
Sample records for acidentalmente ao cesio-137

  1. Measurement of Caesium-137 in the Normal Person; Dosage du Cesium 137 chez un Sujet Normal; 0418 0417 041c 0414 ; Determinacion Cuantitativa del Cesio-137 en el Individuo Normal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huycke, E. J.; Oberhausen, E. [United States Army Medical Research Unit, Europe, Landstuhl/Pfalz, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    depuis juin 1962 met en evidence pour le cesium 137 une periode biologique moyenne de 140 j chez les sujets ages de plus de 22 a. En comparant la charge corpo- rellemoyenne de cesium 137 chez ces sujets a celle qui est presente chez de sujets ages de 8 a 17 a, on constate que la periode biologique du cesium 137 est plus courte chez les sujets plus jeunes. Cette observation concorde avec les donnees obtenues precedemment au moyen du meme appareil entre juin 1959 et decembre 1960; ces donnees indiquaient aussi que la charge corporelle de cesium 137 etait plus faible chez l'enfant que chez l'adulte. Une autre analyse des donnees obtenues recemment porte sur l'ecart type (sigma) de la charge corporelle en cesium 137 pour une population nombreuse. Dans cette population, l'ecart type des valeurs mesurees de la quantite de cesium par gramme de potassium de l'organisme est de 33%, soit plus de deux fois l'ecart type de la charge corporelle de potassium pour la meme population. En comparant les resultats obtenus pour un groupe de sujets qui ont ete soumis a plusieurs dosages au cours d'une periode prolongee aux-moyennes mensuelles pour l'ensemble de la population sur laquelle les mesures ont ete effectuees, les auteurs ont constate que l'importance de l'ecart type de la charge corporelle de cesium 137 ne peut pas etre uniquement due a la diversite des regimes alimentaires de la population sur laquelle les mesures ont ete effectuees. (author) [Spanish] Durante el perfodo de jumo de 1959 a octubre de 1963 el antropogammametro de Landstuhl permitio medir el contenido de cesio-137 de mas de 15 000 personas normales. La media mensual de estas medidas indica un aumento constante de contenido en cesio-137 desde junio de I962, aumento que se ha acelerado durante el periodo de junio a octubre de 1963. Una evaluacion subsiguiente de las medidas mensuales desde junio de 1962 indica para el cesio-137 un perfodo biologico de 140 d en el caso jde personas mayores de 22 anos. De la comparacion

  2. Treatment of solutions of fission products - Separation of caesium-137; Traitement des solutions de produits de fission - Separation du cesium-137; Obrabotka rastvorov produktov deleniya - Razdelenie tseziya-137; Tratamiento de soluciones de productos de fision - Separacion del cesio-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stiennon-Bovy, R [Centre d' Etude de l' Energie Nucleaire, Mol (Belgium); Gvion, R [Commission Israelienne de l' Energie Atomique, Tel-Aviv (Israel)


    appreciable de l'activite du cesium, sa realisation a la temperature ordinaire, et la possibilite d'exploitation en regime continu. Par ce procede, la recuperation du cesium peut etre faite avant l'elimination de certains produits de fission. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han adaptado el metodo analitico de determinacion del cesio por medio de la dipierilamina a la recuperacion en escala industrial del cesio-137 contenido en soluciones de productos de fision de elevada actividad. El procedimiento propuesto permite aislar el cesio en forma de cloruro en una sola operacion y recuperar el reactivo de precipitacion con facilidad. Los autores proponen un procedimiento basico. Han estudiado el efecto de las radiaciones sobre la dipierilamina y sus compuestos. Este efecto es practicamente nulo para los compuestos solidos, y despreciable para las soluciones. Ademas, los autores han estudiado el arrastre del cesio por el ion amonico. El procedimiento descrito presenta las ventajas siguientes: elevado grado de descontaminacion del cesio, sencillez del procedimiento y facilidad con que se puede recuperar y volver a emplear el reactivo, elevado rendimiento en la recuperacion del cesio y de la dipierilamina, concentracion apreciable de la actividad del cesio, posibilidad de trabajar a temperatura ambiente, posibilidad de trabajar en regimen continuo. Este procedimiento permite recuperar cesio antes de eliminar ciertos productos de fision. (author) [Russian] Dlya promyshlennogo izvlecheniya tseziya-137 iz rastvorov produktov deleniya avtory primenili analiticheskij sposob dozirovki tseziya pri pomoshchi dipikrilamina v promyshlennom masshtabe i s vysokimi aktivnostyami. Predlagaemyj sposob pozvolyaet odnoj operatsiej izolirovat' tsezij v vide khloristogo soedineniya i legko izvlech' reagent osadka. Avtory predlagayut printsipial'nuyu skhemu. Oni izuchili dejstvie izluchenij na dipikrilamin i ego soedineniya. EHto dejstvie okazyvaetsya prakticheski ravnym nulyu dlya tverdykh soedinenij i

  3. Caesium-137 in Groups of Populations; Le Cesium 137 dans les Groupes de Population; 0426 0415 0417 0414 ; El Cesio-137 en Grupos de Poblacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miettinen, J. K. [Department of Radiochemistry, University of Helsinki (Finland)


    This review is a synthesis of results obtained by authors who have submitted papers on caesium-137 burdens in population groups and was prepared at the request of the scientific secretariat of this Symposium. (author) [French] Cette etude fan la synthese des resultats obtenus par des auteurs qui ont presente des memoires sur la charge corporelle de cesium 137 dans les groupes de population; elle a ete etablie a la demande du secretariat scientifique du Colloque. (author) [Spanish] El presente estudio constituye una sintesis de los resultados obtenidos por autores que han presentado memorias sobre la carga corporal de cesio-137 en distintos grupos de poblacion, y se ha preparado a peticion de la Secretaria cientifica de este Simposio. (author) [Russian] Jetot obzor predstavljaet soboj obobshhenie rezul'tatov, poluchennyh avtorami, kotorye predstavili doklady otnositel'no soderzhanija cezija-137 v gruppah populjacij, i byl podgotovlen po pros'be nauchnogo sekretariata simpoziuma. (author)

  4. In Vivo Measurements of Caesium-137 with a Human Body Counter; Dosage du Cesium 137 In Vivo au Moyen d'un Anthropogammametre; 0418 0417 041c 0414 ; Medidas de Cesio-137 In Vivo con un Antropogammametro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melandri, C. [C.N.E.N., Divisione di Biologia e Protezione Sanitaria, Bologna (Italy); Rimondi, O. [Istituto di Fisica Dell' Universita di Bologna (Italy)


    chez un sujet accidentellement contamine. Les dosages de cesium 137 dfl aux retombees ont commence en 1962 sur 13 sujets et ont continue regulierement tous les trois mois. Pendant toute l'annee 1963, on a observe dans la population une augmentation progressive de la charge moyenne de cesium 137, qui a atteint en septembre 124 pc/g de potassium. Dans le cas du sujet accidentellement contamine par le cesium 137 (environ deux ans avant la construction de l'anthropogammametre), les mesures ont eu pour objet de determiner a la fois la periode effective de la fraction 'longue' et la quantite du radioelement initialement absorbee. (author) [Spanish] Se dan datos de las primeras medidas de radiactividad en encuerpo humano realizadas en Italia con el antropogammametro construido por los autores en 1962. El blindaje del contador se compone de bloques de hierro de 16 cm de espesor y sus dimensiones interiores son de 270 cm x 200 cm X 200 cm. Los detectores consisten en fun cristal de NaI(Tl) de 9 x 4-pulgadas y 3 centelleadores de plastico que pueden utilizarse separadamente, en paralelo o bien en anticoincidencia y la coincidencia con el cristal. El contador se ha utilizado para determinar el comportamiento del cesio-137 procedente de precipitaciones radiactivas en el organismo desde el punto de vista de la -poblacion como conjunto, ye para'evaluar la retencion del cesio-137 en un individuo accidentalmente-contaminado. Las primeras medidas fueron-realizadas en 13 individuos en diciembre de 1962 y continuaron efectuandose regularmente con-intervalos de tres meses. Se observo un aumento gradual del contenido'medio de cesio-137 en la poblacion a lo largo de todo el ano 1963-hasta llegar a un valor de 124 pc/g de potasio-en el mes de septiembre. En un caso de contaminacion accidental con cesio-137 (ocurrido dos anos ames de que el contador fuese construido), se han efectuado medidas a fin de determinar el periodo efectivo del componente de larga duracion y evaluar asimismo la

  5. The Effect of Chlorothiazide on Caesium-137 Excretion in Human Subjects; Effet de la Chiorothiazide sur l'Elimination du Cesium 137 chez l'Homme; 0412 041b 0414 ; Influencia de la Ciorotiazida sobre la Excrecion de Cesio en el Hombre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harrison, Joan; McNeill, K. G. [Departments of Medicine and Physics, University of Toronto, ON (Canada)


    quotidiennement par l'organisme a ete evacue par voie renale. Les auteurs ont egalement calcule T{sub b} de K en appliquant la formule T{sub bK} = Total body K/Urine K x 0,693 x 0,8 en supposant que 80% potassium elimine l'est-par voie renale. de K etait de 35 a 42 j. Le rapport T{sub bCs}/T{sub bK} etait de 2,1 a 3,8. Il ressort de ces resultats que le cesium et le potassium ne sont pas utilises indifferemment. Le cesium est retenu de preference au potassium et les variations du taux de renouvellement du potassium n'affectent pas le renouvellement du cesium. Les auteurs poursuivent actuellement des etudes, visant a determiner l'effet du metabolisme basai sur l'elimination du cesium; ils en presenteront egalement les conclusions. (author) [Spanish] Los autores procuraron determinar los factores que influyen en el metabolismo del cesio en sujetos humanos normales, y se dedicaran particularmente a encontrar un regimen terapeutico tendiente a reducir la carga corporal de cesio. Dado que el cesio y el potasio son quimicamente semejantes y ambos se localizan en los compartimientos intracelulares del cuerpo, principalmente en los musculos, se estimo posible que la clorotiazida, que ejerce un efecto diuretico notable sobre el potasio, pueda fomentar tambien la excrecion de cesio. Se administro por via oral una dosis unica de 0,1 pe de cesio-137 a 4 sujetos normales, A dos de ellos se les dio clorotiazida a razon de 2,0 g/d, durante tres dias consecutivos en total, comenzando una hora despues de la administracion de cesio. La dosis de clorotiazida se repitio a las dos semanas. Los otros dos sujetos sirvieron de testigos. Mediante un antropogammametro se midio periodicamente la carga corporal de cesio-137 por espacio de 320 d. Se recogieron muestras diarias de orina, primeramente durante 3 d, como referencia, antes del tratamiento, y luego, durante 20 d a contar de la administracion de cesio. En las muestras se determinaron los Inverted-Question-Mark lectrolitos y la actividad del cesio

  6. Cobalt-60 and Caesium-137 Gamma Sources; Sources de rayonnement gamma au cobalt-60 et au cesium-137; Gamma-istochniki iz kobal'ta-605 i tseziya-137; Fuentes gamma de cobalto-60 y de cesio-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kulish, E E; Fradkin, G M [Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialits Republics (Russian Federation)


    cobalto-60 y cesio-137 producidas en la Union Sovietica y se examinan algunos problemas de orden tecnologico planteados por su fabricacion. En el informe figuran una serie de datos sobre las propiedades de las radiaciones emitidas por las fuentes de {sup 60}Co y {sup 137}Cs y del material con que estas se fabrican. Se facilitan informaciones sobre la influencia que la magnitud del flujo neutronico y las caracteristicas geometricas de la muestra ejercen sobre la actividad de la fuente; el informe tambien contiene datos sobre el rendimiento de los distintos isotopos de cesio obtenidos por fision de los nucleos de uranio. Se examinan los procedimientos para encerrar hermeticament e las fuentes y se facilita una lista completa de las fuentes utilizadas en la Union Sovietica, con indicacion de sus caracteristicas geometricas y de su actividad. Por ultimo, se hace un estudio comparativo de las fuentes de {sup 60}Co y {sup 137}Cs. (author) [Russian] V doklade privodyatsya osnovnye tekhnicheskie kharakteristiki vypuska- emykh v SSSR gamma-istochnikov na osnove kobal'ta-60 i tseziya-137, a takzhe rassmatrivayutsya nekotorye voprosy tekhnologii ikh proizvodstva. Doklad soderzhit svedeniya o sostave izlucheniya izotopov Co{sup 60} i Cs{sup 137} i syr'ya, iz kotorogo oni izgotavlivayutsya . Privodyatsya dannye o zavisimosti aktivnosti kobal'tovykh istochnikov ot velichiny potoka nejtronov i geometricheskikh razmerov obraztsa, a takzhe dannye o velichine vykhoda izotopov tseziya pri delenii yader urana. Dalee rassmatrivaetsya vopros o germetizatsii istochnikov i privoditsya polnaya nomenklatura vypuskaemykh v SSSR istochnikov s ukazaniem ikh geometricheskikh razmerov i velichiny aktivnosti. V kontse provoditsya nekotoroe sravnenie istochnikov Co{sup 60} i Cs{sup 137}. (author)

  7. The Body Burden of Caesium-137 in People of Southern Finland 1961-1963; Charge Corporelle de Cesium 137 chez les Habitants de la Finlande Meridionale en 1961-1963; 0421 041e 0414 ; Carga Corporal de Cesio-137 en Ciertos Grupos Demograficos del Sur de Finlandia en 1961-1963

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haesaenen, E.; Miettinen, J. K. [Department of Radiochemistry, University of Helsinki (Finland)


    des produits alimentaires consommes par chaque groupe pendant les intervalles entre les dosages. Pour les deux groupes, la charge de cesium 137 est demeuree sensiblement constante (hommes 17,5 ne, femme 11 nc) jusqu'a fin juin; 2. partir de ce moment, la teneur du lait et de la viande en cesium 137 a approximativement double en une huitaine de jours. A fin aout; la charge corporelle de cesium 137 avait augmente, dans l'un comme dans l'autre echantillon, de 40% par rapport a ce qu'elle etait au printemps ; a la mi-octobre, on relevait chez les hommes une augmentation de 22% et cfiez les femmes une augmentation de 14% par rapport,aux chiffres releves en.aout. La determination de la periode biologique du cesium 137 d'apres les'quantites de produits alimentaires consommees fait l'objet de quelques observations. (author) [Spanish] Con motivo del estudio de la carga corporaLde cesio-137 en los lapones de Finlandia se realizaron asimismo varias determinaciones en grupos demograficos mas limitados residentes en el.sur de Finlandia. En noviembre de 1961 se sometio al recuento del cesio-137 y del potasio a un grupo de once habitantes de Helsinki (cinco hombres y seis mujeres, de edad comprendida entre 15 y 54 anos). Nueve de ellos trabajaban en laboratorios y los dos restantes eran escolares. Todos gozaban aparentemente de buena salud. Para estudiar su regimen alimenticio, se recurrio al metodo de las entrevistas. Un ano mas tarde se,repitio el recuento de diez personas del grupo en el antropogammametro movil del Departamento de Radioquimica de la Universidad de Helsinki. La carga corporal media de cesio-137 en los cinco hombres (promedio de edades: 29 anos) habia aumentado de 8,4 nc en noviembre de 1961 a 18,4 nc en noviembre de 1962, mientras que en las cinco mujeres (promedio de edades: 34 anos) de 2,9 nc a 8,7 nc. El contenido de potasio no acuso variaciones (dentro de un margen de 2%), manteniendose en 140 g para los hombres y 100 g para las mujeres. A fin de efectuar

  8. Assessment of the Total Body Burden of Caesium-137 in Humans by the Analysis of Blood; Determination de la Charge Corporelle de Cesium 137 chez l'Homme, par Analyse Du Sang; 041e 041f 0420 0415 0414 ; Evaluacion de la Carga Corporal Total de Cesio-137 en el Hombre por Analisis de Sangre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamagata, N. [Institute of Public Health, Tokyo (Japan)


    une bonne concordance. On peut en conclure que l'analyse du sang constitue le meilleur moyen d'evaluer la charge corporelle de cesium 137 pour une population donnee. (author) [Spanish] En el Japon se efectuan analisis de muestras procedentes de autopsias para determinar su contenido de cesio-137, pues se dispone de pocos antropogammametros; estos aparatos adolecen ademas del inconveniente de no ser moviles, la que dificulta la determinacion de la carga corporal media de la poblacion. Ahora bien, el acopio de tejidos musculares nrovenientes de autopsias practicadas en todo el pais es complicado y presenta inconvenientes, pues las muestras deben tomarse en el instante preciso de la muerte. Teniendo en cuenta que solo se requieren los datos utiles para evaluar la carga corporal media de cesio-137 en la poblacion y que es innecesario conocer los valores individuales, deberian bastar para el analisis muestras colectivas que representen el mayor numero posible de sujetos. Para este fin, se considera que el mejor susti- tutivo de los tejidos musculares son las muestras de sangre entera, dado que el sistema de acopio de sangre se extiende a todo el pais y abarca 47 bancos de sangre autorizados y unos 100 hospitales. La sangre entera tratada con acido citrico se inspecciona continuamente por muestreo en el Instituto Nacional de Sanidad de Tokio, donde se comprueban al afio unas 500 ampollas que representan mas de 3 millones de dadores de sangre de todo el pais. Para la inspeccion se consume menos de la mitad de la sangre de cada ampolla, en tanto que el resto se guarda para constituir una muestra colectiva con el fin de determinar el contenido de cesio-137. la sangre calcinada se analizo para determinar su contenido de cesio estable por activacion neutronica. los resultados permitieron establecer una relacion entre la concentracion en la sangre entera) el peso total del cuerpo (1,4 mg para una persona de 70 kg) y esta relacion seria identica a la correspondiente al cesio-137

  9. The Assessment of Radioactive Caesium in Man; Determination du Radiocesium chez l'Homme; 041e 041f 0420 0415 0414 ; Determinacion del Cesio Radiactivo en el Hombre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rundo, J.; Taylor, B. T. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    'echantillons d'urine recueillis pendant 24 h, reste superieure a 50% pendant une semaine environ apres l'absorption. Les eneurs dues aux variations journalieres ne depassent pas {+-} 30%. Le taux d'elimination du cesium par voie urinaire comporte des variations journalieres importantes; en triplant la teneur en cesium d'un echantillon d'urine recueilli pendant 8 h durant le jour pour obtenir la quantite eliminee par 24 h, on obtient un taux d'excretion trop eleve sans que toutefois cette surestimation soit superieure a environ 30%. Pour evaluer la charge corporelle de cesium 137 (en {mu}c), une autre methode consiste a multiplier le rapport {sup 137}Cs/K (en nc/g) de l'urine par 450, L'auteur examine les incertitudes que peut comporter cette evaluation et les moyens permettant de les eliminer. (author) [Spanish] El contenido de cesio radiactivo (cesio 134, cesio 137) en el organismo humano puede evaluarse por antropogammamerria o por analisis de las excreciones. En la memoria se examinan algunas de las dificultades inherentes a ambos metodos. El empleo de un antropogammametro plantea un problema de calibracion, este puede resolverse recurriendo a un modelo relleno de solucion o (en el caso de cesio 137), por administracion de cesio-132. La comparacion de estos dos metodos muestra que la aplicacion de un coeficiente medio de calibracion, deducido de un modelo, proporciona resultados cuyo margen de error no es superior a {+-} 12%, para sujetos de peso comprendido entre 50 y 100 kg. En la evaluacion del contenido de cesio radiactivo por analisis de las excreciones hay diferentes causas de indeterminacion. El periodo biologico varia de unos individuos a otros entre unos 50 d y 150 d o mas, con un valor medio de unos 110 d. Por consiguiente, la aplicacion de este valor medio para calcular la carga corporal a partir de la velocidad de excrecion diaria puede dar lugar a errores de hasta el 200%. El autor presenta pruebas experimentales de que en muchos casos es posible calcular el

  10. The Time Analysis and Frequency Distribution of Caesium-137 Fall-Out in Muscle Samples; Analyse en Fonction du Temps et Distribution des Frequences de Cesium 137 du aux Retombees de Cesium 137 Contenues dans des Echantillons de Tissu Musculaire; 0410 041d 0414 ; Analisis Temporal y Distribucion de Frecuencias del Cesio-137 Procedente de la Precipitacion Radiactiva en Muestras de Tejido Muscular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ellett, W. H.; Brownell, G. L [Physics Research Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 14, MA (United States)


    augmente et, en ete 1963, a atteint le quadruple du niveau minimum de 1962. On a etabli des histogrammes independants du temps en ajustant un polynome aux donnees brutes (radioactivite des echantillons en fonction de la date du deces). On a compare statistiquement les donnees ainsi ajustees a une distribution suivant la loi de Laplace-Gauss, a une distribution suivant la loi de Galton et a une distribution gamma. Les resultats indiquent que la distribution experimentale ne suit absolument pas la loi de Laplace-Gauss et qu'elle correspond le mieux a une distribution gamma. En utilisant la distribution gamma deduite empiriquement, on peut prevoir, pour n'importe quelle valeur de la retombee, quelle fraction de la population aura une charge corporelle egale a N fois la valeur moyenne. Les auteurs ont verifie ce modele pour l'augmentation quadruple de l'activite qui s'est produite depuis 1962 et ils ont constate qu'il permettait de prevoir avec precision la distribution actuelle de la radioactivite due au cesium 137 entre les differents membres de la population d'echantillons. (author) [Spanish] Cuando las concentraciones de radiactividad artificial en el cuerpo son bajas, el efecto perjudicial recaera sin duda en aquella parte de la poblacion en la cual la concentracion representa un multiplo del termino medio. Solamente puede evaluarse adecuadamente el riesgo que entranadla precipitacion radiactiva si se conoce la distribucion de frecuencias de la radiactividad en la poblacion. Los intentos para determinar la forma de la curva de distribucion, a partir de los datos de Kulo -sobre ia concentracion del estroncio-90 en los huesos de los ninos no han tenido mucho exito debido al reducido tamaflo de las muestras y a la falta de equilibrio en el hueso entre el estroncio-90 y el calcio. Para superar estas limitaciones, los autores han medido el contenido en cesio-137 de unas 900 muestras en musculos que fueron obtenidas en intervenciones post mortem entre enero de 1959 y agosto de

  11. Measurements of Caesium-137 in Finnish Lapps in 1962-1964 by a Mobile Whole-Body Counter; Dosages de Cesium 137 chez les Lapons de Finlande en 1962-1964, au Moyen d'un Anthro- Pogammametre Mobile; 0418 0417 041c 0415 0420 0414 ; Determinacion del Cesio-137 en Lapones Finlandeses, en 1962-1964, Mediante un Antropogammametro Movil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miettinen, J. K. [Department of Radiochemistry, University of Helsinki (Finland)


    sensiblement moins elevee et les fluctuations saisonnieres differaient legerement. L'auteur compare les resultats des quatre enquetes,et les examine par rapport a ceux des recherches sur l'alimentation et la sante. (author) [Spanish] El autor describe la construccion y calibracion de un antropogammametro movil, del tipo ideado en Suecia por K. Liden y colaboradores, asi como su aplicacion en las investigaciones en el terreno. El blindaje de plomo de este aparato (peso: 2 t) se encuentra colocado en el centro de un pesado camion cerrado; El sujeto esta rodeado por un cajon de plomo de 4 cm de espesor, quedando protegido el cristal de NaI(Tl) (de 12, 5 cm de diametro por 7, 5 cm de altura) por un espesor de 8 cm de plomo en todas las direcciones, salvo la del cajon. El instrumental esta integrado por un analizador de 512 canales, un impresor, un registrador en coordenadas cartesianas y un estabilizador, que se guardan para el transporte en cajas hermeticas a prueba de choques. El camion posee un circuito de calefaccion con termostato y dos pequenos vestuarios, A fin de calibrar elsistema para las determinaciones de cesio-137, se aplican dos metodos: 1. Se administra por via oral una cantidad exactamente conocida de cesio-137 (200 a 300 nc) a varios sujetos y se determina la eficiencia de recuento al cabo de 3 a 6 d. Se determina la porcion excretada de cesio-137 recogiendo y analizando las heces y la orina. 2. Se somete al recuento un maniqui de material plastico relleno con 70 kg de una solucion que contiene 1552 nc de cesio-137. Con el primer metodo se obtuvo una eficiencia 4,6% mayor que con el segundo. Se adopto como calibracion real la obtenida mediante el primer metodo. Ademas, se controlo su valor por medio de tres mediciones de intercalibracion con otros dos laboratorios moviles de antropogammametria. La concordancia es satisfactoria (diferencias menores que 1 a 4%). Para el potasio se empezo por efectuar una calibracion preliminar usando el maniqui. La eficiencia es 2

  12. Dosimetry of a Cesium 137 source; Dosimetria de una fuente de Cesio 137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres R, J.G.; Manzanares A, E.; Vega C, H.R. [Unidades Academicas de Estudios Nucleares, Universidad de Zacatecas (Mexico)


    It was carried out a dosimetric study of a source of Cesium 137 used in investigations of Radiobiology. This radionuclide has a half life of 30.07 years and it emits photons of 661.657 keV with a probability of 85.2%. The source has been used in a series of experiments trending to observe the cellular response before the gamma rays, as well as for the calibration of equipment of radiological protection. For such reason it is important to determine the dosimetric properties. In this work it was determined the absorbed dose that this source takes when being placed in the center from a methylmethacrylate badge to three distances, 5, 10 and 15 cm. The dose was measured with thermoluminescent dosemeters and it was calculated by means of Monte Carlo method, also was derived an expression that allows to determine the dose starting from the information of the activity of the source and of the distance regarding the same one. (Author)

  13. Juridical-penal aspects of the cesium-137 accident; Implicacoes juridico-penais do acidente com o cesio-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soares, Carolina Chaves [Goias Univ., Goiania, GO (Brazil)


    The study of the juridical-penal aspects of the Cesium-137 accident, has, as a base, the police inquiry and the penal lawsuit concerning to the episode. Due to the lack of a law which typified activities related with radioisotope material as crime, the responsible were sentenced according to the penalties of body injury crime and homicide. Among the 10 investigated people, only 5 were condemned by the Judiciary and only 4 serve the sentence. (author) 5 refs.; e-mail: mariliag at

  14. Social aspects concerning the cesium-137 accident; Representacoes sociais sobre o acidente com o cesio-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chaves, Elza Guedes [Goias Univ., Goiania, GO (Brazil)


    The present work aims to understand how social representations constructed upon nuclear energy have influenced on molding and orienting public`s behavior in the presence of the accident that occurred in Goiania with the capsule of Cesium-137. As a starting point, it is accepted here that panic caused by that accident could be properly understood only if dimension of subjectivity is taken into consideration. This perspective is required whenever events that put human life and environment in risk happen. Facing the accident, people internalized radioactivity, an unknown element, as certainty of cancer and death despite the fact that cancer and death could only outcome in case there had been excessive exposure to radioactivity. (author) 16 refs; e-mail: mariliag at

  15. Cesium-137 accident lessons in Goiania, Goias State, Brazil; Licoes do acidente com cesio-137 em Goiania

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document relates the experience obtained by several professionals which had an important role in the cesium-137 accident occurred in Goiania, Goias State, Brazil in September, 1987. It`s divided into chapters, according to the action area - medical, nursing, social assistance, odontological and psychological. At first, some notions of radioprotection are explained, followed by the accident history and by the doctors and nurses action during the emergency phase and the medical, odontological, social and psychological assistance to the victims. The social assistance report shows some statistical data about the economic, occupational and social conditions of the accident victims. It is shown some information about the health institutions and the sanitary care in the ionizing radiation and about the occupational radiological protection in Goiania. 38 refs., 8 tabs.

  16. The Enhanced Radiocaesium Levels of People in Northern Sweden; Charge Corporelle de Radiocesium Relativement Elevie chez les Habitants de la Suede Septentrionale; 041f 041e 0414 0 ; Cargas de Radiocesio Anormalmente Elevadas en los Habitantes del Norte de Suecia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liden, K.; Naversten, Y. [Radiation Physics Department, University of Lund (Sweden)


    Lapons, on a releve des charges corporelles de cesium 137 allant de 15 a 690 nc. En avril 1962, on a fait des dosages sur un autre groupe de 157 personnes de la meme region. Les charges de cesium 137 allaient alors de 30 a 740 nc. En avril 1963, une expedition qui, en cinq semaines, s'est rendue dans sept centres de la Suede septentrionale a fait des dosages sur un total de 458 personnes au moyen du meme appareil monte sur un autobus. Cette fois-la, les charges de cesium 137 chez les Lapons de cette region allaient de 50 a 900 nc. La charge corporelle moyenne'de cesium 137 pour tous les eleveurs de rennes - soit un groupe de 78 personnes - mesuree en avril 1963 s'elevait a 461 nc. La charge corporelle maximum etait de 1340 nc. Le memoire presente des details sur les variations des charges de radiocesium chez l'homme selon l'age, le sexe, l'occupation et le regime alimentaire, ainsi que sur les fluctuations saisonnieres et geographiques qui ont ete relevees. On a observe un accroissement de la charge corporelle moyenne de cesium 137 de 1961 a 1963. Aux fins de comparaison, on a egalement fait des dosages sur des habitants des memes regions autres que lapons. Chez presque tous, la charge de cesium 137 etait sensiblement superieure a celle quia ete trouvee chez les habitants de la Suede meridionale. La dose de rayonnement due au radiocesium est, dans bien des deux a trois fois la dose qui provient du potassium 40, le maximum observe etant de huit fois cette dose. (author) [Spanish] Despues de descubrirse a principios de 1961 ia elevada carga corporal de cesio-137 que tenfan los lapones suecos, se han efectuado mediciones en grandes grupos de lapones y otros habitantes de Suecia que siguen un regimen 'alimenticio' analogo. En septiembre de 1961 se examinaron 162 una zona proxima al Circulo polar artico con un'antropogammametro semiportatil. En los lapones se registraron cargas de cesio-137 comprendidas entre 15 y 690 nc. En la misma region, se sometio a

  17. Comportamento da cepa LE de Schistosoma mansoni, após passagem em hospedeiro humano infectado acidentalmente

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    Neusa Araújo


    Full Text Available Uma auxiliar de laboratório infectou-se acidentalmente, com cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, cepa LE, mantida rotineiramente em nossos laboratórios. Decorridos 5 meses, o exame parasitológico de fezes revelou 108 ovos/g . A pacientefoi tratada com oxamniquine, porém a infecção continuou ativa (6 ovos/g. Foi então obtido o isolado SSF mantido no modelo Biomphalaria glabrata - camundongo albino. Os resultados obtidos no estudo comparativo, entre o isolado SSF e a cepa LE, que lhe deu origem, mostraram que a duração do período pré-patente e o índice de infectividade em camundongos, bem como a resposta aos agentes esquistossomicidas (hycanthone, oxamniquine epraziquantel não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Por outro lado, o número de miracídios obtidos dos intestinos e fígados dos camundongos infectados foi o dobro com a cepa LE, quando comparados com aquele do isolado SSF. Também a variação do peso dos animais foi bastante diferente. Concluiu-se que apenas uma passagem pelo hospedeiro humano não mudou substancialmente as características da cepa estudada.A laboratory technician was accidentally infected with the LE strain of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae maintained in our laboratories. After 5 months infection parasitological examination revealed 108 eggs/g faeces. Althrough treated with oxamniquine, the infection still persisted (6 eggs/g of faeces. An isolate (SSF was obtained from that person and maintained in Biomphalaria glabrata - Swiss mouse by alternate passage. The experimental comparative results between the newly obtained SSF isolate and the original LE strain showed that the differences in pre-patent period, the mice infectivity level and the schistosomicidal response to hycanthone, oxamniquine and praziquantel was not statistically significant. On the other hand the number of miracidia recovered from intestines and livers of equally infected mice was twice as miich in the LE strain than

  18. Applications of Cs-137 and soil trapping methods for studying slope processes in the Carpathian foothills

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    Chelmicki, Wojciech


    Full Text Available Areas of soil degradation and sedimentation have been delimited within a single, representative for the Carpathian Foothills, slope profile. Two methods: Cs-137 and soil trapping have been used. Soil degradation on the slope used as a pastureland is generally small, with the most intensive degradation in the mid slope. Once the slope was cultivated the process of erosion and soil wash must have been more intensive which is evidenced by high Cs-137 content within the valley bottom deposits. High Cs-137 content within forested ecosystems results from good Cs-137 trapping efficiency of forests rather than from the soil deposition.

    [es] Aplicación del Cs-137 y de métodos de trampeo de suelo para estudiar procesos de ladera en el piedemonte de los Cárpatos. Se han delimitado las áreas afectadas por erosión y sedimentación en un perfil de ladera, representativo del piedemonte de los Cárpatos. Se han empleado dos métodos: Cesio-137 y trampas de sedimentos. Se ha demostrado que la erosión del suelo en laderas utilizadas para pastos es generalmente pequeña, apareciendo las degradaciones más intensas a media ladera. Cuando la ladera estaba cultivada, los procesos de erosión debían ser más intensos, como lo evidencia el alto contenido de Cs-137 en los depósitos de fondo de valle. El elevado contenido de Cs-137 en ecosistemas forestales se debe a la eficacia de los bosques para atrapar el Cs-137, más que a la sedimentación.
    [de] Anwendung der Cs-137 und der Fangmethode zur bestimmung der Hangvorgänge im Karpatenhügelland. Entlang eines Hangprofíls innerhalb des Karpatenhügellandes sind Stellen ermitteit worden an denen, entweder Erosion oder Deposition festgestellt wurden. Das wurde aufgrund zweier fvlethoden bestimmt: anhand des radioaktiven Cs-137 und der Menge des erodierten Materials in eigens für diesen Zweck hergestellten Auffangbehältern. Es wurde festgestellt, dass aufeinem ais Weide genutzten Han die Intensit

  19. Dermatological consequences of the Cs-137 radiological accident in Goiania, Goias State, Brazil; Repercussoes dermatologicas no acidente radioativo com o Cesio 137 em Goiania

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castro, Lia Candida Miranda de


    The objective of the present study was to analyse the occurrence of dermatosis in individuals that had been exposed to cesium{sup 137} during the radioactive accident in Goiania, in 1987 and detect pre-cancerous dermatosis or those predictive of low immunity. The groups were evaluated according to the intensity of radiation they had been exposed to and then compared to a control group of people not exposed to radiation. The population exposed to the cesium{sup 137} was comprised of 109 people, who were divided into Groups I and II, according to the CNEN norms. In group I, 54 people with {<=} 20 rads exposure and/or radio lesion were included; in group II, 55 people with > 20 rads exposure were included, along with the children of group I individuals. This was a historic cohort study, that is, a retrospective study that lasted 9 years, extending from September of 1987 to August, 1996. The presence of the oncoprotein p-53 was studied in the radio lesions of 10 patients. There is no evidence of an increase in the incidence of dermatosis in the exposed groups, excepts for pyoderma in patients with radio lesions. The most frequent dermatosis were: pyoderma, pityriasis versicolor, scabies, dermatophytosis and seborrhoeic dermatitis. The results obtained were not statistically significant for the evaluation of dermatosis predictive of low immunity or precancerous lesions. The oncoprotein p-53 in individuals with radio lesion showed a 80% positivity rate and risk factor estimated in 8 times, for the test. It has proved to be useful because it represents one more option in terms of propaedeutic evaluation and suggests that one should pay close and continuous attention in order to better control the evolution of these individuals. (author)

  20. Germline mutations in people descendants occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation from Cesium 137; Mutacoes germinativas na prole de pessoas expostas ocupacionalmente a radiacao ionizante de Cesio 137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Juliana Ferreira da


    The radiological accident in Goiania in 1987, resulted in a serious episode of human contamination, animal, plant and environmental were exposed to Cesium 137 chloride ({sup 137}CsCl) that caused contamination and accidental and occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is one of the environmental components that causes most cellular stress in complex organisms. Exposure to ionizing radiation induces breaks in nucleic acids, especially, DNA double and single strand breaks. Chromosomal microarray analysis is an important tool for the detection and microdeletion and microduplications in the genomes. In this study we proposed to analyze the effect of exposure to RI on the formation of CNVs in an exposed human population occupationally to ionizing radiation from Cesium 137 during the accident in Goiania. The exposed group consisted of 07 families, of which at least one parent was occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation from Cesium 137, including a total of 25 individuals, do not know the absorbed dose of the military who were occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation. 11 families with a group of individuals not exposed to IR was used as control were used including a total of 33 individuals with no history of exposure to RI. The genotyping microarray was conducted in CytoScan HD system (Affymetrix®) without then analyzes was performed in ChAS® software. The statistical tests used were: Shapiro-Wilk, Mann- Whitney U, Spearman correlation, discriminant function analysis, binomial test, χ{sup 2} test. All analyzes were performed using the statistical package SPSS 21.0, with a significance level of 5% (p <0.05). The frequency of CNVs were estimated loss / generation, gain / generation and burden / generation, representing 3,9 x 10{sup -5}, 6,8 x 10{sup -6} and 4,6 x 10{sup -5} respectively for the exposed group. For the control group, the frequencies were 2,1 x 10{sup -5}, 5,9 x 10{sup -6} and 3,1 x 10{sup -5} respectively. Thus, the

  1. Half-Life Studies of Radiocaesium in Humans; Etudes sur la Periode de Radiocesium chez l'Homme; 0418 0421 0421 041b 0415 0414 ; Estudio sobre el Periodo Biologico del Radiocesio en el Hombre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naversten, Y.; Liden, K. [Radiation Physics Department, University of Lund (Sweden)


    importants d'hommes/ de femmes et d'enfants en faisant des comparaisons avec des donnees concernant leur regime alimentaire. Pour un groupe de dix personnes qui avaient volontairement accepte un changement de leur regime-alimentaire, on a pu calculer le taux d'elimination moyen en procedant a des dosages de l'activite du corps a des intervalles de six semaines. On a aussi obtenu ce taux pour deux personnes auxquelles on avait administre du cesium 132 par voie buccale. Les auteurs communiquent les resultats detailles de ces etudes, notamment en ce qui concerne le taux d'elimination du cesium, c'est-a-dire la periode biologique et ses variations selon le sexe et l'age. Dans l'ensemble, on a trouve des periodes allant de 30 a 90 j. (author) [Spanish] Se ha estudiado en varios casos la retencion de cesio-137 en los seres humanos. A tal efecto, se administro por via intravenosa una pequefla cantidad de cesio-137 a dos adultos que permanecieron en observacion durante unos 300 dias, practicandoseles frecuentes examenes antropogammametricos, combinados con recogida de excreciones durante el periodo inicial. La retencion disminuyo segun la suma de dos funciones exponenciales. El compartimiento mas lento decrecio con un periodo biologico de unos 75 d. Ademas, a una de las dos personas mencionadas se le administro dos aflos mas tarde cesio-137 por via oral, siendo la eliminacion por excrecion analoga a la observada a rafz de la inyeccion intravenosa. Asimismo, se ha estudiado por un procedimiento diferente (comparacion con los valores de la dieta) la velocidad de excrecion del cesio-137 en grandes grupos de hombres, mujeres y ninos. Se ha calculado por antropogammametria la velocidad media de excrecion, en un intervalo de seis semanas, de un grupo de diez personas que modificaron su dieta voluntariamente. Tambien se ha determinado la velocidad de eliminacion por excrecion en dos personas a las que se habia administrado cesio-132 por via oral. Se exponen los resultados detallados de

  2. Irradiation process of platelets and red blood cells: uncertainty values; Processo de irradiacao de bolsas contendo plaquetas e hemacias: fontes de incertezas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacifico, Leonardo, E-mail: [Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), RJ (Brazil); Peixoto, Jose Gullherme P. [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Irradiation of platelets and red blood cells is critical to prevent a disease called transfusion-associated graft versus host disease (TA-GVHD). An irradiator with source of Cesio-137 is used for this. During the irradiation process, input quantities contributing to the expanded uncertainty of the value of absorbed dose shown. The aim of our study was to identify the input quantities in the process. (author)

  3. Efeito de bioterápico na eosinofilia durante a SLMV experimental


    Luciana Camillo; Sandra Regina Pereira de Oliveira; Rosa Domingues Ribeiro; Joice Margareth de Almeida Rodolpho; Gabriel Henrique Gomes Caroccia; Sérgio de Albuquerque; Fernanda de Freitas Anibal


    O Toxocara canis (Tc) é um parasito pertencente ao filo Nematódeo que possui como hospedeiro definitivo os cães, O homem é hospedeiro paratênico e contamina-se acidentalmente ao ingerir ovos contendo larvas infectantes (L3) do parasito, as quais são liberadas e atravessam a mucosa intestinal, atingem a circulação, Durante este processo migratório, antígenos de excreção e secreção (TES) são liberados provocando intensa reação inflamatória, do tipo Th2, caracterizando a síndrome, denominada Lar...

  4. Radiological protection aspects regarding to assistance of the cesium-137 radiation accident victims in Goiania; Aspectos de protecao radiologica no atendimento as vitimas do acidente radiologico com cesio-137 em Goiania

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunt, John Graham; Oliveira Filho, Denizart Silveira de; Rabelo, Paulo Ney Pamplona [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The radiological protection measures taken in the general hospital of Goiania (HGG/INAMPS) and in the FEBEM institution, due to the accident involving Cesium-137 are described, as well as the work of the IRD personnel in the areas of: radiological protection of the medical and auxiliary staff, contamination control of the ward, radiological monitoring of the patients, waste management, personnel and area decontamination and patient transportation. (author) 4 refs., 11 figs.; e-mail: marcos at

  5. Exercise for laboratory comparison of calibration coefficient in {sup 137}Cs beam, radiation protection - 2013/2014; Exercicio de comparacao laboratorial do coeficiente de calibracao em feixe de Cesio-137, radioprotecao - 2013/2014

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cabral, T.S. [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Potiens, M.P.A., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleres (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Soares, C.M.A. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Silveira, R.R. [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Khoury, H. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Departamento de Energia Nuclear; Fernandes, E. [Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Laboratorio de Ciencias Radiologicas; Cardoso, W.F. [Eletrobras Termonuclear S.A. (Eletronuclear), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Borges, J.C. [MRA Comercio de Instrumentos Eletronicos Ltda., Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil)


    This work deals with the preliminary results of the second exercise of comparing the radiation monitors calibration laboratories in Brazil. The exercise involved eight laboratories and the measured quantity is the air kerma in a beam of {sup 137}Cs for radioprotection. The exercise was conducted by the LNMRI/IRD, in a star shaped arrangement from October 2013 to July 2015. The largest deviation was 2% of the calibration coefficient that is acceptable for applications in radioprotection. (author)

  6. Concentration levels of cesium-137 in soils of the municipalities of Guadalupe and Zacatecas before the accident of Fukushima Daiichi; Niveles de concentracion de cesio-137 en suelos de los municipios de Guadalupe y Zacatecas antes del accidente de Fukushima Daiichi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mireles, F.; Davila, J. I.; Pinedo, J. L.; Lopez, H.; Rios, C.; Saucedo, S. A.; Flores, F. E., E-mail: [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Estudios Nucleares, Cipres No. 10, Fracc. La Penuela, 98068 Zacatecas (MX)


    The study of the emitter radioisotopes of gamma-rays in soil is very important considering damages to the health and quality of the environment. The main objective of this work is the study of the concentration of the artificial radioisotope {sup 137}Cs in soil of the cities and municipalities of Zacatecas and Guadalupe of the Zacatecas State, Mexico. The study was carried out in two stages for different times, the first stage corresponded to the cities of Zacatecas and Guadalupe in 2000; and the second corresponded to the municipalities of Zacatecas and Guadalupe in 2008. The first study region was the cities of Zacatecas and Guadalupe, and environs where 20 soil samples were obtained. The second study region was inside the municipalities of Guadalupe and Zacatecas and 44 samples of near soil to the communities with major population in both municipalities were obtained. A spectrometry system of gamma-rays was used based on a coaxial detector of germanium hyper pure of high resolution, and was calculated the concentration of the {sup 137}Cs with the energy photo-pick 661.66 KeV. In this work the activity concentrations of the {sup 137}Cs in soil are presented and their variation in function of the time. These data will be a reference to evaluate a possible increment of the {sup 137}Cs because of the accident of Fukushima Daiichi (Japan) nuclear power plant happened March 11, 2011. (Author)

  7. Césio-137, um drama recontado


    Vieira,Suzane de Alencar


    O acidente radiológico com césio-137, desencadeado na cidade de Goiânia no ano 1987, não se encerra com o fim da contaminação radiológica e se estende a um processo judicial, médico-científico e narrativo de identificação e reconhecimento de novas vítimas. O drama ocupa um lugar central na dinâmica do evento radiológico ao estender seus limites, modular sua intensidade e atualizá-lo a cada nova narrativa. A etnografia, enquanto uma narrativa sobre o evento, incorpora e atualiza o drama como m...

  8. Applicability of a portable CdTe and NaI (Tl) spectrometer for activity measure; Aplicabilidade de um espectrometro portatil de CdTe e NaI (Tl) para a medida da atividade de Cesio-137 ({sup 137}Cs) e Berilio-7 ({sup 7}Be)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandes, Jaquiel Salvi


    In this work it was studied the application of an in situ gamma spectrometer (ROVER) of Amptek Inc., composed by a Cadmium Telluride detector (CdTe) of 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm and a 30 mm x 30 mm Sodium Iodide detector doped with Thallium [NaI (Tl)). The radioactive sources used were type pastille, sealed in aluminum and polyethylene, of {sup 241}Am, {sup 133}Ba, {sup 152}Eu, 3 sources of {sup 137}Cs and soil samples contaminated with {sup 137}Cs. It was performed a factorial planning 2{sup 3} to optimize the in situ spectrometry system. This way it was determined that the best temperature for CdTe crystal operation is -22, deg C, with Shaping Time of 3 {mu}S and Rise Time Discrimination (RTD) with value 3. With the help of the certified radioactive sources, we determined the efficiency curve of the two detectors. The CdTe detector was positioned at the standard distance of 1 meter of the sources and also at 4.15 cm. The NaI (Tl) detector was also positioned at the standard distance of 1 meter of the sources and at 2.8 cm. Measures were performed to determine the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) for both detectors. For the pastille type sources, the {sup 137}Cs MDA for the CdTe detector at 4.15 cm, analyzing the energy line of 32 keV, was 6 kBq and at 1 meter of the {sup 137}Cs source, analyzing the line of 661.65 keV, the MDA was 67 kBq. For soil samples, CdTe detector at 4.15 cm presented a MDA of 693 for the line of 32 keV, and for the soil sample {sup 7}Be content the MDA found was 2867{sup -1} at 4.15 cm. For the NaI (Tl) detector, analyzing the line of 661.65 keV, the {sup 137}Cs MDA for pastille type source at 1 meter of distance was 7 kBq, and for soil sample at 2.8 cm the measured {sup 137}Cs MDA was 71{sup -1}. For the soil sample {sup 7}Be content, at 2.8 cm of the Nal (Tl) detector, the obtained MDA was 91{sup -1}. Due to the minimum detectable activities found for the two detectors, we concluded that the employed in situ gamma

  9. Decorporation of cesium-137; Decorporation du cesium-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Fleche, Ph; Destombe, C; Grasseau, A; Mathieu, J; Chancerelle, Y; Mestries, J C [GMR, Direction des Recherches, Etudes et Techniques, 94 - Arcueil (France)


    Cesium radio-isotopes, especially cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) are among the radionuclides of main importance produced by a fission reaction in reactor or a nuclear weapon explosion. In the environment, {sup 137}Cs is a major contaminant which can cause severe {beta}, {gamma}irradiations and contaminations. {sup 137}Cs is distributed widely and relatively uniformly throughout the body with the highest concentration in skeletal muscles. A treatment becomes difficult afterwards. The purposes of this report are Firstly to compare the Prussian blue verses cobalt and potassium ferrocyanide (D.I. blue) efficiency for the {sup 137}Cs decorporation and secondly to assess a chronological treatment with D.I. blue. (author)

  10. Decorporation of cesium-137; Decorporation du cesium-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Fleche, Ph.; Destombe, C.; Grasseau, A.; Mathieu, J.; Chancerelle, Y.; Mestries, J.C. [GMR, Direction des Recherches, Etudes et Techniques, 94 - Arcueil (France)


    Cesium radio-isotopes, especially cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) are among the radionuclides of main importance produced by a fission reaction in reactor or a nuclear weapon explosion. In the environment, {sup 137}Cs is a major contaminant which can cause severe {beta}, {gamma}irradiations and contaminations. {sup 137}Cs is distributed widely and relatively uniformly throughout the body with the highest concentration in skeletal muscles. A treatment becomes difficult afterwards. The purposes of this report are Firstly to compare the Prussian blue verses cobalt and potassium ferrocyanide (D.I. blue) efficiency for the {sup 137}Cs decorporation and secondly to assess a chronological treatment with D.I. blue. (author)

  11. Uma exposição acidental aos raios X de um difratômetro

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    Valverde N.J. de L.


    Full Text Available As mãos de três trabalhadores foram irradiadas acidentalmente numa indústria em Camaçari, Estado da Bahia, Brasil. O diagnóstico clínico de radiodermite aguda foi possível, antes mesmo da confirmação dosimétrica da ocorrência, em virtude das manifestações cutâneas exibidas, precedidas por um eritema, e também pelas histórias ocupacionais. As avaliações das doses recebidas pelos acidentados, usando-se restituições com dosímetros termoluminescentes, tiveram boa correlação com as doses estimadas em função das manifestações clínicas. A causa imediata do acidente foi a má manutenção do equipamento que levou a sua janela posterior a ficar permanentemente aberta, porém foram fatores contributórios importantes a falta de informação dos empregados sobre os possíveis efeitos biológicos das radiações ionizantes e o não seguimento dos procedimentos operacionais corretos. A descrição deste acidente é importante, face ao grande número de difratômetros existentes em laboratórios, universidades, centros de pesquisa e indústrias. Tais aparelhos são considerados "virtualmente isentos de risco ocupacional", o que não é verdadeiro, como comprova a ocorrência que descrevemos. A evolução médica dos pacientes tem sido satisfatória, especialmente em virtude da baixa energia do feixe de raios X do difratômetro e, em conseqüência, da sua pequena penetração tissular.

  12. The blue drama: narratives of the victim's suffering of Cesium-137 radiological event; O drama azul: narrativas sobre o sofrimento das vitimas do evento radiologico do Cesio-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vieira, Suzane de Alencar


    This research presents a dramatic approach to the Cesium-137 Radiological Event. The event, which started on Goiania in 1987, did not stop with the end of radiological contamination and continues in a judicial, scientific and narrative process of identification and recognition of new victims. The ethnography’s output follows a theoretical experiment with the notions of drama and event. In order to better understand the pattern of this event, I analyzed narratives such as romances, arts, photographs, news, documentaries, films, academic bibliography and stories that emerged from the research field. I argue that the narratives politicize the discourses of victimization and the suffering experience. The dramatic form of narratives and symbols concentrates on emotions and promotes the emotional commitment of the subjects on the trial. The drama articulates the relationship between the narratives and the event and creates a tactful space that arouses the recognition of victims through the narrative form and the suffering language. The drama occupies a central place on the dynamics of radiological event, as it extends its limits, inflects its intensity and updates the event. As a narrative of the event, the ethnography incorporates and brings up to date the drama as an analysis landmark and the description of the theme as it is absorbed by a dramatic process. (author)

  13. Systemic Arterial Hypertension in Patients Exposed to Cesium-137 in Goiânia-GO: Prevalence Study. (United States)

    Rodrigues, José Victor Rabelo; Pinto, Murillo Macêdo; Figueredo, Roberto Miller Pires; Lima, Helen de; Souto, Rafael; Sacchetim, Sylvana de Castro


    Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) in the Brazilian population, in populations not exposed to Césio-137, presents a prevalence of 28% nationwide. However, in the group of radioactivity victims, these values are unknown. To analyze the prevalence of hypertension in patients exposed to Cesium-137 in Goiânia, enrolled in the Sistema de Monitoramento dos Radioacidentados (SISRAD) (Radioactivtity Victims Monitoring System) of the Centro de Assistência aos Radioacidentados (C.A.R.A) (Assistence Center for Radioactivity Victims). This is a descriptive, observational cross-sectional epidemiological study carried out in Goiânia-Goiás, from August 2013 to October 2014, with a group of patients enrolled in the Sistema de Monitoramento dos Radioacidentados (SISRAD) of the Centro de Assistência a Radioacidentados (C.A.R.A.). A total of 102 radioactive patients were divided into two groups: group 1 with 40 and group 2 with 62 participants. A field survey was conducted with a closed and semi-structured questionnaire in which the following contexts were addressed: sociodemographic profile, life habits and personal background. A database was created using the Google Forms application from the Google Web technologies company. The duly collected and stored data were imported and analyzed in the statistical software SPSS, version 21. The prevalence of SAH reached a total of 25% (12 individuals) of the 48 interviewees, 50% of women (24) and 50% of men (24), of which 22.9% (11) of the radioactivity victims revealed to be smokers. The prevalence of SAH in the radioactivity victims population is similar to that of the population in general. A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) na população brasileira, em populações não expostas ao Césio-137, apresenta prevalência de 28% em âmbito nacional. Porém, no grupo de radioacidentados, esses valores são desconhecidos. Analisar a prevalência da HAS em pacientes expostos ao Césio-137 ocorrido em Goiânia, cadastrados no

  14. Cesium 137 body activity in a group of children coming from affected areas due to Chernobyl accident. Mediciones de actividad corporal de cesio-137 en un grupo de infantes de areas afectadas por el accidente de Chernobil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cruz, R; Lopez, G; Arado, O; Jova, L; Corripio, A [Centro de Proteccion e Higiene de las Radiaciones, La Habana (Cuba)


    The implementation and calibration of two whole body counters for determination of Cs-137 body burden of children is describe. The results of measurements of 4506 children coming from affected areas due to Chernobyl accident of the Republics of Ukrainian, Russian and Belaruss, and who received medical attention in Cuba is presented. Installations, equipment and calibration phantoms used are described. The values of measured activity is relationed whit the place of origin groups of age and the form of feeding. The measured activity values range from 1,5 to 565 Bq/kg, and have a long-normal character for each region.

  15. Decorporation of cesium-137

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Fleche, Ph.; Destombe, C.; Grasseau, A.; Mathieu, J.; Chancerelle, Y.; Mestries, J.C.


    Cesium radio-isotopes, especially cesium-137 ( 137 Cs) are among the radionuclides of main importance produced by a fission reaction in reactor or a nuclear weapon explosion. In the environment, 137 Cs is a major contaminant which can cause severe β, γirradiations and contaminations. 137 Cs is distributed widely and relatively uniformly throughout the body with the highest concentration in skeletal muscles. A treatment becomes difficult afterwards. The purposes of this report are Firstly to compare the Prussian blue verses cobalt and potassium ferrocyanide (D.I. blue) efficiency for the 137 Cs decorporation and secondly to assess a chronological treatment with D.I. blue. (author)

  16. Standardization of 137mCs+137mBa by Liquid Scintillation; Calibracion de 137Cs+137mBa por Centelleo Liquido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez, L.; Los Arcos, J.M.; Grau, A.


    A procedure for the preparation of a stable, homogeneous solution of 137Cs+''137mBa, for use in liquid scintillation measurements, is described. Its count rate stability and spectral time evolution has been followed for several weeks. The solution has been standardised by the CIEMAT/NIST method in both Ultima-Gold and Insta-Gel, to a combined uncertainty lower than 0,51 % (k=l). (Author) 5 refs.

  17. Pilot unit for cesium-137 separation; Unite pilote de separation du cesium-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raggenbass, A; Quesney, M; Fradin, J; Dufrene, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Users of radiation are becoming increasingly interested in cesium-137. At the same time the starting up of the industrial plant at Marcoule will make available in the near future large stocks of fission products which should be made use of as quickly as possible. The installation described is a pilot plant for cesium-137 production which should make it possible: - to verify the chemical method on actual solutions of fission products, by treating about 100 curies of {sup 137}Cs by operation, - to obtain technical information on the chemical equipment (tele-commands, corrosion, maintenance, etc...), - to obtain {sup 137}Cs in sufficient quantity to perfect the technique of the manufacture of sealed sources. (author)Fren. [French] L'interet des utilisateurs de rayonnement se porte de plus en plus vers le caesium-137. Parallelement, la mise en oeuvre de l'ensemble industriel de Marcoule nous permettra de disposer dans un avenir proche de stocks importants de produits de fission qu'il sera interessant de valoriser au plus vite. L'installation que nous decrivons est un pilote de production de caesium-137 qui doit nous permettre: - de verifier la methode chimique sur des solutions de produits de fission reelles en traitant environ 100 curies de {sup 137}Cs par operation; - d'obtenir des renseignements techniques sur l'appareillage chimique (telecommandes, corrosion, entretien, etc...); - d'obtenir du {sup 137}Cs en quantite suffisante pour mettre au point la technique de fabrication des sources scellees. (auteur)

  18. 137Cs in man organism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marej, A.N.; Barkhudarov, R.M.


    Considered are the levels of 137 Cs content in the organism of adult urban population of the USSR and the main regularities of their alterations during 1962-1974. The non-uniform distribution of levels of 137 Cs buildup in adult population is shown to be connected with soil and geographic conditions. Food stuffs of local production have a noticeable effect on the levels of 137 Cs buildup in the organism of urban population. Calculation methods are used to study 137 Cs administration in a human organism. No significant difference is found between the indexes of 137 Cs content in the organism of rural and urban population. Presented are the levels of 137 Cs content in the organisms of inhabitants of such regions as Far North and Byelorussian-Ukrainian woodlands. Given are the reasons for the increased content of 137 Cs in the organism of rural population of these zones

  19. AoS28D, a proline-Xaa carboxypeptidase secreted by Aspergillus oryzae. (United States)

    Salamin, Karine; Eugster, Philippe J; Jousson, Olivier; Waridel, Patrice; Grouzmann, Eric; Monod, Michel


    Prolyl peptidases of the MEROPS S28 family are of particular interest because they are key enzymes in the digestion of proline-rich peptides. A BLAST analysis of the Aspergillus oryzae genome revealed sequences coding for four proteases of the S28 family. Three of these proteases, AoS28A, AoS28B, and AoS28C, were previously characterized as acidic prolyl endopeptidases. The fourth protease, AoS28D, showed high sequence divergence with other S28 proteases and belongs to a phylogenetically distinct cluster together with orthologous proteases from other Aspergillus species. The objective of the present paper was to characterize AoS28D protease in terms of substrate specificity and activity. AoS28D produced by gene overexpression in A. oryzae and in Pichia pastoris was a 70-kDa glycoprotein with a 10-kDa sugar moiety. In contrast with other S28 proteases, AoS28D did not hydrolyze internal Pro-Xaa bonds of several tested peptides. Similarly, to human lysosomal Pro-Xaa carboxypeptidase, AoS28D demonstrated selectivity for cleaving C-terminal Pro-Xaa bonds which are resistant to carboxypeptidases of the S10 family concomitantly secreted by A. oryzae. Therefore, AoS28D could act in synergy with these enzymes during sequential degradation of a peptide from its C-terminus.

  20. Analysis, method and techniques for the studying of Cesium-137 transfer from soil to plants (maize and beans) (continuation of the technical report GSR-91-20); Analisis, metodo y tecnicas para estudio de transferencia de Cesio-137 de suelo a plantas (maiz y frijol) (continuacion del informe tecnico GSR-91-20)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cervantes N, M L


    In this report the complete results of transfer of corn and bean whose objective is to determine the transfer of Cs-137 via: soil {yields} root {yields} plant, which is determined by the transfer factors or concentration factors (FC), which indicates the incorporation from Cs-137 to soil and plant starting from two models of compartments which were already described in the technical report GSR-91-20-1 that precedes to this are presented. These results correspond to that carried out during the agricultural cycle of 1991, as well as the first results corresponding to 1992 in the radioactive wastes storage center (CADER) in Mexico. (Author)

  1. Radiometric evaluation of graves of victims of the accident with Cesium 137 in Goiania, GO, Brazil: 25 years after; Avaliacao radiometrica das sepulturas das vitimas do acidente com o Cesio 137 em Goiania: 25 anos apos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lage, Leonardo B.; Correa, Rosangela da S.; Santos, Eliane E. dos, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Centro-Oeste (CRCN-CO/CNEN-GO), Abadia de Goias, GO (Brazil); Freitas-Junior, Ruffo, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG), Goiania, GO (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Programa de Mastologia


    Twenty-five years after the radiation accident in Goiania, this study aims to evaluate the radiological situation in the area demarcated by the graves of the victims of the accident with cesium-137. Radiometric survey was carried out on the surface that encompasses the four graves and vicinity, from a pre-established mesh. Dose rate measurements were carried out, using the IdentFINDER equipment, positioned at 1 m height from the ground. The values of dose rates at the points measured ranged from 0.03 to 0.07 μSv/h. This variation of dose rate is less than those obtained in the local graveyard and are in the range of background radiation observed in Goiania. Considering the results obtained 25 years after the accident, it was concluded that engineering barriers adopted at that time are effective, stating the place absolutely safe from a radiological point of view, both for the individual from the public as to the environment.

  2. Standardization of 137 Cs+137m Ba by Liquid Scintillation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, L.; Arcos, J.M., los; Grau Carles, A.


    A procedure for the preparation of a stable, homogeneous solution of ''137 Cs+''137m Ba, for use in liquid scintillation measurements, is described. Its count rate stability and spectral time evolution has been followed for several weeks. The solution has been standardised by the CIEMAT/NIST method in both Ultima-Gold and Insta-Gel, to a combined uncertainty lower than 0,51% (k=1)

  3. Perfil clínico e resposta circulatória ao estresse gravitacional ativo de indivíduos pré-hipertensos e sua comparabilidade com hipertensos e normotensos


    Avena, Katia de Miranda


    A caracterização do estado pré-hipertensivo é fundamental para prevenção primária da hipertensão. Esse estudo descreve o perfil clínico e a resposta circulatória ao estresse gravitacional ativo (EGA) de pré-hipertensos, comparando-os ao de hipertensos e normotensos. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 137 hipertensos (pressão arterial, PA, ≥140/90mmHg), 72 pré-hipertensos (PA 140-120/90-80mmHg) e 72 normotensos (PA

  4. 6 CFR 13.7 - Complaint. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Complaint. 13.7 Section 13.7 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.7 Complaint. (a) On or after the date the Department of Justice approves the issuance of a Complaint in accordance...

  5. Redistribution of cesium-137 in southeastern watersheds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McHenry, J.R.; Ritchie, J.C.


    Sediment samples from 14 southeastern agricultural reservoirs and surface samples from representative soils from the contributing water shed areas were analyzed for 137 Cs. The concentrations of 137 Cs measured reflect the nature of the watershed, its cover, its use, and man's activities. Since the redistribution of 137 Cs was assumed to result from soil erosion, recent erosion rates can be calculated from the measured 137 Cs accumulations in sediments and from the decreases in the 137 Cs calculated to have been deposited on upland soils. Measured concentrations of 137 Cs ranged from 14 to 158 nCi/m 2 in surface soils. As much as 525 nCi/m 2 of 137 Cs was measured in the deposited sediment profile. Watershed budgets for 137 Cs were calculated for three representative watersheds using available sediment survey information and the measured 137 Cs concentrations

  6. Determination of caesium-137 in liquid milk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jankowska, S.


    A technique for determining caesium-137 in milk on the basis of caesium-137 sorption has been adapted according to the method of Broadbank. The caesium carrier is not added, because its addition decreases the sensitivity of measurement. Two procedures were used for the assay of caesium-137 in milk: (a) Sorption of caesium-137 from the solution of milk ash dissolved in 3M HNO 3 ; (b) Sorption of caesium-137 from whey. In both methods the radioactivity of caesium-137 was determined directly on the ammonium molybdophosphate (AMP) bed by means of counting

  7. Cesium-137. Environment. Man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moiseev, A.A.


    Analysis of all main sourses of cerium-137 formation and intake into the external medium is given. Special attention is paid to the estimation of possible influence of rapidly developing nuclear power industry on contamination of the external medium by the radionuclide. Levels of contamination of the external medium by cerium-137, main regularities of its migration through food chains, levels of its intake and accumulation in population's organisms in USSR and its separate regions, are considered. Great attention is paid to the control methods of external environmental contamination by cesium-137 and to its measurements in human body

  8. Standardization of 137mCs+137mBa by Liquid Scintillation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, L.; Los Arcos, J.M.; Grau, A.


    A procedure for the preparation of a stable, homogeneous solution of 137Cs+''137mBa, for use in liquid scintillation measurements, is described. Its count rate stability and spectral time evolution has been followed for several weeks. The solution has been standardised by the CIEMAT/NIST method in both Ultima-Gold and Insta-Gel, to a combined uncertainty lower than 0,51 % (k=l). (Author) 5 refs

  9. Derivation of 137Cs deposition density from measurement of 137Cs inventories in undisturbed soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hien, P.D.; Hiep, H.T.; Quang, N.H.; Huy, N.Q.; Binh, N.T.; Hai, P.S.; Long, N.Q.; Bac, V.T


    The 137 Cs inventories in undisturbed soils were measured for 292 locations across the territory of Vietnam. the logarithmic inventory values were regressed against characteristics of sampling sites, such as geographical coordinates, annual rainfall and physico-chemical parameters of soil. The regression model containing latitude and annual rainfall as determinants could explain 76% of the variations in logarithmic inventory values across the territory. The model part was interpreted as the logarithmic 137 Cs deposition density. At the 95% confidence level, 137 Cs deposition density could be predicted be the model ± 7% relative uncertainty. the latitude mean 137 Cs deposition density increases northward from 237 Bq m -2 to 1097 Bq m -2 , while the corresponding values derived from the UNSCEAR (1969) global pattern are 300 Bq m -2 and 600 Bq m -2 . High 137 Cs inputs were found in high-rainfall areas in northern and central parts of the territory. (author)

  10. 7 CFR 4279.137 - Financial statements. (United States)


    ... accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles will be required. (b) If specific circumstances... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Financial statements. 4279.137 Section 4279.137... § 4279.137 Financial statements. (a) The lender will determine the type and frequency of submission of...

  11. 21 CFR 211.137 - Expiration dating. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Expiration dating. 211.137 Section 211.137 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS... § 211.137 Expiration dating. (a) To assure that a drug product meets applicable standards of identity...

  12. 21 CFR 137.175 - Phosphated flour. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Phosphated flour. 137.175 Section 137.175 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN... Related Products § 137.175 Phosphated flour. Phosphated flour, phosphated white flour, and phosphated...

  13. 21 CFR 137.275 - Yellow corn meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Yellow corn meal. 137.275 Section 137.275 Food and... Related Products § 137.275 Yellow corn meal. Yellow corn meal conforms to the definition and standard of identity prescribed by § 137.250 for white corn meal except that cleaned yellow corn is used instead of...

  14. 21 CFR 137.215 - Yellow corn flour. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Yellow corn flour. 137.215 Section 137.215 Food... Flours and Related Products § 137.215 Yellow corn flour. Yellow corn flour conforms to the definition and standard of identity prescribed by § 137.211 for white corn flour except that cleaned yellow corn is used...

  15. 137Cs in northern Adriatic sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barisic, D.; Lulic, S.; Vdovic, N.; Vertacnik, A.; Juracic, M.


    The activity of 137 Cs in shallow northern Adriatic sediments was obtained on the basis of measurement results from 25 sediment box cores, sampled during the Adriatic Scientific COoperation Program (ASCOP) 16 cruise in the summer 1990. 137 Cs was determined in surface sediments (0-3 cm) and 12-15 cm-deep sediment. It was found that the lowest caesium concentrations correspond to sands, which are spread along the Croatian coast. Parallel to the Italian coast, 137 Cs concentrations in pelites are the highest. It seems that the influence of Po River is significant for 137 Cs activities in recent marine sediments along Italian coast south of Po River delta. Significantly higher 137 Cs activities in 0-3 cm sediment layer can be attributed to the deposition caused by Chernobyl accident. (author)

  16. 25 CFR 137.1 - Water supply. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Water supply. 137.1 Section 137.1 Indians BUREAU OF... CARLOS INDIAN IRRIGATION PROJECT, ARIZONA § 137.1 Water supply. The engineering report dealt with in... capacity of the San Carlos reservoir created by the Coolidge Dam and the water supply therefor over a...

  17. 21 CFR 137.260 - Enriched corn meals. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Enriched corn meals. 137.260 Section 137.260 Food... Flours and Related Products § 137.260 Enriched corn meals. (a) Enriched corn meals are the foods, each of which conforms to the definition and standard of identity prescribed for a kind of corn meal by §§ 137...

  18. 21 CFR 137.190 - Cracked wheat. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cracked wheat. 137.190 Section 137.190 Food and... Related Products § 137.190 Cracked wheat. Cracked wheat is the food prepared by so cracking or cutting into angular fragments cleaned wheat other than durum wheat and red durum wheat that, when tested by...

  19. 21 CFR 137.195 - Crushed wheat. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Crushed wheat. 137.195 Section 137.195 Food and... Related Products § 137.195 Crushed wheat. Crushed wheat, coarse ground wheat, is the food prepared by so crushing cleaned wheat other than durum wheat and red durum wheat that, when tested by the method...

  20. 7 CFR 58.137 - Excluded milk. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Excluded milk. 58.137 Section 58.137 Agriculture... Milk § 58.137 Excluded milk. A plant shall not accept milk from a producer if: (a) The milk has been in...) Three of the last five milk samples have exceeded the maximum bacterial estimate of 500,000 per ml...

  1. 21 CFR 137.350 - Enriched rice. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Enriched rice. 137.350 Section 137.350 Food and... Related Products § 137.350 Enriched rice. (a) The foods for which definitions and standards of identity are prescribed by this section are forms of milled rice (except rice coated with talc and glucose and...

  2. Potential value of Cs-137 capsules

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bloomster, C.H.; Brown, D.R.; Bruno, G.A.; Hazelton, R.F.; Hendrickson, P.L.; Lezberg, A.J.; Tingey, G.L.; Wilfert, G.L.


    We determined the value of Cs-137 compared to Co-60 as a source for the irradiation of fruit (apples and cherries), pork and medical supplies. Cs-137, in the WESF capsule form, had a value of approximately $0.40/Ci as a substitute for Co-60 priced at approximately $1.00/Ci. The comparison was based on the available curies emitted from the surface of each capsule. We developed preliminary designs for fourteen irradiation facilities; seven were based on Co-60 and seven were based on Cs-137. These designs provided the basis for estimating capital and operating costs which, in turn, provided the basis for determining the value of Cs-137 relative to Co-60 in these applications. We evaluated the effect of the size of the irradiation facility on the value of Cs-137. The cost of irradiation is low compared to the value of the product. Irradiation of apples for disinfestation costs $.01 to .02 per pound. Irradiation for trichina-safe pork costs $.02 per pound. Irradiation of medical supplies for sterilization costs $.07 to .12 per pound. The cost of the irradiation source, either Co-60 or Cs-137, contributed only a minor amount to the total cost of irradiation, about 5% for the fruit and hog cases and about 20% for the medical supply cases. We analyzed the sensitivity of the irradiation costs and Cs-137 value to several key assumptions.

  3. Potential value of Cs-137 capsules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bloomster, C.H.; Brown, D.R.; Bruno, G.A.; Hazelton, R.F.; Hendrickson, P.L.; Lezberg, A.J.; Tingey, G.L.; Wilfert, G.L.


    We determined the value of Cs-137 compared to Co-60 as a source for the irradiation of fruit (apples and cherries), pork and medical supplies. Cs-137, in the WESF capsule form, had a value of approximately $0.40/Ci as a substitute for Co-60 priced at approximately $1.00/Ci. The comparison was based on the available curies emitted from the surface of each capsule. We developed preliminary designs for fourteen irradiation facilities; seven were based on Co-60 and seven were based on Cs-137. These designs provided the basis for estimating capital and operating costs which, in turn, provided the basis for determining the value of Cs-137 relative to Co-60 in these applications. We evaluated the effect of the size of the irradiation facility on the value of Cs-137. The cost of irradiation is low compared to the value of the product. Irradiation of apples for disinfestation costs $.01 to .02 per pound. Irradiation for trichina-safe pork costs $.02 per pound. Irradiation of medical supplies for sterilization costs $.07 to .12 per pound. The cost of the irradiation source, either Co-60 or Cs-137, contributed only a minor amount to the total cost of irradiation, about 5% for the fruit and hog cases and about 20% for the medical supply cases. We analyzed the sensitivity of the irradiation costs and Cs-137 value to several key assumptions

  4. Distribution of cesium-137 in reindeer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristina Rissanen


    Full Text Available The influence of the Chernobyl accident in 1986 on the Finnish reindeer herding area was much smaller than the effects of the nuclear bomb tests in the 1960s. Only in one small area somewhat more Cs-137 was deposited than in the rest of the reindeer herding area. From that area 20 reindeer were chosen for investigation of the distribution of Cs-137. All tissues, organs, the skeleton, digestive tract, hide, head and hooves were sampled quantitatively. Three reindeer were pregnant and also the foetuses were studied. The Cs-137 amounts were determined by gammaspectrometric measurements. The results showed that the differences in the Cs-137 concentrations between muscle tissue from different parts of an individual reindeer were not more than 10 percent. Thus it is not essential from which part of the reindeer meat samples for surveillance purposes are taken. The concentration of Cs-137 in edible tissues other than muscle was lower except in the kidneys and scapula cartilage.

  5. Water culture of the rice containing Cs-137

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Yong Ho; Keum, Dong Kwon; Lim, Kwang Muk; Jun, In; Park, Doo Won


    Pot experiments were carried out in a greenhouse in order to produce Cs-137-containing rice seeds as a source material for use in manufacturing reference rice samples of a high Cs-137 activity. Two kinds of soil were used and two pots were prepared for each kind of soil. Rice plants were water-cultured in the pots and Cs-137 was applied to the surface water to induce a Cs-137 contamination of rice seeds via a plant uptake of Cs-137. Mature rice plants were harvested and Cs-137-containing rice seeds were obtained after some treatment of the harvested plants. These produced rice seeds are going to be provided for the KRISS so as to be used in manufacturing reference rice samples for Cs-137

  6. Pilot unit for cesium-137 separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raggenbass, A.; Quesney, M.; Fradin, J.; Dufrene, J.


    Users of radiation are becoming increasingly interested in cesium-137. At the same time the starting up of the industrial plant at Marcoule will make available in the near future large stocks of fission products which should be made use of as quickly as possible. The installation described is a pilot plant for cesium-137 production which should make it possible: - to verify the chemical method on actual solutions of fission products, by treating about 100 curies of 137 Cs by operation, - to obtain technical information on the chemical equipment (tele-commands, corrosion, maintenance, etc...), - to obtain 137 Cs in sufficient quantity to perfect the technique of the manufacture of sealed sources. (author) [fr

  7. 21 CFR 137.205 - Bromated whole wheat flour. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Bromated whole wheat flour. 137.205 Section 137... Cereal Flours and Related Products § 137.205 Bromated whole wheat flour. Bromated whole wheat flour... of ingredients, prescribed for whole wheat flour by § 137.200, except that potassium bromate is added...

  8. Cesium-137: A physiological disruptor?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souidi, Maamar; Grison, Stephane; Dublineau, Isabelle; Aigueperse, Jocelyne; Lestaevel, Philippe


    Today, radiation protection is a major issue for the nuclear industry throughout the world, particularly in France. The 2011 disaster of Fukushima Dai-ichi has brought back to public attention questions about the risks associated with nuclear power for civilian purposes. The risk of accidental release of radioactive molecules, including cesium-137 ( 137 Cs), from these facilities cannot be completely eliminated. The non-cancer-related health consequences of chronic exposure to this radionuclide remain poorly understood. After absorption, cesium is distributed throughout the body. The toxicity of 137 Cs is due mainly to its radiological properties. Studies in humans report that 137 Cs impairs the immune system and induces neurological disorders. Children appear more susceptible than adults to its toxic effects. In animals, and most particularly in rodents, low-dose internal contamination disrupts the sleep-wake cycle, but without behavioural disorders. Impairment of the cardiovascular system has also been observed. Physiologic systems such as the metabolism of vitamin D, cholesterol and steroid hormones are altered, although without leading to the emergence of diseases with clinical symptoms. Recently, a metabolomics study based on contamination levels comparable to those around Chernobyl after the accident showed that it is possible to identify individual rats chronically exposed to low doses of 137 Cs, even though the exposure was too low to affect the standard clinical markers. In conclusion, the scientific evidence currently available, particularly that from experimental animal models exposed to chronic contamination, suggests that 137 Cs is likely to affect many physiologic and metabolic functions. Thus, it could contribute, with other artificial substances in the environment, to increasing the risk of developing non-cancer diseases in some regions. (authors)

  9. 21 CFR 137.285 - Degerminated yellow corn meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Degerminated yellow corn meal. 137.285 Section 137... Cereal Flours and Related Products § 137.285 Degerminated yellow corn meal. Degerminated yellow corn meal, degermed yellow corn meal, conforms to the definition and standard of identity prescribed by § 137.265 for...

  10. 21 CFR 137.280 - Bolted yellow corn meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Bolted yellow corn meal. 137.280 Section 137.280... Flours and Related Products § 137.280 Bolted yellow corn meal. Bolted yellow corn meal conforms to the definition and standard of identity prescribed by § 137.255 for bolted white corn meal except that cleaned...

  11. Vertical profile of 137Cs in soil. (United States)

    Krstić, D; Nikezić, D; Stevanović, N; Jelić, M


    In this paper, a vertical distribution of 137Cs in undisturbed soil was investigated experimentally and theoretically. Soil samples were taken from the surroundings of the city of Kragujevac in central Serbia during spring-summer of 2001. The sampling locations were chosen in such a way that the influence of soil characteristics on depth distribution of 137Cs in soil could be investigated. Activity of 137Cs in soil samples was measured using a HpGe detector and multi-channel analyzer. Based on vertical distribution of 137Cs in soil which was measured for each of 10 locations, the diffusion coefficient of 137Cs in soil was determined. In the next half-century, 137Cs will remain as the source of the exposure. Fifteen years after the Chernobyl accident, and more than 30 years after nuclear probes, the largest activity of 137Cs is still within 10 cm of the upper layer of the soil. This result confirms that the penetration of 137Cs in soil is a very slow process. Experimental results were compared with two different Green functions and no major differences were found between them. While both functions fit experimental data well in the upper layer of soil, the fitting is not so good in deeper layers. Although the curves obtained by these two functions are very close to each other, there are some differences in the values of parameters acquired by them.

  12. 25 CFR 137.2 - Availability of water. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Availability of water. 137.2 Section 137.2 Indians BUREAU... COSTS, SAN CARLOS INDIAN IRRIGATION PROJECT, ARIZONA § 137.2 Availability of water. Pursuant to section... notice to announce when water is actually available for lands in private ownership under the project and...

  13. 47 CFR 87.137 - Types of emission. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Types of emission. 87.137 Section 87.137... Technical Requirements § 87.137 Types of emission. (a) The assignable emissions, corresponding emission..., and X” may also be used in place of the letter “P” for pulsed radars. 14 Authorized for use at...

  14. Radioecological studies of 137Cs in limnological ecosystems. Biochemical states of 137Cs accumulated in killifish (Medaka, Oryzias latipes) meat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyake, Sadaaki; Motegi, Misako; Oosawa, Takashi; Nakazawa, Kiyoaki; Izumo, Yoshiro; Nakamura, Fumio.


    Biochemical states of 137 Cs accumulated in killifish's (Medaka, Oryzias latipes) meat were investigated in order to elucidate the accumulation mechanism of the radionuclide in goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus, examined in our preceding report. Most of 137 Cs radioactivity in the killifish's raw meat accumulated this radionuclide in the radioactive freshwater, were found in the non-protein nitrogenous compound (NPNC) fraction (>92%), also in the killifish's control raw meat mixed with 137 Cs, the difference between both meat samples was not clear. As the results of gel filtration profiles on Sephadex G-25 for the NPNC fraction of these meats, each only one radioactive peak was shown, also similar to 137 CsCl solution. Moreover, these peaks appeared at the same position. On the other hand, the peak positions absorbed at OD 280nm in the samples were different from those of each radioactive peak. It was so suggested that 137 Cs accumulated in the killifish's meat was shown not to be binding to protein's composition. Furthermore, as the results on thin-layer chromatography, ion-exchange resin chromatography and reaction with 137 Cs in samples and ammonium phosphomolybdate, 137 Cs in the NPNC fraction of the killifish's meat was not almost different from those of each control and 137 CsCl solution. (author)

  15. 14 CFR 137.3 - Definition of terms. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Definition of terms. 137.3 Section 137.3... General § 137.3 Definition of terms. For the purposes of this part— Agricultural aircraft operation means... man or other animals, which the Secretary of Agriculture shall declare to be a pest, and (2) any...

  16. 137Cs distribution in guava trees

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mosquera, B.; Veiga, R.; Mangia, L.; Carvalho, C.; Estellita, L.; Uzeda, D.; Facure, A.; Violini, B.; Anjos, R.M.


    This paper presents results of 137 Cs concentration measured from a guava tree cultivated after the first decontamination work of one of the sites where the worst Brazilian radiological accident occurred. The present work aims to verify how the 137 Cs is transported and distributed along the tropical trees. Bi-dimensional analyses of the radial distribution of 137 Cs in the main trunk are also presented. Neither symmetrical nor homogeneous behaviors of the specific activity distribution in the tree rings were observed. (author)

  17. 21 CFR 137.200 - Whole wheat flour. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Whole wheat flour. 137.200 Section 137.200 Food... Flours and Related Products § 137.200 Whole wheat flour. (a) Whole wheat flour, graham flour, entire wheat flour is the food prepared by so grinding cleaned wheat, other than durum wheat and red durum...

  18. Caesium 137: Properties and biological effects resulting of an internal contamination;Cesium 137: proprietes et effets biologiques apres contamination interne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lestaevel, P.; Racine, R.; Bensoussan, H.; Rouas, C.; Gueguen, Y.; Dublineau, I.; Bertho, J.M.; Gourmelon, P.; Jourdain, J.R.; Souidi, M. [Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire, IRSN, laboratoire de radiotoxicologie experimentale, direction de la radioprotection de l' homme, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)


    Caesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) is a radionuclide present in the environment mainly as the result of the atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and accidents arising in nuclear power plants like the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Nowadays, the health consequences resulting from a chronic exposure to this radionuclide remain unknown. After absorption, the caesium is distributed relatively homogeneously within the body, with a more important load in children than in adults. The toxicity of {sup 137}Cs is mainly due to its radiological properties. A high dose of {sup 137}Cs is responsible for a medullar dystrophy, disorders of the reproductive function, and effects on liver and renal functions. Disorders of bone mineralization and brain damages were also described in human beings. At lowest dose, {sup 137}Cs induces disturbances of wakefulness-sleep cycle, but not accompanied with behavioural disorders. The cardiovascular system was also perturbed. Biological effects of {sup 137}Cs on the metabolisms of the vitamin D, cholesterol and steroid hormones were described, but do not lead to clinical symptoms. In human beings, {sup 137}Cs leads to an immune deficiency, congenital and foetal deformations, an increased of thyroid cancer, as well as neurological disorders. It seems that children are more sensitive to the toxic effects of caesium than the adults. At present, the only effective treatment for the decorporation of the ingested {sup 137}Cs is the Prussian Blue (Radiogardase). The use of pectin to de-corporate the ingested {sup 137}Cs, in children notably, is sometimes proposed, but its administration still remains an open question. To conclude, the available scientific data suggest that {sup 137}Cs could affect a number of physiological and metabolic functions and consequently, could participate in the health risks associated to the presence of other contaminants in the environment. (authors)

  19. {sup 137}Cs in northern Adriatic sediments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barisic, D; Lulic, S; Vdovic, N; Vertacnik, A [Center for Marine Research - Department Zagreb, ' Ruder Boskovic' Institute, Zagreb (Croatia); Juracic, M [Department of Geology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)


    The activity of {sup 137}Cs in shallow northern Adriatic sediments was obtained on the basis of measurement results from 25 sediment box cores, sampled during the Adriatic Scientific COoperation Program (ASCOP) 16 cruise in the summer 1990. {sup 137}Cs was determined in surface sediments (0-3 cm) and 12-15 cm-deep sediment. It was found that the lowest caesium concentrations correspond to sands, which are spread along the Croatian coast. Parallel to the Italian coast, {sup 137}Cs concentrations in pelites are the highest. It seems that the influence of Po River is significant for {sup 137}Cs activities in recent marine sediments along Italian coast south of Po River delta. Significantly higher {sup 137}Cs activities in 0-3 cm sediment layer can be attributed to the deposition caused by Chernobyl accident. (author)

  20. Cesium-137 body burdens in Norwegian Lapps, 1965-1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westerlund, E.A.; Berthelsen, T.; Berteig, L.


    Results of measurements of the whole-body contents of 137 Cs during the period 1965-1983 in Lapps from the Kautokeino area in Norway are reported with measurements of 137 Cs in reindeer meat during the period 1966-1983. By using available data on 137 Cs in precipitation for the period 1950-1980, transfer coefficients from 137 Cs in precipitation to reindeer meat have been assessed. A correlation between the 137 Cs content in reindeer meat and the 137 Cs content in Lapp reindeer breeders has been established. The average whole-body committed dose equivalent, H50, to the reindeer breeders from internally deposited 137 Cs from intakes up to year 2000 was assessed to 13 mSv with a peak value of 30 mSv. In comparison, the corresponding committed dose equivalent to the Norwegian population from internally deposited 137 Cs has been estimated to be about 1 mSv. The higher intake of 137 Cs by reindeer breeders is due to the lichen-reindeer-man exposure pathway

  1. Cesium-137 in soil texture fractions and its impact on Cesium-137 soil-to-plant transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerzabek, M.H.; Mohamad, S.A.; Mueck, K.


    Field studies at two sites contaminated by the Chernobyl fallout showed 137 Cesium (Cs) soil-to-plant transfer factors in wheat, rye and potato. Transfer values ranged from 0.0017 (potato tuber) to 0.07 (wheat straw). Generally transfer coefficients in cereal grains and potato tubers were significantly below the values of the shoots. A comparison of the two sites led to the conclusion that for all plants investigated 137 Cs transfer factors were higher in Lower Austria (Calcic Chernozem) than in Upper Austria (Eutric Cambisol). The specific activities of the texture fractions of the two soil types increased from sand to silt and clay. In the Calcic Chernozem the ratio of the 137 Cs activity in the silt fraction to the total activity in the soil was considerably higher than in the Eutric Cambisol. At the same time extractability of 137 Cs from the silt fraction of the latter soil was clearly lower. Both results mainly were attributed to the differences between the soils according to the organic matter content of the silt fractions, the Calcic Chernozem being seven times higher. Therefore, the differences in the 137 Cs-soil-to-plant transfer can be attributed partly to these soil characteristics. (authors)

  2. 21 CFR 146.137 - Frozen orange juice. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Frozen orange juice. 146.137 Section 146.137 Food... Beverages § 146.137 Frozen orange juice. (a) Frozen orange juice is orange juice as defined in § 146.135, except that it is frozen. (b) The name of the food is “Frozen orange juice”. Such name may be preceded on...

  3. Different cesium-137 transfers to forest and stream ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakai, Masaru; Gomi, Takashi; Negishi, Junjiro N.; Iwamoto, Aimu; Okada, Kengo


    Understanding the mechanisms of "1"3"7Cs movement across different ecosystems is crucial for projecting the environmental impact and management of nuclear contamination events. Here, we report differential movement of "1"3"7Cs in adjacent forest and stream ecosystems. The food webs of the forest and stream ecosystems in our study were similar, in that they were both dominated by detrital-based food webs and the basal energy source was terrestrial litter. However, the concentration of "1"3"7Cs in stream litter was significantly lower than in forest litter, the result of "1"3"7Cs leaching from litter in stream water. The difference in "1"3"7Cs concentrations between the two types of litter was reflected in the "1"3"7Cs concentrations in the animal community. While the importance of "1"3"7Cs fallout and the associated transfer to food webs has been well studied, research has been primarily limited to cases in a single ecosystem. Our results indicate that there are differences in the flow of "1"3"7Cs through terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and that "1"3"7Cs concentrations are reduced in both basal food resources and higher trophic animals in aquatic systems, where primary production is subsidized by a neighboring terrestrial ecosystem. - Highlights: • Detrital-based food web structure was observed in both forest and stream ecosystems. • The "1"3"7Cs concentration in litter was 4 times lower in stream than in forest. • The difference of "1"3"7Cs concentration in litter reflected in animal contamination. • "1"3"7Cs leaching from litter decreases contamination level of stream food web. - Leaching from litter in stream decreases "1"3"7Cs concentration in litter, and the contamination level of food web in stream ecosystem is lower than that in adjacent forest ecosystem.

  4. 33 CFR 137.40 - Additional inquiries. (United States)


    ..., specialized knowledge or experience of the person specified in § 137.1(a). (3) As required by § 137.75, the relationship of the purchase price to the fair market value of the facility and the real property on which the...

  5. Cs-137 migration in soil near NPPs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silant'ev, A.N.; Shkuratova, I.G.; Khatskevich, R.N.


    A convective-diffusion model has been employed for describing Cs-137 migration in soil. The migration parameters were determined by comparing the calculated vertical distribution profiles with the experimental ones. The migration parameters dependence on the soil state has been studied. Cs-137 penetration rate was found to be function of the soil type, surface state, soil wetness and orography. The obtained values are presented. A method is suggested for revealing the soil surface contamination by Cs-137 produced during NPP operation with distinguishing it from the global contamination background. For this purpose Cs-137 content in the upper 5 mm soil layer is estimated [ru

  6. Fractionation of 137Cs and Pu in natural peatland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mihalík, Ján; Bartusková, Miluše; Hölgye, Zoltán; Ježková, Tereza; Henych, Ondřej


    High Cs-137 concentrations in plants growing on peatland inspired us to investigate the quantity of its bioavailable fraction in natural peat. Our investigation aims to: a) estimate the quantity of bioavailable Cs-137 and Pu present in peat, b) verify the similarity of Cs-137 and K-40 behaviours, and c) perform a quantification of Cs-137 and Pu transfer from peat to plants. We analysed the vertical distribution of Cs-137 and Pu isotopes in the peat and their concentrations in plants growing on these places. Bioavailability of radionuclides was investigated by sequential extraction. Sequential analyses revealed that it was the upper layer which contained the majority of Cs-137 in an available form while deeper layers retained Cs-137 in immobile fractions. We can conclude that 18% of all Cs-137 in the peat is still bioavailable. Despite of the low quantity of bioavailable fraction of Cs-137 its transfer factor reached extremely high values. In the case of Pu, 64% of its total amount was associated with fulvic/humic acids which resulted in the high transfer factor from peat to plants. 27 years after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the significant part of radionuclides deposited in peatland is still bioavailable. - Highlights: • Decrease of exchangeable 137 Cs and its increase in residual fraction with depth. • High 137 Cs transfer factor contrary to its low quantity in bioavailable fractions. • Fulvic/humic acids are a more effective carrier for Pu than for Cs

  7. Is 137Cs Dating Becoming Obsolete in North America? (United States)

    Drexler, J. Z.; Fuller, C.; Salas, A.


    Dating of wetland sediments and peat is routinely carried out using 137Cs and 210Pb analysis. Unlike 210Pb, 137Cs is an anthropogenic radionuclide with a history of fallout from nuclear weapons testing. 137Cs is used as a single time marker; its peak is coincident with the height of atmospheric nuclear testing in 1963/4. During its use in the 1970s-90s, 137Cs peaks were usually highly distinct in wetland sediments (e.g., see 137Cs peaks from Louisiana marshes in Feijtel et al., 1988). This enabled its use as a check for dates assigned to a profile by 210Pb and other methods. However, recently, the efficacy of 137Cs dating in North America has deteriorated. In this presentation, we will provide specific examples of 137Cs as well as 210Pb dating in wetland sediments/peats we collected between 2005 and 2015 in Maine, California, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Washington. Two main reasons exist for this decline. First, 137Cs activities in our recent cores are 30-40 % of the original activities in 1963/4 due to decay of the original 137Cs in situ (half-life = 30.17 years) and no major new sources. This manifests in lower signal to noise ratio, with some peaks barely recognizable above the noise. Second, 137Cs peaks are much less distinct due to 137Cs migration through time independent of substrate (or sediment) particles. Migration of peaks has resulted in estimated accretion rates being systematically lower or higher than those derived from 210Pb dating. These issues with 137Cs dating have important implications because 137Cs is used with 210Pb dating or even alone to determine rates of recent wetland carbon accumulation. Such rates are required to enter wetland restoration projects into carbon markets and to document IPCC mandated reductions in carbon pollution. Our analysis shows that, although dating by 137Cs alone has always been highly tenuous, now it is especially contraindicated and should be disallowed for the purposes of carbon accounting.

  8. 137Cs in the western South Pacific Ocean

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Masatoshi; Wang Zhongliang


    The 137 Cs activities were determined for seawater samples from the East Caroline, Coral Sea, New Hebrides, South Fiji and Tasman Sea (two stations) Basins of the western South Pacific Ocean by γ spectrometry using a low background Ge detector. The 137 Cs activities ranged from 1.4 to 2.3 Bq m -3 over the depth interval 0-250 m and decreased exponentially from the subsurface to 1000 m depth. The distribution profiles of 137 Cs activity at these six western South Pacific Ocean stations did not differ from each other significantly. There was a remarkable difference for the vertical profiles of 137 Cs activity between the East Caroline Basin station in this study and the GEOSECS (Geochemical Ocean Sections Study) station at the same latitude in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean; the 137 Cs inventory over the depth interval 100-1000 m increased from 400 ± 30 Bq m -2 to 560 ± 30 Bq m -2 during the period from 1973 to 1992. The total 137 Cs inventories in the western South Pacific Ocean ranged from 850 ± 70 Bq m -2 in the Coral Sea Basin to 1270 ± 90 Bq m -2 in the South Fiji Basin. Higher 137 Cs inventories were observed at middle latitude stations in the subtropical gyre than at low latitude stations. The 137 Cs inventories were 1.9-4.5 times (2.9 ± 0.7 on average) and 1.7-4.3 times (3.1 ± 0.7 on average) higher than that of the expected deposition density of atmospheric global fallout at the same latitude and that of the estimated 137 Cs deposition density in 10 o latitude by 10 deg. longitude grid data obtained by Aoyama et al. [Aoyama M, Hirose K, Igarashi Y. Re-construction and updating our understanding on the global weapons tests 137 Cs fallout. J Environ Monit 2006;8:431-438], respectively. The possible processes for higher 137 Cs inventories in the western South Pacific Ocean than that of the expected deposition density of atmospheric global fallout may be attributable to the inter-hemisphere dispersion of the atmospheric nuclear weapons testing 137 Cs from

  9. Population of the 283 keV level of 137Ba by the β decay of 137Cs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bikit, I.; Anicin, I.; Slivka, J.; Krmar, M.; Puzovic, J.; Conkic, L.


    The gamma spectrum of 137 Cs was measured by means of a low-level shielded and Compton-suppressed HpGe spectrometer. The gamma line with the energy 283.4 keV and absolute intensity of 5.3(14)x10 -6 was found. It was concluded that the 283.4 keV intermediate level in 137 Ba [seen earlier in (n,n'γ) measurements] is populated in the β decay of 137 Cs with the comparative half-life of logft=15.3(3). copyright 1996 The American Physical Society

  10. Consequences of unforeseen cesium 137 exposure. O posledstviyakh nepredvidennogo oblucheniya za schet tseziya-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Korolev, V I


    Published data on radition accidents associated with environmental contamination and {sup 137}Cs man irradiation including Chernobyl NPP accident and {sup 137}Cs source accident at gamma-therapeutic facility in Goyaniya (Brazil, 1987) are considered. Process scheme of dose accumulation attributed to external and internal exposure from radioactive fission products causing enviromental contamination are presented according to UNSCEAR data, 1975. {sup 137}Cs input in total dose of external exposure from all radionuclides (2% in the first year after the accident up to 90% after 50 years), as well as bone marrow doses, caused by radionuclide fall-out resulting from Chernobyl NPP accident (1.19-1.64 rem at the Ukrainian territory and 1.63-2.78 rem in the RSFSR) are calculated on the basis of literature data. Attention is paid to consideration of radiation injuries to accident victims in Goyaniya.

  11. Measurement of 137Cs activity in living chicken

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balas, J.; Poeschl, M.


    The possibility of measuring the 137 Cs activity in broiler chickens in vivo was examined. The experiment was conducted with broiler chickens 7 to 22 days old (White Leghorn hybrid, race ISA VEDETTE). Three oral doses of 137 Cs (total activity 5 kBq/chicken) were administered during a day (at 8:00, 12:00 and 16:00). The radioactivity was determined by gamma spectroscopy with a stabilised Nal/Tl detector. The measurement was carried out on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14 and 15 after the 137 Cs administration in vivo. The detector was put closely to the body in the area of breast muscles. The radiocesium activity concentrations in fresh daily excreta were also determined. A rapid uptake of the orally administered 137 Cs (within a few hours) as well as a rapid loss of radiocesium were observed. The dynamics and accuracy of the in vivo measurement of 137 Cs activity were comparable with the recently published results of in vitro measurement of radiocesium activity. Only the initial 137 Cs activity (during 2 days after 137 Cs application) was higher with regard to the content of contaminated feed mixture in the gastrointestinal tract

  12. 21 CFR 137.290 - Self-rising yellow corn meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Self-rising yellow corn meal. 137.290 Section 137... Cereal Flours and Related Products § 137.290 Self-rising yellow corn meal. Self-rising yellow corn meal conforms to the definition and standard of identity prescribed by § 137.270 for self-rising white corn meal...

  13. Fractionation of (137)Cs and Pu in natural peatland. (United States)

    Mihalík, Ján; Bartusková, Miluše; Hölgye, Zoltán; Ježková, Tereza; Henych, Ondřej


    High Cs-137 concentrations in plants growing on peatland inspired us to investigate the quantity of its bioavailable fraction in natural peat. Our investigation aims to: a) estimate the quantity of bioavailable Cs-137 and Pu present in peat, b) verify the similarity of Cs-137 and K-40 behaviours, and c) perform a quantification of Cs-137 and Pu transfer from peat to plants. We analysed the vertical distribution of Cs-137 and Pu isotopes in the peat and their concentrations in plants growing on these places. Bioavailability of radionuclides was investigated by sequential extraction. Sequential analyses revealed that it was the upper layer which contained the majority of Cs-137 in an available form while deeper layers retained Cs-137 in immobile fractions. We can conclude that 18% of all Cs-137 in the peat is still bioavailable. Despite of the low quantity of bioavailable fraction of Cs-137 its transfer factor reached extremely high values. In the case of Pu, 64% of its total amount was associated with fulvic/humic acids which resulted in the high transfer factor from peat to plants. 27 years after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the significant part of radionuclides deposited in peatland is still bioavailable. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. On mobility of cesium-137, sodium, potassium in various types of soils and prediction of cesium-137 cumulation in agricultural plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashkinazi, Eh.I.


    Mobility of cesium-137, sodium and potassium in the natural environment in podzolic gray and chernozem medium-loamy, sward podzolic sandy soils and chernozem has been studied. Durability of fixation of cesium-137 increases in a number of soils and increase of the level of metabolic potassium. Coefficient of transition of level of metabolic cesium-137 by potassium and sodium, and of sodium by potassium. The mentioned above coefficients can be used for the prediction of cesium-137 cumulation in plants

  15. Distribution of caesium-137 in the Mediterranean Sea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukai, R.; Ballestra, S.; Vas, D.


    The International Laboratory of Marine Radioactivity (Monaco) conducted several oceanographic cruises during 1975-1977 to collect data on heavy metals and chlorinated hydrocarbons in the open Mediterranean. Sea water samples for radionuclide measurements were also collected on these cruises. The 137 Cs measurements in these samples are presented and discussed. After collection sea water was immediately acidified to pH 1.5 and 137 Cs was sorbed on solid ammonium phosphomolybdate together with added stable cesium carrier. After dissolution of AMP by NaoH, Cs was separated from K and Rb by ion exchange, precipitated as chloroplatinate and beta-counted. The surface concentrations of 137 Cs in the different areas of the Mediterranean fall in the range of 80-180 fCi 137 Cs/l, the average of all values being 126 +- 7 fCi 137 Cs. The vertical distribution of 137 Cs measured at four different locations varied considerably. It increased from surface to a maximum at a depth between 50m and 250m and then decreased with depth. The depth of maximum concentration differed from station to station but was always above the chlorinity maximum. The vertical distribution, therefore, seems to be closely related to vertical water mass movements. The inventories of 137 Cs delivered by radioactive fallout into the Mediterranean water columns are computed on the basis 137 Cs/ 90 Sr activity ratio and presented. (M.G.B.)

  16. Effect of nutrition peculiarities on 137Cs uptake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knizhnikov, V.A.; Marej, A.N.; Borisov, B.K.; Petukhova, Eh.V.


    Reasons for different 137 Cs uptake from diets of the vegetable-animal type are studied. Indexes of accumulation multiplicity for Moscow and the Byelorussian-Ukrainian wooded district are compared. 137 Cs buildup levels in the organism of the USSR and the USA population are presented. The most probable reason for peculiarities in 137 Cs uptake from various types of diet, as well as the reason for the alterations in the uptake of this radionuclide from the diet of the same type, is the non-uniformity of 137 Cs contribution of aerial and nonaerial origin

  17. 21 CFR 137.265 - Degerminated white corn meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Degerminated white corn meal. 137.265 Section 137... Cereal Flours and Related Products § 137.265 Degerminated white corn meal. (a) Degerminated white corn meal, degermed white corn meal, is the food prepared by grinding cleaned white corn and removing bran...

  18. Measurements of cesium-137 internal decontamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farina, R.


    In the accident with Cs 137 which took place in Goiania, it could be verified that the majority of the victims presented internal and external contamination. In order to minimize deposits in internal organs and tissues and to enhance the excretion of Cs 137 we started treating the patients with: (1) Prussian Blue, oral administration, in about 46 patients, (2) Diuretics, oral administration, in 17 patients, and (3) Increasing the Cs 137 elimination by the sweat. Those proceedings were done under rigourous clinical evaluation and with data from radiochemical assay of excreta and afterwards with data obtained through the ''in vivo'' analysis though Whole Body Counting (Body Burden). (author) [pt

  19. Distribuição de 137Cs em três solos representativos do estado de pernambuco Distribution of 137Cs in three representative soils of pernambuco state, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrik Diogo Antunes


    Full Text Available O 137Cs tem sido usado para quantificar perdas ou deposição de solo, com base em valores das concentrações em áreas de referência que tiveram pouca perturbação nas últimas décadas. Determinações em áreas assim ainda não foram feitas na região Nordeste do Brasil. Em Pernambuco, foram selecionadas três áreas com topografia plana, vegetação nativa e solos não perturbados, em Goiana, Sertânia e Araripina. Em cada área, foram marcados quatro pontos, distantes 20 a 50 m um do outro, e em cada um retiradas amostras de solo, em camadas consecutivas de 3 cm de espessura, até 30 cm. As atividades de 137Cs foram determinadas usando espectrometria gama com detector de germânio hiperpuro (HPGe. Os estoques médios de 137Cs (Bq m-2 foram de 71,6 ± 6,3 em Goiana, 64,0 ± 13,8 em Araripina e 95,5 ± 9,8 em Sertânia. Valores nessa faixa têm sido relatados na Paraíba e na Bahia e, mais altos, na região Sudeste, confirmando a diminuição dos estoques em áreas mais próximas do Equador. As maiores atividades ocorreram nas camadas superficiais, variando de 0,5 a 1,6 Bq kg-1, e decresceram linearmente com a profundidade, até os limites de detecção: 18 cm em Araripina, 15 cm em Goiana e 9 cm em Sertânia. Em Goiana, acima dos horizontes inorgânicos havia um horizonte orgânico, com a mais alta atividade (2,06 Bq kg-1. Atividades e estoque altos e menor aprofundamento em Sertânia poderiam ser explicados pela predominância de argilominerais 2:1, em contraposição à de argilominerais 1:1 nos outros locais. Houve correlações positivas entre a atividade de 137Cs e os valores de pH em água e KCl e correlação negativa com as concentrações de Al3+. Confirma-se que, em áreas de referência, a maior atividade do 137Cs está na camada superior, com decréscimos regulares ao longo do perfil do solo.Contents of 137Cs have been used to quantify soil loss or accumulations, based on values of reference sites with little soil disturbance

  20. Low-energy electron microdosimetry of CS-137

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paschoa, A.S.; Wrenn, M.E.


    The mass of tissue irradiated by an internal emitter depends upon the distribution of the radionuclide within the organism and the type of radiation emitted. The range (95% absorption) of low-energy electron effectively defines the sensitive volume in which the energy of the emitted electron is deposited. Accordingly, in the case of Auger electron microdosimetry of internal emitters the correct definition of the sensitive volume is of paramount importance. The amount of energy delivered by the monoenergetic electrons emitted by the decay system 137 Cs → sup(137m)Ba to spherical volumes of water-like tissue media of radii equivalent to the estimated ranges of those electrons in water is calculated and discussed as far as the variations of the estimated ranges of electrons as a function of the initial energy of emission are concerned. Although there are still many uncertainties on the actual ranges of low-energy electrons, one can state confidently that the ranges of the Auger electrons of the decay system 137 Cs → 137 sup(m) Ba → 137 Ba can be considered to be in the same order of magnitude of the diameter of a cell. The energy deposition in spherical volumes of water-like tissue media, considered equivalent to the sensitive volumes for the Auger electrons of the decay system 137 Cs → 137 sub(m) Ba → 137 Ba, range for several orders of magnitude from 10 2 to about 10 10 times higher than the energy deposition in similar media by the internal conversion electrons of this decay system. If equivalent variations of energy deposition per unit mass occur when the masses considered are cellular, and subcellular structures, then the effects into the sensitive volume should be taken into biological consideration as far as the microdosimetry of low-energy electrons (approximately equal to 10 keV) is considered, whenever there is internal localization of Auger emitters. (Author) [pt

  1. Radioecological studies of 137Cs in limnological ecosystems. 137Cs concentrations in water, sediment and fishes at the pond in Saitama prefecture, Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyake, Sadaaki; Motegi, Misako; Oosawa, Takashi; Nakazawa, Kiyoaki; Izumo, Yoshiro


    The concentrations of 137 Cs in water, sediment and fishes at the pond in Saitama prefecture were determined in order to elucidate the radioecology of 137 Cs in limnological ecosystems. 137 Cs concentration in water was 0.31±0.002 mBq/l (mean±standard error), and so indicated about 3 times higher than that (0.10 mBq/l) for the river in our previous report. 137 Cs concentrations in sediment, carp, Cyprinus carpio, crucian carp, Carassius auratus cuvieri, and Hakuren, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, were about 20000, 1200, 2400 and 3100 times higher than that of the water, respectively. These concentrations were higher than those of each sample for the river in our previous report. It was so suggested that 137 Cs tended to be accumulated in these samples at the pond more than the nuclide in the river. Moreover, concentration ratios, concentration of 137 Cs in sediment, crucian carp and Hakuren to that of the water, were about 30, 2 and 3 times higher than these of 40 K, respectively, except for carp of which 137 Cs and 40 K concentration ratios were almost same. These results showed difference in accumulation mechanism between 137 Cs and 40 K in these samples, as well as 137 Cs transfer mechanism in the limnological ecosystems in part. (author)

  2. Long-term behaviours of 137Cs in simulated crop fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, K. M.; Choi, Y. H.; Park, H. K.; Park, D. W.; Lee, W. Y.


    In order to understand the long-term behaviour of 137 Cs in crop fields, root uptake and underground distribution of 137 Cs were investigated through a greenhouse experiment where 137 Cs was mixed with topsoil in culture boxes and rice, soybean and Chinese cabbage were grown for 4 years. Soil-to-plant transfer factors of 137 Cs for hulled rice, rice straw, soybean seed and Chinese cabbage reduced by factors of 3-10 depending on crops, and leaching of 137 Cs from the rice culture box decreased by a factor of about 7, in 3 years. The 137 Cs transfer factor for soybean seed were several times higher than that for hulled rice. The amount of 137 Cs leaching during the growing season of rice was as low as 0.025% of applied activity even in the 1st year. The uniformity of 137 Cs distribution in topsoil tended to improve year by year. The present results may be utilized as basic information for the environmental impact assessment and the counter-measure decision when crop fields are contaminated with 137 Cs

  3. 137Cs in Norwegian Lapps, spring 1980

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westerlund, E.A.; Gjertsen, L.; Lind, B.


    Measurements show that the body burden of 137 in Lapps in Norway fell from 1965 to 1975 with an apparent half-life of 4-5 years. Since then the reduction has been considerably slower due to fallout from Chinese nuclear weapon tests. The content of 137 Cs in reindeer meat follows the same pattern. Seasonal variations occur due to the migration of the reindeer between winter grazing on lichen with a high 137 Cs content and summer grazing on grass with a lower 137 Cs content. For annual dose calculations it is found that whole body mearurements at the end of March or the beginning of April give good values. Radiation doses to Lapps working small holdings are about 3/4 of those of nomadic reindeer-herding Lapps. (JIW)

  4. Ao leitor sem medo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Eisenberg


    Full Text Available O texto resenha Ao leitor sem medo, de Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999.This text is a review of Ao leitor sem medo by Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999

  5. Radioecological studies of {sup 137}Cs in limnological ecosystems. Biochemical states of {sup 137}Cs accumulated in killifish (Medaka, Oryzias latipes) meat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miyake, Sadaaki; Motegi, Misako; Oosawa, Takashi; Nakazawa, Kiyoaki [Saitama Institute of Public Health, Urawa (Japan); Izumo, Yoshiro; Nakamura, Fumio


    Biochemical states of {sup 137}Cs accumulated in killifish`s (Medaka, Oryzias latipes) meat were investigated in order to elucidate the accumulation mechanism of the radionuclide in goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus, examined in our preceding report. Most of {sup 137}Cs radioactivity in the killifish`s raw meat accumulated this radionuclide in the radioactive freshwater, were found in the non-protein nitrogenous compound (NPNC) fraction (>92%), also in the killifish`s control raw meat mixed with {sup 137}Cs, the difference between both meat samples was not clear. As the results of gel filtration profiles on Sephadex G-25 for the NPNC fraction of these meats, each only one radioactive peak was shown, also similar to {sup 137}CsCl solution. Moreover, these peaks appeared at the same position. On the other hand, the peak positions absorbed at OD{sub 280nm} in the samples were different from those of each radioactive peak. It was so suggested that {sup 137}Cs accumulated in the killifish`s meat was shown not to be binding to protein`s composition. Furthermore, as the results on thin-layer chromatography, ion-exchange resin chromatography and reaction with {sup 137}Cs in samples and ammonium phosphomolybdate, {sup 137}Cs in the NPNC fraction of the killifish`s meat was not almost different from those of each control and {sup 137}CsCl solution. (author)

  6. 21 CFR 137.165 - Enriched flour. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Enriched flour. 137.165 Section 137.165 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN... riboflavin, 24 milligrams of niacin, 0.7 milligrams of folic acid, and 20 milligrams of iron. (b) It may...

  7. 137Cs metabolism in pregnant women

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melo, D.R.; Lipsztein, J.L.; Oliveira, C.A.N.; Bertelli, L.


    Data from two pregnant women contaminated with 137 Cs, body burdens of 0.2 and 300 MBq, respectively at the time of the Goiania accident, were compared. The first one, with lower body burden was exposed during the fourth month of pregnancy, while the second became pregnant three years and eight months after 137 Cs intake. For the first woman 137 Cs concentrations were equal for the mother, infant and placenta, indicating an easy and homogeneous transport of 137 Cs from mother to foetus. The whole body monitoring data from the second woman, who became pregnant four years after intake, did not show a reduction in biological half-life during the pregnancy. Cs concentration in the mother was found to be 13 times higher than in the infant. One possible reason for this result is that four years after intake, Cs is supposed to be concentrated mainly in skeletal muscle tissue. During the pregnancy the blood flux becomes higher in most of the organs and tissues except brain, liver and skeletal muscle tissue. (author)

  8. Cs-137 in Arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) on Svalbard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gwynn, Justin P.; Fuglei, Eva; Dowdall, Mark


    This study presents 137 Cs muscle activity concentrations in Arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) from Svalbard over a period of several years and discusses the transfer of 137 Cs to Arctic foxes through likely predator-prey relationships. Mean 137 Cs activity concentrations and 137 Cs T ag values (per trapping season) ranged from 0.51 ± 2.76 to 1.32 ± 2.89 Bq/kg (w.w.) and 5.1 x 10 -4 to 1.3 x 10 -3 m 2 /kg, respectively. Mean concentration ratios of 137 Cs in Arctic foxes compared to probable prey ranged from 1.0 to 7.9. On Svalbard, transfer of 137 Cs to Arctic foxes is likely to occur via both marine and terrestrial food chains. The relative contribution of marine and terrestrial food sources to the diet of Arctic foxes may vary by location and by season and may lead to either an increase or decrease in the trophic transfer of 137 Cs to Arctic foxes compared to transfer resulting from terrestrial only diets

  9. {sup 137}Cs distribution in guava trees

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mosquera, B.; Veiga, R.; Mangia, L.; Carvalho, C.; Estellita, L.; Uzeda, D.; Facure, A.; Violini, B.; Anjos, R.M. [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica


    This paper presents results of {sup 137}Cs concentration measured from a guava tree cultivated after the first decontamination work of one of the sites where the worst Brazilian radiological accident occurred. The present work aims to verify how the {sup 137}Cs is transported and distributed along the tropical trees. Bi-dimensional analyses of the radial distribution of {sup 137}Cs in the main trunk are also presented. Neither symmetrical nor homogeneous behaviors of the specific activity distribution in the tree rings were observed. (author)

  10. 21 CFR 137.255 - Bolted white corn meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Bolted white corn meal. 137.255 Section 137.255... Flours and Related Products § 137.255 Bolted white corn meal. (a) Bolted white corn meal is the food prepared by so grinding and sifting cleaned white corn that: (1) Its crude fiber content is less than 1.2...

  11. Distribution of 137Cs in the American Coot (Fulica americana)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potter, C.M.; Brisbin, I.L. Jr.; McDowell, S.G.; Whicker, F.W.


    Caesium-137 concentrations were determined for major tissue and organ components of Americal Coots (Fulica americana) wintering on two contaminated reactor cooling reservoirs on the US Department of Energy's Savannah River Plant. Concentrations reflected the relative contamination levels of the two reservoirs. A low ratio of 137 Cs in gut contents to that in muscle indicated that the coots used in the study were established winter residents and tissue 137 Cs had probably reached equilibrium with intake. The contributions of each component to the whole body weight and total 137 Cs body burden were calculated. Skeletal muscle exhibited the highest 137 Cs concentrations and comprised 35% of the total 137 Cs body burden. Gut contents represented 17% of the total body burden. Various other organs were intermediate and bone exhibited the lowest 137 Cs concentrations. Linear regressions were determined for 137 Cs concentrations in skeletal muscle, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal (GI) tract tissue and gut contents, as functions of whole-body concentrations. (author)

  12. Long-term distribution of Cs-137 in freshwater ecosystem and the effect of bioturbation on leakage of Cs-137 from the sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aquilonius, K.


    The first aim of the project was to make a literature compilation regarding Cs-137 in freshwater systems. Secondly, in order to follow up the long-term behaviour of Cs-137 in Lake Hillesjoen, sediment and water was sampled with respect to Cs-137. Finally, an experiment was done with chironomids, with the aim to assess the impact of bioturbation on the leakage of Cs-137 from the sediment, since this is one of the factors contributing to the uncertainties in radioecological models. Some aspects of long-term distribution of Cs-137 in freshwater lakes is discussed. In lake Hillesjoen the pool of Cs-137 in sediments (225 kBq/m 2 , 1993) has gradually increased since the Chernobyl accident, and now exceeds the initial deposition (100 kBq/m 2 ). The effect of bioturbation on the leakage from the sediment to the water could not be clarified in this experiment, but is discussed. 40 refs

  13. Uptake of Cs 137 from farmland 1986-1989

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmberg, M.


    The basic mechanisms of the accumulation of Cs 137 in grass, corn, oleiferous plants, potatoes etc are described. It is also presented as a function of time after the deposition. Transport of Cs 137 to milk, meat and bacon is described. A prognosis of Cs 137 in food products for the coming two years is made on basis of the estimated data. (G.B.)

  14. 137Cs in man due to nuclear fallout

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poulheim, K.F.


    137 Cs has been determined in man with the aid of a whole-body counter. It is shown that the specific 137 Cs content (as related to the potassium content in man) continuously decreased from 1965 through 1974. After a slight increase in 1975, possibly caused by a Chinese atmospheric nuclear test in June 1974, the 137 Cs content again decreased in the following years. (author)

  15. 21 CFR 137.305 - Enriched farina. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Enriched farina. 137.305 Section 137.305 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN... riboflavin, not less than 16.0 mg and not more than 20.0 mg of niacin or niacinamide, not less than 0.7 mg...

  16. Role of CD137 signaling in dengue virus-mediated apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagila, Amar; Netsawang, Janjuree; Srisawat, Chatchawan; Noisakran, Sansanee; Morchang, Atthapan; Yasamut, Umpa; Puttikhunt, Chunya; Kasinrerk, Watchara


    Highlights: → For the first time the role of CD137 in dengue virus (DENV) infection. → Induction of DENV-mediated apoptosis by CD137 signaling. → Sensitization to CD137-mediated apoptosis by dengue virus capsid protein (DENV C). → Nuclear localization of DENV C is required for CD137-mediated apoptosis. -- Abstract: Hepatic dysfunction is a well recognized feature of dengue virus (DENV) infection. However, molecular mechanisms of hepatic injury are still poorly understood. A complex interaction between DENV and the host immune response contributes to DENV-mediated tissue injury. DENV capsid protein (DENV C) physically interacts with the human death domain-associated protein Daxx. A double substitution mutation in DENV C (R85A/K86A) abrogates Daxx interaction, nuclear localization and apoptosis. Therefore we compared the expression of cell death genes between HepG2 cells expressing DENV C and DENV C (R85A/K86A) using a real-time PCR array. Expression of CD137, which is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, increased significantly in HepG2 cells expressing DENV C compared to HepG2 cells expressing DENV C (R85A/K86A). In addition, CD137-mediated apoptotic activity in HepG2 cells expressing DENV C was significantly increased by anti-CD137 antibody compared to that of HepG2 cells expressing DENV C (R85A/K86A). In DENV-infected HepG2 cells, CD137 mRNA and CD137 positive cells significantly increased and CD137-mediated apoptotic activity was increased by anti-CD137 antibody. This work is the first to demonstrate the contribution of CD137 signaling to DENV-mediated apoptosis.

  17. Role of CD137 signaling in dengue virus-mediated apoptosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagila, Amar [Medical Molecular Biology Unit, Office for Research and Development, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand); Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand); Netsawang, Janjuree [Faculty of Medical Technology, Rangsit University, Bangkok (Thailand); Srisawat, Chatchawan [Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand); Noisakran, Sansanee [Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Research Unit, Office for Research and Development, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand); Medical Biotechnology Unit, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Bangkok (Thailand); Morchang, Atthapan; Yasamut, Umpa [Medical Molecular Biology Unit, Office for Research and Development, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand); Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand); Puttikhunt, Chunya [Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Research Unit, Office for Research and Development, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand); Medical Biotechnology Unit, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Bangkok (Thailand); Kasinrerk, Watchara [Division of Clinical Immunology, Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai (Thailand); Biomedical Technology Research Center, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, National Science and Technology Development Agency at Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai (Thailand); and others


    Highlights: {yields} For the first time the role of CD137 in dengue virus (DENV) infection. {yields} Induction of DENV-mediated apoptosis by CD137 signaling. {yields} Sensitization to CD137-mediated apoptosis by dengue virus capsid protein (DENV C). {yields} Nuclear localization of DENV C is required for CD137-mediated apoptosis. -- Abstract: Hepatic dysfunction is a well recognized feature of dengue virus (DENV) infection. However, molecular mechanisms of hepatic injury are still poorly understood. A complex interaction between DENV and the host immune response contributes to DENV-mediated tissue injury. DENV capsid protein (DENV C) physically interacts with the human death domain-associated protein Daxx. A double substitution mutation in DENV C (R85A/K86A) abrogates Daxx interaction, nuclear localization and apoptosis. Therefore we compared the expression of cell death genes between HepG2 cells expressing DENV C and DENV C (R85A/K86A) using a real-time PCR array. Expression of CD137, which is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, increased significantly in HepG2 cells expressing DENV C compared to HepG2 cells expressing DENV C (R85A/K86A). In addition, CD137-mediated apoptotic activity in HepG2 cells expressing DENV C was significantly increased by anti-CD137 antibody compared to that of HepG2 cells expressing DENV C (R85A/K86A). In DENV-infected HepG2 cells, CD137 mRNA and CD137 positive cells significantly increased and CD137-mediated apoptotic activity was increased by anti-CD137 antibody. This work is the first to demonstrate the contribution of CD137 signaling to DENV-mediated apoptosis.

  18. Modelling 137Cs uptake in plants from undisturbed soil monoliths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waegeneers, Nadia; Smolders, Erik; Merckx, Roel


    A model predicting 137 Cs uptake in plants was applied on data from artificially contaminated lysimeters. The lysimeter data involve three different crops (beans, ryegrass and lettuce) grown on five different soils between 3 and 5 years after contamination and where soil solution composition was monitored. The mechanistic model predicts plant uptake of 137 Cs from soil solution composition. Predicted K concentrations in the rhizosphere were up to 50-fold below that in the bulk soil solution whereas corresponding 137 Cs concentration gradients were always less pronounced. Predictions of crop 137 Cs content based on rhizosphere soil solution compositions were generally closer to observations than those based on bulk soil solution composition. The model explained 17% (beans) to 91% (lettuce) of the variation in 137 Cs activity concentrations in the plants. The model failed to predict the 137 Cs activity concentration in ryegrass where uptake of the 5-year-old 137 Cs from 3 soils was about 40-fold larger than predicted. The model generally underpredicted crop 137 Cs concentrations at soil solution K concentration below about 1.0 mM. It is concluded that 137 Cs uptake can be predicted from the soil solution composition at adequate K nutrition but that significant uncertainties remain when soil solution K is below 1 mM

  19. Study of the 137Cs Stabilizer Source

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    GAO Yan;WANG Yan-ling;XU Zhi-jian;XU Liang;REN Chun-xia;TAN Xiao-ming;CUI Hong-qi


    Full Text Available The attenuation laws of the Cesium -137 γ-ray penetrating the ceramic core、stainless steel and tungsten steel were studied. The radioactivity of the 137Cs stabilizer source was determined through the surface dose rate of 137Cs stabilizer sources. In addition, the adsorption properties of the ceramic core were studied to improve the stability of the output rate, and established a production line. The application results showed that the output rate of ray source was accurate and was of a good consistency. At present, the source had been used in logging lithology, and achieved the realization of domestic product.

  20. 137Cs concentration in some Philippine foods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    dela Cruz, B.; Marzan, A.M.; Lagmay, N.; Anden, A.


    The current investigation being made by the Philippine Atomic Research Center on the 137 Cs content of the different foods commonly used by the Filipinos is described and preliminary results are reported. The 137 Cs content is determined radiochemically only for the edible portion of the food

  1. Quantitative Cs-137 distributions from airborne gamma ray data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oberlercher, G.; Seiberl, W.


    The Chernobyl reactor accident caused in Austria Cs-137 activities up to 180 kBq/m 2 . The following paper explains how airborne NaJ-spectroscopy, originally designed for geological surveys, was used as an accurate method to obtain the ground activity of Cs-137 in certain regions of Austria. To retrieve the net count rate in a Cs-137 window it is necessary to subtract all background contributions from the peak, including the Compton continuum and the contribution of overlapping peaks. Therefore the measurement of Cs-137 with a NaJ detector system must take into account radioactive elements with gamma-ray lines near the peak energy of Cs-137 at 662 keV. In regions with higher concentrations of the natural radioactive elements uranium and thorium a peak near 600 keV is found, containing the 609 keV line of Bi-214 and the 585 keV line of TI-208. Additionally a Cs-134 line is located at 604 keV. Because of the poor energy resolution of NaJ detectors it is not possible to find a clear separation between these peaks and the Cs-137 peak. The following section describes the method that was used to obtain accurate quantified Cs-137 activity values. (author)

  2. 137Cs profiles in erosion plots with different soil cultivation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.; Cassol, E.A.; Melquiades, F.L.


    Cesium-137 methodology has been successfully used to assess soil erosion. Seven erosion plots were sampled to determine the 137 Cs profile and to assess the erosion rates. Cesium-137 profile for native pasture plot showed an exponential decline below 5 cm depth, with little 137 Cs activity in the superficial layer (0-5 cm). Cesium-137 profile for wheat-soybean rotation plot in conventional tillage showed a uniform distribution with depth. For this plot, the soil loss occurs more in middle than upper and lower level. Cesium-137 profile for wheat-soybean rotation and wheat-maize rotation plots in no-tillage showed a similar result to the native pasture, with a minimum soil loss in the superficial layer. Cesium-137 profile for bare soil and cultivated pasture plots are similar, with a soil erosion rate of 229 t ha -1 year -1 . In the plots with a conventional tillage a greater soil loss occur in middle than upper and lower level. In no-tillage cultivation plots occurs soil loss in lower level, but no sign of soil loss neither gain in the upper level is observed. Cesium-137 methodology is a good tool to assess soil erosion and the 137 Cs profile gives a possibility to understand the soil erosion behavior in erosion plots. (author)

  3. Dynamic modelling of Cs-137 contamination in Denmark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oehlenschlaeger, M.


    The paper describes the structure of a dynamic food-chain transport model for Cs-137 in the Danish terrestrial environment. The model solves a set of linear, coupled differential equations in order to estimate the inventories and concentrations of Cs-137 in the soil, vegetation, animal tissue and animal product as a function of time based on the Cs-137 concentrations in the air after an accidental release. Meteorological conditions and seasonal variations in agricultural practice are included. (orig.)

  4. 14 CFR 137.39 - Economic poison dispensing. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Economic poison dispensing. 137.39 Section... AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Operating Rules § 137.39 Economic poison dispensing. (a) Except as provided in... economic poison that is registered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Federal Insecticide...

  5. Development of cesium 137 plant uptake predicting model using geographical information systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lomonos, O.V.


    Soil-plant system is a critical component of food chain in processes of Cs 137 migration. In this component it is possible to decrease greatly Cs 137 uptake in food chain. Development of Cs 137 migration model in soil-plant system enable to determine amount of Cs 137 in plant uptake and evaluate agricultural produce accordance with modern ecological requirements. Also this model can help with management of agricultural production. Geographical information systems (GIS) have a wide propagation in radioecology at present time. Models using GIS have several advantages: relative simplicity of evaluation, visualization of evaluated results etc. As a result, plots with possible Cs 137 uptake increasing could be easily discovered. Physical decay, Cs 137 sorption and fixation by soil, Cs 137 vertical migration in soil profile and plant uptake are the main components of the Cs 137 migration model in soil-plant system. Content of biologically available Cs 137 calculated taking into account all of these components. Using GIS with Cs 137 migration model in soil-plant system lets efficiently discover those factors that have major influence on Cs 137 plant uptake increasing. This model improves agricultural production on territories, which polluted by Cs 137

  6. 21 CFR 137.270 - Self-rising white corn meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Self-rising white corn meal. 137.270 Section 137... Cereal Flours and Related Products § 137.270 Self-rising white corn meal. (a) Self-rising white corn meal is an intimate mixture of white corn meal, sodium bicarbonate, and one or both of the acid-reacting...

  7. Primary standardization of cesium-137 for international intercomparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, P.K.


    Primary standards of cesium-137 are of great importance for precise radiation measurements because, due to its simple decay-scheme and long half-life, it is widely used for the calibration of radiation detectors. Also 137 Cs is used for the measurement of fission-yield and uranium burn-up in reactor engineering studies. In view of these, an international intercomparison was organised on a limited scale to correlate the standards established at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Bombay(India) and Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), West Germany. The ''efficiency tracing technique'' was developed at BARC for the primary standardization of 137 Cs for this intercomparison. Two tracers, namely 82 Br and 60 Co, were employed to trace the beta efficiency of the 4 πβ-γ coincidence counting system. It is shown that this technique offers high accuracy and inherent reliability. The ''tracing-technique'' for 137 Cs standardization is briefly described. The gravimetric method of dilution and preparation of mixed sources of 137 Cs - 82 Br and 137 Cs - 60 Co are given. The various counting parameters and settings are included. Data reduction and the estimation of systematic and statistical errors are discussed. The results of the intercomparison, which are also included, show that the agreement between the measurments of BARC and PTB is within 0.5%. (author)

  8. Hanford Isotope Project strategic business analysis Cesium-137 (Cs-137)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this business analysis is to address the beneficial reuse of Cesium 137 (Cs-137) in order to utilize a valuable national asset and possibly save millions of tax dollars. Food irradiation is the front runner application along with other uses. This business analysis supports the objectives of the Department of Energy National Isotope Strategy distributed in August 1994 which describes the DOE plans for the production and distribution of isotope products and services. As part of the Department`s mission as stated in that document. ``The Department of Energy will also continue to produce and distribute other radioisotopes and enriched stable isotopes for medical diagnostics and therapeutics, industrial, agricultural, and other useful applications on a businesslike basis. This is consistent with the goals and objectives of the National Performance Review. The Department will endeavor to look at opportunities for private sector to co-fund or invest in new ventures. Also, the Department will seek to divest from ventures that can more profitably or reliably be operated by the private sector.``

  9. Hanford Isotope Project strategic business analysis Cesium-137 (Cs-137)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this business analysis is to address the beneficial reuse of Cesium 137 (Cs-137) in order to utilize a valuable national asset and possibly save millions of tax dollars. Food irradiation is the front runner application along with other uses. This business analysis supports the objectives of the Department of Energy National Isotope Strategy distributed in August 1994 which describes the DOE plans for the production and distribution of isotope products and services. As part of the Department's mission as stated in that document. ''The Department of Energy will also continue to produce and distribute other radioisotopes and enriched stable isotopes for medical diagnostics and therapeutics, industrial, agricultural, and other useful applications on a businesslike basis. This is consistent with the goals and objectives of the National Performance Review. The Department will endeavor to look at opportunities for private sector to co-fund or invest in new ventures. Also, the Department will seek to divest from ventures that can more profitably or reliably be operated by the private sector.''

  10. Cesium-137 inventories in undisturbed areas in different regions of Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrello, Avacir C.; Appoloni, Carlos R., E-mail: acandrello@uel.b [Universidade Estadual de Londrina, PR (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica; Araujo, Ednaldo S. [EMBRAPA Agrobiologia, Seropedica, RJ (Brazil); Thomaz, Edivaldo L. [Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR (Brazil). Dept. de Geografia; Medeiros, Pedro Henrique Augusto [Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Agricola; Macedo, Iris L. [Universidade de Brasilia (UnB), DF (Brazil). Faculdade de Tecnologia. Dept. de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental


    Cesium-137 is an anthropogenic radionuclide introduced in the environment in the early of 1960s to the end of 1970s. The Cesium-137 has very used to assess soil redistribution in the landscape because this is very tight in the fine soil particles and its movement in the landscape is due to soil redistribution. To use Cesium-137 to assess soil redistribution is need to known the Cesium-137 inventory in an area that not has experimented soil erosion neither soil deposition. So, this work present Cesium-137 inventories in undisturbed areas in different regions of Brazil, from South to Northeast of Brazil. The inventories in these areas represent the variational deposition of Cesium-137 in the whole national territory of Brazil. The inventories of Cesium-137 varied from 200 +- 15 Bq.m{sup -2} for South region to 15 +- 2 Bq.m{sup -2} for Northeast region. Moreover, was verified that the Cesium- 137 inventories depend on latitude and altitude of the area. (author)

  11. Cesium-137 inventories in undisturbed areas in different regions of Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrello, Avacir C.; Appoloni, Carlos R.; Thomaz, Edivaldo L.; Medeiros, Pedro Henrique Augusto; Macedo, Iris L.


    Cesium-137 is an anthropogenic radionuclide introduced in the environment in the early of 1960s to the end of 1970s. The Cesium-137 has very used to assess soil redistribution in the landscape because this is very tight in the fine soil particles and its movement in the landscape is due to soil redistribution. To use Cesium-137 to assess soil redistribution is need to known the Cesium-137 inventory in an area that not has experimented soil erosion neither soil deposition. So, this work present Cesium-137 inventories in undisturbed areas in different regions of Brazil, from South to Northeast of Brazil. The inventories in these areas represent the variational deposition of Cesium-137 in the whole national territory of Brazil. The inventories of Cesium-137 varied from 200 ± 15 Bq.m -2 for South region to 15 ± 2 Bq.m -2 for Northeast region. Moreover, was verified that the Cesium- 137 inventories depend on latitude and altitude of the area. (author)

  12. Soil 137Cs background values in monsoon region of china

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Mingli; Yang Hao; Wang Xiaolei; Wang Yihong; Xu Congan; Yang Jiudong; Rong Jing


    Land degradation,, which is resulted from the soil erosion, is one of the major environmental problems. It severely affects the food supplies, environmental safety and the sustainable development in China. Some areas in the monsoon region are suffering from the acute soil erosion. To find out the degree of soil erosion, the proven technique of 137 Cs tracer is definitely one of the best methods, and the key is to ascertain the accuracy of soil 137 Cs background value. The distributions of 137 Cs were explored in soil profiles by detecting the 137 Cs of soil cores from the Yimeng mountain area in Shandong Province, hills in the southern area of Jiangsu Province and Dianchi catchment in Yunnan Province, respectively. We found that the depth of 137 Cs distribution is not the same in the soils of various areas. But the 137 Cs activity shows an exponential distribution in the uncultivated soil and demonstrates a strong correlation with the soil depth, while the 137 Cs activity proves uniform in the soil plowing layer of the cultivated land. The study shows the 137 Cs background values of three areas: 1737.1 Bq/m 2 in Yimeng mountain area, 1847.6 Bq/m 2 in southern area of hills in Jiangsu, 918.0 Bq/m 2 in Dianchi catchment. The certainty of 137 Cs background value can technically support the use of 137 Cs technique to study the spatial pattern of soil erosion, deposition and the land degradation, which provides the support for the sustainable utilization of soil resource, the assessment of economical benefit and loss and the evaluation of water and soil conservation measures. (authors)

  13. Consequences of unforeseen cesium 137 exposure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korolev, V.I.


    Published data on radition accidents associated with environmental contamination and 137 Cs man irradiation including Chernobyl NPP accident and 137 Cs source accident at gamma-therapeutic facility in Goyaniya (Brazil, 1987) are considered. Process scheme of dose accumulation attributed to external and internal exposure from radioactive fission products causing enviromental contamination are presented according to UNSCEAR data, 1975. 137 Cs input in total dose of external exposure from all radionuclides (2% in the first year after the accident up to 90% after 50 years), as well as bone marrow doses, caused by radionuclide fall-out resulting from Chernobyl NPP accident (1.19-1.64 rem at the Ukrainian territory and 1.63-2.78 rem in the RSFSR) are calculated on the basis of literature data. Attention is paid to consideration of radiation injuries to accident victims in Goyaniya

  14. Behaviour of caesium-137 in the marine environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilat, E.; Laichter, Y.; Shafrir, N.H.


    The radiological impacts of radioactive release from nuclear facilities into aquatic environments can be studied by following the behaviour of fallout radionuclides in the sea, provided that they exist in the same physico-chemical state. Caesium-137 entering the sea from fallout, although found to be at extremely low levels in the marine environment, is still detectable and can be considered representative for the behaviour of 137 Cs appearing in cooling waters and effluents of nuclear installations and processing plants located near the sea. The relatively high radiotoxicity, long physical half-life and high fission yield of 137 Cs justify further investigation of its behaviour in aquatic environments. In this investigation the sampling of sea water, sediments and organisms in the Mediterranean Sea was undertaken. Caesium-137 determinations were carried out using an extremely low level Ge(Li) gamma spectrometry system specifically designed for studies of environmental marine radioactivity. The activity of 137 Cs on the surface of the sea was found to be 0.49+-0.17 pCi/1. Caesium-137 concentrations at depth profiles down to 1000 m below the surface show variations by a factor of ten (0.65-0.07), maximum concentrations being found at a depth of 100-300 m. These concentration peaks may be explained by good mixing in the upper layers and by the existence of a thermocline or pycnocline which serve as mixing barriers at depths down to approximately 300 m, at least during part of the year. Caesium-137 concentrations in a number of marine biota representing a marine food chain composed of benthic algae, invertebrates and fishes, were determined. With reference to the average 137 Cs content in the upper water layers of the sea, concentration factors for these organisms were calculated. In all the three taxonomic groups mentioned, values within the range 10-300 were found. Biological concentration factors for any particular radionuclide are independent of its content in the

  15. Spatial variability and Cesium-137 inventories in native forest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrello, A.C.; Appoloni, C.R.


    With the nuclear fission discovery and development of nuclear weapons in 1940s, artificial radioisotopes were introduced in the environment. This contamination is due to worldwide fallout by superficial nuclear tests realized from early 1950s to late 1970s by USA, former URSS, UK, France and China. One of theses radioisotopes that have been very studied is cesium-137. Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30.2 years and its biological behavior is similar to the potassium. The behavior in soil matrix, depth distribution, spatial variability and inventories values of cesium-137 has been determinate for several regions of the world. In Brazil, some research groups have worked on this subject, but there are few works published about theses properties of cesium-137. The aim of this paper was study the depth distribution, spatial variability, and inventory of cesium-137 in native forest. Two native forests (Mata 1 and Mata UEL) were sampling in region of Londrina, PR. The results shows that there is a spatial variability of 40% for Mata 1 and 42% for Mata UEL. The depth distribution of cesium-137 for two forests presented a exponential form, characteristic to undisturbed soil. Cesium-137 inventory determinate for Mata 1 was 358 Bq m -2 and for Mata UEL was 320 Bq m -2 . (author)

  16. Biological effects of 137Cs, incorporated into organism of rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monakhov, A.S.; Strekalov, S.A.; Sokolov, A.V.; Aver'yanova, T.K.


    Results of investigating mutagenous and hemotoxic effects of 137 Cs on blood lymphocytes of rats are presented. 137 Cs was orally administrated into organism of rats as 270 kBq/g chloride solution. 137 Cs mutagenous effect was studied on metaphase plates of rat blood lymphocytes in course of rats lifetime experiment. It is stated that 137 Cs inducing severe disturbances of genetic material in a great quantity of blood lymphocytes, causes their total killing

  17. The effect of clinoptilolite on 137 Cs binding in broiler chickens

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    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the 137 Cs binding capacity of clinoptilolite.In the first in vitro experiment we investigated sorption of 137 Cs to natural and modified forms of clinoptilolite in highly acid solution,prepared to be similar to that of the gut of pigs (pH =2 3at 37 ºC.In the second in vivo experiment 137 Cs binding to a modified form of clinoptilolite was studied in orally contaminated broiler chickens.137 Cs sorption in the high acidity solution depended on clinoptilolite concentration and varied between 30 85 %of the initial activity.In the chickens,three hours after 137 Cs administration,there was 67%and 63%lower accumulation of 137 Cs in meat and edible organs (respectivelyand seven hours after 137 Cs administration,there was 69% and 49% lower accumulation of 137 Cs in meat and edible organs (respectivelycompared to the controls with no clinoptilolite added in food. Natural and modified forms of clinoptilolite have been shown to high sorption efficiency towards 137 Cs ions and could be recommended as possible radiocaesium binders in domestic animals.;

  18. 137Cs use in estimating soil erosion: 30 years of research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ritchie, J.C.


    Significant amounts of fallout 137 Cs from nuclear weapons tests were introduced to the landscape during the 1950s and 1960s. Once 137 Cs reaches the soil surface it is strongly and quickly adsorbed by clay particles, and is essentially nonexchangeable in most environments. Thus, 137 Cs becomes and effective tracer of the movement of soil particles across the landscape. Over the past 30 years, researchers have shown that 137 Cs can be used to study soil movement. Early work used empirical relationships between soil loss and 137 Cs loss to estimate erosion. This was followed by the development of proportional and theoretical models to relate 137 Cs movement and soil redistribution. Most of the problems related to the 137 Cs technique are the same as those encountered with other techniques (i.e., sampling, measurement). The 137 Cs technique can make actual measurements of soil loss and redeposition in fields, fostering the formulation of better plans to conserve the quality of the landscape. This paper reviews the development of the 137 Cs technique to show how it can be used to understand erosion and soil movement on the landscape. (author)

  19. SRAO: the first southern robotic AO system (United States)

    Law, Nicholas M.; Ziegler, Carl; Tokovinin, Andrei


    We present plans for SRAO, the first Southern Robotic AO system. SRAO will use AO-assisted speckle imaging and Robo-AO-heritage high efficiency observing to confirm and characterize thousands of planet candidates produced by major new transit surveys like TESS, and is the first AO system to be capable of building a comprehensive several-thousand-target multiplicity survey at sub-AU scales across the main sequence. We will also describe results from Robo-AO, the first robotic LGS-AO system. Robo-AO has observed tens of thousands of Northern targets, often using a similar speckle or Lucky-Imaging assisted mode. SRAO will be a moderate-order natural-guide-star adaptive optics system which uses an innovative photoncounting wavefront sensor and EMCCD speckle-imaging camera to guide on faint stars with the 4.1m SOAR telescope. The system will produce diffraction-limited imaging in the NIR on targets as faint as mν = 16. In AO-assisted speckle imaging mode the system will attain the 30-mas visible diffraction limit on targets at least as faint as mν = 17. The system will be the first Southern hemisphere robotic adaptive optics system, with overheads an order of magnitude smaller than comparable systems. Using Robo-AO's proven robotic AO software, SRAO will be capable of observing overheads on sub-minute scales, allowing the observation of at least 200 targets per night. SRAO will attain three times the angular resolution of the Palomar Robo-AO system in the visible.

  20. Study of 137Cs absorption by Lemna minor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergamini, P.G.; Palmas, G.; Piantelli, F.; Sani, M.; Banditelli, P.; Previtera, M.; Sodi, F.


    Absorption of 137 Cs by the floating aquatic plant Lemna Minor in relation to 137 Cs concentration in the water was measured under controlled conditions of temperature, pH and light. The method used to analyse the results is described. When applied to this study the method shows the influence on 137 Cs absorption of (1) potassium-cesium exchange due to chemical affinity, (2) the natural colony growth of the organism and (3) the effect of light. Concentration factors were determined for these three processes. (author)

  1. Cs-137 and Sr-90 level in diary products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petukhov, V.L.; Dukhanov, Y.A.; Sevryuk, I.Z.; Patrashkov, S.A.; Korotkevich, O.S.; Gorb, T.S.; Petukhov, I.V.


    About 70% of radioactive substances fell on the territory of the Byelorussian Republic after the Chernobyl Atom Power Station Disaster. Cs-137 and Sr-90 accumulation dynamics was studied in milk of the cows from the highest polluted Braginsky area. 408 milk samples of Black and White cows were investigated. In 1995 average Cs-137 and Sr-90 levels were 61.00 and 3.73 Bk/dm 3 respectively. Cs-137 and Sr-90 levels exceeded Byelorussian Republic upper limits RDU - 96 in 10 and 50% of milk samples respectively. After 5 years (by 2000) Cs-137 and Sr-90 levels had become almost 3 and 2 times less (21.70 Bk/dm 3 and 1.72 Bk/dm 3 respectively). Cs-137 and Sr-90 levels exceeded RDU - 96 in 1.5 and 5.5% of milk samples respectively. In the same periods Cs-137 and Sr-90 levels were 7 and 2 times higher than the similar indexes in the relatively clean Novosibirsk area. Thus, radioactive element levels in milk of Black and White cows of the Byelorussian Republic decreased significantly for the past years. (authors)

  2. Retention of 137Cs in three humans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soegaard-Hansen, J.; Lauridsen, B.


    In two experiments the retention of 137 Cs after a single intake have been measured with whole-body counting. In the first experiment, two persons ingested a prepared liquid solution of 137 CsCl. In the second experiment these two persons together with a third person ingested 137 Cs naturally incorporated in a piece of meat. The obtained data have been fitted to a retention function with a small compartment having a fast excretion rate and a large compartment having a slow excretion rate, as given by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The effective biological half-lives were in both experiments significantly different from the value given by ICRP. (au)

  3. Cs-137 for irradiation of sewage sludge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lessel, T.


    Since 1973, the Geiselbullach sewage treatment works have been continuously operating their first system for gamma irradiation of sewage sludge. Within the framework of a German-American agreement, nine Cs-137 sources with a total activity of 56.000 Ci have been made available to the works free of charge in 1983, in order to test in practice and to demonstrate the applicability of these radiation sources in comparison to the Co-60 sources exclusively used up to then. This first study on the applicability of Cs-137 as a radiation source for sewage sludge treatment revealed no findings or effects speaking against Cs-137 as a radiation source for this purpose. (orig./RB) [de

  4. Speciation of 137Cs in the Baltic sea water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lujaniene, G.; Morkuniene, R.; Styra, D.


    A possibility of application of Filtrac 391 and Nuclepore filters, Ky-2-8-C exchanger and the Mtilon-T fiber impregnated with Fe, Co, Ni ferrocyanides for separation of particulate and ionic 137 Cs in the sea water was investigated. Physico-chemical forms of 137 Cs were investigated in the Baltic Sea water during 1995-1997. It was determined that 137 Cs was mainly present in ionic form (62-93 %) both in the near-shore and open waters. Concentration of particulate 137 Cs ranged from 255 to 625 Bq/kg (dry weight).The distribution coefficient (K d ) of radiocaesium reached values of 2100-9700. (author)

  5. Technique for determining cesium-137 in milk excluding ashing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antonova, V.A.; Prokof'ev, O.N.


    For the purpose of simplification of the method of milk sample preparation for the radiochemical analysis for 137 Cs in laboratory sanitary and higienic investigations rapid analysis technique excluding sample ashing is developed. The technique comprises sample mixing with silica gel during an hour, 137 Cs desorption from silica gel into the 1N solution of hydrochloric acid, radiochemical analysis of hydrochloric solution for determining 137 Cs. The comparison of the results obtained by the above method and that with ashing provides perfect agreement. For taking into account the incompleteness of 137 Cs adsorption by silica gel a correction factor is applied in calculation formulae

  6. The burden of cesium 137 in forest clerks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piechotowski, I.; Jaroni, J.; Link, B.; Groezinger, O.


    In 47 forest clerks from the regions Ortenau and Oberschwaben in south-west Germany the incorporation of cesium 137 and potassium 40 was measured in autumn 1994. Soil burden as well as burden of nutrition with cesium 137 are different in these regions for geological reasons and as a result of the nuclear accident of Chernobyl. Caused by low content of clay in Oberschwaben, the transfer of cesium to plants is assisted. Heavy rainfall after the nuclear accident led to an additional increase of burden. The median of the concentration of cesium 137 was 1.4 Bq/kg body weight. The median for potassium 40 was 58 Bq/kg body weight. For cesium 137 regional differences were observed. For persons from Oberschwaben the median for cesium 137 was with 2.8 Bq/kg body weight clearly higher than for persons from Ortenau with 0,6 Bq/kg body weight. Concerning nutrition habits, the clearest difference was found comparing persons who had ate a minimum of four portions of deer from the surroundings within the last four weeks with persons who had ate less than four portions of deer from the surroundings within the last four weeks. The difference was greater in Oberschwaben than in Ortenau. The effective dose of cesium 137 calculated on the basis of the incorporation is very low compared to natural radiation. This is also valid for persons from Oberschwaben. (orig.) [de

  7. {sup 137}Cs applicability to soil erosion assessment: theoretical and empirical model; Aplicabilidade do {sup 137}Cs para medir erosao do solo: modelos teoricos e empiricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrello, Avacir Casanova


    The soil erosion processes acceleration and the increase of soil erosion rates due to anthropogenic perturbation in soil-weather-vegetation equilibrium has influenced in the soil quality and environment. So, the possibility to assess the amplitude and severity of soil erosion impact on the productivity and quality of soil is important so local scale as regional and global scale. Several models have been developed to assess the soil erosion so qualitative as quantitatively. {sup 137}Cs, an anthropogenic radionuclide, have been very used to assess the superficial soil erosion process Empirical and theoretical models were developed on the basis of {sup 137} Cs redistribution as indicative of soil movement by erosive process These models incorporate many parameters that can influence in the soil erosion rates quantification by {sup 137} Cs redistribution. Statistical analysis was realized on the models recommended by IAEA to determinate the influence that each parameter generates in results of the soil redistribution. It was verified that the most important parameter is the {sup 137} Cs redistribution, indicating the necessity of a good determination in the {sup 137} Cs inventory values with a minimum deviation associated with these values. After this, it was associated a 10% deviation in the reference value of {sup 137} Cs inventory and the 5% in the {sup 137} Cs inventory of the sample and was determinate the deviation in results of the soil redistribution calculated by models. The results of soil redistribution was compared to verify if there was difference between the models, but there was not difference in the results determinate by models, unless above 70% of {sup 137} Cs loss. Analyzing three native forests and an area of the undisturbed pasture in the Londrina region, can be verified that the {sup 137} Cs spatial variability in local scale was 15%. Comparing the {sup 137} Cs inventory values determinate in the three native forest with the {sup 137} Cs inventory

  8. Transfer of 137Cs through the food chain to man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, C.; Bennett, B.G.


    Deposition, concentrations in diet, and body burdens of 137 Cs have been measured since 1954 at various sites throughout the world. This report is a compilation and updating of various fallout 137 Cs measurements and an interpretation of transfer properties of 137 Cs from deposition to diet and from diet to man. An empirical model is used to correlate deposition and diet data. Direct foliar contamination, stored food supplies, and uptake from soil contribute to the dietary levels of 137 Cs. The accumulation of 137 Cs by man is described by a single exponential model. The inferred biological half-times, 200 to 400 days, are somewhat greater than the half-time of about 100 days obtained from shorter term studies. Differences in body burdens due to sex, age, and weight are discussed. During the period 1954 to 1974, the internal dose from fallout 137 Cs, based on average body burdens, is estimated to be 4 to 5 percent of the 21 year radiation dose from 40 K

  9. Radioecological studies of 137Cs in limnological ecosystems. 137Cs concentrations in water, sediment and biota at the lower region of the famous river in Saitama Prefecture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyake, Sadaaki; Motegi, Misako; Oosawa, Takashi; Nakazawa, Kiyoaki; Ogata, Hiromitsu; Izumo, Yoshiro; Nakamura, Fumio.


    The concentrations of 137 Cs in water, sediment and biota at the lower region of the famous river in Saitama prefecture were determined in order to elucidate the radioecology of 137 Cs in limnological ecosystems. 137 Cs concentration in water was 0.10 mBq/l. 137 Cs concentrations in sediment, shellfish, Sinotaia quadratus historica (mean for 2 detectable samples), and fish, Carassius auratus cuvieri (mean for 2 detectable samples), were about 6200, 840 and 320 times higher than the concentration of the water, respectively. But 137 Cs radioactivity in the crustacea, Procambarus clarki, was significantly not detected. So, 137 Cs transfer mechanism in the limnological ecosystems was indicated in part. (author)

  10. Contribution of Asian dust to atmospheric deposition of radioactive cesium (137Cs)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuyama, Taijiro; Fujiwara, Hideshi


    Both Asian dust (kosa) transported from the East Asian continent and locally suspended dust near monitoring sites contribute to the observed atmospheric deposition of 137 Cs in Japan. To estimate the relative contribution of these dust phenomena to the total 137 Cs deposition, we monitored weekly deposition of mineral particles and 137 Cs in spring. Deposition of 137 Cs from a single Asian dust event was 62.3 mBq m -2 and accounted for 67% of the total 137 Cs deposition during the entire monitoring period. Furthermore, we found high 137 Cs specific activity in the Asian dust deposition sample. Although local dust events contributed to 137 Cs deposition, their contribution was considerably smaller than that of Asian dust. We conclude that the primary source of atmospheric 137 Cs in Japan is dust transported from the East Asian continent

  11. Inventories and fluxes of 137Cs in the Syrian land

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Masri, M. S.; Amin, Y.


    Cesium-137 inventories and atmospheric fluxes have been determined using radiocesium distributions in undistributed soil profiles, collected from 38 sites distributed all over the Syrian lands. Results have shown that 137 Cs inventories determination by Soil Layers Sum Method is more accurate than the Integration Method, where the best curve fitting of 137 Cs distribution with depth is difficult to establish. 137 Cs inventories ranged from 441 Bq.m - 2 and 13312 Bq.m - 2 using the Layers Sum Method with a mean value of 3679 Bq.m - 2; the highest values observed were in the coastal, middle and north east regions. This is due to the fact that most of Chernobyl accident atmospheric fall-out of cesium 137 had entered the Syrian land came from the west boarders (Mediterranean sea). While the lowest values were found to be in the samples collected from the east south region. In addition, 137 Cs flux ranged from 3.1 kBq m - 2y - 1 and 527.8 kBq m - 2 y - 1 with a mean value of 65.7 kBq m - 2y - 1. Moreover, there was a semi linear relationship found between 137 Cs flux and the height above sea level. While no linear relationship was found between 137 Cs flux and annual rainfall. On the other hand, the external radiation dose to Syrians that due to gamma-rays emitted from cesium 137 decay has been determined and reached a mean value of 166μ Sv.y - 1. This value is about 20% of the radiation dose received by the Syrian from naturally occurring radionuclides in soil. (Author)

  12. {sup 137}CS-determination in game meat from some hunting areas in lower Austria; {sup 137}Cs-Bestimmungen im Wildfleisch aus einigen niederoesterreichischen Jagdrevieren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayromlou, S. [Inst. fuer Anorganische Chemie der Univ. Wien (Austria); Tataruch, F. [Forschungsinstitut fuer Wildtierkunde und Oekologie der Veterinaermedizinischen Univ., Wien (Austria)


    In 1986, the contamination of some regions in Austria by {sup 137}Cs, due to the Chernobyl accident was relatively high. Among other {sup 137}Cs is taken up by people by the consumption of game. In an area of Lower Austria which is relatively heavily contaminated by Chernobyl fallout since 1986 the {sup 137}Cs-contamination of meat of game-animals was measured every year. Clear differences arose in the load of the single game species whose causes just like the temporal changes are discussed. The highest {sup 137}Cs activity concentration was with 5243 Bq/kg measured on a wild boar. With this activity concentration an annual effective dose of only 0,06 mSv can be estimated for an annual average consumption of one kilogram meat of wild boar. (orig.) [German] Druch den Reaktor-Unfall in Tschernobyl wurde Oesterreich gebietsweise relativ stark mit {sup 137}Cs kontaminiert. Unter anderem gelangt {sup 137}Cs durch den Verzehr von Wildfleisch in den Koerper der Menschen. Daher wurden in einem niederoesterreichischen Gebiet, das 1986 durch Fallout verhaeltnismaessig stark kontaminiert worden war seither jaehrlich erlegte Wildtiere auf den {sup 137}Cs-Gehalt ihres Fleisches hin untersucht. Dabei ergaben sich deutliche Unterschiede in der Belastung der einzelnen Wildarten, deren Ursachen ebenso wie die zeitlichen Veraenderungen diskutiert werden. Die hoechste {sup 137}Cs-Aktivitaetskonzentration wurde mit 5243 Bq/kg bei einem Wildschwein gemessen. Mit einen durchschnittlichen Verzehr von 1 kg Wildschweinfleisch pro Jahr kann daraus eine maximale Effektivdosis von nur 0,06 mSv/Jahr abgeschaetzt werden. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Vieira Wandelli


    Full Text Available O presente artigo procura traçar alguns elementos que pretendem articular como, a partir do discurso jurídico, podem ser significados os aportes sobre saúde e trabalho, especialmente aqueles trazidos pela abordagem da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Um caminho, assim, que vai dos estudos sobre sujeito, trabalho e saúde até o Direito Constitucional, que afirma como seu fundamento a dignidade humana, indissociável da centralidade antropológica do trabalho; um vínculo expressado pelo direito fundamental ao trabalho que, aqui, se propõe reconstruir a partir do desvelamento de um direito fundamental ao conteúdo do próprio trabalho, articulado ao conceito de meio ambiente organizacional do trabalho. 

  14. Relationship between 137Cs concentration and cultivated history on loessial hillslopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaoyan; Tian Junliang; Yang Mingyi; Liu Puling


    There are close linkages between soil loss degree and soil disturbance degree by human. So it is a key problem to know that how human activity affects soil loss. To analyse the correlation of 137 Cs loss degree with hillslopes' cultivated histories, the concentrations of 137 Cs on different kinds of loessial hillslopes with different cultivated histories, abandoned ages and different patterns of reforestation are studied. The result shows that there is a linear relationship among 137 Cs areal concentrations, cultivation ages and slope gradients. the regressive equation is as follows: X=2356.79-22.77 t-35.53 S. Variant coefficient of 137 Cs areal concentration is 80.11% among hillslopes with different abandonment ages. It is also deduced that 137 Cs areal concentration is affected primarily by abandonment ages of hillslopes. The 137 Cs loss rates of hillslopes with different vegetation restoration manners show significant differences, as a whole, autogenic restoration 137 Cs area concentrations on hillslopes. (authors)

  15. Uptake of cesium-137 by crops from contaminated soils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Demirel, H.; Oezer, I.; Celenk, I.; Halitligil, M.B.; Oezmen, A. [Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Center (Turkey)


    The Turkish tea crop was contaminated following the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Finding ways to dispose of the contaminated tea (Camellia sinensis L.) without damaging the environment was the goal of this research conducted at the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEA). In this study, an investigation was made of {sup 137}Cs activities of the plants and the ratios of transfer of {sup 137}Cs activity to plants when the contaminated tea was applied to the soil. Experiments were conducted in the field and in pots under greenhouse conditions. The activities of the tea applied in the field ranged from 12 500 to 72 800 Bq/m{sup 2}, whereas this activity was constant at 8000 Bq/pot in the greenhouse experiment. The transfer of {sup 137}Cs from soil to the plants was between 0.037 and 1.057% for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), corn (Zea mays indentata Sturt), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), and grass (Lolium perenne L.). The ratio of the transfer of {sup 137}Cs activity to plants increased as the activity {sup 137}Cs in tea applied to soil was increased. The activity in the plants increased due to increased uptake of {sup 137}Cs by plants. 12 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs.

  16. Changes in 137Cs transfer to agricultural products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goncharov, N.; Timochtchenko, A.; Milutin, A.


    The food production and food harvesting systems common in the areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident in Republic of Belarus can be grouped into three major categories: collective farm produce, private farming produce and natural foods collected from natural ecosystems. The collective farm system provided the smallest contribution (8-12 %) to the intake of 137 Cs. Natural food was the major contributor to the intake at one study site (73 %), and private produce was the major contributor (60 %) at the other study site. Assessment of the situation just after the accident (one year) shows that collective farming was still a minor contributor to 137 CS intake (10 %) whilst private fanning would have been the major contributor wherever private milk production and consumption continued. The extent to which inhabitants consume natural foods from forests has a considerable effect on their 137 CS intake. The comparative importance of food products from natural ecosystems increases with time due to the long effective ecological half lives of 137 Cs in unimproved pastures and forests. Estimation of the contribution to the fluxes of 137 Cs from the different production and harvesting systems showed that the contribution from private farming and food harvesting from natural ecosystems may also be significant, contributing 14-30 % to the total fluxes of 137 Cs from an area even if the quantity of food produced in these systems is small. However, the major contributor to the flux exported from an area was the collective farming system, accounting for about 70-86 % of the total. Refs. 12 (author)

  17. 42 CFR 137.168 - May the Secretary require audit or accounting standards other than those specified in § 137.167? (United States)


    ... SERVICES TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE Operational Provisions Audits and Cost Principles § 137.168 May the Secretary require audit or accounting standards other than those specified in § 137.167? No, no other audit... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false May the Secretary require audit or accounting...

  18. Inferring the chemical form of 137Cs deposited by the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident by measuring (137)Cs incorporated into needle leaves and male cones of Japanese cedar trees. (United States)

    Kanasashi, Tsutomu; Takenaka, Chisato; Sugiura, Yuki


    We hypothesized that the water-soluble (ionic) and water-insoluble (stable) radiocesium from the initial fallout of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident was distributed in various proportions in the surrounding areas and that this distribution was reflected in the trees that suffered deposition from the initial fallout. This study attempted to evaluate local variations in the chemical form of (137)Cs derived from the initial fallout of the FDNPP accident and whether its chemical form affected the radiocesium concentration in the tissues currently growing in trees, even after the initial fallout ceased. For these estimations, the ratio between the (137)Cs concentration in Cryptomeria japonica needle leaves in the tree crown, which existed before the FDNPP accident and subsequently directly exposed to the initial fallout ((137)Cs pre-accident N), and the amount of (137)Cs in the initial fallout itself ((137)Cs fallout) was determined ((137)Cs pre-accident N/(137)Cs fallout) at 66 sites. In addition, the (137)Cs ratios between the male cones produced in 2012 ((137)Cs male cone) and needle leaves that had elongated in the spring of 2011 ((137)Cs 2011N) was determined at 82 sites ((137)Cs male cone/(137) Cs 2011N). Most of the sites with lower (137)Cs pre-accident N /(137)Cs fallout ratios were distributed in eastern Fukushima, relatively close to the Pacific Ocean coastline. Lower (137)Cs pre-accident N/(137)Cs fallout and higher (137)Cs malecone/(137)Cs 2011N were found to be associated with higher proportions of (137)Cs in ionic forms. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis, and likely reflect regional variations in the chemical form of the deposited radiocesium. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Effect of 137Cs on immunological reactivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shubik, V.M.


    An important role of 137 Cs as a new ecological factor was shown by analyzing 31 different studies. The radioisotope may at present be detected in the organisms of all inhabitants of this planet. The migration of 137 Cs along the chain lichen-deer-man leads to its accumulation in the organism of humans living in the Extreme North and taking venison in their food. Although the high sensitivity of immunological reactions to various unfavourable environmental factors is well known, data on the effect of incorporated 137 Cs on immunity are scanty. Experiments on animals showed changes in factors of nonspecific immunity (phagocytic reaction of blood neutrophils, bactericidal activity, lysozyme and complement titres of blood serum) and specific immunity (formation of antiviral antibodies). The blood of animals injured by the isotope displays complete and incomplete autoantibodies. The dependence of immunobiological changes on the dose absorbed by the organism is shown. The 137 Cs intake of inhabitants of the Extreme North who eat venison did not, with the absorbed dose equalling up to 50 Mrem per year, lead to changes in their immunological reactivity. (author)

  20. Plant remediation of soil contaminated with 137Cs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Juncheng; Zhang Jianfeng; Zhu Yongyi; Chen Jingjie; Mei Yong; Jiang Huimin


    A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the bio-remediation of soils contaminated with 137 Cs. The selected plants are Cucurbita moschata Duchesne, Brassica chinensis L, Chloris virgata, Beta oulgaris L. Hongye, Beta oulgaris L. Dongshengye and Beta oulgaris L. The soils samples were taken from the paddy field, 2 km from the Dayawan nuclear power plant and Qinshan nuclear power plant, respectively, and cinnamon soil from the cultivated land in Beijing. The results show that all the employed species of plant have a higher accumulation to 137 Cs with the increased grade of the radioactivity of 137 Cs. A good correlation exist with the coefficient (r 2 ) of 0.9989. When the contaminated radioactivity of 137 Cs is in the same level the uptake of Cucurbita moschata Duchesne, Brassica chinensis L. and Chloris virgata increased with the decrease of pH value ranged 5.22-7.69. The ability of bioremediation in the orders were Chloris virgata, Brassica chinensis L., Beta oulgaris L. Hongye, Cucurbita moschata Duchesne, Beta oulgaris L. and Beta oulgaris L. Dongshengye, according to the comprehensive evaluation of transfer factor, specific activity of plant in dry weight of biomass and total absorption of 137 Cs by the individual plant in the same area. (authors)

  1. Dissolution behavior of 137Cs absorbed on the green tea leaves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oya, Yasuhisa; Uchimura, Hiromichi; Toda, Kensuke; Okuno, Kenji; Ikka, Takashi; Morita, Akio


    The green tea leaves was dipped in the 137 CsCl solution to elucidate the dissolution behavior of 137 Cs contaminated on the green tea leaves. It was found that the amount of 137 Cs dissolved into tea water was controlled by the temperature of water, and the activation energy of 137 Cs dissolution was estimated to be 0.045 eV, indicating that most of 137 Cs would exist as the adsorbed state. In addition, the dissolution behavior was controlled by the concentration of stable Cs dissolved in water, although no large correlation with pH was observed. (author)

  2. Caesium-137 distribution, inventories and accumulation history in the Baltic Sea sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaborska, Agata; Winogradow, Aleksandra; Pempkowiak, Janusz


    The Baltic Sea is susceptible to pollution by hazardous substances due to limited water exchange, shallowness, and the large catchment area. Radionuclides, particularly 137 Cs, are one of the most hazardous anthropogenic substances present in the Baltic environment. This study was conducted to present 137 Cs present contamination that should further be a subject of reliable monitoring when the new Nuclear Power Plant is put into operation in the northern Poland. The sea-wide, up to date distribution of 137 Cs activities and inventories in the Baltic Sea bottom sediments are presented. The 137 Cs activity concentrations were measured in 30 cm long sediment cores collected at 22 sampling stations. Sediment accumulation rates were quantified by 210 Pb geochronology to follow the history of 137 Cs accumulation. The 137 Cs inventories and fluxes were calculated. Most of the Baltic Sea sediments accumulated 137 Cs in the range from 750 to 2675 Bq m −2 . The Bothnian Bay is severely contaminated by 137 Cs with inventories up to 95,191 Bq m −2 . This region is moreover characterized by extremely large patchiness of 137 Cs inventories. The 137 Cs annual fluxes are highest at the two stations located at the Bothnian Bay (342 Bq m −2 and 527 Bq m −2 ) due to large Chernobyl 137 Cs contamination of that region and high sediment accumulation rates. When these stations are excluded, the recent, annual mean value of 137 Cs load to the Baltic Sea deposits is 38 ± 22 Bq m −2 . The distribution of radio-caesium inventories over the Baltic Sea nowadays reflects the pattern of Chernobyl contamination. The radio-caesium deposited in surface sediments is not permanently buried, but may be resuspended and redeposited by currents, bioturbation or anthropogenic activities. -- Highlights: • 137 Cs contamination in the Baltic Sea was studied before the new NPP is put into operation. • Bothnian Sea sediments are severely contaminated by 137 Cs (inventories up to 95,191 Bq m

  3. Speciation of Cs-137 in fertilizers amended soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mocanu, N.; Breban, D.C.


    One of the most used agricultural countermeasures to reduce the uptake of radionuclides from soil into plants is the chemical treatment of the soil with fertilizers. The distribution of a radionuclide between different physico chemical forms is essential to characterize its behaviour and the biological impact on the environment. To assess a radionuclide bioavailability to the soil-plant transfer, the chemical forms that are most relevant are the water soluble and exchangeable ones. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the potential modifications in time of the Cs-137 distribution in the two soil fractions, induced by the treatment with different K-based fertilizers. The two types of soil were selected taking into account their importance for the agricultural use in Romania. By the sequential extraction method the distribution of 137 Cs has been determined in the water soluble and exchangeable fractions separated from the soils after 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 4 months, respectively. For the reference untreated soils, experimental data revealed that less than 1 percent of Cs-137 is associated to the water soluble fraction for both types of soil. Around 4 percents of the total amount of Cs-137 in the brown-reddish soil and 13 percents in the alluvial one were associated to the exchangeable fraction. The differences between the Cs-137 distribution are correlated to the higher content of dust and clay in the brown reddish soil, which are strong binders for Cs ions. The application of the two fertilizers releasing fast the K ions (KCl and potassium salt), determined from at the first moment after the contamination a reduction of the Cs-137 concentration in both fraction. The effect was most pronounced for the soluble fraction in the brown -reddish soil: with a factor of 8 in case of KCl treatment and 5 in case of potassium salt. For the others experimental cases the concentration of Cs-137 in both fractions was slightly reduced, with factors between (1

  4. 137Cs applicability to soil erosion assessment: theoretical and empirical model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrello, Avacir Casanova


    The soil erosion processes acceleration and the increase of soil erosion rates due to anthropogenic perturbation in soil-weather-vegetation equilibrium has influenced in the soil quality and environment. So, the possibility to assess the amplitude and severity of soil erosion impact on the productivity and quality of soil is important so local scale as regional and global scale. Several models have been developed to assess the soil erosion so qualitative as quantitatively. 137 Cs, an anthropogenic radionuclide, have been very used to assess the superficial soil erosion process Empirical and theoretical models were developed on the basis of 137 Cs redistribution as indicative of soil movement by erosive process These models incorporate many parameters that can influence in the soil erosion rates quantification by 137 Cs redistribution. Statistical analysis was realized on the models recommended by IAEA to determinate the influence that each parameter generates in results of the soil redistribution. It was verified that the most important parameter is the 137 Cs redistribution, indicating the necessity of a good determination in the 137 Cs inventory values with a minimum deviation associated with these values. After this, it was associated a 10% deviation in the reference value of 137 Cs inventory and the 5% in the 137 Cs inventory of the sample and was determinate the deviation in results of the soil redistribution calculated by models. The results of soil redistribution was compared to verify if there was difference between the models, but there was not difference in the results determinate by models, unless above 70% of 137 Cs loss. Analyzing three native forests and an area of the undisturbed pasture in the Londrina region, can be verified that the 137 Cs spatial variability in local scale was 15%. Comparing the 137 Cs inventory values determinate in the three native forest with the 137 Cs inventory value determinate in the area of undisturbed pasture in the

  5. agradecimento aos consultores ad hoc

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    REA Editor


    Full Text Available Agradecemos aos professores Nildo Viana (UFG e Flavio Sofiati (UFG, organizadores do DOSSIÊ JUVENTUDE & SOCIEDADE, e aos Consultores Ad hoc pela leitura e apreciação crítica dos artigos submetidos e publicados nesta edição.

  6. Combate ao niilismo e ao totalitarismo em Camus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emanuel Ricardo Germano


    Full Text Available A partir de uma leitura da peça Calígula, elaborada entre 1941 e 1943, procurar-se-á contribuir na restituição das preocupações éticas, políticas e filosóficas em cena no teatro de Albert Camus, analisando o sentido de sua expressão teatral no contexto de dois combates,ao niilismo filosófico e ao totalitarismo político de seu tempo. Observaremos em Calígula um importante registro do amadurecimento das leituras de duas heranças filosóficas relevantes na formação intelectual de Camus, Nietzsche e Heráclito, à luz da experiência do totalitarismo, observando e ressaltando com isso a amplitude de seu intertexto filosófico e a importância do aporte ético e político de Camus como pensador multifacetado, engajado nos enfrentamentos históricos e solicitações críticas de seu tempo.

  7. Cesium-137 retention in irops obtained from various soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gulyakin, I.V.; Yudintseva, E.V.; Gorina, L.I.


    A non-station experiment has shown that the accumulation of cesium-137 in a plant yield depends on the type of soil. The highest contents of cesium-137 were found in the yield of plants from soddy-podzolic sandy loam soils, and the lowest- in those from leached chernozem. The accumulation of radiocesium in the yield of the basic produce strongly depended on the plant species. The amount of cesium-137 differed 5- to 7-fold in different crops

  8. A Prediction of the Damping Properties of Hindered Phenol AO-60/polyacrylate Rubber (AO-60/ACM) Composites through Molecular Dynamics Simulation (United States)

    Yang, Da-Wei; Zhao, Xiu-Ying; Zhang, Geng; Li, Qiang-Guo; Wu, Si-Zhu


    Molecule dynamics (MD) simulation, a molecular-level method, was applied to predict the damping properties of AO-60/polyacrylate rubber (AO-60/ACM) composites before experimental measures were performed. MD simulation results revealed that two types of hydrogen bond, namely, type A (AO-60) -OH•••O=C- (ACM), type B (AO-60) - OH•••O=C- (AO-60) were formed. Then, the AO-60/ACM composites were fabricated and tested to verify the accuracy of the MD simulation through dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). DMTA results showed that the introduction of AO-60 could remarkably improve the damping properties of the composites, including the increase of glass transition temperature (Tg) alongside with the loss factor (tan δ), also indicating the AO-60/ACM(98/100) had the best damping performance amongst the composites which verified by the experimental.

  9. Predicting the temporal relationship between soil cesium-137 and erosion rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kachanoski, R.G.; De Jong, E.


    A model was developed that predicts the amount of 137 Cs remaining in soil as a function of time and erosion rate. The model accounts for atmospheric deposition, radioactive decay, tillage dilution, and erosion transport of 137 Cs, as well as seasonal differences in 137 Cs deposition and erosion rates. The model was used to estimate minimum resolution of erosion estimates based on detection limits and accuracy of 137 Cs measurement by gamma spectroscopy, as a function of time and erosion rate. The analysis showed that under Saskatchewan conditions, changes in 137 Cs at a given site can be used to estimate erosion rates between 0.5 and 10 kg m -2 yr -1 with reasonable precision, provided the sampling interval is at least 15 yr. The relationship of fraction of 137 Cs lost vs. erosion as predicted by the model was compared with other methods being used. The model was used to estimate erosion from selected Saskatchewan soils where 137 Cs levels were measured in 1966 and again in 1981. Erosion rates calculated with the model varied from 1 kg m -2 yr -1 for a sandy loam soil in continuous forage to 19 kg m -2 yr -1 for a similar soil in a crop-fallow rotation. Erosion estimates using the model were higher than those calculated by assuming that soil loss was directly proportional to 137 Cs loss, especially when 137 Cs loss was high

  10. Cesium-137 dynamics within a reactor effluent stream in South Carolina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shure, D.J.; Gottschalk, M.R.


    Cesium-137 dynamics were studied in a blackwater creek which had received production reactor effluents from the Savannah River Plant in South Carolina. Most 137 Cs in the water column is dissolved or in colloidal form and is believed to originate primarily through outflow from an upstream contaminated reservoir. All ecosystem components in the stream have high 137 Cs concentration factors. Radiocesium concentrations are highest in filamentous algae (332 pCi/g-dry) and suspended particulate matter (100 to 200 pCi/g). Other food chain bases had much lower 137 Cs levels. Most consumer populations averaged 10 to 50 pCi/g. Radiocesium concentrations decreased in transfers between food chain bases and primary consumers or filter feeders. Omnivores and small predators have similar 137 Cs concentrations with bioaccumulation occurring by top-carnivores. Radiocesium levels are around 100 pCi/g in largemouth bass and water snakes. Foodweb components in the stream have reached a dynamic equilibrium in 137 Cs concentrations despite a 10-year absence of reactor operations. Radiocesium levels are apparently being maintained through long-term 137 Cs cycling in the upstream reservoir and surrounding flood plain forest systems. Rainfall and other physical processes influence the seasonal 137 Cs fluctuations in stream components. (auth)

  11. Parameters Affecting 137Cs Migration within Soil Profile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sefien, S.M.; Ibrahim, A.S.; Abdelmalik, W.E.Y.


    Some studies have been carried out on the adsorption, distribution and migration of 137 Cs within soils of the area in the vicinity of the Nuclear Research Centre, Egypt, and Ismailia Canal. The soil physicochemical and mineralogical characteristics were carried out and indicated that the soil samples consisted mainly of sand fraction (quartz) and silt fractions (semctite minerals). The kinetics of caesium adsorption and its adsorption isotherms for the tested soils were also studied. The sorption of 137 Cs on soil minerals markedly affects its migration rate. The natural background of both locations of study indicated that the amounts of 137 Cs present in the reactor site were found to be originated from the fallout and from the external contamination which affected the background level. The 137 Cs activity at the canal site was found to be 20.01 Bq/m 2 .cm, while that around the reactor site were found to be 231.15 Bq/ which may be originating from the fallout and from external contamination which affect the background level at that location. The activity in the canal soil which amounted to 20.01 Bq/m2/cm (0.87 Bq/kg) is about that of background.Based on the distribution data, the vertical distribution of 137 Cs has been studied for soil in both locations (the vicinity of the Nuclear Research Centre (NRC) and Ismailia canal). The vertical migration rates of 137 Cs were calculated for soil samples selected from different locations. These rates were found to be 0.056 and 0.031 cm/year for the reactor and canal site respectively.

  12. Cesium-137 in soils and its soil-to-plant transfer rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papastefanou, C.; Manolopoulou, M.; Charalambous, S.


    Measurements of fallout-derived 137 Cs in soils were made in the Valley of Ptolemais, North Greece after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident. The 137 Cs concentrations ranged between 290 Bq kg -1 and 7670 Bq kg -1 . It was found that the 137 Cs concentration is inversely proportional to 40 K concentration or potassium content of soils. Cesium-137 transfer coefficients from soil to plants (grass) ranged from 0.02 to 0.2

  13. 137Cs in a raised bog in central Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosen, K.; Vinichuk, M.; Johanson, K.J.


    The vertical distribution of 137 Cs activity in peat soil profiles and 137 Cs activity concentration in plants of various species was studied in samples collected at two sites on a raised bog in central Sweden. One site (open bog) was in an area with no trees and only a few sparsely growing plant species, while the other (low pine) was less than 100 m from the open bog site and had slowly growing Scots pine, a field layer dominated by some ericaceous plants and ground well-covered by plants. The plant samples were collected in 2004-2007 and were compared with samples collected in 1989 from the same open bog and low pine sites. Ground deposition of 137 Cs in 2005 was similar at both sites, 23 000 Bq m -2 . In the open bog peat profile it seems to be an upward transport of caesium since a clear peak of 137 Cs activity was found in the uppermost 1-4 cm of Sphagnum layers, whereas at the low pine site 137 Cs was mainly found in deeper (10-12 cm) layers. The migration rate was 0.57 cm yr -1 at the open bog site and the migration centre of 137 Cs was at a depth of 10.7, while the rate at the low pine site was 0.78 cm yr -1 and the migration centre was at 14.9 cm. Heather (Calluna vulgaris) was the plant species with the highest 137 Cs activity concentrations at both sites, 43.5 k Bq -1 DM in 1989 decreasing to 20.4 in 2004-2007 on open bog and 22.3 k Bq kg -1 DM in 1989 decreasing to 11.2 k Bq -1 DM by the period 2004-2007 on the low pine site. 137 Cs transfer factors in plants varied between 0.88 and 1.35 on the open bog and between 0.48 and 0.69 m 2 kg -1 DM at the low pine site.

  14. Initial interaction of {sup 137}Cs with soils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagasaki, S., E-mail: [McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario (Canada); Makino, H.; Saito, T. [Univ. of Toyko, Tokyo (Japan)


    It is critical to understand the physicochemical behaviour of Cs in soil in order to progress the decontamination of soils which were contaminated by nuclear power plant accident and to improve the reliability of safety assessment of used nuclear fuel disposal. In this paper, the initial interactions of {sup 137}Cs with soils, which were sampled in Fukushima 38 days after Fukushima Accident, were investigated with sequential extraction method. It was found that there were fast and slow processes of fixation of {sup 137}Cs in clay minerals and that the organic substances might play an important role on kinetics of {sup 137}Cs in soils. (author)

  15. Reactive barriers for 137Cs retention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krumhansl, James L.; Brady, Patrick V.; Anderson, Howard L.


    137 Cs was dispersed globally by cold war activities and, more recently, by the Chernobyl accident. Engineered extraction of 137 Cs from soils and groundwaters is exceedingly difficult. Because the half life of 137 Cs is only 30.2 years, remediation might be more effective (and less costly) if 137 Cs bioavailability could be demonstrably limited for even a few decades by use of a reactive barrier. Essentially permanent isolation must be demonstrated in those few settings where high nuclear level wastes contaminated the environment with 135 Cs (half life 2.3x10 6 years) in addition to 137 Cs. Clays are potentially a low-cost barrier to Cs movement, though their long-term effectiveness remains untested. To identify optimal clays for Cs retention Cs resorption was measured for five common clays: Wyoming Montmorillonite (SWy-1), Georgia Kaolinites (KGa-1 and KGa-2), Fithian Illite (F-Ill), and K-Metabentonite (K-Mbt). Exchange sites were pre-saturated with 0.16 M CsCl for 14 days and readily exchangeable Cs was removed by a series of LiNO 3 and LiCl washes. Washed clay were then placed into dialysis bags and the Cs release to the deionized water outside the bags measured. Release rates from 75 to 139 days for SWy-1, K-Mbt and F- 111 were similar; 0.017 to 0.021% sorbed Cs released per day. Both kaolinites released Cs more rapidly (0.12 to 0.05% of the sorbed Cs per day). In a second set of experiments, clays were doped for 110 days and subjected to an extreme and prolonged rinsing process. All the clays exhibited some capacity for irreversible Cs uptake so most soils have some limited ability to act as a natural barrier to Cs migration. However, the residual loading was greatest on K-Mbt (∼ 0.33 wt% Cs). Thus, this clay would be the optimal material for constructing artificial reactive barriers

  16. 11 CFR 100.137 - Invitations, food, and beverages. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Invitations, food, and beverages. 100.137...) Exceptions to Expenditures § 100.137 Invitations, food, and beverages. The cost of invitations, food, and... invitations, food and beverages provided by the individual on behalf of the candidate does not exceed $1,000...

  17. Caesium-137 in the foodchain lichen-reindeer-man during 1976 to 1978

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tillander, M.; Jaakkola, T.; Miettinen, J.K.


    The behaviour of the 137 Cs isotope in the subarctic environment has been an object of investigations in this laboratory since 1960. The 137 Cs body burden of a group of about 100 Lapps has been determined annually each spring since 1962 using a mobile whole-body counting system accommodated in a truck. In spring 1977, 31 reindeer herders and reindeer herding fishermen residing in Inari were thus measured. In spring 1978, no 137 Cs body burden measurements of the Lapps were carried out. Instead, analysis of 137 Cs in lichen and reindeer muscle samples was continued in order to check possible changes in the environmental 137 Cs level. In this paper 137 Cs concentrations in lichen in 1977 and in reindeer muscle in 1977 and 1978 are reported. Using these results the 137 Cs body burden of Finnish Lapps is estimated

  18. Concentration factors for 137Cs in Japanese coastal fish (1984-1990)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tateda, Yutaka; Koyanagi, Taku.


    Concentration factors (CFs; Bq kg -1 wet in fish muscle/Bq kg -1 in filtered seawater) for 137 Cs were determined in Japanese coastal fish collected from 1984 to 1990. 137 Cs/Cs (stable) atom ratios were also examined to clarify the distribution equilibrium of 137 Cs-between marine fish and seawater. The geometric mean of CF in Japanese coastal fish was 52±4 (standard error of the mean), with values ranging from 14 to 133. 137 Cs/Cs atom ratios both in marine fish and seawater indicate that the distribution of 137 Cs was in equilibrium between fish muscle and seawater. Therefore, CF values obtained in the present study can be regarded as equilibrated. Our results show that the CFs for 137 Cs in Japanese coastal fish were within the range of Japanese guidelines, but were below the recommended IAEA value. (author)

  19. Caesium 137: Properties and biological effects resulting of an internal contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lestaevel, P.; Racine, R.; Bensoussan, H.; Rouas, C.; Gueguen, Y.; Dublineau, I.; Bertho, J.M.; Gourmelon, P.; Jourdain, J.R.; Souidi, M.


    Caesium-137 ( 137 Cs) is a radionuclide present in the environment mainly as the result of the atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and accidents arising in nuclear power plants like the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Nowadays, the health consequences resulting from a chronic exposure to this radionuclide remain unknown. After absorption, the caesium is distributed relatively homogeneously within the body, with a more important load in children than in adults. The toxicity of 137 Cs is mainly due to its radiological properties. A high dose of 137 Cs is responsible for a medullar dystrophy, disorders of the reproductive function, and effects on liver and renal functions. Disorders of bone mineralization and brain damages were also described in human beings. At lowest dose, 137 Cs induces disturbances of wakefulness-sleep cycle, but not accompanied with behavioural disorders. The cardiovascular system was also perturbed. Biological effects of 137 Cs on the metabolisms of the vitamin D, cholesterol and steroid hormones were described, but do not lead to clinical symptoms. In human beings, 137 Cs leads to an immune deficiency, congenital and foetal deformations, an increased of thyroid cancer, as well as neurological disorders. It seems that children are more sensitive to the toxic effects of caesium than the adults. At present, the only effective treatment for the decorporation of the ingested 137 Cs is the Prussian Blue (Radiogardase). The use of pectin to de-corporate the ingested 137 Cs, in children notably, is sometimes proposed, but its administration still remains an open question. To conclude, the available scientific data suggest that 137 Cs could affect a number of physiological and metabolic functions and consequently, could participate in the health risks associated to the presence of other contaminants in the environment. (authors)

  20. Deposition of 137Cs in Rokkasho, Japan and its relation to Asian dust

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akata, Naofumi; Hasegawa, Hidenao; Kawabata, Hitoshi; Chikuchi, Yuki; Sato, Tadahiro; Ohtsuka, Yoshihito; Kondo, Kunio; Hisamatsu, Shun'ichi


    Biweekly atmospheric depositions of 137 Cs were measured in Rokkasho, Aomori, Japan from March 2000 to March 2006 to study recent 137 Cs deposition. Although the deposition level was generally lower than the detectable limit, deposition samples collected in spring occasionally had measurable levels of 137 Cs. The annual 137 Cs deposition from 2001 to 2005 was 0.04-0.69 Bq m -2 with a mean value of 0.27 Bq m -2 . Depositions of insoluble Al, Fe and Ti were strongly correlated with the 137 Cs deposition, suggesting that suspension of soil particles was the main source of the recent 137 Cs deposition. Asian dust events were coincident with some of the significant 137 Cs depositions in spring. It was found that the ratios of 137 Cs/Al and Fe/Al could be used as indices for discriminating Asian dust from suspension of the local surface soil. Backward trajectory analysis suggested southern Mongolian and northeastern China regions as sources of the significant 137 Cs depositions

  1. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in powdered milk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Japan Chemical Analysis Center has analysed the strontium-90 and cesium-137 content in powdered milk. The samples were purchased on the open market in Tokyo from the powdered milk producers. The analysis of Strontium-90 and Cesium-137 content was carried out using the method recommended by Science and Technology Agency. (author)

  2. Bioaccumulation of 137Cs and 60Co by Helianthus annuus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hornik, M.; Pipiska, M.; Vrtoch, L.; Augustin, J.; Lesny, J.


    The 60 Co and 137 Cs bioaccumulation by Helianthus annuus L. was measured during 9 day cultivation at 20 ± 2 o C in hydroponic Hoagland medium. Previous starvation for K + and for NH 4 + 2.2 and 2.7 times, respectively, enhanced 137 Cs uptake rate. Previous cultivation in surplus of K + ions 50 mmol·l -1 has no effect on 137 Cs bioaccumulation rate. Both 137 Cs and 60 Co bioaccumulation significantly increase with dilution of basic Hoagland medium up to 1:7 for caesium and up to 1:3 for cobalt followed by mild decrease at higher dilutions. Root to shoot specific 137 Cs radioactivity ratio (Bq.g -1 /Bq·g -1 , fresh wt.) increased with dilution from 1.46 to 9.6-9.8. The values root to shoot specific radioactivity ratio for 60 Co were less dependent on the nutrient concentrations and were within the range 5.7 to 8.5. 137 Cs was localized mainly in young leaves (30%) and roots (39%) and 60 Co mainly in roots (67%) and leaves (20%). Obtained data showed less sensitivity of 60 Co uptake by sunflower on nutrient concentration in hydroponic media. (author)

  3. Radiochemical determination of 137Cs in foods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kastner, Geraldo F.; Ferreira, Andrea Vidal; Monteiro, Roberto P.G.


    A determination of radionuclides in food samples is important in commodities in order to attend to regulatory requirements for international trade. As a long-lived radioisotope of cesium, 137 Cs is produced as a result of human nuclear activities and than its contamination level evaluation among others radionuclides in foods is necessary. A methodology for the determination of 137 Cs in foods, pork and fish, is described. The procedures covered homogenization and freeze-drying of the samples. The 137 Cs was measured by gamma spectrometry using Canberra 50% HPGe detector. The counting was carried out with Monte Carlo software for detection conditions optimization including geometry and chemical data information. A certified sample, SRM IAEA-375, was analyzed in order to evaluate the reliability of the method, and the results showed good agreement between the measured and certified values. (author)

  4. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mediated uptake of 137Cs in leek and ryegrass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosen, Klas; Weiliang, Zhong; Maertensson, Anna


    In a first experiment of soil contaminated with 137 Cs, inoculation with a mixture of arbuscular mycorrhizae enhanced the uptake of 137 Cs by leek under greenhouse conditions, while no effect on the uptake by ryegrass was observed. The mycorrhizal infection frequency in leek was independent of whether the 137 Cs-contaminated soil was inoculated with mycorrhizal spores or not. The lack of mycorrhizae-mediated uptake of 137 Cs in ryegrass could be due to the high root density, which was about four times that of leek, or due to a less well functioning mycorrhizal symbiosis than of leek. In a second experiment, ryegrass was grown for a period of four cuts. Additions of fungi enhanced 137 Cs uptake of all harvests, improved dry weight production in the first cut, and also improved the mycorrhizal infection frequencies in the roots. No differences were obtained between the two fungal inoculums investigated with respect to biomass production or 137 Cs uptake, but root colonization differed. We conclude that, under certain circumstances, mycorrhizae affect plant uptake of 137 Cs. There may be a potential for selecting fungal strains that stimulate 137 Cs accumulation in crops. The use of ryegrass seems to be rather ineffective for remediation of 137 Cs-contaminated soil

  5. Behaviour of {sup 137} Cs in oxysoils and Goiania soil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wassermann, Maria Angelica [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    {sup 137} Cs soil-to-plant transfer factor obtained in oxy soils accidentally contaminated in Goiania and artificially contaminated shows that these soils present higher transfer when compared with data obtained under temperate climates. These differences were discussed in the light of pedology and geochemical partitioning. Some tropical soil characteristics as acidity, low available nutritive elements and low content of 2:1 clay type seems determine high availability for {sup 137} Cs. Results of sequential extraction showed {sup 137} Cs weakly bound to soil components and underline the importance of Fe oxides in the control of {sup 137} Cs availability in tropical climates. (author) 25 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs.

  6. Toxicity of injected 137CsCl in Beagle dogs. XVIII

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muggenburg, B.A.; Hahn, F.F.; Boecker, B.B.; Jones, R.K.; McClellan, R.O.; Pickrell, J.A.


    Studies of the metabolism, dosimetry, and effects of intravenously administered 137 CsCl in the Beagle dog are being conducted to aid in assessing the biological consequences of exposure to 137 Cs that might occur in the event of certain nuclear accidents. Effects of the chronic, relatively uniform whole-body exposures produced by 137 CsCl are being compared with other diverse radiation dose patterns resulting from inhalation of radioactive aerosols. The fifty-four dogs that were injected with 137 CsCl have died, as have eleven control dogs; three control dogs died during the past year. Observations are continuing on the surviving control dog. 2 references, 2 figures, 1 table

  7. Foliar absorption and translocation of 137cs in egyptian olive plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramadan, A.A.; Maly, A.I.


    Foliar absorption and translocation of 137Cs by olive leaves were studied. Olive seedlings were transferred to the greenhouse in pots containing fine Nile silt.. Two seriies of pot experiments were conducted at the Nuclear Research Center site at Inshas. The treatments were conducted on leaves at the two middle nodes of the selected shoots. The lower surface of the olive leaf absorbed more 137Cs at the studied pH values as compared with the upper surface. The results show that changing the pH from 2 to 3 had no have any effect on the foliar absorption of 137Cs. Further increase of pH value caused the 137Cs foliar absorption to show a minimum at pH 5 then a maximum at pH 7. At pH 8 the foliar absorption of 137Cs started to decrease again. The concentration of translocated 137Cs was found to decrease gradually in the leaves above and below the treated ones. Absorption of 137Cs increased with time in the first 24 hours followed by lower absorption rates till the end of the experiment after 148 hours

  8. Obsah Cs-137 v houbách


    ČADOVÁ, Michaela


    The aim of this work is to compare the presence of Cs-137 in different kinds of mushrooms in selected locations using semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometry. Research question was determined: Does Cs-137 content amount vary depending on the fungal species? The first part deals with basic knowledge of ionizing radiation, which is important for the complex understanding of thematic problems. This concerns basic radiobiological terms such as radioactivity, ionizing radiation, its biological effect...

  9. Radioecological studies of {sup 137}Cs in limnological ecosystems. {sup 137}Cs concentrations in water, sediment and biota at the lower region of the famous river in Saitama Prefecture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miyake, Sadaaki; Motegi, Misako; Oosawa, Takashi; Nakazawa, Kiyoaki [Saitama Inst. of Public Health, Urawa (Japan); Ogata, Hiromitsu; Izumo, Yoshiro; Nakamura, Fumio


    The concentrations of {sup 137}Cs in water, sediment and biota at the lower region of the famous river in Saitama prefecture were determined in order to elucidate the radioecology of {sup 137}Cs in limnological ecosystems. {sup 137}Cs concentration in water was 0.10 mBq/l. {sup 137}Cs concentrations in sediment, shellfish, Sinotaia quadratus historica (mean for 2 detectable samples), and fish, Carassius auratus cuvieri (mean for 2 detectable samples), were about 6200, 840 and 320 times higher than the concentration of the water, respectively. But {sup 137}Cs radioactivity in the crustacea, Procambarus clarki, was significantly not detected. So, {sup 137}Cs transfer mechanism in the limnological ecosystems was indicated in part. (author).

  10. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Characteristics of Subcutaneously Applied PTH-1-37

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolf-Georg Forssmann


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Parathyroid hormone (PTH derivatives exert pronounced renal and osteoanabolic properties when given intermittently. The current study was performed to assess the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties as well as safety of subcutaneously applied PTH-1-37 after repeated dosing in healthy subjects. Methods: This randomized, double-blind, dose-escalating, placebo and active comparator controlled study was conducted in 33 healthy postmenopausal women. Subjects were allocated to one of five treatment options: 10, 20, or 40 µg PTH-1-37, 20 µg PTH-1-34 or placebo, administered as once daily subcutaneous doses for three days. Plasma drug concentrations and serum levels of endogenous PTH-1-84, and calcium as markers of biological activity were monitored during the treatment. Results: PTH was absorbed rapidly from the subcutaneous tissue with a median tmax of 30 minutes for 20 and 40 µg of PTH-1-37. tmax was 45 minutes for 20 µg PTH-1-34. Elimination half-lives were estimated as 76 ± 34 min and 70 ± 13 min for 20 µg and 40 µg PTH-1-37 (mean ± SD, and 78 ± 34 for 20 µg PTH-1-34. Both PTH fragments (PTH-1-37 and PTH-1-34 increased serum calcium. For PTH-1-37 the effect on serum calcium was dose-dependent. Suppression of endogenous PTH-1-84 was seen after the application of both PTH-1-37 and PTH-1-34. During the study period, the subjects experienced no unexpected or serious adverse events. Conclusions: PTH-1-37 is rapidly absorbed after s.c. injection, has a short plasma elimination half-life, and does not accumulate during multiple dosing. Biological activity was demonstrated by rising serum calcium and decreasing endogenous PTH-1-84 in blood plasma. The study drugs were well tolerated and safe. Our investigation presents data that PTH-1-37 is an excellent drug candidate for intervening with syndromes of dysregulation of calcium metabolism.

  11. 137Cs in marine sediments of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, Paulo Alves de Lima; Ribeiro, Andreza Portella; Nascimento, Mylene Giseli do; Martins, Cesar de Castro; Mahiques, Michel Michaelovitch de; Montone, Rosalinda Carmelo; Figueira, Rubens Cesar Lopes


    The radionuclide cesium-137 ( 137 Cs) is produced exclusively by anthropogenic processes and primarily by nuclear explosions. This study determined the reference inventory that is 137 Cs associated with the element's original input, and utilized the levels of activity of this radionuclide previously measured in five sediment profiles collected from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica, to investigate the mobility of this element in the environment. 137 Cs has a half-life of 30 years. Because of this, it is environmentally persistent and has been shown to accumulate in marine organisms. The mean reference inventory of this radionuclide in Admiralty Bay sediments, determined using high resolution gamma ray spectrometry, was 20.23 ± 8.94 Bq m −2 , and within the ambient 137 Cs activity range. A model of 137 Cs diffusion–convection was applied to data collected from 1 cm intervals in sediment cores with the aim of providing insights with respect to this element's behavior in sediments. Model results showed a significant correlation between measured and modeled values using the concentrations of 137 Cs, and estimated input into the system from the global fallout of past nuclear tests and expected values based on local sedimentation rates. Results highlight the importance of accounting for the vertical diffusion of 137 Cs in marine sediments when used as a tracer for environmental processes and for assessing potential bioavailability. - Highlights: ► Cesium-137 ( 137 Cs) is produced exclusively by anthropogenic processes. ► A model of diffusion–convection simulated 137 Cs environmental behavior. ► This is important for assessing the bioavailability of this toxic element. ► In Antarctica ice cover influenced the input to the sediments

  12. Uptake and activity concentration of 137Cs and 90Sr in Salix viminalis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosen, K.; Fircks, Y. von; Sennerby-Forsse, L.


    In order to gain a better understanding of the uptake, internal distribution of 137 Cs and 90 Sr and the effects of K-fertilisation of uptake of 137 Cs in Salix plantations, a K-fertilisation experiment including 137 Cs, 90 Sr and 40 K was performed. Previous studies with K-fertilization in Sweden have mainly dealt with the flow of 137 Cs between soil to plant in annual crops. The aim of this study was study the transfer of 137 Cs, 90 Sr and 40 K from soil to plants and to test the following hypothesis: that accumulation of 137 Cs and 90 Sr differs between plant organs, that there is a seasonal variation in uptake and concentration of 137 Cs and 90 Sr and that the availability of K is related to the uptake of 137 Cs. (au)

  13. Cesium-137, a drama recounted

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vieira, Suzane de Alencar


    The radiological accident with Cesium-137, which started on Goiania in 1987, did not stop with the end of radiological contamination and continues in a judicial, scientific and narrative process of identification and recognition of new victims. The drama occupies a central place on the dynamics of radiological event, as it extends its limits, inflects its intensity and updates the event. As a narrative of the event, the ethnography incorporates and brings up to date the drama as an analysis landmark and the description of the theme as it is absorbed by a dramatic process. Cesium-137, a drama recounted is a textual experimentation based on real events and characters picked out from statements reported in various narratives about the radiological accident. (author)

  14. 42 CFR 137.137 - If the 45 day review period or extension thereto, has expired, and the Tribes offer is deemed... (United States)


    ..., has expired, and the Tribes offer is deemed accepted by operation of law, are there any exceptions to... SERVICES INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE Final Offer § 137.137 If the 45 day review period or extension thereto, has expired, and the Tribes offer is deemed...

  15. 137Cs distribution and geochemistry of Lena River (Siberia) drainage basin lake sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson-Pyrtle, A.; Scott, M.R.; Laing, T.E.; Smol, J.P.


    The Lena River is the second largest river that discharges into the Arctic Ocean. It is therefore important to determine not only the direct impact its discharge has on the 137Cs concentration of the Arctic, but also the potential its drainage basin has as a 137Cs source. 137Cs surface sediment concentrations and inventory values, which range from 4.97 to 338 Bq kg -1 and 357 to 1732 Bq m -2 , respectively, were determined for the Lena River drainage basin lake samples, via gamma analysis. The average geochemical and mineralogical composition of a subset of samples was also determined using neutron activation analysis, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry techniques. Results of these geochemical analyses allowed for the identification of key geochemical factors that influence the distribution of 137Cs in the Lena River drainage basin. 137Cs profiles indicate that Lena River drainage basin lacustrine sediments serve as a record of 137Cs fallout. Based on the downcore 137Cs, %illite, %smectite, %Al and %Mn distribution patterns, it was concluded that a small fraction of non-selectively bound 137Cs was remobilized at depth in some cores. Inconsistencies between the actual 137Cs fallout record and the 137Cs profiles determined for the lake sediments were attributed to 137Cs remobilization in subsurface sediments. In addition to establishing the agreement between the global atmospheric fallout record and the downcore 137Cs distribution patterns determined for these sediments, results indicate that 137Cs deposited during periods of maximum atmospheric release was buried and is not susceptible to surface erosion processes. However, mean 137Cs concentrations of the lacustrine surface sediments (125 Bq kg -1 ) are still significantly higher than those of the nearby Lena River estuary (11.22 Bq kg -1 ) and Laptev Sea (6.00 Bq kg -1 ). Our study suggests that the Lena River drainage basin has the potential to serve as a source of 137Cs to the adjacent Arctic

  16. Study of /sup 137/Cs absorption by Lemna minor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergamini, P G; Palmas, G; Piantelli, F; Sani, M [Siena Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica; Banditelli, P; Previtera, M; Sodi, F


    Absorption of /sup 137/Cs by the floating aquatic plant Lemna minor in relation to /sup 137/Cs concentration in the water was measured under controlled conditions of temperature, pH and light. The method used to analyse the results is described. When applied to this study the method shows the influence on /sup 137/Cs absorption of (1) potassium-cesium exchange due to chemical affinity, (2) the natural colony growth of the organism and (3) the effect of light. Concentration factors were determined for these three processes.

  17. 24 CFR 17.137 - Procedures for salary offset: imposition of interest. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Procedures for salary offset: imposition of interest. 17.137 Section 17.137 Housing and Urban Development Office of the Secretary... the Government Salary Offset Provisions § 17.137 Procedures for salary offset: imposition of interest...

  18. Estimating soil erosion losses in Korea with fallout cesium-137

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menzel, R.G.; Pilkyun Jung; Kwanshig Ryu; Kitai Um


    The contents of fallout 137 Cs in soil profiles were used to estimate erosion losses from steeply sloping croplands in Korea. Seven undisturbed sites with no apparent erosion or deposition, and 15 cropland sites were examined to a depth of 30 cm. The cropland sites had been cultivated for periods ranging from 5 to more than 80 y (median 10 y), and their slopes ranged from 5 to 26% (median 13%). All except one of the cropland sites contained less 137 Cs than undisturbed sites in the same area. Three cropland sites contained essentially no 137 Cs, indicating erosion of the entire cultivated layer of soil in from 6 to 10 years. Other cropland sites, particularly those with sandy texture, showed little loss of 137 Cs over longer periods of cultivation. Cesium-137 measurements may be useful in identifying site characteristics that reduce the vulnerability of sloping soils to erosion damage. (author)

  19. Radioecological studies of {sup 137}Cs in limnological ecosystems. Accumulation and excretion of {sup 137}Cs in goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus, from diets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miyake, Sadaaki; Motegi, Misako; Oosawa, Takashi; Nakazawa, Kiyoaki [Saitama Inst. of Public Health, Urawa (Japan); Ogata, Hiromitsu; Izumo, Yoshiro; Nakamura, Fumio


    Accumulation and excretion Of {sup 137}Cs in goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus, from radioactive diets (killifish, Oryzias latipes, meats accumulated {sup 137}Cs in the radioactive freshwater) or control diets (killifish meats mixed {sup 137}CsCl) were investigated in order to elucidate the accumulation mechanism of the radionuclide in natural living fishes. The accumulation of {sup 137}Cs, expressed in concentration ratio, in whole body of the fish showed a increasing tendency in proportion to the rearing time. On the other hand, the excretion of {sup 137}Cs, expressed in retention rate, in whole body rearing by administration of non-radioactive commercial diets after the accumulation above for 7 days, demonstrated a rapid decreasing at first few days, and followed a gradual decreasing tendency (the biological half lives were about 1.5 days and 52 days, respectively). As for the tissues and organs, higher accumulation and higher excretion were found in the viscera than those in the muscle. It is so suggested that the metabolic turnover rate of this radionuclide for the viscera is more rapid than that for the muscle. From the experimental results, it was confirmed that the relative contribution by ingestion of the radioactive diets in the accumulation of {sup 137}Cs in natural environmental fish was comparatively higher in comparison with uptake of the radionuclide in the radioactive freshwater. With regard to the difference between the radioactive diets and the control diets, the accumulation of {sup 137}Cs in whole body of the fish from the radioactive diets was less than that from the control diets to rearing 5 days, but afterward was not different. The difference of the accumulation between these diets will be attributable to that of the metabolic turnover between these diets. (author)

  20. Toxicity of injected 137CsCl in beagle dogs. X

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rebar, A.H.; Hanika-Rebar, C.; Benjamin, S.A.; Boecker, B.B.; Jones, R.K.; McClellan, R.O.; Pickrell, J.A.


    Studies on the metabolism, dosimetry and effects of intravenously administered 137 CsCl in the Beagle dog are being conducted to aid in assessing the biologic consequences of exposure to 137 Cs such as occurs in the event of certain nuclear accidents. Effects of the chronic, relatively uniform whole-body exposure produced by 137 Cs are being compared with other diverse radiation dose patterns resulting from inhalation of radioactive aerosols. Sixty-six dogs were entered into the study: six with a mean initial 137 Cs body burden of 3780 μCi/kg and five groups of 12 dogs each with mean initial 137 Cs body burdens of 2820, 1940, 1420, 970 and 0 μCi/kg. Eighteen of the dogs injected with 137 CsCl have died: 11 from 19 to 81 days after injection and cumulative whole-body doses of 860 to 1400 rads died with severe bone marrow damage and resultant pancytopenia; two at 2471 days and at 2707 days after injection and cumulative doses of 690 and 1800 rads with a neurofibrosarcoma of the liver and a mast cell tumor of the skin; five from 693 to 3162 days after injection and cumulative doses of 840 to 2000 rads with shock, aspiration pneumonia, severe arthritis, renal amyloidosis and congestive heart failure. Three control dogs died; one at 647 days with auto-immune hemolytic anemia, one at 2442 days with renal amyloidosis and one at 3088 days with disseminated complex mammary adenocarcinoma. Serial observations are continuing on the 36 137 CsCl dogs and nine control dogs. The 137 CsCl dogs now alive have cumulative whole-body doses of 550 to 2200 rads from 2777 to 3031 days after injection

  1. Study on movement, accumulation and distribution of 137Cs in rice and soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Zixian; Xu Shiming


    The experiment of growing rice contaminated by 137 Cs solution shows that from the seedling stage to booting stage the absorption rate of 137 Cs is the highest, in the heading stage it is steady and in the milk stage goes to high again. The 137 Cs transfers from root to straw and ear, and from vegetative organs to reproductive organs. The relationship between specific activity (SA) and the amount of 137 Cs in soil is proportional. Only when the amount of 137 Cs in soil reaches to 370 Bq/g the SA of 137 Cs in rice rises remarkably. The different soil growing rice has different absorption rate of 137 Cs. Only in Shenzhen it is much higher than in other areas. The absorption of 137 Cs is also depending on different stage, in the milk stage it is considerably higher than other stages

  2. Characterization and immobilization of cesium-137 in soil at Los Alamos National Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Ningping; Mason, C.F.V.; Turney, W.R.J.R.


    At Los Alamos National Laboratory, cesium-137 ( 137 Cs) is a major contaminant in soils of Technical Area 21 (TA-21) and is mainly associated with soil particles ≤2.00 mm. Cesium-137 was not leached by synthetic groundwater or acid rainwater. Soil erosion is a primary mechanism of 137 Cs transport in TA-21. The methodology that controls soil particle runoff can prevent the transport of 137 Cs

  3. Radiological Cs-137 accidents/incidents in Estonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinisso, Mark


    Two radiological accidents/incidents in Estonia are reported. The first -21 October 1994, three brothers entered the Tammiku repository and stole a radioactive Cs-137 source and received dangerous doses of radiation. The other incident (early 1995) involved an abandoned source - a discarded metal cylinder containing Cs-137. Chronologies and factual data are considered for both events. Concise descriptions of the incidents, a medical overview of the fate of injured people and lessons learned are presented

  4. Radiological Cs-137 accidents/incidents in Estonia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sinisso, Mark [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tallin (Estonia)


    Two radiological accidents/incidents in Estonia are reported. The first -21 October 1994, three brothers entered the Tammiku repository and stole a radioactive Cs-137 source and received dangerous doses of radiation. The other incident (early 1995) involved an abandoned source - a discarded metal cylinder containing Cs-137. Chronologies and factual data are considered for both events. Concise descriptions of the incidents, a medical overview of the fate of injured people and lessons learned are presented

  5. 7 CFR 400.137 - Procedures for salary offset; types of collection. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Procedures for salary offset; types of collection. 400.137 Section 400.137 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FEDERAL CROP...-Regulations for the 1986 and Succeeding Crop Years § 400.137 Procedures for salary offset; types of collection...

  6. Caesium-137 distribution, inventories and accumulation history in the Baltic Sea sediments. (United States)

    Zaborska, Agata; Winogradow, Aleksandra; Pempkowiak, Janusz


    The Baltic Sea is susceptible to pollution by hazardous substances due to limited water exchange, shallowness, and the large catchment area. Radionuclides, particularly (137)Cs, are one of the most hazardous anthropogenic substances present in the Baltic environment. This study was conducted to present (137)Cs present contamination that should further be a subject of reliable monitoring when the new Nuclear Power Plant is put into operation in the northern Poland. The sea-wide, up to date distribution of (137)Cs activities and inventories in the Baltic Sea bottom sediments are presented. The (137)Cs activity concentrations were measured in 30 cm long sediment cores collected at 22 sampling stations. Sediment accumulation rates were quantified by (210)Pb geochronology to follow the history of (137)Cs accumulation. The (137)Cs inventories and fluxes were calculated. Most of the Baltic Sea sediments accumulated (137)Cs in the range from 750 to 2675 Bq m(-2). The Bothnian Bay is severely contaminated by (137)Cs with inventories up to 95,191 Bq m(-2). This region is moreover characterized by extremely large patchiness of (137)Cs inventories. The (137)Cs annual fluxes are highest at the two stations located at the Bothnian Bay (342 Bq m(-2) and 527 Bq m(-2)) due to large Chernobyl (137)Cs contamination of that region and high sediment accumulation rates. When these stations are excluded, the recent, annual mean value of (137)Cs load to the Baltic Sea deposits is 38 ± 22 Bq m(-2). The distribution of radio-caesium inventories over the Baltic Sea nowadays reflects the pattern of Chernobyl contamination. The radio-caesium deposited in surface sediments is not permanently buried, but may be resuspended and redeposited by currents, bioturbation or anthropogenic activities. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. 137Cs contamination of Techa river flood plain in Brodokalmak settlement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chesnokov, A.V.; Govorun, A.P.; Liksonov, V.I.; Shcherbak, S.B.; Ivanitskaya, M.V.


    137 Cs contamination of the Techa river flood plain inside the Brodokalmak settlement has been mapped. The collimated scintillated detector technique was used for 137 Cs deposit measurements. The 137 Cs contamination is very heterogeneous. A comparison of this technique with the traditional sample method was performed at selected locations. The sampling data are in good agreement with in-situ data. Soil surface activity of 90 Sr was determined from the samples. It was shown that 137 Cs contamination correlates with 90 Sr contamination within the flood plain of the settlement

  8. Transfer of 137Cs to cows' milk in the Nordic countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solheim Hansen, H.; Andersson, I.


    A comparison has been made of the transfer of Chernobyl derived 137 Cs cows' milk in the different Nordic countries. A compilation is given of data on 137 Cs levels in both dairy milk and milk from individual farms. In 1986 and 1987 the levels of 137 Cs were higest in Finland and Norway, intermediate in Sweden, the Faroe Islands and Iceland ( 137 Cs from global fallout only) and lowest in Denmark. The aggregated transfer coefficient (T a g) to cows' milk was 2-10 times higher in the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway compared to that in Denmark, Finland and Sweden for all years after 1986. The effective ecological half-life (T 1/2ecol ) for dairy cows' milk ranged from 1-2.3 y for all countries, except Iceland where the T 1/2ecol was 18.4 y (global fallout). It was therefore concluded that cows' milk production in the Faroe Islands and Norway was most sensitive to the Chernobyl 137 Cs fallout. Though milk production systems and management systems change over time and could alter the sensitivity to 137 Cs fallout, it is concluded that the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway would be most susceptible to future 137 Cs fallout. (orig.)

  9. Patterns of cesium-137 distribution across two disparate floodplains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hay, J.D.; Ragsdale, H.L.


    Soil 137 Cs concentration was studied across upstream and downstream floodplain sites of Lower Three Runs Creek, an Upper Coastal Plain stream draining a portion of the Savannah River Plant. Soil samples were collected laterally and vertically at each floodplain location and analyzed for several edaphic characteristics. The results showed that these floodplains were differentiable by their edaphic characteristics both between sites and between depths within a site. The surface distribution of 137 Cs was related to microtopographic variation at each site, but predictive relationships for estimating surface-soil 137 Cs content from edaphic parameters were not as well defined. A difference in upstream to downstream 137 Cs cycling was explained on the basis of the change from direct to indirect nutrient cycling pathways in a downstream direction. This change was coincident with higher sedimentation, greater cation adsorptive capacity, and higher potassium concentrations found downstream

  10. Characterization and immobilization of cesium-137 in soil at Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Ningping; Mason, C.F.V.; Turney, W.R.J.R.


    At Los Alamos National Laboratory, cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) is a major contaminant in soils of Technical Area 21 (TA-21) and is mainly associated with soil particles {<=}2.00 mm. Cesium-137 was not leached by synthetic groundwater or acid rainwater. Soil erosion is a primary mechanism of {sup 137}Cs transport in TA-21. The methodology that controls soil particle runoff can prevent the transport of {sup 137}Cs.

  11. Transfer of 137Cs to wild vegetables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Nobuhiko; Natsuhori, Masahiro; Mezawa, Akane; Kawakami, Akira


    For the evaluation of internal radiation dose, it is needed to estimate the amount of radionuclide incorporated to human body using a simulation model. 137 Cesium (Cs) is easily transferred associating with food intake as well as potassium and so, Cs is an important nuclide for evaluation of internal radiation. 137 Cs concentrations in wild vegetables are higher than those of cultured vegetables and milk. Therefore, the transfer coefficients of 137 Cs from soil to wild vegetables were estimated in this study. Wild vegetables and soils of their farms were collected in the Hakkoda Mountain range of Aomori Prefecture. The levels of 137 Cs in wild vegetables were 0.42-18.35 (Bq/kg), whereas those in cabbage and spinach were 0.08 and 0.01 (Bq/kg), respectively, indicating that the Cs level is dozens to several hundreds times higher in wild vegetables than cultured ones. And the transfer coefficient was estimated as 0.003-0.94 for the former and 0.001-0.8 for the latter. On the other hand, 1 37 Cs levels of the soils on which wild vegetables grew was 28.0 Bq/kg and it was 3.9 Bq/kg for the farm soil. Furthermore, the effects of water content and pH of the soil on the transfer coefficient were studied. (M.N.)

  12. 137Cs in Finnish wild berries, mushrooms and game meat in 2000-2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kostiainen, E.


    Activity concentrations of 137 Cs in wild berries, mushrooms and game meat were measured in samples collected during 2000-2005 in areas with varying 137 Cs deposition levels in Finland. Depending on the 137 Cs deposition levels in the sampling areas, the areal-mean activity concentrations of 137 Cs were 10-230 Bq kg -1 in wild berries, 20-240 Bq kg -1 in moose meat and 10-3000 Bq kg -1 in all mushroom species. Compared with the 137 Cs level of samples collected in 1986 in the corresponding areas, the reduction in the 137 Cs level was about one third for wild berries, equal to the rate of radioactive decay of 137 Cs. More reduction was observed in the activity concentrations of 137 Cs in moose meat, on average up to 50% since 1986. The aggregated transfer coefficients from soil to wild berries showed no change since 1986-1988, while there was about one third reduction in those from soil to game meat. (orig.)

  13. Translocation, accumulation and distribution of 137Cs in spring wheat after foliage contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Zhongxue; Xu Shiming; Zhao Wenhu; Hou Lanxin; Li Xia


    The foliage absorption of 137 Cs by spring wheat and the accumulation and distribution of 137 Cs in non-contaminated parts of the plant were studied. The results showed that there was a linear relationship between the content of 137 Cs and the amount of the contamination in each part of the plant. The distribution of 137 Cs in each part of the plant was related with the phyllotaxis of the contaminated leaf, but the majority of 137 Cs in the ear was distributed in the husk. The accumulation of 137 Cs in non-contaminated leaves gradually decrease with the increasing of the relative phyllotaxy distance between non-contaminated leaves and the contaminated leaf. The order of the specific activity of 137 Cs is the leaf>the stem>the ear in the tillering. The translocation rate of 137 Cs to seeds is in direct proportion to physiological metabolic activity of the treated leaf and is also related to its phyllotaxis. (11 tabs., 4 figs.)

  14. 137Cs levels in deer following the Three Mile Island accident. (United States)

    Field, R W


    White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virgianus) tongues were assayed to assess whether or not significant widespread 137Cs contamination occurred in the vicinity of Three Mile Island Nuclear Station as a result of the 1979 accident. White-tailed deer tongues harvested from 10 Pennsylvania counties more than 88 km away from Three Mile Island had significantly higher 137Cs levels than deer tongues harvested from counties surrounding the nuclear plant. The mean deer tongue 137Cs levels found in Pennsylvania white-tailed deer were lower than 137Cs levels found in deer from other parts of the U.S. sampled shortly after culmination of major atmospheric nuclear testing. These findings support the conclusions of previous studies suggesting that only minimal quantities of 137Cs escaped from the damaged Three Mile Island plant after the accident.

  15. Studies on the transport of fission products through food chains.3. Analysis of the relationship between 137Cs in cereal grain and137Cs deposited in 1964

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eriksson, Aa.; Haak, E.; Karlstroem, F.


    REGRESSION ANALYSES WERE USED TO INVESTIGATE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE 137 Cs content in grain and the deposition of 137 Cs during the months of Jun, Jul and Aug in 1964. Data from about half of the 400 yield survey districts in the country were available. The analyses gave coefficients which describe the influence of different monthly depositions of 137 Cs on the final 137 Cs content in grain under normal weather conditions. Coefficients were obtained for the different crops, one set for the Southern region and one for the Eastern and Western regions. In the Southern region the influence of the deposition in Jun on the 137 Cs content in grain was considerably larger than that of the deposition in July. The influence of the deposition in August was noticeable only in the grain of spring wheat. For the other regions the coefficients indicated about the same influence of the depositions in Jun and Jul on the 137 Cs content in grain of winter wheat. With regard to the spring-sown cereals, however, the transfer efficiency increased in the order: Jun 137 Cs deposited 3-6 per cent were recovered in grain in the southern region and 1.5-4 per cent in the other regions. (author)

  16. The feature and distribution of 137Cs in the forest soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narazaki, Yukinori


    The 137 Cs concentration in an undisturbed upper layer of naked land in Fukuoka Prefecture decreased exponentially from 1969 to 1999 with the apparent half-life of 7 years. The ratio of 137 Cs concentration in the lower layer of the soil to that in the upper layer was about 1/5. The concentration of 137 Cs, 40 K, and stable Cs and the soil profile consisting of loss on ignition, pH, and electric conductivity were determined in the 48 samples collected in the forests and the neighboring naked land from 1991 to 1998. The 137 Cs concentration in the forest soils ranged from 1 to 424 Bq/kg dry wt, 131 Bq/kg dry wt on average, although 137 Cs was hardly detected in the naked soil around the forest. There was no regional difference in the distribution of the 137 Cs concentration, and it varied with pH and electric conductivity in the soil. Further, it tended to be higher in the deciduous woodland than in the evergreen woodland. (author)

  17. 137Cs concentration distribution in among feeds and various soil types

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Csupka, S.


    The distribution of 137 Cs in four types of arable land and soil with grass cover (chernozem, serozem, gely soddy soil and meadow calcareous soil) is different. In arable land the penetration of 137 Cs into greater depths is higher than under the grasscover, where the main proportion of 137 Cs is retained by the upper layers in the depth of 0 to 5 cm. The only exception is gley soddy soil, where the upper layers allow the passage of radionuclides into greater depths. In the soil horizon to a depth of 50 cm out or the total content of 137 Cs from 16 to 47% is bound in exchangeable form and from 53 to 84% in a form available to plants according to the soil type. The relationship between exchangeable 137 Cs and that available to plants in soils is given by the coefficient of desorption and the relation between the 137 Cs content in the plant and in the soil is given by the coefficient of concentration. Their value varies within the range of 0.1 to 2.6. (author)

  18. 137Cs levels in fish and shellfish in the Filipino diet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duran, E.B.; De Vera, C.M.; Enriquez, E.B.; Yulo-Nazarea, M.T.; Asada, A.A.


    Among the artificially produced radionuclides, 137 Cs is considered the most significant contributor to radiation dose due to consumption of marine products. 137 Cs is present in the marine environment as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and nuclear accidents. 137 Cs was analyzed in predominant fisn and shellfish species in the Filipino diet and in seawater collected from major fishing grounds. The mean activity concentration of 137 Cs in thirteen fish species which are commonly eaten by Filipinos was 0.53 ± 0.47 Bq kg -1 wet edible fraction (E.F.). In molluscs, the mean activity concentration measured was 0.24 ± 0.20 Bq kg -1 wet E.F. A similar value of 0.23 ± 0.12 Bq kg -1 was observed in crustaceans. A mean activity concentration of 4.76 ± 2.66 was observed in seawater which suggests approximate concentration factors of 100 for 137 Cs in fish and 40 for 137 Cs in shellfish. (author). 6 refs., 1 fig., 4 tabs

  19. Inferring the chemical form of {sup 137}Cs deposited by the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident by measuring {sup 137}Cs incorporated into needle leaves and male cones of Japanese cedar trees

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kanasashi, Tsutomu, E-mail: [Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601 (Japan); Takenaka, Chisato [Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601 (Japan); Sugiura, Yuki [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 765-1 Funaishikawa, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1184 (Japan)


    We hypothesized that the water-soluble (ionic) and water-insoluble (stable) radiocesium from the initial fallout of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident was distributed in various proportions in the surrounding areas and that this distribution was reflected in the trees that suffered deposition from the initial fallout. This study attempted to evaluate local variations in the chemical form of {sup 137}Cs derived from the initial fallout of the FDNPP accident and whether its chemical form affected the radiocesium concentration in the tissues currently growing in trees, even after the initial fallout ceased. For these estimations, the ratio between the {sup 137}Cs concentration in Cryptomeria japonica needle leaves in the tree crown, which existed before the FDNPP accident and subsequently directly exposed to the initial fallout ({sup 137}Cs{sub pre-accident} {sub N}), and the amount of {sup 137}Cs in the initial fallout itself ({sup 137}Cs{sub fallout}) was determined ({sup 137}Cs{sub pre-accident} {sub N}/{sup 137}Cs{sub fallout}) at 66 sites. In addition, the {sup 137}Cs ratios between the male cones produced in 2012 ({sup 137}Cs{sub male} {sub cone}) and needle leaves that had elongated in the spring of 2011 ({sup 137}Cs{sub 2011N}) was determined at 82 sites ({sup 137}Cs{sub male} {sub cone}/{sup 137} Cs{sub 2011N}). Most of the sites with lower {sup 137}Cs{sub pre-accident} {sub N}/{sup 137}Cs{sub fallout} ratios were distributed in eastern Fukushima, relatively close to the Pacific Ocean coastline. Lower {sup 137}Cs{sub pre-accidentN}/{sup 137}Cs{sub fallout} and higher {sup 137}Cs{sub malecone}/{sup 137}Cs{sub 2011N} were found to be associated with higher proportions of {sup 137}Cs in ionic forms. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis, and likely reflect regional variations in the chemical form of the deposited radiocesium. - Highlights: • Study of spatial variation of ionic and stable {sup 137}Cs in the initial

  20. Plutonium isotopes/137Cs activity ratios for soil in Montenegro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antovic, N. M.; Vukotic, P.; Svrkota, N.; Andrukhovich, S.K.


    Plutonium isotopes/ 137 Cs activity ratios were determined for six soil samples from Montenegro, using the results of alpha-spectrometric measurements of 239+240 Pu and 238 Pu, as well as gamma-spectrometric cesium measurements. An average 239+240 Pu/ 137 Cs activity ratio is found to be 0.02, as the 238 Pu/ 137 Cs and 238 Pu/ 239+240 Pu one - 0.0006 and 0.03, respectively. It follows from the results that the source of plutonium in Montenegro soil is nuclear weapon testing during the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century. On the other hand, there is a contribution of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to the soil contamination with 137 Cs isotope. [sr

  1. 42 CFR 137.206 - Why does the IHS need this information? (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Why does the IHS need this information? 137.206 Section 137.206 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE Operational Provisions Health Status Reports § 137.206 Why does the IHS...

  2. Inventory and vertical migration of 137Cs in Spanish mainland soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legarda, F.; Romero, L.M.; Herranz, M.; Barrera, M.; Idoeta, R.; Valino, F.; Olondo, C.; Caro, A.


    In this study the total activity of 137 Cs deposited per unit area over the Spanish peninsular territory was analysed using a 150 x 150 km 2 mesh grid, with samples taken from 29 points. The deposited activities ranged between 251 and 6074 Bq/m 2 . A linear relationship was obtained between these values and the mean annual rainfall at each sampling point which allowed a map to be drawn, using GIS software, which shows the distribution of total deposited 137 Cs activity across the Spanish mainland. At twelve of these sampling points the vertical migration profile of 137 Cs was obtained. These profiles are separated into two groups with different behaviour, one of which includes clay and loam soils and the other containing sandy soils. For both groups of profiles the parameters of the convective-diffusive model, which describes the vertical migration of 137 Cs in the soil, v (apparent convection velocity) and D (apparent diffusion coefficient) were calculated. - Highlights: → Measured the 137 Cs activity in Spanish mainland, being within a range of [251, 6074] Bq/m 2 , with a mean value of 1726 Bq/m 2 . → Establishment of the 137 Cs background by means of a 137 Cs inventory map showing its distribution in the Spanish mainland. → 137 Cs shows two different behaviour tendencies in soil depending on it. → The parameters which govern the applied model have been obtained for the analysed profiles. → Analysed those parameters, the two tendencies have been reflected in the obtained values.

  3. Global Distributions of {sup 137}Cs, {sup 239,240}Pu and the Ratio of {sup 239,240}Pu/{sup 137}Cs in an Ocean General Circulation Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsumune, D.; Tsubono, T.; Misumi, K.; Yoshida, Y. [Environmental Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Abiko (Japan); Aoyama, M. [Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba (Japan); Hirose, K. [Sophia University, Tokyo (Japan)


    The spatial distributions and the temporal variations of {sup 137}Cs and {sup 239,240}Pu concentrations were simulated by using an ocean general circulation model (OGCM). These radionuclides are introduced into the ocean by global fallout originating from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. {sup 137}Cs derived from global fallout is transported into the ocean interior by advection and diffusion, and the {sup 137}Cs concentration is reduced by radioactive decay. In contrast to {sup 137}Cs, {sup 239,240}Pu, which is a particle reactive radionuclide, is a biogeochemical tracer. The global distribution of the {sup 239,240}Pu{sup /137}Cs ratio was investigated in an OGCM with a biogeochemical process model. A half regeneration depth (HRD) of {sup 239,240}Pu was estimated from curve fitting of the vertical profile of the {sup 239,240}Pu/{sup 137}Cs ratio. Simulated distribution of the HRD is in good agreement with observation, except in the subarctic gyre. The HRD is a good tool to improve the parameters in the biogeochemical process. (author)

  4. Fallout 137Cs in reindeer herders in Arctic Norway. (United States)

    Skuterud, Lavrans; Thørring, Håvard


    Reindeer herders in the Arctic were among the most heavily exposed populations to the global fallout from nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s, due to high transfer of radionuclides in the lichens-reindeer-human food chain. Annual studies of (137)Cs in reindeer herders in Kautokeino, Norway, were initiated in 1965 to monitor radiation doses and follow environmental (137)Cs behavior. The (137)Cs concentrations declined from the peak in 1965 with effective half-times of 6-8 years, only interrupted by a temporary doubling in levels from 1986 to 1987 due to the Chernobyl fallout. During the period of 1950-2010 an average herder received an integrated effective dose from incorporated (137)Cs of about 18 mSv. This dose represents an insignificant increase in the risk for developing cancer. Health studies even show a significantly lower cancer incidence among Sámis and reindeer herders in northern Norway compared to other populations in the same area.

  5. 90Sr and 137Cs in powdered milk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Japan Chemical Analysis Center has analyzed the contents of strontium-90 and cesium-137 in powdered milk under the commission of Science and Technology Agency. The samples were purchased on the open market in Tokyo from the powdered milk producers. The analysis of strontium-90 and cesium-137 content was radiochemically carried out using the method applied for the analysis of fresh milk. (author)

  6. Temporal variations of Cs-137 in Sots Pine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nylen, T.; Plamboeck, A.H.; Boson, J.


    In this study the temporal changes in 137 Cs distribution in a Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) stand was studied during 1986 to 2006 in Northern Sweden. The Chernobyl fallout provided an excellent possibility to study the uptake and retention in conifer trees of 137 Cs, since the deposition lasted for only a few days. The average deposition of 137 Cs in the region that originates from the Chernobyl accident in 1986 was 20 ± 9 kBq M -2 . Also 137 Cs from the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests was present in the area and was only 3 ±2 kBq m -2 . Studies show that the redistribution of radioactive caesium still contribute to high activity concentrations in some compartments of the ecosystem. It has been known that certain fungi continue to produce fruit bodies with high amounts of 137 Cs. The current study adds another aspect to consider: The high activity concentration in branches and current needles during 2006 indicates an uptake of 137 Cs from the soil which could lead to concentrations in Scots Pine that has to be considered in forestry and other kind of utilization of forest products. There are for instance a few game birds such as the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) that feed on pine shoots. Another possible effect is on the use of pine branches in the bio fuel industry. Given an activity concentration of 1200 Bq/kg (d.w.) and a concentration factor of 10 during combustion the concentration in ashes would be 12000 bq/kg. According to the recommendations from SSI (the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority) ashes that have concentrations higher than 10 kBq/kg must be stored in special deposits. It would be of interest to investigate the uptake in stands of different ages since the pine stand that was studied was about 30 years old in 1986 and do not represent neither a mature nor a newly established stand (tk)

  7. Forms and rates of release of Cs-137 in 2 peat soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Livens, F.R.; Howe, M.T.; Hemingway, J.D.; Goulding, K.W.T.; Howard, B.J.; IACR Rothamsted, Harpenden; Liverpool Univ.; Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Grange-on-Sands


    Cation exchange resin saturated with H+ and Ca2+ was used to extract Cs-137 from peat soil at two sites in Britain affected by Cs-137 deposition following the Chernobyl accident. The technique identified three classes of Cs-137, similar to those observed for K+ in soils: ''Fast'', ''Intermediate'' and ''Slow''. These classes are probably related to the selectivity for Cs-137 of the cation exchange sites on the organic matter and the clay minerals, and to the structure of the soil. With one exception, most Cs-137 was in the ''Slow'' form and was only very slowly released to the resins, if at all. However, there was enough Cs-137 in the ''Fast'' and ''Intermediate'' forms to contaminate pasture and thus grazing animals for some years. Based on the resin technique, it is estimated that contamination will persist for several decades in uplands contaminated at these activity concentrations. (Author)

  8. Effect of kamikihito (TJ-137) on paclitaxel-induced olfactory neuropathy in vivo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Junpei


    A Kampo product, kamikihito (product name code: TJ-137), has ingredients that promote nerve growth. Paclitaxel, a cancer chemotherapeutic agent, is toxic to olfactory nerve cells in vivo. We found that TJ-137 is effective in reducing paclitaxel induced olfactory neuropathy in vivo. Female 7-week-old Bulb/c mice were fed food containing TJ-137, or control food, for 14 days before and after intravenous paclitaxel administration. 201 Tl uptake in nasal turbinates of TJ-137 treated mice (n=8) and control mice (n=9) was assessed by gamma spectrometry 6 hrs after nasal administration of 201 Tl. The epithelial changes in the nasal turbinates of mice were assessed by H and E and immunohistochemical staining for the olfactory marker protein (OMP). The accumulation of the neuronal tracer (Dextran tetramethylrhodamine) in the olfactory bulb was assessed in frozen sections of mice 48 hrs after nasal administration of the tracer. The epithelium of nasal turbinates of TJ-137 treated mice was less injured than that of the control mice after paclitaxel administration. The nasal epithelium was significantly thicker in TJ-137 treated mice compared to control mice (P=0.019). The accumulation of the neuronal tracer in the olfactory bulb was higher in the TJ-137 treated mice compared to controls. 201 Tl uptake per weight in nasal turbinate of TJ-137 treated mice was significantly higher than that of control mice (P=0.008). Pre-medication with TJ-137 (kamikihito) was effective in increasing olfactory nerve viability after paclitaxel administration in vivo. (author)

  9. Caesium-137 as an indicator of geomorphic processes in a drainage basin system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, B.L.; Elliott, G.L.


    Caesium-137 from fallout from nuclear weapons tests is adsorbed on fine sediments and becomes an effective tracer. It is hypothesised that within a drainage basin, sites undergoing little or no erosion accumulate Cs-137 in their upper layers; cultivated soils will have Cs-137 uniformly distributed within the cultivated layer; eroded soils, cultivated or not, will have relatively less Cs-137, depending on the severity of erosion. Accumulated sediments will have characteristic Cs-137 profiles reflecting temporal fallout variations and sedimentation history. This hypothetical model is largely confirmed by results from Maluna Creek basin, where erosion and accumulation of sediments has taken place. Soils under viticulture have about one third the Cs-137 content of soils with grass cover, indicating more severe erosion under cultivation. Caesium-137 profiles in alluvial fan and flood plain deposits correlate with sediment layers and known cultivation history

  10. Analysis of 137Cs radionuclides activities in Cs-zeolite using gamma spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noviarty; Ginting, Aslina Br; Anggraini, Dian; Rosika K


    137 Cs Radionuclide activity analysis has been carried out. The objective is to determine the activity of the 137 Cs radionuclide in Cs-zeolite are packaged in the form of point source. Analysis of 137 Cs Radionuclide activities in Cs zeolite samples was determined by measuring intensity of the isotope 137 Cs gamma energy at 661.7 keV use-y spectrometer. Before measurement the sample, was first carried out measurements of 137 Cs radionuclide in certified point standards from Amersham, to determine the efficiency value. Result the standard sample measurement obtained the efficiency value of 43.98%. Efficiency values obtained are used in the calculation of sample activity. On the measurement of the intensity of the sample obtained results dose rate 196.4537 cps with a standard deviation of 0.5274. By using standard measurement efficiency values obtained by the calculation of the average activity of the radionuclide 137 Cs in Cs-zeolite 524.9082 Bq. Deviation measurements were below 5% (0.27% ) so that the analysis of the activity of radionuclide 137 Cs in Cs-zeolite samples using gamma spectrometer can be accepted with a 95% confidence level. (author)

  11. 137Cs in Research Polygon 'Sumbar'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skoko, B.; Marovic, G.; Babic, D.; Vickovic, I.


    In 2009, Radiation Protection Unit of the Institute for Medical Reseach and Occupational Health started a radioactivity measurement programme in research polygon ''Sumbar''. The purpose of these investigations is to collect as many data as possible about the contamination of the polygon that is mainly covered by a forest of English oak (Quercus robur) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus). Once contaminated, forests represent long-term sources of radiation exposure to specific population groups which are using them as a source of foodstuffs. After the Chernobyl accident, researchers have shown that there has been more variability in radionuclide activity concentration in forests than in agricultural ecosystems. In order to carry out a radioactivity screening of the polygon, we randomly chosed three sampling sites for collecting soil, grass and moss samples. Different species of mushrooms were collected over the whole polygon area. The average activity concentration of 137Cs in soil for two sampling sites is (123 @ 9) Bq kg -1 , while the result for the third site is lower by an order of magnitude ((16.1@0.5) Bq kg -1 ). The activity concentration of 137Cs in grass samples ranges from (0.43 @ 0.03) Bq kg -1 to (13.2 @ 0.1) Bq kg -1 , and in moss samples from (8.7 @ 0.2) Bq kg -1 to (57.8 @ 0.3) Bq kg - 1. In five collected mushroom species, the activity of 137Cs is in the range between (4.1 @ 0.5) Bq kg -1 and (610 @ 5) Bq kg -1 , the lowest and the highest values referreing to Clitocybe nebularis and Gymnopus dryophilus, respectively. Parasitic mushrooms exhibit activity below the minimum detection level. Our preliminary results show and confirm variability of the activity concentration of 137Cs in different parts of this ecosystem. (author)

  12. Cs-137 concentrations in the muscles of Walleye Pollack

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morita, T.; Yoshida, K.


    High concentrations of Cs-137 were detected in the muscles of Walleye Pollack (Theragra chalcogramm) collected from Kitamiyamato banks (sampling on 25 Jul. 2000), Kamui area (16 Oct. 2000) and Niigata coasts (31 Jan. 2001). The concentrations were 0.35 ± 0.01, 0.41 ± 0.01, and 0.63 ± 0.02 Bq/kg-wet, respectively. The average concentration in our past investigations was about 0.25 ± 0.01 Bq/kg-wet. Samples from other areas, the coat of Kushiro (8 May 2001), North Tishima (13 Nov. 2000) and the Sea of Okhotsk (6 May 2001), had the average concentrations. There were no such high concentrations of Cs-137 in other fish species collected from Kitamiyamato banks, Kamui area, and Niigata coasts. Fish samples with high concentrations all make the migration in the north of Japan sea. These results would indicated that samples took in Cs-137 elements from sea-water or foods on the migration route. Cs-137 concentrations in muscles of walleye pollack does not increase with the body lengths unlike other marine fishes, which enables the comparison of Cs-137 concentrations between areas without considering the body lengths. Walleye Pollac migrates in the large area in the sea of Japan and draws near other country except Japan. These habits make Walleye Pollac the excellent bio indicators to monitor oceanic radioactive pollution

  13. 137 Cs as a tracer of the Catalan current

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez-Cabeza, J.A.; Molero, J.; Merino, J.; Pujol, L.; Mitchell, P.I.


    A number of nuclear power installations located in the north-western Mediterranean (NWM) area are known to enhance 137 Cs levels in various marine compartments. The nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Marcoule (France) has been reported to originate a significant increase of 137 Cs in Rhone river waters and sediments because of the discharge of low-level liquid radioactive waste. This radionuclide may be used as a tracer of oceanographic processes in the NWM; in fact, 137 Cs of Rhone river origin has been detected in the Gulf of Lions by several authors. The results reported in this work correspond to various transect experiments in waters of the Catalan Sea and show that: (i) surface salinity measurements confirmed the presence of the Catalan current in the Cap de Creus area; (ii) the 1991 Cap de Creus transect showed clearly the presence of 137 Cs above a baseline level of 4.3 ± 0.2 Bq.m -3 ; (iii) the Cap de Salou transect showed elevated levels towards the coast; (iv) the 1992 Cap de Creus transect showed no structure at all. Therefore, it was concluded that traces of 137 Cs from the Marcoule nuclear fuel reprocessing plant were transported by the Catalan current and were detectable in the Catalan Sea with a complex spatio-temporal structure. (authors). 25 refs., 4 figs

  14. Distribution of 137Cs in the Surface Soil of Serpong Nuclear Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lubis, E.


    The distribution of 137 Cs in the surface soil layer of Serpong Nuclear Site (SNS) was investigated by field sampling. The Objectives of the investigation is finding the profile of 137 Cs distribution in the surface soil and the T f value that can be used for estimation of radiation dose from livestock product-man pathways. The results indicates that the 137 Cs activity in surface soil of SNS is 0.80 ± 0.29 Bq/kg, much lower than in the Antarctic. The contribution value of 137 Cs from the operation of G.A. Siwabessy Reactor until now is undetectable. The T f of 137 Cs from surface soil to Panisetum Purpureum, Setaria Spha Celata and Imperata Cylindrica grasses were 0.71 ± 0.14, 0.84 ± 0.27 and 0.81 ± 0.11 respectively. The results show that value of the transfer factor of 137 Cs varies between cultivated and uncultivated soil and also with the soils with thick humus. (author)

  15. Distribution of 137Cs In the Surface Soil of Serpong Nuclear Site

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Lubis


    Full Text Available The distribution of 137Cs in the surface soil layer of Serpong Nuclear Site (SNS was investigated by field sampling. The Objectives of the investigation is finding the profile of 137Cs distribution in the surface soil and the Tf value that can be used for estimation of radiation dose from livestock product-man pathways. The results indicates that the 137Cs activity in surface soil of SNS is 0.80 ± 0,29 Bq/kg, much lower than in the Antarctic. The contribution value of 137Cs from the operation of G.A.Siwabessy Reactor until now is undetectable. The Tf of 137Cs from surface soil to Panisetum Purpureum, Setaria Spha Celata and Imperata Cylindrica grasses were 0.71 ± 0.14, 0.84 ± 0.27 and 0.81 ± 0.11 respectively. The results show that value of the transfer factor of 137Cs varies between cultivated and uncultivated soil and also with the soils with thick humus

  16. 40 CFR 49.137 - Rule for air pollution episodes. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Rule for air pollution episodes. 49.137 Section 49.137 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GRANTS AND OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TRIBAL CLEAN AIR ACT AUTHORITY General Federal Implementation Plan Provisions General Rules for Application to Indian Reservations in Epa...

  17. Distribution of 137Cs Radionuclide in Industrial Wastes Effluents of Gresik, East Java, Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides 137Cs was measured from industrial waste effluent of Gresik to Gresik Sea in east Java, Indonesia. The activity of 37Cs detected at all stations was much lower than in northeast Japan both before and after NPP Fukushima accident. This indicated that in Gresik industrials waste did not consist of 137Cs. The lowest activity 137Cs occurred at the station nearest to the industrial waste effluent that contained some particle ions that were able to scavenge 137Cs and then precipate this radionuclide. Furthermore, the greatest 137Cs occured at the station that has high current speeds that stirred up sediment to release 137Cs in seawater as a secondary source. The lowest salinity did not effect on the activity of 137Cs even though the lowest salinity and activity 137Cs occured at the same station

  18. Distribution of 137Cs in environmental soil and crude drugs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Shoujiro; Yamaoki, Rumi


    Radioactivity of 137 Cs and 40 K was determined on commercially available products of Houttuynia Herb which were imported from China and Taiwan or processed in Japan, and of Houttuynia cordata harvested in 15 places in Japan and the surrounding soil. On Houttuynia Herb, the concentrations of 137 Cs and 40 K were LTD (less than detectable)-7.6 Bq/kg dry and 743-1964 Bq/kg dry, respectively, suggesting than the concentration of 137 Cs was less than 1% of that of 40 K. The domestic products were found to contain higher concentrations of 137 Cs and 40 K than the imported ones. The concentration of 137 Cs of Houttuynia cordata harvested in Japan ranged from 0.8 Bq/kg dry to 172 Bq/kg dry, while the concentration of 40 K was almost the same as that of the commercial products. The concentration ratio of 40 K in Houttuynia cordata to that in the soil was correlated with the moisture content and the ignition loss of the soil. However, the concentration ratio of 137 Cs did not show a very clear correlation. When 15 g of Houttuynia Herb or Houttuynia cordata was daily decocted and given for 1 year the former showed the committed dose equivalent of 0.02-0.5 μSv and the latter 0.06-12 μSv. Both of these values were less than 0.5% of the annual effective dose equivalent from the nature, 2.4 mSv. (author)

  19. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mediated uptake of {sup 137}Cs in leek and ryegrass

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosen, Klas; Weiliang, Zhong; Maertensson, Anna [Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences P.O. Box 7014, SE-750 07 Uppsala (Sweden)


    In a first experiment of soil contaminated with {sup 137}Cs, inoculation with a mixture of arbuscular mycorrhizae enhanced the uptake of {sup 137}Cs by leek under greenhouse conditions, while no effect on the uptake by ryegrass was observed. The mycorrhizal infection frequency in leek was independent of whether the {sup 137}Cs-contaminated soil was inoculated with mycorrhizal spores or not. The lack of mycorrhizae-mediated uptake of {sup 137}Cs in ryegrass could be due to the high root density, which was about four times that of leek, or due to a less well functioning mycorrhizal symbiosis than of leek. In a second experiment, ryegrass was grown for a period of four cuts. Additions of fungi enhanced {sup 137}Cs uptake of all harvests, improved dry weight production in the first cut, and also improved the mycorrhizal infection frequencies in the roots. No differences were obtained between the two fungal inoculums investigated with respect to biomass production or {sup 137}Cs uptake, but root colonization differed. We conclude that, under certain circumstances, mycorrhizae affect plant uptake of {sup 137}Cs. There may be a potential for selecting fungal strains that stimulate {sup 137}Cs accumulation in crops. The use of ryegrass seems to be rather ineffective for remediation of {sup 137}Cs-contaminated soil.

  20. Radiochemical determination of {sup 137}Cs in foods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kastner, Geraldo F.; Ferreira, Andrea Vidal; Monteiro, Roberto P.G., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    A determination of radionuclides in food samples is important in commodities in order to attend to regulatory requirements for international trade. As a long-lived radioisotope of cesium, {sup 137}Cs is produced as a result of human nuclear activities and than its contamination level evaluation among others radionuclides in foods is necessary. A methodology for the determination of {sup 137}Cs in foods, pork and fish, is described. The procedures covered homogenization and freeze-drying of the samples. The {sup 137}Cs was measured by gamma spectrometry using Canberra 50% HPGe detector. The counting was carried out with Monte Carlo software for detection conditions optimization including geometry and chemical data information. A certified sample, SRM IAEA-375, was analyzed in order to evaluate the reliability of the method, and the results showed good agreement between the measured and certified values. (author)

  1. {sup 137}Cs in marine sediments of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Paulo Alves de Lima [Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo (IO-USP), Pça. do Oceanográfico, 191, Butantã, SP, 05508 900 (Brazil); Ribeiro, Andreza Portella, E-mail: [Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo (IO-USP), Pça. do Oceanográfico, 191, Butantã, SP, 05508 900 (Brazil); Mestrado de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Avenida Francisco Matarazzo, 612, prédio C, andar térreo, Água Branca, São Paulo, SP, 05001 100 (Brazil); Nascimento, Mylene Giseli do; Martins, Cesar de Castro [Centro de Estudos do Mar, Universidade Federal do Paraná (CEM-UFPR), Av. Beira-mar, no number, Balneário Pontal do Sul, Pontal do Paraná, PR, 83255 971 (Brazil); Mahiques, Michel Michaelovitch de; Montone, Rosalinda Carmelo; Figueira, Rubens Cesar Lopes [Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo (IO-USP), Pça. do Oceanográfico, 191, Butantã, SP, 05508 900 (Brazil)


    The radionuclide cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) is produced exclusively by anthropogenic processes and primarily by nuclear explosions. This study determined the reference inventory that is {sup 137}Cs associated with the element's original input, and utilized the levels of activity of this radionuclide previously measured in five sediment profiles collected from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica, to investigate the mobility of this element in the environment. {sup 137}Cs has a half-life of 30 years. Because of this, it is environmentally persistent and has been shown to accumulate in marine organisms. The mean reference inventory of this radionuclide in Admiralty Bay sediments, determined using high resolution gamma ray spectrometry, was 20.23 ± 8.94 Bq m{sup −2}, and within the ambient {sup 137}Cs activity range. A model of {sup 137}Cs diffusion–convection was applied to data collected from 1 cm intervals in sediment cores with the aim of providing insights with respect to this element's behavior in sediments. Model results showed a significant correlation between measured and modeled values using the concentrations of {sup 137}Cs, and estimated input into the system from the global fallout of past nuclear tests and expected values based on local sedimentation rates. Results highlight the importance of accounting for the vertical diffusion of {sup 137}Cs in marine sediments when used as a tracer for environmental processes and for assessing potential bioavailability. - Highlights: ► Cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) is produced exclusively by anthropogenic processes. ► A model of diffusion–convection simulated {sup 137}Cs environmental behavior. ► This is important for assessing the bioavailability of this toxic element. ► In Antarctica ice cover influenced the input to the sediments.

  2. Uptake and transfer factors of 137Cs by mushrooms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heinrich, G.


    The 137 Cs content of 118 species (668 samples) of higher fungi collected in the period from August 1984 to October 1989 at three different locations in Styria, Austria, was determined by gamma-spectrometry. The Cs-content of most mushrooms has been increasing since September 1986. In order to find out which factors determine the 137 Cs-contamination of mushrooms and the transfer-value soil to mushroom, the concentration of total and plant-available radiocesium in soils as well as the pH-value, the content of humus, clay, silt, sand, exchangeable cations, the composition of the clay minerals, and the particle size distribution of the soils of two different locations were examined. The higher the 137 Cs contamination of the soil, the thicker the layer of humus and the higher the content of humus, the lower the pH-value, and the lower the amount of essential cations, especially of K + , the higher the amount of 137 Cs plant-available will be. Therefore, the contamination of the mushrooms in the coniferous forest of Koralpenblick (1000 m) is higher than in the mixed forest at the Rosenberg around Graz at approx. 500 m height. Of 26 different species of mushrooms measured at both sites, only 61% show the highest TF-values soil to mushrooms also at the Koralpenblick. In the spruce forest at Koralpenblick there are many species of mushrooms with high 137 Cs-contamination which were not found at the Rosenberg. However, the properties of the species to which a mushroom belongs are more important than environmental conditions and soil properties. The transfer values of 40 K stay within narrow bounds, whereas those of 137 Cs differ widely. (orig.)

  3. Seasonality of 137Cs in roe deer from Austria and Germany

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fielitz, U.; Klemt, E.; Strebl, F.; Tataruch, F.; Zibold, G.


    Empirical data on the 137 Cs activity concentration in meat of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) roaming in 3 spruce forest areas and one peat bog area are presented and compared. They cover time series of nearly 20 years after a spike contamination in 1986 originating from Chernobyl. A model is presented which considers three soil compartments to describe the change of the availability of 137 Cs with time. The time-dependency of the 137 Cs activity concentration in meat of roe deer is a combination of two components: (1) an exponential decay and (2) a peak in the second half of each year during the mushroom season. The exponential decay over the years can be described by a sum of two exponential functions. The additional transfer of 137 Cs into roe deer during the mushroom season depends on precipitation. On the peat bog the 137 Cs activity concentration in roe deer is higher and more persistent than in spruce forest

  4. Isolation of 137-Cs in tuna fish by ammonium phosphomolybdate (AMP)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yumiarti; Surtipanti, S.


    The isolation of 137-Cs in tuna fish (Neithunnus macroptenus) has been carried out using AMP. The energy of 137-Cs was measure using NaI(T1) detector connected to a Multi Channel Analyzer (MCA). In standard solution of 137-Cs with activity 160.74 and 80.37 pCi, the addition of 120 mg AMP and 7 hours of absorption time, caused 97% of 137-Cs in the solution was absorbed. The destruction of tuna fish was carried out using two methods namely by wet destruction with sulfuric acid, nitrit acid and hydrogen peroxid mixture and by wet destruction with hydrogen peroxide. The applications of this technique of tuna fish was carried out by spiking 137-Cs standard into the fish before being destructed. The recovery obtained from wet destruction with H2O2 was about 80%, while from destruction with acid mixtures and H2O2 was only about 47%. (authors). 3 refs, 3 tabs

  5. Concentration of 137Cs by certain species of fresh water invertebrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nilov, V.I.


    Results of experimental studies on 137 Cs accumulation by fresh-water invertebrates of various taxonomic groups are given. The invertebrate 137 Cs accumulative ability depends on the species belonging, age and sex of the animal. Radionuclide deposition by Cladocera depends on water temperature. Mollusc embryons need different quantities of cerium for their development. An appreciable role in 137 Cs extraction from fresh water is attributed to fry, adult Gammarus and Daphnia

  6. Detritivores enhance the mobilization of {sup 137}Cs from leaf-litter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murakami, Masashi; Suzuki, Takahiro [Community Ecology Lab., Biology Course, Faculty of Science, Chiba University, Chiba, 263-8522 (Japan); Ishii, Nobuyoshi [National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, 263-8555 (Japan); Ohte, Nobuhito [Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8657 (Japan)


    A large amount of radioactive material was released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident after the disastrous earthquake and subsequent tsunami of March 2011. Since most of the Japanese land area is covered by forest ecosystems, {sup 137}Cs was mostly deposited and accumulated on the land surface of forest. The fate of radioactive materials accumulated on the leaf litters should be conscientiously monitored to understand the future distribution and the spread to the surrounding landscapes. Because the accident took place on 11 March 2011, just before the bud-break of deciduous trees, the {sup 137}Cs are highly accumulated on the surface of leaf litter on the forest floor. This accumulated {sup 137}Cs had transferred to higher trophic organisms mainly through the detritus food chain. However, on the litter surface, {sup 137}Cs considered to be strongly and immediately fixed and highly immobilized. Decomposition processes in the forest floor can re-mobilise the nutritional elements which are contained within detritus and make them available for the organisms. In the present study, the feeding effect of detritivore soil arthropods on the mobilization of {sup 137}Cs from leaf litter was experimentally examined. Furthermore, the effect of detritivores on the plant uptake of {sup 137}Cs was examined by small-scale nursery experiment. Decomposition experiment in the small microcosms was performed using a larvae of Trypoxylus dichotomus, whichis a detritivores feeding on dead plant materials such as wood debris and leaf litters. Contaminated leaf litters were collected in a forest of the Kami-Oguni River catchment in the northern part of Fukushima Prefecture. The leaf litters at A0 layers which are highly contaminated by {sup 137}Cs were utilized for the experiment. The contaminated leaf litter was fed to the larvae for ten days. The litter with larvae excreta was washed by 2 M KCl and deionized water. The {sup 137}Cs concentration was measured

  7. Differential leaching of 137Cs from sediment core depth fractions of Bombay harbour bay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hemalatha, P.; Desai, M.V.M.


    Bombay harbour bay receives 137 Cs from the effluents of research reactors, fuel reprocessing plant and isotope laboratories. 137 Cs is strongly taken up by suspended particulates and sediments and is trapped in the layer lattices of the clay minerals. As the siltation rate is high in the bay, 137 Cs gets distributed vertically along the depth of sediment. NaCl solution has been proved to desorb 137 Cs from clay minerals effectively. NaCl solution of ionic strength 1.6 was used to desorb 137 Cs from depth fractions of a sediment core to obtain a possible gradient of leaching with the depth. A definite rate of leaching was observed for the 137 Cs in the core sediment depth fractions. About 13% to 56% of 137 Cs was leached. As the depth increases removal rate of cesium decreases. This is expected to bring out a relation between age of 137 Cs and rate of its leaching. (author)

  8. Determining of leakage rate of radionuclides Co-60 and Cs-137 in real conditioning; Odredjivanje brzine procurivanja radionuklida Co-60 i Cs-137 u realnim uslovima

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plecas, I; Peric, A; Kostadinovic, A [Institut za Nuklearne Nauke Boris Kidric, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)


    In this paper, results of examination of LEAKAGE rate of radionuclides Co-60 and Cs-137 in real condition are given. Radionuclides Co-60 and Cs-137 were immobilized by cement process and conditioned in concrete containers trying to make similar scenario for repository of radioactive waste materials as in engineering trench systems. Experiments were realized with evaporator bottom concentrate (EB) from Nuclear Power Plant Krsko in which the main radionuclides are Co-60 and Cs-137. (author)

  9. Chitosan-ferrocyanide sorbent for Cs-137 removal from mineralized alkaline media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Egorin, Andrei [Far Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok (Russian Federation); Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Vladivostok (Russian Federation); Ozyorsk Technical Institute MEPHI, Ozersk (Russian Federation); Tokar, Eduard [Far Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok (Russian Federation); Zemskova, Larisa [Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Vladivostok (Russian Federation)


    An organomineral sorbent based on mixed nickel-potassium ferrocyanide and chitosan to be used in removal of Cs-137 radionuclide from highly mineralized media with high pH has been fabricated. The synthesized sorbent was applied to remove Cs-137 from model solutions under static and dynamic conditions. The effects of contact time, pH, and presence of sodium ions and complexing agents in the process of Cs-137 removal have been investigated. The sorbent is distinguished by increased stability to the impact of alkaline media containing complexing agents, whereas the sorbent capacity in solutions with pH 11 exceeds 1000 bed volumes with the Cs-137 removal efficiency higher than 95%.

  10. Distribution of 137Cs in the Surface Soil of Serpong Nuclear Site


    Lubis, E


    The distribution of 137Cs in the surface soil layer of Serpong Nuclear Site (SNS) was investigated by field sampling. The Objectives of the investigation is finding the profile of 137Cs distribution in the surface soil and the Tf value that can be used for estimation of radiation dose from livestock product-man pathways. The results indicates that the 137Cs activity in surface soil of SNS is 0.80 ± 0,29 Bq/kg, much lower than in the Antarctic. The contribution value of 137Cs from the operatio...

  11. Cesium-137 deposition and contamination of Japanese soils due to the Fukushima nuclear accident. (United States)

    Yasunari, Teppei J; Stohl, Andreas; Hayano, Ryugo S; Burkhart, John F; Eckhardt, Sabine; Yasunari, Tetsuzo


    The largest concern on the cesium-137 ((137)Cs) deposition and its soil contamination due to the emission from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) showed up after a massive quake on March 11, 2011. Cesium-137 ((137)Cs) with a half-life of 30.1 y causes the largest concerns because of its deleterious effect on agriculture and stock farming, and, thus, human life for decades. Removal of (137)Cs contaminated soils or land use limitations in areas where removal is not possible is, therefore, an urgent issue. A challenge lies in the fact that estimates of (137)Cs emissions from the Fukushima NPP are extremely uncertain, therefore, the distribution of (137)Cs in the environment is poorly constrained. Here, we estimate total (137)Cs deposition by integrating daily observations of (137)Cs deposition in each prefecture in Japan with relative deposition distribution patterns from a Lagrangian particle dispersion model, FLEXPART. We show that (137)Cs strongly contaminated the soils in large areas of eastern and northeastern Japan, whereas western Japan was sheltered by mountain ranges. The soils around Fukushima NPP and neighboring prefectures have been extensively contaminated with depositions of more than 100,000 and 10,000 MBq km(-2), respectively. Total (137)Cs depositions over two domains: (i) the Japan Islands and the surrounding ocean (130-150 °E and 30-46 °N) and, (ii) the Japan Islands, were estimated to be approximately 6.7 and 1.3 PBq, [corrected] respectively.We hope our (137)Cs deposition maps will help to coordinate decontamination efforts and plan regulatory measures in Japan.

  12. Biological effects of cesium-137 injected in beagle dogs of different ages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikula, K.J.; Muggenburg, B.A.; Griffith, W.C.


    The toxicity of cesium-137 ( 137 Cs) in the Beagle dog was investigated at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) as part of a program to evaluate the biological effects of internally deposited radionuclides. The toxicity and health effects of 137 Cs are important to understand because 137 Cs is produced in large amounts in light-water nuclear reactors. Large quantities of cesium radioisotopes have entered the human food chain as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapons test, and additional cesium radioisotopes were released during the Chernobyl accident. Although the final analyses are not complete, three findings are significant: older dogs dies significantly earlier than juvenile and young adult dogs; greater occurrence of sarcomas in the cesium-137 injected dogs; the major nonneoplastic effect in dogs surviving beyond 52 d appears to be testicular atrophy

  13. {sup 137}Cs in a raised bog in central Sweden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosen, K. [Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Ulls vag 17, Box 7014, SE-75007, Uppsala (Sweden)], E-mail:; Vinichuk, M. [Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Ulls vag 17, Box 7014, SE-75007, Uppsala (Sweden); Department of Ecology, Zhytomyr State Technological University, 103 Cherniakhovsky Str., 10005 Zhytomyr (Ukraine); Johanson, K.J. [Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Ulls vag 17, Box 7014, SE-75007, Uppsala (Sweden)


    The vertical distribution of {sup 137}Cs activity in peat soil profiles and {sup 137}Cs activity concentration in plants of various species was studied in samples collected at two sites on a raised bog in central Sweden. One site (open bog) was in an area with no trees and only a few sparsely growing plant species, while the other (low pine) was less than 100 m from the open bog site and had slowly growing Scots pine, a field layer dominated by some ericaceous plants and ground well-covered by plants. The plant samples were collected in 2004-2007 and were compared with samples collected in 1989 from the same open bog and low pine sites. Ground deposition of {sup 137}Cs in 2005 was similar at both sites, 23 000 Bq m{sup -2}. In the open bog peat profile it seems to be an upward transport of caesium since a clear peak of {sup 137}Cs activity was found in the uppermost 1-4 cm of Sphagnum layers, whereas at the low pine site {sup 137}Cs was mainly found in deeper (10-12 cm) layers. The migration rate was 0.57 cm yr{sup -1} at the open bog site and the migration centre of {sup 137}Cs was at a depth of 10.7, while the rate at the low pine site was 0.78 cm yr{sup -1} and the migration centre was at 14.9 cm. Heather (Calluna vulgaris) was the plant species with the highest {sup 137}Cs activity concentrations at both sites, 43.5 k Bq{sup -1} DM in 1989 decreasing to 20.4 in 2004-2007 on open bog and 22.3 k Bq kg{sup -1} DM in 1989 decreasing to 11.2 k Bq{sup -1} DM by the period 2004-2007 on the low pine site. {sup 137}Cs transfer factors in plants varied between 0.88 and 1.35 on the open bog and between 0.48 and 0.69 m{sup 2} kg{sup -1} DM at the low pine site.

  14. Levels of 137Cs and 40K in wood ash-amended soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohno, Tsutomu; Hess, C.T.


    Wood ash is a residual material produced at an annual rate of 1.5-3.0 million tons by wood burning power plants in the USA. Up to 80% of the wood ash generated in northeastern USA is landspread on agricultural soils. Recently, concern has arisen regarding the 137 Cs content of wood ash and levels of 137 Cs of wood ash-amended soils. The 137 Cs originated primarily from above ground nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s. This study examined the total and pH 3, NH 4 OAc extractable levels of 137 Cs and 40 K in three soils incubated in the laboratory with 0, 3 and 9 g of wood ash on a calcium carbonate equivalence basis kg -1 soil. The wood ash contained 137 Cs and 40 K at 3920 and 21'700 pCi kg -1 , respectively. At the regulated wood ash application rate limit, 3 g wood ash (calcium carbonate equivalent basis) kg -1 of soil, there was no statistical difference from the control treatment in both total and soluble 137 Cs and 40 K levels. For one soil, there was an increase in the 137 Cs level when wood ash was amended at 9 g wood ash (calcium carbonate equivalent basis) kg -1 soil. The 137 Cs was strongly bound to the cation exchange sites of the soils with the average fraction soluble in pH 3, NH 4 OAc solution at 4.8% in the mineral soils and 0.9% in the organic soil. Considering the current limits on permitted wood ash application rates to soils, there was no statistically significant effect on the levels of 137 Cs or 40 K found in wood ash-amended soils

  15. Distribution and behavior of {sup 137}Cs in undisturbed soil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Satta, Naoya [Kyoto Univ., Kumatori, Osaka (Japan). Research Reactor Inst.


    The depth distribution of {sup 137}Cs in soils which has not been artificially disturbed for 100 years was compared to fallout history. The model of {sup 137}Cs distribution rate was established to estimate fallout history from soil samples. (J.P.N.)

  16. [Distribution of 137Cs and relative influencing factors on typical karst sloping land]. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiao-Nan; Wang, Ke-Lin; Zhang, Wei; Chen, Hong-Song; He, Xun-Yang; Zhang, Xin-Bao


    Based on the field survey and the analysis of a large number of soil samples, the distribution of 137 Cs and its influencing factors were studied using 137 Cs tracer technology on typical karst sloping land. The results indicate that the distribution of 137 Cs in soil profile in karst areas show the similar characteristics as that in non-karst areas, fitted an exponential pattern in forest soils and a uniform pattern in cultivated soils. In the sinkhole points in karst areas, 137 Cs exists in deep soil layers and its specific activity vary from 1.7 to 3.3 Bq/kg in soil layers above 45cm, suggesting the existing soil around karst sinkhole is mainly formed by the accumulation of erosion materials. The 137 Cs specific activity in the soil from two rock cracks are 16.8 Bq/kg and 37.6 Bq/kg respectively, which are much higher than that in the soil around the rock, this phenomenon indicates that bare rock is an important influencing factor for 137 Cs spatial movement. With the increment of altitude, the 137 Cs area activity exhibits an irregular fluctuation and evident spatial heterogeneity. On the forest land, the 137 Cs area activities which range from 299.4 to 1 592.6 Bq/m2 are highly positively correlated with the slope gradient and positively correlated with the altitude; while on the cultivated land, the 137 Cs area activities which range from 115.8 to 1478.6 Bq/m2 are negatively correlated with the slope gradient but negatively correlated with the altitude. Topography, geomorphology and human disturbance intensity are the key factors influencing 137 Cs spatial distribution.

  17. The extremely high 137Cs inventory in the Sulu Sea: a possible mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Masatoshi; Wang Zhongliang; Zheng Jian


    Large-volume seawater samples were collected in the Sulu and South China Seas and their 137 Cs activities were determined by γ-ray spectrometry using a low background type high-purity Ge detector. Vertical distributions of 137 Cs activity showed an exponential decrease in the South China Sea, whereas a subsurface maximum at 200 m depth and monotonic decrease below 300 m were observed in the Sulu Sea. A significant difference in intermediate water 137 Cs activities in the 500-2000 m depth was observed between the Sulu and South China Seas, i.e., the 137 Cs activities in the Sulu Sea were remarkably higher than those in the South China Sea. The difference in the 137 Cs inventory below 500 m was ∼1200 Bq m -2 between the Sulu and South China Seas. The 137 Cs total inventory of 3200 Bq m -2 in the Sulu Sea was 5.7 times higher than that expected from global fallout. A possible mechanism controlling this extremely high 137 Cs total inventory may be inflows of the 137 Cs rich water masses through the Luzon Strait, lateral transport across the Mindoro Strait into the Sulu Sea, and then subduction into the deep layer in the basin

  18. The characteristics of intake Cs-137 and Sr-90 with food by Ozersk's inhabitants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dronova, M.


    This work is based on a questionnaire of production plant 'MAYAK' workers eating habits. Cs-137 and Sr-90 were chosen as experimental radionuclides. Cs-137 is distributed in organisms equally. It is considered to be a source of genetic damage after entry into the human body. This radionuclide is almost completely absorbed as it passes into the bowels after peroral entry. In the blood Cs-137 is distributed almost evenly between organs and tissues. It was established that Cs-137 accumulates in muscle, kidney, heart, spleen, lungs, and liver to a higher degree. Although the half-life of Cs-137 exceeds Sr-90, Cs-137 leaves the body more rapidly. The radiation dose of Cs-137 per unit of intake is less than for Sr-90. In addition, Cs-137 is absorbed by plants to a lesser degree than Sr-90. Taking into account that a considerable part of the daily diet consists of vegetables, it should be noted that different radionuclides get into plants in different amounts and different ways. Cs-137 concentrates in cereal, beans, oil plants, potatoes. beets and tomatoes. Meat and milk are also a main source of Cs-137 in a person's diet. Sr-90 contributes to radiation dose for bone and marrow, almost all Sr-90 is taken up by organisms through milk, greens, and cereal. (authors)

  19. Concentration factors for Cs-137 in marine algae from Japanese coastal waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tateda, Yutaka; Koyanagi, Taku.


    Concentration factors (CF: Bq·kg -1 in wet algae/Bq·kg -1 in filtered seawater) for Cs-137 in Japanese coastal algae, were investigated during 1984-1990. Cs-137/Cs (stable) atom ratios were also examined to clarify the distribution equilibrium of Cs-137 in marine algae and sea water. The CFs in marine algae were within the range of 5.4-92, and the geometric mean of CF was 28±2 (standard error) in Japanese coastal species. The CFs in edible species were within the range of 5.4-67, and the geometric means of CF was 26±4 (standard error). The values of Cs-137/Cs atom ratios in marine algae and sea water indicated that Cs-137 reached an equilibrium state in partition between algae and sea water. Therefore, the CF value obtained in the present study can be regarded as an equilibrated value. Our results showed that hte CF for Cs-137 in Japanese coastal algae were consistent with the Japanese guideline CFs, but were smaller than the recommended value by IAEA. (author)

  20. Cs-137 sorption and desorption in relation to properties of 17 soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kerpen, W.


    For Cs-137 sorption and desorption studies material of Ap and Ah horizons from 17 soils with wide varying soil properties was selected. The soils were: Podsol, Luvisol, Chernozem, Cambisol, Phaeozem, Arenosol, Gleysol and other soils. The Cs-137 sorption and desorption experiments were carried out in aqueous solution (20 g of soil) under standardized conditions for two reasons: (1) to determine the amounts of Cs-137 sorption, desorption and remains as a function of different soils and (2) to evaluate the soil parameters which govern the sorption, desorption processes. Concerning the second point the sorption values, the amount of 137 Cs desorbed within four desorption cycles and the 137 Cs remains after four desorption cycles were correlated with pH, grain size, sorption capacity (CEC), and other soil properties. It will be shown that generally Cs-137 sorption, desorption and remains depend primarily on the pH of the soil. The middle sand proved to be an indicator for the strenght of sorption, and desorption processes. Sorption and desorption studies lead to the same results as found in biotest experiments

  1. Causes of seasonal variations of Cs-134/137 activity concentrations in surface air; Ursachen der jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der Aktivitaetskonzentrationen von Cs-134/137 in der bodennahen Luft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoetzl, H. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Oberschleissheim (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz; Winkler, R. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Oberschleissheim (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz


    In winter months maxima of Cs-134/137 activity concentrations in air are observed at several locations in Europe. To clarify this phenomenon, from October 1991 to November 1992 we performed a program for aerosol collection on a short-term scale based on collecting intervals of 48-72 hours. The local meteorological parameters were determined simultaneously. Statistical analysis of these observations reveiled a highly significant positive correlation between Cs-137 activity concentration and the so-called `Stagnationsindex`. Based on this relationship the seasonal variations of Cs-134/137 concentrations in ground-level air can be explained by atmospheric inversion conditions frequently occurring during fall- and wintermonths. (orig.) [Deutsch] Zur Klaerung der an verschiedenen Orten Europas in den Wintermonaten beobachteten Maxima der Cs-134/137-Aktivitaetskonzentrationen in der bodennahen Luft wurde von Oktober 1991 bis November 1992 ein Messgrogramm mit relativ kurzen Zeitintervallen fuer die Aerosolsammlung (48-72 Stunden) durchgefuehrt. Gleichzeitig wurden lokale meteorologische Parameter miterfasst. Die statistische Auswertung der Messergebnisse lieferte eine hochsignifikante positive Korrelation zwischen der Aktivitaetskonzentration von Cs-137 und dem sog. Stagnationsindex. Auf Grund dieses Zusammenhangs lassen sich die saisonalen Schwankungen der Cs-134/137-Luftkonzentrationen mit dem haeufigen Auftreten von austauscharmen Wetterlagen in den Herbst- und Wintermonaten erklaeren. (orig.)

  2. Cesium 137 in oils and plants from Guatemala

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayala, R.E.; Perez, J.F.


    Since 1990 the project of radioactive and environmental contamination started in Guatemala. Studies about the radioactive contamination levels are made within the framework of this project. Cesium-137 has been an interest radionuclide, because it is a fission product released to the environment by the use of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants accidents. The sampling consisted in collection of soil and grass in 20 provinces of Guatemala, one point by province, and it was made in 1990. The cesium-137 concentration in the samples, was determined by gamma spectrometry, using an hyper pure germanium detector. The results show the presence of radioactive contamination in soil and grass due to cesium-137, at levels that might be considered as normal. The levels found are not harmful for human health, and its importance is the fact that can be used as reference levels for the environmental radioactivity monitoring in Guatemala

  3. Sampling soils for 137Cs using various field-sampling volumes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyhan, J.W.; Schofield, T.G.; White, G.C.; Trujillo, G.


    The sediments from a liquid effluent receiving area at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and soils from intensive study area in the fallout pathway of Trinity were sampled for 137 Cs using 25-, 500-, 2500-, and 12 500-cm 3 field sampling volumes. A highly replicated sampling program was used to determine mean concentrations and inventories of 137 Cs at each site, as well as estimates of spatial, aliquoting, and counting variance components of the radionuclide data. The sampling methods were also analyzed as a function of soil size fractions collected in each field sampling volume and of the total cost of the program for a given variation in the radionuclide survey results. Coefficients of variation (CV) of 137 Cs inventory estimates ranged from 0.063 to 0.14 for Mortandad Canyon sediments, where CV values for Trinity soils were observed from 0.38 to 0.57. Spatial variance components of 137 Cs concentration data were usually found to be larger than either the aliquoting or counting variance estimates and were inversely related to field sampling volume at the Trinity intensive site. Subsequent optimization studies of the sampling schemes demonstrated that each aliquot should be counted once, and that only 2 to 4 aliquots out of an many as 30 collected need be assayed for 137 Cs. The optimization studies showed that as sample costs increased to 45 man-hours of labor per sample, the variance of the mean 137 Cs concentration decreased dramatically, but decreased very little with additional labor

  4. Transfer of cesium-137 from pasture to milk after Chernobyl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karlen, G.; Johansson, K.J.; Bertilsson, J.


    During 1986, the year of the Chernobyl accident, the Cs-137 activity concentration in the milk and pasture of some dairy farms in the northern part of the county of Uppsala was studied. In 1987, the transfer of Cs-137 from fodder to milk was investigated on 11 dairy farms in the northern part of the county during the first month on pasture. These farms had been studied also during a previous period when the cows were kept in the stable. In 1988, the transfer of Cs-137 from fodder to milk was followed intensively on 5 dairy farms in the same area during the first month on pasture. The Cs-137 activity concentration was measured continuously in feeds and milk during the study periods in 1987 and 1988. All feedstuffs fed in the stable were weighed twice a week, and the amount of forage grazed was calculated from the cows requirements of nutrients. Samples of all feed were taken for Cs-137 determination and chemical analyses. The transfer coefficient for 10 of the 11 dairy farms during the first month on pasture in 1987 was, on average, 0.005 d kg -1 . The Cs-137 activity concentration was significantly lower in the milk of the farms studied during the first month on pasture in 1988 than during the same period in 1987. The mean transfer coefficient for 4 of the 5 dairy farms studied during the first month on pasture in 1988 was 0.007 d kg -1 . (au) (27 refs.)

  5. 137Cs in mushrooms from Croatia sampled 15-30 years after Chernobyl. (United States)

    Tucaković, Ivana; Barišić, Delko; Grahek, Željko; Kasap, Ante; Širić, Ivan


    The aim of this study was to select species with higher potential to accumulate 137 Cs among the available mushroom species, by determining the activity concentrations of 137 Cs in mushrooms collected along north and north-western part of Croatia. A total of 55 samples of 14 different species were analyzed and the potential of mycorrhizal and saprotrophic species to accumulate 137 Cs was compared. A wide range of the dry weight activity concentrations of 137 Cs was detected, ranging from 0.95 to 1210 Bq/kg (154 Bq/kg mean value; 52.3 Bq/kg geometric mean) in mycorrhizal and 1.05-36.8 Bq/kg (8.90 Bq/kg mean value; 5.49 Bq/kg geometric mean) in saprotrophic species. Statistical analyses showed that mycorrhizal species accumulate significantly higher concentrations of 137 Cs and thus could perform better as long-term bioindicators of environmental pollution by radiocaesium then saprotrophic species. The comparison of Boletus sp. and Hydnum repandum (both mycorrhizal species commonly found in Croatia) showed, in general order of magnitude, higher accumulation in Hydnum repandum. Clearly, mushrooms, especially mycorrhizal species, can be used as significant indicators even decades after the occurrence of any serious 137 Cs contamination event. However, as a wide range of values indicates that various parameters may influence the total uptake of the 137 Cs into the mushroom fruit bodies, it is necessary to emphasize that 137 Cs activity detected in a single mushroom sample is very site-specific. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Inventory and vertical migration of {sup 137}Cs in Spanish mainland soils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Legarda, F. [Dept. Nuclear Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, University of the Basque Country, Alda Urquijo, s/n, E-48013 Bilbao (Spain); Romero, L.M. [CIEMAT, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas, Av. Complutense 22, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Herranz, M. [Dept. Nuclear Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, University of the Basque Country, Alda Urquijo, s/n, E-48013 Bilbao (Spain); Barrera, M. [CIEMAT, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas, Av. Complutense 22, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Idoeta, R. [Dept. Nuclear Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, University of the Basque Country, Alda Urquijo, s/n, E-48013 Bilbao (Spain); Valino, F. [CIEMAT, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas, Av. Complutense 22, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Olondo, C., E-mail: [Dept. Nuclear Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, University of the Basque Country, Alda Urquijo, s/n, E-48013 Bilbao (Spain); Caro, A. [CIEMAT, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas, Av. Complutense 22, 28040 Madrid (Spain)


    In this study the total activity of {sup 137}Cs deposited per unit area over the Spanish peninsular territory was analysed using a 150 x 150 km{sup 2} mesh grid, with samples taken from 29 points. The deposited activities ranged between 251 and 6074 Bq/m{sup 2}. A linear relationship was obtained between these values and the mean annual rainfall at each sampling point which allowed a map to be drawn, using GIS software, which shows the distribution of total deposited {sup 137}Cs activity across the Spanish mainland. At twelve of these sampling points the vertical migration profile of {sup 137}Cs was obtained. These profiles are separated into two groups with different behaviour, one of which includes clay and loam soils and the other containing sandy soils. For both groups of profiles the parameters of the convective-diffusive model, which describes the vertical migration of {sup 137}Cs in the soil, v (apparent convection velocity) and D (apparent diffusion coefficient) were calculated. - Highlights: > Measured the {sup 137}Cs activity in Spanish mainland, being within a range of [251, 6074] Bq/m{sup 2}, with a mean value of 1726 Bq/m{sup 2}. > Establishment of the {sup 137}Cs background by means of a {sup 137}Cs inventory map showing its distribution in the Spanish mainland. > {sup 137}Cs shows two different behaviour tendencies in soil depending on it. > The parameters which govern the applied model have been obtained for the analysed profiles. > Analysed those parameters, the two tendencies have been reflected in the obtained values.

  7. The removal of Cs-137 from soil using washing-electrokinetic decontamination equipment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Gyenam; Kim, Seungsoo; Kim, Geunho; Park, Hyemin; Kim, Wansuk; Park, Ukryang; Kwon, Hyeokju; Ryu, Ohha; Moon, Jeikwon


    The radioactive soil at the KAERI radioactive waste storage facility has slightly high hydro-conductivity, and was mainly contaminated with 137 Cs 30-35 years ago. Recently, a soil washing method has been applied to remove 137 Cs from radioactive soil, but it appears that the removal efficiency of 137 Cs had low and a lot of waste solution was generated. Meanwhile, an electrokinetic decontamination method provides high removal efficiency of 137 Cs and generates little waste effluent. Thus, it is suggested that an electrokinetic decontamination method is a suitable technology in consideration of the soil characteristics near South Korean nuclear facilities

  8. Inter and Intra Basin Scale Transport of {sup 137}Cs in the Pacific Ocean

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aoyama, M. [Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba (Japan); Fukasawa, M.; Kawano, T. [Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka (Japan); Hamajima, Y. [Low-Level Radioactivity Laboratory, Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Nomi (Japan); Hirose, K. [Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, Chiyoda-ku (Japan); Nakano, H. [Oceanographic Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba (Japan); Povinec, P. P. [Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia); Sanchez-Cabeza, J. A. [Institut de Ciencia i Tecnologia Ambientals, and Departament de Fisica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Spain); Tsumune, D. [Environmental Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Abiko (Japan)


    The anthropogenic radionuclides, such as ''1''3''7Cs, ''9''0Sr, and some of the transuranic nuclides, are important tracers of transport and biogeochemical processes in the ocean. {sup 137}Cs, a major fission product present in a dissolved form in seawater, is a good tracer of oceanic circulation on a time scale of several decades. In the Pacific Ocean, 7 cruises were conducted and the 3-D distribution of {sup 137}Cs concentration in the 2000's was observed. Two types of ocean general circulation models were also used to conduct hindcasts of the {sup 137}Cs concentration. Both results allowed the drawing of a detailed picture of the {sup 137}Cs 3-D structure. The deposition of {sup 137}Cs mainly occurred in the northern subtropical gyre of the North Pacific Ocean and was later transported into the ocean interior, and a core structure of {sup 137}Cs was found along the Central Mode Water. After crossing the Equator, {sup 137}Cs spreads to the South Pacific through the Ekman transports at the surface. (author)

  9. Long-term ingestion dose monitoring in a population group with increased 137Cs intake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartuskova, M.; Lusnak, J.; Malatova, I.; Pfeiferova, V.; Pospisilova, H.


    137 Cs amounts and ingestion doses in Czech population have been monitored by whole-body counting since the Chernobyl accident. Indirect estimation of the retention through measurement of 137 Cs excreted with urine in 24 hours has also been performed since 1987. The 137 Cs content in human body can be calculated from the urine data provided that the intake of 137 Cs during the period of interest is constant. In a semi-natural environment, the 137 Cs content in mushrooms, wild berries and game decreases due to its natural decay solely. The 137 Cs content in people who mostly consume venison and have been living in an area with elevated contamination has been monitored, mostly through measurement of 137 Cs in urine. In parallel, measurements with a mobile whole-body counter have also been performed. Currently, annual doses from the ingestion of 137 Cs in the inhabitants are very low (0.001 to 0.002 mSv.year -1 ). In a group of hunters in the Jeseniky Mountains (Northern Moravia) the doses were estimated to 0.10 mSv.year -1 . (orig.)

  10. Accumulation and distribution 137Сs in predators’ organism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Gulakov


    Full Text Available Data of the long-term research of accumulation and distribution 137Cs radionuclide in organisms of predatory wild animals from the alienation zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power station are presented. Essential fluctuations of the 137Cs contents in muscular tissue are noted. The results have large practical value for management of the hunting facilities on the radioactively polluted territories.

  11. A simplified 137Cs transport model for estimating erosion rates in undisturbed soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xinbao; Long Yi; He Xiubin; Fu Jiexiong; Zhang Yunqi


    137 Cs is an artificial radionuclide with a half-life of 30.12 years which released into the environment as a result of atmospheric testing of thermo-nuclear weapons primarily during the period of 1950s-1970s with the maximum rate of 137 Cs fallout from atmosphere in 1963. 137 Cs fallout is strongly and rapidly adsorbed by fine particles in the surface horizons of the soil, when it falls down on the ground mostly with precipitation. Its subsequent redistribution is associated with movements of the soil or sediment particles. The 137 Cs nuclide tracing technique has been used for assessment of soil losses for both undisturbed and cultivated soils. For undisturbed soils, a simple profile-shape model was developed in 1990 to describe the 137 Cs depth distribution in profile, where the maximum 137 Cs occurs in the surface horizon and it exponentially decreases with depth. The model implied that the total 137 Cs fallout amount deposited on the earth surface in 1963 and the 137 Cs profile shape has not changed with time. The model has been widely used for assessment of soil losses on undisturbed land. However, temporal variations of 137 Cs depth distribution in undisturbed soils after its deposition on the ground due to downward transport processes are not considered in the previous simple profile-shape model. Thus, the soil losses are overestimated by the model. On the base of the erosion assessment model developed by Walling, D.E., He, Q. [1999. Improved models for estimating soil erosion rates from cesium-137 measurements. Journal of Environmental Quality 28, 611-622], we discuss the 137 Cs transport process in the eroded soil profile and make some simplification to the model, develop a method to estimate the soil erosion rate more expediently. To compare the soil erosion rates calculated by the simple profile-shape model and the simple transport model, the soil losses related to different 137 Cs loss proportions of the reference inventory at the Kaixian site of the

  12. Extractability of 137Cs in Response to its Input Forms into Fukushima Forest Soils. (United States)

    Mengistu, T. T.; Carasco, L.; Orjollet, D.; Coppin, F.


    In case of nuclear accidents like Fukushima disaster, the influence of 137Cs depositional forms (soluble and/or solid forms) on mineral soil of forest environment on its availability have not reported yet. Soluble (137Cs tagged ultra-pure water) and solid (137Cs contaminated litter-OL and fragmented litter-OF) input forms were mixed with the mineral soils collected under Fukushima coniferous and broadleaf forests. The mixtures then incubated under controlled laboratory condition to evaluate the extractability of 137Cs in soil over time in the presence of decomposition process through two extracting reagents- water and ammonium acetate. Results show that extracted 137Cs fraction with water was less than 1% for soluble input form and below detection limit for solid input form. On the same way with acetate reagent, the extracted 137Cs fraction ranged from 46 to 56% for soluble input and 2 to 15% for solid input, implying the nature of 137Cs contamination strongly influences the extractability and hence the mobility of 137Cs in soil. Although the degradation rate of the organic materials has been calculated in the range of 0.18 ± 0.1 to 0.24 ± 0.1 y-1, its impact on 137Cs extractability appeared very weak at least within the observation period, probably due to shorter time scale. Concerning the treatments of solid 137Cs input forms through acetate extraction, relatively more 137Cs has been extracted from broadleaf organic materials mixes (BL-OL & BL-OF) than the coniferous counterparts. This probably is due to the fact that the lignified coniferous organic materials (CED-OL & CED-OF) components tend to retain more 137Cs than that of the broadleaf. Generally, by extrapolating these observations in to a field context, one can expect more available 137Cs fraction in forest soil from wet depositional pathways such as throughfall and stemflow than those attached with organic materials like litter (OL) and its eco-processed forms (OF).

  13. Biological effects of cesium-137 injected in beagle dogs of different ages

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nikula, K.J.; Muggenburg, B.A.; Griffith, W.C. [and others


    The toxicity of cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) in the Beagle dog was investigated at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) as part of a program to evaluate the biological effects of internally deposited radionuclides. The toxicity and health effects of {sup 137}Cs are important to understand because {sup 137}Cs is produced in large amounts in light-water nuclear reactors. Large quantities of cesium radioisotopes have entered the human food chain as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapons test, and additional cesium radioisotopes were released during the Chernobyl accident. Although the final analyses are not complete, three findings are significant: older dogs dies significantly earlier than juvenile and young adult dogs; greater occurrence of sarcomas in the cesium-137 injected dogs; the major nonneoplastic effect in dogs surviving beyond 52 d appears to be testicular atrophy.

  14. Bioaccumulation of 137Cs in wild mushrooms collected in Poland and Slovakia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bazala, M.A.; Bystrzejewska-Piotrowska, G.; Cipakova, A.


    Activities of caesium in the mushrooms collected at different localities in Poland and Slovakia have been compared. Discrimination factor, defined as [(Bq·kg - 1137 Cs in caps)/(Bq·kg -1 40 K in caps)]/[(Bq·kg -1 137 Cs in stipes)/(Bq·kg - 14 0K in stipes)], was used to explain mechanisms of uptake and transport of radiocaesium in fungi. The collected specimens were divided into caps and stipes. Activities of 137 Cs and 40 K were measured using a multichannel gamma spectrophotometer with HPGe(Li) detector. The highest accumulation of 137 Cs was found in the samples of Xerocomus badius, Suillus luteus and Tricholoma equestre (2.7, 1.9 and 1.2 kBq·kg -1 , respectively). T. equestre and S. luteus proved to hyperaccumulate caesium since 137 Cs levels in the caps were two orders of magnitude higher than in the soil while only one order higher in the case of X. badius. Transport of 137 Cs from stipe to cap in fruitbody is directly related to K concentration with lack of similar dependence in the case of transport from soil to cap. There is no dependence between activity of 137 Cs in the analyzed fruitbodies and its activity in the soil, which makes mushrooms controversial bioindicators of 137 Cs-polluted soils. (author)

  15. Physical and chemical parameters affecting transport of 137Cs in arid watersheds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McHenry, J.R.; Ritchie, J.C.


    The occurrence and amount of fallout 137 Cs were determined in 12 watersheds in the arid southwestern United States. The factors believed to influence the distribution of 137 Cs in the watershed soils and in the reservoir sediments were investigated by using stepwise regression techniques. Seventeen parameters, in the case of soils, and 21 parameters, in the case of sediments, were used in the study. Ninety percent of the variation in the 137 Cs content of soils, per unit weight, could be predicted in terms of the percentage of soil nitrogen, the R factor (rainfall intensity) of the universal soil loss equation, the percentage of sand in the soils, and the soil cation exchange capacity. Also, 90% of the variation in the content of 137 Cs in the watershed soils, per unit area, could be predicted in terms of the fallout intensity, the percentages of silt and clay, and the cation exchange capacity. For reservoir sediments the equivalent predictors of 137 Cs accumulation in the sediment profile, per unit weight, were the soil cation exchange capacity, the January-March average precipitation, and the soil contents of total P and N. The distribution of 137 Cs in sediments per unit area was similarly predicted by watershed area, percentage of total soil C, reservoir surface area, areal concentration of 137 Cs in the watershed soils, and soil organic matter

  16. 137Cs Transfer Factor from Latosol Soil to Swamp Gabbages (Ipomea Reptans Poir)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leli-Nirwani; Yurfida; Buchori


    A study of 137 Cs transfer factor from Latosol soil to swamp cabbages plant has been conducted using pot treatment system with complete random design. The aim of the research is to determine transfer factor of 137 Cs from latosol soil to swamp cabbages plant. Cs-137 concentration administered was 7.5287 kBq/pot. The number of swamp cabbages planted in 137 Cs treated soil and in cannot soil respectively was 12 pots filled with 1 kg soil/pot. After harvest, the weight of dried plant was measured. Transfer factor was determined according to the accumulation of 137 Cs concentration in swamp cabbages and soil and counted using Spectrometer Gamma. It was found that is a significant difference between 137 Cs concentration in swamp cabbages planted inthe treated soil and that of control soil. Transfer factor ranges between 0.02 and 0.13 with the averageof 0.08. (author)

  17. Distribution pattern of 137Cs in carpets of the forest-moss Pleurozium schreiberi

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mattsson, S.; Liden, K.


    The accumulation, retention and internal cycling of the fallout radionuclide 137 Cs (physical half-life = 30.2 a) has been studied in forest moss (Pleurozium schreberi) collected in southern Sweden (56.4 deg N, 14.3 deg E) during the period 1961-1973. The highest 137 Cs-concentrations have been found in the green top parts of the living plants. The study shows that a dominating part of the deposited 137 Cs is available for transport from dying to growing parts of the plants. The elimination of 137 Cs from living moss-plants as well as from dead modd during the period 1968-1973 can be characterized by the same mean residence time, (4 +- 1)a. The radionuclide 137 Cs and the naturally occurring stable element potassium show different behaviour in the moss vegetation, so that the 137 Cs/K-ratio is higher by a factor of approximately 2 in the dead parts of the moss than in the living parts. The vertical distribution of 137 Cs in the moss-covered ground has been studied down to a dry-mass depth of about 100 kg m -2 and can theoretically be described by a model which was earlier empirically deduced for lichen-covered ground (Mattsson, 1972). The relative penetration of 137 Cs is around five times higher in the ground covered by moss-carpets than in the ground covered by lichen-carpets. During the period 1969-1973, the total amount of 137 Cs retained in the moss-carpet was found to be 64.2 +- 2.2 nCi m -2 . (author)

  18. {sup 137}Cs Distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea (2006-2010)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavicic-Hamer, D. [' Ruder Boskovic' Institute, Centre for Marine Research, Rovinj (Croatia); Barisic, D., E-mail: [' Ruder Boskovic' Institute, Division for Marine and Environmental Research, Zagreb (Croatia)


    Artificial radioactivity in the northern Adriatic Sea was assessed by analysis of {sup 137}Cs concentrations in seawater, sediment and marine organisms. A comparison of radioactive contamination was made between different parts of the marine ecosystem including the area of the Po river delta, the protected area of the Lim bay and the Rovinj coastal area in the period from 2006 to 2010. In the area of the Po river delta {sup 137}Cs concentrations in seawater had decreased back to pre-Chernobyl values (2.48 Bq/m), although in sediment they were slightly higher (8.70 Bq/kg). Inside the Lim bay area {sup 137}Cs concentrations in surface water were low (1.93 Bq/m) and, in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, even undetectable in this period. In the Rovinj coastal area {sup 137}Cs concentrations in surface water remained constant (2.23 Bq/m), as well as in the surface sediment (1.88 Bq/kg). {sup 137}Cs concentrations were detectable at very low activity levels in Mugil cephalus and Sardina pilchardus. The data indicate that some species such as the intertidal brown algae Fucus virsoides and the benthic fish Mullus barbatus are better bio-accumulators of {sup 137}Cs than others. These species should be used as bio-indicators in future monitoring schemes in the A driatic Sea. (author)

  19. 137Cs in the fungal compartment of Swedish forest soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinichuk, Mykhaylo M.; Johanson, Karl J.; Taylor, Andy F.S.


    The 137 Cs activities in soil profiles and in the mycelia of four ectomycorrhizal fungi were studied in a Swedish forest in an attempt to understand the mechanisms governing the transfer and retention of 137 Cs in forest soil. The biomass of four species of fungi was determined and estimated to be 16 g m -2 in a peat soil and 47-189 g m -2 in non-peat soil to the depth of 10 cm. The vertical distribution was rather homogeneous for two species (Tylospora spp. and Piloderma fallax) and very superficial for Hydnellum peckii. Most of the 137 Cs activity in mycelium of non-peat soils was found in the upper 5 cm. Transfer factors were quite high even for those species producing resupinate sporocarps. In the peat soil only approximately 0.3% of the total 137 Cs inventory in soil was found in the fungal mycelium. The corresponding values for non-peat soil were 1.3, 1.8 and 1.9%

  20. Medical aspects of 137Cs decorporation: The Goiania radiological accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farina, R.; Brandao-Mello, C.E.; Oliveira, A.R.


    In September 1987, the Goiania radiological accident involving a source of 137 Cs culminated in about 140 victims who presented internal and/or external contamination and/or external exposure to radiation and/or radiation burns. Internal contamination was verified through analysis of urine and fecal samples. Internal contamination was also evaluated by measurements performed at the whole-body counter installed in Goiania in November 1987. To enhance the decorporation of 137Cs, patients were treated with the following: (1) Prussian Blue, oral administration, in 46 patients; (2) diuretics, oral administration, in 17 patients; (3) induced perspiration, increasing 137 Cs elimination. These procedures were done under rigorous clinical evaluation and considering the data from assay of excreta and data obtained from the whole-body counter. The doses of Prussian Blue exceeded about 6.5 times the dose previously indicated in the literature. It was the first time diuretics were used in humans to treat 137 Cs internal contamination. The results of these procedures are discussed

  1. Potassium effect on cesium 137 behaviour in natural waters of contaminated regions (Belarus)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudel'skij, A.V.; Pashkevich, V.I.; Ovsyannikova, S.V.; Petrovich, A.A.; Smit, D.T.


    Very close relationships between cesium 137 activity of water objects (soil solutions, bog and lake water) and their stable potassium contents have been revealed in the contaminated area in south-eastern Belarus. It was revealed the increase of cesium 137 activity in soil solutions and bog ecosystems proportionally with the increase of potassium content. The exponential dependence of cesium 137 activity of fish production was similar to reverse. The coefficient of cesium 137 accumulation in plants was estimated to be reverse connected with the potassium content in soils. So an universal character of these relations and their specificity are of interest when elaborating countermeasures for reducing population dose loads due to cesium 137 water migration

  2. 42 CFR 137.353 - What is contained in a construction project financial report? (United States)


    ... financial report? 137.353 Section 137.353 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... § 137.353 What is contained in a construction project financial report? Construction project financial reports contain information regarding the amount of funds expended during the reporting period, and...

  3. Phytoremediation of 137Cs from low level nuclear waste using Catharanthus roseus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fulekar, M.H.; Singh, Anamika; Thorat, Vidya; Kaushik, C.P.; Eapen, Susan


    Remediation of radionuclides has been carried out using the phytoremediation technology. The green plants have been screened for the uptake potential of radionuclide and found that Catharanthus roseus has the high potential for radionuclides in particular 137 Cs. Low level nuclear waste (LLNW) collected from effluent treatment plant, BARC has been characterized for physico-chemical and the presence of traces of radionuclides. LLNW was spiked with 3.7 x 10 4 kBqL -1 activity level of 137 Cs. The plants of C. roseus were grown in (i) LLNW, (ii) 137 Cs spiked LLNW and (iii) with the control. The radio activities were measured in the solution at the intervals of 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 15 days in triplicate set of the experiment. The plants were harvested after the growth. The depletion of 137 Cs in LLNW was found to be 19, 21, 24, 38, 60 and 76% at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 15 days, respectively. The bio-accumulation of 137 Cs has been measured in the roots and shoots of the harvested plants. The activity of 137 Cs was found higher in shoots (998 kBq g -1 dw) as compared to the roots (735 kBq g -1 dw). The uptake of radionuclide- 137 Cs, bio-accumulation in the shoot via the active transport from the root, shows the high efficiency and potentiality of C. roseus for the remediation of radionuclide. The bio-accumulation of 137 Cs in the shoot will remediate the radionuclide contamination from LLNW. C. roseus can also be made applicable for effective remediation of radionuclides present in the LLNW. (author)

  4. 42 CFR 137.25 - Are planning and negotiation grants available? (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Are planning and negotiation grants available? 137... for Participation in Self-Governance Planning Phase § 137.25 Are planning and negotiation grants... planning and negotiation grants available, an explanation of the application process for such grants, and...

  5. 42 CFR 137.362 - May construction project agreements be amended? (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false May construction project agreements be amended? 137... of the Secretary in Establishing and Implementing Construction Project Agreements § 137.362 May construction project agreements be amended? Yes, the Self-Governance Tribe, at its discretion, may request the...

  6. Foliar uptake of 137Cs from the water column by aquatic macrophytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, M.S.; Pinder, J.E. III


    A transplant experiment was performed to determine the relative importances of root uptake from the sediments and foliar uptake from the water column in determining the accumulation of 137 Cs by aquatic macrophytes. Uncontaminated individuals of three species, Brasenia schreberi, Nymphaea odorata and Nymphoides cordata, were transplanted into pots containing either contaminated sediments (i.e. 1.2 Bq 137 Cs g -1 dry mass) or uncontaminated sediments (i.e. -1 dry mass) and immersed in Pond B, a former reactor cooling pond where 137 Cs concentrations in surface waters range from 0.4 to 0.8 Bq liter -1 . The plants is uncontaminated sediments rapidly accumulated 137 Cs from the water column and after 35 days of immersion had 137 Cs concentrations in leaves that were: (1) not statistically significantly different from those for plants in contaminated sediments; and (2) similar to those for the same species growing naturally in Pond B. The similarity in 137 Cs concentrations between naturally-occurring plants and those in pots with uncontaminated sediments suggests that foliar uptake from the water column is the principal mode of Cs accumulation by these species in Pond B. (author)

  7. Influence on the mouse immune system of chronic ingestion of 137Cs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertho, Jean-Marc; Faure, Marie-Cecile; Louiba, Sonia; Tourlonias, Elie; Stefani, Johanna; Siffert, Baptiste; Paquet, Francois; Dublineau, Isabelle


    The aim of this work was to determine the possible occurrence of damage to the immune system during the course of chronic ingestion of 137 Cs. BALB/C mice were used, with 137 Cs intake via drinking water at a concentration of 20 kBq l -1 . Adults received 137 Cs before mating and offspring were sacrificed at various ages between birth and 20 weeks. Phenotypic analysis of circulating blood cells and thymocytes did not show any significant modification of immune cell populations in animals ingesting 137 Cs as compared with control animals, with the exception of a slight increase in Treg percentage at the age of 12 weeks. Functional tests, including proliferative response to mitogens such as phytohaemagglutinin, response to alloantigens in mixed lymphocyte reaction and immunoglobulin response to vaccine antigens such as tetanus toxin and keyhole limpet haemocyanin did not show any significant functional modification of the immune system in 137 Cs-ingesting animals as compared with control animals. Overall, our results suggest that chronic ingestion of a low concentration of 137 Cs in drinking water in the long term does not have any biologically relevant effect on the immune system.

  8. Characterization of sorption properties of modified biosorbents for preconcentration of 137Cs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dulanska, S.; Petercova, S.; Matel, L.


    In the work the biosorbent was modified for preconcentration of 137 Cs in aqueous solutions. For an impregnation the biosorbent made of wood-decay fungus - Fomes fomentarius was used. The properties of the impregnated biosorbent were studied in model solutions with the addition of 137 Cs. It was found, that the biosorbent had a high absorbability of 137 Cs in the wide range of pH, even in the solutions with high ionic strength. The maximum sorption capacity of the biosorbent was 50 mg Cs + /g. The effect of competing ions Na + , K + , Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ was tested. It was found, that the tested cations didn't have a significant effect on the sorption of 137 Cs. It was found, that the most suitable medium for the elution of 137 Cs from biosorbent is HNO 3 with a concentration higher than 7 mol · dm -3 . (authors)

  9. 137Cs as a tracer of recent sedimentary processes in Lake Michigan (United States)

    Cahill, R.A.; Steele, J.D.


    To determine recent sediment movement, we measured the levels of 137Cs (an artificial radionuclide produced during nuclear weapons testing) of 118 southern Lake Michigan samples and 27 in Green Bay. These samples, taken from 286 grab samples of the upper 3 cm of sediment, were collected in 1975 as part of a systematic study of Lake Michigan sediment. 137Cs levels correlated well with concentrations of organic carbon, lead, and other anthropogenic trace metals in the sediment. 137Cs had a higher correlation with silt-sized than with clay-sized sediment (0.55 and 0.46, respectively). Atmospherically derived 137Cs and trace metals are being redistributed by sedimentary processes in Lake Michigan after being incorporated in suspended sediment. We determined a distribution pattern of 137Cs that represents areas of southern Lake Michigan where sediment deposition is occurring. ?? 1986 Dr W. Junk Publishers.

  10. Improvement of 137Cs analysis in small volume seawater samples using the Ogoya underground facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirose, K.; Komura, K.; Kanazawa University, Ishikawa; Aoyama, M.; Igarashi, Y.


    137 Cs in seawater is one of the most powerful tracers of water motion. Large volumes of samples have been required for determination of 137 Cs in seawater. This paper describes improvement of separation and purification processes of 137 Cs in seawater, which includes purification of 137 Cs using hexachloroplatinic acid in addition to ammonium phosphomolybdate (AMP) precipitation. As a result, we succeeded the 137 Cs determination in seawater with a smaller sample volume of 10 liter by using ultra-low background gamma-spectrometry in the Ogoya underground facility. 137 Cs detection limit was about 0.1 mBq (counting time: 10 6 s). This method is applied to determine 137 Cs in small samples of the South Pacific deep waters. (author)

  11. Radioactivity of 137Cs in papers and migration of the nuclide in the environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobashi, Asaya


    The 137 Cs contents of papers such as magazines and newspapers printed in Japan were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry. The average 137 Cs content of weekly general interest magazines was 0.95 Bq kg -1 and far higher than those of other kinds of samples. The result of pholorogluinol color test showed that the main printed pages of the weekly general interest magazines were chiefly made of mechanical pulp. Possibly the pages held 137 Cs brought by wood, raw material of paper, and that accounted for the high 137 Cs content of the magazines. The experimental result suggested that 137 Cs was removed from wood into aqueous solution in the production of chemical pulp. Cesium-137 radioactivity removed during paper manufacturing in the year 2000 in Japan was estimated to be 15 GBq, and the influence of paper manufacturing on the migration of 137 Cs in the environment was discussed. (author)

  12. The removal of Cs-137 from soil using washing-electrokinetic decontamination equipment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Gyenam; Kim, Seungsoo; Kim, Geunho; Park, Hyemin; Kim, Wansuk; Park, Ukryang; Kwon, Hyeokju; Ryu, Ohha; Moon, Jeikwon [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The radioactive soil at the KAERI radioactive waste storage facility has slightly high hydro-conductivity, and was mainly contaminated with {sup 137}Cs 30-35 years ago. Recently, a soil washing method has been applied to remove {sup 137}Cs from radioactive soil, but it appears that the removal efficiency of {sup 137}Cs had low and a lot of waste solution was generated. Meanwhile, an electrokinetic decontamination method provides high removal efficiency of {sup 137}Cs and generates little waste effluent. Thus, it is suggested that an electrokinetic decontamination method is a suitable technology in consideration of the soil characteristics near South Korean nuclear facilities.

  13. Establishment of the relationship between 137Cs loss and soil erosion rates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phan Son Hai


    The key stages involved in the use of 137 Cs in soil erosion assessment is presented. The method have been successfully applied in pilot scale. These main stages can be summarized as follows: 1/ selection of reference sites next to the study site and establishment of a reference fallout inventory for the study site; 2/measurement of the current spatial distribution of 137 Cs inventory; 3/ evaluation of the pattern of 137 Cs redistribution at the study site; 4/ development of a calibration relationship between 137 CS loss and gain and rate of soil erosion; 5/ estimation of soil redistribution rates using the calibration relationship. (PSH)

  14. The behaviour of caesium-137 in oxisols and in the Goiania soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wasserman, M.A.


    The 137 Cs soil-to-plant transfer factors obtained in oxisols accidentally contaminated in Goiania and in artificially contaminated soils are found to be higher than those of soils in temperate climates. These differences are discussed in the light of pedology and geochemical partitioning. Tropical soil characteristics such as acidity, the low availability of nutritive elements and low content of 2:1 clay types seem to determine a high availability of 137 Cs. The results of sequential extraction showed 137 Cs weakly bound to soil components and underlines the importance of Fe oxides in the control of the 137 Cs in topical climates. (author)

  15. Radiocaesium - 137 in cultivated and woodland mushrooms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stankovic, S.; Stankovic, A.


    In the present work the results obtained for activity levels of 137 Cs in samples of cultivated mushrooms (Champignons - Agaricus Silvicola Vitt. Peck.) and woodland fruits ( Chantarelle - Cantarelus Cibarius Fr.; Bollets -Boletus Edulis. ex Fr. and Black Trumpets - Cratarelus Conucopioides) are presented. These samples were collected from 1991 to 1996. Biodiversity of the mushrooms regarding their uptake of radionuclides was found. Thus, the maximum value of 137 Cs activity was found in the sample of dry Bollets 375 Bq/kg in 1993. Moreover, the mean activity level of this species was much higher (126 + - 10 Bq/kg) in 1996. than, levels found in any samples taken from the same environment. (author)

  16. Toxicity of injected 137CsCl in Beagle dogs. XVI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muggenburg, B.A.; Hahn, F.F.; Boecker, B.B.; Jones, R.K.; McClellan, R.O.; Pickrell, J.A.; Redman, H.C.


    Studies of the metabolism, dosimetry, and effects of intravenously administered 137 CsCl in the Beagle dog are being conducted to aid in assessing the biologic consequences of exposure to 137 Cs that might occur in the event of certain nuclear accidents. Effects of the chronic, relatively uniform whole-body exposures produced by 137 Cs are being compared with other diverse radiation dose patterns resulting from inhalation of radioactive aerosols. Fifty-four of the dogs that were injected with 237 CsCl have died, as have eight control dogs; four exposed and two control dogs died during the past year. Serial observations are continuing on the surviving four control dogs

  17. miR-137 suppresses tumor growth of malignant melanoma by targeting aurora kinase A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, Xiao; Zhang, Haiping [Department of Dermatology and Venereal Disease, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Lian, Shi [Department of Dermatology and Venereal Disease, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069 (China); Zhu, Wei, E-mail: [Department of Dermatology and Venereal Disease, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China)


    As an oncogene, aurora kinase A (AURKA) is overexpressed in various types of human cancers. However, the expression and roles of AURKA in malignant melanoma are largely unknown. In this study, a miR-137-AURKA axis was revealed to regulate melanoma growth. We found a significant increase in levels of AURKA in melanoma. Both genetic knockdown and pharmacologic inhibition of AURKA decreased tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Further found that miR-137 reduced AURKA expression through interaction with its 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) and that miR-137 was negatively correlated with AURKA expression in melanoma specimens. Overexpression of miR-137 decreased cell proliferation and colony formation in vitro. Notably, re-expression of AURKA significantly rescued miR-137-mediated suppression of cell growth and clonality. In summary, these results reveal that miR-137 functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting AURKA, providing new insights into investigation of therapeutic strategies against malignant melanoma. -- Highlights: •First reported overexpression of AURKA in melanoma. •Targeting AURKA inhibits melanoma growth in vitro and in vivo. •Further found miR-137 suppressed cell growth by binding to AURKA 3′UTR. •Re-expression of AURKA rescued miR-137-mediated suppression. •miR-137-AURKA axis may be potential therapeutic targets of melanoma.

  18. Household methods to reduce 137Cs contents of mushrooms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kostiainen, E.


    High radiocaesium contents in different species of mushrooms have been observed in areas contaminated by radiocaesium deposition after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. There has been no significant reduction in the 137 Cs contents of mushrooms during the past ten years, besides via radioactive decay. The internal radiation dose received via mushrooms can be reduced by processing mushrooms before consumption. Various household methods were studied to find out their efficiency to reduce 137 Cs contents of mushrooms. The methods tested were the same as normally used in cooking. The tests were made for the species of edible mushrooms widely consumed. The retention factors for the treatments tested were in most cases 0.2-0.3. The efficiency of treatments in reducing the 137 Cs contents increased with larger water volumes and prolonged treatment times

  19. The measurement of Cs-137 in Latvian forest litter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riekstina, D.; Veveris, O.


    The role of forests in the distribution of cesium 137 over the Latvian territory affected by the Chernobyl accident was examined. Concentrations of this radionuclide in soil in pine, spruce, and birch forests and in non-forest areas in Rucava (affected by the accident) and in Taurene (non-polluted zone) were compared. In Rucava, the concentrations of Cs-137 fluctuated over the region of 108-724 Bq/kg in a pine forest, 205-2270 Bq/kg in a spruce forest, and 15-30 Bq/kg beyond the forest region. In Taurene, the corresponding figures were 42-157, 19-133, and 3-19 Bq/kg, respectively. The data confirm the appreciable role of coniferous forests in the absorption of Cs-137 from the air and its redistribution within the forest area. (P.A.)

  20. Uptake and distributions of 90Sr and 137Cs in rice plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsukada, Hirofumi; Takeda, Akira; Hasegawa, Hidenao


    Polished rice is a staple food in Asian countries and ingestion of polished rice is one of the most important pathways of radionuclides into humans. Inedible parts of rice plants are returned to the soil as fertilizer and are used as an ingredient of feed for livestock. Strontium-90 and 137 Cs are important radionuclides for the assessment of radiation exposure to the public because of their high fission yield, long-half lives and transferability in the environment. The purpose of the present study is to obtain information on the distributions of 90 Sr and 137 Cs in rice plant components for better understanding of the fate of the radionuclides in an agricultural environment. Rice plants were cultivated in an experimental field and collected at harvest time. The concentrations of 90 Sr and 137 Cs in the soil were 5.6 and 4.4 Bq kg -1 , respectively. Rice plant samples were separated into polished rice, rice bran, hull, straw and root parts, and then the concentrations of 90 Sr and 137 Cs in the samples were determined. The concentrations of 90 Sr and 137 Cs in polished rice were 0.012 and 0.0048 Bq kg -1 dry weight, respectively. The concentrations of 90 Sr and 137 Cs varied by two and one orders of magnitudes in rice plant components, respectively. The edible component, polished rice, accounted for 32% of the total dry weight. In the entire rice plants, only 0.5% of the total 90 Sr and 10% of the total 137 Cs were found in polished rice. Contents of 90 Sr and 137 Cs in the above ground parts were 0.84 and 0.021 Bq m -2 , respectively. For each cropping, the percentages of 90 Sr and 137 Cs uptake from the upper soil layer to the aboveground biomass of rice plants were calculated as 0.094 and 0.0030% of their soil inventories, respectively. (author)

  1. Screening plant species native to Taiwan for remediation of 137Cs-contaminated soil and the effects of K addition and soil amendment on the transfer of 137Cs from soil to plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, F.-I.; Chung, H.-P.; Teng, S.-P.; Sheu, S.-T.


    This study aims to screen plant species native to Taiwan that could be used to eliminate 137 Cs radionuclides from contaminated soil. Four kinds of vegetables and two kinds of plants known as green manures were used for the screening. The test plants were cultivated in 137 Cs-contaminated soil and amended soil which is a mixture of the contaminated one with a horticultural soil. The plant with the highest 137 Cs transfer factor was used for further examination on the effects of K addition on the transfer of 137 Cs from the soils to the plant. Experimental results revealed that plants cultivated in the amended soil produced more biomass than those in the contaminated soil. Rape exhibited the highest production of aboveground parts, and had the highest 137 Cs transfer factor among all the tested plants. The transfer of 137 Cs to the rape grown in the soil to which 100 ppm KCl commonly used in local fertilizers had been added, were restrained. Results of this study indicated that rape, a popular green manure in Taiwan, could remedy 137 Cs-contaminated soil

  2. Transport processes of Cs-137 in lake environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hilton, J.; Carrick, T.R.; Lishman, J.P.; Rigg, E.; Davison, W.; Kelly, M.; Hamilton-Taylor, J.


    Radiocesium levels in the waters of the Lake District dropped after the initial deposition following the Chernobyl reactor accident. However they continued to be measurable several years after the event. Caesium 137 concentrations were measured in the sediments of Esthwaite water and Windermere to determine the input of caesium 137 from the catchment area to the lakes. Experiments were conducted to ascertain the chemical conditions such as pH value, adsorption, competing ions which might contribute to maintaining caesium levels in the lakes. (U.K.)

  3. 42 CFR 137.32 - Is a compact required to participate in self-governance? (United States)


    ...-governance? 137.32 Section 137.32 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE Self-Governance compact § 137.32 Is a compact required to participate in self-governance? Yes, Tribes must have a...

  4. Suppression of Plant Immune Responses by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 Type III Effector Tyrosine Phosphatases HopAO1 and HopAO2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Pilar Castañeda-Ojeda


    Full Text Available The effector repertoire of the olive pathogen P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 includes two members of the HopAO effector family, one of the most diverse T3E families of the P. syringae complex. The study described here explores the phylogeny of these dissimilar members, HopAO1 and HopAO2, among the complex and reveals their activities as immune defense suppressors. Although HopAO1 is predominantly encoded by phylogroup 3 strains isolated from woody organs of woody hosts, both HopAO1 and HopAO2 are phylogenetically clustered according to the woody/herbaceous nature of their host of isolation, suggesting host specialization of the HopAO family across the P. syringae complex. HopAO1 and HopAO2 translocate into plant cells and show hrpL-dependent expression, which allows their classification as actively deployed type III effectors. Our data also show that HopAO1 and HopAO2 possess phosphatase activity, a hallmark of the members of this family. Both of them exert an inhibitory effect on early plant defense responses, such as ROS production and callose deposition, and are able to suppress ETI responses induced by the effectorless polymutant of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (DC3000D28E in Nicotiana. Moreover, we demonstrate that a ΔhopAO1 mutant of P. savastanoi NCPBB 3335 exhibits a reduced fitness and virulence in olive plants, which supports the relevance of this effector during the interaction of this strain with its host plants. This work contributes to the field with the first report regarding functional analysis of HopAO homologs encoded by P. syringae or P. savastanoi strains isolated from woody hosts.

  5. Suppression of Plant Immune Responses by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 Type III Effector Tyrosine Phosphatases HopAO1 and HopAO2 (United States)

    Castañeda-Ojeda, María Pilar; Moreno-Pérez, Alba; Ramos, Cayo; López-Solanilla, Emilia


    The effector repertoire of the olive pathogen P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 includes two members of the HopAO effector family, one of the most diverse T3E families of the P. syringae complex. The study described here explores the phylogeny of these dissimilar members, HopAO1 and HopAO2, among the complex and reveals their activities as immune defense suppressors. Although HopAO1 is predominantly encoded by phylogroup 3 strains isolated from woody organs of woody hosts, both HopAO1 and HopAO2 are phylogenetically clustered according to the woody/herbaceous nature of their host of isolation, suggesting host specialization of the HopAO family across the P. syringae complex. HopAO1 and HopAO2 translocate into plant cells and show hrpL-dependent expression, which allows their classification as actively deployed type III effectors. Our data also show that HopAO1 and HopAO2 possess phosphatase activity, a hallmark of the members of this family. Both of them exert an inhibitory effect on early plant defense responses, such as ROS production and callose deposition, and are able to suppress ETI responses induced by the effectorless polymutant of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (DC3000D28E) in Nicotiana. Moreover, we demonstrate that a ΔhopAO1 mutant of P. savastanoi NCPBB 3335 exhibits a reduced fitness and virulence in olive plants, which supports the relevance of this effector during the interaction of this strain with its host plants. This work contributes to the field with the first report regarding functional analysis of HopAO homologs encoded by P. syringae or P. savastanoi strains isolated from woody hosts. PMID:28529516

  6. Fire as an agent in redistributing fallout 137Cs in the Canadian boreal forest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paliouris, G.; Svoboda, J.; Mierzynski, B.; Taylor, H.W.; Wein, R.W.


    The presence of fallout 137 Cs in the boreal forest and the effect of fire in redistributing 137 Cs were studied in the remote region of Wood Buffalo National Park, N.W.T., Canada. Results of a preliminary study of five burned (the fire occurred in 1981) and five unburned stands conducted in 1986 revealed that 137 Cs concentrations were higher in the surface soil of the burned stands than in the unburned ones. In 1989, a comprehensive study was conducted, in which one burned and one unburned white spruce stand were sampled in greater detail. The latter investigation also revealed a difference in the distribution of 137 Cs within the burned stand compared to the unburned one. Specifically, in the unburned stand, the highest 137 Cs concentration was identified in the epiphytic lichens and in the mosses, whereas in the burned stand, the highest concentration was measured in the surface organic soil. These results indicate that fire caused the mobilization of part of the 137 Cs bound to the above-ground matter and concentrated it in the ash layer of the burned surface soil. An additional ecologically important finding in our study was that significantly lower total 137 Cs load was observed in the burned stand compared to the unburned one. Hence, our data not only provide evidence that 137 Cs is being redistributed within the burned stand to the surface soil, but also that part of the 137 Cs is lost due to fire, presumably contaminating other ecosystems. Volatilization and fly-ash during the fire, and runoff (e.g. from snow melt) after the fire are the most likely mechanisms for the 137 Cs removal. These findings point to fire as an agent of 137 Cs secondary contamination for initially unaffected systems, as well as for those previously contaminated

  7. 137Cs accumulation in components of pine stands in Polessye of Ukraine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasnov, V.P.; Orlov, A.A.; Gusarevich, M.G.


    Distribution of 137 Cs specific activity in structural components of Scotch pine in different parts of crone and tree trunk (according the height) was analyzed; the average value 137 Cs transfer factor (TF) for all investigated components was calculated. Decreasing of 137 Cs specific activity and values of TF from upper crone part through middle to the lowest one has been shown for the majority pine crone components in edatops B 2 and B 3 . It was drown a calculation that 137 Cs specific activities and TF values stably decreased in tree trunk components from upper part through middle to the lowest one in edatop B 3 . In edatop B 2 decreasing of 137 Cs specific activity and TF values for external and internal bark was also revealed in the same direction. The decreasing of 137 Cs specific activity and TF values for wood was revealed from upper part of the trunk to middle one and their increasing to the lowest tree trunk part. It was shown that physiologically active organs and tissues in the pine are characterized by the maximum accumulation: one-year-o;d shoots, one-year-old needles, internal bark. It was drown an important conclusion that part of tree trunk (according to its height), which used as fuel wood and construction materials, is a strong modification factor of 137 Cs content in complete product and this fact should be taken into account for forest cutting activities. (author)

  8. Vertical distribution of 137Cs in the native forest soil at Londrina region (Parana, Brazil)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrello, Avacir Casanova; Appolono, Carlos Roberto; Nascimento Filho, Virgilio Franco do


    The 137 Cs depth distribution has been studied in several areas in the world and its knowledge is very important to verify its behavior in the soil matrix. The form of 137 Cs depth distribution more observed in an undisturbed soil it is exponential type. In this work, the study of 137 Cs depth distribution was accomplished at three native forests and a coffee yard, built before the 137 Cs fallout, in the region of Londrina (Parana). The sampling was conducted in 1 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm increment depth. The 137 Cs inventory observed for the forests was 248 Bq m -2 (Mata1), 338 Bq m -2 (Mata2) and 325 Bq m -2 (MataUEL). No 137 Cs activity was detected in the coffee yard. The 137 Cs depth distribution for the three forests presented the exponential type. For the soil class of the forests, 137 Cs adsorbed on the soil particles can be considered fixed or slowly exchangeable. (author)

  9. The Role of Prussian Blue in Eliminating the Compositional Effects of 137Cs Internal Contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fekry, A.E.; Elwan, K.M.; Mangood, S.A.


    Seventy male albino rats of two ages: growing (2-months age, 102 + 10 g /rat) and adults (4- months age, 280 + 15 g / rat) were used in this study. The rats were fed on a balanced diet (21% crude proteins, 3% crude fats and 4% crude fibers). The treatments of oral administration of a single dose (3700 Bq/growing rat and 7400 Bq/adult rat) of 137 Cs ( 137 Cs Cl salt) and prussian blue (PB, 300 mg/kg body weight/day for 60 days) were as the following combinations: [1] without 137 Cs or PB, [2] 137 Cs only, [3] PB only, [4] PB one day before 137 Cs, [5] PB immediately after 137 Cs, [6] PB one day after 137 Cs, and [7] PB one week after 137 Cs. All of body weight, total body water (TBW), fat-free body (FFB), total body fat (TBF), fat-free dry body (FFDB), total body protein (TBP), and total body ash (TBA). The data revealed that: adult rats had a significant (P 137 Cs treatment caused decreases in final body weight; % change of body weight, TBW, FFB, FFDB, TBP, TBA. In both growing and adult rats, PB administration, only before or at the same time of irradiation, could eliminate the effects of 137 Cs-gamma irradiation on : final body weight, % change in body weight, FFB, FFDB, TBP. However, PB administration, one or seven days post treatment, eliminated 137 Cs treatments effects on TBF

  10. Accumulation of strontium 90 and cesium 137 in some hydrobionts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyadzhiev, A.; Keslev, D.; Kerteva, A.; Novakova, E.


    Factors responsible for the accumulation of strontium 90 and cesium 137 in some plant organisms, characteristic for fishes in Bulgarian fresh-water reservoirs and in Black Seawater, were examined. The investigated samples were taken during spring, summer and autumn-winter seasons 1967/1968. Each sample burnt to ashes at 450 0 C was examined for strontium 90 and cesium 137 content as well as stable isotopes of calcuim and potassium. Accumulation factors for strontium 90 and cesium 137 were significantly higher in freshwater hydrobionts than in seawater hydrobionts. This could be explained by variations in the concentration of stable isotopes of calcium and potassium from freshwater reservoirs and from seawater. Potassium and calcium concentrations were relatively constant in seawater while in freshwater they were significantly variable. Accumulation factors for these radionuclides increased according to the amount of rain and the altitude above sea level. Strontium 90 was deposited mostly in fins, less in scales and least in the meat of fishes; cesium 137 was mainly deposited in the meat and less in the other parts of fishes. The highest accumulation factors for strontium 90 were determined in fishes and for cesium 137 in plant organisms. The most convenient plant and fish species for tracing radioactive contamination of freshwater reservoirs and in the Black Sea were indicated. (A.B.)

  11. Cesium-137 inventory of the undisturbed soil areas in the Londrina Region, Parana, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrello, Avacir C.; Appoloni, Carlos Roberto


    Cesium-137 is an artificial radionuclide introduced in the environment through the radioactive fallout of the superficial tests of nuclear weapons. The cesium-137 deposition occurred to middles of the 1980-decade and, due to the Chernobyl accident, great part of Europe had a additional fallout of cesium-137. The contaminations of this accident do not have reached Southern Hemisphere. Cesium-137 is an alkaline metal, high electropositive, that in contact with the soil is strongly adsorbed to the clay in the FES (Frayed Edge Sites) and RES (Regular Edge Sites) positions, and it movement by chemical processes in the soil is insignificant. Because of this, cesium-137 became a good soil marker, and its movement is related to the soil movement particles, so that the cesium-137 have been used in the study of the soil redistribution processes, as a tool of quantifying the rates of soil losses and gain. To use this methodology, it is necessary the knowledge of the reference inventory of cesium-137, that is given as function of the total concentration of cesium-137 deposited in an area by the radioactive fallout. If a sampling point presents less cesium-137 than the reference inventory, this point is considered a point with soil loss; otherwise, the point is considered a point with soil deposition. To evaluate the cesium-137 inventory in the Londrina region, four areas of the undisturbed soil were sampling in grid of 3x3, with a distance of 9 meters among the points. Of these four sampling areas, three areas were of native forest (labeled Mata1, Mata2 and Mata UEL), and one was a pasture area. Cesium-137 inventory was 223 ± 41 Bq m -2 , 240 ± 65 Bq m -2 and 305 ± 36 Bq m -2 for Mata UEL, Mata1 and Mata2, respectively, and of 211 ± 28 Bq m -2 for the native pasture. Considering the deviation in each value, it is not possible to conclude that there are differences among the values of cesium-137 inventory, so that the average reference inventory of cesium-137 for the

  12. Atmospheric deposition of radioactive cesium (137Cs) associated with dust events in East Asia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiwara, H.


    Since the cessation of atmospheric nuclear testing in 1980, there has been no known serious atmospheric contamination by radioactive cesium (sup(137)Cs) apart from the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in 1986. There now remain only small amounts of anthropogenic radionuclides in the atmosphere that can be directly related to past testing. However, sup(137)Cs is still regularly found in atmospheric deposition samples in Japan. In this study, we analyzed sup(137)Cs monitoring data, meteorological data, and field survey results to investigate the recent transport and deposition of sup(137)Cs associated with dust phenomena. Monthly records of nationwide sup(137)Cs deposition in Japan during the 1990s show a consistent seasonal variation, with higher levels of deposition occurring in spring. In March 2002, an unexpectedly high amount of sup(137)Cs was deposited in the northwestern coastal area of Japan at the same time as an Asian dust event was observed. Analysis of land-based weather data showed that sandstorms and other dust-raising phenomena also occurred in March 2002 over areas of Mongolia and northeastern China where grassland and shrubs predominated. Furthermore, radioactivity measurements showed sup(137)Cs enrichment in the surface layer of grassland soils in the areas affected by these sandstorms. These results suggest that grasslands are potential sources of sup(137)Cs-bearing dust. Continued desertification of the East Asian continent in response to recent climate change can be expected to result in an increase in sup(137)Cs-bearing soil particles in the atmosphere, and their subsequent re-deposition in Japan. However, soil dust is also raised around Japanese monitoring sites by the strong winds that are common in Japan in spring, and this local dust might also contribute to sup(137)Cs deposition in Japan. To estimate the relative contributions of local and distant dust events to the total sup(137)Cs deposition, we monitored deposition of mineral particles

  13. Sorption and migration of 137Cs attached to organic materials of tea in silty clay soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuecel, H.; Oezmen, A.


    The effect of the organic material of tea on the adsorption behavior of 137 Cs on the silty clay soil has been examined by batch experiments, using 137 Cs extracted tea contaminated by the Chernobyl accident, with water. The variation of K d values was studied as a function of contact time and a volume-solid ratio (V/m). The equilibrium time of 137 Cs extracted from the tea is slower by 9 times than that of 137 Cs + ions for the silty clay soil. The V/m ratio did not affect the 137 Cs adsorption strongly. The sorption of 137 Cs extracted form the tea in terms of the distribution coefficient K d is higher (a factor of 2.5) than that of 137 Cs + ions. This result indicates that 137 Cs-complexes with organic materials of tea are much sorbed than 137 C + ions on the silty clay soil. The migration of 137 Cs extracted from the tea in the silty clay soil has been studied under a steady flow of tea-extract by using a soil zone apparatus. The 137 Cs concentrations contained in both effluent fractions and in soil samples were measured using a HPGe detector. The distribution patterns of 137 Cs in the layers of the soil zone were obtained as one- and two-dimensional. The migration of 137 Cs extracted from the tea in soil is mainly influenced by flow. The results indicate that the migration of 137 Cs-complexes with organic materials and 137 Cs adsorbed fine silts cannot be described by such a K d based on ion-exchange reactions, but it is important to consider the moving mechanism of particulates besides ion-exchange reactions. (Author)

  14. Precipitation scavenging of 7Be and 137Cs radionuclides in air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ioannidou, A.; Papastefanou, C.


    Atmospheric depositional fluxes of the naturally occurring 7 Be of cosmogenic origin and 137 Cs from fallout of the Chernobyl accident were measured over a 6-year period (January 1987-December 1992) at Thessaloniki, Greece (40 o 38'N, 22 o 58'E). Total precipitation accumulation during 1987-1992 varied between 33.7 cm and 65.2 cm, reflecting a relatively dry (precipitation-free) climate. The activity concentrations of 7 Be and 137 Cs in rainwater depended on the precipitation rate, being higher for low precipitation rates and lesser for high precipitation rates. 137 Cs was removed by rain and snow more efficiently than 7 Be. Snowfall was more efficient than rainfall in removing the radionuclides from the atmosphere. The annual bulk depositional fluxes of 7 Be varied between 477 and 1133 Bq m -2 y -1 and this variability was attributed to the amount of precipitation and the variations of the atmospheric concentrations of 7 Be. The annual bulk depositional fluxes of 137 Cs showed a significant decrease over time from 1987 to 1992, resulting in a removal half-life of 1.33 years. The presence of 137 Cs in air, and therefore in rainwater and snow, long after the Chernobyl accident (26 April 1986) was mainly due to the resuspension process. The normalized depositional fluxes of both radionuclides showed maximal values during the spring season where the maximum amount of precipitation occurred. The relatively high positive correlation between 7 Be and 137 Cs normalized depositional fluxes indicates that the scavenging process of local precipitation controlled the fluxes of both radionuclides. The dry depositional flux of 7 Be was less than 9.37% of total (wet and dry) depositional flux. The fraction of dry-to-total depositional flux of 137 Cs was much higher than that of 7 Be, due to the resuspended soil

  15. 137Cs radioactive dating of Lake Ontario sediment cores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ward, T.E.; Breeden, J.; Komisarcik, K.; Porter, R.; Czuczwa, J.; Kaminski, R.; McVeety, B.D.


    The distribution of 137 Cs in sediment cores from Lake Ontario provides estimates of the sediment accumulation rates. Geochronology with 210 Pb dating and distribution of Ambrosia (ragweed) pollen compare well with 137 Cs dating. These methods can determine with precision, changes in sedimentation occurring over the past 100 years or so. Typical sedimentation rates of 0.18-0.36 cm/yr were measured. 16 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs

  16. 42 CFR 137.30 - What is a self-governance compact? (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false What is a self-governance compact? 137.30 Section... SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE Self-Governance compact § 137.30 What is a self-governance compact? A self-governance compact is a legally binding and mutually...

  17. Redistribution of cesium-137 due to erosional processes in a Wisconsin watershed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McHenry, J.R.; Ritchie, J.C.; Bubenzer, G.D.


    The distribution of fallout 137 Cs was studied in a small agricultural watershed in Shawano County, Wis. The watershed drains into White Clay Lake, a small, shallow glacial outwash lake. Soil samples were collected in 1974 and 1975 from wooded, pastured, and cultivated sites on the watershed. In the noncultivated areas 137 Cs was concentrated largely in the surface 5 cm of the soil pedons, but in the cultivated areas it was distributed throughout the plow layer. The amount of 137 Cs found in the cultivated areas was less per unit area than that found in the noncultivated areas. The amounts of 137 Cs found in the soil pedons in the cultivated areas were correlated with small changes in elevation. Thus, although the total content of 137 Cs for a given field indicated an overall loss, small changes in topography within fields have resulted in areas of excessive losses (erosion) and of accumulations

  18. Patterns of sediment accumulation in Watts Bar Reservoir based on 137Cesium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brandt, C.C.; Rose, K.A.; Cook, R.B.; Dearstone, K.C.; Brenkert, A.L.; Olsen, C.R.


    The US Department of Energy has recently undertaken an environmental restoration program designed to achieve remediation of hazardous materials released from the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR). The distribution of 137 Cs was investigated in sediments from Watts Barr Reservoir and the Clinch River as a possible marker for other contaminants released from the ORR. We have performed additional analyses on the data gathered for this study to investigate possible relationships between 137 Cs accumulation and reservoir characteristics. We found that 137 Cs deposition correlates with sedimentation rate, and soft mud layers of cores have higher 137 Cs levels than sandy mud or eroded soils. No correlation was found with water depth, distance from shore or distance from release source, but it is important to note the data were not collected to test for these effects. We estimate Watts Barr Reservoir contains 267 Ci of 137 Cs, with 7% of this total in the top 16 cm of sediment, and potentially available for biological accumulation. 2 refs

  19. Accumulation and Elimination of 137Cs Radionuclide by gold fish (Cyprinus Carpio)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiswara, E; Tjahaya, I P; Wahyudi


    A study to estimate accumulation and elimination of 137Cs radionuclide by gold fish (Cyprinus Carpio) has been carried out. The experiment used aquarium as a cultivating media. Gold fish was placed into aquarium filled with 70 liter of water and 137Cs concentration of 10 Bq/ml. From the observing time of 40 days it was found that activity concentration in fish became saturated in 30th day. Saturation after the 30th day was confined by additional observation using 137Cs concentration of 5 and 15 Bq/ml. Saturated concentration fish was then transfered to inactive aquarium to determine is elimination rate. Transfer factor, i.e. the ratio of 137Cs concentration in fish to that in water, was found to be (12.99+0.28) ml/g, whereas the elimination rate of 137Cs was found to be 0.046 day, which correspond to a biological half life of 15 days

  20. Assessment of 137Cs and 90Sr Fluxes in the Barents Sea (United States)

    Matishov, Gennady; Usiagina, Irina; Kasatkina, Nadezhda; Ilin, Gennadii


    On the basis of published and own data the annual balance of radionuclide income/outcome was assessed for 137Cs and 90Sr in the Barents Sea for the period from 1950s to the presnt. The scheme of the isotope balance calculation in the Barents Sea included the following processes:atmospheric fallout; river run-off; liquid radioactive wastes releases, income from the Norwegian and the White Seas; outflow to the adjacent areas through the Novaya Zemlya straits and the transects Svalbard-Franz Josef Land and Franz Josef Land-Novaya Zemlya; radioactive decay. According to the multiyear dynamics, the inflow of 137Cs and 90Sr to the Barents Sea was significantly preconditioned by currents from the Norwegian Sea. Three peaks of 137Cs and 90Sr isotope concentrations were registered for the surface waters on the western border of the Barents Sea. The first one was observed in the mid-1960s and was conditioned by testing of nuclear weapons. The increase of isotope concentrations in 1975 and 1980 was preconditioned by the discharge of atomic waste by the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. Nowadays, after the sewage disposal plant was built, the annual discharge of nuclear waste from Sellafield plant is low. The Norwegian Sea was a major source of 137Cs and 90Sr isotope income into the Barents Sea for the period of 1960-2014. Currently, the transborder transfer of 90Sr and 137Cs from the Norwegian Sea into the Barents Sea constitutes about 99% of income for each element. Atmospheric precipitation had a major impact in the 1950-1960s after the testing of the nuclear weapons, and in 1986 after the accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station. In 1963, the atmospheric precipitation of 137Cs reached 1050 TBq; and that of 90Sr, 630 TBq. In 1986, a significant amount of 137Cs inflow (up to 1010 TBq/year) was registered. The 137Cs isotope income exceeded the 90Sr income in the 1960s-1980s, and equal amounts penetrated into the Barents Sea from the Norwegian Sea in the 1990s. Before

  1. Application of in-situ measurement to determine 137Cs in the Swiss Alps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaub, M.; Konz, N.; Meusburger, K.; Alewell, C.


    Establishment of 137 Cs inventories is often used to gain information on soil stability. The latter is crucial in mountain systems, where ecosystem stability is tightly connected to soil stability. In-situ measurements of 137 Cs in steep alpine environments are scarce. Most studies have been carried out in arable lands and with Germanium (Ge) detectors. Sodium Iodide (NaI) detector system is an inexpensive and easy to handle field instrument, but its validity on steep alpine environments has not been tested yet. In this study, a comparison of laboratory measurements with GeLi detector and in-situ measurements with NaI detector of 137 Cs gamma soil radiation has been done in an alpine catchment with high 137 Cs concentration (Urseren Valley, Switzerland). The aim of this study was to calibrate the in-situ NaI detector system for application on steep alpine slopes. Replicate samples from an altitudinal transect through the Urseren Valley, measured in the laboratory with a GeLi detector, showed a large variability in 137 Cs activities at a meter scale. This small-scale heterogeneity determined with the GeLi detector is smoothed out by uncollimated in-situ measurements with the NaI detector, which provides integrated estimates of 137 Cs within the field of view (3.1 m 2 ) of each measurement. There was no dependency of 137 Cs on pH, clay content and carbon content, but a close relationship was determined between measured 137 Cs activities and soil moisture. Thus, in-situ data must be corrected for soil moisture. Close correlation (R 2 = 0.86, p 137 Cs activities (in Bq kg -1 ) estimated with in-situ (NaI detector) and laboratory (GeLi detector) methods. We thus concluded that the NaI detector system is a suitable tool for in-situ measurements in alpine environments. This paper describes the calibration of the NaI detector system for field application under elevated 137 Cs activities originating from Chernobyl fallout.

  2. Anticipated transport of Cs-137 from Steel Creek following L-Area restart

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes, D.W.


    Heat exchanger cooling water, spent fuel storage basin effluents, and process water from P and L-Reactor Areas were discharged to Steel Creek beginning in 1954. Cs-137 was the most significant radionuclide discharged to the environs. Once the Cs-137 was discharged from P and L-Area reactors to Steel Creek, it became associated with silt and clay in the Steel Creek system. After its association with the silt and clay, the Cs-137 becomes part of the sediment transport process and undergoes continual deposition-resuspension in the stream system. This report discusses the expected fate and transport of Cs-137 currently present in the Steel Creek system after L-Reactor restart

  3. Accumulation of 90Sr and 137Cs by fruit bodies of mushrooms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozhevnikova, T.L.; Mishenkov, N.N.; Martyushova, L.N.; Krivolutskii, D.A.


    The dimensions of accumulation of 90 Sr and 137 Cs by mushrooms depends on the stores of forest litter: The greater they are, the higher the concentration. As the nuclides migrate from the forest litter, the dimensions of their accumulation decrease: In the tenth year of the investigation the concentration of 90 Sr in mushrooms had diminished by 1.5-3 times; and 137 Cs, by as much as 30 times. The fruit bodies of mushrooms accumulate 2.5-5 times more 137 Cs, and in individual cases up to 40 times more, than 90 Sr. The maximum amount of 90 Sr and 137 Cs is accumulated by annulated boletus; the minimum amount, by rough boletus

  4. Experimental study on Kd of 137Cs at varying suspended load conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaison, T.J.; Jain, Abhishek; Patra, A.K.; Ravi, P.M.; Tripathi, R.M.


    137 Cs is one of the radionuclide likely to be released through liquid effluents from a nuclear facility. It is soluble in water, but its mobility in aquatic environments is highly retarded by its strong interaction with suspended sediment. The 137 Cs + sorption by suspended load, especially in the subtropics and tropics are not fully understood. Besides, according to IAEA document in emergency situation 137 Cs and 131 I being marker radionuclides, are easier to identify and representative of all the other radionuclides present. Hence a laboratory study is carried out on sorption of 137 Cs with varying silt load, using the upstream lake water and sediments to estimate site specific distribution coefficient (K d )

  5. The behaviour of caesium-137 in oxisols and in the Goiania soil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wasserman, M A [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    The {sup 137}Cs soil-to-plant transfer factors obtained in oxisols accidentally contaminated in Goiania and in artificially contaminated soils are found to be higher than those of soils in temperate climates. These differences are discussed in the light of pedology and geochemical partitioning. Tropical soil characteristics such as acidity, the low availability of nutritive elements and low content of 2:1 clay types seem to determine a high availability of {sup 137}Cs. The results of sequential extraction showed {sup 137}Cs weakly bound to soil components and underlines the importance of Fe oxides in the control of the {sup 137}Cs in topical climates. (author) 25 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs

  6. In-situ spectrometry of 137Cs in the soil by unfolding method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fueloep, M.; Ragan, P.; Krnac, S.


    This contribution is aimed to the possibility of improving the in-situ gamma spectrometry to be independent on a knowledge about a depth distribution of 137 Cs in soil and sufficiently sensitive for the measurement of the post-Chernobyl 137 Cs at present, as well. The depth distribution of 137 Cs averaged over a large area of soil is obtained by unfolding of the detector responses to primary and in soil forward scattered photons. The proposed method employs detector with and without collimator. The 137 Cs distributions obtained in-situ measurements are analysed, and comparisons are made to the results obtained with soil sampling and with standard in-situ spectrometry, as well. 5 figs., 1 tab., 4 refs

  7. 46 CFR 56.97-30 - Hydrostatic tests (modifies 137.4). (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Hydrostatic tests (modifies 137.4). 56.97-30 Section 56... SYSTEMS AND APPURTENANCES Pressure Tests § 56.97-30 Hydrostatic tests (modifies 137.4). (a) Provision of... system is filling. (b) Test medium and test temperature. (1) Water will be used for a hydrostatic leak...

  8. Systemic arterial hypertension in patients exposed to Cesium-137 in Goiânia-GO: prevalence study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, José Victor Rabelo; Pinto, Murillo Macêdo; Figueredo, Roberto Miller Pires; Lima, Helen de; Sacchetim, Sylvana de Castro; Souto, Rafael


    Background: Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) in the Brazilian population, in populations not exposed to Césium-137, presents a prevalence of 28% nationwide. However, in the group of radioactivity victims, these values are unknown. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of hypertension in patients exposed to Cesium-137 in Goiânia, enrolled in the Sistema de Monitoramento dos Radioacidentados (SISRAD) (Radioactivity Victims Monitoring System) of the Centro de Assistência aos Radioacidentados (C.A.R.A) (Assistance Center for Radioactivity Victims). Methods: This is a descriptive, observational cross-sectional epidemiological study carried out in Goiânia-Goiás, from August 2013 to October 2014, with a group of patients enrolled in the Sistema de Monitoramento dos Radioacidentados (SISRAD) of the Centro de Assistência a Radioacidentados (C.A.R.A.). A total of 102 radioactive patients were divided into two groups: group 1 with 40 and group 2 with 62 participants. A field survey was conducted with a closed and semi-structured questionnaire in which the following contexts were addressed: sociodemographic profile, life habits and personal background. A database was created using the Google Forms application from the Google Web technologies company. The duly collected and stored data were imported and analyzed in the statistical software SPSS, version 21. Results: The prevalence of SAH reached a total of 25% (12 individuals) of the 48 interviewees, 50% of women (24) and 50% of men (24), of which 22.9% (11) of the radioactivity victims revealed to be smokers. Conclusion: The prevalence of SAH in the radioactivity victims population is similar to that of the population in general. (author)

  9. Systemic arterial hypertension in patients exposed to Cesium-137 in Goiânia-GO: prevalence study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodrigues, José Victor Rabelo; Pinto, Murillo Macêdo; Figueredo, Roberto Miller Pires; Lima, Helen de; Sacchetim, Sylvana de Castro, E-mail: [Centro Universitário de Anápolis (UniEVANGÉLICA), Goiania, GO (Brazil); Souto, Rafael [Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de Goiás, GO (Brazil)


    Background: Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) in the Brazilian population, in populations not exposed to Césium-137, presents a prevalence of 28% nationwide. However, in the group of radioactivity victims, these values are unknown. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of hypertension in patients exposed to Cesium-137 in Goiânia, enrolled in the Sistema de Monitoramento dos Radioacidentados (SISRAD) (Radioactivity Victims Monitoring System) of the Centro de Assistência aos Radioacidentados (C.A.R.A) (Assistance Center for Radioactivity Victims). Methods: This is a descriptive, observational cross-sectional epidemiological study carried out in Goiânia-Goiás, from August 2013 to October 2014, with a group of patients enrolled in the Sistema de Monitoramento dos Radioacidentados (SISRAD) of the Centro de Assistência a Radioacidentados (C.A.R.A.). A total of 102 radioactive patients were divided into two groups: group 1 with 40 and group 2 with 62 participants. A field survey was conducted with a closed and semi-structured questionnaire in which the following contexts were addressed: sociodemographic profile, life habits and personal background. A database was created using the Google Forms application from the Google Web technologies company. The duly collected and stored data were imported and analyzed in the statistical software SPSS, version 21. Results: The prevalence of SAH reached a total of 25% (12 individuals) of the 48 interviewees, 50% of women (24) and 50% of men (24), of which 22.9% (11) of the radioactivity victims revealed to be smokers. Conclusion: The prevalence of SAH in the radioactivity victims population is similar to that of the population in general. (author)

  10. Cesium-137 accumulation in higher plants before and after Chernobyl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawidis, T.; Drossos, E.; Papastefanou, C.; Heinrick, G.


    Cesium-137 concentrations in plant species of three biotypes of northern Greece, differing in location as well as in vegetation, are reported following the Chernobyl reactor accident. The cesium uptake by plants was due to the foliar deposition rather than the root uptake. The highest level of cesium in plants was found in Ranunculus sardous, a pubescent plant. The 137 Cs concentration was about 22kBq kg -1 d.w. A high level of cesium was also found in Salix alba ( 137 Cs: 19.6 kBq kg -1 d.w.), a deciduous tree showing that hairy leaves or leaves having rough and large surfaces can absorb greater amounts of radioactivity (surface effect). A comparison is also made between the results of measurements of the present study and the results of measurements of some herbarium plants collected one year before the accident as well as the results of measurements of some new plants grown and collected one year after the accident resulting in a natural removal rate of 137 Cs in plants varying from 14 to 130 days

  11. Interlaboratory comparison on 137Cs activity concentration in fume dust

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tzika, Faidra; Hult, Mikael; Burda, Oleksiy; Arnold, Dirk; Sibbens, Goedele; Caro Marroyo, Belén; Gómez–Mancebo, Maria Belén; Peyrés, Virginia; Moser, Hannah; Ferreux, Laurent; Šolc, Jaroslav; Dryák, Pavel; Fazio, Aldo; Luca, Aurelian; Vodenik, Branko; Reis, Mario


    A comparison was conducted, between 11 European National Metrology Institutes and EC-JRC, on measurement of 137 Cs activity concentration in fume dust. As test material an activity standard produced from real contaminated fume dust was used. The standard material consisted of 13 cylindrical samples of compressed fume dust. The material contained 137 Cs and 60 Co of reference activity concentrations of (9.72±0.10) Bq/g and (0.450±0.018) Bq/g, respectively, for the reference date of 1 June 2013, determined using the comparison results. The organization and results of the intercomparison, as well as the process of obtaining reliable reference values are presented. - Highlights: • A European comparison was conducted on measurement of 137 Cs activity in fume dust. • Participants used high resolution gamma ray spectrometry. • Efficiency calibration included Monte Carlo, numerical and experimental methods. • Reference 137 Cs and 60 Co activity concentrations in the fume dust were determined. • A new traceable activity standard of fume dust matrix is available to end-users.

  12. Robo-AO KP: A new era in robotic adaptive optics (United States)

    Riddle, Reed L.; Baranec, Christoph; Law, Nicholas M.; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.; Duev, Dmitry; Ziegler, Carl; Jensen-Clem, Rebecca M.; Atkinson, Dani Eleanor; Tanner, Angelle M.; Zhang, Celia; Ray, Amy


    Robo-AO is the first and only fully automated adaptive optics laser guide star AO instrument. It was developed as an instrument for 1-3m robotic telescopes, in order to take advantage of their availability to pursue large survey programs and target of opportunity observations that aren't possible with other AO systems. Robo-AO is currently the most efficient AO system in existence, and it can achieve an observation rate of 20+ science targets per hour. In more than three years of operations at Palomar Observatory, it has been quite successful, producing technology that is being adapted by other AO systems and robotic telescope projects, as well as several high impact scientific publications. Now, Robo-AO has been selected to take over operation of the Kitt Peak National Observatory 2.1m telescope. This will give Robo-AO KP the opportunity to pursue multiple science programs consisting of several thousand targets each during the three years it will be on the telescope. One-sixth of the observing time will be allocated to the US community through the NOAO TAC process. This presentation will discuss the process adapting Robo-AO to the KPNO 2.1m telescope, the plans for integration and initial operations, and the science operations and programs to be pursued.

  13. Adesão ao tratamento da ambliopia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arakaki Mara Regina


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da adesão no resultado do tratamento da ambliopia. MÉTODOS: Foi feito estudo retrospectivo avaliando a resposta ao tratamento da ambliopia em 151 crianças portadoras de ambliopia, tratadas com esquema de oclusão diária, com o número de dias variando de acordo com a idade da criança. Os pacientes foram separados em dois grupos que diferiam entre si pela adesão ou não ao tratamento. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que o tratamento teve melhores resultados nas crianças de 4 a 7 anos e que aderiram ao tratamento; as crianças que aderiram ao tratamento necessitaram de tempo menor de permanência em tratamento. Mesmo crianças com idade superior a 7 anos tiveram resultados positivos com a oclusão. CONCLUSÃO:O tratamento oclusivo é um meio terapêutico eficiente desde que haja a cooperação do paciente.

  14. Studies on diffusion of 137Cs in cement mortar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takebe, Shinichi; Shimooka, Kenji; Wadachi, Yoshiki; Kuramoto, Yuzuru.


    Penetration experiment of 137 Cs into the impermeable cement mortar which has been treated by the impermeable reagent (XYPEX reagent) was carried out in order to advance the performance of engineered barrier for Low Level Radioactive Waste. The result showed that the radioactive concentration at deeper region in the impermeable cement mortar specimen was decreased about 1 order of magnitude below that in the untreated specimen. Diffusion coefficient calculated from the radioactive concentration of 137 Cs in the cement mortar specimen was 9.1 x 10 -5 cm 2 /day for untreated cement mortar specimen and 4.0 x 10 -5 cm 2 /day for the impermeable cement mortar specimen, respectively. Treatment of cement mortar by the impermeable reagent was found to be effective to reduce the value of appearent diffusion coefficient for 137 Cs in the cement mortar. (author)

  15. Fallout cesium-137 and mineral-element distribution in food chains of granitic-outcrop ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crossley, D.A. Jr.; Duke, K.M.; Waide, J.B.


    Fallout 137 Cs movement is described for arthropod food chains on Panola and Arabia mountains, granite monadnocks in the Georgia Piedmont region. Food chains on mountain slopes had significant 137 Cs in herbivore and predator trophic levels. Food bases were identified from observation and from cesium to potassium ratios in vegetation and arthropods. Lichens are major accumulators of fallout 137 Cs but do not appear to be important food sources for arthropods. Cesium-137 concentrations decrease in the food chains; these decreases resemble those reported for other terrestrial arthropod chains. Aspects of 137 Cs movement and nutrient-element dynamics in granitic-outcrop ecosystems are discussed

  16. Proceedings of the national workshop on the use of 137Cs to measure erosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The workshop was concerned with the use and development of Cs-137 techniques of measuring erosion. The overall outcome of the workshop was a view that it is inappropriate at this time to conduct a comprehensive national assessment of soil erosion using the Caesium-137 technique, but it is appropriate to conduct a reconnaissance survey which would establish/confirm reference levels of Cs 137 deposition across Australia, establish, at a statistically viable level, the capability to confirm at least large differences in Cs 137 concentration, and build up a more comprehensive picture of Cs 137 and its association with soil movement in the Australian landscape

  17. Distribution of {sup 137}Cs in the Surface Soil of Serpong Nuclear Site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lubis, E., E-mail: [Center for Radioactive Waste Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Serpong (Indonesia)


    The distribution of {sup 137}Cs in the surface soil layer of Serpong Nuclear Site (SNS) was investigated by field sampling. The Objectives of the investigation is finding the profile of {sup 137}Cs distribution in the surface soil and the T{sub f} value that can be used for estimation of radiation dose from livestock product-man pathways. The results indicates that the {sup 137}Cs activity in surface soil of SNS is 0.80 {+-} 0.29 Bq/kg, much lower than in the Antarctic. The contribution value of {sup 137}Cs from the operation of G.A. Siwabessy Reactor until now is undetectable. The T{sub f} of {sup 137}Cs from surface soil to Panisetum Purpureum, Setaria Spha Celata and Imperata Cylindrica grasses were 0.71 {+-} 0.14, 0.84 {+-} 0.27 and 0.81 {+-} 0.11 respectively. The results show that value of the transfer factor of {sup 137}Cs varies between cultivated and uncultivated soil and also with the soils with thick humus. (author)

  18. Tamanho ao nascer e problemas de saúde mental aos 11 anos em uma coorte brasileira de nascimentos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erika Alejandra Giraldo Gallo


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a associação entre tamanho ao nascer e problemas de saúde mental aos 11 anos na Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, de 1993. Foram pesados e medidos ao nascer 4.358 recém-nascidos. Avaliou-se problemas de saúde mental com o questionário de capacidades e dificuldades (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - SDQ. A prevalência de problemas de saúde mental foi de 32% (IC95%: 31-33. Na análise ajustada, os 291 (6,7% recém-nascidos com escorez de peso/idade e os 268 (6,2% com índice de massa corporal (IMC/idade +2 DP tiveram, respectivamente, 34% (IC95%: 6-71 e 19% (IC95%: 1-40 maior risco de apresentar esses problemas se comparados com aqueles com escore normal. Os resultados sugerem que fatores ocorridos na gestação e refletidos nas medidas de tamanho ao nascer podem ocasionar problemas de saúde mental em etapas tardias.

  19. Cesium-137 in Norwegian milk 1960-1976

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hvinden, T.


    Cesium-137 in milk has been measured at 11 sampling sites in Norway since 1960. The results show seasonal variations, normally with a peak during summer, and variations from district to district, depending upon farming and precipitation conditions. The concentration of cesium-137, averaged over the 11 sampling sites, reached a maximum of 0.44 nanocurie/litre in 1964, decreasing to 0.05 in 1975 and 1976. The range of variations within the 11 sites is of the order of 10. At other sites, with high precipitation and low grazing field qualities, the concentration has been found to be higher than at the 11 sites, giving a range of variations of more than 100. (Auth.)

  20. 137Cs and 9Sr uptake by sunflower cultivated under hydroponic conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soudek, Petr; Valenova, Sarka; Vavrikova, Zuzana; Vanek, Tomas


    The 9 Sr and 137 Cs uptake by the plant Helianthus annuus L. was studied during cultivation in a hydroponic medium. The accumulation of radioactivity in plants was measured after 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 days of cultivation. About 12% of 137 Cs and 20% of 9 Sr accumulated during the experiments. We did not find any differences between the uptake of radioactive and stable caesium and strontium isotopes. Radioactivity distribution within the plant was determined by autoradiography. 137 Cs was present mainly in nodal segments, leaf veins and young leaves. High activity of 9 Sr was localized in leaf veins, stem, central root and stomata. The influence of stable elements or analogues on the transfer behaviour was investigated. The percentage of non-active caesium and strontium concentration in plants decreased with the increasing initial concentration of Cs or Sr in the medium. The percentage of 9 Sr activity in plants decreased with increasing initial activity of the nuclide in the medium, but the activity of 137 Cs in plants increased. The influence of K + and NH 4 + on the uptake of 137 Cs and the influence of Ca 2+ on the uptake of 9 Sr was tested. The highest accumulation of 137 Cs (24-27% of the initial activity of 137 Cs) was found in the presence of 10 mM potassium and 12 mM ammonium ions. Accumulation of about 22% of initial activity of 9 Sr was determined in plants grown on the medium with 8 mM calcium ions

  1. Chronic contamination with 137Cesium affects Vitamin D3 metabolism in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tissandie, E.; Gueguen, Y.; Lobaccaro, J.M.A.; Aigueperse, J.; Gourmelon, P.; Paquet, F.; Souidi, M.


    Twenty years after Chernobyl disaster, many people are still chronically exposed to low dose of 137 Cs, mainly through the food consumption. A large variety of diseases have been described in highly exposed people with 137 Cs, which include bone disorders. The aim of this work was to investigate the biological effects of a chronic exposure to 137 Cs on Vitamin D 3 metabolism, a hormone essential in bone homeostasis. Rats were exposed to 137 Cs in their drinking water for 3 months at a dose of 6500 Bq/l (approximately 150 Bq/rat/day), a similar concentration ingested by the population living in contaminated territories in the former USSR countries. Cytochromes P450 enzymes involved in Vitamin D 3 metabolism, related nuclear receptors and Vitamin D 3 target genes were assessed by real time PCR in liver, kidney and brain. Vitamin D, PTH, calcium and phosphate levels were measured in plasma. An increase in the expression level of cyp2r1 (40%, p 137 Cs-exposed rats. However a significant decrease of Vitamin D (1,25(OH)D 3 ) plasma level (53%, p = 0.02) was observed. In brain, cyp2r1 mRNA level was decreased by 20% (p 137 Cs contamination. In conclusion, this study showed for the first time that chronic exposure with post-accidental doses of 137 Cs affects Vitamin D 3 active form level and induces molecular modifications of CYPs enzymes involved its metabolism in liver and brain, without leading to mineral homeostasis disorders

  2. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in tea (Japanese tea)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Sr-90 and Cs-137 in Japanese tea were determined using radiochemical analysis. Five hundred grams of manufactured green tea was collected from six sampling locations in June 1983, carbonized and ashed in a stainless steel pan or a porcelain dish. The maximum values of Sr-90 and Cs-137 were 250 +- 6.0 pCi/kg and 88.0 +- 3.2 pCi/kg, respectively, in tea collected from Tagata-gun, Shizuoka. (Namekawa, K.)

  3. Residual contamination from Cs-137 in the Sondrio area (Lombardy - Italy)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rimoldi, E.M.; Leonardi, L.; Cavallone, E.; Bignazzi, R.; Galimberti, A.


    The authors conducted the investigations on the contamination by Cs-137, resulting from Chernobyl's Accident, in the Sondrio area (Lombardy, Italy). Analyses were performed with NaI (T1) spectrometer. 130 samples collected from superficial earth layer (up to 15 cm) and deep earth layer (from 15 to 30 cm) of woods and meadows, pond's mud, mosses, mushrooms, wild wood fruits, forages, striated muscle from deer, chamois and roe deer, goat's and cow's milk, and running and stagnant water, were studied. Superficial earth samples always showed a higher Cs-137 concentration compared to deep earth samples, their mean activities being 68 Bq/kg (sup. wood) and 18 Bq/kg (sup. meadow). In 1 sample from superficial wood earth in Val Belsivo, the concentration was 1109 Bq/kg. The mud samples had a mean Cs-137 concentration of 96 Bq/kg. Cs-137 was always present in mosses with a mean activity of 234 Bq/kg, whereas in mushrooms contamination was continuous (mean, 63 Bq/kg). Cs-137 was absent in wild wood fruits and in forages except for one sample of bilberry (12 Bq/Kg) and one sample of forage (54 Bq/Kg). In the striated muscle samples from wild animals, chamois always showed high Cs-137 concentration (29 Bq/kg), but was intermediate in roe deer (18 Bq/kg) and lowest in deer (5 Bq/kg). In 4 deer and 4 roe deer, contamination was undetectable. Running and stagnant waters, and cow's milk were not contaminated whereas some Cs-137 activities were detected in goat milk samples (18 Bq/kg). It is concluded that residual contamination from Chernobyl's accident in the investigated areas has by now just become a scientific interest and no longer a sanitary issue, as the contamination levels detected in all the samples are clearly below the maximal admissible levels established by the European Gazettes. However, it is interesting to note that the recycling of Cs-137 is more present in wood, confirming the delicate environmental balance of this ecosystem. The routine radio

  4. Toxicity of injected 137CsCl in the beagle dog. VII

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lustgarten, C.S.; Hobbs, C.H.; Boecker, B.B.; Jones, R.K.; McClellan, R.O.; Pickrell, J.A.; Redman, H.C.


    Studies on the metabolism, dosimetry, and effects of intravenously administered 137 CsCl in the Beagle dog are being conducted to aid in assessing the biologic consequences of exposure to 137 Cs such as might occur in the event of certain nuclear accidents. Effects of the chronic, relatively uniform whole-body exposure produced by 137 Cs are being compared with other diverse radiation dose patterns resulting from inhalation of radioactive aerosols. Sixty-six dogs were entered into the study; 6 with a mean initial 137 Cs body burden of 3780 μCi/kg, and 5 groups of 12 dogs each with mean initial 137 Cs body burdens of 2820, 1940, 1420, 970, and 0 μCi/kg. All six of the highest level dogs died 19 to 33 days post-injection with cumulative whole-body doses of 950 to 1400 rads. Three dogs in the 2820 μCi/kg level died at 24 to 27 days post-injection with cumulative whole-body doses of 860 to 910 rads. One dog in the 2820 μCi/kg level and one dog in the 1940 μCi/kg level died at 77 and 81 days after injection with cumulative whole-body doses of 1300 to 1400 rads. These early deaths were attributed to severe bone marrow damage which was reflected in an early dose related pancytopenia. A dog injected with 1900 μCi/ 137 Cs/kg died 693 days post-injection with necropsy findings attributed to shock. A dog injected with 2800 μCi/kg died 1594 days post-injection with aspiration pneumonia and a dog with 2900 μCi/kg was euthanized 1704 days post-injection with severe arthritis. A control dog died 647 days after initiation of the study with clinicopathological manifestations of auto-immune hemolytic anemia. Forty 137 Cs dogs and 11 controls are surviving at 2047 to 2301 days after being placed on experiment. The surviving 137 Cs dogs had initial body burdens that ranged from 880 to 3000 μCi/kg and received cumulative whole-body doses of 550 to 2200 rads. Serial observations are continuing on all survivors. (U.S.)

  5. Bioremoval of Am-241 and Cs-137 from liquid radioactive wasters by bacterial consortiums; Biorremocao de Am-241 e Cs-137 de rejeitos radioativos liquidos por consorcios bacterianos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Rafael Vicente de Padua; Lima, Josenilson B. de; Gomes, Mirella C.; Borba, Tania R.; Bellini, Maria Helena; Marumo, Julio Takehiro; Sakata, Solange Kazumi, E-mail: rpadua@ipen.b, E-mail: sksakata@ipen.b, E-mail: jblima@ipen.b, E-mail: mbmarumo@ipen.b, E-mail: jtmarumo@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    This paper evaluates the capacity of two bacterial consortiums of impacted areas in removing the Am-241 and Cs-137 from liquid radioactive wastes.The experiments indicated that the two study consortiums were able to remove 100% of the Cs-137 and Am-241 presents in the waste from 4 days of contact. These results suggest that the bio removal with the selected consortiums, can be a viable technique for the treatment of radioactive wastes containing Am-241 and Cs-137

  6. Use of experimental plots for assessing Chernobyl-derived fallout of 137CS in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonte, Ph.; Sogon, S.; Bourgeois, S.; Terce, M.; Morel, Ch.


    Caesium-137 ( 137 Cs) is widely used for the determination of soil erosion and sedimentation rates. However, in Europe, if the additional inputs of 137 Cs fallout associated with the Chernobyl accident have given a supplementary mark to know the chronological history of buried sediments in rivers or wetlands, they have considerably complicated the interpretation of 137 Cs inventories used for estimating soil redistribution on slopes. In fact, determination of Chernobyl-derived fallout 137 Cs is problematic because very few sites have been correctly sampled at the moment of the accident. During the ten years after, it was possible to estimate the fallout measuring the 134 Cs activity for estimating 137 Cs ( 137 Cs / 134 Cs 2.0 at the time of the accident). But these measurements are extremely rare, whereas it should be the more accurate method to resolve this question. The more used solution is to use model based on atmospheric circulation and rain precipitation, the main part of fallout been due to atmospheric washing by the rain. Other solution is to compare 137 Cs specific activity of soil samples collected after the accident and older samples. Then, we choose a set of soil samples collected on several experimental plots at different places in France, and sampled before and after the Chernobyl accident, to determine the part of contamination linked to this 137 Cs fallout event with a simple comparison of their 137 Cs specific activity. In fact, national French institutes working on agronomy maintain experimental plots, with varied surface area (1 m 2 10 m 2 or larger), for monitoring of soil physics and chemistry evolution. Nine sites were studied: two of them close to Paris, one 100 km east of Paris, 3 in Loire basin and 3 in south west, in the Pyrenees Atlantic. These measurements confirm the influence of the Chernobyl radioactive plume over the Paris Basin concerning the 137 Cs fallout. The 137 Cs specific activity is, on average, 25% (from 18 to 35% at

  7. Intensity of 137Cs accumulation by macromycetes of oak-hornbeam forests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orlov, A.A.; Kurbet, T.V.


    The intensity of 137 Cs accumulation by fruit bodies of macromycetes of 25 species were studied under conditions of fresh oak forests in oak-hornbeam forests of Podolsk Hills (Ukraine). It was found the intraspecific differences of average values of 137 Cs specific activity in mushrooms fruit bodies on the same forest plots were about 35 times and average values of transfer factor - about 45 times; the ranked row of mushroom species was build up according their average values. It was shown, the row →forest litter saprotrophes→humus sapritrophes→xylotrophes-sapritrophes - is formed according to intensity of 137 Cs accumulation in fruit bodies ecological-trophic groups of macromycete. Permissible levels for density of 137 Cs soil contamination to preserve edible mushrooms were calculated; and it was drawn a conclusion to the effect that studied species of mushrooms can be presented without any limits. (author)

  8. Late biological effects of 137CsCl injected in beagle dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikula, K.J.; Muggenburg, B.A.; Griffith, W.C.; Hahn, F.F.; Boecker, B.B.


    The toxicity of intravenously administered 137 CsCl in the Beagle dog was investigated as part of the ITRI program to evaluate the biological effects of internally deposited fission product radionuclides. The toxicity and health effects of 137 Cs are important to understand because 137 Cs is produced in large amounts in light-water nuclear reactors. Also, large quantities of cesium radioisotopes have entered the human food chain as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and additonal cesium radioisotopes were released during the Chernobyl accident. The intravenous route of exposure was chosen because it was known that after intravenous injection, inhalation, or ingestion, internally deposited 137 CsCl is rapidly adsorbed and distributed throughout the body, exposing the whole body to beta and gamma radiation, and because of the reduced radiation protection problems associated with high-level exposure via injection compared to these other routes

  9. The dependence of the 137Cs on the parameters of a soil solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulavyin, L.A.; Prorok, V.V.; Agejev, V.A.; Mel'nichenko, L.Yu.; Ostashko, V.V.


    Different kinds of rapidly maturing plants were grown simultaneously at experimental sites under natural conditions at the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The content of 137 Cs in a plant and in the corresponding soil solution and the content of the soil solution in soil were measured. We have first established that, for all investigated plants and experimental sites, the 137 Cs plant uptake is approximately proportional to the concentration of dissolved 137 Cs in the soil - to the product of the 137 Cs content in the soil solution and the content of the soil solution per unit volume of soil

  10. The main regularities of 137Cs accumulation by medicinal plants after nuclear accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orlov, A.A.; Krasnov, V.P.; Get'manchuk, A.I.


    The main regularities of 137 Cs accumulation by medicinal plants after nuclear accidents have been analyzed. Tendencies in study of this problem have been underlined on literary data. The mean values of transfer factor of 137 Cs from soil to medicinal row in different habitat types have been elucidated for Ukrainian Polessye. It was found that species with the wide ecological amplitude were characterized by the highest intensity of 137 Cs accumulation in forest habitats in comparison with non-forest ones. For some species of medicinal plants multiyear dynamics of 137 Cs specific activity has been shown on stationary experimental plots. (author)

  11. A "1"3"7Cs erosion model with moving boundary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin, Chuan; Ji, Hongbing


    A novel quantitative model of the relationship between diffused concentration changes and erosion rates using assessment of soil losses was developed. It derived from the analysis of surface soil "1"3"7Cs flux variation under persistent erosion effect and based on the principle of geochemistry kinetics moving boundary. The new moving boundary model improves the basic simplified transport model (Zhang et al., 2008), and mainly applies to uniform rainfall areas which show a long-time soil erosion. The simulation results for this kind of erosion show under a long-time soil erosion, the influence of "1"3"7Cs concentration will decrease exponentially with increasing depth. Using the new model fit to the measured "1"3"7Cs depth distribution data in Zunyi site, Guizhou Province, China which has typical uniform rainfall provided a good fit with R"2 = 0.92. To compare the soil erosion rates calculated by the simple transport model and the new model, we take the Kaixian reference profile as example. The soil losses estimated by the previous simplified transport model are greater than those estimated by the new moving boundary model, which is consistent with our expectations. - Highlights: • The diffused moving boundary principle analysing "1"3"7Cs flux variation. • The new erosion model applies to uniform rainfall areas. • The erosion effect on "1"3"7Cs will decrease exponentially with increasing depth. • The new model provides two methods of calculating erosion rate.

  12. Distribution of {sup 137}Cs in environmental soil and crude drugs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kimura, Shoujiro; Yamaoki, Rumi [Osaka Univ. of Pharmaceutical Science, Takatsuki (Japan)


    Radioactivity of {sup 137}Cs and {sup 40}K was determined on commercially available products of Houttuynia Herb which were imported from China and Taiwan or processed in Japan, and of Houttuynia cordata harvested in 15 places in Japan and the surrounding soil. On Houttuynia Herb, the concentrations of {sup 137}Cs and {sup 40}K were LTD (less than detectable)-7.6 Bq/kg dry and 743-1964 Bq/kg dry, respectively, suggesting than the concentration of {sup 137}Cs was less than 1% of that of {sup 40}K. The domestic products were found to contain higher concentrations of {sup 137}Cs and {sup 40}K than the imported ones. The concentration of {sup 137}Cs of Houttuynia cordata harvested in Japan ranged from 0.8 Bq/kg dry to 172 Bq/kg dry, while the concentration of {sup 40}K was almost the same as that of the commercial products. The concentration ratio of {sup 40}K in Houttuynia cordata to that in the soil was correlated with the moisture content and the ignition loss of the soil. However, the concentration ratio of {sup 137}Cs did not show a very clear correlation. When 15 g of Houttuynia Herb or Houttuynia cordata was daily decocted and given for 1 year the former showed the committed dose equivalent of 0.02-0.5 {mu}Sv and the latter 0.06-12 {mu}Sv. Both of these values were less than 0.5% of the annual effective dose equivalent from the nature, 2.4 mSv. (author)

  13. Redistribution of caesium-137 by erosion and deposition on an australian soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCallan, M.E.; Rose, C.W.; O'Leary, B.M.


    Caesium-137, a nuclear fallout product which is carried down to the ground by rainfall and becomes tightly adsorbed to soil particles, is being used to study soil erosion and accumulation. The measurement of 137 Cs activity in soil cores in an upland catchment on the Darling Downs has revealed a vertical and areal distribution of this isotope which is in general agreement with expectations based on the topography, the observed erosion and deposition sites, the variation in 137 Cs fallout through time, and hypotheses of 137 Cs redistribution. Such information may allow the development of a practical technique for estimating soil erosion and accumulation rates using this isotope; it also allows testing of mathematical models of erosion/deposition processes

  14. Cs-137 in aquatic organisms in the southern Lake Keurusselkae (Finland)[Radioecology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ilus, E.; Klemola, S.; Vartti, V.P.; Mattila, J.; Ikaeheimonen, T.K. [STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki (Finland)


    The results of a study carried out in Lake Keurusselkae, in the Finnish Lake District, are reported. The aim of the study was to collect biota samples for the INDOFERN Project from an area that was rather highly contaminated (70 kBq m{sup -2} of {sup 137}Cs in 1986) with the Chernobyl fallout in Finland. The samples were taken from a relatively small area surrounding the island of Iso Riihisaari in the southern part of the Keurusselkae water course. In total 15 samples of aquatic plants, 6 samples of aquatic animals, 1 water sample and 2 sediment cores were taken. In August 2003, the activity concentration of {sup 137}Cs in the surface water of the southern Lake Keurusselkae was 49 Bq m{sup -3}, whereas it was 310 Bq m{sup -3} in 1988, two year after the Chernobyl accident. In the relatively shallow area surrounding the island of Iso Riihisaari, the total amount of {sup 137}Cs in sediments was 32-37 kBq m{sup -2} in 2003, but in a deeper basin close to this area the total amount of {sup 137}Cs was 130 kBq m{sup -2} in 1990. The clearly highest activity concentration and concentration factor of {sup 137}Cs was found in one sample of Water horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile), 1 430 Bq kg{sup -1} dry wt; CF 29 200, whereas in another sample of the same species the concentration was only 174 Bq kg{sup -1} dry wt. In addition, the Water lily (Nymphaea candida), Spiked water millfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), Broad-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton natans) and Yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea) seemed to be good indicators for {sup 137}Cs. The tall freshwater clam (Anodonta sp.) seemed to be a modest accumulator of {sup 137}Cs. Contrary to our results from the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, many aquatic plants demonstrated in fresh water similar accumulation capacity of {sup 137}Cs as fish (perch and roach), while in the sea the uptake of {sup 137}Cs in fish seemed to be more efficient than in aquatic plants. (LN)

  15. Bioaccumulation of cesium-137 in yellow bullhead catfish (Ameiurus natalis) inhabiting an abandoned nuclear reactor reservoir

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCreedy, C.D.; Glickman, L.T.; Jagoe, C.H.; Brisbin, I.L. Jr.


    Bioaccumulation of 137 Cs was investigated in yellow bullhead catfish (Ameiurus natalis) inhabiting an abandoned reactor reservoir, Pond B, Savannah River Site, Barnwell Co., South Carolina. The authors collected fish by trap-netting, and determined ages from pectoral spines. Muscle and other tissues were assayed for 137 Cs by NaI-scintillation. Music 137 Cs was unrelated to sex or mass of fish, but was related to age. Examination of least-squares means suggested that 137 Cs in muscle increased up to about age 3, but did not increase with greater age. A modified Richards model showed equilibrium 137 Cs concentration in muscle was acquired in approximately 2.4 years. Growth differed between sexes and the time to asymptotic body mass was longer than the time to attain equilibrium 137 Cs concentration. Males attained an asymptotic mass of 577 g in approximately 6.3 years; females attained an asymptotic mass of 438 g in approximately 5.9 years. The cumulative 137 Cs burden of the population was 4.9 x 10 6 Bq, representing 137 Cs inventory of the reservoir. Concentration of 137 Cs varied among tissues with gill and muscle the lowest and highest. Concentration of 137 Cs in ovaries declined with increasing ovary mass. Until equilibrium is attained in these fish, 137 Cs concentration is directly related to increasing age rather than size

  16. Uptake, retention and organ/tissue distribution of 137Cs by Japanese catfish (Silurus asotus Linnaeus)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malek, M.A.; Nakahara, M.; Nakamura, R.


    The work describes the uptake, retention/biological elimination and organ/tissue distribution of 137 Cs by freshwater Japanese catfish (Silurus asotus Linnaeus) under laboratory conditions. The fish were divided into three groups based on their size and age and reared in 137 Cs-spiked water. The concentration of 137 Cs in the whole body of the live fish was measured at regular intervals up to 60 days. A significant accumulation of 137 Cs was found, but a steady state condition was not achieved by the end of the experiment. The bioaccumulation factors at steady state and the required time to reach steady state were estimated to be 1.55 and 255 days, 1.76 and 180 days and 1.99 and 160 days for large, medium and small size fish, respectively. To determine the effective half-life of 137 Cs, the fish were transferred and reared in the non-contaminated host water. The concentration of the remaining 137 Cs in the whole body of the live fish was measured up to 66 days. The average effective half-life of 137 Cs in the fish species was found to be ∼142 days for fish of all sizes. The distribution of 137 Cs in different organs/tissues of the fish was determined. Accumulation of 137 Cs in muscle/flesh of the fish was found to be ∼75% of whole body accumulation. The uptake rate and the retention capability of juvenile fish were found to be higher and therefore, these were more susceptible to 137 Cs than adult and old fish, and could be an important source of 137 Cs in the human food chain

  17. Effective ecological half-lives of Cs-137 for fishes controlled by their surrounding sea-waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morita, T.; Yoshida, K.


    National Research Institute of Fisheries Science (NRIFS) has carried out the long term monitoring program for radioactive pollution in marine organisms caught around Japan in order to confirm the safety of marine organisms as food source. Main radionuclide in our monitoring program is Cs-137 because it has the relatively high radiotoxicity and the long term physical half-life (about 30.1 y), and tends to accumulate in the muscle. Recently, the effective ecological half-lives have been introduced to estimate the recovery time from radioactive pollution, and been applicable to various ecosystems. In this study, effective ecological half-lives of Cs-137 for some fishes were calculated from our long term monitoring data. It is known that fish species have each effective ecological half-lives. However, it has been unclear what change the effective ecological half-lives of Cs-137 for fishes. Fishes intake Cs-137 through food chain and directly from their surrounding sea-waters. Accordingly, the effective ecological half-lives of Cs-137 for some fishes would be controlled by the effective environment half-lives of Cs-137 for their surrounding sea-waters. There is difference in effective environment half-lives of Cs-137 between the open ocean and the coastal sea-waters because they have the different input sources of Cs-137. Some fishes move between the open ocean and the coastal areas, and therefore their effective ecological half-lives of Cs-137 are influenced by the effective environment half-lives of Cs-137 for sea-waters of both areas. Consequently, the differences in effective ecological half-lives of Cs-137 among fish species would depend the rate of coastal area in their lives. (author)

  18. Spatial distribution of fallout 137Cs in the coastal marine environment of India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jha, S.K.; Gothankar, S.S.; Sartandel, S.; Pote, M.B.; Hemalatha, P.; Rajan, M.P.; Vidyasagar, D.; Indumati, S.P.; Shrivastava, R.; Puranik, V.D.


    The data on the fallout 137 Cs in the coastal marine environment assume significance in view of massive expansion of nuclear power plants in the Asia-Pacific region and to fulfill the benchmark study required to evaluate the possible impact of the Fukushima radioactive releases in the Asia-Pacific region. Measurements of 137 Cs in sea water, along with salinity and temperature, were carried out at 30 locations covering the coastal area of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. For the present study the Indian coastal area is divided in three different regions. The 137 Cs concentration in sea water of the entire Indian coastal region varies from 0.30 to 1.25 Bq m −3 . The data obtained in the present study was compared with the North Indian Ocean data and it was observed that there is a 33% decrease in the Arabian Sea (region I), 50% in the high rainfall coastal area (region II) and 24% in the Bay of Bengal (region III). - Highlights: ► Benchmark value of 137 Cs in coastal environment of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. ► International reference source of 137 Cs in coastal marine environment of India. ► In-situ pre-concentration technique for measurement of 137 Cs. ► Comparison of 137 Cs Indian coastal data with ASPAMARD.

  19. The behavior of 137Cs in the soil-forest plants system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spiridonov, S.; Fesenko, S.; Avila, R.


    A model has been developed which simulates the behavior of 137 Cs in forest litter and soil, as well as seasonal and long-term dynamics of 137 CS content in forest plants. The long-term cycles of 137 CS migration are described as an integrated result of multiple annual cycles. The model results demonstrate a satisfactory coincidence with the experimental data. A set of model parameters is provided for each of four different types of forest (coniferous and deciduous forest; automorphic and semi-hydromorphic landscapes). The model allows an evaluation of the effects of countermeasures implemented in the contaminated forest. Refs. 1 (author)

  20. Concentrating cesium-137 from seawater using resorcinol-formaldehyde resin for radioecological monitoring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Egorin, Andrei; Tokar, Eduard; Tutov, Mikhail; Avramenko, Valentin [Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Vladivostok (Russian Federation); Far Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok (Russian Federation); Palamarchuk, Marina; Marinin, Dmitry [Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Vladivostok (Russian Federation)


    A method of preconcentrating cesium-137 from seawater using a resorcinol-formaldehyde resin, which enables one to optimize the ecological monitoring procedure, has been suggested. Studies of sorption of cesium-137 from seawater by resorcinol-formaldehyde resin have been performed, and it has been demonstrated that the cation exchanger is characterized by high selectivity with respect to cesium-137. It was found that the selectivity depended on the temperature of resin solidification and the seawater pH value. The maximal value of the cesium-137 distribution coefficient is equal to 4.1-4.5 x 10{sup 3} cm{sup 3} g{sup -1}. Under dynamic conditions, the ion-exchange resin capacity is 310-910 bed volumes depending on the seawater pH, whereas the efficiency of cesium removal exceeds 95%. The removal of more than 95% of cesium-137 has been attained using 1-3 M solutions of nitric acid: here, the eluate volume was 8-8.4 bed volumes. Application of 3 M solution of nitric acid results in resin degradation with the release of gaseous products.

  1. A model of cumulation of 137Cs in the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwapulinski, J.; Buszman, A.; Kwapulinska, G.


    A model of 137 Cs as accumulation in various stages of carp development is presented. The model includes the influence of body weight and weight increase on 137 Cs concentration. Moreover, an equation is given, illustrating the influence of the activity of bottom sediments and global fallout. The model was checked, using the results of 137 Cs determinations in the years 1965-1970

  2. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk (powdered milk)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Sr-90 and Cs-137 in powdered milk were determined using radiochemical analysis. Six brands of commercial milk were purchased as samples in consuming districts in December 1984. Milk in a stainless steel pan or a porcelain dish was evaporated to dryness followed by carbonization and ashing. The maximum values of Sr-90 and Cs-137 were 33 +- 1.0 pCi/kg and 140 +- 2 pCi/kg, respectively, in skim milk manufactured by Meiji. (Namekawa, K.)

  3. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in tea (Japanese tea)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Sr-90 and Cs-137 in Japanese tea were determined using radiochemical analysis. Five hundred grams of manufactured green tea was collected from six sampling locations in June 1984, carbonized and ashed in a stainless steel pan or a porcelain dish. The maximum value of Sr-90 was 88+-3.7 pCi/kg in tea collected from Kyoto; the maximum value of Cs-137 was 99.0+-3.60 pCi/kg collected from Kagoshima. (Namekawa, K.)

  4. Availability and immobilization of 137Cs in subtropical high mountain forest and grassland soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiu, C.-Y.; Wang, C.-J.; Huang, C.-C.


    To understand the behavior of 137 Cs in undisturbed soils after nuclear fallout deposition between the 1940s and 1980s, we investigated the speciation of 137 Cs in soils in forest and its adjacent grassland from a volcano and subalpine area in Taiwan. We performed sequential extraction of 137 Cs (i.e., fractions readily exchangeable, bound to microbial biomass, bound to Fe-Mn oxides, bound to organic matter, persistently bound and residual). For both the forest and grassland soils, 137 Cs was mainly present in the persistently bound (31-41%) and residual (22-62%) fractions. The proportions of 137 Cs labile fractions - bound to exchangeable sites, microbial biomass, Mn-Fe oxides, and organic matter - were lower than those of the recalcitrant fractions. The labile fractions in the forest soils were also higher than those in the grassland soils, especially in the volcanic soil. The results suggest that the labile form of 137 Cs was mostly transferred to the persistently bound and resistant fractions after long-term deposition of fallout. The readily exchangeable 137 Cs fraction was higher in soils with higher organic matter content or minor amounts of 2:1 silicate clay minerals

  5. Airborne fallout mapping of 137Cs Finnish defence forces team

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kettunen, M.; Heininen, T.; Pulakka, M.


    The main task of the team was to create a fallout map of 137 Cs in a specified area in Padasjoki Auttoinen village. The team used an MI-8 helicopter of the Finnish Air Force. The team had an HPGe system (relative efficiency 70%) to measure nuclide specific ground contamination level. For navigation the team took advantage of the DGPS service provided by Finnish Broadcasting company utilizing the RDS-channel to get position accuracy within 2 meters. The correction signal is reachable nationwide on the FM transmitter network. The system produced a distribution map for 40 K and fallout maps for 134,137 Cs using a Micro Station Program with TerraModeler application. The maximum measured 137 Cs ground contamination exceeded 130-140 kBqm -2 . (au)

  6. The chemical speciation of 137Cs in sheepmeat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pang, T.Y.M.; Taylor, D.M.; Williams, D.R.


    Minced sheep muscle, homogenised liver and fragmented rib or cortical bone, from sheep grazing near Bootle, Cumbria, U.K., which had been stored for some months at -20 o C, were extracted at 4 o C with an isotonic 0.15 M NaCl-0.02 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. Each successive extraction released about 50% of the total 137 Cs remaining in the tissue. Passage of the extracts through a column of the cation-exchanger Dowex 50 x 8 indicated that essentially all the extracted 137 Cs was in cationic form. (author)

  7. 137Cs uptake by sheep grazing tidally-inundated and inland pastures near the Sellafield reprocessing plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howard, B.J.


    Field investigations into the transfer of 137 Cs from pasture to sheep tissues have been made at two contrasting sites in west Cumbria, close to the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Sellafield. These were a saltmarsh bordering on the Esk estuary in 1982 and inland pastures close to the perimeter of the works in 1984. 137 Cs concentrations of sampled vegetation from the saltmarsh were generally two orders of magnitude greater than from the inland pasture due to its inundation with 137 Cs associated with silt. The relatively high 137 Cs content of soil/silt compared to that of vegetation at each site meant that soil contamination of vegetation sometimes accounted for a substantial proportion of its 137 Cs activity (up to 99% on the saltmarsh and 67% on the inland pastures). Considerable seasonal changes occurred in the extent of 137 Cs contamination on the inland pastures, with late winter and early spring levels being up to 20-fold higher than those of the summer. 137 Cs concentrations in tissues of lambs from the saltmarsh were consistently higher than for ewes; this was not true for sheep from the inland pastures. 137 Cs concentrations in kidney were found to be higher than in all other tissues, both in the study flocks and in one of the controls. Transfer coefficients (calculated by dividing the 137 Cs concentration of fresh tissue by the daily intake of 137 Cs) were significantly (P 137 Cs activity due to soil/silt contamination was removed from the estimates of daily intake leaving 137 Cs associated with the vegetation only to contribute to the transfer coefficients. Further studies are required to determine the availability of 137 Cs associated with soil/silt particles which are ingested by animals. (author)

  8. Introduce lichen Lepraria incana as biomonitor of Cesium-137 from Ramsar, northern Iran. (United States)

    Dalvand, Amin; Jahangiri, Ahmad; Iranmanesh, Jalil


    Lichens have been used as biomonitors of airborne radionuclides released in conjunction with nuclear bomb testing as well as nuclear power plant accidents. The potential of lichens for monitoringof radionuclides has been well documented. However, there are no studies that determine natural and artificial radionuclide monitoring by lichens, in Iran. Thus, as a first step, we have conducted a comparison of (137)Csactivity concentration capacity of three epiphytic lichen species including Lepraria incana, Xanthoria parietina and Ramalina farinacea from Ramsar Northern Iran. In this work, accumulation capacity of (137)Cs was determined in 36 lichen samples using a gamma spectrometer equipped with a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The results showed that highest accumulation capacity of (137)Cs in the lichen species was found in Lepraria incana and Xanthoria parietina, 30.2, 9.8 Bq/kg respectively, and lowest average accumulation capacity were found in Ramalina farinacea 2.7 Bq/kg (dry weight). This study showed that activity concentration (137)Cs is in crustose > foliose > fruticose lichens in the same biotope. Thus, crustose lichens are capable to accumulate higher (137)Cs than foliose and fruticose species because of different factors such as special morphological characteristics in these species and large surface/volume ratio or longer biological half-life of (137)Cs in lichen Lepraria incana. Therefore, Lepraria incana due to high concentration capability of (137)Cs (approximately 3 and 11 time higher than Xanthoria parietina and Ramalina farinacea, respectively), is introduced as biomonitor of Cesium-137 from Ramsar, North of Iran. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Activity of 137Cs in Forest Mushrooms in Poland in 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grabowski, D.; Kurowski, W.; Muszynski, W.; Rubel, B.; Smagala, G.; Swietochowska, J.


    Full text: The radiocaesium in mushrooms has been monitored in Poland after the Chernobyl accident. The samples of mushrooms were collected all over the territory of Poland during the period 1986-2000. Activity of 137 Cs was much higher than in other foodstuff. This is connected with specific forest ecosystem and tendency to accumulate caesium by some kinds of mushrooms. The significant variations were observed in different species of mushrooms collected at the same area and time. This paper presents the activity of 137 Cs in Xerocomus badius, Boletus edulis and Cantharellus cibarius in Poland in 2000. The samples had been analysed during mushroom-season (June-September). Activities of 137 Cs were measured by gamma spectrometry with HPGe or NaI(Tl) detectors. The activity of 137 Cs was in range 24-472 Bq/kg for Xerocomus badius, 1-678 Bq/kg for Boletus edulis and 1-557 Bq/kg for Cantharellus cibarius. The results were compared to the data from previous years. (author)

  10. The content of Cs 137 in mushrooms of Chernobyl NPP alienation zone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zarubina, N.E.; Golovach, A.I.; Golovach, L.A.


    The Cs 137 contents in S. luteus is more in 1.5 - 20 times, than in B. edulis, selected on one polygon. However this ratio has changed and Cs 137 contents in S. luteus equals to contents in B. edulis in territory of some polygons of Chernobyl NPP alienation zone in 2000 and 2001. Therefore, as indicators of Cs 137 contamination by wood ecosystems it is necessary to use two or more kinds of mushrooms differing by depth of mycelium's localization in soil

  11. 137Cs monitoring in the meat of wild boar population in Slovakia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarina Beňová


    Full Text Available Currently, due to the elapsed time and the nature of the Chernobyl accident, the only artificial radionuclide present in the soil is 137Cs, with a physical half-life conversion of 30.17 years. The 137Cs is quickly integrated into a biological cycle, similar to potassium. Generally, radionuclides are characterized by their mobility in soil. Contamination of materials and food by radionuclides represent a serious problem and has a negative impact on human health. The threat of international terrorism and the inability to forestall the impact of natural disasters on nuclear energetic (Fukushima accident, are also reasons for continuous monitoring of food safety. According screening measurement performed in European countries, high radioactivity levels were reported in the wild boars muscles from Sumava (Czech Republic. Seasonal fluctuation of 137Cs activity in the wild boar meat samples was observed in the forests on the southern Rhineland. Monitoring of 137Cs activity in the wild boar meat samples in the hunting grounds in Slovakia was initiated based on the reports on exceeding limits of the content of radiocaesium in the meat of wild boar from the surrounding countries. The aim of this study was to determine the 137Cs post Chernobyl contamination of wild boars population in different hunting districts of Slovakia during 2013 - 2014. A total of 60 thigh muscle samples from wild boars of different age categories (4 months - 2 years were evaluated. 137Cs activity was measured by gamma spectrometry (Canberra. Despite the fact Slovakia is closer to Chernobyl as Czech Republic and Germany, the 137Cs activity measured was very low and far below the permitted limit. The highest radiocaesium activity level measured in muscle was 37.2 ±4.7%. Wild boar originated from Zlate Moravce district. The measurement results show, that 137Cs contamination levels of game in Slovakia are low. Radiocaesium activity in examined samples was very low and

  12. 137Cs radiation burden on children from a highly contaminated area of Belarus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kortmann, B.; Wendhausen, H.; Wassermann, O.; Fischer, R.; Nielsen, P.; Shaverda, V.F.


    The radiation burden from 137 Cs sources on 22 children from a small Byelorussian village was studied from 1992 to 1994. Foodstuff, whole body burden and urinary excretion of 137 Cs were measured, intake rates, biological half-lives and doses were calculated. The median value for the 137 Cs whole body incorporation level was found to be 124 Bq, the biological half life was calculated as 68 d for girls and 50 d for boys. The internal dose caused by 137 Cs was found to be negligible in comparison to that from external sources. No deviation from normal values could be shown in simultaneously studied clinico-chemical parameters

  13. Comparative study of {sup 137}Cs distribution in broilers and pheasants and possibilities for protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mitrovic, Branislava M.; Vitorovic, Gordana; Lazarevic-Macanovic, Mirjana [University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Radiology and Radiation Hygiene, Belgrade (Serbia); Vicentijevic, Mihajlo [Insititute of Veterinary Medicine Serbia, Laboratory of Radiation Hygiene, Belgrade (Serbia); Vitorovic, Dusko [University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, Belgrade (Serbia); Pantelic, Gordana [Institute of Nuclear Sciences-Vinca, Belgrade (Serbia)


    The aim of the present study was to investigate distribution of {sup 137}Cs in leg and breast meat of broilers and pheasants following single alimentary contamination and administration of two protectors (AFCF and clinoptilolite). The birds were administered a single dose of {sup 137}CsCl, with an activity of 750 Bq. Protectors were given via gastric tube or mixed in the forage pellets. AFCF given via gastric tube decreased the {sup 137}Cs concentration by a factor of 7.8 in broilers leg meat and 7.4 in broilers breast meat. When AFCF was mixed in pellets, the {sup 137}Cs concentration was 19.5 times lower in broilers leg meat and 22.1 times lower in broilers breast meat, than in the control group. In pheasants, AFCF administered via gastric tube decreased the {sup 137}Cs concentration by a factor of 12.4 in leg meat and by a factor of 13.7 in breast meat, respectively. In group 4, where pheasants were administered AFCF mixed in pellets, the {sup 137}Cs concentration was 3.7 times lower in leg and breast meat, than in the control group. For comparison, clinoptilolite administered via gastric tube decreased the {sup 137}Cs concentration 1.8 times in broilers leg meat and 2.0 times in breast meat, compared to the control group. In pheasants, {sup 137}Cs concentration was 2.9 times lower in leg meat and 2.6 times lower in breast meat. Clinoptilolite mixed in the feed had relatively low efficiency of protection in broilers ({sup 137}Cs concentration was 1.4 times lower in leg meat and 1.6 lower in breast meat). A similar trend was observed in pheasants ({sup 137}Cs concentration was 1.6 lower in leg and breast meat). (orig.)

  14. Cesium-137

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ammerich, Marc; Frot, Patricia; Gambini, Denis-Jean; Gauron, Christine; Moureaux, Patrick; Herbelet, Gilbert; Lahaye, Thierry; Pihet, Pascal; Rannou, Alain


    This sheet belongs to a collection which relates to the use of radionuclides essentially in unsealed sources. Its goal is to gather on a single document the most relevant information as well as the best prevention practices to be implemented. These sheets are made for the persons in charge of radiation protection: users, radioprotection-skill persons, labor physicians. Each sheet treats of: 1 - the radio-physical and biological properties; 2 - the main uses; 3 - the dosimetric parameters; 4 - the measurement; 5 - the protection means; 6 - the areas delimitation and monitoring; 7 - the personnel classification, training and monitoring; 8 - the effluents and wastes; 9 - the authorization and declaration administrative procedures; 10 - the transport; and 11 - the right conduct to adopt in case of incident or accident. This sheet deals specifically with Cesium-137

  15. Patterns of Cs-137 and Sr-90 distribution in conjugated landscape systems (United States)

    Korobova, E.


    The main goal of the study was to reveal spatial patterns of 137Cs and 90Sr distribution in soils and plants of conjugated landscapes and to use 137Cs as a tracer for natural migration and accumulation processes in the environment. The studies were based on presumptions that: 1) the environment consisted of interrelated bio- and geochemical fields of hierarchical structure depending on the level and age of factors responsible for spatial distribution of chemical elements; 2)distribution of technogenic radionuclides in natural landscapes depended upon the location and type of the initial source and radionuclide involvement in natural pathways controlled by the state and mobility of the typomorphic elements and water migration. Case studies were undertaken in areas subjected to contamination after the Chernobyl accident and in the estuary zones of the Yenisey and Pechora rivers. First observations in the Chernobyl remote zone in 1987-1989 demonstrated relation between the dose rate, 137Cs, 134Cs, 144Ce, 106Ru, 125Sb in soil cover and the location of the measured plot in landscape toposequence. Later study of 137Cs and 90Sr concentration and speciation confirmed different patterns of their distribution dependent upon the radioisotope, soil features and vegetation cover corresponding to the local landscape and landuse structure. Certain patterns in distribution and migration of 137Cs and 90Sr in soils and local food chain were followed in private farms situated in different landscape position [1]. Detailed study of 137Cs activity in forested site with a pronounced relief 20 and 25 years after the Chernobyl accident showed its stable polycentric structure in soils, mosses and litter which was sensitive to meso- and micro-relief features [2]. Radionuclide contamination of the lower Yenisey and Pechora studied along meridian landscape transects proved both areas be subjected to global 137Cs pollution while the Yenisey floodplain received additional regional contamination

  16. Accumulation of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in ponderosa pine and monterey pine seedlings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Entry, J.A.; Rygiewicz, P.T.; Emmingham, W.H.


    Because ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa and Monterey pone (P. radiata D Don) have exceptionally fast growth rates and their abscised needles are not readily dispersed by wind, these species may be valuable for removing radioisotopes from contaminated soils. Ponderosa and Monterey pine seedlings were tested for their ability to accumulate 137 Cs and 90 Sr-characteristic radioisotopes of nuclear fallout-from contaminated soil. Seedlings were grown for 3 mo in 165 cm 3 sphagnum peat moss/perlite (1:1 V/V) in a growth chamber. In Exp. 1, seedling accumulation of 137 Cs and 90 Sr after 1 mo of exposure was measured. In Exp. 2, seedling accumulation of the radioisotopes during different-length exposures was measured. Seedling accumulation of 137 CS and 90 Sr at different concentrations of the radioisotopes in the growth medium was measured in Exp. 3. Ponderosa pine accumulated 6.3% of the 137 Cs and I.5% of the 90 Sr present in the growth medium after 1 mo; Monterey pine accumulated 8.3% of the 137 Cs and 4.5% of the 90 Sr. Accumulation of 137 Cs and 90 Sr by both coniferous species was curvilinearly related to duration of exposure. Accumulation of 137 Cs and 90 Sr by both species increased with increasing concentration in the growth medium and correlated curvilinearly with radioisotope concentration in the growth medium. Large areas throughout the world are contaminated with 137 Cs and 90 Sr as a result of nuclear weapons testing or atomic reactor accidents. The ability of trees to sequester and store 137 Cs and 90 Sr introduces the possibility of using reforestation to remediate contaminated soils

  17. Cesium - 137 and strontium -90 in dairy-milk. First quarter 1981

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Results of mesurements of 137 Cs and 90 Sr activities in milk at 9 dairies in Sweden during the first three months of 1981. Meanvalues for all dairies are: 137 Cs - 0.15 Bq/l, 90 Sr - 0.12 Bq/l. The regional variations are considerable. (L.E.)

  18. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk (powdered milk)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Sr-90 and Cs-137 in powdered milk were determined using radiochemical analysis. Four brands of commercial milk were purchased as samples in consuming districts in June and July 1985. Milk in a stainless steel pan or a porcelain dish was evaporated to dryness followed by carbonization and ashing. The maximum values of Sr-90 and Cs-137 were 31 +- 1.2 pCi/kg and 62 +- 1.5 pCi/kg, respectively, in skim milk manufactured by Meiji. (Namekawa, K.)

  19. Research on AO/FO batch management technology in aircraft production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yin Haijun


    Full Text Available Based on the analysis of the characteristics and significance of AO/FO in the process of aircraft production, this paper analyzes the format rules of AO/FO batch management from the perspective of technology realization, and details the AO/FO The change of the query and the change status tracking, introduces the AO/FO single-stand status display in the batch management, increases the structure definition of the attribute table in the batch management, and designs the relevant algorithm to store and calculate the batch information. Finally, based on the above theory support AO/FO batch management system successfully used in the production of a machine.

  20. Transfer of 137Cs to cow's milk: investigations on dairy farms in Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karlen, G.; Johanson, K.J.; Bertilsson, J.


    Since 1986, the year of the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, 137 Cs activity concentrations in cow's milk on dairy farms were studied in Sweden. Transfer coefficients, F m , of 137 Cs from pasture and fodder to cow's milk were determined on farms in the counties of Uppsala, Gaevleborg and Vaestmanland in central Sweden for one month on winter-fodder, and for the first month in 1987 and 1988 on pasture. The average F m for all investigations (of 10 farms on winter-fodder and 11 farms on pasture in 1987 and 4 farms on pasture in 1988) south of Gaevle was estimated to be 0.0055 with a range of 0.0039 to 0.0080. The 137 Cs activity concentration in milk decreased with time. In summer 1992 and 1993, 137 Cs in milk, on the farms still producing milk, was determined. On these farms, 137 Cs activity concentration in milk was found to be -1 . The effective ecological half-life from 1987 was estimated to be 1.4 ± 0.5(sd) years for milk from 10 farms with a range of 0.8-2.0 years. One farm where 137 Cs milk decreased at a slower rate, or not at all, used semi-natural and uncultivated pasture, forest meadows. On intensely managed farms, where potassium fertilizer was distributed, ploughing was performed and, in 1986, forage was cut at a higher stubble-height, the decrease of 137 Cs in milk was observed to be faster. (Author)

  1. Sensibilidade da rosa 'Osiana' ao etileno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delaine Cristina Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a sensibilidade e as respostas da rosa cultivar Osiana (Rosa × hybrida à presença de etileno ao longo da vida pós-colheita. Para determinar a sensibilidade da flor ao etileno, hastes foram cortadas e colocadas em câmaras herméticas e em seguida tratadas por 24 horas com diferentes concentrações de etileno variando de 0,0; 0,1; 1,0; 10; 100 e 1000 µL L-1do ar no interior da câmara. A rosa teve a vida pós-colheita reduzida pelo etileno, quando exposta a concentração igual ou superior a 10 µL L-1 de etileno. As flores tratadas com no mínimo de 10 µL L-1de etileno desenvolveram necrose, murcha e abscisão prematura das pétalas ainda túrgidas. As concentrações de 0,1 e 1,0 µL L-1de etileno estimularam a abertura do botão floral durante o período de 24 horas de exposição ao etileno, sem no entanto, reduzir a vida pós-colheita. A rosa 'Osiana' pode ser classificada como uma cultivar sensível ao etileno e a concentração influência os processos estimulados.

  2. Cesium-137 activity in soil from an agricultural land in West Anatolia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aslani, M. A. A.; Yaprak, G.; AYTAS, S.; AKGil, S.; Eral, M.; Yener, G.


    Due to the radiocesium derived from the accident at Chernobyl in 1986 deposited on the soil, this study presents experimental data on Cs-137 activity concentrations in soil samples taken from agricultural land of Aegean Region in Turkey in 1997 and 1998. The activity of Cs-137 for these soil samples was found in the range between 0.92±0.15 Bq/kg and 20.75±0.29 Bq/kg. The distribution of Cs-137 in the soil can differ, being dependent on soil properties

  3. Chronic effects of cesium-137 ingestion on physiological systems in rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voisin, Philippe; Grignard, Elise; Souidi, Maamar; Gueguen, Yann; Lestaevel, Philippe; Grandcolas, Line; Grison, Stephane; Dublineau, Isabelle; Gourmelon, Patrick


    Full text: The post-Chernobyl contamination by cesium-137 is of particular concern for public health. Several diseases have been reported in populations living in contaminated territories, such as behavior disorders, anxiety symptoms, cardiovascular diseases, perturbations of endocrine and reproductive status, immunity disturbances. The objective of this study was to determine in a rat model the effects of 137 Cs contamination by ingestion of post-accidental dose (6500 Bq/L) on several physiological systems, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, steroidogenesis, intestinal functions, and metabolism of cholesterol and of vitamin D. The animals were chronically and sub chronically contaminated via drinking water (∼150Bq per day). These experiments demonstrated that chronic ingestion of 137 Cs induced modifications of these physiological systems. A decrease in blood pressure was observed in contaminated animals. At the same time, changes in cardiac function were evidenced via increased plasma levels of CK and CK-MB and variations in gene expression of proteins involved in vascular tonus and of K + channels in cardiac left ventricle. Vitamin D metabolism was also modified by 137 Cs with a diminution of plasma level of Vitamin D (1,25(OH)D3), and changes in mRNA levels of cytochrome P450 CYP27B1 and CYP2R1 in brain and liver. Concerning cholesterol metabolism, no changes in plasma lipid levels were noted, although increased gene expression of liver X receptor α (LXRα), low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) and apolipoprotein B (ApoB). In addition, steroidogenesis seemed to be modified, since decreased plasma level of 17β-estradiol and increased corticosterone plasma level were observed following chronic 137 Cs ingestion. These changes were associated with modification of mRNA levels of nuclear receptors in testis and of cytochrome P450 CYP11a1 in adrenal. Evaluation of intestine function demonstrated few effects of 137 Cs after chronic ingestion, except

  4. Reconstruction of 137Cs activity in the ocean following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident (United States)

    Tsumune, Daisuke; Aoyama, Michio; Tsubono, Takaki; Tateda, Yutaka; Misumi, Kazuhiro; Hayami, Hiroshi; Toyoda, Yasuhiro; Maeda, Yoshiaki; Yoshida, Yoshikatsu; Uematsu, Mitsuo


    A series of accidents at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant following the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011 resulted in the release of radioactive materials to the ocean by two major pathways, direct release from the accident site and atmospheric deposition. We reconstructed spatiotemporal variability of 137Cs activity in the ocean by the comparison model simulations and observed data. We employed a regional scale and the North Pacific scale oceanic dispersion models, an atmospheric transport model, a sediment transport model, a dynamic biological compartment model for marine biota and river runoff model to investigate the oceanic contamination. Direct releases of 137Cs were estimated for more than 2 years after the accident by comparing simulated results and observed activities very close to the site. The estimated total amounts of directly released 137Cs was 3.6±0.7 PBq. Directly release rate of 137Cs decreased exponentially with time by the end of December 2012 and then, was almost constant. The daily release rate of 137Cs was estimated to be 3.0 x 1010 Bq day-1 by the end of September 2013. The activity of directly released 137Cs was detectable only in the coastal zone after December 2012. Simulated 137Cs activities attributable to direct release were in good agreement with observed activities, a result that implies the estimated direct release rate was reasonable, while simulated 137Cs activities attributable to atmospheric deposition were low compared to measured activities. The rate of atmospheric deposition onto the ocean was underestimated because of a lack of measurements of dose rate and air activity of 137Cs over the ocean when atmospheric deposition rates were being estimated. Observed 137Cs activities attributable to atmospheric deposition in the ocean helped to improve the accuracy of simulated atmospheric deposition rates. Although there is no observed data of 137Cs activity in the ocean from 11 to 21 March 2011, observed data of

  5. 137Cs vertical migration in a deciduous forest soil following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakanishi, Takahiro; Matsunaga, Takeshi; Koarashi, Jun; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko


    The large amount of 137 Cs deposited on the forest floor because of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident represents a major potential long-term source for mobile 137 Cs. To investigate 137 Cs mobility in forest soils, we investigated the vertical migration of 137 Cs through seepage water, using a lysimetric method. The study was conducted in a deciduous forest soil over a period spanning 2 month to 2 y after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Our observations demonstrated that the major part of 137 Cs in the litter layer moved into the mineral soil within one year after the accident. On the other hand, the topsoil prevented migration of 137 Cs, and only 2% of 137 Cs in the leachate from litter and humus layer penetrated below a 10 cm depth. The annual migration below a 10 cm depth accounted for 0.1% of the total 137 Cs inventory. Therefore, the migration of 137 Cs by seepage water comprised only a very small part of the total 137 Cs inventory in the mineral soil, which was undetectable from the vertical distribution of 137 Cs in the soil profile. In the present and immediate future, most of the 137 Cs deposited on the forest floor will probably remain in the topsoil successively, although a small but certain amount of bioavailable 137 Cs exists in forest surface soil. -- Highlights: • Lysimeter captured 137 Cs mobility in a forest soil after the Fukushima accident. • Major part of 137 Cs in the litter layer moved into the mineral soil within a year. • Litter-leachate 137 Cs was predominantly adsorbed within the topsoil. • The annual migration below a 10 cm depth was 0.1% of the total 137 Cs inventory

  6. 42 CFR 137.15 - Who may participate in Tribal Self-Governance? (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Who may participate in Tribal Self-Governance? 137... HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE Selection of Indian Tribes for Participation in Self-Governance § 137.15 Who may participate in Tribal Self-Governance? Those...

  7. Iodine-129 and Caesium-137 in Chernobyl contaminated soil and their chemical fractionation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hou, Xiaolin; Fogh, C.L.; Kucera, J.


    Soil samples from areas in Belarus, Russia and Sweden contaminated by the Chernobyl accident were analysed for I-129 by radiochemical neutron activation analysis, as well as for Cs-137 by gamma-spectrometry. The atomic ratio of I-129/(CS)-C-137 in the upper layer of the examined soil cores ranged...... from 0.10 to 0.30, with an average of 0.18, and no correlation between I-129/Cs-137 ratio and the distance from Chernobyl reactor to sampling location was observed. It seems feasible to use the I-129/Cs-137 ratio to reconstruct the deposition pattern of I-131 in these areas. The association of I-129...... and (CS)-C-137 in the Chernobyl soil and Irish Sea sediment was investigated by a sequential extraction method. Similar speciation of I-129 in the Chernobyl soil and Irish Sea sediment was found. Approximately 70% of I-129 is bound to oxides and organic matter, and 10-20% is in the readily available phase...

  8. Treatment of low and intermediate aqueous waste containing Cs-137 by chemical precipitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valdezco, E.M.; Marcelo, E.A.; Alamares, A.L.; Junio, J.B.; Dela Cruz, J.M.


    The use of radioactive materials in various applications has been increasing since its introduction in the early sixties. The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute has established a centralized facility for treating radioactive wastes i.e. aqueous wastes with assistance from the International Atomic Energy Agency - Technical Cooperation Programme. Liquid wastes containing Cs-137 are generated from aqueous wastes containing Cs-137 by nickel ferrocyanide precipitation will be presented. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency treatment in removing Cs-137 from an aqueous effluent. Actual aqueous wastes known to contain Cs-137 were used in the experiments. Low cost and simple nickel ferrocyanide precipitation method with the aid of a flocculant has been selected for the separation of Cs-137 from low and intermediate aqueous waste. By varying the chemical dosage added into the aqueous waste, different decontamination factors were obtained. Hence, the optimum dosage of the chemicals that give the highest decontamination factor can be determined. (author)

  9. Field determination of 137Cs assimilation efficiencies in wild cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garten, C.T. Jr.


    Unexplained anomalies have been found between predicted and observed values when a model is used to predict radiocesium uptake by wild cotton rats. An experiment is described in which laboratory-born cotton rats from wild parents were released into rat-proof enclosures on a site contaminated with 137 Cs. The rats fed on fescue growing in the enclosures. Samples of soil, fescue, rat carcasses and GI tracts from these plots were analyzed for 137 Cs. When assimilation efficiencies for radiocesium were calculated from the results of these measurements values lower than those previously assumed to apply to the uptake 134 137 Cs across the mammalian GI tract were obtained. It is suggested that these lower values may be due to the contribution of soil-bound 137 Cs to 137 Cs levels in plants and rat GI tracts since examination of GI tracts indicates that wild cotton rats ingest some soil, and soil-bound Cs cannot be readily extracted by gastric juice. (author)

  10. Evaluation of 137Cs and 40K distribution in soil under tree crown

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narmontas, A.; Butkus, D.


    In this work is analysed vertical and horizontal distribution of 137 Cs and 40 K in a soil under tree crown. 137 Cs and 40 K have different nature, 137 Cs is artificial radionuclide and 40 K is natural radionuclide, so they have different migration properties. The big influence to the environment was done by accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. Besides that, environment was polluted by radioactive elements in a time of nuclear weapon experiments. After the accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant in different components of forest soil 137 Cs was distributed variously. In vertical disposition 137 Cs migration is depended from diffusion, convection and by migration in the tree roots. The vertical and horizontal distribution of radionuclides in birch and pine habitat soil is estimated. Also it is determined what influence is doing tree habitat environment, tree crown, dominated winds for the distribution of radionuclides in soil. Also it is discussed about soil sampling and measuring methods. (author)

  11. Prussian Blue decorporation of 137Cs in beagles of different ages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melo, D.R.; Lundgren, D.L.; Muggenburg, B.A.; Guilmette, R.A.


    A 6-wk study was conducted using immature (4.7 mo), young adult (2.4 y), and aged (13.5 y) male beagles to determine the modifying effect of age on the effectiveness of Prussian Blue decorporation therapy for the removal of injected 137 Cs. Whole-body clearance rates for injected 137 Cs decreased with increasing age in the dogs. Treatment with Prussian Blue changed the ratio of fecal to urinary 137 Cs excretion from 0.8 in untreated dogs to 2.2 in treated animals. The 137 Cs concentrations in tissues of untreated and Prussian Blue-treated dogs at the end of the 6-wk study were similar, with the greatest concentrations in the skeletal muscle tissue, spleen, and kidneys. There was a lower concentration of 137 Cs in the livers of the treated dogs. The reductions in the average total whole-body doses resulting from Prussian Blue treatment during the course of this study were 51% in the immature, 31% in the young adult, and 38% in the aged dogs. Because of the differences in the intake of Prussian Blue by the dogs in the different groups relative to their body weight, it is unclear as to the relative effectiveness of Prussian Blue in dogs of different ages. 33 refs., 1 fig., 5 tabs

  12. Features of present day Cs 137 contamination of Bryansk-Belarusian Poles'e

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kvasnikova, E.V.; Stukin, E.D.; Zhukova, O.M.; Germenchuk, M.G.; Zhukova, O.Mit.; Shagalova, E.D.; Bakarykava, Zh.V.; Kirienko, N.V.


    This article is devoted to estimation of changes of the area of radioactive pollution in Bryansk-Belarusian Poles'e due to intensity of landscape factors influence. Research of influence of geochemical conditions on transformation of soil pollution with Cs 137 was carried out on the catchment of small and medium size rivers: the Besed' river (Bryansk-Belarusian cesium spot), the Nesvich river (the territory of exclusion zone of Chernobyl NPP) (Belarus), the Moskovka river and the Oleshnya river (Russia) of Dnieper basin (Bryansk-Belarusian cesium spot). Investigation results have shown that soddy podsolic sandy soil under a pine forest resist Cs 137 migration, strongly fixing this radionuclide in a thin layer of the humus horizon lying under forest litter. In the processes of redistribution of Cs 137 in hydromorphous landscapes of Bryansk woodlands, vertical migration prevails above lateral one. In soils with redundant humidification Cs 137 significant transfer from the top 5-cm layer of soil occurs in comparison with automorphous soils. On arable lands there is an appreciable Cs 137 transfer in a horizontal direction and its accumulation on negative elements of relief. (authors)

  13. The influence of soil type at Cs-137-spreading in soil depth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tyrpanova, Kh.; Jordanova, I.


    The distribution of Cs-137 in soil depth up to 15 cm was examined for four types of soil - leached black earth, calcareous black earth, brown forest soil and slightly leached humus-calcareous soil. The behaviour of Cs-137 before and after Chernobyl accident depending on soil type was determined using Cs-134. Accounting for halftime effect of Cs-134 it was possible to distinguish the penetration of the Chernobyl Cs-137 from that of the older one. The same degree of penetration has been achieved: for 30 years for the old Cs-137 and only for a year for the Chernobyl one probably due to its modification. The most expressed tendency to penetrate in depth has been observed at the calcareous black earth (from Kozloduy region, with highest pH value and basis content), the least - at the brown forest soil (from Smolyan region, lowest pH value and basis content). The mineral composition and organic matter content influence the penetration process. The humus matter absorbs Cs-137. Thus it is accessible to the plants, but its penetration is limited to 2.5 cm. 9 refs., 2 tabs. (author)

  14. 137Cs in soil profiles in NE Estonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lust, M.; Realo, K.; Realo, E.


    Radiocaesium contamination in soil was produced by two fallout's: a global fallout caused by nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere (1950s to 1970s) and a regional one - during/after the Chernobyl accident (1986). The area] distribution of the 137 CS fallout after the 1986 accident was extremely uneven in Estonia. Our previous studies showed that about 60% of its total deposition with the countrywide mean of 2 kBq m -2 occurred predominantly in the north-eastern part of Estonia. In this region the maximum deposition approached the values of 40 kBq m -2 . This is the reason why soil profiles in this region have been of interest. We have also determined the 137 Cs activity concentrations as a function of soil depth during 1991-2000. Attempts have been made to model the found depth-distributions of radiocaesium concentration and to find the possible time-dependent behaviour of these distributions in soil. The migration of radiocaesium into soil is dependent on several factors: soil properties, vegetation, mode of deposition, etc. For this reason, averaged distribution parameters for both total and Chernobyl 137 Cs have been used for deriving general trends of the migration processes. (au)

  15. The review of separation technology for fission nuclides 90Sr and 137Cs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Huaming; Li Xingliang; Luo Shunzhong; Peng Shuming; Lei Jiarong


    The progress of separation technologies for fission nuclides 90 Sr and 137 Cs, including precipitation method, liquid-liquid extraction process and ion exchanging operation, are mainly reviewed. Crown ether (DtBuCH18C6) and calixarene-crown ether (BOBCalixC6) can be highly selective for 90 Sr and 137 Cs respectively in acidic waste; Ionic liquids extraction and supercritical fluid extraction can be applied for separation 90 Sr and 137 Cs from high level waste. Crystalline silicotitiate (CST) and metal sulfide (KMS-1) have highly selectivity for 90 Sr and 137 Cs separately in basic condition. The prospects of disposal technology for high level waste are also discussed in this review. (authors)

  16. Uptake of 40K and 137Cs in native plants of the Marshall Islands. (United States)

    Simon, S L; Graham, J C; Terp, S D


    Uptake of 137Cs and 40K was studied in seven native plant species of the Marshall Islands. Plant and soil samples were obtained across a broad range of soil 137Cs concentrations (0.08-3900 Bq/kg) and a narrower range of 40K soil concentrations (2.3-55 Bq/kg), but with no systematic variation of 40K relative to 137Cs. Potassium-40 concentrations in plants varied little within the range of 40K soil concentrations observed. Unlike the case for 40K, 137Cs concentrations increased in plants with increasing 137Cs soil concentrations though not precisely in a proportionate manner. The best-fit relationship between soil and plant concentrations was P = aSb where a and b are regression coefficients and P and S are plant and soil concentrations, respectively. The exponent b for 40K was zero, implying plant concentrations were a single value, while b for 137Cs varied between 0.51 and 0.82, depending on the species. For both 40K and 137Cs, we observed a decreasing concentration ratio (where concentration ratio=plant concentration/soil concentration) with increasing soil concentrations. For the CR values, the best-fit relationship was of the form CR = aSb/S = aSb(-1). For the 40K CR functions, the exponent b - 1 was close to - 1 for all species. For the 137Cs CR functions, the exponent b - 1 varied from -0.19 to -0.48. The findings presented here, aswell as those by other investigators, collectively argue against the usefulness of simplistic ratio models to accurately predict uptake of either 40K or 137Cs in plants over wide ranges of soil concentration.

  17. Effective half-lives of 137Cs in giant butterbur and field horsetail, and the distribution differences of potassium and 137Cs in aboveground tissue parts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tagami, Keiko; Uchida, Shigeo


    Concentrations of 137 Cs and 40 K in different tissues of edible wild herbaceous plants, that is, leaf blade and petiole for giant butterbur (Petasites japonicas (Siebold et Zucc.) Maxim.), and leaf, stem and strobilus for fertile shoot of field horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) were measured in 2012–2014 to clarify the effect in Japan from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The concentrations of 137 Cs decreased with time with effective half-lives of ca. 450 d and 360 d for giant butterbur and field horsetail, respectively. The ANOVA test revealed that 40 K and 137 Cs distributions in leaf blade and petiole for giant butterbur and leaf and stem for field horsetail were different. Therefore, other plants, leaf and stem for Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decr.) and Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.), and leaf blade and petiole for gingko (Ginkgo biloba L.) and Someiyoshino cherry (Cerasus × yedoensis (Matsum.) A.V.Vassil. ‘Somei-yoshino’) were collected from the same sampling field and their 137 Cs and 40 K concentrations were compared to those in the giant butterbur and field horsetail parts. For 137 Cs, concentrations in leaf blade and leaf parts were 1.1–6.0 times higher than those in petiole and stem parts for all six plants. On the other hand, 40 K concentrations in leaf blade and leaf parts were 0.40–0.97 of those observed in petiole and stem parts. Discrimination ratios of 40 K/ 137 Cs of leaf blade to petiole or leaf to stem were then calculated and they ranged from 0.09 to 0.57. These results suggested that Cs and K did not behave similarly in these plants. Thus, to understand the radiocesium fate in plants, K measurement results should not be used as an analog for Cs behavior although Cs is known to have a similar chemical reactivity to that of K. - Highlights: • 137 Cs amounts in leaf blade and leaf were higher than those in petiole and stem in plants. • 40 K amounts in leaf blade and leaf

  18. Atmospheric deposition of 137Cs between 1994 and 2002 at Cienfuegos, Cuba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alonso-Hernandez, C.M.; Cartas-Aguila, H.; Diaz-Asencio, M.; Munoz-Caravaca, A.; Martin-Perez, J.; Sibello-Hernandez, R.


    Levels of 137 Cs in total atmospheric deposition have been measured in the Cienfuegos region (Cuba) between 1994 and 2002. Samples were collected every three months, evaporated to dryness to obtain residual samples, and measured by gamma spectrometry. The 137 Cs mean concentration in total deposition was 0.24 Bq m -2 and data ranged between -2 . Precipitation rates and raintime have proved to be the most important factors controlling the concentration and depositional flux of 137 Cs in the atmosphere over Cienfuegos, showing a high correlation coefficient (R = 0.93)

  19. Influence on the mouse immune system of chronic ingestion of {sup 137}Cs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bertho, Jean-Marc; Faure, Marie-Cecile; Louiba, Sonia; Tourlonias, Elie; Stefani, Johanna; Siffert, Baptiste; Paquet, Francois; Dublineau, Isabelle, E-mail: [IRSN, Laboratoire de Radiotoxicologie Experimentale, Fontenay aux Roses (France)


    The aim of this work was to determine the possible occurrence of damage to the immune system during the course of chronic ingestion of {sup 137}Cs. BALB/C mice were used, with {sup 137}Cs intake via drinking water at a concentration of 20 kBq l{sup -1}. Adults received {sup 137}Cs before mating and offspring were sacrificed at various ages between birth and 20 weeks. Phenotypic analysis of circulating blood cells and thymocytes did not show any significant modification of immune cell populations in animals ingesting {sup 137}Cs as compared with control animals, with the exception of a slight increase in Treg percentage at the age of 12 weeks. Functional tests, including proliferative response to mitogens such as phytohaemagglutinin, response to alloantigens in mixed lymphocyte reaction and immunoglobulin response to vaccine antigens such as tetanus toxin and keyhole limpet haemocyanin did not show any significant functional modification of the immune system in {sup 137}Cs-ingesting animals as compared with control animals. Overall, our results suggest that chronic ingestion of a low concentration of {sup 137}Cs in drinking water in the long term does not have any biologically relevant effect on the immune system.

  20. miR-137 inhibits the invasion of melanoma cells through downregulation of multiple oncogenic target genes. (United States)

    Luo, Chonglin; Tetteh, Paul W; Merz, Patrick R; Dickes, Elke; Abukiwan, Alia; Hotz-Wagenblatt, Agnes; Holland-Cunz, Stefan; Sinnberg, Tobias; Schittek, Birgit; Schadendorf, Dirk; Diederichs, Sven; Eichmüller, Stefan B


    MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression and have important roles in various types of cancer. Previously, miR-137 was reported to act as a tumor suppressor in different cancers, including malignant melanoma. In this study, we show that low miR-137 expression is correlated with poor survival in stage IV melanoma patients. We identified and validated two genes (c-Met and YB1) as direct targets of miR-137 and confirmed two previously known targets, namely enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) and microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). Functional studies showed that miR-137 suppressed melanoma cell invasion through the downregulation of multiple target genes. The decreased invasion caused by miR-137 overexpression could be phenocopied by small interfering RNA knockdown of EZH2, c-Met, or Y box-binding protein 1 (YB1). Furthermore, miR-137 inhibited melanoma cell migration and proliferation. Finally, miR-137 induced apoptosis in melanoma cell lines and decreased BCL2 levels. In summary, our study confirms that miR-137 acts as a tumor suppressor in malignant melanoma and reveals that miR-137 regulates multiple targets including c-Met, YB1, EZH2, and MITF.

  1. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on 137Cs uptake by plants grown on different soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinichuk, M.; Mårtensson, A.; Ericsson, T.; Rosén, K.


    The potential use of mycorrhiza as a bioremediation agent for soils contaminated by radiocesium was evaluated in a greenhouse experiment. The uptake of 137 Cs by cucumber, perennial ryegrass, and sunflower after inoculation with a commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) product in soils contaminated with 137 Cs was investigated, with non-mycorrhizal quinoa included as a “reference” plant. The effect of cucumber and ryegrass inoculation with AM fungi on 137 Cs uptake was inconsistent. The effect of AM fungi was most pronounced in sunflower: both plant biomass and 137 Cs uptake increased on loamy sand and loamy soils. The total 137 Cs activity accumulated within AM host sunflower on loamy sand and loamy soils was 2.4 and 3.2-fold higher than in non-inoculated plants. Although the enhanced uptake of 137 Cs by quinoa plants on loamy soil inoculated by the AM fungi was observed, the infection of the fungi to the plants was not confirmed. - Highlights: ► Effect of soil inoculation on 137 Cs uptake by crops was studied in greenhouse. ► 137 Cs uptake by inoculated sunflower plants was most pronounced. ► The higher 137 Cs uptake by inoculated sunflower due to presence of mycorrhiza. ► Studies suggest potential for use of mycorrhiza on contaminated sites.

  2. 137Cs content in edible mushrooms of the Transcarpathian region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. O. Parlag


    Full Text Available Edible mushrooms (Boletus edulis Bull.: Fr. and Leccinum scabrum (Bull.: Fr. S.F.Gray of Transcarpathian region were analyzed on content of 137Cs. Specific activity of 137Cs in collected mushrooms did not exceed 354 ± 53 Bq/kg (dry substance. Estimation of the contribution into internal exposure dose of population for the condi-tion of 1 kg of mushrooms consumption is carried out.

  3. Use of experimental plots for assessing Chernobyl-derived fallout of {sup 137}CS in France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonte, Ph.; Sogon, S.; Bourgeois, S.; Terce, M.; Morel, Ch. [Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l' Environnement, avenue de la Terrasse, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Caesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) is widely used for the determination of soil erosion and sedimentation rates. However, in Europe, if the additional inputs of {sup 137}Cs fallout associated with the Chernobyl accident have given a supplementary mark to know the chronological history of buried sediments in rivers or wetlands, they have considerably complicated the interpretation of {sup 137}Cs inventories used for estimating soil redistribution on slopes. In fact, determination of Chernobyl-derived fallout {sup 137}Cs is problematic because very few sites have been correctly sampled at the moment of the accident. During the ten years after, it was possible to estimate the fallout measuring the {sup 134}Cs activity for estimating {sup 137}Cs ({sup 137}Cs /{sup 134}Cs 2.0 at the time of the accident). But these measurements are extremely rare, whereas it should be the more accurate method to resolve this question. The more used solution is to use model based on atmospheric circulation and rain precipitation, the main part of fallout been due to atmospheric washing by the rain. Other solution is to compare {sup 137}Cs specific activity of soil samples collected after the accident and older samples. Then, we choose a set of soil samples collected on several experimental plots at different places in France, and sampled before and after the Chernobyl accident, to determine the part of contamination linked to this {sup 137}Cs fallout event with a simple comparison of their {sup 137}Cs specific activity. In fact, national French institutes working on agronomy maintain experimental plots, with varied surface area (1 m{sup 2} 10 m{sup 2} or larger), for monitoring of soil physics and chemistry evolution. Nine sites were studied: two of them close to Paris, one 100 km east of Paris, 3 in Loire basin and 3 in south west, in the Pyrenees Atlantic. These measurements confirm the influence of the Chernobyl radioactive plume over the Paris Basin concerning the {sup 137}Cs fallout. The

  4. Factors affecting 137Cs bio- availability under the application of different fertilizing systems (United States)

    Fedorkova, M. V.; Belova, N. I.


    Although it has been 25 years since the Chernobyl accident, it was generally found that radiocaesium remained bio-availability in some regions. Plant uptake of 137Cs is depended from quantity of exchangeable radionuclide and strongly influenced by soil properties. The addition of fertilizers to soil induces chemical and biological changes that influence the distribution of free ions the different phases (soil and soil solution). In this study we try to estimate influence of different soil conditions affecting the 137Cs bio-availability under the application of manure and inorganic fertilizers. Our research carried out in 2001-2008 years on contaminated after Chernobyl accident sod-podzolic soil during of prolonged field experiment. The experimental site was located in south-west of Bryansk region, Russia. Contamination density by 137Cs in the sampling point was equal to 475±30 kBq/m2. The sequence of crops in rotation was: 1) potato; 2) oats 3) lupine 4) winter rye. Three fertilizing systems were compared: organic - 80 tons per hectare of cow manure; inorganic fertilizing system - different rates of NPK (low, temperate and high) and mixed - 40 tons per hectare of cow manure + NPK. Main soil properties and chemical form of 137Cs and K (potassium) were detected. Radiocaesium activity was determined in soil and plant samples by gamma spectrometry, using a high purity Ge detectors. Overall efficiency was known to an accuracy of about 10-12%. Obtained results shows, that various fertilizing systems influence soil properties, chemical forms of 137Cs and K in soil and radionuclide soil-to-plant transfer in different ways. The highest reduction of exchangeable 137Cs in soil was found in case with application of organic fertilizers and also - temperate NPK rates. Part of exchangeable 137Cs is equal 6.8% (from total activity) in case of manure, 7.8% in case of inorganic fertilizers with control value - 10.2%. Caesium mobility in soil is affected by such soil properties as

  5. 40 CFR 35.137 - Application requirements. (United States)


    ... ASSISTANCE STATE AND LOCAL ASSISTANCE Environmental Program Grants Performance Partnership Grants § 35.137... the environmental programs and the amount of funds from each program to be combined in the Performance... evaluation report required in § 35.125, and other environmental and programmatic data sources. (c) A State...

  6. 42 CFR 137.20 - What is required during the planning phase? (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false What is required during the planning phase? 137.20... Participation in Self-Governance Planning Phase § 137.20 What is required during the planning phase? The planning phase must be conducted to the satisfaction of the Indian Tribe and must include: (a) legal and...

  7. Estimation of radioactive 137-cesium transportation by litterfall, stemflow and throughfall in the forests of Fukushima

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Endo, Izuki; Ohte, Nobuhito; Iseda, Kohei; Tanoi, Keitaro; Hirose, Atsushi; Kobayashi, Natsuko I.; Murakami, Masashi; Tokuchi, Naoko; Ohashi, Mizue


    Since the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011, large areas of the forests around Fukushima have become highly contaminated by radioactive nuclides. To predict the future dynamics of radioactive cesium ( 137 Cs) in the forest catchment, it is important to measure each component of its movement within the forest. Two years after the accident, we estimated the annual transportation of 137 Cs from the forest canopy to the floor by litterfall, throughfall and stemflow. Seasonal variations in 137 Cs transportation and differences between forests types were also determined. The total amount of 137 Cs transported from the canopy to the floor in two deciduous and cedar plantation forests ranged between 3.9 and 11.0 kBq m −2  year −1 . We also observed that 137 Cs transportation with litterfall increased in the defoliation period, simply because of the increased amount of litterfall. 137 Cs transportation with throughfall and stemflow increased in the rainy season, and 137 Cs flux by litterfall was higher in cedar plantation compared with that of mixed deciduous forest, while the opposite result was obtained for stemflow. - Highlights: • Annual flux of 137 Cs by litterfall, throughfall and stemflow was estimated in two types of forest in Fukushima, Japan. • Annual amount of 137 Cs transportation was 3.9–11.0 kBq m −2 year −1 in two years after the accident. • 137 Cs flux by litterfall was higher in cedar plantation than that of mixed deciduous forest. • 137 Cs transportation with throughfall and stemflow increased in rainy season.

  8. {sup 137}Cs in the fungal compartment of Swedish forest soils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vinichuk, Mykhaylo M. [Department of General Ecology, University of Agriculture and Ecology, Stary Blvd. 7, Zhytomyr 10001 (Ukraine); Johanson, Karl J.; Taylor, Andy F.S. [Department of Forest Mycology and Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7026, Uppsala S-750 07 (Sweden)


    The {sup 137}Cs activities in soil profiles and in the mycelia of four ectomycorrhizal fungi were studied in a Swedish forest in an attempt to understand the mechanisms governing the transfer and retention of {sup 137}Cs in forest soil. The biomass of four species of fungi was determined and estimated to be 16 g m{sup -2} in a peat soil and 47-189 g m{sup -2} in non-peat soil to the depth of 10 cm. The vertical distribution was rather homogeneous for two species (Tylospora spp. and Piloderma fallax) and very superficial for Hydnellum peckii. Most of the {sup 137}Cs activity in mycelium of non-peat soils was found in the upper 5 cm. Transfer factors were quite high even for those species producing resupinate sporocarps. In the peat soil only approximately 0.3% of the total {sup 137}Cs inventory in soil was found in the fungal mycelium. The corresponding values for non-peat soil were 1.3, 1.8 and 1.9%.

  9. Migration of cesium-137 through sandy soil layer effect of fine silt on migration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohnuki, Toshihiko; Wadachi, Yoshiki


    The migration of 137 Cs through sandy soil layer was studied with consideration of the migration of fine silt by column method. It was found that a portion of fine silt migrated through the soil layer accompanying with 137 Cs. The mathematical migration model of 137 Cs involved the migration of fine silt through such soil layer was presented. This model gave a good accordance between calculated concentration distribution curve in sandy soil layer and effluent curve and observed those. So, this model seems to be advanced one for evaluating migration of 137 Cs in sandy soil layer with silt. (author)

  10. Whole-body retention of 137Cs emitted in the environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchiyama, Masafumi


    Two methods of estimating environmental doses of 137 Cs, which are absorbed by the whole Japanese population for a long period of time, are presented. One method (method I) is based on measurement data on whole-body retention of 137 Cs in adult male populations aged 20 - 49 yr (population A); and another method (method II) is based on measurement of uptake values and metabolic models of 137 Cs. The sum of environmental doses from 1964 to 1974 using method I was 6.1 x 10 5 man-rad. Furthermore, dose commitments from 1964 to 2000 were estimated to be 8.15 x 10 5 man-rad when the uptake tendency in the population A from 1968 to 1974 continues up to 2000 (Case I), and 1.2 x 10 6 man-rad when environmental doses from 1970 to 1974 are not changed up to 2000 (Case II). The measured uptake dose of 137 Cs in the population A was approximately 1.4 times higher than the estimated dose when compared among the same age group. The sum of environmental doses from 1964 to 1974 using method II was 3.3 x 10 5 man-rad, and dose commitments from 1964 to 2000 was 5.2 x 10 5 man-rad in Case I and 7.4 x 10 5 man-rad in Case II. The environmental dose commitment of 137 Cs from 1964 to 2000 was thus estimated to be approximately 1.2 x 10 6 man-rad, corresponding to approximately 60 % of annual environmental doses of naturally occurring 40 K in the body. (Namekawa, K.)

  11. Cesium-137 contamination of oak (Quercus petrae Liebl.) from sub-mediterranean zone in South Bulgaria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhiyanski, Miglena, E-mail: zhiyanski@abv.b [Forest Ecology Department, Forest Research Institute, BAS, 132 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1756 Sofia (Bulgaria); Sokolovska, Maria [Forest Ecology Department, Forest Research Institute, BAS, 132 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1756 Sofia (Bulgaria); Bech, Jaume [Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, 645 Diagonal Blvd., Barcelona (Spain); Clouvas, Alexandros [Nuclear Technology Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR 54124 Thessaloniki (Greece); Penev, Ilia [Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee Blvd., 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria); Badulin, Viktor [National Centre of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection, Ministry of Health, 132 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1756 Sofia (Bulgaria)


    This study focuses on the cesium-137 ({sup 137}Cs) contamination in grass and in different compartments of oak trees growing in ecosystems, located in the zone with sub-mediterranean climate in South Bulgaria, characterized with high summer temperatures, low precipitation and often periods of drought. In 2008, three experimental sites - PP1, PP2, PP3 - were sampled in oak ecosystems from Maleshevska Mountain at 900 m above sea level. Samples from grass species and oak tree leaves, branches with different diameter, wood disks and bark were analyzed for {sup 137}Cs activity with {gamma}-spectrometry. The soil-to-plant transfer factor (TF) values for {sup 137}Cs were estimated differentiating different tree compartments. Our findings showed relatively high activity concentrations of {sup 137}Cs in oak trees even 22 years after the Chernobyl accident. The grass under oak was less contaminated compared with the oak trees. The different organs of oak trees could be distinguished according to the {sup 137}Cs contamination as follows: bark > branches (d < 1 cm) > leaves > branches (d > 3 cm) > wood. The relatively higher contamination of bark compared with the new-formed biomass suggested that a significant part of {sup 137}Cs was accumulated as a result of direct adsorption at the time of the main contamination event. The TF values obtained and the presence of {sup 137}Cs in the branches, leaves and in the wood formed after 1986 confirmed that 22 years after the contamination, the main mechanism of {sup 137}Cs entrance in tree biomass was the root uptake.

  12. Cs-137 in Norwegian Lapps in the spring of 1979

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westerlund, E.A.; Jellum, W.; Arneberg, P.

    Measurements show that the body burden of Cs-137 in Lapps from Kautokeino diminished from 1965 to 1975 with an apparent half-life of 4-5 years. Since 1975 the reduction has been much slower. The Cs-137 content in reindeer meat has since 1966 diminished at the same rate. The reason for the lower rate of reduction since 1975 is that the fallout has received a contribution of Cs-137 from recent Chinese nuclear tests. The ratio of the average body burden of the Lapps who herd reindeer to the amount of Cs-137 in reindeer meat is 11.7 for men and 6.6 for women. The ratios for other Lapps are 8.1 and 4.7. Investigation of the seasonal variation of the body burden shows that measurements made at the end of March and beginning of April give values from which the annual dose may be calculated. The average dose from recent measurements for reindeer herders is about 25 mrad/year and about 2/3 of this for others. The Sr-90 measurements in reindeer bones are not related to health effects for the Lapps, but show how this parameter varies with time and indicates the environmental contamination by this nuclide. (JIW)

  13. The Concentration of Cs-137 Pollutan in Water Pumps in Several Cities of Java Island

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nareh, M; Warsono, A; Indiyati, T; Yurfida; Buchari


    The aim of this research is to know the concentration of Cs-137 in the water pumps. The concentration of Cs-137 pollutant in the water pumps from 10 cities in Java Island had been determined. Cs-137 in big volume of water was collected in cation exchanger and eluted with 6N HCl solution. Cs-137 in the eluen was precipitated by ammoniumphosphomolybdate (AMP), soluted using NaOH solution and finally measured using Spectrometer Gamma Canberra 35 Plus with high pure germanium detector (HPGe). The results of measurement indicate that the concentration of cs-137 in the tested water pumps are in the range of under minimum detectable (BDT) to 2,06 + 0,79 mBq/I

  14. 210Pb-137Cs dating of glacial lake sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graham, I.J.; Ditchburn, R.G.; Barry, B.J.


    Sediments deposited in New Zealand lakes in the recent past provide excellent archives of local climate change via their trapped biodiversity, varve structure ad sedimentological composition. To unlock the archival information, accurate and fine-scale dating of the deposits is essential. A combination of 210 Pb and 137 Cs dating provides the most reliable and robust approach. Under favourable conditions, 210 Pb dating can provide a detailed chronology to c.120-140 y, and can be accurately calibrated by 137 Cs for the last 40 y or thereabouts. (author). 6 refs., 4 figs

  15. Mechanisms and models of 137Cs migration in soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frid, A.S.


    The most wide-spread mechanisms and models of the 137 Cs isotope migration in soil are considered because of urgency of this problem conditioned by global fallout during nuclear weapon tests and contamination of territories due to accidents on nuclear objects (including the East Urals and ChNPP accident). It is shown that the 137 Cs migration models with an account of the sorption-desorption kinetics have from the practical adequacy certain advantage in comparison with other models, though they are mathematically more complex and require complex calculations [ru

  16. SCExAO: First Results and On-Sky Performance (United States)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Martinache, Frantz; Clergeon, Christophe; McElwain, Michael; Thalmann, Christian; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Singh, Garima; Kudo, Tomoyuki


    We present new on-sky results for the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics imager (SCExAO) verifying and quantifying the contrast gain enabled by key components: the closed-loop coronagraphic low-order wavefront sensor (CLOWFS) and focal plane wavefront control ("speckle nulling"). SCExAO will soon be coupled with a high-order, Pyramid wavefront sensor which will yield greater than 90% Strehl ratio and enable 10(exp 6) -10(exp 7) contrast at small angular separations allowing us to image gas giant planets at solar system scales. Upcoming instruments like VAMPIRES, FIRST, and CHARIS will expand SCExAO's science capabilities.

  17. Effect of fertilizer application and deep rooting measures on the absorption of 137Cs by rice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Yongyi; Yang Juncheng; Chen Jingjian; Liu Xuelian; Xu Yinliang; Sun Zhiming


    Effects of the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and deep rooting on reducing the absorption of 137 Cs by rice (especially in the seed) were estimated using pot and plot experiment. The results show that the available 137 Cs in soil decreased significantly by applying potassium fertilizer, which led to the lower accumulation of 137 Cs in rice stem and the most effective measure was to apply potassium sulphate of 922.5 kg/ha. An unsteady effect with phosphate fertilizer existed. When P application was in a lower amount, the accumulation of 137 Cs in rice decreased. But following the increase of P application, the absorption of 137 Cs was promoted. The 137 Cs accumulation in rice decreased significantly by deep rooting

  18. Medical management of the victims of Goiana 137 Cs accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brandao-Mello, C.E.; Farina, R.; Oliveira, A.R.; Valverde, N.J.


    In September 1987, a radiation accident happened in Gioania due to the theft of a shielded source of 137 Cs. Fifty persons were involved showing whole-body and local acute irradiation and also external and/or internal contamination mainly due to ingestion or absorption of 137 Cs. Fourteen of fifty developed severe bone marrow depression characterized by neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. None were submitted to bone marrow transplantation. Eight of fourteen received intravenously GM-CSF. Four of the fourteen died due to hemorrhage and infection. For those with significant internal contamination, Prussian blue was administered (1.5 to 10.0 gm/per day). Besides blue, other measures were taken to increase decorporation of 137 Cs including diuretics, water overload and ergometric exercises. Radiation induced skin injuries were observed in 28 patients and were treated conservatively. 6 patients required surgical intervention. (author)

  19. Household methods to reduce {sup 137}Cs contents of mushrooms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kostiainen, E. [Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority - STUK, Helsinki (Finland)


    High radiocaesium contents in different species of mushrooms have been observed in areas contaminated by radiocaesium deposition after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. There has been no significant reduction in the {sup 137}Cs contents of mushrooms during the past ten years, besides via radioactive decay. The internal radiation dose received via mushrooms can be reduced by processing mushrooms before consumption. Various household methods were studied to find out their efficiency to reduce {sup 137}Cs contents of mushrooms. The methods tested were the same as normally used in cooking. The tests were made for the species of edible mushrooms widely consumed. The retention factors for the treatments tested were in most cases 0.2-0.3. The efficiency of treatments in reducing the {sup 137}Cs contents increased with larger water volumes and prolonged treatment times.

  20. Assessment of 137Cs Activity Concentration in Soil from Tea Plantation Areas in Cameron Highlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaini Hamzah; Ahmad Saat; Seh Datul Riduan; Che Yasmin Amirudin


    137 Cs is well known man-made radionuclide produced from nuclear industry. Nuclear weapon tests and nuclear accidents had contributed to presence of 137 Cs into the worldwide environment including Malaysia. It has spread out to the entire world through the air and water current. Since Cameron Highlands is located at high altitude, there is a better chance of the 137 Cs to settle down on the trees and later the soil underneath. In this study, the soil samples were taken at the slopes of two different tea plantation areas namely A and B. The soil samples were oven dried, ground, sieved and packed and sealed properly in plastic containers before measurement. Each plastic container contains around 450 g of sample. The measurement of 137 Cs activity concentration was done using HPGe detector gamma spectrometer. The spectrum was analyzed using Gamma Vision software to calculate the activity concentration of 137 Cs with energy peak of 661.66 keV. The activity concentration of 137 Cs found in the samples ranged from 0.23 to 1.90 and 0.11 to 3.01 Bq/ kg for tea plantation A and tea plantation B, respectively. From the activity concentration of 137 Cs result, it was comparable to the others research regarding to 137 Cs in the soil around Asian. (Author)

  1. Uptake of 137Cs from coniferous forest soil by sheep's fescue in pot experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fawaris, B. H.; Johanson, K. J.


    The uptake of Chernobyl fallout radiocaesium ( 137 Cs) from forest soils with low nutrients, high organic matter content, and acidic pH were examined in pot experiments. Results of sheep's fescue (Festuca ovina) two harvests after growing period of 13 weeks each, showed a slight variation in the 137 Cs uptake. Transfer factor (TF) for 137 Cs based upon soil-to-plant relationships calculated, (Bqkg -1 plant DW/Bqkg -1 soil DW). The ranges were from 0.03 to 3.43 with a mean of 0.34 ± 0.31 for first cut and from 0.03 to 2.28 with a mean of 0.36 ± 0.33 for second cut. Variation in the uptake of 137 Cs by sheep's fescue grass might be due to the influence of soil pH and OM % in conjunction with soil moisture. The effect of potassium (K + ), stable caesium (Cs + ), and ammonium (NH 4 + ) that were added as chlorides on 137 Cs uptake by sheep's fescue were also tested in pot experiment under the same conditions of previous set-up. Results from three harvests after growing period of 13 weeks each, demonstrated that K + reduced the uptake of 137 Cs. In contrast the addition of both stable Cs + and NH 4 + found to enhance 137 Cs uptake by sheep's fescue. (author)

  2. 10 CFR 1.37 - Office of Small Business and Civil Rights. (United States)


    ... consideration is given to Labor Surplus Area firms and Women Business Enterprises, and conducts an outreach... 10 Energy 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Office of Small Business and Civil Rights. 1.37 Section 1... Headquarters Staff Offices § 1.37 Office of Small Business and Civil Rights. The Office of Small Business and...

  3. In-situ spectrometry of {sup 137}Cs in the soil by unfolding method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fueloep, M; Ragan, P [Inst. of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, 833301 Bratislava (Slovakia); Krnac, S [Slovak Technical Univ., Bratislava (Slovakia)


    This contribution is aimed to the possibility of improving the in-situ gamma spectrometry to be independent on a knowledge about a depth distribution of {sup 137}Cs in soil and sufficiently sensitive for the measurement of the post-Chernobyl {sup 137}Cs at present, as well. The depth distribution of {sup 137}Cs averaged over a large area of soil is obtained by unfolding of the detector responses to primary and in soil forward scattered photons. The proposed method employs detector with and without collimator. The {sup 137}Cs distributions obtained in-situ measurements are analysed, and comparisons are made to the results obtained with soil sampling and with standard in-situ spectrometry, as well. 5 figs., 1 tab., 4 refs.

  4. Intercomparison of methods for determining 90Sr and 137Cs in plant samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sha Lianmao; Zhao Min; Tian Guizhi


    The results of intercomparison of methods for determining 90 Sr and 137 Cs in plant samples are reported. Nine laboratories participated in the intercomparison. The samples used in intercomparison were reed and tea powders. The analytical results of 90 Sr in reed and 137 Cs in tea from different laboratories show good comparability and follow the normal-distribution. Some results reported of 137 Cs in reed are apparently lower than others. The results of 90 Sr in tea from different laboratories have poor comparability. The results obtained by HDEHP rapid extraction chromatograph appear to be too high, and it's cause is discussed. The 95% confidence intervals of content of 90 Sr and 137 Cs in reed and tea samples are given

  5. miR-137 forms a regulatory loop with nuclear receptor TLX and LSD1 in neural stem cells. (United States)

    Sun, GuoQiang; Ye, Peng; Murai, Kiyohito; Lang, Ming-Fei; Li, Shengxiu; Zhang, Heying; Li, Wendong; Fu, Chelsea; Yin, Jason; Wang, Allen; Ma, Xiaoxiao; Shi, Yanhong


    miR-137 is a brain-enriched microRNA. Its role in neural development remains unknown. Here we show that miR-137 has an essential role in controlling embryonic neural stem cell fate determination. miR-137 negatively regulates cell proliferation and accelerates neural differentiation of embryonic neural stem cells. In addition, we show that the histone lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1), a transcriptional co-repressor of nuclear receptor TLX, is a downstream target of miR-137. In utero electroporation of miR-137 in embryonic mouse brains led to premature differentiation and outward migration of the transfected cells. Introducing a LSD1 expression vector lacking the miR-137 recognition site rescued miR-137-induced precocious differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TLX, an essential regulator of neural stem cell self-renewal, represses the expression of miR-137 by recruiting LSD1 to the genomic regions of miR-137. Thus, miR-137 forms a feedback regulatory loop with TLX and LSD1 to control the dynamics between neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation during neural development.

  6. Transfer of 137Cs from soil to plants in a wet montane forest in subtropical Taiwan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chih-Yu Chiu


    The distribution of 137 Cs in an undisturbed, multistoried, subtropical wet montane forest ecosystem surrounding Yuanyang Lake (lake surface level ca. 1670 m, in northeastern Taiwan), was investigated. The mossy forest here represents a currently-rare perhumid temperate environment in subtropical region. The radioactivity concentration of 137 Cs was determined by γ-spectroscopy with a Ge(Li) detector. Although the soil is extremely acidic (pH 3.3 to 3.6) and the rainfall is high, 137 Cs is evidently retained in the organic layer. The radioactivity concentration of 137 Cs in surface soil ranges from 28 to 71 Bq x kg -1 . The concentrations of 137 Cs in the ground moss layer and litter were much lower than that in the soil organic layer; this suggests that 137 Cs detected is not from the newly deposited radioactive fallout. The radioactivity concentration and transfer factor (TF) of 137 Cs varied with plant species. Shrubs and ferns have higher values than a coniferous tree (Taiwan cedar). The TF in this ecosystem is as high as 0.21 to 1.88. The high values of TF is attributed to the abundance of the organic matter in the forest soils. The rapid recycling of 137 Cs through the soil-plant system of this undisturbed multistoried ecosystem suggests the existence of an internal cycling that help the accumulation of 137 Cs in this ecosystem. (author)

  7. Basic model for the prediction of 137Cs concentration in the organisms of detritus food chain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tateda, Yuzuru


    In order to predict 137 Cs concentrations in marine organisms for monitoring, a basic model for the prediction of nuclide levels in marine organisms of detritus food chain was studied. The equilibrated values of ( 137 Cs level in organism)/( 137 Cs level in seawater) derived from calculation agreed with the observed data, indicating validity of modeling conditions. The result of simulation by this basic model showed the following conclusions. 1) ''Ecological half-life'' of 137 Cs in organisms of food chain were 35 and 130 days for detritus feeder and benthic teleosts, respectively, indicating that there was no difference of the ecological half lives in organisms between in detritus food chain and in other food chains. 2) The 137 Cs concentration in organisms showed a peak at 18 and 100 days in detritus and detritus feeder, respectively, after the introduction of 137 Cs into environmental seawater. Their concentration ratios to 137 Cs peak level in seawater were within a range of 2.7-3.8, indicating insignificant difference in the response to 137 Cs change in seawater between in the organisms of detritus food chain and of other food chain. 3) The basic model studies makes it available that the prediction of 137 Cs level in organisms of food chain can be simulated in coastal ecosystem. (author)

  8. GIS supported calculations of 137Cs deposition in Sweden based on precipitation data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almgren, S.; Nilsson, E.; Isaksson, M.; Erlandsson, B.


    137 Cs deposition maps were made using Kriging interpolation in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Quarterly values of 137 Cs deposition density per unit precipitation (Bq/m 2 /mm) at three reference sites and quarterly precipitation at 62 weather stations distributed over Sweden were used in the calculations of Nuclear Weapons Fallout (NWF). The deposition density of 137 Cs, resulting from the Chernobyl accident, was calculated for western Sweden using precipitation data from 46 stations. The lowest levels of NWF 137 Cs deposition density were noted in the northeastern and eastern Sweden and the highest levels in the western parts of Sweden. The Chernobyl 137 Cs deposition density is highest along the coast in the selected area and the lowest in the southeastern part and along the middle. The sum of the calculated deposition density from NWF and Chernobyl in western Sweden was compared to accumulated activities in soil samples at 27 locations. Comparisons between the predicted values of this study show a good agreement with measured values

  9. Statistical analysis of content of Cs-137 in soils in Bansko-Razlog region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobilarov, R. G.


    Statistical analysis of the data set consisting of the activity concentrations of 137 Cs in soils in Bansko–Razlog region is carried out in order to establish the dependence of the deposition and the migration of 137 Cs on the soil type. The descriptive statistics and the test of normality show that the data set have not normal distribution. Positively skewed distribution and possible outlying values of the activity of 137 Cs in soils were observed. After reduction of the effects of outliers, the data set is divided into two parts, depending on the soil type. Test of normality of the two new data sets shows that they have a normal distribution. Ordinary kriging technique is used to characterize the spatial distribution of the activity of 137 Cs over an area covering 40 km 2 (whole Razlog valley). The result (a map of the spatial distribution of the activity concentration of 137 Cs) can be used as a reference point for future studies on the assessment of radiological risk to the population and the erosion of soils in the study area

  10. Uptake of 137Cs in cultured fresh water fish (Cyprinus carpio): physiological and histological effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vosniakos, F.; Kesidou, A.; Kalfa, A.; Moumtzis, A.; Karakoltsidis, P.


    An experiment was conducted in fresh-water fish (Cyprinus carpio) cultured, in small water tanks, artificially contaminated with radioactive 137 Cs (3000 Bq/1) to determine the uptake of 137 Cs and its physiological and histological effects in different fish organs. It was found that 137 Cs was located in muscular tissues, gills, head muscles, liver and kidneys. Moderate amounts were found in spleen, eyes, gonads, intestine and urinary bladder. It seems that sorption was of much less importance than ingestion in the uptake of 137 Cs. The histological examination in musculature tissue, revealed an acute hyperemia with focal haemorrages which may be due to allergic effects of 137 Cs. Hyperemia and focal fatty degeneration of hepatic cells was also noted in the liver which may be due to toxic effects of 137 Cs. Diffused hyperemia has also occurred in the brain and focal degeneration of epithelial cells of renal tubules. (Author)

  11. Comparative study of "1"3"7Cs distribution in broilers and pheasants and possibilities for protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitrovic, Branislava M.; Vitorovic, Gordana; Lazarevic-Macanovic, Mirjana; Vicentijevic, Mihajlo; Vitorovic, Dusko; Pantelic, Gordana


    The aim of the present study was to investigate distribution of "1"3"7Cs in leg and breast meat of broilers and pheasants following single alimentary contamination and administration of two protectors (AFCF and clinoptilolite). The birds were administered a single dose of "1"3"7CsCl, with an activity of 750 Bq. Protectors were given via gastric tube or mixed in the forage pellets. AFCF given via gastric tube decreased the "1"3"7Cs concentration by a factor of 7.8 in broilers leg meat and 7.4 in broilers breast meat. When AFCF was mixed in pellets, the "1"3"7Cs concentration was 19.5 times lower in broilers leg meat and 22.1 times lower in broilers breast meat, than in the control group. In pheasants, AFCF administered via gastric tube decreased the "1"3"7Cs concentration by a factor of 12.4 in leg meat and by a factor of 13.7 in breast meat, respectively. In group 4, where pheasants were administered AFCF mixed in pellets, the "1"3"7Cs concentration was 3.7 times lower in leg and breast meat, than in the control group. For comparison, clinoptilolite administered via gastric tube decreased the "1"3"7Cs concentration 1.8 times in broilers leg meat and 2.0 times in breast meat, compared to the control group. In pheasants, "1"3"7Cs concentration was 2.9 times lower in leg meat and 2.6 times lower in breast meat. Clinoptilolite mixed in the feed had relatively low efficiency of protection in broilers ("1"3"7Cs concentration was 1.4 times lower in leg meat and 1.6 lower in breast meat). A similar trend was observed in pheasants ("1"3"7Cs concentration was 1.6 lower in leg and breast meat). (orig.)

  12. Cs-137 behaviour in landscape-geochemical structures of barrier complexes; Povedenie Cs-137 v landshaftno-geokhimicheskikh strukturakh bar`ernykh kompleksov

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strakh, L I; Ivashkevich, I I; Adamovich, A A [Akadehmiya Navuk Belarusi, Minsk (Belarus). Inst. Radyyabiyalogii; Zarubin, O L [AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev (Ukraine). Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij


    The Cs-137 distribution and cumulation accrues more actively in a marsh ecological systems of barrier complexes. The physical chemical and biogeochemical barriers influence on different way on these processes.

  13. Distributions of 137Cs and 90Sr in the soil of Uljin, South Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Ji Yeon; Kim, Wan; Maeng, Seong Jin; Lee, Sang Hoon


    For the purpose of baseline data collection and enhancement of environmental monitoring the distribution studies of 137 Cs and 90 Sr in the soil of Uljin province was performed and the relation between surface soil activities and soil properties (pH, TOC and median of the surface soil) was analyzed. For 14 spots within 10 km from the NPP surface soil samples were collected and soils for depth profile were sampled for 3 spots in April 2011. Using γ-ray spectrometry with HPGe detector, the concentrations of 137 Cs were determined and the concentrations of 90 Sr were measured by counting β-activity of 90 Y (in equilibrium with 90 Sr) in a gas flow proportional counter. The concentration ranges of 137 Cs and 90 Sr were <0.479-39.6 Bq (kg-dry)-1 (avg. 7.51 Bq·(kg-dry)-1) and 0.209-1.85 Bq·(kg-dry)-1 (avg. 0.74 Bq·(kg-dry)-1) which were similar to the reported values from other regions in Korea. The activity ratio of 137 Cs to 90 Sr in surface soils was around 9.67, which is much bigger than the initial value of 1.75 for worldwide fallouts because of faster downward movement of 90 Sr after fall-out than that of 137 Cs. For depth profile studies soils were collected down to 40 cm depth for the locations of Deokgu, Hujeong and Maehwa. The 137 Cs concentration distribution of the first two showed maximum values at top soils and decreased rapidly in exponential manner, while 90 Sr showed two local maximum values for soils near top and about 30 cm depth. Through linear fittings between the 137 Cs and 90 Sr concentrations of surface soil and pH, TOC and median of the surface soil, the only probable relationship obtained was between 137 Cs and TOC (determination coefficient R2=0.6). The concentration ranges of 137 Cs and 90 Sr in Uljin were similar to the reported values from other regions in Korea. The only probable relationship obtained between activities and soil properties was between 137 Cs and TOC

  14. Chronological study of 137Cs input to the Black Sea deep and shelf sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gulin, S.B.; Polikarpov, G.G.; Egorov, V.N.; Aarkrog, A.; Nielsen, S.P.


    The chart of the post-Chernobyl 137 Cs distribution in the upper Black Sea sediments was made. The field of sediments with the highest 137 Cs activity was found near the Danube River mouth. The age of sediment layers as well as the sedimentation rates were calculated from 137 Cs vertical profiles in the top of the uncompacted sediments nearby the Danube (11.5 mm yr -1 ), the NW Black Sea slope (2.2 mm yr -1 ) and the deepest western area (0.4 mm yr -1 ). Subsequent assessments showed the high distinction of 137 Cs sedimentary fluxes and inventories between these sites related to different contributions of terrigenous matter in the sediments, as traced by 40 K. The results allow to reconstruct chronology of 137 Cs input to the Black Sea over the last decades. The traced three most notable phases correspond well with the periods of active nuclear weapon testings in the 1950's and 1960's as well as of the Chernobyl NPP accident. The post-Chernobyl dynamics of 137 Cs activity in the near Danube sediments traced from its dated profile was like that observed during the annual monitoring. (author)

  15. Diabetes Drug Discovery: hIAPP1-37 Polymorphic Amyloid Structures as Novel Therapeutic Targets. (United States)

    Fernández-Gómez, Isaac; Sablón-Carrazana, Marquiza; Bencomo-Martínez, Alberto; Domínguez, Guadalupe; Lara-Martínez, Reyna; Altamirano-Bustamante, Nelly F; Jiménez-García, Luis Felipe; Pasten-Hidalgo, Karina; Castillo-Rodríguez, Rosa Angélica; Altamirano, Perla; Marrero, Suchitil Rivera; Revilla-Monsalve, Cristina; Valdés-Sosa, Peter; Salamanca-Gómez, Fabio; Garrido-Magaña, Eulalia; Rodríguez-Tanty, Chryslaine; Altamirano-Bustamante, Myriam M


    Human islet amyloid peptide (hIAPP 1-37 ) aggregation is an early step in Diabetes Mellitus. We aimed to evaluate a family of pharmaco-chaperones to act as modulators that provide dynamic interventions and the multi-target capacity (native state, cytotoxic oligomers, protofilaments and fibrils of hIAPP 1-37 ) required to meet the treatment challenges of diabetes. We used a cross-functional approach that combines in silico and in vitro biochemical and biophysical methods to study the hIAPP 1-37 aggregation-oligomerization process as to reveal novel potential anti-diabetic drugs. The family of pharmaco-chaperones are modulators of the oligomerization and fibre formation of hIAPP 1-37 . When they interact with the amino acid in the amyloid-like steric zipper zone, they inhibit and/or delay the aggregation-oligomerization pathway by binding and stabilizing several amyloid structures of hIAPP 1-37 . Moreover, they can protect cerebellar granule cells (CGC) from the cytotoxicity produced by the hIAPP 1-37 oligomers. The modulation of proteostasis by the family of pharmaco-chaperones A - F is a promising potential approach to limit the onset and progression of diabetes and its comorbidities.

  16. 137 Cs in the soil from Pljevlja region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vukotic, P.; Jovanovic, S.; Dapcevic, S.; Zic, J.


    Surface layer of the seven characteristic types of soil in Pljevlja region (Montenegro) is sampled. Soil samples are taken 33 locations, at eight of them from three layers up to 20 cm in depth. Specific activity of 137 Cs is then measured in the soil samples by a method of semiconductor gamma-spectrometry. Average cesium contamination in the region is found to be about 10 times higher than the same before Chernobyl accident. 137 Cs is still in the superficial soil layer, mostly to the depth of 10 cm. Contamination level of soil has certain regularities in distribution over the region, and is the highest on the two mutually almost parallel geographic directions. 7 refs.; 1 figs.; 1 tabs

  17. Toxicological characteristic features of cesium 137 in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yagova, A.; Filev, G.


    The lethality of sexually mature male mice of the C 57 BI is studied following single i.p. injection of 137 Cs at concentrations 3.7, 18.5, 37.0, 220.0, 481.0 and 740.0 KBq/g b.w. The radionuclide concentration causing 50% lethality over a 30 day period is calculated - LD 50/30 370.0 ± 60.0 KBq/g b.w. The effective half-life of 137 Cs from the whole body (T ef = 4.0 ± 0.2 days) and its relative quantity in the testes of mice, equal to 4.4 ± 0.04% of the whole body content, are determined. 1 fig., 4 refs. (orig.)

  18. Temporal changes in the distribution of 137Cs in alluvial soils at Los Alamos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyhan, J.W.; Hakonson, T.E.; Miera, F.R. Jr.; Bostick, K.V.


    The alluvial soils of three liquid-effluent receiving areas at Los Alamos were sampled to determine 137 Cs temporal distributional relationships. Soil radionuclide concentrations were determined as a function of soil depth and distance from the waste outfall, and discussed relative to runoff transport of 137 Cs-contaminated alluvium. The inventories of soil 137 Cs in various segments of each effluent-receiving area were calculated for two sampling periods and compared with amounts of 137 Cs added to the canyons in the liquid wastes. The distribution patterns of soil cesium were compared with the waste-use history of the three study areas and the hydrologic characteristics of the canyons

  19. 137Cs and 239+240Pu levels in the Asia-Pacific regional seas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duran, E.B.; Povinec, P.P.; Fowler, S.W.; Airey, P.L.; Hong, G.H.


    137 Cs and 239+240 Pu data in seawater, sediment and biota from the regional seas of Asia-Pacific extending from 50 deg. N to 60 deg. S latitude and 60 deg. E to 180 deg. E longitude based on the Asia-Pacific Marine Radioactivity Database (ASPAMARD) are presented and discussed. 137 Cs levels in surface seawater have been declining to its present median value of about 3 Bq/m 3 due mainly to radioactive decay, transport processes, and the absence of new significant inputs. 239+240 Pu levels in surface seawater are much lower, with a median of about 6 mBq/m 3 . 239+240 Pu appears to be partly scavenged by particles and is therefore more readily transported down the water column. As with seawater, 239+240 Pu concentrations are lower than 137 Cs in surface sediment. The median 137 Cs concentration in surface sediment is 1.4 Bq/kg dry, while that of 239+240 Pu is only 0.2 Bq/kg dry. The vertical profiles of both 137 Cs and 239+240 Pu in the sediment column of coastal areas are different from deep seas which can be attributed to the higher sedimentation rates and additional contribution of run-offs from terrestrial catchment areas in the coastal zone. Comparable data for biota are far less extensive than those for seawater and sediment. The median 137 Cs concentration in fish (0.2 Bq/kg wet) is higher than in crustaceans (0.1 Bq/kg wet) or mollusks (0.1 Bq/kg wet). Benchmark values (as of 2001) for 137 Cs and 239+240 Pu concentrations in seawater, sediment and biota are established to serve as reference values against which the impact of future anthropogenic inputs can be assessed. ASPAMARD represents one of the most comprehensive compilations of available data on 137 Cs and 239+240 Pu in particular, and other anthropogenic as well as natural radionuclides in seawater, sediment and biota from the Asia-Pacific regional seas

  20. The use of the environmental Caesium-137 for soil erosion study at Kalumpang Agriculture Station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Othman, Zainudin


    Rapid industrial development and intensive agriculture land use induce soil erosion, increase surface runoff and subsequent deposition of eroded sediment. It is a serious threat to sustainable agricultural development and environmental conservation. Several methods have been developed to assess the degree of soil erosion. One of the method currently being applied is using environmental isotope caesium-137. Caesium-137 (1 37C s) is a product of nuclear weapons tests during the 1950s to 1970s. Fallout of 137 Cs from the atmosphere is distributed globally and become part of the world ecosystem. The fallout has been used as an indicator of soil erosion and sediment deposition status. Since it has been uniformly deposited on the soil, the sites with no net soil loss should have 137 Cs inventories that reflect the amount of 137 Cs fallout, less the loss due to radioactive decay, 137 Cs has a half-life 30 years. The level of 137 Cs at an undisturbed site provides a reference value for assessing the degree of erosion and deposition within the area. The sites having concentration less than the reference value can be considered eroded and the sites having more than the reference value can be regarded as depositional (Walling and Quine, 1992). In recent years, there has been an increase increasing attention of using this technique it offers as an alternative technique in providing more information and answers to some soil erosion and sediment deposition status. In order to establish the spatial variability of 137 Cs in the soil in the erosion plot, soil samples were collected using a motorized corer at 72 sampling points in a sloping erosion plot of an area 120 x 50 meter. In this study, a slope transects technique was employed because the site was characterised by a simple topography. Four combine soil cores are needed at each point for analysis. The results strongly indicated that 137 Cs concentration was uniformly distributed throughout the cultivation layer of the plot

  1. Environmental monitoring of 137Cs in the Vardar River catchment area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anovski, T.; Cvetanovska-Nastevska, L.; Jovanovski, N.


    Distribution of Cs-137, as one of the most important anthropogenic radioactive pollutant on the environment, in various samples within the Vardar river catchment area has been determined. By application of adequate radioecological model, an effective equivalent dose for different transfer media and exposure pathways as a contribution of Cs-137 to the total exposure of man of different age, were calculated. (author)

  2. Contents of 90Sr, 137Cs and 144Ce in tea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sha Lianmao; Qiu Yundian; Wang Zhihui; Wang Fenghua


    The determination results of 90 Sr, 137 Cs and 144 Ce contents in 18 kinds of tea goods are reported. The tea samples were pretreated by ashing and analyzed by combined radiochemical procedure. the results showed the average contents of 90 Sr, 137 Cs and 144 Ce in tea goods available in 1985 are 17, 2.2 and 0.8 Bq/kg respectively

  3. Wild mushroom contamination by 137Cs in Central Slovakia region in 2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durecova, Alzbeta; Durec, F.; Auxtova, L.; Cechova, A.


    A total of 98 wild mushrooms (24 species collected at 26 sites) were analyzed for 137 Cs in 2011. The radionuclide was determined separately in the caps and the stipes of the majority of the mushrooms species. The highest activities were found in the genera Boletus, Leccinum, Lactarius and Russula whereas the lowest activities were found in Amanita. In the vast majority of mushrooms, the cap-to-stipe 137 Cs activity ratio was larger than 1. The cap-to-stipe 137 Cs activity ratio did not correlate with the cap-to-stipe 40 K activity ratio in Russula or Amanita. The cap of a Boletus pulverulentus specimen collected at Skalka pri Kremnici in August had a 137 Cs activity 190 Bq/kg fresh sample. For an individual who ate 10 kg of fresh caps of this mushroom during a year, their committed effective dose estimate is 0.025 mSv/year (adults) or 0.019 mSv/year (children aged 10). (orig.)

  4. Solidification of 137Cs into potassium cobalt hexacyanoferrate (II) ion exchanger

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehto, J.; Harjula, R.; Haukka, S.; Wallace, J.


    An inorganic ion exchange, potassium cobalt hexacyanoferrate(II), has been studied for the separation of 137 Cs from nuclear waste solutions. This exchanges is highly selective for cesium over other alkali metal ions and can be synthesized in granular form suitable for column operations. Pilot-plant experiments were carried out at a NPP to test the exchanges for solidification of 137 Cs from an evaporator concentrate. The results were encouraging: decontamination factors and volume reduction factors were both very high. A full-scale separation plant is now under construction plans call for the exchanges, loaded with 137 Cs, to be disposed of in stainless steel columns, sealed by welding and enclosed in concrete block. According to the authors this multibarrier procedure provides a safe final disposal solution

  5. Evaluation of modelling body burden of Cs-137

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergstroem, U.; Nordlinder, S.


    Within the IAEA/CEC VAMP-program one working group studied the precision in dose assessment models when calculating body burden of 137 Cs as a result of exposure through multiple exposure pathways. One scenario used data from southern Finland regarding contamination of various media due to the fallout from the Chernobyl accident. In this study, a time dependent multiple exposure pathway model was constructed based on compartment theory. Uncertainties in model responses due to uncertainties in input parameter values were studied. The initial predictions for body burden were good, within a factor of 2 of the observed, while the time dynamics of levels in milk and meat did not agree satisfactorily. Some results, nevertheless, showed good agreement with observations due to compensatory effects. After disclosure of additional observational data, major reasons for mispredictions were identified as lack of consideration of time dependence of fixation of 137 Cs in soils, and the selection of parameter values. When correction of this was made, a close agreement between predictions and observations was obtained. This study shows that the dose contribution due to 137 Cs in food products from the seminatural environment is important for long-term exposure to man. The evaluation provided a basis for improvements of crucial parts in the model. 14 refs, 18 figs, 8 tabs

  6. 137CS-determination in game meat from some hunting areas in lower Austria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayromlou, S.; Tataruch, F.


    In 1986, the contamination of some regions in Austria by 137 Cs, due to the Chernobyl accident was relatively high. Among other 137 Cs is taken up by people by the consumption of game. In an area of Lower Austria which is relatively heavily contaminated by Chernobyl fallout since 1986 the 137 Cs-contamination of meat of game-animals was measured every year. Clear differences arose in the load of the single game species whose causes just like the temporal changes are discussed. The highest 137 Cs activity concentration was with 5243 Bq/kg measured on a wild boar. With this activity concentration an annual effective dose of only 0,06 mSv can be estimated for an annual average consumption of one kilogram meat of wild boar. (orig.) [de

  7. Adesão ao tratamento no transtorno bipolar


    Santin,Aida; Ceresér,Keila; Rosa,Adriane


    O transtorno bipolar (TB) é uma doença crônica, recorrente, presente em 1,5% da população, estando associada a altas taxas de mortalidade e prejuízos socioeconômicos. O lítio, a carbamazepina e o ácido valpróico são os estabilizadores de humor mais usados. Em tratamentos prolongados, como é o caso do TB, a má-adesão dos pacientes é uma das maiores dificuldades. Verifica-se que fatores ligados ao paciente, aos medicamentos e aos médicos possam ser responsáveis pela baixa adesão. A psicoeducaçã...

  8. Dermatophytoses in children: study of 137 cases Dermatofitoses na criança: estudo de 137 casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurimar C. FERNANDES


    Full Text Available Dermatophytoses are common fungal infections caused by dermatophytes but there are few data about this condition in the childhood. 137 children below the age of 12 and clinically diagnosed as tineas were investigated prospectively at Instituto de Puericultura e Pediatria, Rio de Janeiro, from 1994 to 1999. Hair, skin/nails scraping and pus swabs were collected from lesions and processed for fungus. Male children from 2 to 12 years were mostly affected; tinea capitis (78 cases mainly caused by Microsporum canis (46 cases was the most common clinical form. Tinea corporis (43 cases mainly caused by Trichophyton rubrum (17 cases accounted for the second most frequent clinical form. Tinea cruris (10 cases with Trichophyton rubrum (5 cases as the most common etiologic agent accounted for the third most frequent clinical form. Tinea pedis and tinea unguium were much less frequent (3 cases each. Trichophyton rubrum was the most common etiologic agent isolated in these cases (3 cases.As dermatofitoses são infecções fúngicas freqüentes causadas por dermatófitos mas há poucos relatos sobre esta condição na infância. Cento e trinta e sete crianças abaixo de 12 anos e clinicamente diagnosticadas como tinhas, foram investigadas prospectivamente no Instituto de Puericultura e Pediatria, Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1994 a 1999. Foram submetidas ao exame micológico de raspado de pele e unhas, pelos e pus das lesões. Meninos na faixa etária de 2 a 12 anos foram mais afetados; tinea capitis (78 casos por Microsporum canis (46 casos foi a forma clínica mais freqüente. Tinea corporis (43 casos por Trichophyton rubrum (17 casos foi a segunda forma clínica mais freqüente. Tinea cruris (10 casos por Trichophyton rubrum (5 casos como o agente mais comum foi a terceira forma clínica mais freqüente. Nas Tinea pedis e tinea unguium (3 casos cada, o Trichophyton rubrum foi o agente mais isolado (3 casos.

  9. 42 CFR 137.327 - May multiple projects be included in a single construction project agreement? (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false May multiple projects be included in a single construction project agreement? 137.327 Section 137.327 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF...-GOVERNANCE Construction Project Assumption Process § 137.327 May multiple projects be included in a single...

  10. Environmental application of cesium-137 irradiation technology: sludges and foods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sivinski, J.S.


    Several activities have been undertaken to investigate and implement the use of the military byproduct cesium-137 in ways which benefit mankind. Gamma radiation from cesium-137 has been shown to be effective in reducing pathogens in sewage sludge to levels where reuse of the material in public areas meets current regulatory criteria for protection of public health. Food irradiation at doses of 10 kGy or less have been found by international expert committees to be wholesome and safe for human consumption. Cesium-137 can be used as a means of enhancing particular properties of various food commodities by means of sterilization, insect disinfestation, delayed senescence and ripening, and sprout inhibition. This paper discusses the U.S. Department of Energy Beneficial Uses Program research and engineering history, as well as current activities and future plans, relating to both sewage sludge and food irradiation. (author)

  11. Environmental application of cesium-137 irradiation technology: Sludges and foods (United States)

    Sivinski, Jacek S.

    Several activities have been undertaken to investigate and implement the use of the military byproduct cesium-137 in ways which benefit mankind. Gamma radiation from cesium-137 has been shown to be effective in reducing pathogens in sewage sludge to levels where reuse of the material in public areas meets current regulatory criteria for protection of public health. Food irradiation at doses of 10 kGy or less have been found by international expert committees to be wholesome and safe for human consumption. Cesium-137 can be used as a means of enhancing particular properties of various food commodities by means of sterilization, insect disinfestation, delayed senescence and ripening, and sprout inhibition. This paper discusses the U.S. Department of Energy Beneficial Uses Program research and engineering history, as well as current activities and future plans, relating to both sewage sludge and food irradiation.

  12. Use of Cs-137 as tracer in lake sediment investigation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dinescu, L.; Vasile, E.; Timofte, L.; Cernisov, G.; Dorcioman, R.


    137 Cs vertical profile and total inventories were determined in four lakes located in Danube Delta and surroundings and in channel Dunavat. The radiocaesium total inventory of 1800 Bq/m 2 in Matita and Merhei-Middle Part, very closed to the atmospheric fallout value and a very low sedimentation rate, suggest a relative isolation of these two lakes related to the main Danube branches. The vertical profile obtained in Merhei lake (the Southern part) shows three distinct peaks corresponding to nuclear weapons tests performed in 1954 and 1963 and to Chernobyl event in 1986. Radiocaesium total inventory of 3270 Bq/m 2 was explained by an important 137 Cs contribution from the sediment transported by the channel linking lake Merhei to Dunarea Veche (Chilia branch). For the lakes Leahova and Razim, located in the immediate vicinity of the Black Sea, the total inventories of 600 Bq/m2 suggest an important transfer of sediments from the lakes to Black Sea. 137 Cs vertical profile in Dunavat channel shows two peaks, corresponding to Chernobyl event and nuclear tests. The total inventory of 2600 Bq/m 2 is due to atmospheric fallout and to the sediments transported by the river Danube and then by channel Dunavat. The sedimentation rate of 0.7 cm/year obtained from both peaks, suggests a constant sediment accumulation in the last 33 years. Other environmental tracers were used for recent lake sediment dating. The obtained results (considered as preliminary results) were compared with 137 Cs results. The results obtained from 137 Cs, 210 Pb and 241 Am measurements demonstrated that the environmental tracers are a valuable tool in sediment origin, transport and accumulation investigation. The research is in progress. (authors)

  13. 137Cs and 210Pb distribution in Manila Bay sediment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sta. Maria, Efren J.; Madrid, Jordan F.; Olivares, Ryan U.; Bulos, Adelina DM; Dayaon, Jennyvi P.; Asa, Anie Day DC; Sombrito, Elvira Z.


    Two radionuclides were measured in surface sediment samples taken from geographically distributed sections of Manila Bay, namely cesium-137 ( 137 Cs) and lead-210 ( 210 Pb). Results indicated a noticeable change in the radioactivity concentration levels in sediments collected in 2005 and 2010, with a median concentration of 1.0 and 2.64 Bq kg -1 , respectively. Higher levels of 137 Cs radioactivity were measured in the northern and inner portion of the bay adjacent to major river systems, agricultural and highly industrialized urban areas. 137 Cs isotope increased in activity in most of the samples especially in the northwestern areas of Bataan and Pampanga with five times more than the activity from the first sampling measurements. Nevertheless, radioactivity concentrations observed in surface sediments along the bay are within the range of radioactivity in several areas monitored in the Northern Hemisphere. The country has been frequented by tropical cyclones and storms that have caused erosion, which may have introduced elevated material input in the bay. In addition, wind-driven circulation especially in the shallower areas of the bay is a possibility for the substantial sediment movement and accumulation along this coast. Conversely, areas with higher 137 Cs have lower values of 210 Pb. In an undisturbed environment, 210 Pb deposition values are assumed nearly constant. Hence, changes in the radioactivity concentration levels of these radionuclides can be an indicator of pollution input from land-based sources, sediment movement and reworking in the coastal areas. At present, there is very limited information on the radioactivity level of various radioisotopes in Manila Bay.The data obtained are benchmark values against which changes that will be occurring in the bay can be assessed. (author)

  14. {sup 137}Cs inventory in sedimentary columns from continental shelf of Sao Paulo state

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueira, Rubens C.L.; Cordero, Luisa M.; Mahiques, Michel M. de; Tessler, Moyses G., E-mail: rfigueira@usp.b [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Inst. Oceanografico. Dept. de Oceanografia Fisica, Quimica e Geologica; Cruz, Jacson L.S. [Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    {sup 137}Cs is an artificial radioactive isotope produced by {sup 235}U fission. This radionuclide has a high fission yield and a half-life of 30 years. It has been detected in the environment since 1945 and its principal contamination source has been nuclear tests in the atmosphere. There are other sources of {sup 137}Cs contamination in the environment, such as: release from nuclear and reprocessing plants, radioactive dumping and nuclear accidents (Chernobyl, for example). This paper presents an inventory of {sup 137}Cs on the Continental Shelf of Sao Paulo State, a region located between Cabo de Santa Marta Grande (Santa Catarina state) and Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro state). In this area, 9 cores were collected by the Instituto Oceanografico da Universidade de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo University Institute of Oceanography). The cores were sliced at every 2 cm; sub-samples were lyophilized, grinded and stored in plastic containers. {sup 137}Cs was determined by 661 keV photopeak using a gamma spectrometry detector (Ge hyperpure). The analysis was performed by efficiency and background in different counting times. {sup 137}Cs concentration activities varied from 0.3 to 3.6 Bq kg{sup -1} with a mean value of 1.2+-0.6 Bq kg{sup -1}. The inventory of {sup 137}Cs in this area was 13+-7 Bq m-2. Values obtained are in agreement with the Southern Hemisphere, a region contaminated by atmospheric fallout due to past nuclear explosions. (author)

  15. Fatores maternos associados ao peso fetal estimado pela ultra-sonografia Maternal factors associated with fetal weight estimated by ultrasonography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Suely de Oliveira Melo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito de variáveis maternas, socioeconômicas e obstétricas, assim como a presença de incisuras na 20ª e na 24ª semana, sobre o peso fetal estimado no final da gravidez (36ª semana em gestantes atendidas pelo Programa Saúde da Família em uma cidade do interior do Nordeste do Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo longitudinal incluindo 137 gestantes. As gestantes foram acompanhadas a cada quatro semanas para aferição das condições clínicas, socioeconômicas e obstétricas, incluindo o peso materno. As artérias uterinas foram avaliadas pelo Doppler na 20ª e 24ª semana, o peso fetal e o índice de líquido amniótico (ILA foram determinados na 36ª semana. O estado nutricional materno inicial foi determinado pelo índice de massa corpórea (IMC, classificando-se as gestantes como com baixo peso, eutróficas, com sobrepeso e obesas. O ganho ponderal durante a gestação foi avaliado de acordo com o estado nutricional inicial, sendo ao final do segundo e terceiro trimestre classificado em ganho ponderal insuficiente, adequado e excessivo. Foi realizada análise de variância para avaliar a associação do peso fetal estimado na 36ª semana com as variáveis preditoras, ajustada por regressão linear múltipla. RESULTADOS: observou-se associação entre peso fetal estimado na 36ª semana e idade da mãe (p=0,02, trabalho materno (p=0,02, estado nutricional inicial (p=0,04, ganho ponderal no segundo trimestre (p=0,01, presença de incisuras nas artérias uterinas (p=0,02 e ILA (p=0,007. Os principais fatores associados ao peso fetal estimado na 36ª semana, após a análise de regressão múltipla, foram: IMC no início da gravidez, ganho ponderal no segundo trimestre, ILA e tabagismo. CONCLUSÕES: o peso fetal no presente estudo associou-se positivamente ao estado nutricional materno inicial, ao ganho ponderal no segundo trimestre, ao volume do líquido amniótico e negativamente ao hábito de tabagismo.PURPOSE: to evaluate the

  16. Distribution characteristics of 137Cs in soil profiles under different land uses and its implication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mian Li; Wenyi Yao; Jishan Yang; Zhenzhou Shen; Er Yang


    This paper presents a study of the distribution of 137 Cs in soils under three different land uses in a semiarid watershed. The results showed the average inventory of 137 Cs in the cultivated land, woodland and grassland was 888, 1489 and 1650 Bq/m 2 , respectively. The pattern of depth distribution of 137 Cs in the soil profiles with cultivated land, woodland and grassland was disturbed, eroding and aggrading, and normal profiles, respectively. The coefficient of variation of 137 Cs inventory varied from 8.9 to 38.8 % for different land uses. (author)

  17. Temporal variation of 137Cs water column inventory in the North Pacific since the 1960s

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aoyama, M.; Hirose, K.


    The temporal variation of water column inventories of 137 Cs in the North Pacific since the 1960s was examined based on the analysis of the 137 Cs profiles in HAM database. 137 Cs in seawater in the North Pacific have originated mainly from global fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests, which occurred in the early 1960s. In the 1960s, both the meridional distribution of 137 Cs inventory in the North Pacific and that of fallout on land stations showed mid-latitude maximum. The region with higher deposition at land stations, however, was more northern than the latitudes where the 137 Cs inventory in the North Pacific showed a maximum. The difference of the latitude where maximum 137 Cs deposition/inventory was observed reflects the difference of the geographical distribution of the precipitation amount in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans followed by the different warm current systems in each ocean. A good positive relation between 137 Cs inventory and annual precipitation amount was discovered in the ocean stations at the middle latitude in the North Pacific. The horizontal distribution of 137 Cs inventories at the middle latitudes in the North Pacific is characterized as west-high and east-low in the early 1960s, which was basically controlled by the distribution of annual precipitation amount. Eastward advection, then, modified it to be less difference in 1966-1967 after the highest deposition periods in 1963-1965. In the 1970s and 1980s, increases of the 137 Cs inventory at the lower latitude of 10-20 deg. N are found. Surface and subsurface southward transports are considered as the source of this increasing 137 Cs inventory

  18. The latitudinal inventory of sup(137)Cs in vegetation and topsoil in northern Canada, 1980

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutchison-Benson, E.; Svoboda, J.; Taylor, H.W.


    The latitudinal distribution of fallout sup(137)Cs in Canada has been determined along a transect extending from 50 degrees to 82 degrees N in 1980. The sup(137)Cs content of lichens, bryophytes, and cushionlike vascular species was measured at 16 sites between Brandon, Manitoba, and Alert, Ellesmere Island. Lichen species were shown to be the most effecive biological monitors of sup(137)Cs deposition because of their specific morphology, longevity, and slow growth rates. Dry, exposed ridges were the sites of the highest sup(137)Cs retention by plants. sup(137)Cs levels in vegetation followed a bell-shaped distribution along the transect and the maximum accumulation was measured in samples collected between 60 degrees and 70 degrees N ((10 nCi msup(-2) at 63 degrees N) (1 Ci = 37 GBq). This distribution is the combined results of the original latitudinal deposition of sup(137)Cs, the expired portion of its physical half-life, and the efficiency of biotic and abiotic removal processes along the studied corridor. It is suggested that the long-term implications of sup(137)Cs in the northern food chain ought to be followed and studied more closely in the light of the data presented

  19. The use of honey bees in environmental monitoring of 137Cs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenkinson, A.V.; Chisari, R.; Heijnis, H.; Flood, S.


    Bees are excellent random samplers of relatively defined areas. A bee typically flies up to 1.5 km from the hive, covering an area of approximately 7 km 2 . Within this area the bee forages from many plants and collects water from various sources. Bee products, such as pollen and honey, therefore reflect the conditions of the immediate environment. In this study we were interested in the transfer of the anthropogenically produced isotope 137 Cs from environmental sinks into the bee products. 137 Cs originates principally from the atmospheric thermonuclear bomb tests conducted in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Minute quantities could also originate from nuclear establishments (such as ANSTO in Australia) where it is used in scientific research. Once released into the environment 137 Cs is known to bind tightly with the clay component and organic fractions in soil and its distribution largely reflects the physical transport of soil. In this work we compared the 137 Cs levels from the Sydney region and other parts of NSW against Ireland (which were high as a result of the Chernobyl reactor accident). (author). 7 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab

  20. The use of honey bees in environmental monitoring of 137Cs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenkinson, A.V.; Chisari, R.; Heijnis, H.; Flood, S.


    Bees are excellent random samplers of relatively defined areas. A bee typically flies up to 1.5 km from the hive, covering an area of approximately 7 km 2 . Within this area the bee forages from many plants and collects water from various sources. Bee products, such as pollen and honey, therefore reflect the conditions of the immediate environment. In this study we were interested in the transfer of the anthropogenically produced isotope 137 Cs from environmental sinks into the bee products. 137 Cs originates principally from the atmospheric thermonuclear bomb tests conducted in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Minute quantities could also originate from nuclear establishments (such as ANSTO in Australia) where it is used in scientific research. Once released into the environment 137 Cs is known to bind tightly with the clay component and organic fractions in soil and its distribution largely reflects the physical transport of soil. In this work we compared the 137 Cs levels from the Sydney region and other parts of NSW against Ireland (which were high as a result of the Chernobyl reactor accident)

  1. Measurements of cesium-137 in residents of Seascale and its environs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fry, F A; Sumerling, T J


    Measurements of the body content of cesium-137 have been made on almost 300 members of the public residing in or near Seascale, a community in west Cumbria close to the nuclear installation at Sellafield operated by British Nuclear Fuels plc. The major objective of this study was to compare the levels found in the population with those predicted from environmental measurements. No artificially-produced radionuclides were detected in the overwhelming majority of those measured. Cesium-137 was detected in about 7% of the measured population but, in general, the levels were much lower than those expected. The highest body content found was comparable with the average predicted from environmental measurements and estimates of food consumption rates; this body content corresponds to intake of cesium-137 at a rate of somewhat less than 2% of the appropriate annual limit on intake for members of the public. From this study, it is concluded that contamination of foodstuffs with cesium-137 leads to exposure of the local population at levels that are of low radiological significance, and that estimates of intake obtained from environmental monitoring data are cautious for most of the population.

  2. Linhchi mushrooms as biological monitors for 137Cs pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tran Van, L.; Le Duy, T.


    Radioactivity of Linhchi mushrooms (Ganoderma Lucidum) cultivated in laboratory and production conditions has been measured in the Environmental Laboratory of Nuclear Research Institute (NRI), Dalat, Vietnam. The results showed that Linhchi mushroom has a high radioactive concentration of 137 Cs, which is about 20 Bq kg -1 fresh weight. In addition, the radioactive contents of substrata before and after cultivation were insignificant. This suggested that Linhchi mushroom should only accumulate the 137 Cs radioisotope from the atmosphere, directly. Therefore, it should be considered as a bio-indicator for environmental monitoring. (author) 13 refs.; 3 figs.; 2 tabs

  3. On the geochemistry of 'Chernobyl' Cs-137 and Sr-90 in the Black Sea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batrakov, G.F.; Chudinovskikh, T.V.; Zemlyanoi, A.D.; Eremeev, V.N.


    The following correlations for Cs 137 and Sr 90 were found. For Cs-137, the relation of its concentration in suspended matter to that in the dissolved component is 2.4 centre dot 10 5 in the Dnieper waters and 0.0037 centre dot 10 5 in the North-West shelf waters; for Sr-90 - 0.44 centre dot 10 3 and 2.8 centre dot 10 3 , respectively. The relation of the concentration of dissolved Cs-137 in the sea and in the Dnieper waters is 4.3, and for Sr-90 - 0.25. It is evident that these basic correlations for Cs-137 are close to those for stable cesium. These correlations for Sr-90 differ very much from those for stable strontium. So, the situation formed for the last time in the boundary area 'the Dnieper river - the North-Western Black Sea' is close to the balanced one for Cs-137, while it is very far from that for Sr-90

  4. 137Cs contamination of the Techa river flood plain near the village of Muslumovo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chesnokov, A.V.; Govorun, A.P.; Linnik, V.G.; Shcherbak, S.B.


    The results of a radiometric survey of the Techa river flood plain near the village of Muslumovo in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia are presented. The observed territory extended 16.6 km along the riverbed, with a total area of 2.5 km 2 . The collimated scintillation detector technique was applied to in situ field measurements of 137 Cs deposition on the soil. Maps of 137 Cs deposition and soil penetration depth were developed on the basis of approximately 5000 measurements. The total 137 Cs deposition within the surveyed territory has been estimated at 6.6 TBq. The means of the total 137 Cs soil depositions at half-kilometer sites on the flood plain and its distribution along the river have also been calculated. A maximum 137 Cs contamination above 7.5 MBq/m 2 is associated with a bank height up to 1 m above the usual water level. The data identify zones of intensive radionuclide sedimentation and transit zones

  5. A homeostatic-partly dynamic model for 137Cs in trees

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frissel, M.


    A model has been developed to describe the behaviour of 137 Cs in trees. The core of the model is the assumption that 137 Cs/K ratio in soil determines the 137 Cs/K ratio in various parts of a tree. This is an equilibrium model but taking into account the time dependence of Cs/K ratio in the soil (caused by K-fertilization) it has been extended to a dynamic model. The model desribes a growing tree. Four compartments are considered: soil; easily accessible parts of the tree; woody parts difficult to access; fruits or leaves. The model is homeostatic, i.e. all 137 Cs concentrations and fluxes are controlled by K concentrations and fluxes, respectively. The addition of K-fertilizer to the soil manifests itself in an immediate change of the Cs/K ratio in the soil and in the easily accessible plant parts, but only slowly - in the woody parts. Also an excess of Cs in the woody part is only slowly released. Important processes are the discrimination between Cs and K and the luxurious consumption of K. The cycling of K in the system (throughput of K via falling leaves, branches, etc.) is also important. Furthermore, a good insight in accessibility of the various parts of the tree seems required, the division in only three compartments, as in the model is probably unsufficient. (author)

  6. On 99Tc, 137Cs and 90Sr in the Kara Sea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dahlgaard, H.


    Technetium-99 in the Arctic seas originate mainly from European reprocessing plants whereas 137 Cs and 90 Sr have many sources. It appears that for 137 Cs, re-mobilisation from the Irish Sea of sedimented activity from earlier discharges and the outflow of Baltic water contaminated with Chernobyl activity, are more important sources to the present contamination of the Kara Sea than new European discharges. As opposed to 137 Cs and 99 Tc, 90 Sr is correlated with low salinity waters. It is argued, that this is due to runoff of global atmospheric fallout 90 Sr from land. 7 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab

  7. Compartmental Model For Uptake Of 137cs By Pine In Forest Soil ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A compartmental model of soil to pine tree transfer of 137Cs following the Chernobyl nuclear accident is presented. The model was validated using data collected in 1996 at five sites in Northern Ukraine. The transfer constants of 137Cs between model compartments are estimated using a semi-empirical method.

  8. O direito fundamental ao conteúdo do próprio trabalho: uma reconstrução normativa do direito ao trabalho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Vieira Wandelli


    Full Text Available Resumo: Pretende-se enfrentar a inefetividade do direito humano e fundamental ao trabalho a partir de um esforço de reconstrução normativa da sua fundamentação, apoiada em um duplo pilar teórico, nas teorias das necessidades e nas teorias do reconhecimento. Com isso, não somente se recupera a importância do vínculo entre trabalho e dignidade humana, como se explicitam aspectos essenciais da centralidade do trabalho para os sujeitos. A partir disso, o direito ao trabalho se desvela não apenas como necessidade radical, tendente à transformação da institucionalidade vigente, mas também como direito positivado em um amplo leque de normas internacionais e nacionais, que contempla diversas dimensões normativas atualmente exigíveis. Propõe-se que, no centro desse direito, está um direito fundamental ao conteúdo do próprio trabalho, que determina juridicamente as condições da atividade e da organização do trabalho. Recente estudo adotado pelo Alto Comissariado em Direitos Humanos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU sobre o direito ao trabalho reforça essa compreensão. Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos. Direitos fundamentais. Direito ao trabalho. Psicodinâmica do trabalho. Direito do trabalho.

  9. Determination of Sr-90 and Cs-137 in environmental samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The comparison between the Ca concentration in the soil and the transfer factors involved indicates a clear dependence of Sr-90 soil-to-plant transport from the soil's Ca-content with the concentration level of 0.1 g Ca/kg soil appearing to be the limit level. Soil concentrations of Cs-137 determined to-date indicate a very even deposition density of Cs-137. The transfer factors of plant/soil in Chile differ but negligeably from those in Europe. (DG) [de

  10. Separation of caesium-137 from fission products using phosphotungstic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murthy, T.S.; Balasubramaniam, K.R.; Ananthakrishnan, M.; Varma, R.N.


    Separation of caesium 137 from fission products using phosphotungstic acid is reported. Phosphotungstate caesium is precipitated as caesium from fission product waste solution in acid medium and subsequently purified. Separation of phosphate and tungstate ions has been done using a typical hydrous oxide like alumina. The exchange capacity of alumina for phosphate and tungstate ions, and the purity of the product are determined. Results are discussed. Based on the findings a procedure is recommended for caesium 137 separation. (A.K.)

  11. 137Cs inventory in sedimentary columns from continental shelf of Sao Paulo state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueira, Rubens C.L.; Cordero, Luisa M.; Mahiques, Michel M. de; Tessler, Moyses G.


    137 Cs is an artificial radioactive isotope produced by 235 U fission. This radionuclide has a high fission yield and a half-life of 30 years. It has been detected in the environment since 1945 and its principal contamination source has been nuclear tests in the atmosphere. There are other sources of 137 Cs contamination in the environment, such as: release from nuclear and reprocessing plants, radioactive dumping and nuclear accidents (Chernobyl, for example). This paper presents an inventory of 137 Cs on the Continental Shelf of Sao Paulo State, a region located between Cabo de Santa Marta Grande (Santa Catarina state) and Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro state). In this area, 9 cores were collected by the Instituto Oceanografico da Universidade de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo University Institute of Oceanography). The cores were sliced at every 2 cm; sub-samples were lyophilized, grinded and stored in plastic containers. 137 Cs was determined by 661 keV photopeak using a gamma spectrometry detector (Ge hyperpure). The analysis was performed by efficiency and background in different counting times. 137 Cs concentration activities varied from 0.3 to 3.6 Bq kg -1 with a mean value of 1.2±0.6 Bq kg -1 . The inventory of 137 Cs in this area was 13±7 Bq m-2. Values obtained are in agreement with the Southern Hemisphere, a region contaminated by atmospheric fallout due to past nuclear explosions. (author)

  12. Transfer of 226Ra and 137Cs from tea leaves to drinking tea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fathivand, A. A.; Amidi, J.; Heravi, G. H.


    Two of the important radionuclides which are entered to environment and human diet are radium-226 ( 226 Ra) and cesium-137( 137 Cs). It is clear that the methods for preparation of foods such as peeling, washing, cooking or frying can affect the dose which is received by human due the to consumption of foodstuffs. An experiment has been performed at the environmental monitoring section of National Radiation Protection Department, aiming to measure the transfer of 226 Ra and 137 Cs from the tea leaves to drinking part of tea. Materials and Methods:Tea samples were pulverized to obtain a homogenous matrix which was weighed and placed In 1000 cm 3 Marinelli beaker. After making tea, the liquid tea and tea-discard were analyzed separately. Measurement of 226 Ra and 137 Cs was performed by gamma spectrometry system using a high purity germanium detector with 40% relative efficiency. The detector was shielded by 10 cm lead all sides with cadmium -copper as liners. Results: It was found that the activity concentration transferred from tea leaves to drinking tea for 137 Cs and 226 Ra are less than 2% and 17% respectively. Conclusion: On the basis of these measurements it seems that no significant levels of radioactivity of 226 Ra and 137 Cs can be found in drinking part of tea. The low concentration of the mentioned radionuclides in drinking tea is mostly due to tea dust and can be removed by its washing before preparing tea

  13. 137Cs dynamics in the forest of Fukushima after the nuclear power plant accident in March 2011 (United States)

    Endo, I.; Ohte, N.; Iseda, K.; Kobayashi, N.; Hirose, A.; Tanoi, K.


    The accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant after the earthquake and Tsunami in March 11th 2011, caused large amount of radioactive Cesium (137Cs) emission into the environment. In the region of Fukushima Prefecture, forest dominates more than 70 % of the land area. River water from the forest area is used for food production and also for drinking water. Thus, it is important to understand the dynamics of 137Cs deposited in the forest to predict how the radioactive Cs diffuse and discharge from the forest catchments. We measured 137Cs concentration of the tree body, litter fall, throughfall, and stemflow, in order to clarify how 137Cs deposited on the above ground biomass of the forest are transported to the forest floor. We set forest site at the upstream part of Kami-Oguni River catchment, northern part of Fukushima Prefecture. Three plots (2 deciduous stands and 1 Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation stand) were set in the forest site. Quercus serrata and C. japonica, which are representative tree species, were chosen at each plot and concentration of 137Cs on the bark, sapwood and heartwood were measured every 2 m from the ground to tree top. From each plot, 137Cs concentration of leaf litter was measured among species. Water samples of throughfall and stemflow were filtered and 137Cs concentration in suspended matter was measured. 137Cs was deposited on the bark of Q. serrata at high concentration (9-18 kBq/kg) but there were no clear relationship between tree height and concentration. 137Cs concentration of the sapwood (41 Bq/kg) was relatively higher than that of the heartwood (5 Bq/kg). It was suggested that 137Cs may be absorbed from bark and/or root. The concentration of 137Cs deposited in leaf litter varied from non-detected level to above 30 kBq/kg. The concentration was higher at evergreen tree than deciduous tree. It is considered that the litter of evergreen tree was derived from leaves on the tree canopy at the time of the

  14. Pokemon/miR-137 auto-regulatory circuit promotes the progression of renal carcinoma. (United States)

    Wang, Lihui; Li, Qi; Ye, Zhuo; Qiao, Baoping


    Renal carcinoma greatly threatens human health, but the involved molecular mechanisms are far from complete understanding. As a master oncogene driving the initiation of many other cancers, Pokemon has not been established to be associated with renal cancer. Our data revealed that Pokemon is highly expressed in renal carcinoma specimen and cell lines, compared with normal cells. The silencing of Pokemon suppressed the proliferation and invasion of renal cancer cells. Pokemon overexpression rendered normal cells with higher proliferation rates and invasiveness. Animal study further confirmed the role of Pokemon in the growth of renal carcinoma. Moreover, miR-137 was identified to negatively regulate the expression of Pokemon, and its abundance is inversely correlated with that of Pokemon in renal carcinoma specimen and cell lines. Pokemon overexpression may be induced by miR-137 downregulation. Interestingly, Pokemon can also suppress miR-137 expression by binding to its recognition site within miR-137 promoter region. Taken together, we identified an autoregulatory loop consisting of Pokemon and miR-137 in gastric cancers, and targeting this pathway may be an effective strategy for renal carcinoma cancer therapy.

  15. Retardo no crescimento intrauterino, baixo peso ao nascer e prematuridade em recém-nascidos de grávidas com malária, na Colômbia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Tobón-Castaño


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: É frequente a associação da malária com complicações como prematuridade, retardo no crescimento intrauterino, baixo peso ao nascer e mortalidade infantil, efeitos pouco estudados em áreas hipoendêmicas para malaria. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação da malária gestacional com estes efeitos em recém-nascidosnuma região endêmica para malária na Colômbia, entre 1993 e 2007. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas as características em 1.716 recém-nascidos num estudo de coorte. Fez-se seguimento em 394 gestantes com malária (27% por Plasmodium falciparum e 73% por P. vivax e 1.322 sem malária. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma relação entre a exposição à malária na gestação e o risco maior de baixo peso ao nascer (RR = 1,37; 1,03-1,83, assim como estatura baixa (RR = 1,52; 1,25-1,85, retardo no crescimento intrauterino (RR = 1,29; 1,0-1,66 e prematuridade (RR = 1,68; 1,3-2,17. A frequência de nascimentos prematuros foi maior nas mães com malária por P. falciparum (77% que aquelas com P. vivax (RR = 1,77; IC 95%: 1,2-2,6. CONCLUSÕES: O baixo peso ao nascer e o retardo no crescimento foi associado com malária na gestação na Colômbia. A infecção por P. vivax foi relacionada com efeitos adversos sobre o recém-nascido, de modo semelhante em relação ao P. falciparum.

  16. Sedimentation of cobalt-60 and caesium-137 released in Tvaeren, a Baltic bay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramberg, L.


    The amounts of cobalt-60 and caesium-137 bound in the sediment in a bay off the Studsvik research station were determined. Of the cumulative released activity during 22 years, 19% of 60 Co and 1.8% of 137 Cs were found in the sediments within an area of 23 km 2 . The rate of input through sedimentation and the loss rate through physical decay were of the same order in 1981 and were close to steady state for 60 Co while for 137 Cs they had only reached 30% of that level. The sedimentation coefficients calculated for the bay were 6.5 year -1 for 60 Co and 0.49 year -1 for 137 Cs, higher values than many published previously. Cobalt-60 seemed to precipitate close to the outlet and to migrate near the bottom as bed-load. (author)

  17. Dosage of cesium 137 in radioactive wastes by the application of sodium tetraphenylborate; Dosage du cesium 137 dans les effluents radioactifs par le tetraphenylborate de sodium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Testemale, G; Girault, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A simple technique of the dosage of {sup 137}Cs has been developed. The technique consists in the formation of cesium tetraphenyl borate, followed by a double extraction with isoamyl acetate, and washing of the organic phase. The counting of known parts of the cesium solution assaying of its purity by {gamma} spectrometry enable the determination of the {sup 137}Cs. The yield is about 98 per cent. (authors) [French] Une technique simple du dosage du {sup 137}Cs a ete mise au point. Elle consiste en une double extraction du tetraphenylborate de cesium forme par l'acetate d'isoamyle suivie d'un lavage de la phase organique. Des comptages sur des parties aliquotes de la solution de cesium et un controle de purete par spectrometrie {gamma} permettent la determination de cet element. Rendement: environ 98 pour cent. (auteurs)

  18. 137Cs and 40K levels in marine species caught in Malaysian waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dougherty, G.; Ng, C.E.


    Activity levels of 137 Cs and 40 K in a variety of marine species caught in the Indian Ocean and S. China Seas, between Jan. 1980 - Sept. 1981, have been monitored, using gamma spectroscopy. Samples were dried to constant weight, powdered, and a constant volume used for gamma spectroscopy. Radioactivity levels and concentration factors for 40 K and 137 Cs are presented. 137 Cs concentration factors are found to vary greatly between species caught in the same area, possibly due to different feeding patterns and levels. (U.K.)

  19. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in freshwater fish

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Sr-90 and Cs-137 in freshwater fish were determined using radiochemical analysis. Three species of fish (Carassius auratus, Cyprinus carpio, and Hypomesus transpacificus nipponensis) were collected during the fishing season from seven sampling locations. Only edible part was used in case of larger sized fish, and the whole part was used in case of smaller ones. Each sample was weighed and placed in a stainless steel pan or a porcelain dish. After carbonized, the sample was ashed in an electric muffle furnace. The maximum values of Sr-90 and Cs-137 were 49.0 +- 1.30 pCi/kg and 8.5 +- 0.64 pCi/kg in Carassius auratus collected from Kyoto and Fukui, respectively, in December 1983. (Namekawa, K.)

  20. Airborne fallout mapping of {sup 137}Cs Finnish defence forces team

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kettunen, M.; Heininen, T. [Finnish Defence Forces Research Centre, Lakiala (Finland); Pulakka, M. [Finnish Air Force Depot, Tampere (Finland)


    The main task of the team was to create a fallout map of {sup 137}Cs in a specified area in Padasjoki Auttoinen village. The team used an MI-8 helicopter of the Finnish Air Force. The team had an HPGe system (relative efficiency 70%) to measure nuclide specific ground contamination level. For navigation the team took advantage of the DGPS service provided by Finnish Broadcasting company utilizing the RDS-channel to get position accuracy within 2 meters. The correction signal is reachable nationwide on the FM transmitter network. The system produced a distribution map for {sup 40}K and fallout maps for {sup 134,137}Cs using a Micro Station Program with TerraModeler application. The maximum measured {sup 137}Cs ground contamination exceeded 130-140 kBqm{sup -2}. (au).

  1. Airborne fallout mapping of {sup 137}Cs Finnish defence forces team

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kettunen, M; Heininen, T [Finnish Defence Forces Research Centre, Lakiala (Finland); Pulakka, M [Finnish Air Force Depot, Tampere (Finland)


    The main task of the team was to create a fallout map of {sup 137}Cs in a specified area in Padasjoki Auttoinen village. The team used an MI-8 helicopter of the Finnish Air Force. The team had an HPGe system (relative efficiency 70%) to measure nuclide specific ground contamination level. For navigation the team took advantage of the DGPS service provided by Finnish Broadcasting company utilizing the RDS-channel to get position accuracy within 2 meters. The correction signal is reachable nationwide on the FM transmitter network. The system produced a distribution map for {sup 40}K and fallout maps for {sup 134,137}Cs using a Micro Station Program with TerraModeler application. The maximum measured {sup 137}Cs ground contamination exceeded 130-140 kBqm{sup -2}. (au).

  2. Effects of chronic cesium-137 ingestion on physiological system in rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voisin, Philippe; Grignard, Elise; Souidi, Maamar; Gueguen, Yann; Lestaevel, Philippe; Grandcolas, Line; Grison, Stephane; Dublineau, Isabelle; Gourmelon, Patrick


    Full text: Several diseases have been reported in populations living in contaminated territories in the vicinity of Chernobyl, such as behavior disorders, anxiety symptoms, cardiovascular diseases, perturbations of endocrine and reproductive status, immunity disturbances. Therefore, the post-Chernobyl contamination by 137 Cs is of particular concern for public health. The objective of this study was to determine in a rat model the effects of 137 Cs contamination by ingestion of 6500 Bq/L on several physiological systems, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, steroidogenesis, intestinal functions, metabolism of cholesterol and of vitamin D. The animals were chronically and sub-chronically contaminated via drinking water (∼150 Bq per day) at a post-accidental dose level. Our experiments demonstrated that chronic ingestion of 137 Cs induced some disturbances of these systems. A decrease in blood pressure was observed in contaminated animals. At the same time, changes in cardiac function were evidenced via increased plasma levels of CK and CK-MB and variations in gene expression of proteins involved in vascular tonus (Gueguen et al. Toxicol Lett 2007), and of K + channels in cardiac left ventricle. Vitamin D metabolism was also modified by 137 Cs with a diminution of plasma level of Vitamin D (1,25(OH)D3), and changes in mRNA levels of cytochrome P450 CYP27B1 and CYP2R1 in brain and liver (Tissandie et al. Toxicology 2006). Concerning cholesterol metabolism, no changes in plasma lipid levels were noted, although increased gene expression of liver X receptor α (LXRα), low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) and apolipoprotein B (ApoB) (Souidi et al. Int J Toxicol 2006). In addition, steroidogenesis seemed to be modified, since decreased plasma level of 17β-estradiol and increased corticosterone plasma level were observed following chronic 137 Cs ingestion. These changes were associated with modification of mRNA levels of nuclear receptors in testis and of

  3. The Transfer and diffusion of Cesium 137 within forest ecosystem in Fukushima after the nuclear power plant accident

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, Takahiro; Murakami, Masashi [Community Ecology Lab., Biology Course, Faculty of Science, Chiba University, Chiba, 263-8522 (Japan); Ishii, Nobuyoshi [National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, 263-8555 (Japan); Tanoi, Keitaro; Hirose, Atsushi; Ohte, Nobuhito [Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8657 (Japan)


    A large amount of radionuclides was released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident after the disastrous earthquake and subsequent tsunami of March 2011. Among the variety of radionuclides released from FDNPP, cesium 137 ({sup 137}Cs) is the most worrying radionuclide in the environment, with a half-life of 30 years. Since most of the Japanese land area is covered by forest, the distribution and transportation of radioactive materials within forest ecosystems should be conscientiously monitored. In Europe, many studies reported that the {sup 137}Cs deposition caused by the Chernobyl accident has still been distributed in the litter and soil layers and has become a source for the soil-to-plant transfer. Most of these studies emphasize the 'stability' of {sup 137}Cs within forest ecosystems, because {sup 137}Cs are considered to be strongly and immediately fixed in clay minerals. Even though there are many studies of the soil-to-plant transfer of {sup 137}Cs in forest after several years of Chernobyl accident, very initial distribution and transfer of {sup 137}Cs in food web within one to two years after the deposition in forest ecosystems have never been examined. The evaluation of the initial dynamics of {sup 137}Cs in forest ecosystems should be quite important because of the increasing stability of {sup 137}Cs after the deposition. The accumulation and transfer of {sup 137}Cs through food web within forest ecosystems were examined by collecting various organisms at forests in Fukushima. The {sup 137}Cs concentrations, natural Cs and K concentrations, and delta {sup 15}N of the specimens were measured to evaluate the occurrence of bioaccumulation or bio-diffusion of {sup 137}Cs through tropic interaction within forest ecosystem. {sup 137}Cs was highly concentrated on leaf litters which had been deposited in autumn 2010, before the accident. This accumulated {sup 137}Cs had transferred to higher trophic organisms mainly through

  4. 137Cs Behaviour in Chestnut Honey From Northwestern Croatia Two Decades After Chernobyl Accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozmaric Macefat, M.; Rogic, M.; Nodilo, M.; Barisic, D.; Svecnjak, L.; Bubalo, D.; Popijac, M.; Kezic, N.


    Covering the large area in nectar gathering process and searching for food, honey bees yield a unique random composite sample incorporated in honey. Thus, honey represents an excellent media for studying behaviour of bioavailable elements as well as environmental pollutants. Caesium, a product of nuclear weapon testing and Chernobyl nuclear accident, still present in soils, is transferred to plants by plant uptake. It has already been established that chestnut honey can be used as a bioindicator for monitoring 137Cs many years after the Chernobyl accident. The aim of this study was to determine whether the chestnut honey is suitable for monitoring environmental pollution with 137Cs two decades after the contamination event. Chestnut honey from northwest Croatia has been analysed during the period from 2004 to 2008, for activity concentrations of 137Cs and 40K. Honey samples were collected mechanically by extracting honey from combs. Based on the pollen analysis (> 85 % of chestnut pollen grains) and measured electrical conductivity of honey (> 0.8 mS cm -1 ), honey has been identified as unifloral chestnut honey (Castanea sativa Mill.). 137Cs and 40K activity concentrations have been determined by gamma spectrometry. Decrease of 137Cs activity in chestnut honey was approximated by linear equation. The activity concentration of 137Cs in chestnut honey decreases very slowly over the time as opposed to the activity concentrations of 40K that are more or less equable. Thus, chestnut honey can be used as a good bioindicator for 137Cs even two decades after the Chernobyl accident. (author)

  5. Dispersal of the radionuclide caesium-137 (137Cs) from point sources in the Barents and Norwegian Seas and its potential contamination of the Arctic marine food chain: Coupling numerical ocean models with geographical fish distribution data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heldal, Hilde Elise; Vikebø, Frode; Johansen, Geir Odd


    Dispersal of 137 Cs from Komsomolets and K-159 is simulated using realistic rates and hypothetical scenarios. Furthermore, spatiotemporal 137 Cs concentrations in Northeast Arctic cod and capelin are estimated based on survey data. The results indicate that only pulse discharges from K-159 will cause concentrations of 137 Cs in cod muscle exceeding the intervention level of 600 Bq/kg fresh weight. A discharge of ≥10% of the 137 Cs-inventory will result in concentrations in muscle of cod exceeding the intervention level for approximately two years. In fact, a discharge of 10% of the 137 Cs-inventory results in an overlap of 8–30% between the different size groups of cod and levels that exceed the intervention level during the first year after the discharge. For capelin, individuals less than one year old during the first year after a discharge are more likely to be severely affected by discharges comprising ≥50% of the inventory. - Highlights: ► The dispersal of 137 Cs from the wrecks of Komsomolets and K-159 are simulated. ► The submarine wrecks are resting on the seabed in the Norwegian and Barents Seas. ► Both realistic rates of discharges and what-if scenarios are simulated. ► Concentrations of 137 Cs are estimated in observational records of cod and capelin. ► Only pulse discharges from K-159 causes high 137 Cs concentrations in cod and capelin. - A leakage of 137 Cs from K-159 may cause concentrations in muscle of cod exceeding the intervention level of 600 Bq/kg fresh weight for up to two years after the leakage.

  6. Dispersal of the radionuclide caesium-137 (137Cs) from point sources in the Barents and Norwegian Seas and its potential contamination of the Arctic marine food chain: Coupling numerical ocean models with geographical fish distribution data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heldal, Hilde Elise; Vikebø, Frode; Johansen, Geir Odd


    Dispersal of 137 Cs from the nuclear submarine wrecks Komsomolets and K-159, which are resting on the seabed in the Norwegian and Barents Seas, respectively, is simulated using realistic rates and hypothetical scenarios. Furthermore, spatiotemporal 137 Cs concentrations in Northeast Arctic cod and capelin are estimated based on survey data. The results indicate that neither continuous leakages nor pulse discharges will cause concentrations of 137 Cs in cod muscle or whole body capelin exceeding the intervention level of 600 Bq/kg fw. Continuous leakages from Komsomolets and K-159 and pulse discharges from Komsomolets induced negligible activity concentrations in cod and capelin. A pulse discharge of 100% of the 137 Cs-inventory of K-159 will, however, result in concentrations in muscle of cod of above 100 times the present levels in the eastern Barents Sea. Within three years after the release, 137 Cs levels above 20 Bq/kg fw in cod are no longer occurring in the Barents Sea. -- Highlights: •The dispersal of 137 Cs from the wrecks of Komsomolets and K-159 are simulated. •The submarine wrecks are resting on the seabed in the Norwegian and Barents Seas. •Both realistic rates of discharges and what-if scenarios are simulated. •Concentrations of 137 Cs are estimated in observational records of cod and capelin. •Only pulse discharges from K-159 causes high 137 Cs concentrations in cod and capelin. -- A pulse discharge of 137 Cs from K-159 may cause concentrations in muscle of cod up to 63 and 123 Bq/kg fresh weight in the near-surface and near-bottom layer, respectively

  7. Fallout of cesium-137 on a forest ecosystem in the vicinity of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adriano, D.C.; Hoyt, G.D.; Pinder, J.E. III


    Forest canopies intercepted airborne radionuclide-bearing particles released by a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at the Savannah River Plant producing higher concentrations and accumulations of 137 Cs, 238 Pu and sup(239,240)Pu in the forest litter and mineral soil. This impact resulted in 137 Cs contents usually more than double that for the control samples not influenced by the plant release. The variations in accumulation and distribution patterns of 137 Cs, 238 Pu and sup(239,240)Pu were caused by the apparent greater mobility of 137 Cs in the soil profile and the time of deposition of the Pu isotopes. The use of 137 Cs as an environmental analog for Pu appears questionable as indicated by inconsistent relationships in samples between 137 Cs and 238 Pu or 137 Cs and sup(239,240)Pu. However, its use looks promising in situations elsewhere where erosional transport mechanism determines the mobility of these radionuclides. (author)

  8. Distribution of the radionuclide 137Cs in the soils of a wet mountainous forest in Taiwan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiu, C.-Y.; Lai, S.-Y.; Lin, Y.-M.; Chiang, H.-C.


    The behavior of 137 Cs was studied in the Yuanyang lake ecosystem, a wet mountainous forest in subtropical Taiwan. Soils investigated are either partially podzolic soils or nearly pure peats with a high organic matter concentration in the surface layer. Concentration of 137 Cs was highest in the organic surface layers, particularly in the Oe horizon or in the underlying A horizon. The downwards migration to the mineral horizons is limited, in spite of the high rainfall. Topography is a critical factor for the distribution of 137 Cs. It is shown that the concentration of 137 Cs is highest at the foot of the slope and lower near the summit and near the lakeshore. The variation of the concentration along the landscape has been attributed to erosion-deposition in combination with surface run-off of the undisturbed forest. The amount of 137 Cs in the site studied is significantly higher than at any other place in Taiwan. The accumulation of 137 Cs is attributed to the high rainfall, which brought large amounts of 137 Cs with the precipitation in the early 1960s. A very remarkable feature of the ecosystem is that 137 Cs is not leached to the subsoils, but is stored in the biomass. Due to permanent recycling it remains available, without being leached downward

  9. Migration and chemical extractability of 137Cs and 90Sr in Swedish long-term experimental pastures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forsberg, S.; Strandmark, M.


    Vertical migration and chemical extractability were studied on two experimental pastures, a sandy soil and a clay soil, contaminated with 137 Cs and 90 Sr in 1961. Migration was studied by measuring the total nuclide content in soil samples to 55 cm depth, chemical extractability by sequential extraction. Both 137 Cs and 90 Sr were found at all depths in both soils, and 90 Sr had moved deeper than 137 Cs. 137 Cs was mainly found in the upper 10 cm, and no difference was seen between clay and sandy soil, due to retention in the root mat of the sandy soil. 90 Sr had moved deeper in sandy than in clay soil, the reason being the higher exchange capacity of the clay soil. Sequential extractions showed that 90 Sr was much more extractable than 137 Cs. 96-98% of 137 Cs was found in the HNO 3 and residual fractions. 137 Cs was more extractable in the sandy soil than in clay, and in the sandy soil the extractability of 137 Cs increased slightly with depth. Regarding 90 Sr, 63-75% was found in the easily exchangeable fractions, the higher figure was in clay soil. A large proportion, 18-30%, was extracted in the reducible fraction, showing that availability of 90 Sr might increase under reducing conditions. (au)

  10. 137Cs inventories in the water column collected from the South and South China Seas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, M.; Wang, Z.-L.; Zheng, J.


    Seawater samples were collected in the Sulu and South China Seas and their 137 Cs activities were determined by γ spectrometry. A significant difference in intermediate water 137 Cs activities in the 750-1500 m depth was observed between the Sulu and South China Seas. The 137 Cs inventories in the Sulu Sea was 5.7 times higher than that of the integrated deposition density of atmospheric global fallout at the same latitude of 0-10degN. A possible mechanism controlling this extremely high 137 Cs inventories may be inflows of 137 Cs rich North Pacific Tropical Water and upper North Pacific Intermediate Water through the Luzon Straight from the West Philippine Sea, and lateral transport across the Mindoro Strait into the Sulu Sea, then conveyance into the deep layer in the Sulu Sea basin. (author)

  11. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in freshwater from May 1984

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in freshwater measured in May 1984 are given in pCi/l. The sampling point is 1, Kasumigaura-Lake (Ibaraki). Collection and pretreatment of samples, preparation of samples for analysis, separation of strontium-90 and cesium-137, determination of stable strontium, calcium and potassium, and counting are described. The sample was passed through a cation exchange column. After the radiochemical separation, the mounted precipitates were counted for activity using low background beta counters normally for 60 minutes. (Mori, K.)

  12. Use of cesium-137 methodology in the evaluation of superficial erosive processes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Avacir Casanova Andrello


    Full Text Available Superficial erosion is one of the main soil degradation agents and erosion rates estimations for different edaphicclimate conditions for the conventional models, as USLE and RUSLE, are expensive and time-consuming. The use of cesium-137 antrophogenic radionuclide is a new methodology that has been much studied and its application in the erosion soil evaluation has grown in countries as USA, UK, Australia and others. A brief narration of this methodology is being presented, as the development of the equations utilized for the erosion rates quantification through the cesium-137 measurements. Two watersheds studied in Brazil have shown that the cesium-137 methodology was practicable and coherent with the survey in field for applications in erosion studies.A erosão superficial é um dos principais agentes de degradação dos solos e estimativas das taxas de erosão para diferentes condições edafoclimáticas pelos modelos tradicionais como USLE, RUSLE, são onerosos e demorados. Uma metodologia que tem sido muito estudada e sua aplicação no estudo da erosão vem crescendo em países como EUA, Reino Unido, Austrália, e outros, é a do uso do radionuclídeo antropogênico césio-137. Um resumo da história desta metodologia é apresentado, assim como a evolução das equações utilizadas para quantificar as taxas de erosão através da medida do césio-137. Duas bacias estudadas no Brasil mostraram que a metodologia do césio-137 é viável e coerente com as observações em campo para aplicação no estudo da erosão.

  13. Study of calibration equations of 137Cs methodology for soil erosion determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, Elias Antunes dos


    Using the method of 137 Cs and gamma-ray spectrometry, soil samples of two plots erosion were studied at Londrina city. the soil class studied was a dystrophic dark red soil (LRd), with erosion indexes measured by Agronomic Institute of Parana State (IAPAR) using a conventional method, since 1976. Through the percentage reduction of 137 Cs related to the reference site, the soil losses were calculated using the proportional, mass balance and profile distribution models. Making the correlation between the 137 Cs concentrations and the erosion measured by IAPAR, two calibration equations were obtained and applied to the data set measured in the basin of the Unda river and compared to those models in the literature. As reference region, was chosen a natural forest located close to the plots. The average inventory of 137 Cs was 555± 16 Bq.m -2 . The inventories of the erosion plots varied from 112 to 136 Bq.m -2 for samples collected until 30 cm depth. The erosion rates estimated by the models varied from 64 to 85 ton.ha -1 .yr -1 for the proportional and profile distribution models, respectively, and 137 to 165 ton.ha -1 for the mass balance model, while the measured erosion obtained by IAPAR was 86 ton.ha -1 .yr -1 . From the two calibration equations obtained, the one that take into account the 137 Cs distribution with the soil profile was that showed the best consistence with the erosion rated for the basin of the Unda river (same soil class) in the range from 4 to 48 ton.ha -1 .yr -1 , while the proportional and profile distribution models applied rates from 7 to 45 ton.ha -1 .yr -1 and 6 to 69 ton.ha -1 .yr -1 , respectively. (author)

  14. Cs-137 in freshwater fish in Finland, Norway and Faroe Islands with examples of ecological half-times

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saxen, R. [STUK (Finland); Liland, A.; Thoerring, H. [NRPA (Norway); Joensen, H.P. [Frodskaparsetur Foeroya (Faroe Islands)


    The deposition from Chernobyl in spring 1986 was most unevenly distributed in Finland and elevated the {sup 137}Cs contents of freshwater fishes significantly. Finland can be divided into five categories on the basis of the average deposition of {sup 137}Cs in each municipality. High activity concentrations of {sup 137}Cs still occur in fish in certain Finnish lakes in the areas of the highest deposition. The observed ecological half-times of {sup 137}Cs in perch in certain Finnish lakes varied by a factor of about three. The longest halftime of {sup 137}Cs in perch was approximately 9 years and the shortest approximately 3 years, determined for the time period of 1988-2002. The Norwegian lakes differ also from each other with respect to the decrease rates of {sup 137}Cs in fish. In some cases there were clearly two components in the reduction of {sup 137}Cs. Ecological half-times of {sup 137}Cs in trout and Arctic char varied from 1.4 y to 4.7 y in 1988-1994. There is an indication of somewhat more rapid reduction of {sup 137}Cs in fish in certain Norwegian lakes compared to Finnish ones, although ecological half-times for the Norwegian and for the Finnish lakes were estimated for different time intervals in the examples, and are thus not directly comparable. (au)

  15. Cesium-137, a tool for the assessment and the management of erosion risks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernard, C.; Mabit, L.; Laverdière, M.R.; Wicherek, S.


    Cesium-137 (137Cs) is a radioisotope that was artificially introduced in the environment through the extensive high-atmosphere bomb tests that took place in the 1950s and 1960s. Due to its environmental behavior in soils, this isotope is a particularly interesting soil movement indicator. Its spatial redistribution reveals global soil movements that were initiated some 35 years ago. The rates and spatial extent of soil loss and deposition areas can be established, and thus soil movement budgets are easily estimated, at scales ranging from small plots to watersheds. Generally, soil movements are estimated by comparing the activity of 137Cs (expressed in Bq.m-2) of cultivated soils to that of so-called reference sites (old prairie or forest soils) assumed to be uneroded. Different models to translate soil 137Cs variations into soil movements have been suggested over the years (equations 3 to 5). The authors used this technique in Quebec and France. The sampling of 63 cultivated fields near Quebec City, led to an average soil loss estimate of nearly 6 Mg.ha-1.yr-1. The erosion rates varied according the land use and slope steepness (Table 2). The results of this study also suggest that redeposition is an important component of the overall erosive process, particularly under low grade slopes and protective plant cover conditions. From 137Cs measurements obtained on a 180 ha unit watershed near Vierzy (France), it was estimated that 45% and 14% of the watershed area had experienced a net soil loss and gain respectively (Figure 4). The net sediment output was evaluated at less than 1.9 Mg.ha-1.yr-1. In a still on-going study, 137Cs is used to shed some light on the origins of the sedimentation problem impairing the waters of Boyer River (Québec). Soils from cultivated fields, stream bank soils and sediments from the river bed are counted for 137Cs. It was estimated that 78% of the counted bottom sediments originated from cultivated fields, while the other 22% was from

  16. Some characteristics 90Sr and 137Cs metabolism in newborn bank voles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bondar'kov, M.D.; Gashchak, S.P.; Goryanaya, Yu.A.; Chesser, R.K.


    There are reported research results of features of 90 Sr and 137 Cs accumulation and excretion in organism of newborn bank voles in first weeks of the life, on example of 5 litters. Pregnant females were captured in the Chornobyl zone and maintained at laboratory conditions on 'clean' food. Already now it can be said, that amount of 90 Sr and 137 Cs out-take from mother organism with newborn babies considerably higher, than in further with milk (in any case, in first week of lactation). Parameters of 137 Cs transfer from mother to generation are always higher, than 90 Sr one. Peculiarities of radionuclide accumulation in baby's organism are conditioned by chemical properties of the radionuclide. Therefore at conditions of 'depuration' of mother organism 137 Cs contents in babies increases at beginning, then after 30-40% exceeding of initial values it begins to decrease. Everything takes place in first week of life. 90 Sr contents grows over all suckling period long and only then it begins to decrease, if does not intake with food

  17. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in soil; April, 1977 to September, 1977

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The samples of rain and dry fallout, air-borne dust, service water and fresh water, soil, sea water, sea sediment, total diet, rice, milk, vegetables, tea, fish, shellfishes and sea weed, and fresh water fishes, their sampling and prior treatment are described. The methods of separating Sr-90 and Cs-137 and their measurement are explained. The estimations of stable Sr, K and Ca are made by atomic absorption spectroscopy, flame spectrophotometry and potassium permanganate titration, respectively. The general plan of radioactivity survey in Japan is shown. As the environmental data, the results of Sr-90 and Cs-137 in soil obtained from April to September, 1977, and the locations of sampling are given. In a table, the months, the locations and the depth of sampling, air soil (%), Sr(%) and the amounts of Sr-90 and Cs-137 (pCi/kg or mCi/km 2 ) are shown. The maximum values are 55 mCi/km 2 of Sr-90 and 150 mCi/km 2 of Cs-137 found in Obama, Nagasaki Prefecture, in July, 1977. (Kako, I.)

  18. Soil 137Cs activity in a tropical deciduous ecosystem under pasture conversion in Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Oliva, F.; Maass, J.M.


    Soil profiles of 137 Cs were measured in a tropical deciduous ecosystem under pasture conversion on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Soil samples were taken from unperturbed forest, and from pasture plots following forest conversion. The average total 137 Cs areal activity of non-eroded forest sites indicated a base level of 5 315 ± 427 Bq m -2 . On average, total areal activity on hill-tops was significantly higher (range 10-47%) in the forest than in the pastures. A significant correlation was found between the total 137 Cs areal activity and soil organic matter content (r 2 = 0.16). This correlation can be explained by a soil physical-protection hypothesis. The redistribution of 137 Cs in the landscape is explained by soil erosion processes. (author)

  19. Evaluation of modelling body burden of Cs-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergstroem, U; Nordlinder, S


    Within the IAEA/CEC VAMP-program one working group studied the precision in dose assessment models when calculating body burden of {sup 137}Cs as a result of exposure through multiple exposure pathways. One scenario used data from southern Finland regarding contamination of various media due to the fallout from the Chernobyl accident. In this study, a time dependent multiple exposure pathway model was constructed based on compartment theory. Uncertainties in model responses due to uncertainties in input parameter values were studied. The initial predictions for body burden were good, within a factor of 2 of the observed, while the time dynamics of levels in milk and meat did not agree satisfactorily. Some results, nevertheless, showed good agreement with observations due to compensatory effects. After disclosure of additional observational data, major reasons for mispredictions were identified as lack of consideration of time dependence of fixation of {sup 137}Cs in soils, and the selection of parameter values. When correction of this was made, a close agreement between predictions and observations was obtained. This study shows that the dose contribution due to {sup 137}Cs in food products from the seminatural environment is important for long-term exposure to man. The evaluation provided a basis for improvements of crucial parts in the model. 14 refs, 18 figs, 8 tabs.

  20. Post-depositional redistribution and gradual accumulation of 137Cs in a riparian wetland ecosystem in Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stark, K.; Wallberg, P.; Nylen, T.


    After the Chernobyl accident, high activity concentrations of 137 Cs (>1 MBq m -2 ) were detected in a riparian swamp in the central-eastern part of Sweden. The objective of this study was to clarify the redistribution processes behind the accumulation of 137 Cs in the wetland. A mass balance budget of 137 Cs was calculated based on soil and sediment samples and reports in the literature. Results showed that accumulation occurred over several years. Of all the 137 Cs activity discharged between 1986 and 2002 from the upstream lake, 29% was estimated to be retained in the wetland. In 2003, measurements showed that 17 kBq m -2 sedimented on the stream banks of the wetland. Continuing overbank sedimentation by spring flooding prolongs the time that the wetland will contain high activity concentrations of 137 Cs. Consequently, organisms living in wetlands serving as sinks for 137 Cs may become exposed over long time periods to high activity concentrations