
Sample records for angina refractaria con

  1. Contrapulsación externa aumentada, un tratamiento no invasivo recomendado para la angina refractaria, valoración de la clase funcional y la calidad de vida

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    Fernán Mendoza


    Conclusiones: La terapia de contrapulsación externa aumentada, mejora la calidad de vida y la clase funcional de angina y disnea en pacientes con angina refractaria y se convierte en un procedimiento no invasivo seguro y eficaz.

  2. Experiencia con rituximab en miopatía inflamatoria idiopática refractaria

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    Elmer R. García-Salazar


    Full Text Available Se describe las características clínicas y de laboratorio de dos pacientes que recibieron rituximab por miopatía inflamatoria idiopática (MII. Ellas eran refractarias a tratamiento convencional con DARMES, por lo que recibieron rituximab 1 gramo cada 14 días, en dos infusiones en ciclo semestral. En las historias clínicas se obtuvo los datos clínicos de fuerza muscular proximal, lesiones cutáneas patognomónicas, elevación de CPK, TGO, DHL y VSG, resultados de electromiografía, biopsia muscular y de piel. Ninguno de los dos casos presentó reacción medicamentosa ni infecciones durante y posterior a las infusiones. Rituximab mostró efectividad en la respuesta clínica y enzimática en estas pacientes con dermatomiositis refractarias a corticoides y DARMES tradicionales.

  3. 75. Resultados a medio plazo de la revascularización transmiocárdica con láser y células madre

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    G. Reyes Copa


    Conclusiones: La cirugía transmiocárdica con láser en combinación con inyección de células madre es un procedimiento seguro y clínicamente efectivo en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria difusa y angina refractaria a tratamiento médico.

  4. Experiencia con la dieta cetogénica como tratamiento en la epilepsia refractaria


    Ramírez Camacho, Alia; Meavilla, Silvia; Catalán, Natalia; Gutiérrez, Alejandra; Campistol Plana, Jaume


    Introducción: La epilepsia es una enfermedad neurológica que se controla con fármacos antiepilépticos en la mayoría de casos. Sin embargo, aproximadamente un 25% de epilepsias son refractarias al tratamiento farmacológico. La dieta cetogénica es una de las opciones terapéuticas para este tipo de epilepsia. A pesar del aumento en los últimos años de la popularidad de ésta como tratamiento anticonvulsivo, no se ha establecido un consenso internacional para sus indicaciones y manejo. Objetivo: E...

  5. Embolización esplénica completa como tratamiento de la ascitis refractaria postrasplante

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    Oana-Anisa Nutu

    Full Text Available RESUMEN La ascitis refractaria es una complicación infrecuente que puede aparecer en el posoperatorio de un trasplante hepático y cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento suponen un verdadero reto. Presentamos dos casos de pacientes trasplantados por cirrosis criptogénica y que en el posoperatorio inmediato cursaron con ascitis refractaria, una complicación grave que se asocia con una disminución de la supervivencia de hasta un año y afecta la calidad de vida del paciente. Tras descartar las principales causas de ascitis en nuestros pacientes, se propuso como etiología el hiperaflujo portal, una condición que se perpetúa con la circulación esplénica y que condiciona una reducción del flujo arterial hepático. Por tanto, si se consigue disminuir el aflujo arterial al bazo, disminuyen el retorno venoso y la circulación portal, mejorando el flujo arterial. Con la embolización esplénica, procedimiento que surgió hace varios años como tratamiento al fenómeno del robo de la arteria esplénica y en los casos de "small for size" en el trasplante de donante vivo, se pretende disminuir el hiperaflujo portal y, por tanto, la ascitis. En conclusión, la embolización de arteria esplénica es una opción terapéutica como tratamiento de la ascitis refractaria en el postrasplante hepático.

  6. Medicación antigotosa para agresión refractaria en pacientes autistas


    Ortiz Tobón, Juan Felipe


    Las conductas hetero y autoagresivas en pacientes con autismo pueden ser refractarias a los medicamentos comúnmente empleados; sin embargo, la adenosina, purina neuromoduladora, ha demostrado ser una sustancia con propiedades antiagresivas dentro de modelos animales. Las vías de purinas se encuentran modificadas en ciertas patologías que presentan automutilaciones. El alopurinol aumentaría de forma indirecta las concentraciones de adenosina, por lo cual sería efectiva en el manejo de la agres...

  7. Manejo terapéutico actual de la epilepsia refractaria a los medicamentos antiepilépticos clásicos


    Tania García Arias; Indira López Gutiérrez; Lourdes María García Illán


    La epilepsia es una afección frecuente del sistema nervioso central y una de las primeras causas de morbilidad neuropediátrica. Un problema terapéutico actual es el número de pacientes con epilepsia refractaria a los medicamentos antiepilépticos clásicos. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica actualizada, empleando los servicios disponibles en la red Infomed, sobre los nuevos enfoques terapéuticos de la epilepsia refractaria a los antiepilépticos clásicos. En la literatura se evidencia cómo s...

  8. Manejo terapéutico actual de la epilepsia refractaria a los medicamentos antiepilépticos clásicos

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    Tania García Arias


    Full Text Available La epilepsia es una afección frecuente del sistema nervioso central y una de las primeras causas de morbilidad neuropediátrica. Un problema terapéutico actual es el número de pacientes con epilepsia refractaria a los medicamentos antiepilépticos clásicos. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica actualizada, empleando los servicios disponibles en la red Infomed, sobre los nuevos enfoques terapéuticos de la epilepsia refractaria a los antiepilépticos clásicos. En la literatura se evidencia cómo se ha revolucionado el tratamiento médico y el pronóstico, al complementar el manejo tradicional de esta entidad con la introducción de los antiepilépticos de segunda generación o nuevos antiepilépticos

  9. Troca de gases prejudicada em pacientes com angina instável Deterioro del intercambio gaseoso en pacientes con angina inestable Impaired gas exchange in patients with unstable angina

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    Dayane Horta Rocha


    Full Text Available A identificação do diagnóstico de enfermagem "troca de gases prejudicada na assistência aos pacientes com angina" é visualizada rotineiramente, porém faz-se necessário um aprofundamento desta temática. Com o objetivo de analisar a ocorrência deste diagnóstico, realizamos um estudo transversal, de caráter descritivo-exploratório, com pacientes internados em um hospital especializado. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista, exame físico e consulta ao prontuário. O diagnóstico "troca de gases prejudicada" foi ausente em nossa amostra; entretanto, as variáveis profundidade da respiração, pressão arterial sistólica, sonolência e sódio sérico estiveram comprometidas, o que indica risco de agravamento. Visualizamos alguma relação entre os resultados obtidos e características do estilo de vida dos pacientes avaliados, o que reforça a importância de medidas preventivas para a obtenção de um melhor prognóstico na assistência aos pacientes com angina.La identificación del diagnóstico realizado por parte de la enfermería del Deterioro del intercambio gaseoso en el cuidado de pacientes con angina es comúnmente percibida, sin embargo es necesario profundizar esta temática. Con el objetivo de analizar la ocurrencia del diagnóstico del Deterioro del intercambio gaseoso en portadores de Angina Inestable desarrollamos un estudio transversal, de carácter descriptivo-exploratorio, con pacientes ingresados en un hospital especializado. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevistas, examenes físicos y consultas a los registros médicos. Este diagnóstico no fue identificado en nuestra muestra, sin embargo, las variables profundidad de la respiración, presión arterial sistólica, somnolencia y sodio sérico presentaron alteraciones , lo que indica riesgo de agravación del cuadro clínico. Se identificó una relación entre los resultados obtenidos y las características del estilo de vida de los pacientes

  10. Hipertensión arterial refractaria y apnea del sueño

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    Gustavo Quevedo


    Full Text Available El síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño (SAOS tiene un papel importante en la morbimortalidad cardiovascular. Se han sugerido muchos mecanismos para explicar la asociación mórbida entre el SAOS y la enfermedad cardiovascular, especialmente la hipertensión arterial (HTA. Alrededor de la mitad de los pacientes con SAOS padecen hipertensión arterial y la prevalencia de SAOS en pacientes hipertensos es mayor que la existente en la población general.En el presente caso se describe a un paciente con HTA refractaria al tratamiento farmacológico que evolucionó favorablemente luego del diagnóstico y el tratamiento del SAOS.

  11. ECMO respiratorio como opción terapéutica en falla respiratoria refractaria en la edad pediátrica

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    Otto M. González-Pardo


    La ECMO es una terapia que desde el año 1985 ha mostrado tener una sobrevida del 53% en este grupo, llegando a niveles del 63% en los últimos años, particularmente, si la etiología es el virus sincitial respiratorio. Se reportan dos casos de pacientes lactantes menores con falla respiratoria refractaria en quienes se decidió iniciar la ECMO logrando la sobrevida de ambos.

  12. Problemas de adaptación fisiológica en personas con angina


    Nóbrega Fortes, Allyne; Martins da Silva, Viviane; Lopes, Marcos Venícios de Oliveira


    En este artículo fueron identificados los problemas comunes de adaptación fisiológica presentados por pacientes con angina inestable teniendo como base el Modelo de la Adaptación de Callista Roy. Estudio descriptivo desarrollado en un hospital de servicio especializado en enfermedades cardíacas. La muestra para el estudio fue de 20 pacientes. Para caracterización y discusión, utilizamos las definiciones presentadas por Roy para cada problema de adaptación fisiológic...

  13. Infliximab en pacientes con enfermedad ocular inflamatoria, refractarios a DARMES

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    Elmer R. García-Salazar


    Full Text Available Se describe la experiencia con infliximab (anticuerpo monoclonal con una potente acción antiinflamatoria en el tratamiento de enfermedades oculares inflamatorias secundarias a patologías reumáticas y refractarias a drogas antirreumáticas modificadoras de la enfermedad (DARMES. Se evaluó el caso de una paciente de 50 años con artritis reumatoide (AR de fondo activo y una paciente de 37 años con vasculitis anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos especifico para mieloperoxidasa (ANCA MPO sin compromiso de órgano noble, ambas con escleritis bilateral y perforación con prolapso de iris del ojo izquierdo. Ellas recibieron infliximab EV en dosis de 3 a 5 mg/kg/dosis, según el esquema, a las 0, 2, 6 y 8 semanas. Infliximab resultó eficaz y seguro para el tratamiento de escleritis asociada a AR y vasculitis ANCA MPO positivo, refractaria a tratamiento con DARMES y corticoides en dosis altas. Los injertos de tejido esclerocorneal evolucionaron favorablemente con infliximab.

  14. Recomendaciones para el manejo clínico pediátrico de la dieta cetogénica en el tratamiento de la epilepsia refractaria


    Alberti, María J; Agustinho, Ariela; Argumedo, Laura; Armeno, Marisa; Blanco, Virginia; Bouquet, Cecilia; Cabrera, Analía; Caraballo, Roberto; Caramuta, Luciana; Cresta, Araceli; de Grandis, Elizabeth S; De Martini, Martha G; Diez, Cecilia; Dlugoszewski, Corina; Escobal, Nidia


    La dieta cetogénica constituye el tratamiento no farmacológico de eficacia probada más utilizado en la última década para el manejo de la epilepsia refractaria en la población pediátrica. En comparación con el agregado de un nuevo fármaco a un tratamiento preexistente, esta terapia es altamente efectiva, con una reducción de las crisis de entre un 50% y un 90% en aproximadamente 45%-60% de los niños tras 6 meses de tratamiento. Es por ello por lo que la Sociedad Argentina de Neurología Infant...

  15. Angina Pectoris (Stable Angina) (United States)

    ... Peripheral Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Angina Pectoris (Stable Angina) Updated:Aug 21,2017 You may have heard the term “angina pectoris” or “stable angina” in your doctor’s office, ...

  16. Angina - discharge (United States)

    Chest pain - discharge; Stable angina - discharge; Chronic angina - discharge; Variant angina - discharge; Angina pectoris - discharge; Accelerating angina - discharge; New-onset angina - discharge; Angina-unstable - discharge; ...

  17. Pamidronato endovenoso en espondilitis anquilosante refractaria a antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES y sulfasalazina

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    Augusto García-Poma


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la terapia con pamidronato, en pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante (EA activa, con respuesta subóptima o falla a los antiinflamatorios no-esteroideos (AINES y sulfasalazina. Diseño: Estudio clínico comparativo. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, EsSalud, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante. Intervenciones. Se incluyó 9 pacientes con EA (6 varones, con enfermedad activa (BASDAI > o = 4, actividad axial y falta de respuesta a los Aines y sulfasalazina a dosis de 3g/d. Todos los pacientes recibieron 60 mg de pamidronato mensual, en infusión endovenosa, durante 6 meses, y continuaron tomando AINES y sulfasalazina. La mejoría clínica fue evaluada usando el ASAS 20. En forma secundaria se evaluó el ASAS 40, BASDAI 50, BASDAI, BASFI Y BASMI, a las 24 y 48 semanas (32 a 86 semanas. La diferencia entre el índice de pre y postratamiento fue evaluada usando la prueba de Wilcoxon. Principales medidas de resultados: Evaluación del ASAS 20. Resultados: El 67% alcanzó un Asas 20 a las 24 semanas y 78% a las 48 semanas; 33,3% y 55,6% tuvieron ASAS 40 y 33,3%; y 44,4% alcanzó BASDAI 50 a las 24 y 48 semanas, respectivamente. Un paciente recayó a la semana 20. Tres pacientes (33,3% permanecieron sin cambios. A las 24 y 48 semanas, la media de BASDAI disminuyó en 45,1% (p=0,007 y en 52,1% (p=0,01, la media de BASFI en 38,2% (p=0,007 y en 52,3% (p=0,007, y la media de BASMI en 39,2% (p=0,01 y 39,2% (p=0,01, respectivamente. Los eventos adversos no fueron importantes con esta terapia. Conclusiones: El tratamiento con pamidronato demostró ser efectivo en este grupo de pacientes con EA, refractaria a AINES y a sulfasalazina.

  18. Persistent angina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, L.; Abildstrom, S. Z.; Hvelplund, Anders


    To evaluate persistent angina in stable angina pectoris with no obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) compared to obstructive CAD and its relation to long-term anxiety, depression, quality of life (QOL), and physical functioning. We invited 357 patients (men = 191; women = 166; response rate 83......-obstructive CAD or normal coronary arteries than in patients with obstructive CAD. Persistent angina symptoms were associated with long-term anxiety, depression, impaired physical functioning, and QOL irrespective of the degree of CAD. Contrary to common perception, excluding obstructive CAD in stable angina does...... %) with no prior cardiovascular disease who had a first-time coronary angiography (CAG) in 2008-2009 due to suspected stable angina to participate in a questionnaire survey in 2011 with the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale as key elements. Long-term persistent angina (i...

  19. Angina de Prinzmetal Angina de Prinzmetal Prinzmetal's angina

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    Eduardo Contreras Zuniga


    Full Text Available Essa síndrome é causada por um espasmo focal de uma artéria coronária epicárdica, levando a isquemia miocárdica grave. Embora freqüentemente acredite-se que o espasmo ocorra em artérias sem estenose, muitos pacientes com angina de Prinzmetal apresentam espasmo adjacente a placas ateromatosas. A causa exata do espasmo não está bem definida, mas pode estar relacionada à hipercontratilidade do músculo liso vascular devido a mitógenos vasoconstrictores, leucotrienos ou serotonina. Em alguns pacientes, é uma manifestação de distúrbio vasoespástico e está associado à migrânea, fenômeno de Raynaud ou asma induzida por aspirina. Apresentamos um caso associado com depressão transitória do segmento ST.Este síndrome es causado por un espasmo focal de una arteria coronaria epicárdica, llevando a isquemia miocárdica grave. Aunque frecuentemente se crea que el espasmo ocurra en arterias sin estenosis, muchos pacientes con angina de Prinzmetal presentan espasmo adyacente a placas ateromatosas. La causa exacta del espasmo no está bien definida, pero puede estar relacionada a la hipercontractilidad del músculo liso vascular debido a mitógenos vasoconstrictores, leucotrienos o serotonina. En algunos pacientes, es una manifestación de disturbio vasoespástico y está asociado a la migraña, fenómeno de Raynaud o asma inducida por aspirina. Presentamos un caso asociado con depresión transitoria del segmento ST.This syndrome is due to focal spasm of an epicardial coronary artery, leading to severe myocardial ischemia. Although it is frequently thought that the spasm occurs in arteries without stenosis, many Prinzmetal patients have spasm adjacent to atheromatous plaques. The exact cause of the spasm has not been well defined, but it may be related to the hypercontractility of the vascular smooth muscle due to vasoconstrictor mitogens, leukotrienes, or serotonin. In some patients, it is a manifestation of a vasospastic disorder and it

  20. Caracterización de los síntomas de angina en un grupo de mujeres con prueba de esfuerzo positiva Characterization of angina's symptoms in a group of women with positive stress test

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    Fanny Rincón O

    Full Text Available Introducción: la enfermedad coronaria es una causa importante de morbimortalidad en el mundo. Las características específicas del cuadro clínico de la angina en mujeres se desconoce; éste último influye en atención, tratamiento, mortalidad, calidad de vida y costos sociales. Objetivo: caracterizar los síntomas de angina en relación con el patrón de presentación, la integración de roles y el esfuerzo percibido en un grupo de mujeres cuya prueba de esfuerzo resultó positiva para enfermedad coronaria. Diseño: estudio descriptivo exploratorio con abordaje cualicuantitativo. Incluyó 15 mujeres con dolor o discomfort torácico y prueba de esfuerzo positiva para enfermedad coronaria. Resultados: grupo de 15 mujeres con edad entre 52 y 80 años; se describen los factores de riesgo, la caracterización en relación con la integración de roles, de esfuerzo percibido y patrón de presentación en donde se encontraron categorías como: «opresión», «poca importancia», «sensación punzante», síntomas respiratorios, y simultaneidad de síntomas. La mayoría refiere sentir el síntoma y no consultar ni pedir ayuda. El aumento de la actividad física es el factor determinante en 8 mujeres; la mayoría afronta la situación con reposo y respiración; conviven con el síntoma, toman medicamentos, informan a allegados; 3 consultan con profesionales de salud. Seis interpretan el evento como consecuencia de un trauma físico o estrés psicológico, cinco no sabe y para tres refleja una etapa de la vida. Conclusiones: se observa un patrón de expresión categórico que aporta a la construcción del perfil femenino en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad coronaria.Introduction: coronary disease is an important morbimortality cause worldwide. The specific characteristics of the clinical picture of angina in women are unknown and this fact influences the attention, treatment, mortality, lifestyle and social costs. Objective: to characterize the

  1. Angina (United States)

    ... of coronary artery disease and angina: Tobacco use. Chewing tobacco, smoking and long-term exposure to secondhand ... have any of these symptoms, seek emergency medical attention immediately. Prevention You can help prevent angina by ...

  2. Confiabilidade de sintomas sugestivos de angina em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica Confiabilidad de síntomas sugestivos de angina en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica Reliability of symptoms suggestive of angina in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Yilmaz Gunes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Devido à sobreposição de sintomas e inadequada capacidade de exercícios, o diagnóstico não-invasivo da doença arterial coronariana (DAC pode ser sub ou superestimado em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados de angiografias coronarianas em pacientes com DPOC dependendo das características clínicas basais. MÉTODOS: Os registros médicos de 157 pacientes com DPOC e 157 pacientes sem DPOC pareados por características clínicas basais, que haviam sido submetidos a angiografia coronariana diagnóstica pela primeira vez, foram revisados, retrospectivamente. RESULTADOS: A frequência de DAC era significantemente mais baixa em pacientes com DPOC do que no grupo controle (52,8% vs. 80,2%, pFUNDAMENTO: A causa de la superposición de síntomas e inadecuada capacidad de ejercicios, el diagnóstico no-invasivo de la enfermedad arterial coronaria (EAC se puede sub o superestimar en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC. OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados de angiografías coronarias en pacientes con EPOC dependiendo de las características clínicas basales. MÉTODOS: Se revisaron retrospectivamente los registros médicos de 157 pacientes con EPOC y 157 pacientes sin EPOC distribuidos en grupos según características clínicas basales, que se habían sometido a angiografía coronaria diagnóstica por primera vez. RESULTADOS: La frecuencia de EAC era significantemente más baja en pacientes con EPOC que en el grupo control (52,8% vs. 80,2%, pBACKGROUND: Due to overlapping symptoms and inadequate exercise capacity, noninvasive diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD may be under- or overestimated in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD. OBJECTIVE: To assess outcomes of coronary angiography in COPD patients depending on baseline clinical characteristics. METHODS: Medical records of 157 patients with COPD and 157 patients without COPD matched for

  3. Dieta cetogénica como tratamiento de la epilepsia refractaria


    Barrena Barbadillo, Rocío


    Trabajo final de máster en el que se analiza la efectividad de la dieta cetogénica como tratamiento para la epilepsia refractaria a fármacos. Análisis de las diferentes dietas cetogénicas existentes, mecanismo de acción, efectividad, indicaciones, contraindicaciones efectos adversos e implementación de la dieta. Treball final de màster en el qual s'analitza l'efectivitat de la dieta cetogènica com a tractament per l'epilèpsia refractària a fàrmacs. Anàlisi de les diferents dietes cetogèniq...

  4. Angina monocitica con sovrainfezione da Prevotella denticola: caso clinico

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    Maria Teresa Allù


    Full Text Available Monocytic angina with superinfection of Prevotella denticola: clinical case Monocytic angina is a clinical sindrome caused by Epstein-Barr virus characterized by fever, pharyngitis, exudative tonsillitis, swollen lymphoglands, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly.The inflamed pharynx and necrotic tonsils of infectious mononucleosis are subject to bacterial superinfection initially or during the course of the illness; the reduced PO2 tension and low oxidation-reduction potential that prevail in a vascular and necrotic tissues favour the growth of anaerobes. In this article we reported the clinical case of a ten years old children, who presented fever and tonsillopharyngitis; he was treated with cefotaxime and piperacillin, he did not improve in health. He was admitted to hospital (Department of Otorhinolaryngology. The patient was treated with aminoglycoside (tobramycin, piperacillin and cortisone; the clinical situation deteriorated. Pus sample was collected from the tonsils and cultured. Isolated strain from culture anaerobic was identified biochemically (Rapid-ID32ANA.The microorganism isolated was: Prevotella denticola (oral anaerobic gram-negative rods; β-lactamase production was tested by using the chromogenic cephalosporin disk test.The susceptibility to antibiotics was performed according to NCCLS recommendations. Prevotella denticola (β-lactamase production was resistant to penicillin, cefoxitin, cefotetan, piperacillin, clindamycin and metronidazole it was susceptible to piperacillin-tazobactam, amoxicillin-clavulanate, ticarcillin-clavulanate, imipenem and chloramphenicol. Children was treated with piperacillin-tazobactam, with rapid symptomatic relief.

  5. Suppression of exercise-induced angina by magnesium sulfate in patients with variant angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kugiyama, K.; Yasue, H.; Okumura, K.


    The effects of intravenous magnesium on exercise-induced angina were examined in 15 patients with variant angina and in 13 patients with stable effort angina and were compared with those of placebo. Symptom-limited bicycle exercise and thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy were performed after intravenous administration of 0.27 mmol/kg body weight of magnesium sulfate and after placebo on different days. In all patients, serum magnesium levels after administration of magnesium sulfate were about twofold higher than levels after placebo. Exercise-induced angina associated with transient ST segment elevation occurred in 11 patients with variant angina receiving placebo and in only 2 of these patients receiving magnesium (p less than 0.005). On the other hand, exercise-induced angina was not suppressed by magnesium in any patient with stable effort angina. In these patients there was no significant difference in exercise duration after administration of placebo versus after administration of magnesium. The size of the perfusion defect as measured by thallium-201 scintigraphy was significantly less in patients with variant angina receiving magnesium than that in those receiving placebo (p less than 0.001), whereas it was not significantly different in patients with stable effort angina receiving placebo versus magnesium. In conclusion, exercise-induced angina is suppressed by intravenous magnesium in patients with variant angina but not in patients with stable effort angina. This beneficial effect of magnesium in patients with variant angina is most likely due to improvement of regional myocardial blood flow by suppression of coronary artery spasm

  6. Infliximab en pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante activa: experiencia en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins

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    Manuel Montero


    Full Text Available Infliximab es un medicamento efectivo en el tratamiento de pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante (EA activa. Sin embargo, debido a su alto costo, su uso indiscriminado es prohibitivo. Objetivo: Evaluar si un régimen de inducción con infliximab es efectivo en pacientes con EA activa. Diseño: Sólo expuestos. Lugar: Servicio de Reumatología del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati. Participantes: Pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante activa refractaria. Intervenciones: infliximab a las 0, 2 y 6 semanas. Un paciente recibió dosis de 3 mg/kg y los restantes 5 mg/kg de infliximab. Todos los pacientes continuaron recibiendo sulfasalazina. Principales medidas de resultados: Se determinó la proporción de pacientes que alcanzaron mejoría de acuerdo a los criterios ASAS 20, ASAS 40 y BASDAI 50, en la última evaluación (mediana de 55 semanas. Resultados: En la última evaluación, cinco pacientes (71,4% presentaban respuesta ASAS 20 sostenida. Cuatro (57% y tres (43% de los pacientes alcanzaron BASDAI 50 y ASAS 40, respectivamente. Tres pacientes (43% recayeron en un tiempo promedio de 26,6 semanas. No se observó efectos adversos serios. Conclusiones: La infusión de tres dosis de infliximab es efectiva para controlar la actividad de la enfermedad de los pacientes con EA refractaria a AINEs y en algunos pacientes controla la enfermedad por periodos prolongados de tiempo.

  7. Angina crónica estable. Consideraciones actuales

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    Yanier Coll Muñoz


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho crónica estable es un síndrome clínico caracterizado por dolor o malestar precordial secundario a isquemia miocárdica y sin características clínicas de inestabilidad. El debate actual sobre esta entidad clínica incluye tres aspectos fundamentales: diagnóstico, prevalencia e impacto socioeconómico, y tratamiento médico frente a revascularización miocárdica. En los últimos cuatro años se han dado a conocer los resultados de varios estudios multicéntricos de gran importancia que compararon tratamiento médico con revascularización miocárdica y cirugía de revascularización frente a intervención coronaria percutánea; además, han mejorado las técnicas de revascularización y existe abundante información sobre la eficacia de nuevos fármacos antiisquémicos. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión de los aspectos actuales más importantes relacionados con la angina de pecho estable y su tratamiento, publicados en la literatura especializada.

  8. TROMBO GIGANTE DE AURÍCULA DERECHA COMO CAUSA DE ANGINA Y SÍNCOPE / Giant thrombus in right atrium as a cause of angina and syncope

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    José L. Aparicio Suárez


    Full Text Available ResumenLas tumoraciones intracardíacas son poco frecuentes, y pueden ser de tipo neoplásicas y no neoplásicas. De estas últimas, los trombos, constituyen las masas más frecuentes. Se presenta un paciente joven, operado en el Cardiocentro "Ernesto Che Guevara" de Villa Clara, Cuba, con antecedentes de trastornos hematológicos desde la infancia, que comienza con episodios de disnea progresiva, angina y síncope; con diagnóstico preoperatorio de tumoración gigante en aurícula derecha que resultó ser un trombo intracardíaco, y se demostró la presencia de un agujero oval permeable. / AbstractIntracardiac tumors are rare, and may be of neoplastic and non-neoplastic types. In the latter, the thrombi are the most frequent masses. This is the case of a young patient operated at the Cardiocentro "Ernesto Che Guevara" of Villa Clara, Cuba, with a history of blood disorders since childhood, starting with episodes of progressive dyspnea, angina and syncope, with pre-operative diagnosis of giant tumor in right atrium which turned out to be an intracardiac thrombus, and the presence of a patent foramen ovale was shown.

  9. Refractory iron-deficiency anemia and gluten intolerance: Response to gluten-free diet Anemia ferropénica refractaria e intolerancia al gluten: respuesta a la dieta sin gluten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Rodrigo-Sáez


    Full Text Available Introduction: refractory iron-deficiency anemia has a multifactorial origin related to various gastrointestinal conditions, with celiac disease plus malabsorption and IBD together with isolated gluten intolerance being most common. Objectives: to determine the prevalence of serum, genetic, and histological markers for gluten intolerance, and to analyze the response to gluten withdrawal from the diet in these patients. Methods: a number of patients with refractory anemia were prospectively and consecutively enrolled. A protocol to measure serum (TGt-2, genetic (HLA-DQ2/DQ8, and histological markers for celiac disease was applied. All followed a gluten-free diet for a median 3.6 years. Sustained remission of anemia during follow-up was interpreted as positive response. Results: ninety-eight patients (84% females with a mean age of 54 years were studied. Anti-TGt2 antibodies were positive in 5% of cases. A total of 67 cases (68% were haplotype HLA-DQ2 or -DQ8 (+. We found villous atrophy (Marsh III in 13% of patients, and an inflammatory pattern (Marsh I or II in 13%. All remaining 72 patients (74% had no histological duodenal changes. Age, anemia duration, number of transfusions, number of parenteral iron doses, and time on a gluten-free diet were all compared according to the presence or absence of villous atrophy and HLA-DQ2/8 positivity, and no significant differences were found for any of the analyzed variables. Response was positive in 92% of subjects. Conclusions: celiac disease with villous atrophy is rarely a cause of refractory anemia. Gluten intolerance with no histological lesions is seen in almost 75% of patients, and therefore plays a relevant role in its development.Introducción: la anemia ferropénica refractaria presenta un origen multifactorial, relacionado con diversas enfermedades digestivas, siendo las más frecuentes la enfermedad celiaca con malabsorción y la EII junto con la intolerancia al gluten aislada. Objetivos

  10. Prevalência de angina pectoris em Pelotas, RS Prevalence of angina pectoris in Pelotas, south of Brazil

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    Leonardo Alves


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A cardiopatia isquêmica é a doença responsável pelo maior número de mortes no mundo, sendo a angina sua principal manifestação. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de angina e de possível angina e sua distribuição conforme as principais características sócio-demográficas entre adultos com idade igual ou maior que 40 anos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com moradores da área urbana da cidade de Pelotas (RS entre os meses de outubro e dezembro de 2007. Foi adotado o plano de amostragem por conglomerados em dois estágios - setores censitários e domicílios. As prevalências de angina e de possível angina foram definidas de acordo com o questionário de Rose. Essas condições foram avaliadas conforme as características sócio-demográficas: idade, sexo, cor da pele, condição econômica e escolaridade. Para a coleta dos dados, foram aplicados questionários padronizados por meio de entrevista com os indivíduos em seus domicílios. A taxa de não respondentes foi de 6,8%. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de angina entre os 1.680 indivíduos participantes do estudo foi de 8,2 % (IC 95%: 6,7 - 9,6, enquanto a de possível angina, 12,3% (IC 95%: 10,6 - 14,0. As prevalências de angina e de possível angina foram maiores entre os indivíduos do sexo feminino, de cor da pele preta/parda, de pior condição econômica e de menor escolaridade. A prevalência de angina foi maior entre indivíduos mais velhos. Não se observou diferença para possível angina. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de angina e de possível angina mostrou-se alta, acometendo cerca de 20% da população de Pelotas.BACKGROUND: Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world and angina is its cardinal manifestation. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of angina and possible angina and its distribution by main demographic and socioeconomic characteristics among adults 40 years of age or older. METHODS: This is a population

  11. Thallium-201 myocardial imaging in unstable angina and variant angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wackers, F.J.Th.; Lie, K.I.; Liem, K.L.; Sokole, E.B.; Schoot, J.B. van der


    It is of clinical relevance in the coronary care unit to evaluate the potential role of 201 Tl scintigraphy in patients with unstable angina. In the present chapter the authors discuss 1) the pattern of 201 Tl scintigraphy in patients with unstable angina; and 2) the potential predictive value of 201 Tl scintigraphy in identifying patients with unstable angina who have a poorer prognosis or greater tendency to subsequently develop acute myocardial infarction. All patients with unstable angina pectoris were purposely studied during the pain free period. It seemed conceivable that injecting 201 Tl during an anginal attack would result in a high percentage of scintigraphic defects and probably diminish a potential discriminative value of the method. Moreover in clinical practice the majority of patients arrive at the coronary care unit some time after the last anginal attack. If a diagnostic test performed at this time could distinguish high and low risk patients, important therapeutic decisions might be made at the earliest possible times. (Auth.)

  12. Advancements in Pharmacotherapy for Angina (United States)

    Jain, Ankur; Elgendy, Islam Y.; Al-Ani, Mohammad; Agarwal, Nayan; Pepine, Carl J.


    Introduction Angina pectoris is the most prevalent symptomatic manifestation of ischemic heart disease, frequently leads to a poor quality of life, and is a major cause of medical resource consumption. Since the early descriptions of nitrite and nitrate in the 19th century, there has been considerable advancement in the pharmacologic management of angina. Areas covered Management of chronic angina is often challenging for clinicians. Despite introduction of several pharmacological agents in last few decades, a significant proportion of patients continue to experience symptoms (i.e., refractory angina) with subsequent disability. For the purpose of this review, we searched PubMed and Cochrane databases from inception to August 2016 for the most clinically relevant publications that guide current practice in angina therapy and its development. In this article, we briefly review the pathophysiology of angina and mechanism-based classification of current therapy. This is followed by evidence-based insight into the traditional and novel pharmacotherapeutic agents, highlighting their clinical usefulness. Expert opinion Considering the wide array of available therapies with different mechanism efficacy and limiting factors, a personalized approach is essential, particularly for patients with refractory angina. Ongoing research with novel pharmacologic modalities is likely to provide new options for management of angina. PMID:28264619

  13. Bradycardiac Angina: Haemodynamic Aspects and Treatment* (United States)

    Fowler, P. B. S.; Ikram, H.; Maini, R. N.; Makey, A. R.; Kirkham, J. S.


    A patient with a sinus bradycardia and angina is described who was unable to increase his heart rate on vigorous exercise by more than a few beats. His severe angina was attributed to the bradycardia. Atrial pacing of his heart abolished his angina and increased his exercise tolerance. Circulatory changes at rest, on exertion, and with atrial pacing are described. The cause of angina in this patient is discussed. PMID:5761833

  14. Bradycardiac angina: haemodynamic aspects and treatment. (United States)

    Fowler, P B; Ikram, H; Maini, R N; Makey, A R; Kirkham, J S


    A patient with a sinus bradycardia and angina is described who was unable to increase his heart rate on vigorous exercise by more than a few beats. His severe angina was attributed to the bradycardia. Atrial pacing of his heart abolished his angina and increased his exercise tolerance. Circulatory changes at rest, on exertion, and with atrial pacing are described. The cause of angina in this patient is discussed.

  15. Detection of angina-related coronary artery in patients with unstable angina pectoris by using 123I-BMIPP myocardial scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oka, Toshiaki; Inoue, Seiji; Asano, Ryuta; Handa, Atsushi; Iguchi, Nobuo; Sumiyoshi, Tetsuya; Hosoda, Saichi; Kobayashi, Hideki; Kusakabe, Kiyoko.


    To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of detection of angina-related coronary arteries in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Twenty patients with unstable angina pectoris underwent 123 I-BMIPP scintigraphy at rest. A mean duration from last anginal attack to 123 I-BMIPP scintigraphy was 4.8±3.2 days. Seventeen of 20 angina-related coronary territories were detected by reduced 123 -BMIPP uptake. The sensitivity and specificity for detection of angina-related coronary arteries were 85% and 95%, respectively. The decrease in myocardial uptake of 123 I-BMIPP agreed with the decrease in regional wall motion by using ultrasonic echocardiography. 123 I-BMIPP scintigraphy may be useful for detection of angina-related coronary artery in a routine clinical examination in patients with unstable angina pectoris. (author)

  16. Long-term effects of spinal cord stimulation on angina symptoms and quality of life in patients with refractory angina pectoris--results from the European Angina Registry Link Study (EARL)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andréll, P; Yu, W; Gersbach, P


    To assess the long-term effect of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) on angina symptoms and quality of life in patients with refractory angina pectoris defined as severe angina due to coronary artery disease resistant to conventional pharmacological therapy and/or revascularisation....

  17. Effectiveness of Ivabradine in Treating Stable Angina Pectoris. (United States)

    Ye, Liwen; Ke, Dazhi; Chen, Qingwei; Li, Guiqiong; Deng, Wei; Wu, Zhiqin


    Many studies show that ivabradine is effective for stable angina.This meta-analysis was performed to determine the effect of treatment duration and control group type on ivabradine efficacy in stable angina pectoris.Relevant articles in the English language in the PUBMED and EMBASE databases and related websites were identified by using the search terms "ivabradine," "angina," "randomized controlled trials," and "Iva." The final search date was November 2, 2015.Articles were included if they were published randomized controlled trials that related to ivabradine treatment of stable angina pectoris.Patients with stable angina pectoris were included.The patients were classified according to treatment duration (Angina outcomes were heart rate at rest or peak, exercise duration, and time to angina onset.Seven articles were selected. There were 3747 patients: 2100 and 1647 were in the ivabradine and control groups, respectively. The ivabradine group had significantly longer exercise duration when they had been treated for at least 3 months, but not when treatment time was less than 3 months. Ivabradine significantly improved time to angina onset regardless of treatment duration. Control group type did not influence the effect of exercise duration (significant) or time to angina onset (significant).Compared with beta-blocker and placebo, ivabradine improved exercise duration and time to onset of angina in patients with stable angina. However, its ability to improve exercise duration only became significant after at least 3 months of treatment.

  18. Angina pectoris efter sumatriptan (Imigran)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abrahamsen, Bo; Christiansen, B D


    Developed for the treatment of migraine, sumatriptan is an agonist of 5-hydroxytryptamine-1-receptors. Though a pressure sensation is a common complaint, significant ECG changes have not been reported after subcutaneous administration of sumatriptan. A case history is given where angina pectoris...... after sumatriptan self-administration was experienced on two occasions by a 61-year old man with a history of minor myocardial infarction--without post-infarction angina--two years previously. The angina after sumatriptan was accompanied on both occasions by significant ST-segment depression on ECG...

  19. Manejo de la angina de pecho en el consultorio del Médico de Familia

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    Héctor Conde Cerdeira


    Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión sobre los aspectos clínicos de la angina de pecho haciendo énfasis en el dolor típico que se presenta con los esfuerzos y estrés, con características de ser opresivo, retroesternal, difuso, con irradiación al cuello, mandíbula, hombros y brazo izquierdo, y que se alivia con el reposo y/o la nitroglicerina. Se enuncian los resultados más relevantes del electrocardiograma, el ecocardiograma, la prueba ergométrica y se menciona la utilidad de la angiografía coronaria en estos casos. Por último se brinda la conducta a seguir desde el consultorio del Médico de Familia, referente al tratamiento general y farmacológico, empleando los nitratos, bloqueadores beta, los anticálcicos y los nuevos medicamentos utilizadosA review is made on the clinical aspect of angina pectoris, making emphasis on the typical pain that occurs on effort and stress. This pain is oppressive, retrosternal, diffuse and radiates into the neck, jaw, shoulders and left arm. It relieves by rest and/or nitroglycerine. The most significant results of the electrocardiogram, the echocardiogram and the ergometric test are shown. The usefulness of coronary angiography in these cases is also mentioned. Finally, it is explained the conduct to be followed from the family physician's office in relation to the general and pharmacological treatment by using nitrates, beta blockers, calcium antagonists and new drugs

  20. Angina (United States)

    ... situations that cause these emotions. Exercise and relaxation can help relieve stress. Alcohol and drug use play a part in causing stress and don't relieve it. If stress is a problem for you, talk with your ... angina can continue their normal activities. This includes work, hobbies, ...

  1. Angina - what to ask your doctor (United States)

    What to ask your doctor about angina and heart disease; Coronary artery disease - what to ask your doctor ... the signs and symptoms that I am having angina? Will I always have the same symptoms? What ...

  2. Comparação de biomarcadores inflamatórios entre pacientes diabéticos e não-diabéticos com angina instável Comparación de biomarcadores inflamatorios entre pacientes diabéticos y no-diabéticos con angina inestable Comparison of inflammatory biomarkers between diabetic and non-diabetic patients with unstable angina

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    Marçal de Oliveira Huoya


    concentração de marcadores inflamatórios de fase aguda, independentemente do estado metabólico.FUNDAMENTO: Pocos estudios compararon la actividad inflamatoria entre pacientes diabéticos y no-diabéticos con síndrome coronario agudo, y todavía no se publicó ninguno que investigara solamente a los portadores de angina inestable (AI. OBJETIVO: Este estudio tuvo dos objetivos. En primer lugar, comparar los niveles séricos de proteína C reactiva (PCR y interleuquina-6 (IL-6 en pacientes diabéticos y no-diabéticos con angina inestable (AI para determinar si la diferencia en la actividad inflamatoria justifica el empeoramiento pronóstico en los pacientes diabéticos. En segundo, evaluar la correlación entre los marcadores inflamatorios y el perfil metabólico en pacientes diabéticos y entre la respuesta inflamatoria y los desenlaces hospitalarios, como muerte, infarto agudo de miocardio, insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva y tiempo de hospitalización. MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte prospectiva de 90 pacientes consecutivos, ingresados a la Unidad de Dolor Torácico con angina inestable. Se dividieron a los pacientes en dos grupos: diabéticos y no-diabéticos. Los niveles séricos de PCR e IL-6, el perfil metabólico y el conteo de leucocitos se obtuvieron al ingreso al hospital. RESULTADOS: De todos los pacientes analizados, 42 (47% eran diabéticos (edad 62 ± 9 y 48 (53% no eran diabéticos (edad 63 ± 12. No se encontraron diferencias entre la mediana de la PCR (1,78 vs. 2,23 mg/l, p = 0,74 y de la IL-6 (0 vs. 0 pg/ml, p = 0,31 entre los dos grupos. Hubo una correlación positiva entre la PCR y el colesterol total (rs = 0, 21, p = 0, 05, la PCR y el colesterol LDL (rs = 0,22, p = 0,04 y la PCR y el conteo de leucocitos (rs = 0,32, p = 0,02 en los dos grupos. No se encontró ninguna asociación entre los marcadores inflamatorios y los desenlaces hospitalarios. CONCLUSIÓN: No encontramos diferencia en la actividad inflamatoria entre los pacientes diabéticos y no

  3. Angina pectoris: current therapy and future treatment options. (United States)

    Parikh, Raj; Kadowitz, Philip J


    Angina pectoris is the consequence of an inequality between the demand and supply of blood to the heart. Angina manifests itself as chest pain or discomfort and is a common complaint of patients in the hospital and in the clinic. There are, in fact, roughly half a million new cases of angina per year. Chest pain, while having many etiologies, is generally considered to be most lethal when related to a cardiac cause. In this review, the authors outline the current medical and surgical therapies that are used in the management of angina. Highlights of the various clinical trials that have assisted in the investigation of these therapies are summarized also. Then, the authors provide a focused review of the novel therapy options for angina that are currently being explored. From new medical treatments to revised surgical techniques to the discovery of stem cell therapy, many innovative options are being investigated for the treatment of angina.

  4. Thallium-201 scintigraphy in unstable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wackers, F.J.T.; Lie, K.I.; Liem, K.L.; Sokole, E.B.; Samson, G.; Van Der Schoot, J.B.; Durrer, D.


    Thallium-201 scintigraphy was performed during the pain free period in 98 patients with unstable angina. Scintiscans were positive in 39 patients, questionable in 27 patients and normal in 32 patients. Eighty-one patients responded favorably to treatment (group I). Seventeen patients had complicated courses (group II) and despite maximal treatment with propranolol either developed infarction (six patients) or continued to have angina necessitating coronary surgery (11 patients). In group I during the pain free period 26 of 81 patients had positive thallium-201 scans, whereas 20 patients had an abnormal ECG at that time; during angina 18 patients had transient ECG changes. In group II during the pain free period 13 of 17 patients had positive scans, whereas two patients had abnormal ECG at that time; during angina 12 patients showed transient ECG changes. The sensitivity to recognize group II was 76% for thallium-201 scintigraphy, 11% for ECG during the pain free period; 70% for ECG during angina; 94% for the combination of either positive scans or abnormal ECG. Thus, positive thallium-201 scans occur in patients with unstable angina, positive scans can be obtained during the pain free period, thallium-201 scans are more frequently positive in patients with complicated course

  5. Usefulness of hyperventilation myocardial SPECT for diagnosing vasospastic angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tahara, Yorio; Shimoyama, Katsuya; Nishimura, Tooru; Sasaki, Akira; Taya, Makoto; Mizuno, Haruyoshi; Ono, Akifumi; Tsuya, Tsuneo; Ishikawa, Kyozo


    We evaluated the usefulness of hyperventilation myocardial scintigraphy (HV-SPECT) for diagnosing vasospastic angina pectoris. The subjects consisted of 11 patients with rest angina and 13 with rest and exertional angina in whom coronary spasm was demonstrated by coronary angiography, and 6 with exertional angina in whom a significant stenotic lesion was observed by coronary angiography. Hyperventilation was performed at a rate of 40/min for 5 minutes in all the patients. Ischemia was considered to be present when defect and redistribution were observed by SPECT. HV-SPECT revealed positive findings in 8 patients with rest angina (73%) and 9 with exertional and rest angina (69%) but only in 1 with exertional angina (17%). Ischemic ST changes on monitor ECG were observed in 13 of the 30 patients (43%); ST was enhanced in 4 patients and depressed in 9 patients. In the patients with rest angina, HV-SPECT induced ischemic findings more frequently than exercise SPECT (73% vs 55%). HV-SPECT seems to be useful as a non-invasive method for diagnosing angina pectoris resulting from coronary spasm. (author)

  6. La biolixiviación como pretratamiento de menas auríferas refractarias en matriz de sulfuros

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    Iglesias, N.


    Full Text Available In this paper the effectiveness of bacterial leaching as a pretreatment of gold ores bearing sulphide minerals is analysed. Three kinds of matrixes are studied: pyrite, arsenopyrite and copper sulphides. It is concluded that bacterial leaching is an effective pretreatment for these refractory gold-bearing ores. In the case of a pyrite matrix a direct contact between the mineral and the microorganisms is necessary. In the case of copper or/and arsenic sulphide matrix, bacterial leaching may be carried out by indirect contact mechanism with effects separation, thus allowing faster kinetics than conventional bioleaching processes. This kinetic improvement reduces operation times and so the capital and operating costs. In a future, this fact may result in the enlargement of the profitable gold ore reserves, incorporating minerals that, at present, are not considered gold ores since there is not a technology, feasible from an economic point of view, for their treatment.

    En este trabajo se analiza la eficacia de la biolixiviación en el pretratamiento de un conjunto de minerales auríferos en los que la refractariedad viene provocada por la presencia de sulfuros metálicos. Se estudian tres tipos de matrices: pirita, arsenopirita y sulfuros de cobre. Se concluye que la biolixiviación es un pretratamiento eficaz para estos tipos de menas refractarias de oro. En el caso de menas en matriz de pirita es necesario el contacto directo entre el sulfuro y los microorganismos. En el caso de menas en matriz de sulfuros de cobre y/o de sulfuros de arsénico, la biolixiviación puede realizarse por un mecanismo de contacto indirecto con separación de efectos, lo que permite alcanzar una cinética mucho más rápida que la de los procesos convencionales de biolixiviación. Esta mejora cinética reduce los tiempos de operación con el consecuente abaratamiento de instalaciones y coste de operación. Este hecho, en un futuro, puede significar la ampliaci

  7. Coronary hemodynamics in vasospastic angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumura, Kentaro; Kubota, Shinobu; Serizawa, Takashi; Nakase, Emiko; Kawai, Ichiro; Saito, Takayuki


    To evaluate the coronary circulation and myocardial perfusion dynamics, we performed left coronary digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in 35 patients with vasospastic angina. The left coronary circulation time (CCT) measured from the proximal left coronary artery to the coronary sinus was 5.77±0.86 sec, and the left epicardial conducting artery transmission time (CAT) measured from the proximal left coronary artery to the apical area was 2.65±0.82 sec in normal controls. The CCT and CAT were significantly prolonged in patients with vasospastic angina, indicating that the coronary peripheral vascular resistance is probably greater after the cessation of nitrates and Ca ++ -antagonists. After the intracoronary injection of ergonovine malate, the CCT was slightly shortened, but the apical T 1/2 was significantly prolonged in patients with vasospastic angina. This suggested that coronary vasospasm is present not only in the epicardial arteries but also in coronary arteries with peripheral resistance. These phenomena were not observed in normal controls. We performed left coronary DSA after conventional left coronary cineangiography. When the CCT exceeded 6.7 sec, we considered that the coronary circulation was significantly impaired. We concluded that the coronary DSA is very useful for evaluating abnormal coronary circulation in patients with vasospastic angina during myocardial perfusion. (author)

  8. Angioplastia del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda no protegido en pacientes con alto riesgo quirúrgico

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    Victor Mauro


    Full Text Available IntroducciónEl tratamiento de elección de la enfermedad del tronco de la coronaria izquierda (TCI es la cirugía de revascularización miocárdica (CRM. Un número creciente de pacientes presenta comorbilidades y/o inestabilidad clínica que condicionan un alto riesgo quirúrgico.ObjetivosEvaluar los resultados de la angioplastia (ATC del TCI no protegido en pacientes con alto riesgo para CRM (EUROSCORE = 6.Material y métodosDe 59 pacientes con ATC de TCI no protegido se excluyeron 8 con infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM en shock cardiogénico y 12 sin características de alto riesgo; de los restantes pacientes de alto riesgo fueron objeto de este estudio los 32 tratados con stents convencionales.Se comparó la mortalidad hospitalaria predicha por EUROSCORE logístico con la observada, así como la incidencia de complicaciones mayores y su evolución alejada.ResultadosLa mediana de edad fue de 76,5 años, el 41% tenía 80 años o más, el 22% eran mujeres, el 28% diabéticos, el 56% tenía disfunción ventricular moderada a grave, el 31% insuficiencia renal crónica, el 50% vasculopatía periférica, el 53% angina refractaria, el 22% IAM reciente, el 28% procedimientos de emergencia y la mediana de EUROSCORE fue de 10,5 puntos.El 41% de los pacientes presentaban compromiso del TCI distal. El éxito angiográfico fue del 94%. Se utilizaron inhibidores IIb/IIIa en el 47%, cutting balloon en el 28%, Rotablator® en el 3% y balón de contrapulsación en el 31%. En todos se implantó un stent y en el 50% se trataron otras obstrucciones.La mortalidad hospitalaria fue del 3,1% (intervalo de confianza del 95% 0,2%-14,5%, p = 0,003, en tanto que la predicha era del 23,8%. Ningún paciente presentó déficit neurológico, IAM transmural ni requirió diálisis. Un paciente debió ser sometido a CRM electiva por fracaso del procedimiento.La mediana de seguimiento fue de 15,5 meses, período en el que se registraron 6 muertes (2 cardiovasculares y 4

  9. The economic burden of angina on households in South Asia (United States)


    Background Globally, an estimated 54 million people have angina, 16 million of whom are from the WHO South-East Asia region. Despite the increasing burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in South Asia, there is no evidence of an economic burden of angina on households in this region. We investigated the economic burden of angina on households in South Asia. Methods We applied a novel propensity score matching approach to assess the economic burden of angina on household out-of-pocket (OOP) health spending, borrowing or selling assets, non-medical consumption expenditure, and employment status of angina-affected individual using nationally representative World Health Survey data from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka collected during 2002-2003. We used multiple matching methods to match households where the respondent reported symptomatic or diagnosed angina with control households with similar propensity scores. Results Angina-affected households had significantly higher OOP health spending per person in the four weeks preceding the survey than matched controls, in Bangladesh (I$1.94, p = 0.04), in Nepal (I$4.68, p = 0.03) and in Sri Lanka (I$1.99, p angina-affected households relative to matched controls in India (9.60%, p Angina-affected households significantly relied on borrowing or selling assets to finance OOP health expenses in Bangladesh (6%, p = 0.03), India (8.20%, p angina-affected individual remained mostly unaffected. We adjusted our estimates for comorbidities, but limitations on comorbidity data in the WHS mean that our results may be upwardly biased. Conclusions Households that had the respondent reporting angina in South Asia face an economic burden of OOP health expenses (primarily on drugs and other outpatient expenses), and tend to rely on borrowing or selling assets. Our analysis underscores the need to protect South Asian households from the financial burden of CVD. PMID:24548585

  10. Bypass surgery versus stenting for the treatment of multivessel disease in patients with unstable angina compared with stable angina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    P.J. de Feyter (Pim); P. van den Heuvel; F. Unger (Felix); R. Beyar; W.K. Lindeboom (Wietze); V. de Valk (Vincent); S. Milo; R. Simon (Rudiger); G.F.O. Tyers (Frank); D. Regensburger; P.A. Crean (Peter); I.M. Penn (Ian); E. McGovern; C. van Cauwelaert; P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick)


    textabstractBACKGROUND: Earlier reports have shown that the outcome of balloon angioplasty or bypass surgery in unstable angina is less favorable than in stable angina. Recent improvements in percutaneous treatment (stent implantation) and bypass surgery (arterial grafts) warrant reevaluation of the

  11. Caracterización de los síntomas de angina en hombres adultos con cateterismo cardíaco positivo para enfermedad coronaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clemencia Bernal


    Full Text Available Introducción: en Colombia la enfermedad coronaria ocasionó 29.394 muertes en 2011 ocupando el primer lugar como causa de mortalidad, según el Departamento Nacional de Estadística. Es importante disminuir el tiempo entre el inicio de los síntomas y el tratamiento, etapa en que la sintomatología, la interpretación y la manifestación del paciente son esenciales, así como su reconocimiento por parte del personal de salud para la definición oportuna del tratamiento. Objetivo: describir los síntomas de angina de un grupo de hombres con edades entre 40 y 80 años, con cateterismo cardíaco positivo para enfermedad coronaria en el marco de la teoría de Elizabeth Lenz según factores determinantes, dimensiones y consecuencias del síntoma. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo. Se realizó entrevista semiestructurada a 27 hombres en relación con las características de los síntomas experimentados y se analizó la información mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: categorías emergentes relevantes dentro de factores determinantes: "Pienso que hice un sobreesfuerzo", "No controlo la comida", "Es la herencia", "Tanto estrés". Dimensiones: las palabras más utilizadas fueron: "dolor", a veces acompañado de "presión" en el pecho y "dolor de oreja a oreja". Irradiación a brazo izquierdo y ocasionalmente a espalda. Síntomas acompañantes: gastrointestinales, fatiga y hormigueo. Consecuencias: "Me toca cambiar", "Nada va a cambiar", "Me va a afectar". Conclusiones: se obtuvo un perfil característico que refleja la forma de vivir la enfermedad coronaria que facilita la comprensión del fenómeno y que orienta los cuidados pertinentes.

  12. [Treatment aspects of unstable angina. Costs and payments for DRG]. (United States)

    Brunelli, C; Spallarossa, P; Pasdera, A; Bezante, G P; Zorzet, F; Rossettin, P


    Patients with unstable angina fall into a wide prognostic and therapeutic spectrum but, in general, have great access to specialty care and invasive procedures. In the modern era, in which admissions for unstable angina outnumber those for myocardial infarction, and growing economic pressures are placed on health care systems, cardiologists must re-examine clinical strategies for treating unstable angina in the light of health-cost accounting. The aims of the present study were to examine the current management of patients admitted to our cardiology department and to calculate the medical costs. A patient schedule was drawn up to prospectively register the number and type of cardiac processes carried out during hospitalization for all unstable angina patients in the period between March 1st and May 30th, 1995. Time (minutes) actually spent by both physicians and nurses for each cardiac process were carefully recorded in order to calculate the activity budget. The effective economic budget was built for each cardiac process taking into account salaries, consumable supplies, equipment service contracts, depreciation and indirect medical and non medical costs for CCU and ward. Based to the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) system, 53 out of 318 patients (16%) were admitted with documented or suspected unstable angina and allocated to discharge into four DRGs: DRG 140-medically treated unstable angina: 18 patients; DRG 124-unstable angina with angiography: 16 patients; DRG 122-unstable angina evolving in myocardial infarction: 6 patients; DRG 112-unstable angina with angioplasty: 13 patients. The mean cost for hospitalized patient with unstable angina was 5,574,958 Italian Liras (DRG 140 = 2,687,719; DRG 124 = 2,800,347; DRG 122 = 6,086,563; DRG 112 = 12,751,454). The difference in costs was essentially related to the procedures involved in medical care, DRGs with expensive cardiac processes having higher costs. Furthermore, these data show a deep discrepancy between

  13. Angina in Women Can Be Different Than Men (United States)

    ... Peripheral Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Angina in Women Can Be Different Than Men Updated: ... stops, so do the symptoms. So why would angina symptoms be different in women and men? Heart ...

  14. Ranolazin--ny behandling af kronisk stabil angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahlehoff, Ole; Hansen, Peter Riis


    Ranolazine sustained-release tablets were recently approved in the EU for chronic stable angina as add-on therapy when symptoms are not controlled with first-line agents. The mechanism of action is thought to involve inhibition of late sodium influx in the heart, which can reduce abnormalities...... of contractility and repolarisation associated with ischaemia. Ranolazine increases the exercise capacity, reduces angina, and diminishes the use of nitroglycerine. The drug has an excellent safety profile and may be a valuable addition to the treatment of chronic stable angina....

  15. Variant (Prinzmetal's) Form of Angina Pectoris Manifesting in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , which has been termed the variant or atypical form of angina pectoris. The distribution of the pain is identical with the classic form of angina pectoris, being substernal with radiation to the jaw and down the ulnar surfaces of ...

  16. The sensitivity of the symptom angina pectoris as a marker of transient myocardial ischaemia in chronic stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egstrup, K


    Therapeutic decisions in patients with angina pectoris are traditionally based on the history reported by the patient, since objective evidence of myocardial ischaemia during daily life is often not available. In this study, ambulatory ST segment monitoring was performed in 60 patients with a his......Therapeutic decisions in patients with angina pectoris are traditionally based on the history reported by the patient, since objective evidence of myocardial ischaemia during daily life is often not available. In this study, ambulatory ST segment monitoring was performed in 60 patients...... with a history of chronic stable angina pectoris, positive exercise test and/or positive coronary angiography, and a correlation was made between the episodes of chest pain and ST segment change. The patients were grouped according to the results of exercise testing and coronary arteriography, and one group...... was studied with and without antianginal medication. Overall, 195 episodes of angina were noted, only 94 of which (48%) were accompanied by ST segment depression. Pain and ST segment changes were best correlated in patients with a positive exercise test, positive angiography and who were not receiving...

  17. The economic burden of angina on households in South Asia. (United States)

    Alam, Khurshid; Mahal, Ajay


    Globally, an estimated 54 million people have angina, 16 million of whom are from the WHO South-East Asia region. Despite the increasing burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in South Asia, there is no evidence of an economic burden of angina on households in this region. We investigated the economic burden of angina on households in South Asia. We applied a novel propensity score matching approach to assess the economic burden of angina on household out-of-pocket (OOP) health spending, borrowing or selling assets, non-medical consumption expenditure, and employment status of angina-affected individual using nationally representative World Health Survey data from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka collected during 2002-2003. We used multiple matching methods to match households where the respondent reported symptomatic or diagnosed angina with control households with similar propensity scores. Angina-affected households had significantly higher OOP health spending per person in the four weeks preceding the survey than matched controls, in Bangladesh (I$1.94, p = 0.04), in Nepal (I$4.68, p = 0.03) and in Sri Lanka (I$1.99, p finance OOP health expenses in Bangladesh (6%, p = 0.03), India (8.20%, p < 0.01) and Sri Lanka (7.80%, p = 0.01). However, impoverishment, non-medical consumption expenditure and employment status of the angina-affected individual remained mostly unaffected. We adjusted our estimates for comorbidities, but limitations on comorbidity data in the WHS mean that our results may be upwardly biased. Households that had the respondent reporting angina in South Asia face an economic burden of OOP health expenses (primarily on drugs and other outpatient expenses), and tend to rely on borrowing or selling assets. Our analysis underscores the need to protect South Asian households from the financial burden of CVD.

  18. [Current Treatment of Stable Angina]. (United States)

    Toggweiler, Stefan; Jamshidi, Peiman; Cuculi, Florim


    Current therapy for stable angina includes surgical and percutaneous revascularization, which has been improved tremendously over the last decades. Smoking cessation and regular exercise are the cornerstone for prevention of further cerebrovascular events. Medical treatment includes treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and antithrombotic management, which can be a challenge in some patients. Owing to the fact the coronary revascularization is readily accessible these days in many industrialized countries, the importance of antianginal therapy has decreased over the past years. This article presents a contemporary overview of the management of patients with stable angina in the year 2015.

  19. Diagnostic possibilities of radionuclide investigation in patterns with stable and unstable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ponomareva, A.G.; Zudbinov, Yu.I.; Sokolov, O.K.; Kudinov, V.I.


    Myocardial radiocardiography and scintigraphy with 99m Tc-pyrophosphate was performed in 58 patients with stable angina and 60 patients with unstable angina. In patients with stable angina, positive scintigrams were mostly recorded after anginal attacks. Their central hemodynamic parameters deteriorated progressively as angina increased in severity. Patients with unstable angina typically showed myocardial accumulation of the label that was unrelated to anginal attacks and recordable by direct-projection scintigraphy. The assessment of myocardial radiocardiographic and scintigraphic data allows one to differentiate between stable and unstable angina

  20. Gluconate heart scan in angina pectoris patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duska, F.; Novak, J.; Kvasnicka, J.; Vizda, J.; Kubicek, J.; Kafka, P.; Palicka, V.; Hlava, A.


    Scintigraphic examination using 99m Tc-gluconate was carried out of the condition of the myocardium in 6 patients with a clinical diagnosis of angina pectoris of diverse severity. In all six cases the scan was negative. The results confirmed the previous experimental findings. 99m Tc-gluconate is thereby not suitable for the scintigraphic diagnosis of angina pectoris. (author) 13 refs., 1 tab., 1 fig

  1. Analysis of Plasma Homocysteine Levels in Patients with Unstable Angina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Roberto Tavares


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE - To determine the prevalence of hyperhomocystinemia in patients with acute ischemic syndrome of the unstable angina type. METHODS - We prospectively studied 46 patients (24 females with unstable angina and 46 control patients (19 males, paired by sex and age, blinded to the laboratory data. Details of diets, smoking habits, medication used, body mass index, and the presence of hypertension and diabetes were recorded, as were plasma lipid and glucose levels, C-reactive protein, and lipoperoxidation in all participants. Patients with renal disease were excluded. Plasma homocysteine was estimated using high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTS - Plasma homocysteine levels were significantly higher in the group of patients with unstable angina (12.7±6.7 µmol/L than in the control group (8.7±4.4 µmol/L (p<0.05. Among males, homocystinemia was higher in the group with unstable angina than in the control group, but this difference was not statistically significant (14.1±5.9 µmol/L versus 11.9±4.2 µmol/L. Among females, however, a statistically significant difference was observed between the 2 groups: 11.0±7.4 µmol/L versus 6.4±2.9 µmol/L (p<0.05 in the unstable angina and control groups, respectively. Approximately 24% of the patients had unstable angina at homocysteine levels above 15 µmol/L. CONCLUSION - High homocysteine levels seem to be a relevant prevalent factor in the population with unstable angina, particularly among females.

  2. Frequency of Angina Pectoris After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and the Effect of Metallic Stent Type. (United States)

    Gaglia, Michael A; Torguson, Rebecca; Lipinski, Michael J; Gai, Jiaxiang; Koifman, Edward; Kiramijyan, Sarkis; Negi, Smita; Rogers, Toby; Steinvil, Arie; Suddath, William O; Satler, Lowell F; Pichard, Augusto D; Waksman, Ron


    Although metallic coronary stents significantly reduce angina pectoris compared with optimal medical therapy, angina after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) remains frequent. We, therefore, sought to compare the incidence of any angina during the 1 year after PCI among the spectrum of commercially available metallic stents. Metallic stent type was classified as bare metal stent, Cypher, Taxus Express, Xience V, Promus Element, and Resolute. The primary end point was patient-reported angina within 1 year of PCI. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to assess the independent association of stent type with any angina at 1 year. Overall, 8,804 patients were queried in regard to angina symptoms; 32.3% experienced angina at some point in the first year after PCI. Major adverse cardiovascular events, a composite of all-cause mortality, target vessel revascularization, and Q-wave myocardial infarction, increased with angina severity: 6.8% for patients without angina, 10.0% for patients with class 1 or 2 angina, and 19.7% for patients with class 3 or 4 angina (p angina at 1 year after PCI. Baseline Canadian Cardiovascular Society class 3 or 4 angina, history of coronary artery bypass grafting, and history of PCI were associated with a higher likelihood of angina at 1 year; increasing age, male gender, presentation with acute coronary syndrome, and higher stented length were associated with less angina. In conclusion, metallic stent type is not associated with the occurrence of angina at up to 1 year after PCI. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Abdominal angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, G.J.; Stewart, J.; Holden, R.W.; Yune, H.Y.; Mail, J.T.; Klatte, E.C.


    Abdominal angina due to occlusive disease of the mesenteric arteries has been the to become clinically manifest only in the presence of severe disease in at least two of the following vessels: celiac, SMA, and IMA. Still, many patients who gradually develop significant two-vessel disease have few or no associated symptoms. Differences in collateral circulation and in cardiac index account for some of the clinical variation. The usual clinical manifestations include severe post-prandial pain, sitophobia (fear of eating because of the anticipated symptoms), and profound weight loss. Uncommonly, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting may be encountered. Smoking is a common historical feature. Most series document a female predilection. Aside from occasional abdominal bruits and (more commonly) findings of peripheral vascular occlusive disease, the physical exam discloses only cachexia. But the differential diagnosis of profound weight loss is extensive. Therefore, abdominal angina has always created a diagnostic challenge. Multiple imaging modalities are often employed, and a seemingly negative evaluation often culminates in biplane aortography. The latter typically reveals stenoses and/or occlusions in at least two of the three mesenteric arteries. The authors discuss how a variety of surgical treatments, including thromboendarterectomy and bypass grafting, have evolved. Recently reported results have been excellent

  4. Effectiveness of acupuncture for angina pectoris: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. (United States)

    Yu, Changhe; Ji, Kangshou; Cao, Huijuan; Wang, Ying; Jin, Hwang Hye; Zhang, Zhe; Yang, Guanlin


    The purpose of this systematic review is to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture for angina pectoris. Eleven electronic databases were searched until January 2013. The study included randomized controlled trials that the effectiveness of acupuncture alone was compared to anti-angina medicines (in addition to conventional treatment) and the effectiveness of a combination of acupuncture plus anti-angina medicines was compared to anti-angina medicines alone. The trial selection, data extraction, quality assessment and data analytic procedures outlined in the 2011 Cochrane Handbook were involved. The study included 25 randomized controlled trials (involving 2,058 patients) that met our inclusion criteria. The pooled results showed that the number of patients with ineffectiveness of angina relief was less in the combined acupuncture-anti-angina treatment group than in the anti-angina medicines alone group (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.23-0.47, p angina medicines alone group, fewer patients in the combined treatment group showed no ECG improvement (RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.40-0.62, p angina medicines alone for both outcome measures. Only four trials mentioned adverse effects. One trial found no significant difference between acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and three reported no adverse events. The quality of the trials was found to be low. The findings showed very low evidence to support the use of acupuncture for improving angina symptoms and ECG of angina patients. However, the quality of the trials included in this study was low. Large and rigorously designed trials are needed to confirm the potential benefit and adverse events of acupuncture.

  5. Positron emission tomography in the diagnosis of variant angina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jessurun, GAJ; Meeder, JG; Tio, RA

    The diagnosis of coronary vasospasm in chronic vasospastic angina is established by the history of typical nocturnal angina pectoris with rapid relief after sublingual nitroglycerin, concomitant ST-segment elevation on the electrocardiogram and a recent normal coronary angiogram, True vasospasm may

  6. Ablación miocárdica septal transluminal percutánea en pacientes con miocardiopatía hipertrófica septal obstructiva: Resultados agudos y seguimiento a 3 años


    Llamas-Esperón,Guillermo A.; Loera Pinales,Armando; Sandoval Navarrete,Santiago; Zamora Muciño,Alberto; Ramírez Robledo,Miguel A.; Varela Ortiz,Samuel; Casas Juárez,Ulices; Fuantos Delgado,María de la Luz; Albarrán Domínguez,Javier; Muñoz Sandoval,Rocío; Sandoval Rodríguez,Eufracino; Ruiz Esparza,M. Eugenia


    Objetivo: Reportar los resultados agudos y a largo plazo de la ablación miocárdica septal transluminal percutánea (AMSTP) como tratamiento de la miocardiopatía hipertrófica septal obstructiva (MHSO). La AMSTP se considera una alternativa del tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con MHSO y sintomatología refractaria a otras opciones de tratamiento. La respuesta aguda suele ser satisfactoria, pero los resultados a largo plazo no se han descrito de forma suficiente. Métodos: Realizamos AMSTP en 8...

  7. Severe angina pectoris in asthma attack: a case report. (United States)

    Nabavizadeh, Seyed Hesamedin; Farahbakhsh, Nazanin; Fazel, Ali; Mosavat, Fereshteh; Anushiravani, Amir


    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways related to the obstruction of reversible airflow. Asthma presents as recurrent attacks of cough and dyspnea. Poor control causes recurrent admissions to the ICU, and mortality is related to poor drug compliance and follow-up. Angina pectoris is a syndrome of recurrent chest discomfort related to myocardial ischemia. The presence of these two disorders rarely has been reported. We reported a 12-year-old boy who was referred with exacerbation of asthma and developed angina pectoris during hospitalization. He had labored breathing and diffuse wheezing. During treatment of the asthma, the patient developed severe chest pain due to shunt formation and coronary hypoxia, caused by the sole administration of ventolin, since oxygen had been disconnected. After receiving appropriate therapy, both his asthma and angina recovered, and, to date, he has not experienced angina pectoris again.

  8. Residual Angina After Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus. (United States)

    Grodzinsky, Anna; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Tang, Fengming; Jones, Philip G; McGuire, Darren K; Spertus, John A; Beltrame, John F; Jang, Jae-Sik; Goyal, Abhinav; Butala, Neel M; Yeh, Robert W; Arnold, Suzanne V


    Previous studies suggest that among patients with stable coronary artery disease, patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have less angina and more silent ischemia when compared with those without DM. However, the burden of angina in diabetic versus nondiabetic patients after elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has not been recently examined. In a 10-site US PCI registry, we assessed angina before and at 1, 6, and 12 months after elective PCI with the Seattle Angina Questionnaire angina frequency score (range, 0-100, higher=better). We also examined the rates of antianginal medication prescriptions at discharge. A multivariable, repeated-measures Poisson model was used to examine the independent association of DM with angina over the year after treatment. Among 1080 elective PCI patients (mean age, 65 years; 74.7% men), 34.0% had DM. At baseline and at each follow-up, patients with DM had similar angina prevalence and severity as those without DM. Patients with DM were more commonly prescribed calcium channel blockers and long-acting nitrates at discharge (DM versus not: 27.9% versus 20.9% [ P =0.01] and 32.8% versus 25.5% [ P =0.01], respectively), whereas β-blockers and ranolazine were prescribed at similar rates. In the multivariable, repeated-measures model, the risk of angina was similar over the year after PCI in patients with versus without DM (relative risk, 1.04; range, 0.80-1.36). Patients with stable coronary artery disease and DM exhibit a burden of angina that is at least as high as those without DM despite more antianginal prescriptions at discharge. These findings contradict the conventional teachings that patients with DM experience less angina because of silent ischemia. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  9. Angina pectoris in a child with sickle cell anemia. (United States)

    Hamilton, W; Rosenthal, A; Berwick, D; Nadas, A S


    A 7-year-old black boy with sickle cell disease, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, mild left ventricular dysfunction, and normal coronary arteries developed angina pectoris five months after cessation of hypertransfusion therapy. Exercise-induced ECG ST segment depression associated with angina disappeared following transfusion therapy.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. M. Sokolov


    Full Text Available Possibilities of angina pectoris pharmacotherapy are analyzed. Achievement of target heart rate (HR 55-60 beats per minute in these patients is possible due to three classes of antianginal medications that slow down HR: beta blockers (BB, If-channel inhibitors, nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (CCB. Nondihydropyridine CCB verapamil in slow release (SR formulation is focused. The main results of randomized clinical trials (APSIS, VHAS, CRIS, EVERESTH, VAMPHYRE, INVEST, VESPA, DAVIT-1, DAVIT-2, which have proven efficacy and safety, are presented. Verapamil SR is indicated for the treatment of angina pectoris in patients without history of myocardial infarction (MI; angina patients experienced MI without systolic heart failure and with contraindications to BB; angina with arterial hypertension; left ventricular diastolic dysfunction; peripheral arteries obliterating atherosclerosis; silent myocardial ischemia; vasospastic angina; angina associated with supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias (especially in permanent atrial fibrillation except Wolff-Parkinson-White and Lown-Ganong-Levine syndromes; after coronary angioplasty and the placement of bare metal stents.

  11. pectorIs of labetalol in with angina Beneficial effect hypertensive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 15, 1983 ... The treatment of angina pectoris in patients with arterial hyper- ..... An alternative mechanism whereby labetalol may reduce angina pectoris is .... alpha and beta adrenergic receptor blockade on myocardial cell necrosis after.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Y. V. Gavrilov


    Full Text Available Aim. To evaluate antianginal and antiischemic efficiency of nebivolol in patients with stable angina pectoris.Material and methods. 100 patients with ischemic heart disease showing stable exertional angina pectoris and having no contraindications to beta-blockers were studied. After 5-7 days of control period 50 randomly selected patients began to take nebivolol in initial dose of 5mg once daily and 50 patients started to take metoprolol in initial dose of 50 mg twice daily. Duration of treatment was 8 weeks. Efficiency of treatment was assessed according to the results of control treadmill assessment and control daily ECG monitoring.Results. 56-day therapy with nebivolol at a dose of 7,5 mg per day results in increase in duration of treadmill test before angina or ST depression (p<0.05. Antianginal and antiischemic effect of nebivolol 7.5 mg once daily is rather similar with that of metoprolol in average daily dose of 175 mg. Nebivolol compared to metoprolol significantly (p<0.05 more effectively reduces the number of silent myocardial ischemia.Conclusion. Nebivolol is an efficient antianginal and antiischemic drug for patients with stable exertional angina pectoris.

  13. Structural and Functional Coronary Artery Abnormalities in Patients With Vasospastic Angina Pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ong, Peter; Aziz, Ahmed; Hansen, Henrik Steen


    Coronary spasm is involved in many clinical scenarios, such as stable angina, acute coronary syndrome, sudden cardiac death, non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia and syncope. In recent years, imaging tools such as computerized tomographic angiography, intravascular ultrasound or optical...... coherence tomography have been applied to study the coronary pathology in patients with vasospastic angina. Patients with vasospastic angina represent a heterogeneous cohort of patients with regard to the extent of concomitant coronary atherosclerosis. They share the common pathophysiological phenomenon...... of this article is to review structural and functional coronary artery abnormalities in patients with vasospastic angina....



    Z. M. Sizova; E. V. Shikh; V. L. Zakharova; E. V. Smirnova


    Aim. To evaluate antianginal efficacy and safety of nicorandil for angina attack prevention and relief in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and symptoms of stable angina class 2-3.Material and methods. 30 patients with stable angina class 2-3 (17 men, 13 women; aged 58.6±5.8 y.o.) were included into the study. All patients received amlodipine 10 mg QD within 2 weeks. For angina attack relief patients used nicorandil 10-20 mg and in case of its inefficacy — nitroglycerin. In 2 weeks a...

  15. Dental Calculus Links Statistically to Angina Pectoris: 26-Year Observational Study. (United States)

    Söder, Birgitta; Meurman, Jukka H; Söder, Per-Östen


    Dental infections, such as periodontitis, associate with atherosclerosis and its complications. We studied a cohort followed-up since 1985 for incidence of angina pectoris with the hypothesis that calculus accumulation, proxy for poor oral hygiene, links to this symptom. In our Swedish prospective cohort study of 1676 randomly selected subjects followed-up for 26 years. In 1985 all subjects underwent clinical oral examination and answered a questionnaire assessing background variables such as socio-economic status and pack-years of smoking. By using data from the Center of Epidemiology, Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden we analyzed the association of oral health parameters with the prevalence of in-hospital verified angina pectoris classified according to the WHO International Classification of Diseases, using descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis. Of the 1676 subjects, 51 (28 women/23 men) had been diagnosed with angina pectoris at a mean age of 59.8 ± 2.9 years. No difference was observed in age and gender between patients with angina pectoris and subjects without. Neither was there any difference in education level and smoking habits (in pack years), Gingival index and Plaque index between the groups. Angina pectoris patients had significantly more often their first maxillary molar tooth extracted (d. 16) than the other subjects (p = 0.02). Patients also showed significantly higher dental calculus index values than the subjects without angina pectoris (p = 0.01). Multiple regression analysis showed odds ratio 2.21 (95% confidence interval 1.17-4.17) in the association between high calculus index and angina pectoris (p = 0.015). Our study hypothesis was confirmed by showing for the first time that high dental calculus score indeed associated with the incidence of angina pectoris in this cohort study.

  16. Efficacy of anipamil, a phenylalkylamine calcium antagonist, in treatment of angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørum, C; Larsen, C T; Rasmussen, Verner


    To evaluate the efficacy of anipamil, a phenylalkylamine calcium antagonist, in treatment of stable angina pectoris, we performed a randomized, double blind placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Inclusion criteria were (a) stable angina pectoris for at least 2 months, (b) an exercise test...... with > or = 0.1-mV horizontal or downsloping ST-segment depression limited by angina, and (c) at least 10 attacks of angina pectoris in a single-blind 3-week run-in period. Nineteen patients were randomized to enter the study. In 3-week periods, they received either anipamil 80 mg once daily (o.d.), anipamil...... 160 mg o.d., or placebo. At the end of each period, an exercise test was performed. The number of angina pectoris attacks was significantly reduced during treatment with anipamil 80 mg (p

  17. Recent advances in the management of chronic stable angina II. Anti-ischemic therapy, options for refractory angina, risk factor reduction, and revascularization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard Kones


    Full Text Available Richard KonesThe Cardiometabolic Research Institute, Houston, Texas, USAAbstract: The objectives in treating angina are relief of pain and prevention of disease ­progression through risk reduction. Mechanisms, indications, clinical forms, doses, and side effects of the traditional antianginal agents – nitrates, ß-blockers, and calcium channel ­blockers – are reviewed. A number of patients have contraindications or remain unrelieved from anginal discomfort with these drugs. Among newer alternatives, ranolazine, recently approved in the United States, indirectly prevents the intracellular calcium overload involved in cardiac ischemia and is a welcome addition to available treatments. None, however, are disease-modifying agents. Two options for refractory angina, enhanced external counterpulsation and spinal cord stimulation (SCS, are presented in detail. They are both well-studied and are effective means of treating at least some patients with this perplexing form of angina. Traditional modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD – smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, ­diabetes, and obesity – account for most of the population-attributable risk. Individual therapy of high-risk patients differs from population-wide efforts to prevent risk factors from appearing or reducing their severity, in order to lower the national burden of disease. Current American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines to lower risk in patients with chronic angina are reviewed. The Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Revascularization and Aggressive Drug Evaluation (COURAGE trial showed that in patients with stable angina, optimal medical therapy alone and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI with medical therapy were equal in preventing myocardial infarction and death. The integration of COURAGE results into current practice is discussed. For patients who are unstable, with very high risk, with left main coronary artery lesions, in

  18. Selection of medical treatment in stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ardissino, D; Savonitto, S; Egstrup, K


    pectoris. BACKGROUND: The characteristics of anginal symptoms and the results of exercise testing are considered of great importance for selecting medical treatment in patients with chronic stable angina pectoris. However, little information is available on how this first evaluation may be used to select....... CONCLUSIONS: The results of a baseline exercise test, but not the characteristics of anginal symptoms, may offer useful information for selecting medical treatment in stable angina pectoris....

  19. Ludwig's angina after severe thrombocytopenic purpura associated with dengue fever

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Antonia Campos


    Full Text Available Here, we report a case of Ludwig's angina, which required surgery because of toothache. The patient had dengue and severe thrombocytopenia as confirmed by clinical and laboratory diagnoses. However, dengue is not included among the predisposing factors for Ludwig's angina.

  20. Economic impact of angina after an acute coronary syndrome: insights from the MERLIN-TIMI 36 trial. (United States)

    Arnold, Suzanne V; Morrow, David A; Lei, Yang; Cohen, David J; Mahoney, Elizabeth M; Braunwald, Eugene; Chan, Paul S


    Angina in patients with coronary artery disease is associated with worse quality of life; however, the relationship between angina frequency and resource utilization is unknown. Using data from the MERLIN-TIMI 36 trial, we assessed the association between the extent of angina after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and subsequent cardiovascular resource utilization among 5460 stable outpatients who completed the Seattle Angina Questionnaire at 4 months after an ACS and who were then followed for an additional 8 months. Angina frequency was categorized as none (score, 100; 2739 patients), monthly (score, 61 to 99; 1608 patients), weekly (score, 31 to 60; 854 patients), and daily (score, 0 to 30; 259 patients). Multivariable regression models evaluated the association between angina frequency and overall costs attributable to cardiovascular hospitalizations, outpatient visits and procedures, and medications. As compared with no angina, overall costs increased in a graded fashion with higher angina frequency-no angina, $2928 (reference); monthly angina, $3909 (adjusted relative cost ratio, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.21 to 1.39); weekly angina, $4558 (adjusted relative cost ratio, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.48 to 1.67); and daily angina, $6949 (adjusted relative cost ratio, 2.32; 95% CI, 2.01 to 2.69; P for trend 2-fold increase in resource utilization and incremental costs of $4000 after 8 months of follow-up.

  1. Significance of Tc-99m pyrophosphate accumulation in unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tange, Shoichi; Kondo, Chisato; Ohta, Yoshiko; Kusakabe, Kiyoko; Shigeta, Akiko; Uchida, Tatsuro; Sumiyoshi, Tetsuya; Kaneko, Noboru; Hosoda, Saichi


    Tc-99m pyrophosphate (PYP) and Tl-201 simultaneous dual energy single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) were performed in 33 patients with clinically unstable angina. According to the presence or absence of PYP accumulation in the myocardium, the patients were classified as PYP (+) group (n=22) and PYP (-) group (n=11). Clinical features, types of unstable angina, ECG changes, and serial creatine kinase (CK) data were compared in the two groups. The 'new angina at rest' type of unstable angina was more significantly common in the PYP (+) group (16/22) than the PYP (-) group (2/11). The remaining 6 patients in the PYP (+) group and 2 patients in the PYP (-) group had 'angina of effort with changing pattern'. There was a significant difference in the occurrence of ST elevation and ST depression between the group: 59% in the PYP (+) group vs. 18% in the PYP (-) group for ST elevation and 23% in the PYP (+) group vs. 64% in the PYP (-) group for ST depression. The PYP (+) group showed significant improvement in ejection fraction in the stable state (57±12%) as compared with the unstable state (62±11%), although there was no difference between the stable and unstable state in the PYP (-) group. Although wall motion abnormality index (WMI) was poorer in the PYP (+) group than the PYP (-) group, it improved to the same degree as the PYP (-) group one month later. These data suggest that the area showing PYP (+) may reflect stunned myocardium and that Tc-99m PYP accumulation may correlate with clinical features of unstable angina. (N.K.)

  2. Treating angina pectoris by acupuncture therapy. (United States)

    Xu, Lixian; Xu, Hao; Gao, Wei; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Hui; Lu, Dominic P


    Acupuncture therapy on PC 6 (Neiguan) has a therapeutic effect on cardiac and chest ailments including angina pectoris. Additional beneficial acupuncture points are PC 4 (Ximen), HT 7 (Shenmen point), PC 7 (Daling point), PC 5 (Jianshi point), PC 3 (Quze point), CV 17 (Danzhong point), CV 6 (Qihai point), BL 15 (Xinshu point), L 20 (Pishu point), BL 17 (Geshu point), BL23 (Shenshu point), BL18 (Ganshu point), HT 5 (Tongli point), and ST36 (Zusanli point). Acupuncture not only quickly relieve the symptoms of acute angina pectoris, but also improve nitroglycerine's therapeutic effects. Therefore, it is an efficient simple therapeutic method used for emergency and for regular angina treatment. Review of studies on acupuncture therapy has shown effectiveness were between 80% to 96.2% that are almost as effective as conventional drug regimen. When compared with conventional medical treatment, the acupuncture therapy shows the obvious advantage of lacking, adverse side effects commonly associated with the Western anti-anginal drugs such as 1) Nitroglycerine (headache--63% with nitroglycerine patch and 50% with spray; syncope--4%; and dizziness--8% with patch; hypotension--4% with patch; and increased angina 2% with patch). 2) Isosorbide mononitrate (dizziness--3 to 5%; nausea/vomiting--2 to 4% and other reactions including hypotension, and syncope even with small doses). 3) Propranolol (bradycardia, chest pain, hypotension, worsening of AV conduction disturbance, Raynaud's syndrome, mental depression, hyperglycemia, etc.). Many conventional anti-anginal medications cause inter-drug reactions with other medications the patients taking for other diseases. Whereas, acupuncture therapy does not pose such an interference with patient's medications. Nevertheless, surgery is still the treatment of choice when acupuncture or conventional drug therapy fails. Combination of conventional drug therapy and acupuncture would considerably decrease the frequency and the required dosage

  3. Angina pectoris in patients with HIV/AIDS: prevalence and risk factors. (United States)

    Zirpoli, Josefina Cláudia; Lacerda, Heloisa Ramos; Albuquerque, Valéria Maria Gonçalves de; Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima Pessoa Militão de; Miranda Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Monteiro, Verônica Soares; de Barros, Isly Lucena; de Arruda Junior, Evanízio Roque; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar


    The incidence of ischemic heart disease is higher in patients with HIV/AIDS. However, the frequency of angina pectoris in these patients is still not known. Literature about this subject is still scarce. To evaluate the prevalence of angina pectoris and risk factors for coronary disease and to examine the association between traditional risk factors and HIV-related risk factors and angina pectoris. An epidemiological cross-sectional study, analyzed as case-control study, involving 584 patients with HIV/AIDS. Angina pectoris was identified by Rose questionnaire, classified as definite or possible. Information regarding risk factors was obtained through a questionnaire, biochemical laboratory tests, medical records and anthropometric measures taken during consultations at AIDS treatment clinics in Pernambuco, Brazil, from June 2007 to February 2008. To adjust the effect of each factor in relation to others, multiple logistic regression was used. There was a preponderance of men (63.2%); mean ages were 39.8 years for men, 36.8 years for women. The prevalence of definite and possible angina were 11% and 9.4%, respectively, totaling 20.4%, with independent associations between angina and smoking (OR = 2.88; 95% CI: 1.69-4.90), obesity (OR = 1.62; 95% CI: 0.97-2.70), family history of heart attack (OR = 1.70; 95% CI: 1.00-2.88), low schooling (OR = 2.11; 95% CI: 1.24-3.59), and low monthly income (OR = 2.93; 95% CI: 1.18-7.22), even after adjustment for age. This study suggests that angina pectoris is underdiagnosed, even in patients with medical monitoring, revealing lost opportunities in identification and prevention of cardiovascular morbidity.

  4. Efficacy of Enhanced External Counterpulsation in Patients With Chronic Refractory Angina on Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Angina Class: An Updated Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Zhang, Chunmei; Liu, Xiangjuan; Wang, Xiaomeng; Wang, Qi; Zhang, Yun; Ge, Zhiming


    A growing number of patients with chronic artery disease suffer from angina, despite the optimal medical management (ie, β-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and long-acting nitrates) and revascularization. Currently, enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) therapy has been verified as a noninvasive, safe therapy for refractory angina. The study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of EECP in patients with chronic refractory angina according to Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) angina class.We identified systematic literature through MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Clinical Trials Register Database, and the ClinicalTrials. gov Website from 1990 to 2015. Studies were considered eligible if they were prospective and reported data on CCS class before and after EECP treatment. Meta-analysis was performed to assess the efficacy of EECP therapy by at least 1 CCS angina class improvement, and proportion along with the 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated. Statistical heterogeneity was calculated by I statistic and the Q statistic. Sensitivity analysis was addressed to test the influence of trials on the overall pooled results. Subgroup analysis was applied to explore potential reasons for heterogeneity.Eighteen studies were enrolled in our meta-analysis. Pooled analysis showed 85% of patients underwent EECP had a reduction by at least one CCS class (95%CI 0.81-0.88, I = 58.5%, P CCS class was about 84% after EECP (95%CI 0.81-0.88, I = 32.7%, P = 0.1668). After 3 large studies were excluded, the pooled proportion was 82% (95%CI 0.79-0.86, I = 18%, P = 0.2528). Funnel plot indicated that some asymmetry while the Begg and Egger bias statistic showed no publication bias (P = 0.1495 and 0.2859, respectively).Our study confirmed that EECP provided an effective treatment for patients who were unresponsive to medical management and/or invasive therapy. However, the long-term benefits of EECP therapy needed further studies to evaluate in the management of chronic

  5. Meta-analysis of acupuncture therapy for the treatment of stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Zhang, Ze; Chen, Min; Zhang, Li; Zhang, Zhe; Wu, Wensheng; Liu, Jun; Yan, Jun; Yang, Guanlin


    Angina pectoris is a common symptom imperiling patients' life quality. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupuncture for stable angina pectoris. Clinical randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the efficacy of acupuncture to conventional drugs in patients with stable angina pectoris were searched using the following database of PubMed, Medline, Wanfang and CNKI. Overall odds ratio (ORs) and weighted mean difference (MD) with their 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated by using fixed- or random-effect models depending on the heterogeneity of the included trials. Total 8 RCTs, including 640 angina pectoris cases with 372 patients received acupuncture therapy and 268 patients received conventional drugs, were included. Overall, our result showed that acupuncture significantly increased the clinical curative effects in the relief of angina symptoms (OR=2.89, 95% CI=1.87-4.47, Pacupuncture therapy was superior to conventional drugs. Although there was no significant difference in overall effective rate relating reduction of nitroglycerin between two groups (OR=2.13, 95% CI=0.90-5.07, P=0.09), a significant reduction on nitroglycerin consumption in acupuncture group was found (MD=-0.44, 95% CI=-0.64, -0.24, Pacupuncture therapy than for traditional medicines (MD=2.44, 95% CI=1.64-3.24, Pacupuncture therapy were found. Acupuncture may be an effective therapy for stable angina pectoris. More clinical trials are needed to systematically assess the role of acupuncture in angina pectoris.

  6. Mesenchymal stromal cell derived endothelial progenitor treatment in patients with refractory angina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Tina; Haack-Sørensen, Mandana; Mathiasen, Anders B


    Abstract Aims. We evaluated the feasibility, safety and efficacy of intra-myocardial injection of autologous mesenchymal stromal cells derived endothelial progenitor cell (MSC) in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and refractory angina in this first in man trial. Methods and resu......Abstract Aims. We evaluated the feasibility, safety and efficacy of intra-myocardial injection of autologous mesenchymal stromal cells derived endothelial progenitor cell (MSC) in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and refractory angina in this first in man trial. Methods...... and results. A total of 31 patients with stable CAD, moderate to severe angina and no further revascularization options, were included. Bone marrow MSC were isolated and culture expanded for 6-8 weeks. It was feasible and safe to establish in-hospital culture expansion of autologous MSC and perform intra......-myocardial injection of MSC. After six months follow-up myocardial perfusion was unaltered, but the patients increased exercise capacity (p angina attacks (p Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) evaluations (p

  7. Ventricular repolarization alterations in women with angina pectoris and suspected coronary microvascular dysfunction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dose, Nynne; Michelsen, Marie Mide; Mygind, Naja Dam


    OBJECTIVES: CMD could be the explanation of angina pectoris with no obstructive CAD and may cause ventricular repolarization changes. We compared T-wave morphology and QTc interval in women with angina pectoris with a control group as well as the associations with CMD. METHODS: Women with angina...... echocardiography. RESULTS: Women with angina pectoris had significantly longer QTc intervals (429±20ms) and increased MCS (IQR) (0.73 [0.64-0.80]) compared with the controls (419±20ms) and (0.63 [(0.53-0.73]), respectively (both p... was attenuated after multivariable adjustment (p=0.08). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that women with angina pectoris have alterations in T-wave morphology as well as longer QTc interval compared with a reference population. CMD might be an explanation....

  8. Usefulness of 123I-BMIPP myocardial imaging in patients with stable effort angina and unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, Seiji; Kobayashi, Hideki; Oka, Toshiaki; Kawaguchi, Masao; Momose, Mitsuru; Kasanuki, Hiroshi; Kusakabe, Kiyoko; Hosoda, Saichi


    We evaluated the clinical significance of myocardial imaging using 123 I-15-(p-iodophenyl)-3-methyl pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) scintigraphy in patients with stable effort angina pectoris (SAP) and unstable angina pectoris (UAP). Thirty-three patients with SAP were studied using rest BMIPP and stress 201 TlCl (Tl) myocardial scintigraphy, and 13 patients with worsening effort type of UAP were also examined using both rest BMIPP and Tl scintigraphy. We compared those BMIPP findings with myocardial perfusion images obtained with Tl and the regional wall motion determined by left ventriculography. In 45% of 282 segments of myocardial ischemia of SAP, the degree of myocardial uptake of BMIPP was concordant with that of stress Tl and the defect score of Tl was higher than that of BMIPP. On the other hand, in 32% of 62 segments of ischemia of UAP, the degree of myocardial BMIPP and Tl uptake was concordant and BMIPP defect score was higher than Tl score. In SAP, the decrease in regional wall motion agreed better with the decrease in myocardial uptake of BMIPP than that of Tl. These results suggest that myocardial ischemic regions decreased BMIPP uptake show the disturbance of fatty acid metabolism and lead to abnormal wall motions. Such ischemic regions may be clinically severe state in patients with angina pectoris. (author)

  9. Gender differences in the management and clinical outcome of stable angina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daly, Caroline; Clemens, Felicity; Sendon, Jose L. Lopez


    Background- We sought to examine the impact of gender on the investigation and subsequent management of stable angina and to assess gender differences in clinical outcome at 1 year. Methods and Results- The Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina enrolled patients with a clinical diagnosis of stable...... angina on initial assessment by a cardiologist. Baseline clinical details and cardiac investigations planned or performed within a 4-week period of the assessment were recorded, and follow-up data were collected at 1 year. A total of 3779 patients were included in the survey; 42% were female. Women were......, 1.13 to 3.85), even after multivariable adjustment for age, abnormal ventricular function, severity of coronary disease, and diabetes. Conclusions- Significant gender bias has been identified in the use of investigations and evidence-based medical therapy in stable angina. Women were also less...

  10. Incidence and follow-up of Braunwald subgroups in unstable angina pectoris

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Miltenburg-van Zijl, A. J.; Simoons, M. L.; Veerhoek, R. J.; Bossuyt, P. M.


    OBJECTIVES. This study was performed to establish the prognosis of patients with unstable angina within the subgroups of the Braunwald classification. BACKGROUND. Among many classifications of unstable angina, the Braunwald classification is frequently used. However, the incidence and risk for each

  11. Role of ivabradine in management of stable angina in patients with different clinical profiles (United States)

    Kaski, Juan Carlos; Gloekler, Steffen; Ferrari, Roberto; Fox, Kim; Lévy, Bernard I; Komajda, Michel; Vardas, Panos; Camici, Paolo G


    In chronic stable angina, elevated heart rate contributes to the development of symptoms and signs of myocardial ischaemia by increasing myocardial oxygen demand and reducing diastolic perfusion time. Accordingly, heart rate reduction is a well-known strategy for improving both symptoms of myocardial ischaemia and quality of life (QOL). The heart rate-reducing agent ivabradine, a direct and selective inhibitor of the I f current, decreases myocardial oxygen consumption while increasing diastolic time, without affecting myocardial contractility or coronary vasomotor tone. Ivabradine is indicated for treatment of stable angina and chronic heart failure (HF). This review examines available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of ivabradine in stable angina, when used as monotherapy or in combination with beta-blockers, in particular angina subgroups and in patients with stable angina with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) or HF. Trials involving more than 45 000 patients receiving treatment with ivabradine have shown that this agent has antianginal and anti-ischaemic effects, regardless of age, sex, severity of angina, revascularisation status or comorbidities. This heart rate-lowering agent might also improve prognosis, reduce hospitalisation rates and improve QOL in angina patients with chronic HF and LVSD. PMID:29632676

  12. Anipamil prevents ST depression in patients with stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, C T; Sørum, C; Rasmussen, V


    test with > or = 0.10 mV horizontal or down-sloping ST-segment depression and limited by angina pectoris, and at least 10 attacks of angina pectoris in the initial single-blind placebo period. During the placebo period, a total duration of transient myocardial ischemia > or = 0.10 mV during the 24-hour...

  13. Global variability in angina pectoris and its association with body mass index and poverty. (United States)

    Liu, Longjian; Ma, Jixiang; Yin, Xiaoyan; Kelepouris, Ellie; Eisen, Howard J


    In the absence of a previous global comparison, we examined the variability in the prevalence of angina across 52 countries and its association with body weight and the poverty index using data from the World Health Organization-World Health Survey. The participants with angina were defined as those who had positive results using a Rose angina questionnaire and/or self-report of a physician diagnosis of angina. The body mass index (BMI) was determined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. The poverty index (a standard score of socioeconomic status for a given country) was extracted from the United Nations' statistics. The associations of angina with the BMI and poverty index were analyzed cross-sectionally using univariate and multivariate analyses. The results showed that the total participants (n = 210,787) had an average age of 40.64 years. The prevalence of angina ranged from 2.44% in Tunisia to 23.89% in Chad. Those participants with a BMI of poverty status was considered. A tendency was seen for underweight status and a poverty index >14.65% to be associated with the risk of having angina, although these associations were not statistically significant in the multilevel models. In conclusion, significant variations were found in the anginal rates across 52 countries worldwide. An increased BMI was significantly associated with the odds of having angina. Published by Elsevier Inc.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Z. M. Sizova


    Full Text Available Aim. To evaluate antianginal efficacy and safety of nicorandil for angina attack prevention and relief in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD and symptoms of stable angina class 2-3.Material and methods. 30 patients with stable angina class 2-3 (17 men, 13 women; aged 58.6±5.8 y.o. were included into the study. All patients received amlodipine 10 mg QD within 2 weeks. For angina attack relief patients used nicorandil 10-20 mg and in case of its inefficacy — nitroglycerin. In 2 weeks all patients were randomized in 2 groups. Patients of the 1st group (n=15 received nicorandil 20 mg TID, patients of the 2nd group (n=15 — amlodipine 10 mg QD. The study duration was 3 months. The efficiency evaluation was based on the analysis of hemodynamic indicators (heart rate, blood pressure, bioelectric heart activity (electrocardiogram, velocity exercise tolerance test, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring indicators. The pain severity was defined with Borg's scale, and the quality of life — with General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28. Therapy safety was evaluated in according to laboratory tests results.Results. Frequency of angina attacks reduced by 60% (р<0.05 and 47% (р<0.05 in 12 weeks of nicorandil and amlodipine therapy, respectively. Duration of angina decreased by 38% and 37% (р<0.05 in 12 weeks of nicorandil and amlodipine therapy, respectively. Eexercise duration before angina attack onset increased by 56% (р<0.05 in 1 month of nicorandil therapy. A number of myocardial ischemia episodes reduced by 64% (р<0.05 and 54% (р<0.05 due to nicorandil and amlodipine therapy, respectively. General GHQ-28 score decreased by 54% (р<0.05 and 44% (р<0.05 in patients of the 1st and the 2nd groups, respectively. Tolerability of nicorandil was good in 13 (86.7% and satisfactory in 2 (13.3% patients.Conclusion. Nicorandil can be prescribed both for the prevention and for relief of angina attacks in IHD patients.

  15. GAMMAGRAFÍA DE PERFUSIÓN MIOCÁRDICA EN MUJERES POSMENOPÁUSICAS CON ANGINA Y CORONARIAS EPICÁRDICAS ANGIOGRÁFICAMENTE NORMALES / Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in postmenopausal women with angina and angiographically normal epicardial coronary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sherien Sixto Fernández


    Full Text Available Introduction and Objectives: Microvascular angina is common in postmenopausal women. Myocardial ischemia was induced by stress testing, and reports have been published about the relationship between endothelial dysfunction and myocardial perfusion. The objective of this research was to determine whether myocardial ischemia can be evidenced by abnormalities in perfusion and function, as detected by myocardial scintigraphy in women with typical angina, normal coronary angiography and endothelial dysfunction. Methods: 59 women underwent lipid and endothelial function measurements by brachial artery ultrasound, in addition, a 24-hour ECG study (Holter. During the scintigraphy a stress-rest protocol was applied. Patients were divided into two groups according to presence (group I or absence (group II of myocardial perfusion defects. Results: 21 patients showed perfusion defects. 57 % of group I exhibited greater endothelial dysfunction. Only twelve patients showed reversible perfusion defects, and 75 % of the cases was associated with a reduction of post-stress left ventricular ejection fraction, greater than 5 %, and regional abnormalities of wall motion. Three patients in group I showed evidence of ischemia compared with four in Group II. Conclusions: The stress-induced ischemia was associated with a reduced post-stress ejection fraction and endothelial dysfunction in the studied women, and no ischemic changes in the Holter were found.

  16. Detection of unstable angina by /sup 99m/technetium pyrophosphate myocardial scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdulla, A.M.; Canedo, M.I.; Cortez, B.C.; McGinnis, K.D.; Wilhelm, S.K.


    /sup 99m/Technetium stannous pyrophosphate has been shown to accumulate in acutely infarcted myocardium. To determine if the isotope is also taken up by severely ischemic, but not necrotic myocardium, we performed myocardial scintigraphic studies in 17 patients with chest pains. Seven of the patients satisfied conventional clinical, electrocardiographic, and laboratory criteria for the diagnosis of unstable angina and showed no electrocardiographic or enzymatic evidence of myocardial necrosis. Five of these seven patients with unstable angina demonstrated abnormal localized patterns, and one showed a borderline picture. Myocardial scintiscans were normal in all of a control group of ten patients with stable angina. Thus, scanning with /sup 99m/technetium stannous pyrophosphate is shown to be of value in the objective demonstration of myocardial abnormality in unstable angina

  17. Comparación del Hyper-CVAD con un régimen institucional en el tratamiento de la leucemia linfoblástica aguda del adulto en un hospital de México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Omar Ramos-Peñafiel

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar la mortalidad y toxicidad del protocolo Hyper-CVAD utilizado como primera línea de tratamiento de la leucemia linfoblástica aguda se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectiva en pacientes de 40 años a menos durante marzo a septiembre de 2011 atendidos con el régimen Hyper-CVAD. La mortalidad y toxicidad se comparó con los resultados de los pacientes atendidos con el régimen institucional HGMLAL07 entre 2009 a 2012. Se incluyeron 18 pacientes, la mediana de edad fue de 26 años. Tanto las remisiones completas (67,7% frente a 81,9% como la supervivencia a un año (40% frente a 62% y 2 años (18% frente a 34% fueron menores con el régimen Hyper-CVAD. Al seleccionar exclusivamente pacientes menores de 35 años, la eficacia de Hyper-CVAD también fue menor. Según esta experiencia y debido a su alto costo y toxicidad, el régimen Hyper-CVAD debe de limitarse a aquellos pacientes con leucemias refractarias o en recaída.

  18. Treatment of refractory chest angina with spinal electrical stimulator: literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomezese, Omar F; Paola, Aranda; Echeverria, Luis E; Saibi, Jose F; Calderon, Jaime; Barrera, Juan G


    There is a group of patients with chronic refractory chest angina, who are not ideal candidates for surgical or percutaneous revascularization and who although having a good medical handling continues to experience severe episodes of angina. The spinal electrical stimulator is a neuromodulators used as an alternative to treat these patients. The objective is to realize a review of scientific literature regarding the spinal electric stimulation in the treatment of chest angina, its mechanism of action, benefits and its cost effectiveness. Materials and methods: using the Cochrane methodology, a search of articles published from January 1980 to January 2007 in Medline using the terms spinal cord stimulation, was realized. The papers considered most pertinent were selected. Conclusions: the anti-ischemic effect of the electrical spinal stimulator reduces the episodes of chest angina, improves the quality of life and the tolerance to exercise, diminishes the hospital stay and delays the appearance of ischemic signs

  19. Myocardial ischemia and angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selwyn, A.P.; Fox, K.M.; Jonathan, A.; Lavender, P.; Watson, I.


    Ambulatory monitoring of ST segment changes was performed in 60 patients presenting with angina, positive ECG stress tests and coronary artery disease, 85% of ischemic ECG events were asymptomatic, 37% occurred with no increase in heart rate and 15% of episodes either lasted 20 minutes or more or fluctuated in severity. A controlled pilot study in ten patients showed depression. Radionuclide studies in 50 patients with angina and coronary artery disease have shown that stress (i.e., atrial pacing) produced different patterns of disturbed regional myocardial perfusion related to the patient's exercise capacity and eventually leading to a decrease in regional myocardial perfusion during the ischemic episode. ST segment depression appeared only after the decrease in regional myocardial perfusion. These findings combined with past research suggest that patients with angina and coronary artery disease can suffer frequent asymptomatic disturbances of the regional myocardial perfusion. The frequency of these episodes and the time course for the recovery of the metabolic consequences mean that segments of ventricular myocardium may be constantly abnormal. The relative importance of changes in coronary tone and malfunction of platelets in the diseased coronary tree needs to be examined in clinical research. Pilot studies of antiplatelet agents have shown a significant beneficial effect on episodes of ischemia occurring at night and those occurring without any increase in heart rate. The techniques and observations in these patients with coronary artery disease all suggest that acute transient regional myocardial ischemia is caused by a variety of mechnisms. Further research using objective methods is required to discover the causes of ischemia and to rationalize treatment. (orig./MG) [de

  20. Management of Ludwig's angina in pregnancy: a review of 10 cases ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Ludwig's angina is a rapidly spreading cellulitis that may produce upper airway obstruction often leading to death. Aim: The present paper reviews the management of Ludwig's angina in the third trimester of pregnancy. The inherent dangers to the mother and her unborn child are highlighted. Materials and ...

  1. Treatment of Angina and Microvascular Coronary Dysfunction (United States)

    Samim, Arang; Nugent, Lynn; Mehta, Puja K.; Shufelt, Chrisandra; Merz, C. Noel Bairey


    Opinion statement Microvascular coronary dysfunction (MCD) is an increasingly recognized cause of cardiac ischemia and angina, more commonly diagnosed in women. Patients with MCD present with the triad of persistent chest pain, ischemic changes on stress testing, and no obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) on cardiac catheterization. Data from National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)-sponsored Women’s Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) study has shown that the diagnosis of MCD is not benign, with a 2.5% annual risk of adverse cardiac events including myocardial infarction, stroke, congestive heart failure, or death. The gold standard diagnostic test for MCD is an invasive coronary reactivity test (CRT), which uses acetylcholine, adenosine, and nitroglycerin to test the endothelial dependent and independent, microvascular and macrovascular coronary function. The CRT allows for diagnostic and treatment options as well as further risk stratifying patients for future cardiovascular events. Treatment of angina and MCD should be aimed at ischemia disease management to reduce risk of adverse cardiac events, ameliorating symptoms to improve quality of life, and to decrease the morbidity from unnecessary and repeated cardiac catheterization in patients with open coronary arteries. A comprehensive treatment approach aimed at risk factor managment, including lifestyle counseling regarding smoking cessation, nutrition and physical activity should be initiated. Current pharmacotherapy for MCD can include the treatment of microvascular endothelial dysfunction (statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, low dose aspirin), as well as treatment for angina and myocardial ischemia (beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, ranolazine). Additional symptom management techniques can include tri-cyclic medication, enhanced external counterpulsation, autogenic training, and spinal cord stimulation. While our current therapies are effective in the treatment

  2. Sexual function in patients with chronic angina pectoris. (United States)

    Kloner, Robert A; Henderson, Luana


    Drugs for erectile dysfunction (ED) may be contraindicated with nitrates commonly used to treat patients with angina pectoris, and certain antianginal therapies may worsen ED. The American Heart Association and the Princeton Consensus Conference panel of experts recommend that patients with coronary artery disease and ED who experience angina pectoris undergo full medical evaluations to assess the cardiovascular risks associated with resuming sexual activity before being prescribed therapy for ED. Current antianginal therapies include β blockers, calcium channel blockers, short- and long-acting nitrates, and ranolazine, a late sodium current inhibitor. Short- and long-acting nitrates remain a contraindication with phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors commonly used to treat patients with ED, and the benefits of the other antianginal therapies must be weighed against their effects on cardiovascular health and erectile function. In conclusion, patients with coronary artery disease and ED who wish to initiate phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor therapy and need to discontinue nitrate therapy need treatment options that manage their angina pectoris effectively, maintain their cardiovascular health, and provide the freedom to maintain their sexual function. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Tratamiento de la compresión del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María L. Talavera


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho es un síntoma frecuente en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar (HP de cualquier etiología. Aunque su fisiopatología no está aclarada, las causas propuestas son: la isquemia subendocárdica por aumento del estrés parietal del ventrículo derecho, la dilatación de la arteria pulmonar por incrementos transitorios de la presión pulmonar y la compresión extrínseca del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda (TCI por la arteria pulmonar (AP dilatada. Se presentan tres casos que muestran la relación entre la angina de pecho y la compresión del TCI en pacientes con HP asociada a cardiopatías congénitas, tratados mediante implante de stent coronario.

  4. Chronic stable angina is associated with lower health-related quality of life: evidence from Chinese patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jing Wu

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To compare health-related quality of life (HRQoL between patients with stable angina and the general population in China and to examine factors associated with HRQoL among patients with stable angina. METHODS: A cross-sectional HRQoL survey of stable angina patients recruited from 4 hospitals (n = 411 and the general population recruited from 3 Physical Examination Centers (n = 549 was conducted from July to December, 2011 in two large cities, Tianjin and Chengdu. HRQoL was assessed using the EQ-5D, EQ-VAS, and SF-6D instruments. The health status specific to patients with stable angina was assessed using the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ. Information on socio-demographic, clinical, and lifestyle factors were also collected. Nested regressions were performed to explore how these factors were associated with HRQoL in patients with stable angina. RESULTS: Compared with the general population (44.2 ± 10 years, 49.9% females, stable angina patients (68.1 ± 12 years, 50.4% females had significantly lower HRQoL scores in EQ-5D utility index (0.75 ± 0.19 vs. 0.90 ± 0.20, p<0.05, SF-6D utility index (0.68 ± 0.12 vs. 0.85 ± 0.11, p<0.05, and EQ-VAS (71.2 ± 12.3 vs. 83.9 ± 10.9, p<0.05. The differences remained (-0.05 for EQ-5D, -9.27 for EQ-VAS and -0.13 for SF-6D after controlling for socio-economic characteristics. SAQ scores showed that stable angina patients experienced impaired disease-specific health status, especially in angina stability (40.5 ± 34.6. Nested regressions indicated stable angina-specific health status explained most of the variation in HRQoL, among which disease perception, physical limitation, and angina stability were the strongest predictors. More physical exercise and better sleep were positively related with HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to the general population, stable angina patients were associated with lower HRQoL and lower health utility scores, which were largely impacted by clinical symptoms

  5. Update on ranolazine in the management of angina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Codolosa JN


    Full Text Available J Nicolás Codolosa,1 Subroto Acharjee,1 Vincent M Figueredo1,2 1Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Health, Einstein Medical Center, 2Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, USA Abstract: Mortality rates attributable to coronary heart disease have declined in recent years, possibly related to changes in clinical presentation patterns and use of proven secondary prevention strategies. Chronic stable angina (CSA remains prevalent, and the goal of treatment is control of symptoms and reduction in cardiovascular events. Ranolazine is a selective inhibitor of the late sodium current in myocytes with anti-ischemic and metabolic properties. It was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2006 for use in patients with CSA. Multiple, randomized, placebo-controlled trials have shown that ranolazine improves functional capacity and decreases anginal episodes in CSA patients, despite a lack of a significant hemodynamic effect. Ranolazine did not improve cardiovascular mortality or affect incidence of myocardial infarction in the MERLIN (Metabolic Efficiency with Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome-TIMI (Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction 36 trial, but significantly decreased the incidence of recurrent angina. More recently, ranolazine has been shown to have beneficial and potent antiarrhythmic effects, both on supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, largely due to its inhibition of the late sodium current. Randomized controlled trials testing these effects are underway. Lastly, ranolazine appears to be cost-effective due to its ability to decrease angina-related hospitalizations and improve quality of life. Keywords: ranolazine, chronic stable angina, coronary artery disease


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A 14th patient, a woman aged 28, had angina pectoris with an abnormal cardiogram ... coronary arteries, and there was no cardiac muscle or valve pathology. ... depression of abnormal shape, werebdes~ribed as pn;'bably positive. Selective ...

  7. Presence of angina pectoris is related to extensive coronary artery disease in diabetic patients. (United States)

    Celik, Atac; Karayakali, Metin; Erkorkmaz, Unal; Altunkas, Fatih; Karaman, Kayihan; Koc, Fatih; Ceyhan, Koksal; Kadi, Hasan; Avsar, Alaettin


    Due to sensorial autonomic neuropathy, the type and severity of angina pectoris in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) may be rather different from the type and severity of angina pectoris in patients without DM. The aim of the study was to understand if angina pectoris is related to extensive coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with DM. The study included 530 patients with DM who underwent coronary angiography at our center in 2009 and 2010. Patients were divided into 4 groups according to type of chest pain: group 1, noncardiac chest pain or no pain; group 2, angina equivalent; group 3, atypical angina; and group 4, typical angina. All angiograms were re-evaluated and Gensini scores were calculated. Three-vessel disease was diagnosed in the presence of stenosis >50% in all 3 coronary artery systems. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups with regard to age, sex, systolic or diastolic blood pressures, body mass index, creatinine clearance, or lipid profile. Fasting blood glucose was significantly higher in group 4 than in group 2. Gensini scores were not statistically different between groups 1 and 2 or between groups 3 and 4; however, the scores for groups 3 and 4 were higher than the score for either group 1 or group 2. Prevalence of 3-vessel disease was significantly higher in groups 3 and 4 compared with the other groups. The presence of angina pectoris was related to extensive CAD in patients with DM. The extent of CAD was not correlated with the type of angina (typical or atypical). © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Improving diagnosis and treatment of women with angina pectoris and microvascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prescott, Eva; Abildstrøm, Steen Zabell; Aziz, Ahmed


    BACKGROUND: The iPOWER study aims at determining whether routine assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) in women with angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease is feasible and identifies women at risk. METHODS: All women with angina referred to invasive angiographic assess...

  9. Developments in electrical neurostimulation for angina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Vries, Jessica


    Als de hartspier niet voldoende bloed toegevoerd krijgt, ontstaat een drukkend gevoel of pijn op de borst. Angina pectoris heet deze aandoening, die veelal met medicijnen, dotteren en/of een bypassoperatie bestreden wordt. Elektrische neurostimulatie (ENS) is een effectieve therapievorm voor

  10. Ventetid og omkostninger ved diagnostik og behandling af stabil angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søgaard, Rikke; Sanchez, Ricardo

    Introduction: The objective of this pilot study was to examine possible consequences of a logistically non-optimal regimen, for the diagnosis and treatment of stable angina pectoris, on waiting time and costs to inform whether a larger study is warranted. Material and methods: Retrospective cohort...... study among 104 consecutive patients referred on suspected stable angina pectoris. Data on the diagnostic regimen was systematically collected from patient files and data on other resource use was collected using a questionnaire for self- reporting. Non-parametric bootstrapping was applied. Results...... of stable angina pectoris, which ceteris paribus would be associated with cost savings in the health care sector. However, these potentials should be examined in a larger- scale study....

  11. Evaluation of coronary hemodynamics and exercise 201Tl-myocardial scintigraphy in patients with vasospastic angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumura, Kentaro; Nakase, Emiko; Haiyama, Tohru; Hasegawa, Akira; Saito, Takayuki


    To clarify the coronary hemodynamics and myocardial perfusion in patients with vasospastic angina, we performed exercise 201 Tl-myocardial scintigraphy (planar and SPECT) in 72 patients and left coronary digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in 37 patients without significant organic coronary artery stenosis. Coronary artery spasm was documented by coronary angiography in all patients. Fifty-four patients (75%) developed exercise-induced 201 Tl-myocardial perfusion defect on SPECT. 201 Tl pulmonary uptake (L/H) was significantly increased in patients with vasospastic angina. Especially, L/H was higher in patients with multiple small perfusion defect on 201 Tl-SPECT, so that exercise-induced left ventricular dysfunction existed in patients with vasospastic angina and especially in cases of multiple small perfusion defect on 201 Tl-SPECT. The left coronary circulation time (CCT) was prolonged in patients with vasospastic angina. The mechanism of prolonged CCT is still unknown, but we suspected that prolonged CCT was induced by increased peripheral coronary vascular resistance in patients with vasospastic angina. It was concluded that the peripheral coronary circulation was disturbed in patients with vasospastic angina, but its abnormal coronary circulation had no relation to location of spasm-induced vessels. We concluded that impaired coronary microcirculation was taken a part of pathophysiology in vasospastic angina. (author)

  12. Angina pectoris refractory for conventional therapy--is neurostimulation a possible alternative treatment? (United States)

    Hautvast, R W; DeJongste, M J; ter Horst, G J; Blanksma, P K; Lie, K I


    The treatment of angina pectoris as a symptom of coronary artery disease usually is focused on restoring the balance between oxygen demand and supply of the myocardium by administration of drugs interfering in heart rate, cardiac pre- and afterload, and coronary vascular tone. For nonresponders to drug therapy or for those with jeopardized myocardium, revascularization procedures such as coronary bypass surgery and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty are at hand. However, the atherosclerotic process is not stopped by these therapies and, at longer terms, angina may recur. It is not always possible to revascularize all the patients who do not positively react to medical treatment. Those with angina, not responding to adequate medication and who are not suitable anymore for revascularization, are considered to suffer from refractory angina pectoris. This group of patients has a poor quality of life, for their exercise tolerance is severely afflicted. For these patients, neurostimulation has been described repeatedly as an effective and safe therapy. The mechanism of action of neurostimulation is not completely known, but recent studies suggest an anti-ischemic effect, exerted through changes in myocardial blood flow. As soon as its safety is sufficiently established, it may become a useful alternative in the treatment of refractory angina pectoris.

  13. Beneficial effect of nitrates on myocardial glucose utilization in unstable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo, L.I.; Camici, P.; Spinks, T.; Jones, T.; Maseri, A.


    Myocardial uptake of the glucose analog F-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) was assessed by positron emission tomography in 6 normal volunteers, 7 patients with chronic stable angina and 22 patients with unstable angina at rest in fasting conditions. Regional myocardial perfusion was assessed by rubidium-82. The study was repeated a few days later after intravenous infusion of isosorbide dinitrate. FDG uptake was similar in control subjects and patients with stable angina (0.023 +/- 0.032 vs 0.012 +/- 0.008 mol/ml/min, p less than 0.42) but was about 4-fold higher on the average in patients with unstable angina (0.084 +/- 0.047, p less than 0.01). The severity of coronary obstructions in stable and unstable angina patients was similar. The increased uptake involved the whole heart, including areas not distal to critically stenosed vessels; it was not associated with reduced myocardial perfusion and was not related to a recent episode of transient ischemia as assessed by symptoms and by Holter monitoring. After continuous infusion of nitrates, FDG uptake was consistently and significantly reduced toward normal levels both in areas perfused by critically stenosed coronary arteries and by noncritically stenosed vessels

  14. Ginkgo Biloba extract for angina pectoris: a systematic review. (United States)

    Sun, Tian; Wang, Xian; Xu, Hao


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Ginkgo Biloba extract for patients with angina pectoris according to the available evidence. Electronic databases were searched for all of the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of angina pectoris treatments with Ginkgo Biloba extract, either alone or combined with routine Western medicine (RWM), and controlled by untreated, placebo, Chinese patent medicine, or RWM treatment. The RCTs were retrieved from the following electronic databases: PubMed/MEDLINE, ProQuest Health and Medical Complete, Springer, Elsevier, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Wanfang Data, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), VIP database, China Biology Medicine (CBM), Chinese Medical Citation Index (CMCI), from the earliest database records to December 2012. No language restriction was applied. Study selection, data extraction, quality assessment, and data analyses were conducted according to the Cochrane standards. RevMan 5.1.0 provided by Cochrane Collaboration The data were analysed by using. A total of 23 RCTs (involving 2,529 patients) were included and the methodological quality was evaluated as generally low. Ginkgo Biloba extract with RWM was more effective in angina relief and electrocardiogram improvement than RWM alone. Reported adverse events included epigastric discomfort, nausea, gastrointestinal reaction, and bitter taste. Ginkgo Biloba extract may have beneficial effects on patients with angina pectoris, although the low quality of existing trials makes it difficult to draw a satisfactory conclusion. More rigorous, high quality clinical trials are needed to provide conclusive evidence.

  15. Double hazards of ischemia and reperfusion arrhythmias in a patient with variant angina pectoris. (United States)

    Xu, Mingzhu; Yang, Xiangjun


    Variant angina pectoris, also called Prinzmetal's angina, is a syndrome caused by vasospasms of the coronary arteries. It can lead to myocardial infarction, ventricular arrhythmias, atrioventricular block and even sudden cardiac death. We report the case of a 53 year-old male patient with recurrent episodes of chest pain and arrhythmias in the course of related variant angina pectoris. It is likely that the reperfusion following myocardial ischemia was responsible for the ventricular fibrillation while the ST-segment returned to the baseline. This case showed that potential lethal arrhythmias could arise due to variant angina pectoris. It also indicated that ventricular fibrillation could be self-terminated. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. 201Tl uptake in variant angina: probable demonstration of myocardial reactive hyperemia in man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kronenberg, M.W.; Robertson, R.M.; Born, M.L.; Steckley, R.A.; Robertson, D.; Friesinger, G.C.


    Myocardial thallium scintigraphy was performed in four subjects with variant angina and in one subject with isolated, fixed coronary obstruction. Three subjects with variant angina had short episodes of ischemic ST-segment elevation that lasted 20--100 seconds. Thallium scintigrams demonstrated excess uptake in regions judged to be ischemic by angiographic and electrocardiographic criteria. Two subjects, one with variant angina and the other with a fixed coronary lesion, had prolonged episodes of ischemia that lasted 390--900 seconds. Both had reduced thallium uptake in the ischemic regions. We conclude that myocardial reactive hyperemia is the cause of excess thallium uptake in patients with variant angina who have short episodes of myocardial ischemia

  17. Technetium-99m-pyrophosphate myocardial imaging in unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Willerson, J.T.; Parkey, R.W.; Lewis, S.E.; Buja, L.M.; Bonte, F.J.


    The authors have found that approximately one third of patients with the syndrome of unstable angina pectoris have abnormal 99mTc-pyrophosphate myocardial scintigrams even in the absence of abnormal enzymes and electrocardiographic confirmation of the presence of acute myocardial necrosis. Thus, 99mTc-pyrophosphate myocardial imaging technique appears to represent a sensitive means to detect acute multicellular injury associated with the clinical syndrome of unstable angina pectoris even when cardiac enzymes are normal and the electrocardiogram does not definitively document the presence of acute myocardial necrosis. (Auth.)

  18. Narrowing of the Coronary Sinus: A Device-Based Therapy for Persistent Angina Pectoris. (United States)

    Konigstein, Maayan; Verheye, Stefan; Jolicœur, E Marc; Banai, Shmuel


    Alongside the remarkable advances in medical and invasive therapies for the treatment of ischemic heart disease, an increasing number of patients with advanced coronary artery disease unsuitable for revascularization continue to suffer from angina pectoris despite optimal medical therapy. Patients with chronic angina have poor quality of life and increased levels of anxiety and depression. A considerable number of innovative therapeutic modalities for the treatment of chronic angina have been investigated over the years; however, none of these therapeutic options has become a standard of care, and none are widely utilized. Current treatment options for refractory angina focus on medical therapy and secondary risk factor modification. Interventions to create increased pressure in the coronary sinus may alleviate myocardial ischemia by forcing redistribution of coronary blood flow from the less ischemic subepicardium to the more ischemic subendocardium, thus relieving symptoms of ischemia. Percutaneous, transvenous implantation of a balloon expandable, hourglass-shaped, stainless steel mesh in the coronary sinus to create a fixed focal narrowing and to increase backwards pressure, may serve as a new device-based therapy destined for the treatment of refractory angina pectoris.

  19. Modern diagnostic capabilities for vasospastic angina diagnostics (intracoronary provocative testing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    А. А. Обединский


    Full Text Available This review is devoted to a topical problem of modern cardiology – techniques of diagnosing vasospastic angina. The results of retrospective and prospective studies on the efficacy and safety of vasospastic angina diagnostics are reviewed. The literature on the prevalence, progression and treatment of this pathology is discussed.Received 13 January 2017. Accepted 6 February 2017.Financing: The study did not have sponsorship.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

  20. Análisis costo versus efectividad del Etanercept, Infliximab y Adalimumab, en pacientes con artritis reumatoide refractaria


    Cubillos Mendoza, Luz Marina; Pinto Álvarez, Juliana


    En la actualidad existen varias tecnologías para tratar la artritis reumatoide (AR), lo que se ha convertido en una industria puesto que los tratamientos para la misma, pueden ser por largos periodos de tiempo, con costos importantes para el sistema de salud colombiano. Las instituciones de salud, se enfrentan a un gran reto al tratar de mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes a través de nuevas alternativas terapéuticas mediante medicamentos inmunomoduladores como los antagonistas del fa...

  1. Muscle Fibre Types, Ubiquinone Content and Exercise Capacity in Hypertension and Effort Angina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karlsson, Jan; Diamant, Bertil; Folkers, Karl


    Farmakologi, hypertension, IHD, skeletal muscle fibre composition, muscle coenzyme Q10, ischaemic heart disease, effort angina, muscle fibre lesion, muscle ubiquinone......Farmakologi, hypertension, IHD, skeletal muscle fibre composition, muscle coenzyme Q10, ischaemic heart disease, effort angina, muscle fibre lesion, muscle ubiquinone...

  2. Race and Sex Differences in Post-Myocardial Infarction Angina Frequency and Risk of 1-Year Unplanned Rehospitalization. (United States)

    Hess, Connie N; Kaltenbach, Lisa A; Doll, Jacob A; Cohen, David J; Peterson, Eric D; Wang, Tracy Y


    Race and sex disparities in in-hospital treatment and outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) have been described, but little is known about race and sex differences in post-MI angina and long-term risk of unplanned rehospitalization. We examined race and sex differences in post-MI angina frequency and 1-year unplanned rehospitalization to identify factors associated with unplanned rehospitalization, testing for whether race and sex modify these relationships. Using TRANSLATE-ACS (Treatment With Adenosine Diphosphate Receptor Inhibitors: Longitudinal Assessment of Treatment Patterns and Events after Acute Coronary Syndrome) data, we examined 6-week and 1-year angina frequency and 1-year unplanned rehospitalization stratified by race and sex among MI patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. We used multivariable logistic regression to assess factors associated with unplanned rehospitalization and tested for interactions among angina frequency, race, and sex. A total of 11 595 MI patients survived to 1 year postdischarge; there were 66.6% white male patients, 24.3% white female patients, 5.3% black male patients, and 3.8% black female patients. Overall, 29.7% had angina at 6 weeks, and 20.6% had angina at 1 year postdischarge. Relative to white patients, black patients were more likely to have angina at 6 weeks (female: 44.2% versus 31.8%; male: 33.5% versus 27.1%; both Prace or sex (adjusted 3-way P interaction =0.41). One-fifth of MI patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention report 1-year postdischarge angina, with black and female patients more likely to have angina and to be rehospitalized. Better treatment of post-MI angina may improve patient quality of life and quality of care and help to lower rates of rehospitalization overall and particularly among black and female patients, given their high prevalence of post-MI angina. URL: Unique identifier: NCT01088503. © 2017 American

  3. Update on ranolazine in the management of angina. (United States)

    Codolosa, J Nicolás; Acharjee, Subroto; Figueredo, Vincent M


    Mortality rates attributable to coronary heart disease have declined in recent years, possibly related to changes in clinical presentation patterns and use of proven secondary prevention strategies. Chronic stable angina (CSA) remains prevalent, and the goal of treatment is control of symptoms and reduction in cardiovascular events. Ranolazine is a selective inhibitor of the late sodium current in myocytes with anti-ischemic and metabolic properties. It was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2006 for use in patients with CSA. Multiple, randomized, placebo-controlled trials have shown that ranolazine improves functional capacity and decreases anginal episodes in CSA patients, despite a lack of a significant hemodynamic effect. Ranolazine did not improve cardiovascular mortality or affect incidence of myocardial infarction in the MERLIN (Metabolic Efficiency with Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome)-TIMI (Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction) 36 trial, but significantly decreased the incidence of recurrent angina. More recently, ranolazine has been shown to have beneficial and potent antiarrhythmic effects, both on supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, largely due to its inhibition of the late sodium current. Randomized controlled trials testing these effects are underway. Lastly, ranolazine appears to be cost-effective due to its ability to decrease angina-related hospitalizations and improve quality of life.

  4. Randomized double-blind comparison of metoprolol, nifedipine, and their combination in chronic stable angina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egstrup, K


    In a randomized double-blind study, treatment with either metoprolol, nifedipine, or their combination was compared for effects on ischemic variables and heart rate obtained during ambulatory monitoring in 42 patients with chronic stable angina. All patients had severe chronic stable angina...... could be detected during nifedipine monotherapy. It is concluded that metoprolol monotherapy, as well as its combination with nifedipine, effectively reduces total ischemic activity compared with placebo and nifedipine monotherapy. Control of ischemic activity in chronic stable angina may have...

  5. Diagnosis of Unstable Angina Pectoris Has Declined Markedly with the Advent of More Sensitive Troponin Assays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    D'Souza, Maria; Sarkisian, Laura; Saaby, Lotte


    ]) was established in cases of a rise and/or fall of cardiac troponin I together with cardiac ischemic features. Patients with unstable chest discomfort and cardiac troponin I values below the decision limit of myocardial infarction were diagnosed as having unstable angina pectoris. The definition of acute coronary...... syndrome included unstable angina pectoris, NSTEMI, and STEMI. Mortality data were obtained from the Danish Civil Personal Registration System. RESULTS: Of 3762 consecutive patients, 516 had acute coronary syndrome. Unstable angina pectoris was present in 7%, NSTEMI in 67%, and STEMI in 26%. The NSTEMI...... patients were older, more frequently women, and had more comorbidities than patients with unstable angina pectoris and STEMI. At median follow-up of 3.2 years 195 patients had died: 14% of unstable angina pectoris, 45% of NSTEMI, and 25% of STEMI patients. Age-adjusted log-rank statistics revealed...

  6. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with unstable angina: comparison with acute myocardial infarction and normals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, M.; Johnson, R.F. Jr.; Fawcett, H.D.; Schreiber, M.H.


    The role of magnetic resonance imaging in characterizing normal, ischemic and infarcted segments of myocardium was examined in 8 patients with unstable angina, 11 patients with acute myocardial infarction, and 7 patients with stable angina. Eleven normal volunteers were imaged for comparison. Myocardial segments in short axis magnetic resonance images were classified as normal or abnormal on the basis of perfusion changes observed in thallium-201 images in 22 patients and according to the electrocariographic localization of infarction in 4 patients. T2 relaxation time was measured in 57 myocardial segments with abnormal perfusion (24 with reversible and 33 with irreversible perfusion changes) and in 25 normally perfused segments. T2 measurements in normally perfused segments of patients with acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina and stable angina were within normal range derived from T2 measurements in 48 myocardial segments of 11 normal volunteers (42 +/- 10 ms). T2 in abnormal myocardial segments of patients with stable angina also was not significantly different from normal. T2 of abnormal segments in patients with unstable angina (64 +/- 14 in reversibly ischemic and 67 +/- 21 in the irreversibly ischemic segments) was prolonged when compared to normal (p less than 0.0001) and was not significantly different from T2 in abnormal segments of patients with acute myocardial infarction (62 +/- 18 for reversibly and 66 +/- 11 for irreversibly ischemic segments). The data indicate that T2 prolongation is not specific for acute myocardial infarction and may be observed in abnormally perfused segments of patients with unstable angina

  7. Relationship between the serologic status of helicobacter pylori with the presence of unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alavi, S.M.; Adel, S. M. H.; Rajabzadeh, A.


    To determine whether unstable angina is co-related to seropositivity to chronic Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. It is a case control, descriptive study conducted at CCU in Razi Hospital in Ahwaz a city southwest Iran, from 2004 to 2005. We measured serum HP- lgG levels of participants in CCU in a hospital. Blood samples were drawn during study period from 96 patients (mean age 56 years) with Unstable Angina (UA) according to American Heart Association criteria and from 96 participants free of cardiovascular disease (mean age 58 years) and stored at 20 degree C. Serology results were studied in relation to UA. Using chi squared test, odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated, adjusting for age, gender, and established risk factors. Seventy nine (82.3%) of patients with unstable angina and 55(61.1%) in the control group presented a positive anti HP-lgG. Odds ratio was 3 with 95% CI: 1.9 to 4.3. There was significant relation between HP-lgG positivity and unstable angina (P 0.05). Our study revealed relationship between seropositivity of HP-lgG and unstable angina. (author)

  8. Infliximab induces clinical, endoscopic and histological responses in refractory ulcerative colitis Infliximab induce respuesta clínica, endoscópica e histológica en la colitis ulcerosa refractaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Bermejo


    Full Text Available Background: infliximab is a monoclonal antiTNF-α antibody that has repeatedly shown to be effective in the management of Crohn's disease. However, data are scarce about its efficacy in ulcerative colitis. Aim: to describe the joint experience of three Spanish hospitals in the use of infliximab in patients with active refractory ulcerative colitis. Patients and methods: we present seven cases of ulcerative colitis (6 with chronic active disease despite immunosuppressive therapy, and one with acute steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis treated with infliximab 5 mg/kg of body weight. Clinical response was evaluated by means of the Clinical Activity Index at 2, 4 and 8 weeks after initial infusion. Biochemical (erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein, endoscopic, and histological changes were also assessed. Results: mean age of patients was 45.8 ± 17 years (range 23-77; 4 were female. No adverse effects were recorded. Inflammatory activity diminished significantly in 6 of 7 patients (85.7%; CI 95%: 42-99% both from a clinical (p = 0.01 and biochemical (p Introducción: infliximab, un anticuerpo monoclonal quimérico antiTNF-α ha demostrado su eficacia en pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn. Sin embargo, son escasos los datos sobre su efectividad en el tratamiento de la colitis ulcerosa. Objetivo: describir la experiencia conjunta de 3 hospitales españoles en el uso de infliximab en enfermos con CU activa resistente a otros tratamientos. Pacientes y métodos: se presentan 7 casos de colitis ulcerosa (6 con enfermedad crónicamente activa a pesar de tratamiento con inmunosupresor y 1 con colitis aguda grave refractaria a esteroides tratados con infliximab a dosis de 5 mg/kg de peso. Se evaluó la respuesta clínica mediante un Índice de Actividad Clínica trascurridas 2, 4 y 8 semanas de la infusión inicial. Así mismo, se estudiaron los cambios analíticos (velocidad de sedimentación y proteína C reactiva, endoscópicos e histol

  9. [Results of the use of pumpan preparation in the treatment of severe forms of angina pectoris]. (United States)

    Parshina, S S; Golovacheva, T V; Afanas'eva, T N; Panchenko, O V; Baldina, A A; Starostina, N V; Lial'chenko, I F; Egorova, L P


    To assess validity of adjuvant use of pumpan, a homeopathic compound, in patients with unstable angina pectoris and angina of effort (functional class III-IV) receiving conventional treatment. A direct open controlled trial for 15 months performed initially in hospital, then outpatiently, covered 49 patients with severe angina. Examination of the patients included evaluation of clinical condition and the disease course, lipid metabolism, hemostasis, blood plasma electrolytes, aminotransferases, echo-CG, bicycle exercise, rheoencephalography, ultrasonic dopplerography of head and neck vessels. Pumpan produced a positive effect total nonspecific systemic resistance improved, number of hospitalizations reduced, intracardiac hemodynamics improved in some cases with severe angina. Homeopathic compound pumpan can be recommended in the treatment of severe angina to reinforce antianginal effect, improve the disease clinical course, to obtain a hypocoagulative and hypocholesterolemic effect, to normalize intracardiac hemodynamics, to raise myocardial performance and intracoronary reserve as well as nonspecific resistance of the body.

  10. Risk stratification by using non-invasive radionuclide imaging in patients with unstable angina spec tories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saghari, M.


    Unstable angina represents a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical entities between chronic stable angina and acute myocardial infraction. Acute ischemic syndromes (including unstable angina) result from abrupt reduction in coronary flow, frequently after atherosclerotic plaque disruption and with or without associated thrombosis or vasospasm. Nuclear cardiology studies and in particular, myocardial perfusion imaging are powerful noninvasive tools for detecting and assessing the severity of acute ischemic syndromes, including unstable angina pec tories. The information derived from a nuclear cardiology study can answer unresolved clinical question and aid in subsequent patient management, specifically jeopardized myocardium detected during spontaneously occurring acute chest pain or controlled stress testing are important determinant of: 1) The need for admission to an intensive care monitoring unit 2) The need for and urgency of coronary angiography 3) The appropriate use of percutaneous or surgical coronary revascularization procedures. Extensive information suggests the stress nuclear perfusion imaging is the best validated technique for predischarge risk stratification with unstable angina patients who have been medically stabilized. Early information suggests avoidance of unecessary coronary angiography or revascularization is the cost effective strategy

  11. A significance of the washout of 123I-BMIPP in patients with vasospastic angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukumitsu, Nobuyoshi; Kawai Mie; Nagata, Masako; Uchiyama, Mayuki; Mori, Yutaka


    We investigated the washout of 123 I-BMIPP from early and delayed SPECT in 28 patients with vasospastic angina from the standpoint of the intervals from the last angina attack. We divided myocardial wall into 13 segments from the early and delayed SPECT, and visually classified into four grades of defect score ranged from 0 (normal) to 3 (severe defect). Early and delayed severity scores were calculated as a total of defect scores in 3 vessel territories, and washout scores (WS) as (delayed severity score early severity score)/ number of segments. WS of the group within 1 month from last angina attack was compared with the groups more than 1 month. In the territory of the right coronary artery, the group within 1 month showed significantly higher WS than groups more than 1 month (p 123 I-BMIPP may reflect the clinical course of vasospastic angina. (author)

  12. Cost-utility of ranolazine for the symptomatic treatment of patients with chronic angina pectoris in Spain. (United States)

    Hidalgo-Vega, Alvaro; Ramos-Goñi, Juan Manuel; Villoro, Renata


    Ranolazine is an antianginal agent that was approved in the EU in 2008 as an add-on therapy for symptomatic chronic angina pectoris treatment in patients who are inadequately controlled by, or are intolerant to, first-line antianginal therapies. These patients' quality of life is significantly affected by more frequent angina events, which increase the risk of revascularization. To assess the cost-utility of ranolazine versus placebo as an add-on therapy for the symptomatic treatment of patients with chronic angina pectoris in Spain. A decision tree model with 1-year time horizon was designed. Transition probabilities and utility values for different angina frequencies were obtained from the literature. Costs were obtained from Spanish official DRGs for patients with chronic angina pectoris. We calculated the incremental cost-utility ratio of using ranolazine compared with a placebo. Sensitivity analyses, by means of Monte Carlo simulations, were performed. Acceptability curves and expected value of perfect information were calculated. The incremental cost-utility ratio was €8,455 per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) per patient in Spain. Sensitivity analyses showed that if the decision makers' willingness to pay is €15,000 per QALY, the treatment with ranolazine will be cost effective at a 95 % level of confidence. The incremental cost-utility ratio is particularly sensitive to changes in utility values of those non-hospitalized patients with mild or moderate angina frequency. Ranolazine is a highly efficient add-on therapy for the symptomatic treatment of chronic angina pectoris in patients who are inadequately controlled by, or intolerant to, first-line antianginal therapies in Spain.

  13. 148. Utilidad del sistema oxigenador de membrana extracorpórea como puente al trasplante pulmonar y como asistencia quirúrgica para la realización del mismo. una nueva indicación en nuestro centro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.A. Sarralde


    Conclusiones: La ECMO es útil para pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria refractaria a medidas convencionales incluidos en lista de espera, así como para aquellos que precisen circulación extracorpórea para realización del trasplante pulmonar, disminuyendo las posibles complicaciones y aumentando la supervivencia.

  14. Long-term effects of electrical neurostimulation in patients with unstable angina : Refractory to conventional therapies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Vries, Jessica; DeJongste, Mike J. L.; Zijlstra, Felix; Staal, Michiel


    Background. Patients with unstable angina pectoris may become refractory to conventional therapies. Electrical neurostimulation with transcutaneous electrical stimulation and/or spinal cord stimulation has been shown to be effective for patients with refractory unstable angina pectoris in hospital

  15. Myocardial rest iodine-123-β-methyl-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid scintigraphy compared with dipyridamole stress thallium-201 scintigraphy in unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misumi, Ikuo; Kimura, Yoshihiro; Hokamura, Youichi; Yamabe, Hiroshige; Ueno, Kazuhiro


    Twelve patients with stable angina and 12 patients with unstable angina underwent rest iodine-123-β-methyl-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP), dipyridamole stress thallium scintigraphy and delayed thallium scintigraphy. In stable angina, sensitivity for detecting ischemic segments was higher in dipyridamole thallium (74%) than rest BMIPP (48%) images (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the 2 images in unstable angina. In unstable angina, the incidence of segments with higher defect scores on BMIPP images than on delayed thallium images and the opposite pattern was 27 and 5 (p<0.01). In stable angina, there was no difference. The mean defect score on BMIPP (6.3±5.6) was higher than that on delayed thallium scintigraphy (2.9±2.7) and it was almost the same as on the initial dipyridamole stress test (6.5±5.2). In conclusion, BMIPP scintigraphy is safer and may be as useful in detecting myocardial ischemia in patients with unstable angina as thallium scintigraphy. (author)

  16. The prognostic significance of angina pectoris experienced during the first month following acute myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, C M


    BACKGROUND: Angina pectoris accompanied by transient ST-segment changes during the in-hospital phase of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a well established marker of subsequent cardiac death and reinfarction. HYPOTHESIS: This study was undertaken to record the prognostic significance of angina...... on study treatment 1 month after discharge. Of these patients, 311 (39%) reported chest pain during the first month following discharge. RESULTS: Patients with angina pectoris had a significantly increased risk of reinfarction [hazard 1.71; 95%-confidence limit (CL): 1.09, 2.69] and increased mortality...... risk which, however, only reached borderline statistical significance (hazard 1.52; 95%-CL: 0.96, 2.40). When patients were subdivided according to both angina pectoris and heart failure, those with one or both of these risk markers had significantly increased mortality (p 0.03) and reinfarction (p 0...

  17. Angina and exertional myocardial ischemia in diabetic and nondiabetic patients: assessment by exercise thallium scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nesto, R.W.; Phillips, R.T.; Kett, K.G.; Hill, T.; Perper, E.; Young, E.; Leland, O.S. Jr.


    Patients with diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease are thought to have painless myocardial ischemia more often than patients without diabetes. We studied 50 consecutive patients with diabetes and 50 consecutive patients without diabetes, all with ischemia, on exercise thallium scintigraphy to show the reliability of angina as a marker for exertional ischemia. The two groups had similar clinical characteristics, treadmill test results, and extent of infarction and ischemia, but only 7 patients with diabetes compared with 17 patients without diabetes had angina during exertional ischemia. In diabetic patients the extent of retinopathy, nephropathy, or peripheral neuropathy was similar in patients with and without angina. Angina is an unreliable index of myocardial ischemia in diabetic patients with coronary artery disease. Given the increased cardiac morbidity and mortality in such patients, periodic objective assessments of the extent of ischemia are warranted

  18. Efficacy of a device to narrow the coronary sinus in refractory angina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Verheye, Stefan; Jolicœur, E Marc; Behan, Miles W


    BACKGROUND: Many patients with coronary artery disease who are not candidates for revascularization have refractory angina despite standard medical therapy. The balloon-expandable, stainless steel, hourglass-shaped, coronary-sinus reducing device creates a focal narrowing and increases pressure...... in the coronary sinus, thus redistributing blood into ischemic myocardium. METHODS: We randomly assigned 104 patients with Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) class III or IV angina (on a scale from I to IV, with higher classes indicating greater limitations on physical activity owing to angina) and myocardial.......6 points; P=0.03). There were no significant between-group differences in improvement in exercise time or in the mean change in the wall-motion index as assessed by means of dobutamine echocardiography. At 6 months, 1 patient in the treatment group had had a myocardial infarction; in the control group, 1...

  19. Ranolazine for the treatment of chronic stable angina: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the UK perspective


    Coleman, Craig I; Freemantle, Nick; Kohn, Christine G


    Objectives To estimate the cost-effectiveness of ranolazine when added to standard-of-care (SoC) antianginals compared with SoC alone in patients with stable coronary disease experiencing ?3 attacks/week. Setting An economic model utilising a UK health system perspective, a 1-month cycle-length and a 1-year time horizon. Participants Patients with stable coronary disease experiencing ?3 attacks/week starting in 1 of 4 angina frequency health states based on Seattle Angina Questionnaire Angina...

  20. High probability of disease in angina pectoris patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høilund-Carlsen, Poul F.; Johansen, Allan; Vach, Werner


    BACKGROUND: According to most current guidelines, stable angina pectoris patients with a high probability of having coronary artery disease can be reliably identified clinically. OBJECTIVES: To examine the reliability of clinical evaluation with or without an at-rest electrocardiogram (ECG......) in patients with a high probability of coronary artery disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospective series of 357 patients referred for coronary angiography (CA) for suspected stable angina pectoris were examined by a trained physician who judged their type of pain and Canadian Cardiovascular Society grade...... on CA. Of the patients who had also an abnormal at-rest ECG, 14% to 21% of men and 42% to 57% of women had normal MPS. Sex-related differences were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical prediction appears to be unreliable. Addition of at-rest ECG data results in some improvement, particularly...

  1. Role of myocardial ischemia in a infarcted area as a possible mechanism for postinfarction angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Muneyasu; Sumiyoshi, Tetsuya; Ishikawa, Kenji; Haze, Kazuo; Fukami, Ken-ichi; Hiramori, Katsuhiko; Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Uehara, Toshiisa; Hayashida, Kouhei


    Perfusion defects and 201 Tl redistribution on scintigraphic images were compared with clinical findings in 140 patients with myocardial infarction (consisting of 84 with single vessel disease and 56 with double vessel disease), 28 patients with one vessel disease not accompanied by infarction, and 18 healthy persons who underwent left coronary arteriography and 201 Tl stress myocardial scintigraphy. In 30 patients with single vessel disease accompanied by postinfarction angina pectoris, perfusion defects was smaller and Tl redistribution was larger than those in 54 patients with single vessel desease not accompanied by it. The 30 patients with postinfarction angina pectoris had a slight abnormality of left ventricular contraction and marked stenosis of 90% or more of the vessels. These findings were similar to those in the 28 angina patients who had one vessel disease but not accompanied by infarction. In 56 cases of double vessel disease, Tl redistribution was significantly larger in the group with angina than in the group without it. These results suggested that ischemia in an infarct area plays an important role as a mechanism for postinfarction angina pectoris. (Namekawa, K.)

  2. Aneurisma ventricular calcificado en un paciente con cardiopatía isquémica y antecedente de trauma cerrado de tórax.


    Luis Romero Triana; Luis Gutiérrez Jaikel; Gerardo Vasquez Torres


    Se presenta el caso de un paciente con cardiopatía isquémica y aneurisma ventricular calcificado con insuficiencia cardíaca, angor de esfuerzo y fenómeno embólico cerebral previo, con el antecedente de trauma cerrado de tórax 24 años antes.We present the case of a patient with ischemic heart disease and a calcified ventricular aneurysm with symptoms of congestive heart failure, exertion angina and an embolic cerebrovascular event, with a past history of blunt thoracic trauma 24 years ago.

  3. Exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy and prognosis in typical angina pectoris and negative exercise electrocardiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bairey, C.N.; Rozanski, A.; Maddahi, J.; Resser, K.J.; Berman, D.S.


    Patients with a history of typical angina but negative exercise electrocardiography represent a subgroup with an intermediate likelihood of having coronary artery disease and future cardiac events. A retrospective study of the prognostic utility of stress-redistribution thallium-201 scintigraphy was performed in 190 such patients. A second group of 203 patients with typical angina and a positive exercise electrocardiogram were analyzed for comparative scintigraphic purposes. The cardiac event rate for the 144 negative exercise electrocardiogram patients with normal thallium results was 5 vs 15% in the 46 patients with abnormal thallium results (p = 0.01). These patients were further stratified into high (14 to 18%), intermediate (9%) and low (less than 2%) risk groups for future cardiac events based on combining the thallium results with the percentage of maximal predicted heart rate achieved. A multivariate analysis revealed that an abnormal thallium result was the only significant correlate of future cardiac events. Mechanisms responsible for the discordant finding of a negative exercise electrocardiogram in patients with typical angina include (1) false-positive angina symptomatology in low prevalence coronary artery disease groups in whom the thallium test is negative, and (2) electrocardiographically silent ischemia in patients in whom the thallium test is positive. These findings reveal that thallium stress-redistribution scintigraphy can be used to stratify 1-year prognosis in this subgroup of patients with typical angina and negative exercise electrocardiograms

  4. Economic burden of chronic conditions among households in Myanmar: the case of angina and asthma. (United States)

    Htet, Soe; Alam, Khurshid; Mahal, Ajay


    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are becoming a major source of the national disease burden in Myanmar with potentially serious economic implications. Using data on 5484 households from the World Health Survey (WHS), this study assessed the household-level economic burden of two chronic conditions, angina and asthma, in Myanmar. Propensity score matching (PSM) and coarsened exact matching (CEM) methods were used to compare household out-of-pocket (OOP) spending, catastrophic and impoverishment effects, reliance on borrowing or asset sales to finance OOP healthcare payments and employment among households reporting a member with angina (asthma) to matched households, with and without adjusting for comorbidities. Sensitivity analyses were carried out to assess the impacts of alternative assumptions on common support and potential violations of the assumption of independence of households being angina (asthma) affected and household economic outcomes, conditional on the variables used for matching (conditional independence). Households with angina (asthma) reported greater OOP spending (angina: range I$1.94-I$4.31; asthma: range I$1.53-I$2.01) (I$1 = 125.09 Myanmar Kyats; I$=International Dollar) almost half of which was spending on medicines; higher rates of catastrophic spending based on a 20% threshold ratio of OOP to total household spending (angina: range 6-7%; asthma: range 3-5%); greater reliance on borrowing and sale of assets to finance healthcare (angina: range 12-14%; asthma: range 40-49%); increased medical impoverishment and lower employment rates than matched controls. There were no statistically differences in OOP expenses for inpatient care between angina-affected (asthma-affected) households and matched controls. Our results were generally robust to multiple methods of matching. However, conclusions for medical impoverishment impacts were not robust to potential violations of the conditional independence assumption. Myanmar is expanding public

  5. Unstable angina pectoris: the results of intracoronary administration of fibrinolytic agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gratsianskij, N.A.; Panchenko, E.P.; Agapov, A.A.; Logutov, Yu.A.; Vladimirov, S.S.


    Intracoronary thrombolytic infusions were used in 10 patients with unstable angina and high risk of myocardial infarction (MI). Streptokinase (500.000 units per hour) was used in 9 patients, and urokinase, in one. Vascular recanalization was achieved in 4 cases where angiografhy, showed coronary arterial occlusion by a thrombus. Myocardial infarction developed in 8 patients (large-focal in 6 and small focal in 2) within 1 to 16 days after the thrombolytic infuson. Therefore, short-term local thrombolytic infusion fails to prevent myocardial infarction in patients with unstable angina

  6. Impact of ranolazine on clinical outcomes and healthcare resource utilization in patients with refractory angina pectoris. (United States)

    Ling, Hua; Packard, Kathleen A; Burns, Tammy L; Hilleman, Daniel E


    Ranolazine is a novel antianginal medication approved for the treatment of chronic angina. There are only limited data concerning the efficacy of ranolazine in reducing healthcare resource utilization in patients with refractory angina pectoris. The primary objective of this analysis was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ranolazine in refractory angina pectoris. In addition, the impact of ranolazine on healthcare resource utilization was assessed. Consecutive patients with refractory angina pectoris treated with ranolazine at two cardiology practices in the state of Nebraska were included in this analysis. The Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) angina class and frequency and type of healthcare resource consumption were determined during the 12 months prior to and the 12 months after initiation of ranolazine. A total of 150 pts (64 % men) with a mean age of 66 ± 12 years were included in this analysis. All patients had previously undergone coronary revascularization. Nitrates, β-adrenoceptor antagonists (β-blockers), and calcium antagonists (calcium channel blockers) were being used in 83, 97, and 75 % of patients, respectively. During ranolazine treatment, a significant improvement in CCS angina class was observed, with 23 patients improving by one class and no patient experiencing a deterioration in functional class (p = 0.025). A total of 53 side effects occurred in 28 (19 %) patients receiving ranolazine. Of those patients with side effects, four required dose reduction and seven required drug discontinuation. The frequency of clinic visits and emergency room visits was lower during ranolazine treatment, but the differences in frequency were not significant. The number of patients hospitalized and the number of hospitalizations were significantly lower during ranolazine therapy than in the pre-ranolazine study period (p = 0.002). Ranolazine improved the CCS angina class and reduced hospitalizations over a 12-month follow-up period in a group

  7. 'Variant' angina: Evidence for small vessel coronary artery spasm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pfisterer, M.; Mueller-Brand, J.; Cueni, T.; Luetold, B.; Burkart, F.; Basel Univ.


    A unique case of 'variant' angina pectoris has been observed in a patient with normal coronary arteries and typical chest pain appearing spontaneously at rest, and repeatedly provoked by ergonovine maleate (0.1 mg iv) associated with large transmural perfusion defects on 201 TI-imaging (after ergonovine) and a marked increase in T wave voltage despite no demonstrable spasm of a major coronary artery after the same doses of ergonovine. While saline solution could not provoke chest pain and treatment with a beta-blocking agent increased the frequency of ischemic attacks, a calcium antangonist therapy reduced and eventually eliminated the attacks. Thus, this case provides evidence for yet another aspect of a 'variant' form of angina pectoris: small vessel coronary artery spasm. (orig.) [de

  8. Invaliderende angina pectoris behandlet med elektrisk rygmarvsstimulation (ERS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, C; Clemensen, S E; Henneberg, S W


    Thirty patients who had severe incapacitating angina pectoris which had not reacted to the conventional therapeutic measures and which required massive daily opioid consumption were treated with electrical spinal cord stimulation (SCS) by means of a completely implantable stimulation system...

  9. Ischemic preconditioning effect of prodromal angina is attenuated in acute myocardial infarction patients with hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeuchi, Toshiharu; Kikuchi, Kenjiro; Hasebe, Naoyuki; Ishii, Yoshinao


    Several animal experiments on acute myocardial infarction (AMI) have shown that the cardioprotective effects of ischemic preconditioning are more significant in hypertensive subjects. However, because there are no clinical data on the impact of hypertension on ischemic preconditioning in patients with AMI, whether clinical ischemic preconditioning of prodromal angina was beneficial in AMI patients with hypertension was investigated in the present study. 125 patients with a first anterior AMI who had undergone successful reperfusion therapy were divided into 2 groups, with or without hypertension, and into 2 further subgroups based on the presence or absence of prodromal angina. Dual-isotope (thallium-201(TL)/Tc-99m pyrophosphate) single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was performed within 1 week of reperfusion therapy. Left ventricular (LV) function and LV mass index (LVMI) were measured by left ventriculography and echocardiography, respectively. In patients without hypertension, prodromal angina resulted in significantly less myocardial damage on TL-SPECT, better LV ejection fraction and a greater myocardial blush grade compared to patients without prodromal angina. However, these cardioprotective effects of prodromal angina were significantly diminished in hypertensive patients. Importantly, the myocardial salvage effects of prodromal angina showed a significant negative correlation with LVMI, which was significantly greater in hypertensive patients. The cardioprotective effects of prodromal angina were attenuated in patients with hypertension. Hypertensive LV hypertrophy may crucially limit the effects of ischemic preconditioning in AMI. (author)

  10. Prevalence of angina pectoris in the Brazilian population from the Rose questionnaire: analysis of the National Health Survey, 2013. (United States)

    Lotufo, Paulo Andrade; Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Szwarcwald, Celia Landmann; Stopa, Sheila Rizzato; Vieira, Maria Lucia; Bensenor, Isabela Martins


    To estimate the prevalence of angina pectoris in the Brazilian adult population with the use of the Rose questionnaire for angina in the National Health Survey (PNS 2013). Population survey representing the Brazilian population aged 18 years and older, with probability carried out sampling in three stages. The interview records of 60,202 individuals were obtained in the country. The respondent was presented with the short Rose questionnaire with three questions, adapted by Lawlor in 2003 and validated in Brazil, to identify angina pectoris grade I (mild) and II (moderate/severe). The prevalence rate was calculated with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI) according to sex, age, education, and race/color. The prevalence of mild angina (grade I) was of 7.6% (95%CI 7.2 - 8.0) for the entire population, more frequently in women - 9.1% (95%CI 8.5 - 9.7) - than in men - 5.9% (95%CI 5.3 - 6.4). The frequency of moderate/severe angina (grade II) was of 4.2 (95%CI 3.9 - 4.5), also more common in women - 5.2% (95%CI 4.7 - 5.6) - than in men - 3.0% (95%CI 2.7 - 3.4). The prevalence of angina by age group increased progressively with age. The prevalence of angina of any sort was inverse to years of formal study. Despite the higher value of the presence of angina in black people, there was no significant difference by race/skin color. The high prevalence rate of angina pectoris in the population aged 18 years and above was consistent with studies in other countries, revealing the importance of coronary heart disease as a public health problem.

  11. Effect of Kuanxiong Aerosol () on Patients with Angina Pectoris: A Non-inferiority Multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Yang, Qiao-Ning; Bai, Rui-Na; Dong, Guo-Ju; Ge, Chang-Jiang; Zhou, Jing-Min; Huang, Li; He, Yan; Wang, Jun; Ren, Ai-Hua; Huang, Zhan-Quan; Zhu, Guang-Li; Lu, Shu; Xiong, Shang-Quan; Xian, Shao-Xiang; Zhu, Zhi-Jun; Shi, Da-Zhuo; Lu, Shu-Zheng; Li, Li-Zhi; Chen, Ke-Ji


    To evaluate the effect and safety of Kuanxiong Aerosol (, KA) on patients with angina pectoris. Block randomization was performed to randomly allocate 750 patients into KA (376 cases) and control groups (374 cases). During an angina attack, the KA group received 3 consecutive sublingual sprays of KA (0.6 mL per spray). The control group received 1 sublingual nitroglycerin tablet (NT, 0.5 mg/tablet). Log-rank tests and Kaplan-Meier estimations were used to estimate the angina remission rates at 6 time-points after treatment (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and >5 min). Logistic regression analysis was performed to observe the factors inflfluencing the rate of effective angina remission, and the remission rates and incidences of adverse reactions were compared for different Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) classes of angina. The 5-min remission rates in the KA and control groups were not signifificantly different (94.41% vs. 90.64%, P>0.05). The angina CCS class signifificantly inflfluenced the rate of remission (95% confidence interval = 0.483-0.740, P0.05), while they were signifificantly better for KA in the CCSI and II subgroups (Pangina. Furthermore, in CCSII and III patients, KA is superior to NT, with a lower incidence of adverse reactions. (Registration No. ChiCTRIPR-15007204).

  12. Tongxinluo (Tong xin luo or Tong-xin-luo) capsule for unstable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Wu, Taixiang; Harrison, R A; Chen, Xiaoyan; Ni, Juan; Zhou, Likun; Qiao, Jieqi; Wang, Qin; Wei, Jiafu; Xin, Duan; Zheng, Jie


    Tongxinluo capsule is a medicine consisting of traditional Chinese herbs and insects used for cardiovascular diseases in China and some other Asian countries. To date the evidence of its effect has not previously been subject to systematic review, making it difficult to derive robust conclusions about its actual benefits, and indeed, possible harms. To assess systematically the effects of tongxinluo capsule in people with unstable angina pectoris. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) on The Cochrane Library, Issue 4 2004, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Chinese Biomedical Database, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Japana Centra Revuo Medicina (all 1995 to 2005). We also handsearched the relevant Chinese journals, checked with manufacturers and registers of ongoing studies. Randomised trials comparing either tongxinluo capsule only or standard treatment plus tongxinluo capsule with standard treatment or other anti-angina pectoris drugs, placebo or no intervention. Two authors identified relevant studies for the review independently and went on to abstract data, and assess trial quality. Authors of included studies were contacted to obtain further information as required. 18 short term follow-up trials involving 1413 people were included. The studies did not provide strong support of a benefit of tongxinluo for reducing the combined outcome of acute myocardial infarction, angioplasty (PTCA) coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and sudden death or all-cause mortality (RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.07 to 2.59, P=0.35; RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.01to 7.78, P=0.49, respectively). Tongxinluo reduced the frequency of acute angina attacks (WMD -1.20, 95%CI -1.38 to -1.02, P<0.00001 and RR -2.36, 95%CI -2.53 to -2.18, P<0.00001, respectively), improved ECG (RR 1.31, 95% CI 1.08 to 1.57, P=0.005) and angina symptoms (RR 1.21, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.40; P=0.007). Tongxinluo in combination with routine angina therapy appears to reduce the risk of subsequent AMI, PTCA or CABG

  13. The significance of 123I-BMIPP myocardial SPECT on the evaluation of angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurosawa, Kazuhiko; Ohtani, Hiroshi; Saitou, Tomiyoshi; Maruyama, Yukio; Katohno, Eiichi; Ohwada, Kenji


    Some patients of ischemic heart disease have low uptake in 123 I-labeled beta methyl-iodophenyl pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) SPECT in spite of normal uptake in thallium-201 (Tl) SPECT. To investigate their clinical significance, we performed both Tl and BMIPP myocardial SPECT in 26 cases with stable angina (n=16) and unstable angina (n=10), and compared with clinical backgrounds electrocardiogram (ECG) and left ventriculography (LVG). In 11 patients of them, the uptake of BMIPP was moderately reduced. We divided 26 cases into two groups according to uptake of BMIPP (normal/reduced). The two groups had no differences in length of angina attack and duration of disease, but they had a significant difference in the abnormality of either ECG or LVG. Three to six months after PTCA, we examined LVG in 18 cases, 12 of 16 cases with the abnormality of LVG showed the improvement of wall motion. We concluded the reduced uptake of BMIPP with normal uptake of Tl was related to more severe ischemia in cases with unstable angina. (author)

  14. Clinical validation of a quality of life questionnaire in angina pectoris patients. (United States)

    Marquis, P; Fayol, C; Joire, J E


    Angina pectoris impairs patients' quality of life. In order to assess its impact on quality of life, a questionnaire was developed using a literature review and interviews with patients and clinicians. It consisted of a general profile (SF-36) which measured functional status, well-being, perceived health, and a specific index, the Angina Pectoris Quality of Life Questionnaire, supplemented by new items. The acceptability, internal consistency reliability and clinical validity of this 70-item questionnaire were analysed in a cross-sectional study. Of 197 coronary patients approached, 93% (n = 184) agreed to participate and 86% (n = 170) returned the mailed questionnaire. Mean age of patients was 67 years (+/- 10); 79% were male and 70% were retired. Sixty patients were asymptomatic and 110 reported anginal crises (Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification: class I: 48; II: 37; III: 13; IV: 0; V: 12). Globally, angina pectoris was found to affect each quality of life concept measured: physical functioning, well-being, and perceived health. Quality of life profiles worsened in accordance with increasing severity of the condition, as stratified by angina pectoris class. Asymptomatic patients reported better general and specific profiles. These results support the feasibility and usefulness of evaluating quality of life using the questionnaire. The validation of the data is very encouraging and enables the questionnaire to be used in clinical trials.

  15. Use of myocardial perfusion imaging to predict the effectiveness of coronary revascularisation in patients with stable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johansen, Allan; Hoeilund-Carlsen, Poul Flemming; Moeldrup, Mette; Christensen, Henrik Wulff; Vach, Werner; Haghfelt, Torben


    Coronary revascularisation is the treatment of choice in patients with stable angina who have significant stenoses. From a pathophysiological point of view, however, mitigation of angina is to be expected only in the presence of reversible ischaemia. Therefore it was the aim of this study to examine the effect of revascularisation on stable angina in relation to the myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) pattern prior to intervention. Three hundred and eighty-four patients (58.0±8.8 years) referred for angiography underwent MPI. Prior to MPI and at 2-year follow-up, patients were classified as having typical angina, atypical angina, non-cardiac chest pain or no pain, and the severity of chest pain was graded according to the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) criteria. The patients themselves estimated their pain on a visual analogue scale. Management was based on symptoms and angiographic findings, since the results of MPI were not communicated. Among the 240 patients who were not revascularised, 79% had typical or atypical angina at study entrance versus 40% at follow-up. In comparison, 93% of the 144 revascularised patients had typical or atypical angina before intervention versus only 36% at follow-up. This additional advantage of invasive therapy was present only in patients with reversible defects; revascularisation had no additional effect in patients with normal perfusion or irreversible defects. Similarly, additional, significant reductions in CCS class and visual analogue score were observed exclusively in patients with reversible defects. In patients referred for coronary angiography owing to known or suspected stable angina, revascularisation was significantly more effective than medical treatment exclusively in patients with reversible ischaemia. (orig.)

  16. Diagnosis of unstable angina pectoris has declined markedly with the advent of more sensitive troponin assays. (United States)

    D'Souza, Maria; Sarkisian, Laura; Saaby, Lotte; Poulsen, Tina S; Gerke, Oke; Larsen, Torben B; Diederichsen, Axel C P; Jangaard, Nikolaj; Diederichsen, Søren Z; Hosbond, Susanne; Hove, Jens; Thygesen, Kristian; Mickley, Hans


    Since the arrival of the universal definition of myocardial infarction more sensitive troponin assays have been developed. How these occurrences have influenced the proportions and clinical features of the components of acute coronary syndrome have not been studied prospectively in unselected hospital patients. During 2010 we evaluated all patients in whom cardiac troponin I had been measured at a single university hospital. The diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (ST-elevation myocardial infarction [STEMI] or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction [NSTEMI]) was established in cases of a rise and/or fall of cardiac troponin I together with cardiac ischemic features. Patients with unstable chest discomfort and cardiac troponin I values below the decision limit of myocardial infarction were diagnosed as having unstable angina pectoris. The definition of acute coronary syndrome included unstable angina pectoris, NSTEMI, and STEMI. Mortality data were obtained from the Danish Civil Personal Registration System. Of 3762 consecutive patients, 516 had acute coronary syndrome. Unstable angina pectoris was present in 7%, NSTEMI in 67%, and STEMI in 26%. The NSTEMI patients were older, more frequently women, and had more comorbidities than patients with unstable angina pectoris and STEMI. At median follow-up of 3.2 years 195 patients had died: 14% of unstable angina pectoris, 45% of NSTEMI, and 25% of STEMI patients. Age-adjusted log-rank statistics revealed differences in mortality: NSTEMI vs unstable angina pectoris (P = .0091) and NSTEMI vs STEMI (P = .0045). The application of the universal definition together with the use of a contemporary troponin assay seems to have reduced the proportion of patients with unstable angina pectoris to the benefit of patients with NSTEMI. Despite this, NSTEMI patients have a sustained higher mortality than patients with STEMI. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Nitrates for stable angina: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. (United States)

    Wei, Jiafu; Wu, Taixiang; Yang, Qing; Chen, Mao; Ni, Juan; Huang, Dejia


    To assess the effect (harms and benefits) of nitrates for stable angina. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE and EMBASE. Randomized controlled trials with both parallel and crossover design were included. The following outcome measures were evaluated: number of angina attacks weekly and nitroglycerin consumption, quality of life, total exercise duration, time to onset of angina and time to 1 mm ST depression. Fifty-one trials with 3595 patients meeting inclusion criteria were analyzed. Both intermittent and continuous regimens of nitrates lengthened exercise duration significantly by 31 and 53 s respectively. The number of angina attacks was significantly reduced by 2.89 episodes weekly for continuous administration and 1.5 episodes weekly for intermittent administration. With intermittent administration, increased dose provided with 21 s more length of exercise duration. With continuous administration, exercise duration was pronged more in low-dose group. Quality of life was not improved by continuous application of GTN patches and was similar between continuous and intermittent groups. In addition, 51.6% patients receiving nitrates complained with headache. Long-term administration of nitrates was beneficial for angina prophylaxis and improved exercise performance but might be ineffective for improving quality of life. With continuous regimen, low-dose nitrates were more effective than high-dose ones for improving exercise performance. By contrast, with intermittent regimen, high-dose nitrates were more effective. In addition, intermittent administration could bring zero-hour effect. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. The Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine Gualouxiebaibanxia Decoction for the Treatment of Angina Pectoris: A Systematic Review (United States)


    We systematically assess the current clinical evidence of Gualouxiebaibanxia (GLXBBX) decoction for the treatment of angina pectoris (AP). We included RCTs testing GLXBBX against conventional drugs and GLXBBX combined with conventional drugs versus conventional drugs. 19 RCTs involving 1730 patients were finally identified, and the methodological quality was evaluated as generally low. The results of the meta-analysis showed that GLXBBX alone had significant effect on improving angina symptoms (RR: 1.24, 95% CI 1.14 to 1.35; P angina symptoms (RR: 1.17 [1.12,1.22]; P angina symptoms in participants with AP. However, the evidence remains weak due to the poor methodological quality of the included studies. More rigorous trials are needed to confirm the results. PMID:27777598

  19. The efficacy of trimetazidine on stable angina pectoris: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. (United States)

    Peng, Song; Zhao, Min; Wan, Jing; Fang, Qi; Fang, Dong; Li, Kaiyong


    This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the efficacy of trimetazidine in combination with other anti-anginal drugs versus other anti-anginal drugs in the treatment of stable angina pectoris (SAP). Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in English and Chinese were retrieved from computerized databases: Embase, PubMed, and CNKI. Primary outcomes consist of clinical parameters (numbers of weekly angina attacks and nitroglycerin use) and ergometric parameters (time to 1mm ST-segment depression, and total work (in Mets) and exercise duration (in seconds) at peak exercise) in stable angina pectoris treated by trimetazidine or not. The quality of studies was evaluated using Jadad score. Data analysis of 13 studies was performed using Stata 12.0 software. Results showed that treatment of trimetazidine and other anti-anginal drugs was associated with a smaller weekly mean number of angina attacks (WMD=-0.95, 95%CI: -1.30 to -0.61, Z=5.39, Pangina pectoris. Sensitivity analysis was performed. Sub-group analysis showed that treatment duration was not a significant moderator and patients treated within 8 weeks and above 12 weeks had no difference in the outcomes addressed in this meta-analysis. No publish bias was detected. This meta-analysis confirms the efficacy of trimetazidine in the treatment of stable angina pectoris, in comparison with conventional antianginal agents, regardless of treatment duration. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Serial thallium-201 imaging at rest in patients with unstable and stable angina pectoris: relationship of myocardial perfusion at rest to presenting clinical syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, K.A.; Okada, R.D.; Boucher, C.A.; Phillips, H.R.; Strauss, H.W.; Pohost, G.M.


    In order to determine whether there are differences in myocardial perfusion at rest among patients with various unstable and stable angina syndromes, serial thallium-201 imaging was performed at rest in 19 patients presenting with rapidly worsening exertional angina (unstable angina, group A), 12 patients with rest angina alone without exertional symptoms (unstable angina, group B), and 34 patients with chronic stable angina. No patient had an episode of angina within 4 hours of study. Nineteen of 19 (100%) patients in group A demonstrated transient defects compared to only 3 of 12 (25%) patients in group B (p less than 0.0001) and 4 of 34 (12%) stable angina patients (p less than 0.0001). The majority of zones demonstrating transient defects in group A were associated with hypokinesis of the corresponding left ventriculogram segment without associated ECG evidence of previous infarction. There were no significant differences in the frequency of persistent thallium defects, severity of angiographic coronary artery disease, or frequency of regional wall motion abnormalities of myocardial segments supplied by stenotic coronary arteries among the three groups of patients. Transient defects have been shown to reflect reduction in regional coronary blood flow to viable myocardium. Therefore, we conclude that regional resting hypoperfusion of viable myocardium is far more common in patients with exertional unstable angina symptoms than in patients with rest angina alone or chronic stable angina

  1. Research of Medical Expenditure among Inpatients with Unstable Angina Pectoris in a Single Center. (United States)

    Wu, Suo-Wei; Pan, Qi; Chen, Tong; Wei, Liang-Yu; Xuan, Yong; Wang, Qin; Li, Chao; Song, Jing-Chen


    With the rising incidence as well as the medical expenditure among patients with unstable angina pectoris, the research aimed to investigate the inpatient medical expenditure through the combination of diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) among patients with unstable angina pectoris in a Grade A tertiary hospital to conduct the referential standards of medical costs for the diagnosis. Single-factor analysis and multiple linear stepwise regression method were used to investigate 3933 cases between 2014 and 2016 in Beijing Hospital (China) whose main diagnosis was defined as unstable angina pectoris to determine the main factors influencing the inpatient medical expenditure, and decision tree method was adopted to establish the model of DRGs grouping combinations. The major influential factors of inpatient medical expenditure included age, operative method, therapeutic effects as well as comorbidity and complications (CCs) of the disease, and the 3933 cases were divided into ten DRGs by four factors: age, CCs, therapeutic effects, and the type of surgery with corresponding inpatient medical expenditure standards setup. Data of nonparametric test on medical costs among different groups were all significant (P angina pectoris is conducive in standardizing the diagnosis and treatment behaviors of the hospital and reducing economic burdens among patients.

  2. Quantitative exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy for predicting angina recurrence after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stuckey, T.D.; Burwell, L.R.; Nygaard, T.W.; Gibson, R.S.; Watson, D.D.; Beller, G.A.


    The aim of this prospective study was to determine the value of quantitative exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy for predicting short-term outcome in patients after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Quantitative exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy was performed 2.2 +/- 1.2 weeks after successful PTCA in 68 asymptomatic patients, 64 (94%) of whom had class III or IV angina before the procedure. Clinical follow-up was obtained in all patients at a mean of 10 +/- 2 months and all were followed for at least 6 months; 45 patients (66%) remained asymptomatic during follow-up and 23 (34%) developed recurrent class III or IV angina at a mean of 2.6 +/- 1.2 months. Multivariate analysis of 22 clinical, angiographic and exercise test variables revealed that thallium-201 redistribution, any thallium scan abnormality, presence of a distal stenosis and treadmill time were the only significant predictors of recurrent angina after PTCA. Using a stepwise discriminant function model, thallium-201 redistribution was the only significant independent predictor. Despite its prognostic value relative to other variables as a predictor, thallium redistribution at 2 weeks after PTCA was only detected in 9 of the 23 patients (39%) who subsequently developed recurrent angina, although only 2 of the 45 patients (9%) who remained asymptomatic during follow-up demonstrated thallium-201 redistribution at the time of early testing. After repeat angiography was performed in 17 of the 23 patients with recurrent angina, 14 (82%) demonstrated restenosis and 3 (18%) had worse narrowing distal to or remote from the site of dilatation

  3. Transcoronary sinus administration of autologous bone marrow in patients with chronic refractory stable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vicario, J.; Campos, C.; Piva, J.; Faccio, F.; Gerardo, L.; Becker, C.; Ortega, H.H.; Pierini, A.; Lofeudo, C.; Novero, R.; Licheri, A.; Milesi, R.; Perez Balino, N.; Monti, A.; Amin, A.; Pfeiffer, H.; De Giovanni, E.; Fendrich, I.


    Purpose: Based on our preclinic studies with autologous unfractionated bone marrow (AUBM) via coronary sinus with transitory occlusion, a clinic study in patients with chronic stable angina was designed. The objectives were to evaluate safety, tolerance and feasibility. Methods and materials: A multicenter prospective study with inclusion and exclusion criteria defined by an Independent Clinical Committee was carried out. Fourteen patients underwent transcoronary sinus administration of freshly aspirated and filtered AUBM (60-120 ml). Safety and tolerance were evaluated. Feasibility was evaluated with Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ), Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) angina classification (baseline-Day 180), myocardial perfusion (baseline-Day 90) with independent core laboratory and coronary angiography (baseline and Day 30). Results: There were no changes in the safety and tolerance parameters. Preliminary clinical efficacy at Day 180 disclosed a significant improvement of 38%, evaluated by the SAQ. The CCS angina classification shows that the mean angina class was 3.0±0.55 at baseline and improved to 2.0±0.00 at Day 180 (P<.001). Semiquantitative radionuclide perfusion imaging (core lab) showed a significant improvement at Day 90 in 13/14 patients, with a mean improvement of 24% at rest (P<.01) and 33% at stress (P<.05). Coronary angiography showed more collateral vessels in 9/14 patients. Conclusions: We can conclude that AUBM via coronary sinus with transitory occlusion is tolerable and safe. Significant improvement in the myocardial perfusion at Day 90 and in the quality of life at Day 180 was observed

  4. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for adults with stable angina. (United States)

    Long, Linda; Anderson, Lindsey; Dewhirst, Alice M; He, Jingzhou; Bridges, Charlene; Gandhi, Manish; Taylor, Rod S


    A previous Cochrane review has shown that exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (CR) can benefit myocardial infarction and post-revascularisation patients. However, the impact on stable angina remains unclear and guidance is inconsistent. Whilst recommended in the guidelines of American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and the European Society of Cardiology, in the UK the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) states that there is "no evidence to suggest that CR is clinically or cost-effective for managing stable angina". To assess the effects of exercise-based CR compared to usual care for adults with stable angina. We updated searches from the previous Cochrane review 'Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for patients with coronary heart disease' by searching the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, Embase, DARE, CINAHL and Web of Science on 2 October 2017. We searched two trials registers, and performed reference checking and forward-citation searching of all primary studies and review articles, to identify additional studies. We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with a follow-up period of at least six months, which compared structured exercise-based CR with usual care for people with stable angina. Two review authors independently assessed the risk of bias and extracted data according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Two review authors also independently assessed the quality of the evidence using GRADE principles and we presented this information in a 'Summary of findings' table. Seven studies (581 participants) met our inclusion criteria. Trials had an intervention length of 6 weeks to 12 months and follow-up length of 6 to 12 months. The comparison group in all trials was usual care (without any form of structured exercise training or advice) or a no-exercise comparator. The mean age of participants within the trials ranged from 50 to 66 years, the

  5. Recent angina pectoris: plasma lipoprotein atherogenic parameters and coronary angiographic data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuznetsova, G.V.; Shcherbakova, I.A.; Gratsianskij, N.A.; Perova, N.V.; Nikitina, N.A.; Nechaev, A.S.; Ozerova, I.N.; Zholus, N.N.


    Coronary angiography and the assessment of blood lipoproteins were carried out in 43 patients with recent (not more than three months old) angina. A rise in cholesterol above 270 mg/dl and/or triglycerids bove 200 mg/dl was demonstrated in 19. The level of α-cholesterol was below 35 mg/dl in 11 of 24 normolipidemic patients. The apoprotein B/apoprotein AI ratio was above 1.0 in 7 of 13 patients with normal cholesterol levels. Plasma phospholipid composition was disturbed in 4 of 6 patients with normal apoprotein B/apoprotein AI rations. Therefore atherogenic changes in plasma lipoprotein composition were found in 95% of patients with recent angina

  6. High-risk angina patient: identification by clinical features, hospital course, electrocardiography, and technetium-99m stannous pyrophosphate scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olson, H.G.; Lyons, K.P.; Aronow, W.S.; Stinson, P.J.; Kuperus, J.; Waters, H.J.


    We evaluated 193 consecutive unstable angina patients by clinical features, hospital course and electrocardiography. All patients were managed medically. Of the 193 patients, 150 (78%) had a technetium-99m pyrophosphate (Tc-PYP) myocardial scintigram after hospitalization. Of these, 49 (33%) had positive scintigrams. At a follow-up of 24.9 +- 10.8 months after hospitalization, 16 of 49 patients (33%) with positive scintigrams died from cardiac causes, compared with six of 101 patients (6%) with negative scintigrams (p < 0.001). Of 49 patients with positive scintigrams, 11 (22%) had had nonfatal myocardial infarction at follow-up, compared with seven of 101 patients (7%) with negative scintigrams (p < 0.01). Age, duration of clinical coronary artery disease, continuing angina during hospitalization, ischemic ECG, cardiomegaly and a history of heart failure also correlated with cardiac death at follow-up. Ischemic ECG and a history of angina with a crescendo pattern also correlated with nonfatal infarction at follow-up. Patients with continuing angina, an ischemic ECG and a positive scintigram constituted a high-risk unstable angina subgroup, with a survival rate of 58% at 6 months, 47% at 12 months and 42% at 24 and 36 months. We conclude that the assessment of clinical features, hospital course, ECG and Tc-PYP scintigraphy may be useful in identifying high-risk unstable angina patients

  7. High-risk angina patient. Identification by clinical features, hospital course, electrocardiography and technetium-99m stannous pyrophosphate scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olson, H.G.; Lyons, K.P.; Aronow, W.S.; Stinson, P.J.; Kuperus, J.; Waters, H.J.


    We evaluated 193 consecutive unstable angina patients by clinical features, hospital course and electrocardiography. All patients were managed medically. Of the 193 patients, 150 (78%) had a technetium-99m pyrophosphate (Tc-PYP) myocardial scintigram after hospitalization. Of these, 49 (33%) had positive scintigrams. At a follow-up of 24.9 +/- 10.8 months after hospitalization, 16 of 49 patients (33%) with positive scintigrams died from cardiac causes, compared with six of 101 patients (6%) with negative scintigrams (p less than 0.001). Of 49 patients with positive scintigrams, 11 (22%) had had nonfatal myocardial infarction at follow-up, compared with seven of 101 patients (7%) with negative scintigrams (p less than 0.01). Age, duration of clinical coronary artery disease, continuing angina during hospitalization, ischemic ECG, cardiomegaly and a history of heart failure also correlated with cardiac death at follow-up. Ischemic ECG and a history of angina with a crescendo pattern also correlated with nonfatal infarction at follow-up. Patients with continuing angina, an ischemic ECG and a positive scintigram constituted a high-risk unstable angina subgroup with a survival rate of 58% at 6 months, 47% at 12 months and 42% at 24 and 36 months. We conclude that the assessment of clinical features, hospital course, ECG and Tc-PYP scintigraphy may be useful in identifying high-risk unstable angina patients

  8. Prognostic significance of myocardial imaging with iodine-123 beta-methyl-p-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid in patients with angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatano, Tsuguhisa; Chikamori, Taishiro; Kamada, Tatsuya; Morishima, Takayuki; Hida, Satoshi; Yanagisawa, Hidefumi; Iino, Hitoshi; Yamashina, Akira


    To assess the clinical significance of iodine-123 beta-methyl-p-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), the predictive value of BMIPP imaging in patients with angina pectoris was evaluated. One hundred seventy-four patients who underwent BMIPP imaging in our institution were aged 61.8±11 years. One hundred thirty-five patients had stable angina and 39 had unstable angina at the time of examination. Patients with previous myocardial infarction or myocardial disorders were excluded. Early and delayed images were acquired in BMIPP SPECT, and the images were analyzed visually. Cardiac events were classified into hard and soft events: the former consisted of cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarction, and the latter included coronary revascularization and heart failure. The findings of BMIPP imaging were normal in 82 patients and abnormal in 92. During follow-up of 15.5±9.5 months, hard events were observed in 4 patients and soft events in 53. In patients with normal BMIPP imaging, soft events were observed in nine patients, but no hard event was encountered. Furthermore, in patients with both normal BMIPP and stress thallium imagings, no cardiac event was observed during 2 years. In contrast, 4 hard events and 44 soft events occurred in patients with abnormal BMIPP imaging. Patients with abnormal BMIPP imaging had a higher incidence of soft events than those with normal BMIPP imaging, regardless of the type of angina (16/62 vs 3/73, p<0.0005 for stable angina; 28/30 vs 6/9, p<0.0001 for unstable angina). The finding of BMIPP imaging correlates well with the mid-term prognosis of patients with angina pectoris. Since BMIPP SPECT is performed without stress to the patient, this imaging modality is important in evaluating patients with stable or unstable angina. (author)

  9. VEGF 165 Gene Therapy for Patients with Refractory Angina: Mobilization of Endothelial Progenitor Cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, Clarissa G.; Plentz, Rodrigo D.M.; Dipp, Thiago; Salles, Felipe B.; Giusti, Imarilde I.; Sant'Anna, Roberto T.; Eibel, Bruna; Nesralla, Ivo A.; Markoski, Melissa; Beyer, Nance N.; Kalil, Renato A. K.


    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induces mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) with the capacity for proliferation and differentiation into mature endothelial cells, thus contributing to the angiogenic process. We sought to assess the behavior of EPCs in patients with ischemic heart disease and refractory angina who received an intramyocardial injections of 2000 µg of VEGF 165 as the sole therapy. The study was a subanalysis of a clinical trial. Patients with advanced ischemic heart disease and refractory angina were assessed for eligibility. Inclusion criteria were as follows: signs and symptoms of angina and/or heart failure despite maximum medical treatment and a myocardial ischemic area of at least 5% as assessed by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Exclusion criteria were as follows: age > 65 years, left ventricular ejection fraction < 25%, and a diagnosis of cancer. Patients whose EPC levels were assessed were included. The intervention was 2000 µg of VEGF 165 plasmid injected into the ischemic myocardium. The frequency of CD34+/KDR+ cells was analyzed by flow cytometry before and 3, 9, and 27 days after the intervention. A total of 9 patients were included, 8 males, mean age 59.4 years, mean left ventricular ejection fraction of 59.3% and predominant class III angina. The number of EPCs on day 3 was significantly higher than that at baseline (p = 0.03); however, that on days 9 th and 27 th was comparable to that at baseline. We identified a transient mobilization of EPCs, which peaked on the 3th day after VEGF 165 gene therapy in patients with refractory angina and returned to near baseline levels on 9 th and 27 th days

  10. Spinal cord stimulation for refractory angina in patients implanted with cardioverter defibrillators: five case reports

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enggaard, Thomas P; Andersen, Claus; Scherer, Christian


    Patients implanted with a cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) who are suffering from refractory angina pectoris could benefit from spinal cord stimulation (SCS) due to the well-documented pain relieving effect. However, the combined treatment remains controversial. The aim of the study is to report...... successful long-term treatment with SCS in five patients implanted with cardioverter defibrillators. The combined treatments with ICD and thoracic epidural electrical stimulation were used in five patients with refractory angina pectoris. During the procedure of the implantation, testing with the maximal...... for refractory angina pectoris can be performed in patients implanted with cardioverter defibrillators without interference. However, individual testing during implantation or re-programming the devices is mandatory in order to assess optimal safety in each patient....

  11. Vasospastic angina and microvascular angina are differentially influenced by PON1 A632G polymorphism in the Japanese. (United States)

    Mashiba, Junko; Koike, George; Kamiunten, Hitoshi; Ikeda, Manami; Sunagawa, Kenji


    Ethnicity and smoking are well-known risk factors for the pathogenesis of coronary vasospasm. Oxidative stress induced by smoking plays a crucial role in coronary vasospasm, but is not enough to account for the pathogenesis of coronary vasospasm, indicating that genetic factors are strongly involved. The study group comprised 162 vasospastic angina patients (VSAs), 61 microvascular angina patients (MVAs) and 61 non-responders (NRs) diagnosed by acetylcholine provocation test. Four polymorphisms of the oxidative stress related genes, cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide gene (CYBA) C242T and A640G, paraoxonase 1 gene (PON1) A632G, phospholipase A2 group VII gene (PLA2G7) G994T were genotyped. Allele frequency of PON1 632-G was significantly higher in both the VSA with dominant fashion and the MVA with recessive fashion compared with NR. This association was strongly influenced by gender in the MVA only. There were no significant associations between the other polymorphisms and coronary vasospasm. In addition, the allele frequency of PON1 632-G in the Japanese was higher than in Caucasians. There was a significant association between PON1 A632G polymorphism and MVA as well as VSA, but the impact of this on VSA and MVA is different in the Japanese.

  12. Transient myocardial ischemia after abrupt withdrawal of antianginal therapy in chronic stable angina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egstrup, K


    In 47 patients with chronic stable angina and proven coronary artery disease, abrupt withdrawal of beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents either as monotherapy or in combination with calcium antagonists (group 1, n = 25) was compared with abrupt withdrawal of calcium antagonist monotherapy (group 2, n...... less than 0.05). These results indicate that a rebound increase in ischemic activity (mainly silent) occurs after abrupt withdrawal of beta-receptor blockade in patients with chronic stable angina. This increase in ischemic activity may be caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand....

  13. Usefulness of myocardial scintigraphy using cigarette smoking and isosorbide dinitrate in patients with angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Igarashi, Takeki; Horimoto, Masashi; Funayama, Naoki


    Cigarette smoking is not only one of the most important risk factors for coronary artery disease, but also anginal attacks often occur during smoking. Coronary vasoconstriction is considered to be one of the mechanisms which cause anginal episodes. Thirty patients with angina pectoris, 27 men and 3 women, were investigated. Group I comprised 22 patients with rest angina and group II consisted of 8 patients with effort angina. Five minutes after smoking one cigarette, a first study of 20l Tl myocardial SPECT was performed. Consequently, after sublingual administration of isosorbide denitrate, a second SPECT was done. Most cases improved and it was recognized as positive when changes of localized perfusion defects were observed between both SPECTs. In the group I, 19 out of 22 patients (86%) were positive, but in the group II, 2 out of 8 (25%) were positive. The differences were statistically significant (p<0.05). By the examination of coronarty angiography in 20 patients, the result of myocardial scintigraphy using cigarette smoking and isosorbide dinitrate seemed inversely proportional to the severity of narrowing of the coronary artery. In addition, background factors including risk factors were also compared for both groups. Because the result of this myocardial scintigraphy was positive in the rest angina group and in the group with minimal coronary arteriogrpahic abnormalities, it seggests that myocardial scintigraphy using cigarette smoking and isosorbide dinitrate is useful as a non-invasive auxiliary diagnostic method to detect coronary spasm or coronary vasoconstriction-prone angina pectoris including silent myocardial ischemia. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. Manuel G. Campos


    La Resonancia Magnética de cerebro es mandatoria en el estudio de todo paciente con epilepsia, para detectar lesiones estructurales, especialmente en epilepsia focal. Alrededor del 30% de los pacientes operados de epilepsia refractaria presentan tumores. En estos casos el control de crisis post-operatorio llega hasta un 70% en el seguimiento a largo plazo.

  15. Inherited chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6 as a predisposing risk factor for the development of angina pectoris. (United States)

    Gravel, Annie; Dubuc, Isabelle; Morissette, Guillaume; Sedlak, Ruth H; Jerome, Keith R; Flamand, Louis


    Inherited chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus-6 (iciHHV-6) results in the germ-line transmission of the HHV-6 genome. Every somatic cell of iciHHV-6+ individuals contains the HHV-6 genome integrated in the telomere of chromosomes. Whether having iciHHV-6 predisposes humans to diseases remains undefined. DNA from 19,597 participants between 40 and 69 years of age were analyzed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the presence of iciHHV-6. Telomere lengths were determined by qPCR. Medical records, hematological, biochemical, and anthropometric measurements and telomere lengths were compared between iciHHV-6+ and iciHHV-6- subjects. The prevalence of iciHHV-6 was 0.58%. Two-way ANOVA with a Holm-Bonferroni correction was used to determine the effects of iciHHV6, sex, and their interaction on continuous outcomes. Two-way logistic regression with a Holm-Bonferroni correction was used to determine the effects of iciHHV6, sex, and their interaction on disease prevalence. Of 50 diseases monitored, a single one, angina pectoris, is significantly elevated (3.3×) in iciHHV-6+ individuals relative to iciHHV-6- subjects (P = 0.017; 95% CI, 1.73-6.35). When adjusted for potential confounding factors (age, body mass index, percent body fat, and systolic blood pressure), the prevalence of angina remained three times greater in iciHHV-6+ subjects (P = 0.015; 95%CI, 1.23-7.15). Analyses of telomere lengths between iciHHV-6- without angina, iciHHV-6- with angina, and iciHHV-6+ with angina indicate that iciHHV-6+ with angina have shorter telomeres than age-matched iciHHV-6- subjects (P = 0.006). Our study represents, to our knowledge, the first large-scale analysis of disease association with iciHHV-6. Our results are consistent with iciHHV-6 representing a risk factor for the development of angina.

  16. VEGF 165 Gene Therapy for Patients with Refractory Angina: Mobilization of Endothelial Progenitor Cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodrigues, Clarissa G. [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde: Cardiologia, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina (United States); Plentz, Rodrigo D.M. [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde: Cardiologia, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Dipp, Thiago [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde: Cardiologia, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Salles, Felipe B. [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde: Cardiologia, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Giusti, Imarilde I.; Sant' Anna, Roberto T.; Eibel, Bruna; Nesralla, Ivo A.; Markoski, Melissa [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde: Cardiologia, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Beyer, Nance N. [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde: Cardiologia, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Kalil, Renato A. K., E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)


    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induces mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) with the capacity for proliferation and differentiation into mature endothelial cells, thus contributing to the angiogenic process. We sought to assess the behavior of EPCs in patients with ischemic heart disease and refractory angina who received an intramyocardial injections of 2000 µg of VEGF 165 as the sole therapy. The study was a subanalysis of a clinical trial. Patients with advanced ischemic heart disease and refractory angina were assessed for eligibility. Inclusion criteria were as follows: signs and symptoms of angina and/or heart failure despite maximum medical treatment and a myocardial ischemic area of at least 5% as assessed by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Exclusion criteria were as follows: age > 65 years, left ventricular ejection fraction < 25%, and a diagnosis of cancer. Patients whose EPC levels were assessed were included. The intervention was 2000 µg of VEGF 165 plasmid injected into the ischemic myocardium. The frequency of CD34+/KDR+ cells was analyzed by flow cytometry before and 3, 9, and 27 days after the intervention. A total of 9 patients were included, 8 males, mean age 59.4 years, mean left ventricular ejection fraction of 59.3% and predominant class III angina. The number of EPCs on day 3 was significantly higher than that at baseline (p = 0.03); however, that on days 9{sup th} and 27{sup th} was comparable to that at baseline. We identified a transient mobilization of EPCs, which peaked on the 3th day after VEGF 165 gene therapy in patients with refractory angina and returned to near baseline levels on 9{sup th} and 27{sup th}days.

  17. Xuesaitong Soft Capsule (Chinese Patent Medicine for the Treatment of Unstable Angina Pectoris: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaochen Yang


    Full Text Available Objective. To provide a systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Xuesaitong soft capsule (XST in treating unstable angina (UA. Methods. An extensive search of 6 medical databases was performed up to August 2013. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs involving XST alone or combined with conventional drugs versus conventional drugs were included. A meta-analysis of reduction of angina symptoms and electrocardiogram (ECG improvement was performed to evaluate the effects of XST on UA. Results. After researching, a total of 6 RCTs with 716 participants were included. Our review showed that XST combined with conventional drugs had significant effect on relieving angina symptoms (RR: 1.14 [1.07,1.22]; P=0.0001 and improving ECG (RR: 1.26 [1.12,1.42]; P=0.0001 compared with conventional drugs alone. Conclusions. XST appears to have beneficial effects on improvement of ECG, reduction of angina symptoms, and decreasing the frequency and duration of angina attack in participants with UA. However, the findings should be interpreted with caution due to the poor methodological quality of the included trials.

  18. Traditional Chinese medicine injection for angina pectoris: an overview of systematic reviews. (United States)

    Luo, Jing; Shang, Qinghua; Han, Mei; Chen, Keji; Xu, Hao


    Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) injection is widely used to treat angina pectoris in China. This overview aims to systematically summarize the general characteristics of systematic reviews (SRs) on TCM injection in treating angina, and assess the methodological and reporting quality of these reviews. We searched PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library and four Chinese databases from inception until March 2013. Data were extracted according to a preset form. The AMSTAR and PRISMA checklists were used to explore the methodological quality and reporting characteristics of included reviews, respectively. All data analyses were descriptive. 46 SRs involving over 57,463 participants with angina reviewing 23 kinds of TCM injections were included. The main outcomes evaluated in the reviews were symptoms (43/46, 93.5%), surrogate outcomes (42/46, 91.3%) and adverse events (41/46, 87.0%). Few reviews evaluated endpoints (7/46, 15.2%) and quality of life (1/46, 2.2%). One third of the reviews (16/46, 34.8%) drew definitely positive conclusions while the others (30/46, 65.2%) suggested potential benefits mainly in symptoms, electrocardiogram and adverse events. With many serious flaws such as lack of a protocol and inappropriate data synthesis, the overall methodological and reporting quality of the reviews was limited. While many SRs of TCM injection on the treatment of angina suggested potential benefits or definitely positive effects, stakeholders should not accept the findings of these reviews uncritically due to the limited methodological and reporting quality. Future SRs should be appropriately conducted and reported according to international standards such as AMSTAR and PRISMA, rather than published in large numbers.

  19. Estimulação medular espinhal para tratamento da polineuropatia dolorosa refratária induzida por quimioterapia Estimulación medular espinal para tratamiento de la polineuropatía dolorosa refractaria inducida por quimioterapia Spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of refractory painful polineuropathy induced by chemotherapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luciano Braun Filho


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVAS E OBJETIVOS: Polineuropatia dolorosa pós-quimioterapia tem sido muitas vezes uma condição refratária ao tratamento clínico conservador. O objetivo deste relato de caso foi mostrar o uso da estimulação medular como técnica alternativa aos métodos convencionais para tratar paciente com quadro doloroso de difícil controle. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente de 72 anos, com polineuropatia dolorosa pós-quimioterapia há mais ou menos dez anos, apresentava dor de forte intensidade (escala analógica visual = 10 em membros inferiores, contínua e diária, apesar do uso de várias medicações específicas para dor neuropática. Foi submetido a implante de eletrodo peridural apresentando melhora significativa das dores (escala analógica visual = 3 e diminuição do uso de medicação. CONCLUSÃO: A estimulação da medula espinhal constitui uma opção terapêutica em pacientes com neuropatia periférica refratária ao tratamento médico convencional quando bem indicada e realizada dentro de critérios estabelecidos.JUSTIFICATIVAS Y OBJETIVOS: La polineuropatía dolorosa posquimioterapia ha sido en muchas ocasiones una condición refractaria al tratamiento clínico conservador. El objetivo de este relato de caso fue mostrar el uso de la estimulación medular como técnica alternativa a los métodos convencionales para tratar paciente con cuadro doloroso de difícil control. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente de 72 años, con polineuropatía dolorosa pos-quimioterapia hace más o menos 10 años, presentaba dolor de fuerte intensidad (escala analógica visual = 10 en miembros inferiores, continua y diaria, a pesar del uso de varias medicaciones específicas para dolor neuropático. Se sometió a implante de electrodo peridural presentando una mejoría significativa de los dolores (escala analógica visual = 3 y una disminución del uso de medicación. CONCLUSIÓN: La estimulación de la médula espinal constituye una opción terapéutica en

  20. Study protocol: a randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of exercise training on peripheral blood gene expression in patients with stable angina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Crossman David C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Exercise training has been shown to reduce angina and promote collateral vessel development in patients with coronary artery disease. However, the mechanism whereby exercise exerts these beneficial effects is unclear. There has been increasing interest in the use of whole genome peripheral blood gene expression in a wide range of conditions to attempt to identify both novel mechanisms of disease and transcriptional biomarkers. This protocol describes a study in which we will assess the effect of a structured exercise programme on peripheral blood gene expression in patients with stable angina, and correlate this with changes in angina level, anxiety, depression, and exercise capacity. Methods/Design Sixty patients with stable angina will be recruited and randomised 1:1 to exercise training or conventional care. Patients randomised to exercise training will attend an exercise physiology laboratory up to three times weekly for supervised aerobic interval training sessions of one hour in total duration. Patients will undergo assessments of angina, anxiety, depression, and peripheral blood gene expression at baseline, after six and twelve weeks of training, and twelve weeks after formal exercise training ceases. Discussion This study will provide comprehensive data on the effect of exercise training on peripheral blood gene expression in patients with angina. By correlating this with improvement in angina status we will identify candidate peripheral blood transcriptional markers predictive of improvements in angina level in response to exercise training. Trial Registration identifier: NCT01147952

  1. Intravascular stenting in the superior mesenteric artery for chronic abdominal angina. (United States)

    Busquet, J


    Abdominal angina is an early clinical expression of occlusive mesenteric arterial insufficiency, a condition that requires aggressive treatment to prevent intestinal infarction. We report a case of chronic mesenteric ischemia in a young polyvascular man who had symptoms of abdominal angina. An aortic angiogram revealed a significant ostial stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) associated with an occlusion of the inferior mesenteric artery. After predilation of the ostial portion of the SMA, significant residual stenosis remained. A balloon-expandable Palmaz P154 stent was deployed, restoring adequate luminal dimensions and blood flow. The patient was discharged after 2 days and remains asymptomatic at 5 months. Intraluminal stenting for treatment of mesenteric ischemia represents a viable alternative to surgical revascularization in selected cases.

  2. Breviscapine Injection Improves the Therapeutic Effect of Western Medicine on Angina Pectoris Patients. (United States)

    Wang, Chuan; Li, Yafeng; Gao, Shoucui; Cheng, Daxin; Zhao, Sihai; Liu, Enqi


    To evaluate the beneficial and adverse effects of breviscapine injection in combination with Western medicine on the treatment of patients with angina pectoris. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Medline, Science Citation Index, EMBASE, the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, the Wanfang Database, the Chongqing VIP Information Database and the China Biomedical Database were searched to identify randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that evaluated the effects of Western medicine compared to breviscapine injection plus Western medicine on angina pectoris patients. The included studies were analyzed using RevMan 5.1.0 software. The literature search yielded 460 studies, wherein 16 studies matched the selection criteria. The results showed that combined therapy using Breviscapine plus Western medicine was superior to Western medicine alone for improving angina pectoris symptoms (OR=3.77, 95% Cl: 2.76~5.15) and also resulted in increased electrocardiogram (ECG) improvement (OR=2.77, 95% Cl: 2.16~3.53). The current evidence suggests that Breviscapine plus Western medicine achieved a superior therapeutic effect compared to Western medicine alone.

  3. Discinesias y la agresividad del paciente subnormal, refractarias al tratamiento, pueden aliviarse con la estimulación cerebral profunda.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Weisner Durán


    La estimulación cerebral profunda, iniciada por el celebérrimo José M.R. Delgado3, en 1952 (Horgan, 2005, es muy ventajosa, no provoca sino mínima destrucción porque la lesión introductora del microelectrodo es también mínima, es reversible, todo el instrumento foráneo se puede extraer, la estimulación provista es ajustable y el microelectrodo es implantado estereotáxicamente (con enorme exactitud o precisión en el núcleo deficiente, el cual esta conectado a un neuro-estimulador graduador que provee la estimulación eléctrica deseada a uno de los núcleos cerebrales profundos, unilateral o bilateralmente...

  4. Effect of spinal cord stimulation on myocardial perfusion reserve in patients with refractory angina pectoris. (United States)

    Saraste, Antti; Ukkonen, Heikki; Varis, Antti; Vasankari, Tuija; Tunturi, Satu; Taittonen, Markku; Rautakorpi, Pirkka; Luotolahti, Matti; Airaksinen, K E Juhani; Knuuti, Juhani


    Epidural spinal cord stimulation (SCS) provides symptom relief in refractory angina pectoris, but its mechanism of action remains incompletely understood. We studied effects of short-term SCS therapy on myocardial ischaemia tolerance, myocardial perfusion reserve (MPR), and endothelium-mediated vasodilatation induced by cold pressor test (CPT) in patients with refractory angina pectoris. We prospectively recruited 18 patients with refractory angina pectoris and studied them after implantation of SCS device at baseline before starting the therapy and after 3 weeks of continuous SCS therapy. Myocardial ischaemia was evaluated by dobutamine stress echocardiography. Global and regional myocardial blood flow (MBF) were measured using positron emission tomography and (15)O-water at rest, during adenosine stress, and in response to CPT. Systemic haemodynamics were comparable before and after 3 weeks of SCS at rest, during adenosine stress and during CPT. Appearance of angina pectoris induced by dobutamine stress was delayed after SCS therapy. Global MPR increased (P = 0.02) from 1.7 ± 0.6 at baseline to 2.0 ± 0.6 after 3-week SCS therapy. This was associated with a significant reduction in global MBF at rest and increase in MBF induced by adenosine in the ischaemic regions. Global MBF response to CPT was improved after SCS (0.27 ± 0.20 vs. 0.40 ± 0.15, P = 0.03). Short-term SCS therapy improved myocardial ischaemia tolerance, absolute MPR, and endothelium-mediated vasomotor function in refractory angina pectoris, indicating that this therapy can alleviate myocardial perfusion abnormalities in advanced CAD. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email:

  5. Invasive angiography and revascularization in patients with stable angina following prior coronary artery bypass grafting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joshi, Francis R; Biasco, Luigi; Pedersen, Frants


    . Follow-up data were available for all patients, by means of records linked to each Danish social security number. RESULTS: In patients with prior CABG and stable angina (n = 2,309), diagnostic angiography led to revascularization in 574 (24.9%) cases. Chronic kidney disease (HR 1.93 [1.08-3.44], P = 0......BACKGROUND: There are limited data to guide the optimum approach to patients presenting with angina after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Although often referred for invasive angiography, the effectiveness of this is unknown; angina may also result from diffuse distal or micro......-vascular coronary disease and it is not known how often targets for intervention are identified. METHODS: Retrospective review of 50,460 patients undergoing angiography in East Denmark between January 2010 and December 2014. Clinical and procedural data were prospectively stored in a regional electronic database...

  6. Resting 123I-BMIPP scintigraphy in diagnosis of effort angina pectoris with reference to subsets of the disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamabe, Hiroshi; Abe, Hiroaki; Yokoyama, Mitsuhiro; Shiotani, Hideyuki; Kajiya, Sadashi; Mori, Takao; Hashimoto, Yasunori


    This study was undertaken to assess the diagnostic value of resting 123 I-BMIPP scintigraphy in patients with effort angina pectoris. One hundred and four patients underwent scintigraphic and angiographic examinations. The subsets of the patients were stable effort angina pectoris (stable type) in 27 cases, new onset of effort angina pectoris (new onset type) in 21 cases, and worsening effort angina pectoris (worsening type) in 35 cases. The remaining 21 cases were subjects without evidences of coronary artery disease (non-CAD). 123 I-BMIPP was injected under resting and pain free condition, then data for single photon emission tomography (SPECT) were acquired. The positive regional 123 I-BMIPP defects in three coronary territories were visually judged on the tomographic images. The overall sensitivity to diagnose the patients was 62.6% (52/83) and the overall specificity to exclude non-CAD subjects was 95.2% (20/21). The detection rate in each subset of the disease was 48.1% (13/27) in stable type, 47.6% (10/21) in new onset type and 77.1% (27/35) in worsening type (p 123 I-BMIPP scintigraphy was therefore valuable in diagnosing patients with effort angina pectoris and involved coronary arteries especially in the subset of patients with worsening type. (author)

  7. Valor preditivo da angina em detectar doença coronariana em pacientes com estenose aórtica grave a partir da quinta década de vida Predictive value of angina to detect coronary artery disease in patients with severe aortic stenosis aged 50 years or older

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Alves Vargas Gonçalves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o valor de previsão da angina de peito no diagnóstico da DAC em pacientes portadores de EA, a partir da quinta década de vida. MÉTODOS: A população estudada foi constituída por 186 pacientes consecutivos com EA e idade e" 50 anos, referidos para cirurgia de troca valvar aórtica entre junho de 1989 e setembro de 2004. Cinecoronariografia de rotina foi realizada em todos os pacientes. Cento e um eram homens (54,3% e 85, mulheres (45,7%, com idade de 66±8 anos. Angina estava presente em 124 pacientes (66,7%. O gradiente máximo transvalvar aórtico foi de 89,4±27,6 mmHg e a área valvar aórtica de 0,59±0,17 cm2. Calculamos a sensibilidade, a especificidade, o valor de previsão positivo e negativo e a razão de verossimilhança positiva da angina na predição da presença de DAC. RESULTADOS: DAC estava presente em 93 pacientes (50%. Dos 124 pacientes com angina, 68 (54,8% apresentavam DAC; enquanto dos 62 sem angina, 25 apresentavam DAC (40,3%. Portanto, a sensibilidade da angina para DAC foi de 73,1%, a especificidade de 39,7%, valor preditivo positivo de 54,8%, valor preditivo negativo de 59,6% e razão de verossimilhança positiva de 1,6. CONCLUSÃO: A angina de peito não é bom preditor da presença de DAC em pacientes com EA a partir da quinta década de vida.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to evaluate the value of angina pectoris as a predictor of CAD (coronary artery disease in patients with AS (aortic stenosis during and beyond the 5th decade of life. METHODS: The study population consisted of 186 consecutive patients with AS and e" 50 years of age, referred for surgical aortic valve replacement (AVR between June 1989 and September 2004. Routine coronary angiography was performed for all patients. One hundred and one patients were males (54.3% and 85 were females (45.7%, and the mean age was 66±8 years. One hundred and twenty-four patients (66.7% had angina. The maximum

  8. Diagnostic value of myocardial tomographic imaging with 123I labelled BMIPP for exercise-induced angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Lijuan; Kaname Akioka; Hiroyuki Yamagishi


    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of resting myocardial tomographic imaging with 123 I labelled BMIPP ( 123 I-BMIPP SPECT) for exercise-induced angina pectoris by comparison with stress myocardial tomographic imaging with 201 Tl( 201 Tl SPECT). Methods: 123 I-BMIPP SPECT and 201 Tl SPECT were performed in 32 patients with exercise-induced angina pectoris and 12 normal controls. Left ventricle was divided into nine segments and uptake of 201 TL and 123 I-BMIPP was evaluated by four classes score method (defect score, DS). Results: In the patients with angina pectoris, segments of 201 Tl distribution abnormality were more than that of 123 I-BMIPP. Concordant rate between DS of the 20 '1Tl SPECT for detecting coronary artery stenosis were 62%, 92% and 70%, respectively, and 201 Tl SPECT were 84%, 83% and 84%, respectively. Sensitivity of 123 I-BMIPP SPECT was significantly lower than that of 201 Tl SPECT (P 123 I-BMIPP SPECT will be. Conclusions: The results indicated that to a certain extent, resting 123 I-BMIPP SPECT may has practical clinical value for detection of coronary artery stenosis, and determination of stenotic degree in the patients with exercise-induced angina pectoris

  9. Five year prognosis in patients with angina identified in primary care: incident cohort study.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Buckley, Brian S


    OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the risk of acute myocardial infarction, invasive cardiac procedures, and mortality among patients with newly diagnosed angina over five years. DESIGN: Incident cohort study of patients with primary care data linked to secondary care and mortality data. SETTING: 40 primary care practices in Scotland. PARTICIPANTS: 1785 patients with a diagnosis of angina as their first manifestation of ischaemic heart disease, 1 January 1998 to 31 December 2001. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adjusted hazard ratios for acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, death from ischaemic heart disease, and all cause mortality, adjusted for demographics, lifestyle risk factors, and comorbidity at cohort entry. RESULTS: Mean age was 62.3 (SD 11.3). Male sex was associated with an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction (hazard ratio 2.01, 95% confidence interval 1.35 to 2.97), death from ischaemic heart disease (2.80, 1.73 to 4.53), and all cause mortality (1.82, 1.33 to 2.49). Increasing age was associated with acute myocardial infarction (1.04, 1.02 to 1.06, per year of age increase), death from ischaemic heart disease (1.09, 1.06 to 1.11, per year of age increase), and all cause mortality (1.09, 1.07 to 1.11, per year of age increase). Smoking was associated with subsequent acute myocardial infarction (1.94, 1.31 to 2.89), death from ischaemic heart disease (2.12, 1.32 to 3.39), and all cause mortality (2.11, 1.52 to 2.95). Obesity was associated with death from ischaemic heart disease (2.01, 1.17 to 3.45) and all cause mortality (2.20, 1.52 to 3.19). Previous stroke was associated with all cause mortality (1.78, 1.13 to 2.80) and chronic kidney disease with death from ischaemic heart disease (5.72, 1.74 to 18.79). Men were more likely than women to have coronary artery bypass grafting or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty after a diagnosis of angina; older people were less likely to

  10. Are negative aspects of social relations predictive of angina pectoris? A 6-year follow-up study of middle-aged Danish women and men

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Rikke; Rod, Naja Hulvej; Christensen, Ulla


    associated with angina pectoris among 4573 middle-aged Danish men and women free of heart disease at baseline in 2000. Results Nine per cent experienced onset of symptoms of angina pectoris. A higher degree of excessive demands or worries from the social relations was associated with increased risk of angina...... after adjustment for age, gender, social class, cohabitation status and depression in a dose-response manner. For example, experiencing excessive demands or worries always/often from different roles in the social relations was associated with an increased risk: partner OR=3.53 (1.68 to 7.43), children......, cohabitation status or depression in terms of angina. Conclusion Excessive demands and serious worries from significant others seem to be important risk factors for development of angina pectoris....

  11. Accelerated collagen turnover in women with angina pectoris without obstructive coronary artery disease: An iPOWER substudy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Signe H; Mygind, Naja D; Michelsen, Marie M


    patients with diffuse myocardial fibrosis from asymptomatic controls. Methods and results: Seventy-one women with angina pectoris without significant coronary artery disease assessed by invasive coronary angiogram were included. Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) measuring circulating....... Cardiac magnetic resonance T1 mapping was performed to determine extracellular volume fraction and thus diffuse myocardial fibrosis. A significant association was identified between C5M and extracellular volume fraction by cardiac magnetic resonance (p = 0.01). Conclusion: Women with angina pectoris......, but without significant obstructive coronary artery disease, showed an imbalanced collagen turnover compared to asymptomatic controls. The examined biomarkers are tools to monitor active collagen remodelling in patients with angina pectoris, in risk of developing myocardial fibrosis....

  12. A protocol of histone modification-based mechanistic study of acupuncture in patients with stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Wang, Ning; Lu, Sheng-Feng; Chen, Hui; Wang, Jian-Fei; Fu, Shu-Ping; Hu, Chen-Jun; Yang, Yi; Liang, Fan-Rong; Zhu, Bing-Mei


    Angina pectoris (Angina) is a medical condition related to myocardial ischemia. Although acupuncture has been widely accepted as a clinical approach for angina, there is no sufficient evidence of its effectiveness against this syndrome, and its mechanisms have not yet been well elucidated. We develop this protocol to confirm the clinical efficacy of electro-acupuncture on stable angina pectoris by needling on acupoint Neiguan (PC6). Furthermore, we employ high-throughput sequencing technology to investigate the gene expression profiling and determine involvement of histone modifications in the regulation of genes after electro-acupuncture treatment. A randomized, controlled, double-blinded (assessor and patients) trial will be carried out. Sixty participants will be randomly assigned to two acupuncture treatment groups and one control group in a 1:1:1 ratio. Participants in acupuncture groups will receive 12 sessions of electro-acupuncture treatment across 4 weeks, followed by a 12-week randomization period. The acupuncture groups are divided into Neiguan (PC6) on Pericardium Meridian of Hand-jueyin or a non-acupoint. The primary clinical measure of effect is the frequency of angina attacks between these groups for four weeks after randomization. RNAs are extracted from peripheral neutrophils collected from all participants on day 0, day 30, and week 16, and are processed to RNA-Seq. We then investigate profiles of histone modifications by ChIP-Seq, for H3 Lysine 4 (H3K4me) and acetylation of H3 Lysine 27 (H3K27ac), in the presence or absence of acupuncture treatment. This study determines the efficacy and mechanisms of electro-acupuncture on stable angina pectoris. We focus on effectiveness of acupuncture on alleviating symptoms of myocardial ischemia and the gene regulation and the chromatin remodeling marks, including H3K4me1, H3K4me2, and H3K27ac, which could be key factors for regulating gene expressions caused by electro-acupuncture treatment at Neiguan. This


    Rafique, Rafia; Anjum, Afifa


    Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) occurs to a greater extent in developed than developing countries like Pakistan. Our understanding of risk factors leading to this disease in women, are largely derived from studies carried out on samples obtained from developed countries. Since prevalence of CHD in Pakistan is growing, it seems pertinent to infer risk and protective factors prevalent within the Pakistani women. This case control study investigated the role of psychological, traditional and gender specific risk and protective factors for Angina in a sample of Pakistani women aged between 35-65 years. Female patients admitted with first episode of Angina fulfilling the study inclusion/exclusion criteria were recruited within the first three days of stay in the hospital. One control per case matched on age was recruited. Translated versions of standardized tools: Life Orientation Test (LOT), The Hope Scale, Subjective Happiness Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were used to measure the psychological variables. Information on medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, family history of IHD, presence and absence of menopause and use of oral contraceptive pills was obtained from the participants. Body Mass Index for cases and controls was calculated separately with the help of height and weight recorded for the participants. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that depression, anxiety and stress are risk factors, were as optimism and hope are protective predictors of Angina. 64% and 85% of variance in Angina were attributed to psychological factors. Menopause, diabetes and hypertension are significantly associated with the risk of Angina, explaining 37% and 49% of variance in Angina. The study provides evidence for implementation of gender specific risk assessment and preventive strategies for Angina. The study gives directions for large scale prospective, epidemiological, longitudinal as well as interventional studies, to be tailored

  14. Positive and negative psychological correlates, gender specific and traditional factors for first onset angina in a sample of pakistani women

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rafiq, R.; Anjum, A.


    Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) occurs to a greater extent in developed than developing countries like Pakistan. Our understanding of risk factors leading to this disease in women, are largely derived from studies carried out on samples obtained from developed countries. Since prevalence of CHD in Pakistan is growing, it seems pertinent to infer risk and protective factors prevalent within the Pakistani women. This case control study investigated the role of psychological, traditional and gender specific risk and protective factors for Angina in a sample of Pakistani women aged between 35-65 years. Methods: Female patients admitted with first episode of Angina fulfilling the study inclusion/exclusion criteria were recruited within the first three days of stay in the hospital. One control per case matched on age was recruited. Translated versions of standardized tools: Life Orientation Test (LOT), The Hope Scale, Subjective Happiness Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were used to measure the psychological variables. Information on medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, family history of IHD, presence and absence of menopause and use of oral contraceptive pills was obtained from the participants. Body Mass Index for cases and controls was calculated separately with the help of height and weight recorded for the participants. Results: Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that depression, anxiety and stress are risk factors, were as optimism and hope are protective predictors of Angina. 64% and 85 % of variance in Angina were attributed to psychological factors. Menopause, diabetes and hypertension are significantly associated with the risk of Angina, explaining 37% and 49 % of variance in Angina. The study provides evidence for implementation of gender specific risk assessment and preventive strategies for Angina. The study gives directions for large scale prospective, epidemiological, longitudinal as well as interventional

  15. The prevalence of angina symptoms and association with cardiovascular risk factors, among rural, urban and rural to urban migrant populations in Peru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilman Robert H


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Rural-to-urban migration in low- and middle-income countries causes an increase in individual cardiovascular risk. Cost-effective interventions at early stages of the natural history of coronary disease such as angina may stem an epidemic of premature coronary deaths in these countries. However, there are few data on the prevalence of angina in developing countries, whilst the understanding the aetiology of angina is complicated by the difficulty in measuring it across differing populations. Methods The PERU MIGRANT study was designed to investigate differences between rural-to-urban migrant and non-migrant groups in specific cardiovascular disease risk factors. Mass-migration seen in Peru from 1980s onwards was largely driven by politically motivated violence resulting in less 'healthy migrant' selection bias. The Rose angina questionnaire was used to record chest pain, which was classified definite, possible and non-exertional. Mental health was measured using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12. Mantel-Haenszel odds ratios (adjusted for age, sex, cardiovascular disease risk factors and mental health were used to assess the risk of chest pain in the migrant and urban groups compared to the rural group, and further to assess the relationship (age and sex-adjusted between risk factors, mental health and chest pain. Results Compared to the urban group, rural dwellers had a greatly increased likelihood of possible/definite angina (multi-adjusted OR 2.82 (1.68- 4.73. Urban and migrant groups had higher levels of risk factors (e.g. smoking - 20.1% urban, 5.5% rural. No diabetes was seen in the rural dwellers who complained of possible/definite angina. Rural dwellers had a higher prevalence of mood disorder and the presence of a mood disorder was associated with possible/definite angina in all three groups, but not consistently with non-exertional chest pain. Conclusion Rural groups had a higher prevalence of angina as

  16. Effect of preoperative angina pectoris on cardiac outcomes in patients with previous myocardial infarction undergoing major noncardiac surgery (data from ACS-NSQIP). (United States)

    Pandey, Ambarish; Sood, Akshay; Sammon, Jesse D; Abdollah, Firas; Gupta, Ena; Golwala, Harsh; Bardia, Amit; Kibel, Adam S; Menon, Mani; Trinh, Quoc-Dien


    The impact of preoperative stable angina pectoris on postoperative cardiovascular outcomes in patients with previous myocardial infarction (MI) who underwent major noncardiac surgery is not well studied. We studied patients with previous MI who underwent elective major noncardiac surgeries within the American College of Surgeons-National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (2005 to 2011). Primary outcome was occurrence of an adverse cardiac event (MI and/or cardiac arrest). Multivariable logistic regression models evaluated the impact of stable angina on outcomes. Of 1,568 patients (median age 70 years; 35% women) with previous MI who underwent major noncardiac surgery, 5.5% had postoperative MI and/or cardiac arrest. Patients with history of preoperative angina had significantly greater incidence of primary outcome compared to those without anginal symptoms (8.4% vs 5%, p = 0.035). In secondary outcomes, reintervention rates (22.5% vs 11%, p angina. In multivariable analyses, preoperative angina was a significant predictor for postoperative MI (odds ratio 2.49 [1.20 to 5.58]) and reintervention (odds ratio 2.40 [1.44 to 3.82]). In conclusion, our study indicates that preoperative angina is an independent predictor for adverse outcomes in patients with previous MI who underwent major noncardiac surgery, and cautions against overreliance on predictive tools, for example, the Revised Cardiac Risk Index, in these patients, which does not treat stable angina and previous MI as independent risk factors during risk prognostication. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Prevalence of angina in women versus men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of international variations across 31 countries. (United States)

    Hemingway, Harry; Langenberg, Claudia; Damant, Jacqueline; Frost, Chris; Pyörälä, Kalevi; Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth


    In the absence of previous international comparisons, we sought to systematically evaluate, across time and participant age, the sex ratio in angina prevalence in countries that differ widely in the rate of mortality due to myocardial infarction. We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE until February 2006 for healthy population studies published in any language that reported the prevalence of angina (Rose questionnaire) in women and men. We obtained myocardial infarction mortality rates from the World Health Organization. A total of 74 reports of 13,331 angina cases in women and 11,511 cases in men from 31 countries were included. Angina prevalence varied widely across populations, from 0.73% to 14.4% (population weighted mean 6.7%) in women and from 0.76% to 15.1% (population weighted mean 5.7%) in men, and was strongly correlated within populations between the sexes (r=0.80, Pethnic groups than among whites. This sex ratio did not differ significantly by participant's age, the year the survey began, or the sex ratio for mortality due to myocardial infarction. Over time and at different ages, independent of diagnostic and treatment practices, women have a similar or slightly higher prevalence of angina than men across countries with widely differing myocardial infarction mortality rates.

  18. CABG and Preoperative use of Beta-Blockers in Patients with Stable Angina are Associated with Better Cardiovascular Survival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Dayan

    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: In contrast to unstable angina, optimal therapy in patients with stable angina is debated. Our aim was to evaluate the outcomes of patients with stable angina scheduled for isolated coronary artery bypass grafts and the effect of preoperative use of beta-blockers. Overall and cardiovascular survivals were our primary outcome. Operative mortality and postoperative complications along with subgroup analysis of diabetic patients were our secondary outcomes. Methods: Retrospective evaluation of patients with stable angina scheduled for isolated coronary artery bypass grafts was included. Pre- and postoperative variables were extracted from the institution database. Survival was obtained from the National Registry. Results: We included 282 patients with stable angina, with a mean age of 65.6±9.5 years. 26.6% were female and 38.7% had diabetes. Three-vessel disease was present in 76.6% of patients. Previous beta-blocker treatment was evident in 69.9% of patients. 10-year overall survival in the whole population was 60.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 50.3-70.7%. Operative mortality during the study period was 3.5%. Patients with preoperative use of beta-blocker therapy had better overall survival (9.0 years, 95%CI: 8.6-9.5 than those without treatment (7.9 years, 95%CI: 7.1-8.8 years; P=0.048. Predictors for overall survival were: hypertension, diabetes, and age. Predictors for cardiovascular survival in diabetic patients were: beta-blocker use, gender, and age. Conclusion: Coronary artery bypass grafts surgery in patients with stable angina carries low operative mortality, postoperative complications, and excellent long-term cardiovascular survival. The preoperative use of beta-blockers in diabetic patients is associated with better cardiovascular survival after coronary artery bypass grafts.

  19. Regional myocardial perfusion in patients with atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, at rest and during angina pectoris induced by tachycardia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maseri, A.; L'Abbate, A.; Pesola, A.; Michelassi, C.; Marzilli, M.; De Nes, M.


    We studied regional myocardial perfusion by scintigraphic computer-assisted analysis of initial distribution, washout rates, and residual activity of 133 Xe injected into the left coronary artery of four patients with normal arteriograms and 14 patients with coronary stenosis. At rest, residual activity in poststenotic regions was always greater than in control regions, but initial washout rates were not slower. During angina, following xenon injections, the amount of indicator distributed to the poststenotic regions was markedly reduced; the increase of the initial washout rates was smaller than in control regions relative to rest, and residual activity was higher. Initial washout rates did not differ as much as from those of normal myocardium because in severe ischemia too little indicator is deposited initially in these regions to produce a change of any magnitude. Indeed, when angina was induced immediately after the xenon injection, poststenotic washout rates became much slower during angina than at rest, a finding that implicates functional factors in impairing poststenotic myocardial perfusion during angina

  20. Myocardial ischemia and angina pectoris. The clinical problem in patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Selwyn, A.P.; Fox, K.M.; Jonathan, A.; Lavender, P.; Watson, I.


    Ambulatory monitoring of ST segment changes was performed in 60 patients presenting with angina, positive ECG stress tests and coronary artery disease, 85% of ischemic ECG events were asymptomatic, 37% occurred with no increase in heart rate and 15% of episodes either lasted 20 minutes or more or fluctuated in severity. A controlled pilot study in ten patients showed depression. Radionuclide studies in 50 patients with angina and coronary artery disease have shown that stress (i.e., atrial pacing) produced different patterns of disturbed regional myocardial perfusion related to the patient's exercise capacity and eventually leading to a decrease in regional myocardial perfusion during the ischemic episode. ST segment depression appeared only after the decrease in regional myocardial perfusion. These findings combined with past research suggest that patients with angina and coronary artery disease can suffer frequent asymptomatic disturbances of the regional myocardial perfusion. The frequency of these episodes and the time course for the recovery of the metabolic consequences mean that segments of ventricular myocardium may be constantly abnormal. The relative importance of changes in coronary tone and malfunction of platelets in the diseased coronary tree needs to be examined in clinical research. Pilot studies of antiplatelet agents have shown a significant beneficial effect on episodes of ischemia occurring at night and those occurring without any increase in heart rate. The techniques and observations in these patients with coronary artery disease all suggest that acute transient regional myocardial ischemia is caused by a variety of mechanisms. Further research using objective methods is required to discover the causes of ischemia and to rationalize treatment.

  1. Ranolazine for the treatment of chronic stable angina: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the UK perspective. (United States)

    Coleman, Craig I; Freemantle, Nick; Kohn, Christine G


    To estimate the cost-effectiveness of ranolazine when added to standard-of-care (SoC) antianginals compared with SoC alone in patients with stable coronary disease experiencing ≥3 attacks/week. An economic model utilising a UK health system perspective, a 1-month cycle-length and a 1-year time horizon. Patients with stable coronary disease experiencing ≥3 attacks/week starting in 1 of 4 angina frequency health states based on Seattle Angina Questionnaire Angina Frequency (SAQAF) scores (100=no; 61-99=monthly; 31-60=weekly; 0-30=daily angina). Ranolazine added to SoC or SoC alone. Patients were allowed to transition between SAQAF states (first cycle only) or death (any cycle) based on probabilities derived from the randomised, controlled Efficacy of Ranolazine in Chronic Angina trial and other studies. Patients not responding to ranolazine in month 1 (not improving ≥1 SAQAF health state) discontinued ranolazine and were assumed to behave like SoC patients. Costs (£2014) and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) for patients receiving and not receiving ranolazine. Ranolazine patients lived a mean of 0.701 QALYs at a cost of £5208. Those not receiving ranolazine lived 0.662 QALYs at a cost of £5318. The addition of ranolazine to SoC was therefore a dominant economic strategy. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was sensitive to ranolazine cost; exceeding £20,000/QALY when ranolazine's cost was >£203/month. Ranolazine remained a dominant strategy when indirect costs were included and mortality rates were assumed to increase with worsening severity of SAQAF health states. Monte Carlo simulation found ranolazine to be a dominant strategy in ∼71% of 10,000 iterations. Although UK-specific data on ranolazine's efficacy and safety are lacking, our analysis suggest ranolazine added to SoC in patients with weekly or daily angina is likely cost-effective from a UK health system perspective. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use

  2. Spinal Cord Stimulation for Refractory Angina Pectoris: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (United States)

    Pan, Xiaoxiao; Bao, Hongguang; Si, Yanna; Xu, Chenjie; Chen, Hao; Gao, Xianzhong; Xie, Xinyi; Xu, Yajie; Sun, Fan; Zeng, Lingqing


    Paresthesia-free stimulation such as high frequency and burst have been demonstrated as effective therapies for neuropathic pain. The aim of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of conventional spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in the treatment of refractory angina pectoris (RAP). Relevant randomized controlled trials that investigated SCS for patients with RAP were comprehensively searched in Medline, Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane Library. Five meta-analyses were performed examining the changes in Canadian Cardiovascular Society classes, exercise time, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores of pain, Seattle Angina Questionnaire, and nitroglycerin use in RAP patients after SCS therapy. We analyzed standardized mean differences (MD) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each outcome by Review Manager 5.0 and STATA 12.0. A total of 12 randomized controlled trials involving 476 RAP patients were identified. A trend of reduction in the angina frequency (MD=-9.03, 95% CI, -15.70 to -2.36) and nitroglycerin consumption (MD=-0.64, 95% CI, -0.84 to -0.45) could be observed in the SCS group. Compared with the control group, SCS showed benefit on increasing exercise time (MD=0.49, 95% CI, 0.13-0.85) and treatment satisfaction (MD=6.87, 95% CI, 2.07-11.66) with decreased VAS scores of pain (MD=-0.50, 95% CI, -0.81 to -0.20) and disease perception (MD=-8.34, 95% CI, -14.45 to -2.23). However, the result did not reach the significance level in terms of physical limitation (95% CI, -8.75 to 3.38; P=0.39) or angina stability (95% CI, -7.55 to 3.67; P=0.50). The current meta-analysis suggested that SCS was a potential alternative in the treatment of PAP patients. Further investigation for finding the appropriate intensity of stimulation is required before this treatment should be widely recommended and applied.

  3. Emerging treatment options for refractory angina pectoris: ranolazine, shock wave treatment, and cell-based therapies. (United States)

    Gennari, Marco; Gambini, Elisa; Bassetti, Beatrice; Capogrossi, Maurizio; Pompilio, Giulio


    A challenge of modern cardiovascular medicine is to find new, effective treatments for patients with refractory angina pectoris, a clinical condition characterized by severe angina despite optimal medical therapy. These patients are not candidates for surgical or percutaneous revascularization. Herein we review the most up-to-date information regarding the modern approach to the patient with refractory angina pectoris, from conventional medical management to new medications and shock wave therapy, focusing on the use of endothelial precursor cells (EPCs) in the treatment of this condition. Clinical limitations of the efficiency of conventional approaches justify the search for new therapeutic options. Regenerative medicine is considered the next step in the evolution of organ replacement therapy. It is driven largely by the same health needs as transplantation and replacement therapies, but it aims further than traditional approaches, such as cell-based therapy. Increasing knowledge of the role of circulating cells derived from bone marrow (EPCs) on cardiovascular homeostasis in physiologic and pathologic conditions has prompted the clinical use of these cells to relieve ischemia. The current state of therapeutic angiogenesis still leaves many questions unanswered. It is of paramount importance that the treatment is delivered safely. Direct intramyocardial and intracoronary administration has demonstrated acceptable safety profiles in early trials, and may represent a major advance over surgical thoracotomy. The combined efforts of bench and clinical researchers will ultimately answer the question of whether cell therapy is a suitable strategy for treatment of patients with refractory angina.

  4. Update on ranolazine in the management of angina


    Figueredo, Vincent; Codolosa,Jose; Acharjee,Subroto


    J Nicolás Codolosa,1 Subroto Acharjee,1 Vincent M Figueredo1,2 1Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Health, Einstein Medical Center, 2Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, USA Abstract: Mortality rates attributable to coronary heart disease have declined in recent years, possibly related to changes in clinical presentation patterns and use of proven secondary prevention strategies. Chronic stable angina (CSA) remains prevalent, and the goal of treatment is control of sym...

  5. Phase changes caused by hyperventilation stress in spastic angina pectoris analyzed by first-pass radionuclide ventriculography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Jin; Takeda, Tohoru; Ajisaka, Ryuichi; Masuoka, Takeshi; Watanabe, Sigeyuki; Sato, Motohiro; Itai, Yuji; Toyama, Hinako; Ishikawa, Nobuyoshi


    To understand the effect of hyperventilation (HV) stress in patients with spastic angina, left ventricular (LV) contraction was analyzed by quantitative phase analysis. The study was performed on 36 patients with spastic angina pectoris, including vasospastic angina pectoris (VspAP: 16 patients) and variant angina pectoris (VAP: 20 patients). First-pass radionuclide ventriculography (first-pass RNV) was performed at rest and after HV stress, and standard deviation of the LV phase distribution (SD) was analyzed. The SD was lower in patients with VspAP than in VAP(12.8±1.4 degrees vs. 14.6±2.2 degrees, p<0.005) at rest. After HV stress, the SD (HVSD) tended to increase in VspAP patients (62.5%), whereas the SD decreased in VAP patients (70%). Due to HV stress, the percentage change in SD (%SD) in VspAP patients was 8.9±23.7% whereas that in VAP patients was -9.1±17.3% (p<0.01). Moreover, phase histograms were divided into HVSD increase and HVSD decrease groups. The HVSD increase group had a decrease of HVEF, but the HVSD decrease group tended to have more decreased HVEF than the HVSD increase group. These results indicate that spastic angina pectoris patients show various responses to HV stress. The HVSD increase group might have additional myocardial ischemia due to regional coronary spasm. In contrast, in the HVSD decrease group severe LV dysfunction or diffuse wall motion abnormality might have been generated, and this caused a reduction in the SD value. Phase analysis would therefore add new information regarding electrocardiographically silent myocardial ischemia due to coronary spasm, and HV stress might increase sensitivity for the detection of abnormalities in quantitative phase analysis, especially in VspAP patients. (author)

  6. Phase changes caused by hyperventilation stress in spastic angina pectoris analyzed by first-pass radionuclide ventriculography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Jin; Takeda, Tohoru; Ajisaka, Ryuichi; Masuoka, Takeshi; Watanabe, Sigeyuki; Sato, Motohiro; Itai, Yuji [Tsukuba Univ., Ibaraki (Japan). Inst. of Clinical Medicine; Toyama, Hinako; Ishikawa, Nobuyoshi


    To understand the effect of hyperventilation (HV) stress in patients with spastic angina, left ventricular (LV) contraction was analyzed by quantitative phase analysis. The study was performed on 36 patients with spastic angina pectoris, including vasospastic angina pectoris (VspAP: 16 patients) and variant angina pectoris (VAP: 20 patients). First-pass radionuclide ventriculography (first-pass RNV) was performed at rest and after HV stress, and standard deviation of the LV phase distribution (SD) was analyzed. The SD was lower in patients with VspAP than in VAP(12.8{+-}1.4 degrees vs. 14.6{+-}2.2 degrees, p<0.005) at rest. After HV stress, the SD (HVSD) tended to increase in VspAP patients (62.5%), whereas the SD decreased in VAP patients (70%). Due to HV stress, the percentage change in SD (%SD) in VspAP patients was 8.9{+-}23.7% whereas that in VAP patients was -9.1{+-}17.3% (p<0.01). Moreover, phase histograms were divided into HVSD increase and HVSD decrease groups. The HVSD increase group had a decrease of HVEF, but the HVSD decrease group tended to have more decreased HVEF than the HVSD increase group. These results indicate that spastic angina pectoris patients show various responses to HV stress. The HVSD increase group might have additional myocardial ischemia due to regional coronary spasm. In contrast, in the HVSD decrease group severe LV dysfunction or diffuse wall motion abnormality might have been generated, and this caused a reduction in the SD value. Phase analysis would therefore add new information regarding electrocardiographically silent myocardial ischemia due to coronary spasm, and HV stress might increase sensitivity for the detection of abnormalities in quantitative phase analysis, especially in VspAP patients. (author)

  7. Electrical neuromodulation for disabling angina pectoris related to isolated stenoses of small epicardial coronary arteries. (United States)

    Jessurun, G A; Hautvast, R W; DeJongste, M J; Meyler, W J; van Boven AJ; Crijns, H J


    Patients with symptomatic small vessel coronary artery disease may be inadequate candidates for revascularization procedures. They may suffer from refractory angina, which does not respond to maximal anti-anginal drug therapy. In addition to patients with end stage coronary artery disease and syndrome X, this newly defined group of subjects with an isolated stenosis of a small coronary artery may benefit from electrical neurostimulation. We describe two patients with intractable angina caused by a significant narrowing of a diagonal branch. This treatment modality should be considered as an alternative method for unsatisfactory revascularization procedures.



    Rosa W.,Guillermo; Anwandter Sch.,Carlos; Caro M.,José


    Dieciocho pacientes anovulatorias refractarias al uso de Citrato de Clomifeno (CC) fueron sometidas a electrocoagulación ovárica durante una laparoscopia realizada como parte del estudio de su infertilidad. Catorce pacientes (78%) ovularon espontáneamente o con CC y 10 (56%) se embarazaron, 7 de ellas con CC. Tres pacientes (21%) tuvieron un aborto espontáneo de I trimestre y una paciente (5,6%) presentó falla ovárica después de la cirugía. Se concluye que en pacientes anovulatorias refractar...

  9. Neurostimulation as an adjuvant therapy for patients with intractable angina pectoris.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jongste, Michel Johannes Leendert de


    In spite of tremendous improvement in treatment of patients with angina pectoris due to significant coronary artery disease, there remains a group of patients who cannot adequately be treated. These patients are considered as having ‘intractale angina’. Patients, suffering from intractable ischemic

  10. Transient myocardial ischemia during daily life in rest and exertional angina pectoris and comparison of effectiveness of metoprolol versus nifedipine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ardissino, D; Savonitto, S; Egstrup, K


    life (p less than 0.05) irrespective of the patients' clinical characteristics. Nifedipine was ineffective, particularly in patients with angina predominantly on effort and with a moderate to severe reduction in exercise tolerance. It is concluded that in patients with mixed angina, ischemic episodes...

  11. Comparison between unstable angina pectoris and stable effort angina pectoris by using 123I-BMIPP and 201Tl myocardial SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hisatake, Shinji; Yamashina, Shohei; Yamazaki, Junichi


    We performed BMIPP myocardial SPECT and Tl myocardial SPECT in patients with unstable angina (UAP) and stable effort angina (SAP), and compared the results for the two groups. Our subjects were 30 patients with the UAP and 25 patients with the SAP. The early and delayed images of the BMIPP were obtained with patients at rest. The early image of the Tl alone was obtained with patients at rest. We calculated severity score (SS) using the polar map based on SPECT short-axis image on the both myocardial SPECT. And, we calculated % uptake of the responsible coronary lesion and regional washout rate (WR) on myocardial SPECT with BMIPP. On coronary angiogram, no difference in % diameter stenosis was seen between the two groups. On myocardial SPECT with Tl, no difference in the SS was seen between the two groups. However, on myocardial SPECT with BMIPP, the SS was significantly higher score in the UAP group than in the SAP group. And, on myocardial SPECT with BMIPP, the % uptake and the WR were significant lower values in the UAP group than in the SAP group. Even if the two groups have almost the same level of myocardial perfusion disorder, the UAP group may have severer myocardial fatty-acid metabolic disorder than the SAP group, because the defects in BMIPP were significantly severer in the UAP group. (author)

  12. Insulin-resistant glucose metabolism in patients with microvascular angina--syndrome X

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, H; Skøtt, P; Steffensen, R


    Studies in patients with microvascular angina (MA) or the cardiologic syndrome X have shown a hyperinsulinemic response to an oral glucose challenge, suggesting insulin resistance and a role for increased serum insulin in coronary microvascular dysfunction. The aim of the present study was to exa......Studies in patients with microvascular angina (MA) or the cardiologic syndrome X have shown a hyperinsulinemic response to an oral glucose challenge, suggesting insulin resistance and a role for increased serum insulin in coronary microvascular dysfunction. The aim of the present study...... was to examine whether patients with MA are insulin-resistant. Nine patients with MA and seven control subjects were studied. All were sedentary and glucose-tolerant. Coronary arteriography was normal in all participants, and exercise-induced coronary ischemia was demonstrated in all MA patients. A euglycemic...... metabolism (8.4 +/- 0.9 v 12.5 +/- 1.3 FFM-1.min-1, P

  13. Long-term use of short- and long-acting nitrates in stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Kosmicki, Marek Antoni


    Long-acting nitrates are effective antianginal drugs during initial treatment. However, their therapeutic value is compromised by the rapid development of tolerance during sustained therapy, which means that their clinical efficacy is decreased during long-term use. Sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG), a short-acting nitrate, is suitable for the immediate relief of angina. In patients with stable angina treated with oral long-acting nitrates, NTG maintains its full anti-ischemic effect both after initial oral ingestion and after intermittent long-term oral administration. However, NTG attenuates this effect during continuous treatment, when tolerance to oral nitrates occurs, and this is called cross-tolerance. In stable angina long-acting nitrates are considered third-line therapy because a nitrate-free interval is required to avoid the development of tolerance. Nitrates vary in their potential to induce the development of tolerance. During long-lasting nitrate therapy, except pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), one can observe the development of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside the muscular cell of a vessel wall, and these bind with nitric oxide (NO). This leads to decreased NO activity, thus, nitrate tolerance. PETN has no tendency to form ROS, and therefore during long-term PETN therapy, there is probably no tolerance or cross-tolerance, as during treatment with other nitrates.

  14. Is refractory angina pectoris a form of chronic pain? A comparison of two patient groups receiving spinal cord stimulation therapy. (United States)

    Pak, Nick; Devcich, Daniel A; Johnson, Malcolm H; Merry, Alan F


    To compare psychological and pain-related characteristics of patients with chronic pain and patients with refractory angina pectoris who had been treated with spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapy. Twenty-four patients receiving SCS therapy were interviewed. Four psychological variables were assessed using standardised questionnaires for pain catastrophising, health locus of control, anxiety sensitivity, and self-efficacy. Patients also completed the revised version of the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire, the Short-Form Health Survey, and self-reported measures of global perceived effect, pain, functionality, and satisfaction with SCS therapy. Most patients reported improvements in pain, functionality, and improvement overall. Some health locus of control dimensions were significantly higher for the angina group than the chronic pain group, and chronic angina patients reported significantly lower levels of intermittent pain. Virtually all patients reported being satisfied with SCS therapy. Most self-rated psychological and pain-related characteristics were no different between the two groups, which gives some support to the view that refractory angina is a form of chronic pain. The results also add to evidence supporting the use of SCS therapy for refractory angina pectoris; however, differences observed on a few variables may indicate points of focus for the assessment and treatment of such patients.

  15. Safety and efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave myocardial revascularization therapy for refractory angina pectoris. (United States)

    Cassar, Andrew; Prasad, Megha; Rodriguez-Porcel, Martin; Reeder, Guy S; Karia, Darshak; DeMaria, Anthony N; Lerman, Amir


    To assess the safety and efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave myocardial revascularization (ESMR) therapy in treating patients with refractory angina pectoris. A single-arm multicenter prospective trial to assess safety and efficacy of the ESMR therapy in patients with refractory angina (class III/IV angina) was performed. Screening exercise treadmill tests and pharmacological single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) were performed for all patients to assess exercise capacity and ischemic burden. Patients were treated with 9 sessions of ESMR to ischemic areas over 9 weeks. Efficacy end points were exercise capacity by using treadmill test as well as ischemic burden on pharmacological SPECT at 4 months after the last ESMR treatment. Safety measures included electrocardiography, echocardiography, troponin, creatine kinase, and brain natriuretic peptide testing, and pain questionnaires. Fifteen patients with medically refractory angina and no revascularization options were enrolled. There was a statistically significant mean increase of 122.3±156.9 seconds (38% increase compared with baseline; P=.01) in exercise treadmill time from baseline (319.8±157.2 seconds) to last follow-up after the ESMR treatment (422.1±183.3 seconds). There was no improvement in the summed stress perfusion scores after pharmacologically induced stress SPECT at 4 months after the last ESMR treatment in comparison to that at screening; however, SPECT summed stress score revealed that untreated areas had greater progression in ischemic burden vs treated areas (3.69±6.2 vs 0.31±4.5; P=.03). There was no significant change in the mean summed echo score from baseline to posttreatment (0.4±5.1; P=.70). The ESMR therapy was performed safely without any adverse events in electrocardiography, echocardiography, troponins, creatine kinase, or brain natriuretic peptide. Pain during the ESMR treatment was minimal (a score of 0.5±1.2 to 1.1±1.2 out of 10). In this multicenter feasibility

  16. Oral Chinese proprietary medicine for angina pectoris: an overview of systematic reviews/meta-analyses. (United States)

    Luo, Jing; Xu, Hao; Yang, Guoyan; Qiu, Yu; Liu, Jianping; Chen, Keji


    Oral Chinese proprietary medicine (CPM) is commonly used to treat angina pectoris, and many relevant systematic reviews/meta-analyses are available. However, these reviews have not been systematically summarized and evaluated. We conducted an overview of these reviews, and explored their methodological and reporting quality to inform both practice and further research. We included systematic reviews/meta-analyses on oral CPM in treating angina until March 2013 by searching PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library and four Chinese databases. We extracted data according to a pre-designed form, and assessed the methodological and reporting characteristics of the reviews in terms of AMSTAR and PRISMA respectively. Most of the data analyses were descriptive. 36 systematic reviews/meta-analyses involving over 82,105 participants with angina reviewing 13 kinds of oral CPM were included. The main outcomes assessed in the reviews were surrogate outcomes (34/36, 94.4%), adverse events (31/36, 86.1%), and symptoms (30/36, 83.3%). Six reviews (6/36, 16.7%) drew definitely positive conclusions, while the others suggested potential benefits in the symptoms, electrocardiogram, and adverse events. The overall methodological and reporting quality of the reviews was limited, with many serious flaws such as the lack of review protocol and incomprehensive literature searches. Though many systematic reviews/meta-analyses on oral CPM for angina suggested potential benefits or definitely positive effects, stakeholders should interpret the findings of these reviews with caution, considering the overall limited methodological and reporting quality. We recommend further studies should be appropriately conducted and systematic reviews reported according to PRISMA standard. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Differential loss of natural killer cell activity in patients with acute myocardial infarction and stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Yan, Wenwen; Zhou, Lin; Wen, Siwan; Duan, Qianglin; Huang, Feifei; Tang, Yu; Liu, Xiaohong; Chai, Yongyan; Wang, Lemin


    To evaluate the activity of natural killer cells through their inhibitory and activating receptors and quantity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells extracted from patients with acute myocardial infarction, stable angina pectoris and the controls. 100 patients with myocardial infarction, 100 with stable angina, and 20 healthy volunteers were recruited into the study. 20 randomly chosen people per group were examined for the whole human genome microarray analysis to detect the gene expressions of all 40 inhibitory and activating natural killer cell receptors. Flow cytometry analysis was applied to all 200 patients to measure the quantity of natural killer cells. In myocardial infarction group, the mRNA expressions of six inhibitory receptors KIR2DL2, KIR3DL3, CD94, NKG2A, KLRB1, KLRG1, and eight activating receptors KIR2DS3, KIR2DS5, NKp30, NTB-A, CRACC, CD2, CD7 and CD96 were significantly down-regulated (Pangina patients and the controls. There was no statistical difference in receptor expressions between angina patients and control group. The quantity of natural killer cells was significantly decreased in both infarction and angina patients compared with normal range (Pangina patients showed a quantitative loss and dysfunction of natural killer cells in myocardial infarction patients.

  18. Presentación de un caso de aplicación de la dieta cetogénica en la epilepsia refractaria Presentation of a case of ketogenic diet application to refractory epilepsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ligia M Marcos Plasencia


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente del sexo masculino, de 2 años de edad, que padece síndrome de West y que ha recibido tratamiento con múltiples drogas antiepilépticas sin obtener resultados alentadores ni en las crisis ni en su desarrollo psicomotor, seriamente afectado. Se establece el régimen de alimentación cetogénico de instalación progresiva, sin período de ayuno inicial, y se observa un cambio clínico en el paciente a partir de que se logran niveles de cetosis, constatados por la aparición de cuerpos cetónicos en la orina. Los cambios clínicos consisten en la disminución del número de crisis diarias y de su intensidad, en la posibilidad de suspender una de las drogas antiepilépticas que usaba, y en el aumento del nivel de vigilia del paciente. Se concluye que no se debe renunciar a esta alternativa de tratamiento en los casos de epilepsia refractaria.The case of a 2-year-old male patient suffering from West syndrome that had been treated with multiple antiepileptic drugs without encouraging results, neither in the seizures, nor in his psychomotor development, which was seriously affected, was reported. A progressive ketogenic diet was established without initial fasting, and it was observed a clinical change in the patient, since ketosis levels were attained and confirmed by the appearance of ketone bodies in urine. The clinical changes consisted in the reduction of the number of daily seizures and their intensity, in the possibility of stopping the use of one of the antiepileptic drugs, and in the increase of the level of sleeplessness of the patient. It was concluded that this treatment alternative should not be rejected in the cases of refractory epilepsy.

  19. Coronary microvascular dysfunction is not associated with a history of reproductive risk factors in women with angina pectoris-An iPOWER substudy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suhrs, Hannah Elena; Kristensen, Anna Meta; Rask, Anna Bay


    factors was associated with CMD in women with angina pectoris and no obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Participants from the iPOWER study, including women with angina pectoris and no obstructive CAD (

  20. Behandling af ustabil angina pectoris. En spørgeskemaundersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, J D; Stoltenberg, Meredin; Juul, A


    Questionnaires about therapy in unstable angina pectoris were sent to 63 Danish medical departments and were answered by 52 departments (82.5%). Nitroglycerin is commonly used but only in half of the departments is Nitroglycerin administered intravenously. Calcium-receptor-blockers are used in more...

  1. Decúbito prono en pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariano Setten

    Full Text Available RESUMEN El síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo ocupa gran atención en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. A pesar del amplio conocimiento alcanzado sobre la fisiopatología de éste síndrome, el enfoque en la unidad de cuidados intensivos consiste, en gran parte, en un tratamiento de soporte vital y en evitar los efectos secundarios de las terapéuticas invasivas. Si bien, durante los últimos 20 años, se generaron grandes avances en ventilación mecánica con un impacto importante sobre la mortalidad, ésta continúa siendo elevada. Una característica de los pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo, sobre todo los más severos, es la presencia de hipoxemia refractaria debido a la existencia de shunt, pudiendo requerir tratamientos adicionales a la ventilación mecánica, entre ellos la ventilación mecánica en decúbito prono. Este método, recomendado para mejorar la oxigenación por primera vez en 1974, puede ser implementado fácilmente en cualquier unidad de cuidados intensivos con personal entrenado. El decúbito prono tiene un sustento bibliográfico sumamente robusto. Varios ensayos clínicos randomizados han demostrado el efecto del decúbito prono sobre la oxigenación en pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo medida a través de la relación PaO2/FiO2 e incluso su impacto en el aumento de la sobrevida de estos pacientes. Los integrantes del Comité de Kinesiología Intensivista de la Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva realizaron una revisión narrativa con el objetivo de exponer la evidencia disponible en relación a la implementación del decúbito prono, los cambios producidos en el sistema respiratorio por la aplicación de la maniobra y su impacto sobre la mortalidad. Por último, se sugerirán lineamientos para la toma de decisiones.

  2. Effects of ambient temperature, humidity, and other meteorological variables on hospital admissions for angina pectoris. (United States)

    Abrignani, Maurizio G; Corrao, Salvatore; Biondo, Giovan B; Lombardo, Renzo M; Di Girolamo, Paola; Braschi, Annabella; Di Girolamo, Alberto; Novo, Salvatore


    Seasonal peaks in cardiovascular disease incidence have been widely reported, suggesting weather has a role. The aim of our study was to determine the influence of climatic variables on angina pectoris hospital admissions. We correlated the daily number of angina cases admitted to a western Sicilian hospital over a period of 12 years and local weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind force and direction, precipitation, sunny hours and atmospheric pressure) on a day-to-day basis. A total of 2459 consecutive patients were admitted over the period 1987-1998 (1562 men, 867 women; M/F - 1:8). A seasonal variation was found with a noticeable winter peak. The results of Multivariate Poisson analysis showed a significant association between the daily number of angina hospital admission, temperature, and humidity. Significant incidence relative ratios (95% confidence intervals/measure unit) were, in males, 0.988 (0.980-0.996) (p = 0.004) for minimal temperature, 0.990 (0.984-0.996) (p = 0.001) for maximal humidity, and 1.002 (1.000-1.004) (p = 0.045) for minimal humidity. The corresponding values in females were 0.973 (0.951-0.995) (p < 0.017) for maximal temperature and 1.024 (1.001-1.048) (p = 0.037) for minimal temperature. Environmental temperature and humidity may play an important role in the pathogenesis of angina, although it seems different according to the gender. These data may help to understand the mechanisms that trigger ischemic events and to better organize hospital assistance throughout the year.

  3. Refractory angina pectoris in end-stage coronary artery disease : Evolving therapeutic concepts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schoebel, FC; Frazier, OH; Jessurun, GAJ; DeJongste, MJL; Kadipasaoglu, KA; Jax, TW; Heintzen, MP; Cooley, DA; Strauer, BE; Leschke, M


    Refractory angina pectoris in coronary artery disease is defined as the persistence of severe anginal symptoms despite maximal conventional antianginal combination therapy. Further, the option to use an invasive revascularization procedure such as percutaneous coronary balloon angioplasty or

  4. Alternating Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome associated with attack of angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mangiafico, R.A.; Petralito, A.; Grimaldi, D.R.


    In a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and an inferior-posterior bypass tract, transient restoration of normal conduction occurred during an attack of angina. The ECG pattern of inferior posterior ischemia was present when the conduction was normal. Thallium scintigraphy showed a reversible posterolateral perfusion defect. The possible mechanisms for production of intermittent preexcitation are discussed

  5. Alternating Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome associated with attack of angina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mangiafico, R.A.; Petralito, A.; Grimaldi, D.R. (Univ. of Catania (Italy))


    In a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and an inferior-posterior bypass tract, transient restoration of normal conduction occurred during an attack of angina. The ECG pattern of inferior posterior ischemia was present when the conduction was normal. Thallium scintigraphy showed a reversible posterolateral perfusion defect. The possible mechanisms for production of intermittent preexcitation are discussed.

  6. Persistence of recruitable coronary collaterals in the absence of coronary vasospasm in a patient with variant angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamashita, Kazuhito; Takeuchi, Masaaki; Nakashima, Yasuhide


    Recruitable coronary collaterals may appear when spasm suddenly occludes the coronary artery. We report a patient with variant angina who had visible collateral vessels on a control coronary angiogram, despite the presence of normally appearing coronary arteries. These collaterals disappeared after intracoronary administration of nitroglycerin. These findings suggest that recruitable collateral vessels can remain patent long after spontaneous attacks of angina have resolved, and become visible when there is a pressure difference between two small coronary arteries.

  7. Persistence of Recruitable Coronary Collaterals in the Absence of Coronary Vasospasm in a Patient with Variant Angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamashita, Kazuhito; Takeuchi, Masaaki; Nakashima, Yasuhide


    Recruitable coronary collaterals may appear when spasm suddenly occludes the coronary artery. We report a patient with variant angina who had visible collateral vessels on a control coronary angiogram, despite the presence of normally appearing coronary arteries. These collaterals disappeared after intracoronary administration of nitroglycerin. These findings suggest that recruitable collateral vessels can remain patent long after spontaneous attacks of angina have resolved, and become visible when there is a pressure difference between two small coronary arteries

  8. Efficacy of a Device to Narrow the Coronary Sinus in Refractory Angina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verheye, Stefan; Jolicoeur, E. Marc; Behan, Miles W.; Pettersson, Thomas; Sainsbury, Paul; Hill, Jonathan; Vrolix, Mathias; Agostoni, Pierfrancesco; Engstrom, Thomas; Labinaz, Marino; de Silva, Ranil; Schwartz, Marc; Meyten, Nathalie; Uren, Neal G.; Doucet, Serge; Tanguay, Jean-Francois; Lindsay, Steven; Henry, Timothy D.; White, Christopher J.; Edelman, Elazer R.; Banai, Shmuel


    BACKGROUND Many patients with coronary artery disease who are not candidates for revascularization have refractory angina despite standard medical therapy. The balloon-expandable, stainless steel, hourglass-shaped, coronary-sinus reducing device creates a focal narrowing and increases pressure in

  9. Revascularization with percutaneous coronary intervention does not affect androgen status in males with chronic stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Gosai, J N; Charalampidis, P; Nikolaidou, T; Parviz, Y; Morris, P D; Channer, K S; Jones, T H; Grech, E D


    There is a clear association between low serum testosterone and coronary artery disease (CAD) in men. Hypotestosteronaemia is associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and a quarter of men with CAD are biochemically hypogonadal. Amongst those with CAD, hypotestosteronaemia is associated with increased mortality. Testosterone vasodilates coronary arteries, and exogenous testosterone reduces ischaemia. Whether hypotestosteronaemia is a cause or a consequence of CAD remains unanswered. The aim of this prospective observational study was to investigate whether coronary revascularization affected androgen status in men with stable angina pectoris. Twenty five men (mean age 62.7, SD 9.18) with angiographically significant CAD and symptomatic angina underwent full coronary revascularization by percutaneous coronary intervention. Androgen status and symptoms of angina, stress, depression and sexual function were assessed before, and at one and 6 months after the coronary revascularization. All patients underwent complete revascularization which was associated with a significant reduction in angina symptoms and ischaemia. No significant difference was seen in total testosterone (11.33 nmol/L baseline; 12.56, 1 month post; 13.04 at 6 months; p = 0.08). A significant and sustained rise in sex hormone-binding globulin was seen (33.99 nm/L baseline; 36.11 nm/L 1 month post PCI; 37.94 nm/L at 6 months; p = 0.03) Overall, there was no significant alteration in any other marker of androgen status including free testosterone or bioavailable testosterone. There was no change in symptoms of anxiety, depression or sexual function. Coronary revascularization has no sustained effect on androgen status. This supports the hypothesis that hypotestosteronaemia is not a consequence of angina pectoris or myocardial ischaemia. © 2016 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology.

  10. Extracorporeal shockwave myocardial therapy is efficacious in improving symptoms in patients with refractory angina pectoris--a multicenter study. (United States)

    Prasad, Megha; Wan Ahmad, Wan Azman; Sukmawan, Renan; Magsombol, Edward-Bengie L; Cassar, Andrew; Vinshtok, Yuri; Ismail, Muhammad Dzafir; Mahmood Zuhdi, Ahmad Syadi; Locnen, Sue Ann; Jimenez, Rodney; Callleja, Homobono; Lerman, Amir


    Medically refractory angina remains a significant health concern despite major advances in revascularization techniques and emerging medical therapies. We aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave myocardial therapy (ESMT) in managing angina pectoris. A single-arm multicenter prospective study was designed aiming to determine the safety and efficacy of ESMT. Patients of functional Canadian Cardiovascular Society class II-IV, despite stable and optimal medical management, with documented myocardial segments with reversible ischemia and/or hibernation on the basis of echocardiography/single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) were enrolled from 2010 to 2012. A total of 111 patients were enrolled, 33 from Indonesia, 21 from Malaysia, and 57 from Philippines. Patients underwent nine cycles of ESMT over 9 weeks. Patients were followed up for 3-6 months after ESMT treatment. During follow-up, patients were subjected to clinical evaluation, the Seattle Angina Questionnaire, assessment of nitrate intake, the 6-min walk test, echocardiography, and SPECT. The mean age of the population was 62.9±10.9 years. The summed difference score on pharmacologically induced stress SPECT improved from 9.53±17.87 at baseline to 7.77±11.83 at follow-up (P=0.0086). Improvement in the total Seattle Angina Questionnaire score was seen in 83% of patients (Pangina.

  11. A Series of Unfortunate Events: Prinzmetal Angina Culminating in Transmural Infarction in the Setting of Acute Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Ruisi


    Full Text Available Prinzmetal angina or vasospastic angina is a clinical phenomenon that is often transient and self-resolving. Clinically it is associated with ST elevations on the electrocardiogram, and initially it may be difficult to differentiate from an acute myocardial infarction. The vasospasm induced in this setting occurs in normal or mildly to moderately diseased vessels and can be triggered by a number of etiologies including smoking, changes in autonomic activity, or drug ingestion. While the ischemia induced is usually transient, myocardial infarction and life-threatening arrhythmias can occur in 25% of cases. We present the case of a 65-year-old female where repetitive intermittent coronary vasospasm culminated in transmural infarction in the setting of gastrointestinal bleeding. This case highlights the mortality associated with prinzmetal angina and the importance of recognizing the underlying etiology.

  12. Efficacy evaluation of fluoxetine combined with conventional drug treatment on unstable angina patients complicated with depression

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Chun-Hua Liao


    Objective:To study the efficacy of fluoxetine combined with conventional drug treatment on unstable angina patients complicated with depression. Methods:120 cases of unstable angina patients with depression were randomly divided into two groups. The anti-depression group received fluoxetine combined with conventional drug therapy; the conventional group received conventional drug therapy. Then contents of monoamine neurotransmitters and their metabolites, antioxidants and inflammatory mediators of both groups were compared. Results:Serum monoamine neurotransmitters NE, 5-HT and HA levels of the anti-depression group were higher than those of the conventional group and metabolites 5-HIAA and HVA contents were lower than those of the conventional group; serum SOD, CAT, GSH and HSP-70 contents of the anti-depression group were higher than those of the conventional group, and hs-CRP, MMP9, MCP1 and HMGB1 contents were lower than those of the conventional group. Conclusion:Fluoxetine combined with conventional drug therapy can increase the contents of monoamine neurotransmitters and antioxidants, and reduce oxidative stress response and inflammatory response; it is an ideal method for treating unstable angina complicated with depression.

  13. Effect of Shenzhu Guanxin Recipe () on patients with angina pectoris after percutaneous coronary intervention: A prospective, randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Xu, Dan-Ping; Wu, Huan-Lin; Lan, Tao-Hua; Wang, Xia; Sheng, Xiao-Gang; Lin, Yu; Li, Song; Zheng, Chao-Yang


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a combination therapy using Chinese medicine (CM) Shenzhu Guanxin Recipe (, SGR) and standard Western medicine treatment (SWMT) in patients with angina pectoris after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Double-blind randomized controlled trial was used in this experimental procedure. One hundred and eighty-seven patients with coronary heart disease receiving SWMT after PCI were randomly assigned to the treatment (SGR) and control (placebo) groups. Outcome measures including angina pectoris score (APS), CM symptom score, and Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) score were evaluated in 1, 2, 3 and 12 months, and the death rate, restenosis and other emergency treatments were observed. The mixed-effects models were employed for the data analysis. In the treatment group, a larger within-treatment effect size (d=1.74) was found, with a 76.7% reduction in APS from pretreatment to 12-month follow-up assessment compared with the control group (d=0.83, 53.8% symptom reduction); betweentreatment (BT) effect size was d=0.66. CM symptom scores included an 18.3% reduction in the treatment group (d=0.46), and a 16.1% decrease in the control group (d=0.31); d=0.62 for BT effect size. In regard to scores of SAQ, the BT effect size of cognition level of disease was larger in the treatment group (d=0.63), followed by the level of body limitation of activity (d=0.62), condition of angina pectoris attacks (d=0.55), satisfaction level of treatments (d=0.31), and steady state of angina pectoris (d=0.30). Two cardiovascular related deaths and one incidental death were recorded in the control and treatment groups, respectively. No significant difference in any cardiovascular event (including death toll, frequency of cardiovascular hospitalization or emergency room visits) was found between the two groups. The combination therapy of SGR and SWMT is effective and safe in patients with angina pectoris after PCI when compared with SWMT alone.

  14. [Anaemia as a cause of haemodynamic angina in a patient with chronic ischaemic heart disease]. (United States)

    Miguéns Blanco, I; Bravo Amaro, M


    Ischaemic heart disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity and one of the primary causes of morbidity in Spain. The variability in the clinical presentation of this condition at both primary care and emergency services level requires a careful history and a thorough physical examination. In the case presented, the main symptoms of angina and dyspnea reported in the anamnesis, and the obvious pallor in the physical examination, were the key data to identify anaemia as a cause of angina. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  15. Aneurysm of the A. hepatica propria as cause of Angina abdominalis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rieser, R.; Hauger, W.


    The aetiology of a. hepatica aneurysm can be manifold. Among all the complications, rupture of the vessel is the most dangerous one. We report on a case which was noticed clinically due to an angina abdominalis. In this paper we outline the symptoms, all diagnostic steps and the therapeutic approach. (orig.) [de

  16. Empleo de cromitas refractarias para la obtención de fundentes aglomerados utilizados en la soldadura automática por arco sumergido (SAW

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perdomo-González, L.


    Full Text Available In the present work high carbon ferrochrome (load ferrochrome and slags are obtained, starting frora the métallurgie reductive processing of refractory chromites. The obtaining of alloys and slags is studied using an experiment design based in the relationships among components. The chemical compositions of alloys and slags guarantee their application for the conformation of alloys loads and matrix fluxes amassed for the superficial filling by means of submerged arc welding (SAW. The melting-reduction process is carried out in an electric arc furnace.

    En el presente trabajo se obtienen ferrocromo de alto carbono (ferrocromo de carga y escorias a partir del proceso de reducción de cromitas refractarias. Mediante la utilización de un diseño de experimento de relaciones entre componentes, se estudia la obtención de aleaciones y escorias. La composición química de ambas garantiza su aplicación para la conformación de cargas aleantes y matrices de fundentes aglomerados, para el relleno superficial mediante soldadura automática por arco sumergido (SAW. El proceso de fusión-reducción se realiza en un horno eléctrico de arco.

  17. Correction of aggregative thrombocytes activity in patients with unstable angina by THz irradiation of nitrogen oxide occurrence at in vitro conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk


    Full Text Available There had been shown a normalizing effect of THz radiation of MEAS (molecular emission and absorption spectrum of 400 GHz nitrogen oxide occurrence on aggregation parameters of thrombocytes in patients with unstable angina at in vitro conditions. 180 patients with an unstable angina had been involved in to the research.

  18. Cardiac rehabilitation: a good measure to improve quality of life in peri- and postmenopausal women with microvascular angina


    Wojciech Szot; Joanna Zając; Magdalena Kostkiewicz; Jakub Owoc; Iwona Bojar


    Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX) was considered a stable coronary syndrome, yet due to its nature, CSX symptoms often have a great impact on patients’ Quality of Life (QoL). According to ESC 2013 stable coronary artery disease criteria, CSX was replaced by Microvascular Angina (MA).Unfortunately, most CSX or MA patients, after classical angina (involving main coronary vessels) has been ruled out, often do not receive proper treatment. Indications for pharmacological treatment of MA patients were intr...

  19. Panax notoginseng Preparations for Unstable Angina Pectoris: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Song, Haiying; Wang, Peili; Liu, Jiangang; Wang, Chenglong


    This paper assessed the evidence of Panax notoginseng preparations in patients suffering from UAP using meta-analysis and systematic review methods. Methods were according to the Cochrane Handbook and analysed using Revman 5.3. A search of PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, MEDLINE, Chinese national knowledge infrastructure (CNKI), Vip information database, Wanfang data and Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (SinoMed) was conducted to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of P. notoginseng preparations on UAP regardless of blinding, sex and language. The outcomes include all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, cardiovascular events, UAP symptoms, improvement of electrocardiogram and adverse events. Eighteen RCTs including 1828 patients were identified. The level of reporting is generally poor. Among 18 studies, 16 studies were prescribed P. notoginseng injections, and two studies were oral P. notoginseng preparations. Reduction of cardiovascular events (RR:0.35;95% CI:0.13 to 0.94), alleviation of angina pectoris symptoms (RR:1.23;95% CI 1.18 to 1.29), improvement of ECG (RR:1.22;95% CI 1.15 to 1.28) and reduced frequency of angina pectoris (MD:-1.48; 95% CI -2.49 to -0.48) were observed. Cardiac mortality and duration of angina pectoris were not statistically significant. Panax notoginseng is beneficial to UAP patients; the results of these reviews may have important implications to clinical work. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. The post-ischemic ventricular dysfunction in PRINZMETAL's variant angina: Radionuclide evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Picozzi, R.; Palagi, B.; Baroffio, R.


    We studied by equilibrium radionuclide angiography 15 patients admitted to our coronary care unit because of PRINZMETAL's variant angina. Patients were examined mostly in the absence of symptoms. The incidence of ejection fraction abnormalities was low, while regional wall motion was always impaired at the site corresponding to ST-segment elevation at the time of the anginal attack. In 7 patients who underwent coronary angiography, we found an almost complete agreement between the site of atherosclerotic lesions and that of regional wall motion abnormalities. The patients were re-studied during intravenous perfusion of nitroglycerin: A detectable improvement of regional wall motion was found in 8 of them. We concluded that equilibrium radionuclide angiography appears to be a suitable tool for identifying reliably, in patients affected with PRINZMETAL's variant angina, the regional ventricular dysfunction remaining after the remission of symptoms in the presence of normalized ECG or signs of non-transmural ischemia. Equilibrium radionuclide angiography performed during nitroglycerin perfusion allowed us to evaluate in advance the importance of the vasospastic component and hence the efficacy of pharmacologic treatment. (orig.) [de

  1. Traditional Chinese medicine for stable angina pectoris via TCM pattern differentiation and TCM mechanism: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhe; Zhang, Fan; Wang, Yang; Du, Yi; Zhang, Huiyong; Kong, Dezhao; Liu, Yue; Yang, Guanlin


    Stable angina pectoris is experienced as trans-sternal or retro-sternal pressure or pain that may radiate to the left arm, neck or back. Although available evidence relating to its effectiveness and mechanism are weak, traditional Chinese medicine is used as an alternative therapy for stable angina pectoris. We report a protocol of a randomized controlled trial using traditional Chinese medicine to investigate the effectiveness, mechanism and safety for patients with stable angina pectoris. This is a north-east Chinese, multi-center, multi-blinded, placebo-controlled and superiority randomized trail. A total of 240 patients with stable angina pectoris will be randomly assigned to three groups: two treatment groups and a control group. The treatment groups will receive Chinese herbal medicine consisting of Yi-Qi-Jian-Pi and Qu-Tan-Hua-Zhuo granule and Yi-Qi-Jian-Pi and Qu-Tan-Hua-Yu granule, respectively, and conventional medicine. The control group will receive placebo medicine in addition to conventional medicine. All 3 groups will undergo a 12-week treatment and 2-week follow-up. Four visits in sum will be scheduled for each subject: 1 visit each in week 0, week 4, week 12 and week 14. The primary outcomes include: the frequency of angina pectoris attack; the dosage of nitroglycerin; body limited dimension of Seattle Angina Questionnaire. The secondary outcomes include: except for the body limited dimension of SAQ, traditional Chinese medicine pattern questionnaire and so on. Therapeutic mechanism outcomes, safety outcomes and endpoint outcomes will be also assessed. The primary aim of this trial is to develop a standard protocol to utilize high-quality EBM evidence for assessing the effectiveness and safety of SAP via TCM pattern differentiation as well as exploring the efficacy mechanism and regulation with the molecular biology and systems biology. ChiCTR-TRC-13003608, registered 18 June 2013.

  2. A risk score for predicting coronary artery disease in women with angina pectoris and abnormal stress test finding. (United States)

    Lo, Monica Y; Bonthala, Nirupama; Holper, Elizabeth M; Banks, Kamakki; Murphy, Sabina A; McGuire, Darren K; de Lemos, James A; Khera, Amit


    Women with angina pectoris and abnormal stress test findings commonly have no epicardial coronary artery disease (CAD) at catheterization. The aim of the present study was to develop a risk score to predict obstructive CAD in such patients. Data were analyzed from 337 consecutive women with angina pectoris and abnormal stress test findings who underwent cardiac catheterization at our center from 2003 to 2007. Forward selection multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the independent predictors of CAD, defined by ≥50% diameter stenosis in ≥1 epicardial coronary artery. The independent predictors included age ≥55 years (odds ratio 2.3, 95% confidence interval 1.3 to 4.0), body mass index stress imaging (odds ratio 2.8, 95% confidence interval 1.5 to 5.5), and exercise capacity statistic of 0.745 (95% confidence interval 0.70 to 0.79), and an optimized cutpoint of a score of ≤2 included 62% of the subjects and had a negative predictive value of 80%. In conclusion, a simple clinical risk score of 7 characteristics can help differentiate those more or less likely to have CAD among women with angina pectoris and abnormal stress test findings. This tool, if validated, could help to guide testing strategies in women with angina pectoris. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. [Effect of Xinling Wan in treatment of stable angina pectoris: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo parallel-controlled, multicenter trial]. (United States)

    Gao, Jian-Wei; Gao, Xue-Min; Zou, Ting; Zhao, Tian-Meng; Wang, Dong-Hua; Wu, Zong-Gui; Ren, Chang-Jie; Wang, Xing; Geng, Nai-Zhi; Zhao, Ming-Jun; Liang, Qiu-Ming; Feng, Xing; Yang, Bai-Song; Shi, Jun-Ling; Hua, Qi


    To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Xinling Wan on patients with stable angina pectoris, a randomized, double-blinded, placebo parallel-controlled, multicenter clinical trial was conducted. A total of 232 subjects were enrolled and randomly divided into experiment group and placebo group. The experiment group was treated with Xinling Wan (two pills each time, three times daily) for 4 weeks, and the placebo group was treated with placebo. The effectiveness evaluation showed that Xinling Wan could significantly increase the total duration of treadmill exercise among patients with stable angina pectoris. FAS analysis showed that the difference value of the total exercise duration was between experiment group (72.11±139.32) s and placebo group (31.25±108.32) s. Xinling Wan could remarkably increase the total effective rate of angina pectoris symptom score, and the analysis showed that the total effective rate was 78.95% in experiment group and 42.61% in placebo group. The reduction of nitroglycerin dose was (2.45±2.41) tablets in experiment group and (0.50±2.24) tablets in placebo group on the basis of FAS analysis. The decrease of symptom integral was (4.68±3.49) in experiment group and (3.19±3.31) in placebo group based on FAS analysis. Besides, Xinling Wan could decrease the weekly attack time and the duration of angina pectoris. PPS analysis results were similar to those of FAS analysis. In conclusion, Xinling Wan has an obvious therapeutic effect in treating stable angina pectoris, with a good safety and a low incidence of adverse event and adverse reaction in experiment group. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.

  4. [Dengzhan Xixin injection as an adjuvant treatment for angina pectoris: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials]. (United States)

    Wang, Feng-jiao; Xie, Yan-ming; Liao, Xing; Jia, Min


    The paper is to systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of Deng Zhan Xi Xin injection ( DZXXI) as an adjuvant treatment for patients with angina pectoris. The Cochrane Library, Medline, EMbase, CBM, CNKI, VIP, and Wan fang Data base were searched. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of DZXXI combined with western medicine routine treatment versus western medicine routine treatment alone for angina pectoris patients were all included. All trials were assessed according to the Cochrane Reviewer' s Handbook 5.1 for Systematic Reviews of Intervention and Meta analyses were performed by RevMan 5. 2 Software. A total of 30RCTs (3 086 patients including 1 572 patients of treatment group and 1 514 patients of control group) were included. Meta-analysis of treatment group compared with control group showed superior effect over reducing cardiovascular events ( OR = 0.33; 95% CI: [0.16, 0.67], P = 0.002, improving effective rate of DZXXI as adjuvant treatment for angina pectoris patients (OR = 3.97; 95% CI: [3.15, 5.02]; P angina pectoris. But based on the limitations of the study, rigorous design with long follow up clinical trials are necessary for further evidence.

  5. Clinically stable angina pectoris is not necessarily associated with histologically stable atherosclerotic plaques

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Wal, A. C.; Becker, A. E.; Koch, K. T.; Piek, J. J.; Teeling, P.; van der Loos, C. M.; David, G. K.


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the extent of plaque inflammation in culprit lesions of patients with chronic stable angina. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Amsterdam reference centre. SUBJECTS: 89 consecutive patients who underwent directional coronary atherectomy, 58 of whom met the following

  6. Association between edentulism and angina pectoris in Mexican adults aged 35 years and older: a multivariate analysis of a population-based survey. (United States)

    Medina-Solís, Carlo Eduardo; Pontigo-Loyola, América Patricia; Pérez-Campos, Eduardo; Hernández-Cruz, Pedro; Ávila-Burgos, Leticia; Kowolik, Michael J; Maupomé, Gerardo


    The possible association between oral infection and chronic inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk has been studied intensively. The present study is designed to determine the strength of association between edentulism and angina pectoris in Mexican adults aged 35 years and older. Using the tools and sampling strategies of the World Health Survey of the World Health Organization, cross-sectional data were collected in Mexico in the National Performance Assessment Survey (probabilistic, multistage, and cluster sampling). Dental information was available for 20 of the 32 states of Mexico. Angina and edentulism are self-reported in this study. Statistical analysis was performed using binary logistic regression adjusting for complex samples. A total of 13,966 participants, representing a population of 29,853,607 individuals, were included. Of the complete study population, 3,052,263 (10.2%) were completely toothless, and 673,810 (2.3%) were diagnosed with angina pectoris. After adjusting for smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes, body mass index, and sex, the effect of edentulism on angina was modified by age (interaction), being more marked in the younger age group (odds ratio [OR] = exp(2.5597) =12.93) than in the older individuals surveyed (OR = exp(2.5597 + (-0.0334)) =12.51). Additionally, low physical activity (OR = 1.51; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.03 to 2.22) and higher socioeconomic status (OR = 1.37; 95% CI = 1.00 to 1.90) were more likely to be associated with angina pectoris. Overall, the results of this study, conducted in a representative sample of Mexican adults, suggest that an association exists between edentulism and angina pectoris. Additional studies are necessary to elucidate the underlying mechanism for this association.

  7. 175. Implantación de Homoinjerto Por Endocarditis Infecciosa Precoz Sobre Prótesis Aórtica Complicada Con Absceso Aórtico Posterior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.A. Tena Pajuelo


    Conclusiones: la endocarditis precoz, debido a su elevada mortalidad, se beneficia notoriamente de un tratamiento quirúrgico precoz, debiéndose individualizar el momento de la cirugía para evitar una insuficiencia cardíaca refractaria o la destrucción de tejidos perivalvulares. Se describen los detalles de esta intervención, siendo una alternativa eficaz en estos casos.

  8. 112. Implantación de Homoinjerto Por Endocarditis Infecciosa Precoz Sobre Prótesis Aórtica Complicada Con Absceso Aórtico Posterior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.A. Tena Pajuelo


    Conclusiones: la endocarditis precoz, debido a su elevada mortalidad, se beneficia notoriamente de un tratamiento quirúrgico precoz, debiéndose individualizar el momento de la cirugía para evitar una insuficiencia cardíaca refractaria o la destrucción de tejidos perivalvulares. Se describen los detalles de esta intervención, siendo una alternativa eficaz en estos casos.

  9. Relationship between angina pectoris and outcomes in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction: an analysis of the Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Trial in Heart Failure (CORONA). (United States)

    Badar, Athar A; Perez-Moreno, Ana Cristina; Jhund, Pardeep S; Wong, Chih M; Hawkins, Nathaniel M; Cleland, John G F; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Wikstrand, John; Kjekshus, John; Wedel, Hans; Watkins, Stuart; Gardner, Roy S; Petrie, Mark C; McMurray, John J V


    Angina pectoris is common in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HF-REF) but its relationship with outcomes has not been well defined. This relationship was investigated further in a retrospective analysis of the Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Trial in Heart Failure (CORONA). Four thousand, eight hundred and seventy-eight patients were divided into three categories: no history of angina and no chest pain at baseline (Group A; n = 1240), past history of angina but no chest pain at baseline (Group B; n = 1353) and both a history of angina and chest pain at baseline (Group C; n = 2285). Outcomes were examined using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression survival analysis. Compared with Group A, Group C had a higher risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction or unstable angina (HR: 2.36, 1.54-3.61; P angina are at an increased risk of acute coronary syndrome and HF hospitalization. Whether these patients would benefit from more aggressive medical therapy or percutaneous revascularization is not known and merits further investigation. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email:

  10. Presence of depressive symptoms in patients with a first episode of acute Coronary Syndrome Presencia de síntomas depresivos en pacientes con primer episodio de Síndrome coronario agudo Presença de sintomas depressivos em pacientes com primeiro episódio de Síndrome coronariana aguda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carina Aparecida Marosti Dessotte


    Full Text Available AIM: to compare possible differences regarding the presence of depressive symptoms according to the clinical diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome, gender and age, one week before the first cardiac event. METHOD: cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study, which used the Beck Depression Inventory. The sample consisted of 253 patients. RESULTS: it was found that patients with a clinical diagnosis of unstable angina, female and under 60 years of age reported the presence of depressive symptoms more frequently. CONCLUSION: a high percentage of patients presented depressive symptoms at the time of hospitalization for the first episode of Acute Coronary Syndrome, and this prevalence was significantly higher among women, under 60 years of age, with unstable angina. These results should provide support for the care in the hospitalization, discharge and planning of the rehabilitation of these patients, as it is known that depression impairs the control of coronary disease.OBJETIVO: comparar posibles diferencias en cuanto a la presencia de síntomas depresivos según el diagnóstico clínico del Síndrome Coronario Agudo, sexo y banda etaria, una semana antes del primer evento cardíaco. MÉTODO: estudio transversal, descriptivo y exploratorio, que utilizó el Inventario de Depresión de Beck. La muestra fue compuesta por 253 pacientes. RESULTADOS: los pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de angina inestable, del sexo femenino y con edad inferior a sesenta años relataron con mayor frecuencia la presencia de síntomas depresivos. CONCLUSIONES: un elevado porcentaje de pacientes presentaba síntomas depresivos en el momento de la internación por el primer episodio del Síndrome Coronario Agudo, y esa superioridad fue significativamente mayor entre las mujeres, con menos de 60 años y con angina inestable. Estos resultados deberán hacer el embasamiento el servicio en la internación, alta y planificación de la rehabilitación de eses pacientes

  11. Background Complex angiographic lesions and clinic presentation in unstable angina. A prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    LLuberas, R.; Mallo, D.; Pouso, J.; Artucio, C.; Korytnicki; Argon, L.; Besada, E.; Tavella, N.


    Background Complex angiography lesions and intracoronary thrombus have been identified in unstable angina.Braunwalds categorization has been accepted in the last years.Identifying severe clinical classes class III (angina at rest during the last 48 hours), class C (angina postinfarction) and class c (angina with maximum therapeutic). The main objective of this study was to determine independent associations of Braunwalds classes III, C and c: complex lesions, intracoronary thrombus, total occlusion and distal flux TIMI<3 of the responsible vessel. The secondary objectives were to analyze the angiographic features of the lesion and the responsible vessel. Aprospective study of 300 patients with diagnosed unstable angina, clustered according to Braunwalds clinis classification was done. The angiographic evaluation was performed identifying the responsible lesion and the presence of the complex lesion, intracoronary thrombus, total occlusion and distal flux TIMI<3 of the responsible vessel. A univariate analysis and a multivariate model of binary logistic regression were used. In the 300 patient population, 22 patients with normal coronaries(7.3%) were identified. The responsible lesion was identified in 243 out of the remaining 278 patients (87,4%). Class III was significantly associated with the complex lesion (OR=2.74, IC95%=1,27-5,9) and intracoronary thrombus (OR=2,82 IC95=1,2-6,6). Class C was significantly associated with intracoronary thrombus (OR=3.9),IC95%=1.53-10,0).Class III was and independent predictor for the presence of the complex lesion(OR=1.98, IC 95%=1,01-3,87) and intracoronary thrombus (OR=2,47 IC95%=1,14-5,37). Class C was and independent predictor for the complex lesion (OR=5,05,IC95%=2.25-11,3), infracoronary thrombus (OR=8,04, IC 95%=3,49-18,0), total occlusion (OR=6,49, IC95%=2,67-15,7) and distal flux TIMI<3(OR=3,96,IC 95%=1,87-8,4) There was no significant association between classes III, C and c and the responsible vessel, localization of

  12. Percutaneous coronary intervention for poor coronary microcirculation reperfusion of patients with stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Li, J S; Zhao, X J; Ma, B X; Wang, Z


    Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been extensively applied to repair the forward flow of diseased coronary artery and can achieve significant curative results. However, some patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) develop non-perfusion or poor perfusion of cardiac muscle tissue after PCI, which increases the incidence of cardiovascular events and the death rate. PCI can dredge narrowed or infarct-related artery (IRA) and thus induce full reperfusion of ischemic myocardium. It is found in practice that some cases of AMI still have no perfusion or poor perfusion in myocardial tissue even though coronary angiography suggests opened coronary artery after PCI, which increases the incidence of vascular events and mortality. Therefore, to explore the detailed mechanism of PCI in treating coronary microcirculation of patients with stable angina pectoris, we selected 140 patients with stable angina pectoris for PCI, observing the index of microcirculatory resistance (IMR) of descending branch and changes of myocardial injury markers and left ventricular systolic function, and made a subgroup analysis based on the correlation between clinical indexes, IMR and other variables of diabetic and non-diabetic patients, PCI-related and non-PCI-related myocardial infarction patients. The results suggest that IMR of anterior descending branch after PCI was higher compared to that before PCI, and the difference was significant (P less than 0.05); creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), myohemoglobin and high sensitive troponin T were all increased after PCI, and the difference was also significant (P less than 0.05); brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) level became higher after PCI, with significant difference (P less than 0.05); left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) declined after PCI, and the difference before and after PCI was statistically significant (P less than 0.05). Moreover, subgroup analysis results of the three groups all demonstrated statistically significant

  13. [Clinical significance of early percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with Braunwald III-B type unstable angina pectoris]. (United States)

    Nozaki, Katsuhiro; Nakao, Koichi; Horiuchi, Kenji; Kasanuki, Hiroshi; Honda, Takashi


    To assess the efficacy of early invasive strategy for the treatment of Braunwald III-B type unstable angina pectoris. This study included 573 consecutive patients of whom 267 underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (312 lesions). The patients were divided into two groups, 95 treated with the early invasive strategy of coronary angiography within 24 hr of admission (Group PCI-I) and the remaining 172 treated with the early conservative strategy of coronary angiography 24 hr after admission (Group PCI-C). No significant differences were noted in the baseline characteristics of the two groups except for ST segment elevation on electrocardiography at presentation, which occurred significantly less frequently in Group PCI-C (36.8% vs 8.1%, p strategy for unstable angina pectoris were almost equivalent to those of the early conservative strategy, despite more frequent ST segmental elevation at admission in Group PCI-I. These findings suggest that the early invasive strategy for unstable angina pectoris may be acceptable even in the current Japanese clinical setting without the use of GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist, low molecular weight heparin or clopidogrel.

  14. Sex-Related Differences in Vasomotor Function in Patients With Angina and Unobstructed Coronary Arteries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aziz, Ahmed; Hansen, Henrik Steen; Sechtem, Udo


    BACKGROUND Coronary vasomotor dysfunction is an important mechanism for angina in patients with unobstructed coronary arteries. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to determine sex differences in the prevalence and clinical presentation of vasomotor dysfunction in a European population...... and to examine sex differences in the dose of acetylcholine leading to a positive acetylcholine provocation test (ACH test). METHODS Between 2007 and 2014, we included 1,379 consecutive patients with stable angina, unobstructed coronaries and ACH test performed for epicardial vasospasm or coronary microvascular...... dysfunction (CMD) due to microvascular spasm. The predictive value of sex, risk factors, symptoms, and noninvasive test results was analyzed by means of logistic regression. RESULTS The mean patient age was 62 years, and 42% were male. There were 813 patients (59 with a pathological ACH test, 33% for CMD...

  15. Changes and significance of plasma neuropeptide Y in patients with unstable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaozhou; Yang Yongqing


    Objective: To observe changes of plasma neuropeptide Y(NPY) in patients with unstable angina pectoris (UaP), select patients with stable angina pectoris (SAP) and normal subjects as the controls, and recognize their significance. Methods: Immunoradiometric assay was used to measure the plasma NPY levels in 15 UAP patients, 20 SAP patients and 20 normal subjects: Results: It was found that the plasma NPY levels in patients with UAP, SAP and normal subjects were 202.12 +- 35.34, 164.45 +- 24.27 and 156.35 +- 21.84 pg/ml. The NPY levels in UAP patients were significantly higher than that in the others, but down to 159.66 +- 18.75 pg/ml after treatment for 2 weeks. There was a significant difference between pretreatment and post-treatment (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The plasma NPY levels of UAP patients increases significantly during fit. NPY takes part in the process of AP

  16. In-flight angina pectoris; an unusual presentation. (United States)

    Al-Janabi, Firas; Mammen, Regina; Karamasis, Grigoris; Davies, John; Keeble, Thomas


    An unusual case of typical angina which occurred on a long haul flight is presented. This case is notable as this was the index presentation, with no previous symptoms prior to this. Physiological changes at altitude can be marked, and include hypoxia, tachycardia and an increase in cardiac output. These changes were enough to expose underlying angina in our patient. A 68 year old man presented with typical cardiac chest pain on a long haul flight. His symptoms first started 10-15 min after take-off and resolved on landing. This was his index presentation, and there were no similar symptoms in the past. Background history included hypercholesterolaemia and benign prostatic hypertrophy only. He led a rather sedentary lifestyle. A CT coronary angiogram showed significant disease in the proximal left anterior descending artery and proximal right coronary artery. He went on to have a coronary angiogram with invasive physiological measurements, which determined both lesions were physiologically significant. Both arteries were treated with drug eluting stents. Since treatment, he once again embarked on a long haul flight, and was completely asymptomatic. The presentation of symptoms in this individual was rather unusual, but clearly caused by significant coronary artery disease. Potentially his sedentary lifestyle was not enough in day-to-day activities to promote anginal symptoms. When his cardiovascular system was physiologically stressed during flight, brought about by hypoxia, raised sympathetic tone and increased cardiac output, symptoms emerged. In turn, when landing, with atmospheric conditions normalised, physiological stress was removed, and symptoms resolved. Clinically therefore, one should not exclude symptoms that occur with differing physiological states, such as stress and altitude, as they are also potential triggers for myocardial ischaemia, despite absence of day-to-day symptoms.

  17. Percutaneous Device to Narrow the Coronary Sinus: Shifting Paradigm in the Treatment of Refractory Angina?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Benedetto


    Full Text Available Refractory angina pectoris is defined as a chronic debilitating condition characterized by the presence of chronic anginal symptoms due to a severe obstructive and/or diffuse coronary artery disease that cannot be controlled by the combination of medical therapy and / or revascularization (percutaneous or surgical. In addition the presence of myocardial ischemia as a cause of the symptoms must have been documented. The coronary sinus Reducer (CSR is a recently introduced percutaneous device to treat patients with severe anginal symptoms refractory to optimal medical therapy and not amenable to conventional revascularization. The purpose of this review is to describe the current evidence from available studies measuring the clinical effect of the CSR implantation on the health and well-being of patients with refractory angina.

  18. Innovative Strategy in Treating Angina Pectoris with Chinese Patent Medicines by Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis: Experience from Combination Therapy in Chinese Medicine. (United States)

    Xiong, Xing-Jiang; Wang, Zhong; Wang, Jie


    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Moreover, angina pectoris is one of the most important types of CHD. Therefore, prevention and effective treatment of angina pectoris is of utmost importance in both China and western countries. However, undesirable effects of antianginal therapy do influence treatment adherence to a certain extent. Therefore, it's not surprising that, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including Chinese medicine (CM), are widely welcomed among patients with CHD, hoping that it might complement western medicine. In our previous studies, blood stasis syndrome (BSS) (Xueyu Zheng) was the main syndrome (Zheng-hou) of angina pectoris. Currently, China Food and Drug Administration authoritatively recommended more than 200 Chinese patent medicines (CPMs) as complementary or adjunctive therapies for symptom management and enhancing quality of life along with mainstream care on angina pectoris management in mainland China. This paper reviewed 4 kinds of most frequently-used CPMs by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in the treatment of angina pectoris. It aims to evaluate the current evidence of CPMs in combination therapy for angina pectoris. This review indicated that CPMs as adjunctive treatment to routine antianginal therapy play an active role in reducing the incidence of primary endpoint events, decreasing anginal attack rate, and improving electrocardiogram. Additionally, CPMs have been proven relatively safe. Further rigorously designed clinical trials should be conducted to confirm the results.

  19. Inorganic Nitrate in Angina Study: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Schwarz, Konstantin; Singh, Satnam; Parasuraman, Satish K; Rudd, Amelia; Shepstone, Lee; Feelisch, Martin; Minnion, Magdalena; Ahmad, Shakil; Madhani, Melanie; Horowitz, John; Dawson, Dana K; Frenneaux, Michael P


    In this double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial, we investigated whether oral sodium nitrate, when added to existing background medication, reduces exertional ischemia in patients with angina. Seventy patients with stable angina, positive electrocardiogram treadmill test, and either angiographic or functional test evidence of significant ischemic heart disease were randomized to receive oral treatment with either placebo or sodium nitrate (600 mg; 7 mmol) for 7 to 10 days, followed by a 2-week washout period before crossing over to the other treatment (n=34 placebo-nitrate, n=36 nitrate-placebo). At baseline and at the end of each treatment, patients underwent modified Bruce electrocardiogram treadmill test, modified Seattle Questionnaire, and subgroups were investigated with dobutamine stress, echocardiogram, and blood tests. The primary outcome was time to 1 mm ST depression on electrocardiogram treadmill test. Compared with placebo, inorganic nitrate treatment tended to increase the primary outcome exercise time to 1 mm ST segment depression (645.6 [603.1, 688.0] seconds versus 661.2 [6183, 704.0] seconds, P =0.10) and significantly increased total exercise time (744.4 [702.4, 786.4] seconds versus 760.9 [719.5, 802.2] seconds, P =0.04; mean [95% confidence interval]). Nitrate treatment robustly increased plasma nitrate (18.3 [15.2, 21.5] versus 297.6 [218.4, 376.8] μmol/L, P nitrate treatment). Other secondary outcomes were not significantly altered by the intervention. Patients on antacid medication appeared to benefit less from nitrate supplementation. Sodium nitrate treatment may confer a modest exercise capacity benefit in patients with chronic angina who are taking other background medication. URL: Unique identifier: NCT02078921. EudraCT number: 2012-000196-17. © 2017 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley.


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    A. A. Anderzhanova


    Full Text Available Aim. To compare antihypertensive, antianginal and antiischemic efficacy of β1-selective adrenoblockers (betaxolol and metoprolol tartrate in patients with arterial hypertension (HT of 1-2 degree associated with stable angina class II.Material and methods. 100 patients (aged 23-66 y.o. with HT associated with stable angina or without angina were involved in the study. Patients were randomized into 2 groups (G1 and G2. G1 patients were treated with betaxolol, and G2 patients – with metoprolol tartrate. Ambulatory BP and electrocardiogram monitoring, exercise stress-test, echocardiography, evaluating of respiratory function, blood analysis was performed initially and in 30 and 90 days of treatment.Results. Target BP level was reached in 44 (88% patients treated with betaxolol (average daily dose 10±4 mg. 34 patients of G1 took 10 mg daily. Target BP level was reached in 41 (82% patients treated with metoprolol tartrate (average daily dose 150±27 mg. 30 patients of G2 took 150 mg daily. Exercise tolerance increased and a number of ischemic ST segment depressions reduced significantly in both groups. There were no significant differences in antihypertensive, antianginal, and antiischemic efficacy between groups.Conclusion. Betaxolol advantage is an ability to maintain target BP level more than 24 hours. A possibility to take betaxolol once a day raises patient’s compliance with therapy.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. A. Anderzhanova


    Full Text Available Aim. To compare antihypertensive, antianginal and antiischemic efficacy of β1-selective adrenoblockers (betaxolol and metoprolol tartrate in patients with arterial hypertension (HT of 1-2 degree associated with stable angina class II.Material and methods. 100 patients (aged 23-66 y.o. with HT associated with stable angina or without angina were involved in the study. Patients were randomized into 2 groups (G1 and G2. G1 patients were treated with betaxolol, and G2 patients – with metoprolol tartrate. Ambulatory BP and electrocardiogram monitoring, exercise stress-test, echocardiography, evaluating of respiratory function, blood analysis was performed initially and in 30 and 90 days of treatment.Results. Target BP level was reached in 44 (88% patients treated with betaxolol (average daily dose 10±4 mg. 34 patients of G1 took 10 mg daily. Target BP level was reached in 41 (82% patients treated with metoprolol tartrate (average daily dose 150±27 mg. 30 patients of G2 took 150 mg daily. Exercise tolerance increased and a number of ischemic ST segment depressions reduced significantly in both groups. There were no significant differences in antihypertensive, antianginal, and antiischemic efficacy between groups.Conclusion. Betaxolol advantage is an ability to maintain target BP level more than 24 hours. A possibility to take betaxolol once a day raises patient’s compliance with therapy.

  2. Thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy and left ventricular function at rest in patients with rest angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hakki, A.H.; Iskandrian, A.S.; Kane, S.A.; Amenta, A.


    The purpose of this study was to examine the rest thallium-201 perfusion pattern during angina-free periods in 40 patients with rest angina pectoris secondary to coronary artery disease (greater than or equal to 70% diameter narrowing). Seventeen patients had previous Q wave myocardial infarction. The perfusion defects were considered fixed or reversible, depending on the absence or presence of redistribution in the 4-hour delayed images. There were 40 perfusion defects (26 fixed and 14 reversible) in 27 patients whereas 13 patients had normal scans. Reversible perfusion defects were present in 10 patients (25%). Of the 26 fixed perfusion defects, 17 did not have corresponding Q waves. Occluded vessels (63%) had more perfusion defects than vessels with subtotal occlusion (30%) (p less than 0.01). The perfusion defect size was larger in patients with lower ejection fraction than in patients with higher ejection fraction. We conclude: (1) perfusion defects are common in patients with rest angina and are reversible in 25% of patients indicating reduced regional coronary blood flow; (2) the degree of stenosis affects the presence of perfusion defect; (3) fixed defects may be present without corresponding Q waves; and (4) global left ventricular function is related to the size of perfusion defects

  3. Endotelio y mujer: similaridad y diferencias con el hombre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Melgarejo R


    Full Text Available Existen diferencias intrasexo en lo referente a función y disfunción endotelial. Aunque ambos sexos comparten los mismos receptores hormonales (estrogénicos y de testosterona, varían en su expresión. Los receptores estrogénicos en la mujer ejercen acción protectora vascular por vía genómica y no genómica, mediadas a través del óxido nítrico. La mujer está ‘protegida’ para la aterotrombosis hasta la menopausia. La pérdida abrupta de la protección vascular conlleva a magnificación del daño vascular posmenopausia, más si ya tiene disfunción endotelial. La mujer hasta la menopausia tiene un ambiente vascular menos oxidativo con relación al hombre. Las mujeres tienen más angina microvascular y menos infarto con elevación del segmento ST, debido a que hacen más disfunción endotelial ante los factores de riesgo. Las mujeres posmenopáusicas hacen más hipertensión sistólica y por consiguiente tienen mayor presión de pulso y rigidez arterial, esto último mediado por el óxido nítrico.

  4. Spinal cord stimulation in chronic intractable angina pectoris : A randomized, controlled efficacy study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hautvast, RWM; DeJongste, MJL; Staal, MJ; van Gilst, WH; Lie, KI


    Background Spinel cord stimulation is known to be a successful treatment for chronic intractable angina pectoris. its effect may be anti-ischemic. It is uncertain if the clinical effect is partly caused by a placebo effect of surgery For implantation of a stimulator. In this study, clinical efficacy

  5. Validation and comparison of EuroQoL-5 dimension (EQ-5D) and Short Form-6 dimension (SF-6D) among stable angina patients. (United States)

    Wu, Jing; Han, Yuerong; Zhao, Fei-Li; Zhou, Jin; Chen, Zhijun; Sun, He


    Several preference-based health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instruments have been published and widely used in different populations. However no consensus has emerged regarding the most appropriate instrument in therapeutic area of stable angina. This study compared and validated the psychometric properties of two generic preference-based instruments, the EQ-5D and SF-6D, among Chinese stable angina patients. Convergent validity of the EQ-5D and SF-6D was examined with eight a priori hypotheses from stable angina patients in conjunction with Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ). Responsiveness was compared using the effect size (ES), relative efficiency (RE) and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Agreement between the EQ-5D and SF-6D was tested using intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plot. Factors affecting utility difference were explored with multiple linear regression analysis. In 411 patients (mean age 68.08 ± 11.35), mean utility scores (SD) were 0.78 (0.15) for the EQ-5D and 0.68 (0.12) for the SF-6D. Validity was demonstrated by the moderate to strong correlation coefficients (Range: 0.368-0.594, Pstable-angina-specific health status than the EQ-5D (ES: 0.426 to 1.126). RE suggested that the SF-6D (RE: 44.8 to 177.8%) was more efficient than the EQ-5D except for physical function. Poor agreement between them was observed with ICC (0.448, Pstable angina patients. The SF-6D may be a more effective tool with lower ceiling effect and greater sensitivity. Further study is needed to compare other properties, such as reliability and longitudinal response.

  6. Prognostic value of thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with unstable angina who respond to medical treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, K.A.


    Although the prognostic value of thallium-201 imaging is well established, its ability to risk stratify patients who present with unstable angina is unclear. Fifty-two consecutive patients admitted with unstable angina who responded to medical treatment and underwent stress thallium-201 imaging within 1 week of discharge were studied. Patients were followed up for 39 +/- 11 months. Cardiac events included cardiac death (n = 3), nonfatal myocardial infarction (n = 4) and admission for unstable angina or revascularization (n = 17). The ability of thallium-201 data (redistribution, fixed defects, normal) to predict cardiac events was compared with clinical data (age, gender, prior myocardial infarction, anginal syndrome, rest and stress electrocardiogram) and cardiac catheterization data using logistic regression. Thallium-201 redistribution was the only significant predictor of cardiac death or nonfatal myocardial infarction (p less than 0.05). The number of myocardial segments with thallium-201 redistribution (p less than 0.0005) and a history of prior myocardial infarction (p less than 0.05) were the only significant predictors of all cardiac events. Cardiac death or nonfatal myocardial infarction occurred more frequently in patients with thallium-201 redistribution (6 [26%] of 23) than in those without redistribution (1 [3%] of 29, p less than 0.05). Similarly, total cardiac events developed more frequently in patients with thallium-201 redistribution (p less than 0.001). Stress thallium-201 imaging has important prognostic value in patients admitted with unstable angina who respond to medical therapy and can identify subgroups at high versus low risk for future cardiac events

  7. Impact of Clinical Presentation (Stable Angina Pectoris vs Unstable Angina Pectoris or Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction vs ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) on Long-Term Outcomes in Women Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Drug-Eluting Stents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giustino, Gennaro; Baber, Usman; Stefanini, Giulio Giuseppe


    The long-term risk associated with different coronary artery disease (CAD) presentations in women undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stents (DES) is poorly characterized. We pooled patient-level data for women enrolled in 26 randomized clinical trials. Of 11......,577 women included in the pooled database, 10,133 with known clinical presentation received a DES. Of them, 5,760 (57%) had stable angina pectoris (SAP), 3,594 (35%) had unstable angina pectoris (UAP) or non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and 779 (8%) had ST......-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) as clinical presentation. A stepwise increase in 3-year crude cumulative mortality was observed in the transition from SAP to STEMI (4.9% vs 6.1% vs 9.4%; p clinical...

  8. Addition of felodipine to metoprolol vs replacement of metoprolol by felodipine in patients with angina pectoris despite adequate beta-blockade - Results of the felodipine ER and metoprolol CR in angina (FEMINA) study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dunselman, P; Liem, AH; Verdel, G; Kragten, H; Bosma, A; Bernink, P


    Aims The study aimed to compare the addition of felodipine to metoprolol, and of the replacement of metoprolol by felodipine, with continuation of metoprolol, in patients with angina pectoris despite optimal beta-blockade. Methods and results The study was double-blind, parallel, randomized and

  9. Trauma cardiaco cerrado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camilo Alvarado


    Full Text Available El trauma cardiaco constituye una de las primeras causas de mortalidad en la población general. Requiere alto índice de sospecha en trauma cerrado severo, mecanismo de desaceleración y en presencia de signos indirectos como: equimosis, huella del volante o del cinturón en el tórax anterior. Las lesiones incluyen: conmoción cardiaca, ruptura cardiaca, lesión cardiaca indirecta como la trombosis coronaria aguda, lesión aórtica, lesión del pericardio y herniación cardiaca. Entre las manifestaciones clínicas están: la angina refractaria a nitratos, el dolor pleurítico, la hipotensión arterial, la taquicardia, la ingurgitación yugular que aumenta con la inspiración, el galope por tercer ruido, el frote pericárdico, los soplos de reciente aparición, los estertores crepitantes por edema pulmonar. El electrocardiograma es el primer eslabón en el algoritmo diagnóstico con hallazgos como: la taquicardia sinusal, los complejos ventriculares prematuros, la fibrilación auricular, el bloqueo de rama derecha y los bloqueos auriculoventriculares. La radiografía de tórax ayuda a descartar lesiones adicionales óseas y pulmonares. La troponina I tiene un valor predictivo negativo del 93% para el trauma cardiaco, otras enzimas como la creatina quinasa total y la creatina quinasa fracción MB son menos específicas. El ecocardiograma está indicado en caso de hipotensión persistente, electrocardiograma con alteraciones o falla cardiaca aguda. El tratamiento incluye la estabilización inicial y un manejo específico de las lesiones. Entre las complicaciones se incluyen: el taponamiento cardiaco, la contusión miocárdica, el síndrome coronario agudo, las arritmias cardíacas y la lesión aórtica. El pronóstico se determina en mayor medida por los signos vitales al ingreso y la presencia de paro cardiaco durante el abordaje inicial.

  10. Coronary Microvascular Function and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Women With Angina Pectoris and No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mygind, Naja Dam; Michelsen, Marie Mide; Peña, Adam


    BACKGROUND: The majority of women with angina-like chest pain have no obstructive coronary artery disease when evaluated with coronary angiography. Coronary microvascular dysfunction is a possible explanation and associated with a poor prognosis. This study evaluated the prevalence of coronary...... microvascular dysfunction and the association with symptoms, cardiovascular risk factors, psychosocial factors, and results from diagnostic stress testing. METHODS AND RESULTS: After screening 3568 women, 963 women with angina-like chest pain and a diagnostic coronary angiogram without significant coronary.......01), hypertension (P=0.02), current smoking (Ppain characteristics or results from diagnostic stress testing...

  11. Randomised, double-blind trial of intravenous diltiazem versus glyceryl trinitrate for unstable angina pectoris

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gobel, EJAM; Hautvast, RWM; vanGilst, WH; Spanjaard, JN; Hillege, HL; DeJongste, MJL; Molhoek, GP; Lie, KI


    The effect of dihydropyridines in patients with unstable angina is discouraging. To find out the effect of the non- dihydropyridine-like calcium-channel blocker diltiazem, a randomised, double-blind trial was conducted comparing diltiazem with glyceryl trinitrate. both given intravenously, in 129

  12. Unstable Angina with Normal Coronary Angiography in Hyperthyroidism: A Case Report


    Tsung-Hsien Lin; Ho-Ming Su; Wen-Chol Voon; Wen-Ter Lai; Sheng-Hsiung Sheu


    Hyperthyroidism is associated with an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption that, due to an imbalance of oxygen demand and supply, can cause angina. However, subclinical hyperthyroidism rarely presents as chest pain in the resting state. Herein, we present a case of subclinical hyperthyroidism involving a 58-year-old male who complained of frequent chest tightness and typical electrocardiographic changes while in a resting state. Coronary angiography showed no significant lesion. Laborato...

  13. Prevalência de angina do peito pelo questionário de Rose na população brasileira: análise da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Andrade Lotufo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de angina do peito na população adulta brasileira com a aplicação do questionário de Rose para angina na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS-2013. Métodos: Inquérito populacional representativo da população brasileira acima de 18 anos de idade, com amostragem probabilística conglomerada em três estágios. Foram obtidos registros de entrevistas de 60.202 indivíduos no território nacional. Apresentou-se ao entrevistado o questionário de Rose curto com três questões, adaptado por Lawlor em 2003 e validado no Brasil, para identificar angina do peito grau I (leve e II (moderada/grave. Calcularam-se os valores de prevalência com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95% segundo sexo, faixa etária, escolaridade e raça/cor. Resultados: A prevalência de angina leve (grau I foi de 7,6% (IC95% 7,2 - 8,0 para toda população, com frequência maior em mulheres - 9,1% (IC95% 8,5 - 9,7 - do que em homens - 5,9% (5,3 - 6,4. A frequência de angina moderada/grave (grau II foi 4,2 (IC95% 3,9 - 4,5, também mais frequente em mulheres - 5,2% (IC95% 4,7 - 5,6 - do que em homens - 3,0% (IC95% 2,7 - 3,4. A prevalência de angina por faixa etária aumentou progressivamente com a idade. A prevalência de angina, de qualquer tipo, foi inversa aos anos de estudo formal. Apesar do valor maior da presença de angina em negros, não houve diferença significativa por raça/cor da pele. Conclusão: Os valores de prevalência elevada de angina do peito na população brasileira acima de 18 anos foram compatíveis com estudos em outros países, revelando a importância da doença coronariana como problema de saúde pública.


    Fanta, S M


    There were examined 134 patients, in whom in the clinic in 2005-2014 yrs a coronary shunting operation was performed. In patients with the angina pectoris recurrence a reoperation is indicated. The data of repeated coronaroventriculography and shuntography were analyzed. Efficacy of the surgical and interventional methods application in the patients was proved.

  15. An Overview of Meta-Analyses of Danhong Injection for Unstable Angina

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    Xiaoxia Zhang


    Full Text Available Objective. To systematically collect evidence and evaluate the effects of Danhong injection (DHI for unstable angina (UA. Methods. A comprehensive search was conducted in seven electronic databases up to January 2015. The methodological and reporting quality of included studies was assessed by using AMSTAR and PRISMA. Result. Five articles were included. The conclusions suggest that DHI plus conventional medicine treatment was effective for UA pectoris treatment, could alleviate symptoms of angina and ameliorate electrocardiograms. Flaws of the original studies and systematic reviews weaken the strength of evidence. Limitations of the methodology quality include performing an incomprehensive literature search, lacking detailed characteristics, ignoring clinical heterogeneity, and not assessing publication bias and other forms of bias. The flaws of reporting systematic reviews included the following: not providing a structured summary, no standardized search strategy. For the pooled findings, researchers took statistical heterogeneity into consideration, but clinical and methodology heterogeneity were ignored. Conclusion. DHI plus conventional medicine treatment generally appears to be effective for UA treatment. However, the evidence is not hard enough due to methodological flaws in original clinical trials and systematic reviews. Furthermore, rigorous designed randomized controlled trials are also needed. The methodology and reporting quality of systematic reviews should be improved.

  16. An Overview of Meta-Analyses of Danhong Injection for Unstable Angina. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiaoxia; Wang, Hui; Chang, Yanxu; Wang, Yuefei; Lei, Xiang; Fu, Shufei; Zhang, Junhua


    Objective. To systematically collect evidence and evaluate the effects of Danhong injection (DHI) for unstable angina (UA). Methods. A comprehensive search was conducted in seven electronic databases up to January 2015. The methodological and reporting quality of included studies was assessed by using AMSTAR and PRISMA. Result. Five articles were included. The conclusions suggest that DHI plus conventional medicine treatment was effective for UA pectoris treatment, could alleviate symptoms of angina and ameliorate electrocardiograms. Flaws of the original studies and systematic reviews weaken the strength of evidence. Limitations of the methodology quality include performing an incomprehensive literature search, lacking detailed characteristics, ignoring clinical heterogeneity, and not assessing publication bias and other forms of bias. The flaws of reporting systematic reviews included the following: not providing a structured summary, no standardized search strategy. For the pooled findings, researchers took statistical heterogeneity into consideration, but clinical and methodology heterogeneity were ignored. Conclusion. DHI plus conventional medicine treatment generally appears to be effective for UA treatment. However, the evidence is not hard enough due to methodological flaws in original clinical trials and systematic reviews. Furthermore, rigorous designed randomized controlled trials are also needed. The methodology and reporting quality of systematic reviews should be improved.

  17. Exercise-induced thallium-201 myocardial perfusion defects in angina pectoris without significant coronary artery stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakazato, Masayasu; Maruoka, Yuji; Sunagawa, Osahiko; Kinjo, Kunihiko; Tomori, Masayuki; Fukiyama, Koshiro


    We performed exercise thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy in 32 patients with angina pectoris to study the incidence of perfusion defects, who had no significant organic stenosis on coronary angiography. None of them had myocardial infarction or cardiomyopathy. Thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy and 12-lead ECG recording were performed during supine bicycle ergometer exercise. Perfusion defects in thallium-201 scintigrams in SPECT images were assessed during visual analysis by two observers. In the coronary angiograms obtained during intravenous infusion of nitroglycerin, the luminal diameter of 75% stenosis or less in the AHA classification was regarded as an insignificant organic stenosis. Myocardial perfusion defects in the thallium-201 scintigrams were detected in eight (25%) of the 32 patients. Six of these eight patients had variant angina documented during spontaneous attacks with ST elevations in standard 12-lead ECGs. Perfusion defects were demonstrated at the inferior or infero-posterior regions in six patients, one of whom had concomitant anteroseptal defect. The defects were not always accompanied by chest pain. All but one patient demonstrating inferior or inferoposterior defects showed ST depression in leads II, III and aV F on their ECGs, corresponding to inferior wall ischemia. The exception was a case with right bundle branch block. Thus, 25% of the patients with angina pectoris, who had no evidence of significant organic stenosis on their coronary angiograms, exhibited exercise-induced perfusion defects in their thallium-201 scintigrams. Coronary spasms might have caused myocardial ischemia in these patients. (author)

  18. Impact of pre-infarction angina on angiographic and echocardiographic outcomes in patients with acute ante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed El Missiri


    Conclusions: For patients suffering from a first attack of acute anterior wall STEMI, pre-infarction angina is associated with a better Killip class at presentation, better TIMI flow grade after PPCI, less incidence of TMP 0 flow grade.

  19. Salvianolate injection in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris (United States)

    Zhang, Dan; Wu, Jiarui; Liu, Shi; Zhang, Xiaomeng; Zhang, Bing


    Abstract Background: To systematically evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Salvianolate injection in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris (UAP). Methods: Using literature databases, we conducted a thorough and systematic retrieval of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that using Salvianolate injection for treating UAP. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool was used to evaluate the methodological quality of the RCTs, and then the data were extracted and meta-analyzed by RevMan5.2 software. Results: A total of 22 RCTs with 2050 participants were included. The meta-analysis indicated that the combined use of Salvianolate injection and western medicine (WM) in the treatment of UAP can achieve a superior effect in angina pectoris total effective rate (risk ratio [RR] = 1.22, 95% confidence interval [CI] (1.17, 1.27), Z = 10.15, P < 0.00001], and the total effectiveness rate of electrocardiogram [RR = 1.26, 95% CI (1.19,1.34), Z = 7.77, P < 0.00001]. In addition, Salvianolate injection can improve the nitroglycerin withdrawal rate and the serum level of NO, decrease high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) or adverse drug events (ADEs) were reported in 6 RCTs involving 15 cases; however, there were no serious ADRs/ADEs. Conclusion: Based on the systematic review, the combined use of Salvianolate injection and WM in the treatment of UAP can achieve a better effect; however, there was no definitive conclusion about its safety. More the large-sample and multicenter RCTs are needed to support its clinical usage. PMID:28002341

  20. Informes clínicos breves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Reversión con nalbufina de la depresión hemodinámica inducida por Fentanyl en pacientes sépticos / Factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de epilepsia refractaria, en el Hospital San Juan de Dios / Vasculitis Séptica, factores de riesgo y hallazgos histopatológicas en autopsias / Miastenia Gravis, efectos de la timectomía radical / Luxación anterior habitual de cadera / Disección anatómica del espacio parafaríngeo

  1. Capítulo 12. Dispositivos de asistencia ventricular: una realidad en Colombia


    Echeverría, Luis E.; Salazar, Leonardo; Torres, Ángela; Figueredo, Antonio


    Introducción: La insuficiencia cardiaca es una de las causas prevalentes de morbimortalidad en el mundo. A pesar de la mejoría en la terapia médica y los dispositivos de estimulación cardiaca, existe un porcentaje de pacientes que progresan a falla cardiaca refractaria y sus opciones se reducen a inotrópicos, trasplante cardiaco y dispositivos de asistencia ventricular. Objetivo: Presentar las alternativas actuales de asistencia ventricular disponibles para los pacientes con falla cardiaca...

  2. Research of Medical Expenditure among Inpatients with Unstable Angina Pectoris in a Single Center

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suo-Wei Wu


    Conclusions: The classification of DRGs by adopting the type of surgery as the main branch node to develop cost control standards in inpatient treatment of unstable angina pectoris is conducive in standardizing the diagnosis and treatment behaviors of the hospital and reducing economic burdens among patients.

  3. Accelerated collagen turnover in women with angina pectoris without obstructive coronary artery disease: An iPOWER substudy. (United States)

    Nielsen, Signe H; Mygind, Naja D; Michelsen, Marie M; Bechsgaard, Daria F; Suhrs, Hannah E; Genovese, Federica; Nielsen, Henning B; Brix, Susanne; Karsdal, Morten; Prescott, Eva; Kastrup, Jens


    Aim Collagens are major cardiac extracellular matrix components, known to be actively remodelled and accumulated during diffuse myocardial fibrosis. We evaluated whether accelerated collagen turnover described by neo-epitope biomarkers reflecting collagen formation and degradation separates patients with diffuse myocardial fibrosis from asymptomatic controls. Methods and results Seventy-one women with angina pectoris without significant coronary artery disease assessed by invasive coronary angiogram were included. Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) measuring circulating protein fragments in serum assessed the formation and degradation of collagen type III (Pro-C3, C3M and C3C), IV (P4NP7S and C4M), V (Pro-C5 and C5M) and VI (Pro-C6 and C6M), and degradation of collagen type I (C1M). Serum samples from 32 age-matched asymptomatic women were included as controls. Symptomatic women presented significantly elevated levels of Pro-C6, C3C, C3M, C4M and C8-C ( p angina pectoris, but without significant obstructive coronary artery disease, showed an imbalanced collagen turnover compared to asymptomatic controls. The examined biomarkers are tools to monitor active collagen remodelling in patients with angina pectoris, in risk of developing myocardial fibrosis.


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    A. V. Rudakova


    Full Text Available Smoking is a major risk factor in patients with angina pectoris. Interventions that facilitate the rejection of it are an important part of the treatment. Aim. To analyze the cost effectiveness of the partial agonist of nicotinic receptors, varenicline, in patients with angina who require cardiac interventions. Material and methods. The estimation was conducted using a Markov model based on the results of clinical trials and epidemiological studies. The cost of treatment of complications were calculated on the basis of compulsory medical insurance rates for St. Petersburg in 2011. Results. The varenicline therapy in 70-year-old patients before cardiac surgery reduces hospital mortality at an extremely high cost-effectiveness (the cost of preventing one death - 148.8 thousand rubles. The cost/effectiveness ratio in the analysis for the period of survival of patients in this situation was 31.3 thousand rubles for 1 additional year of life. Life expectancy will be increased by an average of 0.147 years. Analysis for the period of survival of 50-year-old patients has shown that in patients after cardiac surgery cost-effectiveness of varenicline is extremely high (in the analysis from the perspective of the health care system the cost/effectiveness ratio was 36.0 thousand rubles for 1 additional year of life, in the analysis, taking into account the social perspective – 17.9 thousand rubles for 1 additional year of life. Increase in the life expectancy of 50 year-old patients will be 0.291 year in average. Conclusion. Varenicline therapy of patients with angina pectoris is the economy before cardiac surgery , and after their execution, and this applies not only young, but older patients. The desirability of varenicline including to federal and regional programs to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is shown.

  5. Quality of Life With Ivabradine in Patients With Angina Pectoris: The Study Assessing the Morbidity-Mortality Benefits of the If Inhibitor Ivabradine in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Quality of Life Substudy. (United States)

    Tendera, Michal; Chassany, Olivier; Ferrari, Roberto; Ford, Ian; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Fox, Kim


    To explore the effect of ivabradine on angina-related quality of life (QoL) in patients participating in the Study Assessing the Morbidity-Mortality Benefits of the If Inhibitor Ivabradine in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (SIGNIFY) QoL substudy. QoL was evaluated in a prespecified subgroup of SIGNIFY patients with angina (Canadian Cardiovascular Society class score, ≥ 2 at baseline) using the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and a generic visual analogue scale on health status. Data were available for 4187 patients (2084 ivabradine and 2103 placebo). There were improvements in QoL in both treatment groups. The primary outcome of change in physical limitation score at 12 months was 4.56 points for ivabradine versus 3.40 points for placebo (E, 0.96; 95% confidence interval, -0.14 to 2.05; P=0.085). The ivabradine-placebo difference in physical limitation score was significant at 6 months (P=0.048). At 12 months, the visual analogue scale and the other Seattle Angina Questionnaire dimensions were higher among ivabradine-treated patients, notably angina frequency (Pangina frequency (P=0.034). The effect on QoL was maintained over the study duration, and ivabradine patients had better scores on angina frequency at every visit to 36 months. Treatment with ivabradine did not affect the primary outcome of change in physical limitation score at 12 months. It did produce consistent improvements in other self-reported QoL parameters related to angina pectoris, notably in terms of angina frequency and disease perception. URL: Unique identifier: ISRCTN61576291. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.


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    Abdullah Onur Goksel


    Full Text Available Ludwig angina is a serious infection which is defines as edema, quickly progressing gangrenous sellulitis of soft tissues in neck and flor of the mouth. Airway obstruction is the most common cause of death. We present a case who applied to our outpatient clinic with a swelling under jaw and neck and was dignosed a a Ludwig Anjina. Broad spectrum antibiotherapy was given and followed without tracheotomy. He died because of cardiac arrest. [J Contemp Med 2013; 3(2.000: 112-115

  7. Direct intramyocardial mesenchymal stromal cell injections in patients with severe refractory angina - one year follow-up

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haack-Sørensen, Mandana; Friis, Tina; Mathiasen, Anders B


    Aims: In patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and refractory angina we performed direct intra-myocardial injections of autologous mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and followed the safety and efficacy of the treatment for 12 months. Methods and Results: A total of 31 patients...... with stable CAD, moderate to severe angina, normal left ventricular ejection fraction and no further revascularization options, were included. Bone marrow MSCs were isolated and culture expanded for 6 - 8 weeks and then stimulated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) for one week.The 12 months...... follow-up demonstrated, that it was safe to culture expand MSCs and use the cells for clinical treatment. The patients maximal metabolic equivalent (MET) during exercise increased from 4.23 MET at baseline to 4.72 MET at 12 months follow-up (p...

  8. Myocardial scintigraphy (thallium-201) and electrocardiography at rest and during exercise in angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minning, E.; Scharf-Bornhofen, E.; Brueggeman, Th.; Chen, T.; Barthel, W.; Bluemchen, G.; Sankt-Josef-Hospital, Oberhausen


    Ecg (at rest and during exercise) was compared to Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging (at rest and after exercise) in 65 patients with coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction in 53 patients) and angina pectoris. These results were compared to coronary angiography and left ventricular angiography. (orig./AJ) [de

  9. Early and long-term outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with acute coronary syndrome versus stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Fukui, Toshihiro; Tabata, Minoru; Morita, Satoshi; Takanashi, Shuichiro


    The aim of the present study was to determine the early and long-term outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with acute coronary syndrome and stable angina pectoris. From September 2004 to September 2011, 382 patients with acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina pectoris and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction) and 851 patients with stable angina pectoris underwent first-time isolated coronary artery bypass grafting at our institute. The early and long-term outcomes were compared between the 2 groups. Patients with acute coronary syndrome were older, were more likely to be women, had a smaller body surface area, and were more likely to have left main coronary artery disease. In both groups, bilateral internal thoracic artery grafts were used in approximately 89% of the patients, and off-pump techniques in approximately 97% of the patients. The acute coronary syndrome group had a greater operative death rate (2.6% vs 0.1%) and a greater incidence of low output syndrome (3.1% vs 1.2%) and hemodialysis requirement (2.9% vs 1.1%). Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated that age, acute coronary syndrome, lower ejection fraction, and higher creatinine level before surgery were independent predictors of operative death. However, among the hospital survivors, no differences were seen in freedom from all death (85.4% ± 2.5% vs 87.7% ± 2.0%), cardiac death (97.4% ± 0.9% vs 96.5% ± 0.9%), or major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (78.0% ± 2.9% vs 78.1% ± 2.3%) at 7 years between the patients with acute coronary syndrome and stable angina pectoris. Although acute coronary syndrome is an independent predictor of early mortality in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, the long-term outcomes after surgery were similar between patients with acute coronary syndrome and stable angina pectoris who survived the early postoperative period. Copyright © 2013 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by

  10. Influence of pre-infarction angina, collateral flow, and pre-procedural TIMI flow on myocardial salvage index by cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Lønborg, Jacob; Kelbæk, Henning; Vejlstrup, Niels; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Kim, Won Yong; Holmvang, Lene; Jørgensen, Erik; Helqvist, Steffen; Saunamäki, Kari; Thuesen, Leif; Krusell, Lars Romer; Clemmensen, Peter; Engstrøm, Thomas


    In patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) pre-infarction angina, pre-procedural TIMI flow and collateral flow to the myocardium supplied by the infarct related artery are suggested to be cardioprotective. We evaluated the effect of these factors on myocardial salvage index (MSI) and infarct size adjusting for area at risk in patients with STEMI treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) was used to measure myocardial area at risk within 1-7 days and final infarct size 90 ± 21 days after the STEMI in 200 patients. MSI was calculated as (area-at-risk infarct size) / area-at-risk. Patients with pre-infarction angina had a median MSI of 0.80 (IQR 0.67 to 0.86) versus 0.72 (0.61 to 0.80) in those without pre-infarction angina, P = 0.004). In a regression analysis of the infarct size plotted against the area-at-risk there was a strong trend that the line for the pre-infarction angina group was below the one for the non-angina group (P = 0.05). Patients with pre-procedural TIMI flow 0/1, 2 and 3 had a median MSI of (0.69 (IQR 0.59 to 0.76), 0.78 (0.68 to 0.86) and 0.85 (0.77 to 0.91), respectively (PCollateral flow did not change MSI (P = 0.45) nor area-at-risk (P = 0.40) and no significant difference in infarct size adjusted for area at risk (P = 0.25) was observed. Pre-infarction angina increases MSI in patients with STEMI supporting the theory that pre-infarction angina leads to ischemic preconditioning. As opposed to the presence of angiographically visible collateral flow to the infarct area pre-procedural TIMI flow is strongly associated with MSI.


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    V. A. Egoro


    Full Text Available Aim. To study efficacy and tolerability of isosorbide-5-mononitrate (IMN in various presentations in comparison with isosorbide dinitrate (IDN in usual tablets in patients with stable angina.Material and Methods. 22 patients (5 women and 17 men with stable angina of II-III functional class were involved into open randomized comparative crossover study. Patients were split in 3 groups and received each of studied drugs during 4 weeks. IDN (Nitrosorbide, Nizpharm, Russia in usual tablets 10 mg prescribed for 3 times a day administration; IMN (Monocinque,Berlin-Chemie, German in tablets 20 mg prescribed for 2 times a day administration. After 1 week therapy the doses of IDN or IMN doubled if it was clinically necessary. Retarded presentation of IMN (Monocinque Retard, Berlin-Chemie, German in capsules 50 mg prescribed once daily. Drug efficacy was evaluated by changes in clinical symptoms, number of angina attacks, demand in short-acting sublingual nitroglycerin as well as physical activity tolerance.Results. After 4 weeks 18 patients completed study, 2 patients dropped out because of protocol nonobservance and 2 patients dropped out because of side effects (headache. IDN therapy in adjusted dose provided antianginal effect in 15 (83,3% patients: a number of angina attacks decreased in 39,6%, short-acting nitroglycerin demand reduced in 47,7%. Monocinque in adjusted dose provided antianginal effect in 16 (88,9% patients: a number of angina attacks decreased in 60%, short-acting nitroglycerin demand reduced in 63%. Monocinque Retard provided good antianginal effect in 18 (100% patients: a number of angina attacks decreased in 72%, short-acting nitroglycerin demand reduced in 84,8%. There were not significant differences in frequency and severity of headache between studied drugs.Conclusion. IMN therapy with both presentations (administrated 1 or 2 times a day was more convenient and effective than IDN (administrated 3 times a day.

  12. Electrical neuromodulation for disabling angina pectoris related to isolated stenoses of small epicardial coronary arteries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jessurun, GAJ; Hautvast, RWM; DeJongste, MJL; Meyler, WJ; van Boven, AJ; Crijns, HJGM

    Patients with symptomatic small vessel coronary artery disease may be inadequate candidates for revascularization procedures. They may suffer from refractory angina, which does not respond to maximal anti-anginal drug therapy. In addition to patients with end stage coronary artery disease and

  13. CT coronary angiography in patients with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease (SCOT-HEART): an open-label, parallel-group, multicentre trial. (United States)


    The benefit of CT coronary angiography (CTCA) in patients presenting with stable chest pain has not been systematically studied. We aimed to assess the effect of CTCA on the diagnosis, management, and outcome of patients referred to the cardiology clinic with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease. In this prospective open-label, parallel-group, multicentre trial, we recruited patients aged 18-75 years referred for the assessment of suspected angina due to coronary heart disease from 12 cardiology chest pain clinics across Scotland. We randomly assigned (1:1) participants to standard care plus CTCA or standard care alone. Randomisation was done with a web-based service to ensure allocation concealment. The primary endpoint was certainty of the diagnosis of angina secondary to coronary heart disease at 6 weeks. All analyses were intention to treat, and patients were analysed in the group they were allocated to, irrespective of compliance with scanning. This study is registered with, number NCT01149590. Between Nov 18, 2010, and Sept 24, 2014, we randomly assigned 4146 (42%) of 9849 patients who had been referred for assessment of suspected angina due to coronary heart disease. 47% of participants had a baseline clinic diagnosis of coronary heart disease and 36% had angina due to coronary heart disease. At 6 weeks, CTCA reclassified the diagnosis of coronary heart disease in 558 (27%) patients and the diagnosis of angina due to coronary heart disease in 481 (23%) patients (standard care 22 [1%] and 23 [1%]; pheart disease increased (1·09, 1·02-1·17; p=0·0172), the certainty increased (1·79, 1·62-1·96; pheart disease. This changed planned investigations (15% vs 1%; pheart disease, CTCA clarifies the diagnosis, enables targeting of interventions, and might reduce the future risk of myocardial infarction. The Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates funded the trial with supplementary awards

  14. Alteration in metabolic signature and lipid metabolism in patients with angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Park, Ju Yeon; Lee, Sang-Hak; Shin, Min-Jeong; Hwang, Geum-Sook


    Lipid metabolites are indispensable regulators of physiological and pathological processes, including atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease (CAD). However, the complex changes in lipid metabolites and metabolism that occur in patients with these conditions are incompletely understood. We performed lipid profiling to identify alterations in lipid metabolism in patients with angina and myocardial infarction (MI). Global lipid profiling was applied to serum samples from patients with CAD (angina and MI) and age-, sex-, and body mass index-matched healthy subjects using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometry and multivariate statistical analysis. A multivariate analysis showed a clear separation between the patients with CAD and normal controls. Lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) and lysophosphatidylethanolamine (lysoPE) species containing unsaturated fatty acids and free fatty acids were associated with an increased risk of CAD, whereas species of lysoPC and lyso-alkyl PC containing saturated fatty acids were associated with a decreased risk. Additionally, PC species containing palmitic acid, diacylglycerol, sphingomyelin, and ceramide were associated with an increased risk of MI, whereas PE-plasmalogen and phosphatidylinositol species were associated with a decreased risk. In MI patients, we found strong positive correlation between lipid metabolites related to the sphingolipid pathway, sphingomyelin, and ceramide and acute inflammatory markers (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein). The results of this study demonstrate altered signatures in lipid metabolism in patients with angina or MI. Lipidomic profiling could provide the information to identity the specific lipid metabolites under the presence of disturbed metabolic pathways in patients with CAD.

  15. [Effects of a smoking cessation education on smoking cessation, endothelial function, and serum carboxyhemoglobin in male patients with variant angina]. (United States)

    Cho, Sook Hee


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a smoking cessation education on endothelial function and carboxyhemoglobin levels in smokers with variant angina. A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. Participants were 60 male smokers with variant angina admitted to one hospital: the control group (30) between September and December, 2009, and the experimental group (30) between February and May, 2010. Endothelial function, as defined by flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) of the brachial artery, and serum carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) were determined at baseline and at 3 months after the initiation of education in both groups. Three months after the program, smoking cessation was successful in 22 of the 30 smokers in the experimental group, but only in 4 of 30 smokers in the control group (p<.001). After the education, the experimental group showed a significant increase in FMD, and a significant decreased in serum COHb compared with the control group. The findings indicate that this smoking cessation education program is effective for hospitalized smokers with variant angina.

  16. Evolução Atípica de Angina de Plaut-Vincent em Criança: Relato de Caso/Atypical Evolution of Plaut-Vincent’s Angina in Child: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ananda Fortes Lima


    Full Text Available Introdução: A angina de Plaut-Vincent é uma afecção úlcero-necrótica causada pela simbiose de um bacilo fusiforme (Fusobacterium necrophorum e um espirilo (Borrelia vincenti. Ambos são agentes saprófitas habituais da cavidade oral, porém, quando associados, determinam o caráter patogênico da doença. Casuística: Trata-se do caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 4 anos de idade, que deu entrada no pronto socorro com choque séptico descompensado não responsivo a volume com necessidade de drogas vasoativas (DVA, além de má conservação dentária, e amigdalas necrosadas. Em 48h evoluiu com piora hemodinâmica refratária a DVA e introdução de hidrocortisona, com crises convulsivas e hemiplegia à esquerda. Foi solicitada TC crânio a qual evidenciou AVC isquêmico. Discussão: Ocorre geralmente em condições de desnutrição e má higiene oral, tendo sua maior incidência entre os adultos-jovens e adolescentes. Cursa com necrose das amigdalas, halitose intensa e disfagia. Conclusão: Considerando que a Angina de Plaut-Vincent acomete principalmente adultos jovens, torna-se de grande relevância relatar o caso de uma paciente pediátrica, que evoluiu de forma incomum, apresentando lesões isquêmicas cerebrovasculares. Introduction: Plaut–Vincent’s angina is an ulcer-necrotic disease caused by the symbiosis of a fusiform bacillus (Fusobacterium necrophorum and spirillum (Borrelia vincenti. Both are common saprophytic agents of the oral cavity, but when combined determine the pathogenic of the disease. Case report: We describe the case of a female patient, 4 years old, which gave entered the emergency room with decompensated septic shock unresponsive to volume in the need of vasoactive drugs (DVA, moreover poor dental conservation and necrotic tonsils. After 48h evolved with hemodynamic deterioration refractory to VAD and insertion of hydrocortisone, with convulsion and left hemiplegia. A cranial CT was requested and revealed

  17. Selected CD133⁺ progenitor cells to promote angiogenesis in patients with refractory angina: final results of the PROGENITOR randomized trial. (United States)

    Jimenez-Quevedo, Pilar; Gonzalez-Ferrer, Juan Jose; Sabate, Manel; Garcia-Moll, Xavier; Delgado-Bolton, Roberto; Llorente, Leopoldo; Bernardo, Esther; Ortega-Pozzi, Aranzazu; Hernandez-Antolin, Rosana; Alfonso, Fernando; Gonzalo, Nieves; Escaned, Javier; Bañuelos, Camino; Regueiro, Ander; Marin, Pedro; Fernandez-Ortiz, Antonio; Neves, Barbara Das; Del Trigo, Maria; Fernandez, Cristina; Tejerina, Teresa; Redondo, Santiago; Garcia, Eulogio; Macaya, Carlos


    Refractory angina constitutes a clinical problem. The aim of this study was to assess the safety and the feasibility of transendocardial injection of CD133(+) cells to foster angiogenesis in patients with refractory angina. In this randomized, double-blinded, multicenter controlled trial, eligible patients were treated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, underwent an apheresis and electromechanical mapping, and were randomized to receive treatment with CD133(+) cells or no treatment. The primary end point was the safety of transendocardial injection of CD133(+) cells, as measured by the occurrence of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event at 6 months. Secondary end points analyzed the efficacy. Twenty-eight patients were included (n=19 treatment; n=9 control). At 6 months, 1 patient in each group had ventricular fibrillation and 1 patient in each group died. One patient (treatment group) had a cardiac tamponade during mapping. There were no significant differences between groups with respect to efficacy parameters; however, the comparison within groups showed a significant improvement in the number of angina episodes per month (median absolute difference, -8.5 [95% confidence interval, -15.0 to -4.0]) and in angina functional class in the treatment arm but not in the control group. At 6 months, only 1 simple-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) parameter: summed score improved significantly in the treatment group at rest and at stress (median absolute difference, -1.0 [95% confidence interval, -1.9 to -0.1]) but not in the control arm. Our findings support feasibility and safety of transendocardial injection of CD133(+) cells in patients with refractory angina. The promising clinical results and favorable data observed in SPECT summed score may set up the basis to test the efficacy of cell therapy in a larger randomized trial. © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.

  18. New aspects in the diagnosis of angina abdominalis using digital substraction angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmalat, M.O.; Beyer, H.K.


    Selective intra-arterial digital substraction angiography (DSA) is important in the demonstration of the visceral abdominal vessels in angina-abdominalis patients. DSA allows to accurately determine the location of stenoses, vascular occlusions or plaque formations as does conventional angiography; in addition, it provides for simultaneous direct observation which is a major advantage over the conventional technique since suspected lesions can be better focussed in several planes. (orig.) [de

  19. Thrombopoietin contributes to enhanced platelet activation in patients with unstable angina. (United States)

    Lupia, Enrico; Bosco, Ornella; Bergerone, Serena; Dondi, Anna Erna; Goffi, Alberto; Oliaro, Elena; Cordero, Marco; Del Sorbo, Lorenzo; Trevi, Giampaolo; Montrucchio, Giuseppe


    We sought to investigate the potential role of elevated levels of thrombopoietin (TPO) in platelet activation during unstable angina (UA). Thrombopoietin is a humoral growth factor that does not induce platelet aggregation per se, but primes platelet activation in response to several agonists. No data concerning its contribution to platelet function abnormalities described in patients with UA are available. We studied 15 patients with UA and, as controls, 15 patients with stable angina (SA) and 15 healthy subjects. We measured TPO and C-reactive protein (CRP), as well as monocyte-platelet binding and the platelet expression of P-selectin and of the TPO receptor, c-Mpl. The priming activity of patient or control plasma on platelet aggregation and monocyte-platelet binding and the role of TPO in this effect also were studied. Patients with UA showed higher circulating TPO levels, as well as increased monocyte-platelet binding, platelet P-selectin expression, and CRP levels, than those with SA and healthy control subjects. The UA patients also showed reduced platelet expression of the TPO receptor, c-Mpl. In vitro, the plasma from UA patients, but not from SA patients or healthy controls, primed platelet aggregation and monocyte-platelet binding, which were both reduced when an inhibitor of TPO was used. Thrombopoietin may enhance platelet activation in the early phases of UA, potentially participating in the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes.

  20. Computed tomography derived fractional flow reserve testing in stable patients with typical angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller Jensen, Jesper; Erik Bøtker, Hans; Norling Mathiassen, Ole


    Aims: To assess the use of downstream coronary angiography (ICA) and short-term safety of frontline coronary CT angiography (CTA) with selective CT-derived fractional flow reserve (FFRCT) testing in stable patients with typical angina pectoris. Methods and results: Between 1 January 2016 and 30 J...... of safe cancellation of planned ICAs....

  1. Successful intestinal ischemia treatment by percutaneus transluminal angioplasty of visceral arteries in a patient with abdominal angina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nenezić Dragoslav


    Full Text Available Introduction. Abdominal angina, also known as chronic mesenteric ischemia or intestinal angina, is a rare disease caused by intestinal flow reduction due to stenosis or occlusion of mesenteric arteries. A case of successful treatment of a patient with abdominal angina by percutaneous transuliminal angioplasty of high-grade superior mesenteric artery and coeliac trunk stenosis was presented. Case Outline. A 77-year-old male patient was admitted at our Clinic for severe postprandial abdominal pains followed by frequent diarrhoeas. Extensive gastrointestinal investigations were performed and all results were normal. Multislice computerized (MSCT arteriography was indicated which revealed ostial celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery subocclusion. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the superior mesenteric artery and coeliac trunk was done with two stents implantation. Just a few hours following the intervention, after food ingestion, there were no abdominal pains. Six months later, the patient described a significant feeling of relief after food ingestion and no arduousness at all. Conclusion. High-grade visceral arteries stenoses in patients with intestinal ischemia symptoms can be treated by either surgical procedures or percutaneus transluminal angioplasty. In cases when a low operative risk is anticipated, surgical treatment is recommended due to a better anatomical outcome, while percutaneus angioplasty is advised to elderly patients in whom increased operative risks can be expected.

  2. Ethnic difference in the prevalence of angina pectoris in Sami and non-Sami populations: the SAMINOR study (United States)

    Eliassen, Bent-Martin; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel; Melhus, Marita; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild


    Objective To assess the population burden of angina pectoris symptoms (APS), self-reported angina and a combination of these, and explore potential ethnic disparity in their patterns. If differences in APS were found between Sami and non-Sami populations, we aimed at evaluating the role of established cardiovascular risk factors as mediating factors. Design Cross-sectional population-based study. Methods A health survey was conducted in 2003–2004 in areas with Sami and non-Sami populations (SAMINOR). The response rate was 60.9%. The total number for the subsequent analysis was 15,206 men and women aged 36–79 years (born 1925–1968). Information concerning lifestyle was collected by 2 self-administrated questionnaires, and clinical examinations provided data on waist circumference, blood pressure and lipid levels. Results This study revealed an excess of APS, self-reported angina and a combination of these in Sami relative to non-Sami women and men. After controlling for age, the odds ratio (OR) for APS was 1.42 (pangina and a combination of these in Sami women and men relative to non-Sami women and men. Established risk factors explained little or none of the ethnic variation in APS. In women, however, less moderate alcohol consumption and leisure-time physical activity in Sami may explain the entire ethnic difference. PMID:24422205

  3. The Efficacy of Guanxinning Injection in Treating Angina Pectoris: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (United States)

    Jia, Yongliang; Leung, Siu-wai; Lee, Ming-Yuen; Cui, Guozhen; Huang, Xiaohui; Pan, Fongha


    Objective. The randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on Guanxinning injection (GXN) in treating angina pectoris were published only in Chinese and have not been systematically reviewed. This study aims to provide a PRISMA-compliant and internationally accessible systematic review to evaluate the efficacy of GXN in treating angina pectoris. Methods. The RCTs were included according to prespecified eligibility criteria. Meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the symptomatic (SYMPTOMS) and electrocardiographic (ECG) improvements after treatment. Odds ratios (ORs) were used to measure effect sizes. Subgroup analysis, sensitivity analysis, and metaregression were conducted to evaluate the robustness of the results. Results. Sixty-five RCTs published between 2002 and 2012 with 6064 participants were included. Overall ORs comparing GXN with other drugs were 3.32 (95% CI: [2.72, 4.04]) in SYMPTOMS and 2.59 (95% CI: [2.14, 3.15]) in ECG. Subgroup analysis, sensitivity analysis, and metaregression found no statistically significant dependence of overall ORs upon specific study characteristics. Conclusion. This meta-analysis of eligible RCTs provides evidence that GXN is effective in treating angina pectoris. This evidence warrants further RCTs of higher quality, longer follow-up periods, larger sample sizes, and multicentres/multicountries for more extensive subgroup, sensitivity, and metaregression analyses. PMID:23634167

  4. Prolonged angina pectoris and persistent negative T waves in the precordial leads: response to atrial pacing and to methoxamine-induced hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueras, J.; Cinca, J.; Gutierrez, L.; Segura, R.; Rius, J.


    In 18 consecutive patients without a history of myocardial infarction (MI), prolonged angina pectoris with persistent negative T waves in the precordial leads was associated with a high frequency of in-hospital spontaneous angina (14 of 18, 78%), usually accompanied by S-T segment elevation, and occasionally in-hospital MI (4 of 18, 22%). Angina and MI always involved the electrocardiographic leads with negative T waves. Coronary arteriography, performed in 16 patients, revealed greater than or equal to 90% proximal diameter reduction of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery in 14 patients. No patient had severe narrowing of all 3 major coronary arteries, but the 3 who had 100% LAD occlusion lacked collateral circulation. The ejection fraction was greater than or equal to 50% in 13 patients. Atrial pacing performed in 11 patients at an average rate of 142 beats/min produced a 1.0 mm S-T segment change in only 5 patients (45%), 3 of whom had an associated lactate production. Arterial systemic hypertension induced by methoxamine in 14 patients caused reversal of negative T waves without significant S-T segment shifts or chest pain and failed to elicit lactate extraction abnormalities in each of the 5 patients in whom it was determined. Thus, prolonged angina with persistent negative T waves in the precordial leads is almost invariably associated with a critical and proximal LAD obstruction, severe narrowing of 1 or 2 coronary arteries, and poor or absent collateral vessels

  5. Serum potassium values in relation to the use of diuretics in patients with unstable angina pectoris

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Gilst, W. H.; Tijssen, J. G.; van Es, G. A.; Lubsen, J.


    Transient hypokalaemia may occur in acutely ill patients and is associated with an increased incidence of life-threatening arrhythmias. Therefore, we performed a retrospective analysis of the serum potassium values of 538 patients with unstable angina included in the Holland Interuniversity

  6. Assessment of economic effectiveness in treatment of neuropathic pain and refractory angina pectoris using spinal cord stimulation. (United States)

    Harat, Aleksandra; Sokal, Paweł; Zieliński, Piotr; Harat, Marek; Rusicka, Teresa; Herbowski, Leszek


    The implementation of new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies is related to expanding financial needs. The escalation of expenses for health protection and simultaneous economic problems has resulted in an interest in the subject of economic assessment. Decision makers in the health sector should have reasonable tools that will allow them to make complex evaluations of the economic suitability of health technologies. Economic analysis should also prove that launching new procedures can save money. Numerous studies indicate that chronic pain and psycho-sociological variables lead to a worse quality of life. Chronic pain issues are a major public health problem, by virtue of the difficulties in efficient therapy and the social costs reflected in incapability of work and disability. Spinal cord stimulation is the most efficacious procedure in the treatment of chronic pain. The aim of the study was to estimate the costs of treatment of 37 patients suffering from refractory angina pectoris and neuropathic pain who underwent SCS surgery between 2002 and 2008 in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the 10th Military Hospital in Bydgoszcz in the period of two years before and two years after spinal cord stimulation. The authors also assessed quality of life, using the SF 36 questionnaire, and degree of pain using VAS. The issue was examined with a cost-benefit analysis. Cost was understood as the expenses made two years before and two years after the SCS procedure. The benefits were health care expenses saved by implementation of the SCS procedure. All the costs included in both alternative treatment techniques in a period of 5 years underwent a discounting procedure. The authors also included the price of the neurostimulator under a sensitivity analysis. To assess the quality of life before and after the SCS procedure, a SF 36 questionnaire was used, and to assess the level of pain before and after the SCS procedure, the VAS scale. The costs of treatment of refractory angina

  7. Sensitivity and related factors in iodine-123-β-methyl-p-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid myocardial scintigraphy to detect stable effort angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Tetsuya; Ohtsuki, Yumi; Takechi, Norikazu; Suzuki, Kenji; Nishibori, Yoshiharu; Matsuo, Akiko; Inoue, Keiji; Fujita, Hiroshi; Inoue, Naoto


    This study evaluated the sensitivity and the related factors in iodine-123-β-methyl-p-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) scintigraphy to detect stable angina. The subjects were 198 patients with stable angina who underwent BMIPP before percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary bypass graft surgery. Patients with unstable angina, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy and vasospastic angina were excluded. After investigation of the sensitivity of BMIPP, the patients with single-vessel disease without collateral flow were classified into the normal 12 3 I-BMIPP uptake group (normal group) or decreased 123 I-BMIPP uptake group (decreased group), and various factors were compared between the two groups. Sensitivity was 61% overall, 58% in single-vessel disease, 69% in double-vessel disease, 53% in triple-vessel disease, 43% in only left main vessel disease, and 89% in left main and other vessel disease (NS). In single-vessel disease, the sensitivity was 40% in 75% coronary artery stenosis, 58% in 90% stenosis, 89% in 99% stenosis, and 69% in total occlusion (p=0.003). Comparing the decreased and normal groups, diabetes mellitus was more frequent in the normal group (14.6% vs 39.5%), minimal lumen diameter was smaller (0.75±0.37 vs 0.98±0.49 mm) and lesion length was longer in the decreased group (15.4±4.9 vs 11.6±5.5 mm). Logistic multivariate analysis showed that the independent factors were diabetes mellitus [odds ratio 0.20, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.04-0.87, p=0.03], minimal lumen diameter (odds ratio 0.10, 95% CI 0.02-0.48, p=0.003) and lesion length (odds ratio 1.12, 95% CI 1.00-1.25, p=0.03). BMIPP is useful in stable angina patients because of the acceptable sensitivity. Diabetes mellitus, minimal lumen diameter and lesion length were independent factors associated with decreased BMIPP uptake. (author)

  8. Recent advances in the management of chronic stable angina I: Approach to the patient, diagnosis, pathophysiology, risk stratification, and gender disparities (United States)

    Kones, Richard


    The potential importance of both prevention and personal responsibility in controlling heart disease, the leading cause of death in the USA and elsewhere, has attracted renewed attention. Coronary artery disease is preventable, using relatively simple and inexpensive lifestyle changes. The inexorable rise in the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, often in the risk cluster known as the metabolic syndrome, drives the ever-increasing incidence of heart disease. Population-wide improvements in personal health habits appear to be a fundamental, evidence based public health measure, yet numerous barriers prevent implementation. A common symptom in patients with coronary artery disease, classical angina refers to the typical chest pressure or discomfort that results when myocardial oxygen demand rises and coronary blood flow is reduced by fixed, atherosclerotic, obstructive lesions. Different forms of angina and diagnosis, with a short description of the significance of pain and silent ischemia, are discussed in this review. The well accepted concept of myocardial oxygen imbalance in the genesis of angina is presented with new data about clinical pathology of stable angina and acute coronary syndromes. The roles of stress electrocardiography and stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphic imaging are reviewed, along with the information these tests provide about risk and prognosis. Finally, the current status of gender disparities in heart disease is summarized. Enhanced risk stratification and identification of patients in whom procedures will meaningfully change management is an ongoing quest. Current guidelines emphasize efficient triage of patients with suspected coronary artery disease. Many experts believe the predictive value of current decision protocols for coronary artery disease still needs improvement in order to optimize outcomes, yet avoid unnecessary coronary angiograms and radiation exposure. Coronary angiography remains the

  9. Recent advances in the management of chronic stable angina I: approach to the patient, diagnosis, pathophysiology, risk stratification, and gender disparities. (United States)

    Kones, Richard


    The potential importance of both prevention and personal responsibility in controlling heart disease, the leading cause of death in the USA and elsewhere, has attracted renewed attention. Coronary artery disease is preventable, using relatively simple and inexpensive lifestyle changes. The inexorable rise in the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, often in the risk cluster known as the metabolic syndrome, drives the ever-increasing incidence of heart disease. Population-wide improvements in personal health habits appear to be a fundamental, evidence based public health measure, yet numerous barriers prevent implementation. A common symptom in patients with coronary artery disease, classical angina refers to the typical chest pressure or discomfort that results when myocardial oxygen demand rises and coronary blood flow is reduced by fixed, atherosclerotic, obstructive lesions. Different forms of angina and diagnosis, with a short description of the significance of pain and silent ischemia, are discussed in this review. The well accepted concept of myocardial oxygen imbalance in the genesis of angina is presented with new data about clinical pathology of stable angina and acute coronary syndromes. The roles of stress electrocardiography and stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphic imaging are reviewed, along with the information these tests provide about risk and prognosis. Finally, the current status of gender disparities in heart disease is summarized. Enhanced risk stratification and identification of patients in whom procedures will meaningfully change management is an ongoing quest. Current guidelines emphasize efficient triage of patients with suspected coronary artery disease. Many experts believe the predictive value of current decision protocols for coronary artery disease still needs improvement in order to optimize outcomes, yet avoid unnecessary coronary angiograms and radiation exposure. Coronary angiography remains the

  10. Creatine kinase and creatine kinase subunit-B in coronary sinus blood in pacing-induced angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bagger, J P; Ingerslev, J; Heinsvig, E M


    In nine out of 10 patients with angiographic documented coronary artery disease, pacing-induced angina pectoris provoked myocardial production of lactate, whereas no significant release of either creatine kinase or creatine kinase subunit-B to coronary sinus and peripheral venous blood could...

  11. Mechanisms of angina pectoris in syndrome X assessed by myocardial perfusion dynamics and heart rate variability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meeder, JG; Blanksma, PK; Crijns, HJGM; Anthonio, RL; Pruim, J; Brouwer, J; DeJong, RM; VanderWall, EE; Vaalburg, W; Lie, KI


    The fundamental abnormality in syndrome X (angina pectoris, ischaemia-like stress ECG despite angiographically normal coronary arteries) might be patchily distributed increased tone in pre-arteriolar coronary vessels with compensatory release of adenosine. The aim of this study was to confirm this

  12. Effect of PCI on inflammatory factors, cTnI, MMP-9 and NT-pro BNP in patients with unstable angina pectoris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ke-Tong Liu


    Full Text Available Objective: To investigate the effect of PCI on inflammatory factors, cTnI, MMP-9and NTpro BNP in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Methods: A total of 80 unstable angina pectoris patients were divided into observation group (40 cases and control group (40 cases. The observation group was given the therapy of PCI, and the control group was given coronary angiography. To observe the of inflammatory factors, cTnI, MMP-9 and NT-pro BNP were tested and compared before and after operation. Results: At 24 h after operation, CRP and IL-18 levels were increased significantly after treatment inoperation groups, there was no difference on inflammatory factors in control group, and had significant difference on inflammatory factors in two groups; At 24 h after operation, cTnI, MMP-9 and NT-pro BNP levels were increased significantly after treatment inoperation groups, there was no difference on inflammatory factors in control group, and had significant difference on inflammatory factors in two groups. Conclusion: PCI therapy can induce inflammation and myocardial injury in patients with unstable angina pectoris.

  13. Adenosine stress and exercise 99Tcm-MIBI myocardial perfusion imaging in the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jia Peng; Guo Wanhua; Xu Shoulin; Feng Xuefeng


    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical value of adenosine stress or exercise 99 Tc m -methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI) myocardial perfusion imaging in the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with unstable angina. Methods: Eighty-seven hospitalized patients with unstable angina [54 men and 33 women, aged of (56.5±12.5) years] underwent adenosine stress or exercise myocardial perfusion imaging and coronary angiography. Patients were followed up. Results: Fifty-seven patients had abnormal myocardial perfusion imaging and significant coronary artery stenosis. Ten patients had abnormal myocardial perfusion imaging but normal coronary angiography. Eight patients had normal myocardial perfusion imaging but significant coronary artery stenosis. Twelve patients had normal myocardial perfusion imaging and normal coronary angiography. Patients with abnormal myocardial perfusion imaging had worse prognosis. There was relationship between cardiac events and the extent and severity of myocardial ischemia. Conclusion: Adenosine stress and exercise myocardial perfusion imaging is of important clinical value in the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with unstable angina. (authors)

  14. Role of platelet parameters and haematological indices in myocardial infarction and unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yaghoubi, A.; Golmohamadi, Z.; Alizadehasi, A.; Azarfarin, R.


    Objective: To explore the significance of platelet parameters, including mean platelet volume, platelet count and other haematological indices, in patients of acute coronary syndrome. Methods: In this one-year retrospective cross-sectional study in 2010, a total of 631 patients were enrolled at the Cardiovascular Research Institute, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran, and classified into three groups: myocardial infarction, unstable angina, and Control. Cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia and hypertension status were compared. Blood samples were collected for the measurement of platelet count, mean platelet volume and other haematological indices, including prothrombin time, partial thromoplastin time, blood group and Rh, haematocrit, haemoglobin, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. SPSS 18 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Of the total, there were 210 (33.3%; 163 men, 47 women) with myocardial infarction whose mean age was 62.7+-14.2 years; 211 (33.3%; 110 men, 101 women) had unstable angina with a mean age of 63.5+-13.1 years and 210 (33.3%; 117 men, 90 women) health controls with a mean age of 60.6+-12.8 years. The mean platelet volume values of patients in the first two groups were significantly higher than the control group (10.14 +-1.05 fL, 9.82 +- 0.93 fL and 9.34+-1.14 fL, respectively; p< 0.001). The platelet count was detected to be significantly lower in the patients than the controls (207.92+-58.40*109/L, 220.18+-65.81*109/L, 238+-56.10*109/L, respectively, p<0.001). While blood cell count was significantly higher in those with myocardial infarction compared to the unstable angina patients and control group (P<0.001). Differences in mean values of mean platelet volume between the two patient groups was not significant, but mean values of platelet count was statistically significant between these two groups (p<0.04). Conclusion: Mean platelet volume and platelet count may be considered

  15. Clinical usefulness of delayed exercise images on 99mTc-tetrofosmin myocardial SPECT in the diagnosis of vasospastic angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Kazuki; Zen, Kan; Hikosaka, Takatou; Adachi, Yoshihiko; Yoneyama, Satoshi; Katoh, Shuuji; Sugihara, Hiroki; Nakamura, Tomoki; Azuma, Akihiro


    This study was designed to evaluate the clinical usefulness of delayed exercise images in 99m Tc-tetrofosmin (TF) myocardial SPECT in the diagnosis of vasospastic angina pectoris. We studied 30 patients with vasospastic angina, 10 of 30 patients (group A) had both effort and rest angina, 20 of 30 patients (group B) had rest angina. A 370 MBq of TF was intravenously injected at peak exercise, and initial (EX-I) and delayed exercise (EX-D) images were obtained at 30 min and 180 min after the injection. An additional 740 MBq of TF was intravenously reinjected after EX-D image acquisition, and rest images were obtained 30 min after the reinjection. The left ventricular wall was divided into 9 segments. Regional myocardial uptakes of TF were scored by 4-point defect score (0=normal, 1=mildly reduced, 2=moderately reduced, and 3=severely reduced). Total defect score (TDS) was calculated from the sum of defect scores in 9 segments. Reverse redistribution (RR) was defined as increase of more than 2 in TDS on EX-D images. In group A, 4 of 10 cases (40%) showed decreased uptake on EX-I images, 6 of 10 cases (60%) revealed RR on EX-D images, and none of the patients showed decreased uptake on rest images. In group B, no one showed decreased uptake on EX-I and rest images, 11 of 20 cases (55%) revealed RR on EX-D images. The mean±SD of TDS were 2.9±3.4, 5.1±4.5, 0.5±0.5 on EX-I, EX-D, rest images in group A, and serially 0.4±0.5, 3.3±3.6, 0.4±0.5 in group B. Regional wall motion abnormality was reduced in regions with RR. RR on EX-D images may reflect ischemic damaged but viable myocardium in vasospastic angina. The clinical usefulness of exercise-rest TF imaging in detection of organic coronary artery disease has been well established. Therefore, exercise-rest TF imaging with additional delayed exercise image could evaluate not only organic coronary artery disease but also coronary artery vasospasm. (author)

  16. A long-acting calcium antagonist over one year did not improve BMIPP myocardial scintigraphic imagings in patients with pure coronary spastic angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sueda, Shozo; Oshita, Akira; Izoe, Yousuke; Kohno, Hiroaki; Fukuda, Hiroshi; Ochi, Takaaki; Uraoka, Tadao


    Calcium antagonists (Ca) have been effective in reducing angina attacks in patients with variant angina. However, there are no reports regarding the effectiveness of Ca on myocardial fatty acid metabolic images in patients with pure coronary spastic angina (CSA). This study sought to examine the correlation between myocardial fatty acid metabolic images and the medical treatment of Ca in patients with pure CSA. This study included 35 consecutive patients (28 men, mean age of 66±10 years) with angiographically confirmed coronary spasm and no fixed stenosis. Long-acting Ca was administered to all 35 patients. Isosorbide dinitrate/nicorandil/another Ca/beta-blocker were administered when chest pain was not controlled. Using an iodinated fatty acid analogue, 15-(p-[iodine-123]iodophenyl)-3-(R,S)methylpentadecanoic acid (BMIPP), myocardial scintigraphies with intravenous adenosine triphosphate infusion were performed before cardiac catheterization and 12 mo after medical therapy. According to the medical control states, these 35 patients were classified into 3 groups; response (disappearance of angina attacks, 12 pts, 60±11 years), partial response (angina attacks <4/mo, 12 pts, 67±10 years), and no response to therapy (angina attacks ≥4/mo, 11 pts, 71±6 years). Reduced BMIPP uptake was observed in 24 (69%) of 35 patients before the treatment. Reduced BMIPP uptake was also found in 18 patients (51%) after 12 mo. Normal BMIPP uptake after 12 mo therapy was observed in about half (response: 42%, partial response: 58%, no response: 45%) of patients among the 3 groups. There was no difference regarding the value of washout rate (WOR) (response; 10±7 (before), 14±8% (12 mo)), partial response; 11±7, 10±5%, no response; 13±9, 14±8%) among the 3 groups. The defect scores of BMIPP in the three groups were not different during at least one year medical therapy. No difference regarding the distribution of other medical therapies (angiotensin converting enzyme

  17. Factores relacionados con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria en el infarto agudo del miocardio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanier Coll Muñoz


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la identificación de los factores relacionados con la mortalidad en el infarto agudo del miocardio representa un eslabón primordial en la evaluación inicial de los pacientes. Objetivo: identificar los factores relacionados con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria de los pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio, ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Coronarios de Cienfuegos durante el año 2010. Método: se realizó un estudio de serie de casos, que incluyó 241 pacientes con diagnóstico de infarto agudo del miocardio, ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Coronarios del Hospital General Universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima de Cienfuegos, en el año 2010. Las variables que se analizaron fueron: edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos personales, tipo de infarto agudo del miocardio (según electrocardiograma y localización topográfica, frecuencia cardiaca y tensión arterial al ingreso, clasificación de la insuficiencia cardiaca según Killip Kimball, creatinina, glicemia, colesterol total, triglicéridos, CPK-MB, y eventos adversos cardiovasculares durante su estadía hospitalaria. Resultados: la edad media de los pacientes estudiados fue de 65,6 años, con predominio del sexo masculino. La hipertensión arterial, el tabaquismo y el infarto miocárdico previo fueron los antecedentes de mayor interés, predominan los pacientes sin insuficiencia cardiaca y fracción de eyección conservada. Los eventos adversos cardiovasculares más frecuentes fueron: la angina post-infarto, arritmias ventriculares malignas y el choque cardiogénico. Conclusiones: se encontró relación significativa con la mortalidad para la edad avanzada (>70 años, taquicardia, glicemia ≥7 mmol/l al ingreso, y la presentación de arritmias ventriculares y choque cardiogénico durante la evolución intrahospitalaria.

  18. Comparison of percutaneous coronary intervention versus conservative treatment in unstable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Chunyan; Lv Bei; Shen Weifeng; Lu Guoping


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacies of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and drug treatment in patients with unstable angina (UAP). Methods: 248 patients with UAP were divided into two groups: conservative group of 123 patients who received antiplatelet, anticoagulant and antianginal therapies only and invasive group of 125 patients who underwent additional PCI 4.4 days after admission. The occurrence of death, AMI, recurrent angina, readmission were assessed during the first hospitalization year. Results: There was no difference in the incidence of composite endpoint of death or AMI between the two groups during the hospitalization (0.8 % vs 1.6 %, P > 0.05 ), but hospitalization duration was shorter in the invasive group than in the conservative group (10.3 ± 5.6 days vs 14.6 ± 10.7 days, P < 0.01 ). In duration of one year, the incidence of AMI (2.4% vs 8.9%, P<0.03), death (1.6% vs 6.5%, P<0.05), composite endpoint of death or AMI (4.0 % vs 13.0 % P < 0.02), recurrent angina pectoris (26.4 % vs 48.7, P <0.001), CABG (1.6% vs 10.5%, P<0.01) and readmission (24.8% vs 45.5%, P<0.01) were also lower in the invasive group than in the conservative group. Survival rate free of composite death or AMI for 1 year was higher in the invasive group than in the conservative group(96.0 % vs 86.9 %, P < 0.02). There was a definite benefit of the invasive treatment in reducing the risk of composite endpoint of death or AMI in patients with chest pain at rest, troponin T positive and three vessel diseases. Old age, three vessel diseases, LAD disease, lower LVEF, ST-segment depression, diabetes and hypertension were the independent factors associated with composite of death or AMI. Conclusions: In patients with UAP, PCI associated with routine antiplatelet, anticoagulant and antiischemic treatment significantly decreases the incidence of adverse cardiac events and improves the survival rate in one year. Such beneficial effects can be more obvious for high-risk patients

  19. Effects of acupuncture in moderate, stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ballegaard, Søren; Pedersen, F; Pietersen, A


    In order to evaluate the effects of acupuncture in moderate, stable angina pectoris, 49 patients were randomized to either genuine or sham acupuncture. In sham acupuncture needles were inserted into points within the same spinal segment as in genuine acupuncture, but outside the Chinese meridian...... system. The effect was evaluated from exercise tests, anginal attack rate and nitroglycerin consumption. There were no significant differences between the effects of genuine and sham acupuncture either on exercise test variables or on subjective variables. In patients receiving genuine acupuncture...... there was a significant increase in exercise tolerance (median 9%) and in delay of onset to pain (median 10%). No significant changes were observed in patients receiving sham acupuncture. Within both groups there was a median reduction of 50% in anginal attack rate and nitroglycerin consumption...

  20. Invaliderende angina pectoris behandlet med elektrisk rygmarvsstimulation (ERS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, C; Clemensen, S E; Henneberg, S W


    Thirty patients who had severe incapacitating angina pectoris which had not reacted to the conventional therapeutic measures and which required massive daily opioid consumption were treated with electrical spinal cord stimulation (SCS) by means of a completely implantable stimulation system....... The therapeutic effect was good in 87% of the patients who experienced considerably reduced frequency of attacks and markedly reduced opioid consumption (p less than 0.00005). Nine of the patients could reduce opioid consumption and 14 out of 27 could cease their otherwise daily opioid consumption. In four...... patients, the therapeutic effect was unsatisfactory. In the first 22 patients in whom a unipolar electrode was introduced, displacement of the electrode and subsequent reoperation was a frequent problem. This problem disappeared after change to multipolar electrodes as slight changes in placing...

  1. Optimization of the clinical course of stable angina pectoris with the use of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and combined magnetotherapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. O. Zolotarova


    Full Text Available The article presents the results of the study of the comparative efficacy of the protocol for angina pectoris medication and combined therapy with the use of ω-3 PUFA and magnetotherapy on the dynamics of the frequency of anginal attacks of patients with stable angina. It was found that the use of ώ-3 PUFA and MT in therapy allows a significantly higher and further reduction in the frequency of attacks compared with standard therapy, and this effect is largely due to the influence of MT and to a lesser extent - the effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  2. Efecto de la 2-fenil-4,4-bis-(hidroximetil)-2-oxazolina en la respuesta del giro dentado a la estimulación de la corteza endorrinal y en la actividad eléctrica espontánea del gerbil de Mongolia


    Díaz Molina, Milena; Pérez Saad, Héctor M.


    La epilepsia constituye un desorden neurológico de gran incidencia en la población, con un marcado impacto familiar y social. El gerbil de Mongolia es un modelo de epilepsia de gran utilidad, pues este animal desarrolla crisis espontáneas fenomenológicamente similares a las epilepsias refractarias. En el presente trabajo se estudió el efecto de la 2-fenil-4,4-bis-(hidroximetil)-2-oxazolina (OX) en la respuesta del giro dentado a la estimulación eléctrica de la corteza endorrinal y en la activ...



    Dr. Manuel G. Campos


    Entre el 20 a 40% de los tumores cerebrales pueden manifestarse primariamente con crisis epilépticas y un 20 a 45% pueden presentar epilepsia durante el curso de la enfermedad. Las crisis pueden ser causadas por el compromiso cortical tumoral, así como en áreas distantes por deaferentación. Las crisis pueden responder a fármacos antiepilépticos o presentarse como epilepsia refractaria a fármacos. Los tumores de más lento crecimiento se asocian a epilepsia de largo tiempo de evolución, pero ha...

  4. Terlipresina en el shock séptico refractario a catecolaminas: Presentación de un caso


    Ferrero, Hilario A; Pérez, Augusto; Eulmesekian, Pablo; Minces, Pablo; Díaz, Silvia


    El shock séptico puede causar hipotensión refractaria al tratamiento con líquidos endovenosos o altas dosis de catecolaminas; estos niños tienen peor pronóstico. En este escenario pueden resultar beneficiosas las terapias alternativas capaces de revertir el estado de vasodilatación grave. La terlipresina es un análogo sintético de la vasopresina de vida media prolongada que se utiliza en el tratamiento del sangrado por várices esofágicas. Su afinidad por los receptores vasculares es superior ...

  5. The value of myocardial scintigraphy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergen, J.M.; Simons, M.


    Myocardial scintigraphy with thallium-201 is a new, non-invasive diagnostic method by means of which on special indications ischaemic heart diseases may be demonstrated. The case history is described of a man with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and angina pectoris. The electrocardiogram at rest was affected by the cardiomyopathy to such a degree that the interpretation of the ST-T segment during effort was not reliable. Scintigraphy revealed transient ischaemia. A bypass operation was carried out and post-operatively, the improved myocardial perfusion could be confirmed by myocardial scintigraphy. (Auth.)

  6. Morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con síndrome de distress respiratorio agudo/injuria pulmonar aguda por Influenza A H1N1 que requirieron soporte cardiopulmonar en un hospital general

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Zegarra


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con síndrome de distress respiratorio agudo (SDRA/injuria pulmonar aguda (IPA por Influenza A H1N1 que requirieron soporte cardiopulmonar en un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, tipo serie de casos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas, las hojas de monitoreo ventilatorio y hemodinámico de los pacientes con SDRA/IPA secundario a Influenza A H1N1 atendidos en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Generales (SCIG del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre mayo y setiembre de 2009. El diagnóstico de Influenza A H1N1 se realizó por PCR-RT. Resultados: Se atendieron 99 pacientes con Influenza A H1N1, 9 ingresaron al SCIG por SDRA/IPA; cinco requirieron ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI, tres ventilación mecánica no invasiva y uno no requirió soporte ventilatorio. La edad promedio fue 43,3 ± 18,3 años; el tiempo de enfermedad 8 ± 3 días. Al ingreso, el 100% tuvo fiebre y disnea, el score APACHE II fue 10,5 ± 4,1 y el SOFA 5,6 ± 3,2; el Pa02/Fi02 96,74 ± 28,6. En 4/5 pacientes en VMI el Pa02/Fi02 a las 12 h y al final de la ventilación mecánica fue < 200. La presión en cuña estimada fue 15,69 ± 3,6 y el índice cardiaco por doppler esofágico 2,4 ± 0,34. La TGO fue 160 ± 152,15, DHL 2366,33 ± 1862,13 y CPK 216 ± 298,25. Todos los pacientes recibieron Oseltamivir 150 mg cada 12 h por 10 días. Cuatro pacientes fallecieron. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con SDRA/IPA por Influenza A H1 N1, fueron adultos jóvenes, con tiempo de enfermedad prolongado; con fiebre, disnea y linfopenia; sin compromiso cardiovascular y con hipoxemia refractaria como causa de muerte.

  7. Validation and comparison of EuroQoL-5 dimension (EQ-5D) and Short Form-6 dimension (SF-6D) among stable angina patients


    Wu, Jing; Han, Yuerong; Zhao, Fei-Li; Zhou, Jin; Chen, Zhijun; Sun, He


    Objectives Several preference-based health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instruments have been published and widely used in different populations. However no consensus has emerged regarding the most appropriate instrument in therapeutic area of stable angina. This study compared and validated the psychometric properties of two generic preference-based instruments, the EQ-5D and SF-6D, among Chinese stable angina patients. Methods Convergent validity of the EQ-5D and SF-6D was examined with ...

  8. Value of the addition of Amlodipine to atenolol in patients with angina pectoris despite adequate beta blockade

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dunselman, PHJM; Bouwens, LHM; Herweijer, AH; Bernink, PJLM


    Anginal patients who remain symptomatic despite optimally dosed beta blockade may also be given dihydropyridine calcium antagonists. This treatment regimen was examined in a double-blind parallel, randomized, controlled study in 147 patients with angina and positive bicycle exercise tests despite

  9. Enhanced External Counterpulsation Is an Effective Treatment for Depression in Patients With Refractory Angina Pectoris (United States)

    Søgaard, Hans Jørgen


    Objective: To examine the effect of enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) on depression in patients with refractory angina pectoris (Canadian Cardiovascular Society class 2–4). Method: The study was a prospective observational investigation with a 2-month control period preceding the EECP therapy (to minimize a possible effect of the regression-toward-the-mean phenomenon). The patients were examined 2 months before and just before EECP and just after, 3 months after, and 12 months after EECP. Depression was assessed using the Major Depression Inventory and the ICD-10. During EECP, 3 sets of cuffs were fastened around the lower extremities and were inflated sequentially to a pressure of 260 mm Hg in each diastole for 60 minutes 5 days a week for 7 weeks (35 sessions). The study was conducted at a regional hospital in Denmark from May 2006 to January 2011. Results: Fifty patients with angina pectoris and an abnormal coronary angiography, with no possibility for revascularization, were included (72% men, mean age of 63 years) between May 2006 and January 2011. The prevalence of depression before EECP was 18%, just after was 2%, 3 months after was 2%, and 12 months after was 4% (P = .013). The depressive state was more severe at a lower age (P = .016). No significant predictors of effect of EECP on depression were found (P > .05), and no association was detected between decline in depressive state and chest pain (P > .05). Conclusions: The study indicates that EECP is an effective treatment for depression in patients with refractory angina pectoris, that depression is more severe in younger patients, and that the effect of EECP on depression is not related to the effect on chest pain. Trial Registration: identifier: NCT01112163 PMID:26693035

  10. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Is More Beneficial Than Optimal Medical Therapy in Elderly Patients with Angina Pectoris. (United States)

    Won, Hoyoun; Her, Ae Young; Kim, Byeong Keuk; Kim, Yong Hoon; Shin, Dong Ho; Kim, Jung Sun; Ko, Young Guk; Choi, Donghoon; Kwon, Hyuck Moon; Jang, Yangsoo; Hong, Myeong Ki


    Data comparing the clinical benefits of medical treatment with those of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in an elderly population with angina pectoris are limited. Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy of elective PCI versus optimal medical treatment (OMT) in elderly patients (between 75 and 84 years old) with angina pectoris. One hundred seventy-seven patients with significant coronary artery stenosis were randomly assigned to either the PCI group (n=90) or the OMT group (n=87). The primary outcome was a composite of major adverse events in the 1-year follow-up period that included cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, and stroke. Major adverse events occurred in 5 patients (5.6%) of the PCI group and in 17 patents (19.5%) of the OMT group (p=0.015). There were no significant differences between the PCI group and the OMT group in cardiac death [hazard ratio (HR) for the PCI group 0.454; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.041-5.019, p=0.520], myocardial infarction (HR 0.399; 95% CI 0.039-4.050, p=0.437), or stroke (HR 0.919; 95% CI 0.057-14.709, p=0.952). However, the PCI group showed a significant preventive effect of the composite of major adverse events (HR 0.288; 95% CI 0.106-0.785, p=0.015) and against the need for coronary revascularization (HR 0.157; 95% CI 0.035-0.703, p=0.016). Elective PCI reduced major adverse events and was found to be an effective treatment modality in elderly patients with angina pectoris and significant coronary artery stenosis, compared to OMT.

  11. ST-T isointegral analysis of exercise stress body surface mapping for identifying ischemic areas in patients with angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, T.; Kawakubo, K.; Toda, I.; Mashima, S.; Ohtake, T.; Iio, M.; Sugimoto, T.


    ST-T isointegral analysis of body surface mapping was used in an attempt to localize ischemic areas on exercise tests. In 28 patients with angina pectoris and 10 healthy subjects, body surface potential was recorded with 87 leads, and ST isopotential and ST-T isointegral maps were constructed. In all 10 healthy subjects, the basic pattern of the ST-T isointegral map showed no significant change after exercise. In 23 of 28 patients with angina pectoris (82%), alterations in the ST-T isointegral map after exercise were observed. They were divided into four types (anterior, inferoposterior, lateral, and global) according to the distribution of negative values, which were well correlated with the extent of ischemic area determined by thallium myocardial scintigraphy and coronary angiography. The postexercise ST-T isointegral map was normalized after administration of nitroglycerin in four of five patients. In five patients (18%) who did not show abnormalities on the postexercise ST-T isointegral map, the magnitude of maximal ST depression was significantly smaller than that observed in the other 23 patients with angina pectoris (0.14 vs 0.23 mV on the average, p less than 0.05). It was concluded that the exercise test with ST-T isointegral mapping is a new method for noninvasive detection of location and severity of ischemic regions


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Objectives. In a prospective, randomized study with an 8-week follow-up period, we evaluated the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation an exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with intractable angina. Background. Despite important achievements in therapy for ischemic heart disease, there

  13. [Systematic review on the short-term efficacy and safety of nicorandil for stable angina pectoris in comparison with those of β-blockers, nitrates and calcium antagonists]. (United States)

    Hanai, Yuki; Mita, Mitsuo; Hishinuma, Shigeru; Shoji, Masaru


    Nicorandil significantly reducted the incidence of major coronary events in patients with stable angina in a long-term trial, although there are few reports on its short-term efficacy in the treatment and prevention of angina symptoms. We performed a meta-analysis of the short-term efficacy of nicorandil compared with antianginal drugs for stable angina. We selected 20 reports (vs. β-blockers, n=6; vs. nitrates, n=6; vs. calcium antagonists, n=8) of prospective controlled trials from MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and Japana Centra Revuo Medicina. The trials were short in duration (median 5 weeks). We combined the results using odds ratios (OR) for discrete data and weighted mean differences (WMD) for continuous data. Compared with antianginal drugs, nicorandil did not show significant reduction of angina episodes per week (vs. β-blockers, -1.50 [95% confidence interval (CI): -4.09, 1.09]; vs. nitrates, 0.22 [95% CI: -1.22, 1.65]; vs. calcium antagonists, -0.23 [95% CI: -1.37, 0.90]). Furthermore, there were no significant differences in time to ischemia (total exercise duration, time to 1-mm ST depression, time to onset of pain). Although the total numbers of adverse events with each antianginal drug were similar, heart rate and blood pressure were significantly decreased by calcium antagonists but not changed by nicorandil (8.09 [95% CI: 3.20, 12.98] and 8.64 [95% CI: 3.28, 13.99], respectively). Thus this study suggests that short-term therapy with nicorandil is as effective as standard therapy and that nicorandil can also be used as a first-line agent in patients with stable angina.

  14. Noninvasive detection of coronary vasospastic angina using a double-acquisition coronary CT angiography protocol in the presence and absence of an intravenous nitrate: a pilot study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Eun-Ju; Kim, Dong Won; Yoon, Seong Kuk; Lee, Ki-Nam [Dong-A University, Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Moo Hyun; Jin, Cai De [Dong-A University, Department of Cardiology, College of Medicine, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Dong-A University Hospital, Global Clinical Trial Center, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Seo, Jeongmin; Park, Tae-Ho [Dong-A University, Department of Cardiology, College of Medicine, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Sang Il [Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Department of Radiology, Seongnam-si (Korea, Republic of); Yoon, Yeonyee Elizabeth [Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Seongnam-si (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the feasibility of a double-acquisition coronary CT angiography (CCTA) protocol in the presence and absence of an intravenous (IV) vasodilator infusion for detecting vasospastic angina. Twenty patients with a high clinical probability of vasospastic angina were enrolled. All subjects underwent baseline CCTA without a vasodilator in the early morning followed by a catheterized coronary angiography with ergonovine provocation test. Within 3 days, all subjects underwent repeat CCTA during a continuous IV infusion of nitrate. Vasospastic angina as detected by CCTA was defined as significant stenosis (≥50 %) with negative remodelling without definite plaques or diffuse small diameter (<2 mm) of a major coronary artery with a beaded appearance on baseline CT that completely dilated on IV nitrate CT. The CCTA results were compared to the catheterized ergonovine provocation test as the reference standard. Among 20 patients, the catheterized ergonovine provocation test detected vasospasm in 15 patients. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of CCTA in a per-patient-based analysis were 73, 100, 100 and 56 %, respectively. Double-acquisition CCTA in the presence and absence of IV infusion of nitrate allows noninvasive detection of vasospastic angina with moderate sensitivity and high specificity. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Yu. Martsevich


    Full Text Available Aim. To assess the effect of nicorandil added to the standard therapy of patients with stable ischemic heart disease (IHD on the quality of life (QoL.Material and methods. Patients with verified IHD (stable angina; n=120 were included into double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study. All patients in the study received metoprolol tartrate (100 mg daily. Nicorandil was added (10 mg BID, and then after 2 weeks 20 mg BID to the treatment of patients of the main group. Placebo was added to treatment of patients in the control group. The study duration was 6 weeks. QoL was assessed by theSeattle questionnaire (SAQ and visual analogue scale (VAS at baseline and at the end of the study.Results. A significant decrease in the number of angina attacks was found in the nicorandil group compared to baseline [from 3.0 (2.0, 5.0 to 1.2 (0.7, 2.0; p<0.01] and compared to the placebo group [2.0 (1.0, 3.0; p=0.02]. The positive dynamics of QoL and functionality of patients with IHD was observed in the nicorandil group at the end of the study. It was demonstrated by significant improvement in all SAQ scales compared to baseline. Positive dynamics in the control group was found only in three scales (limitation of physical activity, frequency of angina attacks and patient attitude to the disease. VAS data revealed a significant increase in the integral index in patients of the main group (from 65.0±14.5 to 69.3±15.1; p=0.07, that was significantly higher than this in control group (64.6±15.1; p=0.02 at the end of the study.Conclusion. Nicorandil addition to the standard therapy of patients with IHD (stable angina demonstrated improvement in the QoL, assessed by SAQ questionnaire and VAS.

  16. Unstable angina with normal coronary angiography in hyperthyroidism: a case report. (United States)

    Lin, Tsung-Hsien; Su, Ho-Ming; Voon, Wen-Chol; Lai, Wen-Ter; Sheu, Sheng-Hsiung


    Hyperthyroidism is associated with an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption that, due to an imbalance of oxygen demand and supply, can cause angina. However, subclinical hyperthyroidism rarely presents as chest pain in the resting state. Herein, we present a case of subclinical hyperthyroidism involving a 58-year-old male who complained of frequent chest tightness and typical electrocardiographic changes while in a resting state. Coronary angiography showed no significant lesion. Laboratory data showed that the patient suffered from hyperthyroidism, for which he was successfully treated with anti-thyroid agents. We are reminded that typical chest pain might be the first symptom of hyperthyroidism.

  17. Validez del cuestionario cardiovascular MONICA comparado con la historia clínica Validity of the MONICA cardiovascular questionnaire compared with clinical records

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    José M. Baena-Díez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estudiar la validez del cuestionario cardiovascular Multinational Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA comparado con la historia clínica. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, multicéntrico, realizado en 3.329 personas >50 años de edad (estudio ARTPER [arteriografía periférica]. La muestra se seleccionó por muestreo aleatorio simple en 32 centros de salud de atención primaria. Los diagnósticos considerados fueron: infarto agudo de miocardio, ángor, enfermedad vascular cerebral, hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus e hipercolesterolemia. Se estudió además el tratamiento con antihipertensivos, hipolipemiantes o insulina, hipoglucemiantes y antiagregantes o anticoagulantes. La validez entre cuestionario y registro en la historia clínica se estudió con la sensibilidad, la especificidad, los valores predictivos y el índice kappa. Resultados: La edad media fue de 65 años (desviación estándar: 8,9, y el 54,8% eran mujeres. La sensibilidad del cuestionario fue >90% en todas las variables, excepto en el ángor (89,9% y la enfermedad vascular cerebral (86,5%. La especificidad también fue >90%, excepto en el ángor (88,3% y la hipercolesterolemia (77,5%. El valor predictivo positivo fue >90% en todos los tratamientos farmacológicos; >80% en el ángor, el infarto agudo de miocardio y la hipertensión arterial; 79,4% en la enfermedad vascular cerebral; 79,1% en la hipercolesterolemia, y 73,4% en la diabetes mellitus. Los valores predictivos negativos fueron >90% en todos los casos. Los índices kappa fueron >0,80 en todas las variables, excepto en la hipercolesterolemia (0,69 y la diabetes mellitus (0,79. Conclusiones: El cuestionario cardiovascular MONICA es un método válido para encuestar a las personas >50 años sobre sus enfermedades, factores de riesgo y tratamientos cardiovasculares.Objective: To assess the validity of the questionnaire Multinational Monitoring of Trends and

  18. Percutaneous Device to Narrow the Coronary Sinus: Shifting Paradigm in the Treatment of Refractory Angina? A Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Benedetto, Daniela; Abawi, Masieh; Stella, Pieter R; Nijhoff, Freek; Lakemeier, Maxime D M; Kortlandt, Friso; Doevendans, Pieter A; Agostoni, Pierfrancesco


    Refractory angina pectoris is defined as a chronic debilitating condition characterized by the presence of chronic anginal symptoms due to a severe obstructive and/or diffuse coronary artery disease that cannot be controlled by the combination of medical therapy and/or revascularization (percutaneous or surgical). In addition, the presence of myocardial ischemia as a cause of the symptoms must have been documented. The coronary sinus reducer (CSR) is a recently introduced percutaneous device to treat patients with severe anginal symptoms refractory to optimal medical therapy and not amenable to conventional revascularization. The purpose of this review is to describe the current evidence from available studies measuring the clinical effect of the CSR implantation on the health and well-being of patients with refractory angina.

  19. Ludwig's angina in children anesthesiologist's nightmare: Case series and review of literature

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    Maitree Pandey


    Full Text Available Ludwig's angina is potentially lethal, rapidly spreading cellulitis of the floor of mouth and neck. The anticipated difficult airway becomes even more challenging when it occurs in children. In children, the larynx is positioned relatively higher in the neck, and one does not have the option for blind nasal intubation or awake fiberoptic, which otherwise is the technique of choice in adult patients. We present the clinical course of 16 children and highlight various problems encountered during the anesthetic management of six children who required emergency surgical drainage under general anesthesia.

  20. Esophageal Manometry with Provocative Testing in Patients with Noncardiac Angina-Like Chest Pain

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    William G Paterson


    Full Text Available In a five year period 238 of 594 esophageal manometric studies performed in the authors’ laboratory were done on patients whose major reason for referral was noncardiac angina-like chest pain. Standard eophageal manometry was performed followed by an acid-antacid perfusion period (Bernstein test and then subcutaneous bethanechol (80 μg/kg to a maximum of 5 mg was adminstered. Baseline manometry was normal in 38% of patients and was diagnostic of ‘nutcracker’ esophagus, nonspecific esophageal motility disorder, diffuse esophageal spasm and isolated hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter in 24%, 19%, 16% and 3% of patients, respectively. Ninety-six of 238 patients (40% experienced reproduction of their presenting angina-like chest pain during acid perfusion. In 80% of these patients there were associated esophageal motor abnormal ilies induced by the acid perfusion. Thirty-six of 212 (17% experienced pain reproduction following the injection of bethanechol; however, 16 of these had already had their presenting chest pain reproduced during the acid perfusion study. In two-thirds of the patients with pain reproduction following bechanechol there was an associated bethanechol-induced esophageal motility disorder. Overall 49% of patients had their pain reproduced during provocative testing. The acid perfusion test reproduced the pain much more frequently than bethanechol simulation. This study reaffirms the value of esophageal manometry and provocative testing in this group of patients.

  1. Electrical neuromodulation improves myocardial perfusion and ameliorates refractory angina pectoris in patients with syndrome X : fad or future?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jessurun, G; Hautvast, RWM; Tio, RA; DeJongste, M


    At present, there is no reliable antianginal drug therapy for patients with cardiac syndrome X. Therefore, the effect of electrical neuromodulation on refractory angina pectoris and myocardial perfusion in cardiac syndrome X was assessed. Eight patients (aged 55 +/- 7 years) with heterogeneous

  2. Effect of casemix funding on outcomes in patients admitted to hospital with suspected unstable angina. (United States)

    Kerr, G D; Dunt, D; Gordon, I R


    To determine the effect of the introduction of casemix funding on resource utilisation and clinical outcomes in patients admitted to hospital with suspected unstable angina. A prospective cohort study with a 6-month follow-up. A suburban community hospital in Melbourne, Victoria. 336 consecutive patients admitted to the coronary care unit with suspected unstable angina before (156) and after (180) the introduction of casemix funding. Introduction of casemix funding in July 1993. Indices of resource utilisation: length of stay in hospital, length of stay in the coronary care unit, and total cost of investigations (pathology and radiology). Rates of serious cardiac events during hospital stay and after discharge. Readmissions within 28 days and 6 months of discharge. After the introduction of casemix funding there was a 1% increase in duration of hospital stay and a 5% increase in time spent in the coronary care unit, but neither of these increases was statistically significant. However, there was a significant reduction in total cost of investigations (39% decrease; 95% confidence interval, 14%-70%; P Casemix funding had no effect on short term clinical outcomes but resulted in significantly reduced investigation costs.

  3. Economic evaluation of trimetazidine in the management of chronic stable angina in Greece


    Kourlaba, Georgia; Gourzoulidis, George; Andrikopoulos, George; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Beletsi, Alexandra; Maniadakis, Nikos


    Background To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of trimetazidine (TMZ) as add-on therapy to standard-of-care (SoC) compared to SoC alone in patients with chronic stable angina who did not respond adequately to first line therapy with b-blockers, nitrates or calcium channel antagonists in Greece. Methods A Markov model with 3-month cycles and 1-year time horizon was developed to assess the comparators. The analysis was conducted from a third-party payer perspective. The clinical inputs and utili...

  4. Esophageal Manometry with Provocative Testing in Patients with Noncardiac Angina-Like Chest Pain


    Paterson, William G; Marciano-D’Amore, Delia A; Beck, Ivan T; Da Costa, Laurington R


    In a five year period 238 of 594 esophageal manometric studies performed in the authors’ laboratory were done on patients whose major reason for referral was noncardiac angina-like chest pain. Standard eophageal manometry was performed followed by an acid-antacid perfusion period (Bernstein test) and then subcutaneous bethanechol (80 μg/kg to a maximum of 5 mg) was adminstered. Baseline manometry was normal in 38% of patients and was diagnostic of ‘nutcracker’ esophagus, nonspecific esophagea...

  5. Influence of nifedipine on left ventricular perfusion and function in patients with unstable angina: Evaluation with radionuclide techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wall, E.E. van der; Kerkkamp, H.J.; Simoons, M.L.; Rijk, P.P. van; Reiber, J.H.C.; Bom, N.; Lubsen, J.C.; Lie, K.I.


    In 1981, a large, double-blind, randomized trial was started in The Netherlands to evaluate the therapeutic effects of nifedipine and/or metoprolol in patients with unstable angina. This study has been called the Holland Interuniversity Nifedipine/metoprolol Trial (HINT) and required several hundred patients to establish potential therapeutic effects. From December 1982 to January 1984 the effects of nifedipine on left ventricular (LV) performance in a subgroup of 52 HINT patients were studied using radionuclide techniques. All patients (23 on nifedipine, 29 controls) underwent thallium-201 scintigraphy or radionuclide angiography just before and 48 h after the start of experimental medication. The radionuclide angiographic studies were also performed at 1 and 4 h after treatment. Nifedipine did not influence the incidence of disapperance of perfusion defects on the 48-h thallium images. No significant differences in overall LV ejections fraction (EF) were seen at any time between nifedipine-treated patients and controls. However, paired observations in 37 patients showed improvement of LVEF after 48 h in 8 patients on nifedipine and in only 1 control patient. Scintigraphic measurements on admission were not related to clinical outcome after 48 h. Concomitant administration of metoprolol did not influence LVEF in either group. It is concluded that nifedipine improves LVEF after 48 h in a subset of patients with unstable angina without affecting myocardial perfusion. This finding indicates that nifedipine has a predominant effect on afterload reduction in patients with unstable angina. Also, early scintigraphic measurements had no significant predictive value for subsequent cardiac events.

  6. The Neuromatrix Theory of Pain and Angina during Exercise Stress Testing: Results from the PIMI Study (United States)


    hypertension may be more likely to experience silent myocardial events (Kannel, Dannenberg, & Abbott , 1985). History of diabetes . History of diabetes may...OR=8.59, 95% CI=4.00-18.48) when adjusting for Angina and the Neuromatrix iv age, sex, history of diabetes , history of hypertension, history of...23 History of hypertension. ............................................................................................ 23 History of diabetes

  7. Unstable Angina with Normal Coronary Angiography in Hyperthyroidism: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tsung-Hsien Lin


    Full Text Available Hyperthyroidism is associated with an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption that, due to an imbalance of oxygen demand and supply, can cause angina. However, subclinical hyperthyroidism rarely presents as chest pain in the resting state. Herein, we present a case of subclinical hyperthyroidism involving a 58-year-old male who complained of frequent chest tightness and typical electrocardiographic changes while in a resting state. Coronary angiography showed no significant lesion. Laboratory data showed that the patient suffered from hyperthyroidism, for which he was successfully treated with anti-thyroid agents. We are reminded that typical chest pain might be the first symptom of hyperthyroidism.

  8. Information Needs in Relation to Physical Activity among Angina Patients before Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI at a Private Hospital in Penang, Malaysia

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    Ho Siew Eng


    Full Text Available Background: Episodes experienced by angina patients are potentially frightening and life threatening. Angina patients lack awareness regarding Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI as a prognostic benefit. Aim and Objectives: To identify the information needs in relation to physical activity among angina patients before PCI at a private hospital in Penang, Malaysia. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to July 2016; 150 respondents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited. A 16-item questionnaire related to physical limitations was adapted and modified from Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ. Results: The findings reported that majority of respondents (103; 69% possessed more than one co-morbidity, while 47respondents (31% single co-morbidity. Those with secondary level education showed (M=15.98, SD±6.14 while tertiary level education reported (M=16.61, SD±6.11, with no significant difference (t= -0.623, p= 0.534 between respondents' education level and physical activity. In terms of occupation, employed (M=15.58, SD±6.42 and unemployed (M=17.31, SD±5.52 also reported significant difference with (t= -1.70, p= 0.04. There was likewise a significant difference between respondents with single co-morbidity (M=18.09, SD±6.88 and multiple co-morbidity (M=15.46, SD± 5.58 with (t= 2.475, p= 0.01.However, there was no significant difference between respondents with previous admission and physical activity (t= 0.868, p= 0.387, as well as respondents' age group with physical activity (t=-0.675, p= 0.501.Conclusion: In conclusion, respondents' information needs regarding PCI are significantly associated with occupation and co-morbidity towards physical activity before PCI. Age, educational level and previous admission did not have any effect on respondents' physical activity before PCI.

  9. Percutaneous coronary revascularization in patients with formerly "refractory angina pectoris in end-stage coronary artery disease" – Not "end-stage" after all

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khattab Ahmed A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Patients with refractory angina pectoris in end-stage coronary artery disease represent a severe condition with a higher reduction of life-expectancy and quality of life as compared to patients with stable coronary artery disease. It was the purpose of this study to invasively re-evaluate highly symptomatic patients with formerly diagnosed refractory angina pectoris in end-stage coronary artery disease for feasible options of myocardial revascularization. Methods Thirty-four Patients formerly characterized as having end stage coronary artery disease with refractory angina pectoris were retrospectively followed for coronary interventions. Results Of those 34 patients 21 (61.8% were eventually revascularized with percutaneous interventional revascularization (PCI. Due to complex coronary morphology (angulation, chronic total occlusion PCI demanded an above-average amount of time (66 ± 42 minutes, range 25–206 minutes and materials (contrast media 247 ± 209 ml, range 50–750 ml; PCI guiding wires 2.0 ± 1.4, range 1–6 wires. Of PCI patients 7 (33.3% showed a new lesion as a sign of progression of atherosclerosis. Clinical success rate with a reduction to angina class II or lower was 71.4% at 30 days. Surgery was performed in a total of8 (23.5% patients with a clinical success rate of 62.5%. Based on an intention-to-treat 2 patients of originally 8 (25% demonstrated clinical success. Mortality during follow-up (1–18 months was 4.8% in patients who underwent PCI, 25% in patients treated surgically and 25% in those only treated medically. Conclusion The majority of patients with end-stage coronary artery disease can be treated effectively with conventional invasive treatment modalities. Therefore even though it is challenging and demanding PCI should be considered as a first choice before experimental interventions are considered.

  10. Virtual histology study of atherosclerotic plaque composition in patients with stable angina and acute phase of acute coronary syndromes without ST segment elevation

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    Ivanović Miloš


    Full Text Available Introduction. Rupture of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques is the cause of most acute coronary syndromes (ACS. Postmortem studies which compared stable coronary lesions and atherosclerotic plaques in patients who have died because of ACS indicated high lipid-core content as one of the major determinants of plaque vulnerability. Objective. Our primary goal was to assess the potential relations of plaque composition determined by IVUS-VH (Intravascular Ultrasound - Virtual Histology in patients with stable angina and subjects in acute phase of ACS without ST segment elevation. Methods. The study comprised of 40 patients who underwent preintervention IVUS examination. Tissue maps were reconstructed from radio frequency data using IVUS-VH software. Results. We analyzed 53 lesions in 40 patients. Stable angina was diagnosed in 24 patients (29 lesions, while acute phase of ACS without ST elevation was diagnosed in 16 patients (24 lesions. In the patients in acute phase of ACS without ST segment elevation IVUS-VH examination showed a significantly larger area of the necrotic core at the site of minimal lumen area and a larger mean of the necrotic core volume in the entire lesion comparing to stable angina subjects (1.84±0.90 mm2 vs. 0.96±0.69 mm2; p<0.001 and 20.94±15.79 mm3 vs. 11.54±14.15 mm3; p<0.05 respectively. Conclusion. IVUS-VH detected that the necrotic core was significantly larger in atherosclerotic lesions in patients in acute phase of ACS without ST elevation comparing to the stable angina subjects and that it could be considered as a marker of plaque vulnerability.

  11. Agnosia integrativa causada por una epilepsia focal occipital izquierda: estudio de caso

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    Óscar Mauricio Aguilar Mejía


    Full Text Available La agnosia integrativa es un tipo de agnosia visual asociada a lesiones occipitales bilaterales que se caracteriza por la incapacidad para identificar estímulos en fondos complejos, especialmente, cuando se trata de formas superpuestas o entrelazadas. Existen dificultades para codificar y agrupar el todo a partir de las partes del estímulo. Se presenta un caso de una paciente de 14 años, con una agnosia integrativa como consecuencia de una epilepsia focal sintomática refractaria, con un foco epileptogénico occipital izquierdo. Se plantean las características clínicas de la paciente y se hace un análisis de sus procesos de reconocimiento visual discutidos a partir de los diferentes modelos teóricos que tratan de explicar la percepción visual.


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    Camilo Andres Quintero G.


    Full Text Available Se caracterizaron químicamente cinco muestras de cromita de los municipios de Bello y San Pedro (Antioquia en forma semicuantitativa (Análisis Espectrográfico y cuantitativa (Absorción Atómica y Espectroscopia de Emisión con fuente de plasma de Acoplamiento Inductivo; la caracterización mineralógica de las muestras se realizó mediante DRX, ATG y ATD, Microscopía Óptica y Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido con análisis por microsonda SEM-EDS, Estos resultados muestran la factibilidad de utilizar las cromitas de estos sectores como materia prima refractaria por poseer características químicas similares a las cromitas de Cuba o Filipinas que se explotan en la actualidad.

  13. Angina pectoris em paciente com hipertireoidismo e coronárias angiograficamente normais Angina pectoris in patient with hyperthyroidism and normal angiography coronary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Ferri Casini


    Full Text Available A presença de angina pectoris em mulher pré-menopausa sem outros fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana, obriga-nos a descartar outras causas de lesão coronariana não aterosclerótica. A relação entre o hipertireoidismo e as alterações no sistema cardiovascular está bem estabelecida, contudo o hipertireoidismo responde por menos de 5% dos casos de dor torácica. Apresenta-se um caso de uma mulher, 47 anos, com sintomas de precordialgia típica e eletrocardiograma (ECG sugestivo de isquemia coronariana, mas sem alteração laboratorial sugestiva de lesão miocárdica. Anamnese, exame físico e resultados laboratoriais permitiram firmar o diagnóstico de hipertireoidismo. Investigação subseqüente com o cateterismo cardíaco não demonstrou lesões obstrutivas. Após tratamento com iodo radioativo e retorno ao eutireoidismo, a paciente manteve-se assintomática e o ECG e a cintilografia miocárdica foram negativos para isquemia. Esses resultados sugerem uma interação entre hiperatividade tireoidiana e isquemia miocárdica, tendo o hipertireoidismo como provável etiologia dos achados clínicos e eletrocardiográficos.In the presence of angina pectoris in a premenopausal woman without significant risk factors for coronary disease, we have to rule out other causes of coronary lesion of non atherosclerotic origin. The relations between hyperthyroidism and the cardiovascular system are well known, but hyperthyroidism is responsable for less than 5% of all causes of chest pain. We present a clinical case of a 47 year old woman with typical chest pain and eletrocardiogram (EKG suggesting coronary ischemia but with normal laboratory data. Anamnesis, clinical and the laboratory data confirmed the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. Further investigation showed a normal coronary angiography. After treatment with radioiodine and the establishment of euthyroidism, the patient remained asymptomatic and EKG and myocardial scintilography were

  14. Prognosis in medically stabilized unstable angina: Early Holter ST-segment monitoring compared with predischarge exercise thallium tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marmur, J.D.; Freeman, M.R.; Langer, A.; Armstrong, P.W.


    The objective of this study was to assess the relative value of invasive and noninvasive predictors of outcome in patients after unstable angina. Fifty-four patients with unstable angina who had 6-month follow-up after stabilization on medical therapy were evaluated. We prospectively compared 24-hour Holter ST-segment monitoring at admission, quantitative exercise thallium tomography, and cardiac catheterization 5 +/- 2 days after admission and analyzed their value for predicting a cardiac event in patients with unstable angina within 6 months. When patients with a favorable outcome (n = 40) were compared with patients with an unfavorable outcome (n = 11) no statistical difference was found in duration of ST shift of 1 mm or more on Holter monitoring (51 +/- 119 min compared with 37 +/- 43 min), exercise duration by the standard Bruce protocol (8.0 +/- 3.6 min compared with 7.9 +/- 3.1 min), exercise-induced ST depression (0.6 +/- 0.9 mm compared with 1.0 +/- 1.0 mm), and contrast left ventricular ejection fraction (70% +/- 10% compared with 69% +/- 15%). Patients with a favorable outcome were distinguished from those with an unfavorable outcome by a higher maximum rate-pressure product (24 x 10(3) +/- 6 x 10(3) compared with 18 x 10(3) +/- 7 x 10(3), P = 0.0025), smaller size of the reversible scintigraphic perfusion defect expressed as a percentage of total myocardium imaged (6% +/- 11% compared with 17% +/- 18%, P = 0.05) and a smaller number of vessels with stenosis of 50% or more (1.1 +/- 1.2 compared with 2.1 +/- 1.0, P = 0.01). On multiple logistic regression analysis, a history of previous myocardial infarction was the most powerful predictor of outcome. In patients without myocardial infarction, reversible exercise thallium perfusion defect size was the only predictor

  15. Exercise testing in patients with variant angina: results, correlation with clinical and angiographic features and prognostic significance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waters, D.D.; Szlachcic, J.; Bourassa, M.G.; Scholl, J.-M.; Theroux, P.


    Eighty-two patients with variant angina underwent a treadmill exercise test using 14 ECG leads, and 67 also underwent exercise thallium-201 scans. The test induced ST elevation in 25 patients (30%), ST depression in 21 (26%) and no ST-segment abnormality in 36 (44%). ST elevation during exercise occurred in the same ECG leads as during spontaneous attacks at rest, and was always associated with a large perfusion defect on the exercise thallium scan. In contrast, exercise-induced ST depression often did not occur in the leads that exhibited ST elevation during episodes at rest. The ST-segment response to exercise did not accurately predict coronary anatomy: Coronary stenoses greater than or equal to 70% were present in 14 of 25 patients (56%) with ST elevation, in 13 of 21 (62%) with ST depression and in 14 of 36 (39%) with no ST-segment abnormality (NS). However, the degree of disease activity did correlate with the result of the exercise test: ST elevation occurred during exercise in 11 of 14 patients who had an average of more than two spontaneous attacks per day, in 12 of 24 who had between two attacks per day and two per week, and in only two of 31 who had fewer than two attacks per week (p<0.005). ST elevation during exercise was reproducible in five of five patients retested during an active phase of their disease, but not in three of three patients who had been angina-free for a least 1 month before the repeat test. We conclude that in variant angina patients, the results of an exercise test correlate well with the degree of disease activity but not with coronary anatomy, and do not define a high-risk subgroup

  16. The effects of enhanced external counterpulsation on health-related quality of life in patients with angina pectoris (United States)

    Ziaeirad, Marzieh; Ziaei, Gholam Reza; Sadeghi, Narges; Motaghi, Minoo; Torkan, Behnaz


    Background: The complicated concept of quality of life (QOL) has been considered as an important criterion for health outcomes in chronic diseases, such as heart disease, in recent years. The aim of this study was to evaluate the QOL of patients with angina pectoris after treatment with enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP). Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 64 patients with angina pectoris undergoing EECP who came to Shahid Chamran and Sina Hospitals in Isfahan. Sampling was performed by the convenient method. Data were collected using a questionnaire containing socio-demographic and clinical data. A standard questionnaire called 36-item Short-Form Health Survey was also used. Questionnaires were completed through interviews and phone calls in three stages (before, immediately and three months after the treatment). The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, and standard deviation) and analytical statistics (paired t-test and repeated measures test) in SPSS11.5. Findings: The obtained results demonstrated that the majority of patients were men (59.4%) and aged 56-71 years. In addition, 57.8% had hypertension and 56.3% had hyperlipidemia. A history of myocardial infarction was found in 70.3% of the subjects and the familial history of coronary artery disease was detected in73.4%. Although QOL evaluations showed improvements in all subscales immediately and three months after the treatment, the changes were not statistically significant in case of general health, role limitations due to physical problems and role limitations due to mental problems Conclusions: Similar to previous research, this study showed QOL to improve in patients who undergo EECP. This improvement will remain stable three months after the treatment in all subscales. Therefore, EECP is an efficient noninvasive method in treating patients with angina pectoris and in developing their QOL. PMID:23493242

  17. Cardiac troponin T and CK-MB mass release after visually successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravkilde, J; Nissen, H; Mickley, H


    The incidence of cardiac troponin T (Tn-T) and creatine kinase (CK) isoenzyme MB mass release was studied in 23 patients with stable angina pectoris undergoing visually successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Serial blood samples were drawn for measurement of serum Tn...

  18. Psychometric properties of a specific quality of life questionnaire in angina pectoris patients. (United States)

    Marquis, P; Fayol, C; Joire, J E; Leplège, A


    This paper describes the psychometric properties of the French version of the APQLQ (Angina Pectoris Quality of Life Questionnaire), that is to say, scaling assumptions, reliability and validity. This disease-specific Swedish questionnaire provides a global score as well as four subscores measuring physical activities, somatic symptoms, emotional distress, and life satisfaction. The French version was produced according to the forward-backward translation methodology. In a cross-sectional study, 183 coronary patients filled out the APQLQ and the MOS (Medical Outcomes Study) SF-36; 170 sent it back; the rate of missing data was low (1.3%). The factorial structure and the high level of inter-scale correlations (> 0.60) suggested that the APQLQ measured one global concept rather than separate domains. The multitrait analysis identified one problematic item correlated strongly with all domains. The internal consistency was good (alpha Cronbach > 0.70). The correlations with the SF-36 scales were consistent with what was expected. The distribution of the scores of the APQLQ according to the clinical severity of Angina Pectoris (AP) was as hypothesized: the more severe the AP, the more impaired the Quality of Life. The score significantly discriminated between symptomatic (n = 110) and asymptomatic patients (n = 60) except for the emotional distress scale (p = 0.14). We recommend to analyze the French APQLQ as an index rather than as a profile. Its reliability, concurrent and clinical validity allowed its use in clinical trials.

  19. N-acetylcysteine modifies the acute effects of isosorbide-5-mononitrate in angina pectoris patients evaluated by exercise testing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup; Klarlund, K; Aldershvile, J


    Nitrates are well established in the treatment of angina pectoris and the presence of sulfhydryl groups seems to be fundamental to nitrate-induced vasodilatation. The present study was performed to elucidate if large oral doses of N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 2,400 mg X 2), a donor of sulfhydryl groups...

  20. Clinical and angiographic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction caused by vasospastic angina without organic coronary heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Pum-Joon; Seung, Ki-Bae; Kim, Dong-Bin


    Vasospastic angina (VA) can occasionally cause acute myocardial infarction (AMI). From January 2003 to June 2005, coronary spastic angina was diagnosed in 292 patients by performing spasm provocation tests. Among the 292 patients, 21 (7.2% of all the VA patients) had an AMI. There were 20 patients who initially visited the emergency room for AMI without suffering prior VA. One patient with a history of VA had an AMI when he discontinued his medication. Among the 21 VA patients with AMI, 14 had experienced severe emotional stress before they visited the emergency room. The spasm provocation test showed that the VA patients with AMI had more multivessel and diffuse spasm than the VA patients without AMI (p<0.001). Clinically, the VA patients with AMI usually had their first symptom of VA as the severe chest pain of AMI. Two-thirds of the VA patients with AMI had experienced emotional stress before their AMI. Angiographically, the spasm provocation test for VA patients with AMI showed more multivessel and diffuse spasm than in VA patients without AMI. (author)

  1. The effect of Danshen extract on lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 levels in patients with stable angina pectoris: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial - the DOLPHIN study. (United States)

    Chen, A-Di; Wang, Chun-Ling; Qin, Yang; Tian, Liang; Chen, Li-Bin; Yuan, Xiao-Ming; Ma, Lin-Xiu; Wang, Yu-Feng; Sun, Ji-Rong; Wang, Hao-Sen; Dai, Neng


    Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A 2 (Lp-PLA 2 ), a biomarker of oxidation and inflammation, has been associated with increased coronary artery disease risk. To date, very few studies have examined the Chinese herbal drug Danshen or its extract on Lp-PLA 2 in patients with stable angina pectoris. In this study, we aim to investigate the effect of Danshen extract on Lp-PLA 2 level in patients with stable angina. This is a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, adaptive clinical trial. A total of 156 patients meeting the eligibility criteria will be randomly assigned to either the Danshen extract (DanshenDuofensuanyan injection and Danshen drop spill) group or the placebo group in a 1:1 ratio. Participants will then undergo treatment with DanshenDuofensuanyan injection or placebo (glucose) during hospitalization, followed by open-label Danshen drop spill (30 pills/day) in Danshen extract group for 60 days after discharge. Because this is an adaptive trial, two interim analyses are prospectively planned. These will be performed after one-third and two-thirds of the patients, respectively, have completed the trial. On the basis of the results of these interim analyses, a data monitoring committee will determine how to modify aspects of the study without undermining the validity and integrity of the trial. The primary outcome measure is the serum level of Lp-PLA 2 in the Danshen extract group and the placebo group. The secondary outcomes include the proportion of patients who show a clinically significant change, which is defined as at least a 20-point improvement in angina frequency score on the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and the carotid intima-media thickness, which will be measured using ultrasound. Other secondary efficacy and safety outcomes will also be assessed. This study will provide evidence that Danshen extract is beneficial for stable angina and may establish a possible mechanism of Danshen treatment effects on cardiovascular disease. This

  2. Rest delayed images on 99mTc-MIBI myocardial SPECT as a noninvasive screen for the diagnosis of vasospastic angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Soichi; Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki; Takayama, Shin; Kurabe, Atsushi; Heito, Takayuki


    Diagnostic usefulness of 99m Tc-hexakis-2-methoxy isobutyl isonitrile (MIBI) myocardial SPECT at rest was examined in 39 cases of coronary vasospastic angina pectoris who were diagnosed by a positive reaction to ergonovine provocation. SPECT was performed 45 minutes (early image) and 3 hours (delayed image) after the intravenous injection of approximately 600 MBq of MIBI. Decrease in accumulation was ranked by four defect scores (0: normal; 1: slight decrease; 2: moderate decrease; 3: severe decrease) and the total defect score was evaluated semiquantitatively. The washout rate between the normal area and the spasm area was also evaluated quantitatively using bull's eye. As a result, 15 cases (15/39; 38.4%) showed decreased accumulation in the early image and 27 cases (27/39; 69.2%) showed decreased accumulation in the delayed image. All of the cases which showed decreased accumulation in the early image had decreased accumulation in the delayed image as well. In 6 cases (6/34; 17.6%) showed ST wave changes during exercise ECG and 16 cases (16/34: 47%) showed decreased accumulation in the exercise myocardial SPECT. The washout rate of MIBI in the decreased accumulation area was significantly higher than that of the normal area. Of 32 ergonovine induced vasospastic area, 23 areas (72%) exhibited decreased accumulation in the delayed image for the same area. Decreased accumulation in the delayed image in MIBI was due to the enhanced washout, which, in turn, indicated declined retention of MIBI by mitochondrial membrane. In coronary vasospastic angina pectoris, spasm induced ischemia was thought to have an effect on the mitochondria. This study suggested that even with a normal exercise ECG and exercise myocardial SPECT, there's a strong possibility of coronary vasospastic angina pectoris if a decreased accumulation was found in the delayed image in the MIBI myocardial SPECT at rest. Hence, in diagnosing coronary vasospastic angina pectoris, the delayed image in the

  3. Clinical outcome of patients treated with spinal cord stimulation for therapeutically refractory angina pectoris


    TenVaarwerk, I; Jessurun, G; DeJongste, M; Andersen, C; Mannheimer, C; Eliasson, T; Tadema, W; Staal, M


    OBJECTIVE—To determine morbidity and mortality characteristics in patients treated with electrical neuromodulation for refractory angina pectoris.
DESIGN—A retrospective multicentre study of patients treated with spinal cord stimulation between 1987 and 1997; 21 centres were contacted and 14 responded.
SETTING—Specialist centres worldwide.
PATIENTS—Questionnaires were returned on 517 patients, of whom 71% were male. One was lost to follow up. Mean (SD) age was 63.9 (10.1) years. Duration of a...

  4. Effects of spinal cord stimulation on myocardial blood flow assessed by positron emission tomography in patients with refractory angina pectoris

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hautvast, RWM; Blanksma, PK; DeJongste, MJL; Pruim, J; vanderWall, EE; Vaalburg, W; Lie, KI


    Spinal cord stimulation in angina pectoris increases exercise capacity and reduces both anginal attacks and ischemic electrocardiographic signs. This suggests an anti-ischemic action, perhaps through changes in myocardial blood flow. In 9 patients, regional myocardial blood flow was studied with

  5. Reduced 123I-BMIPP uptake implies decreased myocardial flow reserve in patients with chronic stable angina. (United States)

    Kageyama, Hiroyuki; Morita, Koichi; Katoh, Chietsugu; Tsukamoto, Takahiro; Noriyasu, Kazuyuki; Mabuchi, Megumi; Naya, Masanao; Kawai, Yuko; Tamaki, Nagara


    Long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) is the main energy source for normal myocardium at rest, but in ischemic myocardium, the main energy substrate shifts from LCFA to glucose. 123I-BMIPP is a radiolabeled LCFA analog. In chronic stable angina without previous infarction, we suppose that reduced 123I-BMIPP uptake is related to the substrate shift in myocardium with decreased myocardial flow reserve (MFR). The purpose of this study was to relate 123I-BMIPP uptake to rest myocardial blood flow (MBF), hyperemic MBF, and MFR assessed with 15O-water positron emission tomography (PET). We enrolled 21 patients with chronic stable angina without previous infarction, all of whom underwent 123I-BMIPP single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and 15O-water PET. The left ventricle was divided into 13 segments. In each segment, rest MBF and hyperemic MBF were measured by PET. 123I-BMIPP uptake was evaluated as follows: score 0=normal, 1=slightly decreased uptake, 2=moderately decreased uptake, 3=severely decreased uptake, and 4=complete defect. 123I-BMIPP uptake was compared with rest MBF, hyperemic MBF, and MFR. The numbers of segments with 123I-BMIPP scores 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 178, 40, 25, 24, and 0, respectively. The rest MBFs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 0.93+/-0.25, 0.86+/-0.21, 0.97+/-0.30, and 0.99+/-0.37 ml/min/g, respectively. The hyperemic MBFs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 2.76+/-1.29, 1.84+/-0.74, 1.37+/-0.39, and 1.08+/-0.40 ml/min/g, respectively. The MFRs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 3.01+/-1.38, 2.20+/-0.95, 1.44+/-0.22, and 1.10+/-0.26, respectively. As 123I-BMIPP uptake declined, hyperemic MBF and MFR decreased. In chronic stable angina without previous infarction, reduced 123I-BMIPP uptake implies decreased MFR.

  6. Reduced 123I-BMIPP uptake implies decreased myocardial flow reserve in patients with chronic stable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kageyama, Hiroyuki; Morita, Koichi; Katoh, Chietsugu; Mabuchi, Megumi; Tamaki, Nagara; Tsukamoto, Takahiro; Noriyasu, Kazuyuki; Naya, Masanao; Kawai, Yuko


    Long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) is the main energy source for normal myocardium at rest, but in ischemic myocardium, the main energy substrate shifts from LCFA to glucose. 123 I-BMIPP is a radiolabeled LCFA analog. In chronic stable angina without previous infarction, we suppose that reduced 123 I-BMIPP uptake is related to the substrate shift in myocardium with decreased myocardial flow reserve (MFR). The purpose of this study was to relate 123 I-BMIPP uptake to rest myocardial blood flow (MBF), hyperemic MBF, and MFR assessed with 15 O-water positron emission tomography (PET). We enrolled 21 patients with chronic stable angina without previous infarction, all of whom underwent 123 I-BMIPP single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and 15 O-water PET. The left ventricle was divided into 13 segments. In each segment, rest MBF and hyperemic MBF were measured by PET. 123 I-BMIPP uptake was evaluated as follows: score 0=normal, 1=slightly decreased uptake, 2=moderately decreased uptake, 3=severely decreased uptake, and 4=complete defect. 123 I-BMIPP uptake was compared with rest MBF, hyperemic MBF, and MFR. The numbers of segments with 123 I-BMIPP scores 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 178, 40, 25, 24, and 0, respectively. The rest MBFs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 0.93±0.25, 0.86±0.21, 0.97±0.30, and 0.99±0.37 ml/min/g, respectively. The hyperemic MBFs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 2.76±1.29, 1.84±0.74, 1.37±0.39, and 1.08±0.40 ml/min/g, respectively. The MFRs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 3.01±1.38, 2.20±0.95, 1.44±0.22, and 1.10±0.26, respectively. As 123 I-BMIPP uptake declined, hyperemic MBF and MFR decreased. In chronic stable angina without previous infarction, reduced 123 I-BMIPP uptake implies decreased MFR. (orig.)

  7. Ivabradine in combination with beta-blocker therapy for the treatment of stable angina pectoris in every day clinical practice. (United States)

    Koester, Ralf; Kaehler, Jan; Ebelt, Henning; Soeffker, Gerold; Werdan, Karl; Meinertz, Thomas


    The anti-anginal efficacy of the selective I(f) inhibitor ivabradine has been demonstrated in controlled clinical trials. However, there is limited information about the safety and efficacy of a combined treatment of ivabradine with beta-blockers, particularly outside of clinical trials in every day practice. This analysis from the REDUCTION study evaluated the safety and efficacy of a combined therapy of beta-blockers and ivabradine in every day practice. In this multi-center study 4,954 patients with stable angina pectoris were treated with ivabradine in every day routine practice and underwent a clinical follow-up for 4 months. 344 of these patients received a co-medication with beta-blockers. Heart rate (HR), angina pectoris episodes, nitrate consumption, overall efficacy and tolerance were analyzed. After 4 months of treatment with ivabradine HR was reduced by 12.4 ± 11.6 bpm from 84.3 ± 14.6 to 72.0 ± 9.9 bpm, p every day practice.

  8. Percutaneous Device to Narrow the Coronary Sinus : Shifting Paradigm in the Treatment of Refractory Angina? A Review of the Literature

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benedetto, Daniela; Abawi, Masieh; Stella, Pieter R; Nijhoff, Freek; Lakemeier, Maxime D M; Kortlandt, Friso; Doevendans, Pieter A; Agostoni, Pierfrancesco


    Refractory angina pectoris is defined as a chronic debilitating condition characterized by the presence of chronic anginal symptoms due to a severe obstructive and/or diffuse coronary artery disease that cannot be controlled by the combination of medical therapy and/or revascularization

  9. Estrategias para mejorar la visualización de lesiones en pacientes con epilepsia refractaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. Gálvez M. Marcelo


    Las imágenes durante la cirugía permiten la integración de toda la información, que puede ser de ayuda para la determinación de los límites de la resección y localización de las áreas elocuentes. La ecografía intraoperatoria muchas veces es muy útil para determinar la extensión de las lesiones.

  10. The Efficacy of Danshen Injection as Adjunctive Therapy in Treating Angina Pectoris: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Shao, Huikai; Li, Mengsi; Chen, Fuchao; Chen, Lianghua; Jiang, Zhengjin; Zhao, Lingguo


    During the last 40 years, Danshen injection has been widely used as an adjunctive therapy for angina pectoris in China, but its efficacy is not yet well defined. The objective of this study was to verify the efficacy of Danshen injection as adjunctive therapy in treating angina pectoris. The major databases including PubMed, Cochrane Library, Sino-Med, Medline, Embase, Google Scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Databases, Chinese Scientific Journal Database, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database and the Chinese Science Citation Database were systematically searched for the published randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on Danshen injection until April 2016. Meta-analysis was conducted on the primary outcomes (i.e., the improvements in symptoms and electrocardiography (ECG)). The quality of the included RCTs was evaluated with the M scoring system (the refined Jadad scale). Based on the quality, year of publication and sample size of RCTs, sensitivity analysis and subgroup analysis were performed in this study. Ten RCTs, including 944 anginal patients, were identified in this meta-analysis. Compared with using antianginal agents (β-blockers, calcium antagonists, nitrates, etc.) alone, Danshen injection combined with antianginal agents had a better therapeutic effect in symptom improvement (odds ratio [OR], 3.66; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.50-5.36) and in ECG improvement (OR, 3.25; 95% CI: 1.74-6.08). This study showed that Danshen injection as adjunctive therapy seemed to be more effective than antianginal agents alone in treating angina pectoris. However, more evidence is needed to accurately evaluate the efficacy of Danshen injection because of the low methodological quality of the included RCTs. Copyright © 2017 Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS) and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Impact of Clinical Presentation (Stable Angina Pectoris vs Unstable Angina Pectoris or Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction vs ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) on Long-Term Outcomes in Women Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Drug-Eluting Stents. (United States)

    Giustino, Gennaro; Baber, Usman; Stefanini, Giulio Giuseppe; Aquino, Melissa; Stone, Gregg W; Sartori, Samantha; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Wijns, William; Smits, Pieter C; Jeger, Raban V; Leon, Martin B; Windecker, Stephan; Serruys, Patrick W; Morice, Marie-Claude; Camenzind, Edoardo; Weisz, Giora; Kandzari, David; Dangas, George D; Mastoris, Ioannis; Von Birgelen, Clemens; Galatius, Soren; Kimura, Takeshi; Mikhail, Ghada; Itchhaporia, Dipti; Mehta, Laxmi; Ortega, Rebecca; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Valgimigli, Marco; Kastrati, Adnan; Chieffo, Alaide; Mehran, Roxana


    The long-term risk associated with different coronary artery disease (CAD) presentations in women undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stents (DES) is poorly characterized. We pooled patient-level data for women enrolled in 26 randomized clinical trials. Of 11,577 women included in the pooled database, 10,133 with known clinical presentation received a DES. Of them, 5,760 (57%) had stable angina pectoris (SAP), 3,594 (35%) had unstable angina pectoris (UAP) or non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and 779 (8%) had ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) as clinical presentation. A stepwise increase in 3-year crude cumulative mortality was observed in the transition from SAP to STEMI (4.9% vs 6.1% vs 9.4%; p clinical presentations. After multivariable adjustment, STEMI was independently associated with greater risk of 3-year mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 3.45; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.99 to 5.98; p clinical spectrum of CAD, STEMI was associated with a greater risk of long-term mortality. Conversely, the adjusted risk of mortality between UAP or NSTEMI and SAP was similar. New-generation DESs provide improved long-term clinical outcomes irrespective of the clinical presentation in women. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  12. Non-invasive diagnostic workup of patients with suspected stable angina by combined computed tomography coronary angiography and magnetic resonance perfusion imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirschbaum, S.W.; Nieman, K.; Springeling, T.


    The background of this study was to evaluate additional adenosine magnetic resonance perfusion (MRP) imaging in the diagnostic workup of patients with suspected stable angina with computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) as first-line diagnostic modality. Two hundred and thirty symptomatic patients (male, 52%; age, 56 year) with suspected stable angina underwent CTCA. In patients with a stenosis of >50% as visually assessed, MRP was performed and the quantitative myocardial perfusion reserve index (MPRI) was calculated. Coronary flow reserve (CFR) using invasive coronary flow measurements served as the standard of reference. CTCA showed non-significant coronary artery disease (CAD) in 151/230 (66%) patients and significant CAD in 79/230 patients (34%), of whom 50 subsequently underwent MRP and CFR. MRP showed reduced perfusion in 32 patients (64%), which was confirmed by CFR in 27 (84%). All 18 cases of normal MRP (36%) were confirmed by CFR. The positive likelihood ratio of MRP for the presence of functional significant disease in patients with a lesion on CTCA was 4.49 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.12-9.99). The negative likelihood ratio was 0.05 (95% CI 0.01-0.34). CTCA as first-line diagnostic modality excluded coronary artery disease in a high percentage of patients referred for diagnostic workup of suspected stable angina. MRP made a significant contribution to the detection of functional significant lesions in patients with a positive CTCA. (author)

  13. Localization of Coronary High-Intensity Signals on T1-Weighted MR Imaging: Relation to Plaque Morphology and Clinical Severity of Angina Pectoris. (United States)

    Matsumoto, Kenji; Ehara, Shoichi; Hasegawa, Takao; Sakaguchi, Mikumo; Otsuka, Kenichiro; Yoshikawa, Junichi; Shimada, Kenei


    This study sought to investigate the relationship between localization of high-intensity signals (HISs) on T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) with the noncontrast magnetic resonance technique and plaque morphology detected on optical coherence tomography, and the clinical severity of angina pectoris. Since the introduction of the T1WI noncontrast magnetic resonance technique for plaque imaging, some groups have reported that HISs in the coronary artery on T1WI are associated with a vulnerable morphology and future cardiac events. However, the association between the localization of HISs, such as coronary intrawall or intraluminal, and plaque morphology has not been investigated. One hundred lesions with either stable or unstable angina were included and divided into 3 groups according to the following criteria using T1WI. First, the plaques with the ratio between the signal intensities of coronary plaque and cardiac muscle ≤1.0 were classified as non-HISs (n = 39). Then, HISs with the ratio between the signal intensities of coronary plaque and cardiac muscle >1.0 were classified into 2 types by using cross-sectional T1WI. Those localized within the coronary wall when the lumen was identified were defined as intrawall HISs (n = 37), whereas those occupying the lumen when the lumen was not, or even if only partly, identified, were defined as intraluminal HISs (n = 24). Multivariate analysis revealed that intrawall HISs were associated with macrophage accumulation and the absence of calcification assessed by using optical coherence tomography. In contrast, thrombus and intimal vasculature were independent factors associated with intraluminal HISs. Furthermore, 50% of patients with intraluminal HISs experienced rest angina, such as Braunwald class II or III. This study shows that intrawall and intraluminal HISs on T1WI in patients with angina are related to the different types of vulnerable plaque morphology and the clinical severity. Copyright © 2015 American College of

  14. Blood rheology of angina pectoris patients with myocardial injury after ischemia reperfusion and its effect on thromboxane B2 levels. (United States)

    Wang, Wenlong; Huang, Xiaohui; Sun, Yiyong; Zhang, Jinying


    This study investigated the changes in the blood rheology of patients with angina pectoris and ischemia reperfusion injury and their effect on thromboxane B 2 (TXB 2 ) levels to examine their relationship. Forty patients with unstable angina pectoris who underwent elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were selected for the unstable angina group (UA group) and forty patients deemed free of coronary heart disease by coronary angiography were selected for the control group. Venous blood samples were drawn from all participants; patients in the UA group had blood drawn 1 day before and 1 day after the PCI procedure. Blood samples were used to analyze blood rheology and examine hemodynamic parameters, at the same time radioimmunoassay was applied to measure the concentrations of serum endothelin-1 (ET-1) and TXB 2 , and an automatic biochemical analyzer was used to detect the content of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Our results showed the patients in the UA group all presented hyperviscosity; however the levels were higher for the patients in the UA group (after surgery) than for those in the UA group (before surgery). Patients in the control group exhibited normal levels, and the differences among groups were significant in pairwise comparisons (Pangina pectoris and ischemia reperfusion injury. The higher than normal TXB 2 levels can be used as a marker of platelet activation and a reference for clinical risk stratification, thus having great significance for the prevention and treatment of ischemia reperfusion injury and assessment of disease progression.

  15. Peripheral Endothelial Function and Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve Are Not Associated in Women with Angina and No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flintholm Raft, Kristoffer; Frestad, Daria; Michelsen, Marie Mide


    PURPOSE: We investigated whether impaired flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and plasma biomarkers reflecting endothelial dysfunction are associated with coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) in women with angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Patients (n = 194) were rand...

  16. The effects of lidoflazine on exercise performance and thallium stress scintigraphy in patients with stable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shapiro, W.; Narahara, K.A.; Park, J.


    Lidoflazine is a synthetic drug with calcium-channel blocking effects. In a 7-month study, 36 patients with stable angina pectoris were tested during a 3-month single-blind placebo phase. Nineteen were then randomized by double-blind methods to lidoflazine and 17 to placebo therapy. The lidoflazine group had a significant (p < 0.01) reduction in anginal attacks; the placebo group did not. Exercise testing demonstrated that lidoflazine therapy was associated with a 34% increase in total work performance and a 15.6% increase in peak calculated oxygen uptake during double-blind treatment (both p < 0.004 compared with the placebo group). Heart rate was significantly reduced at submaximal levels of exercise during lidoflazine therapy (p < 0.04). Nitroglycerin consumption and electrocardiographic changes at the end of exercise did not change during the double-blind phase. In a second study of six similar patients, single-blind administration of lidoflazine was associated with improved myocardial perfusion during exercise as determined by thallium-201 stress scintigraphy. These studies demonstrate that lidoflazine therapy is associated with relief of angina, an increased physical work capacity, and improved regional myocardial perfusion during exercise

  17. The effects of lidoflazine on exercise performance and thallium stress scintigraphy in patients with stable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shapiro, W.; Narahara, K.A.; Park, J.


    Lidoflazine is a synthetic drug with calcium-channel blocking effects. In a 7-month study, 36 patients with stable angina pectoris were tested during a 3-month single-blind placebo phase. Nineteen were then randomized by double-blind methods to lidoflazine and 17 to placebo therapy. The lidoflazine group had a significant (p less than 0.01) reduction in anginal attacks; the placebo group did not. Exercise testing demonstrated that lidoflazine therapy was associated with a 34% increase in total work performance and a 15.6% increase in peak calculated oxygen uptake during double-blind treatment (both p less than 0.004 compared with the placebo group). Heart rate was significantly reduced at submaximal levels of exercise during lidoflazine therapy (p less than 0.04). Nitroglycerin consumption and electrocardiographic changes at the end of exercise did not change during the double-blind phase. In a second study of six similar patients, single-blind administration of lidoflazine was associated with improved myocardial perfusion during exercise as determined by thallium-201 stress scintigraphy. These studies demonstrate that lidoflazine therapy is associated with relief of angina, an increased physical work capacity, and improved regional myocardial perfusion during exercise

  18. Effect of trimetazidine on recurrent angina pectoris and left ventricular structure in elderly multivessel coronary heart disease patients with diabetes mellitus after drug-eluting stent implantation: a single-centre, prospective, randomized, double-blind study at 2-year follow-up. (United States)

    Xu, Xiaohan; Zhang, Weijun; Zhou, Yujie; Zhao, Yingxin; Liu, Yuyang; Shi, Dongmei; Zhou, Zhiming; Ma, Hanying; Wang, Zhijian; Yu, Miao; Ma, Qian; Gao, Fei; Shen, Hua; Zhang, Jianwei


    Trimetazidine has been shown to improve angina pectoris and left ventricular (LV) function in diabetic patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of trimetazidine on recurrent angina pectoris and LV structure after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation in elderly multivessel coronary heart disease (CHD) patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of ≥ 50 %. This was a single-centre, prospective, randomized, double-blind evaluation study. Between January 2010 and September 2010, 700 CHD patients with DM who were aged ≥ 65 years and undergoing coronary angiography at An Zhen Hospital (Beijing, China) were recruited and prospectively randomized to receive trimetazidine (20 mg three times daily) or placebo after DES implantation as an addition to conventional CHD treatment. The primary end points were the incidence of recurrent angina pectoris and measures of various echocardiographic parameters, which included LVEF. At 2-year follow-up, patients in the trimetazidine group (n = 255) showed significant improvements in the incidence (P = 0.024) and severity of angina pectoris, compared with the control group, as well as silent myocardial ischaemia (P = 0.009) and angina pectoris-free survival (P = 0.011). LV function and structure in trimetazidine-treated patients were relatively stable at 2-year follow-up, while they deteriorated in the control group (n = 255) with a significant difference between groups (all P angina pectoris as well as LV function and structure in elderly multivessel CHD patients with DM.

  19. Registro identitario de la memoria: políticas de la memoria e identidad nacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan David Villa Gómez


    sido débiles, se ha apelado a la memoria como una forma de construir identidades refractarias a la solución política del conflicto armado, algunas de carácter victimista que intentan mantener y legitimar un statu quo y unas formas de dominación política instauradas desde la Independencia. Con base en estas experiencias, se plantean algunas conclusiones generales y propositivas del carácter político e ideológico de la memoria y la necesidad de abrirse a otros usos que permitan transformaciones sociales, una mayor democracia y la construcción de paz.

  20. Tissue Doppler echocardiography improves the diagnosis of coronary artery stenosis in stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann, Soren; Jensen, Jan Skov; Iversen, Allan Zeeberg


    Aim To determine if colour tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) performed at rest in patients with suspected stable angina pectoris (SAP) is able to predict the presence of significant coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS AND RESULTS: This study comprises 296 consecutive patients with clinically...... by colour TDI at six mitral annular sites and averaged to provide global estimates. Duke score (DS), including ST depression, chest pain, and exercise capacity, was used as the outcome of the exercise ECG. Patients with an area stenosis of ≥70% in at least one epicardial coronary artery were categorized...

  1. Correlation between Serum High Sensitivity CRP Level and Inhospital Cardiac Events in the Patients with Unstable Angina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Kazerani


    Full Text Available Introduction & Objective: Several studies have been performed to evaluate correlation of serum high sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP level with the prognosis of the patients with diagnosis of unstable angina, and by now different results were reported. The aim of this study was to assess correlation between serum hs-CRP level and inhospital prognosis and cardiac events in the patients with unstable angina. Materials & Methods: This descriptive analytic study was performed from Sep 2004 till Feb 2006 in Shahid Beheshti hospital. Kermanshah, Iran. Sera were collected from 250 patients for hs-CRP measurement. Exclusion criteria were: acute ST elevation MI, non ST elevation MI, patients with history of recent infection, patients with recent trauma and patients with serum high sensitive CRP level more than 10 mg/lit. Patients were divided into two groups, first group whose serum hs-CRP level was less than 3 mg/lit and second group whose serum hs-CRP level was between 3 and 10 mg/lit. They were followed for recurrent chest pain, arrhythmias, pulmonary edema, acute myocardial infarction and in hospital death. Results were analyzed using x² and t-test. Results: Mean age were 57±7.8 and 58±11.5 years in first group and second group respectively. There was statistically significant difference in some cardiac complications such as dyspnea, duration of hospitalization, recurrent chest pain, CCU admission (p<0.001 and in hospital myocardial infarction (p=0.03, between two groups. Some complications did not have significant difference such as pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, arrhythmia, S3, S4 and pulmonary rates .There was no mortality in both groups. Conclusion: According to the results, we can use serum hs-CRP level for risk stratification in the patients with diagnosis of unstable angina. Obviously the patients with high serum hs-CRP level need more attention whether early invasive management help these patients, may be the matter of later studies.

  2. Reduced {sup 123}I-BMIPP uptake implies decreased myocardial flow reserve in patients with chronic stable angina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kageyama, Hiroyuki; Morita, Koichi; Katoh, Chietsugu; Mabuchi, Megumi; Tamaki, Nagara [Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Sapporo (Japan); Tsukamoto, Takahiro; Noriyasu, Kazuyuki; Naya, Masanao [Hokkaido University, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Sapporo (Japan); Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Sapporo (Japan); Kawai, Yuko [Hokko Memorial Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Sapporo (Japan)


    Long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) is the main energy source for normal myocardium at rest, but in ischemic myocardium, the main energy substrate shifts from LCFA to glucose. {sup 123}I-BMIPP is a radiolabeled LCFA analog. In chronic stable angina without previous infarction, we suppose that reduced {sup 123}I-BMIPP uptake is related to the substrate shift in myocardium with decreased myocardial flow reserve (MFR). The purpose of this study was to relate {sup 123}I-BMIPP uptake to rest myocardial blood flow (MBF), hyperemic MBF, and MFR assessed with {sup 15}O-water positron emission tomography (PET). We enrolled 21 patients with chronic stable angina without previous infarction, all of whom underwent {sup 123}I-BMIPP single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and {sup 15}O-water PET. The left ventricle was divided into 13 segments. In each segment, rest MBF and hyperemic MBF were measured by PET. {sup 123}I-BMIPP uptake was evaluated as follows: score 0=normal, 1=slightly decreased uptake, 2=moderately decreased uptake, 3=severely decreased uptake, and 4=complete defect. {sup 123}I-BMIPP uptake was compared with rest MBF, hyperemic MBF, and MFR. The numbers of segments with {sup 123}I-BMIPP scores 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 178, 40, 25, 24, and 0, respectively. The rest MBFs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 0.93{+-}0.25, 0.86{+-}0.21, 0.97{+-}0.30, and 0.99{+-}0.37 ml/min/g, respectively. The hyperemic MBFs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 2.76{+-}1.29, 1.84{+-}0.74, 1.37{+-}0.39, and 1.08{+-}0.40 ml/min/g, respectively. The MFRs for scores 0, 1, 2, and 3 were 3.01{+-}1.38, 2.20{+-}0.95, 1.44{+-}0.22, and 1.10{+-}0.26, respectively. As {sup 123}I-BMIPP uptake declined, hyperemic MBF and MFR decreased. In chronic stable angina without previous infarction, reduced {sup 123}I-BMIPP uptake implies decreased MFR. (orig.)

  3. Dermatitis atópica psoriasiforme en edad pediátrica

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    Yordania Velázquez Ávila


    Full Text Available La dermatitis atópica es una dermatosis reaccional crónica recidivante, con afectación del sistema inmune en individuos predispuestos genéticamente. Es multifactorial y por lo general se manifiesta en la infancia. En ocasiones se presenta con características semejantes a otras entidades dermatológicas. Al servicio de dermatología del hospital pediátrico Mártires de Las Tunas acudió una paciente en edad pre-escolar, con manifestaciones clínicas atípicas que simulaba otras dermatosis eritematoescamosas; la mamá refería desconocer si existían antecedentes familiares de atopía; con tendencia a la cronicidad y refractaria al uso de corticoesteroides tópicos. Se realizó el estudio histopatológico, se observaron elementos compatibles con una dermatitis atópica variedad psoriasiforme. En este caso la dermatitis atópica se presentó de forma atípica, siendo ésta la motivación de su presentación. Para el tratamiento se utilizó inmunoterapia, se logró mejoría clínica de las lesiones

  4. Diferencias en las características clínicas y en la evolución intrahospitalaria entre la angina inestable primaria y secundaria en ancianos

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    Mariano A. Giorgi


    Full Text Available IntroducciónLa angina inestable (AI se clasifica en primaria (AP y secundaria (AS sobre la base de la presencia o no de causas secundarias de isquemia. Estas condiciones son frecuentes en los ancianos y podrían influir en su pronóstico.ObjetivoEl presente trabajo se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de evaluar las características clínicas y la evolución intrahospitalaria de ancianos con AI primaria y secundaria.Material y métodosSe registraron 298 ancianos (edad ≥ 75 años con diagnóstico final de AI. La muestra se dividió, según la presencia de causas secundarias de isquemia (anemia, taquicardia, hipertensión no controlada, infección, hipertiroidismo, en dos grupos: AS y AP. Secompararon antecedentes, características clínicas al ingreso, tratamientos, procedimientos y la ocurrencia de muerte y muerte o infarto en la fase intrahospitalaria. Se identificaronpredictores univariados de mala evolución.ResultadosCincuenta y dos pacientes (17,45% tenían AS y 246 (82,5% padecían AP. Los pacientes con AS eran más añosos y tenían mayores registros de tensión arterial y de frecuencia cardíaca al ingreso. El tratamiento médico, la cinecoronariografía y la revascularización se utilizaron menos en el grupo AS. La mortalidad (7,7% versus 6,9% [p = 1,00; OR (IC 95 = 1,12 (0,36-3,48] AS y AP, respectivamente y la combinación de muerte o infarto (7,7% versus 9,7%[p = 0,79; OR (CI 95 = 0,77 (0,25-2,32] AS y AP, respectivamente fueron similares. Los predictores univariados de muerte o infarto fueron infradesnivel del ST y desarrollo de insuficiencia cardíaca para ambos grupos y la refractariedad y necesidad de coronariografía y revascularización para el grupo AP. ConclusiónLa AS es una causa común de isquemia en los ancianos y, pese a que requiere un manejo diferente, orientado a su etiología, tiene un pronóstico similar al de la AP.

  5. Comparing systems for costing hospital treatments. The case of stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Larsen, Jytte; Skjoldborg, Ulla Slothuus


    This paper demonstrates the basic properties in the systems most commonly considered for costing treatments in the Danish hospitals. The differences between the traditional charge system, the DRG system and the ABC system are analysed, and difficulties encountered in comparing these systems are discussed. A sample of patients diagnosed with stable angina pectoris (SAP) at Odense University Hospital was used to compare the three systems when costing an entire treatment path, costing single hospitalisations and studying the effects of length of stay. Furthermore, it is illustrated that the main idea behind each system is reflected in how the systems over- or underestimate costs. Implications when managing the hospitals, particularly reimbursement, are discussed.

  6. Comparison of antianginal efficacy of nifedipine and isosorbide dinitrate in chronic stable angina: a long-term, randomized, double-blind, crossover study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, C.S.; Coplin, B.; Wellington, K.


    Using a double-blind, crossover design, the comparative efficacy and safety of nifedipine and isosorbide dinitrate in the treatment of stable angina were studied in 34 patients. The study included a 2-week placebo washout period and two 6-week periods during which patients were randomized to either nifedipine or isosorbide dinitrate. The doses were titrated for each patient, and mean doses of the 2 drugs were comparable. A time-limited thallium treadmill test was performed at the end of each phase. Ischemic zone count rates were normalized to those of the nonischemic zone, and the change in this ratio with redistribution was calculated as reversible thallium defect. Two patients were discontinued from the study within 1 week after initiation of isosorbide dinitrate because of severe, intolerable headache. Two patients were withdrawn while receiving nifedipine: one had new congestive heart failure and the other had increasing angina. Of the remaining 30 patients who tolerated both drugs for at least 1 week, 4 patients from the isosorbide dinitrate group were either prematurely crossed over or discontinued from the study because of headache. One patient suffered headache from both drugs and was discontinued from the study. In the 30 patients, only nifedipine significantly reduced resting arterial pressure compared with baseline. Further, only nifedipine therapy resulted in significant decreases in the rate-pressure product and systolic pressure at a given workload. However, significant decreases in angina frequency, nitroglycerin consumption and exercise-induced maximum ST-segment depression and reversible thallium perfusion defect were produced by both nifedipine and isosorbide dinitrate

  7. Economic evaluation of trimetazidine in the management of chronic stable angina in Greece. (United States)

    Kourlaba, Georgia; Gourzoulidis, George; Andrikopoulos, George; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Beletsi, Alexandra; Maniadakis, Nikos


    To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of trimetazidine (TMZ) as add-on therapy to standard-of-care (SoC) compared to SoC alone in patients with chronic stable angina who did not respond adequately to first line therapy with b-blockers, nitrates or calcium channel antagonists in Greece. A Markov model with 3-month cycles and 1-year time horizon was developed to assess the comparators. The analysis was conducted from a third-party payer perspective. The clinical inputs and utility values were extracted from the published literature. Resource consumption data were obtained from local experts, using a questionnaire developed for the purpose of the study and were combined with unit cost data (in €2016) obtained from official sources. Cost effectiveness was assessed by calculating the incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER). Probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) was performed to account for uncertainty and variation in the input parameters of the model. The analysis showed that the cost of TMZ plus SoC was €1755.57 versus €1751.76 of SoC alone. In terms of health outcomes, TMZ plus SoC was associated with 0.6650 QALYs versus 0.6562 QALYs for SoC alone. The incremental analysis resulted in an ICER of €430.67 per QALY gained. PSA revealed that the probability of TMZ plus SoC being cost-effective over SoC was 89 %, at a threshold of €34,000 per QALY gained. The results indicate that TMZ as add -on treatment may be a highly cost-effective option for the symptomatic treatment of patients with chronic stable angina in Greece relative to SoC alone.

  8. Psychophysical rehabilitation aspects of patient with coronary heart disease and Angina.

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    Mohammed Ali Khaleel.


    Full Text Available It is analyzed scientific and methodological literature, considered the views of scientists on the link of stress and cardiovascular diseases. It is determined causes of stress, with recommendations for combating stress and its prevention. A program of rehabilitation for patients with coronary artery disease after hospital discharge is shown. The experiment involved 88 patients of coronary heart disease and angina, II and III functional class at the age of 40-65 years. Participants were divided into two groups the main and control. The control group performed a program of physical rehabilitation, including breathing and physical exercises, in the program we have added to the main group autogenic exercises. At the end the experiment revealed that the health indicators of main group better than the control group in 23%.

  9. Relevance of 123I-BMIPP delayed scintigraphic imaging for patients with angina pectoris ? a pilot study


    Koyama, Kohei; Akashi, Yoshihiro J.; Kida, Keisuke; Suzuki, Kengo; Ishibashi, Yuki; Musha, Haruki; Banach, Maciej


    Introduction The study was designed to clarify the role of 123I-?-methyl-iodophenylpentadecanoic acid (123I-BMIPP) in the evaluation of myocardial fatty acid metabolism in patients with stable angina pectoris (AP) before and after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Material and methods Ten controls (mean age: 70.4 ?10.5 years) and 12 patients with AP (mean age: 67.4 ?11.6 years) and single vessel coronary artery disease participated in the radionuclide cardiac study. Scintigraphic imag...

  10. A Giant Verrucous Carcinoma of the Penis Presenting with Urinary Sepsis and Angina

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    Michael Nomikos


    Full Text Available Penile verrucous carcinoma also known as Buschke-Löwenstein tumor in the genital region is an uncommon variant of penile carcinoma exhibiting slow, expansive growth. We present a case of a 63-year-old male who presented with a giant purulent penile mass causing urinary sepsis and angina. Regional lymph nodes were clinically negative and staging with CT scans of thorax and abdomen did not show any signs of lymph node or distant metastases. After resuscitation, radical penectomy was performed and a perineal urethrostomy was created. Histological examination revealed a Buschke-Löwenstein tumor of the penis with no invasion of corpus cavernosum and urethra.

  11. Prevalência de angina do peito pelo questionário de Rose na população brasileira: análise da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2013


    Paulo Andrade Lotufo; Deborah Carvalho Malta; Celia Landmann Szwarcwald; Sheila Rizzato Stopa; Maria Lucia Vieira; Isabela Martins Bensenor


    RESUMO: Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de angina do peito na população adulta brasileira com a aplicação do questionário de Rose para angina na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS-2013). Métodos: Inquérito populacional representativo da população brasileira acima de 18 anos de idade, com amostragem probabilística conglomerada em três estágios. Foram obtidos registros de entrevistas de 60.202 indivíduos no território nacional. Apresentou-se ao entrevistado o questionário de Rose curto com três ...

  12. Predictive value of depression and anxiety for long-term mortality: differences in outcome between acute coronary syndrome and stable angina pectoris

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jager, Tom A. J.; Dulfer, Karolijn; Radhoe, Sumant; Bergmann, Michael J.; Daemen, Joost; van Domburg, Ron T.; Lenzen, Mattie J.; Utens, Elisabeth M. W. J.


    Since the early 2000s the treatment of choice for an acute myocardial infarction has moved from thrombolytic therapy to primary PCI (pPCI). As a result, the majority of patients undergoing PCI shifted from stable angina pectoris (SA) to acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Additionally the previously

  13. Clinical evaluation of efonidipine hydrochloride in angina pectoris. Evaluation in exercise 201Tl myocardial scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hori, Masatsugu; Nishimura, Tsunehiko


    Clinical usefulness of once-daily administration of 20 to 60 mg of efonidipine hydrochloride and coronary hemodynamics during exercise 201 Tl myocardial scintigraphy were investigated in patients with angina pectoris. Out of 11 patients enrolled in this study, 9 patients were included in the evaluation of patients' impression, in improvement rating in subjective symptoms, in the analysis of the exercise test, in the improvement rating of images on 201 Tl myocardial scintigraphy, and in the global improvement rating, while 10 patients were included in the overall safety rating. Four patients in improvement rating in subjective symptoms, 2 in improving rating in the exercise test, and 5 in the global improvement rating were rated 'improved' or better. In the improvement rating on the exercise 201 Tl myocardial scintigraphy image, reduction of the image was observed in 5 patients, 3 out of which were evaluated as 'improved' or better. A distinctive reduction of ischemic regions was observed in 2 patients out of the 3. A significant decrease in the number of angina pectoris events and a decreasing tendency in consumption of fast-acting nitrates were observed in spite of the low number of the patients studied. An adverse effect was observed in 1 patient and abnormal laboratory values were observed in 2 patients which were improved promptly after withdrawal of the drug. It was in 7 patients evaluated as 'no problem', while in 4 patients it was evaluated as 'useful' or more. (author)

  14. Correlation between C-Reactive Protein in Peripheral Vein and Coronary Sinus in Stable and Unstable Angina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leite, Weverton Ferreira, E-mail: [Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ramires, José Antonio Franchini; Moreira, Luiz Felipe Pinho; Strunz, Célia Maria Cassaro [Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Mangione, José Armando [Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is commonly used in clinical practice to assess cardiovascular risk. However, a correlation has not yet been established between the absolute levels of peripheral and central hs-CRP. To assess the correlation between serum hs-CRP levels (mg/L) in a peripheral vein in the left forearm (LFPV) with those in the coronary sinus (CS) of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and a diagnosis of stable angina (SA) or unstable angina (UA). This observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was conducted at the Instituto do Coração, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, and at the Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de Sao Paulo, where CAD patients referred to the hospital for coronary angiography were evaluated. Forty patients with CAD (20 with SA and 20 with UA) were included in the study. Blood samples from LFPV and CS were collected before coronary angiography. Furthermore, analysis of the correlation between serum levels of hs-CRP in LFPV versus CS showed a strong linear correlation for both SA (r = 0.993, p < 0.001) and UA (r = 0.976, p < 0.001) and for the entire sample (r = 0.985, p < 0.001). Our data suggest a strong linear correlation between hs-CRP levels in LFPV versus CS in patients with SA and UA.

  15. Caracterización del concentrado de cromita del yacimiento Merceditas, un criterio previo para la confección de mezclas termodifusivas

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    Carlo Díaz-Aguila


    Full Text Available Se caracteriza, desde el punto de vista fásico cuantitativo, el concentrado cromífero de características refractarias perteneciente al yacimiento Merceditas. Se emplearon técnicas de espectroscopía infrarroja y Mössbauer, de difractometría de rayos-X, análisis químico y granulométrico. Se establece que el concentrado se encuentra constituido por las fases mineralógicas cromopicotita, antigorita y clorita, y se determinan sus respectivas fórmulas cristaloquímicas. Mediante técnicas de análisis térmico (ATD, TG y TGD se estudia el comportamiento térmico de una mezcla de concentrado cromífero con aluminio, con vistas a valorar las posibilidades de los productos de la reducción como componentes de mezclas saturantes para la termodifusión superficial de cromo y silicio en aceros.

  16. Effect of Yixinkangtai Capsule combined with diltiazem on endothelial function, blood viscosity and lipid metabolism in patients with unstable angina pectoris

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    Yu-Feng Yuan


    Full Text Available Objective: To discuss the effect of Yixinkangtai Capsule combined with diltiazem on endothelial function, blood viscosity and lipid metabolism in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Methods: A total of 150 patients with unstable angina pectoris who were treated in the hospital between February 2014 and February 2017 were divided into the control group (n=75 and the research group (n=75 according to the random number table method. Control group received clinical conventional therapy, research group received Yixinkangtai Capsule combined with diltiazem therapy on the basis of conventional therapy, and both groups received 3 months of treatment. Differences in endothelial function, blood viscosity and lipid metabolism were compared between the two groups of patients before and after treatment. Results: Before treatment, the differences in serum levels of endothelial function indexes, blood viscosity indexes and lipid metabolism indexes were not statistically significant between the two groups. After 3 months of treatment, serum NO level of research group was higher than that of control group while ET-1 level was lower than that of control group; serum blood viscosity index TXB2 content of research group was lower than that of control group while PGI2 content was higher than that of control group; serum lipid metabolism indexes TG, TC and LDL-C contents of research group were lower than those of control group while HDL-C content was higher than that of control group. Conclusion: Yixinkangtai Capsule combined with diltiazem therapy can effectively optimize the endothelial function, reduce the blood viscosity and balance the lipid metabolism in patients with unstable angina pectoris.

  17. The role of nitrates, beta blockers, and calcium antagonists in stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Chan, P K; Heo, J Y; Garibian, G; Askenase, A; Segal, B L; Iskandrian, A S


    Numerous controlled studies have shown that nitrates, beta blockers, and calcium antagonists are effective in the treatment of stable angina pectoris. The pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and hemodynamic effects of these agents are different, and thus combination therapy offers additive improvement and also counterbalancing of the undesirable side effects of each drug. The choice of therapy depends on the severity of symptoms, associated diseases, compliance, side effects, and status of left ventricular function. The main mechanism of improvement is a decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption, though an increase in coronary blood flow is another potential reason for the use of calcium blockers. This review considers the properties of these drugs, their mechanism of action, and the results of randomized studies.

  18. Linfoma Nasal de Células T/Natural Killer Extranodal Refractario Mal Diagnosticado, Tratado de Manera Exitosa: Informe de Caso. (United States)

    Saavedra Ramírez, José Domingo


    El linfoma de células T/natural killer extranodal ("extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma", ENKL) nasal es un linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) agresivo y poco común para el cual no se ha establecido un tratamiento de referencia claro, especialmente en el escenario de la enfermedad recidivante/refractaria. Debido a su rareza, no se han llevado a cabo ensayos aleatorizados específicamente en ENKL nasal; sin embargo, los informes de caso y las series de caso pequeñas ofrecen un conocimiento importante sobre nuevos tratamientos potenciales. Presentamos el informe de caso de un paciente con ENKL nasal (previamente mal diagnosticado como una sinusitis crónica recidivante) en quien la enfermedad progresó durante la quimioterapia con múltiples agentes pero respondió al tratamiento de segunda línea con pralatrexato como agente único. Analizamos opciones de tratamiento para el ENKL nasal recidivante/refractario y sugerimos que el pralatrexato se evalúe más a fondo en este escenario clínico.


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    N. P. Kutishenko


    Full Text Available Aim. To study influence of mildronate (M on treatment efficiency of patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD, receiving standard antianginal therapy (AATMaterials and methods. Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was carried out in parallel groups. All patients continued the earlier prescribed AAT without changes. After control period (10-14 days was over, randomization of patients either to the treatment group (M 500mg twice per day, or to the control group (placebo (Pl twice per day was made for 6 weeks therapy. Criterion of treatment efficiency: increase in duration of trial with burden on treadmill (TB, decrease in angina attack frequency (AA and reduction in nitroglycerin taking (NTT. TB was carried out at the beginning (TB-1, at the end of the control period (TB-2, and at the end of the treatment (TB-3.Results. TB-1 and TB-2 had good reproducibility, their duration didn’t differ. At the end of the treatment additionally with M, growth in duration of TB-3 (p=0,002 was registered, while there was no growth of TB duration with the Pl treatment (p=0,07. During the treatment decrease in AA number both with M (p=0,002, and with Pl (p=0,02 was noted. With M treatment decrease in NTT treatment (p=0.02 was observed, while NTT with Pl didn’t change (p=0,7. Number of side effects, registered with M and Pl, didn’t differ.Conclusion. Mildronate provides additional benefits for patients with IHD with stable burden angina, when they do not reach desired effect with the prescribed AAT.

  20. Transient myocardial ischaemia during ambulatory monitoring out of hospital in patients with chronic stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egstrup, K


    monitoring was significantly lower than heart rate at the onset of ST-segment change during exercise testing (100.2 +/- 14.6 vs. 115.8 +/- 19.6 beats/min, p less than 0.01), which may indicate different pathophysiological mechanisms. Transient impairment in coronary oxygen supply seems to be of importance......Transient myocardial ischaemia during daily life, detected by ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring, was investigated in 42 patients with chronic stable angina and documented coronary artery disease. Ambulatory monitoring was initiated for 36 hours after all prophylactic antianginal medication...

  1. The dynamics of platelet α-granule membrane protein and serum thromboxane B2 in patients with acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Yizhi; Wu Baiming; Hong Xiaosu; Wu Guoxin; Guo Hengshan


    To evaluate the dynamics of platelet activation in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and unstable angina (UA), the levels of platelet α-granule membrane protein (GMP-140)and serum thromboxane B 2 (TXB 2 ) were studied by RIA in 20 AMI and 30 UA patients and 20 controls. The results are: 1) The levels of GMP-140 and TXB 2 were significantly higher in AMI patients within 12 h after the onset than those in controls (P 0.05). TXB 2 still remained at higher level in AMI patients on the 7th day after onset (P 2 were markedly higher in UA patients when angina episode than those in controls (P 0.05), but the peak level of GMP-140 and TXB 2 and its persistent duration of elevation in UA were much lower than those in AMI. The platelet is highly activated in the patients with AMI and UA. In AMI there are more thrombplastic factors in coronary artery than in UA

  2. Compliance, clinical outcome, and quality of life of patients with stable angina pectoris receiving once-daily betaxolol versus twice daily metoprolol: a randomized controlled trial

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    Przemyslaw Kardas


    Full Text Available Przemyslaw KardasThe First Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of LodzBackground: A randomized, controlled trial was conducted in an outpatient setting to examine the effect of beta-blocker dosing frequency on patient compliance, clinical outcome, and health-related quality of life in patients with stable angina pectoris.Methods: One hundred and twelve beta-blockers-naive outpatients with stable angina pectoris were randomized to receive betaxolol, 20 mg once daily or metoprolol tartrate, 50 mg twice daily for 8 weeks. The principal outcome measure was overall compliance measured electronically, whereas secondary outcome measures were drug effectiveness and health-related quality of life.Results: The overall compliance was 86.5 ± 21.3% in the betaxolol group versus 76.1 ± 26.3% in the metoprolol group (p < 0.01, and the correct number of doses was taken on 84.4 ± 21.6% and 64.0 ± 31.7% of treatment days, respectively (p < 0.0001. The percentage of missed doses was 14.5 ± 21.5% in the once-daily group and 24.8 ± 26.4% in the twice-daily group (p < 0.01. The percentage of doses taken in the correct time window (58.6% vs 42.0%, p = 0.01, correct interdose intervals (77.4% v 53.1%, p < 0.0001, and therapeutic coverage (85.6% vs 73.7%, p < 0.001 were significantly higher in the once-daily group. Both studied drugs had similar antianginal effectiveness. Health-related quality of life improved in both groups, but this increase was more pronounced in the betaxolol arm in some dimensions.Conclusions: The study demonstrates that patient compliance with once-daily betaxolol is significantly better than with twice daily metoprolol. Similarly, this treatment provides better quality of life. These results demonstrate possible therapeutic advantages of once-daily over twice-daily beta-blockers in the treatment of stable angina pectoris.Keywords: patient compliance, quality of life, stable angina pectoris, randomized controlled trial

  3. Tratamiento con láser puntura: alternativa para el tratamiento de la migraña en los adolescentes Treatment with laserpuncture: an alternative for treating migraine in adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aida Gabina Cárdenas Giraudy


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Además de tener costos sociales y económicos muy elevados, la migraña afecta la calidad de vida de quien la padece. Se estima que más del 30 % de los pacientes con cefalea no responden al tratamiento farmacológico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue valorar las crisis de migraña refractarias en los adolescentes y evaluar el tratamiento medicamentoso indicado, para lograr una mejor calidad de vida. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal con acciones prospectivas, con 17 pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente «William Soler» (2004 a 2006 a causa de crisis frecuentes de migraña. El diagnóstico y tratamiento se realizó sobre la base de los principios de la medicina bioenergética. RESULTADOS. El grupo de edad que más crisis de migraña presentó fue el de 12 a 15 años (41,17 %, principalmente las adolescentes féminas (58,82 %. La localizacion del dolor frontal y hemicranea constituyeron las localizaciones más frecuentes y 14 pacientes (82,35 % mostraron respuesta favorable al método de laserterapia. CONCLUSIONES. El tratamiento con láser constituyó otra alternativa para el control de las crisis frecuentes de migraña en los adolescentes.INTRODUCTION. In addition to the very high social and economic costs, migraine affects the quality of life of those suffering from it. It is estimated that more than 30 % of patients with headache do not respond to drug treatment. The aim of this paper was to assess the crisis of refractory migraine in adolescents and to evaluate also the drug treatment indicated to achieve a better quality of life. METHODS. A longitudinal and descriptive prospective study was undertaken in 17 patients seen in "William Soler" Teaching and Children Hospital (2004-2006 due to frequent crises of migraine. The diagnosis and treatment were based on the principles of bioenergetic medicine. RESULTS. Migraine was more common in the group aged 12-15 (41.17 %, mainly among the

  4. How Efficacious is Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) Dripping Pill in Treating Angina Pectoris? Evidence Assessment for Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (United States)

    Jia, Yongliang; Leung, Siu-Wai


    More than 230 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of danshen dripping pill (DSP) and isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) in treating angina pectoris after the first preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses-compliant comprehensive meta-analysis were published in 2010. Other meta-analyses had flaws in study selection, statistical meta-analysis, and evidence assessment. This study completed the meta-analysis with an extensive assessment of the evidence. RCTs published from 1994 to 2016 on DSP and ISDN in treating angina pectoris for at least 4 weeks were included. The risk of bias (RoB) of included RCTs was assessed with the Cochrane's tool for assessing RoB. Meta-analyses based on a random-effects model were performed on two outcome measures: symptomatic (SYM) and electrocardiography (ECG) improvements. Subgroup analysis, sensitivity analysis, metaregression, and publication bias analysis were also conducted. The evidence strength was evaluated with the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) method. Among the included 109 RCTs with 11,973 participants, 49 RCTs and 5042 participants were new (after 2010). The RoB of included RCTs was high in randomization and blinding. Overall effect sizes in odds ratios for DSP over ISDN were 2.94 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.53-3.41) on SYM (n = 108) and 2.37 (95% CI: 2.08-2.69) by ECG (n = 81) with significant heterogeneities (I 2  = 41%, p < 0.0001 on SYM and I 2  = 44%, p < 0.0001 on ECG). Subgroup, sensitivity, and metaregression analyses showed consistent results without publication bias. However, the evidence strength was low in GRADE. The efficacy of DSP was still better than ISDN in treating angina pectoris, but the confidence decreased due to high RoB and heterogeneities.

  5. Ranolazine for the symptomatic treatment of patients with chronic angina pectoris in Greece: a cost-utility study


    Kourlaba, Georgia; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Parissis, John; Kanakakis, John; Gourzoulidis, George; Maniadakis, Nikos


    Background To conduct an economic evaluation comparing ranolazine as add-on therapy to standard-of-care (SoC) with SoC alone in patients with stable angina who did not respond adequately to first line therapy, in Greece. Methods A decision tree model was locally adapted in the Greek setting to evaluate the cost-utility of ranolazine during a 6-month period. The analysis was conducted from a third-party payer perspective. The clinical inputs were extracted from the published literature. The co...

  6. Health-related quality of life in fibromyalgia and refractory angina pectoris: a comparison between two chronic non-malignant pain disorders. (United States)

    Andréll, Paulin; Schultz, Tomas; Mannerkorpi, Kaisa; Nordeman, Lena; Börjesson, Mats; Mannheimer, Clas


    To compare health-related quality of life in 2 different populations with chronic pain: patients with fibromyalgia and patients with refractory angina pectoris. Previous separate studies have indicated that these patient groups report different impacts of pain on health-related quality of life. The Short-Form 36 was used to assess health- related quality of life. In order to adjust for age and gender differences between the groups, both patient groups were compared with age- and gender-matched normative controls. The difference in health-related quality of life between the 2 patient groups was assessed by transforming the Short-Form 36 subscale scores to a z-score. The patients with fibromyalgia (n = 203) reported poorer health-related quality of life in all the subscale scores of Short-Form 36 (p fibromyalgia experience greater impairment in health-related quality of life compared with the normal population than do patients with refractory angina pectoris, despite the fact that the latter have a potentially life-threatening disease. The great impairment in health- related quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia should be taken into consideration when planning rehabilitation.

  7. Angina pectoris severity among coronary heart disease patients is associated with subsequent cognitive impairment. (United States)

    Weinstein, Galit; Goldbourt, Uri; Tanne, David


    The relationship between coronary heart disease (CHD) and cognitive function is not completely elucidated. We examined the association between severity of angina pectoris (AP) in mid-life and subsequent cognitive impairment among CHD patients. Severity of AP according to the Canadian Cardiovascular Society angina classification was assessed in a subgroup of people with chronic CHD, who previously participated in a secondary prevention trial. Cognitive performance was evaluated 15±3 years later, using a validated set of computerized cognitive tests (Neurotrax Computerized Cognitive Battery; computing index scores summarizing performance in each cognitive domain and a global cognitive score). We compared the risk of cognitive deficits in participants with AP class >2 to those with AP≤2, adjusting for vascular risk factors, common carotid-intima media thickness (CC-IMT), and presence of carotid plaques. Among 535 participants (mean age at baseline 57.9±6.6 y; 95% males), AP class >2 was associated with subsequent poorer performance on tests of memory and attention compared to those with AP class ≤2 (β=-4.3±1.8; P=0.016 and β=-3.6±1.7; P=0.029, respectively) and with a higher risk of having impairment in these domains [odds ratio (95% confidence interval)=1.83 (1.11-3.02); P=0.019 and 2.36 (1.34-4.16); P=0.003, for memory and attention, respectively]. These results were similar after controlling for vascular risk factors; however, the association of AP with memory domain attenuated after adjustment for CC-IMT or presence of carotid plaques. In people with preexisting CHD, severity of AP is associated with late-life poorer cognitive performance, independent of other vascular risk factors.


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    Leonel Hernández Cruz


    Full Text Available Unstable angina is an acute coronary syndrome without elevation of the ST segment. It is clinically important because of its threatening and crippling nature, due to the possibility that it could precede acute myocardial infarction. That is why it is determined that the patient suffering from this condition must be hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. There are various therapeutic strategies and several forms to approach the treatment of each patient, but in many cases it is necessary a percutaneous coronary intervention and this procedure is not carried out in this hospital. That is why it is necessary to establish a guideline for the treatment of this condition with the aim of optimizing the medications and making an adequate selection of the patients who require being transferred to a hospital with interventional cardiology services. A proposal for treatment protocol is presented in this work. It can function as a guideline for those who on daily basis treat patient with this condition at the Roberto Rodriguez Fernandez University Hospital in Morón city.

  9. Cost of illness for chronic stable angina patients enrolled in a self-management education trial (United States)

    McGillion, Michael; Croxford, Ruth; Watt-Watson, Judy; LeFort, Sandra; Stevens, Bonnie; Coyte, Peter


    BACKGROUND: Chronic stable angina (CSA) is a major debilitating health problem in Canada. A paucity of relevant cardiovascular data sets has precluded a detailed examination of the impact of interventions on CSA-related costs and its broader economic burden. OBJECTIVES: As part of a larger clinical trial, the authors sought to determine the short-term impact of a standardized self-management training program on CSA-related costs. A secondary objective was to estimate the total annualized cost of CSA per patient from a societal perspective. METHODS: Pre- and three-month post-test cost data were collected on 117 participants using the Ambulatory Home Care Record. Mean annualized direct, indirect and system-related CSA costs (2003 to 2005) were estimated; total per-patient CSA costs from a societal perspective were calculated as the sum of these costs. RESULTS: The mean (± SD) age of participants was 68±11 years; 80% were male. The program did not impact costs in the short-term. Direct annual out-of-pocket costs, including money paid for health care, travel to appointments, medication, equipment and home support totaled $3,267. Indirect costs, reflecting the value of all unpaid time spent by those engaged in angina-related care, were $12,963. System costs, including costs paid by public and private insurers, were $2,979. Total estimated annual CSA costs from a societal perspective were $19,209 per patient. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that CSA imposes a major economic burden, comparable with other prevalent conditions such as chronic noncancer pain. Advancements in self-management training research are needed to help reduce the economic burden of CSA in Canada. PMID:18841254

  10. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  11. Comparison of 64-slice computed tomography angiography and coronary angiography for the detection and assessment of coronary artery disease in patients with angina: A systematic review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, H.; Cosson, P.


    Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in Western countries. It presents itself in various ways, the commonest being angina. According to the Royal College of Radiologist referral guidelines, Coronary Angiography (CA) is currently the gold standard for diagnosis and evaluation of CAD. However, due to the invasive nature and expense of CA there is a perceived need for a primary non-invasive imaging modality to supersede it. Computed tomography angiography (CTA), utilising 64-slice technology, may be a less invasive alternative to CA. Aim: To consider the research evidence for the current gold standard diagnostic test for CAD. Specifically, which is more sensitive and specific for detecting CAD in patients with angina; 64-slice CTA or CA? Inclusion Criteria: Prospective, non-randomised control trials and diagnostic accuracy studies comparing 64-slice CTA and CA were included. Participants were adults with angina with suspected or known CAD. Method: An electronic search of the databases; AMED, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, MEDLINE and Science Direct, was conducted between January 2004 and April 2012. Secondary hand-searching of grey literature was undertaken. Two reviewers independently determined studies for inclusion, assessed quality, using SIGN50, and extracted data. Diagnostic value of 64-slice CTA and CA was compared and analysed at patient and segment level. Results: Ten studies were included in the critical review enrolling 1188 patients. At patient level sensitivity for 64-slice CTA ranged from 88% to 100%, specificity 64–92%, PPV 86–97% and NPV 76.9–100%. At segment level sensitivity for 64-slice CTA ranged from 73% to 100%, specificity 83–98%, PPV 47–90% and NPV 89–100% Conclusion: At both patient and segment level, 64-slice CTA is a highly sensitive and specific non-invasive alternative to CA for diagnosis of significant stenosis in patients with angina. For standalone diagnosis of CAD current research would

  12. [Effect of L-arginine on platelet aggregation, endothelial function adn exercise tolerance in patients with stable angina pectoris]. (United States)

    Sozykin, A V; Noeva, E A; Balakhonova, T V; Pogorelova, O A; Men'shikov, M Iu


    Examination of the action of donor NO (L-arginine) on platelet aggregation, endothelial function and exercise tolerance in patients with stable angina of effort (SAE). 42 patients with SAE (functional class I-II) and 10 healthy volunteers (control group) were assigned to two groups. 22 patients of group 1 were randomized to cross-over. They received cardiket (60 mg/day for 10 days or cardiket (60 mg/day) in combination with L-arginine (15 g/day for 10 days). 20 SAE patients of group 2 and control group received L-arginine (15 g/day for 10 days). In each group blood lipids were examined, and bicycle exercise test (BET) was performed. In addition, platelet aggregation and endothelial function were studied in group 2 and control group before and after the course of L-arginine. Compared to control group, endothelial function significantly improved in group 2 (from 5.0 +/- 2.9 to 7.8 +/- 4.1% vs 7.1 +/- 1.9 to 6.6 +/- 4.8%) (M +/- SD). BET duration increased in all the patients. After ADP addition in concentrations 1.5, 2.0, and 5.0 micromol/l platelet aggregation declined in 17 patients except 3 in whom the aggregation remained unchanged. Positive effect of L-arginine on endothelial function, exercise tolerance and platelet aggregation was observed in patients with stable angina of effort (functional class I-II). Therefore, arginine can be recommended as an adjuvant in the treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease.

  13. The evaluation of B-type Natriuretic Peptide and Troponin I in acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nafija Serdarevic


    Full Text Available Introduction: The diagnostic utility of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP has prompted interest in its use as an aid in the detection of early heart failure and assessment of diseases. The first objective of this study was measurement of BNP and troponin I (TnI blood levels in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI and unstable angina. The second objective of this study was to find a correlation between TnI and BNP in blood.Methods: The concentrations of BNP and TnI in 150 blood levels were determined using CMIA (chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay Architect and 2000 (Abbott diagnostics. The retrospective study included 100 patients who were hospitalized at the Department of Internal Medicine of the University Clinical Center Sarajevo and 50 healthy control. The reference blood range of BNP is 0-100 pg/mL and TnI is 0.00-0.4 ng/mL.Results: In the patients with AMI the mean value of BNP is 764.48 ± 639.52 pg/mL and TnI is 2.50 ± 2.28ng/mL. The patients with unstable angina have BNP 287.18 ± 593.20 pg/mL and TnI 0.10 ± 0.23 ng/mL. Our studies have shown that the correlation between BNP and TnI was statistically significant for p< 0.05 using Student t test with correlation coefficient r = 0.36. Conclusions: BNP and TnI levels can help to identify the patients with a high risk for cardiovascular diseases.

  14. Comparison of resting β-methyl-iodophenyl pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) and thallium-201 tomography using quantitative polar maps in patients with unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Akio; Takada, Yasuo; Nagasaka, Makoto; Kato, Rinya; Watanabe, Toshiya; Shimokata, Keiko; Yasui, Shoji


    We compared resting β-methyl-iodophenyl pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) tomography with resting thallium-201 tomography in 28 patients with unstable angina. Tracer distribution was displayed on a polar map and compared with a normal standard deviation map obtained from a group of 12 normal subjects. The extent scores and severity scores obtained by BMIPP were significantly greater than those obtained by thallium-201. Confirmation by coronary angiography revealed the sensitivity of the methods in identifying patients to be 89% for BMIPP and 54% for thallium-201. There were significant differences between BMIPP and thallium-201 in the sensitivities of detecting postischemic jeopardized myocardium in the area supplied by the right coronary artery (RCA; 53% vs 18%, p<0.05), left circumflex artery (LCX; 78% vs 39%, p<0.025) and all 3 vessels combined (71% vs 35%, p<0.001) but no significant differences in specificity (RCA: 82% vs 64%; LCX: 70% vs 90%; and total 3 vessels combined: 75% vs 79%). In conclusion, resting BMIPP tomography is more sensitive than resting thallium-201 tomography in detecting postischemic myocardial damage in patients with unstable angina. (author)

  15. Prediction of the filter no-reflow phenomenon in patients with angina pectoris by using multimodality: Magnetic resonance imaging, optical coherence tomography, and serum biomarkers. (United States)

    Matsumoto, Kenji; Ehara, Shoichi; Hasegawa, Takao; Otsuka, Kenichiro; Yoshikawa, Junichi; Shimada, Kenei


    Although the occurrence of no-reflow during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been shown to be associated with worse short- and long-term clinical outcomes, the clinical relevance of preventing flow deterioration by using the filter-based distal protection devices (DPDs) is controversial. We investigated predictors of the filter no-reflow (FNR) phenomenon during PCI by using multimodality, such as hyperintense plaques (HIPs) in the coronary artery on T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) non-contrast magnetic resonance, plaque composition by using optical coherence tomography (OCT), and serum biomarkers, in patients with angina pectoris. Fifty lesions from 50 patients with angina were examined. All patients underwent T1WI within 24 h before invasive coronary angiography was performed, and preinterventional OCT was performed on a native atherosclerotic culprit lesion. The signal intensity of coronary plaque to cardiac muscle ratio (PMR) was calculated on a standard console of the magnetic resonance system. Of the 50 lesions, 20 lesions showed FNR during PCI, while non-FNR was observed in 30 lesions. A cut-off value >1.85 of PMR had a sensitivity of 65%, a specificity of 93%, a positive predictive value of 87%, and a negative predictive value of 80% for identifying lesions with FNR. Multivariate analysis revealed that the presence of HIPs with PMR >1.85 (p=0.008) was the only independent predictor of the FNR phenomenon during PCI. This study shows that the presence of HIPs with PMR >1.85 on T1WI was a novel independent predictor of the FNR phenomenon during PCI in angina patients. This result may help in identifying high-risk lesions for no-reflow to deploy filter-based DPDs. Copyright © 2015 Japanese College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. The short-term prognostic value of thrombus precursor protein in patients with unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Yanbo; Yu Yan; Tang Jianzhong; Yuan Dingshan; Cai Danlei


    Objective: To investigate the short-term prognostic value of thrombus precursor protein (TpP) in patients with unstable angina (UA). Methods: One hundred and ten cases of UA were selected. The TpP was measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The cardiovascular events were observed in 6 months. Results: In the 100 cases of UA, the cardiovascular events were observed in 17 cases. There was an significant difference in three levels of TpP (P<0.05). The risk level was increasing as the increasing of the plasma level of TpP. Conclusion: The level of TpP has certain reference value and plays a role in forecasting of the short-term prognosis of the patients with UA. When the plasma level of TpP increases there is also an increase in OR. (authors)

  17. [Potentiation of anti-ischemic and anti-anginal action of nitrates by hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy in patients with angina of effort]. (United States)

    Zunnunov, Z R


    The objective of this comparative study was to evaluate effects of nitrosorbid (NS) and hydrogen sulfide-based balneotherapy (HSB) applied alone or in combination for the treatment of patients presenting with angina of effort. It was shown that long-term HSB therapy enhances the anti-anginal and anti-ischemic action of NS in such patients. The authors argue that prolonged HSB-based maintenance therapy in combination with nitrates prevents habituation to these preparations and potentiates their beneficial therapeutic effect.

  18. Significance of retardation of abnormal uptake of iodine-123-beta-methyl-p-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid myocardial scintigraphy in patients with vasospastic angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, Fumitaka; Hashimoto, Toshio; Uemura, Shiro; Kawamoto, Atsuhiko; Dohi, Kazuhiro; Matsushima, Akihiko


    This study investigated retardation of abnormal uptake of iodine-123-beta-methyl-p-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) scintigraphy in patients with vasospastic angina. Twenty-three patients with vasospastic angina showed abnormal uptake of BMIPP before medical treatment and had coronary vasospasm induced by acetylcholine. The patients were divided into two groups according to uptake of BMIPP after medical treatment: retardation of abnormal uptake of BMIPP (Group R, n=4) and normal uptake of BMIPP (Group N, n=19). Frequency of chest pain, medical treatment and autonomic nervous activity were compared between the two groups. Furthermore, the frequency of chest pain and uptake of BMIPP in group R were obtained after intensive medical treatment. Autonomic nervous activity was evaluated by heart rate variability on Holter electrocardiography. Heart rate variability contained high-frequency elements (HF; 0.15-0.4 Hz) and low-frequency elements (LF; 0.04-0.15 Hz). LF/HF was estimated for sympathetic nervous activity and HF was estimated for parasympathetic nervous activity. Daytime and nighttime autonomic nervous activity were compared between the two groups. The frequency of chest pain was higher in Group R than in Group N (p<0.05). Medical treatment was not different between the two groups. Circadian variation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous activity were absent in Group R. During the nighttime, Group R showed higher sympathetic nervous activity (p<0.05) and lower parasympathetic nervous activity (p<0.01) than Group N. The frequency of chest pain was significantly lower after intensive medical treatment (p<0.05), and uptake of BMIPP returned to normal in Group R. We suspected that the disorder in autonomic nervous activity was more severe in Group R, and thus induced coronary vasospasm. Retardation of abnormal uptake of BMIPP in patients with vasospastic angina indicates poor control of coronary vasospasm. Uptake of BMIPP is useful in the evaluation of


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    Rider Piñeiro López


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y objetivos: El síndrome coronario agudo presenta una elevada incidencia en el cuadro de morbilidad y mortalidad de los países del mundo desarrollado. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la morbilidad por síndrome coronario agudo y su relación con algunas variables. Método: Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico, observacional, descriptivo, en 30 pacientes con el diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del ST, atendidos en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva del Centro Diagnóstico Integral “José Gregorio Hernández”, municipio Ortiz, estado Guárico, República Bolivariana de Venezuela; en el período del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2007. Resultados: La angina inestable fue la enfermedad más frecuente (80,0 % en estos pacientes. Predominaron los mayores de 49 años (80 %, del sexo femenino (63,3 %, color negro de piel, procedencia urbana y escolaridad secundaria. El tabaquismo constituyó el factor de riesgo más frecuente (56,6 %, seguido de hipertensión arterial (43,3 % y obesidad (26,6 %. Las arritmias y el fallo de bomba fueron frecuentes en pacientes con infarto; el dolor precordial mantenido, en enfermos con angina inestable. Hubo un fallecido por infarto agudo de miocardio, con más de sesenta años y menos de tres días de estadía. Conclusiones: Predominó la angina inestable, y los factores de riesgo más frecuentemente asociados, fueron la hipertensión arterial y el hábito de fumar. Abstract Introduction and objectives: Acute coronary syndrome has a high impact on morbidity and mortality rates of the developed world. The objective of this research was to determine the morbidity for acute coronary syndrome and its relation to some variables. Method: An epidemiological, observational, descriptive study was performed in 30 patients with the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation, treated at the Intensive Care Unit of the Integral Diagnostic Center "Jos

  20. Syndrome of diminished vasodilator reserve of the coronary microcirculation (microvascular angina or syndrome X): Diagnosis by combined atrial pacing and thallium 201 imaging--a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magarian, G.J.; Palac, R.; Reinhart, S.


    Patients with angina-like chest pain without evidence of epicardial coronary artery disease or coronary arterial vasospasm are becoming increasingly recognized. These are often related to noncardiac causes including esophageal, musculoskeletal, and hyperventilatory or panic states. However, recently a subgroup of such patients are being recognized as having true myocardial ischemia and chest pain on the basis of diminished coronary microvascular vasodilatory reserve (microvascular ischemia or Syndrome X). The authors describe such a patient who was found to have replication of anginal pain associated with a reversible ischemic defect on thallium 201 imaging during atrial pacing, suggesting ischemia in this myocardial segment. Resolution of angina and ST segment electrocardiographic changes of ischemia occurred with cessation of pacing. We believe this is the first report of a patient with this form of myocardial ischemia diagnosed by this method and should be considered in patients with anginal chest pain after significant coronary artery disease and coronary vasospasm have been excluded

  1. Screening of plasma biomarkers in patients with unstable angina pectoris with proteomics analysis

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    Shui-wang HU


    Full Text Available Objective To analyze and compare the differentially expressed plasma proteins between patients with stable angina pectoris (SAP and unstable angina pectoris (UAP, and search for the biomarkers that maybe used for early diagnosis of UAP. Methods Sixty plasma samples were collected respectively from normal controls group (N group, SAP group and UAP group during Jun. 2014 to Apr. 2015 from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University. Ten samples (100μl of each group were selected randomly to pool into 3 groups severally. After removing high-abundance proteins from plasma, two- dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE was used to isolate the total proteins, and then the protein spots with more than 2-fold changes between UAP and SAP were picked up after the differential software analysis. Afterward, the varied proteins were identified by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight/time of flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry (MS. Finally, 40 plasma samples were collected respectively from N, SAP and UAP group, and the UAP specific differential proteins were selected to be verified by ELISA. Results A total of 10 varied protein spots with more than 2-fold changes in UAP and SAP were found including 9 up-regulated proteins and 1 down-regulated one. MS identification indicated that the up-regulated proteins included fibrinogen gamma chain (FGG, complement C4-B (C4B, immunoglobulin (Ig kappa chain C region (IGKC and hemoglobin subunit alpha (HBA1, whereas the down-regulated one was haptoglobin (HP. After comparing the varied proteins with that in N group, 2 specifically UAP-related proteins, IGKC and HP, were detected totally. IGKC was selected to validate by ELISA, and the corresponding results showed that IGKC was increased specifically in UAP plasma (P<0.05 when compared with N and SAP group, which was consistent with DIGE. Conclusion IGKC and HP have been detected as specifically related proteins to UAP

  2. Myocardial Strain Analysis by 2-Dimensional Speckle Tracking Echocardiography Improves Diagnostics of Coronary Artery Stenosis in Stable Angina Pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biering-Sørensen, Tor; Hoffmann, Soren; Mogelvang, Rasmus


    BACKGROUND: Two-dimensional strain echocardiography detects early signs of left ventricular dysfunction; however, it is unknown whether myocardial strain analysis at rest in patients with suspected stable angina pectoris predicts the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS AND RESULTS...... echocardiography was performed in the 3 apical projections. Peak regional longitudinal systolic strain was measured in 18 myocardial sites and averaged to provide global longitudinal peak systolic strain. Duke score, including ST-segment depression, chest pain, and exercise capacity, was used as the outcome...

  3. Resistencia al ácido acetil salicílico en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria Acetylsalicylic acid resistance in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boris E. Vesga


    Full Text Available Introducción: la anti-agregación plaquetaria es "piedra angular" en el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular. El ácido acetil salicílico es la terapia de elección en dosis entre 81-325 mg para la prevención y tratamiento de la enfermedad coronaria. Objetivo: caracterizar la agregación plaquetaria en sujetos con enfermedad coronaria estable, consumidores de ácido acetil salicílico, para determinar la prevalencia de resistencia. Metodología: previa aprobación por los Comités de Ética y de Investigaciones de la Institución, se efectuó un estudio descriptivo transversal en sujetos de 40 años y mayores, con diagnóstico de angina estable que ingresaron para realización de angiografía coronaria. Se obtuvo una muestra de sangre venosa periférica para determinar la agregación plaquetaria mediante ácido araquidónico, epinefrina, colágeno y ADP en un agregómetro HELENA PACKS-4. La resistencia al ácido acetil salicílico se definió al tener agregaciones con ácido araquidónico mayores al 20%. El análisis estadístico se desarrolló con la prueba exacta de Fisher, prueba t de Student y Mann-Whitney de acuerdo con la distribución de las variables. Resultados: se incluyeron 71 sujetos; 51 (71,8% varones, edad 63,5 ± 9,4 años. Con factores de riesgo: 52 (73,2% con dislipidemia, 48 (67,6% con hipertensión arterial, 15 (21,1% con diabetes mellitus y 9 (12,7% con tabaquismo. Angiografía coronaria con enfermedad de 1 vaso en 31 (15,9%, y enfermedad multivaso en 58 (81,7%. Los valores de agregometría plaquetaria obtenidos fueron: ADP 64 ± 19,1%, colágeno 72 ± 18,9%, epinefrina 43,8 ± 23,9% y ácido araquidónico 26,1 ± 33,7%, siendo este el mejor marcador del efecto del ácido acetil salicílico. La prevalencia de resistencia fue de 28,2% (IC 95%: 18,1-40,1. Conclusión: la resistencia al ácido acetil salicílico en nuestra población es altamente prevalente, por lo que se debe considerar la medición de rutina de la

  4. Uric Acid Level Has a U-shaped Association with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Vasospastic Angina. (United States)

    Gwag, Hye Bin; Yang, Jeong Hoon; Park, Taek Kyu; Song, Young Bin; Hahn, Joo Yong; Choi, Jin Ho; Lee, Sang Hoon; Gwon, Hyeon Cheol; Choi, Seung Hyuk


    No data are available on the association of serum uric acid and vasospastic angina (VSA) which has endothelial dysfunction as a possible pathophysiologic mechanism. Low uric acid level might cause adverse outcomes in VSA in connection with endothelial dysfunction. We enrolled 818 VSA patients whose uric acid level was measured at admission. Patients were categorized according to tertiles of uric acid level: group I, ≤ 4.8 mg/dL; group II, 4.9-5.9 mg/dL; and group III, ≥ 6.0 mg/dL. Primary outcome was major adverse cardiac events (MACEs), defined as a composite of cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction (MI), ischemic stroke, coronary revascularization, and rehospitalization for angina. Median follow-up duration was 49.2 months. Median uric acid values were 4.1 mg/dL for group I, 5.4 mg/dL for group II, and 6.7 mg/dL for group III. In the overall population, group II had a significantly lower incidence of MACE compared to group I (47 [17.1%] vs. 66 [24.6%]; hazard ratio [HR], 1.52; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02-2.26; P = 0.040) and a tendency of lower incidence of MACEs compared to Group III (47 [17.1%] vs. 62 [22.5%]; HR, 1.44; 95% CI, 0.98-2.13; P = 0.067). Among group I patients, those who received nitrates had a higher incidence of MACEs than those without nitrate therapy (P uric acid level was associated with adverse clinical outcomes, while high uric acid level had a trend toward an increase in it. Use of nitrate in patients with low uric acid level might have adverse effects on clinical outcomes of VSA. © 2017 The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences.

  5. Evaluation of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics relationships for Salvianolic Acid B micro-porous osmotic pump pellets in angina pectoris rabbit

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    Shu-Ling Kan


    Full Text Available The work aims to investigate the in vitro release, pharmacokinetics (PK, pharmacodynamics (PD and PK–PD relationships of Salvianolic Acid B micro-porous osmotic pump pellets (SalB-MPOPs in angina pectoris New Zealand White (NZW rabbits, compared with those of SalB immediate-release pellets (SalB-IRPs. The SalB plasma concentrations and Superoxide dismutase levels (PD index were recorded continuously at predetermined time interval after administration, and the related parameters were calculated by using WinNonlin software. The release profile of MPOPs was more sustained than that of IRPs. PK results indicated that the mean Cmax was significantly lower, the SalB plasma concentrations were steadier, both area under concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 h (AUC0–24 h and from 0 to infinity (AUC0–∞ were presented larger, and both the peak concentration time (Tmax and mean residence time (MRT were prolonged for MPOPs, as compared with those of IRPs. PD results suggested that peak drug effect (Emax was lower and the equilibration rate constant (ke0 between the central compartment and the effect compartment was higher of MPOPs vs. those of IRPs. PK–PD relationships demonstrated that the effect-concentration-time (ECT course of MPOPs was clockwise hysteresis loop, and that of IRPs was counter-clockwise hysteresis loop. Collectively, those results demonstrated that MPOPs were potential formulations in treating angina pectoris induced by atherosclerosis.

  6. Ranolazine for the symptomatic treatment of patients with chronic angina pectoris in Greece: a cost-utility study. (United States)

    Kourlaba, Georgia; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Parissis, John; Kanakakis, John; Gourzoulidis, George; Maniadakis, Nikos


    To conduct an economic evaluation comparing ranolazine as add-on therapy to standard-of-care (SoC) with SoC alone in patients with stable angina who did not respond adequately to first line therapy, in Greece. A decision tree model was locally adapted in the Greek setting to evaluate the cost-utility of ranolazine during a 6-month period. The analysis was conducted from a third-party payer perspective. The clinical inputs were extracted from the published literature. The cost inputs considered in the model reflect drug acquisition, hospitalizations, vascular interventions and monitoring of patients. The resource utilization data were obtained from 3 local experts. All costs refer to the year 2014. Cost-effectiveness was assessed by means of the incremental cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained with the ranolazine as add-on therapy relative to SoC alone (ICER). Probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) was performed. Ranolazine as add-on therapy was more costly compared to SoC alone, as the 6-month total cost per patient was €1170 and € 984, respectively. Patients received ranolazine plus SoC and SoC alone gained 0.3155 QALYs and 0.2752 QALYs, respectively. Ranolazine plus SoC resulted in an ICER equal to €4620 per QALY gained, well below the threshold of €34,000 per QALY gained. The PSA showed that the likelihood of ranolazine plus SoC being cost-effective at the threshold of €34,000 per QALY gained was 100 %. Τhe results suggest that ranolazine as add-on treatment may be a cost-effective alternative for the symptomatic treatment of patients with chronic stable angina in Greece.

  7. Influence of pre-infarction angina, collateral flow, and pre-procedural TIMI flow on myocardial salvage index by cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lønborg, Jacob Thomsen; Kelbæk, Henning Skov; Vejlstrup, Niels Grove


    BACKGROUND: In patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) pre-infarction angina, pre-procedural TIMI flow and collateral flow to the myocardium supplied by the infarct related artery are suggested to be cardioprotective. We evaluated the effect of these factors on myocardial...

  8. Coronary microvascular function and myocardial fibrosis in women with angina pectoris and no obstructive coronary artery disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mygind, Naja Dam; Michelsen, Marie Mide; Peña, Adam


    had focal fibrosis. Median (IQR) CFVR was 2.3 (1.9; 2.7), 23 (36 %) had CFVR significant correlations were found between CFVR and ECV or native T1 (R (2)  = 0.02; p = 0.......27 and R (2)  = 0.004; p = 0.61, respectively). There were also no correlations between MBFR and ECV or native T1 (R (2)  = 0.1; p = 0.13 and R (2)  = 0.004, p = 0.64, respectively). CFVR and MBFR were correlated to hypertension and heart rate. CONCLUSION: In women with angina and no obstructive coronary...

  9. Caracterización clínica y paraclínica de los pacientes con coronariografía normal del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, 2000-2003

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    Juan Andrés Delgado Restrepo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las características clínicas y paraclínicas de los pacientes con coronariografía normal o sin lesiones significativas. Diseño: descriptivo, retrospectivo. Metodología: se revisaron las historias clínicas y se registraron los hallazgos demográficos y clínicos, el perfil lipídico, el electrocardiograma, la ecocardiografía, la prueba de esfuerzo, la coronariografía y las complicaciones de esta última. Resultados: el 9.5% (167/1.752 de las coronariografías realizadas por sospecha de enfermedad coronaria fueron normales. El 60.5% ocurrieron en mujeres. El 50% de los hombres tuvo dolor precordial típico, en el 53.5% de las mujeres fue atípico. El 73% eran hipertensos y el 7.2%, hipotiroideos. Hubo angina inestable en 61.7%, infarto agudo de miocardio en 22.8% y probable síndrome X cardiovascular en 28.8%. El nivel de triglicéridos fue más bajo en los pacientes con infarto (p<0.001. La frecuencia de complicaciones fue 1.8%. Conclusiones: el 9.5% de las coronariografías realizadas en el HUSVP por sospecha de enfermedad coronaria son normales o sin lesiones significativas. La mayoría son en mujeres, amas de casa, mestizas, hipertensas, con dolor anginoso atípico que nunca han fumado, ni tienen antecedentes de enfermedad coronaria en sus familias.

  10. The effect of statin treatment on the prevention of stent mediated flow limited edge dissections during PCI in patients with stable angina. (United States)

    Oksuz, Fatih; Yarlioglues, Mikail; Yayla, Cagrı; Canpolat, Ugur; Murat, Sani Namık; Aydogdu, Sinan


    The effect of statin therapy before PCI with direct stenting may reduce the development of flow limited edge dissections (ED) in patients with stable angina. Flow limited ED after PCI is associated with an increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. Statin therapy induces important changes in the plaque composition which have been previously identified as strong predictors of ED. 100 patients complicated with flow limited ED and 100 control patients with successful procedure were enrolled into the study. EDs were described as the 5-mm regions that were immediately adjacent to the stent borders, both distally and proximally on the coronary angiography. Rate of statin use and duration of statin use were significantly higher in patients with non-ED group (63%) versus ED group (25%) (p<0.001). In addition, patients in ED group had significantly higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) at admission (9.9mg/dL (5.89-16.45) vs. 4.40mg/dL (3.5-7.09), respectively, p=0.014). Our findings suggested that maintenance statin treatment before PCI with direct stenting may reduce the development of flow limited ED in patients with stable angina. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Primer taller de orfebrería prehispánica excavado en Colombia (siglos IX-XVI d. C.

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    Juan Manuel Llanos Chaparro


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se exponen de mane - ra sucinta los resultados más relevantes de la primera excavación arqueológica en Colom - bia realizada en un taller orfebre prehispá - nico que funcionó por más de ochocientos años en la cuenca baja del río Saldaña, valle del Magdalena. Los grupos humanos es - tablecidos en el lugar durante el periodo Tardío (siglos IX-XVII d. C. contaban con los conocimientos técnicos (martillado-re - cocido y vaciado a la cera perdida, las he - rramientas (cerámica refractaria e industria lítica y los recursos forestales y minerales necesarios para elaborar piezas en cobre y oro de alta calidad, complejidad y tamaño (pectorales acorazonados, figuras antropo - morfas y zoomorfas con extremidades en escuadra. La tecnología empleada, aunque en apariencia “sencilla” por la ausencia de hornos o estructuras pirotecnológicas com - plejas, era muy eficiente.

  12. Hemodynamic effects of metoprolol and nifedipine in angina pectoris measured by isotope technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bostroem, P.A.


    In order to evaluate the therapeutic effects of metoprolol, nifedipine, and their combination, 11 patients with secondary angina pectoris and with thallium tomographic findings indicating coronary artery disease were studied before and after these three treatment regimes in a single-blind cross-over study. The therapeutic effect was measured by standardized working test and isotope angiocardiography, which enabled evaluation of left ventricular ejection fraction, stroke volume, and phase analysis of left ventricular contraction. Treatment with metoprolol and combination therapy increased work performance. Ejection fraction did not differentiate the treatment regimes, whereas stroke volume was significantly lower at work and heart rate higher at rest and at work during nifedipine treatment compared to either metoprolol or combination treatment (p less than 0.05). Cardiac output was significantly reduced during nifedipine and metoprolol treatment during work (p less than 0.05). Phase improved after all therapeutic regimes, but reached significance only during the metoprolol treatment period at rest (p less than 0.05).

  13. Ludwig’s Angina: The Importance of Oral Cavity Examination in Patients with a Neck Mass

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    Mohamad I


    Full Text Available neck mass is a common condition in primary care. the most common affected area is the cervical lymph node. the neck region is also prone infection as structurally the nodes and spaces are in close contact with the upper respiratory tract and the alimentary tract. oral cavity is one of the most common route for harbouring infection. Poor oral hygeine and periapical dental problems are the main causes. thus, it is important to perform a complete oral cavity examination even when trismus is present. Besides dental caries, floor of the mouth should be inspected for oedema that may impose threat to the upper airway. We report a case of Ludwig’s angina originating from a periapical lesion of the lower molar stressing the importance of oral examination in patient with neck mass.

  14. Angina self-management plan and quality of life, anxiety and depression in post coronary angioplasty patients. (United States)

    Moattari, Marzieh; Adib, Fakhteh; Kojuri, Javad; Tabatabaee, Seyed Hamid Reza


    Coronary artery diseases are the most frequent cause of mortality in industrialized countries as well as Iran. Coronary artery disease affects patient's quality of life (QoL) and produces some degrees of anxiety and depression. Although self-management programs have shown significant impact on chronic diseases, there is limited evidence in Iran regarding the effectiveness of these interventions, particularly in patients with coronary artery disease. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of angina plan on QoL, anxiety, and depression in post coronary angioplasty patients referred to selected hospitals in Shiraz. This parallel randomized, controlled trial was conducted in selected hospitals in Shiraz, Iran. We enrolled 80 post coronary angioplasty eligible patients in the study. After acquisition of the informed consent, eligible patients were randomly divided into two groups: control and experimental. Pretest data were obtained by using a demographic data form and two valid and reliable questionnaires for QoL, anxiety, and depression. Blood pressure, weight, and height (to calculate body mass index) were measured too. Patient's history of smoking, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and coronary vascular involvement (with grade and severity) were obtained from their medical records. A 12-week angina plan intervention consisted of a 30 to 40 minutes of counseling interview and telephone follow up at the end of 1, 4, 8, and 12 weeks were performed for experimental group. Post-test data were obtained three months after the pretest using the same questionnaires as pretest. QoL data were analyzed by analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA). The results (before and after intervention) regarding anxiety and depression were analyzed by independent t-tests or their equivalent nonparametric Mann-Whitney test using SPSS v. 11.5. There was no statistically significant difference in demographic variables between two groups. Baseline mean scores for QoL, anxiety, and

  15. VARIABLES PREOPERATORIAS PRESENTES EN PACIENTES CON CIRUGÍA CORONARIA SIN CIRCULACIÓN EXTRACORPÓREA Y SU RELACIÓN CON LA EVOLUCIÓN POSQUIRÚRGICA PRECOZ / Preoperative variables present in patients with coronary surgery without extracorporeal circulation and its relationship with early postsurgical evolution

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    Yanier Coll Muñoz


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y objetivos: El conocimiento de los factores predictores de mortalidad y de complicaciones graves es de gran importancia, ya que permite realizar una evaluación preoperatoria objetiva de los pacientes. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los factores de riesgo predictores de mortalidad y de complicaciones graves en los pacientes revascularizados, sin el uso de la circulación extracorpórea, y analizar el comportamiento de dos modelos de estratificación de riesgo preoperatorio en la cirugía cardíaca. Método: Se realizó una investigación no experimental, de seguimiento prospectivo, donde se estudiaron 175 pacientes que recibieron cirugía de revascularización miocárdica sin el uso de la circulación extracorpórea, en el servicio de Cirugía cardíaca del Cardiocentro “Ernesto Che Guevara” de Villa Clara durante los años 2007-2009. Para determinar las variables predictoras se realizaron dos estudios bivariados, donde las variables dependientes fueron la mortalidad y la presencia de complicaciones graves. Para el análisis y validación de las escalas aplicadas a los pacientes operados se utilizaron las curvas de rendimiento diagnóstico. Resultados: Los pacientes estudiados presentaron una media de edad de 58,7, predominó el sexo masculino, y la hipertensión arterial, la angina estable, la dislipidemia y la diabetes mellitus fueron los factores de riesgo más encontrados. En su totalidad, fueron operados de forma electiva, con clase funcional III y hubo un predominio de la enfermedad de tres vasos coronarios principales. Las variables que modificaron significativamente el riesgo de morir y de sufrir complicaciones graves fueron: la enfermedad del tronco y tres vasos, el antecedente de enfermedad vascular periférica, la angina inestable y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Conclusiones: Las escalas de riesgo utilizadas poseen un buen poder predictivo de mortalidad y complicaciones graves

  16. Coronary Vasospastic Angina: Assessment by Multidetector CT Coronary Angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Koung Mi; Choi, Sang Il; Chun, Eun Ju; Kim, Jeong A; Youn, Tae Jin; Choi, Dong Ju [Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Sungnam (Korea, Republic of)


    We aimed to describe the imaging findings of multidetector CT coronary angiography (MDCTA) in cases of vasospastic angina (VA) and to determine the accuracy of MDCTA in the identification of VA as compared with invasive coronary angiography with an ergonovine provocation test (CAG with an EG test). Fifty-three patients with clinically suspected VA were enrolled in this study. Two radiologists analyzed the stenosis degree, presence or absence of plaque, plaque composition, and a remodeling index of the related-segment in CAG with an EG test, which were used as a gold standard. We evaluated the diagnostic performances of MDCTA by comparing the MDCTA findings with those of CAG with an EG test. Among the 25 patients with positive CAG with an EG test, all 12 patients with significant stenosis showed no definite plaque with the negative arterial remodeling. Of the six patients with insignificant stenosis, three (50%) had non-calcified plaque (NCP), two (33%) had mixed plaque, and one (17%) had calcified plaque. When the criteria for significant stenosis with negative remodeling but no definite evidence of plaque as a characteristic finding of MDCTA were used, results showed sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive values (PPV), and negative predictive values (NPV) of 48%, 100%, 100%, and 68%, respectively. Significant stenosis with negative remodeling, but no definite evidence of plaque, is the characteristic finding on MDCTA of VA. Cardiac MDCTA shows good diagnostic performance with high specificity and PPV as compared with CAG with an EG test.

  17. Unstable Angina Treatment in Various Periods of Geomagnetic Activity (United States)

    Parshina, S. S.; Tokayeva, L. K.; Afanasiyeva, T. N.; Samsonov, S. N.; Petrova, V. D.; Dolgova, E. M.; Manykina, V. I.; Vodolagina, E. S.

    In 145 patients with unstable angina (UA) there was analized an efficiency of a drug therapy at different types of heliogeophysical activity (HA) during the 23th solar cycle. 83 patients were examined at the period of a lower HA (Kp-index 16,19±0,18), and 62 patients - at the period of a higher HA (Kp-index 17,25±0,21, p<0,05). Baseline severity of patients' condition with UA at the moment of hospitalization at the studied periods did not differ, but the effectiveness of the therapy depended on the period of HA. At the period of a higher HA antianginal effect was stronger than at the lower period of HA (2,27±0,16 points and 1,75±0,12 points, p<0,05), and the need in nitroglycerin on the background of a drug therapy disappeared for 5-7 days quicker than at the period of a lower HA. Maximal hypotensive effect at a higher HA was achieved quicker - on the 3rd day of the treatment, and at a lower HA - only up to hospital discharge (p<0,05). Blood viscosity did not normalize in both of the studied periods, but in small vessels there was noted a decrease of a BV (p<0,05). So, at a higher HA the effectiveness of a drug therapy in patients with UA is higher than at the period of a lower HA.

  18. ANGIOPLASTIA PERCUTÁNEA CON STENT EN EL TRONCO PRINCIPAL DE LA ARTERIA CORONARIA IZQUIERDA / Percutaneous angioplasty with stent in the left main coronary artery

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    Javier Almeida Gómez


    Full Text Available ResumenIntroducción y objetivos: La afectación significativa del tronco común izquierdo, es la más letal de las presentaciones de la enfermedad arterial coronaria. El tratamiento de elección, es la cirugía de derivación aorto-coronaria. En varios estudios multicéntricos, se sugiere la posibilidad de tratar la enfermedad de tronco mediante el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo con implantación de prótesis endoluminal o stent. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la angioplastia percutánea con stent en el tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en 21 pacientes con angioplastia percutánea con stent en el tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda, realizadas en el laboratorio de Hemodinámica y Cardiología Intervencionista del Hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras", entre enero 2010 y julio 2011. Resultados: No existió diferencia significativa en el sexo. Predominó el grupo de edad entre 50-64 años (47,6 % y el color de la piel blanca (76,19 %. El factor de riesgo cardiovascular más encontrado fue la HTA (85,71 %, seguido de dislipidemia (47,61 %. El diagnóstico más observado fue la angina de esfuerzo estable, 14 casos (66,66 %. La lesión en el cuerpo del tronco (12 pacientes, 57,1 %, fue la más encontrada, seguida de la ostial (8 casos. El tipo de stent más utilizado fue el liberador de fármacos (61,9 %, y solamente 4 pacientes presentaban troncos protegidos quirúrgicamente. Conclusiones: La mayor cantidad de casos fueron electivos, con predominio de los troncos no protegidos. El factor de riesgo coronario más encontrado fue la HTA. Se encontró asociación significativa entre la diabetes mellitus y la localización ostial de la lesión tratada. / AbstractIntroduction and Objectives: Significant impairment of the left main coronary artery is the most lethal presentation of coronary artery disease. The treatment of choice

  19. Patterns of disturbed myocardial perfusion in patients with coronary artery disease. Regional myocardial perfusion in angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selwyn, A.P.; Forse, G.; Fox, K.; Jonathan, A.; Steiner, R.


    Fifty patients who presented with angina pectoris were studied to examine the disturbances of regional myocardial perfusion during stress. Each patient underwent 16-point precordial mapping of the ECG during an exercise test, and coronary and left ventricular angiography. Regional myocardial perfusion was assessed using an atrial pacing test and a short-lived radionuclide, krypton-81m. Eleven patients had negative exercise tests and uniform increases in myocardial activity of krypton-81m of 98 +/- 18.0% during pacing. Ten patients performed 30,000-43,000 J in positive exercise tests. These patients showed abnormal coronary anatomy and increases in myocardial activity of krypton-81m to remote and jeopardized myocardium at the onset of pacing. However, further pacing produced a decrease in activity in the affected segment of 68.0 +/- 9.0% accompanied by ST-segment depression and angina. Twelve patients achieved 26,000-32,000 J in positive exercise tests and had significant coronary artery disease. Atrial pacing produced increased activity of krypton-81m to remote myocardium. The jeopardized segment at first showed no change and then a decrease in regional activity of krypton-81m (89.0 +/- 17%) accompanied by ST-segment depression and chest pain. Seventeen patients achieved only 7000-22,000 J in positive exercise tests. These patients showed abnormal coronary anatomy and developed decreases in regional activity of krypton-81m to the affected segment of myocardium starting at the onset of atrial pacing and decreasing by 88 +/- 0 7.0% below control. We conclude that different patterns of disturbed myocardial distribution of krypton-81m are present during stress-induced ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease. There was a close temporal relationship between these disturbances and ST-segment depression


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    Masoumeh Sadeghi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Atherosclerosis is the commonest cause of vascular disease which can involve peripheral and/or cardiac vessels. This study was conducted to evaluate the possible link between Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI and coronary vessel involvement in patients with stable angina.    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2008 on 120 individuals who were hospitalized in Chamran Heart Center and underwent coronary angiography. A questionnaire was completed to obtain demographic information, history of previous heart disease and smoking. Body height and weight, as blood pressure on hand and foot were measured. The patients underwent angiography and the extent of coronary involvement (> 75% was determined. After12-14-hour of fasting, blood sugar was obtained to measure total cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C. The Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABI was calculated as the ratio of the blood pressure in the ankles to the blood pressure in the arms. The data were analyzed by SPSS-15 using ANOVA, T-Student test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, and discriminant analysis.    RESULTS: Samples were 46 women (38.33% and 74 men (61.67% with a mean age of 55.50 ± 10.49. Mean and SD of ABI in men and women was 0.72 ± 0.20 and 0.80 ± 0.19 with no significant difference (p = 0.012. The correlation between ABI and extent of coronary involvement was 0.47 (p < 0.0001. The group with lower ABI had the highest levels of coronary involvement (triple vessel, p < 0.05.     CONCLUSION: ABI had a significant relationship with the degree of coronary involvement and a significant predictive value. Therefore ABI seems to be a reliable indicator of high coronary risk.      Keywords: Ankle to brachial index, Coronary involvement, Stable angina.  

  1. Effects of the repeated administration of adenosine and heparin on myocardial perfusion in patients with chronic stable angina pectoris. (United States)

    Barron, H V; Sciammarella, M G; Lenihan, K; Michaels, A D; Botvinick, E H


    The mechanism by which ischemia stimulates angiogenesis is unknown. Adenosine is released during myocardial ischemia and may be a mediator of this process. Experimental data suggest that heparin may enhance this effect. The purpose of this open-labeled, placebo-controlled trial was to determine whether repeated intravenous administration of adenosine and heparin could mimic physiologic angiogenesis and reduce the amount of exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease. Subjects with chronic stable angina refractory to conventional medical therapy and not suitable for revascularization received either adenosine (140 microg/kg/min for 6 minutes) and heparin (10,000 U bolus), (n = 14), or placebo, (n = 7) daily for 10 days. All patients underwent baseline and follow-up exercise testing with thallium-201 single-photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging. A semiquantitative assessment of the extent and severity of the perfusion abnormalities was calculated by 2 blinded investigators. There was no significant change in exercise duration or in the peak heart rate systolic blood pressure product associated with adenosine and heparin compared with placebo treatment. There was, however, a 9% reduction in the extent (60.6 +/- 4.0 vs 54.9 +/- 4.1, p = 0.03) and a 14% improvement in severity (41.5 +/- 3.2 vs 35.7 +/- 2.9, p = 0.01) of the myocardial perfusion abnormalities seen in patients who received adenosine and heparin compared with placebo. Thus, in this pilot study, repeated administration of adenosine and heparin reduced the amount of exercise-induced ischemia in patients with chronic stable angina refractory to conventional treatment.

  2. A literature review to evaluate the economic value of ranolazine for the symptomatic treatment of chronic angina pectoris. (United States)

    Vellopoulou, Katerina; Kourlaba, Georgia; Maniadakis, Nikos; Vardas, Panagiotis


    To conduct a systematic review of the evidence regarding the economic value of ranolazine relative to standard-of-care (SOC) for the treatment of symptomatic chronic stable angina (CSA). Electronic databases were searched using relevant keywords. The identified studies were independently reviewed by two investigators against pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Their data were extracted using a relevant form and consequently were synthesized. Studies were also evaluated using the Quality of Health Economic Studies scale. The main outcomes considered were the cost and effectiveness for each comparator and the incremental cost per quality-adjusted-life year (QALY) gained. Six studies were included in the review. Five of these assessed the cost-utility of ranolazine added to SOC, compared to SOC alone, using decision trees or Markov models whereas one was a retrospective cost evaluation study. The analysis was conducted from a payer perspective in five studies and from a societal perspective in one study with the time horizon varying between six months and a year. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), ranged from €4000 to €15,000 per QALY gained. Ranolazine appears to be dominant or cost-effective, mainly due to its ability to decrease angina-related hospitalizations and also due to a marginal improvement in quality of life. The acquisition cost of ranolazine was the variable with the greatest impact upon the ICER. The existing evidence, although limited, indicates that ranolazine may be a dominant or cost-effective therapy option, for the treatment of patients with symptomatic CSA. Further research is required to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of ranolazine. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Algunas consideraciones en relación con los medicamentos antiepilépticos de nueva generación en los niños Some considerations in relation to the new generation antiepileptic drugs in children

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    Desiderio Pozo Lauzán


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar las principales drogas antiepilépticas de segunda generación y su administración en los niños: vigabatrina, felbamato, lamotrigina, topiramato, tiagabina, oxcarbazepina, zonisamida, levetiracetam y stiripentol. Al inicio se recomendaron en pacientes adultos con epilepsias focales refractarias, sin embargo desde hace varios años, se ha demostrado su eficacia en diferentes tipos de crisis en los niños. La lamotrigina y el topiramato se consideran medicamentos de amplio espectro. Se enfatiza en el metabolismo, vías de eliminación, indicaciones, dosis en los niños, interacciones medicamentosas y efectos colaterales de los medicamentos antiepilépticos de segunda generación. Se mencionan algunos de los nuevos medicamentos que actualmente están en investigación como antiepilépticos y que constituyen una tercera generaciónThe objective of this paper is to review the main second generation antiepileptic drugs and their administration in children: vigatrine, felbamate, lamotrigine, topiramate, tiagabine, oxcarbazepine, zonisamide, leventiracetam and stiripentol. At the beginning, they were recommended in adult patients with focal refractory epilepsies; however, their efficacy in different types of seizures in children has been proved for some years. Lamotrigine and topiramate are considered drugs of wide spectrum. Emphasis is made on metabolism, routes of elimination, indications, doses in children, drug interactions and side effects of the second generation antiepileptic drugs. Some of the new drugs that are currently under study as antiepileptic and that constitute a third generation, are mentioned.

  4. Comparison between exercise electrocardiogram and thallium 201 myocardial perfusion imaging during exercise, after dipyridamole and at rest, for the diagnosis of stable angina pectoris. 176 cases were studied with coronary angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machecourt, J.; Denis, B.; Comet, M.; Wolf, J.E.; Dimitriou, R.; Pellet, J.; Noel, P.M.


    The purpose of this study was to compare the diagnostic interest of the electrocardiogram stress test (EST) and the thallium myocardial imaging during exercise (TIE). For this, the cases of 176 patients with stable angina pectoris who underwent a coronary arteriogram were studied. These patients were divided into two groups: a first group of 113 patients without a previous history of myocardial infarction, nor a Q wave on their electrocardiogram and a second group of 63 patients with angina pectoris after a previous myocardial infarction. All patients underwent a combined EST and TIE. The sensitivity and the specificity of the EST and the TIE were studied, and the post-test risk after either a positive test or a negative test was calculated according to Bayes' theorem. In the first group 62 patients had a coronary stenosis and 51 had a normal arteriogram. The sensitivity of the TIE was higher than that of the EST: 80% versus 64%, p < 0.01. Even when the maximum effort was not reached during the EST, the TIE kept the same sensitivity. The diagnosis of angina pectoris cannot be absolutely established by the separate use of the TIE or the EST. However, their predictive value increases when both are correlated. Moreover, for female patients, the TIE is more specific than the EST because of the higher frequency of false positive or equivocal results of the EST in that population. (Auth.)

  5. Detection of coronary artery disease using 12-lead electrocardiogram and simultaneous dual myocardial imaging with iodine-123-β-methyl iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) and thallium-201 in patients with unstable angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saitoh, Makoto; Hasegawa, Koh; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Kondoh, Teruo; Yanagawa, Tetsuo.


    We investigated the usefulness of 12-lead electrocardiogram and simultaneous single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with 123 I-β-methyl iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) and thallium-201 ( 201 Tl) for detecting coronary artery disease (CAD) in 54 consecutive patients with unstable angina. Discordant BMIPP uptake was defined as less 123 I-BMIPP uptake than 201 Tl uptake in 123 I-BMIPP/ 201 Tl dual SPECT. In the detection of CAD, ischemic electrocardiographic change during anginal attack had high sensitivity and low specificity, while discordant BMIPP finding had low sensitivity and high specificity. In patients showing ST depression during anginal attack, discordant BMIPP uptake showed high sensitivity and high specificity for detecting CAD. In conclusion, both 12-lead electrocardiogram during anginal attack and discordant BMIPP uptake are useful in detecting CAD in patients with unstable angina. (author)

  6. Enhanced external counterpulsation for the treatment of stable angina and heart failure: a systematic review and economic analysis. (United States)

    McKenna, C; McDaid, C; Suekarran, S; Hawkins, N; Claxton, K; Light, K; Chester, M; Cleland, J; Woolacott, N; Sculpher, M


    To determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) compared with usual care and placebo for refractory stable angina and heart failure, and to undertake analyses of the expected value of information to assess the potential value of future research on EECP. Major electronic databases were searched between November 2007 and March 2008. A systematic review of the literature was undertaken and a decision model developed to compare EECP treatment with no treatment in adults with chronic stable angina. Five studies were included in the review. In the Multicenter Study of Enhanced External Counterpulsation (MUST-EECP), time to greater than or equal to 1-mm ST segment depression (exercise-induced ischaemia) was statistically significantly improved in the EECP group compared with the control group (sham EECP), mean difference (MD) 41 seconds [95% confidence interval (CI) 9.10-73.90]. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the EECP and control groups in the change in exercise duration from baseline to end of treatment, self-reported angina episodes or daily nitroglycerin use, and the clinical significance of the limited benefits was unclear. There was also a lack of data on long-term outcomes. There were more withdrawals due to adverse events in the EECP group than in the control group, as well as a greater proportion of patients with adverse events [relative risk (RR) 2.13, 95% CI 1.35-3.38]. The three non-randomised studies compared EECP with elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and usual care. There was a high risk of selection bias in all three studies and the results should be treated with considerable caution. The study comparing an EECP registry with a PCI registry reported similar 1-year all-cause mortality in both groups. In the Prospective Evaluation of EECP in Congestive Heart Failure (PEECH) trial, patients with heart failure were randomised to EECP or to usual care

  7. Does access to invasive examination and treatment influence socioeconomic differences in case fatality for patients admitted for the first time with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mårtensson, Solvej; Gyrd-Hansen, Dorte; Prescott, Eva


    nominal equal access to health care, social inequality in case fatality after NSTEMI and unstable angina exists in Denmark. The patients with the shortest education waited longer for angiography; however, this did not seem to explain inequality in case fatality. This register-based study was approved...

  8. Usefulness of exercise electrocardiography and thallium scintigraphy in unstable angina pectoris in predicting the extent and severity of coronary artery disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freeman, M.R.; Chisholm, R.J.; Armstrong, P.W.


    The safety and efficacy of exercise electrocardiography and thallium scintigraphy early in the course of unstable angina pectoris were assessed 4.6 +/- 1.6 days after admission in 67 patients with unstable angina that stabilized after medical therapy. Coronary arteriography was performed in all patients 5.4 +/- 2.4 days after admission. There was no difference in clinical, exercise or scintigraphic variables between patients with stenoses less than 50% and patients with 1-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD) defined as a diameter stenosis greater than or equal to 50%. Patients with 3-vessel CAD had a significantly shorter exercise duration than patients with less than 50%-diameter narrowing (5.5 +/- 2.2 vs 8.3 +/- 3.3 minutes, respectively), lower exercise heart rate (119 +/- 20 vs 149 +/- 22 beats/min) and systolic blood pressure (156 +/- 29 vs 166 +/- 33 mm Hg), more frequent chest pain (76 vs 20%) and more pronounced ST depression (-1.48 +/- 1.37 vs -0.33 +/- 0.72 mm). In addition, thallium defect size on exercise was greater in the patients with 2-vessel CAD (159 +/- 132 degrees) and 3-vessel CAD (255 +/- 132 degrees) than in patients with no CAD (28 +/- 319 degrees) or 1-vessel CAD (73 +/- 78 degrees), p greater than or equal to 0.05. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that thallium defect size was the best predictor of extent of CAD, with exercise heart rate and presence of chest pain during exercise also predictive of extent of CAD

  9. A Case Report of Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagica (ABH in Patient with Churg Strauss Syndrome

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    M. Koopaie


    Full Text Available Bullosa Haemorrhagica (ABH is a rare oral blood blisters disorder. This recurrent disorder is restricted to oral mucosa and its difference with other oral vesiculobullos disorders is that blood vesicles are formed after minor trauma and in the absence of any blood dyscrasia, vesiculobullos disease and systemic disorder. This blood blisters are without pain, with color of dark red and full of bloods that rapidly enlarge and rapidly burst. The incidence of Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagica is unknown. Diagnosis of this disorder and differentiation from vesiculobullos disease like pemphigus and pemphiguid is important for patient's health. In this report we introduce a 55 years old woman with a 4­years history of oral blood blisters. These vesicles were in lateral border and ventral surface of tongue and on the ferenum. In medical history the patient had churg strauss syndrome and using inhalation corticosteroid for control of asthmatic attacks (An etiologic factor for appearing or aggravation of the disease.

  10. Does slice thickness affect diagnostic performance of 64-slice CT coronary angiography in stable and unstable angina patients with a positive calcium score?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meijs, Matthijs F.L.; Vos, Alexander M. de; Cramer, Maarten J.; Doevendans, Pieter A.; Vries, Jan J.J. de; Rutten, Annemarieke; Budde, Ricardo P.J.; Prokop, Mathias (Dept. of Radiology, Univ. Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands)), e-mail:; Meijboom, W. Bob; Feyter, Pim J. de (Dept. of Cardiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam (Netherlands))


    Background: Coronary calcification can lead to over-estimation of the degree of coronary stenosis. Purpose: To evaluate whether thinner reconstruction thickness improves the diagnostic performance of 64-slice CT coronary angiography (CTCA) in angina patients with a positive calcium score. Material and Methods: We selected 20 scans from a clinical study comparing CTCA to conventional coronary angiography (CCA) in stable and unstable angina patients based on a low number of motion artifacts and a positive calcium score. All images were acquired at 64 x 0.625 mm and each CTCA scan was reconstructed at slice thickness/increment 0.67 mm/0.33 mm, 0.9 mm/0.45 mm, and 1.4 mm/0.7 mm. Two reviewers blinded for CCA results independently evaluated the scans for the presence of significant coronary artery disease (CAD) in three randomly composed series, with =2 weeks in between series. The diagnostic performance of CTCA was compared for the different slice thicknesses using a pooled analysis of both reviewers. Significant CAD was defined as >50% diameter narrowing on quantitative CCA. Image noise (standard deviation of CT numbers) was measured in all scans. Inter-observer variability was assessed with kappa. Results: Significant CAD was present in 8% of 304 available segments. Median total Agatston calcium score was 181.8 (interquartile range 34.9-815.6). Sensitivity at 0.67 mm, 0.9 mm, and 1.4 mm slice thickness was 70% (95% confidence interval 57-83%), 74% (62-86%), and 70% (57-83%), respectively. Specificity was 85% (82-88%), 84% (81-87%), and 84% (81-87%), respectively. The positive predictive value was 30 (21-38%), 29 (21-37%), and 28 (20-36%), respectively. The negative predictive value was 97% (95-98%), 97% (96-99%), and 97% (96-99%), respectively. Kappa for inter-observer agreement was 0.56, 0.58, and 0.59. Noise decreased from 32.9 HU at 0.67 mm, to 23.2 HU at 1.4 mm (P<0.001). Conclusion: Diagnostic performance of CTCA in angina patients with a positive calcium score

  11. Comparison of chest pain, electrocardiographic changes and thallium-201 scintigraphy during varying exercise intensities in men with stable angina pectoris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heller, G.V.; Ahmed, I.; Tilkemeier, P.L.; Barbour, M.M.; Garber, C.E.


    This study was performed to evaluate the presence of angina pectoris, electrocardiographic changes and reversible thallium-201 defects resulting from 2 different levels of exercise in 19 patients with known coronary artery disease and evidence of exercise-induced ischemia. The exercise protocols consisted of a symptom-limited incremental exercise test (Bruce protocol) followed within 3 to 14 days by a submaximal, steady-state exercise test performed at 70% of the maximal heart rate achieved during the Bruce protocol. The presence and time of onset of angina and electrocardiographic changes (greater than or equal to 0.1 mV ST-segment depression) as well as oxygen uptake, exercise duration and pressure-rate product were recorded. Thallium-201 (2.5 to 3.0 mCi) was injected during the last minute of exercise during both protocols, and the images were analyzed using both computer-assisted quantitation and visual interpretations. Incremental exercise resulted in anginal symptoms in 84% of patients, and electrocardiographic changes and reversible thallium-201 defects in all patients. In contrast, submaximal exercise produced anginal symptoms in only 26% (p less than 0.01) and electrocardiographic changes in only 47% (p less than 0.05), but resulted in thallium-201 defects in 89% of patients (p = not significant). The locations of the thallium-201 defects, when present, were not different between the 2 exercise protocols. These findings confirm the sequence of the ischemic cascade using 2 levels of exercise and demonstrate that the cascade theory is applicable during varying ischemic intensities in the same patient

  12. Cardiac rehabilitation: a good measure to improve quality of life in peri- and postmenopausal women with microvascular angina

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    Wojciech Szot


    Full Text Available Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX was considered a stable coronary syndrome, yet due to its nature, CSX symptoms often have a great impact on patients’ Quality of Life (QoL. According to ESC 2013 stable coronary artery disease criteria, CSX was replaced by Microvascular Angina (MA.Unfortunately, most CSX or MA patients, after classical angina (involving main coronary vessels has been ruled out, often do not receive proper treatment. Indications for pharmacological treatment of MA patients were introduced only recently. Another problematic issue is that scientists describing the pathophysiology of both CSX and MA stress a lack of a deeper insight into the multifactorial etiology of the source of pain associated with this disease. In the presented article we have attempted to study the influence of cardiac rehabilitation (3 months programme on the QoL of patients recognized as suffering from MA, as well as to check if changes in myocardial perfusion in these patients at baseline and after completion of cardiac rehabilitation match changes in their QoL. Therefore, after screening 436 women for MA, we studied 55 of them who were confirmed as having MA and who agreed to participate in the study. Exercise tests, Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, and QoL questionnaires were studied at baseline and after completing 3 months period of cardiac rehabilitation. Results were subsequently compared, which showed a link between improved perfusion score in SPECT study and improved overall physical capacity, on one hand, and improved QoL score on the other. These results confirm that cardiac rehabilitation is a very useful treatment option for MA patients. It seems that training during cardiac rehabilitation is a very important factor (improved physical efficiency –> increase in self-belief, and that taking into consideration the multifactor pathophysiology of pain, it is connected with a better quality of life for MA patients.

  13. Cardiac rehabilitation: a good measure to improve quality of life in peri- and postmenopausal women with microvascular angina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wojciech Szot


    Full Text Available Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX was considered a stable coronary syndrome, yet due to its nature, CSX symptoms often have a great impact on patients’ Quality of Life (QoL. According to ESC 2013 stable coronary artery disease criteria, CSX was replaced by Microvascular Angina (MA.Unfortunately, most CSX or MA patients, after classical angina (involving main coronary vessels has been ruled out, often do not receive proper treatment. Indications for pharmacological treatment of MA patients were introduced only recently. Another problematic issue is that scientists describing the pathophysiology of both CSX and MA stress a lack of a deeper insight into the multifactorial etiology of the source of pain associated with this disease. In the presented article we have attempted to study the influence of cardiac rehabilitation (3 months programme on the QoL of patients recognized as suffering from MA, as well as to check if changes in myocardial perfusion in these patients at baseline and after completion of cardiac rehabilitation match changes in their QoL. Therefore, after screening 436 women for MA, we studied 55 of them who were confirmed as having MA and who agreed to participate in the study. Exercise tests, Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, and QoL questionnaires were studied at baseline and after completing 3 months period of cardiac rehabilitation. Results were subsequently compared, which showed a link between improved perfusion score in SPECT study and improved overall physical capacity, on one hand, and improved QoL score on the other. These results confirm that cardiac rehabilitation is a very useful treatment option for MA patients. It seems that training during cardiac rehabilitation is a very important factor (improved physical efficiency –> increase in self-belief, and that taking into consideration the multifactor pathophysiology of pain, it is connected with a better quality of life for MA patients.

  14. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  15. ST depression and left ventricular haemodynamics during exercise in patients with angina pectoris. (United States)

    Carlens, P; Holmgren, A; Jonasson, R; Landou, C; Orinius, E


    The mechanism of ischaemic ST depression and the cause of its low sensitivity to coronary artery stenosis are not well understood. Of 30 patients with severe stable effort angina, 19 (63%) showed ischaemic ST depressions after exercise (the STAE group) and 11 did not. The highest load during the symptom-limited exercise test and the heart rate on that load did not differ between the two groups. The clinical characteristics and angiographic findings were also similar, but the findings at heart catheterization differed during exercise (in supine). Although the load was similar, the stroke index was significantly lower (38 vs. 53 ml/m2 BSA) and the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure rose to a significantly higher value in the STAE group (40 vs. 32 mmHg). When STAE occurred, they were exclusively or concomitantly present in chest lead 5. These findings suggest that ischaemic STAE may not reflect regional ischaemia but the consequent left ventricular dysfunction. The mechanism may, for example, be that a sufficiently elevated left ventricular diastolic pressure causes a global subendocardial ischaemia.

  16. Efficacy of controlled-release isosorbide-5-mononitrate as adjunctive treatment to beta-blocking agents in patients with stable angina pectoris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup; Aldershvile, J; Abildgaard, U


    to a beta blocker. In bicycle ergometer exercise tests performed 4 h after study drug intake, total exercise time and time until 1-mm ST-depression increased significantly during both regimens as compared with placebo (p less than 0.05). However, only the 60-mg once-daily regimen was significantly better...... than placebo with regard to time until angina pectoris. The results indicate that ISMN-CR 60 mg once daily is effective as adjunctive to beta-blocker treatment, and nitrate tolerance appeared to develop during the twice-daily regimen. In 10 of the patients, the effect of additional sublingual...


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    Luis Alberto Ángel Arango


    Conclusiones. Las dietas de tipo mediterráneo y reductora del colesterol ricas en ácidos grasos omega-3 probablemente tienen un efecto favorable en la prevención cardiovascular secundaria (B-IIa, este efecto desaparece si se asocia con tratamiento farmacológico de los factores cardiovasculares de riesgo (B-III. Los ácidos grasos omega-3 probablemente incrementan la mortalidad en pacientes con angina y favorecen la recurrencia de arritmias ventriculares (B-III.

  18. Evaluation of the systemic micro- and macrovasculature in stable angina: A case-control study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulf Neisius

    Full Text Available The diagnosis of stable angina involves the use of probability estimates based on clinical presentation, age, gender and cardiovascular risk factors. In view of the link between the cardiac and systemic vasculature we tested whether non-invasive measures of systemic micro- and macrovascular structure and function differentiate between individuals with flow-limiting coronary artery disease (CAD and those with normal coronary arteries (NCA.We recruited 84 patients undergoing elective coronary angiography for investigation of symptoms of stable angina. Patients were selected for either having significant CAD or NCA (n = 43/41; age, 56±7 vs 57±7 years, P = 0.309. Only microvascular endothelial function, measured using the Endo-PAT2000 device to determine reactive hyperaemia index (CAD vs. NCA; 1.9 [1.5; 2.3] vs. 2.1 [1.8; 2.4], P = 0.03 and sonographic carotid plaque score (CAD vs. NCA; 3.0 [1.5; 4.5] vs. 1.2 [0; 2.55], P<0.001 were significantly different between patients with CAD and NCA. No significant differences were detected in reflection magnitude (CAD vs. NCA; 1.7 [1.5; 1.8] % vs 1.7 [1.5; 1.9] %, P = 0.342, pulse wave velocity (CAD vs. NCA; 7.8±1.4 m/sec vs. 8.3±1.5 m/sec, P = 0.186, carotid intima-media thickness (CAD vs. NCA; 0.73±0.10 mm vs. 0.75±0.10 mm, P = 0.518 or carotid distensibility (CAD vs. NCA; 3.8±1.2 10-3/kPa vs. 3.4±0.9 10-3/kPa, P = 0.092. Also, the c-statistic of the pre-test probability based on history and traditional risk factors (c = 0.665; 95% CI, 0.540-0.789 was improved by the addition of the inverse RHI (c = 0.720; 95% CI, 0.605-0.836, carotid plaque score (c = 0.770, 95% CI, 0.659-0.881, and of both markers in combination (c = 0.801; 95% CI, 0.701-0.900.There are distinct differences in the systemic vasculature between patients with CAD and NCA that may have the potential to guide diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. Carotid artery plaque burden and microvascular function appear to be most promising in

  19. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  20. Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on transient ischemia: the Quinapril Anti-Ischemia and Symptoms of Angina Reduction (QUASAR) trial. (United States)

    Pepine, Carl J; Rouleau, Jean-Lucien; Annis, Karen; Ducharme, Anique; Ma, Patrick; Lenis, Jacques; Davies, Richard; Thadani, Udho; Chaitman, Bernard; Haber, Harry E; Freedman, S Ben; Pressler, Milton L; Pitt, Bertram


    We sought to determine whether angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACE-I) (i.e., quinapril) prevents transient ischemia (exertional and spontaneous) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). It is known that ACE-I reduces the risk of death, myocardial infarction (MI), and other CAD-related outcomes in high-risk patients. Numerous studies have confirmed that ACE-I improves coronary flow and endothelial function. Whether ACE-I also decreases transient ischemia is unclear, because no studies have been adequately designed or sufficiently powered to evaluate this issue. Using a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter design, we enrolled 336 CAD patients with stable angina. None had uncontrolled hypertension, left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, or recent MI, and all developed electrocardiographic (ECG) evidence of ischemia during exercise. They were randomly assigned to one of two groups: 40 mg/day quinapril (n = 177) or placebo (n = 159) for 8 weeks. Patients then entered an additional eight-week treatment phase to examine the full dose range. Those assigned to 40 mg quinapril continued that dose and those assigned to placebo were titrated to 80 mg/day. Treadmill testing, the Seattle Angina Questionnaire, and ambulatory ECG monitoring were used to assess responses at baseline and at 8 and 16 weeks. The groups did not differ significantly at entry or in terms of indexes assessing myocardial ischemia at 8 or 16 weeks of treatment. In this low-risk population, ACE-I was not associated with serious adverse events. Our findings suggest short-term ACE-I in CAD patients without hypertension, LV dysfunction, or acute MI is not associated with significant effects on transient ischemia.

  1. ¿Trombosis muy tardía de stent coronario? Más allá de la angiografía

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Alvarado


    Full Text Available Varón de 60 años con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, dislipemia y cardiopatía isquémica, esta última con debut 8 años antes por angina inestable; en ese momento se realizó coronariografía que mostró enfermedad de la coronaria derecha (CD: un vaso ectásico, con importante remodelado positivo y lesiones graves en su segmento distal, y en el proximal de la rama posterolateral. Se trató mediante implante de dos stents no farmacoactivos. Desde entonces el paciente permaneció asintomático, con buen control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular.

  2. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  3. Transient myocardial ischemia during nifedipine therapy in stable angina pectoris, and its relation to coronary collateral flow and comparison with metoprolol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egstrup, K; Andersen, P E


    There are conflicting results concerning the anti-ischemic effect of nifedipine in patients with chronic stable angina. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess whether the anti-ischemic effect of nifedipine may be related to coronary collateral circulation. Forty-one patients with stable...... of collateral circulation. In 17 patients, angiographically poor or no collateral flow was observed (group 1), and 24 had good collateral flow (group 2). Nifedipine was administered to 20 patients (8 in group 1, and 12 in group 2). In group 1, nifedipine reduced the frequency of total and asymptomatic ischemic...

  4. [Mexican Cardiology Society Guidelines on the management of patients with unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Cancún, Quintana Roo 15-16 November 2002. Cooperative Group of Consensus]. (United States)

    Lupi-Herrera, Eulo


    Mexican Cardiology Society guidelines for the Management of patients with unstable angina and non-ST--segment elevation myocardial infarction are presented. The Mexican Society of Cardiology has engaged in the elaboration of these guidelines in the area of acute coronary syndromes based on the recent report of RENASICA [National Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes]: 70% of the ACS correspond to patients with unstable angina and non-ST--segment elevation myocardial infarction seen in the emergency departments during the years 1999-2001 in hospitals of 2nd and 3rd level of medical attention. Experts in the subject under consideration were selected to examine subject-specific data and to write guidelines. Special groups were specifically chosen to perform a formal literature review, to weight the strength of evidences for or against a particular treatment or procedure, and to include estimates of expected health outcomes where data exist. Current classifications were used in the recommendations that summarize both the evidence and expert opinion and provide final recommendation for both patient evaluation and therapy. These guidelines represent an attempt to define practices that meet the needs of most patients in most circumstances in Mexico. The ultimate judgment regarding the care of a particular patient must be made by the physician and patient in light of all of the available information and the circumstances presented by that patient. The present guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina and non-ST--segment elevation myocardial infarction should be reviewed in the next coming future by Mexican cardiologists according to the forthcoming advances in ACS without ST-segment elevation.

  5. Opções terapêuticas atuais para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e doença arterial coronariana: prevenção secundária intensiva focada no treinamento físico versus revascularização percutânea ou cirúrgica Las opciones terapeuticas actuales en la diabetes mellitus 2 y la enfermedad coronaria: la prevención secundaria intensiva con el enfoque en el entrenamiento del ejercicio contra la revascularización quirurgica y percutanea Current therapeutical options in diabetes mellitus type 2 and coronary artery disease: intensive secondary prevention with focus on exercise training versus percutaneous or surgical revascularization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastian Sixt


    Full Text Available O diabetes mellitus é um dos maiores fatores de risco para a doença arterial coronariana. A doença progride mais rápido em pacientes diabéticos e está associada com pior prognóstico. Embora a cirurgia de revascularização ou intervenção percutânea com a implantação de stent garanta rápido alívio dos sintomas em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana estabelecida, não existe substancial benefício prognóstico. Uma intervenção multifatorial incluindo medidas dietéticas, controle glicêmico, tratamento anti-hipertensivo e exercícios físicos regulares tem influência positiva nos fatores de risco modificáveis, na melhora de outras funções cardiovasculares e na tolerância ao exercício livre de angina.La diabetes mellitus es uno de los factores de riesgo mayores para la enfermedad de la arteria coronaria. La enfermedad progresa más rápidamente en los pacientes diabéticos y está asociada con uno de los más peores pronósticos. Aunque la cirugía de desviación o las intervenciones percutaneas con la implantación del stent proporcionan un alivio sintomático rápido para los pacientes con esta enfermedad de la arteria coronaria establecida, no tiene el beneficio de un pronóstico sustancial. Una intervención multi-factorial que incluye las medidas dietéticas, mando de sangre-glucosa, el tratamiento del antihipertensivo y ejercicio físico regular tiene una influencia positiva en los factores de riesgo modificables, y mejora entre otros la aptitud cardiovascular y la tolerancia del ejercicio libre de anginas.Diabetes mellitus is one of the major risk factors for coronary artery disease. The disease progresses faster in diabetic patients and is associated with a worse prognosis. Although bypass surgery or percutaneous interventions with stent implantation provide quick symptomatic relief for patients with stable coronary artery disease, it has no substantial prognostic benefit. A multifactorial intervention including

  6. Dietary factor VII activation does not increase plasma concentrations of prothrombin fragment 1+2 in patients with stable angina pectoris and coronary atherosclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bladbjerg, E-M; Münster, A M; Marckmann, P


    Studies in healthy subjects showed that blood coagulation factor VII (FVII) is activated postprandially after consumption of high-fat meals, but accompanying thrombin formation has not been demonstrated. In patients with coronary atherosclerosis, the arterial intima is supposed to present more...... tissue factor, the cofactor of FVII, to circulating blood; therefore, thrombin formation in response to FVII activation is more likely to occur in such patients. This hypothesis was tested in a randomized crossover study of 30 patients (aged 43 to 70 years) with stable angina pectoris...

  7. La doble trans-posición: de la Literatura a la Antropología y viceversa. Presentación del volumen monográfico: Antropología y Literatura

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    Susana Castillo


    Full Text Available Este texto introduce y presenta los artículos del monográfico sobre Antropología y Literatura que integran el volumen 17 de la Revista de Antropología Social. Se plantea, en primer lugar, el inestable equilibrio entre Antropología y Literatura, etnografía y ficción, abriendo el análisis hacia el cambio de paradigma teórico que cimentó las condiciones para la innovación en los textos etnográficos. Se detiene asimismo en la doxa que se impone en el ámbito antropológico, donde la polisemia del concepto ficción es problemática. Y se pretende también proporcionar al lector claves para leer y reflexionar sobre Antropología y Literatura como disciplinas refractarias, cuya conciencia crítica de oposición y, al mismo tiempo, de dependencia surge en los años de la posmodernidad y continúa hasta el presente con variaciones y desviaciones múltiples. En suma, se introduce al lector en una obra ecléctica e interseccional con planteamientos teóricos y estudio de casos originales.

  8. Lupus nephritis, pregnancy and rituximab

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    Enrique Dorado


    Full Text Available La nefritis lúpica (NL proliferativa es una de las complicaciones más graves del LES. La respuesta terapéutica con los esquemas clásicos no existe en el 20 al 70% de los casos, siendo la amplitud de dicho rango explicada por variaciones étnicas, falta de consenso en la definición de remisión, diferencias en los tiempos de tratamiento, seguimiento y en la clase de NL. En presencia de NL recidivante o refractaria los tratamientos y el nivel de evidencia sobre su eficacia son más limitados. Rituximab es un anticuerpo monoclonal quimérico (ratón-humano dirigido contra el antígeno CD 20 localizado en la superficie celular de los linfocitos B. Estos participan en la patogénesis del LES a partir de su maduración en células plasmáticas, producción de anticuerpos, secreción de citoquinas proinflamatorias, presentación de autoantígenos a las células T y en la activación de células T. La administración de rituximab genera un rápido y sostenido descenso de los linfocitos B CD 20+ circulantes y una reducción de los títulos de auto-anticuerpos. Se reportó una disminución significativa en los niveles de antiDNA a partir de la semana 14 y de los niveles de IgM, sin compromiso de IgG ni de IgA. Se detectó droga activa en sangre periférica luego de la semana 24 de la última infusión. La depleción de linfocitos B se puede mantener por 6 meses, su reconstitución es heterogénea y puede tardar más de un año. Esta linfopenia selectiva tendría un valor predictivo de respuesta terapéutica, la remisión clínica prolongada tendría asociación con repoblación incompleta de células B de memoria varios años luego del tratamiento. En estudios observacionales realizados en pacientes con NL refractaria se reportó respuesta terapéutica con rituximab entre 67-77 % luego de 6 a 12 meses de seguimiento. Sin embargo los resultados del estudio Lupus Nephritis Assesment with Rituximab (LUNAR, randomizado controlado, a doble ciego

  9. Low Volume Aerobic Training Heightens Muscle Deoxygenation in Early Post-Angina Pectoris Patients. (United States)

    Takagi, Shun; Murase, Norio; Kime, Ryotaro; Niwayama, Masatsugu; Osada, Takuya; Katsumura, Toshihito


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of low volume aerobic exercise training on muscle O2 dynamics during exercise in early post-angina pectoris (AP) patients, as a pilot study. Seven AP patients (age: 72 ± 6 years) participated in aerobic exercise training for 12 weeks. Training consisted of continuous cycling exercise for 30 min at the individual's estimated lactate threshold, and the subjects trained for 15 ± 5 exercise sessions over 12 weeks. Before and after training, the subjects performed ramp cycling exercise until exhaustion. Muscle O2 saturation (SmO2) and relative changes from rest in deoxygenated hemoglobin concentration (∆Deoxy-Hb) and total hemoglobin concentration (∆Total-Hb) were monitored at the vastus lateralis by near infrared spatial resolved spectroscopy during exercise. The SmO2 was significantly lower and ∆Deoxy-Hb was significantly higher after training than before training, while there were no significant changes in ∆Total-Hb. These results indicated that muscle deoxygenation and muscle O2 extraction were potentially heightened by aerobic exercise training in AP patients, even though the exercise training volume was low.

  10. Correlation of angina pectoris and perfusion decrease by collateral circulation in single-vessel coronary chronic total occlusion using myocardial perfusion single-photon emssion computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Sang Geon; Park, Ki Seong; Kang, Sae Ryung [Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); and others


    To evaluate the perfusion decrease in donor myocardium by collateral circulation and its correlation with angina pectoris in patients with chronic total occlusion (CTO) using myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (MPS). Thirty-six patients with single-vessel CTO without any other stenosis were included. All patients underwent MPS and coronary angiography (CAG) within 2 months. Total 72 donor arteries were evaluated for the grades of collaterals to the CTO artery using the Rentrop grading system on CAG. Perfusion defects and perfusion scores in donor and CTO territories were analyzed on MPS. Myocardial perfusion of donor and CTO territories were evaluated according to the presence of angina pectoris and the grades of collateral circulation. When the CTO territory was ischemic, symptomatic patients showed higher summed difference scores in the CTO territory compared to asymptomatic patients (3.5 ± 2.4 vs. 1.5 ± 0.8 for symptomatic and asymptomatic groups respectively; p = 0.034). However, when the CTO territory was nonischemic, symptomatic patients showed higher summed stress scores (SSS, 4.3 ± 2.9 vs. 1.6 ± 1.2; p = 0.032) and summed rest scores (SRS, 4.2 ± 2.5 vs. 1.5 ± 1.1; p = 0.003) in the donor territories. On the per-vessel analysis, perfusion defects in donor territories were more frequent (0 % vs. 53 % vs. 86 % for Rentrop 0, Rentrop 1–2 and Rentrop 3, respectively; p < 0.001) and showed higher SSS (0.0 ± 0.0, 1.3 ± 1.6 and 2.1 ± 1.1 for Rentrop 0, Rentrop 1–2 and Rentrop 3, respectively; p = 0.001) and SRS (0.0 ± 0.0, 1.0 ± 1.4 and 1.7 ± 1.2; p = 0.003) at higher Rentrop grades, but their patterns were variable. Angina pectoris was related to either ischemia of the myocardium beyond CTO or a perfusion decrease in the donor myocardium. The perfusion decrease in donor myocardium positively correlated with the collateral grades.

  11. A genetic fuzzy system for unstable angina risk assessment. (United States)

    Dong, Wei; Huang, Zhengxing; Ji, Lei; Duan, Huilong


    Unstable Angina (UA) is widely accepted as a critical phase of coronary heart disease with patients exhibiting widely varying risks. Early risk assessment of UA is at the center of the management program, which allows physicians to categorize patients according to the clinical characteristics and stratification of risk and different prognosis. Although many prognostic models have been widely used for UA risk assessment in clinical practice, a number of studies have highlighted possible shortcomings. One serious drawback is that existing models lack the ability to deal with the intrinsic uncertainty about the variables utilized. In order to help physicians refine knowledge for the stratification of UA risk with respect to vagueness in information, this paper develops an intelligent system combining genetic algorithm and fuzzy association rule mining. In detail, it models the input information's vagueness through fuzzy sets, and then applies a genetic fuzzy system on the acquired fuzzy sets to extract the fuzzy rule set for the problem of UA risk assessment. The proposed system is evaluated using a real data-set collected from the cardiology department of a Chinese hospital, which consists of 54 patient cases. 9 numerical patient features and 17 categorical patient features that appear in the data-set are selected in the experiments. The proposed system made the same decisions as the physician in 46 (out of a total of 54) tested cases (85.2%). By comparing the results that are obtained through the proposed system with those resulting from the physician's decision, it has been found that the developed model is highly reflective of reality. The proposed system could be used for educational purposes, and with further improvements, could assist and guide young physicians in their daily work.

  12. Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of linear and nonlinear indices of heart rate variability in stable angina patients

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    Pivatelli Flávio


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Decreased heart rate variability (HRV is related to higher morbidity and mortality. In this study we evaluated the linear and nonlinear indices of the HRV in stable angina patients submitted to coronary angiography. Methods We studied 77 unselected patients for elective coronary angiography, which were divided into two groups: coronary artery disease (CAD and non-CAD groups. For analysis of HRV indices, HRV was recorded beat by beat with the volunteers in the supine position for 40 minutes. We analyzed the linear indices in the time (SDNN [standard deviation of normal to normal], NN50 [total number of adjacent RR intervals with a difference of duration greater than 50ms] and RMSSD [root-mean square of differences] and frequency domains ultra-low frequency (ULF ≤ 0,003 Hz, very low frequency (VLF 0,003 – 0,04 Hz, low frequency (LF (0.04–0.15 Hz, and high frequency (HF (0.15–0.40 Hz as well as the ratio between LF and HF components (LF/HF. In relation to the nonlinear indices we evaluated SD1, SD2, SD1/SD2, approximate entropy (−ApEn, α1, α2, Lyapunov Exponent, Hurst Exponent, autocorrelation and dimension correlation. The definition of the cutoff point of the variables for predictive tests was obtained by the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC. The area under the ROC curve was calculated by the extended trapezoidal rule, assuming as relevant areas under the curve ≥ 0.650. Results Coronary arterial disease patients presented reduced values of SDNN, RMSSD, NN50, HF, SD1, SD2 and -ApEn. HF ≤ 66 ms2, RMSSD ≤ 23.9 ms, ApEn ≤−0.296 and NN50 ≤ 16 presented the best discriminatory power for the presence of significant coronary obstruction. Conclusion We suggest the use of Heart Rate Variability Analysis in linear and nonlinear domains, for prognostic purposes in patients with stable angina pectoris, in view of their overall impairment.

  13. Aspectos Psicosociales Relacionados con el TEPT en Pacientes con Cáncer de Mama


    Hernández Moreno, Fresia Paloma; Landero Hernández, René


    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación del estrés, la depresión y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó con una muestra no probabilística de 52 mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se encontró una relación entre TEPT y estrés (r= .344, p= .014), TEPT y depresión (rs=.346, p= .013). El TEPT correlacionó con evitación cognitiva (r= .437, p= .001), TEPT y desesperanza (rs= .437, p= .001) y TEPT...

  14. Cistitis por schistosoma haematobium, presentación de un caso

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    Ramón Zaragoza Durañona


    Full Text Available No es frecuente en nuestro medio la infección por Schistosoma. haematobium, pero existen todos los elementos de la triada ecológica para su transmisión. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino, de raza mestiza, con 46 años de edad y procedencia rural, que refiere dolores lumbares al orinar, disuria, tenesmo vesical y polaquiuria durante el último año. Al examen físico se encontró el abdomen discretamente doloroso a la palpación superficial y profunda en hipogastrio y fosas lumbares. Se trató como una infección urinaria sin mejoría. Los complementarios arrojaron discreta eosinofilia y reflujo vesicoureteral grado IV en la uretrocistografía retrógrada y miccional. La cistoscopia videoasistida reportó, a nivel del trígono, la mucosa vesical enrojecida con estructuras en forma de granos de arroz de aspecto puntiforme; la biopsia informó huevos de esquistosomas y cambios metaplásicos en el epitelio vesical. Se trató con praziquantel y desaparecieron los síntomas. A los seis meses los complementarios resultaron normales y el paciente está asintomático. Se concluye en la importancia de considerar la infección por Schistosoma haematobium entre los diagnósticos de la infección urinaria refractaria al tratamiento

  15. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

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    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  16. Understanding factors that influence the use of risk scoring instruments in the management of patients with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction in the Netherlands: a qualitative study of health care practitioners’ perceptions.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engel, J.; Heeren, M.J.; Wulp, I. van der; Bruijne, M.C. de; Wagner, C.


    Background Cardiac risk scores estimate a patient’s risk of future cardiac events or death. They are developed to inform treatment decisions of patients diagnosed with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Despite recommending their use in guidelines and

  17. Síndrome de Wellens Síndrome de Wellens Wellens syndrome

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    Marcelo Campos Appel-da-Silva


    Full Text Available A avaliação de dor torácica é prática de rotina em serviços de emergência. Embora seja queixa comum e com amplo diagnóstico diferencial. é na suspeita de síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA que a preocupação é maior. Eletrocardiograma e dosagem de enzimas cardíacas são ferramentas importantes na investigação dos pacientes. mas. quando negativos. podem não identificar algumas doenças. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com angina. cujos exames iniciais na emergência não apresentavam alterações sugestivas de cardiopatia isquêmica. Doença de conhecimento recente. a síndrome de Wellens consiste em uma variante da angina instável. que. quando não reconhecida. pode acarretar em significativa morbidade e mortalidade.La evaluación de dolor torácico es práctica de rutina en servicios de emergencia. Aunque es queja común y con amplio diagnóstico diferencial, es en la sospecha de síndrome coronario agudo (SCA que la preocupación es más grande. Electrocardiograma y dosificación de enzimas cardíacas son herramientas importantes en la investigación de los pacientes, sin embargo, cuando negativos, pueden no identificar algunas enfermedades. Referimos el caso clínico de una paciente con angina, cuyos exámenes iniciales en la emergencia no presentaban alteraciones sugestivas de cardiopatía isquémica. Enfermedad de conocimiento reciente, el síndrome de Wellens consiste en una variante de angina inestable, que cuando no reconocida, puede conllevar significativa morbilidad y mortalidad.The assessment of chest pain is a routine in emergency health services. Although this is a common complaint with a broad differential diagnosis. the major concern is the possibility of acute coronary syndrome (ACS. Electrocardiography and cardiac enzyme levels are important tools in the investigation of these patients; however. negative results may actually be overlooking the identification of some conditions. We report the case of a female

  18. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

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    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.


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    Enrique Alexis García Moya


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción catalítica selectiva (RCS de NOx con metano en presencia de oxígeno en exceso con varios catalizadores a base de las zeolitas mordenita, ferrierita y ZSM-5 intercambiadas con diferentes cargas de cobalto y con las correspondientes zeolitas en forma acida. Cuando la mezcla reactiva contenía mayormente NO2 en lugar de NO, los catalizadores ácidos mostraron las más altas velocidades de formación de N2 en condiciones secas. Las mayores actividades se obtuvieron con los catalizadores Co-mordenita, siguiendo en orden de actividad los catalizadores Co-Ferrierita y Co-ZSM-5. El catalizador Co-Mordenita más activo se ensayó con una mezcla reactiva donde predominó el NO en lugar del NO2 bajo condiciones secas e hidrotérmicas y en presencia de SO2. Con la adición de 8% de agua a la mezcla de reacción se observó desactivación reversible, especialmente a bajas temperaturas. La adición de 60 ppm de SO2 disminuyó la velocidad de reacción aproximadamente a la mitad debido posiblemente al envenenamiento de algunos sitios activos.

  20. Factores de mal pronóstico en pacientes internados con Neutropenia al inicio del episodio febril Prognostic risk factors for serious complications in an inpatient population with neutropenia at the onset of a febrile episode

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    Carlos Gómez Roca


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con neutropenia y fiebre constituyen una población heterogénea con riesgo variable para el desarrollo de complicaciones serias y mortalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar factores que, presentes al ingreso, estuvieran asociados a mayor riesgo de complicaciones graves en pacientes que se internan por neutropenia y fiebre. Se trata de un estudio de seguimiento de una cohorte de 238 episodios de neutropenia y fiebre (neutrófilos 38.3 °C en 167 pacientes internados en sala general en nuestra institución desde 1997 a 2004. Ochenta y dos por ciento de los pacientes tenían enfermedad hematológica, 14% tumores sólidos y 4% no asociados a quimioterapia. Se registraron 67 eventos adversos (46% de insuficiencia renal, 27% de hipotensión refractaria, 15% de insuficiencia respiratoria y 12% con sangrado mayor. Se hallaron diferencias significativas en presencia de comorbilidades previas, temperatura mayor a 39 °C, frecuencia cardíaca mayor a 120 latidos por minuto, frecuencia respiratoria mayor a 24 por minuto, tensión arterial sistólica menor a 90 mm Hg, presencia de 3 o más valores de laboratorio alterados al ingreso, presencia de foco clínico y hemocultivos positivos. En el análisis multivariado de regresión logística mantuvieron asociación independiente con mayor riesgo de eventos graves: hipotensión arterial sistólica (OR=7, pPatients with neutropenia and fever conform a heterogeneous population with a variable risk of serious complications and mortality. The goal of this study was to identify prognostic risk factors present at the beginning of the episode, for adverse events and serious complications in patients admitted in a general ward with fever and neutropenia. A cohort of 238 episodes with neutropenia and fever (neutrophils 38.3 °C in 167 patients admitted to our general hospital between 1997 and 2004 was followed. Eighty two percent of the patients had hematologic malignancies, 14% solid tumors

  1. Indicaciones quirúrgicas de la epilepsia en la niñez Surgical indications in pediatric epilepsy

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    María Isabel Bragatti Winckler


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de presentar el seguimiento de los pacientes ambulatorios de la clínica de epilepsia refractaria del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA, Brasil, se hizo una revisión de la literatura de las epilepsias y síndromes epilépticos del niño y del adolescente, las indicaciones quirúrgicas y los métodos de evaluación. Los casos de epilepsia recomendados por la Subcomisión de Cirugía de la Epilepsia Pediátrica de la Liga Internacional Contra las Epilepsias para evaluación quirúrgica son: displasia cortical, esclerosis tuberosa, polimicrogiria, hamartoma hipotalámico, síndromes hemisféricos, síndromes de Sturge-Weber, Síndrome de Rasmussen, Síndrome de Landau-Kleffner y otras situaciones como tumores o alteraciones vasculares. Se recomienda la formación de centros de referencia que cuenten con métodos de evaluación funcional y de neuroimagen, así como equipo multidisciplinario formado por neurólogos, neurocirujanos, neurofisiólogos, neuropediatras, neuropsicólogos, patólogos, neurorradiólogos y técnicos en electroneurofisiología que mantengan los estándares impuestos de forma estricta. La formación de estos centros en países en desarrollo parece viable, con la cooperación de las regiones con mayores recursos. Numerosos estudios han demostrado una mejoría de la calidad de vida con reducción en la frecuencia de crisis diarias. En el HCPA se desarrolla un estudio de seguimiento ambulatorio de casos de epilepsias refractarias todavía en investigación y tratamiento clínico. La cirugía de la epilepsia es potencialmente curativa y es posible utilizarla en la población infantil.With the goal of presenting follow-up data from patients seen at the Refractory Epilepsy out-patient clinic of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA, Brazil, we reviewed the literature on childhood and adolescent epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with indication for surgical treatment. The International League

  2. Terapias alternativas con animales para niños con necesidades especiales


    Cea-Chueca, Aihnoa


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la realización de un análisis y descripción de la literatura acerca de las distintas terapias animales, destinadas a niños con necesidades especiales: cómo y por qué surgieron, en qué consisten las terapias, cómo podemos utilizarlas, etc. Las terapias alternativas con animales se conocen como una alternativa terapéutica, donde se utiliza a un animal como co-terapeuta para poder desarrollar diferentes capacidades de los niños con necesidades espe...

  3. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Conzuelo González, Viridiana Vanessa


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  4. Terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con quemaduras

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    María del Carmen Franco Mora


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional

  5. RadConEd: A Graphical Data Editor for the Radiological Consequences Model, RadCon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, J.; Domel, R.U.


    This document describes the application, RadConEd, which has been designed and implemented to enable users of the RadCon system to update these parameter files. The RadCon system is written in the Java programming language, and as such provides portability across computer platforms. The software described in this report was developed in line with the portability requirements of RadCon, thus providing a uniform user interface across computer platforms and bypassing the need of using system editors. In addition a number of data integrity measures were implemented

  6. Investigation of the Relationship between Myocardial Infarction, Angina Pectoris, and Venous Thrombosis and Some Risk Factors in the Women Suffering from Cardiovascular Diseases with a History of Contraceptive Pills Consumption

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    Marzieh Akbarzade


    Full Text Available Background: Cardiovascular diseases have various etiologies. Previous studies have come to contradictory results regarding the effects of Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs on the risk of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and venous thrombosis. Thus, further investigation is required in this area. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and some risk factors in the women with a history of contraceptive pills consumption. Patients and Methods: The present case-control study was conducted on 317 women with cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and deep venous thrombosis selected through simple purposive sampling from CCU, ICU, post-ICU, and neurology departments of Nemazee, Faghihi, and Al-Zahra heart hospitals. Also, 371 controls were selected among 20 – 60 year-old women without cardiac diseases. The data were collected through questionnaires, interviewing the patients and their first-degree relatives, and the patients’ medical records. The main variables studied in both groups included the history of OCPs consumption, weight gain, blood sugar level, and hypertension. Then, the data were analyzed using chi-square test, correlation coefficient, and odds ratio. Besides, P < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the study population was 49.2 ± 13.4 years. Besides, 10.6%, 4%, and 2.7% of the women had used OCPs for 6 - 10, 11 - 15, and more than 16 years, respectively. There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of history of using OCPs (47.3% vs. 51.5%, P = 0.8. In addition, no significant relationship was observed between consumption of OCPs and incidence of myocardial infarction (P = 0.202, angina pectoris (P = 0.260, and thrombosis (P = 0.389. However, a significant difference was found between the two groups regarding the frequency of hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension (P < 0

  7. Calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA


    Granado Casas, Minerva


    Introducción: La calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus están relacionados con el control metabólico, las complicaciones y algunas variables socioeconómicas. Actualmente, no existe ningún estudio científico que analice la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA. Objetivos: Los objetivos principales fueron conocer la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamient...

  8. Angioplastia coronaria en centros con residencia de cardiología en la Argentina. Estudio CONAREC XIV - Área de Investigación de la SAC

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    Bruno Linetzky


    Full Text Available IntroducciónLos nuevos tratamientos médicos y los avances técnicos, junto con la mayor experiencia adquirida en cardiología intervencionista, hicieron necesaria la realización de este nuevo registro, el protocolo CONAREC XIV, sobre empleo de angioplastia coronaria (ATC, un procedimiento que es seguro y eficaz para el tratamiento de la enfermedad coronaria.ObjetivoEvaluar las características de los pacientes, las indicaciones y los resultados de la ATC en nuestro país.Material y métodosSe realizó un registro prospectivo y consecutivo durante 6 meses de pacientes tratados con ATC en centros con residencia de cardiología. Se determinaron antecedentes, cuadro clínico de ingreso, tratamiento, resultados y complicaciones intrahospitalarias.ResultadosSe registraron 1.500 pacientes. La edad promedio fue de 62,8 ± 10,8 años y el 78,3% eran hombres. Antecedentes: 72% hipertensión arterial, 56,6% dislipidemia, 19,2% diabetes y 22,4% tabaquismo. Los cuadros clínicos de presentación fueron: 20% asintomáticos, 16,2% angina crónica estable, 45% síndrome coronario agudo sin supradesnivel del ST (SCA-SST, 19% síndrome coronario agudo con supradesnivel del ST (IAM-ST. En el 74,7% de los casos se realizó ATC de un vaso. Se utilizaron stents en el 94,5% de los casos y en el 18,7%, stents liberadores de drogas. El uso de pruebas funcionales previas a la ATC en cuadros estables fue del 53,9%, mientras que en el SCA-SST fue del 31,6%. La mediana de tiempo de evolución hasta la ATC en el SCA-SST fue de 1 día con un rango intercuartil 25-75% (RIC de 0 a 3. En el IAM-ST, el tiempo puerta-balón fue de 60 minutos (RIC 40-105 y la mortalidad fue del 8%.ConclusionesLa ATC se utiliza principalmente para el tratamiento de síndromes coronarios agudos. Se evidenció una tasa alta de uso de stents y de stents liberadores de drogas. El empleo de pruebas funcionales fue bajo. La tasa de complicaciones fue similar a la de los registros internacionales.

  9. Mastopexia con prótesis: técnica triplanar con colgajo en cola de pez para mamas con pobre calidad de cobertura

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    M. Berrocal-Revueltas


    Full Text Available La mastopexia con implantes de silicona, es uno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en la práctica diaria en Cirugía Plástica. Sin embargo, la pobre calidad de la cobertura de las mamas, relacionada con piel estriada, escaso tejido subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario secundarios a la lactancia prolongada y a la pérdida masiva de peso, son causa del incremento progresivo de resultados insatisfactorios a medio y largo plazo que han sido evaluados, analizados y discutidos por los especialistas. Los resultados insatisfactorios más frecuentes en mastopexia con implantes en posición retromuscular son: doble contorno mamario, asimetrías y desplazamiento de los implantes. Los objetivos del presente estudio son: describir el nuevo método triplanar como alternativa útil para lograr mejores resultados en pacientes con mala calidad de cobertura y analizar los resultados obtenidos con el mismo. Realizamos un estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, en un grupo de 268 pacientes con diagnóstico de ptosis mamaria con hipotrofia y mala calidad de cobertura por piel estriada, escaso tejido celular subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario, secundarios a lactancia prolongada y pérdida masiva de peso, entre otros, a las que se les practicó mamoplastia de aumento con implantes de silicona mediante la aplicación del método triplanar descrito por la autora, entre enero del 2004 y enero del 2013 en el Hospital de Bocagrande de Cartagena, Colombia. El diseño de la técnica se basa en los principios de cicatriz vertical descrita por Lassus o Lejour o mediante cicatriz en "J", descrita por la autora. El método triplanar se basa en tres planos de cobertura del implante. Plano I: submuscular, para cubrir los dos tercios superiores del implante. Plano II: colgajo dermoglandular con dos prolongaciones distales triangulares de tejido adiposo, en forma de pez, para cubrir el tercio inferior del implante y el borde libre del m

  10. Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza on cytokines in patients with unstable angina pectoris

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    Shi-Lian Chen


    Full Text Available Objective: To investigate the effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza (SM on cytokines in patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP. Methods: A total of 50 cases of UAP patients from October 2014 to October 2015 as the research object, randomly divided into treatment group and control group, two groups were treated with conventional bed rest, oxygen inhalation, ECG, nitroglycerin intravenous infusion, beta blockers, aspirin, statins, antiplatelet drug therapy, the treatment group on the basis of salvianolate 200 mg+5% glucose 250 mL (neutralization amount of 0.9% sodium chloride was used in patients with diabetes or glucose insulin intravenous drip, 1 times/d, two groups were treated for 2 weeks; detected before and after treatment of plasma pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A, soluble cell differentiation antigen ligand (sCD40L and the level of serum interleukin-1 (IL-1, interleukin-6 (IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α level. Results: after the end of treatment, the treatment of PAPP-A and sCD40L levels decreased than the control group, which had statistical significance; treatment group IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α level lower than control group, which had statistical significance. Conclusion: On the basis of conventional treatment combined with salvianolate in treatment of UAP, can inhibit platelet aggregation, control inflammatory reaction, stabilize atherosclerotic plaque, reduce risk of cardiovascular events in therapeutic effect, it is worth clinical promotion.

  11. Does surgical sympathectomy improve clinical outcomes in patients with refractory angina pectoris? (United States)

    Holland, Luke C; Navaratnarajah, Manoraj; Taggart, David P


    A best evidence topic in cardiothoracic surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was: In patients with angina pectoris refractory to medical therapy, does surgical sympathectomy improve clinical outcomes? A total of 528 papers were identified using the search protocol described, of which 6 represented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. There were 5 case series and 1 prospective cohort study. The authors, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes and results of these papers are tabulated. All 5 of the case series demonstrated an improvement in symptoms, exercise tolerance or quality of life in patients undergoing surgical sympathectomy. An early case series investigating an open approach had a high morbidity and mortality rate, but the 4 other series used a minimally invasive technique and had low morbidity and zero perioperative mortality rates. The cohort study compared surgical sympathectomy with transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) and concluded TMR to be superior. However, this study looked only at unilateral sympathectomy, whereas all 5 case series focused on bilateral surgery. We conclude that the best currently available evidence does suggest that patients report an improvement in their symptoms and quality of life following surgical sympathectomy, but the low level of this evidence does not allow for a statistically proved recommendation. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  12. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Berta Oramas Rodríguez


    Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Author...

  13. Diagnostic Value of Electrocardiographic T Wave Inversion in Lead aVL in Diagnosing Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Chronic Stable Angina

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    Hatem L. Farhan


    Full Text Available Objectives: The clinical value of T wave inversion in lead aVL in diagnosing coronary artery disease (CAD remains unclear. This study aims to investigate the correlation between aVL T wave inversion and CAD in patients with chronic stable angina.Methods: Electrocardiograms (ECGs of 257 consecutive patients undergoing coronary angiography were analyzed. All patients had chronic stable angina. All patients with secondary T wave inversion had been excluded (66 patients. The remaining 191 patients constituted the study population. Detailed ECG interpretation and coronary angiographic findings were conducted by experienced cardiologists.Results: T wave inversion in aVL was identified in 89 ECGs (46.8% with definite ischemic Q-ST-T changes in different leads in 97 ECGs (50.8%. Stand alone aVL T wave inversion was found in 27 ECGs (14.1% while ischemic changes in other leads with normal aVL were identified in 36 ECGs (18.8%. The incidence of CAD was 86.3%. Single, two- and multi-vessel CAD were found in 38.8%, 28.5% and 32.7% of cases respectively. The prevalence of left main, left anterior descending, left circumflex and right coronary arteries were 4.7%, 61.2%, 29.3% and 44.5%, respectively. T wave inversion in aVL was found to be the only ECG variable significantly predicting mid segment left anterior descending artery (LAD lesions (Odds Ratio 2.93, 95% Confidence Interval 1.59-5.37, p=0.001.Conclusion: This study provides new information relating to T wave inversion in lead aVL to mid segment LAD lesions. Implication of this simple finding may help in bedside diagnosis of CAD typically mid LAD lesions. However, further studies are needed to corroborate this finding.

  14. Association of aortic coarctation and malignant right coronary artery anomaly: an unusual cause of angina pectoris

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    Sirtoli Filho R


    Full Text Available Rubens Sirtoli Filho1, Leonardo Cao Cãmbra de Almeida1, Maysa Godoy Gomes Mazurek Sirtoli1, Liliana Pena Pilatti2, Marcelo Valladão de Carvalho2, Marcelo Schafranski31Real e Benemérita Associação Portuguesa de Beneficência, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Department of Hemodynamics, 3Department of Intensive Care, Hospital Bom Jesus, Ponta Grossa, BrazilAbstract: A 53-year-old man with exercise-induced ischemia was referred for investigation. Coronary angiography revealed a right coronary artery originating from the trunk of the left coronary artery, and an aortic coarctation was observed on aortography. A CT angiogram confirmed these findings. Resection of the aortic coarctation and reimplantation of the ostial portion of right coronary artery into its native site was performed, and resulted in a satisfactory outcome. The association of an anomalous right coronary artery with aortic coarctation has rarely been described and represents a critical situation where early diagnosis and prompt intervention are essential.Keywords: coronary anomalies, single ostium, myocardial ischemia, angina pectoris

  15. Corrosión de armaduras galvanizadas y sin proteger embebidas en cemento aluminoso estabilizado

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    Triviño, F.


    Full Text Available Not available

    El cemento aluminoso, cuya obtención se basa en la fusión de bauxita y caliza, ha demostrado desde que fue patentado en Francia, en 1908 por Cementos Lafarge, unas propiedades excepcionales que lo hacen idóneo para ciertas aplicaciones. Tales propiedades son fundamentalmente el desarrollo de elevadas resistencias mecánicas en las primeras edades de hidratación, posibilidad de hormigonar en tiempo frío, una gran resistencia química al agua de mar y a los sulfatos, propiedades refractarias, etc. Todo ello hizo que el cemento aluminoso del tipo fundido, con un 40 % de Al2O3, se utilizara ampliamente en la construcción. Sin embargo, a partir de un determinado momento empezaron a observarse alteraciones en algunas obras construidas con hormigón de este tipo, manifestándose importantes pérdidas de sus resistencias mecánicas (1. Las causas de tales deterioros han sido ampliamente estudiadas (2-(13, atribuyéndose la principal a la "conversión" de los aluminatos cálcicos hidratados hexagonales en hidratos cúbicos, según reacción [1].

  16. Left ventricular diastolic performance at rest in patients with angina and normal systolic function - assessment by equilibrium radionuclide angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maini, C.L.; Bonetti, M.G.; Valle, G.; Antonelli Incalzi, R.; Montenero, A.S.


    The aim of the study was to correlate diastolic function, as evaluated by peak filling rate (PFR) and relative time (TPFR), with the severity of ischemic heart disease, as evaluated by exercise electrocardiography. Accordingly, 83 ischemic patients with effort angina, but normal ejection function at rest and normal left ventricular size, were studied by equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography within two weeks from the exercise ECG. Diastolic dysfunction, as determined from PFR and, to a lesser extent, from TPFR, is common in patients with ischemic heart disease and normal systolic function. The prevalence and severity of such dysfunction is related more to the severity of the ischemia, as evaluated by the exercise ECG, than to the presence of an old myocardial infarction. Such findings are consistent with the hypothesis that PFR reflects mainly the early diastolic active uncoupling process. (orig.) [de

  17. Three Vessel Coronary Cameral Fistulae Associated with New Onset Atrial Fibrillation and Angina Pectoris

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    Murat Yuksel


    Full Text Available Coronary cameral fistulas are abnormal communications between a coronary artery and a heart chamber or a great vessel which are reported in less than 0.1% of patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography. All three major coronary arteries are even less frequently involved in fistula formation as it is the case in our patient. A 68-year-old woman was admitted to cardiology clinic with complaints of exertional dyspnea and angina for two years and a new onset palpitation. Standard 12-lead electrocardiogram revealed atrial fibrillation (AF with a ventricular rate of 114 beat/minute and accompanying T wave abnormalities and minimal ST-depression on lateral derivations. Transthoracic echocardiographic examination was normal except for diastolic dysfunction, minimally mitral regurgitation, and mild to moderate enlargement of the left atrium. Sinus rhythm was achieved by medical cardioversion with amiodarone infusion. Coronary angiography revealed diffuse and multiple coronary-left ventricle fistulas originating from the distal segments of both left and right coronary arterial systems without any stenosis in epicardial coronary arteries. The patient’s symptoms resolved almost completely with medical therapy. High volume shunts via coronary artery to left ventricular microfistulas may lead to increased volume overload and subsequent increase in end-diastolic pressure of the left ventricle and may cause left atrial enlargement.

  18. Management of patients with refractory angina: Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Pain Society joint guidelines. (United States)

    McGillion, Michael; Arthur, Heather M; Cook, Allison; Carroll, Sandra L; Victor, J Charles; L'allier, Philippe L; Jolicoeur, E Marc; Svorkdal, Nelson; Niznick, Joel; Teoh, Kevin; Cosman, Tammy; Sessle, Barry; Watt-Watson, Judy; Clark, Alexander; Taenzer, Paul; Coyte, Peter; Malysh, Louise; Galte, Carol; Stone, James


    Refractory angina (RFA) is a debilitating disease characterized by cardiac pain resistant to conventional treatments for coronary artery disease including nitrates, calcium-channel and β-adrenoceptor blockade, vasculoprotective agents, percutaneous coronary interventions, and coronary artery bypass grafting. The mortality rate of patients living with RFA is not known but is thought to be in the range of approximately 3%. These individuals suffer severely impaired health-related quality of life with recurrent and sustained pain, poor general health status, psychological distress, impaired role functioning, and activity restriction. Effective care for RFA sufferers in Canada is critically underdeveloped. These guidelines are predicated upon a 2009 Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Position Statement which identified that underlying the problem of RFA management is the lack of a formalized, coordinated, interprofessional strategy between the cardiovascular and pain science/clinical communities. The guidelines are therefore a joint initiative of the CCS and the Canadian Pain Society (CPS) and make practice recommendations about treatment options for RFA that are based on the best available evidence. Concluding summary recommendations are also made, giving direction to future clinical practice and research on RFA management in Canada. Copyright © 2012 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Coronary flow reserve/diastolic function relationship in angina-suffering patients with normal coronary angiography. (United States)

    Anchisi, Chiara; Marti, Giuliano; Bellacosa, Ilaria; Mary, David; Vacca, Giovanni; Marino, Paolo; Grossini, Elena


    Coronary blood flow and diastolic function are well known to interfere with each other through mechanical and metabolic mechanisms. We aimed to assess the relationship between coronary flow reserve (CFR) and diastolic dysfunction in patients suffering from angina but with normal coronary angiography. In 16 patients with chest pain and angiographically normal coronary arteries, CFR was measured using transthoracic echo-Doppler by inducing hyperemia through dipyridamole infusion. Diastolic function (E/A, deceleration time, isovolumetric relaxation time [IVRT], propagation velocity [Vp]) and left ventricular mass were evaluated by means of two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. The patients were initially divided into two groups on the grounds of CFR only (ACFR: altered CFR, n = 9; NACFR: unaltered CFR, n = 7). Thereafter they were divided into four groups on the grounds of CFR and diastolic function (NN: normal; AA: altered CFR/diastole; AN: altered CFR/normal diastole; NA: normal CFR/altered diastole). Most of the subjects were scheduled in AA (n = 8) or NA (n = 5) groups, which were taken into consideration for further analysis. Patients were not different regarding various risk factors. ACFR and AA patients were older with normal body weight in comparison with NACFR and NA patients (P relationship between altered CFR and diastole.

  20. The relation between angina and myocardial ischemia during exercise stress in coronary artery disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narita, Michihiro; Kurihara, Tadashi; Murano, Kenichi; Usami, Masahisa


    To examine the mechanism of occurrence of anginal chest pain from the aspect of myocardial ischemia, myocardial Tl-201 SPECT scans were obtained immediately and 3 hr after exercise (Ex) in 35 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). The extent of ischemia was defined as the percentage of ischemic segments to the entire left ventricle. The minimum washout (WO) rate correlated well with the ratio of Tl uptake in the ischemic area to that in the normal area during Ex in the other 9 patients having single vessel CAD without previous history of myocardial infarction. This suggested that the miminum WO rate reflects the severity of Ex-induced ischemia. According to the development of angina during Ex, patients were classified as having either symptomatic ischemia (n = 16) or silent ischemia (n = 19). In regard to age, sex, a history of myocardial infarction, severity of CAD, and the extent of Ex-induced ischemia, there was no difference between the two groups. The minimum WO rate and the incidence of Ex-induced ST depression were significantly lower and higher, respectively, in the group with symptomatic ischemia than that with silent ischemia. The severity of Ex-induced ischemia has important implications for the development of anginal chest pain. (Namekawa, K.)