
Sample records for anti t-zerfallskanal bei

  1. CERN Document Server

    Sahr, Oliver


    Die Bestimmung der Masse des W-Bosons ist eines der Hauptziele der zweiten Phase des Betriebs des Elektron-Positron-Beschleunigers LEP am europaischen ¨ Forschungszentrum fur¨ Elementarteilchenphysik CERN bei Genf. W-Bosonen werden bei LEP dominant paarweise erzeugt. Zerfallen beide W-Bosonen in ein Quark-Antiquark-Paar spricht man von reinhadronischen W-Paar Ereignissen. Dieser Zerfallskanal spielt bei der Messung der W-Masse eine wichtige Rolle. Die W-Massenbestimmung bei LEP basiert darauf, dass die Zerfallsprodukte in einem Ereignisjeweils einem der beiden W-Bosonen zugeordnet werden und anschließend deren invariante Masse bestimmt wird. Im reinhadronischen Zerfallskanal konnen ¨ Endzustandswechselwirkung zwischen den Zerfallsprodukten der beiden W-Bosonen dazu fuhren, ¨ dass diese Zuordnung nicht mehr eindeutig moglich ¨ ist und die gemessene W-Masse dadurch verschoben wird. Der Begriff “Colour-Reconnection” bezeichnet eine Wechselwirkung, die zu einem Farbfluss zwischen den beiden Quark-Antiqu...

  2. T-Zell-Zytokinexpression bei gestillten vs. nicht-gestillten Kindern


    Aulenbach, Julia


    Das Bestreben, den Aufbau, die Funktion sowie die Entwicklung des Immunsystems zu verstehen, steht schon lange Zeit im Zentrum des Interesses vieler Forschungsarbeiten, insbesondere um auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse neue Behandlungsansätze für immunologisch relevante Krankheitsbilder zu entwickeln. Stillen könnte ein wichtiger Faktor sein, der bei der Entwicklung und Differenzierung von T-Zell-Subpopulationen und Zytokinmustern im Säuglings- und Kindesalter eine bedeutende Roll...

  3. Die Bandscheibenprothese bei schmerzhafter Diskusdegeneration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ogon M


    Full Text Available Bandscheibenprothesen sind indiziert bei Patienten mit einer schmerzhaften Bandscheibendegeneration, einer sogenannten DDD (degenerative disc disease, bei gut erhaltenen Facettengelenken. Kontraindikationen stellen eine Instabilität, eine Spondylarthrose, eine spinale Stenose und eine Osteoporose dar. Bei 19 Patienten mit einem Follow-up von mindestens 12 Monaten fand sich eine durchschnittliche Verbesserung des Oswestry Disability Index von präoperativ 50,8 auf 19,8. Der SF-36 Score zur Erfassung der Lebensqualität besserte sich von 31,5 auf 48,8 (Physical Component Summary Score bzw. von 37,8 auf 44,5 (Mental Component Summary Score im 1-Jahres-Follow-up. Nachhaltige Komplikationen traten nicht auf. Bandscheibenprothesen können heute bei Patienten mit therapieresistenten Kreuzschmerzen als gute Alternative zu einer Wirbelfusion angesehen werden.

  4. Psychologie körperlicher Aktivität bei Patienten mit Rückenschmerzen


    Leonhardt, Corinna


    Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit den psychologischen Determinanten und Fördermöglichkeiten von körperlicher Aktivität bei Rückenschmerzpatienten auseinander, wobei Daten einer multizentrischen cluster-randomisierten Studie (N= 1378) genutzt werden. Der theoretische Hintergrund aller Originalarbeiten gibt einen Überblick zu neuen Erkenntnissen zum Rückenschmerz und zur Aktivitätsförderung in der Gesundheitspsychologie und ...

  5. Der Einfluss von Alitretinoin auf die Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit schwerem chronischen Handekzem: FUGETTA - Beobachtungsstudie unter Praxisbedingungen. (United States)

    Augustin, Matthias; Thaçi, Diamant; Kamps, Anja


    Alitretinoin ist die einzige zugelassene Behandlung für schweres chronisches Handekzem (CHE), das refraktär gegenüber potenten topischen Corticosteroiden ist. Bei dieser Studie (FUGETTA) wurde die Wirksamkeit von leitliniengerecht angewendetem oralem Alitretinoin sowie dessen Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität (LQ) bei Patienten mit schwerem refraktärem CHE beurteilt. Multizentrische, offene, nichtinterventionelle Beobachtungsstudie, durchgeführt in Deutschland. Die Patienten wurden nach Ermessen ihres behandelnden Arztes mit Alitretinoin 10 mg oder 30 mg einmal täglich über maximal 24 Wochen behandelt. Die Wirksamkeit wurde anhand des Physician Global Assessment (PGA) und des Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) bewertet. Zudem wurden unerwünschte Ereignisse (UE) erfasst. Die Studienpopulation bestand aus 658 Patienten (30 mg: n = 581; 10 mg: n = 77). Bei Beobachtungsbeginn litten die meisten Patienten (83 %) gemäß PGA an einem schweren CHE. Bei Beobachtungsende war das Handekzem bei 48 % der Patienten gemäß PGA vollständig oder fast vollständig abgeheilt (30 mg: 49 %; 10 mg: 43 %). Die mittlere Verbesserung des DLQI-Scores in Woche 24 betrug 58 % (30 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,4 [8,04]) und 70 % (10 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,8 [7,29]). Die Gesamtinzidenz von NW war niedrig und in den beiden Gruppen ähnlich. Alitretinoin führte zu einer schnellen, deutlichen Verbesserung der LQ bei Patienten mit schwerem CHE. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Azelainsäure 20 % Creme: Auswirkung auf Lebensqualität und Krankheitsaktivität bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit Acne vulgaris. (United States)

    Kainz, Julius Thomas; Berghammer, Gabriele; Auer-Grumbach, Piet; Lackner, Verena; Perl-Convalexius, Sylvia; Popa, Rodica; Wolfesberger, Barbara


    Zur Wirksamkeit von Aknetherapien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität erwachsener Patienten liegen kaum Daten vor. ZIEL: Erhebung der Wirkung von Azelainsäure 20 % Creme (Skinoren ® ) auf Akne-Schweregrad und krankheitsbedingte Lebensqualität. Nichtinterventionelle Studie bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit leichter bis mittelschwerer Akne. Wirksamkeitsparameter waren DLQI sowie Akne-Schweregrad im Gesicht, am Dekolleté sowie am Rücken im Gesamturteil des Prüfarztes (IGA-Skala: Grad 1 = annähernd reine Haut; 2 = leichte Akne; 3 = mittelschwere Akne). Visiten waren zu Studienbeginn sowie nach 4-8 und zwölf Wochen geplant. Von den 251 eingeschlossenen Patientinnen lag zu Studienbeginn bei 59 %, 31 % bzw. 10 % ein IGA-Grad von 1, 2 bzw. 3 vor; die am häufigsten betroffene Hautpartie war das Gesicht (IGA-Grad 2 oder 3: 79 %). Nach zwölf Behandlungswochen war eine signifikante Besserung der Acne vulgaris im Gesicht (IGA-Grad 0 oder 1: 82 %) sowie auf Dekolleté und Rücken feststellbar. Der mediane DLQI-Wert sank von neun zu Studienbeginn auf fünf nach zwölf Behandlungswochen. Neunzig Prozent der behandelnden Ärzte und Patientinnen beurteilten die Verträglichkeit der Behandlung als sehr gut oder gut. Die Anwendung von 20%iger Azelainsäure-Creme führt bei erwachsenen Frauen zu einer signifikanten Besserung der Acne vulgaris und der krankheitsbedingten Lebensqualität. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Entwicklungstrends bei landwirtschaftlichen Applikationen - ein Zwischenfazit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christa Hoffmann


    Full Text Available Globalisierung, volatile Märkte und der vermehrte Rückzug der Agrarpolitik aus der Marktregulierung sorgen dafür, dass die Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben an Komplexität zunehmen. Applikationen bieten durch ihre Mobilität und individuellen Ausgestaltungsmöglichkeiten Optionen, um den Landwirt bei seiner täglichen Arbeit zu unterstützen. In diesem Kontext nimmt diese Arbeit eine Bestandsaufnahme und Kategorisierung nativer Applikationen mit landwirtschaftlichem Bezug vor. Die Ergebnisse zeigen unter anderem einen Angebotsschwerpunkt im Produktionszweig Pflanzenbau und bei den Funktionen bestimmte häufig auftretende bedarfsbedingte Kombinationen (z. B. Planung und Analyse.

  8. Evolution und Funktionsvariabilität von bunodonten Molaren bei Primaten


    Menz, Ulrike Maria (Doktor)


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden funktionale Details der Okklusion während der Mastikation bei ausgewählten fossilen und rezenten Primaten quantitativ vergleichend untersucht. Dazu wurden die Okklusionsflächen von antagonistischen Molarenpaaren mit modernen virtuellen Verfahren eingescannt und anhand von 3D Kronenmodellen kartiert und funktional ausgewertet. Die in der Forschergruppe DFG FOR 771 entwickelte Software „Occlusal Fingerprint Analyser“ (OFA) kam erstmals bei einer großen Stichpro...

  9. NLO QCD corrections to off-shell t anti t and t anti tH at the ILC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reuter, Juergen; Chokoufe Nejad, Bijan; Weiss, Christian


    We discuss top-quark physics at the ILC with a focus on the full off-shell processes for t anti t and t anti tH production, including top-quark decays and also leptonic W decays. A special focus is on the matching of the resummed vNRQCD threshold calculation and the fixed-order NLO QCD continuum calculation, where we present an update on the validation of the matching. All of the calculations have been performed in the WHIZARD event generator framework.

  10. Osteoporose bei Spondylitis ankylosans - Einfluß von Lebensgewohnheiten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aglas F


    Full Text Available Krankheitsbedingte Artefakte können bei der SpA (Spondylitis ankylosans; Mb. Bechterew die Sensitivität einer Knochendichtemessung im Lumbalbereich beeinträchtigen. Das bei dieser rheumatischen Erkrankung bekannte Osteoporoserisiko ist neben genetischen Faktoren und Entzündungsmechanismen auch von verschiedenen exogenen Einflüssen abhängig. An 47 SpA-Patienten wurde mittels DEXA eine vergleichende Knochendichtemessung (BMD an der Hüfte (Schenkelhals und Ward'sches Dreieck sowie im Bereich der Wirbelsäule (L1-L4 vorgenommen. Zusätzlich erfolgte eine Erhebung der Lebens-Ernährungsgewohnheiten der SpA-Patienten in bezug auf die BMD, um exogene Einflüsse erfassen zu können. Die Knochendichtemessungen ergaben an der LWS wesentlich häufiger eine BMD im Normbereich als am proximalen Femur. Besonders deutliche Unterschiede traten im höheren Lebensalter auf, bei dem aufgrund von Kalzifizierungsvorgängen und Syndesmophyten an der LWS fälschlicherweise eine Dichtezunahme vorgetäuscht wird. Es kann daher bei SpA empfohlen werden, die wesentlich sensitivere Dichtemessung am Schenkelhals durchzuführen. Die über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren beobachteten, signifikant erhöhten, medianen CRP-Spiegel zeigen, daß eine permanente Aktivierung von Entzündungsprozessen bei SpA auch einen negativen Faktor betreffend des Knochenmasseverlustes darstellt. Die Analyse der Lebensgewohnheiten ergab, daß SpA-Patienten mit normaler BMD ausnahmslos regelmäßig kalziumreiche Nahrungsmittel zu sich nehmen; bei verminderter BMD wurde in der Mehrheit ein fehlender Konsum an Milchprodukten beobachtet. Leider war auch mit abnehmender BMD eine Verminderung der bei SpA empfohlenen Bewegungsübungen festzustellen. Aufgrund der Resultate ergibt sich eine generelle Empfehlung zu regelmäßigen Bewegungsübungen plus Osteoporosediät bei allen Bechterew-Patienten.

  11. Krafttraining bei älteren "frail" Personen

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    Kapan A


    Full Text Available Aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung in den westlichen Industrieländern kann bei einem Ausbleiben adäquater Präventionsmaßnahmen davon ausgegangen werden, dass in Österreich im Jahr 2050 356.000 gebrechliche („frail“ und 1,5 Millionen Personen mit Vorstufen erwartet werden können. Im Alter von 50–70 Jahren kann auch bei gesunder Ernährung und körperlicher Aktivität die Muskelkraft um bis zu 30 % nachlassen. Für den Erhalt der Mobilität und um dem Muskelabbau entgegenzuwirken nimmt das körperliche Training, vor allem das Krafttraining, einen wichtigen Stellenwert ein.

  12. Measurement of the top-quark mass and the t anti tZ cross section in ATLAS. The t anti t dilepton way

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, Kaven Henry Yau


    A measurement of the top-quark mass and the t anti tZ cross section is performed using 4.6 fb -1 and 20.3 fb -1 of data from proton-proton collisions collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The top-quark mass is measured in the t anti t eμ channel using the mean value of the m T2 variable with the calibration curve method to obtain the first top-quark mass measurement in the dilepton channel using the ATLAS detector: m top =175.2±1.6 (stat.)± 3.1(syst.) GeV. Improvements in the computation of the systematic uncertainty, the measurement method and the inclusion of the t anti t ee and μμ channels result in a significant increase in the precision of the measurement, leading to a measured top-quark mass of m top =173.7±0.8(stat.)±1.8 (syst.) GeV. The use of the m T2 perp variable is also studied, providing an additional mass measurement with similar uncertainty: m top =173.3±0.7(stat.)±1.7 (syst.) GeV. A t anti tZ cross-section measurement is performed in the t anti tZ→4l channel using a likelihood fit to five signal regions and one ZZ control region used to determine the normalization of the main background from data. Seven events are selected in data and, from the result of the likelihood fit, a t anti tZ cross section of σ t anti tZ =0.32 +0.18 -0.14 (stat.) +0.12 -0.05 (syst.) pb is measured, which is compatible with the Standard Model prediction for proton-proton collisions at 8 TeV.

  13. Anti-regulatory T cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mads Hald


    responses to tumours or inhibiting autoimmunity development. However, recent studies report the discovery of self-reactive pro-inflammatory T cells—termed anti-regulatory T cells (anti-Tregs)—that target immune-suppressive cells. Thus, regulatory cells can now be defined as both cells that suppress immune...... reactions as well as effector cells that counteract the effects of suppressor cells and support immune reactions. Self-reactive anti-Tregs have been described that specifically recognize human leukocyte antigen-restricted epitopes derived from proteins that are normally expressed by regulatory immune cells......Our initial understanding of immune-regulatory cells was based on the discovery of suppressor cells that assure peripheral T-cell tolerance and promote immune homeostasis. Research has particularly focused on the importance of regulatory T cells (Tregs) for immune modulation, e.g. directing host...

  14. Production of d, t, 3He, anti d, anti t and anti 3He by 200 GeV protons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bozzoli, W.; Giacomelli, G.; Rimondi, F.; Zylberajch, S.; Lesquoy, E.; Meunier, R.; Moscoso, L.; Muller, A.; Bussiere, A.


    Data are presented on the yields of d, t, 3 He, anti d, anti t, and anti 3 He with laboratory momenta between 12 and 37 GeV/c produced by 200 GeV protons on beryllium and aluminium. The production yield of nuclei depends significantly on the target nucleus, while the anti d production is independent of target material. The mass dependence of the production cross section is exponential for both nuclei and antinuclei

  15. Familienbezogene Lebensqualität bei Müttern von Jungen mit Fragilem-X-Syndrom im frühen Kindesalter


    Sarimski, Klaus


    Die Erfassung familienbezogener Lebensqualität bei Müttern behinderter Kinder richtet sich sowohl auf Einschränkungen, die mit der Erziehung und Versorgung des Kindes für das eigene Leben verbunden sind, wie auch mögliche positive Veränderungen der eigenen Perspektiven. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Lebensqualität u. a. vom Alter des Kindes und der Art seiner Behinderung abhängt. Es wird über eine Untersuchung mit dem Fragebogen zur familienbezogenen Lebensqualität (FLQ) berichtet, in der...

  16. MRI for myocarditis; MRT bei Myokarditis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutberlet, M.; Luecke, C.; Krieghoff, C.; Hildebrand, L.; Steiner, J.; Adam, J.; Grotthoff, M.; Lehmkuhl, L. [Herzzentrum, Universitaet Leipzig, Abteilung fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Leipzig (Germany); Lurz, P.; Eitel, I.; Thiele, H. [Herzzentrum, Universitaet Leipzig, Abteilung Kardiologie, Leipzig (Germany)


    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) has become the primary tool for the non-invasive assessment in patients with suspected myocarditis, especially after exclusion of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) for the differential diagnosis. Various MRI parameters are available which have different accuracies. Volumetric and functional ventricular assessment and the occurrence of pericardial effusion alone demonstrate only a poor sensitivity and specificity. The calculation of the T2-ratio (edema assessment), the early or global relative myocardial enhancement (gRE) and the late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), which represents irreversibly injured myocardium, are more specific parameters. All MRI parameters demonstrate the best accuracy in infarct-like acute myocarditis, whereas in chronic myocarditis sensitivity and specificity are less accurate. Therefore, a multisequential (at least two out of three parameters are positive) approach is recommended. The assessment of the value of newer, more quantitative MRI sequences, such as T1 and T2-mapping is still under investigation. (orig.) [German] Die kardiale MRT stellt die primaere nichtinvasive bildgebende Modalitaet bei Verdacht auf Myokarditis dar, insbesondere auch nach Ausschluss eines akuten Koronarsyndroms (ACS) zur Differenzialdiagnose. Verschiedene MR-Parameter mit unterschiedlicher Wertigkeit stehen zur Verfuegung. Die Beurteilung der Volumetrie und Ventrikelfunktion weisen ebenso wie der Nachweis eines Perikardergusses alleine nur eine geringe Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet auf. Die spezifischeren MRT-Inflammationsparameter stellen die T2-Ratio (Oedemnachweis), die fruehe Kontrastmittelanreicherung bzw. das globale relative Enhancement (gRE) und die spaete Kontrastmittelanreicherung, das so genannte Late-Gadolinium-Enhancement (LGE) als Zeichen eines irreversiblen Myokardschadens dar. Alle MR-Parameter zeigen die beste diagnostische Genauigkeit bei einer ''infarktaehnlichen'' akuten

  17. Stabilität (United States)

    Horn, Joachim

    Für die Stabilität eines linearen, zeitinvarianten Übertragungsgliedes existieren verschiedene Definitionen. Bei der asymptotischen Stabilität wird gefordert, dass der Systemausgang nach einer kurzzeitigen Systemanregung mit wachsender Zeit wieder gegen Null geht. Bei der BIBO-Stabilität (Bounded Input-Bounded Output) wird gefordert, dass bei einem beschränkten Systemeingang der Systemausgang ebenfalls beschränkt ist.

  18. Kyphoplastie als palliative Therapieoption bei pathologischen Frakturen der Brust- und Lendenwirbelsäule

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hartwig E


    Full Text Available Bedingt durch Fortschritte in der Behandlung von Tumoren hat sich die Lebenserwartung von Krebspatienten deutlich verbessert. Jedoch steigt hiermit auch die Inzidenz von Knochenmetastasen. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen, die primären Knochentumoren betreffend, ist die Art der Behandlung dieser Läsionen in der Regel palliativ. Durch operatives Intervenieren muß bei diesen Patienten ein maximaler palliativer Effekt bei minimaler Morbidität und Mortalität erzielt werden. Die vorwiegenden Ziele sind Schmerzreduktion unter Erhalt der Stabilität und Funktion. Durch die Kyphoplastie wurden Zementierungsverfahren an der Wirbelsäule auch für pathologische Frakturen auf dem Boden metastatischer Manifestationen elegibel. In einer telefonischen Evaluation von 10 Patienten konnte die Wertigkeit des Verfahrens in der palliativen Situation bei Patienten mit Wirbelsäulenmetastasen gezeigt werden.

  19. MR imaging in chronic epicondylitis humeri radialis at 1.0 T: is Gd-DTPA administration useful?; MRT bei chronischer Epicondylitis humeri radialis an einem 1,0 T-Geraet - Kontrastmittelgabe notwendig?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herber, S.; Kalden, P.; Kreitner, K.-F.; Thelen, M. [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Riedel, C.; Rompe, J.D. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Orthopaedie Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ. Mainz (Germany)


    Purpose: Evaluation of the diagnostic value and confidence of contrast-enhanced MR imaging in patients with lateral epicondylitis in comparison to clinical diagnosis. Material and Methods: 42 consecutive patients with clinically proven chronic lateral epicondylitis and 10 ellbow joints of healthy controls have been examined on a 1.0 T MR-unit. Criteria for inclusion in the prospective study were: persistant pain and a failed conservative therapy. The MR protocol included STIR sequence, a native, T{sub 2}-weighted, fat-supressed TSE sequence, and a flash-2-D sequence. Also, fat-supressed, T{sub 1}-weighted SE sequences before and after administration of Gd-DTPA contrast media have been recovded. Results: In 39/42 patients the STIR sequence showed an increased SI of the common extensor tendom. Increased MR signal of the lateral collateral ligament combined with a thickening and a partial rupture or a full thickness tear have been observed in 15/42 cases. A bone marrow edema at the lateral epicondylus was noticed in 6 of the studied patients and a joint effusion in 18/42 patients. After administration of contrast media we noticed an average increase of SI by about 150%. However, enhanced MR imaging did not provide additional information. Conclusion: In MR imaging of chronic epicondylitis administration of gadolinium-DTPA does not provide additional information. (orig.) [German] Zielsetzung: Evaluation der Wertigkeit der Gadolinium-DTPA-Gabe in der MR-Diagnostik der chronischen Epicondylitis humeri radialis im Vergleich zur klinischen Befunderhebung. Material und Methoden: 42 konsekutive Patienten mit einer klinisch diagnostizierten chronischen Epicondylitis humeri radialis sowie 10 Ellenbogengelenke bei 5 Probanden wurden bei 1,0 T prospektiv untersucht. Einschlusskriterium war eine persistierende Schmerzsymptomatik ueber mehr als ein halbes Jahr. Das MR-Protokoll beinhaltete neben einer STIR-Sequenz eine native T{sub 2}-gewichtete TSE-Sequenz mit Fettsupression sowie

  20. Quarter Century of Anti-HIV CAR T Cells. (United States)

    Wagner, Thor A


    A therapy that might cure HIV is a very important goal for the 30-40 million people living with HIV. Chimeric antigen receptor T cells have recently had remarkable success against certain leukemias, and there are reasons to believe they could be successful for HIV. This manuscript summarizes the published research on HIV CAR T cells and reviews the current anti-HIV chimeric antigen receptor strategies. Research on anti-HIV chimeric antigen receptor T cells has been going on for at least the last 25 years. First- and second-generation anti-HIV chimeric antigen receptors have been developed. First-generation anti-HIV chimeric antigen receptors were studied in clinical trials more than 15 years ago, but did not have meaningful clinical efficacy. There are some reasons to be optimistic about second-generation anti-HIV chimeric antigen receptor T cells, but they have not yet been tested in vivo.

  1. Die Rolle von Osteoklasten bei der arthritischen Knochenerosion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schett G


    Full Text Available Knöcherne Erosionen stellen eine wesentliche Ursache für die funktionelle Einschränkung von Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis dar. Bis vor kurzem war über den Pathomechanismus dieser Veränderungen nur wenig bekannt. Dieser Review faßt die letzten Erkenntnisse über die Ausbildung einer Knochenschädigung bei entzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen zusammen und fokussiert insbesondere die Rolle von Osteoklasten. Es wird ein Überblickzu den Hinweisen für eine Präsenz von Osteoklasten im entzündlich veränderten Gelenk gegeben. Weiters werden die Faktoren diskutiert, die die Osteoklastogenese im Rahmen einer Gelenkentzündung aktivieren können. Hier wird im besonderen auf die Rolle von Receptor-Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand (RANKL eingegangen. Im weiteren werden die Auswirkungen einer Osteoklastenhemmung in den verschiedenen Arthritismodellen zusammengefaßt und Möglichkeiten einer therapeutischen Nutzung bei rheumatoider Arthritis diskutiert.

  2. Botulinumtoxin-A in der Behandlung neurogener Blasenfunktionsstörungen bei Kindern: Funktionelle und histomorphologische Langzeitergebnisse

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    Schulte-Baukloh H


    Full Text Available Die etablierte Therapie der neurogenen Detrusorhyperaktivität bei Kindern besteht in der Gabe von Anticholinergika und begleitendem intermittierendem Einmalkatheterismus. Eine hohe Nebenwirkungsrate der Anticholinergika oder eine nicht ausreichende Dämpfung der Detrusoraktivität limitiert jedoch die Anwendung und zwingt nicht selten zu einem operativen Vorgehen. Wir untersuchten deshalb die Wirksamkeit von Botulinumtoxin-A (BTX-A auf die neurogene Detrusorhyperaktivität bei Kindern mit neurogener Blasenfunktionsstörung. Hierzu wurden 24 Kinder (11 Mädchen, 13 Jungen; 2,5–20 (Ø 11,9 Jahre mit maximalem Detrusordruck 40 cm H2O trotz anticholinerger Medikation in die Studie eingeschlossen. Nach urodynamischer Evaluierung wurden gewichtsadaptiert 85–300 U BTX-A (Botox(R zystoskopisch an 30–40 Stellen in den M. detrusor injiziert. Urodynamische Kontrollen erfolgten nach 1, 3 und 6 Monaten. Urodynamisch fand sich ein erhöhtes Reflexvolumen nach 1 Monat um +84 %, nach 3 Monaten um +68 % und nach 6 Monaten um +23 %. Entsprechend verhielten sich die Maximalkapazitäten: +35 % (nach 1 Monat, +23 % (nach 3 Monaten und +36 % (nach 6 Monaten. Die Maximaldrücke veränderten sich im o.g. Zeitraum um –41 %, –22 % bzw. +4 %. Die korrespondierenden Veränderungen der Inkontinenzrate betrug –46 %, –15 % bzw. –13 %. Bei 5 Kindern konnte jedoch auch mit dieser Therapie keine zufriedenstellende Drucksituation sichergestellt werden; nach der daraufhin durchgeführten Blasenaugmentation fanden sich in den Blasenresektaten histomorphologisch typische BTX-A bedingte Veränderungen, die jedoch in ihrer Ausprägung keinen signifikanten Gradienten aufwiesen. Zusammenfassend läßt sich festhalten, daß es nach Botulinumtoxin-A-Injektion in den Detrusormuskel bei der Mehrzahl der Patienten zu einer ausgeprägten und therapeutisch relevanten Verbesserung sämtlicher urodynamischer Parameter bei sehr guter Verträglichkeit des Medikamentes kommt

  3. Osteoporose bei Mb. Bechterew - neue Ansätze

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    Obermayer-Pietsch B


    Full Text Available Eine axiale Osteoporose und daraus resultierende vertebrale Kompressionsfrakturen sind häufige Symptome eines Mb. Bechterew (MbB, Spondylarthritis ankylosans. Als ein möglicher genetischer Faktor der Osteoporose wurde eine Assoziation der Knochendichte (BMD mit BsmI- und FokI-Polymorphismen im Vitamin D-Rezeptor-(VDR-Gen publiziert. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Beziehungen zwischen diesen Polymorphismen, Knochenstoffwechsel, BMD und Aktivitätsindizes bei Patienten mit MbB untersucht. Bei 47 MbB-Patienten wurden Aktivitätsindizes und morphologische Parameter sowie BMD-Messungen (Dual-Röntgen-Absorptiometrie an Wirbelsäule und Schenkelhals im Vergleich zu 52 gesunden, altersgleichen Personen erhoben. Die Laborbestimmungen umfaßten biochemische Aktivitätsparameter, HLA-Typisierung sowie Knochenan- und -abbaumarker. Aus peripheren Leukozyten wurde genomische DNA präpariert und mittels Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR und anschließender FokI- und BsmI-Restriktion der VDR-Genotyp nach vorhandenen bzw. fehlenden Schnittstellen (f/b bzw. F/B bestimmt. Bei MbB-Patienten fand sich eine Osteoporose deutlich häufiger als in der Kontrollgruppe. Eine Zuordnung von Aktivitätsindizes, BMD und Knochenstoffwechselparametern zu den Genotypen zeigte bei männlichen MbB-Patienten sowohl eine Assoziation der WS-Knochendichte als auch der Entzündungsmarker mit FokI-, nicht jedoch mit BsmI-Genotypen des VDR. Die pathophysiologischen Mechanismen dieser Assoziation, insbesondere mit der entzündlichen Aktivität des Mb. Bechterew, sind noch ungeklärt. Eine frühzeitige Erfassung des Osteoporoserisikos bei MbB-Patienten mittels molekularbiologischer Tests könnte eine rechtzeitige Prophylaxe und Therapie dieser Komplikation ermöglichen.

  4. Biogenic Emission Inventory System (BEIS) (United States)

    Biogenic Emission Inventory System (BEIS) estimates volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from vegetation and nitric oxide (NO) emission from soils. Recent BEIS development has been restricted to the SMOKE system

  5. Neuere Untersuchungen zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Niederhöfer


    Full Text Available Seit einigen Jahren ist die Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie Gegenstand zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten; Zielvorstellung ist dabei die Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Erkennung eines möglichen Voranfallszustandes. Im Vordergrund steht beispielsweise die Approximation einer so genannten effektiven Korrelationsdimension, die Bestimmung der maximalen Lyapunov-Exponenten, Detektionsverfahren für Muster bei Zellularen Nichtlinearen Netzwerken, die Bestimmung der mittleren Phasenkohärenz und Verfahren zur nichtlinearen Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen. Trotz umfangreicher Bemühungen kann bis heute eine Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten mit einer Sensitivität und Spezifität, die eine automatisierte Anfallsvorhersage ermöglichen würde, noch nicht durchgeführt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden neue Ergebnisse zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie vorgestellt. Dabei werden Signale, welche mittels intrakranieller electrocorticographischer (ECoG und stereoelectroencephalographischer (SEEG Ableitungen registriert wurden, segmentweise analysiert. Unter der Annahme, dass sich Änderungen des Systems ,,Gehirn" als Änderungen im Prädiktor, d.h. in seinen Systemparametern widerspiegeln, könnte eine nähere Betrachtung der Prädiktoreigenschaften zu einer Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten führen.

  6. Die Dankesrede bei der Preisverleihung

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    Elenmari Pletikos Olof


    Full Text Available Festliche Preisverleihungen sind Gelegenheiten, bei denen von den Preisträgerneine kurze Rede erwartet wird. Obwohl die Dankesrede eine kleinere Randgattung innerhalb des epideiktischen Genres ist, steht sie im Mittelpunkt des Ereignisses. Rhetorikhandbücher geben zahlreiche Ratschläge, wie eine gute Festrede vorbereitet werden soll, um zu unterhalten, zu bewegen und zu belehren. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es festzustellen, welche Eigenschaften der Dankesrede die Zuhörer als erwünscht oder unerwünscht wahrnehmen und welche Charakteristika am meisten zur Qualität festlicher Dankesreden beitragen. Das Korpus der gesprochenen Texte bilden 30 Dankesreden anlässlich kroatischer Preisverleihungen in den Bereichen Schauspiel, Sport, Musik, Fernsehen, Literatur und Wirtschaft. Die Audio-Aufnahmen der Dankesreden wurden einer Gruppe von Hörern zur Bewertung in folgenden Kategorien vorgelegt: interessant, geistreich, hoher Sprachstil, feierlich, emotiv, persönlich, originell, bescheiden, vorbereitet und spontan. Zusätzlich wurde zu jeder Rede die offene Frage gestellt, was dem Zuhörer an der Rede gefallen oder nicht gefallen habe. Die Resultate der Perzeptionsanalye lassen erkennen, dass die Interessantheit einer Rede mit der Eigenschaft des Geistreichen, des Originellen, des Emotionalen und des Persönlichen in Verbindung gebracht wird und die Eigenschaft des Festlichen im Wesentlichen nur mit dem hohen Sprachstil und der Vorbereitetheit des Textes korreliert. Einige Eigenschaften können sowohl erwünscht als auch unerwünscht sein, z. B. Dialekt, Persönliches und Kürze. Die besten Dankesreden haben Eigenschaften, die im Grunde schwer miteinander zu verbinden sind: Einerseits soll der Text vorbereitet sein (hoher Stil, Wortwahl, Figuren, Originalität der Geschichte, Humor, andererseits wird bei der Ausführung Spontaneität (Aufrichtigkeit, Emotionalität, Persönlichkeit erwartet.

  7. Measuring anomalous WWγ and t anti tγ couplings using top+γ production at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Etesami, Seyed Mohsen; Khatibi, Sara; Najafabadi, Mojtaba Mohammadi


    We consider the electroweak production of a top quark in association with a photon at the LHC to probe the electroweak top quark couplings (t anti tγ) as well as the triple gauge-boson couplings (WWγ). The study is based on the modifications of the t anti tγ and WWγ interactions via heavy degrees of freedom in the form of dimension-six operators which we add to the standard model Lagrangian. A binned angular asymmetry in single top quark plus photon events and cross section ratio are proposed to probe the anomalous t anti tγ and WWγ couplings. It is shown that the proposed angular asymmetry can distinguish anomalous t anti tγ, WWγ couplings from the standard model prediction and yield a great sensitivity. (orig.)

  8. Einflussfaktoren auf den persönlichen Stress bei Studienanfängern in der Humanmedizin


    Schulze, Johannes; Duderstadt, Monika; Hodjat, Beheshta; Wu, Yue-Ying


    Die derzeitige Regelung der Zulassung zum Medizinstudium berücksichtigt die Abiturnote und Wartezeiten; universitäre Parameter können diese Kriterien modifizieren. Hierzu zählen z.B. die Leistungskurswahl, wie es an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt gehandhabt wird. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung zu Stress und Resilienz bei Medizinstudenten haben wir bei den Studenten des 1. vorklinischen Semesters soziodemographische Daten erhoben, die einen Kohortenvergleich erlauben. Die chronische Stressbelast...

  9. Neurofunctional MRI at high magnetic fields; Neurofunktionelle MRT bei hohen Feldern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Speck, O. [Fakultaet fuer Naturwissenschaften, Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg, Abteilung Biomedizinische Magnetresonanz, Institut fuer Experimentelle Physik, Magdeburg (Germany); Leibniz Institut fuer Neurobiologie, Magdeburg (Germany); Deutsches Zentrum fuer Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), Magdeburg (Germany); Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS), Magdeburg (Germany); Turner, R. [MPI fuer Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Abteilung Neurophysik, Leipzig (Germany)


    group data without the need for voxel-based congruence. (orig.) [German] fMRT-Untersuchungen sind durch den geringen aktivierungsinduzierten Signalunterschied in ihrer Sensitivitaet limitiert und innerhalb kurzer tolerierbarer Messzeiten ist die raeumliche Aufloesung limitiert. fMRT bei 1,5 und mehr noch bei 3 T ist ein zuverlaessiges Werkzeug in der Neurowissenschaft und fuer klinische Anwendungen, wie etwa die praechirurgische Funktionslokalisierung. Die fMRT-Sensitivitaet steigt stark (mehr als linear) mit hoeherer Magnetfeldstaerke. Dies war seit Jahren einer der Hauptgruende fuer die Entwicklung zu hoeheren Feldern wie etwa 7 T. Der Sensitivitaetsgewinn von 7 gegenueber 3 T ist bei hoher raeumlicher Aufloesung am groessten und die fMRT mit sehr hoher isotroper Submillimeteraufloesung wird moeglich. Bisherige Resultate zeigen, dass die Blood-oxygenation-level-dependent(BOLD)-Lokalisierung deutlich praeziser ist als bislang angenommen. Mittels Hochfeld-fMRT werden nicht nur quantitativ bessere Ergebnisse erzielt, sondern Informationen neuer Qualitaet zugaenglich wie etwa die kolumnare und schichtabhaengige Struktur des Kortex. Somit wird der Weg zu weiteren Informationen, wie etwa die Richtung kortikaler Verbindungen, eroeffnet. Diese Moeglichkeiten bergen jedoch auch neue Herausforderungen. So muessen neue Verfahren zur Prozessierung derart hochaufgeloester Daten entwickelt werden, welche z. B. ohne Glaettung auskommen, um den Informationsgehalt der Daten nicht zu reduzieren. Standardaufloesungen von 2-3 mm sind weiterhin bei 3 T ''gut aufgehoben'' und profitieren von geringeren Signalausloeschungen, weniger Verzerrungen und geringerer Lautstaerke. Zum Erreichen hoechster Aufloesung bei 7 T sind parallele Bildgebung und Verzerrungskorrektur essenziell und ermoeglichen eine gute Uebereinstimmung mit anatomischen Aufnahmen. Die Echozeit sollte bei 7 T auf ca. 20-25 ms angepasst und die Datenauswertung fuer einzelne Probanden oder Patienten ohne

  10. Precise Point Positioning with the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Min Li


    Full Text Available By the end of 2012, China had launched 16 BeiDou-2 navigation satellites that include six GEOs, five IGSOs and five MEOs. This has provided initial navigation and precise pointing services ability in the Asia-Pacific regions. In order to assess the navigation and positioning performance of the BeiDou-2 system, Wuhan University has built up a network of BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS around the World. The Position and Navigation Data Analyst (PANDA software was modified to determine the orbits of BeiDou satellites and provide precise orbit and satellite clock bias products from the BeiDou satellite system for user applications. This article uses the BeiDou/GPS observations of the BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations to realize the BeiDou and BeiDou/GPS static and kinematic precise point positioning (PPP. The result indicates that the precision of BeiDou static and kinematic PPP reaches centimeter level. The precision of BeiDou/GPS kinematic PPP solutions is improved significantly compared to that of BeiDou-only or GPS-only kinematic PPP solutions. The PPP convergence time also decreases with the use of combined BeiDou/GPS systems.

  11. Precise point positioning with the BeiDou navigation satellite system. (United States)

    Li, Min; Qu, Lizhong; Zhao, Qile; Guo, Jing; Su, Xing; Li, Xiaotao


    By the end of 2012, China had launched 16 BeiDou-2 navigation satellites that include six GEOs, five IGSOs and five MEOs. This has provided initial navigation and precise pointing services ability in the Asia-Pacific regions. In order to assess the navigation and positioning performance of the BeiDou-2 system, Wuhan University has built up a network of BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS) around the World. The Position and Navigation Data Analyst (PANDA) software was modified to determine the orbits of BeiDou satellites and provide precise orbit and satellite clock bias products from the BeiDou satellite system for user applications. This article uses the BeiDou/GPS observations of the BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations to realize the BeiDou and BeiDou/GPS static and kinematic precise point positioning (PPP). The result indicates that the precision of BeiDou static and kinematic PPP reaches centimeter level. The precision of BeiDou/GPS kinematic PPP solutions is improved significantly compared to that of BeiDou-only or GPS-only kinematic PPP solutions. The PPP convergence time also decreases with the use of combined BeiDou/GPS systems.

  12. Mehrfacheffekt-Feuchtluftdestillation bei Umgebungsdruck


    Müller-Holst, Hendrik


    Ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Feuchtluftdestillation mittels Verdunstung und Kondensation in einer einzigen Kammer wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit umfassend analysiert. Das Verfahren arbeitet bei Umgebungsdruck; der dadurch bei Temperaturen unter dem Siedepunkt verringerte Stoffübergang wird durch große Austauschflächen mit hoher Packungsdichte kompensiert. Der Transport der im Verdunster beladenen Feuchtluft zum Kondensator erfolgt innerhalb einer optimierten geometrischen Anordnung der Baueinheit...

  13. Spin correlation in t anti t production from p anti p collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suyong Choi


    The Standard Model predicts that the lifetime of the top quark is shorter than the typical time scale at which hadronization process occurs, and the spin information at its production is preserved. Spin correlation of the t anti t system from p anti p collisions at the Tevatron is analyzed using 6 events in the dilepton channels collected using the D0 detector. Spin correlation factor of κ > minus 0.25 at 68% CL is obtained from the data

  14. Paradigmenwechsel in der Anti-Aging-Medizin: Hormesis, Target-of-Rapamycin-Komplex und erste Anti-Aging-Pillen // Paradigm Shift in Anti-Aging Medicine: Hormesis, Target of Rapamycin Complex and First Human Anti-Aging-Pills

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    Römmler A


    Full Text Available Studies in model organisms have shown that some drugs and lifestyle practices (calorie-restricted diets, regular exercise, e.g. can extend life and health span and protect against the onset of age-related chronic diseases by targeting physiological pathways.brA common mode of action was found via mTOR (mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin pathway signalling. This intracellular protein kinase complex plays a key role in stimulating anabolic and cell growth promoting processes, while inhibiting autophagy. On the other hand, downregulation results in antiproliferative, anticancer and intensive cell-repairing effects leading to life and health span extension and stress resistance. The mTOR complex regulates such basic cell activities and integrates signals from nutrition sensing, energy metabolism, insulin and growth factors, stress and hypoxia.brImportantly, mTOR can be inhibited by some molecules and their analogs (rapamycin, resveratrol, metformin, e.g., which are released naturally from plants, yeast or bacteria to protect against natural enemies. Its dosage resembles an adaptive hormetic response relationship, as high concentrations are toxic and mild doses are associated with anticancer and antiaging effects. This opens up new avenues for their use as „anti-aging pills“ in humans.brRecent human data suggest that metformin, rapamycin and other mTOR-inhibitors could delay heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline and improve survival time in people with diabetes mellitus. In addition, response to influenca vaccine was enhanced by rapamycin in adults with immunosenescence, indicating beneficial anti-aging effects in the“Treat aging” is an actual call to recognize aging as an indication appropriate for clinical trials and treatments, as it was recently approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA USA. p bKurzfassung/b: Die ansteigende Morbidität und Invalidität in alternden Industrienationen stößt an die Grenzen der Ressourcen

  15. Measurement of the t anti tZ and t anti tW production cross sections in multilepton final states using 3.2 fb{sup -1} of pp collisions at √(s) = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aaboud, M. [Univ. Mohamed Premier et LPTPM, Oujda (Morocco). Faculte des Sciences; Aad, G. [CPPM, Aix-Marseille Univ. et CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille (France); Abbott, B. [Oklahoma Univ., Norman, OK (United States). Homer L. Dodge Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Collaboration: ATLAS Collaboration; and others


    A measurement of the t anti tZ and t anti tW production cross sections in final states with either two same-charge muons, or three or four leptons (electrons or muons) is presented. The analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions at √(s) = 13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb{sup -1}. The inclusive cross sections are extracted using likelihood fits to signal and control regions, resulting in σ{sub t} {sub anti} {sub tZ} = 0.9 ± 0.3 pb and σ{sub t} {sub anti} {sub tW} = 1.5 ± 0.8 pb, in agreement with the Standard Model predictions. (orig.)

  16. Behandlung von Herzrhythmusstörungen mit Magnesium bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz

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    Wink K


    Full Text Available Die medikamentöse Behandlung von Herzrhythmusstörungen ist unbefriedigend, da bei guter Wirksamkeit durch die Proarrhythmie eine Verbesserung der Prognose gefährdet und nicht gesichert ist. Man kann davon ausgehen, daß Magnesiumsalze keine arrhythmogene Effekte aufweisen. Bei Patienten mit einer Herzinsuffizienz besteht häufig ein Mg-Mangel, der durch gastrointestinale Störungen, neurohormonale Regulationen, aber auch durch die Therapie (Diuretika,Digitalisbedingt ist. An Patienten mit einer Herzinsuffizienz müßte sich demnach zeigen lassen, ob die Mg-Substitution einen antiarrhythmischen Effekt aufweist. In fünf placebokontrollierten Studien konnte gezeigt werden, daß sich teil weise signifikant und mit ausreichen der Aussagekraft (PowerArrhythmien bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz durch orale und parenterale Gabe von Mg-Salzen reduzieren lassen. Trotz Einschränkungen wie z.B. inadäquates Design, fehlende Vermeidung von Bias, ungenügende Vergleichbarkeit der Behandlungsgruppen, inadäquate Auswertung und ungenügende Berücksichtigung der Spontanvariation läßt sich aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Studien die Hypothese aufstellen, daß Magnesiumsalze bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz Herzrhythmusstörungen günstig beeinflussen können. Prospektive, randomisierte,verblindete und kontrollierte konfirmatorische Studien mit ausreichenden Fallzahlen sind jedoch notwendig, um diese Hypothese zu bestätigen.

  17. Progress of BeiDou time transfer at NTSC (United States)

    Guang, Wei; Dong, Shaowu; Wu, Wenjun; Zhang, Jihai; Yuan, Haibo; Zhang, Shougang


    Time transfer using global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is a primary method of remote atomic clock comparisons. As of today, there are four operational GNSS systems, namely GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS or BeiDou). All of them can continuously provide position, navigation and time services. This paper mainly focuses on the progress of BeiDou time transfer at the National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NTSC). In order to realize the BeiDou common view (CV) time comparison, we developed the Rinex2CGGTTS software according to the guidelines of the Common GNSS Generic Time Transfer Standard, Version 2E (CGGTTS V2E). By comparing the solutions of the Rinex2CGGTTS software to the solutions of the sbf2cggtts software provided by the manufacturer of our multi-GNSS receiver, we found the sbf2cggtts (version 1.0.5) solutions contained biases in measurements to different BeiDou satellites. The biases are most likely caused by sbf2cggtts’ timing group delay corrections in data processing. The noise of the observation data is analyzed by code multipath and common clock difference. Finally, the BeiDou CV results are compared to the GPS/GLONASS/Galileo CV results between NTSC and three European UTC(k) laboratories, including Royal Observatory of Belgium (ORB), Real Institute y Observatory de la Armada (ROA), Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE or SP). For the comparisons of each baseline, we aligned the BeiDou/Galileo/GLONASS links to the calibrated GPS link with the double-difference method. The results show that the performance of BeiDou CV is correlated to the number of BeiDou satellites available in common view. With the current BeiDou constellation, the standard deviation of the differences between all BeiDou CV satellites averaging result and the GPS PPP result is 2.03 ns, 2.90 ns and 4.06 ns for ORB-NTSC, SP-NTSC and ROA-NTSC links respectively.

  18. Radical radiotherapy for T3 laryngeal cancers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uno, T. [International Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo (Japan). Dept. of Radiation Therapy; Itami, J. [International Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo (Japan). Dept. of Radiation Therapy; Kotaka, K. [International Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo (Japan). Dept. of Radiation Therapy; Toriyama, M. [International Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo (Japan). Dept. of Otolaryngology


    From 1974 through 1992, 37 previously untreated patients with T3 laryngeal cancer (supraglottic 15, glottic 22) were treated with initial radical radiotherapy and surgery for salvage. Two-year local control rate with radiotherapy alone, ultimate voice preservation rate, and ultimate local control rate for T3 supraglottic cancer were 33%, 33%, and 60%, respectively. Corresponding figures for T3 glottic cancer were 32%, 23%, and 77%, respecitvely. Five-year cause-specific survival rate for T3 supraglottic cancer and glottic cancer were 47% and 77%, respectively. In T3 supraglottic cancer, none of the 4 patients with subglottic tumor extension attained local control by radiotherapy alone, and local-regional recurrence-free time were significantly shorter in patients with subglottic tumor extension or tracheostomy before radiotherapy. There were no serious late complications such as chondronecrosis, rupture of carotid artery attributed to radical radiotherapy, while 3 patients had severe laryngeal edema requiring total laryngectomy. (orig.) [Deutsch] Von 1974 bis 1992 wurden 37 zuvor nicht behandelte Patienten mit T3-Larynxkarzinomen (15 supraglottisch, 22 glottisch) primaer kurativ bestrahlt und, wenn erforderlich, einer Salvage-Operation unterzogen. Die Zwei-Jahres-Kontrollrate bei alleiniger Strahlentherapie, die Rate der Stimmerhaltung sowie die unter Einschluss der Operation erreichbare lokale Kontrollrate bei supraglottischen T3-Larynxkarzinomen betrugen 33%, 33% und 60%. Bei glottischen T3-Karzinomen wurden jeweils 32%, 23% und 77% erreicht. Die Fuenf-Jahres-Ueberlebensrate betrug 47% bei supraglottischen T3-Karzinomen und 77% bei den glottischen Karzinomen. Im Fall von supraglottischen Karzinomen erreichte keiner der vier Patienten mit subglottischer Tumorausdehnung eine lokale Kontrolle durch alleinige Strahlentherapie. Die lokoregionale rezidivfreie Zeit war bei den Patienten mit subglottischer Tumorausdehnung oder Tracheostomie vor Einleitung der

  19. Comparison of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28-coated beads with soluble anti-CD3 for expanding human T cells: Differing impact on CD8 T cell phenotype and responsiveness to restimulation

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    Kurlander Roger J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The ability to expand virus- or tumor-specific T cells without damaging their functional capabilities is critical for success adoptive transfer immunotherapy of patients with opportunistic infection or tumor. Careful comparisons can help identify expansion methods better suited for particular clinical settings and identify recurrent deficiencies requiring new innovation. Methods We compared the efficacy of magnetic beads coated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 (anti-CD3/CD28 beads, and soluble anti-CD3 plus mixed mononuclear cells (designated a rapid expansion protocol or REP in expanding normal human T cells. Results Both anti-CD3/CD28 beads and soluble anti-CD3 promoted extensive expansion. Beads stimulated greater CD4 cell growth (geometric mean of 56- versus 27-fold (p Conclusions Anti-CD3/CD28 beads are highly effective for expanding CD4 cells, but soluble anti-CD3 has significant potential advantages for expanding CD8 T cells, particularly where preservation of phenotypically "young" CD8 cells would be desirable, or where the T cells of interest have been antigen-stimulated in vitro or in vivo in the recent past.

  20. Endokrinologische Behandlung der Geschlechtsdysphorie bei Menschen mit Geschlechtsinkongruenz

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    Flütsch N


    Full Text Available Es gibt Menschen, die die innere Gewissheit besitzen, dass ihre Geschlechtsidentität nicht zu ihrem biologischen Ursprungsgeschlecht passt. Durch die Entwicklungen in der Medizin in den letzten hundert Jahren ist es möglich geworden, die körperlichen Geschlechtsmerkmale an das innerlich erlebte Geschlecht anzupassen. Die Zahl der Hilfesuchenden in den ärztlichen Ambulanzen und Privatpraxen hat in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Das Vorgehen bei der Diagnostik und Therapieeinleitung erlebt zurzeit eine deutliche Veränderung hin zu mehr Patientenzentriertheit und Individualisierung des Transitionsprozesses. Dabei bildet die geschlechtsangleichende Hormontherapie ein wesentliches Standbein in der körperlichen Angleichung an das Gegengeschlecht. Unter Beachtung von bestimmten Sicherheitsaspekten ist eine Hormontherapie mit Sexualhormonen sicher und einfach durchzuführen. Regelmäßige Verlaufskontrollen sowie der offene und affirmative Umgang mit den Betroffenen tragen zudem wesentlich zur Sicherheit in der Behandlung bei.

  1. Magnetic resonance maging of epidural and subdural spinal hematomas; Magnetresonanztomographie bei epiduralen und subduralen spinalen Haematomen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Felber, S. [Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Klinik fuer Neurologie]|[Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Inst. fuer Magnetresonanz]|[Universitaetskliniken des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar (Germany). Inst. fuer Neuroradiologie; Langmaier, J. [Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Klinik fuer Neurochirurgie; Judmaier, W. [Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Inst. fuer Magnetresonanz]|[Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Klinik fuer Radiologie; Dessl, A. [Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Klinik fuer Radiologie; Ortler, M. [Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Klinik fuer Neurochirurgie; Birbamer, G. [Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Klinik fuer Neurologie]|[Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria). Inst. fuer Magnetresonanz; Piepgras, U. [Universitaetskliniken des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar (Germany). Inst. fuer Neuroradiologie


    wurde. Wir berichten ueber 9 Patienten, die primaer magnetresonanztomographisch diagnostiziert wurden. Bei allen Patienten wurden T1, Spindichte und T2-gewichtete Bilder erzeugt. Zusaetzlich wurden T2*-gewichtete Gradientenechosequenzen angewendet. Die Magnetresonanztomographien wurden mit dem intraoperativen Situs korreliert. Computertomographische Befunde waren bei 4 und myelographische Befunde waren bei 2 Patienten vorhanden. Die Haematome komprimierten in 2 Faellen das Zervikalmark, bei 6 Patienten das Thorakalmark und bei 2 Patienten Konus und Cauda. Die Magnetresonanztomographie ergab 6 epidurale und 3 subdurale Haematome, operativ handelte es sich um 5 epidural und 4 subdurale Blutungen. In einem Fall konnte die Kernspintomographie nicht zwischen epi- und subduraler Lokalisation unterscheiden. Perakute Haematome (<24 h) waren isointens auf T1-gewichteten Bildern und hatten gemischte Signalintensitaet auf T2- und T*-gewichteten Bildern (n=3). Akute Blutungen (24 h bis 3 Tage) waren ebenfalls isointens auf T1 aber hypointens auf T- und T2*-gewichteten Bildern (n=4). Erst nach 7 Tagen fand sich die methaemoglobintypische Hyperintensitaet auf T1- und T2-gewichteten Bildern (n=2). Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen, dass die Magnetresonanztomographie perakute und akute spinale Blutungen adaequat diagnostizieren kann. Die exakte Beurteilung der kraniokaudalen Ausdehnung verbessert die Operationsplanung. (orig.)

  2. Charge asymmetry measurements in t anti t production at 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naranjo, Roger [DESY, Hamburg (Germany)


    The charge asymmetry in t anti t production is a precision test for Standard Model predictions. It arises from interferences between next-to-leading order processes. This measurement offers a good discriminant for new physics models where the asymmetry could behave differently. We present measurements of the t anti t charge asymmetry in the dilepton channel in a fiducial region and for the full phase-space. The inclusive measurement is performed, as well as differential measurements with respect to mass, transverse momentum and the boost of the t anti t system. These studies are done using data with an integrated luminosity of 20 fb{sup -1} in pp collisions at 8 TeV, collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC.

  3. New results for t anti t production at hadron colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langenfeld, U.; Moch, S.; Uwer, P.


    We present new theoretical predictions for the t anti t production cross section at NNLO at the Tevatron and the LHC. We discuss the scale uncertainty and the errors due to the parton distribution functions (PDFs). For the LHC, we present a fit formula for the pair production cross section as a function of the center of mass energy and we provide predictions for the pair production cross section of a hypothetical heavy fourth generation quark t'. (orig.)

  4. Induction of CD4 suppressor T cells with anti-Leu-8 antibody

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanof, M.E.; Strober, W.; James, S.P.


    To characterize the conditions under which CD4 T cells suppress polyclonal immunoglobulin synthesis, we investigated the capacity of CD4 T cells that coexpress the surface antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody anti-Leu-8 to mediate suppression. In an in vitro system devoid of CD8 T cells, CD4, Leu-8+ T cells suppressed pokeweed mitogen-induced immunoglobulin synthesis. Similarly, suppressor function was induced in unfractionated CD4 T cell populations after incubation with anti-Leu-8 antibody under cross-linking conditions. This induction of suppressor function by anti-Leu-8 antibody was not due to expansion of the CD4, Leu-8+ T cell population because CD4 T cells did not proliferate in response to anti-Leu-8 antibody. However, CD4, Leu-8+ T cell-mediated suppression was radiosensitive. Finally, CD4, Leu-8+ T cells do not inhibit immunoglobulin synthesis when T cell lymphokines were used in place of helper CD4 T cells (CD4, Leu-8- T cells), suggesting that CD4 T cell-mediated suppression occurs at the T cell level. We conclude that CD4 T cells can be induced to suppress immunoglobulin synthesis by modulation of the membrane antigen recognized by anti-Leu-8 antibody

  5. Full O(α) electroweak radiative corrections to e+e- → t anti t γ with GRACE-Loop

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khiem, P.H.; Fujimoto, J.; Ishikawa, T.; Kaneko, T.; Kurihara, Y.; Shimizu, Y.; Kato, K.; Ueda, T.; Vermaseren, J.A.M.; Yasui, Y.


    We present the full O(α) electroweak radiative corrections to the process e + e - → t anti t γ at the International Linear Collider (ILC). The computation is performed with the help of the GRACE-Loop system. We present the total cross-section and the top quark forward-backward asymmetry (A FB ) as a function of the center-of-mass energy and compare them with the process e + e - → t anti t γ. We find that the value of A FB in t anti t γ production is larger than A FB in t anti t production. It is an important result for the measurement of the top quark forward-backward asymmetry at the ILC. Applying a structure function method, we also subtract the QED correction to gain the genuine weak correction in both the α scheme and the G μ scheme (δ W G μ ). We obtain numerical values for δ W G μ which are changing from 2 % to -24 % when we vary the center-of-mass energy from 360 GeV to 1 TeV. (orig.)

  6. One-loop helicity amplitudes for t anti t production at hadron colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Badger, Simon; Yundin, Valery


    We present compact analytic expressions for all one-loop helicity amplitudes contributing to t anti t production at hadron colliders. Using recently developed generalised unitarity methods and a traditional Feynman based approach we produce a fast and flexible implementation. (ORIG.)

  7. One-loop helicity amplitudes for t anti t production at hadron colliders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Badger, Simon [The Niels Bohr International Academy and Discovery Center, Copenhagen (Denmark). Niels Bohr Inst.; Sattler, Ralf [Humboldt Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Physik; Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); Yundin, Valery [Silesia Univ., Katowice (Poland). Inst. of Physics; Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany)


    We present compact analytic expressions for all one-loop helicity amplitudes contributing to t anti t production at hadron colliders. Using recently developed generalised unitarity methods and a traditional Feynman based approach we produce a fast and flexible implementation. (ORIG.)

  8. A Aderência dos Pronunciamentos Contábeis do CPC às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Andrade Costa


    Full Text Available A convergência para os padrões contábeis internacionais tem se tornado um assunto relevante, com agenda definida para sua adesão em muitos países ao redor do mundo. No Brasil, coube ao CPC a responsabilidade de emitir pronunciamentos contábeis de acordo com as normas IFRS. Cada documento emitido pelo CPC corresponde a uma norma internacional de contabilidade emitida pelo IASB. Este trabalho tem como objetivo comparar os pronunciamentos do CPC com as normas do IASB e verificar a existência de diferenças entre os mesmos. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental aos pronunciamentos do CPC e às normas do IASB. Utilizou-se a técnica da análise de conteúdo, tendo o tema como unidade de significação. O universo de análise compreendeu os 65 pronunciamentos técnicos que estão sendo utilizados nas demonstrações contábeis das companhias brasileiras, emitidos pelo CPC entre os anos de 2007 a 2011. Os resultados apontaram para a existência de diferenças entre os pronunciamentos emitidos pelo CPC e as normas emitidas pelo IASB, as quais foram agrupadas em quatro categorias de análise. Após análise, concluiu-se que as diferenças apontadas não prejudicam a declaração de que as demonstrações contábeis consolidadas brasileiras, preparadas de acordo com os CPCs estão de acordo com as normas do IASB. Palavras-chave: CPC, IFRS, IASB, demonstrações contábeis

  9. Aglutinina anti-T (Thomsen-Friedenreich na doença de Chagas

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    Marcos Palatnik


    Full Text Available Uma amostra de soros de pacientes e controles de uma área endêmica da Doença de Chagas do País foi titulada contra hemácias de grupo O tratadas pela neuraminidase (células OT ativadas e hemacias normais de grupo A e B (sistema ABO. Também foram feitos alguns testes de aglutinação de hemácias de pacientes com cardiomiopatia com as lectinas de amendoim (anti-T + anti-Tk e com anticorpo humano anti-T. O escore médio da aglutinina anti-T dos pacientes foi similar ao do grupo controle. En- tretanto, o escore médio dos indivíduos com a forma cardíaca íoi significantemente maior que o dos pacientes assintomáticos e também maior que o do grupo controle. A comparação entre indivíduos com sorologia diagnóstica positiva versus negativa foi não significante. Nem a sorologia para Chagas nem as variáveis raça, sexo, idade, idade ao quadrado, in-fecção intestinal parasitária, teor de proteínas do soro, volume globular eritrocitário (hema-tócrito, grau de palidez da mucosa bucal, cardíomiopatia e os termos de interação sexo x idade, sexo x idade ao quadrado, estão associados significativamente com o logaritmo do título ou com o logaritmo do escore de aglutinação. Os escores de aglutinação das aglutininas anti-A e anti-B do sistema de grupo sangüíneo ABO estão dentro da faixa de variação normal. As hemácias de pacientes com a forma cardíaca não são aglutinadas nem pelas lectinas de amendoim (antiT + anti-Tk e da soja (anti-T nem pela aglutinina anti-T de origem humana. A prova de Coombs direta foi negativa em todos os pacientes, demonstrando a aparente ausência de imunoglobulinas IgG e IgM na superfície eritrocitária. O fato de que o aumento dos níveis de anti-T só foi detectado em uma das formas clínicas da doença em pacientes da mesma área endêmica constitui um argumento contra a possibilidade de que a variação observada seja produzida por uma infecção concomitante.

  10. Overcoming the Challenges of BeiDou Receiver Implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Zahidul H. Bhuiyan


    Full Text Available Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS-based positioning is experiencing rapid changes. The existing GPS and the GLONASS systems are being modernized to better serve the current challenging applications under harsh signal conditions. These modernizations include increasing the number of transmission frequencies and changes to the signal components. In addition, the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite system (BDS and the European Galileo are currently under development for global operation. Therefore, in view of these new upcoming systems the research and development of GNSS receivers has been experiencing a new upsurge. In this article, the authors discuss the main functionalities of a GNSS receiver in view of BDS. While describing the main functionalities of a software-defined BeiDou receiver, the authors also highlight the similarities and differences between the signal characteristics of the BeiDou B1 open service signal and the legacy GPS L1 C/A signal, as in general they both exhibit similar characteristics. In addition, the authors implement a novel acquisition technique for long coherent integration in the presence of NH code modulation in BeiDou D1 signal. Furthermore, a simple phase-preserved coherent integration based acquisition scheme is implemented for BeiDou GEO satellite acquisition. Apart from the above BeiDou-specific implementations, a novel Carrier-to-Noise-density ratio estimation technique is also implemented in the software receiver, which does not necessarily require bit synchronization prior to estimation. Finally, the authors present a BeiDou-only position fix with the implemented software-defined BeiDou receiver considering all three satellite constellations from BDS. In addition, a true multi-GNSS position fix with GPS and BDS systems is also presented while comparing their performances for a static stand-alone code phase-based positioning.

  11. BEI Resource Repository (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — BEI Resources provides reagents, tools and information for studying Category A, B, and C priority pathogens, emerging infectious disease agents, non-pathogenic...

  12. Diagnostik der Fatigue bei Multipler Sklerose [Assessment of fatigue in multiple sclerosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sander, C.; Voelter, H.U.; Schlake, H.P.; Eling, P.A.T.M.; Hildebrandt, H.


    Hintergrund: Fatigue ist eines der häufigsten Symptome bei Multipler Sklerose (MS) und hat deutliche Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität sowie die Berufstätigkeit. Die adäquate Messung der erlebten Fatigue ist aber auch heutzutage noch mit erheblicher Unsicherheit behaftet. Ziel der Arbeit: In dem

  13. Solution Method and Precision Analysis of Double-difference Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LIU Weiping


    Full Text Available To resolve the high relativity between the transverse element of GEO orbit and double-difference ambiguity, the classical double-difference dynamic method is improved and the method, which is to determine precise BeiDou satellite orbit using carrier phase and pseudo-range smoothed by phase, is proposed. The feasibility of the method is discussed and the influence of the method about ambiguity fixing is analyzed. Considering the characteristic of BeiDou, the method, which is to fix double-difference ambiguity of BeiDou satellites by QIF, is derived. The real data analysis shows that the new method, which can reduce the relativity and assure the precision, is better than the classical double-difference dynamic method. The result of ambiguity fixing is well by QIF, but the ambiguity fixing success rate is not high on the whole. So the precision of BeiDou orbit can't be improved clearly after ambiguity fixing.

  14. MR volumetry of the trigeminal nerve in patients with unilateral facial pain; MR-Volumetrie des N. trigeminus bei Patienten mit einseitigen Gesichtsschmerzen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kress, B.; Fiebach, J.; Sartor, K.; Stippich, C. [Abt. Neuroradiologie, Neurologische Klinik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany); Rasche, D.; Tronnier, V. [Neurochirurgische Klinik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany)


    Purpose: to assess whether MRI can detect atrophy of the trigeminal nerve in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Materials and methods: a prospective MRI study was conducted in 39 patients (trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuropathy, or atypical facial pain) and 25 volunteers. Using a coronal orientation (T1 flash 3D; T2 CISS 3D), regions of interest were delineated in the cisternal part of the trigeminal nerve along the border of the nerve to calculate the volume of the nerve. The volume of the nerve was compared side-by-side in each patient (t-test, p < 0.05) and the volume difference compared between patients and volunteers. Results: the volume of the compromised trigeminal nerve in patients with trigeminal neuralgia was lower than on the contralateral healthy side, with the difference between healthy and compromised side statistically significant (p < 0.05). In all other patients and in all volunteers, no significant difference was found between the volume of the healthy and compromised nerve. The volume difference between the healthy and compromised side in patients with trigeminal neuralgia was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in all other patients and volunteers. Conclusion: atrophy of the trigeminal nerve caused by a nerve-vessel conflict can be detected by MRI. Only patients with trigeminal neuralgia show this unilateral atrophy. Therefore, it is possible to demonstrate the result of the nerve-vessel conflict and to determine the consequences of such a conflict. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Die Studie wurde mit der Frage durchgefuehrt, ob die bei Patienten mit Trigeminusneuralgie durch einen Gefaess-Nerven-Konflikt bedingte Atrophie des Nervs magnetresonanztomographisch darstellbar ist. Methodik: 39 Patienten (Trigeminusneuralgie, Trigeminusneuropathie, atypischer Gesichtsschmerz) und 25 Probanden wurden prospektiv magnetresonanztomographisch untersucht. In koronaren T1- und T2-Gradientenechosequenzen wurde der zisternale Abschnitt des N. trigeminus mittels

  15. Laterale 10-fach-Biopsie der Prostata liefert bei Karzinomverdacht überlegene Detektionsraten

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    von Knobloch R


    Full Text Available Einleitung:Die Sextantenbiopsie der Prostata ist für eine verlässliche Karzinomdiagnostik nicht ausreichend. Vielerorts werden bereits bei der Erstbiopsie 12 Stanzen entnommen. In einer großen Serie von 10-fach-Biopsien unter bilateraler lokaler Leitungsanästhesie, wie bereits 2002 publiziert [1], überprüften wir die Qualität unserer Technik als Standard für die Erstbiopsie. Methode:Zwischen April 2005 und Dezember 2007 führten wir bei 736 Männern (Durchschnittsalter 67,5 ± 8,39 Jahre die Erstbiopsie der Prostata durch. Indikation für die Biopsie war entweder ein erhöhter PSA-Wert oder ein auffälliger Tastbefund. Bei allen Männern erfolgte die Biopsie der Prostata unter bilateraler lokaler Leitungsanästhesie. Es wurden nur Proben aus der peripheren Zone der Prostata unter transrektaler Ultraschallkontrolle entnommen. Ergebnisse:Durch die Biopsie wurde in 372 von 736 Fällen (50,5 % ein Karzinom identifiziert. Die Karzinomdetektionsrate war proportional zum PSA-Wert und indirekt proportional zum Organvolumen. Es zeigte sich eine eindeutige Korrelation zwischen der Anzahl positiver Stanzen bei der Biopsie mit dem pathologischen Stadium des Prostatektomiepräparates. 12 Männer (1,6 % mussten wegen akuter Prostatitis und 5 (0,7 % wegen rektaler Blutung wieder ins Krankenhaus eingewiesen werden. Von den 182 Patienten des Untersuchers R. v. K. wurde der durchschnittliche Schmerz der Biopsie mit 1,69 von maximal 10 angegeben. Die Detektions- und Komplikationsraten dieser Biopsietechnik unterschieden sich nicht nach Durchführung von Assistenz- oder Fachärzten. Schlussfolgerung: Die präsentierte Biopsietechnik liefert mit nur 10 Stanzen eine überlegene Detektionsrate und eine geringe Rate an Komplikationen. Sie sollte als Basis für die Definition eines Standards für die Erstbiopsie der Prostata bei Karzinomverdacht dienen.

  16. Wie schneiden Sie ab?: Studie über Kontroll- und Prüfungsaktivitäten bei mittelgrossen Unternehmen, Spitälern und Hochschulen in der Schweiz


    Ruud, T F; Isufi, S; Friebe, P; Stebler, W; Seheri, F; Emmenegger, M


    Kontroll- und Prüfungsaktivitäten unterstützen den Verwaltungsrat und die Geschäftsleitung bei der Steuerung und Kontrolle des Unternehmens. Bei mittelgrossen Unternehmen ist aufgrund der begrenzten personellen und finanziellen Ressourcen ein effektiver und effizienter Einsatz dieser Aktivitäten unerlässlich. Auch bei Spitälern und Hochschulen gewinnen Kontroll- und Prüfungsaktivitäten infolge erhöhter Wettbewerbsintensität und steigenden Kostendrucks sowie zunehmender Unabhängigkeit diese...

  17. Homeostatic T Cell Expansion to Induce Anti-Tumor Autoimmunity in Breast Cancer

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Baccala, Roberto


    ... that (a) homeostatic T-cell proliferation consistently elicits anti-tumor responses; (b) irradiation is more effective than Tcell depletion by antibodies in inducing anti-tumor responses mediated by homeostatic T-cell proliferation...

  18. A Method for Estimating BeiDou Inter-frequency Satellite Clock Bias

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    LI Haojun


    Full Text Available A new method for estimating the BeiDou inter-frequency satellite clock bias is proposed, considering the shortage of the current methods. The constant and variable parts of the inter-frequency satellite clock bias are considered in the new method. The data from 10 observation stations are processed to validate the new method. The characterizations of the BeiDou inter-frequency satellite clock bias are also analyzed using the computed results. The results of the BeiDou inter-frequency satellite clock bias indicate that it is stable in the short term. The estimated BeiDou inter-frequency satellite clock bias results are molded. The model results show that the 10 parameters of model for each satellite can express the BeiDou inter-frequency satellite clock bias well and the accuracy reaches cm level. When the model parameters of the first day are used to compute the BeiDou inter-frequency satellite clock bias of the second day, the accuracy also reaches cm level. Based on the stability and modeling, a strategy for the BeiDou satellite clock service is presented to provide the reference of our BeiDou.

  19. Intra- und postoperative Komplikationen bei Patienten mit roboterassistierter laparoskopischer radikaler Prostatektomie (RALP. Eine Analyse von 3000 konsekutiven Fällen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zugor V


    Full Text Available Einleitung: Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die intra- und postoperativen Komplikationen bei Patienten mit roboterassistierter laparoskopischer radikaler Prostatektomie anhand von 3000 konsekutiven Fällen aufzuzeigen. Material und Methoden:3000 Männer, welche sich einer RALP unterzogen, wurden retrospektiv untersucht. Alle Patienten wurden sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer intra- als auch postoperativen Komplikationen beobachtet. Postoperative Komplikationen und Re-Interventionen wurden bis 30 Tage nach OP erfasst und anhand der Clavien-Klassifikation in „Minor“- (Clavien-Klassifikation I–IIIa und „Major“- Komplikationen (Clavien-Klassifikation IIIb–IVa eingeteilt. Ergebnisse: Die intraoperativen Komplikationen sind ebenso wie die „minor“ und „major“ postoperativen Komplikationen in Tabellen 3 und 4 aufgeführt. Das mediane Alter der Patienten betrug 64,1 Jahre, der mediane BMI 26,7 kg/m2 , das mediane Prostatagewicht 40,1 g und der mediane PSA-Wert 10,1 ng/ml. Der Gleason-Score bei Biopsie war in 65 % kleiner als 7, in 34,4 % gleich 7 und größer als 7 in 9,6 % der Fälle. Die Lymphknotendissektion wurde in 75,9 % durchgeführt. Ein organbeschränktes Stadium zeigte sich in 75 % und eine extraprostatische Ausbreitung in 25 %. Die gesamte intraoperative Komplikationsrate lag bei 5,1 %, die „minor“ postoperative Komplikationsrate bei 16,1 % und die „major“ bei 1,8 %. Zusammenfassung: Die RALP ist nicht komplikationslos. In erfahrenen Händen ist sie jedoch ein sicheres chirurgisches Verfahren mit einer niedrigen Morbidität und Mortalität.

  20. MRI of the musculature in patients with myalgia - indications and imaging results; MRT der Muskulatur bei Myalgien - Indikationen und Bildbefunde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beese, M.S. [Universitaetsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany). Radiologische Klinik; Winkler, G. [Universitaetsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany). Neurologische Klinik; Maas, R. [Universitaetsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany). Radiologische Klinik; Buechler, E. [Universitaetsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany). Radiologische Klinik


    241 patients suffering from myalgic symptoms were examined by axial scans of the muscular system with T1w and STIR-sequences. All patients underwent a complete neuromuscular examination, which included an MRI guided muscle-biopsy of 203 patients. The images were retrospectively analysed as to the typical characteristics of differential diagnosis. In cases of idiopathic or bacterial/viral induced myositis, primary vasculitis, and rhabdomyolysis, edematous changes of the muscles could always be found. Abscesses were only found in bacterial myositis. In cases of poly- and dermatomyositis as well as inclusion-body-myositis, MRI showed a uniform distribution pattern with emphasis on the quadriceps muscles. In contrast to other neuromuscular diseases in bacterial induced myositis, focal myositis, and rhabdomyolysis a strong contrast agent enhancement was seen. All patients with myalgic syndromes without any other additional neuropathological findings and 86% of the patients suffering from polymyalgia rheumatica had normal MR-findings. MRI allows a correct exclusion of an inflammatory, tumorous, or rhabdomyolitic cause of a myalgia and leads to pathognomonic findings for these diseases. Diseases belonging to the group of endocrine, toxic, or metabolic myopathies might be normal in MRI. (orig./MG) [Deutsch] Bei 241 Patienten mit myalgischen Beschwerden wurden axiale Aufnahmen der Muskulatur mit T1w- und STIR-Sequenzen angefertigt. Bei allen Patienten wurde eine vollstaendige neuromuskulaere Untersuchung durchgefuehrt, die bei 203 Patienten eine MRT-gezielte Muskelbiopsie beinhaltete. Das Bildmaterial wurde retrospektiv hinsichtlich differentialdiagnostischer Charakteristika analysiert. Bei idiopathischen und erregerbedingten Myositiden, primaeren Vaskulitiden und bei Rhabdomyolysen bestanden ohne Ausnahme oedematoese Veraenderungen der Muskulatur. Abszessformationen wurden nur bei erregerbedingten Myositiden vorgefunden. Bei Poly- und Dermatomyositiden sowie

  1. Unexpected T cell regulatory activity of anti-histone H1 autoantibody: Its mode of action in regulatory T cell-dependent and -independent manners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takaoka, Yuki [Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan); Kawamoto, Seiji, E-mail: [Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan); Katayama, Akiko [Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan); Nakano, Toshiaki [Liver Transplantation Program, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Yamanaka, Yasushi; Takahashi, Miki [Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan); Shimada, Yayoi; Chiang, Kuei-Chen [Kazusa Institute for Drug Discovery, Josai International University, Kisarazu (Japan); Ohmori, Naoya [Kazusa Institute for Drug Discovery, Josai International University, Kisarazu (Japan); Faculty of Nursing, Josai International University, Togane (Japan); Aki, Tsunehiro [Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan); Goto, Takeshi; Sato, Shuji [Kazusa Institute for Drug Discovery, Josai International University, Kisarazu (Japan); Faculty of Nursing, Josai International University, Togane (Japan); Goto, Shigeru [Liver Transplantation Program, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Iwao Hospital, Yufuin (Japan); Chen, Chao-Long [Liver Transplantation Program, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Ono, Kazuhisa [Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan)


    Highlights: ► Anti-histone H1 autoantibody (anti-H1) acts on T cells to inhibit their activation. ► Anti-H1 suppresses T cell activation in Treg cell-dependent and -independent manners. ► Suboptimal dose of anti-H1 enhances suppressor function of Treg cells. ► High dose of anti-H1 directly inhibits T cell receptor signaling. -- Abstract: Induction of anti-nuclear antibodies against DNA or histones is a hallmark of autoimmune disorders, but their actual contribution to disease predisposition remains to be clarified. We have previously reported that autoantibodies against histone H1 work as a critical graft survival factor in a rat model of tolerogeneic liver transplantation. Here we show that an immunosuppressive anti-histone H1 monoclonal antibody (anti-H1 mAb) acts directly on T cells to inhibit their activation in response to T cell receptor (TCR) ligation. Intriguingly, the T cell activation inhibitory activity of anti-H1 mAb under suboptimal dosages required regulatory T (Treg) cells, while high dose stimulation with anti-H1 mAb triggered a Treg cell-independent, direct negative regulation of T cell activation upon TCR cross-linking. In the Treg cell-dependent mode of immunosuppressive action, anti-H1 mAb did not induce the expansion of CD4{sup +}Foxp3{sup +} Treg cells, but rather potentiated their regulatory capacity. These results reveal a previously unappreciated T cell regulatory role of anti-H1 autoantibody, whose overproduction is generally thought to be pathogenic in the autoimmune settings.

  2. Unexpected T cell regulatory activity of anti-histone H1 autoantibody: Its mode of action in regulatory T cell-dependent and -independent manners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takaoka, Yuki; Kawamoto, Seiji; Katayama, Akiko; Nakano, Toshiaki; Yamanaka, Yasushi; Takahashi, Miki; Shimada, Yayoi; Chiang, Kuei-Chen; Ohmori, Naoya; Aki, Tsunehiro; Goto, Takeshi; Sato, Shuji; Goto, Shigeru; Chen, Chao-Long; Ono, Kazuhisa


    Highlights: ► Anti-histone H1 autoantibody (anti-H1) acts on T cells to inhibit their activation. ► Anti-H1 suppresses T cell activation in Treg cell-dependent and -independent manners. ► Suboptimal dose of anti-H1 enhances suppressor function of Treg cells. ► High dose of anti-H1 directly inhibits T cell receptor signaling. -- Abstract: Induction of anti-nuclear antibodies against DNA or histones is a hallmark of autoimmune disorders, but their actual contribution to disease predisposition remains to be clarified. We have previously reported that autoantibodies against histone H1 work as a critical graft survival factor in a rat model of tolerogeneic liver transplantation. Here we show that an immunosuppressive anti-histone H1 monoclonal antibody (anti-H1 mAb) acts directly on T cells to inhibit their activation in response to T cell receptor (TCR) ligation. Intriguingly, the T cell activation inhibitory activity of anti-H1 mAb under suboptimal dosages required regulatory T (Treg) cells, while high dose stimulation with anti-H1 mAb triggered a Treg cell-independent, direct negative regulation of T cell activation upon TCR cross-linking. In the Treg cell-dependent mode of immunosuppressive action, anti-H1 mAb did not induce the expansion of CD4 + Foxp3 + Treg cells, but rather potentiated their regulatory capacity. These results reveal a previously unappreciated T cell regulatory role of anti-H1 autoantibody, whose overproduction is generally thought to be pathogenic in the autoimmune settings

  3. MRI in cardiac sarcoidosis and amyloidosis; MRT bei kardialer Sarkoidose und Amyloidose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauner, K.U. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Wintersperger, B. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); University of Toronto, Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON (Canada)


    Sarcoidosis and amyloidosis are both multisystem disorders, which may involve the heart; however, isolated cardiac disease is rare. Diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis and amyloidosis is crucial because the patient prognosis is dependent on cardiac involvement and early treatment. Echocardiography is the first line imaging modality in the diagnostic work-up of both diseases, possibly giving hints towards the correct diagnosis. Besides myocardial biopsy and radionuclide studies cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is routinely performed in patients suspect of having infiltrative cardiomyopathy. The T1 mapping procedure is currently being evaluated as a new technique for detection and quantification of global myocardial enhancement, as seen in cardiac amyloidosis. Sensitivities and specificities for detection of cardiac sarcoidosis and amyloidosis can be significantly improved by MRI, especially with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging. In cardiac sarcoidosis the use of LGE is outcome-related while in amyloidosis analysis of T1-mapping may be of prognostic value. If cardiac involvement in sarcoidosis or amyloidosis is suspected cardiac MRI including LGE should be performed for establishing the diagnosis. (orig.) [German] Die Sarkoidose und Amyloidose sind Multisystemerkrankungen, in deren Verlauf es zu einer kardialen Beteiligung kommen kann. Bildgebend wird als primaeres Verfahren die Echokardiographie eingesetzt. Zur weiteren Diagnostik wird neben der Biopsie und nuklearmedizinischen Verfahren v. a. die MRT herangezogen. Als neuere Technik zur Darstellung globaler diffuser Kontrastmittelanreicherungen, wie sie im Rahmen der Amyloidose vorkommen, wird z. Z. das T1-Mapping evaluiert. Durch den Einsatz der MRT, insbesondere des Late-Gadolinium-Enhancements (LGE), koennen die Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet in der Diagnostik der kardialen Sarkoidose und Amyloidose entscheidend verbessert werden. Bei der Sarkoidose stellt das Vorhandensein eines LGE einen

  4. Rezidivierende Endometriose bei Kinderwunsch: Operieren oder stimulieren?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brunbauer M


    Full Text Available Kurzfassung: Endometriose ist neben dem Tubenverschluss und dem PCO-Syndrom eine der Hauptursachen für reduzierte Fertilität bei der Frau. Zur eindeutigen Diagnosesicherung ist die operative Diagnostik Standard. Eine Sanierung ist in vielen Fällen in der gleichen Sitzung möglich. Um nichts unnötig zu (zer- stören, sei die Maxime: eher weniger als mehr. Ein Rezidiv bedeutet eine weitere Reduktion der Schwangerschaftsrate. Eine Zweitoperation kann zwar Beschwerden lindern, verbessert aber die Spontan-Schwangerschaftsrate nur gering. Der Zweiteingriff ist also bezüglich der reinen Schwangerschaftsrate einer modernen IVF-Behandlung eindeutig unterlegen.

  5. Gadolinium-enhanced T{sub 1}-weighted MR urography versus T{sub 2}-weighted (HASTE) MR urography in children; Kontrastangehobene T{sub 1}-gewichtete MR-Urographie versus T{sub 2}-gewichtete (HASTE) MR-Urographie im Kindesalter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Staatz, G.; Nolte-Ernsting, C.C.A.; Haage, P.; Tacke, J.; Guenther, R.W. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Rohrmann, D. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Urologische Klinik; Stollbrink, C. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Kinderklinik


    Purpose: To evaluate gadolinium-enhanced T{sub 1}-weighted excretory MR urography (EMRU) versus T{sub 2}-weighted (HASTE) MR urography in children with upper urinary tract abnormalities. Patients and Methods: In a prospective study 63 children, aged from 3 weeks to 15 years, underwent MR urography in a 1.5-T scanner. Before and after an intravenous injection of 0.05 mg/kg body weight of furosemide, respiratory-triggered HASTE images were obtained for T{sub 2}-weighted MR urography. EMRU was performed subsequent to i.v. gadolinium injection with respiratory-gated, coronal 3D-gradient-echo sequences. Results: Compared to T{sub 2}-weighted (HASTE) MR urography, gadolinium-enhanced MR urography revealed a superior diagnostic accuracy in non-dilated collecting systems (horseshoe kidneys, ectopic kidneys, duplex systems, single ectopic ureters, ureteroceles). EMRU and T{sub 2}-weighted (HASTE) MRU turned out to be equivalent in the assessment of obstructed but normal functioning upper urinary tracts (UPJ obstructions, megaureters). Non-functioning dilated collecting systems and multicystic dysplastic kidneys were best visualized with use of T{sub 2}-weighted (HASTE) MR urography. Conclusion: Respiratory-gated gadolinium-enhanced T{sub 1}-weighted MRU allows accurate evaluation of most upper urinary tract abnormalities. T{sub 2}-weighted (HASTE) MRU complements GMRU in the evaluation of non-functioning renal units and cystic disease of the kidneys. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Vergleich der kontrastangehobenen T{sub 1}-gewichteten MR-Urographie mit der T{sub 2}-gewichteten (HASTE) MR-Urographie bei Kindern mit Anomalien des oberen Harntraktes. Methoden: In einer prospektiven Studie wurde bei 63 Kindern (3 Wo. - 15J.) eine MR-Urographie (MRU) in einem 1,5-Tesla-Magneten durchgefuehrt. Die T{sub 2}-gewichtete MRU erfolgte vor und nach intravenoeser Injektion von 0,05 mg/kg KG Furosemid mit atemgetriggerten HASTE-Sequenzen. Fuer die T{sub 1}-gewichtete MRU wurden nach

  6. Innovative Development and Forecast of BeiDou System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    TAN Shusen


    Full Text Available Due to the strong demand for satellite applications and rapid development of new space technology,the cross-integration of space-based radio systems has become a trend.BeiDou system started from two satellites to build China's first generation satellite navigation and positioning system with the features of fast location reporting(RDSSand short message communication(MSSservice.Then BeiDou technology frame combined with RNSS continuous navigation and RDSS location report,was constructed in eight years,and the coverage in Asia-Pacific was completed.Through effective satellite radio frequency compatible design and international coordination,BeiDou system is the first radio satellite system which includes RNSS,RDSS,MSS three major services,approved by International Telecommunication Union(ITUin the world.This paper expounds the development process,technical frame,main features and prospect of BeiDou system with three major services and four key functions,in the concept of innovation and transcendence.

  7. Positron emission tomography in urological cancer; Positronenemissionstomographie bei urologischen Tumoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wit, M. de [Universitaetskrankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany). Abt. Onkologie/Haematologie, Medizinische Klinik; Kotzerke, J. [Universitaetsklinikum Ulm (DE). Radiologie III (Nuklearmedizin)


    In staging cancer of the urinary bladder, the kidneys and the prostate and of testicular cancer there is a need for detecting tumor involvement of the lymph nodes to avoid surgical exploration. Positron emission tomography (PET) using fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) can detect tumorous lymph nodes (sensitivity: 70%, specificity: 85%) which is helpful for several patients. In carcinoma of the prostate, other radiotracers than FDG (e.g. C-11-choline) might be more sensitive to detect tumorous lymph nodes. Up to now no diagnostical benefit of PET in germ cell tumors could be demonstrated in the published small series. In principle FDG-PET is useful in diagnosis of recurrence. In germ cell cancer FDG-PET seems to identify effectively persistent vital tumor tissue after chemotherapy. A multicenter study was initiated to demonstrate the potential of FDG-PET in a sufficient number of patients with germ cell tumor. (orig.) [German] Bei Harnblasen-, Nieren-, Prostata- und Hodenkarzinomen besteht aus klinischer Sicht ein Bedarf an verbessertem Lymphknoten-Staging, um die operative Evaluation zu vermeiden. Die Positronenemissionstomographie (PET) mit Fluordeoxyglukose (FDG) kann daher im Einzelfall bei Harnblasen- und Nierenkarzinomen hilfreich sein (bei Sensitivitaet um 70% und Spezifitaet um 85%). Beim Prostatakarzinom koennten sich andere Radiotracer (z.B. C-11-Cholin) bei der Detektion von tumoroesen Lymphknoten ueberlegen erweisen. Bei Keimzelltumoren konnte ein Nutzen der PET im primaeren Staging bei den bisher publizierten kleinen Studien nicht nachgewiesen werden. Fuer die Rezidivdiagnostik ist bei den genannten Tumoren aus grundsaetzlicher Ueberlegung der Einsatz von DFG-PET sinnvoll. Die Erkennung von vitalem malignen Tumorgewebe nach Chemotherapie erscheint bei Keimzelltumoren mit FDG-PET weitgehend sicher zu gelingen. Eine multizentrische Studie wurde begonnen, die hierueber Aufschluss geben wird. (orig.)

  8. Measurement of the cross sections of t anti t production in the boosted regime with the CMS detector at √(s)=8 TeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolinska, Ganna


    In this work the measurement of the t anti t production in ''boosted'' topologies, i.e. with high transverse momenta of the top quark, p_T(t)>400 GeV, in pp collisions at the LHC is presented. It is the first measurement of this kind in the dileptonic final state. By the end of 2012 the CMS detector recorded a data sample which contains of the order of 100 thousand t anti t pairs, which further decay dileptonically (t anti t→W"+bW"- anti b→l"+νbl"- anti ν anti b). The dileptonic final state has a unique signature - two leptons (electrons or/and muons), which are well reconstructed in the detector. The small branching ratio (low statistics) of the dileptonic decay channel of the t anti t system is compensated by an almost background free measurement of the t anti t production. In the presented analysis the kinematics of the t anti t final state is fully reconstructed. For this purpose six kinematic constrains are used to reconstruct the two undetected neutrinos in the t anti t final state. Two specific techniques are employed to account for the requirements of the boosted top quark analysis. Firstly, the spatial isolation of the leptons from hadronic jets in the events, which is important to reject fake leptons out of jets, was optimized by implementing an additional isolation criterion based on the relative transverse momentum of the electron to the jet. Secondly, to effectively suppress significant migrations from the true low p_T(t) values to the boosted region, a kinematic restriction on the ratio of the invariant mass of the visible objects from the t anti t decay to the reconstructed t anti t mass is applied. The obtained cross section results in the high p_T(t) region have a good precision, which is comparable to the one from measurements in the semi-leptonic channel, where hadronically decaying top quarks are reconstructed in the boosted regime as a single ''fat jet''. The measured production cross sections in the dileptonic and in the semi

  9. Hochaufgelöste Magnetresonanz-Bildgebung der Mäuseaorta zur Bestimmung der Dynamik funktioneller Parameter durch Laufrad-Training bei ApoE-Knock-Out-Mäusen


    Offenberger, Wolfgang


    Einführung: Atherosklerose ist eine führende Ursache von Morbidität und Mortalität weltweit. Die ApoE-Knock-Out-Maus (ApoE-/-) ist das wichtigste Tiermodell für das Studium der Atherosklerose und von Interventionen auf diese Erkrankung. Mittels hochaufgelöster Magnet-Resonanz-Bildgebung ist es möglich, eine nicht-invasive in-vivo Gefäß-Charakterisierung bei Mäusen durchzuführen. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen von Sport auf die Gefäßfunktion der Aorta ascendens und abdominalis bei Ap...

  10. Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-3: new-generation navigation signals (United States)

    Zhang, Xiaohong; Wu, Mingkui; Liu, Wanke; Li, Xingxing; Yu, Shun; Lu, Cuixian; Wickert, Jens


    The successful launch of five new-generation experimental satellites of the China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, namely BeiDou I1-S, I2-S, M1-S, M2-S, and M3-S, marks a significant step in expanding BeiDou into a navigation system with global coverage. In addition to B1I (1561.098 MHz) and B3I (1269.520 MHz) signals, the new-generation BeiDou-3 experimental satellites are also capable of transmitting several new navigation signals in space, namely B1C at 1575.42 MHz, B2a at 1176.45 MHz, and B2b at 1207.14 MHz. For the first time, we present an initial characterization and performance assessment for these new-generation BeiDou-3 satellites and their signals. The L1/L2/L5 signals from GPS Block IIF satellites, E1/E5a/E5b signals from Galileo satellites, and B1I/B2I/B3I signals from BeiDou-2 satellites are also evaluated for comparison. The characteristics of the B1C, B1I, B2a, B2b, and B3I signals are evaluated in terms of observed carrier-to-noise density ratio, pseudorange multipath and noise, triple-frequency carrier-phase ionosphere-free and geometry-free combination, and double-differenced carrier-phase and code residuals. The results demonstrate that the observational quality of the new-generation BeiDou-3 signals is comparable to that of GPS L1/L2/L5 and Galileo E1/E5a/E5b signals. However, the analysis of code multipath shows that the elevation-dependent code biases, which have been previously identified to exist in the code observations of the BeiDou-2 satellites, seem to be not obvious for all the available signals of the new-generation BeiDou-3 satellites. This will significantly benefit precise applications that resolve wide-lane ambiguity based on Hatch-Melbourne-Wübbena linear combinations and other applications such as single-frequency precise point positioning (PPP) based on the ionosphere-free code-carrier combinations. Furthermore, with regard to the triple-frequency carrier-phase ionosphere-free and geometry-free combination, it is found

  11. Wirksamkeit der Hypnose auf Schmerzen bei Erwachsenen: systematische Literaturreview


    Pfaffen, Céline; Z`Brun-Schnyder, Silvia


    Das Ziel dieser systematischen Literaturreview ist es, die Wirksamkeit der Hypnose auf Schmerzen bei Erwachsenen zu überprüfen. Daraus ergibt sich folgende Forschungsfrage: "Wie wird die Wirksamkeit der Hypnose auf Schmerzen bei Erwachsenen in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur beschrieben?"

  12. Contribution of herpesvirus specific CD8 T cells to anti-viral T cell response in humans.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Sandalova

    Full Text Available Herpesviruses infect most humans. Their infections can be associated with pathological conditions and significant changes in T cell repertoire but evidences of symbiotic effects of herpesvirus latency have never been demonstrated. We tested the hypothesis that HCMV and EBV-specific CD8 T cells contribute to the heterologous anti-viral immune response. Volume of activated/proliferating virus-specific and total CD8 T cells was evaluated in 50 patients with acute viral infections: 20 with HBV, 12 with Dengue, 12 with Influenza, 3 with Adenovirus infection and 3 with fevers of unknown etiology. Virus-specific (EBV, HCMV, Influenza pentamer+ and total CD8 T cells were analyzed for activation (CD38/HLA-DR, proliferation (Ki-67/Bcl-2(low and cytokine production. We observed that all acute viral infections trigger an expansion of activated/proliferating CD8 T cells, which differs in size depending on the infection but is invariably inflated by CD8 T cells specific for persistent herpesviruses (HCMV/EBV. CD8 T cells specific for other non-related non persistent viral infection (i.e. Influenza were not activated. IL-15, which is produced during acute viral infections, is the likely contributing mechanism driving the selective activation of herpesvirus specific CD8 T cells. In addition we were able to show that herpesvirus specific CD8 T cells displayed an increased ability to produce the anti-viral cytokine interferon-gamma during the acute phase of heterologous viral infection. Taken together, these data demonstrated that activated herpesvirus specific CD8 T cells inflate the activated/proliferating CD8 T cells population present during acute viral infections in human and can contribute to the heterologous anti-viral T cell response.

  13. Anwendung des Traumatherapieverfahrens -Narrative Expositionstherapie- bei komplex traumatisierten Patienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schlafes


    Scharff, Anna-Lena


    Die Studie sollte aufgrund der häufigen Komorbidität einer Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung mit der Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung die Frage untersuchen, ob die Narrative Expositionstherapie einen Therapieerfolg bei komplex traumatisierten Patienten hat. Desweiteren sollte der Effekt der Therapie auf den Schlaf untersucht werden und eventuell prädiktive Zusammenhänge zwischen Schlafqualität und Therapieerfolg herausgestellt werden.

  14. Dynamic MR-mammography in invasive lobular breast cancer; Dynamische MR-Mammographie beim invasiv lobulaeren Mammakarzinom bei 1,0 T

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sittek, H.; Perlet, C.; Kessler, M.; Reiser, M. [Institut fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Klinikum Grossenhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany); Untch, M. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Klinikum Grossenhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany)


    Material and Methods: We carried out 1505 MR mammographoes in 1357 patients. Biopsy was indicated in 413 cases. Among the malignancies, 23/214 (10%) were ILC. MR-M was performed with a 1.0 T whole body MRI system with a dynamic FLASH-3D sequence. Relative signal enhancement within lesions detected and morphologic pattern of contrast enhancement (mep) were determined. Three types of mep were distinguished: type 1 without contrast enhancement, type 2 with focal contrast enhancement, and type 3 with diffuse contrast enhancement of the glandular body. Results: Within MR-M alone, 19/23 (82.6%) of ILC were detected due to a mep type 2. Four ILC were false negative on MR-M (2 cases show mep type 1 or mep type 3). The sensitivity of Mx alone was 86.9% (20/23). When both Mx and MR-M were combined, all 23 ILC were detected. The addition of MR-M to Mx may increase sensitivity to about 100% in the detection of ILC. (orig.) [Deutsch] Material und Methode: Im Zeitraum 05/1993 bis 06/1996 fuehrten wir bei 1357 Patientinnen 1505 MR-Mammographien durch. In 413 Faellen wurde eine Probeexzision indiziert. Die histologische Untersuchung ergab in 214 Faellen einen malignen Tumor. Darunter befanden sich 23 ILC. Die MR-M wurden an einem 1,0 T MRT-System (Impact, Siemens, Erlangen) mit einer dynamischen FLASH 3D Sequenz durchgefuehrt. Neben dem prozentualen Anstieg der Signalintensitaet innerhalb einer Laesion haben wir fuer die Diagnostik folgende morphologische Befundmuster (BM) unterschieden: Typ 1: Keine Aufnahme, Typ 2: Fokale Aufnahme, Typ 3: Diffuse Aufnahme des Druesenkoerpers in der MR-M. Ergebnisse: Mit der MR-M konnten 19/23 (82,6%) der ILC anhand einer fokalen Zunahme der Signalintensitaet richtig positiv erkannt werden (BM Typ 2). Vier der ILC waren in der MR-M falsch negativ. In zwei Faellen (2/23) war keine Zunahme der Signalintensitaet zu verzeichnen (BM Typ 1). In zwei weiteren Faellen (2/23) maskierte eine diffuse Signalintensitaetszunahme des Druesenkoerpers (BM Typ 3

  15. Regulatory T Cells and Host Anti-CML Responses

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wong, Jr, K. K


    CD4+CD25+FoxP-3+ regulatory T-cells (Tregs) suppress immune responses to "self" antigens, but also have been shown to suppress host anti-tumor responses in several human malignancies, including breast, gastrointestinal, and ovarian cancer...

  16. Anti-cancer activities of Ganoderma lucidum: active ingredients and pathways


    Chi H.J. Kao; Amalini C. Jesuthasan; Karen S. Bishop; Marcus P. Glucina; Lynnette R. Ferguson


    ABSTRACTGanoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Lingzhi, has been used in Asia for health promotion for centuries. The anti-cancer effects of G. lucidum have been demonstrated in both in vitro and in vivo studies. In addition, the observed anti-cancer activities of Ganoderma have prompted its usage by cancer patients alongside chemotherapy.The main two bioactive components of G. lucidum can be broadly grouped into triterpenes and polysaccharides. Despite triterpenes and polysaccharides bei...

  17. Liver myeloid-derived suppressor cells expand in response to liver metastases in mice and inhibit the anti-tumor efficacy of anti-CEA CAR-T (United States)

    Burga, Rachel A.; Thorn, Mitchell; Point, Gary R.; Guha, Prajna; Nguyen, Cang T.; Licata, Lauren A.; DeMatteo, Ronald P.; Ayala, Alfred; Espat, N. Joseph; Junghans, Richard P.; Katz, Steven C.


    Chimeric antigen receptor modified T cell (CAR-T) technology, a promising immunotherapeutic tool, has not been applied specifically to treat liver metastases (LM). While CAR-T delivery to LM can be optimized by regional intrahepatic infusion, we propose that liver CD11b+Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (L-MDSC) will inhibit the efficacy of CAR-T in the intrahepatic space. We studied anti-CEA CAR-T in a murine model of CEA+ LM and identified mechanisms through which L-MDSC expand and inhibit CAR-T function. We established CEA+ LM in mice and studied purified L-MDSC and responses to treatment with intrahepatic anti-CEA CAR-T infusions. L-MDSC expanded three-fold in response to LM and their expansion was dependent on GM-CSF, which was produced by tumor cells. L-MDSC utilized PD-L1 to suppress anti-tumor responses through engagement of PD-1 on CAR-T. GM-CSF, in cooperation with STAT3, promoted L-MDSC PD-L1 expression. CAR-T efficacy was rescued when mice received CAR-T in combination with MDSC depletion, GM-CSF neutralization to prevent MDSC expansion, or PD-L1 blockade. As L-MDSC suppressed anti-CEA CAR-T, infusion of anti-CEA CAR-T in tandem with agents targeting L-MDSC is a rational strategy for future clinical trials. PMID:25850344

  18. Measurement of the jet mass in highly boosted t anti t events from pp collisions at √(s) = 8 TeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A. [Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan (Armenia); Adam, W. [Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik, Wien (Austria); Collaboration: CMS Collaboration; and others


    The first measurement of the jet mass m{sub jet} of top quark jets produced in t anti t events from pp collisions at √(s) = 8 TeV is reported for the jet with the largest transverse momentum p{sub T} in highly boosted hadronic top quark decays. The data sample, collected with the CMS detector, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb{sup -1}. The measurement is performed in the lepton+jets channel in which the products of the semileptonic decay t → bW with W → lν where l is an electron or muon, are used to select t anti t events with large Lorentz boosts. The products of the fully hadronic decay t → bW with W → q anti q{sup '} are reconstructed using a single Cambridge-Aachen jet with distance parameter R = 1.2, and p{sub T} > 400 GeV. The t anti t cross section as a function of m{sub jet} is unfolded at the particle level and is used to test the modelling of highly boosted top quark production. The peak position of the m{sub jet} distribution is sensitive to the top quark mass m{sub t}, and the data are used to extract a value of m{sub t} to assess this sensitivity. (orig.)

  19. Knochenstoffwechsel bei malignen Erkrankungen

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    Keck A-V


    Full Text Available Bei malignen Erkrankungen, wie dem Mammakarzinom, dem Prostatakarzinom, dem Bronchialkarzinom oder dem multiplen Myelom ist der Knochen eines der am häufigsten von Metastasen betroffenen Organe. Das klinische Beschwerdebild ist durch das Auftreten pathologischer Frakturen, Schmerzen und Hyperkalzämien gekennzeichnet. Eine erhöhte Knochenresorptionsrate und Verlust an Knochenmasse im Sinne von osteoporoseartigen Veränderungen bedingt durch eine inadäquat überschießende Osteoklastendifferenzierung und -aktivierung sind ursächlich dafür verantwortlich. Durch jüngst publizierte Ergebnisse diverser Studien und Untersuchungen konnten die genauen Mechanismen der Rekrutierung und Aktivierung von Osteoklasten weiter aufgeklärt werden. Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-B ligand (RANKL, ein Mitglied der Tumor necrosis factor (TNF Superfamilie konnte als entscheidender Faktor in der Osteoklastengenese identifiziert werden. Die Interaktion von RANKL mit seinem Rezeptor RANK (receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-B induziert die Entwicklung der osteoklastären Reihe aus dem hämatopoetischen Kompartment und fördert weiters die Differenzierung zu Osteoklastenvorstufen und die Aktivierung reifer Osteoklasten, ebenso wird eine verzögert einsetzende Apoptose bewirkt. Neben RANK und RANKL ist Osteoprotegerin (OPG als dritte Komponente in der Regulation der Knochenresorption involviert. Als Mitglied der TNF-Superfamilie bindet OPG an RANKL und blockiert somit alle stimulierenden Effekte von RANK auf die Osteoklastenentwicklung und neutralisiert so alle biologischen Effekte von RANKL. Diverse Hormone und Zytokine üben durch die Modifikation der Ratio von RANKL zu OPG einen regulatorischen Effekt auf die Knochenresorption aus. Diese ist bei osteolytischen Knochenmetastasen, beim multiplen Myelom und bei der malignen Hyperkalzämie erhöht. Das Gleichgewicht knochenaufbauender wie -abbauender Mechanismen scheint somit durch die Ratio von


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    Yudhi Novriansyah


    Full Text Available This research aimed to do interpret the marking which flange social criticism and know laboring ideology in story of Comic Strip Pak Bei. Research based on theory of structural semiotic according to Ferdinand De Saussure. Using analysis of Syntagmatic as first level of meaning to the text network and also picture, and analysis of Paradigmatic as second level of meaning or implicit meaning (connota-tion, myth, ideology Analysis done to six Comic choice edition of Strip Pak Bei period of November 2004 - Februari 2005 which tend to flange social criticism. At band of syntagmatic, result of research indicate that story theme lifted from social problems that happened in major society. The fact clear progressively when connected by Intertextual with information and texts which have preexisted. At band of Paradigmatic, social criticism tend to emerge dimly, is not transparent. Because of Comic Strip Pak Bei expand in the middle of Java cultural domination that developing myth of criticize as action menacing compatibility and orderliness of society. Story of Comic Strip Pak Bei also confirm dominant ideology in Java society culture, namely ideology of Patriarkhi and Feudalism which still go into effect until now. This prove ideology idea according to Louis Althusser which not again opposition between class, but have been owned and practiced by all social class.

  1. MR of the liver in Wilson`s disease; MRT der Leber bei Morbus Wilson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogl, T.J. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany); Steiner, S. [Klinikum Grosshadern, Radiologische Klinik und Poliklinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Hammerstingl, R. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany); Schwarz, S. [Klinikum Grosshadern, Neurologische Klinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Kraft, E. [Klinikum Grosshadern, Neurologische Klinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Weinzierl, M. [Klinikum Grosshadern, 2. Medizinische Klinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Felix, R. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany)


    To show that Wilson`s disease is one likely cause of multiple low-intensity nodules of the liver we obtained MR images in 16 patients with clinically and histopathologically confirmed Wilson`s disease. Corresponding to morphological changes MRI enabled the subdivision of the patients into two groups. Using a T{sub 2}-weighted spin-echo sequence (TR/TE=2000/45-90) liver parenchyma showed multiple tiny low-intensity-nodules surrounded by high-intensity septa in 10 out of 16 patients. 5 patients had also low-intensity nodules in T{sub 1}-weighted images (TR/TE=600/20). In patients of this group histopathology revealed liver cirrhosis (n=7) and fibrosis (n=2). Common feature of this patient group was marked inflammatory cell infiltration into fibrous septa, increase of copper concentration in liver parenchyma and distinct pathological changes of laboratory data. In the remaining 6 patients no pathological change of liver morphology was demonstrated by MRI corresponding to slight histopathological changes of parenchyma and normal laboratory data. As low-intensity nodules surrounded by high intensity septa can be demonstrated in patients with marked inflammatory infiltration of liver parenchyma MRI may help to define Wilson patients with poorer prognosis. In patients with low-intensity nodules of the liver and unknown cause of liver cirrhosis laboratory data and histopathology should be checked when searching for disorders of copper metabolism. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Studie wurde die Leber bei 16 Patienten mit klinisch gesichertem Morbus Wilson magnetresonanztomographisch untersucht. Zum Einsatz kamen T{sub 1}- und T{sub 2}-gewichtete Spin-Echo-Sequenzen vor und nach Applikation von Gd-DTPA (0,1 mmol/kg KG). Anhand der MRT-Befunde konnten zwei unterschiedliche Patientenkollektive definiert werden. 10 Patienten wiesen in der T{sub 2}-gewichteten Sequenz hypointense Regeneratknoten auf und zeigten histopathologisch ausgepraegte Befunde einer

  2. Berechnung verkehrlicher Substitutionseffekte im Personenverkehr bei Online-Shopping (United States)

    Nerlich, Mark R.; Schiffner, Felix; Vogt, Walter; Rauh, Jürgen; Breidenbach, Petra

    Für Güter des täglichen, mittelfristigen und langfristigen Bedarfs sowie für das Beispiel Baumarktartikel wird das Potenzial für Personenverkehrsaufwand von Einkaufsaktivtäten quantitativ abgeschätzt. Die entwickelten Algorithmen behandeln die einkaufsvorbereitende Information und den eigentlichen Einkauf, d.h. den Erwerb eines Gutes, separat. Informationsaktivitäten haben insbesondere bei höherwertigen Gütern einen hohen Stellenwert und damit auch verkehrliche Relevanz. Wie Berechnungen zeigen, spart Online-Shopping Informations- und Einkaufsverkehrsaufwand im Pkw-Verkehr ein. Die notwendigen Eingangsdaten wie differenzierte Informations- und Einkaufshäufigkeiten sowie verkehrliche Parameter zu Verkehrsmittelwahl, Entfernungen und Wegekopplungen wurden aus eigenen Erhebungen gewonnen.

  3. Goethe loob väljendi : maailmakirjanduse kultuuripoliitika / David Damrosch ; tõlkinud Ene-Reet Soovik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Damrosch, David


    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe erasekretäri Peter Eckermanni teosest "Vestlused Goethega tema elu viimastel aastatel", Goethe vaadetest kirjandusele, maailmakirjanduse mõisest. Ka kirjanduse tõlkimisest tänapäeval, sinoloog Stephen Oweni vaadetest ja hiina luuletaja Bei Dao luulest. Artikkel sisaldab ka Bei Dao luuletuste näiteid

  4. Molecular mimicry of human tRNALys anti-codon domain by HIV-1 RNA genome facilitates tRNA primer annealing. (United States)

    Jones, Christopher P; Saadatmand, Jenan; Kleiman, Lawrence; Musier-Forsyth, Karin


    The primer for initiating reverse transcription in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is tRNA(Lys3). Host cell tRNA(Lys) is selectively packaged into HIV-1 through a specific interaction between the major tRNA(Lys)-binding protein, human lysyl-tRNA synthetase (hLysRS), and the viral proteins Gag and GagPol. Annealing of the tRNA primer onto the complementary primer-binding site (PBS) in viral RNA is mediated by the nucleocapsid domain of Gag. The mechanism by which tRNA(Lys3) is targeted to the PBS and released from hLysRS prior to annealing is unknown. Here, we show that hLysRS specifically binds to a tRNA anti-codon-like element (TLE) in the HIV-1 genome, which mimics the anti-codon loop of tRNA(Lys) and is located proximal to the PBS. Mutation of the U-rich sequence within the TLE attenuates binding of hLysRS in vitro and reduces the amount of annealed tRNA(Lys3) in virions. Thus, LysRS binds specifically to the TLE, which is part of a larger LysRS binding domain in the viral RNA that includes elements of the Psi packaging signal. Our results suggest that HIV-1 uses molecular mimicry of the anti-codon of tRNA(Lys) to increase the efficiency of tRNA(Lys3) annealing to viral RNA.

  5. How well can we reconstruct the t anti t system near its threshold at future e sup + e sup - linear colliders?

    CERN Document Server

    Ikematsu, K; Hioki, Z; Sumino, Y; Takahashi, T


    We developed a new method for the full kinematical reconstruction of the t anti t system near its threshold at future linear e sup + e sup - colliders. In the core of the method lies likelihood fitting which is designed to improve measurement accuracies of the kinematical variables that specify the final states resulting from t anti t decays. The improvement is demonstrated by applying this method to a Monte Carlo t anti t sample generated with various experimental effects including beamstrahlung, finite acceptance and resolution of the detector system, etc. In most cases the fit takes a broad non-Gaussian distribution of a given kinematical variable to a nearly Gaussian shape, thereby justifying phenomenological analyses based on simple Gaussian smearing of the parton-level momenta. The standard deviations of the resultant distributions of various kinematical variables are given in order to facilitate such phenomenological analyses. A possible application of the kinematical fitting method and its expected im...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Schmidt


    Full Text Available A proposta deste estudo a apresentar um breve relato sobre a evolução do pensamento cientifico ocorrida na física com a substituição dos princípios contábeis e filosófico, desde a Antiguidade grega ate os dias de hoje, como forma de fundamentar o posicionamento contrario ao raciocínio indutivo para o estabelecimento de uma estrutura conceitual para a contabilidade e para o desenvolvimento dos princípios contábeis. Apos essa incursão pelo campo filosófico, será aduzido um dos trabalhos de D. R. Scott, ex-professor da Universidade de Michigan, que já na década de 1930 defendia o processo de raciocínio dedutivo e a necessidade de coerência e unidade para o estabelecimento dos princípios contábeis. Este estudo justifica-se, principalmente, porque ainda existem pesquisadores da área contábil que defendem o método indutivo com único procedimento cientifico capaz de levar a certeza, Como defendia Descartes. Alem disso, mesmo apos a revolução cientifica princípios teóricos de Newton, pelos princípios da teoria da relatividade de Einstein, alguns pesquisadores defendem a imutabilidade dos princípios contábeis, como sendo verdades indubitáveis, não aceitando o permanente desenvolvimento da teoria contábil e sua continua adaptabilidade a nova realidade ambiental. A contabilidade, assim como toda disciplina do conhecimento humano que postula um patamar cientifico, deve estruturar-se com base em um conjunto de princípios racionalmente dispostos. Diante desse panorama, faz-se mister inquirir se os princípios contábeis podem ser oniscientes e impassíveis as mudanças do mundo?

  7. Pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients; Pneumonien bei immunsupprimierten Patienten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solyanik, O.; Gaass, T.; Hellbach, K. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Dinkel, J. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Comprehensive Pneumology Center Munich (CPC-M), Muenchen (Germany)


    Pulmonary infections are a common complication in immunosuppressed patients with a frequently fatal prognosis despite modern prophylactic therapy. An early and correct diagnosis is important for initiation of the appropriate therapy. Chest radiography is the preferred initial imaging examination but is not accurate enough for the detection of pulmonary infections in immunosuppressed patients. Pneumonia is caused by a broad spectrum of pathogens in immunocompromised patients. In addition to imaging, the clinical history and epidemiology also play an important role in the diagnostics. Using epidemiological and anamnestic information, computed tomography (CT) shows a significantly better sensitivity and specificity particularly for the diagnosis of atypical forms of pneumonia. Due to the exact imaging of the different infiltration patterns CT provides an increased sensitivity with respect to the etiological classification of pulmonary infections. This article reviews in particular the radiological findings of commonly occurring pulmonary infections in immunosuppressed patients. (orig.) [German] Pneumonien bei immunsupprimierten Patienten sind haeufige Komplikationen, die trotzt moderner Prophylaxe toedlich verlaufen koennen. Eine korrekte Diagnose ist daher von entscheidender Bedeutung, um die richtige Therapie einleiten zu koennen. Die Roentgenthoraxaufnahme ist selten spezifisch genug fuer die genaue Einordnung atypischer Pneumonien in Folge einer Immunsuppression. Pneumonien unter Immunsuppression werden durch ein sehr breites Erregerspektrum verursacht. Eine wichtige Rolle bei der Diagnosefindung spielen neben der Bildgebung auch die klinische Anamnese und Epidemiologie. Mithilfe der klinischen Anamnese und Epidemiologie bietet die Computertomographie (CT) bei immunsupprimierten Patienten zum einen eine erhoehte Sensitivitaet bei der Detektion insbesondere atypischer Pneumonien. Zum anderen weist die CT durch die exakte Abbildung unterschiedlicher Infiltratmuster

  8. MR-guided biopsies of undetermined liver lesions: technique and results; MRT-gezielte perkutane Biopsie bei unklaren fokalen Leberlaesionen: Technik und Ergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zangos, S.; Kiefl, D.; Eichler, K.; Engelmann, K.; Heller, M.; Herzog, C.; Mack, M.G.; Jacobi, V.; Vogl, T.J. [Inst. fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt (Germany)


    Purpose: To evaluate safety and precision of liver tumor biopsies performed in an open low field system using different sequence techniques. Materials and Methods: In 47 patients with liver tumors, MR-guided biopsies were performed in a low field system (0.2 Tesla, Magnetom Open, Siemens) using two different sequences. The procedure was monitored with T1-weighted FLASH sequences (TR/TE = 100/9; 70 ) in all patients and with FISP-Rotated-Keyhole-sequence (TR/TE = 18/8; 90 ) in additional 20 patients. After positioning of the needle tip in the tumors, 166 biopsy specimens were acquired with 16 G cutting needles (Somatex{sup *}). The diameter of the biopsied lesions ranged from 1 to 10 cm (mean diameter 3.2 cm). Visibility of the needles and precision of the biopsies were evaluated. Results: All interventional biopsies were performed without vascular or organ injuries. Adequate specimens for histologic interpretation were obtained in 42 cases (89.3%). The biopsy results were non-specific in 2 patients (4.2%) and the lesions missed in 3 patients (6.3%). Mean in-room time was 35 minutes and the intervention time was 8.3 minutes. T1-weighted FLASH images proved optimal for confirming needle-tip placement during the biopsies or punctures. Organs, tumors and vessels were easily identified. The FISP sequence proved to be inferior in visualizing vessels and tumors. Conclusion: MR-guided liver biopsies are safely and precisely performed using T1-weighted FLASH-sequences with sufficient visualization of the lesions and might be complementary to US- or CT-guided biopsies. (orig.) [German] Zielsetzung: Evaluierung der Sicherheit und Genauigkeit MRT-gezielter Leberbiopsien unter Verwendung verschiedener Sequenzen. Methoden: Bei 47 Patienten mit unklaren Leberlaesionen wurden in einem offenen 0,2-Tesla-MR-System (Magnetom Open, Siemens) bildgesteuerte Biopsien unter Verwendung von zwei verschiedenen Sequenzen durchgefuehrt. Die Bildgebung erfolgte bei allen Patienten mittels T

  9. Novel T cells with improved in vivo anti-tumor activity generated by RNA electroporation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaojun Liu


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The generation of T cells with maximal anti-tumor activities will significantly impact the field of T-cell-based adoptive immunotherapy. In this report, we found that OKT3/IL-2-stimulated T cells were phenotypically more heterogeneous, with enhanced anti-tumor activity in vitro and when locally administered in a solid tumor mouse model. To further improve the OKT3/IL-2-based T cell manufacturing procedure, we developed a novel T cell stimulation and expansion method in which peripheral blood mononuclear cells were electroporated with mRNA encoding a chimeric membrane protein consisting of a single-chain variable fragment against CD3 and the intracellular domains of CD28 and 4-1BB (OKT3-28BB. The expanded T cells were phenotypically and functionally similar to T cells expanded by OKT3/IL-2. Moreover, co-electroporation of CD86 and 4-1BBL could further change the phenotype and enhance the in vivo anti-tumor activity. Although T cells expanded by the co-electroporation of OKT3-28BB with CD86 and 4-1BBL showed an increased central memory phenotype, the T cells still maintained tumor lytic activities as potent as those of OKT3/IL-2 or OKT3-28BB-stimulated T cells. In different tumor mouse models, T cells expanded by OKT3-28BB RNA electroporation showed anti-tumor activities superior to those of OKT3/IL-2 T cells. Hence, T cells with both a less differentiated phenotype and potent tumor killing ability can be generated by RNA electroporation, and this T cell manufacturing procedure can be further optimized by simply co-delivering other splices of RNA, thus providing a simple and cost-effective method for generating high-quality T cells for adoptive immunotherapy.

  10. Kombinierte Hoch-/Niedrig-Dosis-Therapie mit systemischen Glukokor-tikoiden bei schweren Verlaufsformen der Alopecia areata im Kindesalter. (United States)

    Jahn-Bassler, Karin; Bauer, Wolfgang Michael; Karlhofer, Franz; Vossen, Matthias G; Stingl, Georg


    Schwere Verlaufsformen der Alopecia areata (AA) im Kindesalter sind aufgrund limitierter Optionen therapeutisch herausfordernd. Systemische, hochdosierte Glukokortikoide weisen die schnellste Ansprechrate auf, nach dem Absetzen kommt es allerdings zu Rezidiven. Eine längerfristige Hochdosis-Anwendung ist aufgrund der zu erwartenden Nebenwirkungen nicht empfehlenswert. Eine dauerhafte Steroiderhaltungstherapie unterhalb der Cushing-Schwellen-Dosis nach Bolustherapie könnte die Krankheitsaktivität ohne Nebenwirkungen längerfristig unterdrücken. Im Rahmen einer offenen Anwendungsbeobachtung wurden 13 Kinder mit schweren Formen der AA in diese Studie eingeschlossen. Bei sieben Kindern lag eine AA totalis/universalis vor, bei sechs eine multifokale AA mit Befall von mehr als 50 % der Kopfhaut. Das Therapieregime sah eine initiale Prednisolon-Dosierung von 2 mg/kg Körpergeweicht (KG) vor und wurde innerhalb von neun Wochen auf eine Erhaltungsdosierung unter der individuellen Cushing-Schwelle reduziert. Der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum betrug ein bis drei Jahre. Wir beobachteten in 62 % aller Fälle ein komplettes Nachwachsen der Haare. Die mittlere Dauer bis zum Ansprechen lag bei 6,6 Wochen und konnte mit der Erhaltungstherapie über den gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum aufrechterhalten werden. An Nebenwirkungen wurden ausschließlich eine Gewichtszunahme (1-3 kg) bei allen Behandelten sowie eine milde Steroidakne in 23 % der Fälle beobachtet. Die kombinierte Hoch-/Niedrig-Dosis-Therapie mit systemischen Glukokortikoiden mittels Prednisolon zeigte eine hohe, dauerhafte Ansprechrate ohne signifikante Nebenwirkungen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. PET in cerebrovascular disease; PET bei zerebrovaskulaeren Erkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herholz, K. [Neurologische Universitaetsklinik der Univ. Koeln (Germany)]|[Max-Planck-Institut fuer Neurologische Forschung, Koeln (Germany)


    Tissue viability is of particular interest in acute cerebral ischemia because it may be preserved if reperfusion can be achieved rapidly, e.g. by acute thrombolysis. Measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) and oxygen consumption by PET can assess tissue viability, and they have substantially increased our knowledge of th pathophysiology of ischemic stroke and the associated penumbra. Widerspread clinical application in acute stroke, however, is unlikely because of the large logistic and personnel resources required. In chronic cerebrovascular disease, measurement of regional CBF and glucose metabolism, which is usually coupled, provide detailed insights in disturbance of cortical function, e.g. due to deafferentiation, and contribute to differentiation of dementia types. Chronic misery perfusion, i.e. reduced perfusion that does not match the metabolic demand of the tissue, can be demonstrated by PET. It may be found in some patients with high-grade arterial stenoses. Less severe impairment of brain perfusion can be demonstrated by measurement of the cerebrovascular reserve capacity. The most frequent clinical situations can be assessed by less demanding procedures, e.g. by SPECT. In conclusion, PET has its role in cerebrovascular disease primarily within scientific studies, where high resolution and absolute quantitation of physiological variables are essential. (orig.). 65 refs. [Deutsch] Beim akuten ischaemischen Insult ist die Vitalitaet des Gewebes von besonderem Interesse, da sie durch rasche Reperfusion, z.B. durch Thrombolyse, erhalten bleiben kann. Messungen der zerebralen Durchblutung und des Sauerstoffumsatzes mittels PET geben darueber wesentliche Aufschluesse, und sie sind wichtig fuer das Verstaendnis der Pathophysiologie ischaemischer Infarkte und der Penumbra mit kritischer Perfusion beim Menschen. Ihre breitere Anwendung in der klinischen Patientenversorgung kommt allerdings wegen des hohen Aufwandes derzeit kaum in Betracht. Bei

  12. Development and Evaluation of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) Model v3.6 (United States)

    We have developed new canopy emission algorithms and land use data for BEIS v3.6. Simulations with BEIS v3.4 and BEIS v3.6 in CMAQ v5.0.2 are compared these changes to the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) and evaluated the simulations against observati...

  13. Molekulargenetische Studie zur Verbreitung und Interaktion von PCV-2 bei Haus- und Wildschweinen


    Bronnert, Bastian Balthasar Marcel


    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Wild- und Hausschweingewebeproben aus den Jahren 2005 bis 2008 mittels nested PCR auf das Vorkommen von PCV-2 untersucht und die positiv getesteten Proben mittels Realtime PCR quantifiziert. Zusätzlich wurden die Proben im Institut für Pathologie der Justus-Liebig-Universität histologisch und immunhistologisch untersucht (Dissertation Hohloch). Ziel war es das Vorkommen von PCV-2 und die Häufigkeit von PCV-2 assoziierter Erkankungen bei Haus- und Wilds...

  14. Retrospektive Studie zur Ermittlung der Effizienz sprechunterstützender Operationen bei velopharyngealer Insuffizienz


    Wellmann, S.S. (Sandra)


    In der vorliegenden Studie wurde retrospektiv an einem Patientenkollektiv die Effizienz der vier sprechunterstützenden Operationen Velopharyngoplastik mit kaudal gestieltem Lappen (VPP kaudal), Push back - Verfahren, VPP kaudal und Push - back kombiniert und die Levatorplastik anhand der Hypernasalitaät prä - und postoperativ untersucht. Die durch die Logopäden ermittelten Erfolgsquoten lagen für VPP kaudal, VPP kaudal mit Push back, Push back und Levatorplastik bei 89%, 88%, 43% und 75% (p>...

  15. Evaluation eines Intensivtherapie-Programms zur Behandlung schwerer Verhaltensstörungen bei geistig Behinderten mit autistischen oder psychotischen Verhaltensweisen


    Elbing, Ulrich; Rohmann, Ulrich H.


    Die vorliegende Studie dokumentiert den Verlauf schwerer Verhaltensstörungen und erwünschten Zielverhaltens bei Geistigbehinderten mit z. T. autistischen oder psychotischen Verhaltensweisen, die vor, während und nach der Durchführung eines Intensivtherapie Programms in einem Heim fur Geistig- und Mehrfachbehinderte beobachtet wurden. Der Artikel faßt sieben Einzelfallstudien zusammen, die als Längsschnitt-Beobachtungen das Verhalten zwischen 18 und 33 Wochen überwiegend in multiple baseline d...

  16. MR-myelography in patients with spinal canal stenosis; MR-Myelographie bei Spinalkanalstenosen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freund, M.; Hutzelmann, A.; Steffens, J.C.; Heller, M. [Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel (Germany); Buhl, R. [Klinik fuer Neurochirurgie, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel (Germany)


    Purpose: The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical value of 3D-MR-myelography (3D-MRM) in comparison to myelography and intra-operative findings. Material and Methods: 25 patients with suspected lumbar spinal canal stenosis were studied via myelography and 3D-MRM (volume-data set, 3D-FISP sequenz, T{sub R} 73 ms, T{sub E} 21 ms, flipangle 7 , sagittal slices) besides the routinely acquired sagittal and axial T{sub 1}- and T{sub 2}-weighted images. Diagnoses were made by two radiologists and one neurosurgeon without knowing the clinical history and symptoms, in two separate sessions. Results were compared to intraoperative findings. Results: 3D-MRM has the same diagnostic sensitivity (25/25=100%) as conventional X-ray myelography (25/25=100%) compared to intraoperative findings, but is not invasive and shows more diagnostic details than myelography. Especially in cases of high-grade spinal canal stenosis there is often a lack of intrathecal contrast medium distally of the stenosis. (orig./AJ) [Deutsch] Ziel: Bewertung der 3D-MR-Myelographie (3D-MRM) in der Diagnostik lumbaler Spinalkanalstenosen im Vergleich zu Myelographie und Korrelation mit intraoperativem Befund. Material und Methode: In einer fortlaufenden, prospektiven Studie wurden 25 Patienten mit den Symptomen einer lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose kernspintomographisch untersucht. Neben den ueblichen sagittalen und axialen T{sub 1}- und T{sub 2}-gewichteten Aufnahmen wurde ein Volumendatensatz mit einer 3D-FISP Sequenz (T{sub R} 73 ms, T{sub E} 21 ms, Flipwinkel 7 ) akquisiert. Die Nachverarbeitung erfolgte mittels Maximum Intensitaets-Projektion (MIP): 18 Projektionen von 0 -180 . Die 3D-MRM wurde der Myelographie gegenuebergestellt, beide Untersuchungen wurden getrennt von drei Untersuchern blind ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Sowohl die 3D-MRM als auch die der Myelographie zeigten bei Patienten mit lumbaler Spinalkanalstenose in Korrelation zum intraoperativen Befund eine Uebereinstimmung

  17. An intercomparison of biogenic emissions estimates from BEIS2 and BIOME: Reconciling the differences

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilkinson, J.G. [Alpine Geophysics, Pittsburgh, PA (United States); Emigh, R.A. [Alpine Geophysics, Boulder, CO (United States); Pierce, T.E. [Atmospheric Characterization and Modeling Division/NOAA, Research Triangle Park, NC (United States)


    Biogenic emissions play a critical role in urban and regional air quality. For instance, biogenic emissions contribute upwards of 76% of the daily hydrocarbon emissions in the Atlanta, Georgia airshed. The Biogenic Emissions Inventory System-Version 2.0 (BEIS2) and the Biogenic Model for Emissions (BIOME) are two models that compute biogenic emissions estimates. BEIS2 is a FORTRAN-based system, and BIOME is an ARC/INFO{reg_sign} - and SAS{reg_sign}-based system. Although the technical formulations of the models are similar, the models produce different biogenic emissions estimates for what appear to be essentially the same inputs. The goals of our study are the following: (1) Determine why BIOME and BEIS2 produce different emissions estimates; (2) Attempt to understand the impacts that the differences have on the emissions estimates; (3) Reconcile the differences where possible; and (4) Present a framework for the use of BEIS2 and BIOME. In this study, we used the Coastal Oxidant Assessment for Southeast Texas (COAST) biogenics data which were supplied to us courtesy of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), and we extracted the BEIS2 data for the same domain. We compared the emissions estimates of the two models using their respective data sets BIOME Using TNRCC data and BEIS2 using BEIS2 data.

  18. Reconstruction of t anti tH (H → bb) events using deep neural networks with the CMS detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rieger, Marcel; Erdmann, Martin; Fischer, Benjamin; Fischer, Robert; Heidemann, Fabian; Quast, Thorben; Rath, Yannik [III. Physikalisches Institut A, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)


    The measurement of Higgs boson production in association with top-quark pairs (t anti tH) is an important goal of Run 2 of the LHC as it allows for a direct measurement of the underlying Yukawa coupling. Due to the complex final state, however, the analysis of semi-leptonic t anti tH events with the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of bottom-quarks is challenging. A promising method for tackling jet parton associations are Deep Neural Networks (DNN). While being a widely spread machine learning algorithm in modern industry, DNNs are on the way to becoming established in high energy physics. We present a study on the reconstruction of the final state using DNNs, comparing to Boosted Decision Trees (BDT) as benchmark scenario. This is accomplished by generating permutations of simulated events and comparing them with truth information to extract reconstruction efficiencies.

  19. Zeitlicher Verlauf der avaskulären Nekrose des Hüftkopfes bei Patienten mit Pemphigus vulgaris. (United States)

    Balighi, Kamran; Daneshpazhooh, Maryam; Aghazadeh, Nessa; Saeidi, Vahide; Shahpouri, Farzam; Hejazi, Pardis; Chams-Davatchi, Cheyda


    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) wird in der Regel mit systemischen Corticosteroiden und Immunsuppressiva behandelt. Avaskuläre Nekrose (AVN) des Hüftkopfes ist eine gut bekannte schwerere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Therapie. Die Charakteristika dieser schweren Komplikation bei PV sind nach wie vor unbekannt. Nicht kontrollierte, retrospektive Untersuchung aller PV-bedingten AVN-Fälle, die in einer iranischen Klinik für bullöse Autoimmunerkrankungen zwischen 1985 und 2013 diagnostiziert wurden. Anhand der Krankenakten von 2321 untersuchten PV-Patienten wurden 45 Fälle (1,93 %) von femoraler AVN identifiziert. Dreißig davon waren Männer. Das mittlere Alter bei der Diagnose der AVN betrug 47,4 ± 14,2 Jahre. Der mittlere Zeitraum zwischen der Diagnose des PV und dem Einsetzen der AVN lag bei 25,3 ± 18,3 Monaten. Mit Ausnahme von acht Fällen (17,8 %) setzte die AVN bei der Mehrheit der Patienten innerhalb von drei Jahren nach Diagnose des PV ein. Die mittlere kumulative Dosis von Prednisolon bei Patienten mit AVN betrug 13.115,8 ± 7041,1 mg. Zwischen der Prednisolon-Gesamtdosis und dem Zeitraum bis zum Einsetzen der AVN bestand eine starke Korrelation (p = 0,001). Bei Patienten mit Alendronateinnahme in der Vorgeschichte war dieser Zeitraum signifikant kürzer (p = 0,01). Die AVN ist eine schwere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Behandlung bei Patienten mit PV. Sie wird bei 2 % der Patienten beobachtet und tritt vor allem in den ersten drei Behandlungsjahren auf. Bei Patienten, die höhere Dosen von Prednisolon erhalten, setzt die AVN tendenziell früher ein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Intraoperative appearance of the resection area in brain-tumor operations in an open 0,5 MRT; Intraoperatives Erscheinungsbild des Resektionsbereichs bei Hirntumoroperationen in einem offenen 0,5-T-MRT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietrich, J. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Leipzig (Germany). Arbeitsbereich Neuroradiologie; Schneider, J.P.; Schulz, T. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Leipzig (Germany); Seifert, V.; Trantakis, C. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurochirurgie, Leipzig (Germany); Kellermann, S. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Neuropathologie


    During MRI-controlled resection of brain tumors using an open MRI system, operation-induced alterations may occur, especially enhancement of the resection cavity wall. This may simulate tumor areas, resulting in false assessment of the resection or resection of non-tumorous areas. Based on 42 MRI- and biopsy-controlled brain tumor resections in an 0.5 T open MRI (Signa SP, GE), the appearance and origin of operation-induced reactions are analyzed. In our opinion, there is a superposition of preformed peritumoral reactions by operation-induced microcontusions. The beginning of the cavity wall enhancement needs at least 10-15 min. MRI-controlled analysis of the intraoperative steps by the neurosurgeon and neuroradiologist allows discrimination of operation-induced reactions from tumor areas and leads to safe operation. (orig.) [Deutsch] Bei der intraoperativen Kontrolle von Hirntumorresektionen in offenen MRT-Geraeten kann es zu operativ induzierten Veraenderungen, insbesondere Rand-enhancement-Zonen, kommen. Diese koennen Tumorreste vortaeuschen, so dass die Radikalitaet des Eingriffs unterschaetzt wird oder nicht tumortragende Hirnareale entfernt werden. Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Anhand von 42 in einem offenen 0,5-T-MRT (Signa SP, GE) vorgenommenen, biopsiekontrollierten Hirntumoroperationen werden Erscheinungsbild und Entstehungsweise der Randveraenderungen analysiert. Bei den haeufig vorzufindenden Rand-enhancement-Zonen handelt es sich um eine Ueberlagerung von praeformierten Tumorrandreaktionen mit Mikrokontusionen. Die Ausbildung dieser Veraenderungen braucht eine Mindestzeit von 10-15 min. Die staendige Analyse der die Tumorresektion begleitenden MRT-Kontrollen durch den Operateur und einen mit der Problematik vertrauten Radiologen gestattet in der Regel die Differenzierung der operativ induzierten Veraenderungen und erhoeht damit die Sicherheit des Eingriffs. (orig.)

  1. Clinical value of MRI concerning dissection of the supraaortic vessels; Wertigkeit der MRT bei posttraumatischer Dissektion supraaortaler Gefaesse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pauls, S.; Goerich, J.; Kraemer, S. [Abt. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Univ. Ulm (Germany); Hartwig, E. [Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, Univ. Ulm (Germany)


    Angiographien erstellt. Die Befundung der Schnittbilder erfolgte durch zwei erfahrene Radiologen im Konsens. Ergebnisse: Es fanden sich 7 Patienten (4,7%) mit insgesamt 9 posttraumatischen Dissektionen der A. vertebralis und/oder A. carotis interna; zur Diagnosestellung fuehrten folgende Schnittbilder: TOF-Sequenzen, kontrastgestuetzte MR-Angiographie, transversale T{sub 1}- und T{sub 2}-gewichtete Sequenzen sowie T{sub 1}-Sequenzen nach Kontrastmittelgabe. Hierdurch aenderte sich bei 4 Patienten das Therapieregime und es wurde eine Antikoagulation eingeleitet. Schlussfolgerungen: Bei zervikalen Verletzungen sollte bei allen Patienten eine MRT einschliesslich Angiographie- und T{sub 1}-Sequenzen mit und ohne KM durchgefuehrt werden, um eine Gefaessdissektion sicher zu diagnostizieren und die Ausdehnung praezise beurteilen zu koennen. Die MRT erwies sich in unserem Patientengut als hervorragendes diagnostisches Verfahren. (orig.)



    Paulo Schmidt


    A proposta deste estudo a apresentar um breve relato sobre a evolução do pensamento cientifico ocorrida na física com a substituição dos princípios contábeis e filosófico, desde a Antiguidade grega ate os dias de hoje, como forma de fundamentar o posicionamento contrario ao raciocínio indutivo para o estabelecimento de uma estrutura conceitual para a contabilidade e para o desenvolvimento dos princípios contábeis. Apos essa incursão pelo campo filosófico, será aduzido um dos trabalhos d...

  3. Production of sheep anti triiodothyronine (T3) antisera for development of T3 RIA kit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karar, M. G. E.


    This study is a trial to produce antisera against triiodothyronine (T 3 ) which resulted in a poor response of sheep to immunization, since small amount of antibodies were detected, hence the amount of T 3 tracer bound by the antibodies in terms of percentage was found to be less than 10% with weak discrimination between zero and high standard doses in all bleeds which dose not satisfy radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique requirements. In this study, two local males Sudanese sheep (ovis aries) were immunized with T 3 -immuno gen intramuscularly and subcutaneously in different sites along their backs. Sheep (I) was immunized with 25μg of antigen per kg body weight in first and boosting injections, while the dose was only 10μg per kg body weight for sheep(II). T 3 -immuno gen was emulsified in FCA for the first injection and in FIA for the boosting injections. The sera obtained from both sheep after each injection were subjected to evaluation for the levels of circulating anti-T 3 antibodies through both qualitative and quantitative tests (titration test). The tests were performed for both purified and non-purified from with different separation methods, these methods included, precipitation by second antibody assisted by polyethylene glycol (PEG), polystyrene beads, and liquid phase separation technique. Tests for the quality and success of polystyrene beads coating process for the titration were done using pre characterized antibodies, namely anti progesterone antibodies and anti thyroxine antibodies. These tests revels that, the coating process including the activation of polystyrene beads, was of good quality, and the results obtained was due to weak response to T 3 -immuno gen. The results obtained from qualitative tests of the two sheep sera did not show clear precipitate, in spite of the positive result obtained in a neat sera, which was an indication for weak antibody formation. The result of the titration tests for all bleeds (third, forth, fifth, sixth, and

  4. Gibt es geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im Training bei älteren Personen?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vonbank K


    Full Text Available Die Lebenserwartung hat sich im vergangenen Jahrhundert in etwa verdoppelt. Zu den Faktoren, die die Lebenserwartung beeinflussen, zählen neben den sozialen Umweltfaktoren und der genetischen Veranlagung auch die Bewegung und Ernährung. Die mittlere Lebenserwartung der Frauen ist um durchschnittlich 4,2 Jahre länger als die der Männer. Training kann bis ins hohe Alter durchgeführt werden und führt neben einer Verbesserung der Lebenserwartung und der -qualität auch zu einer signifikanten Abnahme der Sturzhäufigkeit bei älteren Personen. In diesem Artikel sollen geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bezogen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit und das Training angesprochen werden.

  5. Vitex-agnus-castus-Extrakt (Ze 440 zur Symptombehandlung bei Frauen mit menstruellen Zyklusstörungen

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    Eltbogen R


    Full Text Available Ziel: Diese nichtinterventionelle Beobachtungsstudie (NIS wurde von Schweizer Gynäkologen und Allgemeinmedizinern im Rahmen der üblichen ärztlichen Grundversorgung durchgeführt. Das Ziel der NIS war es, die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Vitex-agnus-castus-(VAC Extrakt (Ze 440: premens, Zeller Medical AG, Romanshorn, Schweiz bei Frauen, die unter menstruellen Zyklusstörungen wie Polymenorrhö, Oligomenorrhö oder Amenorrhö litten, zu untersuchen. Methode: Insgesamt 211 Patientinnen nahmen an dieser NIS teil. Symptome, die mit menstruellen Zyklusstörungen („menstrual cycle irregularities“ [MCIs] und der Menstruationsblutung in Verbindung stehen, wurden bei einer Erstuntersuchung („baseline visit“ [BV] und einer Kontrolluntersuchung („follow-up visit“ [FV] nach Behandlung mit VAC-Extrakt über einen Zeitraum von 3 aufeinanderfolgenden Menstruationszyklen beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Der Anteil der Patientinnen, bei denen eine Beschwerdefreiheit oder eine Besserung der MCIs (insgesamt und spezifischer Beschwerdebilder wie Polymenorrhö, Oligomenorrhö und Amenorrhö erzielt werden konnte, lag bei der FV bei 79–85 %. Bei Symptomen im Zusammenhang mit der Menstruationsblutung wie Dysmenorrhö, Zwischenblutungen, Hypermenorrhö, Menometrorrhagie, Ovulationsblutung, präoder postmenstrueller Blutung betrug der Anteil der Patientinnen, bei denen ein Rückgang oder eine Besserung festgestellt wurde, bei der FV zwischen 60 und 88 %. Von 53 Patientinnen, die bei der BV von einem unerfüllten Kinderwunsch berichteten, wurden 12 Frauen (23 % während der Behandlung mit VAC-Extrakt schwanger. Bei der FV waren 91 % der Ärzte und 92 % der Patientinnen mit den erzielten Behandlungsergebnissen „zufrieden“ oder „sehr zufrieden“ und 80 % der Patientinnen bestätigten, dass sie gerne mit der Behandlung mit VAC-Extrakt fortfahren wollen. Fazit: Diese Beobachtungsstudie im Bereich der ärztlichen Grundversorgung ergab, dass die Behandlung mit VAC

  6. Measurement of the t anti-t production cross section in p anti-p collisions at √s = 1.96-TeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ray, Heather Lynn [Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States)


    The direct observation of the top quark was first achieved at the Tevatron proton anti-proton collider at Fermilab. This discovery completed the third generation quark sector where the top quark is expected to accompany the bottom quark in the weak isospin doublet. This dissertation discusses the experimental verification of the production cross section as predicted by the Standard Model. A measurement of the t$\\bar{t}$ production cross section using 107.9 pb-1 of p$\\bar{p}$ collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab between March of 2003 and June of 2003 is presented. The measurement focuses on the t$\\bar{t}$ production in the ''lepton plus jets'' final state in which one of the W bosons from the t$\\bar{t}$ decay subsequently decays leptonically to an electron or a muon, and the other decays hadronically. The B-tagging technique which utilizes the precision silicon detector tracking is used to enhance the signal for t$\\bar{t}$ events relative to the background through identification of the bottom quark from its measurable lifetime. The t$\\bar{t}$ production cross section is measured to be σt$\\bar{t}$ = 4.5 ± 1.4(stat) ± 0.8(sys) pb.

  7. Advanced generation anti-prostate specific membrane antigen designer T cells for prostate cancer immunotherapy. (United States)

    Ma, Qiangzhong; Gomes, Erica M; Lo, Agnes Shuk-Yee; Junghans, Richard P


    Adoptive immunotherapy by infusion of designer T cells (dTc) engineered with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) for tumoricidal activity represents a potentially highly specific modality for the treatment of cancer. In this study, 2nd generation (gen) anti-prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) dTc were developed for improving the efficacy of previously developed 1st gen dTc for prostate cancer immunotherapy. The 1st gen dTc are modified with chimeric immunoglobulin-T cell receptor (IgTCR) while the 2nd gen dTc are engineered with an immunoglobulin-CD28-T cell receptor (IgCD28TCR), which incorporates a CD28 costimulatory signal for optimal T cell activation. A 2nd gen anti-PSMA IgCD28TCR CAR was constructed by inserting the CD28 signal domain into the 1st gen CAR. 1st and 2nd gen anti-PSMA dTc were created by transducing human T cells with anti-PSMA CARs and their antitumor efficacy was compared for specific activation on PSMA-expressing tumor contact, cytotoxicity against PSMA-expressing tumor cells in vitro, and suppression of tumor growth in an animal model. The 2nd gen dTc can be optimally activated to secrete larger amounts of cytokines such as IL2 and IFNγ than 1st gen and to proliferate more vigorously on PSMA-expressing tumor contact. More importantly, the 2nd gen dTc preserve the PSMA-specific cytotoxicity in vitro and suppress tumor growth in animal models with significant higher potency. Our results demonstrate that 2nd gen anti-PSMA designer T cells exhibit superior antitumor functions versus 1st gen, providing a rationale for advancing this improved agent toward clinical application in prostate cancer immunotherapy. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of brain tumors; MR-Spektroskopie bei Hirntumoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ditter, P.; Hattingen, E. [Universitaetsklinikum Bonn, FE Neuroradiologie, Radiologische Klinik, Bonn (Germany)


    Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) under consideration of clinical information enables the correct diagnosis and therapy for the majority of cerebral space-occupying lesions. Some important differential diagnoses, e. g. low vs. high-grade tumors, require additional MRI methods. This article critically discusses the importance of magnetic resonance spectroscopy ({sup 1}H-MRS) in brain tumors. The concentration of normal and pathological brain metabolites can be non-invasively measured by {sup 1}H-MRS. It is based on the principle that chemical proton compounds of certain brain metabolites focally attenuate the external magnetic field and change the proton resonance frequency according to typical patterns. In addition, parameter maps of MRS imaging (MRSI) can show the tumor heterogeneity as well as changes in the surrounding brain tissue. In this context, the patterns of N-acetylaspartate, total choline (tCho) and creatine are relatively robust, whereas the patterns of other metabolites, such as myoinositol, glutamate, lactate or lipids greatly depend on the external field strength and echo time. The signal intensity of tCho in vital tumor tissue increases with the WHO grade of the brain tumor, i.e. increases with the level of malignancy. The use of MRSI facilitates the WHO grading of gliomas by determining target points in biopsies. Different distribution patterns and specific metabolite signals enable a better differentiation between abscesses, metastases, central nervous system (CNS) lymphomas and gliomas. The use of {sup 1}H-MRS provides valuable information on the differential diagnosis and graduation of brain tumors; however, so far artefacts, signal strength, parameter selection and a lack of standardization impede the establishment of {sup 1}H-MRS for use in clinical routine diagnostics. (orig.) [German] Die konventionelle MRT ermoeglicht unter Beruecksichtigung klinischer Information bei einem Grossteil zerebraler Raumforderungen die richtige

  9. Inflammation-Specific T1 Imaging Using Anti-Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 Antibody-Conjugated Gadolinium Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyu-Sil Choi


    Full Text Available To examine inflammatory tissue, an initial and common symptom of various types of pathogenesis, we designed inflammation-targeted T1 contrast agents prepared by bioconjugation of gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA with anti-intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1 antibody. The anti-ICAM-1 antibody was coupled with DTPA and was then conjugated with Gd. The specific binding of the Gd-DTPA-anti-ICAM-1 antibody complex to the ICAM-1-expressing cells was examined in the cultured endothelial cells where ICAM-1 expression was stimulated. Inflammation-specific T1 imaging was then assessed using a mouse abscess model with the 1.5-Tesla module. The Gd-DTPA-anti-ICAM-1 antibody displayed increased r1, which was two times higher than that of Gd-DTPA and showed predominant binding to cultured endothelial cells, which expressed a high level of ICAM-1. Moreover, the inflammation-specific T1 enhancement was imaged with the Gd-DTPA-anti-ICAM-1 antibody in the mouse acute inflammation model. The Gd-DTPA-anti-ICAM-1 antibody showed significantly increased vascular circulation time, which thereby offered a greater chance for its binding to the target cells. The Gd-DTPA-anti-ICAM-1 antibody displays a potential targeted T1 contrast agent specific to the inflammatory tissue that expresses ICAM-1.

  10. Komplexitätsbeherrschung in der wertschöpfungspartnerschaftsübergreifenden Produktspezifikationserstellung bei unvollkommenen Informationen durch Simplifizierungsregeln


    Ludwig, Ralf


    Probleme/Forschungsfragen: Ein stetiger Komplexitätsanstieg des Produktes und der Produktentwicklungsumgebung erschweren in Wertschöpfungspartnerschaften das Erreichen einer gemeinsamen Win-Win-Situation. Bei der frühen Erarbeitung der Produktauslegung oder im Rahmen der Produktspezifikationserstellung ist durch die hohe Komplexität von Entwicklungsaufgabe und -umgebung eine umfassende gesamtheitliche Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen Erfolgsdeterminanten nur sehr begrenzt möglich. Ein...

  11. Pilzinfektionen des Zentralnervensystems bei immunkompetentem Wirt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tintelnot, K.; de Hoog, G.S.; Haase, G.


    Die Mehrzahl von Pilzinfektionen, die zu mykotischen Tumoren führen und bei Patienten ohne jegliche prädisponierende Vorerkrankung auftreten, wird durch Cryptococcus gattii bzw. C. neoformans oder durch Schwärzepilze, insbesondere durch Cladophialophora bantiana, Ramichloridium mackenziei, Exophiala

  12. Revisiting T2KK and T2KO physics potential and ν{sub μ}- anti ν{sub μ} beam ratio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hagiwara, Kaoru [Theory Center, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Sokendai, Department of Accelerator Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Ko, Pyungwon [KIAS, School of Physics, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Okamura, Naotoshi [International University of Health and Welfare, Department of Radiological Sciences, Ohtawara, Tochigi (Japan); Takaesu, Yoshitaro [University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Tokyo (Japan)


    We revisit the sensitivity study of the Tokai-to-Kamioka-and-Korea (T2KK) and Tokai-to-Kamioka-and-Oki (T2KO) proposals where a water Cerenkov detector with the 100 kton fiducial volume is placed in Korea (L = 1000 km) and Oki island (L = 653 km) in Japan, respectively, in addition to the Super-Kamiokande for determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy and leptonic CP phase (δ{sub CP}). We systematically study the running ratio of the ν{sub μ} and anti ν{sub μ} focusing beams with dedicated background estimation for the ν{sub e} appearance and ν{sub μ} disappearance signals, especially improving treatment of the neutral-current π{sup 0} backgrounds. Using a ν{sub μ}- anti ν{sub μ} beam ratio between 3:2 and 2.5:2.5 (in units of 10{sup 21}POT with the proton energy of 40 GeV), the mass-hierarchy determination with the median sensitivity of 3-5 σ by the T2KK and 1-4 σ by the T2KO experiment are expected when sin{sup 2}θ{sub 23} = 0.5, depending on the mass-hierarchy pattern and CP phase. These sensitivities are enhanced (reduced) by 30-40% in Δχ{sup 2} when sin{sup 2}θ{sub 23} = 0.6 (0.4). The CP phase is measured with the uncertainty of 20 {sup circle} -50 {sup circle} by the T2KK and T2KO using the ν{sub μ}- anti ν{sub μ} focusing beam ratio between 3.5:1.5 and 1.5:3.5. These findings indicate that inclusion of the anti ν{sub μ} focusing beam improves the sensitivities of the T2KK and T2KO experiments to both the mass-hierarchy determination and the leptonic CP phase measurement simultaneously with the preferred beam ratio being between 3:2-2.5:2.5 (x 10{sup 21}POT). (orig.)

  13. Aspects of radiation protection during chest X-radiography; Strahlenhygienische Aspekte bei der Roentgenuntersuchung des Thorax

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seidenbusch, M.C.; Schneider, K. [Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital, Klinikum der Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie - Kinderradiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Radiation safety in conventional X-ray diagnostics is based on the concepts of justification, optimization of an X-ray examination and limitation of the radiation exposure achieved during the examination. Optimization of an X-ray examination has to be considered as a multimodal process in which all technical components of the X-ray equipment have to be adapted to each other and also have to be adapted to the anthropometric characteristics of patients and the clinical indications. In this article the technical components of a conventional pediatric chest X-radiograph are presented, and recommendations for optimizing chest X-rays in children are provided. The following measures are of prime importance: correct x-ray beam limitation, using the posteroanterior projection when possible and not using anti-scatter grids in children under approximately 8 years old. In pediatric radiology chest x-rays that are taken not at the peak of inspiration can also be of some diagnostic significance. Optimization of an X-ray examination inevitably results in the limitation of radiation exposure. (orig.) [German] Die Strahlenhygiene in der konventionellen radiologischen Diagnostik basiert auf der Trias Rechtfertigung, Optimierung bzw. Limitierung der Roentgenuntersuchung bzw. Strahlenexposition. Die Optimierung einer Roentgenuntersuchung ist als multimodaler Prozess aufzufassen, in welchem saemtliche technische Komponenten der Roentgeneinrichtung sowohl miteinander als auch mit den anthropometrischen Eigenschaften des Patienten und der klinischen Fragestellung abzustimmen sind. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die technischen Komponenten bei der konventionellen Roentgenuntersuchung des paediatrischen Thorax in ihrer Beziehung zueinander dargestellt und Empfehlungen fuer eine Optimierung der konventionellen Thoraxaufnahme bei Kindern ausgesprochen. Die wichtigsten Massnahmen bestehen in einer korrekten Einblendung, in der Anfertigung der Aufnahmen im posteroanterioren Strahlengang und im

  14. Kontrastmittelverstärkte Magnet-Resonanz-Urographie unter forcierter Diurese - Stellenwert in der Differentialdiagnostik bei Obstruktionen des oberen Harntraktes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jung P


    Full Text Available Die Magnet-Resonanz-Urographie (MRU ist ein relativ neues Verfahren in der Diagnostik des oberen Harntraktes. Das Ziel dieser Studie war der Vergleich der Aussagefähigkeit der MRU unter Gabe von Gadolinium und Furosemid und dem konventionellen Urogramm (IVU in der Diagnostik der Ursache von Obstruktionen im Bereich des Harnleiters. 82 Patienten mit im IVU nachgewiesener Obstruktion des oberen Harntraktes oder urographisch stummer Niere bei sonographisch nachgewiesener Dilatation wurden der MRU zugeführt. Die Bilder beider Untersuchungsmethoden wurden von voneinander unabhängigen Untersuchern befundet. Zwei Urologen befundeten die IVU-Bilder, zwei Radiologen die MRU-Bilder, die Radiologen kannten die IVU-Diagnose nicht. Bei unklarer Diagnose wurden weitere Untersuchungen wie Computertomographie, retrograde Pyelographie oder Ureteroskopie durchgeführt. Die Diagnosen waren: Harnleitersteine bei 72 Patienten, Harnleitertumore bei 8 Patienten und extraureterale Tumore bei 2 Patienten. Eine richtige Diagnose bei den Steinpatienten wurde durch IVU bei 49 von 72 Patienten und durch MRU bei 64 von 72 Patienten gestellt. In dieser Patientengruppe wurden durch die MRU zwei falsche Diagnosen gestellt. Fehlende Kontrastmittelausscheidung war der Hauptgrund für Versagen der IVU. 3 der 8 Patienten mit Harnleitertumoren wurden durch die IVU richtig dignostiziert, bei dreien wurde eine falsche Diagnose gestellt. Durch die MRU konnten in dieser Gruppe 7 von 8 Patienten korrekt diagnostiziert werden, es wurde keine falsche Diagnose erhoben. IVU wird zunächst die Standarduntersuchungstechnik zur Darstellung des oberen Harntraktes bleiben, aber durch diese Studie konnte die Möglichkeit gezeigt werden, die in der MRU in Kombination mit Gadolinium und Furosemid liegt. Die größte Bedeutung dieser Untersuchung liegt in der urographisch stummen Niere, bei Untersuchungen in der Schwangerschaft, bei Kindern und bei Patienten mit Kontrastmittelunverträglichkeit.

  15. Regulatory T cells as suppressors of anti-tumor immunity: Role of metabolism. (United States)

    De Rosa, Veronica; Di Rella, Francesca; Di Giacomo, Antonio; Matarese, Giuseppe


    Novel concepts in immunometabolism support the hypothesis that glucose consumption is also used to modulate anti-tumor immune responses, favoring growth and expansion of specific cellular subsets defined in the past as suppressor T cells and currently reborn as regulatory T (Treg) cells. During the 1920s, Otto Warburg and colleagues observed that tumors consumed high amounts of glucose compared to normal tissues, even in the presence of oxygen and completely functioning mitochondria. However, the role of the Warburg Effect is still not completely understood, particularly in the context of an ongoing anti-tumor immune response. Current experimental evidence suggests that tumor-derived metabolic restrictions can drive T cell hyporesponsiveness and immune tolerance. For example, several glycolytic enzymes, deregulated in cancer, contribute to tumor progression independently from their canonical metabolic activity. Indeed, they can control apoptosis, gene expression and activation of specific intracellular pathways, thus suggesting a direct link between metabolic switches and pro-tumorigenic transcriptional programs. Focus of this review is to define the specific metabolic pathways controlling Treg cell immunobiology in the context of anti-tumor immunity and tumor progression. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Anti-ATLA (antibody to adult T-cell leukemia virus-associated antigen), highly positive in OKT4-positive mature T-cell malignancies. (United States)

    Tobinai, K; Nagai, M; Setoya, T; Shibata, T; Minato, K; Shimoyama, M


    Serum or plasma specimens from 252 patients with lymphoid malignancies were screened for reactivity with adult T-cell leukemia virus-associated antigen (ATLA), and the relationship between the immunologic phenotype of the tumor cells and ATLA reactivity was determined. Anti-ATLA antibodies were found in 24 (29.3%) of 82 patients with T-cell malignancy. In contrast, the antibodies were found in none of the 106 patients with B-cell malignancy and only rarely in patients with other lymphoid malignancies without blood transfusions. Among the patients with T-cell malignancy, anti-ATLA antibodies were found in 23 (45.1%) of the 51 patients with OKT4-positive mature T-cell (inducer/helper T-cell) malignancy, but in none of the patients with T-cell malignancy of pre-T, thymic T-cell or OKT8-positive mature T-cell (suppressor/cytotoxic T-cell) phenotype. Furthermore, among the OKT4-positive mature T-cell malignancies, the antibodies were found in 16 (84.2%) of 19 patients with ATL and in 5 (27.8%) of 18 patients with mature (peripheral) T-cell lymphoma, in none of four with typical T-chronic lymphocytic leukemia, in one of nine with mycosis fungoides and in the one patient with small-cell variant of Sézary's syndrome. These results suggest that anti-ATLA positive T-cell malignancies with OKT4-positive mature T-cell phenotype must be the same disease, because it is highly possible that they have the same etiology and the same cellular origin. In the atypical cases, it seems necessary to demonstrate monoclonal integration of proviral DNA of ATLV or HTLV into the tumor cells in order to establish the final diagnosis of ATL.

  17. Kulturspezifische Elemente und ihre Problematik bei der Filmsynchronisierung

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    Prof. Dr. Carmen Cuéllar Lázaro


    Full Text Available Bei der Untersuchung der Übersetzungsproblematik von kulturspezifischen Elementen geht es darum, diese Konzepte begrifflich abzugrenzen, inhaltlich und sprachlich zu klassifizieren sowie die Problematik ihrer Übersetzung zu beschreiben. Bei der Filmsynchronisierung sind außerdem die Merkmale und besonderen Bedingungen des Mediums und des audiovisuellen Textes zu berücksichtigen. Die Zielsetzung dieser Studie ist, die Übersetzung von kulturspezifischen Elementen der Filmsynchronisierung (Deutsch-Spanisch zu analysieren. Wir schlagen ein Zwei-Ebenen-Modell vor: Die erste Ebene berücksichtigt die Art der erfahrenen sprachlichen Bearbeitung. Auf der zweiten Ebene wird die kulturelle Orientierung der Ergebnisse untersucht. Danach werden einige Schlussfolgerungen aus der spanischen Synchronfassung gezogen.

  18. Kulturspezifische Elemente und ihre Problematik bei der Filmsynchronisierung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prof. Dr. Carmen Cuéllar Lázaro


    Full Text Available Bei der Untersuchung der Übersetzungsproblematik von kulturspezifischen Elementen geht es darum, diese Konzepte begrifflich abzugrenzen, inhaltlich und sprachlich zu klassifizieren sowie die Problematik ihrer Übersetzung zu beschreiben. Bei der Filmsynchronisierung sind außerdem die Merkmale und besonderen Bedingungen des Mediums und des audiovisuellen Textes zu berücksichtigen.   Die Zielsetzung dieser Studie ist, die Übersetzung von kulturspezifischen Elementen der Filmsynchronisierung (Deutsch-Spanisch zu analysieren. Wir schlagen ein Zwei-Ebenen-Modell vor: Die erste Ebene berücksichtigt die Art der erfahrenen sprachlichen Bearbeitung. Auf der zweiten Ebene wird die kulturelle Orientierung der Ergebnisse untersucht. Danach werden einige Schlussfolgerungen aus der spanischen Synchronfassung gezogen.

  19. Anti-Obesity Effects of Starter Fermented Kimchi on 3T3-L1 Adipocytes (United States)

    Lee, Kyung-Hee; Song, Jia-Le; Park, Eui-Seong; Ju, Jaehyun; Kim, Hee-Young; Park, Kun-Young


    The anti-obesity effects of starter (Leuconostoc mesenteroides+Lactobacillus plantarum) fermented kimchi on 3T3-L1 adipocyte were studied using naturally fermented kimchi (NK), a functional kimchi (FK, NK supplemented with green tea), and FK supplemented with added starters (FKS). Oil red O staining and cellular levels of triglyceride (TG) and glycerol were used to evaluate the in vitro anti-obesity effects of these kimchis in 3T3-L1 cells. The expressions of adipogenesis/lipogenesis-related genes of peroxisome proliferator-active receptor (PPAR)-γ, CCAAT/enhance-binding protein (C/EBP)-α, and fatty acid synthase (FAS) were determined by RT-PCR. Kimchis, especially FKS, markedly decreased TG levels and increased levels of intracellular glycerol and lipid lipolysis. In addition, FKS also reduced the mRNA levels of PPAR-γ, C/EBP-α, and FAS, which are related to adipogenesis/lipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. These results suggest the anti-obesity effects of FKS were to due to enhanced lipolysis and reduced adipogenesis/lipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. PMID:26770918

  20. Study of Anti-Neutrino Beam with Muon Monitor in the T2K experiment (United States)

    Hiraki, Takahiro

    The T2K experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. In 2013, the T2K collaboration observed electron neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam at 7.3 sigma significance. One of the next main goals of the T2K experiment is to measure electron anti-neutrino appearance. In June 2014 we took anti-neutrino beam data for the first time. The anti-neutrino beam was obtained by reversing the polarity of horn focusing magnets. To monitor the direction and intensity of the neutrino beam which is produced from the decay of pions and kaons, the muon beam is continuously measured by Muon Monitor (MUMON). To reconstruct the profile of the muon beam, MUMON is equipped with 49 sensors distributed on a plane behind the beam dump. In this report, we show some results of the anti-neutrino beam data taken by monitors including MUMON. In particular, dependence of the muon beam intensity on electric current of the horns, correlation between the proton beam position and the MUMON profile, and beam stability are presented. Comparison between the data and Monte Carlo simulation is also discussed.

  1. Study of anti-neutrino beam with Muon Monitor in the T2K experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraki, Takahiro


    The T2K experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. In 2013, the T2K collaboration observed electron neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam at 7.3 sigma significance. One of the next main goals of the T2K experiment is to measure electron anti-neutrino appearance. In June 2014 we took anti-neutrino beam data for the first time. The anti-neutrino beam was obtained by reversing the polarity of horn focusing magnets. To monitor the direction and intensity of the neutrino beam which is produced from the decay of pions and kaons, the muon beam is continuously measured by Muon Monitor (MUMON). To reconstruct the profile of the muon beam, MUMON is equipped with 49 sensors distributed on a plane behind the beam dump. In this report, we show some results of the anti-neutrino beam data taken by monitors including MUMON. In particular, dependence of the muon beam intensity on electric current of the horns, correlation between the proton beam position and the MUMON profile, and beam stability are presented. Comparison between the data and Monte Carlo simulation is also discussed. (author)

  2. Search for new physics in the fully hadronic t anti t channel at √(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sosa Corral, David E.


    A search for heavy resonances where two high transverse momentum top quarks decay hadronically and produce two large jets is carried out using data collected with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider during 2015 at √(s)=13 TeV. The HEPTopTagger algorithm is used to reconstruct the t anti t invariant mass and to reduce the large multijet background. The large jets must contain exactly one b-tagged jet. The b-tagging performance is studied with track and calorimeter jets. The use of track jets for b-tagging increases the t anti t invariant mass tagging efficiency by a factor between 1.3 and 2 and S/√(B) by 40%. After the HEPTopTagger application, large jets where a top quark candidate is found, are cleaned from underlying event and pile-up activity and used for the t anti t invariant mass reconstruction. Using the cleaned large jets instead of the top quark candidate improves the t anti t invariant mass resolution. The multijet production is estimated using control regions in data. The t anti t invariant mass distribution is compared for data and Monte Carlo simulation and no significant deviations from the Standard Model predictions are found. Upper limits are set on the production cross section times branching fractions of Z{sup '} bosons resonances with masses between 0.75 TeV and 1.65 TeV at 95% C.L. Expected upper limits using an integrated luminosity of 11.5 fb{sup -1} collected during 2016 are set on the production cross section times branching fractions of Z{sup '} boson with masses between 0.83 TeV and 2.47 TeV at 95% C.L.

  3. Effects of spin-orbit coupling on laser cooling of BeI and MgI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wan, Mingjie, E-mail:; Huang, Duohui; Shao, Juxiang; Li, Yuanyuan [Computational Physics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Yibin University, Yibin 644007 (China); Yu, You [College of Optoelectronic Technology, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225 (China); Li, Song [College of Physical Science and Technology, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023 (China)


    We present the ab initio study of spin-orbit coupling effects on laser cooling of BeI and MgI molecules. Potential energy curves for the X{sup 2}Σ{sup +}{sub 1/2}, A{sup 2}Π{sub 1/2,3/2}, and 2{sup 2}Π{sub 3/2,1/2} states are calculated using multi-reference configuration interaction method plus Davidson corrections. Spectroscopic parameters of BeI and MgI are in excellent agreement with available experimental and theoretical values. The A{sup 2}Π{sub 3/2} state of MgI is a repulsive state. It is an unsuitable scheme for the A{sup 2}Π{sub 3/2}(υ′)← X{sup 2}Σ{sup +}{sub 1/2} (υ″) transition for laser cooling of MgI. Highly diagonally distributed Franck-Condon factors f{sub 00} for the A{sup 2}Π{sub 1/2,3/2} (υ′ = 0) ← X{sup 2}Σ{sup +}{sub 1/2} (υ″ = 0) transitions and suitable radiative lifetimes τ for the A{sup 2}Π{sub 1/2,3/2} (υ′ = 0) of BeI and MgI are obtained. Three laser wavelength drives are required for the A{sup 2}Π{sub 1/2,3/2}(υ′)←X{sup 2}Σ{sup +}{sub 1/2} (υ″) transitions of BeI and MgI. The proposed cooling wavelengths of BeI and MgI are both in the violet region. The results imply the feasibility of laser cooling of BeI and MgI, and that laser cooling of BeI is more possible.

  4. Failure of anti-T-cell receptor V beta antibodies to consistently identify a malignant T-cell clone in Sézary syndrome. (United States)

    Bigler, R D; Boselli, C M; Foley, B; Vonderheid, E C


    Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) reacting with the human T cell receptor (TCR) V beta or V alpha region have been shown to be almost as specific as a private idiotypic MAb in identifying T cell clones. When available, V beta-specific MAbs offer the ease of immunofluorescence analysis to identify and quantitate expanded malignant or nonmalignant T cell populations without requiring polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to evaluate expression of V beta gene families. The V beta expression of peripheral blood lymphocytes from twenty-three consecutive patients with Sézary syndrome has been analyzed by reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR. Ten patients had malignant T cell clones that expressed a TCR V beta corresponding to a commercially available anti-V beta antibody. Immunofluorescence staining with anti-V beta MAbs showed a direct correlation with RT-PCR results in seven of ten patients. No false positive reactivity was noted on immunofluorescence staining with any MAb. Cells from three patients, however, did not react with the corresponding anti-V beta MAb. These three cases expressed a TCR V beta from gene families containing a single member, ie, V beta 14, V beta 18, and V beta 20, yet MAbs reported to be specific for these regions failed to react with the T cell clone from these patients. Sequencing of the PCR product in these cases confirmed the RT-PCR results. Cells from two patients expressed a TCR using V beta 5.1-D beta 1.1 genes with different J-C segments. One patient's cells reacted with an anti-V beta 5.1 MAb (LC4) whereas the other patient's cells bound one-tenth the amount of this same MAb. These results indicate that currently available anti-TCR V region MAbs may not react consistently with T cell clones expressing the corresponding V region or may react with a low affinity making detection difficult. Differences in the J-C junction or in CDR3 may influence the binding of these MAbs. Until the false negative rate is reduced and the fine specificity and

  5. Nagelbefall kann bei Patienten mit Psoriasis auf eine Enthesiopathie hinweisen. (United States)

    Castellanos-González, Maria; Joven, Beatriz Esther; Sánchez, Julio; Andrés-Esteban, Eva María; Vanaclocha-Sebastián, Francisco; Romero, Pablo Ortiz; Díaz, Raquel Rivera


    Obwohl subklinische Enthesiopathie ein gut etabliertes diagnostisches Merkmal der Psoriasisarthritis (PsA) ist, wird sie häufig übersehen, da viele Patienten asymptomatisch sind. Gäbe es klinische Hinweise auf das Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie, würde dies den Klinikern die Möglichkeit eröffnen, eine PsA frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren. Es wurde eine monozentrische prospektive Studie mit insgesamt 90 Psoriasis-Patienten durchgeführt, um mittels Ultraschall das Vorliegen von Enthesenanomalien zu untersuchen und eine Korrelation mit dem Befall der Nägel festzustellen. Enthesenanomalien wurden bei 23 Patienten (25,5 %) gefunden, von denen 19 (82,6 %) Nagelbefall aufwiesen. Bei 4 Patienten waren die Nägel nicht betroffen. Enthesiopathie lag bei 31,1 % (19/61) der Patienten mit Onychopathie vor, von den Patienten ohne Nagelbefall litten nur 13,8 % (4/29) an Enthesiopathie (p = 0,07). Zwischen dem Target-NAPSI-Score und dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie bestand eine signifikante Korrelation. Eine signifikante Korrelation bestand darüber hinaus auch zwischen dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie und der Anzahl der betroffenen Nägel (p = 0,035). Klinische Belege für eine Onychopathie können der Schlüssel für die frühe Diagnose einer Enthesiopathie bei Psoriasis-Patienten sein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Agonistic anti-TIGIT treatment inhibits T cell responses in LDLr deficient mice without affecting atherosclerotic lesion development.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda C Foks

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules are mainly expressed on T cells and antigen presenting cells and strongly orchestrate adaptive immune responses. Whereas co-stimulatory molecules enhance immune responses, signaling via co-inhibitory molecules dampens the immune system, thereby showing great therapeutic potential to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Signaling via co-inhibitory T cell immunoglobulin and ITIM domain (TIGIT directly inhibits T cell activation and proliferation, and therefore represents a novel therapeutic candidate to specifically dampen pro-atherogenic T cell reactivity. In the present study, we used an agonistic anti-TIGIT antibody to determine the effect of excessive TIGIT-signaling on atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: TIGIT was upregulated on CD4(+ T cells isolated from mice fed a Western-type diet in comparison with mice fed a chow diet. Agonistic anti-TIGIT suppressed T cell activation and proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. However, agonistic anti-TIGIT treatment of LDLr(-/- mice fed a Western-type diet for 4 or 8 weeks did not affect atherosclerotic lesion development in comparison with PBS and Armenian Hamster IgG treatment. Furthermore, elevated percentages of dendritic cells were observed in the blood and spleen of agonistic anti-TIGIT-treated mice. Additionally, these cells showed an increased activation status but decreased IL-10 production. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the inhibition of splenic T cell responses, agonistic anti-TIGIT treatment does not affect initial atherosclerosis development, possibly due to increased activity of dendritic cells.

  7. Magnetic resonance angiography and tomography of vertebrobasilar dissections; Magnetresonanzangiographie und Magnetresonanztomographie bei Dissektionen der A. vertebralis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Felber, S. [Inst. fuer Magnetresonanztomographie und Spektroskopie, Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria)]|[Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Klinische Abt. 2, Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria); Auer, A. [Inst. fuer Magnetresonanztomographie und Spektroskopie, Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria); Schmidauer, C. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria); Waldenberger, P. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Klinische Abt. 1, Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria); Aichner, F. [Inst. fuer Magnetresonanztomographie und Spektroskopie, Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck (Austria)


    wichtige Ursache von Schlaganfaellen bei juengeren Erwachsenen. Wir untersuchten die diagnostischen Moeglichkeiten der Magnetresonanzangiographie (MRA) in Kombination mit der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) bei vertebrobasilaeren Dissektionen anhand einer retrospektiven Analyse von 24 Patienten mit einer Vertebralisdissektion und einem Patienten mit einer Basilarisdissektion. Bei 24 von 25 Patienten (95,5%) wurden mit der Magnetresonanzangiographie abnorme Flussverhaeltnisse im disseziierten Gefaess erkannt. Die Sensitivitaet der konventionellen Angiographie war 100% und die des Ultraschalls 77%. In 7 Faellen (30,4%) ergab die Magnetresonanz spezifische Hinweise auf eine Dissektion (Doppellumen n=1, murales Haematom n=4, Pseudoaneurysma n=2). Demgegenueber standen 36,4% spezifische Befunde in der Angiographie. Dabei waren die spezifischen Resultate von MRT/MRA und Angiographie z.T. komplementaer, beide Methoden zusammen erzielten 43,5% Spezifitaet. Die kombinierte MRT und MRA kann bei etwa 1/3 der Patienten bereits die Diagnose einer Vertebralisdissektion stellen. Bei den anderen Patienten kann die Indikation zur konventionellen Angiographie verbessert werden. Dies gilt besonders fuer jene Patienten mit unspezifischen Prodromalsymptomen. Eine negative Magnetresonanzuntersuchung erzetzt bei Patienten mit hinweisenden Symptomen die konventionelle Angiographie allerdings nicht. Die Angiographie wird aufgrund der hoeheren Ortsaufloesung und der sicheren Beurteilbarkeit auch des proximalen V Abschnittes 1 vorerst diagnostischer Standard bleiben. (orig.)

  8. Beschreibung des Korngrößenwachstums bei der Wirbelschicht-Sprühgranulation mittels statistischer Modelle


    Schinzinger, Oliver


    Ein wichtiger Schritt bei der Herstellung von Tabletten ist die Aufarbeitung eines meist sehr feinen, schlecht fließfähigen Pulvers zu einem besser fließenden Granulat. Da die Granulation aus den drei Teilprozessen Mischen, Granulieren und Trocknen besteht, werden heutzutage Granulationen in der Wirbelschicht durchgeführt. Eine Wirbelschichtapparatur vereint die drei Teilprozesse in einem Gerät. Die Wirbelschichtgranulation wird durch eine große Anzahl an Parametern beeinflusst, die in Prozes...

  9. PET in diagnosing exocrine pancreatic cancer; PET bei Tumoren des exokrinen Pankreas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bares, R.; Besenfelder, H.; Dohmen, B.M. [Abt. Nuklearmedizin, Radiologische Klinik des Universitaetsklinikums Tuebingen (Germany)


    Despite dramatic improvements in diagnostic imaging (ultrasonography, in particular endoscopic ultrasound, CT, MRI) treatment results of pancreatic cancer are still poor. Due to the lack of early symptoms, most tumors are diagnosed at an advanced stage of disease which excludes curative surgical treatment. FDG-PET has been shown to be effective in detecting pancreatic cancer as well as differentiating benign from malignant pancreatic tumors. Results might be further improved by applying quantitative analyses, in particular kinetic modelling of FDG metabolism. Nevertheless false negative as well as false positive findings may occur. Small lesions (lymphnode or liver metastases < 1 cm) might be missed, furthermore hyperglycemia often present in patients with pancreatic disease might reduce tumor uptake and subsequently tumor detectability by PET. False positive findings were reported in active pancreatitis and some benign tumors. Although PET proved to be superior to CT or ERCP in detecting cancer, clinical relevance of PET is limited due to the absence of therapeutic consequences to be derived from PET. As a consequence PET should only be used in patients with equivocal findings of morphological imaging (CT, ERCP) who are potential candidates for surgical treatment. (orig.) [German] Trotz verbesserter diagnostischer Moeglichkeiten (endoskopischer Ultraschall, Spiral-CT, MRT) sind die Behandlungsergebnisse bei Tumoren des exokrinen Pankreas nach wie vor unbefriedigend. Aufgrund der spaet einsetzenden klinischen Symptomatik wird die Diagnose meist erst bei lokaler Inoperabilitaet gestellt. Die FDG-PET has sich sowohl im Nachweis von Pankreaskarzinomen als auch bei der Differenzialdiagnose pankreatischer Raumforderungen bewaehrt und den etablierten bildgebenden Verfahren (Ultraschall, CT) als ueberlegen erwiesen. Weitere Verbesserungen erscheinen durch absolute Quantifizierung der FDG-Kinetik moeglich. Dennoch koennen falsch negative wie auch falsch positive Ergebnisse

  10. MR spectroscopy in dementia; MR-Spektroskopie bei Demenz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hauser, T.; Gerigk, L.; Giesel, F.; Schuster, L.; Essig, M. [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Abteilung E010, Radiologie, Heidelberg (Germany)


    With an increasingly aging population we are faced with the problem of an increasing number of dementia patients. In addition to clinical, neuropsychological and laboratory procedures, MRI plays an important role in the early diagnosis of dementia. In addition to various morphological changes functional changes can also help in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dementia. Overall the diagnosis of dementia can be improved by using parameters from MR spectroscopy. This article focuses on MR spectroscopic changes in the physiological aging process as well as on changes in mild cognitive impairment a precursor of Alzheimer's dementia, in Alzheimer's dementia, frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia and Lewy body dementia. (orig.) [German] Angesichts einer immer aelter werdenden Bevoelkerung sind wir mit dem Problem einer zunehmenden Zahl an Demenzerkrankungen konfrontiert. Neben klinischen, neuropsychologischen und laborchemischen Verfahren spielt die MRT zur Fruehdiagnostik einer Demenz eine wichtige Rolle. Morphologische Veraenderungen wie auch verschiedene funktionelle Verfahren helfen bei der Diagnostik und Differenzialdiagnostik einer Demenz. Insgesamt kann mittels MR-spektroskopischer Parameter die Diagnostik einer Demenz verbessert werden. In diesem Artikel soll auf MR-spektroskopische Veraenderungen im Rahmen des physiologischen Alterungsprozesses eingegangen werden. Ferner werden speziell Veraenderungen bei leichter kognitiver Beeintraechtigung, einer Vorform der Alzheimer-Demenz, bei Alzheimer-, frontotemporaler, vaskulaerer und Lewy-Koerper-Demenz eroertert. (orig.)


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    Luiz Alberton


    Full Text Available RESUMO
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de um modelo de formação comportamental para auditores contábeis independentes. Deste modo, inicialmente, discorre-se sobre os aspectos que devem ser considerados pelo profissional responsável pela gestão das pessoas nas organizações que prestam serviços de auditoria contábil independente, e do perfil destas pessoas requerido pelas empresas. Em seguida são identificadas as teorias que tratam da gestão de pessoas nas organizações, especificamente nos processos de recrutamento e seleção, capacitação e avaliação de desempenho. As empresas buscam profissionais com talentos e, principalmente, que saibam manter o equilíbrio entre a razão e a emoção no ambiente de trabalho. Na literatura que versa sobre a profissão do auditor contábil, é dada muita ênfase aos aspectos técnicos, tratando superficialmente ou renegando os aspectos comportamentais considerados importantes ao desempenho destes profissionais. Para confirmar essas afirmações e dar suporte ao delineamento do modelo, é realizada uma pesquisa de campo com os responsáveis pela gestão de pessoas em quatro empresas internacionais de auditoria contábil independente, que fazem parte das big five, e em uma empresa nacional. Assim, para o delineamento do modelo de formação, a ênfase desta pesquisa recai sobre os aspectos de liderança, comunicação, motivação, negociação, coaching, mentoring, administração de conflitos, trabalho em equipe, técnica de entrevista, análise transacional e de programação neurolingüística, que podem ser utilizados para o desenvolvimento de auditores contábeis independentes, de forma que possam melhorar suas condições de competitividade e empregabilidade. Portanto, são incorporados esses conceitos como ponto de partida para o delineamento de um modelo de formação comportamental

  12. Model of iodine metabolism in a T3-thyrotoxic patient undergoing I-131 therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahuja, S.; Price, R.; Brill, A.B.; Dobyns, B.M.; Berman, M.

    Data on radioactivity in the thyroid, urine, serum, butanol-extractable iodine (BEI) and chromatographic fractionations of BEI, obtained during four I-131 therapeutic treatments of a T 3 -thyrotoxic patient, have been analyzed and simulated with the help of a 7-compartment model. Good fits to most of the data can be obtained with both the dose-independent and dose-dependent models. A model with 3 or 4 compartments, which provides adequate fits to iodine kinetic data in most euthyroid and hyperthyroid patients is not satisfactory in the case of this patient. Thus, to represent iodine metabolism during T 3 -thyrotoxicosis therapy, we find that it is necessary to provide for separate biochemical pathways for the BEI components as well as the butanol-insoluble compounds released by the thyroid gland

  13. Plasticity of gamma delta T cells: impact on the anti-tumor response

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginie eLafont


    Full Text Available The tumor immune microenvironment contributes to tumor initiation, progression and response to therapy. Among the immune cell subsets that play a role in the tumor microenvironment, innate-like T cells that express T cell receptors composed of gamma and delta chains (gamma delta T cells are of particular interest. gamma delta T cells can contribute to the immune response against many tumor types (lymphoma, myeloma, melanoma, breast, colon, lung, ovary and prostate cancer directly through their cytotoxic activity and indirectly by stimulating or regulating the biological functions of other cell types required for the initiation and establishment of the anti-tumor immune response, such as dendritic cells and cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. However, the notion that tumor-infiltrating gamma delta T cells are a good prognostic marker in cancer was recently challenged by studies showing that the presence of these cells in the tumor microenvironment was associated with poor prognosis in both breast and colon cancer. These findings suggest that gamma delta T cells may also display pro-tumor activities. Indeed, breast tumor-infiltrating gamma deltaT cells could exert an immunosuppressive activity by negatively regulating DC maturation. Furthermore, recent studies demonstrated that signals from the microenvironment, particularly cytokines, can confer some plasticity to gamma delta T cells and promote their differentiation into gamma delta T cells with regulatory functions. This review focuses on the current knowledge on the functional plasticity of gamma delta T cells and its effect on their anti-tumor activities. It also discusses the putative mechanisms underlying gamma delta T cell expansion, differentiation and recruitment in the tumor microenvironment.

  14. "Updates to Model Algorithms & Inputs for the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) Model" (United States)

    We have developed new canopy emission algorithms and land use data for BEIS. Simulations with BEIS v3.4 and these updates in CMAQ v5.0.2 are compared these changes to the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) and evaluated the simulations against observatio...

  15. Production of sheep anti triiodothyronine (T{sub 3}) antisera for development of T{sub 3} RIA kit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karar, M G. E. [Department of Biochemistry, Sudan Academy of Sciences, Atomic Energy Council, Khartoum (Sudan)


    This study is a trial to produce antisera against triiodothyronine (T{sub 3}) which resulted in a poor response of sheep to immunization, since small amount of antibodies were detected, hence the amount of T{sub 3} tracer bound by the antibodies in terms of percentage was found to be less than 10% with weak discrimination between zero and high standard doses in all bleeds which dose not satisfy radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique requirements. In this study, two local males Sudanese sheep (ovis aries) were immunized with T{sub 3}-immuno gen intramuscularly and subcutaneously in different sites along their backs. Sheep (I) was immunized with 25{mu}g of antigen per kg body weight in first and boosting injections, while the dose was only 10{mu}g per kg body weight for sheep(II). T{sub 3}-immuno gen was emulsified in FCA for the first injection and in FIA for the boosting injections. The sera obtained from both sheep after each injection were subjected to evaluation for the levels of circulating anti-T{sub 3} antibodies through both qualitative and quantitative tests (titration test). The tests were performed for both purified and non-purified from with different separation methods, these methods included, precipitation by second antibody assisted by polyethylene glycol (PEG), polystyrene beads, and liquid phase separation technique. Tests for the quality and success of polystyrene beads coating process for the titration were done using pre characterized antibodies, namely anti progesterone antibodies and anti thyroxine antibodies. These tests revels that, the coating process including the activation of polystyrene beads, was of good quality, and the results obtained was due to weak response to T{sub 3}-immuno gen. The results obtained from qualitative tests of the two sheep sera did not show clear precipitate, in spite of the positive result obtained in a neat sera, which was an indication for weak antibody formation. The result of the titration tests for all bleeds

  16. Konzepte und Methoden zur Qualitätssicherung bei der Produktion von hypertextuellen Online-Lernumgebungen

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    Christian Swertz


    Full Text Available Die didaktische Ontologie der Webdidaktik ermöglicht die Qualitätssicherung von Prozessen und Ergebnissen bei der Produktion von Online- Lernumgebungen. Die Qualität wird durch die am pädagogischen Prozess beteiligten Menschen bestimmt. Der Qualitätssicherungsprozess kann durch Software unterstützt werden. Für diese Prozesse der Qualitätssicherung bringt der Autor Beispiele aus dem Lerndorf ( und der Lernumgebung des von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt geförderten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt «Zentrum für Umweltwissen und Bildung» (ZUB.

  17. Hydro-MRI for abdominal diagnostics in children; Hydro-MRT in der Darmdiagnostik bei Kindern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kern, A.; Schunk, K.; Oberholzer, K.; Thelen, M. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Kessler, M. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Kinderchirurgie


    A clinical evaluation of hydro-MRI as an alternative method to barium studies in children with abdominal pain of unknown origin is presented. Patients and Methods: 20 children with abdominal pain of unknown origin aged from 9 - 16 years were examined after oral bowel opacification using 1000 ml of 2.5% mannitol solution with a 1.0T MRI system. The investigation was done in 2 planes (coronal and axial) under breath-hold conditions. Imaging procedures included various sequences (T2W HASTE + FS, contrast-enhanced T1W FLASH FS). Suspicious findings in bowel segments and extra-intestinal changes were assessed. Results: In 21/24 examinations the small bowel was completely visualized, in 15/24 cases colon segments were identified. An accurate assessment of the terminal ileum was not possible in 3/24 procedures. Breathing artefacts occurred in 3/24 examinations. Signs of Crohn's disease were found in 4 examinations, inflammatory changes of the ileum were detected in 3 cases. Inflammation of the colon was demonstrated in 2 children. Furthermore, pathological findings included constipation in one child and inflammation of the ileo-colic and mesenterial lymph nodes were found in another child. Extra-intestinal changes in 3 children were caused by ovarian cysts, and in one case by pleural effusion. In 4 examinations we detected ascites in the absence of other pathological findings. In 5 children there was no pathological correlation in the bowel or extra-intestinal region for the complaints. The children tolerated the hydro-MRI very well. There were no side effects using oral mannitol. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Klinische Evaluation der Hydro-MRT bei Kindern mit unklarer abdomineller Symptomatik als alternative Methode zur fraktionierten Magen-Darm-Passage. Patienten und Methoden: 20 Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 9 bis 16 Jahren mit unklaren abdominellen Beschwerden bzw. mit Verdacht auf eine chronisch entzuendliche Darmerkrankung wurden nach einer oralen

  18. {sup 31}P-MR spectroscopy of all regions of the human heart at 1.5 T with acquisition-weighted chemical shift imaging; P-MR-Spektroskopie aller Wandabschnitte des menschlichen Herzens bei 1,5 T mit akquisitionsgewichteter Chemical-shift-Bildgebung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koestler, H.; Beer, M.; Buchner, S.; Sandstede, J.; Pabst, T.; Kenn, W.; Hahn, D. [Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Roentgendiagnostik; Landschuetz, W.; Kienlin, M. von [Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany). Physikalisches Inst.; Neubauer, S. [Dept. of Cardiovascular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford (United Kingdom)


    Phasenkodierschritte. Als Wichtungsfunktion des AW-CSI wurde eine Hanningfunktion verwendet, die zu 7 Mittelungen in der Mitte und 0 in den Ecken des k-Raums fuehrte und die gleiche Aufloesung wie das CSI ergab. Die Auswertung erfolgte in jewells identisch positionierten Voxeln in Septum, Vorder-, Seiten- und Hinterwand. Ergebnisse: Die Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhaeltnisse waren bei AW-CSI fuer PCr um 1,3 und fuer ATP um 1,4 hoeher. Fuer AW-CSI waren die PCr/ATP-Verhaeltnisse um einen Faktor 1,2 - 1,3 hoeher und zeigten in allen untersuchten Regionen eine kleinere Standardabweichung. Das mittlere PCr/ATP-Verhaeltnis der AW-CSI-Sequenz war in Septum, Seiten- und Hinterwand praktisch identisch (1,72 - 1,76), waehrend in der Vorderwand ein hoeherer Wert (1,9) bestimmt wurde. Schlussfolgerungen: Die deutlich reduzierte Kontamination aus Nachbarvoxeln fuehrt bei AW-CSI zu einer Verbesserung des Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhaeltnisses und zu einer genaueren Bestimmung des PCr/ATP-Verhaeltnisses im Vergleich zu CSI mit gleicher Aufloesung. AW-CSI ermoeglicht so die {sup 31}P-Spektroskopie von Seiten- und Hinterwand des menschlichen Herzens bei 1,5 T. (orig.)

  19. A novel anti-EMMPRIN function-blocking antibody reduces T cell proliferation and neurotoxicity: relevance to multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Agrawal, Smriti M; Silva, Claudia; Wang, Janet; Tong, Jade Pui-Wai; Yong, V Wee


    Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN; CD147, basigin) is an inducer of the expression of several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). We reported previously that blocking EMMPRIN activity reduced neuroinflammation and severity of disease in an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). To improve upon EMMPRIN blockade, and to help unravel the biological functions of EMMPRIN in inflammatory disorders, we have developed several anti-EMMPRIN monoclonal antibodies. Of these monoclonal antibodies, a particular one, clone 10, was efficient in binding mouse and human cells using several methods of detection. The specificity of clone 10 was demonstrated by its lack of staining of EMMPRIN-null embryos compared to heterozygous and wild-type mouse samples. Functionally, human T cells activated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 elevated their expression of EMMPRIN and the treatment of these T cells with clone 10 resulted in decreased proliferation and matrix metalloproteinase- 9 (MMP-9) production. Activated human T cells were toxic to human neurons in culture and clone 10 pretreatment reduced T cell cytotoxicity correspondent with decrease of granzyme B levels within T cells. In vivo, EAE mice treated with clone 10 had a markedly reduced disease score compared to mice treated with IgM isotype control. We have produced a novel anti-EMMPRIN monoclonal antibody that blocks several aspects of T cell activity, thus highlighting the multiple roles of EMMPRIN in T cell biology. Moreover, clone 10 reduces EAE scores in mice compared to controls, and has activity on human cells, potentially allowing for the testing of anti-EMMPRIN treatment not only in EAE, but conceivably also in MS.

  20. A novel anti-EMMPRIN function-blocking antibody reduces T cell proliferation and neurotoxicity: relevance to multiple sclerosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agrawal Smriti M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN; CD147, basigin is an inducer of the expression of several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs. We reported previously that blocking EMMPRIN activity reduced neuroinflammation and severity of disease in an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE. Methods To improve upon EMMPRIN blockade, and to help unravel the biological functions of EMMPRIN in inflammatory disorders, we have developed several anti-EMMPRIN monoclonal antibodies. Results Of these monoclonal antibodies, a particular one, clone 10, was efficient in binding mouse and human cells using several methods of detection. The specificity of clone 10 was demonstrated by its lack of staining of EMMPRIN-null embryos compared to heterozygous and wild-type mouse samples. Functionally, human T cells activated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 elevated their expression of EMMPRIN and the treatment of these T cells with clone 10 resulted in decreased proliferation and matrix metalloproteinase- 9 (MMP-9 production. Activated human T cells were toxic to human neurons in culture and clone 10 pretreatment reduced T cell cytotoxicity correspondent with decrease of granzyme B levels within T cells. In vivo, EAE mice treated with clone 10 had a markedly reduced disease score compared to mice treated with IgM isotype control. Conclusions We have produced a novel anti-EMMPRIN monoclonal antibody that blocks several aspects of T cell activity, thus highlighting the multiple roles of EMMPRIN in T cell biology. Moreover, clone 10 reduces EAE scores in mice compared to controls, and has activity on human cells, potentially allowing for the testing of anti-EMMPRIN treatment not only in EAE, but conceivably also in MS.

  1. Positive Effekte des Mindestlohns auf Arbeitsplatzqualität und Arbeitszufriedenheit


    Pusch, Toralf; Rehm, Miriam


    Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Mindestlöhnen und Änderungen bei der Arbeitsplatzqualität ist bisher wenig bekannt. Nach der Mindestlohneinführung in Deutschland stieg die Arbeitsplatzzufriedenheit insgesamt. Neben höheren Stunden- und Bruttolöhnen und verringerten Arbeitszeiten gibt es als möglichen Grund auch eine arbeitsorganisatorische Aufwertung der Arbeitsplätze. Bei bestehenden Beschäftigungsverhältnissen konnten Hinweise auf Verbesserungen beim Betriebsklima und einer mehr auf Mitarbei...

  2. Radiotherapy for treatment of induratio penis plastica; Strahlentherapie bei Induratio penis plastica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruns, F.; Kardels, B.; Schaefer, U.; Schoenekaes, K.; Willich, N. [Westfaelische Wilhelms-Univ., Muenster (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie-Radioonkologie


    Radiotherapy is shown to be an effective, low-cost and non-invasive modality for treatment of induratio penis plastica. Its efficiency could be proven especially for inflammatory stages of the disease, or as an alternative after failure of conventional treatment. A total dose of no more than 20-25 Gy was found to achieve clear improvements in two thirds of the patients treated, while avoiding at the same time cosmetically disadvantageous late effects. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Die Strahlentherapie ist eine wirksame, kostenguenstige und nicht-invasive Behandlungsmoeglichkeit bei Induratio penis plastica. Ihren Stellenwert konnte sie insbesondere im inflammatorischen Stadium und nach Versagen anderer konservativer Therapieansaetze zeigen. Eine Gesamteinstrahldosis von 20-25 Gy reicht aus, um bei 2/3 der Patienten eine deutliche Besserung der Symptomatik zu erzielen bei gleichzeitiger Vermeidung kosmetisch relevanter Spaetnebenwirkungen. (orig.)

  3. The mRNA expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in T regulatory cells in children with type 1 diabetes.

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    Maria Górska


    Full Text Available Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM is caused by the autoimmune-mediated destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. T regulatory cells (Tregs represent an active mechanism of suppressing autoreactive T cells that escape central tolerance. The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis that T regulatory cells express pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, elements of cytotoxicity and OX40/4-1BB molecules. The examined group consisted of 50 children with T1DM. Fifty two healthy individuals (control group were enrolled into the study. A flow cytometric analysis of T-cell subpopulations was performed using the following markers: anti-CD3, anti-CD4, anti-CD25, anti-CD127, anti-CD134 and anti-CD137. Concurrently with the flow cytometric assessment of Tregs we separated CD4+CD25+CD127dim/- cells for further mRNA analysis. mRNA levels for transcription factor FoxP3, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (interferon gamma, interleukin-2, interleukin-4, interleukin-10, transforming growth factor beta1 and tumor necrosis factor alpha, activatory molecules (OX40, 4-1BB and elements of cytotoxicity (granzyme B, perforin 1 were determined by real-time PCR technique. We found no alterations in the frequency of CD4+CD25highCD127low cells between diabetic and control children. Treg cells expressed mRNA for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Lower OX40 and higher 4-1BB mRNA but not protein levels in Treg cells in diabetic patients compared to the healthy children were noted. Our observations confirm the presence of mRNA for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in CD4+CD25+CD127dim/- cells in the peripheral blood of children with T1DM. Further studies with the goal of developing new strategies to potentiate Treg function in autoimmune diseases are warranted.

  4. Untersuchungen zum Riechvermögen bei Patienten mit schizophrenen Störungen


    Minovi, A; Dombrowski, T; Brüne, M; Dazert, S; Juckel, G


    Einleitung: Riechstörungen werden bei Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie in vielen Studien beschrieben. Im Rahmen einer prospektiv angelegten Studie untersuchten wir das Riechvermögen von 18 Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe (n=13). Weiterhin erfolgte eine immunhistochemische Untersuchung der Riechschleimhaut bei 8 Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie.Methoden: Die Riechprüfung erfolgte mit Hilfe der erweiterten Sniffin' Sticks-Testbatterie. Nach Biopsie der...

  5. Individuelle Migrationsentscheidungen am Beispiel polnischer Migranten in Baden-Württemberg : eine Untersuchung zum individuellen Entscheidungsverhalten bei transnationaler Mobilität


    Seyffer, Silke


    Die vorliegende Studie behandelt die Frage, wie sich Individuen für eine nicht nur kurzzeitige transnationale Migration entscheiden: Geschieht dies nach rationalen Gesichtspunkten, nach objektivierbaren Kriterien mit einer Fülle von Informationen und durchdachtem Plan oder handelt es sich um spontane, subjektive Entscheidungen, bei denen Informationssuche und strukturierte Überlegungen im Vorfeld keine wichtige Rolle spielen? Eingangs werden für die Studie relevante Entscheidungs- und Mig...

  6. Mineralogical investigations of the role of the clay fraction in geothermal energy use; Mineralogische Untersuchungen zur Rolle der Tonfraktion bei der Gewinnung geothermischer Energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Althaus, E; Frosch, G [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Mineralogisches Inst.


    Authigenic clay minerals strongly influence the quality of geothermal reservoir systems. Their precipitation may drastically change the properties of reservoir sandstones. They interact more strongly with non-equilibrium fluids than most other mineral phases. The most abundant clay minerals in geothermal wells of Northeastern Germany are kaolinite, illite and mixed-layer minerals. Experiments are being carried out to study the dissolution rates of these minerals in NaCl brines at different pH-values. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Rahmen des BMBF-Projektes `Evaluierung geowissenschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Bedingungen fuer die Nutzung hydrogeothermaler Ressourcen` werden am Mineralogischen Institut der Universitaet Karlsruhe (T.H.) Experimente zur Stabilitaet von Tonmineralen in geothermischen Systemen durchgefuehrt. Die Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf Gesteine und Solen, wie sie durch die nordostdeutschen Geothermiebohrungen Neustadt-Glewe, Rheinsberg und Neubrandenburg aufgeschlossen sind. Die Untersuchten Gesteinsproben enstammen der oberen Trias und dem Jura. Die vergleichbaren stratigraphischen Einheiten sind in den Bohrungen in unterschiedlicher Teufe und Maechtigkeit anzutreffen: So finden sich die Contorta-Schichten (Raetkeuper) bei Neustadt-Glewe in ca. 2200 m, bei Rheinsberg in ca. 1680 m und bei Neubrandenburg in ca. 1250 m Tiefe. (orig.)

  7. Measurement of spin correlations in t anti t events from pp collisions at √(s)=7 TeV in the lepton+jets final state with the ATLAS detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemmer, Boris


    The top quark decays before it hadronises. Before its spin state can be changed in a process of strong interaction, it is directly transferred to the top quark decay products. The top quark spin can be deduced by studying angular distributions of the decay products. The Standard Model predicts the top/anti-top quark (t anti t) pairs to have correlated spins. The degree is sensitive to the spin and the production mechanisms of the top quark. Measuring the spin correlation allows to test the predictions. New physics effects can be reflected in deviations from the prediction. In this thesis the spin correlation of t anti t pairs, produced at a centre-of-mass energy of √(s)=7 TeV and reconstructed with the ATLAS detector, is measured. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb -1 . t anti t pairs are reconstructed in the l+jets channel using a kinematic likelihood fit offering the identification of light up- and down-type quarks from the t→bW→bq anti q' decay. The spin correlation is measured via the distribution of the azimuthal angle Δφ between two top quark spin analyzers in the laboratory frame. It is expressed as the degree of t anti t spin correlation predicted by the Standard Model, f SM . The results of f SM (Δφ(charged lepton,down-type quark))=1.53±0.14(stat.)±0.32(syst.), f SM (Δφ(charged lepton,b-quark))=0.53±0.18(stat.)±0.49(syst.), f SM (Δφ(combined))=1.12±0.11(stat.)±0.22(syst.), are consistent with the Standard Model prediction of f SM =1.0.

  8. Model of iodine metabolism in a T3-thyrotoxic patient undergoing I-131 therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahuja, S.; Price, R.; Brill, A. B.; Dobyns, B. M.; Berman, M.


    Data on radioactivity in the thyroid, urine, serum, butanol-extractable iodine (BEI) and chromatographic fractionations of BEI, obtained during four I-131 therapeutic treatments of a T3-thyrotoxic patient, have been analyzed and simulated with the help of a 7-compartment model. Good fits to most of the data can be obtained with both the dose-independent and dose-dependent models. A model with 3 or 4 compartments, which provides adequate fits to iodine kinetic data in most euthyroid and hyperthyroid patients is not satisfactory in the case of this patient. Thus, to represent iodine metabolism during T3-thyrotoxicosis therapy, we find that it is necessary to provide for separate biochemical pathways for the BEI components as well as the butanol-insoluble compounds released by the thyroid gland. (auth)

  9. Die Rolle von RANK-Ligand und Osteoprotegerin bei Osteoporose

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    Hofbauer LC


    Full Text Available Receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF- κB ligand (RANKL, sein zellulärer Rezeptor RANK und der Decoy-Rezeptor Osteoprotegerin (OPG stellen ein essentielles Zytokinsystem für die Zellbiologie von Osteoklasten dar. Verschiedene Untersuchungen belegen die Bedeutung von Störungen des OPG/RANKL/RANK-Systems bei der Pathogenese metabolischer Knochenerkrankungen. In dieser Arbeit werden die wichtigsten Störungen des OPG/RANKL/RANK-Systems bei verschiedenen Osteoporoseformen dargestellt. Östrogenrezeptor- (ER- Agonisten wie 17 β-Östradiol, Raloxifen und Genistein stimulieren die osteoblastäre Produktion von OPG durch Aktivierung von ER- α in vitro, während Lymphozyten von Patientinnen mit Östrogenmangel RANKL überexprimieren. Die parenterale Gabe von OPG vermag den mit Östrogenmangel assoziierten Knochenverlust im Tiermodell und in einer kleineren klinischen Studie zu verhindern. Glukokortikoide und Immunsuppressiva steigern gleichzeitig die RANKL-Expression und hemmen die OPG-Produktion in osteoblastären Zellen in vitro. Glukokortikoide sind auch in vivo imstande, die OPG-Serumspiegel deutlich zu reduzieren. Dagegen hemmen biomechanische Reize in vitro die RANKL-Produktion und steigern die OPG-Produktion. Ein Fehlen dieser biomechanischen Reize bei längerer Immobilisierung kann daher den RANKL/OPG-Quotienten steigern, während die tierexperimentelle Immobilisierungs-Osteoporose durch die parenterale Gabe von OPG gemildert werden kann.

  10. Beckenbodenbeschwerden bei Fahrradfahrerinnen und mögliche Therapieansätze

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    Lyatoshinsky P


    Full Text Available Einleitung und Hypothese: Fahrradfahren ist nicht nur ein immer beliebter werdender Freizeitsport, sondern auch ein immer intensiver genutztes Fortbewegungsmittel. Somit ist es mittlerweile von großer Bedeutung, herauszufinden, welchen negativen Einfluss das Fahrradfahren auf den menschlichen Körper hat. Dieser Review fasst die aktuelle Evidenz zur Epidemiologie, Therapie und Prävention der Genital- und Beckenbodenbeschwerden bei weiblichen Fahrradfahrerinnen zusammen.brMethoden: Zwei Metadatenbanken, OvidSP und Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information (DIMDI, wurden auf Studien durchsucht, die über Genital- und Beckenbodenbeschwerden bei weiblichen Fahrradfahrerinnen berichteten und mögliche Therapie- oder Prophylaxeansätze untersuchten. Für die Literaturrecherche wurden folgende Schlagwörter verwendet: „female“, „bicycling“, „pelvic floor“, „lower urinary tract symptoms“ und „vulvar diseases“.brErgebnis: Die Suche ergab 1219 Artikel. Nach Entfernen der Duplikate aus dem Ergebnispool wurden 763 Publikationen nach relevanten Titeln untersucht. Letztendlich konnten 12 Fachartikel für unser Review herangezogen werden. 10 Studien waren Beobachtungsstudien und 2 experimentell. Symptome, die hierbei mit Fahrradfahren assoziiert wurden, waren: Schmerz und Neuropathien in der Beckenbodenregion sowie urologische Dysfunktionen und Hautverletzungen. Breitere und konventionelle Sättel führten zu einer geringeren Symptomatik als Sättel mit einer Lochung sowie schmälere Sportsättel.brZusammenfassung: Die Qualität der gegenwärtigen Studien war im Allgemeinen niedrig. Dennoch gibt es Evidenz dafür, dass Radfahrerinnen unter sehr ähnlichen Symptomen leiden wie Radfahrer: von kleineren Hautläsionen bis hin zu neurologischen Beschwerden.

  11. Measurement of the pp→t anti tγ inclusive cross section in the semi-leptonic decay channel with the ATLAS detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rammes, Marcus


    The top quark, being the heaviest of the six quarks in the Standard Model of Particle Physics, had not been discovered until 1995. Hence, many of its properties could not be measured at a high precision or even not be investigated at all so far. Since the top quark is so heavy, it might play a special role in electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). Especially its coupling to the electroweak (EW) gauge bosons could reveal hints to New Physics, if there were deviations from the predictions by the Standard Model. The total cross section of the top quark pair production process with the additional emission of a photon (t anti tγ) has been determined with the ATLAS experiment as a first measurement of the couplings of EW gauge bosons to the top quark, since this process provides the largest cross section compared to other EW couplings. The t anti tγ cross section measurement has been performed in the semi-leptonic (e+jets and μ+jets) decay channel using a template fit method with 1.04 fb -1 of ATLAS data collected at a center-of-mass energy of √(s)=7 TeV in 2011. Various background sources have been investigated, using data-driven methods whenever possible; the impact of systematic uncertainties has been evaluated using a statistical ensemble of 3000 pseudo experiments. The result of the measurement yields a cross section of σ t anti tγ x BR=[1.84±0.49(stat.) +0.50 -0.50 (syst.)±0.07(lumi.)] pb at a significance of 2.9 σ.

  12. Precise orbit determination and point positioning using GPS, Glonass, Galileo and BeiDou

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    Tegedor J.


    Full Text Available State of the art Precise Point Positioning (PPP is currently based on dual-frequency processing of GPS and Glonass navigation systems. The International GNSS Service (IGS is routinely providing the most accurate orbit and clock products for these constellations, allowing point positioning at centimeter-level accuracy. At the same time, the GNSS landscape is evolving rapidly, with the deployment of new constellations, such as Galileo and BeiDou. The BeiDou constellation currently consists of 14 operational satellites, and the 4 Galileo In-Orbit Validation (IOV satellites are transmitting initial Galileo signals. This paper focuses on the integration of Galileo and BeiDou in PPP, together with GPS and Glonass. Satellite orbits and clocks for all constellations are generated using a network adjustment with observation data collected by the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX, as well as from Fugro proprietary reference station network. The orbit processing strategy is described, and orbit accuracy for Galileo and BeiDou is assessed via orbit overlaps, for different arc lengths. Kinematic post-processed multi-GNSS positioning results are presented. The benefits of multiconstellation PPP are discussed in terms of enhanced availability and positioning accuracy.

  13. Evidence and cross section measurement of the process pp→t anti tγ at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenthal, Oliver


    The cross section measurement of top quark pair production with an additional prompt photon in the final state (t anti t+photon) is presented. The total 2011 dataset of 4.7 fb -1 has been analyzed in this thesis, recorded by the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. A event selection has been developed for the single electron and single muon channels, following closely the selection used in t anti t cross section measurements published by the ATLAS collaboration, with the addition of photon selection cuts, identifying a total of 414 t anti t+photon event candidates in the dataset. Various background contributions have been estimated, which can be categorized in three classes according to the true type of the selected photon. Besides true prompt photons, electrons and hadrons from jet fragmentation can be misidentified as a photon. A significant difference has been found in the photon distribution shape of the track isolation between misidentified hadrons and prompt photons. This has been exploited to distinguish these types of photons using a template fit to the data distribution and consequently extract the final t anti t+photon cross section. Background processes including a prompt photon or misidentified electron have been estimated separately, which include data-driven methods for contributions from W boson production with additional jets and QCD multijet events. The remaining background yields from Z boson production with additional jets as well as single top, diboson and top quark pair production have been determined from Monte Carlo simulation. These separate estimations have been then included in the template fit. The final result of the t anti t+photon cross section in the non-full-hadronic decay channels with a transverse momentum of the prompt photon above 20 GeV and an absolute pseudorapidity below 2.37 as well as the cuts used in the signal generation reads 1.11±0.15(stat.) +0.25 -0.21 (syst.)±0

  14. NMR studies of the exocyclic 1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine adduct (εdA) opposite thymidine in a DNA duplex. Nonplanar alignment of εdA(anti) and dT(anti) at the lesion site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kouchakdjian, M.; Patel, D.J.; Eisenberg, M.; Yarema, K.; Basu, A.; Essigmann, J.


    Two-dimensional proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C-A-T-G-T-G-T-A-C)·d(G-T-A-C-εA-C-A-T-G) nonanucleotide duplex (designated εdA·dT 9-mer duplex) containing 1,N 6 -ethenodeoxyadenosine (εdA), a carcinogen-DNA adduct, positioned opposite thymidine in the center of the helix. The authors NMR studies have focused on the conformation of the εdA·dT 9-mer duplex at neutral pH with emphasis on defining the alignment at the dT5·εdA14 lesion site. The through-space NOE distance connectivities establish that both dT5 and εdA14 adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles, are directed into the interior of the helix, and stack with flanking Watson-Crick dG4·dC15 and dG6·dC13 pairs. Furthermore, the d(G4-T5-G6)·d(C13-εA14-C15) trinucleotide segment centered about the dT5·εdA14 lesion site adopts a right-handed helical conformation in solution. Energy minimization computations were undertaken starting from six different alignments of dT5(anti) and εdA14(anti) at the lesion site and were guided by distance constraints defined by lower and upper bounds estimated from NOESY data sets on the εdA·dT 9-mer duplex. The NMR data are consistent with a nonplanar alignment of εdA14(anti) and dT5(anti) with dT5 displaced toward the flanking dG4·dC15 base pair within the d(G4-T5-G6)·d(C13-εA14-C15) segment of the εdA·dT 9-mer duplex

  15. Treatment of malignant biliary obstructions via the percutaneous approach; Interventionen bei malignen Gallenwegstenosen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radeleff, B.A.; Lopez-Benitez, R.; Hallscheidt, P.; Grenacher, L.; Libicher, M.; Richter, G.M.; Kauffmann, G.W. [Radiologische Klinik der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (Germany). Abteilung fuer Radiodiagnostik


    This paper gives an overview of experience and success of percutaneous transhepatic interventions in malignant biliary obstruction. Even after exhaustion of surgical and endoscopic therapy options, the percutaneously inserted stents provide effective palliation. The palliative treatment of malignant jaundice using a stent is an established procedure in clinical practice, particularly whenever the endoscopic, transpapillary approach is not possible due to high obstructions or previous surgery. The technical success rate is very high (about 95-100%), and the complication rate is about 10-30%. Since the patency rate of stents is higher than that of plastic endoprostheses, their primary use is justified despite higher costs, provided the patients are adequately selected. (orig.) [German] Vorgelegt wird eine Uebersicht ueber den gegenwaertigen Stellenwert radiologischer Interventionen bei malignen Gallenwegstenosen, die nur bei 10-20% der Patienten heilbar sind. Wenn ein endoskopisch transpapillaerer Zugang nicht moeglich ist, z. B. bei hohen Obstruktionen oder nach frueheren Eingriffen, ermoeglichen die perkutane transhepatische Punktion und Implantation von Metallendoprothesen eine gute Palliation. Die perkutane Gallengangdrainage und Stentplatzierung sind fuer den erfahrenen, interventionell taetigen Radiologen wenig kompliziert und mit einer Erfolgsrate von 95-100% dem endoskopischen Vorgehen deutlich ueberlegen. Morbiditaet und Mortalitaet der endoskopischen Verfahren waren in aelteren Arbeiten noch geringer als die der perkutanen Methoden. Aktuellen Studien zufolge sind beide Verfahren gleichwertig, wahrscheinlich aufgrund technischer Verbesserungen der perkutanen Interventionen. Die technische Erfolgsrate bei der Stentapplikation liegt ueber 95%. Mittels perkutaner transhepatischer biliaerer Drainageneinlage (PTCD) eingelegte Metallstents bleiben haeufiger und laenger offen als Plastikstents. Bei entsprechender Lebenserwartung des Patienten ist ihr Einsatz daher


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    Hugo Azevedo Rangel de Morais


    Full Text Available O controle gerencial de uma empresa é necessário para um eficiente desenvolvimento interno. Com as mudanças constantes das legislações e a evolução da tecnologia de informação nas empresas contábeis, é essencial o controle gerencial eficiente, através dele será possível identificar como está a vida da empresa no seu dia a dia. Neste trabalho é mostrada a importância do controle gerencial para as empresas contábeis, situada na cidade de Caicó/RN, demonstrando a sua importância para auxiliar nas tomadas de decisões. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral de analisar se nas empresas contábeis da cidade de Caicó existe um controle gerencial que os auxiliem nas tomadas de decisões, verificando se existem a prestação de serviço de contabilidade gerencial e analisando a importância do controle gerencial para os empresários. A contextualização do tema trata-se de pesquisas bibliográficas. A metodologia desenvolvida na pesquisa é classificada como descritiva, do ponto de vista de sua natureza é uma pesquisa aplicada, tendo uma abordagem qualitativa por ter caráter exploratório, já no que se refere aos procedimentos técnicos trata-se de um levantamento. Observou que os empresários tem conhecimento em relação à importância do controle gerencial, a maioria coloca em pratica obtendo uma boa classificação dos controles com confiabilidade para auxiliar nas tomadas de decisões, foi detectado que a maioria das empresas faz um planejamento dos objetivos a serem controlados.

  17. Possible experimental studies of the t anti t threshold region at 250--500 GeV e+e- collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komamiya, Sachio.


    A possible measurement of the top quark mass by an energy scan of the t anti t threshold region at e + e - colliders of √s = 250--500 GeV is discussed. With an integrated luminosity of 1 fb -1 devoted to the energy scan, a top quark mass of about 150 GeV can be determined with an accuracy of ∼0.3 GeV, with a comparable systematic uncertainty arising from the few % errors in the α s measurement at LEP-I. The possibilities of studying Γ t and Higgs boson effects are also discussed. 10 refs., 12 figs., 4 tabs

  18. Effect of radiosynovectomy in patients with inflammatory joint disorders not caused by rheumatoid arthritis; Wirksamkeit der Radiosynoviorthese bei degenerativ-entzuendlichen und chronisch-entzuendlichen Gelenkerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kroeger, S.; Klutmann, S.; Bohuslavizki, K.H.; Clausen, M. [Universitaetskrankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Sawula, J.A.; Brenner, W.; Henze, E. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    Aim: Effect of radiosynovectomy (RS) should be evaluated both by subjective and objective parameters in patients with osteoarthritis and in patients with inflammatory joint disorders not caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: A total of 98 joints in 61 patients were investigated. Patients were divided into two groups. The first group included 35 patients with therapy-resistant effusions caused by severe osteoarthritis (46 joints). The second group consisted of 26 patients (52 joints) with ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, undifferentiated spondylarthropathy, psoriatic arthritis, pigmented villo-nodular synovitis, and recurrent synovitis following surgery. Effect of RS was evaluated by a standardized questionnaire and quantified by T/B-ratios derived from blood pool images prior to and after RS. Results: Within the first patient group suffering from osteoarthritis, 40% showed a good or excellent improvement of clinical symptoms, 51% were unchanged, and in 9% symptoms worsened. Similar results were found in the second patient group. The majority of unchanged results were small finger joints. In contrast, wrist and knee joints showed a better improvement. Good correlation between results of bone scan and patients subjective impression was found in 38% and 67% in the first and the second patient group, respectively. Conclusion: Radiosynovectomy might be an effective treatment in osteoarthritis and inflammatory joint disorders not caused by rheumatoid arthritis. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Der Therapieerfolg der Radiosynoviorthese (RSO) sollte bei aktivierter Arthrose und anderen chronisch-entzuendlichen Gelenkerkrankungen anhand der subjektiven Befindlichkeit und objektiver Parameter evaluiert werden. Methoden: Es wurden insgesamt 98 Gelenke bei 61 Patienten behandelt. Entsprechend der Grunderkrankung umfasste die erste Gruppe 35 Patienten mit einer therapieresistenten, aktivierten Arthrose (46 Gelenke). Die zweite Patientengruppe beinhaltete 26 Patienten (52

  19. [Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma associated with unusual positivity of anti-ATLA (adult T-cell leukemia-cell-associated antigen) antibodies]. (United States)

    Eto, T; Okamura, H; Okamura, T; Gondo, H; Kudo, J; Shibuya, T; Harada, M; Niho, Y


    A 56-year-old female was admitted because of generalized lymphadenopathy. Based upon histological findings of biopsied lymph node, malignant lymphoma, diffuse large cell type was diagnosed. The surface marker analysis showed that malignant cells were positive for CD4 and CD2 but negative for CD8. Although anti-ATLA (adult T-cell leukemia associated antigen) antibody was negative with the use of a gelatin particle agglutination method (P.A.), other methods such as an indirect immunofluorescence assay (I.F.), an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (E.I.A.) and a Western blotting assay revealed the positivity for anti-ATLA antibody. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL/L) was confirmed by the presence of monoclonal integration of HTLV-I proviral DNA in biopsied specimen. This case, showing a pattern of P.A. (-) and I.F. (+), is extremely unusual, because I.F. and P.A. show highly close correlation. Thus, it is important to employ different methods for screening of anti-ATLA antibodies in the diagnosis of ATL/L.

  20. Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von Mepartricin (Iperplasin® bei benigner Prostatahyperplasie: Ergebnisse eine Anwendungsbeobachtung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madersbacher H


    Full Text Available Ziel der Studie: Das Ziel dieser Anwendungsbeobachtung war es, Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von Mepartricin-Filmtabletten (Iperplasin® bei der Behandlung von Patienten mit benigner Prostatahyperplasie (BPH bzw. Prostatavergrößerung (BPE zu untersuchen. Patienten und Methoden: Im Rahmen einer österreichweiten Anwendungsbeobachtung wurden Patienten mit unterer Harntraktsymptomatik (LUTS, verursacht durch eine BPH/BPE, untersucht. Die wichtigsten Einschlußkriterien waren eine reduzierte maximale Harnflußrate (Qmax von 6-15 ml/sec und ein Restharn 100 ml. Als Studienmedikation erhielten die Patienten 3 x 1 Tbl. Iperplasin®. Ein, drei und sechs Monate nach Studienbeginn wurden die Patienten nachkontrolliert. Die wichtigsten Zielparameter waren eine Verbesserung des Internationalen Prostata Symptomen Scores (IPSS, der Lebensqualitätsfrage des IPSS (IPSS-Ql sowie des Qmax. Ein Einfluß auf die Sexualität wurde anhand des GRISS-Scores erhoben. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt wurden 130 Patienten (67,4 ± 8,4 Jahre; Durchschnitt ± Standardabweichung in diese Studie aufgenommen. Der IPSS sank von 16,4 ± 5,0 zu Studienbeginn auf 9,4 ± 6,0 (-41 %; p 0,0001 nach 6 Monaten Therapie, der IPSS-Ql von 3,3 ± 0,8 auf 2,0 ± 1,1 (-39 %; p 0,0001. Im gleichen Zeitraum stieg der Qmax von 11,3 ± 6,0 auf 12,5 ± 6,4 ml/sec (+11 %; p 0,0001, der Restharn sank von 49 ± 36 ml auf 33 ± 35 ml (-33 %; p 0,0001. Insgesamt war die Therapie mit Iperplasin® gut verträglich, bei 10 % traten im Rahmen der Studie unerwünschte Ereignisse oder interkurrente Erkrankungen auf, bei zwei Patienten mußte eine TURP durchgeführt werden. Der GRISS-Score blieb über den gesamten Studienzeitraum konstant. Schlußfolgerung: Diese Anwendungsbeobachtung belegt die Sicherheit von Iperplasin® bei Patienten mit LUTS und BPH/BPE, vor allem kommt zu keiner Beeinträchtigung der Vita sexualis. Obwohl eine signifikante Verbesserung von subjektiven und objektiven Parametern in dieser

  1. Anti-inflammatory and anti-chemotactic effects of dietary flaxseed oil on CD8(+) T cell/adipocyte-mediated cross-talk. (United States)

    Monk, Jennifer M; Liddle, Danyelle M; Brown, Morgan J; Zarepoor, Leila; De Boer, Anna A; Ma, David W L; Power, Krista A; Robinson, Lindsay E


    CD8(+) T cell/adipocyte paracrine interactions represent a critical step in the development of the obese inflammatory phenotype that is disrupted by long-chain n-3 PUFA. Our objective was to determine the effect of flaxseed-derived n-3 PUFA (α-linolenic acid) on these paracrine interactions. C57BL/6 mice were fed 3.5% flaxseed oil (FX) + 3.5% corn oil diet w/w or an isocaloric 7% corn oil w/w control diet (CON) for 3 wk. 3T3-L1 adipocytes and purified primary splenic CD8(+) T cells were cocultured at an obese cellular ratio (10% CD8(+) T cells) and LPS-stimulated (10 ng/mL mimicking obese circulating endotoxin levels) for 24 h. FX cocultures reduced (i) secreted IL-6, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), macrophage chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP-1α), and RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) levels; (ii) activation of inflammatory transcription factors NFκB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cell) p65 and signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3); and (iii) RAW264.7 macrophage chemotaxis versus CON (p ≤ 0.05). Coculture of pre-inflamed adipocytes (10 ng/mL LPS, 24 h prior to CD8(+) T-cell addition) resulted in reduced secretion of IL-6, IL-1β, MCP-1, MCP-3, MIP-1β, and RANTES in FX cocultures versus CON (p ≤ 0.05). FX exerts an anti-chemotactic and anti-inflammatory effect on CD8(+) T cell/adipocyte paracrine interactions (cross-talk), which has the potential to mitigate macrophage chemotaxis which drives components of the obese phenotype. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. FOXP3+ T Regulatory Cell Modifications in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Treated with Anti-TNFα Agents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luisa Guidi


    Full Text Available Treg modulation has been hypothesized as one of the mechanisms by which antitumor necrosis factor α (TNFα agents exert their action in rheumatoid arthritis (RA and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD. However, data in IBD are still conflicting. We evaluated CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ (Tregs by flow cytometry in peripheral blood from 32 adult IBD patient before (T0 and after the induction of anti-TNFα therapy (T1. Eight healthy controls (HCs were included. We also evaluated the number of FOXP3+ cells in the lamina propria (LP in biopsies taken in a subset of patients and controls. Treg frequencies were significantly increased in peripheral blood from our patients after anti-TNFα therapy compared to T0. T1 but not T0 levels were higher than HC. The increase was detectable only in clinical responders to the treatment. A negative correlation was found among delta Treg levels and the age of patients or disease duration and with the activity score of Crohn’s disease (CD. No significant differences were found in LP FOXP3+ cells. Our data suggest the possibility that in IBD patients the treatment with anti-TNFα may affect Treg percentages and that Treg modifications may correlate with clinical response, but differently in early versus late disease.

  3. Rare top decay t{yields}c anti ll as a probe of new physics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz-Cruz, J.L.; Diaz-Furlong, A. [BUAP, Cuerpo Academico de Particulas, Campos y Relatividad Facultad de Ciencias Fisico-Matematicas, Apdo. Postal 1364, Puebla, Pue. (Mexico); Gaitan-Lozano, R.; Montes de Oca Y, J.H. [UNAM, Departamento de Fisica, FES-Cuautitlan, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The rare top decay t{yields}c anti ll, which involves flavor violation, is studied as a possible probe of new physics. This decay is analyzed with one of the simplest Standard Model extensions with additional gauge symmetry formalism. The considered extension is the Left-Right Symmetric Model, including a new neutral gauge boson Z' that allows one to obtain the decay at tree level through Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) couplings. The neutral gauge boson couplings are considered diagonal but family non-universal in order to induce these FCNC. We find BR(t{yields}c anti ll){proportional_to}10{sup -13} for the range 1 TeV{<=}M{sub Z'}{<=}3 TeV. (orig.)

  4. Evaluation of a regional real-time precise positioning system based on GPS/BeiDou observations in Australia (United States)

    Ding, Wenwu; Tan, Bingfeng; Chen, Yongchang; Teferle, Felix Norman; Yuan, Yunbin


    The performance of real-time (RT) precise positioning can be improved by utilizing observations from multiple Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) instead of one particular system. Since the end of 2012, BeiDou, independently established by China, began to provide operational services for users in the Asia-Pacific regions. In this study, a regional RT precise positioning system is developed to evaluate the performance of GPS/BeiDou observations in Australia in providing high precision positioning services for users. Fixing three hourly updated satellite orbits, RT correction messages are generated and broadcasted by processing RT observation/navigation data streams from the national network of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations in Australia (AUSCORS) at the server side. At the user side, RT PPP is realized by processing RT data streams and the RT correction messages received. RT clock offsets, for which the accuracy reached 0.07 and 0.28 ns for GPS and BeiDou, respectively, can be determined. Based on these corrections, an accuracy of 12.2, 30.0 and 45.6 cm in the North, East and Up directions was achieved for the BeiDou-only solution after 30 min while the GPS-only solution reached 5.1, 15.3 and 15.5 cm for the same components at the same time. A further improvement of 43.7, 36.9 and 45.0 percent in the three directions, respectively, was achieved for the combined GPS/BeiDou solution. After the initialization process, the North, East and Up positioning accuracies were 5.2, 8.1 and 17.8 cm, respectively, for the BeiDou-only solution, while 1.5, 3.0, and 4.7 cm for the GPS-only solution. However, we only noticed a 20.9% improvement in the East direction was obtained for the GPS/BeiDou solution, while no improvements in the other directions were detected. It is expected that such improvements may become bigger with the increasing accuracy of the BeiDou-only solution.

  5. Shoulder injuries in overhead sports; Schultergelenkverletzungen bei Ueberkopfsportarten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woertler, K. [Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany). Institut fuer Roentgendiagnostik


    Overhead sport places great demands on the shoulder joint. Shoulder pain in overhead athletes and throwers can in the majority of cases be attributed to lesions resulting from chronic overuse of tendons and capsuloligamentous structures or to sequels of microinstability and secondary impingement. Due to its great impact on therapeutic decisions, imaging in athletes with unclear shoulder pain is a challenge. In this connection, magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography represents the cross-sectional imaging modality of first choice, as it allows depiction and exclusion of pathologic alterations of all relevant joint structures with sufficient confidence. This article reviews the biomechanical and clinical aspects and MR arthrographic features of the most common shoulder pathologies in overhead athletes, including biceps tendinopathy, superior labral anterior-posterior (SLAP) lesions, rotator cuff lesions, as well as extrinsic and intrinsic impingement syndromes. (orig.) [German] Ueberkopfsportarten stellen grosse Anforderungen an das Schultergelenk. Schulterbeschwerden bei Ueberkopf- und Wurfsportlern koennen in der Mehrzahl der Faelle auf eine chronische Ueberlastung von Sehnen und Kapsel-Band-Strukturen oder auf die Folgen einer Mikroinstabilitaet und sekundaerer Impingementsyndrome zurueckgefuehrt werden. Wegen ihres grossen Einflusses auf die Therapieentscheidung stellt die Bildgebung bei Athleten mit unklaren Schulterbeschwerden eine Herausforderung dar. Die MR-Arthrographie ist in diesem Zusammenhang als Schnittbildverfahren der ersten Wahl anzusehen, da sie den Nachweis bzw. Ausschluss pathologischer Veraenderungen aller relevanten Gelenkstrukturen mit ausreichender Sicherheit ermoeglicht. Dieser Artikel gibt eine Uebersicht ueber biomechanische und klinische Aspekte sowie MR-arthrographische Befunde der haeufigsten Schultergelenkpathologien bei Ueberkopfsportlern, wie Bizepstendinopathie, Superior-labral-anterior-posterior- (SLAP-)Laesionen, Laesionen der

  6. Measurement of the pp{yields}t anti t{gamma} inclusive cross section in the semi-leptonic decay channel with the ATLAS detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rammes, Marcus


    The top quark, being the heaviest of the six quarks in the Standard Model of Particle Physics, had not been discovered until 1995. Hence, many of its properties could not be measured at a high precision or even not be investigated at all so far. Since the top quark is so heavy, it might play a special role in electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). Especially its coupling to the electroweak (EW) gauge bosons could reveal hints to New Physics, if there were deviations from the predictions by the Standard Model. The total cross section of the top quark pair production process with the additional emission of a photon (t anti t{gamma}) has been determined with the ATLAS experiment as a first measurement of the couplings of EW gauge bosons to the top quark, since this process provides the largest cross section compared to other EW couplings. The t anti t{gamma} cross section measurement has been performed in the semi-leptonic (e+jets and {mu}+jets) decay channel using a template fit method with 1.04 fb{sup -1} of ATLAS data collected at a center-of-mass energy of {radical}(s)=7 TeV in 2011. Various background sources have been investigated, using data-driven methods whenever possible; the impact of systematic uncertainties has been evaluated using a statistical ensemble of 3000 pseudo experiments. The result of the measurement yields a cross section of {sigma}{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t{gamma}} x BR=[1.84{+-}0.49(stat.){sup +0.50}{sub -0.50}(syst.){+-}0.07(lumi.)] pb at a significance of 2.9 {sigma}.

  7. Working memory in volunteers and schizophrenics using BOLD fMRI; Das Arbeitsgedaechtnis bei Gesunden und bei Schizophrenen: Untersuchungen mit BOLD-fMRT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giesel, F.L. [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Abteilung Radiologie (Germany); Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Abteilung Radiologie, Heidelberg (Germany); Hohmann, N. [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Abteilung Radiologie (Germany); Psychiatrische Universitaetsklinik Heidelberg, Sektion Gerontopsychiatrie (Germany); Seidl, U.; Kress, K.R.; Schoenknecht, P.; Schroeder, J. [Psychiatrische Universitaetsklinik Heidelberg, Sektion Gerontopsychiatrie (Germany); Kauczor, H.-U.; Essig, M. [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Abteilung Radiologie (Germany)


    Functional magnetic resonance imaging uses the blood oxygen level-dependent effect (BOLD MRI) for noninvasive display of cerebral correlatives of cognitive function. The importance for the understanding of physiological and pathological processes is demonstrated by investigations of working memory in schizophrenics and healthy controls. Working memory is involved in processing rather than storage of information and therefore is linked to complex processes such as learning and problem solving. In schizophrenic psychosis, these functions are clearly restricted. Training effects in the working memory task follow an inverse U-shape function, suggesting that cerebral activation reaches a peak before economics of the brain find a more efficient method and activation decreases. (orig.) [German] Die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) nutzt den ''blood oxygen level dependent effect'' (BOLD-Effekt) zur nichtinvasiven Darstellung zerebraler Korrelate kognitiver Funktionen. Die Bedeutung dieses Verfahrens fuer das Verstaendnis physiologischer und pathologischer Prozesse wird anhand von Untersuchungen zum Arbeitsgedaechtnis bei Schizophrenen und gesunden Kontrollpersonen verdeutlicht. Das Arbeitsgedaechtnis dient weniger der Speicherung, sondern vielmehr der Verarbeitung von Informationen und ist deshalb in komplexe Prozesse wie Lernen und Problemloesen eingebunden. Im Rahmen schizophrener Psychosen kommt es zu einer deutlichen Einschraenkung dieser Funktionen. Erwartungsgemaess zeigen sich unter Durchfuehrung eines Arbeitsgedaechtnisparadigmas Unterschiede in der zerebralen Aktivitaet, die jedoch bei den Erkrankten unter Therapie prinzipiell reversibel sind. Von Interesse sind auch Trainingseffekte bei Gesunden, wobei eine verminderte Aktivierung nach Training auf eine ''Oekonomisierung'' schliessen laesst. (orig.)

  8. Tryptophanabhängige Synthese von indolhaltigen Pigmenten bei verschiedenen humanpathogenen Asco- und Basidiomyceten


    Nies, Silke Marie


    Der Begriff "Pigment" beschreibt in erster Linie farbige Substanzen. Pigmente sind aber darüber hinaus für wichtige metabolische oder physiologische Prozesse verantwortlich. Im Reich der Pilze gibt es eine Vielzahl von Pigmenten. Zu ihnen zählen die Melanine, die Carotenoide, die Naphthoquinone, die Phenoxazine, die Flavonoide sowie indolhaltige Pigmente. Gewisse Indolderivate wurden von einer Arbeitsgruppe um Prof. Mayser 1998 erstmals bei der Hefe Malassezia furfur beschrieben, bei der ...

  9. Functional-anatomic evaluation of dilated uropathies in children using combined MR-nephrography and MR-urography compared to renal scintigraphy; Funktionell-anatomische Diagnostik dilatierter Uropathien bei Kindern mit kombinierter MR-Nephrographie und MR-Urographie im Vergleich zur renalen Isotopennephrographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reither, M. [Abt. fuer bildgebende Diagnostik am Kinderkrankenhaus Park Schoenfeld, Kassel (Germany); Tuerkay, S. [GE Medical Systems Deutschland GmbH, Solingen (Germany)


    Purpose: to evaluate MR-tomographic assessment of split renal function and degree of obstruction compared to diuretic renal scintigraphy, and pathoanatomic imaging of the urinary tract as all in one exam. Patients and methods: in a prospective study 62 children, aged 1 month to 9.5 years, mean 2.8 years, underwent diuretic renal scintigraphy and dynamic MR-nephrography at the same day except for 7 patients with a time interval of 1 day. In all patients we did T2w (water-technique) MR-urography additionally. Results: comparing spilt renal function we found a very close correlation in 54 out of 62 patients (correlation coefficient = 0.95). Due to technical failures 8 cases couldn't be calculated. Comparing degrees of obstruction there was an agreement in 57 out of 62 patients, 3 studies were gradually over-, 2 underestimated. All but one morphologic diagnoses in advance obtained by ultrasound and completed by other imaging modalities later on were confirmed MR-urographically. Though correctly imaged the functionless upper moiety in a renal duplication with ureterocele was misinterpreted at a first glance. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Es sollte geprueft werden, ob die Berechnung der seitengetrennten Nierenfunktion, die Bestimmung des Obstruktionsgrades und die pathoanatomische Darstellung des Harntraktes im Vergleich zur Diurese-Szintigraphie in einem Untersuchungsgang MR-tomographisch zuverlaessig moeglich ist. Patienten und Methode: In einer prospektiven Studie wurden bei 62 Kindern im Alter von 1 Monat bis 9,5 Jahren, Mittelwert 2,8 Jahre, ein Diurese-Szintigramm und eine dynamische MR-Nephrographie am gleichen Tag durchgefuehrt; lediglich bei 7 Patienten lag 1 Tag zwischen beiden Untersuchungen. Alle Patienten erhielten zusaetzlich eine T2w-MR-Urographie in ''Wasserbild''-Technik. Ergebnisse: Beim Vergleich der seitengetrennten Nierenfunktion fand sich eine sehr enge Korrelation bei 54 von insgesamt 62 Patienten (Korrelationskoeffizient = 0

  10. Potenzielle Arzneimittelwechsel-wirkungen und unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen bei stationären dermatologischen Patienten. (United States)

    Koch, Lukas; Kränke, Birger; Aberer, Werner


    Informationen zur Häufigkeit von Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen zu präsentieren und Hilfestellung zu leisten, wie diese wichtigen Probleme in der pharmakologischen Behandlung stationärer dermatologischer Patienten minimiert werden können. Die Medikation von 1 099 stationären dermatologischen Patienten wurde retrospektiv mittels einer Internet-basierten Software für Medikamenteninteraktionen (Diagnosia ® Check) auf Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen analysiert. Wir beschreiben eine Gesamthäufigkeit relevanter Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen von 51,7 % mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Interaktionen pro betroffenem stationären Patienten. Arzneimittelkombinationen, die gemieden werden sollten, wurden bei 5,7 % der Studienpopulation festgestellt. Der wichtigste Risikofaktor war die Gesamtzahl der verabreichten Medikamente. Die Arzneimittelgruppen, die bei der Mehrzahl der Wechselwirkungen beteiligt waren, waren Analgetika, Herz-Kreislauf-Medikamente und gerinnungshemmende Medikamente sowie Antidepressiva. Das Risiko unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen auszubilden wurde bei 53,1 % der stationären Patienten als "hoch" eingestuft. Die fünf wichtigsten unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen in dieser Patientengruppe waren Blutungen, Obstipation, anticholinerge Effekte, Sedierung und orthostatische Effekte. Potenzielle Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen sowie unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen sind bei stationären dermatologischen Patienten alarmierend häufig. Bei jedem zweiten Patienten besteht die Gefahr, derartige Wechselwirkungen oder unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen zu erleiden und jeder zwanzigste Patient erhält eine Arzneimittelkombination, die nicht verabreicht werden sollte. Erhöhte Wachsamkeit ist erforderlich, um die gefährdeten Patienten zu erkennen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Spinal metastases of malignant gliomas; Spinale Metastasierung bei malignen Gliomen. Zwei Fallbeschreibungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Materlik, B; Steidle-Katic, U; Feyerabend, T; Richter, E [Medizinische Univ. Luebeck (Germany). Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Nuklearmedizin; Wauschkuhn, B [Medizinische Univ. Luebeck (Germany). Klinik fuer Neurologie


    Purpose: Extracranial metastases of malignant gliomas are rare. We report 2 cases with spinal metastases in patients suffering from glioma. Patients and Method: Two patients (33 and 57 years old) developed spinal canal metastases of a glioblastoma multiforme and anaplastic astrocytoma Grade III respectively 25 and 9 months after surgical resection and radiotherapy. Both metastases were confirmed pathohistologically. Results: Intraspinal metastases were irradiated with a total dose of 12.6 Gy and 50 Gy. Treatment withdrawal was necessary in one patient due to reduced clinical condition. Regression of neurological symptoms was observed in the second patient. Conclusions: Spinal spread of malignant glioma should be considered during care and follow-up in glioma patients with spinal symptoms. (orig.) [Deutsch] Hintergrund: Maligne Gliome metastasieren aeusserst selten extrakraniell. Wir stellen zwei Faelle einer spinalen Filialisierung bei Gliompatienten vor. Patientengut und Methode: Zwei Patienten (33 und 57 Jahre alt) entwickelten 25 bzw. neun Monate nach Resektion und postoperativer Radiatio eines Glioblastoma multiforme und eines anaplastischen Astrozytoms WHO-Grad III histologisch gesicherte intraspinale Metastasen, welche durch Sensibilitaetsstoerungen der Beine symptomatisch wurden. Ergebnisse: Die intraspinalen Filiae wurden mit 12,6 Gy bzw. 50 Gy bestrahlt. Bei einem Patienten musste die Radiatio wegen zunehmender Verschlechterung des Allgemeinzustandes abgebrochen werden, bei dem zweiten Patienten besserte sich die neurologische Symptomatik. Schlussfolgerung: Bei der Betreuung von Gliompatienten sollte, insbesondere in der Nachsorge, an die Moeglichkeit der spinalen Metastasierung mit entsprechender Symptomatik gedacht werden. (orig.)

  12. Pulmonary manifestations in collagen vascular diseases; Pulmonale Manifestationen bei Kollagenosen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogel, M.N.A. [Thoraxklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie mit Nuklearmedizin, Heidelberg (Germany); Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Translational Lung Research Center (TLRC), Heidelberg (Germany); Kreuter, M. [Thoraxklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Zentrum fuer interstitielle und seltene Lungenerkrankungen, Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin, Heidelberg (Germany); Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Translational Lung Research Center (TLRC), Heidelberg (Germany); Kauczor, H.U. [Radiologische Klinik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Heidelberg (Germany); Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Translational Lung Research Center (TLRC), Heidelberg (Germany); Heussel, C.P. [Thoraxklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie mit Nuklearmedizin, Heidelberg (Germany); Radiologische Klinik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Heidelberg (Germany); Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Translational Lung Research Center (TLRC), Heidelberg (Germany)


    Pulmonary complications are frequent in patients with collagen vascular diseases (CVD). Frequent causes are a direct manifestation of the underlying disease, side effects of specific medications and lung infections. The standard radiological procedure for the work-up of pulmonary pathologies in patients with CVD is multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) with thin-slice high-resolution reconstruction. The accuracy of thin-slice CT for the identification of particular disease patterns is very high. The pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) representing the direct pulmonary manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be identified with a sensitivity of 45 % and a specificity of 96 %. Both direct pulmonary manifestations, drug-induced toxicity and certain infections can have a similar appearance in thin-slice MDCT in various forms of CVD. Knowledge of the patterns and causes contributes to the diagnostic certainty. At first diagnosis of a CVD and associated pulmonary symptoms thin-slice MDCT is recommended. Clinical, lung function and imaging follow-up examinations should be performed every 6-12 months depending on the results of the MDCT. In every case the individual CT morphological patterns of pulmonary involvement must be identified. The combination of information on the anamnesis, clinical and imaging results is a prerequisite for an appropriate disease management. (orig.) [German] Pulmonale Komplikationen sind bei Patienten mit Kollagenosen keine Seltenheit. Haeufig sind eine direkte Manifestation der Grunderkrankung, eine Nebenwirkung der medikamentoesen Therapie oder eine Lungeninfektion die Ursachen. Das radiologische Standardverfahren zur Klaerung pulmonaler Pathologien bei Patienten mit Kollagenosen ist die Multidetektorcomputertomographie mit duennschichtigen Rekonstruktionen (Duennschicht-MDCT). Die Treffsicherheit der Duennschicht-MDCT ist fuer die Identifikation eines Erkrankungsmusters sehr hoch. So kann beispielsweise das Muster einer

  13. Interleukin-9 receptor α chain mRNA formation in CD8+ T cells producing anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 substance(s)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hossain, M.M.; Tsuchie, H.; Detorio, M.A.; Shirono, H.; Hara, C.; Nishimoto, A.; Saji, A.; Koga, J.; Takata, N.; Maniar, J.K.; Saple, D.G.; Taniguchi, K.; Kageyama, S.; Ichimura, H.; Kurimura, T.


    A search for gene(s) associated with anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-l) activity of CD8 + T cells was attempted using molecular cloning and the relation between the anti-HIV activity of CD8 + T cells and the interleukin-9 receptor a chain (IL-9R-α) mRNA expression from the cDNA clones obtained was examined. The anti-HIV-l activity of CD8 + T cell culture supernatants was assessed by measuring the level of HIV-l replication in a CD4 + T cell line transfected with an infectious HIV-l DNA clone. IL-9R-a mRNA was assayed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Of 5 cases showing high level of anti-HIV-l activity (more than 80% suppression of HIV-l replication), the mRNA was detected in 4 cases. Of 10 cases showing low level of anti-HIV-l activity (less than 80% suppression of HIV-l replication), the mRNA was detected in one case. Soluble recombinant human IL-9 receptor (rhIL-9sR) did not suppress HIV-l replication at a concentration of 1 μg/ml. These data suggest that the IL-9R-a mRNA formation in CD8 + T cells may correlate with and play some role in the anti-HIV-l activity of CD8+ T cells from HIV-l-infected individuals. Key words: CD8+ T cells; anti-HIV-l activity; cytokines; interleukin-9 receptor (authors)

  14. Strahlungsfeldbedingungen bei der Ionisationsdosimetrie (United States)

    Krieger, Hanno

    Bei der Dosimetrie von Photonenstrahlungen mit luftgefüllten Ionisationskammern werden in diesem Kapitel zwei Grenzfälle unterschieden. Der eine Fall ist die Bedingung des so genannten Sekundärelektronengleichwichts im Kammervolumen. In diesem Fall bestimmen ausschließlich die Photonen im Messvolumen die dosimetrische Anzeige. Der zweite Grenzfall ist gegeben, wenn das Luftvolumen und die Kammer das Strahlungsfeld im Phantom so wenig stören, dass der Sekundärelektronenfluss unverändert bleibt. Diese Bedingungen nennt man BRAGG-GRAY-Bedingungen. Beide Grenzfälle sind in der Praxis nur näherungsweise zu verwirklichen. Abweichungen müssen durch entsprechende Korrekturen oder Kalibrierungen berücksichtigt werden.

  15. Acquired IFNγ resistance impairs anti-tumor immunity and gives rise to T-cell-resistant melanoma lesions (United States)

    Sucker, Antje; Zhao, Fang; Pieper, Natalia; Heeke, Christina; Maltaner, Raffaela; Stadtler, Nadine; Real, Birgit; Bielefeld, Nicola; Howe, Sebastian; Weide, Benjamin; Gutzmer, Ralf; Utikal, Jochen; Loquai, Carmen; Gogas, Helen; Klein-Hitpass, Ludger; Zeschnigk, Michael; Westendorf, Astrid M.; Trilling, Mirko; Horn, Susanne; Schilling, Bastian; Schadendorf, Dirk; Griewank, Klaus G.; Paschen, Annette


    Melanoma treatment has been revolutionized by antibody-based immunotherapies. IFNγ secretion by CD8+ T cells is critical for therapy efficacy having anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on tumour cells. Our study demonstrates a genetic evolution of IFNγ resistance in different melanoma patient models. Chromosomal alterations and subsequent inactivating mutations in genes of the IFNγ signalling cascade, most often JAK1 or JAK2, protect melanoma cells from anti-tumour IFNγ activity. JAK1/2 mutants further evolve into T-cell-resistant HLA class I-negative lesions with genes involved in antigen presentation silenced and no longer inducible by IFNγ. Allelic JAK1/2 losses predisposing to IFNγ resistance development are frequent in melanoma. Subclones harbouring inactivating mutations emerge under various immunotherapies but are also detectable in pre-treatment biopsies. Our data demonstrate that JAK1/2 deficiency protects melanoma from anti-tumour IFNγ activity and results in T-cell-resistant HLA class I-negative lesions. Screening for mechanisms of IFNγ resistance should be considered in therapeutic decision-making. PMID:28561041

  16. Measurement of double differential t anti t production cross sections with the CMS detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korol, Ievgen


    The high energy scale of the pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN makes this facility to a real factory for the production of t anti t pairs. This enables to study the top-quark properties and its production and decay mechanisms in unprecedent detail. The dileptonic decay channel of the top-quark pair, in which both W bosons, produced from the top-quark decay, decay into a lepton and neutrino, is studied in this analysis. The limitation to one electron and one muon in final state used in this work allows to strongly suppress the possible background processes and leads to a higher signal purity. About 40k events with a top-quark pair have been selected using the √(s)=8 TeV data recorded with the CMS detector in the year 2012. Exploiting this large sample, double differential top-quark pair production cross sections are measured for the first time. The cross sections are studied as functions of various observables which describe the top and top-pair kinematics. To obtain the full kinematics of the t anti t final state, which contains two undetected neutrinos, a kinematic reconstruction procedure was developed and exploited in this work. The new procedure makes use of all available constraints and is based on a repeated reconstruction of each event with detector observables smeared according to their resolutions in order to obtain for each event solutions for the kinematic constraint equations. In order to obtain double differential cross sections, the distributions of reconstructed observables are then corrected for detector effects by using a double differential unfolding procedure, which is based on a χ 2 minimization. The double differential cross sections presented in this work allow to test the Standard Model in detail and investigate previously seen disagreements between measured and predicted single differential cross sections. The results of this work are compared to Standard Model predictions (up to next-to-leading order of the hard

  17. Anwendung der extrakorporalen Stoßwellentherapie bei kalzifizierender Periathropathia humeroscapularis, Fersensporn und Epicondylitis humeri - Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Wilhelminenspital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feyertag J


    Full Text Available Die Stoßwellentherapie wird bei verschiedenen Indikationen, die unter konservativen Therapien schwer zu schwer zu behandeln sind, eingesetzt. Dazu zählen die kalzifizierenden Schultererkrankungen (Tendinitis calcarea, Epicondylitis humeri (EHR und die plantare Fasciitis mit/ohne plantarem Fersensporn (FSP. Berichtet werden die Ergebnisse von 147 Patienten (102 Frauen/45 Männer, mittleres Alter betrug 57,8 Jahre, die mittels einer einmaligen extrakorporalen Stoßwellentherapie (ESWT (Tend. calc. 82 %, FSP 11 % oder EHR 7 % mittels eines HMT-ReflecTron therapiert wurden. Verabreicht wurden im Mittel 1.800 Stoßwellen. Untersucht wurde die subjektive Verbesserung der Schmerzen anhand einer visuellen Analogskala vor und 6 Wochen nach der Therapie bei allen Patienten. Bei Patienten mit Tendinitis calcarea wurde auch eine Verbesserung der Funktion sowie Veränderungen der Kalzifizierungen untersucht. Bei allen Patienten konnte eine statistisch signifikante Verbesserung der Schmerzen sowie des Bewegungsumfanges beobachtet werden (p 0,0001. Röntgenaufnahmen ergaben eine partielle Verkleinerung der Kalkdepots bei ca. 80 % der Patienten. Aufgrund der geringen Zahl der Patienten fand sich für die EHR keine signifikante Verbesserung der Schmerzsymptomatik. Eine einmalige ESWT kann zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung der Schmerzsymptomatik und zu einer Verbesserung des Bewegungsumfanges führen. Bei 80 % der Patienten mit einer Tendinitis calcarea findet sich weiter eine partielle Verkleinerung der Kalkdepots 6 Wochen nach Therapie.

  18. Production of sheep anti triiodothyronine T3 antisera for development of T3 RIA kit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elsadig, M. G.; Abdalla, O. M.; Eltayed, E. A.


    This study was a trial to produce antisera against triiodothyronine T 3 . Small amounts of antibodies were detected due to a poor response of sheep to immunization. Consequently the amount of T 3 tracer bound by antibodies was found to be less than 10% with weak discrimination between zero and high standard doses in all bleeds which dose not satisfy radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique requirements. In this study, two local male Sudanese sheep (ovis aries) were immunized with T 3 -immuno gen intramuscularly and subcutaneously in different sites along their backs. Sheep (I) was immunized with 25μg of antigen per kg body weight in first and boosting injections, while the dose was only 10μg per kg body weight for sheep (II). T 3 -immunogen was emulsified in FCA for the first injection and in FIA for the boosting injections. The sera obtained from both sheep after each injection were subjected to evaluation for the levels of circulating anti T 3 antibodies through both qualitative and quantitative tests. The tests were performed for both purified and non-purified forms of antibodies with different separation techniques. Theses me methods include, precipitation by second antibody assisted by polyethylene glycol (PEG), polystyrene beads, and liquid phase separation techniques.(Author)

  19. Einsatz und Wirksamkeit von Systemtherapien bei Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis: Erste Ergebnisse des deutschen Neurodermitis-Registers TREATgermany. (United States)

    Schmitt, Jochen; Abraham, Susanne; Trautmann, Freya; Stephan, Victoria; Fölster-Holst, Regina; Homey, Bernhard; Bieber, Thomas; Novak, Natalija; Sticherling, Michael; Augustin, Matthias; Kleinheinz, Andreas; Elsner, Peter; Weidinger, Stephan; Werfel, Thomas


    Versorgungsregister dienen der Erfassung des Einsatzes und der Wirksamkeit von Therapien unter realen Versorgungsbedingungen und sind als Basis einer evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung unverzichtbar. Das deutsche Neurodermitis-Register TREATgermany wurde als weltweit erstes Register für Patienten mit schwerer Neurodermitis 2011 initiiert. Erwachsene mit schwerer Neurodermitis (aktuelle/frühere antientzündliche Systemtherapie und/oder objektiver SCORAD ≥ 40) werden über einen Zeitraum von 24 Monaten prospektiv beobachtet. Anhand validierter Erhebungsinstrumente werden die klinische Erkrankungsschwere (EASI, SCORAD), Lebensqualität (DLQI), Symptome, globale Erkrankungsschwere sowie die Patientenzufriedenheit erfasst und die durchgeführten Therapien dokumentiert. Die vorliegende Analyse beschreibt die Charakteristika, Therapiewahl und Wirksamkeit der eingesetzten antiinflammatorischen Systemtherapien der bis Oktober 2014 eingeschlossenen Patienten. An fünf Zentren wurden insgesamt 78 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 39 Jahre, 61 % männlich) eingeschlossen. Bei den Patienten besteht eine hohe Inanspruchnahme ambulanter und stationärer Leistungen. Ciclosporin war das am häufigsten eingesetzte Systemtherapeutikum und zeigte die höchste klinische Effektivität (EASI-50-Ansprechrate 51 %; EASI-75-Ansprechrate 34 % nach zwölfwöchiger Therapie). Azathioprin, Methotrexat (MTX), Prednisolon oral, Mycophenolat, Alitretinoin und Leflunomid wurden ebenfalls bei einzelnen Patienten eingesetzt. Die vorliegende Registerauswertung gibt wichtige Hinweise zur derzeitigen Versorgung von Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis in Deutschland, dokumentiert die hohe Erkrankungslast, den Nutzen vorhandener Therapien und den Bedarf an weiteren, effektiven und in der Langzeitanwendung sicheren Therapieoptionen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Magnetic resonance tomography in eclampsia; Magetresonanztomographie bei Eklampsie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uhlig, U. [St.-Vincentius-Krankenhaeuser, Karlsruhe (Germany). Radiologische Klinik


    Eclampsia is a rare but severe complication during the course of a pregnancy. The CT-findings at the brain are well known. Reports on MRT-findings are limited, however, especially in German literature. We describe the MRT picture of the cerebral changes caused by eclampsia and discuss the advantages of MRT in comparison with CT. The use of contrast agents with MRT shows breakdown of blood-brain barrier but does not provide any information of therapeutical consequences and should be avoided during pregnancy. An early and targeted use of MRT in any case of unclear or suspicious neurological symptoms during pregnancy is recommended. MRT supports differential diagnosis regarding non pregnancy-related cerebral disease and can be helpful for therapy planning in cases of preeclampsia. Additionally, MRT offers the possibility to control the effect of therapy with regard to brain damage. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Eklampsie ist eine seltene aber erhebliche Komplikation im Verlauf einer Schwangerschaft. Die computertomographischen Veraenderungen im Gehirn sind bekannt. Mitteilungen von kernspintomographischen Befunden finden sich vor allem in der deutschen Literatur noch selten. Wir beschreiben das kernspintomographische Bild der zerebralen Veraenderungen bei Eklampsie und diskutieren die Vorteile der MRT im Vergleich zur CT. Die Gabe von Kontrastmittel bei der MRT weist zwar die Blut-Hirn-Schrankenstoerung nach, bringt aber keine therapeutisch relevanten Informationen. Sie sollte waehrend der Schwangerschaft vermieden werden. Ein frueher und gezielter Einsatz der MRT bei unklaren oder verdaechtigen neurologischen Symptomen waehrend der Schwangerschaft ist sinnvoll. Die MRT unterstuetzt die Differentialdiagnose in bezug auf nicht schwangerschaftsbezogene zerebrale Leiden und kann fuer die Therapie richtungweisend sein, wenn die Gestose noch nicht ausgepraegt ist. (orig.)

  1. A measurement of the t anti t production cross section in proton-antiproton collisions at √s=1.96 TeV with the DOe detector at the Tevatron using final states with a muon and jets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klute, M.


    A preliminary measurement of the t anti t production cross section at √s=1.96 TeV is presented. The μ-plus-jets final state is analyzed in a data sample of 94 pb -1 and a total of 14 events are selected with a background expectation of 11.7±1.9 events. The measurement yields: σ p anti p→t anti t+X =2.4 -3.5 +4.2 (stat.) -2.6 +2.5 (syst.)±0.3(lumi.) pb. The analysis, being part of a larger effort to re-observe the top quark in Tevatron Run II data and to measure the production cross section, is combined with results from the available analysis channels. The combined result yields: σ p anti p→t anti t+X =8.1 -2.0 +2.2 (stat.) -1.4 +1.6 (syst.)±0.8(lumi.) pb

  2. PENGARUH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP TAX AVOIDANCE (Perusahaan Pertambangan yang terdaftar di BEI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Mulyani


    Full Text Available he purpose of this research is to know the influence of institutional ownership, independent commissioner, audit committee and audit quality to tax avoidance at mining company listed on BEI year 2014-2016. The population of this study is mining companies listed on the BEI 2014-2016 as many as 46 companies. Sampling used in this research purposive sampling method. Data source is secondary data obtained from company website and BEI website ( This study uses multiple regression analysis to analyze data with the help of SPSS 21 edition program. The results of this study indicate that the variables of institutional ownership, audit committee and audit quality have significant influence on tax avoidance, while independent commissioner variable has no significant effect on tax avoidance. The results of this study are expected to be an additional consideration of the management in conducting tax avoidance is correct and efficient without violating applicable tax laws, and can provide additional information for users of financial statements in investment decision making.

  3. Decreased Regulatory T Cells in Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Lesions: Imbalance between Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cells in Atherosclerosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilonka Rohm


    Full Text Available Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arterial wall in which presentation of autoantigens by dendritic cells (DCs leads to the activation of T cells. Anti-inflammatory cells like Tregs counterbalance inflammation in atherogenesis. In our study, human carotid plaque specimens were classified as stable (14 and unstable (15 according to established morphological criteria. Vessel specimens (n=12 without any signs of atherosclerosis were used as controls. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to detect different types of DCs (S100, fascin, CD83, CD209, CD304, and CD123, proinflammatory T cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD161, and anti-inflammatory Tregs (FoxP3. The following results were observed: in unstable lesions, significantly higher numbers of proinflammatory cells like DCs, T helper cells, cytotoxic T cells, and natural killer cells were detected compared to stable plaques. Additionally, there was a significantly higher expression of HLA-DR and more T cell activation (CD25, CD69 in unstable lesions. On the contrary, unstable lesions contained significantly lower numbers of Tregs. Furthermore, a significant inverse correlation between myeloid DCs and Tregs was shown. These data suggest an increased inflammatory state in vulnerable plaques resulting from an imbalance of the frequency of local pro- and anti-inflammatory immune cells.

  4. [COPD und Klangtherapie: Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung mit Körpertambura bei COPD-Patienten]. (United States)

    Hartwig, Bernhard; Schmidt, Stefan; Hartwig, Isabella


    Hintergrund: Erkrankungen der Atemorgane treten mit steigendem Alter öfter auf, nehmen weltweit zu und sind häufige Ursachen für Morbidität und Mortalität. In dieser Pilotstudie wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine einmalige 10-minütige Behandlung mit einer Körpertambura eine signifikante und effektive Verbesserung der Lungenfunktion von Patienten mit chronisch-obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD; GOLD-Stadium A oder B) erbringen kann. Patienten und Methoden: 54 Probanden konnten je zur Hälfte in eine Behandlungsgruppe (Körpertambura) und eine aktive Kontrollgruppe (Atemtherapie) randomisiert werden. Eine Bestimmung der Lungenfunktionsmessparameter «Einsekundenkapazität» (FEV1) und «inspiratorische Vitalkapazität» (IVC) zu den Zeitpunkten T1 (Baseline), T2 (direkt nach Behandlung) und als Follow-up etwa 3 Wochen nach T1 (T3). Ergebnisse: Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte sich der Kontrollgruppe in beiden Werten signifikant überlegen. Die Zeit-×-Gruppe-Interaktion (Varianzanalyse) ergab p = 0,001 (FEV1) bzw. p = 0,04 (IVC). Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte bei beiden Werten eine Verbesserung von klinischer Relevanz. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Klangbehandlung mittels einer Körpertambura - neben den schulmedizinischen, leitliniengerechten Therapien - eine zusätzliche, nebenwirkungsarme, aber durchaus klinisch wirksame Option für die Behandlung von COPD-Patienten darstellen kann, um deren Lebensqualität zu stabilisieren und zu verbessern. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  5. Momentum bias determination in the tracker alignment and first differential t anti t cross section measurement at CMS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Enderle, Holger


    This thesis is prepared within the framework of the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. It is divided into a technical topic and an analysis. In the technical part, a method is developed to validate the alignment of the tracker geometry concerning biases in the momentum measurement. The method is based on the comparison of the measured momentum of isolated tracks and the corresponding energy deposited in the calorimeter. Comparing positively and negatively charged hadrons, the twist of the tracker is constrained with a precision of ({delta}{phi})/({delta}z)=12 ({mu}rad)/(m). The analysis deals with cross section measurements in events containing an isolated muon and jets. The complete dataset of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV taken in 2010 is investigated. This corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 pb{sup -1}. Cross sections including different physics processes with an isolated muon and jets in the final state are measured for different jet multiplicities (N{sub jets} {>=}1;2;3;4). With increasing jet multiplicity, the transition from a W {yields} l{nu} dominated to a strongly t anti t enriched phase space becomes evident. The inclusive cross section for t anti t production derived from the four jet sample is measured to be {sigma}=172{+-}15(stat.){+-}41(syst.){+-}7(lumi.) pb. Cross sections differentially in kinematic quantities of the muon, (d{sigma})/(d{sub PT}), (d{sigma})/(d{eta}) are measured as well and compared to theoretical predictions.

  6. A measurement of the t anti t production cross section in proton-antiproton collisions at {radical}s=1.96 TeV with the DOe detector at the Tevatron using final states with a muon and jets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klute, M.


    A preliminary measurement of the t anti t production cross section at {radical}s=1.96 TeV is presented. The {mu}-plus-jets final state is analyzed in a data sample of 94 pb{sup -1} and a total of 14 events are selected with a background expectation of 11.7{+-}1.9 events. The measurement yields: {sigma}{sub p} {sub anti} {sub p{yields}}{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t+X}=2.4{sub -3.5}{sup +4.2}(stat.){sub -2.6}{sup +2.5}(syst.){+-}0.3(lumi.) pb. The analysis, being part of a larger effort to re-observe the top quark in Tevatron Run II data and to measure the production cross section, is combined with results from the available analysis channels. The combined result yields: {sigma}{sub p} {sub anti} {sub p{yields}}{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t+X}=8.1{sub -2.0}{sup +2.2}(stat.){sub -1.4}{sup +1.6}(syst.){+-}0.8(lumi.) pb.

  7. Effect of anti-IgE therapy on food allergen specific T cell responses in eosinophil associated gastrointestinal disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prussin Calman


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Anti-IgE therapy inhibits mast cell and basophil activation, blocks IgE binding to both FcεRI and CD23 and down regulates FcεRI expression by antigen (Ag presenting cells (APCs. In addition to its classical role in immediate hypersensitivity, IgE has been shown in vitro to facilitate Ag presentation of allergens, whereby APC bound IgE preferentially takes up allergens for subsequent processing and presentation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether anti-IgE therapy, by blocking facilitated Ag presentation in vivo, attenuates allergen specific Th2 cell responses. Methods To test this hypothesis, food allergen specific T cell responses were examined during a 16-week clinical trial of omalizumab in nine subjects with eosinophilic gastroenteritis and food sensitization. Allergen specific T cell responses were measured using carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester dye dilution coupled with intracellular cytokine staining and polychromatic flow cytometry. Four independent indices of allergen specific T cell response (proliferation, Ag dose response, precursor frequency, and the ratio of Th2:Th1 cytokine expression were determined. Results Eight of the 9 subjects had measurable food allergen specific responses, with a median proliferation index of 112-fold. Allergen specific T cell proliferation was limited to CD4 T cells, whereas CD8 T cell did not proliferate. Food allergen specific responses were Th2 skewed relative to tetanus specific responses in the same subjects. In contradistinction to the original hypothesis, anti-IgE treatment did not diminish any of the four measured indices of allergen specific T cell response. Conclusions In sum, using multiple indices of T cell function, this study failed to demonstrate that anti-IgE therapy broadly or potently inhibits allergen specific T cell responses. As such, these data do not support a major role for IgE facilitated Ag presentation augmenting allergen specific T cell

  8. PC-BEIS: a personal computer version of the biogenic emissions inventory system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pierce, T.E.; Waldruff, P.S.


    The US Environmental Protection Agency's Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) has been adapted for use on IBM-compatible personal computers (PCs). PC-BEIS estimates hourly emissions of isoprene, α-pinene, other monoterpenes, and unidentified hydrocarbons for any county in the contiguous United States. To run the program, users must provide hourly data on ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, and a code that identifies the particular county. This paper provides an overview of the method used to calculate biogenic emissions, shows an example application, and gives information on how to obtain a copy of the program

  9. Co-stimulation by anti-immunoglobulin is required for B cell activation by CD40Llow T cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poudrier, J; Owens, T


    cell Ag specificity by using anti-CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to activate T cells. To study the role of sIg engagement in the responsiveness of B cells to T help, we pre-treated small resting B cells with soluble anti-kappa mAb prior to contact with an activated Th1 clone...... strongly. Low buoyant density B cells also responded to CD40Llow Th cells. There was no B cell response to resting Th cells. mAb against CD54/intercellular adhesion molecule-1 or major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II completely inhibited B cell responses to CD40Llow Th1 cells, equivalent...

  10. Bewältigungsstrategien der Oberwalliser Primarlehrpersonen und Massnahmen der Gesundheitsförderung an Oberwalliser Primarschulen bei Stress und Burnout


    Imhof, Barbara; Mattig, Astrid


    Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Gesundheitsförderung bei Stress und Burnout an den Oberwalliser Primarschulen und der Bewältigungsstrategien der Oberwalliser Primarlehrpersonen bei Stress und Burnout. Der theoretische Teil befasst sich mit Stress und Burnout und der Bewältigung von Stress und Burnout. Verschiedene Aspekte des Lehrerberufs werden näher angeschaut und es werden mögliche Massnahmen der Gesundheitsförderung bei Stress und Burnout aufgeführt. Die Untersuchung zeigt, da...

  11. Aspekte der Osteoporosetherapie und Frakturprävention bei geriatrischen Patienten

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    Gosch M


    Full Text Available Aktuell beträgt der Anteil der Personen 65 Jahre in Österreich 17 %. Nach Schätzungen der WHO wird sich dieser Anteil bis 2025 verdoppeln. Parallel mit der demographischen Veränderung steigt auch die Inzidenz der Oberschenkelhalsfraktur von zurzeit 16.000/Jahr auf 25.000 im Jahr 2050. Mit einer jährlichen Inzidenz von 19,7/100.000 Einwohner weist Österreich innerhalb der EU eine der höchsten Zahlen auf. Die hüftnahen Frakturen sowie die Wirbelkörperfrakturen treten überwiegend als Folge einer bestehenden Osteoporose auf. Die Qualität der Osteoporosebehandlung stellt die Grundvoraussetzung für einen erfolgreichen präventiven Behandlungsansatz dar. Eine ausreichende Kalzium- und Vitamin-D-Zufuhr hat gerade im höheren Alter große Bedeutung, insbesondere auch im Hinblick auf die Sturzprävention. Für einzelne Bisphosphonate, Teriparatid und Strontiumranelat konnte eine signifikante Reduktion des Frakturrisikos bei geriatrischen Patienten nachgewiesen werden. Aus aktuellen Studien wissen wir, dass wir bei Patienten mit einem hohen Risiko eine „number needed to treat“ (NNT von 1:15 erreichen können. Trotz zahlreicher therapeutischer Möglichkeiten steigt die Inzidenz weiter an. Aus verschiedenen internationalen Studien sind uns mögliche Ursachen für diese Entwicklung bekannt. Neben der ungenügenden Compliance der Patienten ist auch die fehlende Awareness der Ärzte problematisch. Eine weitere Herausforderung in der Behandlung der Osteoporose und deren Folgen stellt beim älteren Patienten das Sturzrisiko dar. Screeninguntersuchungen werden in vielen Leitlinien empfohlen, sind im klinischen Alltag jedoch eher die Ausnahme. Wissenschaftliche Daten für geriatrische Patienten bestätigen die Wirksamkeit einer Therapie auch in dieser Altersgruppe. Bedauerlicherweise fließen die vorliegenden Erkenntnisse kaum in die klinische Praxis ein.

  12. Molecular imaging in neurological diseases; Molekulare Bildgebung bei neurologischen Erkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reimold, M.; Fougere, C. la [Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen, Abteilung Nuklearmedizin und Klinische Molekulare Bildgebung, Department Radiologie, Tuebingen (Germany)


    In neurodegeneration and in neuro-oncology, the standard imaging procedure, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), shows limited sensitivity and specificity. Molecular imaging with specific positron-emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) tracers allows various molecular targets and metabolic processes to be assessed and is thus a valuable adjunct to MRI. Two important examples are referred to here: amino acid transport for neuro-oncological issues, and the recently approved PET tracers for detecting amyloid depositions during the preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease. This review discusses the clinical relevance and indications for the following nuclear medicine imaging procedures: amyloid PET, {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET, and dopamine transporter (DaT)-SPECT for the diagnosis of dementia and the differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, in addition to amino acid PET for the diagnosis of brain tumors and somatostatin receptor imaging in meningioma. (orig.) [German] Die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) weist als Standardverfahren bei neurodegenerativen und neuroonkologischen Fragestellungen eine eingeschraenkte Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet auf. Die nuklearmedizinische molekulare Bildgebung mit spezifischen Positronenemissionstomographie(PET)- und single-photon-emission-computed-tomography(SPECT)-Tracern ermoeglicht die Darstellung verschiedener molekularer Targets bzw. Stoffwechselprozesse und stellt damit eine wichtige Ergaenzung zur MRT dar. Hier sei exemplarisch auf die Darstellung des Aminosaeuretransports im Rahmen neuroonkologischer Fragestellungen verwiesen, sowie auf die bereits im praeklinischen Stadium der Alzheimer-Demenz nachweisbaren Amyloidablagerungen mit hierfuer seit Kurzem zugelassenen PET-Tracern. Dieser Uebersichtsbeitrag bespricht die klinische Bedeutung bzw. die Indikationen der folgenden nuklearmedizinischen Untersuchungsverfahren: der Amyloid-PET, der {sup 18}F

  13. Transdermales Testosterongel verbessert die Parameter Sexualfunktion, Stimmung, Muskelkraft und Körperzusammensetzung bei hypogonadalen Männern

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    Wang C


    Behandlung erhöhte sich die fettfreie Körpermasse in der mit 10 g Testosterongel/Tag behandelten Gruppe (2,74 ± 0,28 kg stärker (p = 0,0002 als in der mit 5 g Testosterongel/Tag (1,28 ± 0,32 kg oder mit Testosteronpflaster (1,20 ± 0,26 kg behandelten Gruppe. Fettmasse und Fettanteil wurden in der Testosteronpflaster- Gruppe nicht signifikant verringert, zeigten jedoch Abnahmen in den beiden mit Testosterongel behandelten Gruppen (50 mg/Tag: -0,90 ± 0,32 kg; 100 mg/Tag: -1,05 ± 0,22 kg. Die Erhöhung der fettfreien Körpermasse und Verringerung des Fettanteils korrelierten mit den Veränderungen des durchschnittlichen, nach der transdermalen Testosteronersatztherapie erreichten Serumtestosteronspiegels. Diese günstigen Auswirkungen der Testosteronsubstitution wurden von den erwarteten Zunahmen des Hämatokrits und der Hämoglobinkonzentration begleitet, jedoch ohne signifikante Veränderung des Lipidprofils. Der Anstieg der mittleren PSA-Konzentration (innerhalb des Normalbereichs korrelierte mit dem Serumtestosteronspiegel. Der größte Anstieg zeigte sich in der mit täglich 10 g Testosterongel behandelten Gruppe. Das Auftreten von Hautreizungen wurde von 5,5 % der mit Testosterongel und 66 % der mit Penetrationsvermittler enthaltendem Testosteronpflaster behandelten Probanden berichtet. Wir schließen aus den Ergebnissen, daß die Testosteronersatztherapie mit dem Gel bei hypogonadalen Männern zu einer Verbesserung von Sexualfunktion und Stimmung, einer Erhöhung der fettfreien Körpermasse sowie der Muskelkraft (vor allem in den Beinen und zu einer Verringerung der Fettmasse bei weniger Hautirritationen und Therapieabbrüchen als unter Anwendung der empfohlenen Dosierung eines Penetrationsvermittler enthaltenden Referenzpflasters führte.

  14. [Regulatory B cells activated by CpG-ODN combined with anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody inhibit CD4(+)T cell proliferation]. (United States)

    Wang, Keng; Tao, Lei; Su, Jianbing; Zhang, Yueyang; Zou, Binhua; Wang, Yiyuan; Li, Xiaojuan


    Objective To observe the immunosuppressive function of regulatory B cells (Bregs) in vitro after activated by CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG-ODN) and anti-CD40 mAb. Methods Mice splenic CD5(+)CD1d(high)B cells and CD5(-)CD1d(low)B cells were sorted by flow cytometry. These B cells were first stimulated with CpG-ODN combined with anti-CD40 mAb for 24 hours, and then co-cultured with purified CD4(+)T cells. The interleukin 10 (IL-10) expression in the activated Bregs and other B cell subset, as well as the proliferation and interferon γ (IFN-γ) expression in the CD4(+) T cells activated by anti-CD3 mAb plus anti-CD28 mAb were determined by flow cytometry. Results CD5(+)CD1d(high) B cells activated by CpG-ODN plus anti-CD40 mAb blocked the up-regulated CD4(+)T proliferation and significantly reduced the IFN-γ level. At the same time, activated CD5(-)CD1d(low)B cells showed no inhibitory effect on CD4(+)T cells. Further study revealed that IL-10 expression in the CD5(+)CD1d(high) B cells were much higher than that in the CD5(-)CD1d(low)B cells after stimulated with CpG-ODN combined with anti-CD40 mAb for 24 hours. Conclusion CD5(+)CD1d(high) B cells activated by CpG-ODN combined with anti-CD40 mAb have immune inhibitory effects on CD4(+)T cell activation in vitro , which possibly due to IL-10 secretion.

  15. Use of MRI in interventions in head and neck surgery; Die Nutzung der Magnetresonanztomographie bei Interventionen auf dem Gebiet der HNO-Heilkunde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schulz, T.; Schneider, J.P.; Schmidt, F.; Kahn, T. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie; Bootz, F.; Weber, A. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer HNO-Heilkunde; Weidenbach, H. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Pathologie; Heinke, W. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Anaesthesie und Intensivmedizin; Koehler-Brock, A. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie


    Presentation of new concepts and applications of MR-guided head and neck surgery are presented. Examples of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures such as evaluation of transseptal tumor biopsies, placement of afterloading catheters for brachytherapy, and microscopic surgery of paranasal sinuses in the open MRI are discussed. Material and Methods: 24 MRI-guided ENT-procedures (14 transsphenoidal biopsies, one transnasal biopsy, 6 placements of brachytherapy catheters, and 3 operations of the paranasal sinuses) were performed in an open 0.5 T MR system. Results: localisation and/or extension of all lesions as well as the placement of biopsy needles or catheters were determined with great precision during the interventions. Conclusions: surgical risk and postoperative morbidity are significantly reduced in MR-guided surgery of the petroclival region and the region of head and neck compared to other, conventional methods. Thus, interventional MRI-guidance optimizes minimal invasive surgery and catheter placement in difficult anatomical regions like the petroclival region. (orig.) [German] Vorstellung neuer Konzepte und Anwendungen der interventionellen MRT in der HNO-Heilkunde und Erlaeuterung am Beispiel diagnostischer und therapeutischer Interventionen. Evaluierung transseptaler Tumorbiopsien der petroclivalen Region, der Platzierung von Afterloadingsonden zur Brachytherapie und der Durchfuehrbarkeit mikroskopgestuetzter Nasennebenhoehlenoperationen. Material und Methoden: bei 24 Patienten wurden MR-gestuetzte Prozeduren im offenen MRT Signa SP/i durchgefuehrt (14 transsphenoidale Biopsien, eine transnasale Biopsie, 6 Afterloadingkatheter-Platzierungen und 3 Nasennebenhoehlenoperationen). Ergebnisse: bei allen Operationen war die Lokalisation des zu bioptierenden Tumors bzw. des Ausma paragraph es der Polyposis und seiner Umgebung moeglich. Sowohl die Biopsien als auch die Sondenplatzierungen und die Nasennebenhoehlenoperationen waren mit gro paragraph er Praezision

  16. T cell-derived Lymphotoxin is Essential for anti-HSV-1 Humoral Immune Response. (United States)

    Yang, Kaiting; Liang, Yong; Sun, Zhichen; Xue, Diyuan; Xu, Hairong; Zhu, Mingzhao; Fu, Yang-Xin; Peng, Hua


    B cell-derived lymphotoxin (LT) is required for the development of follicular dendritic cell clusters for the formation of primary and secondary lymphoid follicles, but the role of T cell-derived LT in antibody response has not been well demonstrated. We observed that lymphotoxin-β-receptor (LTβR) signaling is essential for optimal humoral immune response and protection against an acute HSV-1 infection. Blocking the LTβR pathway caused poor maintenance of germinal center B (GC-B) cells and follicular helper T (Tfh) cells. Using bone marrow chimeric mice and adoptive transplantation, we determined that T cell-derived LT played an indispensable role in the humoral immune response to HSV-1. Up-regulation of IFNγ by the LTβR-Ig blockade impairs the sustainability of Tfh-like cells, thus leading to an impaired humoral immune response. Our findings have identified a novel role of T cell-derived LT in the humoral immune response against HSV-1 infection. IMPORTANCE Immunocompromised people are susceptible for HSV-1 infection and lethal recurrence, which could be inhibited by anti-HSV-1 humoral immune response in the host. This study sought to explore the role of T cell-derived LT in the anti-HSV-1 humoral immune response using LT-LTβR signaling deficient mice and the LTβR-Ig blockade. The data indicate that the T cell-derived LT may play an essential role in sustaining Tfh-like cells and ensure Tfh-like cells' migration into primary or secondary follicles for further maturation. This study provides insights for vaccine development against infectious diseases. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

  17. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of liver and brain in haematologic-organic patients with fever of unknown origin; Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) der Leber und des Gehirns bei haematologisch-onkologischen Patienten mit Fieber unbekannter Ursache

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heussel, C.P.; Kauczor, H.U.; Poguntke, M.; Schadmand-Fischer, S.; Mildenberger, P.; Thelen, M. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Heussel, G. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). 3. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik


    To examine the advantage of liver and brain MRI in clinically anomalous haematological patients with fever of unknown origin. Material and Methods: Twenty liver MRI (T{sub 2}-TSE, T{sub 2}-HASTE, T{sub 1}-FLASH{+-}Gd dynamic) and 16 brain MRI (T{sub 2}-TSE, FLAIR, T{sub 1}-TSE{+-}Gd) were performed searching for a focus of fever with a suspected organ system. Comparison with clinical follow-up. Results: suspected organ system. Comparison with clinical follow-up. Results: A focus was detected in 11/20 liver MRI. Candidiasis (n=3), mycobacteriosis (n=2), relapse of haematological disease (n=3), graft versus host disease (n=1), non-clarified (n=2). The remaining 9 cases with normal MRI were not suspicious of infectious hepatic disease during follo-wup. In brain MRI, 3/16 showed a focus (toxoplasmosis, aspergillosis, mastoiditis). Clinical indication for an infectious involvement of the brain was found in 4/16 cases 2--5 months after initially normal brain MRI. No suspicion of an infectious involvement of brain was present in the remaining 9/16 cases. Conclusion: In case of fever of unknown origin and suspicion of liver involvement, MRI of the liver should be performed due to data given in literature and its sensitivity of 100%. Because of the delayed detectability of cerebral manifestations, in cases of persisting suspicion even a previously normal MRI of the brain should be repeated. (orig.) [Deutsch] Untersuchung des Nutzens der MRT der Leber und des Gehirns bei klinisch auffaelligen haematologischen Patienten mit Fieber unbekannter Ursache. Material und Methoden: Es wurden 20 MRT der Leber (T{sub 2}-TSE, T{sub 2}-HASTE, T{sub 1}-FLASH{+-}Gd dynamisch) und 16 MRT des Gehirns (T{sub 2}-TSE, FLAIR, T{sub 1}-TSE{+-}Gd) zur Fokussuche bei Infektionsverdacht und Organhinweisen durchgefuehrt. Es erfolgte der Abgleich mit dem weiteren klinischen Verlauf. Ergebnisse: 11/20 MRT-Untersuchungen der Leber zeigten einen Herdbefund: Candidiasis (n=3), Mykobakteriose (n=2

  18. Simple and efficient generation of virus-specific T cells for adoptive therapy using anti-4-1BB antibody. (United States)

    Imahashi, Nobuhiko; Nishida, Tetsuya; Goto, Tatsunori; Terakura, Seitaro; Watanabe, Keisuke; Hanajiri, Ryo; Sakemura, Reona; Imai, Misa; Kiyoi, Hitoshi; Naoe, Tomoki; Murata, Makoto


    Although recent studies of virus-specific T-cell (VST) therapy for viral infections after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have shown promising results, simple and less time-intensive and labor-intensive methods are required to generate VSTs for the wider application of VST therapy. We investigated the efficacy of anti-CD28 and anti-4-1BB antibodies, which can provide T cells with costimulatory signals similar in strength to those of antigen-presenting cells, in generating VSTs. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with viral peptides together with isotype control, anti-CD28, or anti-4-1BB antibodies, anti-4-1BB antibodies yielded the highest numbers of VSTs, which were on an average 7.9 times higher than those generated with isotype control antibody. The combination of anti-CD28 and anti-4-1BB antibodies did not result in increased numbers of VSTs compared with anti-4-1BB antibody alone. Importantly, the positive effect of anti-4-1BB antibody was observed regardless of the epitopes of the VSTs. In contrast, the capacity of dendritic cells (DCs) to generate VSTs differed considerably depending on the epitopes of the VSTs. Furthermore, the numbers of VSTs generated with DCs were at most similar to those generated with the anti-4-1BB antibody. Generation of VSTs with anti-4-1BB antibody did not result in excessive differentiation or deteriorated function of the generated VSTs compared with those generated with control antibody or DCs. In conclusion, VSTs can be generated rapidly and efficiently by simply stimulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells with viral peptide and anti-4-1BB antibody without using antigen-presenting cells. We propose using anti-4-1BB antibody as a novel strategy to generate VSTs for adoptive therapy.

  19. Pasireotid: Eine neue Therapieoption bei Morbus Cushing

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    Luger A


    Full Text Available Im Behandlungsalgorithmus des Morbus Cushing war bisher keine zugelassene pharmakologische Behandlungsmöglichkeit verfügbar. Mit dem Multirezeptor-Somatostatinanalogon Pasireotid steht nun mit der im April 2012 erfolgten Zulassung die erste, spezifisch für die Therapie dieses Krankheitsbildes entwickelte Substanz zur Verfügung. Die Studienevidenz belegt eine schnelle und nachhaltige Reduktion der ACTH- und Kortisolproduktion mit klinischer Besserung bei einem Großteil der Patienten.

  20. Chimeric antigen receptor T cells secreting anti-PD-L1 antibodies more effectively regress renal cell carcinoma in a humanized mouse model. (United States)

    Suarez, Eloah Rabello; Chang, De Kuan; Sun, Jiusong; Sui, Jianhua; Freeman, Gordon J; Signoretti, Sabina; Zhu, Quan; Marasco, Wayne A


    Advances in the treatment of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) have led to improved progression-free survival of many patients; however the therapies are toxic, rarely achieve durable long-term complete responses and are not curative. Herein we used a single bicistronic lentiviral vector to develop a new combination immunotherapy that consists of human anti-carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX)-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells engineered to secrete human anti-programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) antibodies at the tumor site. The local antibody delivery led to marked immune checkpoint blockade. Tumor growth diminished 5 times and tumor weight reduced 50-80% when compared with the anti-CAIX CAR T cells alone in a humanized mice model of ccRCC. The expression of PD-L1 and Ki67 in the tumors decreased and an increase in granzyme B levels was found in CAR T cells. The anti-PD-L1 IgG1 isotype, which is capable of mediating ADCC, was also able to recruit human NK cells to the tumor site in vivo. These armed second-generation CAR T cells empowered to secrete human anti-PD-L1 antibodies in the ccRCC milieu to combat T cell exhaustion is an innovation in this field that should provide renewed potential for CAR T cell immunotherapy of solid tumors where limited efficacy is currently seen.

  1. An accurate Kriging-based regional ionospheric model using combined GPS/BeiDou observations (United States)

    Abdelazeem, Mohamed; Çelik, Rahmi N.; El-Rabbany, Ahmed


    In this study, we propose a regional ionospheric model (RIM) based on both of the GPS-only and the combined GPS/BeiDou observations for single-frequency precise point positioning (SF-PPP) users in Europe. GPS/BeiDou observations from 16 reference stations are processed in the zero-difference mode. A least-squares algorithm is developed to determine the vertical total electron content (VTEC) bi-linear function parameters for a 15-minute time interval. The Kriging interpolation method is used to estimate the VTEC values at a 1 ° × 1 ° grid. The resulting RIMs are validated for PPP applications using GNSS observations from another set of stations. The SF-PPP accuracy and convergence time obtained through the proposed RIMs are computed and compared with those obtained through the international GNSS service global ionospheric maps (IGS-GIM). The results show that the RIMs speed up the convergence time and enhance the overall positioning accuracy in comparison with the IGS-GIM model, particularly the combined GPS/BeiDou-based model.

  2. Analytische Betrachtung des Quantisierungsfehlers bei grundlegenden Rechenoperationen der digitalen Signalverarbeitung

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    W. Schlecker


    Full Text Available Bei der Realisierung digitaler Schaltungen mit einem ASIC oder FPGA kann die Wortbreite der Berechnungen frei gewählt werden. Um die Fläche bzw. die benötigte Hardware zu minimieren, wird versucht, die Berechnungen mit minimaler Wortbreite zu implementieren. Dabei muss jedoch das Quantisierungsrauschen, das durch das Beschränken der Wortbreite entsteht, berücksichtigt werden. Häufig wird hierzu eine worst-case Abschätzung des Fehlers gemacht oder mit Simulationen die benötigte Wortbreite bestimmt. Der vorliegende Beitrag betrachtet die Auswirkungen der Quantisierung analytisch. Dabei wird von gleichverteilten Eingangssignalen ausgegangen. Es wird das Quantisierungsrauschen in Abhängigkeit von der Eingangs- und Ausgangswortbreite bei der Multiplikation und beim Skalarprodukt betrachtet. Die Untersuchungen wurden für Runden und für Abschneiden analytisch durchgeführt und durch Simulation bestätigt.

  3. Probleme bei der Digitalisierung analoger Messwerte (United States)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Messwerte liegen häufig in analoger Form als Spannungswerte vor. Sie werden in eine digital kodierte Form umgesetzt, wenn eine (nahezu) fehlerfreie Übertragung erforderlich ist, wenn Signalverläufe gespeichert werden sollen, wenn eine Weiterverarbeitung erfolgen soll oder wenn Messungen mit sehr geringem Messfehler notwendig sind. Hier soll auf einige Probleme, die durch die Umsetzung entstehen, aus messtechnischer Sicht eingegangen werden. Stichworte: Fehler bei der Digitalisierung; Signal-Quantisierungsgeräusch-Abstand; Verbesserung des Signal-Rausch-Verhältnisses; Abtast-Halte-Glied; Aliasing; Erfassung von Momentanwerten.

  4. Monocyte-derived dendritic cells are essential for CD8+ T cell activation and anti-tumor responses after local immunotherapy

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    Sabine eKuhn


    Full Text Available Tumors harbor several populations of dendritic cells with the ability to prime tumor-specific T cells. However, these T cells mostly fail to differentiate into armed effectors and are unable to control tumor growth. We have previously shown that treatment with immunostimulatory agents at the tumor site can activate anti-tumor immune responses, and is associated with the appearance of a population of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in the tumor and tumor-draining lymph node. Here we use dendritic cell or monocyte depletion and monocyte transfer to show that these monocyte-derived dendritic cells are critical to the activation of anti-tumor immune responses. Treatment with the immunostimulatory agents Monosodium Urate crystals and Mycobacterium smegmatis induced the accumulation of monocytes in the draining lymph node, their upregulation of CD11c and MHCII, and expression of iNOS, TNFα and IL12p40. Blocking monocyte entry into the lymph node and tumor through neutralization of the chemokine CCL2 or inhibition of Colony Stimulating Factor-1 receptor signaling prevented the generation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells, the infiltration of tumor-specific T cells into the tumor, and anti-tumor responses. In a reciprocal fashion, monocytes transferred into mice depleted of CD11c+ cells were sufficient to rescue CD8+ T cell priming in lymph node and delay tumor growth. Thus monocytes exposed to the appropriate conditions become powerful activators of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells and anti-tumor immunity.

  5. Tolerance induced by anti-DNA Ig peptide in (NZB×NZW)F1 lupus mice impinges on the resistance of effector T cells to suppression by regulatory T cells. (United States)

    Yu, Yiyun; Liu, Yaoyang; Shi, Fu-Dong; Zou, Hejian; Hahn, Bevra H; La Cava, Antonio


    We have previously shown that immune tolerance induced by the anti-DNA Ig peptide pCons in (NZB×NZW)F(1) (NZB/W) lupus mice prolonged survival of treated animals and delayed the appearance of autoantibodies and glomerulonephritis. Part of the protection conferred by pCons could be ascribed to the induction of regulatory T cells (T(Reg)) that suppressed the production of anti-DNA antibodies in a p38 MAPK-dependent fashion. Here we show that another effect of pCons in the induction of immune tolerance in NZB/W lupus mice is the facilitation of effector T cell suppression by T(Reg). These new findings indicate that pCons exerts protective effects in NZB/W lupus mice by differentially modulating the activity of different T cell subsets, implying new considerations in the design of T(Reg)-based approaches to modulate T cell autoreactivity in SLE. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Prognostische Bedeutung der physikalischen Streßechokardiographie bei 3329 ambulanten Patienten (5jährige Langzeitstudie)


    Leischik R; Dworrak B; Gülker H; Littwitz H


    Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Die Risikoeinschätzung ambulanter Patienten mit thorakaler Schmerzsymptomatik ist ein wichtiges klinisches Problem. Über die prognostische Bedeutung der physikalischen Streßechokardiographie (SE) bei diesem Patientenkollektiv wurde bis jetzt nicht berichtet. Patienten und Methoden: Um die prognostische Bedeutung der physikalischen Streßechokardiographie bei rein ambulanten Patienten zu untersuchen, wurden 3329 Patienten bezüglich des Auftretens schwerer Erei...

  7. Examination of the somatostatin receptor status in non-medullary thyroid cancer; Untersuchungen zum Somatostatinrezeptor-Status bei nicht-medullaeren Schilddruesenkarzinomen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goerges, R.; Brandt-Mainz, K.; Bockisch, A. [Essen Univ. (Gesamthochschule) (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Kahaly, G. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Medizin - Endokrinologie und Stoffwechselerkrankungen; Mueller-Brand, J.; Maecke, H. [Kantonsspital Basel (Switzerland). Inst. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Walgenbach, S. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Allgemein- und Abdominalchirurgie; Bruns, C. [Praeklinische Forschung Novartis, Basel (Switzerland); Andreas, J. [Universitaetsklinik Mainz (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    Aim: Recent in-vitro and in-vivo studies demonstrated a somatostatin receptor expression in some non-medullary thyroid carcinomas. In this study we investigated the somatostatin receptor status for this particular tumor entity in a larger patient group. Subject and methods: We compared 131-iodine with 111-In-pentetreotide scans in 24 patients with metastasizing, non-medullary thyroid cancer. The findings were correlated with other imaging modalities. Additionally, we performed receptor autoradiography in one patient, octreotide therapy in another patient and administration of 90-Y- and 111-In-DOTATOC in 2 consecutive patients. Results: In the 15 patients with papillary or follicular carcinoma, 111-In-pentetreotide was inferior to 131-I in 8/15, equal in 1/15, and superior in 6/15 patients. In 8/9 of the patients with Huerthle cell cacinoma, metastases showed a 111-In-pentetreotide accumulation of various intensity, while 131-iodine scans were negative except for one patient. 111-In-pentetreotide was equal or superior compared to 201-Tl or 99m-Tc-sestamibi, but for the most part inferior in comparison with 18-F-FDG-PET. The findings of 111-In-pentetreotide scintigraphy correlated well with the receptor autoradiography and the accumulation of DOTATOC, but not with the therapeutic effect of `cold` octreotide on the thyroid cancer metastases. Conclusions: Several metastases of papillary and follicular carcinoma, and the majority of Huerthle cell cancer metastases can express somatostatin receptors. 111-In-pentetreotide scintigraphy is a promising tool for localization of metastases especially in Huerthle cell cancer or if PET is not available, and may be useful for selection of possible candidates, if therapeutic effective {beta}-emitting somatostatin analogues will be available for routine application. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: in aktuellen In-vitro und In-vivo-Untersuchungen wurde eine Somatostatinrezeptor-Expression bei einigen nicht

  8. Untersuchungen zum Fettsäurestoffwechsel bei koronarer Herzkrankheit


    Richter, Wolf-Stefan


    Die nicht-invasive bildgebende Diagnostik hat bei koronarer Herzkrankheit einen wichtigen Stellenwert für die Diagnosestellung und Therapieplanung. In diesem Zusammenhang liefern nuklearmedizinische Verfahren wichtige Daten zur Gewebsperfusion und erlauben die bildliche Darstellung und Quantifizierung relevanter Details des kardiomyozytären Stoffwechsels. Die quantitativ bedeutendste Methode der nuklearmedizinischen Herzdiagnostik ist die Perfusionsszintigraphie mit Tl-201 oder einem der Tc-9...


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    Luiz Alberton


    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de um modelo de formação comportamental para auditores contábeis independentes. Deste modo, inicialmente, discorre-se sobre os aspectos que devem ser considerados pelo profissional responsável pela gestão das pessoas nas organizações que prestam serviços de auditoria contábil independente, e do perfil destas pessoas requerido pelas empresas. Em seguida são identificadas as teorias que tratam da gestão de pessoas nas organizações, especificamente nos processos de recrutamento e seleção, capacitação e avaliação de desempenho. As empresas buscam profissionais com talentos e, principalmente, que saibam manter o equilíbrio entre a razão e a emoção no ambiente de trabalho. Na literatura que versa sobre a profissão do auditor contábil, é dada muita ênfase aos aspectos técnicos, tratando superficialmente ou renegando os aspectos comportamentais considerados importantes ao desempenho destes profissionais. Para confirmar essas afirmações e dar suporte ao delineamento do modelo, é realizada uma pesquisa de campo com os responsáveis pela gestão de pessoas em quatro empresas internacionais de auditoria contábil independente, que fazem parte das big five, e em uma empresa nacional. Assim, para o delineamento do modelo de formação, a ênfase desta pesquisa recai sobre os aspectos de liderança, comunicação, motivação, negociação, coaching, mentoring, administração de conflitos, trabalho em equipe, técnica de entrevista, análise transacional e de programação neurolingüística, que podem ser utilizados para o desenvolvimento de auditores contábeis independentes, de forma que possam melhorar suas condições de competitividade e empregabilidade. Portanto, são incorporados esses conceitos como ponto de partida para o delineamento de um modelo de formação comportamental de auditores contábeis independentes.

  10. Anti-ATLA (antibody to adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma virus-associated antigen)-negative adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. (United States)

    Shimoyama, M; Minato, K; Tobinai, K; Nagai, M; Setoya, T; Watanabe, S; Hoshino, H; Miwa, M; Nagoshi, H; Ichiki, N; Fukushima, N; Sugiura, K; Funaki, N


    Five cases of adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) having typical clinicohematologic and morphologic features but negative for anti-ATLA [antibody to ATL virus (ATLV)-associated antigen (ATLA)] are presented. Some differences in immunologic, epidemiologic, and serologic data between anti-ATLA-positive and -negative ATLs are also described. Expression of ATLA in early primary cultured leukemic cells was found to be negative in three patients tested (Cases 1, 2 and 4), however, a long-term cultured cell line, ATL-6A, derived from peripheral blood leukemia cells from Case 1, was found to express ATLA. Mother of Case 1 and a daughter of Case 2 were anti-ATLA negative. These results indicate that ATLV was involved in certain anti-ATLA-negative ATL patients, at least in Case 1, and that the patient had no detectable immune response against ATLV and ATLA. However, in other cases in which no ATLA reactivity of serum and no ATLA expression in cultured leukemic cells were observed, another possibility such as activation of an unknown cellular oncogene specific for ATL without ATLV involvement may be considered. In order to prove these possibilities definitely, it is necessary to elucidate whether or not proviral DNA of ATLV is integrated into chromosomal DNA of ATL cells and to find a cellular oncogene specific for ATL in the future.

  11. Herausforderungen beim Aufbau und bei der Pflege einer Bilddatenbank – ein Anwendungsbeispiel aus dem Digitalen Forschungsarchiv Byzanz (DiFAB

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    Nina Rannharter


    Full Text Available Mit Metadaten versehene, digital archivierte Bilder sind aufgrund ihrer hohen Komplexität eine ständige Herausforderung für den Aufbau von Metadatenstrukturen und für das Beibehalten von adäquaten Metadatenstandards in Bilddatenbanken. Besonders bei Bildern über eine materielle Kultur zeichnet sich diese Komplexität in den diversen Ebenen ab. Zur Verdeutlichung dieser Problematik dient ein einzelnes Monument mit seiner fotographischen Dokumentation als geisteswissenschaftliches Anwendungsbeispiel aus dem Digitalen Forschungsarchiv Byzanz (DiFAB der Universität Wien. Unter der grundsätzlichen Berücksichtigung der künftigen Anforderungen und der einfachen Navigation von Metadaten beinhaltet dieser Beitrag u. a. die Herausforderungen mit den diversen analogen und digitalen Formen der Dokumentation, der historischen Geographie, der kulturspezifischen Terminologie sowie mit der kunsthistorischen Bedeutung einer exakten und unscharfen Datierung für Forschungsarchive.

  12. In Vitro Characterization of the Pharmacological Properties of the Anti-Cancer Chelator, Bp4eT, and Its Phase I Metabolites.

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    Eliška Potůčková

    Full Text Available Cancer cells have a high iron requirement and many experimental studies, as well as clinical trials, have demonstrated that iron chelators are potential anti-cancer agents. The ligand, 2-benzoylpyridine 4-ethyl-3-thiosemicarbazone (Bp4eT, demonstrates both potent anti-neoplastic and anti-retroviral properties. In this study, Bp4eT and its recently identified amidrazone and semicarbazone metabolites were examined and compared with respect to their anti-proliferative activity towards cancer cells (HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia, MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma, HCT116 human colon carcinoma and A549 human lung adenocarcinoma, non-cancerous cells (H9c2 neonatal rat-derived cardiomyoblasts and 3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts and their interaction with intracellular iron pools. Bp4eT was demonstrated to be a highly potent and selective anti-neoplastic agent that induces S phase cell cycle arrest, mitochondrial depolarization and apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. Both semicarbazone and amidrazone metabolites showed at least a 300-fold decrease in cytotoxic activity than Bp4eT towards both cancer and normal cell lines. The metabolites also lost the ability to: (1 promote the redox cycling of iron; (2 bind and mobilize iron from labile intracellular pools; and (3 prevent 59Fe uptake from 59Fe-labeled transferrin by MCF-7 cells. Hence, this study demonstrates that the highly active ligand, Bp4eT, is metabolized to non-toxic and pharmacologically inactive analogs, which most likely contribute to its favorable pharmacological profile. These findings are important for the further development of this drug candidate and contribute to the understanding of the structure-activity relationships of these agents.

  13. Method of Anti-Virus Protection Based on (n, t Threshold Proxy Signature with an Arbitrator

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    E. A. Tolyupa


    Full Text Available The article suggests the method of anti-virus protection of mobile devices based on the usage of proxy digital signatures and an (n;t-threshold proxy signature scheme with an arbitrator. The unique feature of the suggested method is in the absence of necessity to install anti-virus software in a mobile device. It will be enough only to have the software verifying digital signatures and the Internet. The method is used on the base of public keys infrastructure /PKI/, thus minimizing implementation expenses.

  14. Furosemide urogram in patients with neobladder; Das Diureseurogramm bei Patienten mit Harnblasenersatz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merkle, E.M. [Univ. Ulm (Germany). Abt. Radiologie; Aschoff, A.J. [Univ. Ulm (Germany). Abt. Radiologie; Bachor, R. [Univ. Ulm (Germany). Abt. fuer Urologie; Vogel, J. [Univ. Ulm (Germany). Abt. Radiologie; Merk, J. [Univ. Ulm (Germany). Abt. Radiologie; Brambs, H.J. [Univ. Ulm (Germany). Abt. Radiologie


    Purpose: To differentiate between urodynamically relevant obstruction and functionally unimportant dilation of the upper urinary tract in patients with neobladder using a modified furosemide urogram. Method: An excretory urogram with furosemide loading was carried out in 19 patients with neobladder and sonographically and urographically confirmed dilation of the upper urinary tract. Once strong contrasting of the renal pelves and calyces has been achieved, 20 mg of furosemide were applied and late radiographs were obtained at 15 min and 30 min, respectively. An obstruction was defined as increasing dilation of the renal pelves and calices during forced diuresis and lack of washout effect of the contrast medium. Results: In 32 cases, the renoureteral unit (RUU) was dilated on ultrasound. Of these, 25 RUU`s showed good emptyness of contrast medium upon stimulation of diuresis, six RUU`s returned a borderline findings, while one RUU was found to exhibit a decompensated anastomotic stenosis, which was dilated. Two further patients with bordeline findings were later treated surgically due to their pain symptoms. No patient required further preoperative diagnostic procedures. Conclusions: The modified furosemide urogram represents a cost-effective diagnostic orientation strategy in patients with neobladder and dilated renal pelves and calyses and is both well-tolerated by patients and meets with broad acceptance from the urologic staff. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Differenzierung zwischen urodynamisch relevanter Obstruktion und funktionell bedeutungsloser Dilatation des oberen Harntraktes bei Patienten mit Harnblasenersatz durch ein modifiziertes Diureseurogramm. Methodik: Bei 19 Patienten mit Harnableitung und sonographisch sowie urographisch nachgewiesener Erweiterung des oberen Harntraktes wurde ein Ausscheidungsurogramm mit Furosemidbelastung durchgefuehrt. Bei kraeftiger Kontrastierung des erweiterten Nierenbeckenkelchsystems (NBKS) wurden 20 mg Furosemid appliziert und

  15. The event-mixing technique for modeling the t anti t background in a search for supersymmetry in the Di-lepton channel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schettler, Hannes


    In this thesis a search for Supersymmetry in the opposite-sign same-flavor di-lepton channel is presented. Data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC accelerator corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12.2 fb{sup -1} at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV is analyzed. Events with at least two muons or two electrons with opposite charge, a significant transverse momentum imbalance, and at least one or at least two jets are selected. Supersymmetric particle decays are expected to form an edge-like structure in the di-lepton mass spectrum. The main background from Standard-Model processes is t anti t pair production. This background is estimated in a data-driven way using the event-mixing technique. Since event mixing is novel to estimate t anti t events, the method is validated in detail. In the analyzed data no significant excess w.r.t. the event-mixing prediction is observed. In a counting experiment as well as in a fit of the shape of the distribution the data is in agreement with the expectations from the Standard Model. Hence, exclusion limits are calculated in terms of number of events forming an edge in the di-lepton mass spectrum. Additionally, the results are interpreted within a simplified model spectrum, assuming direct gaugino production and a decay chainlike {chi}{sub 2}{sup 0}{yields}l{sup {+-}}l{sup -+}{yields}{chi}{sub 1}{sup 0}l{sup +}l{sup -}. Limits are set on the masses of the supersymmetric particles. (orig.)

  16. Mitbestimmung von Studierenden bei der Qualitätssicherung und Hochschulentwicklung

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lippert, Ingmar


    Hochschule hat bestimmte Aufgaben. Sie soll durch Forschung und Lehre Wissen und Methoden in die Gesellschaft tragen. Sie soll auch direkt andere gesellschaftliche Institutionen beraten. Bei diesen Interaktionen soll aber – und das ist so spezifisch für Hochschulen – die gesellschaftliche Praxis ...

  17. Pro- and anti-apoptotic CD95 signaling in T cells

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    Janssen Ottmar


    Full Text Available Abstract The TNF receptor superfamily member CD95 (Fas, APO-1, TNFRSF6 is known as the prototypic death receptor in and outside the immune system. In fact, many mechanisms involved in apoptotic signaling cascades were solved by addressing consequences and pathways initiated by CD95 ligation in activated T cells or other "CD95-sensitive" cell populations. As an example, the binding of the inducible CD95 ligand (CD95L to CD95 on activated T lymphocytes results in apoptotic cell death. This activation-induced cell death was implicated in the control of immune cell homeostasis and immune response termination. Over the past years, however, it became evident that CD95 acts as a dual function receptor that also exerts anti-apoptotic effects depending on the cellular context. Early observations of a potential non-apoptotic role of CD95 in the growth control of resting T cells were recently reconsidered and revealed quite unexpected findings regarding the costimulatory capacity of CD95 for primary T cell activation. It turned out that CD95 engagement modulates TCR/CD3-driven signal initiation in a dose-dependent manner. High doses of immobilized CD95 agonists or cellular CD95L almost completely silence T cells by blocking early TCR-induced signaling events. In contrast, under otherwise unchanged conditions, lower amounts of the same agonists dramatically augment TCR/CD3-driven activation and proliferation. In the present overview, we summarize these recent findings with a focus on the costimulatory capacity of CD95 in primary T cells and discuss potential implications for the T cell compartment and the interplay between T cells and CD95L-expressing cells including antigen-presenting cells.

  18. PET activation in basal ganglia disorders: Parkinson`s disease and dystonia; PET-Aktivierungsstudien bei Basalganglienerkrankungen: Morbus Parkinson und Dystonien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ceballos-Baumann, A.O. [Neurologische Klinik, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Boecker, H. [Neurologische Klinik, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Conrad, B. [Neurologische Klinik, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany)


    This article reviews PET activation studies with performance of different motor paradigms (joy-stick movements, imagination of movement, writing) in patients with movement disorders. The focus will be on Parkinson`s disease (PD) and dystonia. PET findings will be related to clinical and electrophysiological observations. PET activation studies before and after therapeutic interventions such as pallidotomy in Parkinson`s disease and botulinum toxin in writer`s cramp are described. The contribution of PET activation studies to the understanding of the pathophysiology of dystonia and PD is discussed. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Beitrag beschreibt verschiedene PET-Aktivierungsstudien mit motorischen Paradigmen (`joystick`-Bewegungen, Vorstellung von Bewegung, Schreiben) bei Bewegungsstoerungen, im wesentlichen bei Patienten mit Dystonie, einer Hyperkinese, und Morbus Parkinson als Hypokinese. Die experimentellen Befunde werden mit der Klinik in Bezug gebracht. Neue Untersuchungen vor und nach therapeutischen Interventionen, wie die stereotaktische Pallidotomie bei Parkinson und die Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie bei Schreibkrampf, werden beschrieben. Der Beitrag von PET-Aktivierungsstudien zum Verstaendnis der Pathophysiologie von Bewegungsstoerungen wird diskutiert. (orig.)

  19. Retrospektive Analyse von Zufallsbefunden, die bei Patienten mit kutanem malignen Malignom durch (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-PET/CT erhoben wurden. (United States)

    Conrad, Franziska; Winkens, Thomas; Kaatz, Martin; Goetze, Steven; Freesmeyer, Martin


    Bei der (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-Positronenemissionstomographie/Computertomographie (FDG-PET/CT) ergeben sich häufig Zufallsbefunde. In der vorliegenden Studie konzentrierten wir uns auf mittels FDG-PET/CT erhaltene Zufallsbefunde bei Patienten mit kutanem Melanom und überprüften deren Relevanz hinsichtlich weiterer diagnostischer Maßnahmen und Interventionen. Die Krankenakten von 181 konsekutiven Melanom-Patienten wurden retrospektiv ausgewertet, um das Management von Zufallsbefunden zu dokumentieren. Der Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf den histologischen Befunden. Bei 33 von 181 (18 %) Patienten lagen 39 relevante Zufallsbefunde vor, und zwar im Kolorektalbereich (n = 15 Patienten), in der Schilddrüse (n = 8), der Prostata (n = 2), dem Bewegungsapparat (n = 2), in Lymphknoten (n = 2), der Parotis (n = 1), den Mandeln (n = 1), den Nieren (n = 1) und der Gallenblase (n = 1). Bei 25 Patienten schlossen sich weitere diagnostische Verfahren an, wobei in 21 Fällen ein klinisches Korrelat nachgewiesen wurde. Bei 16 von 21 Patienten ergab sich eine Neoplasie, darunter fünf maligne Läsionen (vier Kolonkarzinome und ein Prostatakarzinom). Die Malignome wurden frühzeitig diagnostiziert und in der Mehrzahl der Fälle erfolgreich entfernt. Der Einsatz der FDG-PET/CT als Routine-Diagnostik wird in den Leitlinien empfohlen und ist indiziert bei malignem Melanom ab Stadium IIC. In dieser Studie wurden auf effektive Weise ansonsten nicht erkannte Krebserkrankungen, insbesondere Kolonkarzinome, detektiert. In den meisten Fällen war eine frühe Intervention möglich. Zufallsbefunde durch FDG-PET/CT sollten, unter Berücksichtigung des Zustands und der Wünsche des Patienten, mit den geeigneten diagnostischen Maßnahmen abgeklärt werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Targeting of T Lymphocytes to Melanoma Cells Through Chimeric Anti-GD3 Immunoglobulin T-Cell Receptors

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    C.O. Yun


    Full Text Available Immunoglobulin T-cell receptors (IgTCRs combine the specificity of antibodies with the potency of cellular killing by grafting antibody recognition domains onto TCR signaling chains. IgTCR-modified T cells are thus redirected to kill tumor cells based on their expression of intact antigen on cell surfaces, bypassing the normal mechanism of activation through TCR—peptide—major histocompatibility complex (MHC recognition. Melanoma is one of the most immunoresponsive of human cancers and has served as a prototype for the development of a number of immunotherapies. The target antigen for this study is the ganglioside GD3, which is highly expressed on metastatic melanoma with only minor immunologic cross-reaction with normal tissues. To determine an optimal configuration for therapy, four combinations of IgTCRs were prepared and studied: sFv-ɛ, sFv-ζ, Fab-ɛ, Fab-ζ. These were expressed on the surface of human T cells by retroviral transduction. IgTCR successfully redirected T-cell effectors in an MHC-unrestricted manner, in this case against a non—T-dependent antigen, with specific binding, activation, and cytotoxicity against GD3+ melanoma cells. Soluble GD3 in concentrations up to 100 μg/ml did not interfere with recognition and binding of membrane-bound antigen. Based on the outcomes of these structural and functional tests, the sFv-ζ construct was selected for clinical development. These results demonstrate key features that emphasize the potential of anti-GD3 IgTCR-modified autologous T cells for melanoma therapies.

  1. Osteoporose bei Mb. Bechterew - neue Ansätze


    Obermayer-Pietsch B; Aglas F; Hermann J; Leb G; Tauber G


    Eine axiale Osteoporose und daraus resultierende vertebrale Kompressionsfrakturen sind häufige Symptome eines Mb. Bechterew (MbB, Spondylarthritis ankylosans). Als ein möglicher genetischer Faktor der Osteoporose wurde eine Assoziation der Knochendichte (BMD) mit BsmI- und FokI-Polymorphismen im Vitamin D-Rezeptor-(VDR-)Gen publiziert. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Beziehungen zwischen diesen Polymorphismen, Knochenstoffwechsel, BMD und Aktivitätsindizes bei Patienten mit MbB untersuc...

  2. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in schizophrenia. Possibilities and limitations; Magnetresonanzspektroskopie bei Schizophrenie. Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wobrock, T. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar (Germany). Klinik fuer Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie; Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Homburg/Saar (Germany); Scherk, H.; Falkai, P. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar (Germany). Klinik fuer Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie


    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a noninvasive investigative technique for in vivo detection of biochemical changes in neuropsychiatric disorders for which especially proton ({sup 1}H-MRS) and phosphorus ({sup 31}P-MRS) magnetic resonance spectroscopy have been used. In this review we explain the principles of MRS and summarize the studies in schizophrenia. A systematic literature review was carried out for {sup 1}H-MRS studies investigating schizophrenic patients compared to controls. The inconsistent results in the cited studies may be due to different study population, specific neuroimaging technique, and selected brain regions. Frequent findings are decreased PME and increased PDE concentrations ({sup 31}P-MRS) linked to altered metabolism of membrane phospholipids and decreased N-acetylaspartate (NAA) or NAA/choline ratio ({sup 1}H-MRS) linked to neuronal damage in frontal (DLPFC) or temporal regions in patients with schizophrenia. These results contribute to the disturbed frontotemporal-thalamic network assumed in schizophrenia and are supported by additional functional neuroimaging, MRI morphometry, and neuropsychological evaluation. The combination of the described investigative techniques with MRS in follow-up studies may provide more specific clues for understanding the pathogenesis and disease course in schizophrenia. (orig.) [German] Die Magnetresonanzspektroskopie (MRS) stellt ein nichtinvasives Verfahren dar, mit dem in vivo biochemische Veraenderungen spezifischer Hirnregionen bei verschiedenen psychiatrischen Erkrankungen untersucht werden koennen. Dabei werden insbesondere die Protonenmagnetresonanzspektroskopie ({sup 1}H-MRS) sowie die Phosphormagnetresonanzspektroskopie ({sup 31}P-MRS) verwendet. In der vorliegenden Uebersichtsarbeit werden die methodischen Grundlagen erlaeutert sowie die Befundlage bei der Schizophrenie referiert. Fuer die Darstellung der Studien zur {sup 1}H-MRS bei schizophrenen Patienten im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe

  3. HRCT of the lung in collagen vascular diseases; HRCT der Lunge bei Kollagenosen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diederich, S. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Univ., Muenster (Germany); Roos, N. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Univ., Muenster (Germany); Schmitz-Linneweber, B. [Medizinische Klinik B, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Univ., Muenster (Germany); Gaubitz, M. [Medizinische Klinik B, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Univ., Muenster (Germany); Peters, P.E. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Univ., Muenster (Germany)


    bei progressiver Systemsklerose (PSS, Sklerodermie), systemischem Lupus erythematodes (SLE), `mixed connective tissue disease` (MCTD, Sharp-Syndrom), Sjoegren-Syndrom, Mischkollagenose (`Overlap`syndrom) und rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) werden dargestellt. Ausserdem werden fuer die einzelnen Krankheitsbilder jeweils spezifische Phaenomene erlaeutert wie die Oesophagusbeteiligung bei PSS, akute Pneumonitis oder pulmonale Haemorrhagie bei SLE, lymphoproliferative Erkrankungen beim Sjoegren-Syndrom und nekrobiotische Rundherde bei RA. (orig.)

  4. Detection of prostate carcinomas with T1-weighted dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. Value of two-compartment model; Detektion von Prostatakarzinomen mit T1-gewichteter Kontrastmittel-unterstuetzter dynamischer MRT. Wertigkeit des Zweikompartimentemodells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kiessling, F.; Lichy, M.; Farhan, N.; Delorme, S.; Kauczor, H.U. [Abteilung fuer Radiologie, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg (Germany); Grobholz, R. [Abteilung fuer Pathologie, Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim (Germany); Heilmann, M. [Abteilung fuer Physik in der Radiologie, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg (Germany); Michel, M.S.; Trojan, L. [Abteilung fuer Urologie, Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim (Germany); Werner, A.; Rabe, J. [Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim (Germany); Schlemmer, H.P. [Abteilung fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen (Germany)


    Aim The suitability of dynamic parameters of the two-compartment model for detecting prostate carcinomas and its correlation with tumor microvascular density were evaluated. The study included 43 patients with biopsy-proven prostate carcinoma: 28 were examined by 1.0-T MRI (Turbo-FLASH) and 15 by 1.5-T MRI (FLASH) with infusion of 0.1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA. Signal time curves were parametrized with an open two-compartment model in amplitude and exchange rate constants (k{sub ep}).The microvascular density of resected prostate carcinomas was determined. The microvascular density in the tumors was significantly higher than in the adjacent healthy prostate tissue and correlated in both sequences with k{sub ep}. Prostate carcinomas of the peripheral zone were demarcated by amplitude and k{sub ep}. In the Turbo-FLASH sequence there was a significant difference between the tumor tissue and healthy peripheral zone in terms of k{sub ep} and in the FLASH sequence in terms of amplitude. Prostate carcinomas can be visualized with dynamic T1-weighted MR sequences using a two-compartment model. Moreover, the parameter k{sub ep} reveals the microvascular density in the tumor and can thus provide valuable clinical information for characterizing the tumors. (orig.) [German] Die Eignung dynamischer Parameter des Zweikompartimentemodells zur Erkennung von Prostatakarzinomen und deren Korrelation mit der Tumormikrogefaessdichte wurden evaluiert. 43 Patienten mit bioptisch gesichertem Prostatakarzinom wurden untersucht, 28 mit 1,0 T- (Turbo-FLASH-) und 15 bei 1,5-T-MRT (FLASH) unter Infusion von 0,1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA. Signal-Zeit-Kurven wurden nach einem offenen Zweikompartimentemodell in Amplitude sowie Austauschratenkonstante (k{sub ep}) parametrisiert. An resezierten Prostatakarzinomen wurde die Mikrogefaessdichte bestimmt.Ergebnisse Die Mikrogefaessdichte in den Tumoren war signifikant hoeher als im angrenzenden gesunden Prostatagewebe und korrelierte bei beiden Sequenzen mit k{sub ep

  5. A Modified Differential Coherent Bit Synchronization Algorithm for BeiDou Weak Signals with Large Frequency Deviation. (United States)

    Han, Zhifeng; Liu, Jianye; Li, Rongbing; Zeng, Qinghua; Wang, Yi


    BeiDou system navigation messages are modulated with a secondary NH (Neumann-Hoffman) code of 1 kbps, where frequent bit transitions limit the coherent integration time to 1 millisecond. Therefore, a bit synchronization algorithm is necessary to obtain bit edges and NH code phases. In order to realize bit synchronization for BeiDou weak signals with large frequency deviation, a bit synchronization algorithm based on differential coherent and maximum likelihood is proposed. Firstly, a differential coherent approach is used to remove the effect of frequency deviation, and the differential delay time is set to be a multiple of bit cycle to remove the influence of NH code. Secondly, the maximum likelihood function detection is used to improve the detection probability of weak signals. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to analyze the detection performance of the proposed algorithm compared with a traditional algorithm under the CN0s of 20~40 dB-Hz and different frequency deviations. The results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional method with a frequency deviation of 50 Hz. This algorithm can remove the effect of BeiDou NH code effectively and weaken the influence of frequency deviation. To confirm the feasibility of the proposed algorithm, real data tests are conducted. The proposed algorithm is suitable for BeiDou weak signal bit synchronization with large frequency deviation.

  6. Taxonomia de distorções contábeis

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    José Humberto da Cruz Cunha


    Full Text Available Discute o uso de uma taxonomia de distorções contábeis provenientes de erros e fraudes, voltada para o uso dos auditores na análise dos riscos e escolha dos procedimentos de auditoria. Sua elaboração segue as orientações conceituais da classificação facetada, por meio de levantamento conceitual em pesquisa bibliográfica. A taxonomia apresentada possui como categorias fundamentais as fases da informação, aspectos essenciais, afirmações, ciclos de recursos, subciclos de recursos, distorções contábeis e afirmações (objetivos de auditoria. É apresentada a metodologia de elaboração da taxonomia, bem como a sua aplicabilidade na auditoria contábil como instrumento de organização da informação e do conhecimento. Conclui que, a partir dos exemplos utilizados, é possível afirmar que a taxonomia orienta a análise das distorções como uma trilha de auditoria, padronizando os conceitos identificados na linguagem natural em uma estrutura de classificação padronizada.

  7. Observation of top quarks in the dilepton decay channel t anti t → e(μ)υe(μ) τυτ b anti b using hadronic tau decays at CDF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hohlmann, M.


    We present a search for dilepton events from top decays with one electron or muon and a hadronically decaying τ lepton. The total acceptance x efficiency is (O.119 ± 0.014(stat))% for m top = 175 GeV. In 110 pb -1 of data we expect 1.1 ± 0. 3(stat) signal events and a total background of 1.96 ± 0.35(stat) events while observing 4 candidate events (2 eτ and 2 μτ). Three events are b-tagged. If a tag is required, the probability for the estimated background (0.225 ± 0.011 events) to fluctuate to ≥ 3 events is 0.13% (3.0 σ). A first measurement of the t anti t production cross section based on these events yields σ tanti t = 15.6 +18. 6 -13.2 (stat) pb

  8. Cigarette smoke alters the invariant natural killer T cell function and may inhibit anti-tumor responses.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hogan, Andrew E


    Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are a minor subset of human T cells which express the invariant T cell receptor Vα24 Jα18 and recognize glycolipids presented on CD1d. Invariant NKT cells are important immune regulators and can initiate anti-tumor responses through early potent cytokine production. Studies show that iNKT cells are defective in certain cancers. Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens and is implicated directly and indirectly in many cancers. We investigated the effects of cigarette smoke on the circulating iNKT cell number and function. We found that the iNKT cell frequency is significantly reduced in cigarette smoking subjects. Invariant NKT cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) showed significant defects in cytokine production and the ability to kill target cells. CSE inhibits the upregulation of CD107 but not CD69 or CD56 on iNKT cells. These findings suggest that CSE has a specific effect on iNKT cell anti-tumor responses, which may contribute to the role of smoking in the development of cancer.

  9. Value of magnetic resonance imaging in diffuse liver diseases; Stellenwert der MRT bei diffusen Lebererkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schramm, N.; D' Anastasi, M.; Reiser, M.F.; Zech, C.J. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Diffuse liver diseases show an increasing prevalence. The diagnostic gold standard of liver biopsy has several disadvantages. There is a clinical demand for non-invasive imaging-based techniques to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the entire liver. Ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are routinely used. Steatosis: chemical shift and frequency selective imaging, MR spectroscopy (MRS). Hemochromatosis: MR-based iron quantification. Fibrosis: MR elastography, diffusion, intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and MR perfusion. T1-weighted in and opposed phase imaging is the clinically most frequently used MR technique to noninvasively detect and quantify steatosis. New methods for quantification that are not influenced by confounders like iron overload are under investigation. The most sensitive method to measure the fat content of the liver is MRS. As data acquisition and analysis remain complex and there is no whole organ coverage, MRS of the liver is not a routine method. With an optimized protocol incorporating T2* sequences, MRI is the modality of choice to quantify iron overload in hemochromatosis. Standard MR sequences cannot depict early stages of liver fibrosis. Advanced MR techniques (e.g. elastography, diffusion, IVIM and perfusion) for noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis appear promising but their role has to be further investigated. (orig.) [German] Die Praevalenz diffuser Lebererkrankungen nimmt zu. Der klinische Goldstandard, die Leberbiopsie, hat zahlreiche Nachteile. Es besteht ein Bedarf an bildgebenden Verfahren zur nichtinvasiven qualitativen und quantitativen Beurteilung der gesamten Leber bei diesen Erkrankungen. Hier sind Ultraschall, CT und MRT zu nennen. Steatosis: Chemical-shift- und frequenzselektive Bildgebung, MR-Spektroskopie (MRS) zur Fettquantifizierung. Haemochromatose: MR-basierte Eisenquantifizierung. Fibrose: MR-Elastographie, Diffusion, ''intravoxel incoherent motion

  10. Adjuvant chemo- and radiotherapy in gastrointestinal tumors; Adjuvante Chemo- und Strahlentherapie bei gastrointestinalen Tumoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sendler, A. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik; Feldmann, H.J. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radiologische Onkologie; Fink, U. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik; Molls, M. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radiologische Onkologie; Siewert, J.R. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik


    In modern surgical oncology, adjuvant therapies are important complementary strategies. In local advanced carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract, 5-year survival data are still disappointing despite standardized surgery. In this context, it has to be differentiated between adjuvant therapy following complete tumor exstirpation (so-called UICC R{sub 0} resection) and additive therapies following incomplete tumor resections (UICC R{sub 1} or R{sub 2} resection). Modalities in the adjuvant setting are chemotherapy, radiotherapy or the combined radio-/chemotherapy. In esophageal and gastric cancer there is up to now no benefit of postoperative adjuvant therapy. In pancreatic cancer, there are studies indicating a benefit of combined radio-/chemotherapy after complete tumor resection. A standard adjuvant chemotherapeutic treatment is proven in colon cancer stage III (Dukes C) with levamisole and 5-FU. Completely resected rectal carcinoma should be treated postoperatively with combined radio-/chemotherapy. In the common clinical or practical setting, adjuvant therapy is indicated only in locally advanced gastrointestinal tumors following R{sub 0} resection. Postoperative therapy following incomplete tumor resection has its reason only in a palliative intention. (orig.) [Deutsch] Adjuvante Therapiestrategien sind wichtige flankierende Massnahmen der modernen onkologischen Chirurgie, da u.a. die 5-Jahres-Ueberlebensquoten bei lokal fortgeschrittenen Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes nach wie vor unbefriedingend sind. Dabei muss grundsaetzlich zwischen adjuvanten Behandlungen nach kompletter Tumorexstirpation (UICC-R{sub 0}-Resektion) und der additiven Therapie nach palliativer Resektion (UICC-R{sub 1}- oder -R{sub 2}-Resektion) unterschieden werden. Als Modalitaeten kommen Chemotherapie, Strahlentherapie und ihre Kombination in Frage. Bei Oesophagus- und Magenkarzinomen kann derzeit keine gueltige Empfehlung zur adjuvanten Therapie gegeben werden. Die Radio

  11. Anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 antibodies in melanoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tosti G


    Full Text Available Giulio Tosti, Emilia Cocorocchio, Elisabetta PennacchioliDivisione Melanomi e Sarcomi, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milano, ItalyAbstract: Approaches aimed at enhancement of the tumor specific response have provided proof for the rationale of immunotherapy in cancer, both in animal models and in humans. Ipilimumab, an anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4 antibody, is a new generation immunotherapeutic agent that has shown activity in terms of disease free and overall survival in metastatic melanoma patients. Its use was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in March 2011 to treat patients with late stage melanoma that has spread or that cannot be removed by surgery. The mechanism of action of CTLA-4 antibodies in the activation of an antitumor immune response and selected clinical studies of ipilimumab in advanced melanoma patients are discussed. Ipilimumab treatment has been associated with immune related adverse events due to T-cell activation and proliferation. Most of these serious adverse effects are associated with the gastrointestinal tract and include severe diarrhea and colitis. The relationship between immune related adverse events and antitumor activity associated with ipilimumab was explored in clinical studies. Potential biomarkers predictive for clinical response and survival in patients treated with anti-CTLA-4 therapy are presently under investigation. Besides the conventional patterns of response and stable disease as defined by standard Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors criteria, in subsets of patients, ipilimumab has shown patterns of delayed clinical activity which were associated with an improved overall survival. For this reason a new set of response criteria for tumor immunotherapy has been proposed, which was termed immune related response criteria. These new criteria are presently used to better analyze clinical activity of immunotherapeutic regimens. Ipilimumab is currently under

  12. A Fast and High-precision Orientation Algorithm for BeiDou Based on Dimensionality Reduction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    ZHAO Jiaojiao


    Full Text Available A fast and high-precision orientation algorithm for BeiDou is proposed by deeply analyzing the constellation characteristics of BeiDou and GEO satellites features.With the advantage of good east-west geometry, the baseline vector candidate values were solved by the GEO satellites observations combined with the dimensionality reduction theory at first.Then, we use the ambiguity function to judge the values in order to obtain the optical baseline vector and get the wide lane integer ambiguities. On this basis, the B1 ambiguities were solved. Finally, the high-precision orientation was estimated by the determinating B1 ambiguities. This new algorithm not only can improve the ill-condition of traditional algorithm, but also can reduce the ambiguity search region to a great extent, thus calculating the integer ambiguities in a single-epoch.The algorithm is simulated by the actual BeiDou ephemeris and the result shows that the method is efficient and fast for orientation. It is capable of very high single-epoch success rate(99.31% and accurate attitude angle (the standard deviation of pitch and heading is respectively 0.07°and 0.13°in a real time and dynamic environment.

  13. Studies on the top quark mass measurement in the all-hadronic t anti t decay channel with ATLAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giovannini, Paola


    Prospects for measuring the top quark mass in the t anti t all-hadronic channel with the ATLAS detector are investigated. A robust analysis is developed on Monte Carlo simulations at √(s)=10 TeV, considering 200 pb -1 of integrated luminosity. The event selection is based on a set of topological variables and on two b-tagged jets. The top quark mass is measured by a χ 2 fitting procedure on the reconstructed invariant mass distribution and the fit result is corrected for missing b-jet energy calibration. With a top quark mass of m MC t =172.5 GeV as input to the simulation, the proposed method yields to a result of m t =173.4±2.1 vertical stroke stat ±7.3 vertical stroke sys GeV for a typical pseudo-experiment. The main contribution to the systematic error comes from the jet energy scale uncertainty. Studies on the performance of the jet calibration method used, called Local Hadron Calibration, are performed both with Monte Carlo simulations and with first ATLAS data collected for pp collisions at √(s)=900 GeV. (orig.)

  14. Studies on the top quark mass measurement in the all-hadronic t anti t decay channel with ATLAS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giovannini, Paola


    Prospects for measuring the top quark mass in the t anti t all-hadronic channel with the ATLAS detector are investigated. A robust analysis is developed on Monte Carlo simulations at {radical}(s)=10 TeV, considering 200 pb{sup -1} of integrated luminosity. The event selection is based on a set of topological variables and on two b-tagged jets. The top quark mass is measured by a {chi}{sup 2} fitting procedure on the reconstructed invariant mass distribution and the fit result is corrected for missing b-jet energy calibration. With a top quark mass of m{sup MC}{sub t}=172.5 GeV as input to the simulation, the proposed method yields to a result of m{sub t}=173.4{+-}2.1 vertical stroke {sub stat}{+-}7.3 vertical stroke {sub sys} GeV for a typical pseudo-experiment. The main contribution to the systematic error comes from the jet energy scale uncertainty. Studies on the performance of the jet calibration method used, called Local Hadron Calibration, are performed both with Monte Carlo simulations and with first ATLAS data collected for pp collisions at {radical}(s)=900 GeV. (orig.)

  15. Purification and refolding of anti-T-antigen single chain antibodies (scFvs) expressed in Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies. (United States)

    Yuasa, Noriyuki; Koyama, Tsubasa; Fujita-Yamaguchi, Yoko


    T-antigen (Galβ1-3GalNAcα-1-Ser/Thr) is an oncofetal antigen that is commonly expressed as a carbohydrate determinant in many adenocarcinomas. Since it is associated with tumor progression and metastasis, production of recombinant antibodies specific for T-antigen could lead to the development of cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. Previously, we isolated and characterized 11 anti-T-antigen phage clones from a phage library displaying human single-chain antibodies (scFvs) and purified one scFv protein, 1G11. More recently, we purified and characterized 1E8 scFv protein using a Drosophila S2 expression system. In the current study, four anti-T-antigen scFv genes belonging to Groups 1-4 were purified from inclusion bodies expressed in Escherichia coli cells. Inclusion bodies isolated from E. coli cells were denatured in 3.5 M Gdn-HCl. Solubilized His-tagged scFv proteins were purified using Ni(2+)-Sepharose column chromatography in the presence of 3.5 M Gdn-HCl. Purified scFv proteins were refolded according to a previously published method of step-wise dialysis. Two anti-T-antigen scFv proteins, 1E6 and 1E8 that belong to Groups 1 and 2, respectively, were produced in sufficient amounts, thus allowing further characterization of their binding activity with T-antigen. Specificity and affinity constants determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR), respectively, provided evidence that both 1E8 and 1E6 scFv proteins are T-antigen specific and suggested that 1E8 scFv protein has a higher affinity for T-antigen than 1E6 scFv protein.

  16. Anti-symmetric rank-two tensor matter field on superspace for N{sub T}=2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spalenza, Wesley; Ney, Wander G; Helayel-Neto, J A


    In this work, we discuss the interaction between anti-symmetric rank-two tensor matter and topological Yang-Mills fields. The matter field considered here is the rank-2 Avdeev-Chizhov tensor matter field in a suitably extended N{sub T}=2 SUSY. We start off from the N{sub T}=2, D=4 superspace formulation and we go over to Riemannian manifolds. The matter field is coupled to the topological Yang-Mills field. We show that both actions are obtained as Q-exact forms, which allows us to express the energy-momentum tensor as Q-exact observables.

  17. t anti t cross section measurement in the semi-leptonic channel at 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bannoura, Arwa; Maettig, Peter [Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Wuppertal (Germany)


    A precise measurement of the top quark properties is of great importance. In this analysis, the top pair production cross section in the semi-leptonic channel is measured using event shape based observables that discriminate t anti t events from the backgrounds. These variables are fed into an artificial neural network (ANN) in order to improve the separation strength between the signal and the backgrounds. The ANN output templates for all processes are then fitted to data using a binned maximum likelihood method. In this context, the main background which is W+jets is estimated completely from data using a new approach. Also, new ideas are proposed to constrain systematic uncertainties in order to improve the precision of the measurement.

  18. The Design of Compass/BeiDou Navigation Satellite Terminal for Migrant Bird Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yaohui Li


    Full Text Available A terminal of Compass Navigation Satellite System (CNSS, which can not only support BeiDou-1 and BeiDou-2 but also support Global Positioning System (GPS, is designed to research the activities of the migrant birds, with our novel design of a multiband antenna. By a high-density integration, this terminal is designed with a compact size and light weight. When the terminal is assembled to a whooper swan, its flying trace is recorded by the CNSS, which is in agreement with that of GPS. The flying route map based on the CNSS is useful to check the situation and habit of the migrant bird, which is important for animal protection and bird flu outbreak prediction.

  19. PET/CT in lymphoma patients; PET-CT bei Lymphompatienten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steinert, H.C. [Universitaetsspital Zuerich, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin (Switzerland)


    First results of PET/CT in Hodgkin's disease (HD) and aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) are reported. From March 2001 to August 2004 822 PET/CT were performed at our clinic in lymphoma patients for primary staging, restaging after therapy, and diagnosis of recurrence. For coregistration non contrast-enhanced low-dose CT were used. Due to the exact anatomic localization of {sup 18}F-FDG accumulating lesions equivocal or false positive PET findings are avoided. In comparison to contrast enhanced CT, PET/CT has a higher sensitivity and specificity in patients with HD and aggressive NHL. Integration of PET/CT in treatment planning of radiation therapy optimizes the field volume. Even in the initial phase of clinical evaluation, PET/CT has proven useful in staging and restaging of lymphoma. The exact anatomic localization of the PET findings is essential for a precise report, for treatment planning of radiation therapy, and for planning surgical biopsy. (orig.) [German] Erste Ergebnisse der PET-CT bei Morbus Hodgkin (HD) und den aggressiven Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen (NHL) werden beschrieben. Von Maerz 2001 bis August 2004 wurden 822 PET-CT bei Lymphompatienten zum primaeren Staging, zum Restaging nach Therapie und zur Rezidivdiagnostik an unserer Klinik durchgefuehrt. Fuer die Koregistration wurde ein Low-dose-CT ohne i.v.-Kontrastmittel verwendet. Durch die exakte anatomische Zuordnung der {sup 18}F-FDG aufnehmenden Laesionen wurden unklare oder falsch-positive PET-Befunde vermieden. Die PET-CT erzielte im Vergleich zur KM-verstaerkten CT eine hoehere Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet bei Patienten mit HD und aggressiven NHL. Die Integration der PET-CT in die Planung der Strahlentherapie fuehrte zu einer Optimierung der Feldgrenzen. Die PET-CT hat sich bereits in der Phase der initialen klinischen Evaluation als wertvoll beim Staging und Restaging von Lymphomen erwiesen. Die exakte anatomische Zuordnung der PET-Informationen ist fuer eine sichere Befundung

  20. Functional magnetic resonance imaging with ultra-high fields; Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie bei ultrahohen Feldern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Windischberger, C.; Schoepf, V.; Sladky, R.; Moser, E. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Exzellenzzentrum Hochfeld-MR, Wien (Austria); Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Zentrum fuer Medizinische Physik und Biomedizinische Technik, Wien (Austria); Fischmeister, F.P.S. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Exzellenzzentrum Hochfeld-MR, Wien (Austria); Universitaet Wien, Fakultaet fuer Psychologie, Wien (Austria)


    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is currently the primary method for non-invasive functional localization in the brain. With the emergence of MR systems with field strengths of 4 Tesla and above, neuronal activation may be studied with unprecedented accuracy. In this article we present different approaches to use the improved sensitivity and specificity for expanding current fMRT resolution limits in space and time based on several 7 Tesla studies. In addition to the challenges that arise with ultra-high magnetic fields possible solutions will be discussed. (orig.) [German] Die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) stellt zurzeit die wichtigste Methode zur nichtinvasiven Funktionslokalisation im Gehirn dar. Mit der Verfuegbarkeit von MRT-Geraeten mit Magnetfeldstaerken von 4 Tesla (T) und darueber ergeben sich neue Moeglichkeiten, mittels fMRT die neuronale Aktivitaet in bislang unerreichter Genauigkeit zu untersuchen. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir anhand mehrerer Studien bei 7 T, in wieweit die Zugewinne an Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet verwendet werden koennen, um die bisherigen Grenzen der fMRT-Aufloesung in raeumlicher und zeitlicher Hinsicht auszuweiten. Die neuen Herausforderungen, die mit dem Schritt zu ultrahohen Magnetfeldern einhergehen, werden dabei ebenso diskutiert wie moegliche Ansaetze zu deren Loesung. (orig.)

  1. Anti-Aspergillus human host defence relies on type 1 T helper (Th1), rather than type 17 T helper (Th17), cellular immunity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.Y.A. Chai (Louis); F. van de Veerdonk (Frank); R.J. Marijnissen (Renoud); S.C. Cheng (Shih-Chin); A.L. Khoo; M. Hectors (Magda); K. Lagrou (Katrien); A.G. Vonk (Alieke); J. Maertens (Johan); L.A.B. Joosten (Leo); B.J. Kullberg (Bart Jan); M.G. Netea (Mihai)


    textabstractSummary Both interferon-γ-producing type 1 T helper (Th1)- and interleukin-17 (IL-17)-producing Th17 cells have been proposed to be involved in anti-fungal host defence. Although invasive aspergillosis is one of the most severe human fungal infections, little is known regarding the

  2. Modified double contrast-enhanced examination of the stomach of adipose patients after vertical gastroplasty; Modifizierte Doppelkontrast-Untersuchung des Magens bei adipoesen Patienten nach vertikaler Gastroplastie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raissaki, M.T. [Institut fuer Bildgebende Diagnostik, Universitaetsklinik Heraklion (Greece); Prassopoulos, P. [Institut fuer Bildgebende Diagnostik, Universitaetsklinik Heraklion (Greece); Hatjidakis, A.A. [Institut fuer Bildgebende Diagnostik, Universitaetsklinik Heraklion (Greece); Christodoulakis, M. [Klinik fuer Chirurgische Onkologie der Universitaetsklinik Heraklion (Greece); Melissas, J. [Klinik fuer Chirurgische Onkologie der Universitaetsklinik Heraklion (Greece); Gourtsoyiannis, N.C. [Institut fuer Bildgebende Diagnostik, Universitaetsklinik Heraklion (Greece)


    The study reported covers 28 patients who were examined once by radiology before surgery, and twice after surgery. The first post-surgery examination was done on days 5-7, the second during the 4th until 6th month after surgery. For the first examination, water-soluble contrast agent was initially applied, then barium containing contrast agent. The second examination was done by modified double contrast technique. The most frequent, pre-surgery findings revealed gastro-esophageal reflux in 13 patients. The first post-surgery control detected a somastenosis in 2 patients, while the second control examination detected complications of various nature in 11 patients and gastro-esophageal reflux in 5 patients. In 6 patients, discrepancy between clinical and radiological findings was stated. The pouch size did not correlate with the frequency of complications, or with the body-to-mass index decrease. The examination method proposed in this article yields pre-surgery information on the anatomy of the stomach, more accurate dewscription of post-surgery complications, and better evaluation of the antireflux effect of the vertical gastroplasty. (orig.) [Deutsch] In der Studie wurden 28 Patienten einmal praeoperativ und zweimal postoperativ roentgenologisch kontrolliert. Die erste postoperative Kontrolle fand am 5.-7. Tag und die zweite im 4.-6. Monat nach dem Eingriff statt. Bei der ersten Kontrolle wurde zuerst wasserloesliches und anschliessend bariumhaltiges Kontrastmittel benutzt, waehrend bei der zweiten Kontrolle eine modifizierte Doppelkontrast-Untersuchung durchgefuehrt wurde. Der haeufigste praeoperative Befund war der gastrooesophageale Reflux bei 13 Patienten. Bei der ersten praeoperativen Kontrolle fand sich bei 2 Patienten eine Stomastenose, waehrend bei der zweiten verschiedene Komplikationen bei 11 sowie gastrooesophagealer Reflux bei 5 Patienten vorlagen. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen radiologischen und klinischen Befunden fanden wir bei 6 Patienten. Die

  3. Hypocotyl shape in radishes - a useful impact criterion for biological indication of ozone?; Hypokotyl-Form bei Radieschen - ein sinnvolles Wirkungskriterium fuer die Bioindikation von Ozon?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kostka-Rick, R.


    A consistent correlation between certain `source` leaves and specific `sink` regions in the root of Beta vulgaris L. justifies to study the impact of ozone (O{sub 3}) on the shape of the hypocotyl in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and the potential use of shape variants as effect criteria. A 7-day period of exposure to O{sub 3} ranging within realistic immission levels caused a nonsignificant reduction of hypocotyl fresh weight in radish. Two out three of the shape indices under study were also changed by ozone exposure - sometimes significantly. A discriminance function derived from several shape indices with or without fresh weight allowed a significant separation between the two O{sub 3}-treatment variants. Treatment with the anti-oxidant ethylene diurea (EDU) had no essential effect on hypocotyl shape. The author discusses the use of shape variants for ozone bio-indication. (orig.) [Deutsch] Eine konsistente Beziehung zwischen bestimmten `source`-Blaettern und spezifischen `sink`-Regionen in der Wurzel von Beta vulgaris L. rechtfertigt die Ueberpruefung des Einflusses von Ozon (O{sub 3}) auf die Form des Hypokotyls bei Radies (Raphanus sativus L.) und der potentiellen Nutzung von Formvariablen als Wirkungskriterium. Eine 7taegige O{sub 3}-Belastung im Bereich realistischer Immissionskonzentrationen verursachte eine nicht-signifikante Minderung des Hypokotyl-Frischgewichtes von Radies. Zwei von drei der untersuchten Formindizes wurden durch die Ozon-Belastung ebenfalls, z.T. signifikant, veraendert. Eine Diskriminanzfunktion aus mehreren Formindizes, mit oder ohne Einbeziehung des Frischgewichtes, gestattete eine signifikante Trennung zwischen den beiden O{sub 3}-Behandlungsvarianten. Eine Behandlung mit dem Anti-oxidants Ethylendiurea (EDU) hatte keinen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Hypokotylform. Die Moeglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Formvariablen in der Bioindikation von Ozon werden diskutiert. (orig.)

  4. Mobilitätsbiografie und Netzwerkgeografie. Kontaktmobilität in ego-zentrierten Netzwerken


    Ohnmacht, Timo


    Vor dem Hintergrund der erkennbaren zunehmenden Mobilisierung sozialer Akteure – sowohl im kurzfristigen Alltag als auch bei längerfristigen Standortentscheidungen – stieg in jüngster Vergangenheit das Interesse der Sozialwissenschaften an der räumlichen Mobilität sozialer Akteure und den daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die sozialen Prozesse der Vergemeinschaftung. Auf diesem Forschungsgebiet aufbauend steht in dieser Arbeit die Wechselwirkung von Raum, Mobilität und soz...

  5. Depletion of tumor-associated macrophages switches the epigenetic profile of pancreatic cancer infiltrating T cells and restores their anti-tumor phenotype. (United States)

    Borgoni, Simone; Iannello, Andrea; Cutrupi, Santina; Allavena, Paola; D'Incalci, Maurizio; Novelli, Francesco; Cappello, Paola


    Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDA) is characterized by a complex tumor microenvironment that supports its progression, aggressiveness and resistance to therapies. The delicate interplay between cancer and immune cells creates the conditions for PDA development, particularly due to the functional suppression of T cell anti-tumor effector activity. However, some of the mechanisms involved in this process are still poorly understood. In this study, we analyze whether the functional and epigenetic profile of T cells that infiltrate PDA is modulated by the microenvironment, and in particular by tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs). CD4 and CD8 T cells obtained from mice orthotopically injected with syngeneic PDA cells, and untreated or treated with Trabectedin, a cytotoxic drug that specifically targets TAMs, were sorted and analyzed by flow cytometry and characterized for their epigenetic profile. Assessment of cytokine production and the epigenetic profile of genes coding for IL10, T-bet and PD1 revealed that T cells that infiltrated PDA displayed activated Il10 promoter and repressed T-bet activity, in agreement with their regulatory phenotype (IL10 high /IFNγ low , PD1 high ). By contrast, in Trabectedin-treated mice, PDA-infiltrating T cells displayed repressed Il10 and Pdcd1 and activated T-bet promoter activity, in accordance with their anti-tumor effector phenotype (IL10 low /IFNγ high ), indicating a key role of TAMs in orchestrating functions of PDA-infiltrating T cells by modulating their epigenetic profile towards a pro-tumoral phenotype. These results suggest the targeting of TAMs as an efficient strategy to obtain an appropriate T cell anti-tumor immune response and open new potential combinations for PDA treatment.

  6. Experimental study on the precise orbit determination of the BeiDou navigation satellite system. (United States)

    He, Lina; Ge, Maorong; Wang, Jiexian; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    The regional service of the Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system is now in operation with a constellation including five Geostationary Earth Orbit satellites (GEO), five Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites and four Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. Besides the standard positioning service with positioning accuracy of about 10 m, both precise relative positioning and precise point positioning are already demonstrated. As is well known, precise orbit and clock determination is essential in enhancing precise positioning services. To improve the satellite orbits of the BeiDou regional system, we concentrate on the impact of the tracking geometry and the involvement of MEOs, and on the effect of integer ambiguity resolution as well. About seven weeks of data collected at the BeiDou Experimental Test Service (BETS) network is employed in this experimental study. Several tracking scenarios are defined, various processing schemata are designed and carried out; and then, the estimates are compared and analyzed in detail. The results show that GEO orbits, especially the along-track component, can be significantly improved by extending the tracking network in China along longitude direction, whereas IGSOs gain more improvement if the tracking network extends in latitude. The involvement of MEOs and ambiguity-fixing also make the orbits better.

  7. Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of Tagetes minuta essential oil in activated macrophages (United States)

    Karimian, Parastoo; Kavoosi, Gholamreza; Amirghofran, Zahra


    Objective To investigate antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Tagetes minuta (T. minuta) essential oil. Methods In the present study T. minuta essential oil was obtained from leaves of T. minuta via hydro-distillation and then was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The anti-oxidant capacity of T. minuta essential oil was examined by measuring reactive oxygen, reactive nitrogen species and hydrogen peroxide scavenging. The anti-inflammatory activity of T. minuta essential oil was determined through measuring NADH oxidase, inducible nitric oxide synthase and TNF-α mRNA expression in lipopolysacharide-stimulated murine macrophages using real-time PCR. Results Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis indicated that the main components in the T. minuta essential oil were dihydrotagetone (33.86%), E-ocimene (19.92%), tagetone (16.15%), cis-β-ocimene (7.94%), Z-ocimene (5.27%), limonene (3.1%) and epoxyocimene (2.03%). The T. minuta essential oil had the ability to scavenge all reactive oxygen/reactive nitrogen species radicals with IC50 12-15 µg/mL, which indicated a potent radical scavenging activity. In addition, T. minuta essential oil significantly reduced NADH oxidase, inducible nitric oxide synthaseand TNF-α mRNA expression in the cells at concentrations of 50 µg/mL, indicating a capacity of this product to potentially modulate/diminish immune responses. Conclusions T. minuta essential oil has radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities and could potentially be used as a safe effective source of natural anti-oxidants in therapy against oxidative damage and stress associated with some inflammatory conditions. PMID:25182441

  8. Complimentary mechanisms of dual checkpoint blockade expand unique T-cell repertoires and activate adaptive anti-tumor immunity in triple-negative breast tumors (United States)

    Wei, Junping; Yang, Xiao Yi; Lei, Gangjun; Wang, Tao; Liu, Cong-Xiao; Morse, Michael A.; Gouin, Kenneth; Knott, Simon R. V.; Hartman, Zachary C.


    ABSTRACT Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive and molecularly diverse breast cancer subtype typified by the presence of p53 mutations (∼80%), elevated immune gene signatures and neoantigen expression, as well as the presence of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). As these factors are hypothesized to be strong immunologic prerequisites for the use of immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) antibodies, multiple clinical trials testing single ICBs have advanced to Phase III, with early indications of heterogeneous response rates of <20% to anti-PD1 and anti-PDL1 ICB. While promising, these modest response rates highlight the need for mechanistic studies to understand how different ICBs function, how their combination impacts functionality and efficacy, as well as what immunologic parameters predict efficacy to different ICBs regimens in TNBC. To address these issues, we tested anti-PD1 and anti-CTLA4 in multiple models of TNBC and found that their combination profoundly enhanced the efficacy of either treatment alone. We demonstrate that this efficacy is due to anti-CTLA4-driven expansion of an individually unique T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire whose functionality is enhanced by both intratumoral Treg suppression and anti-PD1 blockade of tumor expressed PDL1. Notably, the individuality of the TCR repertoire was observed regardless of whether the tumor cells expressed a nonself antigen (ovalbumin) or if tumor-specific transgenic T-cells were transferred prior to sequencing. However, responsiveness was strongly correlated with systemic measures of tumor-specific T-cell and B-cell responses, which along with systemic assessment of TCR expansion, may serve as the most useful predictors for clinical responsiveness in future clinical trials of TNBC utilizing anti-PD1/anti-CTLA4 ICB. PMID:29721371

  9. Complimentary mechanisms of dual checkpoint blockade expand unique T-cell repertoires and activate adaptive anti-tumor immunity in triple-negative breast tumors. (United States)

    Crosby, Erika J; Wei, Junping; Yang, Xiao Yi; Lei, Gangjun; Wang, Tao; Liu, Cong-Xiao; Agarwal, Pankaj; Korman, Alan J; Morse, Michael A; Gouin, Kenneth; Knott, Simon R V; Lyerly, H Kim; Hartman, Zachary C


    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive and molecularly diverse breast cancer subtype typified by the presence of p53 mutations (∼80%), elevated immune gene signatures and neoantigen expression, as well as the presence of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). As these factors are hypothesized to be strong immunologic prerequisites for the use of immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) antibodies, multiple clinical trials testing single ICBs have advanced to Phase III, with early indications of heterogeneous response rates of <20% to anti-PD1 and anti-PDL1 ICB. While promising, these modest response rates highlight the need for mechanistic studies to understand how different ICBs function, how their combination impacts functionality and efficacy, as well as what immunologic parameters predict efficacy to different ICBs regimens in TNBC. To address these issues, we tested anti-PD1 and anti-CTLA4 in multiple models of TNBC and found that their combination profoundly enhanced the efficacy of either treatment alone. We demonstrate that this efficacy is due to anti-CTLA4-driven expansion of an individually unique T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire whose functionality is enhanced by both intratumoral Treg suppression and anti-PD1 blockade of tumor expressed PDL1. Notably, the individuality of the TCR repertoire was observed regardless of whether the tumor cells expressed a nonself antigen (ovalbumin) or if tumor-specific transgenic T-cells were transferred prior to sequencing. However, responsiveness was strongly correlated with systemic measures of tumor-specific T-cell and B-cell responses, which along with systemic assessment of TCR expansion, may serve as the most useful predictors for clinical responsiveness in future clinical trials of TNBC utilizing anti-PD1/anti-CTLA4 ICB.

  10. Anti-HER2 CD4(+) T-helper type 1 response is a novel immune correlate to pathologic response following neoadjuvant therapy in HER2-positive breast cancer. (United States)

    Datta, Jashodeep; Berk, Erik; Xu, Shuwen; Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth; Rosemblit, Cinthia; Lowenfeld, Lea; Goodman, Noah; Lewis, David A; Zhang, Paul J; Fisher, Carla; Roses, Robert E; DeMichele, Angela; Czerniecki, Brian J


    A progressive loss of circulating anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor-2/neu (HER2) CD4(+) T-helper type 1 (Th1) immune responses is observed in HER2(pos)-invasive breast cancer (IBC) patients relative to healthy controls. Pathologic complete response (pCR) following neoadjuvant trastuzumab and chemotherapy (T + C) is associated with decreased recurrence and improved prognosis. We examined differences in anti-HER2 Th1 responses between pCR and non-pCR patients to identify modifiable immune correlates to pathologic response following neoadjuvant T + C. Anti-HER2 Th1 responses in 87 HER2(pos)-IBC patients were examined using peripheral blood mononuclear cells pulsed with 6 HER2-derived class II peptides via IFN-γ ELISPOT. Th1 response metrics were anti-HER2 responsivity, repertoire (number of reactive peptides), and cumulative response across 6 peptides (spot-forming cells [SFC]/10(6) cells). Anti-HER2 Th1 responses of non-pCR patients (n = 4) receiving adjuvant HER2-pulsed type 1-polarized dendritic cell (DC1) vaccination were analyzed pre- and post-immunization. Depressed anti-HER2 Th1 responses observed in treatment-naïve HER2(pos)-IBC patients (n = 22) did not improve globally in T + C-treated HER2(pos)-IBC patients (n = 65). Compared with adjuvant T + C receipt, neoadjuvant T + C - utilized in 61.5 % - was associated with higher anti-HER2 Th1 repertoire (p = 0.048). While pCR (n = 16) and non-pCR (n = 24) patients did not differ substantially in demographic/clinical characteristics, pCR patients demonstrated dramatically higher anti-HER2 Th1 responsivity (94 % vs. 33 %, p = 0.0002), repertoire (3.3 vs. 0.3 peptides, p vs. 22.4 SFC/10(6), p non-pCR patients. After controlling for potential confounders, anti-HER2 Th1 responsivity remained independently associated with pathologic response (odds ratio 8.82, p = 0.016). This IFN-γ(+) immune disparity was mediated by anti-HER2 CD4(+)T-bet(+)IFN-γ(+) (i.e., Th1) - not CD4(+)GATA-3(+)IFN-γ(+) (i.e., Th2

  11. Penile angiography and superselective embolization therapy in arterial priapism; Penisangiographie und superselektive Embolisationstherapie bei high-flow Priapismus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinkel, H.P.; Triller, J. [Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Inselspital, Univ. Bern (Switzerland); Hochreiter, W. [Urologische Klinik, Inselspital, Univ. Bern (Switzerland)


    Purpose: To report feasibility, benefit and complications of penile angiography and superselective penile embolization in arterial priapism. Materials and Methods: Four consecutive patients (aged 28, 29, 40 and 49 years), who underwent penile angiography for arterial priapism (high-flow priapism) within a four-year period, were identified by a keyword search of our radiology information system. One patient had sustained a direct penile trauma (severe blow to the erected penis) and three patients suffered from recurrent spontaneous priapism. All patients had previously undergone corporeal aspiration and noradrenaline injection to achieve detumescence. Two patients had one or several unsuccessful spongiocavernous shunt procedures. Results: In three of the four patients, superselective pudendal and penile angiography demonstrated pathologic arteriocavernous shunting. In two of the three patients, superselective embolization using a coaxial micro-catheter was attempted. In one of the two patients, the cavernous artery became spastic before embolization material was actually injected, inducing immediate and lasting detumescence. In the other patient, unilateral Gelfoam embolization led to immediate detumescence but the priapism recurred 12 hours after the procedure. A subsequent contralateral Gelfoam embolization was successful. Erectile function was preserved in all cases. No procedure-related complications occurred. Conclusion: Our experience supports the prevailing opinion found in the current literature that superselective coaxial embolization constitutes the treatment of choice in patients with high-flow priapism. Prognosis is good with high probability of preserving the erectile function. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Untersuchung der Interventionsmoeglichkeiten bei arteriellem (high-flow) Priapismus durch endovaskulaere superselektive Embolisation der Penisarterien. Methode: Alle innerhalb eines Vierjahreszeitraums (1/99-5/2002) wegen Priapismus zur Angiographie

  12. Investigação do comportamento térmico e de polimorfismo do anti-histamínico loratadina


    Luiz Antonio Ramos


    O comportamento térmico, a obtenção e caracterização de formas cristalinas do anti-histamínico loratadina foram investigado. A escolha do anti-histamínico loratadina como objeto de estudo resulta do seu interesse farmacológico. A loratadina é a Denominação Comum Internacional (DCI) dada ao etil 4-(8-cloro-5,6-dihidro-11H-benzo[5,6]cicloheptano[1,2-b]piridino-11-ilideno)-1-piperidinocarboxilato, que é um potente antialérgico e anti-histamínicos tricíclico, não-sedativo de ação prolongada. Form...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danival Sousa Cavalcante


    Full Text Available O fenômeno da globalização, em grande medida, implica a homogeneização de estratégias e práticas, em busca de maior eficiência e/ou legitimidade. No contexto atual, diversos tipos de organizações inserem-se no mercado global. Todas assumem, assim, a obrigação de prestar contas acerca de suas operações e resultados, para um amplo conjunto de stakeholders. Neste cenário, a contabilidade assume papel informacional estratégico, através de técnicas que retratem a posição econômica e a financeira das organizações para os diversos usuários. Verifica-se, porém, um paradoxo, pois, apesar da necessidade de os relatórios contábeis serem cada vez mais globalizados, cada país tem práticas contábeis próprias. O estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre a globalização e o processo de harmonização contábil internacional. A metodologia alinha-se ao modelo de compilação, quando se busca compulsar criticamente parte significativa da literatura pertinente disponível e expô-la de forma clara. Conclui-se que a globalização atua como mecanismo de isomorfismo. O início do processo de harmonização contábil se deu sob o choque da globalização, no início da década de 1990. Como sistema normativo, a governança corporativa constitui, também, um mecanismo de isomorfismo, contribuindo para a convergência das normas contábeis.

  14. Anti-apoptotic effect of hyperglycemia can allow survival of potentially autoreactive T cells. (United States)

    Ramakrishnan, P; Kahn, D A; Baltimore, D


    Thymocyte development is a tightly controlled multi-step process involving selective elimination of self-reactive and non-functional T cells by apoptosis. This developmental process depends on signaling by Notch, IL-7 and active glucose metabolism. In this study, we explored the requirement of glucose for thymocyte survival and found that in addition to metabolic regulation, glucose leads to the expression of anti-apoptotic genes. Under hyperglycemic conditions, both mouse and human thymocytes demonstrate enhanced survival. We show that glucose-induced anti-apoptotic genes are dependent on NF-κB p65 because high glucose is unable to attenuate normal ongoing apoptosis of thymocytes isolated from p65 knockout mice. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in vivo hyperglycemia decreases apoptosis of thymocytes allowing for survival of potentially self-reactive thymocytes. These results imply that hyperglycemic conditions could contribute to the development of autoimmunity through dysregulated thymic selection. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited

  15. The impact of the photon PDF and electroweak corrections on t anti t distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pagani, D.; Tsinikos, I.; Zaro, M.


    We discuss the impact of EW corrections on differential distributions in top-quark pair production at the LHC and future hadron colliders, focussing on the effects of initial-state photons. Performing a calculation at Next-to-Leading Order QCD+EW accuracy, we investigate in detail the impact of photon-initiated channels on central values as well as PDF and scale uncertainties, both at order α s α and α s 2 α. We present predictions at 13 and 100 TeV, and provide results for the 8 TeV differential measurements performed by ATLAS and CMS. A thorough comparison of results obtained with the NNPDF2.3QED and CT14QED PDF sets is performed. While contributions due to the photon PDF are negligible with CT14QED, this is not the case for NNPDF2.3QED, where such contributions are sizeable and show large PDF uncertainties. On the one hand, we show that differential observables in top-pair production, in particular top-quark and t anti t rapidities, can be used to improve the determination of the photon PDF within the NNPDF approach. On the other hand, with current PDF sets, we demonstrate the necessity of including EW corrections and photon-induced contributions for a correct determination of both the central value and the uncertainties of theoretical predictions. (orig.)

  16. The impact of the photon PDF and electroweak corrections on t anti t distributions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pagani, D.; Tsinikos, I. [Universite Catholique de Louvain, Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium); Zaro, M. [Sorbonne Universites, UPMC University Paris 06, UMR 589, LPTHE, Paris (France); CNRS, UMR 7589, LPTHE, Paris (France)


    We discuss the impact of EW corrections on differential distributions in top-quark pair production at the LHC and future hadron colliders, focussing on the effects of initial-state photons. Performing a calculation at Next-to-Leading Order QCD+EW accuracy, we investigate in detail the impact of photon-initiated channels on central values as well as PDF and scale uncertainties, both at order α{sub s}α and α{sub s}{sup 2}α. We present predictions at 13 and 100 TeV, and provide results for the 8 TeV differential measurements performed by ATLAS and CMS. A thorough comparison of results obtained with the NNPDF2.3QED and CT14QED PDF sets is performed. While contributions due to the photon PDF are negligible with CT14QED, this is not the case for NNPDF2.3QED, where such contributions are sizeable and show large PDF uncertainties. On the one hand, we show that differential observables in top-pair production, in particular top-quark and t anti t rapidities, can be used to improve the determination of the photon PDF within the NNPDF approach. On the other hand, with current PDF sets, we demonstrate the necessity of including EW corrections and photon-induced contributions for a correct determination of both the central value and the uncertainties of theoretical predictions. (orig.)

  17. Aderência das Demonstrações Contábeis dos Fundos de Pensão do Brasil aos Padrões Contábeis Internacionais: Uma Análise Comparativa à Luz da IAS 26

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roswelton Anjos de Paula


    Full Text Available Apesar de o processo de convergência aos padrões internacionais provocar discussões nos vários ramos da Contabilidade, no Brasil os fundos de pensão devem observar um padrão contábil próprio, respeitando a independência patrimonial de todos os planos de benefícios dos fundos de pensão e identificando, separadamente, os planos previdenciais e assistenciais administrados pelas entidades fechadas de previdência complementar (EFPC. Com o intuito de verificar em que medida a elaboração das demonstrações contábeis das EFPC se encontra aderente aos padrões contábeis internacionais, foi efetuada uma análise comparativa entre os elementos que compõem as estruturas da Demonstração da Mutação do Ativo Líquido (DMAL, da Demonstração do Ativo Líquido (DAL e da Demonstração das Obrigações Atuariais do Plano de Benefícios (DOAP, definidas pelo padrão próprio brasileiro, e os elementos estabelecidos pela IAS 26 - Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans, que se aplica às demonstrações contábeis dos planos de benefícios, relatando e fornecendo informações aos participantes sobre os recursos e os benefícios do plano ao longo do tempo. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e coleta de dados realizada de forma essencialmente documental. A justificativa para o estudo está na percepção de que o desenvolvimento de um padrão próprio pode comprometer a inserção da Contabilidade dos fundos de pensão do Brasil nas melhores práticas internacionais, e inibir a participação de eventuais investidores na capitalização desses fundos. Os resultados mostram que as estruturas dos elementos que compõem as demonstrações contábeis desses fundos se encontram, em sua maior parte, aderentes ao disposto na IAS 26, sendo observadas, contudo, divergências de caráter formal nas estruturas das demonstrações contábeis e na mensuração a valor justo dos investimentos, pass

  18. Calculation and Analysis of Differential Corrections for BeiDou (United States)

    Yang, Sainan; Chen, Junping; Zhang, Yize


    BeiDou Satellite Navigation System has been providing service forAsia-Pacific area. BeiDou uses observations of regional monitoring network to determine satellite orbit, which limits the satellite orbit accuracy. And the satellite clock error is produced by time synchronization system. The time synchronization delay of antenna device is general obtained through prior Calibration, and the residual calibration error is included in the satellite clock, which affects the prediction accuracy of satellite clock error. In this paper, we study the algorithms of Beidou differential corrections to improve the accuracy of satellite signals to improve the user positioning accuracy. In this algorithm, both pseudo-range and phase observations are used to calculate differential corrections. We process pseudo-range observations to obtain equivalent satellite clock error, which include satellite clock errors and orbit radial errors, as well as the average projection of orbit tangential and normal errors in combination. And the epoch-difference of phase observations are processed to eliminate the ambiguity which simplifies algorithms and ensure the relative accuracy (corrections variety between the epochs). Observations more than 10 stations in China are processed, and the equivalent clock error calculation results are analyzed, which shows that the satellite UDRE are significantly reduced and user location accuracy improves when the equivalent clock error corrections are applied. The residuals deducting equivalent satellite clock error contains the projection difference of satellite orbit error in all station (tangential and normal errors are main). We utilize the residuals to solve the tangential and normal orbit errors which cause the projection difference. The same observation data is processed. The results show that after calculating three-dimensional corrections, the satellite UDRE doesn't improve significantly compared to equivalent satellite clock error corrections and user

  19. Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty for spinal trauma; Kyphoplastie und Vertebroplastie bei Wirbelsaeulentraumata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahlhelm, F. [Kantonsspital Baden AG, Abteilung fuer Neuroradiologie, Institut fuer Radiologie, Baden (Switzerland); Omidi, R. [Kantonsspital Baden AG, Interventionelle Radiologie, Institut fuer Radiologie, Baden (Switzerland)


    Minimally invasive treatment of spinal fractures. Conservative treatment versus spinal surgery. Minimally invasive stabilization techniques, such as percutaneous (assisted) cementoplasty have been introduced as new procedures. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-rays and computed tomography (CT) are the imaging techniques of first choice. The most important questions concern recent fractures, instability and indications for minimally invasive treatment. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are established methods for the treatment of patients with osteoporosis. Cementoplasty techniques are promising treatment options for traumatic spinal injuries. The application of the techniques should best be carried out in individual cases within the framework of prospective controlled studies. (orig.) [German] Minimal-invasive Behandlung von Wirbelsaeulentraumata. Konservative Behandlung vs. Wirbelsaeulenchirurgie. Als neue Verfahren wurden minimal-invasive Stabilisationstechniken, z. B. perkutane (assistierte) Zementoplastien eingefuehrt. Roentgen, MRT und CT sind die bildgebenden Verfahren der ersten Wahl. Die wichtigsten Fragestellungen sind: Frische Fraktur? Instabilitaet? Indikation fuer minimal-invasive Behandlung ?Vertebroplastie und Kyphoplastie sind bei Osteoporosepatienten etabliert. Bei Wirbelsaeulentraumata sind Zementoplastietechniken vielversprechende Therapieoptionen. Die Anwendung der Techniken sollte im individuellen Fall am besten im Rahmen prospektiver kontrollierter Studien erfolgen. (orig.)

  20. Anti-adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma effects of indole-3-carbinol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Okudaira Taeko


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL is a malignancy derived from T cells infected with human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1, and it is known to be resistant to standard anticancer therapies. Indole-3-carbinol (I3C, a naturally occurring component of Brassica vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprout, is a promising chemopreventive agent as it is reported to possess antimutagenic, antitumorigenic and antiestrogenic properties in experimental studies. The aim of this study was to determine the potential anti-ATLL effects of I3C both in vitro and in vivo. Results In the in vitro study, I3C inhibited cell viability of HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines and ATLL cells in a dose-dependent manner. Importantly, I3C did not exert any inhibitory effect on uninfected T-cell lines and normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells. I3C prevented the G1/S transition by reducing the expression of cyclin D1, cyclin D2, Cdk4 and Cdk6, and induced apoptosis by reducing the expression of XIAP, survivin and Bcl-2, and by upregulating the expression of Bak. The induced apoptosis was associated with activation of caspase-3, -8 and -9, and poly(ADP-ribose polymerase cleavage. I3C also suppressed IκBα phosphorylation and JunD expression, resulting in inactivation of NF-κB and AP-1. Inoculation of HTLV-1-infected T cells in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency resulted in tumor growth. The latter was inhibited by treatment with I3C (50 mg/kg/day orally, but not the vehicle control. Conclusion Our preclinical data suggest that I3C could be potentially a useful chemotherapeutic agent for patients with ATLL.

  1. Guidelines on {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA scintigraphy in children; Empfehlungen zur Durchfuehrung der DMSA-Szintigraphie bei Kindern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piepsz, A. [CHU St. Pierre, Bruessel (Belgium); Colarinha, P. [Instituto Portugues de Oncologia, Lissabon (Portugal); Gordon, I. [Great Ormend Street Hospital for Children, London (United Kingdom); Hahn, K. [Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Olivier, P. [CHU Vandoeuvre, Nancy (France); Roca, I.; Velzen, J. van [Hospital Vall d' Hebron, Barcelona (Spain); Sixt, R. [The Queen Silvia Children' s Hospital, Goeteborg (Sweden)


    The guidelines are intended to help nuclear medical teams in their daily routine. The guidelines give information relating to indications, imaging parameters, data evaluation and interpretation. The guidelines are in line with the opinions of the Paediatric Committee of EANM and hence focus on approaches adopted in Europe, e.g. as regards selection of the radiopharmaceuticals or activity levels applied. The guidelines should be seen in the context of local quality standards and regulatory requirements. (orig./CB) [German] Zweck dieser Empfehlung ist es, dem Nuklearmedizinischen Team bei Tc-DMSA-Szintigraphie von Kindern Hilfestellung fuer die taegliche Routinepraxis zu geben. Die Empfehlung enthaelt Informationen ueber Indikationen, Aufnahmeparameter, Auswertung und Interpretation der DMSA-Szintigraphie bei Kindern. Die vorliegende Empfehlung fasst die Meinung des Paediatric Committee der EANM zusammen und ist daher mehr auf die Europaeische Vorgehensweise, z.B. bei der Wahl des Radiopharmazeutikums und den verwendeten Aktivitaetsmengen, ausgerichtet. Sie sollte immer in Zusammenhang mit lokalen Qualitaetsstandards und Vorschriften gesehen werden. (orig.)

  2. Identificação de indicadores contábeis relevantes para previsão e projeção de rentabilidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrei Aparecido de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Vários estudos utilizando indicadores contábeis para a previsão de insolvência têm sido desenvolvidos desde as décadas de sessenta e setenta. Esses trabalhos buscam prever um possível estado de deterioração do desempenho financeiro das empresas, utilizando-se de modelos estatísticos. A presente pesquisa buscou identificar quais os indicadores contábeis mais significativos para a previsão de rentabilidade das empresas, propondo uma função que utilize indicadores passados como base para prever rentabilidade futura. Foram empregadas informações de todas as empresas não financeiras que estavam ativas e possuíam ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Bovespa nos anos de 2004, 2003 e 2002. Utilizando-se a análise descritiva e empregando o modelo de regressão linear múltipla, verificaram-se quais foram as variáveis mais significativas com suas respectivas Ponderações. Conclui-se com uma função de previsão de ROA, contendo cinco variáveis independentes estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5% (cinco porcento das doze selecionadas para o modelo inicial.

  3. Highly active microbial phosphoantigen induces rapid yet sustained MEK/Erk- and PI-3K/Akt-mediated signal transduction in anti-tumor human gammadelta T-cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel V Correia

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The unique responsiveness of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T-cells, the major gammadelta subset of human peripheral blood, to non-peptidic prenyl pyrophosphate antigens constitutes the basis of current gammadelta T-cell-based cancer immunotherapy strategies. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for phosphoantigen-mediated activation of human gammadelta T-cells remain unclear. In particular, previous reports have described a very slow kinetics of activation of T-cell receptor (TCR-associated signal transduction pathways by isopentenyl pyrophosphate and bromohydrin pyrophosphate, seemingly incompatible with direct binding of these antigens to the Vgamma9Vdelta2 TCR. Here we have studied the most potent natural phosphoantigen yet identified, (E-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate (HMB-PP, produced by Eubacteria and Protozoa, and examined its gammadelta T-cell activation and anti-tumor properties. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have performed a comparative study between HMB-PP and the anti-CD3epsilon monoclonal antibody OKT3, used as a reference inducer of bona fide TCR signaling, and followed multiple cellular and molecular gammadelta T-cell activation events. We show that HMB-PP activates MEK/Erk and PI-3K/Akt pathways as rapidly as OKT3, and induces an almost identical transcriptional profile in Vgamma9(+ T-cells. Moreover, MEK/Erk and PI-3K/Akt activities are indispensable for the cellular effects of HMB-PP, including gammadelta T-cell activation, proliferation and anti-tumor cytotoxicity, which are also abolished upon antibody blockade of the Vgamma9(+ TCR Surprisingly, HMB-PP treatment does not induce down-modulation of surface TCR levels, and thereby sustains gammadelta T-cell activation upon re-stimulation. This ultimately translates in potent human gammadelta T-cell anti-tumor function both in vitro and in vivo upon transplantation of human leukemia cells into lymphopenic mice, CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The development of

  4. [Cardiodoron® bei Patienten mit Schlafstörungen - Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Beobachtungsstudie]. (United States)

    Rother, Claudia; Schnelle, Martin

    Hintergrund: Schlafstörungen gehören zu den häufigsten gesundheitlichen Problemen der heutigen Zeit. Stress und die dadurch bedingte innere Anspannung sowie eine unrhythmische Lebensführung z.B. durch Schichtarbeit sind bekannte auslösende Faktoren. Weniger bekannt ist, dass auch funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden zu Störungen des Schlafs führen können und dass deren Behandlung zu einer Verbesserung der Schlafqualität beiträgt. Ganzheitlich betrachtet geht es daher um die Wiederherstellung einer gesunden Rhythmik, insbesondere des Herz-/Atem- sowie des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, die Cardiodoron®, eine Heilpflanzenkomposition aus Primula veris, Hyoscyamus niger und Onopordum acanthium, unterstützt. Patienten und Methoden: Mittels einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Beobachtungsstudie sollte ermittelt werden, wie sich funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden und/oder Schlafstörungen unter der Behandlung mit Cardiodoron® (Dilution) über 3-6 Monate entwickeln. Im Zeitraum von September 2009 bis März 2012 dokumentierten 92 Ärzte 501 Patienten, von denen 380 über Schlafstörungen klagten und deren Daten in dieser Publikation näher betrachtet werden. Nach einer Aufnahmeuntersuchung erfolgte nach 90 Tagen eine Abschlussuntersuchung und bei Fortführung der Therapie nach nochmals 90 Tagen eine Follow-up-Untersuchung. Neben 30 ärztlicherseits bewerteten Symptomen beurteilten die Patienten ihr Befinden mittels Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) nach Buysse und der Beschwerden-Liste nach von Zerssen (B-L und B-L'). Ergebnisse: Unter der Cardiodoron®-Therapie gingen bei guter Verträglichkeit sowohl die Ausprägung der Schlafstörungen (um 65% von 2,0 auf 0,7 Punkte) als auch die erfassten 30 Symptome (um 59% von 24,3 auf 9,9 Punkte) deutlich zurück (p mit Schlafstörungen (mit oder ohne funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden) kann die Ausprägung der Beschwerden mit Cardiodoron® deutlich gesenkt werden. Cardiodoron® ist gut verträglich. © 2016 S

  5. First Anti-neutrino Oscillation Results from the T2K Experiment

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Neutrinos are some of the most abundant but yet most elusive particles in the universe. They have almost no mass, only interact weakly and relatively little is known about their properties. Furthermore it has been firmly established over the last decade that neutrinos can undergo flavour transitions as mass and flavor eigenstates are not identical. These neutrino oscillations have been studied using natural sources as well as nuclear reactors or with neutrinos produced at accelerators. T2K is a long baseline neutrino oscillation beam that uses a beam of muon (anti-)neutrinos that is directed form J-PARC at the east cost of Japan over a distance of almost 300 km to the SuperKamiokande water Cherenkov detector in the west. The facility is complemented by a near detector complex 280 m downstream of the neutrino production target to characterise the beam and the neutrino interaction dynamics. T2K has taken data with a muon neutrino beam since early 2010 and is studying the disappearance of muon neutrinos as well...

  6. Magnetic Circular X-ray Dichroism Study of Paramagnetic and Anti-Ferromagnetic States in SrFeO3 Using a 10-T Superconducting Magnet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okamoto, J.; Mamiya, K.; Fujimori, S.-I.; Okane, T.; Saitoh, Y.; Muramatsu, Y.; Fujimori, A.; Ishiwata, S.; Takano, M.


    Magnetic circular x-ray dichroism (MCXD) measurements in Fe 2p absorption have been done on SrFeO3, which shows a spiral anti-ferromagnetism, by using a 10-T superconducting magnet. Finite MCXD structures have been observed under magnetic field of 8 T even in the paramagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic states. The intensity of the MCXD structure at hv ∼ 710 eV increases linearly as magnetic field increases linearly and the total magnetic moments estimated by MCXD sum rules roughly corresponds to the magnetization measured by SQUID measurements. MCXD study of paramagnetic and/or anti-ferromagnetic samples can be done by using a superconducting magnet that generates a strong magnetic field enough to induce finite magnetization

  7. First MRI results of the therapeutic course of avascular femoral head necrosis after femoral core decompression; Erste kernspintomographische Ergebnisse des Therapieverlaufs bei avaskulaerer Femurkopfnekrose nach Femurkerndekompression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, H.F. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Virchow Klinikum, Humboldt Univ, Berlin (Germany); Schedel, H. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Virchow Klinikum, Humboldt Univ, Berlin (Germany); Schneller, A. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Virchow Klinikum, Humboldt Univ, Berlin (Germany); Eisenschenk, A. [Universitaetsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Berlin (Germany). Orthopaedische Klinik und Poliklinik; Wicht, L. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Virchow Klinikum, Humboldt Univ, Berlin (Germany); Siekmann, R. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Virchow Klinikum, Humboldt Univ, Berlin (Germany); Felix, R. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Virchow Klinikum, Humboldt Univ, Berlin (Germany)


    The vascular femoral head necrosis is a serious illness, especially when appearing in patients aged 30 to 50 years. Many etiologic factors cause a femoral head necrosis such as, for example, high-dose steroids, abuse of alcohol, defect of bone marrow and trauma of the hip. Often the X-ray photograph leads to the diagnosis in the second stage (ARCO 1992) or in the third stage, when the femoral head has begun to collapse. The stage IIc and III shows an evident enhancement in contrast media in MRI. Contrast enhancement is demonstrated by STIR, FATSAT, T1-weighted and dynamic screening sequence. The characteristics of the contrast media enhancement argue for an active concomitant process of destruction and regeneration. This stage has the best chances for a drug or a surgical therapy. The evaluation of the signal intensity by the dynamic screening sequence is considered as an objective contribution for the staging of the femoral head necrosis. This enables one to differentiate between the curable stage IIc and the stage III, showing the beginning of breakdown of the femoral head. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die avaskulaere Femurkopfnekrose (AVN) ist eine schwerwiegende Erkrankung, die insbesondere bei Patienten im Alter zwischen 30 und 50 Jahren auftritt. Ein Vielzahl von aetiologischen Faktoren wie Einnahme von hohen Dosen Steroiden ueber mehrere Monate, Alkoholmissbrauch, Knochenmarkschaeden und Huefttraumata spielen unabhaengig voneinander eine Rolle. Die Diagnose erfolgt ueblicherweise im zweiten Stadium (ARCO 1992) auf dem Roentgenbild oder im Stadium III, wenn der Femurkopf begonnen hat mechanisch nachzugeben. Eine deutliche kernspintomographisch nachweisbare Kontrastmittelaufnahme zeigen die Stadien ARCO IIc und III, wie die Werte der Dynamic Screening Sequence, der STIR-, der FATSAT und der T{sub 1}-gewichteten Sequenzen belegen. Das Kontrastmittelaufnahmeverhalten spricht fuer einen gleichzeitig aktiven destruierenden und regenerativen Prozess, der fuer einen operativen

  8. Production of two hemopoietic growth factors is differentially regulated in single T lymphocytes activated with an anti-T cell receptor antibody

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kelso, A; Owens, T


    A method has been developed to measure the production by single activated T lymphocytes of two hemopoietic growth factors, granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) and multipotential CSF (multi-CSF or IL-3). When individual cells of the L3T4 (CD4)+ F23.1+ T cell clone E9.D4 were transferred by microma......A method has been developed to measure the production by single activated T lymphocytes of two hemopoietic growth factors, granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) and multipotential CSF (multi-CSF or IL-3). When individual cells of the L3T4 (CD4)+ F23.1+ T cell clone E9.D4 were transferred...... by micromanipulation into wells coated with the monoclonal anti-T cell receptor antibody F23.1, up to 90% of cells produced CSF as detected by CSF-dependent hemopoietic cell lines. Production occurred in the absence of proliferation and did not require the addition of accessory cells or IL-2. Both the frequency of CSF......-producing cells and the average production per positive cell depended on the density of the immobilized stimulating ligand, indicating that the response of each cell is not an all-or-none phenomenon but varies with the strength of stimulation. Individual cells of the clone varied over a 100-fold range...

  9. Verlauf der zellulären Immunantwort bei Lebendnierenempfängern - Messung von IFN-γ und IL-17 im Elispot-Assay


    Grehn, Conrad


    Die Nierentransplantation ermöglicht Patienten die Wiederherstellung der Nierenfunktion. Aufgrund der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit an Organen nimmt dabei die Zahl der Transplantationen von einem lebenden Spender stetig zu. Zudem ermöglichen die präzisen und genauen Vorbereitungen und Abläufe bei Lebendnierenspenden eine bessere 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate als bei Kadaverspenden. Die genetische Verschiedenheit zwischen Spender und Empfänger bedingt jedoch eine lebenslange immunsuppressive Therapie, um...

  10. Bewertung des Aufbaus einer Ladeinfrastruktur für eine Redox-Flow-Batteriebasierte Elektromobilität


    Funke, Simon Árpád; Wietschel, Martin


    Eine Erreichung ambitionierter internationaler Klimaziele ist bei wachsendem Mobiliätsbedarf ohne Elektromobilität nicht möglich. Elektromobilität in Verbindung mit regenerativen Energien wird als wichtiger Baustein zur Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen angesehen. Gleichzeitig ist die Verbreitung von Elektrofahrzeugen gering, da diese gegenüber Verbrennungsfahrzeugen mit Einschränkungen verbunden sind. Neben den Anschaffungsausgaben stehen lange Ladezeiten und eine beschränkte Reichweite d...

  11. White matter alterations in neurodegenerative and vascular dementia; Marklagerveraenderungen bei neurodegenerativen und vaskulaeren Demenzerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Supprian, T. [Arbeitsgruppe Gerontopsychiatrie, Universitaets-Nervenklinik Homburg (Germany); Arbeitsgruppe Gerontopsychiatrie, Universitaets-Nervenklinik, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 66421, Homburg (Germany); Kessler, H.; Falkai, P. [Arbeitsgruppe Gerontopsychiatrie, Universitaets-Nervenklinik Homburg (Germany); Retz, W.; Roesler, M. [Arbeitsgruppe Gerontopsychiatrie, Universitaets-Nervenklinik Homburg (Germany); Institut fuer gerichtliche Psychologie und Psychiatrie, Universitaet des Saarlandes, Homburg (Germany); Grunwald, I.; Reith, W. [Abteilung fuer Neuroradiologie, Universitaetskliniken des Saarlandes, Homburg (Germany)


    Due to a significant overlap of the two syndromes, differentiation of degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer-type from vascular dementia may be difficult even when imaging studies are available. White matter changes occur in many patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Little is known about the impact of white matter changes on the course and clinical presentation of Alzheimer's disease. High sensitivity of MRI in the detection of white matter alterations may account for over-diagnosing vascular dementia. The clinical significance of white matter alterations in dementia is still a matter of debate. The article reviews current concepts about the role of white matter alterations in dementia. (orig.) [German] Die Zuordnung einer Demenzerkrankung zu einem neurodegenerativen Pathomechanismus, wie der Demenz vom Alzheimer-Typ (DAT) oder einem vaskulaeren Pathomechanismus, kann trotz der Verfuegbarkeit bildgebender Verfahren Probleme bereiten. Ueberlappungen neurodegenerativer und vaskulaerer Mechanismen sind haeufig. Mikroangiopathische Veraenderungen des Marklagers finden sich bei einem hohen Anteil von Patienten mit der klinischen Verlaufsform einer Demenz vom Alzheimer-Typ. Es ist unklar, ob es sich um eine Koinzidenz zweier Pathomechanismen handelt oder ob eine wechselseitige Beeinflussung stattfindet. Die hohe Sensitivitaet der Magnetresonanztomographie bei der Erfassung mikroangiopathischer Veraenderungen des Marklagers koennte dazu fuehren, dass zu vaskulaere Demenzerkrankungen haeufig diagnostiziert werden. Der Einfluss mikroangiopathischer Veraenderungen des Marklagers auf den Demenzverlauf wird kontrovers diskutiert. Die vorgelegte Arbeit gibt eine Uebersicht ueber die aktuellen Konzepte zum Stellenwert von Marklagerveraenderungen bei Demenzerkrankungen. (orig.)

  12. Therapeutische Überlegungen bei sensomotorischer diabetischer Neuropathie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bührlen M


    Full Text Available Der Begriff der sensomotorischen diabetischen Neuropathie beschreibt einen heterogenen Beschwerdekomplex, der auf einer diabetesbedingten Schädigung des peripheren Nervensystems beruht. Bis zu 50 % der Menschen mit Diabetes mellitus leiden im Verlauf ihrer Erkrankung an Symptomen einer sensomotorischen Neuropathie. Chronische Schmerzen, Dysund Parästhesien sowie die Komplikation des diabetischen Fußsyndroms stellen für die Betroffenen gravierende Folgen dar. Die Optimierung der metabolischen Kontrolle stellt eine wichtige Basismaßnahme dar. Andere, zweifelsfrei gesicherte Möglichkeiten der Prävention oder kausalen Therapie sind nicht bekannt. Bei Auftreten einer schmerzhaften Neuropathie sollte eine gezielte analgetische Therapie möglichst früh begonnen werden. Mit den trizyklischen Antidepressiva, Duloxetin, Gabapentin und Pregabalin stehen Wirkstoffe zur Verfügung, die eine spezifische Therapie neuropathischer Schmerzen ermöglichen. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass in der Regel keine Schmerzfreiheit erreicht werden kann. Entscheidend ist das Erreichen eines für den Patienten tolerablen Schmerzniveaus unter Minimierung medikamentenassoziierter Nebenwirkungen. Das individuelle Ansprechen auf ein Medikament und die optimale Dosis können nicht vorhergesagt, sondern müssen individuell erprobt werden. Bei leichten Schmerzen können die Nicht-Opioid- Analgetika Paracetamol und Metamizol eingesetzt werden. Fehlen Therapiealternativen, dann stellen Opioide eine weitere Möglichkeit der Therapie starker Schmerzen dar. Aufgrund einer zusätzlichen Monoamin-Wiederaufnahmehemmerwirkung nehmen Tramadol und Tapentadol in dieser Gruppe eine Sonderstellung ein. In der Risiko- Nutzen-Abwägung darf das Nebenwirkungs- und Abhängigkeitspotenzial der Opioide in der Langzeittherapie nicht unterschätzt werden. Für andere medikamentöse Therapien oder alternative Therapiemethoden liegt keine ausreichende wissenschaftliche Evidenz vor. Sie können aber im

  13. Konservierung der männlichen Fertilität - Klinische und experimentelle Methoden

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gassei K


    Full Text Available Gängige Therapieansätze zur Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen können die Spermatogenese auf unterschiedlichsten Wegen stören und zu temporärer Azoospermie oder Sterilität führen. Die Unfruchtbarkeit ist eine ernstzunehmende Langzeitnebenwirkung, die die Lebensqualität des Patienten nachhaltig einschränken kann. Bei Kinderwunsch nach erfolgreicher Krebstherapie steht erwachsenen Patienten heute eine Anzahl an assistierten Reproduktionstechniken (ART wie In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF oder Intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektion (ICSI zur Verfügung, die mithilfe von kryokonservierten Spermien durchgeführt werden können. Diese Methoden können jedoch die natürliche Fertilität des Patienten nicht wiederherstellen und sind für präpubertäre Krebspatienten ungeeignet, da diese vor Beginn der Chemo- oder Radiotherapie keine Samenprobe liefern können. Die Transplantation von testikulären Stammzellen bietet daher einen möglichen Therapieansatz zur Behandlung von Unfruchtbarkeit. Methoden zur Isolierung, Konservierung, Transplantation und In-vitro-Maturierung dieser Zellen befinden sich zur Zeit in der Entwicklung. Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert etablierte Methoden zur Fertilitätskonservierung bei Männern und gibt darüber hinaus einen Überblick über die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zur Keimzelltransplantation und extrakorporalen Generierung von Keimzellen.

  14. Taxonomia de distorções contábeis


    José Humberto da Cruz Cunha; Rogério Henrique de Araújo Júnior

    2017-01-01 Discute o uso de uma taxonomia de distorções contábeis provenientes de erros e fraudes, voltada para o uso dos auditores na análise dos riscos e escolha dos procedimentos de auditoria. Sua elaboração segue as orientações conceituais da classificação facetada, por meio de levantamento conceitual em pesquisa bibliográfica. A taxonomia apresentada possui como categorias fundamentais as fases da informação, aspectos essenciais, afirmações, ci...

  15. Was uns nicht umbringt, macht uns härter? Resilienzförderung bei armen Kindern aus Sicht des Capability-Ansatzes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gutwald Rebecca


    Full Text Available Resilienz wird in der Psychologie und Sozialpädagogik häufig als positiv angesehen. In der Armutsbekämpfung ist diese Sichtweise durchaus nachvollziehbar, insbesondere in der Prävention von Kinderarmut: wenn Resilienz das ist, was ein Kind in die Lage versetzt, die Risiken und negativen Folgen von Armut besser zu bewältigen, scheint es sinnvoll, diese Fähigkeit bei Kindern zu fördern. Mein Beitrag befürwortet diesen Befund, plädiert aber dafür, dass die Resilienzdebatte der Untermauerung durch Argumente aus der praktischen Philosophie bedarf, da das, was häufig als Resilienz bezeichnet wird, nicht immer positiv zu bewerten ist. Ziel meines Beitrags ist es, den Resilienzdiskurs im Rahmen der Kinderarmutsbekämpfung in einer normativen Theorie zu verankern: im Capability Ansatz von Amartya Sen. Resilienz wird damit, so meine These, zu einem fundamental normativen Begriff. Mein Beitrag gliedert sich in drei Teile: Zuerst wird auf die Grundideen des CA und die Stellung von Kindheit darin eingegangen. Im zweiten Teil wird der Resilienzbegriff im Kontext von Kinderarmutsprävention charakterisiert. Der dritte Teil widmet sich den Verbindungslinien zwischen der Resilienzdiskussion und dem CA. Leitgedanke ist dabei, dass der CA die menschliche Handlungsfähigkeit als normativ grundlegend auszeichnet. Auf dieser Basis lässt sich überzeugend beurteilen, warum Armut bei Kindern höchst problematisch ist und welches Ziel in der Resilienzförderung verfolgt werden soll. Wie ich argumentieren werde, ist die Bereitstellung von capabilities auch die gerechtigkeitstheoretische Basis von Resilienzförderung in der Praxis. Der Beitrag schließt mit Impulsen, welche, so meine Hoffnung, für eine weitere Diskussion der Normativität von Resilienz dienlich sein können.

  16. Sexualität im Werk Arno Schmidts


    Reischert, Jessica


    Die Sexualität im Frühwerk Arno Schmidts stellt ein umfangreiches und komplexes Thema dar, das dennoch auf gewisse Grundmuster und –vorgänge reduziert werden kann. So haben sich bei der Begegnung von Menschen untereinander klare Linien ergeben, anhand derer viele Gespräche eingeordnet und analysiert werden können. Unterschieden werden können mehrere Gesprächstypen, in denen sich bestimmte Verhaltensweisen der Schmidtschen Protagonisten zeigen: In den geschlechtlich gemischten Gesprächsrunden ...

  17. Diagnostic evaluatuin of gastrointestinal tumors; Diagnostik bei Tumoren im Gastrointestinaltrakt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Linke, R.; Tatsch, K. [Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    difficult to distinguish between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma. In such cases a PET scan may be helpful. For planning of surgery and for preoperative staging morphological imaging is essential, but in nearly 40% of the patients nonresectable tumors were detected intraoperatively, which were not diagnosed by preoperative CT or MRI. PET seems to be more accurate in this respect, too. (orig.) [Deutsch] Hauptaufgaben der radiologischen und nuklearmedizinischen Diagnostik bei gastrointestinalen Tumoren sind Diagnosesicherung sowie praeoperatives Staging. Die Hohlorgane des oberen und unteren GI-Traktes (Oesophagus, Magen, Duodenum, Kolon, Rektum) werden primaer endoskopisch und endosonographisch abgeklaert. CT oder MRT liefern Informationen ueber Ausdehnung des Tumors, eine Infiltration in umgebende Strukturen und das Vorliegen pathologischer Lymphknoten. Das sensitivste Verfahren zum Nachweis von Lymphknoten- oder Fernmetastasen ist die PET. Auch die Differenzierung eines Lokalrezidivs von postoperativer Narbenbildung, z.B. beim kolorektalen Karzinom, gelingt mit der PET fruehzeitiger als mit den konventionellen morphologischen Verfahren. Lebertumoren sollten primaer sonographisch und bei fraglicher Dignitaet anschliessend mittels MRT untersucht werden. In der Differentialdiagnostik von unklaren Leberherden ist die nuklearmedizinische Rezeptorszintigraphie wegweisend. Benigne Leberlaesionen koennen mit der Neogalaktoalbumin-(NGA-)Szintigraphie sicher von malignen Tumoren (Metastasen, hepatozellulaeres Karzinom [HCC]) abgegrenzt werden, da NGA-Rezeptoren nur auf funktionstuechtigen Hepatozyten experimentiert werden. Die Unterscheidung von Lebermetastasen und dem HCC gelingt mit der Insulinszintigraphie, da sich Insulin aufgrund einer Ueberexpression von Insulinrezeptoren mit HCC vermehrt anreichert. Ergeben die vorgeschalteten Untersuchungen den Verdacht auf einen malignen Prozess, sollte zusaetzlich eine CT-Arterioportographie durchgefuehrt werden, da dieses

  18. Radiotherapy of heterotopic bone formation in patients with paraplegia. Preliminary results; Strahlentherapie heterotoper Ossifikationen bei Querschnittsgelaehmten. Praeliminaere Ergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sautter-Bihl, M.L. [Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Staedtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe (Germany); Liebermeister, E. [Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Staedtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe (Germany); Heinze, H.G. [Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Staedtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe (Germany); Nanassy, A. [Klinik fuer Orthopaedie, Rehabilitationskrankenhaus Langensteinbach (Germany); Stoltze, D. [Klinik fuer Orthopaedie, Rehabilitationskrankenhaus Langensteinbach (Germany)


    In 20 patients with paralysis, 25 regions were irradiated with (mostly) 10 Gy in single fractions of 2 to 2.5 Gy using 8 MW photons. In 15 patients radiotherapy was performed as a primary treatment in the status of myositis; 7 patients were treated after (subtotal) resection of already manifest ossifications (2 patients were treated twice, primarily and postoperatively). In a minimum follow-up 12 weeks, none of the 20 irradiated patients showed any progression of the developing or already manifest ossification; thus mobilisation and rehabilitation could be carried out as desired. No side effects occurred. The preliminary results of the present study suggest that radiotherapy is an effective local treatment with minimal side effects for the prevention of heterotopic bone formation in patients with paraplegia. (orig.) [Deutsch] Bei 20 Patienten (18 Maenner, zwei Frauen, Alter 19 bis 62 Jahre) mit Querschnittssyndrom wurden 25 Regionen mit ueberwiegend 10 Gy a 2 bis 2,5 Gy Einzeldosis mit 8-MW-Photonen bestrahlt. Die Radiatio erfolgte bei 15 Patienten als Primaerprophylaxe im entzuendlichen Stadium, bei sieben Patienten sekundaer nach (subtotaler) Resektion von Ossifikationen (zwei Patienten wurden sowohl primaer als auch sekundaer bestrahlt). Bei einer Mindestnachbeobachtungszeit von zwoelf Wochen trat in keinem Fall eine Progression der sich entwickelnden bzw. bereits bestehenden heterotopen Ossifikationen auf: saemtliche Patienten konnten wunschgemaess mobilisiert und im Rahmen ihrer neurologischen Ausfaelle rehabilitiert werden. Nebenwirkungen traten nicht auf. Die vorliegende praeliminaeren Ergebnisse deuten hin, dass die Strahlentherapie eine effektive und nebenwirkungsarme lokale Therapie zur Verhinderung heterotoper Ossifikationen beim Querschnittssyndrom darstellt. (orig.)

  19. MR arthrography of the shoulder: possible indications for clinical use; Einsatzmoeglichkeiten der MR-Arthrographie bei Erkrankungen des Schultergelenkes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kreitner, K.F. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik mit Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Grebe, P. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik mit Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Kersjes, W. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik mit Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Runkel, M. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Unfallchirurgie; Kirschner, P. [Elisabeth-Hospital, Mainz (Germany). Abt. fuer Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie St. Vincenz; Schild, H.H. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik mit Poliklinik fuer Radiologie


    In a prospective study possible indications for MR arthrography of the shoulder were evaluated. 37 patients were examined before and after intraarticular administration of a 2-mmolar solution of Gd-DTPA. MR arthrography was performed if there was no joint effusion and/or an uncertain finding concerning the rotator cuff or the capsulolabral complex on plain MR images. MR arthrography leads to a better demonstration of labrum pathology in 11/22 patients and to a superior delineation of the capsuloligamentous apparatus in 20/22 cases. In 9/15 patients with impingement lesions MR arthrography allowed a differentiation of severe tendinitis from partial and small full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. MR arthrography of the shoulder joint enhances the accuracy of MR in case of an uncertain finding on plain MR images. (orig.) [Deutsch] In einer prospektiven Studie sollten Einsatzmoeglichkeiten der MR-Arthrographie bei Erkrankungen des Schultergelenkes herausgearbeitet werden. 37 Patienten wurden sowohl nativ als auch nach intraartikulaerer Gabe einer 2mmolaren Gd-DTPA-Loesung untersucht. Voraussetzungen fuer die KM-Gabe waren ein fehlender Gelenkerguss und/oder ein unklarer Befund des Labrum-Kapsel-Komplexes oder der Rotatorenmanschette in der Nativuntersuchung. Durch die MR-Arthrographie wurde bei 11/22 Patienten eine verbesserte Darstellung der Labrumpathologie erzielt; in 20/22 Faellen ergabe sich eine zuverlaessige Beurteilung der Gelenkkapsel. Bei 9/15 Patienten mit Erkrankungen der Rotatorenmanschette konnten Tendinitiden von partiellen und kleinen kompletten Rotatorenmanschettenrupturen sicher differenziert werden. Die MR-Arthrographie des Schultergelenkes fuehrt bei nicht eindeutigen Befunden in der Nativuntersuchung zu einer verbesserten Treffsicherheit der MR-Diagnostik. (orig.)

  20. Recognition of melanoma-derived antigens by CTL: possible mechanisms involved in down-regulating anti-tumor T-cell reactivity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rivoltini, L; Loftus, D J; Squarcina, P


    Several T cell-recognized epitopes presented by melanoma cells have been identified recently. Despite the large array of epitopes potentially available for clinical use, it is still unclear which of these antigens could be effective in mediating anti-tumor responses when used as a vaccine...

  1. F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves` disease; F-18-FDG-PET der Schilddruese bei Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boerner, A.R.; Voth, E.; Schicha, H. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Koeln Univ. (Germany); Wienhard, K.; Wagner, R. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Neurologische Forschung, Koeln (Germany)


    This study evaluates F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves` disease. Methods: Thirty patients were investigated the day before radioiodine therapy, 15 patients 3-10 days after radioiodine therapy. Twenty patients with cancer of the head or neck and normal thyroid function served as controls. Results: F-18-FDG uptake was higher in Graves` disease patients than in controls. Negative correlations of F-18-FDG uptake with half-life of radioiodine and absorbed radiation dose due to radioiodine therapy were found along with a positive correlation to autoantibody levels. Conclusion: Thus F-18-FDG PET is likely to give information on the biological activity of Graves` disease as well as on early radiation effects. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Diese Studie evaluiert F-18-Fluoro-Deoxy-Glukose (F-18-FDG) PET der Schilddruese bei Patienten mit M. Basedow. Methoden: 30 Patienten wurden am Tag vor Radioiod-Therapie, 15 Patienten am 3.-10. Tag nach Radioiodtherapie untersucht. 20 Patienten mit Kopf/Halstumoren und normaler Schilddruesenfunktion dienten als Kontrollgruppe. Ergebnisse: Die F-18-FDG-Aufnahme in der Schilddruese war signifikant hoeher bei Patienten mit M-Basedow im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen. Sie stieg mit hoeheren, antithyreoidalen Antikoerpern und sank bei laengerer I-131-Halbwertzeit. Es bestand eine Korrelation einer reduzierten Glukose-Utilisation bei hoeherer absorbierter Schilddruesendosis nach Radioiod-Therapie. Schlussfolgerung: Damit erscheint die F-18-FDG-PET-Untersuchung zur biologischen Aktivitaetsbeurteilung des M. Basedow und Darstellung von fruehen Strahleneffekten geeignet. (orig.)

  2. Prognostic value of cardiovascular MRI in diabetics; Prognostischer Wert der kardiovaskulaeren MRT bei Diabetikern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlett, C.L.; Bertheau, R.C.; Kauczor, H.U.; Weckbach, S. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Heidelberg (Germany)


    Risikostratifizierung von Noeten ist. Die klinische Untersuchung und die Bestimmung von Blutwerten dienen bei Diabetikern typischerweise zur Risikostratifizierung bzgl. kardio(zerebro)vaskulaerer Ereignisse in der Zukunft. Sowohl die Kardio- als auch die Ganzkoerper-MRT stellen standardisierte Verfahren in der klinischen Diagnostik dar. Deren Stellenwert bei der Vorhersage von Ereignissen mit entsprechender Risikostratifizierung bei Diabetikern gewinnt basierend auf aktuellen Studienergebnissen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) im Kardio-MRT detektiert bei bis zu 30 % der Diabetiker stumme Myokardischaemien, die mit einer Hazard Ratio von 3-6 mit kardiovaskulaeren Ereignissen assoziiert sind. Ebenfalls zeigen linksventrikulaere Wandbewegungsstoerungen sowie eine erniedrigte Ejektionsfraktion einen prognostischen Wert. Im Ganzkoerper-MRT sind der Vessel-Score und Karotisstenosen zusaetzliche Praediktoren fuer kardio(zerebro)vaskulaere Ereignisse. Die MRT-basierte Vorhersage kardio(zerebro)vaskulaerer Ereignisse bietet einen signifikanten Mehrwert zur klassischen Risikostratifizierung bei Diabetikern. Jedoch erlaubt nur die umfassende Ganzkoerper-MRT-Untersuchung Patienten zu identifizieren, die ueber einen Zeitraum von 6 Jahren komplett frei von kardio(zerebro)vaskulaeren Ereignissen bleiben. Die Kardio-MRT, insbesondere die Erfassung von LGE, empfiehlt sich fuer die Vorhersage von Ereignissen. Die Ganzkoerper-MRT stellt einen prognostischen Mehrwert dar, deren klinische Relevanz in weiteren Studien geklaert werden muss. (orig.)

  3. Stimulation with lysates of Aspergillus terreus, Candida krusei and Rhizopus oryzae maximizes cross-reactivity of anti-fungal T cells. (United States)

    Deo, Shivashni S; Virassamy, Balaji; Halliday, Catriona; Clancy, Leighton; Chen, Sharon; Meyer, Wieland; Sorrell, Tania C; Gottlieb, David J


    Invasive fungal diseases caused by filamentous fungi and yeasts are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in immunosuppressed hematology patients. We previously published a method to expand Aspergillus fumigatus-specific T cells for clinical cell therapy. In the present study, we investigated expansion of T cells specific for other fungal pathogens and creation of a broadly reactive panfungal T-cell product. Fungal strains selected were those frequently observed in the clinical hematology setting and included Aspergillus, Candida, Fusarium, Rhizopus and Lomentospora/Scedosporium. Four T-cell cultures specific to each fungus were established. We selected lysates of Aspergillus terreus, Candida krusei and Rhizopus oryzae to expand panfungal T cells. Allelic restriction of anti-fungal activity was determined through the use of specific major histocompatibility complex class II-blocking antibodies. Individual T-cell cultures specific to each fungus could be expanded in vitro, generating predominantly CD4(+) T cells of which 8% to 20% were fungus-specific. We successfully expanded panfungal T cells from the peripheral blood (n = 8) and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor-primed stem cell products (n = 3) of normal donors by using a combination of lysates from Aspergillus terreus, Candida krusei and Rhizopus oryzae. Anti-fungal activity was mediated through human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR alleles and was maintained when antigen-presenting cells from partially HLA-DRB1-matched donors were used to stimulate T cells. We demonstrate a method to manufacture panfungal T-cell products with specificity against a range of clinical fungal pathogens by use of the blood and stem cells of healthy donors as the starting material. The safety and efficacy of these products will need to be tested clinically. Copyright © 2015 International Society for Cellular Therapy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Antigranulocyte scintigraphy of septic loosening of hip prosthesis: influence of different analyzing methods; Antigranulozytenszintigraphie bei septischer Hueft-Endoprothesen-Lockerung: Einfluss unterschiedlicher Auswertemethoden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klett, R.; Steiner, D.; Puille, M.; Khalisi, A.; Bauer, R. [Giessen Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Matter, H.P.; Stuerz, H. [Giessen Univ. (Germany). Orthopaedische Klinik


    Diagnosis of infection with help of antigranulocyte scintigraphy near body stem is difficult because of contemporary visualisation of bone marrow. Therefore, we investigated, whether it is possible to improve the accuracy in diagnosing septic loosening of hip endoprosthesis by changing the analyzing methods. Methods: In 28 patients, the results of a visual interpretation of late scan, a visual interpretation and a quantitative interpretation of time-activity-course were compared. These results were verified by histology respectively microbiology. Results: Histological and microbiological verification found 14 septic loosening and 14 aseptic loosening of the hip protheses. Therefore, sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive value for the visual interpretation of late scan were 0.86, 0.57, 0.80 and 0.67. For visual and quantitative interpretation of time-activity-course we found 0.86, 0.79, 0.85 and 0.80 respectively 1, 0.93, 1, 0.93. For interobserver agreement we found kappa coefficients of 0.28 {+-} 0.2 for visual interpretation of late scan, 0.48 {+-} 0.17 for visual interpretation and 1.0 {+-} 0 for quantitative interpretation of time-activity-course. Conclusion: In all investigated values quantitative interpretation of time-activity-course was superior to the other analyzing methods. Therefore, antigranulocyte scintigraphy for septic loosening of hip endoprosthesis should be interpreted quantitatively. (orig.) [German] Bei der Entzuendungsdiagnostik mittels Antigranulozytenszintigraphie ergeben sich in der Naehe des Koerperstammes aufgrund der gleichzeitigen Knochenmarkdarstellung Beurteilungsschwierigkeiten, da nicht immer sicher zwischen entzuendlichen Fokus beziehungsweise Knochenmark zu unterscheiden ist. Es wurde daher untersucht, ob bei der Diagnostik der septischen Hueft-Endoprothesen-Lockerung durch Aenderung des Auswerteverfahrens eine Verbesserung der Aussage zu erzielen ist. Methode: Bei 28 Patienten wurden die Ergebnisse einer

  5. Triterpenoid Saponins from Anemone rivularis var. Flore-Minore and Their Anti-Proliferative Activity on HSC-T6 Cells. (United States)

    Wang, Xiao-Yang; Gao, Hui; Xie, Xiao-Jie; Jurhiin, Jirimubatu; Zhang, Mu-Zi-He; Zhou, Yan-Ping; Liu, Rui; Ning, Meng; Han, Jin; Tang, Hai-Feng


    Five previously undescribed triterpenoid saponins ( 1 - 5 ), along with eight known ones ( 6 - 13 ), were isolated from the whole plants of Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore . Their structures were clarified by extensive spectroscopic data and chemical evidence. For the first time, the lupane-type saponins ( 3 and 12 ) were reported from the Anemone genus. The anti-proliferative activity of all isolated saponins was evaluated on hepatic stellate cells (HSC-T6). Saponins 12 and 13 , which possess more monosaccharides than the others, displayed potent anti-proliferative activity, with IC 50 values of 18.21 and 15.56 μM, respectively.

  6. Luftqualität (United States)

    Schultz, Martin G.; Klemp, Dieter; Wahner, Andreas

    Die Qualität der Luft beeinflusst in besonderer Weise die menschliche Gesundheit und hat auch Auswirkungen auf die Landwirtschaft und Ökosysteme. Viele Luftschadstoffe absorbieren oder streuen zudem die Sonnen- oder Wärmestrahlung und sind daher klimawirksam. Luftchemische Prozesse hängen, ebenso wie die Emissionen, von klimatischen Faktoren wie Sonneneinstrahlung, Temperatur und Niederschlag ab. Deshalb ist zu erwarten, dass die projizierten Klimaänderungen für Deutschland auch die Luftschadstoffkonzentrationen beeinflussen werden, auch wenn dieser Zusammenhang noch nicht gut erforscht ist. Dieses Kapitel vermittelt einen Überblick über die Zusammenhänge und weist zumindest qualitativ auf mögliche künftige Entwicklungen hin. Im Vordergrund stehen die Entwicklungen bei Feinstaub und Ozon.

  7. Adult T-cell leukemia on the east coast of Kii Peninsula--presentation of an anti-ATLA-negative case. (United States)

    Karitani, Y; Kobayashi, T; Koh, T; Iwata, Y; Tanaka, I; Minami, N; Shirakawa, S


    Nineteen patients with adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) have been found in the last seven years along the east coast of Kii Peninsula in Japan. The leukemic cells were of the immunologically inducer/helper T-cell phenotype. The prognosis was very poor (median survival time, 85 days), and most of the patients had fatal complications of pulmonary infections. Antibody against ATL-associated antigen (anti-ATLA) was detected in sera from 9 of 10 patients who were born along the coast. However, it was not detected in one patient who was born in a district surrounded by mountains. Although he had neither superficial lymphadenopathy nor skin lesions, he showed rapid clinical deterioration. His leukemic cells appeared to be extremely bizarre with marked nuclear deformation compared with those of the other patients. In surface marker studies the leukemic cells reacted positively with OKT3, OKT4 and OKIa-1 monoclonal antibodies. The characteristics of the anti-ATLA-negative case are discussed in comparison with the other ATL cases.

  8. Direct top-quark decay width measurement in the t anti t lepton+jets channel at √(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aaboud, M. [Univ. Mohamed Premier et LPTPM, Oujda (Morocco). Faculte des Sciences; Aad, G. [CPPM, Aix-Marseille Univ. et CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille (France); Abbott, B. [Oklahoma Univ., Norman, OK (United States). Homer L. Dodge Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Collaboration: ATLAS Collaboration; and others


    This paper presents a direct measurement of the decay width of the top quark using t anti t events in the lepton+jets final state. The data sample was collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb{sup -1}. The decay width of the top quark is measured using a template fit to distributions of kinematic observables associated with the hadronically and semileptonically decaying top quarks. The result, Γ{sub t} = 1.76 ± 0.33 (stat.){sup +0.79}{sub -0.68} (syst.) GeV for a top-quark mass of 172.5 GeV, is consistent with the prediction of the Standard Model. (orig.)

  9. Umgang mit Antithrombotika bei Operationen an der Haut vor und nach Publikation der entsprechenden S3-Leitlinie. (United States)

    Gaskins, Matthew; Dittmann, Martin; Eisert, Lisa; Werner, Ricardo Niklas; Dressler, Corinna; Löser, Christoph; Nast, Alexander


    Laut einer Befragung im Jahre 2012 war der Umgang mit Antithrombotika bei dermatochirurgischen Eingriffen in Deutschland sehr heterogen. 2014 wurde erstmals eine evidenzbasierte Leitlinie zu diesem Thema veröffentlicht. Es wurde eine anonyme Befragung derselben Stichprobe zum Umgang mit Antithrombotika sowie zu Kenntnissen der Leitlinie durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse wurden als relative Häufigkeiten berichtet und denen aus 2012 gegenübergestellt. 208 Antwortbögen wurden ausgewertet (Rücklaufquote: 36,6 %). Die große Mehrheit der Dermatologen erklärte, kleinere Eingriffe unter Fortführung der Therapie mit Phenprocoumon, niedrig dosierter Acetylsalicylsäure (≤ 100 mg) und Clopidogrel sowie mit direkten oralen Antikoagulanzien durchzuführen. Bei größeren Eingriffen war der Umgang hingegen weiterhin heterogen, insbesondere unter niedergelassenen Dermatologen. Der Anteil der Dermatologen, die Phenprocoumon, Acetylsalicylsäure und Clopidogrel leitlinienkonform verwendeten, hat sich insgesamt vergrößert. Führten 2012 beispielsweise 53,8 % der Klinikärzte bzw. 36,3 % der niedergelassenen Dermatologen eine große Exzision unter Fortführung der Therapie mit niedrig dosierter Acetylsalicylsäure durch, taten dies 2017 90,2 % bzw. 57,8 % (Phenprocoumon: 33,8 % bzw. 11,9 % auf 63,9 % bzw. 29,9 %; Clopidogrel: 36,9 % bzw. 23,2 % auf 63,9 % bzw. 30,6 %). Unter den Klinikärzten war ein hoher Anteil mit der Leitlinie vertraut und fand diese hilfreich. Eine Zunahme des leitlinienkonformen Verhaltens war bei allen Eingriffen zu verzeichnen. Bei größeren Eingriffen zeigte sich trotz deutlicher Verbesserung die Notwendigkeit verstärkter Anstrengungen zur Leitlinienumsetzung bzw. zur Identifizierung von Implementierungsbarrieren. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Electroweak corrections in the hadronic production of heavy quarks; Elektroschwache Korrekturen bei der hadronischen Erzeugung schwerer Quarks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scharf, Andreas Bernhard


    In this thesis the electroweak corrections to the top-quark pair production and to the production of bottom-quark jets were studied. especially mixed one-loop amplitudes as well as the interferences of electroweak Born amplitudes and one-loop QCD corrections were calculated. These corrections are of great importance for the experimental analyses at the LHC. For both processes compact analytical results for the virtual and real corrections were calculated. For the Tevatron and the LHC the corrections to the total cross section for the top-quark pair production were determined. At the Tevatron these corrections are only some permille large and therefore concerning the total cross section presumably negligible. For the LHC these corrections are some percent large and by this of the same order of magnitude as the QCD corrections in next-to-leading order to the total cross section to be expected. For the differential distributions in M{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t} and p{sub T} the relative corrections lie in dependence on the Higgs mass between +4% and -6%. A comparison between the integrated distributions in p{sub T} respectively M{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t} and the estimated statistical error shows that these corrections are presently not of importance. At the LHC for the M{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t} respectively p{sub T} distribution in dependence of the Higgs mass large negative corrections of up to -15% respectively -20% were found for M{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t}=5 TeV (p{sub T}=2 TeV). The comparison between the integrated distributions and the statistical error shows that the weak O({alpha}) corrections at the LHC are phenomenologically relevant. This is especially valid for the search for new physics at large M{sub t} {sub anti} {sub t}. For the bottom-jet production the weak O({alpha}) corrections for the differential and integrated p{sub T} distribution were calculated for a simple and two-fold b-tag. At the Tevatron the corrections for a simple b-tag for the

  11. Erkrankungen des Traumaspektrums bei ruandischen Waisen des Genozids : Epidemiologie und Behandlung


    Schaal, Susanne


    Im Jahre 1994 kamen in Ruanda innerhalb von 100 Tagen fast eine Million Menschen auf brutalste Weise ums Leben. Vorliegende Studie untersuchte die Traumakonfrontation und mentalen Gesundheitseffekte dieses staatlich organisierten Genozids bei ruandischen Waisen (n = 118) 11 Jahre nach dem Völkermord. Die Stichprobe setzte sich aus Vollwaisen zusammen, die entweder in kindergeführten Haushalten oder in Waisenheimen der Hauptstadt Kigali lebten. Risikofaktoren wurden analysiert und die Wirksamk...

  12. Craniocerebral trauma. Magnetic resonance imaging of diffuse axonal injury; Schaedel-Hirn-Trauma. MRT bei diffuser axonaler Verletzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mallouhi, A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Abteilung fuer Neuro- und Muskuloskelettale Radiologie, Klinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Wien (Austria)


    Acceleration-deceleration rotational brain trauma is a common cause of disability or death in young adults and often leads to a focal destruction of axons. The resulting pathology, axonal shear injury is referred to as diffuse axonal injury (DAI). The DAI-associated lesions occur bilaterally, are widely dispersed and have been observed in the surface and deep white matter. They are found near to and far from the impact site. When DAI is clinically suspected, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the method of choice for further clarification, especially in patients where cranial computed tomography (CT) is inconspicuous. To investigate the presence of DAI after traumatic brain injury (TBI), a multimodal MRI approach is applied including the common structural and also functional imaging sequences. For structural MRI, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) weighted and susceptibility contrast imaging (SWI) are the sequences mainly used. The SWI technique is extremely sensitive to blood breakdown products, which appear as small signal voids at three locations, at the gray-white interface, in the corpus callosum and in the brain stem. Functional MRI comprises a group of constantly developing techniques that have great potential in optimal evaluation of the white matter in patients after craniocerebral trauma. These imaging techniques allow the visualization of changes associated with shear injuries, such as functional impairment of axons and decreased blood flow and abnormal metabolic activity of the brain parts affected. The multimodal MRI approach in patients with DAI results in a more detailed and differentiated representation of the underlying pathophysiological changes of the injured nerve tracts and helps to improve the diagnostic and prognostic accuracy of MRI. When DAI is suspected multimodal MRI should be performed as soon as possible after craniocerebral injury. (orig.) [German] Das Rotationstrauma des Gehirns ist bei jungen Erwachsenen ein haeufiger Grund

  13. Dehydrodiconiferyl Alcohol Isolated from Cucurbita moschata Shows Anti-adipogenic and Anti-lipogenic Effects in 3T3-L1 Cells and Primary Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts* (United States)

    Lee, Junghun; Kim, Donghyun; Choi, Jonghyun; Choi, Hyounjeong; Ryu, Jae-Ha; Jeong, Jinhyun; Park, Eun-Jin; Kim, Seon-Hee; Kim, Sunyoung


    A water-soluble extract from the stems of Cucurbita moschata, code named PG105, was previously found to contain strong anti-obesity activities in a high fat diet-induced obesity mouse model. One of its biological characteristics is that it inhibits 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. To isolate the biologically active compound(s), conventional solvent fractionation was performed, and the various fractions were tested for anti-adipogenic activity using Oil Red O staining method. A single spot on thin layer chromatography of the chloroform fraction showed a potent anti-adipogenic activity. When purified, the structure of its major component was resolved as dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol (DHCA), a lignan, by NMR and mass spectrometry analysis. In 3T3-L1 cells, synthesized DHCA significantly reduced the expression of several adipocyte marker genes, including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (Pparg), CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α (Cebpa), fatty acid-binding protein 4 (Fabp4), sterol response element-binding protein-1c (Srebp1c), and stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase-1 (Scd), and decreased lipid accumulation without affecting cell viability. DHCA also suppressed the mitotic clonal expansion of preadipocytes (an early event of adipogenesis), probably by suppressing the DNA binding activity of C/EBPβ, and lowered the production level of cyclinA and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2), coinciding with the decrease in DNA synthesis and cell division. In addition, DHCA directly inhibited the expression of SREBP-1c and SCD-1. Similar observations were made, using primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Taken together, our data indicate that DHCA may contain dual activities, affecting both adipogenesis and lipogenesis. PMID:22262865

  14. Induction of potent NK cell-dependent anti-myeloma cytotoxic T cells in response to combined mapatumumab and bortezomib. (United States)

    Neeson, Paul J; Hsu, Andy K; Chen, Yin R; Halse, Heloise M; Loh, Joanna; Cordy, Reece; Fielding, Kate; Davis, Joanne; Noske, Josh; Davenport, Alex J; Lindqvist-Gigg, Camilla A; Humphreys, Robin; Tai, Tsin; Prince, H Miles; Trapani, Joseph A; Smyth, Mark J; Ritchie, David S


    There is increasing evidence that some cancer therapies can promote tumor immunogenicity to boost the endogenous antitumor immune response. In this study, we used the novel combination of agonistic anti-TRAIL-R1 antibody (mapatumumab, Mapa) with low dose bortezomib (LDB) for this purpose. The combination induced profound myeloma cell apoptosis, greatly enhanced the uptake of myeloma cell apoptotic bodies by dendritic cell (DC) and induced anti-myeloma cytotoxicity by both CD8 + T cells and NK cells. Cytotoxic lymphocyte expansion was detected within 24 h of commencing therapy and was maximized when myeloma-pulsed DC were co-treated with low dose bortezomib and mapatumumab (LDB+Mapa) in the presence of NK cells. This study shows that Mapa has two distinct but connected modes of action against multiple myeloma (MM). First, when combined with LDB, Mapa produced powerful myeloma cell apoptosis; secondly, it promoted DC priming and an NK cell-mediated expansion of anti-myeloma cytotoxic lymphocyte (CTL). Overall, this study indicates that Mapa can be used to drive potent anti-MM immune responses.

  15. immobilization of sheep anti-T3 antibodies on the surface of filter paper discs and use it as a solid phase for detection of triiodothyronine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moustafa, K.A.


    immunoassays are the most widely used analytical techniques and have been successfully applied to an extensive range of substances including both large and small molecules, cellular components and viruses. the present study describes the development and validation of a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) for triiodothyronine hormone (T 3 ) quantification using purified anti-T 3 antibodies which immobilized onto the surface of filter paper discs and acts as a solid phase anti-T 3 . also, the purified triiodothyronine was used for tracer and standard preparation. the T 3 -tracer was prepared by using chloramine-T method for iodination of purified T 3 with radio labeled iodine -125. the assay allowed to measure serum T 3 hormone levels with a sensitivity of 0.16 ng/ml. serial T 3 serum sample dilutions were linear. the recovery of T 3 from T 3 serum samples ranged from 83.87 % to 116.1 %. there was a tight correlation between T 3 values measured by the prepared system and by that of commercially available T 3 -RIA kit. in conclusion, the prepared T 3 -RIA system was sensitive, linear, accurate, precise and reproducible.

  16. Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Bank Swasta Nasional Dan Bank Pemerintah Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Hastuti


    Full Text Available Performance or performance of bank is the image of reached achievement in banking operational in all aspect, covering monetary management of bank and ability of bank’s assets had to yield profit efficiently, so bank can stay and compete in the middle of inflation distortion and policy of Bank Indonesia, hence the bank had to have up to standard performance or performance - condition health of bank determined by Bank Indonesia. This research aim to analyse and prove the difference flattens which isn't it in monetary performance Private National Bank and State Bank pursuant to ratioes of CAMEL. Sampel the used to amount to 12 banks, consist of 9 Private National Bank and 3 taken State Bank pursuant to Purposive Sampling with criterion enlist in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI, routine deliver financial statement, period of year 2005-2007.

  17. Rigiscan®-Monitoring der Erektion unter audiovisueller sexueller Stimulation ohne/mit Viagra™ bei Patienten mit erektiler Dysfunktion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perabo FGE


    Full Text Available Die orale Medikation mit Sildenafil (Viagra™ hat sich zur Therapie der erektilen Dysfunktion etabliert und relativiert die Differentialdiagnose zwischen psychogener und organischer Dysfunktion mit den entsprechenden therapeutischen Konsequenzen. Diesem Problem widmet sich diese Studie zur Prüfung der erektilen Antwort unter RigiScan®-Monitoring ohne/mit 50 mg Viagra™. 64 Patienten (mittleres Alter 48 Jahre mit einer erektilen Dysfunktion arteriogener (n = 10, venöser (n = 7, gemischt neurogen/vaskulärer (n = 15 und psychogener (n = 32 Genese von mehr als 6 Monaten Dauer wurden in die Studie aufgenommen. Alle Patienten wurden eingehend diagnostisch abgeklärt, inklusive Hormonlabor, dynamischer Pharmako-Duplexsonographie und, falls indiziert, mit einer Cavernosometrie/ -graphie. Zur Testung der penilen Rigidität und zur Objektivierung der Erektion wurde das "real-time" RigiScan® verwendet. In zwei konsekutiven Messungen wurden sowohl die direkte erektile Antwort auf visuelle Stimulation als auch die nächtlichen Erektionen abgeleitet und die Meßergebnisse mit den Begleiterkrankungen, "lifestyle"-Faktoren und dem Ergebnis der Pharmako-Duplexsonographie korreliert. Es fand sich keine Korrelation zwischen der Ätiologie der erektilen Dysfunktion in bezug auf organische oder psychogene Genese und dem Alter der Patienten, der Dauer der Erektionsstörung, dem Nikotinabusus, den Blutfetten, den Testosteronwerten, dem klinischen Ergebnis der Pharmakotestung (Erektionsgrad und dem duplexsonographisch gemessenen Fluß der penilen Arterien. Hingegen zeigte sich eine positive Korrelation zwischen Genese der erektilen Dysfunktion (organisch bzw. psychogen und dem RigiScan®-Meßergebnis (r = 0,29. Patienten mit psychogen bedingter Erektionsstörung profitierten am meisten von Viagra™, während Patienten mit vaskulärer Genese oder gemischt neurogener/vaskulärer Genese deutlich schlechter auf Viagra™ ansprachen. Es bestand keine Korrelation

  18. In vivo effects of monoclonal anti-L3T4 antibody on immune responsiveness of mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Reduction of irradiated cercariae-induced resistance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, E.A.; Colley, D.G.


    Mice can be partially protected against challenge infections of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae by either single or multiple exposure to irradiated cercariae (x-cerc). The participation of L3T4+ lymphocytes on this resistance phenomenon was evaluated by selectively depleting this cell population through in vivo administration of mAb anti-L3T4 at three different times in relationship to the challenge infections. Treatment with anti-L3T4 before challenge such that depletion was effective during the time of cercarial skin penetration and dermal/s.c. residence significantly reduced the level of resistance induced by x-cerc sensitization. When treatment was delayed until after challenge, depletion of L3T4+ cells coincided with either the lung or post-lung/liver phases of schistosomular migration, and normal levels of x-cerc-induced resistance were induced. In contrast to once-immunized mice, mice hyperimmunized by five exposures to x-cerc and then depleted of L3T4+ cells at the time of challenge still expressed resistance to the challenge. These data suggest that when mice are sensitized only once with x-cerc the challenge infection provides a necessary immunologic boost which requires L3T4+ cells for effective expression of resistance. The requirement for this anamnestic effect by the challenge infection can be circumvented by hyperimmunization. Evaluation of the immune response of one-time sensitized or hyperimmunized mice demonstrated that cellular Ag-specific proliferative responses and mitogen-induced lymphokine production were abrogated after any of the various in vivo regimens of anti-L3T4 antibody. In contrast, immunoblot analysis of humoral responsiveness revealed a correlation between the expression of resistance and the ability of sera from immunized and anti-L3T4 treated mice to recognize a 75-kDa parasite antigenic component

  19. High-precision GNSS ocean positioning with BeiDou short-message communication (United States)

    Li, Bofeng; Zhang, Zhiteng; Zang, Nan; Wang, Siyao


    The current popular GNSS RTK technique would be not applicable on ocean due to the limited communication access for transmitting differential corrections. A new technique is proposed for high-precision ocean RTK, referred to as ORTK, where the corrections are transmitted by employing the function of BeiDou satellite short-message communication (SMC). To overcome the limitation of narrow bandwidth of BeiDou SMC, a new strategy of simplifying and encoding corrections is proposed instead of standard differential corrections, which reduces the single-epoch corrections from more than 1000 to less than 300 bytes. To solve the problems of correction delays, cycle slips, blunders and abnormal epochs over ultra-long baseline ORTK, a series of powerful algorithms were designed at the user-end software for achieving the stable and precise kinematic solutions on far ocean applications. The results from two long baselines of 240 and 420 km and real ocean experiments reveal that the kinematic solutions with horizontal accuracy of 5 cm and vertical accuracy of better than 15 cm are achievable by convergence time of 3-10 min. Compared to commercial ocean PPP with satellite telecommunication, ORTK is of much cheaper expense, higher accuracy and shorter convergence. It will be very prospective in many location-based ocean services.

  20. Phase I Trial of Anti-PSMA Designer CAR-T Cells in Prostate Cancer: Possible Role for Interacting Interleukin 2-T Cell Pharmacodynamics as a Determinant of Clinical Response. (United States)

    Junghans, Richard P; Ma, Qiangzhong; Rathore, Ritesh; Gomes, Erica M; Bais, Anthony J; Lo, Agnes S Y; Abedi, Mehrdad; Davies, Robin A; Cabral, Howard J; Al-Homsi, A Samer; Cohen, Stephen I


    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified "designer" T cells (dTc, CAR-T) against PSMA selectively target antigen-expressing cells in vitro and eliminate tumors in vivo. Interleukin 2 (IL2), widely used in adoptive therapies, was proven essential in animal models for dTc to eradicate established solid tumors. Patients under-went chemotherapy condi-tion-ing, followed by dTc dosing under a Phase I escalation with continuous infusion low dose IL2 (LDI). A target of dTc escalation was to achieve ≥20% engraftment of infused activated T cells. Six patients enrolled with doses prepared of whom five were treated. Patients received 10(9) or 10(10) autologous T cells, achieving expansions of 20-560-fold over 2 weeks and engraftments of 5-56%. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses established the impact of conditioning to promote expansion and engraftment of the infused T cells. Unexpectedly, administered IL2 was depleted up to 20-fold with high engraftments of activated T cells (aTc) in an inverse correlation (P < 0.01). Clinically, no anti-PSMA toxicities were noted, and no anti-CAR reactivities were detected post-treatment. Two-of-five patients achieved clinical partial responses (PR), with PSA declines of 50% and 70% and PSA delays of 78 and 150 days, plus a minor response in a third patient. Responses were unrelated to dose size (P = 0.6), instead correlating inversely with engraftment (P = 0.06) and directly with plasma IL2 (P = 0.03), suggesting insufficient IL2 with our LDI protocol to support dTc anti-tumor activity under optimal (high) dTc engraftments. Under a Phase I dose escalation in prostate cancer, a 20% engraftment target was met or exceeded in three subjects with adequate safety, leading to study conclusion. Clinical responses were obtained but were suggested to be restrained by low plasma IL2 when depleted by high levels of engrafted activated T cells. This report presents a unique example of how the pharmaco-dynamics of "drug

  1. Pesquisa de anticorpos IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii por meio de técnica imunoenzimática reversa

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    José Roberto Mineo


    Full Text Available Um teste imunoenzimático reverso foi padronizado utilizando-se como fase sólida, microplacas de polivinil sensibilizadas com anticorpos anti-IgM.7 Estas foram incubadas seqüencialmente com alíquotas de soros de pacientes com suspeita de toxoplasmose aguda, antígeno solúvel de Toxoplasma gondii, conjugado peroxidase F (ab'2 anti-toxoplasma e substrato enzimático. A atividade enzimática foi determinada por leitura espectrofotométrica, considerando-se como títulos dos soros a máxima diluição fornecendo valores de absorbância maiores que os obtidos com a menor diluição do soro padrão não-reativo. Em 69 amostras de soros de pacientes com toxoplasmose aguda, a média geométrica dos títulos no teste ELISA-Reverso IgM foi superior à de todos os outros testes para anticorpos IgM, não se observando resultados negativos falsos devidos a altos títulos de IgG específica. Não foi encontrada, também, reatividade cruzada em nenhuma das 104 amostras de soros de pacientes com outras patologias, inclusive em amostras contendo fator reumatóide IgM.

  2. Análise da relação entre as informações contábeis e o risco sistemático no mercado brasileiro

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    Ana Luísa Gambi Cavallari Amorim


    Full Text Available De acordo com a literatura existente, as informações contábeis representam um importante estimador dos fluxos de caixa futuros da empresa, servindo, portanto, para fins de avaliação do risco de um investimento em ações. Isso porque tais informações refletem a realidade econômico-financeira da empresa em um dado período, possuindo, consequentemente, relação com o risco sistemático de um investimento, o que justifica sua utilização para fins de decisões relacionadas à composição de um portfólio de ações. Dentro desse contexto, o presente trabalho busca apresentar evidências empíricas da relação entre as informações contábeis e o risco sistemático no mercado brasileiro. Mais especificamente, objetiva-se analisar a relação entre os betas contábeis e os betas de mercado de companhias no Brasil. Para isso, foram selecionadas 97 empresas, da Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros de São Paulo (BM&FBOVESPA, de 15 setores econômicos, entre o 1º trimestre de 1995 e o 3º trimestre de 2009. Foram utilizadas 468 variáveis contábeis. Para operacionalizar a relação entre as variáveis foi utilizado um modelo de regressão com dados em painel. Os resultados evidenciaram que alguns betas contábeis podem explicar o beta de mercado e podem fazê-lo de forma antecipada, podendo, ainda, melhorar a previsão do beta de mercado quando associados a betas de mercado históricos. Por outro lado, a maior parte das versões de betas contábeis apresentou relação pouco significativa ou mesmo inexistente.

  3. Hyperonenproduktion in C+C- und Si+Si-Kollisionen bei 158 GeV pro Nukleon

    CERN Document Server

    Kraus, Ingrid


    Ultrarelativistische Schwerionenstöße werden seit etwa 15 Jahren untersucht, um Kernmaterie unter extremen Bedingungen zu erforschen; in Kollisionen schwerer Atomkerne kann bei hohen Einschußenergien Kernmaterie stark komprimiert und aufgeheizt werden. Die Bedeutung dieser Experimente wird durch Berechnungen der Quanten-Chromo-Dynamik auf raumzeitlichen Gittern hervorgehoben, die bei ausreichend hoher Energiedichte eine Phase voraussagen, in der die Quarks nicht mehr in Hadronen gebunden sind, sondern zusammen mit den Gluonen ein partonisches System ausbilden. Ist das System hinreichend groß und equilibriert, wird es als Quark-Gluon-Plasma bezeichnet. Die als Signatur für das Überschreiten der Phasengrenze vorgeschlagene erhöhte Produktion Seltsamkeit tragender Teilchen wurde in der Gegenüberstellung von elementaren Proton+Proton-Interaktionen und Kern+Kern-Stößen experimentell über einen weiten Energiebereich bestätigt. Eine solche Überhöhung kann aber auch durch rein hadronische Phänomene her...

  4. Cytoprotection with amifostine in the simultaneous radio-chemotherapy of recurrent head and neck cancer; Zytoprotection mit Amifostin im Rahmen der Radiochemotherapie bei vorbestrahlten Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buentzel, J.; Weinaug, R.; Kuettner, K. [Zentralklinikum gGmbH Suedthueringen, Suhl (Germany). Klinik fuer Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Plastische Operationen; Glatzel, M.; Froehlich, D. [Zentralklinikum gGmbH Suedthueringen, Suhl (Germany). Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie; Schuth, J. [Essex Pharma, Muenchen (Germany)


    Purpose: The radiotherapeutic possibilities are limited for patients with a recurrent or second head and neck cancer if the patient was already irradiated in the first therapy. In the presented study we investigated the changes of this situation due to the usage of amifostine in the case of re-irradiation (simultaneous radio-chemotherapy). Patients and methods: Between 1995 and 1997 we treated 14 patients with a recurrent or second malignancy of the head and neck region by a simultaneous radio-chemotherapy (20x1.5 Gy, Carboplatin 70 mg/m{sup 2} BSA on days 1 to 5 and 16 to 20, 500 mg amifostine prior to every carboplatin infusion). Six out of 14 patients got an additional brachytherapy (10 to 15 Gy) to increase the local dose because of a residual tomor. In 4 cases the treatment was an adjunctive one, following the surgical tumor debulking. Results: We have seen 3 complete remissions (21.4%), and 8 partial remissions (57.1%). The median time of observation in 13 months now. Three out of 14 patients died, 2 because of the tumor. Hematological toxicities: Side effects Grade 2 WHO were seen only in 1 patient. Acute non-hematological toxicities: Mucositis Grade 0/1 in 7 patients, mucositis Grade 2 in 7 patients, dysphagia Grade 0/1 in 9 patients, dysphagia Grade 2 in 5 patients, xerostomia Grade 1 in 9 patients, xerostomia Grade 2 in 3 patients. We registrated only 1 serious late toxicity due to radio-chemotherapy: 4 months after brachytherapy a patient (with laryngectomy) developed a submental fistula. Conclusion: These first results suggest that the usage of amifostine offers new potential ways for re-irradiation of patients with recurrent or second malignancies in the head neck region. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Bei einem Rezidiv- oder Zweitkarzinom im Kopf-Hals-Bereich sind die radiotherapeutischen Moeglichkeiten bei bereits vorbestrahlten Patienten sehr begrenzt. Inwieweit die Integration des selektiven Zytoprotektivums Amifostin in eine nochmalige Radiochemotherapie

  5. Quem está ficando para trás? Uma Década de Evasão nos Cursos Brasileiros de Graduação em Administração de Empresas e Ciências Contábeis

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    Jacqueline Veneroso Alves da Cunha


    Full Text Available A evasão em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES públicas e privadas está associada com perdas sociais, acadêmicas e econômicas consideráveis. Essas perdas afetam toda a sociedade, já que os cidadãos pagam, direta ou indiretamente, pela sua própria educação e a dos seus familiares. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o comportamento de evasão dos estudantes matriculados nos cursos de graduação em Administração de Empresas e Ciências Contábeis em IES brasileiras entre 2001 e 2010. As taxas de evasão foram pesquisadas por tipo de IES e correlacionadas com o percentual de estudantes que concluíram os seus cursos dentro do prazo ideal. As hipóteses foram testadas com o teste ANOVA, e as variáveis foram submetidas à análise de correspondência simples e múltipla. As estatísticas descritivas mostraram níveis mais altos de evasão nos cursos de Administração de Empresas do que em Ciências Contábeis, porém em níveis gerais mais baixos quando comparados com a literatura. O índice de prazo ideal de conclusão do curso foi maior para Ciências Contábeis, embora não significativamente. Menos de um quarto dos estudantes concluíram os seus cursos dentro do período esperado de cinco anos. Em geral, as conclusões indicam que os cursos de Ciências Contábeis têm taxas menores de evasão nas universidades e nos centros universitários, enquanto os cursos de Administração de Empresas têm taxas maiores de evasão nas faculdades, escolas, institutos e centros de ensino tecnológico. Os resultados deste estudo não pretendem ser uma generalização, mas representam padrões observados dentro das classificações adotadas no estudo.

  6. Pediatric radiological diagnostics in suspected child abuse; Kinderradiologische Diagnostik bei Verdacht auf Kindesmisshandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erfurt, C.; Schmidt, U. [Technische Universitaet Dresden, Institut fuer Rechtsmedizin, Medizinische Fakultaet, Dresden (Germany); Hahn, G. [Universitaetsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Abteilung Kinderradiologie, Institut und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Dresden (Germany); Roesner, D. [Universitaetsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Kinderchirurgie, Dresden (Germany)


    Advanced and specialized radiological diagnostics are essential in the case of clinical suspicion of pediatric injuries to the head, thorax, abdomen, and extremities when there is no case history or when ''battered child syndrome'' is assumed on the basis of inadequate trauma. In particular, the aim of this sophisticated diagnostic procedure is the detection of lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) in order to initiate prompt medical treatment. If diagnostic imaging shows typical findings of child abuse, accurate documented evidence of the diagnostic results is required to prevent further endangerment of the child's welfare. (orig.) [German] Klinisch diagnostizierte Verletzungen an Kopf, Thorax, Abdomen oder Extremitaeten eines Kindes bei scheinbar leerer Anamnese oder Angabe eines inadaequaten Traumas erfordern beim Verdacht auf ein Battered-Child-Syndrom eine erweiterte und spezialisierte radiologische Diagnostik. Diese soll insbesondere im Bereich des ZNS Verletzungsfolgen erfassen, um therapeutische Massnahmen einleiten zu koennen. Bei typischen, auf eine Misshandlung hinweisenden radiologischen Befunden ist eine praezise beweissichere Befunddokumentation erforderlich, um eine weitere Kindeswohlgefaehrdung zu vermeiden. (orig.)

  7. A comparabilidade das escolhas contábeis na mensuração subsequente de ativos imobilizados, de ativos intangíveis e de propriedades para investimento


    Souza, Flaida êmine Alves de


    A expertise comparabilidade, escolhas contábeis e valor justo é um dos temas mais controvertidos e carentes de discussões no cenário contábil atual. As escolhas contábeis são necessárias para que seja garantida a representação fidedigna, ao mesmo tempo em que seu uso discricionário pode diminuir a comparabilidade, que é esperada pelo IASB. Quando as escolhas contábeis se referem à opção entre os métodos do custo histórico e do valor justo, as controvérsias são ainda maiores. Em decorrência di...

  8. Molecularly characterized solvent extracts and saponins from Polygonum hydropiper L show high anti-angiogenic, anti-tumor, brine shrimp and fibroblast NIH/3T3 cell line cytotoxicity

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    Muhammad eAyaz


    Full Text Available Polygonum hydropiper is used as anti-cancer and anti-rheumatic agent in folk medicine. This study was designed to investigate the anti-angiogenic, anti-tumor and cytotoxic potentials of different solvent extracts and isolated saponins. Samples were analyzed using GC, GC-MS to identify major and bioactive compounds. Quantitation of antiangiogenesis for the plant's samples including methanolic extract (Ph.Cr, its subsequent fractions; n-hexane (Ph.Hex, chloroform (Ph.Chf, ethyl acetate (Ph.EtAc, n-Butanol (Ph.Bt, aqueous (Ph.Aq, saponins (Ph.Sp were performed using the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM assay. Potato disc anti-tumor assay was performed on Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing tumor inducing plasmid. Cytotoxicity was performed on Artemia salina and mouse embryonic fibroblast NIH/3T3 cell line using brine shrimps and MTT cells viability assays. The GC-MS analysis of Ph.Cr, Ph.Hex, Ph.Chf, Ph.Bt and Ph.EtAc identified 126, 124, 153, 131 and 164 compounds respectively. In anti-angiogenic assay, Ph.Chf, Ph.Sp, Ph.EtAc and Ph.Cr exhibited highest activity with IC50 of 28.65, 19.21, 88.75 and 461.53 µg/ml respectively. In anti-tumor assay, Ph.Sp, Ph.Chf, Ph.EtAc and Ph.Cr were most potent with IC50 of 18.39, 73.81, 217.19 and 342.53 µg/ml respectively. In MTT cells viability assay, Ph.Chf, Ph.EtAc, Ph.Sp were most active causing 79.00, 72.50 and 71.50% cytotoxicity respectively at 1000 µg/ml with the LD50 of 140, 160 and 175 µg/ml respectively. In overall study, Ph.Chf and Ph.Sp have shown overwhelming results which signifies their potentials as sources of therapeutic agents against cancer.

  9. Instrumentos para determinação do índice de evidenciação de informações contábeis

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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available Este estudo descreve as características de instrumentos citados na literatura para apuração do índice de evidenciação de informações contábeis. Pesquisa descritiva foi realizada por meio de análise documental, com abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados focalizam cinco temáticas que exprimem os cuidados necessários ao elaborar uma métrica de mensuração de evidenciação de informações contábeis: público-alvo e definição de informação coercitiva e voluntária; escolha da base de dados; extensão do instrumento de coleta de dados; fatores que interferem na métrica; e testes de confiabilidade. O estudo pode contribuir na identificação de métricas para mensurar a extensão da evidenciação de informações contábeis pelas empresas.

  10. Paradoxical effects of radioiodine therapy in functional thyroid autonomy and mild immunothyropathy; Paradoxe Effekte der Radiojodtherapie bei funktioneller Schilddruesenautonomie und milder Immunthyreopathie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dunkelmann, S.; Rudolph, F.; Prillwitz, A.; Groth, P.; Schuemichen, C. [Rostock Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    Aim: To examine all cases with Graves` disease after radioiodine therapy of autonomously functioning thyroid tissue (AFFT) in order to find the cause. Methods: We retrospectively studied 1428 pts who were treated between 11/93 and 3/97 with radioiodine for AFTT and who underwent at least one control examination. Results: 15 (1.1%) of all pts developed Graves` disease 8.4 (4-13) months after radioiodine therapy. There was no direct suggestion of Graves` disease (TRAK negative, no endocrine ophthalmopathy) in any pt at the time of radioiodine therapy. More detailed analysis of anamnestic data, however, revealed evidence that immunothyropathy predated radioiodine therapy in 11 of the 15 pts. Paradoxical effects of radioiodine therapy manifested as an increase in immunothyropathy 14 pts, a deterioration in metabolism in 11 pts and a first occurrence of endocrine ophthalmopathy in 5 pts. Conclusion: Exacerbation of preexisting, functional primarily insignificant immunothyropathia is held responsible in most cases for the observed paradoxical effects after radioiodine therapy, resulting in radiation-induced manifest Graves` disease; however no therapeutical consequences are recommended. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Erfassung von Pat. mit einer nach Radiojodtherapie wegen einer funktionellen Autonomie aufgetretenen Immunhyperthyreose sowie deren Ursachen. Methoden: Wir untersuchten in einer retrospektiven Studie 1428 Pat., die im Zeitraum 11/93 bis 3/97 wegen einer funktionellen Autonomie mit Radiojod behandelt wurden und die sich mindestens einer Kontrolluntersuchung unterzogen hatten. Ergebnisse: 15 (1,1%) der Pat. entwickelten 8,4 (4-13) Monate nach Radiojodtherapie eine postradiogene Immunhyperthyreose. Bei allen 15 Pat. lag zum Zeitpunkt der Radiojodtherapie kein direkter Hinweis auf eine Immunhyperthyreose vor (TRAK neg., keine endokrine Orbitopathie). Bei einer genauen Analyse anamnestischer Daten fanden sich jedoch bei 11 der 15 Pat. erste Hinweise auf das Vorliegen

  11. Inclusive-jet cross sections in NC DIS at HERA and a comparison of the kT, anti-kT and SIScone jet algorithms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abramowicz, H.; Abt, I.; Adamczyk, L.


    For the first time, differential inclusive-jet cross sections have been measured in neutral current deep inelastic ep scattering using the anti-k T and SIScone algorithms. The measurements were made for boson virtualities Q 2 > 125 GeV 2 with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 82 pb -1 and the jets were identified in the Breit frame. The performance and suitability of the jet algorithms for their use in hadron-like reactions were investigated by comparing the measurements to those performed with the k T algorithm. Next-to-leading-order QCD calculations give a good description of the measurements. Measurements of the ratios of cross sections using different jet algorithms are also presented; the measured ratios are well described by calculations including up to O(α s 3 ) terms. Values of α s (M Z ) were extracted from the data; the results are compatible with and have similar precision to the value extracted from the k T analysis. (orig.)

  12. Lym-1 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells Exhibit Potent Anti-Tumor Effects against B-Cell Lymphoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Long Zheng


    Full Text Available T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs recognizing CD19 epitopes have produced remarkable anti-tumor effects in patients with B-cell malignancies. However, cancer cells lacking recognized epitopes can emerge, leading to relapse and death. Thus, CAR T cells targeting different epitopes on different antigens could improve immunotherapy. The Lym-1 antibody targets a conformational epitope of Human Leukocyte Antigen-antigen D Related (HLA-DR on the surface of human B-cell lymphomas. Lym-1 CAR T cells were thus generated for evaluation of cytotoxic activity towards lymphoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Human T cells from healthy donors were transduced to express a Lym-1 CAR, and assessed for epitope-driven function in culture and towards Raji xenografts in NOD-scidIL2Rgammanull (NSG mice. Lym-1 CAR T cells exhibited epitope-driven activation and lytic function against human B-cell lymphoma cell lines in culture and mediated complete regression of Raji/Luciferase-Green fluorescent protein (Raji/Luc-GFP in NSG mice with similar or better reactivity than CD19 CAR T cells. Lym-1 CAR transduction of T cells is a promising immunotherapy for patients with Lym-1 epitope positive B-cell malignancies.

  13. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in endocrine ophthalmopathy; Somatostatin-Rezeptor-Szintigraphie bei endokriner Orbitopathie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz, M. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Mainz (Germany); Kahaly, G. [3. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Innere Medizin - Endokrinologie, Univ. Mainz (Germany); Muehlbach, A. [3. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Innere Medizin - Endokrinologie, Univ. Mainz (Germany); Bockisch, A. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Mainz (Germany); Beyer, J. [3. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Innere Medizin - Endokrinologie, Univ. Mainz (Germany); Hahn, K. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Mainz (Germany)


    Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with {sup 111}In-labeled octreotide proves to be a very sensitive diagnostic tool for evaluation of inflammative activity in endocrine ophthalmopathy (EO). The results of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) in 40 patients with EO show a high orbital accumulation of {sup 111}In-octreotide in clinically active EO (4h-median/orbit-brain-ratio: 12.6; controls 4h-median: 5.8) Patients with clinically inactive EO (4h-median: 7.1) show a similar orbital accumulation of radioactivity compared to controls. 5 patients with active orbital myositis also revealed an even higher orbital accumulation of radioactivity (4h-median: 42.3). The diagnostic value of SRS lies in its ability to act as a measure of inflammation and an be useful as an activity parameter when planning therapeutic procedure as well as for EO follow-up. The results in patients with orbital myositis nevertheless do not permit a differential diagnosis with this method. The therapeutic value of {sup 111}In-octreotide in Graves` disease has yet to be established. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Somatostatin-Rezeptor-Szintigraphie (SRS) mit dem {sup 111}Indium-markierten Somatostatinanalogon Octreotid stellt ein sensitives Verfahren zur Einschaetzung der entzuendlichen Aktivitaet bei endokriner Orbitopathie (EO) dar. Die Untersuchungen an 40 Patienten mit EO ergaben eine im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe signifikant hoehere orbitale Octreotidanreicherung bei klinisch aktiver Erkrankung (4h-Median/Orbita-Hirn-Quotient: 12,6; Kontrollgruppe 4h-Median: 5,8; p=0,0032). Patienten mit klinisch nicht aktiver Erkrankung (4h-Median: 7,1) unterschieden sich bezueglich der orbitalen Octreotidanreicherung nicht wesentlich von der Kontrollgruppe. Auch 5 Patienten mit florider orbitaler Myositis zeigten eine deutlich gesteigerte orbitale Aktivitaetsanreicherung (4h-Median: 42,3). Der diagnostische Nutzen der SRS liegt somit in ihrer Eigenschaft als Aktivitaets- und Entzuendungsparameter und kann mit

  14. ImmunoPET Imaging of Murine CD4+ T Cells Using Anti-CD4 Cys-Diabody: Effects of Protein Dose on T Cell Function and Imaging. (United States)

    Freise, Amanda C; Zettlitz, Kirstin A; Salazar, Felix B; Lu, Xiang; Tavaré, Richard; Wu, Anna M


    Molecular imaging of CD4 + T cells throughout the body has implications for monitoring autoimmune disease and immunotherapy of cancer. Given the key role of these cells in regulating immunity, it is important to develop a biologically inert probe. GK1.5 cys-diabody (cDb), a previously developed anti-mouse CD4 antibody fragment, was tested at different doses to assess its effects on positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and CD4 + T cell viability, proliferation, CD4 expression, and function. The effect of protein dose on image contrast (lymphoid tissue-to-muscle ratio) was assessed by administering different amounts of 89 Zr-labeled GK1.5 cDb to mice followed by PET imaging and ex vivo biodistribution analysis. To assess impact of GK1.5 cDb on T cell biology, GK1.5 cDb was incubated with T cells in vitro or administered intravenously to C57BL/6 mice at multiple protein doses. CD4 expression and T cell proliferation were analyzed with flow cytometry and cytokines were assayed. For immunoPET imaging, the lowest protein dose of 2 μg of 89 Zr-labeled GK1.5 cDb resulted in significantly higher % injected dose/g in inguinal lymph nodes (ILN) and spleen compared to the 12-μg protein dose. In vivo administration of GK1.5 cDb at the high dose of 40 μg caused a transient decrease in CD4 expression in spleen, blood, lymph nodes, and thymus, which recovered within 3 days postinjection; this effect was reduced, although not abrogated, when 2 μg was administered. Proliferation was inhibited in vivo in ILN but not the spleen by injection of 40 μg GK1.5 cDb. Concentrations of GK1.5 cDb in excess of 25 nM significantly inhibited CD4 + T cell proliferation and interferon-γ production in vitro. Overall, using low-dose GK1.5 cDb minimized biological effects on CD4 + T cells. Low-dose GK1.5 cDb yields high-contrast immunoPET images with minimal effects on T cell biology in vitro and in vivo and may be a useful tool for investigating CD4 + T cells in the context of

  15. Potential cost savings in waste incineration in grate furnaces; Kosteneinsparpotentiale bei der Verbrennung von Abfaellen in Rostfeuerungsanlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolf, C; Beckmann, R [Fraunhofer Inst. fuer Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT, Oberhausen (Germany). Abt. Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft


    Shortage of public puts increased cost pressure on thermal treatment of waste. The specific operating cost of current projects is around 200 DM/t. The contribution outlines parameters that can help to reduce the operating and investment cost. This includes economic as well as technical parameters that directly influence plant operation. The analyses were carried out using the UMSICHT-owned calculation program GLOBUS which permits the conservative determination of the cost-determining plant cost as a function of sensitive influencing parameters. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Nicht zuletzt aufgrund leerer oeffentlicher Kassen hat in den letzten Jahren ein Umdenken stattgefunden, das durch die Forderung nach umweltvertraeglichen Entsorgungsverfahren bei gleichzeitig moderaten Abfallgebuehren gepraegt ist. Somit hat fuer die thermische Abfallbehandlung der Kostendruck stark zugenommen. Fuer aktuelle Projekte werden spezifische Betriebskosten von etwa 200 DM/t erreicht. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt kostenwirksame Einflussgroessen auf, durch die eine Reduzierung der Betriebs- und Investitionskosten ermoeglicht wird. Dazu gehoeren sowohl abfallwirtschaftlicher Parameter als auch technische Groessen, die einen direkten Einfluss auf den Betrieb der Anlage besitzen. Die Analysen wurden mit dem UMSICHT-eigenen Kalkulationsprogramm GLOBUS durchgefuehrt, das die belastbare Ermittlung der fuer die Kostenseite bestimmenden Apparatekosten in Abhaengigkeit sensitiver Einflussgroessen erlaubt. (orig./SR)

  16. Genome-wide expression profiling analysis to identify key genes in the anti-HIV mechanism of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. (United States)

    Gao, Lijie; Wang, Yunqi; Li, Yi; Dong, Ya; Yang, Aimin; Zhang, Jie; Li, Fengying; Zhang, Rongqiang


    Comprehensive bioinformatics analyses were performed to explore the key biomarkers in response to HIV infection of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. The numbers of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells of HIV infected individuals were analyzed and the GEO database (GSE6740) was screened for differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in HIV infected CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. Gene Ontology enrichment, KEGG pathway analyses, and protein-protein interaction (PPI) network were performed to identify the key pathway and core proteins in anti-HIV virus process of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. Finally, we analyzed the expressions of key proteins in HIV-infected T cells (GSE6740 dataset) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs) (GSE511 dataset). 1) CD4 + T cells counts and ratio of CD4 + /CD8 + T cells decreased while CD8 + T cells counts increased in HIV positive individuals; 2) 517 DEGs were found in HIV infected CD4 + and CD8 + T cells at acute and chronic stage with the criterial of P-value T cells. The main biological processes of the DEGs were response to virus and defense response to virus. At chronic stage, ISG15 protein, in conjunction with IFN-1 pathway might play key roles in anti-HIV responses of CD4 + T cells; and 4) The expression of ISG15 increased in both T cells and PBMCs after HIV infection. Gene expression profile of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells changed significantly in HIV infection, in which ISG15 gene may play a central role in activating the natural antiviral process of immune cells. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. PET in patients with clear-cut multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS); PET bei Patienten mit klar definierter multipler chemischer Sensibilitaet (MCS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bornschein, S. [Toxikologische Abt. der II. Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik der Technischen Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Muenchen (Germany); Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Technischen Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Muenchen (Germany); Hausteiner, C.; Foerstl, H. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Technischen Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Muenchen (Germany); Drzezga, A.; Schwaiger, M. [Nuklearmedizinische Klinik und Poliklinik der Technischen Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Muenchen (Germany); Bartenstein, P. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinikum Mainz (Germany); Zilker, Th. [Toxikologische Abt. der II. Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik der Technischen Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Muenchen (Germany)


    Aim: Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a controversially discussed symptom complex. Patients afflicted by MCS react to very low and generally non-toxic concentrations of environmental chemicals. It has been suggested that MCS leads to neurotoxic damage or neuroimmunological alteration in the brain detectable by positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT). These methods are often applied to MCS patients for diagnosis, although they never proved appropriate. Method: We scanned 12 MCS patients with PET, hypothesizing that it would reveal abnormal findings. Results: Mild glucose hypometabolism was present in one patient. In comparison with normal controls, the patient group showed no significant functional brain changes. Conclusion: This first systematic PET study in MCS patients revealed no hint of neurotoxic or neuroimmunological brain changes of functional significance. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Multiple chemische sensibilitaet (MCS) ist ein umstrittenes Krankheitsbild, das durch Reaktionen auf geringe, fueer Normalpersonen unschaedliche Mengen an Umweltchemikalien gekennzeichnet ist. Es wurde postuliert, dass MCS zu neurotoxischer Schaedigung bzw. neuroimmunologischer Veraenderung im Gehirn fuehrt, die mittels funktioneller bildgebender Verfahren, z. B. positronenemissionstomographie (PET), single-photon-emissions-computer-tomographie (SPECT) dargestellt werden koennte. Obwohl hierfuer kein wissenschaftlicher Beleg erbracht wurde, werden diese Methoden vielfach diagnostisch bei MCS-Patienten eingesetzt. Methode: Wir untersuchten 12 MCS-Patienten mit PET, um etwaige funktionelle Hirnveraenderungen nachzuweisen. Ergebnisse: Im Einzelvergleich war bei einem Patienten ein diskreter Glukose-Hypometabolismus in einzelnen Hirnregionen vorhanden. Im Gruppenvergleich konnte keine signifikante Abweichung von der Norm gefunden werden. Schlussfolgerung: Diese erste systematische PET-Studie bei MCS-Patienten erbrachte keinen

  18. Repeated cycles of 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy impaired anti-tumor functions of cytotoxic T cells in a CT26 tumor-bearing mouse model. (United States)

    Wu, Yanhong; Deng, Zhenling; Wang, Huiru; Ma, Wenbo; Zhou, Chunxia; Zhang, Shuren


    Recently, the immunostimulatory roles of chemotherapeutics have been increasingly revealed, although bone marrow suppression is still a common toxicity of chemotherapy. While the numbers and ratios of different immune subpopulations are analyzed after chemotherapy, changes to immune status after each cycle of treatment are less studied and remain unclear. To determine the tumor-specific immune status and functions after different cycles of chemotherapy, we treated CT26 tumor-bearing mice with one to four cycles of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Overall survival was not improved when more than one cycle of 5-FU was administered. Here we present data concerning the immune statuses after one and three cycles of chemotherapy. We analyzed the amount of spleen cells from mice treated with one and three cycles of 5-FU as well as assayed their proliferation and cytotoxicity against the CT26 tumor cell line. We found that the absolute numbers of CD8 T-cells and NK cells were not influenced significantly after either one or three cycles of chemotherapy. However, after three cycles of 5-FU, proliferated CD8 T-cells were decreased, and CT26-specific cytotoxicity and IFN-γ secretion of spleen cells were impaired in vitro. After one cycle of 5-FU, there was a greater percentage of tumor infiltrating CD8 T-cells. In addition, more proliferated CD8 T-cells, enhanced tumor-specific cytotoxicity as well as IFN-γ secretion of spleen cells against CT26 in vitro were observed. Given the increased expression of immunosuppressive factors, such as PD-L1 and TGF-β, we assessed the effect of early introduction of immunotherapy in combination with chemotherapy. We found that mice treated with cytokine induced killer cells and PD-L1 monoclonal antibodies after one cycle of 5-FU had a better anti-tumor performance than those treated with chemotherapy or immunotherapy alone. These data suggest that a single cycle of 5-FU treatment promoted an anti-tumor immune response, whereas repeated chemotherapy

  19. Effects of in vivo injection of anti-chicken CD25 monoclonal antibody on regulatory T cell depletion and CD4+CD25- T cell properties in chickens. (United States)

    Shanmugasundaram, Revathi; Selvaraj, Ramesh K


    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are defined as CD4(+)CD25(+) cells in chickens. This study examined the effects of an anti-chicken CD25 monoclonal antibody injection (0.5 mg/bird) on in vivo depletion of Tregs and the properties of CD4(+)CD25(-) cells in Treg-depleted birds. The CD4(+)CD25(+) cell percentage in the blood was lower at 8 d post injection than at 0 d. Anti-CD25-mediated CD4(+)CD25(+) cell depletion in blood was maximum at 12 d post injection. The anti-CD25 antibody injection depleted CD4(+)CD25(+) cells in the spleen and cecal tonsils, but not in the thymus, at 12 d post antibody injection. CD4(+)CD25(-) cells from the spleen and cecal tonsils of birds injected with the anti-chicken CD25 antibody had higher proliferation and higher IL-2 and IFNγ mRNA amounts than the controls at 12 d post injection. At 20 d post injection, CD4(+)CD25(+) cell percentages in the blood, spleen and thymus were comparable to that of the 0 d post injection. It could be concluded that anti-chicken CD25 injection temporarily depleted Treg population and increased and IL-2 and IFNγ mRNA amounts in CD4(+)CD25(-) cells at 12d post injection. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Clinical Trials Using Anti-CD19/CD28/CD3zeta CAR Gammaretroviral Vector-transduced Autologous T Lymphocytes KTE-C19 (United States)

    NCI supports clinical trials that test new and more effective ways to treat cancer. Find clinical trials studying anti-cd19/cd28/cd3zeta car gammaretroviral vector-transduced autologous t lymphocytes kte-c19.

  1. Shortcomings of the industrial quality assurance of {sup 106}Ru ophthalmic plaques; Therapierelevante Schwachstellen bei der industriellen Qualitaetssicherung von {sup 106}Ru-Augenapplikatoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaulich, T.W.; Nuesslin, F. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radioonkologie, Tuebingen (Germany). Abt. Medizinische Physik; Zurheide, J. [BrainLAB AG, Heimstetten (Germany); Fluehs, D. [Abt. Strahlentherapie, Bereich klinische Strahlenphysik, Universitaetsklinikum Essen (Germany); Haug, T. [Isotopenlabor der Univ. Tuebingen (Germany); Bamberg, M. [Abt. Radioonkologie, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radioonkologie, Tuebingen (Germany)


    Background: Beta emitting {sup 106}Ru applicators manufactured by Bebig GmbH (Berlin, Germany) are widely used to treat intraocular tumors. The applicators are fixed to the bulbus and removed after several days. The following therapy relevant defects have been detected by an internal clinical acceptance test: risk of leakage and inconsistent dose-rate specifications by the manufacturer. In the meantime, components of the internal clinical acceptance test have been adopted successfully by the manufacturer of the {sup 106}Ru ophthalmic plaques. Material and Method: {sup 106}Ru ophthalmic plaques were tested with the following internal clinical acceptance tests: visual inspection, surface contamination, leakage, and dose-rate verification. The surface contamination test consists of a wet wipe test at moderate pressure. For the leakage test of the {sup 106}Ru ophthalmic plaques a clinically relevant scenario was developed in which the contact of the applicator with human tissue is simulated. In the course of it the applicator is inserted into Ringer's solution for several days. The certified energy dose-rate statements of the manufacturer are examined with a 1 mm{sup 3} plastic scintillator for consistency. (orig.) [German] Hintergrund: {sup 106}Ru-Augenapplikatoren der Fa. Bebig (Berlin) werden zur strahlentherapeutischen Behandlung von intraokularen Tumoren eingesetzt. Die Applikatoren werden sklerakontaktierend am Bulbus fixiert und nach mehreren Tagen wieder entfernt. Durch eine klinikinterne Eingangspruefung wurden folgende therapierelevante Maengel bei den Augenapplikatoren entdeckt: mangelhafte Dichtheit und inkonsistente Dosisleistungsangaben des Herstellers. Ein Teil dieser klinikinternen Eingangspruefung wurde inzwischen vom Hersteller der {sup 106}Ru-Augenapplikatoren uebernommen und erfolgreich eingesetzt. Material und Methode: Es wurden {sup 106}Ru-Augenapplikatoren durch folgende klinikinterne Eingangspruefungen getestet: optische Inspektion

  2. Inter*sexualisierung - Klitorektomie und das Konzept der angeborenen Bisexualität


    Eckert, Lena


    "Der deutsche Ethikrat schreibt 2012 in seiner Stellungnahme zur Inter*sexualität, dass medizinische Maßnahmen bei Inter*sexuellen einen Eingriff in die körperliche Unversehrtheit darstellen. Dennoch wird in den darin enthaltenen Empfehlungen am Ende der 200 Seiten umfassenden Studie keine klare Position zu Klitorektomien bezogen. In meinem Artikel untersuche ich die psycho-medizinischen Diskurse im Feld der Inter*sexualisierung, die seit Freud auf binär kodierten Geschlechtszuordnungspraxen ...

  3. Determinanten der beruflichen Belastung bei jungen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern: Eine Längsschnittstudie


    Candova, Antonia


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird geprüft, ob berufliche Belastung bei jungen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern von Personenmerkmalen (Top-down-Ansatz), Umweltmerkmalen (Bottom-up-Ansatz) und/oder der Interaktion zwischen Merkmalen der Person und Situation beeinflusst wird. Die Daten stammen aus der prospektiven Längsschnittsstudie "Berufsverläufe in der Mathematik", die sich mit der beruflichen Entwicklung von Mathematikabsolvierenden (Diplom und Lehramt) befasst. Hier werden Daten von 266 aktuell beruf...

  4. Effect of radiation on the induction of anti-hapten cytotoxic T-lymphocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Shinichi; Hachisu, Reiko.


    Effect of ionizing radiation on the induction process of cytotoxic T lymphocytes was studied. We used trinitrophenyl (TNP) as hapten to modify the syngeneic spleen cells. Anti-TNP cytotoxic T lymphocytes (TNP-CTL) were induced from normal spleen cells of C3H mice. The spleen cells were stimulated with TNP-modified spleen cells and cultured for five days in CO 2 incubator (37 deg C, 5 % CO 2 ). Then, the activity of TNP-CTL was measured with 51 Cr release assay. Syngeneic tumor cells, X5563 cells, were labeled with 51 Cr and used as target cells in the assay. The spleen cells were irradiated with 0, 0.5, or 2Gy in course of five days culture. The activity of TNP-CTL was greatly reduced when the spleen cells were irradiated by two days after the initiation of the culture. On the other hand, irradiation was less effective to reduce the TNP-CTL activity on the spleen cells which were cultured longer than three days. Therefore efficacy of the irradiation to suppress the generation of TNP-CTL was gradually reduced with the passing of the culture day. This suggests that the radiosensitivity of the spleen cells which probably include precursor cells of CTL and helper T cells were decreased with the matuation of these cells. The results supported that matured TNP-CTL was radioresistant, for it's activity did not decrease after the irradiation up to 42Gy. (author)

  5. In ovo injection of anti-chicken CD25 monoclonal antibodies depletes CD4+CD25+ T cells in chickens. (United States)

    Shanmugasundaram, Revathi; Selvaraj, Ramesh K


    The CD4(+)CD25(+) cells have T regulatory cell properties in chickens. This study investigated the effect of in ovo injection of anti-chicken CD25 monoclonal antibodies (0.5 mg/egg) on CD4(+)CD25(+) cell depletion and on amounts of interleukin-2 mRNA and interferon-γ mRNA in CD4(+)CD25(-) cells posthatch. Anti-chicken CD25 or PBS (control) was injected into 16-d-old embryos. Chicks hatched from eggs injected with anti-chicken CD25 antibodies had a lower CD4(+)CD25(+) cell percentage in the blood until 25 d posthatch. The anti-chicken CD25 antibody injection nearly depleted CD4(+)CD25(+) cells in the blood until 16 d posthatch. At 30 d posthatch, the CD4(+)CD25(+) cell percentage in the anti-CD25-antibody-injected group was comparable with the percentage in the control group. At 16 d posthatch, the anti-chicken CD25 antibody injection decreased CD4(+)CD25(+) cell percentages in the thymus, spleen, and cecal tonsils. Chickens hatched from anti-CD25-antibody-injected eggs had approximately 25% of CD4(+)CD25(+) cells in the cecal tonsils and thymus compared with those in the cecal tonsils and thymus of the control group. The CD4(+)CD25(-) cells from the spleen and cecal tonsils of chicks hatched from anti-chicken-CD25-injected eggs had higher amounts of interferon-γ and interleukin-2 mRNA than CD4(+)CD25(-) cells from the control group. It could be concluded that injecting anti-chicken CD25 antibodies in ovo at 16 d of incubation nearly depleted the CD4(+)CD25(+) cells until 25 d posthatch.

  6. Ist die Gesangskomplexita¨t der Amsel in einem intrasexuellen Kontext von Bedeutung?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hesler, Nana; Sacher, T.; Coppack, T.

    Vogelgesang wird fu¨r ein sexuell selektiertes Merkmal gehalten, das sowohl im inter- als auch im intrasexuellen Kontext eine Rolle spielt. Dabei nimmt man an, dass der Grad der Gesangskomplexita¨t ein ehrliches Signal fu¨r die Qualita¨t des Sa¨ngers darstellt. Bei Arten, die u¨ber ein gewisses...... Repertoire verschiedener Gesangsmuster verfu¨gen (z.B. verschiedener Strophentypen), stellt die Repertoiregro¨ße ein mo¨gliches Maß der Gesangskomplexita¨t dar. Die Amsel Turdus merula verfu¨gt u¨ber ein großes gesangliches Repertoire mit komplexem Aufbau ohne festgelegte Strophentypen. Dieses Repertoire...

  7. MRI in dementia-type diseases; MRT bei demenziellen Erkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bodea, S.V.; Muehl-Benninghaus, R. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie, Homburg (Germany)


    Dementia-inducing conditions represent a leading cause of disability and are a major health concern in industrialized countries. The burden these conditions put on society is certain to rise in the context of an ever-increasing elderly population. As these conditions feature an insidious onset and overlapping clinical features, imaging is a powerful tool in refining the diagnosis and assessing the progression of dementing conditions. The radiologist needs to be aware of and be able to detect underlying pathologies which could be reversible. Furthermore, imaging is important not only in excluding other pathologies but also in improving diagnostic accuracy. This article presents the typical clinical presentations as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of the degenerative and the non-degenerative causes of dementia. The focus is on the core knowledge for MRI diagnostics in dementing conditions and a brief presentation of the latest MRI techniques which may become a part of standard imaging protocols in the future. (orig.) [German] Demenzielle Erkrankungen gehoeren in den Industrielaendern zu den haeufigsten Ursachen fuer Beeintraechtigungen im Alltag. Durch eine stetig alternde Population nimmt auch die Belastung fuer die Gesellschaft immer weiter zu. Bei haeufig schleichendem Symptombeginn sowie sich ueberlappender Klinik mit anderen Krankeitsbildern kann die Bildgebung ein gutes Werkzeug zur Praezisierung der Diagnose und Beurteilung eines Progresses sein. Der Radiologe sollte andere und reversible Pathologien erkennen und von demenztypischen Veraenderungen abgrenzen koennen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt typische klinische Symptome und auch bildmorphologische Veraenderungen verschiedener Demenzformen, die durch neurodegenerative und nichtdegenerative Ursachen bedingt sein koennen. Ausserdem werden aktuellste MRT-Techniken vorgestellt. Diese koennten kuenftig im Standartprotokoll zur Bildgebung bei der Abklaerung demenzieller Syndrome verankert sein. (orig.)

  8. A prática da evidenciação de informações avançadas e não obrigatórias nas demonstrações contábeis das empresas brasileiras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Maria Rodrigues Ponte


    Full Text Available Para garantir a qualidade das informações disponibilizadas pelas empresas brasileiras, o legislador e os órgãos de regulamentação têm empreendido esforços no sentido de definir as informações que devem ser apresentadas nas demonstrações contábeis. Entretanto, nem todas as orientações têm caráter de obrigatoriedade, tornando-se mais uma questão de ética e responsabilidade corporativa. O presente estudo procura responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: Qual o grau de observância às orientações sobre evidenciação contábil praticado pelas sociedades anônimas brasileiras no tocante à prestação de informações não contempladas nas demonstrações contábeis tradicionais, consideradas de natureza avançada e não obrigatória? O estudo analisou as demonstrações contábeis de 95 empresas, relativas ao exercício social encerrado em 31/12/2002, com a utilização do método de "análise de conteúdo". Utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS para apoio na tabulação e análise dos dados. De um total de 21 itens de evidenciação investigados, apenas seis apresentaram um índice de observância superior a 50%, o que demonstra que as organizações ainda têm um longo caminho a percorrer na busca da transparência e qualidade na divulgação das informações contábeis.In order to ensure the quality of information issued by Brazilian enterprises, legislators and regulatory agencies are making efforts to determine the set of information that should appear in the financial statements. However, not all of their recommendations are obligatory, turning this into a matter of company ethics and corporate responsibility. In this paper, the authors attempt to answer the following question: To what extent do Brazilian corporations follow the recommendations on advanced and non-obligatory information disclosure, which is not considered in traditional financial statements. Using the content analysis

  9. Simultaneous assessment of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses against multiple viral infections by combined usage of optimal epitope matrices, anti- CD3 mAb T-cell expansion and "RecycleSpot"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wong Johnson T


    Full Text Available Abstract The assessment of cellular anti-viral immunity is often hampered by the limited availability of adequate samples, especially when attempting simultaneous, high-resolution determination of T cell responses against multiple viral infections. Thus, the development of assay systems, which optimize cell usage, while still allowing for the detailed determination of breadth and magnitude of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL responses, is urgently needed. This study provides an up-to-date listing of currently known, well-defined viral CTL epitopes for HIV, EBV, CMV, HCV and HBV and describes an approach that overcomes some of the above limitations through the use of peptide matrices of optimally defined viral CTL epitopes in combination with anti-CD3 in vitro T cell expansion and re-use of cells from negative ELISpot wells. The data show that, when compared to direct ex vivo cell preparations, antigen-unspecific in vitro T cell expansion maintains the breadth of detectable T cell responses and demonstrates that harvesting cells from negative ELISpot wells for re-use in subsequent ELISpot assays (RecycleSpot, further maximized the use of available cells. Furthermore when combining T cell expansion and RecycleSpot with the use of rationally designed peptide matrices, antiviral immunity against more than 400 different CTL epitopes from five different viruses can be reproducibly assessed from samples of less than 10 milliliters of blood without compromising information on the breadth and magnitude of these responses. Together, these data support an approach that facilitates the assessment of cellular immunity against multiple viral co-infections in settings where sample availability is severely limited.

  10. Transparência das Informações Contábeis: Uma Análise dos Fatores de Riscos Citados por Empresas Brasileiras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson Luiz Riccio


    Full Text Available As profundas transformações ocorridas na economia na década de 1970, principalmente após o rompimento do acordo de Bretton Woods, provocaram um aumento na volatilidade do preço dos ativos e, como conseqüência, as recorrentes crises observadas no mercado financeiro internacional a partir de então. Isto despertou um interesse crescente dos investidores e pesquisadores pela análise do risco, particularmente pelas pesquisas desenvolvidas por Markowitz na década de 1950. Diversas técnicas mais recentes foram desenvolvidas merecendo destaque a do VAR (Value At Risk, amplamente utilizada atualmente pelos participantes do mercado financeiro e pelos bancos centrais de diversos países, inclusive do Brasil. Este artigo tem por objetivo avaliar o grau de transparência com que os fatores de risco são evidenciados nos relatórios contábeis anuais das empresas de capital aberto que têm seus títulos negociados no mercado brasileiro. Adota-se neste trabalho a definição de Holton para fatores de risco transcrita a seguir: “Um fator de risco é qualquer variável aleatória Qi cujo valor será realizado durante o intervalo (0,1] e irá afetar o valor de mercado de uma carteira (de investimentos, no tempo 1”. (HOLTON, 2003, p. 41. Esta preocupação está relacionada à importância da contribuição da Contabilidade para a eficiência dos mercados financeiros, cabendo observar que, conforme Iudícibus (2000, p. 28, o objetivo principal da Contabilidade é “[...] fornecer informação econômica relevante para que cada usuário possa tomar suas decisões e realizar seus julgamentos com segurança.” Esta definição, no que se refere à relevância da informação, pode ser complementada com a afirmação de Hendriksen e Breda (1999, p. 97 que salientam que “para que os dados contábeis sejam relevantes, devem proporcionar ou permitir predições de objetos ou eventos futuros.”

  11. Use of anti-tumor necrosis factor biologics in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis does not change human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 markers: a case series. (United States)

    Umekita, Kunihiko; Umeki, Kazumi; Miyauchi, Shunichi; Ueno, Shiro; Kubo, Kazuyoshi; Kusumoto, Norio; Takajo, Ichiro; Nagatomo, Yasuhiro; Okayama, Akihiko


    Anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) biologics are effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA); however, it is still not clear whether this treatment promotes the development of malignancies such as lymphoma. Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), which is a causative agent of adult T-cell lymphoma (ATL), is prevalent in Japan. Many HTLV-1-positive patients with RA are assumed to exist; however, there have thus far been no reports on the effect of anti-TNF biologics on HTLV-1-positive patients. We analyzed the response to treatment with anti-TNF biologics and change of HTLV-1 markers in two cases of RA. The two cases showed no response based on the European League Against of Rheumatism response criteria 60-96 weeks after administration of anti-TNF biologics (infliximab and etanercept). No signs of ATL were observed and HTLV-1 markers, such as proviral load and clonality of HTLV-1-infected cells, showed no significant change in either of two cases. Therefore, treatment with anti-TNF biologics did not induce activation of HTLV-1, although the effect on RA was not as effective as in HTLV-1-negative patients in this limited study. Further long-term study with a greater number of patients is necessary to clarify the safety and efficacy of anti-TNF biologics in HTLV-1-positive patients with RA.

  12. Non-invasive estimation of intracranial pressure. MR-based evaluation in children with hydrocephalus; Nichtinvasive Bestimmung des intrakraniellen Drucks. MR-basierte Untersuchung bei Kindern mit Hydrozephalus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muehlmann, M.; Steffinger, D.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Koerte, I.K. [Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Peraud, A. [Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Abteilung fuer Neurochirurgie, Muenchen (Germany); Lehner, M. [Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Abteilung fuer Kinderchirurgie, Muenchen (Germany); Heinen, F.; Alperin, N. [University Miami, Department of Radiology, Miller School of Medicine, Miami (United States)


    The intracranial pressure (ICP) is a crucially important parameter for diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making in patients with hydrocephalus. So far there is no standard method to non-invasively assess the ICP. Various approaches to obtain the ICP semi-invasively or non-invasively are discussed and the clinical application of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based method to estimate ICP (MR-ICP) is demonstrated in a group of pediatric patients with hydrocephalus. Arterial inflow, venous drainage and craniospinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow were quantified using phase-contrast imaging to derive the MR-ICP. A total of 15 patients with hydrocephalus (n=9 treated with shunt placement or ventriculostomy) underwent MRI on a 3 T scanner applying retrospectively-gated cine phase contrast sequences. Of the patients six had clinical symptoms indicating increased ICP (age 2.5-14.61 years, mean 7.4 years) and nine patients had no clinical signs of elevated ICP (age 2.1-15.9 years; mean 9.8 years; all treated with shunt or ventriculostomy). Median MR-ICP in symptomatic patients was 24.5 mmHg (25th percentile 20.4 mmHg; 75th percentile 44.6 mmHg). Median MR-ICP in patients without acute signs of increased ICP was 9.8 mmHg (25th percentile 8.6 mmHg; 75th percentile 11.4 mmHg). Group differences were significant (p < 0.001; Mann-Whitney U-test). The MR-ICP technique is a promising non-invasive tool for estimating ICP. Further studies in larger patient cohorts are warranted to investigate its application in children with hydrocephalus. (orig.) [German] Der intrakranielle Druck (''intracranial pressure'' - ICP) ist ein entscheidender Parameter bei der Diagnostik, Therapie und Verlaufsbeurteilung von Patienten mit Hydrozephalus. Derzeit gibt es keine radiologische Standardmethode, um den intrakraniellen Druck quantitativ zu bestimmen. Methoden zur invasiven und nichtinvasiven Einschaetzung des ICP werden diskutiert und die Anwendung eines MR

  13. Supraaortale Hybrid-Eingriffe zur Therapie bogennaher Aortenpathologien im kurz- und langfristigen Verlauf


    Eckstein, Georg


    Im Zeitraum 12/2004 - 12/2012 wurden 47 Patienten (23 Zone-I-/24 Zone II) einer Hybrid-Operation (offene supraaortale Rekonstruktion plus thorakaler endovaskulärer Stent) bei distaler Aortenbogenpathologie unterzogen. Ergebnisse: Durchschnittsalter 65,3 Jahre, 51% Notfallindikationen. Tech. Erfolg lag bei 81%, 30d-Letalität bei 12,8%, prim. Typ Ia-Endoleckagen (EL) bei 19%. Das mittlere Follow-up (FU) lag bei 50,5 Monaten, FU-Letalität von 14,9%. Die sek. EL-Rate war 8,5%. Tendenziell ern...

  14. Burnout, Depression und Depersonalisation – Psychologische Faktoren und Bewältigungsstrategien bei Studierenden der Zahn- und Humanmedizin [Burnout, depression and depersonalisation – Psychological factors and coping strategies in dental and medical students

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    Prinz, Patrick


    Full Text Available [english] Background: Previous studies found that stress, depression, burnout, anxiety, and depersonalisation play a significant role amongst dental and medical students. We wanted to examine if students of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg also would report elevated values as can been found in similar publications. Furthermore, particularly coping strategies were investigated.Methods: The data collection took place in April 2008 including 182 dental and medical students of the 4 and 5 academic year at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Demographic data and the following screening instruments were used: Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI, Cambridge Depersonalisation Scale (CDS-9, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS, Brief COPE. Results: Descriptive statistics showed higher pathological values in dental students than in medical students. The difference was especially pronounced on the depersonalisation scale (CDS-9, with 20.4% of the dental students, but only 5.5% of the medical students showing scores above a cut-off of 19. The scores decreased in the course of 3 semesters of dentistry. The students with elevated values showed a higher degree of dysfunctional coping. Conclusion: Our results obtained with the screening instruments are in line with the results of previous investigations of other authors and point out the importance of this issue. It might be useful to develop programs teaching dental students more adaptive coping strategies before their first patient contact.[german] Hintergrund: Studien der vergangenen Jahre zeigten, dass Stress, Depression, Burnout-Syndrom, Angst und Depersonalisation während des Studiums der Zahn- und Humanmedizin einen besonderen Stellenwert einnehmen. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob auch bei Studierenden der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg erhöhte Werte, wie sie in der Literatur gefunden werden, nachweisbar sind. Zudem soll untersucht werden, welche Arten von Bewältigungsstrategien vorkommen

  15. Prospektive Entwicklung des postoperativen Sprachverstehens nach Tympanoplastik bei chronischer Otitis media


    Knof, B; Plotz, K; Krack, A; Stumper, J; Schönfeld, R


    Einleitung: Tympanoplastiken I/III bei chron. Otitis media COM (mesotympanalis CMOM und epitympanalis CEOM). In der Literatur werden erfolgreiche operative Behandlungen mit Verringerung der Schallleitungskomponente (air-bone gap) belegt (Gierke et al. 2011). Aus Sicht des Patienten steht die Verbesserung des Hörvermögens und des Sprachverstehens im Alltag im Vordergrund. Das Ziel war die Untersuchung der Entwicklung des Hörvermögens in Ruhe sowie im Störgeräusch.Methoden: An den Hör- und Sp...

  16. Regression of established renal cell carcinoma in nude mice using lentivirus-transduced human T cells expressing a human anti-CAIX chimeric antigen receptor

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    Agnes Shuk-Yee Lo


    Full Text Available Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX is a tumor-associated antigen and marker of hypoxia that is overexpressed on > 90% of clear-cell type renal cell carcinoma (RCC but not on neighboring normal kidney tissue. Here, we report on the construction of two chimeric antigen receptors (CARs that utilize a carbonic anhydrase (CA domain mapped, human single chain antibody (scFv G36 as a targeting moiety but differ in their capacity to provide costimulatory signaling for optimal T cell proliferation and tumor cell killing. The resulting anti-CAIX CARs were expressed on human primary T cells via lentivirus transduction. CAR-transduced T cells (CART cells expressing second-generation G36-CD28-TCRζ exhibited more potent in vitro antitumor effects on CAIX+ RCC cells than first-generation G36-CD8-TCRζ including cytotoxicity, cytokine secretion, proliferation, and clonal expansion. Adoptive G36-CD28-TCRζ CART cell therapy combined with high-dose interleukin (IL-2 injection also lead to superior regression of established RCC in nude mice with evidence of tumor cell apoptosis and tissue necrosis. These results suggest that the fully human G36-CD28-TCRζ CARs should provide substantial improvements over first-generation mouse anti-CAIX CARs in clinical use through reduced human anti-mouse antibody responses against the targeting scFv and administration of lower doses of T cells during CART cell therapy of CAIX+ RCC.

  17. Increased T cell proliferative responses to islet antigens identify clinical responders to anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) therapy in type 1 diabetes. (United States)

    Herold, Kevan C; Pescovitz, Mark D; McGee, Paula; Krause-Steinrauf, Heidi; Spain, Lisa M; Bourcier, Kasia; Asare, Adam; Liu, Zhugong; Lachin, John M; Dosch, H Michael


    Type 1 diabetes mellitus is believed to be due to the autoimmune destruction of β-cells by T lymphocytes, but a single course of rituximab, a monoclonal anti-CD20 B lymphocyte Ab, can attenuate C-peptide loss over the first year of disease. The effects of B cell depletion on disease-associated T cell responses have not been studied. We compare changes in lymphocyte subsets, T cell proliferative responses to disease-associated target Ags, and C-peptide levels of participants who did (responders) or did not (nonresponders) show signs of β-cell preservation 1 y after rituximab therapy in a placebo-controlled TrialNet trial. Rituximab decreased B lymphocyte levels after four weekly doses of mAb. T cell proliferative responses to diabetes-associated Ags were present at baseline in 75% of anti-CD20- and 82% of placebo-treated subjects and were not different over time. However, in rituximab-treated subjects with significant C-peptide preservation at 6 mo (58%), the proliferative responses to diabetes-associated total (p = 0.032), islet-specific (p = 0.048), and neuronal autoantigens (p = 0.005) increased over the 12-mo observation period. This relationship was not seen in placebo-treated patients. We conclude that in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, anti-B cell mAb causes increased proliferative responses to diabetes Ags and attenuated β-cell loss. The way in which these responses affect the disease course remains unknown.

  18. A novel method to generate T-cell receptor-deficient chimeric antigen receptor T cells. (United States)

    Kamiya, Takahiro; Wong, Desmond; Png, Yi Tian; Campana, Dario


    Practical methods are needed to increase the applicability and efficacy of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies. Using donor-derived CAR-T cells is attractive, but expression of endogenous T-cell receptors (TCRs) carries the risk for graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD). To remove surface TCRαβ, we combined an antibody-derived single-chain variable fragment specific for CD3ε with 21 different amino acid sequences predicted to retain it intracellularly. After transduction in T cells, several of these protein expression blockers (PEBLs) colocalized intracellularly with CD3ε, blocking surface CD3 and TCRαβ expression. In 25 experiments, median TCRαβ expression in T lymphocytes was reduced from 95.7% to 25.0%; CD3/TCRαβ cell depletion yielded virtually pure TCRαβ-negative T cells. Anti-CD3ε PEBLs abrogated TCRαβ-mediated signaling, without affecting immunophenotype or proliferation. In anti-CD3ε PEBL-T cells, expression of an anti-CD19-41BB-CD3ζ CAR induced cytokine secretion, long-term proliferation, and CD19 + leukemia cell killing, at rates meeting or exceeding those of CAR-T cells with normal CD3/TCRαβ expression. In immunodeficient mice, anti-CD3ε PEBL-T cells had markedly reduced GVHD potential; when transduced with anti-CD19 CAR, these T cells killed engrafted leukemic cells. PEBL blockade of surface CD3/TCRαβ expression is an effective tool to prepare allogeneic CAR-T cells. Combined PEBL and CAR expression can be achieved in a single-step procedure, is easily adaptable to current cell manufacturing protocols, and can be used to target other T-cell molecules to further enhance CAR-T-cell therapies. © 2018 by The American Society of Hematology.

  19. Co-Introduced Functional CCR2 Potentiates In Vivo Anti-Lung Cancer Functionality Mediated by T Cells Double Gene-Modified to Express WT1-Specific T-Cell Receptor (United States)

    Asai, Hiroaki; Fujiwara, Hiroshi; An, Jun; Ochi, Toshiki; Miyazaki, Yukihiro; Nagai, Kozo; Okamoto, Sachiko; Mineno, Junichi; Kuzushima, Kiyotaka; Shiku, Hiroshi; Inoue, Hirofumi; Yasukawa, Masaki


    Background and Purpose Although gene-modification of T cells to express tumor-related antigen-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) or chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has clinically proved promise, there still remains room to improve the clinical efficacy of re-directed T-cell based antitumor adoptive therapy. In order to achieve more objective clinical responses using ex vivo-expanded tumor-responsive T cells, the infused T cells need to show adequate localized infiltration into the tumor. Methodology/Principal Findings Human lung cancer cells variously express a tumor antigen, Wilms' Tumor gene product 1 (WT1), and an inflammatory chemokine, CCL2. However, CCR2, the relevant receptor for CCL2, is rarely expressed on activated T-lymphocytes. A HLA-A2402+ human lung cancer cell line, LK79, which expresses high amounts of both CCL2 and WT1 mRNA, was employed as a target. Normal CD8+ T cells were retrovirally gene-modified to express both CCR2 and HLA-A*2402-restricted and WT1235–243 nonapeptide-specific TCR as an effector. Anti-tumor functionality mediated by these effector cells against LK79 cells was assessed both in vitro and in vivo. Finally the impact of CCL2 on WT1 epitope-responsive TCR signaling mediated by the effector cells was studied. Introduced CCR2 was functionally validated using gene-modified Jurkat cells and human CD3+ T cells both in vitro and in vivo. Double gene-modified CD3+ T cells successfully demonstrated both CCL2-tropic tumor trafficking and cytocidal reactivity against LK79 cells in vitro and in vivo. CCL2 augmented the WT1 epitope-responsive TCR signaling shown by relevant luciferase production in double gene-modified Jurkat/MA cells to express luciferase and WT1-specific TCR, and CCL2 also dose-dependently augmented WT1 epitope-responsive IFN-γ production and CD107a expression mediated by these double gene-modifiedCD3+ T cells. Conclusion/Significance Introduction of the CCL2/CCR2 axis successfully potentiated in vivo anti-lung cancer

  20. Co-introduced functional CCR2 potentiates in vivo anti-lung cancer functionality mediated by T cells double gene-modified to express WT1-specific T-cell receptor.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hiroaki Asai

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although gene-modification of T cells to express tumor-related antigen-specific T-cell receptor (TCR or chimeric antigen receptor (CAR has clinically proved promise, there still remains room to improve the clinical efficacy of re-directed T-cell based antitumor adoptive therapy. In order to achieve more objective clinical responses using ex vivo-expanded tumor-responsive T cells, the infused T cells need to show adequate localized infiltration into the tumor. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Human lung cancer cells variously express a tumor antigen, Wilms' Tumor gene product 1 (WT1, and an inflammatory chemokine, CCL2. However, CCR2, the relevant receptor for CCL2, is rarely expressed on activated T-lymphocytes. A HLA-A2402(+ human lung cancer cell line, LK79, which expresses high amounts of both CCL2 and WT1 mRNA, was employed as a target. Normal CD8(+ T cells were retrovirally gene-modified to express both CCR2 and HLA-A*2402-restricted and WT1(235-243 nonapeptide-specific TCR as an effector. Anti-tumor functionality mediated by these effector cells against LK79 cells was assessed both in vitro and in vivo. Finally the impact of CCL2 on WT1 epitope-responsive TCR signaling mediated by the effector cells was studied. Introduced CCR2 was functionally validated using gene-modified Jurkat cells and human CD3(+ T cells both in vitro and in vivo. Double gene-modified CD3(+ T cells successfully demonstrated both CCL2-tropic tumor trafficking and cytocidal reactivity against LK79 cells in vitro and in vivo. CCL2 augmented the WT1 epitope-responsive TCR signaling shown by relevant luciferase production in double gene-modified Jurkat/MA cells to express luciferase and WT1-specific TCR, and CCL2 also dose-dependently augmented WT1 epitope-responsive IFN-γ production and CD107a expression mediated by these double gene-modified CD3(+ T cells. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Introduction of the CCL2/CCR2 axis successfully potentiated in

  1. Piracetam Facilitates the Anti-Amnesic but not Anti-Diabetic Activity of Metformin in Experimentally Induced Type-2 Diabetic Encephalopathic Rats. (United States)

    Pandey, Shruti; Garabadu, Debapriya


    Piracetam exhibits anti-amnesic activity in several animal models of dementia. However, its anti-amnesic potential has yet to be evaluated in type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)-induced encephalopathy. Therefore, in the present study, piracetam (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) was screened for anti-amnesic and anti-diabetic activity in T2DM-induced encephalopathic male rats. Subsequently, anti-amnesic and anti-diabetic activities were evaluated for piracetam, metformin and their combination in T2DM-induced encephalopathic animals. Rats received streptozotocin (45 mg/kg) and nicotinamide (110 mg/kg) injections on day-1 (D-1) of the experimental schedule and were kept undisturbed for 35 days to exhibit T2DM-induced encephalopathy. All drug treatments were continued from D-7 to D-35 in both experiments. Piracetam (100 mg/kg) attenuated loss in learning and memory in terms of increase in escape latency on D-4 (D-34) and decrease in time spent in the target quadrant on D-5 (D-35) of Morris water maze test protocol, and spatial memory in terms of reduced spontaneous alternation behavior in Y-maze test of encephalopathic rats. Additionally, piracetam attenuated altered levels of fasting plasma glucose and insulin, HOMA-IR and HOMA-B in encephalopathic animals, comparatively lesser than metformin. In the next experiment, combination of piracetam and metformin exhibited better anti-amnesic but not anti-diabetic activity than respective monotherapies in encephalopathic rats. Further, the combination attenuated reduced acetylcholine level and increased acetylcholinesterase activity, increased glycogen synthase kinase-3β level and decreased brain-derived neurotropic factor level in hippocampus and pre-frontal cortex of encephalopathic animals. Thus, piracetam could be used as an adjuvant to metformin in the management of dementia in T2DM-induced encephalopathy.

  2. MR-guided preoperative localization and percutaneous core biopsy of suspicious breast lesions - experience on the vertically open 0.5 T system; MRT-gestuetzte Markierung und Stanzbiopsie suspekter Mammalaesionen. Moeglichkeiten und Erfahrungen an einem vertikal offenen 0,5-T-System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, J.P.; Schulz, T.; Rueger, S.; Schmidt, F.; Kahn, T. [Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie; Horn, L.C. [Inst. fuer Pathologie, Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig (Germany); Leinung, S. [Chirurgische Klinik I, Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig (Germany); Briest, S. [Frauenklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig (Germany)


    ueberfuehren. Patienten und Methode. Initial wurde eine Methode zur Lokalisation bei sitzender Patientin unter Nutzung einer Ringspule entwickelt. Mit diesem Verfahren wurden 31 herdfoermige Laesionen lokalisiert. Weiter erfolgten in Bauchlage 46 Drahtmarkierungen und 28 Stanzbiopsien unter Verwendung einer offenen Brustspule mit integrierter Biopsieeinheit. Ergebnisse. In allen Faellen kontaktierte die Drahtfuehrungsnadel (18 G) bzw. die Koaxialschleuse (14 G) die zu punktierende Laesion (4-25, im Mittel 12 mm). Bei insgesamt 66 benignen und 39 malignen Befunden erwiesen sich die Drahtmarkierungen in 2 Faellen (Befund nach OP unveraendert) und die Stanzbiopsie in einem Fall (Revision des Ergebnisses bei Groessenprogredienz in der Kontrolle) als fehlerhaft. Schlussfolgerungen. Mit Hilfe des fuer Interventionen konzipierten vertikal offenen 0,5-T-MRT koennen sowohl praeoperative Markeirungen als auch perkutane Stanzbiopsien bei MR-suspekten Mammabefunden vorgenommen werden. Dabei kann eine Zuverlaessigkeit erreicht werden, die mit stereotaktisch oder ultraschallgefuehrten Interventionen vergleichbar ist. Kontrollen bei benignen Befunden sind unverzichtbar. (orig.)

  3. [Postoperative adjuvante Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album ssp. album) bei Hündinnen mit Mammatumoren]. (United States)

    Biegel, Ulrike; Stratmann, Nina; Knauf, Yvonne; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Wehrend, Axel


    Hintergrund: Canine Mammatumoren (CMT) sind wegen ihrer Häufigkeit und hohen Malignitätsrate eine Herausforderung für die Veterinärmedizin. Bisher ist noch keine postoperative adjuvante Therapie als wirksamer Standard etabliert und in den nächsten Jahren wohl auch nicht zu erwarten. Zusätzlich ist die Frage nach der Verträglichkeit einer adjuvanten Therapie mit Erhaltung oder Verbesserung der Lebensqualität (LQ) wichtig. Die Therapie mit Mistelextrakten (Viscum album L.; VAE) ist in der Humanonkologie nach adjuvanter Tumorbasistherapie (Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung) eine sehr häufig verwendete, zusätzliche adjuvante Behandlungsmethode. Auch bei verschiedenen Tierarten werden inzwischen Mistelpräparate in der Onkologie erfolgreich angewendet. Methoden: Überprüfung von Wirkung und Nutzen einer postoperativen, adjuvanten Misteltherapie beim CMT sowie Erfassung der LQ unter der VAE-Behandlung. Ausgewertet wurden 56 Hündinnen mit Mammaadenokarzinom, 33 ausschließlich operierte Kontrolltiere und 23 operierte Tiere, die adjuvant VAE erhielten. Ergebnisse: Die mediane Überlebenszeit (MST) aller Tiere (n = 56) betrug 32 Monate (Interquartilbereich 13-51 Monate). Im deskriptiven Vergleich der Überlebenszeiten (ST) nach Kaplan-Meier waren nach 12, 24, 36 bzw. 48 Monaten noch 24, 20, 15 bzw. 5 Hündinnen (entsprechend 72,7%, 60,6%, 45,1%, 12,4%) der Kontrollgruppe sowie 19, 14, 11 und 1 Hündin (82,6%, 60,9%, 47,8%, 4,3%) der VAE-Gruppe am Leben. Die VAE-Therapie führte zu einem geringeren Gesamtversterberisiko, das statistisch nicht signifikant war (Hazard Ratio (HR) 0,530, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,222-1,262; p = 0,15). Tendenziell (p = 0,07) zeigte sich eine Verringerung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos auf 25% (HR 0,251, 95%-KI 0,056-1,122). Schlussfolgerungen: Es kann eine Tendenz zur Senkung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos der VAE-Gruppe bei guter Verträglichkeit der Therapie angenommen werden. Die LQ der Tiere blieb über die gesamte

  4. Einfluß der Stimulation mit CpG-Oligodesoxynukleotiden und Kostimulation mit CpG-Desoxynukleotiden und IL-2 auf Proliferation, Zytokinproduktion und Expression von Oberflächenmolekülen bei B-CLL-Zellen


    Kronschnabl, Manuela


    B-CLL-Zellen sind langlebige Zellen, die aufgrund einer Apoptoseinhibition akkumulieren. Sie führen zu einer unzureichenden Immunantwort, bedingt durch die geringe Dichte an T-Zell-aktivierenden Oberflächenmolekülen. Durch CpG-ODN (bakterielle DNA) und IL-2 können diese Oberflächenmoleküle bei normalen und malignen B-Zellen hochreguliert sowie Proliferation und Sekretion von Immunglo-bulin und Zytokinen induziert werden. Diese Arbeit untersuchte die Expression der Oberflächenmoleküle CD 25, C...

  5. Role of radiotherapy in age-related macular degeneration. A prospective study; Photonentherapie der subfovealen choroidalen Neovaskularisation bei altersabhaengiger Makuladegeneration. Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Studie an 40 Patienten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prettenhofer, U.; Mayer, R.; Oechs, A.; Pakisch, B.; Stranzl, H.; Willfurth, P.; Hackl, A. [Univ. Graz (Austria). Abt. fuer Strahlentherapie; Haas, A. [Univ. Graz (Austria). Universitaets-Augenklinik


    Aim: To determine the effect of external beam radiotherapy on subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration. Patients and methods: Between September 1995 and July 1996, 40 patients (9 males and 31 females; mean age 74 years, range 61 to 83 years) were included in a prospective study. Eight patients had classic, well defined neovascularisations, 32 patients had occult lesions. Complete ophthalmic investigations included visual acuity contrast sensitivity as well as fluorescein and indocyanine green angiographic examinations prior to treatment and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after radiotherapy. External beam radiotherapy (8-MV photons) was delivered with a total dose of 14.4 Gy in 8 fractions of 1.8 Gy per day. The field size averaged 5.5x4.5 cm. Results: No treatment related morbidity during or after treatment was obtained. After 6 months follow-up the visual acuity was improved in 2 (5%) patients and maintained at pretreatment level in 17 (42%) patients. However, 12 months post treatment a stable situation was found in 6 (15%) patients and a decrease in visual acuity in 34 (85%) patients. The central visual fields deteriorated significantly from 16.5 decibel (dB) to 12.4 dB. The enlargement of exsudats and neovascular membranes increased 5- to 7-fold. At 12 months after treatment, 3 (7.5%) patients stated that they had improved vision subjectively, 12 (30%) patients had no change and 25 (62.5%) patients suffered from subjective decrease in visual acuity. Conclusions: Using a total dose of 14.4 Gy/1.8 Gy no difference concerning visual acuity and exsudative changes in comparison to the natural history on age-related macular degeneration was obtained after 12 months. However, the results of multicenter studies are to be awaited. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Ueberpruefung der Effektivitaet der Strahlentherapie als Therapieansatz in der Behandlung subfovealer choroidaler Neovaskularisation bei altersabhaengiger Makuladegeneration. Patienten und

  6. T cell PPARγ is required for the anti-inflammatory efficacy of abscisic acid against experimental IBD. (United States)

    Guri, Amir J; Evans, Nicholas P; Hontecillas, Raquel; Bassaganya-Riera, Josep


    The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to be effective in ameliorating chronic and acute inflammation. The objective of this study was to investigate whether ABA's anti-inflammatory efficacy in the gut is dependent on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) in T cells. PPARγ-expressing and T cell-specific PPARγ null mice were fed diets with or without ABA (100 mg/kg) for 35 days prior to challenge with 2.5% dextran sodium sulfate. The severity of clinical disease was assessed daily, and mice were euthanized on Day 7 of the dextran sodium sulfate challenge. Colonic inflammation was assessed through macroscopic and histopathological examination of inflammatory lesions and real-time quantitative RT-PCR-based quantification of inflammatory genes. Flow cytometry was used to phenotypically characterize leukocyte populations in the blood and mesenteric lymph nodes. Colonic sections were stained immunohistochemically to determine the effect of ABA on colonic regulatory T (T(reg)) cells. ABA's beneficial effects on disease activity were completely abrogated in T cell-specific PPARγ null mice. Additionally, ABA improved colon histopathology, reduced blood F4/80(+)CD11b(+) monocytes, increased the percentage of CD4(+) T cells expressing the inhibitory molecule cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 in blood and enhanced the number of T(reg) cells in the mesenteric lymph nodes and colons of PPARγ-expressing but not T cell-specific PPARγ null mice. We conclude that dietary ABA ameliorates experimental inflammatory bowel disease by enhancing T(reg) cell accumulation in the colonic lamina propria through a PPARγ-dependent mechanism. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Radiotherapy for treatment of bursitis. Indication, technique, own results, literature survey; Strahlentherapie bei der Periarthropathia humeroscapularis (PHS). Indikation, Technik, eigene Ergebnisse, Literaturuebersicht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heyd, R. [Staedtische Kliniken Offenbach am Main (Germany). Strahlenklinik]|[Frankfurt Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Onkologie; Schopohl, B.; Boettcher, H.D. [Frankfurt Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Onkologie


    Our own experience covers 41 primarily chronic cases. The patients have been irradiated with a telecobalt device with isocentric opposing fields, receiving 4x1.0 Gy within two weeks; 15 patients (36.6%) received a second radiation treatment (8 Gy), and one patient (2.4%) a third (12 Gy). After a follow-up period of 44 months on the average, the results were: Complete remittence of pain in 44%, abatement of pain in 44%, and no effect in 12%. Improvement of shoulder joint motility was achieved in 78%. The rate of recidivation was as low as 3%. A statistical evaluation of data acquired revealed that the prognosis is worst in case of a long period of pain preceding commencement of radiotherapy, combined with intensive prior therapy. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] In einer eigenen Untersuchung wurden 41 ueberwiegend chronische Faelle mit 4x1,0 Gy in 2 Wochen an einem Telekobaltgeraet mit isozentrischen Gegenfeldern behandelt, 15 (36,6%) erhielten eine 2. Bestrahlungsserie (8 Gy), ein Fall (2,4%) eine Dritte (12 Gy). Nach einem Nachbeobachtungszeitraum von median 44 Monaten fand sich bei 44% eine komplette Schmerzremission, bei 44% eine Linderung und 12% waren ohne einen Einfluss der Behandlung. Eine Verbesserung der Motilitaet des Schultergelenkes wurde bei 78% erreicht. Die Rezidivrate lag bei nur 3%. Nach statistischer Bearbeitung der Daten erwies sich die Kombination einer langen Beschwerdedauer vor Einleitung der Radiotherapie und intensiver Vortherapie als prognostisch unguenstiger (p=0,02). (orig.)

  8. Technical and marketing aspects of power use in industry and trade; Technik- und Marketingaspekte bei der industriellen und gewerblichen Stromanwendung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mann, E.W.; Duenkelberg, R.


    Using electric power permits energetic optimization of production processes in industry and trade. Because of the trend towards qualitatively high-grade products, the energy form electric power plays a key role. Increased power demand on the part of industrial customers coincides with increased competition in the energy supply sector at the national and international levels. Within short, therefore, these industrial customers may prompt a change in preferences at the supplier side. Utilities will adopt suitable marketing concepts in order to gain profile with their customers as service providers. Operating close to customers will essentially influence customer satisfaction and, thereby, customer loyalty. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Durch die Stromanwendung koennen Produktionsprozesse in Industrie und Gewerbe energetisch optimiert werden. Bei dem Trend zu qualitativ hochwertigen Produkten nimmt die Energieform Strom eine Schluesselstellung ein. Die erhoehte Stromnachfrage der Industriekunden trifft auf zunehmenden Wettbewerb bei der Energieversorgung auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene, wodurch in Kuerze Industriekunden andere Praeferenzen bei den Energielieferanten setzen koennen. Durch geeignete Marketingkonzepte werden sich die Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) als Energiedienstleister ihrer Kunden profilieren. Die Naehe zum Kunden wird wesentlich die Kundenzufriedenheit und damit letztlich auch die Kundenloyalitaet beeinflussen. (orig./RHM)

  9. Assessing anti-T. cruzi candidates in vitro for sterile cidality

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    Monica Cal


    Full Text Available Total clearance of the T. cruzi infection – referred to herein as “sterile cure” – seems to be a critical prerequisite for new drug candidates for Chagas disease, ensuring long-term beneficial effects for patients in the chronic indeterminate stage. This requirement is notably supported by the recent findings of clinical studies involving posaconazole and fosravuconazole, where the majority of patients treated eventually relapsed after an apparent clearance of parasitaemia at the end of treatment. We have adapted an in vitro system to predict the ability of a compound to deliver sterile cure. It relies on mouse peritoneal macrophages as host cells for Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes. The macrophages do not proliferate, allowing for long-term testing and wash-out experiments. Giemsa staining followed by microscopy provides a highly sensitive and specific tool to quantify the numbers of infected host cells. Combining macrophages as host cells and Giemsa staining as the read-out, we demonstrate that posaconazole and other CYP51 inhibitors are unable to achieve complete clearance of an established T. cruzi infection in vitro in spite of the fact that these compounds are active at significantly lower concentrations than the reference drugs benznidazole and nifurtimox. Indeed, a few macrophages remained infected after 96 h of drug incubation in the presence of CYP51 inhibitors–albeit at a very low parasite load. These residual T. cruzi amastigotes were shown to be viable and infective, as demonstrated by wash-out experiments. We advocate characterizing any new anti-T. cruzi early stage candidates for sterile cidality early in the discovery cascade, as a surrogate for delivery of sterile cure in vivo.

  10. Quantitative analysis of contrast enhanced MRI of the inferior alveolar nerve in inflammatory changes of the mandible; Magnetresonanztomographische Signalanalyse im N.alveolaris inferior bei entzuendlichen Veraenderungen der Mandibula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gottschalk, G.; Gerber, S.; Solbach, T.; Baehren, W. [Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Ulm (Germany). Abt. Radiologie; Anders, L. [Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Ulm (Germany). Abt. Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie; Kress, B. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. Neuroradiologie


    Purpose: To evaluate the role of contrast enhanced MRI in quantifying signal changes of the inferior alveolar nerve following inflammatory changes of the mandible. Material and methods: 30 patients with inflammatory changes of the mandible underwent MRI of the face. Both sides of the mandible, the affected as well as the unaffected healthy side were evaluated retrospectively. Regions of interest were placed at 5 defined placed on both sides to assess signal intensity before and after intravenous application of paramagnetic contrast agent. The results of the measurements were compared between the healthy and the affected side (t-test, p<0,05) and correlated with clinical findings (t-test, p<0.05). Results: All patients with hypesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve in areas of the lips or chin (n=4) showed a marked increase in signal intensity from 35% to 83% distal to the inflammatory process. Patients without sensitivity disorders showed less increase in signal intensity with a maximum of 51% distal to the inflammatory process. In nearly all patients no contrast enhancement was observed distal to the first molar on the unaffected side. Conclusions: Quantitative analysis of contrast enhanced MRI of the neurovascular bundle is able to show pathologic mandibular lesions. In case of inflammatory changes of the mandible the neurovascular bundle is able to show pathologic mandibular lesions. In case of inflammatory changes of the mandible the neurovascular bundle shows a significant increase in signal intensity distal to the lesion compared to the unaffected healthy side of the mandible. (orig.) [German] Untersuchungsziel: Das Ziel der Studie war es zu pruefen, ob bei entzuendlichen Veraenderungen der Mandibula kernspintomographisch eine quantitative Analyse der Signalintensitaet im nervus alveolaris inferior moeglich ist. Methodik: 30 Patienten mit entzuendlichen Veraenderungen der Mandibula, die sich im Zeitraum von Februar bis November 2001 einer MRT des Gesichtes

  11. Valuasi Harga Wajar Saham Sektor Perbankan Yang Go Public Di BEI


    Khairi, Sherly Emita


    Investment on stock needs analyisis about valuation of stocks to calculate the intrinsic value of each stocks based on the its fundamental data. The aim of this research is to calculate the intrinsic stock prices of the two company which included in financial sectors and to see whether the stocks of the companies is in the undervalued or overvalued conditions. This research takes samples of financial sectors which are got IPO in BEI from 2005 to 2010. As the samples, it is chosen two banks...

  12. Polyzystisches Ovarsyndrom – ein aktueller Überblick über therapeutische Ansätze bei Kinderwunsch und metabolischen Komorbiditäten // PCOS – A Current Overview of Therapeutic Options for Infertility and Metabolic Co-Morbidities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lunger F


    resistance.p bKurzfassung: /bDie Diagnose des polyzystischen Ovarsyndroms (PCOS wird anhand der Rotterdam-Kriterien von 2003 gestellt und beinhaltet Oligo- oder Anovulation, Hyperandrogenämie und/oder klinische Zeichen einer Androgenisierung sowie polyzystische Ovarien im Ultraschall. Die Diagnose ist allerdings nicht immer klar. Bei unklarem Ovulationsstatus kann eine Progesteron-Bestimmung in der Mittlutealphase herangezogen werden. Klinische Zeichen einer Hyperandrogenämie werden durch Ethnizität maßgeblich beeinflusst und sollten in der Diagnosestellung berücksichtigt werden. Eine Kombinationsbestimmung von AMH und LH kann herangezogen werden, um Frauen mit sonographischer PCO-Morphologie von Frauen mit PCOS zu unterscheiden. Bei bestehendem Kinderwunsch ist ein erster wichtiger therapeutischer Schritt eine Gewichtsreduktion und Lifestyle- Management. Medikamentöse Therapieansätze beinhalten Clomifen, niedrig dosierte Gonadotropine sowie Metformin. Clomifen stellt aufgrund der hohen Schwangerschaftsraten immer noch die Erstlinientherapie dar. Anstatt mehrfacher Zyklen mit Clomifen sollten Gonadotropine eingesetzt werden, insbesondere bei Clomifen-resistenten Frauen, da eine höhere Ovulation- und Schwangerschaftsrate nachgewiesen wurde. Metabolische Komorbiditäten bei PCOS kommen gehäuft vor und sollten dementsprechend großzügig diagnostiziert und behandelt werden, um Spätfolgen zu reduzieren und/ oder zu vermeiden. Konsensbeschlüsse internatio naler Fachgesellschaften empfehlen ein metabolisches Screening mittels Nüchternblutzucker-Bestimmung sowie oGTT bei allen Frauen mit PCOS oder zumindest bei PCOS-Patientinnen mit zusätzlicher Adipositas, Anovulation oder positiver Familienanamnese. Nüchtern- Insulin und HOMA-Index können eine IR dia gnostizieren. Gezielte Therapien für die metabolische Komorbiditäten beinhalten Diät und adäquate körperliche Betätigung sowie die Einstellung von Hypertonie und Stoffwechselstörungen mit cholesterinsenkenden


    The document is a user's guide for an updated Personal Computer version of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (PC-BEIS2), allowing users to estimate hourly emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and soil nitrogen oxide emissions for any county in the contig...

  14. Betriebseigenschaften der CEDARs für Likelihood-Teilchenidentifikation bei COMPASS

    CERN Document Server

    Gensler, Armin

    Die CEDAR Detektoren bei COMPASS können genutzt werden um Teilchen zu identifizieren. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Unregelmäßigkeit untersucht, die in den Daten der Photomultiplier der CEDARs auftritt. Insbesondere wird ermittelt, welche Daten davon betroffen sind und wie diese identifiziert und herausgefiltert werden können. Dabei zeigt sich, dass etwa 10% aller Events betroffen sind. Anschließend werden die Auswirkungen auf das in [4] beschriebene Likelihod-Identifikationsverfahren für Pionen und Kaonen analysiert, wobei sich heraus stellt, dass sich die Effizienz der Verfahrens dadurch deutlich verbessern lässt.

  15. Checkpoint inhibitors and radiation treatment in Hodgkin's lymphoma. New study concepts of the German Hodgkin Study Group

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baues, C.; Semrau, R.; Marnitz, S. [University of Cologne, Medical Faculty, Department of Radiooncology, Cologne (Germany); University of Cologne, German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG), Cologne (Germany); Gaipl, U.S. [University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Radiooncology, Erlangen (Germany); Broeckelmann, P.J.; Engert, A. [University of Cologne, German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG), Cologne (Germany); University of Cologne, Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine I, Cologne (Germany); Rosenbrock, J. [University of Cologne, Medical Faculty, Department of Radiooncology, Cologne (Germany)


    Patients with classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (cHL) have a good prognosis even in advanced stages. However, combined chemo- and radiotherapy, as the standard of care, is also associated with treatment-related toxicities such as organ damage, secondary neoplasias, infertility, or fatigue and long-term fatigue. Many patients suffer from this burden although their cHL was cured. Therefore, the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors like anti-PD1/PD-L1 antibodies in the treatment of solid cancers and also in HL offers new options. A remarkable and durable response rate with a favorable toxicity profile was observed in heavily pretreated cHL patients. Planning to perform prospective randomized clinical trials in the content of radio-immune treatment in patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL), we transferred the results of preliminary clinical studies and basic research in clinical relevant study concepts. Based on these promising early phase trial data, the German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG) will investigate innovative treatment regimens in upcoming phase II trials. The therapeutic efficacy and potential synergies of anti-PD1 antibodies in combination with chemo- or radiotherapy will be investigated in various settings of HL. (orig.) [German] Patienten mit einem klassischen Hodgkin-Lymphom (cHL) haben ueber alle Stadien hinweg eine gute Prognose. Allerdings treten unter der kombinierten Therapie mit Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung therapieabhaengige Toxizitaeten wie z. B. Organschaeden, Sekundaertumoren, Fatigue oder Langzeit-Fatigue auf. Viele Patienten leiden trotz einer Heilung an diesen Symptomen. Daher bietet die nachgewiesene Wirksamkeit der Anti-PD1/PD-L1-Antikoerper bei soliden Tumoren, aber auch beim HL neue Behandlungsoptionen. Bei intensiv vorbehandelten Patienten mit rezidiviertem cHL wurde bei guter Vertraeglichkeit eine hohe Ansprechrate mit z. T. langanhaltenden Remissionen beobachtet. Im Rahmen der Planung prospektiver randomisierter Studien im

  16. 1H-MR-spectroscopy in Anorexia nervosa; characteristic differences between patients and normal controls; 1H-MR-Spektroskopie bei Anorexia nervosa: Charakteristische Unterschiede zwischen Patienten und gesunden Probanden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hentschel, F. [ZI Mannheim (Germany). Abt. fuer Neuroradiologie; Moeckel, R.; Schlemmmer, H.P.; Gueckel, F.; Koepke, J.; Georgi, M. [Universitaetsklinik Mannheim (Germany). Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie; Markus, A.; Goepel, C.; Schmidt, M.H. [ZI Mannheim (Germany). Klinik fuer Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie


    Results: The ratio of NAA/PCr in both voxels were not significantly different when comparing patients vs. controls. Patients showed significantly higher ratios of choline-containing components (Cho) or, respectively Cho/PCr and NAA/PCr in the white matter. Distinct, but not significant differences were detected both for m-Ino and m-Ino/PCr in the parieto-occipital region and for the Cho- and m-Ino cotained ratios in the thalamus. Conclusion: AN is not associated with neuronal damage. The ratio of Cho/PCr and NAA/Cho may reflect the disturbance of membrane-turnover. It is possible that the increase of membrane catabolism leads to a hyperosmolar state. The change of m-Ino/PCr ratio may reflect the regulation of osmolarity. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ergebnisse: In den beiden Voxeln wies N-acetylspartat (NAA) als NAA/PCr keine relevanten Unterschiede zwischen Patienten mit AN und Kontrollen auf. Signifikante Unterschiede wurden ausschliesslich fuer Cholin (Cho) resp. die Quotienten Cho/PCr und NAA/Cho in der POR gefunden. Die Ergebnisse fuer myo-Inositol (m-Ino) resp. den Quotienten m-Ino/PCr in der POR und beider relevanter Cho-Metabolitenratios in der ThR unterschieden sich z.T. deutlich, aber nicht signifikant. Diskussion: Unveraendertes NAA als NAA/PCr spricht in Korrelation mit den reversiblen klinischen und hirnmorphologischen Befunden dafuer, dass es bei der AN nicht zu einem neuronalen Untergang kommt. Als Ursache fuer die Erhoehung des Peaks von Cho/PCr ist ein vermehrter Membrankatabolismus bei der AN zu diskutieren, der zu einer Veraenderung des osmotischen Druckes im Gewebe fuehrt. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auch die Bedeutung des m-Ino als Osmolyt zu eroertern, wenngleich die Ergebnisse bei differierenden Einzelwerten fuer m-Ino/PCr noch keine einheitliche Interpretation zulassen. (orig.)

  17. Prognose und Verlauf der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung bei Soldaten der Bundeswehr. Längsschnittstudie zur Neuvalidierung des Kölner Risikoindex-Bundeswehr (KRI-Bw)


    Dunker, Sibylle


    In einer Längsschnittuntersuchung werden Ausmaß und Verlauf der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS) bei deutschen Soldaten nach einem Auslandseinsatz erfasst. Die Stichprobe besteht aus 650 Afghanistan-Rückkehrern, die 2-4 Monate und 6 Monate nach dem Auslandseinsatz befragt wurden. Die PTBS-Prävalenz beträgt 6 Monate nach der Rückkehr für die Gesamtstichprobe 1.9-7.5%, für traumatisierte Soldaten 3.7-12.1%. Die intraindividuelle Auswertung zeigt heterogene Symptomverläufe bei traumati...

  18. Human anti-CCR4 minibody gene transfer for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Han

    Full Text Available Although several therapeutic options have become available for patients with Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma (CTCL, no therapy has been curative. Recent studies have demonstrated that CTCL cells overexpress the CC chemokine receptor 4 (CCR4.In this study, a xenograft model of CTCL was established and a recombinant adeno-associated viral serotype 8 (AAV8 vector expressing a humanized single-chain variable fragment (scFv-Fc fusion (scFvFc or "minibody" of anti-CCR4 monoclonal antibody (mAb h1567 was evaluated for curative treatment. Human CCR4+ tumor-bearing mice treated once with intravenous infusion of AAV8 virions encoding the h1567 (AAV8-h1567 minibody showed anti-tumor activity in vivo and increased survival. The AAV8-h1567 minibody notably increased the number of tumor-infiltrating Ly-6G+ FcγRIIIa(CD16A+ murine neutrophils in the tumor xenografts over that of AAV8-control minibody treated mice. Furthermore, in CCR4+ tumor-bearing mice co-treated with AAV8-h1567 minibody and infused with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs, marked tumor infiltration of human CD16A+ CD56+ NK cells was observed. The h1567 minibody also induced in vitro ADCC activity through both mouse neutrophils and human NK cells.Overall, our data demonstrate that the in vivo anti-tumor activity of h1567 minibody is mediated, at least in part, through CD16A+ immune effector cell ADCC mechanisms. These data further demonstrate the utility of the AAV-minibody gene transfer system in the rapid evaluation of candidate anti-tumor mAbs and the potency of h1567 as a potential novel therapy for CTCL.

  19. 64Cu-DOTA-Anti-CTLA-4 mAb Enabled PET Visualization of CTLA-4 on the T-Cell Infiltrating Tumor Tissues (United States)

    Higashikawa, Kei; Yagi, Katsuharu; Watanabe, Keiko; Kamino, Shinichiro; Ueda, Masashi; Hiromura, Makoto; Enomoto, Shuichi


    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) targeted therapy by anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) is highly effective in cancer patients. However, it is extremely expensive and potentially produces autoimmune-related adverse effects. Therefore, the development of a method to evaluate CTLA-4 expression prior to CTLA-4-targeted therapy is expected to open doors to evidence-based and cost-efficient medical care and to avoid adverse effects brought about by ineffective therapy. In this study, we aimed to develop a molecular imaging probe for CTLA-4 visualization in tumor. First, we examined CTLA-4 expression in normal colon tissues, cultured CT26 cells, and CT26 tumor tissues from tumor-bearing BALB/c mice and BALB/c nude mice by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis and confirmed whether CTLA-4 is strongly expressed in CT26 tumor tissues. Second, we newly synthesized 64Cu-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N′,N″,N‴-tetraacetic acid-anti-mouse CTLA-4 mAb (64Cu-DOTA-anti-CTLA-4 mAb) and evaluated its usefulness in positron emission tomography (PET) and ex-vivo biodistribution analysis in CT26-bearing BALB/c mice. High CTLA-4 expression was confirmed in the CT26 tumor tissues of tumor-bearing BALB/c mice. However, CTLA-4 expression was extremely low in the cultured CT26 cells and the CT26 tumor tissues of tumor-bearing BALB/c nude mice. The results suggested that T cells were responsible for the high CTLA-4 expression. Furthermore, 64Cu-DOTA-anti-CTLA-4 mAb displayed significantly high accumulation in the CT26 tumor, thereby realizing non-invasive CTLA-4 visualization in the tumor. Together, the results indicate that 64Cu-DOTA-anti-CTLA-4 mAb would be useful for the evaluation of CTLA-4 expression in tumor. PMID:25365349

  20. Mucosal immunization in macaques upregulates the innate APOBEC 3G anti-viral factor in CD4(+) memory T cells. (United States)

    Wang, Yufei; Bergmeier, Lesley A; Stebbings, Richard; Seidl, Thomas; Whittall, Trevor; Singh, Mahavir; Berry, Neil; Almond, Neil; Lehner, Thomas


    APOBEC3G is an innate intracellular anti-viral factor which deaminates retroviral cytidine to uridine. In vivo studies of APOBEC3G (A3G) were carried out in rhesus macaques, following mucosal immunization with SIV antigens and CCR5 peptides, linked to the 70kDa heat shock protein. A progressive increase in A3G mRNA was elicited in PBMC after each immunization (p<0.0002 to p< or =0.02), which was maintained for at least 17 weeks. Analysis of memory T cells showed a significant increase in A3G mRNA and protein in CD4(+)CCR5(+) memory T cells in circulating (p=0.0001), splenic (p=0.0001), iliac lymph nodes (p=0.002) and rectal (p=0.01) cells of the immunized compared with unimmunized macaques. Mucosal challenge with SIVmac 251 showed a significant increase in A3G mRNA in the CD4(+)CCR5(+) circulating cells (p<0.01) and the draining iliac lymph node cells (p<0.05) in the immunized uninfected macaques, consistent with a protective effect exerted by A3G. The results suggest that mucosal immunization in a non-human primate can induce features of a memory response to an innate anti-viral factor in CCR5(+)CD4(+) memory and CD4(+)CD95(+)CCR7(-) effector memory T cells.

  1. Anti-tumor effects of an engineered “killer” transfer RNA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Dong-hui; Lee, Jiyoung; Frankenberger, Casey; Geslain, Renaud; Rosner, Marsha; Pan, Tao


    Highlights: ► tRNA with anti-cancer effects. ► tRNA induced protein misfolding. ► tRNA as anti-tumor agent. -- Abstract: A hallmark of cancer cells is their ability to continuously divide; and rapid proliferation requires increased protein translation. Elevating levels of misfolded proteins can elicit growth arrest due to ER stress and decreased global translation. Failure to correct prolonged ER stress eventually results in cell death via apoptosis. tRNA Ser (AAU) is an engineered human tRNA Ser with an anticodon coding for isoleucine. Here we test the possibility that tRNA Ser (AAU) can be an effective killing agent of breast cancer cells and can effectively inhibit tumor-formation in mice. We found that tRNA Ser (AAU) exert strong effects on breast cancer translation activity, cell viability, and tumor formation. Translation is strongly inhibited by tRNA Ser (AAU) in both tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic cells. tRNA Ser (AAU) significantly decreased the number of viable cells over time. A short time treatment with tRNA Ser (AAU) was sufficient to eliminate breast tumor formation in a xenograft mouse model. Our results indicate that tRNA Ser (AAU) can inhibit breast cancer metabolism, growth and tumor formation. This RNA has strong anti-cancer effects and presents an opportunity for its development into an anti-tumor agent. Because tRNA Ser (AAU) corrupts the protein synthesis mechanism that is an integral component of the cell, it would be extremely difficult for tumor cells to evolve and develop resistance against this anti-tumor agent.

  2. Pre- and post-operative evaluation of ventricular function, muscle mass and valve morphology by MR tomography in Ebstein's anomaly; Prae- und postoperative Beurteilung der ventrikulaeren Funktion, Muskelmasse und Klappenmorphologie bei der Ebstein-Anomalie mit der Magnetresonanztomographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutberlet, M.; Oellinger, H.; Amthauer, H.; Hoffmann, T.; Felix, R. [Charite-Campus Virchow, Berlin (Germany). Klinik fuer Strahlenheilkunde; Ewert, P.; Nagdyman, N.; Lange, P. [Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (Germany). Abt. fuer Angeborene Herzfehler/Kinderkardiologie; Hetzer, R. [Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (Germany). Abt. fuer Herz-, Thorax- und Gefaesschirurgie


    Purpose: To evaluate the value of MRT with spin echo (SE) and CINE gradient echo (GE) sequences for the pre- and postoperative assessment of patients with Ebstein's anomaly. Methods: Twelve patients within the ages of four to 49 years (mean 22{+-}12 years) were examined pre- (n=5) or postoperatively (n=7) after tricuspid valve reconstruction with a 1.5 T scanner. For the anatomical assessment, an ECG-gated transverse SE-sequence, for the assessment of valve morphology and function as well as for volumetry a CINE GE-sequence with retrospective gating was used. With the use of the multislice-multiphase technique, after summing up the manually outlined epi- and endocardial areas, endsystolic (ESV) and enddiastolic volumes (EDV), ejection fraction (EF), stroke volume (SV), and muscle mass (MM) were calculated for both ventricles. Results: The differentiation of the displaced parts of the tricuspid valve (TV) was insufficient with static SE, but was possible in all patients with CINE-MRT. Like in Doppler echocardiography, a qualitative assessment of tricuspid insufficiency was possible in CINE-MRT, the mean incompetence grade preoperative was 1.8 ({+-}0.8), postoperative 0.7 ({+-}0.5). The mean RV-EF in the preoperative group was 41.8% ({+-}6.4), in the postoperative group 47.9% ({+-}10.6), the mean LV-EF preoperative 47.4% ({+-}8.5%), postoperative 63,0% ({+-}9.4). Conclusion: CINE-MRT should rather be used than SE for the assessment of valve morphology. EF, muscle mass and tricuspid incompetence can also be calculated pre- and postoperative with CINE-MRT. (orig.) [German] Zielsetzung: Zu ermitteln, welchen Beitrag die MRT mit der Spin-Echo-(SE) bzw. CINE-Gradienten-Echo-Sequenz (GE) zur prae- und postoperativen Beurteilung bei Patienten mit Ebstein-Anomalie leisten kann. Material und Methode: Es wurden 12 Patienten im Alter zwischen 4 und 49 Jahren (im Mittel 22{+-}12 Jahre) prae- (n=5) oder postoperativ (n=7) nach einer Trikuspidalklappenkonstruktion an einem 1

  3. Antibody-independent control of gamma-herpesvirus latency via B cell induction of anti-viral T cell responses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelly B McClellan


    Full Text Available B cells can use antibody-dependent mechanisms to control latent viral infections. It is unknown whether this represents the sole function of B cells during chronic viral infection. We report here that hen egg lysozyme (HEL-specific B cells can contribute to the control of murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68 latency without producing anti-viral antibody. HEL-specific B cells normalized defects in T cell numbers and proliferation observed in B cell-/- mice during the early phase of gammaHV68 latency. HEL-specific B cells also reversed defects in CD8 and CD4 T cell cytokine production observed in B cell-/- mice, generating CD8 and CD4 T cells necessary for control of latency. Furthermore, HEL-specific B cells were able to present virally encoded antigen to CD8 T cells. Therefore, B cells have antibody independent functions, including antigen presentation, that are important for control of gamma-herpesvirus latency. Exploitation of this property of B cells may allow enhanced vaccine responses to chronic virus infection.


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    João Carlos Hipólito Bernardes do Nascimento


    Full Text Available O presente estudo de caso, de caráter predominantemente quantitativo, foi realizado em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES do Vale do São Francisco compreendendo 42 alunos ingressantes no curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis com o objetivo de investigar se os ingressantes no curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis apresentavam plena competência de alfabetização funcional. Os estudos que mensuram habilidades latentes, como é o caso específico da alfabetização funcional, têm apresentado desenvolvimento apreciável nos últimos anos, trazendo a Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI como a principal técnica multivariada para a compreensão dos resultados. Assim, por meio de um questionário composto por 15 questões oriundas da National Assessment of Adult Literacy - NAAL, buscou-se efetuar uma análise comparativa do desempenho dos alunos utilizando a Teoria Clássica dos Testes (TCT e a Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI. Os resultados obtidos por meio da utilização da TCT foram corroborados pela TRI, indicando que, de fato, parte dos alunos ingressantes no cursos de Ciências Contábeis da IES ostentam fragilidades relevantes nas competências de alfabetização. Dado o atual nível de sofisticação das IFRS e, principalmente, a subjetividade (julgamento da essência sobre a forma advinda desse novo modelo, pode-se concluir que essa fragilidade na competência básica de alfabetização é incompatível com a demanda existente por parte do mercado por profissionais de Contabilidade. Embora os resultados alcançados não possibilitem generalizações, estes mostram-se relevantes no momento em que possibilitam a reflexão sobre as competências de alfabetização de alunos que estão chegando à academia. 

  5. Adult T-cell leukemia-associated antigen (ATLA) and anti-ATLA antibodies in patients with Hodgkin's disease in the Nagasaki District. (United States)

    Kinoshita, K; Amagasaki, T; Yamada, Y; Ikeda, S; Momita, S; Toriya, K; Kamihira, S; Ichimaru, M


    Seven patients with Hodgkin's disease in the Nagasaki district were examined for adult T-cell leukemia-associated antigen (ATLA), a human retrovirus-associated antigen, and anti-ATLA antibodies. Anti-ATLA antibody reactivity with the ATLA-positive cultured cells from an ATL patient was demonstrated in four (57.1%) of seven patients. This suggests that infection by a human retrovirus may be closely associated with Hodgkin's disease in the Nagasaki district. However, ATLA could not be induced in the cultured mononuclear cells taken from biopsied lymph nodes of the three patients examined. Hence, it is necessary to collect more direct evidence in the search for a viral etiology of Hodgkin's disease.

  6. MRI for therapy planning in patients with atrial septum defects; MRT zur Therapieplanung bei Patienten mit Vorhofseptumdefekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huber, A.; Rummeny, E. [Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Prompona, M.; Reiser, M.; Theisen, D. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Kozlik-Feldmann, R. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Kinderkardiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Muehling, O. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Medizinische Klinik I, Muenchen (Germany)


    The aim of this study was to determine the value of a combined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol including steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging, phase-contrast measurements and contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) for presurgical or preinterventional diagnostic imaging in patients with suspected atrial septum defects. Out of 65 MRI studies of patients with suspected atrial septum defects, 56 patients were included in the study. The atrial septum defects were identified on cine images. Velocity encoded flow measurements were used to determine shunt volumes, which were compared with invasive oxymetry in 24 patients. Contrast-enhanced MRI was used to assess the thoracic vessels in order to detect vascular anomalies. The findings were compared with the intraoperative results. A total of 24 patients with high shunt volumes were treated either surgically (16 patients) or interventionally (8 patients) and 32 patients with low shunt volumes did not require surgical or interventional treatment. The vascular anomaly, which in all cases was anomalous pulmonary venous return, was confirmed by the intraoperative findings. The type and location of atrial septal defects which required treatment, were confirmed intraoperatively or during the intervention. The results of shunt quantification by MRI showed a good correlation with the results of invasive oximetry (r=0.91, p <0.0001). A combined MRI protocol including cine SSFP images, velocity-encoded flow measurements and CE-MRA is an accurate method for preoperative and preinterventional evaluation of atrial septum defects. (orig.) [German] Ziel war es, die Wertigkeit eines kombinierten MRT-Protokolls aus Funktionsuntersuchung, Flussmessung und MR-Angiographie zur praeoperativen oder -interventionellen Abklaerung bei Patienten mit Vorhofseptumdefekt zu evaluieren. Ingesamt wurden 56 Patienten mit Vorhofseptumdefekt aus einem Kollektiv von 65 Patienten mit Verdacht auf Vorhofseptumdefekt, die im MRT untersucht

  7. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy for inflammatory brain diseases; Magnetresonanzspektroskopie bei entzuendlichen Hirnerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Papanagiotou, P.; Grunwald, I.Q.; Hartmann, K.M.; Politi, M.; Roth, C.; Reith, W. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie, Homburg/Saar (Germany); Farmakis, G. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Homburg/Saar (Germany)


    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a non-invasive method for investigation of cerebral metabolite concentrations in various pathologic conditions. The clinical use of MRS for intracranial disorders is well established. In this review the characteristic MRS findings for the most important inflammatory brain diseases will be discussed. (orig.) [German] Die Magnetresonanzspektroskopie (MRS) ist eine nichtinvasive Methode, die die Messung der Konzentration zerebraler Metaboliten erlaubt. Die Verwendung der MRS bei verschiedenen intrakraniellen Erkrankungen ist gut etabliert. In diesem Review werden die MRS-Charakteristiken der wichtigsten entzuendlichen Hirnerkrankungen diskutiert. (orig.)

  8. Global Ionospheric Modelling using Multi-GNSS: BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS and GPS. (United States)

    Ren, Xiaodong; Zhang, Xiaohong; Xie, Weiliang; Zhang, Keke; Yuan, Yongqiang; Li, Xingxing


    The emergence of China's Beidou, Europe's Galileo and Russia's GLONASS satellites has multiplied the number of ionospheric piercing points (IPP) offered by GPS alone. This provides great opportunities for deriving precise global ionospheric maps (GIMs) with high resolution to improve positioning accuracy and ionospheric monitoring capabilities. In this paper, the GIM is developed based on multi-GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo) observations in the current multi-constellation condition. The performance and contribution of multi-GNSS for ionospheric modelling are carefully analysed and evaluated. Multi-GNSS observations of over 300 stations from the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) and International GNSS Service (IGS) networks for two months are processed. The results show that the multi-GNSS GIM products are better than those of GIM products based on GPS-only. Differential code biases (DCB) are by-products of the multi-GNSS ionosphere modelling, the corresponding standard deviations (STDs) are 0.06 ns, 0.10 ns, 0.18 ns and 0.15 ns for GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo, respectively in satellite, and the STDs for the receiver are approximately 0.2~0.4 ns. The single-frequency precise point positioning (SF-PPP) results indicate that the ionospheric modelling accuracy of the proposed method based on multi-GNSS observations is better than that of the current dual-system GIM in specific areas.

  9. A noncognate interaction with anti-receptor antibody-activated helper T cells induces small resting murine B cells to proliferate and to secrete antibody

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Owens, T


    on resting B cells (even in the presence of intact F23.1 antibody), but could induce antibody secretion by anti-Ig-preactivated B cells. Both F23.1+ clones (E9.D4 and 4.35F2) and one F23.1- clone (D2.2) could synergize with supernatants from activated E9.D4 T cells to induce B cell activation. F(ab')2......Culture of small resting allogeneic B cells (of an irrelevant haplotype) with two clones of T helper (Th) cells that were activated by the F23.1 anti-T cell receptor antibody led to the activation of B cells to proliferate and to secrete antibody. Th cell supernatants by themselves had no effect...... fragments of F23.1 induced E9.D4 to activate B cells as efficiently as intact F23.1 and B cell populations that had been incubated with F23.1 were not activated when cultured with E9.D4, although T cells recognized cell-presented F23.1 and were weakly activated. Reduction of the density of F23.1 adsorbed...

  10. Hints on cost- and energy saving during lime-sand brick production; Hinweise zur Kosten- und Energieeinsparung bei der Kalksandstein-Produktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eden, W.


    The publication contains hints for reduction of energy consumption and cost in lime-sand brick production. The information was compiled by Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie e.V. and was derived from technical discussions of the master seminars on production technology of the years 1995 - 2000, consultations form member organizations, or from other sources. [German] Diese Arbeit ist eine Zusammenstellung von Hinweisen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Kostensenkung bei der KS-Produktion und soll eine Hilfestellung bei entsprechenden Rationalisierungsmassnahmen in den Mitgliedsunternehmen sein. Die hier aufgefuehrten Hinweise und Anregungen entstammen den Fachdiskussionen der Meisterseminare zur Produktionstechnik aus den Jahren 1995 bis 2000, Beratungsgespraechen fuer Mitgliedsunternehmen oder wurden dem Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie eV freundlicherweise fuer die Gemeinschaftsarbeit zur Verfuegung gestellt. (orig.)

  11. Modeling and Assessment of Precise Time Transfer by Using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Triple-Frequency Signals (United States)

    Zhang, Pengfei; Zhang, Rui; Liu, Jinhai; Lu, Xiaochun


    This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF) combined precise point positioning (PPP) model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1) and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2). A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency) and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration. PMID:29596330

  12. Pathophysiologie des Kollagenstoffwechsels bei Patienten mit Induratio penis plastica (IPP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lahme S


    Full Text Available Die Pathogenese der IPP ist bis heute nicht geklärt. Histopathologische Untersuchungen zeigen, daß der Kollagenstoffwechsel eine Rolle spielt. Dies veranlaßte uns zur genauen Analyse der Kollagenstoffwechselparameter bei IPP. Bei 11 Patienten mit IPP und 11 Kontrollpersonen wurden Kollagenstoffwechselparameter (Prokollagen III [PIIIP], PMN-Elastase [PMN-E], Fibronektin [FN], Fibronektinrezeptor [FN-R] und alpha1-Proteinase-Inhibitor [alpha1-PI] im cavernösen und peripheren Blut bestimmt. PMN-E, PIIIP, FN und FN-R waren in den beiden Untersuchungsgruppen nicht unterschiedlich. Die peripher venösen unterschieden sich nicht von den cavernösen Blutproben. Sowohl im peripher venös (158,55 mg/dl als auch im cavernös entnommenen Blut (168,29 mg/dl war die Konzentration des a1-PI signifikant niedriger als in der Kontrollgruppe (214,82 mg/dl. An einem zweiten Kollektiv von 23 Patienten wurden Analysen des Phänotyps für alpha1-PI im Hinblick auf das Vorliegen von genetisch determinierten Mangelallelen vorgenommen. Hier zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied zu einem Kontrollkollektiv von 19 gesunden Probanden. Die alpha1-PI Erniedrigung der IPP-Patienten ist signifikant und liegt unterhalb des Normalwertbereichs für die gesunde Population. Ein Mangel an alpha1-PI kann zur Aktivitätserhöhung der Proteasen und zum Umbau des Kollagengewebes führen. Möglicherweise kommt es zusammen mit einem lokal wirksamen Einflußfaktor schließlich zur dystrophen Kalzifikation. Die humangenetischen Untersuchungen sprechen nicht für eine genetische Determinierung des alpha1-PI-Mangels, sondern legen eine erworbene hepatische Störung nahe.

  13. Anti-adipogenic effects of extracts of Ficus deltoidea var. deltoidea and var. angustifolia on 3T3-L1 adipocytes. (United States)

    Woon, Shiau Mei; Seng, Yew Wei; Ling, Anna Pick Kiong; Chye, Soi Moi; Koh, Rhun Yian


    This study examined the anti-adipogenic effects of extracts of Ficus deltoidea var. deltoidia and var. angustifolia, a natural slimming aid, on 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Methanol and water extracts of leaves of the F. deltoidea varieties were analyzed to determine their total flavonoid content (TFC) and total phenolic content (TPC), respectively. The study was initiated by determining the maximum non-toxic dose (MNTD) of the methanol and water extracts for 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Possible anti-adipogenic effects were then examined by treating 2-d post confluent 3T3-L1 preadipocytes with either methanol extract or water extract at MNTD and half MNTD (½MNTD), after which the preadipocytces were induced to form mature adipocytes. Visualisation and quantification of lipid content in mature adipocytes were carried out through oil red O staining and measurement of optical density (OD) at 520 nm, respectively. The TFCs of the methanol extracts were 1.36 and 1.97 g quercetin equivalents (QE)/100 g dry weight (DW), while the TPCs of the water extracts were 5.61 and 2.73 g gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g DW for var. deltoidea and var. angustilofia, respectively. The MNTDs determined for methanol and water extracts were (300.0 ± 28.3) and (225.0 ± 21.2) µg/ml, respectively, for var. deltoidea, while much lower MNTDs [(60.0 ± 2.0) µg/ml for methanol extracts and (8.0 ± 1.0) µg/ml for water extracts] were recorded for var. angustifolia. Studies revealed that the methanol extracts of both varieties and the water extracts of var. angustifolia at either MNTD or ½MNTD significantly inhibited the maturation of preadipocytes. The inhibition of the formation of mature adipocytes indicated that leaf extracts of F. deltoidea could have potential anti-obesity effects.

  14. Spanische Identität unter der Voraussetzung des trikulturellen Mittelalters: zu Fabian Sevillas Studie „Die ‚Drei Kulturen‘ und die spanische Identität“

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Henrik Witthaus


    Full Text Available Fabian Sevilla, Die „Drei Kulturen“ und die spanische Identität: ein Konflikt bei Américo Castro und in der spanischsprachigen Narrativik der Moderne, Siegener Forschungen zur romanischen Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft 26 (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2014, 372 S.

  15. Combined PET/MRI in cerebral and paediatric diagnostics; Kombinierte PET/MRT-Diagnostik bei zerebralen und paediatrischen Fragestellungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfluger, T.; Vollmar, C.; Porn, U.; Schmid, R.; Dresel, S.; Leinsinger, G.; Schmid, I.; Winkler, P.; Fischer, S.; Hahn, K. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (Germany)


    The aim of this overview is presentation of MRI and PET as synergistic modalities for combined analysis of morphology and function. For operative planning in epilepsy surgery, definition of the epileptogenic focus based on functional PET diagnostics and morphological MRI is decisive. For staging and follow-up examinations in oncology, MRI should be complemented by PET for the assessment of tumor vitality. In paediatric oncology patients we could demonstrate a therapy relevant increase of sensitivity/specificity with combined PET/MRI in contrast to single modalities. In the brain, full spectrum of digital image registration and three-dimensional reconstruction should be used. In extracranial cases, image fusion is disturbing due to a partial loss of image information of single modalities by the fusion process. (orig.) [German] Ziel dieser Uebersicht ist die Darstellung der MRT und PET als synergistische Verfahren zur Analyse von Morphologie und Funktion. Zur Resektionsplanung im Rahmen der Epilepsiechirurgie ist die Definition des Epilepsiefokus anhand der funktionellen PET-Diagnostik und die exakte Kenntnis der zerebralen Morphologie aus der MRT ganz entscheidend. Im Rahmen des onkologischen Stagings und bei Verlaufskontrollen ist wegen der geringeren Spezifitaet der MRT die additive PET zur Beurteilung der Tumorvitalitaet erforderlich. Anhand eines paediatrisch-onkologischen Patientengutes konnten wir zeigen, dass mit der kombinierten PET/MRT-Diagnostik eine therapierelevante Steigerung der Sensitivitaet/Spezifitaet gegenueber den Einzeluntersuchungen moeglich ist. Bei zerebralen Fragestellungen sollte das gesamte Spektrum der digitalen Bildfusion mit direkter Ueberlagerung mehrerer Modalitaeten und anschliessender dreidimensionaler Rekonstruktion ausgeschoepft werden. Bei extrakraniellen Fragestellungen ist die direkte Bildueberlagerung eher hinderlich, da die Bildinformation der Einzelmodalitaeten durch die Fusion teilweise verloren geht. (orig.)

  16. Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chekanov, S.; Derrick, M.; Magill, S.


    The first observation of (anti)deuterons in deep inelastic scattering at HERA has been made with the ZEUS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 300-318 GeV using an integrated luminosity of 120 pb -1 . The measurement was performed in the central rapidity region for transverse momentum per unit of mass in the range 0.3 T /M<0.7. The particle rates have been extracted and interpreted in terms of the coalescence model. The (anti)deuteron production yield is smaller than the (anti)proton yield by approximately three orders of magnitude, consistent with the world measurements. (orig.)

  17. Europe CERN recherche - Pret de 300 millions d'euros de la BEI pour l'accelerateur de particules

    CERN Multimedia


    "La Banque europeenne d'investissement (BEI) va preter 300 millions d'euros pour financer la phase finale de la construction du grand accelerateur de particules LHC (Large Hadron Collider) du CERN, a indique jeudi l'organisation europeenne pour la recherche nucleaire" (1/2 page).

  18. Identification of a second T-cell antigen receptor in human and mouse by an anti-peptide γ-chain-specific monoclonal antibody

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ioannides, C.G.; Itoh, K.; Fox, F.E.; Pahwa, R.; Good, R.A.; Platsoucas, C.D.


    The authors developed a monoclonal antibody (mAb) (9D7) against a synthetic peptide (P13K) selected from the deduced amino acid sequence of the constant region of the λ chain of the murine T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) (amino acids 118-130). Using this mAb, they identified a putative second TCR expressed on peripheral blood lymphocytes from a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) that were propagated in culture with recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2) and Con A. This mAb immunoprecipitated two polypeptide chains of 40 and 58 kDa under nonreducing conditions and of 40 and 56 kDa under reducing conditions from 125 I-labeled denatured lysates of T3 + WT31 - lymphocytes expanded in culture from a SCID patient. Chemical crosslinking of 125 I-labeled cells followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-Leu-4 mAb under nonreducing or reducing conditions revealed that the 40- and 56-kDa polypeptide chains were associated with the T3 differentiation antigen. These experiments were done with polyclonal cell populations. Cloned T3 + WT31 - cell populations are required to determine whether the TCR contains two λ polypeptide chains. Using the same 9D7 anti-P18K mAb and immunoblotting analysis, they identified a 35 kDa γ-chain polypeptide under reducing conditions expressed on purified L3T4 - Lyt2 - BALB/c mouse thymocytes. This γ-chain TCR is disulfide linked and has a molecular mass of 80 kDa under nonreducing conditions

  19. 18F-FET microPET and microMRI for anti-VEGF and anti-PlGF response assessment in an orthotopic murine model of human glioblastoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nedergaard, Mette Kjoelhede; Michaelsen, Signe Regner; Urup, Thomas


    BACKGROUND: Conflicting data exist for anti-cancer effects of anti-placental growth factor (anti-PlGF) in combination with anti-VEGF. Still, this treatment combination has not been evaluated in intracranial glioblastoma (GBM) xenografts. In clinical studies, position emission tomography (PET) using......-FET MicroPET and MicroMRI for evaluation of anti-VEGF and anti-PlGF treatment response in GBM xenografts. METHODS: Mice with intracranial GBM were treated with anti-VEGF, anti-PlGF + anti-VEGF or saline. Bioluminescence imaging (BLI), 18F-FET MicroPET and T2-weighted (T2w)-MRI were used to follow tumour...... development. Primary end-point was survival, and tumours were subsequently analysed for Ki67 proliferation index and micro-vessel density (MVD). Further, PlGF and VEGFR-1 expression were examined in a subset of the xenograft tumours and in 13 GBM patient tumours. RESULTS: Anti-VEGF monotherapy increased...

  20. Anti-diabetic potential of the essential oil of Pinus koraiensis leaves toward streptozotocin-treated mice and HIT-T15 pancreatic β cells. (United States)

    Joo, Hye-Eun; Lee, Hyo-Jung; Sohn, Eun Jung; Lee, Min-Ho; Ko, Hyun-Suk; Jeong, Soo-Jin; Lee, Hyo-Jeong; Kim, Sung-Hoon


    The metabolic syndrome creates risk factors for coronary heart disease, diabetes, fatty liver, obesity and several cancers. Our group has already reported that the essential oil from leaves of Pinus koraiensis SIEB (EOPK) exerted antihyperlipidemic effects by upregulating the low-density lipoprotein receptor and inhibiting acyl-coenzyme A, cholesterol acyltransferases. We evaluated in the current study the anti-diabetic effects of EOPK on mice with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type I diabetes and on HIT-T15 pancreatic β cells. EOPK significantly protected HIT-T15 cells from STZ-induced cytotoxicity and reduced the blood glucose level in STZ-induced diabetic mice when compared with the untreated control. EOPK consistently and significantly suppressed the α-amylase activity in a dose-dependent manner and enhanced the expression of insulin at the mRNA level in STZ-treated HIT-T15 cells, while the expression of insulin was attenuated. EOPK also significantly abrogated the population of reactive oxygen species when compared to the untreated control in STZ-treated HIT-T15 cells. Furthermore, EOPK significantly reduce nitric oxide production, suppressed the phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase and suppressed the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in STZ-treated HIT-T15 cells, implying its potential application to diabetic retinopathy. Overall, our findings suggest that EOPK had hypoglycemic potential by inhibiting reactive oxygene species (ROS), endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and VEGF in STZ-treated mice and HIT-T15 pancreatic β cells as a potent anti-diabetic agent.

  1. A human type 5 adenovirus-based tuberculosis vaccine induces robust T cell responses in humans despite preexisting anti-adenovirus immunity. (United States)

    Smaill, Fiona; Jeyanathan, Mangalakumari; Smieja, Marek; Medina, Maria Fe; Thanthrige-Don, Niroshan; Zganiacz, Anna; Yin, Cindy; Heriazon, Armando; Damjanovic, Daniela; Puri, Laura; Hamid, Jemila; Xie, Feng; Foley, Ronan; Bramson, Jonathan; Gauldie, Jack; Xing, Zhou


    There is an urgent need to develop new tuberculosis (TB) vaccines to safely and effectively boost Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-triggered T cell immunity in humans. AdHu5Ag85A is a recombinant human type 5 adenovirus (AdHu5)-based TB vaccine with demonstrated efficacy in a number of animal species, yet it remains to be translated to human applications. In this phase 1 study, we evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of AdHu5Ag85A in both BCG-naïve and previously BCG-immunized healthy adults. Intramuscular immunization of AdHu5Ag85A was safe and well tolerated in both trial volunteer groups. Moreover, although AdHu5Ag85A was immunogenic in both trial volunteer groups, it much more potently boosted polyfunctional CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell immunity in previously BCG-vaccinated volunteers. Furthermore, despite prevalent preexisting anti-AdHu5 humoral immunity in most of the trial volunteers, we found little evidence that such preexisting anti-AdHu5 immunity significantly dampened the potency of AdHu5Ag85A vaccine. This study supports further clinical investigations of the AdHu5Ag85A vaccine for human applications. It also suggests that the widely perceived negative effect of preexisting anti-AdHu5 immunity may not be universally applied to all AdHu5-based vaccines against different types of human pathogens.

  2. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid has an anti-oxidant effect via the Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kusunoki, Chisato; Yang, Liu; Yoshizaki, Takeshi; Nakagawa, Fumiyuki; Ishikado, Atsushi; Kondo, Motoyuki; Morino, Katsutaro; Sekine, Osamu; Ugi, Satoshi; Nishio, Yoshihiko; Kashiwagi, Atsunori; Maegawa, Hiroshi


    Highlights: ► Omega-3 PUFA has a direct anti-oxidant effect in adipocytes. ► EPA and DHA induce HO-1 expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. ► Omega-3 PUFA and its end-product, 4-HHE, activates the Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway. ► Omega-3 PUFA protects against oxidative stress-induced cytotoxicity. -- Abstract: Oxidative stress is produced in adipose tissue of obese subjects and has been associated with obesity-related disorders. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (ω3-PUFA) has beneficial effects in preventing atherosclerotic diseases and insulin resistance in adipose tissue. However, the role of ω3-PUFA on adipocytes has not been elucidated. In this study, 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with ω3-PUFA and its metabolites, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), or 4-hydroxy hexenal (4-HHE). ω3-PUFA and its metabolites dose-dependently increased mRNA and protein levels of the anti-oxidative enzyme, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1); whereas no changes in the well-known anti-oxidant molecules, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, were observed. Knockdown of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf-2) significantly reduced EPA, DHA or 4-HHE-induced HO-1 mRNA and protein expression. Also, pretreatment with ω3-PUFA prevented H 2 O 2 -induced cytotoxicity in a HO-1 dependent manner. In conclusion, treatment with EPA and DHA induced HO-1 through the activation of Nrf-2 and prevented oxidative stress in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. This anti-oxidant defense may be of high therapeutic value for clinical conditions associated with systemic oxidative stress.

  3. Der Wissenschaftskreislauf schließt sich: Publizieren bei einer Spezialbibliothek –ZB MED – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ursula Arning


    Full Text Available ZB MED versteht sich als Partner für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in den Lebenswissenschaften und unterstützt sie auf allen Stufen des Wissenschaftskreislaufs: ZB MED hilft beim Suchen und Finden der benötigten Fachliteratur und stellt sie bereit, anschließend bietet es die Plattform, auf der die Forschung aktuell, zeitnah, allen wissenschaftlichen Standards entsprechend (und kostengünstig zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. Diese Publikationen werden automatisch in das Discovery System LIVIVO aufgenommen. Die Bibliothek nimmt somit ihren Auftrag als Spezialbibliothek an und interpretiert ihn den aktuellen Strömungen entsprechend neu, indem sie sowohl die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der lebenswissenschaftlichen Fachgebiete bei jedem Schritt ihrer Forschung begleitet als auch die Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Bibliotheken mit einem umfassenden Beratungsangebot zu Open Access unterstützt. ZB MED is the partner for scientists in the life sciences, supporting them at all stages of the cycle of science. ZB MED assists in searching and finding the necessary secondary literature and provides this literature. Subsequently, ZB MED offers the scientists a platform for publishing their scientific researches promptly, up-to-date and in a cost-efficient way which meets all scientific standards. All these publications are automatically included in the discovery system LIVIVO. So, the library embraces its role as a specialist library and interprets it in a new way, in accordance with current trends: On the one hand, ZB MED accompanies the scientists working in the fields of life sciences at every step of their scientific research. On the other hand, it supports the work of librarians at other libraries with full advisory services in the area of open access.

  4. A Preclinical Population Pharmacokinetic Model for Anti-CD20/CD3 T-Cell-Dependent Bispecific Antibodies. (United States)

    Ferl, Gregory Z; Reyes, Arthur; Sun, Liping L; Cheu, Melissa; Oldendorp, Amy; Ramanujan, Saroja; Stefanich, Eric G


    CD20 is a cell-surface receptor expressed by healthy and neoplastic B cells and is a well-established target for biologics used to treat B-cell malignancies. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) data for the anti-CD20/CD3 T-cell-dependent bispecific antibody BTCT4465A were collected in transgenic mouse and nonhuman primate (NHP) studies. Pronounced nonlinearity in drug elimination was observed in the murine studies, and time-varying, nonlinear PK was observed in NHPs, where three empirical drug elimination terms were identified using a mixed-effects modeling approach: i) a constant nonsaturable linear clearance term (7 mL/day/kg); ii) a rapidly decaying time-varying, linear clearance term (t ½  = 1.6 h); and iii) a slowly decaying time-varying, nonlinear clearance term (t ½  = 4.8 days). The two time-varying drug elimination terms approximately track with time scales of B-cell depletion and T-cell migration/expansion within the central blood compartment. The mixed-effects NHP model was scaled to human and prospective clinical simulations were generated. © 2018 The Authors. Clinical and Translational Science published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

  5. FT-IR spectra of the anti-HIV nucleoside analogue d4T (Stavudine). Solid state simulation by DFT methods and scaling by different procedures (United States)

    Alcolea Palafox, M.; Kattan, D.; Afseth, N. K.


    A theoretical and experimental vibrational study of the anti-HIV d4T (stavudine or Zerit) nucleoside analogue was carried out. The predicted spectra in the three most stable conformers in the biological active anti-form of the isolated state were compared. Comparison of the conformers with those of the natural nucleoside thymidine was carried out. The calculated spectra were scaled by using different scaling procedures and three DFT methods. The TLSE procedure leads to the lowest error and is thus recommended for scaling. With the population of these conformers the IR gas-phase spectra were predicted. The crystal unit cell of the different polymorphism forms of d4T were simulated through dimer forms by using DFT methods. The scaled spectra of these dimer forms were compared. The FT-IR spectrum was recorded in the solid state in the 400-4000 cm-1 range. The respective vibrational bands were analyzed and assigned to different normal modes of vibration by comparison with the scaled vibrational values of the different dimer forms. Through this comparison, the polymorphous form of the solid state sample was identified. The study indicates that d4T exist only in the ketonic form in the solid state. The results obtained were in agreement with those determined in related anti-HIV nucleoside analogues.

  6. Upregulation of adhesion molecules on leukemia targets improves the efficacy of cytotoxic T cells transduced with chimeric anti-CD19 receptor. (United States)

    Laurin, David; Marin, Virna; Biagi, Ettore; Pizzitola, Irene; Agostoni, Valentina; Gallot, Géraldine; Vié, Henri; Jacob, Marie Christine; Chaperot, Laurence; Aspord, Caroline; Plumas, Joël


    T lymphocytes engineered to express chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) interact directly with cell surface molecules, bypassing MHC antigen presentation dependence. We generated human anti-CD19ζ CAR cytotoxic T lymphocytes and cytokine-induced killer cells and studied their sensitivity to the expression of adhesion molecules for the killing of primary B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) targets. Despite a very low basal expression of surface adhesion molecules, B-ALL blasts were lysed by the anti-CD19ζ-CAR transduced effectors as expected. We next investigated the regulatory role of adhesion molecules during CAR-mediated cytolysis. The blocking of these accessory molecules strongly limited the chimeric effector's cytotoxicity. Thereafter, B-ALL cells surface adhesion molecule level expression was induced by IFN-γ or by the combined use of CD40L and IL-4 and the cells were submitted to anti-CD19ζ-CAR transduced effectors lysis. Upregulation of adhesion molecules expression by blasts potentiated their killing. The improved cytotoxicity observed was dependent on target surface expression of adhesion molecules, particularly CD54. Taken together, these results indicate that adhesion molecules, and principally CD54, are involved in the efficiency of recognition by effector chimeric ζ. These observations have potential implications for the design of immunotherapy treatment approaches for hematological malignancies and tumors based on the adoption of CAR effector cells.

  7. Role of polymorphic Fc receptor Fc gammaRIIa in cytokine release and adverse effects of murine IgG1 anti-CD3/T cell receptor antibody (WT31). (United States)

    Tax, W J; Tamboer, W P; Jacobs, C W; Frenken, L A; Koene, R A


    Anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) OKT3 is immunosuppressive, but causes severe adverse effects during the first administration ("first-dose reaction"). These adverse effects are presumably caused by cytokine release that results from T-cell activation. In vitro, T-cell activation by anti-CD3 mAb requires interaction with monocyte Fc receptors. The Fc receptor for murine IgG1, Fc gammaRIIa, is polymorphic. In some individuals, murine IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb causes T-cell proliferation and cytokine release in vitro (high responders [HR]), whereas in individuals with the low-responder (LR) phenotype it does not. We have now investigated the role of this Fc gammaRIIa polymorphism in the release of cytokines in vivo and the occurrence of adverse effects after the administration of WT31, a murine IgG1 anti-CD3/T cell receptor mAb. WT31 caused an increase of plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha in all four HR patients and none of the five LR patients. In all HR patients except one, plasma gamma-interferon and interleukin 6 also increased, and a first-dose response was observed, whereas no cytokine release or adverse effects occurred in any of the LR patients. WT31 caused lymphopenia in all HR and none of the LR patients. FACS analysis demonstrated that in HR patients, after the initial disappearance of CD3+ cells from peripheral blood, modulation of CD3 occurred, whereas in LR patients a high degree of coating of the lymphocytes was observed. Surprisingly, WT31 also induced a marked granulocytopenia, as well as a decrease of thrombocytes, in three of the four HR patients (and in none of the LR patients). These data provide direct clinical evidence that Fc receptor interaction determines the release of cytokines and the occurrence of adverse effects after administration of anti-CD3/T cell receptor mAb. Furthermore, these data suggest that tumor necrosis factor-alpha by itself is not sufficient to induce the first-dose reaction.

  8. Cryotherapy in rheumatic disorders; Kryotherapie bei rheumatischen Erkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soerensen, H. [Rheumaklinik Immanuel-Krankenhaus, Berlin (Germany). Innere Rheumatologische Abt.


    When applied locally, cold therapy (cryotherapy) has the effect of inhibiting inflammation, occluding blood vessels, and stopping bleeding. Active rheumatic inflammation, activated arthrosis, and swelling after injury can be alleviated by local cold application, while heat application would worsen the situation. In whole-body cryotherapy the whole patient, wearing only a bathing suit, is exposed to a temperature of -100 C. The present paper descrcribes the cold room of the Immanuel Hospital in Berlin-Wannsee. (BWI) [Deutsch] Kaeltetherapie (Kryotherapie) wirkt lokal angewendet entzuendungshemmend, blutgefaessabdichtend und blutstillend. Eine aktive rheumatische Entzuendung, aktivierte Arthrose und Schwellungsreaktionen bei Verletzungen werden durch lokale Kaelteanwendungen gedaempft, wogegen Waerme den akuten Zustand verschlimmern wuerde. In der Ganzkoerperkaeltetherapie wird der ganze Mensch in Badebekleidung einer realen Temperatur von -100 C ausgesetzt. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Kaeltekammer des Immanuel Krankenhauses in Berlin Wannsee. (BWI)

  9. Measures to enhance rational energy use in electric drives. Final report; Massnahmen zur Foerderung der rationellen Energienutzung bei elektrischen Antrieben. Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reichert, J.; Schleich, J.; Herzer, G.; Toensing, E. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (ISI), Karlsruhe (Germany); Rath, U.; Hellmann, R. [Ingenieurbuero fuer Energieberatung, Haustechnik und Oekologische Konzepte GbR (eboek), Tuebingen (Germany)


    Electric drives account for nearly 60 % of the total power consumption in Germany (70 % in the industrial sector and about 44 % in the small consumer sector). There is a high potential for savings (Landwehr et al. 1996, ISR et al. 1996, Nadel et al. 1992) but it is little used so far. The study attempts to identify and systematize the limits set by the market to the application of energy conservation measures in electric motors. This is followed by an outline of strategies to overcome these obstacles. Experience from other countries are integrated where efforts were made to put the potential savings into practice. [German] Der Kraftstrombedarf fuer elektrische Antriebe betraegt in Deutschland knapp 60% des gesamten Stromeinsatzes (ca. 70% des Industriestrombedarfs und ca. 44% des Strombedarfs im Sektor Kleinverbrauch). Trotz dieser hohen Anteile ist bisher bei keinem der Marktteilnehmer (Motoren- und Anlagenhersteller, Haendler und Endanwender) grosses Interesse an Stromsparmassnahmen im Bereich Elektromotoren zu erkennen. Zudem zeigen erste grobe Schaetzungen (Landwehr et al. 1996, ISR et al. 1996, Nadel et al. 1992), dass im Bereich Elektromotoren erhebliche wirtschaftliche Einsparpotentiale bestehen. Durch eine Erhoehung des Wirkungsgrades allein lassen sich ca. 3% einsparen. Groessere Potentiale koennen durch Drehzahlregelung - ca. 10% - und vor allem bei Optimierung des gesamten Systems (Stromuebertragung - Motor - Regelung - Kraftuebertragung - Arbeitsmaschine) - ueber 20% - erschlossen werden. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, zunaechst die Marktbeschraenkungen bei der Umsetzung von Massnahmen zur rationellen Energienutzung bei Elektromotoren zu identifizieren und zu systematisieren. Im Anschluss daran werden moegliche Strategien zur Ueberwindung dieser Marktbeschraenkungen aufgezeigt, systematisiert und analysiert. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch Erfahrungen aus anderen Laendern, in denen von politischer und wirtschaftlicher Seite zum Teil betraechtliche


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    Lia Nur Islami


    Full Text Available Information is the main needs of investors in capital markets. Sri Mulyani setback Event of the positions for the finance minister who has information content relevant to investors will cause the market reaction reflected through changes in stock prices and trading activity. This reaction can be measured by indicators of Abnormal Return (AR, Trading Volume Activity (TVA and Security Return variability (SRV. This research is a study of events that aims to find empirical evidence for the existence of the Indonesian capital market reaction to the events of Sri Mulyani setback from the office of finance minister. The population in this study is that all stocks listed on the BEI. While the sample taken through purposive sampling technique of shares - shares that are included in LQ45 corporate action and do not perform during the event period. One sample t-test (one sample t-test was used to analyze whether the AR, TVA, and SRV significant value on the day - the day around the occurrence of events that prove the existence of market reaction. TVA and AR significant at the time of announcement of events shows that the market reacted to the setback Sri Mulyani finance minister from office. However, the SRV is not significant at the time of announcement of events shows that the market reaction that occurs there is an uneven distribution of information and influence the distribution of stock return

  11. Die Symmelie (Sirenomelie) bei Mensch und Tier : ein komplexes Fehlbildungs-Syndrom ; dargestellt an vier neuen Fällen unter Berücksichtigung der gesamten bisher bekannten Literatur


    Plendl, Philipp Johannes


    Der Begriff Symmelie (Sirenomelie, Sympodie oder Meerjungfrauensyndrom) steht für eine Fehlbildung im Bereich des Beckens und der unteren Extremitäten, welche ganz oder teilweise miteinander verschmelzen. Diese seltene Missbildung tritt bei 1 von 100.000 Geburten in Erscheinung und sie ist in den meisten Fällen nicht mit dem Leben vereinbar. Das Synonym »Sirenomelie« findet seinen Ursprung bei den wohl bekannten Sirenen der griechischen Mythology. In dieser Arbeit werden vier bisher unver...

  12. Anti-S100A4 antibody suppresses metastasis formation by blocking stroma cell invasion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klingelhöfer, Jörg; Grum-Schwensen, Birgitte; Beck, Mette K


    microenvironment, making it an attractive target for anti-cancer therapy. In this study, we produced a function-blocking anti-S100A4 monoclonal antibody with metastasis-suppressing activity. Antibody treatment significantly reduced metastatic burden in the lungs of experimental animals by blocking the recruitment...... of T cells to the site of the primary tumor. In vitro studies demonstrated that this antibody efficiently reduced the invasion of T cells in a fibroblast monolayer. Moreover, it was capable of suppressing the invasive growth of human and mouse fibroblasts. We presume therefore that the antibody exerts...... its activity by suppressing stroma cell recruitment to the site of the growing tumor. Our epitope mapping studies suggested that the antibody recognition site overlaps with the target binding interface of human S100A4. We conclude here that this antibody could serve as a solid basis for development...

  13. Revisiting the Continuing Bonds Theory: The Cultural Uniqueness of the Bei Dao Phenomenon in Taiwanese Widows/Widowers. (United States)

    Lee, Wan-Lin; Hou, Yi-Chen; Lin, Yaw-Sheng


    In the present study, we used the phenomenological approach to rediscover the ontological meaning of relationships with the deceased in Taiwanese widows/widowers. We first revised the original Western definitions of grief, bereavement, and mourning to fit Taiwanese culture. We used the word bei dao to indicate the mixed nature of grief and mourning in the Taiwanese bereavement process. Then we reanalyzed data from a previous study, which was conducted in 2006. In the previous qualitative research, each subject was interviewed 3 to 4 times in the mourning state over an 18-month interval that began at the point of the spouse's death. Results showed that two main themes emerged in the present analysis: (a) a blurred boundary of life and death and (b) a transformation of ethical bonds. The present study reveals the culturally unique aspects of the Taiwanese bei dao process. Limitations of the present study and future directions are discussed and reflected.

  14. Modeling and Assessment of Precise Time Transfer by Using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Triple-Frequency Signals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rui Tu


    Full Text Available This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF combined precise point positioning (PPP model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1 and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2. A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration.

  15. IL-4 and IL-13 mediated down-regulation of CD8 expression levels can dampen anti-viral CD8⁺ T cell avidity following HIV-1 recombinant pox viral vaccination. (United States)

    Wijesundara, Danushka K; Jackson, Ronald J; Tscharke, David C; Ranasinghe, Charani


    We have shown that mucosal HIV-1 recombinant pox viral vaccination can induce high, avidity HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells with reduced interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 expression compared to, systemic vaccine delivery. In the current study how these cytokines act to regulate anti-viral CD8(+) T, cell avidity following HIV-1 recombinant pox viral prime-boost vaccination was investigated. Out of a panel of T cell avidity markers tested, only CD8 expression levels were found to be enhanced on, KdGag197-205 (HIV)-specific CD8(+) T cells obtained from IL-13(-/-), IL-4(-/-) and signal transducer and, activator of transcription of 6 (STAT6)(-/-) mice compared to wild-type (WT) controls following, vaccination. Elevated CD8 expression levels in this instance also correlated with polyfunctionality, (interferon (IFN)-γ, tumour necorsis factor (TNF)-α and IL-2 production) and the avidity of HIVspecific CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, mucosal vaccination and vaccination with the novel adjuvanted IL-13 inhibitor (i.e. IL-13Rα2) vaccines significantly enhanced CD8 expression levels on HIV-specific CD8(+), T cells, which correlated with avidity. Using anti-CD8 antibodies that blocked CD8 availability on CD8(+), T cells, it was established that CD8 played an important role in increasing HIV-specific CD8(+) T cell avidity and polyfunctionality in IL-4(-/-), IL-13(-/-) and STAT6(-/-) mice compared to WT controls, following vaccination. Collectively, our data demonstrate that IL-4 and IL-13 dampen CD8 expression levels on anti-viral CD8(+) T cells, which can down-regulate anti-viral CD8(+) T cell avidity and, polyfunctionality following HIV-1 recombinant pox viral vaccination. These findings can be exploited to, design more efficacious vaccines not only against HIV-1, but many chronic infections where high, avidity CD8(+) T cells help protection. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Planungsunterstützung für Pankreasoperationen bei Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern (United States)

    Dornheim, J.; Preim, B.; Preim, U.; Mohnike, K.; Blankenstein, O.; Füchtner, F.; Mohnike, W.; Empting, S.; Mohnike, K.

    Auf Basis von sechs PET/CT-Datensätzen des Pankreas wird eine Computerunterstützung für die Teilresektion der Bauchspeicheldr üse (Pankreas) bei fokalem Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern entwickelt. Ziel ist es, die Lokalisation des krankhaften Fokus im Pankreasgewebe präoperativ dreidimensional zu visualisieren, um so die Sicherheit des Eingriffs zu erhöhen. Die relevanten anatomischen Strukturen werden im CT segmentiert und anschließend dreidimensional visualisiert. Der im PET erkennbare Fokus wird in diese anatomische 3D-Visualisierung eingeblendet. Es zeigt sich eine klare Erkennbarkeit des Fokus in allen sechs Fällen.

  17. Inclusive-jet cross sections in NC DIS at HERA and a comparison of the k{sub T}, anti-k{sub T} and SIScone jet algorithms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abramowicz, H. [Tel Aviv University (Israel). Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, School of Physics; Max Planck Inst., Munich (Germany); Abt, I. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Muenchen (Germany); Adamczyk, L. [AGH-University of Science and Technology, Cracow (PL). Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science] (and others)


    For the first time, differential inclusive-jet cross sections have been measured in neutral current deep inelastic ep scattering using the anti-k{sub T} and SIScone algorithms. The measurements were made for boson virtualities Q{sup 2} > 125 GeV{sup 2} with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 82 pb{sup -1} and the jets were identified in the Breit frame. The performance and suitability of the jet algorithms for their use in hadron-like reactions were investigated by comparing the measurements to those performed with the k{sub T} algorithm. Next-to-leading-order QCD calculations give a good description of the measurements. Measurements of the ratios of cross sections using different jet algorithms are also presented; the measured ratios are well described by calculations including up to O({alpha}{sub s}{sup 3}) terms. Values of {alpha}{sub s}(M{sub Z}) were extracted from the data; the results are compatible with and have similar precision to the value extracted from the k{sub T} analysis. (orig.)

  18. BNP ist ANP, Endothelin und Noradrenalin als Prognoseindikator bei chronisch herzinsuffizienten Patienten überlegen


    Zugck C; Gerhards A; Haass M; Katz N; Kell R; Krüger C; Schellberg D


    Zu den etablierten Prognoseindikatoren bei Patienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz zählen der Herz-Thorax-Quotient in der Röntgen-Thoraxaufnahme (HTQ), die linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion (LVEF) und die maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme unter Belastung (VO2max). Darüber hinaus wird zahlreichen neurohumoralen Parametern eine prognostische Wertigkeit zugeschrieben. An 166 Patienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz (Alter 54 ± 9 Jahre; 70 % dilatative Kardiomyopathie; 30 % KHK; LVEF 21 ± 9 %) ...

  19. Konstruktion und Validierung einer Skala zur relativen Messung von physischer Attraktivität mit einem Item : das Attraktivitätsrating 1 (AR1)


    Lutz, Johannes; Kemper, Christoph J.; Beierlein, Constanze; Margraf-Stiksrud, Jutta; Rammstedt, Beatrice


    "Physische Attraktivität ist ein wichtiger Faktor sozialer Interaktion und Kognition, z.B. bei der Partnerwahl oder dem Eindruck, den sich Menschen von sich selbst und von anderen bilden. Auch im Rahmen von Umfragen könnte die physische Attraktivität sozial- und gesundheitswissenschaftliche Erklärungsmodelle sinnvoll ergänzen. So finden sich unter anderem Zusammenhänge mit Kriterien des Berufserfolgs, diversen Gesundheitsvariablen und der allgemeinen Lebenszufriedenheit. Die Messung physische...

  20. A critical role of T follicular helper cells in human mucosal anti-influenza response that can be enhanced by immunological adjuvant CpG-DNA. (United States)

    Aljurayyan, A N; Sharma, R; Upile, N; Beer, H; Vaughan, C; Xie, C; Achar, P; Ahmed, M S; McNamara, P S; Gordon, S B; Zhang, Q


    T Follicular helper cells (TFH) are considered critical for B cell antibody response, and recent efforts have focused on promoting TFH in order to enhance vaccine efficacy. We studied the frequency and function of TFH in nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissues (NALT) from children and adults, and its role in anti-influenza antibody response following stimulation by a live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) or an inactivated seasonal virus antigen (sH1N1). We further studied whether CpG-DNA promotes TFH and by which enhances anti-influenza response. We showed NALT from children aged 1.5-10 years contained abundant TFH, suggesting efficient priming of TFH during early childhood. Stimulation by LAIV induced a marked increase in TFH that correlated with a strong production of anti-hemagglutinin (HA) IgA/IgG/IgM antibodies in tonsillar cells. Stimulation by the inactivated sH1N1 antigen induced a small increase in TFH which was markedly enhanced by CpG-DNA, accompanied by enhanced anti-HA antibody responses. In B cell co-culture experiment, anti-HA responses were only seen in the presence of TFH, and addition of plasmacytoid dendritic cell to TFH-B cell co-culture enhanced the TFH-mediated antibody production following CpG-DNA and sH1N1 antigen stimulation. Induction of TFH differentiation from naïve T cells was also shown following the stimulation. Our results support a critical role of TFH in human mucosal anti-influenza antibody response. Use of an adjuvant such as CpG-DNA that has the capacity to promote TFH by which to enhance antigen-induced antibody responses in NALT tissue may have important implications for future vaccination strategies against respiratory pathogens. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chekanov, S.; Derrick, M.; Magill, S. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (US)] (and others)


    The first observation of (anti)deuterons in deep inelastic scattering at HERA has been made with the ZEUS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 300-318 GeV using an integrated luminosity of 120 pb{sup -1}. The measurement was performed in the central rapidity region for transverse momentum per unit of mass in the range 0.3T}/M<0.7. The particle rates have been extracted and interpreted in terms of the coalescence model. The (anti)deuteron production yield is smaller than the (anti)proton yield by approximately three orders of magnitude, consistent with the world measurements. (orig.)

  2. Rezension zu: Torsten Linke: Sexualität und Familie. Möglichkeiten sexueller Bildung im Rahmen erzieherischer Hilfen. Gießen: Psychosozial Verlag 2015.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie Springborn


    Full Text Available Im ersten Band der Reihe „Angewandte Sexualwissenschaft“ führt Torsten Linke in theoretische Grundlagen und Termini der sexuellen Bildung in der Sozialen Arbeit ein, analysiert Ergebnisse der Studie „PARTNER 4 - Jugendsexualität 2013“ und liefert Ansätze für die praktische Arbeit im Bereich der sexuellen Bildung und Beratung. Der analytische Fokus liegt dabei auf der Sozialisationsinstanz Familie, die in der psychosexuellen Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen westlicher Gesellschaften, bei zunehmender Digitalisierung und ausgedehnter Postadoleszenz, eine wichtige Rolle bei der Vermittlung von Sexualkultur einnimmt und in der, aus Sicht des Autors, unterschiedliche Wissenszugänge sowie Einstellungen auf Grund von Geschlecht(-erverhältnissen, sozioökonomischem Status und Migrationserfahrungen vorhanden seien.

  3. Hollywood Megaplex cinema building at Pasching near Linz, Austria; Hollywood Megaplex. Grosskino in Pasching bei Linz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The contribution describes the projecting and construction of a large cinema building at Pasching near Linz. It goes into detail about heating systems, air conditioning systems, and energy conservation measures. (HW) [Deutsch] Es wird berichtet ueber die Planung und die Ausfuehrung der Baumassnahmen Grosskino in Pasching bei Linz. Im Einzelnen: Heizungssysteme; Klimaanlage; Energiesparmassnahmen. (HW)

  4. Prevention and reversal of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) in mice by administration of anti-L3T4 monoclonal antibody at different stages of disease development. (United States)

    Stull, S J; Kyriakos, M; Sharp, G C; Braley-Mullen, H


    Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) can be induced in CBA/J mice following the transfer of spleen cells from mouse thyroglobulin (MTg)-sensitized donors that have been activated in vitro with MTg. Since L3T4+ T cells are required to transfer EAT in this model, the present study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the anti-L3T4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) GK1.5 in preventing or arresting the development of EAT. Spleen cells from mice given mAb GK1.5 prior to sensitization with MTg and adjuvant could not transfer EAT to normal recipients and cells from these mice did not proliferate in vitro to MTg. Donor mice given GK1.5 before immunization did not develop anti-MTg autoantibody and recipients of cells from such mice also produced little anti-MTg. GK1.5 could also prevent the proliferation and activation of sensitized effector cell precursors when added to in vitro cultures. When a single injection of mAb GK1.5 was given to recipients of in vitro-activated spleen cells, EAT was reduced whether the mAb was given prior to cell transfer or as late as 19 days after cell transfer. Whereas the incidence and severity of EAT was consistently reduced by injecting recipient mice with GK1.5, the same mice generally had no reduction in anti-MTg autoantibody. Since EAT is consistently induced in control recipients by 14-19 days after cell transfer, the ability of mAb GK1.5 to inhibit EAT when injected 14 or 19 days after cell transfer indicates that a single injection of the mAb GK1.5 can cause reversal of the histopathologic lesions of EAT in mice. These studies further establish the important role of L3T4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of EAT in mice and also suggest that therapy with an appropriate mAb may be an effective treatment for certain autoimmune diseases even when the therapy is initiated late in the course of the disease.

  5. Os Impactos da Adoção de Metodologias Ativas no Desempenho dos Discentes do Curso de Ciências Contábeis de Instituição de Ensino Superior Mineira

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    Cícero José Oliveira Guerra


    Full Text Available Uma reformulação na educação tem sido discutida pela comunidade científica com a finalidade de atender a novos objetivos nos processos de aprendizagem. É um desafio para as universidades modificarem o seu papel social, agregando novas metodologias de ensino nos seus programas de graduação para se inserirem neste contexto atual. A motivação deste estudo é verificar se a adoção de metodologias ativas de ensino no curso de Ciências Contábeis de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada, situada na região da Zona da Mata mineira, contribuiu para o desempenho dos seus discentes, sendo caracterizada como desempenho, nesta pesquisa, a melhoria das notas dos estudantes. As metodologias ativas, atendendo a essa reformulação educacional, estão preocupadas em formar um estudante crítico, capaz de atuar no mercado atual, sujeito a constantes mudanças. O período de estudo compreende os anos entre 2011 e 2014. Buscou-se responder à seguinte questão: Há impacto no desempenho dos discentes do curso de Ciências Contábeis após a implantação de metodologias ativas na IES pesquisada? Para testar a hipótese proposta, utilizou-se o teste de médias T student e métodos de regressão. Os dados analisados foram coletados a partir de documentos cedidos pelos colaboradores da instituição. Os resultados mostram que há evidências de que a utilização das metodologias ativas no curso de Ciências Contábeis contribuíram para o desempenho dos estudantes no período estudado.

  6. Scintigraphic examinations after stent implantation in central airways; Szintigraphische Untersuchungen bei Stents in den zentralen Atemwegen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Richter, W.S.; Kettner, B.I.; Munz, D.L. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinikum Charite, Medizinische Fakulteat der Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin (Germany)


    Endotracheal and endobronchial stent implantation has been developed as an effective treatment of benign and malignant airway stenosis and of tracheo- or bronchoesophageal fistulas. The selection of the stent type depends on the kind and site of disease. Chest X-ray and bronchoscopy are the procedures of choice for monitoring of stent position, structure, and function. However, with scintigraphic methods the effects of stent implantation on pulmonary ventilation and perfusion can be assessed non-invasively. The validation of the effect of a stent implantation on mucociliary and tussive clearance remains to be elucidated. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die endotracheale und -bronchiale Stentimplantation wurde in den letzten Jahren als effektive Massnahme bei benignen und malignen Stenosen der Atemwege, drohendem Atemwegsverschluss und bei tracheo- bzw. bronchooesophagealen Fisteln eingefuehrt. Der gewaehlte Stenttyp richtet sich nach dem Implantationsort und den krankheitsbedingten Veraenderungen. Zum Monitoring von Lage, Struktur und Funktion eines Stents dienen Thoraxroentgenaufnahmen und die Bronchoskopie. Nuklearmedizinische Verfahren koennen nicht-invasiv den Effekt der Stenteinlage auf Lungenventilation und -perfusion belegen. Die Validierung des Effekts einer Stentimplantation auf die mukoziliaere und tussive Clearance steht noch aus. (orig.)

  7. Importance of diffusion imaging in liver metastases; Bedeutung der Diffusionsbildgebung bei Lebermetastasen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riffel, P.; Schoenberg, S.O.; Krammer, J. [Medizinische Fakultaet Mannheim der Universitaet Heidelberg, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsmedizin Mannheim, Mannheim (Germany)


    generieren. Bei der Detektion fokaler Leberlaesionen zeigt die DWI eine bessere Detektionsrate im Vergleich zu T2w-Sequenzen und eine etwas schlechtere Detektionsrate im Vergleich zu dynamischen T1w-Sequenzen. Prinzipiell ist es mit der DWI moeglich, maligne Leberlaesionen von benignen zu unterscheiden sowie ein Therapieansprechen fruehzeitig zu detektieren. Sowohl fuer die Detektion als auch fuer die Charakterisierung fokaler Leberlaesionen stellt die DWI eine vielversprechende Alternative zu den morphologischen Sequenzen dar. Insbesondere fuer die Charakterisierung solider benigner Laesionen sollte jedoch deren naehere Charakterisierung unter Zuhilfenahme weiterer Sequenzen erfolgen. Fuer die Beurteilung und die Prognose eines Therapieansprechens bietet die DWI Vorteile im Vergleich zu den rein morphologischen Sequenzen. Zur reinen Detektion fokaler Leberlaesionen ist die DWI prinzipiell ausreichend. Nach visueller Detektion einer soliden Leberlaesion sollte deren naehere Charakterisierung unter Zuhilfenahme weiterer Sequenzen (insbesondere dynamischer T1w-Sequenzen) erfolgen. Fuer die Beurteilung und die Prognose eines Therapieansprechens sollte die DWI herangezogen werden. (orig.)

  8. Measurements of jet rates with the anti-$k_T$ and SiScone algorithms at LEP with the OPAL detector

    CERN Document Server

    Verbytskyi, A


    We study jet production in $e^+e^−$ annihilation to hadrons with data recorded by the OPAL experiment at LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 90 GeV and 207 GeV. The jet $e^+e^−$ production rates were measured for the first time with the anti-$k_T$ and SiScone jet clustering algorithms. We compare the data with predictions by modern Monte Carlo event generators.

  9. STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphism is associated with rheumatoid arthritis and disease activity, but not with anti-CCP antibody levels in a Mexican population. (United States)

    Durán-Avelar, Ma de Jesús; Vibanco-Pérez, Norberto; Hernández-Pacheco, Raquel Rocío; Castro-Zambrano, América Del Carmen; Ortiz-Martínez, Liliana; Zambrano-Zaragoza, José Francisco


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease in whose etiology genetic factors are known to play an important role. Among the genes associated with RA, STAT4 could be an important factor in conducting helper T cells toward the pro-inflammatory Th1 and Th17 lineages. The aim of this study is to determine the association of the STAT4 polymorphism rs7574865 with RA, disease activity, and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibody levels in a Mexican population. Genotyping was carried out using the Taqman® system from Applied Biosystems in 140 patients with RA and 150 healthy subjects. Disease activity was evaluated by a rheumatologist using the DAS28 and Spanish-HAQ-DI instruments. Anti-CCP levels were determined by ELISA. Associations of the genotypes of rs7574865 with DAS28, HAQ, and anti-CCP antibody levels with RA were determined. Findings showed that the GT and TT genotypes and the T allele from rs7574865 were all associated as risk factors for RA, independently of their anti-CCP status. An association with moderate-to-high disease activity (DAS28 ≥ 3.2) was also found. Additionally, patients with the GT or TT genotypes showed lower HAQ values than those who carried the GG genotype. No differences in anti-CCP antibody levels or DAS28 and genotypes were found. This work supports the association of the STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphism with RA and disease activity, but not with anti-CCP antibody levels in a Mexican population.

  10. Anti-tumor effects of an engineered 'killer' transfer RNA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Dong-hui [Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States); Lee, Jiyoung; Frankenberger, Casey [Ben May Department for Cancer Research, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States); Geslain, Renaud, E-mail: [Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States); Department of Biology, DePaul University, Chicago, IL 60614 (United States); Rosner, Marsha, E-mail: [Ben May Department for Cancer Research, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States); Pan, Tao, E-mail: [Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer tRNA with anti-cancer effects. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer tRNA induced protein misfolding. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer tRNA as anti-tumor agent. -- Abstract: A hallmark of cancer cells is their ability to continuously divide; and rapid proliferation requires increased protein translation. Elevating levels of misfolded proteins can elicit growth arrest due to ER stress and decreased global translation. Failure to correct prolonged ER stress eventually results in cell death via apoptosis. tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) is an engineered human tRNA{sup Ser} with an anticodon coding for isoleucine. Here we test the possibility that tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) can be an effective killing agent of breast cancer cells and can effectively inhibit tumor-formation in mice. We found that tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) exert strong effects on breast cancer translation activity, cell viability, and tumor formation. Translation is strongly inhibited by tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) in both tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic cells. tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) significantly decreased the number of viable cells over time. A short time treatment with tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) was sufficient to eliminate breast tumor formation in a xenograft mouse model. Our results indicate that tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) can inhibit breast cancer metabolism, growth and tumor formation. This RNA has strong anti-cancer effects and presents an opportunity for its development into an anti-tumor agent. Because tRNA{sup Ser}(AAU) corrupts the protein synthesis mechanism that is an integral component of the cell, it would be extremely difficult for tumor cells to evolve and develop resistance against this anti-tumor agent.

  11. Poly herbal formulation with anti-elastase and anti-oxidant properties for skin anti-aging. (United States)

    Kalyana Sundaram, Induja; Sarangi, Deepika Deeptirekha; Sundararajan, Vignesh; George, Shinomol; Sheik Mohideen, Sahabudeen


    Skin forms an important part of human innate immune system. Wrinkles, thinning and roughening of skin are some of the symptoms that affect the skin as it ages. Reactive oxygen species induced oxidative stress plays a major role in skin aging by modulating the elastase enzyme level in the skin. Extrinsic factors that affect skin aging such as UV radiation can also cause malignant melanoma. Here we selected four medicinal plant materials, namely, leaves of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, unripe and ripe Aegle marmelos fruit pulp and the terminal meristem of Musa paradisiaca flower and investigated their anti-aging properties and cytotoxicity in vitro individually as well as in a poly herbal formulation containing the four plant extracts in different ratios. The phytochemical contents of the plant extracts were investigated for radical scavenging activity and total reducing power. Based upon its anti-oxidant properties, a poly herbal formulation containing leaves of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, unripe and ripe fruit pulp of Aegle marmelos, and the terminal meristem of Musa paradisiaca flower in the ratio 6:2:1:1 (Poly Herbal Formulation 1) and 1:1:1:1 (Poly Herbal Formulation 2), respectively were formulated. It has been observed that the Poly Herbal Formulation 1 was more potent than Poly Herbal Formulation 2 due to better anti-oxidant and anti-elastase activities in NIH3T3 fibroblast cells. In addition Poly Herbal formulation 1 also had better anti-cancer activity in human malignant melanoma cells. Based on these results these beneficial plant extracts were identified for its potential application as an anti-aging agent in skin creams as well as an anti-proliferation compound against cancer cells.

  12. Methamphetamine inhibits HIV-1 replication in CD4+ T cells by modulating anti-HIV-1 miRNA expression. (United States)

    Mantri, Chinmay K; Mantri, Jyoti V; Pandhare, Jui; Dash, Chandravanu


    Methamphetamine is the second most frequently used illicit drug in the United States. Methamphetamine abuse is associated with increased risk of HIV-1 acquisition, higher viral loads, and enhanced HIV-1 pathogenesis. Although a direct link between methamphetamine abuse and HIV-1 pathogenesis remains to be established in patients, methamphetamine has been shown to increase HIV-1 replication in macrophages, dendritic cells, and cells of HIV transgenic mice. Intriguingly, the effects of methamphetamine on HIV-1 replication in human CD4(+) T cells that serve as the primary targets of infection in vivo are not clearly understood. Therefore, we examined HIV-1 replication in primary CD4(+) T cells in the presence of methamphetamine in a dose-dependent manner. Our results demonstrate that methamphetamine had a minimal effect on HIV-1 replication at concentrations of 1 to 50 μmol/L. However, at concentrations >100 μmol/L, it inhibited HIV-1 replication in a dose-dependent manner. We also discovered that methamphetamine up-regulated the cellular anti-HIV-1 microRNAs (miR-125b, miR-150, and miR-28-5p) in CD4(+) T cells. Knockdown experiments illustrated that up-regulation of the anti-HIV miRNAs inhibited HIV-1 replication. These results are contrary to the paradigm that methamphetamine accentuates HIV-1 pathogenesis by increasing HIV-1 replication. Therefore, our findings underline the complex interaction between drug use and HIV-1 and necessitate comprehensive understanding of the effects of methamphetamine on HIV-1 pathogenesis. Copyright © 2014 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Multivalent presentation of MPL by porous silicon microparticles favors T helper 1 polarization enhancing the anti-tumor efficacy of doxorubicin nanoliposomes. (United States)

    Meraz, Ismail M; Hearnden, Claire H; Liu, Xuewu; Yang, Marie; Williams, Laura; Savage, David J; Gu, Jianhua; Rhudy, Jessica R; Yokoi, Kenji; Lavelle, Ed C; Serda, Rita E


    Porous silicon (pSi) microparticles, in diverse sizes and shapes, can be functionalized to present pathogen-associated molecular patterns that activate dendritic cells. Intraperitoneal injection of MPL-adsorbed pSi microparticles, in contrast to free MPL, resulted in the induction of local inflammation, reflected in the recruitment of neutrophils, eosinophils and proinflammatory monocytes, and the depletion of resident macrophages and mast cells at the injection site. Injection of microparticle-bound MPL resulted in enhanced secretion of the T helper 1 associated cytokines IFN-γ and TNF-α by peritoneal exudate and lymph node cells in response to secondary stimuli while decreasing the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. MPL-pSi microparticles independently exhibited anti-tumor effects and enhanced tumor suppression by low dose doxorubicin nanoliposomes. Intravascular injection of the MPL-bound microparticles increased serum IL-1β levels, which was blocked by the IL-1 receptor antagonist Anakinra. The microparticles also potentiated tumor infiltration by dendritic cells, cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and F4/80+ macrophages, however, a specific reduction was observed in CD204+ macrophages.

  14. Anzeichen einer linearen dosis-effekt beziehung bei sehr kleinen bestrahlungsdosen

    CERN Document Server

    Diehl, I.


    Zur Aufstellung einer Strahlungsdosis - Effekt - Kurve bei kleinen Dosen wurde der Mikrokerntest verwendet, da er relativ einfach und gleich- zeitig sehr empfindlich ist. Die Bohne Vicia Faba (Fillbasket) wurde mit 60Co Gammastrahlen und mit hochenergetischen Neutronen bestrahlt. Die Neutronen wurden von 600 MeV Protonen, die auf ein Be—Target auftrafen produziert und unter einem Winkel von 0 Grad extrahiert. Informationen fiber Dosimetrie und Eigenschaften der verwandeten Strahlung wurder bereits an anderer Stelle beschriebenl) des gleichen auch Einzelheiten fiber die Aufzucht der BORE Vicia Fabaz). Nach der Bestrahlung wurden jeweils 5 Bohnen zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten fixiert und danach die Prfiparate herge— stellt. Pro Préparat wurden 1000 Zellen ausgewertet.

  15. Radiotherapy for solitary plasmacytoma and multiple myeloma; Strahlentherapie bei solitaerem Plasmozytom und multiplem Myelom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmaus, M.C. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Klinik fuer Radioonkologie und Strahlentherapie, Heidelberg (Germany); Neuhof, D. [MVZ Strahlentherapie und Nuklearmedizin Weinheim, Weinheim (Germany)


    Solitary plasmacytoma and multiple myeloma require a differentiated radiotherapy. The irradiation for plasmacytoma with an adequate total dose (medullary 40-50 Gy or extramedullary 50-60 Gy) leads to a high degree of local control with a low rate of side effects. In cases of multiple myeloma radiotherapy will achieve effective palliation, both in terms of recalcification as well as reduction of neurological symptoms and analgesia. In terms of analgesia the rule is the higher the single dose fraction the faster the reduction of pain. As part of a conditioning treatment prior to stem cell transplantation radiotherapy contributes to the establishment of a graft versus myeloma effect (GVM). (orig.) [German] Das solitaere Plasmozytom und das multiple Myelom fordern eine differenzierte Strahlenbehandlung. Bei Plasmozytomen fuehrt eine Bestrahlung mit ausreichender Gesamtdosis (medullaer 40-50 Gy oder extramedullaer 50-60 Gy) zu einer hohen Lokalkontrolle mit einer geringen Rate an Nebenwirkungen. Beim multiplen Myelom kann die Strahlentherapie eine effektive Palliation sowohl hinsichtlich Rekalzifikation als auch Reduktion neurologischer Symptomatik und Analgesie erzielen. Hinsichtlich der Analgesie gilt: Je hoeher die Einzeldosis, desto schneller der Wirkeintritt. Im Rahmen einer Konditionierungstherapie vor Stammzelltransplantation traegt die Strahlentherapie zur Etablierung eines Graft-versus-Myelom-Effekts (GvM) bei. (orig.)

  16. Comparison of Ultra-Rapid Orbit Prediction Strategies for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou. (United States)

    Geng, Tao; Zhang, Peng; Wang, Wei; Xie, Xin


    Currently, ultra-rapid orbits play an important role in the high-speed development of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) real-time applications. This contribution focuses on the impact of the fitting arc length of observed orbits and solar radiation pressure (SRP) on the orbit prediction performance for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou. One full year's precise ephemerides during 2015 were used as fitted observed orbits and then as references to be compared with predicted orbits, together with known earth rotation parameters. The full nine-parameter Empirical Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) Orbit Model (ECOM) and its reduced version were chosen in our study. The arc lengths of observed fitted orbits that showed the smallest weighted root mean squares (WRMSs) and medians of the orbit differences after a Helmert transformation fell between 40 and 45 h for GPS and GLONASS and between 42 and 48 h for Galileo, while the WRMS values and medians become flat after a 42 h arc length for BeiDou. The stability of the Helmert transformation and SRP parameters also confirmed the similar optimal arc lengths. The range around 42-45 h is suggested to be the optimal arc length interval of the fitted observed orbits for the multi-GNSS joint solution of ultra-rapid orbits.

  17. Charakterisierung der Birnenaromatik von Österreichischem Weißburgunder (Pinot blanc hinsichtlich Typizität und Qualität

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Christian


    Full Text Available Österreich ist mit einer Anbaufläche von 1.914 ha das drittgrößte Weißburgunder-produzierende Land der Welt. Diese Fläche entspricht 4,3% der österreichischen Weinbaufläche und 12,3% der Weltanbaufläche von Weißburgunder (15.493 ha. Nur in Deutschland (4.794 ha, 30,9% und in Italien (3.086 ha; 19,9% wird mehr Pinot blanc angebaut. Das Aroma von trockenem Weißburgunder ist in der Regel diskret, mit vorherrschenden Birnen- und Apfelaromen, diese kommen oft mit einem Nussaroma und einem Hauch von Blüten (Akazienblüten und Kräutern zusammen. Der Geschmack ist zart und vollmundig. Gereifte Weine zeigen oft Honig- und Mandelnoten. Ethyl-trans2-cis4-decadienoat ist bekannt als Leitaroma in frischen und verarbeiteten Birnenprodukten. Diese Verbindung wurde bis jetzt nicht in Wein beschrieben. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde der Gehalt an Ethyl-trans2-cis4-Decadienoat und anderen Ethyl- und Methylester der cis-trans-Isomere der Decadiensäure sowie andere mit Birne assoziierten Aromen (Isoamylacetat, Methyl-trans-Geranoat, Ethylhexanoat, Ethyloctanoat, Ethyldecanoat und Ethyldodecanoat in österreichischen Weißburgunderproben direkt in Wein mit HS-SPME-SIM-MS analysiert. Bei den Analysen konnten relevante Quantitäten an Ethyl-trans-2-cis-4-decadienoat gefunden werden. Die Konzentrationen der untersuchten Weine lagen zwischen >0,036 und 4,04 μg/L. Ein vorangegangener Test zur Feststellung des Wahrnehmungsschwellenwertes nach dem BET-3-Alternative-Forced-Choice-Verfahren ergab bei dieser Verbindung einen Wert von 2 μg/L. Somit ist der Aromastoff teilweise relevant für den Charakter der untersuchten Weine. Die Aromen wurden nach einer Konsumentenstudie ausgesucht und die sogenannte “birnenspezifische Odour Activity Value” nach zwei Verfahren berechnet. Im Zuge der sensorischen und analytischen Studien konnte festgestellt werden, dass ein Zusammenspiel einiger analysierten Aromen für den Charakter, die Qualität und die Typizität

  18. Sacroiliitis in children with spondyloarthropathy: therapeutic effect of CT-guided intra-articular corticosteroid injection; Sakroiliitis bei Kinder mit Spondylarthropathie: Therapeutischer Effekt der CT-gestuetzten intraartikulaeren Kortikosteroid-Injektionen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fischer, T.; Hermann, K.G.A.; Diekmann, F.; Hamm, B. [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Universitaetsklinikum Charite, Inst. fuer Radiologie; Biedermann, T. [HELIOS Klinikum Berlin (Germany). II. Klinik fuer Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Abt. Kinderrheumatologie; Braun, J. [Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet, St. Josefs-Krankenhaus (Germany); Bollow, M. [Augusta-Krankenhaus, Bochum (Germany). Inst. fuer Radiologie


    Purpose: The prospective investigation of the therapeutic effect of CT-guided intra-articular corticosteroid injection into inflammatory sacroiliac (SI) joints compared to conventional treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in children with juvenile spondyloarthropathy (jSpA) and the determination of the role of dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in establishing the indication and monitoring the therapy. Materials and Methods: The study comprises 89 children with known jSpA who were diagnosed by MRI to have a unilateral or bilateral sacroiliitis. Therapy with NSAIDS was initiated or continued in all 89 patients. Four weeks after the diagnostic MRI, two groups were distinguished according to the clinical response of NSAIDS, with group 1 consisting of 22 responders and group 2 of 56 non-responders. The patients of group 2 were treated with CT-guided intra-articular corticosteroid injection (low-dose injection) while the therapy with NSAIDS was continued. A total of 83 SI joints were punctured without complications, 27 bilaterally and 29 unilaterally. The indication for the intervention was based on inflammatory activity as determined by MRI. The therapy was monitored by clinical follow-up every 8 to 12 weeks over a period of 20 months. Follow-up by dynamic MRI was performed in all 56 children of group 2 and 15 of the 33 children of group 1 within 8{+-}4 months of the initial examination. Results: A total of 87.5% of the children in group 2 showed a statistically signficant decrease in their subjective complaints from 6.9{+-}3.4 to 1.8{+-}1.7 (p<0.05) as measured on a visual analog scale (VAS from 0 to 10). Improvement was seen as early as 1.5{+-}1.0 weeks after the intervention and lasted for a mean of 12{+-}6 months. The children in group 1 already showed similar improvement of the VAS from 6.8{+-}3.2 to 1.5{+-}1.4 (p<0.05) during the initial four weeks of NSAIDS therapy, with the improvement lasting for the 20-month observation period

  19. Anti-allergic activity of 2,4,6-trihydroxy-3-geranylacetophenone (tHGA) via attenuation of IgE-mediated mast cell activation and inhibition of passive systemic anaphylaxis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, Ji Wei; Israf, Daud Ahmad; Harith, Hanis Hazeera; Md Hashim, Nur Fariesha [Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400 (Malaysia); Ng, Chean Hui; Shaari, Khozirah [Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43300 (Malaysia); Tham, Chau Ling, E-mail: [Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400 (Malaysia)


    tHGA, a geranyl acetophenone compound originally isolated from a local shrub called Melicope ptelefolia, has been previously reported to prevent ovalbumin-induced allergic airway inflammation in a murine model of allergic asthma by targeting cysteinyl leukotriene synthesis. Mast cells are immune effector cells involved in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases including asthma by releasing cysteinyl leukotrienes. The anti-asthmatic properties of tHGA could be attributed to its inhibitory effect on mast cell degranulation. As mast cell degranulation is an important event in allergic responses, this study aimed to investigate the anti-allergic effects of tHGA in cellular and animal models of IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation. For in vitro model of IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation, DNP-IgE-sensitized RBL-2H3 cells were pre-treated with tHGA before challenged with DNP-BSA to induce degranulation. For IgE-mediated passive systemic anaphylaxis, Sprague Dawley rats were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection of DNP-IgE before challenged with DNP-BSA. Both in vitro and in vivo models showed that tHGA significantly inhibited the release of preformed mediators (β-hexosaminidase and histamine) as well as de novo mediators (interleukin-4, tumour necrosis factor-α, prostaglandin D{sub 2} and leukotriene C{sub 4}). Pre-treatment of tHGA also prevented IgE-challenged RBL-2H3 cells and peritoneal mast cells from undergoing morphological changes associated with mast cell degranulation. These findings indicate that tHGA possesses potent anti-allergic activity via attenuation of IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation and inhibition of IgE-mediated passive systemic anaphylaxis. Thus, tHGA may have the potential to be developed as a mast cell stabilizer for the treatment of allergic diseases in the future. - Highlights: • The in vitro and in vivo mast cell stabilizing effects of tHGA were examined. • tHGA counteracts the plasma membrane deformation in degranulating mast

  20. Anti-allergic activity of 2,4,6-trihydroxy-3-geranylacetophenone (tHGA) via attenuation of IgE-mediated mast cell activation and inhibition of passive systemic anaphylaxis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, Ji Wei; Israf, Daud Ahmad; Harith, Hanis Hazeera; Md Hashim, Nur Fariesha; Ng, Chean Hui; Shaari, Khozirah; Tham, Chau Ling


    tHGA, a geranyl acetophenone compound originally isolated from a local shrub called Melicope ptelefolia, has been previously reported to prevent ovalbumin-induced allergic airway inflammation in a murine model of allergic asthma by targeting cysteinyl leukotriene synthesis. Mast cells are immune effector cells involved in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases including asthma by releasing cysteinyl leukotrienes. The anti-asthmatic properties of tHGA could be attributed to its inhibitory effect on mast cell degranulation. As mast cell degranulation is an important event in allergic responses, this study aimed to investigate the anti-allergic effects of tHGA in cellular and animal models of IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation. For in vitro model of IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation, DNP-IgE-sensitized RBL-2H3 cells were pre-treated with tHGA before challenged with DNP-BSA to induce degranulation. For IgE-mediated passive systemic anaphylaxis, Sprague Dawley rats were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection of DNP-IgE before challenged with DNP-BSA. Both in vitro and in vivo models showed that tHGA significantly inhibited the release of preformed mediators (β-hexosaminidase and histamine) as well as de novo mediators (interleukin-4, tumour necrosis factor-α, prostaglandin D 2 and leukotriene C 4 ). Pre-treatment of tHGA also prevented IgE-challenged RBL-2H3 cells and peritoneal mast cells from undergoing morphological changes associated with mast cell degranulation. These findings indicate that tHGA possesses potent anti-allergic activity via attenuation of IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation and inhibition of IgE-mediated passive systemic anaphylaxis. Thus, tHGA may have the potential to be developed as a mast cell stabilizer for the treatment of allergic diseases in the future. - Highlights: • The in vitro and in vivo mast cell stabilizing effects of tHGA were examined. • tHGA counteracts the plasma membrane deformation in degranulating mast cells. • t

  1. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid has an anti-oxidant effect via the Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kusunoki, Chisato, E-mail: [Department of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, Seta Tsukinowa-Cho, Otsu, Shiga 520-2192 (Japan); Yang, Liu; Yoshizaki, Takeshi; Nakagawa, Fumiyuki; Ishikado, Atsushi; Kondo, Motoyuki; Morino, Katsutaro; Sekine, Osamu; Ugi, Satoshi [Department of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, Seta Tsukinowa-Cho, Otsu, Shiga 520-2192 (Japan); Nishio, Yoshihiko [Division of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Department of Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Kashiwagi, Atsunori; Maegawa, Hiroshi [Department of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, Seta Tsukinowa-Cho, Otsu, Shiga 520-2192 (Japan)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Omega-3 PUFA has a direct anti-oxidant effect in adipocytes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer EPA and DHA induce HO-1 expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Omega-3 PUFA and its end-product, 4-HHE, activates the Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Omega-3 PUFA protects against oxidative stress-induced cytotoxicity. -- Abstract: Oxidative stress is produced in adipose tissue of obese subjects and has been associated with obesity-related disorders. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ({omega}3-PUFA) has beneficial effects in preventing atherosclerotic diseases and insulin resistance in adipose tissue. However, the role of {omega}3-PUFA on adipocytes has not been elucidated. In this study, 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with {omega}3-PUFA and its metabolites, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), or 4-hydroxy hexenal (4-HHE). {omega}3-PUFA and its metabolites dose-dependently increased mRNA and protein levels of the anti-oxidative enzyme, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1); whereas no changes in the well-known anti-oxidant molecules, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, were observed. Knockdown of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf-2) significantly reduced EPA, DHA or 4-HHE-induced HO-1 mRNA and protein expression. Also, pretreatment with {omega}3-PUFA prevented H{sub 2}O{sub 2}-induced cytotoxicity in a HO-1 dependent manner. In conclusion, treatment with EPA and DHA induced HO-1 through the activation of Nrf-2 and prevented oxidative stress in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. This anti-oxidant defense may be of high therapeutic value for clinical conditions associated with systemic oxidative stress.

  2. Selection and characterization of T-cell variants lacking molecules involved in T-cell activation (T3 T-cell receptor, T44, and T11): analysis of the functional relationship among different pathways of activation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moretta, A.; Poggi, A.; Olive, D.; Bottino, C.; Fortis, C.; Pantaleo, G.; Moretta, L.


    A clone of the interleukin 2-producing Jurkat leukemia cell line termed JA3 (surface phenotype, T3 + , Ti + , T44 + , T11 + , T40 + ) has been used to induce and select cell variants lacking surface molecules involved in T-cell activation. Following 200 rad of γ-radiation (1 rad = 0.01 Gy), cells were treated with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed to T3, Ti, T44, or T11 antigen and complement. After growth of the residual cells in culture, negative cells were cloned under limiting conditions. Depending on the specificity of the mAb used for the immunoselection, three groups of variants were obtained. (i) The use of mAbs directed to T3 or Ti resulted in cell variants that expressed the T3 - Ti - T44 + Leu1 + T11 + T40 + 4F2 + HLA class I + surface phenotype. (ii) Immunoselection with anti-T44 mAb resulted in 2 variants that shared the T3 - Ti - T44 - Leu1 - T11 - T40 - 4F2 - HLA class I + phenotype. (iii) Cell treatment with anti-T11 mAb resulted in 15 variants characterized by the lack of T11 antigen expression and of all the other T-cell-specific surface antigens. Therefore, it appears that the different sets of JA3 cell variants, like T cells at discrete stages of intrathymic differentiation, may follow a coordinated expression of surface differentiation antigens. Analysis of the functional responsiveness of the three distinct groups of JA3 cell variants to different stimuli showed that all produced interleukin 2 in response to A23187 calcium ionophore plus phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate


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    Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh good corporategovernance terdiri dari kepemilikan institusional, proporsi dewan komisaris independen, komite audit dan leverage terhadapkinerja keuangan pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI tahun 2011-2012.Sampel penelitian ini adalah 134 perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI tahun 2011-2012. Data laporan keuangan diperoleh dari annual report masing-masing perusahaan yang didapat dari situs resmi Bursa Efek Indonesia ( dan Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling.Sedangkan Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa kepemilikan institusional berpengaruh terhadap kinerja keuangan. Proporsi dewan komisaris independen dan komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja keuangan. Serta leverage berpengaruh terhadap kinerja keuangan

  4. Imaging of nasopharyngeal diseases; Bildgebung bei Erkrankungen des Nasopharynx

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koesling, S.; Hofmockel, T. [Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Halle (Germany); Knipping, S. [Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie, Halle (Germany)


    This article gives an overview about the main nasopharyngeal pathologies and incidental findings, which a radiologist could be confronted with in daily practice. These include nasopharyngeal cysts, lymphoid hyperplasia, juvenile angiofibroma, carcinomas and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Typical radiological findings, possibilities for making a specific diagnosis, differential diagnosis and description of the spread of a neoplasm are the central points. Investigation techniques and clinical signs are briefly summarized. (orig.) [German] Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Ueberblick ueber nasopharyngeale Erkrankungen und Zufallsbefunde, mit denen der Radiologe haeufig und weniger haeufig konfrontiert werden kann. Dazu zaehlen zystische Raumforderungen, die hyperplastische Rachenmandel, das juvenile Nasenrachenfibrom, Nasopharynxkarzinom und Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei das radiologische Erscheinungsbild, Moeglichkeiten einer artdiagnostischen Zuordnung, differenzialdiagnostische Aspekte und bei Neoplasien Aussagen zur Ausbreitungsdiagnostik. Untersuchungstechnische und klinische Aspekte sowie die Diagnosesicherung werden kurz erwaehnt. (orig.)

  5. Impact of thiamine deficiency on T-cell dependent and T-cell independent antibody production in lake trout (United States)

    Ottinger, Christopher A.; Honeyfield, Dale C.; Densmore, Christine L.; Iwanowicz, Luke R.


    Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush on thiamine-replete and thiamine-depleted diets were evaluated for the effects of thiamine status on in vivo responses to the T-dependent antigen trinitophenol (TNP)-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (TNP-KLH), the T-independent antigen trinitrophenol-lipolysaccaharide (TNP-LPS), or Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS; negative control fish). Plasma antibody concentrations were evaluated for possible differences in total anti-TNP activity as well as differences in response kinetics. Associations between anti-TNP activity and muscle and liver thiamine concentrations as well as ratios of muscle-to-liver thiamine to anti-TNP activity were also examined. Thiamine-depleted lake trout that were injected with TNP-LPS exhibited significantly more anti-TNP activity than thiamine-replete fish. The depleted fish injected with TNP-LPS also exhibited significantly different response kinetics relative to thiamine-replete lake trout. No differences in activity or kinetics were observed between the thiamine-replete and -depleted fish injected with TNP-KLH or in the DPBS negative controls. Anti-TNP activity in thiamine-depleted lake trout injected with TNP-KLH was positively associated with muscle thiamine pyrophosphate (thiamine diphosphate; TPP) concentration. A negative association was observed between the ratio of muscle-to-liver TPP and T-independent responses. No significant associations between anti-TNP activity and tissue thiamine concentration were observed in the thiamine-replete fish. We demonstrated that thiamine deficiency leads to alterations in both T-dependent and T-independent immune responses in lake trout.

  6. Impact of thiamine deficiency on T-cell dependent and T-cell independent antibody production in lake trout. (United States)

    Ottinger, Christopher A; Honeyfield, Dale C; Densmore, Christine L; Iwanowicz, Luke R


    Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush on thiamine-replete and thiamine-depleted diets were evaluated for the effects of thiamine status on in vivo responses to the T-dependent antigen trinitophenol (TNP)-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (TNP-KLH), the T-independent antigen trinitrophenol-lipolysaccaharide (TNP-LPS), or Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS; negative control fish). Plasma antibody concentrations were evaluated for possible differences in total anti-TNP activity as well as differences in response kinetics. Associations between anti-TNP activity and muscle and liver thiamine concentrations as well as ratios of muscle-to-liver thiamine to anti-TNP activity were also examined. Thiamine-depleted lake trout that were injected with TNP-LPS exhibited significantly more anti-TNP activity than thiamine-replete fish. The depleted fish injected with TNP-LPS also exhibited significantly different response kinetics relative to thiamine-replete lake trout. No differences in activity or kinetics were observed between the thiamine-replete and -depleted fish injected with TNP-KLH or in the DPBS negative controls. Anti-TNP activity in thiamine-depleted lake trout injected with TNP-KLH was positively associated with muscle thiamine pyrophosphate (thiamine diphosphate; TPP) concentration. A negative association was observed between the ratio of muscle-to-liver TPP and T-independent responses. No significant associations between anti-TNP activity and tissue thiamine concentration were observed in the thiamine-replete fish. We demonstrated that thiamine deficiency leads to alterations in both T-dependent and T-independent immune responses in lake trout.

  7. Occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in goats and sheep in western Maranhão, Brazil Ocorrência de anticorpos IgG anti-Neospora caninum e anti-Toxoplasma gondii em caprinos e ovinos do oeste do Maranhão, Brasil

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    Larissa Martins de Brito Moraes


    Full Text Available Neosporosis and toxoplasmosis are parasitic diseases which can cause reproductive problems in goats and sheep. The current study aimed to determine the occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in goats and sheep from the districts of Amarante do Maranhão and Buritirana, Imperatriz microregion, western area of Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil, and to assess factors associated to infection by these etiologic agents. Blood samples from 110 animals (46 goats and 64 sheep from five herds were collected, and indirect immunofluorescence assay was used for serological testing. Of 46 goat samples, 17.39% (n = 8 showed anti-N. caninum antibodies and 4.35% (n = 2 anti-T. gondii, while of 64 sheep samples 4.69% (n = 3 and 18.75% (n = 12 showed anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii antibodies, respectively. No significant difference regarding the presence of domestic cats and/or dogs on the property and veterinary care was seen for both etiologic agents studied. However, food supplementation and animal reproductive failure were significantly (p A neosporose e a toxoplasmose são doenças parasitárias que podem causar problemas reprodutivos em caprinos e ovinos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de anticorpos IgG anti-Neospora caninum e anti-Toxoplasma gondii em caprinos e ovinos dos municípios de Amarante do Maranhão e Buritirana, microrregião de Imperatriz, Oeste maranhense, Nordeste do Brasil, bem como avaliar fatores associados à infecção por esses agentes etiológicos. Amostras de sangue de 110 animais (46 caprinos e 64 ovinos, provenientes de cinco propriedades, foram coletadas, e a reação de imunofluorescência indireta utilizada para o diagnóstico sorológico. Das 46 amostras de caprinos, 17,39% (n = 8 apresentaram anticorpos anti-N. caninum e 4,35% (n = 2 anti-T. gondii, enquanto das 64 amostras de ovinos, 4,69% (n = 3 e 18,75% (n = 12 apresentaram anticorpos anti-N. caninum e anti-T

  8. Zur Ätiologie und Bekämpfung der Lumpy Jaw Disease bei Kängurus


    Asperger, Michael


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten die in der veterinärmedizinischen Literatur bisher diskutierten Ursachen für LJD bei Makropoden hinsichtlich ihrer tatsächlichen Bedeutung abgeklärt und die Eignung einer formalininaktivierten, bestandsspezifischen Adsorbatvakzine zur Prophylaxe von LJD getestet werden. Da LJD eine parodontale Erkrankung darstellt, wurden auch die für Entstehung einer humanen Parodontitis prädisponierenden Faktoren mit in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Es wurden Tupferproben z...

  9. Zur Konstruktion von ''Männlichkeit'' bei ''Ultras'' : eine empirische Untersuchung zur Fanszene in Bremen


    Guth, Oliver


    ''Männliche'' Herrschaftsstrukturen sind innerhalb der gesamten Gesellschaft stark verbreitet. Dies spiegelt sich dementsprechend auch in Fußballfanszenen wider. Diese Arbeit untersucht daher die Konstruktion von Männlichkeit bei ''Ultras'', da diese mit ihrer starken Präsens und ihren aufwendigen Choreographien in Stadien großen Einfluss vor allem auf Jugendliche haben. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, Mechanismen innerhalb der Fanszene aufzuzeigen um somit pädagogisch zu intervenieren, damit g...

  10. Suppression of T cell-induced osteoclast formation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karieb, Sahar; Fox, Simon W., E-mail:


    Highlights: •Genistein and coumestrol prevent activated T cell induced osteoclast formation. •Anti-TNF neutralising antibodies prevent the pro-osteoclastic effect of activated T cells. •Phytoestrogens inhibit T cell derived TNF alpha and inflammatory cytokine production. •Phytoestrogens have a broader range of anti-osteoclastic actions than other anti-resorptives. -- Abstract: Inhibition of T cell derived cytokine production could help suppress osteoclast differentiation in inflammatory skeletal disorders. Bisphosphonates are typically prescribed to prevent inflammatory bone loss but are not tolerated by all patients and are associated with an increased risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw. In light of this other anti-resorptives such as phytoestrogens are being considered. However the effect of phytoestrogens on T cell-induced osteoclast formation is unclear. The effect of genistein and coumestrol on activated T cell-induced osteoclastogenesis and cytokine production was therefore examined. Concentrations of genistein and coumestrol (10{sup −7} M) previously shown to directly inhibit osteoclast formation also suppressed the formation of TRAP positive osteoclast induced by con A activated T cells, which was dependent on inhibition of T cell derived TNF-α. While both reduced osteoclast formation their mechanism of action differed. The anti-osteoclastic effect of coumestrol was associated with a dual effect on con A induced T cell proliferation and activation; 10{sup −7} M coumestrol significantly reducing T cell number (0.36) and TNF-α (0.47), IL-1β (0.23) and IL-6 (0.35) expression, whereas genistein (10{sup −7} M) had no effect on T cell number but a more pronounced effect on T cell differentiation reducing expression of TNF-α (0.49), IL-1β (0.52), IL-6 (0.71) and RANKL (0.71). Phytoestrogens therefore prevent the pro-osteoclastic action of T cells suggesting they may have a role in the control of inflammatory bone loss.

  11. Anti-trypanosomal activity of pentacyclic triterpenes isolated from Austroplenckia populnea (Celastraceae Atividade anti-tripanosomicida de triterpenes pentacíclicos isolados de Austroplenckia populnea (Celastraceae

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    Lucienir Pains DUARTE


    Full Text Available Four pentacyclic triterpenes isolated from Austroplenckia populnea and four compounds of known anti T. cruzi or anti-malarial activity were tested. Of those triterpenes tested 20alpha-hydroxy-tingenone showed high activity, epikatonic acid was less active, while populnilic and populninic acids were inactive against the trypanosome of the subgenus Schizotrypanum tested. Benzonidazole, nifurtimox, ketoconazole and primaquine presented a remarkable dose-dependent inhibitory effect reaching practically to a total growth inhibition of the parasite at the end of incubation time. The trypanosome tested appear to be a suitable model for preliminary screen for anti T. (S. cruzi compounds.Foram testados quatro triterpenos pentacíclicos isolados de Austroplenckia populnea e quatro compostos de conhecida atividade anti-T. cruzi ou anti-malárica. Dos triterpenos testados 20alfa-hidroxi-tingenona mostrou atividade elevada, ácido epicatônico foi menos ativo, enquanto ácido populnílico e populnínico foram inativos contra o tripanossoma do subgênero Schizotrypanum testado. Benzonidazole, nifurtimox, cetoconazole e primaquina apresentaram efeito inibitório dose-dependente atingindo praticamente a inibição total do crescimento do parasita no final do tempo de incubação. O tripanossoma testado mostrou ser um modelo adequado para uma seleção preliminar de compostos anti. T. (S. cruzi.

  12. Surgical Stress Abrogates Pre-Existing Protective T Cell Mediated Anti-Tumor Immunity Leading to Postoperative Cancer Recurrence.

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    Abhirami A Ananth

    Full Text Available Anti-tumor CD8+ T cells are a key determinant for overall survival in patients following surgical resection for solid malignancies. Using a mouse model of cancer vaccination (adenovirus expressing melanoma tumor-associated antigen (TAA-dopachrome tautomerase (AdDCT and resection resulting in major surgical stress (abdominal nephrectomy, we demonstrate that surgical stress results in a reduction in the number of CD8+ T cell that produce cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, Granzyme B in response to TAA. This effect is secondary to both reduced proliferation and impaired T cell function following antigen binding. In a prophylactic model, surgical stress completely abrogates tumor protection conferred by vaccination in the immediate postoperative period. In a clinically relevant surgical resection model, vaccinated mice undergoing a positive margin resection with surgical stress had decreased survival compared to mice with positive margin resection alone. Preoperative immunotherapy with IFNα significantly extends survival in surgically stressed mice. Importantly, myeloid derived suppressor cell (MDSC population numbers and functional impairment of TAA-specific CD8+ T cell were altered in surgically stressed mice. Our observations suggest that cancer progression may result from surgery-induced suppression of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells. Preoperative immunotherapies aimed at targeting the prometastatic effects of cancer surgery will reduce recurrence and improve survival in cancer surgery patients.

  13. Padrões Contábeis internacionais do IASB: Um estudo comparativo com as normas contábeis brasileiras e sua aplicação

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    L. Nelson Carvalho


    Full Text Available Atribui-se a Jonh Kennteh Galbraith a afirmativa de que os economistas deveriam se preocupar em medir "Felicidade Nacional Bruta" do que "Produto Nacional Bruto" e que "Felicidade", objetivamente considerada , é o pai da família ou jovem em idade de trabalho a encontratem emprego e oportunidades. Isso se dá, em grande parte, por um setor empresarial empreendedor, e este mostra sua vitalidade por meio de mecanismos de comunicação que espelhem suas virtudes. O melhor, o mais clássico e universal - conquanto não é o único- mecanismo de comunicação de desempenho empresarial com credores , investidores, governo, fornecedores é o conjunto das demonstrações contábeis.

  14. Isolation and partial characterization of peripheral blood CD4+ T cell clones expressing γδT cell receptors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kyoizumi, Seishi; Akiyama, Mitoshi; Hirai, Yuko; Kusunoki, Yoichiro.


    Rare T cell clones bearing both CD4 and T cell receptors (TCRγ and TCRδ) were obtained from human peripheral blood by cell sorting using anti-CD4 and anti-TCRδ1 antibodies. All the clones established were reactive with anti-TCRγδ1 antibody, whereas only about 20 % of the clones showed reactivity with anti-δTCS1 antibody. Unlike CD4 + T cells bearing TCRαβ, all the clones tested were lectin-dependent and showed CD3 antibody-redirected cytolytic activity. About 60 % exhibited natural killer cell-like activity. Immunoprecipitation analysis of TCRγδ showed that each clone expressed either a disulfide-linked or nondisulfide-linked heterodimer consisting of 37-44 kilodalton TCRγ and TCRδ chains. Southern blot analyses of TCRγ and TCRδ genes revealed some identical rearrangement patterns, suggesting the limited heterogeneity of CD4 + TCRγδ + T cells in peripheral blood. (author)

  15. A comparabilidade das escolhas contábeis na mensuração subsequente de ativos imobilizados, de ativos intangíveis e de propriedades para investimento em empresas da América do Sul

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    Flaida Êmine Alves de Souza


    Full Text Available A expertise em comparabilidade, escolhas contábeis e valor justo é um dos temas mais controvertidos e carentes de discussão no cenário contábil atual. As escolhas contábeis são necessárias para que seja garantida a representação fidedigna, ao mesmo tempo que seu uso discricionário pode diminuir a comparabilidade esperada pelo International Accounting Standards Board (IASB. Neste artigo, identificou-se o grau de comparabilidade das escolhas contábeis na mensuração subsequente de ativos imobilizados, de ativos intangíveis e de propriedades para investimento (PPI de companhias abertas do Brasil, Chile e Peru, além de averiguar se determinadas características das entidades podem influenciar a escolha dos gestores pelo valor justo. A comparabilidade foi medida por meio do índice T e a identificação das variáveis explicativas foi feita por meio de regressões, no período 2009-2013. Constatou-se que, para os ativos imobilizados, as comparabilidades nacional e internacional aumentaram com a adoção das IFRS, sendo crescentes ao longo do tempo. Para os ativos intangíveis, não houve aumento substancial nas comparabilidades nacional e internacional. Para as PPI, as comparabilidades nacional e internacional não aumentaram com a adoção das IFRS, permanecendo com índices próximos a 0,50 (comparabilidade baixa em praticamente todos os anos. Assim, a simples adoção das IFRS não garantiu a comparabilidade. Por meio da análise de regressão, identificou-se que as características setor de atuação, auditoria por big four, país, remuneração dos gestores, tamanho da entidade, endividamento, rentabilidade, relevância e tempo influenciaram as escolhas contábeis dos gestores, o que indica a possibilidade de ter havido uso das opções investigadas para a prática de gerenciamento de resultados.

  16. Anti-thymocyte globulin could improve the outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with highly aggressive T-cell tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, J; Cai, Y; Jiang, J L; Wan, L P; Yan, S K; Wang, C


    The early experiment result in our hospital showed that anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) inhibited the proliferation of lymphoid tumor cells in the T-cell tumors. We used the ATG as the part of the conditioning regimen and to evaluate the long-term anti-leukemia effect, the safety and complication in the patients with highly aggressive T-cell lymphomas. Twenty-three patients were enrolled into this study. At the time of transplant, six patients reached first or subsequent complete response, three patients had a partial remission and 14 patients had relapsed or primary refractory disease. The conditioning regimen consisted of ATG, total body irradiation, toposide and cyclophosphamide. The complete remission rate after transplant was 95.7%. At a median follow-up time of 25 months, 16 (69.6%) patients are alive and free from diseases, including nine patients in refractory and progressive disease. Seven patients died after transplant, five from relapse and two from treatment-related complications. The incidence of grades II–IV acute graft-vs-host disease (GvHD) was 39.1%. The maximum cumulative incidence of chronic GvHD was 30%. The most frequent and severe conditioning-related toxicities observed in 8 out of 23 patients were grades III/IV infections during cytopenia. Thus, ATG-based conditioning is a feasible and effective alternative for patients with highly aggressive T-cell tumors

  17. Erschließung der medizinhistorischen Separatasammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien


    Sabine Wallig; Judith Dögl; Isabella Seidl; Marlene Giesa


    Die Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien verfügt über ein wertvolles kulturhistorisches Erbe, das die Geschichte der „Wiener Medizinischen Schule“ repräsentiert. Einen Teil der in der Zweigbibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin beherbergten historischen Literatur bilden die medizinhistorischen Separatasammlungen. Diese Unikate stellen einen unschätzbaren Mehrwert als Quellenmaterial für medizinhistorische und biografische Forschungen dar. Bei den etwa 140.000 Einzele...

  18. T-cell activation. VI. Inhibitory and stimulatory effects of anti-major histocompatibility complex class I antibodies in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Röpke, M; Röpke, C; Claesson, Mogens Helweg


    Murine T splenocytes stimulated in primary allogeneic mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) were incubated with soluble anti-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies induced inhibition in the cytotoxicity of the responding population and this inhibition...... was not dependent on the domain on class I molecules recognized by the antibodies. Cross-reactivity of the antibodies between the responder and stimulating cell population caused a marked reduction in the inhibitory effect compared to systems where no such cross-reactivity was present. Saturating levels...... of the antibodies caused a reduction in generation of T-cell cytotoxicity, whereas low concentrations stimulated the same response. These results demonstrate that the MHC class I molecules of T cells are of significant importance in antigen-induced signal transduction....



    Anita Tri Widiyawati; Supri Wahyudi Utomo; Nik Amah


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio Altman Modifikasi terhadap prediksi kebangkrutan. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan property dan real estate yang terdaftar di BEI. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh sampel sejumlah 32 perusahaan property dan real estate yang menerbitkan laporan keuangannya selama tahun 2011-2013. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi logisti...

  20. Young T cells age during a redirected anti-tumour attack: chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-provided dual costimulation is half the battle.

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    Andreas A Hombach


    Full Text Available Adoptive therapy with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-redirected T cells showed spectacular efficacy in the treatment of leukaemia in recent early phase trials. Patient's T cells were ex vivo genetically engineered with a CAR, amplified and re-administered to the patient. While T cells mediating the primary response were predominantly of young effector and central memory phenotype, repetitive antigen engagement irreversible triggers T cell maturation leaving late memory cells with the KLRG-1+ CD57+ CD7- CCR7- phenotype in the long-term. These cells preferentially accumulate in the periphery, are hypo-responsive upon TCR engagement and prone to activation-induced cell death. A recent report indicates that those T cells can be rescued by CAR provided CD28 and OX40 (CD134 stimulation. We discuss the strategy with respect to prolong the anti-tumour response and to improve the over-all efficacy of adoptive cell therapy.

  1. SENIEUR status of the originating cell donor negates certain 'anti-immunosenescence' effects of ebselen and N-acetyl cysteine in human T cell clone cultures. (United States)

    Marthandan, Shiva; Freeburn, Robin; Steinbrecht, Susanne; Pawelec, Graham; Barnett, Yvonne


    Damage to T cells of the immune system by reactive oxygen species may result in altered cell function or cell death and thereby potentially impact upon the efficacy of a subsequent immune response. Here, we assess the impact of the antioxidants Ebselen and N-acetyl cysteine on a range of biological markers in human T cells derived from a SENIEUR status donor. In addition, the impact of these antioxidants on different MAP kinase pathways in T cells from donors of different ages was also examined. T cell clones were derived from healthy 26, 45 and SENIEUR status 80 year old people and the impact of titrated concentrations of Ebselen or N-acetyl cysteine on their proliferation and in vitro lifespan, GSH:GSSG ratio as well as levels of oxidative DNA damage and on MAP kinase signaling pathways was examined. In this investigation neither Ebselen nor N-acetyl cysteine supplementation had any impact on the biological endpoints examined in the T cells derived from the SENIEUR status 80 year old donor. This is in contrast to the anti-immunosenescent effects of these antioxidants on T cells from donors of 26 or 45 years of age. The analysis of MAP kinases showed that pro-apoptotic pathways become activated in T cells with increasing in vitro age and that Ebselen or N-acetyl cysteine could decrease activation (phosphorylation) in T cells from 26 or 45 year old donors, but not from the SENIEUR status 80 year old donor. The results of this investigation demonstrate that the biological phenotype of SENIEUR status derived human T cells negates the anti-immunosenescence effects of Ebselen and also N-acetyl cysteine. The results highlight the importance of pre-antioxidant intervention evaluation to determine risk-benefit.

  2. Functional MRI of the pelvic floor: postpartum changes of primiparous women after spontaneous vaginal delivery; Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) des Beckenbodens: Postpartale Veraenderungen bei Erstgebaerenden nach vaginaler Spontangeburt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lienemann, A.; Fischer, T.; Reiser, M. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Klinikum der Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Anthuber, C. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, Klinikum der Univ. Muenchen/Grosshadern (Germany)


    Purpose: Detection of morphological and functional changes of the pelvic floor with functional MRI in primiparous women after spontaneous vaginal delivery. Methods and Materials: The study comprises 26 primiparous women after vaginal delivery and a control group of 41 healthy asymptomatic nulliparous volunteers. MRI was performed on a 1.5 T system in supine position with vagina and rectum opacified with Sonogel. The static images consisted of sagittal and axial T{sub 2}-weighted SE sequences and functional images of true FISP sequences in midsagittal and axial planes acquired with the patient at rest, straining and during defecation. Evaluation of morphometric parameters included pelvimetry, thickness of the puborectal muscle and width of the urogenital hiatus as well as position and movement of the pelvic organs relative to the pubococcygeal reference line. Results: The configuration of the bony pelvis did not differ for both groups. The puborectal muscle was significantly thinner in the study group (0.8 cm vs 0.6 cm). The functional images showed no significant differences between both groups at rest but a significantly increased incidence in the descent of the bladder neck, vaginal fornix and anorectal junction in the study group during straining. In addition, the primiparous women had more prominent rectoceles (0.6 cm vs 1.5 cm). Conclusion: Static imaging alone fails to demonstrate relevant pelvic floor changes and a functional method is necessary to evaluate the interactions of the pelvic organs regarding organ descent. Functional MRI of the pelvic floor is an excellent method to reveal the significant changes of the pelvic floor after vaginal birth without exposing the uterus to radiation. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Darstellung von morphologischen und funktionellen Veraenderungen am Beckenboden bei Erstgebaerenden nach spontanvaginaler Entbindung mittels funktioneller MRT. Methodik: Funktionelle MRT des Beckenbodens von 26 Erstgebaerenden nach vaginaler

  3. Fractures of the cervical spine. Diagnostic procedures in patients with severe cranio-cervical trauma; HWS-Frakturen. Diagnostik bei polytraumatisierten Patienten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Link, T.M. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Univ. Muenster (Germany); Schuierer, G. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Univ. Muenster (Germany); Hufendiek, A. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Univ. Muenster (Germany); Peters, P.E. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Univ. Muenster (Germany)


    The purpose of our study was to analyze diagnostic procedures of the cervical spine in severely traumatized patients. Findings in plain radiographs and computer radiography of 234 patients were evaluated. The image quality of the plain radiographs was examined. Casualty reports were evaluated retrospectively. Frequency, distribution and morphology of cervical spine fractures were analyzed: 44 fractures in 35 patients were diagnosed, most of the fractures were located in C2 (20/44). Twenty of the fractures diagnosed in CT were not diagnosed in plain radiography and 7 fractures were uncertain findings; 5 fractures were not detected at the casualty site. A new screening procedure in patients with severe head injury is introduced. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war, die Diagnostik der HWS beim polytraumatisierten Patienten zu analysieren. Retrospektiv wurden Roentgenaufnahmen und Computertomogramme der HWS von 234 polytraumatisierten Patienten analysiert. Konventionelle HWS-Aufnahmen wurden in bezug auf ihre Qualitaet untersucht und der Befund der konventionellen Aufnahmen mit dem der Computertomographie verglichen. Die Befunde vom Unfalltag wurden den retrospektiv validierten Befunden gegenuebergestellt. Haeufigkeit, Verteilung und Morphologie von HWS-Frakturen bei polytraumatisierten Patienten wurden untersucht: 44 Frakturen bei 35 Patienten waren nachweisbar, am haeufigsten Frakturen von HWK 2 (21/44). 20 der Frakturen konnten konventionelle radiologisch nicht und 7 nur fraglich diagnostiziert werden. 5 Frakturen wurden am Unfalltag nicht erkannt. Ein neues Untersuchungsprotokoll mit routinemaessiger computertomographischer Untersuchung von HWK 1 und 2 bei Schaedel-Hirn-Traumata wird vorgestellt. (orig.)

  4. Toward Electoral Security: Experiences from KwaZulu-Natal Höhere Sicherheit bei Wahlen: Erfahrungen aus KwaZulu-Natal

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    Kristine Höglund


    Full Text Available There is a growing recognition of the dangers of electoral violence. Yet, the theoretical foundation for systematic research and for adequate policy is still underdeveloped. This article aims to develop the theoretical understandings of strategies to manage and prevent electoral violence. This is accomplished by integrating research conducted within the two academic discourses on democratization and conflict management and also by drawing on the experiences from the conflict-ridden province KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The five strategies identified are monitoring, mediation, legal measures, law enforcement and self-regulating practices. In the article, the functions and mechanisms of the strategies are discussed. In addition, we analyse the limitations and usefulness of each of the strategies in turn and also provide suggestions on how to improve electoral security.Gewaltsame Auseinandersetzungen bei Wahlen werden zunehmend als Gefahr erkannt. Dennoch sind die theoretischen Grundlagen systematischer Forschungen zu diesem Phänomen, die zu angemessenen politischen Handlungsweisen beitragen könnten, immer noch ungenügend entwickelt. Dieser Beitrag zielt darauf ab, einen theoretischen Hintergrund für Strategien zum Umgang mit Gewalt bei Wahlen und zur Prävention zu entwickeln. Zu diesem Zweck kombinieren die Autorinnen Ergebnisse zweier Forschungsbereiche – der Demokratisierungsforschung und der Forschung zum Konfliktmanagement – und ziehen außerdem Erfahrungen aus der konfliktbeladenen südafrikanischen Provinz KwaZulu-Natal heran. Sie identifizieren fünf Strategien: Monitoring, Mediation, gesetzliche Maßnahmen, Sanktionierung und Selbsthilfepraktiken. Die Autorinnen diskutieren die Wirkungsweisen und Erfolgsaussichten, aber auch die Grenzen dieser Strategien und machen einige konkrete Vorschläge zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit bei Wahlen.

  5. Strengthening emotional and social competence: undergraduate health professions students / Stärkung emotionaler und sozialer Kompetenzen bei Bachelorstudierenden in Gesundheitsberufen

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    Waite Roberta


    Full Text Available Emotionale und soziale Kompetenzen sind wichtig für zukünftige Führungskräfte. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Pre- Post-Ergebnisse des Hay Group Emotional and Social Competence Inventory bei 18 Bachelorstudierenden, die während dem Studium einen Führungskurs besuchten. Korrelationen und T-Tests für abhängige Stichproben wurden mit SPSS 20.0 durchgeführt. Signifikante Ergebnisse zeigten sich in einer Reihe von selbst eingeschätzten Kompetenzen: emotionales Selbstbewusstsein, Optimismus, Empathie, Organisationsbewusstsein, Coach und Mentor, Denken in Systemen, Mustererkennung. Pädagogische Strategien, die auf die Entwicklung von sozialen und emotionalen Kompetenzen fokussieren, fördern die Fähigkeiten von Studierenden, Kompetenzen für verschiedene Führungsrollen zu verstehen, internalisieren und anzuwenden, insbesondere hinsichtlich der effektiven Beziehungsgestaltung zu anderen. Absolventen/-innen, die für Führungsaufgaben im Team und im Gesundheitssystem vorbereitet sind, sind eine Investition in die Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung.

  6. Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis occurring postpartum in a patient with anti-PL-7 anti-synthetase syndrome. (United States)

    Nagai, Kojiro; Kishi, Jun; Morizumi, Shun; Minakuchi, Jun; Bando, Yoshimi; Nishioka, Yasuhiko; Doi, Toshio


    A 37-year-old pregnant woman developed purpura which was subsequently diagnosed as Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP). After childbirth, the patient developed proteinuria and hematuria. Further examination revealed that the HSP nephritis (HSPN) was associated with anti-threonyl-tRNA synthetase anti-synthetase syndrome. The onset of HSPN during pregnancy or after childbirth is rare. Moreover, to our knowledge, this is the first case to describe renal involvement in anti-synthetase syndrome.


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    Adriano Leal Bruni


    Full Text Available Um domínio apropriado dos conceitos básicos da Contabilidade e uma análise das suas características são essenciais para o desenvolvimento da Teoria Contábil. O processo de tomada de decisões financeiras exige o conhecimento de valores econômicos adequados, o que se torna cada vez mais demandado pelos usuários da Contabilidade. Este trabalho, portanto, buscou aferir a compreensão de alguns termos explorados no contexto da disciplina Teoria da Contabilidade, tais como ativos, passivos, goodwill, receitas, despesas, ganhos e perdas. Examinou-se uma amostra composta por 591 alunos matriculados em cursos de Ciências Contábeis que já haviam frequentado a disciplina Teoria da Contabilidade em instituições de ensino superior localizadas na cidade de Salvador (BA. A análise dos resultados por meio de uma regressão logística indica que a relação desempenho do discente e titulação do docente é mais significativa que a relação desempenho do discente e tipo da IES, contudo, de forma geral, conceitos superficiais sobre os tópicos tratados nesse trabalho foram citados em todos os níveis. Os resultados evidenciaram, em geral, falhas na compreensão de conceitos contábeis relevantes para a formação do aluno, refletindo majoritariamente uma visão superada ou, no mínimo, conservadora. Quando comparados por tipo de instituição de ensino, os resultados indicam que estudantes de instituições públicas possuem melhor domínio dos conceitos considerados neste estudo. A compreensão melhora um pouco mais quando a titulação do docente evolui de especialista para mestre e deste para doutor.

  8. Anti-nitric oxide production, anti-proliferation and antioxidant effects of the aqueous extract from Tithonia diversifolia

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    Poonsit Hiransai


    Conclusions: Our study demonstrated the immunomodulation caused by the aqueous leaf extract of T. diversifolia, resulting from the inhibition of phytohemagglutinin-M-induced PBMCs proliferation and LPS-induced nitric oxide production in RAW264.7 macrophages. Although the anti-oxidative activity was presented in the chemical-based anti-oxidant assay, the extract cannot protect cell death from stress conditions.

  9. [Osteopathie bei gastroösophagealem Reflux mit Hiatushernie: Ein Fallbericht gemäß der CARE-Leitlinie]. (United States)

    Rotter, Gabriele; Brinkhaus, Benno


    Hintergrund: Das Vorhandensein einer Hiatushernie kann das Auftreten einer gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung (GERD) als Komplikation bedingen. Konventionelle medizinische Therapiemaßnahmen können zu unerwünschten Ereignissen und Rezidiven führen. Bisher sind die Effekte von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei Hiatushernie und GERD nicht bekannt. Fallbericht: Eine 59-jährige Patientin mit endoskopisch diagnostizierter chronischer Gastritis, GERD und Hiatushernie beklagte einen persistierenden gastroösophagealen Reflux trotz konventionell-medizinischer konservativer Therapie. Die osteopathische Diagnostik ergab eine funktionelle Störung im Bereich des Magens und der Kardia mit einer Beteiligung zugehöriger Reflexzonen. Nach einer osteopathischen Behandlung als individuelle, befundorientierte Therapie ließen die Beschwerden erheblich nach. Die Hiatushernie war nach einer dieser Behandlung endoskopisch nicht mehr nachweisbar. Schlussfolgerungen: Dieser Fallbericht schildert die Symptomreduktion einer GERD nach osteopathischer Behandlung. In der endoskopischen Folgeuntersuchung fand sich die initial diagnostizierte Hiatushernie nicht mehr, diese Befund änderung könnte jedoch auf die unterschiedlichen Untersucher zurückgeführt werden. Prospektive kontrollierte klinische Studien sind notwendig, um den Stellenwert von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei GERD mit Hiatushernie zu untersuchen. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  10. Arctigenin anti-tumor activity in bladder cancer T24 cell line through induction of cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. (United States)

    Yang, Shucai; Ma, Jing; Xiao, Jianbing; Lv, Xiaohong; Li, Xinlei; Yang, Huike; Liu, Ying; Feng, Sijia; Zhang, Yafang


    Bladder cancer is the most common neoplasm in the urinary system. This study assesses arctigenin anti-tumor activity in human bladder cancer T24 cells in vitro and the underlying molecular events. The flow cytometry analysis was used to detect cell-cycle distribution and apoptosis. Western blotting was used to detect changes in protein expression. The data showed that arctigenin treatment reduced viability of bladder cancer T24 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner after treatment with arctigenin (10, 20, 40, 80, and 100 μmol/L) for 24 hr and 48 hr. Arctigenin treatment clearly arrested tumor cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Apoptosis was detected by hoechst stain and flow cytometry after Annexin-V-FITC/PI double staining. Early and late apoptotic cells were accounted for 2.32-7.01% and 3.07-7.35%, respectively. At the molecular level, arctigenin treatment decreased cyclin D1 expression, whereas CDK4 and CDK6 expression levels were unaffected. Moreover, arctigenin selectively altered the phosphorylation of members of the MAPK superfamily, decreasing phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and activated phosphorylation of p38 significantly in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that arctigenin may inhibit cell viability and induce apoptosis by direct activation of the mitochondrial pathway, and the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway may play an important role in the anti-tumor effect of arctigenin. The data from the current study demonstrate the usefulness of arctigenin in bladder cancer T24 cells, which should further be evaluated in vivo before translation into clinical trials for the chemoprevention of bladder cancer. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Comparison of Ultra-Rapid Orbit Prediction Strategies for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou

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    Tao Geng


    Full Text Available Currently, ultra-rapid orbits play an important role in the high-speed development of global navigation satellite system (GNSS real-time applications. This contribution focuses on the impact of the fitting arc length of observed orbits and solar radiation pressure (SRP on the orbit prediction performance for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou. One full year’s precise ephemerides during 2015 were used as fitted observed orbits and then as references to be compared with predicted orbits, together with known earth rotation parameters. The full nine-parameter Empirical Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE Orbit Model (ECOM and its reduced version were chosen in our study. The arc lengths of observed fitted orbits that showed the smallest weighted root mean squares (WRMSs and medians of the orbit differences after a Helmert transformation fell between 40 and 45 h for GPS and GLONASS and between 42 and 48 h for Galileo, while the WRMS values and medians become flat after a 42 h arc length for BeiDou. The stability of the Helmert transformation and SRP parameters also confirmed the similar optimal arc lengths. The range around 42–45 h is suggested to be the optimal arc length interval of the fitted observed orbits for the multi-GNSS joint solution of ultra-rapid orbits.

  12. Clinically relevant incidental cardiovascular findings in CT examinations; Klinisch relevante kardiovaskulaere Zufallsbefunde bei CT-Untersuchungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voigt, P.; Fahnert, J.; Kahn, T.; Surov, A. [Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Leipzig (Germany); Schramm, D.; Bach, A.G. [Universitaetsklinikum Halle (Saale), Klinik fuer Radiologie, Halle (Germany)


    Incidental cardiovascular findings are a frequent phenomenon in computed tomography (CT) examinations. As the result of a dedicated PubMed search this article gives a systemic overview of the current literature on the most important incidental cardiovascular findings, their prevalence and clinical relevance. The majority of incidental cardiovascular findings are of only low clinical relevance; however, highly relevant incidental findings, such as aortic aneurysms, thromboses and thromboembolic events can also occasionally be found, especially in oncology patients. The scans from every CT examination should also be investigated for incidental findings as they can be of decisive importance for the further clinical management of patients, depending on their clinical relevance. (orig.) [German] Inzidentelle kardiovaskulaere Befunde sind ein haeufiges Phaenomen bei CT-Untersuchungen. Mit dieser Arbeit soll nach gezielter PubMed-Recherche ein systematischer Literaturueberblick ueber die wichtigsten kardiovaskulaeren Zufallsbefunde sowie deren Haeufigkeit und klinische Relevanz gegeben werden. Die Mehrzahl der inzidentellen kardiovaskulaeren Befunde sind klinisch nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung, allerdings werden immer wieder auch hochgradig relevante Zufallsbefunde wie beispielsweise Aortenaneurysmata oder - gerade bei onkologischen Patienten - Thrombosen und thrombembolische Ereignisse detektiert. Jede CT-Untersuchung sollte gezielt nach inzidentellen Befunden durchsucht werden, da diese je nach klinischer Relevanz von entscheidender Bedeutung fuer das weitere klinische Management des Patienten sein koennen. (orig.)

  13. Experimental Study on Anti-body effects of Anti-BV on the Bee Venom Herbal Acupuncture

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    Ki Rok Kwon


    Full Text Available Objectives : To observe physiological anti-body effects of anti-BV, acute toxic response, measurement of LD50, and the effects of anti-body were evaluated. Methods : LD50 of Anti-Bee Venom were measured, and to analyze acute toxic responses, weight, and the anti-body effects various concentrations of Anti-BV were diluted and the survival rate was measured. Cell blood count (CBC, liver, spleen, and kidney pathologies were observed from the histological aspects. Results : Experiment was conducted to observe Anti-BV as the anti-body to the bee venom and the following results were obtained: 1. Anti-BV was injected intraperitoneally and no toxic responses were witnessed. All of the experiment subjects stayed alive during the experiment, making LD50 analysis impossible. 2. Anti-BV was injected intraperitoneally in mice and no significant weight changes were measured between the control group and the experiment groups. 3. Measuring the concentration dependent survival rate, the highest survival rate was at the concentration of 1.25×102mg/kg(1/2.000 for Anti-BV. 4. No particular results were shown in the CBC test. 5. Observation of changes in the organ tissues, Anti-BV was found to suppress blood stasis in the liver and inhibit necrosis of the cells. Conclusion : Above results suggest that Anti-BV doesn't cause any toxic responses in the body and works as an anti-body to the bee venom. Further studies must be followed to secure the findings.

  14. Psychosoziale Ressourcen und Risikomuster für Burnout bei Medizinstudenten: Querschnittstudie und Bedürfnisanalyse Präventiver Curricularer Angebote [Psychosocial resources and burnout risk factors in medical school: A cross-sectional study and analysis of needs for preventive curricular interventions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fischer, Martin R.


    response rate is comparably high, non-response by part of the students may alter the estimated figures. The study only includes students from one German medical school. Longitudinal data are absent. A longitudinal study has been initiated.Conclusions: There is a high rate of resignation and burnout behavioral patterns among medical students, while healthy patterns decrease the further the students progress in their professional training. There are significant gender differences in the psychosocial patterns.Students express a high need for preventive techniques and interventions. Thus prevention of psychosocial morbidity and motivational interventions are important issues in the training of future physicians. Such interventions should become a mandatory part of the medical curriculum and should take gender aspects into consideration.[german] Hintergrund: Epidemiologische Daten zur Gesundheit von Ärzten und Medizinstudenten zeigen im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung eine erhöhte psychische Morbidität. Es gibt wenige Daten dazu, wie der Bedarf an präventiven Maßnahmen von den Medizinstudenten selber eingeschätzt wird.Zielsetzung: Analyse der psychosozialen Ressourcen und der studienbezogenen Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster bei Medizinstudenten zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten während des Studiums. Bedürfnisanalyse hinsichtlich der von den Studenten selbst gewünschten präventiven Angebote im Ausbildungscurriculum.Studiendesign: Querschnittuntersuchung an drei unterschiedlichen Kohorten von Medizinstudenten am Anfang, in der Mitte und am Ende des Studiums mit einer studentenadaptierten Version des Fragebogens „Arbeitsbezogene Verhaltens- und Erlebnismuster“ (AVEM.Teilnehmer: Studenten am Anfang, in der Mitte und am Ende des Medizinstudiums (entspricht im Wesentlichen Studenten des 2., 5., 10. Semesters an der Würzburger Universität (n=360.Ergebnisse: Zu Beginn des Studiums zeigen 39,1% ein gesundes Verhaltensmuster (Muster G, im mittleren Studienabschnitt

  15. Os controles internos e contábeis na gestão de tesouraria


    Pereira, Marcos Augusto Assi


    As atividades de Controles Internos e Contábeis fazem parte da gestão do negócio, mas ainda existe muita dificuldade no entendimento da aplicabilidade da matéria seja por ignorância dos benefícios, seja pela ausência de cultura de controle. Essas atividades exigem multiplicidade de conhecimentos de gestão, controle e governança corporativa, além da permanente atualização profissional. O controle contábil é derivado do controle interno, que determina as políticas e procedi...


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    Yessica Tria Christina


    Full Text Available This research provides an empirical evidence about the effect of institutional ownerships as a proxy of information transparancy on excess cash holdings. Manufacture companies listed on BEI from years 2002 to 2011 are employed. The results show that the higher the proportion of institutional ownership, the lower the excess cash holdings. Informational transparancy, as one of the requirements of good corporate governance, can in fact lower the chance of aggrevating the manager’s behavior to practice excess cash holdings that can lower the company’s efficiency.

  17. An analytical biomarker for treatment of patients with recurrent B-ALL after remission induced by infusion of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Yajing; Zhang, Wenying; Dai, Hanren; Wang, Yao; Shi, Fengxia; Wang, Chunmeng; Guo, Yelei; Liu, Yang; Chen, Meixia; Feng, Kaichao; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Chuanjie; Yang, Qingming; Li, Suxia; Han, Weidong


    Anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor-modified T (CAR-T-19) cells have emerged as a powerful targeted immunotherapy for B-cell lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a remarkable clinical response in recent trials. Nonetheless, few data are available on the subsequent clinical monitoring and treatment of the patients, especially those with disease recurrence after CAR-T-19 cell infusion. Here, we analyzed three patients who survived after our phase I clinical trial and who were studied by means of biomarkers reflecting persistence of CAR-T-19 cells in vivo and predictive factors directing further treatment. One patient achieved 9-week sustained complete remission and subsequently received an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Another patient who showed relapse after 20 weeks without detectable leukemia in the cerebrospinal fluid after CAR-T-19 cell treatment was able to achieve a morphological remission under the influence of stand-alone low-dose chemotherapeutic agents. The third patient gradually developed extensive extramedullary involvement in tissues with scarce immune- cell infiltration during a long period of hematopoietic remission after CAR-T-19 cell therapy. Long-term and discontinuous increases in serum cytokines (mainly interleukin 6 and C-reactive protein) were identified in two patients (Nos. 1 and 6) even though only a low copy number of CAR molecules could be detected in their peripheral blood. This finding was suggestive of persistent functional activity of CAR-T-19 cells. Combined analyses of laboratory biomarkers with their clinical manifestations before and after salvage treatment showed that the persistent immunosurveillance mediated by CAR-T-19 cells would inevitably potentiate the leukemia-killing effectiveness of subsequent chemotherapy in patients who showed relapse after CAR-T-19-induced remission.

  18. Anti-CD25 mAb administration prevents spontaneous liver transplant tolerance. (United States)

    Li, W; Carper, K; Liang, Y; Zheng, X X; Kuhr, C S; Reyes, J D; Perkins, D L; Thomson, A W; Perkins, J D


    Liver allografts are accepted spontaneously in all mouse strain combinations without immunosuppressive therapy. The mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain largely undefined. In this study, we examined the effect of CD4+ CD25+ T regulatory cells (Treg) on the induction of mouse liver transplant tolerance. Orthotopic liver transplantation was performed from B10 (H2b) to C3H (H2k) mice. Depleting rat anti-mouse CD25 mAb (PC61) was given to the donors or recipients (250 microg/d IP) pretransplant or to the recipients postoperatively. At day 5 posttransplantation, both effector T cells (mainly CD8) and CD4+ CD25+ Treg were increased in the liver allografts and host spleens compared to naïve mice. Anti-CD25 mAb administration, either pretransplantation or posttransplantation, reduced the ratio of CD4+ CD25+ Treg to the CD3 T cells of liver grafts and recipient spleens and induced liver allograft acute rejection compared to IgG treatment. Anti-CD25 mAb administration elevated anti-donor T-cell proliferative responses and CTL and NK activities of graft infiltrates and host splenocytes; reduced CTLA4, Foxp3, and IDO mRNA levels; increased IL-10 and IFN-gamma; and decreased IL-4 mRNA levels in the livers or host spleens. The number of apoptotic T cells was reduced significantly in the liver grafts and treated host spleens. Therefore, anti-CD25 mAb administration changed the balance of CD4+ CD25+ Treg to activated T cells of liver graft recipients, preventing liver transplant tolerance. This was associated with enhanced anti-donor immune reactivity, downregulated Treg gene expression, and reduced T cell apoptosis in the grafts and host spleens.

  19. Antigen-specific cytotoxic T cell and antigen-specific proliferating T cell clones can be induced to cytolytic activity by monoclonal antibodies against T3

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spits, H.; Yssel, H.; Leeuwenberg, J.; de Vries, J. E.


    T3 is a human differentiation antigen expressed exclusively on mature T cells. In this study it is shown that anti-T3 monoclonal antibodies, in addition to their capacity to induce T cells to proliferate, are able to induce antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones to mediate antigen

  20. The t anti-t production in pp collisions at vs=14 TeV

    CERN Document Server

    Sonnenschein, Lars


    The proton proton collider LHC will operate at vs = 14 TeV center of mass energy which gives rise to a cross section of about 800 pb for the production of t¯t events. This leads, already for a start-up luminosity of L = 10^33 cm^-2s^-1, to a huge production rate of 8 * 10^6 t¯t events per year, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 10 fb^-1. Simulations including the CMS detector response show the expected precision in the determination of the top quark mass to be 900 MeV. Moreover, the measurement of the W boson helicity with an expected uncertainty at a percent level and the measurement of the t¯t spin correlation with an expected uncertainty below 15 % will allow to test the standard model interactions. The prospect of observing a heavy Higgs boson in the t¯t decay channel is investigated. A non standard model Higgs boson without coupling to vector bosons, like the supersymmetric pseudo scalar Higgs, with a mass not too far above 400 GeV can be discovered (above the 5 sigma threshold) within les...

  1. Blockade of CD7 expression in T cells for effective chimeric antigen receptor targeting of T-cell malignancies. (United States)

    Png, Yi Tian; Vinanica, Natasha; Kamiya, Takahiro; Shimasaki, Noriko; Coustan-Smith, Elaine; Campana, Dario


    Effective immunotherapies for T-cell malignancies are lacking. We devised a novel approach based on chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-redirected T lymphocytes. We selected CD7 as a target because of its consistent expression in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), including the most aggressive subtype, early T-cell precursor (ETP)-ALL. In 49 diagnostic T-ALL samples (including 14 ETP-ALL samples), median CD7 expression was >99%; CD7 expression remained high at relapse (n = 14), and during chemotherapy (n = 54). We targeted CD7 with a second-generation CAR (anti-CD7-41BB-CD3ζ), but CAR expression in T lymphocytes caused fratricide due to the presence of CD7 in the T cells themselves. To downregulate CD7 and control fratricide, we applied a new method (protein expression blocker [PEBL]), based on an anti-CD7 single-chain variable fragment coupled with an intracellular retention domain. Transduction of anti-CD7 PEBL resulted in virtually instantaneous abrogation of surface CD7 expression in all transduced T cells; 2.0% ± 1.7% were CD7 + vs 98.1% ± 1.5% of mock-transduced T cells (n = 5; P < .0001). PEBL expression did not impair T-cell proliferation, interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α secretion, or cytotoxicity, and eliminated CAR-mediated fratricide. PEBL-CAR T cells were highly cytotoxic against CD7 + leukemic cells in vitro and were consistently more potent than CD7 + T cells spared by fratricide. They also showed strong anti-leukemic activity in cell line- and patient-derived T-ALL xenografts. The strategy described in this study fits well with existing clinical-grade cell manufacturing processes and can be rapidly implemented for the treatment of patients with high-risk T-cell malignancies.

  2. Desempenho acadêmico em métodos quantitativos nos cursos de Ciências Contábeis

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    Manoel Raimundo Santana Farias


    Full Text Available Este estudo investigou variáveis que explicam o desempenho acadêmico (academic achievement nas disciplinas de métodos quantitativos no curso de ciências contábeis. Realizou-se uma pesquisa empírica na Universidade Federal do Pará com objetivo de encontrar proxies associadas à variável dependente desempenho acadêmico. Assim, com a finalidade de ratificar os achados desta pesquisa, foi realizado teste estatístico de análise de regressão por meio do software SPSS®. A análise inferencial conjecturou oito variáveis que explicariam o desempenho dos discentes, quais sejam: desempenho anterior em matemática e/ou estatística, índice de participação do discente na realização das disciplinas, turno de estudo, idade, gênero, estado civil, possuir ou não renda e origem escolar. Após a realização da análise de regressão com essas variáveis, o modelo mais adequado para representação do desempenho dos discentes foi o que considerou apenas as seguintes variáveis: desempenho anterior em matemática e/ ou estatística, índice de participação do discente na realização das disciplinas, o turno de estudo e a idade, as quais apresentaram significância estatística. Esses resultados ratificam que características pessoais determinam o desempenho de discentes de ciências contábeis, como afirmado por Santos (2012, referenciada neste estudo. Futuras pesquisas podem ratificar as variáveis aqui trabalhadas e expandir tal estudo a fim de obter um modelo mais representativo sobre o desempenho dos discentes em métodos quantitativos nos cursos de ciências contábeis.

  3. Migration measurement of acetabular components in cementless total hip arthroplasty; Messung der Pfannenwanderung bei zementfreien Hueftimplantaten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eckardt, A.; Karbowski, A.; Schwitalle, M.; Vogel, J.; Boden, F.; Seeleitner, C. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Orthopaedische Klinik und Poliklinik; Schunk, K. [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Mayrhofer, P. [Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Mathematik und Geometrie


    Migration measurements of acetabular components using a special computer aided method (EBRA = abbrevation for the German term ``Ein-Bild-Roentgenanalyse``) were performed to evaluate early results of the implants and predict aseptic loosening. Methods: Standard ap-radiographs of the pelvis were marked, specific points were digitised. Simulating the spatial situation the programme computes lengitudinal and vertical migration of the cup. 74 acetabular components in 71 patients could be studied by migration measurements. Results: 14 patients showed migration of more than 1 mm, which is the confidence limit of this method. Each of these patients showed diverse reasons for the migration, i.e. osteoporosis of the acetabular bone stock or problems concerning the surgical technique which means malposition of the cup or insufficient reaming of the bone. There were some patients with severe congenital dysplasia of the hip and in some cases the inclination angle of the cup was too great. Conclusion: The technique applied for measuring migration of acetabular components can be useful for evaluating early instability of the implant and can be helpful in detecting problems concerning the surgical technique. (orig.) [Deutsch] Mittels der Ein-Bild-Roentgenanalyse wurden Pfannenwanderungen nach Implantation von zementfreien, sphaerischen Hueftgelenkspfannen erfasst, um Praediktoren fuer die langfristige Prognose der Implantate zu evaluieren. Methoden: Nach Markierung von Referenzpunkten in den Beckenuebersichtsaufnahmen wurden diese digitalisiert, vom Programm verrechnet und die Wanderung des Implantats im Verlauf angegeben. Bei 71 Patienten wurden von 74 Pfannen ueber einen Mindestnachuntersuchungszeitraum von 12 Monaten Migrationsmessungen durchgefuehrt. Das Konfidenzintervall der Methode liegt bei <1 mm. Bei jedem dieser Patienten fanden sich Hinweise entweder auf ein schlechtes Knochenlager, auf operationsbedingte Probleme, wenn keine ausreichende Primaerstabilitaet der Pfanne

  4. Qualität beim E-Learning: Der Lernende als Grundkategorie bei der Qualitätssicherung

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    Ulf Ehlers


    Full Text Available Qualität wird über die zukünftigen Erfolgschancen des E-Learning entscheiden. Das ist das Ergebnis vieler Analysen und Entwicklungen der letzten Zeit. So stellte etwa die KPMG-Studie heraus, dass es beim E-Learning nicht nur auf gute Technologie ankommt, sondern die betriebliche Lernkultur und der Lerner wesentlich mehr als bisher einzubeziehen sind. Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich damit, was Qualität beim E-Learning eigentlich ist und welche Konzepte zur Beschreibung und Sicherung von Qualität bestehen.

  5. Surface Ig on rabbit lymphocytes. Rabbit B and T cells are distinct populations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bast, B J; Catty, D; Manten-Slingerland, R; Jansen, J T; Veldhuis, Dick H.; Roholl, P; Ballieux, R E


    Rabbit peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were analyzed by immunofluorescence using anti-T cell conjugates and anti-Fab, anti-a1 allotype, anti-IgM and anti-IgA conjugates. In addition, T cells were demonstrated by rosetting with papain-treated homologous erythrocytes. Control experiments, using

  6. Development and application of dynamic MR-imaging for evaluation of perfusion changes in rectal carcinoma during a course of radiotherapy in clinical use. Preliminary results; Entwicklung und Anwendung dynamischer MRT-Messungen zur Evaluierung von Perfusionsveraenderungen bei Rektumkarzinomen unter Bestrahlung in der klinischen Routine. Erste Ergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vries, A. de; Griebel, J.; Gneiting, T.; Hoflehner, J.; Brandl, M.; Lukas, P. [Leopold-Franzens-Univ. Innsbruck (Austria). Universitaetsklinik fuer Strahlentherapie - Radioonkologie; Judmaier, W.; Kremser, C.; Schocke, M.; Aichner, F. [Leopold-Franzens-Univ. Innsbruck (Austria). Inst. fuer Magnetresonanztomographie; Peer, S.; Rettl, G. [Leopold-Franzens-Univ. Innsbruck (Austria). Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik I; Oefner, D. [Leopold-Franzens-Univ. Innsbruck (Austria). Universitaetsklinik fuer Chirurgie; Debbage, P. [Leopold-Franzens-Univ. Innsbruck (Austria). Inst. fuer Histologie und Embryologie


    procedures. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Entwicklung und Anwendung dynamischer Magnetresonanztomographiemessungen zur Erhebung von Perfusionsparametern bei Rektumkarzinomen unter Bestrahlung in der klinischen Routine. Patienten und Methode: Bei Rektumkarzinompatienten (n=8), die sich einer praeoperativen kombinierten Radiochemotherapie unterzogen, wurden Perfusionsdaten erhoben. An einem 1,5-Tesla-Ganzkoerperkernspintomographen wurden ultraschnelle T1-Mapping-Sequenzen zum Erhalt von T1-Maps mit Intervallen von 14 und 120 Sekunden implementiert. Die Messzeit der dynamischen Messungen betrug 40 Minuten. Die Messschicht (Schichtdicke 5 mm) wurde so gewaehlt, dass sowohl Tumor als auch arterielle Gefaesse dargestellt wurden. Gadolinium-DTPA-(Gd-DTPA-)Konzentrations-Zeit-Kurven wurden nach einem prolongierten Bolus im arteriellen Blut und im Tumor berechnet. Die angewendete Methode erlaubte eine raeumliche Aufloesung von 2x2x5 mm und eine zeitliche Aufloesung von 14 Sekunden. Die Messdaten wurden vor und in konstanten Intervallen waehrend Therapie erhoben. Ergebnisse: Die raeumliche und zeitliche Aufloesung der T1-Maps war ausreichend, um Areale mit unterschiedlicher Kontrastmittelkinetik innerhalb des Tumors zu erfassen sowie die grossen Beckenarterien sicher zu identifizieren. Bei sechs Patienten konnten Gd-DTPA-Konzentrationskurven im Tumor unter Therapie erhoben werden. Der Perfusionsindex (Pi) versus Strahlendosis zeigte eine signifikante Zunahme in der ersten oder zweiten Woche der Bestrahlung, bevor er entweder kontinuierlich absank oder nach anfaenglichem Abfall einen erneuten Anstieg aufwies. Der durchschnittliche Pi-Ausgangswert betrug 0,16 ({+-}0,049), das durchschnittliche Pi-Maximum war 0,23 ({+-}0,058). Die relativen Perfusionsveraenderungen betrugen zwischen 20 und 83%. Schlussfolgerung: Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die verwendete Methode zur Erfassung von Perfusionsparametern unter Bestrahlung eignet und in der klinischen Routine anwendbar ist. In der Zukunft

  7. Deposition of idiotype-anti-idiotype immune complexes in renal glomeruli after polyclonal B cell activation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldman, M.; Rose, L.M.; Hochmann, A.; Lambert, P.H.


    We investigated the possible role of idiotypic interactions in the pathogenesis of the glomerular lesions observed in mice undergoing polyclonal B cell activation. BALB/c mice were studied for the presence of renal deposits of T15 idiotype-anti-T15 idiotype-immune complexes (IC) after injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). The T15 idiotype is the major idiotype of BALB/c mice anti-phosphorylcholine (PC) antibodies, which are cross-reactive with the idiotype of the TEPC-15 myeloma protein. This model was used because T15 idiotype-anti-T15 idiotype IC have been detected in the circulation of BALB/c mice after polyclonal B cell activation. First, an idiotype-specific immunofluorescence technique allowed us to detect T15 idiotype-bearing immunoglobulins in glomeruli from day 6 to day 28 after LPS injection. Second, fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated TEPC-15 myeloma protein was found to localize in the glomeruli after in vivo injection 18 d after LPS administration. This renal localization was shown to be idiotype-specific and could be quantified in a trace-labeling experiment. Third, kidney-deposited immunoglobulins of mice injected with LPS were eluted, radiolabeled, and analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Both T15 idiotype-bearing immunoglobulins and anti-T15 idiotype antibodies were detected in the eluates, providing further evidence for a renal deposition of T15 idiotype-anti-T15 idiotype IC. Polyclonal B cell activation is likely to result in a simultaneous triggering of many idiotypic clones and of corresponding anti-idiotypic clones represented in the B cell repertoire. This could lead to the formation of a variety of idiotype-anti-idiotype IC that could participate in the development of glomerular lesions

  8. Tetrandrine has anti-adipogenic effect on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes through the reduced expression and/or phosphorylation levels of C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, FAS, perilipin A, and STAT-3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Byeong-Churl


    Tetrandrine is a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from the roots of Stephania tetrandra S. Moore and has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous activities. In this study, the effect of tetrandrine on adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes was investigated. Tetrandrine at 10 μM concentration strongly inhibited lipid accumulation and triglyceride (TG) synthesis during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes into adipocytes. On mechanistic levels, tetrandrine reduced not only the expressions of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-α (C/EBP-α), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ), fatty acid synthase (FAS), and perilipin A but also the phosphorylation levels of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT-3) during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Tetrandrine also reduced the mRNA expression of leptin, but not adiponectin, during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Collectively, these findings show that tetrandrine has strong anti-adipogenic effect on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and the effect is largely attributable to the reduced expression and/or phosphorylation levels of C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, FAS, perilipin A, and STAT-3. - Highlights: • Tetrandrine, a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid, inhibits adipogenesis. • Tetrandrine inhibits C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, FAS, perilipin A, and STAT-3 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. • Tetrandrine reduces leptin, but not adiponectin, expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. • Tetrandrine may thus have therapeutic potential against obesity.

  9. Tetrandrine has anti-adipogenic effect on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes through the reduced expression and/or phosphorylation levels of C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, FAS, perilipin A, and STAT-3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Byeong-Churl, E-mail:


    Tetrandrine is a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from the roots of Stephania tetrandra S. Moore and has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous activities. In this study, the effect of tetrandrine on adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes was investigated. Tetrandrine at 10 μM concentration strongly inhibited lipid accumulation and triglyceride (TG) synthesis during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes into adipocytes. On mechanistic levels, tetrandrine reduced not only the expressions of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-α (C/EBP-α), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ), fatty acid synthase (FAS), and perilipin A but also the phosphorylation levels of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT-3) during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Tetrandrine also reduced the mRNA expression of leptin, but not adiponectin, during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Collectively, these findings show that tetrandrine has strong anti-adipogenic effect on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and the effect is largely attributable to the reduced expression and/or phosphorylation levels of C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, FAS, perilipin A, and STAT-3. - Highlights: • Tetrandrine, a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid, inhibits adipogenesis. • Tetrandrine inhibits C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, FAS, perilipin A, and STAT-3 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. • Tetrandrine reduces leptin, but not adiponectin, expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. • Tetrandrine may thus have therapeutic potential against obesity.

  10. Multimodal diagnosis of multiple and heterogeneous liver lesions in a young patient; Multimodale Bildgebung multipler Leberlaesionen bei einem jungen Patienten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kiessling, F.; Schlemmer, H.-P. [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg (Germany). Abteilung fuer onkologische Diagnostik und Therapie


    The classification of liver lesions is often problematic in particular if they are multiple and show an heterogeneous shape. Here we report of a young patient with multiple liver lesions of up to 3 cm size. Using ultrasound, the lesions were hyper-, hypoechogen or mixed. In serial contrast enhanced CT scans some of the lesions showed the typical enhancement pattern of hemangiomas, however, the diagnosis could still not be faithfully determined for all lesions. Therefore, the patient was conducted to contrast enhanced MRI (Gd-DTPA and MnDPDP). While with Gd-DTPA some of the lesions showed a strong enhancement, they remained hypointense after administration of MnDPDP. Finally to exclude a metastatic disease a {sup 99m}Tc-erythrocyte SPECT was performed confirming the diagnosis of hemangiomas for most of the lesions. Diagnosis was not assessed by biopsy because this would only clarify the diagnosis for one or few of the lesions. The patient was subsequently followed up for 3 years and all lesions remained unchanged. This case clearly illustrates the difficulty to get a certain diagnosis of multiple liver lesions with heterogeneous appearance despite the multimodal diagnostic conduct. (orig.) [German] Bei einer Routineuntersuchung wurden bei einem jungen Patienten sonographisch multiple Leberrundherde mit hyper-, hypoechogener und gemischter Echogenitaet detektiert. Auch mittels triphasischer kontrastmittelverstaerkter CT gelang nur bei einem Teil der Herde die Einstufung als Haemangiome anhand ihres Irisblendenphaenomens. MRT-Untersuchungen unter Verwendung von Gd-DTPA und MnDPDP wurden angeschlossen. Mit Gd-DTPA zeigten einige Herde ein kraeftiges Enhancement, unter Verwendung von MnDPDP jedoch blieben sie hypointens. Auf eine Biopsie wurde verzichtet, da diese nur bei einem oder wenigen Herden die Diagnose liefern wuerde, die anderen Herde aber unter Beruecksichtigung ihrer Heterogenitaet unklar geblieben waeren. Eine Sicherung der Diagnose gelang fuer die meisten

  11. Human neutrophil clearance of bacterial pathogens triggers anti-microbial γδ T cell responses in early infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin S Davey


    Full Text Available Human blood Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells, monocytes and neutrophils share a responsiveness toward inflammatory chemokines and are rapidly recruited to sites of infection. Studying their interaction in vitro and relating these findings to in vivo observations in patients may therefore provide crucial insight into inflammatory events. Our present data demonstrate that Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells provide potent survival signals resulting in neutrophil activation and the release of the neutrophil chemoattractant CXCL8 (IL-8. In turn, Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells readily respond to neutrophils harboring phagocytosed bacteria, as evidenced by expression of CD69, interferon (IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α. This response is dependent on the ability of these bacteria to produce the microbial metabolite (E-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate (HMB-PP, requires cell-cell contact of Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells with accessory monocytes through lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1, and results in a TNF-α dependent proliferation of Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells. The antibiotic fosmidomycin, which targets the HMB-PP biosynthesis pathway, not only has a direct antibacterial effect on most HMB-PP producing bacteria but also possesses rapid anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting γδ T cell responses in vitro. Patients with acute peritoneal-dialysis (PD-associated bacterial peritonitis--characterized by an excessive influx of neutrophils and monocytes into the peritoneal cavity--show a selective activation of local Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells by HMB-PP producing but not by HMB-PP deficient bacterial pathogens. The γδ T cell-driven perpetuation of inflammatory responses during acute peritonitis is associated with elevated peritoneal levels of γδ T cells and TNF-α and detrimental clinical outcomes in infections caused by HMB-PP positive microorganisms. Taken together, our findings indicate a direct link between invading pathogens, neutrophils, monocytes and microbe-responsive γδ T cells in

  12. Human Neutrophil Clearance of Bacterial Pathogens Triggers Anti-Microbial γδ T Cell Responses in Early Infection (United States)

    Roberts, Gareth W.; Heuston, Sinéad; Brown, Amanda C.; Chess, James A.; Toleman, Mark A.; Gahan, Cormac G. M.; Hill, Colin; Parish, Tanya; Williams, John D.; Davies, Simon J.; Johnson, David W.; Topley, Nicholas; Moser, Bernhard; Eberl, Matthias


    Human blood Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells, monocytes and neutrophils share a responsiveness toward inflammatory chemokines and are rapidly recruited to sites of infection. Studying their interaction in vitro and relating these findings to in vivo observations in patients may therefore provide crucial insight into inflammatory events. Our present data demonstrate that Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells provide potent survival signals resulting in neutrophil activation and the release of the neutrophil chemoattractant CXCL8 (IL-8). In turn, Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells readily respond to neutrophils harboring phagocytosed bacteria, as evidenced by expression of CD69, interferon (IFN)-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. This response is dependent on the ability of these bacteria to produce the microbial metabolite (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate (HMB-PP), requires cell-cell contact of Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells with accessory monocytes through lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), and results in a TNF-α dependent proliferation of Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells. The antibiotic fosmidomycin, which targets the HMB-PP biosynthesis pathway, not only has a direct antibacterial effect on most HMB-PP producing bacteria but also possesses rapid anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting γδ T cell responses in vitro. Patients with acute peritoneal-dialysis (PD)-associated bacterial peritonitis – characterized by an excessive influx of neutrophils and monocytes into the peritoneal cavity – show a selective activation of local Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells by HMB-PP producing but not by HMB-PP deficient bacterial pathogens. The γδ T cell-driven perpetuation of inflammatory responses during acute peritonitis is associated with elevated peritoneal levels of γδ T cells and TNF-α and detrimental clinical outcomes in infections caused by HMB-PP positive microorganisms. Taken together, our findings indicate a direct link between invading pathogens, neutrophils, monocytes and microbe-responsive γδ T cells in early

  13. On the effect of the t anti t threshold on electroweak parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kniehl, B.A.; Sirlin, A.


    Threshold effects in e + e - →tanti t induce contributions to key electroweak parameters such as Δρ, Δr, and sin 2 θ w beyond the scope of perturbative calculations of O(α) and O(αα s ). We quantitatively analyze these effects using once-subtracted dispersion relations which manifestly satisfy relevant Ward identities. The derivation and properties of the dispersion relations are discussed at some length. We find that the threshold effects enhance the familiar perturbative O(αα s ) corrections by between 25% and 40%, depending on the t-quark mass. The shift in the predicted value of the W-boson mass due to the threshold effects ranges from -8MeV at m t =91 GeV to -45 MeV at m t =250 GeV. (orig.)

  14. Critical Role of PepT1 in Promoting Colitis-Associated Cancer and Therapeutic Benefits of the Anti-inflammatory PepT1-Mediated Tripeptide KPV in a Murine ModelSummary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilie Viennois


    Full Text Available Background & Aims: The human intestinal peptide transporter 1 (hPepT1, is expressed in the small intestine at low levels in the healthy colon and up-regulated during inflammatory bowel disease. hPepT1 plays a role in mouse colitis and human studies have shown that chronic intestinal inflammation leads to colorectal cancer (colitis-associated cancer; CAC. Hence, we assessed here the role of PepT1 in CAC. Methods: Mice with hPepT1 overexpression in intestinal epithelial cells (transgenic [TG] or PepT1 (PepT1-knockout [KO] deletion were used and CAC was induced by azoxymethane/dextran sodium sulfate. Results: TG mice had larger tumor sizes, increased tumor burdens, and increased intestinal inflammation compared with wild-type (WT mice. Conversely, tumor number and size and intestinal inflammation were decreased significantly in PepT1-KO mice. Proliferating crypt cells were increased in TG mice and decreased in PepT1-KO mice. Analysis of human colonic biopsy specimens showed increased expression of PepT1 in patients with colorectal cancer, suggesting that PepT1 might be targeted for the treatment of CAC. The use of an anti-inflammatory tripeptide Lys-Pro-Val (KPV transported by PepT1 was able to prevent carcinogenesis in WT mice. When administered to PepT1-KO mice, KPV did not trigger any of the inhibitory effect on tumorigenesis observed in WT mice. Conclusions: The observations that PepT1 was highly expressed in human colorectal tumor and that its overexpression and deletion in mice increased and decreased colitis-associated tumorigenesis, respectively, suggest that PepT1 is a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of colitis-associated tumorigenesis. Keywords: Colitis-Associated Cancer, Intestinal Inflammation, PepT1, KPV Peptide

  15. Clinical implications of a new TSH-receptor-antibody-assay (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) in autoimmune thyroid diseases; Klinische Implikationen eines neuen TSH-Rezeptor-Antikoerper-Assays (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) bei autoimmunen Schilddruesenerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meller, J.; Schreivogel, I.; Becker, W. [Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Bergmann, A.; Morgenthaler, N. [B.R.A.H.M.S Diagnostica, Berlin (Germany); Huefner, M. [Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Abt. Innere Medizin


    Aim: Conventional radioreceptor-antibody-assays (RAAs) fail in the detection of TSH-receptor antibodies (TRAKs) in 10-30% of patients with Graves' disease (GD). The aim of this study was the evaluation of the diagnostic and clinical impact of a new RRA (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) which uses the human recombinant TSH-Receptor in the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease. Methods: Sera from 142 consecutive patients (GD: n=50, autoimmune thyroiditis/AIT: n=92) and from 55 controls (31 patients without any thyroid disease and 14 with euthyroid goiter) were evaluated both with the DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman-assay and a conventional RRA (TRAK-Assay {sup trademark}). Thyroid in vitro parameters and thyroid sonography were performed in all patients. Results: The DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAK-assay was significantly superior to the conventional RRA in the diagnosis of GD (p<0,00012), especially in those who were treated by thionamides (p<0,003) and in the diagnosis of TRAK-positive patients with AIT (p<0,003). The majority of TRAK-positive AIT-patients suffered from hypothyroidism. One false positive result in patients with euthyroid goiter was found in the TRAK-Assay {sup trademark} as well as in the DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman-Assay. Therefore the specifity of the DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman was not inferior compared with the conventional assay. Conclusion: The DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAK-assay is superior in the diagnostic work up of Graves' disease compared with a conventional TRAK-assay and offers an equal specifity. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Bei konventionellen Radiorezeptor-Antikoerper-Assays (RRAs) misslingt der Nachweis von TSH-Rezeptor Antikoerpern (TRAKS) bei 10-30% der immunogenen Hyperthyreosen (IH). Ziel der Studie war es, den diagnostischen und klinischen Stellenwertes eines neuen RRA (DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAKhuman) bei autoimmunen Schilddruesenerkrankungen zu evaluieren. Methoden: Serumproben von 142

  16. Passado, presente e futuro dos princípios contábeis norte-americanos - US GAAP Lições para contabilidade brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Henrique Pederiva


    Full Text Available Como se estruturam as normas contábeis adotadas para registrar as atividades econômicas norte-americanas - United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - US GAAP (Princípios Contábeis Geralmente Aceitos Norte Americanos, quais os seus principais eixos de desenvolvimento doutrinário e que interesse há nesse conhecimento para a contabilidade brasileira? A relevância de obter respostas a esses questionamentos resulta da importância econômica dos Estados Unidos da America para as demais nações. Afinal, os recentes problemas nos mercados de capitais norte-americanos comprometeram, em dois anos e meio, US$ 7,7 trilhões da poupança destinada a aposentadoria dos trabalhadores daquele país. Atente-se que muitos países, inclusive o Brasil, buscam recursos nesses mercados de capitais.

  17. Suche nach Charginos in 4 Jet Ereignissen bei LEP2

    CERN Document Server



    Zum heutigen Tag sind der Hochenergiephysik einige Hundert Teilchen und Teilchenzustände bekannt, die dem Anschein nach auf sehr komplexe Weise wechselwirken und so die beobachtbare Welt konstituieren. Bei näherer Betrachtung sind jedoch nur wenige Teilchen und Wechselwirkungen elementar, in dem Sinne, dass die übrigen sich als aus ihnen zusammengesetzt ansehen lassen. Die Frage, wie man diese elementaren Teilchen und ihre fundamentalen Wechselwirkungen systematisch beschreiben kann, beantwortet das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik. Es verwendet das Spektrum der fundamentalen Materie, die inneren Symmetrieeigenschaften dieses Spektrums und das Eichprinzip, um eine Beschreibung im Rahmen der Quantenfeldtheorie zu formalisieren. Das Standardmodell leistet so eine prinzipielle Beschreibung der bis heute betrachteten Hochenergiephysik. Dabei treten allerdings einige Probleme auf, die es attraktiv erscheinen lassen, das Standardmodell um eine weitere Symmetrieeigenschaft zu erweitern, nämlich um die ...

  18. Measurement of thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAK) with a second generation assay in patients with Graves' disease; Die Bestimmung von Thyreotropin-Rezeptor-Antikoerpern (TRAK) mit einem Assay der zweiten Generation bei Patienten mit Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zoephel, K.; Wunderlich, G.; Franke, W.G. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany); Koch, R. [Inst. fuer Medizinische Informatik und Biometrie, Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany)


    Aim: The detection of TSH-receptor-antibodies (TRAb) in patients (pts) with Graves' disease (GD) is routinely used in nuclear medicine laboratories. It is performed by commercial, porcine radioreceptorassays (RRA) measuring TSH binding inhibitory activity. A second generation assay using the human, recombinant TSH-receptor was developed during the last years. The manufacturer composed this new assay as a coated tube RRA (CT RRA) and claimed a higher sensitivity for GD. Methods: TRAb was measured in 207 pts with various thyroid disorders and 205 healthy controls using the new coated tube RRA (Fa. B.R.A.H.M.S. Diagnostica GmbH, Berlin, Germany) as well as a conventional RRA (Fa. Medipan Diagnostica GmbH, Selchow, Germany): 60 pts suffering from GD showing a relapse after anti-thyroid drug treatment and before radioiodine therapy, 109 pts with disseminated autonomia (DA) and 38 pts suffering from Hashimoto's thyroiditis. A ROC-analysis was performed to find the optimal decision threshold level for positivity. Results: We found 42/60 TRAb-positive pts with GD in the established RRA (threshold 6 U/L) and 52/60 in the CT RRA, respectively. The sensitivity increased from 70% (RRA) to 86,7% (CT RRA). The CT RRA found 2 false positives (one Hashimoto's and one healthy control) and the RRA detected 3 Hashimoto's and 2 healthy controls as false positive. Conclusion: The increased sensitivity of CT RRA for GD provides an advantage compared to conventional RRA, especially in GD-patients relapsing afte antithyroid drug treatment. Functional sensitivity and Interassayvariation of CT RRA are very precisely compared to conventional RRA. Handling of the new assay is also improved. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Die Bestimmung der TSH-Rezeptorantikoerper (TRAK) bei Patienten mit Morbus Basedow ist fester Bestandteil der nuklearmedizinischen In-vitro-Diagnostik. Seit kurzem ist die Bestimmung mit einem TRAK-Assay moeglich, bei dem im Gegensatz zu den herkoemmlichen

  19. MRI for therapy control in patients with aortic isthmus stenosis; MRT zur Therapiekontrolle bei Patienten mit Aortenisthmusstenose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wintersperger, B.J. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Department of Medical Imaging, University Health Network, Toronto M5G 2N2 (Canada); Theisen, D.; Reiser, M.F. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Aortic isthmus stenosis is the most common congenital aortic anomaly and is often a problem for therapy surveillance. In addition to possible comorbidities (e.g. bicuspid aortic valve) it is accompanied by various middle and long-term complications depending on the primary choice of the therapeutic procedure. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role for the mostly young patients in the control of the aortic isthmus stenosis and therapy because it is non-invasive and there is no X-ray exposure. Radiologists should be well-informed on the principles of the therapeutic procedure in order to be competent in the interpretation of MRI findings. Due to the continuous development of MRI technology, techniques for functional evaluation (e.g. dynamic MRA, 4D PC flow measurement) are increasingly becoming available in addition to high-resolution MR angiography (MRA), which could predict the risk of possible complications, such as aneurysms. However, in this aspect further studies are necessary. Interventional therapy with stents and stent grafts is often employed for the therapy of possible complications following an operation (aneurysms, restenosis) but because of massive metal artefacts the use of MRI is often sometimes severely limited. (orig.) [German] Die Aortenisthmusstenose als haeufigste angeborene Aortenanomalie stellt ein haeufiges Problem der Therapieueberwachung dar und ist neben moeglichen begleitenden Anomalien (z. B. bikuspidale Aortenklappe) in Abhaengigkeit vom primaer gewaehlten Therapieverfahren mit verschiedenen Komplikationen im mittel- bis laengerfristigem Verlauf vergesellschaftet. Bei der Kontrolle der Aortenisthmusstenose bzw. deren Therapie spielt die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) aufgrund der Nichtinvasivitaet und fehlenden Strahlenexposition bei den meist juengeren Patienten eine wichtige Rolle. Der Radiologe sollte ueber die Grundzuege der Therapieverfahren informiert sein, um die MRT-Befunde kompetent zu befunden. Durch stetige

  20. A New Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for a Total Anti-T Lymphocyte Globulin Determination: Development, Analytical Validation, and Clinical Applications. (United States)

    Montagna, Michela; La Nasa, Giorgio; Bernardo, Maria E; Piras, Eugenia; Avanzini, Maria A; Regazzi, Mario; Locatelli, Franco


    Anti-T lymphocyte globulin (ATLG) modulates the alloreactivity of T lymphocytes, reducing the risk of immunological posttransplant complications, in particular rejection and graft-versus-host disease, after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). We developed and validated a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method to measure serum levels of total ATLG and evaluate the pharmacokinetics (PK) of the drug in children with β-Thalassemia, receiving allogeneic HSCT. Diluted serum samples were incubated with Goat-anti-Rabbit IgG antibody coated on a microtiter plate and then, with Goat-anti-Human IgG labeled with horseradish peroxidase. After incubation and washings, substrate solution was added and absorbance was read at 492 nm. ATLG concentrations in samples were determined by interpolation from a standard curve (range: 200-0.095 ng/mL), prepared by diluting a known amount of ATLG in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Low, medium, and high-quality control concentrations were 1.56, 6.25, and 25 ng/mL, respectively. This method was developed and validated within the acceptance criteria in compliance with the Guidelines for a biological method validation: the sensitivity of the method was 0.095 ng/mL. We analyzed serum samples from 14 children with β-Thalassemia who received ATLG (Grafalon) at a dose of 10 mg/kg administered as intravenous (IV) infusion on days -5, -4, and -3 before HSCT (day 0). Blood sampling for PK evaluation was performed on days -5, -4, and -3 before and after drug infusion; and then from day -2 to +56. The median total ATLG levels pre-IVand post-IV were 0 and 118 mcg/mL on day -5; 85.9 and 199.2 mcg/mL on day -4; 153 and 270.9 mcg/mL on day -3, respectively. The median PK values of CL was 0.0029 (range: 0.0028-0.0057) L·kg·d, Vd was 0.088 (range: 0.025-0.448) L/kg and t1/2 was 20.2 (range: 5.8-50.2) days. These data suggest that given the marked interindividual variability of total ATLG disposition, the development of

  1. Logfile-Analysen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ihrer Nutzung bei Untersuchungen zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burkhard Priemer


    Full Text Available Die Aufzeichnung der Computernutzung in automatisch generierten elektronischen Protokollen – so genannten Logfiles – entwickelt sich zu einer zunehmend genutzten Erfassungsmethode bei Untersuchungen der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer. Dieser Beitrag bietet einen einführenden Überblick über Verfahren der Logfile-Aufzeichnung und der Analyse der Daten. Neben einer Erläuterung der Begrifflichkeiten werden sowohl Vor- und Nachteile von Logfile-Auswertungen als auch grundlegende Methoden, mathematische Beschreibungen des Nutzerverhaltens und Ansätze der Typisierung von Nutzeraktivitäten dargestellt.

  2. Capability of a SOFC-APU to optimise the fuel consumption of motor vehicles; Potenzial einer SOFC-APU bei der Verbrauchsoptimierung von Kraftfahrzeugen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diegelmann, Christian B.


    recuperating function) and in numerous driving cycles. The evaluated SOFC-APU has a nominal power of 1.5 kW (orig.) [German] Bei der Analyse des Energiesystems Kraftfahrzeug werden in dieser Arbeit verschiedene Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten einer SOFC-APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) zur Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs identifiziert. Neben der reinen Stromversorgung kann die APU Funktionen wie Motor- Stopp-Automatik (MSA) oder elektrisches Fahren (Hybridfahrzeug) unterstuetzen. Des weiteren erzeugt eine SOFC-APU Abwaerme auf einem hohen Temperaturniveau. Die Abwaerme kann zum Heizen des Fahrgastraums oder zur Vorwaermung des Verbrennungsmotors verwendet werden. Fuer die Bewertung der Einsparpotenziale wurden mehrere Methoden betrachtet. Eine einfache Abschaetzung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs ueber mittlere Wirkungsgrade und Leistungen ist bereits ausreichend, um die Haupteinfluesse zu identifizieren und zu bewerten. Die Einsparpotenziale einer SOFC-APU haengen in erster Linie von drei Faktoren ab, dem Startup-Verbrauch der APU, der Betriebsdauer und der angeforderten elektrischen Leistung. Eine kalte APU muss zunaechst auf eine Betriebstemperatur von 700 C bis 800 C erwaermt werden. Dieser Aufheizvorgang benoetigt Energie, so dass zunaechst ein Mehrverbrauch besteht. Erst nach laengerer Betriebsdauer kompensiert sich dieser Mehrverbrauch durch die hohe Effizienz der SOFC-APU. Die Dauer ist stark abhaengig von der elektrischen Leistung. Bei hoeherer elektrischer Leistung besteht prinzipiell eine hoehere Einsparrate durch die APU. Besonders interessant ist eine APU bei Standanwendungen mit hohem Energiebedarf, da hier durch die APU ein Betrieb des Verbrennungsmotors im extremen Teillastbereich vermieden wird. Bei einer 30-minuetigen Standklimatisierung koennen so z.B. Kraftstoffeinsparung von ca. 36 % erreicht werden, inklusive Startup-Verbrauch. Waehrend der Fahrt sind Einsparpotenziale beim Kraftstoffverbrauch nur bei betriebsbereiter APU oder bei laengerer Betriebsdauer zu erwarten. Der

  3. Long-term follow up MRI in children with severe head injury; Kernspintomographische Verlaufskontrolle bei Kindern nach Schaedel-Hirn-Trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinter, D.; Schmidt, B.; Neff, K.W.; Georgi, M. [Heidelberg Univ., Mannheim (Germany). Fakultaet fuer Klinische Medizin; Koelfen, W. [Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Rheydt (Germany). Paediatrische Klinik; Freund, M.C. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Innsbruck (Austria)


    Purpose: A prospective study was initiated for the correlation of the findings in the initial cranial CT with the long-term follow-up MRI in children with severe head injury. Another aim was the evaluation of frequency and location of lesions, found only in MRI. Methods: 70 children with severe head injury and initially performed pathological CCT were followed up (mean time 3 years) by MRI. Results: 71% of the children had a pathological MRI. In 43% of the children with subdural bleeding could be found parenchymal lesions in the underlying cortex. All 15 children with epidural bleeding had unsuspicious findings at the former hematoma. All of the contusions were found as parenchymal residual lesions. 44% of the children had evidence of parenchymal lesions in the follow-up MRI initially and retrospectively not revealable. 16 lesions in the corpus callosum were only revealed by MRI. Conclusion: This study shows the higher sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging in non-hemorrhagic parenchymal lesions and in 'diffuse axonal injury'. A MRI-examination is recommended in children with severe head injury, especially in patients with normal CCT and posttraumatic neurological deficits. (orig.) [German] Fragestellung: Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Studie wurden die Befunde initial durchgefuehrter Computertomographien bei Kindern mit schwerem SHT mit den Ergebnissen einer MR-Nachuntersuchung korreliert und zusaetzlich eine Evaluation der Haeufigkeit und Lokalisation ausschliesslich kernspintomographisch nachweisbarer Laesionen durchgefuehrt. Methodik: 70 Kinder mit initial nach SHT durchgefuehrtem und pathologischem CT wurden im Rahmen eines Follow-up im zeitlichen Abstand von durchschnittlich 3 Jahren kernspintomographisch nachuntersucht. Ergebnisse: Bei 71% der nachuntersuchten Kinder konnten pathologische MRT-Befunde erhoben werden. 43% der Kinder mit einer subduralen Blutung wiesen kortikal, der ehemaligen Blutung anliegende, Parenchymlaesionen auf, dagegen

  4. Rezension zu: Sabine Hark, Paula-Irene Villa (Hg.: Anti-Genderismus. Sexualität und Geschlecht als Schauplätze aktueller politischer Auseinandersetzungen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2015.

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    Christian Hammermann


    Full Text Available Der von Sabine Hark und Paula-Irene Villa herausgegebene Sammelband analysiert die öffentlichen Angriffe auf Gender Studies und Gender Mainstreaming, die unter dem Begriff Anti-Genderismus auftreten und verhandelt werden. Die einzelnen Beiträge untersuchen Themen und Methoden des anti-genderistischen Diskurses, seine Akteur_Innen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingung. Dabei entwerfen sie ein sehr kohärentes Porträt dieser Politiken, das allerdings von einer weiteren Untersuchung der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen und intersektionalen Bezüge zu anderen Ressentiments profitieren würde.

  5. Importância das informações contábeis nas unidades de negócio: estudo exploratório em uma empresa de Jaraguá do Sul


    Bruch, Ilario


    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a importância de informações contábeis, claras e precisas, disponíveis para as unidades estratégicas de negócios na tomada de decisões administrativas. Como as unidades de negócio são, teoricamente, em menor ou maior grau, autônomas em se tratando de gerenciamento de lucros, despesas e investimentos, é fundamental que seus gestores e executivos tenham acesso a informações contábeis precisas e detalhadas, com linguagem acessiva e co...

  6. Die Verwendung von Isoenzym-Polymorphismen - eine Herausforderungen bei der Züchtung neuer Baldriansorten (Valeriana officinalis L. s.l.

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    Penzkofer, Michael


    Full Text Available Mit Hilfe von Isoenzym-Polymorphismen sollte versucht werden, biochemische Unterschiede (Fingerprint zwischen verschiedenen Baldrianherkünften darzustellen, um im Anschluss diejenigen Individuen zu finden, die durch Kreuzung und nicht durch Selbstung entstanden sind. Bei Baldrian konnte für diese Methode kein Verfahrensprotokoll etabliert werden, womit auch eine Untersuchung von Kreuzungsnachkommen nicht erfolgte.

  7. Anti-proliferative effects of T cells expressing a ligand-based chimeric antigen receptor against CD116 on CD34+ cells of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia

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    Yozo Nakazawa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML is a fatal, myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm of early childhood. Patients with JMML have mutually exclusive genetic abnormalities in granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF receptor (GMR, CD116 signaling pathway. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is currently the only curative treatment option for JMML; however, disease recurrence is a major cause of treatment failure. We investigated adoptive immunotherapy using GMR-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR for JMML. Methods We constructed a novel CAR capable of binding to GMR via its ligand, GM-CSF, and generated piggyBac transposon-based GMR CAR-modified T cells from three healthy donors and two patients with JMML. We further evaluated the anti-proliferative potential of GMR CAR T cells on leukemic CD34+ cells from six patients with JMML (two NRAS mutations, three PTPN11 mutations, and one monosomy 7, and normal CD34+ cells. Results GMR CAR T cells from healthy donors suppressed the cytokine-dependent growth of MO7e cells, but not the growth of K562 and Daudi cells. Co-culture of healthy GMR CAR T cells with CD34+ cells of five patients with JMML at effector to target ratios of 1:1 and 1:4 for 2 days significantly decreased total colony growth, regardless of genetic abnormality. Furthermore, GMR CAR T cells from a non-transplanted patient and a transplanted patient inhibited the proliferation of respective JMML CD34+ cells at onset to a degree comparable to healthy GMR CAR T cells. Seven-day co-culture of GMR CAR T cells resulted in a marked suppression of JMML CD34+ cell proliferation, particularly CD34+CD38− cell proliferation stimulated with stem cell factor and thrombopoietin on AGM-S3 cells. Meanwhile, GMR CAR T cells exerted no effects on normal CD34+ cell colony growth. Conclusions Ligand-based GMR CAR T cells may have anti-proliferative effects on stem and progenitor cells in JMML.

  8. Murine neonatal spleen contains natural T and non-T suppressor cells capable of inhibiting adult alloreactive and newborn autoreactive T-cell proliferation. (United States)

    Hooper, D C; Hoskin, D W; Gronvik, K O; Murgita, R A


    The spleen of neonatal mice is known to be a rich source of cells capable of suppressing a variety of immune functions of adult lymphocytes in vitro. From such observations has emerged the concept that the gradual development in ability to express immune functions after birth is due in part to the parallel normal physiological decay of naturally occurring regulatory suppressor cells. There is, however, some confusion in the literature as to the exact nature of the newborn of the newborn inhibitory cell type(s). In contrast to most previous reports which detect only a single type of neonatal suppressor cell, usually a T cell, we show here that newborn spleen harbors both T and non-T inhibitory cells. Both types of suppressor cells could be shown to suppress the proliferative response of adult spleen to alloantigens as well as newborn T cells reacting against self-Ia antigen in the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR). Newborn suppressor T cells were characterized as being non-adherent to Ig-anti-Ig affinity columns, soybean agglutinin receptor negative (SBA-), and susceptible to lysis by anti-T-cell specific antiserum plus complement. Non-T suppressor cells were identified as non-phagocytic, SBA receptor positive (SBA+), and resistant to cytotoxic treatment with anti-T-cell antibodies and complement. The apparent controversy surrounding previous reports as to the T versus non-T nature of newborn suppressor cells can be reconciled by the present observation that both types of inhibitory cells coexist in the spleen. Furthermore, the demonstration that newborn suppressor cells can effectively regulate T-cell proliferative activity mediated by other newborn cells provides more direct support for the contention that such inhibitory cells play a physiological role in controlling immune responsiveness during early ontogeny.

  9. The automotive anti-collision system based on Ultrasonic

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    Qi Qinqin


    Full Text Available In the existing system of automobile anti-collision,the radar is mainly used for ranging.However,it can't be widely used because of its high cost.In this paper,based on the existing system of automobile anti-collision,the ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the distance and establish relevant anti-collision model.The experimental results show that the alarming information is accurate within a certain range.

  10. Measurement of lepton differential distributions and the top quark mass in t anti t production in pp collisions at √(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aaboud, M. [Univ. Mohamed Premier et LPTPM, Oujda (Morocco). Faculte des Sciences; Aad, G. [CPPM, Aix-Marseille Univ. et CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille (France); Abbott, B. [Oklahoma Univ., Norman, OK (United States). Homer L. Dodge Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Collaboration: ATLAS Collaboration; and others


    This paper presents single lepton and dilepton kinematic distributions measured in dileptonic t anti t events produced in 20.2 fb{sup -1} of √(s) = 8 TeV pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Both absolute and normalised differential cross-sections are measured, using events with an opposite-charge eμ pair and one or two b-tagged jets. The cross-sections are measured in a fiducial region corresponding to the detector acceptance for leptons, and are compared to the predictions from a variety of Monte Carlo event generators, as well as fixed-order QCD calculations, exploring the sensitivity of the cross-sections to the gluon parton distribution function. Some of the distributions are also sensitive to the top quark pole mass; a combined fit of NLO fixed-order predictions to all the measured distributions yields a top quark mass value of m{sub t}{sup pole} = 173.2 ± 0.9 ± 0.8 ± 1.2 GeV, where the three uncertainties arise from data statistics, experimental systematics, and theoretical sources. (orig.)

  11. Ectopic expression of anti-HIV-1 shRNAs protects CD8+ T cells modified with CD4ζ CAR from HIV-1 infection and alleviates impairment of cell proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamata, Masakazu; Kim, Patrick Y.; Ng, Hwee L.; Ringpis, Gene-Errol E.; Kranz, Emiko; Chan, Joshua; O'Connor, Sean; Yang, Otto O.; Chen, Irvin S.Y.


    Chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) are artificially engineered receptors that confer a desired specificity to immune effector T cells. As an HIV-1-specific CAR, CD4ζ CAR has been extensively tested in vitro as well as in clinical trials. T cells modified with this CAR mediated highly potent anti-HIV-1 activities in vitro and were well-tolerated in vivo, but exerted limited effects on viral load and reservoir size due to poor survival and/or functionality of the transduced cells in patients. We hypothesize that ectopic expression of CD4ζ on CD8 + T cells renders them susceptible to HIV-1 infection, resulting in poor survival of those cells. To test this possibility, highly purified CD8 + T cells were genetically modified with a CD4ζ-encoding lentiviral vector and infected with HIV-1. CD8 + T cells were vulnerable to HIV-1 infection upon expression of CD4ζ as evidenced by elevated levels of p24 Gag in cells and culture supernatants. Concurrently, the number of CD4ζ-modified CD8 + T cells was reduced relative to control cells upon HIV-1 infection. To protect these cells from HIV-1 infection, we co-expressed two anti-HIV-1 shRNAs previously developed by our group together with CD4ζ. This combination vector was able to suppress HIV-1 infection without impairing HIV-1-dependent effector activities of CD4ζ. In addition, the number of CD4ζ-modified CD8 + T cells maintained similar levels to that of the control even under HIV-1 infection. These results suggest that protecting CD4ζ-modified CD8 + T cells from HIV-1 infection is required for prolonged HIV-1-specific immune surveillance. - Highlights: • Ectopic expression of CD4ζ CAR in CD8 + T cells renders them susceptible to HIV-1 infection. • Co-expression of two anti-HIV-1 shRNAs protects CD4ζ CAR-modified CD8 + T cells from HIV-1 infection. • Protecting CD4ζ CAR-modified CD8 + T cells from HIV-1 infection suppresses its cytopathic effect

  12. Método fosfatasa alcalina anti-fosfatasa alcalina para el diagnóstico de inmunodeficiencias celulares Alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase method for the diagnosis of cell immunodeficiencies

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    Berta B Socarrás Ferrer


    Full Text Available Para el estudio de 25 pacientes con infecciones recurrentes y un grupo control de 25 individuos supuestamente sanos, se aplicó, en nuestro laboratorio, el método inmunocitoquímico de fosfatasa alcalina anti-fosfatasa alcalina, para la cuantificación de las principales subpoblaciones de linfocitos T identificados con los anticuerpos monoclonales: anti-CD3, anti-CD4 y anti-CD8. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas para las subpoblaciones TCD3 y CD4 positivos (p For the study of 25 patients with recurrent infections and a control group of 25 supposedly healthy individuals, our Laboratory applied the immunocytochemical method of alkaline phosphatase - anti-alkaline phosphatase for the quantitation of the main T-lymphocyte subgroups identified with monoclonal antibodies:antiCD3, anti-CD4 and anti-CD8. There were significant differences in positive TCD3 and CD4 subsets (p<0,05. Because this is a low cost and quick method, it may be applied by other immunodiagnosis labs throughout the country

  13. Co-Expansion of Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells and Vγ9Vδ2 T Cells for CAR T-Cell Therapy.

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    Shou-Hui Du

    Full Text Available Gamma delta (γδ T cells and cytokine-induced killer (CIK cells, which are a heterogeneous population of T lymphocytes and natural killer T (NKT cells, have been separately expanded ex vivo and shown to be capable of targeting and mediating cytotoxicity against various tumor cells in a major histocompatibility complex-unrestricted manner. However, the co-expansion and co-administration of these immune cells have not been explored. In this study we describe an efficient method to expand simultaneously both CIK and Vγ9Vδ2 T cells, termed as CIKZ cells, from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs using Zometa, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ, interleukin 2 (IL-2, anti-CD3 antibody and engineered K562 feeder cells expressing CD64, CD137L and CD86. A 21-day culture of PBMCs with this method yielded nearly 20,000-fold expansion of CIKZ cells with γδ T cells making up over 20% of the expanded population. The expanded CIKZ cells exhibited antitumor cytotoxicity and could be modified to express anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR, anti-CEA CAR, and anti-HER2 CAR to enhance their specificity and cytotoxicity against CD19-, CEA-, or HER2-positive tumor cells. The tumor inhibitory activity of anti-CD19 CAR-modified CIKZ cells was further demonstrated in vivo in a Raji tumor mouse model. The findings herein substantiate the feasibility of co-expanding CIK and γδ cells for adoptive cellular immunotherapy applications such as CAR T-cell therapy against cancer.

  14. Receptor imaging of schizophrenic patients under treatment with typical and atypical neuroleptics; Nuklearmedizinische Rezeptordiagnostik bei schizophrenen Patienten unter Therapie mit typischen und atypischen Neuroleptika

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dresel, S.; Tatsch, K. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Meisenzahl, E. [Psychiatrische Klinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Scherer, J. [Bezirkskrankenhaus Haar (Germany)


    -motorische Nebenwirkungen hervorzurufen. Die Besetzung postsynaptischer Dopamin-D2-Rezeptoren wird als ein wesentlicher Aspekt der antipsychotischen Wirksamkeit der Neuroleptika angesehen. Diese koennen nuklearmedizinisch durch [I-123]IBZM-SPECT dargestellt werden. Fuer das typische Neuroleptikum Haloperidol wurde eine dosisabhaengige, exponentielle Besetzung der Dopamin-D2-Rezeptoren nachgewiesen. Ab einem Schwellenwert des spezifischen Bindungsindex von 0,4 (Norm: >0,95) zeigten mit einer Ausnahme alle untersuchten Patienten extrapyramidal-motorische Nebenwirkungen. Auch unter Therapie mit dem atypischen Neuroleptikum Clozapin ergab sich eine exponentielle Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung mit jedoch einem deutlich flacheren Kurvenverlauf im Vergleich zu Haloperidol. Extrapyramidalmotorische Nebenwirkungen traten bei diesen Patienten nicht auf. Neuere, als atypisch eingestufte Neuroleptika wie Risperidon und Olanzapin zeigten ebenfalls eine exponenzielle Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung, wobei deren Kurvenverlaeufe zwischen denen von Haloperidol und Clozapin lagen. Extrapyramidal-motorische Nebenwirkungen traten bei den letzteren Neuroleptika seltener als bei Haloperidol, bei Olanzapin nur bei einem Patienten in unserem eigenen Patientengut auf. Das pharmakologische Profil atypischer Neuroleptika zeichnet sich neben der Bindung an die postsynaptischen Dopamin-D2-Rezeptoren auch durch Bindung an Rezeptoren diverser anderer Neurotransmittersysteme, insbesondere des serotonergen Systems, aus. Somit ist wahrscheinlich, dass die niedrigere Inzidenz fuer extrapyramidal-motorische Nebenwirkungen bei atypischen Neuroleptika durch (orig.)

  15. Al-based anti-corrosion and T-permeation barrier development for future DEMO blankets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krauss, W.; Konys, J.; Holstein, N.; Zimmermann, H.


    In the Helium-Cooled-Liquid-Lead (HCLL) design of Test-Blanket-Modules (TBM's) for a future fusion power plant Pb-15.7Li is used as liquid breeder which is in direct contact with the structure material, e.g. EUROFER steel. Compatibility testing showed that high corrosion attack appears and that the dissolved steel components form precipitates with a high risk of system blockages. A reliable operation needs coatings as corrosion barriers. The earlier developed Hot-Dip Aluminisation (HDA) process has shown that Al-based scales can act as anti-corrosion as well as T-permeation barriers. Meanwhile two advanced electro-chemically based processes for deposition of Al-scales were successfully developed. The first (ECA = Electro-Chemical Al-deposition) is working with an organic electrolyte and the second one (ECX = Electro-Chemical-X-metal-deposition) is based on ionic liquids. Coatings in the μm-range were deposited homogeneously with exact controllable thicknesses. Metallurgical investigations showed the successful generation of protective scales and compatibility testing demonstrated the barrier function.

  16. Al-based anti-corrosion and T-permeation barrier development for future DEMO blankets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krauss, W., E-mail: [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Hermann von Helmholtz Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); Konys, J.; Holstein, N.; Zimmermann, H. [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Hermann von Helmholtz Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany)


    In the Helium-Cooled-Liquid-Lead (HCLL) design of Test-Blanket-Modules (TBM's) for a future fusion power plant Pb-15.7Li is used as liquid breeder which is in direct contact with the structure material, e.g. EUROFER steel. Compatibility testing showed that high corrosion attack appears and that the dissolved steel components form precipitates with a high risk of system blockages. A reliable operation needs coatings as corrosion barriers. The earlier developed Hot-Dip Aluminisation (HDA) process has shown that Al-based scales can act as anti-corrosion as well as T-permeation barriers. Meanwhile two advanced electro-chemically based processes for deposition of Al-scales were successfully developed. The first (ECA = Electro-Chemical Al-deposition) is working with an organic electrolyte and the second one (ECX = Electro-Chemical-X-metal-deposition) is based on ionic liquids. Coatings in the {mu}m-range were deposited homogeneously with exact controllable thicknesses. Metallurgical investigations showed the successful generation of protective scales and compatibility testing demonstrated the barrier function.

  17. The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Lion's Mane Culinary-Medicinal Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) in a Coculture System of 3T3-L1 Adipocytes and RAW264 Macrophages. (United States)

    Mori, Koichiro; Ouchi, Kenji; Hirasawa, Noriyasu


    Chronic low-grade inflammation in the adipose tissue accompanying obesity is thought to be an underlying driver of metabolic diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of Hericium erinaceus on adipose tissue inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effects of the ethyl acetate soluble fraction of H. erinaceus (EAHE) were examined using cocultures of 3T3-L1 adipocytes and RAW264 macrophages. EAHE significantly suppressed tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-6 production in cultured RAW264 macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). EAHE also caused notable inhibition of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, which is thought to be involved in the suppression of proinflammatory cytokines by EAHE. In a coculture system with 3T3-L1 and RAW264 cells stimulated with LPS, EAHE reduced TNF-α and IL-6 concentrations in the conditioned medium and lowered the gene expression levels of these cytokines in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Furthermore, EAHE suppressed the LPS-induced reduction of adiponectin mRNA levels in 3T3-L1 adipocytes cocultured with RAW264 macrophages. However, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes cultured alone, the concentration of LPS used in this study did not affect the gene expression levels of these adipokines. We attributed the anti-inflammatory effects of EAHE on 3T3-L1 adipocytes cocultured with RAW264 macrophages to the suppression of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling and subsequent proinflammatory cytokine secretion in RAW264 cells. Our findings indicate the possibility that H. erinaceus exerts anti-inflammatory effects on macrophages through the inhibition of TLR4-JNK signaling and prevents or ameliorates adipose tissue inflammation associated with obesity.

  18. Hadroproduction of t-anti-t pair with two isolated photons with PowHel (United States)

    Kardos, A.; Trócsányi, Z.


    We simulate the hadroproduction of a t t bar pair in association with two isolated hard photons at 13 TeV LHC using the PowHel package. We use the generated events, stored according to the Les-Houches event format, to make predictions for differential distributions formally at the next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy. We present predictions at the hadron level employing the cone-type isolation of the photons used by experiments. We also compare the kinematic distributions to the same distributions obtained in the t t bar H final state when the Higgs-boson decays into a photon pair, to which the process discussed here is an irreducible background.

  19. Comparison of semi-automatized assays for anti-T. gondii IgG detection in low-reactivity serum samples: importance of the results in patient counseling Comparação de ensaios semi-automatizados para pesquisa de IgG anti-T. gondii em amostras de soros de baixa reatividade: importância dos resultados no aconselhamento do paciente

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    Paulo Guilherme Leser


    Full Text Available Toxoplasmosis is a disease which can cause severe congenital infection and is normally diagnosed by the detection of T. gondii specific antibodies in the serum of infected patients. Several different tests allow to distinguish recent from past infections and to quantify anti-T. gondii specific IgG, and the results can be used as markers for immunity. In the present study, we compare the performance of two different methodologies, the Elfa (bioMérieux S.A and the Meia (Abbott Laboratories in detecting T. gondii specific IgG in low-reactivity sera. Of 76 analyzed samples, three presented discrepant results, being positive in the Abbott AxSYM Toxo IgG assay, and negative in the bioMérieux Vidas Toxo IgG II assay. By using other tests, the three sera were confirmed to be negative. The results are discussed in the context of their importance for patient management, especially during pregnancy.Toxoplasmose, doença conhecida por sua severidade na infecção congênita é geralmente diagnosticada pela demonstração de anticorpos específicos contra antígenos de T. gondii, presentes no soro de indivíduos infectados. Diferentes testes são disponíveis para diferenciar infecção recente de infecção pregressa, para quantificar anticorpos IgG anti-T. gondii nos soros dos pacientes e utilizar os resultados como marcadores de imunidade. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados do estudo comparativo de duas tecnologias, Elfa (bioMérieux S.A. e Meia (Abbott Laboratories, para pesquisa de anticorpos IgG anti-T. gondii em amostras de soros de baixa reatividade. De 76 amostras processadas, três apresentaram resultados discrepantes, reagentes para AxSYM Toxo IgG e não-reagentes para Vidas Toxo IgG II. A confirmação dos resultados, feita por bateria de testes, mostrou que todas as três amostras eram não-reagentes. Os resultados são discutidos em sua importância e orientação clínica, principalmente para a paciente gestante.

  20. Broad, Intense Anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Ex Vivo CD8+ Responses in HIV Type 1-Infected Patients: Comparison with Anti-Epstein-Barr Virus Responses and Changes during Antiretroviral Therapy (United States)

    Dalod, Marc; Dupuis, Marion; Deschemin, Jean-Christophe; Sicard, Didier; Salmon, Dominique; Delfraissy, Jean-Francois; Venet, Alain; Sinet, Martine; Guillet, Jean-Gerard


    The ex vivo antiviral CD8+ repertoires of 34 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive patients with various CD4+ T-cell counts and virus loads were analyzed by gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunospot assay, using peptides derived from HIV type 1 and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Most patients recognized many HIV peptides, with markedly high frequencies, in association with all the HLA class I molecules tested. We found no correlation between the intensity of anti-HIV CD8+ responses and the CD4+ counts or virus load. In contrast, the polyclonality of anti-HIV CD8+ responses was positively correlated with the CD4+ counts. The anti-EBV responses were significantly less intense than the anti-HIV responses and were positively correlated with the CD4+ counts. Longitudinal follow-up of several patients revealed the remarkable stability of the anti-HIV and anti-EBV CD8+ responses in two patients with stable CD4+ counts, while both antiviral responses decreased in two patients with obvious progression toward disease. Last, highly active antiretroviral therapy induced marked decreases in the number of anti-HIV CD8+ T cells, while the anti-EBV responses increased. These findings emphasize the magnitude of the ex vivo HIV-specific CD8+ responses at all stages of HIV infection and suggest that the CD8+ hyperlymphocytosis commonly observed in HIV infection is driven mainly by virus replication, through intense, continuous activation of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells until ultimate progression toward disease. Nevertheless, highly polyclonal anti-HIV CD8+ responses may be associated with a better clinical status. Our data also suggest that a decrease of anti-EBV CD8+ responses may occur with depletion of CD4+ T cells, but this could be restored by highly active antiretroviral treatment. PMID:10438796