
Sample records for zum risiko maligner

  1. The risk for cancer and genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism; Zum Krebs- und genetischen Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiners, C. [Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    According to recent studies, the risk for thyroid cancer is not increased after radioiodine treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism. Only the risk of cancer of the stomach seems to be increased slightly in patents treated with I-131 because of functional autonomy. However, the risk for gastric cancer is not increased after higher activities of I-131 because of thyroid cancer. There is no increased risk for genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [Deutsch] Aktuelle Studien zum Karzinomrisiko nach Radioiodtherapie wegen Hyperthyreose ergeben keinen Anhalt fuer eine erhoehte Inzidenz des Schilddruesenkarzinoms nach therapeutischer Gabe von I-131. Allenfalls scheint die Inzidenz von Magenkarzinomen bei Patienten nach Radioiodtherapie wegen funktioneller Autonomie geringfuegig erhoeht zu sein, obwohl diese Beobachtung bei Patienten nach hochdosierter Radioiodtherapie wegen eines Schilddruesenkarzinoms nicht gemacht wurde. Hinweise fuer ein erhoehtes genetisches Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose ergeben sich nicht. (orig.)

  2. Erhöht ein Opfer-Täter-Zyklus das Risiko, Sexualstraftaten als pädosexuelle Straftaten zu begehen? : Ergebnisse einer ereignisanalytischen Pilotstudie


    Urban, Dieter; Lindhorst, Heiko


    Die Pilotstudie untersucht mittels multivariater Ereignisanalysen den Übergang vom ehemaligen Opfer pädosexuellen bzw. körperlichen Missbrauchs zum pädosexuellen Täter im Lebensverlauf verurteilter Sexualstraftäter. Zur Erklärung dieses Übergangs werden aus den wichtigsten täterorientierten Theoriemodellen drei Hypothesen abgeleitet, die empirisch getestet werden sollen. Diese Hypothesen betreffen das Risiko, nach Opfererfahrungen in der Kindheit zum Täter pädosexuellen Missbrauchs zu werden....

  3. Erhöht ein Opfer-Täter-Zyklus das Risiko, Sexualstraftaten als pädosexuelle Straftaten zu begehen? : Ergebnisse einer ereignisanalytischen Pilotstudie


    Urban, Dieter; Lindhorst, Heiko


    "Die Pilotstudie untersucht mittels multivariater Ereignisanalysen den Übergang vom ehemaligen Opfer pädosexuellen bzw. körperlichen Missbrauchs zum pädosexuellen Täter im Lebensverlauf verurteilter Sexualstraftäter. Zur Erklärung dieses Übergangs werden aus den wichtigsten täterorientierten Theoriemodellen drei Hypothesen abgeleitet, die empirisch getestet werden sollen. Diese Hypothesen betreffen das Risiko, nach Opfererfahrungen in der Kindheit zum Täter pädosexuellen Missbrauchs zu werden...


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    Miswanto Miswanto


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengukuran Risiko Bisnis dan Risiko Pendanaan dalam Perusahaan. Dalam melakukan pengambilan keputusan leverage, manajer keuangan tidak cukup hanya memperhatikan laba, melainkan juga risiko yang ditimbulkan. Risiko dapat berupa risiko bisnis, risiko pendanaan, dan risiko total. Pengukurannya dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan statistika dan pendekatan pasar. Menurut pendekatan statistika, risiko total diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EPS, atau dihitung dari Koefisien Variasi EBIT kali Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL. Risiko bisnis diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EBIT, dan risiko pendanaan diukur dengan Koefisien Variasi EPS dikurangi dengan Koefisien Variasi EBIT. Menurut pendekatan pasar, risiko total diukur dengan beta leverage firm, risiko bisnis diukur dengan beta unleveraged firm, dan risiko pendanaan diukur dari beta leverage firm dikurangi dengan beta unleverage firm. Melalui pendekatan pasar dapat diperoleh adanya keterkaitan yang berupa trade-off antara risiko leverage dan return yang diharapkan.   Kata kunci: beta, bisnis, laba, leverage, pendanaan, dan risiko   Abstract:  Business and Financial Risk Measurement in the Firms. In making decisions on leverage, financial managers is not enough to pay attention to the earnings, but should also pay attention to the risks. The risks can be business risk, financial risk, and total risk. They can be measured either by statistical or market approach. With the statistical approach, the total risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS, or calculated from the coefficient of variation of EBIT times the Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL. Business risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EBIT, and financial risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS reduced coefficient of variation of EBIT. With the market approach, the total risk is measured by beta leverage firm, business risk measured by beta unleveraged firm, and financial risk obtained by reducing


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    Dwi Iryaning Handayani


    Full Text Available Supply Chain Risk Management merupakan risiko yang terjadi pada aliran produk, informasi, bahan baku sampai pengiriman produk akhir yang mengancam keseluruhan supply chain dari pemasok awal hingga sampai konsumen. Sedangkan Supply chain disruptions (gangguan rantai pasok adalah peristiwa tak terencana yang terjadi dalam rantai pasok yang bisa mempengaruhi aliran bahan dan komponen. Kejadian risiko yang terjadi didalam supply chain telah banyak dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti sehingga perlu dilakukan review untuk mengetahui potensi risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain. Risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumya terdapat 120 jenis risiko. Kesamaan risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain menghasilkan 17 jenis risiko yang sama pada supply chain dan terdapat 3 risiko yang sering terjadi yaitu risiko demand, keterlambatan bahan baku, Bencana alam (discruption, sedangkan 14 risiko lainnya yaitu , kwalitas supplier, kwalitas produk, sistem informasi, harga, suplai, produk rusak digudang, finansial, ketergantungan supplier, penundaan, kapasitas produksi, persediaan, kekurangan bahan baku, selisih stok dan politik. Adapun mitigasi yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengatasi gangguan supply chain ada 9 strategi yaitu: postponement, strategy stock, flexible supply base. make and buy, economic supply incentives, flexible transportation. revenue management via dynamic pricing and promotion, assortment planning. silent product rollover.

  6. Faktor Risiko Non Viral Pada Karsinoma Nasofaring

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    Sukri Rahman


    Full Text Available Abstrak           Latar belakang: Karsinoma nasofaring adalah tumor ganas epitel nasofaring yang sampai saat ini penyebabnya belum diketahui, infeksi virus Epstein Barr dilaporkan sebagai faktor dominan terjadinya karsinoma nasofaring tetapi faktor non viral juga berperan untuk timbulnya keganasan nasofaring. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui faktor non viral  yang dapat meningkatkan kejadian karsinoma nasofaring sehingga dapat mencegah dan menghindari faktor-faktor non viral tersebut. Tinjauan Pustaka: Karsinoma nasofaring merupakan tumor ganas epitel nasofaring yang penyebabnya berhubungan dengan faktor viral dan non viral diantaranya asap rokok, ikan asin, formaldehid, genetik, asap kayu bakar , debu kayu, infeksi kronik telinga hidung tenggorok, alkohol dan obat tradisional. Kesimpulan: Pembuktian secara klinis dan ilmiah terhadap faktor non viral sebagai penyebab timbulnya karsinoma nasofaring masih belum dapat dijelaskan secara pasti. Faktor non viral merupakan salah satu faktor risiko yang dapat meningkatkan angka kejadian timbulnya keganasan nasofaring Kata kunci: karsinoma nasofaring, faktor risiko, non viral AbstractBackground: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant epithelial nasopharyngeal tumor that until now the cause still unknown, Epstein barr virus infection had reported as predominant occurance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma but non viral factors may also contribute to the onset of the incidence of nasopharyngeal malignancy. Purpose: To find non viral factors that may increase the incidence of nasopharyngel carcinoma in order to prevent and avoid non-viral factors Literature: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant tumor that causes nasopharyngeal epithelium associated with viral and non-viral factors such as cigarette smoke, salt fish, formaldehyde, genetic, wood smoke ,wood dust, ear nose throat chronic infections, alcohol, and traditional medicine. Conclusion: Clinically and scientifically proving the non-viral factors as


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    Ina Amanatur Risqiyah


    Full Text Available This research aims to identify and evaluate the risks of the supply chain management of salacca at the SME of Ambudi Makmur using fuzzy logic. In this research, identification of the supply chain risk was performed on each subject of supply chain using survey method. Furthermore, the results of supply chain risk in Ambudi Makmur were evaluated using FMEA’s fuzzy logic, a methodology using fuzzy logic to identify the problems or causes of failures that have occurred by consideration of criteria of Severity (S, Occurrence (O, and Detection (D. The identification results show that there are eight risk factors at the farm level, 11 risk factors, at the agribusiness industry level of SME of Ambudi Makmur, 4 risk factors at distributor level and 3 risk factors at the retailer level. The largest risk factor is in agribusiness industry, and the most dominant is on “make”. Based on the Fuzzy Risk Priority Number (FRPN, the first rank of risks of salacca supply chain is delay. Thus, this risk is the first priority that must be solved by Ambudi Makmur. Keywords: Fuzzy FMEA, risk supply chain, supply chainABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan mengevalusi risiko rantai pasok salak di UKM Ambudi Makmur Bangkalan menggunakan logika fuzzy. Pada penelitian ini identifikasi risiko rantai pasok dilakukan pada tiap pelaku rantai pasok menggunakan metode survei. Selanjutnya, hasil identifikasi risiko rantai pasok pada UKM Ambudi Makmur dievaluasi menggunakan logika fuzzy FMEA.  Fuzzy FMEA merupakan metodologi yang memakai logika fuzzy dalam mengidentifikasi permasalahan atau penyebab kegagalan yang terjadi melalui pertimbangan kriteria severity (S, occurence (O, dan detection (D. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa pada tingkat petani terdapat delapan faktor risiko, pada tingkat usaha agroindustri, yaitu UKM Ambudi Makmur terdapat 11 faktor risiko, pada tingkat distributor terdapat empat faktor risiko, pada tingkat retailer terdapat tiga

  8. Pengelolaan Risiko pada Updating Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM di Perusahaan Pakan Ternak

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    Wiwin Widiasih


    Full Text Available Risiko adalah kemungkinan terjadinya penyimpangan dari harapan yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian. Pengelolaan risiko yang baik akan memberikan keuntungan bagi perusahaan. Sama dengan pelaksanaan proyek-proyek yang lain, maka updating CIM di perusahaan ini tidak tertutup kemungkinan terjadinya risiko. Maka peneliti akan menerapkan manajemen risiko untuk updating CIM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran potensi risiko yang muncul ketika melakukan updating pada CIM dan memberikan rekomendasi penanganan risiko untuk proyek serupa di masa akan datang. Pengelolaan risiko dilakukan dengan mengadopsi framework ISO 31000:2009. Pada penelitian ini, konsep implementasi sistem/updating CIM mengadopsi konsep Meyfroidt sebagai kerangka kerja untuk mengidentifikasi risiko. Identifikasi risiko dilakukan dengan berdasarkan pada aktivitas, kemudian risiko yang telah teridentifikasi diklasifikasikan ke dalam empat aspek risiko yaitu technical, human resources, organization and control, dan financial. Risiko yang paling banyak muncul adalah aspek human resources. Penanganan risiko dilakukan dengan mencari hubungan keterkaitan sebab akibat antar risiko ekstrim. Dalam updating CIM selanjutnya, perusahaan perlu memperhatikan aspek human resources karena risiko yang diidentifikasi banyak disebabkan karena kurangnya kompetensi SDM. Selain itu memperhatikan permasalahan dalam hal ketidakakuratan engineering design, koordinasi antar anggota tim, pengiriman alat/mesin oleh supplier, dan kecelakaan kerja.

  9. Analisis Risiko Ratai Pasok Beton Ready Mix Pada Proyek Hotel Batiqa Surabaya

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    Arvin Irshad Prabowo


    Full Text Available Dalam upaya memenuhi ekspektasi dari pemilik proyek Hotel Batiqa, Kontraktor tentu harus meningkatkan kinerja dari perusahaan untuk menghasilkan produk bermutu tinggi, tepat waktu, dan efisien. Maka dari itu, pada umumnya para kontraktor menerapkan manajemen rantai pasok dalam pelaksanaan proyek dari awal sampai akhir. Dalam pelaksanaannya, manajemen rantai pasok mempunyai risiko negatif. Risiko tersebut harus dianalisis sebelumnya, karena risiko tersebut dapat mengakibatkan kerugian bagi kontraktor. Manajemen risiko diawali dengan melakukan identifikasi risiko yang dibagi menjadi tiga aliran, yaitu aliran material/fisik, aliran finansial, dan aliran informasi, dengan melakukan survei pendahuluan kepada pelaku proyek dalam rantai pasok beton ready mix untuk mendapatkan variabel risiko yang relevan di lapangan, lalu setelah itu melakukan survei utama untuk mendapatkan nilai persepsi dari probabilitas dan dampak dari variabel risiko. Dari hasil survei tersebut akan dianalisis dengan matriks probabilitas dan dampak untuk mengkategorikan tingkatan variabel risiko. Berikutnya adalah untuk mengetahui respon risiko terhadap variable berkategori tinggi tersebut.Dari hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa apabila risiko berkategori tinggi dari persepsi kontraktor terhadap pemasok beton ready mix terjadi masing-masing satu variabel di aliran finansial dan informasi. Beda halnya untuk persepsi pemasok ready mix terhadap kontraktor, risiko berkategori tinggi terjadi hanya satu variabel pada aliran finansial. Semua pihak yang terlibat dalam aktivitas rantai pasok proyek memilih opsi respon risiko dengan mengurangi dampak risiko apabila risiko tersebut terjadi di lapangan.

  10. Strategi Mitigasi Risiko Aset Kritis Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Metode Octave Dan FMEA

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    Alvina Hendika Putri


    Full Text Available Pengelolaan risiko dengan baik sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses bisnis perusahaan. SMC RS Telogorejo merupakan salah satu rumah sakit yang memiliki banyak aset TI di dalamnya untuk menunjang proses bisnis utamanya. Permasalahan yang sering dialami adalah kerusakan yang terjadi pada aset TI akibat proses kontrol dan maintenance yang belum dilakukan secara rutin dan adanya serangan dari hacker. Kejadian tersebut mengakibatkan semua kegiatan operasional terganggu dan kadang terhenti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja aset TI yang ada di perusahaan, menganalisa risiko yang terjadi pada setiap aset TI dan mengetahui mitigasi apa saja yang perlu dilakukan apabila risiko tersebut terjadi pada aset TI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Octave untuk mengelola risiko aset TI dan FMEA untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap masing-masing risiko, yang kemudian diranking berdasarkan prioritasnya. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam peneltian ini adalah 0 risiko very high, 0 risiko high, 0 risiko medium, 9 risiko low, 36 risiko very low. Walaupun hanya diperoleh risiko dengan level low dan very low, namun tetap dilakukan mitigasi guna perbaikan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi perusahaan.


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    Dwi Iryaning Handayani


    Full Text Available Risiko merupakan faktor-faktor yang menghambat operasional pada rantai pasok makanan yang tidak dapat dihindari akan tetapi dapat diminimalisir atau dihilangkan dengan melakukan penanganan risiko yang tepat. Salah satu penanganan risiko dengan menggunakan sistem traceability. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penaksiran risiko yang terjadi pada rantai pasok minuman sari apel berdasarkan informasi sistem traceability. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference. Sedangkan  penilaian risiko rantai pasok menggunakan teknik FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengetahui risiko yang dapat ditangani dengan sistem traceability menggunakan metode House of Risk (HOR. Terdapat 1 risiko ekstrime yaitu risiko terjadinya kekurangan barang dan bahan baku digudang. Sedangkan risiko sedang sebanyak lima. Risiko yang berkatagori rendah sejumlah tujuh. Risiko yang terjadi disebabkan tidak ada prosedur yang jelas, kurang memperhatikan prosedur penyimpanan, inspeksi dilakukan di akhir proses dan kesalahan komposisi bahan baku, Sedangkan penyebab risiko yang bisa ditangani dengan traceability sebanyak 75% dari semua penyebab risiko yang terjadi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peran traceability pada rantai pasok makanan dapat mereduksi risiko yang terjadi. Kata kunci:  risiko, traceability, rantai pasok   Abstract Risks are factors that hinder operations in the food supply chain that can not be avoided but can be minimized or eliminated by appropriate risk management . One risk management using a traceability system . Therefore, this study aims to conduct a risk assessment that occurs in apple juice supply chain traceability system based on information . In this study using the SCOR ( Supply Chain Operations Reference . While supply chain risk assessment using the technique of FMEA ( Failure Mode and Effects Analysis . Efforts are made to know the risks that can be addressed by

  12. Risiko Rantai Pasok Minuman Sari Apel Dalam Perspektif Sistem Traceability


    Handayani, Dwi Iryaning


    Risiko merupakan faktor-faktor yang menghambat operasional pada rantai pasok makanan yang tidak dapat dihindari akan tetapi dapat diminimalisir atau dihilangkan dengan melakukan penanganan risiko yang tepat. Salah satu penanganan risiko dengan menggunakan sistem traceability. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penaksiran risiko yang terjadi pada rantai pasok minuman sari apel berdasarkan informasi sistem traceability. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode SCOR (Supply ...


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    Helen Wiryani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe aim of this study were 1 identify the risks faced by PT XYZ, 2 measure and map the risk of PT XYZ, 3 formulating an effective risk mitigation strategy for PT XYZ. The method of risk management with enterprise risk management approach (ERM was applied. Risk management with ERM can help companies better prepared to cope with uncertainty, increase the added value and competitive advantage. ERM approach to risk mapping is done by referring to the eight components of ERM. The first three components, namely internal environment, objective setting, and event identification, were used to observe PT.  XYZ situation and identify the risks that exist. A review of the business processes in PT XYZ shows that there are various strategic, operating, reporting, and compliance risks identified in the stages of the business process. Results showed 1 the risks found in the PT XYZ stages of business process were related to the field of strategic, operating, reporting, and compliance, 2 the amount of risk experienced by PT XYZ were reflected in the risk map formed on the measurement of risk based on probability and impact, 3 strategies need to be developed for effective risk mitigation for PT XYZ were prioritized addressing the highest risk first then to a lower risk.Keywords: ERM, FGD, risk management, upholstery industry, risk mappingABSTRAKTujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah 1 mengidentifikasi risiko yang dihadapi PT XYZ, 2 mengukur dan memetakan risiko PT XYZ, 3 merumuskan strategi mitigasi risiko yang efektif bagi PT XYZ. Metode pengelolaan risiko dengan pendekatan enterprise risk management (ERM. Pengelolaan risiko dengan ERM dapat membantu perusahaan lebih siap dalam  mengatasi ketidakpastian,  meningkatkan nilai tambah, dan keunggulan bersaing. Pemetaan risiko dengan pendekatan ERM dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada delapan komponen ERM. Tiga komponen pertama yaitu internal environment, objective setting, dan event identification dilakukan untuk


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    Hikmatul Fitri


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh corporate governance dan charter value terhadap pengambilan risiko perbankan pada bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 20042013. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data panel tidak berimbang. Corporate governance diukur dengan jumlah komisaris, persentase komisaris independen, kualitas manajemen risiko, dan jumlah rapat gabungan komisari dan direksi per tahun. Charter value diukur dengan Tobins’Q. Proksi pengambilan risiko yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan data pasar saham (market based measure dan data akuntansi (accounting based measure. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa corporate governance dan charter value mampu mendisiplinkan pengambilan risiko perbankan. Kepemilikan asing dan domestik sebagai ultimate shareholder di suatu bank, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan terkait pengambilan risiko mereka. Kedua kelompok kepemilikan tersebut menginginkan return yang lebih tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pengambilan risiko yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen bank lebih tercermin dalam pengukuran risiko berdasarkan data akuntansi, karena pengukuran tersebut memberikan hasil yang lebih konsisten.Kata kunci: corporate governance, charter value, tipe kepemilikan, pengambilan risiko, z-score


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    Bayu Rizki Kristanto


    Full Text Available Dalam aktivitas supply chain selalu berpotensi untuk timbul risiko, oleh sebab itu manajemen risiko sangat diperlukan untuk penanganan risiko. Pada perusahaan yang memproduksi sepatu kulit seperti PT. Karyamitra Budisentosa, dalam aktivitas supply chain bahan baku kulit memiliki peluang untuk timbul risiko. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan analisa risiko dan rancangan aksi mitigasi, untuk memitigasi risiko atau gangguan yang berpeluang timbul pada supply chain bahan baku kulit tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model house of risk yang terdiri dari 2 fase. Fase pertama yaitu pengidentifikasian risiko dan agen risiko, yang kemudian dilakukan pengukuran tingkat severity dan occurance serta perhitungan nilai aggregate risk priority (ARP. Fase kedua yaitu penanganan risiko. Setelah dilakukan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat 27 kejadian risiko dan 52 agen risiko. Terdapat 6 aksi mitigasi yang dapat digunakan, dengan harapan mampu memitigasi risiko pada supply chain bahan baku kulit.

  16. Intensi berwirausaha mahasiswa: Perspektif pengambilan risiko

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    Tony Wijaya


    Full Text Available Penelitian  yang  dilakukan  bertujuan  untuk  menguji  1  pengaruh  sikap berwirausaha  terhadap intensi berwirausaha, 2 pengaruh efikasi diri terhadap intensi berwirausaha, 3 pengaruh norma subjektif terhadap intensi berwirausaha, 4 pengaruh kecenderungan mengambil risiko terhadap sikap berwirausaha, dan 5 pengaruh kecenderungan mengambil risiko terhadap efikasi diri. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat kuantitatif dan merupakan penelitian cross-sectional. Populasi dalam pemelitian ini adalah mahasiswa di DIY. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria mahasiswa semester akhir atau minimal semester 6 dengan pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan setelah lulus. Banyaknya sampel penelitian ini 436. Pengujian model analisis data dengan menggunakan persamaan struktural atau SEM yang dibantu dengan program AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan model intensi  berwirausaha dalam penelitian ini memenuhi kaidah fit model yang berarti model yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan kondisi empirik yang ada. Kecenderungan mengambil risiko memengaruhi self efficacy secara signifikan, kecenderungan mengambil risiko memengaruhi sikap berwirausaha secara signifikan, norma subjektif tidak memengaruhi intensi berwirausaha secara signifikan (norma subjektif sebagai faktor eksternal tidak memiliki kontribusi dalam mendorong minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha, mahasiswa lebih terdorong oleh aspek internal seperti kemampuan diri dan sikap dalam mengevaluasi kegiatan berwirausaha, dan self-efficacy memengaruhi intensi berwirausaha secara signifikan.


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    Ratih Paramitasari


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh risiko sistematis dan risiko sistematis pada hasil saham yang diharapkan portofolio terhadap perusahaan LQ45 dengan menggunakan model indeks tunggal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua saham yang tercatat pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah saham dari kategori LQ45 dan ini ditentukan secara purposive sampling, dan itu terdiri dari 37 saham. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Parsial dan simultan, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa risiko sistematis dan risiko sistematis berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengembalian yang diharapkan dari portofolio saham. Hasil ini menunjukkan perubahan variasi risiko sistematis dan risiko tidak sistematis digunakan untuk memprediksi perubahan variasi keuntungan yang diharapkan dari portofolio saham. Hasil ini sesuai dengan teori bahwa hubungan positif dan linier antara laba yang diharapkan dan risiko.


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    Badratun Nisak


    Full Text Available Risk management is a set of procedures and methodologies that used to identify, measure, monitor and control of risks that could be aroused from the business of banks. This article aims to analyze the implementation of risk management system at Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri and its impact on musharaka financing. The sample for this research is Micro Small Business Group at Kuta Alam’s regency which was financed by the Baitul Qiradh. Data for this research was gathered through interview, observation and documentation study. The findings suggest that there were three risk possibilities could escalate at the financing project, namely business risk, shrinking risk, and character risk. Among these risks, the Baitul Qiradh experiences two of them, which was business and character risks. Therefore, the efforts were made to minimize the risk of Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri by applying 5C concept, namely character, capability, capital, condition and collateral. =========================================== Manajemen risiko adalah serangkaian prosedur dan metodologi yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur, memantau, dan mengendalikan risiko yang timbul dari kegiatan usaha bank. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis sistem manajemen risiko yang diimplementasikan pada Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri dan dampaknya terhadap kelancaran pembayaran dalam pembiayaan musyarakah. Pembahasan kajian hanya terfokus ke manajemen risiko pembiayaan musyarakah pada kelompok usaha dalam Rumpun Kuta Alam yang dibina oleh Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri Banda Aceh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam melakukan pembiayaan tersebut Baitul Qiradh Bina Insan Mandiri tidak terlepas dari kemungkinan terjadinya 3 aspek risiko, yaitu: risiko bisnis yang dibiayai (busness risk, risiko berkurangnya nilai pembiayaan (shrinking risk, dan risiko karakter buruk mudharib (character


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    Endi Sarwoko


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan rata-rata struktur modal antar industri, menguji pengaruh perubahan earnings perusahaan terhadap struktur modal, dan menguji pengaruh risiko pasar dengan struktur modal perusahaan. Struktur modal dalam penelitian ini diproksikan dengan debt to equity ratio dan debt to total assets. Data diperoleh dari Pojok Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ Universitas Brawijaya, sampel sebanyak 40 perusahaan yang diambil secara Purposive dengan kriteria perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut aktif mencatatkan laporan keuangannya di BEJ dan aktif melakukan perdagangan saham selama 6 tahun terakhir. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh terbalik antara perubahan earnings perusahaan terhadap D/E tetapi perubahan earnings ternyata tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap D/A. Risiko pasar tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap debt to equity, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ketika akan melakukan pembelian saham investor tidak mempertimbangkan risiko pasar. Sedangkan berdasarkan pengaruh terhadap D/A diperoleh hasil risiko pasar berpengaruh signifikan terhadap debt to total assets,  manajemen perusahaan sangat memperhatikan dampak risiko pasar dalam menentukan kebijakan struktur modal perusahaan, karena dalam memberikan pinjaman kreditur biasanya sangat mempertimbangkan aset yang dimiliki perusahaan didanai dari mana, hutang atau modal sendiri.


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    Dwi Iryaning Handayani


    Full Text Available Risiko merupakan faktor-faktor yang menghambat operasional pada rantai pasok makanan yang tidak dapat dihindari akan tetapi dapat diminimalisir atau dihilangkan dengan melakukan penanganan risiko yang tepat. Penanganan risiko dalam rantai pasok sangat diperlukan agar dapat meminimalkan biaya, waktu dan kinerja dalam aktifitas rantai pasok. Traceability merupakan suatu sistem yang dapat meningkatkan transparansi dalam rantai supplai dalam mengurangi risiko klaim serta menemukan potensi risiko proses rantai pasok makanan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses yang terkait dengan traceability dan mengidentifikasi risiko yang terjadi pada rantai pasok makanan berdasarkan informasi sistem traceability. Aktivitas yang terkait dalam membangun sistem traceability antara lain pemeriksaan level stock dan produk minuman sari buah, penerimaan material dari pemasok, pembongkaran inspeksi bahan baku, penyimpanan bahan baku, penyimpanan sari buah di gudang, mengeluarkan sari buah dalam gudang untuk memulai aktivitas proses, inspeksi kualitas produk minuman sari buah, labeling produk jadi, persiapan pengiriman produk jadi, penyimpanan produk minuman sari apel di gudang, pengiriman produk ke distributor. Adapun risiko terjadi yang dapat di tangani dengan traceability yaitu, ketidak sesuaian data dengan produk dan bahan baku di gudang, kekurangan barang dan bahan baku digudang, keterlambatan penerimaan material, ketidak sesuaian barang yang dipesan, material busuk,sari buah rusak di gudang, sari buah tercampur dengan benda lain kesalahan pengangkutan produk, kesalahan dalam pengambilan galon sari buah yang tidak bersifat FIFO, kualitas produk tidak sesuai, kesalahan memberikan identitas, produk rusak digudang, produk cacat dalam perjalanan.


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    Fransisca Tiarawati Riadi


    Full Text Available Pentingnya penggunaan Teknologi Informasi (TI tidak bisa dipisahkan dari risiko-risiko yang akan mungkin terjadi. Satuan organisasi XYZ sendiri telah menerapkan manajemen risiko keamanan informasi menggunakan standar ISO 31000:2009 untuk meminimalisir risiko-risiko tersebut. Penerapan manajemen risiko keamanan informasi dilakukan agar satuan organisasi XYZ dapat mengetahui optimasi risiko yang dikelola satuan organisasi XYZ sudah berjalan dengan baik dan memberikan dampak yang signifikan. Sehingga satuan organsasi XYZ perlu melakukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui tingkat kapabilitas dalam memastikan optimasi risiko yang telah dilaksanakan satuan organisasi terhadap layanan TI. Framework COBIT 5 digunakan untuk melakukan evaluasi manajemen risiko keamanan informasi dengan melakukan pengukuran tingkat kapabilitas yang memfokuskan pada subdomain EDM03 (Ensure Risk Optimisation. Hasil penelitian ini pada subdomain EDM03 memiliki tingkat kapabilitas pada level 1 performed process kategori largely achieved dengan nilai 78,29%. Pada level ini proses yang diimplementasikan organisasi mencapai tujuan prosesnya. Manfaat penelitian ini bagi satuan organisasi XYZ dapat membantu manajemen risiko keamanan informasi dan pengimplementasi framework ISO 31000 mencapai nilai optimal dalam mendukung layanan TIK di Lembaga ABC.

  2. Pemetaan Risiko Tsunami terhadap Bangunan secara Kuantitatif

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    Totok Wahyu Wibowo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tsunami merupakan bencana alam yang sebagian besar kejadiannya dipicu oleh gempabumi dasar laut. Dampak kerugian tsunami terhadap lingkungan pesisir antara lain rusaknya properti, struktur bangunan, infrastruktur dan dapat mengakibatkan gangguan ekonomi. Bencana tsunami memiliki keunikan dibandingkan bencana lainnya, karena memiliki kemungkinan sangat kecil tetapi dengan ancaman yang tinggi. Paradigma Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (PRB yang berkembang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang menekankan bahwa risiko merupakan hal utama dalam penentuan strategi terhadap bencana. Kelurahan Ploso, merupakan salah satu lokasi di Kabupaten Pacitan yang berpotensi terkena bencana tsunami. Pemetaan risiko bangunan dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif, yang mana disusun atas peta kerentanan dan peta harga bangunan. Papathoma Tsunami Vulnerability 3 (PTVA-3 diadopsi untuk pemetaan kerentanan. Data harga bangunan diperoleh dari kombinasi kerja lapangan dan analisis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Hasil pemetaan risiko menunjukkan bahwa Lingkungan Barehan memiliki risiko kerugian paling tinggi diantara semua lingkungan di Kelurahan Ploso. Hasil ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk penentuan strategi pengurangan risiko bencana di Kelurahan Ploso. ABSTRACT Tsunami is a natural disaster whose occurrences are mostly triggered by submarine earthquakes. The impact of tsunami on coastal environment includes damages to properties, building structures, and infrastructures as well as economic disruptions. Compared to other disasters, tsunamis are deemed unique because they have a very small occurrence probability but with a very high threat. The paradigm of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR that has developed in the last few years stresses risk as the primary factor to determine disaster strategies. Ploso Sub-district, an area in Pacitan Regency, is potentially affected by tsunamis. The risk mapping of the buildings in this sub-district was created using a quantitative

  3. Model Optimisasi Portofolio Investasi Mean-Variance Tanpa dan Dengan Aset Bebas Risiko pada Saham Idx30

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    Basuki Basuki


    Full Text Available Dalam paper ini, model optimisasi portofolio investasi Mean-Variance tanpa aset bebas risiko, atau disebut model dasar dari Markowitz telah dikaji untuk mendapatkan portofolio optimum.Berdasarkan model dasar dari Markowitz, kemudian dilakukan studi lebih lanjut pada model Mean-Variance dengan aset bebas risiko. Selanjutnya, kedua model tersebut digunakan untuk menganalisis optimisasi portofolio investasi pada beberapa saham IDX30. Dalam paper ini diasumsikan bahwa proporsi sebesar 10% diinvestasikan pada aset bebas risiko, berupa deposito yang memberikan return sebesar 7% per tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis optimisasi portofolio investasi pada lima saham yang dipilih didapatkan grafik permukaan efisien dari optimisasi portofolio Mean-Variance dengan aset bebas risiko, berada lebih tinggi dibandingkan optimisasi portofolio Mean-Variance tanpa aset bebas risiko. Dalam hal ini menunjukkan bahwa portofolio investasi kombinasi dari aset bebas risiko dan aset tanpa bebas risiko, lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan portofolio investasi yang hanya pada aset tanpa bebas risiko.

  4. Risiko i det nordiske kraftmarkedet : utfordringer for risikostyring


    Solheim, John Ola; Erlandsen, Kristian Ingemann


    Masteroppgave om utfordringer for risikostyring i det nordiske kraftmarkedet. Det nordiske kraftmarkedet er preget av svært volatile priser, som byr på mange problemer ved risikostyring for aktørene i markedet. Risiko i kraftmarkedet kan ikke uten videre analyseres og styres på samme måte som for eksempel aksjemarkedet. Dette fordi kraftmarkedet innehar større og hyppigere prissvingninger enn de fleste andre markeder. Risiko er uforutsette hendelser, mens volatilitet er mer knyttet til spr...

  5. Risiko i det nordiske kraftmarkedet : utfordringer for risikostyring


    Solheim, John Ola; Erlandsen, Kristian Ingemann


    Det nordiske kraftmarkedet er preget av svært volatile priser, som byr på mange problemer ved risikostyring for aktørene i markedet. Risiko i kraftmarkedet kan ikke uten videre analyseres og styres på samme måte som for eksempel aksjemarkedet. Dette fordi kraftmarkedet innehar større og hyppigere prissvingninger enn de fleste andre markeder. Risiko er uforutsette hendelser, mens volatilitet er mer knyttet til spredning i en fordeling. Tidssystematikk kan sies å kunne forutsees, og en risikost...

  6. Studi Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Dengan Risiko Pada Pengembangan Proyek Caspian Tower, Grand Sungkono Lagoon Surabaya

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    Fenny Herwitasari


    Full Text Available Proyek Caspian Tower, Grand Sungkono Lagoon yang bertempat di Jl. Abdul Wahab Siamin Surabaya merupakan gabungan fungsi hunian apartemen dan pusat perbelanjaan (mall. Pembangunan Caspian Tower ini sangat menarik karena mencoba menggabungkan dua market properti yang berbeda. Perbedaan market properti tersebut memunculkan risiko dan tingkat pengembalian investasi yang berbeda satu sama lain sehingga membuat proyek ini menarik untuk dianalisa risiko terhadap investasinya, karena dimungkinkan terjadi saling melemahkan atau memperkuat satu dengan lainnya. Oleh karena itu perlu untuk dilakukan studi lebih lanjut untuk menentukan apakah fungsi bangunan tersebut merupakan yang terbaik sebagai keputusan investasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keputusan terbaik dalam investasi dilihat dari risiko dan tingkat keuntungan yang didapat. Untuk menentukan fungsi bangunan terbaik, dianalisa 2 alternatif lain selain penggabungan antara apartemen dan mall, yaitu pembangunan perkantoran dan pembangunan hotel. Dari hasil kuesioner yang disebar, didapatkan hasil probabilitas untuk apartemen dan mall: optimis= 70,7%, moderat= 20,1%, pesimis= 9,2%; Perkantoran: optimis= 57,1%, moderat= 28,6%, pesimis= 14,3%; Hotel: optimis= 64,8%, moderat= 23%, pesimis= 12,2%. Berdasarkan perhitungan NPV risiko, didapatkan keputusan investasi terbaik adalah investasi apartemen dan mall dengan NPV risiko sebesar Rp.341.209.972.609,37 yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan hasil NPV risiko perkantoran dan hotel yaitu sebesar Rp. 326.927.631.618,04 dan Rp. 321.827.486.548,59. Dari hasil analisa investasi dan analisa risiko dapat disimpulkan bahwa alternatif investasi yang menghasilkan tingkat keuntungan pada risiko yang bisa diterima paling besar adalah alternatif apartemen dan mall. Sedangkan alternatif investasi yang menghasilkan tingkat keuntungan pada risiko yang bisa diterima paling rendah adalah alternatif hotel.


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    Shelly Silvia Bintang


    Full Text Available Pekerjaan sebagai sales promotion girl (SPG menuntut berdiri dalam posisi statis dalam waktu kerja yang cukup lama. Dalam sebuah jurnal kesehatan masyarakat tahun 2013 mendapatkan hasil semakin lama SPG bekerja maka semakin lama juga durasi mereka memakai sepatu hak tinggi semakin besar risiko untuk mengalami gangguan kesehatan yang disebabkan sepatu hak tinggi. Gangguan dari aliran darah atau trombosis vena profunda (TVP merupakan dampak yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui angka tinggi pemakaian sepatu hak tinggi, angka pemakaian stocking dan gambaran SPG di Kota Denpasar yang memiliki risiko rendah, menengah dan tinggi mengalami TVP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif potong lintang. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 62 pegawai SPG yang bekerja di swalayan di Kota Denpasar. Skor kriteria Wells didapatkan untuk mengetahui gambaran risiko probabilitas TVP. Hasil gambaran risiko TVP pada SPG di Kota Denpasar berdasarkan kriteria Wells didapatkan 30 orang pekerja (48,38% menunjukan risiko ringan, dan 30 orang pekerja lainnya (48,38% menunjukan risiko menengah menderita TVP, sedangkan 2 orang pekerja (3,24% menunjukan risiko tinggi. Sebagian besar pegawai SPG di kota Denpasar memiliki risiko rendah dan sedang probabilitas TVP.

  8. Risiko Rantai Pasok Kakao Di Indonesia Dengan Metode Analytic Network Process Dan Failure Mode Effect Analysis Terintegrasi


    Aini, Harumi; Syamsun, Muhammad; Setiawan, Alim


    Kakao merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang peranannya cukup penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Industri kakao menghadapi beberapa masalah termasuk berbagai risiko yang timbul dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengidentifikasi macam-macam risiko pada rantai pasok kakao, 2) menganalisis dan mengevaluasi anggota pelaku rantai pasok dengan risiko tertinggi dalam manajemen rantai pasok kakao, dan 3) mengetahui cara mengevaluasi dan memitigasi risiko tertinggi ...

  9. Model Penilaian Risiko Kebakaran Perkotaan dengan Sistem Pakar berbasis GIS Grid-Based

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    Sabrillah Taridala


    Full Text Available Abstrak Kota Kendari merupakan suatu kawasan perkotaan dengan luas wilayah terkecil dan jumlah penduduk terpadat di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Bencana kebakaran di Kota Kendari sering terjadi dan telah menimbulkan kerugian yang cukup banyak, hingga menelan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap tingkat risiko bencana kebakaran di Kota Kendari dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sistem Pakar (Expert System berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa tingkat risiko kebakaran di Kota Kendari terklasifikasi dalam empat kelas, yaitu tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat tinggi sebanyak 206 grid, tingkat risiko kebakaran tinggi sebanyak 6.815 grid, tingkat risiko kebakaran rendah sebanyak 46.175 grid, dan tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat rendah sebanyak 54.640 grid. Tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat tinggi di Kota Kendari merupakan kawasan terbangun yang berpenduduk padat dengan dominasi jenis material bangunan kayu dan campuran, terletak pada daerah dengan morfologi berbukit, dan aksesibilitas hanya dilalui oleh jalan umum yang memiliki lebar jalur lalu lintas <4 meter. Wilayah dengan tingkat risiko sangat rendah merupakan kawasan non-terbangun yang didominasi oleh badan air (sungai dan rawa, hutan dan sebagian kawasan pertanian (kebun. Kawasan tersebut bermorfologi datar, berbukit dan bergunung. Abstract Kendari city is an urban area with the smallest area and the densest population in Southeast Sulawesi Province. Fire disaster in the city of Kendari often occurs and has caused considerable losses, to claim casualties. This study aims to assess the risk degree of fire disaster in Kendari City using Expert System Approach based on Geographic Information System (GIS. The results showed that the degrees of fire risk in Kendari City were classified into four classes, ie very high fire risk degree, 206 grid, high fire risk degree, 6,815 grid, low fire risk degree, 46.175 grid, and very low fire risk, as

  10. Long-term investigation of the risk of malignant diseases following intravenous radium-224 treatment for ankylosing spondylitis; Langzeituntersuchung zum Risiko maligner Erkrankungen nach intravenoeser Behandlung des Morbus Bechterew mit Radium-224

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schulte, Tobias L. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Allgemeine Orthopaedie und Tumororthopaedie, Universitaetsklinikum Muenster (Germany); Nekolla, Elke A. [Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS), Neuherberg (Germany); Wick, Roland R. [Inst. fuer Strahlenbiologie, Helmholtz-Zentrum Muenchen, Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Gesundheit und Umwelt, Neuherberg (Germany)


    Background and purpose: in German-speaking countries, the intravenous treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) with radium-224 ({sup 224}Ra) was common between the late 1940s and 2005. In this long-term investigation, the risk of malignant diseases following intravenous {sup 224}Ra treatment for AS was assessed. Patients and methods: in a prospective long-term study, 1,471 patients with AS who were treated with {sup 224}Ra between 1948 and 1975 have been followed together with a control group of 1,324 AS patients treated neither with radioactive drugs nor with X-rays. Standardized questionnaires to evaluate the patients' health status were used. Observed numbers of malignant diseases were compared with those of the control group as well as with expected numbers for a normal population. Results: After 26 years of follow-up, causes of death have been certified for 1,006 patients of the exposure group (control group: 1,072 patients). Significantly increased rates of myeloid leukemia (12 cases observed vs. 2.9 expected; p < 0.001), kidney cancer (18 vs. 9.1; p < 0.01), thyroid cancer (4 vs. 1.2; p = 0.03) and borderline significantly increased rates of cancer of female genital organs (10 vs. 5.6; p = 0.06) were found in the exposure group in contrast to no significant increases of these diseases in the control group. Rates of pulmonary and gastrointestinal malignancies were not increased. Lymphatic leukemia (exposure group: 8 vs. 2.7; p < 0.01; control group: 7 vs. 3; p = 0.03) was significantly elevated due to a high rate of chronic lymphatic leukemia in both, the exposure as well as the control group. Conclusion: treatment of AS with {sup 224}Ra led to increased incidences of myeloid leukemia and malignancies of kidneys, thyroid and female genital organs. Although this kind of therapy is now abandoned, there is a need for close follow-up of patients who received it. (orig.)

  11. Analisis Safety System dan Manajemen Risiko pada Steam Boiler PLTU di Unit 5 Pembangkitan Paiton, PT. YTL

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    Luluk Kristianingsih


    Full Text Available Pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU merupakan pembangkit listrik yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Salah satu bagian dari sistem PLTU yang memiliki risiko bahaya tinggi adalah boiler, oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya analisis bahaya dan safety system sebagai langkah pencegahan bahaya pada boiler. Analisis bahaya dalam penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode HAZOP. Node yang dipakai adalah economizer, steam drum, superheater, dan reheater yang merupakan komponen utama penyusun boiler. Guide word dan deviasi ditentukan berdasarkan control chart yang dibentuk oleh data proses masing-masing komponen selama bulan Maret 2013. Estimasi likelihood dilakukan berdasarkan data maintenance dari work order PT YTL selama 5 tahun, sedangkan estimasi consequences dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria risiko yang ditimbulkan serta berdasarkan control chart. Hasil perkalian likelihood dan consequences dengan risk matrix menghasilkan kriteria risiko dari komponen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh hasil bahwa komponen yang memiliki risiko bahaya paling besar adalah level transmitter steam drum dengan deviasi berupa less level, yaitu dengan kriteria likelihood adalah A dan consequences 4, sehingga risiko bernilai extreme. Selain itu, risiko extreme juga terdapat pada pressure transmitter outlet superheater, dengan likelihood B dan consequences 4. Untuk menurunkan risiko, maka dilakukan perawatan dan kalibrasi secara rutin, serta penambahan redundant transmitter. Bahaya paling besar pada seluruh node adalah adanya kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan analisis emergency response plan untuk kebakaran yang mencakup peta evakuasi, tugas dan tanggungjawab tiap personel, langkah pencegahan, serta langkah penanganan.


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    Raden Budiarto


    Full Text Available Sekalipun sudah populer di bidang teknik industri, metode Failure Mode & Effect Analysis FMEA masih sangat jarang dilaporkan penelitiannya terhadap objek sistem informasi. Hal ini menarik untuk dieksplorasi lebih lanjut pemanfaatannya pada sistem informasi. Variabel yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah occurrence (frekuensi kejadian, severity (dampak dan detection (pencegahan. Data penelitian diambil terutama berdasarkan dari hasil pengamatan langsung. Penelitian ini mencakup perlindungan terhadap aset informasi di lingkungan Organisasi XYZ dengan melakukan penilaian risiko keamanan informasi. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode (FMEA. Pada penelitian ini juga menggunakan kerangka kerja ISO 27001 untuk melengkapi daftar rekomendasi aksi penanggulangan mode kegagalan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu berupa laporan hasil pengelolaan manajemen risiko yang berisikan daftar prioritas analisis risiko yang disertai akar sebab permasalahan dan pengendalian risiko sesuai dengan standar ISO 27001. Hasil dari studi kasus telah membuktikan penerapan standar ISO 27001 berimbas terhadap penurunan tingkat kerawanan sebesar 30%.


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    Harumi Aini


    Full Text Available Cocoa is one of the plantation commodities whose role is quite important for the national economy of Indonesia. However, the cocoa industry faces several problems including the various risks involved in the cocoa supply chain. The aim of this study were: 1 Identify the various risks involved in the cocoa supply chain, 2 analyze and evaluate the supply chain actors members with the highest risk in the cocoa supply chain management, and 3 understand how to evaluate and mitigate the highest risk in the cocoa supply chain effectively and efficiently. An Integrated Analytic Network Process (ANP and Weighted Failure Mode Effect Analysis (WFMEA method will be used to determine and analyze the highest risk in the cocoa supply chain. The results of the priority of the members of the value chain in the cocoa supply chain risk management are the farmer (0.408 with the risk of having the greatest priority is production risk (0.221. Risk control could be done by improving the productivity and competitiveness of cocoa.Keywords: ANP, FMEA, cocoa, risk management, supply chainABSTRAKKakao merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang peranannya cukup penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Industri kakao menghadapi beberapa masalah termasuk berbagai risiko yang timbul dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1 mengidentifikasi macam-macam risiko pada rantai pasok kakao, 2 menganalisis dan mengevaluasi anggota pelaku rantai pasok dengan risiko tertinggi dalam manajemen rantai pasok kakao, dan 3 mengetahui cara mengevaluasi dan memitigasi risiko tertinggi pada rantai pasok kakao dengan efektif dan efisien. Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP dan Weighted Failure Mode Effect Analysis (WFMEA terintegrasi digunakan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis risiko tertinggi dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Hasil prioritas anggota pelaku rantai pasok dalam manajemen risiko rantai pasokan kakao petani (0,408 dengan risiko yang memiliki prioritas terbesar adalah

  14. Risiko Kerugian Akibat Longsor di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Fathiyya Ulfa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki riwayat kejadian longsor tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sering terjadi longsor adalah Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pada dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi dua kali pergerakan tanah di daerah yang berbeda di Desa Cibanteng. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi besar risiko kerugian bencana longsor pada masa akan datang sehingga bantuan saat terjadi longsor dapat dioptimalkan. Untuk memprediksi besar risiko kerugian digunakan variabel bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas kebencanaan longsor. Masing-masing variabel memiliki beberapa indikator tertentu yakni penggunaan tanah, lereng, dan kepadatan penduduk. Penghitungan risiko kerugian dilakukan menggunakan metode overlay masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian adalah berupa prediksi risiko kerugian sebesar Rp. 10,1 milyar. Besar risiko kerugian tersebut didapat dari nilai bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik dan produktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah risiko bencana longsor mendominasi dibagian selatan Desa Cibanteng.   ABSTRACT West Java Province is a province have a high landslide history in Indonesia. One of the area in West Java Province which often occuring a landslide is Cibanteng Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. In the last two years has been soil movement twice in different areas in the village Cibanteng. This study aims to predict big losses from landslides in future so that assistance can be optimized during a landslide. To predict the risk of loss used hazards variable, vulnerabilities and capacities of landslide disasters. Each variables have some specific indicators namely landuse, slope, and population density. The calculation of losses risk using overlay method in each variable. The results are prediction of losses risk of Rp. 10.1 billion. Great of losses risk can be assessed from value of building , road networks

  15. Determinan Permodalan Bank Melalui Profitabilitas, Risiko, Ukuran Perusahaan, Efisiensi Dan Struktur Aktiva

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    Sugeng Haryanto


      Penelitian ini menganalisis kausalitas antara CAR, profitabilitas, risiko, ukuran perusahaan, efisiensi dan struktur aset industri perbankan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan kriteria bank telah go public sebelum 2008 dan menerbitkan laporan keuangan 2008-2013. Total sampel adalah 23 bank. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh profitabilitas, risiko, ukuran perusahaan, efisiensi dan struktur modal dari aset bank. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas, ukuran dan struktur aktiva memiliki dampak positif terhadap CAR. Sementara itu, risiko bank memiliki dampak negatif terhadap CAR. Efisiensi tidak berdampak pada CAR. Kontribusi penelitian ini untuk pengelolaan industri perbankan, peneliti dan regulator (Bank Indonesia adalah bahwa ada suatu keharusan untuk meningkatkan rasio kecukupan modal dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing perbankan nasional.

  16. Delegation af lovgivningsmagt: risiko for ringere regulering?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Morten Jarlbæk; Christensen, Geert Laier; Ravn, Jacob


    kortsigtetede, politiske incitamenter. Samtidig underlægges delegation ikke samme grad af kvalitetskontrolmekanismer som almindelig lovgivning; dette kunne ellers kompensere for den mere politiserede delegation. En øget brug af bekendtgørelser kan derfor betyde en stigende risiko for regulering af lavere...

  17. Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf

    CERN Document Server

    Bennewitz, Hedda; Rothland, Martin


    Die große Bedeutung, die dem Lehrerberuf in der Öffentlichkeit, aber auch in den Bildungswissenschaften für die Qualität von Schule und Unterricht zugemessen wird, stand bislang in deutlichem Kontrast zu Umfang und Intensität der Forschung, die auf den Lehrerberuf gerichtet war. Diese immer wieder beklagte Situation hat sich jedoch gewandelt. Seit etwa einem Jahrzehnt ist eine deutliche Intensivierung und allmähliche Verstetigung der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf zu beobachten. Mit dem vorliegenden Handbuch wird erstmalig eine repräsentative Übersicht über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf vermittelt. Unter intensiver Berücksichtigung der internationalen Fachdiskussion informieren die 45 Beiträge des Handbuchs über Forschung zu folgenden Themenfeldern: Geschichte des Lehrerberufs, Charakteristika und Rahmenbedingungen des Lehrerberufs, Konzepte der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf, Berufsbiographien von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, Lehrerbildung, Kognitionen, Emotionen und Kompetenzen von Lehrern...

  18. Radon as a remedy - radiobiological and medical aspects, risk; Radon als Heilmittel - strahlenbiologische und medizinische Aspekte, Risiko

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwarz, E.R.; Nuernberger, E.; Martignoni, K. [Inst. fuer Strahlenhygiene des Bundesamtes fuer Strahlenschutz, Oberschleissheim/Neuherberg (Germany)


    For years there have been controversial discussions about the benefit and risk of radon-balneo-therapy. This is particularly true where the inhalation of radon and its daughter products in curative galleries is concerned. Animal experiments and studies on uranium miners have clearly shown that the exposure with radon and its daughter products is connected with an additional risk for lung cancer. Findings on balneo-therapeutic mechanisms are, at best, incomplete and the topic of controversial discussions in radiobiology. This applies specifically to `hormesis` or `adaptive response`, as indicated in this context. Given the numerous reports of therapeutic results, there appear to be curative effects from radon-balneotherapy for special indications. (orig.) [Deutsch] Nutzen und Risiko der Radon-Balneotherapie werden seit Jahren widerspruechlich diskutiert. Dies gilt insbesondere fuer die Inhalation des Radons und seiner Folgeprodukte in Heilstollen. Tierversuche und Untersuchungen bei Uranbergleuten haben eindeutig gezeigt, dass mit der Exposition durch Radon und seinen Folgeprodukten ein zusaetzliches Lungenkrebsrisiko verbunden ist. Erkenntnisse zum Wirkungsmechanismus der Radon-Balneotherapie liegen allenfalls in Ansaetzen vor und werden in der Strahlenbiologie kontrovers diskutiert. Dies gilt insbesondere fuer die in diesem Zusammenhang angefuehrte `Hormesis` bzw. `Adaptive Response`. Geht man von den zahlreich berichteten therapeutischen Erfahrungen aus, so scheint es Hinweise auf Heileffekte der Radon-Balneotherapie fuer spezielle Indikationen zu geben. (orig.)


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    Ahmad Mursidi


    Full Text Available Abstract: Risk Analysis Metal Content of Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6 + and arsenic (As in drinking water. The research objective is to determine estimates of health risks from exposure to hexavalent chromium metal and arsenic in drinking water. Research conducted on Kalanganyar population that uses clean water supply wells for drinking water as many as 200 people, and the examination of samples of drinking water as many as 32 samples. Design research using cross-sectional design using the descriptive-analytic method. The results showed that the percentage of respondents who have a non-cancerous disease risk due to exposure to hexavalent chromium (RQ≥1 by 16%, while the percentage of respondents that have exceeded the risk of non-cancer diseases due to exposure to arsenic (RQ≥1 by 59%. The risk of cancer due to arsenic exposure on average the respondents amounted to 1.5 per 10,000 population. The concentration of hexavalent chromium has relation with health risk (p <0.05 with r = 0.927. Arsenic concentrations also have a relationship with a health risk (p <0.05 with r = 0.936. Abstrak : Analisis Risiko Kandungan Logam Kromium Heksavalen (Cr6+ Dan Arsen (As Dalam Air Minum. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui perkiraan risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan logam kromium heksavalen dan arsen dalam air minum. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap penduduk Kalanganyar yang menggunakan sarana air bersih sumur gali sebagai sumber air minum sebanyak 200 orang, dan pemeriksaan sampel air minum sebanyak 32 sampel. Rancang penelitian menggunakan desain Cross Sectional dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase responden yang mempunyai risiko penyakit non kanker akibat pajanan kromium heksavalen (RQ≥1 sebesar 16%, sedangkan persentase responden yang telah melampaui batas risiko penyakit non kanker akibat pajanan arsen (RQ≥1 sebesar 59%. Besar risiko kanker akibat pajanan arsen rata-rata pada responden sebesar 1


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    Dwi Putra R.A.


    Full Text Available Perataan laba merupakan praktik yang umum dilakukan oleh manajer perusahaan untuk mengurangi fluktuasi laba, yang diharapkan memiliki efek menguntungkan bagi evaluasi kinerja manajemen. Beberapa peneliti percaya bahwa investor memiliki lebih banyak kecenderungan untuk berinvestasi di perusahaan yang menerapkan perataan laba. Investor percaya bahwa perusahaan halus memiliki return yang berbeda dan risiko investasi. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan tentang return yang berbeda dan risiko investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Studi lainnya menyatakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menguji perbedaan risiko investasi dan return antara perusahaan manufaktur perata dan bukan perata laba yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2009-2011. Perusahaan-perusahaan diklasifikasikan dengan Indeks Eckel dan pendapatan berdasarkan pendapatan operasional, laba sebelum pajak, dan laba setelah pajak. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan return investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Namun, ada perbedaan dalam risiko investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata labaKata kunci: Return, Risiko, Perata laba, Beta Income smoothing is a common practice by corporate managers to reduce fluctuations in earnings, which are expected to have beneficial effects for management performance evaluation. Some researchers believe that investors have much more tendency to invest in companies that apply income smoothing. Investors believe that smoother companies have different return and risk investment.  Some studies prove about different return and risk investment between the smoother and non-smoother companies. On the other hand, the rest studies state that there is no difference between smoother and non-smoother companies. This study tries to examine the difference of investment risk and return between smoother and non-smoother manufacturing


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    Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal


    Full Text Available Preeklampsia merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan kehamilan dan penyebab kematian maternal. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014 adalah 20,14%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah sampel 34 kasus dan 34 kontrol, perbandingan 1:1. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik systematic random sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square dan multivariat dengan analisis Regresi Logistik Ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan umur (p=0,006, dan obesitas (p=0,031 berisiko secara bermakna, sedangkan status gravida, riwayat diabetes mellitus dan tingkat pendidikan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dan bukan faktor risiko preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor paling dominan terhadap kejadian preeklampsia adalah umur (p=0,001. Umur dan obesitas merupakan faktor risiko kejadian preeklampsia. Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk meningkatkan promotif dan preventif dengan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi mengenai umur beresiko preeklampsia dan mengurangi berat badan. Kata Kunci: Preeklampsia, Ibu Hamil, Faktor Risiko, RSUP M Djamil Padang


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    Santoso Santoso


    . Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko filariasis. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 412 orang responden yang meliputi 128 kasus dan 248 bukan kasus. Analisis data dilakukan secara multivariat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa determinan faktor risiko kejadian filariasis di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi adalah adanya genangan air di sekitar rumah, waktu tempuh ke sarana kesehatan, perilaku pencegahan gigitan nyamuk di dalam rumah, lama tinggal, tingkat pendidikan dan jenis kelamin. Probabilitas orang dengan seluruh faktor risiko tersebut sebesar 95.9% untuk terinfeksi filariasis dengan OR 23,5 kali.Kata kunci: Filariasis, Faktor risiko, Muaro Jambi


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    Suharjito Suharjito


    sehingga produk pertanian sulit untuk ditangani. Tingginya tingkat kebergantungan dan kompleksitas dari jaringan rantai pasok produk pertanian menjadikan rantai pasok lebih rentan terhadap gangguan. Risiko ganguan rantai pasok dapat terjadi secara internal (relasi antara organisasi dengan jaringan pemasok dan eksternal (antara jaringan pemasok dengan lingkungannya. Oleh karena itu perlu pengendalian risiko rantai pasok agar dapat menghindarkan akibat berkelanjutan yang dapat terjadi pada setiap titik dalam jaringan pasokan. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah menjelaskan suatu model evaluasi dan manajemen risiko rantai pasok produk pertanian. Hasil validasi model dapat mengidentifikasi risiko setiap tingkatan rantai pasok dan memberikan usulan tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalkan risikonya. Nilai indeks risiko pada tingkat petani sebesar 26 % yang lebih tinggi daripada risiko pada tingkat pengumpul (8,78 % dan distributor (8,31 %. Model dapat mengoptimalkan jadwal tanam petani untuk mengurangi risiko pasokan dan harga, selain itu juga telah dimodelkan optimasi pemilihan pemasok pada tingkat pengumpul dan distributor dengan pertimbangan minimalisasi risiko dan optimalisasi keuntungan.   Kata kunci: Evaluasi risiko, manajemen rantai pasok, risiko pasokan komoditas jagung.

  4. Sistem Perdagangan Risiko Bencana dalam Pengelolaan Banjir Antar-Wilayah

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    Sakinah Fathrunnadi Shalihati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan diteliti ini adalah: 1 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perbedaan mutlak antara daerah menurut kabupaten / kota di Bengawan Solo DAS tahun 2007, (2 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis risiko banjir pada tahun 2007 di wilayah dalam administratif di Bengawan Solo Daerah Aliran Sungai , 3 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis keseimbangan risiko perdagangan bencana spasial dalam pengelolaan banjir antar-wilayah di Bengawan Solo DAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Aspek perbedaan mutlak antar-daerah dan ketinggian wilayah diambil sebagai data. Data berdasarkan perbedaan mutlak aspek antar-daerah (nilai positif adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi dan produk domestik regional bruto per kapita. Data yang didasarkan pada daerah ketinggian (nilai negatif yang Images SRTM, frekuensi banjir dan hasil dari kerugian banjir. Untuk menganalisis neraca perdagangan dari risiko banjir dengan menganalisis hasil nilai-nilai positif dan negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan mutlak di antar-wilayah administratif dalam Bengawan Solo Daerah Aliran Sungai tahun 2007 menjadi yang parameter dilakukan dengan menganalisis hasil penilaian kemampuan daerah berdasarkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan produk daerah gros domestik nilai kapita per dalam manajemen sumber daya, sedangkan analisis risiko banjir Tahun 2007 menjadi adalah parameter dilakukan dengan menganalisis hasil dari kemampuan daerah yang memiliki potensi banjir berisiko tinggi atau tidak memiliki potensi banjir berisiko tinggi. Perbedaan mutlak di daerah antar analisis risiko banjir administrasi dan wilayah menghasilkan risiko wilayah banjir shceme dari perdagangan memisahkan menjadi dua shemes; subsidi penerima dan pemasok hulu / hilir, di mana hulu dan hilir dapat complet tanpa batas topografi pertimbangkan.   ABTRACT The objectives of this researched are: 1 To identify and to analyze absolute difference


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    Winnie Septiani


    risiko dalam ukuran waktu, biaya dan kualitas. Tahap pertama dimulai dengan menganalisis eksposur risiko yang tidak terhindarkan yang meliputi analisis karakteristik lingkungan dan konfigurasi serta karakteristik rantai pasok agroindustri susu. Tahap kedua adalah menganalisis eksposure risiko yang dapat dihindari. Tahap ketiga adalah mengubah eksposur risiko ke dalam ukuran performansi waktu, biaya dan kualitas. Pada tahap kedua dihasilkan magnitude risiko, yang merupakan fungsi dari nilai probabilitas dan severity yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan Fuzzy Assosiated Memories (FAMs.Dengan model ini diharapkan dampak kerusakan dari risiko yang muncul pada rantai pasok agroindustri susu dapat terukur dan dapat diminimasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan ketangguhan (robustnes dari rantai pasok. Kata kunci: Performansi, risiko, fuzzy, rantai pasok, agroindustri susu

  6. Penelitian Awal: Faktor Risiko pada Sepsis Neonatorum Awitan Dini

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    Rosalina D Roeslani


    Kesimpulan.Pada neonatus yang lahir di RSCM Jakarta apabila terdapat faktor risiko prematur (usia gestasi <37 minggu, dan atau nilai APGAR rendah maka harus dilakukan skrining sepsis, pemantauan ketat terhadap timbulnya SNAD, bila melakukan tindakan intervensif maka harus dengan tindakan septik-antiseptik yang ideal,serta pemberian antibiotik empiris dapat dipertimbangkan.

  7. Pemodelan Spasial untuk Pembuatan Peta Rawan Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta


    Cahyono, Toto; Hadi, Mohammad Pramono; Mardiatno, Djati


    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemodelan spasial untuk menyusun Peta Bahaya Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir akibat luapan Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta. Lokasi penelitian meliputi penggal alur Bengawan Solo di wilayah Kota Surakarta. Metode penelitian yaitu dengan analisis hidrograf, pemodelan banjir, analisis potensi bahaya banjir, analisis kerentanan banjir, dan analisis tingkat risiko banjir. Analisis hidrograf dilakukan dengan menghitung debit puncak rancangan, a...


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    Rian Diana


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to analyze risk factors of overweight women aged 19—55 years in Indonesia. This study used electronic files data of the National Basic Health Research 2010 from Ministry of Health, which was designed as a cross sectional survey. A total of 57,167 women aged 19—55 years were selected for the analysis. A logistic regression was applied to analyze risk factors of overweight. The result showed that 29.4% of subjects were overweight (including obese. The significant risk factors (p<0.05 of overweight among subjects were marital status (OR for married=2.712; 95%CI:2.559—2.875, household income (OR for high income=1.566; 95%CI:1.504—1.631, living settlement (OR for urban=1.358; 95%CI:1.304—1.413, physical activity (OR for sedentary=1.213; 95%CI:1.153—1.275, energy from carbohydrate (EAC (OR for EAC≥55%=1.119; 95%CI:1.067—1.173, and energy from sugary sweetened foods (ESF (OR for ESF≥10%=1.100; 95%CI:1.037—1.166. Education level (OR for higher education=0.817; 95%CI:0.782—0.853 was a protective factors for overweight. This implies the importance of promoting physical activity and healthy diet, especially with sugary sweetened foods and adequate energy from carbohydrate, for preventing and controlling overweight among Indonesian adults especially women.Keywords: overweight, risk factors, sugary foods, womenABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko kegemukan pada perempuan usia 19—55 tahun di Indonesia. Analisis ini menggunakan data elektronik dari Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2010, Balitbangkes, Kementerian Kesehatan dengan desain cross-sectional. Total subjek sebanyak 57 167 perempuan usia 19—55 tahun. Regresi logistik digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko kegemukan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 29.4% subjek mengalami kegemukan (termasuk obes. Faktor risiko (p<0.05 kegemukan pada subjek yaitu status perkawinan (OR untuk kawin=2.712; 95%CI:2.559—2


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    Sisilia Sari Dewi


    Full Text Available Penggabungan dari empat pendidikan tinggi di bawah Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT merupakan wujud implementasi visi YPT dalam mencapai world class university. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa hal tersebut memunculkan tingkat kekhawatiran yang berbeda-beda terhadap suatu risiko pada proses TI yang sudah dijalankan. Begitu pula dengan tingkat kemapanan setiap proses TI yang merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian. Maka dari itu, perlu dibuat pemetaan terhadap profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan pada masing-masing lembaga. Penelitian berfokus pada domain Plan and Organise,yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemetaan proses TI di Telkom University berdasarkan COBIT 4.1, pemetaan profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan di empat fakultas dengan kuadran prioritas, serta untuk mendapatkan teknik pengendalian umum untuk merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian dalam rangka integrasi manajemen menjadi Telkom University. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang bergabung menjadi Telkom University memiliki bobot risiko dan tingkat kemapanan proses TI yang berbeda-beda. Selain itu, proses-proses TI yang sudah dijalankan oleh masing-masing lembaga juga berbeda-beda. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Telkom University sebaiknya melakukan integrasi terhadap pengelolaan teknologi informasi serta menerapkan langkah-langkah prioritas untuk proses TI yang berada dalam kuadran under-controlled

  10. Risiko og usikkerhed - miljø og fødevarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løkke, H.

    given risiko, stor eller lille. Det er politikernes og myndighedernes opgave at sørge for love og regler, som beskytter miljøet og befolkningen. På de fleste områder er der imidlertid et spillerum for forbrugernes valg. Vi vælger fx selv om vi vil købe den ene eller den anden type af vaskepulver eller...

  11. Manajemen Risiko Keamanan Informasi Menggunakan Framework NIST SP 800-30 Revisi 1 (Studi Kasus: STMIK Sumedang

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    Fathoni Mahardika


    Full Text Available STMIK Sumedang merupakan institusi yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan perangkat teknologi, dimana pengawasannya dilakukan oleh suatu divisi tersendiri yaitu bagian UPT LPSI. Namun terdapat permasalahan dalam penggunaan TI yang ada saat ini antara lain : (1 Masih sering terjadinya insiden keamanan informasi yang menyebabkan terganggunya proses bisnis perusahaan, (2 Belum adanya pengawasan dan perencanaan yang tepat dalam pengelolaan keamanan informasi di STMIK Sumedang.Manajemen resiko adalah metode untuk penilaian dan mitigasi resiko terhadap aspek kebutuhan keamanan informasi yang memuat 3 unsur penting yaitu : Confidentiality (kerahasiaan, Integrity (integritas, dan Availability (ketersediaan. Manajemen resiko keamanan informasi yang digunakan mengacu pada NIST SP 800-30 Revisi 1. Standar ini digunakan sebagai acuan dalam melakukan manajemen resiko keamanan informasi, untuk mengantisipasi risiko agar kerugian tidak terjadi terhadap organisasi. Sehingga resiko dapat dikelola ke level yang dapat diterima organisasi. Diharapkan akan mengurangi dampak insiden sistem dan teknologi informasi di institusi perguruan tinggi, melindungi proses bisnis organisasi yang penting dari ancaman keamanan, meminimalisir risiko kerugian serta menghindari kegagalan serius terhadap informasi yang ada di STMIK Sumedang. Setelah dilakukan manajemen risiko maka diperlukan control keamanan sebagai dasar acuan bahwa risiko dilakukan mitigasi, diterima/ditransfer oleh pihak manajemen. Kontrol keamanan dikembangkan dari ISO 27002. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keamanan informasi organisasi maka dilakukan maturity keamanan informasi organisasi menggunakan control yang dikembangkan dari ISO 27002. Dari hasil maturity ini menjadi dasar dibuatnya rekomendasi standar kebijakan keamanan informasi di STMIK Sumedang.

  12. Analisis Risiko Investasi Saham Syariah Dengan Model Value AT Risk-Asymmetric Power Autoregressive Conditional Heterocedasticity (VaR-APARCH

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    Syarif Hidayatullah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini membahas analisis risiko data runtun waktu dengan model Value at Risk- Asymmetric Power Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (VaR-APARCHdalam pasar modal syariah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penerapan kasus.Data yang digunakan adalah harga penutupan harian saham dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JIIperiode 4 Maret 2013 sampai 8 April 2015.Model APARCH yang dipilih berdasarkan nilai Schwarz Criterion (SC.Langkah-langkah dalam penelitian ini adalah menguji kestasioneran data, mengidentifikasi model ARIMA,mengestimasi parameter model ARIMA, menguji diagnostik model ARIMA, mendeteksi ada tidaknya unsur ARCH atau unsur heteroskedastisitas, uji asimetris data saham, mengestimasi model APARCH, menguji diagnostik model APARCH, dan menghitung risiko dengan VaR-APARCH.Model terbaik yang dipilih adalah ARIMA ((3,0,0 dan APARCH (1,1. Model ini valid untuk menganalisis besar risiko investasi dalam jangka waktu 10 hari ke depan.


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    Rahayu Budi Utami


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Risk Of Asphyxia Neonatorum To Pregnant Women Diagnosed With Premature Rupture Of Membrane. The purpose of this study is to identify the risk of asphyxia neonatorum to pregnant women diagnose PRM and other factors related to asphyxia neonatorum. The method of this study is used by case control. The result shows that there is no significant correlation between PRM, parity, birth weight, labor actions, induction of labor, and asphyxia neonatorum. However, there is a significant relationship between labor duration and asphyxia neonatorum. Keywords : premature rupture of membrane, asphyxia, parity, the length of labor, the induction of labor Abstrak: Risiko Terjadinya Asfiksia Neonatorum Pada Ibu Dengan Ketuban Pecah Dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko terjadinya asfiksia neonatorum pada ibu dengan KPD dan faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan asfiksia neonatorum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi case control. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara KPD, paritas, berat badan, persalinan tindakan, dan induksi persalinan dengan asfiksia neonatorum. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara lama persalinan dengan asfiksia neonatorum. Kata kunci : KPD, asfiksia, paritas, lama persalinan, induksi persalinan


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    Renny Fitriana


    Full Text Available Data WHO ( World Health Organization tahun 2000 menunjukkan sekitar 972 juta orang atau 26,4% penduduk dunia mengidap hipertensi. Pada remaja juga dijumpai hipertensi. Data Riskesdas 2007, terdapat prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia sebesar 8,4% dan 14% di Riau. Dari data Dinkes Kota Pekanbaru tahun 2011 kasus hipertensi pada remaja sebesar 2,98% dan dari 19 Puskesmas, angka kasus hipertensi remaja tertinggi terjadi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rawat Inap Sidomulyo yaitu 136 kasus atau 17,6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi pada remaja di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rawat Inap Sidomulyo Kota Pekanbaru tahun 2012. Penelitian dengan desain case control study yang dilakukan pada 128 orang sampel, terdiri dari 64 kasus dan 64 kontrol. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner, tensimeter, timbangan injak, microtoise, FFQ dan kuesioner baecke. Analisis yang dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat keturunan (OR=7,68, 95%C/=3,5- 16,82, obesitas (OR=12,32, 95%C7=5,27-28,75 dan aktivitas fisik (OR=7,86, 95%C7=3,33-18,58 dengan kejadian hipertensi sedangkan perilaku merokok dan asupan natrium tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan. Faktor risiko yang paling dominan adalah riwayat keturunan, obesitas dan aktivitas fisik. Kesimpulandari hasil penelitian adalah riwayat keturunan, obesitas dan aktivitas fisik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna. Disarankan kepada petugas puskesmas agar dapat meningkatkan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat khususnya pada remaja tentang risiko hipertensi, terutama risiko riwayat keturunan, perilaku merokok, obesitas, aktivitas fisik dan asupan natrium sebagai penyebab hipertensi serta melakukan pencegahan penyakit hipertensi sedini mungkinbagi remaja.

  15. Analisa Pengaruh Persepsi Risiko Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Airbnb


    Sompie, Evelien Alim; Gunawan, Melissa


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh persepsi risiko guest terhadap keputusan pembeliannya di Airbnb. Penelitian ini menggunakan data berupa data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online. Sampel yang digunakan adalah guest yang pernah menggunakan Airbnb dalam kurun waktu satu tahun ini (April 2016 – April 2017). Jumlah responden penelitian ini adalah 112 guest Airbnb. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah uj...

  16. Prediksi Risiko Karies Baru Berdasarkan Konsumsi Pempek pada Anak Usia 1112 Tahun Di Palembang (Tinjauan dengan Cariogram

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    Marlindayanti Marlindayanti


    Full Text Available Penyakit rongga mulut yang sering diderita anak adalah karies gigi. Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan prevalensi karies gigi anak di Palembang sebesar 92,43%. Pempek makanan khas jenis karbohidrat lengket yang dimakan bersama kuahnya (cuko, kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek lebih dari 2 kali sehari. Frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat yang sering berakibat karies gigi. Kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya karies gigi. Risiko karies gigi perlu diketahui untuk melihat kisaran karies baru yang dapat terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru berdasarkan frekuensi konsumsi pempek di Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik cluster, subjek penelitian sebanyak 305 anak dari 52 SD di Palembang. Pengukuran prediksi risiko karies menggunakan cariogram dengan cara mengumpulkan data survei diet frekuensi konsumsi secara keseluruhan dan frekuensi konsumsi pempek, DMF-T, kapasitas buffer, sekresi saliva, plak skor, program fluor dan penyakit umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang 65,72% (kategori tinggi kontribusi pempek 45,83% dari total konsumsi makan keseluruhan. Peluang menghindari karies sebesar 34,28%. Urutan penyebab risiko karies adalah kerentanan (31,0%, pola makan (17,36%, bakteri (8,91% dan keadaan lain yang berpengaruh (5,35%. Kesimpulan penelitian, prediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru pada anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang termasuk kategori tinggi, pempek menyumbang 45,83% dari total konsumsi keseluruhan. Urutan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang, kerentanan, pola makan, bakteri dan faktor lain yang berpengaruh.    Prediction of The Risk Of New Caries Base on Pempek Consumption on Children Age 11-12 Years Old In Palembang. The oral cavity disease often suffered by children is dental

  17. Fischverzehr in der Schwangerschaft: Risiko oder Benefit?

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    Gundacker C


    Full Text Available Fisch ist ein hochqualitatives Nahrungsmittel. Es enthält große Mengen an essenziellen Nährstoffen wie hochwertige Proteine, Vitamine, Jod, Selen und Omega-3-Fettsäuren, deren gesundheitsfördernde Wirkungen auf Gehirnentwicklung, intrauterines Wachstum und Gestationsdauer gut beschrieben sind. Gleichzeitig kann Fisch erhebliche Mengen an Schadstoffen beinhalten, insbesondere auch die organische Quecksilberverbindung Methyl-Quecksilber (Methyl-Hg. Das fetale Nervensystem ist besonders empfindlich gegenüber Belastung mit neurotoxischen Substanzen wie Methyl-Hg. Eine signifikante Beeinträchtigung der neurologischen Entwicklung von Kindern durch erhöhte pränatale Belastung ist belegt. Ergebnisse anderer Studien legen nahe, dass die mit dem Fischverzehr aufgenommenen essenziellen Nährstoffe solche Schadwirkungen kompensieren könnten. Insgesamt lässt die rezente Literatur keine eindeutige Aussage zu, ob der Fischverzehr in der Schwangerschaft ein Risiko oder einen Benefit für die fetale Entwicklung darstellt. Dies liegt daran, dass bislang nur wenige Studien die mit dem Fischverzehr einhergehende Aufnahme von essenziellen Nährstoffen und Schadstoffen in Relation zur Entwicklung von Kindern untersucht haben. Die Risiko-Benefit-Balance hängt zudem maßgeblich von individuellen Fischverzehrsgewohnheiten und damit von der jeweiligen Nährstoff-/Schadstoff-Zusammensetzung des konsumierten Fisches ab. Während der Schwangerschaft sollte nicht auf das hochwertige Nahrungsmittel Fisch verzichtet werden. Empfohlen wird ein Verzehr solcher Fische und Meeresfrüchte, die einen hohen Omega-3-Fettsäuregehalt und minimale Quecksilberbelastung aufweisen. Schwangere Frauen sollten über Risiken und Benefits des Fischverzehrs im Sinne der Gesundheitsförderung aufgeklärt werden.

  18. Pemeliharaan Anjing oleh Masyarakat Kota Denpasar yang Berkaitan dengan Faktor Risiko Rabies

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    Dorteany Mayani Kakang


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pemeliharaan anjing masyarakat Kota Denpasar yang berisiko terhadap penularan rabies serta pemahaman masyarakat tentang bahaya penyakit rabies. Metode yang dipakai adalah survei terhadap responden atau pemilik anjing di Kota Denpasar, meliputi tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Denpasar Barat, Denpasar Timur dan Denpasar Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan 140 responden sebagai sampel yaitu 50 responden di Denpasar Barat, 60 responden di Denpasar Timur dan 30 responden di Denpasar Utara. Wawancara dilakukan dengan bantuan kuisioner (closed ended dan open ended. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pemeliharaan anjing masyarakat Kota Denpasar relatif baik namun ada sejumlah faktor risiko rabies yang perlu diwaspadai seperti anjing peliharaan berkontak dengan anjing lain, memelihara HPR (Hewan Pembawa Rabies selain anjing dan sistem pemeliharaan dengan cara dilepas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem pemeliharaan anjing oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Kota Denpasar relatif baik. namun ada sejumlah faktor risiko rabies yang perlu diwaspadai seperti kontak dengan anjing lain, memelihara HPR lain dan pemeliharaan yang dilepasliarkan.

  19. Analisis Risiko Pajanan PM2,5 di Udara Ambien Siang Hari terhadap Masyarakat di Kawasan Industri Semen

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    Randy Novirsa


    Full Text Available Salah satu dampak negatif industri pabrik semen terhadap kesehatan masyarakat adalah peningkatan risiko penyakit saluran pernapasan. Risiko tersebut banyak disebabkan oleh pajanan partikulat di udara, khususnya partikulat berukuran di bawah 2,5 mikron (PM2,5. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis risiko pajanan PM2,5 di udara ambien siang hari pada masyarakat di kawasan industri semen. Risiko dihitung dengan metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan berdasarkan metode Louvar yang menghasilkan nilai Intake pajanan yang diterima individu per hari berdasarkan nilai konsentrasi pajanan, pola aktivitas individu, dan nilai antropometri. Konsentrasi PM2,5 di lingkungan diukur pada 10 titik dengan radius 500 meter antartitik dari pusat pabrik, sedangkan pola aktivitas dan nilai antropometri diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner pada 92 responden dewasa di kawasan pabrik. Hasil perhitungan risiko yang diterima seumur hidup (lifetime menunjukkan terdapat tiga area berisiko dengan nilai RQ > 1, yaitu Ring 2 (500 – 1.000 m, Ring 4 (1.500 – 2.000 m, dan Ring 5 (2.000 – 2.500 m. Daerah paling aman yang dapat dihuni oleh masyarakat di kawasan industri semen adalah di atas 2,5 km dari pusat industri dengan konsentrasi paling aman 0,028 mg/m3. Kata kunci: Industri semen, infeksi saluran pernapasan, partikulat PM2,5 Abstract One of the negative impacts of cement industry to public health is an increased risk of respiratory disease. These risks are caused by exposure to particulate matter in air, especially fine particulate matter which is smaller than 2,5 microns (PM2,5. This study aimed to analyze the risks of PM2,5 exposure in ambien air at noon on people around cement industry. Risk was calculated using Environmental Health Risk Analysis Method that generates value of individual exposure intake received per day. This value was generated based on the concentration of exposure, individual activity patterns, and anthropometric values. PM2,5 concentrations

  20. Faktor-faktor yang BerhubungandenganKetepatan Diagnosis Bidan Dalam Merujuk Pasien Kasus Kehamilan dan Persalinan Risiko Tinggi Ke RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Tahun 2014

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    Desmariyanti .


    Full Text Available Ketepatan diagnosis merupakan ketepatan pendiagnosaan suatu kasus yang ditegakkan oleh petugas kesehatan dan telah memenuhi standar nomenklatur diagnosis. Bidan yang melakukan rujukan kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi ke RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 210 kasus, dan yang tidak tepat mendiagnosis sebanyak 35 kasus (17%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketepatan diagnosis bidan dalam merujuk pasien kasus kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi yaitu pengetahuan, sikap, kompetensi, masa kerja dan bidan delima. Penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kuantitatif analitik observasional dengan studi penampang analitik (analitic crosssectional study. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dengan uji chi square, dan multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik ganda dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 120 orang yang diambil secara total populasi.Hasil penelitian diperoleh variabel yang berhubungan dengan ketepatan diagnosis bidan dalam merujuk pasien kasus kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi adalah pengetahuan (OR:4,656; 95%CI: 1,200-18,064, kompetensi (OR:11,834; 95%CI: 1,371-102,141, dan masa kerja (OR:10,887; 95%CI: 2,657-44,602. Disarankan sebaiknya bidan mengikuti pelatihan APN, memiliki masa kerja yang optimal dan keterampilan dalam mengolah kasus kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi, dan mengikuti seminar, workshop, pelatihan ataupun kegiatan yang dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan khususnya ketepatan diagnosis kehamilan dan persalinan risiko tinggi


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    Sudarto Sudarto


    Full Text Available Abstract: Premature Rupture Of Membranes Risks Of Pregnant Women With Sexual Infections. The purpose of research is to analyze the correlation between the risks of sexually transmitted infection with the incidence of premature rupture of membranes (KPD.This research is the quantitative study with case-control design with a sample of 68 respondents, analysis of the statistical test Chi-square α = 0.05 and  95% confidence intervals. The subjects of the study mothers who have premature rupture of membranes, and not as a case of premature rupture of membranes as control, Subjects retrieval using the total sample in the case group and systematic random sampling technique to control. Secondary collection from medical records the period from January to December 2014. Results show that there is a significant association between risk factors for sexually transmitted infections with the incidence of premature rupture of membranes, other factors associated with KPD is parity. Abstrak : Risiko Terjadinya Ketuban Pecah Dini Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Infeksi Menular Seksual. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor risiko infeksi menular seksual dengan kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Kuantitatif dengan rancangan case control dengan jumlah sampel 68 responden, analisis dengan uji statistik Chi-square α=0,05 dan interval kepercayaan 95%. Subyek penelitian ibu bersalin yang mengalami ketuban pecah dini sebagai kasus dan ibu yang bersalin tidak mengalami ketuban Pecah Dini sebagai kontrol. Pengambilan data menggunakan total sampling pada kelompok kasus dan teknik sistematic random sampling pada kontrol. Pengumpulan data sekunder dari catatan medis periode Januari-Desember Tahun 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor risiko infeksi menular seksual dengan kejadian Ketuban pecah dini, faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan KPD adalah paritas.

  2. Übergewicht und Adipositas, Gesundheit und Krankheit : Diskussionsbeiträge aus philosophischer Sicht


    Gottschalk-Mazouz, Niels; Ertelt, Susanne; Radinkovic, Zeljko


    Der vorliegende Band vereint Studien, die im Rahmen des Philosophie-Teilprojekts des Forschungsverbunds "Übergewicht und Adipositas bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen als systemisches Risiko" entstanden sind. Dieser Verbund wurde vom BMBF von 2006-2009 im Rahmen der sozial-ökologischen Forschung im Themenbereich: Strategien zum Umgang mit systemischen Risiken gefördert. In diesem Verbund wurden unter der Leitung des Risikosoziologen Ortwin Renn die Perspektiven von Epidemiologie...


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    Ririh Dian Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak pengungkapan sustainability report terhadap kinerja  keuangan dan risiko perusahaan. Profitabilitas digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja keuangan dan DER  sebagai ukuran dari risiko. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang mengungkapkan sustainability report dan telah terdaftar di SRIKEHATI. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi  sebagai alat analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan sustainability report mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan perusahaan namun berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap risiko perusahaan. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the disclosure of sustainability report on financial performance and company risk. Profitability is used to measure the financial performance and DER as a measure of risk . The sample this study is that companies disclose sustainability report and has been listed on SRIKEHATI. Data collected by purposive sampling method . This study uses regression method approach. The results showed that the sustainability report disclosures affect its financial performance but significant negative effect on the risk of the company .





    2015 ABSTRAK Pengaruh Tekanan Waktu, Risiko Audit, Tindakan Supervisi dan Materialitas terhadap Penghentian Prematur Atas Prosedur Audit (Studi Empiris pada BPK RI Perwakilan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan) Khairurrijal Ibrahim Mushar Mustafa Asri Usman Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tekanan waktu, risiko audit, tindakan supervisi, dan materilaitas berpengaruh terhadap penghentian premature atas prosedur audit yang dilakukan oleh auditor BPK RI Perwa...

  5. Faktor Risiko Kejadian HIV pada Komunitas LSL (Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki Mitra Yayasan Lantera Minangkabau Sumatera Barat

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    Said Firdaus


    Full Text Available HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus adalah virus penyebab AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome yang menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia dan melemahkan kemampuan tubuh untuk melawan segala penyakit. Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki (LSL adalah lelaki heteroseks (tertarik pada perempuan, tetapi juga tertarik kepada lelaki. LSL yang terinfeksi HIV hingga tahun 2011 sebanyak 1.061 kasus dan diperkirakan akan terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan hingga tahun 2025. Di Yayasan Lantera Minangkabau Sumatera Barat tahun 2011, dari 621 LSL yang dibina ditemukan sebanyak 24 orang terinfeksi HIV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian HIV pada komunitas LSL (Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki Mitra Yayasan Lantera Minangkabau Sumatera Barat dengan menggunakan metode survei analitik dan case control. Sampel penelitian adalah 24 kasus dan 24 kontrol. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square dan odds ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko kejadian HIV pada komunitas LSL adalah perilaku seksual (p=0.009, OR 5.898 dan CI 95% 1.609-20.479, sementara faktor penggunaan narkoba suntik bukan faktor risiko kejadian HIV pada komunitas LSL (p=1.000, OR 1.571 dan CI 95% 0.238-10.365. Diharapkan agar pihak Yayasan meningkatkan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi (KIE kepada komunitas LSL yang dibina serta penemuan kasus HIV terutama pada populasi kunci.

  6. Angka Kejadian Delirium dan Faktor Risiko di Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung

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    Rakhman Adiwinata


    Full Text Available Delirium ditandai dengan perubahan status mental, tingkat kesadaran, serta perhatian yang akut dan fluktuatif. Keadaan ini merupakan kelainan yang serius berhubungan dengan pemanjangan lama perawatan di Intensive Care Unit (ICU, biaya yang lebih tinggi, memperlambat pemulihan fungsional, serta peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui angka kejadian delirium dan faktor risiko terjadinya delirium di ICU Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS Bandung. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan selama tiga bulan (Januari–Maret 2015 di ICU RSHS Bandung. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif observasional secara kohort prospektif, menggunakan alat ukur Confusion Assessment Method-Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU, sebelumnya dilakukan penilaian dengan Richmond agitation-sedation scale (RASS pada pasien yang tersedasi. Hasil penelitian ini dari 105 pasien, 22 pasien dieksklusikan, dari 83 pasien didapatkan 31 pasien positif delirium, angka kejadian 37%. Faktor-faktor risiko pada pasien positif delirium terdiri atas geriatri 15 dari 31, pemakaian ventilator 12 dari 31, pemberian analgesik morfin 9 dari 31, sepsis atau infeksi 9 dari 31, kelainan jantung 8 dari 31, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II skor tinggi 8 dari 31, kelainan ginjal 7 dari 31 laboratorium abnormal 7 dari 31, pemberian sedasi midazolam 6 dari 31 kelainan endokrin 5 dari 31, pemberian analgesik fentanil 2 dari 31, dan strok 1 dari 31. Simpulan, angka kejadian delirium di ICU RSHS Bandung cukup tinggi sebesar 37% dengan faktor risiko terbesar adalah pasien geriatrik.


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    Sarinah Sarinah


    Full Text Available production processes. It is critical in the sense that it can be employed to identify any potential risks before they be used to reduce the potential shortage of dried seaweed supply needed by PT XYZ using pemasok selection. This supply chain model. The best selected suppliers were determined through assessing different assigned weights to the criteria and sub-criteria constructed in a Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP tree. PT XYZ is an alkali treated cottoni (ATC chips and SRC powder supplier network with low risk supply chain partnership. Keywords: Supplier selection, supply chain risk management, MFMEA, AHP   ABSTRAK   Strategi penanganan risiko kekurangan pasokan merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi terjadinya risiko kekurangan bahan baku rumput laut kering untuk kebutuhan industri rumput laut di PT XYZ dengan melakukan pemilih pemasok. Manajemen risiko rantai pasokan memainkan peran yang lebih penting daripada sebelumnya. Perusahaan harus fokus itu, naskah ini mengusulkan metode  risiko dari perspektif tiap risiko rantai pasokan dan memilih pemasok dengan menerapkan metode (AHP untuk menentukan bobot masing-masing kriteria dan sub-kriteria untuk pemilihan pemasok PT XYZ adalah industri pengolahan rumput laut dalam bentuk alkali treated cottonii (ATC-Chips dan SRC . Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan memdapatkan pemasok yang lebih efektif dan pada saat yang sama mendapatkan mitra rantai pasokan yang berisiko rendah. Kata kunci: Pemilihan pemasok, manajemen risiko rantai pasok, MFMEA, AHP

  8. Das migrationspolitische Feld der Schweiz: eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse der Vernehmlassung zum Arbenzbericht


    Mahnig, Hans


    Der Bericht, vom Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge (BFF) in Auftrag gegeben, stellt eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse der Vernehmlassung zum Bericht Arbenz vom Mai 1995 dar, welche parallel zur Auswertung durch das BFF selbst unternommen wurde. Er hat zum Ziel, die zentralen Konflikt- und Konsensfelder in der gegenwärtigen migrationspolitischen Auseinandersetzung der Schweiz herauszuarbeiten. Die wichtigsten Resultate der Analyse sind die folgenden: Die Internationale Flüchtlingspolitik und die A...

  9. RANK und RANKL - Vom Knochen zum Mammakarzinom

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    Sigl V


    Full Text Available RANK („Receptor Activator of NF-κB“ und sein Ligand RANKL sind Schlüsselmoleküle im Knochenmetabolismus und spielen eine essenzielle Rolle in der Entstehung von pathologischen Knochenveränderungen. Die Deregulation des RANK/RANKL-Systems ist zum Beispiel ein Hauptgrund für das Auftreten von postmenopausaler Osteoporose bei Frauen. Eine weitere wesentliche Funktion von RANK und RANKL liegt in der Entwicklung von milchsekretierenden Drüsen während der Schwangerschaft. Dabei regulieren Sexualhormone, wie zum Beispiel Progesteron, die Expression von RANKL und induzieren dadurch die Proliferation von epithelialen Zellen der Brust. Seit Längerem war schon bekannt, dass RANK und RANKL in der Metastasenbildung von Brustkrebszellen im Knochengewebe beteiligt sind. Wir konnten nun das RANK/RANKLSystem auch als essenziellen Mechanismus in der Entstehung von hormonellem Brustkrebs identifizieren. In diesem Beitrag werden wir daher den neuesten Erkenntnissen besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken und diese kritisch in Bezug auf Brustkrebsentwicklung betrachten.

  10. Peran Mediasi Citra Merek dan Persepsi Risiko pada Hubungan antara Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM dan Minat Beli (Studi pada Konsumen Kosmetik E-Commerce di Solo Raya

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    Zahra Noor Eriza


    Electronic word of mouth (E-WOM banyak dimanfaatkan konsumen untuk menggali informasi mengenai suatu produk. Informasi yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber di internet akan mempengaruhi persepsi konsumen terhadap citra merek, risiko dan mendorong minat beli konsumen. Penelitian ini menganalisis peran mediasi citra merek dan persepsi risiko pada hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 149 konsumen di Solo Raya yang telah melakukan pembelian kosmetik melalui e-commerce. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa E-WOM berpengaruh positif terhadap minat beli dan citra merek. Pengujian regresi mediasi menyimpulkan bahwa citra merek memediasi secara parsial hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli. Hasil tersebut mengartikan bahwa aktivitas membaca ulasan produk di internet akan memberikan informasi mengenai manfaat dan keunggulan produk sehingga konsumen akan merasa yakin bahwa mereka memilih produk yang tepat dan mendorong minat beli konsumen. Sedangkan E-WOM berpengaruh negatif terhadap persepsi risiko namun tidak memediasi hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli.   Kata kunci : E-WOM, Minat Beli, Citra Merek, Persepsi Risiko.


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    Rabea Pangerti Jekti


    Full Text Available Toxoplasmosis disebabkan oleh parasit Toxoplasma gondii. Diperkirakan sekitar 30 - 50% populasi dunia telah terinfeksi oleh toxoplasma, sebagian besar tanpa gejala. Penderita dengan kekebalan tubuh yang kuat apabila terinfeksi T. gondii pada umumnya tidak mengalami keadaan patologik yang nyata walaupun pada beberapa kasus dapat juga mengalami pembesaran kelenjar limfe, rasa lelah yang berlebihan, miokarditis akut, miositis hingga radang otak. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan kekebalan tubuh (titer antibodi pada wanita usia subur  terhadap kejadian toxoplasmosis  dan faktor risiko tingkat kekebalan tubuh. . Analisis ini menggunakan data potong lintang Riskesdas 2007. Subjek adalah wanita usia subur (WUS yang berusia 15-45 tahun. Kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis dilihat dengan mengukur kadar immunoglobulin G (IgG melalui tehnik ELISA (toxolisa. Subjek dikatakan tidak memiliki kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis jika toxolisanya <32 IU Sampel yang terpilih di analisis lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui faktor demografi, risiko, dan perilaku yang berhubungan dengan status kekebalan toksoplasmosis. Jumlah sampel yang terpilih dan mempunyai data yang lengkap sejumlah 6068 subjek dari 10521 women in repeoductive age. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 63,7% memiliki kekebalan, dan 36,3% tidak memiliki kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis.  WUS yang berusia 15-17 tahun mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk tidak memiliki kekebalan toxoplasmosis yaitu sebesar 26% (ORs=1,26, 95% CI 1,03-1,55, p=0,027, begitu juga dengan WUS yang berstatus Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT dan pelajaryaitu 16% (ORs=1,16, 95% CI 1,04-1,30, p=0,007, dan WUS yang berstatus kawin yaitu 30% (ORs=1,30, 95% CI 1,13-1,49, p=0,000. WUS yang berusia 15-17 tahun, berstatus kawin, dan IRT serta pelajar, merupakan kelompok yang berisiko tidak memiliki kekebalan terhadap toxoplasmosis, sehingga perlu kewaspadaan untuk meningkatkan upaya pencegahan dan perlindungan terhadap toxoplasmosis.   Kata kunci


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    Imelda Wijiyanti


    Full Text Available Property was one of sectors that suffer very much during economic crisis. This caused the securities property price decrease on stock exchange. The objective of this research is to understand fundamental factors and systematic risk that influence securities price on property sector. The sample method uses purposive sampling method. From thirty three companies, only thirteen companies are selected, because the financial statement from each company are complete since 1996-2001. This research shows that only book value brings influence on the security price partially, but not the other variable. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Properti merupakan salah satu sektor yang terpuruk sejak krisis ekonomi. Hal ini mengakibatkan harga saham properti di bursa efek juga terpuruk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor fundamental dan risiko sistematik yang mempengaruhi harga saham di sektor properti. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling method. Dari tiga puluh tiga perusahaan, hanya diambil tiga belas perusahaan, karena memiliki laporan keuangan secara lengkap tahun 1996-2001. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hanya faktor fundamental Book Value (BV yang mempengaruhi harga saham secara parsial, sedangkan faktor fundamental yang lainnya tidak berpengaruh. Kata kunci: faktor fundamental, risiko sistematik, harga saham sektor properti.



    Ningsih, Yunita; Maidin, Alimin; Kapalawi, Irwandy


    Kejadian medication error merupakan indikator penting keselamatan pasien. Medication error yang terjadi di Rumah Sakit Universitas Hasanuddin tahun 2013 terdapat 4 kasus dan tahun 2014 terdapat 1 kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran risiko kejadian medication error.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu teknik total sampling sebanyak 115 responden. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah analisis univariat. Hasil peneli...

  14. Sensitifitas dan Spesifisitas Pertanyaan Gejala Saluran Pernapasan dan Faktor risiko untuk Kejadian Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK

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    lusianawaty Tana


    Full Text Available Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD is a chronic lung disease characterized by progressive non-reversible or partially reversible airflow obstruction in the airway. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of questions on respiratory symptoms and risky behavior for diagnosing COPD. Method. This study was a further analysis of Bogor Cohort Study on Non-Communicable Risk Factors 2011-2012 data. COPD was diagnosed by spirometry examination with bronchodilator. Twelve questions on COPD respiratory symptoms and two questions on rizky behavior were analyzed using crossed tabulation with 5 % significance level. Results. The sensitivity and specificity of several aggregate questions on respiratory symptom and COPD risk factors ranged from 12.5% to 94.3% and 2.2% to 94.4%. Aggregate of 7 questions on 6 respiratory symptoms and 1 smoking behavior with either one was answered “Yes” had the optimal sensitivity (68.1 % and specificity (59.7 %. Those questions were coughing more than 1 month, excreting sputum almost every day, easily feeling fatigue or dyspnea while doing activity, dyspnea > 3 months that restricted daily activities, worsened fatigue/dyspnea, whizzing, and smoking behavior. Conclusion. Questions on respiratory symptoms were neither sensitive nor specific for diagnosing COPD. Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sensitivity, specificity. AbstrakPenyakit paru obstruktif kronis (PPOK adalah penyakit paru kronik, ditandai dengan adanya hambatan aliran udara di saluran pernapasan, dan bersifat progressif nonreversibel atau reversibel parsial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan sensitifitas dan spesifisitas pertanyaan gejala saluran pernapasan dan faktor risiko terhadap PPOK. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut sampel Studi Kohor Faktor Risiko PTM di Bogor tahun 2011-2012. Variabel yang dianalisis terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan gejala saluran pernapasan dan dua pertanyaan faktor

  15. ABCB1-Gen-Polymorphismus in einer polnischen Kohorte ist mit Risiko für bullöses Pemphigoid assoziiert. (United States)

    Rychlik-Sych, Mariola; Barańska, Małgorzata; Dudarewicz, Michał; Skrętkowicz, Jadwiga; Żebrowska, Agnieszka; Owczarek, Jacek; Waszczykowska, Elżbieta


    Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen, das für das P-Glykoprotein kodiert, können die intrazelluläre Konzentration von Xenobiotika beeinflussen und so zur Entwicklung von Autoimmunerkrankungen, einschließlich des bullösen Pemphigoids (BP), beitragen. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob in einer polnischen Kohorte die C3435T- und G2677T/A-Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen mit dem Risiko für ein BP assoziiert sind. Die Studie umfasste 71 Patienten mit BP und 156 gesunde Probanden. Der C3435T-Polymorphismus wurde mittels PCR-RFLP bestimmt und der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus mittels Allel-spezifischer PCR. Es gab zwar keine Korrelation zwischen dem C3435-Polymorphismus und dem BP-Risiko, aber wir konnten eine derartige Assoziation hinsichtlich des G2677T/A-Polymorphismus nachweisen. Das relative Risiko eines BP war bei Personen mit dem 2677TA-Genotyp um mehr als den Faktor fünf erhöht (OR = 5,52; p = 0,0063) und bei Trägern des 2677TT-Genotyps mehr als verdoppelt (OR = 2,40; p = 0,0076). Mit 2,40 (p = 0,000018) war die OR bei Trägern des 2677T-Allels ebenfalls erhöht. Die höhere Prävalenz des 2677GG-Genotyps und des 2677G-Allels bei der Kontrollgruppe sowie eine OR < 1,0 (0,22 beziehungsweise 0,33) legen eine Schutzfunktion des 2677G-Allels hinsichtlich der Ausbildung eines BP nahe. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus im ABCB1-Gen das Risiko für die Entstehung eines BP beeinflussen könnte. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Saudatul Fitri


    Full Text Available Takaful insurance is a shariah insurance that aims to minimize the loss of a risk. One of its flagship products is Fulnadi, this product is devoted to prepare children insurance to pursue their bachelor degree. This study aims to determine the effect of payment of claims benefits on the satisfaction of Fulnadi product participants and to know the procedure of claim benefit payment from risk insurance policy Fulnadi at PT. Takaful Insurance Family, Banda Aceh. This research applies both qualitative and quantitative approach through descriptive analysis. The data were taken through library research and field research, with the technique of collecting interview data, study of documentation and technique of questionnaire. The results revealed that the Family Takaful Insurance, especially Fulnadi, is a product that diverts the risk of children who could not continue their education if something bad happens in life, for the transfer of this risk the participant must pay the premium. The amount of paid premium greatly affects a number of benefits received. Other results indicate that 50% of participants expressed dissatisfaction with the benefits of claims received for the educational needs of the participating children. =========================================== Asuransi takaful adalah asuransi syariah yang bertujuan untuk memperkecil kerugian dari suatu risiko. Salah satu produk unggulannya adalah Fulnadi, produk ini dikhususkan untuk mempersiapkan anak dalam hal pendidikan sampai sarjana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembayaran manfaat klaim terhadap kepuasan peserta produk Fulnadi dan untuk mengetahui prosedur pembayaran manfaat klaim dari pertanggungan risiko polis Fulnadi pada PT. Asuransi Takaful Keluarga Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Data yang diambil yaitu library research dan field research, dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, telaah

  17. Analisis Risiko Tanah Longsor Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Elna Multi Astuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar secara umum memiliki kondisi topografi yang dapat menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya tanah longsor seiring dengan perkembangan perkembangan aktivitas manusia. Untuk mengantisipasi dan mencegah terjadinya bencana alam tanah tanah longsor, maka perlu disediakan peta risiko tanah tanah longsor di Desa Tieng yang merupakan perpaduan antara peta bahaya dan peta kerentanan sebagai bahan pertimbangan yang penting dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan tanah longsor. Penyusunan peta bahaya, kerentanan, dan risiko tanah longsor menggunakan ArcGIS dan ILWIS dengan menggunakan parameter hujan, lereng lahan, geologi, keberadaan sesar, kedalaman tanah, penggunaan lahan, infrastruktur, kepadatan pemukiman. Skoring dan pemberatan digunakan dalam penentuan peta bahaya dan  kerentanan. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel acak berstrata dengan berdasarkan zona bahaya tanah longsor di lokasi penelitian.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa zona tingkat bahaya tanah longsor terbagi menjadi 3 zona yaitu zona bahaya tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Wilayah pemukiman berada pada zona bahaya tinggi dan sedang. Tingkat kerentanan total merupakan fungsi dari tingkat kerentanan fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi. Tingkat kerentanan fisik menggunakan faktor persentase kawasan terbangun, kepadatan bangunan, dan jenis material banguan. Tingkat kerentanan sosial menggunakan faktor kepadatan penduduk, persentase penduduk usia tua-balita, dan penduduk wanita. Tingkat kerentanan ekonomi menggunakan faktor persentase rumah tangga yang bekerja di sektor rentan, dan persentase rumah tangga miskin. Masyarakat Desa Tieng membuat sistem terassering untuk berkebun dan membuat bangunan penahan dari batu untuk mengurangi bahaya tanah longsor.  Kesimpulan penelitian ini Desa Tieng berada pada risiko tanah longsor sedang dan tinggi. Penduduk yang berada pada zona risiko tinggi sebaiknya direlokasi terutama penduduk


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    Dedi Alamsyah


    Full Text Available Abstract: Several Risk Factors Of Moderate And Severe Malnutrition In Children Under Five Years Old Aged 12-59 Months. The type of research was observational using case-control study and the qualitative study through the in-depth interview (mixed method. The research location was in Pontianak City. The number of samples was 80 people consisting of 40 people from a case and 40 people from control. Assessment of nutritional using anthropometry measurement based on weight for height. Height measurement using microtome and measure weighting scale. Result show that the multivariate analysis found two variables significantly associated with the prevalence of moderate and severe malnutrition in children under five years old aged 12-59 months, i.e.: poor of attitude toward food (OR = 6.980, p = 0.002, 95% CI = 1.998-24.385 and poor environmental health (OR = 5.033, p = 0.012, 95% CI = 1.432-17.683. Keywords: risk factors, moderate and severe malnutrition, children, pontianak Abstrak : Beberapa Faktor Risiko Gizi Kurang Dan Gizi Buruk Pada Balita 12-59 Bulan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk membuktikan faktor risiko agent, host dan environment yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian gizi kurang dan gizi buruk pada balita di kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan pendekatan case control. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Pontianak. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 80 orang, yang terdiri dari kasus sebanyak 40 orang dan kontrol sebanyak 40 orang. Penilaian status gizi menggunakan pengukuran antropometri berdasarkan berat badan per tinggi badan (BB/TB. Pengukuran tinggi badan menggunakan microtoise dan mengukur berat badan menggunakan timbangan balita. Berdasarkan hasil analisa multivariat menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan yaitu sikap ibu terhadap makanan buruk (OR : 6,98 p = 0,002 95 % CI 1,99-24,38 dan kesehatan lingkungan buruk (OR : 5,03 p = 0,012 95 % CI 1,43-17,68 dengan kejadian gizi kurang dan gizi buruk pada anak balita. Kata

  19. Kepribadian Tipe A dan Risiko Hipertensi pada Orang Dewasa

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    Nancy Chitrayana


    Full Text Available Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit yang paling banyak terjadi di Jakarta. Ciri kepribadian tipe A, yaitu tampak selalu sibuk, terburu-buru, tidak sabar atau mudah marah, tampak pada beberapa pasien hipertensi. Penelitian potong lintang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepribadian tipe A dengan hipertensi. Sebanyak 64 responden, yang usia > 30 tahun dan tidak sedang dalam pengobatan dengan antihipertensi, dipilih secara konsekutif di antara pengunjung Puskesmas Kelurahan Joglo-II antara 30 April – 5 Mei 2012. Tekanan darah diukur sesuai dengan protokol standar. Informasi tentang kepribadian dan faktor-faktor risiko yang lain dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis statistik menggunakan prosedur generalized linear model. Ditetapkan batas kemaknaan 0,05. Dari 64 responden, 36 orang (56,3% mempunyai kepribadian tipe A dan 22 orang (34,4% menderita hipertensi. Hipertensi didapatkan pada 13 dari 36 responden (36,1% dengan kepribadian tipe A dan 9 dari 28 responden (32,1% tanpa kepribadian tersebut. Pada usia dan jenis kelamin yang disetarakan, risiko hipertensi lebih besar secara bermakna 1,3 kali pada responden dengan kepribadian tipe A dibandingkan dengan mereka dengan kepribadian tipe non-A (PR = 1,3; nilai p = 0,003. Penambahan faktor-faktor risiko hipertensi yang lain melemahkan asosiasi, tetapi tidak mengubah kemaknaan statistik (PR = 1,2; nilai p = 0,04. Identifikasi tipe kepribadian disarankan sebagai bagian dari pencegahan hipertensi. Hypertension is one of the major diseases in Jakarta. The typical characteristics of type A personality include being busy, in hurry, impatient and irritable, were shown in some hypertensive patients. This cross-sectional study examined the relationhip between type A personality and hypertension. Sixty-four respondents (age > 30 years and were not on antihypertensive medication, were consecutively selected among patients attending Joglo-II Primary Health Center, between


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    Nining Setyowati Dwi Andayani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Fluktuasi harga saham di pasar modal sebagai cerminan ketidakpastian kondisi pasar secara langsung maupun tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap pertimbangan investor dalam mengambil keputusan investasi.  Investor yang rasional, pengambilan keputusan investasi didasarkan pada penilaian return maupun risiko yang terkandung dalam alternatif investasi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi internal dan eksternal perusahaan terhadap risiko sistematis saham pada kondisi pasar yang berbeda. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa data laporan keuangan harga saham.  Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh emiten yang masuk dalam perhitungan indeks LQ45 selama periode 1999 sampai 2003.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknk purposive sampling dan menghasilkan 15 emiten yang memenuhi syarat ditetapkan sebagai sampel. Dengan melakukan analisis regresi linier berganda terhadap variabel penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa secara simultan variabel-variabel internal dan eksternal perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap risiko sistematis saham pada kondisi pasar bullish maupun bearish. Secara parsial, variabel TATO, DER, ROI, PER berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap risiko sistematis saham pada kondisi pasar bullish, dengan variabel TATO yang dominan mempengaruhi.  Sedangkan pada kondisi pasar bearish, variabel CR, TATO, DER, PER, PBV, dan AS berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap risiko sistematis saham, dengan variabel AS yang dominan mempengaruhi.   Kata kunci: risiko sistematis, pasar bullish, pasar bearish     ABSTRACT   Fluctuation of stock price in the capital market as an indicator of uncertainty market, it can influence any investment decision of investors. Any rational investors, their investment decisions  are based on return valuation and risk assessment in any investment alternatives.  This research aimed to analyze effects of internal and external variables on the systematic risk of stock at different condition

  1. Peran Mediasi Citra Merek dan Persepsi Risiko pada Hubungan antara Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) dan Minat Beli (Studi pada Konsumen Kosmetik E-Commerce di Solo Raya)


    Zahra Noor Eriza


    Abstrak Electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) banyak dimanfaatkan konsumen untuk menggali informasi mengenai suatu produk. Informasi yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber di internet akan mempengaruhi persepsi konsumen terhadap citra merek, risiko dan mendorong minat beli konsumen. Penelitian ini menganalisis peran mediasi citra merek dan persepsi risiko pada hubungan E-WOM dan minat beli. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 149 konsumen di Solo Raya yang telah melakukan pembelian kosmetik melalui...

  2. Pemodelan Spasial untuk Pembuatan Peta Rawan Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta

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    Toto Cahyono


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemodelan spasial untuk menyusun Peta Bahaya Banjir dan Peta Tingkat Risiko Banjir akibat luapan Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta. Lokasi penelitian meliputi penggal alur Bengawan Solo di wilayah Kota Surakarta. Metode penelitian yaitu dengan analisis hidrograf, pemodelan banjir, analisis potensi bahaya banjir, analisis kerentanan banjir, dan analisis tingkat risiko banjir. Analisis hidrograf dilakukan dengan menghitung debit puncak rancangan, analisis geometrik sungai, dan analisis karakteristik banjir. Pemodelan spasial banjir menggunakan perangkat lunak ArcView dengan ekstensi HEC-GeoRAS dan perangkat lunak hidrologi HEC-RAS. Analisis potensi bahaya banjir dari peta genangan hasil pemodelan spasial dengan input debit puncak rancangan banjir periode ulang 60. Analisis kerentanan dengan identifikasi elemen yang berisiko pada peta penggunaan lahan daerah bahaya. Analisis tingkat risiko dilakukan dengan cara overlay peta bahaya dan peta kerentanan banjir. Perangkat lunak ArcView 3.3 dengan ekstensi HEC-GeoRAS mampu untuk melakukan pemodelan banjir dengan tingkat validasi yang tinggi. Validasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan kedalaman maksimum hasil pemodelan dengan hasil perhitungan debit puncak rancangan. Nilai  perbedaan antara 0,68% - 4,54%. Meskipun secara kuantitatif peta model bahaya banjir rancangan sesudah pelurusan lebih luas daripada sebelum pelurusan, tetapi berdasarkan uji statistik penambahan luas tersebut tidak berbeda signifikan. Dari peta tingkat risiko banjir diketahui Kelurahan Sewu, Semanggi, Sangkrah dan Gandekan mempunyai potensi risiko banjir tertinggi di Kota Surakarta.   ABSTRACT This research is intended to perform flood modelling in Bengawan Solo River in order to develop flood hazard map, flood vulnerability map, and flood risk map as a result of overflow of such river in Surakarta City. The research area covers cut-off channel of Bengawan Solo in Surakarta City. The

  3. Hubungan Faktor Risiko yang dapat Dimodifikasi dengan Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    Suchi Ilmi Herman


    Full Text Available AbstrakSumatera Barat merupakan provinsi dengan prevalensi penyakit jantung tertinggi ke-4 di Indonesia. Prevalensi penyakit ini meningkat disebabkan karena faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi yaitu dislipidemia, hipertensi, diabetes melitus, merokok, dan obesitas. Faktor risiko tersebut terkait dengan peningkatan kejadian PJK. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi dengan kejadian PJK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan desain potong lintang yang dilakukan di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang dari Desember 2012 sampai Mei 2013. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien PJK yang dirawat inap dan telah dilakukan angiografi pada Januari 2012 sampai Desember 2012 dengan 68 orang sebagai subjek penelitian. Data pasien didapatkan dari rekam medik. Data dideskripsikan dengan tabel dan dianalisis dengan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan distribusi frekuensi terbanyak pasien PJK terdapat pada kadar kolesterol HDL rendah (64,6% dan hipertensi (72,5%, namun hasil uji bivariat tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar kolesterol HDL rendah dan hipertensi terhadap kejadian PJK. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini ialah kadar kolesterol HDL rendah dan hipertensi belum tentu menyebabkan PJK.Kata kunci: penyakit jantung koroner, faktor risiko, HDLAbstractWest Sumatra is a province with the highest prevalence of heart disease 4th in Indonesia. The prevalence of this disease increases due to modifiable risk factors, namely dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and obesity. The risk factors associate with an increased incidence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of modifiable risk factors with CHD events. This study was a cross-sectional analytic design conducted at Hospital Dr. M. Djamil Padang from December 2012 until May 2013. The population in this study were all hospitalized CHD patients and

  4. Evaluation von E-Learning: Checklisten, Kriterienkataloge oder Evaluationskonzepte? Zum Stand der Bewertungsverfahren für E-Learning-Arrangements

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    Ulf-Daniel Ehlers


    Full Text Available Qualität in Bildungsmaßnahmen - als Legitimation oder aus wissenschaftlichem Interesse - ist ein Thema von hoher Bedeutung, auch - und gerade - im E-Learning. E-Learning, als eine noch relativ junge, nicht völlig etablierte, aber - so stellt sich immer häufiger heraus – kostenintensive Bildungsform, muss sich immer wieder der kritischen Frage nach der Qualität stellen, zumeist assoziiert mit Lernerfolg. Vielfältige Instrumente, um die Qualität zu überprüfen oder zu entwickeln, begleitend oder im Nachhinein, sind bislang konzipiert worden (vgl. Ehlers/Pawlowski/Goertz 2003. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick zum derzeitigen Stand der Dinge in Bezug auf zwei dieser Verfahrensweisen: zum einen geht es dabei um die Beurteilungen anhand von Kriterienkatalogen bzw. Checklisten und zum anderen um Evaluationsverfahren. Obwohl vielfach bereits umfassendere Managementsysteme zum Einsatz kommen, die die Qualität bei Anbietern kontinuierlich verbessern sollen, haben beide Verfahren eine steigende Bedeutung - da auch Managementverfahren immer wieder auf Kriterien oder Evaluationsverfahren zurückgreifen.

  5. Faktor Risiko Penyakit Ginjal Kronik : Studi Kasus Kontrol di Empat Rumah Sakit di Jakarta Tahun 2014

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    Delima Delima


    Full Text Available AbstractA case control study was conducted in four government hospitals in Jakarta according to KidneyDisease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO 2012 criteria, in the last 10 years. Control subjectswere diagnosed as not CKD based on estimating glomerulus filtration rate (e-GFR of ≥60ml /minute/1.73m2 and normal urinalysis test. Data were collected by interviewing with subjects usingstructured questionnaires. Laboratory test results were extracted from the medical records orretested laboratory results of serum creatinine, HbA1c, and urinalysis at screening and enrollmenttime. A total of 429 eligible subjects in each group were analysed by logistic regression. Age, familyhistory of CKD, plain water consumption ≤2000ml/day, carbonated drink consumption, energy drinkconsumption, history of kidney diseases, kidney stone, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus increasedrisk of CKD with adjusted odds ratio range from 1.8 to 25.8. Consumption of coffee, tea, chocolate,alcohol drinks, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID, traditional herbal for musculoskeletaldisorder or obesity, smoking, and less quality of drinking water were not significantly associatedwith CKD. It concluded that risk factors of CKD were everyday consumption of carbonated drinkand energy drink.Key words: chronic kidney disease, risk factor, case control, hospital AbstrakPenelitian kasus-kontrol penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK telah dilakukan di empat rumah sakit (RSpemerintah di DKI Jakarta mengikuti kriteria Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO2012, dan paling lama sudah sakit dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Subyek kontrol adalah pasien yang tidakmemenuhi kriteria PGK menurut penilaian dokter dan atau hasil estimasi laju filtrasi glomerulus(e-LFG ≥60ml/menit/1,73m2 dengan hasil urinalisis normal. Data faktor risiko dikumpulkan denganwawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Data laboratorium dicatat dari rekam medik atauhasil pemeriksaan ulang kadar kreatinin serum, HbA1c

  6. Wie man Elementarteilchen entdeckt vom Zyklotron zum LHC : ein Streifzug durch die Welt der Teilchenbeschleuniger

    CERN Document Server

    Freytag, Carl


    Dieses Buch erklärt die physikalischen Grundlagen und die Technologien der Elementarteilchenforschung und beschreibt allgemeinverständlich Teilchenbeschleuniger und -detektoren sowie ihr Zusammenspiel. An einigen Meilensteinen der Forschung – von der Erzeugung von Transuranen über die Entdeckung exotischer Mesonen bis zum Higgs-Boson – zeigen die Autoren den Weg von der Theorie über das Experiment zum Forschungsergebnis auf. Gravitonen, Higgs-Teilchen, Neutrinos und Quarks – das Interesse an den kleinsten uns bekannten Teilchen ist seit Jahrzehnten ungebrochen und rückt damit auch die Laboratorien in den Blick, die an die Grenzen der Physik vorstoßen: Neben dem größten Experimentierfeld, das wir haben – dem Universum selbst - sind es die gigantischen Maschinen der Elementarteilchenphysik in Großforschungseinrichtungen wie dem CERN und dem DESY. Mit ihnen versuchen Forscher weltweit unter Einsatz extrem hoher Energien Zustände zu simulieren, wie sie zum Beginn unseres Universums kurz nach d...

  7. Risiko Kegagalan pada Kualitas Produksi Air Minum Isi Ulang di Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya Menggunakan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA

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    Egy Asri Yassin Utami


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan manusia terhadap air minum yang layak konsumsi semakin lama semakin berkembang sebanding dengan perkembangan penduduk yang kian lama kian meningkat. Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air minum sehari-hari, banyak industri yang membuka usaha air minum diantaranya adalah adanya depot air minum isi ulang (DAMIU. Pemilihan depot air minum isi ulang sebagai alternatif air minum menjadi risiko yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan jika kualitas depot air minum isi ulang masih diragukan. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis untuk mencari prioritas terjadinya kegagalan dalam proses pengolahan air minum isi ulang. Risiko-risiko yang didapat harus memiliki nilai agar terukur sehingga ditemukan prioritas penanganan dan dicari upaya untuk perbaikan. Penilaian tersebut dikenal dengan nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number yaitu hasil pengalian dari tingkat keparahan (severity, frekuensi kejadian (occurrence dan tingkat deteksi (detection. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan identifikasi menggunakan metode FMEA diketahui bahwa kegagalan yang terjadi pada sistem UV dengan 3 prioritas tertinggi yaitu penggunaan UV dengan nilai RPN 100, waktu kontak UV dengan nilai RPN 100 dan penggantian filter awal dengan nilai RPN 64. Pada sistem UV dan ozon, 3 prioritas tertinggi yaitu waktu kontak sistem ozon, waktu kontak UV dan penggunaan UV dengan masing-masing nilai RPN yaitu 100. Sedangkan pada sistem UV, ozon dan RO (Reverse Osmosis 3 prioritas tertinggi sama seperti dengan sistem UV dan ozon dengan nilai RPN yang berbeda yaitu lama pengoperasian dengan nilai 100, waktu kontak dan kesesuaian penggunaan UV dengan nilai 64.



    Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal; Pratiwi Tamela; Fitrayeni Fitrayeni


    Preeklampsia merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan kehamilan dan penyebab kematian maternal. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014 adalah 20,14%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah sampel 34 kasus dan 34 kontrol, perbandingan 1:1. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik systema...

  9. Faktor Risiko Kejadian Preeklampsia pada Ibu Hamil di Rsup Dr. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014


    Nursal, Dien Gusta Anggraini; Tamela, Pratiwi; Fitrayeni, Fitrayeni


    Preeklampsia merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan kehamilan dan penyebab kematian maternal. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014 adalah 20,14%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada ibu hamil di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah sampel 34 kasus dan 34 kontrol, perbandingan 1:1. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik systema...

  10. Praktik pemberian makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI bukan faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan

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    Hildagardis M.E Nai


    status, complementary foods ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Stunting merefleksikan kegagalan proses mencapai potensi pertumbuhan linear sebagai akibat dari kondisi kesehatan dan gizi yang tidak optimal. Salah satu penyebab kejadian stunting adalah kuantitas dan kualitas MP-ASI yang rendah.Tujuan: Untuk mengidentifikasi risiko praktik pemberian MP-ASI seperti usia pengenalan MP-ASI, keragaman MP-ASI, dan frekuensi MP-ASI dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan di Kecamatan Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini adalah kasus-kontrol dengan perbandingan 1:1 dan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif-kualitatif model concurrent embedded. Kasus adalah anak usia 6-23 bulan yang memiliki skor-z PB/U <-2SD. Kontrol adalah anak usia 6-23 bulan yang memiliki skor-z PB/U ≥-2SD yang tinggal berdekatan dengan kelompok kasus. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat (deskriptif, bivariat (uji chi-square dan multivariat (uji regresi logistik berganda.Hasil: Analisis bivariat menunjukkan usia pengenalan MP-ASI (OR=1,07, keragaman MP-ASI (OR=1,17, dan frekuensi pemberian MP-ASI (OR=1,69 bukan faktor risiko kejadian stunting (p>0,05. Skor keragaman MP-ASI yang lebih rendah (kelompok makanan ≤2, 3, 4 berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko kejadian stunting berturut-turut OR=2,24, 95% CI:1,00-5,01; OR=1,82, 95% CI:0,96-3,45; OR=1,66, 95% CI:0,81-3,46. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor risiko kejadian stunting adalah tinggi badan ibu (OR=1,86 dan riwayat berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR (OR=3,23,.Kesimpulan: Praktik pemberian MP-ASI seperti usia pengenalan, keragaman, dan frekuensi pemberian MP-ASI bukan merupakan faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan. Faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan yang bermakna adalah tinggi badan ibu dan riwayat BBLR.KATA KUNCI: stunting, asupan makan, status gizi, MP-ASI


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    Denny Nurkertamanda


    Full Text Available Salah satu pekerjaan angkat angkut adalah pekerjaan menurunkan pasir dari atas truk. Dalam bekerja, pekerja menggunakan alat bantu berupa enggrong yang merupakan sekop dengan gagang pendek. Akibat penggunaan enggrong, pekerja bekerja dengan postur tubuh membungkuk. Postur kerja ini menimbulkan potensi low back pain pada pekerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 9 partisipan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui potensi risiko low back pain berdasarkan sudut kemiringan trunk ketika pekerja bekerja menurunkan pasir dengan enggrong. Sudut kemiringan trunk yang diprediksi meliputi: 1 sudut kemiringan trunk flexion, 2 sudut kemiringan trunk bending, dan 3 sudut kemiringan trunk twisting. Data postur kerja diambil dengan menggunakan kamera 3D Microsoft KinectTM dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan software Siemen Jack metode 3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP untuk memprediksi sudut kemiringan trunk. Hasil analisis dari ke-6 postur kerja menunjukkan postur-postur kerja yang sering dilakukan pekerja mempunyai rerata sudut kemiringan trunk flexion sebesar 61,10 ± 10,090, sudut kemiringan trunk bending sebesar 19,80 ± 6,740 dan sudut kemiringan trunk twisting sebesar 20,00 ± 9,030. Rerata sudut kemiringan trunk flexion yang mencapai 87,28 %  dari sudut kemiringan maksimal merupakan penyebab utama risiko low back pain. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan potensi terjadinya low back pain pada pekerja pasiran dapat terjadi. Perlu intervensi ergonomi untuk mencegah dan mengurangi potensi risiko terjadi low back pain pada pekerja pasiran.   Abstract One of the manual matrial handling jobs is the derivative work from the top of the truck. In working the workers use a tool that enggrong which is a short-handed shovel. Due to the use of employee enggrong work with stooped posture. This work posture raises the potential for low back pain in workers. This study is a cross sectional study with a sample of 9

  12. [Karin Hallas. Das Tallinner Mietshaus. Vom Historismus bis zum Jugendstil] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Karin Hallas. Das Tallinner Mietshaus. Vom Historismus bis zum Jugendstil. In: Architektur und bildende Kunst im Baltikum um 1900. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Wien: Lang 1999. S. 173-192.

  13. Faktor Risiko Lingkungan dengan Kejadian ISPA pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Sofia Sofia


    Full Text Available Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI is still one public health problem that is important to note, because it is an acute illness and can even cause death in infants in developing countries, including Indonesia. In general, there are three the risk factors of ARI namely environmental factors, individual factors of children, and behavioral factors. The aim of research to find out the environmental risk factors with the incidence of  ARI  in Toddlers in Public Health Center of Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar district. This type of research is an analytic survey with cross-sectional study approach. The sample size is calculated using the formula Lemeshow of 100 respondents, samples were taken randomly. Data analysis using Chi-Square test. The results showed that the level of humidity in the home (p= 0,039, smoking habits of family members in the home (p= 0,001, and the habit of using mosquito coils in the home (p= 0,003 as a risk factor for ISPA to children in Region Public Health Center of Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar district. Conclusion, risk factor of ARI in the toddler that is a smoking habit, usage habit of mosquito coil and air humidity. Suggestions, the public in order to maintain air quality in the home environment to avoid various transmission of infectious diseases. Keywords: Air humidity, habits, environment, ARI Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA masih menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting untuk diperhatikan, karena merupakan penyakit akut dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian pada balita di berbagai negara berkembang termasuk  Indonesia. Secara umum ada 3 (tiga faktor risiko terjadinya ISPA yaitu faktor lingkungan, faktor individu anak, serta faktor perilaku. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko lingkungan dengan kejadian ISPA pada Balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Jenis penelitian adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan Crossectional study. Besarnya sampel dihitung


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    Puti Sari H


    Full Text Available Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor tidak langsung yang dapat mempengaruhi risiko kehamilan. Desain penelitian cross sectional. Data yang dianalisis merupakan data hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2010 yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Badan Litbangkes. Unit analisis adalah ibu atau wanita usia subur (WUS yang pernah melahirkan minimal 1 anak dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir sampai dengan saat wawancara. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode logistik regresi untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling dominan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa variabel yang paling dominan dalam hubungan antara faktor tidak langsung dengan kejadian fisiko kehamilan 4-T (terlalu tua, terlalu muda, terlalu banyak dan terlalu dekat adalah variabel tempat tinggal  (desa/kota,  tingkat  pendidikan,  status  ekonomi,  dan  keinginan  hamil.  Ibu  yang  tinggal  di perdesaan berpeluang 1,1 kali berisiko kehamilan 4T, sementara ibu yang berpendidikan rendah (SD ke bawah berpeluang 1,4 kali untuk mengalami risiko kehamilan. Ibu dari keluarga miskin berpeluang 1,3 kali mengalami risiko kehamilan, sedangkan ibu yang sulit akses ke pelayanan kesehatan berpeluang 1,9 kali berisiko hamil dengan kondisi 4-T, dan ibu yang tidak/belum ingin hamil berpeluang 4,9 kali mengalami risiko kehamilan. Masalah risiko kehamilan lebih mungkin terjadi pada kelompok ibu yang tinggal di perdesaan, dengan tingkat pendidikan dan ekonomi rendah, dan kesulitan akses ke fasilitas kesehatan serta belum atau tidak menginginkan kehamilannya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pemerataan program jamkesmas agar keluarga tidak mampu dan yang tinggal di perdesaan semakin mudah untuk mendapat  pelayanan  kesehatan.  Selain  itu  memprioritaskan  pembangunan  fasilitas  kesehatan  dan penyediaan tenaga kesehatan di perdesaan, dan juga penyuluhan tentang cara mengatur kehamilan yang sehat.Kata kunci : risiko kehamilan, WUS, 4-TAbstract The purpose

  15. Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Neeme Järvi / Joachim Salau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salau, Joachim


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Auszüge aus Das Märchen von der steinernen Blume. Gennadij Roshdestwenskij (Sprecher), Philharmonia Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. Chandos/Koch CD 9095


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    Diana Andriyani Pratamawati


    Full Text Available EnglishABSTRACTOn February 9, 2012 date specified chikungunya outbreak in Salatiga. This study aimed to examine behavioral and environmental risk factors associated with the disease, vector, modes of transmission, treatment seeking, as well as ways to prevent chikungunya on people in the hamlet Sinoman and Rekesan during the chikungunya outbreak in 2012 . This type of research is used case-control study. This study was conducted in January through April of 2012. Interview and observations conducted on 134 respondents. There is no relationship between the incidence of chikungunya respondent behavior and the behavior of the respondent is not proven as a risk factor chikungunya. But  events, there is a relationship between the incidence of chikungunya lighting and home lighting proved to be a risk factor for chikungunya incidence and its risk by 2.8 times. In addition to lighting, there is a relationship between the incidence of chikungunya home humidity, although not statistically proven as a risk factor for chikungunya. There was a significant association between the presence of mosquitoes on the clothes hanging in the incidence of chikungunya, in harmony with it has been shown that the presence of mosquitoes at the clothes hanging heightens the risk by 4.19 times causing events are expected to cultivate back chikungunya. People must have eradication of mosquito breeding activity, do not hang clothes secondhand, using a wire gauze on the vent, and the use of anti-mosquito drugs to avoid contact with the mosquitoborne chikungunya .IndonesiaKejadian luar biasa (KLB penyakit chikungunya di Kota Salatiga pada tanggal 9 Februari 2012 Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji faktor risiko perilaku dan lingkungan rumah, yang berkaitan dengan penyakit, vektor, cara penularan, pencarian pengobatan, serta cara pencegahan chikungunya di Dusun Sinoman dan Rekesan ketika KLB Chikungunya tahun 2012. Rancangan penelitian adalah case control. Penelitian ini

  17. Medicinal therapy of malignant lymphomas; Medikamentoese Therapie maligner Lymphome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aul, C.; Schroeder, M.; Giagounidis, A. [Medizinische Klinik II, St.-Johannes-Hospital Duisburg (Germany)


    von Chemo- und Strahlentherapie durchgefuehrt.Mit dem neuen Chemotherapieprotokoll BEACOPP konnte die Prognose von Patienten in fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadien im Vergleich zum international akzeptierten Standard COPP/ABVD verbessert werden. Die Heilungsquoten liegen stadienabhaengig zwischen 95 und 50%. Bei den indolenten Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen,die sich bei Diagnosestellung meist in disseminierten Krankheitsstadien befinden, wird die Chemotherapie in palliativer Zielsetzung, d. h. zur Kontrolle von Krankheitskomplikationen und zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualitaet der Patienten eingesetzt. Bei aggressiven und sehr aggressiven Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen besitzt die Chemotherapie kuratives Potenzial und muss stadienunabhaengig sofort nach Diagnosestellung begonnen werden. Das in den 90er Jahren etablierte Standardprotokoll CHOP (Cyclophosphamid, Doxorubicin,Vincristin und Prednison) konnte in den letzten Jahren durch Verkuerzung der Therapieintervalle (CHOP-14 vs.CHOP-21), Erweiterung durch Etoposid (CHOEP) und Kombination mit dem monoklonalen Antikoerper Rituximab (R-CHOP) in seiner Wirksamkeit verbessert werden. Der Stellenwert einer Hochdosistherapie mit Stammzelltransplantation konnte bislang nur bei chemotherapiesensiblen rezidivierten Hodgkin-Lymphomen und hochmalignen Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen gesichert werden.Die Behandlungsstrategien maligner Lymphome werden in den naechsten Jahren durch Einfuehrung neuer Zytostatika, Weiterverbreitung monoklonaler Antikoerper, Erprobung neuartiger Transplantationsverfahren und Entwicklung von Substanzen mit molekular definiertem Wirkungsmechanismus weiter verbessert werden. Rascher Wissenszuwachs ist nur durch Rekrutierung und Behandlung neu diagnostizierter Patienten in den grossen deutschen oder europaeischen Multicenterstudien zu erwarten. (orig.)

  18. Significance and basic patterns of risk communication; Bedeutung und Grundzuege der Risikokommunikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Obermeier, O.P. [Gerling Akademie fuer Risikoforschung AG, Muenchen (Germany)]|[Gerling Akademie fuer Risikoforschung AG, Zurich (Switzerland)]|[Augsburg Univ. (Germany)


    The philosophically coloured paper on the aspects of risk communication patterns in society shows that debates about risks are governed by a number of stereotype characters representing the individualist and manager type, bureaucracy and law-and-order type, ego-centered embarrassment activist, and fundamentalist. Every risk-relevant group in the study tries to push forward its own interests. Risk communication is understood as a process of social dealing. (HP) [Deutsch] Die nahezu philosophischen Ueberlegungen zum Thema Risiko belegen, dass alle Risikodiskussionen von den Besitzindividualisten, Buerokraten, Betroffenheitsaktivisten und Fundamentalisten dominiert werden. Jede risikorelevante Gruppierung versucht ihre Gruppenegoismen durchzusetzen. Risikokommunikation wird als Prozess des sozialen Aushandelns aufgefasst. (HP)

  19. Permodelan Risiko Kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik Terhadap Biaya Produksi Kapal Baru

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    Very Purwo Nugroho


    Full Text Available Pada Tugas Akhir dikembangkan model risiko pengaruh kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik terhadap biaya produksi kapal baru. Variabel yang terpengaruh kenaikan TDL pada produksi kapal didapatkan dengan identifikasi dan evaluasi pemakaian energi listrik pada fasilitas produksi, pengaruh terhadap tenaga kerja serta pengaruh terhadap biaya material dan komponen  kapal. Material dan komponen tersebut dikelompokan menjadi material lokal manufaktur (Local Manufacture, lokal CKD (Completely Knock-Down, import CBU (Completely Built-Up dan import trading. Model yang dikembangkan mempunyai variabel yang terpengaruh kenaikan TDL terdiri dari (i kenaikan biaya listrik dan (ii kenaikan harga material yang sensitif terhadap kenaikan TDL. Material dan komponen yang sensitif terhadap kenaikan TDL  yaitu material kelompok lokal manufaktur seperti pelat baja dan konsumabel gas serta kelompok lokal CKD (Completely Knock-Down seperti pendingin ruangan (Air Conditioner Equipment, Main Switch Board (MSB dan Alarm Monitoring System (AMS.


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    Miftah Fatmawati


    Full Text Available Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR menjadi salah satu penyebab utama mortalitas bayi. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah apakah ada hubungan antarapaparan pestisida pada masa kehamilan dengan kejadian BBLR di daerah pertanian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian BBLR. Penelitian ini merupakanstudi case control. Subjek dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: kelompok kasus sejumlah 25 petanidengan riwayat melahirkan BBLR dan kelompok kontrol yang merupakan tetangga dari subjek kasus tanpa riwayat melahirkan BBLR sejumlah 25 petani. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat (chi square dan fisher sebagai alternatifnya. Faktor risiko yang terbukti berhubungan dengan kejadian BBLR antara lain: pekerjaan ibu hamil yang berkaitan dengan pestisida (OR = 6,769; kelengkapan alat pelindung diri (APD saat beraktivitas di ladang (OR= 18,857; dan penyimpanan pestisida (OR= 12,667. Saran yang direkomendasikan adalah menghindari pekerjaan yang berkaitan langsung dengan pestisida selama masa kehamilan, jika memang harus ikut dalam kegiatan pertanian maka ibu hamil sebaiknya menggunakan APD lengkap.   Low birth weight becomes one problem that may cause infant mortality. This study aimed to find the relation between pesticide exposure during pregnancy and low birth weight. This was case control study. The subjects were divided into two groups: 25 farmers with low birth weight infants as case group, and subjects 25 farmers with normal birth weight infants wholived around the case group as control group. Data were collected with interview and observation. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis (chi-square test and fisher test. Risk factors during pregnancy that associated with lowbirth weight were activities with pesticide during pregnancy (OR= 6,769; personal protective equipment completeness (OR= 18,857; and storage of pesticide

  1. Kurz zum Klima: Zu viel Salz verdirbt den Boden


    Zimmer, Markus; Lippelt, Jana; Frank, Jonas


    Der zunehmende Einsatz von Anlagen zur Bewässerung sowie mangelnde Erfahrungswerte und Unkenntnis über den richtigen Einsatz der künstlichen Bewässerung haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einer massiven Zunahme der Versalzung des Bodens geführt. Durch diese Bodenversalzung werden weite Flächen für die Landwirtschaft unbrauchbar. Sie sind nur durch hohen Aufwand und Kosten wieder renaturierbar. Der Beitrag in der Reihe »Kurz zum Klima« gibt einen Überblick über die Versalzung in Anbaugebiet...

  2. PENGARUH RISIKO KREDIT DAN EFISIENSI OPERASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA BANK (Studi Empirik pada Bank yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Bambang Sudiyatno


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh risiko kredit dan efisiensi operasional, terhadap kinerja bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2007-2010. Risiko kredit diproksi dengan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR, dan efisiensi operasional diproksi dengan Capital Adecuacy Ratio (CAR dan Biaya Operasi (BOPO, sedangkan kinerja bank diproksi dengan Return on Asset (ROA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor mana, dari risiko kredit dan efisiensi operasi yang pengaruhnya lebih besar terhadap kinerja bank. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 96 perusahaan perbankan selama tahun 20072010, yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dilakukan proses pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi. Tehnik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis regresi linier berganda, untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh CAR, BOPO, dan LDR terhadap ROA. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa rasio keuangan, yang terdiri dari rasio CAR dan LDR berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ROA. Sedangkan BOPO berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap ROA. Kemampuan prediksi dari tiga variabel tersebut terhadap ROA sebesar 18,8% sebagaimana yang telah ditunjukan oleh adjusted R square sebesar 0,188. This study examined the effect of credit risk and operational efficiency on the performance of banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2007-2010. Credit risk proxied by Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR, and operational efficiency proxied by Capital Adecuacy Ratio (CAR and Operating Costs (BOPO, while the bank's performance proxied by Return on Assets (ROA. The purpose of this study was to identify which factors, from credit risk and operating efficiencies greatest influence on the performance of banks. Samples taken in this study were 96 banking companies during the years 2007 to 2010, were selected by purposive sampling method. To get the required information, performed the data collection process

  3. Pädagogik als Kulturwissenschaft. Programmatische Überlegungen zum Status der Allgemeinen Erziehungswissenschaft


    Wimmer, Michael


    Ausgehend von einer schlaglichtartigen Charakterisierung gegenwärtiger Transformationsprozesse, die nicht nur zu grundlegenden Wandlungen in den gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen und im kulturellen Selbstverständnis geführt haben, sondern auch die Prämissen ihrer begrifflichen Identifizierbarkeit und einer reflexiven Selbstvergewisserung erschüttern, wird die interne Situation der Erziehungswissenschaft skizziert, die sich ebenfalls dilemmatisch darstellt. Denn zum einen haben neuere Theorieen...

  4. Hubungan Berbagai Faktor Risiko Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Fadma Yuliani


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenyebab mortalitas dan morbiditas utama pada pasien diabetes mellitus (DM tipe 2 adalah penyakit jantung koroner (PJK dimana penderitanya dua sampai empat kali lebih berisiko terkena penyakit jantung dari pada non DM. Mekanisme terjadinya PJK pada DM tipe 2 dikaitkan dengan adanya aterosklerosis yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan berbagai faktor risiko terhadap kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2. Penelitian dilaksanakan di RSUP. Dr. M. Djamil Padang dan RS. Khusus Jantung Sumbar pada bulan Maret-Agustus 2013. Penelitian bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional comparative. Jumlah sampel 176 orang yang terdiri dari 88 orang penderita DM dengan PJK dan 88 orang DM tanpa PJK. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan uji chi-square menggunakan sistem komputerisasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2 adalah jenis kelamin (p=0,000, lama menderita DM (p=0,043, hipertensi (p=0,007, dislipidemia (p=0,000, obesitas (p=0,023, dan merokok (p=0,000. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang sangat bermakna (p<0,0001 antara jenis kelamin, dislipidemia, dan merokok dengan kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2 dan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna (p<0,05 antara lama menderita DM, hipertensi, obesitas dengan kejadian PJK pada penderita DM tipe 2.Kata kunci: DM tipe 2, PJK, faktor risikoAbstractThe main causes of mortality and morbidity in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM patients is coronary heart disease (CHD which adults who suffer from DM are two to four times have the risk of heart disease than people without DM. The mechanism of CHD in DM is associated with the presence of atherosclerosis that influenced by various factors. This research has aims to determine the relationship of risk factors for CHD incident in patients with DM. The study was conducted in the Dr. M. Djamil Padang and Cardiac Hospital of West Sumatra from March to August

  5. Practical experience with biodegradable biomass waste bags in several different German composting plants; Praxiserfahrungen zum Abbau kompostierbarer Bioabfallsaecke auf verschiedenen Kompostierungsanlagen in Deutschland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ziermann, Andreas; Schmidt, Bettina [C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V., Straubing (Germany)


    The study intended to find out how fast biodegradable biomass waste bags are degraded in practical conditions in composting and fermentation plants. The plants differ with regard to the processes employed; further, rotting times may be much shorter in practice than the twelve weeks requested by DIN EN 13432 and DIN EN 14995. For the study, plant types were selected that are practically relevant for biomass waste utilisation in Germany. (orig.) [German] Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, herauszufinden, wie schnell kompostierbare Bioabfallsaecke unter Praxisbedingungen in verschiedenen Kompost- und Vergaerungsanlagentypen abgebaut werden. Zum einen bestehen teilweise grosse verfahrenstechnische Unterschiede zwischen den Anlagentypen, zum anderen sind die Rottezeiten in der Praxis zum Teil wesentlich kuerzer, als die in der DIN EN 13432 und DIN EN 14995 geforderten zwoelf Wochen. Fuer die Studie wurden Anlagentypen ausgewaehlt, die fuer die Verwertung von Bioabfaellen in Deutschland praxisrelevant sind. (orig.)

  6. Faktor Risiko Asma Pada Murid Sekolah Dasar Usia 6-7 Tahun di Kota Padang

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    Afdal .


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang : Asma merupakan penyakit kronik yang sering dijumpai pada anak. Dilaporkan bahwa prevalens asma meningkat pada anak maupun dewasa. Usia 6-7 tahun merupakan periode dimana prevalens asma dan angka kunjungan ke rumah sakit karena asma lebih tinggi. Terjadinya asma dianggap sebagai interaksi yang kompleks antara faktor genetik dan faktor lingkungan. Faktor genetik sudah dibuktikan dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, tetapi karakteristik faktor risiko lingkungan pada asma belum jelas. Apabila melihat derajat peningkatan kejadian asma, tidak mungkin hanya faktor genetik yang berperan, tetapi peran faktor lingkungan justru yang lebih besar. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui prevalens dan faktor risiko asma pada anak SD usia 6-7 tahun di Kota Padang.Metoda : Suatu penelitian cross sectional di 20 SD di Kota Padang pada bulan Juni – November 2009 dengan jumlah sampel 879 orang. Terhadap setiap subjek dilakukan penelitian yaitu pembagian kuisioner ISAAC (international study of asthma and allergies in childhood untuk orang tua. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji chi-square untuk variabel katagorik dan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Data dianalisis menggunakan peranti lunak komputer.Hasil : Prevalens asma pada murid SD usia 6-7 tahun di Kota Padang berdasarkan kuisioner ISAAC sebesar 8%. Faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian asma adalah atopi ayah atau ibu, diikuti faktor berat badan lahir dan kebiasaan merokok pada ibu serta pemberian obat parasetamol. Sedangkan pemberian ASI dan kontak dengan unggas merupakan faktor protektif terhadap kejadian asma. Kata kunci: faktor risiko, asma, sekolah dasar Abstract Background: Background Asthma is a common chronic disease in children. It had been reported that the prevalence of asthma in children and adults was increasing. The age of 6-7 years is the period where the prevalence and the number of visits to the hospital because of asthma are higher. The

  7. Success in the protection of the ozone layer is at risk. An interview concerning the German view on CFC- and H-CFC-phaseout all over the world; Bisherige Erfolge zum Schutz der Ozonschicht sind gefaehrdet. Ein Fachgespraech ueber die deutsche Meinung zum FCKW- und H-FCKW-Phaseout ueberall in der Welt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kraus, H.W.; Weissenborn, P.


    This article repeats an interview with the commissioner of international measures for the protection of the ozone layer of the Federal Ministry of the Environment which took place in the run-up to the 7th conference of the signatory states of the Montreal Protocol. (BWI) [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt ein Interview wieder, das mit dem Beauftragten fuer internationale Massnahmen zum Schutz der Ozonschicht beim Bundesumweltministerium im Vorfeld der 7. Konferenz der Vertragsstaaten zum Montrealer Protokoll gefuehrt wurde. (BWI)

  8. Genetische Veränderungen an primären Prostatakarzinom-Biopsien in Korrelation zum klinischen Verlauf

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    Steiner T


    Full Text Available Die der Entstehung des Prostatakarzinoms zugrundeliegenden bzw. mit einem Progreß vergesellschafteten genetischen Veränderungen sind noch weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel der vorliegenden retrospektiven Untersuchung war die Erfassung genetischer Aberrationen an paraffineigebettetem Material primärer Prostatakarzinom-Biopsien und die Korrelation der Daten zum klinischen Verlauf. In 28 karzinomtragenden primären Prostatabiopsien wurden die Tumorareale gekennzeichnet. Nach Dissektion der Tumorzellen wurden die Proben mittels "comparative genomic hybridization" (CGH analysiert. Daten zum klinischen Verlauf der Patienten wurden erfaßt. Die mittlere Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug 36 Monate, alle Patienten wurden hormonablativ behandelt. 11 Patienten (39 % wiesen unter laufender Therapie einen Tumorprogreß auf. In 25 (88 % der 28 untersuchten Tumorareale konnten genetische Aberrationen detektiert werden, im Mittel fanden wir 4,8 Aberrationen je Tumor. Das Verhältnis Verlust / Zugewinn betrug 1,3 / 1. Folgende chromosomale Veränderungen wurden häufig festgestellt: Verluste von 6q in 40 %; von 8p in 32 %; von 16q in 21 %; von 18q in 21 %; Zugewinne von 8q in 32 %; von 17 in 43 %. In Korrelation zum klinischen Verlauf fand sich ein Zugewinn von 8q signifikant häufiger bei Patienten, welche im Beobachtungszeitraum einen Tumorprogreß entwickelten (64 % vs. 12 %; p = 0,0001. In der primären Tumorbiopsie waren bei progredienten Patienten im Mittel 5,3, bei Patienten ohne Tumorprogreß 3,8 Aberrationen je Tumor nachzuweisen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Veränderungen der Chromosomen 6q, 8, 16q, 17 und 18q regelmäßig beim Prostatakarzinom auftreten. Karzinome mit klinisch ungünstigem Verlauf weisen bereits in der primären Biopsie eine hohe genetische Instabilität auf.

  9. Procedure guideline for radioiodine test. Version; Verfahrensanweisung zum Radioiodtest. Version 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietlein, M.; Dressler, J.; Leisner, B.; Reiners, C.; Schicha, H. [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (Germany); Eschner, W.; Lassmann, M. [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (Germany); Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik (DGMP) (Germany)


    The version 2 of the procedure guideline for radioiodine test is an update of the guideline published in 1999. The following statements were added or modified: The procedure guideline discusses the pros and cons of a single measurement or of repeated measurements of the iodine-131 uptake and their optimal timing. Different formulas are described when one, two or three values of the radioiodine kinetic are available. The probe with a sodium iodide crystal, alternative or additionally the gamma-camera using the ROI-technique are instrumentations for the measurement of iodine-131 uptake. A possible source of error is an inappropriate measurement (sonography) of the target volume. The patients' preparation includes the withdrawal of antithyroid drugs 2-3 days before radioiodine administration. The patient has to avoid iodine-containing medication and the possibility of additives of iodide in vitamin- or electrolyte-supplementation has to be considered. (orig.) [German] Mit der Version 2 der Verfahrensanweisung zum Radioiodtest wird die in 1999 publizierte Verfahrensanweisung aktualisiert. Ergaenzungen und Modifikationen betreffen die notwendige Anzahl und die Zeitintervalle der Iod-131-Uptake-Messungen. Diskutiert werden die Argumente fuer die ein- oder mehrmalige Uptake-Messung. Berechnungsformeln fuer ein, zwei und drei Messpunkte werden angegeben. Als Messgeraete koennen die Uptake-Messsonde, alternativ oder zusaetzlich die Gammakamera mit ROI-Technik zum Einsatz kommen. Fehler bei der Volumetrie (Sonographie) des Zielvolumens gehen unmittelbar in die Berechnung der Therapieaktivitaet ein. Zur Vorbereitung der Patienten wird ein Absetzen der thyreostatischen Medikation 2 bis 3 Tage vor dem Radioiodtest empfohlen. Moeglich Iod(id) zusaetze in Multivitamin- und Spurenelementkombinationen sollten bedacht werden. (orig.)

  10. Biological mechanisms of radiation effects; Biologische Mechanismen der Strahlenwirkung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gruber, S.; Doerr, W. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, ATRAB - Angewandte und Translationale Radiobiologie, Univ.-Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Wien (Austria)


    Tumorinduktion fuehren. Die Kenntnis der biologischen Mechanismen dieser Effekte ist essenziell fuer eine Individualisierung der Applikation. Biologische Mechanismen - auf geweblicher und molekularer Ebene - der klinischen Manifestation eines Strahleneffekts, Dosisabhaengigkeit des Risikos und des zeitlichen Verlaufs, Einflussfaktoren. Der zeitliche Verlauf der Reaktion von Geweben auf eine Strahlenexposition erstreckt sich ueber weite Bereiche bis hin zu vielen Jahrzehnten. Es werden fruehe und spaete gewebliche Strahleneffekte unterschieden, deren Pathobiologie sich wesentlich unterscheidet. Es sind vonseiten des Expositionsmusters verschiedene Einflussfaktoren (''R'') auf die klinische Manifestation von Strahleneffekten bekannt. Die Strahlentoleranz normaler Gewebestrukturen bzgl. der Induktion eines funktionellen Defizits variiert stark, hat aber immer einen Schwellenwert, welcher bei diagnostischen Massnahmen in der Regel nicht ueberschritten wird. Das Risiko einer letalen strahleninduzierten Tumorerkrankung (Ganzkoerperexposition 5 %/Gy) ist bei einer medizinischen Strahlenapplikation im Vergleich zum natuerlichen Risiko als sehr gering einzuschaetzen. Die Patientenaufklaerung muss dies in ausgewogener Weise widerspiegeln. (orig.)

  11. Early recognition of lung cancer in workers occupationally exposed to asbestos; Frueherkennung von Lungenkrebs bei asbestexponierten Arbeitnehmern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hofmann-Preiss, K. [BDT MVZ Erlangen, Erlangen (Germany); Rehbock, B. [Praxis fuer Diagnostische Radiologie mit pneumologischem Schwerpunkt, Berlin (Germany)


    Despite the fact that working with asbestos and placing it on the market have been banned in Germany since 1993 according to the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances, asbestos-related diseases of the lungs and pleura are still the leading cause of death in occupational diseases. The maximum industrial usage of asbestos was reached in former West Germany in the late 1970s and in former East Germany the late 1980s. Occupational diseases, mainly mesotheliomas and lung cancer emerging now are thus caused by asbestos exposure which occurred 30-40 years earlier. It is known that the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure results in a superadditive increase in the risk to develop lung cancer. No suitable screening methods for early detection of malignant mesothelioma are currently available and the therapeutic options are still very limited; however, the national lung screening trial (NLST) has shown for the first time that by employing low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) in heavy smokers, lung cancer mortality can be significantly reduced. According to current knowledge the resulting survival benefits far outweigh the potential risks involved in the diagnostic work-up of suspicious lesions. These results in association with the recommendations of international medical societies and organizations were pivotal as the German statutory accident insurance (DGUV) decided to provide LDCT as a special occupational medical examination for workers previously exposed to asbestos and with a particularly high risk for developing lung cancer. (orig.) [German] Asbestbedingte Erkrankungen von Lunge und Pleura sind in Deutschland noch immer die haeufigsten zum Tode fuehrenden Berufskrankheiten, obwohl die Verarbeitung und das Inverkehrbringen von Asbest gemaess der Gefahrstoffverordnung seit 1993 verboten sind. Das Maximum des Rohasbestverbrauchs in den alten Bundeslaendern war Ende der 70er, in den neuen Bundeslaendern Ende der 80er Jahre erreicht. Heute neu diagnostizierte

  12. Model Pengendalian Faktor Risiko Stunting pada Anak Bawah Tiga Tahun

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    Erna Kusumawati


    Full Text Available Stunting merupakan masalah gizi, terbukti data pemantauan status gizi Kabupaten Banyumas 2012 prevalensi stunting sebesar 28,37% dan prevalensi tertinggi (41,6% di Puskesmas Kedungbanteng. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor risiko terkait faktor anak, ibu, lingkungan terhadap stunting bawah tiga tahun (batita agar dapat dikembangkan model pengendaliannya. Penelitian menggunakan desain kasus kontrol, populasi adalah seluruh anak usia 6 sampai 36 bulan di Puskesmas Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas selama enam bulan tahun 2013. Sampel kasus adalah 50 batita stunting, sampel kontrol adalah 50 batita status normal. Teknik pengambilan sampel kasus diambil dari tujuh desa yang terbanyak stuntingnya, sedangkan kontrol adalah batita normal tetangga terdekat kasus dengan usia yang disamakan. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan pengukuran. Analisis data univariat, bivariat (uji kai kuadrat, dan multivariat (uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian menemukan karakteristik batita stunting terkena penyakit infeksi (82%, riwayat panjang badan lahir < 48 centimeter (66%, riwayat pemberian ASI dan makanan pendamping ASI kurang baik (66%, riwayat berat badan lahir rendah (8%. Pada penelitian ini, faktor risiko stunting adalah penyakit infeksi, pelayanan kesehatan, immunisasi, pengetahuan ibu, pendapatan keluarga, ketersediaan pangan keluarga, dan sanitasi lingkungan. Faktor yang paling dominan adalah penyakit infeksi. Model pengendalian stunting melalui peningkatan pemberdayaan keluarga terkait pencegahan penyakit infeksi, memanfaatkan pekarangan sebagai sumber gizi keluarga dan perbaikan sanitasi lingkungan. Model of Stunting Risk Factor Control among Children under Three Years Old Stunting is a nutritional problem, proved by the evidence of nutritional status monitoring at Banyumas District in 2012, the prevalence of stunting was 28.37% and the highest prevalence 41.6% at Kedungbanteng Primary Health Care. This study aimed to analyze risk factors

  13. Zum Erleben von Thrills und anderen starken emotionalen Reaktionen beim Musikhören


    Schönberger, Jörg


    Obwohl unbestritten ist, dass Musik in der Lage ist, starke emotionale Reaktionen auszulösen, hat sich die Musikpsychologie wenig mit den Emotionen beschäftigt, die Menschen beim Musikhören erleben. Zwei mögliche Zugänge zum Erfassen solch starker emotionaler Reaktionen sind die Ansätze von John A. Sloboda und Alf Gabrielsson. Sloboda nutzt für seinen Ansatz das Phänomen der "Thrills" — physiologische Begleiterscheinungen starker emotionaler Reaktionen wie z.B. Gänsehaut, Schauer, die ü...

  14. Zum Entwicklungsstand und zu Entwicklungsproblemen unserer Jugend - 1987 : Forschungsergebnisse - Beobachtungen - Überlegungen in 10 Thesen


    Friedrich, Walter


    Dieser Bericht gibt in zehn Thesen einen Überblick über Forschungsergebnisse, Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zum Entwicklungsstand der DDR-Jugend im Jahre 1987. Diese sei "in ihrer großen Mehrheit durch ein hohes Niveau ihrer sozialistischen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung charakterisiert". Kritisiert wird die Rolle der FDJ, die die Interessenvertretung der Jugend nicht ausreichend wahrnehme. Weiterhin nehme die Rezeption westlicher Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen immer mehr zu, jedoch sei es verbo...

  15. Kino filmų titrai kaip kalbų mokymosi priemonė. Untertitel als Mittel zum Fremdsprachenerwerb

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    Alina Baravykaitė


    Full Text Available Das in den letzten Jahren spürbare Bestreben der litauischen Gesetzgeber, Untertitelung von Fernsehfilmen zwecks Fremdsprachenerwerb gesetzlich anzuordnen, löste eine Auseinandersetzung in der Öffentlichkeit aus, die sich in der Presse sowie im Internet widerspiegelt und als Anstoß zum vorliegenden Beitrag dient. Diese Arbeit stellt den Versuch dar, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Untertitelung als eines Mittels zum Fremdsprachenerwerb zu untersuchen. Auf Grund der fehlenden wissenschaftlichen Forschungen in diesem Bereich sollen dabei empirische Betrachtungen und die vergleichende Textanalyse von Original und Übersetzung als Hilfe dienen. Auch wenn die Relevanz der Untertitelung für den Fremdsprachenerwerb nicht bestreitbar ist, ist sie aber zugleich nicht zu überschätzen: Durch die lediglich für diese Form der audiovisuellen Übersetzung charakteristischen Merkmale (kurze Einblendezeit, kondensierte Sprache und begrenzte Übertragungsmöglichkeiten von Realia-Begriffen, Phraseologismen, Intertextualismen, dem Wortspiel etc. bleiben dem Zuschauer oft sprachliche Stilmittel vorenthalten und der in allen Übersetzungsbereichen vorkommende unausweichliche Sinn- und Wirkungsverlust des Originals wird erheblich verstärkt. Anbetracht der erwähnten Aspekte und der häufigen fehlerhaften Übersetzungen sollen Untertitel nur als Hilfsmittel beim Fremdsprachenerwerb angewendet werden, wobei herkömmliche Lehr- und Lernstrategien von Fremdsprachen in den Vordergrund treten müssen.

  16. Keim, Karl-Dieter, Das Fenster zum Raum : Traktat über die Erforschung sozialräumlicher Transformation / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Keim, Karl-Dieter: Das Fenster zum Raum : Traktat über die Erforschung sozialräumlicher Transformation / Karl-Dieter Keim. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2003. - 171 S. : graph. Darst. - (Lehrtexte : Sozialwissenschaften) ISBN 3-8100-4050-9

  17. Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Bidan dalam Pencegahan Risiko Penularan HIV/AIDS pada Pertolongan Persalinan Normal di Kota Tanjungpinang Tahun 2014

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    Rahmadona .


    Full Text Available AbstrakKasus HIV/AIDS di Kota Tanjungpinang lebih banyak dialami perempuan usia reproduksi. Dari 925 kasus HIV/AIDS hingga tahun 2013, 502 kasus diderita perempuan sementara laki-laki hanya 423 kasus. Perempuan usia reproduksi tersebut dapat saja hamil dan melahirkan ke bidan. Bidan berisiko tinggi tertular HIV/AIDS pada saat menolong persalinan. Pencegahan risiko penularan HIV/AIDS dalam pertolongan persalinan normal tercermin dari perilaku bidan dalam menerapkan kewaspadaan standar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku bidan dalam pencegahan risiko penularan HIV/AIDS pada pertolongan persalinan normal di Kota Tanjungpinang tahun 2014. Penelitian ini merupakan analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dilakukan terhadap 39 orang bidan dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan pedoman observasi. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi Square dan regresi logistik ganda. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku bidan adalah pengetahuan (p=0,027, sikap (p=0,004, motivasi (p= 0,047, supervisi (p=0,001 dan ketersediaan sarana (p=0,002. Faktor paling dominan yang berhubungan adalah supervisi (p=0,000. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah bidan akan berperilaku baik dalam pencegahan risiko penularan HIV/AIDS pada pertolongan persalinan normal apabila berpengetahuan baik, bersikap positif, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dilakukan supervisi serta didukung dengan sarana yang lengkap.Kata Kunci: Perilaku, pencegahan HIV/AIDS, pertolongan persalinan normal, pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi, supervisi, ketersediaan sarana.AbstractHIV/AIDS cases in Tanjungpinang city were suffered by women at reproductive ages. 925 HIV/AIDS cases trough 2013, 502 cases were suffered by women while 423 cases were men. This women may become pregnant and deliver their babies at midwives assistance. Midwives are at high risk of HIV/AIDS tramsmission while assisting delivery. Prevention risk of HIV/AIDS transmission in normal delivery assistance

  18. Firewall systems for protection of data communication in power stations; Firewall-Systeme zum Schutz der Datenkommunikation in Kraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenfeld, P [Siemens AG KWU (Germany)


    Networking of power plant computer systems is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, instrumentation and control systems are being connected with general power plant networks to make process information available to administrative personnel. This increases the risk of accidental or intentional access from outside the system (e.g. by hackers). Firewall systems are used to prevent such outside access. A firewall is the sole gateway between two networks which are to be kept separate, and is used to filter and control access to the protected network. Cryptography and personal chip cards are also used to provide additional protection. (orig.) [Deutsch] Rechnersysteme im Kraftwerk werden heute mehr und mehr vernetzt. Auch werden Rechnersysteme zum Messen, Steuern und Regeln (sogenannte Instrumentation and Control Systems) mit allgemeinen Kraftwerksnetzen verbunden, um Prozessinformationen auch in der Verwaltung zugaenglich zu machen. Damit waechst die Gefahr von zufaelligen oder beabsichtigten Eingriffen von aussen (z.B. Hacker). Zum Schutz vor solchen Eingriffen von aussen werden sogenannte Firewall-Systeme eingesetzt. Ein Firewall ist der alleinige Uebergang zwischen zwei zu trennenden Netzen und dient zur Filterung und Kontrolle der Zugriffe auf ein zu schuetzendes Netz. Ergaenzende Schutzmassnahmen sind der Einsatz kryptographischer Verfahren, sowie persoenlicher Chipkarten. (orig.)

  19. Firewall systems for protection of data communication in power stations; Firewall-Systeme zum Schutz der Datenkommunikation in Kraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenfeld, P. [Siemens AG KWU (Germany)


    Networking of power plant computer systems is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, instrumentation and control systems are being connected with general power plant networks to make process information available to administrative personnel. This increases the risk of accidental or intentional access from outside the system (e.g. by hackers). Firewall systems are used to prevent such outside access. A firewall is the sole gateway between two networks which are to be kept separate, and is used to filter and control access to the protected network. Cryptography and personal chip cards are also used to provide additional protection. (orig.) [Deutsch] Rechnersysteme im Kraftwerk werden heute mehr und mehr vernetzt. Auch werden Rechnersysteme zum Messen, Steuern und Regeln (sogenannte Instrumentation and Control Systems) mit allgemeinen Kraftwerksnetzen verbunden, um Prozessinformationen auch in der Verwaltung zugaenglich zu machen. Damit waechst die Gefahr von zufaelligen oder beabsichtigten Eingriffen von aussen (z.B. Hacker). Zum Schutz vor solchen Eingriffen von aussen werden sogenannte Firewall-Systeme eingesetzt. Ein Firewall ist der alleinige Uebergang zwischen zwei zu trennenden Netzen und dient zur Filterung und Kontrolle der Zugriffe auf ein zu schuetzendes Netz. Ergaenzende Schutzmassnahmen sind der Einsatz kryptographischer Verfahren, sowie persoenlicher Chipkarten. (orig.)

  20. Budke, Alexandra; Kanwischer, Detlef; Pott, Andreas (Hg.), Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / hrsg. von Alexandra Budke ... - Stuttgart : Steiner, 2004. - 192 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. - (Erdkundliches Wissen ; 136) ISBN 3-515-08506-8

  1. KidSmart - Medienkompetent zum Schulübergang

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    Anita Müller


    Full Text Available In Deutschland zeichnet sich bereits vor Schuleintritt im Bereich der literarischen und medialen Sozialisation eine Bildungsbenachteiligung ab. Vor allem Kinder aus bildungsfernen Milieus und mit Migrationshintergrund sind hiervon betroffen (vgl. Becker/Lauterbach 2004; Diefenbach 2007; Rabe-Kleberg 2010. An dieser Einsicht knüpft das Forschungs- und Interventionsprojekt KidSmart – Medienkompetent zum Schulübergang an. Medienpädagogische Arbeit steht hier im Kontext der Vorbereitung auf den Schulübergang. Durch kreative Medienarbeit soll ein Gegengewicht zur eher passiven Mediennutzung geschaffen werden. Ziel ist es Bildungsunterschiede von Kindern bereits vor Schulbeginn auszugleichen.Already before starting school educational disadvantages in the part of reading and media socialization can be identified within Germany. Generally affected are children of less educated families and children with migration background (Becker/Lauterbach 2004; Diefenbach 2007; Rabe-Kleberg 2010. Therefore, an exceptional intervention and research project KidSmart – media competence by entering school was initiated in the area of early childhood education. Within this project media-pedagogical work is corresponding with preparation of entering school. The intention is to create a counterbalance to passive media use by creative media work. The scope of the project is to fight against early educational disadvantages.

  2. Schule forscht Ansätze und Methoden zum forschenden Lernen

    CERN Document Server


    Kinderunis, Science Center, Experimentierlabore – der Markt der außerschulischen Wissenschaftsvermittlung für Kinder und Jugendliche boomt. Doch in den Schulen findet forschendes Lernen noch wenig Beachtung. Dabei fördert die Methode wichtige Fähigkeiten der Schüler und bietet Chancen für eine zukunftsweisende Schulentwicklung. Die Jugendlichen erarbeiten in Forschungsprojekten eigenständig wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen, suchen Lösungswege, dokumentieren und präsentieren ihre Erkenntisse: Sie trainieren so wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Eigenverantwortlichkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Zeitmanagement. Lehrer werden zu Lernbegleitern, Schulen öffnen sich für Kooperationen und entwickeln Alternativen zum 45-minütigen Unterrichtstakt. Die Fachbeiträge von Andreas Müller, Ilka Parchmann, Gerhard Roth u. a. untermauern die Praxisberichte aus lern- und entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht. Die Autoren sind sich einig: Wer bereits in der Schule forscht, ist in Studium und Beruf einen großen Schritt voraus....

  3. Landeskundeunterricht zum Nationalsozialismus. Ein Praxisbericht aus der Mongolei

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    Ralf Heimrath


    Full Text Available In einer Umfrage bei den fortgeschrittenen Studierenden an der Deutschen Abteilung der Nationaluniversität der Mo n- golei wurde festgestellt, dass der Name Hitler sehr bekannt und mit e iner positiven Konnotation verbunden ist. Dagegen gab es keine Kenntnisse über die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland. Mehrere weitere Beobachtungen lassen darüber hinaus in der Mongolei und in anderen Ländern eine bestimmte Hitler - Verehrung erken nen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Jahr 2012 an der Deutschen Abteilung der Nationaluniversität der Mongolei eine Unterricht s- sequenz zum Thema Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland durchgeführt. Die wichtigsten Themen sind dabei die Persönlichkeit des Dikt ators, der Werdegang der NSDAP während der Weimarer Republik und das Schicksal der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland vor und insbesondere nach der Machtergreifung Hitlers. Die Sequenz dient der Relativierung des Hitler - Bildes im Bewusstsein der Studiere nden und der Vermittlung von Kenntnissen zur Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts als Grundlage einer Entwicklung, die zu zwei deutschen Staaten und ihrer späteren Vereinigung führte. Die Sequenz ist auf vergleichbare Unterrichtssituationen in anderen Ländern übertragbar.

  4. Die Darstellung Rudolf Virchows in der Vossischen Zeitung im Zeitraum vom 1. Januar 1844 bis zum 31. Dezember 1865


    Feddersen, Lars Harald


    DIE DARSTELLUNG RUDOLF VIRCHOWS IN DER VOSSISCHEN ZEITUNG IM ZEITRAUM VOM 1. JANUAR 1844 BIS ZUM 31. DEZEMBER 1865 Rudolf Virchow erforschte u.a. als Pathologe, Hygieniker, Anthropologe, Ethnologe und Prähistoriker bedeutende Grundlagen der modernen Wissenschaft. Diese vielschichtigen Tätigkeitsbereiche zeichnen ihn als einen der bedeutendsten Wissenschaftler v.a. der Medizingeschichte aus. Als Politiker engagierte sich Virchow in erster Linie im sozial- und gesellschaftspolitischen Bereich. ...


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    Lisa Linawati Utomo


    Full Text Available Recent investment inflows through the capital and money market has begun to stimulate the Indonesian economy. New investment instruments are offered by the capital market for the purpose of accomodating investor's risk dan return preferences. Besides stocks and bonds as the primary securities in the capital market, the Indonesian government also issued long-term bonds as its means to obtain capital funds from investors. Derivative securities, such as options and futures, are contractual agreement between two parties to deliver and purchase some specified amount of financial assets or commodity at a specified date and specified price. Option contracts give its holder the right, not the obligation, to do something; while futures contract obligates the transacting parties to perform or fulfill the contract agreement. This paper discusses definition, terminologies related to derivative, profit profile and the use of derivative instruments in the company's hedging strategy. It is essential to note that companies may use different underlying instruments to hedge, such as commodities, gold, stock index, interest rate, and currency. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Arus investasi yang masuk melalui pasar modal dan pasar uang mulai menggairahkan kondisi ekonomi Indonesia. Instrumen-instrumen investasi baru mulai ditawarkan di pasar modal dengan tujuan mengakomodasikan tingkat pengembalian dan risiko tertentu yang dikehendaki oleh para investor. Selain saham dan obligasi sebagai instrumen utama di pasar modal, pemerintah Indonesia juga menerbitkan obligasi sebagai sarana mendapatkan dana. Sekuritas derivatif, seperti option dan futures, merupakan kontrak perjanjian antara dua pihak untuk menjual atau membeli sejumlah aktiva finansial atau komoditas pada tanggal tertentu di masa datang dengan harga yang telah disepakati saat ini. Option atau kontrak opsi memberikan hak, bukan kewajiban, bagi pemegangnya untuk melakukan sesuatu; sedangkan kontrak futures

  6. Teilchen, Felder, Quanten von der Quantenmechanik zum Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik

    CERN Document Server

    Ecker, Gerhard


    Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine Einführung in den aktuellen Stand unseres Wissens über die Struktur der Materie. Gerhard Ecker beschreibt verständlich die Entwicklung der modernen Physik vom Beginn des Quantenzeital­ters bis zum Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik, der umfassenden Theorie der fundamentalen Wechselwir­kungen des Mikrokosmos. Dabei wird der Schwerpunkt auf die wichtigsten Entdeckungen und Entwicklungen, beispielsweise der Quantenfeldtheorie, der Eichtheorien und die Zukunft der Teilchenphysik, gelegt. Besonders hebt der Autor auch das Wechselspiel zwischen Theorie und Experiment hervor, die uns helfen, die tiefsten Rätsel der Natur zu ergründen. Teilchen, Felder, Quanten ist für alle geschrieben, die Freude an der Physik haben. Es bietet Abitu­rienten und Studierenden der Physik in den ersten Semestern einen Ansporn, die Physik tiefer zu verstehen. Lehrer und andere an der Phy­sik Interessierte werden darin nützliche Einblicke in die Welt der Teilchenphysik finden. Für Studierende in ...

  7. Malignant transformation of breast fibroadenoma to malignant phyllodes tumor: long-term outcome of 36 malignant phyllodes tumors. (United States)

    Abe, Makoto; Miyata, Satoshi; Nishimura, Seiichiro; Iijima, Kotaro; Makita, Masujiro; Akiyama, Futoshi; Iwase, Takuji


    Malignant phyllodes tumor of the breast is a rare neoplasm for which clinical findings remain insufficient for determination of optimal management. We examined the clinical behavior of these lesions in an attempt to determine appropriate management. We evaluated long-term outcome and clinical characteristics of malignant phyllodes tumors arising from fibroadenomas of the breast. A total of 173 patients were given a diagnosis of phyllodes tumor and underwent surgery at the Cancer Institute Hospital in Japan between January 1980 and December 1999. Of these patients, 39 (22.5%) were given a diagnosis of malignant phyllodes tumor; in three of these cases, detailed medical records were lost. Malignant phyllodes tumors were classified into two groups based on history of malignant transformation. Of the 36 malignant cases, 11 (30.6%) were primary and were given a diagnosis of fibroadenoma, experienced recurrence during the follow-up period, and were diagnosed with malignant phyllodes tumor (cases with a history of fibroadenoma). The other group was defined as cases without history of fibroadenoma and in whom lesions initially occurred as malignant phyllodes tumors. Based on differences between the two groups, overall survival curves were plotted using the Kaplan–Meier method, and statistical comparisons were performed using the log-rank test and Peto and Peto’s test. The outcome of cases with history of fibroadenoma was significantly better than that of cases without history of fibroadenoma. Patients with malignant phyllodes tumors but without prior history of malignant transformation who exhibit rapid growth within 6 months require aggressive treatment.

  8. Imaging malignant and apparent malignant transformation of benign gynaecological disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, A.Y.; Poder, L.; Qayyum, A.; Wang, Z.J.; Yeh, B.M. [Department of Radiology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (United States); Coakley, F.V., E-mail: Fergus.Coakley@radiology.ucsf.ed [Department of Radiology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (United States)


    Common benign gynaecological diseases, such as leiomyoma, adenomyosis, endometriosis, and mature teratoma, rarely undergo malignant transformation. Benign transformations that may mimic malignancy include benign metastasizing leiomyoma, massive ovarian oedema, decidualization of endometrioma, and rupture of mature teratoma. The aim of this review is to provide a contemporary overview of imaging findings in malignant and apparent malignant transformation of benign gynaecological disease.


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    Siti Isfandari


    berisiko umumnya dimulai pada periode ini. Perhatian pada remaja merupakan salah kunci sukses  keberhasilan program kesehatan.  Strategi yang menempatkan remaja sebagai pusat akan menguntungkan  remaja dan kesehatan mereka di masa dewasa. Cukup banyak penelitian  yang memuat informasi kesehatan remaja, namun belum disusun secara sistematis. Tulisan ini bertujuan merangkum penelitian kesehatan remaja yang tersebar untuk mendapatkan gambaran lebih lengkap mengenai  kesehatan  remaja  dan  faktor  risiko  berdasarkan  bukti  dengan  fokus  utama pada hasil Riskesdas 2007 dan 2010 dilengkapi dengan hasil penelitian lain. Dilakukan analisa dan interpretasi terhadap laporan dan hasil penelitian. Diperoleh hasil 90% remaja Indonesia mempunyai kesehatan yang baik, tidak bermasalah kesehatan. Hanya 10% remaja yang memiliki masalah kesehatan fisik atau emosional. Hal yang memprihatinkan adalah tingginya prevalensi merokok, pola makan kurang serat dan kurang akttivitas fisik yang merupakan kontributor  PTM  di  masa  dewasa. Diperlukan intervensi yang berbeda bagi remaja tanpa masalah kesehatan dan dengan masalah kesehata. Intervensi berupa kegiatan promosi dan promosi lebih ditujukan pada remaja tanpa masalah kesehatan namun berperilaku berisiko. Sedangkan pelayanan kesehatan bagi remaja dengan masalah kesehatan harus mulai menyediakan pelayanan mental emosional remaja, kesehatan reproduksi dan kesehatan lalu - lintas. Porgram modifikasi perilaku pro sehat dapat ditawarkan di pusat kesehatan.Kata kunci: Indonesia, remaja, kesehatan, pelayanan, risiko

  10. KONDISI SOSIAL-MASYARAKAT PADA KARAKTERISTIK FISIK LINGKUNGAN DALAM MEMPENGARUHI RISIKO LONGSOR DI KARANGSAMBUNG-KEBUMEN (Social-Population Condition on The Physical Environment Characteristics in Influence The Risk of Landslide in Karangsambung

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    Puguh Dwi Raharjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Faktor fisik, sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan memainkan peran kunci kerentanan longsor dalam menentukan risikonya. Kecamatan Karangsambung Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan daerah dengan ragam topografi dan litologi yang memiliki intensitas tanah longsor tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan sosial-masyarakat pada setiap desa di Kecamatan Karangsambung dalam mempengaruhi risiko tanah longsor. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis mengenai faktor fisik lingkungan berupa pembuatan peta ancaman longsor. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP digunakan sebagai metode dalam pembuatan peta ancaman yang diolah dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Ancaman longsor dihubungkan dengan kondisi sosial-masyarakat dan lingkungan, sehingga terlihat peranannya dalam mengurangi risiko longsor. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa Desa Totogan, Pujotirto, Wadasmalang, Kaligending, Plumbon, Banioro dan Tlepok memiliki tingkat ancaman longsor yang tinggi. Namun kondisi sosial-masyarakat sangat baik dalam mengatasi dampak dan mitigasi bencana longsor, kecuali pada Banioro. Desa Totogan juga memiliki ancaman longsor akan tetapi kerugian lingkungan apabila terjadi longsor tidak tinggi. Kondisi sosial-masyarakat di setiap desa sangat berpengaruh terhadap risiko longsor pada Kecamatan Karangsambung yang sering terjadi longsor. ABSTRACT Physical, social, economic and environment factors play a role in susceptibility the landslides risk. Subdistricts of Karangsambung - Kebumen is a region with diverse topography and lithology which has a high-intensity landslides. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of socio-community in Karangsambung which influencing the landslides risk. In this study, we analytedevery environmental physical factors to give the landslide hazard map. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP is used as a method to processing landslides maps using Geographic Information System (GIS. The landslides hazard associated

  11. Extracellular vesicle-mediated phenotype switching in malignant and non-malignant colon cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mulvey, Hillary E.; Chang, Audrey; Adler, Jason; Del Tatto, Michael; Perez, Kimberly; Quesenberry, Peter J.; Chatterjee, Devasis


    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are secreted from many cells, carrying cargoes including proteins and nucleic acids. Research has shown that EVs play a role in a variety of biological processes including immunity, bone formation and recently they have been implicated in promotion of a metastatic phenotype. EVs were isolated from HCT116 colon cancer cells, 1459 non-malignant colon fibroblast cells, and tumor and normal colon tissue from a patient sample. Co-cultures were performed with 1459 cells and malignant vesicles, as well as HCT116 cells and non-malignant vesicles. Malignant phenotype was measured using soft agar colony formation assay. Co-cultures were also analyzed for protein levels using mass spectrometry. The importance of 14-3-3 zeta/delta in transfer of malignant phenotype was explored using siRNA. Additionally, luciferase reporter assay was used to measure the transcriptional activity of NF-κB. This study demonstrates the ability of EVs derived from malignant colon cancer cell line and malignant patient tissue to induce the malignant phenotype in non-malignant colon cells. Similarly, EVs derived from non-malignant colon cell lines and normal patient tissue reversed the malignant phenotype of HCT116 cells. Cells expressing an EV-induced malignant phenotype showed increased transcriptional activity of NF-κB which was inhibited by the NF--κB inhibitor, BAY117082. We also demonstrate that knock down of 14-3-3 zeta/delta reduced anchorage-independent growth of HCT116 cells and 1459 cells co-cultured with HCT derived EVs. Evidence of EV-mediated induction of malignant phenotype, and reversal of malignant phenotype, provides rational basis for further study of the role of EVs in tumorigenesis. Identification of 14-3-3 zeta/delta as up-regulated in malignancy suggests its potential as a putative drug target for the treatment of colorectal cancer

  12. Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen. Zum vergessenen Beitrag der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohn- und Siedlungsreform im frühen 20. Jahrhundert

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    Claudia Wucherpfennig


    Full Text Available Der Wohnungs- und Städtebau der Moderne gilt weitgehend als eine „Männerdomäne”. In ihrer Schrift Die Wohnungsfrage ist Frauensache! zeigen Ulla Terlinden und Susanna von Oertzen demgegenüber die vielfältigen und einflussreichen Beiträge der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohnungsreform des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts und zum Neuen Bauen auf.

  13. Foucault und das Recht: Besprechung von: Christian Schauer, Aufforderung zum Spiel. Foucault und das Recht, Böhlau (Weimar, Köln, Wien 2006, 383 Seiten.

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    Thomas Biebricher


    Full Text Available Der Autor rekonstruiert Foucaults Werk zwischen den Jahren 1961 und 1975 und integriert hierbei Perspektiven anderer Autoren (Derrida, Luhmann und Nietzsche, welche zu verwandten Themenkreisen arbeiten und/oder Foucaults Herangehensweise geprägt haben. Eigentliches Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Foucaults Beitrag zur Rechtsgeschichte und –soziologie zu beleuchten. Diese Thematik ist im deutschen Sprachraum bis jetzt kaum systematisch untersucht worden, und dementsprechend gebührt Schauers Studie besondere Beachtung. Der Autor betont Foucaults Ausführungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Recht und Psychiatrie. Dessen Diagnose hebt die “Kolonisierung” des Rechts durch forensisch psychiatrische Diskurse hervor, und Schauer gelingt es, die problematische Dimension dieser Tendenz mit Hinweis auf die schweizerische Rechtspraxis plausibel zu machen. Fluchtpunkt dieser Entwicklung wäre ein bis zum Extrem “vorbeugendes” Recht, das Gefahrenprävention und Risikoregulierung durch präemptive Verhaltensregulierung den Vorzug vor dem Legalitätsprinzip gewährt.


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    Lulus Susanti


    < 0.05.Keywords :knowledge, attitude, practice, chikungunya, risk factorAbstrakChikungunya adalah salah satu penyakit re-emerging disease di Indonesia. Gejala yang paling menonjol pada kasus ini adanya rasa nyeri yang hebat pada setiap persendian, terutama sendi lutut, pergelangan kaki dan tangan, serta sendi-sendi tulang punggung sehingga sendi susah untuk digerakkan. Penyakit ini diakibatkan oleh virus dari kelompok virus Chikungunya (CHIKV. Di Jawa Tengah terjadi peningkatan kasus Chikungunya, mulai tahun 2005 berjumlah 46 orang kemudian meningkat pada tahun 2006 menjadi 86 orang dan 2007 mencapai 2.801 kasus. Persebaran kasus mencapai beberapa kabupaten di Jawa Tengah termasuk Kabupaten Boyolali, yang memberikan kontribusi dalam jumlah penderita Chikungunya yang cukup besar 5. Pada tahun 2007dan 2008 jumlah kasus Chikungunya di Kabupaten Boyolali mencapai 634 dan 517 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik masyarakat, kondisi sosial ekonomi, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat, data entomologi dan lingkungan sebagai faktor risiko terhadap kasus Chikungunya, di Boyolali. Penelitian ini merupakan studi epidemiologi analitik dengan rancangan case control study. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan Chikungunya terjadi paling banyak pada kisaran umur 20 – 45 dan 46 – 64 tahun, masing-masing sebanyak 51 (39,23% dan 50 kasus (38,46%, dengan jenis kelamin perempuan 80 kasus (61,54%. Sedangkan pendidikan kasus Chikungunya tertinggi adalah tidak tamat SD sebesar 34 kasus (26,15% dan pekerjaan berupa petani sebanyak 41 kasus (31,54%. Dari karakteristik responden ini hanya jenis kelamin yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kasus dengan nilai P< 0,05. Sedangan pengetahuan dan perilaku masyarakat tentang pencegahan penyakit Chikungunya tidak berhubungan dengan kasus dengan nilai P>0,05.Keberadaan pakaian tergantung tidak berhubungan dengan kasus Chikungunya, sedangkan keberadaan jentik nyamuk di TPA berhubungan dengan kasus

  15. Second malignancy in relation to treatment modality of primary malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Harpreet; Kaur, Parveen; Vashistha, Rajesh; Singh, Jaskaran; Passi, Kamlesh; Jain, Satish


    Second malignant tumors among long-term survivors are a sensitive indicator of successful oncologic treatment, particularly in this area of multimodal therapy. 11 patients of abdominopelvic primary malignancy were detected to have a second malignancy of different pathology, and at a different site. These patients were assessed regarding treatment modality of initial cancer and time gap between the first and second malignancy. Lack of proper cancer registries, illiteracy, and lack of resources lead to poor patient follow-up; therefore population based studies is not possible


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    Vesna Šendula Jengić


    Full Text Available In der Arbeit wird über die Phänomene der Aggressivität und Gewalt bei Menschen diskutiert, wobei man besonderen Wert auf die Personen mit seelischen Störungen legt. Krisenzustände und Gewaltverhalten gibt es nicht nur in der Psychiatrie. Es kann immer zu einem solchem Zustand und Verhalten kommen und jeder kann unter bestimmten Umständen sowohl Opfer als auch Täter sein. Multikausalität und Komplexität sowie auch individuelle Umstände und situationsbezogene Faktoren, welche zum Gewaltverhalten führen können, haben nur geringen Prognosekraft. Statistische Indikatoren andererseits können falsch positive und falsch negative Ergebnisse verbergen, wobei ein Fehler in der Einschätzung das Risiko zum Erscheinen eines Verhaltens drastisch erhöhen oder zum unrechtfertigten Entziehung der Freiheit führen kann. Zwangsmaβnahmen in der Psychiatrie sind nur ausnahmsweise anzuwenden, und zwar, wenn ein gefährliches Verhalten direkt das Leben und die Gesundheit einer Person oder einer Umgebung gefährdet. Darüber hinaus ist die Dauer von Zwangsmaβnahmen auch beschränkt. Die Gesetzesregulative, insbesondere das Gesetz über den Schutz von Personen mit seelischen Störungen (Amtsblatt der Republik Kroatien Nr. 76/2014 und die Ordnung über die Arten und die Weise der Anwendung von Zwangsmaβnahmen gegenüber den Personen mit schwierigen seelischen Störungen (Amtsblatt der Republik Kroatien Nr. 16/2015, dient als zusätzlicher Schutz der Rechte dieser Patientengruppe und schreibt die Arten und die Weise der Anwendung von Zwangsmaβnahmen sowie auch die Vorgehensweise. Zusätzliche Richtlinien und Vorgehensstrategien wurden auch von den Gesellschaften für Psychiatrie gegeben. In der Arbeit wird betont, dass bessere Bedingungen, Infrastruktur und Arbeitskräfte sowie auch ständige Entwicklung und Bewertung der Arbeitsqualität in der Psychiatrie erforderlich sind. Abschlieβend werden Standards und ethische Fragen in Betracht gezogen, wie

  17. Malignant mesothelioma


    Parker Robert J; Moore Alastair J; Wiggins John


    Abstract Malignant mesothelioma is a fatal asbestos-associated malignancy originating from the lining cells (mesothelium) of the pleural and peritoneal cavities, as well as the pericardium and the tunica vaginalis. The exact prevalence is unknown but it is estimated that mesotheliomas represent less than 1% of all cancers. Its incidence is increasing, with an expected peak in the next 10–20 years. Pleural malignant mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma. Typical presenting featu...

  18. Feinkartierung von Loss of Heterozygosity-Intervallen auf Chromosom 11p und Untersuchungen zum Expressions- und Methylierungsstatus von FANCF beim Ovarialkarzinom


    Schulze, Kathrin


    Um Tumorsuppressorgene beim Ovarialkarzinom zu identifizieren wurde eine Kartierung von LOH-Intervallen der Region 11p15.5 - 11p11.2 mittels 11 Mikrosatellitenmarkern an 47 Ovarialtumorproben vorgenommen. Im Bereich des ST5- und AFM255/KAI1-Locus konnten potentielle Intervalle abgegrenzt werden. Das Fanconi Anämie Gen FANCF wurde für Untersuchungen zum Expressions- und Methylierungsstatus ausgewählt, da dessen Abschaltung mit einem besseren Ansprechen auf Cisplatin bei Ovarialkarzinompatienti...

  19. Malignant eccrine paramar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Ahwal, Mahmoud S.; Zimmo, Sameer K; Sawan, Ali S.


    Benign eccrine poroma arises from the intraepidermal portion of the eccrine gland duct. Malignant transformation is rare and should be suspected when these lesions present with pain, bleeding or itching. We report a 44-year-old male patient who presented primarily with a lesion diagnostic of benign eccrine poroma of the right foot sole with no clear evidence of malignancy, which was incompletely excised, followed 5 months later by local recurrence, ulceration, occasional bleeding and right inguinal lymphadenopathy. Incomplete excision of the primary tumor as well as excision of a skin lesion on the right knee joint revealed malignant eccrine poroma with aggressive histology, lymphovascular and perineural invasion. Investigations revealed no evidence of distant metastasis. This tumor might be malignant at the first presentation, which was not confirmed histopathologically considering the short duration of only 5 months for malignant transformation. The patient received 3 cycles of Docetaxel Taxotere, Cisplatin combination chemotherapy with partial response. The management of metastatic malignant eccrine poroma is difficult. It has proven resistant to many chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy. (author)

  20. Analisis Komparasi Pembentukan Gap Sensitivitas Sebagai Instrumen Manajemen Risiko (Studi Pada Bank Umum Konvensional Dan Bank Umum Syari`ah

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    Alin Akmalia


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan studi komparatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi gap yang terbentuk pada Bank Umum Konvensional dan Bank Umum Syari`ah serta membadingkan dampaknya terhadap perubahan suku bunga sehingga dapat ditentukan gap terbaik. Posisi gap terbentuk oleh struktur gap dengan metode gap sensitivitas, Analisis korelasi dan volatilitas digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana variabel-variabel suku bunga mempengaruhi suku bunga benchmark (SBI dan SWBI serta Uji F statistik untuk menguji hipotesis. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan Bank Umum Konvensional dan Bank Umum Syariah tahun 2004-2008 serta suku bunga domestic periode Januari 2004-Desember 2008. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa Gap terbaik pada BUK terbentuk oleh Bank Mayapada, untuk BUS pada Bank Syari`ah Mandiri, sementara secara keseluruhan pembentukan gap terbaik adalah Bank Syari`ah Mandiri. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa bank syariah memiliki pembentukan posisi gap yang lebih baik dari pada bank konvensional selama periode 2004-2008.JEL Classification : E5, G21Kata Kunci : Manajemen Risiko, Gap Sensitivitas

  1. Die ILO-Standards zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmerrechten : ein Begründungsversuch mit Hilfe der kantischen Position von Norman E. Bowie


    Bäumlisberger, Damian; Brink, Alexander


    "Der Beitrag ergründet die normativen Grundlagen der Standards zum Schutz der Arbeitnehmerrechte der International Labour Organization. Auf Basis der kantischen Position des US-amerikanischen Wirtschaftsethikers Norman E. Bowie zeigen die Autoren, dass sich Bowies Theorieansatz grundsätzlich dazu eignet, die vier Kernbereiche der ILO-Aktivitäten ethisch zu fundieren. Jedoch stößt Bowies Position bei der Begründung der ILO-Standards auch auf Grenzen, die nur teilweise mittels zusätzlicher, mit...

  2. Primary malignant melanoma

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    A. Ferhat Mısır


    Full Text Available Malignant melanomas (MM of the oral cavity are extremely rare, accounting for 0.2% to 8.0% of all malignant melanomas. Malignant melanomas is more frequently seen at the level of the hard palate and gingiva. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for reducing morbidity. Malignant melanoma cells stain positively with antibodies to human melanoma black 45, S-100 protein, and vimentin; therefore, immunohistochemistry can play an important role in evaluating the depth of invasion and the location of metastases. A 76-year-old man developed an oral malignant melanoma, which was originally diagnosed as a bluish reactive denture hyperplasia caused by an ill-fitting lower denture. The tumor was removed surgically, and histopathological examination revealed a nodular-type MM. There was no evidence of recurrence over a 4-year follow-up period.

  3. From traditional locomotive engineers to automated train control; Vom triebfahrzeugfuehrergefuehrten Zug zum Fahrautomaten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hohnecker, E. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Inst. fuer Strassenbau und Eisenbahnwesen


    Profitability and capacity in public guided transport must be increased. One option is automatic, driverless train control. There are many questions surrounding the legal, technical and operational aspects of automated control which need to be answered. These intrinsic aspects of the system will be presented and discussed. The various options leading to automatic train control as well as the necessary technical measures will also be presented. (orig.) [German] Die Wirtschaftlichkeit und die Leistungsfaehigkeit im oeffentlichen spurgefuehrten Verkehr muessen erhoeht werden. Als Loesung bietet sich zukuenftig auch der automatische und fahrerlose Betrieb an. Das Fahren ohne Triebfahrzeugfuehrer wirft jedoch eine Vielzahl von Fragestellungen auf, die sowohl in juristischer, technischer und betrieblicher Hinsicht beantwortet werden muessen. Diese systemimmanenten Aspekte werden dargestellt und diskutiert. Anschliessend werden die Moeglichkeiten auf dem Weg zum Fahrautomaten aufgezeigt und die technischen Massnahmen zur Umsetzung des automatischen Fahrens erlaeutert. (orig.)

  4. Angka Kematian dan Faktor Risiko Stroke Sebagai Penyebab Dasar Kematian di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Laurentia Konadi


    Full Text Available Abstract Mortality data are one of important indicators for the publich health The aim of this study is to know about the death rate, characteristics and risk factors of stroke as underlying cause of death in Padang Pariaman district. The mortality data in 2010 was analyzed using SPSS 16. The results showed that the entire death data was amount of 2642 and crude death rate was 6.71. Proportion of stroke in the district was 19.3% and stroke mortality rate was 1.29 per 1000 population in the year 2010, The risk factors of stroke as underlying cause of death after adjusted with education, employment and place of death were age and gender. The age of 40 – 64 years had the risk with OR of 6.45 (95% CI 2.77 – 14.28, p < 0.0001 and age of > 65 years had the risk of 10.29 (95% CI 4.47 – 23.69, p < 0.0001 compared to 20 – 39 year old. Women had greater risk than that of men with OR of 1.43 (95% CI 1.16 – 1.76, p < 0.001. The mortality rate of stroke as an underlying cause of death is high, so it is necessary to prevent the disease by appropriate intervention program. Keywords: age, cause of death, , gender, stroke,AbstrakData kematian merupakan salah satu indikator kesehatan masyarakat yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka kematian, karakteristik dan faktor risiko dari stroke sebagai penyebab dasar kematian di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Karakteristik meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, tempat meninggal, pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Dilakukan analisis data kematian 2010 menggunakan SPSS 16,0. Jumlah seluruh data kematian selama satu tahun adalah 2642, diperoleh angka kematian kasar sebesar 6,71. Proporsi kematian akibat stroke sebesar 19,3% dan angka kematian stroke didapat sebesar 1,29 per 1000 penduduk per tahun 2010. Faktor risiko sebagai penyebab dasar kematian stroke setelah disesuaikan dengan pendidikan, pekerjaan dan tempat meninggal adalah umur dan jenis kelamin. Umur 40 – 64 tahun berisiko OR 6,45 (95% CI 2,77 – 14

  5. Actual approaches in diagnosis and therapy of malignant lymphoma; Staging und Therapiekontrolle bei Lymphomen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moog, F. [LMU, Muenchen (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Roemer, W. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    Actual molecular strategies in therapy of lymphoma attempt to utilize the immune system to target and eliminate residual lymphoma cells after first line therapy. Therefore lymphoma-specific vaccines are used. Therapy was already successful in vitro, in vivo studies are planned for the near future. In the past two decades, prognosis of lymphoma patients has improved due to advances in staging as well as in therapy control. The introduction of duplex sonography allows the decision on dignity of suspicious lymph nodes not only by size criteria but also by different perfusion pattern. Similar advances have been made in cross sectional imaging like computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The development of lymph node specific contrast agents present new tools for further investigation. In nuclear medicine, functional imaging using positron-emission tomography presents new perspectives especially in diagnosis and treatment control of malignant lymphoma. The visualization of the glucose metabolism using the radiolabeled glucose analogue fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) allows the detection of involved lymph nodes independent of arbitrary criteria such as lesion diameter. First studies on the use of FDG-PET in staging and restaging of lymphoma patients show promising results. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das 2. Muenchner Nuklearmedizin-Symposium hatte unter anderem das Staging und die Therapiekontrolle bei malignen Lymphomen zum Thema. Neben molekular- und zellbiologischen Ansaetzen zur Lymphomvakzinierung wurde der aktuelle Stand der Moeglichkeiten beim Staging und der Therapiekontrolle aus der Sicht des Radiologen und des Nuklearmediziners vorgetragen. Moderne molekularbiologische Strategien basieren auf einer Modifikation der Immunantwort mit dem Ziel, minimale Tumorreste nach einer konventionellen Therapie zu eleminieren. Dabei kommt in erster Linie das Prinzip der `Tumorimpfung` zum Einsatz. Tumorzellen werden spezifisch ueber einen virusassoziierten Gentransfer oder einen

  6. Pembuatan Perangkat Audit Berbasis Risiko Berdasarkan COBIT 5 dan Service Desk Standard pada Service Desk

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    Sarah Putri Ramadhani


    Full Text Available SubDirektorat Layanan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi pada Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (DPTSI sebagai penyedia layanan TI di lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS tidak sedikit mengalami gangguan atau insiden yang mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Oleh karena itu terdapat unit service desk yang bertugas menangani berbagai macam keluhan insiden dan memenuhi permintaan layanan TI. Namun DPTSI belum pernah mengadakan pengendalian internal terhadap prosesnya. Untuk memastikan pengelolaan telah diterapkan dalam kontrolnya maka perlu sebuah metode yaitu audit internal. Salah satu hal yang perlu disiapkan dalam melaksanakan audit adalah perangkat audit karena menyediakan serangkaian instruksi dari proses yang harus dilakukan service desk sehingga membantu seorang auditor dalam menjalankan audit sesuai dengan tujuan dan memastikan seluruh proses telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat audit pada service desk DPTSI yang dibuat berdasarkan control objective pada Service Desk Standard yang dipetakan dengan proses pada best practice COBIT 5 domain DSS02. Ruang lingkup perangkat audit juga ditetapkan melalui control objective yang dipetakan dengan risiko TI pada service desk yang dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan best practice COBIT 5 for Risk APO12 Manage Risk. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah dokumen perangkat audit beserta panduan penggunaannya, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu DPTSI untuk melakukan audit pada service desk..

  7. [Dennis Hormuth. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tres : Studien zum mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1721)] / Anti Selart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selart, Anti, 1973-


    Arvustus: Hormuth, Dennis. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tres : Studien zum mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1721) (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 79). Franz Steiner verlag. Stuttgart 2012

  8. Aquatic ecotoxicology: properties of compounds and ecological risk; Aquatische Oekotoxikologie: Stoffeigenschaften und oekologisches Risiko

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klein, W. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Schmallenberg (Germany)


    In spite of considerable advances in research ecotoxicology and ecotoxicology for testing purposes, fundamental problems exist owing to the immense range of concepts, prerequisites and goals. Alleged weaknesses of ecotoxicology in terms of knowledge acquisition so far have had their cause not only in its pragmatic empirism but also in inadequate methodics and, especially, inconsistent or diversified target orientation. The methodics currently available provide tools permitting to a very large extent to fulfill requirements with the necessary precision and acuity. But practical execution has to heed the magnitude of effort that society is prepared to make for the benefit of the environment. Here, setting the appropriate priorities is the second major challenge to the objectivity of experts, following the assessment of risk versus benefit. (orig.) [German] Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in der wissenschaftlichen und Pruefoekotoxikologie bestehen aufgrund der Vielfalt der Konzeptionen, Anforderungen und Zielvorgaben grundsaetzliche Probleme. Bisherige behauptete Schwaechen der Oekotoxikologie im Hinblick auf Erkenntnisfortschritt sind nicht nur durch pragmatische Empirie begruendet, sondern auch in ungenuegender Methodik und insbesondere inkonsistenter bzw. vielfaeltiger Zielorientierung. Mit der derzeit verfuegbaren Methodik koennen Anforderungen mit der jeweils notwendigen Praezision und Aussageschaerfe weitestgehend bearbeitet werden. Die praktische Bearbeitung hat sich jedoch danach zu richten, welchen Aufwand die Gesellschaft bereit ist fuer die Gesundheit der Umwelt zu tragen, wobei die richtige Prioritaetensetzung nach den Kriterien Risiko-Nutzen-Aufwand die wohl groesste Herausforderung an Expertenobjektivitaet darstellt. (orig.)

  9. Malignant disease and dentistry. (United States)

    Walton, Graham; Seymour, Robin A


    Reports of an ageing population, increasing incidence of malignancy and improved treatments mean that dentists may have an increasing number of patients with, or who have recovered from, a malignancy. Dental professionals are expected to have an understanding of this important disease group so that appropriate dental care can be provided safely. In this first of three articles, we shall describe the important epidemiological and clinical features of the commonest malignancies in the United Kingdom. Dentists should understand the clinical implications of a patient with, or recovering from, a malignancy. This article gives a summary of the relevant features of the commonest malignancies.

  10. Akupunktur bei Sterilität und zum Schwangerschaftserhalt: Eine Übersicht mit Forschungsidee

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    Ots T


    Full Text Available Die Unterstützung der weiblichen Fertilität und der Schwangerschaft mittels Akupunktur hat während der vergangenen Dekade viele Anhänger gefunden. Dieser Artikel gibt eine Übersicht über die hierzu veröffentlichten wichtigsten Studien. Die Wirkung der Akupunktur wird als effektiv und effizient beschrieben. In einem zweiten Ansatz stellt der Autor eine vereinfachte Form der Akupunktur auf dem Boden der Segment-Anatomie vor. Dieser kuti-viszeralen, segmentalen Reizung der gynäkologischen Organe könnte innerhalb der gynäkologischen Praxis große Bedeutung zukommen, da sie leicht erlernbar (innerhalb eines Tages und einfach durchführbar ist. Die Zielvorstellung ist ein integratives Vorgehen in der Hand der Gynäkologen. Vorbereitend hierzu ist eine multizentrische randomisierte kontrollierte Studie notwendig, die diese beiden Ansätze innerhalb der Akupunktur als Komplement zum gynäkologischen Prozedere der IVF untersucht.

  11. Interventional bronchoscopy in malignant central airway obstruction by extra-pulmonary malignancy. (United States)

    Shin, Beomsu; Chang, Boksoon; Kim, Hojoong; Jeong, Byeong-Ho


    Interventional bronchoscopy is considered an effective treatment option for malignant central airway obstruction (MCAO). However, there are few reports of interventional bronchoscopy in patients with MCAOs due to extra-pulmonary malignancy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate treatment outcomes and prognostic factors for bronchoscopic intervention in patients with MCAO due to extra-pulmonary malignancy. We retrospectively analyzed consecutive 98 patients with MCAO due to extra-pulmonary malignancy who underwent interventional bronchoscopy between 2004 and 2014 at Samsung Medical Center (Seoul, Korea). The most common primary site of malignancy was esophageal cancer (37.9%), followed by thyroid cancer (16.3%) and head & neck cancer (10.2%). Bronchoscopic interventions were usually performed using a combination of mechanical debulking (84.7%), stent insertion (70.4%), and laser cauterization (37.8%). Of 98 patients, 76 (77.6%) patients had MCAO due to progression of malignancy, and 42 (42.9%) patients had exhausted all other anti-cancer treatment at the time of bronchoscopic intervention. Technical success was achieved in 89.9% of patients, and acute complications and procedure-related deaths occurred in 20.4% and 3.1% of patients, respectively. Reduced survival was associated with MCAO due to cancer other than thyroid cancer or lymphoma, mixed lesions, and not receiving adjuvant treatment after bronchoscopic intervention. Bronchoscopic intervention could be a safe and effective procedure for MCAO due to end-stage extra-pulmonary malignancies. In addition, we identified possible prognostic factors for poor survival after intervention, which could guide clinicians select candidates that will benefit from bronchoscopic intervention.

  12. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidants status in human malignant and non-malignant thyroid tumours. (United States)

    Stanley, J A; Neelamohan, R; Suthagar, E; Vengatesh, G; Jayakumar, J; Chandrasekaran, M; Banu, S K; Aruldhas, M M


    Thyroid epithelial cells produce moderate amounts of reactive oxygen species that are physiologically required for thyroid hormone synthesis. Nevertheless, when they are produced in excessive amounts, they may become toxic. The present study is aimed to compare the lipid peroxidation (LPO), antioxidant enzymes - superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and non-protein thiols (reduced glutathione (GSH)) in human thyroid tissues with malignant and non-malignant disorders. The study used human thyroid tissues and blood samples from 157 women (147 diseased and 10 normal). Thyroid hormones, oxidative stress markers and antioxidants were estimated by standard methods. LPO significantly increased in most of the papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC: 82.9%) and follicular thyroid adenoma (FTA: 72.9%) tissues, whilst in a majority of nodular goitre (69.2%) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT: 73.7%) thyroid tissues, it remained unaltered. GSH increased in PTC (55.3%), remained unaltered in FTA (97.3%) and all other goiter samples studied. SOD increased in PTC (51.1%) and all other malignant thyroid tissues studied. CAT remained unaltered in PTC (95.7%), FTA (97.3%) and all other non-malignant samples (HT, MNG, TMNG) studied. GPx increased in PTC (63.8%), all other malignant thyroid tissues and remained unaltered in many of the FTA (91.9%) tissues and all other non-malignant samples (HT, MNG, TMNG) studied. In the case of non-malignant thyroid tumours, the oxidant-antioxidant balance was undisturbed, whilst in malignant tumours the balance was altered, and the change in r value observed in the LPO and SOD pairs between normal and PTC tissues and also in many pairs with multi-nodular goitre (MNG)/toxic MNG tissues may be used as a marker to differentiate/detect different malignant/non-malignant thyroid tumours. © The Author(s) 2015.


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    Semuel Sandy


    Full Text Available AbstrakInfeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di daerah pedesaan. Parasit cacing yang paling banyak menginfeksi adalah Ascaris lumbricoides, Cacing tambang (hookworm dan Trichuris trichiura. Penyakit ini umumnya terkait dengan faktor sosial-ekonomi, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah pada siswa sekolah dasar (SD di Distrik Arso Kabupaten Keerom dan mengetahui hubungan infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah terhadap status gizi, status anemia, sosial ekonomi orang tua murid, sanitasi lingkungan dan higiene perorangan. Penelitian menggunakan metode potong lintang (cross sectional dengan melakukan pengukuran antropometri tinggi badan, berat badan, pengukuran kadar Hb untuk melihat status anemia pada 224 murid SD di Distrik Arso Kabupaten Keerom. Pengumpulan data sosial-ekonomi, sanitasi, higiene perorangan mengunakan kuesioner. Pemeriksaan infeksi kecacingan menggunakan metode Kato-Katz dan pengukuran variable intensitas infeksi berdasarkan metode WHO. Analisis statistik bivariat dan multivariat digunakan untuk melihat variabel faktor risiko yang berperan dalam penularan infeksi kecacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan infeksi kecacingan pada anak sekolah dasar didapatkan sebesar 29,9% dari 224 murid SD. Jumlah murid sekolah dasar yang terinfeksi ascariasis 23,2%, terinfeksi cacing tambang 7,6% dan terinfeksi trikhuriasis 4,9%. Sedangkan murid SD yang mengalami anemia 12,5% dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT kurang 79,5%. Hasil analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik diperoleh variabel faktor risiko yang berkaitan dengan infeksi kecacingan STH yaitu: kebiasaan mencuci tangan sebelum makan dengan air dan sabun (OR = 0,33; 95% CI 0, 14-0, 78 dan nilai p = 0,012. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian infeksi kecacingan yang

  14. „… höher als die Liebe zur Wissenschaft steht die Treue zum eigenen Vaterland …“: Hallenser Romanisten im Ersten Weltkrieg

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    Annette Schiller


    Full Text Available Die 1914 verbreitete Kriegsbegeisterung nahm auch die Romanisten nicht aus. Briefe und Tagebuchnotizen aus der Zeit zeigen, wie Lehrende und Studenten unseres Faches, deren gemeinsamer Bezug die Zugehörigkeit zum Romanischen Seminar Halle war, vom „Großen Krieg“ betroffen waren und führen uns die Situation und Geisteshaltung der Professoren und Studenten und die Rückwirkungen des Krieges auf das Fach vor Augen.

  15. Malignant mesothelioma

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    Suzanne Alkul


    Full Text Available Seventy percent of patients with malignant mesothelioma have had exposure to asbestos fibers. Other patients without this exposure have had chronic pleural inflammation or received radiation to the thorax. Occasionally patients present with no obvious exposure history relevant to the development of malignant mesothelioma. This diagnosis needs to be in the differential diagnosis of all patients with unexplained pleural disease.

  16. Malignant bone tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zedgenidze, G.A.; Kishkovskij, A.N.; Elashov, Yu.G.


    Clinicoroentgenologic semiotics of malignant bone tumors as well as metastatic bone tumors are presented. Diagnosis of malignant and metastatic bone tumors should be always complex, representing a result of cooperation of a physician, roentgenologist, pathoanatomist

  17. Whole-body irradiation in case of malignant lymphomas of low malignancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labedzki, L; Schmidt, R E; Hartlapp, J H; Illiger, H J; Frommhold, H; Boldt, I


    27 consecutive patients with malignant lymphomas were submittet to whole-body irradiations with doses of 0.5 to 3 Gy. Among these patients ten had been treated before. There were two complete and 16 partial remissions. The condition of five patients could not be considerably improved. Four patients showed a tumor progression during the time of bone marrow depression. The remission period was 11.5 (3 to 22 +) months. The hematologic side effects were considerable; in ten cases, the whole-body irradiation could not be continued because of a thrombocytopenia or an aplastic syndrome. A remarkable fact was the appearance of symptoms similar to that of lupus erythematodes in two patients. An inefficacy of whole-body irradiation did not exclude a response to subsequent chemotherapy. Our own experiences allow to make the following conclusion: in most of all patients with malignant lymphomas of low malignancy a measurable tumor reduction is achieved by whole-body irradiation. Because of the hematologic side effects a whole-body irradiation should be applied only in cases of malignant lymphomas of low malignancy the slow growth of which is proved by observation and which have not been treated before. The thrombocyte numbers should be above 100 000/ before therapy. Otherwise, the whole-body irradiation has to be stopped before the intended effective dose is reached because of an inevitably developing thrombocytopenia. A whole-body irradiation in case of a malignant lymphoma of low grade malignancy necessitates strict follow-up examinations conducted at regular intervals for a period of at least six weeks after the irradiation. The whole-body irradiation should never be applied as ultima ratio.

  18. Discussion of the applicability of overdammed fixed-bed reactors in nitrification processes; Beitrag zum Einsatz von ueberstauten Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guenter, H.O.


    The investigation aimed at developing a dimensioning method for overdammed fixed bed nitrification reactors with plug flow which takes account of the reactor height. Further, information was to be obtained for assessing sudden loads and for comparing energy consumption with the data of conventional activated sludge plants. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, fuer ueberstaute, pfropfendurchstroemte Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation einen Bemessungsansatz aufzustellen, welcher den Einfluss der Reaktorhoehe mit beruecksichtigt. Ferner sollten Erkenntnisse zur Beurteilung von Stossbelastungen sowie zum Energiebedarf im Vergleich zu herkoemmlichen Belebungsanlagen gewonnen werden. (orig./SR)

  19. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (United States)

    ... such as neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Much of this research focuses on finding ways to prevent and treat the disorder. Show More Show Less Search Disorders SEARCH SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is ...

  20. Faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak umur 6-36 bulan di Wilayah Pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Wahdah


    incidence of stunting were exclusivebreastfeeding, number of household members, maternal height, income, and father’s height.KEYWORDS: exclusive breastfeeding, height of father, height of mother, income, stuntingABSTRAKLatar belakang: Stunting pada anak balita merupakan indikator status gizi yang dapat memberikan gambaran gangguan keadaan sosial ekonomi secara keseluruhan di masa lampau. Stunting yang terjadi pada masa anak merupakan faktor risiko meningkatnya angka kematian, kemampuan kognitif dan perkembangan motorik yang rendah, dan fungsi tubuh yang tidak seimbang. Kejadian stunting berhubungan dengan berbagai macam faktor antara lain lingkungan keluarga (pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, pola asuh, pola makan dan jumlah anggota rumah tangga, faktor gizi (ASI eksklusif danlama pemberian ASI, faktor genetik, penyakit infeksi, dan kejadian BBLR. Menurut hasil riset kesehatan dasar, prevalensi anak balita yang menderita stunting di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 masih tinggi sebesar 35,6%, dan 39,7% di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada anak umur 6-36 bulan di pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasinya adalah seluruh balita yang ada di wilayah pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan untuk mengetahui variabel paling determinan terhadap stunting dilakukan analisis regresi logistik.Hasil: Kejadian stunting berhubungan signifi kan dengan pekerjaan ibu, tinggi badan ayah, tinggi badan ibu, pendapatan, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, pola asuh, dan pemberian ASI eksklusif (p<0,05. Kejadian stunting tidak berhubungan dengan, pekerjaan ayah, pola makan, lama pemberian ASI, penyakit infeksi, dan pendidikan ibu (p>0,05.Kesimpulan: Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian

  1. Management of malignant pleural effusions.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Uzbeck, Mateen H


    Malignant pleural effusions are a common clinical problem in patients with primary thoracic malignancy and metastatic malignancy to the thorax. Symptoms can be debilitating and can impair tolerance of anticancer therapy. This article presents a comprehensive review of pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical approaches to the management of malignant pleural effusion, and a novel algorithm for management based on patients\\' performance status.

  2. Von der Pionierarbeit zum Nachschlagewerk From Pioneering Work to Reference Work

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    Sylvia Mieszkowski


    Full Text Available 1995 erschien der von Hadumod Bußmann und Renate Hof herausgegebene Sammelband Genus. Zur Geschlechterdifferenz in den Kulturwissenschaften. Zum 10jährigen Jubiläum haben sich die beiden Herausgeberinnen noch einmal mit dem Kröner Verlag zusammengetan, haben teils dieselben, teils neue Autorinnen um sich geschart und Genus einen neuen Auftritt verschafft. Der aktuelle Untertitel benennt die Erweiterung, die statt einer bloßen Aktualisierung des ersten Bandes vorgenommen wurde: Geschlechterforschung/Gender Studies in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ein Handbuch.The collected volume Genus. On Gender Difference in Cultural Studies (Genus. Zur Geschlechterdifferenz in den Kulturwissenschaften, edited by Hadumod Bußmann and Renate Hof, was published in 1995. In honor of ten years of publication both editors came together with the publishing house Kröner Verlag once again, bringing with them some of the same as well as some new authors, in order to provide Genus a renewed appearance on the academic stage. Instead of merely revising the original volume, the editors planned its expansion. The subtitle points to the result: Gender Studies in Culture and Social Studies. A Handbook (Geschlechterforschung/Gender Studies in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ein Handbuch.

  3. Status seminar on BMBF-funded research projects in ecotoxicology. Proceedings; Statusseminar zum Foerderschwerpunkt `Oekotoxikologie` des BMBF. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirchner, M. [ed.; Bauer, H. [ed.


    Research projects in the field of ecotoxicology are presented, with particular regard to aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology. The report covers pollutant effects on plancton and fish and pollutant monitoring in streams. The effects, distribution and mobility of PAH, PCB and other pollutants in soils and pollutant concentrations in microorganisms are gone into. (SR) [Deutsch] Vorgestellt werden die Forschungsvorhaben zum Thema Oekotoxikologie. Schwerpunkte hierbei sind die aquatische Oekotoxokologie und die terrestrische Oekotoxikologie. Berichtet wird ueber die Wirkung von Fremdstoffen auf Plankton und Fischen, sowie die Bewertung der Belastung von Fliessgewaessern.Ausserdem wird die Wirkung, Verteilung und die Mobilitaet von PAK, PCB und anderen Schadstoffen in Boeden dargestellt, sowie die Belastung von Mikroorganismen mit Schadstoffen. (SR)

  4. Kombinasi Calcitriol dan Ethynil Ethyl Estradiol Meningkatkan Ekskresi Kalsium Urin dan Risiko Urolitiasis pada Tikus Ovariektomi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hartiningsih Hartiningsih


    dan risiko urolitiasis tikus ovariektomi. Sebanyak 25 tikus Wistar betina umur delapan minggu, dibagi menjadi lima kelompok (kontrol normal NK, kontrol ovariektomi OVK, ovariektomi + calcitriol OVD, ovariektomi + ethynil ethyl estradiol OVE, dan ovariektomi + kombinasi calcitriol dan ethynil ethyl estradiol OVDE. Tujuh minggu pascaovariektomi, setiap tikus dimasukan kandang metabolik individu untuk studi keseimbangan Ca. Pada hari ke-4 sampai 7 studi keseimbangan Ca, setiap hari sisa pakan, urin, dan feses dikumpulkan untuk analisis Ca. Pada hari ke-8 studi keseimbangan Ca, tikus dieutanasi, ginjal kiri diambil untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi calcitriol dan ethynil ethyl estradiol pada tikus OVDE menyebabkan konsumsi Ca dan absorpsi Ca intestinal nyata lebih tinggi, dan ekskresi Ca dalam urin cenderung lebih tinggi meskipun tidak berbeda nyata dibanding tikus OVK. Ekskresi Ca dalam urin tikus OVK lebih tinggi dibanding tikus NK. Gambaran histopatologi ginjal OVK terlihat tidak berbeda dengan tikus NK. Histopatologi ginjal OVDE terlihat endapan protein dalam ruang kapsuler kapsula Bowman’s dan tubulus proksimalis, tubulus proksimalis atropi, dan nekrosis. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi calcitriol dengan ethynil ethyl estradiol pada tikus ovariektomi meningkatkan ekskresi Ca urin dan meningkatkan risiko urolitiasis.


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    Meiry Nasution


    Full Text Available Period prevalence of infant pneumonia in Indonesia is 18.5 per mile. The high mortality rate due to pneumonia of 62 percent was found in 10 countries and 5 countries was located in Asia. Zinc is one of micronutrients which is reported to prevent pneumonia as   an acute phase response to infection and help to boost the body immune response. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of zinc intake as risk factor of severe pneumonia in children. A case control study was conducted among children aged 12–59  months in 2 hospitals and 6 health centres, Yogyakarta city. Thirty four children were categorized as having severe pneumonia (cases and 102 children were categorized as having pneumonia (control.  All sample’s mothers completed a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire during March-April 2014. Data analysis was performed  using Mantel-Haenszel test and conditional logistic regression, α = 0,05. Results of the study showed that there were 41.2 percent cases and 56.9 percent control were exclusively breast-fed. The  proportion of cases who had inadequate zink intake was higher than control group. There was no difference between inadequate zinc intake and the severe pneumonia (OR 1,08 and  95% CI 0,5-2,3. There was a statistically significant correlation between low-zinc intake and severe pneumonia if second  disease exist (OR 3,8  and 95% CI 1,4 -10,8. As an conclusion, Inadequate zinc intake affected severe pneumonia when the secondary diseases exist in children with pneumonia.   ABSTRAK   Period prevalence pneumonia balita di Indonesia adalah 18,5 per mil. Angka kematian yang tinggi akibat pneumonia sebesar 62 persen terdapat di 10 negara dan 5 negara di antaranya merupakan negara di Asia. Defisiensi seng menyebabkan penurunan kekebalan sel sehingga meningkatkan kerentanan terhadap penyakit pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis asupan seng yang kurang sebagai faktor risiko keparahan pneumonia pada anak


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    Sofia Sofia


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kegiatan penambangan emas skala kecil dengan teknik amalgamasi dapat memberikan peluang introduksi merkuri (Hg ke lingkungan dan manusia. Penelitian kontaminasi Hg pada air minum, ikan, rambut kepala manusia, dan faktor risiko pada manusia telah dilakukan di wilayah Krueng Sabee, Provinsi Aceh. Metode pengambilan dan pengujian sampel yang mengandung Hg dilakukan dengan prosedur SNI, EPA dan WHO. Rancangan cross sectional survey dilakukan pada empat desa dengan 72 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Wawancara dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait faktor risiko kesehatan. Pengukuran konsentrasi Hg untuk sampel air dan ikan dilakukan dengan Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer dan untuk sampel rambut kepala menggunakan Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis varian, uji t sampel bebas, dan uji t satu sampel. Model prediksi dihasilkan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan konsentrasi Hg pada sampel air sumur sebesar 0,24 ± 0,25 µg/L; sampel ikan: Rastrellinger kanagurta,149,46 ± 2,00 µg/g, Selaroides sp, 58,6 ± 3,01 µg/g, Euthynnus affinis, 46,3 ± 2,98 µg/g; dan pada rambut kepala mulai dari 11,2 ± 4,02 µg/g hingga 48,3 ± 22,29 µg/g. Faktor-faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi Hg pada responden adalah status bekerja di Krueng Sabee, lokasi, lama tinggal, status pekerja tambang dan lama penggunaan pembakar amalgam. Faktor-faktor risiko ini memberi peran sebesar 45,8% terhadap akumulasi Hg di dalam rambut kepala responden.   ABSTRACT Small-scale gold mining activities with amalgamation process can contribute the entry of mercury (Hg into environment and humans. Research on Hg contamination in drinking water, fish, human head hair, and risk factors has been conducted in the area of Krueng Sabee, Aceh Province. Methods of samples collection and Hg concentrations testing conducted

  7. Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann

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    Günther Mohr


    Full Text Available Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann   Citation - APA format: Mohr, G. (2017. Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 8(2, 49-50.

  8. Primary ovarian malignant melanoma

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    Kostov Miloš


    Full Text Available Background. Primary ovarian malignant melanoma is extremely rare. It usually appears in the wall of a dermoid cyst or is associated with another teratomatous component. Metastatic primary malignant melanoma to ovary from a primary melanoma elsewhere is well known and has been often reported especially in autopsy studies. Case report. We presented a case of primary ovarian malignant melanoma in a 45- year old woman, with no evidence of extraovarian primary melanoma nor teratomatous component. The tumor was unilateral, macroscopically on section presented as solid mass, dark brown to black color. Microscopically, tumor cells showed positive immunohistochemical reaction for HMB-45, melan-A and S-100 protein, and negative immunoreactivity for estrogen and progesteron receptors. Conclusion. Differentiate metastatic melanoma from rare primary ovarian malignant melanoma, in some of cases may be a histopathological diagnostic problem. Histopathological diagnosis of primary ovarian malignant melanoma should be confirmed by immunohistochemical analyses and detailed clinical search for an occult primary tumor.

  9. Pola konsumsi air, susu dan produk susu, serta minuman manis sebagai faktor risiko obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

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    Yayah Lakoro


    consumption of water, whereby higher comsumption of sweet drink meant lower consumption of water. Nutrition education embedded in the curriculum could be used as an alternative of obesity prevention in children by changing or building healthy lifestyle. KEYWORDS: risk factors, obese children, consumption of water, consumption of sweet drinkABSTRAKLatar belakang: Minuman manis diduga kuat sebagai penyebab terjadinya obesitas pada anak. Susu dan produk susu yang tidak sehat yang mengandung lemak dan gula tinggi dapat menjadi salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas, sedangkan air putih merupakan minuman sehat tanpa kalori yang dapat membantu manajemen berat badan.Tujuan: Mengetahui pola konsumsi minuman pada anak obesitas.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah anak SD yang mengalami obesitas, kontrol  adalah anak SD yang dengan berat badan normal. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Penentuan sampel menggunakan metode probability proportional to size (PPS. Jumlah sampel adalah 488 sampel terdiri dari 244 kasus dan 244 kontrol. Pada subyek penelitian dilakukan matching asal sekolah dengan ketentuan siswa kasus dan kontrol berasal dari kelas yang sama. Uji statistic McNemar dan regresi logistik dilakukan untuk mengidentifi kasi variabel yang merupakan faktor risiko.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan karakteristik jenis kelamin antara kedua kelompok (p=0,03. Rata-rata jumlah konsumsi air putih dan minuman manis pada anak obes berbeda secara signifi kan  dibandingkan dengan anak tidak obes, berturut-turut adalah 243,8 mL/hari (±2½ gelas/hari dan 397,3 mL/hari (± 2 gelas/hari, sedangkan rata-rata jumlah konsumsi susu dan produk susu tidak sehat pada anak obes dan tidak obes, tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Uji Mc Nemar menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi air putih dan minuman manis berhubungan dengan kejadian obesitas pada anak di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul  dengan nilai OR 2,1 (95% CI:1,4–3,05 dan OR 3,1 (95% CI: 2,1

  10. Radiologic evaluation of malignant histiocytoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Ki Soon; Lee, Sun Wha; Yoon, Yup; Sung, Dong Wook; Ahn, Chi Yul


    Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is a new malignant tumor entity of histiocytic origin which arises as a primary tumor of the bone as well as the soft tissue. Radiologic features of 12 cases of pathologically proven intra-and extraosseous malignant fibrous histiocytoma were analyzed. The results were as follows : 1. Seven cases were of soft tissue origin and 5 cases were of primary bone origin. 2. Seven were male and 5 were female: Eight cases were beyond 5th decades. 3. The clinical presentations of malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the soft tissue origin were a mass with rapid growth or high rate of local recurrence. The roentgen evidence of soft tissue density mass was demonstrated in 7 cases and scintigraphic evidence of cortical invasion was suggested in 2 cases. 4. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma arising from bones had ill defined moth-eaten osteolytic lesion with cortical destruction, periosteal reaction and soft tissue extension. 5. Among 12 cases, there were 2 cases of pulmonary metastases and 2 cases of osseous metastases. 6. In the presence of soft tissue mass with locally aggressive behavior and/or nonspecific roentgen features of malignant bone tumor, one should consider the possibility of malignant fibrous histiocytoma

  11. Skin changes in internal malignancy

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    Rajagopal Ravi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Internal malignancies are accompanied by various skin changes which may be specific infiltrates or non-specific changes. This study is aimed at determining the frequency of such changes in malignant disease treatment center attendees in India. METHODS: A study of 300 confirmed cases of internal malignancy at a malignant disease treatment center was undertaken to evaluate these skin changes. Specific infiltrates were confirmed by histopathology. Statistical methods were employed to calculate significance in non-specific lesions by comparing with 300 controls not suffering from internal malignancy. RESULTS: Skin changes were present in 82 (27.3%. Cutaneous metastases were found in 19 (6.3%; non-contiguous in 5 (1.6%; contiguous in 14 (4.3%. Non-specific skin lesions numbered 74 (11.6% in 52 patients. Statistically significant non-specific skin changes were acquired ichthyosis, herpes zoster and generalized pruritus. CONCLUSION: Metastases usually occurred late in internal malignancy (17, 5.6% except in a case each of histiocytic lymphoma and non-Hodgkin′s lymphoma (2, 0.7% where the lesions preceded malignancy by 3 months and 1 month respectively. Contiguous nodules were a marker of relapse after surgery in 3 (1%.

  12. Multimedia CD-Rom on hydrogen and fuel cells. 2. rev. ed.; Die Multimedia CD-Rom zum Thema Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This CD-Rom contains well-presented information with informative illustrations, as well as a large download section with publications, reports, and presentations in.pdf form for in-depth studies. There is also a list of links to selected websites, with short explanations. [German] Die CD zum Thema ''Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen'' bietet sowohl gut gegliederte Informationen mit anschaulichen Bildern fuer die Lektuere am Monitor als auch eine grosse Download-Rubrik, in der zahlreiche Publikationen, Fachberichte, Praesentationen als PDF-Dateien abgelegt sind und fuers Studium bereitstehen. Ausserdem gibt es ein Link-Verzeichnis mit Verweisen und Erlaeuterungen zu ausgewaehlten Internet-Seiten.

  13. S2k-Leitlinie zum Gebrauch von Präparationen zur lokalen Anwendung auf der Haut (Topika). (United States)

    Wohlrab, Johannes; Staubach, Petra; Augustin, Matthias; Eisert, Lisa; Hünerbein, Andreas; Nast, Alexander; Reimann, Holger; Strömer, Klaus; Mahler, Vera


    Diese Leitlinie richtet sich an Assistenz- und Fachärzte der Dermatologie sowie an Kostenträger und politische Entscheidungsgremien. Die Leitlinie wurde im formellen Konsensusverfahren (S2k) von Dermatologen unter Einbindung von Apothekern erstellt. Die Leitlinie stellt allgemeine Aspekte der Pharmakokinetik sowie der regulatorischen Begrifflichkeiten dar. Es werden Empfehlungen zur Indikation von Magistralrezepturen sowie deren Qualitätssicherung gegeben. Die Bedeutung der galenischen Grundlagen und die Problematik bei einer Substitution gegeneinander verschiedener Grundlagen werden dargestellt. Die Leitlinie umfasst Kriterien zur Auswahl einer adäquaten Grundlage sowie spezifische Aspekte zur Therapieplanung. Die Leitlinie gibt Empfehlungen zum Management bei Unverträglichkeiten gegenüber Bestandteilen der Grundlagen oder Hilfsstoffe. © 2018 The Authors | Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  14. Assessment of technical risks and energy consumption of processes for regeneration of polluted land; Abschaetzung von technischem Risiko und Energiebedarf bei Sanierungsmassnahmen fuer Altlasten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trappmann, F.


    In case of sensitive use of a site or its surroundings further consideration on pre-elevated remedial action designs should be undertaken. The generated method for the assessment of technical risks and energy consumption intends to enable different users with smaller or broader specialist knowledge to handle the problem. Basic instrument for the variation of intensity of handling is to divide the technical process in a special way into small elements, called module. With regard to the processing line and to the complexity of the process the modules are connected on different levels according to their common function. The levels handled by experts are called detailed risks assessment, the abridged kind of handling is especially for authorities. For some types of contaminations and some technologies are tools and lists available to enable an easier treatment. Generally the method and the tools are employable for other sites too. For the comparative assimilating assessment itself verbal argumentation is used to describe the causes, that modules are identified as weak (in comparison). The result of the consideration is a ranking of the prefered applied technologies rated by energy consumption and technical risks or a demand for special improvements in the case of commissioning. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die vorliegende Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die weitergehende Risiko- und Energiebetrachtung weniger, zuvor mittels strukturierter Auswahlverfahren favorisierter Sanierungsszenarien. Zwecks effizienter Ausnutzung verfuegbarer Finanzmittel erscheint es angemessen, die bislang in ihrer Gesamtheit betrachteten Verfahrensschritte intern eingehender zu untersuchen und potentielle Risiken bewertbar zu machen. Die geschilderte Vorgehensweise basiert auf der Untergliederung komplexer Sanierungsszenarien in einzelne Elemente (Moduln etc.) gemaess dem funktionalen Zusammenwirken und dem Verfahrensablauf. Fuer einzelne Moduln koennen im Rahmen detaillierterer Betrachtungen

  15. Malignant Catatonia

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    Ayca Ozkul


    Full Text Available Catatonia is a syndrome characterized by mutism, immobility, negativism, stereotypy, mannerisms, echophenomena, perseveration and passive obedience. The underlying causes can be psychiatric or may be associated with general medical status or neurological diseases. Additionally catatonia has two subtypes as malignant and nonmalignant catatonia. Main symptoms of malignant catatonia are hyperthermia and autonomic symptoms such as tachycardia, tachypnea and hyperhidrosis. It is important to make the diagnosis as early as possible for an appropriate medical treatment. Clinicians should be aware of the fatal outcome of the disease.

  16. CT of malignant otitis externa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klose, K.C.; Elies, W.; Technische Hochschule Aachen


    Computed tomography was performed preoperatively in 20 patients suffering from malignant external otitis. The CT findings were nearly completely confirmed by the intraoperative findings. A circumscribed or diffuse thickening of the cartilaginous wall of the external auditory canal and an inflammatory infiltration of the subtemporal fossa are, in combination, most suspicious signs of malignant external otitis. Computed tomography enabels detailed information on the extension of the pneumatic system and the grade of involvement of bones and soft tissues in malignant external otitis. A modified classification of malignant external otitis based on computed tomographic findings is proposed. (orig.) [de

  17. Radiotherapy of malignant lymphomas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kujawska, J [Instytut Onkologii, Krakow (Poland)


    The paper discusses current views on the role of radiotherapy in the treatment of patients with malignant lymphomas. Principles of radiotherapy employed in the Institute of Oncology in Cracow in case of patients with malignant lymphomas are also presented.

  18. P16.29 Malignant craniopharyngioma (United States)

    Unal, E.; Kilic, K.; Ozdemir, N.; Gunver, F.; Isik, S.; Can, S.


    Abstract Introduction: Malignant transformation of craniopharyngioma has rarely been described. In this article, we report a case of 28th malignant craniopharyngioma ever mentioned in English literature. Materials and Methods: We performed a PUBMED, HUBMED, BAU Library Database and Ovid search on malignant craniopharyngiomas and identified 27 reported cases. CASE DESCRIPTION: 44 years old female patient was diagnosed with craniopharyngioma two years ago and underwent surgical resection of a typical craniopharyngioma, the histopathological result was adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma of Grade I. There was no malignancy. One year ago cavernous sinus invasion has been detected and gamma knife irradiation has been made. At admission she was blind in the right eye for the last six months and the vision was diminished in the left eye for a month. The MRI showed that nasal cavity was full of tumor, that the clivus was almost completely destructed and that orbita and maxillary sinus were also invaded. Firstly the ENT surgeons debulked the tumor via transmaxillary route and then the transcranial approach allowed only a subtotal removal due to a profuse bleeding. The histopatological examination showed malignant tumoral infiltration rich in cells with many mitoses. The patient died two years later. CONCLUSION: The relevant literature of malignant craniopharyngioma is reviewed and discussed. The surgeon must be aware that total removal of a malignant craniopharyngioma can be hazardous because of intractable bleedings occurring during surgery.

  19. Jenny Brettschneider: Frauen in Führungspositionen: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit von Chancengleichheit. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač 2008

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    Annette von Alemann


    Full Text Available Die Autorin geht der Frage nach, warum in der Wirtschaft Frauen nicht gefördert werden, obwohl ihre gesellschaftliche Benachteiligung und ihre Unterrepräsentation in Führungspositionen wahrgenommen wird. Mit Hilfe von Leitfadeninterviews mit Führungskräften aus elf Unternehmen kommt sie zu dem Ergebnis, dass sich die Unternehmen für die Herstellung von Chancengleichheit nicht verantwortlich sehen. Zum einen widersprechen Frauenförderprogramme dem meritokratischen Verständnis individueller Leistungszurechnung, zum anderen sehen sich Unternehmen außerstande, das Kernproblem der Benachteiligung – das „Risiko Mutterschaft“ – zu lösen. Die herausgearbeiteten Begründungsmuster für die Unterrepräsentation von Frauen in Führungspositionen werden als Hinweis auf männerbündische Strukturen in den Organisationen identifiziert, deren Ziel die Ausgrenzung von Frauen aus wichtigen Positionen ist.The author pursues the question as to why businesses do not support women, even though they readily admit to the discrimination of women in society and their underrepresentation in executive positions. On the basis of guided interviews with executives from eleven businesses she comes to the conclusion that businesses do not consider themselves responsible for the creation of equal opportunities. For one, the programs for the promotion of women contradict the meritocratic understanding of individual performance within businesses. Secondly, businesses see themselves as unable to solve the core problem of the discrimination: the “danger of motherhood.” The author extracts patterns for the rationalization of the underrepresentation of women in executive positions and identifies these as evidence of masculine group structures within businesses that intend to exclude women from important positions.


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    Novita Saragih


    Full Text Available Penyaluran kredit BPD masih didominasi kredit konsumsi dibandingkan kredit modal  kerja. Risiko kredit modal kerja BPD yang dikur dalam Non Performing Loan mengalami peningkatan selama penerapan BRC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon NPL kredit modal kerja BPD akibat perubahan faktor internal bank dan besarnya kontribusi faktor tersebut terhadap perubahan NPL. Data yang digunakan adalah time series berdasarkan bulanan tahun 2011-2014 yang   diperoleh   dari   Bank   Indonesia.   Metode   analisis   yang   digunakan   adalah       Vector Autoregression dengan analisis Impulse Response Function dan Variance Decomposition. Hasil impulse response function menunjukan NPL merespon positif terhadap perubahan LDR dan bank size tetapi merespon negatif terhadap perubahan tingkat bunga kredit modal kerja. Hasil Variance decomposition menunjukan bahwa variabel yang paling berkontribusi pada perubahan NPL  adalah bank size.  BPD loan portofolio is still dominated by consumer loans than working capital loans. BPD working capital loans risk which measured by non performing loans is increased during implementation of the BRC. This study aimed to analyze the NPL response of BPD working capital loans due to changes of bank internal factors and the amount of factors contributing to NPL change. The data used is based on monthly time series in 2011 to 2014 that obtained from Bank of Indonesia. The analytical method used is Vector Autoregression with Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition analysis. The results of impulse response function indicate that NPL respond positively to LDR and bank size change but respond negatively to interest rates change. Variance decomposition results showed that the variables that most contribute to the change of NPL of BPD working capital loans is bank size.

  1. Value of breast MRI as supplement to mammography and sonography for high risk breast cancer patients; Wertigkeit der Mamma-MRT als Ergaenzung zu Mammographie und Sonographie bei Patientinnen mit erhoehtem Mammakarzinomrisiko

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlossbauer, T.; Hellerhoff, K.; Reiser, M. [Klinikum Grosshadern der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    The aim of this study is to give an overview on early detection of breast cancer in patients with an increased risk of breast cancer. Sensitivities and diagnostic accuracies of breast MRI, mammography and ultrasound were compared. A systematic literature search of the past 3 years was performed. Studies which compared breast imaging modalities and used image-guided biopsy results as standard of reference were included. Patients included had to have had an increased lifetime risk for breast cancer (>15%). Regarding sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy, breast MRI performed best in comparison to the other modalities within this collective of patients. Sensitivities ranged from 71-100%, 0-78%, and 13-65%, for MRI, mammography, and ultrasound, respectively Breast MRI is a well established tool for screening in patients at high risk for developing breast cancer and is a valuable supplement to mammography and ultrasound within this selected cohort of patients. (orig.) [German] Ziele der Arbeit sind die inhaltliche Einfuehrung in das Thema Frueherkennung des Mammakarzinoms bei Patientinnen mit erhoehtem Risiko und eine systematische Analyse der Wertigkeit von MRT und anderen bildgebenden Verfahren in diesem Zusammenhang. Es wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche ueber die letzten 3 Jahre durchgefuehrt. Dabei wurden Vergleichsstudien der verschiedenen bildgebenden Verfahren in der Mammadiagnostik beruecksichtigt, bei denen die bildgesteuerte Biopsie als Goldstandard angegeben wurde. Von allen bildgebenden Verfahren zeigt die Mamma-MRT bei Patientinnen mit familiaerem Risiko die hoechste Sensitivitaet und diagnostische Genauigkeit bei der Detektion des Mammakarzinoms. Fuer MRT, Mammographie und Sonographie werden Sensitivitaeten zwischen 71 und 100%, 0 und 78% sowie 13 und 65% angegeben. Die Mamma-MRT ist ein etabliertes Verfahren zum Screening von Risikopatientinnen. Uebereinstimmend wird der diagnostische Nutzen der Mamma-MRT als ergaenzendes Verfahren zu Mammographie

  2. Malignant chondroid syringoma of the pinna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krishnamurthy, Arvind; Aggarwal, Niharika; Deen, Suhail; Majhi, Urmila; Ramshankar, Vijayalakshmi


    Chondroid syringoma (CS) represents the cutaneous counterpart of mixed tumor (pleomorphic adenoma) of salivary glands. The malignant counterpart of CS, termed as “malignant CS” is a malignant eccrine neoplasm which lacks distinctive clinical features, often delaying initial diagnosis. Unlike its benign counterpart which often localizes in the head and neck region, malignant CS most often encountered in the trunk and the extremities. We report a rare case of an aggressive malignant CS of the left pinna with cervical lymph node metastasis. Our patient, to the best of our knowledge, possibly is the first case of malignant CS of the pinna and the fourth to arise in the head and neck region. The diagnostic challenges with an added emphasis on the role of positron emission tomography-computed tomography in aiding the management of this rare tumor are discussed

  3. Contribution of whole body F-18-FDG-PET and lymphoscintigraphy to the assessment of regional and distant metastases in cutaneous malignant melanoma. A pilot study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klein, M.; Freedman, N.; Marciano, R.; Moshe, S.; Chisin, R. [Hadassah Univ. Hospital, Jerusalem (Israel). Dept. of Medical Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine; Lotem, M. [Hadassah Univ. Hospital, Jerusalem (Israel). Dept. of Oncology; Gimon, Z. [Hadassah Univ. Hospital, Jerusalem (Israel). Dept. of Surgery


    Aim: This pilot study describes use of whole body PET (WB PET) for staging of melanoma. WB PET in conjunction with lymphoscintigraphy (LS) for evaluating status of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) in primary melanoma was investigated with comparison to histopathological results. WB PET was also used both for primary and metastatic melanoma for screening for distant metastases, restaging and follow-up. Methods: Group I: 17 patients with primary cutaneous melanoma underwent LS, WB PET and SLN dissection. WB PET findings were compared with biopsy results at the SLN site and were used for screening for distant metastases. Group II: 17 patients with a history of melanoma underwent WB PET for follow-up and/or restaging. Results were confirmed or refuted by other radiological modalities or by biopsy of clinical follow-up. Results: Group I: Out of 20 SLNs identified by LS in the 17 patients, 18 were negative on WB PET and 2 were positive. 19/20 WB PET findings were confirmed either by histopathology or by clinical follow-up (20 mo). Accuracy was 94% for the assessment of the status of the SLN. Group II: WB PET findings altered staging and treatment in 12/17 patients and confirmed the validity of treatment in 3/17 patients. Overall, in 15/17 patients (88%), WB PET had an impact on treatment strategy. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Diese Pilot-Studie beschreibt die Anwendung der Ganzkoerper-PET (WB PET) zum Staging beim Melanom. Bei primaerem Melanom wurde WB PET in Verbindung mit der Lymphszintigraphie (LS) angewandt und mit der Histopathologie verglichen, um den Status des Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) zu untersuchen. Zusaetzlich wurde WB PET fuer primaere und metastatische Melanome zum Screening auf Fernmetastasen, zum Restaging und zum Follow-up benutzt. Methoden: Gruppe I: 17 Patienten mit primaerem kutanem Melanom erhielten LS, WB PET und eine operative SLN-Entfernung. Die WB PET-Ergebnisse wurden mit den SLN-Biopsien verglichen und zum Screening fuer Fernmetastasen benutzt. Gruppe

  4. The role of tumor necrosis factor alpha in differentiation between malignant and non malignant pleural effusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heba M. Atef


    Conclusion: Pleural fluid level of TNF-α can be used in differentiating malignant from non malignant effusion. Also levels of TNF-α in the serum and pleural fluid could be useful as a complementary marker in the differential diagnosis of two most common types of exudates (tuberculous and malignant.

  5. Meta-analysis of the predictive value of DNA aneuploidy in malignant transformation of oral potentially malignant disorders. (United States)

    Alaizari, Nader A; Sperandio, Marcelo; Odell, Edward W; Peruzzo, Daiane; Al-Maweri, Sadeq A


    DNA aneuploidy is an imbalance of chromosomal DNA content that has been highlighted as a predictor of biological behavior and risk of malignant transformation. To date, DNA aneuploidy in oral potentially malignant diseases (OPMD) has been shown to correlate strongly with severe dysplasia and high-risk lesions that appeared non-dysplastic can be identified by ploidy analysis. Nevertheless, the prognostic value of DNA aneuploidy in predicting malignant transformation of OPMD remains to be validated. The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the role of DNA aneuploidy in predicting malignant transformation in OPMD. The questions addressed were (i) Is DNA aneuploidy a useful marker to predict malignant transformation in OPMD? (ii) Is DNA diploidy a useful negative marker of malignant transformation in OPMD? These questions were addressed using the PECO method. Five studies assessing aneuploidy as a risk marker of malignant change were pooled into the meta-analysis. Aneuploidy was found to be associated with a 3.12-fold increased risk to progress into cancer (RR=3.12, 95% CI 1.86-5.24). Based on the five studies meta-analyzed, "no malignant progression" was more likely to occur in DNA diploid OPMD by 82% when compared to aneuploidy (RR=0.18, 95% CI 0.08-0.41). In conclusion, aneuploidy is a useful marker of malignant transformation in OPMD, although a diploid result should be interpreted with caution. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Retroperitoneal extension via the retrocrural space of malignant thymoma and malignant pleural mesothelioma. Retrospective evaluation by CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohkawara, Kiyoshi; Furuse, Makoto; Mizutani, Yoshihide; Ohsawa, Tadashi; Fujii, Takeshi [Jichi Medical School, Minamikawachi, Tochigi (Japan)


    We reviewed CT findings of 31 patients with malignant thymoma and one patient with malignant pleural mesothelioma in our institution. Transdiaphragmatic extension into the retroperitoneum via the retrocrural space was observed in 10% of malignant thymomas. In the same way, this spread from chest to abdomen was demonstrated in the case of malignant pleural mesothelioma. CT is especially useful in assessing extent of these tumors and determining the optimal treatment plan. (author).

  7. Retroperitoneal extension via the retrocrural space of malignant thymoma and malignant pleural mesothelioma. Retrospective evaluation by CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohkawara, Kiyoshi; Furuse, Makoto; Mizutani, Yoshihide; Ohsawa, Tadashi; Fujii, Takeshi


    We reviewed CT findings of 31 patients with malignant thymoma and one patient with malignant pleural mesothelioma in our institution. Transdiaphragmatic extension into the retroperitoneum via the retrocrural space was observed in 10% of malignant thymomas. In the same way, this spread from chest to abdomen was demonstrated in the case of malignant pleural mesothelioma. CT is especially useful in assessing extent of these tumors and determining the optimal treatment plan. (author)

  8. Der Weg zum Java-Profi Konzepte und Techniken für die professionelle Java-Entwicklung

    CERN Document Server

    Inden, Michael


    Sie haben bereits Einiges an Erfahrung mit Java und möchten Ihre Entwicklungstätigkeit nun professionalisieren? Oder sind Sie schon auf dem Weg zum Profi, benötigen aber ein Nachschlagewerk, das Ihnen die wichtigen Themen aus der Java-Welt kompakt und kompetent vermittelt? Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die professionelle Entwicklung und vermittelt Ihnen das notwendige Wissen, um stabile und erweiterbare Softwaresysteme auf Java-SE-Basis zu bauen. Praxisnahe Beispiele helfen dabei, das Gelernte rasch umzusetzen. Neben der Praxis wird viel Wert auf das Verständnis zugrunde liegender Konzepte gelegt. Dabei kommen dem Autor Michael Inden seine umfangreichen Schulungs- und Entwicklererfahrungen zugute - und Ihnen als Leser damit ebenso. Diese Neuauflage wurde durchgehend überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert. Natürlich darf das aktuelle Java 8 nicht fehlen. Verschiedene Kapitel sind Java 8 und seinen Neuerungen gewidmet. Dort wird ein fundierter Einstieg in die umfangreichen Erweit...

  9. Malignant vagal paraganglioma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlsen, Camilla S; Godballe, Christian; Krogdahl, Annelise S


    Approximately 20 cases of malignant vagal paragangliomas (MVP)have been reported in English literature. Malignancy is based on the presence of metastases. A careful preoperative evaluation is necessary to detect multicentricity and/or significant production of catecholamines. A new case of MVP...... treated with embolization and surgery is presented and the literature discussed. It is concluded, that preoperative embolization followed by radical surgical resection is a rational treatment of patients with unilateral MVP....

  10. Malignancy-Induced Hypercalcemia—Diagnostic Challenges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claire Hoyoux


    Full Text Available Hypercalcemia in children is a rare metabolic finding. The clinical picture is usually non-specific, and the etiology includes several entities (metabolic, nutritional, drug-induced, inflammatory, cancer-associated, or genetic depending on the age at presentation, but severe hypercalcemia is associated mainly with malignancy in childhood and sepsis in neonates. Severe parathyroid hormone (PTH-suppressed hypercalcemia is challenging and requires multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to (i confirm or rule out a malignant cause, (ii treat it and its potentially dangerous complications. We report a case of severe and complicated PTH-independent hypercalcemia in a symptomatic 3-year-old boy. His age, severity of hypercalcemia and its complicated course, and the first imaging reports were suggestive of malignancy. The first bone and kidney biopsies and bone marrow aspiration were normal. The definitive diagnosis was a malignant-induced hypercalcemia, and we needed 4 weeks to assess other differential diagnoses and to confirm, on histopathological and immunochemical base, the malignant origin of hypercalcemia. Using this case as an illustrative example, we suggest a diagnostic approach that underlines the importance of repeated histology if the clinical suspicion is malignancy-induced hypercalcemia. Effective treatment is required acutely to restore calcium levels and to avoid complications.

  11. Criteria for assembly of in vivo measuring systems using high-resolution {gamma}-spectroscopy for evaluation of incorporated radionuclides; Kriterien zum Aufbau von In Vivo Messsystemen zur hochaufloesenden {gamma}-Spektrometrie inkorporierter Radionuklide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wahl, W. [GSF Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Neuherberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz


    The paper reviews the available, fundamental measuring methods relying on {gamma}-spectroscopy for their possible application in whole-body and partial-body counters for detection of manifold incorporation of radionuclides. Particular emphasis is placed on the response functions of various detectors, the assembly, the differentiated radioactivity distribution in the body, the various components of background activity and the corresponding suppression mechanisms, and possible ways of using the energy dependence for optimised detection of specific {gamma} energies in a given body region. Criteria and relations as well as their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Diese Arbeit prueft die zur Verfuegung stehenden grundlegenden, {gamma}-spektroskopischen Messmethoden auf deren moegliche Anwendung im Spektrum der Ganz- und Teilkoerperzaehler zum Nachweis der mannigfach inkorporierten Radionuklide. Insbesondere wird eingegangen auf die Response Funktionen verschiedener Detektoren, die Anordnung, die differenzierte Aktivitaetsverteilung im Koerper, die verschiedenen Untergrundkomponenten und deren Unterdrueckungsmechanismen sowie die Beeinflussung durch die Energieabhaengigkeit zum optimalen Nachweis spezifischer {gamma}-Energien an einem bestimmten Ort am Koerper. Kriterien und Relationen sowie deren Vor- und Nachteile werden diskutiert. (orig.)

  12. Mistletoe in the treatment of malignant melanoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esin Sakallı Çetin


    Full Text Available Malignant melanoma is a malignant neoplasia drives from melanocytes. Malignant melanoma, the most causing death, is seen in the third place at skin cancer. Malignant melanoma shows intrinsic resistance to chemotherapeutic agents and variability in the course of the disease which are distinct features separating from other solid tumors. These features prevent the development and standardization of non-surgical treatment models of malignant melanoma. Although there is a large number of chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of metastatic malignant melanoma, it hasn’t been demonstrated the survival advantage of adjuvant treatment with chemotherapeutic agents. Because of the different clinical course of malignant melanoma, the disease is thought to be closely associated with immune system. Therefore, immunomodulatory therapy models were developed. Mistletoe stimulates the immune system by increasing the number and activity of dendritic cells, thus it has been shown to effect on tumor growth and metastasis of malignant melanoma patient. Outlined in this review are the recent developments in the understanding the role of mistletoe as a complementary therapy for malignant melanoma. J Clin Exp Invest 2014; 5 (1: 145-152


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    Marija Trenkić-Božinović


    Full Text Available Melanomas are malignant neoplasms that originate from melanocytes. The most common are on the skin and mucous membranes. Choroidal melanomas are quite different from cutaneous melanomas with regard to presentation, metastases, and treatment. We report two cases of metastatic gastric malignant melanoma of the eye and skin, with reference to the literature. The first patient was a woman aged 23 years, who underwent gastrectomy 22 months after enucleation of the eye due to malignant choroid melanoma. The second patient was a man, 72 years old, who underwent surgery 28 months before because of malignant melanoma of the skin of the forehead. Paraffin sections, 4 μm thick were stained using a classic method, as well as immunohistochemical DAKO APAAP method, using a specific S - 100 antibody and Melan A antibodies. The stomach is considered a rare place for the development of metastases. Metastases in the stomach are often limited to the submucosal as well as the serousmuscular layer, as noted in one of our patients. Metastatic melanoma of the gastrointestinal tract should be suspected in any patient with a history of malignant melanoma and new gastrointestinal symptoms. Because of the similarity between certain common histopathological types of malignant melanoma, primarily achromatic, and types of primary cancers of the stomach, the following immunohistochemical studies are needed: Melan A and S - 100 protein ( markers of malignant melanoma , as well as mucins: MUC5AC, MUC2 and CDX2 ( markers of different types of primary gastric carcinoma.

  14. Analisis Bahaya dengan Metode Hazop dan Manajemen Risiko pada Steam Turbine PLTU di Unit 5 Pembangkitan Listrik Paiton (PT. YTL Jawa Timur

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    Erna Zulfiana


    Full Text Available Steam turbine beroperasi pada temperatur dan tekanan uap yang tinggi sehingga keamanan proses harus dijaga agar tidak terjadi bahaya yang menimbulkan risiko. Untuk analisis dan identifikasi bahaya digunakan metode HAZOP yang selanjutnya melakukan manajemen resiko berupa emergency respon plan berdasarkan bahaya yang mungkin terjadi pada PLTU. Identifikasi bahaya dengan metode HAZOP dilakukan dengan penentuan 4 node pada steam turbine yaitu HP Turbine, IP Turbine, LP Turbine 1 dan LP Turbine 2, penentuan guideword dan deviasi berdasarkan control chart data proses transmitter di setiap node, dan untuk estimasi likelihood berdasarkan nilai MTTF tiap transmitter. ERP pada steam turbine dibuat untuk kejadian kebakaran karena berisiko tinggi dan kemungkinan besar terjadi serta dapat menyebabkan bahaya lain seperti ledakan dsb. Dari penelitian ini diketahui kondisi yang paling berbahaya pada steam turbine adalah kondisi high pressure yang diketahui dari risk matrix pressure trasnmitter pada 4 node yang bernilai high dan ekstrim yang dapat menyebabkan turbin mengalami overspeed. Rekomendasi untuk menanggulangi bahaya tersebut antara lain pemasangan pressure alarm, simulasi automatic turbine test, pemeriksaan turbine overspeed protection serta kalibrasi maupun pengecekan pada pressure trasnmitter tersebut.

  15. Simulants of malignant melanoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gérald E. Piérard


    Full Text Available During the recent period, dermoscopy has yielded improvement in the early disclosure of various atypical melanocytic neoplasms (AMN of the skin. Beyond this clinical procedure, AMN histopathology remains mandatory for establishing their precise diagnosis. Of note, panels of experts in AMN merely report moderate agreement in various puzzling cases. Divergences in opinion and misdiagnosis are likely increased when histopathological criteria are not fine-tuned and when facing a diversity of AMN types. Furthermore, some AMN have been differently named in the literature including atypical Spitz tumor, metastasizing Spitz tumor, borderline and intermediate melanocytic tumor, malignant Spitz nevus, pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma or animal-type melanoma. Some acronyms have been further suggested such as MELTUMP (after melanocytic tumor of uncertain malignant potential and STUMP (after Spitzoid melanocytic tumor of uncertain malignant potential. In this review, such AMN at the exclusion of cutaneous malignant melanoma (MM variants, are grouped under the tentative broad heading skin melanocytoma. Such set of AMN frequently follows an indolent course, although they exhibit atypical and sometimes worrisome patterns or cytological atypia. Rare cases of skin melanocytomas progress to loco regional clusters of lesions (agminate melanocytomas, and even to regional lymph nodes. At times, the distinction between a skin melanocytoma and MM remains puzzling. However, multipronged immunohistochemistry and emerging molecular biology help profiling any malignancy risk if present.

  16. Gynecologic Malignancies Post-LeFort Colpocleisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rayan Elkattah


    Full Text Available Introduction. LeFort colpocleisis (LFC is a safe and effective obliterative surgical option for older women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse who no longer desire coital activity. A major disadvantage is the limited ability to evaluate for post-LFC gynecologic malignancies. Methods. We present the first case of endometrioid ovarian cancer diagnosed after LFC and review all reported gynecologic malignancies post-LFC in the English medical literature. Results. This is the second reported ovarian cancer post-LFC and the first of the endometrioid subtype. A total of nine other gynecologic malignancies post-LFC have been reported in the English medical literature. Conclusions. Gynecologic malignancies post-LFC are rare. We propose a simple 3-step strategy in evaluating post-LFC malignancies.

  17. Contributions to the workshop `Residual ponds from open pit brown coal mining`; Beitraege zum Workshop ``Braunkohlebergbaurestseen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The contributions to the workshop ``Investigations on flooding in residual ponds from open-pit mining`` deal, inter alia, with the hydrochemical development of flushing waters, the stability of the water quality of residual lakes, especially under the impact of land contamination, the influence of brine receipts by flushed residual lakes, and with the microbiological ecology of residual lakes from mining. Furthermore, geophysical studies for demonstrating paths of flow and for calculating the depth and volume of residual lakes from open-pit mining are discussed. (MSK) [Deutsch] Die Beitraege zu dem Workshop `Untersuchungen zu Flutungen in Tagebaurestseen` befassen sich unter anderem mit der hydrochemischen Entwicklung von Flutungsgewaessern, mit der Qualitaetsstabilitaet von Restseewaessern - insbesonders bei Einwirkung von Altlasten - und mit den Einfluessen von Solezufluessen bei Restseeflutung sowie mit Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologischen Oekologie in Bergbaurestseen. Desweiteren werden geophysikalische Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Fliesswegen und die Tiefen- und Volumenberechnung eines Tagebaurestlochsees erlaeutert. (MSK)

  18. Contributions to the workshop `Residual ponds from open pit brown coal mining`; Beitraege zum Workshop ``Braunkohlebergbaurestseen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The contributions to the workshop ``Investigations on flooding in residual ponds from open-pit mining`` deal, inter alia, with the hydrochemical development of flushing waters, the stability of the water quality of residual lakes, especially under the impact of land contamination, the influence of brine receipts by flushed residual lakes, and with the microbiological ecology of residual lakes from mining. Furthermore, geophysical studies for demonstrating paths of flow and for calculating the depth and volume of residual lakes from open-pit mining are discussed. (MSK) [Deutsch] Die Beitraege zu dem Workshop `Untersuchungen zu Flutungen in Tagebaurestseen` befassen sich unter anderem mit der hydrochemischen Entwicklung von Flutungsgewaessern, mit der Qualitaetsstabilitaet von Restseewaessern - insbesonders bei Einwirkung von Altlasten - und mit den Einfluessen von Solezufluessen bei Restseeflutung sowie mit Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologischen Oekologie in Bergbaurestseen. Desweiteren werden geophysikalische Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Fliesswegen und die Tiefen- und Volumenberechnung eines Tagebaurestlochsees erlaeutert. (MSK)

  19. Ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf NMR-Festkörperspektren (United States)

    Ploss, W.; Freude, D.; Pfeifer, H.; Schmiedel, H.

    Es wird ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf die NMR-Linienform vorgestellt, das die Verschmälerung von Festkörper-Spektren bei wachsender Temperatur beschreibt. Das Modell geht von der Annahme aus, daß nach einer Ortsveränderung eines Kerns infolge thermischer Bewegung jede beliebige Kernresonanzfrequenz mit der durch das Festkörperspektrum vorgegebenen Wahrscheinlichkeit angenommen werden kann. Am Beispiel der Festkörper-Gaußlinie wird der Unterschied zu dem bekannten Modell von ANDERSON und WEISS verdeutlicht.Translated AbstractA Statistical Model for the Influence of Thermal Motion on N. M. R. Spectra in SolidsA theory is proposed which allows to describe the narrowing of n. m. r.-line width in the presence of thermal motions of the spins. The model is based on the assumption, that the local resonance frequency of a given spin immediately after the jump is distributed according to the n. m. r.-line shape of the rigid lattice. The difference to the well-known ANDERSON-WEISS-model of spectral narrowing is demonstrated for a gaussian line shape.

  20. [About the signs of malignant pheochromocytoma]. (United States)

    Simonenko, V B; Makanin, M A; Dulin, P A; Vasilchenko, M I; Lesovik, V S


    Morphological criteria for malignant pheochromocytoma remain to be developed According to the WHO recommendations, the sole absolute criteria is the presence of metastases in the organs normally containing no chromaffin tissue. Such signs as cellular and nuclear polymorphism, mytotic activity, vascular invasion, capsular ingrowth are not sufficient to describe a pheochromocytoma as malignant. It is equally dfficult to differentiate between malignant and benign tumours based on histological data since histologically mature neoplasms can produce metastases. Based on the results of original studies, the authors believe that such histological features as vascular and capsular invasion do not necessarily suggest unfavourable prognosis. Therefore, the conclusion of malignancy based on such features can not be regarded as absolute. Probably such neoplasms should be called "pheochromocytomas with morphological signs of malignant growths". They should be referred to the tumours with uncertain malignancy potential based on the known discrepancy between morphological structure and biological activity of neoplasms. Comparative studies of clinical and morphological features of pheochromocytomas showed that their histological type (alveolar; solid, dyscomplexed, trabecular) and morphological signs of malignant growth influence both the clinical picture and arterial hypertension. There are no significant relationship between the above morphological signs, timour mass and clinical manifestations of pheochromocytomas.

  1. Malignant salivary gland tumours

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, S.H.


    The most frequent malignant salivary gland tumours are the mucoepidermoid tumour, adenoid cystic carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The major salivary glands and the minor glands of the mouth and upper respiratory tract may potentially develop any of these malignant lesions. Malignant lesions most frequently present as a palpable mass and tend to enlarge more rapidly than benign neoplasms. Pain, paresthesia, muscle paralysis and fixation to surrounding tissue are all ominous signs and symptoms. The only reliable means of differential diagnosis of these lesions is biopsy and histologic analysis. Therapy involves surgery or a combination of surgery and radiation therapy. The ultimate prognosis is governed by the intrinsic biologic behaviour of the neoplasms, the extent of disease and adequate clinical therapy

  2. Malignant salivary gland tumours

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thompson, S.H. (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa). Dept. of Oral Pathology)


    The most frequent malignant salivary gland tumours are the mucoepidermoid tumour, adenoid cystic carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The major salivary glands and the minor glands of the mouth and upper respiratory tract may potentially develop any of these malignant lesions. Malignant lesions most frequently present as a palpable mass and tend to enlarge more rapidly than benign neoplasms. Pain, paresthesia, muscle paralysis and fixation to surrounding tissue are all ominous signs and symptoms. The only reliable means of differential diagnosis of these lesions is biopsy and histologic analysis. Therapy involves surgery or a combination of surgery and radiation therapy. The ultimate prognosis is governed by the intrinsic biologic behaviour of the neoplasms, the extent of disease and adequate clinical therapy.

  3. Coeliac disease, splenic function, and malignancy


    Robertson, D A F; Swinson, C M; Hall, R; Losowsky, M S


    Blood films from 41 cases of coeliac disease complicated by malignancy were examined and evidence of hyposplenism found in 12 cases (29%). This is similar to the proportion of adult coeliacs without malignancy who have hypoplenism and it is concluded that impaired splenic function is not associated with the development of malignancy in coeliac disease.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    the youngest was 36 years old. Four of our patients were females. Two patients had cancers of the colon followed by ovarian malignancy in one and a rectal malignancy in the other. Of the other patients, one had cancer of the cervix and later she developed None Hodgkin's lymphoma. Two had bilateral breast malignancies.

  5. Malignant external otitis: CT evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Curtin, H.D.; Wolfe, P.; May, M.


    Malignant external otitis is an aggressive infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa that most often occurs in elderly diabetics. Malignant external otitis often spreads inferiorly from the external canal to involve the subtemporal area and progresses medially towards the petrous apex leading to multiple cranial nerve palsies. The computed tomographic (CT) findings in malignant external otitis include obliteration of the normal fat planes in the subtemporal area as well as patchy destruction of the bony cortex of the mastoid. The point of exit of the various cranial nerves can be identified on CT scans, and the extent of the inflammatory mass correlates well with the clinical findings. Four cases of malignant external otitis are presented. In each case CT provided a good demonstration of involvement of the soft tissues at the base of the skull

  6. Bilateral primary malignant lymphoma of the breast. (United States)

    Shpitz, B; Witz, M; Kaufman, Z; Griffel, B; Manor, Y; Dinbar, A


    A rare case of bilateral primary malignant lymphoma of breast in a 76 year old woman is presented. The lesion was examined by electron microscopy and immunochemistry. The diagnosis of primary malignant lymphoma remains a diagnosis by exclusion and requires extensive work-up to exclude widespread malignant process. The behaviour of this malignancy tends to be an aggressive one and the prognosis is generally poor.

  7. Image diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niimi, Akiko; Ueno, Keiko; Isobe, Yoshinori; Hirayama, Akira


    3 cases of malignant mesothelioma confirmed by pathological examination were reported. CT showed solid mass with moderate enhancement by contrast medium. CT appears to be a very useful tool to make a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. (author)

  8. Malignent diseases in childhood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Havers, W.


    As malignant diseases in childhood are rare, and only a small group of radiotherapists have been able to gain experience in this field, this chapter treats the particularities of childhood from this aspect. The side effects of radiotherapy are particularly important here for the growing and developing organism of the child. The most frequently occuring malignant diseases are treated individually. (MG) [de

  9. Identification of Candida albicans by using different culture medias and its association in potentially malignant and malignant lesions. (United States)

    Saigal, Sonal; Bhargava, Ankur; Mehra, S K; Dakwala, Falguni


    The present study evaluates the association of Candida albicans with normal control group, potentially malignant and malignant lesions of oral cavity by using two different liquid culture media. Saliva was collected and biopsy was taken only from those clinically suspected potentially malignant and malignant lesions for histopathological diagnosis. Saliva samples were inoculated for fungal growth in Sabouraud's dextrose agar and culture-positive samples had undergone for Germ tube test. Germ tube-positive samples were further taken for quantification of chlamydospore production in liquid media at 8 and 16 hours. In normal control groups no fungus growth was found; however, potentially malignant and malignant cases showed fungus growth, positive germ tube test and chlamydospore formation. The result also showed rapid and quantitatively more chlamydospore formation in corn meal broth + 5% milk in comparison to serum milk culture media. The oral mucosa is compromised in potentially malignant lesions, it can be argued that this species may be involved in carcinogenesis by elaborating the nitrosamine compounds which either act directly on oral mucosa or interact with other chemical carcinogens to activate specific proto-oncogenes and thereby initiate oral neoplasia.

  10. Identification of Candida albicans by using different culture medias and its association in potentially malignant and malignant lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonal Saigal


    Full Text Available Background and Objective: The present study evaluates the association of Candida albicans with normal control group, potentially malignant and malignant lesions of oral cavity by using two different liquid culture media. Materials and Methods: Saliva was collected and biopsy was taken only from those clinically suspected potentially malignant and malignant lesions for histopathological diagnosis. Saliva samples were inoculated for fungal growth in Sabouraud′s dextrose agar and culture-positive samples had undergone for Germ tube test. Germ tube-positive samples were further taken for quantification of chlamydospore production in liquid media at 8 and 16 hours. Results: In normal control groups no fungus growth was found; however, potentially malignant and malignant cases showed fungus growth, positive germ tube test and chlamydospore formation. The result also showed rapid and quantitatively more chlamydospore formation in corn meal broth + 5% milk in comparison to serum milk culture media. Conclusion: The oral mucosa is compromised in potentially malignant lesions, it can be argued that this species may be involved in carcinogenesis by elaborating the nitrosamine compounds which either act directly on oral mucosa or interact with other chemical carcinogens to activate specific proto-oncogenes and thereby initiate oral neoplasia.

  11. [Malignant pheochromocytoma]. (United States)

    Mornex, R; Berthezene, F; Peyrin, L; Tran Minh, V; Martin, J P; Fulchiron, D


    The reported incidence of malignant pheochromocytoma varies from series to series. In this series 4 cases (7.2 p. 100) were observed out of a total of 55. In two cases the tumour progressed rapidly but in the other two cases, metastases were detected 3 to 12 years after the apparent cure of a histologically benign pheochromocytoma. The urinary levels of catecholamines and their metabolites gave no indication of the underlying malignancy. The diagnosis was only made from the clinical and radiological detection of metastases (2 hepatic, 2 bone). There is no satisfactory treatment and various therapeutic methods have to be used in succession; surgery for a single metastasis, radiotherapy and antiadrenergic agents to combat clinical manifestations. The natural history of this tumour is relatively long.

  12. Malign katatoni, et neuropsykiatrisk syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moltke, Katinka; Lublin, Henrik


    This case report describes a 36-year-old schizophrenic man who developed malignant catatonia during a hospital stay. He was treated with benzodiazepines (BZD) and 26 sessions of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). After the therapy his condition normalised. Malignant catatonia is a rare condition...

  13. Paediatric Malignancies | Joseph | African Journal of Paediatric ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    malignancies. Other common malignancies included sarcomas 10(14.71%), neurofibromatosis 9(13.24%), nephroblastoma 8(11.77%), acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 5(7.35%) and retinoblastoma 4(5.88%). The less common paediatric malignancies were melanoma, invasive lobular breast carcinoma and squamous cell ...

  14. Malignant priapism: a case report.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Ellanti, P


    Metastatic involvement of the penis is most commonly from a primary malignant genitourinary tumour. It is a rare phenomenon usually reflecting disseminated malignancy associated with a poor prognosis. Metastasis to the penis mimicking priapism is extremely rare, particularly in the absence of disseminated disease.

  15. Bioavailability of very finely distributed metallic platinum in the lungs and first orienting studies on effects. Part 1; Bioverfuegbarkeit von feinstverteiltem metallischem Platin in der Lunge und erste orientierende Wirkungsuntersuchungen (VPT 09; 1. Teil)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artelt, S [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung, Hannover (Germany)


    Projects 07 VPT 08 and 07 VPT 08A revealed that platinum from automotive catalytic converters are largely emitted in metallic form as bound to the support material (aluminium oxide). Platinum emissions from this source are on the order of ng per km. The aim of the still ongoing project 07 VPT 09 is to estimate any health hazards that might grow from the deposition in the human lung by inhalation of very fine platinum particles. To answer this question it is necessary to have sufficient quantities of abraded material at one`s disposal. [Deutsch] Im Rahmen des Projektes 07 VPT 08 und 07 VPT 08A wurde festgestellt, dass Platin aus Automobilabgaskatalysatoren zum ueberwiegenden Teil in metallischer Form, gebunden an Traegermaterial (Aluminiumoxid), emittiert wird. Dabei liegt die Platinemission in der Groessenordnung von ng Platin/km. Im noch laufenden Vorhaben 07 VPT 09 soll ein eventuell auftretendes gesundheitliches Risiko, das durch die inhalative Aufnahme von sehr feinen Platinpartikeln in die Lunge des Menschen entstehen koennte, abgeschaetzt werden. Versuche zur Beantwortung dieser Frage setzen voraus, dass eine genuegend grosse Menge an Abriebmaterial zur Verfuegung steht. (orig.)

  16. Bioavailability of very finely distributed metallic platinum in the lungs and first orienting studies on effects. Part 1; Bioverfuegbarkeit von feinstverteiltem metallischem Platin in der Lunge und erste orientierende Wirkungsuntersuchungen (VPT 09; 1. Teil)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artelt, S. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung, Hannover (Germany)


    Projects 07 VPT 08 and 07 VPT 08A revealed that platinum from automotive catalytic converters are largely emitted in metallic form as bound to the support material (aluminium oxide). Platinum emissions from this source are on the order of ng per km. The aim of the still ongoing project 07 VPT 09 is to estimate any health hazards that might grow from the deposition in the human lung by inhalation of very fine platinum particles. To answer this question it is necessary to have sufficient quantities of abraded material at one`s disposal. [Deutsch] Im Rahmen des Projektes 07 VPT 08 und 07 VPT 08A wurde festgestellt, dass Platin aus Automobilabgaskatalysatoren zum ueberwiegenden Teil in metallischer Form, gebunden an Traegermaterial (Aluminiumoxid), emittiert wird. Dabei liegt die Platinemission in der Groessenordnung von ng Platin/km. Im noch laufenden Vorhaben 07 VPT 09 soll ein eventuell auftretendes gesundheitliches Risiko, das durch die inhalative Aufnahme von sehr feinen Platinpartikeln in die Lunge des Menschen entstehen koennte, abgeschaetzt werden. Versuche zur Beantwortung dieser Frage setzen voraus, dass eine genuegend grosse Menge an Abriebmaterial zur Verfuegung steht. (orig.)

  17. C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A levels in discriminating malignant from non-malignant pleural effusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hala Mohamed Shalaby Samaha


    Conclusion: Measurement of SAA and CRP levels in pleural fluid has good diagnostic utility in differentiation between malignant and non-malignant pleural effusion and pleural SAA has a better diagnostic performance than CRP.

  18. Computed tomography findings of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shiota, Yutaro; Sato, Toshio; Yamaguchi, Kazuo; Ono, Tetsuya; Kaji, Masaro; Niiya, Harutaka (Kure Kyosai Hospital, Hiroshima (Japan))


    Computed tomography (CT) findings were assessed in 7 patients with malignant mesothelioma. CT findings were also reviewed in 9 patients with lung cancer and pleuritis carcinomatosa and in 11 patients with tuberculous pleuritis. Five patients with malignant mesothelioma underwent CT scans twice, on admission and from 1 to 7 months after admission. Tuberculous pleuritis could be distinguished from pleuritis carcinomatosa and malignant mesothelioma by the presence or absence of pleural nodularity and chest wall invasion. Although it was difficult to identify specific CT features clearly distinguishing malignant mesothelioma from pleuritis carcinomatosa, characteristic findings of malignant mesothelioma appeared to include the rapid development and progression of pleural rind and a tendency to spread directly into the chest wall. We divided the pleural into the four regions; upper anterior, upper posterior, lower anterior and lower posterior regions. Pleural changes were more frequently seen in the lower pleural regions than in the upper pleural regions in malignant mesothelioma. (author).

  19. Computed tomography findings of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiota, Yutaro; Sato, Toshio; Yamaguchi, Kazuo; Ono, Tetsuya; Kaji, Masaro; Niiya, Harutaka


    Computed tomography (CT) findings were assessed in 7 patients with malignant mesothelioma. CT findings were also reviewed in 9 patients with lung cancer and pleuritis carcinomatosa and in 11 patients with tuberculous pleuritis. Five patients with malignant mesothelioma underwent CT scans twice, on admission and from 1 to 7 months after admission. Tuberculous pleuritis could be distinguished from pleuritis carcinomatosa and malignant mesothelioma by the presence or absence of pleural nodularity and chest wall invasion. Although it was difficult to identify specific CT features clearly distinguishing malignant mesothelioma from pleuritis carcinomatosa, characteristic findings of malignant mesothelioma appeared to include the rapid development and progression of pleural rind and a tendency to spread directly into the chest wall. We divided the pleural into the four regions; upper anterior, upper posterior, lower anterior and lower posterior regions. Pleural changes were more frequently seen in the lower pleural regions than in the upper pleural regions in malignant mesothelioma. (author)

  20. Genomic and Expression Profiling of Benign and Malignant Nerve Sheath Profiling of Benign and Malignant Nerve Sheath (United States)


    Benign and Malignant Nerve Sheath Tumors in Neurofibromatosis Patients PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Matt van de Rijn, M.D., Ph.D. Torsten...Annual 3. DATES COVERED 1 May 2006 –30 Apr 2007 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Genomic and Expression Profiling of Benign and Malignant Nerve...Award Number: DAMD17-03-1-0297 Title: Genomic and Expression Profiling of Benign and Malignant Nerve Sheath Tumors in Neurofibromatosis

  1. Malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wentz, K.U.; Irngartinger, G.; Georgi, P.; Kaick, G. van; Kleckow, M.; Vollhaber, H.H.; Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg; Krankenhaus Rohrbach


    In 34 patients with suspected malignant pleural mesothelioma the results of computed tomography are compared with the findings of 67 Ga-scintigraphy. The differential diagnosis of 14 pleural mesotheliomas, 7 pleural carcinoses, 10 inflammatory and 3 other pleural diseases is performed more accurately by CT than by scintigraphy. 67 Ga uptake depends on the thickness of inflammatory as well as malignant lesions. Thus, numerous pleural processes that can be localised by CT escape scintigraphic detection, CT is indicated if there is clinical and radiological suspicion of pleural mesothelioma; in that case, there is hardly any indication for 67 Ga scintigraphy. (orig.)

  2. [Acute surgical treatment of malignant stroke]. (United States)

    Lilja-Cyron, Alexander; Eskesen, Vagn; Hansen, Klaus; Kondziella, Daniel; Kelsen, Jesper


    Malignant stroke is an intracranial herniation syndrome caused by cerebral oedema after a large hemispheric or cerebellar stroke. Malignant middle cerebral artery infarction is a devastating disease with a mortality around 80% despite intensive medical treatment. Decompressive craniectomy reduces mortality and improves functional outcome - especially in younger patients (age ≤ 60 years). Decompression of the posterior fossa is a life-saving procedure in patients with malignant cerebellar infarctions and often leads to good neurological outcome.

  3. 27 January 2012 - Mitglieder des Stiftungsrates Academia Engelberg und Gesellschaft zum Bettag Luzern Schweiz welcomed by Head of International Relations F. Pauss; visiting LHC tunnel at Point 5 and CMS experimental cavern; in the LHC superconducting magnet test hall SM18.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    27 January 2012 - Mitglieder des Stiftungsrates Academia Engelberg und Gesellschaft zum Bettag Luzern Schweiz welcomed by Head of International Relations F. Pauss; visiting LHC tunnel at Point 5 and CMS experimental cavern; in the LHC superconducting magnet test hall SM18.

  4. Håndens maligne tumorer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Britt Mejer; Rasmussen, Per Joen Svabo; Lausten, Gunnar Schwarz


    Malignant tumours of the hand are rare and are often misdiagnosed. A painful swelling of the hand or digits are often diagnosed with an infection, benign tumours such as ganglion cysts, or arthritis. Wounds that do not heal despite adequate treatment should be biopsied to rule out malignancy....... A correct diagnosis without delay is important because the life expectancy, due to a metastasis on the hand or fingers is approximately six months....

  5. Ewing's Sarcoma and Second Malignancies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joshua D. Schiffman


    Full Text Available Ewing's sarcoma (ES is a rare tumor that is most common in children and young adults. Late effects of ES therapy include second cancers, a tragic outcome for survivors of such a young age. This paper will explore the frequencies and types of malignancies that occur after ES. Additionally, it will review how second malignancies have changed with the shift in treatment from high-dose radiation to chemotherapy regimens including alkylators and epipodophyllotoxins. The risk of additional cancers in ES survivors will also be compared to survivors of other childhood cancers. Finally, the possible genetic contribution to ES and second malignancies will be discussed.

  6. Malignant diseases as suicidal motives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bogdanović Ljiljana


    Full Text Available Introduction Suicide is a conscious and intentional destruction of one’s own life, which occurs as a result of mutual influence of a person’s disposition and motives (facts inspiring the commitment of suicide. It is well known that various diseases, including malignancies, could be important and in some cases the only motive for committing suicide. Objective The purpose of the study was to analyze in detail suicides of persons whose only motive was an established malignant disease. Method The analysis was performed using the autopsy material of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, during the period from 1990 to 2004. The reports on performed medico-legal autopsies were used, as well as history data obtained from the family members of suicidal persons, investigation reports and the available medical documents. Results In 1931 cases there was established suicidal nature of a violent death. Neoplasms were the suicidal motive in 37 persons (1.9%. The basic characteristics of the analyzed sample were predominance of males (26:11, ratio 2.4:1, the age of over 70 years and the highest incidence of malignant lung and breast tumors. Almost all cases were the persons who underwent treatment for malignant neoplasms over a longer period of time. During 19 autopsies (51.3% out of 37, a progressive phase of malignancy was established, i.e. metastases. The data on prior oral announcement of suicide intention were obtained for 70.3% (26 cases, and on previous suicidal attempts only for 13.5% (5 cases. In the majority of cases (78.4% the place of committed suicide was the person’s home. In 16 cases (43.2% the suicide was committed with a firearm. Hanging as a manner of destroying one’s own life was chosen by 12 persons (32.4%, while other ways were less frequently used. Conclusion Although malignancies were not present with high incidence as a suicidal motive in our analyzed sample, such cases require particular



    Eko Madyo Sutanto


    Laporan audit auditor harus mempertimbangkan masalah materialitas, risiko dan penilaian. Pertimbangan Materialitas termasuk kualitatif dan kuantitatif pertimbangan. Pertimbangan kuantitatif berhubungan dengan kesalahan yang menjadi penentu dalam laporan keuangan. Sementara faktor kualitatif berhubungan dengan penyebab kesalahan tersebut. Untuk menghindari atau meminimalkan risiko audit, menurut Standar Audit seksi 312 menekankan “Risiko audit dan Materialitas dalam Pelaksanaan audit”, maka au...

  8. Financial implications for built environment consultants working at ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Konsultante in die boubedryf van Suid-Afrika loop finansiële risiko's as gevolg van kliënte se verwagtinge om sekere fases van werk te voltooi teen 'n risiko. Konsultante voltooi dus projekte teen 'n risiko met die hoop op vergoeding in die lang duur. 'n Beskrywende opname is gedoen onder 'n verskeidenheid professionele ...

  9. Impression cytology diagnosis of ulcerative eyelid malignancy. (United States)

    Sen, S; Lyngdoh, A D; Pushker, N; Meel, R; Bajaj, M S; Chawla, B


    The utility of impression cytology in ocular diseases has predominantly been restricted to the diagnosis of dry eye, limbal stem cell deficiency and conjunctival neoplasias. Its role in malignant eyelid lesions remains largely unexplored. Although scrape cytology is more popular for cutaneous lesions, impression cytology, being non-traumatic, has an advantage in small and delicate areas such as the eyelid. The present study has been designed to evaluate its role in the diagnosis and management of malignant eyelid lesions. Thirty-two histopathologically proven malignant eyelid lesions diagnosed over a 2-year period, including 13 basal cell carcinomas, 11 sebaceous carcinomas, four squamous cell carcinomas, two malignant melanomas and two poorly differentiated carcinomas, formed the study group. The results of impression cytology were compared with those of histopathology in the study group and with an age- and sex-matched group of benign cases as controls. The sensitivity of impression cytology was 84% (27/32) for the diagnosis of malignancy and 28% (9/32) for categorization of the type of malignancy. Impression cytology is a simple, useful, non-invasive technique for the detection of malignant ulcerative eyelid lesions. It is especially useful as a follow-up technique for the detection of recurrences. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Malignant Tumors Of The Heart

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubrava, J.


    Autoptic prevalence of the heart tumors is 0,01 – 0,3 %. 12 – 25 % of them are malignant tumors and 75 – 88 % are benign. Malignancies are more frequently found in the right heart. Metastatic tumors occur 20 – 40-times more frequently than primary neoplasms. Even 94 % of primary malignant tumors are sarcomas. Most frequent of them are angio sarcomas. Heart metastases are only found in extensive dissemination. Highest prevalence of heart metastases is observed in melanoma, followed by malignant germ cell tumors, leukemia, lymphoma, lung cancer. The clinical presentation is due to the combination of heart failure, embolism, arrhythmias, pericardial effusion or tamponade. The symptoms depend on anatomical localization and the tumor size but not on the histological type. Prognosis of the heart malignancies is poor. Untreated patients die within several weeks to 2 years after the diagnosis was determined. Whenever possible the heart tumor should be resected, despite the surgery is usually neither definite nor sufficiently effective therapy. The patients with completely resectable sarcomas have better prognosis (median of survival 12 – 24 months) than the patients with incomplete resection (3 – 10 months). Complete excision is possible in only less than half of the patients. In some patients chemotherapy, radiotherapy, heart transplantation or combination of them prolonged the survival up to 2 years. Despite of this treatment median of the survival is only 1 year. (author)

  11. On the current knowledge of noise effects: necessity to change the paradigm; Zum gegenwaertigen Erkenntnissstand der Laermwirkungsforschung: Notwendigkeit eines Paradigmenwechsels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ising, H.; Kruppa, B. [Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)


    Schutzreaktionen (Kampf/Flucht- bzw. Niederlagereaktion) ist haeufig die Information wichtiger als der Schallpegel. Die erforderliche schnelle Signalerkennung erfolgt in einem subkortikalen Bereich, der Amygdala. Deshalb koennen auch im Schlaf Ueberflug- oder LKW-Geraeusche als Gefahrensignale eingestuft und mit Freisetzung von Stresshormonen beantwortet werden. In Uebereinstimmung mit der Laerm-Stress-Hypothese wurden bei langfristigen Umweltlaermbelastungen chronische Stresshormon-Regulationsstoerungen und Erhoehungen anerkannter endogener Risikofaktoren fuer Herz-Kreislauf-Krankheiten beobachtet. Deshalb ist auch eine Zunahme des Risikos fuer Herzinfarkt zu erwarten. Die hierzu vorliegenden Einzelstudien erreichen zwar fast nie die statistische Signifikanz, aber sie zeigen nach Meinung des Sachverstaendigenrates fuer Umweltfragen dennoch, dass bei Immissionspegeln von mehr als 65 dB(A) am Tage ein konsistenter Trend in Richtung eines erhoehten Risikos fuer ischaemische Herzkrankheiten erkennbar ist.(orig.)

  12. Radiation sensitivity of human malignant lymphocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seshadri, R.; Matthews, C.; Morley, A.A.


    A simple and rapid in vitro technique to assess the sensitivity of human malignant lymphocytes to roentgen irradiation is described. A variety of established malignant lymphocyte cell lines were cloned in microwells and clone survival was used as the end-point. The survival of the clonogenic malignant lymphocyte down to a fraction of approximately 0.001 could be measured accurately. Except for a T-cell line, the radiation sensitivities of the cell lines were similar to that of normal T-lymphocytes. (orig.)

  13. Pleural spill malign

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camacho Duran, Fidel; Zamarriego, Roman; Gonzalez, Mauricio


    The pleural spills are developed because of an alteration in the mechanisms that usually move between 5 and 10 liters of liquid through the space pleural every 24 hours and this is reabsorbed, only leaving 5 to 20 ml present. The causes more common of spill pleural they are: congestive heart failure, bacterial pneumonia, malign neoplasia and pulmonary clot. The causes more common of pleural spill malign in general are: cancer of the lung, cancer of the breast and lymphomas. In the man, cancer of the lung, lymphomas and gastrointestinal cancer. In the woman, cancer of the breast, gynecological cancer and lung cancer. The paper, includes their characteristics, treatments and medicines

  14. Malignant Transformation of Oral Lichen Planus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sangeeta Wanjari


    Full Text Available Oral lichen planus (OLP is a chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous disease that frequently involves the oral mucosa. It has been regarded by many authors as a premalignant condition. There has been a continuous debate regarding the possible malignant potential of OLP, and these patients have been recommended to have their lesions monitored two to four times annually. A case of a lichen planus transformed into malignancy is reported here. This case does not provide answers to the ongoing controversy about the innate propensity of OLP to become malignant. However, in view of common occurrence of OLP and unresolved issue regarding its malignant potential (MP, thus case report illustrates the need for histologic confirmation and close follow-up of patients with clinical lesions that have lichenoid features.

  15. A Case of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor with Rhabdomyoblastic Differentiation: Malignant Triton Tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenichiro Mae


    Full Text Available Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST constitute a rare variety of soft tissue sarcomas thought to originate from Schwann cells or pluripotent cells of the neural crest. Malignant triton tumor (MTT, a very rare, highly aggressive soft tissue tumor, is a subgroup of MPNST and is comprised of malignant Schwann cells coexisting with malignant rhabdomyoblasts. We herein report the case of a 24-year-old man who presented a subcutaneous mass in his right thigh. The mass was removed surgically in its entirety and radiation therapy was applied locally to prevent tumor regrowth. Nonetheless, the patient died 10 months after surgery from metastases to the lung and brain. He presented neither cafe-au-lait spots nor cutaneous neurofibromas. The histopathology showed a transition from a neurofibroma to an MTT, making this the second report of an MTT arising from a neurofibroma without neurofibromatosis type 1, an autosomal dominant disorder with which 50-70% of tumors reported in previous studies were associated. A histopathological examination using immunostaining with desmin confirmed this diagnosis. MTT has a poorer prognosis than MPNST and should therefore be regarded as a distinct clinical entity.

  16. Computed tomography in intracranial malignant lymphoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naruse, S; Odake, G; Fujimoto, M; Yamaki, T; Mizukawa, N [Kyoto Prefectural Univ. of Medicine (Japan)


    Malignant lymphoma of the central nervous system has been found more and more often in recent years, partly because of the increased use of radiation and such drugs as steroids and antibiotics. However, the definite diagnosis of this disease is difficult until histological verification has been done by operation or autopsy. Since the revolutionary development of computed tomography, however, several reports have been presented, on the computed tomography of malignant lymphoma of the thorax and abdomen. Nevertheless, only a few cases of intracranial malignant lymphoma have been reported. The purpose of this paper, using four patients, is to emphasize the value of computed tomography in the diagnosis of intracranial malignant lymphoma. The characteristic CT findings of intracranial malignant lymphoma may be summarized follows: (1) the tumors are demonstrated to be well-defined, nodular-shaped, and homogenous isodensity - or slightly high-density - lesions in plain scans, and the tumors homogenously increase in density upon contrast enhancement; (2) the disease always has multifocal intracranial lesions, which are shown simultaneously or one after another, and (3) perifocal edema is prominent around the tumors in the cerebral hemisphere.

  17. MFH Mimic in Breast: A High-Grade Malignant Phyllodes Tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. L. Hemalatha


    Full Text Available Malignant phyllodes tumor is usually diagnosed by the presence of benign duct-like epithelium and malignant mesenchymal tissue. In addition to the usual fibrosarcomatous features, the mesenchymal component may show areas resembling osteogenic sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, malignant mesenchymoma, and, very rarely, malignant fibrous histiocytoma. We present one such rare case of malignant phyllodes tumor with malignant fibrous histiocytoma-like stromal differentiation.

  18. An approach to malignant mammary phyllodes tumors detection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilić Ivan


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Mammary phyllodes tumors (MPT are uncommon fibroepithelial (biphasic neoplasms whose clinical behavior is difficult to predict on the basis of histological criteria only. They are divided into benign, borderline malignant and malignant groups. Sometimes it appears difficult to distinguish these tumors from other types of soft tissue sarcomas. Because of the relatively scant data on the role of biological markers in MPT histogenesis, we have decided to undertake the following study, trying to shed more light on the issue by investigating the following elements that make up MPT: their histological patterns, biological behavior, enzymohistochemical, histochemical and immunohistochemical characteristics (ICH together with the mast cell analysis. Methods. We examined the biopsy material of 35 MPT in our laboratory. Enzymohistochemistry was performed on frozen sections (method of Crowford, Nachlas and Seligman. The used methods were classical hematoxylin-eosin (H&E; histochemical Massontrichrome, Alcian-blue, Periodic acid Schiff and immunohistochemical LSAB2 method (DacoCytomation. Ki-67, ckit, vimentin, estrogen receptor (ER, progesterone receptor (PR and Her-2 oncoprotein immunohistochemistry was performed on all tumors. Results. The patients were ranged per age from 30-62 years (mean 43.3 years, median 39 years. A total of 35 cases of MPT were included: 20 benign (57%, 6 borderline malignant (17% and 9 malignant (26%. Twenty-two patients (62.8 % underwent segmental mastectomy, while 13 (37.2% had total mastectomies. Twenty-eight patients had negative surgical margins at original resection. The mean size of malignant MPT (7.8 cm was larger than that of benign MPT (4.5 cm. Significant features of the malignant MPT were: stromal cellularity, stromal cellular atypism, high mitotic activity, atypic mitoses, stromal overgrowth, infiltrative tumor contour and heterologous stromal elements. Benign MPT showed strong enzymohistochemical

  19. Markers of Oral Lichen Planus Malignant Transformation (United States)

    Tampa, Mircea; Mitran, Madalina; Mitran, Cristina; Matei, Clara; Georgescu, Simona-Roxana


    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology with significant impact on patients' quality of life. Malignant transformation into oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is considered as one of the most serious complications of the disease; nevertheless, controversy still persists. Various factors seem to be involved in the progression of malignant transformation; however, the mechanism of this process is not fully understood yet. Molecular alterations detected in OLP samples might represent useful biomarkers for predicting and monitoring the malignant progression. In this review, we discuss various studies which highlight different molecules as ominous predictors of OLP malignant transformation. PMID:29682099

  20. Malignant renal cysts: Diagnostic performance and strong predictors at MDCT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dae Yoon; Kim, Jeong Kon; Cho, Kyoung-Sik; Min, Gyeong-Eun; Ahn, Han-Jong


    Background: Utilization of multidetector-row CT (MDCT) is anticipated to improve the diagnostic accuracy and reliability for determining malignant cysts. Purpose: To assess the diagnostic accuracy, interobserver agreement, benefit of consensus reading, and strong predictors of malignancy in determining malignant cystic renal masses at MDCT. Material and Methods: Two radiologists independently rated the probability of malignancy at MDCT in 72 benign and 53 malignant cysts. The accuracy and interobserver agreement for determining malignant cysts were evaluated. The strong predictors of malignancy were determined, and in patients with interobserver disagreement for determining malignant cysts, consensus readings were performed. Results: Az value of the two readers was 0.905-0.936 and the sensitivity and specificity were 85-89% and 83-93%, respectively. The overall interobserver agreement for determining the malignant cyst was good as the κ value was 0.696 (% agreement, 61% (76/125)). Thickened irregular wall, thickened irregular septa, and enhancing soft tissue component were strong predictors for malignancy with both readers. In the 17 patients with interobserver disagreement for determining malignant cysts, the sensitivity was improved from 38-63% to 89% by the consensus reading. Conclusion: At MDCT, some false negative decisions for determining malignant cysts can be corrected by consensus reading, and thickened irregular septa, thickened irregular wall, and enhancing soft tissue component are the strong predictors of malignant cysts

  1. ‹Portale›, die zum Nachdenken anregen. Einblicke in eine Interfaceanalyse des Augmented Reality Spiels Ingress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franco Rau


    Full Text Available Augmented Reality Spiele wie ‹Ingress› und ‹PokémonGo› stellen aktuell neue mediale Phänomene dar. Eine zentrale Differenz zu klassischen Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs ist die Verzahnung von virtuellen und realen Objekten als konstitutive Spielelemente. In Anknüpfung an die Perspektive, digitale Spiele als Kultur- und Bildungsräume zu verstehen, widmet sich der Beitrag der Frage, inwiefern das Ingress-Spielen die Perspektive von Spieler/innen auf den öffentlichen Raum verändern kann. In erster Annäherung an diese Fragestellung wird auf Basis einer Interfaceanalyse gezeigt, wie ‹Portale› – virtueller Repräsentationen realer Objekte im Spiel – potenziell Irritationen und Differenz­erfahrungen ermöglichen. Diese können zum Ausgangspunkt weiterführender Reflexionen werden. Dafür werden exemplarisch ‹Portale› diskutiert, die (1. weiterführende Informationen zu realen Objekte bieten, die (2. Momentaufnahmen nicht mehr existierender kultureller Objekte darstellen und die (3. reale Objekte in ironischer Weise präsentieren.

  2. ADC mapping of benign and malignant breast tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woodhams, R.; Matsunaga, Keiji; Kan, Shinichi; Hata, Hirofumi; Iwabuchi, Keiichi; Kuranami, Masaru; Watanabe, Masahiko; Hayakawa, Kazushige; Ozaki, Masanori


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the utility of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value in differentiating benign and malignant breast lesions and evaluating the detection accuracy of the cancer extension. We used DWI to obtain images of 191 benign and malignant lesions (24 benign, 167 malignant) before surgical excision. The ADC values of the benign and malignant lesions were compared, as were the values of noninvasive ductal carcinoma (NIDC) and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). We also evaluated the ADC map, which represents the distribution of ADC values, and compared it with the cancer extension. The mean ADC value of each type of lesion was as follows: malignant lesions, 1.22±0.31 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s; benign lesions, 1.67±0.54 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s; normal tissues, 2.09±0.27 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s. The mean ADC value of the malignant lesions was statistically lower than that of the benign lesions and normal breast tissues. The ADC value of IDC was statistically lower than that of NIDC. The sensitivity of the ADC value for malignant lesions with a threshold of less than 1.6 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s was 95% and the specificity was 46%. A full 75% of all malignant cases exhibited a near precise distribution of low ADC values on ADC maps to describe malignant lesions. The main causes of false negative and underestimation of cancer spread were susceptibility artifact because of bleeding and tumor structure. Major histologic types of false-positive lesions were intraductal papilloma and fibrocystic diseases. Fibrocystic diseases also resulted in overestimation of cancer extension. DWI has the potential in clinical appreciation to detect malignant breast tumors and support the evaluation of tumor extension. However, the benign proliferative change remains to be studied as it mimics the malignant phenomenon on the ADC map. (author)

  3. Recommendations for the use of bioindicators in the frame of Environmetnal Impact Assessment (EIA); Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Bioindikationsverfahren im Rahmen des Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefungsgesetzes (UVPG)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zimmermann, R.D. [Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) (Germany). Arbeitskreis Bioindikation]|[Fachhochschule Bingen (Germany). Fachbereich Umweltschutz; Debus, R. [Fachhochschule Wiesbaden (Germany). Fachbereich MND - Umwelttechnik; Franzaring, J. [AB-DLO Wageningen (Netherlands); Hoepker, K.A. [Landesanstalt fuer Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Germany); Maier, W. [TUEV Ecoplan Umwelt GmbH, Filderstadt (Germany); Reiml, D. [TUEV Ecoplan Umwelt GmbH, Muenchen (Germany); Finck, M. [Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (RdL), Duesseldorf (Germany)


    The paragraph 2 of the German law on Environmental Impact Assessment (law on EIA) requires to determine, to record and to assess the effects which proposed major projects in the areas of industry, local government and transport have on man, animals, plants, soil, water, air, climate, landspace, assets and cultural heritage including the interactions between different media. For this purpose, bioindication is an effective tool. Up to now, the different methods of bioindication were not applied sufficiently although some of the methods have already been standardised in guidelines (VDI, DIN). Users and authorities might feel insecure which bioindication method should be applied when assessing the impacts of a given project. This paper gives recommendations which bioindication method should be applied for the different major projects listed in the law on EIA. A widespread set of data obtained by the use of bioindicators is necessary to meet the demands of paragraph 2. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefungsgesetz (UVPG) verlangt in Paragraph 2 die Ermittlung, Beschreibung und Bewertung der Auswirkungen eines Vorhabens auf Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen, Boden, Wasser, Luft, Klima und Landschaft einschliesslich der jeweiligen Wechselwirkungen sowie auf Kultur- und sonstige Sachgueter. Die Bioindikation kann hier wesentliche Dienste leisten. Bislang kamen die verschiedenen, z.T. in Richtlinien (VDI, DIN) vereinheitlichten Verfahren noch zu selten zum Einsatz. Ein Grund hierfuer duerfte in der Unsicherheit der Anwender sowie der Genehmigungsbehoerden liegen, welches Bioindikationsverfahren fuer welches UVPG-Vorhaben eine geeignete Erfassungs- und Bewertungsmethode erlaubt. Zu diesem Zweck werden fuer ausgewaehlte, gemaess UVPG genehmigungsbeduerftige Vorhaben Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Bioindikationsverfahren erteilt. Erst durch zahlreiche Untersuchungsergebnisse aus diesen Verfahren koennen die Forderungen nach Paragraph 2 UVPG aussagekraeftig erfuellt

  4. Clustered microcalcifications without mass on mammography : benignancy vs. malignancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Yoon Hee; Do, Young Soo; Oh, Hoon Il; Kim, Ki Hwan; Chin, Soo Yil [Korean Cancer Center Hostpital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Byung Jae [Chung Dam Radiologic Clinics, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Han, Heon [Chungang Gil Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Yeun Hyeun; Han, Boo Kyung [Sam Sung Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, Jung Mi [Asan Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of differentiation between benign and malignant clustered microcalcifications without mass on mammogram. Fourty six mammograms of 44 patients showing clustered microcalcifications without mass were interpreted blindly by five independent observers majoring in breast imaging from different institutions. Twenty two were malignant (10 infiltrating ductal carcinomas, 12 intraductal carcinomas) and 24 were benign (all fibrocystic disease). The observers judge benignancy or malignancy of microcalcifications. The authors assess the accuracy of differential diagnosis of clustered microcalcifications. Of 24 cases proved benign microcalcifications, five radiologists correctly interpreted 20 on average as benign and of malignant 22 cases, 16 on average were correctly interpreted as malignant. The diagnostic accuracy of malignant microcalcifications was 71.8% on average(63.6%{approx}81.8%) and the diagnostic accuracy for benign microcalcifications was 83% on average(71%{approx}92%). It was 9 among total 46 cases that were misinterpreted by more than three radiologists. Among these 9 cases, malignant microcalcifications that had been misinterpreted as benign were seven, benign microcalcifications misinterpreted as malignant were two. The diagnostic accuracy of clustered malignant microcalcifications(71.8%) without mass on mammogram was lower than that of benign microcalcifications(83.3%). So, in case of suspected malignant microcalcification on mammogram, it is preferable that along with magnification view, histopathologic confirmation by core biopsy must be obtained.

  5. Particle Reduction Strategies - PAREST. A meteorology comparision for better understanding of different pollutant concentration simulations with different chemistry transport models. Sub-report; Strategien zur Verminderung der Feinstaubbelastung - PAREST. Ein Meteorologievergleich zum besseren Verstaendnis der unterschiedlichen Schadstoffkonzentrationssimulationen mit verschiedenen Chemie-Transport-Modellen. Teilbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kerschbaumer, Andreas [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Meteorologie, Troposphaerische Umweltforschung


    In this study, input variables for chemical transport models were compared from different meteorological drivers each with other and with the measured friction velocities in one place. Friction velocities are used as a measure of the mechanical turbulence, but are made available neither by numerical weather models nor routinely available observations: so they must either recalculate or estimated. In this study, friction velocities (u{sup *}), which is measured for years by the DWD in Lindenberg near Berlin, averaged over 30 minutes and have been made available to FU Berlin, compared with modeled values. The considered models are firstly the diagnostic interpolation model TRAMPER, on the other the prognostic models of the DWD COSMO-EU and the EZMWF. The boundary layer relevant parameters from the NWM were recalculated from the involved groups, which has been made for the COSMO-EU the one from the FU Berlin, the other from IfT in Leipzig. The boundary layer variables in the EZMWF model, however, were determined by TNO Netherlands. The measurements have shown that u{sup *} in the forest twice as high as above the meadow. [German] In dieser Studie wurden Eingangsvariablen fuer Chemie-Transport-Modelle aus verschiedenen meteorologischen Treibern miteinander und mit an einem Ort gemessenen Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten verglichen. Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten werden als Mass fuer die mechanische Turbulenz benutzt, werden aber weder von numerischen Wettermodellen noch routinemaessig von Beobachtungen zur Verfuegung gestellt: sie muessen also entweder nachgerechnet oder abgeschaetzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurden Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten (u{sup *}), die vom DWD in Lindenberg bei Berlin ueber Jahre gemessen, gemittelt ueber 30 Minuten, und der FUBerlin zur Verfuegung gestellt worden sind, mit modellierten Werten verglichen. Die beruecksichtigten Modelle sind zum einen das diagnostische Interpolationsmodell TRAMPER, zum anderen die prognostischen Modelle des DWD

  6. The Relationship between Werner Syndrome and Sinonasal Malignant Melanoma: Two Sibling Cases of Werner Syndrome with Malignant Melanoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoshinori Kadowaki


    Full Text Available Werner syndrome (WS is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by premature aging. Malignant tumors such as thyroid carcinoma and malignant melanoma occur frequently in WS patients. We describe 2 siblings with WS who suffered from sinonasal malignant melanoma (MM. Both patients initially experienced nasal obstruction and recurrent nasal bleeding and died within 2 years of the diagnosis of MM. Otolaryngologists should recognize that WS patients have a high risk for head and neck malignant disease, particularly sinonasal MM, even if they are aged below the expected age range and undergo periodic examinations. Furthermore, it is important that WS patients are aware that a prompt nasal examination is indicated if they experience continuous nasal obstruction or recurrent nasal bleeding.

  7. Primary Malignant Bone Tumours at the University Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Primary malignant bone tumours include malignancies arising primarily from bone tissue. This is opposed to secondary bone tumours in which case the neoplastic elements arise primarily from other sites within the body and secondarily spread to bone. Primary malignant bone tumours are generally ...

  8. Malignant insulinoma: The problems of tumour localization and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Malignant insulinomas of the pancreas are rare tumours, accounting for 10% of ... Histological examination showed a R-cell malignant tumour of the pancreas with ... Associated vaso-. SA MEDICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 63 23 APRIL 1983 ... 52 cases of pancreatic endocrine malignant tumours, which have similar behaviour.

  9. Long-term risk of atrial fibrillation after the death of a partner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graff, Simon; Fenger-Grøn, Morten; Christensen, Bo


    Dette studie viser, at mennesker, som for nylig har mistet deres partner, har en øget risiko for at udvikle uregelmæssig hjerterytme i op til ét år efter tabet. Den øgede risiko forekommer i op til et år efter tabet, og den største risiko ses hos efterladte på under 60 år og ved uventede dødsfald...

  10. Ewing's Sarcoma as a Second Malignancy in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Hematologic Malignancies. (United States)

    Wolpert, Fabian; Grotzer, Michael A; Niggli, Felix; Zimmermann, Dieter; Rushing, Elisabeth; Bode-Lesniewska, Beata


    Modern multimodal treatment has significantly increased survival for patients affected by hematologic malignancies, especially in childhood. Following remission, however, the risk of developing a further malignancy is an important issue. The long-term estimated risk of developing a sarcoma as a secondary malignancy is increased severalfold in comparison to the general population. Ewing's sarcoma family encompasses a group of highly aggressive, undifferentiated, intra- and extraosseous, mesenchymal tumors, caused by several types of translocations usually involving the EWSR1 gene. Translocation associated sarcomas, such as Ewing sarcoma, are only rarely encountered as therapy associated secondary tumors. We describe the clinical course and management of three patients from a single institution with Ewing's sarcoma that followed successfully treated lymphoblastic T-cell leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The literature on secondary Ewing's sarcoma is summarized and possible pathogenic mechanisms are critically discussed.

  11. Seroprevalensi dan Faktor Risiko Penularan Mycoplasma gallisepticum pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur Komersial di Kabupaten Blitar (SEROPREVALENCE AND( RISK FACTORS OF MYCOPLASMA GALLISEPTICUM INFECTION IN COMMERCIAL LAYER FARM IN BLITAR DISTRICT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diyantoro Diyantoro


    Full Text Available This study aimed to figure out the prevalence and risk factors of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG infection in commercial layer farm in Blitar District. Blood samples and questionnaires were taken during December 2014 to February 2015. A total of 264 sera samples were collected from 22 commercial layer farm. Based on serum plate agglutination test, 26 sera samples were MG positive that were indicated an infection prevalence was 9.85%. The highest SRR value for MG infection was occurred in Bakung Subdistrict (SRR = 2.5. Based on Analysis of multivariate logistic regression showed that a very significant influenced risk factors of MG infection have occurred in flocking density more than 3,000 birds per flock (?2= 11.10; p= 0.001; OR= 6.1, flocking density about 1,501 to 3,000 birds per flock (?2 = 11.10; p= 0.001; OR= 6.1, bird feeding once a day (?2= 9.32; p= 0.002; OR= 0.3, house desinfection once in every two weeks (?2 =7.70; p= 0.009; OR= 1.2, house desinfection once a month or only in case (?2= 9.36; p= 0.006; OR= 3.9. It was concluded that seroprevalence of MG infection in studied area was 9,85%. the MG seroprevalence were influenced by flocking density more than 3,000 birds per flock, flocking density about 1,501 to 3,000 birds per flock, bird feeding once a day, house desinfection once every two weeks, and house desinfection once a month or only in case. ABSTRAK Mycoplasmosis merupakan salah satu penyakit paling penting yang dihadapi oleh industri perunggasan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor risiko penularan Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG pada peternakan ayam petelur komersial di Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur. Contoh darah dan kuisioner diambil selama periode Desember 2014 hingga Februari 2015. Sebanyak 264 contoh serum dikumpulkan dari 22 peternakan ayam petelur komersial. Berdasarkan uji Rapid Serum Agglutination (RSA, 26 contoh ditemukan positif MG dengan prevalensi infeksi MG di Kabupaten Blitar

  12. De novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. (United States)

    Tomimaru, Y; Ito, T; Marubashi, S; Kawamoto, K; Tomokuni, A; Asaoka, T; Wada, H; Eguchi, H; Mori, M; Doki, Y; Nagano, H


    Long-term immunosuppression is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Especially, the immunosuppression in pancreas transplantation is more intensive than that in other organ transplantation because of its strong immunogenicity. Therefore, it suggests that the risk of post-transplant de novo malignancy might increase in pancreas transplantation. However, there have been few studies of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. Post-transplant patients with de novo malignancy were surveyed and characterized in Japan. Among 107 cases receiving pancreas transplantation in Japan between 2001 and 2010, de novo malignancy developed in 9 cases (8.4%): post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders in 6 cases, colon cancer in 1 case, renal cancer in 1 case, and brain tumor in 1 case. We clarified the incidence of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Progress in surgical palliative treatment for malignant obstructive jaundice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LIANG Zhang


    Full Text Available Obstructive jaundice, also known as surgical jaundice, is divided into benign and malignant types. Most of the patients newly diagnosed with malignant obstructive jaundice have lost the opportunity of receiving radical surgery due to its insidious onset, so surgical palliative treatment is very important for patients with advanced malignant obstructive jaundice. This paper elaborates on various current modalities of surgical palliative treatment for malignant obstructive jaundice. Appropriate modality of surgical palliative treatment is of great significance for patients with advanced malignant obstructive jaundice.

  14. The presence of dysplastic nevus remnants in malignant melanomas. A population-based study of 551 malignant melanomas. (United States)

    Hastrup, N; Osterlind, A; Drzewiecki, K T; Hou-Jensen, K


    We examined 512 malignant melanomas, representing all newly diagnosed cutaneous malignant melanomas, excluding lentigo maligna melanomas, from the period October 1, 1982 to March 31, 1985 occurring in the region of eastern Denmark in patients aged 20-79 years for the presence of dysplastic nevus remnants. Criteria for the diagnosis of a dysplastic nevus remnant include all the following changes (a) lentiginous or epithelioid melanocyte hyperplasia, (b) cytologic melanocyte atypia, (c) eosinophilic fibroplasia, (d) lamellar fibroplasia, and (e) lymphocytic infiltration in the dermis. Dysplastic nevus remnants were found in association with 34 (7%) of the evaluable 512 malignant melanomas. Fourteen (41%) of the remnants were of compound nevus type. In nine (27%) of the remnants, atypia was pronounced. Most (62%) dysplastic nevus remnants were contiguous to thin superficial spreading melanomas. We conclude from this population-based study that about 7% of malignant melanomas arise in prior dysplastic nevi.

  15. Reduced-intensity conditioning for the treatment of malignant and life-threatening non-malignant disorders. (United States)

    Slavin, Shimon; Aker, Mehmet; Shapira, Michael Y; Resnick, Igor; Bitan, Menachem; Or, Reuven


    Allogeneic bone marrow or blood stem cell transplantation (BMT) represents an important therapeutic tool for the treatment of an otherwise incurable broad spectrum of malignant and non-malignant diseases. Until recently, BMT was used primarily to replace a malignant, genetically abnormal or deficient immunohematopoietic compartment and therefore, highly toxic myeloablative regimens were considered mandatory for more effective eradication of all undesirable host-derived hematopoietic cells, including stem cells and their progeny. Our preclinical and ongoing clinical studies indicated that much more effective eradication of host immunohematopoietic system cells can be mediated by donor lymphocytes in the process of adoptive allogeneic cell therapy following BMT. Thus, eradication of all malignant cells, especially in patients with CML and, to a lesser extent, in patients with other hematologic malignancies can be accomplished despite complete resistance of puch tumor cells to maximally tolerated doses of chemoradiotherapy. Our cumulative experience suggested that graft-versus-malignancy effects might be used as a tool for eradication of otherwise resistant tumor cells of host origin. We speculated that the therapeutic benefit of BMT may be improved by using safer conditioning for engraftment of donor stem cells induce host-versus-graft unresponsiveness to enable engraftment of donor lymphocytes for subsequent induction of graft-versus-malignancy effects, or even graft-versus-autoimmunity and graft-versus-genetically abnormal cells. In other words, focusing on more selective and smarter rather than stronger modalities. Effective BMT procedures may be accomplished without lethal conditioning of the host, using a new, well-tolerated and user-friendly non-myeloablative regimen, thus eliminating or minimizing immediate and late procedure-related toxicity and mortality. It appears that initial induction of graft tolerance, mediated by engraftment of donor stem cells, leads

  16. Statistical observations on postirradiation skin malignancies reported in Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okazaki, Michiharu; Ogata, Katsumi; Inoue, Shouhei (Miyazaki Medical Coll., Kiyotake (Japan))


    A review was made on 412 cases of postirradiation skin malignancies reported in Japan up to March 1988. The ratio of male to female was 2:1. Histologically, squamous cell carcinoma occupied 60% of all cases. The incidence of sarcoma has recently been increased. Sixty percent of all skin malignancies resulted from irradiation for benign diseases. Radiotherapy has recently become the treatment of choice for malignancy. The incidence of malignancy resulting from occupational exposure has remained unchanged. The latency period before the development of radiation-induced malignancy varied in the following order with cause or primary disease: occupation>benign tumors>malignant tumors; and it varied with histology in the following order: basal cell epithelioma>squamous cell carcinoma>sarcoma. Malignant tumors treated with large doses of high energy photon beams were likely to develop sarcomas in a relatively short latency period of time. (N.K.).

  17. Unexpected second primary malignancies detected by f-18 FDG PET/CT during follow-up for primary malignancy: Two case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bang, Ji In; Lee, Eun Seong; Kim, Tae Sung; Kim, Seok Ki [Nuclear Medicine, Research Institute and Hospital, National Cancer Center, Goyang (Korea, Republic of)


    As the survival rate of cancer patients has increased over the last few decades, the risk of cancer survivors developing second primary malignancies has gained attention. We report two rare cases of second primary hematologic malignancy detected by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18 FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) during follow-up for primary solid malignancies. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed in a breast cancer patient and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in an anal cancer patient. F-18 FDG PET/CT findings led to the diagnosis of unexpected second primary hematologic malignancy in cancer survivors in these two cases.

  18. Unexpected second primary malignancies detected by f-18 FDG PET/CT during follow-up for primary malignancy: Two case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bang, Ji In; Lee, Eun Seong; Kim, Tae Sung; Kim, Seok Ki


    As the survival rate of cancer patients has increased over the last few decades, the risk of cancer survivors developing second primary malignancies has gained attention. We report two rare cases of second primary hematologic malignancy detected by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18 FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) during follow-up for primary solid malignancies. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed in a breast cancer patient and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in an anal cancer patient. F-18 FDG PET/CT findings led to the diagnosis of unexpected second primary hematologic malignancy in cancer survivors in these two cases

  19. Genital tract malign ancies in postmenopausal women

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khursheed, F.; Jatoi, N.; Das, C.M.


    Background: The most common malignancy in women is breast carcinoma. The next common cancer is genital tract malignancies which constitute 14% of cancers in women. Objective of this study was to determine the type and frequency of genital tract malignancy in postmenopausal women and to find the age distribution of genital tract malignancies. Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics ad Gynaecology Unit-II at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro. All postmenopausal women, admitted in the unit due to various pathologies (abdominal masses, bleeding P/V etc.) from January 2005 to December 2007 were included in the study. Clinical evaluation and investigations were done on all patients. Those women who had benign diseases were excluded from the study. Malignancy was confirmed from histopathology report of biopsy specimen. These women were divided into 3 age groups: group I 70 years. Results: Out of 265 postmenopausal women admitted in ward during the study period, malignancy was confirmed in 68 cases (25.66%). The type of malignancy was cervical carcinoma (41, 60.28%), ovarian carcinoma (11, 16.17%), endometrial carcinoma (8, 11.76%), vulval carcinoma (5, 7.35%) vaginal carcinoma (2, 2.94%), and leiomyosarcoma of uterus (1, 1.47%). Increased frequency of cervical and endometrial carcinomas were seen in Group-I cases, while vulval carcinoma was seen more commonly in Group-II cases ( p =0.004). Conclusion: A very high frequency of cervical carcinoma was seen in our patients. There is need for more public awareness to integrate routine Gynae-Pap screening. (author)

  20. Synchronous Pulmonary Malignancies: Atypical Presentation of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Masking a Lung Malignancy. (United States)

    Masha, Luke; Zinchuk, Andrey; Boosalis, Valia


    We present a case of a pleural space malignancy masked by an atypical presentation of mantle cell lymphoma. Our patient presented with a large pleural effusion and right sided pleural studding, initially attributed to a new diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma. Rare atypical epithelial cells were also seen amongst the clonal population of lymphocytes. The patient lacked systemic manifestations of mantle cell lymphoma and did not improve with chemotherapy. A pleural biopsy ultimately revealed the presence of an undifferentiated carcinoma, favoring a lung primary. A discussion of synchronous pleural space malignancies involving lymphomas is given.

  1. Local treatment of solitary intrapulmonary, malignant nodules; Lokaltherapie solitaerer intrapulmonaler maligner Rundherde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winkel, J. op den; Eichhorn, F. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung Thoraxchirurgie, Thoraxklinik, Heidelberg (Germany); Rieken, S. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie, Heidelberg (Germany); Dienemann, H. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung Thoraxchirurgie, Thoraxklinik, Heidelberg (Germany); TLRC-H - Translational Lung Research Center Heidelberg, Heidelberg (Germany)


    Intrapulmonary nodules generally represent an incidental finding in the roentgenogram or computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest. They are defined as single, well-circumscribed, radiographic opaque lesions that measures up to 3 cm in diameter and are surrounded completely by aerated lung. The probability of malignancy directly correlates with increasing diameter. Lesions that have a diameter of 1 cm or larger require direct evaluation. Surgery is the first option for patients with a malignant lesion, given an acceptable perioperative risk; for high-risk patients either radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) should be offered. In these cases the malignant histology has to be established beforehand or verified by radiologic proven growth. Complete surgical resection is superior to RFA and SBRT with respect to local tumor control. (orig.) [German] Intrapulmonale Rundherde stellen in der Regel einen Zufallsbefund im Roentgenbild oder Computertomogramm des Thorax dar. Sie sind definiert als relativ gut abgegrenzte Laesionen von bis zu 3 cm Durchmesser, die allseits von Lungengewebe umgeben sind. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit fuer das Vorliegen eines malignen Tumors steigt mit ihrer Groesse. Rundherde ab 1 cm Durchmesser beduerfen der aktiven Abklaerung. Zur Behandlung solitaerer maligner Tumoren steht fuer Patienten ohne nennenswert erhoehtes Operations- und Narkoserisiko der chirurgische Eingriff an erster Stelle. Patienten, die aus funktionellen Gruenden fuer einen solchen nicht geeignet sind, koennen mit Radiofrequenzablation (RFA) oder Einzeitbestrahlung (SBRT) behandelt werden. In diesen Faellen muessen vor Therapiebeginn die Malignitaet nachgewiesen oder zumindest ueber einen begrenzten Zeitraum eine Groessenzunahme der Laesion dokumentiert worden sein. In Bezug auf die lokale Tumorfreiheit ist die Operation unter den Voraussetzungen einer R0-Resektion den anderen Verfahren ueberlegen. (orig.)

  2. [Molecular heterogeneity of malignant pleural mesotheliomas]. (United States)

    Tranchant, Robin; Montagne, François; Jaurand, Marie-Claude; Jean, Didier


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is predominantly an occupational cancer, most often linked to asbestos exposure. Malignant pleural mesothelioma prognosis is poor with a short survival median, due to the aggressiveness of tumor cells and the weak efficiency of conventional anti-cancer therapies. Clinical, histological, and molecular data suggest tumor heterogeneity between patients as it was also shown for other cancer types. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop new therapies that take into account this heterogeneity and the molecular characteristics of malignant pleural mesothelioma, in particular by identifying new anti-cancer drugs targeting the molecular specificities of each malignant pleural mesothelioma. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is characterized by numerous molecular alterations at the chromosomal, genetic and epigenetic levels. Molecular classification based on gene expression profile has firstly defined two tumor groups, C1 and C2, and more recently, four groups. By integrating genetic and transcriptomic analysis, a C2 LN tumor subgroup of the C2 group has been identified and characterized. In addition to tumor heterogeneity between patients, intra-tumor heterogeneity is supported by several evidences. Most therapeutic strategies that take into account the tumor molecular characteristics have focused on targeted therapies based on mutated genes. A more appropriate strategy would be to consider better-defined tumor groups on the basis of several molecular alterations types as it has been proposed for the C2 LN subgroup. A robust definition of homogeneous tumor groups sharing common molecular characteristics is necessary for the development of effective precision medicine for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Copyright © 2017 Société Française du Cancer. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Is tamoxifen associated with an increased risk for thromboembolic complications in patients undergoing microvascular breast reconstruction? [Ist die Einnahme von Tamoxifen zum Zeitpunkt der mikrovaskulären Brustrekonstruktion mit einer erhöhten Rate an thrombembolischen Komplikationen assoziiert?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krämer, Robert


    des hormonrezeptorpen Brustkrebses postmenopausaler Frauen abgelöst. Tamoxifen ist mit einem ca. zweifach erhöhten Risiko für thrombembolische Komplikationen (tiefe Beinvenenthrombose, Lungenembolie assoziiert. Vor dem Hintergrund einer aktuellen und im Februar 2012 im Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery erschienenen retrospektiven Studie mit Nachweis einer erhöhten Komplikationsrate freier Lappentransplantate zur Brustrekonstruktion unter Tamoxifen-Einnahme haben wir unser Patientenkollektiv nach mikrochirurgischer Brustrekonstruktion retrospektiv auf Minor- und Major-Komplikationen einschließlich thrombembolischer Ereignisse insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund einer perioperativen Tamoxifeneinnahme untersucht. Eingeschlossen wurden insgesamt 29 Patientinnen nach mikrochirurgischer autologer Brustrekonstruktion. Es wurden mikrovaskuläre Lappenkomplikationen und Lappenverluste von Patientinnen ohne und mit Einnahme von Tamoxifen und Aromatasehemmern zum Zeitpunkt der mikrochirurgischen Brustrekonstruktion verglichen. 25 Patientinnen (86,2% erhielten eine DIEP-Lappenplastik und 4 (13,8% eine TRAM-Lappenplastik. Fernerhin verglichen wir die Rate allgemeiner thrombembolischer Ereignisse unter Berücksichtigung sonstiger Nebendiagnosen und Risikofaktoren. Von insgesamt 29 Patientinnen standen zum Zeitpunkt der mikrovaskulären Brustrekonstruktion 3 unter einer Aromatasehemmer-Therapie und 5 unter einer Tamoxifen-Therapie. Insgesamt traten in 11 Fällen (37,9% postoperative Komplikationen auf, in 5 Fällen handelte es sich hierbei um Major-Komplikationen (mit einem Lappenverlust und in um Minorkomplikationen. Unter Tamoxifeneinnahme kam es in einem Fall zu einer Minorkomplikation, und in einem anderen Fall zu einem thrombembolisch bedingten Lappenverlust. Insgesamt kam es postoperativ zu einem thrombembolischen Ereignis in Form einer Lungenembolie ohne Assoziation zur Tamoxifen-Therapie.Die Anzahl thrombembolischer Ereignisse stellten sich mit und ohne

  4. Polymer Nanoparticle-Based Chemotherapy for Spinal Malignancies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hongyun Ma


    Full Text Available Malignant spinal tumors, categorized into primary and metastatic ones, are one of the most serious diseases due to their high morbidity and mortality rates. Common primary spinal tumors include chordoma, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and multiple myeloma. Spinal malignancies are not only locally invasive and destructive to adjacent structures, such as bone, neural, and vascular structures, but also disruptive to distant organs (e.g., lung. Current treatments for spinal malignancies, including wide resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, have made significant progress like improving patients’ quality of life. Among them, chemotherapy plays an important role, but its potential for clinical application is limited by severe side effects and drug resistance. To ameliorate the current situation, various polymer nanoparticles have been developed as promising excipients to facilitate the effective treatment of spinal malignancies by utilizing their potent advantages, for example, targeting, stimuli response, and synergetic effect. This review overviews the development of polymer nanoparticles for antineoplastic delivery in the treatment of spinal malignancies and discusses future prospects of polymer nanoparticle-based treatment methods.

  5. Minimal-change nephropathy and malignant thymoma. (United States)

    Varsano, S; Bruderman, I; Bernheim, J L; Rathaus, M; Griffel, B


    A 56-year-old man had fever, precordial pain, and a mediastinal mass. The mass disappeared two months later and the patient remained asymptomatic for 2 1/2 years. At that time a full-blown nephrotic syndrome developed, with minimal-change glomerulopathy. The chest x-ray film showed the reappearance of a giant mediastinal mass. On biopsy of the mass, malignant thymoma was diagnosed. Association between minimal-change disease and Hodgkin's disease is well known, while the association with malignant thymoma has not been previously reported. The relationship between malignant thymoma and minimal-change disease is discussed, and a possible pathogenic mechanism involving cell-mediated immunity is proposed.

  6. Literature study: State of knowledge on pollutant decomposition and transport in natural soils; Literaturstudie zum Thema: Darstellung und Bewertung des Wissensstandes zum Schadstoffabbau und -transport in natuerlichen Boeden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, R. (ed.); Hahn, M.; Koennemann, T.; Mangold, S.; Ouerfelli, I.; Preuss, V.; Schoepke, R.; Sonntag, B.


    The use of natural soils for low-cost removal of precipitated water and slightly polluted waste water has become an issue in legal procedures concerning water management. Although groundwater protection is given high priority, authorities do not have sufficient data on long-term effects and decomposition effects during passage to the soil. The Hydrology Department of Brandenburgische Technische Universitaet Cottbus, on behalf of the Thuringian Environmental Authority, investigated the state of the art of discharge of precipitated water into natural soils. The investigation is the first in a series of which the following effects are expected: Faster results by preliminary assessment of the applicability of the technique envisaged, use of this low-cost technology for waste water treatment in consideration of surface water protection. [German] Die Nutzung natuerlicher Boeden zur kostenguenstigen Beseitigung von Niederschlagswasser aber auch von schwachbelastetem Abwasser ist eine Variante der Abwasserbeseitigung, die zunehmend Antragsgegenstand in wasserrechtlichen Verfahren ist. Der Schutz des Grundwassers ist dabei in besonderem Masse zu beachten. Die Einschaetzung der Eignung dieser Variante ist Behoerden aufgrund unzureichender Aussagen zum Langzeitverhalten und zu Abbaueffekten waehrend der Bodenpassage derzeit nicht moeglich. Durch die THUeRINGER LANDESANSTALT FUeR UMWELT erhielt der Lehrstuhl Wassertechnik der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universitaet Cottbus den Auftrag, im Rahmen einer Literaturstudie, den gegenwaertigen Stand der schadlosen Versickerung von Niederschlagswasser in natuerlichen Boeden aufzuzeigen. Die Literaturrecherche bildet den ersten Schritt einer Untersuchungsreihe, von der folgende Wirkungen erwartet werden: Verfahrensbeschleunigung durch Bewertbarkeit der Eignung der Behandlungsvariante, Nutzung dieser kostenguenstigen Umwelttechnologie zur Behandlung von Abwasser unter Beachtung des Gewaesserschutzes. (orig.)

  7. Proceedings on the seminar on small hydroelectric installations: Practice report and current development; Beitraege zum Seminar Kleinwasserkraft: Praxis und aktuelle Entwicklung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This seminar on small hydroelectric installations informs on aspects of construction and administrative aspects. But above all, questions of machinery are dealt with. The book gives an overview of turbine types, topical recent developments in the sector of small hydroelectric power stations, and modern opportunities for fast and inexpensive design of power station components. Beyond the discussion of technical issues, the seminar wants to further contacts between science, turbine manufacturers, consultants and plant operators. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Seminar Kleinwasserkraft gibt eine Uebersicht ueber bauliche Gestaltung und behoerdliche Aspekte. Vorallem behandelt es aber maschinenbauliche Problemstellungen. Es zeigt einen Ueberblick ueber Turbinentypen, aktuelle Neuentwicklungen im Kleinwassersektor, sowie moderne Moeglichkeiten zum schnellen und preiswerten Design von Kraftwerkskomponenten. Neben dem technischen Teil dient das Seminar auch der Foerderung des Kontakts zwischen Wissenschaft, Turbinenherstellern, Consultants und Anlagenbetreibern. (orig.)

  8. Modeling Myeloid Malignancies Using Zebrafish

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    Kathryn S. Potts


    Full Text Available Human myeloid malignancies represent a substantial disease burden to individuals, with significant morbidity and death. The genetic underpinnings of disease formation and progression remain incompletely understood. Large-scale human population studies have identified a high frequency of potential driver mutations in spliceosomal and epigenetic regulators that contribute to malignancies, such as myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS and leukemias. The high conservation of cell types and genes between humans and model organisms permits the investigation of the underlying mechanisms of leukemic development and potential therapeutic testing in genetically pliable pre-clinical systems. Due to the many technical advantages, such as large-scale screening, lineage-tracing studies, tumor transplantation, and high-throughput drug screening approaches, zebrafish is emerging as a model system for myeloid malignancies. In this review, we discuss recent advances in MDS and leukemia using the zebrafish model.

  9. Malignant neurocristic hamartoma: a tumor distinct from conventional melanoma and malignant blue nevus. (United States)

    Linskey, Katy R; Dias-Santagata, Dora; Nazarian, Rosalynn M; Le, Long P; Lam, Quynh; Bellucci, Kirsten S W; Robinson-Bostom, Leslie; Mihm, Martin C; Hoang, Mai P


    Neurocristic hamartomas are rare pigmented lesions comprised of melanocytes, Schwann cells, and pigmented dendritic spindle cells that involve the skin and soft tissue. Malignant transformation can rarely arise within neurocristic hamartomas. Up to date, there has been only 1 series of 7 cases of malignant neurocristic hamartomas (MNHs), with 3 cases that developed metastases. We present the histology and clinical course of 3 additional cases of MNH, 2 of which were metastatic. CD117 was strongly positive in all cases with available archival materials--the tumors and background neurocristic hamartoma of 3 cases, and 1 lymph node metastasis; however, KIT sequencing for exons 11, 13, 17, and 18 was negative. Mutational analyses of recurrent mutations of 17 cancer genes, including BRAF and KIT, were also negative. Although our series is small, KIT overexpression in MNH does not seem to correlate with gene mutation. The lack of BRAF, NRAS, GNAQ, and KIT mutations seems to support the notion that MNH may be distinct from conventional melanoma and from other dermal melanomas, such as malignant blue nevi and melanoma arising in congenital nevi.

  10. Malignant Struma Ovarii

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Malignant Struma Ovarii: Case Report and a Review of the Literature. Philip CN Okere, Daniel ... uterus was grossly unremarkable. .... abnormal vaginal bleeding, ascites, hydrothorax our patient ... In: Somers SAC, Rosen MR, eds. Pathology.

  11. The androgen receptor malignancy shift in prostate cancer. (United States)

    Copeland, Ben T; Pal, Sumanta K; Bolton, Eric C; Jones, Jeremy O


    Androgens and the androgen receptor (AR) are necessary for the development, function, and homeostatic growth regulation of the prostate gland. However, once prostate cells are transformed, the AR is necessary for the proliferation and survival of the malignant cells. This change in AR function appears to occur in nearly every prostate cancer. We have termed this the AR malignancy shift. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the AR malignancy shift, including the DNA-binding patterns that define the shift, the transcriptome changes associated with the shift, the putative drivers of the shift, and its clinical implications. In benign prostate epithelial cells, the AR primarily binds consensus AR binding sites. In carcinoma cells, the AR cistrome is dramatically altered, as the AR associates with FOXA1 and HOXB13 motifs, among others. This shift leads to the transcription of genes associated with a malignant phenotype. In model systems, some mutations commonly found in localized prostate cancer can alter the AR cistrome, consistent with the AR malignancy shift. Current evidence suggests that the AR malignancy shift is necessary but not sufficient for transformation of prostate epithelial cells. Reinterpretation of prostate cancer genomic classification systems in light of the AR malignancy shift may improve our ability to predict clinical outcomes and treat patients appropriately. Identifying and targeting the molecular factors that contribute to the AR malignancy shift is not trivial but by doing so, we may be able to develop new strategies for the treatment or prevention of prostate cancer. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Dose and dose rate extrapolation factors for malignant and non-malignant health endpoints after exposure to gamma and neutron radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tran, Van; Little, Mark P. [National Cancer Institute, Radiation Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, MD (United States)


    Murine experiments were conducted at the JANUS reactor in Argonne National Laboratory from 1970 to 1992 to study the effect of acute and protracted radiation dose from gamma rays and fission neutron whole body exposure. The present study reports the reanalysis of the JANUS data on 36,718 mice, of which 16,973 mice were irradiated with neutrons, 13,638 were irradiated with gamma rays, and 6107 were controls. Mice were mostly Mus musculus, but one experiment used Peromyscus leucopus. For both types of radiation exposure, a Cox proportional hazards model was used, using age as timescale, and stratifying on sex and experiment. The optimal model was one with linear and quadratic terms in cumulative lagged dose, with adjustments to both linear and quadratic dose terms for low-dose rate irradiation (<5 mGy/h) and with adjustments to the dose for age at exposure and sex. After gamma ray exposure there is significant non-linearity (generally with upward curvature) for all tumours, lymphoreticular, respiratory, connective tissue and gastrointestinal tumours, also for all non-tumour, other non-tumour, non-malignant pulmonary and non-malignant renal diseases (p < 0.001). Associated with this the low-dose extrapolation factor, measuring the overestimation in low-dose risk resulting from linear extrapolation is significantly elevated for lymphoreticular tumours 1.16 (95% CI 1.06, 1.31), elevated also for a number of non-malignant endpoints, specifically all non-tumour diseases, 1.63 (95% CI 1.43, 2.00), non-malignant pulmonary disease, 1.70 (95% CI 1.17, 2.76) and other non-tumour diseases, 1.47 (95% CI 1.29, 1.82). However, for a rather larger group of malignant endpoints the low-dose extrapolation factor is significantly less than 1 (implying downward curvature), with central estimates generally ranging from 0.2 to 0.8, in particular for tumours of the respiratory system, vasculature, ovary, kidney/urinary bladder and testis. For neutron exposure most endpoints, malignant and

  13. 67Ga-citrate scanning in gastrointestinal malignancies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Douds, H.N.; Berens, S.V.; Long, R.F.; Caplan, G.E.


    The value of 67 Ga-citrate scanning in cases of gastrointestinal malignancies is discussed. Seven cases are presented, including lymphomas of the stomach, small bowel, and rectum, and adenocarcinomas of the stomach and colon. In a review of the literature, there is general pessimism regarding the use of 67 Ga scans in GI malignancies. Based on previous reports and our own experience, specific clinical situations are cited in which the scan is of considerable value for diagnosis and followup of GI malignancy

  14. Skull infarction in a patient with malignant fibrous histiocytoma. (United States)

    Nagle, C E; Morayati, S J; LeDuc, M A


    The authors describe a case of a skull infarction initially suspected to be an isolated, remote metastasis in a patient diagnosed with soft tissue malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Osseous malignant fibrous histiocytoma has been reported to occur within a bone infarction but the presence of a benign bone infarction remote from a soft tissue malignant fibrous histiocytoma has not been reported previously. Bone infarctions and malignant fibrous histiocytomas are briefly reviewed.

  15. Asbestos-related malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antmann, K.; Aisner, J.


    This book contains 20 chapters. Some of the chapter titles are: The Radiology of Asbestosis and Related Neoplasms; Computed Tomography and Malignant Mesothelioma; Radiation Therapy for Pleural Mesothelioma; and Radiation Therapy of Peritoneal Mesothelioma

  16. Localized malignant pleural mesothelioma: report of two cases. (United States)

    Tanzi, Silvia; Tiseo, Marcello; Internullo, Eveline; Cacciani, Giancarlo; Capra, Roberto; Carbognani, Paolo; Rusca, Michele; Rindi, Guido; Ardizzoni, Andrea


    Localized malignant pleural mesothelioma is very rare tumor disease. There are sporadic reports in the literature showing that this entity has a different biologic behavior compared with diffuse pleural mesothelioma. We report two cases of radically resected localized pleural malignant mesothelioma, with a previous history of asbestos exposure. Both cases showed a microscopic and immunohistochemical findings of malignant mesothelioma, biphasic and sarcomatoid lympho-histiocitoid variant type, respectively, without evidence of diffuse pleural spread. The first is very peculiar case of bilateral localized malignant pleural mesothelioma with complete response to chemotherapy and localized late recurrence, radically resected and treated with adjuvant radiotherapy. The second case revealed as a solitary localized mass, underwent a complete en bloc resection and adjuvant radiotherapy. Both cases demonstrate that the localized malignant mesothelioma should be distinguished from diffuse form and that complete resection is associated with good prognosis.

  17. Synchronous pulmonary malignancies: atypical presentation of mantle cell lymphoma masking a lung malignancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luke Masha


    Full Text Available We present a case of a pleural space malignancy masked by an atypical presentation of mantle cell lymphoma. Our patient presented with a large pleural effusion and right sided pleural studding, initially attributed to a new diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma. Rare atypical epithelial cells were also seen amongst the clonal population of lymphocytes. The patient lacked systemic manifestations of mantle cell lymphoma and did not improve with chemotherapy. A pleural biopsy ultimately revealed the presence of an undifferentiated carcinoma, favoring a lung primary. A discussion of synchronous pleural space malignancies involving lymphomas is given.


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    Nora Amelda Rizal


    Full Text Available Risiko kebangkrutan merupakan hal yang sangat dihindari oleh setiap investor. Risiko ini berlaku tidak hanya pada sekuritas berupa saham, namun juga berlaku pada obligasi serta turunannya. Sejak krisis global yang terjadi pada tahun 2008, risiko kebangkrutan ini jelas terlihat pada obligasi korporasi dimana risiko ini terhubung dengan risiko pasar dan risiko kredit. Menurut Rizal (2016 harga obligasi dapat dihubungkan langs ung dengan kedua risiko tersebut . R i siko pasar dapat dilihat dari tingkat pengembalian bunga ( rate of return dan tingkat inflasi ( inflation rate , sedangkan representasi dari ri siko kredit merupakan ri siko rentang kredit ( credit Spreads rate , dimana rentang kredit ini sendiri pun kembali terkait dengan pertukaran kurs asing t erhadap rupiah, seperti ri siko pasar tingkat suku bunga ( rate of return dan tingkat inflasi ( inflation rate . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menga nalisa lebih lanjut mengenai fak tor yang mempengaruhi credit Spreads rate obligasi di Indonesia. Faktor - fakto r tersebut adalah nilai tukar rupiah dan tingkat pengembalian. Nilai tukar antara US Dollar dan Rupiah akan dipakai untuk mewakili nilai tukar rupiah. Untuk tingkat pengembalian bunga yang dipakai adalah suku bunga tetap yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesi a. Obligasi yang diteliti adalah obligasi korporasi pada sector telekomunikasi dengan rentang waktu penelitian antara 2011 - 2015. Hasil yang didapat di dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai tukar Rupiah mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan bersif at negatif terhadap Credit Spreads Rate Obligasi di Indonesia periode 2011 - 2015. Sedangkan tingkat suku bunga tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Credit Spreads Rate Obligasi di Indonesia periode 2011 - 2015

  19. Clinical diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishi, Hideyuki; Washio, Kazuhiro; Mano, Masayuki


    We evaluated clinical and thoracoscopic findings of cases that underwent thoracoscopic biopsy for the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma. We reviewed 32 cases suspected of having malignant pleural mesothelioma from 2003 to 2006. We made a diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma via thoracoscopic biopsy (19 cases). The cut-off level of hyaluronic acid in malignant effusions, selected on the basis of the best diagnostic efficacy, was 100 μg/ml. We can decrease the incidence of false negative cases by the combination of CT findings and the presence of hyaluronic acid in pleural effusion. In the pleural thickening type of thoracoscopic appearance, the parietal pleurae were thickened, and small nodules were rare. As for this type, tumor cells were histologically absent or confined to the submesothelial tissue. We considered that determinations of specific sites were difficult. Adequate tissue samples obtained via video-assisted thoracoscopy were necessary for diagnosis. We can decrease the incidence of false negative cases by the combination of the presence of hyaluronic acid in pleural effusion and thoracoscopic biopsy. (author)

  20. Origin of malignant tumors of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts and the ear. Pt. 4. Malignant tumors caused by irradiation. B. Special part

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leicher, H [Mainz Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenklinik


    The problem of radiation induced tumors is explained in detail in the following chapters: 1. Malignant tumors in dial painters using luminous paint, 2. Malignant tumors after injection of Thorotrast, 3. Bronchial tumors in Uran-mineworkers, 4. Malignant tumors caused by radium-compresses and radium-moulages, 5. Thyroid cancer caused by irradiation, 6. Leukemia and malignant tumors following the atomic bomb detonation in Hiroshima and Nakasaki, 7. Malignant tumors in Lupus vulgaris, 8. Development of malignant tumors following the irradiation of praecancerous alterations, of benign tumors and other benign changes in head and neck, 9. Radiation induced soft-tissue and bone sarcoma in the skull, 10. Radiation-induced cancers in hypopharynx diverticula, 11. Radiation-induced cancers in the antethoracic skin graft esophagus, 12. Radiation-induced second-tumors, 13. Cancer caused by ultraviolet rays, 14. Increase of hematogenic metastases by irradiation. 15. Malignant tumors caused by irradiation of the fetus in utero.

  1. Eosinophilic Dermatosis of Hematologic Malignancy. (United States)

    Lucas-Truyols, S; Rodrigo-Nicolás, B; Lloret-Ruiz, C; Quecedo-Estébanez, E

    Dermatosis characterized by tissue eosinophilia arising in the context of hematologic disease is known as eosinophilic dermatosis of hematologic malignancy. The most commonly associated malignancy is chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eosinophilic dermatosis of hematologic malignancy is a rare condition with a wide variety of clinical presentations, ranging from papules, erythematous nodules, or blisters that simulate arthropod bites, to the formation of true plaques of differing sizes. Histology reveals the presence of abundant eosinophils. We present 4 new cases seen in Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia, during the past 7 years. Three of these cases were associated with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and 1 with mycosis fungoides. It is important to recognize this dermatosis as it can indicate progression of the underlying disease, as was the case in 3 of our patients. Copyright © 2017 AEDV. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. Proteomic study of benign and malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Li, Hongqing; Tang, Zhonghao; Zhu, Huili; Ge, Haiyan; Cui, Shilei; Jiang, Weiping


    Lung adenocarcinoma can easily cause malignant pleural effusion which was difficult to discriminate from benign pleural effusion. Now there was no biomarker with high sensitivity and specificity for the malignant pleural effusion. This study used proteomics technology to acquire and analyze the protein profiles of the benign and malignant pleural effusion, to seek useful protein biomarkers with diagnostic value and to establish the diagnostic model. We chose the weak cationic-exchanger magnetic bead (WCX-MB) to purify peptides in the pleural effusion, used matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) to obtain peptide expression profiles from the benign and malignant pleural effusion samples, established and validated the diagnostic model through a genetic algorithm (GA) and finally identified the most promising protein biomarker. A GA diagnostic model was established with spectra of 3930.9 and 2942.8 m/z in the training set including 25 malignant pleural effusion and 26 benign pleural effusion samples, yielding both 100 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity. The accuracy of diagnostic prediction was validated in the independent testing set with 58 malignant pleural effusion and 34 benign pleural effusion samples. Blind evaluation was as follows: the sensitivity was 89.6 %, specificity 88.2 %, PPV 92.8 %, NPV 83.3 % and accuracy 89.1 % in the independent testing set. The most promising peptide biomarker was identified successfully: Isoform 1 of caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9 (CARD9), with 3930.9 m/z, was decreased in the malignant pleural effusion. This model is suitable to discriminate benign and malignant pleural effusion and CARD9 can be used as a new peptide biomarker.

  3. Malignant mesothelioma in situ. (United States)

    Churg, Andrew; Hwang, Harry; Tan, Larry; Qing, Gefei; Taher, Altaf; Tong, Amy; Bilawich, Ana M; Dacic, Sanja


    The existence of malignant mesothelioma in situ (MIS) is often postulated, but there are no accepted morphological criteria for making such a diagnosis. Here we report two cases that appear to be true MIS on the basis of in-situ genomic analysis. In one case the patient had repeated unexplained pleural unilateral effusions. Two thoracoscopies 9 months apart revealed only visually normal pleura. Biopsies from both thoracoscopies showed only a single layer of mildly reactive mesothelial cells. However, these cells had lost BRCA1-associated protein 1 (BAP1) and showed loss of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2 (CDKN2A) (p16) by fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH). NF2 was not deleted by FISH but 28% of the mesothelial cells showed hyperploidy. Six months after the second biopsy the patient has persisting effusions but no evidence of pleural malignancy on imaging. The second patient presented with ascites and minimal omental thickening on imaging, but no visual evidence of tumour at laparoscopy. Omental biopsy showed a single layer of minimally atypical mesothelial cells with rare tiny foci of superficial invasion of fat. BAP1 immunostain showed loss of nuclear BAP1 in all the surface mesothelial cells and the invasive cells. There was CDKN2A deletion, but no deletion of NF2 by FISH. These cases show that morphologically bland single-layered surface mesothelial proliferations with molecular alterations seen previously only in invasive malignant mesotheliomas exist, and presumably represent malignant MIS. More cases are need to understand the frequency of such changes and the time-course over which invasive tumour develops. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Thoracic computed tomography in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traill, Zoee C.; Davies, Robert J.O.; Gleeson, Fergus V.


    AIM: To assess the role of contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) prospectively in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty consecutive patients referred for the investigation of a suspected malignant pleural effusion had contrast-enhanced thoracic CT, thoracoscopy, thoraco-centesis and pleural biopsy, either percutaneously or at thoracoscopy. Final diagnoses were based on histopathological or cytological analysis (n = 30), autopsy findings (n = 3) or clinical follow-up (n = 7). The pleural surfaces were classified at contrast-enhanced CT as normal or abnormal and, if abnormal, as benign or malignant in appearance using previously established CT criteria for malignant pleural thickening by two observers unaware of the pathological diagnosis. RESULTS: Pleural effusions were malignant in 32 patients and benign in eight patients. Pleural surfaces assessed at CT showed features of malignancy in 27 out of 32 patients with a malignant effusion (sensitivity 84%, specificity 100%). Overall, CT appearances indicated the presence of malignancy in 28 of 32 (87%) patients. All eight patients with benign pleural disease were correctly diagnosed by CT. CONCLUSION: Contrast-enhanced CT is of value in patients with suspected malignant pleural effusions. The previously established criteria for malignant pleural thickening of nodularity, irregularity and pleural thickness >1 cm are reliable in the presence of a pleural effusion. Traill, Z.C. et al. (2001)

  5. Differential CT features between malignant mesothelioma and pleural metastasis from lung cancer or extra thoracic primary tumor mimicking malignant mesothelioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Sung Il; Ryu, Young Hoon; Lee, Kwang Hun; Choe, Kyu Ok; Kim, Sang Jin [College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the differential CT features found among malignant mesothelioma and pleural metastasis from lung cancer and from extra-thoracic primary tumor which on CT mimic malignant mesothelioma. Forty-four patients who on chest CT scans showed pleural thickening suggesting malignant pleural disease and in whom this condition was pathologically confirmed were included in this study. On the basis of their pathologically proven primary disease (malignant mesothelioma (n=3D14), pleural metastasis of lung cancer (n=3D18), extra thoracic primary tumor (n=3D12). They were divided into three groups. Cases of lung which on CT showed a primary lung nodule or endobronchial mass with pleural lesion, or manifested only pleural effusion, were excluded. The following eight CT features were retrospectively analyzed: (1) configuration of pleural lesion (type I, single or multiple separate nodules, type II, localized flat pleural thickening, type III, diffuse flat pleural thickening; type IV, type III with pleural nodules superimposed; type V, mass filling the hemithorax), (2) the presence of pleural effusion, (3) chest wall or rib invasion, (4) the involvement of a major fissure, (5) extra-pleural fat proliferation, (6) calcified plaque, (7) metastatic lymph nodes, (8) metastatic lung modules. In malignant mesothelioma, type IV (8/14) or II (4/14) pleural thickening was relatively frequent. Pleural metastasis of lung cancer favored type IV (8/18) or I (6/18) pleural thickening, while pleural metastasis from extrathoracic primary tumor showed a variable thickening configuration, except type V. Pleural metastasis from lung cancer and extrapleural primary tumor more frequently showed type I configuration than did malignant mesothelioma, and there were significant differences among the three groups. Fissural involvement, on the other hand, was significantly more frequent in malignant mesothelioma than in pleural metastasis from lung cancer or extrapleural primary tumor. Metastatic

  6. Perilaku sedentari sebagai faktor risiko kejadian obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

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    Andi Imam Arundhana


    rural area. KEYWORDS: physical activities, overweight, rural, urban, elementary school childrenABSTRAKLatar belakang: Berdasarkan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2010, prevalensi obesitas di Yogyakarta adalah 78% pada tahun 2010. Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas pada anak sekolah sangat berkaitan dengan aktivitas sedentari dan berkurangnya aktivitas fi sik.Tujuan:  Untuk Mengetahui apakah perilaku sedentari merupakan faktor risiko terhadap obesitas anak sekolah dan mengidentifi kasi seberapa besar kontribusinya.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus kontrol. Populasi terdiri dari anak-anak sekolah dasar (baik negeri maupun swasta kelas 1-5 di Yogyakarta dan Bantul. Pemilihan sekolah selama fase skrining berdasarkan metode probability proportional to size (PPS. Kasus adalah anak-anak yang didiagnosis obesitas pada saat fase skrining, menggunakan simple random sampling didukung dengan tabel random dan dilakukan matching pada sekolah tersebut. Berdasarkan perhitungan sampel, terdapat 488 sampel yang terdiri dari 244 kasus dan 244 kontrol. Data aktivitas fisik diperoleh menggunakan formulir CPAQ. Data diproses menggunakan Epidata v 3.1 and STATA v.11.  Analisa data yang digunakan adalah univariat, bivariat, and analisa multivariat dengan t-test, anova, dan logistic regression.Hasil: Durasi perilaku sedentari pada siswa obesitas lebih lama dibandingkan mereka yang tidak obesitas dengan ratarata perbedaan 49,81 menit/hari (p<0,01. Hasil analisis Chi-square menunjukkan perilaku sedentari memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian obesitas dengan OR=6.93 (95%CI: 4,56-10,54. Berdasarkan jenis perilaku sedentari, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan untuk kategori screen based dan duduk-duduk (p <0,05.Kesimpulan:Perilaku sedentari merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kejadian obesitas pada anak-anak sekolah dasar. Rata-rata durasi perilaku sedentari pada anak yang obes lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak yang tidak obes. Berdasarkan tempat tinggal, rata

  7. Classification of malignant lymphomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, M.; Thyss, A.


    Malignant lymphomas, primary tumors of the lymphoid tissues, were first described in 1832 by Thomas Hodgkin. The histological characteristics were later defined by Sternberg and Reed, and Virchow introduced the concept of lymphosarcoma in 1863. Today, these pathologies are grouped together under the synonymous terms hematosarcoma or malignant lymphoma, which are in turn divided into Hodgkin's disease (HD) and non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphomas (NHL). The therapy of lymphomas is controversial. The validity of treatment for asymptomatic patients is questioned, owing to the indolent course of many lymphomas. Results for histologically unfavorable forms are highly disparate. Exclusive radiotherapy has occasionally produced up to 78% disease-free survival at 5 years for truly localized stages. Today, however, use of chemotherapy/radiotherapy combinations is almost universal, with chemotherapy occasionally being used alone and providing 90% disease-free survival at 5 years. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for disseminated forms; the major associations include doxorubicin hydrochloride (Adriamycin), cyclophosphamide, vincristine sulfate, methotrexate, and prednisone. Radiotherapy is used more for adjuvant purposes. Synthesis of recent studies allows us to reasonably expect 40% relapse-free survival at 10 years and the establishment of a cure plateau in the near future


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    Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos SANTOS


    Full Text Available Context The size of colorectal lesions, besides a risk factor for malignancy, is a predictor for deeper invasion Objectives To evaluate the malignancy of colorectal lesions ≥20 mm. Methods Between 2007 and 2011, 76 neoplasms ≥20 mm in 70 patients were analyzed Results The mean age of the patients was 67.4 years, and 41 were women. Mean lesion size was 24.7 mm ± 6.2 mm (range: 20 to 50 mm. Half of the neoplasms were polypoid and the other half were non-polypoid. Forty-two (55.3% lesions were located in the left colon, and 34 in the right colon. There was a high prevalence of III L (39.5% and IV (53.9% pit patterns. There were 72 adenomas and 4 adenocarcinomas. Malignancy was observed in 5.3% of the lesions. Thirty-three lesions presented advanced histology (adenomas with high-grade dysplasia or early adenocarcinoma, with no difference in morphology and site. Only one lesion (1.3% invaded the submucosa. Lesions larger than 30 mm had advanced histology (P = 0.001. The primary treatment was endoscopic resection, and invasive carcinoma was referred to surgery. Recurrence rate was 10.6%. Conclusions Large colorectal neoplasms showed a low rate of malignancy. Endoscopic treatment is an effective therapy for these lesions.

  9. Malignant acanthosis nigricans: an early diagnostic clue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amjad, M.; Shah, A.A.; Bari, A.U.


    Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is characterized by velvety, hyper pigmented, verrucosus, symmetric and occasionally pruritic plaques along with papillomatous lesions which have a special predilection for neck, axillae, groin, umbilicu and mucosal regions. Rarely, it presents as a para neoplastic syndrome and prompts a thorough search for an internal malignancy. We present here a case of malignant acanthosis nigricans seen in an elderly patient who was found to have underlying adenocarcinoma of the lower end of esophagus. After diagnosing associated malignancy, he was referred for further evaluation and subsequent surgical resection of tumour. (author)

  10. Immunotherapy of Genitourinary Malignancies

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    Teruo Inamoto


    Full Text Available Most cancer patients are treated with some combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Despite recent advances in local therapy with curative intent, chemotherapeutic treatments for metastatic disease often remain unsatisfying due to severe side effects and incomplete long-term remission. Therefore, the evaluation of novel therapeutic options is of great interest. Conventional, along with newer treatment strategies target the immune system that suppresses genitourinary (GU malignancies. Metastatic renal cell carcinoma and non-muscle-invasive bladder caner represent the most immune-responsive types of all human cancer. This review examines the rationale and emerging evidence supporting the anticancer activity of immunotherapy, against GU malignancies.

  11. PAH analysis in Leipzig allotment soils; Untersuchungen zum Gefaehrdungspotential polycyclischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in Leipziger Kleingartenboeden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bittrich, R.; Butze, B.; Mueller, S.; Prawalsky, R.; Stoye, H. [Umwelt-Consult e.V., Leipzig (Germany)


    Soils in 29 allotments were analyzed systematically with a view to the following aspects: Concentration ratios of the 16 components analyzed. Occurrence and classification of so-called PAH patterns. Interdependences between PAH patterns and soil features. PAH concentrations and soil-immanent buffer characteristics (humus concentration, pH, clay concentration, sesquioxide concentrations, exchange capacity). [German] Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung der PAK-Belastung kleingaertnerisch genutzter Boeden. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse resultieren aus Probjekten von Umwelt-Consult e.V. aus den Jahren 1995 bis 1997 im Auftrag der Stadt Leipzig und dem unter fachlicher Begleitung des Referates Geochemie der Abt. Boden/Geochemie vom LfUG gefoerderten Forschungsvorhaben 'Untersuchungen zum Gefaehrdungspotential polycyclischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in Boeden der Stadt Leipzig'. Hierbei wurden systematisch Boeden in 29 Kleingartenanlagen untersucht. Folgende Fragestellungen sollten beantwortet werden: Stehen die PAK-Konzentrationen der 16 analysierten Einzelkomponenten in bestimmten Groessenverhaeltnissen zueinander? Sind sogenannte PAK-Muster zu erkennen und lassen sich diese klassifizieren? Welche Beziehungen gibt es zwischen PAK-Mustern und Bodenmerkmalen? Korrespondieren die PAK-Konzentrationen (Gesamt-PAK, Einzelkomponenten) im Boden und deren bodenhorizont-bezogene Abfolge mit der Auspraegung bodenimmanenter Puffermerkmale (Humusgehalt, pH-Wert, Tongehalt, Gehalt an Sesquioxiden, Austauschkapazitaet)? (orig.)

  12. Hospital end-of-life care in haematological malignancies. (United States)

    Beaussant, Yvan; Daguindau, Etienne; Chauchet, Adrien; Rochigneux, Philippe; Tournigand, Christophe; Aubry, Régis; Morin, Lucas


    To investigate patterns of care during the last months of life of hospitalised patients who died from different haematological malignancies. Nationwide register-based study, including all hospitalised adults ≥20 years who died from haematological malignancies in France in 2010-2013. Outcomes included use of invasive cancer treatments and referral to palliative care. Percentages are adjusted for sex and age using direct standardisation. Of 46 629 inpatients who died with haematological malignancies, 24.5% received chemotherapy during the last month before death, 48.5% received blood transfusion, 12.3% were under invasive ventilation and 18.1% died in intensive care units. We found important variations between haematological malignancies. The use of chemotherapy during the last month of life varied from 8.6% among patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia up to 30.1% among those with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Pcare units. A high proportion of patients who died from haematological malignancies receive specific treatments near the end of life. There is a need for a better and earlier integration of the palliative care approach in the standard practice of haematology. However, substantial variation according to the type of haematological malignancy suggests that the patients should not be considered as one homogeneous group. Implementation of palliative care should account for differences across haematological malignancies. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  13. The renin-angiotensin system in malignant hypertension revisited: plasma renin activity, microangiopathic hemolysis, and renal failure in malignant hypertension

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Born, Bert-Jan H.; Koopmans, Richard P.; van Montfrans, Gert A.


    BACKGROUND: Malignant hypertension is a renin-dependent form of hypertension. However, the variations in renin-angiotensin system (RAS) activation in malignant hypertension are not completely understood. A proposed mechanism for ongoing RAS activation is the presence of microangiopathic hemolysis

  14. Primary malignant small bowel tumor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, Kyung Seung; Suh, Ho Jong; Kim, So Sun; Kim, Ho Joon; Chun, Byung Hee; Joh, Young Duk [Kosin College, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    Small bowel tumors are rarely detected unless there is intestinal obstruction or bleeding. In the seven years 1982-1988, at Kosin Medical Center, 25 primary malignant small bowel tumors were studied radiographically with barium and / or computed tomography (CT). CT revealed gastrointestinal abnormalities in 20 patients. In ten, lesion were identified by upper G-I series, in 15 by small bowel series, and in addition, in 3 by colon enema. The most common malignant small bowel tumor was adenocarcinoma (N=15) and was next common lymphoma (N=7). On barium study, primary adenocarcinoma appeared as an irregular stricture (66.7%) and polypoid mass with intussusception was most prominent finding in lymphoma. Leiomyosarcoma appeared as an exophytic mass with excavation or ulceration. CT was found to be accurate in detecting wall thickening, complications and other associated findings. In conclusion, barium study was useful in the diagnosis of primary malignant small bowel tumor and CT was more accurate in detecting secondary findings.

  15. Primary malignant small bowel tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Kyung Seung; Suh, Ho Jong; Kim, So Sun; Kim, Ho Joon; Chun, Byung Hee; Joh, Young Duk


    Small bowel tumors are rarely detected unless there is intestinal obstruction or bleeding. In the seven years 1982-1988, at Kosin Medical Center, 25 primary malignant small bowel tumors were studied radiographically with barium and / or computed tomography (CT). CT revealed gastrointestinal abnormalities in 20 patients. In ten, lesion were identified by upper G-I series, in 15 by small bowel series, and in addition, in 3 by colon enema. The most common malignant small bowel tumor was adenocarcinoma (N=15) and was next common lymphoma (N=7). On barium study, primary adenocarcinoma appeared as an irregular stricture (66.7%) and polypoid mass with intussusception was most prominent finding in lymphoma. Leiomyosarcoma appeared as an exophytic mass with excavation or ulceration. CT was found to be accurate in detecting wall thickening, complications and other associated findings. In conclusion, barium study was useful in the diagnosis of primary malignant small bowel tumor and CT was more accurate in detecting secondary findings

  16. Malignant transformation of fibrous dysplasia into chondroblastic osteosarcoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaushik, Shaifali; Smoker, Wendy R.K.; Frable, William J.


    A case of malignant transformation of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia into maxillary chondroblastic osteosarcoma is presented. The clinical, radiographic, CT, MR imaging features and pathological findings of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia and its malignant transformation are described. Malignant transformation of fibrous dysplasia is rare and has not previously been described in the English literature in this location in McCune-Albright syndrome and in the absence of radiation treatment. (orig.)

  17. Aufbau eines "Fracture-Liaison"-Dienstes (FLD in der Steiermark: Erste Erfahrungen

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    Sampl E


    Full Text Available Die Osteoporose und die damit assoziierten Frakturen stellen ein globales Gesundheitsproblem dar. Trotz zahlreicher präventiver Möglichkeiten, die uns heute zur Verfügung stehen, sind weiterhin große Defizite in der Diagnostik und Therapie der Osteoporose vorhanden. Die meisten Patienten werden nach einer Fragilitätsfraktur nicht weiter osteologisch abgeklärt. Im Oktober 2009 begann in der Steiermark die Implementierung des „Fracture-Liaison“- Dienstes (FLD an 4 unfallchirurgischen Abteilungen. Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, möglichst alle Patienten ab dem 50. Lebensjahr, welche aufgrund einer „Low-trauma“-Fraktur stationär behandelt werden, zu erfassen, weitere diagnostische und therapeutische Schritte einzuleiten und somit auch das Risiko für Folgefrakturen zu reduzieren. In den ersten 6 Monaten wurden 404 Patienten erfasst. Nur 15 % hatten zum Zeitpunkt der Fraktur eine osteoprotektive Therapie, obwohl 52 % bereits zumindest eine prävalente osteoporotische Fraktur aufwiesen. Lediglich 59 Patienten (15 % hatten einen normalen 25- Hydroxyvitamin-D-Serumspiegel von 30 ng/mL, wobei 37 Patienten (62 % davon vorsubstituiert waren. Diese ersten Auswertungen zeigen die eklatante Unterversorgung in diesem Patientenkollektiv, welche in Kombination mit der pandemisch vorliegenden Vitamin-D-Defizienz die hohe Dringlichkeit eines interdisziplinären Managements über die chirurgische Versorgung hinaus unterstreicht.


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    Kannan Ross


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Malignancies in the setting of acute general surgical emergencies are rare to present. The commonly presenting malignancies to the general surgeon in emergency conditions are perforation, obstruction, haemorrhage or urinary retention. Though their incidence when compared to benign conditions presenting with same clinical presentations are rare, they should never be neglected. The general surgeon must be aware of such presentations and hereby decide the management and follow up according to the malignancy he encounters on the operation theatre. The management should aim at radical procedures and regular follow up if needed with chemotherapy or radiotherapy and also should be well informed of the morbidity and mortality following intervention considering the malignancy grade, age of patient, duration of presentation and co-morbid conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, we consider all patients taken up in emergency operative procedures, study their findings on operation theatre, correlate with their biopsy report for any malignancy and follow up during their immediate postop up to <30 days and also late post beyond the procedure and bring about the incidence, common modes of presentation, malignancies encountered, age and sex distribution and the perioperative morbidity and mortality rates of the those malignancies. RESULTS The incidence of malignancies presenting as acute abdominal emergencies in this study was found to be around 8.27%. The number of males who presented with such malignancies outnumbered females in a significant manner in the ratio 1.6:1. Among the malignancies, gastric (25% and colonic malignancies (59.38% were the most common. Perforation was the only presentation as acute emergency in carcinoma stomach. Incidence of malignancy in gastric perforation was 57.14% when compared to that reported by Emer Ergul et al that about 10-16% of all gastric perforations are caused by gastric carcinoma. 11 Perioperative

  19. E-business solutions for utilities, - current state of implementation on the Internet; E-Business-Branchenloesungen - Untersuchung zum Implementierunsstand im Internet. Der Online-Weg zu den Privatkunden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, M.; Baier, D. [Brandenburgische Technische Univ. Cottbus (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Marketing und Innovationsmanagement


    In the first part of the contribution the benefit of an e-business system in connection with internet was illustrated by an example. The current state of implementation is the subject of this second part. In an empirical study the websites of 600 utilities were analyzed in detail. The results of this analysis are described in the following. (orig.) [German] In [1] wird der Nutzen eines E-Business-Systems in Verbindung mit dem Internet an einem praktischen Beispiel veranschaulicht. Im Folgenden wird ein Ueberblick zum aktuellen Implementierungsstand in den Enegieversorgungsunternehmen gegeben. In einer empirischen Untersuchung wurden die Webseiten von 600 EVU analysiert, die Ergebnisse der Auswertung werden vorgestellt. (orig.)

  20. A case of intracranial malignant fibrous histiocytoma

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    Amir Hossein Sarrami


    Full Text Available We describe a case of intracranial malignant fibrous histiocytoma which had infiltrated pons, cerebellum and basal surface of left temporal lobe without any visible mass. The patient presented with a sudden loss of consciousness and vomiting. Clinical findings, laboratory tests, imaging and examination of the cerebrospinal fluid tended to establish the diagnosis of an infectious condition than a malignancy. Without any response to the antibiotics and with a progressive deterioration of neurologic and mental condition, the patient died after 20 days. In the autopsy, histological and immunohistochemical study of the brain revealed the diagnosis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH.

  1. Resection for secondary malignancy of the pancreas. (United States)

    Hung, Jui-Hsia; Wang, Shin-E; Shyr, Yi-Ming; Su, Cheng-Hsi; Chen, Tien-Hua; Wu, Chew-Wun


    This study tried to clarify the role of pancreatic resection in the treatment of secondary malignancy with metastasis or local invasion to the pancreas in terms of surgical risk and survival benefit. Data of secondary malignancy of the pancreas from our 19 patients and cases reported in the English literature were pooled together for analysis. There were 329 cases of resected secondary malignancy of the pancreas, including 241 cases of metastasis and 88 cases of local invasion. The most common primary tumor metastatic to the pancreas and amenable to resection was renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (73.9%). More than half (52.3%) of the primary cancers with local invasion to the pancreas were colon cancer, and nearly half (40.9%) were stomach cancer. The median metastatic interval was 84 months (7 years) for overall primary tumors and 108 months (9 years) for RCC. The 5-year survival for secondary malignancy of the pancreas after resection was 61.1% for metastasis and 58.9% for local invasion, with 72.8% for RCC metastasis, 69.0% for colon cancer, and 43.8% for stomach cancer with local invasion to the pancreas. Pancreatic resection should not be precluded for secondary malignancy of the pancreas because long-term survival could be achieved with acceptable surgical risk in selected patients.

  2. Radiotherapy Can Cause Haemostasis in Bleeding Skin Malignancies

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    Helena Sung-In Jang


    Full Text Available Radiotherapy (RT can cause haemostasis in select cases of malignant bleeding. We present two cases where RT was used to prevent fatal exsanguination from bleeding skin malignancies. Treatment was with radical intent in one case and palliative intent in the other. The dose used in both cases was 20 Gray (Gy in 5 fractions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of radiation-induced haemostasis in bleeding skin malignancies.

  3. Genetic polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in potentially malignant and malignant lesions of the head and neck

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    Asotra Kamlesh


    Full Text Available Abstract Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs are a family of zinc-dependent proteinases that are capable of cleaving all extra cellular matrix (ECM substrates. Degradation of matrix is a key event in progression, invasion and metastasis of potentially malignant and malignant lesions of the head and neck. It might have an important polymorphic association at the promoter regions of several MMPs such as MMP-1 (-1607 1G/2G, MMP-2 (-1306 C/T, MMP-3 (-1171 5A/6A, MMP-9 (-1562 C/T and TIMP-2 (-418 G/C or C/C. Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs are naturally occurring inhibitors of MMPs, which inhibit the activity of MMPs and control the breakdown of ECM. Currently, many MMP inhibitors (MMPIs are under development for treating different malignancies. Useful markers associated with molecular aggressiveness might have a role in prognostication of malignancies and to better recognize patient groups that need more antagonistic treatment options. Furthermore, the introduction of novel prognostic markers may also promote exclusively new treatment possibilities, and there is an obvious need to identify markers that could be used as selection criteria for novel therapies. The objective of this review is to discuss the molecular functions and polymorphic association of MMPs and TIMPs and the possible therapeutic aspects of these proteinases in potentially malignant and malignant head and neck lesions. So far, no promising drug target therapy has been developed for MMPs in the lesions of this region. In conclusion, further research is required for the development of their potential diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities.

  4. A clinicopathological study of eyelid malignancies from central India

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    Jahagirdar Sameer


    Full Text Available Background: Eyelid malignancies are completely treatable if detected early. The treatment depends on the invasiveness of the cancer which in turn depends on the type of malignancy. Aim: The aim of the study was to characterize the distribution of the types of eyelid malignancies in central India. Settings and Design: The study was conducted in the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery at a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: We report a series of 27 cases of eyelid malignancies. In the same case series, we also include a case of malignant hemangiopericytoma which is an extremely rare form of eyelid malignancy worldwide. Statistical Analysis: Depending on the underlying statistical distribution, either analysis of variance (ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W test was used to assess the differential distribution of these variables across the types of eyelid malignancies observed in this study. Results: We observed that sebaceous cell carcinoma (~37% was almost as prevalent as basal cell carcinoma (~44% in the study subjects and had an earlier age of occurrence and a more rapid clinical course. Conclusions: Sebaceous cell carcinoma of the eyelid is almost as common as basal cell carcinoma in a large tertiary care centre in central India.

  5. Xeroderma Pigmentosum With Early And Rapid Development Of Malignancy

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    Ghosh Arghyaprasum


    Full Text Available A case of xeroderma pigmentosum in a 9 year old developing multiple tumours over a short period of 6 months is reported. The tumours showed two different types of malignancies-squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. Two other siblings exhibited cutaneous lesions of xeroderma pigmentosum without any malignant change.

  6. Malignant external otitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dupuch, K.M.; Iryboz, T.; Firat, M.; Levy, C.; Tubiana, J.M.


    This paper illustrates the value of CT and MR in early diagnosis and spread of malignant external otitis. The authors retrospectively analyzed 15 patients with proved malignant external otitis examined with postcontrast high-resolution CT (15/15) and MR (6/15) (T1- and T2-weighting). Gallium studies were done in 6/15 patients. Early diagnosis was made when CT demonstrated a soft-tissue mass of the external auditory canal associated with scattered zones of cortical bone erosions (13/15). Spread of the disease was better delineated by MR than CT, especially skull base extension (6/15). Temporomandibular joint involvement with extension into parotid or/and masticator spaces 6/15 was as well detected with CT as with MR. If CT remains the first and best procedure for diagnosis, MR - despite its cost - appears a good procedure to depict exact anatomic spread, allowing therapeutic management

  7. Histopathological study of malignant melanoma in highlanders ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Histopathological study of malignant melanoma in highlanders. AZ Mohammed, AN Manasseh, BM Mandong, ST Edino. Abstract. Background:Malignant melanoma is a fatal skin cancer that is curable when detected and treated early. Recent reports indicate a rising incidence globally. This study aims at identifying the ...

  8. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours in neurofibromatosis type 1: MRI supports the diagnosis of malignant plexiform neurofibroma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mautner, V.F. [Department of Neurology, Klinikum Nord Hamburg, Langenhorner Chaussee 560, 22419, Hamburg (Germany); Friedrich, R.E. [Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Universitaetsklinikum Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany); Deimling, A. von [Department of Neuropathology, Charite, Berlin (Germany); Hagel, C. [Department of Neuropathology, Universitaetsklinikum Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany); Korf, B. [Center for Human Genetics, Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Boston, MA (United States); Knoefel, M.T. [Department of Surgery, Universitaetsklinikum Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany); Wenzel, R.; Fuensterer, C. [MRI-Institute Hamburg Othmarschen, Hamburg (Germany)


    Plexiform neurofibroma (PNF) is a typical feature of neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1). About 10% of patients with NF1 develop malignant peripheral nerve-sheath tumours (MPNST), usually arising from PNF, and this is the major cause of poor survival. A better prognosis can be achieved if the tumours are diagnosed at an early stage. Our objective was to establish MRI criteria for MPNST and to test their usefulness in detecting early malignant change in PNF. MRI was performed on 50 patients with NF1 and nerve-sheath tumours, of whom seven had atypical pain, tumour growth or neurological deficits indicative of malignancy; the other 43 were asymptomatic. On MRI all seven symptomatic patients had inhomogeneous lesions, due to necrosis and haemorrhage and patchy contrast enhancement. In one patient, the multiplicity of confluent tumours with inhomogeneous areas in addition to central lesions did not allow exclusion of malignancy. Only three of the 43 asymptomatic patients had comparable changes; the other 40 patients had tumours being of relatively homogeneous structure on T1- and T2-weighted images before and after contrast enhancement. All three asymptomatic patients with inhomogeneous lesions were shown to have MPNST. (orig.)

  9. Insight into the number of pre-malignancies and malignancies of the skin in a hospital population in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rijsingen, M.C.J. van; Seubring, I.; Maessen-Visch, B.; Lavrijsen, S.; Bergen, B. van; Groenewoud, J.; Gerritsen, M.J.


    BACKGROUND: Skin cancer incidence is rising, placing a burden on healthcare systems worldwide. This problem may even be more extensive than expected, since registration of (pre)malignancies of the skin is poor. OBJECTIVE: To provide insight into the numbers of (pre)malignancies in patients with

  10. Malignancy in Noonan syndrome and related disorders. (United States)

    Smpokou, P; Zand, D J; Rosenbaum, K N; Summar, M L


    Noonan syndrome (NS) and related disorders, such as NS with multiple lentigines (formerly called LEOPARD syndrome), cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome, and Costello syndrome, constitute an important group of developmental malformation syndromes with variable clinical and molecular features. Their underlying pathophysiologic mechanism involves dysregulation of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, an essential mediator of developmental and growth processes in the prenatal and postnatal setting. Malignant tumor development is an important complication encountered in other RASopathies, such as neurofibromatosis type 1, but the neoplastic risks and incidence of malignant tumors are less clearly defined in NS and related disorders of the Noonan spectrum. Malignant tumor development remains an important complication variably seen in the RASopathies and, thus, a clear understanding of the underlying risks is essential for appropriate clinical care in this patient population. This review discusses previously published reports of malignancies in individuals with RASopathies of the Noonan spectrum. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. [Carl Schirren als Gelehrter im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und politischer Publizistik. 13 Beiträge zum 22. Baltischen Seminar 2010 ; Carl Schirren. Vorlesungen über livländische Geschichte. Nachschrift von Johannes Lossius] / Karsten Brügge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brüggemann, Karsten, 1965-


    Arvustus: Carl Schirren als Gelehrter im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und politischer Publizistik. 13 Beiträge zum 22. Baltischen Seminar 2010 (Baltische Seminare, 20). Hrsg. von Michael Garleff. Verlag Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft. Lüneburg 2013; Carl Schirren. Vorlesungen über livländische Geschichte. Nachschrift von Johannes Lossius (Baltische Seminare, 20-1). Hrsg. von Carl Schirren und Wilhelm Lenz. Verlag Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft. Lüneburg 2013

  12. Insight into the number of pre-malignancies and malignancies of the skin in a hospital population in the Netherlands. (United States)

    van Rijsingen, Margit; Seubring, Inge; Maessen-Visch, Birgitte; Lavrijsen, Sjan; van Bergen, Bert; Groenewoud, Johannes; Gerritsen, Marie-Jeanne


    Skin cancer incidence is rising, placing a burden on healthcare systems worldwide. This problem may even be more extensive than expected, since registration of (pre)malignancies of the skin is poor. To provide insight into the numbers of (pre)malignancies in patients with actinic keratosis (AK) or basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in 2 university and 2 general hospitals. The types and numbers of previous tumours and of tumours during a two-year follow-up were collected from 574 patients. Mean time between the first diagnosed (pre)malignancy and time of inclusion was 6.6 years. Overall, 60% had multiple types of (pre)malignancies. In BCC patients, 61% had multiple BCCs, in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 40% had multiple SCCs. The combination 'BCC and SCC' occurred in 10%, 'BCC and AK' in 47%, 'SCC and AK' in 14%. High numbers of patients with multiple (pre)malignancies were found in this patient population in university and general hospitals, which may well reflect the Dutch hospital population. We conclude that skin cancer patients are more extensively affected than was expected up till now. Consequently, the management of skin cancer may be in need of adaptation in near future and the question arises whether dermatologists have the capacity for providing care for all these patients.

  13. Malignant Nodular Hidradenoma of Face

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    Bansal N


    Full Text Available We report a case of malignant nodular hidradenoma in an old woman, who presented with a nodular swelling in the right side of nose near the medial canthus of the right eye. Wide excision of the nodular mass with a clear margin of healthy surrounding tissue was performed along with primary closure. Post operatively, adjuvant radiation therapy was given on a telecobalt machine due to the presence of high risk features. In general, malignant forms of hidradenomas are not usual and treatment strategies should be individualized.


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    Sunaryo Sunaryo


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTLeptospirosis is zoonotic disease, which is caused by leptospira bacteria and transmitted to human bycontact with contaminated animal urine. Bantul District is endemic area of leptospirosis, case fatality rateas much 11% in 2010. The aim of this research was to study distribution of spatial epidemiologyleptospirosis, and mapping of vulnerable leptospirosis model by using Geographical Information Systembased on environmental risk factor and trap success in Bantul.This research done in March until November2011, and applied spatial analysis by using cross sectional design. Result of this research• showedleptospirosis cases in 2011 reaching 135 cases, and group of adult men was dominant, mostly as farmer andveteriner worker. There were three claster with average distance between cases: 0 km and furthermost 30km. Leptospirosis pattern increased in March and April when high rainfall. Medium rainfall spatial,lowland, vegetation index medium, alluvial type of soil, existence of rat and landuse of ricefield wereenvironmental variable influence leptospirosis cases. High vulnerable leptospirosis zone located in Centerand West Bantul.Keyword : Mapping, leptospirosis, vulnerable model. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit bersumber rodensia, disebabkan oleh bakteri leptospira, menular melalui kulit luka atau mukosa dengan air/tanah tercemar leptospira dariurine binatang. Kabupaten Bantul merupakan daerah endemis leptospirosis,case fatality rate mencapai11% pada tahun2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin mengetahui persebaran epidemiologi spasial leptospirosis, dan pemetaanmodel daerah rawan Leptospirosisdi Kabupaten Bantul berdasarkan faktor risiko lingkungan dan trap success tikus dengan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis. Penelitian ini dilakukanpada Bulan Maret sampaiNovember 2011, menggunakan metode analisis spasial deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Hasil: Kasus leptospirosispada tahun2011 mencapai135 kasusyang didominasi oleh

  15. Postirradiation sarcoma (malignant fibrous histiocytoma) following cervix cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinkston, J.A.; Sekine, Ichiro.


    A case of postirradiation sarcoma is described. The tumor, a malignant fibrous histiocytoma, occurred in the radiation field 11 years following postoperative external beam radiation therapy (7,000 rad) for carcinoma of the cervix. Reports of postirradiation malignant fibrous histiocytoma are rare, and the occurrence of this neoplasm following treatment for cervix cancer has not previously been described. The literature concerning postirradiation bone and soft tissue sarcomas is briefly reviewed, with special attention to malignant fibrous histiocytomas. (author)

  16. Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma of Skin Cancer Types

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    Abbas Hassin Alasadi


    Full Text Available Malignant melanoma is a kind of skin cancer that begins in melanocytes. It can influence on the skin only, or it may expand to the bones and organs. It is less common, but more serious and aggressive than other types of skin cancer. Malignant Melanoma can happen anywhere on the skin, but it is widespread in certain locations such as the legs in women, the back and chest in men, the face, the neck, mouth, eyes, and genitals. In this paper, a proposed algorithm is designed for diagnosing malignant melanoma types by using digital image processing techniques. The algorithm consists of four steps: preprocessing, separation, features extraction, and diagnosis. A neural network (NN used to diagnosis malignant melanoma types. The total accuracy of the neural network was 100% for training and 93% for testing. The evaluation of the algorithm is done by using sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. The sensitivity of NN in diagnosing malignant melanoma types was 95.6%, while the specificity was 92.2% and the accuracy was 93.9%. The experimental results are acceptable.

  17. Malignant lymphoma in african lions (panthera leo). (United States)

    Harrison, T M; McKnight, C A; Sikarskie, J G; Kitchell, B E; Garner, M M; Raymond, J T; Fitzgerald, S D; Valli, V E; Agnew, D; Kiupel, M


    Malignant lymphoma has become an increasingly recognized problem in African lions (Panthera leo). Eleven African lions (9 male and 2 female) with clinical signs and gross and microscopic lesions of malignant lymphoma were evaluated in this study. All animals were older adults, ranging in age from 14 to 19 years. Immunohistochemically, 10 of the 11 lions had T-cell lymphomas (CD3(+), CD79a(-)), and 1 lion was diagnosed with a B-cell lymphoma (CD3(-), CD79a(+)). The spleen appeared to be the primary site of neoplastic growth in all T-cell lymphomas, with involvement of the liver (6/11) and regional lymph nodes (5/11) also commonly observed. The B-cell lymphoma affected the peripheral lymph nodes, liver, and spleen. According to the current veterinary and human World Health Organization classification of hematopoietic neoplasms, T-cell lymphoma subtypes included peripheral T-cell lymphoma (4/11), precursor (acute) T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia (2/11), chronic T-cell lymphocytic lymphoma/leukemia (3/11), and T-zone lymphoma (1/11). The single B-cell lymphoma subtype was consistent with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) testing by immunohistochemistry on sections of malignant lymphoma was negative for all 11 lions. One lion was seropositive for FeLV. In contrast to domestic and exotic cats, in which B-cell lymphomas are more common than T-cell lymphomas, African lions in this study had malignant lymphomas that were primarily of T-cell origin. Neither FeLV nor FIV, important causes of malignant lymphoma in domestic cats, seems to be significant in the pathogenesis of malignant lymphoma in African lions.

  18. Morphological patterns of malignant cercival lessons in Warri, Niger ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Of this, 77 cases (43.7%) were malignant and 99 cases (56.3%) were either benign neoplasm, pseudoneoplastic and inflammatory lesions. The patients' age range for all malignant cervical lesions was 30-87 years. The peak age and mean age incidence for all malignant cervical tumours were 40-49 years and 49.6±8.4 ...

  19. Management of Septated Malignant Pleural Effusions


    Banka, Radhika; Terrington, Dayle; Mishra, Eleanor K.


    Purpose of Review: We review recent studies of patients with septated malignant pleural effusions, to understand what the clinical implications for patients are and what evidence-based methods should be used to manage these effusions. Recent Findings: Fibrinolytics improve effusion size assessed radiologically in patients with a chest drain inserted for septated malignant pleural effusions but this does not translate into an improvement in breathlessness relief or pleurodesis success. Fibrino...

  20. Multiple cutaneous malignancies in xeroderma pigmentosum

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    Mohanty Prasenjeet


    Full Text Available A case of xeroderma pigmentosum with multiple cutaneous malignancies is being reported. The case presented with freckles, letigens, and keratosis, a non-tender ulcerated nodular lesion on the nose, a nodular ulcerated lesion on the right outer canthus of the conjunctiva, and a nodular growth which developed on the right cheek which on histopathology was found to be squamous cell cercinoma, basal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma respectively.

  1. [Multiple conjunctival malignant melanomas (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Haddad, R


    5 1/2 years after excision of pigmented malignant melanoma which apparently arose in a nevus of the paralimbal bulbar conjunctiva, this 42-year-old male presented himself with a nonpigmented mass of the lid margin which also proved to be a malignant melanoma. "Acquired melanosis sine pigmento" was considered as a site of origin, but histopathologically there is more evidence that this melanoma arose in a non-pigmented compound nevus.

  2. Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Esophagus


    Oya Yonal; Duygu Ibrisim; Yıldıran Songur; Yılmaz Cakaloglu; Koray Tuncer; Hale Kırımlıoglu; Sadakat Ozdil


    Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus (PMME) comprises only 0.1?0.2% of all malignant esophageal tumors. PMME tumors are highly aggressive and metastasize early via hematogenic and lymphatic pathways. Treatment outcome is poor because the cancer has often advanced at the time of diagnosis. Inoperability, unsuccessful treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in advanced tumors and metastases have contributed to its poor prognosis. Here, we present the endoscopic features, endoscopic ...

  3. Malignancy validation in a United States registry of rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Fisher Mark C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Physician reporting is commonly used to ascertain adverse events or outcomes measured in epidemiologic studies. However, little is known on the accuracy of physician reported malignancies compared to pertinent medical record review in large cohort studies. Methods The Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of North America (CORRONA registry gathers physician-completed questionnaires for rheumatoid arthritis (RA patients, including request for information on incident malignancies, approximately every three months. For incident malignancies reported from October 1st, 2001, through December 31st, 2007, we retrospectively requested completion of a Targeted Adverse Event (TAE form for additional information as well as primary source documents to adjudicate the malignancy reports. CORRONA has employed a prospective request for source documentation for these events since 2008. We classified each malignancy as definite, probable, possible, or not a malignancy. Results From 20,837 RA patients enrolled in CORRONA, 461 incident malignancies were initially reported on physician questionnaires. After review of returned source documents with adjudication, 234 were deemed definite, 69 probable, 101 possible, and 57 not an incident malignancy. The positive predictive value (PPV of initial physician report of a malignancy versus “definite or probable” malignancy based on adjudication was 0.66 (95% CI 0.61 - 0.70. The PPV was 0.68 (95% CI 0.63 – 0.72 when the subsequent TAE form also confirmed the presence of malignancy. When possible malignancies were included, the PPV of physician-reported malignancies without a subsequent TAE form increased to 0.86 (0.83 – 0.89, and with a subsequent TAE form, 0.89 (0.85-0.91. Conclusion Twelve percent of initial physician reports of incident malignancy could not be confirmed with review of source documents. The most common reason for lack of confirmation was inability to obtain documents or

  4. Malignant tumors arising in the maxillary region after radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimizu, Sawamichi; Shirahata, Yuichi; Uchida, Yutaka


    Although radiotherapy has proven of great therapeutic value in the treatment of malignant tumors, it should also be borne in mind that radiation has a serious potential risk of giving rise to a secondary malignancy. We recently experienced 2 cases each of carcinoma and sarcoma arising in the irradiated areas long after radiation therapy for malignant tumors. In these 4 cases, 2 males and 2 females, the primary neoplastic diseases were squamous cell carcinoma, epidermoid carcinoma, carcinoma of unknown pathology and malignant lymphoma, and the secondary tumors were epidermoid carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma, respectively. The sites of occurrence of these malignancies were invariably in the maxillary region; the mean latent period was 15 years, aside from an infantile case with a latent period of 5 years. In view of the primary diseases being malignant tumors the following criteria were set up for the diagnosis of radiation-induced malignancies: (1) the site of occurrence is within the confines of a previously irradiated area, (2) the latent period is prolonged and (3) the malignancy occurs as a double tumor. Therapy was primarily by operation. The prognosis was exceedingly ominous, the average survival time being 22 months. This was probably and mainly because of rapidity of tumor growth. Thus, the secondary tumors had already spread back to inward by the time they were first discovered. This should be kept in mind during a long-term follow-up of patients receiving radiotherapy for malignancy. (author)

  5. Malignancy risk prediction for primary jejunum-ileal tumors

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    MARQUES Ruy Garcia


    Full Text Available This work is aimed at identifying factors associated with primary jejunum-ileal tumors malignancy, defining a prediction model with sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to distinguish malign from benign neoplasms. These tumors are rare, have highly unspecific presentation and, frequently, are diagnosed late. We reviewed the charts of 42 patients with primary jejunum-ileal tumors treated in the Department of General Surgery of Rio de Janeiro State University Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, from 1969 to 1998. We performed bivariate analyses, based on chi² test, searching associations between tumors malignancy and demographic and clinical variables. Then logistic regression was employed to consider the independent effect of variables previously identified on malignancy risk. The malign tumors included 11 adenocarcinomas, 7 leiomyosarcomas, 5 carcinoids and 4 lymphomas; the benign tumors included 10 leiomyomas, 2 hamartomas, and single cases of adenoma, multiple neurilemoma and choristoma. The bivariate analyses indicated the association between malignancy and palpable abdominal mass (P = 0.003, period from signs and symptoms onset to diagnosis (P = 0.016, anemia (P = 0.020, anorexia (P = 0.003, abdominal pain (P = 0.031, weight loss (P = 0.001, nausea and vomit (P = 0.094, and intestinal obstruction (P = 0.066; no association with patients demographic characteristics were found. In the final logistic regression model, weight loss, anemia and intestinal obstruction were statistically associated with the dependent variable of interest. Based only on three variables -- weight loss, anemia and intestinal obstruction -- the model defined was able to predict primary jejunum-ileal tumors malignancy with sensitivity of 85.2%, specificity of 80.0%, and accuracy of 83.3%.

  6. Radiotherapy for non-malignant disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seegenschmiedt, Michael Heinrich; Makoski, Hans-Bruno; Trott, Klaus-Ruediger; Brady, Luther W.


    This volume discusses the general background, radiobiology, radiophysics and clinical applications of radiation therapy in the treatment of non-malignant diseases. Within 39 chapters, it documents the rationale and indications for the use of state-of-the-art radiotherapy for various non-malignant disorders of the CNS, head and neck, eye, skin and soft tissues, bone and joints, and the vascular system. In so doing, it draws attention to and elucidates the scope for application of radiotherapy beyond the treatment of malignancies. Both the risks and the benefits of such treatment are fully considered, the former ranging from minor clinical problems to life-threatening diseases. With the assistance of many tables and colored figures, the extensive data from clinical studies are presented in a well-structured and informative way. Each chapter concludes with a list of key points, allowing the reader to quickly comprehend the main facts. Since this approach offers an interdisciplinary perspective, this book will be of interest not only to radiotherapists but also to many other practitioners and medical specialists, for example orthopedists, surgeons, and ophthalmologists. (orig.)


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    Xenofon Papanikolaou


    Full Text Available Therapy related myeloid malignancies are an increasingly recognized treatment complication in patients undergoing therapy for multiple myeloma. The main predisposing factors are the alkylating agents, topoisomerase II inhibitors and radiotherapy, but recently questions have been raised regarding the immunomodulatory agent lenalidomide. Little is known about the new antimyeloma agents in the context of therapy related myeloid malignanices. The duration of treatment and the time from diagnosis are the main contributing factors in alkylating induced myeloid malignancies which occur 5-10 years after treatment, chromosome 5 and 7 abnormalities being the characteristic finding. High dose therapy (HDT does not seem to be a major contributing factor per se in multiple myeloma. In a number of large published series, all the factors related with therapy-induced myelodysplasia were defined prior to HDT. Topoisomerase II inhibitors induce mainly acute leukemias which invariably correlate with dysregulation of the MLL gene. Radiotherapy causes therapy related myelodysplasia if applied in bone marrow producing areas, especially if combined with chemotherapy. Therapy related myeloid malignancies generally herald a poor prognosis. Karyotypic abnormalities seem to be the main prognostic factor. In all cases the risk for therapy related myeloid malignancies drops sharply by 10 years after the treatment.


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    Bart Barlogie


    Full Text Available

    Therapy related myeloid malignancies are an increasingly recognized treatment complication in patients undergoing therapy for multiple myeloma. The main predisposing factors are the alkylating agents, topoisomerase II inhibitors and radiotherapy, but recently questions have been raised regarding the immunomodulatory agent lenalidomide. Little is known about the new antimyeloma agents in the context of therapy related myeloid malignanices. The duration of treatment and the time from diagnosis are the main contributing factors in alkylating induced myeloid malignancies which occur 5-10 years after treatment, chromosome 5 and 7 abnormalities being the characteristic finding. High dose therapy (HDT does not seem to be a major contributing factor per se in multiple myeloma. In a number of large published series, all the factors related with therapy-induced myelodysplasia were defined prior to HDT. Topoisomerase II inhibitors induce mainly acute leukemias which invariably correlate with dysregulation of the MLL gene. Radiotherapy causes therapy related myelodysplasia if applied in bone marrow producing areas, especially if combined with chemotherapy. Therapy related myeloid malignancies generally herald a poor prognosis. Karyotypic abnormalities seem to be the main prognostic factor. In all cases the risk for therapy related myeloid malignancies drops sharply by 10 years after the treatment.

  9. Human malignant melanomas in nude mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atlas, S.W.; Braffman, B.H.; Lo Brutto, R.; Elder, D.E.; Herlyn, D.


    The purpose of this study was to correlate signal intensities and relaxation times on MR images in malignant melanomas with histopathologic features and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra. Cell lines from human malignant melanomas in tissue culture were implanted subcutaneously into nude mice. MR imaging was performed in vivo at 1.9 T to assess 12 separate lesions in ten mice using spin-echo and inversion-recovery techniques. T1,T2, and N(H) were calculated in all cases. Histopathologic examination was performed on specimens resected immediately after imaging, using hematoxylin and eosin, Prussian blue, and Fontan stains to assess for tumor necrosis, iron, and melanin content. EPR spectra were also obtained on four resected specimens. The authors' results indicate that the relaxation behavior of nonhemorrhagic malignant melanomas cannot be explained solely by the presence of necrosis, water content, or iron content. The degree of melanin within these tumors did correlate with T1 relaxation enhancement. T2 relaxation times did not correlate with the sole presence of either iron, melanin, or necrosis. Although the unique relaxation behavior of nonhemorrhagic malignant melanoma seems to have many causes, their data suggest that, contrary to previous investigations, it is influenced by the presence of melanin rather than iron

  10. Summary of worldwide pediatric malignancies reported after exposure to etanercept

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    Chernyukhin Nataliya


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Concerns have been raised about a potential link between the use of TNF inhibitors and development of malignancy in the pediatric population. We examined the worldwide experience of etanercept use in pediatric patients and the occurrence of malignancies as reported from clinical trials, registry studies, post-marketing surveillance, and published scientific literature. Methods All reports of "malignancy" in pediatric patients (including subjects who received etanercept before age 18 and developed a malignancy before age 22 were collected from the etanercept clinical trials database and global safety database using the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA; v12.0 standardized MedDRA query "Malignancies" from 1998 to August 2009. Cases were collected irrespective of treatment indication. All cases were included regardless of exposure to other TNF blockers or other biologics and whether the other exposure was before or after etanercept. Results A total of 18 potential malignancies were identified: 4 leukemias, 7 lymphomas, and 7 solid tumors. Three of the 18 malignancies remain unconfirmed. No malignancies were reported from clinical trials or the open-label extension studies in any indication in children. Conclusion The data suggest that there does not appear to be an increased risk of malignancy overall with the use of etanercept. Among etanercept-exposed patients aged 4 to 17 years, the estimated worldwide and US reporting rates for lymphoma were approximately 0.01 per 100 patient-years (1 in 10,000 pt-yrs. While the reported rate of lymphoma is higher in pediatric patients treated with etanercept than in normal children, the expected rate of lymphoma in biologic naïve JIA patients is currently unknown. The risk of TNF inhibitors in the development of malignancies in children and adolescents is difficult to assess because of the rarity of malignant events, the absence of knowledge of underlying frequency of

  11. The International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group thymic initiative: a state-of-the-art study of thymic malignancies. (United States)

    Detterbeck, Frank; Korst, Robert


    Thymic malignancies are relatively rare tumors. A general lack of knowledge, misconceptions about benignancy, confusion about the definition of terms, and variability in reporting of outcomes have further hampered progress in these diseases. The International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group has emerged to counter these challenges and has brought together a worldwide multidisciplinary community determined to improve outcomes for these patients. Although the organization is young (initiated in 2010), major early accomplishments have created a foundation and infrastructure for scientific research. These include consensus definitions of terms, an unprecedented global database, development of practical clinical resources and, together with the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, development of proposals for the first formal stage classification of these malignant tumors. Many articles have been published or are under way, and a second phase of projects building on the early success is proceeding. The greatest accomplishment of the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group lies in the establishment of an open culture of collaboration and the engagement of a broad group of individuals united by a common mission. It is a testament to what can be achieved, despite ongoing and inherent challenges, by determination and a collective effort. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Combined cord blood and bone marrow transplantation from the same human leucocyte antigen-identical sibling donor for children with malignant and non-malignant diseases. (United States)

    Tucunduva, Luciana; Volt, Fernanda; Cunha, Renato; Locatelli, Franco; Zecca, Marco; Yesilipek, Akif; Caniglia, Maurizio; Güngör, Tayfun; Aksoylar, Serap; Fagioli, Franca; Bertrand, Yves; Addari, Maria Carmen; de la Fuente, Josu; Winiarski, Jacek; Biondi, Andrea; Sengeloev, Henrik; Badell, Isabel; Mellgren, Karin; de Heredia, Cristina Díaz; Sedlacek, Petr; Vora, Ajay; Rocha, Vanderson; Ruggeri, Annalisa; Gluckman, Eliane


    Umbilical cord blood (UCB) from an human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-identical sibling can be used for transplantation of patients with malignant and non-malignant diseases. However, the low cellular content of most UCB units represents a limitation to this approach. An option to increase cell dose is to harvest bone marrow (BM) cells from the same donor and infuse them along with the UCB. We studied 156 children who received such a combined graft between 1992 and 2011. Median age was 7 years and 78% of patients (n = 122) were transplanted for non-malignant diseases, mainly haemoglobinopathies. Acute leukaemia (n = 26) was the most frequent malignant diagnosis. Most patients (91%) received myeloablative conditioning. Median donor age was 1·7 years, median infused nucleated cell dose was 24·4 × 10(7) /kg and median follow-up was 41 months. Sixty-days neutrophil recovery occurred in 96% of patients at a median of 17 d. The probabilities of grade-II-IV acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) were 19% and 10%, respectively. Four-year overall survival was 90% (68% malignant; 97% non-malignant diseases) with 3% probability of death. In conclusion, combined UCB and BM transplantation from an HLA-identical sibling donor is an effective treatment for children with malignant and non-malignant disorders with high overall survival and low incidence of GVHD. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Malignant Otitis Externa and Stroke

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    Marta Catarino Manso


    Full Text Available Malignant otitis externa (MOE is an aggressive but benign entity which evolves into skull base osteomyelitis. An 81-year-old female patient was admitted for left hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopia. She complained of headache radiating to the right cervical area. A recent history of recurrent otitis media was present. Head and neck imaging showed an ischemic infarction (right temporo-occipital and a parapharyngeal soft tissue mass originating in an external and medial ear infection. Culture samples revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection leading to the diagnosis of Malignant otitis externa (MOE. Parenteral antibacterial therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy resulted in improvement.

  14. Multiple cutaneous malignancies in a patient of xeroderma pigmentosum. (United States)

    Grampurohit, Vandana U; Dinesh, U S; Rao, Ravikala


    Xeroderma pigmentosum is a genodermatosis characterized by photosensitivity and the development of cutaneous and internal malignancies at an early age. The basic defect underlying the clinical manifestations is a nucleotide excision repair defect, leading to defective repair of DNA damaged by ultraviolet radiation. These patients exhibit enhanced sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum who are younger than 20 years of age have a greater than 1000-fold increased risk of developing skin cancer. Early detection of these malignancies is necessary because they are fast growing, metastasize early and lead to death. Although, early detection and treatment of cutaneous malignancies will reduce the morbidity and mortality, genetic counseling remains the most important measure for preventing xeroderma pigmentosum. We report a case of xeroderma pigmentosum in an 18-year-old male presenting with multiple cutaneous malignancies: squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma and pigmented basal cell carcinoma.

  15. Malignant change of chronic ulcerative colitis: report of a case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ki Tae; Lee, Han Jin; Kang, Si Won; Bahk, Yong Whee


    Since the original report of Crohn and Rosenberg (1928) the association between long-standing ulcerative colitis and later development of colonic malignancy has been well known. There are many risk factors for the development of malignancy such as duration, extent, severity and age of the onset of ulcerative colitis, drugs and diagnostic radiation. The dysplasia of the colonic mucosa as a precancerous change are seen not only in the area of malignant focus but also in distant locations in long-standing ulcerative colitis. We present a case of malignant change occurred in a patient with long-standing ulcerative colitis in the rectosigmoid junction. This is probably the first documentation of malignant transformation of ulcerative colitis in the Korean literature.

  16. Clinical evaluation of scintigraphy for malignant tumors in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Katsumi; Aso, Koichi; Yamada, Nobuaki; Horiike, Shigeharu; Matsubayashi, Takashi


    X-ray study, Computed tomography, Echography and Scintigraphy are chosen to draw visual images of malignant tumors in children. To obtain higher diagnostic sensitivity, we recommend that 67-Ga-scintigraphy and other different scitigraphy for organs are performed on each child suspected of having malignant tumor. 67-Ga does not have accurate sensitivity for neuroblastoma, but bone scintigraphy with 99m-Tc-labelled phosphate complexes detects neuroblastoma as a positive image. 67-Ga scintigraphy and other different radiopharmaceutical scintigraphy should be used for primary visualization and control of malignant tumor in children. Serial scintigraphy at proper intervals are very effective to detect local recurrence and metastasis of malignant tumors. (author)

  17. Malignant Transformation of Radiotherapy-Naïve Craniopharyngioma. (United States)

    Chunhui, Liu; Chuzhong, Li; Zhenye, Li; Yilin, Sun; Yazhuo, Zhang


    Craniopharyngioma is a rare benign intracranial neoplasm that is successfully managed with surgery or adjuvant radiotherapy. The malignant transformation of craniopharyngioma has seldom been reported. A 30-year-old woman presented with a 5-month history of amenorrhea and was admitted to the hospital. She underwent surgical resection for three times and died at last. MRI revealed a new solid component of craniopharyngioma. Pathologic examination revealed malignant changes in the craniopharyngioma. In addition, We analyzed the expression of Ki-67, p53, VEGF, and MMP-9 in this malignant case after the third operation and in samples from 9 benign craniopharyngiomas. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the Ki-67 index was higher in malignant craniopharyngiomas (50%) compared with benign craniopharyngiomas (3.0% ± 1.5%; range, 1.0%-6.0%). The p53, MMP-9, and VEGF protein levels were higher in the malignant craniopharyngioma compared with the benign craniopharyngiomas. Patients with a high Ki-67 index and high p53, MMP-9, and VEGF protein levels and a new solid component of craniopharyngioma on MRI may benefit from aggressive treatment and close surveillance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Use of FDG-PET in differentiating benign from malignant compression fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bredella, Miriam A.; Essary, Brendan; Torriani, Martin; Ouellette, Hugue A.; Palmer, William E.


    The objective was to evaluate the use of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in differentiating benign from malignant compression fractures. In a retrospective analysis, we identified 33 patients with 43 compression fractures who underwent FDG-PET. On FDG-PET the uptake pattern was recorded qualitatively and semiquantitatively and fractures were categorized as benign or malignant. Standardized uptake values (SUV) were obtained. MRI, CT, and biopsy results as well as clinical follow-up for 1-3 years served as standards of reference. The Student's t test was used to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference between the SUV for benign and malignant compression fractures. There were 14 malignant and 29 benign compression fractures, including 5 acute benign fractures. On FDG-PET, 5 benign fractures were falsely classified as malignant (false-positive). Three of these patients underwent prior treatment with bone marrow-stimulating agents. There were two false-negative results. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of FDG-PET in differentiating benign from malignant compression fractures were 86%, 83%, 84%, 71%, and 92% respectively. The difference between SUV values of benign and malignant fractures was statistically significant (1.9 ± 0.97 for benign and 3.9 ± 1.52 for malignant fractures, p < 0.001). SUV of benign acute and chronic fractures were not statistically significant. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography is useful in differentiating benign from malignant compression fractures. Therapy with bone marrow-stimulating agents can mimic malignant involvement. (orig.)

  19. Malignant Phyllodes Tumor Presenting in Bone, Brain, Lungs, and Lymph Nodes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric D. Johnson


    Full Text Available Introduction: Phyllodes tumors (PTs are rare fibroepithelial tumors of the breast which are classified as benign, borderline, or malignant. Malignant PTs account for <1% of malignant breast tumors, and borderline tumors have potential to progress to malignant tumors. Metastatic recurrences are most commonly documented in bone and lungs. We report an extremely rare presentation of recurrent malignant PTs involving the brain, lung, lymph nodes, and bone. Case: A 66-year-old female presented with a large breast mass. Biopsy identified malignant PT, treated by mastectomy. One year later she presented with acute back pain; imaging showed pathological L4 spinal compression fracture. Core biopsy confirmed PT. Staging identified additional metastases in the lymph nodes, brain, and lung. Discussion: PTs are rare and fast-growing tumors that originate from periductal stromal tissues and are composed of both epithelial and stromal components. Histologically, they are classified as benign, borderline, or malignant. The prognosis of the malignant type is poorly defined, with local recurrence occurring in 10–40% and metastases in 10%. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are generally ineffective in this tumor type. The most common metastatic sites for malignant cases are the lung and bones, but in rare instances, PTs may metastasize elsewhere. Conclusion: We report a rare presentation of recurrent malignant PT presenting as pathological fracture of the lumbar spine with impingement on the spinal column, along with cerebellar, nodal, and pulmonary metastases. Only 1 similar case has been previously reported.

  20. Impact of the serum thyroglobulin concentration on the diagnostics of benign and malignant thyroid diseases; Stellenwert des Serum-Thyreoglobulinspiegels bei der Diagnostik benigner und maligner Schilddruesenerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rink, T.; Schroth, H.J. [Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin, Staedtisches Klinikum, Hanau (Germany); Dembowski, W.; Klinger, K. [Medizinische Klinik, St. Vinzenz Krankenhaus, Hanau (Germany)


    Aim of this study is to evaluate new and controversially discussed indications for determining the thyroglobulin (Tg) level in different thyroid diseases to support routine diagnostics. Methods: The following groups were included: 250 healthy subjects without goiter, 50 persons with diffuse goiter, 161 patients with multinodular goiter devoid of functional disorder (108 of them underwent surgery, in 17 cases carcinomas were detected), 60 hyperthyroid patients with autonomously functioning nodular goiter, 150 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 30 hyperthyroid patients with Graves' disease. Results: The upper limit of the normal range of the Tg level was calculated as 30 ng Tg/ml. The evaluation of the collective with diffuse goiter showed that the figure of the Tg level can be expected in a similar magnitude as the thyroid volume in milliliters. Nodular tissue led to far higher Tg values then presumed when considering the respective thyroidvolume, with a rather high variance. A formula for a rough prediction of the Tg levels in nodular goiters is described. In ten out of 17 cases with thyroid carcinoma, the Tg was lower than estimated with thyroid and nodular volumes, but two patients showed a Tg exceeding 1000 ng/ml. The collective with functional autonomy had a significantly higher average Tg level than a matched euthyroid group being under suppressive levothyroxine substitution. However, due to the high variance of the Tg values, the autonomy could not consistently be predicted with the Tg level in individual cases. The patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis showed slightly decreased Tg levels. In Graves' disease, a significantly higher average Tg level was observed compared with a matched group with diffuse goiter, but 47% of all Tg values were still in the normal range (<30 ng/ml). Conclusion: Elevated Tg levels indicate a high probability of thyroid diseases, such as malignancy, autonomy or Graves' disease. However, as low Tg

  1. Malignant mesothelioma after radiation treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Bruin, Marie L.; Burgers, Jacobus A.; Baas, Paul; van 't Veer, Mars B.; Noordijk, Evert M.; Louwman, Marieke W. J.; Zijlstra, Josée M.; van den Berg, Hendrik; Aleman, Berthe M. P.; van Leeuwen, Flora E.


    Malignant mesothelioma is a relatively uncommon malignancy. Although the pathogenesis is primarily related to asbestos, the disease may be associated with radiation exposure. Recently, increased risks for second primary mesothelioma after radiation for lymphoma have been reported. Because these

  2. Paweł Bąk, Die Metapher in der Übersetzung. Studien zum Transfer der Aphorismen von Stanisław Jerzy Lec und der Gedichte von Wisława Szymborska, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft en, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 2007 =...


    Zieliński, Lech


    Paweł Bąk, Die Metapher in der Ubersetzung. Studien zum Transfer der Aphorismen von Stanisław Jerzy Lec und der Gedichte von Wisława Szymborska, Peter Lang Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaft en, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 2007 = Danziger Beitrage zur Germanistik, Bd. 20 wyd. Andrzej Kątny, 332 strony

  3. Novel targets for ATM-deficient malignancies (United States)

    Winkler, Johannes; Hofmann, Kay; Chen, Shuhua


    Conventional chemo- and radiotherapies for the treatment of cancer target rapidly dividing cells in both tumor and non-tumor tissues and can exhibit severe cytotoxicity in normal tissue and impair the patient's immune system. Novel targeted strategies aim for higher efficacy and tumor specificity. The role of ATM protein in the DNA damage response is well known and ATM deficiency frequently plays a role in tumorigenesis and development of malignancy. In addition to contributing to disease development, ATM deficiency also renders malignant cells heavily dependent on other pathways that cooperate with the ATM-mediated DNA damage response to ensure tumor cell survival. Disturbing those cooperative pathways by inhibiting critical protein components allows specific targeting of tumors while sparing healthy cells with normal ATM status. We review druggable candidate targets for the treatment of ATM-deficient malignancies and the mechanisms underlying such targeted therapies. PMID:27308314

  4. Myocardial Infarction and Risk of Suicide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Karen Kjær; Agerbo, Esben; Christensen, Bo


    Akut myokardieinfarkt og risikoen for selvmord: Et populationsbaseret case-control studie Baggrund Akut myokardieinfarkt (MI) er associeret med øget risiko for angst, depression, nedsat livskvalitet og mortalitet af alle årsager. Det er uvist om MI er associeret med øget risiko for selvmord. Vi...... at være høj mindst 5 år efter MI. Konklusion MI følges af en øget risiko for selvmord for patienter med eller uden psykiatrisk sygdom. Vores resultater indikerer vigtigheden af at screene patienter med MI for depression og selvmordstanker. Udgivelsesdato: December 7...

  5. Malignant mesothelioma after radiation treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    De Bruin, Marie L; Burgers, Jacobus A; Baas, Paul


    Malignant mesothelioma is a relatively uncommon malignancy. Although the pathogenesis is primarily related to asbestos, the disease may be associated with radiation exposure. Recently, increased risks for second primary mesothelioma after radiation for lymphoma have been reported. Because these f...

  6. Treating malignant glioma in Chinese patients: update on temozolomide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chang L


    Full Text Available Liang Chang,1 Jun Su,1 Xiuzhi Jia,2,3 Huan Ren2,3 1Department of Neurosurgery, The Tumor Hospital of Harbin Medical University, 2Department of Immunology, Harbin Medical University, 3Key Lab Infection and Immunity, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin, People's Republic of China Abstract: Malignant glioma, ie, anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma, is the most common type of primary malignant brain tumor in the People's Republic of China, and is particularly aggressive. The median survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma is only 12–14 months despite advanced therapeutic strategies. Treatment of malignant glioma consists mainly of surgical resection followed by adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy. Temozolomide (TMZ, a second-generation oral alkylating agent, is playing an increasingly important role in the treatment of malignant glioma in Chinese patients. Since the publication of a study by Stupp et al in 2005, which used a protocol of conventional fractionated irradiation with concomitant TMZ followed by standard TMZ for six cycles, many clinical studies in the People's Republic of China have demonstrated that such a treatment strategy has significantly improved efficacy with limited side effects for newly diagnosed glioblastoma after surgery as compared with strategies that do not contain TMZ. However, as a relatively new agent, the history and development of TMZ for malignant glioma is not well documented in Chinese patients. Multicenter, randomized controlled trials including appropriately sized patient populations investigating multiple aspects of TMZ therapy and related combination therapies are warranted in patients with malignant glioma. This review provides an update on the efficacy, mechanism of action, adverse reactions, and clinical role of TMZ in the treatment of malignant glioma in Chinese patients. Keywords: malignant glioma, chemotherapy, temozolomide, efficacy, side effect, People's Republic of China

  7. Diagnostic imagings of malignant lymphoma of the pancreas with obstructive jaundice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shirahase, Isao; Kobayashi, Nobuaki; Tanimura, Hiroshi; Yamaoka, Yoshio; Ozawa, Kazue; Hayashi, Nobushige; Itoh, Kyo; Nakajima, Yasuaki


    We performed pancreatoduodenectomy in a 41-year-old man with pancreatic malignant lymphoma, who began to have obstructive jaundice and in whom imaging showed a tumor of the head of the pancreas with extrapancreatic growth. The tumor was 8 x 8.5 x 4 cm in size. The histopathological findings of the tumor indicated a malignant lymphoma, non-Hodgkin, diffuse large cell type. The patient was discharged after receiving nine courses of postoperative chemotherapy with VEPA. It is very important in determing the surgical indication to preoperatively differentiate malignant lymphoma from pancreatic cancer, since malignant lymphoma originating from the gastrointestinal organs can, in some cases, be almost completely repaired if the tumor is removed in the early stage. Thus, it is possible to achieve effective multidisciplinary treatment for malignant lymphoma by performing closer preoperative examinations and taking into consideration the possibility of the existence of malignant lymphoma. This paper discusses the details of the imaging necessary to differentiate pancreatic malignant lymphoma. (author)

  8. Hyperparathyroidism after irradiation for childhood malignancy. (United States)

    McMullen, Todd; Bodie, Greg; Gill, Anthony; Ihre-Lundgren, Catharina; Shun, Albert; Bergin, Mary; Stevens, Graham; Delbridge, Leigh


    To examine the occurrence of hyperparathyroidism in a cohort of patients undergoing combined parathyroid and thyroid surgery after previous head-and-neck irradiation for childhood malignancy. This is a retrospective cohort study for the years 1996 to 2007. The study group comprised patients undergoing surgery in the University of Sydney Endocrine Surgical Unit who had received previous head-and-neck irradiation in childhood and who were identified as having pathologic thyroid and parathyroid characteristics. A total of 53 patients were identified in whom head-and-neck irradiation for the treatment of childhood malignancy had been documented. In each of the cases, thyroid disease was the primary reason for referral for surgery. Five of these patients (10%) were found to exhibit coexisting hyperparathyroidism. The latency period for hyperparathyroidism was less than 20 years in 4 of the 5 cases. There were four conventional parathyroid adenomas and one parathyroid lipoadenoma. All patients exhibited a significant decrease in postoperative calcium levels after surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first study to document the significant risk of hyperparathyroidism after radiation exposure for childhood malignancy. The timeframe for development of disease is much shorter than that published for individuals who have undergone irradiation for benign diseases. High doses of therapeutic radiation at a young age make childhood survivors of malignancy at especially high risk for developing hyperparathyroidism.

  9. Hyperparathyroidism After Irradiation for Childhood Malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McMullen, Todd; Bodie, Greg; Gill, Anthony; Ihre-Lundgren, Catharina; Shun, Albert; Bergin, Mary; Stevens, Graham; Delbridge, Leigh


    Purpose: To examine the occurrence of hyperparathyroidism in a cohort of patients undergoing combined parathyroid and thyroid surgery after previous head-and-neck irradiation for childhood malignancy. Methods and Materials: This is a retrospective cohort study for the years 1996 to 2007. The study group comprised patients undergoing surgery in University of Sydney Endocrine Surgical Unit who had received previous head-and-neck irradiation in childhood and who were identified as having pathologic thyroid and parathyroid characteristics. Results: A total of 53 patients were identified in whom head-and-neck irradiation for the treatment of childhood malignancy had been documented. In each of the cases, thyroid disease was the primary reason for referral for surgery. Five of these patients (10%) were found to exhibit coexisting hyperparathyroidism. The latency period for hyperparathyroidism was less than 20 years in 4 of the 5 cases. There were four conventional parathyroid adenomas and one parathyroid lipoadenoma. All patients exhibited a significant decrease in postoperative calcium levels after surgery. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to document the significant risk of hyperparathyroidism after radiation exposure for childhood malignancy. The timeframe for development of disease is much shorter than that published for individuals who have undergone irradiation for benign diseases. High doses of therapeutic radiation at a young age make childhood survivors of malignancy at especially high risk for developing hyperparathyroidism

  10. Multimodal treatment for resectable epithelial type malignant pleural mesothelioma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fukuyama Yasuro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare malignancy. The outcome remains poor despite complete surgical resection. Patients and methods Eleven patients with histologicaly proven epithelial type malignant pleural mesothelioma undergoing extrapleural pneumonectomy with systemic chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy before and after surgical resection were retrospectively reviewed. Results Ten out of 11 patients underwent complete surgical resection, of these 7 patients had stage I disease. Of these 7 patients, 5 are alive without any recurrence, a 2-year survival rate of 80% was observed in this group. There was no operative mortality or morbidity. Conclusion Extrapleural pneumonectomy with perioperative adjuvant treatment is safe and effective procedure for epithelial type malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  11. Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour of the Maxilla

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Puja Sahai


    Full Text Available A 38-year-old man was diagnosed with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour of the maxilla. He was treated with total maxillectomy. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen revealed a close resection margin. The tumour was of high grade with an MIB-1 labelling index of almost 60%. At six weeks following the surgery, he developed local tumour relapse. The patient succumbed to the disease at five months from the time of diagnosis. The present report underlines the locally aggressive nature of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour of the maxilla which necessitates an early therapeutic intervention. A complete resection with clear margins is the most important prognostic factor for malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour in the head and neck region. Adjuvant radiotherapy may be considered to improve the local control. Future research may demarcate the role of targeted therapy for patients with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour.

  12. Thallium 201 thyroid scan: differential diagnosis of benign and malignant nodules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Jong Sub; Kim, Byong Geun; Park, Byung Ran; Kim, Se Jong; Ko, Kang Seok; Kim, Min Joong; Ji, Joo Yun


    To evaluate useful findings and diagnostic value of TI-201 thyroid scan in differentiating benign from malignant nodules. We studied 77 cold thyroid nodules proven histologically(27 malignant and 50 benign). Early (5-15 min) and delayed images(3-5 hours) were obtained after intravenous injection of thallium 201. In these nodules, we retrospectively analyzed the degree of TI-201 uptake in early and delayed images, histopathologic type, size, and presence or absence of cystic change in the sonograms of 22 malignant nodules. Useful finding for diagnosis of malignant nodules was strong uptake of TI-201 in early and delayed images(specificity: 98%, sensitivity: 63%, positive predictive value: 94.4%). Useful finding for benign nodules was no uptake of TI-201 in delayed image(specificity: 88.9%, sensitivity: 68%, positive predictive value: 91.9%). The accuracy of TI-201 thyroid scan in differentiating benign from malignant nodules was 66.2%. The nodules with strong TI-201 uptake in early image and low TI-201 uptake in delayed image were malignant in 29.4%. Cystic changes were found in 40% of malignant nodules with atypical TI-201 uptake. TI-201 thyroid scan showed high specificity in follicular neoplasm and adenomatous goiter in which differentiation of benignancy and malignancy is difficult with only cytologic examination. We consider that TI-201 thyroid scan is valuable in differentiating benign from malignant nodules and when combined with fine needle aspiration and ultrasound examination, it will enable more accurate differential diagnosis between benign and malignant thyroid nodules

  13. Bronchology Treatment Of The Malignant Airway Stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slivka, R. et al


    Central airway stenosis is benign or malignant etiology. Multidiscplinary approach is useful in treatment central airway stenosis. In inoperable cases, interventional bronchology is good therapeutic alternative. We can use NdYAG laser, argon plasma coagulation, elektrocautery, cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy and stents for obstruction release. In malignant stenosis, we combine often methods of the interventional bronchology with brachytherapy, chemotherapy and external radiotherapy. (author)

  14. The value of the assessment of serum and pleural Dikkopf-1 concentrations in the differentiation between malignant and non-malignant pleural effusions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nourane Y. Azab


    Conclusions: Malignant effusions are associated with elevated serum and pleural DKK-1 level but it cannot be used as sure marker for the diagnosis of malignancy since it rises in many other conditions.

  15. Malignancy rate of biopsied suspicious bone lesions identified on FDG PET/CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, Hugo J.A.; Kwee, Thomas C. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Utrecht (Netherlands); Klerk, John M.H. de [Meander Medical Center, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Heggelman, Ben G.F. [Meander Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Dubois, Stefan V. [Meander Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Amersfoort (Netherlands)


    To determine the malignancy rate of bone lesions identified on FDG PET/CT in patients who have undergone CT-guided biopsy because of the suspicion of malignancy. This single-centre retrospective study spanned eight consecutive years and included all patients who underwent both FDG PET/CT and CT-guided bone biopsy because of the suspicion of malignancy. The positive predictive value (PPV) for malignancy was calculated, and different patient and imaging characteristics were compared between malignant and benign bone lesions. Of 102 included patients with bone lesions that all showed FDG uptake exceeding mediastinal uptake, bone biopsy showed a malignant lesion in 91 patients, yielding a PPV for malignancy of 89.2 % (95 % CI 81.7 - 93.9 %). In the 94 patients with bone lesions that showed FDG uptake exceeding liver uptake, bone biopsy showed a malignant lesion in 83 patients, yielding a PPV for malignancy of 88.3 % (95 % CI 80.1 - 93.5 %). Higher age, bone marrow replacement of the lesion seen on CT, expansion of the lesion seen on CT, and presence of multifocal lesions on FDG PET/CT were significantly more frequent in patients with malignant lesions than in those with benign bone lesions (P = 0.044, P = 0.009, P = 0.015, and P = 0.019, respectively). Furthermore, there was a trend towards a higher incidence of cortical destruction (P = 0.056) and surrounding soft tissue mass (P = 0.063) in patients with malignant bone lesions. The PPV for malignancy of suspicious bone lesions identified on FDG PET/CT is not sufficiently high to justify changes in patient management without histopathological confirmation. Nevertheless, ancillary patient and imaging characteristics may increase the likelihood of a malignant bone lesion. (orig.)

  16. CT findings of diffuse pleural diseases: differentiation of malignant disease from tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roh, In Gye; Kook, Shin Ho; Lee, Young Rae; Chin, Seung Bum; Park, Yoon Ok; Park, Hae Won


    To evaluate whether or not previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases are useful in the differentiation of diffuse malignant pleural diseases and tuberculosis. We retrospectively analyzed CT scans of 42 patients comprising 20 cases of malignant pleural diseases and 22 cases of tuberculous pleural diseases, according to previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases. The most common shape of pleural effusion was crescentic in malignant pleural diseases and loculated in tuberculosis. The aggressive nature of pleural effusion, pleural rind, and pleura thickening was 1.5 times more frequently observed in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. Smooth thickening or smooth nodular pleural thickening and extrapleural deposition of fat were 1.5 times more frequently found in tuberculous than in malignant pleural diseases. Interruption of pleural thickening was found twice as frequently in malignant pleural diseases as in tuberculosis. Decreased lung volume was found twice as frequently in tuberculous as in malignant pleural diseases. Anatomical mediastinal pleural involvement was three times, and irregular nodular pleural thickening nine times more frequent in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. The sensitivity and specificity of CT findings above 70%, and thus suggesting malignant pleural diseases, were as follows : 1) aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung (51.5%, 75%); 2) involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura (69.2%, 73.7%); 3) irregular nodular pleural thickening (87.5%, 69%). Although there in overlap between previously known CT criteria for the differentiation of benign and malignant pleural diseases, the aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung, the involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura and irregular nodular

  17. Advances in diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tristan D. Yan


    Full Text Available Malignant mesothelioma is a highly aggressive neoplasm. The incidence of malignant mesothelioma is increasing worldwide. Diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (DMPM represents one-fourth of all mesotheliomas. Association of asbestos exposure with DMPM has been observed, especially in males. A great majority of patients present with abdominal pain and distension, caused by accumulation of tumors and ascitic fluid. In the past, DMPM was considered a pre-terminal condition; therefore attracted little attention. Patients invariably died from their disease within a year. Recently, several prospective trials have demonstrated median survival of 40 to 90 months and 5-year survival of 30% to 60% after the combined treatment using cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This improvement in survival has prompted new searches into the medical science related to DMPM, a disease previously ignored as uninteresting. This review article focuses on the key advances in the epidemiology, diagnosis, staging, treatments and prognosis of DMPM that have occurred in the past decade.

  18. Malignant histiocytosis in childhood: morphologic considerations. (United States)

    Jurco, S; Starling, K; Hawkins, E P


    Eight cases diagnosed over a ten-year period as malignant histiocytosis (MH; histiocytic medullary reticulosis) were reviewed to clarify diagnostic criteria for the childhood disease and to identify sources of diagnostic confusion. Five of the eight cases met the authors' criteria for diagnosis; i.e., they were characterized by loose mixed infiltrates composed of three cell types--well-differentiated histiocytes, prohistiocytes, and malignant histiocytes--and they had no leukemic phase. Three cases did not share these features and were reclassified. The liver was found to be the organ most useful in premortem diagnosis, and immunoperoxidase staining for immunoglobulins and lysozyme was also helpful. The clinical and morphologic features of the five cases confirm the authors' view that diagnoses of MH should be limited to cases in which there is a loose pleomorphic population of all three types of histiocytes and that cases with monomorphous populations of aggregated malignant cells should be classified as lymphomas.

  19. Malignant external otitis: early scintigraphic detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strashun, A.M.; Nejatheim, M.; Goldsmith, S.J.


    Pseudomonas otitis externa in elderly diabetics may extend aggressively to adjacent bone, cranial nerves, meninges, and vessels, leading to a clinical diagnosis of ''malignant'' external otitis. Early diagnosis is necessary for successful treatment. This study compares the findings of initial radiographs, thin-section tomography of temporal bone, CT scans of head and neck, technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP) and gallium-67 citrate scintigraphy, and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for detection of temporal bone osteomylitis in ten patients fulfilling the clinical diagnostic criteria of malignant external otitis. Skull radiographs were negative in all of the eight patients studied. Thin-section tomography was positive in one of the seven patients studied using this modality. CT scanning suggested osteomyelitis in three of nine patients. Both Tc-99m and Ga-67 citrate scintigraphy were positive in 10 of 10 patients. These results suggest that technetium and gallium scintigraphy are more sensitive than radiographs and CT scans for early detection of malignant external otitis

  20. Podocalyxin expression in malignant astrocytic tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayatsu, Norihito; Kaneko, Mika Kato; Mishima, Kazuhiko; Nishikawa, Ryo; Matsutani, Masao; Price, Janet E.; Kato, Yukinari


    Podocalyxin is an anti-adhesive mucin-like transmembrane sialoglycoprotein that has been implicated in the development of aggressive forms of cancer. Podocalyxin is also known as keratan sulfate (KS) proteoglycan. Recently, we revealed that highly sulfated KS or another mucin-like transmembrane sialoglycoprotein podoplanin/aggrus is upregulated in malignant astrocytic tumors. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between podocalyxin expression and malignant progression of astrocytic tumors. In this study, 51 astrocytic tumors were investigated for podocalyxin expression using immunohistochemistry, Western blot analysis, and quantitative real-time PCR. Immunohistochemistry detected podocalyxin on the surface of tumor cells in six of 14 anaplastic astrocytomas (42.9%) and in 17 of 31 glioblastomas (54.8%), especially around proliferating endothelial cells. In diffuse astrocytoma, podocalyxin expression was observed only in vascular endothelial cells. Podocalyxin might be associated with the malignant progression of astrocytic tumors, and be a useful prognostic marker for astrocytic tumors

  1. Novel therapies for malignant pleural mesothelioma. (United States)

    Scherpereel, Arnaud; Wallyn, Frederic; Albelda, Steven M; Munck, Camille


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is typically associated with exposure to asbestos. Patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma have poor outcomes with suboptimal therapeutic options and currently no treatment is curative. The standard frontline treatment, cisplatin plus pemetrexed chemotherapy, has only short and insufficient efficacy, and no validated treatment beyond first-line therapy is available. New therapeutic strategies are therefore needed. The addition of bevacizumab (an anti-VEGF antibody) combined with cisplatin plus pemetrexed has shown some promise. However, immunotherapy, especially immune checkpoint inhibitors, has generated a lot of excitement because of data suggesting the potential value of immune checkpoint inhibitors for patients who have failed chemotherapy. In this Review, we describe immune checkpoint inhibitors, other immunotherapies, targeted therapies, or combinations of novel drugs being investigated in malignant pleural mesothelioma, as well as the issues surrounding the selection of the best candidates for these treatments. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Malignant Progression in Two Children with Multiple Osteochondromas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregory A. Schmale


    Full Text Available Multiple Osteochondromas (MO is a disease of benign bony growths with a low incidence of malignant transformation. Secondary chondrosarcoma in children is rare even in children with MO. Making a diagnosis of malignancy in low-grade cartilage tumors is challenging and requires consideration of clinical, radiographic, and histopathological factors. We report two cases of skeletally immature patients with MO who presented with rapidly enlarging and radiographically aggressive lesions consistent with malignant transformation. Both underwent allograft reconstruction of the involved site with no signs of recurrence or metastatic disease at a minimum of four-year follow-up.

  3. Malignant transformation of diploid human fibroblasts by transfection of oncogenes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McCormick, J.J.


    This document consist of brief reports prepared by postdoctoral students supported by the project, each describing his accomplishments under the grant. Topics include (1) Malignant Transformation of MSU-1. 1 Cells by Gamma Radiation, (2) Correlation between Levels of ras Expression and Presence of Transformed Phenotypes Including Tumorigenicity, Using a Modulatable Promoter, (3) Relation between Specific rad Oncogene Expression, (4) Correlation of Genetic Changes in Fibroblastic Tumors with Malignancies, (5)Transformation of MSU-1.1 Cells by sis Oncogene, (6) Malignant Transformation of MSU-1.0 Cells, (7) Correlation of Urokinase Plasminogen Activation (mu-PA) with Malignant Phenotype, (8)Two Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Studies of the Proteins of the Major Cell Strains of the MSU-1 Family of Cells, and (9) Correlation between Proteinase Activity Levels and Malignancy.

  4. Malignant transformation of diploid human fibroblasts by transfection of oncogenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCormick, J.J.


    This document consist of brief reports prepared by postdoctoral students supported by the project, each describing his accomplishments under the grant. Topics include (1) Malignant Transformation of MSU-1. 1 Cells by Gamma Radiation, (2) Correlation between Levels of ras Expression and Presence of Transformed Phenotypes Including Tumorigenicity, Using a Modulatable Promoter, (3) Relation between Specific rad Oncogene Expression, (4) Correlation of Genetic Changes in Fibroblastic Tumors with Malignancies, (5)Transformation of MSU-1.1 Cells by sis Oncogene, (6) Malignant Transformation of MSU-1.0 Cells, (7) Correlation of Urokinase Plasminogen Activation (mu-PA) with Malignant Phenotype, (8)Two Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Studies of the Proteins of the Major Cell Strains of the MSU-1 Family of Cells, and (9) Correlation between Proteinase Activity Levels and Malignancy

  5. Second malignancies in children: the usual suspects?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moppett, John; Oakhill, Anthony E-mail:; Duncan, Andrew W


    The aim of this article is to provide an up to date review of second malignant neoplasms (SMN's) following treatment for childhood cancer, referring to their incidence, the role of genetic factors, and how the primary malignancy and treatment received influence the type, site and prognosis of SMN's. The role of genetic factors will be discussed as far as they impact upon a predisposition to later development of SMN's. The primary malignancies that have important associations with SMN's will then be discussed, in particular Hodgkin's disease, retinoblastoma and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The important second malignancies will be highlighted, including tumours of the CNS and thyroid, osteosarcoma, secondary acute myeloid leukaemia and melanoma. Emphasis will be put upon identifying which patients are most likely to suffer from these tumours. An important part of the article are case histories. These are provided in combination with illustrations as a useful adjunct to the text, with a particular emphasis on radiological features, diagnosis and screening. Finally, the important but different roles of causal agents, in particular chemotherapy and radiotherapy are highlighted.

  6. Malignant transformation of nodular hyperplasia in the thyroid: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    In, Hyun Sin; Kim, Dong Wook; Yoon, Hye Kyoung


    Thyroid carcinogenesis is traditionally thought to originate 'de novo'. However, it is debatable whether a malignant transformation can possibly arise from a benign thyroid nodule, as suggested for the malignant transformation of a thyroid adenoma. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have been performed addressing the malignant transformation of nodular hyperplasia in the thyroid gland. Here, we report a case of nodular hyperplasia with focally malignant degeneration

  7. CHEK2*1100delC and risk of malignant melanoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weischer, Maren; Heerfordt, Ida M; Bojesen, Stig E


    with increased risk of malignant melanoma. First, we performed case-control studies of 1,152 Danish and 752 German individuals with malignant melanoma compared with 9,142 Danish and 3,718 German controls. Second, we performed a meta-analysis of CHEK2*1100delC and malignant melanoma, involving 2,619 cases and 17......,481 controls. Third, we examined the risk of malignant melanoma associated with CHEK2*1100delC heterozygosity in an analysis stratified for sun exposure, as well as for subtype and location on the body. The odds ratios for malignant melanoma for CHEK2(*)1100del heterozygotes compared with those for noncarriers...... were 2.01 (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.03-3.91) in Danes, 1.42 (95% CI, 0.46-4.31) in Germans, and 1.79 (95% CI, 1.02-3.17) in Danes and Germans combined. In a meta-analysis, the odds ratio of malignant melanoma for CHEK2*1100delC heterozygotes compared with that for noncarriers was 1.81 (95% CI, 1...

  8. Ultrasound differentiation of benign and malignant cervical lymph nodes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Md. Mizanur Rahman


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to see whether the size (measured by maximal short axis diameter, shape (expressed in terms of ratio dividing long axis diameter of the node by short axis diameter or L/S ratio, marginal clarity (regular or irregular margin, internal echo-pattern (homogeneous hypoechoic or heterogeneous and hilar echogenicity (presence or absence of echo-genicity in hilum are good criteria for differentiating benign from malignant cervical lymph nodes using high frequency (high resolution ultrasound probe. The study was carried out from January 1998 to December 1998, among patients with enlarged cervical lymph nodes who were scanned with a high frequency (5.0 MHz curvilinear probe. Chi-Square test was done to see the statistical correlation between two groups of nodes. A p value of <0.05 was taken as significant. Out of 65 nodes studied, 26 (100% enlarged cervical nodes with short axis diameter more than 1 cm were all malignant. In contrast 31 (79.5% of 39 enlarged nodes with short axis diameter less than 1cm were benign and rest were malignant (p<0.001. Of 34 enlarged nodes with L/S ratio <2, 30 (88.2% nodes were found malignant and 4 (11.8% were benign. Among the rest 31 enlarged nodes, 27 (87.1% with L/S ratio  2 were benign while 4 (12.9% were malignant (p <0.001. Among the 39 nodes with regular margin 28 (71.8% were found benign, where as among 26 nodes with irregular margin 23 (88.5% were malignant (p <0.001. When the internal echopattern was taken in account, 32 nodes had homogeneous hypoechoic echo of which 28 (87.5% were benign and among 33 nodes with heterogeneous echopattern 30 (90.9% were malignant (p <0.001. Among the 43 enlarged nodes with presence of hilar echogenicity 31(72.1% were found benign and 22 (100% nodes with no hilar echogenicity were all malignant (p <0.001. Such findings suggest that real time high resolution ultrasound might assist in differentiation of benign and malignant enlarged cervical lymph nodes

  9. [Marjolin ulcer; malignant degeneration in a chronic wound

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jager, W.C.C. de; Walbeehm, E.T.; Wagner, T.; Gerritsen, M.J.P.


    BACKGROUND: A chronic ulcerating wound may turn malignant. The term 'Marjolin ulcer' is used to describe any skin malignancy which develops in an area of chronic ulceration, irritation or inflammation. It is generally a squamous cell carcinoma. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 66-year-old woman was admitted

  10. Renal malignancies with normal excretory urograms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kass, D.A.; Hricak, H.; Davidson, A.J.


    Four patients with malignant renal masses showed no abnormality of excretory urograms with tomography. Of the four lesions, two were primary renal cell carcinomas, one was a metastatic focus from a contralateral renal cell carcinoma, and one was a metastatic lesion from rectal adenocarcinoma. A normal excretory urogram should not be considered sufficient to exclude a clinically suspected malignant renal mass. In such an instance, diagnostic evaluation should be pursued using a method capable of topographic anatomic display, such as computed tomography or sonography

  11. Duodenal Metastasis of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huang-Chi Chen


    Full Text Available Metastatic malignant mesothelioma of the pleura is uncommon at the time of initial diagnosis. The gastrointestinal lumen is rarely found at autopsy in patients with widespread disease. Here, we describe an extremely rare case of isolated duodenal metastasis of sarcomatoid mesothelioma of the pleura in a 73-year-old man, without memory of any direct exposure to asbestos. The possibility of gastrointestinal tract metastasis should be considered in the presence of anemia or positive occult blood test in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  12. Differential diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion and malignant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Eui Sung; Kim, Young Nam; Lee, Mee Ran; Oh, Yu Whan; Kang, Eun Young


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of CT in the differential diagnosis of tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion whether or not lung lesions are present, and to investigate the CT findings used for this differential diagnosis. This study involved 30 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion (mean age, 44.6 years; M : F = 19:11) and 20 with malignant pleural effusion (mean age, 57.2 years; M: F=10:10). All 50 patients underwent enhanced CT chest scans, and the respective conditions were pathologically confirmed. Two radiologists unaware of the pathologic results and distributions of patients reviewed these scans, CT findings of pleural effusions, their diagnoses, and the degree of confidence of their diagnoses. In most cases, CT provided correct differential diagnosis between tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion. It can help determine the nature of associated lung and pleural lesions, and specific findings of the latter, and can accurately differentiate tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion. (author). 20 refs., 3 tabs., 5 figs

  13. Approach to Malign Melanoma in Anorectal Area

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huseyin Pulat


    Full Text Available Aim: Anorectal malign melanoma comprise 0.2-1 % of all malign melanoma. They are extremely aggressive. Most patients are lost beacuse of incurable systemic illness. In our study, we aim to evaluate the results of surgical and oncological follow-up of our patients that we operated because of anorectal malign melanoma. Material and Method: Our 4 patients operated because of anorectal malign melanoma between October 2008 and April 2013 were analysed. The patients were analysed in terms of demographic datas, complaint and its time, physical examination and imaging findings, treatment procedure, local recurrence or presence of metastasis and follow-up results.Results: Our study group comprised 4 people (2 men and 2 women with the mean age of 64,2 years. The main complaint was rectal bleeding. The avarage complaint duration was 7.5 months. In all patients, anorectal mass was detected after physical examination and imaging studies. Biopsies of the mass were reported to be consistent with malign melanoma. With the further studies, one patient was detected to have metastasis in liver. Abdominoperineal resection was applied to one patient after wide local excision and to three patients during the first aplication. The avarage follow-up time was 19,25 months. The avarage diameter of tumor was 3,9 cm. One patient was applied lymph node dissection because of recurrence in iliac region. The avarage stay time at hospital of the patients who had no postoperative problems was 9,7 days. During follow-up time, three of the patients died because of common metastasis. A patient followed regularly is still continuing his life without illness in his postoperative 22nd month. Discussion: Anorectal malign melanoma is a rare, with a bad prognosis and a late diagnosed entity as it has a similarity with benign illnesses which are mostly seen in anorectal area in terms of clinical symptoma. To correct the prognosis of the illness, the suitable surgery and adjuvant treatment

  14. Dermatological malignancies at a University teaching Hospital in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Malignant melanoma was the most common dermatological malignancy (67.5%) followed by Kaposi's sarcoma (10.4%), Squamous cell carcinoma (8.4%) and Basal cell carcinoma(7.8%). The lower limbs were the most frequent site accounting for 55.8%. Wide local excision was the most common surgical procedure ...

  15. MR imaging of malignant ovarian tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jun Ho; Kang, Heoung Keun; Moon, Woong Jae; Seo, Jeong Jin; Kim, Jae Kyu; Choi, Ho Sun


    To evaluate MRI findings of malignant ovarian tumors. MRI findings were retrospectively reviewed in 25 patients with surgically confirmed 30 malignant ovarian tumors(common epithelial tumor; 23, sex cord stromal tumor; 2, endo dermal sinus tumor; 1, metastatic tumor; 4). The findings evaluated were the lesion size, solid and/or cystic component, wall thickness, septal thickness, necrosis, invasion of adjacent organ, ascites, and adenopathy. MRI findings of the malignant ovarian tumors were as follow: Size of lesion was 5-35cm(mean 14cm); solid component was present in 80%(24/30); wall thickness was more than 3mm in 90%(27/30); septal thickness was more than 3mm in 70%(21/30); tumor necrosis was present in 40%(12/30%); invasion of adjacent organ was present in 76%(19/25); ascites was present in 56%(14/25); lymphadenopathy was present in 24% (6/25). MRI findings of absence of solid component(6/6), even wall and septal thickness(7/7, 19/19) were found only in epithelial tumors. Uneven septal thickness more than 3mm(7/11) was a predominant MRI findings of non-epithelial tumors. Well-defined cystic lesion within solid component was seen in Krukenberg tumors. Evaluation of the lesion size, internal architecture, invasion of adjacent organ, ascites, and lymphadenopathy in MRI would enable diagnosis of malignant ovarian tumors and could lead to possible differential diagnosis of epithelial tumors from non-epithelial tumors

  16. Malignant glaucoma after cataract surgery. (United States)

    Varma, Devesh K; Belovay, Graham W; Tam, Diamond Y; Ahmed, Iqbal Ike K


    To report a series of eyes that developed malignant glaucoma after cataract surgery. Private academic practice, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Retrospective case series. Eyes that developed malignant glaucoma after cataract surgery were treated with medical therapy. This was followed by laser iridozonulohyaloidotomy, anterior chamber reformation and intraocular lens (IOL) pushback, and finally with surgical iridozonulohyaloidovitrectomy if all other measures were unsuccessful. Refraction, intraocular pressure (IOP), gonioscopy, and anterior chamber depth (ACD) by anterior segment optical coherence tomography were analyzed before treatment and after treatment. The study evaluated 20 eyes of 18 female patients aged 44 to 86 years. Preoperatively, the mean refraction was +3.11 diopters (D) ± 2.89 (SD), the mean axial length was 21.30 ± 1.40 mm, and all eyes had narrow or closed angles. Malignant glaucoma was diagnosed a mean of 5.8 ± 7.1 weeks postoperatively. At diagnosis, the mean refraction was -2.15 ± 2.95 D; the mean ACD, 2.49 ± 0.72 mm; and the mean IOP, 28.3 ± 10.8 mm Hg on a mean of 1.3 ± 1.6 medications. Two eyes responded to cycloplegia, 7 to laser iridozonulohyaloidotomy, and 6 to anterior chamber reformation-IOL pushback; 5 eyes required vitrectomy. Posttreatment, the mean refraction was -0.56 ± 1.07 D; the mean ACD, 3.30 ± 0.50 mm; and the mean IOP, 14.4 ± 4.60 mm Hg on a mean of 1.2 ± 1.4 medications. Cycloplegia was discontinued in 17 eyes. Malignant glaucoma can occur after phacoemulsification and presents with myopic surprise, anterior chamber shallowing and, possibly, elevated IOP. No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2014 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Nuclear hBD-1 accumulation in malignant salivary gland tumours

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wenghoefer, M; Merkelbach-Bruse, S; Fischer, HP; Novak, N; Winter, J; Pantelis, A; Dommisch, H; Götz, W; Reich, R; Bergé, S; Martini, M; Allam, JP; Jepsen, S


    Whereas the antimicrobial peptides hBD-2 and -3 are related to inflammation, the constitutively expressed hBD-1 might function as 8p tumour suppressor gene and thus play a key role in control of transcription and induction of apoptosis in malignant epithelial tumours. Therefore this study was conducted to characterise proteins involved in cell cycle control and host defence in different benign and malignant salivary gland tumours in comparison with healthy salivary gland tissue. 21 paraffin-embedded tissue samples of benign (n = 7), and malignant (n = 7) salivary gland tumours as well as healthy (n = 7) salivary glands were examined immunohistochemically for the expression of p53, bcl-2, and hBD-1, -2, -3. HBD-1 was distributed in the cytoplasm of healthy salivary glands and benign salivary gland tumours but seems to migrate into the nucleus of malignant salivary gland tumours. Pleomorphic adenomas showed cytoplasmic as well as weak nuclear hBD-1 staining. HBD-1, 2 and 3 are traceable in healthy salivary gland tissue as well as in benign and malignant salivary gland tumours. As hBD-1 is shifted from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in malignant salivary gland tumours, we hypothesize that it might play a role in the oncogenesis of these tumours. In pleomorphic adenomas hBD-1 might be connected to their biologic behaviour of recurrence and malignant transformation

  18. Epithelioid malignant mesothelioma of tunica vaginalis with deciduoid features: An unusual malignancy clinically masquerading an inguinal hernia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sharique Ahmed


    Full Text Available Paratesticular/scrotal and inguinal canal mass lesions in elderly patients may pose a diagnostic challenge to both the surgeon as well as the pathologist. In most cases, these represent hernial sacs with their contents, and true neoplasms like lipomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, and fibrous pseudotumors are infrequent. Malignant mesotheliomas arising from the tunica layers are rare cause of inguinal and paratesticular tumors. Herein, we report a case of an elderly patient who presented with an inguinal hernia which pathologically had features of deciduoid malignant mesothelioma.

  19. Paparan iklan junk food dan pola konsumsi junk food sebagai faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar kota dan desa di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esti Nurwanti


    regression showed that the variables affect obesity is junk food ads exposure (OR=1.63, 95%CI: 1.13-2.36and p <0.05 and sex (OR=0.62, 95% CI:0.43-0.91 and p<0.05.Conclusion : Exposure to junk food advertising can increase the risk of obesity.KEYWORDS: obesity, ads, junk food, energy, saturated fat, natrium, sucroseABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas dapat disebabkan oleh iklan makanan junk food ketika anak menontontelevisi. Pemilihan makanan yang diinginkan oleh anak banyak dipengaruhi oleh iklan tersebut, sehingga mempengaruhiasupan kalori dan berkorelasi dengan obseitas. Obesitas pada anak dapat menyebabkan obesitas saat dewasa dandapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit degeneratif, seperti diabetes dan kardiovaskuler.Tujuan: Untuk mengukur tingkat risiko paparan iklan junk food dan konsumsi junk food terhadap   kejadian obesitaspada anak SD di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan kasus-kontrol. Populasi penelitian adalah anak SD di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Kelompok kasus adalah anak yang mengalami obesitas,sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah teman sekelas yang tidak mengalami obesitas dan duduk paling dekat di sebelahkanan kasus tanpa melihat umur dan jenis kelaminnya Jumlah subjek untuk masing-masing kelompok sebesar 244(1:1. Obesitas didefi nisikan dengan IMT/U>persentil 95th kurva NCHS/CDC. Pengambilan sampel untuk menemukanobesitas dengan probability proportional to size (PPS dan pengambilan sampel untuk kasus dan kontrol menggunakanteknik random sampling. Analisis univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, analisis bivariat menggunakan Chi-square,dan multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik ganda. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan program STATA 11 dengantingkat kemaknaan 95% dan nutrisurvey.Hasil: Analisis bivariat dengan Chi-square menunjukkan variabel yang berpengaruh dengan kejadian obesitas, di antaranyapaparan iklan junk food (OR=1,70, 95%CI:1,17-2,48, dan p

  20. Spinal metastases of malignant gliomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Materlik, B.; Steidle-Katic, U.; Feyerabend, T.; Richter, E.; Wauschkuhn, B.


    Purpose: Extracranial metastases of malignant gliomas are rare. We report 2 cases with spinal metastases in patients suffering from glioma. Patients and Method: Two patients (33 and 57 years old) developed spinal canal metastases of a glioblastoma multiforme and anaplastic astrocytoma Grade III respectively 25 and 9 months after surgical resection and radiotherapy. Both metastases were confirmed pathohistologically. Results: Intraspinal metastases were irradiated with a total dose of 12.6 Gy and 50 Gy. Treatment withdrawal was necessary in one patient due to reduced clinical condition. Regression of neurological symptoms was observed in the second patient. Conclusions: Spinal spread of malignant glioma should be considered during care and follow-up in glioma patients with spinal symptoms. (orig.) [de

  1. Malignant Mesothelioma Versus Metastatic Carcinoma of the Pleura: A CT Challenge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakhshayesh Karam, Mehrdad; Karimi, Shirin; Mosadegh, Leila; Chaibakhsh, Samira


    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare malignant neoplasm of the pleura that typically affects individuals occupationally exposed to asbestos through a variety of industries. MPM presents with several CT features similar to more common pleural diseases such as metastatic pleural malignancy. The aim of this study is to differentiate malignant pleural mesothelioma from metastatic carcinoma of the pleura by pathological and radiological assessment in order to investigate accuracy of CT scan in this regard and to compare CT features of these two malignancies. Chest CT scans of 55 pleural malignancy patients including MPM and metastatic pleural malignancy were evaluated in this retrospective study. The pathologist made the definite diagnosis based on immunohistochemistry. A chest radiologist unaware of the pathology diagnosis observed all CT scans. Several parameters including pleural thickening, pleural effusion, thickening of inter lobar fissure, contralateral extension, contraction of involved hemithorax, parenchymal involvement (infiltration, nodules, fibrosis), pleural mediastinal involvement, lymphadenopathy, extrapleural invasion (hepatic, chest wall, diaphragm, intraperitoneal), and pericardial involvement were checked. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS version 16, and the ability of CT scan to differentiate malignant pleural mesothelioma and metastatic pleural diseases was investigated. Totally 29 males and 26 females were assessed in this study. Based on pathology, 17 MPM and 38 metastatic pleural malignancies were diagnosed. According to CT study, about 82% of the patients with MPM and about 79% of the patients with metastatic pleural diseases were correctly diagnosed by a radiologist. The most common findings suggestive of MPM were pleural thickening (88.2%), loculated effusion (58.8%), and thickening of the interlobar fissure (47.1%). Whereas free pleural effusion (71.7%), parenchymal infiltration (65.8%) and pleural thickening (63.2%) were

  2. Proposed Terminology and Classification of Pre-Malignant Neoplastic Conditions: A Consensus Proposal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Valent


    Full Text Available Cancer evolution is a step-wise non-linear process that may start early in life or later in adulthood, and includes pre-malignant (indolent and malignant phases. Early somatic changes may not be detectable or are found by chance in apparently healthy individuals. The same lesions may be detected in pre-malignant clonal conditions. In some patients, these lesions may never become relevant clinically whereas in others, they act together with additional pro-oncogenic hits and thereby contribute to the formation of an overt malignancy. Although some pre-malignant stages of a malignancy have been characterized, no global system to define and to classify these conditions is available. To discuss open issues related to pre-malignant phases of neoplastic disorders, a working conference was organized in Vienna in August 2015. The outcomes of this conference are summarized herein and include a basic proposal for a nomenclature and classification of pre-malignant conditions. This proposal should assist in the communication among patients, physicians and scientists, which is critical as genome-sequencing will soon be offered widely for early cancer-detection.

  3. Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma presenting with respiratory symptoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daskalogiannaki, M.; Prassopoulos, P.; Raissaki, M.; Gourtsoyiannis, N. [Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital of Heraklion (Greece); Tsardi, M. [Dept. of Pathology, University Hospital of Heraklion (Greece)


    Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare disease associated with mild, nonspecific abdominal symptoms and a wide spectrum of imaging findings, with thickened mesentery and peritoneum being the most common ones. A case of a malignant peritoneal mesothelioma presenting with manifestations of pulmonary disease is reported. Imaging evaluation revealed pleural, lung and pericardial involvement together with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, little ascites and extensive omental, but only subtle, mesenteric thickening. (orig.)

  4. Malignant transformation in chronic osteomyelitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diogo Lino Moura

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Carcinomatous degeneration is a rare and late complication developing decades after the diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis. OBJECTIVES: To present the results from a retrospective study of six cases of squamous cell carcinoma arising from chronic osteomyelitis. METHODS: Six cases of chronic osteomyelitis related to cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma were identified. The cause and characteristics of the osteomyelitis were analyzed, as well as time up to malignancy, the suspicion signs for malignancy, the localization and histological type of the cancer, and the type and result of the treatment. RESULTS: The mean time between osteomyelitis onset and the diagnosis of malignant degeneration was 49.17 years (range: 32-65. The carcinoma resulted from tibia osteomyelitis in five cases and from femur osteomyelitis in one. The pathological examination indicated cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in all cases. All the patients were staged as N0M0, except for one, whose lomboaortic lymph nodes were affected. The treatment consisted of amputation proximal to the tumor in all patients. No patient presented signs of local recurrence and only one had carcinoma metastasis. CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis and proximal amputation are essential for prognosis and final results in carcinomatous degeneration secondary to chronic osteomyelitis.

  5. Value of CT-guided biopsy in malignant lymphoma; Wertigkeit der CT-gesteuerten Biopsie maligner Lymphome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Libicher, M.; Noeldge, G.; Radeleff, B.; Gholipur, F.; Richter, G.M. [Abteilung Radiodiagnostik, Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany)


    Management of diagnosing malignant lymphomas has changed with development of CT-guided techniques and reliable biopsy tools.Pathologists can use representative tissue samples for sub classification in more than 90%.Evaluation of residual lymphoma or relapse can be nearly as effective. Therefore percutaneous biopsy can be considered as primary diagnostic tool in the absence of peripheral lymphadenopathy. CT-guided biopsies can be performed on an outpatient basis under conscious sedation considering contraindications as well as regional complications. Acceptance of percutaneous biopsy by the pathologist and oncologist is based on diagnostic effectiveness that is significantly improved if more than 3{dagger}solid tissue samples are taken. This article reviews the value of CT-guided biopsy in comparison to surgical procedures in patients with malignant lymphoma. Essential aspects that lead to a diagnostic percutaneous biopsy are discussed on grounds of the current literature. (orig.) [German] Mit der Entwicklung CT-gesteuerter Biopsieverfahren sowie zuverlaessiger Biopsiesysteme hat sich die Vorgehensweise bei der Diagnostik maligner Lymphome geaendert. Repraesentative Stanzzylinder mit hoher Praeparatequalitaet ermoeglichen dem Pathologen eine Subklassifikation der Lymphome in ueber 90%. Eine aehnlich hohe Treffsicherheit ist auch bei der Rezidivdiagnostik moeglich. Deshalb sind perkutane Biopsien bei fehlender peripherer Lymphadenopathie als primaere diagnostische Methode geeignet. Unter Beachtung der Kontraindikationen sowie der regional unterschiedlichen Komplikationsmoeglichkeiten koennen die meisten CT-gesteuerten Biopsien ambulant unter Analgosedierung durchgefuehrt werden. Die Akzeptanz perkutaner Biopsien durch Pathologen und Onkologen ist an die diagnostische Genauigkeit gekoppelt. Diese wird durch Gewinnung von mindestens 3 repraesentativen Biopsiezylindern aus den soliden Anteilen eines Lymphoms signifikant erhoeht. Die vorliegende Uebersichtsarbeit

  6. Fractal dimension analysis of malignant and benign endobronchial ultrasound nodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiz, José Antonio; Monte-Moreno, Enrique; Andreo, Felipe; Auteri, Santiago José; Sanz-Santos, José; Serra, Pere; Bonet, Gloria; Castellà, Eva; Manzano, Juan Ruiz


    Endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) has been applied as a routine procedure for the diagnostic of hiliar and mediastinal nodes. The authors assessed the relationship between the echographic appearance of mediastinal nodes, based on endobronchial ultrasound images, and the likelihood of malignancy. The images of twelve malignant and eleven benign nodes were evaluated. A previous processing method was applied to improve the quality of the images and to enhance the details. Texture and morphology parameters analyzed were: the image texture of the echographies and a fractal dimension that expressed the relationship between area and perimeter of the structures that appear in the image, and characterizes the convoluted inner structure of the hiliar and mediastinal nodes. Processed images showed that relationship between log perimeter and log area of hilar nodes was lineal (i.e. perimeter vs. area follow a power law). Fractal dimension was lower in the malignant nodes compared with non-malignant nodes (1.47(0.09), 1.53(0.10) mean(SD), Mann–Whitney U test p < 0.05)). Fractal dimension of ultrasonographic images of mediastinal nodes obtained through endobronchial ultrasound differ in malignant nodes from non-malignant. This parameter could differentiate malignat and non-malignat mediastinic and hiliar nodes

  7. Trauma - the malignant epidemic

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    national problem and the term 'malignant epidemic' is more applicable. These two ... In 1984 it stood at just over 400 000 per annum and today the figure is close to ... breadwinner, loss of productivity, expenses of rehabilitation and care of the ...

  8. Malignant skin lesions in Oshogbo, Nigeria | Oseni | Pan African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results: ninety- eight patients presented with skin cancers out of which 60 ... Malignant melanoma affects male more than female and it commonly affects lower ... Conclusion: skin malignancies pose a burden to the economy of the country.

  9. Biphasic Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Masquerading as a Primary Skeletal Tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James Benjamin Gleason


    Full Text Available Biphasic malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare malignant tumor, usually presenting as a pleural-based mass in a patient with history of chronic asbestos exposure. We herein report a case of a 41-year-old man who presented with chest pain and had a chest computed tomography (CT scan suggestive of a primary skeletal tumor originating from the ribs (chondrosarcoma or osteosarcoma, with no history of asbestos exposure. CT-guided core needle biopsies were diagnosed as malignant sarcomatoid mesothelioma. Surgical resection and chest wall reconstruction were performed, confirming the diagnosis and revealing a secondary histologic component (epithelioid, supporting the diagnosis of biphasic malignant mesothelioma.

  10. Malignant degeneration of multiple cartilaginous exostosis. Diagnostic significance of MRT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bair, H.J.; Schmitt, R.; Moos, P.; Fellner, F.; Dvorak, O.; Rupprecht, H.; Lenz, M.


    In summary it can be said that diagnostic radiology, and particularly MRT, for evaluation of malignant degeneration of cartilaginous extoses is of high importance, also because of the difficulties posed by a biopsy for verification of malignancy. Cases of malignant cartilaginous extosis have a good prognosis at the early stages of the disease, when the extosis still is restricted to the focal region. (Orig./AJ) [de

  11. Malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumour presenting early in life: An uncommon feature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shalinee Rao


    Full Text Available Malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumour is a rare cutaneous malignant neoplasm usually occurring in elderly women. We present a case of malignant trichilemmal tumour in a young lady of 26 years of age with a previous history of proliferating trichilemmal tumour at the same site.

  12. [Sonographically detectable splenic disorders in dogs with malignant lymphoma]. (United States)

    Eberhardt, F; Köhler, C; Krastel, D; Winter, K; Alef, M; Kiefer, I


    To evaluate the frequency of different sonographic splenic disorders in dogs with different anatomic forms of malignant lymphoma. Additionally, the occurrence of the moth-eaten pattern in the parenchyma of the spleen in patients with diseases other than lymphoma should be investigated. Retrospective analysis of patient data collected from dogs histologically or cytologically diagnosed with malignant lymphoma and for which ultrasonographic images were available before the initiation of therapy. Patient data from dogs with a moth-eaten pattern within the splenic parenchyma were evaluated separately. Exclusion criterion was the administration of cytostatic agents prior to diagnosis. In 84% of 164 dogs with malignant lymphoma, an altered pattern of the spleen was diagnosed ultrasonographically. Ninety-four of these 137 patients had a moth-eaten pattern of the splenic parenchyma and 43 dogs displayed abnormalities in the form of splenomegaly, coarse echotexture or other changes of the parenchyma. When a moth-eaten pattern was diagnosed, the affected dogs suffered significantly more often from a multicentric lymphoma (95%) than from any other anatomical lymphoma form. Only one dog displayed a moth-eaten pattern of the splenic parenchyma without diagnosis of a malignant lymphoma. The positive predictive value of the moth-eaten pattern for malignant lymphoma was 99% and, in particular, for the multicentric lymphoma this was 95%. In total, 84% of the 164 dogs displayed a multicentric lymphoma, 5% a mediastinal or a cutaneous lymphoma, respectively, 4% a gastrointestinal lymphoma, and one animal had an ocular or renal lymphoma, respectively. Sonographic changes of the spleen are often diagnosed in dogs with malignant lymphoma, independent of the anatomical lymphoma form. When the moth-eaten pattern is observed, it is very likely that the affected dog suffers from a malignant lymphoma, most probably a multicentric lymphoma.

  13. Frygt i en ebolatid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasborg, Klaus


    Kriminaliteten er faldende, og der er større risiko for at blive ramt af lynet end ebola. Alligevel stiger frygten i samfundet.......Kriminaliteten er faldende, og der er større risiko for at blive ramt af lynet end ebola. Alligevel stiger frygten i samfundet....

  14. Extra-Neural Metastases of Malignant Gliomas: Myth or Reality?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beauchesne, Patrick [Neuro-Oncology, CHU de NANCY, Hôpital Central, CO n°34, 54035 Nancy Cedex (France)


    Malignant gliomas account for approximately 60% of all primary brain tumors in adults. Prognosis for these patients has not significantly changed in recent years— despite debulking surgery, radiotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy—with a median survival of 9–12 months. Virtually no patients are cured of their illness. Malignant gliomas are usually locally invasive tumors, though extra-neural metastases can sometimes occur late in the course of the disease (median of two years). They generally appear after craniotomy although spontaneous metastases have also been reported. The incidence of these metastases from primary intra-cranial malignant gliomas is low; it is estimated at less than 2% of all cases. Extra-neural metastases from gliomas frequently occur late in the course of the disease (median of two years), and generally appear after craniotomy, but spontaneous metastases have also been reported. Malignant glioma metastases usually involve the regional lymph nodes, lungs and pleural cavity, and occasionally the bone and liver. In this review, we present three cases of extra-neural metastasis of malignant gliomas from our department, summarize the main reported cases in literature, and try to understand the mechanisms underlying these systemic metastases.

  15. Extra-Neural Metastases of Malignant Gliomas: Myth or Reality?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beauchesne, Patrick


    Malignant gliomas account for approximately 60% of all primary brain tumors in adults. Prognosis for these patients has not significantly changed in recent years— despite debulking surgery, radiotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy—with a median survival of 9–12 months. Virtually no patients are cured of their illness. Malignant gliomas are usually locally invasive tumors, though extra-neural metastases can sometimes occur late in the course of the disease (median of two years). They generally appear after craniotomy although spontaneous metastases have also been reported. The incidence of these metastases from primary intra-cranial malignant gliomas is low; it is estimated at less than 2% of all cases. Extra-neural metastases from gliomas frequently occur late in the course of the disease (median of two years), and generally appear after craniotomy, but spontaneous metastases have also been reported. Malignant glioma metastases usually involve the regional lymph nodes, lungs and pleural cavity, and occasionally the bone and liver. In this review, we present three cases of extra-neural metastasis of malignant gliomas from our department, summarize the main reported cases in literature, and try to understand the mechanisms underlying these systemic metastases

  16. Primary pleuro-pulmonary malignant germ cell tumours.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vaideeswar P


    Full Text Available Lungs and pleura are rare sites for malignant germ-cell tumours. Two cases, pure yolk-sac tumour and yolk sac-sac tumour/embryonal carcinoma are described in young males who presented with rapid progression of respiratory symptoms. The malignant mixed germ cell tumour occurred in the right lung, while the yolk-sac tumour had a pseudomesotheliomatous growth pattern suggesting a pleural origin. Alpha-foetoprotein was immunohistochemically demonstrated in both.

  17. Histological Pattern of Cervical Malignancies in Southwestern Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Malignant diseases of the uterine cervix are typically common among women in the developing countries of the world where they cause a lot of reproductive ill-health and mortality at the prime of age. Objectives:The aim of this study is to present the histological pattern of cervical malignancies as they present at ...

  18. Lack of HPV in Benign and Malignant Epithelial Ovarian Tumors in Iran (United States)

    Farzaneh, Farah; Nadji, Seyed Alireza; Khosravi, Donya; Hosseini, Maryam Sadat; Hashemi Bahremani, Mohammad; Chehrazi, Mohammad; Bagheri, Ghazal; Sigaroodi, Afsaneh; Haghighatian, Zahra


    Background: Ovarian epithelial tumors one of the most common gynecological neoplasms; we here evaluated the presence of HPV in benign and malignant examples. Methods: In this cross-sectional study the records of 105 patients with epithelial ovarian tumors (benign and malignant) referred to Imam Hossein University Hospital from 2012 to 2015 were evaluated along with assessment of the presence of the HPV infection using PCR. Results: Among 105 patients, comprising 26 (24.8%) with malignant and 79 (75.2%) with benign lesions, the factors found to impact on malignancy were age at diagnosis, age at first pregnancy, number of pregnancies and hormonal status. However, malignancies was not related to abortion, late menopause, and early menarche. In none of the ovarian tissues (benign and malignant) was HPV DNA found. Conclusion: In this study HPV DNA could not be found in any epithelial ovarian tumors (benign and malignant) removed from 105 women; more studies with larger sample size are needed for a definite conclusion. Creative Commons Attribution License

  19. Partially Cystic Thyroid Nodules: Ultrasound Findings of Malignancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Jang Mi; Choi, Yoon Jung; Kwag, Hyon Joo [Dept. of Radiology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To seek for the ultrasound (US) findings of partially cystic thyroid nodules that are associated with malignancy. We reviewed the US characteristics of 22 surgically confirmed partially cystic papillary carcinomas, and compared them with those of 80 benign partially cystic nodules. The review cases were selected in a random order from a total of 1029 partially cystic nodules that were diagnosed with an US-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy over a period of 8 years (June 2003 to October 2010) at our institution. In partially cystic thyroid nodules, a taller-than-wide shape (100%, p<0.001) and spiculated or microlobulated margin (58.3%, p 0.003) were significantly associated with malignancy. In terms of internal solid portion of the nodule, eccentric configuration (68.0%, p<0.001), non-smooth margin (81.3%, p<0.001), hypoechogenecity (30.0%, p<0.042), and microcalcification (89.5%, p<0.001) were more frequently demonstrated in malignant nodules than benign ones. In partially cystic thyroid nodules, understanding the characteristics of US findings is important to make a precise diagnosis of malignant nodules.

  20. Palliative treatment of malignant ascites: profile of catumaxomab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lila Ammouri


    Full Text Available Lila Ammouri, Eric E PrommerMayo Clinic Hospice and Palliative Medicine Program, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Scottsdale, AZ, USAAbstract: Malignant ascites is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity associated with several intrapelvic and intra-abdominal malignancies. The development of ascites leads to significant symptoms and poor quality of life for the cancer patient. Available therapies for palliation include treatment of the underlying disease, but when there are no treatment options, the use of diuretics, implantation of drainage catheters, and surgical shunting techniques are considered. None of these symptom palliation options affect the course of disease. The development of trifunctional antibodies, which attach to specific overexpressed surface markers on tumor cells, and trigger an immune response leading to cytoreductive effects, represents a new approach to the management of malignant ascites. The purpose of this review is to highlight current therapies for malignant ascites and review data as to the effectiveness of a new trifunctional antibody, catumaxomab.Keywords: catumaxomab, ascites, trifunctional

  1. Permanent interstitial implantation of 125Iodine seed for thoracic malignant tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Zhongheng; Qian Yongyue; Wu Jinchang; Liu Zengli


    Objective: To observe effect of 125 Iodine sed on interstitial brachytherapy of patient with thoracic malignant tumor. Methods: 125 Iodine seed were inserted into the target tissue and permanent left there for brachytherapy in 6 cases of thoracic malignant tumors, which including lung cancer, Pancoast's tumour, mediastinal malignant schwannoma. Results: All cases were rehabilitated shortly after operation. The implanted lesions remained controlled now and in dead patients. No radiation-related and 125 Iodine seed-related complications occurred. Conclusion: Brachytherapy by implantation of 125 Iodine seeds of remained tumor tissue in patients with thoracic malignant tumor after operation has a satisfactory outcome. This therapy can control local recurrent of thoracic malignant tumor. But the results in long term should be studied further

  2. Proposed Terminology and Classification of Pre-Malignant Neoplastic Conditions: A Consensus Proposal. (United States)

    Valent, Peter; Akin, Cem; Arock, Michel; Bock, Christoph; George, Tracy I; Galli, Stephen J; Gotlib, Jason; Haferlach, Torsten; Hoermann, Gregor; Hermine, Olivier; Jäger, Ulrich; Kenner, Lukas; Kreipe, Hans; Majeti, Ravindra; Metcalfe, Dean D; Orfao, Alberto; Reiter, Andreas; Sperr, Wolfgang R; Staber, Philipp B; Sotlar, Karl; Schiffer, Charles; Superti-Furga, Giulio; Horny, Hans-Peter


    Cancer evolution is a step-wise non-linear process that may start early in life or later in adulthood, and includes pre-malignant (indolent) and malignant phases. Early somatic changes may not be detectable or are found by chance in apparently healthy individuals. The same lesions may be detected in pre-malignant clonal conditions. In some patients, these lesions may never become relevant clinically whereas in others, they act together with additional pro-oncogenic hits and thereby contribute to the formation of an overt malignancy. Although some pre-malignant stages of a malignancy have been characterized, no global system to define and to classify these conditions is available. To discuss open issues related to pre-malignant phases of neoplastic disorders, a working conference was organized in Vienna in August 2015. The outcomes of this conference are summarized herein and include a basic proposal for a nomenclature and classification of pre-malignant conditions. This proposal should assist in the communication among patients, physicians and scientists, which is critical as genome-sequencing will soon be offered widely for early cancer-detection. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Metastatic malignant struma ovarii with coexistence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Russo


    Full Text Available Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian teratoma characterized by the presence of thyroid tissue as the major component. Malignant transformation of the thyroidal component (malignant struma ovarii has been reported in approximately 5% of struma ovarii. The management and follow-up of this unusual disease remain controversial. We report the case of a woman with a history of autoimmune thyroiditis and a previous resection of a benign struma ovarii that underwent hystero-annexiectomy for malignant struma ovarii with multiple papillary thyroid cancer foci and peritoneal involvement. Total thyroidectomy and subsequent radioiodine treatment lead to complete disease remission after 104 months of follow-up. The diagnosis and natural progression of malignant struma ovarii are difficult to discern, and relapses can occur several years after diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory; after surgical excision of malignant struma, thyroidectomy in combination with 131I therapy should be considered after risk stratification in accordance with a standard approach in differentiated thyroid cancer patients.

  4. Investigation of the warm prestress effect by X-ray and microfractographic measurements; Roentgenografische und mikrofraktografische Untersuchungen zum Warmvorbeanspruchungs (WPS) - Effekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blumenauer, H.; Eichler, B.; Krempe, M.; Ude, J. [Magdeburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofftechnik und Werkstoffpruefung


    The work reported was to investigate the changes caused at the crack tip of a specimen with incipient crack and to assess their effects with regard to component fracture. The steels selected for testing are the pressure vessel steels 10MnMoNi5-5 and 17MoV8-4, and the experiments were made with CT-25 specimens. The conclusion drawn from the results obtained is that the WPS effect is due to a stronger energy dissipation in the prestressed area ahead of the crack tip, assisted by intrinsic stress-induced crack closing. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die durch eine Vorbeanspruchung angerissener Proben hervorgerufenen Veraenderungen an der Rissspitze und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Bruchverhalten zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchungen wurden an den Druckbehaelterstaehlen 10MnMoNi5-5 und 17MoV8-4 durchgefuehrt. Die Versuche wurden an CT-25-Proben durchgefuehrt. Die Autoren kommen zum Schluss, dass der WPS-Effekt mit einer staerkeren Energiedissipation in der vorgeschaedigten Prozesszone vor der Rissspitze, unterstuetzt durch eigenspannungsbedingtes Rissschliessen, erklaert werden kann. (orig./MM)

  5. Paediatric and adult malignant glioma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jones, Chris; Perryman, Lara; Hargrave, Darren


    Gliomas in children differ from their adult counterparts by their distribution of histological grade, site of presentation and rate of malignant transformation. Although rare in the paediatric population, patients with high-grade gliomas have, for the most part, a comparably dismal clinical outcome...... to older patients with morphologically similar lesions. Molecular profiling data have begun to reveal the major genetic alterations underpinning these malignant tumours in children. Indeed, the accumulation of large datasets on adult high-grade glioma has revealed key biological differences between...... the adult and paediatric disease. Furthermore, subclassifications within the childhood age group can be made depending on age at diagnosis and tumour site. However, challenges remain on how to reconcile clinical data from adult patients to tailor novel treatment strategies specifically for paediatric...

  6. Benign and malignant neurogenic tumors of nerve sheath origin on FDG PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yun, M. J.; Go, D. H.; Yoo, Y. H.; Shin, K. H.; Lee, J. D


    The differentiation between benign and malignant nerve sheath tumors is difficult based on conventional radiological imaging. This study was undertaken to investigate the value of FDG PET in distinguishing benign from malignant neurogenic tumors of nerve sheath origin. We performed a retrospective review of the medical record to select patients with nerve sheath tumors who had underdone FDG PET imaging. Fifteen patients (7F: 8M) with benign or malignant nerve sheath tumors were included in this study. Of the 15 patients, 9 were diagnosed with the known neurofibromatosis type I. A total of 19 nerve sheath tumors were included from the 15 patients. All patients had undergone FDG PET to evaluate for malignant potential of the known lesions. Images of FDG PET were semi-quantitatively analyzed and a region of interest (ROI) was placed over the area of the maximum FDG uptake and an average standardized uptake value was taken for final analysis. There were 5 malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, 5 schwannomas, and 9 neurofibromas. The mean SUV was 2 (ranged from 1.6 to 3.3) for schwannomas, 1.3 (0.7 to 2.5) for neurofibromas, and 8.4 (4.6 to 12.2) for malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Of 14 benign tumors, all except one schwannoma showed a SUV less than 3. When a cutoff SUV of 4 was used to differentiate the nerve sheath tumors, all tumors were correctly classified as benign or malignant, respectively. Among the 9 patients diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type I. 4 had malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and FDG PET accurately detected all the 4 lesions with malignant transformation. According to our results, FDG PET seems to have a great potential for accurately characterizing benign versus malignant nerve sheath tumors. It appears to be extremely useful for patients with neurofibromatosis to localize the lesion with malignant transformation

  7. A case of clear cell sarcoma-A rare malignancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juel, Jacob; Ibrahim, Rami Mossad


    INTRODUCTION: Clear cell sarcoma (CCS) is a rare tumour of the soft tissue often misdiagnosed, as it shares characteristics with malignant melanoma (MM). Previously, CCS has been characterised, as malignant melanoma of the soft tissue, contemporary immunohistochemical techniques, however, have made...

  8. Solitary, multiple, benign, atypical, or malignant: the "Granular Cell Tumor" puzzle. (United States)

    Machado, Isidro; Cruz, Julia; Lavernia, Javier; Llombart-Bosch, Antonio


    The clinical evolution and biology of granular cell tumors (GCT) are poorly understood and treatment remains an issue of discussion. The majority of GCT are benign, although some display malignant behavior. The distinction between benign, atypical, and malignant GCT is controversial due to morphological and immunohistochemical overlap and lack of consistent histological and phenotypic criteria that predict behavior. Although histological criteria may indicate increased risk of malignant evolution, some GCT with evident benign appearance exceptionally progress towards metastatic disease. In this review, we discuss current knowledge on GCT, including histologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular characteristics and differential diagnosis. We focus on the following problematic items in GCT: (1) evolution of classification, (2) neural versus non-neural GCT, (3) neoplastic versus reactive disease, (4) malignant transformation of benign GCT, and (5) multiple versus metastatic GCT. We conclude that although a Ki-67 index >10 % and the presence of mitoses and/or of necrosis are frequently associated with malignant behavior, metastasis remains the only unequivocal sign of malignancy in GCT. An infiltrative growth pattern and vascular and/or perineural invasion are not indicative of malignancy. GCT with atypical/uncertain features almost never metastasize, and many of these tumors either behave in a benign fashion or only recur locally (similar to incompletely excised benign tumors). We therefore propose that classical and atypical histological variants form a single group of GCT. GCT with various unfavorable histological features might be labeled as "GCT with increased risk of metastasis" rather than malignant GCT.

  9. A novel distinguishing system for the diagnosis of malignant pancreatic cystic neoplasm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shen, Xiaoyong, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China); Lu, Di, E-mail: [Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China); Xu, Xiao, E-mail: [Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China); Wang, Jianguo, E-mail: [Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China); Wu, Jian, E-mail: [Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China); Yan, Sheng, E-mail: [Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China); Zheng, Shu-sen, E-mail: [Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou (China)


    Purpose: To explore a simple and reliable non-invasive distinguishing system for the pre-operative evaluation of malignancy in pancreatic cystic neoplasm (PCN). Methods: This study first enrolled an observation cohort of 102 consecutive PCN patients. Demographic information, results of laboratory examinations, and computed tomography (CT) presentations were recorded and analyzed to achieve a distinguishing model/system for malignancy. A group of 21 patients was then included to validate the model/system prospectively. Results: Based on the 11 malignancy-related features identified by univariate analysis, a distinguishing model for malignancy in PCN was established by multivariate analysis: PCN malignant score = 2.967 × elevated fasting blood glucose (FBG) (≥6.16 mmol/L) ± 4.496 × asymmetrically thickened wall (or mural nodules ≥ 4 mm) ± 1.679 × septum thickening (≥2 mm) − 5.134. With the optimal cut-off value selected as −2.8 in reference to the Youden index, the proposed system for malignant PCN was established: septum thickening (>2 mm), asymmetrically thickened wall (or mural nodules > 4 mm), or elevated FBG (>6.16 mmol/L, accompanying commonly known malignant signs), the presence of at least one of these 3 features indicated malignancy in PCN. The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of this system were 81.4%, 95.8% and 76.9%, respectively. MRI was performed on 32 patients, making correct prediction of malignancy explicitly in only 68.8% (22/32). The subsequent prospective validation study showed that the proposed distinguishing system had a predictive accuracy of 85.7% (18/21). Moreover, a higher model score, or aggregation of the features in the proposed system, indicated a higher grade of malignancy (carcinoma) in PCN. Conclusion: Elevated FBG (>6.16 mmol/L), asymmetrically thickened wall (or mural nodules > 4 mm) and septum thickening (>2 mm) are of great value in differentiating the malignancy in PCN. The developed distinguishing system is

  10. Cytogenetic and molecular-genetic aberrations in malignant primary bone tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zoubek, A.; Kovar, H.; Gadner, H.


    Osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma and tumors of the Ewing group are the most frequently observed primary malignant bone tumors. In an Internet homepage recently constructed for the Orthopedic Hospital Rizzoli Bologna, Italy, these tumors have represented the majority of 4423 malignant bone tumors in the archives of this institution since 1920 ( Malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosarcoma, hemangioendothelioma, malignant hemangiopericytoma and giant-cell tumors are diagnosed less frequently. Since the introduction of modern molecular and cytogenic techniques, knowledge of genetic aberrations in malginant bone tumors has steadily increased. However, so far only for the group of Ewing tumors has a recurrent chromosomal marker, the translocation t(11; 22)(q24; q12), been identified. (orig.) [de

  11. Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma Mimicking Ischemic Colitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuusuke Mitsuka


    Full Text Available The prognosis of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is extremely poor with a mean survival time of 12 months. The initial symptoms are poor and atypical. Because of its rare entity and little knowledge of its treatments, there are few reports of long-term survival. We encountered a very unique case with strong impression on radiological findings of malignant peritoneal methothelioma. We had misdiagnosed it because of the findings and because the time course was similar to that of ischemic colitis. The radiological findings on CT and enema disappeared within one week after antibiotic therapy.

  12. CT findings of parotid gland tumors: benign versus malignant tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Moon Ok; Han, Chun Hwan; Kim, Mie Young; Yi, Jeong Geun; Park, Kyung Joo; Lee, Joo Hyuk; Bae, Sang Hoon; Kim, Jeung Sook


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of parotid gland tumors to help in the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions. The CT findings of 22 patients with surgically proven parotid gland tumors were reviewed. Analysis was focused on the density and margin characteristics of the tumors, and the relationship between the tumor and surrounding structures. Those tumors were pleomorphic adenoma (n = 8), Warthin's tumor (n = 5), basal cell adenoma (n = 1), lipoma (n = 1), dermoid cyst (n = 1), adenoid cystic carcinoma (n = 2), mucoepidermoid carcinoma (n 1), epidermoid carcinoma (n = 1), and carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma (n 1). Most of benign and malignant tumors were heterogeneous in density on contrast enhanced CT scans. In 5 of 6 malignant cases, the tumors had irregular or ill-defined margin and a tendancy to involve or cross the superficial layer of deep cervical fascia with obliteration of subcutaneous fat. Two malignant tumors invaded surrounding structures. Although the heterogeneous density of tumor is not a specific finding for malignancy at CT, following findings, such as, irregular or blurred margin of the lesion, the involvement of fascial plane, and the infiltration of surrounding structures may suggest the possibility of malignant parotid tumor

  13. Sonographic findings of thyroid cancer initially assessed as no suspicious malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Do Youn; Kang, Seok Seon; Ji, Eun Kyung; Kwon, Tae Hee; Park, Hae Lin; Shim, Jeong Yun


    To review the retrospective imaging findings of thyroid cancer initially assessed as no suspicious malignancy. Of 338 nodules confirmed to be thyroid cancer, this study included 38 patients with 39 nodules assessed as no suspicious malignancy on initial sonography. (mean age:39 years, 36 females and 2 males). We evaluated sonographic findings by shape, margin, echogenecity, calcification, cystic degeneration and peripheral hypoechoic rim retrospectively. We analyzed whether sonographic findings were different according to the size (standard:1 cm). The most frequent sonographic findings were avoid to round shape 90%, well-defined smooth margin 64%, hypoechogenecity 54%, no calcification 92%, no cystic degeneration 77% and peripheral hypoechoic rim 56%. Suspicious malignancy findings were taller than wide shape 10%, well-defined spiculated margin 36%, markedly hypoechogenecity 10% and microcalcifications 8%. Isoechogenecity, cystic degeneration and peripheral hypoechoic rim were common in 1 cm more than nodules. Well-defined spiculated margin was common in 1 cm less than nodules. In retrospective, 56% showed no suspicious malignancy finding. Although nodules assessed as no suspicious malignancy on initial US had many retrospectively suspicious malignancy findings, still many nodules showed no suspicious malignancy finding. Suspicious findings were ignored due to equivocal finding in small size, isoechogenecity, cystic degeneration or peripheral hypoechoic rim. We need careful observation

  14. Hyaluronan in human malignancies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sironen, R.K. [Institute of Clinical Medicine, Pathology and Forensic Medicine, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland); Department of Pathology, Kuopio University Hospital, P.O. Box 1777, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland); Tammi, M.; Tammi, R. [Institute of Biomedicine, Anatomy, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland); Auvinen, P.K. [Department of Oncology, Kuopio University Hospital, P.O. Box 1777, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland); Anttila, M. [Institute of Clinical Medicine, Pathology and Forensic Medicine, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland); Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Kuopio University Hospital, P.O. Box 1777, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland); Kosma, V-M., E-mail: [Institute of Clinical Medicine, Pathology and Forensic Medicine, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland); Department of Pathology, Kuopio University Hospital, P.O. Box 1777, FI-70211 Kuopio (Finland)


    Hyaluronan, a major macropolysaccharide in the extracellular matrix of connective tissues, is intimately involved in the biology of cancer. Hyaluronan accumulates into the stroma of various human tumors and modulates intracellular signaling pathways, cell proliferation, motility and invasive properties of malignant cells. Experimental and clinicopathological evidence highlights the importance of hyaluronan in tumor growth and metastasis. A high stromal hyaluronan content is associated with poorly differentiated tumors and aggressive clinical behavior in human adenocarcinomas. Instead, the squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas tend to have a reduced hyaluronan content. In addition to the stroma-cancer cell interaction, hyaluronan can influence stromal cell recruitment, tumor angiogenesis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Hyaluronan receptors, hyaluronan synthases and hyaluronan degrading enzymes, hyaluronidases, are involved in the modulation of cancer progression, depending on the tumor type. Furthermore, intracellular signaling and angiogenesis are affected by the degradation products of hyaluronan. Hyaluronan has also therapeutic implications since it is involved in multidrug resistance.

  15. Hyaluronan in human malignancies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sironen, R.K.; Tammi, M.; Tammi, R.; Auvinen, P.K.; Anttila, M.; Kosma, V-M.


    Hyaluronan, a major macropolysaccharide in the extracellular matrix of connective tissues, is intimately involved in the biology of cancer. Hyaluronan accumulates into the stroma of various human tumors and modulates intracellular signaling pathways, cell proliferation, motility and invasive properties of malignant cells. Experimental and clinicopathological evidence highlights the importance of hyaluronan in tumor growth and metastasis. A high stromal hyaluronan content is associated with poorly differentiated tumors and aggressive clinical behavior in human adenocarcinomas. Instead, the squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas tend to have a reduced hyaluronan content. In addition to the stroma-cancer cell interaction, hyaluronan can influence stromal cell recruitment, tumor angiogenesis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Hyaluronan receptors, hyaluronan synthases and hyaluronan degrading enzymes, hyaluronidases, are involved in the modulation of cancer progression, depending on the tumor type. Furthermore, intracellular signaling and angiogenesis are affected by the degradation products of hyaluronan. Hyaluronan has also therapeutic implications since it is involved in multidrug resistance.

  16. Role of microRNA-7 in digestive system malignancy. (United States)

    Chen, Wan-Qun; Hu, Ling; Chen, Geng-Xin; Deng, Hai-Xia


    There are several malignancies of the digestive system (including gastric, pancreatic and colorectal cancers, and hepatocellular carcinoma), which are the most common types of cancer and a major cause of death worldwide. MicroRNA (miR)-7 is abundant in the pancreas, playing an important role in pancreatic development and endocrine function. Expression of miR-7 is downregulated in digestive system malignancies compared with normal tissue. Although there are contrasting results for miR-7 expression, almost all research reveals that miR-7 is a tumor suppressor, by targeting various genes in specific pathways. Moreover, miR-7 can target different genes simultaneously in different malignancies of the digestive system. By acting on many cytokines, miR-7 is also involved in many gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases as a significant carcinogenic factor. Consequently, miR-7 might be a biomarker or therapeutic target gene in digestive system malignancies.

  17. Intravenous administration of iodinated, non-ionic, low or isoosmolar contrast media: safety aspects; Intravenoese Anwendung von jodiertem, nichtionischem, nieder- bis isoosmolarem Kontrastmittel: Sicherheitsaspekte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Metz-Schimmerl, S.; Metz, V.; Schima, W.; Herold, C. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik und Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut fuer Klinische und Experimentelle Radiologie, Wien (Austria); Domanovits, H. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Notfallmedizin Wien, Wien (Austria)


    It iss the purpose of this review to provide information about the safe use of intravenously administered, iodinated, non-ionic, low or isoosmolar contrast media for radiological examinations, how to avoid adverse events, and how to react professionally in case of an anaphylactic reaction. Methods of prophylaxis and therapy for anaphylactic and chemotoxic effects of contrast media administration as well as absolute and relative contraindications are discussed. Medico-legal considerations of contrast agent administration, informed consent of patients, and methods of risk management for undesired contrast media reactions are considered in this article. Establishment of administration standards for contrast media is of tremendous importance to standardize radiological procedures. This basic radiological documentation is part of the institutional and individual legal safety management. (orig.) [German] Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, Kenntnisse zur sicheren Anwendung von intravenoes applizierten, jodierten, nichtionischen, nieder- bis isoosmolaren Roentgen-Kontrastmitteln zu vermitteln, um bei deren Verwendung unerwuenschte Wirkungen zu vermeiden oder im Falle eines anaphylaktischen Kontrastmittelzwischenfalls rasch und effektiv zu handeln. Neben Methoden der Verhuetung und Behandlung anaphylaktischer und chemotoxischer Wirkungen der Kontrastmittelgabe werden Einschraenkungen der Anwendung bei unterschiedlichen klinischen Bildern eroertert. Rechtliche Ueberlegungen zur Kontrastmittelanwendung, das Aufklaerungsgespraech und Praeventivmassnahmen zum Risiko-Management unerwuenschter Kontrastmittelwirkungen sind beruecksichtigt. Die Festlegung von Anwendungstandards fuer Kontrastmittel dient der Normierung medizinischen Vorgehens. Eine solche radiologische Basisdokumentation ist teil der institutionellen und individuellen rechtlichen Absicherung. (orig.)

  18. Diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer with CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakimovska, S.; Jakimovska, M.; Jovanovska, S.; Ilieva, S.


    Full text: Introduction: A pleural effusion is defined as an abnormal amount of fluid in the space between the layers of tissue (the pleura) that line the lungs. If cancer cells are present in this fluid (pleural cavity) it is called a malignant cancerous pleural effusion. Many benign and malignant disease can cause pleural effusion.The new onset of pleural effusion may herald the presence of a previously undiagnosed malignancy, or more typically, complicate the course of a known lung tumor. Malignant pleural effusions can lead lead to an initial diagnosis of lung cancer in patients.and it was the first symptom of lung cancer. Pleural deposits of tumor cause pleuritic pain. Purpose of this presentation is to show the role of CT in diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer. Material and methods: CT examinations of chest were made to 138 patients for 1 year (1/6/2011- 1/6/2012) with Siemens Somatom Emotion 16 CT Scanner. Patients were at age of 30 -81 years, 93 of them are male and 45 are female. Results: 56 (40.5%) of the patients had pleural effusion. From this group 21 37.5% had malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer. 17 (81%) of them are male, and 4 (19%) are female. 9 (43%) diagnosed lung cancer for first time. Conclusion: Pleural effusion more commonly occur in patient with advanced-stage tumor who frequently have metastases to other organs and long-term survival is uncommon in this group. CT diagnosed malignant pleural effusion and lung cancer and help to choice treatment for these patients

  19. B-Cell Hematologic Malignancy Vaccination Registry (United States)


    Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance; Multiple Myeloma; Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia; Lymphocytosis; Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin; B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia; Hematological Malignancies

  20. The origin of extrarenal arterial blood supply of renal malignancy and its clinical value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Duanming; Tong Xiaoqiang; Song Li; Zou Yinghua


    Objective: To study the mechanisms of extrarenal arterial blood supply of renal malignancy for its interventional therapy. Methods: Routine abdominal aortography and selective questionable feeding arteriography were performed in 141 patients with renal malignancy. The characteristics and formation mechanisms of extrarenal arterial blood supply for renal malignancy were analyzed. Results: Of the 141 patients, extrarenal arterial blood supply of renal malignancy were found in 51 patients and there were 87 branchs. The breakthrough of renal capsule with malignancy were found in those 51 patients. No extrarenal arterial blood supply of renal malignancy was found in 90 patients, including 50 patients with and 40 patients without the renal capsule breakthrough with malignancy. The emerge of extrarenal arterial blood supply of renal malignancy were significantly different (χ 2 =31.64, P<0.01) between the patients with and without the breakthrough of renal capsule with malignancy. The origin of extrarenal arterial blood supply were correlated with the location of the tumor. Conclusions: It is important to determine the origin of the extrarenal arterial blood supply in renal malignancy for its interventional therapy. (authors)

  1. Primary cutaneous malignancies in the Northern Cape Province of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results. A total of 4 270 biopsies (13 cutaneous malignancies) were identified. The commonest was squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), followed by basal cell carcinoma, Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) and basosquamous carcinoma, in descending order. The odds of a white male developing ...

  2. A contrast-enhanced ultrasound study of benign and malignant ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A contrast-enhanced ultrasound study of benign and malignant breast tissue. S Barnard, E Leen, T Cooke, W Angerson. Abstract. Objective. To determine the diagnostic value of haemodynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound assessment in benign and malignant breast tissue, using histological examination as the reference ...

  3. Trends in single women with malignancy of the uterine cervix in United States. (United States)

    Machida, Hiroko; Blake, Erin A; Eckhardt, Sarah E; Takiuchi, Tsuyoshi; Grubbs, Brendan H; Mikami, Mikio; Roman, Lynda D; Matsuo, Koji


    To examine trends and characteristics of single women with malignancy of the uterine cervix. This is a retrospective observational study examining the United States population-based tumor registry (the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program). Time-specific trends in single marital status were examined in 3,294,208 women among 12 common female malignancies including 87,151 women with uterine cervical malignancy between 1973 and 2013. While the proportion of single women in the majority of malignancies increased during the study time, the proportion of single women with cervical malignancy significantly increased more than in other malignancies (29.3% in 2013 from 6.3% in 1973). There was a surge in the proportion of single women with cervical malignancy starting in the early 1990s, exhibiting the largest annual percentage rate change (APC) among all examined malignancies (1.8%; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.6, 2.0; pwomen aged single women aged ≥40 years increased significantly during the time (APC, 2.7%; 95% CI=2.3, 3.2; psingle women with malignancy of the uterine cervix has significantly increased in the past 4 decades. This increase was most dramatic in single women aged ≥40 years. Improving screening strategies in single women aged ≥40 years may help reduce the incidence of this malignancy. Copyright © 2018. Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology, Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology

  4. Malignant Transformation of Endometriosis in the Ischioanal Fossa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jordan S. Klebanoff


    Full Text Available We present the case of a 28-year-old nulliparous female with malignant transformation of an ectopic focus of endometriosis in the right ischioanal fossa. A 28-year-old nulliparous patient with a past medical history of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS was diagnosed with endometrioid adenocarcinoma in her right ischioanal fossa. Initially, patient presented to an emergency department and underwent a CT scan of the appendix to rule out appendicitis. A multiloculated cystic lesion adjacent to the right obturator internus muscle was found. She underwent surgical resection of the mass, which confirmed FIGO grade 2 endometrioid adenocarcinoma, followed by localized radiation therapy. Malignancy arising in endometriosis is rare, and the influence of PCOS on the rate of malignant transformation is not well established.

  5. Malignant hypertension-associated thrombotic microangiopathy following cocaine use. (United States)

    Lamia, Rais; El Ati, Zohra; Ben Fatma, Lilia; Zouaghi, Karim; Smaoui, Wided; Rania, Khedher; Krid, Madiha; Ben Hmida, Fathi; Béji, Soumaya; Ben Moussa, Fatma


    Cocaine is one of the most commonly used illicit drugs with distribution and consumption throughout the world. Acute renal failure associated with rhabdomyolysis, direct vasoconstriction and hemodynamic alteration is well described in patients with cocaine intoxication. Cocaine use is associated with high blood pressure and may rarely induce malignant hypertension associated with thrombotic microangiopathy. We report the case of a patient who developed malignant hypertension associated with thrombotic microangiopathy after chronic consumption of cocaine. A kidney biopsy revealed thrombotic microangiopathy with fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles and glomerular tufts. He required dialysis sessions. Cocaine-mediated endothelial injury and platelet activation may play important pathogenetic roles in cocaine abusers who develop malignant hypertension associated with thrombotic microangiopathy. Clinicians need to be aware of this rare feature of cocaine intoxication.

  6. Phyllodes malignant mammary tumors:communication of three cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beschizza, V.; Rosasco, M.; Episcopo, S.; Dorfman, N.; Centurion, D.


    Three cases of phyllode malignant mammary tumors were studied in the Anatomo-Pathology Chair of the Montevideo, Uruguay.The discussion covered epidemiology, morphologic staging and biological significance of phyllode tumor within the broader spectrum of libro-epithelial breast tumors.An overview of literature shows that histo-pathological criteria recommended by world Health Organization(WHO) are the ones which determine the behaviour of phyllode mammary tumors, wheter bening, malignant of borderline.Prognostic factors of metastases are those involved in stroma overgrowth, anaplasia high mitotic index and infiltrative edge of tumor.None of the clinical aspects,including tumor size, are significant from the viewpoint of prognosis.Efective treatment is broad extended surgical excision (adequate margins),mastectomy being reserved for large tummors that are borderline, malignant or recurrent

  7. Apparent clusters of childhood lymphoid malignancy in Northern England

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craft, A.W.; Openshaw, S.; Birch, J.


    The authors have reanalysed their previous data on the incidence of childhood malignancy in the North of England by very small geographical areas. Seascale, which ranks first by Poisson probability for all lymphoid malignancies is the village closest to the Sellafield plant. However, it is not unique in the region; nor are wards of apparent excess confined to coastal areas of Cumbria. The highest rate of lymphoid malignancies is in Whittingham, a village in north Northumberland. For other varieties of childhood cancer, there is a similar spread of 'Highly ranked', but different, wards throughout the region. (U.K.)

  8. Significant Association of Streptococcus bovis with Malignant Gastrointestinal Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salah Shanan


    Full Text Available Streptococcus bovis is a Gram-positive bacterium causing serious human infections, including endocarditis and bacteremia, and is usually associated with underlying disease. The aims of the current study were to compare prevalence of the bacterium associated with malignant and nonmalignant gastrointestinal diseases and to determine the susceptibility of the isolated strains to different antimicrobial agents. The result showed that the prevalence of S. bovis in stool specimens from patients with malignant or with nonmalignant gastrointestinal diseases was statistically significant. This result may support the idea that there is correlation between S. bovis and the malignant gastrointestinal diseases.

  9. BNCT for malignant brain tumors in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kageji, T.; Mizobuchi, Y.; Nagahiro, S.; Nakagawa, Y.; Kumada, Hiroaki


    BSH-based intra-operative BNCT as an initial treatment underwent in 4 children with malignant brain tumors since 1998. There were 2 glioblastomas, one primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) and one anaplastic ependymoma patient. They included two children under 3-year-old. All GBM patients were died of CSF dissemination without tumor regrowth in the primary site. Another PNET and anaplastic ependymoma patients are still alive without tumor recurrence. We can consider BNCT is optimal treatment modality for malignant brain tumor in children. (author)

  10. Drugs Approved for Malignant Mesothelioma (United States)

    This page lists cancer drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for malignant mesothelioma. The list includes generic names and brand names. The drug names link to NCI's Cancer Drug Information summaries.

  11. Professor om kystsikring: Ingen universelle løsninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten


    DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU.......DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU....

  12. Vorinostat in solid and hematologic malignancies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richon Victoria M


    Full Text Available Abstract Vorinostat (Zolinza®, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in October 2006 for the treatment of cutaneous manifestations in patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma who have progressive, persistent or recurrent disease on or following two systemic therapies. This review summarizes evidence on the use of vorinostat in solid and hematologic malignancies and collated tolerability data from the vorinostat clinical trial program. Pooled vorinostat clinical trial data from 498 patients with solid or hematologic malignancies show that vorinostat was well tolerated as monotherapy or combination therapy. The most commonly reported drug-related adverse events (AEs associated with monotherapy (n = 341 were fatigue (61.9%, nausea (55.7%, diarrhea (49.3%, anorexia (48.1%, and vomiting (32.8%, and Grade 3/4 drug-related AEs included fatigue (12.0%, thrombocytopenia (10.6%, dehydration (7.3%, and decreased platelet count (5.3%. The most common drug-related AEs observed with vorinostat in combination therapy (n = 157, most of whom received vorinostat 400 mg qd for 14 days were nausea (48.4%, diarrhea (40.8%, fatigue (34.4%, vomiting (31.2%, and anorexia (20.4%, with the majority of AEs being Grade 2 or less. In Phase I trials, combinations with vorinostat were generally well tolerated and preliminary evidence of anticancer activity as monotherapy or in combination with other systemic therapies has been observed across a range of malignancies. Ongoing and planned studies will further evaluate the potential of vorinostat in combination therapy, including combinations with radiation, in patients with diverse malignancy types, including non-small-cell lung cancer, glioblastoma multiforme, multiple myeloma, and myelodysplastic syndrome.


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    D.Yu. Kachanov


    Full Text Available Children suffering from oncological diseases fall into the group of immunocompromised patients. They are more at risk of severe children’s banal infections. Development of safe and efficient methods for immunological prevention of preventable infections diseases in this group of children is one of priorities for modern medicine. It is also important to properly organise the process of vaccinating the persons surrounding the patient to eliminate the risk of postvaccinal complications in the sick (non-vaccinated child. The article provides a detailed overview of the global experience in vaccinating children with malignant neoplasms. It describes modern principles of immunological prevention in children both being administered the standard anticancer therapy and those have undergone transplantation of hemopoietic stem cells. Key words: children, malignancy, vaccination.(Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(3:28-34

  14. Gallium scanning in differentiating malignant from benign asbestos-related pleural disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teirstein, A.S.; Chahinian, P.; Goldsmith, S.J.; Sorek, M.


    In order to assess the utility of 67gallium citrate in delineating malignant pleural mesothelioma from benign asbestos-related pleural disease, 49 patients with malignant mesothelioma and 16 with benign asbestos-related pleural disease were studied. Seven patients with malignant mesothelioma had no history of asbestos exposure, while the remaining 58 patients were exposed. Forty-three of the 49 patients (88%) with malignant mesothelioma had a positive 67gallium scan including 36 of the 42 (86%) patients with asbestos exposure and all 7 patients without a history of asbestos exposure. Three of 16 patients (19%) with benign asbestos-related pleural disease had a positive scan. 67Gallium radionuclide imaging is nonspecific but may be valuable in noninvasive monitoring of asbestos-exposed populations, which have a high risk for the late development of benign and/or malignant pleural disease

  15. Malignant bone tumors and limb-salvage surgery in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyer, James S.; Mackenzie, William


    Limb-salvage surgery plays a major role in the management of children with malignant bone tumors. This article provides background on the clinical presentation and imaging evaluation of children with malignant bone tumors and describes various limb-salvage procedures used in the treatment of these children. (orig.)

  16. Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin-Duverneuil, N.; Lafitte, F.; Chiras, J.; Mokhtari, K.; Behin, A.; Hoang-Xuan, K.


    Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis is a rare and probably often overlooked disease characterised by massive intravascular proliferation of lymphoid cells, usually with a poor prognosis. CT and MRI appearances are nonspecific; the most suggestive finding being both asymmetrical, bilateral, contrast enhancing high-signal areas on T2 weighting and infarct-like lesions of the cortex and basal ganglia. We report two patients with previously unreported dural and spinal cord involvement. (orig.)

  17. Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin-Duverneuil, N.; Lafitte, F.; Chiras, J. [Service de Neuroradiologie Charcot, Batiment Babinski, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 75013 Paris (France); Mokhtari, K. [Service de Neuropathologie, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 75013 Paris (France); Behin, A.; Hoang-Xuan, K. [Departement de Neurologie, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 75013 Paris (France)


    Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis is a rare and probably often overlooked disease characterised by massive intravascular proliferation of lymphoid cells, usually with a poor prognosis. CT and MRI appearances are nonspecific; the most suggestive finding being both asymmetrical, bilateral, contrast enhancing high-signal areas on T2 weighting and infarct-like lesions of the cortex and basal ganglia. We report two patients with previously unreported dural and spinal cord involvement. (orig.)

  18. Chemotherapy curable malignancies and cancer stem cells: a biological review and hypothesis. (United States)

    Savage, Philip


    Cytotoxic chemotherapy brings routine cures to only a small select group of metastatic malignancies comprising gestational trophoblast tumours, germ cell tumours, acute leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, high grade lymphomas and some of the rare childhood malignancies. We have previously postulated that the extreme sensitivity to chemotherapy for these malignancies is linked to the on-going high levels of apoptotic sensitivity that is naturally linked with the unique genetic events of nuclear fusion, meiosis, VDJ recombination, somatic hypermutation, and gastrulation that have occurred within the cells of origin of these malignancies. In this review we will examine the cancer stem cell/cancer cell relationship of each of the chemotherapy curable malignancies and how this relationship impacts on the resultant biology and pro-apoptotic sensitivity of the varying cancer cell types. In contrast to the common epithelial cancers, in each of the chemotherapy curable malignancies there are no conventional hierarchical cancer stem cells. However cells with cancer stem like qualities can arise stochastically from within the general tumour cell population. These stochastic stem cells acquire a degree of resistance to DNA damaging agents but also retain much of the key characteristics of the cancer cells from which they develop. We would argue that the balance between the acquired resistance of the stochastic cancer stem cell and the inherent chemotherapy sensitivity of parent tumour cell determines the overall chemotherapy curability of each diagnosis. The cancer stem cells in the chemotherapy curable malignancies appear to have two key biological differences from those of the more common chemotherapy incurable malignancies. The first difference is that the conventional hierarchical pattern of cancer stem cells is absent in each of the chemotherapy curable malignancies. The other key difference, we suggest, is that the stochastic stem cells in the chemotherapy curable malignancies

  19. Coronary artery with aberrant origin malignant right

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozcan, E.; Bozlar, U.; Demirkol, S.; Saglam, M.


    Full text: Introduction: Congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries is a major cause of sudden death, especially in young patients. Objectives and tasks: In this study we aim to present a young patient with chest pain who had malignant right coronary artery (RCA) with aberrant origin. Materials and methods: 24-year-old man who applied cardiology clinic for chest pain and palpitations especially after exercise, was referred to our clinic for coronary computed tomography (CT) angiography to evaluate coronary artery anomalies. Results: In CT angiography; we detected aberrant RCA with origin of tubularly part of ascendant aorta with a malignant course between aorta and pulmonary artery. Left main coronary artery, left anterior descending and circumflex artery had normal origin and course. Conclusion: Coronary artery with malignant course may cause sudden death especially after exercise. Coronary CT angiography has an important role in diagnosis of congenital coronary artery anomalies, with high resolution multiplanner reformatted images

  20. Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery for colorectal malignancies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Memon, M.A.; Fitzgibbons, R.J.


    Objective: To report our initial experience with hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS) for colorectal malignancies using a Specially designed laparoscopic hand cannula. Patients and Methods: Nine caucasians patients with colorectal malignancies underwent HALS which included 02 right hemicolectomies, 01 transverse colectomy, 03 sigmoid colectomies, 01 anterior resection and 02 low anterior resections. Results: There were 4 males and 5 females. The mean length of incision for placement of the cannula was 7 cms (range 7-8 cms). The mean operating time was 180 minutes. Postoperatively on an average patients were ambulatory by day 2 (range 1-4) and taking oral fluids by day 3 (range 1-4). There were no conversions to laparotomy. Furthermore there was no operative mortality and no complication directly related to the use of the device. Conclusion: HALS appears to be a useful adjuvant for laparoscopic colectomy due to advantages provided by tactile sensation. A curative resection for malignancy can be performed without compromising oncological principles. (author)


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    Siti Chumaeroh


    Full Text Available Lichen planus is a relatively common inflammatory disorder which may have cutaneous and or mucosal manifestation. The malignant potential of oral lichen planus is still debatable. Some authors are sceptical about the premalignant nature of the disease, while other investigators have reported that malignant transformations occur in 1-10% of the cases. The aim of this study is to report a case of erosive lichen plans which shows malignant transformation of histopathologic examination. A man of 39 years old visited the Dental Department or Kajradi's Hospital with pain symptoms of the palate, buccal and gingival mucosa on both sides for 6 months. The physical examination shows the white lesion with striae configuration and pain, red erosive area inside the palate extends to the buccal mucosa and the gingival mucosa. The suspect diagnosis is erosive lichen planus, but the histopathologic examination shows epidermoid carcinoma. It is concluded that erosive oral lichen planus has the potential to transform into epidermoid carcinoma.


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    Ye. L. Choinzonov


    Full Text Available High-grade malignant gliomas (WHO grade G III–IV account for more than 50% of all primary brain tumors. Despite aggressive treatment, survival rates are still very low with a median reported survival of no more than 1.5 years.Radiation therapy is an integral part of the combined treatment, but often does not influence lethally on resistant tumor cells. Thereby, in recent decades there has been an active search for novel approaches to the treatment of malignant gliomas (chemotherapeutic drugs, biological modifiers, local hyperthermia. Experimental data showed that the effect of high temperatures has both a direct damaging effect on tumor cells and a sensitizing effect. Significant advantages are achieved when the complex treatment of different malignant tumorsincludes local hyperthermia. However data on the treatment of patients with primary and recurrent gliomas G III–IV using local hyperthermia are scarce.The literature review is given in the article provides an overview of the existing treatment methods for brain tumors.

  3. Adult high-grade malignant gliomas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fable Zustovich


    Full Text Available Central nervous system (CNS malignant gliomas are relatively rare diseases. Prognosis is poor but has improved over recent years due to the improvement in the multi-disciplinary treatment: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy...

  4. Malignant ectomesenchymoma of the posterior mediastinum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M. H.; Iqbal, R.; Hafeez-UR-Rehman; Yaqub, N.; Anwar-ul-Haq


    The surgical management of a four years old female child, presented at the Islamic International Medical Complex (IIMC), Islamabad, with three months history of recurrent chest infections and failure to thrive, is discussed. Posterior mediastinal tumor was diagnosed radiologically. Tumor had flimsy attachments with pericardium and thoracic aorta but was densely adherent with lower lobe of left lung. The tumor was completely removed along with a segment of lung. The postoperative recovery was uneventful. The diagnosis of malignant ectomesenchymoma was made on histopathology. The patients is well in follow-up. This is the first reported case of malignant ectomesenchymoma arising within posterior mediastinum. (author)

  5. A Hormonally Active Malignant Struma Ovarii

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Lara


    Full Text Available Struma ovarii is a rare monodermal variant of ovarian teratoma that contains at least 50% thyroid tissue. Less than 8% of struma ovarii cases present with clinical and biochemical evidence of thyrotoxicosis due to ectopic production of thyroid hormone and only 5% undergo malignant transformation into a papillary thyroid carcinoma. Only isolated cases of hormonally active papillary thyroid carcinoma developing within a struma ovarii have been reported in the literature. We report the case of a 36-year-old woman who presented with clinical signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism as well as a left adnexal mass, which proved to be a thyroid hormone-producing, malignant struma ovarii.

  6. Can diffusion-weighted imaging distinguish between benign and malignant pediatric liver tumors? (United States)

    Caro-Domínguez, Pablo; Gupta, Abha A; Chavhan, Govind B


    There are limited data on utility of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in the evaluation of pediatric liver lesions. To determine whether qualitative and quantitative DWI can be used to differentiate benign and malignant pediatric liver lesions. We retrospectively reviewed MRIs in children with focal liver lesions to qualitatively evaluate lesions noting diffusion restriction, T2 shine-through, increased diffusion, hypointensity on DWI and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps, and intermediate signal on both, and to measure ADC values. Pathology confirmation or a combination of clinical, laboratory and imaging features, and follow-up was used to determine final diagnosis. We included 112 focal hepatic lesions in 89 children (median age 11.5 years, 51 female), of which 92 lesions were benign and 20 malignant. Interobserver agreement was almost perfect for both qualitative (kappa 0.8735) and quantitative (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] 0.96) diffusion assessment. All malignant lesions showed diffusion restriction. Most benign lesions other than abscesses were not restricted. There was significant association of qualitative restriction with malignancy and non-restriction with benignancy (Fisher exact test Pbenign and malignant lesions, with wide range for each diagnosis. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.63 for predicting malignancy using an ADC cut-off value of ≤1.20x10 -3  mm 2 /s, yielding a sensitivity of 78% and a specificity of 54% for differentiating malignant from benign lesions. Qualitative diffusion restriction in pediatric liver lesions is a good predictor of malignancy and can help to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions, in conjunction with conventional MR sequences. Even though malignant lesions demonstrated significantly lower ADC values than benign lesions, the use of quantitative diffusion remains limited in its utility for distinguishing them because of the

  7. Linear Malignant Melanoma In Situ: Reports and Review of Cutaneous Malignancies Presenting as Linear Skin Cancer. (United States)

    Cohen, Philip R


    Melanomas usually present as oval lesions in which the borders may be irregular. Other morphological features of melanoma include clinical asymmetry, variable color, diameter greater than 6 mm and evolving lesions. Two males whose melanoma in situ presented as linear skin lesions are described and cutaneous malignancies that may appear linear in morphology are summarized in this report. A medical literature search engine, PubMed, was used to search the following terms: cancer, cutaneous, in situ, linear, malignant, malignant melanoma, melanoma in situ, neoplasm, and skin. The 25 papers that were generated by the search and their references, were reviewed; 10 papers were selected for inclusion. The cancer of the skin typically presents as round lesions. However, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma may arise from primary skin conditions or benign skin neoplasms such as linear epidermal nevus and linear porokeratosis. In addition, linear tumors such as basal cell carcinoma can occur. The development of linear cutaneous neoplasms may occur secondary to skin tension line or embryonal growth patterns (as reflected by the lines of Langer and lines of Blaschko) or exogenous factors such as prior radiation therapy. Cutaneous neoplasms and specifically melanoma in situ can be added to the list of linear skin lesions.

  8. Diffusion-weighted MRI of malignant versus benign portal vein thrombosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, Jhii Hyun; Yu, Jeong Sik; Cho, Eun Suk; Chung, Jae Joon; Kim, Joo Hee; Kim, Ki Whang [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Seoul(Korea, Republic of)


    To validate the diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) for differentiation of benign from malignant portal vein thrombosis. The Institutional Review Board approved this retrospective study and waived informed consent. A total of 59 consecutive patients (52 men and 7 women, aged 40-85 years) with grossly defined portal vein thrombus (PVT) on hepatic MRI were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, liver cirrhosis was found in 45 patients, and hepatocellular carcinoma in 47 patients. DWI was performed using b values of 50 and 800 sec/mm2 at 1.5-T unit. A thrombus was considered malignant if it enhanced on dynamic CT or MRI; otherwise, it was considered bland. There were 18 bland thrombi and 49 malignant thrombi in 59 patients, including 8 patients with simultaneous benign and malignant PVT. Mean apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of benign and malignant PVTs were compared by using Mann-Whitney U test. Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The mean ADC ± standard deviation of bland and malignant PVT were 1.00 ± 0.39 × 10(-3) mm{sup 2}/sec and 0.92 ± 0.25 × 10(-3) mm{sup 2}/sec, respectively; without significant difference (p = 0.799). The area under ROC curve for ADC was 0.520. An ADC value of > 1.35 × 10(-3) mm{sup 2}/sec predicted bland PVT with a specificity of 94.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 84.9-98.9%) and a sensitivity of 22.2% (95% CI: 6.4-47.6%), respectively. Due to the wide range and considerable overlap of the ADCs, DWI cannot differentiate the benign from malignant thrombi efficiently.

  9. Diffusion-weighted MRI of malignant versus benign portal vein thrombosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Jhii Hyun; Yu, Jeong Sik; Cho, Eun Suk; Chung, Jae Joon; Kim, Joo Hee; Kim, Ki Whang


    To validate the diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) for differentiation of benign from malignant portal vein thrombosis. The Institutional Review Board approved this retrospective study and waived informed consent. A total of 59 consecutive patients (52 men and 7 women, aged 40-85 years) with grossly defined portal vein thrombus (PVT) on hepatic MRI were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, liver cirrhosis was found in 45 patients, and hepatocellular carcinoma in 47 patients. DWI was performed using b values of 50 and 800 sec/mm2 at 1.5-T unit. A thrombus was considered malignant if it enhanced on dynamic CT or MRI; otherwise, it was considered bland. There were 18 bland thrombi and 49 malignant thrombi in 59 patients, including 8 patients with simultaneous benign and malignant PVT. Mean apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of benign and malignant PVTs were compared by using Mann-Whitney U test. Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The mean ADC ± standard deviation of bland and malignant PVT were 1.00 ± 0.39 × 10(-3) mm 2 /sec and 0.92 ± 0.25 × 10(-3) mm 2 /sec, respectively; without significant difference (p = 0.799). The area under ROC curve for ADC was 0.520. An ADC value of > 1.35 × 10(-3) mm 2 /sec predicted bland PVT with a specificity of 94.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 84.9-98.9%) and a sensitivity of 22.2% (95% CI: 6.4-47.6%), respectively. Due to the wide range and considerable overlap of the ADCs, DWI cannot differentiate the benign from malignant thrombi efficiently

  10. Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Malignant versus Benign Portal Vein Thrombosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Jhii-Hyun; Yu, Jeong-Sik; Cho, Eun-Suk; Chung, Jae-Joon; Kim, Joo Hee; Kim, Ki Whang


    To validate the diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) for differentiation of benign from malignant portal vein thrombosis. The Institutional Review Board approved this retrospective study and waived informed consent. A total of 59 consecutive patients (52 men and 7 women, aged 40–85 years) with grossly defined portal vein thrombus (PVT) on hepatic MRI were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, liver cirrhosis was found in 45 patients, and hepatocellular carcinoma in 47 patients. DWI was performed using b values of 50 and 800 sec/mm 2 at 1.5-T unit. A thrombus was considered malignant if it enhanced on dynamic CT or MRI; otherwise, it was considered bland. There were 18 bland thrombi and 49 malignant thrombi in 59 patients, including 8 patients with simultaneous benign and malignant PVT. Mean apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of benign and malignant PVTs were compared by using Mann-Whitney U test. Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The mean ADC ± standard deviation of bland and malignant PVT were 1.00 ± 0.39 × 10 -3 mm 2 /sec and 0.92 ± 0.25 × 10 -3 mm 2 /sec, respectively; without significant difference (p = 0.799). The area under ROC curve for ADC was 0.520. An ADC value of > 1.35 × 10 -3 mm 2 /sec predicted bland PVT with a specificity of 94.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 84.9–98.9%) and a sensitivity of 22.2% (95% CI: 6.4–47.6%), respectively. Due to the wide range and considerable overlap of the ADCs, DWI cannot differentiate the benign from malignant thrombi efficiently

  11. Resistive index in breast tumors; usefulness on differentiation between benign and malignant lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    An, Eun Joo; Choi, Hye Young; Baek, Seung Yon; Kim, Ah Young; Choe, Du Hwan


    We assessed the usefulness of resistive index(RI) on spectral analysis of doppler sonography for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions. We retrospectively reviewed 29 benign and 22 malignant lesions of breast, which were examined preoperatively with color and duplex Doppler and were confirmed by histopathologically after operation. We analyzed the average and distribution of RI in benign and malignant lesions. Although, there was no difference in the average values of RI in benign and malignant breast lesions, the distribution of RI was below 0.7 in eighteen cases (62%) of benign lesions, and above 0.7 in eighteen cases (82%) of malignant lesions. Thus, RI is valuable for differentiation between benign and malignant lesions of breast. Measurement of RI in breast disease using color and duplex Doppler study is useful modality adjunct to the conventional ultrasonographic differentiation of benign and malignant lesions

  12. Genetics Home Reference: malignant hyperthermia (United States)

    ... 1722-30. Review. Citation on PubMed Litman RS, Rosenberg H. Malignant hyperthermia: update on susceptibility testing. JAMA. ... 27(10):977-89. Review. Citation on PubMed Rosenberg H, Davis M, James D, Pollock N, Stowell ...

  13. Benign clavicular lesions that may mimic malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerscovich, E.G.; Greenspan, A.; Szabo, R.M.


    Nontraumatic lesions of the clavicle are infrequent. Of these, malignant tumors are more common than benign lesions. From January 1988 to January 1990, we examined 17 patients with benign lesions of the clavicle; in 8, the morphologic appearance of the lesion raised the possibility of malignancy in the differential diagnosis. The radiologic findings in these patients are presented. We propose that the unique shape and embryologic development of the clavicle may contribute to the atypical, aggressive presentation of some benign lesions in that bone. (orig.)

  14. Cholestatic jaundice by malignant lesions: pictorial essay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santa Anna, Tatiana Kelly Brasileiro de; Santana, Alex Menezes; Rizzuto, Mauricio Soares; Chagas, Alessandro Rosa Rodrigues; Zuppani, Aguinaldo Cunha; Rezende, Marcelo Bruno; Viveiros, Marcelo de Melo


    Malignant obstructive jaundice is most commonly caused by cancer of pancreatic head, papilla tumor, cholangiocarcinoma and biliary obstruction induced by secondary lesions of the liver or lymph nodes. Patients usually present with weight loss, abdominal pain, jaundice and progressive increase of direct bilirubin, being essential the evaluation by imaging methods for the proper diagnosis, staging and therapeutic planning. This essay illustrates the imaging aspects of ultrasound and computed tomography - and in specific situations magnetic resonance cholangiography - of the major malignancies that lead to cholestatic jaundice. (author)

  15. Extracellular Vesicles in Bile as Markers of Malignant Biliary Stenoses. (United States)

    Severino, Valeria; Dumonceau, Jean-Marc; Delhaye, Myriam; Moll, Solange; Annessi-Ramseyer, Isabelle; Robin, Xavier; Frossard, Jean-Louis; Farina, Annarita


    Algorithms for diagnosis of malignant common bile duct (CBD) stenoses are complex and lack accuracy. Malignant tumors secrete large numbers of extracellular vesicles (EVs) into surrounding fluids; EVs might therefore serve as biomarkers for diagnosis. We investigated whether concentrations of EVs in bile could discriminate malignant from nonmalignant CBD stenoses. We collected bile and blood samples from 50 patients undergoing therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography at university hospitals in Europe for CBD stenosis of malignant (pancreatic cancer, n = 20 or cholangiocarcinoma, n = 5) or nonmalignant (chronic pancreatitis [CP], n = 15) origin. Ten patients with CBD obstruction due to biliary stones were included as controls. EV concentrations in samples were determined by nanoparticle tracking analyses. The discovery cohort comprised the first 10 patients with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, based on tissue analysis, and 10 consecutive controls. Using samples from these subjects, we identified a threshold concentration of bile EVs that could best discriminate between patients with pancreatic cancer from controls. We verified the diagnostic performance of bile EV concentration by analyzing samples from the 30 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of malignant (pancreatic cancer or cholangiocarcinoma, n = 15) or nonmalignant (CP, n = 15) CBD stenosis. Samples were compared using the Mann-Whitney test and nonparametric Spearman correlation analysis. Receiver operating characteristic area under the curve was used to determine diagnostic accuracy. In both cohorts, the median concentration of EVs was significantly higher in bile samples from patients with malignant CBD stenoses than controls or nonmalignant CBD stenoses (2.41 × 10 15 vs 1.60 × 10 14 nanoparticles/L in the discovery cohort; P bile best distinguished patients with malignant CBD from controls in the discovery cohort. In the verification cohort, this threshold discriminated

  16. Biatrial Cardiac Metastases in a Patient with Uterine Cervix Malignant Melanoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caglayan Geredeli


    Full Text Available Primary malignant melanomas of uterine cervix are quite rarely seen neoplasms, and long-life prognosis of patients with this disease is poor. Immunohistochemical methods and exclusion of other primary melanoma sites are used to confirm the diagnosis. As with other melanomas, cervix malignant melanomas may also cause cardiac metastases. Cardiac metastases are among rarely seen but more commonly encountered cases, compared to primary cardiac tumors. Here, we present a case of biatrial cardiac metastases in a 73-year-old patient with uterine cervix malignant melanomas. The patient underwent echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography. Our report shows the importance of advanced diagnostic techniques, such as cardiac magnetic resonance, not only for the detection of cardiac masses, but for a better anatomic definition and tissue characterization. Although the cases of malignant melanomas leading to multiple cardiac metastasis were reported in literature, the metastatic concurrence of malignant melanomas in both right and left atriums is quite rarely encountered as metastatic malignant melanomas. Also, another intriguing point in our case is that the primary lesion of our case was stemmed from uterine cervix, but not skin.

  17. Novel Indications for Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors, beyond Hematological Malignancies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Campbell


    Full Text Available Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK is a critical terminal enzyme in the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR pathway. BTK activation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of certain B-cell malignancies. Targeting this pathway has emerged as a novel target in B-cell malignancies, of which ibrutinib is the first-in-class agent. A few other BTK inhibitors (BTKi are also under development (e.g., acalabrutinib. While the predominant action of BTKi is the blockade of B-cell receptor pathway within malignant B-cells, increasing the knowledge of off-target effects as well as a potential role for B-cells in proliferation of solid malignancies is expanding the indication of BTKi into non-hematological malignancies. In addition to the expansion of the role of BTKi monotherapy, combination therapy strategies utilizing ibrutinib with established regimens and combination with modern immunotherapy compounds are being explored.

  18. Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma in two pediatric patients: MR imaging findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haliloglu, M.; Hoffer, F.A.; Fletcher, B.D.


    Malignant mesothelioma is a rare tumor in childhood. We present two cases of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma in which contrast-enhanced, fat-saturated magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used advantageously to detect peritoneal tumor involvement. (orig.)

  19. Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma in two pediatric patients: MR imaging findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haliloglu, M. [Dept. of Diagnostic Imaging, St. Jude Children' s Research Hospital, St. Memphis, TN (United States); Hoffer, F.A. [Dept. of Diagnostic Imaging, St. Jude Children' s Research Hospital, St. Memphis, TN (United States); Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Tennessee, Memphis, TN (United States); Fletcher, B.D. [Dept. of Diagnostic Imaging, St. Jude Children' s Research Hospital, St. Memphis, TN (United States); Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Tennessee, Memphis, TN (United States); Dept. of Pediatrics, Univ. of Tennessee, Memphis (United States)


    Malignant mesothelioma is a rare tumor in childhood. We present two cases of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma in which contrast-enhanced, fat-saturated magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used advantageously to detect peritoneal tumor involvement. (orig.)

  20. Oral malignant melanoma: a rare case with unusual clinical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Primary Oral malignant melanoma is a rare tumor with an indigent prognosis. This is a case report of 47-year-old Sudanese female diagnosed as Oral malignant melanoma of the mandible with an unusual pattern of growth and clinical presentation. Furthermore, a possibility of intraosseous origin is suggested. Pan African ...

  1. The clinical features and meningeal histochemistry of meningeal malignant melanosis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LIU Xue-wu; CHI Zhao-fu; ZHAO Xiu-he; WU Wei


    @@ Meningeal malignant melanosis is a meninges tumor that can produce melanin.Primary intracranial neurocutaneous melanosis is rare.It grows fast with a high degree of malignancy and is associated with earlier intracranial hypertension and meningeal irritation.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahul Shetty


    Full Text Available Xeroderma pigmentosum is a autosomal recessive genetic disorder in which cutaneous malignancies are very common. We report a rare case where four different varieties of cutaneous malignancies were seen in the same patient..

  3. Malignant atypical cell in urine cytology: a diagnostic dilemma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kakkar Nandita


    Full Text Available Abstract Aims The aim of this study was to find out the characteristic morphology of malignant atypical cells which were missed on routine cytology of urine. Materials and methods In this retrospective study, we examined detailed cytomorphology of 18 cases of atypical urinary cytology which were missed on routine examination and were further proved on histopathology as transitional cell carcinoma (TCC of bladder. The cytological features of these cases were compared with 10 cases of benign urine samples. Results There were 11 cases of high grade TCC and 7 cases of low grade TCC on histopathology of the atypical urine samples. Necrosis in the background and necrosed papillae were mostly seen in malignant atypical cells. The comet cells and cells with India ink nuclei (single cells with deep black structure-less nuclei were only observed in malignant atypical cells. The most consistent features in malignant atypical cells were: i high nuclear and cytoplasmic (N/C ratio ii nuclear pleomorphism iii nuclear margin irregularity iv hyperchromasia and v chromatin abnormalities Conclusion The present study emphasizes that nuclear features such as high N/C ratio, hyperchromasia and chromatin abnormalities are particularly useful for assessing the malignant atypical cells. Other cytological features such as comet cells and cells with India ink nuclei are also helpful for diagnosis but have limited value because they are less frequently seen.

  4. Magnetic resonance imaging in diffuse malignant bone marrow diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nyman, R.; Rehn, S.; Glimelius, B.; Hagberg, H.; Hemmingsson, A.; Jung, B.; Simonsson, B.; Sundstroem, C.

    Twenty-four patients with malignant bone marrow involvement or polycythemia vera, 8 patients with reactive bone marrow and 7 healthy individuals were examined with spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging at 0.35 T and 0.5 T. Signs of an increased longitudinal relaxation time, T1, were found when normal bone marrow was replaced by malignant cells, polycythemia vera or reactive marrow. A shortened T1 was indicated in 4 patients in bone marrow regions treated by radiation therapy; the marrow was most likely hypocellular in these cases. The estimated T1 relaxation times were highly correlated to the cellularity of the bone marrow as assessed by histology. Among patients with close to 100% cellularity neither T1 nor T2 discriminated between the various malignancies or between malignant and reactive, non-malignant bone marrow. Characterization of tissues in terms of normalized image intensities was also attempted, the motive being to avoid approximations and uncertainties in the assessment of T1 and T2. The normalization was carried out with respect to the image of highest intensity, i.e. the proton density weighted image. The results were in agreement with those for T1 and T2. It was concluded that MRI is valuable for assessing bone marrow cellularity, but not for differentiating between various bone marrow disorders having a similar degree of cellularity.

  5. Malignant tumours of the vulva

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simonsen, E.


    The thesis analyses 317 patients with vulvar malignancies treated at the University Hospital, Lund, during 1960-1979. The three most common histological types of malignancy have been analysed. The oncological clinic in Lund has since the 1960's used a surgical technique where the primary tumour and the regional lymph nodes are operated on in two separate surgical seances. The vulvectomy is performed with tarm knife technique, and the wound is left open. The 5-year crude survival rate for the entire patient material treated with curative intention was over 60 %, which agrees well with reports from other centres. Our surgical approach using two separate seances has, however, much lower rates of postoperative complications and mortality than the rates in other reports. The overall most important prognostic factors for the patients with invasive vulvar malignancies are the presence of lymphatic metastases at the time of surgery, and the surgical radicality of the primary surgery. The treatment at most stages of tumour development and most histological types should include total vulvectomy preoperative irradiation of the inguinal lymph nodes, and inguinal lymphadenectomy. Only local extirpation and hemivulvectomy are, however, indicated for small microinvasively growing squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Samll invasive onesided squamous cell carcinoma is best treated with ipsilateral surgery combined with preoperative irradiation of the inguinal lymph nodes. Patients with metastases in the inguinal lymph nodes should receive additional irradiation of the inguinal and pelvic lymph node stations. (Author)

  6. Symposium Ecological construction - from half-timbered- to passive house: living yesterday - today - tomorrow; Symposium Oekologische Bauweisen - vom Umgebinde- zum Passivhaus: Wohnen Gestern - Heute - Morgen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    While the first part of the symposium was dedicated to half-timbered buildings in the traditional style of Lausitz, Bohemia and Silesia, the second part discussed passive buildings. [German] Das Umgebindehaus ist ein weltweit einmaliger Haustyp und zum anderen ist es ein traditionelles Haus unserer Region der Oberlausitz und angrenzender Teile von Boehmen und Schlesien. Das Symposium behandelt das Umgebindehaus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart und will Motivation und Ansaetze geben, dieses wunderschoene Baukulturgut zu erhalten und unter modernen Wohn-, Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen zu nutzen. Der zweite Teil der Tagung ist nicht minder wichtig. Beim Passivhaus geht es im wesentlichen darum, Heizwaermeverluste im Winter so klein zu halten, dass sie von den Gewinnen (Sonnenenergie, inneres Waermeaufkommen u.a.) gedeckt werden koennen. Damit wird der Waermeschutz des Gebaeudes vielleicht bis an die Grenzen getrieben und es entstehen neue Anforderungen an das Energiemanagement und die Qualitaet der technischen Gebaeudeausruestung. (orig.)

  7. Meiosis in hematological malignancies. In situ cytogenetic morphology


    Logothetou-Rella, H.


    This is the first study on the in situ cytogenetic morphology and analysis of malignant bone marrow cells, growing attached on a culture vessel surface. It was documented that bone marrow cells, in different types of hematological malignancies, divide by meiosis giving rise to a non-repetitive aneuploidy. Male and female gametes are formed by meiosis and fertilization occurs in a life cycle of: Fertilization Meiosis Gametes - Embryo - Gametes Immature a...

  8. Automated objective determination of percentage of malignant nuclei for mutation testing. (United States)

    Viray, Hollis; Coulter, Madeline; Li, Kevin; Lane, Kristin; Madan, Aruna; Mitchell, Kisha; Schalper, Kurt; Hoyt, Clifford; Rimm, David L


    Detection of DNA mutations in tumor tissue can be a critical companion diagnostic test before prescription of a targeted therapy. Each method for detection of these mutations is associated with an analytic sensitivity that is a function of the percentage of tumor cells present in the specimen. Currently, tumor cell percentage is visually estimated resulting in an ordinal and highly variant result for a biologically continuous variable. We proposed that this aspect of DNA mutation testing could be standardized by developing a computer algorithm capable of accurately determining the percentage of malignant nuclei in an image of a hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue. Using inForm software, we developed an algorithm, to calculate the percentage of malignant cells in histologic specimens of colon adenocarcinoma. A criterion standard was established by manually counting malignant and benign nuclei. Three pathologists also estimated the percentage of malignant nuclei in each image. Algorithm #9 had a median deviation from the criterion standard of 5.4% on the training set and 6.2% on the validation set. Compared with pathologist estimation, Algorithm #9 showed a similar ability to determine percentage of malignant nuclei. This method represents a potential future tool to assist in determining the percent of malignant nuclei present in a tissue section. Further validation of this algorithm or an improved algorithm may have value to more accurately assess percentage of malignant cells for companion diagnostic mutation testing.

  9. Circulating Microparticles in Patients with Benign and Malignant Ovarian Tumors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rank, A.; Liebhardt, S.; Zwirner, J.; Burges, A.; Nieuwland, R.; Toth, B.


    Background: Microparticles are known to be increased in various malignancies. In this prospective study, microparticle levels were evaluated in patients with benign and malignant ovarian lesions. Patients and Methods: Microparticles from platelets/megakaryocytes, activated platelets and endothelial

  10. Technical and economic aspects of fuel cell applications in space HVAC systems; Technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte zum Einsatz von Brennstoffzellen in der Gebaeudeversorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Handke, J; Handschin, E


    There are two different types of fuel cells for small-scale applications, li.e. polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and high-termperature fuel cells with ceramic solid electrolytes (SOFC). Both types of fuel cells have different advantages and shortcomings. One of the main problems, however, is the fact that research is still going on and that commercial fuel cell systems for space HVAC applications are still not available. (orig.) [Deutsch] Nach dem heutigen Stand werden zwei unterschiedliche Brennstoffzellen-Typen zum Einsatz in Kleinanlagen entwickelt. Neben der zu Klasse der Niedertemperatur-Brennstoffzellen gehoerenden Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brennstoffzelle (PEMFC) ist dies die Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzelle auf der Basis eines keramischen Festelektrolyten (SOFC). Beide Brennstoffzellen-Typen haben unterschiedliche Vor- und Nachteile fuer den Einsatz zur Gebaeudeversorgung. Eines der Hauptprobleme, das allerdings beide Zellentypen gemeinsam haben, besteht in der noch nicht abgeschlossenen Entwicklung und - daraus resultierend - der fehlenden kommerziellen Verfuegbarkeit im Bereich der Gebaeudeversorgung. (orig./MM)

  11. Tumor Metabolism of Malignant Gliomas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ru, Peng; Williams, Terence M.; Chakravarti, Arnab; Guo, Deliang, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center & Arthur G James Cancer Hospital, Columbus, OH 43012 (United States)


    Constitutively activated oncogenic signaling via genetic mutations such as in the EGFR/PI3K/Akt and Ras/RAF/MEK pathways has been recognized as a major driver for tumorigenesis in most cancers. Recent insights into tumor metabolism have further revealed that oncogenic signaling pathways directly promote metabolic reprogramming to upregulate biosynthesis of lipids, carbohydrates, protein, DNA and RNA, leading to enhanced growth of human tumors. Therefore, targeting cell metabolism has become a novel direction for drug development in oncology. In malignant gliomas, metabolism pathways of glucose, glutamine and lipid are significantly reprogrammed. Moreover, molecular mechanisms causing these metabolic changes are just starting to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent studies revealing critical gene alterations that lead to metabolic changes in malignant gliomas, and also discuss promising therapeutic strategies via targeting the key players in metabolic regulation.

  12. Tumor Metabolism of Malignant Gliomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ru, Peng; Williams, Terence M.; Chakravarti, Arnab; Guo, Deliang


    Constitutively activated oncogenic signaling via genetic mutations such as in the EGFR/PI3K/Akt and Ras/RAF/MEK pathways has been recognized as a major driver for tumorigenesis in most cancers. Recent insights into tumor metabolism have further revealed that oncogenic signaling pathways directly promote metabolic reprogramming to upregulate biosynthesis of lipids, carbohydrates, protein, DNA and RNA, leading to enhanced growth of human tumors. Therefore, targeting cell metabolism has become a novel direction for drug development in oncology. In malignant gliomas, metabolism pathways of glucose, glutamine and lipid are significantly reprogrammed. Moreover, molecular mechanisms causing these metabolic changes are just starting to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent studies revealing critical gene alterations that lead to metabolic changes in malignant gliomas, and also discuss promising therapeutic strategies via targeting the key players in metabolic regulation

  13. Solitary fibrous tumour of pleura: CT differentiation of benign and malignant types. (United States)

    Gupta, A; Souza, C A; Sekhon, H S; Gomes, M M; Hare, S S; Agarwal, P P; Kanne, J P; Seely, J M


    To analyse and compare the computed tomography (CT) features of benign and malignant types of histopathologically proven cases of solitary fibrous tumours of pleura (SFTP). Retrospective analysis of preoperative CT images of 28 cases of histopathologically proven and classified SFTP from three participating institutions was performed. Patient demographics and lesion characteristics including size, borders, presence of a pedicle, extension into the fissure, attenuation, enhancement, pleural effusion, and calcifications were recorded and correlated with the final histopathological diagnosis. Type and results of preoperative biopsy were also recorded. Follow-up imaging and the clinical charts were reviewed to identify recurrence. Out of 28 cases (15 women and 13 men), 18 were proven to be benign and 10 were malignant. The mean age of patients was 58.1±15.9 and 66.5±11.8 years (p=0.1564) for benign and malignant tumours, respectively. The median (interquartile range) diameter was 6.05 (3.2-10.9) cm for benign and 15.7 (7.1-17.5) cm for malignant type tumours (p=0.0291). Tumours had lobulate borders in 28% (5/18) of benign cases and in 80% (8/10) of malignant cases (p=0.0163). Extension into adjacent fissure was seen in 22% (4/18) of benign lesions and 40% (4/10) of malignant lesions (p=0.40). A pedicle was present in 17% (3/18) of benign and 10% (1/10) of malignant lesions (p=1). Heterogeneous attenuation was present in 61% (11/18) of benign and 90% (9/10) of malignant lesions (p=0.19). Calcification was present in 17% (3/18) of benign tumours and in 70% (7/10) of malignant tumours (p=0.0113). Pleural effusion was present in 6% (1/18) of benign and 40% (4/10) of malignant lesions (p=0.04). Only 1/13 preoperative fine-needle aspirates yielded diagnosis of SFTP. Preoperative diagnosis of SFTP was made in all cases (11/11) with core biopsies. At follow-up (1-10 years, mean 3 years), local recurrence occurred in 3/6 (50%) patients with malignant SFTP and in none of the

  14. Malignant Giant Cell Tumour of Bone with Axillary Metastasis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 6, 2002 ... SUMMARY. Giant Cell Tumour of bone is a typically benign and solitary tumour. However, multiple lesions have been described and 5-10% of lesions may be malignant. We present a case of a malignant giant cell tumour of the distal radius with metastasis to the ipsilateral axilla (an uncommon location).

  15. Giant metastasizing malignant hidradenoma in a child

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sunil K Bajaj


    Full Text Available An 8-year-old girl presented with a scalp swelling. The swelling was recurrent, reappearing everytime after local excision. She underwent surgery and the histopathologic diagnosis was malignant hidradenoma. This very rare and aggressive tumor is known to occur in elderly population and is histopathologically distinct from its commonly occuring benign counterpart. Malignant hidradenoma is resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We empahsize that being cognizant of the possibility of this rare tumor would assist in timely action in the form of wide resection, with possible reduction in morbidity and mortality.

  16. Malignancy in scleroderma patients from south west England: a population-based cohort study.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Siau, Keith


    The pathophysiological relationship between scleroderma and malignancy remains poorly understood. Although some previous studies have demonstrated an increased malignancy risk in patients with scleroderma, others have been inconclusive. We aimed to determine if patients with scleroderma had an increased risk of malignancy compared to an age- and sex-matched local South West England population, and if there were any important differences between scleroderma patients with and without malignancy. Methods of this study are as follows. Notes were obtained on all local scleroderma patients (n = 68) locally, and those diagnosed with malignancy verified by contacting each patient\\'s general practitioner. Expected malignancy figures were obtained from age- and sex-stratified regional prevalence data provided by the South West Cancer Intelligence Service registry. Among the patients, 22.1% with scleroderma were identified with concurrent malignancy. Affected sites were of the breast (n = 5), haematological system (n = 5), skin (n = 4), and unknown primary (n = 1). Overall, malignancy risk was found to be increased in scleroderma (RR = 3.15, 95% CI 1.77-5.20, p = 0.01). In particular, this risk was the highest for haematological malignancies (RR = 18.5, 95% CI 6-43, p = 0.03), especially for non-Hodgkin\\'s lymphoma (RR = 25.8, 95% CI 5-75, p = 0.10). The majority of patients (86.7%) developed malignancy after the onset of scleroderma (mean = 6.9 years). Age of >70 and patients with limited scleroderma were significant risk factors for a patient with scleroderma to have a concurrent malignancy; however, no increased risk was found in patients with any particular pattern of organ involvement, cytotoxic usage or serology. To conclude, in this small patient cohort, we have found that scleroderma is associated with an increased risk of malignancy. This risk is statistically significant in patients with limited scleroderma. Patients who are elderly and those with limited disease

  17. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in benign and malignant orbital masses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Jian; Wang Zhenchang; Xian Junfang; Niu Yantao; Zhao Bo; Yan Fei; Liu Zhonglin; Yang Bentao


    Objective: To analyse the characteristics of orbital benign and malignant masses on diffusion weighted imaging in combination with conventional MR imaging and evaluate the diagnostic value of apparent diffusion coefficient in distinguishing benign and malignant orbital lesions. Methods: Seventy- seven cases with orbital masses, including fifty-five benign lesions and twenty-two malignant tumors, who underwent conventional MRI and diffusion imaging scanning were studied with use of a 1.5 T magnetic resonance system. Quantitative ADC measurements of masses (ADCM) and of the white matter of contralateral temporal lobe (ADC w ) were made with two different b-values of 0 and 1000 s/mm 2 . The ADC ratio (ADCR) of the lesion to the control was calculated. The receiver operating characteristic curves(ROC) were constructed using various cut points of ADCM and ADCR for different parameters to differentiate between benign and malignant masses. The area under the ROC curve for each parameter was also calculated. Results: All cases were proved by histopathology. The mean ADCM and ADCR of benign orbital masses were (1.56 ± 0.75) x 10 -3 mm 2 /s and 1.85 ± 0.91, respectively. The mean ADCM and ADCR of malignant orbital masses were (1.09 ± 0.42) x 10 -3 mm 2 /s and 1.28 ± 0.53, respectively. There were significant difference both between ADCM and ADCR of benign and malignant masses (t=2.803, 2.735, P -3 mm 2 /s for ADC M of the tumor, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 59.1%, 78.2% and 72.7%, respectively. And by using cut point of 1.24 for ADCR, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 59.1%, 76.4%, 71.4%, respectively. Conclusion: Diffusion MR imaging and ADC value could provide additional information for conventional magnetic resonance imaging in distinguishing benign and malignant orbital masses. (authors)

  18. Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Malignant versus Benign Portal Vein Thrombosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, Jhii-Hyun; Yu, Jeong-Sik; Cho, Eun-Suk; Chung, Jae-Joon; Kim, Joo Hee; Kim, Ki Whang [Department of Radiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Seoul 06273 (Korea, Republic of)


    To validate the diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) for differentiation of benign from malignant portal vein thrombosis. The Institutional Review Board approved this retrospective study and waived informed consent. A total of 59 consecutive patients (52 men and 7 women, aged 40–85 years) with grossly defined portal vein thrombus (PVT) on hepatic MRI were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, liver cirrhosis was found in 45 patients, and hepatocellular carcinoma in 47 patients. DWI was performed using b values of 50 and 800 sec/mm{sup 2} at 1.5-T unit. A thrombus was considered malignant if it enhanced on dynamic CT or MRI; otherwise, it was considered bland. There were 18 bland thrombi and 49 malignant thrombi in 59 patients, including 8 patients with simultaneous benign and malignant PVT. Mean apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of benign and malignant PVTs were compared by using Mann-Whitney U test. Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The mean ADC ± standard deviation of bland and malignant PVT were 1.00 ± 0.39 × 10{sup -3} mm{sup 2}/sec and 0.92 ± 0.25 × 10{sup -3} mm{sup 2}/sec, respectively; without significant difference (p = 0.799). The area under ROC curve for ADC was 0.520. An ADC value of > 1.35 × 10{sup -3} mm{sup 2}/sec predicted bland PVT with a specificity of 94.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 84.9–98.9%) and a sensitivity of 22.2% (95% CI: 6.4–47.6%), respectively. Due to the wide range and considerable overlap of the ADCs, DWI cannot differentiate the benign from malignant thrombi efficiently.

  19. Efficient adenovector CD40 ligand immunotherapy of canine malignant melanoma. (United States)

    von Euler, Henrik; Sadeghi, Arian; Carlsson, Björn; Rivera, Patricio; Loskog, Angelica; Segall, Thomas; Korsgren, Olle; Tötterman, Thomas H


    Cutaneous canine melanomas are usually benign in contrast to human malignant melanoma. However, the canine oropharyngeal, uveal, and mucocutaneous neoplasms are aggressive and have metastatic potential. Surgery and to a lesser extent radiotherapy and chemotherapy are widely adopted treatments but are seldom curative in advanced stages. The similarities between human and canine melanoma make spontaneous canine melanoma an excellent disease model for exploring novel therapies. Herein, we report the first 2 adenovector CD40L immunogene (AdCD40L) treatments of aggressive canine malignant melanoma. Case no. 1 was an advanced stage III oral melanoma that was cured from malignant melanoma with 2 intratumor AdCD40L injections before cytoreductive surgery. After treatment, the tumor tissue was infiltrated with T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes suggesting immune activation. This dog survived 401 days after the first round of gene therapy and was free of melanoma at autopsy. Case no. 2 had a conjunctival malignant melanoma with a rapid progression. This case was treated with 6 AdCD40L injections over 60 days. One hundred and twenty days after start of gene therapy and 60 days after the last injection, the tumor had regressed dramatically, and the dog had a minimal tumor mass and no signs of progression or metastasis. Our results indicate that AdCD40L immunogene therapy is beneficial in canine malignant melanoma and could be considered for human malignant melanoma as well.

  20. Personality of outpatients with malignant tumors: a cross-sectional study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Zhuo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There have been scarce large-scale studies investigating the personality of patients with malignant tumors. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristic personality in malignant tumors outpatients. Methods Three thousand and three among 5013 consecutive outpatients who consented to answer the Japanese Maudsley Personality Inventory questionnaires were divided into two groups. 603 outpatients diagnosed with malignant tumors (M group and the other 2400 outpatients (non-M group were enrolled in this study. We determined three scores such as introversion/extroversion (E-score, neuroticism (N-score, and lie detection (L-score. All data were used to compare the two groups. Results Average E-score was slightly higher, and average N-score was slightly lower in M group than that in non-M group, and no significant differences between the two groups. However, the average L-score in M group was significant higher than that in non-M group (p  Conclusion Outpatients with malignant tumors showed a significantly higher L-score on MPI when compared with patients with non-malignant tumors. These results stress the importance of taking the mentality of patients with cancer into consideration when conducting treatment and care.

  1. Dose management in radiology. Review of the technological status; Dosismanagement in der Radiologie. Ein Ueberblick zum Stand der Technik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verius, M. [LKH Innsbruck, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Innsbruck (Austria)


    The Euratom directive 2013/59 (''EU directive for radiation protection'') has to be implemented into national law by spring 2018 and requires a complete recording of patient dosages and relevant parameters. Additionally, a medical physics expert has to be consulted for each radiological examination above a defined threshold. A complete recording of the dosage administered from all modalities and optimization of the radiological procedures should result in a reduction of the total dosage. This can be achieved by automated systems that incorporate not only the detection of the dose parameters but also the evaluation and analysis of these data. When provided with warning levels such a system should be able to inform or warn the operator when dose thresholds have been exceeded or even better inform the operator about possible excess dosages before an examination. Depending on the information provided by the modality, dose management systems can operate at different levels in the picture archiving and communication system (PACS), radiological and hospital information systems (RIS/HIS) or with the header information of a digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) image and evaluate and analyze this data. A practicable use of such systems is only possible by close cooperation of medical personnel, medical physicists and information technology (IT) administrators. Various systems are available commercially or free but an individual adaptation of these systems is useful and necessary, depending on the requirements of the radiology practice or hospital. (orig.) [German] Die Euratom-Richtlinie 2013/59 (''EU-Richtlinie zum Strahlenschutz'') besagt, dass sie bis zum Fruehjahr 2018 in nationales Recht der Mitgliedstaaten umgesetzt werden muss, d. h. eine lueckenlose Erfassung der Patientendosen zu erfolgen hat. Ausserdem muss zu jeder Modalitaet in einem bestimmten Ausmass ein Medizinphysikexperte hinzugezogen werden. Die

  2. CT features of invasion of sublingual space by malignant oropharyngeal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Yi; Xiao Jiahe; Zhou Xiangping; Deng Kaihong


    Objective: To investigate the CT features of the invasion of sublingual space by malignant oropharyngeal tumors in order to provide more accurate information for clinical treatment. Methods: Fifty-eight cases of pathologically proven malignant oropharyngeal tumors were collected and retrospectively analyzed. Results: Among all the cases, invasion of sublingual space by malignant oropharyngeal tumors could be seen in 14 cases, of which, 7 cases got access to sublingual space through tongue base, 3 cases through parapharyngeal space, 2 cases through pterygomandibular raphe, 2 cases through uncertain routes. Invasion of sublingual space manifested on CT scan as obliteration of fat plane in sublingual space and involvement of the sublingual vessels in the space. Conclusion: Malignant oropharyngeal tumors can invade the adjacent sublingual space via tongue base, pterygomandibular raphe, and parapharyngeal space. The invasion of sublingual space by malignant oropharyngeal tumors manifests in CT as effacement of sublingual fat plane and envelopment of hyoid artery

  3. Radiologically placed tunneled peritoneal catheter in palliation of malignant ascites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akinci, Devrim; Erol, Bekir; Ciftci, Tuerkmen T.; Akhan, Okan


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate retrospectively the safety and effectiveness of radiologically placed tunneled peritoneal catheter in palliation of malignant ascites. Between July 2005 and June 2009, 41 tunneled peritoneal catheters were placed under ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic guidance in 40 patients (mean age, 55 years; 22 women) who had symptomatic malignant ascites. No procedure related mortality was observed. Major complication occurred in one patient (2.5%) in the form of serious bacterial peritonitis that necessitated catheter removal. Minor complications such as minor bacterial peritonitis, catheter dislodgement, tunnel infection, and catheter blockage occurred in 11 patients (27.5%). The mean duration of survival after catheter placement was 11.8 weeks. All patients expired of their primary malignancies in the follow-up. Radiologically placed tunneled peritoneal catheter is safe and effective in palliation of symptomatic malignant ascites.

  4. Radiologically placed tunneled peritoneal catheter in palliation of malignant ascites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akinci, Devrim; Erol, Bekir; Ciftci, Tuerkmen T. [Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, 06100 Ankara (Turkey); Akhan, Okan, E-mail: [Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, 06100 Ankara (Turkey)


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate retrospectively the safety and effectiveness of radiologically placed tunneled peritoneal catheter in palliation of malignant ascites. Between July 2005 and June 2009, 41 tunneled peritoneal catheters were placed under ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic guidance in 40 patients (mean age, 55 years; 22 women) who had symptomatic malignant ascites. No procedure related mortality was observed. Major complication occurred in one patient (2.5%) in the form of serious bacterial peritonitis that necessitated catheter removal. Minor complications such as minor bacterial peritonitis, catheter dislodgement, tunnel infection, and catheter blockage occurred in 11 patients (27.5%). The mean duration of survival after catheter placement was 11.8 weeks. All patients expired of their primary malignancies in the follow-up. Radiologically placed tunneled peritoneal catheter is safe and effective in palliation of symptomatic malignant ascites.

  5. Impact of hypothyroidism on primary anal malignant melanoma: A rare entity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siddharth Singh


    Full Text Available Primary melanoma of the anal canal is rare and highly malignant condition, which is 1% of all invasive tumors in this site. This condition is often mistaken for benign conditions as either hemorrhoids or rectal polyp. Thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulation causes high proliferation of malignant melanoma. The association of hypothyroidism with primary malignant melanoma of anal canal is very rare. We are reporting such a very rare case.

  6. Impact of hypothyroidism on primary anal malignant melanoma: a rare entity. (United States)

    Singh, Siddharth; Verma, Satyajeet; Kala, Sanjay


    Primary melanoma of the anal canal is rare and highly malignant condition, which is 1% of all invasive tumors in this site. This condition is often mistaken for benign conditions as either hemorrhoids or rectal polyp. Thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulation causes high proliferation of malignant melanoma. The association of hypothyroidism with primary malignant melanoma of anal canal is very rare. We are reporting such a very rare case.

  7. Can diffusion-weighted imaging distinguish between benign and malignant pediatric liver tumors?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caro-Dominguez, Pablo; Chavhan, Govind B. [University of Toronto, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, The Hospital for Sick Children, Medical Imaging, Toronto, ON (Canada); Gupta, Abha A. [The Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Toronto, ON (Canada)


    There are limited data on utility of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in the evaluation of pediatric liver lesions. To determine whether qualitative and quantitative DWI can be used to differentiate benign and malignant pediatric liver lesions. We retrospectively reviewed MRIs in children with focal liver lesions to qualitatively evaluate lesions noting diffusion restriction, T2 shine-through, increased diffusion, hypointensity on DWI and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps, and intermediate signal on both, and to measure ADC values. Pathology confirmation or a combination of clinical, laboratory and imaging features, and follow-up was used to determine final diagnosis. We included 112 focal hepatic lesions in 89 children (median age 11.5 years, 51 female), of which 92 lesions were benign and 20 malignant. Interobserver agreement was almost perfect for both qualitative (kappa 0.8735) and quantitative (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] 0.96) diffusion assessment. All malignant lesions showed diffusion restriction. Most benign lesions other than abscesses were not restricted. There was significant association of qualitative restriction with malignancy and non-restriction with benignancy (Fisher exact test P<0.0001). Mean normalized ADC values of malignant lesions (1.23 x 10{sup -3} mm{sup 2}/s) were lower than benign lesions (1.62 x 10{sup -3} mm{sup 2}/s; Student's t-test, P<0.015). However, there was significant overlap of ADC between benign and malignant lesions, with wide range for each diagnosis. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.63 for predicting malignancy using an ADC cut-off value of ≤1.20 x 10{sup -3} mm{sup 2}/s, yielding a sensitivity of 78% and a specificity of 54% for differentiating malignant from benign lesions. Qualitative diffusion restriction in pediatric liver lesions is a good predictor of malignancy and can help to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions

  8. Simple mucin-type carbohydrates in normal and malignant human endometrium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, V; Mandel, U; Svenstrup, B


    The simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens, Tn, sialosyl-Tn, and T, are tumor-associated antigens of adenocarcinomas. We evaluated by immunohistochemistry the expression of Tn, sialosyl-Tn (s-Tn), T, and sialosyl-T (s-T) antigens in normal nonsecretory, early gestational, and malignant human...... and malignant endometrium, and the expression of s-T antigen was positively correlated with E2 levels in serum. Our findings suggest a hormonal influence on expression of simple mucin-type carbohydrates in human endometrium. However, the accumulation of Tn and s-Tn antigens in malignant endometrial cells seem...

  9. Tumor registry data, Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1957-1959: malignant neoplasms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harada, Tomin; Ide, Masao; Ishida, Morihiro; Troup, G M


    The report concerns three aspects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Tumor Registry data, 1957-1959: comparability, reliability and validity of incidence rates of malignant neoplasms obtained from the Tumor Registries and various statistical problems of registered data related to the Life Span Study sample and Adult Health Study sample; incidence rates of main site of malignant neoplasms obtained from the Tumor Registries are compared with those of the United States and Denmark; and incidence of malignant neoplasm among Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bomb survivors. 15 references, 7 figures, 30 tables.

  10. Pembuatan Dokumen Sop Keamanan Aset Informasi Yang Mengacu Pada Kontrol Kerangka Kerja Iso 27002:2013 (Studi Kasus : Cv Cempaka Tulungagung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dheni Indra Rachmawan


    Full Text Available Dalam mendukung proses bisnis utamanya, suatu organisasi membutuhkan adanya dukungan teknologi informasi. Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi di banyak perusahaan telah menjadi satu hal penting dalam meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi operasional bisnis yang mendukung tercapainya tujuan perusahaan, termasuk juga pada CV Cempaka Tulungagung. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keamanan aset informasi tersebut maka diperlukan adanya sebuah tata kelola dalam bentuk dokumen SOP (Standard Operating Procedure keamanan aset informasi untuk mengurangi adanya ancaman dan risiko serta untuk mendukung penyelarasan pencapaian tujuan organisasi dalam proses bisnisnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu OCTAVE sebagai pengolah hasil informasi yang didapatkan dari wawancara dan FMEA digunakan untuk menghitung seberapa tinggi dampak untuk perusahaan jika risiko itu terjadi dan membuat ranking prioritas untuk masing-masing risiko. Kemudian basis yang digunakan dalam membuat prosedur kendali akses aset informasi sebagai manajemen risiko adalah kerangka kerja ISO/IEC:27002:2013. Dalam penelitian ini, hasil akhir yang didapatkan adalah sebuah dokumen SOP yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan keamanan informasi bagi perusahaan CV Cempaka berdasarkan pada kontrol kerangka kerja ISO27002:2013.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bharathi Mohan Mathan


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Malignancies of larynx are an increasing global burden with a distribution of approximately 2-5% of all malignancies with an incidence of 3.6/1,00,000 for men and 1.3/1,00,000 for women with a male-to-female ratio of 4:1. Smoking and alcohol are major established risk factors. More than 90-95% of all malignancies are squamous cell type. Three main subsite of laryngeal malignancies are glottis, supraglottis and subglottis. Improved surgical techniques and advanced chemoradiotherapy has increased the overall 5 year survival rate. The above study is statistical analysis of laryngeal malignancies at our institution for a period of one year and analysis of pattern of distribution, aetiology, sites and subsites and causes for recurrence. MATERIALS AND METHODS Based on the statistical data available in the institution for the period of one year from January 2016-December 2016, all laryngeal malignancies were analysed with respect to demographic pattern, age, gender, site, subsite, aetiology, staging, treatment received and probable cause for failure of treatment. Patients were followed up for 12 months period during the study. RESULTS Total number of cases studied are 27 (twenty seven. Male cases are 23 and female cases are 4, male-to-female ratio is 5.7:1, most common age is above 60 years, most common site is supraglottis, most common type is moderately-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, most common cause for relapse or recurrence is advanced stage of disease and poor differentiation. CONCLUSION The commonest age occurrence at the end of the study is above 60 years and male-to-female ratio is 5.7:1, which is slightly above the international standards. Most common site is supraglottis and not glottis. The relapse and recurrences are higher compared to the international standards.

  12. primary malignant amelanotic melanoma arising from a vitiligo patch

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    May 5, 2014 ... Malignant melanoma is a rare tumour in people of. African descent including those affected by albinism. (1). The incidence of malignant melanoma in Africans is estimated to ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 per 100,000 people (2). Acrolentiginous melanoma is the most common type of melanoma in this population.

  13. Positive malignant margins in clinically diagnosed and excised be ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was aimed at utilizing retrospective descriptive data to evaluate the percentage of clini-cally benign breast lumps that turned out to be histologically malignant and the prevalence of posi-tive tumour margins among the malignant cases. A total of 2,917 registered cases of excised breast lump at the Department of ...

  14. Association betweeen parental occupational exposure and childhood malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishi, Reiko; Miyake, Hirotsugu


    The question whether occupational exposure of parents to chemicals, electromagnetism and radiation causes malignant disease in their offspring has gained much interest. The findings to date, however, have been conflicting perhaps due to differences in the methods employed in these studies. A review was made on 16 cause-control epidemiological studies. In 11 studies significant relation was observed between malignant tumor (leukemia, brain tumor and others) and occupational exposure to hydrocarbons, spray paint or other chemicals, ionizing radiation and electromagnetism. Conversely, no association was observed in five studies, in which different populations, different techniques, and different control groups were employed. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of occupational exposure of the parents to chemicals and other agents to the development of malignant tumors in their offspring in relation to the employed epidemiological methodology. (author) 57 refs

  15. Primary malignant intramedullary lymphoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orrego P, E.; Heinicke Y, H.; Arbaiza A, D.; Yepez R, V.


    A case of primary malignant intramedullary lymphoma, localized in the dorsal part of the spinal cord is presented. The clinical symptoms were associated with motor and sensitive deficit. Clinical investigations excluded the presence of lymphoma in other locations in the central nervous system and the extra neural organs. Postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy improved relict neurological symptoms. (authors)

  16. Usefulness of FDG PET/CT in determining benign from malignant endobronchial obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Arthur; Kang, Won Jun; Cho, Ho Jin; Lee, Jae-hoon; Yun, Mijin; Lee, Jong Doo; Hur, Jin


    To evaluate the usefulness of FDG PET/CT to differentiate malignant endobronchial lesions with distal atelectasis from benign bronchial stenosis. This retrospective study reviewed 84 patients who underwent contrast-enhanced chest CT and then PET/CT and had histological (n = 81) or follow-up imaging (n = 3) confirmation. Two chest radiologists reviewed initial chest CT and determined endobronchial lesions to be malignant or benign. Two nuclear medicine physicians reviewed PET/CT for FDG uptake at the obstruction site and measured SUV. Malignancy was considered when increased FDG uptake was seen in the obstruction site, regardless of FDG within the atelectatic lung. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of chest CT was 95%, 48% and 84%, compared with 95%, 91% and 94% for PET/CT. Benign obstructive lesions showed statistically lower FDG uptake than malignant obstructions (benign SUV 2.5 ± 0.84; malignant SUV 11.8 ± 5.95, p < 0.001). ROC analysis showed an SUV cut-off value of 3.4 with highest sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 91%. Increased FDG PET/CT uptake at the obstruction site indicates a high probability of malignancy, while benign lesions show low FDG uptake. Careful evaluation of FDG uptake pattern at the obstruction site is helpful in the differentiation between benign and malignant endobronchial lesions. (orig.)

  17. Usefulness of FDG PET/CT in determining benign from malignant endobronchial obstruction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Arthur; Kang, Won Jun; Cho, Ho Jin; Lee, Jae-hoon; Yun, Mijin; Lee, Jong Doo [Yonsei University Health System, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Hur, Jin [Yonsei University Health System, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the usefulness of FDG PET/CT to differentiate malignant endobronchial lesions with distal atelectasis from benign bronchial stenosis. This retrospective study reviewed 84 patients who underwent contrast-enhanced chest CT and then PET/CT and had histological (n = 81) or follow-up imaging (n = 3) confirmation. Two chest radiologists reviewed initial chest CT and determined endobronchial lesions to be malignant or benign. Two nuclear medicine physicians reviewed PET/CT for FDG uptake at the obstruction site and measured SUV. Malignancy was considered when increased FDG uptake was seen in the obstruction site, regardless of FDG within the atelectatic lung. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of chest CT was 95%, 48% and 84%, compared with 95%, 91% and 94% for PET/CT. Benign obstructive lesions showed statistically lower FDG uptake than malignant obstructions (benign SUV 2.5 {+-} 0.84; malignant SUV 11.8 {+-} 5.95, p < 0.001). ROC analysis showed an SUV cut-off value of 3.4 with highest sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 91%. Increased FDG PET/CT uptake at the obstruction site indicates a high probability of malignancy, while benign lesions show low FDG uptake. Careful evaluation of FDG uptake pattern at the obstruction site is helpful in the differentiation between benign and malignant endobronchial lesions. (orig.)

  18. BMVC test, an improved fluorescence assay for detection of malignant pleural effusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, I-Ting; Tsai, Yu-Lin; Kang, Chi-Chih; Huang, Wei-Chun; Wang, Chiung-Lin; Lin, Mei-Ying; Lou, Pei-Jen; Shih, Jin-Yuan; Wang, Hao-Chien; Wu, Huey-Dong; Tsai, Tzu-Hsiu; Jan, I-Shiow; Chang, Ta-Chau


    The diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions is an important issue in the management of malignancy patients. Generally, cytologic examination is a routine diagnostic technique. However, morphological interpretation of cytology is sometimes inconclusive. Here an ancillary method named BMVC test is developed for rapid detection of malignant pleural effusion to improve the diagnostic accuracy at low cost. A simple assay kit is designed to collect living cells from clinical pleural effusion and a fluorescence probe, 3,6-Bis(1-methyl-4-vinylpyridinium) carbazole diiodide (BMVC), is used to illuminate malignant cells. The fluorescence intensity is quantitatively analyzed by ImageJ program. This method yields digital numbers for the test results without any grey zone or ambiguities in the current cytology tests due to intra-observer and inter-observer variability. Comparing with results from double-blind cytologic examination, this simple test gives a good discrimination between malignant and benign specimens with sensitivity of 89.4% (42/47) and specificity of 93.3% (56/60) for diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion. BMVC test provides accurate results in a short time period, and the digital output could assist cytologic examination to become more objective and clear-cut. This is a convenient ancillary tool for detection of malignant pleural effusions

  19. Percutaneous cryotherapy for inoperable lung malignancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Eun Hae; Jin, Gong Yong; Han, Young Min; Lee, Yong Chul; Kwon, Keun Sang [Chonbuk National Univ. Medical School and Hospital, Jeonju, (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of percutaneous cryotherapy for inoperable patients with malignant pulmonary nodules. We enrolled 14 patients (7 males, 7 females, average age 68.8 years) who had inoperable lung malignancy in this study from August 2006 through July 2009. We evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of cryotherapy for complete or incomplete ablation by follow up chest CT. Using Kaplan Meier statistical methods, we estimated the survival of patients who had undergone cryotherapy and we investigated post cryotherapy complications. Five of the 14 patients underwent complete ablation (35.7%), while 9 of 14 patients underwent incomplete ablation (64.3%). The change in mean size before procedure and at last follow up CT in the complete and incomplete ablation were as follows: 13.2 {+-} 7.6 mm {yields} 3.8 {+-} 2.7 mm, and 18.1 {+-} 6.2 mm {yields} 33.7 {+-} 17.9 mm, respectively. The median survival of patients in the complete and the incomplete groups were 51.5 months and 24 months, respectively. One patient developed a small pneumothorax, which resolved spontaneously. Two patients developed hemoptysis after the procedure, which was controlled within a day. Percutaneous cryotherapy may be an effective and safe therapeutic method for inoperable patients with malignant pulmonary nodules.

  20. Percutaneous cryotherapy for inoperable lung malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Eun Hae; Jin, Gong Yong; Han, Young Min; Lee, Yong Chul; Kwon, Keun Sang


    To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of percutaneous cryotherapy for inoperable patients with malignant pulmonary nodules. We enrolled 14 patients (7 males, 7 females, average age 68.8 years) who had inoperable lung malignancy in this study from August 2006 through July 2009. We evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of cryotherapy for complete or incomplete ablation by follow up chest CT. Using Kaplan Meier statistical methods, we estimated the survival of patients who had undergone cryotherapy and we investigated post cryotherapy complications. Five of the 14 patients underwent complete ablation (35.7%), while 9 of 14 patients underwent incomplete ablation (64.3%). The change in mean size before procedure and at last follow up CT in the complete and incomplete ablation were as follows: 13.2 ± 7.6 mm → 3.8 ± 2.7 mm, and 18.1 ± 6.2 mm → 33.7 ± 17.9 mm, respectively. The median survival of patients in the complete and the incomplete groups were 51.5 months and 24 months, respectively. One patient developed a small pneumothorax, which resolved spontaneously. Two patients developed hemoptysis after the procedure, which was controlled within a day. Percutaneous cryotherapy may be an effective and safe therapeutic method for inoperable patients with malignant pulmonary nodules