
Sample records for zu film erzhltes

  1. Hin zu Utopia - eine empirische Spekulation

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    Wolfgang Frindte


    Full Text Available Hin zu Utopia - eine empirische Spekulation (von Wolfgang Frindte & Nico Dietrich Der vorliegende Text nutzt Befunde, die die Autoren im Rahmen einer Studie zu Einstellungen gegenüber Muslimen und dem Islam erhoben haben (Frindte/Dietrich 2017, um über die Möglichkeit einer kosmopolitischen Utopie zu spekulieren und nach den Akteuren der Zukunft und den künftigen Gestaltern eines friedlichen und menschenfreundlichen europäischen Kontinents zu fahnden. Im Ergebnis ihrer Suche kommen die Autoren zu dem Schluss: Es gibt noch immer gebildete und politisch informierte Menschen, die eine positive Sicht auf ethnische Minderheiten, Flüchtlinge im Allgemeinen und Muslime im Besonderen haben, autoritäre und machtorientierte Gesellschaftsstrukturen ablehnen und sich mit Europa identifizieren. Auf ihren persönlichen Einsatz, ihre Entschlossenheit, ihren Zusammenhalt über die Zeit und ihre Zukunftsorientierung kommt es an.

  2. Alte und neue Problemaspekte der Figur. Zu einem medienübergreifenden Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung der Figur [Jens Eder / Fotis Jannidis / Ralf Schneider (Hg.: Characters in Fic­tional Worlds. Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media. Berlin 2010

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    Carmen Lăcan


    Full Text Available Rezension zu / Review of:Jens Eder / Fotis Jannidis / Ralf Schneider (Hg.: Characters in Fic­tional Worlds. Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media. Berlin 2010

  3. Open Access für Forschung und Kultur: Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin unterstützt den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen


    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


    Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1661 ist die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. In dieser Tradition sowie im Bewusstsein ihrer besonderen historischen Verantwortung steht die SBB zu ihrer Verpflichtung, wissenschaftliches Wissen der Gesellschaft unbeschränkt und gleichberechtigt zur Verfügung zu stellen. Als Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz hat sie die Berliner Erklärung über den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen unterzeichnet. Deren Zie...

  4. Open Access für Forschung und Kultur: Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin unterstützt den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen


    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


    Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1661 ist die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. In dieser Tradition sowie im Bewusstsein ihrer besonderen historischen Verantwortung steht die SBB zu ihrer Verpflichtung, wissenschaftliches Wissen der Gesellschaft unbeschränkt und gleichberechtigt zur Verfügung zu stellen. Als Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz hat sie die Berliner Erklärung über den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen unterzeichnet. Deren Zie...

  5. Ein Versuch, Naturverhältnisse aus feministischer Sicht zu interpretieren

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    Helga Purgand


    Full Text Available Mit dem vorliegenden Sammelband Geschlechterverhältnisse – Naturverhältnisse wird nach dem innovativen Beitrag der feministischen Debatte für umweltsoziologisches Denken gefragt und nach Überschneidungen, Grenzen und Zwischenräumen zwischen „Geschlecht“ und „Natur“ gesucht. In ihm wird der lobenswerte Versuch unternommen, einen Zusammenhang zwischen Geschlechter- und Naturverhältnissen herzustellen „die in der Umweltsoziologie bislang stark vernachlässigte feministische Diskussion und Geschlechterforschung einzubeziehen und als genderbezogene Perspektive zu etablieren“. (S. 9 Das Buch enthält Beiträge von 15 Autorinnen, die unterschiedliche Natur- und Geschlechtsverhältnisse facettenreich, überwiegend kreativ und theoretisch anspruchsvoll betrachten. Das Buch enthält Zugänge aus der allgemeinen Soziologie, den Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften, aus politik- und naturwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen. Den ausdrücklich formulierten Anspruch, von multi- zu einer inter-disziplinären Durchdringung zu gelangen, erfüllt es nur in Ansätzen (besonders mit der Einleitung und den theoretischen Problemexplikationen. Das zustande gekommene „Nach-, Zusammen- und Querdenken“ über Begriffe, Theorien und neuere Forschungsansätze (von Foucault über Butler bis zu Donna Haraway belegt die Notwendigkeit, die naturwissenschaftlichen Annahmen „immanent zu dekonstruieren“. Sehr aufschlussreich sind in diesem Zusammenhang die Beiträge von Irmgard Schultz, Elvira Scheich, aber auch von Mary Mellor und besonders von Paula-Irene Villa, die interessante und kreative Gedanken zur Klärung des Verhältnisses von Natur, Kultur und Geschlecht anbieten. Deutlich wurde, dass weiterhin ein kontroverses Ringen um angemessene konzeptionelle Fassungen von Geschlechts- und Naturverhältnissen und die Integration von Gender als zentraler analytischer Querschnitts-Kategorie nötig sind. Insgesamt ist dem Buch ist eine schnelle Verbreitung und

  6. Enrico Wolf: Bewegte Körper – bewegte Bilder. Der pornografische Film: Genrediskussion, Geschichte, Narrativik. München: diskurs film Verlag 2008.

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    Lea Wohl


    Full Text Available In der als Dissertation an der Universität Leipzig eingereichten Arbeit wird den Fragen nach einem Genreverständnis des pornografischen Films und seinen ästhetischen Formen aus einer filmwissenschaftlichen Perspektive nachgegangen. Der Autor beschreitet neue Wege in der detaillierten Beschreibung und Analyse pornografischer Filme, welche die Entdeckung von ästhetischen Konstituenten und historischen Entwicklungen ermöglicht, und kann damit einen differenzierten Blick auf die in ihrer Ästhetik durchaus nicht homogenen pornografischen Filmbilder leisten. An einigen Stellen wäre es wünschenswert (und lesefreundlicher gewesen, über die formulierte Untersuchungsperspektive hinauszugehen und Beobachtungen nicht nur zu beschreiben, sondern sie auch weitergehend zu interpretieren.This study, submitted as a dissertation to the University of Leipzig, pursues the question as to our understanding of genre with regard to pornographic film and its aesthetic forms. It does so from the perspective of film studies. The author treads new ground through his detailed descriptions and analyses of pornographic films, which allow for the discovery of aesthetic components and historical developments. He can thus offer a differentiated look at pornographic film images that are decidedly heterogeneous in their aesthetic. At some points it would have been desirable (and more reader-friendly had the author gone beyond his pre-formulated research perspective and not only described observations, but also took the interpretation thereof further.

  7. Sind gesetze (noch immer zu hoch aufgehängt?

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    Ada Gruntar Jermol


    Full Text Available Es braucht nicht besonders betont zu werden, dass Gesetze für den fachlichen Laien eine rätselhafte undfast unverständliche Lektüre darstellen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird versucht, deutlich zu machen, warum - bildlich gesprochen - Gesetze zu hoch aufgehängt sind; oder mit anderen Worten: worauf die meisten Verständnisschwierigkeiten von Gesetzestexten zurückzuführen sind. Wurzelt die Unverstäindlichkeit von Gesetzen in ihrer sprachlichen Beschaffenheit (die Stilthese oder in der mangelnden Referenz auf die betreffenden Bezugssysteme (die Wissensthese? Die einleitende Diskussion sei mit einem Zitat Els Oksaars (1988, 185 eröffnet: Vor mehr als zweitausend Jahren liess der Tyrann Dionysios von Syrakus die Gesetze so hoch aufhängen, dass sie kein Bfuger lesen konnte. Hegel vergleicht in seiner Rechtsphilosophie dieses Umecht mit der Tatsache, dass das Recht seiner Gestalt nach nur denen zugänglich gemacht wird, die sich - wie er es ausdrückt - gelehrt darauflegen. Heute kannjeder Bürger, wenn er will, alle Gesetze lesen, es scheint jedoch, dass sich seit Dionysios im Prinzip nicht viel geändert hat: sind nicht Gesetze auch heute noch zu hoch aufgehängt, und zwar auf der Abstraktions- und Begriffsleiter der Sprache?

  8. (Lehr-Film(-lehren. Potenziale von Lehrfilmen für die Medienbildung

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    Christian Stewen


    Full Text Available Christian Stewen schlägt in seinem Impulspapier vor, Lehrfilme im Unterricht nicht in erster Linie zur Vermittlung von Wissensinhalten einzusetzen, sondern anhand ihrer die medialen Prozesse der Entstehung und Vermittlung von Wissen in schulischen Unterrichtssituationen zu veranschaulichen und zu problematisieren. "[T]he educational film is one which contributes to the achievement of desirable educational goals by making effective use of the motion picture as a medium of communication." (McClusky 1947: 372

  9. Zwei Anmerkungen zu WACC


    Löffler, Andreas


    Der WACC–Ansatz zählt zu den beliebtesten Verfahren der Unternehmensbewertung. In dieser Note wird gezeigt, dass dieser Ansatz auch dann verwendet werden kann, wenn die von Miles und Ezzell getroffene Annahme einer konstanten Kapitalstruktur fallen gelassen und die WACC-Bewertungsgleichung entsprechend angepasst wird. Des Weiteren wird gezeigt, wie der WACC-Ansatz in ein zeitstetiges Modell übertragen werden kann. Die sich ergebende Bewertungsgleichung zeigt große Ähnlichkeiten mit den Er...

  10. Ebenen des Verstehens: Überlegungen zu einem Verfahren zum Wurzelziehen (United States)

    Winter, Martin

    Wir bemühen uns, insbesondere bei Kindern, den Lernprozess auch im Mathematikunterricht durch den Einsatz von Materialien zu unterstützen. Die Arbeitsschritte dienen dabei oft der Vorbereitung oder Herleitung von Verfahren - in der Hoffnung, dass durch die Veranschaulichung Zusammenhänge besser verstanden werden. Worin dann das Verstehen besteht, wenn im Ergebnis ein Verfahren von den Kindern erfolgreich abgearbeitet wird, ist nicht unmittelbar zu sehen.

  11. Gaye Suse Kromer: Obszöne Lust oder etablierte Unterhaltung? Zur Rezeption pornografischer Filme. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag 2008.

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    Sarah Dellmann


    Full Text Available The author questions four men and four women as to their use of pornography and their experience with the reception of the pornographic film Adrenaline (Italy 2003. The introductory chapter containing legal sources on pornography, a definition for pornography, and the history of pornographic films cannot serve as a theoretical and professional contextualization, even by dissertation standards; these are also not related to the interviews. The main section contains the interviews. The author is only partially able to develop stringent categories for analyzing the qualitative interviews – for example in the development of a research question. The interviews, published in the appendix of the book, are an interesting source for further research on the reception of pornographic films.Die Autorin befragte vier Männer und vier Frauen zu ihrer Pornografienutzung und ihren Rezeptionserfahrungen mit dem pornografischen Film Adrenalin (Italien 2003. Selbst nach Maßstäben einer Qualifikationsarbeit überzeugen die Überblickskapitel zu Rechtsgrundlagen, Definition und Geschichte des pornografischen Films, zur theoretischen und fachlichen Verortung nicht; diese werden später auch nicht auf die Interviews bezogen. Den Hauptteil stellen die Interviews dar. Der Autorin gelingt es nur teilweise – so bei der Entwicklung der Leitfragen –, stringente Kategorien für die Auswertung der qualitativen Interviews zu entwickeln. Die im Anhang des Buches abgedruckten Interviews stellen eine interessante Quelle für die Erforschung der Rezeption pornografischer Filme dar.


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    Katharina Neumann


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, welche Reaktionen durch unterschiedliche Formen der Berichterstattung über Rechtsextremismus bei den Anhängern der rechten Szene ausgelöst werden und welche Strategien diese verfolgen, um ihre mediale Selbstinszenierung zu optimieren. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Ansätze für einen verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Themen rechtsextremen Schwerpunkts für Medienmacher zu finden. Es werden 7 Aussteiger zu ihren Erfahrungen mit Medien in der Szene befragt. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit zählt die Erkenntnis, dass die rechtsextreme Führungsriege aktiv Berichterstattung in den Massenmedien rezipiert und systematisch auswertet, um auf dieser Basis ihre politischen Selbstinszenierungsstrategien zu entwickeln. Die Szene reagiert also taktisch auf Berichte in den Massenmedien und versucht diese durch Anschlusskommunikation für ihre Zwecke zu instrumentalisieren. Wichtig für die Berichterstattung über Rechtsextremismus erscheint den Probanden die Betonung der Pluralität der Szene und eine ausführliche Hintergrundberichterstattung, die im besten Falle identitätsstiftende Attribute rechtsextremer Gruppen dekonstruiert und somit deren Glaubwürdigkeit in Frage stellt.

  13. Geschlecht zwischen Körper und Konstruktion: Aktuelle Impulse zu einer langen Debatte

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    Natascha Gruber


    Full Text Available Die mit dem Erscheinen von Judith Butlers Unbehagen der Geschlechter ausgelöste „Essentialismus versus Konstruktivismus“-Debatte um die Frage, wie Materialität und Körper zu denken sei, hält die Geschlechterforschung bis heute in dilemmatischer Spannung. Kann auf die Kategorie Geschlecht überhaupt verzichtet werden? Der Sammelband Verhandlungen des Geschlechts dokumentiert anhand von 15 Beiträgen aus den Bereichen Kulturwissenschaften, Philosophie, Psychoanalyse und Politik die aktuelle Entwicklung der Debatte rund um den an Butler orientierten feministischen Konstruktionsbegriff. Unter Rückgriff auf unterschiedliche Ansätze wird versucht, zwischen „Körper“ und „Diskurs“ zu vermitteln und Materialität neu zu denken.

  14. Zu einigen entwicklungstendenzen beim ausdruck der gewissheits modalität

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    Stojan Bračič


    Full Text Available Das verfolgte Ziel in diesem Artikel - einem für den Druck bear­ beiteten Kapitel aus der Magisterarbeit des Verfassers - ist es, möglichst viele Ausdrucksmittel zum Ausdruck der Gewissheits­ modälitat (im weiteren GMO zu finden und sie sys.tematisch zu behandeln. Ausserdem soll durch statistische Bearbeitung der im Korpus gefundenen Belege festgestellt werden, ob man in der Zeit­ spanne derletzten siebzig Jahre beim Ausdruck der GMO in der deutschen Sprache mit Entwicklungstendenzen /ET/ rechnen kann.

  15. Development of a model to describe organic films on aerosol particles and cloud droplets. Final report; Entwicklung eines Modells zur Beschreibung organischer Filme auf Aerosolteilchen und Wolkentropfen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forkel, R. (ed.); Seidl, W.


    Organic substances with polar groups are enriched on water surfaces and can form monomolecular surface films which can reduce the surface tension. A new model to describe surface films is presented, which describes in detail the film forming properties of fatty acids with up to 22 carbon atoms. The model is applied to measured concentrations of fatty acids (from the literature) in rain water and on aerosol particles and cloud droplets. An investigation of the sources of fatty acids has shown, that abrasion of the wax layer on leaves and needles is the main sources for surface film material in the western USA. Anthropogenic sources in urban areas are meat preparation and cigarette smoke. The agreement between model results and measurements when the model was applied to rain water confirms the original assumption that fatty acids are a main compound of surface films in rain water. For humid aerosol particles the application of the model on measured concentrations of fatty acids only showed strongly diluted films. Only for remote forest areas in western USA concentrated films were found, with the surface tension reduced by 20 to 30%. On cloud droplets the surface films is still more diluted than on aerosol particles. For all investigated cases the films was too much diluted to have an effect on the activation process of cloud droplets. (orig.) [German] Organische Substanzen mit polaren Gruppen reichern sich an der Wasseroberflaeche an und koennen monomolekulare Oberflaechenfilme bilden, die zu einer Verringerung der Oberflaechenspannung fuehren. Es wird ein neues Modell zur Beschreibung eines Oberflaechenfilms beschrieben, das detailliert die filmbildenden Eigenschaften der Fettsaeuren mit bis zu 22 Kohlenstoffatomen erfasst. Dieses Modell ist auf gemessene Konzentrationen von Fettsaeuren (Literaturdaten) in Regenwasser und auf atmosphaerischen Aerosolteilchen und Wolkentropfen angewandt worden. Eine Betrachtung der Quellen der Fettsaeuren zeigte, dass der Abrieb der

  16. Beiträge zu einer kognitiv ausgerichteten Lexikographie

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jahrhunderten immer wieder abgelegte Bekenntnis zu dem Satz Sprache dient dem Ausdruck von Gedanken oder einer seiner Varianten zeigt, kognitive Orien- tierung ein altes Programm mit Sprache befaßter Disziplinen ist, hat sich eine. Linguistik, die dieses Programm wirklich auf ihre Fahnen geschrieben hat, erst.

  17. Die grossen Physiker und ihre Entdeckungen von den fallenden Körpern zu den Quarks

    CERN Document Server

    Segrè, Emilio


    Von Galileo Galilei bis zu Richard Feynman und Murray Gell-Mann - von den fallenden Körpern zu den Quarks: Der Physiknobelpreisträger Emilio Segre hat seine ganz persönliche Geschichte der Physik geschrieben. Er erzählt von den großen Gestalten und deren wichtigen Entdeckungen mit großer Anschaulichkeit und Lebendigkeit.

  18. Lightcurve and Rotation Period Determinations for 1599 Giomus and 1888 Zu Chong-Zhi (United States)

    Foylan, Mike; Rowe, Basil; Smith, Kevin Stephen


    Collaborative CCD photometric observations of mainbelt asteroids 1599 Giomus (1950 WA) and 1888 Zu Chong-Zhi (1964 VO1) were acquired during 2017 November and December. A rotation period of 9.53 ± 0.03 h and amplitude of A = 0.06 ± 0.05 mag were determined for 1599 Giomus and 11.053 ± 0.003 h and amplitude of A = 0.56 ± 0.05 mag were determined for 1888 Zu Chong-Zhi.

  19. Beiträge zu einer kognitiv ausgerichteten Lexikographie

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    Udo L. Figge


    Full Text Available

    Zusammenfassung: Nach einer "kognitiven Wende" in der Psychologie in der zweitenHälfte der sechziger Jahre haben auch Teile der Linguistik und der Psycholinguistik begonnen, sichkognitiv zu orientieren. Hier wird ein Modell zugrunde gelegt, nach dem sprachliche Einheiten aufEinheiten des Gedächtnisses referieren. Einheiten des Gedächtnisses sind zunächst Merkmale,sodann Konzepte, die sich aus Merkmalen konstituieren, und schließlich Gebilde von Merkmalen,Konzepten und Beziehungen zwischen Merkmalen. Eine solche Konzeption entspricht in denGrundzügen zeitgenössischen neuropsychologischen Erkenntnissen. Konzepte manifestieren sichin substantivischen Satzgliedern. Die Bedeutung eines Substantivs ist lexikographisch als Mengevon Merkmalen zu beschreiben, und zwar ohne Beachtung der ohnehin schwer zu rechtfertigendenUnterscheidung zwischen semantischem und enzyklopädischem Wissen. Die Bedeutungeines attributiven Adjektivs ist lexikographisch als Merkmal der Konzepte zu beschreiben, diedurch die zugehörigen Substantive ausgedrückt werden. Einem Verb liegt ein konverses Netz vonMerkmalen zugrunde; es muß lexikographisch dieser Bedeutung entsprechend beschrieben werden.Bei der Beschreibung von Substantiven ist systematisch zwischen echten Substantiven undsolchen Substantiven zu unterscheiden, die, meist als Ableitungen, eine verbale oder adjektivischeBedeutung haben. Insbesondere ist zu beachten, daß solche Substantive in Nebensatzäquivalentendie Funktion substantivischer Verbformen haben, daß sie weiterhin auch substantivische Bedeutungannehmen können und daß sie schließlich häufig Konstituenten von Stützverbgefügen sind.Die Bedeutung von Konjunktionen und von Präpositionen in Nebensatzäquivalenten kann nurnach einer exakten grammatischen Analyse verläßlich beschrieben werden. Texte werden unteranderem durch Textgliederungssignale gegliedert, die meist die Gestalt von Adverbien oder Adverbialenhaben. Diese

  20. Standortbestimmungen der feministischen Film- und TV-Wissenschaft Assessing the Position of Feminist Film and Television Scholarship

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    Tanja Maier


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Band versammelt zeitgenössische Perspektiven und Ansätze feministischer Film- und TV-Wissenschaften. In vier Kapiteln werden Fragen nach visuellen Praxen, dem ‚Frühen Kino‘, nach Genre und Geschlecht sowie Räumen des Fernsehens diskutiert. Die Themen und Aspekte reichen von Publikumstheorien, Fragen nach dem Verhältnis von Medialität und Geschlecht, der Wahrnehmungsgeschichte des Films bis hin zu Fragen der Intermedialität oder nach der Bedeutung des Feminismus im (frühen Kino und im Fernsehen.The volume at hand collects contemporary perspectives on and approaches to feminist film and television studies. Questions as to visual praxis, early cinema, genre and gender, and the space of television are discussed in four chapters. The topics and aspects span audience theory, questions as to the relationship between mediality and gender, the history of perception of film, questions of intermediality, and the meaning of feminism in (early cinema and television.

  1. Methodische Anregungen zu Literarischen Gesprächen in der Sekundarstufe


    Spinner, Kaspar H.


    Methodische Anregungen zu Literarischen Gesprächen in der Sekundarstufe. - In: Standardorientierung im Lese- und Literaturunterricht der Sekundarstufe I / Cornelia Rosebrock ; Heike Wirthwein. - Baltmannsweiler : Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren, 2014. - S. 126-132

  2. Beiträge zu einer kognitiv ausgerichteten lexikographie | Figge ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nach einer "kognitiven Wende" in der Psychologie in der zweiten Hälfte der sechziger Jahre haben auch Teile der Linguistik und der Psycholinguistik begonnen, sich kognitiv zu orientieren. Hier wird ein Modell zugrunde gelegt, nach dem sprachliche Einheiten auf Einheiten des Gedächtnisses referieren. Einheiten des ...

  3. Web 2.0 Dienste als Ergänzung zu algorithmischen Suchmaschinen

    CERN Document Server

    Deutschland. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie; Maas, Christian


    Dokumentiert die Ergebnisse des Fachprojekts "Einbingung von Frage-Antwort-Diensten in die Web-Suche", Wintersemester 2007/2008, Dept. Information, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg. Mit sozialen Suchdiensten - wie z.B. Yahoo Clever, Lycos iQ oder Mister Wong - ist eine Ergänzung zu den bisherigen Ansätzen in der Web-Suche entstanden. Während Google und Co. automatisch generierte Trefferlisten bieten, binden soziale Suchdienste die Anwender zur Generierung der Suchergebnisse in den Suchprozess ein. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in diesem Buch der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit soziale Suchdienste mit traditionellen Suchmaschinen konkurrieren oder diese qualitativ ergänzen können. Der vorliegende Band beleuchtet die hier aufgeworfene Fragestellung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven, um auf die Bedeutung von sozialen Suchdiensten zu schließen.

  4. Von der Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte zu einer Rechtsgeschichte Europas in globalhistorischer Perspektive

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    Thomas Duve


    In den letzten Jahren sind im Zuge der Diskussion um postkoloniale Perspektiven auf die Geschichte, um Transnationale und Globalgeschichte, viele Grundlagen der traditionellen Europahistoriographie kritisiert und massiv erschüttert worden. Das wirft Fragen auch an die Europäische Rechtsgeschichte auf: Welches Europabild liegt ihr zu Grunde? Auf welchen intellektuellen und konzeptionellen Grundlagen beruht sie? Wie antwortet sie auf die Vorwürfe des Eurozentrismus, des epistemischen Kolonialismus, wie auf die Forderung, Europa zu ›provinzialisieren‹? Wie definiert sie das Verhältnis der Europäischen zur Transnationalen und Globalen Rechtsgeschichte? – Diesen und ähnlichen Fragen wenden sich die folgenden Überlegungen zu. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Tradition, ihren konzeptionellen Grundlagen und deren wissenschaftshistorischem Kontext (1. Teil, 1.–6.. Aus dieser kritischen Bestandsaufnahme und den Ergebnissen der Debatte um Globalgeschichte ergeben sich Ausgangspunkte und Aufgaben einer in Vielem auf den Leistungen der Disziplin aufbauenden, doch notwendigerweise auf einer anderen Konzeption beruhenden Rechtsgeschichte Europas in globalhistorischer Perspektive (2. Teil, 7.–11..

  5. Intermediale Synchronisation zwischen Volltext und Film und ihre Realisierung in Hybrideditionen


    Bülow, Gilles


    Diese Arbeit behandelt die theoretische Erfassung und prototypische Erzeugung komplexer Musterdokumente mit synchronisiertem »Volltext« und »Bewegtbild«. Dabei werden wesentliche Randbedingungen für die Dokumentengliederung ermittelt. Diese Randbedingungen erlauben es dann, unterhalb der Plattformebene (des »reinen« Buchs und des »reinen« Films) neue multimediale Hybrideditionen auf Basis elektronischer Publikationsformate als Ausgabeplattform »sinnvoll« zu generieren. Empirisch wird der F...

  6. Comparison of digital selenium radiography with an analog screen-film system in the diagnostic process of pneumoconiosis according to ILO classification; Vergleich der digitalen Selenradiographie mit einem analogen Film-Folien-System in der Diagnostik von Staublungenerkrankungen anhand der ILO-Klassifikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zaehringer, M.; Winnekendonk, G.; Gossmann, A.; Krueger, K.; Krug, B. [Koeln Univ. (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Piekarski, C.; Saupe, M. [Koeln Univ. (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin und Sozialhygiene; Braun, W. [Koeln Univ. (DE). Inst. fuer Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Epidemiologie (IMSIE)


    ) durchgefuehrt. Die Bilddatensaetze wurden von 4 Untersuchern voneinander unabhaengig anhand des ILO-Klassifikationsbogens fuer Staublungenerkrankungen beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Die digitale Selenradiographie zeigte bei Thoraxuebersichtsaufnahmen im sagit-talen Strahlengang eine im Vergleich mit der analogen Technik gleichwertige Einschaetzung der Befunde anhand der ILO-Klassifikation. Die Bildqualitaet der digitalen Aufnahmen wurde im Vergleich zu der analogen Film-Folien-Kombination als signifikant besser eingestuft. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Einsatz der digitalen Selenradiographie fuehrt in der Diagnostik von Pneumo-koniosen bei den angewandten Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen im Vergleich zur verwendeten analogen Film-Folien-Kombination bei besserer Abbildungsqualitaet weder zu einer Ueber- noch zu einer Unterbewertung der pulmonalen Veraenderungen anhand der ILO-Klassifikation. Daher kann die digitale Selenradiographie die verwendete analoge Film-Folien-Kombination in der Diagnostik von Staublungenerkrankungen gleichwertig ersetzen. (orig.)

  7. Design of the intake and outlet areas of turbines; Gestaltung der Zu- und Abstroemung von Turbinen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruprecht, A. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Abt. Numerische Stroemungsmechanik


    Especially in the case of plants with a small height of drop, efficiency can be substantially impaired. Moreover, an unfavourable design of the inlet area can result in operating problems because of instationary flow phenomena. Similar considerations apply to the draft tube and outflow area. Selected examples are chosen to demonstrate problems and propose improvements. As modelling demands too much effort in the case of small plants, the investigations are carried out using modern numerical flow calculation methods. As demonstrated, inlet and outflow areas can be economically designed using these methods even in the case of small hydro power stations so as to present favourable flow parameters. [Deutsch] Vor allem bei Anlagen mit kleiner Fallhoehe kann der Verlust betraechtlich sein. Darueber hinaus kann eine unguenstige Gestaltung des Einlaufbereichs durch instationaere Stroemungsphaenomene auch zu Problemen beim Betrieb der Anlage fuehren. Aehnliches gilt bei der Gestaltung des Saugrohrs und der Abstroemung. An ausgewaehlten Beispielen werden Probleme dargestellt und Verbesserungsvorschlaege aufgezeigt. Da bei kleinen Anlagen Modellversuche zu aufwendig sind, erfolgen die Untersuchungen mit modernen Methoden der numerischen Stroemungsrechnung. Es wird gezeigt, dass man mit diesen Methoden in der Lage ist, auch bei Kleinwasserkraftanlagen wirtschaftlich eine stroemungsguenstige Gestaltung von Zu- und Abstroemung zu erreichen. (orig.)

  8. [Memel als Brücke zu den baltischen Ländern] / Ralph Tuchtenhagen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuchtenhagen, Ralph, 1961-


    Arvustus: Memel als Brücke zu den baltischen Ländern. Kulturgeschichte Klaipedas vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. (Tagungsberichte der Historischen Kommission für ost- und westpreussische Landesforschung. Bd. 26)

  9. Abfallentsorgung zu Lasten der Bürger? : Probleme der Kreislaufwirtschaft und Lösungsansätze für eine Entlastung der Haushalte


    Kaimer, Martin; Schade, Diethard


    Das heutige Abfallentsorgungssystem und die ihm zugrunde liegenden gesetzlichen Regelungen haben eine lange Vorgeschichte und beruhen auf unterschiedlichen Zielsetzungen. Im Ergebnis haben die daraus folgenden Anforderungen zu teilweise fragwürdigen Entsorgungspfaden, zu einem komplizierten Nebeneinander privater und öffentlichrechtlicher Entsorger und vor allem zu höheren Müllgebühren für die Bürger geführt. Ausgehend von den Wirkungen, die mit der Umsetzung der gesetzlichen Regelungen errei...

  10. Zu einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie des Lernens und Lehrens der biologischen Evolution (United States)

    Wallin, Anita

    Der Zweck dieser Studie (zwecks Überblick siehe dazu Abb. 9.1) war zu untersuchen, wie die Schüler der Sekundarstufe II ein Verständnis von der Theorie der biologischen Evolution entwickeln. Vom Ausgangspunkt "Vorurteile der Schüler“ ausgehend wurden Unterrichtssequenzen entwickelt und drei verschiedene Lernexperimente in einem zyklischen Prozess durchgeführt. Das Wissen der Schüler wurde vor, während und nach den Unterrichtssequenzen mit Hilfe von schriftlichen Tests, Interviews und Diskussionsrunden in kleinen Gruppen abgefragt. Etwa 80 % der Schüler hatten vor dem Unterricht alternative Vorstellungen von Evolution, und in dem Nachfolgetest erreichten circa 75 % ein wissenschaftliches Niveau. Die Argumentation der Schüler in den verschiedenen Tests wurde sorgfältig unter Rücksichtnahme auf Vorurteile, der konzeptionellen Struktur der Theorie der Evolution und den Zielen des Unterrichts analysiert. Daraus konnten Einsichten in solche Anforderungen an Lehren und Lernen gewonnen werden, die Herausforderungen an Schüler und Lehrer darstellen, wenn sie anfangen, evolutionäre Biologie zu lernen oder zu lehren. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis war, dass das Verständnis existierender Variation in einer Population der Schlüssel zum Verständnis von natürlicher Selektion ist. Die Ergebnisse sind in einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie zusammengefasst, welche aus drei verschiedenen Aspekten besteht: 1) den inhaltsspezifischen Aspekten, die einzigartig für jedes wissenschaftliche Feld sind; 2) den Aspekten, die die Natur der Wissenschaft betreffen; und 3) den allgemeinen Aspekten. Diese Theorie kann in neuen Experimenten getestet und weiter entwickelt werden.

  11. Rückwärtsintegration - Zu den Verhältnissen Gymnasium, Hochschule und Arbeitswelt (United States)

    Schmid, Gerhard; Heppner, Winfried; Focht, Eva

    In seiner 2007 erschienen Sammlung von Vorträgen und Essays beschäftigt sich Wolfgang Frühwald, mit der Frage "Wieviel Wissen brauchen wir?“ [1] Die Kernproblematik moderner Wissenschaft und Forschung sieht der Autor, emeritierter Ordinarius für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und von 1992 bis 1997 Präsident der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, einerseits in der zunehmenden Spezialisierung der Wissenschaftsbereiche, andererseits in der Gefahr der Abkoppelung der Naturwissenschaften von den Geisteswissenschaften. Wiederholt plädiert er dafür, über der rasanten Entwicklung beispielsweise in der Biologie und Physik, die historische, gesellschaftliche und besonders die ethische Dimension der Forschung nicht zu übersehen und fordert eine übergeordnete Theorie der Wissenschaft, die nur im Dialog zwischen den einzelnen Fachgebieten zu entwickeln sei.

  12. Ein Paradigma, das es weiter zu konkretisieren gilt. Der Begriff der Mediatisierung bei Krotz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans-Dieter Kübler


    Full Text Available Rezension zu: Krotz, Friedrich. 2007. Mediatisierung: Fallstudien zum Wandel von Kommunikation. 1. Aufl. Medien - Kultur - Kommunikation. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

  13. Gesundheits- und Konzentrationsfähigkeitsuntersuchungen bei Büroangestellten im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie zu Exposition gegenüber tonerbasierten Bürogeräten


    Schumann, Henrik


    Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob und gegebenenfalls in welchem Maße der Betrieb von Laserdruckern und Fotokopiergeräten in Büro-räumen Einfluss auf die von Büroangestellten geäußerten Konzentrations- und Gesundheitsbeschwerden hat. Die Studie wurde dabei als eine Pilotstudie an-gelegt, die primär zur Aufgabe hatte, Erhebungsinstrumente auszuwählen, wei-terzuempfehlen und auf ihre Einsetzbarkeit zu überprüfen. Zu diesem Zwecke wurden zwischen Januar und Oktober 2006 in Ko...

  14. Literatur zu Gast im Globe

    CERN Multimedia


    Der deutsche Schriftsteller Thomas LEHR liest am 23. März 2006 aus seinem Roman '42', einem philosophischen Abenteuerroman über die Suche nach der Zeit, erzählt in einer funkelnden und souveränen Sprache. Eine Welt von vernichtender Schönheit und bizarren Schrecken wartet auf eine Besuchergruppe, die in der Nähe von Genf die unterirdischen Anlagen des Forschungszentrums für Teilchenphysik CERN besichtigt. Als sie um 12:47:42 wieder ans Tageslicht tritt, scheint ganz Europa in einen Dornröschenschlaf gefallen. Allein die 70 Besucher können sich noch bewegen. Monate und Jahre verharrt die Welt wie in einer riesigen dreidimensionalen Fotografie, bis ein wiederum schockierendes Ereignis die 'Chronifizierten' aus ihren physikalischen Spekulationen und seltsamen Lebensformen reisst. Zu dieser literarischen Veranstaltung im 'Globe of Science and Innovation' laden gemeinsam das Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Genf und CERN ein. Vor Beginn der Lesung wird eine Führung in deutscher Sprac...

  15. Rezension zu: Elisabeth Tuider, Martin Dannecker: Das Recht auf Vielfalt. Aufgaben und Herausforderungen sexueller Bildung. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2016.

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    Marcus Felix


    Full Text Available Sexuelle Bildung ist und war schon immer eine umkämpfte Disziplin der Pädagogik. Dabei ist die aktuelle Erregung um diese als Reaktion auf die fortschreitende Pluralisierung von Lebensentwürfen und die Liberalisierung von Normen und Werten zu verstehen, auf die eine diversitätsbewusste Sexualpädagogik in ihren Konzepten Bezug nimmt, die aber von ultrakonservativen, fundamentalistischen und rechtsradikalen Gruppierungen angegriffen werden. Diese Gemengelage nehmen die Autor_innen zum Anlass, um ausgewählte in der Kritik stehende Inhalte einer sexualfreundlichen Bildung zu besprechen und die Argumentationsmuster der Kritiker_innen zu verdeutlichen. Damit trägt der Band zur (Re-Kontextualisierung und Versachlichung einer hochemotionalen Auseinandersetzung über sexuelle Bildung bei.

  16. Nachkriegsmoderne als Herausforderung. Kontrasträume zwischen West und Ost in DEFA-Filmen der fünziger Jahre


    Dorgerloh, Annette


    Die DEFA-Filme "Frauenschicksale" (1952, R: Slatan Dudow), "Spielbankaffäre" (1957, R: Arthur Pohl) und "Das Leben beginnt" (1959, R: Heiner Carow) stehen im Zentrum von Überlegungen zu szenographierten Kontrasträumen des Kalten Krieges im Film der fünfziger Jahre. In allen diesen Filme erleben junge Frauen die Verlockungen der westlichen Konsumkultur als Herausforderung, der sie zu unterliegen drohen, ehe es ihnen gelingt, sich in jeweils schmerzhaften Prozessen davon zu befreien. Angesich...

  17. Rezension zu: Isabelle Stauffer: Weibliche Dandys, blickmächtige Femmes fragiles. Köln u.a.: Böhlau Verlag 2008

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    Jens F. Heiderich


    Full Text Available Stauffer legt eine hervorragende Studie zu ironischen Inszenierungen geschlechtsspezifischer Topoi vor. Literaturgeschichtlich präzise werden die Geschlechterverwirrungen im Fin de Siècle unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Werke Annette Kolbs und Franziska zu Reventlows kontextualisiert und mit Hilfe eines eigens entwickelten methodologischen Ansatzes analysiert. Überzeugend kann Stauffer darlegen, dass den Ironisierungen der Femme fragile und der Femme fatale, des Décadents und des Dandy die Funktion zukommt, Geschlecht als Konstruktion zu enthüllen. Avant la lettre werde dadurch Judith Butlers Theorie der subversiven Performativität bestätigt. Für die Beschreibung der damit verbundenen Konstruktionsverfahren hält Stauffer allerdings den Begriff der Ironie für treffender als den von Butler u. a. favorisierten Begriff der Parodie.

  18. Beratung und Coaching zum Fremdsprachenlernen : Konzepte, Qualitätssicherung, praktische Erfahrungen : Beiträge zu einer Arbeitstagung (Hannover 2015)


    Böcker, Jessica; Saunders, Constanze; Koch, Lennart; Langner, Michael (Hrsg.)


    Dieser Band entstand im Anschluss an eine Tagung zu Sprachlernberatung, die im Juli 2015 an der Leibniz-Universität Hannover stattgefunden hat. Die wesentlichen Beiträge aus drei Sektionen behandeln theoretisch-konzeptionelle Aspekte neben Fragen der Qualitätssicherung und Beispielen von good practice. Der Band gliedert sich dementsprechend in drei Bereiche: Konzepte und Forschung behandelt Fragen der Definitionen und der Konzepte zu Sprachlernberatung bzw. -coaching und ihre wissenschaft...

  19. Wie viel muss ich wissen, um global handeln zu können? Verantwortung für Weltarmut und das Problem der epistemischen Überforderung

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    Weber-Guskar Eva


    Full Text Available Was heißt es, sich in unserer globalisierten Welt als eine vollverantwortliche Person zu verstehen und zu verhalten? Einerseits scheint es richtig, dass wir global verantwortlich sind, d.h. dass wir auch gegen entferntes Leid etwas tun sollten; andererseits aber ist wegen vielfacher Überforderungsproblemen unklar ist, wie man diese Verantwortung tatsächlich übernehmen können soll – was wiederum dagegen spricht, dass wir diese Verantwortung berechtigtermaßen zuschreiben können. Um einen Aspekt dieses großen Themas zu behandeln, konzentriere ich mich in diesem Aufsatz auf den Anwendungsbereich von extremer Armut und argumentiere in folgenden Schritten. Zuerst spitze ich das Thema zu auf ein Problem, das Samuel Scheffler in diesem Zusammenhang konstatiert hat, nämlich einen Widerstreit zwischen dem, was Verantwortung unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung bedeutet und dem, wie wir uns grundsätzlich als Handelnde zu verstehen gewohnt sind. Dann zeige ich erstens, dass dem Thema einer epistemischen Überforderung dabei entscheidendes Gewicht zugesprochen wird, zweitens jedoch, dass sich, genauer besehen, dieses Problem gar nicht in dieser Art stellt. Dafür schlage ich eine Analyse des Verantwortungsbegriffs vor, die es ermöglicht, Kriterien zu identifizieren, anhand derer gewisse Grenzen gezogen werden können, so dass die Zuschreibung der Verantwortung gerechtfertigt werden kann.

  20. Experimental investigations on the mechanisms of the warm prestress effect; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zu den Mechanismen des WPS-Effekts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roos, E.; Alsmann, U. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Staatliche Materialpruefungsanstalt


    The Government-supported, joint project by IWW Freiburg, BAM Berlin, IWW Magdeburg, and MPA Stuttgart is intended to yield insight into the mechanisms underlying the WPS, warm prestress effect, and to derive on this basis a quantitative description of the WPS effect. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Ziel eines durch das BMBF gefoerderten Gemeinschaftsprojekts von IWW Freiburg, BAM Berlin, IWW Magdeburg und MPA Stuttgart ist es, die Mechanismen des WPS-(warm prestress)-Effekts zu erklaeren und auf dieser Basis eine quantitative Beschreibung des WPS-Effekts zu ermoeglichen. (orig./MM)

  1. Kurz zum Klima: Zu viel Salz verdirbt den Boden


    Zimmer, Markus; Lippelt, Jana; Frank, Jonas


    Der zunehmende Einsatz von Anlagen zur Bewässerung sowie mangelnde Erfahrungswerte und Unkenntnis über den richtigen Einsatz der künstlichen Bewässerung haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einer massiven Zunahme der Versalzung des Bodens geführt. Durch diese Bodenversalzung werden weite Flächen für die Landwirtschaft unbrauchbar. Sie sind nur durch hohen Aufwand und Kosten wieder renaturierbar. Der Beitrag in der Reihe »Kurz zum Klima« gibt einen Überblick über die Versalzung in Anbaugebiet...

  2. "Un'artefice cristiano" : Studien zu Lavinia Fontana als Historienmalerin


    Schmidt, Sandra


    Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614) war die erste Frau, die den Beruf der Malerin professionell ausübte und sich bereits zu Lebzeiten eine beeindruckende Reputation erarbeitete. In den Quellen wird sie als „Pittora singolare tra le donne” bezeichnet und in der Tat konnte sie aufgrund ihrer zahlreichen Aufträge und Erfolge von der Kunst leben und ihre Familie ernähren, was im 16. Jahrhundert außergewöhnlich war. Auch ihr Œuvre ist ungewöhnlich umfangreich. Lavinia Fontana hinterließ ein Gesamtwerk ...

  3. Emotional Branding in der Automobilindustrie: ein Schlüssel zu langfristigem Markenerfolg?


    Nadler, Sabrina; Rennhak, Carsten


    In der Automobilindustrie vollzieht sich aktuell ein Wandel von der Technik- zur Kundenorientierung. Die Konsumenten sollen Produkte und Dienstleistungen nicht nur einfach nutzen, sondern eine emotionale Bindung zu ihnen aufbauen und sie im Idealfall sogar lieben. Seit Gobé (2001) werden entsprechende Markenführungsansätze mit dem Schlagwort „Emotional Branding“ bezeichnet.

  4. Wie "zukunftsreich" ist das neue Lehramtsstudium? Bestandsaufnahme zu Medienbildung und digitalen Kompetenzen in den Curriculaentwürfen der Sekundarstufe der PädagogInnenbildung_NEU

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    Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann


    Full Text Available Durch die PädagogInnenbildung_NEU eröffnet sich derzeit die Chance, österreichweit in vier Verbundregionen in Kooperation zwischen Universitäten und Pädagogischen Hochschulen die Lehramtsausbildung für alle Schulstufen und Schultypen zukunftsweisend zu reformieren. Zu den Ansprüchen an das neue Studium gehört auch, dass es künftige LehrerInnen an die Schulen entsendet, die neben ihrer fachlichen Expertise mit aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen adäquat umgehen können. Die rasant voranschreitende Technologisierung und Digitalisierung unserer Gesellschaft gehört zweifelsohne zu diesen Herausforderungen. Die E-Learning-Strategiegruppe der österreichischen Pädagogischen Hochschulen (PHELS hat deshalb die aktuell vorliegenden Curricula und Curriculaentwürfe der Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung in den vier Verbundregionen einer kritischen Analyse hinsichtlich Medienbildung und digitaler Kompetenzen unterzogen − mit einem ernüchternden bis verheerenden Ergebnis: Es scheint nicht nur die historische Chance vertan, Medienbildung systematisch in der LehrerInnenausbildung und damit in den Schulen zu verankern, sondern durch die fehlende informatische Grundbildung laufen künftige Generationen auch Gefahr, auf zunehmend digitalisierten Arbeitsmärkten den internationalen Anschluss zu verlieren.

  5. The new IEA research programme on PV systems in buildings; Das neue Forschungsprogramm der internationalen Energieagentur zu Photovoltaik an Gebaeuden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laukamp, H.; Erge, T. [Fraunhofer-Inst. fuer Solare Energiesysteme, Freiburg (Germany). Abt. fuer Photovoltaische Systeme und Messtechnik


    The International Energy Agency coordinates and supports the cooperation of OECD countries in energy politics and energy technologies by technology-oriented scientific programmes (`implementing agreements`). Under these agreements subject-oriented scientific projects (`tasks`) are carried out. Within the `Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme` the Task VII (Photovoltaics in the Built Environment) has just begun. The Fraunhofer ISE was contracted to coordinate the German contribution to Task VII and to organize information transfer to interested German institutions. So far Task VII focussed on a selection of architecturally outstanding PV buildings, on developing criteria to assess their quality and on a critical review of planned PV buildings. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Internationale Energieagentur foerdert die Zusammenarbeit der OECD Laender in der Energiepolitik und bei den Energietechnologien, durch gemeinsam vereinbarte technologiespezifische Programme (`Implementing Agreements`). Die Programme werden durch Projekte (`Tasks`) konkretisiert. Im Programm `Photovoltaic Power Systems` wird derzeit Task VII `Photovoltaics in the Built Environment` begonnen. Das Fraunhofer ISE wurde gebeten, die deutsche Beteiligung hieran zu koordinieren und den Informationstransfer zu interessierten deutschen Firmen und Instituten zu organisieren. Schwerpunkte bisheriger Arbeiten lagen bei der Auswahl architektonisch herausragender PV-Gebaeude, bei der Erarbeitung von Kriterien zu ihrer Beurteilung und bei der kritischen Diskussion geplanter PV-Gebaeude. (orig.)

  6. [Von den Restgütern zu den Sowchosen in Estland 1939-1953. Dokumentensammlung] / Olev Liivik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivik, Olev, 1975-


    Arvustus: Von den Restgütern zu den Sowchosen in Estland 1939-1953 : Dokumentensammlung / Hrsg. von David Feest, Karsten Brüggemann. Berlin : Lit Verlag, 2010. (Schriften der Baltischen historischen Kommission ; Bd. 15)

  7. Neue Welle an IFRS: Wechseln schon bald mehr Firmen zu Swiss GAAP FER?


    Sager, Marc; Vial, Jérôme


    Seit 2008 wechseln an der SIX kotierte Firmen vermehrt den Rechnungslegungsstandard von den IFRS zu Swiss GAAP FER (FER). Mit IFRS 9 (Finanzinstrumente), IFRS 15 (Erlöse aus Verträgen mit Kunden) und IFRS 16 (Leasingverhältnisse) werden die Anwender einmal mehr mit weitreichenden Änderungen konfrontiert.

  8. Von eingebetteten Systemen zu Cyber-Physical Systems (United States)

    Wedde, Rorst F.; Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Rehtanz, Christian; Krause, Olav

    Das Hauptanliegen des Papiers ist, ein Paradigma für Probleme mit neuartigen Integrationsanforderungen für Forschung und Entwicklung in verteilten eingebetteten Echtzeitsystemen zu motivieren und vorzustellen, nämlich den Begriff Cyber-Physical Systems. Bei einer in letzter Zeit stark zunehmenden Anzahl von Realzeitanwendungen können ohne die Berücksichtigung solcher Forderungen keine praktisch brauchbaren Lösungen erwartet werden. Einige Anwendungsfelder werden angesprochen. Im Einzelnen werden dann für Elektroautos, die mit erneuerbaren Energien betrieben werden sollen, einerseits die Management-, verteilte Verhandlungs- und Verteilungsprobleme der benötigten Energie in einem bottom-up Ansatz gelöst. Andererseits wird als Teil unserer Projektarbeit die Bereitstellung von Reserveenergie für den allgemeinen Bedarf durch Autobatterien vorgestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass dies effizienter und wesentlich kurzfristiger in unserem verteilten Vorgehen geschehen kann als in traditionellen Verfahren.

  9. Rezension zu: Rita Pawlowski (Hg.: „Unsere Frauen stehen ihren Mann“. Berlin: trafo Wissenschaftsverlag 2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susanne Freund


    Full Text Available Rita Pawlowski stellt in diesem Band in alphabethischer Ordnung insgesamt 651 Frauen vor, die Abgeordnete der Volkskammer der DDR waren. Nach einer knappen Einführung zur Wahlhäufigkeit weiblicher Abgeordneter, zum Frauenanteil in der Volkskammer und in den Ausschüssen geben die Biographen im Wesentlichen Auskunft über die soziale Herkunft, die Parteizugehörigkeit, die schulische und berufliche Ausbildung und die Berufstätigkeit der einzelnen Frauen. Ziel dieses Bandes ist die Dokumentation des außergewöhnlichen Engagements von Frauen in der DDR, neben Berufstätigkeit und Familienpflichten politische Einflussmöglichkeiten zu nutzen. Damit wird ein Teilaspekt der Lebensgeschichte dieser Frauen beleuchtet, der – wie die Autorin im Vorfeld einräumt – keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit erhebt. Dieser Hinweis ist wichtig, um dieses lexikalische Nachschlagewerk sinnvoll zu handhaben.

  10. Biotechnologische Konversion von Nebenströmen der Lebensmittelindustrie zu hochwertigen Aromastoffen durch Basidiomyceten


    Kunkel, Katrin


    29 Basidiomyceten wurden hinsichtlich der Bildung von natürlichen Aromastoffgemischen in Substrat-supplementierten Submerskulturen untersucht. Als Substrate dienten Karottenschalen, Blattspinat, Sellerietrester, Zwiebelschalen, Lauchtrester und Zitruspellets, die als Reststoffe in der lebensmittelverarbeitenden Industrie anfallen. Die Geruchseindrücke von 61 Biotransformationen wurden im Vergleich zu den Substrat- und Pilz-Blindwerten beurteilt und die Reproduzierbarkeit der ansprechendsten B...

  11. Wybrane Aspekty Zużywania Się Połączeń Wpustowych I Wielowypustowych W Procesie Eksploatacji

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    Gębura Andrzej


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono wybrane wady połączeń wielowypustowych: mimośrodowości, przekoszenia, zwiększonych luzów. Przedstawiono znaczenie tych wad dla poprawności funkcjonowania całego zespołu napędowego. Zaprezentowano swoisty katalog tych wad w formie: wizualnego zużycia, pomiarów mechanicznych płaszczyzn przyporu, opisu matematycznego przebiegów dynamiki ruchu takiego połączenia, zobrazowań dla metod FAM-C i FDM-A. Zaznaczono skutki długotrwałej eksploatacji połączeń wielowypustowych o nadmiernym zużyciu dla bezpieczeństwa latania

  12. Compact and energy-saving trickle film ice storage unit; Rieselfilm-Eisspeicheranlage baut kompakt und spart Energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pompetzki, F. [Zimmer Edelstahl GmbH, Nuernberg (Germany)


    Ice storages are well established in industrial refrigeration systems. The contribution describes new, compact trickle film ice storages with plate heat exchangers. These systems need less refrigerant and consume up to 30% less energy. (orig.) [Deutsch] Eisspeicher haben sich in der industriellen Kaeltetechnik seit langem bewaehrt. Neue Impulse erhaelt diese Technik jetzt durch kompakt aufgebaute Rieselfilm-Eisspeicher mit Plattenwaermeaustauscher. Aufgrund ihrer Konzeption benoetigen sie bei gleicher Leistung deutlich weniger Kaeltemittel und verbrauchen bis zu 30% weniger Energie. (orig.)

  13. Intermediale Bezugnahme und mediale Materialität Eine Replik auf Beatrice Nickels Aufsatz »Poetry gets into the city. Beobachtungen zu intermedialen Dichtungen in der Stadt«

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    Johanne Mohs


    Full Text Available In ihrer Replik auf den Beitrag von Beatrice Nickel weitet Johanne Mohs die Perspektive auf ›Gedichtobjekte‹ im städtischen Raum nach 1945 aus. Eingangs differenziert sie den Begriff der Intermedialität, um daraufhin die von Beatrice Nickel angeführten Beispiele analytisch zu spezifizieren und interpretatorisch zu vertiefen. Letztlich folgt ihre Lesart den Avantgardekonzepten des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, um das von den Künstlern problematisierte Wechselverhältnis von ›Kunst‹ und ›Leben‹ zu beleuchten.

  14. Intermediale Bezugnahme und mediale Materialität. Eine Replik auf Beatrice Nickels Aufsatz »Poetry gets into the city: Beobachtungen zu intermedialen Dichtungen in der Stadt«

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    Johanne Mohs


    Full Text Available In ihrer Replik auf den Beitrag von Beatrice Nickel weitet Johanne Mohs die Perspektive auf ›Gedichtobjekte‹ im städtischen Raum nach 1945 aus. Eingangs differenziert sie den Begriff der Intermedialität, um daraufhin die von Beatrice Nickel angeführten Beispiele analytisch zu spezifizieren und interpretatorisch zu vertiefen. Letztlich folgt ihre Lesart den Avantgardekonzepten des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, um das von den Künstlern problematisierte Wechselverhältnis von ›Kunst‹ und ›Leben‹ zu beleuchten.

  15. Stille wird zu Farben : [aus "Vaikus saab värvideks" ("Stille wird zu Farben")] : [luuletused] / Jaan Kaplinski ; tlk. Irja Grönholm ja Gisbert Jänicke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaplinski, Jaan, 1941-


    Sisu: Stille wird zu Farben ; Der letzte rote Apfel ; Wer allein bleibt ; Ruf nach dem Vorherigen ; Mit jedem Frühling ; So viele Namen ; In die Spuren ; Höher ; Es wird Licht ; Mit dem Sommerwrind um die Wette ; Ob sie noch hört. Orig.: Vaikus saab värvideks ; Viimane verev õun ; Üksi jääb ; Hüüab eelmist ; Iga kevadega ; Niipalju nimesid ; Astub tuule jälgedele ; Käib kõrgemalt ; Saab valguseks ; Suvetuulega võidu ; Kas kuuleb enam

  16. Rezension zu: Uta Fenske: Mannsbilder. Eine geschlechterhistorische Betrachtung von Hollywoodfilmen 1946–1960. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2008.

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    Asokan Nirmalarajah


    Full Text Available Uta Fenske beschäftigt sich in ihrer Dissertation mit den Männlichkeitsentwürfen des klassischen Hollywoodfilms der 1950er Jahre. Die Historikerin blickt damit zurück in eine Ära US-amerikanischer Geschichte, in der soziokulturelle Umbrüche zu einer Erschütterung tradierter Männlichkeitsbilder, zu einem Krisendiskurs über den modernen Mann führten. Fenskes kulturwissenschaftliche Studie kann sich dabei aus zweierlei Sicht profilieren. Zum einen erweitert sie mit der unorthodoxen Wahl ihres Untersuchungsgegenstandes das geschichtswissenschaftliche Quellenkorpus. Zum anderen kann sie durch ihren Rekurs auf eine Vielzahl von Genres zeigen, dass die Hollywoodfilme der 1950er eine größere Fülle an Antworten auf die Krise anbieten als gemeinhin angenommen.

  17. Untersuchungen zu mummy, kette und Interaktionspartnern bei der Entwicklung des Drosophila Nervensystems


    Strunk, J.M. (Judith)


    Die Dissertation beinhaltet genetische, funktionelle und phänotypische Analysen von Mutationen, die zu Defekten der Musterbildung des embryonalen ZNS von Drosophila melanogaster führen. Das Gen mummy wurde im Bereich 26D7 lokalisiert und codiert eine UDP-N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMIN-PYROPHOSPHORYLASE. MUMMY katalysiert eine Reaktion, deren Produkt, das UDP-N-Acetylglucosamin, Grundbaustein für Glycosylierung und GPI-Ankersynthese ist. Effekte von mummy auf diese Prozesse konnten dargestellt werden. Für...

  18. Der Gewalt ihre Freiheit - Der Horror-Film als jugendliches Wertekonstrukt

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    Gudrun Marci-Boehncke


    Full Text Available Jugendliche Gewaltbereitschaft wird in der medienkritischen Diskussion nicht selten auf mediale Vorbilder zurück geführt. Anhand qualitativer Daten wird zum einen gezeigt, dass das Erkennen medialer Gewalt in Sprache und Handlung bildungsabhängig ist, zum anderen, dass Jugendliche nach eigenen Angaben aus sehr unterschiedlichen Gründen zur Gewalt bereit wären – etwa, um Freunde zu verteidigen. Besonders betrachtet werden dann Jugendliche, die gern Horrorfilme anschauen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Fans von Horrorfilmen eine Rezeptionshaltung einnehmen, die zwischen Angst-Lust und Distanz oszilliert. Es interessieren hier keine identifikatorischen Aspekte, sondern Jugendliche haben Spaß an den medialen Inszenierungen des Gruseligen. Jenseits medienmoralischer Warnungen plädiert der Beitrag – unter Verweis auch auf Rezeptionstheorien der Literaturwissenschaft – dafür, distanzierten Horror-Genuss als Spielform nicht zu überbewerten und ihn auch als Ausdruck elaborierter Lese- und Medienkompetenz zu verstehen. Whereas within media-critical discussions violence of teens is sometimes said to be produced by referent power of media, this paper presents empirical data which show that and how teens are able to assume a distance when viewing media violence in horror-films. What they feel is not empathy, but fun. Young people enjoy a kind of delightful horror for themselves and are able to step into distance while talking to peers about their impressions during reception. This way of “delightful horror” is not only a phenomenon of modern media reception but can be found in recent and established horror literature. In so far this article encourages a more relaxed way of judging young people’s media habits.

  19. Vom Geschäftsgang zum Prozess: Prozessmanagement in Bibliotheken am Beispiel der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

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    Cornelia Vonhof


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag skizziert den Weg der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin bei der Implementierung eines systematischen Prozessmanagements. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen aus einem Pilotprojekt werden Vorgehensweisen und Methoden reflektiert und weiterentwickelt, die sich eignen, in einer großen, arbeitsteiligen Organisation eingesetzt zu werden. Beleuchtet werden Motivationsfaktoren für Prozessmanagement sowie neue Ansätze wie Service Blueprint und Adaptiv Case Management, die das klassische Verständnis von Prozessmanagement erweitern. The article outlines the path of the Berlin State Library working towards the implementation of a systematic process management. Based on the experience of a pilot project procedures and methods are reflected and further developed to be suitable for a large, work-sharing organization. Motivating factors for process management as well as new approaches such as Service Blueprint and Adaptive Case Management, that expand the classical understanding of process management, are covered.

  20. Verzwickte Flussgemeinschaft - Warum es so schwierig ist, den Flüssen Raum zu geben

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartmann, T.


    Extreme Hochwasser verursachen enorme Schäden in Flusslandschaften. Flussgemeinschaften müssen künftig den Flüssen mehr Raum geben, um Hochwasser in der Fläche zurückzuhalten, statt in der Höhe (der Deiche) zu bekämpfen. Die Idee „den Flüssen mehr Raum geben“ beschreibt eigentlich etwas

  1. Rezension zu: Yvonne Haffner, Beate Krais: Arbeit als Lebensform? Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Campus Verlag 2008

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    Daniela Heitzmann


    Full Text Available Nachdem der Mythos des unerbittlich arbeitenden Wissenschaftlers, der sich mit Haut und Haar ‚seiner‘ Forschung verschrieben hat, langsam zu bröckeln beginnt, stellt sich aus der Genderperspektive die Frage nach der Bedeutung der Arbeitskultur für die fortbestehende Unterrepräsentanz von Frauen in der Wissenschaft, besonders in leitenden Positionen. Gleichzeitig trägt die allmähliche ‚Entdeckung‘ des Privaten für Männer, die nun auch Väter und Lebenspartner sein sollen (können, zur Entmythologisierung bei. Der vorliegende Sammelband widmet sich dem Balance-Akt zwischen Arbeits- und Privatleben, den Frauen und Männer zu leisten haben. Auf Grundlage zahlreicher empirischer Untersuchungen wird ein umfassendes und erkenntnisreiches Panorama über die Verquickungen individueller und struktureller Anforderungen an berufstätige Akademikerinnen und Akademiker vorgelegt.

  2. Analiza wielkości i zmienności zużycia wody w kampusie Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie

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    Piotr Wichowski


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono badania wielkości i zmienności zużycia wody w kampusie SGGW w roku akademickim 2012/13. Przeciętne jednostkowe zużycie wody w okresie, kiedy realizowane są zajęcia dydaktyczne, wyniosło 29,3 dm3·d–1 dla studenta studiów stacjonarnych i 23,2 dm3·d–1 dla studenta studiów niestacjonarnych. W okresie wakacyjnym wskaźniki te są niższe i wynoszą odpowiednio 15,2 oraz 11,4 dm3·d–1. Wskaźniki te wyznaczono bez uwzględnienia zużycia wody w akademikach. Współczynnik nierównomierności dobowej dla całego kampusu wyniósł 1,54 i był zbliżony do współczynnika nierównomierności godzinowej, wynoszącego 1,52. Najwyższe miesięczne zużycie wody wystąpiło w czerwcu i było o 85% większe od najniższego, które wystąpiło w sierpniu. W cyklu tygodniowym najwyższe zużycie wody obserwowano we wtorki, a najniższe w niedziele. Przeciętne rozbiory wtorkowe są wyższe od rozbiorów niedzielnych o 31,5%. Szczyty rozbiorów w ciągu doby przypadały w godzinach 10–15 oraz 23–01.

  3. Rezension zu: Heike Brabandt, Bettina Roß, Susanne Zwingel (Hg.: Mehrheit am Rand? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2008

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    Katja Strobel


    Full Text Available Im vorliegenden Sammelband werden aktuelle Diskussionen zu den Themen Globalierung, Exklusion, Geschlechterverhältnisse und Ethnizität zusammengeführt. Vor allem noch wenig rezipierte postkoloniale Ansätze werden berücksichtigt. Das breite Spektrum an Themen und die Vielfalt an Ansätzen, die von empirischen Studien zur Makroökonomik über historische Analysen bis hin zu detaillierten Fallstudien reicht, überzeugt. Der Anspruch, zum Thema globale Ungleichheit Beiträge aus den zentralen sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldern sinnvoll zusammenzuführen, wird eingelöst.

  4. Hassrede und Katzenbilder : Wie können im globalen Netz nationale Gesetze respektiert werden?


    Kettemann, Matthias C.


    Der Zugang zum Internet ist die Voraussetzung, um online aktiv zu sein, zu kommunizieren oder einzukaufen. Zugang allein reicht aber nicht: Erst sogenannte Internet-Intermediäre (oder Internet-Inhalt-Vermittler) wie Google, Facebook oder Amazon ermöglichen es, das Internet zu nutzen, um über Social Media zu kommunizieren, auf Musik, Filme und Texte zuzugreifen oder überhaupt erst via Suchmaschine passende Online-Angebote ausfindig zu machen. Intermediäre verbinden Nutzer mit dem Internet, sie...

  5. Rezension zu: Christina Holtz-Bacha (Hg.: Frauen, Politik und Medien. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2008

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    Tanja Maier


    Full Text Available In dem von Christina Holtz-Bacha herausgegebenen Sammelband wird aus einer kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Perspektive untersucht, wie Politikerinnen in höchsten politischen Ämtern medial repräsentiert werden. In den einzelnen Beiträgen wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob die zunehmende Sichtbarkeit von Politikerinnen wie Angela Merkel, Christina Kirchner oder Ségolène Royal auch zu einer veränderten medialen Berichterstattung geführt habe. Analysiert werden nicht nur die mediale Präsenz von Politikerinnen im Vergleich zu ihren männlichen Kollegen, sondern auch die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den textuellen und bildlichen Darstellungsweisen. Der Band liefert aus der Perspektive der politischen Kommunikationsforschung einige interessante empirische Einzelanalysen. Die theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit Konzepten der Geschlechterforschung spielt nur am Rande eine Rolle.

  6. Philosophisch und theologisch denken (lernen. Fachdidaktische Skizzierungen zu einer ReligionslehrerInnenbildung NEU

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    Philipp Klutz


    Full Text Available ENGLISH: It is an essential challenge for (religious teachers to initiate successful learning at school. How teachers act in their instruction is a key factor for successful learning at school. So teacher education has to focus on the process of professionalization of teachers. The faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna realigns the courses of subject didactic. According to the course ‘Philosophisch und theologisch denken’ this paper illustrates the students’ process of professionalization. The aim of this process is to form a ‘habitus’ in which religious education at schools and subject didactic (didactic of RE is visible under a theological approach. GERMAN: Wie gelingendes Lernen an der Schule initiiert werden kann, ist eine zentrale Herausforderung von (Religions LehrerInnen. Dabei kommt der Qualität des unterrichtlichen Handelns von Lehrpersonen eine entscheidende Rolle zu. In der Ausbildungsphase von ReligionslehrerInnen gilt es, sich dem Prozess der Professionalisierung zu widmen. An der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien wird die fachdidaktische Lehre neu ausgerichtet, die sich so den Herausforderungen des Religionslehrberufs stellt. Anhand des fachdidaktischen Seminars ‚Philosophisch und theologisch denken‘ wird der Professionalisierungsprozess von Studierenden aufgezeigt. Durch diesen soll eine Haltung (Habitus ausgebildet werden, der eine theologisch begründete Sichtweise religiöser Bildung an der Schule und somit von Fachdidaktik (Religionsdidaktik sichtbar werden lässt.

  7. Das Re-entry von Kritik: Assemblageforschung nach der Kritik an der Kritik. Kommentar zu Alexa Färbers „Potenziale freisetzen“

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    Hanna Göbel


    Full Text Available Der Kommentar zum Beitrag von Alexa Färber diskutiert eine Vermengung von drei unterschiedlichen Kritikbegriffen sowie Orten von Kritik in der aktuellen Debatte um die Assemblageforschung im Feld der Urban Studies. Ich rekonstruiere und unterscheide zwischen einem Kritikbegriff als theoretischer Norm, wie er von der (neo-marxistischen Stadt- und Raumforschung vertreten wird, und der ontologischen Kritik dieser Norm seitens der Assemblageforscher_innen. Alexa Färbers Beitrag zeigt drittens exemplarisch eine sich einschleichende normative Ebene in der Assemblageforschung auf, die bislang als Kritikform unterbelichtet geblieben ist. Diese wird als Wiedereinführung (re-entry von empirisch vollzogener Kritik in die Assemblageforschung bezeichnet. Damit ist eine theoretische Neupositionierung von Kritik ‚innerhalb’ einer Assemblage gemeint, indem Kritik nicht mehr als theoretische Norm ‚außerhalb’ zu verorten ist. In diesem Kommentar plädiere ich dafür, in der Assemblageforschung eine differenzierte Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen Begriffen und Orten von Kritik zu pflegen, um innerhalb der Urban Studies und für interessierte städtische Akteure mit urbaner Expertise (u.a. Architekt_innen, Planer_innen, Künstler_innen, Aktivist_innen, Kultur- und Sozialarbeiter_innen, DIY-Gemeinschaften klarer adressierbar zu sein.

  8. Gefährlicher Trend : Smartphone im Strassenverkehr : auch zu Fuss ist das Ablenkungspotenzial sehr gross.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Viele Menschen, die sich zu Fuß im Straßenverkehr bewegen, nutzen dabei das Smartphone. Dies ist das Ergebnis einer Erhebung von DEKRA in sechs europäischen Hauptstädten. Von den rund 14.000 erfassten Personen nutzten fast 17 Prozent ihr Handy — für Textnachrichten, zum Telefonieren oder Musikhören.

  9. Ideen zu einer Literatursoziologie des Internets. Mit einer Blogotop-Analyse

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    Peer Trilcke


    Full Text Available Der Essay skizziert und exemplifiziert die Möglichkeiten einer Literatursoziologie des Internets und plädiert in diesem Zusammenhang für eine Empirisierung der Forschung zu diesem rasant wachsenden, jedoch bisher in seiner Differenziertheit allenfalls oberflächlich beschriebenen Feld der Kommunikation über Literatur. Hierzu werden die literaturwissenschaftlichen Internet Studies und ihr literatursoziologischer Teilbereich innerhalb der allgemeinen Digital Humanities verortet. Als Beispiel für eine in diesem Sinne relational-empirische Literatursoziologie des Internets werden erste Ergebnisse der Analyse eines sog. Bücherblogotops präsentiert, anhand derer sich einige Mechanismen der sekundären literarischen Kommunikation zwar nicht repräsentativ, aber doch exemplarisch diskutieren lassen.

  10. Essay (with abstract in English Drei Avantgarde-Strömungen des heutigen US-Geisteslebens – und ihre Beziehung zu Europa

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    Roland Benedikter


    Full Text Available Die heutigen USA gelten vielen als Vorreiter auf dem Weg zur integrativen Erneuerung von Wissenschafts- und Erkenntnisparadigmen. Dies vor allem im Bereich der traditionellen Kern- und Grundlagen-Wissenschaft der neuzeitlichen Universität: der Philosophie und der historisch aus ihr erwachsenen Psychologien. Seit einigen Jahren ist in den USA in der Tat eine Entwicklung im Gang, welche die Einseitigkeiten des nominalistisch-subjektivistischen Paradigmas der „Postmoderne“, welches aus ideengeschichtlicher Sicht die Epoche zwischen 1979 und 2001 geprägt hat, um einen neuen geistigen Objektivismus ausgleichen und beide zu einem neuen, „subjektiv-objektiven“ Paradigma integrieren will. Diese Entwicklung findet ihren Ausdruck in drei exemplarischen Avantgarde-Strömungen, die im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellt sowie auf Charakteristiken und Wechselbeziehungen untersucht werden. Dabei erweist sich, dass die heutige ideengeschichtliche Avantgarde der USA in Kernterminologie, historischer Kontinuität und Ausrichtung stark pazifisch-asiatisch, aber noch zu wenig atlantisch-europäisch geprägt ist. Das scheint mit ein Grund dafür zu sein, warum diese Avantgarde-Ansätze trotz ihres hochwertigen Anregungs- und Innovations-Potentials im Hinblick auf ein ganzheitliches Wissenschafts-Paradigma für das 21. Jahrhundert noch unübersehbare Schwierigkeiten haben, den atlantisch-europäisch geprägten Hauptstrom des Geistes-, Kultur- und politisch-sozialen Lebens ihrer Gesellschaft zu erreichen. Es zeigt sich, dass der innere Ausgleich zwischen pazifischen und atlantischen Ideen-Einflüssen eine der zentralen Herausforderungen für diese Avantgarde-Strömungen, aber darüber hinaus im Spiegelverhältnis auch für das europäische Kultur- und Gesellschafts-Paradigma sowie für die Entwicklung der integralen Bewegungen auf Weltebene insgesamt ist.

  11. Alte Thesen neu gelesen: Perspektiven kritischer Stadtforschung. Kommentar zu Hartmut Häußermann & Walter Siebels „Thesen zur Soziologie der Stadt“

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    Carsten Keller


    Full Text Available [Dieser Artikel ist Teil einer Debatte] Der Text „Thesen zur Soziologie der Stadt“ scheint mir besonders in den abschließend formulierten Perspektiven, die Hartmut Häußermann und Walter Siebel unter der Überschrift „Aufgaben einer kritischen Soziologie der Stadt“ formulieren, nach wie vor lesenswert und aktuell zu sein. Drei Perspektiven werden hier aufgezeigt: erstens eine Wissenschafts- und Ideologiekritik, zweitens eine empirisch orientierte Zustandsbeschreibung städtischer Strukturen und von Stadtentwicklung sowie drittens eine Analyse der staatlichen Stadtpolitik. Diese drei abschließenden Perspektiven möchte ich im Folgenden kommentieren. Es wird mithin keine immanente Auseinandersetzung mit dem gesamten Text und weiteren Arbeiten der beiden Autoren angestrebt. Es hätte mich zwar durchaus gereizt, die Entwicklung der Arbeiten von Häußermann und Siebel vor dem Hintergrund dieses frühen, emphatisch formulierten Textes zu reflektieren. Vielleicht auch wegen der persönlichen Bekanntschaft mit Häußermann, den ich als Projekt- und Dissertationsbetreuer an der Humboldt-Universität kennenlernte, erschien mir eine solche Zugangsweise zu den „Thesen“ durchaus naheliegend. [...

  12. Intertextuelle und intramediale Bezüge als Orientierungsangebot – systematische Überlegungen und exemplarische Untersuchungen zu Verweisen auf das Fernsehangebot

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    Ben Bachmair


    Full Text Available Auch wenn das Internet sich weder so schnell noch so nachhaltig im Alltag und als Bestandteil von Massenkommunikation etablierte, wie es Ende der neunziger Jahre den Anschein hatte, so zeigt sich am Internet doch, was sich mit der Vernetzungs- und Verfügbarkeitslogik verändern könnte, die dem Internet zu eigen ist. Manuel Castells (2001 mit seiner Analyse des „Informationszeitalters“ und der als instrumentellem Netzwerk organisierten Gesellschaft skizziert die Umrisse, wie sich unsere Gesellschaft mit welcher Dynamik entwickelt. Er spricht von einer „informationeilen Entwicklungsweise“ (ebd., S. 17, die anders als die „agrarische“ oder die „industrielle“ auf das gesellschaftliche Verhältnis der Menschen zur Natur („Produktion“, zu sich selber („Erfahrung“, „kulturelle Identität“ und zu anderen (.Macht“ einwirkt. Einen Aspekt dieser „informationellen Entwicklungsweise“ beschreibt Castells mit dem Hinweis auf „globale Netzwerke der Instrumentalität“, die eine „unüberschaubare Anzahl virtueller Gemeinschaften“ hervorbringt (ebd., S. 23. Dabei konstituiert sich auch eine Art von Subjektivität, die sich im Moment als „zunehmende Distanz zwischen Globalisierung und Identität, zwischen dem Netz und dem Ich“ beschreiben lässt (ebd., S. 24. In dieser Spannung bekommt .Multimedia“ die Funktion einer „symbolischen Umwelt“ (ebd., S. 415.

  13. ALBA, organisation interaméricaine ou vénézuélienne ?

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    Jean-Jacques Kourliandsky


    Full Text Available L’«Alliance Bolivarienne des peuples de notre Amérique», ou ALBA, est de toutes les organisations interaméricaines celle dont l’identité est la plus originale. S’affirmant anti-impérialiste elle donne en effet à l’idéologie une place centrale qui commande la coopération entre ses membres. Mais l’ALBA au quotidien diffère-t-elle d’autres organisations d’intégration ? Le lien entre les différents pays qui la composent n’est-il pas au-delà de l’hommage unanime rendu à Bolivar bien davantage celui de pouvoir bénéficier du pétrole vénézuélien à un prix préférentiel ? L’ALBA, comme d’autres institutions latino-américaines, ne répond-elle pas à l’ambition d’un État, en l’occurrence ici le Venezuela, plus qu’à celle de construire un projet collectif pérenne? Ce lien entre le pétrole de son initiateur vénézuélien et l’ALBA, est une garantie pour le présent. Mais l’ALBA survivrait-elle à une alternance politique au Venezuela, ou à une chute des prix du baril affectant le nerf de l’organisation ?

  14. Auf dem Weg zu semantischen APIs für Forschungsdatendienste

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    Anna Fensel


    Full Text Available Die schnelle Entwicklung der Internet- und Web-Technologie verändert den Stand der Technik in der Kommunikation von Wissen oder  Forschungsergebnissen. Insbesondere werden semantische Technologien, verknüpfte und offene Daten zu entscheidenden Faktoren für einen  erfolgreichen und effizienten Forschungsfortschritt. Zuerst definiere ich den Research Data Service (RDS und diskutiere typische aktuelle  und mögliche zukünftige Nutzungsszenarien mit RDS. Darüber hinaus bespreche ich den Stand der Technik in den Bereichen semantische Dienstleistung und Datenanmerkung und API-Konstruktion sowie infrastrukturelle Lösungen, die für die RDS-Realisierung anwendbar sind. Zum Schluss werden noch innovative Methoden der Online-Verbreitung, Förderung und effizienten Kommunikation der Forschung diskutiert.

  15. Declining price difference from gas to coal provides for a new situation in the electricity market; Sinkende Preisdifferenz von Gas zu Kohle sorgt fuer neue Lage am Strommarkt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The price difference (spread) between power coal and natural gas has increased sharply since 1999. This gap reached its peak in 2013 with 171 Euro/t SKE. In many cases, higher CO{sub 2} prices were required to promote gas use in the electricity sector. However, it has now become clear that falling gas prices lead to a growing competitiveness of natural gas. Interventions in the EU-ETS or at the national level with the aim to promote gas use in the electricity sector do not make sense and would merely reduce the competitive pressure on the gas producers and lead them to become a monopoly rents. [German] Der Preisabstand (Spread) zwischen Kraftwerkskohle und Erdgas stieg seit 1999 stark an. Dieser Gap erreichte in 2013 mit 171 Euro/t SKE seinen Hoechststand. Vielfach wurden hoehere CO{sub 2}-Preise gefordert, um den Gaseinsatz im Stromsektor zu foerdern. Doch inzwischen zeigt sich, dass fallende Gaspreise zu einer wachsenden Wettbewerbsfaehigkeit von Erdgas fuehren. Interventionen in das EU-ETS oder auf nationaler Ebene mit dem Ziel, den Gaseinsatz im Stromsektor zu foerdern, machen daher keinen Sinn und wuerden lediglich den Wettbewerbsdruck auf die Gasproduzenten mindern sowie fuer diese zu einer Monopolrente fuehren.

  16. „Dichtes Verstehen“ als Schritt zu einer begegnenden Bibliothekskultur

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    Barbara Schellhammer


    Full Text Available Mit seiner ethnografischen Methode der dichten Beschreibung schlug der amerikanische Sozial­wissenschaftler Clifford Geertz eine völlig neue Richtung in der Kulturanthropologie ein. Diese sogenannte „interpretative Wende“ stellt auch jenseits der Ethnografie eine grosse Bereicherung dar. Überall wo Men­schen unterschiedlicher sozio-kultureller Herkunft aufeinander treffen, eignet sich die dichte Beschreibung, um kulturelle Bedeutungssysteme besser verstehen und einordnen zu können. Dies hilft nicht nur im Be­reich der qualitativen Sozialforschung, sondern auch ganz konkret im alltäglichen Leben, im privaten, wie auch im beruflichen Umgang mit fremden Erfahrungshorizonten. Denn die dichte Beschreibung sprengt vorgefertigte, „dünne“, sozio-kulturelle Typologien und Etikettierungen. Sie möchte vielmehr kulturelle Symbole auf deren tiefe Bedeutung phänomenologisch beschreiben und hermeneutisch ergründen. Diese Fähigkeit kann gerade auch im Umgang mit Kundinnen und Kunden im Bibliotheksbereich eine grosse Be­reicherung darstellen und dazu beitragen, eine positive Bibliothekskultur zu begründen. With his ethnographic approach Clifford Geertz established a new way of thinking and doing re­search in cultural anthropology. This so called “ethnographic turn” continues to be of great significance for many disciplines, not only for ethnological studies. Wherever people of different socio-cultural back­grounds meet, Geertz's method of “Thick Description” helps to understand foreign cultures, or, what Geertz calls “complex systems of meaning-making”. This is important for scientific research settings, but also for day-to-day encounters in multi-cultural societies in a globalized world. “Thin” forms of describing other­ness categorize, stereotype or come up with set explanations which will never be able to grasp the complex­ity and ever changing nature of peoples and cultures. Geertz's method seeks to (1 thoroughly

  17. Zum Entwicklungsstand und zu Entwicklungsproblemen unserer Jugend - 1987 : Forschungsergebnisse - Beobachtungen - Überlegungen in 10 Thesen


    Friedrich, Walter


    Dieser Bericht gibt in zehn Thesen einen Überblick über Forschungsergebnisse, Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zum Entwicklungsstand der DDR-Jugend im Jahre 1987. Diese sei "in ihrer großen Mehrheit durch ein hohes Niveau ihrer sozialistischen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung charakterisiert". Kritisiert wird die Rolle der FDJ, die die Interessenvertretung der Jugend nicht ausreichend wahrnehme. Weiterhin nehme die Rezeption westlicher Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen immer mehr zu, jedoch sei es verbo...

  18. Alle Wege führen nach Rom: Trifft dies auch für die Veränderungsmessung zu?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boecker, Maren; Volz-Sidiropoulou, Eftychia; Nielsen, Tine

    Die Erfassung von Veränderungen mithilfe von Fragebögen spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der klinischen Praxis und Forschung. Ziel dieser Studie war es zu untersuchen, ob im Rahmen der Veränderungsmessung die verwendete Datenanalysemethode einen Einfluss auf die Studienergebnisse hat. Insbesondere w...

  19. Die Erforschung kollektiver und individueller Dynamik – Zu einer historisch und prozess-soziologisch orientierten interpretativen Sozialforschung

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    Gabriele Rosenthal


    Full Text Available In diesem Beitrag konzentriere ich mich auf die Vorteile einer konsequent durchgeführten interpretativen oder rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung gegenüber anderen qualitativen Verfahren und verdeutliche, inwiefern wir diese Vorteile noch konsequenter verfolgen können als bisher. Dabei stellen sich die folgenden Fragen: Was können wir mit wenigen, aber aufwendigen Fallrekonstruktionen mit dem Ziel einer "theoretischen Verallgemeinerung" am Einzelfall im Unterschied zu qualitativen Verfahren mit umfangreichen Stichproben leisten, die eher eine numerische oder quantitative Verallgemeinerung zum Ziel haben? Inwiefern kommen wir damit überhaupt zu "allgemeinen" Aussagen über die soziale (kollektive und individuelle Wirklichkeit, über eine bestimmte Gruppierung, Organisation oder Ortsgemeinde, einen kollektiver Konflikt, ein bestimmtes Milieu oder soziales Netzwerk? Bei der Behandlung dieser Fragen geht es mir vor allem um ein Plädoyer für eine methodisch stärker historisch und prozess-soziologisch orientierte interpretative Sozialforschung. M.E. liegen in einer konsequenten Rekonstruktion der Verläufe und Wandlungsprozesse von einzelnen "Fällen" und ihrer Verflechtungen mit anderen "Fällen" die Chancen für eine wirklich empirisch geerdete Theorieentwicklung. URN:

  20. Analyse der Literatur zu Klimawirkungen in Deutschland: ein Gesamtbild mit Lücken (United States)

    Fleischhauer, Mark; Greiving, Stefan; Lindner, Christian; Lückenkötter, Johannes; Schauser, Inke

    Dieses Kapitel präsentiert Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Literaturauswertung zu relevanten Klimawirkungen für Deutschland, die im Rahmen des Projekts "Netzwerk Vulnerabilität" vorgenommen wurde. Es zeigt auf, dass ein aggregiertes Gesamtbild der Klimawirkungen für Deutschland als Grundlage für Folgenabschätzungen und Anpassungsplanungen noch nicht gezeichnet werden kann, da eine große Bandbreite an Ansätzen zur Bewertung von Vulnerabilitäten oder Klimawandelfolgen existiert und die gegenwärtig vorhandenen Klimawirkungs- und Vulnerabilitätsstudien von großer Heterogenität gekennzeichnet sind. Als erster Schritt wird deshalb eine Zusammenschau bereits vorhandener Ansätze geliefert.

  1. Für Forschung und Kultur - Öffentlichkeitswirksame Darstellung bibliothekarischer Weltschätze und bibliothekarischer Wissenschaftsservices am Beispiel der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

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    Barbara Schneider-Kempf


    Full Text Available Die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin zielt auf eine wirksame Darstellung ihrer bibliothekarischen Weltschätze und ihrer Serviceangebote für die Wissenschaft ab. Sie ruht auf drei Säulen: kulturelle Breitenbildung für wenig bibliotheksaffine Kreise, allgemeine und breit gefächerte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie Aktionen, die sich an spezielle communities in der Wissenschaft richten. Der Beitrag informiert auch über die erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieser Strategie anhand zahlreicher Beispiele. Er zeigt, wie es der Staatsbibliothek in der Hauptstadt Berlin, in der viele Gedächtnisinstitutionen tätig sind, gelingt, öffentlich präsent zu bleiben und ihr Profil zu vermitteln. The public relations work of the Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage aims at effectively presenting its globally significant treasures as well as its services for the scientific world. It is based on three pillars: cultural education for the general public, especially for people who are not naturally close to libraries; a general and wide variety of public relations work; and events which target special communities in science. The paper also presents many examples for the effectual implementation of this strategy. It shows how the State Library, in the capital city of Berlin with its many memory institutions, succeeds in keeping a strong presence and communicating its profile to the public.

  2. Image quality of paper prints compared to film copies in CT investigations; Bildqualitaet von Papierausdrucken zur Befunddokumentation im Vergleich zu Laserfilmen bei MSCT-Untersuchungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bley, T.; Burger, D.; Ghanem, N.; Thuerl, C.; Saueressig, U.; Kotter, E.; Langer, M. [Abt. Roentgendiagnostik, Radiologische Klinik, Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg (Germany)


    Purpose: Evaluation of image quality of paper prints in routine CT investigations. Method: The image quality of paper prints from 104 CT scans of daily routine investigations was analysed by three observer three observers according to a five-point ranking scale for contrast, grey level, spatial resolution, and subjective confidence in correct evaluation. Each study was rated ''acceptable'' or ''not acceptable for documentation''. Results: In 312 ratings the mean grade for contrast was 2.7, for grey levels 3.2, and for spatial resolution 3.3. Grades ranged from 1 = very good to 5 = insufficient. Subjective confidence in correct evaluation was rated as ''certain'' in 77.4%, ''likely'' in 18.4% and ''impossible to evaluate'' in 4.2% of cases. 93.7% of printed CT images were rated ''acceptable for documentation''. Conclusion: Image quality of paper prints does not reach the quality of laser films concerning its contrast, grey levels, and spatial resolution. Nevertheless, paper prints are acceptable for documentation of findings in most CT investigations. A high confidence in correct evaluation was found. Limitations are found in documentation of small coin lesions of the lung and ischemic lesions of the neurocranium. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Qualitaetsbewertung von Papierausdrucken zur Bilddokumentation von Routine-CT-Untersuchungen. Material und Methoden: Bei 104 Routine-CT-Untersuchungen werteten drei Untersucher (insgesamt 312 Auswertungen) die Bildqualitaet von Papierausdrucken im Vergleich zu Laserfilmen bezueglich Kontrast, Grauwerten und Aufloesung sowie ''persoenlicher Befundsicherheit'' (Skala 1 - 5) aus. Abschliessend wurde entschieden, ob der Papierausdruck fuer die Befunddokumentation ausreiche. Ergebnisse: Mit Bewertungen zwischen 1 fuer ''sehr gut'' und 5 fuer &apos

  3. Drei Avantgarde-Strömungen des heutigen US-Geisteslebens – und ihre Beziehung zu Europa

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    Roland Benedikter


    Full Text Available Zusammenfassung: Die heutigen USA gelten vielen als Vorreiter auf dem Weg zur integrativen Erneuerung von Wissenschafts- und Erkenntnisparadigmen. Dies vor allem im Bereich der traditionellen Kern- und Grundlagen-Wissenschaft der neuzeitlichen Universität: der Philosophie und der historisch aus ihr erwachsenen Psychologien. Seit einigen Jahren ist in den USA in der Tat eine Entwicklung im Gang, welche die Einseitigkeiten des nominalistisch-subjektivistischen Paradigmas der „Postmoderne“, welches aus ideengeschichtlicher Sicht die Epoche zwischen 1979 und 2001 geprägt hat, um einen neuen geistigen Objektivismus ausgleichen und beide zu einem neuen, „subjektiv-objektiven“ Paradigma integrieren will. Diese Entwicklung findet ihren Ausdruck in drei exemplarischen Avantgarde-Strömungen, die im vorliegenden Beitragvorgestellt sowie auf Charakteristiken und Wechselbeziehungen untersucht werden. Dabei erweist sich, dass die heutige ideengeschichtliche Avantgarde der USA in Kernterminologie, historischer Kontinuität und Ausrichtung stark pazifisch-asiatisch, aber noch zu wenig atlantisch-europäisch geprägt ist. Das scheint mit ein Grund dafür zu sein, warum diese Avantgarde-Ansätze trotz ihres hochwertigen Anregungs- und Innovations-Potentials im Hinblick auf ein ganzheitlichen Wissenschafts-Paradigma für das 21. Jahrhundert noch unübersehbare Schwierigkeiten haben, den atlantisch-europäisch geprägten Hauptstrom des Geistes-, Kultur- und politisch-sozialen Lebens ihrer Gesellschaft zu erreichen. Es zeigt sich, dass der innere Ausgleich zwischen pazifischen und atlantischen Ideen-Einflüssen eine der zentralen Herausforderungen für diese Avantgarde-Strömungen, aber darüber hinaus im Spiegelverhältnis auch für das europäische Kultur- und Gesellschafts-Paradigma sowie für die Entwicklung der integralen Bewegungen auf Weltebene insgesamt ist. Three avant-garde currents within the contemporary intellectual life in the United States

  4. Die anderen Ausdrucksweisen: subtile Offensiven Different Modes of Expression: Subtle Offensives

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    Ella Jasiowka


    Full Text Available Was passiert, wenn der „Herrscher des filmischen Blickes“ eine Frau ist? Anhand zweier jeweils sehr unterschiedlicher Beispiele „weiblicher“ Filmkunst zeigt die Autorin, dass es nötig ist, herkömmliche Interpretationsmuster zu überwinden, um dem Filmschaffen einzelner Künstler und Künstlerinnen auf den Grund zu gehen. Da es nicht die „feministische Kunst“ an sich gibt, muß man für das Werk so unterschiedlicher Künstlerinnen wie Sally Potter und Jane Campion jeweils unterschiedliche Schlüssel suchen, um ihnen gerecht zu werden. Dies tut Radkiewicz in ihrem Werk – aus feministischer Perspektive. Sie holt jeweils verschieden weit aus, wenn es darum geht, künstlerische Herkunft, Biographie, Vorbilder und Ziele der Künstlerinnen zu deren Werk in Bezug zu setzten. Ohne zu bahnbrechend neuen Erkenntnissen zu kommen, gelingt es ihr doch, ein komplexes Bild der von ihr behandelten Filmemacherinnen und den Filmen zu entwerfen, das einen umfassenden Gesamteindruck vermittelt. Die Kürze des Buches bringt dabei eine Konzentration mit sich, die zu einer Weiterbeschäftigung und Vertiefung einlädt.What happens if the filmmaker directing the audience’s gaze is a woman? Radkiewicz uses two very different examples of “female” film art to portray the two directions into which this kind of undertaking can lead. In so doing, she demonstrates that traditional methods of analysis no longer suffice to thoroughly examine the work of an artist. Since there is no neatly defined category of “feminist art,” one has to take into consideration different kinds of approaches in order to do justice to the work of film directors like Jane Campion and Sally Potter. Radkiewicz does exactly that in her work, and thus provides an analysis that is informed by a feminist perspective. She includes the filmmakers’ artistic trajectory, background, biography, and goals into her interpretation of Campion’s and Potter’s films. While Radkiewicz does

  5. Social Entrepreneurship im etablierten Wohlfahrtsstaat : Aktuelle empirische Befunde zu neuen und alten Akteuren auf dem Wohlfahrtsmarkt


    Heinze, Rolf G.; Schönauer, Anna-Lena; Schneiders, Katrin; Grohs, Stephan; Ruddat, Claudia


    Im internationalen Vergleich hat sich die wissenschaftliche Diskussion um die gesellschaftliche Relevanz des Phänomens „Social Entrepreneurship“ (SE) in Deutschland relativ spät entwickelt. In Asien wurde die Debatte insbesondere durch die von Muhammad Yunus 1983 gegründete Grameen Bank angestoßen und spätestens seit der Auszeichnung Yunus‘ mit dem Friedensnobelpreis wird SE in vielen Nationen zunehmend als Chance wahrgenommen, soziale Missstände effektiv und nachhaltig zu bekämpfen....

  6. Willkommen in Panorama Theresienstadt. Kinematographie und Zerstörung in der Stadt namens „Als Ob“ (Lesung H. G. Adlers

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    Irina Sandomirskaja


    Full Text Available In seinem Theresienstadt 1941-1945 beschreibt Hans Günther Adler Episoden aus dem Prozess des Filmens in Theresienstadt. Seine größte Aufmerksamkeit liegt dabei auf der Produktion des Films von 1944, den er zusammenfassend aufgrund seines Zwecks und seiner Durchführung „der grausige Filmkarneval” nennt. Bemerkenswerterweise widmet Adler ein ganzes Buchkapitel der Beschreibung des kulturellen Lebens von Theresienstadt, ohne dabei den Film in zusammen mit anderen Beispielen kultureller Ausdrucksformen zu nennen – die Beschreibung des Films ist in der administrativen Chronik von Theresienstadt eingegliedert. Der Film erhält einen Platz für sich innerhalb des Kontextes der bürokratischen Umgestaltung Theresienstadts von einem geschlossenen Lager zu einem „Ghetto“ und schließlich zu einer rein dekorativen „jüdischen Siedlung“ hin. Diese letztere Umgestaltung beschreibt Adler als Teil einer zynischen Kampagne zur „Verschönerung“ von Theresienstadt, im Zuge derer SS und Verwaltung versuchten, das Lager für internationale Beobachter vorzeigbar zu machen. Adler beschreibt den „grausigen Filmkarneval“ als Aushängeschild der Kampagne und schließt ihn so entschieden aus dem Bereich kultureller Phänomene aus, als würde er jede Möglichkeit zu seiner Entlastung ablehnen. Stattdessen schreibt er das Projekt in die administrative Logik der Vernichtung ein, wodurch das Filmen zu einer zusätzlichen – in ihrer Grausamkeit ideenreichen und effektiven – Technik moralischer Vernichtung in der Welt des „verwalteten Menschen” avanciert. In diesem Artikel werde ich Adlers Sicht auf das Bewegtbild als überwiegend administratives Mittel, nicht als Medium kulturellen Ausdrucks hervorheben. Diese Ansicht wird durchaus herausfordernd und komplex, wenn Adlers Zeugenbericht über das Filmprojekt in Theresienstadt in Zusammenhang mit seinen Überlegungen zu mechanisch reproduzierbaren und vor allem bewegten Bildern in Adlers

  7. Geschlecht zwischen Körper und Konstruktion: Aktuelle Impulse zu einer langen Debatte Between Bodies and Constructions: Current Takes on a Long-Standing Debate

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    Natascha Gruber


    Full Text Available Die mit dem Erscheinen von Judith Butlers Unbehagen der Geschlechter ausgelöste „Essentialismus versus Konstruktivismus“-Debatte um die Frage, wie Materialität und Körper zu denken sei, hält die Geschlechterforschung bis heute in dilemmatischer Spannung. Kann auf die Kategorie Geschlecht überhaupt verzichtet werden? Der Sammelband Verhandlungen des Geschlechts dokumentiert anhand von 15 Beiträgen aus den Bereichen Kulturwissenschaften, Philosophie, Psychoanalyse und Politik die aktuelle Entwicklung der Debatte rund um den an Butler orientierten feministischen Konstruktionsbegriff. Unter Rückgriff auf unterschiedliche Ansätze wird versucht, zwischen „Körper“ und „Diskurs“ zu vermitteln und Materialität neu zu denken.The “essentialism-versus-constructivism” debate which was sparked by Butler’s work, Gender Trouble, a debate centered around the question how to best think about materiality and bodies, continues to be relevant to gender studies to the present day. Is it at all possible to avoid gender as a category? 15 essays from scholars in cultural studies, philosophy, psycho-analysis, and politics document the current development of the debates that were inspired by Butler’s ideas about feminist constructions. Using a variety of different approaches, the authors attempt to mediate between the concepts of “body” and “discourse” and to conceive of materiality in a new way.

  8. Emotions as a site-related factor. The attitudes of the population towards energy policy and environmental protection; Emotionen als Standortfaktor. Die Einstellungen der Bevoelkerung zu Energiepolitik und Umweltschutz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koecher, R. [Inst. fuer Demoskopie, Allensbach (Germany)


    For years, debate has been raging on the future competitiveness of Germany. The discussions focus on wages and incidental wage costs, working hours, the education and training system, technological changes, flexibilization and the fight against red tape as well as social consensus. But one site-related factor hardly crops up in public discussion and in economic-science textbook and expertises, although it quite essentially influences competitiveness, now even more than formerly: the mentality of the population. It includes priorities held by society, target concepts such as the openness of the population towards innovation and its attitude towards technology and technical progress as well as the way in which discussions are conducted in society and decisions taken, especially also people`s inclination to rationality or irrationality, and proneness to emotions or ideological thinking. (orig.) [Deutsch] Seit Jahren wird ueber die Zukunft des Standortes Deutschland diskutiert und gestritten. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion stehen Loehne und Lohnnebenkosten, Arbeitszeiten, das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, technologische Veraenderungen, Flexibilisierung und Entbuerokratisierung und der soziale Frieden. Ein Standortfaktor kommt dagegen in der oeffentlichen Diskussion wie auch in den wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Lehrbuechern und Expertisen kaum vor, obwohl er die Standortqualitaet ganz wesentlich beeinflusst, heute noch mehr als frueher: Die Mentalitaet der Bevoelkerung. Dazu gehoeren die gesellschaftlichen Prioritaeten und Zielvorstellungen wie die Innovationsoffenheit der Bevoelkerung, ihre Einstellung zu Technik und technischem Fortschritt wie die Art, gesellschaftliche Diskussionen zu fuehren und Entscheidungen zu treffen, besonders auch die Neigung zu Rationalitaet und Irrationalitaet, die Anfaelligkeit fuer Emotionen und Ideologisierung. (orig.)

  9. [Antjekathrin Grassmann. Zu den wirtschaftlichen und persönlichen Beziehungen Lübecks ins Baltikum im Lichte einer unbeachteten mittelalterlichen Quellegruppe]/ Dennis Hortmuth

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hormuth, Dennis


    Arvustus: Antjekathrin Grassmann. Zu den wirtschaftlichen und persönlichen Beziehungen Lübecks ins Baltikum im Lichte einer unbeachteten mittelalterlichen Quellegruppe. In: Leder ist Brot. Beiträge zur norddeutschen Landes- und Archivgeseten. Schwerin 2011. S. 125-135

  10. ILK statement on the recommendations by the working group on procedures for the selection of repository sites; ILK-Stellungnahme zu den Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte Internationale (AkEnd)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Working Group on Procedures for the Selection of Repository Sites (AkEnd) had been appointed by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) to develop procedures and criteria for the search for, and selection of, a repository site for all kinds of radioactive waste in deep geologic formations in Germany. ILK in principle welcomes the attempt on the part of AkEnd to develop a systematic procedure. On the other hand, ILK considers the two constraints imposed by BMU inappropriate: AkEnd was not to take into account the two existing sites of Konrad and Gorleben and, instead, work from a so-called white map of Germany. ILK recommends to perform a comprehensive safety analysis of Gorleben and define a selection procedure including the facts about Gorleben and, in addition, to commission the Konrad repository as soon as possible. The one-repository concept established as a precondition by BMU greatly restricts the selection procedure. There are no technical or scientific reasons for such concept. ILK recommends to plan for separate repositories, which would also correspond to international practice. The geoscientific criteria proposed by AkEnd should be examined and revised. With respect to the site selection procedure proposed, ILK feels that procedure is unable to define a targeted approach. Great importance must be attributed to public participation. The final site selection must be made under the responsibility of the government or the parliament. (orig.) [German] Der Arbeitskreis Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte (AkEnd) hat Ende 2002 seine Empfehlungen vorgestellt. Der AkEnd war vom Bundesumweltministerium (BMU) berufen worden, um Verfahren und Kriterien fuer die Suche und die Auswahl eines Endlagerstandortes fuer alle Arten radioaktiver Abfaelle in tiefen geologischen Formationen in Deutschland zu entwickeln. Die ILK begruesst grundsaetzlich den Versuch des AkEnd, ein systematisches Verfahren zu entwickeln. Allerdings haelt die ILK die beiden vom BMU

  11. Cyborg oder Göttin: Wie Technikforscherinnen ihr Verhältnis zu Technik sehen

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    Ulrike Kissmann


    Full Text Available Die Autorinnen haben für die Beiträge eigene auto/biographische Erlebnisse ausgewählt, in denen der mediale Charakter von Technik deutlich wird. Die Geschichten erzählen also von Technik, die soziale Ordnung und Bedeutung vermittelt und auf diese Weise dazu beiträgt, Geschlechtergrenzen und andere Grenzen wie die zwischen „bekannt“ und „fremd“ oder „normal“ und „anormal“ herzustellen. Die Auto/Biographien sind durch Technik einerseits fremdbestimmt, andererseits zeigen die Autorinnen auch, wie Selbstbestimmung über diese Grenzen hinweg möglich ist. Sie benutzen Donna Haraways Cyborg Metapher (1985, um das Selbst in der Verflechtung von Sozialem und Technischem auto/biographisch zu rekonstruieren.

  12. Reduction of radiation dose by using digital luminescence radiography compared to conventional screen film system with grid cassette; Reduktion der Strahlendosis mittels Speicherfolienradiographie im Vergleich zum konventionellen Film-Folien-System mit Rasterkassette am Schaedelphantom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heyne, J.P.; Merbold, H.; Neumann, R.; Freesmeyer, M.; Jonetz-Mentzel, L.; Kaiser, W.A. [Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Inst. fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie (Germany); Sehner, J. [AGFA-Deutschland, Vertriebsgesellschaft (Germany)


    Purpose: How much can the radiation dose be reduced for skull radiography by using digital luminescence radiography (DLR) compared to a conventional screen film system with a grid cassette? Methods and Materials: A skull phantom (3M) was X-rayed in anterior-posterior orientation using both a conventional screen film system with grid cassette and DLR (ADC-70, Agfa). The tube current time product (mAs) was diminished gradually while keeping the voltage constant. The surface entrance dose was measured by a sensor of Dosimax (Wellhoefer). Five investigators evaluated the images by characteristic and critical features, spatial resolution and contrast. Results: The surface entrance dose at 73 kV/22 mAs was 0,432 mGy in conventional screen film system and 0,435 mGy in DLR. The images could be evaluated very well down to an average dose of 71% (0,308 mGy; SD 0,050); sufficient images were obtained down to an average dose of 31% (0,136 mGy; SD 0,065). The resolution of the line pairs were reduced down to a 2 levels depending on the investigator. Contrast was assessed as being very good to sufficient. The acceptance of the postprocessed images (MUSICA-software) was individually different and resultde in an improvement of the assessment of bone structures an contrast in higher dose ranges only. Conclusion: For the sufficient assessment of a possible fracture/of paranasal sinuses/of measurement the skull the dose can be reduced to at least 56% (31%; SD 14,9%)/40% (27%; SD 9,3%)/18% (14%; SD 4,4%). Digital radiography allows question-referred exposure parameters with clearly reduced dose, so e.g. for fracture exclusion 73 kV/12,5 mAs and to skull measurement 73 kV/4 mAs. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Wie weit kann unter Einsatz der rasterlosen Speicherfolienradiographie bei einer Schaedelaufnahme die Strahlendosis im Vergleich zum Film-Folien-System (FFS) mit Rasterkassette (RK) fragestellungsbezogen gesenkt werden? Material und Methode: Ein Schaedelphantom (3M) wurde konventionell

  13. Die Übung an sich selbst außerhalb der Ästhetik: das Gegenmittel zu Instrumentalisierungen der Kultur.

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    Stanislas d’Ornano


    Full Text Available In heutiger Zeit den politischen Status der Kultur und der Kunst zu untersuchen setzt voraus, dass man ebenfalls drei Aspekte unserer Epoche in Betracht zieht. Wir haben die Orientierung verloren aufgrund des Widerspruchs zwischen der Vielfalt der Wege (Theorien, Lebensstile, Kunstrichtungen einerseits und der Vorstellung der Erreichung eines Ziels (das Ende der Geschichte, die vollkommene Gesellschaft andererseits. Wir erleben täglich die Situation einer zweifachen Instrumentalisierung, ...

  14. Jenseits von "Identität"? : Zu den Un/Möglichkeiten nicht-identitärer Strategien politischen Handelns


    Rostock, Petra


    Kulturalisierungen und Zuschreibungen ›kollektiver Identitäten‹ dienen in Debatten um die Einwande­rungsgesellschaft Deutschland immer wieder dazu eine soziale Ordnung zu konstruieren, die zwischen denen unterscheidet, die dazu gehören und jenen, die nicht dazu gehören. Gleichzeitig formiert sich ›Identitätspolitik‹ als eine widerständige politische Praxis. Sie greift im Bewusstsein einer gemeinsamen Geschichte der Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung infolge einer zugewiesenen und konstruierten ›Ide...

  15. Ein Versuch, Naturverhältnisse aus feministischer Sicht zu interpretieren Another attempt to explain the natural environment from a feminist perspective

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    Helga Purgand


    Full Text Available Mit dem vorliegenden Sammelband Geschlechterverhältnisse – Naturverhältnisse wird nach dem innovativen Beitrag der feministischen Debatte für umweltsoziologisches Denken gefragt und nach Überschneidungen, Grenzen und Zwischenräumen zwischen „Geschlecht“ und „Natur“ gesucht. In ihm wird der lobenswerte Versuch unternommen, einen Zusammenhang zwischen Geschlechter- und Naturverhältnissen herzustellen „die in der Umweltsoziologie bislang stark vernachlässigte feministische Diskussion und Geschlechterforschung einzubeziehen und als genderbezogene Perspektive zu etablieren“. (S. 9 Das Buch enthält Beiträge von 15 Autorinnen, die unterschiedliche Natur- und Geschlechtsverhältnisse facettenreich, überwiegend kreativ und theoretisch anspruchsvoll betrachten. Das Buch enthält Zugänge aus der allgemeinen Soziologie, den Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften, aus politik- und naturwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen. Den ausdrücklich formulierten Anspruch, von multi- zu einer inter-disziplinären Durchdringung zu gelangen, erfüllt es nur in Ansätzen (besonders mit der Einleitung und den theoretischen Problemexplikationen. Das zustande gekommene „Nach-, Zusammen- und Querdenken“ über Begriffe, Theorien und neuere Forschungsansätze (von Foucault über Butler bis zu Donna Haraway belegt die Notwendigkeit, die naturwissenschaftlichen Annahmen „immanent zu dekonstruieren“. Sehr aufschlussreich sind in diesem Zusammenhang die Beiträge von Irmgard Schultz, Elvira Scheich, aber auch von Mary Mellor und besonders von Paula-Irene Villa, die interessante und kreative Gedanken zur Klärung des Verhältnisses von Natur, Kultur und Geschlecht anbieten. Deutlich wurde, dass weiterhin ein kontroverses Ringen um angemessene konzeptionelle Fassungen von Geschlechts- und Naturverhältnissen und die Integration von Gender als zentraler analytischer Querschnitts-Kategorie nötig sind. Insgesamt ist dem Buch ist eine schnelle Verbreitung und

  16. Quantenphysik und Kommunikationswissenschaft auf dem Weg zu einer allgemeinen Theorie der Kommunikation

    CERN Document Server

    Hamberger, Erich


    Der Quantenphysiker Herbert Pietschmann beschäftigt sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dem Phänomen Kommunikation. Der Kommunikationswissenschaftler Erich Hamberger setzt sich seit langem mit der Frage der Adaptierung erkenntnistheoretischer Einsichten der Quantentheorie für die Geistes- und Biowissenschaften auseinander. 2003 begegnen sich die beiden - und staunen über die „verschränkten Erkenntnisinteressen“. 2006 bestreiten sie eine erste gemeinsame universitäre Lehrveranstaltung. 2011 folgt Das Phänomen Kommunikation transdisziplinär betrachtet. Aus ihrer Zusammenarbeit ist dieses Buch entstanden. Naturwissenschaft arbeitet auf der Grundlage des mechanistischen Denkrahmens. Die bisher einzige Ausnahme ist die Quantenphysik. Weder Leben noch Kommunikation ist mittels des mechanistischen Denkrahmens zu verstehen. Auch der Denkrahmen der Quantenphysik reicht dazu nicht aus. Der Bedarf nach adäquatem Denken im Bereich der Kommunikation kann durch quantenphysikalisches Denken NICHT befriedigt werden, jedoc...

  17. Euphemismen und Dysphemismen im Flexibilisierungsdiskurs. Auf dem Weg zu einem mehrperspektivischen Untersuchungsdesign

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    Goranka Rocco


    Full Text Available Abstract – This article outlines  theoretical and empirical prolegomena to the discourse-analytical study of euphemisms and dysphemisms which appear in the discourse of ‘flexibility’. After giving an operative definition of the euphemisms and dysphemisms and discussing some epistemological and other problems, the article presents an „EuDy-Modell“ called framework for studying euphemisms and dysphemisms from the perspective of discourse linguistics.Abstract – Der Beitrag enthält theoretische und empirische Prolegomena zu einer diskurslinguistisch orientierten Untersuchung von Euphemismen und Dysphemismen im Flexibilisierungsdiskurs. Zunächst werden eine funktionale Arbeitsdefinition der Begriffe Euphemismus und Dysphemismus gegeben und einige epistemologische und andere Probleme des Forschungsvorhabens erörtert, um im Anschluss ein Modell zur Analyse von Euphemismen und Dysphemismen aus der diskurslinguistischen Perspektive – das „EuDy-Modell“ – vorzustellen.

  18. Nachtraege zu den „Tertiaerschichten auf Java.” 1ter Nachtrag: Mollusken. Nach Sammlungen der Indischen Bergbeamten, Hunghuhn’s und Reinwardt’s

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martin, K.


    Durch Vermittelung Verbeek’s erhielt ich eine grosse Reihe von Versteinerungen, welche von Bergbeamten Indiens (hauptsächlich von R. Everwijn und P. van Dijk) gesammelt waren und sich bis vor Kurzem, ohne näher untersucht zu sein, in Batavia befanden ¹). Diese Sammlung umfasste neben vielem

  19. Der grüne Weg zu Open Access: institutionelle und fachliche Repositorien / The Green Road to Open access: institutional and subject repositories

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    Bauer, Bruno


    Full Text Available The recent issue 1/2009 of GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information has a focus on „The green road to open Access: institutional and subject repositories“. Self-archiving and storing scholarly publications on a print server were also central topics in many presentations at the 9th International Bielefeld Conference in February 2009. The authors in this issue are Birgit Schmidt and Karin Ilg-Hartecke (Open Access in Deutschland – erweiterte Perspektiven für die Wissenschaft, Christoph Bruch and Anja Lengenfelder (Unterstützung des Grünen Weges zu Open Access an der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Ulrich Herb and Matthias Müller (Nuancen in Grün: Betrieb eines institutionellen und disziplinären Repositoriums – Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen an der Saarländischen Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Timo Borst and Jan B. Weiland (EconStor: ein fachliches Repositorium für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Antonella de Robbio and Michael Katzmayr (The management of an international open access repository: the case of E-LIS and Christian Gumpenberger (The EPrints story: Southampton as the cradle of institutional self-archiving.Furthermore this focus issue features an interview of a representative of a research funding organisation (Repositorien: Der grüne Weg zu Open Access Publishing aus der Perspektive einer Forschungsförderungsorganisation. 10 Fragen von Bruno Bauer an Falk Reckling, Mitarbeiter des FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds and an interview of a publisher (Repositorien: Der grüne Weg zu Open Access Publishing aus der Perspektive der International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM: 10 Fragen von Bruno Bauer an Barbara Kalumenos, Director of Public Affairs bei STM.

  20. Rezension zu: Mary Pepchinski: Feminist Space. Exhibitions and Discourses between Philadelphia and Berlin 1865–1912. Weimar: VDG Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften 2007.

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    Monika Kaiser


    Full Text Available Mary Pepchinski widmet ihre Untersuchung temporären Ausstellungen, die im Zeitraum von 1865 bis 1912 im deutschsprachigen Raum und in den USA entstanden sind und die zum Ziel hatten, in der bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit Räume für feministische Anliegen und Diskussionen zu schaffen. In diesen um 1900 neu entstehenden Räumen der weiblichen Kultur spiegeln sich die feministischen Diskurse der Epoche und fließen in die von den Akteurinnen des gehobenen Bürgertums geschaffenen, charakteristischen Raumschöpfungen ein. Die Autorin stellt bislang unbekanntes Quellenmaterial vor und eröffnet durch ihren interdisziplinären Blick den Zugang zu einem vernachlässigten, da bislang unbekannten Teil der Kulturgeschichte der Moderne.

  1. Von Neuromancer zu Second Life. Raumsimulationen im Cyberspace

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    Krämer, Steffen


    Full Text Available In his novel Neuromancer, first published in 1984, the US-american author William Gibson coined the term cyberspace for the virtual reality generated by computers. On the basis of an etymological analysis this term can be interpreted as the traditional relation between helmsman and space. In the medium of sci-fi-literature and sci-fi-film this phenomenon of cyberspace changed rapidly between 1980 and today. In early examples, for instance in the film Tron produced in 1982, the virtual figures act in a disintegrated space without any destination or orientation. In later examples, for instance in the film Matrix produced in 1999, the cyberspace becomes a substitute world for a dark, chaotic or destructive vision of reality. Contemporary forms of cyberspace, as visualized in the 3D-online-city Second Life, are in contrast used for financial activities and symbolize the hard world of economic policy. This development of cyberspace can be seen either as an evolutionary process or a dichotomy primary defined by different facets of space simulation in virtual reality.

  2. „Weder dem Vergangenen anheimfallen noch dem Zukünftigen. Es kommt darauf an, ganz gegenwärtig zu sein“

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    Christian Filk


    Full Text Available Aufwachsen und Leben in der Wissensgesellschaft wird schon länger durch die Diskussion um ‚Informationsarme‘ und ‚Informationsreiche‘ begleitet. Jüngere wissenschaftliche Studien belegen das mangelnde oder gar nicht vorhandene Wissen zu wichtigen politischen, geschichtlichen und ethischen Themen wie Nationalsozialismus und Shoah. Christian Filk untersucht wesentliche Grundsätze moderner Geschichtsschreibung und den angemessenen Einsatz von Wissensmedien. Schliesslich erörtert er, wie elektronische, digitale und soziale Medien dazu beitragen können, mehr über den Genozid von etwa sechs Millionen europäischen Juden während des Zweitens Weltkriegs zu erfahren.For some time, growing up and living in a knowledge-based society is accompanied by the discussion on ‚information poor‘ and ‚information rich‘. Recent Scientific studies show the lack or non-existing knowledge on important political, historical and ethical issues such as Nazism and the Holocaust. Christian Filk examines essential principles of modern history and appropriate use of knowledge media. Finally he discusses, how electronic, digital and social media could help to learn more about the genocide of six million European Jews during World War II.

  3. L’eau convoitée de la Guyane vénézuélienne1

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    Anne Pene-Annette


    Full Text Available La Guyane vénézuélienne, région dont la planification est contrôlée par l’Etat, joue un rôle majeur dans le développement économique du pays. Le potentiel hydrologique du fleuve Caroni est convoité pour les usages hydroélectriques, industriels et urbains qui se concentrent dans le pôle d’industrie lourde de Ciudad Guayana. La planification dirigiste, qui se reflète aussi dans la gestion du « pétrole bleu », est en concurrence avec la politique de décentralisation.

  4. Rezension von: Patricia Feise-Mahnkopp: Die Ästhetik des Heiligen. Kunst, Kult und Geschlecht in der Matrix-Filmtrilogie. Köln u.a.: Böhlau Verlag 2011.

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    Kathrin Hönig


    Full Text Available Die Matrix-Filme erlangten innerhalb von kurzer Zeit Kultstatus. Patricia Feise-Mahnkopp beleuchtet das Phänomen aus der Perspektive der ästhetischen Theorie und fragt nach den Gründen für den außergewöhnlichen Erfolg der Filmtrilogie. Die Herleitung und die Begründung ihrer These, dies habe etwas mit der religio-ästhetischen Qualität (d. h. der Eigenschaft, sowohl das Erhabene als auch das Heilige zu evozieren zu tun, sind jedoch mit Argumentationslücken behaftet, weshalb die Analyse nicht vollständig zu überzeugen vermag.

  5. Überlegungen zu einer entrepreneur-orientierten Ausbildung an gewerblichen Fachschulen: eine Bestandsaufnahme mit Vorschlägen für eine Ergänzung des Curriculums


    Hartmann, Falk


    In der Arbeit wird untersucht ob eine Ausbildung zum Entrepreneur, also zur Selbständigkeit möglich ist und es wird ein geeigneter curricularer Ansatz gesucht eine Entrepreneurship Education in die Ausbildung zum staatlich geprüften Techniker Maschinentechnik zu integriereren.

  6. Zu entwicklungstendenzen im satzbau der Deutschen sprache der gegenwart unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der ausrahmung

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    Jasna Makovec


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde durch das Bestreben motiviert, weitere Ergänzungen zum Phänornen "Ausrahrnung in der modernen deutschen Schriftsprache der Gegenwart" zu leisten. Der Ausgangspunkt dieses "fakultativ" geregelten Bereiches ist die Annahme bzw. die Arbeitshypothese, daß sich linguistische und außerlinguistische Faktoren einander zuordnen lassen. Das bedeutet, daß die Linearität innerhalb des Kornrnunikationspro­ zesses auch einige wichtige kommunikative Funktionen auszuüben hat, und daß die kontextuellen Modifikationen der Stellungsva­ rianten bei gleichern Denotatsbezug unter diesern Blickwinkel untersucht werden müssen, und nicht gleich als stilistische Varianten qualifiziert werden.

  7. Die Digitale Bibliothek der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen

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    Daniel Beucke


    Full Text Available Die Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (AdWG und die niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB haben ihre bestehende Kooperation zum Webportal der AdWG intensiviert, das einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten der Göttinger Akademie und umfangreiche Information zu den zahlreichen Langzeitvorhaben bietet und die digitalen Publikationen präsentiert. Zentraler Bestandteil des Webportals ist die Digitale Bibliothek der AdWG, für die im Rahmen der Kooperation neue Präsentationsformen für die Forschungsdaten aus den Akademie-Vorhaben konzipiert und entwickelt wurden. Ein Beispiel für die Umsetzung neuer Präsentationsformen im Portal ist das Edfu-Projekt, dessen Ziel eine Gesamtübersetzung aller Inschriften des Tempels von Edfu in Oberägypten ist. Hinzugezogen werden dazu alle internen, greifbaren, in den Schriften enthaltenen Parallelen, auf die online über das Webportal zugegriffen werden kann. Zerstörte Bereiche lassen sich dadurch oftmals ebenso ergänzen, wie zunächst unverständliche Textpassagen mit Sinn versehen werden können. Nicht nur die bereits vorübersetzten Texte sind auf diese Weise abrufbar, sondern darüber hinaus zahlreiche zusätzliche Materialien, wie z.B. das Fotoarchiv mit seinen mehr als 20.000 Bildern. Die Vernetzung all dieser Daten schafft einen für die Wissenschaft ungewöhnlich tiefen Einblick in die Planung und Konzeption eines altägyptischen Tempels, seiner religiösen Hintergründe und historischen Zusammenhänge. The Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AdWG and the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB have intensified their existing cooperation on the web portal of the AdWG. The portal provides an overview of the activities of the Göttingen Academy as well as extensive information on its numerous long-term projects. It also presents the academy’s digital publications. A crucial part of the web portal is the Digital Library of the AdWG. Within the

  8. Schaulust und Horror Soziokulturelle - Perspektiven auf PEEPING TOM

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    Thomas Ballhausen


    Full Text Available Die Geschichte des Kinos und des Films ist mindestens ebenso sehr eine Geschichte des Schreckens (und der damit verbundenen Schaulust wie sie eine Geschichte des Dokumentarischen zu sein scheint. Es sind die außergewöhnlichen Körper und deren Bewegungen, die das Publikum zu allen Zeiten faszinierten, schockierten und zum Schauen und Sehen lockten. Besonders das Genre des Horrorfilms ist mit diesem zentralen Aspekt des Kinos besonders deutlich verbunden.

  9. Analytic studies of test problems of laser welds in consideration of tolerated hardness peaks. Final report; Analytische Untersuchungen der Pruefproblematik an laserstrahlgeschweissten Verbindungen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der zu tolerierenden Haertespitzen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Test methods for laser welds were investigated under the following aspects: 1. Setting a defined cracking path by changing the test piece geometry - is it possible and does it make sense? 2. Can the results obtained with changed test piece geometries be applied to standard test pieces? 3. Is crack displacement typical of small test pieces, or is it observable in real components as well? 4. Should the cracking path be predefined at all if it results in 'non-realistic' fractures? The focus was on notched bar impact tests. [German] Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war die Ermittlung geeigneter Pruefverfahren zur Charakterisierung einer Laserstrahlschweissnaht. Folgende Fragen sollten geklaert werden: 1. Ist es moeglich und sinnvoll, mit einer Aenderung der Probengeometrie (z.B. Einbringen von Seitenkerben) den Rissverlauf in das aufgehaertete Laserschweissgut zu zwingen? 2. Welche Aussagen liefern uns die Ergebnisse dieser abgeaenderten Probengeometrie und inwiefern sind diese vor allen Dingen beim Kerbschlagbiegeversuch auf die Ergebnisse der standardisierten Probengeometrie zu uebertragen? 3. Ist das Rissauswandern ein nur fuer Kleinproben typisches Verhalten oder wird es auch bei realen Bauteilen beobachtet? 4. Ist es sinnvoll, den Rissverlauf in die sproede, aufgehaertete Schweissnaht zu zwingen, obwohl daraus ein 'realitaetsfernes' Bruchverhalten resultiert? Dabei wurde der Schwerpunkt auf die Untersuchung des Kerbschlagbiegeversuches gelegt. (orig.)

  10. Der kleine Unterschied. Zu den Selbstverhältnissen von Verantwortung und Pflicht

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    Vogelmann Frieder


    Full Text Available Die Debatte um die Differenz von „Verantwortung“ und „Pflicht“ ist kein bloßer Streit um Wörter, geht es doch um Begriffe, für die der Anspruch erhoben wird, sie seien konstitutiv für moralische Normativität oder gar für Normativität per se. Doch welchen Unterschied macht es, die besondere Bindungskraft von Normativität über Verantwortung oder über Pflicht zu explizieren? Die Genealogie der philosophischen Reflexionen auf Verantwortung lokalisiert die Differenz zwischen Pflicht und Verantwortung in den jeweiligen Selbstverhältnissen, die mit diesen Begriffen verbunden werden. Die Analyse der Struktur dieser Selbstverhältnisse erklärt sowohl, warum Verantwortung häufig als moderner Ersatzbegriff für Pflicht gedacht wird, als auch, welchen Unterschied die Explikation der Bindungskraft von Normativität über Verantwortung oder Pflicht macht: Je nachdem, mit welchem Begriff normative Kraft erläutert wird, wandert das entsprechende Selbstverhältnis in die Verfasstheit von Normativität ein.

  11. [Dennis Hormuth. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tres : Studien zu mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1710) ] / Stefan Donecker

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Donecker, Stefan, 1977-


    Arvustus: Hormuth, Dennis. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tre : Studien zu mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1710). (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 79). Stuttgard, 2012

  12. [Staat und Orden. Das Verhältnis des Deutschen Ordens zu den Städten in Livland, Preußen und im Deutschen Reich] / Bernhart Jähnig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jähnig, Bernhart, 1941-


    Arvustus: Staat und Orden. Das Verhältnis des Deutschen Ordens zu den Städten in Livland, Preußen und im Deutschen Reich, hg. v. Udo Arnold. (Quellln und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens. 4.) Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag 1993

  13. In den sauren Apfel beißen. Naturkundliche Lehrmittelensembles in historischer Perspektive

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    Michael Markert


    Full Text Available Naturkundlicher Unterricht praktiziert eine materielle Kultur der Anschauung, die eingesetzten und überlieferten Lehr-Dinge sind deren kulturelle Artefakte. Über eine damit verbundene Unterrichtspraxis zu sprechen bedeutet, diese Dinge als materielle Träger von Bedeutung in spezifischen Gebrauchskontexten zu begreifen und deshalb zugleich die mit ihnen verbundenen Handlungen und Routinen, etwa in der Zerlegung eines Modells oder der Inszenierung eines Schulwandbildes im Klassenraum, zu untersuchen. Damit ist historische Lehrmittelforschung zugleich auch eine Medienarchäologie in dem Sinne, dass nicht nur die erhaltenen Artefakte inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet werden, sondern auch versucht wird, die historischen Praktiken des Gebrauchs und der Überlieferung zu berücksichtigen. Dieser Beitrag wird anhand des Gegenstandsbereichs 'Apfel' die historische Bandbreite verschiedener Lehrmittel (Lehrbuch, Lehrmodel, Naturobjekt, Wandtafel, Film, Dia, Folie, DVD-Medienpaket vor Augen führen und mit Hinweisen zu Mediengeschichte und Mediengebrauch auf die unterrichtliche Praxis referenzieren, um einen Einblick in die materielle Kultur der Lehre zu geben. Natural history education practices a material culture of perception. The utilized teaching objects are the artefacts of this culture. To speak about the interlinked teaching practices means to understand the objects as material carriers of meaning in special contexts of usage and to analyze the related actions and routines – for example the decomposition of a teaching model or the staging of a wall chart. Thus the historical research on teaching materials is a media archology in the sense that the surviving artefacts are analyzed in their historical teaching practices. This paper examines the historical spectrum of different teaching materials like textbook, model, wallchart, film and slide focusing on the ordinary 'apple' as a wide-spread subject matter of education. The historical account

  14. Zu einigen mittelalterlichen Amtsbezeichungen in der Toponymie Serbiens

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    Aleksandar Loma


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt den Ortsnamen Šepšin, wie ein Dorf in Serbien unweit von Mladenovac, südlich von Belgrad, heißt. Nach dem Zeugnis der türkischen Verzeichnisse des 16. Jh.s, hat sich die heutige Form des Namens über Šemšin aus Šemčin entwickelt, wie sein Erstbeleg aus 1528 lautet. Vorausgesetzt, dass sich das anlautende Š- aus S- durch Assimilation vom Typ šiče < siče ‘zischt’ entwickelt hat, lässt sich die ursprügliche Namenform als *Sěmčijin wiederherstellen, wo sich um ein Possessivadjektiv zur altserbischen Amtsbezeichnung sěmьčija handelt. Nur als Hapax in der BanjskaUrkunde aus 1316. belegt, wird sie mit aksl. samъčii ‘praefectus’ gleichgesetzt, wo wahrscheinlich ein Lehnwort aus dem Protobulgarischen vorliegt. In diesem Fall liesse sich das ě der altserbischen Nebenform durch den Einfluss des urslav. Wortes *sěmь ‘Familie’ erklären. Anknüpfend wird die Frage nach der Herkunft eines anderen Ortsnamens aus demselben Gebiet, Hrčin, heute Vrčin, wieder in Betracht gezogen. Bisher unterschiedlich gedeutet, lässt sich er analogisch zu *Sěmčijin auf *Hrtčijin als Possessivbildung zur sonst unbelegten Hofamtsbezeichnung *xъrtьčii ‘für Windhunde (*xъrtъ zuständig, Hofjägermeister’ zurückführen. In beiden Fällen dürfte sich das maskuline Possessivadjektiv auf -in ursprünglich auf potok ‘Bach’ oder dol ‘Tal’ im Lehensbesitz der betreffenden Person bezogen haben.

  15. Erhöht ein Opfer-Täter-Zyklus das Risiko, Sexualstraftaten als pädosexuelle Straftaten zu begehen? : Ergebnisse einer ereignisanalytischen Pilotstudie


    Urban, Dieter; Lindhorst, Heiko


    Die Pilotstudie untersucht mittels multivariater Ereignisanalysen den Übergang vom ehemaligen Opfer pädosexuellen bzw. körperlichen Missbrauchs zum pädosexuellen Täter im Lebensverlauf verurteilter Sexualstraftäter. Zur Erklärung dieses Übergangs werden aus den wichtigsten täterorientierten Theoriemodellen drei Hypothesen abgeleitet, die empirisch getestet werden sollen. Diese Hypothesen betreffen das Risiko, nach Opfererfahrungen in der Kindheit zum Täter pädosexuellen Missbrauchs zu werden....

  16. Erhöht ein Opfer-Täter-Zyklus das Risiko, Sexualstraftaten als pädosexuelle Straftaten zu begehen? : Ergebnisse einer ereignisanalytischen Pilotstudie


    Urban, Dieter; Lindhorst, Heiko


    "Die Pilotstudie untersucht mittels multivariater Ereignisanalysen den Übergang vom ehemaligen Opfer pädosexuellen bzw. körperlichen Missbrauchs zum pädosexuellen Täter im Lebensverlauf verurteilter Sexualstraftäter. Zur Erklärung dieses Übergangs werden aus den wichtigsten täterorientierten Theoriemodellen drei Hypothesen abgeleitet, die empirisch getestet werden sollen. Diese Hypothesen betreffen das Risiko, nach Opfererfahrungen in der Kindheit zum Täter pädosexuellen Missbrauchs zu werden...

  17. Rezension zu: Nicole C. Karafyllis, Gotling Ulshöfer: Sexualized Brains. Cambridge u.a.: MIT Press 2008

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    Sigrid Schmitz


    Full Text Available In der Auseinandersetzung um geschlechtliche Normierungen spielt die moderne Hirnforschung eine wirkmächtige und inzwischen disziplinenübergreifende Rolle. Nicole Karafyllis und Gotlind Ulshöfer stellen in diesem Sammelband mit Beiträgen aus Neurowissenschaft, Psychologie, Soziologie, Kulturwissenschaft und Philosophie ein multiperspektivisches Diskursfeld zu der Frage vor, ob die Emotionale Intelligenz (EI als erstrebenswerte Fähigkeit die klassische Kodierung in männliche Rationalität bzw. weibliche Emotionalität dekonstruieren und ein emanzipatorisches Potential entgegen gesellschaftlichen Hierarchisierungen entfalten kann. Viele Aspekte, Verbindungen zwischen den Diskurssträngen und wechselseitige Beeinflussungen, aber auch disziplinäre Eingrenzungen werden sichtbar, die eine kritische Fortführung des hier angestoßenen Dialogs notwendig machen.

  18. Die Wahrnehmung der Figur „Adolf Hitler“ in Daniel Levys „Mein Führer- die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler“ durch internationales Filmpublikum.


    Herzner, Dominik


    Filme beeinflussen die Wahrnehmungen von Figuren. Daniel Levys Film "Mein Führer" (die erste deutschsprachige Komödie über Adolf Hitler) führte zu einer positiven Wahrnehmung der Hauptfigur. In einer empirischen Untersuchung wurde gezeigt, dass sich dieser Effekt bei internationalem Filmpublikum, die einen anderen Zugang zur Thematik Nationalsozialismus haben, verstärkt.

  19. Benefit analysis of e-business solutions for utilities; Nutzenbetrachtung von E-Business-Branchenloesungen. Der Online-Weg zu den Privatkunden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, M.; Baier, D. [Lehrstuhl fuer Marketing und Innovationsmanagement und BTU Cottbus (Germany)


    E-Business-applications for internal and external business processes are an often dealt subject. In opposition to that the implementation of E-Business-Systems at the interface to the many private customers are taken only few notice. Even though the implementation requires additional investments utilities could save considerable costs. (orig.) [German] Die Unterstuetzung der internen und externen Geschaeftsprozesse durch E-Business-Systeme ist eine aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung oft behandelte Thematik. Weitgehend unbeachtet blieb bisher der Einsatz von E-Business-Systemen an der Schnittstelle zu den vielen Privatkunden. Trotz zusaetzlich notwendiger Investitionen lassen sich gerade an dieser Stelle hohe Kosten sparen. (orig.)

  20. Review of preliminary results of the project `Co-cracking of plastics and petroleum residues`; Uebersicht zu den ersten Ergebnissen des Projektes Cocracking von Kunststoffen und Erdoelrueckstand

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uhmann, R; Koepsel, R F; Kuchling, T; Simanjenkov, V [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Energieverfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen


    Coprocessing of petroleum residues and plastics is a promising technology, although some problems concerning waste plastics must be clarified prior to its implementation. In general, it can be stated that with a careful choice of operating parameter combinations, oil yields will be higher than for thermal treatment of petroleum residues alone (e.g. a 35% yield increase is achieved by adding 25% of plastics, which is a disproportionately high increase). Waste plastics thus become a valuable material for processing. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das untersuchte Coprocessing von VR und Kunststoffen ist ein erfolgversprechender Weg der Kunststoffverwertung und des tiefen Crackens von Erdoelrueckstand. Die Klaerung der mit Altkunststoffen verbundenen Fragen bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen. Allgemein kann festgestellt werden, dass bei entsprechenden Parameterkombinationen bessere Oelausbeuten erzielt werden als bei der thermischen Behandlung von reinem VR. Ein Beispiel dafuer ist in der Abbildung 10 dargestellt. Durch eine 25%-ige Erhoehung der Einsatzstoffmasse durch Kunststoffzugabe wird eine im Vergleich zu reinem VR um ca. 36% hoehere Oelausbeute erzielt, was einer ueberproportionalen Erhoehung entspricht. Altkunststoff wird bei diesem Prozess unter Nutzung des Wasserstoff-potentials von Polymeren zu einem wertvollen Einsatzstoff. (orig.)

  1. E-Portfolios, ‹eine Möglichkeit, viel für sich selbst zu lernen›. Der Einsatz von E-Portfolios als Reflexionsinstrument am Beispiel der Viadrina PeerTutoring-Ausbildung

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    Stefanie Vogler-Lipp


    Full Text Available Das Reflektieren und Verstehen des eigenen Lernprozesses gehört zu den studienrelevanten Fertigkeiten, die erlernt und während eines erfolgreichen Studiums vertieft werden sollten. Seit 2012 wird im Rahmen der Viadrina PeerTutoring-Ausbildung an der Europa-Universität Viadrina auf den Ausbau und die Weiterentwicklung der Reflexionskompetenzen sehr viel Wert gelegt. Im Folgenden werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zusammengefasst und erläutert, wie gutes Reflektieren angeleitet wird. Die Studierenden reflektieren ihre Lernprozesse in E-Portfolios. Um das komplexe Zusammenspiel einer guten Anleitung zum Reflektieren, den tatsächlichen Ergebnissen in den E-Portfolios und den Eindrücken der Mitarbeiter/innen am Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen und Forschendes Lernen nachvollziehen zu können, werden am Ende einzelne Auszüge aus den E-Portfolios vorgestellt und für den Einsatz von E-Portfolio als Reflexionsinstrument plädiert.

  2. Mehr Last als Lust – Ein weiterer Sammelband zu „(Frauen-Körper“ More Encumbrance than Enjoyment

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    Paula-Irene Villa


    Full Text Available Dieser Band vereint acht heterogene Aufsätze zu „Lust und Last am eigenen Körper“ von Frauen. Alle Beiträge gehören zum Spektrum psychologischer Reflexion; die Themen reichen dabei von Sport über Kochen und Essen bis Schönheit, die Zugänge von Psychoanalyse über experimentelle Psychologie bis hin zu freier Assoziation auf der Grundlage klinisch-praktischer Arbeit. Ein roter Faden durch die Beiträge ist nicht erkennbar und so wirkt die Vielfalt beliebig. So unterschiedlich die Beiträge sind, so unterschiedlich ist auch ihre Qualität. Leider kommen einige Artikel über die unkritische Zusammenstellung anderer Arbeiten nicht hinaus, die meisten nehmen kaum Bezug auf das inzwischen breite und institutionalisierte Feld der (sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Körperforschung. Doch haben manche Aufsätze interessante empirische Einblicke zu bieten, die zur weiteren Reflexion anregen, und einige wenige Beiträge sind so differenziert, dass sich mit ihnen weiterdenken und -forschen lässt. Insgesamt bereitet die Lektüre des Buches weder ‚Einsteiger/-innen‘ noch ‚Fortgeschrittenen‘ der wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit (Frauen-Körpern Lust, sondern erweist sich – bis auf Ausnahmen, die allerdings auch in ausführlicherer Form anderenorts publiziert wurden – eher als Last. Ärgerlich und alles andere als argumentativ überzeugend ist darüber hinaus das in manchen Texten enthaltene, mehr oder minder explizit artikulierte, ‚Feminismus- bzw. Frauenforschungs-Bashing‘.This volume joins together eight heterogeneous essays by women under the theme “enjoyment and encumbrance of the body.” All of the contributions belong within the spectrum of psychological reflection; the themes range from sports, cooking and eating, and beauty, to the process of psychoanalysis, experimental psychology, and free-association based on clinical practice. The thread throughout the contributions remains indiscernible and thus the

  3. Der Einfluss des Country-of-Origin Effekts im Vergleich zu anderen Faktoren auf die Kaufabsicht und Markenpräferenz in der Produktgruppe PKW


    Gerhold, Christine


    Der Konsument sieht sich im zunehmenden Maße mit einer großen Produktvielfalt, einer allgemeinen Homogenisierung der Produkte und einer ständigen Informationsüberflutung konfrontiert. Zur leichteren Orientierung werden aus dem großen Bündel an Produktinformationen, einzelne "Schlüsselinformationen", verstärkt zur Kaufentscheidung herangezogen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, welche Bedeutung die Schlüsselinformation "Country-of-Origin" im Vergleich zu anderen Faktoren, wie Marke o...

  4. Dohmen, Dieter, Erbes, Annegret, Fuchs, Kathrin & Günzel, Juliane (2008). Was wissen wir über Nachhilfe? Sachstand und Auswertung der Forschungsliteratur zu Angebot, Nachfrage und Wirkungen. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 150 S. [Rezension


    Mayr, Thomas


    Rezension von Dohmen, Dieter, Erbes, Annegret, Fuchs, Kathrin & Günzel, Juliane (2008). Was wissen wir über Nachhilfe? Sachstand und Auswertung der Forschungsliteratur zu Angebot, Nachfrage und Wirkungen. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 150 S. 29,90 EUR, ISBN 978-3763936656

  5. Fluchen und Flamen, um ein Mann zu sein? Die Verknüpfung von Geschlecht und Sprache durch Vorurteile

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    Nicola Döring


    Full Text Available Die hier besprochene Monographie der Linguistin Anja Gottburgsen beschäftigt sich theoretisch und empirisch mit sprachbezogenen Geschlechterstereotypen, also mit unseren Vorstellungen darüber, ob und wie Männer und Frauen jeweils in spezifischer und distinkter Weise sprachlich kommunizieren. Im Theorieteil der Arbeit wird der aktuelle Stand der soziolinguistischen und sozialpsychologischen Diskussion zu Geschlecht, Sprachverhalten und Stereotypisierung kritisch referiert und die Bedeutung von sprachbezogenen Geschlechterstereotypen erläutert. Im empirischen Teil berichtet die Autorin die Ergebnisse von drei Fragebogen-Studien mit deutschsprachigen Studierenden. Es zeigt sich, dass bei Studierenden unabhängig von Geschlecht und Geschlechtsrollenorientierung stereotype Vorstellungen über das sprachliche Verhalten von Männern und Frauen verbreitet sind.

  6. Qualitative Forschung auf der Basis von Eigenproduktionen mit Medien. Erfahrungswerte aus dem EU-Forschungsprojekt CHICAM – Children In Communication About Migration

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    Horst Niesyto


    Full Text Available Visuelle Methoden haben in verschiedenen Bereichen qualitativer Forschung eine wichtige Bedeutung. Zu nennen sind vor allem die visuelle Soziologie und die visuelle Anthropologie. Fotografie und Video werden bei teilnehmender Beobachtung zusätzlich zu Feldnotizen eingesetzt. Video dient zur Dokumentation von Interviews und Gruppendiskussionen. Bilder oder Filmsequenzen sind geeignet, um Kommunikation im Rahmen von Interviews zu stimulieren ("photo-elicitation", vgl. Prosser/Schwartz 1998, S. 123. In Pierre Bourdieus Arbeiten lassen sich einige interessante Beispiele für diesen Ansatz finden (Bourdieu 1987, S. 87. Eine weitere Möglichkeit besteht darin, bereits existierende visuelle Darstellungen von Subjekten zum Gegenstand der Analyse zu machen (z.B. Kinderzeichnungen oder Graffiti-Malereien; vgl. Neuß 1999; Holzwarth 2001. Interessante Erfahrungswerte gibt es auch im umfangreichen Gebiet des ethnologischen Films (u.a. Curtis, Flaherty, Mead, Rouch, insbesondere das dialogische Vorgehen bei Rouch (die Kamera als integraler Bestandteil der Erfahrung und Erkenntnis sozialer Wirklichkeit; vgl. Friedrich 1984.

  7. Reimbursement for electricity supplied to the grid and the phaseout of franchise agreements. A critical review of recent developments of the law; Einspeiseverguetung und Auslaufen der Konzessionsvertraege - eine kritische Studie zu neueren Rechtsentwicklungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jackel, G. [Energieversorgung Schwaben AG, Stuttgart (Germany)


    Allowing more competition in all sectors of the economy is an acceptable strategy if resulting in social benefits, i.e. if profits are passed on to the citizens and consumers. If, however, such a liberalisation or deregulation ends up in a concentration of power by commercial enterprises to the disadvantage of consumers who have to pay higher electricity rates, or jeopardizes the reliability of power supply, such actionism on the part of the legislature may well adversely affect public welfare. This applies likewise to minor regulation, as is the Act on Compulsory Acceptance of Electricity From Renewable Energy Sources,(SEG), which puts an unproportionate load on the shoulders of the public utilities in order to satisfy interests of environmental policy. The paper explains these statements by examining effects expected to result from the SEG, and by referring to problems involved in the phaseout of franchise agreements. (orig./HSCH) [Deutsch] Die Einfuehrung von mehr Wettbewerb in allen Bereichen der Wirtschaft ist zu begruessen, wenn sich volkswirtschaftlich positive Entwicklungen einstellen, d.h. der Buerger, der Kunde davon profitiert. Wenn liberalisierende Eingriffe letztlich aber zu hoeheren Strompreisen oder zu geringerer Versorgungssicherheit fuehren, bei gleichzeitigem Konzentrationsschub in der Unternehmensstruktur, dann kann das Gemeinwohl durch gesetzgeberischen Aktionismus leicht Schaden nehmen. Dies gilt auch fuer Regulierungen minderer Art wie beim Stromeinspeisungsgesetzt (SEG), das die deutschen Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) aus umweltpolitischen Erwaegungen weiter einseitig belastet. (orig./HSCH)

  8. Operating experience for a closed-circuit interconnected system for flue gas desulphurization at Klingenberg heating power station; Betriebserfahrungen zu einem Kreislaufverbundsystem fuer die Rauchgasentschwefelung im Heizkraftwerk Klingenberg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hultsch, T [Berliner Kraft- und Licht (BEWAG)-AG, Heizkraftwerk Klingenberg, Berlin (Germany); Mueller, U [BDAG Balcke-Duerr AG, Ratingen (Germany)


    The cleaning of flue gases imposes extreme demands on the material concerned. By keeping below the acid dewpoint, this leads to condensation of acid products on the heating surfaces. The correct selection of the appropriate material is decisive for the availability of the overall plant. In the case of the application described in this paper, it has been possible to show that nickel-based alloys are outstandingly suitable for withstanding those kinds of stresses over many years. However, independently of this, it is valid to test material selection for each individual case of application. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Reinigung von Rauchgasen stellt extreme Anforderungen an den jeweiligen Werkstoff. Durch die Unterschreitung des Saeuretaupunktes kommt es dabei zu einer Kondensation der Saeureprodukte auf den Heizflaechen. Die Auswahl des geeigneten Materials ist entscheidend fuer die Verfuegbarkeit der Gesamtanlage. In dem hier dargestellten Anwendungsfall konnte gezeigt werden, dass Nickelbasis-Legierungen hervorragend geeignet sind, einer derartigen Beanspruchung ueber Jahre hinaus standzuhalten. Unabhaengig hiervon gilt es jedoch, fuer die Materialauswahl jeden Anwendungsfall einzeln zu pruefen. (orig.)

  9. Brief Study and Spanish Translation of Die Kunst das Clavier zu Spielen by Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg (Berlin, Henning, 1750

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    María de las Nieves Pascual León


    Full Text Available This paper includes the fi rst Spanish version of F. W. Marpurg’s treaty Die Kunst das Clavier zu spielen, which had been restricted for the common Spanish-speaking reader since its fi rst appearance in 1750. This philological translation of the treaty (with the facsimile of the fi rst edition and its Spanish translation on the opposite page is instroduced by a brief study of the text’s various editions published during the author’s life, and pretends to offer an initial approach to the treaty, to facilitate the public’s access to the work and to contribute to its full disclosure.

  10. Präferenzen, Wohlergehen und Rationalität – Zu den begrifflichen Grundlagen des libertären Paternalismus und ihren Konsequenzen für seine Legitimierbarkeit

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    Klonschinski Andrea


    Full Text Available Der libertäre Paternalismus (LP genießt in Politik, Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit eine große Popularität, die er insbesondere zwei Merkmalen verdankt: Erstens stützt sich der LP auf verhaltensökonomische Ergebnisse, die zeigen, dass individuelle Entscheidungen oft nicht der neoklassischen Rationalitätskonzeption entsprechen, sodass Individuen durch sogenanntes Nudging zu besseren, ihren wahren Präferenzen entsprechenden Entscheidungen verholfen werden könne. Zweites ist damit der Anspruch verbunden, das Wohlergehen der Individuen, wie sie selbst es verstehen, zu erhöhen. Dieser Beitrag zeigt anhand einer dogmengeschichtlichen Analyse der zentralen, dem LP zugrunde liegenden Begriffe Präferenz, Nutzen, Rationalität und Wohlergehen, dass der LP diesen Anspruch nicht einlösen kann. Eine detaillierte begriffliche Analyse ist deshalb geboten, weil diese Konzepte in der Ökonomik immer wieder für Missverständnisse sorgen. Eine theoriegeschichtlich informierte Untersuchung wiederum ist notwendig, da diese Konfusion insbesondere auf der Tatsache beruht, dass der Gehalt dieser Begriffe sich im Laufe der Zeit gravierend verändert hat und sich die verschiedenen Bedeutungen heute z. T. wechselseitig überlagern.

  11. [Stadt und Orden. Das Verhältnis des deutschen Ordens zu den Städten in Livland, Preußen und im Deutschen Reich] / Bernhart Jähnig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jähnig, Bernhart, 1941-


    Arvustus: Stadt und Orden. Das Verhältnis des deutschen Ordens zu den Städten in Livland, Preußen und im Deutschen Reich, hg. v. Udo Arnold. [Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens. 44; Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens. 4) Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag 1993. VIII, 311 S.

  12. Polycrystalline silicon film solar cells on insulator devices. Final report; Duennschichtsolarzellen aus kristallinem Silicium auf Glassubstraten. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Werner, J.H.; Wagner, T.A.; Bruehne, K.; Berge, C.; Dassow, R.; Jensen, N.; Koehler, J.; Nerding, M.; Oberbeck, L.; Rinke, T.J.; Bergmann, R.B.; Schubert, M.B.


    entwickelten Transfertechnik fuer monokristalline Siliciumfilme, die auf der Bildung einer Trennschicht mittels elektrochemischer Aetzverfahren beruht. Dieses Verfahren wurde seit einer Anpassung des Arbeitsplanes im Jahr 2000 im Vorhaben verfolgt und konnte die damaligen hohen Erwartungen sogar noch uebertreffen. Es wird in einem Anschlussvorhaben weiterentwickelt, um unter anderem belastbare Fakten zu Fragen der industriellen Anwendbarkeit zu sammeln. Die direkte Herstellung effizienter polykristalliner Siliciumsolarzellen auf Glassubstraten bei Temperaturen zwischen 400 und 600 C erwies sich als aeusserst schwierig und vermutlich unmoeglich. Zum ersten Mal konnte eine umfassende Analyse der grundsaetzlichen Begrenzungen fuer pn-Solarzellen aus Silicium mit Korngroessen im Bereich von (1-100) {mu}m vorgelegt werden. Der Durchgang von Korngrenzen durch den pn-Uebergang begrenzt in diesem Korngroessenbereich die erreichbare Ausgangsspannung prinzipiell auf inakzeptabel niedrige Werte. Die thermokatalytische Abscheidung (hot-wire CVD) nanokristalliner Si-Filme (nc-Si) fuer den Einsatz in gestapelten, mikromorphen Solarzellen konnte dahingehend optimiert werden, dass Schichten mit ausschliesslicher <110>-Textur erzielt wurden. Solche Schichten zeigen stabile elektronische Eigenschaften; Veraenderungen durch die Aufnahme von atmosphaerischem Sauerstoff, Wasser usw. koennen damit vermieden werden. Der Einsatz in Solarzellen scheint jedoch der geringen Abscheiderate wegen wenig sinnvoll. Hier zeigte sich, dass Schichten guter elektronischer Qualitaet in hot-wire CVD aehnlich niedrige Abscheideraten erfordern wie in plasmagestuetzten Verfahren. Weitere Ergebnisse in den Bereichen Ionenunterstuetzte Abscheidung (IAD), Laserkristallisation und Si-Hetero-Solarzellen koennen als spin-off fuer andere Anwendungen genutzt werden. (orig.)

  13. Benjamin Ortmeyer: Mythos und Pathos statt Logos und Ethos, Zu den Publikationen führender Erziehungswissenschaftler in der NS-Zeit: Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl, Erich Weniger und Peter Petersen, Weinheim / Basel: Beltz 2009 [Rezension


    Zimmer, Hasko


    Rezension von: Benjamin Ortmeyer: Mythos und Pathos statt Logos und Ethos, Zu den Publikationen führender Erziehungswissenschaftler in der NS-Zeit: Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl, Erich Weniger und Peter Petersen, Weinheim / Basel: Beltz 2009, 606 S.

  14. Movie and Comic-Review: Star Trek

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    Karl H. Stingeder


    Full Text Available Ob als Film oder Comic: Star Trek ist eine Vision, eine Utopie voller atem­beraubender Bilder, mannigfaltiger Charaktere und gegensätzlicher (biologischer Gruppierungen als Metapher zu den Gegensätzen und Gemeinsamkeiten auf unserem blauen Planeten.

  15. Rezension zu: Thomas Ballhausen, Thomas Edlinger, Linda Henschel, Katherina Zakrawsky: The Porn Identity. Expeditionen in die Dunkelzone. Nürnberg: Verlag für Moderne Kunst 2009.

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    Florian Cramer


    Full Text Available Die Ausstellung „The Porn Identity“ und ihr begleitender Katalog- und Essayband kartografieren die Schnittmengen von Pornografie, zeitgenössischer Kunst und Kulturtheorie umfassend genug, um als Einführungen ins Themengebiet nützlich zu sein. Indem der Katalog Pornobilder und -lifestyle zugleich schwelgerisch zelebriert und genderpolitisch-korrekt verbrämt, ist er jedoch so schmierig wie kommerzielle Pornografie. Dies macht ihn zum Konzeptkunstwerk – und setzt Fragezeichen hinter den Diskurs der porn studies.

  16. „Ich glaube, wir können es uns gar nicht leisten, nichts von Religion zu verstehen.“ Grundkompetenzen für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer im Umgang mit Religion

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    Helga Kohler-Spiegel


    Full Text Available Das Recht von Kindern, sich mit Religion auseinanderzusetzen, ist in den Kinderrechten der UN verankert, Friedrich Schweitzer spricht von den „großen Fragen“. Diesen Fragen Raum zu geben beinhaltet ein Begleiten der Kinder, unabhängig ihrer formalen religiösen Zugehörigkeiten. Da sich Religiöses in der Schule auf sehr vielfältige Art zeigt, bedarf es der kurzen Klärung, was darunter verstanden wird, bevor beschrieben wird, welche Grundkompetenzen Lehrpersonen brauchen, um Kinder in der Vielfalt dieser Erfahrungen und Fragen zu begleiten. „I believe we cannot afford to not understand religion.“ Basic competences for teachers in handling religion Children‘s entitlement to deal with religion is constituted in the Human Rights for Children of the UN, Friedrich Schweitzer refers to it as „The big questions“. To create space for these questions implies to shepherd the children, regardless of their formal religious affiliation. Driven by the diversity of religiousness in school, some brief clarification of this topic is required, before characterizing which basic expertise educational personnel need to have in order to guide children through the variety of these experiences and questions.

  17. Black Films and Film-Makers. (United States)

    Patterson, Lindsay, Ed.

    The development of black films and the attitudes of the film industry toward black films and black actors are some of the topics examined in this anthology of essays. Section 1, "Nigger to Supernigger," contains such articles as "The Death of Rastus: Negroes in American Films" by Thomas R. Cripps and "Folk Values in a New Medium" by Alain Locke…

  18. Physical interactions in MRI. Some rules of thumb for their reduction; Physikalische Wechselwirkungen in der MRT. Einige Daumenregeln zu ihrer Reduktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muehlenweg, M. [Krankenhaus Martha-Maria Halle-Doelau, Institut fuer Radiologie, Halle (Saale) (Germany); Schaefers, G. [MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen (Germany); Trattnig, S. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Exzellenzzentrum Hochfeld-Magnetresonanz, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria)


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most powerful and at the same time gentlest clinical imaging techniques at the present time; however, the enormous physical complexity as well as simple inattentiveness (projectile effect) implicate a significant risk potential and place high demands on the MR operator to ensure a safe workflow. A sound knowledge of the potential MR interactions is the foundation for a safe and profitable operation for all parties. The first part of this article deals with the three most important sources of physical interaction, i.e. static magnetic field, gradient and high-frequency (HF) fields. The paper discusses the differences between each type of field with respect to the impact on human beings, the interactions with magnetic and electrically conducting objects/implants and the relevant safety standards. Each section is followed by simple rules of thumb to minimize potentially unwanted physical MRI interactions. (orig.) [German] Die Magnetresonanztomographie ist eines der leistungsfaehigsten und zugleich schonendsten klinischen bildgebenden Verfahren der heutigen Zeit. Allerdings bergen ihre enorme physikalische Komplexitaet, aber auch einfache Unaufmerksamkeiten (''Projektileffekt'') ein signifikantes Risikopotenzial in sich und stellen hohe Anforderungen an die MR-Bediener, um einen sicheren Betrieb zu gewaehrleisten. Ein solides Wissen um die potenziellen MR-Wechselwirkungen ist die Grundlage fuer einen sicheren und fuer alle Seiten gewinnbringenden Betrieb. Der erste Teil der Arbeit behandelt die 3 zentralen Quellen fuer physikalische Wechselwirkungen in der Magnetresonanztomographie (statisches Magnetfeld, geschaltete Gradienten- und HF-Felder). Es werden fuer jede Feldart die Auswirkungen auf den Menschen, Wechselwirkungen mit magnetischen und elektrisch leitenden Objekten/Implantaten und relevante Sicherheitsstandards besprochen. Daran angeschlossen ist jeweils ein Abschnitt mit einfachen &apos

  19. Extraprostatische Expansion des Prostatakarzinoms und seine Beziehung zu den Resektionsrändern bei der radikalen Prostatektomie aus Sicht des Pathologen

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    Noll P


    Full Text Available Das Prostatakarzinom stellt heute in der westlichen Welt das am häufigsten diagnostizierte Karzinom beim Mann dar. Entsprechend dieser Häufigkeit werden zunehmend radikale Prostatektomien durchgeführt. Die histologische Aufarbeitung des Operationspräparates liefert dem Urologen die wichtigsten Prognosefaktoren des Prostatakarzinoms. Hierbei besteht ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der extraprostatischen Ausdehnung des Tumors und seiner Beziehung zu den Resektionsrändern. Anhand einer eigenen Untersuchung an 200 radikal operierten Prostatakarzinomen konnte gezeigt werden, dass hierbei die Lokalisation, der Malignitätsgrad und die Größe des Tumors entscheidende Bedeutung haben. Die Ermittlung dieser Parameter ist abhängig von einer standardisierten Untersuchungstechnik auf der Grundlage einer vollständigen histologischen Aufarbeitung der Prostata.

  20. Tutorium Quantenfeldtheorie was Sie schon immer über QFT wissen wollten, aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagten

    CERN Document Server

    Edelhäuser, Lisa


    Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich schon immer gefragt haben, wie die kanonische Quantisierung, die LSZ-Reduktionsformel, Pfadintegrale, Feynman-Graphen und die Renormierung miteinander zusammenhängen. Als locker geschriebene Begleitlektüre zu Vorlesungen über Quantenfeldtheorie oder zum Selbststudium geeignet, gibt sich das Buch gesprächig und liefert Rechentricks und Erklärungen, die für Einsteiger sehr hilfreich sind. Im ersten Teil werden anhand von Skalarfeldern grundlegende Konzepte von der klassischen Feldtheorie bis zur Renormierung eingeführt. Der zweite Teil verallgemeinert diese für Felder mit Spin und legt mit der Einführung des Eichprinzips die Grundlagen für den dritten Teil. Hier werden „Anwendungen auf die reale Welt“ behandelt: Die Quantenelektrodynamik und ihre Renormierung, sowie das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik und der Higgs-Mechanismus. Durch ausführlich vorgerechnete und in den Text eingebundene Aufgaben eignet sich das Tutorium sowohl zum schnellen Nachschla...

  1. Studies on the turnover and properties of dump groundwaters in brown coal mining areas and possibilities of influencing them. Final report; Untersuchungen zum Stoffumsatz und zur Beschaffenheit der Kippengrundwaesser in Braunkohlebergbaugebieten und Moeglichkeiten zu deren Beeinflussung. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katzur, J.; Liebner, F.; Liebner, C.; Welzel, H.P.; Hettrich, K.


    Only 6 days after the increase in pH with water saturation the concentration of iron in the pore water of the T1 sediment had dropped to a low value, 70% of which was accounted for by Fe(II). This is probably due to the almost complete precipitation of Fe(III) caused by the high pH values. Compared with the untreated variant the lowering of pH in the further course of the experiment led to a slight Fe(III) mobilisation and hence, through interaction with other reduction processes, to erratic changes in the share of Fe(II) in total Fe. Although this sediment showed a relatively low iron concentration a comparison showed that higher pH values and incubation temperatures have an influence on microbial iron reduction. [German] Im Porenwasser des Sedimentes T1 lag Eisen bereits 6 Tage nach pH-Erhoehung und Wassersaettigung nur noch in geringer Konzentration und zu ueber 70% als Fe(II) vor. Dies ist vermutlich in erster Linie auf die nahezu vollstaendige Ausfaellung von Fe(III) infolge der hohen pH-Werte zurueckzufuehren. Im weiteren Versuchsverlauf fuehrte das Absinken der pH-Werte zu einer im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Variante geringfuegigen Fe(III)-Mobilisierung und damit in Wechselwirkung mit ablaufenden Reduktionsprozessen zu unstetigen Veraenderungen in den Anteilen Fe(II) an Fe{sub ges}. Obwohl in diesem Sediment nur vergleichsweise niedrige Eisenkonzentrationen vorliegen, ergab ein Vergleich, dass hoehere pH-Werte und Inkubationtemperaturen die mikrobielle Eisenreduktion beeinflussen. (orig.)

  2. Tõsielust midagi jaburamat ei ole / Kristjan Ots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ots, Kristjan


    PÖFFi filme - mängufilmid "Kadudega tuleb arvestada" ("Mit Verlust ist zu Rechnen") : režissöör Ulrich Seidl : Austria 1992 ja "Tş̌ehhi unelm" ("Česky sen") : režissöörid Vit Klusak ja Filip Remunda : Tšehhi 2004

  3. Vulnerabilität. Erläuterungen zu einem Schlüsselbegriff im Denken Judith Butlers

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    Pistrol Florian


    Full Text Available Im neueren Denken Judith Butlers nimmt der Begriff der Vulnerabilität eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Kaum eines der vielen Themen, denen sich die US-amerikanische Autorin seit der Jahrtausendwende widmet, kann ohne Kenntnis ihrer Überlegungen zu diesem Terminus angemessen verstanden werden. Der Versuch einer Rekonstruktion ihrer Konzeption von Vulnerabilität steht allerdings vor der Schwierigkeit, dass Butlers Gedanken hierzu über zahlreiche Texte hinweg verstreut sind, wobei bisweilen unterschiedliche Aspekte betont und verschiedene Schwerpunktsetzungen vorgenommen werden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Butlers vulnerabilitätstheoretische Ausführungen in gebündelter Weise dargestellt und interpretiert. Dabei wird (1 die Bedeutsamkeit von Butlers Überlegungen zur Vulnerabilität für ihre Vorstellung von Körperlichkeit aufgewiesen, (2 der Zusammenhang von Vulnerabilität und Anerkennung erläutert und (3 gezeigt, welche ethischen Erwägungen Butler ausgehend von ihrer Anerkennungskonzeption und ihrem Denken der Vulnerabilität anstellt und inwiefern Vulnerabilität und politische Handlungsfähigkeit einander nicht ausschließen. Abschließend wird (4 Butlers Vulnerabilitätsverständnis mit einigen kritischen Rückfragen konfrontiert.

  4. Film quality in film mammography. Pt. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friedrich, M.; Weskamp, P.; Freie Univ. Berlin


    During consideration of three film mammographic systems, the concept of signal/noise ratio is developed as a quantitative measure of film quality. The ability to recognise detail related to detail size, film blackening and exposure geometry was studied for various systems, and the quality profiles are discussed. There is a considerable difference in quality between industrial films without screens and film-screen combinations; however, exposure geometry during mammography has a considerable effect which tends to reduce the difference. Consequently, detail sizes of 200 μ to 1,000 μ (including the majority of mammographic micro-calcifications) are shown about equally well. Contrast for the lo-dose system is somewhat less than for adequately exposed industrial film. Over-exposure with the lo-dose system, contrary to industrial film, rapidly leads to unsatisfactory results. On the other hand it is often not possible to obtain an adequate exposure when using industrial film. For these reasons it is often an advantage to examine large breasts and the dense breasts of young women with a film-screen combination which requires approximately one eighth of the dose necessary for industrial film. For small or easily compressable breasts best results are obtained, using an adequate exposure by employing industril film; radiation dose it then acceptable. (orig./ORU) [de

  5. Pedological investigations regarding thermal, chemical and biological soil cleaning techniques. Final report for the period of investigation 1990 to 1994; Bodenkundliche Untersuchungen zu thermischen, chemischen und biologischen Bodenreinigungsverfahren. Schlussbericht fuer den Bearbeitungszeitraum 1990 bis 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goetz, D; Bauske, B; Claussen, A; Glaeseker, W; Holz, C [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Bodenkunde


    The hazard potential of contaminated sites is evaluated by means of risk assessments. These can entail diverse measures being taken that may range from the mere observation of the site over protective and restricting measures, different encapsulations to ensure its safety as well as the shifting of contaminated matter, to the decontamination of the site (Council of Experts on Environmental Questions SRU, 1990). Of these measures, soil cleaning demands the greatest effort and should lastingly repair the damage without new damage being caused in another place. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Gefaehrdungspotential kontaminierter Standorte wird ueber Gefaehrdungsabschaetzungen klassifiziert. Diese Einschaetzung kann zu verschiedenen Massnahmen fuehren. Sie reichen von der reinen Ueberwachung des Standortes ueber Schutz- und Beschraenkungsmassnahmen, Sicherung durch verschiedene Einkapselungen, Umlagerungsmassnahmen bis zur Dekontamination der verunreinigten Materialien (SRU, 1990). Die Bodenreinigung ist dabei die aufwendigste Massnahme und sollte zu einer endgueltigen Beseitigung des Schadens fuehren, ohne dass an anderer Stelle neue Lasten entstehen. (orig.)

  6. Rezension zu: Sabine Hark, Paula-Irene Villa (Hg.: Anti-Genderismus. Sexualität und Geschlecht als Schauplätze aktueller politischer Auseinandersetzungen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2015.

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    Christian Hammermann


    Full Text Available Der von Sabine Hark und Paula-Irene Villa herausgegebene Sammelband analysiert die öffentlichen Angriffe auf Gender Studies und Gender Mainstreaming, die unter dem Begriff Anti-Genderismus auftreten und verhandelt werden. Die einzelnen Beiträge untersuchen Themen und Methoden des anti-genderistischen Diskurses, seine Akteur_Innen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingung. Dabei entwerfen sie ein sehr kohärentes Porträt dieser Politiken, das allerdings von einer weiteren Untersuchung der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen und intersektionalen Bezüge zu anderen Ressentiments profitieren würde.

  7. Influence of film dimensions on film droplet formation. (United States)

    Holmgren, Helene; Ljungström, Evert


    Aerosol particles may be generated from rupturing liquid films through a droplet formation mechanism. The present work was undertaken with the aim to throw some light on the influence of film dimensions on droplet formation with possible consequences for exhaled breath aerosol formation. The film droplet formation process was mimicked by using a purpose-built device, where fluid films were spanned across holes of known diameters. As the films burst, droplets were formed and the number and size distributions of the resulting droplets were determined. No general relation could be found between hole diameter and the number of droplets generated per unit surface area of fluid film. Averaged over all film sizes, a higher surface tension yielded higher concentrations of droplets. Surface tension did not influence the resulting droplet diameter, but it was found that smaller films generated smaller droplets. This study shows that small fluid films generate droplets as efficiently as large films, and that droplets may well be generated from films with diameters below 1 mm. This has implications for the formation of film droplets from reopening of closed airways because human terminal bronchioles are of similar dimensions. Thus, the results provide support for the earlier proposed mechanism where reopening of closed airways is one origin of exhaled particles.

  8. Rezension zu: Sheila Jeffreys: The Industrial Vagina. The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade. London: Routledge 2008.

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    Susanne Hofmann


    Full Text Available Sheila Jeffreys analysiert die Prozesse, die zu einer Industrialisierung und Globalisierung von Prostitution im späten 20. und 21. Jahrhundert geführt haben. Hauptverantwortlich für die gegenwärtige Diskursverschiebung um Prostitution ist für Jeffreys zum einen die sexuelle Revolution der 1970er Jahre und zum anderen die massive Finanzierung von Unterstützer/-innen der Sexarbeiterinnen zur HIV-Prävention in den 1980ern. Jeffreys legt wie in früheren Arbeiten ihre radikal-feministische Position dar und fordert eine Abschaffung der Prostitution. In ihrer Abrechnung mit dem liberalen feministischen Diskurs, für den eine Unterstützung von Sexarbeiterinnen prioritär ist, ignoriert sie die Widersprüchlichkeiten und Komplexitäten der gelebten Realitäten. An vielen Stellen ihres Buches bekräftigt Jeffreys stereotypische Männlichkeitsvorstellungen, was durch einen Blick über den Tellerrand des ihr vertrauten wissenschaftlichen Bezugsrahmens hätte vermieden werden können.

  9. Gerechtigkeit, ethische Subjektivität und Alterität. Zu den normativen Implikationen der Philosophie von Emmanuel Levinas

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    Seitz Sergej


    Full Text Available Obwohl seit einiger Zeit ein verstärktes Forschungsinteresse an Emmanuel Levinas’ Denken des Politischen, verbunden mit einer genaueren Inblicknahme der zentralen Begriffe des Dritten und der Gerechtigkeit aufgekommen ist, blieb bislang unklar, inwiefern aus Levinas’ intrinsisch ‚ethischem‘ Denken in konkreterer Weise normative Konsequenzen zu ziehen sind. Diesem Desiderat versucht der vorliegende Beitrag nachzukommen. Das Levinas’sche Gerechtigkeitsdenken wird dabei so eingeführt, dass es zugleich als alternativer Entwurf und als produktive kritische Provokation für gegenwärtige Gerechtigkeitstheorien lesbar wird. Ausgehend von einer Rekonstruktion des alteritären Verständnisses ethischer Subjektivität, wie es Levinas insbesondere in Jenseits des Seins erarbeitet, wird ausgelotet, wie tragfähig Levinas’ ethische Konzeption plural alteritär durchfurchter Subjektivität für normative Gerechtigkeitsfragen ist. Aus einer Reflexion auf den Begriff des ‚Dritten‘ werden einige konkrete Konsequenzen für das Denken gerechter Institutionen gezogen.

  10. Equilibrium helium film in the thick film limit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klier, J.; Schletterer, F.; Leiderer, P.; Shikin, V.


    For the thickness of a liquid or solid quantum film, like liquid helium or solid hydrogen, there exist still open questions about how the film thickness develops in certain limits. One of these is the thick film limit, i.e., the crossover from the thick film to bulk. We have performed measurements in this range using the surface plasmon resonance technique and an evaporated Ag film deposited on glass as substrate. The thickness of the adsorbed helium film is varied by changing the distance h of the bulk reservoir to the surface of the substrate. In the limiting case, when h > 0, the film thickness approaches about 100 nm following the van der Waals law in the retarded regime. The film thickness and its dependence on h is precisely determined and theoretically modeled. The equilibrium film thickness behaviour is discussed in detail. The agreement between theory and experiment is very good

  11. Christine Löw: Frauen aus der Dritten Welt und Erkenntniskritik? Die postkolonialen Untersuchungen von Gayatri C. Spivak zu Globalisierung und Theorieproduktion. Sulzbach im Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag 2009.

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    Heike Kahlert


    Full Text Available Christine Löw setzt sich in ihrer politikwissenschaftlichen Dissertation mit dem postkolonial-feministischen Denken Gayatri C. Spivaks auseinander und zielt in ihren sorgfältigen, überwiegend affirmativen Ausführungen darauf, Spivaks Überlegungen für die Politikwissenschaft nutzbar zu machen. Hierzu diskutiert sie deren theoretische Verortung in kritischen Ansätzen von Marxismus, Feminismus und Dekonstruktion sowie ihre Reflexionen zur epistemischen Gewalt westlichen Denkens gegenüber dem Süden und illustriert ihre Thesen zur Subalternität an vier ausgewählten politischen Themenfeldern. Zentrale Verdienste des Buches liegen darin, Spivaks Arbeiten in den deutschsprachigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Kontext einzuschreiben und weiterführende Forschungsfragen zu Globalisierung und Erkenntnisproduktion aufzuwerfen.Christine Löw’s dissertation (in the field of Political Science examines Gayatri C. Spivak’s postcolonial-feminist thinking. In her careful, mainly affirmative explanations she aims at utilizing Spivak’s considerations for Political Science. To this end, she discusses their theoretical position within critical approaches of Marxism, feminism, and deconstruction as well as her reflections on epistemic violence of western thinking against the south while also illustrating her theses on subalternity with four selected political topics. Situating Spivak’s works within the context of German-speaking social science and posing additional research questions on globalization and production of knowledge are the main achievements of this book.

  12. Gestaltung einer netzbasierten Lernumgebung für einen Fernstudiengang zu „Medien und Informationstechnologien in Erziehung, Unterricht und Bildung“

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    Gerhard Tulodziecki


    Full Text Available In diesem Beitrag stelle ich dar, wie wir in einem kooperativen Verbund eine netzbasierte Lernumgebung für einen Fernstudiengang zu „Medien und Informationstechnologien in Erziehung, Unterricht und Bildung“ gestalten. Das Projekt wird von zwei Arbeitsgruppen an der Universität Paderborn (Allgemeine Didaktik und Medienpädagogik, Didaktik der Informatik und einer Arbeitsgruppe an der Fernuniversität Hagen (Theorie der Schule und des Unterrichts getragen. Die Projektleitung teile ich mit Horst Dichanz, Bardo Herzig und Johannes Magenheim. Der Fernstudiengang basiert auf Entwicklungen zur Lehrerausbildung im Bereich neuer Medien, wie sie im Rahmen der Initiative „Bildungswege in der Informationsgesellschaft (BIG“ erarbeitet wurden (vgl. u.a. Tulodziecki/Moll/Gallasch 2001. Die – 1995 begonnene – BIG-Initiative geht auf die Bertelsmann Stiftung und Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung zurück. Die jetzige Projektarbeit wird von der ,, für Bildung“ gefördert.

  13. Wäre es Dir lieber, ich würde zu Recht verurteilt? - Sokrates Bund und die Frage der Kontrolle

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    Katharina Kaiser-Müller


    Full Text Available Die Ablösung von zweifelhafter menschlicher Kontrolle durch eine zuverlässige Software bietet eindrucksvolle Möglichkeiten. Mit der flächendeckenden Einführung von Sokrates Bund zum Schuljahr 2014/2015 wird endlich die Identifzierung von Pisadurchschnittsverderbern möglich. Die AutorInnen diskutieren die Lage ... Die Situation war dramatisch: Ungerecht angeklagt wegen Verführung der Jugend und Gottlosigkeit, sieht Sokrates dem Tod durch den Schierlingsbecher entgegen und antwortet auf die ob des Fehlurteils durchaus verständliche Klage von Xanthippe mit der titelgebenden Frage. Anschließend verweigert er die Flucht und zieht es vor, sich dem formal korrekt gefällten falschen Urteil zu beugen. Eine legendäre Entscheidung, in der Sokrates die Gesetzestreue mit der Begründung, man müsse schlechte Gesetze ändern, dürfe sie aber nicht übertreten, über das eigene Wohl stellt.

  14. Present evaluation of the use of rape oil/RME compared to diesel fuel. Appendix 1: Resources and emission balances: rape oil and RME compared to diesel fuel. Appendix 2: Economic evaluation of the use of rape oil and RME compared to diesel fuel; Aktuelle Bewertung des Einsatzes von Rapsoel/RME im Vergleich zu Dieselkraftstoff. Anhang 1: Ressourcen- und Emissionsbilanzen: Rapsoel und RME im Vergleich zu Dieselkraftstoff. Anhang 2: Oekonomische Bewertung des Einsatzes von Rapsoel und RME gegenueber Dieselkraftstoff

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kraus, K.; Niklas, G.; Tappe, M.; Reinhardt, G.A. [ifeu-Institut fuer Energie- und Umweltforschung GmbH, Heidelberg (Germany); Folkers, C. [Bochum Univ. (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Finanzwissenschaft


    New recognitions in the sectors of research, development in the processing industry, motor vehicle technology, ecological balance methodics, the high interest in environmental policy and some other points of criticism have motivated the Umweltbundesamt to update the corresponding parts of the '1993 eco-balance rape oil'. Balancing of the particularly critically discussed sectors of resource consumption and airborne environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of rape oil based fuels as compared to diesel fuel was taken care of by the ifeu Institute. That balances were only made up for these two sectors is due to the fact that it is here where the particular environmental advantages of vegetable fuel oils are supposedly brought to bear. Moreover, on the basis of the report 'renewable energy sources - fundamentals, methods, ecological balancing' published recently and sponsored by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, topical essential factors such as the redefinition of the reference system (short-rotation cultivation instead of permanent fallowness) could be taken into account by the expertise. A particular benefit attributed to rape oil and RME is the conservation of fossil energy sources and associated abatement of the greenhouse effect (especially carbon dioxide). Cutting down greenhouse gas emissions is one of the predominant aims of national and international environmental policy with a view to preventing a dangerous man-made disturbance of climate. (orig.) [German] Neue Erkenntnisse im Bereich der Forschung, der Entwicklungen der verarbeitenden Industrie, der Fahrzeugtechnik, der Oekobilanzmethodik, das hohe umweltpolitische Interesse sowie die zuvor genannten Kritikpunkte haben das Umweltbundesamt veranlasst, die entsprechenden Teile der 'Oekobilanz Rapsoel' von 1993 auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. Das ifeu-Institut hat die besonders kritisch diskutierten Bereiche des Ressourcenverbrauchs und der luftgetragenen

  15. Medienbildung als konstruktive Aneignung von Medienensembles. Vorbemerkungen zu einer Theorie der Medienpädagogik

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    Tilman Bechthold-Hengelhaupt


    Full Text Available Die These dieses Aufsatzes lautet, dass im medienpädagogischen Handeln und Kommunizieren Erfahrungen mit dinglich gegebenen Medien verarbeitet und dass dadurch Medienensembles konstruiert werden, also praktisch verfügbare Konfigurationen von Geräten und Gegenständen, unter denen die beteiligten Akteure eine Auswahl treffen können. Der Begriff der Wahl lässt insbesondere einen Anschluss an die Idee einer demokratischen Medienbildung zu. Als erkenntnistheoretische Grundlage wird eine Orientierung an der sinnlichen Erfahrung vorgeschlagen, die gerade in Immanuel Kants "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" als Erkenntnisquelle begründet wird. Dass der Begriff der Medienensembles auch die historische Dimension aufschließen kann, wird am Beispiel des so genannten Neumagener Schulreliefs gezeigt, einem archäologischen Dokument aus der Zeit um 180 n.Chr. This essay proposes the thesis that media education should be understood as consisting in negotiations about experiences with media ensembles. In a constructivist approach, the acting with media ensembles is seen as a form of coming to terms with devices and other media objects that are accessible via sensory experience. In this context, a pivotal idea is that choices are made between different media that are at hand for educational purposes. This concept is further elaborated in the concepts of Immanuel Kant's theory of perception. As an example, an archaeological monument from ca. 180 AD ("Neumagener Schulrelief" is described and interpreted.

  16. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media


    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or fil...

  17. Ökonomie der Bandbreite: Evolutionär-ökonomische und kulturanthropologische Überlegungen zu Schnittstellen in Mensch-Maschine-Komplexen

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    Manuel Wäckerle


    Full Text Available In diesem Artikel diskutieren wir Bandbreite als kognitive, kulturelle und technische Regel, als eine Regel, die Informationsübertragung pro Zeiteinheit beschränkt. Wir verstehen Wirtschaft, Kultur und Gesellschaft als regelbasiertes evolvierendes System und geben der Bandbreite als generische Regel eine zentrale Rolle. Dabei untersuchen wir theoretisch die wechselwirkenden Prozesse der Ausbeutung und Ausweitung von Bandbreite in Mensch-Maschine-Komplexen. Des Weiteren verweisen wir auf die historische Dimension der digitalisierten Gesellschaft und diskutieren kulturelle Entwicklungen von evolvierten Prothesen. In diesem Zusammenhang formulieren wir eine Genealogie von Gleichheit und Freiheit im Netz. Abschließend betrachten wir zwei Beispiele von evolvierenden Prothesen: Das „Automated Trading“ und die Thematik des „Freundschaftskapitals bei Facebook“. Es zeigt sich, dass sich in beiden Beispielen, so unterschiedlich ihre Implikationen auf ersten Blick auch sind, systemisches Risiko auf ähnliche Art und Weise akkumuliert. Unser Artikel versucht einerseits wesentliche Aspekte der Ökonomie der Bandbreite aufzuzeigen, andererseits erste interdisziplinäre Denkschemata für ebendiese zu entwickeln.

  18. Preparation of hard-to-make TEM samples using the FIB microscope; Praeparation von kompliziert herstellbaren TEM-Proben mit dem FIB-Mikroskop

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Volkert, C.A. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (Germany); Heiland, B.; Kauffmann, F. [Max-Planck-Inst. fuer Metallforschung, Stuttgart (Germany)


    The focused ion beam (FIB) microscope has become an important tool for the preparation of TEM samples over the last few years. Preparation of samples with the FIB has some specific advantages over conventional preparation methods which make it possible to prepare samples that would otherwise be difficult to prepare. The advantages that will be illustrated in this paper include: (1) precise selection of the sample volume to be prepared, (2) preparation of brittle materials, (3) preparation of highly stressed materials, and (4) preparation of composites composed of materials with widely differing properties. These advantages will be illustrated through several examples including cross-sectional preparation of nanocrystalline Ti-Si-N films, thermal barrier coatings, fatigued Al films, pecan shells, apatite, and metal whiskers. [German] Das Focused Ion Beam (FIB)-Mikroskop ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem wichtigen Werkzeug fuer die Praeparation von TEM-Proben geworden. Die Probenpraeparation mittels FIB hat gegenueber den konventionellen Praeparationsmethoden eine Reihe spezifischer Vorteile, die es ermoeglichen, Proben herzustellen, die ansonsten schwierig zu praeparieren waeren. Die in diesem Beitrag veranschaulichten Vorteile sind: (1) praezise Auswahl des zu praeparierenden Probenvolumens, (2) Praeparation von sproeden Materialien, (3) Praeparation von Materialien mit hohen Eigenspannungen, und (4) die Praeparation von Verbundwerkstoffen, die aus Komponenten mit stark unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften bestehen. Diese Vorteile werden anhand verschiedener Beispiele wie der Querschnittspraeparation von nanokristallinen Ti-Si-N-Schichten, thermischen Barriereschichten, Al-Schichten nach Ermuedung, Pekan-Nussschalen, Apatiten und Metallwhiskern veranschaulicht.

  19. Film Reviews. (United States)

    Lance, Larry M.; Atwater, Lynn


    Reviews four Human Sexuality films and videos. These are: "Personal Decisions" (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 1985); "The Touch Film" (Sterling Production, 1986); "Rethinking Rape" (Film Distribution Center, 1985); "Not A Love Story" (National Film Board of Canada, 1981). (AEM)

  20. The Evolution of Film: Rethinking Film Studies


    Harbord, Janet P.


    How is film changing? What does it do, and what do we do with it? This book examines the reasons why we should be studying film in the twenty-first century, connecting debates from philosophy, anthropology and new media with historical concerns of film studies.

  1. Single-layer nano-carbon film, diamond film, and diamond/nano-carbon composite film field emission performance comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Xiaoping; Wang, Jinye; Wang, Lijun


    A series of single-layer nano-carbon (SNC) films, diamond films, and diamond/nano-carbon (D/NC) composite films have been prepared on the highly doped silicon substrate by using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition techniques. The films were characterised by scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and field emission I-V measurements. The experimental results indicated that the field emission maximum current density of D/NC composite films is 11.8–17.8 times that of diamond films. And the field emission current density of D/NC composite films is 2.9–5 times that of SNC films at an electric field of 3.0 V/μm. At the same time, the D/NC composite film exhibits the advantage of improved reproducibility and long term stability (both of the nano-carbon film within the D/NC composite cathode and the SNC cathode were prepared under the same experimental conditions). And for the D/NC composite sample, a high current density of 10 mA/cm"2 at an electric field of 3.0 V/μm was obtained. Diamond layer can effectively improve the field emission characteristics of nano-carbon film. The reason may be due to the diamond film acts as the electron acceleration layer.

  2. „Wir verbrachten mehr als 24 Stunden, ohne etwas anderes als Schokolade und Limonade zu uns zu nehmen“. Hinweise in Alexander von Humboldts Tagebuchaufzeichnungen zu Fragen der Verpflegung auf der Forschungsreise durch Spanisch-Amerika

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    Ursula Thiemer-Sachse


    Full Text Available Zusammenfassung In Alexander von Humboldts Tagebüchern seiner berühmten Forschungsreise durch Spanisch-Amerika finden sich Bemerkungen und Hinweise für künftige Leser seiner Reisedarstellungen zu Problemen der Verpflegung. Zumeist werden Engpässe und Missstände erwähnt sowie Fragen soziopolitischer Situation verdeutlicht. Sie beziehen sich auf Extrembedingungen in stadtfernen Gebieten und im Kontakt mit den indigenen Trägern und Helfern während der einzelnen Exkursionen. Die Darstellungen der alltäglichen Gegebenheiten sind zugleich eine interessante Quelle für Verhaltensmuster der verschiedenen Schichten der spanischkolonialen Gesellschaft wie der Forschungsreisenden, die mit den Schwierigkeiten umzugehen hatten, sich anzupassen verstanden oder ihre eigenen Verhaltensmuster entwickelt haben. Damit ermöglichen Humboldts Aufzeichnungen zugleich auch auf diesem Gebiet manchen Blick auf den seither erfolgten Kulturwandel. Resumen En los diarios del famoso viaje de estudios de Alejandro de Humboldt por la América española se encuentran observaciones y notas sobre problemas de aprovisionamiento, en favor de lectores futuros de sus relaciones de viaje. En la mayoría de los casos Humboldt menciona situaciones precarias o ilustra cuestiones de carácter sociopolítico. Frecuentemente, sus apuntes se refieren a condiciones extremas en regiones remotas y en contacto con los cargadores y ayudantes indígenas durante las diferentes excursiones. Las descripciones de los acontecimientos cotidianos al mismo tiempo son una fuente interesante sobre los modos de proceder de las diferentes capas de la sociedad colonial española así como de los viajeros científicos que tuvieron que enfrentar dificultades a las cuales había que adaptarse o desarrollar modelos propios de comportamiento. Por esto al mismo tiempo las noticias de Humboldt también en este asunto posibilitan más de una vez la atención al cambio cultural que se ha realizado hasta hoy

  3. Process and apparatus for irradiating film, and irradiated film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A process for irradiating film is described, which consists of passing the film through an electron irradiation zone having an electron reflection surface disposed behind and generally parallel to the film; and disposing within the irradiation zone adjacent the edges of the film a lateral reflection member for reflecting the electrons toward the reflection surface to further reflect the reflected electrons towards the adjacent edges of the film. (author)

  4. Technological options in regard to reducing harmful environmental effects of road traffic. Fuel cell technology compared with combustion engines; Technische Optionen zur Verminderung der Verkehrsbelastungen. Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge im Vergleich zu Fahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kolke, R. [comp.


    The German Umweltbundesamt (federal environmental agency) commissioned a cost-benefit analysis to be made, testing the practical performance of fuel cell-driven automobiles, for state-of-the-art assessment of their benefits and drawbacks as compared to other available automotive fuel systems. Results available so far of calculations based on the cost-benefit analysis show that the targets involved, such as cutback of emissions and conservation of resources, can be realised within the foreseeable future at much lesser expense through the use of fuel consumption-optimized Otto engines offering lowest emission levels (of the type ULEV, ultra-low emission vehicle, or EURO 4 standard), as compared to the relevant contributions to emission reduction and other targets offered by the fuel cell-driven automobiles.(orig./CB) [Deutsch] Das Umweltbundesamt hat die Brennstoffzellentechnik im Verkehr einer Kosten-Nutzen-Betrachtung unterzogen, um zu ermitteln, welche Vor- und Nachteile sie im Vergleich zu anderen Antriebskonzepten im Verkehr nach derzeitigem Wissensstand hat. Nach den bisherigen Berechnungen am Beispiel einer Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse zeichnet sich ab, dass Emissionsminderungen und Ressourcenschutz fuer die absehbare Zeit wesentlich kostenguenstiger durch verbrauchsoptimierte Fahrzeuge mit Ottomotor mit niedrigsten Abgasemissionen (ULEV-`Ultra Low Emission Vehicle` oder EURO 4-Standard) realisiert werden koennen als durch Fahrzeuge mit Brennstoffzellenantrieb. (orig.)

  5. 2. Workshop 'Measuring Systems for Steady-State and Transient Multiphase Flows'; 2. Workshop 'Messtechnik fuer stationaere und transiente Mehrphasenstroemungen'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prasser, H.M. [ed.


    The 2nd Workshop on measuring systems for steady-state and transient multiphase flows was held at Rossendorf on September 24/25, 1988. 14 Papers were presented, whose subjects ranged from optical and radiometric methods to impedance sensors, hot film probes and model-assisted methods of measurement. In the field of computer simulation of multiphase flow, a trend towards 3D models was identified which makes higher demands on the spatial and time resolution and on the information volume to be acquired and processed. [German] Vom 24.-25. September 1998 fand in Rossendorf der 2. Workshop ueber Messtechnik fuer stationaere und transiente Mehrphasenstroemungen statt. Es standen 14 Vortraege auf dem Programm, das Spektrum reichte von optischen ueber radiometrische Methoden bis hin zu verschiedenen Impedanzsensoren, Heissfilmsonden und modellgestuetzten Messverfahren. Auf dem Gebiet der Computersimulation von Mehrphasenstroemungen zeichnet sich zunehmend der Uebergang zu dreidimensionalen Modellen ab. Hieraus ergeben sich neue Anforderungen an die Messtechnik, sowohl hinsichtlich der raeumlich-zeitlichen Aufloesung als auch was den Umfang der zu erfassenden Informationen betrifft. (orig./AKF)

  6. Film and History. (United States)

    Schaber, Robin L.


    Provides an annotated bibliography of Web sites that focus on using film to teach history. Includes Web sites in five areas: (1) film and education; (2) history of cinema; (3) film and history resources; (4) film and women; and (5) film organizations. (CMK)

  7. Tests with films and film-screens using grid-mammography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolf, G.; Kallinger, G.


    A comparison was made between mammography using grid-technique with a film-screen-system and mammography without grid, and with film-screens and also using industrial films. The image-quality of grid mammography looks like the same than using conventional techniques and industrial films. The problem of soft tissue grid techniques lies in the dose requirements, which was more than using film-screen-techniques without grid. New and improved recording systems, which reduce radiation dose when using the grid technique were analyzed. (orig.) [de

  8. Contemporary Films' Mini Course on Film Study. (United States)

    Schillaci, Peter

    This minicourse on film study can be a unit in English, in arts, or in the humanities. It can help to launch a film study course or complement an introduction to theater. Whatever form it takes, it helps to build a bridge to the student's media environment. Part one, the language of images, utilizes four films which demonstrate the basic elements…

  9. Polyether ether ketone film. Polyether ether ketone film

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, S. (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan))


    The characteristics and the film making process of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) resin, and the characteristics and the applications of PEEK film, are described. PEEK is aromatic polyketone with super thermal resistance. Though it is a crystalline polymer of which the crystallinity is controlled to 48% in a highest degree, it has also amorphous property, thus it shows unique property. The characteristics of PEEK resin are found in thermal resistance, incombusti-bility, transparency, chemical resistance, light resistance and radiation resistance. As for the film making process, casting method by T-die is generally adopted. The general properties of PEEK film are excellent in high thermal resistance, good electrical properties, chemical resistance, hydrolysis resistance, radiation resistance and imcombusti-bility. In the application of PEEK film, new development is expected in following fields; a high performance composite, flexible print substrate with high thermal resistance, insulating tape with thermal resistance, and a general film in the nuclear energy industry. 5 figs., 5 tabs.

  10. Film “Darah dan Do’a” Sebagai Wacana Film Nasional Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arda - Muhlisiun


    Abstract A national filmsuggestived towards the ideasof nationalidentity. It can be labelled ‘national’ because the representation of national identity pertains to it. Usmar Ismail’s film was described as a national film because it presents genuine Indonesian. Through the textual analysis that discursive-performative understanding of national films can be achieved; an understanding that has become a myth in context to Usmar Ismail’s film.In order to clarified concepts of national film as well as to illustrate the discourse of national films in Usmar Ismail’s work, this analysis used JinHee Choi’s theory of national cinema. In which national film was theorized based on territorial, functional and relational factors. The findings of this analysis showed how the concept of national film in Usmar Ismail’s film actually struggles against the dominant discourse of its time particularly in terms of Usmar Ismail’s figure as a determining factor in establishing national films in Indonesia.   Keyword : National Cinema, Usmar Ismail, Darah dan Doa

  11. American Film Genres: Approaches to a Critical Theory of Popular Film. (United States)

    Kaminsky, Stuart M.

    This book is divided into twelve sections and contains photographs from many of the films discussed. The introduction defines film genre and describes the general theories behind this book; "The Individual Film" analyzes the film "Little Caesar" as it relates to the genre of gangster films; "Comparative Forms"…

  12. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media


    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or fil...

  13. Film: An Introduction. (United States)

    Fell, John L.

    "Understanding Film," the opening section of this book, discusses perceptions of and responses to film and the way in which experiences with and knowledge of other media affect film viewing. The second section, "Film Elements," analyzes the basic elements of film: the use of space and time, the impact of editing, sound and color, and the effects…

  14. Pressure and temperature measurements of cam follower and roller tappet in tribological contact. Final report; Druck- und Temperaturmessungen im Tribokontakt Nocken-Rollenstoessel. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noronha, A.P.; Glasser, S.; Sadeghi, F.


    Tribocontact between cam follower and roller tappet involves mixing and limiting friction states, which causes wear in the form of adhesive corrosion and pitting of surfaces. In cooperation with Purdue University, the influence of microgeometry (surface roughness) and macrogeometry (surface shape) was investigated in order to optimize lubrication for EHD lubrication conditions in contact, thus preventing wear and failure. This component project involves pressure and temperature measurements of cam follower and roller tappet tribocontact using flash-deposited thin film probes. The results are to provide information on design optimization. [German] Im Tribokontakt Nocken-Rollenstoessel herrschen vorwiegend Misch- und Grenzreibungszustaende. Dies fuehrt zu erheblichem Verschleiss in Form von adhaesiv bedingtem Fressen und Pittingbildung durch Oberflaechenzerruettung. Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens ist es, in Kooperation mit der Partnerhochschule ''Purdue University'' in den USA, den Einfluss der Mikrogeometrie (Oberflaechenrauheiten) und Makrogeometrie (Oberflaechenform) des Tribokontaktes Nocken-Rollenstoessel hinsichtlich des Betriebsverhaltens zu untersuchen, um Kenntnisse zur Verbesserung der Schmierbedingungen zu gewinnen, so dass im Kontakt elastohydrodynamische (EHD) Schmierungsverhaeltnisse realisiert werden und dadurch ein Ausfall aufgrund von Verschleiss ausgeschlossen wird. Im Rahmen dieses Teilvorhabens sollten Druck- und Temperaturmessungen mittels aufgedampfter Duennschichtaufnehmer im Tribokontakt, Nocken-Rollenstoessel, durchgefuehrt werden, um die theoretischen Forschungsarbeiten, welche in der Purdue University erarbeitet werden, zu untermauern. Beide Arbeiten werden somit neue Erkenntnisse zur konstruktiven Auslegung von verschleissfreien Nocken-Stoessel-Paarungen liefern. (orig.)

  15. Screen-film mammography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logan, W.W.; Janus, J.A.


    The development of screen-film mammography has resulted in the re-emergence of confidence, rather than fear, in mammography. When screen-film mammography is performed with state-of-the-art dedicated equipment utilizing vigorous breast compression and a ''soft'' x-ray beam for improved contrast, screen-film images are equivalent or superior to those of reduced-dose xeromammography and superior to those of nonscreen film mammography. Technological aids for conversion from xeromammographic or nonscreen film mammographic techniques to screen-film techniques have been described. Screen-film mammography should not be attempted until dedicated equipment has been obtained and the importance of vigorous compression has been understood

  16. Thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strongin, M.; Miller, D.L.


    This article reviews the phenomena that occur in films from the point of view of a solid state physicist. Films form the basis for many established and developing technologies. Metal layers have always been important for optical coatings and as protective coatings. In the most sophisticated cases, films and their interaction on silicon surfaces form the basis of modern electronic technology. Films of silicon, GaAs and composites of these materials promise to lead to practical photovoltaic devices

  17. Research activities of MPA, Stuttgart University, for enhanced safety and reliability of components under complex load; Forschungsaktivitaeten der MPA Universitaet Stuttgart zu Erhoehung der Sicherheit und Zuverlaessigkeit komplex beanspruchter Bauteile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herter, K.H.; Roos, E.; Schuler, X.; Maile, K. [Materialpruefungsanstalt (MPA), Univ. Stuttgart, Stuttgart (Germany)


    MPA research activities focus on fracture prevention and on the development of a generally applicable method of component integrity testing which, independent of the safety relevance of the components involved, is also part of ageing management. (orig.) [German] Die Forschungsaktivitaeten an der MPA im Hinblick auf die Erhoehung der Sicherheit und Zuverlaessigkeit komplex beanspruchter Bauteile orientieren sich an den Grundgedanken des Basissicherheitskonzepts (Prinzip des Bruchausschlusses). Zielsetzung war dabei die Entwicklung eines allgemein anwendbaren Nachweisverfahrens zur Komponentenintegritaet, das, abhaengig von der sicherheitstechnischen Relevanz der zu betrachtenden Komponenten, auch Bestandteil des Alterungsmanagements ist. (orig.)

  18. Was der Religionspädagogik zu denken gibt. Exegetische Denkanstöße.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeremia Josef M. Mayr


    Full Text Available ENGLISH: The following article addresses three exegetical impulses which should be understood as food for thought to religious education. The first concentrates on the relation between exegesis and religious education because of the importance of reflecting on the concrete design of this special relation. The second centers what is indeed the centre of exegesis and religious education: the biblical text itself and the question of its real role and ways to handle it. Finally follows the presentation of a model of interaction with texts trying to equally respect all participants of this process. Simultaneously, this approach arranges a scope for the concrete biblical text allowing it to speak. This model is composed of three central steps: analysis (an exactly methodic procedure, interpretation (based on analysis, posing the question of meaning and appropriation (individually existential meaning. DEUTSCH: Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte aus exegetischer Perspektive drei Denkanstöße an die Religionspädagogik richten. Zunächst wird der Blick auf das Verhältnis zwischen Exegese und Religionspädagogik gelenkt, denn die Gestaltung dieses Verhältnisses ist entscheidend. Der zweite Denkanstoß rückt in die Mitte, was tatsächlich Mittelpunkt der Exegese und der Bibeldidaktik ist: den Text der Bibel selbst und die Frage, wie mit ihm umgegangen wird. Danach soll ein Modell der Textannäherung vorgestellt werden, das es ermöglichen will, mit Blick auf die Beteiligten auch den Texten genügend Raum zu geben, damit sie tatsächlich sprechen können. Die drei zentralen Teile dieses Modells sind Analyse (genaues methodisches Vorgehen, Interpretation (darauf aufbauend die Frage nach der Bedeutung und Aneignung (persönlich-existentielle Bedeutung.

  19. Film som kunst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Anne Ring


    Films by artists induce scholars to work across art, film and cultural history. Accordingly, this article adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the British-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare’s film Un Ballo in Maschera (2004). The film is grounded in Shonibare’s unique use of African-print fabric...... in conjunction with references to European cultural and political history, but the film is also – it is alleged – rooted in Black British cinema and the transnational postcolonialism which emerged in the UK of the 1980s. The article starts with a general introduction to Shonibare’s art and the colonial...... connotations of the African-print fabric, which are also central to the critique of power in Un Ballo in Maschera. Its critical agenda is then analysed and put into historical perspective by relating the film to Black British film. A comparison with the Black Audio Film Collective’s key work Handsworth Songs...

  20. Alexandru Popa, Untersuchungen zu den römisch-barbarischen Kontakten Östlich der römischen Provinz Dacia Antiquitatis reihe 3 Abhnadlungen zur vor-und frühgeschichte, zur klassichen und provinzial-römischen archäologie und zur geschichte des altertum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vasile Iarmulschi


    Full Text Available Review on book - Alexandru Popa, Untersuchungen zu den römisch-barbarischen Kontakten Östlich der römischen Provinz Dacia Antiquitatis reihe 3 Abhnadlungen zur vor-und frühgeschichte, zur klassichen und provinzial-römischen archäologie und zur geschichte des altertum

  1. Mammographic microcalcifications: Detection with xerography, screen-film, and digitized film display

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smathers, R.L.; Bush, E.; Drace, J.; Stevens, M.; Sommer, F.G.; Brown, B.W.; Karras, B.


    Pulverized bone specks and aluminum oxide specks were measured by hand into sizes ranging from 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm and then arranged in clusters. These clusters were superimposed on a human breast tissue phantom, and xeromammograms and screen-film mammograms of the clusters were made. The screen-film mammograms were digitized using a high-resolution laser scanner and then displayed on cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors. Six radiologists independently counted the microcalcifications on the xeromammograms, the screen-film mammograms, and the digitized film mammograms. The xeromammograms were examined with a magnifying glass; the screen-film images were examined with a magnifying glass and by hot light; and the digitized-film images were examined by electronic magnification and image processing. The bone speck size that corresponded to a mean 50% detectability level for each technique was as follows: xeromammography, 0.550 mm; digitized film, 0.573 mm; and screen-film, 0.661 mm. We postulate that electronic magnification and image processing with edge enhancement can improve the capability of screen-film mammography to enhance the detection of microcalcifications

  2. Filming eugenics: teaching the history of eugenics through film. (United States)

    Ooten, Melissa; Trembanis, Sarah


    In teaching eugenics to undergraduate students and general public audiences, film should he considered as a provocative and fruitful medium that can generate important discussions about the intersections among eugenics, gender, class, race, and sexuality. This paper considers the use of two films, A Bill of Divorcement and The Lynchburg Story, as pedagogical tools for the history of eugenics. The authors provide background information on the films and suggestions for using the films to foster an active engagement with the historical eugenics movement.

  3. Nuclear films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malone, Peter.


    This booklet is a resource for the study of feature films that highlight the theme of nuclear war. It provides basic credits and brief indication of the theme, treatment, quality and particular notable aspects; and a series of questions raised by the film. Seventy feature films and thirty documentaries are examined

  4. Film processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    The processing was made not only to show what are in the film but also to produce radiograph with high quality where the information gathered really presented level of the quality of the object inspected. Besides that, good procedure will make the film with good quality can keep the film in long time for reference. Here, more detailed on how the dark room functioned and its design. So, the good procedure while processed the film will be discussed detailed in this chapter from entering the dark room to exit from there.

  5. Automatic film loader for X-ray spot film device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A light tight tunnel extends over the top of a diagnostic X-ray table. A film cassette is mounted for reciprocating in the tunnel between an X-ray exposure position and a position in which the cassette is unloaded or loaded with film automatically. Unexposed films are dispensed one at a time into the cassette from a feed magazine at one end of the tunnel. After exposure, the film is ejected from the cassette into a receiving magazine at the same end of the tunnel. (Auth.)

  6. Water-evaporation reduction by duplex films: application to the human tear film. (United States)

    Cerretani, Colin F; Ho, Nghia H; Radke, C J


    Water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films is especially important to understand the physiology of the human tear film. Secreted lipids, called meibum, form a duplex film that coats the aqueous tear film and purportedly reduces tear evaporation. Lipid-layer deficiency is correlated with the occurrence of dry-eye disease; however, in-vitro experiments fail to show water-evaporation reduction by tear-lipid duplex films. We review the available literature on water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films and outline the theoretical underpinnings of spreading and evaporation kinetics that govern behavior of these systems. A dissolution-diffusion model unifies the data reported in the literature and identifies dewetting of duplex films into lenses as a key challenge to obtaining significant evaporation reduction. We develop an improved apparatus for measuring evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films including simultaneous assessment of film coverage, stability, and temperature, all under controlled external mass transfer. New data reported in this study fit into the larger body of work conducted on water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films. Duplex-oil films of oxidized mineral oil/mucin (MOx/BSM), human meibum (HM), and bovine meibum (BM) reduce water evaporation by a dissolution-diffusion mechanism, as confirmed by agreement between measurement and theory. The water permeability of oxidized-mineral-oil duplex films agrees with those reported in the literature, after correction for the presence of mucin. We find that duplex-oil films of bovine and human meibum at physiologic temperature reduce water evaporation only 6-8% for a 100-nm film thickness pertinent to the human tear film. Comparison to in-vivo human tear-evaporation measurements is inconclusive because evaporation from a clean-water surface is not measured and because the mass-transfer resistance is not characterized. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Effect of film size on drainage of foam and emulsion films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malhotra, A.K.; Wasan, D.T.


    All available theoretical analyses for the drainage of thin plane-parallel liquid films, such as those existing between two approaching liquid droplets or bubbles in the coalescence process, predict essentially the same dependence of rate of thinning of the intervening film on its size as is described by the Reynolds equation - that is, drainage time increases with the square of the film radius. Recently, the authors reported experimental data for both foam and emulsion films which showed that the measured drainage times increase with about a 0.8 power of the film radius, a value much smaller than the theoretically predicted value of 2.0. Here they present a hydrodynamic analysis to predict the experimentally observed effect of film size on the kinetics of thinning of emulsion and foam films. They extend the applicability of the Reynolds model by accounting for the flow in the Plateau borders as well as the London-van der Waals forces in the thin film phase. Their theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data on the dependence of drainage time of both foam and emulsion films on their radii

  8. Superconducting thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hebard, A.F.; Vandenberg, J.M.


    This invention relates to granular metal and metal oxide superconducting films formed by ion beam sputter deposition. Illustratively, the films comprise irregularly shaped, randomly oriented, small lead grains interspersed in an insulating lead oxide matrix. The films are hillock-resistant when subjected to thermal cycling and exhibit unusual josephson-type switching characteristics. Depending on the oxygen content, a film may behave in a manner similar to that of a plurality of series connected josephson junctions, or the film may have a voltage difference in a direction parallel to a major surface of the film that is capable of being switched from zero voltage difference to a finite voltage difference in response to a current larger than the critical current

  9. As Film Goes Byte: The Change From Analog to Digital Film Perception


    Loertscher, Miriam Laura; Weibel, David; Spiegel, Simon; Flueckiger, Barbara; Mennel, Pierre; Mast, Fred; Iseli, Christian


    The digital revolution changed film production in many ways. Until the end of the 20th century, most film professionals and critics preferred celluloid film. However, no previous empirical study compared complete narrative films recorded with analog and digital cinematography. Three short narrative films were produced with an analog and a digital camera attached to a 3D rig in order to control all optical parameters. In postproduction, a third version of a digital film was created to mimic th...

  10. As Film Goes Byte: The Change From Analog to Digital Film Perception.


    Loertscher M. L. Weibel D. Spiegel S. Flueckiger B. Mennel P. Mast F. W. & Iseli C.


    The digital revolution changed film production in many ways. Until the end of the 20th century most film professionals and critics preferred celluloid film. However no previous empirical study compared complete narrative films recorded with analog and digital cinematography. Three short narrative films were produced with an analog and a digital camera attached to a 3D rig in order to control all optical parameters. In postproduction a third version of a digital film was created to mimic the a...

  11. Demens Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Møller


    Vi vil skabe film til mennesker med demens – ikke film om demens sygdommen eller beretninger om livet og hverdagen med en kronisk lidelse. Filmene skal medvirke til at frembringe en behagelig stemning omkring og hos mennesker med demens, så hverdagen bliver så tryg som mulig. Filmene skal samtidig...... var at afgrænse og prioritere projektet, samt komme med anbefalinger omkring hvad der er vigtigt, i forbindelse med produktion af film målrettet mennesker med demens. Resultat af ekspertgruppen sammenfattes i denne rapport. Projektet gennemføres som et samarbejde mellem Retrospect Film...

  12. Ag films deposited on Si and Ti: How the film-substrate interaction influences the nanoscale film morphology (United States)

    Ruffino, F.; Torrisi, V.


    Submicron-thick Ag films were sputter deposited, at room temperature, on Si, covered by the native SiO2 layer, and on Ti, covered by the native TiO2 layer, under normal and oblique deposition angle. The aim of this work was to study the morphological differences in the grown Ag films on the two substrates when fixed all the other deposition parameters. In fact, the surface diffusivity of the Ag adatoms is different on the two substrates (higher on the SiO2 surface) due to the different Ag-SiO2 and Ag-TiO2 atomic interactions. So, the effect of the adatoms surface diffusivity, as determined by the adatoms-substrate interaction, on the final film morphology was analyzed. To this end, microscopic analyses were used to study the morphology of the grown Ag films. Even if the homologous temperature prescribes that the Ag film grows on both substrates in the zone I described by the structure zone model some significant differences are observed on the basis of the supporting substrate. In the normal incidence condition, on the SiO2/Si surface a dense close-packed Ag film exhibiting a smooth surface is obtained, while on the TiO2/Ti surface a more columnar film morphology is formed. In the oblique incidence condition the columnar morphology for the Ag film occurs both on SiO2/Si and TiO2/Ti but a higher porous columnar film is obtained on TiO2/Ti due to the lower Ag diffusivity. These results indicate that the adatoms diffusivity on the substrate as determined by the adatom-surface interaction (in addition to the substrate temperature) strongly determines the final film nanostructure.

  13. Development of neutron diffuse scattering analysis code by thin film and multilayer film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soyama, Kazuhiko


    To research surface structure of thin film and multilayer film by neutron, a neutron diffuse scattering analysis code using DWBA (Distorted-Wave Bron Approximation) principle was developed. Subjects using this code contain the surface and interface properties of solid/solid, solid/liquid, liquid/liquid and gas/liquid, and metal, magnetism and polymer thin film and biomembran. The roughness of surface and interface of substance shows fractal self-similarity and its analytical model is based on DWBA theory by Sinha. The surface and interface properties by diffuse scattering are investigated on the basis of the theoretical model. The calculation values are proved to be agreed with the experimental values. On neutron diffuse scattering by thin film, roughness of surface of thin film, correlation function, neutron propagation by thin film, diffuse scattering by DWBA theory, measurement model, SDIFFF (neutron diffuse scattering analysis program by thin film) and simulation results are explained. On neutron diffuse scattering by multilayer film, roughness of multilayer film, principle of diffuse scattering, measurement method and simulation examples by MDIFF (neutron diffuse scattering analysis program by multilayer film) are explained. (S.Y.)To research surface structure of thin film and multilayer film by neutron, a neutron diffuse scattering analysis code using DWBA (Distorted-Wave Bron Approximation) principle was developed. Subjects using this code contain the surface and interface properties of solid/solid, solid/liquid, liquid/liquid and gas/liquid, and metal, magnetism and polymer thin film and biomembran. The roughness of surface and interface of substance shows fractal self-similarity and its analytical model is based on DWBA theory by Sinha. The surface and interface properties by diffuse scattering are investigated on the basis of the theoretical model. The calculation values are proved to be agreed with the experimental values. On neutron diffuse scattering

  14. Dust precipitation nuisance in the Rhine lignite basin. Situation analysis, legal assessment and the use of compost recycling for emission-protection purposes; Die Staubniederschlagsbelastungen im Rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier. Situationsanalyse, rechtliche Bewertung und Verwertung von Kompost zu Immissionsschutzzwecken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asenbaum, P. [Bergamt Dueren (Germany)


    The paper describes the problem of dust precipitation in the Rhine lignite basin and presents a legal, scientific and technical assessment of how composting can be used for emission protection purposes, along with supporting measures such as the replanting of opencast mining sites. Also examines the benefits, and possible risks, associated with waste recycling projects of this kind. The results of the investigations show that compost recycling for emission-protection purposes can be used to support the emission-protection measures previously deployed at opencast mines in the Rhine lignite basin, including the grassing-over of former mine sites. Such measures are now considered to be technically feasible, environmentally compatible and lawful, and indeed are considered necessary in some circumstances. (orig.) [German] Die Arbeit beschreibt die Staubniederschlagsbelastungen im Rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier und bewertet in diesem Zusammenhang den Einsatz von Kompost zu Immissionsschutzzwecken einschliesslich einer unterstuetzenden Begruenung in den Tagebauen in rechtlicher sowie naturwissenschaftlich-technischer Hinsicht. Darueber hinaus wird die Nuetzlichkeit und Schadlosigkeit dieser Abfallverwertungsmassnahmen beurteilt. Nach den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit ist eine Kompostverwertung zu Immissionsschutzzwecken zur Ergaenzung des bisherigen Immissionsschutzsystems in den Tagebauen des Rheinischen Braunkohlenreviers einschliesslich einer unterstuetzenden Begruenung technisch moeglich, umweltvertraeglich und rechtlich zulaessig sowie unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen erforderlich. (orig.)

  15. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    Full Text Available The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or film genre, and can be grouped in three major interrelated areas of film studies: adaptation studies, representation and aesthetics, and film and other media. All of them enable a critical perspective as regards the fluidity of the boundaries separating film from other media, such as literature, television, DVDs, and video games, as newer narrative forms that are incorporated by film, and the transformations in terms of aesthetics and forms of representation in contemporary film and media (the transgeneric nature of film, the interrelations between national and international cinemas, and the demands for a broader perception of the overwhelming mediations of the image in our contemporary society. Moreover, the articles are inserted within recent critical debates on adaptation, digital media and national and transnational cinema (Naremore, Sobchack, Druckery and Williams. All articles combine important theoretical concerns with the analysis of specific films. Robert Stam's “Teoria e Prática da Adaptação: da Fidelidade à Intertextualidade” (“Theory and the practice of adaptation: from fidelity to intertextuality” offers a rich perspective on the issue of adaptation in its relationship with critical theory. He analyses the changing critical views on adaptation, which go from the priority given to the canonic literary text, as an origin, to a more fluid, intertextual and dialogical approach to film adaptation. Drawing from Bakhtin's concept of

  16. Danish independent film, or how to make films without public funding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft

    Studying independent film in Denmark is a new and interesting way to analyse power relations in Danish film productions. The sheer magnitude of Danish indiefilms is in itself a very convincing voice to be heard. Throughout the past almost two decades we have seen a developing challenge to the typ......Studying independent film in Denmark is a new and interesting way to analyse power relations in Danish film productions. The sheer magnitude of Danish indiefilms is in itself a very convincing voice to be heard. Throughout the past almost two decades we have seen a developing challenge...... known as – Danish independent film is the American director Robert Rodriguez and especially his book Rebel without a crew (1995). The book is a diary of his first successful feature film production El mariachi (1992) and, basically, here he outlines a very different do-it-yourself-method of film...

  17. Contributions of Film Introductions and Film Summaries to Learning from Instructional Films. (United States)

    Lathrop, C. W., Jr.; Norford, C. A.

    An exploratory study of the contribution to learning of typical introductory and summarizing sequences in instructional films underlined the need for further experimental work to determine what kinds of introductory and concluding sequences are most useful in promoting learning from films. The first part of the study was concerned with film…

  18. Films and dark room

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    After we know where the radiographic come from, then we must know about the film and also dark room. So, this chapter 5 discusses the two main components for radiography work that is film and dark room, places to process the film. Film are structured with three structured that are basic structured, emulsion and protection structured. So, this film can be classified either with their speed, screen and standard that used. The process to wash the film must be done in dark room otherwise the radiographer cannot get what are they inspected. The processing of film will be discussed briefly in next chapter.

  19. ANALISIS SUDUT PANDANG KAMERA (Studi kasus: Film Jelangkung dan Film The Ring 1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Listia Natadjaja


    Full Text Available Horror movie is one of the strengths of Indonesian film industry; however it is not so popular in the International market. Thus%2C an analysis is needed to determine what the strengths are of another horror movie that has achieved global recognition. This analysis trie s to examine film angles that could be one of the important factors in audio visual in creating horror movies. The Ring 1 is chosen as a comparison to Indonesian horror movie. The Ring 1 has the most world recognition%2C and it has been re-made by Korean and American horror movie makers. Jelangkung is chosen because it is the pioneer of horror movies in Indonesia and has inspired other movies in the same genre. Both films are analyzed from the camera angle aspect which gives the horror effect. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Film horor merupakan salah satu kekuatan perfilman layar lebar di Indonesia.%2C akan tetapi film horor Indonesia kurang dapat menyebar di pasaran Internasional. Oleh karena itu%2C suatu analisis diperlukan untuk mengetahui apakah kekuatan-kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh film horor negara-negara lain yang banyak digemari masyarakat global terutama dari sudut pandang kamera yang merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam menciptakan kesan horor pada suatu film. Film The Ring 1 dipilih sebagai pedoman perbandingan film horor Indonesia%2C karena film The Ring 1 adalah film horor yang sangat banyak diminati oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia%2C bahkan telah diremake oleh Korea dan USA. Film Horor Indonesia yang dipilih adalah film Jelangkung yang pertama kali muncul pada film layar lebar dan menjadi cikal bakal munculnya banyak film layar lebar di Indonesia dengan genre yang sama. Analisa kedua film ini ditinjau dari sudut pandang kamera yang dapat menampilkan kesan horor. horror movie%2C camera angle%2C Indonesia%2C Japan.

  20. Electrochromic nanocomposite films (United States)

    Milliron, Delia; Llordes, Anna; Buonsanti, Raffaella; Garcia, Guillermo


    The present invention provides an electrochromic nanocomposite film. In an exemplary embodiment, the electrochromic nanocomposite film, includes (1) a solid matrix of oxide based material and (2) transparent conducting oxide (TCO) nanostructures embedded in the matrix. In a further embodiment, the electrochromic nanocomposite film farther includes a substrate upon which the matrix is deposited. The present invention also provides a method of preparing an electrochromic nanocomposite film.

  1. Defining Documentary Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juel, Henrik


    A discussion of various attemts at defining documentary film regarding form, content, truth, stile, genre or reception - and a propoposal of a positive list of essential, but non-exclusive characteristica of documentary film......A discussion of various attemts at defining documentary film regarding form, content, truth, stile, genre or reception - and a propoposal of a positive list of essential, but non-exclusive characteristica of documentary film...

  2. Film Noir Style Genealogy


    Rietuma, Dita


    Annotation for the Doctoral Work Film Noir Style Genealogy (The Genealogy of the Film Noir Style) The doctoral work topic Film Noir Style Genealogy encompasses traditionally approved world film theory views on the concept of film noir and its related cinematographic heritage, and an exploration of its evolution and distinctive style, including – the development of film noir in the USA, Europe, and also in Latvia, within the context of both socio-political progression and the paradigm of m...

  3. ZnO film deposition on Al film and effects of deposition temperature on ZnO film growth characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Giwan; Yim, Munhyuk; Kim, Donghyun; Linh, Mai; Chai, Dongkyu


    The effects of the deposition temperature on the growth characteristics of the ZnO films were studied for film bulk acoustic wave resonator (FBAR) device applications. All films were deposited using a radio frequency magnetron sputtering technique. It was found that the growth characteristics of ZnO films have a strong dependence on the deposition temperature from 25 to 350 deg. C. ZnO films deposited below 200 deg. C exhibited reasonably good columnar grain structures with highly preferred c-axis orientation while those above 200 deg. C showed very poor columnar grain structures with mixed-axis orientation. This study seems very useful for future FBAR device applications

  4. Science Fiction on Film. (United States)

    Burmester, David


    Reviews science fiction films used in a science fiction class. Discusses feature films, short science fiction films, short story adaptations, original science fiction pieces and factual science films that enrich literature. (EL)

  5. Thin Film Microbatteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dudney, Nancy J.


    Thin film batteries are built layer by layer by vapor deposition. The resulting battery is formed of parallel plates, much as an ordinary battery construction, just much thinner. The figure (Fig. 1) shows an example of a thin film battery layout where films are deposited symmetrically onto both sides of a supporting substrate. The full stack of films is only 10 to 15 (micro)m thick, but including the support at least doubles the overall battery thickness. When the support is thin, the entire battery can be flexible. At least six companies have commercialized or are very close to commercializing such all-solid-state thin film batteries and market research predicts a growing market and a variety of applications including sensors, RFID tags, and smarter cards. In principle with a large deposition system, a thin film battery might cover a square meter, but in practice, most development is targeting individual cells with active areas less than 25 cm 2 . For very small battery areas, 2 , microfabrication processes have been developed. Typically the assembled batteries have capacities from 0.1 to 5 mAh. The operation of a thin film battery is depicted in the schematic diagram (Fig. 2). Very simply, when the battery is allowed to discharge, a Li + ion migrates from the anode to the cathode film by diffusing through the solid electrolyte. When the anode and cathode reactions are reversible, as for an intercalation compound or alloy, the battery can be recharged by reversing the current. The difference in the electrochemical potential of the lithium determines the cell voltage. Most of the thin films used in current commercial variations of this thin film battery are deposited in vacuum chambers by RF and DC magnetron sputtering and by thermal evaporation onto unheated substrates. In addition, many publications report exploring a variety of other physical and chemical vapor deposition processes, such as pulsed laser deposition, electron cyclotron resonance sputtering, and

  6. No Escape from the Burbs. Rezension zu Roger Keil (Hg. (2013: Suburban Constellations: Governance, Land and Infrastructure in the 21st Century. Berlin: JOVIS.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Markus Kip


    Full Text Available Den Begriff des Urbanen in Auseinandersetzung mit dem Suburbanen zu bestimmen, ist horizonterweiternd. Nicht, dass er nach der Lektüre von Suburban Constellations an Schärfe gewonnen hätte, wohl aber hat sich meine Aufmerksamkeit für scheinbar banale Phänomene außerhalb der Stadt geschärft. Neu ist die enorme Bandbreite suburbaner Fallstudien aus dem ‚Globalen Norden‘ und dem ‚Globalen Süden‘, die hier versammelt werden.Der Band ist ein wichtiger Output des Forschungsverbunds „Global Suburbanism. Governance, Land and Infrastructure in the 21st Century“, dem über fünfzig Wissenschaftler_innen und Praktiker_innen angehörenAm Ende hat mich die Hauptthese des Buches überzeugt, der zufolge suburbane Räume keine Randphänomene, sondern Schlüsselaspekte der Urbanisierung im 21. Jahrhundert darstellen.

  7. One-step aerosol synthesis of nanoparticle agglomerate films: simulation of film porosity and thickness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maedler, Lutz; Lall, Anshuman A; Friedlander, Sheldon K


    A method is described for designing nanoparticle agglomerate films with desired film porosity and film thickness. Nanoparticle agglomerates generated in aerosol reactors can be directly deposited on substrates to form uniform porous films in one step, a significant advance over existing technologies. The effect of agglomerate morphology and deposition mechanism on film porosity and thickness are discussed. Film porosity was calculated for a given number and size of primary particles that compose the agglomerates, and fractal dimension. Agglomerate transport was described by the Langevin equation of motion. Deposition enhancing forces such as thermophoresis are incorporated in the model. The method was validated for single spherical particles using previous theoretical studies. An S-shape film porosity dependence on the particle Peclet number typical for spherical particles was also observed for agglomerates, but films formed from agglomerates had much higher porosities than films from spherical particles. Predicted film porosities compared well with measurements reported in the literature. Film porosities increased with the number of primary particles that compose an agglomerate and higher fractal dimension agglomerates resulted in denser films. Film thickness as a function of agglomerate deposition time was calculated from the agglomerate deposition flux in the presence of thermophoresis. The calculated film thickness was in good agreement with measured literature values. Thermophoresis can be used to reduce deposition time without affecting the film porosity

  8. Plain film emergency radiology of child abuse: a strategy; Die akute Roentgendiagnostik der Kindesmisshandlung: Eine Strategie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oestreich, A.E. [Children`s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati OH (United States). Dept. of Radiology


    A strategy is proposed for the dedicated interpretation of possible radiographic plain film signs that are suspicious for indicating child abuse. For each sign, the features `PRO` raise the question of abuse, while radiographic or clinical findings `CON` suggest an alternate explanation. Birth trauma, oesteogenesis imperfecta, rescue trauma, and metastatic neuroblastoma are among the many entities cited. A triad of situations may lead a radiologist to look systematically for changes from abuse; a triad of resolutions may result from the search. Periosteal reaction is the major factor in dating of fractures; physiologic periosteal reaction of infancy and periosteal reaction from previous fracture must be considered when so dating fractures. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es wird eine Strategie fuer die genaue Interpretation roentgenologischer Befunde, die auf eine Kindesmisshandlung hindeuten koennen, vorgeschlagen. Fuer jeden Befund werfen die unter `PRO` aufgefuehrten Merkmale die Frage nach einer Kindesmisshandlung auf, waehrend radiologische und klinische Befunde unter `CON` andere Erklaerungen nahelegen. Geburtstrauma, Osteogenesis imperfecta, Rettungstrauma und metastasierendes Neuroblastom sind unter den vielen zitierten Differentialdiagnosen. Drei moegliche Situationen koennen den Radiologen dazu veranlassen, systematisch nach Zeichen einer Kindesmisshandlung zu suchen, 3 moegliche Loesungen koennen aus dieser Suche hervorgehen. Eine Periostreaktion ist ein Kardinalbefund zur Datierung von Frakturen. Physiologische Periostreaktionen im fruehen Kindesalter und Periostreaktionen durch fruehere Frakturen muessen bei einer solchen Datierung von Frakturen mitbedacht werden. (orig.)

  9. Films--Too Good for Words. A Directory of Nonnarrated 16mm Films. (United States)

    Parlato, Salvatore J., Jr.

    A nonnarrated film is one that communicates pictorially on the strength of its visual unity, continuity, and coherence without relying on narration or dialogue. This directory lists 1,000 such 16mm films, mostly curriculum-oriented educational films, in three main parts. The first part describes films under subject headings such as the arts, other…

  10. Buy, Borrow, or Steal? Film Access for Film Studies Students (United States)

    Rodgers, Wendy


    Libraries offer a mix of options to serve the film studies curriculum: streaming video, DVDs on Reserve, and streaming DVDs through online classrooms. Some professors screen films and lend DVDs to students. But how do students obtain the films required for their courses? How would they prefer to do so? These are among the questions explored using…

  11. Framing Persoalan Indonesia Melalui Film Dokumenter Model Direct Cinema (Studi Pada Film-film Dokumenter Terbaik, Program Eagle Award Competitions Di Metro TV)


    Styo Wibowo, Novin Farid


    FRAMING PERSOALAN INDONESIA MELALUI FILM DOKUMENTER MODELDIRECT CINEMA(STUDI PADA FILM-FILM DOKUMENTER TERBAIK, PROGRAM EAGLEAWARD COMPETITIONS DI METRO TV)Frames Indonesia Issues Through Direct Cinema DocumentaryFilm On Television (Framing Analysis of the 3 Best Documentary Film, Eagle AwardCompetitions Program at Metro TV)Novin Farid Styo WibowoJurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu PolitikUniversitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail : TThe research disc...

  12. Uniformly irradiated polymer film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fowler, S.L.


    Irradiated film having substantial uniformity in the radiation dosage profile is produced by irradiating the film within a trough having lateral deflection blocks disposed adjacent the film edges for deflecting electrons toward the surface of the trough bottom for further deflecting the electrons toward the film edge

  13. Körperbilder in der Traumfabrik der Medien Body Images in the Media Dream Factory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wibke Straube


    Full Text Available Filme produzieren Körperbilder, die einen erheblichen Einfluss auf Selbstbilder, Identitätskonstruktionen und Abgrenzungen von bestimmten Identifikationsmodellen besitzen. Im vorliegende Sammelband wird entsprechend das Medium Film auf seine inhärente geschlechtliche Kodierung und die geschlechtliche Markierung seiner Materialität befragt. Den Herausgeberinnen gelingt es zudem, die Filmanalyse mit den Queer Theory und weiteren intersektionalen Kategorien zu verknüpfen. Dabei werden insbesondere die filmischen Protagonist/-innen, die Rollenkonstellationen sowie die Storylines auf ihre geschlechtsspezifischen Implikationen untersucht.Films produce body images that have a considerable influence on images of self, identity constructs, and the exclusion of specific models for identification. The collection at hand accordingly questions the medium of film with regard to the inherent gendered coding and gendered labeling of its materiality. The editors also succeed in linking film analysis with queer theory and other intersecting categories. In so doing, they examine the filmic protagonists, the constellations of roles, and the storylines according to their gender-specific implications.

  14. Film in concert



    From the very beginning of cinema, music always played an important role in the history of filmmaking. Nonetheless, film music is judged by critics as a kind of low-grade art form. However, the majority of film score composers enjoyed a classical education and composed as well for the silver screen as for the concert hall. Film music also has its roots in the musical era of romanticism. Therefore, symphonic film scores can be regarded as program music in a broader sense. These scores were inf...

  15. Quality of YBCO thin films grown on LAO substrates exposed to the film deposition - film removal processes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blagoev, B; Nurgaliev, T [Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee, 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria); Mozhaev, P B [Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117218 Moscow (Russian Federation); Sardela, M; Donchev, T [Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, 104 South Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 (United States)], E-mail:


    The characteristics are investigated of high temperature superconducting YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7} (YBCO) films grown on LaAlO{sub 3} (LAO) substrates being exposed a different number of times to YBCO film deposition and acid-solution-based cleaning procedures. Possible mechanisms of degradation of the substrate surface quality reflecting on the growing YBCO film parameters are discussed and analyzed.

  16. Evaluation and mitigation of potential errors in radiochromic film dosimetry due to film curvature at scanning. (United States)

    Palmer, Antony L; Bradley, David A; Nisbet, Andrew


    This work considers a previously overlooked uncertainty present in film dosimetry which results from moderate curvature of films during the scanning process. Small film samples are particularly susceptible to film curling which may be undetected or deemed insignificant. In this study, we consider test cases with controlled induced curvature of film and with film raised horizontally above the scanner plate. We also evaluate the difference in scans of a film irradiated with a typical brachytherapy dose distribution with the film naturally curved and with the film held flat on the scanner. Typical naturally occurring curvature of film at scanning, giving rise to a maximum height 1 to 2 mm above the scan plane, may introduce dose errors of 1% to 4%, and considerably reduce gamma evaluation passing rates when comparing film-measured doses with treatment planning system-calculated dose distributions, a common application of film dosimetry in radiotherapy. The use of a triple-channel dosimetry algorithm appeared to mitigate the error due to film curvature compared to conventional single-channel film dosimetry. The change in pixel value and calibrated reported dose with film curling or height above the scanner plate may be due to variations in illumination characteristics, optical disturbances, or a Callier-type effect. There is a clear requirement for physically flat films at scanning to avoid the introduction of a substantial error source in film dosimetry. Particularly for small film samples, a compression glass plate above the film is recommended to ensure flat-film scanning. This effect has been overlooked to date in the literature.

  17. Spectator's trust as an indicator of film authorship: Is Vinterberg a film auteur?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Pol, G.


    In this article, the Trust Model is presented as a new theory to tackle the old film theoretical problem of distinguishing film directors from film auteurs. The model proposes that in certain films, the spectator becomes problematically engaged to the fiction and to certain characters. During the

  18. Getting into Film. (United States)

    London, Mel

    This book describes the various aspects of the film industry and the many jobs related to filmmaking, stressing that no "formula" exists for finding a successful career in the film industry. Chapters provide information on production, writing for film, cinematography, editing, music, sound, animation and graphics, acting and modeling, the "unsung…

  19. The Sponsored Film. (United States)

    Klein, Walter J.

    For public relations professionals and would-be sponsors of films, this book provides guidelines for understanding the film medium and its potential as a persuasive force in industry, government, organizations, and religious orders. For filmmakers, it brings together practical information needed to survive in the sponsored-film industry and to…

  20. Ceramic Composite Thin Films (United States)

    Ruoff, Rodney S. (Inventor); Stankovich, Sasha (Inventor); Dikin, Dmitriy A. (Inventor); Nguyen, SonBinh T. (Inventor)


    A ceramic composite thin film or layer includes individual graphene oxide and/or electrically conductive graphene sheets dispersed in a ceramic (e.g. silica) matrix. The thin film or layer can be electrically conductive film or layer depending the amount of graphene sheets present. The composite films or layers are transparent, chemically inert and compatible with both glass and hydrophilic SiOx/silicon substrates. The composite film or layer can be produced by making a suspension of graphene oxide sheet fragments, introducing a silica-precursor or silica to the suspension to form a sol, depositing the sol on a substrate as thin film or layer, at least partially reducing the graphene oxide sheets to conductive graphene sheets, and thermally consolidating the thin film or layer to form a silica matrix in which the graphene oxide and/or graphene sheets are dispersed.

  1. Solid thin film materials for use in thin film charge-coupled devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynch, S.J.


    Solid thin films deposited by vacuum deposition were evaluated to ascertain their effectiveness for use in the manufacturing of charge-coupled devices (CCDs). Optical and electrical characteristics of tellurium and Bi 2 Te 3 solid thin films were obtained in order to design and to simulate successfully the operation of thin film (TF) CCDs. In this article some of the material differences between single-crystal material and the island-structured thin film used in TFCCDs are discussed. The electrical parameters were obtained and tabulated, e.g. the mobility, conductivity, dielectric constants, permittivity, lifetime of holes and electrons in the thin films and drift diffusion constants. The optical parameters were also measured and analyzed. After the design was complete, experimental TFCCDs were manufactured and were successfully operated utilizing the aforementioned solid thin films. (Auth.)

  2. [Application of biodegradable plastic film to reduce plastic film residual pollution in Chinese agriculture]. (United States)

    Yan, Changrong; He, Wenqing; Xue, Yinghao; Liu, Enke; Liu, Qin


    Plastic film has become an important agriculture production material in recent years. Over the past three decades, the amount and application area of plastic film have increased steadily, and in 2014, which are 1.4 million tons and more than 180 million hm² respectively. It plays a key role for ensuring the supply of agricultural goods in China. Meanwhile, plastic film residual pollution becomes more and more serious, and in some regions, the amount of plastic film residues has reached over 250 kg/hm². In part of the Northwest region, soil structure of farmland has been destroyed by plastic film residues and then crop growth and farming operations were suppressed. It is recognized as a good choice to replace plastic film with biodegradable plastic film, an effective measure to solve the plastic film residue pollution. Now, it is in a critical stage of study and assessment of biodegradable plastic film in China and fortunately some biodegradable plastic films show effects in the production of potatoes, peanuts and tobacco. Overall, a series of challenges has still been faced by the biodegradable plastic film, mainly including improving the quality of biodegradable plastic products, such as tensile strength, flexibility, improving the controllability of rupture and degradation, enhancing the ability of increasing soil temperature and preserving soil moisture, and to satisfy the demand of crops production with mulching. In addition, it is essential to reduce the cost of the biodegradable film and promote the application of biodegradable film on large-scale. With the development of biodegradable plastic technology and agricultural production environment, the application of the biodegradable film will have a good future.

  3. IAEA film library

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Most of the scientific and technical films shown during the Second Geneva Conference for the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy were donated to IAEA by the producing countries at the end of the Conference. They will form the basic stock for the Agency's loan service intended to provide atomic energy institutions in Member States with film material. A detailed catalogue of the films, classified according to subject and giving conditions of loan or purchase, is now being prepared. In addition to this, information on all films produced in Member Countries dealing with the peaceful uses cf atomic energy is being assembled. The documentary information contained in the films in IAEA's possession relates to the following subjects: national programmes; nuclear physics; accelerators; plasma and fusion; reactors (power, research, material testing and experimental); prospecting and mining; ore dressing; metallurgy; production of fuel elements; treatment of irradiated fuel elements; protection against radiation; detection and counting; uses of radiation in medicine, biochemistry, agriculture and industry; industrial application of nuclear explosions. Most of the commentaries are in the language of the producing country. A few films are available in a choice of two languages. The films donated to the Agency total 82, two of which have been produced in Canada, 13 in France, one in India, one in Romania, one in Spain, 14 in the United Kingdom, one in the Union of South Africa, 47 in the United States of America and two in the USSR: they are mostly illustrations of papers presented at the Second Geneva Conference. In arranging for the circulation of scientific and technical films IAEA wishes to help meet some of the training and information needs of Member States. It is hoped that all organizations producing films on the peaceful uses of atomic energy will entrust copies to the IAEA with a view to their widest possible circulation. In the meantime, the Agency's films have been given

  4. IAEA film library

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Most of the scientific and technical films shown during the Second Geneva Conference for the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy were donated to IAEA by the producing countries at the end of the Conference. They will form the basic stock for the Agency's loan service intended to provide atomic energy institutions in Member States with film material. A detailed catalogue of the films, classified according to subject and giving conditions of loan or purchase, is now being prepared. In addition to this, information on all films produced in Member Countries dealing with the peaceful uses cf atomic energy is being assembled. The documentary information contained in the films in IAEA's possession relates to the following subjects: national programmes; nuclear physics; accelerators; plasma and fusion; reactors (power, research, material testing and experimental); prospecting and mining; ore dressing; metallurgy; production of fuel elements; treatment of irradiated fuel elements; protection against radiation; detection and counting; uses of radiation in medicine, biochemistry, agriculture and industry; industrial application of nuclear explosions. Most of the commentaries are in the language of the producing country. A few films are available in a choice of two languages. The films donated to the Agency total 82, two of which have been produced in Canada, 13 in France, one in India, one in Romania, one in Spain, 14 in the United Kingdom, one in the Union of South Africa, 47 in the United States of America and two in the USSR: they are mostly illustrations of papers presented at the Second Geneva Conference. In arranging for the circulation of scientific and technical films IAEA wishes to help meet some of the training and information needs of Member States. It is hoped that all organizations producing films on the peaceful uses of atomic energy will entrust copies to the IAEA with a view to their widest possible circulation. In the meantime, the Agency's films have been given

  5. Film: Genres and Genre Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bondebjerg, Ib


    Genre is a concept used in film studies and film theory to describe similarities between groups of films based on aesthetic or broader social, institutional, cultural, and psychological aspects. Film genre shares similarities in form and style, theme, and communicative function. A film genre...

  6. Meteor Film Recording with Digital Film Cameras with large CMOS Sensors (United States)

    Slansky, P. C.


    In this article the author combines his professional know-how about cameras for film and television production with his amateur astronomy activities. Professional digital film cameras with high sensitivity are still quite rare in astronomy. One reason for this may be their costs of up to 20 000 and more (camera body only). In the interim, however,consumer photo cameras with film mode and very high sensitivity have come to the market for about 2 000 EUR. In addition, ultra-high sensitive professional film cameras, that are very interesting for meteor observation, have been introduced to the market. The particular benefits of digital film cameras with large CMOS sensors, including photo cameras with film recording function, for meteor recording are presented by three examples: a 2014 Camelopardalid, shot with a Canon EOS C 300, an exploding 2014 Aurigid, shot with a Sony alpha7S, and the 2016 Perseids, shot with a Canon ME20F-SH. All three cameras use large CMOS sensors; "large" meaning Super-35 mm, the classic 35 mm film format (24x13.5 mm, similar to APS-C size), or full format (36x24 mm), the classic 135 photo camera format. Comparisons are made to the widely used cameras with small CCD sensors, such as Mintron or Watec; "small" meaning 12" (6.4x4.8 mm) or less. Additionally, special photographic image processing of meteor film recordings is discussed.

  7. Demens Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    I forbindelse med opstarten af Demens Film projektet har der været nedsat en ekspertgruppe, som er kommet med en række anbefalinger omkring film til mennesker med demens. Anbefalingerne skal bruges i de næste faser af projektet. Deltagerne i ekspertgruppen var sammensat af en bred gruppe...... fagpersoner inde for forskellige fagområder. Læs mere om gruppens anbefalinger og sammensætning af ekspertgruppen i den kort rapport som er offentlig tilgængelig. Læs Ekspertgruppe anbefalingerne til Demens Film projekt....

  8. Effect of diffraction and film-thickness gradients on wafer-curvature measurements of thin-film stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breiland, W.G.; Lee, S.R.; Koleske, D.D.


    When optical measurements of wafer curvature are used to determine thin-film stress, the laser beams that probe the sample are usually assumed to reflect specularly from the curved surface of the film and substrate. Yet, real films are not uniformly thick, and unintended thickness gradients produce optical diffraction effects that steer the laser away from the ideal specular condition. As a result, the deflection of the laser in wafer-curvature measurements is actually sensitive to both the film stress and the film-thickness gradient. We present a Fresnel-Kirchhoff optical diffraction model of wafer-curvature measurements that provides a unified description of these combined effects. The model accurately simulates real-time wafer-curvature measurements of nonuniform GaN films grown on sapphire substrates by vapor-phase epitaxy. During thin-film growth, thickness gradients cause the reflected beam to oscillate asymmetrically about the ideal position defined by the stress-induced wafer curvature. This oscillating deflection has the same periodicity as the reflectance of the growing film, and the deflection amplitude is a function of the film-thickness gradient, the mean film thickness, the wavelength distribution of the light source, the illuminated spot size, and the refractive indices of the film and substrate. For typical GaN films grown on sapphire, misinterpretation of these gradient-induced oscillations can cause stress-measurement errors that approach 10% of the stress-thickness product; much greater errors occur in highly nonuniform films. Only transparent films can exhibit substantial gradient-induced deflections; strongly absorbing films are immune

  9. Film-thickness and composition dependence of epitaxial thin-film PZT-based

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nguyen, Duc Minh; Dekkers, Jan M.; Vu, Hung Ngoc; Rijnders, Augustinus J.H.M.


    The transverse piezoelectric coefficient e31,f and mass-sensitivity were measured on piezoelectric cantilevers based on epitaxial PZT thin-films with film-thicknesses ranging from 100 to 2000 nm. The highest values of e31,f and mass-sensitivity were observed at a film thickness of 500–750 nm, while

  10. Development of Anti-Insect Microencapsulated Polypropylene Films Using a Large Scale Film Coating System. (United States)

    Song, Ah Young; Choi, Ha Young; Lee, Eun Song; Han, Jaejoon; Min, Sea C


    Films containing microencapsulated cinnamon oil (CO) were developed using a large-scale production system to protect against the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella). CO at concentrations of 0%, 0.8%, or 1.7% (w/w ink mixture) was microencapsulated with polyvinyl alcohol. The microencapsulated CO emulsion was mixed with ink (47% or 59%, w/w) and thinner (20% or 25%, w/w) and coated on polypropylene (PP) films. The PP film was then laminated with a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film on the coated side. The film with microencapsulated CO at 1.7% repelled P. interpunctella most effectively. Microencapsulation did not negatively affect insect repelling activity. The release rate of cinnamaldehyde, an active repellent, was lower when CO was microencapsulated than that in the absence of microencapsulation. Thermogravimetric analysis exhibited that microencapsulation prevented the volatilization of CO. The tensile strength, percentage elongation at break, elastic modulus, and water vapor permeability of the films indicated that microencapsulation did not affect the tensile and moisture barrier properties (P > 0.05). The results of this study suggest that effective films for the prevention of Indian meal moth invasion can be produced by the microencapsulation of CO using a large-scale film production system. Low-density polyethylene-laminated polypropylene films printed with ink incorporating microencapsulated cinnamon oil using a large-scale film production system effectively repelled Indian meal moth larvae. Without altering the tensile and moisture barrier properties of the film, microencapsulation resulted in the release of an active repellent for extended periods with a high thermal stability of cinnamon oil, enabling commercial film production at high temperatures. This anti-insect film system may have applications to other food-packaging films that use the same ink-printing platform. © 2018 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  11. Australian Film Studies. (United States)

    Breen, Myles P.

    Although Australia had a vigorous film industry in the silent film era, it was stifled in the 1930s when United States and British interests bought up the Australian distribution channels and closed down the indigenous industry. However, the industry and film study have undergone a renaissance since the advent of the Labor government in 1972,…

  12. Radiochromic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Zhiyong


    Radiochromic film dosimetry was developed to measure ionization irradiation dose for industry and medicine. At this time, there are no comprehensive guideline on the medical application, calibration method and densitometer system for medicine. The review gives update on Radiochromic film dosimetry used for medicine, including principles, film model and material, characteristics, calibration method, scanning densitometer system and medical application

  13. P-type CuxS thin films: Integration in a thin film transistor structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nunes de Carvalho, C.; Parreira, P.; Lavareda, G.; Brogueira, P.; Amaral, A.


    Cu x S thin films, 80 nm thick, are deposited by vacuum thermal evaporation of sulfur-rich powder mixture, Cu 2 S:S (50:50 wt.%) with no intentional heating of the substrate. The process of deposition occurs at very low deposition rates (0.1–0.3 nm/s) to avoid the formation of Cu or S-rich films. The evolution of Cu x S films surface properties (morphology/roughness) under post deposition mild annealing in air at 270 °C and their integration in a thin film transistor (TFT) are the main objectives of this study. Accordingly, Scanning Electron Microscopy studies show Cu x S films with different surface morphologies, depending on the post deposition annealing conditions. For the shortest annealing time, the Cu x S films look to be constructed of grains with large dimension at the surface (approximately 100 nm) and consequently, irregular shape. For the longest annealing time, films with a fine-grained surface are found, with some randomly distributed large particles bound to this fine-grained surface. Atomic Force Microscopy results indicate an increase of the root-mean-square roughness of Cu x S surface with annealing time, from 13.6 up to 37.4 nm, for 255 and 345 s, respectively. The preliminary integration of Cu x S films in a TFT bottom-gate type structure allowed the study of the feasibility and compatibility of this material with the remaining stages of a TFT fabrication as well as the determination of the p-type characteristic of the Cu x S material. - Highlights: • Surface properties of annealed Cu x S films. • Variation of conductivity with annealing temperatures of Cu x S films. • Application of evaporated Cu x S films in a thin film transistor (TFT) structure. • Determination of Cu x S p-type characteristic from TFT behaviour

  14. Thin film processes II

    CERN Document Server

    Kern, Werner


    This sequel to the 1978 classic, Thin Film Processes, gives a clear, practical exposition of important thin film deposition and etching processes that have not yet been adequately reviewed. It discusses selected processes in tutorial overviews with implementation guide lines and an introduction to the literature. Though edited to stand alone, when taken together, Thin Film Processes II and its predecessor present a thorough grounding in modern thin film techniques.Key Features* Provides an all-new sequel to the 1978 classic, Thin Film Processes* Introduces new topics, and sever

  15. Film Music. Factfile No. 8. (United States)

    Elsas, Diana, Ed.; And Others

    Organizations listed here with descriptive information include film music clubs and music guilds and associations. These are followed by a representative list of schools offering film music and/or film sound courses. Sources are listed for soundtrack recordings, sound effects/production music, films on film music, and oral history programs. The…

  16. Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Beispiele für Verfahren zur Beurteilung einer Brandgefahr und für die Auslegung von Ergebnissen; 3.1: Kennwerte der Verbrennung und Übersicht über Prüfverfahren zu ihrer Ermittlung; Identisch mit IEC 60695-3-1, Ausgabe 1982

    CERN Document Server

    Deutsches Institut für Normung. Berlin


    Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Beispiele für Verfahren zur Beurteilung einer Brandgefahr und für die Auslegung von Ergebnissen; 3.1: Kennwerte der Verbrennung und Übersicht über Prüfverfahren zu ihrer Ermittlung; Identisch mit IEC 60695-3-1, Ausgabe 1982

  17. Film boiling heat transfer and vapour film collapse for various geometries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jouhara, H.I.; Axcell, B.P.


    Full text of publication follows: Film boiling heat transfer has application to the safe operation of water-cooled nuclear reactors under fault conditions and it has been studied using nickel-plated copper specimens in transient and steady state experiments. In the transient tests the specimens were held in a water flow; in the steady state investigation a specimen was mounted in an essentially quiescent pool of water. The transient investigation was conducted on two spheres with different diameters, two cylindrical specimens of different lengths in parallel flow, a short cylinder in cross flow and two flat plates with different lengths. The heat transfer coefficient, vapour film thickness (which was estimated from the heat transfer coefficient) and heat flux followed a similar behaviour with changing experimental conditions for all specimens studied. The heat transfer coefficient increased and the vapour film thickness and heat flux decreased as the specimen temperature decreased. As the water subcooling increased the heat transfer coefficient and the heat flux increased while the vapour film thickness decreased. The water velocity was found to have little influence on the film boiling heat transfer results except for the short cylinder in cross flow. The sphere diameter was found to affect the heat transfer results; the heat transfer coefficient and the heat flux were larger, for the larger sphere. No significant effect of the cylinder length on the heat transfer data was observed. However, the heat transfer coefficient was higher (and the average vapour film thinner) for the longer plate than for the shorter plate. Three vapour/liquid interface types were observed namely: 'smooth', 'rippled' and 'turbulent' depending largely on specimen and water temperatures. For all specimens, the maximum heat transfer coefficient, minimum heat flux and minimum film boiling temperature, occurring just before vapour film collapse, were found to increase as the water subcooling

  18. Antikken på film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krasilnikoff, Jens


    Review af forskning om den græsk-romerske oldtid på film. Dertil en skitse til videre arbejde med antikken på film ud fra et historiefagligt og kulturhistorisk udgangspunkt.......Review af forskning om den græsk-romerske oldtid på film. Dertil en skitse til videre arbejde med antikken på film ud fra et historiefagligt og kulturhistorisk udgangspunkt....

  19. Lars von Triers film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lisbeth Overgaard


    Afhandlingen undersøger Lars von Triers filmæstetik, som den kommer til udtryk i spillefilmene fra perioden 1984-2007. Afhandlingen analyserer de enkelte films stil, virkningsstrategi og betydningsdannelse.......Afhandlingen undersøger Lars von Triers filmæstetik, som den kommer til udtryk i spillefilmene fra perioden 1984-2007. Afhandlingen analyserer de enkelte films stil, virkningsstrategi og betydningsdannelse....

  20. Film sheet cassette

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A novel film sheet cassette is described for handling CAT photographic films under daylight conditions and facilitating their imaging. A detailed description of the design and operation of the cassette is given together with appropriate illustrations. The resulting cassette is a low-cost unit which is easily constructed and yet provides a sure light-tight seal for the interior contents of the cassette. The individual resilient fingers on the light-trap permit the ready removal of the slide plate for taking pictures. The stippled, non-electrostatic surface of the pressure plate ensures an air layer and free slidability of the film for removal and withdrawal of the film sheet. The advantage of the daylight system is that a darkroom need not be used for inserting and removing the film in and out of the cassette resulting in a considerable time saving. (U.K.)

  1. Thin films for precision optics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo, J.F.; Maurici, N.; Castro, J.C. de


    The technology of producing dielectric and/or metallic thin films for high precision optical components is discussed. Computer programs were developed in order to calculate and register, graphically, reflectance and transmittance spectra of multi-layer films. The technology of vacuum evaporation of several materials was implemented in our thin-films laboratory; various films for optics were then developed. The possibility of first calculate film characteristics and then produce the film is of great advantage since it reduces the time required to produce a new type of film and also reduces the cost of the project. (C.L.B.) [pt

  2. Thin-film photovoltaic technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhattacharya, R.N. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (United States)


    The high material and processing costs associated with single-crystal and polycrystalline silicon wafers that are commonly used in photovoltaic cells render these modules expensive. This presentation described thin-film solar cell technology as a promising alternative to silicon solar cell technology. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin films along with copper, indium, gallium, and selenium (CIGS) thin films have become the leaders in this field. Their large optical absorption coefficient can be attributed to a direct energy gap that allows the use of thin layers (1-2 {mu}m) of active material. The efficiency of thin-film solar cell devices based on CIGS is 20 per cent, compared to 16.7 per cent for thin-film solar cell devices based on CdTe. IBM recently reported an efficiency of 9.7 per cent for a new type of inorganic thin-film solar cell based on a Cu{sub 2}ZnSn(S, Se){sub 4} compound. The efficiency of an organic thin-film solar cell is 7.9 per cent. This presentation included a graph of PV device efficiencies and discussed technological advances in non-vacuum deposited, CIGS-based thin-film solar cells. 1 fig.

  3. Film selection in medical radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bor, Dogan


    Importing of medical imaging films is the responsibility of Turkish Red Croscend, but some institutions have currently started to import their own films. Because of the different resources in individual departments throughout Turkey, a general purpose medical film is imported by Turkish Red Croscend. This kind of film has the advantage to tolerate some technical faults related to the exposure, dark room and processing conditions and still reveals the necessary image quality. In addition to general purpose film, many companies produce special used films which improve some film characteristics in order to have a better image. The initial results of a project already started by Turkish Atomic Energy Authority showed that some other technical reasons prevent obtaining films with optimum quality. The film is the last step of diagnostic procedure and not only gives necessary clinical information, but also visualizes all the problems related to the lock of the calibration of X-ray system and dark room processing conditions. Because of these reasons, many people hold the film responsible for every technical problem. During the selection of the best film among the different companies, institutions have to fulfill some prerequisites at the beginning and than evaluate the quantitative results obtained from measurements according to their clinical purposes. It is the subject of this paper to show how to use film parameter as a comparison to different types of films measured with light sensitometry method. The dark room and processing problems which adversely effect the results are also given. The requirements for the best film selection both for general and special purposes are also evaluated. The extent of this paper is limited only to films using radiology and does not cover the types used in other imaging areas

  4. Religion og film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvithamar, Annika; Eskjær, Mikkel Fugl


    Artiklen søger at stipulere en ramme for analyse af religion og film. Dels ved at række ud over den blotte konstatering af tilstedeværelse af religiøse elementer i film, dels ved at anslå en række temaer, der kan anvendes til analyse af sådanne film (individualisering, (de-)sekularisering, banal...

  5. High-quality AlN films grown on chemical vapor-deposited graphene films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen Bin-Hao


    Full Text Available We report the growth of high-quality AlN films on graphene. The graphene films were synthesized by CVD and then transferred onto silicon substrates. Epitaxial aluminum nitride films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering on both graphene as an intermediate layer and silicon as a substrate. The structural characteristics of the AlN films and graphene were investigated. Highly c-axis-oriented AlN crystal structures are investigated based on the XRDpatterns observations.

  6. "Kuleshov on Film": A Spectator-Centered Film Theory. (United States)

    Curran, Trisha

    This paper describes some of the theories of cinematography of Soviet film theorist and filmmaker Lev Kuleshov. It points out that for him, film was communication portraying people's activities emanating from the environment. It explains that he was especially interested in audience response, particularly that of the proletariat, and that he felt…

  7. Radiochromic film dosimetry. Considerations on precision and accuracy for EBT2 and EBT3 type films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dreindl, Ralf [Medical Univ. of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital (Austria). Dept. of Radiooncology; EBG MedAustron GmbH, Wiener Neustadt (Austria); Georg, Dietmar; Stock, Markus [Medical Univ. of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital (Austria). Dept. of Radiooncology; Medical Univ. of Vienna (Austria). Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology


    Gafchromic {sup registered} EBT2 film is a widely used dosimetric tool for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In 2012 EBT3 was presented as a replacement for EBT2 films. The symmetric structure of EBT3 films to reduce face-up/down dependency as well as the inclusion of a matte film surface to frustrate Newton Ring artifacts present the most prominent improvements of EBT3 films. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of EBT3 films, to benchmark the films against the known EBT2-features and to evaluate the dosimetric behavior over a time period greater than 6 months. All films were irradiated to clinical photon beams (6MV, 10MV and 18MV) on an Elekta Synergy Linac equipped with a Beam Modulator MLC in solid water phantom slabs. Film digitalization was done with a flatbed transparency scanner (Type Epson Expression 1680 Pro). MATLAB {sup registered} was used for further statistical calculations and image processing. The investigations on post-irradiation darkening, film orientation, film uniformity and energy dependency resulted in negligible differences between EBT2 and EBT3 film. A minimal improvement in face-up/down dependence was found for EBT3. The matte film surface of EBT3 films turned out to be a practical feature as Newton rings could be eliminated completely. Considering long-term behavior (> 6 months) a shift of the calibration curve for EBT2 and EBT3 films due to changes in the dynamic response of the active component was observed. In conclusion, the new EBT3 film yields comparable results to its predecessor EBT2. The general advantages of radiochromic film dosimeters are completed by high film homogeneity, low energy dependence for the observed energy range and a minimized face-up/down dependence. EBT2 dosimetry-protocols can also be used for EBT3 films, but the inclusion of periodical recalibration-interval (e.g. once a quarter) is recommended for protocols of both film generations. (orig.)

  8. Radiochromic film dosimetry: considerations on precision and accuracy for EBT2 and EBT3 type films. (United States)

    Dreindl, Ralf; Georg, Dietmar; Stock, Markus


    Gafchromic® EBT2 film is a widely used dosimetric tool for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In 2012 EBT3 was presented as a replacement for EBT2 films. The symmetric structure of EBT3 films to reduce face-up/down dependency as well as the inclusion of a matte film surface to frustrate Newton Ring artifacts present the most prominent improvements of EBT3 films. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of EBT3 films, to benchmark the films against the known EBT2-features and to evaluate the dosimetric behavior over a time period greater than 6 months. All films were irradiated to clinical photon beams (6 MV, 10 MV and 18 MV) on an Elekta Synergy Linac equipped with a Beam Modulator MLC in solid water phantom slabs. Film digitalization was done with a flatbed transparency scanner (Type Epson Expression 1680 Pro). MATLAB® was used for further statistical calculations and image processing. The investigations on post-irradiation darkening, film orientation, film uniformity and energy dependency resulted in negligible differences between EBT2 and EBT3 film. A minimal improvement in face-up/down dependence was found for EBT3. The matte film surface of EBT3 films turned out to be a practical feature as Newton rings could be eliminated completely. Considering long-term behavior (> 6 months) a shift of the calibration curve for EBT2 and EBT3 films due to changes in the dynamic response of the active component was observed. In conclusion, the new EBT3 film yields comparable results to its predecessor EBT2. The general advantages of radiochromic film dosimeters are completed by high film homogeneity, low energy dependence for the observed energy range and a minimized face-up/down dependence. EBT2 dosimetry-protocols can also be used for EBT3 films, but the inclusion of periodical recalibration-interval (e.g. once a quarter) is recommended for protocols of both film generations. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  9. Radiochromic film dosimetry. Considerations on precision and accuracy for EBT2 and EBT3 type films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dreindl, Ralf; Georg, Dietmar; Stock, Markus; Medical Univ. of Vienna


    Gafchromic registered EBT2 film is a widely used dosimetric tool for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In 2012 EBT3 was presented as a replacement for EBT2 films. The symmetric structure of EBT3 films to reduce face-up/down dependency as well as the inclusion of a matte film surface to frustrate Newton Ring artifacts present the most prominent improvements of EBT3 films. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of EBT3 films, to benchmark the films against the known EBT2-features and to evaluate the dosimetric behavior over a time period greater than 6 months. All films were irradiated to clinical photon beams (6MV, 10MV and 18MV) on an Elekta Synergy Linac equipped with a Beam Modulator MLC in solid water phantom slabs. Film digitalization was done with a flatbed transparency scanner (Type Epson Expression 1680 Pro). MATLAB registered was used for further statistical calculations and image processing. The investigations on post-irradiation darkening, film orientation, film uniformity and energy dependency resulted in negligible differences between EBT2 and EBT3 film. A minimal improvement in face-up/down dependence was found for EBT3. The matte film surface of EBT3 films turned out to be a practical feature as Newton rings could be eliminated completely. Considering long-term behavior (> 6 months) a shift of the calibration curve for EBT2 and EBT3 films due to changes in the dynamic response of the active component was observed. In conclusion, the new EBT3 film yields comparable results to its predecessor EBT2. The general advantages of radiochromic film dosimeters are completed by high film homogeneity, low energy dependence for the observed energy range and a minimized face-up/down dependence. EBT2 dosimetry-protocols can also be used for EBT3 films, but the inclusion of periodical recalibration-interval (e.g. once a quarter) is recommended for protocols of both film generations. (orig.)

  10. [Oral films as perspective dosage form]. (United States)

    Walicová, Veronika; Gajdziok, Jan

    Oral films, namely buccal mucoadhesive films and orodispersible films represent innovative formulations for administration of a wide range of drugs. Oral films show many advantageous properties and are intended for systemic drug delivery or for local treatment of the oral mucosa. In both cases, the film represents a thin layer, which could be intended to adhere to the oral mucosa by means of mucoadhesion; or to rapid dissolution and subsequent swallowing without the need of liquid intake, in the case of orodispersible films. Main constitutive excipients are film-forming polymers, which must in the case of mucoadhesive forms remain on the mucosa within the required time interval. Oral films are currently available on the pharmaceutical market and could compete with conventional oral dosage forms in the future. oral cavity oral films buccal mucoadhesive films orodispersible films film-forming polymers.

  11. Evolution of optical constants of silicon dioxide on silicon from ultrathin films to thick films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cai Qingyuan; Zheng Yuxiang; Mao Penghui; Zhang Rongjun; Zhang Dongxu; Liu Minghui; Chen Liangyao, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures, Ministry of Education, Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China)


    A series of SiO{sub 2} films with thickness range 1-600 nm have been deposited on crystal silicon (c-Si) substrates by electron beam evaporation (EBE) method. Variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) in combination with a two-film model (ambient-oxide-interlayer substrate) was used to determine the optical constants and thicknesses of the investigated films. The refractive indices of SiO{sub 2} films thicker than 60 nm are close to those of bulk SiO{sub 2}. For the thin films deposited at the rate of {approx}1.0 nm s{sup -1}, the refractive indices increase with decreasing thickness from {approx}60 to {approx}10 nm and then drop sharply with decreasing thickness below {approx}10 nm. However, for thin films deposited at the rates of {approx}0.4 and {approx}0.2 nm s{sup -1}, the refractive indices monotonically increase with decreasing thickness below 60 nm. The optical constants of the ultrathin film depend on the morphology of the film, the stress exerted on the film, as well as the stoichiometry of the oxide film.

  12. Evolution of optical constants of silicon dioxide on silicon from ultrathin films to thick films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Qingyuan; Zheng Yuxiang; Mao Penghui; Zhang Rongjun; Zhang Dongxu; Liu Minghui; Chen Liangyao


    A series of SiO 2 films with thickness range 1-600 nm have been deposited on crystal silicon (c-Si) substrates by electron beam evaporation (EBE) method. Variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) in combination with a two-film model (ambient-oxide-interlayer substrate) was used to determine the optical constants and thicknesses of the investigated films. The refractive indices of SiO 2 films thicker than 60 nm are close to those of bulk SiO 2 . For the thin films deposited at the rate of ∼1.0 nm s -1 , the refractive indices increase with decreasing thickness from ∼60 to ∼10 nm and then drop sharply with decreasing thickness below ∼10 nm. However, for thin films deposited at the rates of ∼0.4 and ∼0.2 nm s -1 , the refractive indices monotonically increase with decreasing thickness below 60 nm. The optical constants of the ultrathin film depend on the morphology of the film, the stress exerted on the film, as well as the stoichiometry of the oxide film.

  13. Fabrication of nitrogen-containing diamond-like carbon film by filtered arc deposition as conductive hard-coating film (United States)

    Iijima, Yushi; Harigai, Toru; Isono, Ryo; Imai, Takahiro; Suda, Yoshiyuki; Takikawa, Hirofumi; Kamiya, Masao; Taki, Makoto; Hasegawa, Yushi; Tsuji, Nobuhiro; Kaneko, Satoru; Kunitsugu, Shinsuke; Habuchi, Hitoe; Kiyohara, Shuji; Ito, Mikio; Yick, Sam; Bendavid, Avi; Martin, Phil


    Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films, which are amorphous carbon films, have been used as hard-coating films for protecting the surface of mechanical parts. Nitrogen-containing DLC (N-DLC) films are expected as conductive hard-coating materials. N-DLC films are expected in applications such as protective films for contact pins, which are used in the electrical check process of integrated circuit chips. In this study, N-DLC films are prepared using the T-shaped filtered arc deposition (T-FAD) method, and film properties are investigated. Film hardness and film density decreased when the N content increased in the films because the number of graphite structures in the DLC film increased as the N content increased. These trends are similar to the results of a previous study. The electrical resistivity of N-DLC films changed from 0.26 to 8.8 Ω cm with a change in the nanoindentation hardness from 17 to 27 GPa. The N-DLC films fabricated by the T-FAD method showed high mechanical hardness and low electrical resistivity.

  14. Überzeugen, Stupsen, Zwingen – Die Konzeption von Nudge und Libertärem Paternalismus und ihr Verhältnis zu anderen Formen der Verhaltenssteuerung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Düber Dominik


    Full Text Available Trotz der überwältigenden öffentlichen wie wissenschaftlichen Resonanz, auf die der Nudge-Ansatz von Thaler und Sunstein gestoßen ist, bleiben die genauen Konturen dieses Theorie und Policyvorschlages unscharf. So ist an vielen Stellen unklar, worin die spezifische Differenz gegenüber klassischen Formen der Verhaltenssteuerung liegen soll. Für eine Bewertung des Ansatzes in seinen Vorzügen und Nachteilen gegenüber klassischen Steuerungsformen ist eine solche klärende Einordnung jedoch notwendige Vorbedingung. Der Aufsatz arbeitet daher die bestehenden Definitions- und Abgrenzungsprobleme von „Nudge“ und „Libertärem Paternalismus“ heraus und plädiert sodann für einen Kernbegriff von „Nudge“, der dessen Extension einschränkt, um ihn als originären und eigenständigen Vorschlag einzugrenzen. Ein so präzisiertes Verständnis von Nudge wird dann hinsichtlich seiner Eigenschaften sowie der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zu klassischen Formen der Verhaltenssteuerung ins Verhältnis gesetzt.

  15. Ferroelectric ultrathin perovskite films (United States)

    Rappe, Andrew M; Kolpak, Alexie Michelle


    Disclosed herein are perovskite ferroelectric thin-film. Also disclosed are methods of controlling the properties of ferroelectric thin films. These films can be used in a variety materials and devices, such as catalysts and storage media, respectively.

  16. Important considerations for radiochromic film dosimetry with flatbed CCD scanners and EBT GAFCHROMIC[reg] film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynch, Bart D.; Kozelka, Jakub; Ranade, Manisha K.; Li, Jonathan G.; Simon, William E.; Dempsey, James F.


    In this study, we present three significant artifacts that have the potential to negatively impact the accuracy and precision of film dosimetry measurements made using GAFCHROMIC[reg] EBT radiochromic film when read out with CCD flatbed scanners. Films were scanned using three commonly employed instruments: a Macbeth TD932 spot densitometer, an Epson Expression 1680 CCD array scanner, and a Microtek ScanMaker i900 CCD array scanner. For the two scanners we assessed the variation in optical density (OD) of GAFCHROMIC EBT film with scanning bed position, angular rotation of the film with respect to the scan line direction, and temperature inside the scanner due to repeated scanning. Scanning uniform radiochromic films demonstrated a distinct bowing effect in profiles in the direction of the CCD array with a nonuniformity of up to 17%. Profiles along a direction orthogonal to the CCD array demonstrated a 7% variation. A strong angular dependence was found in measurements made with the flatbed scanners; the effect could not be reproduced with the spot densitometer. An IMRT quality assurance film was scanned twice rotating the film 90 deg. between the scans. For films scanned on the Epson scanner, up to 12% variation was observed in unirradiated EBT films rotated between 0 deg. and 90 deg. , which decreased to approximately 8% for EBT films irradiated to 300 cGy. Variations of up to 80% were observed for films scanned with the Microtek scanner. The scanners were found to significantly increase the film temperature with repeated scanning. Film temperature between 18 and 33 deg. C caused OD changes of approximately 7%. Considering these effects, we recommend adherence to a strict scanning protocol that includes: maintaining the orientation of films scanned on flatbed scanners, limiting scanning to the central portion of the scanner bed, and limiting the number of consecutive scans to minimize changes in OD caused by film heating

  17. Characteristics of ITO films with oxygen plasma treatment for thin film solar cell applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Yong Seob [Department of Photoelectronics Information, Chosun College of Science and Technology, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Eungkwon [Digital Broadcasting Examination, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Daejeon, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Hong, Byungyou [School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Cheoncheon-dong, 300, Jangan-gu, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jaehyoeng, E-mail: [School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Cheoncheon-dong, 300, Jangan-gu, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: The effect of O{sub 2} plasma treatment on the surface and the work function of ITO films. - Highlights: • ITO films were prepared on the glass substrate by RF magnetron sputtering method. • Effects of O{sub 2} plasma treatment on the properties of ITO films were investigated. • The work function of ITO film was changed from 4.67 to 5.66 eV by plasma treatment. - Abstract: The influence of oxygen plasma treatment on the electro-optical and structural properties of indium-tin-oxide films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering method were investigated. The films were exposed at different O{sub 2} plasma powers and for various durations by using the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system. The resistivity of the ITO films was almost constant, regardless of the plasma treatment conditions. Although the optical transmittance of ITO films was little changed by the plasma power, the prolonged treatment slightly increased the transmittance. The work function of ITO film was changed from 4.67 eV to 5.66 eV at the plasma treatment conditions of 300 W and 60 min.

  18. Host thin films incorporating nanoparticles (United States)

    Qureshi, Uzma

    The focus of this research project was the investigation of the functional properties of thin films that incorporate a secondary nanoparticulate phase. In particular to assess if the secondary nanoparticulate material enhanced a functional property of the coating on glass. In order to achieve this, new thin film deposition methods were developed, namely use of nanopowder precursors, an aerosol assisted transport technique and an aerosol into atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition system. Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (AACVD) was used to deposit 8 series of thin films on glass. Five different nanoparticles silver, gold, ceria, tungsten oxide and zinc oxide were tested and shown to successfully deposit thin films incorporating nanoparticles within a host matrix. Silver nanoparticles were synthesised and doped within a titania film by AACVD. This improved solar control properties. A unique aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (AACVD) into atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) system was used to deposit films of Au nanoparticles and thin films of gold nanoparticles incorporated within a host titania matrix. Incorporation of high refractive index contrast metal oxide particles within a host film altered the film colour. The key goal was to test the potential of nanopowder forms and transfer the suspended nanopowder via an aerosol to a substrate in order to deposit a thin film. Discrete tungsten oxide nanoparticles or ceria nanoparticles within a titanium dioxide thin film enhanced the self-cleaning and photo-induced super-hydrophilicity. The nanopowder precursor study was extended by deposition of zinc oxide thin films incorporating Au nanoparticles and also ZnO films deposited from a ZnO nanopowder precursor. Incorporation of Au nanoparticles within a VO: host matrix improved the thermochromic response, optical and colour properties. Composite VC/TiC and Au nanoparticle/V02/Ti02 thin films displayed three useful

  19. Film models for transport phenomena with fog formation: The classical film model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwers, Jos; Chesters, A.K.


    In the present analysis the classical film model (or film theory) is reviewed and extended. First, on the basis of a thorough analysis, the governing equations of diffusion, energy and momentum of a stagnant film are derived and solved. Subsequently, the well-known correction factors for the effect

  20. Film models for transport phenomena with fog formation: the classical film model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwers, H.J.H.; Chesters, A.K.


    In the present analysis the classical film model (or film theory) is reviewed and extended. First, on the basis of a thorough analysis, the governing equations of diffusion, energy and momentum of a stagnant film are derived and solved. Subsequently, the well-known correction factors for the effect

  1. Family Porn - the zodiac-film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsen, Christian Isak


    This article addresses the highly popular Danish Zodiac films, a series of six films made between 1973 and 1978. What was extraordinary about the films was their combination of traditional popular comedy and hard-core porn. Analysing the films� combination of comedy and pornography from a histori......This article addresses the highly popular Danish Zodiac films, a series of six films made between 1973 and 1978. What was extraordinary about the films was their combination of traditional popular comedy and hard-core porn. Analysing the films� combination of comedy and pornography from...

  2. Film studies the basics

    CERN Document Server

    Villarejo, Amy


    Film Studies: The Basics is a compelling guide to the study of cinema in all its forms. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to take account of recent scholarship, the latest developments in the industry and the explosive impact of new technologies. Core topics covered include:   The history, technology and art of cinema Theories of stardom, genre and film-making The movie industry from Hollywood to Bollywood Who does what on a film set   Complete with film stills, end-of-chapter summaries and a substantial glossary, Film Studies: The Basics is the ideal introduction to those new to the study of cinema.

  3. Pyrolyzed thin film carbon (United States)

    Tai, Yu-Chong (Inventor); Liger, Matthieu (Inventor); Harder, Theodore (Inventor); Konishi, Satoshi (Inventor); Miserendino, Scott (Inventor)


    A method of making carbon thin films comprises depositing a catalyst on a substrate, depositing a hydrocarbon in contact with the catalyst and pyrolyzing the hydrocarbon. A method of controlling a carbon thin film density comprises etching a cavity into a substrate, depositing a hydrocarbon into the cavity, and pyrolyzing the hydrocarbon while in the cavity to form a carbon thin film. Controlling a carbon thin film density is achieved by changing the volume of the cavity. Methods of making carbon containing patterned structures are also provided. Carbon thin films and carbon containing patterned structures can be used in NEMS, MEMS, liquid chromatography, and sensor devices.

  4. Ellipsometry of anodic film growth

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, C.G.


    An automated computer interpretation of ellisometer measurements of anodic film growth was developed. Continuous mass and charge balances were used to utilize more fully the time dependence of the ellipsometer data and the current and potential measurements. A multiple-film model was used to characterize the growth of films which proceeds via a dissolution--precipitation mechanism; the model also applies to film growth by adsorption and nucleation mechanisms. The characteristic parameters for film growth describe homogeneous and heterogeneous crystallization rates, film porosities and degree of hydration, and the supersaturation of ionic species in the electrolyte. Additional descriptions which may be chosen are patchwise film formation, nonstoichiometry of the anodic film, and statistical variations in the size and orientation of secondary crystals. Theories were developed to describe the optical effects of these processes. An automatic, self-compensating ellipsometer was used to study the growth in alkaline solution of anodic films on silver, cadmium, and zinc. Mass-transport conditions included stagnant electrolyte and forced convection in a flow channel. Multiple films were needed to characterize the optical properties of these films. Anodic films grew from an electrolyte supersatuated in the solution-phase dissolution product. The degree of supersaturation depended on transport conditions and had a major effect on the structure of the film. Anodic reaction rates were limited by the transport of charge carriers through a primary surface layer. The primary layers on silver, zinc, and cadmium all appeared to be nonstoichiometric, containing excess metal. Diffusion coefficients, transference numbers, and the free energy of adsorption of zinc oxide were derived from ellipsometer measurements. 97 figures, 13 tables, 198 references.

  5. Personnel photographic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keirim-Markus, I.B.


    Technology of personnel photographic film dosimetry (PPD) based on the photographic effect of ionizing radiation is described briefly. Kinds of roentgen films used in PPD method are enumerated, compositions of a developer and fixing agents for these films are given [ru

  6. Quantitative film radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devine, G.; Dobie, D.; Fugina, J.; Hernandez, J.; Logan, C.; Mohr, P.; Moss, R.; Schumacher, B.; Updike, E.; Weirup, D.


    We have developed a system of quantitative radiography in order to produce quantitative images displaying homogeneity of parts. The materials that we characterize are synthetic composites and may contain important subtle density variations not discernible by examining a raw film x-radiograph. In order to quantitatively interpret film radiographs, it is necessary to digitize, interpret, and display the images. Our integrated system of quantitative radiography displays accurate, high-resolution pseudo-color images in units of density. We characterize approximately 10,000 parts per year in hundreds of different configurations and compositions with this system. This report discusses: the method; film processor monitoring and control; verifying film and processor performance; and correction of scatter effects

  7. More than films and dragon awards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Redvall, Eva Novrup


    This article discusses how the largest film festival in the Nordic countries, the Göteborg International Film Festival (GIFF), is much more than a setting for bringing quality films to local audiences.With retrospectives, an extensive programme of seminars and master classes, a film lab for upcom......This article discusses how the largest film festival in the Nordic countries, the Göteborg International Film Festival (GIFF), is much more than a setting for bringing quality films to local audiences.With retrospectives, an extensive programme of seminars and master classes, a film lab...

  8. Radiographic film orientation in radiotherapy dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suchowerska, N.; Davison, A.; Drew, J.; Metcalfe, P.


    Since the discovery of x-rays, film has been used as a detection medium for radiation. More recently radiographic film has become established as a practical tool for the measurement of dose distribution in radiotherapy. The accuracy and reproducibility of film dosimetry depends on photon energy, processing conditions and film plane orientation. The relationship between photon energy, processing conditions and film dosimetry accuracy has been studied. The role of film plane orientation is still controversial. The current work aims to clarify the effects film plane orientation has on film dosimetry. Poster 205. (author)

  9. Oxide ultrathin films science and technology

    CERN Document Server

    Pacchioni, Gianfranco


    A wealth of information in one accessible book. Written by international experts from multidisciplinary fields, this in-depth exploration of oxide ultrathin films covers all aspects of these systems, starting with preparation and characterization, and going on to geometrical and electronic structure, as well as applications in current and future systems and devices. From the Contents: Synthesis and Preparation of Oxide Ultrathin Films Characterization Tools of Oxide Ultrathin Films Ordered Oxide Nanostructures on Metal Surfaces Unusual Properties of Oxides and Other Insulators in the Ultrathin Limit Silica and High-K Dielectrics Thin Films in Microelectronics Oxide Passive Films and Corrosion Protection Oxide Films as Catalytic Materials and as Models of Real Catalysts Oxide Films in Spintronics Oxide Ultrathin Films in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Transparent Conducting and Chromogenic Oxide Films as Solar Energy Materials Oxide Ultrathin Films in Sensor Applications Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin Film Capacitors T...

  10. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    Full Text Available The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or film genre, and can be grouped in three major interrelated areas of film studies: adaptation studies, representation and aesthetics, and film and other media. All of them enable a critical perspective as regards the fluidity of the boundaries separating film from other media, such as literature, television, DVDs, and video games, as newer narrative forms that are incorporated by film, and the transformations in terms of aesthetics and forms of representation in contemporary film and media (the transgeneric nature of film, the interrelations between national and international cinemas, and the demands for a broader perception of the overwhelming mediations of the image in our contemporary society. Moreover, the articles are inserted within recent critical debates on adaptation, digital media and national and transnational cinema (Naremore, Sobchack, Druckery and Williams. All articles combine important theoretical concerns with the analysis of specific films. Robert Stam's “Teoria e Prática da Adaptação: da Fidelidade à Intertextualidade” (“Theory and the practice of adaptation: from fidelity to intertextuality” offers a rich perspective on the issue of adaptation in its relationship with critical theory. He analyses the changing critical views on adaptation, which go from the priority given to the canonic literary text, as an origin, to a more fluid, intertextual and dialogical approach to film adaptation. Drawing from Bakhtin's concept of dialogism

  11. Shanghai and Globalization through the Lens of Film Noir: Lou Ye’s 2000 Film, Suzhou River

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hongwei Lu


    Full Text Available In the 1990s, the film industry in China decentralized with the bankruptcy of the state-owned studio system. Privatized independent film companies took over where the government had left off and a more independent film culture emerged. Although obstacles such as political censorship, financial pressures, and Hollywood infiltration were still in the way for Chinese filmmakers, privatization of the film industry was under way. As a result of this process, new film productions of controversial subject matter came into being. In 1998 one of China’s first independent film production companies—Dream Factory—was founded. Dream Factory’s first production, in association with Berlin-based German producer Philippe Bober, was the 'Suzhou River, 'directed by its founder Lou Ye'.'1 The 2000 film, though winning prizes at international film festivals such as the Rotterdam Film Festival and the Paris Film Festival, has been banned by the Chinese government since its production.

  12. thin films

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    microscopy (SEM) studies, respectively. The Fourier transform ... Thin films; chemical synthesis; hydrous tin oxide; FTIR; electrical properties. 1. Introduction ... dehydrogenation of organic compounds (Hattori et al 1987). .... SEM images of (a) bare stainless steel and (b) SnO2:H2O thin film on stainless steel substrate at a ...

  13. Into films

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tan, Ed S.; Doicaru, Miruna M.; Hakemulder, Frank


    Most film viewers know the experience of being deeply absorbed in the story of a popular film. It seems that at such moments they lose awareness of watching a movie. And yet it is highly unlikely that they completely ignore the fact that they watch a narrative and technological construction. Perh...

  14. Demagnetization in photomagnetic films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pajerowski, Daniel M., E-mail: [NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 (United States); Hallock, Scott J. [NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 (United States); Winston Churchill High School, Potomac, Maryland 20854 (United States)


    We present a model for demagnetization in photomagnetic films, and investigate different regimes for the magnetizing process using finite element analysis. It is found that the demagnetizing factor may depend strongly upon the high-spin fraction of the film, and the specifics of the dependence are dictated by the microscopic morphology of the photomagnetic domains. This picture allows for facile interpretation of existing data on photomagnetic films, and can even explain an observed photoinduced decrease in low-field magnetization concurrent with increase in high-spin fraction. As a whole, these results reiterate the need to consider demagnetizing effects in photomagnetic films. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Finite element methods are used to examine demagnetization in photomagnetic films. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Under the right conditions, photomagnetic films may show a photoinduced decrease. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Demagnetization in photomagnets will be important to consider in possible devices.

  15. Student film clinches top prize in film competition


    Elliott, Jean


    Virginia Tech senior Tim Leaton earned the top prize in the widely acclaimed Film Your Issue (FYI) competition - an eight-week paid internship at Disney Studios in Los Angeles. Leaton's one-minute film, "Orphans in Africa," won the nationwide contest, an initiative to encourage young Americans, age 18 to 26, to engage in social issues and add their voices to the public dialogue.

  16. Heritage film set : the protection and care of historic filming locations


    Flynn, Clare


    Taking part in filming can offer considerable benefits to the historic properties involved, including increased visitor numbers, public awareness, and funding that can facilitate the ongoing care and conservation of the featured properties. However, film shoots are also intrusive events that introduce serious threats to the historic built fabric of these properties. This dissertation will investigate how the conservation integrity of heritage sites and properties is maintained when film shoot...

  17. Film Censorship Policy During Park Chung Hee’s Military Regime (1960–1979 and Hostess Films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Molly Hyo Kim


    Full Text Available Park Chung-hee’s military government (1960-1979 purportedly used film censorship to distract the public from political consciousness by controlling political materials in films while condoning censorship control on sexual content. As a result, the production of soft-core adult films soared and became popular among Korean audiences. One such film genre that thrived during this period, so-called hostess films (prostitute films, is worthy of attention for the films’ foregrounding issues of class, poverty and other social issues that the state censorship board heavily regulated. In viewing such dynamics between state censorship and film, this article aims to unravel the questions of how the state was willing to turn a blind eye to the explicit sexualization of women in hostess films when film censorship was at its peak and why the social and political aspects of this group of films about female sexual workers were not considered socially relevant by the censorship board, through scrutinizing the interplay between Park’s state censorship and hostess films. Furthermore, it offers an analysis of a hostess film, The Rose that Swallowed Thorn (Cheong, 1979, as a case study to show how it strategically orchestrates visual and thematic elements to circumvent censorship enforcement.

  18. Organic Photovoltaic Devices Based on Oriented n-Type Molecular Films Deposited on Oriented Polythiophene Films. (United States)

    Mizokuro, Toshiko; Tanigaki, Nobutaka; Miyadera, Tetsuhiko; Shibata, Yousei; Koganezawa, Tomoyuki


    The molecular orientation of π-conjugated molecules has been reported to significantly affect the performance of organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) based on molecular films. Hence, the control of molecular orientation is a key issue toward the improvement of OPV performance. In this research, oriented thin films of an n-type molecule, 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Bisbenzimida-zole (PTCBI), were formed by deposition on in-plane oriented polythiophene (PT) films. Orientation of the PTCBI films was evaluated by polarized UV-vis spectroscopy and 2D-Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. Results indicated that PTCBI molecules on PT film exhibit nearly edge-on and in-plane orientation (with molecular long axis along the substrate), whereas PTCBI molecules without PT film exhibit neither. OPVs composed of PTCBI molecular film with and without PT were fabricated and evaluated for correlation of orientation with performance. The OPVs composed of PTCBI film with PT showed higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) than that of film without PT. The experiment indicated that in-plane orientation of PTCBI molecules absorbs incident light more efficiently, leading to increase in PCE.

  19. Radiochromic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soares, Christopher G.


    The object of this paper is to give a new user some practical information on the use of radiochromic films for medical applications. While various aspects of radiochromic film dosimetry for medical applications have been covered in some detail in several other excellent review articles which have appeared in the last few years [Niroomand-Rad, A., Blackwell, C.R., Coursey, B.M., Gall, K.P., McLaughlin, W.L., Meigooni, A.S., Nath, R., Rodgers, J.E., Soares, C.G., 1998. Radiochromic dosimetry: recommendations of the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group 55. Med. Phys. 25, 2093-2115; Dempsey, J.F., Low, D.A., Mutic, S., Markman, J., Kirov, A.S., Nussbaum, G.H., Williamson, J.F., 2000. Validation of a precision radiochromic film dosimetry system for quantitative two-dimensional imaging of acute exposure dose distributions. Med. Phys. 27, 2462-2475; Butson, M.J., Yu, P.K.N., Cheung, T., Metcalfe, P., 2003. Radiochromic film for medical radiation dosimetry. Mater. Sci. Eng. R41, 61-120], it is the intent of the present author to present material from a more user-oriented and practical standpoint. That is, how the films work will be stressed much less than how to make the films work well. The strength of radiochromic films is most evident in applications where there is a very high dose gradient and relatively high absorbed dose rates. These conditions are associated with brachytherapy applications, measurement of small fields, and at the edges (penumbra regions) of larger fields

  20. US/Russian Joint Film Test (United States)

    Slater, Richard


    A joint U.S./Russian film test was conducted during MIR Mission 18 to evaluate the effects of radiation on photographic film during long-duration space flights. Two duplicate sets of film were flown on this MIR mission: one set was processed and evaluated by the NASA/JSC Photographic Laboratory, and the other by the RKK Energia's Photographic Laboratory in Moscow. This preliminary report includes only the results of the JSC evaluation (excluding the SN-10 film which was not available for evaluation at the time this report was written). The final report will include an evaluation by JSC of the SN-10 film and an evaluation of the test data by the RKK Energia. ISC's evaluation of the test data showed the positive film flown was damaged very little when exposed to approximately 8 rads of radiation. Two of the three negative films were significantly damaged and the third film was damaged only moderately.

  1. Film Censorship Policy During Park Chung Hee’s Military Regime (1960–1979) and Hostess Films


    Molly Hyo Kim


    Park Chung-hee’s military government (1960-1979) purportedly used film censorship to distract the public from political consciousness by controlling political materials in films while condoning censorship control on sexual content. As a result, the production of soft-core adult films soared and became popular among Korean audiences. One such film genre that thrived during this period, so-called hostess films (prostitute films), is worthy of attention for the films’ foregrounding issues of cla...

  2. High-throughput characterization of film thickness in thin film materials libraries by digital holographic microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai Yiuwai; Hofmann, Martin R; Ludwig, Alfred; Krause, Michael; Savan, Alan; Thienhaus, Sigurd; Koukourakis, Nektarios


    A high-throughput characterization technique based on digital holography for mapping film thickness in thin-film materials libraries was developed. Digital holographic microscopy is used for fully automatic measurements of the thickness of patterned films with nanometer resolution. The method has several significant advantages over conventional stylus profilometry: it is contactless and fast, substrate bending is compensated, and the experimental setup is simple. Patterned films prepared by different combinatorial thin-film approaches were characterized to investigate and demonstrate this method. The results show that this technique is valuable for the quick, reliable and high-throughput determination of the film thickness distribution in combinatorial materials research. Importantly, it can also be applied to thin films that have been structured by shadow masking.

  3. High-throughput characterization of film thickness in thin film materials libraries by digital holographic microscopy. (United States)

    Lai, Yiu Wai; Krause, Michael; Savan, Alan; Thienhaus, Sigurd; Koukourakis, Nektarios; Hofmann, Martin R; Ludwig, Alfred


    A high-throughput characterization technique based on digital holography for mapping film thickness in thin-film materials libraries was developed. Digital holographic microscopy is used for fully automatic measurements of the thickness of patterned films with nanometer resolution. The method has several significant advantages over conventional stylus profilometry: it is contactless and fast, substrate bending is compensated, and the experimental setup is simple. Patterned films prepared by different combinatorial thin-film approaches were characterized to investigate and demonstrate this method. The results show that this technique is valuable for the quick, reliable and high-throughput determination of the film thickness distribution in combinatorial materials research. Importantly, it can also be applied to thin films that have been structured by shadow masking.

  4. Thin Cu film resistivity using four probe techniques: Effect of film thickness and geometrical shapes (United States)

    Choudhary, Sumita; Narula, Rahul; Gangopadhyay, Subhashis


    Precise measurement of electrical sheet resistance and resistivity of metallic thin Cu films may play a significant role in temperature sensing by means of resistivity changes which can further act as a safety measure of various electronic devices during their operation. Four point probes resistivity measurement is a useful approach as it successfully excludes the contact resistance between the probes and film surface of the sample. Although, the resistivity of bulk samples at a particular temperature mostly depends on its materialistic property, however, it may significantly differ in the case of thin films, where the shape and thickness of the sample can significantly influence on it. Depending on the ratio of the film thickness to probe spacing, samples are usually classified in two segments such as (i) thick films or (ii) thin films. Accordingly, the geometric correction factors G can be related to the sample resistivity r, which has been calculated here for thin Cu films of thickness up to few 100 nm. In this study, various rectangular shapes of thin Cu films have been used to determine the shape induced geometric correction factors G. An expressions for G have been obtained as a function of film thickness t versus the probe spacing s. Using these expressions, the correction factors have been plotted separately for each cases as a function of (a) film thickness for fixed linear probe spacing and (b) probe distance from the edge of the film surface for particular thickness. Finally, we compare the experimental results of thin Cu films of various rectangular geometries with the theoretical reported results.

  5. Film, Neuroaesthetics, and Empathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grodal, Torben Kragh; Kramer, Mette


    The article analyzes the link between film viewing and human 'ultra-sociality' (Boyd and Richardson 1998), describing how empathy is supported by mirror resonances but also modified by appraisal mechanisms and how emotions are communicated, It further discusses how 'attainment' to film builds...... on mother-child communication and also how film genres of attachment use such attainment, especially by means of close-ups of human faces and shot-reverse shots. Finally it deals with how films boost development of cognitive and emotional intelligence...

  6. Atomic-Layer-Deposition of Indium Oxide Nano-films for Thin-Film Transistors. (United States)

    Ma, Qian; Zheng, He-Mei; Shao, Yan; Zhu, Bao; Liu, Wen-Jun; Ding, Shi-Jin; Zhang, David Wei


    Atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) of In 2 O 3 nano-films has been investigated using cyclopentadienyl indium (InCp) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) as precursors. The In 2 O 3 films can be deposited preferentially at relatively low temperatures of 160-200 °C, exhibiting a stable growth rate of 1.4-1.5 Å/cycle. The surface roughness of the deposited film increases gradually with deposition temperature, which is attributed to the enhanced crystallization of the film at a higher deposition temperature. As the deposition temperature increases from 150 to 200 °C, the optical band gap (E g ) of the deposited film rises from 3.42 to 3.75 eV. In addition, with the increase of deposition temperature, the atomic ratio of In to O in the as-deposited film gradually shifts towards that in the stoichiometric In 2 O 3 , and the carbon content also reduces by degrees. For 200 °C deposition temperature, the deposited film exhibits an In:O ratio of 1:1.36 and no carbon incorporation. Further, high-performance In 2 O 3 thin-film transistors with an Al 2 O 3 gate dielectric were achieved by post-annealing in air at 300 °C for appropriate time, demonstrating a field-effect mobility of 7.8 cm 2 /V⋅s, a subthreshold swing of 0.32 V/dec, and an on/off current ratio of 10 7 . This was ascribed to passivation of oxygen vacancies in the device channel.

  7. Underwater 3D filming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Rinaldi


    Full Text Available After an experimental phase of many years, 3D filming is now effective and successful. Improvements are still possible, but the film industry achieved memorable success on 3D movie’s box offices due to the overall quality of its products. Special environments such as space (“Gravity” and the underwater realm look perfect to be reproduced in 3D. “Filming in space” was possible in “Gravity” using special effects and computer graphic. The underwater realm is still difficult to be handled. Underwater filming in 3D was not that easy and effective as filming in 2D, since not long ago. After almost 3 years of research, a French, Austrian and Italian team realized a perfect tool to film underwater, in 3D, without any constrains. This allows filmmakers to bring the audience deep inside an environment where they most probably will never have the chance to be.

  8. Film-thickness dependence of structure formation in ultra-thin polymer blend films

    CERN Document Server

    Gutmann, J S; Stamm, M


    We investigated the film-thickness dependence of structure formation in ultra-thin polymer blend films prepared from solution. As a model system we used binary blends of statistical poly(styrene-co-p-bromostyrene) copolymers of different degrees of bromination. Ultra-thin-film samples differing in miscibility and film thickness were prepared via spin coating of common toluene solutions onto silicon (100) substrates. The resulting morphologies were investigated with scanning force microscopy, reflectometry and grazing-incidence scattering techniques using both X-rays and neutrons in order to obtain a picture of the sample structure at and below the sample surface. (orig.)

  9. Effect of micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide films on electrochromic properties of Prussian blue films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kyuha; Kim, A-Young; Park, Ji Hun; Jung, Hun-Gi; Choi, Wonchang; Lee, Hwa Young; Lee, Joong Kee


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • PB-based ECD employed micro-patterned FTO electrode was fabricated. • Effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined. • Electrochromic properties were enhanced by employing a patterned interface. - Abstract: The effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined for an electrochromic device (ECD). Micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) films were fabricated using a photolithography process. Prussian blue (PB) films were then deposited on the patterned FTO films. The surface areas of both PB films and FTO films were increased by patterning. ECDs were assembled using patterned PB/FTO films as the electrochromic electrode, bare FTO films as the counter electrode, and an electrolyte containing LiClO 4 salt. The increased effective surface area of the patterned PB/FTO electrode boosted the mobility of ions at the interphase between the electrolyte and PB electrode, and the electron transfer between PB films and FTO films. As a result, electrochromic properties such as transmittance and response time were significantly improved by employing the patterned FTO films as the transparent conductive oxide layer of the electrochromic electrode

  10. [Spectroscopic study on film formation mechanism and structure of composite silanes-V-Zr passive film]. (United States)

    Wang, Lei; Liu, Chang-sheng; Shi, Lei; An, Cheng-qiang


    A composite silanes-V-Zr passive film was overlayed on hot-dip galvanized steel. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) and radio frequency glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (rf-GD-OES) were used to characterize the molecular structure of the silanes-V-Zr passive film. The mechanism of film formation was discussed: The results show that the silane molecules are crosslinked as the main film former and inorganic inhibitor is even distributed in the film. The fitting peak of 100.7 eV in XPS single Si2p energy range spectra of the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film and the widening and strengthening of the Si--O infrared absorption peak at 1100 cm(-1) indicate that the silanes were adsorbed on the surface of zinc with chemical bond of Si--O--Zn, and the silane molecules were connected with each other by bond of Si--O--Si. Two characteristic absorption peaks of amide at 1650 and 1560 cm(-1) appear in the infrared spectroscopy of the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film, and a characteristic absorption peak of epoxy groups at 910 cm(-1) disappears in the infrared spectroscopy of the passive film. The results indicate that gamma-APT can be prepared through nucleophilic ring-opening of ethylene oxide in gamma-GPT molecule to form C--N covalent bonds. The rf-GD-OES results indicate that there is a oxygen enriched layer in 0.3 microm depth of the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film. Moreover, ZrF4, ZrO2 and some inorganic matter obtained by the reaction during the forming processof the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film are distributed evenly throughout the film. According to the film composition, the physical processes and chemical reactions during the film forming process were studied by using ATR-FTIR. Based on this, the film forming mechanism was proposed.

  11. Fire resistant films for aircraft applications (United States)

    Kourtides, D. A.


    Alternative sandwich panel decorative films were investigated as replacements for the polyvinyl fluoride currently used in aircraft interiors. Candidate films were studied for flammability, smoke emission, toxic gas emission, flame spread, and suitability as a printing surface for the decorative acrylic ink system. Several of the candidate films tested were flame modified polyvinyl fluoride, polyvinylidene fluoride, polyimide, polyamide, polysulfone, polyphenylsulfone, polyethersulfone, polybenzimidazole, polycarbonate, polyparabanic acid, polyphosphazene, polyetheretherketon, and polyester. The films were evaluated as pure films only, films silk-screened with an acrylic ink, and films adhered to a phenolic fiberglass substrate. Films which exhibited the highest fire resistant properties included PEEK polyetheretherketon, Aramid polyamide, and ISO-BPE polyester.

  12. Predicting film genres with implicit ideals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew McGregor Olney


    Full Text Available We present a new approach to defining film genre based on implicit ideals. When viewers rate the likability of a film, they indirectly express their ideal of what a film should be. Across six studies we investigate the category structure that emerges from likability ratings and the category structure that emerges from the features of film. We further compare these data-driven category structures with human annotated film genres. We conclude that film genres are structured more around ideals than around features of film. This finding lends experimental support to the notion that film genres are set of shifting, fuzzy, and highly contextualized psychological categories.

  13. Predicting film genres with implicit ideals. (United States)

    Olney, Andrew McGregor


    We present a new approach to defining film genre based on implicit ideals. When viewers rate the likability of a film, they indirectly express their ideal of what a film should be. Across six studies we investigate the category structure that emerges from likability ratings and the category structure that emerges from the features of film. We further compare these data-driven category structures with human annotated film genres. We conclude that film genres are structured more around ideals than around features of film. This finding lends experimental support to the notion that film genres are set of shifting, fuzzy, and highly contextualized psychological categories.

  14. Thin-film solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aberle, Armin G.


    The rapid progress that is being made with inorganic thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technologies, both in the laboratory and in industry, is reviewed. While amorphous silicon based PV modules have been around for more than 20 years, recent industrial developments include the first polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cells on glass and the first tandem solar cells based on stacks of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon films ('micromorph cells'). Significant thin-film PV production levels are also being set up for cadmium telluride and copper indium diselenide.

  15. Film Scriptwriting: A Practical Manual. (United States)

    Swain, Dwight V.

    Dealing with both documentary and feature films, this book is a guide to using particular tools and procedures in developing ideas and concepts for writing film scripts. Part one deals with the factual, or documentary, film and discusses the proposal outline, film treatment, sequence outline, shooting script, and narration writing. Part two…

  16. Fabrication and Film Qualification of Sr Modified Pb(Ca) TiO3 Thin Films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naw Hla Myat San; Khin Aye Thwe; Than Than Win; Yin Maung Maung; Ko Ko Kyaw Soe


    Strontium and calcium - modified lead titanate (Pb0.7 Ca0.15 Sr0.15 ) TiO3 (PCST)thin films were prepared by using spin coating technique. Phase transition of PCST was interpreted by means of Er-T characteristics. Process temperature dependence on micro-structure of PCST film was studied. Charge conduction mechanism of PCST thin film was also investigated for film qualification.

  17. Professor Camillo Negro's Neuropathological Films. (United States)

    Chiò, Adriano; Gianetto, Claudia; Dagna, Stella


    Camillo Negro, Professor in Neurology at the University of Torino, was a pioneer of scientific film. From 1906 to 1908, with the help of his assistant Giuseppe Roasenda and in collaboration with Roberto Omegna, one of the most experienced cinematographers in Italy, he filmed some of his patients for scientific and educational purposes. During the war years, he continued his scientific film project at the Military Hospital in Torino, filming shell-shocked soldiers. In autumn 2011, the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, in partnership with the Faculty of Neurosciences of the University of Torino, presented a new critical edition of the neuropathological films directed by Negro. The Museum's collection also includes 16 mm footage probably filmed in 1930 by Doctor Fedele Negro, Camillo's son. One of these films is devoted to celebrating the effects of the so-called "Bulgarian cure" on Parkinson's disease.

  18. Process for forming thin film, heat treatment process of thin film sheet, and heat treatment apparatus therefor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, S.


    The invention provides a process for forming a magnetic thin film on a base film, a heat treatment process of a thin film sheet consisting of the base film and the magnetic thin film, and an apparatus for performing heat treatment of the thin film sheet. Tension applied to the thin film sheet is substantially equal to that applied to the base film when the magnetic thin film is formed thereon. Then, the thin film sheet is treated with heat. The thin film sheet is heated with a given temperature gradient to a reactive temperature at which heat shrinkage occurs, while the tension is being applied thereto. Thereafter, the thin film sheet to which the tension is still applied is cooled with substantially the same temperature gradient as applied in heating. The heat treatment apparatus has a film driving unit including a supply reel, a take-up reel, a drive source and guide rollers; a heating unit including heating plates, heater blocks and a temperature controller for heating the sheet to the reactive temperature; and a heat insulating unit including a thermostat and another temperature controller for maintaining the sheet at the nonreactive temperature which is slightly lower than the reactive temperature

  19. Use of buffy coat thick films in detecting malaria parasites in patients with negative conventional thick films. (United States)

    Duangdee, Chatnapa; Tangpukdee, Noppadon; Krudsood, Srivicha; Wilairatana, Polrat


    To determine the frequency of malaria parasite detection from the buffy coat blood films by using capillary tube in falciparum malaria patients with negative conventional thick films. Thirty six uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients confirmed by conventional thick and thin films were included in the study. The patients were treated with artemisinin combination therapy at Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Bangkok, Thailand for 28 day. Fingerpricks for conventional blood films were conducted every 6 hours until negative parasitemia, then daily fingerpricks for parasite checks were conducted until the patients were discharged from hospital. Blood samples were also concurrently collected in 3 heparinized capillary tubes at the same time of fingerpricks for conventional blood films when the prior parasitemia was negative on thin films and parasitemia was lower than 50 parasites/200 white blood cells by thick film. The first negative conventional thick films were compared with buffy coat thick films for parasite identification. Out of 36 patients with thick films showing negative for asexual forms of parasites, buffy coat films could detect remaining 10 patients (27.8%) with asexual forms of Plasmodium falciparum. The study shows that buffy coat thick films are useful and can detect malarial parasites in 27.8% of patients whose conventional thick films show negative parasitemia.

  20. Heteroepitaxial growth of SiC films by carbonization of polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films on Si

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Goloudina S.I.


    Full Text Available High quality single crystal SiC films were prepared by carbonization of polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films on Si substrate. The films formed after annealing of the polyimide films at 1000°C, 1100°C, 1200°C were studied by Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electon microscopy (TEM, transmission electron diffraction (TED, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. XRD study and HRTEM cross-section revealed that the crystalline SiC film begins to grow on Si (111 substrate at 1000°C. According to the HRTEM cross-section image five planes in 3C-SiC (111 film are aligned with four Si(111 planes at the SiC/Si interface. It was shown the SiC films (35 nm grown on Si(111 at 1200°C have mainly cubic 3C-SiC structure with a little presence of hexagonal polytypes. Only 3C-SiC films (30 nm were formed on Si (100 substrate at the same temperature. It was shown the SiC films (30-35 nm are able to cover the voids in Si substrate with size up to 10 μm.

  1. Representasi Perempuan Dalam Film (Analisis Semiotika Representasi Perempuan Dalam Film “Fifty Shades of Grey”)


    Aviomeita, Friska


    This study entitled "Representation of Women In Film ( Roland Barthes Semiotics Analysis In the film Fifty Shades of Grey ) " . The purpose of this study to find out how women are represented in the film " Fifty Shades of Grey " by denotation , connotation and myths . Film has always influenced and shaped the public based on the contents of the message behind it. Messages or values contained in the film may affect the audience. In this study, researchers used several theorie...

  2. Films from the Couch: Film Theory and Psychoanalysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Sangro Colón


    Full Text Available   Different disciplines have contributed to weaving a theory of psychoanalysis in the cinema: ranging from the loans from anthropology and experimental psychology, to proposals belonging to the specific sphere of film theory, such as Filmology, Text Analysis or Feminist Theory in films. In all cases, the aim is to establish a relationship between the significance structure that governs the cinema and psychology, so as to confirm that the cinema’s system of representation is modelled on our unconscious psychological apparatus, as was explained by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, among others. The arrival of psychoanalysis in film thought forges the idea that considers the cinema as an auxiliary psychological device capable of making us subjects and submerging us in the emotions in play in the conflicts proposed by any audiovisual story.

  3. Predictors of Horror Film Attendance and Appeal: An Analysis of the Audience for Frightening Films. (United States)

    Tamborini, Ron; Stiff, James


    Analyzes the appeal of horror films. Develops a model that finds that important factors in the horror film's appeal are the audience's desire to experience the satisfying resolutions and to see the destruction usually found in these films and the sensation-seeking personality traits of audience members for these films. (NKA)

  4. Texture control and growth mechanism of WSe{sub 2} film prepared by rapid selenization of W film

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Hongchao [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Industry Corporation Limited, Ganzhou 341300 (China); Gao, Di; Li, Kun; Pang, Mengde; Xie, Senlin [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); Liu, Rutie, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); Zou, Jianpeng [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China)


    Highlights: • We present a highly efficient method for preparing WSe{sub 2} film by rapid selenization. • The W film phase composition has little effect on WSe{sub 2} film orientation. • W film density is a critical factor that influences the WSe{sub 2} orientation. • A growth model was proposed for two kinds of WSe{sub 2} film textures. - Abstract: The tungsten diselenide (WSe{sub 2}) films with different orientation present unique properties suitable for specific applications, such as WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis⊥substrate for optoelectronics and WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis // substrate for electrocatalysts. Orientation control of WSe{sub 2} is essential for realizing the practical applications. In this letter, a WSe{sub 2} film has been prepared via rapid selenization of a magnetron-sputtered tungsten (W) film. The influence of the magnetron-sputtered W film on WSe{sub 2} film growth was studied systematically. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy were used to evaluate the morphology, microstructure and phase composition of the W and WSe{sub 2} films. The substrate temperature has a significant effect on the W film phase composition, but little effect on the WSe{sub 2} film orientation. The WSe{sub 2} orientation can be controlled by changing the W film microstructure. A dense W film that is deposited at low pressure is conducive to the formation of WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis⊥substrate, whereas a porous W film deposited at high pressure favors the formation of WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis // substrate. A growth model for the WSe{sub 2} film with different texture has been proposed based on the experimental results. The direction of selenium (Se) vapor diffusion differs at the top and side surfaces. This is a key factor for the preparation of anisotropic WSe{sub 2} films. Highly oriented WSe{sub 2} films with a C-axis⊥substrate grow from the dense W film deposited at low pressure because Se vapor

  5. Properties of Chitosan-Laminated Collagen Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Lazić


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to determine physical, mechanical and barrier properties of chitosan-laminated collagen film. Commercial collagen film, which is used for making collagen casings for dry fermented sausage production, was laminated with chitosan film layer in order to improve the collagen film barrier properties. Different volumes of oregano essential oil per 100 mL of filmogenic solution were added to chitosan film layer: 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mL to optimize water vapour barrier properties. Chitosan layer with 0.6 or 0.8 % of oregano essential oil lowered the water vapour transmission rate to (1.85±0.10·10–6 and (1.78±0.03·10–6 g/(m2·s·Pa respectively, compared to collagen film ((2.51±0.05·10–6 g/(m2·s·Pa. However, chitosan-laminated collagen film did not show improved mechanical properties compared to the collagen one. Tensile strength decreased from (54.0±3.8 MPa of the uncoated collagen film to (36.3±4.0 MPa when the film was laminated with 0.8 % oregano essential oil chitosan layer. Elongation at break values of laminated films did not differ from those of collagen film ((18.4±2.7 %. Oxygen barrier properties were considerably improved by lamination. Oxygen permeability of collagen film was (1806.8±628.0·10–14 cm3/(m·s·Pa and values of laminated films were below 35·10–14 cm3/(m·s·Pa. Regarding film appearance and colour, lamination with chitosan reduced lightness (L and yellowness (+b of collagen film, while film redness (+a increased. These changes were not visible to the naked eye.

  6. Handbook of thin film technology

    CERN Document Server

    Frey, Hartmut


    “Handbook of Thin Film Technology” covers all aspects of coatings preparation, characterization and applications. Different deposition techniques based on vacuum and plasma processes are presented. Methods of surface and thin film analysis including coating thickness, structural, optical, electrical, mechanical and magnetic properties of films are detailed described. The several applications of thin coatings and a special chapter focusing on nanoparticle-based films can be found in this handbook. A complete reference for students and professionals interested in the science and technology of thin films.

  7. [Psychopathology and film: a valuable interaction?]. (United States)

    van Duppen, Z; Summa, M; Fuchs, T


    Film or film fragments are often used in psychopathology education. However, so far there have been very few articles that have discussed the benefits and limitations of using films to explain or illustrate psychopathology. Although numerous films involves psychopathology in varying degrees, it is not clear how we can use films for psychopathology education. To examine the advantages, limitations and possible methods of using film as a means of increasing our knowledge and understanding of psychiatric illnesses. We discuss five examples that illustrate the interaction of film and psychopathology. On the one hand we explain how the psychopathological concepts are used in each film and on the other hand we explain which aspects of each film are valuable aids for teaching psychopathology. The use of film makes it possible to introduce the following topics in psychopathological teaching programme: holistic psychiatric reasoning, phenomenology and the subjective experience, the recognition of psychopathological prototypes and the importance of context. There is undoubtedly an analogy between the method we have chosen for teaching psychopathology with the help of films and the holistic approach of the psychiatrist and his or her team. We believe psychopathology education can benefit from films and we would recommend our colleagues to use it in this way.

  8. Film dosimetry in conformal radiotherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Danciu, C; Proimos, B S [Patras Univ. (Greece). Dept. of Medical Physics


    Dosimetry, through a film sandwiched in a transverse cross-section of a solid phantom, is a method of choice in Conformal Radiotherapy because: (a) the blackness (density) of the film at each point offers a measure of the total dose received at that point, and (b) the film is easily calibrated by exposing a film strip in the same cross-section, through a stationary field. The film must therefore have the following properties: (a) it must be slow, in order not to be overexposed, even at a therapeutic dose of 200 cGy, and (b) the response of the film (density versus dose curve) must be independent of the photon energy spectrum. A few slow films were compared. It was found that the Kodak X-Omat V for therapy verification was the best choice. To investigate whether the film response was independent of the photon energy, response curves for six depths, starting from the depth of maximum dose to the depth of 25 cm, in solid phantom were derived. The vertical beam was perpendicular to the anterior surface of the phantom, which was at the distance of 100 cm from the source and the field was 15x15 cm at that distance. This procedure was repeated for photon beams emitted by a Cobalt-60 unit, two 6 MV and 15 MV Linear Accelerators, as well as a 45 MV Betatron. For each of those four different beams the film response was the same for all six depths. The results, as shown in the diagrams, are very satisfactory. The response curve under a geometry similar to that actually applied, when the film is irradiated in a transverse cross-section of the phantom, was derived. The horizontal beam was almost parallel (angle of 85) to the plane of the film. The same was repeated with the central ray parallel to the film (angle 90) and at a distance of 1.5 cm from the horizontal film. The field size was again 15x15 at the lateral entrance surface of the beam. The response curves remained the same, as when the beam was perpendicular to the films.

  9. Radiation grafting on natural films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacroix, M.; Khan, R.; Senna, M.; Sharmin, N.; Salmieri, S.; Safrany, A.


    Different methods of polymer grafting using gamma irradiation are reported in the present study for the preparation of newly functionalized biodegradable films, and some important properties related to their mechanical and barrier properties are described. Biodegradable films composed of zein and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) were gamma-irradiated in presence of different ratios of acrylic acid (AAc) monomer for compatibilization purpose. Resulting grafted films (zein/PVA-g-AAc) had their puncture strength (PS=37–40 N mm −1 ) and puncture deformation (PD=6.5–9.8 mm) improved for 30% and 50% PVA in blend, with 5% AAc under 20 kGy. Methylcellulose (MC)-based films were irradiated in the presence of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) or silane, in order to determine the effect of monomer grafting on the mechanical properties of films. It was found that grafted films (MC-g-HEMA and MC-g-silane) using 35% monomer performed higher mechanical properties with PS values of 282–296 N mm −1 and PD of 5.0–5.5 mm under 10 kGy. Compatibilized polycaprolactone (PCL)/chitosan composites were developed via grafting silane in chitosan films. Resulting trilayer grafted composite film (PCL/chitosan-g-silane/PCL) presented superior tensile strength (TS=22 MPa) via possible improvement of interfacial adhesion (PCL/chitosan) when using 25% silane under 10 kGy. Finally, MC-based films containing crystalline nanocellulose (CNC) as a filling agent were prepared and irradiated in presence of trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) as a grafted plasticizer. Grafted films (MC-g-TMPTMA) presented superior mechanical properties with a TS of 47.9 MPa and a tensile modulus (TM) of 1792 MPa, possibly due to high yield formation of radicals to promote TMPTMA grafting during irradiation. The addition of CNC led to an additional improvement of the barrier properties, with a significant 25% reduction of water vapor permeability (WVP) of grafted films. - Highlights: • Irradiation of zein

  10. Engineering Graphene Films from Coal (United States)

    Vijapur, Santosh H.

    Graphene is a unique material with remarkable properties suitable for a wide array of applications. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a simple technique for synthesis of large area and high quality graphene films on various metal substrates. Among the metal substrates, copper has been shown to be an excellent support for the growth of graphene films. Traditionally, hydrocarbon gases are used for the graphene synthesis via CVD. Unconventional solid carbon sources such as various polymers and food waste have also shown great potential for synthesis of graphene films. Coal is one such carbon enriched and abundantly available unconventional source. Utilization of coal as a carbon source to synthesize large area, transparent, and high quality few-layer graphene films via CVD has been demonstrated in the present work. Hydrocarbon gases are released as products of coal pyrolysis at temperatures ≥400 °C. This study hypothesized that, these hydrocarbon gases act as precursors for the synthesis of graphene films on the copper substrate. Hence, atmospheric pressure CVD and low temperature of 400 °C were utilized initially for the production of graphene films. These conditions were suitable for the formation of amorphous carbon (a-C) films but not crystalline graphene films that were the objective of this work. The synthesized a-C films on the copper substrate were shown to be uniform and transparent with large surface area. The thickness and surface roughness of the a-C films were determined to have typical values of 5 nm and 0.55 nm, respectively. The a-C film has >95 % optical transmittance and sheet resistivity of 0.6 MO sq-1. These values are comparable to other carbon thin films synthesized at higher temperatures. Further, the a-C films were transferred onto any type of substrate such as silicon wafer and titanium foil, and can be utilized for diverse applications. However, crystalline graphene films were not produced by implementing atmospheric pressure CVD and low

  11. Effect of micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide films on electrochromic properties of Prussian blue films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Kyuha [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, A-Young [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Material Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701 (Korea, Republic of); Park, Ji Hun; Jung, Hun-Gi; Choi, Wonchang; Lee, Hwa Young [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Joong Kee, E-mail: [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • PB-based ECD employed micro-patterned FTO electrode was fabricated. • Effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined. • Electrochromic properties were enhanced by employing a patterned interface. - Abstract: The effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined for an electrochromic device (ECD). Micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) films were fabricated using a photolithography process. Prussian blue (PB) films were then deposited on the patterned FTO films. The surface areas of both PB films and FTO films were increased by patterning. ECDs were assembled using patterned PB/FTO films as the electrochromic electrode, bare FTO films as the counter electrode, and an electrolyte containing LiClO{sub 4} salt. The increased effective surface area of the patterned PB/FTO electrode boosted the mobility of ions at the interphase between the electrolyte and PB electrode, and the electron transfer between PB films and FTO films. As a result, electrochromic properties such as transmittance and response time were significantly improved by employing the patterned FTO films as the transparent conductive oxide layer of the electrochromic electrode.

  12. One Film, or Many?: The Multiple Texts of the Colonial Korean Film "Volunteer"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaekil Seo


    Full Text Available Until recently, studies on films from colonial Korea in the Japanese empire had to rely primarily on secondary texts, such as memoirs, journal and newspaper articles, and film reviews. The recent discovery of original film texts from archives in Japan, China, Russia, and elsewhere and their availability on DVD format, prompted an important turning point in the scholarship. However, juxtaposing these newly released DVD versions with other archival sources exposes significant differences among the existing versions of texts. For instance, a newly discovered script reveals that important segments are missing in the recently released DVD version of the propaganda film "Volunteer." There also exist important discrepancies in the dialogue among the original film script, the actual film version, the synopsis, and the Japanese subtitles. Some of the Korean-language dialogue, which might be interpreted as exhibiting some ambivalence toward Japanese imperial policies, was completely silenced through strategic omissions in the Japanese-language subtitles targeting Japanese audiences. Some Japanese-language translations of the script also exhibit drastic changes from the original Korean-language dialogue. Piecing together such fragmented and fraught linguistic dissonance found in the colonial archives, we can conjecture that viewers from the colony and the metropole of "Volunteer" may have consumed very different versions of the film. This article aims to examine the significance of such dissonance, which has only recently become audible in so-called films of transcolonial coproduction.

  13. Plasma-polymerized SiOx deposition on polymer film surfaces for preparation of oxygen gas barrier polymeric films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inagaki, N.


    SiOx films were deposited on surfaces of three polymeric films, PET, PP, and Nylon; and their oxygen gas barrier properties were evaluated. To mitigate discrepancies between the deposited SiOx and polymer film, surface modification of polymer films was done, and how the surface modification could contribute to was discussed from the viewpoint of apparent activation energy for the permeation process. The SiOx deposition on the polymer film surfaces led to a large decrease in the oxygen permeation rate. Modification of polymer film surfaces by mans of the TMOS or Si-COOH coupling treatment in prior to the SiOx deposition was effective in decreasing the oxygen permeation rate. The cavity model is proposed as an oxygen permeation process through the SiOx-deposited Nylon film. From the proposed model, controlling the interface between the deposited SiOx film and the polymer film is emphasized to be a key factor to prepare SiOx-deposited polymer films with good oxygen gas barrier properties. (author)

  14. Film Editing Handbook; Technique of 16mm Film Cutting. (United States)

    Churchill, Hugh B.

    Designed to help the film student with the complexities of 16mm film cutting, this handbook catalogs the mechanical procedures of both picture and sound cutting and supplies step-by-step explanations of these procedures. Because the handbook was organized so that it could be used while working at the cutting bench, common cutting problems and…

  15. Free-standing graphene films prepared via foam film method for great capacitive flexible supercapacitors (United States)

    Zhu, Yucan; Ye, Xingke; Tang, Zhonghua; Wan, Zhongquan; Jia, Chunyang


    Recently, graphene films have always attracted attention due to their excellent characteristics in energy storage. In this work, a novel graphene oxide (GO) film with excellent mechanical properties, whose thickness was regulated simply via changing the concentration of the surfactant, was successfully prepared by foam film method. After chemical reduction, the reduced GO (rGO) films have excellent electrical conductivity of ∼172 S cm-1. Moreover, the supercapacitors based on the rGO films exhibit satisfied capacitive performance of ∼56 mF cm-2 at 0.2 mA cm-2 in 6 M KOH aqueous solution. Meanwhile, the flexible all solid state supercapacitors (FSSCs) based on the rGO films also show great volumetric capacitance of ∼2810 mF cm-3 at 12 mA cm-3 (∼1607 mF cm-3 at 613 mA cm-3) with polyvinyl alcohol-KOH gel electrolyte. Besides, after 10000 cycles and continuously bent to 180° for 300 times, the volumetric capacitance of the FSSC remains at 81.4% and 90.4% of its initial capacitance value, respectively. Therefore, the free-standing rGO films prepared via foam film method could be considered as promising electrode materials for high performance flexible supercapacitors.

  16. Quantitative analysis of tear film fluorescence and discomfort during tear film instability and thinning. (United States)

    Begley, Carolyn; Simpson, Trefford; Liu, Haixia; Salvo, Eliza; Wu, Ziwei; Bradley, Arthur; Situ, Ping


    The purpose of this study was to test the association between tear film fluorescence changes during tear break-up (TBU) or thinning and the concurrent ocular sensory response. Sixteen subjects kept one eye open as long as possible (MBI), indicated their discomfort level continuously, and rated ocular sensations of irritation, stinging, burning, pricking, and cooling using visual analog scales (VAS). Fluorescence of the tear film was quantified by a pixel-based analysis of the median pixel intensity (PI), TBU, and percentage of dark pixels (DarkPix) over time. A cutoff of 5% TBU was used to divide subjects into either break-up (BU) or minimal break-up (BUmin) groups. Tear film fluorescence decreased (median PI) and the percentage of TBU and DarkPix increased in all trials, with the rate significantly greater in the BU than the BUmin group (Mann-Whitney U test, P film thinning best explains decreasing tear film fluorescence during trials. This was highly correlated with increasing ocular discomfort, suggesting that both tear film thinning and TBU stimulate underlying corneal nerves, although TBU produced more rapid stimulation. Slow increases in tear film hyperosmolarity may cause the gradual increase in discomfort during slow tear film thinning, whereas the sharp increases in discomfort during TBU suggest a more complex stimulus.




  18. Olympic Training Film Profiles. Volume III. (United States)


    Approximately 250 instructional films are described in Volume Three (1970-1971) of this review. After an introduction which considers film discussions from the instructor's point of view and offers some ideas for conducting a film showing and ordering the films, profiles of the films are presented grouped under such areas as management…

  19. Nopal cactus film (United States)

    Toxqui-López, S.; Olivares-Pérez, A.; Fuentes-Tapia, I.; Conde-Cuatzo, María. G.


    Nopal mucilage potentially has certain properties required for the preparation biofilms which can be used as holographic replication recording medium. In this study, mucilage from nopal was extracted and characterized by its ability to form films under different concentration with polyvinyl alcohol. The transmission holographic diffraction gratings (master) were replicated into nopal films. The results showed good diffraction efficiencies. Mucilage from nopal could represent a good option for the development of films to replication holographic, owing to; its low cost and its compatibility with the environmental.



    Wijaya, Haris


    The developing of film industry has brought us into a complexity of art and business. If the first movie audiences were delighted to see that it was possible to record a moving scene on film; today we debate the desirability behind every movie, rather than just the possibility of capturing an image. Film has already become entertainment tool and communication media with quite powerful effect to influence people at the early 20th century. The problem that happens now is there are not many wome...

  1. Gammel Sherlock Holmes-film fundet - igen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Palle Schantz


    Om genfunden af en forsvundet Sherlock Holmes-film fra 1911, produceret af Nordisk Films Kompagni......Om genfunden af en forsvundet Sherlock Holmes-film fra 1911, produceret af Nordisk Films Kompagni...

  2. Fiction Film Dialogue vs Documentary Film Dialogue: Genre Peculiarities of Translation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Вера Евгеньевна Горшкова


    Full Text Available The article gives an analysis of the film dialogue translation depending on the genre peculiarities of a spoken word medium, i. e. of a fiction film and of a documentary. The latter is traditionally disregarded by linguists and translators due to an established opinion that it lacks an overt literary aesthetic component. Thus it makes a documentary much easier to translate and its text gets closer to the information text the translation dominant of which is to render its information component. The article analyses an universal character of image-sense applied to different cinematographic genres. This thesis is demonstrated with examples from fiction and documentary film dialogues such as The Artist, Il y a longtemps que je t’aime, Espionne pendant la seconde guerre mondiale translated into French and Russian. It is highlighted that particular verbal components/utterances quite often get especially crucial in the context of the film dialogue increasing its poetic function and creating a complete image-sense. Such lexical units as personal pronouns «ты» and «вы» (you as the 2nd person singular in Russian and the 2nd person plural, respectively have no small share in the above process as their adequate translation contributes to the audience's integral perception of the film as an aesthetic phenomenon. It is postulated that a documentary that deals with «the creative elaboration of the reality» has a lot in common with a fiction film in the regard of its compliance with the director's intention, the presentation of the sequence of events and their respective interpretation in the film. In this regard the adequate rendering of the image-sense of a documentary is especially vital in the analysis of events separated in time. That supposition can be backed up by a translation project carried out on the material of the film dialogue translation of the documentary «Espionne pendant la seconde guerre mondiale» from French into Russian.

  3. A „Hybrid“ Thin-Film pH Sensor with Integrated Thick-Film Reference


    Simonis, Anette; Krings, Thomas; Lüth, Hans; Wang, Joseph; Schöning, Michael J.


    A reference electrode fabricated by means of thick-film technique is deposited onto a silicon substrate and combined with a thin-film pH sensor to a “hybrid†chip system. To evaluate the suitability of this combination, first investigations were carried out. The characteristics of the thin-film pH sensor were studied towards the thick-film Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Measurements were performed in the capacitance/voltage (C/V) and constant capacitance (Concap) mode for different pH ...

  4. Soap Films as 1D waveguides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emile Olivier


    Full Text Available Laser light is injected in a free standing horizontal draining soap film through the glass frame sustaining the film. Two propagation regimes are clearly identified depending on the film thickness. At the beginning of the drainage, the soap film behaves as a multimode-one dimensional optofiuidic waveguide. In particular, we observe that the injected light creates a bottleneck in the film and part of the injected light is refracted leading to whiskers. At the end of the drainage where the film thickness is below 1μm, there is a strong selection among the various possible optical modes in the film, and part of the light is defiected. This leads to a self selection of the mode propagation inside the film.

  5. Thermogravimetric analysis of fuel film evaporation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    HU Zongjie; LI Liguang; YU Shui


    Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was compared with the petrochemical distillation measurement method to better understand the characteristics of fuel film evaporation at different wall tem- peratures. The film evaporation characteristics of 90# gasoline, 93# gasoline and 0# diesel with different initial thicknesses were investigated at different environmental fluxes and heating rates. The influences of heating rate, film thickness and environmental flux on fuel film evaporation for these fuels were found. The results showed that the environmental conditions in TGA were similar to those for fuel films in the internal combustion engines, so data from TGA were suitable for the analysis of fuel film evaporation. TGA could simulate the key influencing factors for fuel film evaporation and could investigate the basic quantificational effect of heating rate and film thickness. To get a rapid and sufficient fuel film evaporation, sufficiently high wall temperature is necessary. Evaporation time decreases at a high heating rate and thin film thickness, and intense gas flow is important to promoting fuel film evaporation. Data from TGA at a heating rate of 100℃/min are fit to analyze the diesel film evaporation during cold-start and warming-up. Due to the tense molecular interactions, the evaporation sequence could not be strictly divided according to the boiling points of each component for multicomponent dissolved mixture during the quick evaporation process, and the heavier components could vaporize before reaching their boiling points. The 0# diesel film would fully evaporate when the wall temperature is beyond 250℃.

  6. The comparative evaluation of film-screen combinations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Gyung Ja; Choi, Syng Kyu


    This study was to compare the quality of image by different screen and film combinations. Using the sensitometer measured the speed and average gradient of blue sensitive films and orthochromatic films. The films was combined with rare earth screen LR, Lm, LF and conventional screen OM, OH, XOR, OKa and exposed the stepwedge to impulse 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 15, 24, 38, 60 and measured the density. The following results were obtained: 1. The density of film and film-screen combinations showed significant difference, then in film-screen combinations was significantly different by the screens than films. 2. The speed of blue sensitive films was little different, the TMG of orthochromatic films producted high speed, and the AX films was high average gradient. 3. The relative speed of film-screen combinations showed significant difference, and was high in the OKa of the conventional screens and in the LR of the rare earth screens, especially that of LR screen in the combination with blue sensitive films was high. 4. The average gradient of film-screen combinations showed no significant difference, and was high in the OKa screen and LR/OG combination, and that of OKa/AX combination was highest. 5. The latitude of film-screen combinations showed significant difference by screens, and was high in the LM screen in combination with blue sensitive films and in the OM screen in combination with orthochromatic films. 6. The subject contrast of film-screen combinations showed significant difference by screen, and was high in the LR screen in combination with blue sensitive AX film and orthochromatic TMG film.

  7. Glimmering Utopias: 50 Years of African Film Flimmernde Utopien: 50 Jahre afrikanischer Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cassis Kilian


    Full Text Available The history of African film began in the 1960s with the independence of the colonies. Despite all kinds of political and economic difficulties, numerous films have been made since then, featuring wide-ranging processes of consolidation, differentiation and transformation which were characteristic of post-colonial sub-Saharan Africa. However, these feature films should not merely be viewed as back references to specifically African problems. The glimmering fictions are imagination spaces. They preserve ideas about how the post-colonial circumstances should be approached. Seen from this perspective, the history of African film may be studied as a history of African utopias. Die Geschichte des afrikanischen Films begann mit der Unabhängigkeit in den 1960er Jahren. Seitdem sind trotz aller politischen und ökonomischen Probleme zahlreiche Filme entstanden. Sie geben umfassende Konsolidierungs-, Differenzierungs- und Transformationsprozesse wieder, die für das postkoloniale subsaharische Afrika charakteristisch waren. Die Spielfilme sollten allerdings nicht nur als Rückschau auf spezifische Probleme Afrikas interpretiert werden. Diese flimmernden Phantasien stellen Imaginationsräume dar; in ihnen sind Ideen enthalten, wie den Bedingungen der postkolonialen Gesellschaften begegnet werden könnte. Aus dieser Sicht heraus könnte die Geschichte des afrikanischen Films auch als Geschichte afrikanischer Utopien erforscht werden.

  8. Discovery in Film, Book Two. (United States)

    Gordon, Malcolm W.

    Approximately 80 16 millimeter (16mm) short films are reviewed in this introduction and guide which attempts to be comprehensive in touching the major areas and styles of 16mm films now being produced. An attempt is made to describe as carefully as possible the style and content of each film and suggest ways in which the films might be used. Films…

  9. Nitrogen dioxide - current knowledge on the pollution situation and health effects; Stickstoffdioxid - Kenntnisstand zur Belastungssituation und zu gesundheitlichen Wirkungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muecke, H.G. [Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene


    Feuerstellen (z.B. Gasherde, Gasheizautomaten und Heisswasserbereiter) und das Tabakrauchen sind die NO{sub 2}-Hauptquellen der Luftbelastung in Innenraeumen. NO{sub 2}-Messungen in deutschen Kuechen ergaben mittlere Konzentrationen von bis zu 50 {mu}g/m{sup 3} und Spitzenkonzentrationen von fast 200 {mu}G/m{sup 3}. Die NO{sub 2}-Konzentration in Innenraeumen ohne Stickstoffoxid-Quellen wird von den Aussenluftverhaeltnissen bestimmt und liegt im Durchschnitt zwischen 20 und 30 {mu}G/m{sup 3}. Die ueberarbeiteten NO{sub 2}-Richtwerte der WHO von 1998 sind: 40 {mu}g/m{sup 3} als Jahresmittel und 200 {mu}g/m{sup 3} als Einstundenmittel. Als oxidatives und gering wasserloesliches Reizgas entwickelt NO{sub 2} nach Inhalation seine Hauptwirkung in der Lungenperipherie. Veraenderungen von Lungenfunktionsparametern und Zunahme der bronchialen Reagibilitaet sind die wesentlichen gesundheitlichen Wirkungen. Expositionsstudien zur Belastungssituation zeigen, dass Innenraumquellen zusaetzlich im Mittel bis zu 5 {mu}g NO{sub 2}/m{sup 3} beitragen koennen und dass das Lueftungsverhalten als eine wesentliche Einflussgroesse mitangesehen werden kann. (orig.)

  10. Dosimetric characterization of GafChromic EBT film and its implication on film dosimetry quality assurance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuss, Martina; Sturtewagen, Eva; Wagter, Carlos De; Georg, Dietmar


    The suitability of radiochromic EBT film was studied for high-precision clinical quality assurance (QA) by identifying the dose response for a wide range of irradiation parameters typically modified in highly-conformal treatment techniques. In addition, uncertainties associated with varying irradiation conditions were determined. EBT can be used for dose assessment of absorbed dose levels as well as relative dosimetry when compared to absolute absorbed dose calibrated using ionization chamber results. For comparison, a silver halide film (Kodak EDR-2) representing the current standard in film dosimetry was included. As an initial step a measurement protocol yielding accurate and precise results was established for a flatbed transparency scanner (Epson Expression 1680 Pro) that was utilized as a film reading instrument. The light transmission measured by the scanner was found to depend on the position of the film on the scanner plate. For three film pieces irradiated with doses of 0 Gy, ∼1 Gy and ∼7 Gy, the pixel values measured in portrait or landscape mode differed by 4.7%, 6.2% and 10.0%, respectively. A study of 200 film pieces revealed an excellent sheet-to-sheet uniformity. On a long time scale, the optical development of irradiated EBT film consisted of a slow but steady increase of absorbance which was not observed to cease during 4 months. Sensitometric curves of EBT films obtained under reference conditions (SSD = 95 cm, FS = 5 x 5 cm 2 , d = 5 cm) for 6, 10 and 25 MV photon beams did not show any energy dependence. The average separation between all curves was only 0.7%. The variation of the depth d (range 2-25 cm) in the phantom did not affect the dose response of EBT film. Also the influence of the radiation field size (range 3 x 3-40 x 40 cm 2 ) on the sensitometric curve was not significant. For EDR-2 films maximum differences between the calibration curves reached 7-8% for X6MV and X25MV. Radiochromic EBT film, in combination with a flatbed

  11. Morphological Influence of Solution-Processed Zinc Oxide Films on Electrical Characteristics of Thin-Film Transistors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hyeonju Lee


    Full Text Available We report on the morphological influence of solution-processed zinc oxide (ZnO semiconductor films on the electrical characteristics of ZnO thin-film transistors (TFTs. Different film morphologies were produced by controlling the spin-coating condition of a precursor solution, and the ZnO films were analyzed using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and Hall measurement. It is shown that ZnO TFTs have a superior performance in terms of the threshold voltage and field-effect mobility, when ZnO crystallites are more densely packed in the film. This is attributed to lower electrical resistivity and higher Hall mobility in a densely packed ZnO film. In the results of consecutive TFT operations, a positive shift in the threshold voltage occurred irrespective of the film morphology, but the morphological influence on the variation in the field-effect mobility was evident. The field-effect mobility in TFTs having a densely packed ZnO film increased continuously during consecutive TFT operations, which is in contrast to the mobility decrease observed in the less packed case. An analysis of the field-effect conductivities ascribes these results to the difference in energetic traps, which originate from structural defects in the ZnO films. Consequently, the morphological influence of solution-processed ZnO films on the TFT performance can be understood through the packing property of ZnO crystallites.

  12. Silent Film in the German Classroom. (United States)

    Caldwell, David

    In addition to using films in the German classroom to introduce students to German culture and history, it is important to show and study the film as film. This procedure emphasizes the importance of the film as a part of creative arts in Germany and demands student participation in observation and discussion. Many German silent films are…

  13. Direct-current substrate bias effects on amorphous silicon sputter-deposited films for thin film transistor fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jun, Seung-Ik; Rack, Philip D.; McKnight, Timothy E.; Melechko, Anatoli V.; Simpson, Michael L.


    The effect that direct current (dc) substrate bias has on radio frequency-sputter-deposited amorphous silicon (a-Si) films has been investigated. The substrate bias produces a denser a-Si film with fewer defects compared to unbiased films. The reduced number of defects results in a higher resistivity because defect-mediated conduction paths are reduced. Thin film transistors (TFTs) that were completely sputter deposited were fabricated and characterized. The TFT with the biased a-Si film showed lower leakage (off-state) current, higher on/off current ratio, and higher transconductance (field effect mobility) than the TFT with the unbiased a-Si film

  14. Magnetic anisotropies in SmCo thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, K.


    A systemic study of the deposition processes and magnetic properties for the Sm-Co film system has been carried out. Films of Sm-Co system with various magnetic anisotropies have been synthesized through sputter deposition in both crystalline and amorphous phases. The origins of various anisotropies have been studied. Thermalized sputter deposition process control was used to synthesize Fe enriched Sm-Co films with rhombohedral Th 2 Zn 17 type structure. The film exhibited unusually strong textures with the crystallographic c axes of the crystallites aligned in the film plane. A large anisotropy was resulted with easy axis in the film plane. A well defined and large in-the-film-plane anisotropy of exceptionally high value of 3.3 x 10 6 erg/cm 3 has been obtained in the amorphous SmCo films by applying a magnetic field in the film plane during deposition. It was found that the in-the-film-plane anisotropy depended essentially on the applied field and Sm concentration. For films not synthesized through thermallized sputtering, the easy axis of the film could reoriented. A perpendicular anisotropy was also presented in the film synthesized through thermallized sputtering deposition. A large in-plane anisotropy was obtained in films deposited above ambient temperatures. It was concluded that the surface induced short range ordering was the origin of the in-the-film-phase anisotropy observed in amorphous film deposited in the presence of a magnetic field. The formation mechanism was different from that of the short range ordering induced by field annealing. The perpendicular anisotropy was shown to be growth induced. Large in-plane anisotropy in amorphous films was resulted form partial crystallization in the film. Both the formation of growth induced structure and partial crystallization in the film prevented the formation of the pair ordering and decreased in-the-film-plane anisotropy

  15. Intermetallic semiconducting films

    CERN Document Server

    Wieder, H H


    Intermetallic Semiconducting Films introduces the physics and technology of AшВv compound films. This material is a type of a polycrystalline semiconductor that is used for galvanomagnetic device applications. Such material has a high electron mobility that is ideal for generators and magnetoresistors. The book discusses the available references on the preparation and identification of the material. An assessment of its device applications and other possible use is also enumerated. The book describes the structures and physical parts of different films. A section of the book covers the three t

  16. X-ray film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arndt, U.W.; Gilmore, D.J.; Wonacott, A.J.


    The performance of film as an X-ray detector is discussed and its behaviour is compared with that of a perfect Poissonian detector. The efficiency of microdensitometry as a method of extracting the information recorded on the film is discussed. More emphasis is placed in the precision of microdensitometric measurements than on the more obvious characteristic of film speed. The effects of chemical fog and background on the precision of the measurements is considered and it is concluded that the final limit to precision is set by the chemical fog. (B.D.)

  17. From eco-efficiency in overall sustainable development in enterprises; Von Oekoeffizienz zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung in Unternehmen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weizsaecker, E.U. von; Stigson, B; Seiler-Hausmann, J D [eds.


    Eco-efficiency is achieved when goods and services satisfy human needs, increase the quality of life, at prices which are competitive and when environmental impacts and resource intensity are decreased to a degree that they are in accordance with the expected capacities of the Earth. Eco-efficiency is a management approach that allows enterprises to carry out environmental protection measures from a market-oriented point of view. Eco-efficiency shows that ecology and economy do not contradict each other. On the contrary, in combination, they present a gain for enterprises. The motto is: To produce more with less. The WBCSD and its member enterprises have agreed to make economic growth and sustainable development the guideline for their economic entrepreneurial actions. The WBCSD supports the close co-operation of the economy, government and other organizations, as it is only together that we can help sustainable development to achieve a breakthrough. (orig.) [German] Oekoeffizienz ist dann erreicht, wenn Gueter und Dienstleistungen die menschlichen Beduerfnisse befriedigen, die Lebensqualitaet erhoehen und wettbewerbsfaehige Preise aufweisen, und die oekologischen Auswirkungen und die Ressourcenintensitaet waehrend des Lebenszyklus soweit verringert werden, dass eine Uebereinstimmung mit der voraussichtlichen Belastbarkeit der Erde besteht. Oekoeffizienz steht fuer einen Managementansatz, der Unternehmen erlaubt, Umweltschutzmassnahmen unter Marktgesichtspunkten durchzufuehren. Mit Oekoeffizienz wird zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass Oekonomie und Oekologie sich nicht ausschliessen, sondern in Kombination einen Gewinn fuer Unternehmen darstellen. Das Motto lautet: Mehr mit weniger produzieren. Der WBCSD und seine Mitgliedsunternehmen haben sich darauf verstaendigt, ihr Handeln von den Prinzipien des oekonomischen Wachstums und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung leiten zu lassen. Der WBCSD unterstuetzt die enge Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft, Staat und anderen Organisationen

  18. Radiation grafting on natural films (United States)

    Lacroix, M.; Khan, R.; Senna, M.; Sharmin, N.; Salmieri, S.; Safrany, A.


    Different methods of polymer grafting using gamma irradiation are reported in the present study for the preparation of newly functionalized biodegradable films, and some important properties related to their mechanical and barrier properties are described. Biodegradable films composed of zein and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) were gamma-irradiated in presence of different ratios of acrylic acid (AAc) monomer for compatibilization purpose. Resulting grafted films (zein/PVA-g-AAc) had their puncture strength (PS=37-40 N mm-1) and puncture deformation (PD=6.5-9.8 mm) improved for 30% and 50% PVA in blend, with 5% AAc under 20 kGy. Methylcellulose (MC)-based films were irradiated in the presence of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) or silane, in order to determine the effect of monomer grafting on the mechanical properties of films. It was found that grafted films (MC-g-HEMA and MC-g-silane) using 35% monomer performed higher mechanical properties with PS values of 282-296 N mm-1 and PD of 5.0-5.5 mm under 10 kGy. Compatibilized polycaprolactone (PCL)/chitosan composites were developed via grafting silane in chitosan films. Resulting trilayer grafted composite film (PCL/chitosan-g-silane/PCL) presented superior tensile strength (TS=22 MPa) via possible improvement of interfacial adhesion (PCL/chitosan) when using 25% silane under 10 kGy. Finally, MC-based films containing crystalline nanocellulose (CNC) as a filling agent were prepared and irradiated in presence of trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) as a grafted plasticizer. Grafted films (MC-g-TMPTMA) presented superior mechanical properties with a TS of 47.9 MPa and a tensile modulus (TM) of 1792 MPa, possibly due to high yield formation of radicals to promote TMPTMA grafting during irradiation. The addition of CNC led to an additional improvement of the barrier properties, with a significant 25% reduction of water vapor permeability (WVP) of grafted films.

  19. Ion beam assisted film growth

    CERN Document Server

    Itoh, T


    This volume provides up to date information on the experimental, theoretical and technological aspects of film growth assisted by ion beams.Ion beam assisted film growth is one of the most effective techniques in aiding the growth of high-quality thin solid films in a controlled way. Moreover, ion beams play a dominant role in the reduction of the growth temperature of thin films of high melting point materials. In this way, ion beams make a considerable and complex contribution to film growth. The volume will be essential reading for scientists, engineers and students working in thi

  20. Teaching Culture Through Films

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Cultural teaching is an issue which is associated with complexity and paradox and also it is a big challenge for faculty. Teaching culture through films has become an important way of cross-cultural teaching This paper focuses on the reasons for teaching culture through films, the value and how it works. And finally it leads out the prospects of cultural teaching through films.

  1. Wie 'Haar' zu 'Maus' wird: Geschlechtsbezogene pronominale Referenz im Thailändischen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Attaviriyanupap, Korakoch


    Full Text Available The use of gender-related personal pronouns is mostly found in different forms of third person singular (e. g. he/she/it in English or er/sie/es in German. In Thai, an isolate language without grammatical gender, the gender-specification can be observed in the use of first person singular pronominal reference. The selection of gender-related self-reference depends not only on sex but also on gender identity of the speaker. In this article, the complex system of pronominal reference in Thai language will be briefly introduced. After that, forms of self-reference used in the Thai film Iron Ladies are analyzed to show how the gender identity of speakers can influence their selection of pronominal reference.

  2. Ion beam-based characterization of multicomponent oxide thin films and thin film layered structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krauss, A.R.; Rangaswamy, M.; Lin, Yuping; Gruen, D.M.; Schultz, J.A.; Schmidt, H.K.; Chang, R.P.H.


    Fabrication of thin film layered structures of multi-component materials such as high temperature superconductors, ferroelectric and electro-optic materials, and alloy semiconductors, and the development of hybrid materials requires understanding of film growth and interface properties. For High Temperature Superconductors, the superconducting coherence length is extremely short (5--15 Angstrom), and fabrication of reliable devices will require control of film properties at extremely sharp interfaces; it will be necessary to verify the integrity of thin layers and layered structure devices over thicknesses comparable to the atomic layer spacing. Analytical techniques which probe the first 1--2 atomic layers are therefore necessary for in-situ characterization of relevant thin film growth processes. However, most surface-analytical techniques are sensitive to a region within 10--40 Angstrom of the surface and are physically incompatible with thin film deposition and are typically restricted to ultra high vacuum conditions. A review of ion beam-based analytical methods for the characterization of thin film and multi-layered thin film structures incorporating layers of multicomponent oxides is presented. Particular attention will be paid to the use of time-of-flight techniques based on the use of 1- 15 key ion beams which show potential for use as nondestructive, real-time, in-situ surface diagnostics for the growth of multicomponent metal and metal oxide thin films

  3. NMR characterization of thin films (United States)

    Gerald II, Rex E.; Klingler, Robert J.; Rathke, Jerome W.; Diaz, Rocio; Vukovic, Lela


    A method, apparatus, and system for characterizing thin film materials. The method, apparatus, and system includes a container for receiving a starting material, applying a gravitational force, a magnetic force, and an electric force or combinations thereof to at least the starting material, forming a thin film material, sensing an NMR signal from the thin film material and analyzing the NMR signal to characterize the thin film of material.

  4. NMR characterization of thin films (United States)

    Gerald, II, Rex E.; Klingler, Robert J.; Rathke, Jerome W.; Diaz, Rocio; Vukovic, Lela


    A method, apparatus, and system for characterizing thin film materials. The method, apparatus, and system includes a container for receiving a starting material, applying a gravitational force, a magnetic force, and an electric force or combinations thereof to at least the starting material, forming a thin film material, sensing an NMR signal from the thin film material and analyzing the NMR signal to characterize the thin film of material.

  5. Surface Modification of Solution-Processed ZrO2 Films through Double Coating for Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors (United States)

    Kwon, Jin-Hyuk; Bae, Jin-Hyuk; Lee, Hyeonju; Park, Jaehoon


    We report the modification of surface properties of solution-processed zirconium oxide (ZrO2) dielectric films achieved by using double-coating process. It is proven that the surface properties of the ZrO2 film are modified through the double-coating process; the surface roughness decreases and the surface energy increases. The present surface modification of the ZrO2 film contributes to an increase in grain size of the pentacene film, thereby increasing the field-effect mobility and decreasing the threshold voltage of the pentacene thin-film transistors (TFTs) having the ZrO2 gate dielectric. Herein, the molecular orientation of pentacene film is also studied based on the results of contact angle and X-ray diffraction measurements. Pentacene molecules on the double-coated ZrO2 film are found to be more tilted than those on the single-coated ZrO2 film, which is attributed to the surface modification of the ZrO2 film. However, no significant differences are observed in insulating properties between the single-and the double-coated ZrO2 dielectric films. Consequently, the characteristic improvements of the pentacene TFTs with the double-coated ZrO2 gate dielectric film can be understood through the increase in pentacene grain size and the reduction in grain boundary density.

  6. Music as word: Film music - superlibretto?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ćirić Marija


    Full Text Available The aim of his paper is to prove that film music can be understood as authentic narrative force: film music as word / discourse and its superlibretto status. Superlibretto is the status of music in a film which is constructing its own (aural reality and is narrating, speaking its own text which creates a wholesome film meaning. The existence of superlibretto is substantiated by fundamental theoretic concepts of film music and practically proven by analyses of examples taken from the opus of Serbian film composer Zoran Simjanović.

  7. Selective inorganic thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phillips, M.L.F.; Weisenbach, L.A.; Anderson, M.T. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (United States)] [and others


    This project is developing inorganic thin films as membranes for gas separation applications, and as discriminating coatings for liquid-phase chemical sensors. Our goal is to synthesize these coatings with tailored porosity and surface chemistry on porous substrates and on acoustic and optical sensors. Molecular sieve films offer the possibility of performing separations involving hydrogen, air, and natural gas constituents at elevated temperatures with very high separation factors. We are focusing on improving permeability and molecular sieve properties of crystalline zeolitic membranes made by hydrothermally reacting layered multicomponent sol-gel films deposited on mesoporous substrates. We also used acoustic plate mode (APM) oscillator and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor elements as substrates for sol-gel films, and have both used these modified sensors to determine physical properties of the films and have determined the sensitivity and selectivity of these sensors to aqueous chemical species.

  8. Conceiving Landscape through Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farsø, Mads; Munck Petersen, Rikke


    This article shows how the media of film can be integrated, explored and can add value to architectural design studios and practice. It elucidates how film may offer an alternative position in architecture, where landscapes and cities are thought, planned and developed in closer relation...... to their spatial and sensory effects on humans. It underscores that the film camera can work as a kind of amplifier of how we, with our bodies, perceive space and project space. In the “Landscape Film” Studio at University of Copenhagen the film medium was tested as a combined registration and design tool...... for a new Nature Park south of Copenhagen. The final studio films and designs show how resonate recordings of sound, time and a bodily presence may simulate an Einfühling that inspires an alternative architecture of relations: the ambient, the changeable and the volatile. They also emphasize that an ability...

  9. The Possibility of Film Criticism. (United States)

    Poague, Leland; Cadbury, William


    Examines the role of critical language in film criticism. Compares and contrasts Monroe Beardsley's philosophy on film aesthetics with the New Criticism. Outlines some of the contributions Beardsley has made to the study of film criticism. (KM)

  10. Application of a tablet film coating model to define a process-imposed transition boundary for robust film coating. (United States)

    van den Ban, Sander; Pitt, Kendal G; Whiteman, Marshall


    A scientific understanding of interaction of product, film coat, film coating process, and equipment is important to enable design and operation of industrial scale pharmaceutical film coating processes that are robust and provide the level of control required to consistently deliver quality film coated product. Thermodynamic film coating conditions provided in the tablet film coating process impact film coat formation and subsequent product quality. A thermodynamic film coating model was used to evaluate film coating process performance over a wide range of film coating equipment from pilot to industrial scale (2.5-400 kg). An approximate process-imposed transition boundary, from operating in a dry to a wet environment, was derived, for relative humidity and exhaust temperature, and used to understand the impact of the film coating process on product formulation and process control requirements. This approximate transition boundary may aid in an enhanced understanding of risk to product quality, application of modern Quality by Design (QbD) based product development, technology transfer and scale-up, and support the science-based justification of critical process parameters (CPPs).

  11. Surface Properties of a Novel Poly(vinyl alcohol Film Prepared by Heterogeneous Saponification of Poly(vinyl acetate Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seong Baek Yang


    Full Text Available Almost general poly(vinyl alcohol (PVA films were prepared by the processing of a PVA solution. For the first time, a novel poly(vinyl alcohol (PVA film was prepared by the saponification of a poly(vinyl acetate (PVAc film in a heterogenous medium. Under the same saponification conditions, the influence of saponification time on the degree of saponification (DS was studied for the preparation of the saponified PVA film, and it was found that the DS varied with time. Optical microscopy was used to confirm the characteristics and surface morphology of the saponified PVA film, revealing unusual black globules in the film structure. The contact angle of the films was measured to study the surface properties, and the results showed that the saponified PVA film had a higher contact angle than the general PVA film. To confirm the transformation of the PVAc film to the PVA film, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were employed.

  12. Electrical initiation of an energetic nanolaminate film (United States)

    Tringe, Joseph W.; Gash, Alexander E.; Barbee, Jr., Troy W.


    A heating apparatus comprising an energetic nanolaminate film that produces heat when initiated, a power source that provides an electric current, and a control that initiates the energetic nanolaminate film by directing the electric current to the energetic nanolaminate film and joule heating the energetic nanolaminate film to an initiation temperature. Also a method of heating comprising providing an energetic nanolaminate film that produces heat when initiated, and initiating the energetic nanolaminate film by directing an electric current to the energetic nanolaminate film and joule heating the energetic nanolaminate film to an initiation temperature.

  13. Radiochromic film and polarization effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, P.K.N.; Cheung, T.; Butson, M.J.; Cancer Services, Wollongong, NSW; Inwood, D.


    Full text: A new high sensitivity radiochromic film has been tested for its polarization properties. Gafchromic HS film has been shown to produce a relatively small (less than 3%) variation in measured optical density measured at 660nm wavelength when the light source is fully linear polarized and the film is rotated through 360 deg angle. Similar variations are seen when the detector is linearly polarized. If both light source and detector is linearly polarised variations in measured optical density can reach 15% when the film is rotated through 360 deg angle. This seems to be due to a phase shift in polarised light caused by the radiochromic film resulting in the polarised light source becoming out of phase with the polarised detector. Gafchromic HS radiochromic film produces a minimal polarization response with varying angle of rotation however we recommend that a polarization test be performed on a densitometry system to establish the extent of its polarization properties before accuracy dosimetry is performed with radiochromic HS film. Copyright (2004) Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

  14. Den danske independent film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    at producere film, og derved er filmproduktion potentielt gjort tilgængelig for en større gruppe personer som både afsender og modtager. For det fjerde implicerer diskussionen af de to film også genre- og stilmæssige spørgsmål om dansk filmkultur, fordi indiefilmen både i film og uden for filmene italesætter...

  15. Introduction to Film Making. (United States)

    Davis, Robert E.

    This booklet is intended for teachers who are now teaching units in film production as part of a program in communication or who wish to begin work with filmmaking in such a program. The first section is intended to serve as a brief introduction to film theory, while a major portion of the rest of the booklet is devoted to film projects which may…

  16. Renaissance of the Film. (United States)

    Bellone, Julius, Ed.

    The post-World War II period was one of the liveliest in the history of the cinema. This is a collection of 33 critical articles on some of the best films of the perd. Most of the essays explicate the themes and symbols of the films. The essays deal with these films: "The Apu Trilogy,""L'Avventura,""Balthazar,""Blow-Up,""Bonnie and Clyde," Citizen…

  17. Short-film Festival at the Globe

    CERN Multimedia


    Get out your diaries and prepare to be star-struck as the Globe of Science and Innovation meets the silver screen! The CERN "Open Your Eyes Films" film-making club is organising a festival of short films entitled CinéGlobe from Thursday 8 to Saturday 10 November. On the Thursday and Friday, you’ll be able to watch 47 short films free of charge in the Globe of Science and Innovation at various times of the day. The short films to be screened come from 21 different countries and have been selected from among 1400 entrees! All film genres will be represented : comedy, drama, animation, documentaries, experimental films, etc. Members of the public will even be able to vote for their favourite film: the audience’s favourite will be awarded a "Coup de coeur" award. An awards ceremony to honour the films that have received most votes will be held on Friday evening in the Globe of Science and Innovation. The Golden CinéGlobe for bes...

  18. Editorial zum Tagungsband: Spannungsfelder und blinde Flecken. Medienpädagogik zwischen Emanzipationsanspruch und Diskursvermeidung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sven Kommer


    Full Text Available Die erziehungswissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Medien hat in Deutschland eine lange und vielfältige Tradition. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich die Medienpädagogik zu einer eigenständigen akademischen (Teil-Disziplin entwickelt, die in der (Fach-Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen wird und sich aktiv in aktuelle gesellschaftliche Diskurse einbringt. Sichtbar wird die Etablierung als Fach u. a. daran, dass an einer Reihe von Hochschulen Professuren geschaffen wurden, die für medienpädagogische Studienelemente oder -gänge und/oder Zusatzausbildungen verantwortlich sind. Der gestiegene Stellenwert der Disziplin zeigt sich auch an ihrer Rolle in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, innerhalb derer sie sich von einer «Arbeitsgemeinschaft auf Zeit» (Mitte der 1990er-Jahre zu einer eigenständigen Sektion (seit 2010 entwickelt hat. Angesichts der gegenwärtig zu beobachtenden Entwicklungen im Medienbereich (u. a. Digitalisierung, Globalisierung, Algorithmisierung, deren Folgen für gesellschaftliche und pädagogische Prozesse und Bereiche kaum zu unterschätzen sind, erstaunt es, dass die Medienpädagogik bis heute dazu neigt, Rechtfertigungsstrategien für die eigenen Existenz zu generieren. Bei einer kritischen Betrachtung (z. B. der universitären Stellenpolitik ist aber zu konstatieren, dass sich die Medienpädagogik auch 40 Jahre nach dem Erscheinen von Dieter Baackes wegweisender Schrift Kommunikation und Kompetenz ihrer Anerkennung und festen Verankerung im akademischen Feld tatsächlich noch immer nicht sicher sein kann. Eine Ursache hierfür liegt möglicherweise in der noch immer grossen (und oftmals geradezu zelebrierten Heterogenität des Faches. So sind die unterschiedlichen Traditionslinien des pädagogischen Umgangs mit Medien, die mitunter nur bedingt miteinander vereinbar sind, bis heute zu beobachten und wirkmächtig. Zu unterscheiden ist hierbei bspw. eine auf Emanzipation, kommunikative Kompetenz

  19. Contact angles in thin liquid films III. Interaction forces in Newton black soap films

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feijter, J.A. de; Vrij, A.

    The interaction parameters of Newton black soap films stabilized by NaDS, as derived from contact angle experiments, have been interpretated in terms of the structure and the interaction forces in the films. From the film thickness and the difference between the surface excess of the salt in the

  20. Rare Earth Oxide Thin Films

    CERN Document Server

    Fanciulli, Marco


    Thin rare earth (RE) oxide films are emerging materials for microelectronic, nanoelectronic, and spintronic applications. The state-of-the-art of thin film deposition techniques as well as the structural, physical, chemical, and electrical properties of thin RE oxide films and of their interface with semiconducting substrates are discussed. The aim is to identify proper methodologies for the development of RE oxides thin films and to evaluate their effectiveness as innovative materials in different applications.

  1. The combat film : the death and rebirth of an American film tradition


    Greve, Henrik Havdal


    Abstract This thesis analyzes how four popular combat films produced by Hollywood portray and interprets important events in American history. The films exemplify how American cinema has varied in its portrayal of the American army in relation to both the perspectives of the film makers and widely held attitudes toward war and American foreign policy. In regard to social attitudes, militarism has been an instrument to create support for war. The term describes a process where a societ...

  2. Ausrüstung von Starkstromanlagen mit elektronischen Betriebsmitteln / Achtung: Abschnitte (einschließlich Kurve 2 in Bild 2) und gelten erst ab Mai 1990. Bestehende Anlagen und Betriebsmittel einschließlich Ersatzlieferungen brauchen nicht den Anforderungen dieser neuen Norm angepaßt zu werden.

    CERN Document Server

    Deutsches Institut für Normung. Berlin


    Ausrüstung von Starkstromanlagen mit elektronischen Betriebsmitteln / Achtung: Abschnitte (einschließlich Kurve 2 in Bild 2) und gelten erst ab Mai 1990. Bestehende Anlagen und Betriebsmittel einschließlich Ersatzlieferungen brauchen nicht den Anforderungen dieser neuen Norm angepaßt zu werden.

  3. Film in Education: This Worked For Me. (United States)

    Breen, Myles P.

    Several techniques for teaching film appreciation to adults are discussed, including the use of audio cassettes, instructional films, silent films, and film dissection. Included are the techniques, philosophy, and content of a seminar on the short film, in which the short film is viewed as a variant of a short story, a pop song, a joke, and a…

  4. Geoflicks Reviewed--Films about Hawaiian Volcanoes. (United States)

    Bykerk-Kauffman, Ann


    Reviews 11 films on volcanic eruptions in the United States. Films are given a one- to five-star rating and the film's year, length, source and price are listed. Top films include "Inside Hawaiian Volcanoes" and "Kilauea: Close up of an Active Volcano." (AIM)

  5. "Space slitter" for film or tape (United States)

    Johnson, W. H.


    Device cuts film or tape into strips by guiding film in channel under cutting blades. Device is operated by lifting pressure bar to insert blades into film. Film is then pulled through blades. Cutter has potential uses in advertising, commercial art, and publishing fields.

  6. Improvement of physical properties of IGZO thin films prepared by excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsay, Chien-Yie; Huang, Tzu-Teng


    Indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) transparent semiconductor thin films were prepared by KrF excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films. Each as-coated film was dried at 150 °C in air and then annealed using excimer laser irradiation. The influence of laser irradiation energy density on surface conditions, optical transmittances, and electrical properties of laser annealed IGZO thin films were investigated, and the physical properties of the excimer laser annealed (ELA) and the thermally annealed (TA) thin films were compared. Experimental results showed that two kinds of surface morphology resulted from excimer laser annealing. Irradiation with a lower energy density (≤250 mJ cm −2 ) produced wavy and irregular surfaces, while irradiation with a higher energy density (≥350 mJ cm −2 ) produced flat and dense surfaces consisting of uniform nano-sized amorphous particles. The explanation for the differences in surface features and film quality is that using laser irradiation energy to form IGZO thin films improves the film density and removes organic constituents. The dried IGZO sol–gel films irradiated with a laser energy density of 350 mJ/cm 2 had the best physical properties of all the ELA IGZO thin films. The mean resistivity of the ELA 350 thin films (4.48 × 10 3 Ω cm) was lower than that of TA thin films (1.39 × 10 4 Ω cm), and the average optical transmittance in the visible range (90.2%) of the ELA 350 thin films was slightly higher than that of TA thin films (89.7%). - Highlights: • IGZO semiconductor films were prepared by laser annealing of sol–gel derived films. • Surface roughness and resistivity of ELA samples were affected by energy density. • The ELA 350 IGZO film exhibited the best properties among all of ELA IGZO films. • Transmittance and resistivity of ELA 350 films are greater than those of TA films

  7. Improvement of physical properties of IGZO thin films prepared by excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsay, Chien-Yie, E-mail:; Huang, Tzu-Teng


    Indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) transparent semiconductor thin films were prepared by KrF excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films. Each as-coated film was dried at 150 °C in air and then annealed using excimer laser irradiation. The influence of laser irradiation energy density on surface conditions, optical transmittances, and electrical properties of laser annealed IGZO thin films were investigated, and the physical properties of the excimer laser annealed (ELA) and the thermally annealed (TA) thin films were compared. Experimental results showed that two kinds of surface morphology resulted from excimer laser annealing. Irradiation with a lower energy density (≤250 mJ cm{sup −2}) produced wavy and irregular surfaces, while irradiation with a higher energy density (≥350 mJ cm{sup −2}) produced flat and dense surfaces consisting of uniform nano-sized amorphous particles. The explanation for the differences in surface features and film quality is that using laser irradiation energy to form IGZO thin films improves the film density and removes organic constituents. The dried IGZO sol–gel films irradiated with a laser energy density of 350 mJ/cm{sup 2} had the best physical properties of all the ELA IGZO thin films. The mean resistivity of the ELA 350 thin films (4.48 × 10{sup 3} Ω cm) was lower than that of TA thin films (1.39 × 10{sup 4} Ω cm), and the average optical transmittance in the visible range (90.2%) of the ELA 350 thin films was slightly higher than that of TA thin films (89.7%). - Highlights: • IGZO semiconductor films were prepared by laser annealing of sol–gel derived films. • Surface roughness and resistivity of ELA samples were affected by energy density. • The ELA 350 IGZO film exhibited the best properties among all of ELA IGZO films. • Transmittance and resistivity of ELA 350 films are greater than those of TA films.

  8. Chemical Annealing of Zinc Tetraphenylporphyrin Films: Effects on Film Morphology and Organic Photovoltaic Performance

    KAUST Repository

    Trinh, Cong


    We present a chemical annealing process for organic thin films. In this process, a thin film of a molecular material, such as zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP), is exposed to a vapor of nitrogen-based ligand (e.g., pyrazine, pz, and triazine, tz), forming a film composed of the metal-ligand complex. Fast and quantitative formation of the complex leads to marked changes in the morphology and optical properties of the film. X-ray diffraction studies show that the chemical annealing process converts amorphous ZnTPP films to crystalline ZnTPP•ligand films, whose porphryin planes lie nearly parallel to the substrate (average deviation is 8° for the ZnTPP•pz film). Organic solar cells were prepared with ZnTPP donor and C 60 acceptor layers. Devices were prepared with and without chemical annealing of the ZnTPP layer with a pyrazine ligand. The devices with chemically annealed ZnTPP donor layer show an increase in short-circuit current (J SC) and fill factor (FF) relative to analogous unannealed devices, presumably because of enhanced exciton diffusion length and improved charge conductivity. The open circuit voltages (V OC) of the chemically annealed devices are lower than their unannealed counterpart because of enhanced polaron pair recombination at the donor/acceptor heterojunction. A net improvement of 5-20% in efficiency has been achieved, after chemical annealing of ZnTPP films with pyrazine. © 2012 American Chemical Society.

  9. Realistic absorption coefficient of ultrathin films (United States)

    Cesaria, M.; Caricato, A. P.; Martino, M.


    Both a theoretical algorithm and an experimental procedure are discussed of a new route to determine the absorption/scattering properties of thin films deposited on transparent substrates. Notably, the non-measurable contribution of the film-substrate interface is inherently accounted for. While the experimental procedure exploits only measurable spectra combined according to a very simple algorithm, the theoretical derivation does not require numerical handling of the acquired spectra or any assumption on the film homogeneity and substrate thickness. The film absorption response is estimated by subtracting the measured absorption spectrum of the bare substrate from that of the film on the substrate structure but in a non-straightforward way. In fact, an assumption about the absorption profile of the overall structure is introduced and a corrective factor accounting for the relative film-to-substrate thickness. The method is tested on films of a well known material (ITO) as a function of the film structural quality and influence of the film-substrate interface, both deliberately changed by thickness tuning and doping. Results are found fully consistent with information obtained by standard optical analysis and band gap values reported in the literature. Additionally, comparison with a conventional method demonstrates that our route is generally more accurate even if particularly suited for very thin films.

  10. Flexible Ultra Moisture Barrier Film for Thin-Film Photovoltaic Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David M. Dean


    Flexible Thin-film photovoltaic (TFPV) is a low cost alternative to incumbent c-Si PV products as it requires less volume of costly semiconductor materials and it can potentially reduce installation cost. Among the TFPV options, copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) has the highest efficiency and is believed to be one of the most attractive candidates to achieve PV cost reduction. However, CIGS cells are very moisture sensitive and require module water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of less than 1x10-4 gram of water per square meter per day (g-H2O/m2/day). Successful development and commercialization of flexible transparent ultra moisture barrier film is the key to enable flexible CIGS TFPV products, and thus enable ultimate PV cost reduction. At DuPont, we have demonstrated at lab scale that we can successfully make polymer-based flexible transparent ultra moisture barrier film by depositing alumina on polymer films using atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology. The layer by layer ALD approach results in uniform and amorphous structure which effectively reduces pinhole density of the inorganic coating on the polymer, and thus allow the fabrication of flexible barrier film with WVTR of 10-5 g-H2O/m2/day. Currently ALD is a time-consuming process suitable only for high-value, relatively small substrates. To successfully commercialize the ALD-on-plastic technology for the PV industry, there is the need to scale up this technology and improve throughput. The goal of this contract work was to build a prototype demonstrating that the ALD technology could be scaled-up for commercial use. Unfortunately, the prototype failed to produce an ultra-barrier film by the close of the project.

  11. A retrospective data acquisition and evaluation on the characterization and prognosis for 776 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas in the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln in the period from 1990 to 2005; Eine retrospektive Datenerhebung und Auswertung zur Charakterisierung und Prognose von 776 Patienten mit differenziertem Schilddruesenkarzinom der Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln im Zeitraum von 1990-2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meixner, Markus


    The author describes the retrospective data acquisition and evaluation on the characterization and prognosis for 776 patients (average age 40:1 years) with differentiated thyroid carcinomas in the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln in the period from 1990 to 2005. The methodology includes patient-relevant data, examination data, imaging techniques and biochemical tests. Clinically important differences were found for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma. Further differences concern the localization of metastases. The author discusses the prognostic significance of the primary tumor radius in comparison with the so-called TNM classification for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas. It is concluded that the new version of the TNM classification offers only slight advantages with respect to the former version. It was also shown that the primary tumor size is adequate for prognostic estimations.

  12. Horror films and psychiatry. (United States)

    Friedman, Susan Hatters; Forcen, Fernando Espi; Shand, John Preston


    Horror films have been popular for generations. The purpose of this article is to illustrate psychiatric conditions, themes and practice seen in horror films. Horror films often either include psychiatrists as characters or depict (Hollywood's dangerous version of) serious mental illness. Demonic possession, zombies, and 'slasher' killers are described, as well as the horror genre's characterizations of psychiatrists. © The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2014.

  13. Music as word: Film music - superlibretto?


    Ćirić Marija


    The aim of his paper is to prove that film music can be understood as authentic narrative force: film music as word / discourse and its superlibretto status. Superlibretto is the status of music in a film which is constructing its own (aural) reality and is narrating, speaking its own text which creates a wholesome film meaning. The existence of superlibretto is substantiated by fundamental theoretic concepts of film music and practically proven by analyses...

  14. Cellulose triacetate, thin film dielectric capacitor (United States)

    Yen, Shiao-Ping S. (Inventor); Jow, T. Richard (Inventor)


    Very thin films of cellulose triacetate are cast from a solution containing a small amount of high boiling temperature, non-solvent which evaporates last and lifts the film from the casting surface. Stretched, oriented, crystallized films have high electrical breakdown properties. Metallized films less than about 2 microns in thickness form self-healing electrodes for high energy density, pulsed power capacitors. Thicker films can be utilized as a dielectric for a capacitor.

  15. Penciptaan Seni Film Eksperimental “Sweet Rahwana”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hery Sasongko


    Full Text Available Akhir-akhir ini bioskop di Indonesia memutar film-film horor. Genre film yangmuncul di Indonesia sejak tahun 1941 melalui Film Tengkorak Hidoep ini jugadiminati banyak penikmat film tanah air. Sebut saja film Sundel Bolong dan NyiBlorong yang menggondol Piala Antemas FFI (Festival Film Indonesia untuk FilmTerlaris 1982-1983. Film-film horor juga terus mampu meraup jumlah penontonyang besar dikarenakan bumbu adegan seks yang banyak ada di film-film hororIndonesia. Jika kembali mengaca pada sejarah termasuk sejarah perfilman Indonesia,penulis percaya akan ada titik jenuh. Penonton akan bosan dan kembali menjauhibioskop dengan film Indonesia. Kondisi ini pernah terjadi hanya sesaat sebelumdunia film Indonesia mati suri. Wayang bisa menjadi sumber inspirasi untukmengatasi kejenuhan tema film di Indonesia. Wayang adalah legenda yang tidakbisa dipisahkan dari cerita para tokoh tokohnya, salah satunya adalah karakter tokohRahwana yang selalu berwatak jahat. Unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam karakterRahwana menjadi inspirasi untuk membuat karya film eksperimental agar menjadikarya dan tontonan alternatif bagi generasi muda Indonesia sehingga bisa menambahwawasan yang lebih luas. Dengan cara mengeksplorasi visual serta metode editingdengan teknik yang baru dan bermutu dapat menjadikan film eksperimental yangberkualitas untuk ditonton. “Sweet Ravana” an Experimental Film Art. Recently, cinemas in Indonesia play scarymovies. Scary movies have appeared in Indonesia since 1941 through a film entitled“Tengkorak Hidoep”. Many people got attracted with it. “Sundel Bolong” and “NyiBlorong” movies got achievement on Anthemas Cup FFI (Indonesian Film Festivalaward for a best-selling movies category in 1982-1983. Scary movies have been succsesfullto get a lot of audiences because of many sex scenes in the Indonesian scary movies. Thewriter believes there will be a saturation point against its. The audience will be boredand keep away from Indonesian

  16. Linking Character Strengths and Learning with Films: A Content Analysis of Films for Adolescents (United States)

    Phaire, Dorothy W.


    Despite abundant research substantiating the value of teaching with films, there is a dearth of accessible resources that can help educators select films for positive modeling of character strengths. This scarcity exists in spite of the evidence that supports the efficacy of films' influence on young people. Young people today are receiving…

  17. P-type thin films transistors with solution-deposited lead sulfide films as semiconductor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carrillo-Castillo, A.; Salas-Villasenor, A.; Mejia, I. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas. 800 West Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75083 (United States); Aguirre-Tostado, S. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S. C. Alianza Norte 202, Parque de Investigacion e Innovacion Tecnologica, Apodaca, Nuevo Leon, C.P. 666000 (Mexico); Gnade, B.E. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas. 800 West Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75083 (United States); Quevedo-Lopez, M.A., E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas. 800 West Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75083 (United States)


    In this paper we demonstrate p-type thin film transistors fabricated with lead sulfide (PbS) as semiconductor deposited by chemical bath deposition methods. Crystallinity and morphology of the resulting PbS films were characterized using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Devices were fabricated using photolithographic processes in a bottom gate configuration with Au as source and drain top contacts. Field effect mobility for as-fabricated devices was {approx} 0.09 cm{sup 2} V{sup -1} s{sup -1} whereas the mobility for devices annealed at 150 Degree-Sign C/h in forming gas increased up to {approx} 0.14 cm{sup 2} V{sup -1} s{sup -1}. Besides the thermal annealing, the entire fabrications process was maintained below 100 Degree-Sign C. The electrical performance of the PbS-thin film transistors was studied before and after the 150 Degree-Sign C anneal as well as a function of the PbS active layer thicknesses. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Thin film transistors with PbS as semiconductor deposited by chemical bath deposition. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Photolithography-based thin film transistors with PbS films at low temperatures. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Electron mobility for anneal-PbS devices of {approx} 0.14 cm{sup 2} V{sup -1} s{sup -1}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Highest mobility reported in thin film transistors with PbS as the semiconductor.

  18. Superhydrophobic films and methods for making superhydrophobic films (United States)

    Aytug, Tolga; Paranthaman, Mariappan Parans; Simpson, John T.; Bogorin, Daniela Florentina


    This disclosure relates to methods that include depositing a first component and a second component to form a film including a plurality of nanostructures, and coating the nanostructures with a hydrophobic layer to render the film superhydrophobic. The first component and the second component can be immiscible and phase-separated during the depositing step. The first component and the second component can be independently selected from the group consisting of a metal oxide, a metal nitride, a metal oxynitride, a metal, and combinations thereof. The films can have a thickness greater than or equal to 5 nm; an average surface roughness (Ra) of from 90 to 120 nm, as measured on a 5 .mu.m.times.5 .mu.m area; a surface area of at least 20 m.sup.2/g; a contact angle with a drop of water of at least 120 degrees; and can maintain the contact angle when exposed to harsh conditions.

  19. Der Tatort im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht ab B2. Potenziale für heterogene Studierendengruppen im nichtdeutschsprachigen Raum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Seyfarth


    Full Text Available Aktuelle Diskussionen zum studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit danach, sich bei curricularen Überlegungen sowohl an institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen als auch an spezifischen Bedürfnissen der Studierenden zu orientieren. Da Lehrwerke den damit einhergehenden Anforderungen nach Offenheit und Adaptierbarkeit nicht gerecht werden können, sind mittelfristig alternative Konzepte gefragt, die es ermöglichen, im Zuge curricularer Überlegungen die notwendige Kohärenz zwischen einzelnen Unterrichtseinheiten herzustellen und dennoch eine flexible Anpassung an konkrete Lernkontexte zu erlauben. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein solches Konzept vor. Ausgehend von der Arbeit am Tatort werden drei Lernbereiche vorgestellt, die neben der Arbeit am Film auch die Arbeit an angrenzenden Themen und Texten sowie darauf aufbauend die Entwicklung studienbegleitender kommunikativer Handlungskompetenz vorsehen.  Current discussions on teaching German alongside the core subjects at university show the necessity to consider both institutional requirements and the students' individual goals when establishing teaching objectives. Existing text books, however, suffer from an overly tight structure that doesn’t allow the instructor to use additional material in order to focus on the specific needs of the students in a suitable way. Flexible concepts are needed which serve as a framework and which can be realized with texts and tasks focusing on what is required by a specific learning context. This paper presents such an approach, using the German feature film Tatort. Besides ideas for working with the audiovisual material we will present opportunities that come along with the various texts and discussions in media and social networks arising around the film as well as ways for combining these aspects with developing language skills for the academic context.

  20. Tamper indicating gold nanocup plasmonic films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DeVetter, Brent M.; Bernacki, Bruce E.; Bennett, Wendy D.; Schemer-Kohrn, Alan; Alvine, Kyle J.


    The spectral signature of nanoplasmonic films are both robust and tailorable with optical responses ranging from the visible to the near-infrared. We present the development of flexible, elastomeric nanoplasmonic films consisting of periodic arrays of gold nanocups as tamper indicating films. Gold nanocups have polarization-sensitive optical properties that may be manufactured into films that offer unique advantages for tamper indication. These flexible films can be made quickly and at low-cost using commercially available monodisperse polystyrene nanospheres through self-assembly followed by plasma etching, metal deposition, and lift-off from a sacrificial substrate. Polarization- and angle-dependent optical spectroscopic measurements were performed to characterize the fabricated films. Using polarization-sensitive hyperspectral imaging, we demonstrate how these films can be applied to tamper indication and counterfeit resistance applications.

  1. Josephson tunnel junctions in niobium films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiik, Tapio.


    A method of fabricating stable Josephson tunnel junctions with reproducible characteristics is described. The junctions have a sandwich structure consisting of a vacuum evaporated niobium film, a niobium oxide layer produced by the glow discharge method and a lead film deposited by vacuum evaporation. Difficulties in producing thin-film Josephson junctions are discussed. Experimental results suggest that the lower critical field of the niobium film is the most essential parameter when evaluating the quality of these junctions. The dependence of the lower critical field on the film thickness and on the Ginzburg-Landau parameter of the film is studied analytically. Comparison with the properties of the evaporated films and with the previous calculations for bulk specimens shows that the presented model is applicable for most of the prepared samples. (author)

  2. Regional Film Culture: Challenges and Problems. (United States)

    Fountain, Alan


    Discusses the relationship between general film culture and state intervention through the formation of a regional film policy and the funding of film exhibition, film education, and filmmaking in Britain. Suggests ways in which intervention can perpetuate the dominant cultural ideology and ways to identify, resist, and challenge present…

  3. Solvent annealing induced phase separation and dewetting in PMMA∕SAN blend film: film thickness and solvent dependence. (United States)

    You, Jichun; Zhang, Shuangshuang; Huang, Gang; Shi, Tongfei; Li, Yongjin


    The competition between "dewetting" and "phase separation" behaviors in polymer blend films attracts significant attention in the last decade. The simultaneous phase separation and dewetting in PMMA∕SAN [poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(styrene-ran-acrylonitrile)] blend ultrathin films upon solvent annealing have been observed for the first time in our previous work. In this work, film thickness and annealing solvent dependence of phase behaviors in this system has been investigated using atomic force microscopy and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). On one hand, both vertical phase separation and dewetting take place upon selective solvent vapor annealing, leading to the formation of droplet∕mimic-film structures with various sizes (depending on original film thickness). On the other hand, the whole blend film dewets the substrate and produces dispersed droplets on the silicon oxide upon common solvent annealing. GISAXS results demonstrate the phase separation in the big dewetted droplets resulted from the thicker film (39.8 nm). In contrast, no period structure is detected in small droplets from the thinner film (5.1 nm and 9.7 nm). This investigation indicates that dewetting and phase separation in PMMA∕SAN blend film upon solvent annealing depend crucially on the film thickness and the atmosphere during annealing.

  4. Rezension zu: Angela Koch: Ir/Reversible Bilder. Zur Visualisierung und Medialisierung von sexueller Gewalt. Berlin: Verlag Vorwerk 8 2015.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarina Saalfeld


    Full Text Available Angela Koch legt eine umfangreiche Betrachtung der Darstellbarkeit von sexueller Gewalt in den Bildmedien Film, Fernsehen und Fotografie vor. Indem sie theoretische Positionen des Poststrukturalismus mit konkreten Film- und Bildanalysen konfrontiert, zeigt sie auf, dass den Möglichkeiten der (Audio-Visualisierung sexueller Gewalt Grenzen gesetzt sind. Über die Herstellung und Bedienung ästhetischer Konventionen wird ein normiertes Wissen über sexuelle Gewalt hergestellt, das die hegemoniale Geschlechterordnung unterstützt und aufrechterhält. Während auch grenzüberschreitende Momente der Darstellbarkeit aufgespürt werden, liegt das Hauptgewicht der Studie auf der Kritik des medial vermittelten Geschlechterverhältnisses als Gewaltverhältnis.

  5. Film Sensor Device Fabricated by a Piezoelectric Poly(L-lactic acid) Film (United States)

    Ando, Masamichi; Kawamura, Hideki; Kageyama, Keisuke; Tajitsu, Yoshiro


    Synthetic piezoelectric polymer films produced from petroleum feedstock have long been used as thin-film sensors and actuators. However, the fossil fuel requirements for synthetic polymer production and carbon dioxide emission from its combustion have raised concern about the environmental impact of its continued use. Eco-friendly biomass polymers, such as poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA), are made from plant-based (vegetable starch) plastics and, thus, have a much smaller carbon footprint. Additionally, PLLA does not exhibit pyroelectricity or unnecessary poling. This suggests the usefulness of PLLA films for the human-machine interface (HMI). As an example of a new HMI, we have produced a TV remote control using a PLLA film. The intuitive operation provided by this PLLA device suggests that it is useful for the elderly or handicapped.

  6. Organized organic ultrathin films fundamentals and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Ariga, Katsuhiko


    This handy reference is the first comprehensive book covering both fundamentals and recent developments in the field with an emphasis on nanotechnology. Written by a highly regarded author in the field, the book details state-of-the-art preparation, characterization and applications of thin films of organic molecules and biomaterials fabricated by wet processes and also highlights applications in nanotechnology The categories of films covered include monomolecular films (monolayers) both on a water surface and on a solid plate, Langmuir-Blodgett films (transferred multilayer films on a solid plate from a water surface), layer-by-layer films (adsorbed multilayer films on a solid support), and spontaneously assembled films in solution.

  7. Film-based dual energy radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandrik, J. M.; Pelc, N. J.


    X-ray energy-difference images are obtained simultaneously by exposing a body to a broad energy spectrum X-ray beam while a radiographic film package is disposed between front and rear X-ray intensifying screens. The film package has two superimposed films with a light-opaque sheet between them. The front screen, on which the polyenergetic image beam emerging from the body is incident, is excited to luminescence by X-ray photons predominantly in one energy band and the rear screen is excited predominantly by photons in another band. The light opaque sheet preferably contains X-ray filter material for additional filtering of photons to increase the fraction of protons at said other band to which the rear screen is sensitive. A shadowgraph of a marker is formed on the film emulsions during X-ray exposure to aid in matching congruent picture elements on each film when the developed films are being read out to obtain signals corresponding to their intensities. Notches in the edges of the films and sheet serve as a code for indicating the type of screens with which the package can be used

  8. Passivation Effects in Copper Thin Films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiederhirn, G.; Nucci, J.; Richter, G.; Arzt, E.; Balk, T. J.; Dehm, G.


    We studied the influence of a 10 nm AlxOy passivation on the stress-temperature behavior of 100 nm and 1 μm thick Cu films. At low temperatures, the passivation induces a large tensile stress increase in the 100 nm film; however, its effect on the 1 μm film is negligible. At high temperatures, the opposite behavior is observed; while the passivation does not change the 100 nm film behavior, it strengthens the 1 μm film by driving it deeper into compression. These observations are explained in light of a combination of constrained diffusional creep and dislocation dynamics unique to ultra-thin films

  9. Gibt es ein “Genre” noir in der türkischen Literatur? Bemerkungen zu einem weiteren Problem der Genre-Bestimmung


    Scharlipp, W


    This article discusses the French word “noir” used as a literary term. As an imitation of its use in the expression “Film noir” it is nowadays mainly used in order to describe a certain kind of crime literature, while it denotes a certain kind of novel of social criticism in French that has a connec¬tion to crime. But in both cases, concerning film as well as literature, there is no clear definition which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to use it as a scientific term, for instance for ...

  10. Are Wildlife Films Really "Nature Documentaries"? (United States)

    Bouse, Derek


    Examines origins of wildlife films. Outlines their tension between education and entertainment. Looks at how Disney codified wildlife films as a coherent genre by imposing conventionalized narrative frameworks upon them. Discusses factors influencing wildlife television in the 1990s. Concludes that wildlife films are a valid and distinct film and…

  11. In and Ga Codoped ZnO Film as a Front Electrode for Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Duy Phong Pham


    Full Text Available Doped ZnO thin films have attracted much attention in the research community as front-contact transparent conducting electrodes in thin film silicon solar cells. The prerequisite in both low resistivity and high transmittance in visible and near-infrared region for hydrogenated microcrystalline or amorphous/microcrystalline tandem thin film silicon solar cells has promoted further improvements of this material. In this work, we propose the combination of major Ga and minor In impurities codoped in ZnO film (IGZO to improve the film optoelectronic properties. A wide range of Ga and In contents in sputtering targets was explored to find optimum optical and electrical properties of deposited films. The results show that an appropriate combination of In and Ga atoms in ZnO material, followed by in-air thermal annealing process, can enhance the crystallization, conductivity, and transmittance of IGZO thin films, which can be well used as front-contact electrodes in thin film silicon solar cells.

  12. Equivalent-circuit model for the thickness-shear mode resonator with a viscoelastic film near film resonance. (United States)

    Martin, S J; Bandey, H L; Cernosek, R W; Hillman, A R; Brown, M J


    We derive a lumped-element, equivalent-circuit model for the thickness-shear mode (TSM) resonator with a viscoelastic film. This modified Butterworth-Van Dyke model includes in the motional branch a series LCR resonator, representing the quartz resonance, and a parallel LCR resonator, representing the film resonance. This model is valid in the vicinity of film resonance, which occurs when the acoustic phase shift across the film is an odd multiple of pi/2 rad. For low-loss films, this model accurately predicts the frequency changes and damping that arise at resonance and is a reasonable approximation away from resonance. Elements of the parallel LCR resonator are explicitly related to film properties and can be interpreted in terms of elastic energy storage and viscous power dissipation. The model leads to a simple graphical interpretation of the coupling between the quartz and film resonances and facilitates understanding of the resulting responses. These responses are compared with predictions from the transmission-line and Sauerbrey models.

  13. Low-Concentration Indium Doping in Solution-Processed Zinc Oxide Films for Thin-Film Transistors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xue Zhang


    Full Text Available We investigated the influence of low-concentration indium (In doping on the chemical and structural properties of solution-processed zinc oxide (ZnO films and the electrical characteristics of bottom-gate/top-contact In-doped ZnO thin-film transistors (TFTs. The thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry analysis results showed that thermal annealing at 400 °C for 40 min produces In-doped ZnO films. As the In content of ZnO films was increased from 1% to 9%, the metal-oxygen bonding increased from 5.56% to 71.33%, while the metal-hydroxyl bonding decreased from 72.03% to 9.63%. The X-ray diffraction peaks and field-emission scanning microscope images of the ZnO films with different In concentrations revealed a better crystalline quality and reduced grain size of the solution-processed ZnO thin films. The thickness of the In-doped ZnO films also increased when the In content was increased up to 5%; however, the thickness decreased on further increasing the In content. The field-effect mobility and on/off current ratio of In-doped ZnO TFTs were notably affected by any change in the In concentration. Considering the overall TFT performance, the optimal In doping concentration in the solution-processed ZnO semiconductor was determined to be 5% in this study. These results suggest that low-concentration In incorporation is crucial for modulating the morphological characteristics of solution-processed ZnO thin films and the TFT performance.

  14. Boleslas Matuszewski: Pioneer of medical film-making

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matanović Dragana


    Full Text Available Boleslas Matuszewski, born in 1856, was a pioneer in medical film-making. He worked simultaneously on improving his movie camera, film-making, collecting film documentation, and the idea of establishing an archive of medical films. Although his first attempts at filming and showing surgical operations didn't gain widespread approval, he was not discouraged, and succeeded in garnering support from a number of French doctors, who realized the importance of his ideas, not only in filming and forming medical film documentation, but also in the use of film for educative purposes. His visionary ideas gained acceptance when Dr. Doyen, on the occasion of the 66th Convention of the British Medical Society, in 1898, used film material as part of his lecture. Shortly afterwards, the Medical Academy took steps to show certain operative techniques, which represented both the confirmation and fruition of Matuszewski's ideas about filmmaking and the establishment of an archive of medical films.

  15. Spray pyrolysis process for preparing superconductive films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsu, H.M.; Yee, I.Y.


    This paper describes a spray pyrolysis method for preparing thin superconductive film. It comprises: preparing a spray pyrolysis solution comprising Bi,Sr,Ca and Cu metals in a solvent; heating a substrate to a first temperature; spraying the solution onto the heated substrate to form a film thereon; heating the film and substrate to a second temperature of about 700 degrees-825 degrees C, the second temperature being higher than the first temperature; heating the film and substrate to a third temperature of about 870 degrees-890 degrees C to melt the film; once the film and substrate reach the third temperature, further heat treating the film and substrate; cooling the film and substrate to ambient temperature. This patent also describes a spray pyrolysis method for preparing thin superconductive films. It comprises: preparing a spray pyrolysis solution comprising Bi, Ca and Cu metals and fluxing agent in a solvent; heating a substrate to a first temperature; spraying the solution onto the heated substrate to form a film thereon; heating the film and substrate to a second temperature about 700 degrees-825 degrees C, the second temperature being higher than the first temperature; heating the film and substrate at a third temperature about 840 degrees-860 degrees C; and cooling the film and substrate to ambient temperature

  16. The Harvard Project Physics Film Program (United States)

    Bork, Alfred M.


    States the philosophy behind the Harvard Project Physics (HPP) film program. Describes the three long HPP films. Lists the 48 color film loops covering six broad topics, primarily motion and energy. The 8-mm silent loops are synchronized with the text materials. Explains some of the pedagogical possibilities of these film loops. (RR)

  17. Scoring an Abstract Contemporary Silent Film


    Frost, Crystal


    I composed an original digital audio film score with full sound design for a contemporary silent film called Apple Tree. The film is highly conceptual and interpretive and required a very involved, intricate score to successfully tell the story. In the process of scoring this film, I learned new ways to convey an array of contrasting emotions through music and sound. After analyzing the film's emotional journey, I determined that six defining emotions were the foundation on which to build an ...

  18. Laser micromachining of sputtered DLC films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu, Y.Q.; Luo, J.K.; Flewitt, A.J.; Ong, S.E.; Zhang, S.; Milne, W.I.


    DLC films with different thicknesses (from 100 nm to 1.9 μm) were deposited using sputtering of graphite target in pure argon atmosphere without substrate heating. Film microstructures (sp 2 /sp 3 ratio) and mechanical properties (modulus, hardness, stress) were characterized as a function of film thickness. A thin layer of aluminum about 60 nm was deposited on the DLC film surface. Laser micromachining of Al/DLC layer was performed to form microcantilever structures, which were released using a reactive ion etching system with SF 6 plasma. Due to the intrinsic stress in DLC films and bimorph Al/DLC structure, the microcantilevers bent up with different curvatures. For DLC film of 100 nm thick, the cantilever even formed microtubes. The relationship between the bimorph beam bending and DLC film properties (such as stress, modulus, etc.) were discussed in details

  19. Alloying behaviour of electroplated Ag film with its underlying Pd/Ti film stack for low resistivity interconnect metallization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ezawa, Hirokazu; Miyata, Masahiro; Tatsumi, Kohei


    Highlights: • Alloying behavior of Ag/Pd/Ti film stack was studied by annealing at 400-800 °C. • The Ag film resistivity decreased with increasing annealing temperature. • Formation of the Pd-Ti intermetallics was found to be dominant over Ag-Pd alloying. • The excess Ti was consumed to form Ti oxides, which inhibited Ti alloying with Ag. -- Abstract: In this paper, viability of electroplated Ag film into device application was studied. Alloying behavior of the Ag film with its underlying Pd(50 nm)/Ti(100 nm) film stack was investigated with respect to heat treatment at different temperatures from 400 °C to 800 °C in an argon ambient. After annealing at 400 °C, the electrical resistivity of the Ag film increased due to Pd alloying with Ag. Formation of Pd–Ti intermetallic phases became dominant over Ag–Pd alloying with increasing annealing temperature, leading to the resistivity decrease of the Ag film. The resistivity of the 800 °C annealed Ag film approached that of its as-plated Ag film. The excess Ti atoms which were not consumed to form the intermetallic phases with the Pd atoms migrated to the Ag film surface to form Ti oxides along the Ag grain boundaries on the topmost film surface. The Ag/Pd/Ti film stack has been confirmed to maintain the resistivity of the Ag film at as-plated low levels after high temperature annealing. This paper also discusses process integration issues to enable the Ag metallization process for future scaled and three dimensionally chip stacked devices

  20. A Controlled Study on the Correlation between Tear Film Volume and Tear Film Stability in Diabetic Patients. (United States)

    Eissa, Iman M; Khalil, Noha M; El-Gendy, Heba A


    Purpose. To assess the tear film quantity and correlate it with the quality and stability of the tear film in diabetics and compare them to age matched controls. Introduction. Diabetes affects tear film parameters in multiple ways. Poor metabolic control and neuropathy are postulated factors. To further understand how diabetes affects tear film parameters this study was conducted. Subjects and Methods. Tear meniscus height was measured by anterior segment OCT, along with tear thinning time, a subtype of noninvasive tear break-up time, and blinking rate per minute which were all recorded for 22 diabetic patients. Correlations between these tear film parameters were studied and then compared to 16 age matched controls. Results. A statistically significant difference was found in blinking rate between the diabetic and the control group (P = 0.002), with higher blinking rate among diabetics. All tear film parameters were negatively correlated with duration of diabetes. A positive correlation was found between tear film volume and stability. Conclusion. Diabetes affects the tear film in various ways. Diabetics should be examined for dry eye signs even in absence of symptoms which may be masked by associated neuropathy. Duration of diabetes has an impact on tear film status.

  1. Kino filmų titrai kaip kalbų mokymosi priemonė. Untertitel als Mittel zum Fremdsprachenerwerb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alina Baravykaitė


    Full Text Available Das in den letzten Jahren spürbare Bestreben der litauischen Gesetzgeber, Untertitelung von Fernsehfilmen zwecks Fremdsprachenerwerb gesetzlich anzuordnen, löste eine Auseinandersetzung in der Öffentlichkeit aus, die sich in der Presse sowie im Internet widerspiegelt und als Anstoß zum vorliegenden Beitrag dient. Diese Arbeit stellt den Versuch dar, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Untertitelung als eines Mittels zum Fremdsprachenerwerb zu untersuchen. Auf Grund der fehlenden wissenschaftlichen Forschungen in diesem Bereich sollen dabei empirische Betrachtungen und die vergleichende Textanalyse von Original und Übersetzung als Hilfe dienen. Auch wenn die Relevanz der Untertitelung für den Fremdsprachenerwerb nicht bestreitbar ist, ist sie aber zugleich nicht zu überschätzen: Durch die lediglich für diese Form der audiovisuellen Übersetzung charakteristischen Merkmale (kurze Einblendezeit, kondensierte Sprache und begrenzte Übertragungsmöglichkeiten von Realia-Begriffen, Phraseologismen, Intertextualismen, dem Wortspiel etc. bleiben dem Zuschauer oft sprachliche Stilmittel vorenthalten und der in allen Übersetzungsbereichen vorkommende unausweichliche Sinn- und Wirkungsverlust des Originals wird erheblich verstärkt. Anbetracht der erwähnten Aspekte und der häufigen fehlerhaften Übersetzungen sollen Untertitel nur als Hilfsmittel beim Fremdsprachenerwerb angewendet werden, wobei herkömmliche Lehr- und Lernstrategien von Fremdsprachen in den Vordergrund treten müssen.

  2. Päeva film / Tiit Merisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Merisalu, Tiit


    Autobiograafiline film "Maffia ja mina" ("Mafia ja minä"), režissöör Tuomas Sallinen : Soome 1997. Film jälgib toimunud sündmuste käiku päeviku vormis ja on tehtud osalt intervjuudena, osalt lavastatud episoodidena. Film on valminud sarjas "Uus kino"

  3. Properties of sericin films crosslinking with dimethylolurea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turbiani, Franciele R.B.; Stroher, Gylles Ricardo; Tomadon Junior, Jose; Seixas, Fernanda L.; Stroher, Gylles Ricardo; Gimenes, Marcelino L.


    Sericin is a natural silk protein which is removed from silk in a process called degumming. Thus, finding a use for the extracted sericin as a bio polymer film will create added value product which will benefit both the economy and society. The films were manufactured with silk sericin, using different dimethylolurea (DMU) concentrations as cross-linking agent and glycerol as plasticizer. Sericin films produced by crosslinking method were light yellow, homogeneous, transparent and visually attractive. The average film thickness was 0.10 ± 0.02 mm. The bio films show low water solubility (up to 30% of total dry mass), good tension strength and high elongation ability. The water vapor permeability is moderate, typical of highly hydrophilic films. Structural transformations in silk sericin films were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. This resulted in aggregated β-sheet structure (peak at 1616 cm-1 in the amide I absorption) by FTIR studies and increasing the DMU concentration in film decreased the peak intensity at 2θ = 20 degree. Sericin-based film properties are dependent on components used to form film, which can used to tailor the desired film flexibility and minimize permeability of films. (author)

  4. Properties of sericin films crosslinking with dimethylolurea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Turbiani, Franciele R.B.; Stroher, Gylles Ricardo [Federal Technology University - UTFPR, Campus Apucarana, PR (Brazil); Tomadon, Junior, Jose; Seixas, Fernanda L; Stroher, Gylles Ricardo; Gimenes, Marcelino L., E-mail: [State University of Maringa. UEM, Campus Maringa, PR (Brazil)


    Sericin is a natural silk protein which is removed from silk in a process called degumming. Thus, finding a use for the extracted sericin as a bio polymer film will create added value product which will benefit both the economy and society. The films were manufactured with silk sericin, using different dimethylolurea (DMU) concentrations as cross-linking agent and glycerol as plasticizer. Sericin films produced by crosslinking method were light yellow, homogeneous, transparent and visually attractive. The average film thickness was 0.10 {+-} 0.02 mm. The bio films show low water solubility (up to 30% of total dry mass), good tension strength and high elongation ability. The water vapor permeability is moderate, typical of highly hydrophilic films. Structural transformations in silk sericin films were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. This resulted in aggregated {beta}-sheet structure (peak at 1616 cm-1 in the amide I absorption) by FTIR studies and increasing the DMU concentration in film decreased the peak intensity at 2{theta} = 20 degree. Sericin-based film properties are dependent on components used to form film, which can used to tailor the desired film flexibility and minimize permeability of films. (author)

  5. Film documentaire, lecture documentarisante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Odin


    Full Text Available Réfléchir sur la relation entre le cinéma et la réalité n’est pas, bien sûr, tenter de distinguer l’espace du documentaire de celui de la fiction, au point que l’opposition avec le film de fiction est devenu le critère de définition privilégié du film documentaire. Prenant acte l’existence, dans le espace de la lecture des films, d’une lecture documentaire ou, plus exactement, d’une lecture documentarisante, nous pensons qu’il y a un ensemble de films que s’affiche comme documentaire (tout le problème est précisément étudier comment s’effetue cet affichage.

  6. Thin films and nanomaterials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jayakumar, S.; Kannan, M.D.; Prasanna, S.


    The objective of this book is to disseminate the most recent research in Thin Films, Nanomaterials, Corrosion and Metallurgy presented at the International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM 2011) held in PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India during 12-16 December 2011. The book is a compilation of 113 chapters written by active researchers providing information and critical insights into the recent advancements that have taken place. Important new applications are possible today in the fields of microelectronics, opto-electronics, metallurgy and energy by the application of thin films on solid surfaces. Recent progress in high vacuum technology and new materials has a remarkable effect in thin film quality and cost. This has led to the development of new single or multi-layered thin film devices with diverse applications in a multitude of production areas, such as optics, thermal barrier coatings and wear protections, enhancing service life of tools and to protect materials against thermal and atmospheric influence. On the other hand, thin film process techniques and research are strongly related to the basic research activities in nano technology, an increasingly important field with countless opportunities for applications due to the emergence of new properties at the nanoscale level. Materials and structures that are designed and fabricated at the nano scale level, offer the potential to produce new devices and processes that may enhance efficiencies and reduce costs in many areas, as photovoltaic systems, hydrogen storage, fuel cells and solar thermal systems. In the book, the contributed papers are classified under two sections i) thin films and ii) nanomaterials. The thin film section includes single or multi layer conducting, insulating or semiconducting films synthesized by a wide variety of physical or chemical techniques and characterized or analyzed for different applications. The nanomaterials section deals with novel or exciting materials

  7. Thin diamond films for tribological applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, M.S.; Meilunas, R.; Ong, T.P.; Chang, R.P.H.


    Diamond films have been deposited on Si, Mo and many other substrates by microwave and radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Although the adhesion between the diamond film and most of the metal substrates is poor due to residual thermal stress from the mismatch of thermal expansion coefficients, the authors have developed processes to promote the growth of uniform and continuous diamond films with enhanced adhesion to metal substrates for tribological applications. The tribological properties of these films are measured using a ring-on-block tribotester. The coefficients of friction of diamond films sliding against a 52100 steel ring under the same experimental conditions are found to be significantly different depending on the morphology, grain size and roughness of the diamond films. However, under all cases tested, it is found that for uniform and continuous diamond films with small grain size of 1-3 micrometers, the coefficient of friction of the diamond film sliding against a steel ring under lubrication of a jet of mineral oil is about 0.04

  8. Filme autosuportado de polianilina desdopada para aplicações anticorrosivas Characterization of self-standing films of undoped polyanilina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo S. Silva


    Full Text Available Os polímeros intrinsecamente condutores (PIC, como a polianilina (PAni, têm sido estudados com alternativa em filmes protetores de metais oxidáveis contra a corrosão. Dada a dificuldade de fusão ou dissolução da PAni para a produção de filmes, investigou-se a possibilidade de obter filmes pela mistura de PAni no estado oxidado e desdopado, conhecida como base esmeraldina, com plastificante não dopante 4-cloro-3-metilfenol (CMF e solvente conveniente. Filmes produzidos desta forma foram caracterizados por espectroscopia FTIR e RAMAN, por TGA e ensaio de voltametria cíclica. A caracterização mostrou filmes termicamente estáveis até a temperatura de 200 ºC com indícios de interação da PAni com o CMF, com a PAni se mantendo no estado oxidado no filme produzido, condição necessária para futura aplicação como filme anticorrosivo de proteção anódica.The intrinsically conductive polymers (PCI, such as polyaniline (PAni, have been studied as an alternative in the development of protective films of oxidizable metals against corrosion. Given the difficulty of mixing and dissolving PAni for the production of films, here we investigated the possibility of obtaining a mixture of PAni films in the oxidized, undoped state, referred to as emeraldine base, with the non-doping plasticizer 4-chloro-3-methylphenol (CMF and a convenient solvent. Films produced in this way were characterized by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, TGA and cyclic voltammetry. The characterization showed films thermally stable up to 200 ºC with evidence of interaction between PAni and CMF, with PAni remaining in the oxidized state in the film produced, which a necessary condition for application as anodic protection in anticorrosion films.

  9. Film dosimetry for IMRT: sensitivity corrections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suchowerska, N.; Hoban, P.; Davison, A.; Metcalfe, P.


    Full text: The trend towards conformal, dynamic and intensity modulated radiotherapy treatments has furthered the need for true integrating dosimetry. In traditional radiotherapy, film dosimetry is commonly used. The accuracy and reproducibility of film optical density as an indicator of dose, has been associated with several variables. These include the effects of film specific sensitivity, direction of exposure, chemical processing and film scanner sensitivity. In this study, a procedure is developed to account for these variables, with a particular view to film being used as a dosimeter for conformal treatments. An effective sensitometric curve was established by exposing part of a single sheet of film to known doses. All films were processed together and scanned using a DuoscanT1200 transmission scanner, resulting in 12 bit image files. The images were analysed using Osiris software and the results fitted to the modified Williamson equation: P P s (l - 10 αD ) This yields values of α [film sensitivity], and P s [saturation pixel value], allowing individual dosimetry films to be normalised to this sensitometric calibration curve. For validation, a piece of Kodak X Omat-V film was sealed in a head phantom and exposed to a total of 51 IMRT fields, delivered from 6 gantry angles. The rest of the sheet of film was resealed and exposed to four known doses, providing sensitometric data, specific to this exposure. All films were then processed, scanned and analysed as described above. Observed variations in serial films exposed to 50cGy is in the order of 9% [mean 25.0,standard deviation = 3.2]. The automatic gain of the scanner system typically contributed 4% variation and needs to be carefully monitored. Results indicate that by using the sensitometric data from each exposure, the collective errors can be minimised. The IMRT exposure results confirm that the above process is viable for use in dosimetry for conformal radiation therapy. Copyright (2000) Australasian

  10. FAA Film Catalog. (United States)

    Federal Aviation Administration (DOT), Washington, DC.

    Some 75 films from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration are listed in this catalog. Topics dealt with include aerodynamics, airports, aviation history and careers, flying clubs, navigation and weather. Most of the films are 16mm sound and color productions. Filmstrips requiring a 35mm projector and phonograph or…

  11. Relaxation in Thin Polymer Films Mapped across the Film Thickness by Astigmatic Single-Molecule Imaging

    KAUST Repository

    Oba, Tatsuya


    We have studied relaxation processes in thin supported films of poly(methyl acrylate) at the temperature corresponding to 13 K above the glass transition by monitoring the reorientation of single perylenediimide molecules doped into the films. The axial position of the dye molecules across the thickness of the film was determined with a resolution of 12 nm by analyzing astigmatic fluorescence images. The average relaxation times of the rotating molecules do not depend on the overall thickness of the film between 20 and 110 nm. The relaxation times also do not show any dependence on the axial position within the films for the film thickness between 70 and 110 nm. In addition to the rotating molecules we observed a fraction of spatially diffusing molecules and completely immobile molecules. These molecules indicate the presence of thin (<5 nm) high-mobility surface layer and low-mobility layer at the interface with the substrate. (Figure presented) © 2012 American Chemical Society.

  12. Scalable Production of Mechanically Robust Antireflection Film for Omnidirectional Enhanced Flexible Thin Film Solar Cells. (United States)

    Wang, Min; Ma, Pengsha; Yin, Min; Lu, Linfeng; Lin, Yinyue; Chen, Xiaoyuan; Jia, Wei; Cao, Xinmin; Chang, Paichun; Li, Dongdong


    Antireflection (AR) at the interface between the air and incident window material is paramount to boost the performance of photovoltaic devices. 3D nanostructures have attracted tremendous interest to reduce reflection, while the structure is vulnerable to the harsh outdoor environment. Thus the AR film with improved mechanical property is desirable in an industrial application. Herein, a scalable production of flexible AR films is proposed with microsized structures by roll-to-roll imprinting process, which possesses hydrophobic property and much improved robustness. The AR films can be potentially used for a wide range of photovoltaic devices whether based on rigid or flexible substrates. As a demonstration, the AR films are integrated with commercial Si-based triple-junction thin film solar cells. The AR film works as an effective tool to control the light travel path and utilize the light inward more efficiently by exciting hybrid optical modes, which results in a broadband and omnidirectional enhanced performance.

  13. Wie wichtig ist der Unterricht in Medizinethik und Medizingeschichte im Medizinstudium? Eine empirische Studie zu den Einschätzungen Studierender [How Important is Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Teaching in the Medical Curriculum? An Empirical Approach towards Students' Views

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schulz, Stefan


    negative impact. Therefore the teaching of GTE should already begin in the 1 semester. The teaching of GTE must take into account that even right at the start of their studies, students judge medical ethics and the history of medicine differently.[german] Zielsetzung: Es wurde untersucht, wie Studierende zu Beginn und im Verlauf ihres Studiums den Unterricht in Medizinethik und Medizingeschichte einschätzen und welchen Einfluss der durchgeführte bzw. fehlende fachspezifische Unterricht in Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin (GTE auf die Wertschätzung der Fächer hat.Methodik: Befragt wurden im WS 2005/6 insgesamt 533 Studierende des 1. und 5. Fachsemesters aus dem Bochumer Modell- (GTE-Unterricht ab dem 1. Fachsemester und Regelstudiengang (GTE-Unterricht im 5./6. Fachsemester. Befragt wurde jeweils vor und nach dem 1. bzw. 5. oder 6. Semester. Wir fragten nach der Einschätzung der Bedeutung der Lehre in Medizinethik und Medizingeschichte für die Studierenden, nach der Bedeutung der Fächer für den Arzt sowie nach ihrer Lehr- und Prüfbarkeit (Likert Skala von -2 (stimme überhaupt nicht zu bis +2 (stimme völlig zu.Ergebnisse: 331 Fragebogenpaare wurden in die Studie einbezogen. Zwischen den Studierenden der beiden Studiengänge fanden sich zu Beginn des 1. Semesters keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die Einschätzungen der Medizinethik und der Medizingeschichte unterschieden sich zu Beginn des Studiums jedoch signifikant: Die Bedeutung der Medizinethik für die eigene Person und für den Arzt wurde als sehr hoch eingeschätzt, deutlich schlechter ihre Lehr- und Prüfbarkeit. Für die Medizingeschichte waren die Ergebnisse genau entgegengesetzt.Durch den GTE-Unterricht verbesserten sich dann in beiden Studiengängen die Einschätzungen in den vorher weniger gut bewerteten Items. Fehlender Unterricht führte zur Verschlechterung der Einschätzung beider Fächer in den vorher gut bewerteten Items.Schlussfolgerung: Im Einklang mit der Literatur unterst

  14. Technical Note: Homogeneity of Gafchromic EBT2 film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartmann, Bernadette; Martisikova, Maria; Jaekel, Oliver


    Purpose: The self-developing Gafchromic EBT film is a radiochromic film, widely used for relative photon dosimetry. Recently, the manufacturer has replaced the well-investigated EBT film by the new Gafchromic EBT2 film. It has the same sensitive component and, in addition, it contains a yellow marker dye in order to protect the film against ambient light exposure and to serve as a base for corrections of small differences in film response. Furthermore, the configuration of the film layers as well as the binder material have been changed in comparison to the EBT film. When investigating the properties of EBT2 film, all characteristics were found to be similar to those of EBT film, except for the film response homogeneity. Thus, in this article special focus was put on examining the homogeneity of EBT2 film. Methods: A scan protocol established for EBT film and published previously was used. The uniformity of the film coloration was investigated for unirradiated and irradiated EBT2 film sheets. The dose response of EBT2 film was measured and the influence of film inhomogeneities on dose determination was evaluated. Results: Inhomogeneities in pixel values of up to ±3.7% within one film were detected. The relative inhomogeneities were found to be approximately independent of the dose. Nonuniformities of the film response lead to uncertainties in dose determination of ±8.7% at 1 Gy. When using net optical densities for dose calibration, uncertainties in dose determination amount to more than ±6%. Conclusions: EBT2 films from the lot investigated in this study show response inhomogeneities, which lead to uncertainties in dose determination exceeding the commonly accepted tolerance levels. It is important to test further EBT2 lots regarding homogeneity before using the film in clinical routine.

  15. Giant magnetoimpedance effect in sputtered single layered NiFe film and meander NiFe/Cu/NiFe film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, L.; Zhou, Y.; Lei, C.; Zhou, Z.M.; Ding, W.


    Giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect on NiFe thin film is very promising due to its application in developing the magnetic field sensors with highly sensitivity and low cost. In this paper, the single layered NiFe thin film and NiFe/Cu/NiFe thin film with a meander structure are prepared by the MEMS technology. The influences of sputtering parameters, film structure and conductor layer width on GMI effect in NiFe single layer and meander NiFe/Cu/NiFe film are investigated. Maximum of the GMI ratio in single layer and sandwich film is 5% and 64%, respectively. The results obtained are useful for developing the high-performance magnetic sensors based on NiFe thin film.

  16. 16 CFR 501.1 - Camera film. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Camera film. 501.1 Section 501.1 Commercial... 500 § 501.1 Camera film. Camera film packaged and labeled for retail sale is exempt from the net... should be expressed, provided: (a) The net quantity of contents on packages of movie film and bulk still...

  17. Partnervalg på film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kramer, Mette


    Nye kognitions- og evolutionspsykologiske aspekter på kvinders filmpræferencer for romantiske film og melodramer......Nye kognitions- og evolutionspsykologiske aspekter på kvinders filmpræferencer for romantiske film og melodramer...

  18. The Art of Teaching Social Studies with Film (United States)

    Russell, William B., III


    Teaching with film is a powerful and meaningful instructional strategy. This article discusses five classroom-tested methods for teaching with film: (1) film as a visual textbook, (2) film as a depicter of atmosphere, (3) film as an analogy, (4) film as a historiography, and (5) film as a springboard. Each of the methods discussed includes…

  19. DC magnetron sputtering prepared Ag-C thin film anode for thin film lithium ion microbatteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Y.; Tu, J.P.; Shi, D.Q.; Huang, X.H.; Wu, H.M.; Yuan, Y.F.; Zhao, X.B.


    An Ag-C thin film was prepared by DC magnetron co-sputtering, using pure silver and graphite as the targets. The microstructure and morphology of the deposited thin film were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Electrochemical performances of the Ag-C thin film anode were investigated by means of discharge/charge and cyclic voltammogram (CV) tests in model cells. The electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS) characteristics and the chemical diffusion coefficient, D Li of the Ag-C thin film electrode at different discharging states were discussed. It was believed that the excellent cycling performance of the Ag-C electrode was ascribed to the good conductivity of silver and the volume stability of the thin film

  20. Passive films at the nanoscale

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maurice, Vincent; Marcus, Philippe


    Highlights: ► Nanoscale data on growth, structure and local properties of passive films reviewed. ► Preferential role of defects of passive films on the corrosion resistance emphasized. ► Effect of grain boundaries on local electronic properties shown by new data. ► Use of atomistic modeling to test mechanistic hypotheses illustrated. - Abstract: The nanometer scale chemical and structural aspects of ultrathin oxide passive films providing self-protection against corrosion to metals and alloys in aqueous environments are reviewed. Data on the nucleation and growth of 2D anodic oxide films, details on the atomic structure and nanostructure of 3D passive films, the preferential role of surface step edges in dissolution in the passive state and the preferential role of grain boundaries of the passive films in passivity breakdown are presented. Future perspectives are discussed, and exemplified by new data obtained on the relationship between the nanostructure of oxide passive films and their local electronic properties. Atomistic corrosion modeling by ab initio density functional theory (DFT) is illustrated by the example of interactions of chloride ions with hydroxylated oxide surfaces, including the role of surface step edges. Data obtained on well-defined substrate surfaces with surface analytical techniques are emphasized.

  1. Computational simulation of radiographic film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goncalves, Elicardo A. de S.; Santos, Marcio H. dos; Anjos, Marcelino J.; Oliveira, Luis F. de


    The composition of a radiographic film gives its values of speed, spatial resolution and base density. The technical knowledge allows to predict how a film with a known composition works, and simulate how this film will work with changes in composition and exposure. In this paper, characterization of films composed by different emulsions was realized, in a way to know the characteristic curve, and to study how the format, organization and concentration of silver salt crystals set the radiographic film images.This work aims to increase an existing simulator, where parallel programming was used to simulate X-ray fluorescence processes. The setup of source and X-ray interactions with objects stills the same, and the detector constructed in this work was placed to form images. At first, considering the approach that the film is a square matrix where each element has a specific quantity of silver grains, that each grain fills a specific area, and that each interaction to radiation transforms a salt silver grain in to metallic silver grain (black grain), we have a blackening standard, and it should show how is the behavior of a optic density in a specific area of the film. Each matrix element has a degree of blackening, and it is proportional to the black grains area. (author)

  2. Condom Use and High-Risk Sexual Acts in Adult Films: A Comparison of Heterosexual and Homosexual Films (United States)

    Elliott, Marc N.; Kerndt, Peter R.; Schuster, Mark A.; Brook, Robert H.; Gelberg, Lillian


    Objectives. We compared the prevalence of condom use during a variety of sexual acts portrayed in adult films produced for heterosexual and homosexual audiences to assess compliance with state Occupational Health and Safety Administration regulations. Methods. We analyzed 50 heterosexual and 50 male homosexual films released between August 1, 2005, and July 31, 2006, randomly selected from the distributor of 85% of the heterosexual adult films released each year in the United States. Results. Penile–vaginal intercourse was protected with condoms in 3% of heterosexual scenes. Penile–anal intercourse, common in both heterosexual (42%) and homosexual (80%) scenes, was much less likely to be protected with condoms in heterosexual than in homosexual scenes (10% vs 78%; P films. Conclusions. Heterosexual films were much less likely than were homosexual films to portray condom use, raising concerns about transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, especially among performers in heterosexual adult films. In addition, the adult film industry, especially the heterosexual industry, is not adhering to state occupational safety regulations. PMID:19218178

  3. Oxygen diffusion in bilayer polymer films

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Lars; Zebger, Ingo; Tofte, Jannik Pentti


    Experiments to quantify oxygen diffusion have been performed on polymer samples in which a film of poly(ethylene-co-norbornene) was cast onto a film of polystyrene which, in turn, was cast onto an oxygen-impermeable substrate. In the technique employed, the time evolution of oxygen transport...... through the film of poly(ethylene-co-norbornene) and into the polystyrene film was monitored using the phosphorescence of singlet oxygen as a spectroscopic probe. To analyze the data, it was necessary to solve Fick's second law of diffusion for both polymer films. Tractable analytical and numerical...

  4. Marangoni elasticity of flowing soap films (United States)

    Kim, Ildoo; Mandre, Shreyas


    We measure the Marangoni elasticity of a flowing soap film to be 22 mN/m irrespective of its width, thickness, flow speed, or the bulk soap concentration. We perform this measurement by generating an oblique shock in the soap film and measuring the shock angle, flow speed, and thickness. We postulate that the elasticity is constant because the film surface is crowded with soap molecules. Our method allows nondestructive measurement of flowing soap film elasticity and the value 22 mN/m is likely applicable to other similarly constructed flowing soap films.

  5. PP/clay nanocomposite films for food package; Filmes de nanocomposito PP/argila organofilica para embalagens de alimentos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo, Arthur R.A.; Silva, Suedina M.L., E-mail: suedina@dema.ufcg.ed [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UAEMat/UFCG), PB (Brazil). Unidade Academica de Engenharia de Materiais; Andrade, Daniela L.A.C.S. [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), PB (Brazil). Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia de Processos; Mesquita, Wandemberg B [Felinto Industria e Comercio Ltda., Campina Grande, PB (Brazil)


    Small contents of organoclays (1 wt %) were incorporated to PP modified with maleic anhydride by melt intercalation, in order to prepare polymeric films for further applications in food package sector. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and mechanical properties. The data indicates that the incorporation of organoclay to PP results in transparent films with intercalated morphology and highly. The mechanical properties of nanocomposites films were superior from those pristine films. The results evidences that the PP/PP-g-MA/organoclay nanocomposite films, prepared in this study might be promissory to the food package market and, in short time, be used like a new product by industries of this sector. (author)

  6. Investigation of ultrafast lattice heating in thin (semi-)metal films using time-resolved electron diffraction; Untersuchung der schnellen Gitteraufheizung in duennen (Halb-)Metallfilmen mit Hilfe zeitaufgeloester Elektronenbeugung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ligges, Manuel


    In the framework of the present thesis the fast lattice heating in thin metal and bismuth layers after optical short-pulse excitation was studied. By irradiation of ultrathin solid films with ultrashort (femtosecond) laser pulses for sort times an extreme nonequilibrium state occurs: The electronic system is strongly excited, while the lattice system remains cold. An energetic exchange between both systems follows, which is based on the electron-phonon interaction and leads to heating of the lattice system. This lattice heating can be observed by means of the Debye-Waller effect in the electron diffraction image. By means of the excitation-interrogation scheme by a series of moment records this lattice heating can be observed time-resolvedly. The experimentally determind time scales for this process permit conclusions on the electron-phonon coupling in the studied materials. In this thesis a time-resolving transmissi9on-electron diffraction experiment with sub-picosecond time resolution was constructed and optimized. By means of this experiment the fast lattice heating in thin gold, silver, copper, and bismuth films was studied. The observed heating behaviour of the metal films shows agreement with theoretical predictions of different model calculations. The results of the measurements on bismuth films show a hitherto not observed coupling behaviour. [German] Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die schnelle Gitteraufheizung in duennen Metall- und Wismutschichten nach optischer Kurzimpulsanregung untersucht. Durch Bestrahlung duenner Festkoerperfilme mit ultrakurzen (Femtosekunden-) Laserimpulsen entsteht fuer kurze Zeiten ein extremer Nichtgleichgewichtszustand: Das elektronische System wird stark angeregt, waehrend das Gittersystem kalt bleibt. Es folgt ein energetischer Austausch zwischen beiden Systemen, der auf der Elektron-Phonon-Wechselwirkung beruht und zur Aufheizung des Gittersystems fuehrt. Diese Gitteraufheizung kann anhand des Debye

  7. Simultaneous measurements of top surface and its underlying film surfaces in multilayer film structure. (United States)

    Ghim, Young-Sik; Rhee, Hyug-Gyo; Davies, Angela


    With the growth of 3D packaging technology and the development of flexible, transparent electrodes, the use of multilayer thin-films is steadily increasing throughout high-tech industries including semiconductor, flat panel display, and solar photovoltaic industries. Also, this in turn leads to an increase in industrial demands for inspection of internal analysis. However, there still remain many technical limitations to overcome for measurement of the internal structure of the specimen without damage. In this paper, we propose an innovative optical inspection technique for simultaneous measurements of the surface and film thickness corresponding to each layer of multilayer film structures by computing the phase and reflectance over a wide range of wavelengths. For verification of our proposed method, the sample specimen of multilayer films was fabricated via photolithography process, and the surface profile and film thickness of each layer were measured by two different techniques of a stylus profilometer and an ellipsometer, respectively. Comparison results shows that our proposed technique enables simultaneous measurements of the top surface and its underlying film surfaces with high precision, which could not be measured by conventional non-destructive methods.

  8. Film-screen digital radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwenker, R.P.; Eger, H.


    The excellent performance of the digital film-screen system as a receptor for projection radiographic data is discussed. An experimental system for obtaining high quality digital radiographic data by laser scanning radiographic films is described. This system is being used to evaluate the clinical utility of various digital image processing algorithms. Future plans include an investigation of quantitative analysis of projection radiographic data. Digital data obtained by film scanning can be used with digital image archiving and communications systems. (author)

  9. The microjet-film interaction: the interaction and resulting shapes of a liquid microjet impacting a soap film (United States)

    Chan, Jau Tung; Lee, Jie Liang; Tjeng, Vincent; Yeo, Ye; Tan, Guoxian


    The International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT) is a worldwide annual competition for high-school students. This paper is adapted from the solution to problem 8, Jet and Film, as presented by the Singapore Team at the 26th IYPT, Taipei, Taiwan. The impact of liquid microjets on stable soap films was investigated. Two steady regimes were observed: refraction (where the microjet penetrates the soap film and is deflected) and absorption (where the microjet merges with the soap film and forms vertical undulating patterns on the soap film surface). This phenomenon has potential applications in controlling the trajectory of a liquid microjet in air. Although Kirstetter et al (2012) investigated this interaction by using the same liquid for both the microjet and the soap film, this paper extends their work by using different liquids for the microjet and the soap film. In addition, the need for a small-angle approximation of Snell’s law is removed for the refraction regime, and an alternative expression is proposed for the force exerted by the soap film on the microjet in the absorption regime that accounts for the dependence of the wavelength of the undulating patterns on the angle of incidence of the microjet on the soap film. Empirical data support these improved theoretical predictions.

  10. The microjet-film interaction: the interaction and resulting shapes of a liquid microjet impacting a soap film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, Jau Tung; Tan, Guoxian; Lee, Jie Liang; Tjeng, Vincent; Yeo, Ye


    The International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT) is a worldwide annual competition for high-school students. This paper is adapted from the solution to problem 8, Jet and Film, as presented by the Singapore Team at the 26th IYPT, Taipei, Taiwan. The impact of liquid microjets on stable soap films was investigated. Two steady regimes were observed: refraction (where the microjet penetrates the soap film and is deflected) and absorption (where the microjet merges with the soap film and forms vertical undulating patterns on the soap film surface). This phenomenon has potential applications in controlling the trajectory of a liquid microjet in air. Although Kirstetter et al (2012) investigated this interaction by using the same liquid for both the microjet and the soap film, this paper extends their work by using different liquids for the microjet and the soap film. In addition, the need for a small-angle approximation of Snell’s law is removed for the refraction regime, and an alternative expression is proposed for the force exerted by the soap film on the microjet in the absorption regime that accounts for the dependence of the wavelength of the undulating patterns on the angle of incidence of the microjet on the soap film. Empirical data support these improved theoretical predictions. (paper)

  11. A Controlled Study on the Correlation between Tear Film Volume and Tear Film Stability in Diabetic Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iman M. Eissa


    Full Text Available Purpose. To assess the tear film quantity and correlate it with the quality and stability of the tear film in diabetics and compare them to age matched controls. Introduction. Diabetes affects tear film parameters in multiple ways. Poor metabolic control and neuropathy are postulated factors. To further understand how diabetes affects tear film parameters this study was conducted. Subjects and Methods. Tear meniscus height was measured by anterior segment OCT, along with tear thinning time, a subtype of noninvasive tear break-up time, and blinking rate per minute which were all recorded for 22 diabetic patients. Correlations between these tear film parameters were studied and then compared to 16 age matched controls. Results. A statistically significant difference was found in blinking rate between the diabetic and the control group (P=0.002, with higher blinking rate among diabetics. All tear film parameters were negatively correlated with duration of diabetes. A positive correlation was found between tear film volume and stability. Conclusion. Diabetes affects the tear film in various ways. Diabetics should be examined for dry eye signs even in absence of symptoms which may be masked by associated neuropathy. Duration of diabetes has an impact on tear film status.

  12. ZnO film deposition by DC magnetron sputtering: Effect of target configuration on the film properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arakelova, E.; Khachatryan, A.; Kteyan, A.; Avjyan, K.; Grigoryan, S.


    Ballistic transport model for target-to-substrate atom transfer during magnetron sputter deposition was used to develop zinc target (cathode) configuration that enabled growth of uniform zinc oxide films on extensive surfaces and provided reproducibility of films characteristics irrespective of the cathode wear-out. The advantage of the developed target configuration for high-quality ZnO film deposition was observed in the sputtering pressure range of 5− 50 mTorr, and in the range of cathode-to-substrate distances 7–20 cm. Characteristics of the deposited films were demonstrated by using X-ray diffraction analysis, as well as optical and electrical measurements. - Highlights: • Change of target configuration for optimization of magnetron sputtering deposition is proposed. • Improvement of ZnO film properties due to use of this target is demonstrated. • This configuration provided reproducibility of the deposited films properties.

  13. Nostalgic [re]remembering: film fan cultures and the affective reiteration of popular film histories.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nathan Hunt


    Full Text Available

    Abstract: This article explores two central uses of memory narratives in film fan culture: Firstly; that fan magazines recycle and reiterate popular histories of film, with the extensive detailing of anecdotes and histories of productions serving to fix certain texts as canonical, cult or classic film artefacts whilst legitimating nostalgia as a mode of reading; secondly; that such films are historically positioned in terms of an appeal to fans via nostalgia as activating personal and affective histories of pleasurable film reception. This piece examines the various ways that commercial magazines discursively utilise nostalgia in their mediation between texts, institutions and fan audiences. At the same time it also explores that way that nostalgia resonates within the activities and discourses of fans as they engage with film.


    Résumé: Cet article analyse deux usages fondamentaux des souvenirs narratifs dans la culture des fans cinématographiques. D'une part, le recyclage et la reprise d'histoires populaires sur le cinéma, notamment, avec la mention très détaillée d'anecdotes et d'histoires sur l'histoire de

  14. Konsep Teater Epik Brecht dalam Film Dogville

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipus Nugroho Hari Wibowo


    Full Text Available Film yang menggunakan panggung sebagai tempat kejadian (setting masih jarangditemukan di Indonesia. Kalaupun ada film-film tersebut hanyalah mengisahkankehidupan orang-orang teater dengan segala aktivitas kesehariannya, ataumentransformasikan naskah-naskah panggung menjadi sebuah film. Film Dogvillekarya sineas Denmark, Lars von Trier, menggunakan konsep pemanggunganteater dalam penggarapan filmnya.Dalam film tersebut, setting sebuah kota hanyadihadirkan disebuah studio besar (panggung dengan garis-garis kapur yangdianggap mewakili berbagai macam benda ataupun dinding yang memisahkan satutempat dengan tempat lainnya. Furnitur yang dihadirkan sangat minimalis, hanyabeberapa benda saja yang dihadirkan yang dianggap cukup mengidentifikasikantempat tersebut. Background yang dipakai hanya layar hitam dan putih untukmembedakan adegan malam dan adegan siang. Berdasarkan kesamaan strukturpembentuk yang terdapat dalam film (narasi dan teater, yaitu tema, alur,penokohan, dan setting yang dipaparkan secara deskriptif, dapat dibuktikan bahwaKonsep Teater Epik Brecht yang selama ini diterapkan dalam panggung bisaditerapkan dalam film Dogville. Brecht’s Concept of EpicTheaterin Dogville Film. Films using the stage as the scene(setting are still rare in Indonesia, even if there are only films that tell us about the lifeof the theatre (stage with all activities of daily life, or transforming the manuscripts stage(theater into a movie. LarsvonTrier, Dannish film maker, made Dogville – it uses theconcept of theatrical staging in the process of the film making. In the film, a city settingis just presented in a large studio (stage with the chalk lines are considered to representa wide range of objects or wall that separate sone place to another one. Presenting veryminimalist furniture, only a few objects are presented and sufficient to identify the place.Background screens use only black and white to distinguish the scenes and the scenesduring the night. Based

  15. Analysis of image factors of x-ray films : study for the intelligent replenishment system of automatic film processor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sung Tae; Yoon, Chong Hyun; Park, Kwang BO; Auh, Yong Ho; Lee, Hyoung Jin; In, Kyung Hwan; Kim, Keon Chung [Asan Medical Center, Ulsan Univ. College of Medicine, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    We analyzed image factors to determine the characteristic factors that need for intelligent replenishment system of the auto film processor. We processed the serial 300 sheets of radiographic films of chest phantom without replenishment of developing and fixation replenisher. We took the digital data by using film digitizer which scanned the films and automatically summed up the pixel values of the films. We analyzed characteristic curves, average gradients and relative speeds of individual film using densitometer and step densitometry. We also evaluated the pH of developer, fixer, and washer fluid with digital pH meter. Fixer residual rate and washing effect were measured by densitometer using the reagent methods. There was no significant reduction of the digital density numbers of the serial films without replenishment of developer and fixer. The average gradients were gradually decreased by 0.02 and relative speeds were also gradually decreased by 6.96% relative to initial standard step-densitometric measurement. The pHs of developer and fixer were reflected the inactivation of each fluid. The fixer residual rates and washing effects after processing each 25 sheets of films were in the normal range. We suggest that the digital data are not reliable due to limitation of the hardware and software of the film digitizer. We conclude that average gradient and relative speed which mean the film's contrast and sensitivity respectively are reliable factors for determining the need for the replenishment of the auto film processor. We need more study of simpler equations and programming for more intelligent replenishment system of the auto film processor.

  16. TFOS DEWS II Tear Film Report. (United States)

    Willcox, Mark D P; Argüeso, Pablo; Georgiev, Georgi A; Holopainen, Juha M; Laurie, Gordon W; Millar, Tom J; Papas, Eric B; Rolland, Jannick P; Schmidt, Tannin A; Stahl, Ulrike; Suarez, Tatiana; Subbaraman, Lakshman N; Uçakhan, Omür Ö; Jones, Lyndon


    The members of the Tear Film Subcommittee reviewed the role of the tear film in dry eye disease (DED). The Subcommittee reviewed biophysical and biochemical aspects of tears and how these change in DED. Clinically, DED is characterized by loss of tear volume, more rapid breakup of the tear film and increased evaporation of tears from the ocular surface. The tear film is composed of many substances including lipids, proteins, mucins and electrolytes. All of these contribute to the integrity of the tear film but exactly how they interact is still an area of active research. Tear film osmolarity increases in DED. Changes to other components such as proteins and mucins can be used as biomarkers for DED. The Subcommittee recommended areas for future research to advance our understanding of the tear film and how this changes with DED. The final report was written after review by all Subcommittee members and the entire TFOS DEWS II membership. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Intrinsic work function of molecular films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivančo, Ján


    The electronic properties of molecular films are analysed with the consideration of the molecular orientation. The study demonstrates that surfaces of electroactive oligomeric molecular films can be classified—analogously to the elemental surfaces—by their intrinsic work functions. The intrinsic work function of molecular films is correlated with their ionisation energies; again, the behaviour is analogous to the correlation existing between the first ionisation energy of elements and the work function of the corresponding elemental surfaces. The proposed intrinsic work-function concept suggests that the mechanism for the energy-level alignment at the interfaces associated with molecular films is virtually controlled by work functions of materials brought into the contact. - Highlights: ► Molecular films exhibit their own (intrinsic) work function. ► Intrinsic work function is correlated with ionisation energy of molecular films. ► Intrinsic work function determines dipole at interface with a particular surface. ► Surface vacuum-level change upon film growth does not relate to interfacial dipole.

  18. Photopatterning of heterostructured polymer Langmuir-Blodgett films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Tiesheng; Mitsuishi, Masaya; Miyashita, Tokuji


    Heterostructured polymer Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film prepared by using poly(N-dodecylacrylamide-co-t-butyl 4-vinylphenyl carbonate) (p(DDA-tBVPC53)) and poly(N-neopentyl methacrylamide-co-9-anthrylmethyl methacrylate) (p(nPMA-AMMA10)) polymer LB films which can act as photogenerator layers were investigated. Patterns with a resolution of 0.75 μm were obtained on heterostructured polymer LB films composed of 4 layers of p(nPMA-AMMA10) LB film (top layers) and 40 layers of p(DDA-tBVPC53) LB film (under layers) on a silicon wafer by deep UV irradiation followed by development with 1% tetramethylammonium hydroxide aqueous solution. The sensitivity of the heterostructured polymer LB films was improved without loss of the resolution compared with p(DDA-tBVPC53) LB film. The etch resistance of the heterostructured polymer LB films was sufficiently good to allow patterning of a copper film suitable for photomask fabrication

  19. Thin film metal-oxides

    CERN Document Server

    Ramanathan, Shriram


    Presents an account of the fundamental structure-property relations in oxide thin films. This title discusses the functional properties of thin film oxides in the context of applications in the electronics and renewable energy technologies.

  20. Holographic tracking of quantized intra-film segments during interferometric laser processing of SiOx thin films(Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Ho, Stephen; Domke, Matthias; Huber, Heinz P.; Herman, Peter P.


    Interferometric femtosecond laser processing of thin dielectric films has recently opened the novel approach for quantized nanostructuring from inside the film, driven by the rapid formation of periodic thin nanoscale plasma disks of 20 to 45 nm width, separated on half-wavelength, λ/2nfilm, spacing (refractive index, nfilm). The nano-disk explosions enable intra-film cleaving of subwavelength cavities at single or multiple periodic depths, enabling the formation of intra-film blisters with nanocavities and the digital ejection at fractional film depths with quantized-depth thickness defined by the laser wavelength. For this paper, the physical mechanisms and ablation dynamics underlying the intra-film cleavage of SiOx thin films were investigated by laser pump-probe microscopy with high temporal dynamic range recorded in a wide time-frame between 100 fs and 10 μs. The long time scales revealed a new observation method as Newton's Rings (observed 50 ns) of the laser-ablated film fragments. For the first time to our knowledge, the holographic tracking reveals the clustering of large mechanically ejected nano-film planes into distinct speed groups according to the multiple of λ/2nfilm in the film. The observation verifies a new `quantized' form of photo-mechanical laser "lift-off".

  1. Thin film epitaxy and structure property correlations for non-polar ZnO films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pant, P.; Budai, J.D.; Aggarwal, R.; Narayan, Roger J.; Narayan, J.


    Heteroepitaxial growth and strain relaxation were investigated in non-polar a-plane (1 1 -2 0)ZnO films grown on r-plane (1 0 -1 2)sapphire substrates in the temperature range 200-700 deg. C by pulsed laser deposition. The lattice misfit in the plane of the film for this orientation varied from -1.26% in [0 0 0 1] to -18.52% in the [-1 1 0 0] direction. The alignment of (1 1 -2 0)ZnO planes parallel to (1 0 -1 2)sapphire planes was confirmed by X-ray diffraction θ-2θ scans over the entire temperature range. X-ray φ-scans revealed the epitaxial relationship:[0 0 0 1]ZnO-parallel [-1 1 0 1]sap; [-1 1 0 0]ZnO-parallel [-1 -1 2 0]sap. Depending on the growth temperature, variations in the structural, optical and electrical properties were observed in the grown films. Room temperature photoluminescence for films grown at 700 deg. C shows a strong band-edge emission. The ratio of the band-edge emission to green band emission is 135:1, indicating reduced defects and excellent optical quality of the films. The resistivity data for the films grown at 700 deg. C shows semiconducting behavior with room temperature resistivity of 2.2 x 10 -3 Ω-cm.

  2. Effect of Graphene-EC on Ag NW-Based Transparent Film Heaters: Optimizing the Stability and Heat Dispersion of Films. (United States)

    Cao, Minghui; Wang, Minqiang; Li, Le; Qiu, Hengwei; Yang, Zhi


    To optimize the performance of silver nanowire (Ag NW) film heaters and explore the effect of graphene on a film, we introduced poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and graphene modified with ethyl cellulose (graphene-EC) into the film. The high-quality and well-dispersed graphene-EC was synthesized from graphene obtained by electrochemical exfoliation as a precursor. The transparent film heaters were fabricated via spin-coating. With the assistance of graphene-EC, the stability of film heaters was greatly improved, and the conductivity was optimized by adjusting the Ag NW concentration. The film heaters exhibited a fast and accurate response to voltage, accompanied by excellent environmental endurance, and there was no significant performance degradation after being operated for a long period of time. These results indicate that graphene-EC plays a crucial role in optimizing film stability and heat dispersion in the film. The Ag NW/PEDOT:PSS-doped graphene-EC film heaters show a great potential in low-cost indium-tin-oxide-free flexible transparent electrodes, heating systems, and transparent film heaters.

  3. Disease specific stress of tumor patients at the beginning of radiotherapy. Effect on psychosocial support requirement; Krankheitsspezifische Belastungen von Tumorpatienten zu Beginn einer Strahlentherapie. Auswirkungen auf den psychosozialen Betreuungsbedarf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sehlen, S.; Hollenhorst, H.; Schymura, B.; Firsching, M.; Duehmke, E. [Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie; Aydemir, U. [Inst. fuer Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Klinikum Grosshadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany); Herschbach, P. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Psychosomatische Medizin, Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie


    requirement. (orig.) [German] Hintergrund: Die Radiotherapie bringt Tumorpatienten in eine besondere Lebenssituation, in der sie eine Reihe von unterschiedlichen Faktoren ausgesetzt werden, deren Auspraegung weitgehend unbekannt ist. Intention dieser Querschnittsstudie war es, erstmals systematisch die spezifischen Belastungen von Tumorpatienten zu Beginn einer Strahlentherapie aufzuzeigen und einen belastungsabhaengigen Betreuungswunsch zu erheben mit dem Ziel einer Belastungsreduktion und Verbesserung von Lebensqualitaet und Compliance waehrend einer radioonkologischen Behandlung. Patienten und Methoden: 732 Patienten wurden zunaechst in die Studie aufgenommen, von denen 446 (60,9%) die Einschlusskriterien erfuellten (Ablehnung 21,0%, Karnofsky-Index 6,6%, organisatorische Probleme 3,4%, Sprachbarrieren 3,0%, kognitive Einschraenkung 2,6%, Tod 2,5%). Folgende Erhebungsinstrumente gingen in die Auswertung zu Beginn der Strahlentherapie ein: medizinische und soziodemographische Daten, Lebenssituation (LS), Fragebogen zur Belastung von Krebspatienten (FBK), selbst definierter Betreuungswunsch (BB). 262 Maenner und 184 Frauen (medianes Alter 60,0 Jahre) mit unterschiedlichen Diagnosen wurden untersucht. Ergebnisse: Auf Skalenebene des Fragebogens zur Belastung von Krebspatienten zeigte sich vor allem eine Belastung durch Einschraenkung der Leistungsfaehigkeit, Angst und Schmerz. Frauen hatten signifikant hoehere Belastungswerte in den Bereichen Schmerz (p=0,016) und Angst (p=0,009), Patienten unter 45 Jahren im Bereich Information (p=0,002) und Patienten zwischen 45 und 60 Jahren in den Bereichen Angst (p=0,002) und Gesamtbelastung (p=0,003). Patientinnen mit einem Mammakarzinom waren am staerksten belastet. Der Anteil von stark belasteten Patienten war in den Skalen Leistungsfaehigkeit (43%) und Angst (40%) am hoechsten. Es bestand ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen hoher Belastung und hohem Betreuungswunsch (insbesondere nach Arzt-/Psychologengespraechen und Information

  4. Film as Revolutionary Weapon: A Pedagogical Analysis. Latin American Studies Program, Film Series No. 3. (United States)

    California Univ., Riverside. Latin American Studies Program.

    This paper describes a university course designed to examine the use of film as a revolutionary medium in Latin American countries. Objectives of the course were to illustrate the complexity of studying a film genre, develop an analytical framework for comparing revolutionary films, and encourage students to reach their own conclusions about the…

  5. Film Analysis through Linguistic Base (United States)

    Tanriverdi, Belgin


    Studies made in the last few years show that using films in language classrooms is an effective way in teaching a foreign language. Well-chosen films can serve as a valuable pedagogical aid, both for classroom use and self-study. This article is about using films in language classrooms through a specially designed course, whose outline description…

  6. Schwann cell interactions with polymer films are affected by groove geometry and film hydrophilicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mobasseri, S A; Downes, S; Terenghi, G


    We have developed a biodegradable polymer scaffold made of a polycaprolactone/polylactic acid (PCL/PLA) film. Surface properties such as topography and chemistry have a vital influence on cell–material interactions. Surface modifications of PCL/PLA films were performed using topographical cues and UV–ozone treatment to improve Schwann cell organisation and behaviour. Schwann cell attachment, alignment and proliferation were evaluated on the grooved UV–ozone treated and non-treated films. Solvent casting of the polymer solution on patterned silicon substrates resulted in films with different groove shapes: V (V), sloped (SL) and square (SQ) shapes. Pitted films, with no grooves, were prepared as a negative control. The UV–ozone treatment was performed to increase hydrophilicity. The process specifications for UV–ozone treatment were evaluated and 5 min radiation time and 6 cm distance to the UV source were suggested as the optimal practise. When cultured on grooved films, Schwann cells elongated on the V and SL shape grooves without crossing over, and grew in the direction of the grooves. However, there was less elongation with more crossing over on the SQ shape grooves. The maximum cell length (511 μm) was observed on the treated V-grooved films. The cells cultured on pitted UV–ozone treated surfaces showed random arrangements with no increase in length. We have demonstrated that the synergic effects of physical cues combined with UV–ozone treatment have the potential to enhance Schwann cell morphology and alignment. (paper)

  7. Electronic structure of semiconductor quantum films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, S.B.; Yeh, C.; Zunger, A.


    The electronic structure of thin (≤30 A) free-standing ideal films of Si(001), Si(110), and GaAs(110) is calculated using a plane-wave pseudopotential description. Unlike the expectation based on the simple effective-mass model, we find the following. (i) The band gaps of (001) quantum films exhibit even-odd oscillation as a function of the number N of monolayers. (ii) In addition to sine-type envelope functions which vanish at the film boundaries, some states have cosine envelope functions with extrema at boundaries. (iii) Even-layer Si(001) films exhibit at the valence-band maximum a state whose energy does not vary with the film thickness. Such zero confinement states have constant envelope throughout the film. (iv) Optical transitions in films exhibit boundary-imposed selection rules. Furthermore, oscillator strengths for pseudodirect transitions in the vicinity of forbidden direct transitions can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude. These findings, obtained in direct supercell calculations, can be explained in terms of a truncated crystal (TC) analysis. In this approach the film's wave functions are expanded in terms of pairs of bulk wave functions exhibiting a destructive interference at the boundaries. This maps the eigenvalue spectra of a film onto the bulk band structure evaluated at special k points which satisfy the boundary conditions. We find that the TC representation reproduces accurately the above-mentioned results of direct diagonalization of the film's Hamiltonian. This provides a simple alternative to the effective-mass model and relates the properties of quantum structures to those of the bulk material

  8. Underwater 3D filming


    Rinaldi, Roberto


    After an experimental phase of many years, 3D filming is now effective and successful. Improvements are still possible, but the film industry achieved memorable success on 3D movie’s box offices due to the overall quality of its products. Special environments such as space (“Gravity” ) and the underwater realm look perfect to be reproduced in 3D. “Filming in space” was possible in “Gravity” using special effects and computer graphic. The underwater realm is still difficult to be handled. Unde...

  9. Konstruksi Genre Dalam Film “the Lego Movie”


    Natalia, Vivi


    “The Lego Movie” adalah film animasi dari produsen film Warner Bros yang menceritakan kehidupan dan petualangan Emmet, seorang konstruksi bangunan yang salah terdeteksi sebagai orang spesial yang mampu menyelesaikan masalah dunia. Film ini adalah sebuah film yang membawa konvensi-konvensi genre yang berbeda dibanding film-film animasi lainnya. Peneliti melakukan analisis genre terhadap film “The Lego Movie” menggunakan 6 elemen menurut Jane Stoke, yaitu setting, lokasi, peristiwa naratif, plo...

  10. The Educational Film Industry (United States)

    Tortora, Vincent R.; Schillaci, Peter


    Increased dialog is needed among educational film producers, distributors, and consumers in order to be sure that what is being produced meets educators' needs and also to help solve the financial problems of the film industry. (LS)

  11. Polymer thin film as coating layer to prevent corrosion of metal/metal oxide film (United States)

    Sarkar, Suman; Kundu, Sarathi


    Thin film of polymer is used as coating layer and the corrosion of metal/metal oxide layer is studied with the variation of the thickness of the coating layer. The thin layer of polystyrene is fabricated using spin coating method on copper oxide (CuO) film which is deposited on glass substrate using DC magnetron sputtering technique. Thickness of the polystyrene and the CuO layers are determined using X-ray reflectivity (XRR) technique. CuO thin films coated with the polystyrene layer are exposed to acetic acid (2.5 v/v% aqueous CH3COOH solution) environments and are subsequently analyzed using UV-Vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Surface morphology of the film before and after interaction with the acidic environment is determined using AFM. Results obtained from the XRR and UV-Vis spectroscopy confirm that the thin film of polystyrene acts as an anticorrosion coating layer and the strength of the coating depends upon the polymer layer thickness at a constant acid concentration.

  12. Capacitive pressure transducer using flexible films. Junan film wo mochiita seiden yoryoshiki atsukaku transducer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamada, Y.; Tsuchida, N.; Imai, K. (Toyota Technological Institute, Aichi (Japan)); Fujita, K. (Nitto Denko Corp., Osaka (Japan)): Tsuboi, O. (Fujitsu Corp., Tokyo (Japan))


    This paper describes the design, manufacture, and evaluation of a capacitive pressure transducer made of polyimide films. The structure of a pressure transducer cell was first determined, and then, the deflection-stress and capacitance-load characteristics of the surface film were analyzed using finite element methods. For the practical stage of manufacture, a polyimide film was emboss processed and electrodes were deposited on the film to construct a pressure transducer cell to which a Schmidt-trigger detecting circuit was connected. As a consequence of the examination of operational characteristics of the cell, it was found that the actual relation between the deflection and load approximately agreed with the linear analyses, and that the capacitance depended with little hysteresis on the gap regardless of the native visco-elasticity of the film. Furthermore, small stick-slip vibration of a contact rubber surface was detected by the transducer to verify its high sensitivity. 17 refs., 18 figs.

  13. Viscous bursting of suspended films (United States)

    Debrégeas, G.; Martin, P.; Brochard-Wyart, F.


    Soap films break up by an inertial process. We present here the first observations on freely suspended films of long-chain polymers, where viscous effects are dominant and no surfactant is present. A hole is nucleated at time 0 and grows up to a radius R(t) at time t. A surprising feature is that the liquid from the hole is not collected into a rim (as it is in soap films): The liquid spreads out without any significant change of the film thickness. The radius R(t) grows exponentially with time, R~exp(t/τ) [while in soap films R(t) is linear]. The rise time τ~ηe/2γ where η is viscosity, e is thickness (in the micron range), and γ is surface tension. A simple model is developed to explain this growth law.

  14. Characterization of organic thin films

    CERN Document Server

    Ulman, Abraham; Evans, Charles A


    Thin films based upon organic materials are at the heart of much of the revolution in modern technology, from advanced electronics, to optics to sensors to biomedical engineering. This volume in the Materials Characterization series introduces the major common types of analysis used in characterizing of thin films and the various appropriate characterization technologies for each. Materials such as Langmuir-Blodgett films and self-assembled monolayers are first introduced, followed by analysis of surface properties and the various characterization technologies used for such. Readers will find detailed information on: -Various spectroscopic approaches to characterization of organic thin films, including infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy -X-Ray diffraction techniques, High Resolution EELS studies, and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy -Concise Summaries of major characterization technologies for organic thin films, including Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, and Tra...

  15. Yield strength of attached copper film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yan; Zhang Jian-Min


    Variation of stress in attached copper film with an applied strain is measured by X-ray diffraction combined with a four-point bending method. A lower slope of the initial elastic segment of the curve of X-ray measured stress versus applied strain results from incomplete elastic strain transferred from the substrate to the film due to insufficiently strong interface cohesion. So the slope of the initial elastic segment of the X-ray stress (or X-ray strain directly) of the film against the substrate applied strain may be used to measure the film-substrate cohesive strength. The yield strength of the attached copper film is much higher than that of the bulk material and varies linearly with the inverse of the film thickness. (condensed matter: structural, mechanical, and thermal properties)

  16. KONY 2012, Military Humanitarianism, and the Magic of Occult Economies KONY 2012, militärische Humanität und die Magie verborgener Wirtschaftsbeziehungen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sverker Finnström


    Full Text Available The global success of the film KONY 2012 by Invisible Chil-dren, Inc., manifests far greater magical powers than those of Joseph Kony and his ruthless Lord’s Resistance Army, which it portrays. The most prominent feature of the Invisible Children lobby is the making and constant remaking of a master narrative that depoliticizes and dehistoricizes a murky reality of globalized war into an essentialized black-and-white story. The magic of such a digestible storyline, with Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony as a global poster boy for evil personified, not only plays into the hands of the oppressive Ugandan government but has also become handy for the US armed forces as they seek to increase their presence on the African continent. As the US-led war on terror is renewed and expanded, Invisible Children’s humanitarian slogan, “Stop at nothing”, has proven to be exceptionally selective, manifesting the occult economy of global activism that calls for military interventions.Der weltweite Erfolg des Films KONY 2012 von Invisible Children, Inc. offenbart weit stärkere magische Kräfte, als sie dem darin portraitierten Joseph Kony und seiner skrupellosen „Lord’s Resistance Army“ zugeschrieben werden. Die wichtigste Wirkung der Lobbyarbeit von Invisible Children besteht darin, die finstere Realität des globalisierten Krieges zu entpolitisieren, zu enthistorisieren und auf ein immer neu variiertes Schwarz-Weiß-Denkmuster zu reduzieren. Die magische Wirkung einer solchen leicht verwertbaren inhaltlichen Reduktion – mit dem ugandischen Rebellenführer Joseph Kony als globalem Inbegriff des personifizierten Bösen – liegt im Interesse der repressiven ugandischen Regierung, insbesondere aber auch der US-Streitkräfte, die ihre Präsenz auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent verstärken wollen. Während der US-geführte Krieg gegen den Terror wieder aufgenommen und ausgeweitet wird, hat sich der von Invisible Children genutzte Slogan „Stop at

  17. Biaxial stretching of film principles and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Demeuse, M T


    Biaxial (having two axes) stretching of film is used for a range of applications and is the primary manufacturing process by which products are produced for the food packaging industry. Biaxial stretching of film: principles and applications provides an overview of the manufacturing processes and range of applications for biaxially stretched films. Part one reviews the fundamental principles of biaxial stretching. After an introductory chapter which defines terms, chapters discuss equipment design and requirements, laboratory evaluations, biaxial film structures and typical industrial processes for the biaxial orientation of films. Additional topics include post production processing of biaxially stretched films, the stress-strain behaviour of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and academic investigations of biaxially stretched films. Part two investigates the applications of biaxial films including fresh cut produce, snack packaging and product labelling. A final chapter investigates potential future trends for bi...

  18. Film thinning in unsaturated superfluid 4He films during persistent flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekholm, D.T.; Hallock, R.B.


    We report measurements of the thickness of unsaturated superfluid 4 He films in persistent flow as a function of persistent current velocity. Our results are in quantitative agreement with the predictions of Kontorovich, and thus disagree with the conclusion of Rudnick and coworkers that rho/sub s//rho has an enhanced velocity dependence in these films

  19. Irradiation gamma on chitosan films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mello, Luana Miranda Lopes de; Souza, Adriana Regia Marques de; Arthur, Valter, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), Palmas,TO (Brazil). Departmento de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos; Universidade Federal de Goias (UFGO), Goiania (Brazil). Departmento de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos; Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)


    Films are preformed structures, independent, that are used to wrap food after processing, increasing their shelf life and enhancing its bright and attractive appearance. They are prepared from biological materials as an alternative to the plastic synthetic containers to improve the quality of the environment. Chitosan is a biodegradable polymer composed of β-(1-4) linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D- glucosamine (acetylated unit). It is produced commercially by deacetylation of chitin, which is a structural component of the exoskeleton of crustaceans. She is able to form films and edible and/or biodegradable coatings. With the objective to evaluate the effect of different doses of gamma radiation (0, 5, 10 and 15 kGy) and chitosan concentrations (1 and 2%) in film properties, it was evaluated its optical, mechanical and morphological properties. The films were produced by casting. Irradiation did not affect the thickness of the films, but influenced its colors, increasing the tone of the film for a stronger yellowish color. This fact can be attributed to the increased concentration of C = O bonds of chitosan due to the breakdown of the chain reaction and the Maillard reaction. Irradiated films showed smoother surface and less rough, due to the degradation of the chitosan molecule and poor mechanical properties, not showing good flexibility and stretching. (author)

  20. Irradiation gamma on chitosan films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mello, Luana Miranda Lopes de; Souza, Adriana Regia Marques de; Arthur, Valter


    Films are preformed structures, independent, that are used to wrap food after processing, increasing their shelf life and enhancing its bright and attractive appearance. They are prepared from biological materials as an alternative to the plastic synthetic containers to improve the quality of the environment. Chitosan is a biodegradable polymer composed of β-(1-4) linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D- glucosamine (acetylated unit). It is produced commercially by deacetylation of chitin, which is a structural component of the exoskeleton of crustaceans. She is able to form films and edible and/or biodegradable coatings. With the objective to evaluate the effect of different doses of gamma radiation (0, 5, 10 and 15 kGy) and chitosan concentrations (1 and 2%) in film properties, it was evaluated its optical, mechanical and morphological properties. The films were produced by casting. Irradiation did not affect the thickness of the films, but influenced its colors, increasing the tone of the film for a stronger yellowish color. This fact can be attributed to the increased concentration of C = O bonds of chitosan due to the breakdown of the chain reaction and the Maillard reaction. Irradiated films showed smoother surface and less rough, due to the degradation of the chitosan molecule and poor mechanical properties, not showing good flexibility and stretching. (author)

  1. A Study on the Origins of Cultural Films in Korea: A Focus on Films by the Japanese Government-General of Korea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryeosil Kim


    Full Text Available The term "cultural film" was coined in Korea under the Japanese rule, and it had been used as a general term for nonfiction films since the Korean liberation until the 1980s. However, unlike the term "documentary film," cultural film contains implications of propaganda film, controlled and produced as part of cultural and public relations policies of the government, thus it had been seldom studied for a long time. The term “cultural film” did not mean a film genre in the beginning. Therefore it is impossible to conceptualize the term based on common formats or contents of the films which have been called “cultural films.” Cultural films have been generally recognized as nonfiction films, and therefore documentary films. Yet in the production and distribution sites, fiction films and even animations were considered cultural films. In order to delve into the nature of cultural film, we have to reexamine the process in which the proper noun “Cultural Film” became a common noun. This paper attempts to explore the historical context in which the term “cultural film” was coined and used in the colonial Korea, when cultural films began to be produced. I examine the overall time period in which: 1 the concept of nonfiction film was first introduced in the Motion Picture Censorship Regulation, 2 the term “cultural film” became legally stipulated at a time when national policies were being established as Korea experienced the Manchurian Incident and the Sino-Japanese War, and 3 “cultural films” were screened mandatorily as “national films” that the nation had to foster through the Japan Film Law and Chosôn Film Act.

  2. Electrochemically deposited sol-gel-derived silicate films as a viable alternative in thin-film design. (United States)

    Deepa, P N; Kanungo, Mandakini; Claycomb, Greg; Sherwood, Peter M A; Collinson, Maryanne M


    Sol-gel-derived silicate films were electrochemically deposited on conducting surfaces from a sol consisting of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS). In this method, a sufficiently negative potential is applied to the electrode surface to reduce oxygen to hydroxyl ions, which serves as the catalyst for the hydrolysis and condensation of TMOS. The electrodeposition process was followed by the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance and cyclic voltammetry. The electrodeposited films were characterized for their surface morphology, porosity, and film thickness using atomic force microscopy, electrochemical probe techniques, surface area and pore size analysis, and profilometry. The electrodeposited films were found to have a completely different surface structure and to be significantly rougher relative to spin-coated films. This is likely due in part to the separation of the gelation and evaporation stages of film formation. The electrodeposited films were found to be permeable to simple redox molecules, such as ruthenium(III) hexaammine and ferrocene methanol. Film thickness can be easily varied from 15 microm by varying the electrode potential from -600 mV to more than -1000 mV, respectively. The electrodeposition process was further applied for the electroencapsulation of redox molecules and organic dyes within the silicate network. Cyclic voltammograms for the gel-entrapped ferrocene methanol (FcCH2OH) and ruthenium(II) tris(bipyridine) (Ru(bpy)3(2+)) exhibited the characteristic redox behavior of the molecules. The electroencapsulation of organic dyes in their "native" form proved to be more difficult because these species typically contain reducible functionalities that change the structure of the dye.

  3. Characteristics of sputtered Al-doped ZnO films for transparent electrodes of organic thin-film transistor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Yong Seob; Kim, Han-Ki


    Aluminum-doped ZnO (AZO) thin-films were deposited with various RF powers at room temperature by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering method. The electrical properties of the AZO film were improved with the increasing RF power. These results can be explained by the improvement of the crystallinity in the AZO film. We fabricated the organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) of the bottom gate structure using pentacene active and poly-4-vinyl phenol gate dielectric layers on the indium tin oxide gate electrode, and estimated the device properties of the OTFTs including drain current-drain voltage (I D -V D ), drain current-gate voltage (I D -V G ), threshold voltage (V T ), on/off ratio and field effect mobility. The AZO film that grown at 160 W RF power exhibited low resistivity (1.54 x 10 -3 Ω.cm), high crystallinity and uniform surface morphology. The pentacene thin-film transistor using the AZO film that's fabricated at 160 W RF power exhibited good device performance such as the mobility of 0.94 cm 2 /V s and the on/off ratio of ∼ 10 5 . Consequently, the performance of the OTFT such as larger field-effect carrier mobility was determined the conductivity of the AZO source/drain (S/D) electrode. AZO films prepared at room temperature by the sputtering method are suitable for the S/D electrodes in the OTFTs.

  4. Accuracy and efficiency of published film dosimetry techniques using a flat-bed scanner and EBT3 film. (United States)

    Spelleken, E; Crowe, S B; Sutherland, B; Challens, C; Kairn, T


    Gafchromic EBT3 film is widely used for patient specific quality assurance of complex treatment plans. Film dosimetry techniques commonly involve the use of transmission scanning to produce TIFF files, which are analysed using a non-linear calibration relationship between the dose and red channel net optical density (netOD). Numerous film calibration techniques featured in the literature have not been independently verified or evaluated. A range of previously published film dosimetry techniques were re-evaluated, to identify whether these methods produce better results than the commonly-used non-linear, netOD method. EBT3 film was irradiated at calibration doses between 0 and 4000 cGy and 25 pieces of film were irradiated at 200 cGy to evaluate uniformity. The film was scanned using two different scanners: The Epson Perfection V800 and the Epson Expression 10000XL. Calibration curves, uncertainty in the fit of the curve, overall uncertainty and uniformity were calculated following the methods described by the different calibration techniques. It was found that protocols based on a conventional film dosimetry technique produced results that were accurate and uniform to within 1%, while some of the unconventional techniques produced much higher uncertainties (> 25% for some techniques). Some of the uncommon methods produced reliable results when irradiated to the standard treatment doses (film analysis technique which uses transmission scanning, red colour channel analysis, netOD and a non-linear calibration curve for measuring doses up to 4000 cGy when using EBT3 film.

  5. EthnoFilm: cinema-school and ethno-laboratory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Golovnev


    Full Text Available The paper is dedicated to the EthnoFilm educational project in the historical and modern context of visual anthropology. The EthnoFilm project intended as the educational ethnocultural initiative, aimed to attraction of interested youth to ethnographic research and video fixation of the unique cultural phenomena of the peoples of Arctic and Subarctic regions: Nenets, Khanty, Mansi, Komi. The first stage of the project, consisted of lectures and seminars, was considered as development of traditional positions of ethnography as well as visual forms of description of ethnic groups. The courses regarding film production, dramatic art, editing, filming were delivered. The basic attention was paid to individual lessons that had been related to working out of creative sketches and plans of realization of the future films as final works of project's participants. The central stage of the project was the “field film-school”, ethnographic and film practice in the form of expeditions towards the places of residence of the various indigenous communities. During the expeditions the ethnographic material has been gained and first editing of the received materials at portable montage studio has been made. Besides, the film draft version accompanied with a language translation and updating of film details has been showed to protagonists of shootings. This process involved into account the opinion of participants from the national environment. The final stage of the EthnoFilm project was considered as editing of the film almanac. Almanac’s films were united by a project's theme. On another hand, all the films were considered as individual works: the film’s style and content depended upon the chosen characters, environment and author's position.

  6. Determining Film Art. (United States)

    Bullis, Roger


    The criteria by which films can and should be analyzed as art are discussed in this paper. A triangular model of theme-form-content is presented with form given greater significance than is usually the case in film criticism. The form-content-theme synthesis is the process in which theme is made clear by means of form and content within an…

  7. Radical Pedagogy, Prison, and Film (United States)

    O'Neill, Dierdre


    This article explores the work of The Inside Film project. Inside Film works with a specific group of people (prisoners and ex-prisoners) in a particular set of circumstances (in prison or on parole) exploring how film making can be used within prison education or with people who have been to prison as a means of fostering a critical engagement…

  8. Tear film measurement by optical reflectometry technique (United States)

    Lu, Hui; Wang, Michael R.; Wang, Jianhua; Shen, Meixiao


    Abstract. Evaluation of tear film is performed by an optical reflectometer system with alignment guided by a galvanometer scanner. The reflectometer system utilizes optical fibers to deliver illumination light to the tear film and collect the film reflectance as a function of wavelength. Film thickness is determined by best fitting the reflectance-wavelength curve. The spectral reflectance acquisition time is 15 ms, fast enough for detecting film thickness changes. Fast beam alignment of 1 s is achieved by the galvanometer scanner. The reflectometer was first used to evaluate artificial tear film on a model eye with and without a contact lens. The film thickness and thinning rate have been successfully quantified with the minimum measured thickness of about 0.3 μm. Tear films in human eyes, with and without a contact lens, have also been evaluated. A high-contrast spectral reflectance signal from the precontact lens tear film is clearly observed, and the thinning dynamics have been easily recorded from 3.69 to 1.31 μm with lipid layer thickness variation in the range of 41 to 67 nm. The accuracy of the measurement is better than ±0.58% of the film thickness at an estimated tear film refractive index error of ±0.001. The fiber-based reflectometer system is compact and easy to handle. PMID:24500519

  9. Self-Limited Growth in Pentacene Thin Films. (United States)

    Pachmajer, Stefan; Jones, Andrew O F; Truger, Magdalena; Röthel, Christian; Salzmann, Ingo; Werzer, Oliver; Resel, Roland


    Pentacene is one of the most studied organic semiconducting materials. While many aspects of the film formation have already been identified in very thin films, this study provides new insight into the transition from the metastable thin-film phase to bulk phase polymorphs. This study focuses on the growth behavior of pentacene within thin films as a function of film thickness ranging from 20 to 300 nm. By employing various X-ray diffraction methods, combined with supporting atomic force microscopy investigations, one crystalline orientation for the thin-film phase is observed, while three differently tilted bulk phase orientations are found. First, bulk phase crystallites grow with their 00L planes parallel to the substrate surface; second, however, crystallites tilted by 0.75° with respect to the substrate are found, which clearly dominate the former in ratio; third, a different bulk phase polymorph with crystallites tilted by 21° is found. The transition from the thin-film phase to the bulk phase is rationalized by the nucleation of the latter at crystal facets of the thin-film-phase crystallites. This leads to a self-limiting growth of the thin-film phase and explains the thickness-dependent phase behavior observed in pentacene thin films, showing that a large amount of material is present in the bulk phase much earlier during the film growth than previously thought.

  10. Ultrahard carbon nanocomposite films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Modest thermal annealing to 600 C of diamondlike amorphous-carbon (a-C) films grown at room temperature results in the formation of carbon nanocomposites with hardness similar to diamond. These nanocomposite films consist of nanometer-sized regions of high density a-C embedded in an a-C matrix with a reduced density of 5--10%. The authors report on the evolution of density and bonding topologies as a function of annealing temperature. Despite a decrease in density, film hardness actually increases {approximately} 15% due to the development of the nanocomposite structure.

  11. Transparent Low Electrostatic Charge Films Based on Carbon Nanotubes and Polypropylene. Homopolymer Cast Films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zoe Vineth Quiñones-Jurado


    Full Text Available Use of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs in external layers (A-layers of ABA-trilayer polypropylene films was investigated, with the purpose of determining intrinsic and extrinsic factors that could lead to antistatic behavior of transparent films. The incorporation of 0.01, 0.1, and 1 wt % of MWCTNs in the A-layers was done by dilution through the masterbatch method. Masterbatches were fabricated using isotactic polypropylene (iPP with different melt flow indexes 2.5, 34, and 1200 g/10 min, and using different ultrasound assist methods. It was found that films containing MWCNTs show surface electrical resistivity of 1012 and 1016 Ω/sq, regardless of the iPP melt flow index (MFI and masterbatch fabrication method. However, electrostatic charge was found to depend upon the iPP MFI, the ultrasound assist method and MWCNT concentration. A percolation electron transport mechanism was determined most likely responsible for this behavior. Optical properties for films containing MWCNTs do not show significant differences compared to the reference film at MWCNT concentrations below 0.1 wt %. However, an enhancement in brightness was observed, and it was attributed to ordered iPP molecules wrapping the MWCNTs. Bright transparent films with low electrostatic charge were obtained even for MWCNTs concentrations as low as 0.01 wt %.

  12. Buckling of Thin Films in Nano-Scale

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    Li L.A.


    Full Text Available Investigation of thin film buckling is important for life prediction of MEMS device which are damaged mainly by the delamination and buckling of thin films. In this paper the mechanical and thermal properties of compressed thin film titanium films with 150 nm thickness deposited on an organic glass substrate under mechanical and thermal loads were measured and characterized. In order to simulate the thin films which subjected to compound loads and the buckle modes the external uniaxial compression and thermal loading were subjected to the specimen by the symmetric loading device and the electrical film in this experiment. The temperature of the thin film deposited on substrate was measured using thermoelectric couple. The range of temperature accords with the temperature range of the MEMS. It is found that the size and number of the delamination and buckling of the film are depended upon the pre-fixed mechanical loading and thermal temperature. The thermal transient conduction and thermal stability of the film and substrate was studied with finite element method.

  13. Mesoscale control of organic crystalline thin films: effects of film morphology on the performance of organic transistors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jaekyun; Park, Sungkyu [Chung-Ang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Yonghoon [Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon (Korea, Republic of)


    We report mesoscale control of small molecular 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-pentacene) crystalline thin films by varying the solute concentration in the fluidic channel method. A stepwise increase in the TIPS-pentacene concentration in the solution enabled us to prepare highly-crystallized ribbons, thin films, and thick films in a mesoscale range, respectively. All three types of deposited films exhibited an in-plane crystalline nature of (001) direction being normal to the substrate as well as crystalline domain growth parallel to the direction of the receding meniscus inside the fluidic channel. In addition, the film's morphology and thickness were found to have a great influence on the field-effect mobility of the transistors, and the highest average and maximum mobilities were achieved from transistors with thin-film semiconductor channels.

  14. Cultural Dependency in Canada's Feature Film Industry. (United States)

    Pendakur, Manjunath


    Examines the ownership and policies of the dominant firms in the Canadian film market to explain Canada's dependence on imported films. Demonstrates how the economic relations existing between Canadian and U.S. film industries limit the profitability of films made in Canada. (JMF)

  15. Application of β plastic film thickness gauge in automatic production of agricultural film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Longzhi; Guo Juhao


    The author briefly explains the importance of agricultural film at home, and mainly explains the measuring principles of plastic film thickness, the design of β detector, the temperature compensation technology and the design of automatic control device

  16. Oromucosal film preparations: classification and characterization methods. (United States)

    Preis, Maren; Woertz, Christina; Kleinebudde, Peter; Breitkreutz, Jörg


    Recently, the regulatory authorities have enlarged the variety of 'oromucosal preparations' by buccal films and orodispersible films. Various film preparations have entered the market and pharmacopoeias. Due to the novelty of the official monographs, no standardized characterization methods and quality specifications are included. This review reports the methods of choice to characterize oromucosal film preparations with respect to biorelevant characterization and quality control. Commonly used dissolution tests for other dosage forms are not transferable for films in all cases. Alternatives and guidance on decision, which methods are favorable for film preparations are discussed. Furthermore, issues about requirements for film dosage forms are reflected. Oromucosal film preparations offer a wide spectrum of opportunities. There are a lot of suggestions in the literature on how to control the quality of these innovative products, but no standardized tests are available. Regulatory authorities need to define the standards and quality requirements more precisely.

  17. Perkembangan Motif Sineas Film Indie dalam Menghadapi Industri Film Mainstream

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoppy Ardiyono


    Full Text Available The research aims to review to review determine the effect and its impact raised by motive - a motive the ada in the hearts period travel time history of film short against cinematographer-filmmaker as principal especially filmmakers left path (indie. The used platform theory research hearts singer adopts from theory commodification media vincent mosco. Singer helped shift theory understanding the motive filmmakers working hearts differences fundamental basis of political pressure economic happens under with demands regime. The method used is descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques through observation of the environment of an independent film live and in-depth interviews with speakers including mr. Yang prayer orangutan direct contact 'with realm of research. Coupled with study to review the literature references adding insight research. And that was concluded change appears motif among indie film cinematographer it is true the situation is closely linked to the mainstream industry, konstilasi politics, and the orientation of capitalism. Necessary their one thing is clear and systematic regulation from the government to the future movement of currents sidestream (indie more with good operates professionally arranged, the air so that the contribution of indie cinema film land for progress can feels good to yourself indie filmmakers as well as those of its main industries.

  18. PVA/Polysaccharides Blended Films: Mechanical Properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio E. F. Silva


    Full Text Available Blends of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA and angico gum (AG and/or cashew gum (CG were used to produce films by casting method. Morphological and mechanical properties of these films were studied and compared to the properties of a commercial collagen membrane of bovine origin (MBO. The films presented thickness varying from 70 to 140 μm (PVA/AG and 140 to 200 μm (PVA/CG. Macroscopic analysis showed that a PVA/CG film was very similar to MBO regarding the color and transparency. The higher values of tensile strength (TS and elastic modulus (EM were observed in the film. On the other hand, PVA/CG and PVA/CG-AG presented the highest value of percentage of elongation (E%. Pearson’s Correlation Analysis revealed a positive correlation between TS and EM and a negative correlation between E% and EM. The PVA/CG film presented mechanical properties very similar to MBO, with the advantage of a higher E% (11.96 than MBO (2.94. The properties of the PVA blended films depended on the polysaccharide added in the blend, as well as the acid used as a catalyst. However, all produced films presented interesting mechanical characteristics which enables several biotechnological applications.

  19. Realistic absorption coefficient of ultrathin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cesaria, M; Caricato, A P; Martino, M


    Both a theoretical algorithm and an experimental procedure are discussed of a new route to determine the absorption/scattering properties of thin films deposited on transparent substrates. Notably, the non-measurable contribution of the film–substrate interface is inherently accounted for. While the experimental procedure exploits only measurable spectra combined according to a very simple algorithm, the theoretical derivation does not require numerical handling of the acquired spectra or any assumption on the film homogeneity and substrate thickness. The film absorption response is estimated by subtracting the measured absorption spectrum of the bare substrate from that of the film on the substrate structure but in a non-straightforward way. In fact, an assumption about the absorption profile of the overall structure is introduced and a corrective factor accounting for the relative film-to-substrate thickness. The method is tested on films of a well known material (ITO) as a function of the film structural quality and influence of the film–substrate interface, both deliberately changed by thickness tuning and doping. Results are found fully consistent with information obtained by standard optical analysis and band gap values reported in the literature. Additionally, comparison with a conventional method demonstrates that our route is generally more accurate even if particularly suited for very thin films. (paper)

  20. Chirality of magneto-electrodeposited metal film electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mogi, Iwao; Watanabe, Kazuo


    The chiral electrode behaviors of magneto-electrodeposited (MED) Ag and Cu films were examined for the electrochemical reactions of D-glucose, L-glucose and L-cysteine. The Ag and Cu films were electrodeposited under a magnetic field of 2 T parallel (+2 T) or antiparallel (-2 T) to the faradaic current. For MED films of both Ag and Cu, the oxidation current of L-glucose was larger than that of D-glucose on the +2 T-film electrodes, and the results were opposite on the - 2 T-film electrodes. These facts demonstrate that the MED metal films possess the ability of chiral recognition for D- and L-glucoses. The MED Ag film electrodes also exhibited chiral behavior for the oxidation of L-cysteine

  1. On liquid films on an inclined plate

    KAUST Repository

    BENILOV, E. S.


    This paper examines two related problems from liquid-film theory. Firstly, a steady-state flow of a liquid film down a pre-wetted plate is considered, in which there is a precursor film in front of the main film. Assuming the former to be thin, a full asymptotic description of the problem is developed and simple analytical estimates for the extent and depth of the precursor film\\'s influence on the main film are provided. Secondly, the so-called drag-out problem is considered, where an inclined plate is withdrawn from a pool of liquid. Using a combination of numerical and asymptotic means, the parameter range where the classical Landau-Levich-Wilson solution is not unique is determined. © 2010 Cambridge University Press.

  2. Soap films burst like flapping flags. (United States)

    Lhuissier, Henri; Villermaux, Emmanuel


    When punctured, a flat soap film bursts by opening a hole driven by liquid surface tension. The hole rim does not, however, remain smooth but soon develops indentations at the tip of which ligaments form, ultimately breaking and leaving the initially connex film into a mist of disjointed drops. We report on original observations showing that these indentations result from a flaglike instability between the film and the surrounding atmosphere inducing an oscillatory motion out of its plane. Just like a flag edge flaps in the wind, the film is successively accelerated on both sides perpendicularly to its plane, inducing film thickness modulations and centrifuging liquid ligaments that finally pinch off to form the observed spray. This effect exemplifies how the dynamics of fragile objects such as thin liquid films is sensitive to their embedding medium.

  3. The critical properties of magnetic films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saber, M.; Ainane, A.; Essaoudi, I.; Miguel, J.J. de


    Within the framework of the transverse spin-1/2 Ising model and by using the effective field theory with a probability distribution technique that accounts for the self spin correlations, we have studied the critical properties of an L-layer film of simple cubic symmetry in which the exchanges strength are assumed to be different from the bulk values in N S surface layers. We derive and illustrate the expressions for the phase diagrams, order parameter profiles and susceptibility. In such films, the critical temperature can shift to either lower or higher temperature compared with the corresponding bulk value. We calculate also some magnetic properties of the film, such as the layer magnetizations, their averages and their profiles and the longitudinal susceptibility of the film. The film longitudinal susceptibility still diverges at the film critical temperature as does the bulk longitudinal susceptibility.

  4. The Reincarnation of Animated Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Šošková Eva


    Full Text Available Throughout its entire history, Slovak animated film has had the form of figurative narrative art or craft. For this reason, the author of this study examines its post-1989 development through the prism of the body. Since the most visible change that has affected contemporary film aesthetics is the feminization of animated film in terms of authorship, the study primarily focuses on the ability of an animated body to represent gender and gender roles. It attempts to capture the most significant changes in the depiction of the body in authorial animated film before and after 1989, in more detail record the post-revolution changes in the body, and relate this to the changes in the institutional background of animated film. Animated bodies have developed from “ordinary people” from a dominant male point of view in socio-critical socialist production through female characters in interaction with clearly distinguished male characters in the films of female authors from the Academy of Performing Arts, the crisis of stereotypical masculinity in the production of male authors to independent women looking for their own identity inside themselves, without relating themselves to their male counterparts.

  5. Photoconductivity of thin organic films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tkachenko, Nikolai V.; Chukharev, Vladimir; Kaplas, Petra; Tolkki, Antti; Efimov, Alexander; Haring, Kimmo; Viheriaelae, Jukka; Niemi, Tapio; Lemmetyinen, Helge


    Thin organic films were deposited on silicon oxide surfaces with golden interdigitated electrodes (interelectrode gap was 2 μm), and the film resistivities were measured in dark and under white light illumination. The compounds selected for the measurements include molecules widely used in solar cell applications, such as polythiophene (PHT), fullerene (C 60 ), pyrelene tetracarboxylic diimide (PTCDI) and copper phthalocyanine (CuPc), as well as molecules potentially interesting for photovoltaic applications, e.g. porphyrin-fullerene dyads. The films were deposited using thermal evaporation (e.g. for C 60 and CuPc films), spin coating for PHT, and Langmuir-Schaeffer for the layer-by-layer deposition of porphyrin-fullerene dyads. The most conducting materials in the series are films of PHT and CuPc with resistivities 1.2 x 10 3 Ω m and 3 x 10 4 Ω m, respectively. Under light illumination resistivity of all films decreases, with the strongest light effect observed for PTCDI, for which resistivity decreases by 100 times, from 3.2 x 10 8 Ω m in dark to 3.1 x 10 6 Ω m under the light.

  6. High-coercivity FePt sputtered films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luong, N.H.; Hiep, V.V.; Hong, D.M.; Chau, N.; Linh, N.D.; Kurisu, M.; Anh, D.T.K.; Nakamoto, G.


    Fe 56 Pt 44 thin films have been prepared by RF magnetron sputtering on Si substrates. The substrate temperature was kept at 350 deg C. The X-ray diffraction patterns of as-deposited FePt films exhibited a disordered structure. Annealing of the films at 650-685 deg C for 1 h yielded an ordered L1 0 phase with FCT structure. The high value for coercivity H C of 17 kOe was obtained at room temperature for the 68 nm thick film annealed at 685 deg C. The hard magnetic properties as well as grain structure of the films strongly depend on the annealing conditions

  7. Progress of Diamond-like Carbon Films

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    CHEN Qing-yun


    Full Text Available Diamond-like carbon(DLC films had many unique and outstanding properties such as high thermal conductivity, high hardness, excellent chemical inertness, low friction coefficients and wear coefficients. The properties and combinations were very promising for heat sink, micro-electromechanical devices, radiation hardening, biomedical devices, automotive industry and other technical applications, more research and a lot of attention were attracted in recent years. The research progress of diamond-like films and the nucleation mechanism of film were summarized, and application prospect of DLC films were demonstrated. The aim of this paper is to provide insights on the research trend of DLC films and the industry applications.

  8. Fluctuations and structure of amphiphilic films; Fluctuations et structure de films d`amphiphiles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gourier, CH


    This thesis is divided in three parts.The first part exposes in a theoretical point of view, how the fluctuations spectrum of an amphiphilic film is governed by its properties and its bidimensional characteristics.The measurements of fluctuations spectra of an interface are accessible with the measurement of intensity that interface diffuses out of the specular angle, we present in the second chapter the principles of the X rays diffusion by a real interface and see how the diffuse diffusion experiments allow to determine the fluctuations spectrum of an amphiphilic film. The second part is devoted to the different experimental techniques that have allowed to realize the study of fluctuation as well as the structural study.The third part is devoted to experimental results concerning the measurements of fluctuations spectra and to the study of the structure of amphiphilic films. We show that it is possible by using an intense source of X rays (ESRF: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) to measure the water and amphiphilic films fluctuations spectra until molecular scales. The last chapter is devoted to the structural study and film fluctuations made of di-acetylenic molecules. (N.C.)

  9. PVA-based nanographene film by electrospinning

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    Pang Jing


    Full Text Available Two-dimensional polyvinyl alcohol based graphene films with the thickness of less than 20 nm were fabricated directly by using polyvinyl alcohol/graphite solution or polyvinyl alcohol/ash solution by electrospinning. It was found that ash particles are good candidate for substitution of graphite particles to fabricate nanographene films. The relationship between the thickness and width of the film is elucidated, and the periodic morphology of the film is explained.

  10. Video enhancement of dental radiographic films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Dis, M.L.; Beck, F.M.; Miles, D.A.


    A prototype video image display system, a real-time analog enhancer (RAE), was compared to conventional viewing conditions with the use of nonscreen dental films. When medium optical density films were evaluated, there was no significant difference in the number of radiographic details detected. Conventional viewing conditions allowed perception of more details when dark films were evaluated; however, the RAE unit allowed the perception of more details when light films were viewed

  11. Representasi Homoseksualitas dalam Film Indonesia Kontemporer


    Maimunah Maimunah


    This paper examines the emergence of non-normative sexual orientations in contemporary Indonesian films. Unlike the representation of sexuality in New Order Indonesian films, which centred on the female reproductive role and presented the nation as constructed of heterosexual families rather than individual citizens, a number of 200()s Indonesian films can be seen as negotiations of new understandings of sexual diversity and individual subjectivity. These films represent a challenge to monoli...

  12. Representasi Homoseksualitas Dalam Film Indonesia Kontemporer


    Maimunah, Maimunah


    This paper examines the emergence of non-normative sexual orientations in contemporary Indonesian films. Unlike the representation of sexuality in New Order Indonesian films, which centred on the female reproductive role and presented the nation as constructed of heterosexual families rather than individual citizens, a number of 200()s Indonesian films can be seen as negotiations of new understandings of sexual diversity and individual subjectivity. These films represent a challenge to monoli...

  13. Sedimentations: Some Thoughts on Schoenberg’s Musical Accompaniment to a Cinematographic Scene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Ryan


    Full Text Available This article examines Arnold Schoenberg’s Begleitmusik zu einer Lichtspielszene of 1930. This, essentially, is a soundtrack in search of a film (no film was actually created with it in mind, and clearly speaks of Schoenberg’s bleak premonitions of the coming decade with its cue titles of ‘threatening fear’ – ‘danger’ – and ‘catastrophe’. The article further explores Schoenberg’s music in relation to the musical/ cinematic practices of his day. This leads to a discussion of Jean-Marie Straub and Danielle Huillet’s utilization of the score from 1973 which uses film as a self-reflexive device to explore the personal, cultural and the political. Having received permission  to create a new film for this piece (currently in planning the author of this article hopes to explore how the cities of Vienna and Berlin might form a visual hinge through which to view the tumultuous exile of the composer from Vienna to Berlin and on to the USA after the rise of National Socialism in 1933. Like Straub and Huillet the author aims to use, and discuss, the potential of film to map the historical onto the present.

  14. Free-Standing, Flexible, Superomniphobic Films. (United States)

    Vahabi, Hamed; Wang, Wei; Movafaghi, Sanli; Kota, Arun K


    Fabrication of most superomniphobic surfaces requires complex process conditions or specialized and expensive equipment or skilled personnel. In order to circumvent these issues and make them end-user-friendly, we developed the free-standing, flexible, superomniphobic films. These films can be stored and delivered to the end-users, who can readily attach them to virtually any surface (even irregular shapes) and impart superomniphobicity. The hierarchical structure, the re-entrant texture, and the low solid surface energy render our films superomniphobic for a wide variety of liquids. We demonstrate that our free-standing, flexible, superomniphobic films have applications in enhanced chemical resistance and enhanced weight bearing.

  15. Glass microspheres covering film: first field evaluations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magnani, G.; Filippi, F.


    A trial was carried out to evaluate, in the North-Centre of Italy, the behaviour in field of a new plastic covering film, prepared with the inclusion of empty glass microspheres (Solex). The trial was conducted on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). The new film was compared to a covering film with the same optical (diffuse light) and constitutional (co-extruded three layers EVA-WPE) characteristics. Since the first results, the innovative film showed a better behaviour than the control one. It presented light and thermal conditions (lower temperature during the day and slightly higher temperature in the night, compared to the control film) that allowed a better growth and yield than the control film. The growth analysis of tomato showed that plants grown under glass microsphere film had an higher growth rate (dry weight/days) and thickness of leaves compared to the control one. The yield of tomato and eggplant presented an increase in plants cultivated under the innovative film, especially for number and weight of fruits. The commercial quality did not show any differences between the films, except for the flesh hardness of tomato: this could be explained with the fact that the glass microspheres film provides environmental conditions avoiding plant stress during some stages of its cycle [it

  16. Effect of processor temperature on film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, Shiv P.; Das, Indra J.


    Optical density (OD) of a radiographic film plays an important role in radiation dosimetry, which depends on various parameters, including beam energy, depth, field size, film batch, dose, dose rate, air film interface, postexposure processing time, and temperature of the processor. Most of these parameters have been studied for Kodak XV and extended dose range (EDR) films used in radiation oncology. There is very limited information on processor temperature, which is investigated in this study. Multiple XV and EDR films were exposed in the reference condition (d max. , 10 × 10 cm 2 , 100 cm) to a given dose. An automatic film processor (X-Omat 5000) was used for processing films. The temperature of the processor was adjusted manually with increasing temperature. At each temperature, a set of films was processed to evaluate OD at a given dose. For both films, OD is a linear function of processor temperature in the range of 29.4–40.6°C (85–105°F) for various dose ranges. The changes in processor temperature are directly related to the dose by a quadratic function. A simple linear equation is provided for the changes in OD vs. processor temperature, which could be used for correcting dose in radiation dosimetry when film is used.

  17. Diamond film growth with modification properties of adhesion between substrate and diamond film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Setasuwon P.


    Full Text Available Diamond film growth was studied using chemical vapor deposition (CVD. A special equipment was build in-house, employing a welding torch, and substrate holder with a water-cooling system. Acetylene and oxygen were used as combustion gases and the substrate was tungsten carbide cobalt. It was found that surface treatments, such as diamond powder scratching or acid etching, increase the adhesion and prevent the film peel-off. Diamond powder scratching and combined diamond powder scratching with acid etching gave the similar diamond film structure with small grain and slightly rough surface. The diamond film obtained with both treatments has high adhesion and can withstand internal stress better than ones obtained by untreated surface or acid etching alone. It was also found that higher substrate temperature produced smoother surface and more uniform diamond grain.

  18. Characteristics of a commercially available film digitizer and their significance for film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mersseman, B.; De Wagter, C.


    Dosimetric detectors used in high-energy photon radiation dosimetry mainly perform a zero- or one-dimensional measurement. These low-dimensional methods are not always adequate in the context of conformal radiotherapy. Therefore, two-dimensional film dosimetry has attracted attention. We studied a 12-bit CCD-based film digitizer (Vidar VXR-12) with regard to accurate film dosimetry. We investigated the stability, linearity, noise, effects of aberrant light scatter and built-in conversion tables. A digitizing resolution of 75 dpi and a digitizing speed of 20 ms/line result in an optimal signal-to-noise ratio. At optical densities above 2.0, the reading accuracy of the digitizer is limited by noise. The results of various experiments prove both the capabilities and limitations of the digitizer studied. We also propose a method to acquire and process film data using such a digitizer. (author)

  19. The effects of film thickness on the electrical, optical, and structural properties of cylindrical, rotating, magnetron-sputtered ITO films (United States)

    Kim, Jae-Ho; Seong, Tae-Yeon; Ahn, Kyung-Jun; Chung, Kwun-Bum; Seok, Hae-Jun; Seo, Hyeong-Jin; Kim, Han-Ki


    We report the characteristics of Sn-doped In2O3 (ITO) films intended for use as transparent conducting electrodes; the films were prepared via a five-generation, in-line type, cylindrical, rotating magnetron sputtering (CRMS) system as a function of film thickness. By using a rotating cylindrical ITO target with high usage (∼80%), we prepared high conductivity, transparent ITO films on five-generation size glass. The effects of film thickness on the electrical, optical, morphological, and structural properties of CRMS-grown ITO films are investigated in detail to correlate the thickness and performance of ITO films. The preferred orientation changed from the (2 2 2) to the (4 0 0) plane with increasing thickness of ITO is attributed to the stability of the (4 0 0) plane against resputtering during the CRMS process. Based on X-ray diffraction, surface field emission scanning electron microscopy, and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, we suggest a possible mechanism to explain the preferred orientation and effects of film thickness on the performance of CRMS-grown ITO films.

  20. Effects of film thickness on scintillation characteristics of columnar CsI:Tl films exposed to high gamma radiation doses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shinde, Seema; Singh, S.G.; Sen, S.; Gadkari, S.C., E-mail:


    Oriented columnar films of Tl doped CsI (CsI:Tl) of varying thicknesses from 50 µm to 1000 µm have been deposited on silica glass substrates by a thermal evaporation technique. The SEM micrographs confirmed the columnar structure of the film while the powder X-ray diffraction pattern recorded for the films revealed a preferred orientation of the grown columns along the <200> direction. Effects of high energy gamma exposure up to 1000 Gy on luminescence properties of the films were investigated. Results of radio-luminescence, photo-luminescence and scintillation studies on the films are compared with those of a CsI:Tl single crystal with similar thickness. A possible correlation between the film thicknesses and radiation damage in films has been observed. - Highlights: • CsI:Tl films of different thicknesses deposited for γ and α detection. • Pulse-height spectra found to degrade with increasing thickness. • Radiation damage is found more in films than single crystal of comparable thickness. • Detection efficiency increases for γ while it is invariant for α beyond 50 µm.