stents and platinum coils. Results: six aneurysms were 100% eliminated; the residual three aneurysms had a 95% to 99% occlusion. A transient thrombosis in the stent in one patient could be recanalized by intravenous application of ReoPro {sup registered}. In another patient an occlusive vasospasm at the distal end of the stent was successfully treated with intraarterial Nimotop {sup registered}. Neurological complications occurred in none of the patients. Conclusion: in broad-based aneurysms which cannot be clipped or in which any neurosurgical treatment presents an unacceptably high risk (posterior circulation and paraophthalmic aneurysms), treatment using a combination of stent and platinum coils might be an option even in the acute phase of an SAH. Platelet aggregation can be treated with Aspirin registered and Plavix {sup registered} after placement of the first coil, vasospasms with intraarterial Nimotop {sup registered}, and acute stent thrombosis with GP IIa/IIIb-antagonists. (orig.)

  9. TACE Combined with Implantation of Irradiation Stent Versus TACE Combine with Bare Stent for HCC Complicated by IVCTT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Qing-hui; Zhang, Wen; Liu, Qing-xin; Liu, Ling-xiao [Fudan University, Department of Interventional Radiology, Zhongshan Hospital (China); Wu, Lin-lin [Tengzhou Central People’s Hospital, Department of Oncology (China); Wang, Jian-hua; Yan, Zhi-ping, E-mail:; Luo, Jian-jun, E-mail: [Fudan University, Department of Interventional Radiology, Zhongshan Hospital (China)


    PurposeThis study was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) combined with intra-IVC implantation of an irradiation stent for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) complicated by inferior vena cava tumor thrombosis (IVCTT).MethodsSixty-one consecutive patients with HCC complicated by IVCTT treated by TACE combined with IVC stenting were retrospectively analysed. IVC stenting was performed using a stent loaded with {sup 125}I seeds strands (the irradiation stent) in 33 patients (Group A) and 28 patients with a bare stent (Group B). Propensity score matching eliminated the baseline differences. Overall survival, oedema related to IVC obstruction remission rate and procedure-related adverse events were compared between the two groups.ResultsThe adverse effect rate was similar for both Group A and Group B patients, and complications were adequately handled by medical treatment. TACE combined with implantation of an irradiation stent showed a significant median survival benefit over TACE combined with a bare stent, with a median survival time of 203.0 ± 28.135 days versus 93.0 ± 24.341 days (p = 0.006). The propensity score-matched (24 pairs) cohort analyses (200 ± 31.231 days vs. 66 ± 23.270 days, p = 0.019). The oedema remission rate was 97.0 % in group A patients and 96.4 % in group B, respectively. TACE-irradiation stent and object tumor response were the independent prognostic factors of favorable survival.ConclusionsTACE combined with irradiation stent implantation is a safe and effective treatment modality for patients with HCC complicated by IVCTT and may extend their survival time.

  10. Zotarolimus-eluting stent for the treatment of recurrent, severe carotid artery in-stent stenosis in the TARGET-CAS population. (United States)

    Tekieli, Lukasz; Pieniazek, Piotr; Musialek, Piotr; Kablak-Ziembicka, Anna; Przewlocki, Tadeusz; Trystula, Mariusz; Moczulski, Zbigniew; Dzierwa, Karolina; Paluszek, Piotr; Podolec, Piotr


    To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a balloon-mounted drug-eluting stent (DES) for recurrent carotid in-stent stenosis (ISS). As part of our targeted carotid artery stenting (TARGET-CAS) protocol, neurological and ultrasound evaluations have been performed at 3, 6, and 12 months and then annually since 2001 in all carotid stent patients. For angiographically-confirmed >70% ISS, balloon angioplasty was performed as a first-line treatment. Recurrent ISS was treated with a 4.0-mm zotarolimus-eluting coronary stent (ZES) that was postdilated according to intravascular ultrasound imaging. Among the 1350 neuroprotected CAS procedures performed between January 2001 and March 2011, there were 7 (0.52%) patients (5 men; ages 51-72 years), all neurologically asymptomatic, with >70% recurrent ISS that occurred at 5 to 11 months after the initial balloon angioplasty treatment for ISS. ZES implantation under distal embolic protection was technically successful and uncomplicated. Angiographic stenosis was reduced from 84.6%±7.5% to 10.7%±3.6% (p<0.01). In 5 patients with ZES implanted fully within the self-expanding carotid stent, duplex ultrasound follow-up (mean 17 months, range 6-36) revealed no evidence of restenosis or stent fracture/deformation. In the 2 other patients, the ZES had been implanted for distal edge ISS such that the ZES protruded beyond the original carotid stent. This protruding segment of the ZES demonstrated deformation/kinking in both; in one, this led to symptomatic stent occlusion. The use of coronary ZES in the treatment of recurrent carotid ISS is feasible and appears effective provided the ZES is placed entirely within the original stent. Placement of a coronary ZES outside the carotid stent scaffold should be avoided.

  11. Randomized multicenter study of multiple plastic stents vs. covered self-expandable metallic stent in the treatment of biliary stricture in chronic pancreatitis. (United States)

    Haapamäki, Carola; Kylänpää, Leena; Udd, Marianne; Lindström, Outi; Grönroos, Juha; Saarela, Arto; Mustonen, Harri; Halttunen, Jorma


    The use of covered self-expandable metallic stents (cSEMS) in benign biliary indications is evolving. The aim of the study was to assess the safety and feasibility of cSEMS compared with multiple plastic stents in the treatment of benign biliary stricture (BBS) caused by chronic pancreatitis. This was a prospective, multicenter, randomized study of 60 patients with BBS caused by chronic pancreatitis. All patients received an initial plastic stent before randomization. At randomization, the stent was replaced either with a single cSEMS or three plastic stents. After 3 months, the position of the cSEMS was checked or another three plastic stents were added. At 6 months after randomization, all stents were removed. Clinical follow-up including abdominal ultrasound and laboratory tests were performed at 6 months and 2 years after stent removal. Two patients dropped out of the cSEMS group before stent removal. In April 2014, the median follow-up was 40 months (range 1 - 66 months). The 2-year, stricture-free success rate was 90 % (95 % confidence interval [CI] 72 % - 97 %) in the plastic stent group and 92 % (95 %CI 70 % - 98 %) in the cSEMS group (P = 0.405). There was one late recurrence in the plastic stent group 50 months after stent removal. Stent migration occurred three times (10 %) in the plastic stent group and twice in the cSEMS group (7 %; P = 1.000). A 6-month treatment with either six 10-Fr plastic stents or with one 10-mm cSEMS produced good long-term relief of biliary stricture caused by chronic pancreatitis.Study registered at (NCT01085747). © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  12. Percutaneous Ureteral stent insertion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Yup; Sung, Dong Wook; Choi, Woo Suk; Lee, Dong Ho; Ko, Young Tae; Lee, Sun Wha; Lim, Jae Hoon [Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Percutaneous ureteral stent insertion is a treatment of permanent or temporary urinary diversion to maintain continuity and function of the obstructed and injured ureter. We performed 31 cases of percutaneous double pig tall ureteral stent insertion in 21 patients, included 13 patients with malignant ureteral obstruction and eight patients with injured ureter as well as benign inflammatory stricture. Satisfactory resulted was obtained in all patients but one, who need percutaneous nephrostomy on week later for urinary diversion. No significant complication was encountered. The authors concluded that percutaneous ureteral stent insertion, an interventional procedure alternative to urologic retrograde method, is an effective method for urinary diversion.

  13. Mechanisms of Biliary Plastic Stent Occlusion and Efforts at Prevention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chang-Il Kwon


    Full Text Available Biliary stenting via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography has greatly improved the quality of patient care over the last 30 years. Plastic stent occlusion limits the life span of such stents. Attempts to improve plastic stent patency duration have mostly failed. Metal stents (self-expandable metal stents [SEMSs] have therefore replaced plastic stents, especially for malignant biliary strictures. SEMS are at least 10 times more expensive than plastic stents. In this focused review, we will discuss basic mechanisms of plastic stent occlusion, along with a systematic summary of previous efforts and related studies to improve stent patency and potential new techniques to overcome existing limitations.

  14. Aproximación del diseño arquitectónico a la fractalidad


    Agripina Sanz Pérez; Juana María Sánchez González; Ascensión Moratalla de la Hoz


    En el último siglo los avances de la Matemática han sidoespectaculares. Nuevas aplicaciones y nuevas necesidades handemandado “nuevas matemáticas” y la necesidad de dar respuesta a esasdemandas han propiciado nuevos descubrimientos como los objetosfractales. Por otro lado, el gran desarrollo producido en los mediosinformáticos ha potenciado su utilización en diversas ramas del arte y la técnica en general.

  15. An ovine in vivo framework for tracheobronchial stent analysis. (United States)

    McGrath, Donnacha J; Thiebes, Anja Lena; Cornelissen, Christian G; O'Shea, Mary B; O'Brien, Barry; Jockenhoevel, Stefan; Bruzzi, Mark; McHugh, Peter E


    Tracheobronchial stents are most commonly used to restore patency to airways stenosed by tumour growth. Currently all tracheobronchial stents are associated with complications such as stent migration, granulation tissue formation, mucous plugging and stent strut fracture. The present work develops a computational framework to evaluate tracheobronchial stent designs in vivo. Pressurised computed tomography is used to create a biomechanical lung model which takes into account the in vivo stress state, global lung deformation and local loading from pressure variation. Stent interaction with the airway is then evaluated for a number of loading conditions including normal breathing, coughing and ventilation. Results of the analysis indicate that three of the major complications associated with tracheobronchial stents can potentially be analysed with this framework, which can be readily applied to the human case. Airway deformation caused by lung motion is shown to have a significant effect on stent mechanical performance, including implications for stent migration, granulation formation and stent fracture.

  16. Are bio-absorbable stents the future of SFA treatment? (United States)

    Peeters, P; Keirse, K; Verbist, J; Deloose, K; Bosiers, M


    Several limitations inherent to the implantation of a metallic device, such as the occurrence of in-stent re-stenosis, in an arterial lumen intuitively explain the interest for developing bio-absorbable stents. Two main types of bio-absorbable stents currently exist: polymer stents and metallic stents. To date, no studies with bio-absorbable stents have been conducted in the superficial femoral artery (SFA). Because of their strut thickness and lack of radial force, polymer stents are no good candidates for endovascular use. Absorbable metal stents (AMS) do have the potential to perform well for artery treatment, although current evidence from in-human coronary and infrapopliteal studies yield unsatisfactory results. Drastic technological improvements are mandatory before AMS can be considered for every day practice. Yet, it is our belief that further development of other metal and non-metal bio-absorbable stents, with or without drug-coating, may lead to the creation of the ultimate SFA stent.

  17. Duplex criteria for determination of in-stent stenosis after angioplasty and stenting of the superficial femoral artery. (United States)

    Baril, Donald T; Rhee, Robert Y; Kim, Justine; Makaroun, Michel S; Chaer, Rabih A; Marone, Luke K


    Endovascular intervention is considered first-line therapy for most superficial femoral artery (SFA) occlusive disease. Duplex ultrasound (DU) criteria for SFA in-stent stenosis and correlation with angiographic data remain poorly defined. This study evaluated SFA-specific DU criteria for the assessment of SFA in-stent stenosis. From May 2003 to May 2008, 330 limbs underwent SFA angioplasty and stenting and were monitored by serial DU imaging. Suspected stenotic lesions underwent angiography and intervention when appropriate. Data pairs of DU and angiographically estimated stenosis or=50% in-stent stenosis, a PSV >or=190 had 88% sensitivity, 95% specificity, a 98% positive predictive value (PPV), and a 72% negative predictive value (NPV); for Vr, a ratio of >1.50 had 93% sensitivity, 89% specificity, a 96% PPV, and a 81% NPV. To detect >or=80% in-stent stenosis, a PSV >or=275 had 97% sensitivity, 68% specificity, a 67% PPV, and a 97% NPV; a Vr ratio >or=3.50 had 74% sensitivity, 94% specificity, a 77% PPV, and a 88% NPV. Combining a PSV >or=275 and a Vr >or=3.50 to determine >or=80% in-stent stenosis had 74% sensitivity, 94% specificity, a 88% PPV, and a 85% NPV; odds ratio was 42.17 (95% confidence interval, 10.20-174.36, P or=80% in-stent stenosis. A significant drop in ABI (>0.15) correlated with a >62% in-stent stenosis, although the adjusted correlation coefficients was low (R(2) = 0.31, P = .02). PSV and Vr appear to have a significant role in predicting in-stent stenosis. To determine >or=80% stenosis, combining PSV >or=275 cm/s and Vr >or=3.50 is highly specific and predictive.

  18. Delayed colonic perforation following stent placement for colorectal obstruction: a description of two cases with stent palliation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jalal Vahedian Ardakani


    Full Text Available Bowel stent insertion has a variety of complications one major of which is colonic perforation. The purpose of this article is to reveal two cases with delayed colonic perforation after stent placement to relieve bowel obstruction caused by rectal cancer. The first patient was a 55 year-old man who was a candidate for stent placement to avoid palliative surgery and relieve his bowel obstruction. Although the procedure resulted in complete relief of patient symptoms, but he returned with signs of peritonitis 10 days after the stent placement. A perforation was found at rectosigmoid junction on laparotomy. The second patient was a 60 year-old man who underwent a successful stent placement and returned 3 months later with a complaint of abdominal pain that showed up to be due to a rectal perforation on investigations. In conclusion, bowel perforation following stent placement can be a major complication, so close follow-up is necessary to detect it as soon as possible and prevent it from becoming an irreparable complication.

  19. Chest pain following oesophageal stenting for malignant dysphagia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Golder, Mark; Tekkis, Paris P.; Kennedy, Colette; Lath, Sadaf; Toye, Rosemary; Steger, Adrian C


    AIM: The palliative use of self-expanding metallic stents has been widely reported to relieve dysphagia in cases of oesophageal carcinoma. Little has been documented on the severity of chest pain following oesophageal stenting. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of pain with oesophageal stenting for malignant dysphagia. METHODS: Fifty-two patients with inoperable oesophageal carcinoma underwent stent placement between 1995-1999. Daily opioid analgesic requirements (mg of morphine equivalent doses) were monitored for 3 days before and 7 days after stenting. The degree of palliation was expressed as a dysphagia score (0-3). Hospital stay, readmission days, stent complications and patient survival time were also recorded. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients (50%) required opioid analgesia for chest pain (median dose: 80 mg morphine/day) within 48 h of the procedure compared to 11 (21.2%) patients before stenting (P = 0.0041). A significant increase was evident in the analgesic consumption following stent deployment (P < 0.001). The dysphagia score improved by a median value of 1 (CI 0.25)P < 0.001, with a re-intervention rate of 11.5%. The median survival time was 40 days post stenting (range 1-120). CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of patients developed chest pain after oesophageal stenting, requiring high dose opioid analgesia. As the origin of the pain is still unknown, pre-emptive analgesia may a play role in reducing stent-related morbidity and possibly in-hospital stay. Golder, M. et al. (2001)

  20. Chest pain following oesophageal stenting for malignant dysphagia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golder, Mark; Tekkis, Paris P.; Kennedy, Colette; Lath, Sadaf; Toye, Rosemary; Steger, Adrian C.


    AIM: The palliative use of self-expanding metallic stents has been widely reported to relieve dysphagia in cases of oesophageal carcinoma. Little has been documented on the severity of chest pain following oesophageal stenting. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of pain with oesophageal stenting for malignant dysphagia. METHODS: Fifty-two patients with inoperable oesophageal carcinoma underwent stent placement between 1995-1999. Daily opioid analgesic requirements (mg of morphine equivalent doses) were monitored for 3 days before and 7 days after stenting. The degree of palliation was expressed as a dysphagia score (0-3). Hospital stay, readmission days, stent complications and patient survival time were also recorded. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients (50%) required opioid analgesia for chest pain (median dose: 80 mg morphine/day) within 48 h of the procedure compared to 11 (21.2%) patients before stenting (P = 0.0041). A significant increase was evident in the analgesic consumption following stent deployment (P < 0.001). The dysphagia score improved by a median value of 1 (CI 0.25)P < 0.001, with a re-intervention rate of 11.5%. The median survival time was 40 days post stenting (range 1-120). CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of patients developed chest pain after oesophageal stenting, requiring high dose opioid analgesia. As the origin of the pain is still unknown, pre-emptive analgesia may a play role in reducing stent-related morbidity and possibly in-hospital stay. Golder, M. et al. (2001)

  1. Evolution of patency rates of self-expandable bare metal stents for endovascular treatment of femoro-popliteal arterial occlusive disease: Does stent design matter? (United States)

    Treitl, Karla Maria; Woerner, Benedikt; Schinner, Regina; Czihal, Michael; Notohamiprodjo, Susan; Hoffmann, Ulrich; Treitl, Marcus


    To analyse the patency rates of femoro-popliteal stenting with different self-expandable Nitinol stent-designs. Two hundred and twenty-two patients (142 (64%) male; age 72.4 ± 11.6 years) with symptomatic femoro-popliteal peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stenting with three different Nitinol stents (interwoven IW: n = 70; closed-cell CC: n = 85; open-cell OC: n = 67). One-year post-procedural target lesion revascularization (TLR_12M) rates were investigated with regard to co-morbidities: diabetes (DBM), hyperlipidaemia (HLP), hypertension (RR), coronary artery disease (CAD) and degree of calcification. Twelve-month follow-up data were available for 60, 69 and 50 patients in the IW, OC and CC groups (179 patients in total). The cumulative patency (IW: 52 (86.7%); OC: 50 (72.5%); CC: 23 (46.0%); P stent and the highest TLR_12M for the CC stent. The interwoven stent-design was superior to the standard open- and closed-cell stent-designs in endovascular treatment of femoro-popliteal PAOD in a follow-up period of 12 months. • Results of femoro-popliteal stenting are still unsatisfactory. • Comparative studies for currently available different Nitinol stent-designs are lacking. • This is a first comparative study on long-term patency of different Nitinol stent-designs. • Interwoven stent-design leads to improved long-term patency. • Interwoven stent-design leads to lower TLR than other stent-designs.

  2. Tabletas digitales para la docencia del dibujo, diseño y artes plásticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis SAORÍN PÉREZ


    Full Text Available El uso de dispositivos móviles en la enseñanza está aumentando cada día y las tabletas digitales, de reciente aparición, se perfilan como uno de los instrumentos más flexibles para el ámbito de la educación denominando a la enseñanza sobre este dispositivo como Tablet-Learning. Las posibilidades gráficas de estos dispositivos permiten utilizarlas adecuadamente para la enseñanza de aquellas asignaturas donde la expresión gráfica de las ideas es importante (representación de formas, dibujos artísticos, visualización de modelos tridimensionales, aplicaciones geoespaciales…. En este artículo pretendemos establecer la situación actual de estas tabletas digitales en el mundo educativo y hacer una valoración de las posibilidades de estos dispositivos como herramienta para la docencia del dibujo, diseño y artes plásticas. Analizamos aquellas aplicaciones disponibles para estos dispositivos y que se pueden utilizar en la docencia de estas disciplinas. Dichas aplicaciones se categorizarán de acuerdo a las características de los formatos de trabajo. Dentro de cada una de estas categorías se tratará de encontrar aquellas características que las definen. Se pretende con dicha recopilación que los profesores de estas asignaturas conozcan estas aplicaciones y puedan organizar talleres utilizando estos nuevos dispositivos.

  3. Development of tissue-engineered self-expandable aortic stent grafts (Bio stent grafts) using in-body tissue architecture technology in beagles. (United States)

    Kawajiri, Hidetake; Mizuno, Takeshi; Moriwaki, Takeshi; Ishibashi-Ueda, Hatsue; Yamanami, Masashi; Kanda, Keiichi; Yaku, Hitoshi; Nakayama, Yasuhide


    In this study, we aimed to describe the development of tissue-engineered self-expandable aortic stent grafts (Bio stent graft) using in-body tissue architecture technology in beagles and to determine its mechanical and histological properties. The preparation mold was assembled by insertion of an acryl rod (outer diameter, 8.6 mm; length, 40 mm) into a self-expanding nitinol stent (internal diameter, 9.0 mm; length, 35 mm). The molds (n = 6) were embedded into the subcutaneous pouches of three beagles for 4 weeks. After harvesting and removing each rod, the excessive fragile tissue connected around the molds was trimmed, and thus tubular autologous connective tissues with the stent were obtained for use as Bio stent grafts (outer diameter, approximately 9.3 mm in all molds). The stent strut was completely surrounded by the dense collagenous membrane (thickness, ∼150 µm). The Bio stent graft luminal surface was extremely flat and smooth. The graft wall of the Bio stent graft possessed an elastic modulus that was almost two times higher than that of the native beagle abdominal aorta. This Bio stent graft is expected to exhibit excellent biocompatibility after being implanted in the aorta, which may reduce the risk of type 1 endoleaks or migration. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Stenting of major airway constriction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Xiaomei


    Objective: To investigate the correlated issues in the stenting treatment of major airway constriction. Methods: Nineteen cases of major airway stenting procedure were studied retrospectively. The clinical choice of stents of different advantages or deficiencies were discussed. The importance of intravenous anesthesia supporting, life-parameters monitoring during the procedures and the prevention of complications were analysed. Results: Under intravenous and local anesthesia, 19 Wallstents had been successively placed and relieved 19 cases of major airway constrictions due to malignant or benign diseases (15 of tumors, 3 of tuberculosis, 1 of tracheomalacia). Intravenous anesthesia and life-parameters monitoring had made the procedures more safe and precise. Conclusions: Major airway stenting is an reliable method for relieving tracheobronchial stenosis; and intravenous anesthesia supporting and life-parameters monitoring guarantee the satisfactions of procedures

  5. Effect of force-induced mechanical stress at the coronary artery bifurcation stenting: Relation to in-stent restenosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Cheng-Hung [Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan (China); Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan (China); Jhong, Guan-Heng [Graduate Institute of Medical Mechatronics, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan (China); Hsu, Ming-Yi; Wang, Chao-Jan [Department of Medical Imaging and Intervention, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan (China); Liu, Shih-Jung, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan (China); Hung, Kuo-Chun [Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan (China)


    The deployment of metallic stents during percutaneous coronary intervention has become common in the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions. However, restenosis occurs mostly at the bifurcation area even in present era of drug-eluting stents. To achieve adequate deployment, physicians may unintentionally apply force to the strut of the stents through balloon, guiding catheters, or other devices. This force may deform the struts and impose excessive mechanical stresses on the arterial vessels, resulting in detrimental outcomes. This study investigated the relationship between the distribution of stress in a stent and bifurcation angle using finite element analysis. The unintentionally applied force following stent implantation was measured using a force sensor that was made in the laboratory. Geometrical information on the coronary arteries of 11 subjects was extracted from contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan data. The numerical results reveal that the application of force by physicians generated significantly higher mechanical stresses in the arterial bifurcation than in the proximal and distal parts of the stent (post hoc P < 0.01). The maximal stress on the vessels was significantly higher at bifurcation angle <70° than at angle ≧70° (P < 0.05). The maximal stress on the vessels was negatively correlated with bifurcation angle (P < 0.01). Stresses at the bifurcation ostium may cause arterial wall injury and restenosis, especially at small bifurcation angles. These finding highlight the effect of force-induced mechanical stress at coronary artery bifurcation stenting, and potential mechanisms of in-stent restenosis, along with their relationship with bifurcation angle.

  6. Effect of force-induced mechanical stress at the coronary artery bifurcation stenting: Relation to in-stent restenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Cheng-Hung; Jhong, Guan-Heng; Hsu, Ming-Yi; Wang, Chao-Jan; Liu, Shih-Jung; Hung, Kuo-Chun


    The deployment of metallic stents during percutaneous coronary intervention has become common in the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions. However, restenosis occurs mostly at the bifurcation area even in present era of drug-eluting stents. To achieve adequate deployment, physicians may unintentionally apply force to the strut of the stents through balloon, guiding catheters, or other devices. This force may deform the struts and impose excessive mechanical stresses on the arterial vessels, resulting in detrimental outcomes. This study investigated the relationship between the distribution of stress in a stent and bifurcation angle using finite element analysis. The unintentionally applied force following stent implantation was measured using a force sensor that was made in the laboratory. Geometrical information on the coronary arteries of 11 subjects was extracted from contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan data. The numerical results reveal that the application of force by physicians generated significantly higher mechanical stresses in the arterial bifurcation than in the proximal and distal parts of the stent (post hoc P < 0.01). The maximal stress on the vessels was significantly higher at bifurcation angle <70° than at angle ≧70° (P < 0.05). The maximal stress on the vessels was negatively correlated with bifurcation angle (P < 0.01). Stresses at the bifurcation ostium may cause arterial wall injury and restenosis, especially at small bifurcation angles. These finding highlight the effect of force-induced mechanical stress at coronary artery bifurcation stenting, and potential mechanisms of in-stent restenosis, along with their relationship with bifurcation angle.

  7. Self-Expandable Stenting over a Stent Graft for the Exclusion of a Carotid Stump: Troubleshooting for Device Incompatibility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Youn, Sung Won; Kim, Ho Kyun; Do, Jin Kook; Kim, Young Whan


    Carotid stump, the blind remnant of an occluded internal carotid artery, can be a potential source of microemboli, and warrants its exclusion from the vascular lumen to prevent the recurrence of a microembolism. In a 69-year-old male with a symptomatic carotid stump and acute angle between left common carotid artery and aortic arch, a 7-Fr. shuttle sheath was scarcely placed into the left carotid artery but the 7-mm-diameter stent-graft-loading balloon could not be inserted into the 7-Fr. shuttle sheath. With the mounting a stent graft over a 5-mm balloon, the balloon-expandable stent graft was unfolded. The self-expandable stent was placed over the stent graft, and an 8-mm balloon was subsequently expanded. Self-expanding stenting can be useful for troubleshooting in a case of device incompatibility coming from the different calibers of the external and common carotid arteries for the successful exclusion of a symptomatic carotid stump.

  8. Self-Expandable Stenting over a Stent Graft for the Exclusion of a Carotid Stump: Troubleshooting for Device Incompatibility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youn, Sung Won; Kim, Ho Kyun [Dept. of Radiology, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Do, Jin Kook [Dept. of Neurology, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Young Whan [Dept. of Radiology, University College of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    Carotid stump, the blind remnant of an occluded internal carotid artery, can be a potential source of microemboli, and warrants its exclusion from the vascular lumen to prevent the recurrence of a microembolism. In a 69-year-old male with a symptomatic carotid stump and acute angle between left common carotid artery and aortic arch, a 7-Fr. shuttle sheath was scarcely placed into the left carotid artery but the 7-mm-diameter stent-graft-loading balloon could not be inserted into the 7-Fr. shuttle sheath. With the mounting a stent graft over a 5-mm balloon, the balloon-expandable stent graft was unfolded. The self-expandable stent was placed over the stent graft, and an 8-mm balloon was subsequently expanded. Self-expanding stenting can be useful for troubleshooting in a case of device incompatibility coming from the different calibers of the external and common carotid arteries for the successful exclusion of a symptomatic carotid stump.

  9. Complication rate in unprotected carotid artery stenting with closed-cell stents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tietke, Marc W.K.; Kerby, Tina; Alfke, Karsten; Riedel, Christian; Rohr, Axel; Jensen, Ulf; Jansen, Olaf; Zimmermann, Phillip; Stingele, Robert


    The discussion on the use of protection devices (PDs) in carotid artery stenting (CAS) is gaining an increasing role in lowering the periprocedural complication rates. While many reviews and reports with retrospective data analysis do promote the use of PDs the most recent multi-centre trials are showing advantages for unprotected CAS combined with closed-cell stent designs. We retrospectively analysed 358 unprotected CAS procedures performed from January 2003 to June 2009 in our clinic. Male/female ratio was 2.68/1. The average age was 69.3 years. Seventy-three percent (261/358) showed initial neurological symptoms. All patients were treated on a standardised interventional protocol. A closed and small-sized cell designed stent was implanted in most cases (85.2%). One hundred seventy-one (47.8%) were controlled by Doppler ultrasonography usually at first in a 3-month and later in 6-month intervals. The peri-interventional and 30-day mortality/stroke rate was 4.19% (15/358). These events included three deaths, five hyperperfusion syndromes (comprising one death by a secondary fatal intracranial haemorrhage), one subarachnoid haemorrhage and seven ischaemic strokes. Only 20% (3/15) of all complications occurred directly peri-interventional. The overall peri-interventional complication rate was 0.8% (3/358). Most complications occurred in initial symptomatic patients (5.36%). The in-stent restenosis rate for more than 70% was 7% (12/171) detected at an average of 9.8 month. Our clinical outcome demonstrates that unprotected CAS with small cell designed stents results in a very low procedural complication rate, which makes the use of a protection device dispensable. (orig.)

  10. Incidence and predictors of coronary stent thrombosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    D'Ascenzo, Fabrizio; Bollati, Mario; Clementi, Fabrizio


    Stent thrombosis remains among the most feared complications of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting. However, data on its incidence and predictors are sparse and conflicting. We thus aimed to perform a collaborative systematic review on incidence and predictors of stent...

  11. Enterprise stent for waffle-cone stent-assisted coil embolization of large wide-necked arterial bifurcation aneurysms. (United States)

    Padalino, David J; Singla, Amit; Jacobsen, Walter; Deshaies, Eric M


    Large wide-necked arterial bifurcation aneurysms present a unique challenge for endovascular coil embolization treatment. One technique described in the literature deploys a Neuroform stent into the neck of the aneurysm in the shape of a waffle-cone, thereby acting as a scaffold for the coil mass. This case series presents four patients with large wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms treated with the closed-cell Enterprise stent using the waffle-cone technique. Four patients (59 ± 18 years of age) with large wide-necked arterial bifurcation aneurysms (three basilar apex and one MCA bifurcation) were treated with the waffle-cone technique using the Enterprise stent as a supporting device for stent-assisted coil embolization. Three of the patients presented with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (Hunt-Hess 2-3; Fisher Grade 3-4). There was no procedural morbidity or mortality associated with treatment itself. One aneurysm was completely obliterated, and three had small residual necks. One patient developed an area of PCA infarct and visual field cut one month after the procedure and required recoiling of the residual neck. The flared ends of the Enterprise stent remodeled the aneurysm neck by conforming to the shape of the neck without any technical difficulty, resulting in a stable scaffold holding the coils into the aneurysm. The closed cell construction, flexibility, and flared ends of the Enterprise stent allow it to conform to the waffle-cone configuration and provide a stable scaffold for coil embolization of large wide-necked arterial bifurcation aneurysms. We have had excellent initial results using the Enterprise stent with the waffle-cone technique. However, this technique is higher risk than standard treatment methods and therefore should be reserved for large wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms where Y stenting is needed, but not possible, and surgical clip ligation is not an option.

  12. Practical aspects of the application of the pinch technology for the reduction of the energy and cooling water consumption in a fertilizer plant; Aspectos practicos de la aplicacion de la tecnologia pinch para la reduccion del consumo de energia y agua de enfriamiento de una planta de fertilizantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Picon Nunez, M. [Guanajuato (Mexico)


    The energy and cooling water system make-up water consumption of a fertilizer plant were reduced in 18% and in 16.4 Tons/hr respectively, representing a substantial saving in the operational costs. The application of the pinch analysis to the process revealed the potential saving of existing energy. The need of reducing the incoming raw materials temperature and the operating pressure of two evaporators was identified, for this purpose it was necessary to install three additional heat exchangers. [Espanol] Los consumos de energia y de agua de reposicion del sistema de enfriamiento de una planta de fertilizantes se redujeron en 18% y en 16.4 ton/hr respectivamente, representando un ahorro sustancial en los costos de operacion. La aplicacion del analisis Pinch al proceso revelo el potencial de ahorro de energia existente. Se identifico la necesidad de reducir la temperatura de alimentacion de la materia prima y la presion de operacion de dos evaporadores, para lo cual fue necesario implementar tres intercambiadores de calor adicionales.

  13. Practical aspects of the application of the pinch technology for the reduction of the energy and cooling water consumption in a fertilizer plant; Aspectos practicos de la aplicacion de la tecnologia pinch para la reduccion del consumo de energia y agua de enfriamiento de una planta de fertilizantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Picon Nunez, M [Guanajuato (Mexico)


    The energy and cooling water system make-up water consumption of a fertilizer plant were reduced in 18% and in 16.4 Tons/hr respectively, representing a substantial saving in the operational costs. The application of the pinch analysis to the process revealed the potential saving of existing energy. The need of reducing the incoming raw materials temperature and the operating pressure of two evaporators was identified, for this purpose it was necessary to install three additional heat exchangers. [Espanol] Los consumos de energia y de agua de reposicion del sistema de enfriamiento de una planta de fertilizantes se redujeron en 18% y en 16.4 ton/hr respectivamente, representando un ahorro sustancial en los costos de operacion. La aplicacion del analisis Pinch al proceso revelo el potencial de ahorro de energia existente. Se identifico la necesidad de reducir la temperatura de alimentacion de la materia prima y la presion de operacion de dos evaporadores, para lo cual fue necesario implementar tres intercambiadores de calor adicionales.

  14. Outcomes of secondary self-expandable metal stents versus surgery after delayed initial palliative stent failure in malignant colorectal obstruction. (United States)

    Yoon, Jin Young; Park, Soo Jung; Hong, Sung Pil; Kim, Tae Il; Kim, Won Ho; Cheon, Jae Hee


    When re-intervention is required due to an occluded first colorectal self-expanding metal stent for malignant colorectal obstruction, serious controversies exist regarding whether to use endoscopic re-stenting or surgery. To compare the clinical outcomes in patients who underwent stent re-insertion versus palliative surgery as a second intervention. A total of 115 patients who received either self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) insertion or palliative surgery for treatment of a second occurrence of malignant colorectal obstruction after the first SEMS placement were retrospectively studied between July 2005 and December 2009. The median overall survival (8.2 vs. 15.5 months) and progression-free survival (4.0 vs. 2.7 months) were not significantly different between the stent and surgery groups (p = 0.895 and 0.650, respectively). The median lumen patency in the stent group was 3.4 months and that in the surgery group was 7.9 months (p = 0.003). The immediate complication rate after second stent insertion was 13.9% and late complication rate was observed in 12 of 79 (15.2%) patients. There was no mortality related to the SEMS procedure. The complication and mortality rates associated with palliative surgery were 3.5% (2/57) and 12.3% (7/57), respectively. Although there is no significant difference in the overall survival between stenting and surgery, a secondary stent insertion had a lower mortality rate despite a shorter duration of temporary colorectal decompression compared to that of palliative surgery.

  15. XIENCE V everolimus-eluting coronary stent system: a novel second generation drug-eluting stent

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beijk, Marcel A. M.; Piek, Jon J.


    Drug-eluting stents (DES) have been shown to be safe and significantly reduce clinical events and angiographic restenosis in the percutaneous treatment of coronary artery disease. Currently, three DES have been approved in Europe and Northern America: the sirolimus-eluting stent (SES), the

  16. Desarrollo de un algoritmo en MATLAB para la optimización de la resolución de una tarjeta USRP B210 para aplicaciones SDRadar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Moreno Avilés


    Full Text Available En este documento se analizan las limitaciones y características que tiene la tarjeta USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral B210 para desarrollar aplicaciones de radar definidos por software (SDRadar. Para el desarrollo del algoritmo se utilizó un radar de onda continua modulada en frecuencia (FMCW que implementa una señal chirp, al considerar que 25 MHz es el máximo ancho de banda que la tarjeta puede proporcionar se obtiene como resultado una resolución de 6 metros. El método utilizado para optimizar la resolución de la tarjeta fue transmitir un determinado número de señales con distintos anchos de banda, lo que resulta en una resolución diferente, al detectar y almacenar el objetivo en una matriz. Después de las pruebas correspondientes el algoritmo estableció que con 14 mediciones con variaciones de ancho de banda de 0.5 MHz, entre cada señal, se obtiene la mayor optimización para mejorar la resolución de la tarjeta. Se obtuvo finalmente dos zonas de optimización, donde la primera zona está limitada por un error de medición menor a 1 metro, y en la segunda zona con un error de medición entre 1 y 2 metros con 69.15% y 30.85% de objetivos detectados respectivamente, lo que determina su efectividad y confiabilidad. Este trabajo ha demostrado que el algoritmo utilizado es útil en aplicaciones SDRadar para detectar objetivos para aplicaciones topográficas o sistemas SAR.

  17. Computational design analysis for deployment of cardiovascular stents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tammareddi, Sriram; Sun Guangyong; Li Qing


    Cardiovascular disease has become a major global healthcare problem. As one of the relatively new medical devices, stents offer a minimally-invasive surgical strategy to improve the quality of life for numerous cardiovascular disease patients. One of the key associative issues has been to understand the effect of stent structures on its deployment behaviour. This paper aims to develop a computational model for exploring the biomechanical responses to the change in stent geometrical parameters, namely the strut thickness and cross-link width of the Palmaz-Schatz stent. Explicit 3D dynamic finite element analysis was carried out to explore the sensitivity of these geometrical parameters on deployment performance, such as dog-boning, fore-shortening, and stent deformation over the load cycle. It has been found that an increase in stent thickness causes a sizeable rise in the load required to deform the stent to its target diameter, whilst reducing maximum dog-boning in the stent. An increase in the cross-link width showed that no change in the load is required to deform the stent to its target diameter, and there is no apparent correlation with dog-boning but an increased fore-shortening with increasing cross-link width. The computational modelling and analysis presented herein proves an effective way to refine or optimise the design of stent structures.

  18. Successful treatment of coronary artery pseudoaneurysm by graft stent, which developed after the implantation of bare metal stent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Utku Şenol


    Full Text Available Although coronary artery pseudoaneurysm which couldoccur following percutaneous coronary interventions is arare complication, it can be mortal. As soon as the pseudoaneurysmis diagnosed, it should be treated by percutaneousintervention or surgery. Graft stent implantationis a preferred treatment for appropriate patients. In thiscase report, we presented a successful treatment of coronaryartery pseudoaneurysm by graft stent; which developedafter the implantation of bare metal stent into theleft anterior descending coronary artery. J Clin Exp Invest2013; 4 (1: 126-129Key words: Coronary artery, pseudoaneurysm, graft stent

  19. Clinical outcomes between different stent designs with the same polymer and drug: comparison between the Taxus Express and Taxus Liberte stents. (United States)

    Son, Jang-Won; Kim, Ung; Park, Jong-Seon; Kim, Young-Jo; Jang, Jae-Sik; Yang, Tae-Hyun; Kim, Dong-Soo; Kim, Dong-Kie; Seol, Sang-Hoon; Kim, Doo-Il; Nam, Chang-Wook; Hur, Seung-Ho; Kim, Kwon-Bae


    The Taxus Liberte stent (Boston Scientific Co.) evolved from the Taxus Express stent, with enhanced stent deliverability and uniform drug delivery. This study was designed to compare angiographic and clinical outcomes in real-world practice between the Taxus Liberte and Taxus Express stents. Between 2006 and 2008, 240 patients receiving the Taxus Liberte stent at three centers were registered and compared to historical control patients who had received the Taxus Express stent (n = 272). After propensity score matching, 173 patients treated with the Taxus Liberte stent and the same number of patients treated with the Taxus Express stent were selected. The primary outcome was a composite of major adverse cardiac events (MACE), including cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI), ischemia driven target vessel revascularization (TVR), and stent thrombosis (ST) at 1 year. An additional angiographic assessment was conducted at 9 to 12 months. The study showed no significant difference between the Taxus Express and Taxus Liberte stents (death, 1.73% vs. 2.31%, p = 1.000; MI, 0% vs. 1.73%, p = 0.2478; TVR, 2.31% vs. 1.16%, p = 0.6848; and ST, 0% vs. 1.16%, p = 0.4986). The total MACE rate at 1 year did not differ between the groups (4.05% in Taxus Express vs. 4.05% in Taxus Liberte, p = 1.000). In addition, the binary restenosis rate did not differ (2.25% in Taxus Express vs. 1.80% in Taxus Liberte, p = 0.6848). In real-world experience with the two Taxus stent designs, both stents showed similarly good clinical and angiographic outcomes at 1 year. A long-term follow-up study is warranted.

  20. Biolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer-coated stent versus durable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent in unselected patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (SORT OUT V)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Evald Høj; Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Thayssen, Per


    Third-generation biodegradable polymer drug-eluting stents might reduce the risk of stent thrombosis compared with first-generation permanent polymer drug-eluting stents. We aimed to further investigate the effects of a biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting stent compared with a durable polymer......-coated sirolimus-eluting stent in a population-based setting....

  1. Biodegradable magnesium-alloy stent:current situation in research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Hua; Zhao Xianxian


    In recent years, permanent metal stents are employed in the majority of interventional therapies; nevertheless, such kind of stents carries the problems of thrombosis and restenosis. Therefore, the biodegradable magnesium alloy stent has become the focus of attention. Theoretically, it has overcome the problems caused by permanent metal stents, so it is the development direction to use the biodegradable magnesium alloy in future. The authors believe that biodegradable magnesium alloy stents will be widely used in interventional procedures for many diseases. (authors)

  2. Materiales compuestos C/SiC para aplicaciones estructurales de alta temperatura. Parte II: Sistemas de protección contra la oxidación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aparicio, M.


    Full Text Available The fact which currently excludes the use of C/SiC composites in high temperature structural applications is the high oxidation rate of carbon fibres at temperatures higher than 450ºC. In this second part of the paper, a review of the different oxidation protection systems, including inhibitors, surface modification of composites, coatings and previous infiltration of the substrates, has been carried out. The addition of inhibitors reduces the oxidation rate, but only up to 850ºC, while the surface modification of composites leads to thin coatings with poor thermal shock resistance. On the other hand, the external layers are the most usual method employed because allows combining different compositions and thicknesses. The multilayer coatings are especially interesting in applications with wide temperature range and thermal shocks requirements. The infiltration of substrate porosity improves slightly the oxidation resistance of C/SiC composites reducing the oxygen accessibility to carbon fibres. However, the infiltration complements very well the oxidation protection performance of a coating system at low temperature, since these normally present open cracks due to mismatch between coating and substrate thermal expansion coefficients.

    La utilización de los materiales compuestos C/SiC en aplicaciones estructurales a alta temperatura está limitada por la elevada velocidad de oxidación de la fibra de carbono a temperaturas superiores de 450ºC. En esta segunda parte del trabajo se realiza una revisión de las posibilidades de protección contra la oxidación de estos materiales, incluyendo inhibidores, modificación superficial del material compuesto, recubrimientos e infiltración previa del sustrato. La eficacia de los inhibidores de la reacción de oxidación esta restringida a temperaturas de hasta 850ºC, mientras que la modificación superficial del material compuesto da lugar a capas delgadas y poco resistentes a los ciclos t

  3. Role of metallic stents in benign esophageal stricture (United States)

    Shim, Chan Sup


    Simple esophageal strictures, which are focal, straight, and large in diameter, usually require 1 - 3 dilation sessions to relieve symptoms. However, complex strictures, which are long, tortuous, or associated with a severely compromised luminal diameter, are usually more difficult to treat with conventional bougie or balloon dilation techniques, and often have high recurrence rates. Although the permanent placement of self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) has been used to manage refractory benign esophageal strictures, this procedure is associated with additional problems, such as stricture from tissue hyperplasia, stent migration, and fistula formation. Thus, several new types of stents have been developed, including temporary SEMS, self-expandable plastic stents (SEPS), and biodegradable stents. The use of these new products has produced varied results. Temporary SEMS that have been used to relieve benign esophageal conditions have caused granulation tissue at both ends of the stent because of contact between the mucosa and the exposed metal components of the stent, thus hindering stent removal. We examined the tissue response to two new types of SEMS, a flange-type and a straighttype, each coated with a silicone membrane on the outside of the metal mesh. These two SEMS were evaluated individually and compared with a conventional control stent in animal experiments. Although the newly designed stents resulted in reduced tissue hyperplasia, and were thus more easily separated from the esophageal tissue, some degree of tissue hyperplasia did occur. We suggest that newly designed DES (drug-eluting stents) may provide an alternative tool to manage refractory benign esophageal stricture.

  4. Role of Montgomery T-tube stent for laryngotracheal stenosis. (United States)

    Prasanna Kumar, Saravanam; Ravikumar, Arunachalam; Senthil, Kannan; Somu, Lakshman; Nazrin, Mohd Ismail


    To identify the indications, complications and outcome of patients of LTS managed with Montgomery T-tube stenting and review the current literature about the role of stenting in LTS. Retrospective chart reviews of 39 patients of laryngotracheal stenosis managed by T-tube stenting for temporary or definitive treatment during the period 2004-2011 were considered. The data on indications for stenting, type of stent, problems/complications of stenting, duration of stenting, additional intervention and outcome of management were collected, tabulated and analyzed. Of the 51 cases of laryngotracheal stenosis 39 patients were treated by Montgomery T-tube stenting. There was no mortality associated with the procedure or stenting. 82% of the patients were successfully decannulated. The problems and complications encountered were crusting within the tube in 44% and granulation at the subglottis in 33%. Two patients had complication due to T-tube itself: One patient developed tracheomalacia and the other had stenosis at both ends of the T-tube. Stenting still has a role in management of inoperable or in some deadlock situations where resection anastomosis is not feasible. It is easier to introduce the stent and to maintain it. Complications are minor and can be managed easily. It is safe for long term use. We emphasize that the treating surgeon needs to use prudence while treating stenosis using stents. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Endoscopically placed nitinol stents for pediatric tracheal obstruction. (United States)

    Prasad, Mukesh; Bent, John P; Ward, Robert F; April, Max M


    To provide preliminary clinical data regarding endoscopically placed nitinol stents for children with tracheal obstruction as a temporizing measure to allow for trach tube decannulation while awaiting growth to allow for tracheal resection. This case series describes the experiences of two children (ages 5 and 15) who were dependent upon tracheotomy because of acquired tracheal obstruction. Both patients had combined tracheomalacia and tracheal stenosis. After failing tracheoplasty with rib graft augmentation both patients suffered from extensive tracheal disease, which was too long to allow for immediate tracheal resection. Endoscopic placement of nitinol stents in the obstructed tracheal segment using fluoroscopic guidance. All tracheotomy tubes were removed immediately after successful stent deployment with the patient still under general anesthesia. Four stents were placed in total. The first patient's initial stent was too narrow and was, therefore, removed and replaced at a later date with a larger diameter stent. The second patient experienced distal migration of his initial stent requiring stent removal and replacement at a later date. Both patients remain successfully decannulated (follow-up, 25 and 26 months) and are currently living more normal lives as they grow and await tracheal resection. Preliminary use of nitinol stents for pediatric tracheal obstruction has enabled successful decannulation in two children with complicated airways. Our results with this series of patients suggest that nitinol stents can be safely used in children as a temporizing measure until tracheal resection can be safely performed. With this approach children can live free from the hassles of trach care, social isolation and peer ridicule. Limited pediatric experience exists in the literature about nitinol stents. Thus, our experience with stent selection and placement will help others avoid problems encountered in this initial series. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland

  6. Endoscopic stenting in bile duct cancer increases liver volume. (United States)

    Lee, Chang Hun; Kim, Seong Hun; Kim, In Hee; Kim, Sang Wook; Lee, Soo Teik; Kim, Dae Ghon; Yang, Jae Do; Yu, Hee Chul; Cho, Baik Hwan; Lee, Seung Ok


    Objective evaluation tools for assessing the effectiveness of stenting in palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruction are not satisfactory. Effects of biliary stenting on liver volume change have never been studied. We aimed to use volumetry to analyze liver volume changes after endoscopic stenting in bile duct cancer according to the location and number of stents. Retrospective review. University hospital. Patients with a diagnosis of hilar or distal bile duct cancer and who underwent biliary metal stenting. ERCP with self-expandable metal stent placement. Liver volume change after biliary stenting and its comparison according to the location (hilar vs distal common bile duct) and number (hilar bilateral vs hilar unilateral). There were 60 patients; 31 were treated for hilar bile duct cancer (13 for bilateral stent and 18 for unilateral stent) and 29 for distal bile duct cancer. Overall mean follow-up duration was 11.7 ± 4.9 weeks. Liver volume increased 17.4 ± 24.1%. The rate of liver growth was rapid during the early period from 4 to 8 weeks. Stenting in hilar bile duct cancer tended to increase liver volume more than distal biliary stents (22.5% vs 11.9%, P = .091). In hilar bile duct cancer, unilateral and bilateral stents showed similar liver volume increases (20.1% and 25.8%, respectively; P = .512). Single center, retrospective. Biliary stenting markedly increased liver volume in both hilar and distal bile duct cancer. Our data suggest that liver volume assessment could be a useful tool for evaluating stent efficacy. Copyright © 2014 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Upper Gastrointestinal Stent Insertion in Malignant and Benign Disorders (United States)

    Kang, Hyoun Woo


    Upper gastrointestinal (GI) stents are increasingly being used to manage upper GI obstructions. Initially developed for palliative treatment of esophageal cancer, upper GI stents now play an emerging role in benign strictures of the upper GI tract. Because recurrent obstruction and stent-related complications are common, new modifications of stents have been implemented. Self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) have replaced older plastic stents. In addition, newly designed SEMS have been developed to prevent complications. This review provides an overview of the various types, indications, methods, complications, and clinical outcomes of upper GI stents in a number of malignant and benign disorders dividing the esophagus and gastroduodenum. PMID:26064817

  8. Technological Advances in Stent Therapies: a Year in Review. (United States)

    Raffoul, Jad; Nasir, Ammar; Klein, Andrew J P


    Stent technology has rapidly evolved since the first stainless steel bare metal stents with substantial developments in scaffolding, polymer, drug choice, drug delivery, and elution mechanisms. Most recently, there has been the evolution of bioabsorbable vascular scaffolds, potentially eliminating the need for long-term foreign object retention. These rapid developments have led to an ever-expanding selection of new stents, making the choice of which to use in which patient challenging. Operators must balance potential short- and long-term clinical ramifications, namely stent thrombosis, in-stent restenosis, target lesion revascularization, and target lesion failure. In this review, we hope to provide insight for interventional cardiologists on the details of stent technology and how this impacts outcomes, stent selection, and duration of dual-antiplatelet therapy duration post drug-eluting stent implantation.

  9. Biodegradable-Polymer Biolimus-Eluting Stents versus Durable-Polymer Everolimus-Eluting Stents at One-Year Follow-Up: A Registry-Based Cohort Study. (United States)

    Parsa, Ehsan; Saroukhani, Sepideh; Majlessi, Fereshteh; Poorhosseini, Hamidreza; Lofti-Tokaldany, Masoumeh; Jalali, Arash; Salarifar, Mojtaba; Nematipour, Ebrahim; Alidoosti, Mohammad; Aghajani, Hassan; Amirzadegan, Alireza; Kassaian, Seyed Ebrahim


    We compared outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention patients who received biodegradable-polymer biolimus-eluting stents with those who received durable-polymer everolimus-eluting stents. At Tehran Heart Center, we performed a retrospective analysis of the data from January 2007 through December 2011 on 3,270 consecutive patients with coronary artery disease who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention with the biodegradable-polymer biolimus-eluting stent or the durable-polymer everolimus-eluting stent. We excluded patients with histories of coronary artery bypass grafting or percutaneous coronary intervention, acute ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction, or the implantation of 2 different stent types. Patients were monitored for 12 months. The primary endpoint was a major adverse cardiac event, defined as a composite of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and target-vessel and target-lesion revascularization. Durable-polymer everolimus-eluting stents were implanted in 2,648 (81%) and biodegradable-polymer biolimus-eluting stents in 622 (19%) of the study population. There was no significant difference between the 2 groups (2.7% vs 2.7%; P=0.984) in the incidence of major adverse cardiac events. The cumulative adjusted probability of major adverse cardiac events in the biodegradable-polymer biolimus-eluting stent group did not differ from that of such events in the durable-polymer everolimus-eluting stent group (hazard ratio=0.768; 95% confidence interval, 0.421-1.44; P=0.388). We conclude that in our patients the biodegradable-polymer biolimus-eluting stent was as effective and safe, during the 12-month follow-up period, as was the durable-polymer everolimus-eluting stent.

  10. Stent Graft in Managing Juxta-Renal Aortoiliac Occlusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prabhudesai, V.; Mitra, K.; West, D. J.; Dean, M. R. E.


    Endovascular procedures are frequently used as an alternative to surgical bypass in aortic and iliac occlusion. Stents have revolutionized the scope of such endovascular procedures, but there are few reports of stents or stent grafts in occlusive juxta-renal aortic occlusion. We present a case where such occlusion was managed by use of a stent graft with successful outcome

  11. TOKYO criteria 2014 for transpapillary biliary stenting. (United States)

    Isayama, Hiroyuki; Hamada, Tsuyoshi; Yasuda, Ichiro; Itoi, Takao; Ryozawa, Shomei; Nakai, Yousuke; Kogure, Hirofumi; Koike, Kazuhiko


    It is difficult to carry out meta-analyses or to compare the results of different studies of biliary stents because there is no uniform evaluation method. Therefore, a standardized reporting system is required. We propose a new standardized system for reporting on biliary stents, the 'TOKYO criteria 2014', based on a consensus among Japanese pancreatobiliary endoscopists. Instead of stent occlusion, we use recurrent biliary obstruction, which includes occlusion and migration. The time to recurrent biliary obstruction was estimated using Kaplan-Meier analysis with the log-rank test. We can evaluate both plastic and self-expandable metallic stents (uncovered and covered). We also propose specification of the cause of recurrent biliary obstruction, identification of complications other than recurrent biliary obstruction, indication of severity, measures of technical and clinical success, and a standard for clinical care. Most importantly, the TOKYO criteria 2014 allow comparison of biliary stent quality across studies. Because blocked stents can be drained not only using transpapillary techniques but also by an endoscopic ultrasonography-guided transmural procedure, we should devise an evaluation method that includes transmural stenting in the near future. © 2014 The Authors. Digestive Endoscopy © 2014 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society.

  12. Efetividade e segurança dos stents farmacológicos em um serviço de cardiologia em Curitiba-PR Efectividad y seguridad de los Stents farmacológicos en un servicio de cardiología en Curitiba-PR Effectiveness and safety of drug-eluting stents in a cardiology clinic in Curitiba, PR, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chiu Yun Yu Braga


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A efetividade e segurança de stents farmacológicos (SF ainda têm sido questionadas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade e segurança desses stents, e a incidência da revascularização da lesão tratada (RLT, além de identificar possíveis variáveis que influenciam a necessidade de RLT. MÉTODOS: Selecionaram-se 203 pacientes do Hospital Costantini que tiveram acompanhamento clínico no período de 1 a 3 anos. RESULTADOS: Observou-se o seguinte quadro: 470 lesões; 171 (84,24% pacientes eram homens; 54 (26,6%, diabéticos; 131 (64,35%, hipertensos; 127 (62,56%, dislipidêmicos; 40 (19,70%, tabagistas; e 79 (38,92% apresentavam história familiar de coronariopatia. Ainda: 49 (24,14% pacientes apresentavam angina estável; 58 (28,57%, angina instável; e 6 (2,96%, infarto agudo do miocárdio. Desses pacientes, 85 (41,87% eram assintomáticos, e 146 (71,92%, multiarteriais. Nas características das lesões, 77,45% foram B2/C (AHA/ACC. Taxus foi implantado em 73,62% dos pacientes. Em 381 (81,96%, constataram-se stents com diâmetro > 2,5 mm. O comprimento de stent era FUNDAMENTO: La efectividad y seguridad de stents farmacológicos (SF han sido cuestionadas. OBJETIVO: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad y seguridad de esos stents, y la incidencia de la revascularización de la lesión tratada (RLT, además de identificar posibles variables que influyen la necesidad de RLT. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionaron 203 pacientes del Hospital Costantini que tuvieron acompañamiento clínico en el período de 1 a 3 años. RESULTADOS: Se observó el siguiente cuadro: 470 lesiones; 171 (84,24% pacientes eran hombres; 54 (26,6%, diabéticos; 131 (64,35%, hipertensos; 127 (62,56%, dislipidémicos; 40 (19,70%, tabaquistas; y 79 (38,92% presentaban historia familiar de coronariopatía. Además: 49 (24,14% pacientes presentaban angina estable; 58 (28,57%, angina inestable; y 6 (2,96%, infarto agudo de miocardio

  13. Treatment of Benign and Malignant Tracheobronchial Obstruction with Metal Wire Stents: Experience with a Balloon-Expandable and a Self-Expandable Stent Type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rieger, Johannes; Hautmann, Hubert; Linsenmaier, Ulrich; Weber, Cristoph; Treitl, Markus; Huber, R.M.; Pfeifer, Klaus-Juergen


    Over the last few years various types of metal wire stents have been increasingly employed in the treatment of both malignant and benign tracheobronchial obstruction. To date, however, few studies have investigated the in vivo properties of different stent types. We implanted 26 balloon-expandable tantalum Strecker stents (18 patients) and 18 self-expandable Wallstents (16 patients) into the tracheobronchial system of 30 patients with combined stenting in 4 patients. Mean age was 51 years (range: 0.5-79 years). Malignant disease was present in 23 patients, benign disease in seven patients. Both patients and individual stents were monitored clinically and radiographically. The probability of stents remaining within the tracheobronchial system, and of their remaining undislocated and uncompressed was calculated using Kaplan-Meier analysis for both stent types. Average stent follow-up time was 112 days until explantation and 115 days until patients' death or discharge. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a higher probability for the Wallstent to remain within the tracheobronchial system. Dislocation and compression occurred more rarely. Explantation, however, if desired, was more difficult compared to the Strecker stent. The Wallstent also led to the formation of granulation tissue, especially at the proximal stent end, frequently requiring reintervention. Both stent types proved to be effective therapeutic options in the management of obstructive tracheobronchial disease. The mechanical properties of the Strecker stent seem to be less favorable compared to the Wallstent but removal is easy. For benign disease, however, the Wallstent reveals limitations due to significant side effects

  14. Risk of Adverse Cardiac and Bleeding Events Following Cardiac and Noncardiac Surgery in Patients With Coronary Stent: How Important Is the Interplay Between Stent Type and Time From Stenting to Surgery? (United States)

    Saia, Francesco; Belotti, Laura Maria Beatrice; Guastaroba, Paolo; Berardini, Alessandra; Rossini, Roberta; Musumeci, Giuseppe; Tarantini, Giuseppe; Campo, Gianluca; Guiducci, Vincenzo; Tarantino, Fabio; Menozzi, Alberto; Varani, Elisabetta; Santarelli, Andrea; Tondi, Stefano; De Palma, Rossana; Rapezzi, Claudio; Marzocchi, Antonio


    Epidemiology and consequences of surgery in patients with coronary stents are not clearly defined, as well as the impact of different stent types in relationship with timing of surgery. Among 39 362 patients with previous coronary stenting enrolled in a multicenter prospective registry and followed for 5 years, 13 128 patients underwent 17 226 surgical procedures. The cumulative incidence of surgery at 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years was 3.6%, 9.4%, 14.3%, and 40.0%, respectively, and of cardiac and noncardiac surgery was 0.8%, 2.1%, 2.6%, and 4.0% and 1.3%, 5.1%, 9.1%, and 31.7%, respectively. We assessed the incidence and the predictors of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and serious bleeding event within 30 days from surgery. Cardiac death occurred in 438 patients (2.5%), myocardial infarction in 256 (1.5%), and serious bleeding event in 1099 (6.4%). Surgery increased 1.58× the risk of cardiac death during follow-up. Along with other risk factors, the interplay between stent type and time from percutaneous coronary intervention to surgery was independently associated with cardiac death/myocardial infarction. In comparison with bare-metal stent implanted >12 months before surgery, old-generation drug-eluting stent was associated with higher risk of events at any time point. Conversely, new-generation drug-eluting stent showed similar safety as bare-metal stent >12 months and between 6 and 12 months and appeared trendly safer between 0 and 6 months. Surgery is frequent in patients with coronary stents and carries a considerable risk of ischemic and bleeding events. Ischemic risk is inversely related with time from percutaneous coronary intervention to surgery and is influenced by stent type. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.

  15. Fusión Borrosa de Estimadores para Aplicaciones de Control Basado en Imagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Perez-Vidal


    Full Text Available Resumen: El control visual es una disciplina de gran actualidad dentro del control de robots, y dentro de ésta, los algoritmos de predicción se usan para estimar la localización de objetos o características visuales proporcionadas por un sensor con retardo (cámara. Algunos de los algoritmos más utilizados son: el filtro de Kalman; los filtros alpha-beta/gamma (αβ/γ; el AKF; el SKF; etc. El mayor problema de algunos de ellos es conseguir que su implementación permita trabajar en aplicaciones con fuertes restricciones temporales o de tiempo real. En este artículo se presenta un nuevo método de predicción, denominado FMF, basado en la fusión o combinación borrosa de varios filtros, y por tanto con un alto coste computacional. En el artículo se estudia a través de simulación la mejora obtenida con la predicción del FMF respecto a los filtros individuales, lo que justifica su interés. Así mismo, se desarrolla su implementación de tiempo real en una FPGA empleando técnicas de paralelización y segmentado. La viabilidad, robustez y fiabilidad del algoritmo propuesto se ha comprobado mediante una aplicación experimental de control visual. Palabras clave: Métodos predictivos, algoritmos paralelos, sistemas fuzzy, visión por computador, control automático

  16. La traducció automàtica en la pràctica: aplicacions, dificultats i estratègies de desenvolupament

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mireia Ginestí Rossell


    Full Text Available En aquest article es descriuen els sistemes de traducció automàtica, les seves aplicacions actuals i les principals dificultats que ha d’afrontar aquesta tecnologia lingüística. Es presenta el sistema Apertium, una plataforma de traducció automàtica de codi obert sobre la qual s’han construït diversos traductors automàtics entre diferents parells d’idiomes, en els quals està inclòs el català. Basant-se en l’experiència dels autors, es descriuen algunes tensions que es donen en el desenvolupament de les dades lingüístiques d’un traductor automàtic i les solucions de compromís a què cal arribar per a construir sistemes útils.

  17. [Drug-eluting stent thrombosis and its pharmacological prevention]. (United States)

    Pershukov, I V; Batyraliev, T A


    The problem of drug eluting stents (DES) safety has been actively discussed throughout 2006 because of increase of frequency of development of late stent thromboses which were noted during almost 2 years after stenting. In December 2006 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel acknowledged increase of development of late stent thrombosis. At the same time FDA accepted new definition of stent-thrombosis suggested by the Academic Research Consortium. According to this definition thrombosis can be definite, probable and possible. Any unexplained death before end of follow-up in a trial should be considered thrombosis related. Recalculation of thrombosis rate using this definition caused pronounced increase of this parameter in previously conducted trials. Thrombosis rate rose from 0,6 to 3,3% for bare metal stents, from 0,8 to 3,6% for sirolimus eluting stents and from 1,3 to 3,5% for paclitaxel eluting stents. Professional cardiological and angiographical societies (ACC, AHA, SCAI) responding to FDA advisory panel published their proofs and vision of the problem of stent thrombosis. In February 2007 ACC, AHA, SCAI, American College of Surgeons and Association of Dentists published scientific bulletin in which described preventive measures aimed at lowering of risk of thrombosis development. This document contains strict recommendation to continue double antithrombotic therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel for 12 months after implantation of DES or abandonment of the use of this type of stents when long term double antithrombotic therapy is not possible.

  18. Metodología para la consolidación de los Procesos y Mejores Prácticas del Departamento de Aseguramiento de Calidad de Software en la empresa Prodigious Costa Rica


    Incer Valverde, Laura; Alvarado Arce, Alejandro


    Proyecto final de graduación, Maestría profesional El aseguramiento de la calidad de software es uno de los procesos del ciclo de vida de desarrollo del software que tiene como objetivo validar el correcto funcionamiento, el cumplimiento de los requerimientos y las especificaciones de las aplicaciones de los productos basados en software. En la empresa Prodigious Costa Rica, los colaboradores del departamento de aseguramiento de calidad de software participan en tareas y actividades qu...

  19. Plastic biliary stents for malignant biliary diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huibregtse, Inge; Fockens, Paul


    Plastic biliary endoprostheses have not changed much since their introduction more than 3 decades ago. Although their use has been challenged by the introduction of metal stents, plastic stents still remain commonly used. Much work has been done to improve the problem of stent obstruction but

  20. Application of frequency converters in industry; Aplicacion de convertidores de frecuencia en la industria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, A.; Aguilar Galvan, A. [Ingenieria Energetica Integral, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)


    Some of the applications of the frequency converters will be analyzed, as well as the parameters to be considered for the feasibility of its application evaluation. It is also described how an energy evaluation is accomplished and finally a series of actions are enlisted conducting to the energy savings. [Espanol] Se presentaran algunas de las aplicaciones de los convertidores de frecuencia. Ademas se indicaran los parametros a registrar para evaluar la factibilidad de aplicacion de los mismos, se describe como ejecutar la evaluacion energetica y finalmente se listan una serie de acciones que conducen a lograr ahorros de energia.

  1. Application of frequency converters in industry; Aplicacion de convertidores de frecuencia en la industria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, A; Aguilar Galvan, A [Ingenieria Energetica Integral, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)


    Some of the applications of the frequency converters will be analyzed, as well as the parameters to be considered for the feasibility of its application evaluation. It is also described how an energy evaluation is accomplished and finally a series of actions are enlisted conducting to the energy savings. [Espanol] Se presentaran algunas de las aplicaciones de los convertidores de frecuencia. Ademas se indicaran los parametros a registrar para evaluar la factibilidad de aplicacion de los mismos, se describe como ejecutar la evaluacion energetica y finalmente se listan una serie de acciones que conducen a lograr ahorros de energia.

  2. Stent Thrombosis in Drug-Eluting or Bare-Metal Stents in Patients Receiving Dual Antiplatelet Therapy. (United States)

    Kereiakes, Dean J; Yeh, Robert W; Massaro, Joseph M; Driscoll-Shempp, Priscilla; Cutlip, Donald E; Steg, P Gabriel; Gershlick, Anthony H; Darius, Harald; Meredith, Ian T; Ormiston, John; Tanguay, Jean-François; Windecker, Stephan; Garratt, Kirk N; Kandzari, David E; Lee, David P; Simon, Daniel I; Iancu, Adrian Corneliu; Trebacz, Jaroslaw; Mauri, Laura


    This study sought to compare rates of stent thrombosis and major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) (composite of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke) after coronary stenting with drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS) in patients who participated in the DAPT (Dual Antiplatelet Therapy) study, an international multicenter randomized trial comparing 30 versus 12 months of dual antiplatelet therapy in subjects undergoing coronary stenting with either DES or BMS. Despite antirestenotic efficacy of coronary DES compared with BMS, the relative risk of stent thrombosis and adverse cardiovascular events is unclear. Many clinicians perceive BMS to be associated with fewer adverse ischemic events and to require shorter-duration dual antiplatelet therapy than DES. Prospective propensity-matched analysis of subjects enrolled into a randomized trial of dual antiplatelet therapy duration was performed. DES- and BMS-treated subjects were propensity-score matched in a many-to-one fashion. The study design was observational for all subjects 0 to 12 months following stenting. A subset of eligible subjects without major ischemic or bleeding events were randomized at 12 months to continued thienopyridine versus placebo; all subjects were followed through 33 months. Among 10,026 propensity-matched subjects, DES-treated subjects (n = 8,308) had a lower rate of stent thrombosis through 33 months compared with BMS-treated subjects (n = 1,718, 1.7% vs. 2.6%; weighted risk difference -1.1%, p = 0.01) and a noninferior rate of MACCE (11.4% vs. 13.2%, respectively, weighted risk difference -1.8%, p = 0.053, noninferiority p stent thrombosis that are lower than BMS-treated subjects. (The Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Study [DAPT study]; NCT00977938). Copyright © 2015 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Aplicaciones ergonomicas para la mejoria del rendimiento de los brigadistas de incendios forestales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Esteban Meyer Cohen


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se generó como parte de un proyecto financiado por una agencia estatal denominada FONDEF, con el apoyo de cinco grandes empresas forestales. Su objetivo principal fue conocer la respuesta humana en el combate de incendios forestales, con el fin de contribuir a la organización de  programas de combate del fuego seguros y eficientes. Para cumplir con los objetivos específicos, fue necesario efectuar estudios en incendios y en  construcción de líneas de fuego. En los incendios se midió la respuesta fisiológica impuesta por la exposición a calor y el trabajo físico, registrándose continuamente la frecuencia cardíaca de los brigadistas. Se midieron también las temperaturas de bulbo seco, húmedo y de globo, la pendiente del terreno, las características del combustible, el estado del incendio y la calidad y el rendimiento,  obtenidos en brigadistas combatiendo el fuego en 605 ocasiones. Por su parte,  los ensayos de construcción de línea se llevaron a cabo  para establecer, bajo condiciones controladas, el efecto de las pausas y relevos.  

  4. Complications of esophageal stenting after radiotherapy and brachytherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yorozu, Atsunori; Dokiya, Takushi; Ogita, Mikio; Kutuki, Shoji; Oki, Yosuke [National Second Hospital of Tokyo (Japan)


    The purpose of our study was to evaluate safety and complications of stenting after radiotherapy and brachytherapy. Fifteen of 21 patients showed improvement of dysphagia by stenting. But 6 of 21 patients had perforation or massive bleeding relating to stents. The risk for perforation or hemorrhage appears to be even higher in patients who have previously undergone radical radiotherapy and brachytherapy within one month before stenting. Stenting at 6 months or more after radical radiotherapy seems to be an effective and safe method of long-lasting palliation for severe dysphagia with recurrent esophageal cancer. (author)

  5. Scintigraphic examinations after stent implantation in central airways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richter, W.S.; Kettner, B.I.; Munz, D.L.


    Endotracheal and endobronchial stent implantation has been developed as an effective treatment of benign and malignant airway stenosis and of tracheo- or bronchoesophageal fistulas. The selection of the stent type depends on the kind and site of disease. Chest X-ray and bronchoscopy are the procedures of choice for monitoring of stent position, structure, and function. However, with scintigraphic methods the effects of stent implantation on pulmonary ventilation and perfusion can be assessed non-invasively. The validation of the effect of a stent implantation on mucociliary and tussive clearance remains to be elucidated. (orig.) [de

  6. Limited Role for Biliary Stent as Surrogate Fiducial Marker in Pancreatic Cancer: Stent and Intratumoral Fiducials Compared

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horst, Astrid van der, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Lens, Eelco; Wognum, Silvia; Jong, Rianne de [Department of Radiation Oncology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Hooft, Jeanin E. van [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Tienhoven, Geertjan van; Bel, Arjan [Department of Radiation Oncology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    Purpose: Because of low soft-tissue contrast of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), fiducial markers are often used for radiation therapy patient setup verification. For pancreatic cancer patients, biliary stents have been suggested as surrogate fiducials. Using intratumoral fiducials as standard for tumor position, this study aims to quantify the suitability of biliary stents for measuring interfractional and respiratory-induced position variations of pancreatic tumors. Methods and Materials: Eleven pancreatic cancer patients with intratumoral fiducials and a biliary stent were included in this study. Daily CBCT scans (243 in total) were registered with a reference CT scan, based on bony anatomy, on fiducial markers, and on the biliary stent, respectively. We analyzed the differences in tumor position (ie, markers center-of-mass position) among these 3 registrations. In addition, we measured for 9 patients the magnitude of respiratory-induced motion (MM) of the markers and of the stent on 4-dimensional CT (4DCT) and determined the difference between these 2 magnitudes (ΔMM). Results: The stent indicated tumor position better than bony anatomy in 67% of fractions; the absolute difference between the markers and stent registration was >5 mm in 46% of fractions and >10 mm in 20% of fractions. Large PTV margins (superior-inferior direction, >19 mm) would be needed to account for this interfractional position variability. On 4DCT, we found in superior-inferior direction a mean ΔMM of 0.5 mm (range, –2.6 to 4.2 mm). Conclusions: For respiratory-induced motion, the mean ΔMM is small, but for individual patients the absolute difference can be >4 mm. For interfractional position variations, a stent is, on average, a better surrogate fiducial than bony anatomy, but large PTV margins would still be required. Therefore, intratumoral fiducials are recommended for online setup verification for all pancreatic patients scheduled for radiation therapy, including

  7. Aproximación del diseño arquitectónico a la fractalidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agripina Sanz Pérez


    Full Text Available En el último siglo los avances de la Matemática han sidoespectaculares. Nuevas aplicaciones y nuevas necesidades handemandado “nuevas matemáticas” y la necesidad de dar respuesta a esasdemandas han propiciado nuevos descubrimientos como los objetosfractales. Por otro lado, el gran desarrollo producido en los mediosinformáticos ha potenciado su utilización en diversas ramas del arte y la técnica en general.

  8. Endoscopic stenting for hilar cholangiocarcinoma: efficacy of unilateral and bilateral placement of plastic and metal stents in a retrospective review of 480 patients (United States)


    Background Endoscopic biliary drainage of hilar cholangiocarcinoma is controversial with respect to the optimal types of stents and the extent of drainage. This study evaluated endoscopic palliation in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma using self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) and plastic stents (PS).We also compared unilateral and bilateral stent placement according to the Bismuth classification. Methods Data on 480 patients receiving endoscopic biliary drainage for hilar cholangiocarcinoma between September 1995 and December 2010 were retrospectively reviewed to evaluate the following outcome parameters: technical success (TS), functional success (FS), early and late complications, stent patency and survival. Patients were followed from stent insertion until death or stent occlusion. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to the Bismuth classification (Group 1, type I; Group 2, type II; Group 3, type > III). Results The initial stent insertion was successful in 450 (93.8%) patients. TS was achieved in 204 (88.3%) patients treated with PS and in 246 (98.8%) patients palliated with SEMS (p stent patency in weeks (w) were as follows: 20 w in patients palliated with PS and 27 w in patients treated with SEMS (p stent patency. Conclusions SEMS insertion for the palliation of hilar cholangiocarcinoma offers higher technical and clinical success rates in the ITT analysis as well as lower complication rates and a superior cumulative stent patency when compared with PS placement in all Bismuth classifications. The cumulative patency of bilateral SEMS or PS stents was significantly higher than that of unilateral SEMS or PS stents, with lower occlusion rates in Bismuth II patients. PMID:22873816

  9. Self-made Palmaz stent: an experimental swine model study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Shicheng; Teng Gaojun; Guo Jinhe; Fang Wen


    Objective: To investigate the histologic changes and physicochemical stability of self-made Palmaz stent placed in swine arteries. Methods: The self-made Palmaz stent was made of 316L stainless steel wire. Nine stents were respectively placed within internal carotid, renal and iliac arteries of six pigs. Pigs were euthanized at intervals of 0.5, 1 and 3 months respectively and angiography were performed. Immediately followed by light and electro scanning microscopy for the stent zones. Results: All stents were successfully implanted in the target arteries and were patent shown in the angiographic examination immediately after the stent placement. Eight stents (8/9) remained patent at the time before euthanasia. No migration of stent were shown in the follow-up angiography. Light and electron scanning microscopy showed that the surface of the stents was covered by a thin layer of endothelial cells 2 weeks after the procedure and completely covered after 4 weeks. No inflammation occurred. Conclusions: The self-made Palmaz stent has good physicochemical stability and histocompatibility with easy placement, rather long term patency, histopathologic stability and thus the promising for clinical application

  10. Mechanical design of an intracranial stent for treating cerebral aneurysms. (United States)

    Shobayashi, Yasuhiro; Tanoue, Tetsuya; Tateshima, Satoshi; Tanishita, Kazuo


    Endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms using stents has advanced markedly in recent years. Mechanically, a cerebrovascular stent must be very flexible longitudinally and have low radial stiffness. However, no study has examined the stress distribution and deformation of cerebrovascular stents using the finite element method (FEM) and experiments. Stents can have open- and closed-cell structures, and open-cell stents are used clinically in the cerebrovasculature because of their high flexibility. However, the open-cell structure confers a risk of in-stent stenosis due to protrusion of stent struts into the normal parent artery. Therefore, a flexible stent with a closed-cell structure is required. To design a clinically useful, highly flexible, closed-cell stent, one must examine the mechanical properties of the closed-cell structure. In this study, we investigated the relationship between mesh patterns and the mechanical properties of closed-cell stents. Several mesh patterns were designed and their characteristics were studied using numerical simulation. The results showed that the bending stiffness of a closed-cell stent depends on the geometric configuration of the stent cell. It decreases when the stent cell is stretched in the circumferential direction. Mechanical flexibility equal to an open-cell structure was obtained in a closed-cell structure by varying the geometric configuration of the stent cell. Copyright © 2010 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    Valdés,Héctor; Zaror,Claudio A


    Los benzotiazoles están esparcidos en el ambiente debido a su gran variedad de aplicaciones. Dentro de ellos, el benzotiazol (BT), el 2-hidroxibenzotiazol (OHBT), y el 2-metilbenzotiazol (MeBT) son conocidos como agentes tóxicos y poco biodegradables. La adsorción con carbón activado se plantea como una opción atractiva para la remoción de estos contaminantes. Sin embargo, existen dudas acerca del efecto de las propiedades químicas superficiales del carbón activado sobre la capacidad de adsor...

  12. Atrial septal stenting - How I do it?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kothandam Sivakumar


    Full Text Available A wide atrial communication is important to maintain hemodynamics in certain forms of congenital and acquired heart defects. In comparison to balloon septostomy or blade septostomy, atrial septal stenting provides a controlled, predictable, and long-lasting atrial communication. It often needs a prior Brockenbrough needle septal puncture to obtain a stable stent position. A stent deployed across a previously dilated and stretched oval foramen or tunnel form of oval foramen carries higher risk of embolization. This review provides technical tips to achieve a safe atrial septal stenting. Even though this is a "How to do it article," an initial discussion about the indications for atrial septal stenting is vital as the resultant size of the atrial septal communication should be tailored for each indication.

  13. Classic crush and DK crush stenting techniques. (United States)

    Zhang, Jun-Jie; Chen, Shao-Liang


    Clinical data have supported the advantages of the double kissing (DK) crush technique, which consists of stenting the side branch (SB), balloon crush, first kissing, stenting the main vessel (MV) and final kissing balloon inflation, for complex coronary bifurcation lesions compared to other stenting techniques. Careful rewiring from the proximal cell of the MV stent to make sure the wire is in the true lumen of the SB stent is key to acquiring optimal angiographic results. Balloon anchoring from the MV, alternative inflation and each kissing inflation using large enough non-compliant balloons at high pressure, and the proximal optimisation technique are mandatory to improve both angiographic and clinical outcomes. Stratification of a given bifurcation lesion is recommended before decision making.

  14. Tracheal Self-Expandable Metallic Stents: A Comparative Study of Three Different Stents in a Rabbit Model. (United States)

    Serrano, Carolina; Lostalé, Fernando; Rodríguez-Panadero, Francisco; Blas, Ignacio de; Laborda, Alicia; de Gregorio, Miguel Angel


    The objective of this study was to assess tracheal reactivity after the deployment of different self-expandable metal stents (SEMS). Forty female New Zealand rabbits were divided into four groups. Three groups received three different SEMS: steel (ST), nitinol (NiTi), or nitinol drug-eluting stent (DES); the fourth group was the control group (no stent). Stents were deployed percutaneously under fluoroscopic guidance. Animals were assessed by multi-slice, computed tomography (CT) scans, and tracheas were collected for anatomical pathology (AP) study. Data from CT and AP were statistically analyzed and correlated. The DES group had the longest stenosis (20.51±14.08mm vs. 5.84±12.43 and 6.57±6.54mm in NiTi and ST, respectively, day 30; Pstent. CT was more effective in detecting wall thickening (positive correlation of 68.9%; Pstent, while DES caused significant lesions that may be related to drug dosage. This type of DES stent is therefore not recommended for the treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis. Copyright © 2015 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  15. Risk Factors for Migration, Fracture, and Dislocation of Pancreatic Stents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoshiaki Kawaguchi


    Full Text Available Aim. To analyze the risk factors for pancreatic stent migration, dislocation, and fracture in chronic pancreatitis patients with pancreatic strictures. Materials and Methods. Endoscopic stent placements (total 386 times were performed in 99 chronic pancreatitis patients with pancreatic duct stenosis at our institution between April 2006 and June 2014. We retrospectively examined the frequency of stent migration, dislocation, and fracture and analyzed the patient factors and stent factors. We also investigated the retrieval methods for migrated and fractured stents and their success rates. Results. The frequencies of stent migration, dislocation, and fracture were 1.5% (5/396, 0.8% (3/396, and 1.2% (4/396, respectively. No significant differences in the rates of migration, dislocation, or fracture were noted on the patient factors (etiology, cases undergoing endoscopic pancreatic sphincterotomy, location of pancreatic duct stenosis, existence of pancreatic stone, and approach from the main or minor papilla and stent factors (duration of stent placement, numbers of stent placements, stent shape, diameter, and length. Stent retrieval was successful in all cases of migration. In cases of fractured stents, retrieval was successful in 2 of 4 cases. Conclusion. Stent migration, fracture, and dislocation are relatively rare, but possible complications. A good understanding of retrieval techniques is necessary.

  16. Three-year patient-related and stent-related outcomes of second-generation everolimus-eluting Xience V stents versus zotarolimus-eluting resolute stents in real-world practice (from the Multicenter Prospective EXCELLENT and RESOLUTE-Korea Registries). (United States)

    Lee, Joo Myung; Park, Kyung Woo; Han, Jung-Kyu; Yang, Han-Mo; Kang, Hyun-Jae; Koo, Bon-Kwon; Bae, Jang-Whan; Woo, Sung-Il; Park, Jin Sik; Jin, Dong-Kyu; Jeon, Dong Woon; Oh, Seok Kyu; Park, Jong-Seon; Kim, Doo-Il; Hyon, Min Su; Jeon, Hui-Kyung; Lim, Do-Sun; Kim, Myeong-Gon; Rha, Seung-Woon; Her, Sung-Ho; Hwang, Jin-Yong; Kim, Sanghyun; Choi, Young Jin; Kang, Jin Ho; Moon, Keon-Woong; Jang, Yangsoo; Kim, Hyo-Soo


    Long-term outcomes are imperative to confirm safety of drug-eluting stents. There have been 2 randomized controlled trials comparing everolimus-eluting stents (EESs) and Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stents (ZES-Rs). To date, long-term clinical outcomes of these stents were limited to only 1 report, which has recently reported 4-year comparisons of these stents. Therefore, more evidence is needed regarding long-term clinical outcomes of the second-generation stents. This study compared the long-term clinical outcomes of EES with ZES-R in "all-comer" cohorts up to 3-year follow-up. The EXCELLENT and RESOLUTE-Korea registries prospectively enrolled 3,056 patients treated with EES and 1,998 with ZES-R, respectively, without exclusions. Stent-related composite outcomes (target lesion failure) and patient-related composite events up to 3-year follow-up were compared in crude and propensity score-matched analyses. Of 5,054 patients, 3,830 patients (75.8%) had off-label indication (2,217 treated with EES and 1,613 treated with ZES-R). The stent-related outcome (189 [6.2%] vs 127 [6.4%], p = 0.812) and the patient-related outcome (420 [13.7%] vs 250 [12.5%], p = 0.581) did not differ between EES and ZES-R, respectively, at 3 years, which was corroborated by similar results from the propensity score-matched cohort (hazard ratio [HR] 0.92, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.70 to 1.20, p = 0.523 and 0.85, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.02, p = 0.081, for stent- and patient-related outcomes, respectively). The rate of definite or probable stent thrombosis up to 3 years (22 [0.7%] vs 10 [0.5%], p = 0.370) was also similar. The rate of very late definite or probable stent thrombosis was very low and comparable between the 2 stents (3 [0.1%] vs 1 [0.1%], p = 0.657). In multivariate analysis, chronic renal failure (adjusted HR 3.615, 95% CI 2.440 to 5.354, p stents showed comparable safety and efficacy at 3-year follow-up in this robust real-world registry with unrestricted use of EES and

  17. Ureteral stent discomfort: Etiology and management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Miyaoka


    Full Text Available Objectives : To review the evidence-based literature on the causes, characteristics, and options to manage double J stent-related symptoms. Methods : We performed a Medline database assessment on papers that investigated the prevalence, mechanisms, risk factors, bothersome and management of double-J stent-related symptoms. Articles in English were reviewed and summarized. Results : Stent-related symptoms have a high prevalence and may affect over 80% of patients. They include irritative voiding symptoms including frequency, urgency, dysuria, incomplete emptying; flank and suprapubic pain; incontinence, and hematuria. Assessment tools are important to determine their intensity and allow for comparisons between different points in the timeline. The Urinary Stent Symptom Questionnaire (USSQ is the most proper tool used for this purpose. Management should be focused on the prevention and management of symptoms. In this sense, research has focused on new materials and stent designs that would be more compatible to the physiologic properties of the urinary tract and medications that can ameliorate the sensitivity and motor response of the bladder. Conclusions : Stent-related symptoms are very common in the Urological clinical setting. It is of major importance for the urologist to understand their physiopathology and to be familiar with ways to avoid or manage them.

  18. Análisis del concepto de liderazgo y sus aplicaciones en el contexto empresarial


    Barros Cuadrado, David


    El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de tener una visión completa de las teorías del liderazgo, teniendo de este una concepción como proceso y poder examinar las diversas formas de aplicación en las organizaciones contemporáneas. El tema es enfocado desde la perspectiva organizacional, un mundo igualmente complejo, sin desconocer su importancia en otros ámbitos como la educación, la política o la dirección del estado. Su enfoque tiene que ver con el estudio académico del cual es ...

  19. Impact of an endothelial progenitor cell capturing stent on coronary microvascular function: comparison with drug-eluting stents. (United States)

    Choi, Woong Gil; Kim, Soo Hyun; Yoon, Hyung Seok; Lee, Eun Joo; Kim, Dong Woon


    Although drug-eluting stents (DESs) effectively reduce restenosis following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), they also delay re-endothelialization and impair microvascular function, resulting in adverse clinical outcomes. Endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) capturing stents, by providing a functional endothelial layer on the stent, have beneficial effects on microvascular function. However, data on coronary microvascular function in patients with EPC stents versus DESs are lacking. Seventy-four patients who previously underwent PCI were enrolled in this study. Microvascular function was evaluated 6 months after PCI based on the index of microvascular resistance (IMR) and the coronary flow reserve (CFR). IMR was calculated as the ratio of the mean distal coronary pressure at maximal hyperemia to the inverse of the hyperemic mean transit time (hTmn). The CFR was calculated by dividing the hTmn by the baseline mean transit time. Twenty-one patients (age, 67.2 ± 9.6 years; male:female, 15:6) with an EPC stent and 53 patients (age, 61.5 ± 14.7 years; male:female, 40:13) with second-generation DESs were included in the study. There were no significant differences in the baseline clinical and angiographic characteristics of the two groups. Angiography performed 6 months postoperatively did not show significant differences in their CFR values. However, patients with the EPC stent had a significantly lower IMR than patients with second-generation DESs (median, 25.5 [interquartile range, 12.85 to 28.18] vs. 29.0 [interquartile range, 15.42 to 39.23]; p = 0.043). Microvascular dysfunction was significantly improved after 6 months in patients with EPC stents compared to those with DESs. The complete re-endothelialization achieved with the EPC stent may provide clinical benefits over DESs, especially in patients with microvascular dysfunction.

  20. Effect of biolimus-eluting stents with biodegradable polymer vs bare-metal stents on cardiovascular events among patients with acute myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Räber, Lorenz; Kelbæk, Henning; Ostojic, Miodrag


    The efficacy and safety of drug-eluting stents compared with bare-metal stents remains controversial in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).......The efficacy and safety of drug-eluting stents compared with bare-metal stents remains controversial in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)....

  1. A review on biodegradable materials for cardiovascular stent application (United States)

    Hou, Li-Da; Li, Zhen; Pan, Yu; Sabir, MuhammadIqbal; Zheng, Yu-Feng; Li, Li


    A stent is a medical device designed to serve as a temporary or permanent internal scaffold to maintain or increase the lumen of a body conduit. The researchers and engineers diverted to investigate biodegradable materials due to the limitation of metallic materials in stent application such as stent restenosis which requires prolonged anti platelet therapy, often result in smaller lumen after implantation and obstruct re-stenting treatments. Biomedical implants with temporary function for the vascular intervention are extensively studied in recent years. The rationale for biodegradable stent is to provide the support for the vessel in predicted period of time and then degrading into biocompatible constituent. The degradation of stent makes the re-stenting possible after several months and also ameliorates the vessel wall quality. The present article focuses on the biodegradable materials for the cardiovascular stent. The objective of this review is to describe the possible biodegradable materials for stent and their properties such as design criteria, degradation behavior, drawbacks and advantages with their recent clinical and preclinical trials.

  2. Percutaneous nephrostomy and antegrade ureteral stenting: technique - indications - complications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hausegger, Klaus A. [Klagenfurt General Hospital, Department of Radiology, Klagenfurt (Austria); Portugaller, Horst R. [University Hospital of Graz, Department of Radiology, Graz (Austria)


    In this review the technique, indication for and complications of percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) and antegrade ureter stent insertion are described. In the majority of the cases PCN is performed to relieve urinary obstruction, which can be of benign or malignant nature. Another indication for PCN is for treatment of urinary fistulas. PCN can be performed under ultrasound and/or fluoroscopic guidance, with a success rate of more than 90%. The complication rate is approximately 10% for major and minor complications together and 4-5% for major complications only. Percutaneous antegrade double-J stent insertion usually is performed if retrograde ureter stenting has not been successful. However, especially in malignant obstructions, the success rate for antegrade stenting is higher than for retrograde transvesical double-J stent insertion. In the case of severe infection and bleeding after PCN JJ-stent insertion may be contraindicated so long as there is no sufficient concomitant drainage via a PCN. Lower urinary tract dysfunction should be excluded before stent placement. The complication rate is 2-4%. Consequent stent surveillance with regular stent exchange is mandatory. (orig.)

  3. Crossing Y-stent technique with dual open-cell stents for coiling of wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms. (United States)

    Ko, Jun Kyeung; Han, In Ho; Cho, Won Ho; Choi, Byung Kwan; Cha, Seung Heon; Choi, Chang Hwa; Lee, Sang Weon; Lee, Tae Hong


    Double stenting in a Y-configuration is a promising therapeutic option for wide-necked cerebral aneurysms not amenable to reconstruction with a single stent. We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of the crossing Y-stent technique for coiling of wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms. By collecting clinical and radiological data we evaluated from January 2007 through December 2013, 20 wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms. Twelve unruptured and eight ruptured aneurysms in 20 patients were treated with crossing Y-stent-assisted coiling. Aneurysm size and neck size ranged from 3.2 to 28.2mm (mean 7.5mm) and from 1.9 to 9.1mm (mean 4.5mm). A Y-configuration was established successfully in all 20 patients. All aneurysms were treated with a pair of Neuroform stents. The immediate angiographic results were total occlusion in 17 aneurysms, residual neck in two, and residual sac in one. Peri-operative morbidity was only 5%. Fifteen of 18 surviving patients underwent follow-up conventional angiography (mean, 10.9 months). The result showed stable occlusion in all 15 aneurysms and asymptomatic in-stent occlusion in one branch artery. At the end of the observation period (mean, 33.5 months), all 12 patients without subarachnoid hemorrhage had excellent clinical outcomes (mRS 0), except one (mRS 2). Of eight patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, four remained symptom free (mRS 0), while the other four had were dependent or dead (mRS score, 3-6). In this report on 20 patients, crossing Y-stent technique for coiling of wide-necked bifurcation aneurysms showed a good technical safety and favorable clinical and angiographic outcome. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  4. Complications related to conventional self-expandable metal stent insertion and internal irradiation stent insertion in patients with advanced esophageal carcinoma: an analysis of 32 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Xingwen; Di Haiting; Zhu Jun; Shi Jian


    Objective: To compare the occurrence of complications between conventional self-expandable metal stent and internal irradiation stent insertion in treating patients with advanced esophageal carcinomas. Methods: A total of 32 patients with advanced esophageal carcinoma were randomly divided into irradiation stent group (n=15) and conventional stent group (n=17). Internal irradiation stent loaded with 125 I seeds was employed in patients of irradiation stent group, while conventional self-expandable metal stent was used in patients of conventional stent group. After the treatment, clinical follow-up was regularly conducted. Postoperative complications such as fever, severe chest pain, cough, esophageal perforation, pneumonia, hemorrhage, stent migration and restenosis, etc. were observed. Results: No significant difference in the occurrence of fever, severe chest pain, esophageal perforation and hemorrhage existed between the two groups (P>0.05). The difference in the occurrence of long-term complications such as stent migration or restenosis between the two groups was out statistically significant (P>0.05). However, the restenosis in irradiation stent group occurred obviously much later than that in conventional stent group. Conclusion: For the treatment of advanced esophageal carcinomas, the insertion of internal irradiation esophageal stent is safe. It dose not increase the incidence of postoperative complications. Therefore, it is worth popularizing this technique in clinical practice. (authors)

  5. Optical coherence tomography at follow-up after percutaneous coronary intervention: relationship between procedural dissections, stent strut malapposition and stent healing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Radu, Maria; Jørgensen, Erik; Kelbæk, Henning


    To analyse the relationship between strut apposition as visualised with optical coherence tomography (OCT) at follow-up and clinical and procedural characteristics at stent implantation, and to examine the relationship between strut apposition and stent healing.......To analyse the relationship between strut apposition as visualised with optical coherence tomography (OCT) at follow-up and clinical and procedural characteristics at stent implantation, and to examine the relationship between strut apposition and stent healing....

  6. Stent sizing strategies in renal artery stenting: the comparison of conventional invasive renal angiography with renal computed tomographic angiography. (United States)

    Kadziela, Jacek; Michalowska, Ilona; Pregowski, Jerzy; Janaszek-Sitkowska, Hanna; Lech, Katarzyna; Kabat, Marek; Staruch, Adam; Januszewicz, Andrzej; Witkowski, Adam


    Randomized trials comparing invasive treatment of renal artery stenosis with standard pharmacotherapy did not show substantial benefit from revascularization. One of the potential reasons for that may be suboptimal procedure technique. To compare renal stent sizing using two modalities: three-dimensional renal computed tomography angiography (CTA) versus conventional angiography. Forty patients (41 renal arteries), aged 65.1 ±8.5 years, who underwent renal artery stenting with preprocedural CTA performed within 6 months, were retrospectively analyzed. In CTA analysis, reference diameter (CTA-D) and lesion length (CTA_LL) were measured and proposed stent diameter and length were recorded. Similarly, angiographic reference diameter (ANGIO_D) and lesion length (ANGIO_LL) as well as proposed stent dimensions were obtained by visual estimation. The median CTA_D was 0.5 mm larger than the median ANGIO_D (p < 0.001). Also, the proposed stent diameter in CTA evaluation was 0.5 mm larger than that in angiography (p < 0.0001). The median CTA_LL was 1 mm longer than the ANGIO_LL (p = NS), with significant correlation of these variables (r = 0.66, p < 0.0001). The median proposed stent length with CTA was equal to that proposed with angiography. The median diameter of the implanted stent was 0.5 mm smaller than that proposed in CTA (p < 0.0005) and identical to that proposed in angiography. The median length of the actual stent was longer than that proposed in angiography (p = 0.0001). Renal CTA has potential advantages as a tool adjunctive to angiography in appropriate stent sizing. Careful evaluation of the available CTA scans may be beneficial and should be considered prior to the planned procedure.

  7. Successful Expansion of an Underexpanded Stent by Rotational Atherectomy (United States)

    Vales, Lori; Coppola, John; Kwan, Tak


    The current routine use of intracoronary stents in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has significantly reduced rates of restenosis, compared with balloon angioplasty alone. On the contrary, small post-stenting luminal dimensions due to undilatable, heavily calcified plaques have repeatedly been shown to significantly increase the rates of in-stent restenosis. Rotational atherectomy of lesions is an alternative method to facilitate PCI and prevent underexpansion of stents, when balloon angioplasty fails to successfully dilate a lesion. Stentablation, using rotational atherectomy to expand underexpanded stents deployed in heavily calcified plaques, has also been reported. We report a case via the transradial approach of rotational-atherectomy–facilitated PCI of in-stent restenosis of a severely underexpanded stent due to a heavily calcified plaque. We review the literature and suggest rotational atherectomy may have a role in treating a refractory, severely underexpanded stent caused by a heavily calcified plaque through various proposed mechanisms. PMID:24436587

  8. The current role of vascular stents. (United States)

    Busquet, J


    The limitations of percutaneous balloon angioplasty have favoured the development and the use of vascular endoprostheses or stents. These thin-walled metal devices maintain after expansion, an optimal and constant diameter for the vascular lumen. Restenosis, dissection, abrupt closure, residual stenosis or re-opened total occlusion represent appropriate indications for stenting. A large experience with non-coronary application of stents is currently available in iliac, femoro-popliteal and renal arteries, aorta, large veins.

  9. Role of stents and laser therapy in biliary strictures (United States)

    Chennupati, Raja S.; Trowers, Eugene A.


    The most frequent primary cancers causing malignant obstructive jaundice were pancreatic cancer (57%), hilar biliary cancer (19% including metastatic disease), nonhilar biliary cancer (14%) and papillary cancer (10%). Endoscopic stenting has widely replaced palliative surgery for malignant biliary obstruction because of its lower risk and cost. Self-expandable metal stents are the preferred mode of palliation for hilar malignancies. Plastic stents have a major role in benign biliary strictures. Major complications and disadvantages associated with metallic stents include high cost, cholangitis. malposition, migration, unextractability, and breakage of the stents, pancreatitis and stent dysfunction. Dysfunction due to tumor ingrowth can be relieved by thermal methods (argon plasma coagulator therapy). We present a concise review of the efficacy of metallic stents for palliation of malignant strictures.

  10. Experimental use of new absorbable tracheal stent. (United States)

    Schopf, Luciano F; Fraga, José Carlos; Porto, Rodrigo; Santos, Luis A; Marques, Douglas R; Sanchez, Paulo R; Meyer, Fabíola S; Ulbrich, Jane M


    Silicone and metallic stents are not effective in children with tracheobronchial stenosis or tracheomalacia. Herein, we aimed to evaluate the clinical manifestations and histological reaction of rabbit trachea to the presence of a new poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) with polyisoprene (PLGA/PI) polymer absorbable stent. Fourteen adult white rabbits (weight, 3.0-3.5kg) were randomly assigned to three groups: Group I (n=6): PLGA/PI spiral stent; Group II (n=6): PLGA/PI fragment; and Group III (n=2): controls. After a longitudinal incision on three cervical tracheal rings, the stents and fragments were inserted into the trachea and fixed onto the lateral wall with nonabsorbable sutures. The stented group showed significantly more stridor at rest (p=0.0041), agitation (p=0.014), and use of accessory muscles (p=0.0002) and required more emergency endoscopies than the fragment group. Further, it showed significantly more remarkable histological inflammatory damage than the fragment and control groups (p=0.002). The new PLGA/PI polymeric stent implanted into the trachea of rabbits caused more clinical manifestations and histologically verified inflammatory reaction than the PLGA/PI polymeric fragment. Future studies should be aimed at reducing the stent-wall thickness. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Metallic Stents for Tracheobronchial Pathology Treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serrano, Carolina; Laborda, Alicia; Lozano, Juan M.; Caballero, Hugo; Sebastián, Antonio; Lopera, Jorge; Gregorio, Miguel Ángel de


    Purpose: To present the 7-year experience of the treatment of benign and malignant tracheobronchial stenoses using metallic stents. Patients and Methods: One hundred twenty-three stents were inserted in 86 patients (74 benign and 12 malignant stenoses). Ninety-seven stents were placed in the trachea and 26 in the bronchi. The procedures were performed under fluoroscopic and flexible bronchoscopic guidance with the patient under light sedation. In cases of severe stenotic lesions or obstructions, laser resection was performed before stent placement. Clinical and functional pulmonary data were recorded before and 3 months after the procedure. Follow-up involved clinical data and radiographic techniques at 48 h and at 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month intervals. Results: The technical success was 100 %. Dyspnea disappearance, forced expiratory volume in the first second, and pulmonary functional data improvement was observed in all patients (p < 0.001). Complications were detected in 23 patients (26.7 %). Mean follow-up time was 6.3 ± 1.2 months in patients with malignant lesions and 76.2 ± 2.3 months patients with in benign lesions. By the end of the study, 100 % of patients with malignant pathology and 6.7 % of patients with benign lesions had died. Conclusion: Endoluminal treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis with metallic stents is a therapeutic alternative in patients who are poor candidates for surgery. In unresectable malignant lesions, the benefit of metallic stenting is unquestionable. In benign lesions, the results are satisfactory, but sometimes other interventions are required to treat complications. New stent technology may improve these results

  12. Metallic stents for tracheobronchial pathology treatment. (United States)

    Serrano, Carolina; Laborda, Alicia; Lozano, Juan M; Caballero, Hugo; Sebastián, Antonio; Lopera, Jorge; de Gregorio, Miguel Ángel


    To present the 7-year experience of the treatment of benign and malignant tracheobronchial stenoses using metallic stents. One hundred twenty-three stents were inserted in 86 patients (74 benign and 12 malignant stenoses). Ninety-seven stents were placed in the trachea and 26 in the bronchi. The procedures were performed under fluoroscopic and flexible bronchoscopic guidance with the patient under light sedation. In cases of severe stenotic lesions or obstructions, laser resection was performed before stent placement. Clinical and functional pulmonary data were recorded before and 3 months after the procedure. Follow-up involved clinical data and radiographic techniques at 48 h and at 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month intervals. The technical success was 100 %. Dyspnea disappearance, forced expiratory volume in the first second, and pulmonary functional data improvement was observed in all patients (p < 0.001). Complications were detected in 23 patients (26.7 %). Mean follow-up time was 6.3 ± 1.2 months in patients with malignant lesions and 76.2 ± 2.3 months patients with in benign lesions. By the end of the study, 100 % of patients with malignant pathology and 6.7 % of patients with benign lesions had died. Endoluminal treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis with metallic stents is a therapeutic alternative in patients who are poor candidates for surgery. In unresectable malignant lesions, the benefit of metallic stenting is unquestionable. In benign lesions, the results are satisfactory, but sometimes other interventions are required to treat complications. New stent technology may improve these results.

  13. Metallic Stents for Tracheobronchial Pathology Treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serrano, Carolina, E-mail: [University of Zaragoza, Surgical Pathology Unit, Animal Pathology Department (Spain); Laborda, Alicia, E-mail: [University of Zaragoza, Minimally Invasive Techniques Research Group (GITMI) (Spain); Lozano, Juan M., E-mail: [Marly Clinic, Radiology Department (Colombia); Caballero, Hugo, E-mail: [Marly Clinic, Pulmonology Department (Colombia); Sebastian, Antonio, E-mail: [Lozano Blesa Clinical University Hospital, Pulmonology Department (Spain); Lopera, Jorge, E-mail: [Health Science Center, Interventional Radiology Deparment (United States); Gregorio, Miguel Angel de, E-mail: [University of Zaragoza, Minimally Invasive Techniques Research Group (GITMI) (Spain)


    Purpose: To present the 7-year experience of the treatment of benign and malignant tracheobronchial stenoses using metallic stents. Patients and Methods: One hundred twenty-three stents were inserted in 86 patients (74 benign and 12 malignant stenoses). Ninety-seven stents were placed in the trachea and 26 in the bronchi. The procedures were performed under fluoroscopic and flexible bronchoscopic guidance with the patient under light sedation. In cases of severe stenotic lesions or obstructions, laser resection was performed before stent placement. Clinical and functional pulmonary data were recorded before and 3 months after the procedure. Follow-up involved clinical data and radiographic techniques at 48 h and at 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month intervals. Results: The technical success was 100 %. Dyspnea disappearance, forced expiratory volume in the first second, and pulmonary functional data improvement was observed in all patients (p < 0.001). Complications were detected in 23 patients (26.7 %). Mean follow-up time was 6.3 {+-} 1.2 months in patients with malignant lesions and 76.2 {+-} 2.3 months patients with in benign lesions. By the end of the study, 100 % of patients with malignant pathology and 6.7 % of patients with benign lesions had died. Conclusion: Endoluminal treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis with metallic stents is a therapeutic alternative in patients who are poor candidates for surgery. In unresectable malignant lesions, the benefit of metallic stenting is unquestionable. In benign lesions, the results are satisfactory, but sometimes other interventions are required to treat complications. New stent technology may improve these results.

  14. Clasificación del reflejo óculo-cardiaco por la desviación centesimal de viola

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Rubén Paz B.


    Full Text Available Desde mucho tiempo antes, habían notado los observadores, las modificaciones reflejas de las funciones vegetativas causadas por la excitación de algún nervio sensitivo y aun habían deducido de esta observación, aplicaciones prácticas, como la cura operatoria de las lesiones nasales en el tratamiento de algunos casas de asma (W. Hack a explicaciones patogénicas, como la atribución del sincope del principio de la anestesia por inhalación a la brusca irritación de las terminaciones sensitivas de la pituitaria (Knoll y Kratschmer.

  15. Esophageal stent migration can lead to intestinal obstruction (United States)

    Karatepe, Oguzhan; Acet, Ersin; Altiok, Merih; Battal, Muharrem; Adas, Gokhan; Karahan, Servet


    Background: Self-expanding metallic stents are the devices of choice in the treatment of malign or benign strictures of the esophagus. Stent migration is a well-known complication of this procedure. Aims: We report a case of intestinal obstruction caused by esophageal stent migration, in which surgical intervention was used. Methods: A 65-year-old woman, who had a medical history of gastric cancer operations and esophageal stent applications, was admitted to our emergency department with a 48-hour history of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. An emergency laparotomy was performed and the migrated stent causing intestinal obstruction was removed. Results: The patient recovered without incident and was discharged on postoperative day 3. Conclusion: This case illustrates that esophageal stent migration has to be considered as a potential life-threatening complication. PMID:22666672

  16. An experimental study on expandable endovascular metallic stents in dogs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Ho Young; Kim, Hak Nam [Chonbuk National University College of Medicine, Chonju (Korea, Republic of)


    We constructed an expandable endovascular metallic stent in the same way as Giamturco did. Experiments were made to test the ability of these stents to be used in the vessels. A total of 20 stents were passed through a 8.5 French teflon sheath into the normal abdominal aorta. IVC, and iliac artery of four adult dogs for 4 weeks to 12 weeks; 8 stents (10 mm in diameter fully expanded and 20 mm in length) in the abnormal aorta, 7 stents (12 mm/20 mm) in the IVC, and 5 stents (8 mm/20 mm) in the iliac artery. All but two stents showed no migration, and one complete occlusion occurred in right iliac artery of a dog. Histologically, stents wires were covered by neo-intimal proliferation. The side branches of the main vessels remained patent, even stent wires across their orifices. These metallic stents may be used as an endovascular graft material in the nonsurgical treatment of several forms of vascular disease.

  17. Factors leading to tracheobronchial self-expandable metallic stent fracture. (United States)

    Chung, Fu-Tsai; Lin, Shu-Min; Chen, Hao-Cheng; Chou, Chun-Liang; Yu, Chih-Teng; Liu, Chien-Ying; Wang, Chun-Hua; Lin, Horng-Chyuan; Huang, Chien-Da; Kuo, Han-Pin


    This retrospective study was to determine factors that contribute to self-expandable metallic stent fracture in patients with tracheobronchial disease. From 2001 to 2006, 139 patients (age, 62.1 +/- 15.4 years; range, 23-87 years) with benign (n = 62) and malignant (n = 77) tracheobronchial disease received 192 Ultraflex (Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass) self-expandable metallic stents (98 in patients with benign disease and 94 in patients with malignant disease). Seventeen fractured self-expandable metallic stents were found; the incidence was 12.2% (17/139 patients) among patients with tracheobronchial disease. Tortuous airway (odds ratio, 4.06; 95% confidence interval, 1.04-18.34; P = .04) independently predicted self-expandable metallic stent fracture. Most self-expandable metallic stent fractures (64.7%, 11/17) were detected 500 to 1000 days after self-expandable metallic stent implantation. Clinical presentations for patients with fractured self-expandable metallic stents included dyspnea exacerbation (70.6%, 12/17) and cough (23.5%, 4/17). Self-expandable metallic stent fracture is not uncommon in patients with tracheobronchial disease. Tortuous airway is an independent predictor for it. Although management of the fractured self-expandable metallic stent in our study was feasible and safe, self-expandable metallic stents should be restricted to a more select population.

  18. Combined-stent covered technique and single covered stent technique for transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt: a prospective randomized controlled study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Changming; Li Xuan; Fu Jun; Lu Xianjun; Luan Jingyuan; Li Tianrun; Zhao Jun; Dong Guoxiang


    Objective: To compare the technique of combined stents with that of single stent-graft for the construction of transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt (TIPS) and to discuss their clinical outcomes. Methods: During the period from April 2011 to Dec. 2012, a total of 30 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to portal hypertension were admitted to the hospital. TIPS procedure was carried out in all the 30 patients. The patients were randomly allocated into either combined-stent group (n=17) or stent-graft group (control group, n=13) on the basis of a computer-generated randomization sequence. The PSC quality control, the patency rate of portal vein branches and the shunts, the incidence of encephalopathy and the survival rate of the two groups were documented and analyzed. Results: Technical success rate was 100%. After the treatment, in both groups the PSG became significantly lower than the PSG determined before the treatment (P<0.000). According to quality control chart, the of combined stents was superior to stent-graft technique in effectively controlling PSG. Five days after TIPS, the ammonia level in the combined- stent group was significantly decreased (P=0.029), while in the control group the ammonia level showed no significant changes (P=0.065). One patient died shortly after TIPS. The median follow- up time was 181 days. During the follow-up period death occurred in 3 cases in each group. The difference in the survival rate between the two groups was no significant (P=0.906). Of the three patients who developed encephalopathy, two were in the combined-stent group and one was in the control group. After medication the symptoms of encephalopathy were relieved. The patency rate of the shunts was 100% and the re-bleeding rate was 0% for both groups. The patency rate of portal vein branches was significantly higher in the combined-stent group than that in the control group (P=0.039). Conclusion: For the construction of TIPS, the technique of

  19. Delayed thrombosis or stenosis following enterprise-assisted stent-coiling: is it safe? Midterm results of the interstate collaboration of enterprise stent coiling. (United States)

    Mocco, J; Fargen, Kyle M; Albuquerque, Felipe C; Bendok, Bernard R; Boulos, Alan S; Carpenter, Jeffrey S; Fiorella, David J; Hoh, Brian L; Howington, Jay U; Liebman, Kenneth M; Natarajan, Sabareesh K; Rai, Ansaar T; Rodriguez-Mercado, Rafael; Siddiqui, Adnan H; Snyder, Kenneth V; Veznedaroglu, Erol; Hopkins, L Nelson; Levy, Elad I


    Stent-assisted coiling of intracranial aneurysms with self-expanding stents has widened the applicability of neuroendovascular therapies to those aneurysms previously considered "uncoilable" because of poor morphology. The Enterprise Vascular Reconstruction Device and Delivery System (Cordis) has demonstrated promising initial short-term results. However, the rates of delayed in-stent stenosis or thrombosis are not known. To report midterm results of the Enterprise stent system. A 10-center registry was created to provide a large volume of data on the safety and efficacy of the Enterprise stent system. Pooled data were compiled for consecutive patients undergoing Enterprise stent-assisted coiling at each institution. Available follow-up data were evaluated for the incidence of in-stent stenosis, thrombosis, and aneurysm occlusion. In total, 213 patients (176 females) with 219 aneurysms were treated with the Enterprise stent. One hundred ten patients had undergone delayed angiography (≥ 30 days from stent placement, mean follow-up 174.6 days). Forty percent of patients demonstrated total occlusion with 88% having ≥ 90% aneurysm occlusion. Six percent of patients had delayed (>30 days) angiographic findings, of which 3% demonstrated significant (≥ 50%) in-stent stenosis or occlusion. Seven delayed thrombotic events occurred (3%), along with 2 additional immediate periprocedural events. All 7 delayed events were concomitant to cessation of double-antiplatelet therapy. Midterm occlusion rates are excellent, and stenosis and thrombosis rates are comparable to other available neurovascular stents. Interruption of antiplatelet therapy appears to be a factor in those developing delayed stenosis or thrombosis.

  20. Self-Expanding Nitinol Renal Artery Stents: Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Bare Versus Polyzene-F Nanocoated Stents in a Porcine Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurz, P.; Stampfl, U.; Christoph, P.; Henn, C.; Satzl, S.; Radeleff, B.; Berger, I.; Richter, G. M.


    Objective: To investigate the safety and efficacy of a Polyzene-F nanocoat on new low-profile self-expandable nitinol stents in minipig renal arteries. Materials and Methods: Ten bare nitinol stents (BNS) and 10 stents coated with a 50 nm-thin Polyzene-F coating were randomly implanted into renal arteries of 10 minipigs (4- and 12-week follow-up, 5 animals/group). Thrombogenicity, on-stent surface endothelialization, vessel wall injury, late in-stent stenosis, and peristrut vessel wall inflammation were determined by quantitative angiography and postmortem histomorphometry. Results: In 6 of 10 BNS, >50% stenosis was found, but no stenosis was found in stents with a nanothin Polyzene-F coating. Histomorphometry showed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) different average maximum luminal loss of 55.16% ± 8.43% at 12 weeks in BNS versus 39.77% ± 7.41% in stents with a nanothin Polyzene-F coating. Stents with a nanothin Polyzene-F coating had a significantly (p < 0.05) lower inflammation score after 12 weeks, 1.31 ± 1.17 versus 2.17 ± 0.85 in BNS. The results for vessel wall injury (0.6 ± 0.58 for Polyzene-F-coated stents; 0.72 ± 0.98 for BNS) and re-endothelialization, (1.16 ± 0.43 and 1.23 ± 0.54, respectively) were not statistically significant at 12-week follow-up. No thrombus deposition was observed on the stents at either follow-up time point. Conclusion: Nitinol stents with a nanothin Polyzene-F coating successfully decreased in-stent stenosis and vessel wall inflammation compared with BNS. Endothelialization and vessel wall injury were found to be equal. These studies warrant long-term pig studies (≥120 days) because 12 weeks may not be sufficient time for complete healing; thereafter, human studies may be warranted.