
Sample records for zno pada silikon


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    Andi Suhandi


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan simulasi perhitungan untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengaruh penambahan lapisan anti refleksi ZnO terhadap persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya Silikon. Proses perhitungan dilakukan dengan bantuan software Sigma Plot. Perhitungan menggunakan konsep-konsep dasar fisika terkait optika, diantaranya konsep refleksi dan transmisi gelombang cahaya ketika melewati bidang batas dua medium yang berbeda kerapatan optiknya, konsep polarisasi cahaya, dan konsep anti refleksi. Hasil simulasi perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya silikon nilainya bergantung pada panjang gelombang cahaya datang (. Persen refleksi turun dari dari 38% ketika permukaan sel surya Silikon tidak dilapisi lapisan antirefleksi ZnO menjadi sekitar 15 % setelah permukaan sel surya silikon dilapisi lapisan ZnO dengan ketebalan sekitar 110 nm. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya Silikon yang telah dilapisi lapisan anti refleksi ZnO nilainya bervariasi bergantung pada ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi yang digunakan. Dalam rentang data simulasi, ketika tebal lapisan anti refleksi ZnO ditingkatkan, persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya silikon nilainya turun, namun ketika ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi ditingkatkan lagi, ternyata persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya naik kembali. Keadaan ini menunjukkan adanya nilai ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi optimum yang menghasilkan persen refleksi cahaya oleh sel surya bernilai minimum. Penurunan persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya akan meningkatkan persen transmisi cahaya menuju lapisan aktif sel surya, yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan efisiensi konversi sel surya Silikon.

  2. Rehabilitasi Prostetik Protesa Jari dengan Bahan Silikon Rtv untuk Mengembalikan Bentuk dan Estetik

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    Ayu Agung Subiantari


    Full Text Available Tangan memiliki fungsi utama untuk menggenggam dan meraba. Organ ini dipergunakan untuk sarana komunikasi penting yang menunjukkan bahasa tubuh dan kontak sosial. Amputasi pada jari atau sebagian jari tangan merupakan kasus yang paling sering dijumpai sebagai bentuk hilangnya sebagian tangan yang dapat menimbulkan dampak buruk secara fisik, psikologis, maupun kerugian secara ekonomi bagi individu. Rehabilitasi prostetik pada  amputasi jari menjadi pertimbangan ketika rekonstruksi mikro vaskular merupakan kontraindikasi atau perawatan mengalami kegagalan. Tujuan dari studi kasus ini adalah  mengkaji rehabilitasi prostetik protesa jari menggunakan bahan silikon RTV untuk mengembalikan bentuk dan estetik. Pasien telah menyetujui kasusnya dipublikasikan untuk kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan. Pasien laki- laki, 24 tahun datang dengan keluhan kehilangan sebagian jari telunjuk kanan . Riwayat trauma disebabkan oleh tangan kanannya tergilas mesin bubut 6 tahun yang lalu. Tatalaksana kasus : Anamnesa, pemeriksaan klinis, dan rehabilitasi prostetik protesa jari dengan ahan silikon RTV. Protesa jari dengan estetik yang baik dapat memberi dukungan psikologis terhadap pasien. Rehabilitation Finger Prosthesis with RTV Silicone to Restore Form and Esthetic. The hand has basic functions like grasping and feeling. It is a mean of communication and is of mayor importance for body language and social contact. Finger and partial finger amputations are some of the most frequently encountered forms of partial hand loss causing devastating physical, psychosocial and economic damage to an individual.  Prosthetic rehabilitation of amputed finger is considered when micro vascular reconstruction is contraindicated or unsuccessful. The purpose of  case study is to review rehabilitation finger prosthesis with RTV silicone to restore form and esthetic. Case : A 24 year old male patient with the complaint of the partially lost right index  He had a history of trauma to his

  3. Pengaruh Preparasi Pasta dan Temperatur Annealing pada Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC Berbasis Nanopartikel ZnO

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    Ahmad Syukron


    Full Text Available Telah difabrikan Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC berbasis nanopartikel ZnO dengan variasi metode preparasi pasta sesuai dengan Yonekawa dan Gratzel dan temperatur fabrikasi. Nanopartikel ZnO dibuat dengan metode kopresipitasi yaitu dengan mereaksikan prekursor Zinc Asetat dengan DEG (diethylene glycol. Prepararasi fotoelektroda ZnO dilakukan dengan memvariasikan komposisi pasta berdasarkan metode yang dilakukan oleh Gratzel dan Yonekawa untuk mendapatkan efisiensi yang besar. Selain itu, dilakukan variasi temperatur pada proses anil fotoelektroda. Fabrikasi DSSC menggunakan pewarna manggis sebagai pewarna alami. DSSC difabrikasi dalam bentuk struktur sandwich dengan menggunakan pasangan redoks I3-/I- dan elektroda pembanding platina/karbon. Hasil karakterisasi ZnO menunjukkan ZnO berdispersi tunggal dengan ukuran agregat dan partikel sebesar ~300nm dan 13,93 nm. Energi band gap yang dihasilkan dari nanopartikel ZnO adalah 3,29 eV. Berdasarkan karakteristik kurva I-V dan IPCE, diperoleh bahwa efisiensi terbaik berada pada suhu 200°C dengan menggunakan metode Yonekawa sebesar 0,11% dengan IPCE 0,0005%, FF 61,41%, Isc 2,79µA, Voc 232,4 mV.

  4. Pengaruh Temperatur Kalsinasi pada Kaca FTO yang di-coating ZnO terhadap Efisiensi DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell yang Menggunakan Dye dari Buah Terung Belanda (Solanum betaceum

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    Akbar Nur Prasetya


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai dye sensitized solar cell dilakukan dengan dye dari ekstrak buah terung belanda sebagai sumber energi alternatif dari tenaga surya. Dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC dibuat dengan menggunakan semikonduktor ZnO yang dilapiskan pada kaca konduktif Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide (FTO dan dikalsinasi  dengan variasi temperatur 5000C, 5500C, dan 6000C, dengan waktu tahan 30 menit pada tiap temperaturnya. Lapisan ZnO pada substrat dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan SEM dan XRD. Luas permukaan aktif diukur dengan pengujian BET. Hasil SEM menunjukkan ukuran bentuk partikel ZnO berupa hexagonal. Hasil XRD menunjukkan struktur kristal ZnO adalah Wurthzite. Luas permukaan aktif dibandingkan dengan hasil kelistrikan DSSC, yang selaras meningkat dari temperatur 5000C ke 5500C, namun menurun pada 6000C. Densitas arus dan voltase maksimum diperoleh pada variasi temperatur 550oC yaitu sebesar 0,591 mA/cm2 dan 1140 mV. Efisiensi maksimum yang diperoleh sebesar 0,150%. Karena sampel 550oC memiliki luas permukaan aktif paling besar 146,185 m2/gr.


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    Deni Mustika


    Full Text Available KARAKTERISTIK PERMUKAAN SERAT SILIKON KARBIDA HASIL PEMINTALAN LISTRIK DARI POLYCARBOSILANE DALAM N,N-DIMETILFORMAMIDA (DMF/ TOLUENA. Silikon karbida (SiC merupakan keramik non oksida yang memiliki sifat unik seperti ketahanan mekanik, kimia dan stabilitas termal sehingga digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi. Hasil pemodelan SiC dari beberapa studi yang menunjukkan stabilitas yang baik terhadap radiasi netron dan permeabilitas yang rendah terhadap produk fisi. Hal ini meningkatkan ketertarikan penggunaan SiC dalam industri nuklir. Untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik SiC, umumnya dibentuk berupa komposit. Komposit dengan penguat serat menunjukkan karakteristik mekanik yang lebih baik dibandingkan penguat partikel ataupun whisker. Pada komposit SiC, sifat mekanik komposit dominan dipengaruhi oleh sifat antar fasa dan atau karakteristik dari permukaan SiC. Electrospinning merupakan metode yang menjanjikan untuk menghasilkan serat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik permukaan serat silikon karbida hasil pemintalan listrik dari polycarbosilane dalam N,N-dimetilformamida (DMF/ toluena. Perbedaan persentase DMF dan polycarbosilane dalam toluene mempengaruhi elektrospinnabilitas dan karakteristik permukaan serat yang dihasilkan. Serat SiC yang dihasilkan dari prekursor polycarbosilane dengan pelarut toluena dan kopelarut     N-N, dimetilformamida (DMF diperoleh serat kontinu, dengan berbentuk sedikit cekungan menyerupai pita. Adanya titik-titik hitam di permukaan serat hasil pirolisis dimungkinkan akibat adanya karbon bebas dan atau kontaminasi dari grafit material tungku. Serat hasil pirolisis memiliki luas muka sebesar 3,321 – 46,14 m2/g dan pori berukuran mikro, dengan distribusi radius pada rentang 1-3 nm, dengan jumlah pori terbanyak memiliki ukuran kurang dari 2 nm. Suhu pirolisis dan sintering yang lebih tinggi diharapkan menghasilkan serat yang minim pori dan densitasnya mampu mendekati densitas teori.   SiC SURFACE

  6. Analisis Hasil Sintesis Serbuk TiO2 / ZnO sebagai Lapisan Elektroda untuk Aplikasi Dye-sensitized Solar Cell

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    Lilis Retnaningsih


    Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan sintesis antara serbuk partikel nano TiO2 dan serbuk partikel nano ZnO menjadi pasta yang akan diaplikasikan sebagai elektroda pada dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC. Elektroda pada DSSC ini bekerja berdasarkan adsorbsi foton oleh pewarna, elektron yang tereksitasi ditransfer ke TiO2/ZnO yang mempunyai perbandingan berbeda. Dimensi material partikel nano TiO2/ZnO sebagai elektroda sangat penting untuk menghasilkan efisiensi yang lebih tinggi pada DSSC. Sifat ini sangat dipengaruh oleh metoda pabrikasi elektroda TiO2/ZnO dan parameternya. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metoda doctor blade untuk pabrikasi DSSC dan larutan dyes (Z907 sebagai zat pewarna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pencampuran serbuk TiO2 dan serbuk ZnO sebagai elektroda. Teknik pembuatan pasta TiO2/ZnO sebagai elektroda sangat penting untuk menghasilkan efisiensi tinggi pada DSSC. Teknik ini sangat terkait dengan material TiO2/ZnO, metoda pabrikasi, dan parameter pengukurannya. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas hasil karakterisasi XRD pada kedua serbuk TiO2 dan ZnO, hasil SEM pada pencampuran kedua material, hasil pengujian IPCE serta hasil pengukuran effisiensi pada pengujian I - V.


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    Jan Setiawan


    -016-4971 card.  Diffraction pattern on 46S also showed lattice parameter, composition and crystallite size changes.  The lattice parameter changes not significant.  For 6S and 46S sam-ples at 1400 oC, the 6H-SiC phase changes into other phases more than 50 % from its original weight percentage. Keywords: silicon carbide, 4H-SiC, 6H-SiC, oxidation, high temperature. ABSTRAK PERUBAHAN FASA 4H DAN 6H SIC YANG TEROKSIDASI PADA TEMPERATUR TINGGI.  Telah dilakukan proses oksidasi pada silikon karbida yang mengadung fasa 6H dan silikon karbida yang mengandung fasa 4H dan 6H.  Silikon karbida merupakan keramik non oksida dengan sifat-sifat unggulnya yang sangat potensial digunakan dalam dunia industri.  Dalam industri nuklir silikon karbida digunakan sebagai bahan struktur kelongsong pada bahan bakar reaktor air ringan light water reactor (LWR dan sebagai pelapis pada kernel bahan bakar reaktor gas temperatur tinggi (RGTT.  Pada studi ini dilakukan simulasi oksidasi silikon karbida pada kernel apabila terjadi kegagalan pada pipa pendingin utamanya. Sampel dibentuk dari serbuk silikon karbida yang di pres hingga berbentuk pelet dengan diameter 12,7 mm dan ketebalan 1.0 mm kemudian dioksidasi pada temperatur 1000 oC, 1200 oC dan 1400 oC selama 1 jam.  Sampel sebelum dan setelah dioksidasi dilakukan penimbangan dan pengujian difraksi sinar-X menggunakan Difraktometer Panalytical Empyrean dengan Cu sebagai sumber sinar-X.  Analisis pola difraksi dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi General Structure Analysis System (GSAS, dengan hasil yang diperoleh adalah perubahan parameter kisi dan kandungan fasa SiC-nya.  Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel yang teroksidasi mengalami peningkatan berat.  Oksidasi sampel 6S menyebabkan kenaikan berat tertinggi pada temperatur 1200 oC, sedangkan sampel 46S memiliki berat dengan kecenderungan meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya temperatur oksidasi.  Analisis pola difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan bahwa fasa domi-nan yang terbentuk pada sampel

  8. Pengaruh Temperatur, Massa Zink, Substrat Dan Waktu Tahan Terhadap Struktur Dan Morfologi Zno Hasil Sintesis Dengan Metode Chemical Vapour Transport (CVT

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    Arisela Distyawan


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Material Zink Oksida (ZnO telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan metode Chemical Vapour Transport dengan bahan dasar prekursor berupa serbuk Zn yang dipanaskan hingga mencapai temperatur uap dalam furnace horisontal. Adapun variasi yang diberikan dalam penelitian adalah berupa temperatur pemanasan (850, 900, dan 950oC, massa prekursor Zn (0,15, 0,25, dan 0,35g, lama waktu sputtering substrat (90 dan 180 detik, dan waktu tahan khusus untuk mengetahui initial growth ZnO (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, dan 60 menit. Pembentukan Zink Oksida (ZnO dikonfirmasi melalui data X-RD, dimana telah terbentuk material ZnO dengan struktur hexagonal wurtzite. Berdarsarkan data XRD juga diketahui ukuran kristal pada sampel sputtering 90 detik mengalami penurunan bersamaan penambahan massa Zn. Dari hasil pengamatan SEM didapatkan bahwa morfologi permukaan lapisan tipis ZnO terdiri dari berbagai macam bentuk berupa nanoparticle, nanowires, nanorods, dan nanotetrapod. Lapisan Zno paling tebal sebesar ±350 nm pada sampel 950oC-0,15g sputter 90 detik. Semakin tinggi temperatur operasi berdampak peningkatan ukuran partikel. Pengujian FTIR turut menguatkan terbentuknya lapisan tipis di permukaan substrat Alumina. Hal ini didasarkan terjadinya penyerapan vibrasi yang membentuk lekukan pada kisaran area 509 cm-1 dari masing-masing sampel.

  9. Pembuatan Bioplastik Dari Pati Ubi Kayu Berpenguat Nano Serat Jerami dan ZnO

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    Chairul Amni


    pembuatan plastik karena selain mudah didapat dan harganya murah, penggunaannya juga masih sangat minim jika dibandingkan dengan tumbuhan lainnya yang merupakan bahan makanan pokok masyarakat, seperti beras, jagung, kentang, gandum, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat plastik yang dapat mengurangi dampak lingkungan dengan melihat pengaruh konsentrasi penguat yang digunakan terhadap sifat mekanik  film, daya serap air, dan laju penguraian dari plastik tersebut. Penguat  yang digunakan adalah serat jerami yang berukuran nano, ZnO dan campuran keduanya  dengan konsentrasi 1%, 3%, 6%, dan 9% dari masing-masing penguat. Pengujian sifat mekanik (kuat tarik dan elongasi menggunakan Electronic System Universal Testing Machines, pengujian daya serap air dilakukan dengan cara merendam film tersebut di dalam air selama 24 jam, dan pengujian laju penguraian dilakukan dengan cara menguburkan film ke dalam tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai kuat tarik tertinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi 9% ZnO yaitu 0,32 kgf/mm2, sebaliknya persen elongasi tertinggi diperoleh  pada konsentrasi 1% nano serat jerami  yaitu 34%. Daya serap air terendah yaitu 16% diperoleh pada konsentrasi 9% ZnO. Penyerapan air paling tinggi adalah 27,23% pada konsentrasi nano serat jerami 1% dan proses penguraian terjadi selama 18-27 hari.

  10. RTV-silikon sebagai Bahan Protesa Obturator Palatum


    Chandrasegar, Akila


    Protesa Obturator palatum adalah protesa yang digunakan untuk menutup jaringan yang terbuka secara kongenital atau yang diperdapat, terutama bagian palatum keras atau lunak serta struktur alveolar yang berdekatan. Obturator palatum dapat diklasifikasikan berdasar pada tahap perawatannya yaitu obturator selama pembedahan (surgical obturator), obturator interim dan obturator definitif. Terdapat beberapa tipe obturator selain dari obturator palatum seperti obturator palato fari...


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    Agil Fitri Handayani


    Full Text Available The Utilization of Marble Powder Waste in Concrete Ma­­­­­­­­terials as a Partial Material Substitution of Cement  with the Variation Use of Silica Fume. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of marble powder and silica fume on the mechanical pro­per­ties of concrete. This study used an experimental design using 16 group of testing materials with variety types of mixtures between marble powder and silica fume 0.00; 5.00; 10.00; and 15.00%. The wa­ter-cement ratio was 0.50 and a low dosage of superplasticizer, which was 0.50%. The behavior of fresh concrete were calculated and the mechanical properties of concrete were tested on con­crete age of 28 days. The results showed the marble powder main com­position was Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 17.63% and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3 2.73%. Mar­ble powder was more appropriate to be used as fillers than to be used as a partial substitution of ce­ment. The optimum mechanical properties of concrete was produced by the mixtures of 5.00% mar­ble powder  and 6.22% silica fume which resulted in compressive strength of 29.04 MPa.   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh peng­gunaan ser­buk marmer dan silica fume terhadap sifat mekanik beton. Penelitian ini meng­gu­na­kan desain eksperimen dengan 16 kelompok benda uji dengan variasi ser­buk marmer dan silica fume 0,00; 5,00; 10,00; dan 15,00%. Faktor air semen di­gu­nakan 0,50 dan superplasticizer dengan dosis rendah 0,50%. Perilaku beton segar di­perhitungkan dan sifat mekanik beton diuji pada umur beton 28 hari. Hasil analisis me­nunjukkan kom­posisi utama serbuk marmer adalah Silikon Dioksida (SiO2 17,63% dan Kalsium Kar­bonat (CaCO3 2,73%. Serbuk marmer lebih tepat digunakan se­bagai bahan pe­ng­isi atau filler dari pada sebagai pengganti semen. Sifat mekanik be­ton optimum di­ha­sil­kan pada campuran serbuk marmer 5,00% dan silica fume 6,22% dengan kuat tekan be­ton yang dihasilkan  mencapai 29


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    Milcha Handayani Tammubua


    Memasuki ASEAN Economic Community 2015 memicu sejumlah industri khususnya pariwisata pada sektor perhotelan untuk meningkatkan performanya dengan harapan konsumen menjadi loyal. Oleh sebab itu perlu menjadi perhatian manajer perhotelan untuk mengkaji variabel yang berpengaruh pada niat menjadi loyal. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu memaparkan bahwa kualitas layanan dan nilai pelanggan bukan satu-satunya variabel yang memengaruhi loyalty intention, namun beberapa penelitian mengemukakan bahwa atmospheric cues berpengaruh pada loyalty intention. Beberapa hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa atmospheric cues tidak memoderasi hubungan kualitas layanan pada loyalty intention. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kualitas layanan dan nilai pelanggan pada loyalty intention serta menguji variabel pemoderasi atmospheric cues. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atmospheric cues berpengaruh positif signifikan pada loyalty intention. Atmospheric cues juga memoderasi dan berdampak memperlemah hubungan kualitas layanan dan loyalty intention. Setelah dilakukan subgroup analysis. Hasil penelitian juga menjelaskan bahwa nilai pelanggan berpengaruh positif signifikan pada loyalty intention.


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    Drh. Dyah Widyaningroem Isbagio


    Full Text Available Untuk keperluan ilmu kedokteran, penelitian tentang penggunaan zat teraputik, profilaksis, diagnostik dan alat baru pada manusia, merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dihindarkan.Syarat utama secara nasional maupun internasional dalam kode etik penelitian pada manusia, dan juga pada banyak perundang-undangan nasional, adalah bahwa zat atau alat baru tidak boleh digunakan untuk pertama kali pada manusia, kecuali bila sebelumnya telah diuji pada hewan dan diperoleh kesan yang cukup mengenai keamanannya. 

  14. Morphology engineering of ZnO nanostructures for high performance supercapacitors: enhanced electrochemistry of ZnO nanocones compared to ZnO nanowires (United States)

    He, Xiaoli; Yoo, Joung Eun; Lee, Min Ho; Bae, Joonho


    In this work, the morphology of ZnO nanostructures is engineered to demonstrate enhanced supercapacitor characteristics of ZnO nanocones (NCs) compared to ZnO nanowires (NWs). ZnO NCs are obtained by chemically etching ZnO NWs. Electrochemical characteristics of ZnO NCs and NWs are extensively investigated to demonstrate morphology dependent capacitive performance of one dimensional ZnO nanostructures. Cyclic voltammetry measurements on these two kinds of electrodes in a three-electrode cell confirms that ZnO NCs exhibit a high specific capacitance of 378.5 F g-1 at a scan rate of 20 mV s-1, which is almost twice that of ZnO NWs (191.5 F g-1). The charge-discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements also clearly result in enhanced capacitive performance of NCs as evidenced by higher specific capacitances and lower internal resistance. Asymmetric supercapacitors are fabricated using activated carbon (AC) as the negative electrode and ZnO NWs and NCs as positive electrodes. The ZnO NC⫽AC can deliver a maximum specific capacitance of 126 F g-1 at a current density of 1.33 A g-1 with an energy density of 25.2 W h kg-1 at the power density of 896.44 W kg-1. In contrast, ZnO NW⫽AC displays 63% of the capacitance obtained from the ZnO NC⫽AC supercapacitor. The enhanced performance of NCs is attributed to the higher surface area of ZnO nanostructures after the morphology is altered from NWs to NCs.

  15. Studi Analitik dan Numerik Perpindahan Panas pada Fin Trapesium (Studi Kasus pada Finned Tube Heat Exchanger

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    Ahmad Zaini


    Full Text Available Penambahan fin pada pipa penukar kalor merupakan suatu upaya memperbesar perpindahan kalor konduksi dan konveksi, dengan cara memperluas bidang geometri. Pada penelitian ini dianalisa secara analitik dan numerik perpindahan kalor pada fin dengan profil longitudinal tidak seragam atau berubah terhadap jarak dari dasar fin, dengan memvariasikan ketebalan ujung fin. Hasil dari kedua studi ini tidak jauh berbeda, pada keduanya menjelaskan bahwa fin dengan ketebalan ujung 0,9 mm (fin trapesium terbalik paling baik dari 5 variasi lainnya; serta perubahan temperatur paling besar terjadi pada sepertiga pertama dari panjang  fin, ini artinya pelepasan kalor terbesar terjadi pada daerah tersebut. Perbedaannya adalah pada persentase penurunan temperatur sepanjang  fin terhadap temperatur dasar fin, untuk ketebalan 0,9 mm pada studi analitik sebesar 91,92% dan pada studi numerik sebesar 91,78%. Hal ini berarti metode penyelesaian persamaan diferensial orde 2 dengan koefisien variabel dengan cara pembedahan koefisien variabel pada ODE, sudah benar dan valid. Namun bila ditinjau dari waktu yang diperlukan untuk komputasinya, studi analitik membutuhkan waktu lebih lama. Waktu yang diperlukan dalam komputasinya tergantung dari fungsi koefisien variabel.

  16. Penguraian Zat Warna Tartrazin pada Limbah Pencucian Mie Aceh Secara Ozonolisis dan Penyinaran Matahari dengan Penambahan Katalis ZnO

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    Bhayu Gita Bhernama


    Full Text Available People's habits in consuming Aceh noodles make the noodle industry grow rapidly, but the waste treatment process becomes less effective. In the process of making the noodles, dye waste is produced in the form of tartrazine dye and need to be processed before being disposed into the environment. The research purpose was to describe the decomposition of tartrazine using ozonolysis and solar radiation methods as one of the solutions in the waste treatment process. The use of ZnO as catalyst is to accelerate the decomposition reaction of the noodle washing wastes. The results of the analysis concluded that ozonolysis methods are more effective in decomposing tartrazine in the noodle wash wasted by solar irradiation method. The sun exposure decomposed tartrazine by 99.74% using 0.015 g ZnO for 150 min and tartrazine content obtained 0.022 mg/L with a sunlight intensity of 1.24 x 1016 cm-2 s-1. Ozonolisis exposure decomposed tartrazine by 98.68% using 0.020 g ZnO for 12 minutes and tartrazine content obtained 0.112 mg / L.

  17. Hipoplasia Enamel Pada Penderita Penyakit Eksantema


    Dewi saputri


    Hipoplasia enamel merupakan gangguan pada masa pemhentukan matriks organik yang menyebabkan gangguan struktur pada enamel sehingga secara klinis terlihat pada suatu bagian dari gigi tidak terbentuk enamel dan kadang-kadang sama sekali tidak terbentuk enamel, serta diikuti dengan perubahan warna pada gigi. Dikenal berbagai faktor penyebab hipoplasia enamel, salah satunya adalah penyakit eksantema yaitu menyebabkan infeksi pada bayi dan anak-anak. Gambaran histopatologis hipoplasia enamel adala...


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    Sunardi Sunardi


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat mekanis pada baja AISI 4140 dengan proses tempering dengan variasi waktu tahan dan variasi suhu pada proses self tempering. Material terlebih dahulu dipanaskan pada suhu 850°C, di tahan dengan waktu 14 dan 28 menit, media pendinginan adalah Oli SAE 20. Pada proses tempering baja dipanaskan kembali dengan suhu 200°C di tahan dengan waktu 30 dan 120 menit. Sedangkan untuk proses self tempering, baja di panaskan pada suhu 850°C di tahan dengan waktu 14 dan 28 menit kemudian didinginkan, suhu yang harus dicapai pada pendinginan adalah 200°C, 400°C dan 600°C. Proses tempering dengan variasi waktu tahan mempunyai nilai kekerasan terbesar 50,1 HRC dengan waktu tahan 120 menit, sedangkan nilai kekerasan terbesar pada proses self tempering dengan variasi suhu adalah 29,68 HRC pada suhu 200°C. Nilai ketangguhan terbesar pada saat proses tempering adalah 0,341 (J/mm2 dengan waktu tahan 120 menit, sedangkan pada saat proses self tempering ketangguhan terbesar pada suhu 600°C dengan nilai 0,375 (J/mm2. Laju korosi terbesar pada saat tempering adalah 0,055 (mpy dengan waktu tahan 30 menit, sedangkan pada saat proses self tempering laju korosi terbesar pada suhu 400°C dengan nilai 0,0388 (mpy. 


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    Sony Yudianto A


    Full Text Available Angiofibroma nasofaring adalah tumor jinak nasofaring yang secara histopatologis merupakan tumor jinak, tetapi secara klinis bersifat destruktif. Tumor ini sering terjadi pada laki-laki prepubertas dan remaja, jarang ditemukan pada pasien usia di atas 25 tahun. Pada kasus ini dilaporkan angiofibroma nasofaring pada laki-laki usia lanjut dengan keluhan hidung tersumbat dan epistaksis berulang, dilakukan operasi ekstirpasi tumor dengan pendekatan transpalatal. Prognosis pasien ini baik, karena pada evaluasi 3 bulan setelah operasi tidak tampak pertumbuhan tumor baru.[MEDICINA 2013;44:105-108].


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    Hafifatul Auliya Rahmy


    Full Text Available Diabetes melitus (DM adalah penyakit metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia. DM dan komplikasinya menyebabkan sekitar 4% kematian dari seluruh total kematian di dunia dan 3% di Di Indonesia. Skrining melalui pemeriksaan kadar gula darah sangat diperlukan untuk mencegah DM. Penelitian ini bertujuan  mengetahui kadar gula darah dan hubungan indeks massa tubuh, rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul dan riwayat diabetes pada keluarga dengan kadar gula darah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional pada PNS di Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan bulan Februari - April 2014. Jumlah sampel berdasarkan hasil perhitungan sampel sebanyak 147 responden yang dipilih secara random. Analisis yang digunakan meliputi analisis univariat dan bivariat (regresi linear sederhana dan ­t test independen. Rata-rata kadar gula darah yang didapatkan adalah 177,52±27,67 mg/dl, rata-rata IMT adalah 23,93±4,20 m/kg2 pada perempuan dan 26,23±4,07 m/kg2 pada laki-laki dan rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul adalah 0,87±0,06 pada perempuan dan 0,90±0,04 pada laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara indeks massa tubuh, rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul dan riwayat diabetes pada keluarga dengan kadar gula darah (p value < 0,05. Pencegahan DM dapat dilakukan dengan skrining khususnya pada kelompok berisiko dengan pemantauan status gizi.

  1. Growth of vertically aligned ZnO nanorods using textured ZnO films

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    Meléndrez Manuel


    Full Text Available Abstract A hydrothermal method to grow vertical-aligned ZnO nanorod arrays on ZnO films obtained by atomic layer deposition (ALD is presented. The growth of ZnO nanorods is studied as function of the crystallographic orientation of the ZnO films deposited on silicon (100 substrates. Different thicknesses of ZnO films around 40 to 180 nm were obtained and characterized before carrying out the growth process by hydrothermal methods. A textured ZnO layer with preferential direction in the normal c-axes is formed on substrates by the decomposition of diethylzinc to provide nucleation sites for vertical nanorod growth. Crystallographic orientation of the ZnO nanorods and ZnO-ALD films was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Composition, morphologies, length, size, and diameter of the nanorods were studied using a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersed x-ray spectroscopy analyses. In this work, it is demonstrated that crystallinity of the ZnO-ALD films plays an important role in the vertical-aligned ZnO nanorod growth. The nanorod arrays synthesized in solution had a diameter, length, density, and orientation desirable for a potential application as photosensitive materials in the manufacture of semiconductor-polymer solar cells. PACS 61.46.Hk, Nanocrystals; 61.46.Km, Structure of nanowires and nanorods; 81.07.Gf, Nanowires; 81.15.Gh, Chemical vapor deposition (including plasma-enhanced CVD, MOCVD, ALD, etc.


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    Doni Purnama Alamsyah


      Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di ASEAN yang memiliki populasi manusia cukup padat, salah satu provinsinya adalah Jawa Barat dengan Ibu Kota Bandung. Namun demikian jumlah populasi yang tinggi tidak diimbangi dengan pola hidup sehat, terlihat dari rendahnya konsumsi pada produk organik. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji faktor yang membentuk kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik. Confirmatory Factor Analisys digunakan sebagai teknik analisis data, dengan survey pada konsumen yang ada di Kota Bandung sebanyak 351 reponden. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik belum optimal. Penelitian ini menyempurnakan penelitian sebelumnya dimana terdapat faktor yang mampu membentuk kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik diantaranya adalah  reliable, dependable, trustworthy, expectation, enviromental protection, dan safer.   Kata Kunci: Kepercayaan, Produk Organik, Confirmatory Factor Analisys

  3. krishna pada bauri

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Sadhana. KRISHNA PADA BAURI. Articles written in Sadhana. Volume 41 Issue 9 September 2016 pp 1039-1053. Flow and scour around vertical submerged structures · KRISHNA PADA BAURI ARINDAM SARKAR · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF. The safety of the foundations of submerged hydraulic ...

  4. Analisa Spektrum Motor Imagery pada Sinyal Aktivitas Otak

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    Johan Chandra


    Full Text Available Otak merupakan organ vital pada tubuh manusia yang berperan sebagai pusat kendali sistem saraf manusia. Sinyal yang dikeluarkan otak (EEG mengandung berbagai informasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada teknologi BCI. Salah satu informasi yang dapat digunakan adalah informasi motorik baik mengenai motor execution maupung motor imagery. Pada penderita stroke yang biasanya mengalami kelumpuhan pada anggota gerak tubuhnya, informasi mengenai motor imagery dapat dimanfaatkan untuk aplikasi Brain Computer Interface terutama dalam rehabilitasi kelumpuhan anggota gerak pasien tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah alat sistem EEG untuk merekam sinyal EEG pada otak untuk menganalisa spektrum motor imagery pada sinyal aktivitas otak. Sistem terdiri dari rangkaian filter pasif, rangkaian proteksi, penguat isntrumentasi, common mode rejection, amplifier, dan filter. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan sinyal EEG pada tasking motor imagery dan motor execution. Selanjutnya, informasi motorik baik motor execution dan motor imagery dapat diaplikasikan lebih lanjut pada sistem BCI terutama pada rehabilitasi medik.


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    Made Wahyu Adhiputra


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan secara empiris pengaruh opini going concern pada pergantian auditor, kemampuan ketepatwaktuan pelaporan keuangan dan komite audit memoderasi pengaruh opini going concern pada pergantian auditor, dan pengaruh interaksi opini going concern, ketepatwaktuan pelaporan keuangan, dan komite audit pada pergantian auditor. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2011-2013 dengan metode pemilihan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi logistik binari dengan dua model penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerbitan opini going concern berpengaruh positif pada kemungkinan terjadinya pergantian auditor. Ketepatwaktuan pelaporan keuangan dan komite audit tidak memoderasi pengaruh penerbitan opini going concern pada kemungkinan terjadinya pergantian auditor. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan interaksi penerbitan opini going concern, ketepatwaktuan pelaporan keuangan dan komite audit tidak berpengaruh pada kemungkinan perusahaan melakukan pergantian auditor.The purpose of this study are to determine the effect of going concern opinion at the auditor switching, to determine the ability of timeliness of financial reporting and the audit committee to moderate the effect of going concern opinion at the auditor switching, and to determine the effect of the interaction of the going concern opinion, timeliness of financial reporting and the audit committee at the auditor switching. The population used in this study are all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011-2013 with selection method sample using purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing is performed using binary logistic regression. The results showed the issuance of going concern opinion has a positive effect on the possibility of auditor switching. Timeliness of financial reporting and the audit committee did not

  6. Surat Elektronik sebagai Media Komunikasi Data pada Sistem Pemantauan Bahan Bakar pada Sistem Catu Daya BTS

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    Falconi Falconi


    Full Text Available Base Transceiver Station (BTS merupakan seperangkat radio komunikasi tetap yang digunakan dalam jaringan selular. Untuk mempertahankan kinerja perangkat BTS agar tetap dapat bekerja walaupun suplai catu daya dari PLN terhenti, pada beberapa lokasi BTS ditempatkan pembangkit listrik tenaga solar. Sehingga pada saat PLN mati, maka kebutuhan listrik BTS akan disuplai oleh pembangkit listrik tersebut. Karena lokasi BTS menyebar, diperlukan petugas yang banyak atau waktu yang lama untuk dapat melakukan pengecekan kondisi solar secara keseluruhan. Sehingga sewaktu-waktu pembangkit listrik tidak dapat bekerja saat  dibutuhkan  dikarenakan  solar  habis.  Sistem  pemantau kondisi solar pada sistem catu daya Base Transceiver Station (BTS merupakan sebuah sistem pemantau yang berfungsi melakukan pencatatan ketinggian level solar pada tangki secara periodik dan terus menerus. Ketinggian level solar dikonversi kedalam status normal, minor, mayor dan kritis. Status inilah yang akan disimpan ke dalam basis data yang ada pada computer server. Dengan adanya sistem pemantau ini, maka untuk mengetahui kondisi solar pada tangki sebuah stasiun BTS, seorang petugas pemeliharaana dapat melakukannya tanpa perlu lagi mendatangi lokasi BTS, tetapi cukup memantaunya dari aplikasi pada komputer klien. Sistem yang dibangun terdiri dari sensor ultrasonik PING yang bertugas mendeteksi level solar dan mengumpankan hasilnya ke mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535. Mikrokontroler bertugas untuk mengkonversi sinyal analog yang dihasilkan sensor kedalam bentuk sinyal digital untuk kemudian dikirim ke komputer server melalui komunikasi serial. Aplikasi yang ada pada komputer server akan menerima data tersebut dan menyimpannya pada basis data. Data-data tersebut sewaktu-waktu akan dipanggil kembali apabila ada permintaan dari komputer klien untuk kemudian di kirim melaui surat elektronik. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada tangki solar yang dimiliki oleh PT. Berca Hardayaperkasa

  7. Otitis Media Supuratif Kronik pada Anak

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    Muhamad Faris Pasyah


    Otitis media supuratif kronik (OMSK merupakan masalah pada anak dan remaja yang berdampak pada fisik, sosial serta psikologis dan mempunyai prevalensi yang tinggi. Kondisi ini merupakan proses peradangan akibat infeksi mukoperiosteum rongga telinga tengah yang ditandai oleh perforasi membran timpani dan keluar sekret yang terus menerus atau hilang timbul selama 3 bulan, serta dapat menyebabkan perubahan patologik yang permanen. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui gambaran OMSK pada anak. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif retrospektif di poliklinik Otologi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan-Kepala Leher (THT-KL RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Januari 2012–Desember 2013. Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisis. Didapatkan pasien OMSK anak laki-laki 53% dan pasien anak perempuan 47%. Jumlah OMSK tipe benigna 83% dan tipe maligna 17%. Komplikasi terbanyak OMSK pada anak adalah mastoiditis 32%. Angka putus berobat pada pasien anak dengan OMSK sebesar 60%. Simpulan, penderita OMSK pada anak lebih banyak pada laki-laki tipe benigna dan angka pasien putus berobat masih banyak ditemukan.

  8. Al-doped ZnO seed layer-dependent crystallographic control of ZnO nanorods by using electrochemical deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Son, Hyo-Soo; Choi, Nak-Jung [Department of Nano-Optical Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University, Siheung 429-793 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Kyoung-Bo [Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Inha Technical College, Incheon 402-752 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Moojin [Department of Renewable Energy, Jungwon University, Goesan-gun, Chungbuk 367-805 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Sung-Nam, E-mail: [Department of Nano-Optical Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University, Siheung 429-793 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • Polar and semipolar ZnO NRs were successfully achieved by hydrothermal synthesis. • Semipolar and polar ZnO NRs were grown on ZnO and AZO/m-sapphire, respectively. • Al % of AZO/m-sapphire enhanced the lateral growth rate of polar ZnO NRs. - Abstract: We investigated the effect of an Al-doped ZnO film on the crystallographic direction of ZnO nanorods (NRs) using electrochemical deposition. From high-solution X-ray diffraction measurements, the crystallographic plane of ZnO NRs grown on (1 0 0) ZnO/m-plane sapphire was (1 0 1). The surface grain size of the (100) Al-doped ZnO (AZO) film decreased with increasing Al content in the ZnO seed layer, implying that the Al dopant accelerated the three-dimensional (3D) growth of the AZO film. In addition, it was found that with increasing Al doping concentration of the AZO seed layer, the crystal orientation of the ZnO NRs grown on the AZO seed layer changed from [1 0 1] to [0 0 1]. With increasing Al content of the nonpolar (1 0 0) AZO seed layer, the small surface grains with a few crystallographic planes of the AZO film changed from semipolar (1 0 1) ZnO NRs to polar (0 0 1) ZnO NRs due to the increase of the vertical [0 0 1] growth rate of the ZnO NRs owing to excellent electrical properties.

  9. Analisis Perhitungan Panas Motor DC SHUNT Pada Saat Start Dan Pengereman ( Aplikasi pada Laboratorium Konversi Energi Listrik FT-USU ).


    Ginting, Eka Dian Arjuna


    Motor adalah mesin yang mengubah energi listrik menjadi energi mekanis. Pada motor arus searah energi listrik arus searah diubah menjadi energi mekanis. Dalam dunia industri, motor arus searah banyak digunakan sebagai penggerak pompa air, blower, hoist pada crane. Dalam operasi suatu motor DC maka akan timbul rugi – rugi panas sehingga terjadi kenaikan suhu yang menyebabkan kerusakan isolasi pada motor DC tersebut. Pada motor DC rugi – rugi panas lebih besar terjadi pada kea...

  10. ZnO quantum dots–decorated ZnO nanowires for the enhancement of antibacterial and photocatalytic performances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Jyh Ming; Tsay, Li-Yi


    We demonstrate highly antibacterial activities for killing off Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli using ZnO nanowires decorated with ZnO quantum dots (so-called ZnO QDs/NWs) under visible-light irradiation and dark conditions. The average size of the ZnO QDs is in the range of 3–5 nm; these were uniformly dispersed on the ZnO nanowires’ surface to form the ZnO QDs/NWs. A significant blue-shift effect was observed using photoluminescence (PL) spectra. The size of the ZnO QDs is strongly dependent on the material’s synthesis time. The ZnO QDs/NWs exhibited an excellent photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation. The ZnO QDs’ active sites (i.e. the O–H bond and Zn"2"+) accelerate the photogenerated-carrier migration from the QDs to the NWs. As a consequence, the electrons reacted with the dissolved oxygen to form oxygen ions and produced hydroperoxyl radicals to enhance photocatalytic activity. The antibacterial activities (as indicated by R-factor-inhibiting activity) of the ZnO QDs/NWs for killing off Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli is around 4.9 and 5.5 under visible-light irradiation and dark conditions, respectively. The hydroxyl radicals served as an efficient oxidized agent for decomposing the organic dye and microorganism species. The antibacterial activities of the ZnO QDs/NWs in the dark may be attributed to the Zn"2"+ ions that were released from the ZnO QDs and infused into the microbial solution against the growth of bacteria thus disrupting the microorganism. The highly antibacterial and photocatalytic activity of the ZnO QDs/NWs can be well implanted on a screen window, thus offering a promising solution to inhibit the spread of germs under visible-light and dark conditions. (paper)


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    Kokeela Torayraju


    Full Text Available Jumlah penderita infeksi saluran kemih (ISK pada geriatri di Indonesia akan semakin meningkat dan menjadi penyebab kedua tersering setelah pneumonia. Pendekatan diagnosis dan terapi ISK pada geriatri memiliki kekhususan. Ada tidaknya gejala dan tanda spesifik serta bagaimana cara pengambilan spesimen turut berperan dalam diagnosis ISK pada geriatri. Faktor predisposisi penderita ISK pada geriatri meliputi diabetes melitus, gizi kurang, gangguan faal kognitif, depresi, gangguan status fungsional, prostatitis, riwayat operasi, dan prolaps vagina. Gejala dan tanda yang sering muncul adalah sindrom delirium, inkontinensia urin dan syncope yang diawali oleh penurunan nafsu makan. Strategi penatalaksanaan meliputi modalitas non‐ farmakologik dan farmakologik. Kata Kunci : infeksi saluran kemih (ISK, geriatri.

  12. Vulvovaginitis pada anak


    Sudung O. Pardede


    Vulvovaginitis merupakan masalah ginekologi yang paling sering ditemukan pada anak dan remaja, tetapi umumnya masih kurang mendapat perhatian di kalangan dokter spesialis anak. Vulvovaginitis dapat disebabkan infeksi bakteri, virus, jamur, protozoa, cacing, benda asing, trauma, reaksi alergi, atau merupakan bagian dari penyakit sistemik. Vulvovaginitis bakterialis dapat berupa vulvovaginitis non spesifik dan spesifik. Vulvovaginitis non spesifik biasanya terjadi pada pasien den...

  13. Carbon doped ZnO: Synthesis, characterization and interpretation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mishra, D.K.; Mohapatra, J.; Sharma, M.K.; Chattarjee, R.; Singh, S.K.; Varma, Shikha; Behera, S.N.; Nayak, Sanjeev K.; Entel, P.


    A novel thermal plasma in-flight technique has been adopted to synthesize nanocrystalline ZnO and carbon doped nanocrystalline ZnO matrix. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on these samples show the average particle sizes to be around 32 nm for ZnO and for carbon doped ZnO. An enhancement of saturation magnetization in nanosized carbon doped ZnO matrix by a factor of 3.8 has been found in comparison to ZnO nanoparticles at room temperature. Raman measurement clearly indicates the presence of Zn–C complexes surrounded by ZnO matrix in carbon doped ZnO. This indicates that the ferromagnetic signature in carbon doped ZnO arises from the creation of defects or the development of oxy-carbon clusters, in the carbon doped ZnO system. Theoretical studies based on density functional theory also support the experimental analyses. - Highlights: ► Synthesis of nanocrystalline ZnO and carbon doped ZnO matrix by inflight thermal plasma reactor. ► Enhancement of ferromagnetism in nanosized carbon doped ZnO in comparison to ZnO nanoparticles. ► Raman measurement indicates the presence of Zn–C complexes surrounded by ZnO matrix. ► Ferromagnetic signature in carbon doped ZnO arises from the development of oxy-carbon clusters. ► DFT supports experimental evidence of ferromagnetism in C doped ZnO nanoparticles.

  14. Investigasi Serangan Malware Njrat Pada PC

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    Devi Rizky Septiani


    Full Text Available Malware merupakan salah satu bentuk dari kejahatan komputer yang terjadi pada sebuah sistem jaringan komputer, malware Njrat termasuk jenis Trojan horse. Trojan adalah salah satu jenis malware yang ikut berkembang di dalamnya, yang memungkinkan attacker masuk ke dalam sistem tanpa diketahui oleh pemilik. Penggunaan trojan saat ini lebih ke arah kejahatan dunia maya (cyber crime, salah satu dari malware yang sangat berbahaya karena besarnya dampak kerugian yang ditimbulkan, mulai dari pencurian data penting sampai mengubah hak akses pada PC korban. Sasaran terbanyak penybaran trojan adalah pengguna sistem operasi windows. Penyebaran trojan ini dilakukan dengan metode social engineering, yaitu teknik yang menggunakan kelemahan manusia, sehingga user tanpa curiga langsung mengeksekusi sebuah program yang tidak dikenal.  Aktivitas malware berkaitan erat dengan  performa PC dan juga aktifitas network pada system computer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara kerja malware Njrat dan melakukan investigasi terhadap performa pada system computer. Metodologi yang digunakan dynamic analysis dengan melakukan analisa malware pada suatu sistem dan melihat aktivitas atau proses yang diaktifkan oleh malware tersebut. Dampak perubahan yang terjadi pada PC Target terlihat pada performa masing-masing PC yang telah disisipkan malware. Kata kunci            Malware, Njrat, System computer

  15. Fabrication of Well-Aligned ZnO Nanorods Using a Composite Seed Layer of ZnO Nanoparticles and Chitosan Polymer. (United States)

    Khun, Kimleang; Ibupoto, Zafar Hussain; AlSalhi, Mohamad S; Atif, Muhammad; Ansari, Anees A; Willander, Magnus


    In this study, by taking the advantage of both inorganic ZnO nanoparticles and the organic material chitosan as a composite seed layer, we have fabricated well-aligned ZnO nanorods on a gold-coated glass substrate using the hydrothermal growth method. The ZnO nanoparticles were characterized by the Raman spectroscopic techniques, which showed the nanocrystalline phase of the ZnO nanoparticles. Different composites of ZnO nanoparticles and chitosan were prepared and used as a seed layer for the fabrication of well-aligned ZnO nanorods. Field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic techniques were utilized for the structural characterization of the ZnO nanoparticles/chitosan seed layer-coated ZnO nanorods on a gold-coated glass substrate. This study has shown that the ZnO nanorods are well-aligned, uniform, and dense, exhibit the wurtzite hexagonal structure, and are perpendicularly oriented to the substrate. Moreover, the ZnO nanorods are only composed of Zn and O atoms. An optical study was also carried out for the ZnO nanoparticles/chitosan seed layer-coated ZnO nanorods, and the obtained results have shown that the fabricated ZnO nanorods exhibit good crystal quality. This study has provided a cheap fabrication method for the controlled morphology and good alignment of ZnO nanorods, which is of high demand for enhancing the working performance of optoelectronic devices.

  16. Fabrication of Well-Aligned ZnO Nanorods Using a Composite Seed Layer of ZnO Nanoparticles and Chitosan Polymer

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    Anees A. Ansari


    Full Text Available In this study, by taking the advantage of both inorganic ZnO nanoparticles and the organic material chitosan as a composite seed layer, we have fabricated well-aligned ZnO nanorods on a gold-coated glass substrate using the hydrothermal growth method. The ZnO nanoparticles were characterized by the Raman spectroscopic techniques, which showed the nanocrystalline phase of the ZnO nanoparticles. Different composites of ZnO nanoparticles and chitosan were prepared and used as a seed layer for the fabrication of well-aligned ZnO nanorods. Field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic techniques were utilized for the structural characterization of the ZnO nanoparticles/chitosan seed layer-coated ZnO nanorods on a gold-coated glass substrate. This study has shown that the ZnO nanorods are well-aligned, uniform, and dense, exhibit the wurtzite hexagonal structure, and are perpendicularly oriented to the substrate. Moreover, the ZnO nanorods are only composed of Zn and O atoms. An optical study was also carried out for the ZnO nanoparticles/chitosan seed layer-coated ZnO nanorods, and the obtained results have shown that the fabricated ZnO nanorods exhibit good crystal quality. This study has provided a cheap fabrication method for the controlled morphology and good alignment of ZnO nanorods, which is of high demand for enhancing the working performance of optoelectronic devices.

  17. Strategi Pengembangan USAha pada Perusahaan Kecap Cap Tawon Madu di Bojonegoro (Studi Kasus pada Aspek Pemasaran)


    Prayitno, Ricky


    Ketatnya persaingan bisnis mengharuskan Perusahaan untuk mengembangkan dan memilih strategi yang tepat. Khususnya pada pemasaran, banyak Perusahaan yang hanya mengandalkan keunggulan produk saja, tetapi tidak melihat pangsa pasar dan strategi memasarkan produk. Perusahaan Kecap Cap Tawon Madu merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang komoditi kecap. Peneliti membahas studi pada aspek pemasaran pada Kecap Cap Tawon Madu, menganalisis lingkungan internal dan ekstenal Perusahaan, dan strategi ...


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    Ignatius Tarwotjo


    Full Text Available Pengaruh penambahan lysine pada mutu protein nasi dilakukan pada tikus putih dengan mengukur Protein Efficiency Ratio. Nasi dan Nasi dengan sayur beserta laukpauk, seperti dikonsumsi oleh kebanyakan keluarga di Indonesia, yang berasnya lebih dulu ditambahi butiran premix berisi lysine, thiamine dan riboflavin ternaya menghasilkan Protein Efficiency Ratio lebih tinggi dari pada yang tidak ditambahi.


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    Rismatul Azizah


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi kesulitan pemecahan masalah fisika pada siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan menyebarkan angket. Responden terdiri dari 120 siswa yang berasal dari 3 sekolah yaitu, SMA Negeri 1 Bangil, SMA Negeri 8 Malang, dan SMA YADIKA Bangil. Dilakukan pula wawancara pada beberapa guru dan siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penyebaran angket, diperoleh 26% siswa mengalami kesulitan pada materi Suhu dan Kalor, 25% Optik, 21% Fluida Statik, 17% Elastisitas dan Hukum Hooke, dan 11% Kinematika. Kesulitan tersebut salah satunya disebabkan pembelajaran bagi siswa yang kurang maksimal dalam bentuk hands on activity. Sebanyak 88% siswa mengatakan bahwa pembelajaran fisika yang sering dialami adalah dengan metode ceramah. Siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar fisika dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pada soal sebesar 32%, kesulitan memahami konsep dan rumus 26%, kesulitan menggunakan persamaan atau rumus dalam soal 18%, kesulitan menganalisis grafik dan gambar 17%, dan kesulitan menyimpulkan materi yang telah dipelajari 7%. Kesulitan tersebut terlihat ketika siswa memecahkan permasalahan pada soal kinematika serta suhu dan kalor. Diperoleh dari hasil angket, bahwa 76% siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memecahkan permasalahan pada soal dengan alasan lupa atau tidak paham, sebesar 19% siswa kurang memahami solusi pemecahan masalah pada soal, dan hanya sebesar 5% siswa mampu memecahkan permasalahan pada soal.

  20. Catalyst growth of single crystal aligned ZnO nanorods on ZnO thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Dongxu; Andreazza, Caroline; Andreazza, Pascal [Centre de Recherche sur la Matiere Divisee, CNRS-Universite d' Orleans, 1b rue de la Ferollerie, 45071 Orleans cedex 2 (France)


    One dimensional ZnO nanorods were successfully fabricated on Si substrates via a simple physical vapor-phase transport method at 950 C. A ZnO shell covered Au/Zn alloy is assumed as the nucleation site, then ZnO nanorods grow following a vapor-solid (VS) process. In order to guide the nanorod growth a c-axis oriented ZnO thin film and Au catalyst were first deposited on Si (100) surface. SEM images show nanorods grown on this substrate are vertical to the substrate surface. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  1. Kasus Diabetes Mellitus Pada Kucing Lokal

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    Ayu Fitriani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mengamati gejala klinis, gambaran hematologi dan kimia klinis pada penderita DM. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Bali Veterinary Clinic Pererena Bali. Waktu penelitian berlangsung pada akhir bulan Maret sampai bulan Mei 2015. Kucing penderita DM memiliki gejala klinis polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, penurunan berat badan, luka basah yang tidak kunjung sembuh, gusi pucat kekuningan, peningkatan temperatur tubuh, anoreksia. Pada uji darah lengkap didapatkan hasil White Blood Cell, Red Blood Cell, Hematocrite, Platelet, dan Hemoglobin rendah sedangkan Lymphocytes tinggi. Pada uji glukosa darah menunjukan bahwa glukosa darah tinggi. Tes fungsi hati menunjukkan bahwa AST tinggi tetapi ALT normal.


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    Wisnu Prajogo


    Full Text Available AbstractThis research examined the influence of work-family conflict to job satisfaction, also the influence of job satisfaction to performance and intention to leave. Survey conducted on 128 found several findings. First, work family conflict has negative influence to job satisfaction. Second, job satisfac¬tion has posi¬tive influence to performance. Third job satisfaction has negative influence to intention to leave.Keywords: work-family conflict, job satisfaction, job performance, intention to leave.AbstrakRiset ini meneliti pengaruh work-family conflict pada kepuasan dalam bekerja, serta pengaruh kepuasan dalam bekerja pada kinerja dan niat untuk keluar dari pekerjaan. Penelitian yang dilaku¬kan pada 128 karyawan bank menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, work-family conflict ber¬pengaruh negatif pada kepuasan kerja. Kedua, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif pada kinerja. Ketiga, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh negatif pada niat untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan.Kata kunci: work-family conflict, kepuasan kerja, kinerja, niat untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan.

  3. Kasus Serial : Aspirasi Peluit pada Anak

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    Aci Mayang Sari


    Full Text Available AbstrakKasus aspirasi benda asing selalu memberikan tantangan bagi dokter spesialis Telinga Hidung TenggorokKepala dan Leher (THT-KL. Aspirasi benda asing lebih sering terjadi pada anak-anak khususnya pada umur 1-3tahun dan jarang terjadi pada dewasa. Aspirasi peluit pada anak merupakan kasus yang banyak terjadi pada golonganbenda asing anorganik. Untuk menegakkan diagnosis aspirasi benda asing diperlukan ketajaman anamnesis,pemeriksaan fisik dan hasil radiografi. Bronkoskopi merupakan teknik yang digunakan sebagai alat diagnostik danterapeutik pada kasus aspirasi benda asing. Kasus aspirasi peluit pada tiga orang anak (2 laki-laki dan 1 perempuantelah dilaporkan dan ditatalaksana menggunakan teknik bronkoskopi kaku.Kata kunci: Aspirasi benda asing, benda asing peluit, bronkoskopiAbstractForeign body aspiration continues to provide challenges for otorhinolaryngologists. Foreign body aspiration ismore common in children, especially at the age of 1-3 years and rarely occurs in adults. Whistle aspiration in childrenis a case that occurs in many inorganic foreign body type. The diagnosis of foreign body aspiration based ondiscernment anamnesis, physical examination and radiographic results. Bronchoscopy is a technique that is used as adiagnostic and therapeutic tool in cases of foreign body aspiration.Cases of whistle aspiration in 3 children (2 malesand 1 femalewas reported and treated using rigid bronchoscopy technique. Arial 9 italicKeywords: foreign body aspiration, a whistle foreign body, bronchoscopy.

  4. Kasus Diabetes Mellitus Pada Kucing Lokal


    Ayu Fitriani; I Nyoman Suartha; Sri Kayati Widyastuti


    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengamati gejala klinis, gambaran hematologi dan kimia klinis pada penderita DM. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Bali Veterinary Clinic Pererena Bali. Waktu penelitian berlangsung pada akhir bulan Maret sampai bulan Mei 2015. Kucing penderita DM memiliki gejala klinis polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, penurunan berat badan, luka basah yang tidak kunjung sembuh, gusi pucat kekuningan, peningkatan temperatur tubuh, anoreksia. Pada uji darah lengkap didapatkan hasil White Blo...

  5. Kejadian Demam Neutropenia pada Anak dengan Keganasan

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    Sarah Rafika Nursyirwan


    Kesimpulan. kejadian demam neutropenia lebih sering terjadi pada pasien dengan keganasan darah. Patogen ditemukan pada sebagian pasien dengan demam neutropenia. Penyebab terbanyak bakteremia adalah bakteri Gram positif. Sensitivitas antibiotik tertinggi didapatkan pada vankomisin. Data mengenai pola sensitivitas antibiotik terbaru diperlukan untuk pedoman tata laksana pasien demam neutropenia.

  6. Hepatitis C pada Anak

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    Yusri Dianne Jurnalis


    Full Text Available AbstrakInfeksi virus hepatitis C saat ini masih merupakan persoalan yang serius. Penularan infeksi HCV pada anak yang utama adalah melalui transfusi darah atau produk darah yang saat ini bertanggung jawab menyebabkan kasus hepatitis C kronis. Selain itu infeksi HCV pada anak dapat disebabkan oleh transmisi perinatal (vertikal. Infeksi HCV akut dapat berakhir dengan sirosis dan karsinoma hepatoselular setelah dekade ketiga (sekitar 20%, karena progresivitas infeksi HCV lebih lambat dari infeksi hepatitis B virus. Pada umumnya infeksi HCV bersifat asimptomatik termasuk pada anak. Karena tidak ada gejala yang jelas pada infeksi HCV tersebut maka diagnosis infeksi HCV hanya dapat ditegakkan dengan pemeriksaan awal laboratorium dan uji serologi, dan bila perlu dengan uji molekuler pada pasien dengan risiko tinggi. Kebijakan kuratif khusus terhadap HCV adalah terapi antivirus berupa interferon dan ribavirin yang diberikan bila diagnosis HCV sudah ditegakkanKata kunci: Hepatitis C, diagnosis and management problem, childrenAbstractHepatitis C virus infection is still a serious problem. Transmission of HCV infection in children is a major blood transfusion or blood products that are currently responsible for causing chronic hepatitis C cases. Additionally HCV infection in children can be caused by perinatal transmission (vertical. Acute HCV infection may end up with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma after the third decade (around 20%, due to a slower progression of HCV infection of hepatitis B virus infection. In most cases of HCV infection are asymptomatic, including in children. Since there are no obvious symptoms in the diagnosis of HCV infection HCV infection can only be confirmed by laboratory examinations and serologic testing early, and if necessary with molecular testing in patients at high risk. Curative policy is specific to HCV antiviral therapy such as interferon and ribavirin are given when the diagnosis of HCV has been established


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    Aliza Aini Md Ralib


    -unsur diskret kerana keupayaan untuk mengintegrasikan dengan litar yang disertakan itu. Integrasi ini membawa kepada peningkatan prestasi, fungsi yang lebih baik dengan pengurangan kos pada pengeluaran jumlah yang besar. Oleh itu, Karya ini mengkaji silikon resonator akustik yang serasi, yang bersepadu dengan muka litar untuk membolehkan integrasi yang lengkap. Resonator gelombang akustik yang digunakan adalah gelombang permukaan akustik ( SAW dan gelombang akustik pukal ( BAW resonator . Kriteria penting untuk menilai prestasi resonator seperti faktor kualiti, frekuensi resonans dan kehilangan sisipan juga digariskan dalam setiap kerja sebelumnya. Pemilihan bahan piezoelektrik yang sesuai adalah penting untuk memastikan pekali gandingan elektromekanik yang mencukupi dihasilkan untuk mengurangkan kehilangan sisipan. Lapisan tambahan pasif SiO2   yang bertindak sebagai bahan rendah sisipan dipercayai meningkatkan faktor kualiti dan kestabilan suhu reka bentuk. Teknik integrasi juga dipengaruhi oleh proses fabrikasi dan pembungkusan. Struktur tanpa pembungkusan menggunakan AlN sebagai lapisan pengasingan tambahan itu dicadangkan untuk melindungi peranti SAW dari persekitaran untuk kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi. Banyak lagi kemajuan perlu dilakukan dalam pengecilan silikon serasi resonator gelombang akustik untuk merealisasikan sistem cip transceiver tunggal.KEYWORDS: RF-MEMS; piezoelectric; resonator; surface acoustic wave (SAW;bulk acoustic wave (BAW; FBAR

  8. Structural, optical, and LED characteristics of ZnO and Al doped ZnO thin films (United States)

    Sandeep, K. M.; Bhat, Shreesha; Dharmaprakash, S. M.


    ZnO (pristine) and Al doped ZnO (AZO) films were prepared using sol-gel spin coating method. The XRD analysis showed the enhanced compressive stress in AZO film. The presence of extended states below the conduction band edge in AZO accounts for the redshift in optical bandgap. The PL spectra of AZO showed significant blue emission due to the carrier recombination from defect states. The TRPL curves showed the dominant DAP recombination in ZnO film, whereas defect related recombination in Al doped ZnO film. Color parameters viz: the dominant wavelength, color coordinates (x,y), color purity, luminous efficiency and correlated color temperature (CCT) of ZnO and AZO films are calculated using 1931 (CIE) diagram. Further, a strong blue emission with color purity more than 96% is observed in both the films. The enhanced blue emission in AZO significantly increased the luminous efficiency (22.8%) compared to ZnO film (10.8%). The prepared films may be used as blue phosphors in white light generation.


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    Arief Budiman


    Full Text Available Distilasi merupakan salah satu unit operasi yang banyak digunakan dalam industri, tetapi dikenal boros energi, sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya peningkatan efisiensi energi agar terjadi penurunan beaya produksi. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah menggunakan heat integrated distillation column (HIDIC, yang merupakan aplikasi dari heat pump. Dari sisi analisis thermodinamika, penulis telah mengembangkan metoda grafis berdasarkan hukum thermodinamika satu & dua dengan material-utilization diagram (MUD. Metoda ini mempunyai peran penting untuk proses sintesa dan pengembangan proses distilasi yang efisien. Dengan analisis ini akan diperoleh informasi tentang thermodynamic efficiency, lokasi dengan efisiensi energi rendah sehingga dapat dilakukan targeting untuk penghematan energi. Kelebihan dari MUD adalah tersedianya informasi konsentrasi komponen ringan & komponen berat di setiap plate dan karakteristik exergy, yang berupa; exergy loss yang disebabkan oleh baik mixing pada fase cair & fase gas, evaporation dari komponen ringan maupun condensation dari komponen berat.  Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang HIDiC, meliputi pengaruh kenaikan tekanan rectifying section pada HIDiC terhadap kemurnian hasil, kebutuhan panas  dan exergy loss. Pada operasi HIDiC dengan energy level kondenser lebih besar dari pada energi level reboiler akan bisa dihemat sekitar 75% kebutuhan panas pada reboiler.

  10. Analisis Nilai Perusahaan pada Implementasi Program Kepemilikan Saham pada Karyawan/Manajemen

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    Dwitya Aribawa


      Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis economic value added (EVA sebelum dan sesudah implementasi program kepemilikan saham pada karyawan/ manajemen dengan objek penelitian ini adalah perusahaan publik yang menggunakan kebijakan ESOP/MSOP sebagai sarana benefit/incentive berupa pembagian sebagian saham untuk karyawan/ manajemen. Variabel yang digunakan sebagai indikator nilai perusahaan adalah EVA. Nilai EVA dianggap sebagai indikator yang kompleks dan mempertimbangkan faktor resiko (beta dari perusahaan. Perusahaan yang dianalisis adalah perusahaan yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Terdapat 17 perusahaan yang layak untuk dilakukan analisis berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan peneliti. Pengumpulan dan data dianalisis secara pooling, hal ini melihat dari tidak dibedakannya perusahaan berdasarkan industri (multi industri. Paired sample test digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis pada penelitian dan sebelumnya dilakukan uji normalitas data. Hasil analisis bahwa hasil perbandingan rata-rata EVA sebelum dan sesudah implementasi program kepemilikan saham pada karyawan/manajemen terdapat perbedaan yag signifikan.

  11. Implementasi Estimator Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Mikroorganisme pada Bioreaktor Anaerob

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    Dewinta Ria Wardhani


    Full Text Available Mikroba memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam produktivitas biogas pada pengolahan limbah bahan organik khususnya kotoran ternak pada bioreaktor anaerob, dimana dalam pengolahanya bakteri dipengaruhi oleh nutrisi, pH dan temperatur. Sehingga akan mempengaruhi produk biogas yang dihasilkan. Agar mendapatkan hasil biogas yang diharapkan maka diperlukan sebuah monitoring kecepatan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme. Namun saat ini belum ada alat untuk memonitoring secara langsung sehingga diperlukan sebuah estimator untuk memprediksi pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, untuk memprediksi pertumbuhan mikroorganisme berdasarkan parameter pH dan volume yang diukur. Estimator bekerja berdasarkan model matematis dengan menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan arsitektur Backpropagation dengan metode Lavenberg Marquardt. Estimator yang telah dihasilkan secara offline memiliki input berupa pH dan volume yang dianalogikan melalui tegangan dari potensiometer. Pada penelitian ini akan di implementasikan estimator kecepatan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme (µ secara online pada bioreaktor anaerob yang digunakan untuk mengekstrak kotoran ternak. Dari pengukuran secara online dan offline didapatkan nilai µ terbaik pada pengukuran secara online yaitu 7,5 pada pH 7,45 dan volume 0,05 L sedangkan nilai µ terbaik pada simulasi 7,3092 pada pH 5,47 dan volume 0,0106 L


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    Wisnu Jatmiko


    Full Text Available Paper ini akan membahas tahap awal (prototipe pengembangan jaringan komunikasi-robot multihop terdistribusi, yaitu suatu aplikasi yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan pada lingkungan yang minim infrastruktur dan fasilitas komunikasi. Pada bagian awal paper disebutkan kondisi yang dapat menerapkan aplikasi jaringan komunikasi multihop ini, yaitu pada daerah bencana alam yang mengalami kerusakan sarana komunikasi, pada daerah terpencil karena faktor alam yang sulit untuk diadakan fasilitas komunikasi, ataupun daerah berbahaya untuk didatangi manusia ataupun kawasan konflik dan peperangan. Salah satu karakteristik yang diharapkan dari aplikasi ini adalah proses penyebaran informasi secara cepat dan mudah, bahkan walaupun tidak tersedia infrastruktur memadai sebelumnya. Selain itu, sistem ini bersifat terdistribusi sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan beberapa keuntungan, baik saat diimplementasikan maupun kinerja di lapangan nantinya. Paper ini kemudian membahas pengembangan algoritma penyelesaian masalah, yang dilanjutkan dengan verifikasi dan analisis pada level simulasi perangkat lunak. Selanjutkan, algoritma ini diterapkan pada level simulasi perangkat keras dengan menggunakan modul robot Lego Mindstorm NXT. Untuk penyederhanaan masalah, pada tahap ini lingkungan yang digunakan masih bersifat statis dan terbatas sebagai salah satu asumsi.


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    Indri Retno Palupi


    Full Text Available Hasil survei Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI cabang Bandar Lampung tahun 2014, dismenorhea  menempati urutan pertama keluhan yang sering dialami wanita, sebesar 65,3% selain siklus menstruasi yang tidak teratur. Prevalensi dismenorhea  lebih tinggi pada kelompok usia remaja 10-20 tahun sebesar 71,4%. Tujuan penelitian ini diketahui pengaruh dari neptune krill oil  pada manajemen disminorea pada remaja putri kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Pringsewu tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan desain  eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan one group pre and post test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh remaja putri kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Pringsewu yang berjumlah 193 orang, sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang. Teknik sampling dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik accidental. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini univariat dan bivariat dengan uji t-test.Tingkat nyeri dismenorhea  sebelum diberi Neptune krill oil  pada siswi kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Pringsewu memiliki rata-rata tingkatan nyeri yaitu 8,190 (pada skala 1-15, Tingkat nyeri dismenorhea  setelah diberi Neptune krill oil  pada siswi kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Pringsewu memiliki Rata-rata tingkat nyeri yaitu 4,747 (pada skala 1-15. Ada pengaruh pemberian Neptune krill oil  terhadap intensitas nyeri dismenorhea  pada siswi kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Pringsewu Tahun 2016 (p-value=0,000. Diharapkan remaja putri dapat mengetahui bahwa salah satu cara untuk mengurangi nyeri dismenorhea  adalah dengan mengkonsumsi Neptune krill oil. Sehingga remaja putri dapat menerapkannya dirumah saat mengalami dismenorhea.

  14. Hydrothermal Growth of Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanorods Using a Biocomposite Seed Layer of ZnO Nanoparticles. (United States)

    Ibupoto, Zafar Hussain; Khun, Kimleang; Eriksson, Martin; AlSalhi, Mohammad; Atif, Muhammad; Ansari, Anees; Willander, Magnus


    Well aligned ZnO nanorods have been prepared by a low temperature aqueous chemical growth method, using a biocomposite seed layer of ZnO nanoparticles prepared in starch and cellulose bio polymers. The effect of different concentrations of biocomposite seed layer on the alignment of ZnO nanorods has been investigated. ZnO nanorods grown on a gold-coated glass substrate have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) techniques. These techniques have shown that the ZnO nanorods are well aligned and perpendicular to the substrate, and grown with a high density and uniformity on the substrate. Moreover, ZnO nanorods can be grown with an orientation along the c -axis of the substrate and exhibit a wurtzite crystal structure with a dominant (002) peak in an XRD spectrum and possessed a high crystal quality. A photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy study of the ZnO nanorods has revealed a conventional near band edge ultraviolet emission, along with emission in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum due to defect emission. This study provides an alternative method for the fabrication of well aligned ZnO nanorods. This method can be helpful in improving the performance of devices where alignment plays a significant role.

  15. Hydrothermal Growth of Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanorods Using a Biocomposite Seed Layer of ZnO Nanoparticles

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    Zafar Hussain Ibupoto


    Full Text Available Well aligned ZnO nanorods have been prepared by a low temperature aqueous chemical growth method, using a biocomposite seed layer of ZnO nanoparticles prepared in starch and cellulose bio polymers. The effect of different concentrations of biocomposite seed layer on the alignment of ZnO nanorods has been investigated. ZnO nanorods grown on a gold-coated glass substrate have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM techniques. These techniques have shown that the ZnO nanorods are well aligned and perpendicular to the substrate, and grown with a high density and uniformity on the substrate. Moreover, ZnO nanorods can be grown with an orientation along the c-axis of the substrate and exhibit a wurtzite crystal structure with a dominant (002 peak in an XRD spectrum and possessed a high crystal quality. A photoluminescence (PL spectroscopy study of the ZnO nanorods has revealed a conventional near band edge ultraviolet emission, along with emission in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum due to defect emission. This study provides an alternative method for the fabrication of well aligned ZnO nanorods. This method can be helpful in improving the performance of devices where alignment plays a significant role.

  16. Kultivasi Scenedesmus SP. Pada Medium Air Limbah


    Kawaroe, Mujizat


    Proses fotosintesis pada mikroalga membutuhkan CO2 dan cahaya matahari serta nutrien untuk pertumbuhannya. Kultivasi Scenedesmus sp. pada medium air limbah bertujuan guna mencukupi kebutuhan mikroalga akan nutrien dan mengurangi masukan dari bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam air limbah tersebut ke lingkungan. Kultivasi Scenedesmus sp. dilakukan selama tujuh hari pada medium air limbah industri tanpa penambahan nutri...

  17. Reducing ZnO nanoparticles toxicity through silica coating

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    Sing Ling Chia


    Full Text Available ZnO NPs have good antimicrobial activity that can be utilized as agents to prevent harmful microorganism growth in food. However, the use of ZnO NPs as food additive is limited by the perceived high toxicity of ZnO NPs in many earlier toxicity studies. In this study, surface modification by silica coating was used to reduce the toxicity of ZnO NPs by significantly reducing the dissolution of the core ZnO NPs. To more accurately recapitulate the scenario of ingested ZnO NPs, we tested our as synthesized ZnO NPs in ingestion fluids (synthetic saliva and synthetic gastric juice to determine the possible forms of ZnO NPs in digestive system before exposing the products to colorectal cell lines. The results showed that silica coating is highly effective in reducing toxicity of ZnO NPs through prevention of the dissociation of ZnO NPs to zinc ions in both neutral and acidic condition. The silica coating however did not alter the desired antimicrobial activity of ZnO NPs to E. coli and S. aureus. Thus, silica coating offered a potential solution to improve the biocompatibility of ZnO NPs for applications such as antimicrobial agent in foods or food related products like food packaging. Nevertheless, caution remains that high concentration of silica coated ZnO NPs can still induce undesirable cytotoxicity to mammalian gut cells. This study indicated that upstream safer-by-design philosophy in nanotechnology can be very helpful in a product development.


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    Deddi Duto Hartanto


    Full Text Available The Esia ads with their many versions try to offer a corporate brand with an emosional approach. This article’s analysis views Esia as an organization%2C much like what has been shown in the daily Kompas in some versions of its ads. While using a rethorical analysis%2C hopefully shows how Esia formulates its message in its ad executions as an argument%2C while also refering to certain logics to support them. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Iklan Esia dengan berbagai versi mencoba menawarkan corporate brand dengan pendekatan emosional. Analisa penulisan ini memandang Esia sebagai sebuah organisasi yaitu seperti yang dimunculkan pada harian Kompas pada beberapa versi iklannya. Dengan menggunakan Rhetorical Analysis %2C diharapkan akan dapat dilihat bagaimana Esia memformulasikan message dalam eksekusi iklannya sebagai argumen dengan merujuk pada logika-logika tertentu untuk memberikan pembenaran pada eksekusi iklannya. organization%2C public relations%2C rethorics%2C metaphores%2C Esia ads.

  19. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1EWOA-5PADA [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  20. ZnO Film Photocatalysts

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    Bosi Yin


    Full Text Available We have synthesized high-quality, nanoscale ultrathin ZnO films at relatively low temperature using a facile and effective hydrothermal approach. ZnO films were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectra (PL, and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. The products demonstrated 95% photodegradation efficiency with Congo red (CR after 40 min irradiation. The photocatalytic degradation experiments of methyl orange (MO and eosin red also were carried out. The results indicate that the as-obtained ZnO films might be promising candidates as the excellent photocatalysts for elimination of waste water.

  1. Performance of inverted polymer solar cells with randomly oriented ZnO nanorods coupled with atomic layer deposited ZnO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zafar, Muhammad [School of Chemical Engineering, Chonnam National University, 300 Youngbong-dong, Gwangju 500-757 (Korea, Republic of); Yun, Ju-Young [Center for Vacuum, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, 267 Gajeong-ro, Daejeon 305-600 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Do-Heyoung, E-mail: [School of Chemical Engineering, Chonnam National University, 300 Youngbong-dong, Gwangju 500-757 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • Hydrothermally grown, randomly oriented, and low areal density ZnO nanorods have been successfully adopted as the electron transport layer in inverted organic solar cells. • The addition of atomic layer deposited ZnO on the ZnO nanorods effectively enhance the photovoltaic performances of inverted organic solar cells. • The inverted organic solar cells with 5 nm thick-ALD ZnO showed the highest power conversion efficiency of 3.08%, which is an enhancement of approximately 80% compared to the cells without the ALD ZnO layer (PCE = 1.67%). - Abstract: Nanostructuring of the electron transport layer (ETL) in organic photovoltaic cells (OPV) is of great interest because it increases the surface area of the cell and electron transport. In this work, hydrothermally grown, randomly oriented, and low areal density ZnO nanorods (NRs) have been adopted as the ETL, and the effect of adding atomic layer deposited (ALD) ZnO on the ZnO NRs on the inverted organic solar cell performance has been investigated. The fabricated inverted organic solar cell with 5-nm-thick ALD-ZnO grown on the ZnO NRs showed the highest power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.08%, which is an enhancement of 85% from that of the cell without ALD-ZnO (PCE = 1.67%). The ultrathin ALD-ZnO was found to act as a curing layer of the surface defects on the hydrothermally grown ZnO NRs, resulting in an improvement in photovoltaic performance.

  2. Performance of inverted polymer solar cells with randomly oriented ZnO nanorods coupled with atomic layer deposited ZnO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zafar, Muhammad; Yun, Ju-Young; Kim, Do-Heyoung


    Highlights: • Hydrothermally grown, randomly oriented, and low areal density ZnO nanorods have been successfully adopted as the electron transport layer in inverted organic solar cells. • The addition of atomic layer deposited ZnO on the ZnO nanorods effectively enhance the photovoltaic performances of inverted organic solar cells. • The inverted organic solar cells with 5 nm thick-ALD ZnO showed the highest power conversion efficiency of 3.08%, which is an enhancement of approximately 80% compared to the cells without the ALD ZnO layer (PCE = 1.67%). - Abstract: Nanostructuring of the electron transport layer (ETL) in organic photovoltaic cells (OPV) is of great interest because it increases the surface area of the cell and electron transport. In this work, hydrothermally grown, randomly oriented, and low areal density ZnO nanorods (NRs) have been adopted as the ETL, and the effect of adding atomic layer deposited (ALD) ZnO on the ZnO NRs on the inverted organic solar cell performance has been investigated. The fabricated inverted organic solar cell with 5-nm-thick ALD-ZnO grown on the ZnO NRs showed the highest power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.08%, which is an enhancement of 85% from that of the cell without ALD-ZnO (PCE = 1.67%). The ultrathin ALD-ZnO was found to act as a curing layer of the surface defects on the hydrothermally grown ZnO NRs, resulting in an improvement in photovoltaic performance.

  3. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1EWPA-4PADA [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  4. Synthesis of 1-D ZnO nanorods and polypyrrole/1-D ZnO ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    1-D ZnO nanorods and PPy/1-D ZnO nanocomposites were prepared by the surfactant-assisted precipitation and in situ polymerization method, respectively. The synthesized nanorods and nanocomposites were characterized by UV–Vis spectrophotometer, Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction ...

  5. Analisis Rugi Daya Pada Penyulang Bangli Dengan Beroperasinya PLTS Kayubihi

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    I GN Dion Adiputra


    Full Text Available Analisis rugi daya pada Penyulang Bangli dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbanding an rugi daya pada jaringan distribusi setelah penempatan pembangkit tersebar jenis PLTS berkapasitas 1 MWp. Lokasi penempatan PLTS ditentukan berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas bus. Nilai sensitivitas bus(?didapat dengan cara membandingkan nilai rugi daya pada sistem dengan total beban yang terhubung pada bus. Penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi aliran daya dengan metode aliran daya Newton-Raphson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bus TK 0041 memiliki sensitivitas terbesar dengan nilai ?= 0,178. Dari hasil simulasi aliran daya, penempatan PLTS 1MWp pada lokasi alternatif 1 menghasilkan rugi daya minimum pada Penyulang Bangli yaitu 103,1 kW atau 3,3% dari total suplai daya 3071 kW. Pemasangan PLTS dapat menurunkan rugi daya pada Penyulang Bangli sebesar 57 kW dari total rugi daya pada kondisi tanpa PLTS yaitu 160,1 kW. Bila dibandingkan dengan kondisi eksisting, penem patan PLTS pada lokasi alternatif 1 memiliki selisih rugi daya 7,3 kW lebih kecil dari total rugi daya yang dihasilkan kondisi eksisting sebesar 110,4kW.

  6. Synthesis and characterization of ZnO and Ni doped ZnO nanorods by thermal decomposition method for spintronics application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saravanan, R.; Santhi, Kalavathy; Sivakumar, N.; Narayanan, V.; Stephen, A.


    Zinc oxide nanorods and diluted magnetic semiconducting Ni doped ZnO nanorods were prepared by thermal decomposition method. This method is simple and cost effective. The decomposition temperature of acetate and formation of oxide were determined by TGA before the actual synthesis process. The X-ray diffraction result indicates the single phase hexagonal structure of zinc oxide. The transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images show rod like structure of ZnO and Ni doped ZnO samples with the diameter ∼ 35 nm and the length in few micrometers. The surface analysis was performed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies. The Ni doped ZnO exhibits room temperature ferromagnetism. This diluted magnetic semiconducting Ni doped ZnO nanorods finds its application in spintronics. - Highlights: ► The method used is very simple and cost effective compared to all other methods for the preparation DMS materials. ► ZnO and Ni doped ZnO nanorods ► Ferromagnetism at room temperature

  7. Optical properties and photocatalytic activities of spherical ZnO and flower-like ZnO structures synthesized by facile hydrothermal method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang, Yongling [Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Catalytic Materials and Technology, School of Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164 (China); Li, Zhongyu, E-mail: [Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Catalytic Materials and Technology, School of Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164 (China); Changzhou Expansion New Stuff Technology Limited Company, Changzhou 213122 (China); Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin 132022 (China); Xu, Song [Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Catalytic Materials and Technology, School of Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164 (China); Han, Dandan; Lu, Dayong [Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin 132022 (China)


    Highlights: •Spherical ZnO and flower-like ZnO were prepared via a facile hydrothermal method. •The as-prepared ZnO showed high photocatalytic activity over MO degradation. •The as-prepared ZnO were well crystallized and exhibited good optical properties. -- Abstract: Spherical ZnO and flower-like ZnO were prepared by facile hydrothermal method at 180 °C and 160 °C, respectively. The as-prepared samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy and UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) spectra. The optical properties of as-prepared sample, such as photoluminescence (PL) spectra and Raman spectra were studied. The photocatalytic activities of the as-prepared ZnO particles were investigated by degrading the methyl orange (MO) under UV light irradiation. The photocatalytic studies showed that the organic pollutants have been almost completely degraded and mineralized after irradiation of the UV light. These results indicated that the as-prepared ZnO particles exhibited good optical properties and high photocatalytic activities.


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    - Aprizal


    Full Text Available Alfamidi merupakan objek penelitian mengalami permasalahan pada posisi penempatan barang pada rak jualan masih kurang tertata, karena kurang teraturnya posisi barang pad arak mengakibatkan terkadang ada barang yang dicari oleh konsumen tapi malah tidak ditemuka di bagian rak, yang berdampak pada pengurangan daya minat pembeli. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma apriori untuk mengklasifikasikan data transaksi penjualan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat membantu pihak Alfamidi untuk menyusun penempatan produk yang dijual. Kata Kunci : Data Mining, Algoritma Apriori, lokasi barang.

  9. Komunikasi Visual pada Acuk Kuda Renggong

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    Supriatna -


    ABSTRAK   Kuda Renggong adalah kesenian tradisional khas Kabupaten Sumedang, yang mengguna- kan kuda sebagai media ekspresi utamanya. Kekhasan pertunjukan Kuda Renggong adalah pada tata visual, yakni berupa acuk pada kuda.  Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan etnosemiotik, dengan hasil berupa makna-makna interpretatif. Acuk kuda tidak saja berfungsi estetis, tetapi juga menjadi bagian dari narasi pertunjukan, melalui tanda-tanda yang melekat pada bentuk, ornamen, warna dan ikon di dalamnya. Dalam kontek komunikasi elemen visual tersebut menjadi bagian dari pesan yang disampaikan dalam pertunjukan.   Kata kunci: Kuda Renggong, komunikasi visual, acuk, Sumedang


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    syafrizal syafrizal


    Full Text Available Tidak banyak para teknisi menggunakan transmisi putaran pada mesin dari satu poros ke poros yang lain memperhitungkan adanya slip antara poros dengan transmisi, sehingga putaran ouput poros yang diharapkan tidak tercapai. Seperti yang ditunjukkan pada transmisi pulley dan v-belt, pada pulley dan v-belt bahwa putaran output yang disampaikan pada pulley akan terjadi penurunan nilai putaran beberapa persen karena timbul slip antara belt dengan pulley. Penurunan nilai putaran tersebut akan bertambah dengan bertambahnya massa putaran yang dibawa. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan motor Hp dan putara 1410 rpm, pulley dan v-belt dengan koefisien gesk sebesar = 0,3. Secara analisa teoritis dengan memilih faktor kritis 1,056 maka nilai putaran tersebut akan berubah sebesar , dengan rasio putaran pulley sebesar i = 2,953216. Ketika dilakukan pengujian dengan beban massa 1,707 kg maka putaran poros motor diperoleh sebesar 1489 rpm, dengan menggunakan rasio putaran maka putaran pulley output sebesar 504,2 rpm, tetapi pada pengukuran putaran pulley sebesar 497,35 rpm, sehingga menimbulkan selisih sebesar 6,9 rpm atau mengalami slip sebesar 1,39 %, dan nilai ini akan terus bertambah dengan bertambahnya beban massa putar yang dibawa. Berdasar analisa empiris besarnya slip dengan menggunakan program excel, maka didapatlah persamaan hubungan persentase slip dengan perubahan massa yang dipakai seperti; .


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    Lies Emmawati Hadie


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menghitung heritabilitas pada sifat bobot udang galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii pada umur lima bulan. Lima full-sib dan 15 half-sib dipelihara pada dua tingkat salinitas yaitu 0‰ dan 10‰, dengan rata-rata bobot sebesar 5,6 g; dan  = 0,40 g. Komponen keragaman diestimasi dengan mixed model leastsquares dan maximum likelihood. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa respons genetik yang tinggi dapat diperoleh melalui seleksi bobot, karena nilai heritabilitas pada sifat tersebut relatif tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa kisaran nilai h2 pada air tawar (0,509-0,866 dan air payau (0,235-0,499. Jadi nilai h2 pada air tawar lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lingkungan air payau pada salinitas 10,0‰. Kisaran nilai h2 yang dicapai pada out-crossing antara koleksi Barito dengan Musi adalah 0,663±0,037-0,866±0,047. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk menghasilkan perbaikan mutu genetik pada udang galah dapat ditempuh melalui program seleksi yang dikombinasikan dengan metode pemijahan secara out-crossing.

  12. Depresi Pada Remaja Korban Bullying

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    Aprilia Ramadhani


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan hubungan antara mengalami bullying dengan depresi pada remaja. Hipotesis penelitian adalah ada korelasi positif antara mengalami bullying dengan depresi pada remaja. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 146 siswa SMA. Data dianalisis dengan korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis menemukan terdapat hubungan positif antara mengalami bullying dengan depresi pada remaja, dengan r = 0.218 (p 0,05. Hasil penelitian menemukan tidak terdapat perbedaan frekuensi bullying yang dialami subjek laki-laki dan perempuan dengan t=1,759 (p>0,05. Hasil menemukan perbedaan frekuensi bullying jenis fisik yang dialami oleh subjek laki-laki dan perempuan dengan t = 2,167 (p<0,05. Laki-laki lebih banyak mengalami bullying dibandingkan perempuan.

  13. Konfigurasi Server Cloud Storage pada Jaringan LAN pada LAB Diploma III Manajemen Informatika UM Metro

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    Arif Hidayat


    Berdasarkan hasil pengujian sistem dapat disimpulkan bahwa Konfigurasi Server Cloud Storage pada Jaringan LAN ini dapat  menjadi alat bantu Penyimpanan data bisa diakses dan dilakukan melalui folder di komputer atau aplikasi yang terikat dengan pemilik akun di layanan yang bersangkutan. Kata Kunci--- Konfigurasi Server Cloud Storage ; Cloud Storange pada Jaringan LAN; Cloud Storange.

  14. Acceptors in ZnO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McCluskey, Matthew D., E-mail:; Corolewski, Caleb D.; Lv, Jinpeng; Tarun, Marianne C.; Teklemichael, Samuel T. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-2814 (United States); Walter, Eric D. [Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington 99352 (United States); Norton, M. Grant; Harrison, Kale W. [School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-2920 (United States); Ha, Su [Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-6515 (United States)


    Zinc oxide (ZnO) has potential for a range of applications in the area of optoelectronics. The quest for p-type ZnO has focused much attention on acceptors. In this paper, Cu, N, and Li acceptor impurities are discussed. Experimental evidence indicates these point defects have acceptor levels 3.2, 1.4, and 0.8 eV above the valence-band maximum, respectively. The levels are deep because the ZnO valence band is quite low compared to conventional, non-oxide semiconductors. Using MoO{sub 2} contacts, the electrical resistivity of ZnO:Li was measured and showed behavior consistent with bulk hole conduction for temperatures above 400 K. A photoluminescence peak in ZnO nanocrystals is attributed to an acceptor, which may involve a Zn vacancy. High field (W-band) electron paramagnetic resonance measurements on the nanocrystals revealed an axial center with g{sub ⊥} = 2.0015 and g{sub //} = 2.0056, along with an isotropic center at g = 2.0035.

  15. Instrumentasi Elektrokardiografi dengan Capacitive Contact Electrode pada Kursi

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    Monica Regina Emilia


    Full Text Available Elektrokardiograf secara konvensional menggunakan elektroda Ag-AgCl sebagai conductive contact dan kabel sebagai penghubung antara elektroda dengan elektrokardiograf. Metode yang digunakan bersifat direct sehingga elektroda melekat langsung pada kulit. Konfigurasi ini mengakibatkan ruang gerak pengguna menjadi terbatas dan dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit. Oleh karena itu, pada tugas akhir ini akan difokuskan pada perancangan Instrumentasi Elektrokardiografi secara indirect menggunakan capacitive electrode. Elektroda dibuat dengan menggunakan komponen IC dengan input impedansi tinggi sehingga sinyal jantung dapat direkam walau terhalang oleh pakaian sekalipun. Elektroda dibuat sejumlah 2 buah dan diletakkan pada sandaran kursi, sedangkan untuk ground digunakan PCB berukuran 30cmx30cm sebagai alas duduk. Ketiga sinyal ini kemudian dilewatkan pada rangkaian penguat instrumentasi, filter dan baseline restoration untuk menguatkan dan menghilangkan komponen sinyal yang tidak diperlukan. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, sinyal QRS complex dapat terdeteksi dengan jelas. Kualitas sinyal yang dihasilkan sangat bergantung dari pakaian yang digunakan. Oleh karena itu capacitive electrode memiliki peluang yang besar untuk dijadikan sebagai elektroda alternatif yang bisa digunakan dalam jangka panjang.

  16. Photoluminescent ZnO Nanoparticles and Their Biological Applications

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    Zheng-Yong Zhang


    Full Text Available During the past decades, numerous achievements concerning luminescent zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs have been reported due to their improved luminescence and good biocompatibility. The photoluminescence of ZnO NPs usually contains two parts, the exciton-related ultraviolet (UV emission and the defect-related visible emission. With respect to the visible emission, many routes have been developed to synthesize and functionalize ZnO NPs for the applications in detecting metal ions and biomolecules, biological fluorescence imaging, nonlinear multiphoton imaging, and fluorescence lifetime imaging. As the biological applications of ZnO NPs develop rapidly, the toxicity of ZnO NPs has attracted more and more attention because ZnO can produce the reactive oxygen species (ROS and release Zn2+ ions. Just as a coin has two sides, both the drug delivery and the antibacterial effects of ZnO NPs become attractive at the same time. Hence, in this review, we will focus on the progress in the synthetic methods, luminescent properties, and biological applications of ZnO NPs.

  17. Kelainan Hemostasis pada Leukemia

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    Zelly Dia Rofinda


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Leukemia adalah penyakit keganasan pada jaringan hematopoietik yang ditandai denganpenggantian elemen sumsum tulang normal oleh sel darah abnormal atau sel leukemik. Salah satu manifestasi klinisdari leukemia adalah perdarahan yang disebabkan oleh berbagai kelainan hemostasis.Kelainan hemostasis yang dapat terjadi pada leukemia berupa trombositopenia, disfungsi trombosit,koagulasi intravaskuler diseminata, defek protein koagulasi, fibrinolisis primer dan trombosis. Patogenesis danpatofosiologi kelainan hemostasis pada leukemia tersebut terjadi dengan berbagai mekanisme.Kata kunci: leukemia, kelainan hemostasisAbstractBackground: AbstractLeukemia is a malignancy of hematopoietic tissue which is characterized bysubstituted of bone marrow element with abnormal blood cell or leukemic cell. One of clinical manifestation ofleukemia is bleeding that is caused by several hemostasis disorders.Hemostasis disorders in leukemia such asthrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, coagulation protein defect, primaryfibrinolysis and thrombosis. Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of thus hemostasis disorders in leukemia occur withdifferent mechanism.Keywords: leukemia, hemostasis disorder

  18. Low temperature fabrication of ZnO compact layer for high performance plastic dye-sensitized ZnO solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Fangyi; Xia Yujing; Guan Zisheng; Yin Xiong; He Tao


    Highlights: ► ZnO compact layer is prepared via simple electrochemical method at low temperature. ► Compact layer can effectively block electron transfer from TCO to electrolyte. ► DSC PCE is improved by 17% when ZnO compact layer is introduced. ► Plastic DSCs with ZnO compact layer show a PCE of 3.29% under AM1.5 100 mW cm −2 . ► The above efficiency is comparable to that with high temperature sintering step. - Abstract: ZnO compact layer has been fabricated on transparent conducting oxide glass and plastic polymer substrates at low temperature via electrodeposition. The results of dark current and cyclic voltammetric measurements demonstrate that the compact layer can effectively reduce the short circuit from transparent conducting oxide to electrolyte in dye-sensitized ZnO solar cells, leading to an increase of open-circuit photovoltage and fill factor of the devices and, thereby, the power conversion efficiency. The resultant plastic dye-sensitized ZnO solar cell presents an efficiency of 3.29% under illumination of 100 mW cm −2 , AM 1.5G. This indicates that electrodeposition is a viable method to fabricate ZnO compact layer for high performance flexible devices.


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    Triyani Kresnawan


    Full Text Available Prevalensi kejadian hipertensi di Indonesia cukup tinggi dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara Asia dan berbagai  dampak  dari  kejadian  hipertensi  memerlukan perhatian  dan  penanganan  khusus.  Untuk mencegah  hipertensi  dan  mengendalikan  hipertensi  beberapa  hal  dapat  dikontrol  di  antaranya  berat badan  berlebih,  kurangnya  aktifitas  fisik,  merokok, konsumsi  alkohol,  asupan  natrium  berlebih,  asupan kalium, kalsium, magnesium yang kurang serta kondisi stres. Pada masa lalu penatalaksanaan hipertensi yaitu  dengan  menggunakan  obat  antihipertensi  dan  diet  rendah  garam.  Pada  saat  ini  modifikasi  gaya hidup  (lifestyle  sudah  diterapkan  pada  saat  pra  Hipertensi,  selain  diet  rendah  garam  1500  -2400  mg Natrium sehari telah disusun pula suatu pedoman yang terdiri dari pola makan, jumlah dan jenis bahan makanan  dengan  memperhatikan  beberapa  zat  gizi  lain yang  berperan  pada  kejadian  hipertensi diantaranya  yang  perlu  ditingkatkan  adalah  asupan  kalsium,  magnesium  dan  kalium  yang  disebut  diet DASH  (Dietary  Approaches  to  Stop  Hypertensi.  Peran  tenaga  gizi  (nutrisionis dan  dietisien  sangat penting  dalam  asuhan  gizi  pasien  hipertensi  sebagai konselor  terapi  non-farmakologik.  Diet  DASH diterapkan sejak pra hipertensi, apabila target tekanan darah tidak tercapai pada 4-6 minggu, maka akan diterapkan terapi farmakologik disertai pengaturan makanan (Diet DASH dan modifikasi gaya hidup. Kata kunci: asuhan gizi, hipertensi

  20. Synthesis of ZnO nanorods and observation of resistive switching memory in ZnO based polymer nanocomposites (United States)

    Nair, Manjula G.; Malakar, Meenakshi; Mohapatra, Saumya R.; Chowdhury, Avijit


    This research reports the observation of bipolar resistive switching memory in ZnO nanorod based polymer nanocomposites. We synthesized ZnO nanorods by wet-chemical method and characterized them using XRD, UV-VIS spectroscopy and SEM. The synthesized materials have hexagonal ZnO phase with grain size of 24 nm and having strong orientation along (101) direction as observed from XRD. The SEM micrograph confirms the formation of ZnO nanorods with diameter in the range of 10 to 20 nm and length of the order of 1 µm. From optical absorption spectra the band gap is estimated to be 2.42 eV. ZnO nanorods were dispersed in PVDF-HFP polymer matrix to prepare the nanocomposite. This nanocomposite was used as active layer in the devices having sandwich structure of ITO/PVDF-HFP+ZnO nanorods/Al. Bipolar non-volatile memory was observed with ON-OFF resistance ratio of the order of 103 and with a wide voltage window of 2.3V. The switching mechanism could be due to the trapping and de-trapping of electrons by the ZnO nanorods in the nanocomposite during ON and OFF states respectively.

  1. Deteksi Outlier Transaksi Menggunakan Visualisasi-Olap Pada Data Warehouse Perguruan Tinggi Swasta

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    Gusti Ngurah Mega Nata


    Full Text Available Mendeteksi outlier pada data warehouse merupakan hal penting. Data pada data warehouse sudah diagregasi dan memiliki model multidimensional. Agregasi pada data warehouse dilakukan karena data warehouse digunakan untuk menganalisis data secara cepat pada top level manajemen. Sedangkan, model data multidimensional digunakan untuk melihat data dari berbagai dimensi objek bisnis. Jadi, Mendeteksi outlier pada data warehouse membutuhkan teknik yang dapat melihat outlier pada data yang sudah diagregasi dan dapat melihat dari berbagai dimensi objek bisnis. Mendeteksi outlier pada data warehouse akan menjadi tantangan baru.        Di lain hal, Visualisasi On-line Analytic process (OLAP merupakan tugas penting dalam menyajikan informasi trend (report pada data warehouse dalam bentuk visualisasi data. Pada penelitian ini, visualisasi OLAP digunakan untuk deteksi outlier transaksi. Maka, dalam penelitian ini melakukan analisis untuk mendeteksi outlier menggunakan visualisasi-OLAP. Operasi OLAP yang digunakan yaitu operasi drill-down. Jenis visualisasi yang akan digunakan yaitu visualisasi satu dimensi, dua dimensi dan multi dimensi menggunakan tool weave desktop. Pembangunan data warehouse dilakukan secara button-up. Studi kasus dilakukan pada perguruan tinggi swasta. Kasus yang diselesaikan yaitu mendeteksi outlier transaki pembayaran mahasiswa pada setiap semester. Deteksi outlier pada visualisasi data menggunakan satu tabel dimensional lebih mudah dianalisis dari pada deteksi outlier pada visualisasi data menggunakan dua atau multi tabel dimensional. Dengan kata lain semakin banyak tabel dimensi yang terlibat semakin sulit analisis deteksi outlier yang dilakukan. Kata kunci — Deteksi Outlier,  Visualisasi OLAP, Data warehouse

  2. Trioctylphosphine-assisted morphology control of ZnO nanoparticles (United States)

    Hong, Yun-Kun; Cho, GeonHee; Park, YoonSu; Oh, Soong Ju; Ha, Don-Hyung


    This study investigates the morphological change in colloidal ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized with trioctylphosphine (TOP). The addition of TOP to the synthesis causes an evolution in the shape of ZnO NPs to tadpole-like particles from quasi-spherical particles at 300 °C. The total length of the tadpole-like ZnO NPs can be modified by controlling the molar ratio of TOP to oleylamine (OLAM). The tadpole-like particles are elongated as the concentration of TOP increased but decreased when the addition of TOP is excessive. These tadpole-like ZnO NPs transform to quasi-spherical NPs regardless of the amount of TOP at a reaction time of 3 h at 300 °C. At 200 °C, the effect of TOP on the ZnO NP synthesis differs from that at 300 °C. The ZnO NPs synthesized by controlling the molar ratios of surfactant ligands (TOP:OLAM = 2:100 and 70:100) at 200 °C share similar amorphous structures, while a crystalline ZnO phase is formed when the reaction time is 3 h. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis shows that TOP influences the oxidation of ZnO and suggests that a combination of OLAM and TOP plays a role in controlling the shape of ZnO NPs. These results provide critical insights to the utilization of TOP for a shape controlling ligand in ZnO NPs and suggest a new route to design oxide NPs.

  3. ZnO Nanostructures for Tissue Engineering Applications

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    Marco Laurenti


    Full Text Available This review focuses on the most recent applications of zinc oxide (ZnO nanostructures for tissue engineering. ZnO is one of the most investigated metal oxides, thanks to its multifunctional properties coupled with the ease of preparing various morphologies, such as nanowires, nanorods, and nanoparticles. Most ZnO applications are based on its semiconducting, catalytic and piezoelectric properties. However, several works have highlighted that ZnO nanostructures may successfully promote the growth, proliferation and differentiation of several cell lines, in combination with the rise of promising antibacterial activities. In particular, osteogenesis and angiogenesis have been effectively demonstrated in numerous cases. Such peculiarities have been observed both for pure nanostructured ZnO scaffolds as well as for three-dimensional ZnO-based hybrid composite scaffolds, fabricated by additive manufacturing technologies. Therefore, all these findings suggest that ZnO nanostructures represent a powerful tool in promoting the acceleration of diverse biological processes, finally leading to the formation of new living tissue useful for organ repair.

  4. Morphological transition of ZnO nanostructures influenced by magnesium doping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Premkumar, T.; Zhou, Y.S.; Gao, Y.; Baskar, K.; Jiang, L.; Lu, Y.F.


    Wurtzite zinc oxide (ZnO) nanochains have been synthesized through high-pressure pulsed laser deposition. The chain-like ZnO nanostructures were obtained from magnesium (Mg) doped ZnO targets, whereas vertically aligned nanorods were obtained from primitive ZnO targets. The Mg doping has influenced the morphological transition of ZnO nanostructures from nanorods to nanochains. The field emission scanning electron microscope images revealed the growth of beaded ZnO nanochains. The ZnO nanochains of different diameters 40 and 120 nm were obtained. The corresponding micro-Raman spectra showed strong E 2H mode of ZnO, which confirmed the good crystallinity of the nanochains. In addition to near band edge emission at 3.28 eV, ZnO nanochains show broad deep level emission at 2.42 eV than that of ZnO nanorods.

  5. In vitro antibacterial activity of ZnO and Nd doped ZnO nanoparticles against ESBL producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (United States)

    Hameed, Abdulrahman Syedahamed Haja; Karthikeyan, Chandrasekaran; Ahamed, Abdulazees Parveez; Thajuddin, Nooruddin; Alharbi, Naiyf S.; Alharbi, Sulaiman Ali; Ravi, Ganasan


    Pure ZnO and Neodymium (Nd) doped ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized by the co-precipitation method. The synthesized nanoparticles retained the wurtzite hexagonal structure. From FESEM studies, ZnO and Nd doped ZnO NPs showed nanorod and nanoflower like morphology respectively. The FT-IR spectra confirmed the Zn-O stretching bands at 422 and 451 cm-1 for ZnO and Nd doped ZnO NPs respectively. From the UV-VIS spectroscopic measurement, the excitonic peaks were found around 373 nm and 380 nm for the respective samples. The photoluminescence measurements revealed that the broad emission was composed of ten different bands due to zinc vacancies, oxygen vacancies and surface defects. The antibacterial studies performed against extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) producing strains of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae showed that the Nd doped ZnO NPs possessed a greater antibacterial effect than the pure ZnO NPs. From confocal laser scanning microscopic (CLSM) analysis, the apoptotic nature of the cells was confirmed by the cell shrinkage, disorganization of cell wall and cell membrane and dead cell of the bacteria. SEM analysis revealed the existence of bacterial loss of viability due to an impairment of cell membrane integrity, which was highly consistent with the damage of cell walls.



    Siswanto, Mita


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh electronic word of mouth pada citra merek dan niat beli pada Warunk Upnormal. Penelitian ini mengambil responden mahasiswa yang ada di Yogyakarta. Jumlah sampel yang valid dan dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah 202 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive random sampling, dengan pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner online. Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier sederhana, dan analisis regresi...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukarti Sukarti


    Key words      : Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Management Roadmap Penelitian menghasilkan rancangan strategi untuk pelayanan pembuatan akta pada kantor Notaris, study kasus pada kantor Notaris Theresia Dwi Wijayanti, SH. Mekanisme dan alur kerja/prinsip pelayanan pembuatan akta masih berupa instruksi kerja, yang dipahami oleh beberapa pegawai saja, dan sering menjadi pertanyaan berulang pada bagian pelayanan serta menjadi kendala pada saat pegawai izin tidak masuk kerja. Karena mekanisme dan alur kerja/prinsip pelayanan belum jelas dan belum adanya media untuk pelayanan pembuatan akta otentik, mekanisme dan alur kerja/prinsip pelayanan dalam pembuatan akta pada kantor Notaris. Rancangan strategi ini difasilitasi dengan aplikasi pelayanan pembuatan akta yang dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam berbagi pengetahuan, menjadi portal Knowledge Manajement pada bagian pelayanan, sehingga menumbuhkan budaya penyebaran pengetahuan (Knowledge Sharing diantara pegawai dan pelayanan optimal kepada klien.  Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Knowledge Management Roadmap dengan tahapan pemodelan bisnis, pemodelan use case, analisis, perancangan, dan implementasi. Dengan metode Knowledge Manajement Roadmap menghasilkan rancangan strategi untuk bagian pelayanan pembuatan akta dan kantor Notaris memiliki sebuah media berbagi pengetahuan. Kata kunci: Manajemen Pengetahuan, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Manajement Roadmap.

  8. Optimasi Proses Spray Drying Pada Enkapsulasi Antosianin Ubi Ungu

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    Retno Yunilawati


    Full Text Available Teknologi proses spray drying banyak dilakukan pada enkapsulasi zat warna alam untuk aplikasi di industri. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan enkapsulasi antosianin ubi ungu dengan teknik spray drying. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah optimasi proses spray drying pada enkapsulasi antosianin ubi ungu. Optimasi proses dilakukan pada kondisi berbagai suhu inlet (150 °C sampai dengan 180 °C dan jumlah maltodekstrin sebagai carrier (5% sampai dengan 15%. Sebagai respon dilakukan pengukuran kadar air, absorbansi, dan kadar antosianin. Response Surface Methodology (RSM dengan metode Central Composite Design (CCD digunakan untuk analisis data optimasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa suhu inlet dan persentase maltodekstrin berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kadar air, absorbansi, dan kadar antosianin total. Kondisi optimal didapatkan pada suhu inlet 166,96 °C dan maltodekstrin sebesar 5%. Pada kondisi ini dihasilkan serbuk antosianin ubi ungu dengan kadar air 4,79%; absorbansi 0,8827; dan kadar antosianin total 968,65 mg/kg.

  9. Anodized ZnO nanostructures for photoelectrochemical water splitting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Mao-Chia [Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan 32001, Taiwan (China); Wang, TsingHai [Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environment Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China); Wu, Bin-Jui [Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan 32001, Taiwan (China); Lin, Jing-Chie, E-mail: [Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan 32001, Taiwan (China); Wu, Ching-Chen [Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu 310, Taiwan (China)


    Highlights: • ZnO nanostructures were synthesized by electrochemical anodic process. • The parameter of ZnO nanostructure was anodic potential. • The model of growth of ZnO nanostructure was investigated. - Abstract: Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures were fabricated on the polished zinc foil by anodic deposition in an alkaline solution containing 1.0 M NaOH and 0.25 M Zn(NO{sub 3}){sub 2}. Potentiostatic anodization was conducted at two potentials (−0.7 V in the passive region and −1.0 V in the active region vs. SCE) which are higher than the open circuit potential (−1.03 V vs. SCE) and as-obtained ZnO nanostrcutures were investigated focusing on their structural, optical, electrical and photoelectrochemical (PEC) characteristics. All samples were confirmed ZnO by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectra. Observations in the SEM images clearly showed that ZnO nanostructures prepared at −0.7 V vs. SCE were composed of nanowires at while those obtained at −1.0 V vs. SCE possessed nanosheets morphology. Result from transmission electron microscope and X-ray diffraction patterns suggested that the ZnO nanowires belonged to single crystalline with a preferred orientation of (0 0 2) whereas the ZnO nanosheets were polycrystalline. Following PEC experiments indicated that ZnO nanowires had higher photocurrent density of 0.32 mA/cm{sup 2} at 0.5 V vs. SCE under 100 mW/cm{sup 2} illumination. This value was about 1.9 times higher than that of ZnO nanosheets. Observed higher photocurrent was likely due to the single crystalline, preferred (0 0 2) orientation, higher carrier concentration and lower charge transfer resistance.


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    Emy Setyaningsih


    Full Text Available             Makalah ini akan membahas tentang penerapan black box pada kereta api yang diadopsi pertama kali pada pesawat, dengan parameter perekam suara hingga waktu simpan kurang dari 1 hari 8 jam pada media penyimpanan SD Card. Tujuan dari pengujian pada makalah ini adalah membandingkan sumber suara terhadap jarak penerima, sebagai parameter perubahan tingkat suara “dB”. Sistem perekaman suara yang akan ditempatkan pada kereta api ini menggunakan modul rangkaian terintregasi WTR010. Voice record WTR010 merupakan modul rangkaian terintegrasi untuk merekam suara sendiri atau pun suara dari file music / video pada komputer dengan sangat mudah. Modul ini bisa merekam suara sendiri dan langsung di simpan ke dalam format audio. Format audio yang disediakan oleh modul voice record adalah format AD4 dan wav. Hasil pengujian modul black box yang diletakkan pada kereta api, dengan mencoba mengucapkan kata  “SAYA”,  suara dapat terekam pada modul perekam suara yang selanjutnya diolah menggunakan ”software sound editor” yang disimpan pada SD Card ber-ekstensi “wav”. Perbandingan sumber suara terhadap jarak penerima dari pengujian didapatkan sebuah persamaan regresi linier  y = -( 31x – 11  dan R² = 0.972.  Pengujian ini menghasilkan penekanan suara dB dan frekuensi sample Hz yang berbeda.  Kata kunci: black box kereta api, perekaman suara, WTR010

  11. Preparation of Aligned ZnO Nanorod Arrays on Sn-Doped ZnO Thin Films by Sonicated Sol-Gel Immersion Fabricated for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Saurdi


    Full Text Available Aligned ZnO Nanorod arrays are deposited on the Sn-doped ZnO thin film via sonicated sol-gel immersion method. The structural, optical, and electrical properties of the Sn-doped ZnO thin films were investigated. Results show that the Sn-doped ZnO thin films with small grain size (~20 nm, high average transmittance (96% in visible region, and good resistivity 7.7 × 102 Ω·cm are obtained for 2 at.% Sn doping concentration. The aligned ZnO nanorod arrays with large surface area were also obtained for 2 at.% Sn-doped ZnO thin film. They were grown on sol-gel derived Sn-doped ZnO thin film, which acts as a seed layer, via sonicated sol-gel immersion method. The grown aligned ZnO nanorod arrays show high transmittance at visible region. The fabricated dye-sensitised solar cell based on the 2.0 at.% Sn-doped ZnO thin film with aligned ZnO nanorod arrays exhibits improved current density, open-circuit voltage, fill factor, and conversion efficiency compared with the undoped ZnO and 1 at.% Sn-doped ZnO thin films.

  12. Size dependent emission stimulation in ZnO nanosheets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torchynska, T.V.; El Filali, B.


    Photoluminescence (PL), X ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman scattering have been studied in crystalline ZnO nanosheets (NSs) of different sizes, estimated by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). ZnO NSs with the size from the range of 60–600 nm were created by the electrochemical (anodization) method and followed thermal annealing at 400 °C for 2 h in ambient air. XRD study confirms the wurtzite structure of ZnO NSs and has revealed that the lattice parameters increase monotonically with decreasing NS sizes. Simultaneously the intensity of a set of Raman peaks increases and Raman peaks shift into the low energy range. The surface phonon has been detected in smallest size ZnO NSs. Two types of PL bands deal with a set of phonon replicas of free excitons and the defect related emission have been detected in ZnO NSs. The intensity enhancement of exciton- and defect-related PL bands with decreasing ZnO NS sizes has been detected. The intensity stimulation of exciton-related PL bands is attributed to the realization of the week confinement and the exciton-light coupling with the formation of polariton in small size ZnO NSs of 67–170 nm. The intensity rising of defect-related PL bands is attributed to the concentration enlargement of surface defects when the surface to volume ration increases at decreasing ZnO NS sizes. Numerical simulations of radiative lifetimes and exciton radiative recombination rates in ZnO NSs for different emission wavelengths have been done using the exciton-light coupling model. Then the experimental and numerically simulated PL results have been compared and discussed. - Highlights: • Optical and structural investigations of the ZnO nanosheets with the sizes 60–600 nm. • The enlargement of interplanar distances in the wurtzite ZnO crystal lattice is detected. • The change of optic phonon energy and surface phonon appearing are reveled. • ZnO emission stimulation at the week confinement and electron-light coupling with the

  13. Analisa Persepsi Glass Ceiling Pada Grup Hotel Accor Di Surabaya


    Hariono, Ardhi Ananta Kurnia; Theios, Jefson


    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi karyawan perempuan akan glass ceiling pada grup hotel Accor Surabaya melalui hambatan pribadi, hambatan situasional, dan hambatan sosial. Penelitian ini di fokuskan pada kelompok umur dan status pernikahan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan survei kepada 50 karyawan perempuan yang mejabat pada posisi manajerial di grup Hotel Accor Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi glass ceiling pada interval kecil. Untuk kelom...

  14. Power-dependent photocatalytic activity of ZnO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chun, So Yeon; Han, Noh Soo; Jeong, Seong Hyun; Park, Seung Min; Song, Jae Kyu [Dept. of Chemistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Moon, Cheol Joo; Choi, Myong Yong [Dept. of Chemistry (BK21) and Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang NationalUniversity, Jinju (Korea, Republic of)


    the power-dependent photocatalytic activity of ZnO was examined for the photoreduction processes of Rh101 and AN in the presence of hole scavengers, where the fluorescence spectra were measured as a function of irradiation time and excitation intensity. The concentration of the reactants decreased, while the concentration of the products increased accordingly, which indicated the single-electron reduction process by electrons supplied from the conduction band of ZnO. Despite the single-electron process, the efficiency of the photoreaction depended nonlinearly on the excitation intensity, which was explained by the saturation of defect states in ZnO. The enhanced ratio of available electrons in ZnO led to a superlinear increase in the photoreduction efficiency, while the single-electron process linearly reflected the electrons available in ZnO.

  15. Preparation, structural and optical characterization of ZnO, ZnO: Al nanopowder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mohan, R. Raj [Department of ECE, Gojan School of Business and Technology, Chennai (India); Rajendran, K. [Department of Electronics, Government Arts College for Women, Ramanathapuram, TN (India); Sambath, K. [Department of ECS, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, TN (India)


    In this paper, ZnO and ZnO:Al nanopowders have been synthesized by low cost hydrothermal method. Zinc nitrate, hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) and aluminium nitrate are used as precursors for ZnO and AZO with different molar ratios. The structural and optical characterization of doped and un-doped ZnO powders have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX), photoluminescence (PL) and ultra violet visible (UV-Vis) absorption studies. The SEM results show that the hydrothermal synthesis can be used to obtain nanoparticles with different morphology. It is observed that the grain size of the AZO nanoparticles increased with increasing of Al concentration. The PL measurement of AZO shows that broad range of green emission around 550nm with high intensity. The green emission resulted mainly because of intrinsic defects.

  16. Penyesuaian Sosial pada Mahasiswa Tuli

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    Dwi Sri Lestari


    [Pendengaran merupakan indera yang sangat penting bagi manusia. Melalui indera pendengaran manusia dapat menangkap dan menyadari suara-suara di sekelilingnya. Kehilangan pendengaran pada seseorang akan menghambat komunikasi terhadap lingkungan sekitar, sedangkan komunikasi sendiri merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam proses menyesuaikan diri di dalam lingkungan sekitar, termasuk lingkungan perkuliahan. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan melihat bagaimana penyesuaian sosial pada Tuli yang menempuh pendidikan di bangku perkuliahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketiga informan memiliki penyesuaian sosial yang cenderung baik di dalam perkuliahan dengan cara mendayagunakan potensi yang dimilikinya. Faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi penyesuaian sosial pada ketiga informan adalah penerimaan dan dukungan dari keluarga. Adanya kepercayaan terhadap kuasa Tuhan juga menjadi penguat untuk menjalani kehidupan sebagai individu dengan keterbatasan pendengaran.

  17. In-situ PXRD studies of ZnO nanoparticle growth: How do various salts influence the hydrothermal growth of ZnO?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøjesen, Espen Drath

    ZnO is a material of great scientific and everyday relevance; it is used widely in all sorts of application. Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles can be performed by a wide assortment of methods and a tremendous variety of sizes and shapes, it has been suggested that ZnO is the one known compound showing...... the broadest range of nanostructures. Previously many different in-situ characterization methods have been used to investigate the ZnO formation under various synthesis conditions; these include UV-VIS and SAXS. These methods were primarily used to give information on particle size of ZnO formed using soft...... chemical methods and non-aqueous solvents. In our work we have studied the formation of ZnO during hydrothermal syntheses using in-situ powder X-ray diffraction, thus enabling us to extract crystallographic as well as microstructural information. The data was analyzed using Rietveld refinement and whole...

  18. Enhanced photovoltaic performance of ZnO nanorod-based dye-sensitized solar cells by using Ga doped ZnO seed layer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dou, Yuanyao [State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China); Department of Applied Physics, College of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331 (China); Wu, Fang, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China); Department of Applied Physics, College of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331 (China); Mao, Caiying [Department of Applied Physics, College of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331 (China); Fang, Liang, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China); Department of Applied Physics, College of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331 (China); Guo, Shengchun [Department of Applied Physics, College of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331 (China); Zhou, Miao [State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China)


    Highlights: • ZnO nanorods were grown on Ga-doped ZnO seed layers using hydrothermal method. • Using the ZnO nanorods as photoanodes for fabricated dye-sensitized solar cells. • The highest η of 1.23% can be achieved in a DSSC with 3 at.% Ga-doped in seeds. • The effects of ZnO seed layers on electron transport properties were investigated. • The enhancement performance of DSSCs contributed to higher dye loading and η{sub cc}. - Abstract: Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod arrays were grown on FTO substrates with a Ga-doped ZnO (GZO) seed layer by a hydrothermal method. GZO seed layers were obtained via sol–gel technology with Ga concentration in the range of 0–4 at.%. The dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) using ZnO nanorod arrays as the photoanode layers were prepared. The effect of Ga dopant concentrations in ZnO seed layer on the morphology features of ZnO nanorod arrays and the performance of DSSCs were systematically investigated. Results indicate that the average diameter and density of ZnO nanorod arrays decrease with increasing Ga concentration, but their length shows an opposite trend. The photocurrent density–voltage (J–V) characteristics reveal that the DSSCs with GZO seed layer exhibit significantly improved photovoltaic performance. In particular, the highest energy conversion efficiency (η) of 1.23% can be achieved in a DSSC with 3 at.% Ga doping, which is increased by 86.36% compared with that of the undoped DSSC. The external quantum efficiency (EQE) spectra and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed to explore the photon-to-electron conversion process in DSSCs. It is demonstrated that the performance enhancement of DSSCs based on GZO seed layer can be attributed to higher amount of dye loading, more efficient electron transportation and better electrons collection efficiency.

  19. Influence of Dopants in ZnO Films on Defects (United States)

    Peng, Cheng-Xiao; Weng, Hui-Min; Zhang, Yang; Ma, Xing-Ping; Ye, Bang-Jiao


    The influence of dopants in ZnO films on defects is investigated by slow positron annihilation technique. The results show S that parameters meet SAl > Sun > SAg for Al-doped ZnO films, undoped and Ag-doped ZnO films. Zinc vacancies are found in all ZnO films with different dopants. According to S parameter and the same defect type, it can be induced that the zinc vacancy concentration is the highest in the Al-doped ZnO film, and it is the least in the Ag-doped ZnO film. When Al atoms are doped in the ZnO films grown on silicon substrates, Zn vacancies increase as compared to the undoped and Ag-doped ZnO films. The dopant concentration could determine the position of Fermi level in materials, while defect formation energy of zinc vacancy strongly depends on the position of Fermi level, so its concentration varies with dopant element and dopant concentration.


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    Agus Nursalim


    Full Text Available Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana membuat desain furniture yang memenuhi standard Antrophometry dan Ergonomy untuk Laboratorium Pendidikan Seni Rupa. Penelitian mengkaji tingkat kenyamanan furniture yang dipakai mahasiswa ketika sedang praktikum di studio. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengenai standard kenyamanan pembutan desain furniture yang akan digunakan mahasiswa sebagai perlengkapan praktikum pada laboratorium Pendidikan Seni. Bentuk Penelitian ini adalah penelitian diskriftif dengan metode kwalitatif. Temuan awal dalam penelitian ini adalah: dimensi ergonomics dan antropometrics mahasiswa pendidikan seni rupa memiliki nilai X(mean masih dibawah standard International (rekomendasi: Dreyfuss dalam buku “:The Measure of Man” dengan standard deviasi 1.96 dengan persentil 2.5 dan persentil 97.5 masih dalam batas normal (Data Tabel 4.7 dan Tabel 4.8: dimensi antropomotrics mahasiswa Angkatan 20122013. Centre of grafity atau moment of grafity mahasiswa ketika praktikum dengan duduk bertumpu pada pantat dan daerah kerja normal pada rentang 72.4-87.5. Sedangkan mahasiswa yang melakukan praktikum dengan berdiri bertumpu pada kaki dengan angular motion dan siku bebas bergerak (SBB pada rentang 183.92212.9 (data Tabel 4.2-Tabel 4.5:Data Ergonomi Mahasiswa Angkatan 2012-2013 sesuai dengan rekomendasi C.G. Drury dalam „Journal Apllied Ergonomics’. Vol.13, p.135. masih dalam tingkat nyaman. Hasil temuan ini kemudian digunakan sebagai pertimbangan awal dalam membuat desain Furniture pada studio Pendidikan Seni Rupa. Dengan demikian mahasiswa merasakan kenyamanan dalam melakukan praktikum di Studio Pendidikan Seni Rupa dengan menggunakan furniture yang ada. Untuk itu furniture harus didesain yang adjustable. Kenyamanan Furniture berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi mahasiswa. Desain furniture yang dibuat Adjustable diantaranya etsel untuk melukis, Meja kerja studio dasar, Kursi kerja untuk melukis, meja putar pada

  1. Optical Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles Capped with Polymers

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    Atsushi Noguchi


    Full Text Available Optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles capped with polymers were investigated. Polyethylene glycol (PEG and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP were used as capping reagents. ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized by the sol-gel method. Fluorescence and absorption spectra were measured. When we varied the timing of the addition of the polymer to the ZnO nanoparticle solution, the optical properties were drastically changed. When PEG was added to the solution before the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles, the fluorescence intensity increased. At the same time, the total particle size increased, which indicated that PEG molecules had capped the ZnO nanoparticles. The capping led to surface passivation, which increased fluorescence intensity. However, when PEG was added to the solution after the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles, the fluorescence and particle size did not change. When PVP was added to the solution before the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles, aggregation of nanoparticles occurred. When PVP was added to the solution after the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles, fluorescence and particle size increased. This improvement of optical properties is advantageous to the practical usage of ZnO nanoparticles, such as bioimaging

  2. Photoluminescence properties of Co-doped ZnO nanocrystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lommens, P.; Smet, P.F.; De Mello Donega, C.


    We performed photoluminescence experiments on colloidal, Co -doped ZnO nanocrystals in order to study the electronic properties of Co in a ZnO host. Room temperature measurements showed, next to the ZnO exciton and trap emission, an additional emission related to the Co dopant. The spectral...... position and width of this emission does not depend on particle size or Co concentration. At 8 K, a series of ZnO bulk phonon replicas appear on the Co-emission band. We conclude that Co ions are strongly localized in the ZnO host, making the formation of a Co d-band unlikely. Magnetic measurements...


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    Aditio Primayudi Aji Nugroho


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah menghitung kinerja boiler dengan mengetahui kerugian energi pada saat produksi steam. Analisa teknis pada boiler sangat diperlukan, sebagai upaya peningkatan efisiensi dan mengetahui banyaknya energi yang terbuang sebagai kerugian. Faktorfaktor penyebab kehilangan panas/heat loss terbesar pada boiler antara lain : “kehilangan panas akibat gas buang kering, kandungan steam dalam gas buang, kandungan air dalam bahan bakar, kandungan air dalam suplai udara dan lain-lain”.Kehilangan panas/heat loss atau juga bisa disebut kehilangan energi merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang sangat berpengaruh dalam mengidentifikasi efisiensi pada boiler.Untuk itu dilakukan studi analisa dengan perhitungan kehilangan panas dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya penurunan performance dan penyebab dari penurunan performance. Berdasarkan data dan analisa metode direct diketahui penurunan sebesar 21% pada kondisi normal (operasi 79% dan dari hasil perhitungan kehilangan panas indirect sebesar 16.68% efisiensi boiler sebesar 83.32% maka dari itu adanya kehilangan panas, perlu adanya perbaikan dalam control pengaturan bahan bakar dan udara yang masuk secara optimum dengan cara menggunakan Oxygen Trim Control yang berfungsi untuk mengukur konsentrasi oksigen pada cerobong dan secara otomatis mengatur oksigen pada udara yang masuk burner sehingga dihasilkan pembakaran dengan efisiensi yang optimal.dan dengan menggunakan economizer pada pemanasan awal suhu air umpan dapat menaikan efisiensi boiler.

  4. Hydrothermal growth of upright-standing ZnO sheet microcrystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Ruixia; Yang, Ping; Dong, Xiaobin; Jia, Changchao; Li, Jia


    Highlights: • Upright-standing ZnO sheet microcrystals were hydrothermally fabricated. • The ZnO sheets were prepared with sodium oxalate at 70 °C without any surfactant. • The preferable adsorption of oxalate anions causes the formation of ZnO sheet. • The continuous growth in six directions leads to the formation of hexagonal sheets. - Abstract: Large-scale upright-standing ZnO sheet microcrystals were fabricated on Zn substrate using sodium oxalate as structure-directing agent by a hydrothermal method at low temperature (70 °C) without any surfactant. The sheets are about 3–5 μm in dimension and 100–300 nm in thickness. The strong and narrow diffraction peaks of ZnO indicate that the sample has a good crystallinity and size. The morphology of sheet-like ZnO varied with the concentrations of sodium oxalate and reaction time. The sheet-like ZnO would transform into rod-like ones when sodium oxalate was substituted by equivalent sodium acetate. The formation of sheet-like ZnO is attributed to the preferable adsorption of oxalate anions on (0 0 0 1) face of ZnO, which inhibits the intrinsic growth of ZnO. Additionally, the continuous growth in six (0 1 −1 0) directions that have the lowest surface energy leads to the formation of hexagonal sheets

  5. Data of evolutionary structure change: 2OZ2A-4PADA [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  6. Simulasi Numerik Dynamic Stall Pada Airfoil Yang Berosilasi

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    Galih S.T.A. Bangga


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan analisa pada sudu helikopter, kompresor, kincir angin dan struktur streamline lainya yang beroperasi pada angle of attack yang tinggi dan melibatkan instationary effects yang disebut dynamic stall menjadi semakin penting. Fenomena ini ditandai dengan naiknya dynamic lift melewati static lift maksimum pada critical static stall angle, vortex yang terbentuk pada leading edge mengakibatkan naiknya suction contribution yang kemudian terkonveksi sepanjang permukaan hingga mencapai trailling edge diikuti terbentuknya trailling edge vortex yang menunjukkan terjadinya lift stall. Fenomena ini sangat berbahaya terhadap struktur airfoil itu sendiri. Secara umum, beban fatique yang ditimbulkan oleh adanya efek histerisis karena fluktuasi gaya lift akibat induksi vibrasi lebih besar dibandingkan kondisi statis. Simulasi numerik dilakukan secara 2D dengan menggunakan profil Boeing-Vertol V23010-1.58 pada α0 = 14.92°. Standard-kω dan SST-kω digunakan sebagai URANS turbulence modelling. Model osilasi dari airfoil disusun dalam suatu user defined function (UDF. Gerakan meshing beserta airfoil diakomodasi dengan menggunakan dynamic mesh approach. Simulasi numerik menunjukkan bahwa, model SST-kω menunjukkan performa yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Standard-kω. Fenomena travelling vortex yang terjadi mampu ditangkap dengan baik, meski pada angle of attack yang tinggi URANS turbulence model gagal memprediksikan fenomena yang terjadi karena dominasi efek 3D.

  7. Performance of Cr-doped ZnO for acetone sensing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al-Hardan, N.H., E-mail: [Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor (Malaysia); Abdullah, M.J.; Aziz, A. Abdul [School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang (Malaysia)


    Zinc oxide (ZnO) doped with chromium (Cr) was synthesized by reactive co-sputtering for gas sensing applications. The effect of varying the contents of Cr (from 1 to 4 at%) on the ZnO gas sensor response was studied. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals the high orientation of c-axis of the prepared films. The optimum operating temperature of the undoped ZnO was 400 °C and shifted to 300 °C for the Cr-doped ZnO under the acetone vapour. The 1% Cr doping ZnO gas sensor was most sensitive for the acetone vapour. The ability of the 1% Cr-doped ZnO to produce repeatable results under different acetone vapour concentrations was tested. The timing properties of the doped Cr ZnO gas sensor were 70 and 95 s for the rise and recovery time respectively.

  8. Surface potential driven dissolution phenomena of [0 0 0 1]-oriented ZnO nanorods grown from ZnO and Pt seed layers (United States)

    Seo, Youngmi; Kim, Jung Hyeun


    Highly oriented ZnO nanorods are synthesized hydrothermally on ZnO and Pt seed layers, and they are dissolved in KOH solution. The rods grown on ZnO seed layer show uniform dissolution, but those grown on Pt seed layer are rod-selectively dissolved. The ZnO nanorods from both seed layers show the same crystalline structure through XRD and Raman spectrometer data. However, the surface potential analysis reveals big difference for ZnO and Pt seed cases. The surface potential distribution is very uniform for the ZnO seed case, but it is much fluctuated on the Pt seed case. It suggests that the rod-selective dissolution phenomena on Pt seed case are likely due to the surface energy difference.

  9. Profil Keamanan setelah Pemberian Dosis Primer Vaksin Pentabio® pada Bayi di Indonesia

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    Julitasari Sundoro


    Full Text Available Vaksin Hib mulai digunakan pada Pogram Imunisasi Nasional sejak tahun 2013 secara bertahap dan di seluruh Indonesia mulai tahun 2014 dalam bentuk vaksin kombinasi DTP/HB/Hib (Pentabio®, yang memberikan  kekebalan terhadap difteria, pertusis, tetanus, hepatitis B, dan Haemophilus influenzae tipe b. Studi ini menilai reaksi sitemik, reaksi lokal, dan reaksi yang serius pascaimunisasi dengan Pentabio®. Sebanyak 4.000 bayi penerima vaksin Pentabio®bergabung dalam studi ini. Reaksi yang timbul dicatat pada kartu harian oleh petugas yang sudah dilatih. Vaksin Pentabio®yang diamati pada PMS ini menggunakan vaksin rutin dari Program Imunisasi Nasional dalam waktu pengamatan 28 hari di empat propinsi, yaitu Nusa Tenggara Barat, Bali, Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Barat pada periode Mei–Desember 2014. Sebanyak 3.978 data dapat dianalisis karena 22 di antaranya tidak memberikan informasi yang valid. Reaksi sistemik yang paling banyak timbul adalah demam 0,85% pada 30 menit pertama, dan meningkat menjadi 14,03% pada satu hari pascaimunisasi, kemudian sembuh pada hari berikutnya. Reaksi lokal yang paling sering timbul adalah nyeri pada tempat suntikan pada 67,6% subjek pada 30 menit setelah imunisasi, dan meningkat menjadi 87,23% pada 1 hari pascaimunisasi namun sembuh pada hari berikutnya. Mayoritas nyeri yang timbul adalah kategori ringan. Tidak ditemukan kejadian ikutan pascaimunisasi serius selama pengamatan. Simpulan, reaksi lokal dan sistemik pascaimunisasi dengan Pentabio® dapat ditoleransi pada bayi.

  10. Effect of Mg doping in ZnO buffer layer on ZnO thin film devices for electronic applications (United States)

    Giri, Pushpa; Chakrabarti, P.


    Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin films have been grown on p-silicon (Si) substrate using magnesium doped ZnO (Mg: ZnO) buffer layer by radio-frequency (RF) sputtering method. In this paper, we have optimized the concentration of Mg (0-5 atomic percent (at. %)) ZnO buffer layer to examine its effect on ZnO thin film based devices for electronic and optoelectronic applications. The crystalline nature, morphology and topography of the surface of the thin film have been characterized. The optical as well as electrical properties of the active ZnO film can be tailored by varying the concentration of Mg in the buffer layer. The crystallite size in the active ZnO thin film was found to increase with the Mg concentration in the buffer layer in the range of 0-3 at. % and subsequently decrease with increasing Mg atom concentration in the ZnO. The same was verified by the surface morphology and topography studies carried out with scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic electron microscopy (AFM) respectively. The reflectance in the visible region was measured to be less than 80% and found to decrease with increase in Mg concentration from 0 to 3 at. % in the buffer region. The optical bandgap was initially found to increase from 3.02 eV to 3.74 eV by increasing the Mg content from 0 to 3 at. % but subsequently decreases and drops down to 3.43 eV for a concentration of 5 at. %. The study of an Au:Pd/ZnO Schottky diode reveals that for optimum doping of the buffer layer the device exhibits superior rectifying behavior. The barrier height, ideality factor, rectification ratio, reverse saturation current and series resistance of the Schottky diode were extracted from the measured current voltage (I-V) characteristics.

  11. Ekspresi Gen CYP19 Aromatase, Estrogen, Androgen pada penderita Periodontitis Agresif

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    Dahlia Herawati


    Full Text Available Kepadatan tulang tubuh ditentukan oleh gen CYP19 aromatase, hormon estrogen dan androgen. Pada periodontitis agresif terjadi perkembangan cepat kerusakan tulang alveolar, dan kerusakan tulang alveoler tersebut tidak diimbangioleh regenerasi tulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menunjukkan ekspresi gen CYP19 aromatase, estrogen, androgen pada penderita periodontitis agresif agar dapat untuk menjadi pertimbangan pada saat melakukan perawatan periodontal. Metode penelitian, pemeriksaan ekspresi gen aromatse CYP19 berasal dari spesimen tulang alveolar menggunakan imunohistokimia, pengukuran hormon estrogen dan androgen dari serum menggunakan Vidas: Elfa. Hasil penelitian ekspresi gene CYP19 aromatase pada periodontitis agresif menunjukkan gambaran lebih rendah densitasnya dibandingkan pada nonperiodontitis. Estrogen dan androgen pad aperiodontitis agresif ada kecenderungan lebih rendah dibandingkan pada nonperiodontitis. Kesimpulan regenerasi tulang alveoler pad a periodontitis agresif terhambat karena sedikitnya gen CYP19 aromatase dan hormon estrogen dan androgen yang berperan pada pembentukan tulang alveoler kurang memadai.


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    Sudirman M.Kom


    Full Text Available Abstrak— Ukuran data pada proses komunikasi data menggunakan web service dalam jaringan akan sangat memengaruhi kecepatan proses transfer. XML dan JSON merupakan format data yang digunakan pada saat komunikasi data pada web service. JSON akan menghasilkan ukuran data yang lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan format XML. Keywords— komunikasi data, web service, XML, JSON.



    Wahyu Prabawati Putri Handayani; Mugi Harsono


    Abstrak: Aplikasi Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Pada Komputerisasi Kegiatan Pertanahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Pada Komputerisasi Kegiatan Pertanahan. Sebuah metodologi survey digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data 100 karyawan. Path analysis menunjukkan bahwa (1) Computer self-efficacy berpengaruh pada persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dan persepsi manfaat teknologi, (2) Persepsi kemudahan penggunaan teknologi berpeng...

  14. Evaluasi Sifat Morpologi dan Teknologi Pengolahan pada Gabah dan Beras


    Santosa, Susilo


    Penelitian evaluasi dan beras terhadap mutu dan jumlah hasil ditekankan pada lr36 , lr38 dan Cisadane. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Karawang. Hasil studi menunjukkan diantara ketiga varitas, Cisadane mempunyai ukuran dimensi butiran yang lebih besar daripada Ir36 dan Ir38. Di antara ketiga varitas, persen kulit sekam yang tertinggi didapat 23,57 % pada lr38 diikuti 22,32% pada Ir36 dan 19,5% pada Cisadane. Persen beras pecah kulit tertinggi diperoleh pa...

  15. Evaluasi Sifat Morpologi Dan Teknologi Pengolahan Pada Gabah Dan Beras


    Santosa, Susilo


    Penelitian evaluasi dan beras terhadap mutu dan jumlah hasil ditekankan pada lr36 , lr38 dan Cisadane. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Karawang. Hasil studi menunjukkan diantara ketiga varitas, Cisadane mempunyai ukuran dimensi butiran yang lebih besar daripada Ir36 dan Ir38. Di antara ketiga varitas, persen kulit sekam yang tertinggi didapat 23,57 % pada lr38 diikuti 22,32% pada Ir36 dan 19,5% pada Cisadane. Persen beras pecah kulit tertinggi diperoleh pa...

  16. Karakteristik Himpunan Kritis dalam Pelabelan TSA pada Graf Pohon

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    Triyani Triyani


    Full Text Available Sebuah himpunan kritis dalam pelabelan Total Sisi Ajaib (TSA,  pada graf G adalah subhimpunan label sedemikian sehingga label tersebut membangun pelabelan TSA secara tunggal. Konsep himpunan kritis pada pelabelan graf ini merupakan pengembangan teori dari himpunan kritis dalam bujur sangkar latin yang dikemukakan oleh Cooper dkk (1994. Artikel ini bertujuan menginvestigasi karakteristik himpunan kritis dalam pelabelan TSA pada graf pohon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika G adalah graf pohon, maka himpunan kritis dengan ukuran minimal dalam pelabelan TSA pada G sama dengan banyaknya daun di G. Kata Kunci : himpunan kritis minimal, pelabelan TSA, graf TSA

  17. Vapour transport growth of ZnO nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mofor, A.C.; Bakin, A.S.; Elshaer, A.; Waag, A. [Technical University Braunschweig, Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Braunschweig (Germany); Fuhrmann, D.; Hangleiter, A. [Technical University Braunschweig, Institute of Applied Physics, Braunschweig (Germany); Bertram, F.; Christen, J. [University of Magdeburg, Department of Solid State Physics, Magdeburg (Germany)


    The fabrication of low-dimensional ZnO structures has attracted enormous attention as such nanostructures are expected to pave the way for many interesting applications in optoelectronics, spin electronics gas sensor technology and biomedicine. Many reported fabrication methods, especially for ZnO nanorods are mostly based on catalyst-assisted growth techniques that employ metal-organic sources and other contaminating agents like graphite to grow ZnO nanorods at relatively high temperatures. We report on catalyst-free vapour-phase epitaxy growth of ZnO nanorods on 6H-SiC and (11-20)Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} using purely elemental sources at relatively low temperatures and growth pressure. ZnO nanorods with widths of 80-900 nm and lengths of up to 12 {mu}m were obtained. Nanorod density on the order of 10{sup 9} cm{sup -2} with homogenous luminescence and high purity was also noted. (orig.)

  18. Effects of ZnO Seed Layers Prepared with Various Precursor Concentrations on Structural and Defect Emission Properties of ZnO Nanorods Grown by Hydrothermal Method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Soaram; Nam, Giwoong; Leem, Jae-Young; Kim, Yangsoo [Inje University, Gimhae (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Ghun Sik; Yoon, Sung Pil [Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    ZnO nanorods were grown by a hydrothermal method on ZnO seed layers that had previously been prepared from solutions containing various precursor concentrations. The effects of the ZnO seed layers prepared with various precursor concentrations on the structural and defect emissions of the ZnO nanorods were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The surface morphology of the ZnO seed layers changed with an increasing precursor concentration, and the diameters and densities of the ZnO nanorods depended on the morphologies of the ZnO seed layers. The ZnO seed layers prepared with various precursor concentrations affected the residual stress in the nanorods grown on the seed layers, the intensity and full widths at half maximum of the 2-theta angle in the XRD spectra for the nanorods, and the intensity and position of the defect emission peak in deep-level emission (DLE) PL spectra for the ZnO nanorods.


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    Muh Fitrah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan aktivitas guru dan siswa pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa dan peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa pada konsep matematika materi segiempat serta respon siswa pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas bersifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMP Negeri 1 Dompu Kelas VIIA sebanyak 34 Orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar tes, observasi dan wawancara, angket serta dokemen. Data penelitian inipun dianalisis dalam bentuk rata-rata dan persentase kemudian dikombinasikan dengan hasil wawancara yang bersumber dari guru dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman konsep siswa dapat ditingkatkan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis masalah, terbukti pada peningkatan setiap siklus pembelajaran. Hal ini didukung pada aktivitas guru dan siswa berdasarkan langkah-langkah pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah yaitu pada siklus pertama aktivitas guru dengan presentasenya 92,5% meningkat disiklus kedua sebesar 97,5%, sedangkan aktivitas siswa disiklus pertama dengan presentasenya adalah 93,8% dan meningkat pada siklus kedua sebesar 97,69%. Sedangkan pada hasil tes pemahaman konsepnya adalah pada siklus pertama adalah 79, 41% dengan rata-rata nilainya adalah 77,35 dan pada siklus kedua pemahaman konsep matematika siswa meningkat secara signifikan, hal ini terbukti presentasenya adalah 88,24% dengan rata-rata nilainya adalah 84,26. Sehingga pencapaian antara aktivitas guru dan siswa serta pemahaman konsep matematika siswa pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah mendapatkan respon yang positif berdasarkan transkripsi dari siswa, karena siswa merasa senang dengan suasana belajar yang memaksimalkan aktivitas pada kelompok yang dibagikan.

  20. Effects of Chromium Dopant on Ultraviolet Photoresponsivity of ZnO Nanorods (United States)

    Mokhtari, S.; Safa, S.; Khayatian, A.; Azimirad, R.


    Structural and optical properties of bare ZnO nanorods, ZnO-encapsulated ZnO nanorods, and Cr-doped ZnO-encapsulated ZnO nanorods have been investigated. Encapsulated ZnO nanorods were grown using a simple two-stage method in which ZnO nanorods were first grown on a glass substrate directly from a hydrothermal bath, then encapsulated with a thin layer of Cr-doped ZnO by dip coating. Comparative study of x-ray diffraction patterns showed that Cr was successfully incorporated into the shell layer of ZnO nanorods. Moreover, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy confirmed presence of Cr in this sample. It was observed that the thickness of the shell layer around the core of the ZnO nanorods was at least about 20 nm. Transmission electron microscopy of bare ZnO nanorods revealed single-crystalline structure. Based on optical results, both the encapsulation process and addition of Cr dopant decreased the optical bandgap of the samples. Indeed, the optical bandgap values of Cr-doped ZnO-encapsulated ZnO nanorods, ZnO-encapsulated ZnO nanorods, and bare ZnO nanorods were 2.89 eV, 3.15 eV, and 3.34 eV, respectively. The ultraviolet (UV) parameters demonstrated that incorporation of Cr dopant into the shell layer of ZnO nanorods considerably facilitated formation and transportation of photogenerated carriers, optimizing their performance as a practical UV detector. As a result, the photocurrent of the Cr-doped ZnO-encapsulated ZnO nanorods was the highest (0.6 mA), compared with ZnO-encapsulated ZnO nanorods and bare ZnO nanorods (0.21 mA and 0.06 mA, respectively).

  1. Fabrication and photovoltaic properties of ZnO nanorods/perovskite solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shirahata, Yasuhiro; Tanaike, Kohei; Akiyama, Tsuyoshi; Fujimoto, Kazuya; Suzuki, Atsushi; Balachandran, Jeyadevan; Oku, Takeo, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science, The University of Shiga Prefecture, 2500 Hassaka, Hikone, Shiga 522-8533 (Japan)


    ZnO nanorods/perovskite solar cells with different lengths of ZnO nanorods were fabricated. The ZnO nanorods were prepared by chemical bath deposition and directly confirmed to be hexagon-shaped nanorods. The lengths of the ZnO nanorads were controlled by deposition condition of ZnO seed layer. Photovoltaic properties of the ZnO nanorods/CH{sub 3}NH{sub 3}PbI{sub 3} solar cells were investigated by measuring current density-voltage characteristics and incident photon to current conversion efficiency. The highest conversion efficiency was obtained in ZnO nanorods/CH{sub 3}NH{sub 3}PbI{sub 3} with the longest ZnO nanorods.

  2. Nanostructured porous ZnO film with enhanced photocatalytic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Lina; Zheng Yingying; Li Xiaoyun; Dong Wenjun; Tang Weihua; Chen Benyong; Li Chaorong; Li Xiao; Zhang Tierui


    Well-defined ZnO nanostructured films have been fabricated directly on Zn foil via hydrothermal synthesis. During the fabrication of the ZnO nanostructured films, the Zn foil serves as the Zn source and also the substrate. Porous nanosheet-based, nanotube-based and nanoflower-based ZnO films can all be easily prepared by adjusting the alkali type, reaction time and reaction temperature. The composition, morphology and structure of ZnO films are characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and high-resolution transmission electron microscope. The porous ZnO nanosheet-based film exhibits enhanced photocatalytic activity in the degradation of Rhodamine B under UV light irradiation. This can be attributed to the high surface area of the ZnO nanosheet and the large percentage of the exposed [001] facet. Moreover, the self-supporting, recyclable and stable ZnO photocatalytic film can be readily recovered and potentially applied for pollution disposal.

  3. Processing of ZnO nanocrystals by solochemical technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gusatti, M.; Speckhahn, R.; Silva, L.A.; Rosario, J.A.; Lima, R.B.; Kuhnen, N.C.; Riella, H.G.; Campos, C.E.M.


    In the present work, we report the synthesis of high quality ZnO nanocrystals by solochemical technique. This synthetic strategy has been shown to have advantages over other methods of producing nanostructures in terms of low cost, efficiency, simplicity and uniformity of crystal structure. Zinc chloride solution at room temperature was mixed with sodium hydroxide solution at 50°C to produce ZnO nanocrystals. Transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the ZnO nanocrystals obtained. The structure of ZnO was refined by the Rietveld Method from X-ray diffraction data. These methods showed that the product consisted of pure ZnO nanocrystals and has, predominantly, a rod-like morphology. (author)

  4. Epitaxial GaN around ZnO nanopillars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fikry, Mohamed; Scholz, Ferdinand [Institut fuer Optoelektronik, Universitaet Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 45, 89081 Ulm (Germany); Madel, Manfred; Tischer, Ingo; Thonke, Klaus [Institut fuer Quantenmaterie, Universitaet Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 45, 89081 Ulm (Germany)


    We report on an investigation of the epitaxial quality of GaN layers overgrown coaxially around ZnO nanopillars. In a first step, regularly arranged ZnO nanopillars were grown using pre-patterning by e-beam lithography or self-organized hexagonal polystyrene sphere masks. Alternatively, ZnO pillars were also successfully grown on top of GaN pyramids. In a second step, GaN layers were grown around the ZnO pillars by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy. At growth temperatures above 800 C, the ZnO pillars are dissolved by the hydrogen carrier gas leaving hollow GaN nanotubes. Characterization involved photoluminescence (PL), scanning electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence. The fair quality of the deposited GaN layers is confirmed by a sharp low temperature PL peak at 3.48 eV attributed to the donor bound exciton emission. Further peaks at 3.42 eV and 3.29 eV show the possible existence of basal plane and prismatic stacking faults.

  5. Chemical Sensing Applications of ZnO Nanomaterials (United States)

    Chaudhary, Savita; Umar, Ahmad; Bhasin, K. K.


    Recent advancement in nanoscience and nanotechnology has witnessed numerous triumphs of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanomaterials due to their various exotic and multifunctional properties and wide applications. As a remarkable and functional material, ZnO has attracted extensive scientific and technological attention, as it combines different properties such as high specific surface area, biocompatibility, electrochemical activities, chemical and photochemical stability, high-electron communicating features, non-toxicity, ease of syntheses, and so on. Because of its various interesting properties, ZnO nanomaterials have been used for various applications ranging from electronics to optoelectronics, sensing to biomedical and environmental applications. Further, due to the high electrochemical activities and electron communication features, ZnO nanomaterials are considered as excellent candidates for electrochemical sensors. The present review meticulously introduces the current advancements of ZnO nanomaterial-based chemical sensors. Various operational factors such as the effect of size, morphologies, compositions and their respective working mechanisms along with the selectivity, sensitivity, detection limit, stability, etc., are discussed in this article. PMID:29439528

  6. Fast synthesize ZnO quantum dots via ultrasonic method. (United States)

    Yang, Weimin; Zhang, Bing; Ding, Nan; Ding, Wenhao; Wang, Lixi; Yu, Mingxun; Zhang, Qitu


    Green emission ZnO quantum dots were synthesized by an ultrasonic sol-gel method. The ZnO quantum dots were synthesized in various ultrasonic temperature and time. Photoluminescence properties of these ZnO quantum dots were measured. Time-resolved photoluminescence decay spectra were also taken to discover the change of defects amount during the reaction. Both ultrasonic temperature and time could affect the type and amount of defects in ZnO quantum dots. Total defects of ZnO quantum dots decreased with the increasing of ultrasonic temperature and time. The dangling bonds defects disappeared faster than the optical defects. Types of optical defects first changed from oxygen interstitial defects to oxygen vacancy and zinc interstitial defects. Then transformed back to oxygen interstitial defects again. The sizes of ZnO quantum dots would be controlled by both ultrasonic temperature and time as well. That is, with the increasing of ultrasonic temperature and time, the sizes of ZnO quantum dots first decreased then increased. Moreover, concentrated raw materials solution brought larger sizes and more optical defects of ZnO quantum dots. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Angela Mariana Lusiastuti


    Full Text Available Kasus penyakit pada budidaya ikan nila di wilayah di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara dan Papua Barat, disebabkan Streptococcus yang menyebabkan penyakit Streptococcosis di mana 80% disebabkan oleh grup B S. agalactiae. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan deteksi pada nukleotida isolat S. agalactiae untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana terjadinya nukleotida polimorfisme tunggal (SNP pada isolat tersebut. Identifikasi menggunakan PCR dilakukan terhadap 16S rDNA dan primer spesifik spesies terhadap S. agalactiae yaitu agal I 5’-ATAAGAGTAATTAACACATGTTAG-3’ (forward dan agal II 5’-ACTTCGGGTGTTACAAAC-3’(reverse dengan target 1250 bp. Produk PCR diamplifikasi terlebih dahulu menggunakan tujuh pasangan primer oligonukleotida yang berbeda yang didesain dari sekuens genom NEM316 GBS. Sekuens yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan sekuens di Gene Bank database menggunakan National Center for Biotechnology Information Blast search tool. Hasil yang diperoleh ternyata ada dua basa yang berubah yaitu pada basa 24 dan basa 167. Pada basa 24 jelas terjadi subtitusi basa baru yaitu G, yang seharusnya tidak ada basa tersebut pada gen adhP-54 dan adhP-49 standar. Sedangkan pada basa 167 terjadi perbedaan basa dari seharusnya A pada standar menjadi G pada isolat 2.

  8. Hydrogen absorption in thin ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melikhova, O.; Čížek, J.; Lukáč, F.; Vlček, M.; Novotný, M.; Bulíř, J.; Lančok, J.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Connolly, J.; McCarthy, E.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Mosnier, J.-P.


    Highlights: ► Thin ZnO films and high quality ZnO crystal were electrochemically doped with hydrogen. ► Hydrogen absorbed in ZnO causes plastic deformation both in ZnO crystal and thin films. ► In ZnO crystal a sub-surface region with very high density of defects was formed. ► Moreover, plastic deformation causes specific surface modification of ZnO crystal. ► In ZnO films hydrogen-induced plastic deformation introduced defects in the whole film. -- Abstract: ZnO films with thickness of ∼80 nm were grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on MgO (1 0 0) single crystal and amorphous fused silica (FS) substrates. Structural studies of ZnO films and a high quality reference ZnO single crystal were performed by slow positron implantation spectroscopy (SPIS). It was found that ZnO films exhibit significantly higher density of defects than the reference ZnO crystal. Moreover, the ZnO film deposited on MgO substrate exhibits higher concentration of defects than the film deposited on amorphous FS substrate most probably due to a dense network of misfit dislocations. The ZnO films and the reference ZnO crystal were subsequently loaded with hydrogen by electrochemical cathodic charging. SPIS characterizations revealed that absorbed hydrogen introduces new defects into ZnO

  9. Hydrogen absorption in thin ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melikhova, O., E-mail: [Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, V Holesovickach 2, CZ-180 00 Praha 8 (Czech Republic); Čížek, J.; Lukáč, F.; Vlček, M. [Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, V Holesovickach 2, CZ-180 00 Praha 8 (Czech Republic); Novotný, M.; Bulíř, J.; Lančok, J. [Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague (Czech Republic); Anwand, W.; Brauer, G. [Institut für Strahlenphysik, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, PO Box 510 119, D-01314 Dresden (Germany); Connolly, J.; McCarthy, E.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Mosnier, J.-P. [National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology, School of Physical Sciences, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 (Ireland)


    Highlights: ► Thin ZnO films and high quality ZnO crystal were electrochemically doped with hydrogen. ► Hydrogen absorbed in ZnO causes plastic deformation both in ZnO crystal and thin films. ► In ZnO crystal a sub-surface region with very high density of defects was formed. ► Moreover, plastic deformation causes specific surface modification of ZnO crystal. ► In ZnO films hydrogen-induced plastic deformation introduced defects in the whole film. -- Abstract: ZnO films with thickness of ∼80 nm were grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on MgO (1 0 0) single crystal and amorphous fused silica (FS) substrates. Structural studies of ZnO films and a high quality reference ZnO single crystal were performed by slow positron implantation spectroscopy (SPIS). It was found that ZnO films exhibit significantly higher density of defects than the reference ZnO crystal. Moreover, the ZnO film deposited on MgO substrate exhibits higher concentration of defects than the film deposited on amorphous FS substrate most probably due to a dense network of misfit dislocations. The ZnO films and the reference ZnO crystal were subsequently loaded with hydrogen by electrochemical cathodic charging. SPIS characterizations revealed that absorbed hydrogen introduces new defects into ZnO.


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    Anak Agung Sri Satyawati


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang. Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL merupakan pilihan terapi yang paling cost effective pada kasus kasus batu ginjal, namun sayangnya modalitas terapi ini belum banyak dipilih karena dianggap mahal dan kurangnya informasi mengenai keuntungan penggunaannya. Kasus. Perempuan usia 65 tahun mengeluh nyeri pinggang yang dirasakan mendadak dan semakin memberat  sejak 2 bulan sebelum masuk rumah sakit, disertai mual dan penurunan nafsu makan. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan foto polos abdomen dan USG Urologi  didapatkan kesan adanya batu renal dekstra ukuran 16mm x 18mm, dengan hidronefrosis derajat I renal dekstra. Kemudian dilakukan tindakan ESWL. Hasil. Setelah dilakukan tindakan ESWL berupa penghantaran gelombang kejut pada permukaan ginjal  kanan selama 20-30 menit, keluar pecahan pecahan kecil batu kalsium. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan radiografi post ESWL tidak ditemukan gambaran radioopak pada kaliks ginjal, ureter maupun kandung kemih. Kesimpulan. Batu kalsium dengan ukuran 16mm x 18mm pada renal dekstra berhasil dikeluarkan total tanpa adanya komplikasi.

  11. Pengaruh Self Tapping terhadap Penurunan Level Dysmenorhea pada Mahasiswi Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan

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    Wiwin Lismidiati


    Full Text Available Dysmenorrhea primer adalah nyeri pada perut bagian bawah yang dirasakan pada saat menstruasi tanpa adanya kelainan pada panggul. Banyaknya gejala yang muncul saat dysmenorrhea dapat berpengaruh pada aktivitas kerja dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Ada beberapa manajemen nyeri untuk mengatasi dysmenorrhea primer, salah satunya adalah dengan self tapping. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis efektifitas terapi self tapping dalam menurunkan level nyeri dysmenorrhea primer pada mahasiswi PSIK FK UGM. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian quasi experiment non randomized pretest-postest with control. Pada kelompok intervensi diberikan perlakuan self tapping, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol diberikan perlakuan nafas dalam. Pengukuran level nyeri dysmenorrhea primer dilakukan menggunakan instrumen Numerical Rating Scale (NRS dengan skala 1−10. Jumlah responden sebanyak 60 orang. Untuk mengetahui perbandingan level nyeri sebelum dan sesudah terapi pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol, dilakukan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Sedangkan untuk membandingkan perbedaan level nyeri antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dilakukan uji statistik Mann Whitney. Hasil menunjukkan intervensi self tapping lebih efektif menurunkan level nyeri dysmenorrhea primer pada mahasiswi PSIK FK UGM dengan nilai p = 0,007. Kesimpulannya terdapat pengaruh terapi self tapping terhadap terhadap level nyeri dysmenorrhea primer pada mahasiswi PSIK FK UGM. Terapi self tapping dapat dijadikan pilihan penanganan untuk mengurangi nyeri pada saat mengalami dysmenorrhea primer.

  12. DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH ( DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH ( DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH (




    2015 ABSTRAK YAUMIL NI???MAH O11111101.Deteksi Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica pada Kerbau Perah Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica merupakan cacing kelas trematoda.Telur cacing ini berbentuk oval dan dilengkapi dengan operculum yang berfungsi sebagai jalan keluar larva mirasidium pada saat telur menetas.Ukuran telur Fasciola gigantica lebih besar dibandingkan ukuran telur Fasciola hepatica.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi telur cacing Fasciola...

  13. Hydrothermal growth and characterizations of dandelion-like ZnO nanostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kale, Rohidas B., E-mail: [Department of Physics, The Institute of Science, Madam Cama Road, Mumbai 400 032, (M.S.) (India); Lu, Shih-Yuan, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan, ROC (China)


    Highlights: •The simple, low cost, environmental benign hydrothermal method has been used to synthesize ZnO nanostructure. •The SEM images reveal the interesting 3D dandelion-like morphology of synthesized ZnO nanostructure. The SAED pattern and HRTEM study confirms that the ZnO nanorods are single crystalline. •Change in experimental conditions dramatically changes the morphologies of the synthesized ZnO. •The room temperature PL study reveals strong band edge emission along with much weaker defect related blue emission. •The reaction and growth mechanism of ZnO nanostructure is also discussed. -- Abstract: Three dimensional (3D) ZnO nanostructures have been synthesized by using a facile low-cost hydrothermal method under mild conditions. Aqueous alkaline ammonia solution of Zn(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 2} is used to grow 3D ZnO nanostructures. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) study reveals the well crystallized hexagonal structure of ZnO. SEM observations depict that the ZnO product grows in the form of nanorods united together to form 3D dandelion-like nanostructures. The elemental analysis using EDAX technique confirms the stoichiometry of the ZnO nanorods. The product exhibits special optical properties with red-shifts in optical absorption peak (376 nm) as compared with those of conventional ZnO nanorods. PL spectra show emission peak (396 nm) at the near band-edge and peak (464 nm) originated from defects states that are produced during the hydrothermal growth. TEM and SAED results reveal single crystalline structure of the synthesized product. The reaction and growth mechanisms on the morphological evolution of the ZnO nanostructures are discussed. The morphology of ZnO product is investigated by varying the reaction time, temperature, and type of complexing reagent.

  14. Preparasi Minimal pada Pembuatan Gigi Tiruan Cekat dengan Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aditya Ayat Santiko


    Full Text Available Dalam praktek sering kali dokter gigi dihadapkan pada pasien yang kehilangan gigi anterior dan ingin segera dibuatkan gigi tiruan karena alasan estetik. Gigi tiruan yang dibuat bisa berupa gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan (GTSL atau gigi tiruan cekat (GTC. Pada GTSL, adanya plat pada palatum menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman, selain itu pasien setiap kali harus buka pasang gigi tiruan kembali sehingga cukup merepotkan. Oleh karena itu pada umumnya pasien ingin dibuatkan GTC dan hal ini memang sesuai dengan indikasi GTC. Hal yang menjadi pertimbangan pada pembuatan GTC adalah pengasahan permukaan gigi secara keseluruhan bila akan dibuat desain full crown. Pada perkembangan desain GTC ada desain yang disebut resin bonded bridge atau adhesive bridge yaitu GTC yang dibuat pada gigi abutment yang dipreparasi minimal pada bagian palatal saja dan dilekatkan secara mikromekanikal antara retainer sayap logam dan gigi yang telah dipreparasi. Pasien wan ita usia 22 tahun datang ke klinik Prostodonsia RSGM Prof Soedomo UGM karena kehilangan gigi insisif sentral kiri atas. Pada kasus ini dilakukan pembuatan GTC dengan bahan fiber reinforced composite (FRC. Pembuatan bridge dengan bahan FRC dapat dilakukan secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas pembuatan bridge FRC secara tidak langsung yaitu dengan menggunakan gigi artlfisial komposit. Hasil menunjukkan estetis yang baik, kontrol setelah 2 bulan tidak ada perubahan warna dan pasien merasa puas dengan penampilannya, jaringan gingiva di sekitarnya normal.

  15. Polarized Raman scattering of single ZnO nanorod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, J. L.; Lai, Y. F.; Wang, Y. Z.; Cheng, S. Y.; Chen, Y. H.


    Polarized Raman scattering measurement on single wurtzite c-plane (001) ZnO nanorod grown by hydrothermal method has been performed at room temperature. The polarization dependence of the intensity of the Raman scattering for the phonon modes A 1 (TO), E 1 (TO), and E 2 high in the ZnO nanorod are obtained. The deviations of polarization-dependent Raman spectroscopy from the prediction of Raman selection rules are observed, which can be attributed to the structure defects in the ZnO nanorod as confirmed by the comparison of the transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectra as well as the polarization dependent Raman signal of the annealed and unannealed ZnO nanorod. The Raman tensor elements of A 1 (TO) and E 1 (TO) phonon modes normalized to that of the E 2 high phonon mode are |a/d|=0.32±0.01, |b/d|=0.49±0.02, and |c/d|=0.23±0.01 for the unannealed ZnO nanorod, and |a/d|=0.33±0.01, |b/d|=0.45±0.01, and |c/d|=0.20±0.01 for the annealed ZnO nanorod, which shows strong anisotropy compared to that of bulk ZnO epilayer

  16. Improving ultraviolet photodetection of ZnO nanorods by Cr doped ZnO encapsulation process (United States)

    Safa, S.; Mokhtari, S.; Khayatian, A.; Azimirad, R.


    Encapsulated ZnO nanorods (NRs) with different Cr concentration (0-4.5 at.%) were prepared in two different steps. First, ZnO NRs were grown by hydrothermal method. Then, they were encapsulated by dip coating method. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, and ultraviolet (UV)-visible spectrophotometer analyses. XRD analysis proved that Cr incorporated into the ZnO structure successfully. Based on optical analysis, band gap changes in the range of 2.74-3.84 eV. Finally, UV responses of all samples were deeply investigated. It revealed 0.5 at.% Cr doped sample had the most photocurrent (0.75 mA) and photoresponsivity (0.8 A/W) of all which were about three times greater than photocurrent and photoresponsivity of the undoped sample.


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    Lobes Herdiman


    Full Text Available Pengembangan  komponen telapak tangan prosthetic terdiri dari metacarpal, metacarpal pollicis, dan jari tangan. Bahan yang digunakan yaitu nylon, jumlah komponen sebanyak 87 dan berat 175 gram. Kemampuan ibu jari dan jari telunjuk memegang peranan penting dalam melakukan 6 model gerakan. Posisi ujung phalanx media-distalis ibu jari dan jari telunjuk bertemu pada satu titik, sehingga mampu melakukan gerakan dasar tangan. Pengujian dengan eksperimen empiris pada pengembangan prosthetic tangan kosmetik dilakukan untuk mengetahui rotasi dari titik koordinat pada sendi pada saat aktivitas pemegangan. Sumbu koordinat ruang dan sistem dimana sumbu x, y, dan z, dengan titik nol ditetapkan pada pangkal poros utama. Model mekanisme prosthetic tangan kosmetik dengan sistem penarikan pada kendali kabel eksternal. Pengukuran tekanan pada ibu jari dengan jari telunjuk sebesar 493 gram yang dilakukan dengan alat dial indicator, pengukuran tekanan ibu jari dengan jari tengah sebesar 487 gram. Pengujian beban tarikan kabel untuk membuka jari menjadi terbuka penuh sebesar 4.291 gram dengan alat force gauge. Persamaan Newton-Euler menghasilkan besarnya torsi melalui persamaan forward (maju dan backward (mundur. Rotasi matriks yang disimbolkan xRx+1, dengan x adalah titik mulai dan x+1 adalah titik tujuan. Titik koordinat pada tiap ruas sebagai degree of freedom pada tiga titik, yaitu titik 0, titik 1, dan titik 2. Perhitungan matriks rotasi menggunakan titik awal (origin dan titik tujuan (destination. Titik 0 jari ditentukan pada sendi metacarpophalangeal, titik 1 pada sendi interphalangeal proximalis, dan titik 2 pada ujung komponen phalanx media-distalis sebagai end effector dimana ω0 = v0 = 0 dan gravitasi g = 9,8062 m/s2. Besarnya torsi maksimal dicapai pada gerakan spherical sebesar 10,00449 N.m, dengan mengkonversikan besaran torsi ke daya maka dicapai sebesar untuk gerakan spherical sebesar 12,5046 watt, dan daya terkecil pada gerakan lateral dan tip



    Yusfi, Meqorry; Gandi, Frima; Palka, Heru Sagito


    Abstrak Elemen peltier bisa digunakan sebagai pemanas dan pendingin. Pada penelitian ini elemen peltier digunakan sebagai pendingin air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan hasil pemakaian antara satu dan dua elemen peltier pada sistem kontrol temperatur air. Alat dirancang dengan menggunakan LM35 sebagai sensor temperatur dan mikrokontroler Atmega 8535 untuk mengontrol sebelum ditampilkan ke LCD. Sistem kontrol On-off digunakan pada sistem ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukk...

  19. ZnO nanocrystals and allied materials

    CERN Document Server

    Okada, Tatsuo


    ZnO has been the central theme of research in the past decade due to its various applications in band gap engineering, and textile and biomedical industries. In nanostructured form, it offers ample opportunities to realize tunable optical and optoelectronic properties and it was also termed as a potential material to realize room temperature ferromagnetism. This book presents 17 high-quality contributory chapters on ZnO related systems written by experts in this field. These chapters will help researchers to understand and explore the varied physical properties to envisage device applications of ZnO in thin film, heterostructure and nanostructure forms.

  20. Effect of reactant concentration on the structural properties of hydrothermally-grown ZnO rods on seed-layer ZnO / polyethylene terephthalate substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Y. I.; Shin, C. M.; Heo, J. H.; Ryu, H. [Inje University, Gimhae (Korea, Republic of); Lee, W. J. [Dong-Eui University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Son, C. S. [Silla University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Choi, H. [Pukyong National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    The morphology and the structural properties were studied for zinc-oxide (ZnO) rods hydrothermally grown on seed-layer ZnO/polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates at various reactant concentrations. Dissolved solutions with de-ionized water, zinc nitrate hexahydrate (Zn(NO{sub 3}){sub 2}{center_dot}6H{sub 2}O, ZNH) and hexamethylenetetramine (C{sub 6}H{sub 12}N{sub 4}, HMT) were employed as reactants for hydrothermal growth of ZnO. The transparency of the mixtures (ZNH+HMT) with increasing reactant concentration from 0.025 to 0.25 M changed from transparent to translucent to opaque (white colors) due to Zn(OH){sub 2} precipitates. When the concentration was increased, the density of the ZnO rods increased, and the morphology of the ZnO rods changed from a hexagonal flat-end shape to a sharp-end or flake-like structure. The sharp-end rods with increasing concentration from 0.1 to 0.15 M resulted from the etching process at a lower pH condition (less than pH 6) after the ZnO rod growth, and the flake-like structure was due to a high growth rate. The ZnO seed layer might have improved the alignment of ZnO rods and made a high density of ZnO rods. In addition, the structural properties were improved at lower concentrations by inserting a seed layer.

  1. Perancangan dan Implementasi Kontroler PID dengan Nonlinear Decoupling pada Sistem Kendali UAV Quadcopter

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    Muhammad Jadid Anggarjito


    Full Text Available Quadcopter merupakan salah salah satu jenis rotorcraft yang memiliki 4 buah rotor yang harus dikendalikan masing-masing rotornya untuk dapat menggerakkan quadcopter. Gerak lateral merupakan gerak quadcopter secara horizontal pada ketinggian atau gerak translasi, gerakan ini sangat vital untuk memenuhi kebutuhan quadcopter dalam mencapai way-to-way point yang telah ditentukan. Pada tugas akhir ini untuk mengatur gerakan lateral dari quadcopter digunakan sistem kendali PID dengan Decoupling Nonlinear. Ada 2 buah kontroler individual yang digunakan yaitu kontroler PID dengan Nonlinear Decoupling untuk mengatur pitch dan roll gerak rotasi, serta kontroler PD untuk mengatur translasi sumbu X dan sumbu Y. Perancangan sistem kontrol PID Decoupling Nonlinear pada simulasi yang digunakan untuk mempertahankan gerak lateral quadcopter dalam mencapai way-to-way point yang ditentukan. Nilai parameter yang didapatkan dari hasil tuning terstruktur pada simulasi adalah pada kontroler PID dengan Nonlinear Decoupling pitch dan roll Kp=5 Ki=0,01 Kd=10 sedangkan pada kontroler PD sumbu X dan sumbu Y Kp=0,05 Kd=0,2. Respon hasil implementasi pada quadcopter belum sesuai pada hasil simulasi. Pada hasil simulasi masih terdapat koreksi pada translasi sumbu X dan sumbu Y masih terdapat kesalahan sebesar ± 0,02 cm, sedangkan pada implementasi gerak lateral menggunakan remote control sistem dapat bergerak stabil menuju way-to-way point yang ditentukan.

  2. Enhanced ultraviolet photo-response in Dy doped ZnO thin film (United States)

    Kumar, Pawan; Singh, Ranveer; Pandey, Praveen C.


    In the present work, a Dy doped ZnO thin film deposited by the spin coating method has been studied for its potential application in a ZnO based UV detector. The investigations on the structural property and surface morphology of the thin film ensure that the prepared samples are crystalline and exhibit a hexagonal crystal structure of ZnO. A small change in crystallite size has been observed due to Dy doping in ZnO. AFM analysis ascertains the grain growth and smooth surface of the thin films. The Dy doped ZnO thin film exhibits a significant enhancement in UV region absorption as compared to the pure ZnO thin film, which suggests that Dy doped ZnO can be used as a UV detector. Under UV irradiation of wavelength 325 nm, the photocurrent value of Dy doped ZnO is 105.54 μA at 4.5 V, which is 31 times greater than that of the un-doped ZnO thin film (3.39 μA). The calculated value of responsivity is found to increase significantly due to the incorporation of Dy in the ZnO lattice. The observed higher value of photocurrent and responsivity could be attributed to the substitution of Dy in the ZnO lattice, which enhances the conductivity, electron mobility, and defects in ZnO and benefits the UV sensing property.

  3. Chronic toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl2 to Folsomia candida (Collembola) in relation to bioavailability in soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kool, Pauline L.; Diez Ortiz, Maria; Gestel, Cornelis A.M. van


    The chronic toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NP) to Folsomia candida was determined in natural soil. To unravel the contribution of particle size and free zinc to NP toxicity, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl 2 were also tested. Zinc concentrations in pore water increased with increasing soil concentrations, with Freundlich sorption constants K f of 61.7, 106 and 96.4 l/kg (n = 1.50, 1.34 and 0.42) for ZnO-NP, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl 2 respectively. Survival of F. candida was not affected by ZnO-NP and non-nano ZnO at concentrations up to 6400 mg Zn/kg d.w. Reproduction was dose-dependently reduced with 28-d EC50s of 1964, 1591 and 298 mg Zn/kg d.w. for ZnO-NP, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl 2 , respectively. The difference in EC50s based on measured pore water concentrations was small (7.94-16.8 mg Zn/l). We conclude that zinc ions released from NP determine the observed toxic effects rather than ZnO particle size. - Highlights: → ZnO nanoparticles and non-nano ZnO were equally toxic to Folsomia candida in soil. → Pore water from soil spiked with ZnO nanoparticles showed saturation with zinc suggesting aggregation. → Pore water based EC50 values for ZnO nanoparticles and ZnCl 2 were similar. → ZnO nanoparticle toxicity in soil was most probably due to Zn dissolution from the nanoparticles. - ZnO nanoparticle toxicity to springtails in soil can be explained from Zn dissolution but not from particle size.


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    Joice Sari Tampubolon


    Full Text Available Keluhan muskuloskeletal adalah keluhan pada otot yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor kerja dan lingkungan saat melakukan pekerjaan. Keluhan muskuloskeletal merupakanmasalah kesehatan yang paling sering terjadi dalam dunia industri termasuk  industrirumah tangga laundry. Saat ini industri rumah tangga laundry  berkembang sangat pesatyang disebabkan oleh tingkat kesibukan yang sangat tinggi pada masyarakat terutamamasyarakat di kota besar. Oleh sebab itu, penulis ingin mengkaji tentang distribusikeluhan muskuloskeletal pada pekerja laundry di Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Bali.Studi deskriptif cross sectional dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Nordic BodyMap yang dibagikan pada 30 orang pekerja di 26 tempat laundry yang berada diKecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Bali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritaspekerja berumur < 35 tahun (63,33%, masa kerja 1-2 tahun (53,33%, durasi kerja 9-12jam/hari (80% dan lama istirahat 1 jam (83,33%. Keluhan muskuloskeletal yangterdapat pada pekerja yaitu bahu kanan 22 orang (73,33%, betis kiri dan betis kananmasing-masing berjumlah 17 orang (56,66% serta pinggang dan bahu kiri masingmasingberjumlah 16 orang (53,33%. Studi lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengkajifaktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya keluhan muskuloskeletal pada pekerja.

  5. Studi Numerik Karakterisasi Aliran 3 Dimensi Multifase (Gas-Solid) Pada Gravity Settling Chamber Dengan Variasi Kecepatan Inlet Dan Diameter Partikel Pada Aliran Dilute Phase


    Isa’i, Adi Mochammad; Widodo, Wawan Aries


    Kegiatan pemilahan pada aktivitas produksi merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang banyak dilakukan pada dunia industri. Penggunaan gravity settling chamber merupakan teknologi pemilahan partikel yang paling sedehana dan murah. Maka dalam perancangan suatu gravity settling chamber perlu diketahui parameter yang mempengaruhi kinerja dari alat tersebut. Analisa karakteristik aliran pada gravity settling chamber dilakukan dengan metode simulasi numerik menggunakan persamaan Eularian-Lagrangian. Sebu...

  6. Studi Numerik Karakterisasi Aliran 3 Dimensi Multifase (Gas-Solid) Pada Gravity Settling Chamber Dengan Variasi Kecepatan Inlet Dan Diameter Partikel Pada Aliran Dilute Phase


    Adi Mochammad Isa’i; Wawan Aries Widodo


    Kegiatan  pemilahan pada aktivitas produksi merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang banyak dilakukan pada dunia industri. Penggunaan gravity settling chamber merupakan teknologi pemilahan partikel yang paling sedehana dan murah. Maka dalam perancangan suatu gravity settling chamber perlu diketahui parameter yang mempengaruhi kinerja dari alat tersebut. Analisa karakteristik aliran pada gravity settling chamber dilakukan dengan metode simulasi numerik menggunakan persamaan Eularian-Lagrangian. Sebu...

  7. Ultrasonic synthesis of fern-like ZnO nanoleaves and their enhanced photocatalytic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Qing Lan; Xiong, Rui; Zhai, Bao-gai; Huang, Yuan Ming


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Fern-like ZnO nanoleaves were synthesized by ultrasonicating Zn microcrystals in water. • A fern-like ZnO nanoleaf is a self-assembly of ZnO nanoplates along one ZnO nanorod. • Fern-like ZnO nanoleaves exhibit enhanced photocatalytic activity than ZnO nanocrystals. • The branched hierarchical structures are responsible for the enhanced photocatalytic activity. - Abstract: Two-dimensional fern-like ZnO nanoleaves were synthesized by ultrasonicating zinc microcrystals in water. The morphology, crystal structure, optical property and photocatalytic activity of the fern-like ZnO nanoleaves were characterized with scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, respectively. It is found that one fern-like ZnO nanoleaf is composed of one ZnO nanorod as the central trunk and a number of ZnO nanoplates as the side branches in opposite pairs along the central ZnO nanorod. The central ZnO nanorod in the fern-like nanoleaves is about 1 μm long while the side-branching ZnO nanoplates are about 100 nm long and 20 nm wide. Further analysis has revealed that ZnO nanocrystals are the building blocks of the central ZnO nanorod and the side-branching ZnO nanoplates. Under identical conditions, fern-like ZnO nanoleaves exhibit higher photocatalytic activity in photodegrading methyl orange in aqueous solution than spherical ZnO nanocrystals. The first-order photocatalytic rate constant of the fern-like ZnO nanoleaves is about four times as large as that of the ZnO nanoparticles. The branched architecture of the hierarchical nanoleaves is suggested be responsible for the enhanced photocatalytic activity of the fern-like ZnO nanoleaves



    Made Ricki Murti


    Mobil yang digunakan untuk menempuh perjalanan yang jauh biasanya dipacu dengan kecepatan yang cukup tinggi dengan putaran mesin berkisar pada rpm 2000 dan dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan akibat suhu mesin melebihi suhu normal mesin saat bekerja, maka penelitian ini perlu dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian perbandingan laju pembuangan panas mesin antara pemakaian 100% air dengan campuran 80% air dan 20% radiator coolant deng...

  9. Preparation of ZnO nanocrystals via ultrasonic irradiation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qian, D.; Jiang, Jianzhong; Hansen, P. L.


    A simple and rapid process has been developed for the preparation of nanometer-sized ZnO crystals via ultrasonic irradiation, by which pure ZnO nanocrystals with an average size of 6 nm and narrow size distribution can be synthesized in a short time and without using any solvents for the precipit......A simple and rapid process has been developed for the preparation of nanometer-sized ZnO crystals via ultrasonic irradiation, by which pure ZnO nanocrystals with an average size of 6 nm and narrow size distribution can be synthesized in a short time and without using any solvents...


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    Lona Diolanda


    Full Text Available AbstrakMikrotropia merupakan strabismus sudut kecil (kurang dari 5˚ yang disertai dengan ARC dan ketajaman stereopsis yang berkurang atau tidak ada sama sekali. Mikrotropia sering disertai dengan sindroma monofiksasi. Ini ditandai dengan adanya fusi perifer dan supresi di daerah sentral (foveal suppresion scotoma mata yang mengalami deviasi. Mikrotropia dapat dibagi menjadi dua bentuk yaitu mikrotropia primer (mikrotropia with identity dan mikrotropia without identity dan mikrotropia sekunder. Pemeriksaan diagnostik pada mikrotropia bertujuan untuk menunjukkan adanya penglihatan binokular perifer tanpa disertai penglihatan binokular sentral pada penderita mikrotropia. Pada makalah ini akan membahas karakteristik klinik dan pemeriksaan mikrotropia.AbstractMicrotropia is defined as strabismus with a small deviation (less than 5˚, combined with Anomalous Retinal Correspondence (ARC and reduced or absent stereoacuity. Microtropia is often accompanied by monofixation syndrome. It is characterized by peripheral fusion and suppression in the central area (foveal suppresion scotoma of the misaligned eye. There are two forms of microtropia: primary microtropia (microtropia with identity; microtropia without identity and secondary microtropia. Diagnostic examination of microtropia aims at demonstrating existence of peripheral binocular vision but no central binocular vision. This paper will discuss about clinical characteristic and diagnostic of microtropia.


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    Rosma Hani Damayanti


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi informasi, dimana komputer sebagai medianya kini semakin meningkat. Frekuensi yang tinggi akan penggunaan komputer yang tidak memperhatikan sisi ergonomi dalam bekerja mengakibatkan adanya resiko yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menggunakan komputer sebagai salah satu alat utama dalam bekerja. Pada penggunaannya karyawan pada Departemen Publishing merasakan keluhan pada punggung, pinggang, nyeri bahu, leher dan tangan. Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing dapat diminimalkan dengan cara mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi postur kerja pada pekerja dalam menggunakan komputer. Identifikasi tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi pekerja dan mengetahui penyebab keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode ROSA untuk mengurangi adanya keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing. ROSA merupakan salah satu metode pada office ergonomics, dimana penilaiannnya dirancang untuk mengukur resiko yang terkait dengan penggunaan komputer serta untuk menetapkan tingkat tindakan perubahan berdasarkan laporan dari ketidaknyamanan pekerja. Dengan menggunakan metode ROSA, dapat diketahui apakah postur kerja karyawan pada Departemen Publishing pada saat bekerja aman atau berbahaya. Hasil analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode ROSA pada Departemen Publishing menunjukkan bahwa seluruh pekerja yang menjadi sampel memiliki level resiko yang tinggi dan perlu dilakukan perbaikan segera. Perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat resiko yang dirasakan oleh pekerja yaitu dengan perbaikan fasilitas yang digunakan oleh pekerja yang sesuai dengan standar ergonomi, melakukan sosialisasi kepada pekerja tentang pentingnya ergonomi pada dunia kerja, dan sebaiknya pekerja melakukan istirahat atau peregangan otot minimal setiap tiga jam sekali.


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    Rosma Hani Damayanti


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi informasi, dimana komputer sebagai medianya kini semakin meningkat. Frekuensi yang tinggi akan penggunaan komputer yang tidak memperhatikan sisi ergonomi dalam bekerja mengakibatkan adanya resiko yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menggunakan komputer sebagai salah satu alat utama dalam bekerja. Pada penggunaannya karyawan pada Departemen Publishing merasakan keluhan pada punggung, pinggang, nyeri bahu, leher dan tangan. Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing dapat diminimalkan dengan cara mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi postur kerja pada pekerja dalam menggunakan komputer. Identifikasi tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi pekerja dan mengetahui penyebab keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode ROSA untuk mengurangi adanya keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing. ROSA merupakan salah satu metode pada office ergonomics, dimana penilaiannnya dirancang untuk mengukur resiko yang terkait dengan penggunaan komputer serta untuk menetapkan tingkat tindakan perubahan berdasarkan laporan dari ketidaknyamanan pekerja. Dengan menggunakan metode ROSA, dapat diketahui apakah postur kerja karyawan pada Departemen Publishing pada saat bekerja aman atau berbahaya. Hasil analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode ROSA pada Departemen Publishing menunjukkan bahwa seluruh pekerja yang menjadi sampel memiliki level resiko yang tinggi dan perlu dilakukan perbaikan segera.  Perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat resiko yang dirasakan oleh pekerja yaitu dengan perbaikan fasilitas yang digunakan oleh pekerja yang sesuai dengan standar ergonomi, melakukan sosialisasi kepada pekerja tentang pentingnya ergonomi pada dunia kerja, dan sebaiknya pekerja melakukan istirahat atau peregangan otot minimal setiap tiga jam sekali.


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    Philip Teguh Imanto


    Full Text Available Beronang lada (Siganus canaliculatus adalah kelompok ikan yang banyak ditemukan di perairan pantai dan rataan terumbu karang, memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi terutama pada saat hari raya Imlek, di mana ikan yang matang gonad sangat digemari dan mencapai harga tertinggi hingga Rp 110 ribu/kg. Hal ini menarik minat pembudidaya untuk memelihara dan membesarkan dengan tujuan mencapai ukuran matang gonad pada saat tersebut. Ketersediaan benih yang melimpah dan mudah diperoleh menyebabkan pengusaha memelihara dengan kepadatan tinggi hingga 5 ribu ekor per kurungan berukuran 3 m x 3 m x 2 m (18 m3, dengan sediaan pakan potongan padang lamun dan pelet kakap komersial seri KPA 3-4. Kendala kematian benih yang cukup tinggi muncul pada saat pemeliharaan, yang dicirikan dengan gerakan abnormal, mulut kemerahan, dan ekor yang terkikis. Pengamatan lapang dilakukan pada fasilitas pemeliharaan dan wawancara untuk mendapat gambaran umum kondisi budidaya, serta pengambilan sampel benih sehat dan yang bermasalah untuk observasi visual (organoleptik maupun secara mikroskopik. Hasil pengamatan dengan miksroskop diketahui mulut yang memerah disebabkan kerusakan pada gigi dan bibir, serta ekor yang terkikis lebih disebabkan gigitan benih ikan yang sehat. Perbaikan manajemen budidaya disarankan dilakukan dengan mengurangi tingkat kepadatan, penggunaan pelet basah (moist pellet serta meningkatkan frekuensi pemberian pakan diharapkan dapat membantu mengatasi permasalahan.

  14. ZnO based potentiometric and amperometric nanosensors. (United States)

    Willander, Magnus; Khun, Kimleang; Ibupoto, Zafar Hussain


    The existence of nanomaterials provides the solid platform for sensing applications due to owing of high sensitivity and a low concentration limit of detection. More likely used nanomaterials for sensing applications includes gold nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, magnetic nanoparticles such as Fe3O4, quantum dots and metal oxides etc. Recently nanomaterial and biological detection becomes an interdisciplinary field and is very much focussed by the researchers. Among metal oxides ZnO is largely considered due to its less toxic nature, biocompatible, cheap and easy to synthesis. ZnO nanomaterial is highly used for the chemical sensing, especially electrochemical sensing due to its fascinating properties such as high surface to volume ratio, atoxic, biosafe and biocompatible. Moreover, ZnO nanostructures exhibit unique features which could expose a suitable nanoenviroment for the immobilization of proteineous material such as enzymes, DNA, antibodies, etc. and in doing so it retains the biological efficiency of the immobilized bio sensitive material. The following review describes the two different coatings (i.e., ionophore and enzyme) on the surface of ZnO nanorods for the chemical sensing of zinc ion detection, thallium (I) ion detection, and L-lactic acid and the measurement of galactose molecules. ZnO nanorods provide the excellent transducing properties in the generation of strong electrical signals. Moreover, this review is very much focused on the applications of ZnO nanostructures in the sensing field.

  15. ZNO and AG-ZNO crystals: synthesis, characterization, and application in heterogeneous photocatalysis

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    Adriana Campano Lucilha


    Full Text Available ZnO and Ag-ZnO were synthesized in a simple and efficient manner by thermal decomposition of zinc oxalate and silver/zinc mixed oxalate. The influence of the addition of metallic silver on ZnO particles and the effect of temperature in the thermal treatment were investigated. The samples were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, Raman, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, specific surface area (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The photocatalytic activity of these materials in the decolorization of direct red 23 diazo dye was studied. The complete conversion into oxides from oxalates at lower temperatures was determinant in the photocatalytic efficiency of both the oxides. The presence of silver in zinc oxide, treated at 400 °C, more than doubled the rate constant of diazo dye decolorization (6.87×10-3 min-1 with respect to ZnO, treated at 600 °C, resulting in 3.07×10-3 min-1 under UV irradiation at 30 °C.

  16. In Situ Hybridization Pada Kanker Payudara


    Diah Witari, Ni Putu


    Kesulitan yang dijumpai pada penanganan kanker payudara adalah terjadinya kekambuhan atau relaps. Deteksi status HER2 pada pasien merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mendeteksi terjadinya relaps dan juga untuk menentukan jenis terapi yang ada diberikan. Ekspresi protein HER2 dapat dideteksi dengan immunohistochemistry (IHC), sedangkan mutasi gen HER2 dapat dideteksi dengan teknik in situ hybridization baik berupa fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) ataupun chromogenic in situ hy...


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    Iwan Vanany


    Full Text Available The paper discusses the application of Analytic Network Process (ANP to support the weighted of design performance measurement system with Balanced Scorecard method. During the time, the weighted uses method that disregarding interdependence between objectives strategy and Key Performance Indicator (KPI's. The method which often used in this weighted is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP. In fact this condition does not express the concept of strategy map of Balanced Scorecard. Therefore is needed apply the other weighted method which attention to the interdependence between Key Performance Indicator (KPI. Application of the weighted with ANP method is conducted at one of the power company. This company represents result of restructuring of PT. PLN (Persero. The result of design performance measurement system of PT. X are objective strategy, Key Performance Indicator (KPI and strategy map, will be weighted by method of ANP. Further more Modeling of ANP based on strategy map. The result of application indicates that related of model of strategy map in Balanced Scorecard at PT. X is Feedback Network (hiernet with phenomenon of inner and dependence of outer dependence. The perspective on Balanced Scorecard is identically with cluster on ANP, while objective strategy and KPI are identically with sub-element and element. Result of weighted with ANP method shows the existence of culmination of weighted on financial perspective of Strategy Map at PT. X. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Makalah ini membahas aplikasi Analytic Network Process (ANP untuk mendukung pembobotan pada perancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja dengan metode Balanced Scorecard. Selama ini, pembobotan yang ada menggunakan metode yang mengabaikan saling keterkaitan antar strategi objektif dengan Key Performance Indicator (KPI-KPI -nya. Metode yang sering digunakan didalam pembobotan ini adalah Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP. Kondisi ini sebenarnya tidak mencerminkan konsep Strategy Map

  18. Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of sheet-like ZnO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Changzhen; Meng, Dawei; Wu, Xiuling; Wang, Yongqian; Yu, Xiaohong; Zhang, Zhengjie; Liu, Xiaoyang


    Highlights: → Sheet-like ZnO with regular hexagon shape was synthesized with a two-step method. → Sheet-like ZnO predecessor was synthesized at low temperature in open system. → The diameter and thickness of ZnO sheet can be controlled conveniently. → This low-cost and environmentally benign approach is controllable and reproducible. → Sheet-like ZnO may have potential application in optical and electrical devices. -- Abstract: Sheet-like ZnO with regular hexagon shape and uniform diameter has been successfully synthesized through a two-step method without any metal catalyst. First, the sheet-like ZnO precursor was synthesized in a weak alkaline carbamide environment with stirring in a constant temperature water-bath by the homogeneous precipitation method, then sheet-like ZnO was obtained by calcining at 600 o C for 2 h. The structures and optical properties of sheet-like ZnO have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), photoluminescence (PL) and UV-vis-NIR spectrophotometer. The results reveal that the product is highly crystalline with hexagonal wurtzite phase and has appearance of hexagon at (0 0 0 1) plane. The HRTEM images confirm that the individual sheet-like ZnO is single crystal. The PL spectrum exhibits a narrow ultraviolet emission at 397 nm and a broad visible emission centering at 502 nm. The band gap of sheet-like ZnO is about 3.15 eV.

  19. Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Using p-Type ZnO Nanowire Arrays

    KAUST Repository

    Lu, Ming-Pei; Song, Jinhui; Lu, Ming-Yen; Chen, Min-Teng; Gao, Yifan; Chen, Lih-Juann; Wang, Zhong Lin


    Using phosphorus-doped ZnO nanowire (NW) arrays grown on silicon substrate, energy conversion using the p-type ZnO NWs has been demonstrated for the first time. The p-type ZnO NWs produce positive output voltage pulses when scanned by a conductive

  20. Adsorption property of volatile molecules on ZnO nanowires ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Keywords: ZnO; interaction; ammonia; band structure; density of states. 1. 2. 3 .... Virtual NanoLab [18] software was utilized to construct the ZnO nanowires with 24 Zn ..... But in reality, the ZnO NWs shows a better response (80.2) towards NH3.

  1. Sorption of Th(IV) onto ZnO nanoparticles and diatomite-supported ZnO nanocomposite. Kinetics, mechanism and activation parameters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yusan, Sabriye; Aslani, Mahmut A.A.; Aytas, Sule [Ege Univ., Izmir (Turkey). Inst. of Nuclear Sciences; Bampaiti, Anastasia; Noli, Fotini [Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). Dept. of Chemistry; Erenturk, Sema [Istanbul Technical Univ., Ayazaga Campus, Maslak-Istanbul (Turkey). Energy Inst.


    In this study, for the first time ZnO nanoparticles and diatomite-supported ZnO nanocomposite have been utilized as adsorbent for the removal of Th(IV) ions from aqueous solutions under different experimental conditions. The Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin- Radushkevich (D-R) isotherms were used to analyze the equilibrium data. The sorption equilibrium data were fitted well to the Langmuir isotherm with maximum sorption capacities values was found to be 1.105 mmol/g and 0.320 mmol/g for ZnO nanoparticles and diatomite supported ZnO nanocomposite, respectively. Pseudo-first and pseudo-second order equations, Intraparticle diffusion and Bangham's models were considered to evaluate the rate parameters and sorption mechanism. Sorption kinetics were better reproduced by the pseudo-second order model (R{sup 2} > 0.999), with an activation energy (E{sub a}) of +99.74 kJ/mol and +62.95 kJ/mol for ZnO nanoparticles and diatomite-supported ZnO nanocomposite, respectively. In order to specify the type of sorption reaction, thermodynamic parameters were also determined. The evaluated ΔG* and ΔH* indicate the non-spontaneous and endothermic nature of the reactions. The results of this work suggest that both of the used materials are fast and effective adsorbents for removing Th(IV) from aqueous solutions and chemical sorption plays a role in controlling the sorption rate.

  2. Effects of seed layers on controlling of the morphology of ZnO nanostructures and superhydrophobicity of ZnO nanostructure/stearic acid composite films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Jing; Liu, Zhihua, E-mail:; Liu, Junqi; E, Lei; Liu, Zhifeng, E-mail:


    Hydrophobic ZnO self-cleaning thin films with the nanobundles and nanocarpets structures fabricated on indium tin oxides (ITO) glass substrate are reported. The water contact angle of ZnO nanobundles and nanocarpets structures (79° and 67° respectively) is higher than that of unmodified ZnO nanorods. A subsequent chemical treatment with stearic acid (SA) contributed to a superhydrophobic surface with a water contact angle of 159°. Its superhydrophobic property is originated from the nanobundles or nanocarpets structures and surface energy of SA/ZnO nanobundles and SA/ZnO nanocarpets composite nanostructures. Moreover, this promising ZnO nanostructured materials show an important application in self-cleaning smart coatings. - Highlights: • PEG and CTAB are firstly introduced to modify the morphology of ZnO seed layers. • ZnO nanobundles and nanocarpets obtained from different seed layers. • Superhydrophobic surfaces obtained by chemcial treatment using SA.

  3. Perbandingan Kinerja Deteksi Multiuser Linier Dan Deteksi Multiuser Dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Pada Sistem DS-CDMA

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    Popy Maria


    Full Text Available Beberapa hal yang dapat menurunkan kapasitas dan kualitas sinyal informasi yang diterima pada sistem DS-CDMA (Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access adalah interferensi, noise dan efek near-far. Pada umumnya efek near-far diatasi dengan menggunakan power control. Namun demikian power control tidak dapat mengatasi interferensi yang disebabkan oleh user lain pada kanal yang sama atau yang lebih dikenal dengan MAI (Multiple Access Interference. Pendekatan lain yang digunakan untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan deteksi multiuser (MUD. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dibandingkan kinerja dari MUD linier yang terdiri dari decorrelating dan MMSE dengan MUD yang menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST dan mengacu pada deteksi konvensional. Jaringan syaraf tiruan ini menggunakan algoritma propagasi balik. Deteksi multiuser ini diaplikasikan pada  output deteksi konvensional. Kinerja dari masing-masing detektor dilihat dari BER sebagai fungsi nilai SNR  atau jumlah user pada kanal AWGN dan Rayleigh fading. Hasil simulasi pada  kanal AWGN, menunjukkan bahwa MUD dengan JST mempunyai kinerja yang lebih baik. Untuk target BER 10-3 pada kanal  AWGN, MUD decorrelating mencapainya pada SNR 6.3 dB, MUD MMSE pada SNR 5.97 dB, dan MUD dengan JST pada SNR 5.89 dB sedangkan pada kanal Rayleigh, MUD decorrelating mencapainya pada SNR 11.74 dB, MUD MMSE pada SNR 10.91 dB, dan MUD dengan JST pada SNR 10.31 dB

  4. ZnO1-xTex and ZnO1-xSx semiconductor alloys as competent materials for opto-electronic and solar cell applications: a comparative analysis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Utsa Das; Partha P.Pal


    ZnO1-xTex ternary alloys have great potential to work as a photovoltaic (PV) absorber in solar cells.ZnO1-xSx is also a ZnO based alloy that have uses in solar cells.In this paper we report the comparative study of various parameters of ZnO1-xTex and ZnO1-xSx for selecting it to be a competent material for solar cell applications.The parameters are mainly being calculated using the well-known VCA (virtual crystal approximation) and VBAC (Valence Band Anti-Crossing) model.It was certainly being analysed that the incorporation of Te atoms produces a high band gap lower than S atoms in the host ZnO material.The spin-orbit splitting energy value of ZnO1-xTex was found to be higher than that of ZnO1-xSx.Beside this,the strain effects are also higher in ZnO1-xTex than ZnO1-xSx.The remarkable notifying result which the paper is reporting is that at a higher percentage of Te atoms in ZnO1-xTex,the spin-orbit splitting energy value rises above the band gap value,which signifies a very less internal carrier recombination that decreases the leakage current and increases the efficiency of the solar ceil.Moreover,it also covers a wide wavelength range compared to ZnO1-xSx.

  5. Structure and photoluminescence properties of Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Xiaozhu, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan, Guangdong 512005 (China) and Department of Physics and Key Laboratory of Acoustic and Photonic Materials and Devices of Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072 (China); Wang Yongqian [Engineering Research Center of Nano-Geomaterials of Ministry of Education (China University of Geosciences), Wuhan, Hubei 430074 (China)


    Highlights: > ZnO nano-needles were synthesized by thermal oxidation. > Their surfaces were coated with Ag by pulse electro-deposition technique. > The uncoated and coated ZnO nano-needles were characterized. > The results showed that the prepared ZnO nano-needles have been coated with Ag successfully. > The photoluminescence spectrums of ZnO nano-needles with Ag-coated and uncoated were analyzed, finding that the Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles can increase the absorption of UV light. - Abstract: A large number of zinc oxide (ZnO) nano-needles were synthesized by thermal oxidation of pure zinc. The surfaces of ZnO nano-needles were coated with a layer of Ag by pulse electro-deposition technique. The uncoated and coated ZnO nano-needles were characterized by using the X-ray diffraction and the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the uncoated samples were close-packed hexagonal structure, which showed needle-like morphology. Their average diameter is about 40 nm, lengths up to 5 {mu}m. At the same time we observed that the prepared ZnO nano-needles have been coated with Ag successfully. The photoluminescence spectrums of ZnO nano-needles with Ag-coated and uncoated were analyzed, finding that the uncoated ZnO nano-needles have two fluorescence peaks at 388 nm and 470.8 nm, respectively, the relative intensity of 143.4 and 93.61; and the Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles showed a pair of strong peaks at 387.4 nm and 405.2 nm, the relative intensity of 1366 and 1305, respectively, indicating that the Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles can increase the absorption of UV light.



    Idrus Idrus


    Kepatuhan pada prinsip-prinsip kerja sama Grice dalam berkomunikasi akan menyebabkan komunikasi berjalan efisien. Iklan merupakan salah satu bentuk mengkomunikasikan produk atau jasa. Bahasa Iklan dapat menciptakan efek persuasi yang kuat dengan melakukan pelanggaran terhadap maksim-maksim pada prinsip-prinsip kerja sama Grice. Pada makalah ini dipaparkan prinsip-prinsip kerja sama pada iklan Toyota versi Doraemon-Nobita BBQ dan tujuan pembuat iklan melakukan pelanggaran maksim-maksim tersebut.

  7. Respon Lima Varietas Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Pada Aplikasi Pyraclostrobin


    Amin, Adi Wiyono Basori; Kuswanto, Kuswanto; Soegianto, Andy


    Aktivitas nitrat reduktase dapat ditingkatkan oleh pyraclostrobin. Penyerapan nitrogen pada tanaman dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas nitrat reduktase. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mempelajari respon lima varietas jagung pada aplikasi pyraclostrobin. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya yang berlokasi di Desa Jatikerto, Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2011 sampai Oktober 2011. Bahan tanam yang di...

  8. Photocatalysis and Bandgap Engineering Using ZnO Nanocomposites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Ali Johar


    Full Text Available Nanocomposites have a great potential to work as efficient, multifunctional materials for energy conversion and photoelectrochemical reactions. Nanocomposites may reveal more improved photocatalysis by implying the improvements of their electronic and structural properties than pure photocatalyst. This paper presents the recent work carried out on photoelectrochemical reactions using the composite materials of ZnO with CdS, ZnO with SnO2, ZnO with TiO2, ZnO with Ag2S, and ZnO with graphene and graphene oxide. The photocatalytic efficiency mainly depends upon the light harvesting span of a material, lifetime of photogenerated electron-hole pair, and reactive sites available in the photocatalyst. We reviewed the UV-Vis absorption spectrum of nanocomposite and photodegradation reported by the same material and how photodegradation depends upon the factors described above. Finally the improvement in the absorption band edge of nanocomposite material is discussed.


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    Ery Diniardi


    Full Text Available Indonesia yang kaya bahan baku untuk industri mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk menghasilkan produk industri lokal satunya adalah polimer. Pemanfaatan polimer mengalami pemanfaatan yang sangat pesat, terutama pada industri otomotif. Polimer dibedakan menjadi 4 macam, menurut sifat masing-masing bahan tersebut, diantaranya adalah thermoplastik, thermoset, elastomer dan thermoplastik elastomer. Dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui mutu dan unsur dari bahan polimer, khususnya pada kipas radiator. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pengujian tarik, impak dan struktur mikro (identifikasi pada bahan polimer. Hasil uji tarik pada berbagai tingkat temperatur tarik menunjukan perbedaan yang signifikan, namun demikian regangan patah pada temperatur uji 90oC mempunyai nilai jauh lebih besar dibandingkan pada temperatur uji 24oC, demikian halnya dengan hasil uji impak. Hasil indentifikasi struktur mikro bahan tersebut diketahui sebagai polipropilen (PP.

  10. Synthesis, characteristics and antimicrobial activity of ZnO nanoparticles (United States)

    Janaki, A. Chinnammal; Sailatha, E.; Gunasekaran, S.


    The utilization of various plant resources for the bio synthesis of metallic nano particles is called green technology and it does not utilize any harmful protocols. Present study focuses on the green synthesis of ZnO nano particles by Zinc Carbonate and utilizing the bio-components of powder extract of dry ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale). The ZnO nano crystallites of average size range of 23-26 nm have been synthesized by rapid, simple and eco friendly method. Zinc oxide nano particles were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). FTIR spectra confirmed the adsorption of surfactant molecules at the surface of ZnO nanoparticles and the presence of ZnO bonding. Antimicrobial activity of ZnO nano particles was done by well diffusion method against pathogenic organisms like Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans and Penicillium notatum. It is observed that the ZnO synthesized in the process has the efficient antimicrobial activity.

  11. Chronic toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl{sub 2} to Folsomia candida (Collembola) in relation to bioavailability in soil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kool, Pauline L., E-mail: [Department of Animal Ecology, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam (Netherlands); Diez Ortiz, Maria [Department of Animal Ecology, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam (Netherlands); Pole de Recherche ROVALTAIN en Toxicologie Environnementale et Ecotoxicologie, Batiment Rhovalparc, BP 15173, 26958 Valence Cedex 9 (France); Gestel, Cornelis A.M. van [Department of Animal Ecology, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The chronic toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NP) to Folsomia candida was determined in natural soil. To unravel the contribution of particle size and free zinc to NP toxicity, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl{sub 2} were also tested. Zinc concentrations in pore water increased with increasing soil concentrations, with Freundlich sorption constants K{sub f} of 61.7, 106 and 96.4 l/kg (n = 1.50, 1.34 and 0.42) for ZnO-NP, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl{sub 2} respectively. Survival of F. candida was not affected by ZnO-NP and non-nano ZnO at concentrations up to 6400 mg Zn/kg d.w. Reproduction was dose-dependently reduced with 28-d EC50s of 1964, 1591 and 298 mg Zn/kg d.w. for ZnO-NP, non-nano ZnO and ZnCl{sub 2}, respectively. The difference in EC50s based on measured pore water concentrations was small (7.94-16.8 mg Zn/l). We conclude that zinc ions released from NP determine the observed toxic effects rather than ZnO particle size. - Highlights: > ZnO nanoparticles and non-nano ZnO were equally toxic to Folsomia candida in soil. > Pore water from soil spiked with ZnO nanoparticles showed saturation with zinc suggesting aggregation. > Pore water based EC50 values for ZnO nanoparticles and ZnCl{sub 2} were similar. > ZnO nanoparticle toxicity in soil was most probably due to Zn dissolution from the nanoparticles. - ZnO nanoparticle toxicity to springtails in soil can be explained from Zn dissolution but not from particle size.

  12. Characterization of spatial manipulation on ZnO nanocomposites consisting of Au nanoparticles, a graphene layer, and ZnO nanorods (United States)

    Huang, Shen-Che; Lu, Chien-Cheng; Su, Wei-Ming; Weng, Chen-Yuan; Chen, Yi-Cian; Wang, Shing-Chung; Lu, Tien-Chang; Chen, Ching-Pang; Chen, Hsiang


    Three types of ZnO-based nanocomposites were fabricated consisting of 80-nm Au nanoparticles (NPs), a graphene layer, and ZnO nanorods (NRs). To investigate interactions between the ZnO NRs and Au nanoparticle, multiple material analysis techniques including field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), surface contact angle measurements, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Raman spectroscopic characterizations were performed. Results indicate that incorporating a graphene layer could block the interaction between the ZnO NRs and the Au NPs. Furthermore, the Raman signal of the Au NPs could be enhanced by inserting a graphene layer on top of the ZnO NRs. Investigation of these graphene-incorporated nanocomposites would be helpful to future studies of the physical properties and Raman analysis of the ZnO-based nanostructure design.

  13. Hydrothermal Growth and Application of ZnO Nanowire Films with ZnO and TiO2Buffer Layers in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    Jiang Chunhua


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper reports the effects of the seed layers prepared by spin-coating and dip-coating methods on the morphology and density of ZnO nanowire arrays, thus on the performance of ZnO nanowire-based dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs. The nanowire films with the thick ZnO buffer layer (~0.8–1 μm thick can improve the open circuit voltage of the DSSCs through suppressing carrier recombination, however, and cause the decrease of dye loading absorbed on ZnO nanowires. In order to further investigate the effect of TiO2buffer layer on the performance of ZnO nanowire-based DSSCs, compared with the ZnO nanowire-based DSSCs without a compact TiO2buffer layer, the photovoltaic conversion efficiency and open circuit voltage of the ZnO DSSCs with the compact TiO2layer (~50 nm thick were improved by 3.9–12.5 and 2.4–41.7%, respectively. This can be attributed to the introduction of the compact TiO2layer prepared by sputtering method, which effectively suppressed carrier recombination occurring across both the film–electrolyte interface and the substrate–electrolyte interface.


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    Idrus Idrus


    Full Text Available Kepatuhan pada prinsip-prinsip kerja sama Grice dalam berkomunikasi akan menyebabkan komunikasi berjalan efisien. Iklan merupakan salah satu bentuk mengkomunikasikan produk atau jasa. Bahasa Iklan dapat menciptakan efek persuasi yang kuat dengan melakukan pelanggaran terhadap maksim-maksim pada prinsip-prinsip kerja sama Grice. Pada makalah ini dipaparkan prinsip-prinsip kerja sama pada iklan Toyota versi Doraemon-Nobita BBQ dan tujuan pembuat iklan melakukan pelanggaran maksim-maksim tersebut.

  15. Penduga Rataan Geometrik pada Sampel Himpunan Terurut untuk Distribusi Normal

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    Sukma Adi Perdana


    Full Text Available Pada kajian ini, dikembangkan sebuah estimator atau penduga untuk rataan geometrik pada desain sampel himpunan terurut. Sampel himpunan terurut adalah sekolompok unit sampel yang diambil dari populasi dimana anggota populasinya diurutkan sebelumnya berdasarkan variabel tertentu yang memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan populasi yang dibicarakan sebelum pengukuran yang nyata terhadap anggota populasi yang dibicarakan dimana hal ini akan mengurangi biaya dan waktu perhitungan. Kajian dilakukan untuk menginvestigasi bias dan efisiensi relatif dari penduga rataan geometrik yang dikembangkan dan perbandingan efisiensi relatif dilakukan untuk data dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal. Hasil kajian menunjukkan penduga pada sampel himpunan terurut mengungguli penduga pada sampel acak sederhana.

  16. Structure and photoluminescence properties of Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xiaozhu; Wang Yongqian


    Highlights: → ZnO nano-needles were synthesized by thermal oxidation. → Their surfaces were coated with Ag by pulse electro-deposition technique. → The uncoated and coated ZnO nano-needles were characterized. → The results showed that the prepared ZnO nano-needles have been coated with Ag successfully. → The photoluminescence spectrums of ZnO nano-needles with Ag-coated and uncoated were analyzed, finding that the Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles can increase the absorption of UV light. - Abstract: A large number of zinc oxide (ZnO) nano-needles were synthesized by thermal oxidation of pure zinc. The surfaces of ZnO nano-needles were coated with a layer of Ag by pulse electro-deposition technique. The uncoated and coated ZnO nano-needles were characterized by using the X-ray diffraction and the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the uncoated samples were close-packed hexagonal structure, which showed needle-like morphology. Their average diameter is about 40 nm, lengths up to 5 μm. At the same time we observed that the prepared ZnO nano-needles have been coated with Ag successfully. The photoluminescence spectrums of ZnO nano-needles with Ag-coated and uncoated were analyzed, finding that the uncoated ZnO nano-needles have two fluorescence peaks at 388 nm and 470.8 nm, respectively, the relative intensity of 143.4 and 93.61; and the Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles showed a pair of strong peaks at 387.4 nm and 405.2 nm, the relative intensity of 1366 and 1305, respectively, indicating that the Ag-coated ZnO nano-needles can increase the absorption of UV light.

  17. Fabrication of Semiconductor ZnO Nanostructures for Versatile SERS Application

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    Lili Yang


    Full Text Available Since the initial discovery of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS in the 1970s, it has exhibited a huge potential application in many fields due to its outstanding advantages. Since the ultra-sensitive noble metallic nanostructures have increasingly exposed themselves as having some problems during application, semiconductors have been gradually exploited as one of the critical SERS substrate materials due to their distinctive advantages when compared with noble metals. ZnO is one of the most representative metallic oxide semiconductors with an abundant reserve, various and cost-effective fabrication techniques, as well as special physical and chemical properties. Thanks to the varied morphologies, size-dependent exciton, good chemical stability, a tunable band gap, carrier concentration, and stoichiometry, ZnO nanostructures have the potential to be exploited as SERS substrates. Moreover, other distinctive properties possessed by ZnO such as biocompatibility, photocatcalysis and self-cleaning, and gas- and chemo-sensitivity can be synergistically integrated and exerted with SERS activity to realize the multifunctional potential of ZnO substrates. In this review, we discuss the inevitable development trend of exploiting the potential semiconductor ZnO as a SERS substrate. After clarifying the root cause of the great disparity between the enhancement factor (EF of noble metals and that of ZnO nanostructures, two specific methods are put forward to improve the SERS activity of ZnO, namely: elemental doping and combination of ZnO with noble metals. Then, we introduce a distinctive advantage of ZnO as SERS substrate and illustrate the necessity of reporting a meaningful average EF. We also summarize some fabrication methods for ZnO nanostructures with varied dimensions (0–3 dimensions. Finally, we present an overview of ZnO nanostructures for the versatile SERS application.

  18. Growth of novel ZnO nanostructures by soft chemical routes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saravana Kumar, R.; Sathyamoorthy, R.; Matheswaran, P.; Sudhagar, P.; Kang, Yong Soo


    Research highlights: Fabrication of diverse ZnO nanostructures through soft chemical routes is both fundamentally interesting and technologically important. Accordingly, in the present work novel ZnO nanostructures namely nanorods/nanospines were grown on glass substrate by integrating SILAR and CBD techniques. This simple approach not only would lead to the development of an effective and commercial growth process for diverse ZnO nanostructures, but also lead to the large-scale preparation of other nanomaterials for many important applications in nanotechnology. - Abstract: We explore a facile route to prepare one-dimensional (1D) ZnO nanostructures including nanorods/nanospines on glass substrates by integrating inexpensive successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) and chemical bath deposition (CBD) methods. The effect of seed layer on the growth and morphology of the ZnO nanostructures was investigated. Accordingly, the surface modification of the seed layer prepared by SILAR was carried out by employing two different drying processes namely (a) allowing the hot substrate to cool for certain period of time before immersing in the ion-exchange bath, and (b) immediate immersion of the hot substrate into the ion-exchange bath. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the ZnO films revealed hexagonal wurtzite structure with preferential orientation along c-axis, while the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the dart-like and spherical shaped ZnO seed particles. ZnO nanostructures grown by CBD over the dart-like and spherical shaped ZnO seed particles resulted in the hierarchical and aligned ZnO nanospines/nanorods respectively. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) study exhibited highly intense UV emission with weak visible emissions in the visible region. The growth mechanism and the role of seed layer morphology on the formation of ZnO nanostructures were discussed.

  19. Growth of novel ZnO nanostructures by soft chemical routes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saravana Kumar, R. [PG and Research, Department of Physics, Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore 641 029, Tamil Nadu (India); Sathyamoorthy, R., E-mail: [PG and Research, Department of Physics, Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore 641 029, Tamil Nadu (India); Matheswaran, P. [PG and Research, Department of Physics, Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore 641 029, Tamil Nadu (India); Sudhagar, P.; Kang, Yong Soo [Energy Materials Laboratory, WCU Program Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of)


    Research highlights: Fabrication of diverse ZnO nanostructures through soft chemical routes is both fundamentally interesting and technologically important. Accordingly, in the present work novel ZnO nanostructures namely nanorods/nanospines were grown on glass substrate by integrating SILAR and CBD techniques. This simple approach not only would lead to the development of an effective and commercial growth process for diverse ZnO nanostructures, but also lead to the large-scale preparation of other nanomaterials for many important applications in nanotechnology. - Abstract: We explore a facile route to prepare one-dimensional (1D) ZnO nanostructures including nanorods/nanospines on glass substrates by integrating inexpensive successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) and chemical bath deposition (CBD) methods. The effect of seed layer on the growth and morphology of the ZnO nanostructures was investigated. Accordingly, the surface modification of the seed layer prepared by SILAR was carried out by employing two different drying processes namely (a) allowing the hot substrate to cool for certain period of time before immersing in the ion-exchange bath, and (b) immediate immersion of the hot substrate into the ion-exchange bath. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the ZnO films revealed hexagonal wurtzite structure with preferential orientation along c-axis, while the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the dart-like and spherical shaped ZnO seed particles. ZnO nanostructures grown by CBD over the dart-like and spherical shaped ZnO seed particles resulted in the hierarchical and aligned ZnO nanospines/nanorods respectively. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) study exhibited highly intense UV emission with weak visible emissions in the visible region. The growth mechanism and the role of seed layer morphology on the formation of ZnO nanostructures were discussed.


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    I Nyoman Trisna Wirawan


    Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai penerapan naive bayes classifier dengan menggunakan pemilihan atribut berdasarkan pada korelasi serta preprocessing data dengan diskritisasi dengan menggunakan metode mean/standar deviasi untuk atribut kontinu dengan menggunakan 3-interval dan 5-interval. Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa penerapan naive bayes pada klasifikasi data yang telah melewati proses diskritisasi mampu memberikan akurasi hingga 89% dengan running time rata-rata adalah 31 detik.

  1. On quantum efficiency of photoluminescence in ZnO layers and nanostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reshchikov, M.A., E-mail: mreshchi@vcu.ed [Physics Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, 701 W. Grace St., Richmond, VA 23284 (United States); El-Shaer, A.; Behrends, A.; Bakin, A.; Waag, A. [Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig D-38106 (Germany)


    In this work we studied PL in ZnO layers and nanostructures, including ZnO homoepitaxial layers on ZnO substrate and ZnO-Zn{sub 1-x}Mg{sub x}O single quantum well (SQW) structures grown on sapphire substrates by MBE, and ZnO nanowires grown on sapphire by MOCVD. The external quantum efficiency (QE) of PL in O-face ZnO layers exceeded that in Zn-face ZnO layers by two orders of magnitude at low temperatures. In a sample with SQW the combined external QE from the 4.6-nm-wide SQW and 50-nm-thick Zn{sub 1-x}Mg{sub x}O barriers achieved 28% at 15 K. The highest external QE was observed in one of the samples with ZnO nanowires-52% at 15 K and 2% at 300 K. Contribution of defect-related PL bands in ZnO nanowires samples was extremely low.

  2. III-nitrides on oxygen- and zinc-face ZnO substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Namkoong, Gon; Burnham, Shawn; Lee, Kyoung-Keun; Trybus, Elaissa; Doolittle, W. Alan; Losurdo, Maria; Capezzuto, Pio; Bruno, Giovanni; Nemeth, Bill; Nause, Jeff


    The characteristics of III-nitrides grown on zinc- and oxygen-face ZnO by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy were investigated. The reflection high-energy electron diffraction pattern indicates formation of a cubic phase at the interface between III-nitride and both Zn- and O-face ZnO. The polarity indicates that Zn-face ZnO leads to a single polarity, while O-face ZnO forms mixed polarity of III-nitrides. Furthermore, by using a vicinal ZnO substrate, the terrace-step growth of GaN was realized with a reduction by two orders of magnitude in the dislocation-related etch pit density to ∼10 8 cm -2 , while a dislocation density of ∼10 10 cm -2 was obtained on the on-axis ZnO substrates

  3. Synthesis and characterization of Mn-doped ZnO column arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Mei; Guo Zhixing; Qiu Kehui; Long Jianping; Yin Guangfu; Guan Denggao; Liu Sutian; Zhou Shijie


    Mn-doped ZnO column arrays were successfully synthesized by conventional sol-gel process. Effect of Mn/Zn atomic ratio and reaction time were investigated, and the morphology, tropism and optical properties of Mn-doped ZnO column arrays were characterized by SEM, XRD and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The result shows that a Mn/Zn atomic ratio of 0.1 and growth time of 12 h are the optimal condition for the preparation of densely distributed ZnO column arrays. XRD analysis shows that Mn-doped ZnO column arrays are highly c-axis oriented. As for Mn-doped ZnO column arrays, obvious increase of photoluminescence intensity is observed at the wavelength of ∼395 nm and ∼413 nm, compared to pure ZnO column arrays.

  4. Gambaran Keharmonisan Commuter Family Pada Anggota Brigade Mobile Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara

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    Marhisar Simatupang


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran keharmonisan commuter family pada anggota BRIMOB, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya keharmonisan commuter family, dan untuk mengetahui strategi dan tahapan pada keluarga commuter family. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada keluarga anggota BRIMOB di Medan. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada Desember 2016 sampai Maret 2017. Teknik pengambil sampel menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 2 keluarga anggota BRIMOB yang mengalami penikahan commuter family karena mendapatkan bawah kendali operas (BKO.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis pada tingkat awal, pada saat pengumpulan data dan setelah selesai pengumpulan data. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu kedua keluarga mengaku pertama kali berjauhan dengan keluarga timbul rasa kesepian dan kesedihan. Selain itu istri harus mampu menjalani dua peran sekaligus bagi anak-anaknya yaitu sebagai ayah dan ibu, saat suami melaksanakan tugas. Rasa jenuh dan takut sering dirasakan oleh kedua keluarga. Pada tahap awal mengalami commuter family, kedua keluarga mengaku mengalami ketidak percayaan pada pasangan sehingga menimbulkan masalah dalam keluarga. Masalah yang ada diselesaikan melalui dialog keluarga yang baik. Mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan menjadi salah satu faktor mempertahankan keharmonisan keluarga. Kunci utama menjaga keharmonisan pada kedua keluarga ini, sehingga tetap bertahan adalah dengan selalu berkomunikasi, saling pengertian, kerja sama, dan membangun rasa kasih sayang. Tidak melakukan hal-hal di luar batas, dan memegang komitmen pernikahan.

  5. Comparative study of ZnO nanorods and thin films for chemical and biosensing applications and the development of ZnO nanorods based potentiometric strontium ion sensor (United States)

    Khun, K.; Ibupoto, Z. H.; Chey, C. O.; Lu, Jun.; Nur, O.; Willander, M.


    In this study, the comparative study of ZnO nanorods and ZnO thin films were performed regarding the chemical and biosensing properties and also ZnO nanorods based strontium ion sensor is proposed. ZnO nanorods were grown on gold coated glass substrates by the hydrothermal growth method and the ZnO thin films were deposited by electro deposition technique. ZnO nanorods and thin films were characterised by field emission electron microscopy [FESEM] and X-ray diffraction [XRD] techniques and this study has shown that the grown nanostructures are highly dense, uniform and exhibited good crystal quality. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy [TEM] was used to investigate the quality of ZnO thin film and we observed that ZnO thin film was comprised of nano clusters. ZnO nanorods and thin films were functionalised with selective strontium ionophore salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone [ST] membrane, galactose oxidase, and lactate oxidase for the detection of strontium ion, galactose and L-lactic acid, respectively. The electrochemical response of both ZnO nanorods and thin films sensor devices was measured by using the potentiometric method. The strontium ion sensor has exhibited good characteristics with a sensitivity of 28.65 ± 0.52 mV/decade, for a wide range of concentrations from 1.00 × 10-6 to 5.00 × 10-2 M, selectivity, reproducibility, stability and fast response time of 10.00 s. The proposed strontium ion sensor was used as indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration of strontium ion versus ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid [EDTA]. This comparative study has shown that ZnO nanorods possessed better performance with high sensitivity and low limit of detection due to high surface area to volume ratio as compared to the flat surface of ZnO thin films.


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    Acun Kardianawati


    Full Text Available Untuk meningkatkan daya saing E-Marketplace UMKM, inovasi pada sistem transaksi online salah satu cara yang dapat diterapkan. Sistem transaksi online dapat dikembangkan dengan menggunakan elemen dari perancangan game. Penggunaan elemen game tersebut dinamakan gamifikasi, yang dapat digunakan  untuk meningkatkan pengalaman, loyalty, brand awareness, dan motivasi pembeli dalam melakukan transaksi. Salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi dalam gamifikasi adalah pada konsep dan desain yang tidak sistematis dapat dipecahkan dengan penggunaan Appreciative Inquiry. Analisa dengan Appreciative Inquiry menghasilkan penerapan gamifikasi yang dilakukan pada kelebihan E-Marketplace UMKM, yaitu pada eksplorasi dan pemilihan produk. Penerapan gamifikasi tersebut ditujukan untuk pembeli dan penjual, dimana dari sisi pembeli dapat memotivasi dalam melihat-lihat produk dan dari sisi penjual termotivasi dalam hal penyajian produknya. Gamifikasi ini memberikan keunikan dan pembeda dari pesaing sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan pembelian produk dan dengan demikian dapat meningkatkan daya saing dari E-Marketplace UMKM. Kata Kunci: Appreciative Inquiry, E-Marketplace, gamifikasi, UMKM.


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    Ruddy - Suwandi


    Full Text Available Ikan gabus (Channa striata merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang sudah banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Ikan gabus hidup di muara sungai, danau, rawa, dan dapat pula hidup di air kotor dengan kadar oksigen rendah. Ikan gabus belum banyak dibudidayakan secara luas dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai produk olahan ikan. Informasi mengenai proporsi tubuh ikan gabus masih kurang dan belum banyak dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan proporsi bagian-bagian tubuh ikan dan komposisi kimia daging ikan gabus pada berbagai ukuran (0,5 kg; 1 kg; dan 2 kg dan jenis kelamin. Prosedur yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu pengukuran proporsi tubuh ikan dan analisis proksimat. Ikan gabus betina memiliki rendemen daging yang lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus jantan. Rendemen terbesar terdapat pada daging dengan bobot tubuh ikan 2 kg. Kadar air dan kadar abu tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus jantan 0,5 kg yaitu 80,41% dan 1,47%. Kadar protein tertinggi yaitu 20,14% terdapat pada ikan gabus betina 1 kg. Kadar lemak tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus jantan 2 kg yaitu sebesar 1,69%. Kadar karbohidrat tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus betina 2 kg yaitu 2,71%.Kata kunci: ikan gabus, proksimat, proporsi tubuh

  8. Photoluminescence measurements of ZnO heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adachi, Yutaka; Sakaguchi, Isao; Ohashi, Naoki; Haneda, Hajime; Ryoken, Haruki; Takenaka, Tadashi


    ZnO thin films were grown on TbAlO 3 single crystal substrates by pulsed laser deposition. In photoluminescence (PL) measurements, strong emissions from TbAlO 3 were observed with the emission from ZnO when the film thickness was less than 100 nm. The relationship between the ZnO film thickness and the emission intensity from TbAlO 3 was investigated in order to determine the penetration depth of excitation light. Information on the heterostructures ranging from the surface to a depth of 300 nm was obtained by PL measurements in this study, and the absorption coefficient for a wavelength of 325 nm was estimated to be 1.31x10 5 cm -1 . (author)

  9. Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Untuk Masalah Penjadwalan Job Shop Pada Lingkungan Industri Pakaian


    Sitanggang, Hendrik


    Pada industri pakaian khususnya yang proses produksinya berbaur dan multi produk sering mengalami kesulitan pada penjadwalan job shop. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan penelitian untuk penjadwalan job shop yang efektif terutama yang proses produksinya berbaur dan multi produk. Pada tulisan ini akan diajukan metode untuk penjadwalan job shop yang berbaur dan multi produk dengan tujuan meminimalkan total pinalti E/T (Earliness/Tardiness) dengan menentukan start pada masing-masing job shop dan ba...

  10. Microwave-assisted silica coating and photocatalytic activities of ZnO nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siddiquey, Iqbal Ahmed; Furusawa, Takeshi; Sato, Masahide; Suzuki, Noboru


    A new and rapid method for silica coating of ZnO nanoparticles by the simple microwave irradiation technique is reported. Silica-coated ZnO nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), CHN elemental analysis and zeta potential measurements. The FT-IR spectra and XPS clearly confirmed the silica coating on ZnO nanoparticles. The results of XPS analysis showed that the elements in the coating at the surface of the ZnO nanoparticles were Zn, O and Si. HR-TEM micrographs revealed a continuous and uniform dense silica coating layer of about 3 nm in thickness on the surface of ZnO nanoparticles. In addition, the silica coating on the ZnO nanoparticles was confirmed by the agreement in the zeta potential of the silica-coated ZnO nanoparticles with that of SiO 2 . The results of the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (MB) in aqueous solution showed that silica coating effectively reduced the photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles. Silica-coated ZnO nanoparticles showed excellent UV shielding ability and visible light transparency

  11. Study of the thermal conductivity of ZnO nanowires/PMMA composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Igamberdiev, Kh. T.; Yuldashev, Sh. U.; Cho, H. D.; Kang, T. W.; Rakhimova, Sh. M.; Akhmedov, T. Kh.


    From thermal conductivity measurements on ZnO nanowires (NWs)/poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA composites, the thermal conductivities of the ZnO nanowires were determined. The thermal conductivity of a ZnO NW decreases considerably with decreasing nanowire diameter, and for a ZnO nanowire with a diameter of 250 nm, the thermal conductivity at room temperature is approximately two times lower than that of bulk ZnO at the same temperature. The results of this study show that the thermal conductivity of a ZnO NW is mainly determined by increased phonon-surface boundary scattering. These results could be useful for the design of ZnO-nanowire-based devices.

  12. doped ZnO thick film resistors

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The characterization and ethanol gas sensing properties of pure and doped ZnO thick films were investigated. Thick films of pure zinc oxide were prepared by the screen printing technique. Pure zinc oxide was almost insensitive to ethanol. Thick films of Al2O3 (1 wt%) doped ZnO were observed to be highly sensitive to ...

  13. Pemodelan Kanal Pada Jaringan Area Tubuh Nirkabel Menggunakan Teknologi Bluetooth

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    Rizal Nur Ibrahim


    Full Text Available Pada wireless body area network (WBAN, propagasi radio dari node sensor yang berada di permukaan tubuh manusia sangat kompleks dan unik bila dibandingkan dengan lingkungan yang lain karena tubuh manusia memiliki bentuk yang kompleks dan terdiri dari jaringan tubuh manusia yang berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itu, model kanalnya juga berbeda dengan model kanal di lingkungan lain. Telekomunikasi nirkabel pada aplikasi jaringan area tubuh membutuhkan Medium Access Control (MAC yang dapat beradaptasi, dinamis, dan fleksibel untuk mengatasi berbagai persyaratan aplikasi. MAC yang diusulkan menyesuaikan protokol komunikasi dan parameter yang berdasarkan kepada pencapaian konsumsi daya rendah dan laju data yang tinggi untuk itu dipilih salah satu teknologi komunikasi yang memungkinkan untuk hal ini yaitu Bluetooth. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan pemodelan kanal pada WBAN untuk mendapatkan bentuk kanal yang sesuai dengan kerakteristik tubuh manusia. Dimana pemodelan kanal ini di fokuskan pada teknologi Bluetooth dengan frekuensi 2,4 GHz. Selain itu, dalam pengerjaannya dilakukan simulasi menggunakan software MATLAB.

  14. Complete transformation of ZnO and CuO nanoparticles in ... (United States)

    Here, we present evidence on complete transformation of ZnO and CuO nanoparticles, which are among the most heavily studied metal oxide particles, during 24 h in vitro toxicological testing with human T-lymphocytes. Synchrotron radiation-based X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy results revealed that Zn speciation profiles of 30 nm and 80 nm ZnO nanoparticles, and ZnSO4- exposed cells were almost identical with the prevailing species being Zn-cysteine. This suggests that ZnO nanoparticles are rapidly transformed during a standard in vitro toxicological assay, and are sequestered intracellularly, analogously to soluble Zn. Complete transformation of ZnO in the test conditions was further supported by almost identical Zn spectra in medium to which ZnO nanoparticles or ZnSO4 was added. Likewise, Cu XANES spectra for CuO and CuSO4-exposed cells and cell culture media were similar. These results together with our observation on similar toxicological profiles of ZnO and soluble Zn, and CuO and soluble Cu, underline the importance of dissolution and subsequent transformation of ZnO and CuO nanoparticles during toxicological testing and provide evidence that the nano-specific effect of ZnO and CuO nanoparticulates is negligible in this system. We strongly suggest to account for this aspect when interpreting the toxicological results of ZnO and CuO nanoparticles. Although a number of studies have discussed the transformation of nanoparticles during

  15. Piezoelectricity and charge trapping in ZnO and Co-doped ZnO thin films

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    Domenico D’Agostino


    Full Text Available Piezoelectricity and charge storage of undoped and Co-doped ZnO thin films were investigated by means of PiezoResponse Force Microscopy and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy. We found that Co-doped ZnO exhibits a large piezoelectric response, with the mean value of piezoelectric matrix element d33 slightly lower than in the undoped sample. Moreover, we demonstrate that Co-doping affects the homogeneity of the piezoelectric response, probably as a consequence of the lower crystalline degree exhibited by the doped samples. We also investigate the nature of the interface between a metal electrode, made up of the PtIr AFM tip, and the films as well as the phenomenon of charge storage. We find Schottky contacts in both cases, with a barrier value higher in PtIr/ZnO than in PtIr/Co-doped ZnO, indicating an increase in the work function due to Co-doping.

  16. Template-free sonochemical synthesis of flower-like ZnO nanostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Huawa; Fan, Huiqing; Wang, Xin; Wang, Jing; Cheng, Pengfei; Zhang, Xiaojun


    Flower-like ZnO nanostructures have been successfully synthesized via a facile and template-free sonochemical method, using zinc acetate and potassium hydroxide as reactants only. The as-synthesized flower-like ZnO nanostructures were composed of nanorods with the width of ∼300–400 nm and the length of ∼2–3 μm. The structures, morphologies and optical properties of the as-prepared products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy, UV-Vis spectrophotometry and Raman-scattering spectroscopy. A plausible formation mechanism of flower-like ZnO nanostructures was studied by SEM which monitors an intermediate morphology transformation of the product at the different ultrasonic time (t=80,90,95,105, and 120 min). - Highlights: • A facile and template-free sonochemical method to fabricate flower-like ZnO nanostructures was proposed. • The flower-like ZnO nanostructures follow the ingrowth of ZnO from the matrix of Zn(OH) 2 crystals. • The flower-like ZnO nanostructures are also expected to explore their application in the field of nano-electronic devices

  17. Room temperature ferromagnetism in Cu doped ZnO (United States)

    Ali, Nasir; Singh, Budhi; Khan, Zaheer Ahmed; Ghosh, Subhasis


    We report the room temperature ferromagnetism in 2% Cu doped ZnO films grown by RF magnetron sputtering in different argon and oxygen partial pressure. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to ascertain the oxidation states of Cu in ZnO. The presence of defects within Cu-doped ZnO films can be revealed by electron paramagnetic resonance. It has been observed that saturated magnetic moment increase as we increase the zinc vacancies during deposition.

  18. Admittance spectroscopy of spray-pyrolyzed ZnO film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kavasoglu, Nese; Kavasoglu, A. Sertap


    A ZnO film was deposited using the spray pyrolysis method. The admittance spectroscopy method was used to establish the contributions to electrical behavior from grains, grain boundaries, and electrodes of film. Proper equivalent electrical circuit of a ZnO film composed of a single parallel resistor, capacitor, and inductor network connected with a series resistance was proposed. Moreover, we displayed metal-semiconductor transition (MST) in the ZnO film via admittance spectroscopy

  19. Single-Crystal Mesoporous ZnO Thin Films Composed of Nanowalls

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Xudong


    This paper presents a controlled, large scale fabrication of mesoporous ZnO thin films. The entire ZnO mesoporous film is one piece of a single crystal, while high porosity made of nanowalls is present. The growth mechanism was proposed in comparison with the growth of ZnO nanowires. The ZnO mesoporous film was successfully applied as a gas sensor. The fabrication and growth analysis of the mesoporous ZnO thin film gi ve general guidance for the controlled growth of nanostructures. It also pro vides a unique structure with a superhigh surface-to-volume ratio for surface-related applications. © 2009 American Chemical Society.

  20. Growth and photoluminescence of vertically aligned ZnO nanowires/nanowalls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang Fang; Zhao Dongxu; Li Binghui; Zhang Zhenzhong; Zhang Jiying; Shen Dezhen, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Excited State Processes, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 16 East Nan-Hu Road, Open Economic Zone Changchun 130033 (China)


    By controlling the incoming gas flow, vertically aligned ZnO nanowires and nanowalls have been successfully synthesized on a Si (1 0 0) substrate by the simple physical vapour deposition method. The growth process of the ZnO nanowalls was observed by adjusting the growth time. The probable growth mechanisms of the ZnO nanowires and nanowalls were discussed in detail. In contrast to the photoluminescence results of nanowires, an enhancement of the LO phonon signal was observed in ZnO nanowalls, which was attributed to an additional channel of electron-phonon coupling induced by the residual strains in the ZnO nanowalls during the coalescence growth process.

  1. Feature Selection pada Dataset Faktor Kesiapan Bencana pada Provinsi di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode PCA (Principal Component Analysis

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    Septa Firmansyah Putra


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui atribut-atribut apa yang akan digunakan untuk klasterisasi provinsi di Indonesia berdasarkan faktor kesiapan dalam menghadapi bencana. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari tiga kelompok data yaitu data jumlah kejadian bencana yang terdiri dari 19 sub-atribut, data jumlah fasilitas kesehatan yang terdiri dari 14 sub-atribut dan data jumlah tenaga kesehatan yang terdiri dari 11 sub atribut. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi gambaran tentang bagaimana melakukan pembersihan dan pemilihan data sebelum digunakan dalam proses klasterisasi. Data-data ini akan dibersihkan dan dipilih sebelum nantinya digunakan pada proses klasterisasi. Proses pembersihan dan pemilihan data dilakukan dengan bantuan PCA (Principal Component Analysis namun sebelumnya dibersihkan telebih dahulu dengan cara manual. Penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 percobaan. Pada percobaan pertama didapatkan 31 sub-atribut yang siap digunakan, percobaan kedua didapatkan 29 sub-atribut yang siap digunakan dan pada percobaan ketiga didapatkan 24 sub-atribut yang siap digunakan.

  2. Microwave synthesis and photocatalytic activities of ZnO bipods with different aspect ratios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Fazhe; Zhao, Zengdian [Analysis and Testing Center, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255100 (China); Qiao, Xueliang, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Plastic Forming Simulation and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei (China); Tan, Fatang; Wang, Wei [State Key Laboratory of Plastic Forming Simulation and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei (China)


    Highlights: • We synthesized linked ZnO nanorods by a facile microwave method. • The effect of reaction parameters on ZnO was investigated. • ZnO bipods with different aspect ratios were prepared. • The photocatalytic performance of ZnO bipods was evaluated. - Abstract: Linked ZnO nanorods have been successfully prepared via a facile microwave method without any post-synthesis treatment. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns indicated the precursor had completely transformed into the pure ZnO crystal. The images of field emitting scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) showed that linked ZnO nanorods consisted predominantly of ZnO bipods. The formation process of the ZnO bipods was clearly discussed. ZnO bipods with different aspect ratios have been obtained by tuning the concentrations of reagents and microwave power. Moreover, the photocatalytic performance of ZnO bipods with different aspect ratios for degradation of methylene blue was systematically evaluated. The results of photocatalytic experiments showed that the photocatalytic activity increased with the aspect ratios of ZnO bipods increased. The reason is that ZnO bipods with larger aspect ratio have higher surface area, which can absorb more MB molecules to react with ·OH radicals.

  3. Hydrogen absorption in thin ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition


    Meilkhova, O.; Čížek, J.; Lukáč,, F.; Vlček, M.; Novotný, M.; Bulíř, J.; Lančok, J.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Connolly, J.; McCarthy, E.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Mosnier, J.-P.


    ZnO films with thickness of ~80 nm were grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on MgO (1 0 0) single crystal and amorphous fused silica (FS) substrates. Structural studies of ZnO films and a high quality reference ZnO single crystal were performed by slow positron implantation spectroscopy (SPIS). It was found that ZnO films exhibit significantly higher density of defects than the reference ZnO crystal. Moreover, the ZnO film deposited on MgO substrate exhibits higher concentration of defects...

  4. Recent progress on doped ZnO nanostructures for visible-light photocatalysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samadi, Morasae; Zirak, Mohammad; Naseri, Amene; Khorashadizade, Elham; Moshfegh, Alireza Z.


    Global environmental pollution and energy supply demand have been regarded as important concerns in recent years. Metal oxide semiconductor photocatalysts is a promising approach to apply environmental remediation as well as fuel generation from water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction. ZnO nanostructures have been shown promising photocatalytic activities due to their non-toxic, inexpensive, and highly efficient nature. However, its wide band gap hinders photo-excitation for practical photocatalytic applications under solar light as an abundant, clean and safe energy source. To overcome this barrier, many strategies have been developed in the last decade to apply ZnO nanostructured photocatalysts under visible light. In this review, we have classified different approaches to activate ZnO as a photocatalyst in visible-light spectrum. Utilization of various nonmetals, transition metals and rare-earth metals for doping in ZnO crystal lattice to create visible-light-responsive doped ZnO photocatalysts is discussed. Generation of localized energy levels within the gap in doped ZnO nanostructures has played an important role in effective photocatalytic reaction under visible-light irradiation. The effect of dopant type, ionic size and its concentration on the crystal structure, electronic property and morphology of doped ZnO with a narrower band gap is reviewed systematically. Finally, a comparative study is performed to evaluate two classes of metals and nonmetals as useful dopants for ZnO nanostructured photocatalysts under visible light. - Highlights: • Metals and nonmetals used as a dopant to shift ZnO band gap toward visible-light. • Modification of electronic structure played a crucial role in doped ZnO activity. • Correlation between dopant's characteristics and ZnO visible activity was reviewed. • Photo-degradation of doped ZnO was studied and compared for different dopants.

  5. Recent progress on doped ZnO nanostructures for visible-light photocatalysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samadi, Morasae; Zirak, Mohammad [Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11555-9161, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Naseri, Amene [Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11365-8639, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Khorashadizade, Elham [Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11555-9161, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Moshfegh, Alireza Z., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11555-9161, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11365-8639, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Global environmental pollution and energy supply demand have been regarded as important concerns in recent years. Metal oxide semiconductor photocatalysts is a promising approach to apply environmental remediation as well as fuel generation from water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction. ZnO nanostructures have been shown promising photocatalytic activities due to their non-toxic, inexpensive, and highly efficient nature. However, its wide band gap hinders photo-excitation for practical photocatalytic applications under solar light as an abundant, clean and safe energy source. To overcome this barrier, many strategies have been developed in the last decade to apply ZnO nanostructured photocatalysts under visible light. In this review, we have classified different approaches to activate ZnO as a photocatalyst in visible-light spectrum. Utilization of various nonmetals, transition metals and rare-earth metals for doping in ZnO crystal lattice to create visible-light-responsive doped ZnO photocatalysts is discussed. Generation of localized energy levels within the gap in doped ZnO nanostructures has played an important role in effective photocatalytic reaction under visible-light irradiation. The effect of dopant type, ionic size and its concentration on the crystal structure, electronic property and morphology of doped ZnO with a narrower band gap is reviewed systematically. Finally, a comparative study is performed to evaluate two classes of metals and nonmetals as useful dopants for ZnO nanostructured photocatalysts under visible light. - Highlights: • Metals and nonmetals used as a dopant to shift ZnO band gap toward visible-light. • Modification of electronic structure played a crucial role in doped ZnO activity. • Correlation between dopant's characteristics and ZnO visible activity was reviewed. • Photo-degradation of doped ZnO was studied and compared for different dopants.


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    Hayu Vertikallini


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Kepuasan Kerja dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB pada karyawan Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan antara Kepuasan Kerja dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB pada karyawan Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.Variabel yang digunakan adalah kepuasan kerja untuk variabel bebas dan OCB sebagai variabel terikat. Penelitian ini menggunakan subjek sebanyak 53 karyawan yang bekerja di UMP. Penentuan sampel mengunakan teknik simple random.Pengumpulan data mengunakan skala kepuasan kerja dan skala OCB. Hasil uji validitas pada skala kepuasan kerja dengan 60 aitem bergerak dari 0,356 sampai 0,722 dengan taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh hasil 50 aitem yang valid dengan reliabilitas 0.927, dan skala OCB dengan 45 aitem bergerak dari 0,316 sampai 0,692 dengan taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh hasil 40 aitem yang valid dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0.918. Berdasarkan hasil uji hepotesis diperoleh rxy 0.734 dan p = 0.000 (p rtabel (0.734 > 0.266 maka arah hubungan adalah positif yaitu apabila kepuasan kerja tinggi maka OCB pada karyawan akan tinggi, begitu pula jika semakin rendah kepuasan kerja maka OCB pada karyawan juga semakin rendah. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan kerja, OCB, Karyawan


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    Dwi Iryaning Handayani


    Full Text Available Supply Chain Risk Management merupakan risiko yang terjadi pada aliran produk, informasi, bahan baku sampai pengiriman produk akhir yang mengancam keseluruhan supply chain dari pemasok awal hingga sampai konsumen. Sedangkan Supply chain disruptions (gangguan rantai pasok adalah peristiwa tak terencana yang terjadi dalam rantai pasok yang bisa mempengaruhi aliran bahan dan komponen. Kejadian risiko yang terjadi didalam supply chain telah banyak dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti sehingga perlu dilakukan review untuk mengetahui potensi risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain. Risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumya terdapat 120 jenis risiko. Kesamaan risiko yang terjadi pada supply chain menghasilkan 17 jenis risiko yang sama pada supply chain dan terdapat 3 risiko yang sering terjadi yaitu risiko demand, keterlambatan bahan baku, Bencana alam (discruption, sedangkan 14 risiko lainnya yaitu , kwalitas supplier, kwalitas produk, sistem informasi, harga, suplai, produk rusak digudang, finansial, ketergantungan supplier, penundaan, kapasitas produksi, persediaan, kekurangan bahan baku, selisih stok dan politik. Adapun mitigasi yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengatasi gangguan supply chain ada 9 strategi yaitu: postponement, strategy stock, flexible supply base. make and buy, economic supply incentives, flexible transportation. revenue management via dynamic pricing and promotion, assortment planning. silent product rollover.

  8. ZnO nanorods/polyaniline heterojunctions for low-power flexible light sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Talib, Rawnaq A.; Abdullah, M.J. [Nano-Optoelectronics Research and Technology (NOR) Laboratory, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang (Malaysia); Al-Salman, Husam S. [Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Basrah, Basrah (Iraq); Mohammad, Sabah M. [Nano-Optoelectronics Research and Technology (NOR) Laboratory, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang (Malaysia); Allam, Nageh K., E-mail: [Energy Materials Laboratory (EML), School of Sciences and Engineering, The American University in Cairo, New Cairo, 11835 (Egypt)


    Zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO NRs) were directly grown on p-type polyaniline (PAni)/polyethylene terephthalate (PET) using chemical bath deposition method at low temperature. Field emission scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques were used to study the morphology and structure of the fabricated films. The resulted ZnO NRs are hexagonal and grew vertically on the PAni surface in the (002) direction along the c-axis. The compressive strain, Raman and photoluminescence measurements confirmed the high-quality crystal structure of the formed ZnO NRs with no damage of the PAni surface. The photodetector made using ZnO NRs/PAni junction showed a sensitivity of 85% and a quantum efficiency of 12.3% at 5 V. - Highlights: • ZnO NRs/polyaniline p-n junction photodetectors were fabricated on flexible substrates. • The fabricated ZnO NRs grew along the (002) direction. • The fabricated ZnO NRs have low compressive strain. • The ZnO NRs/PAni junction showed a high sensitivity of 85%. • The photodetectors showed quantum efficiency as high as 12%.

  9. Screening Kandungan Plastik pada Minyak Goreng yang Terdapat pada Gorengan di Jati Padang

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    Ayu Ratna Sari


    Full Text Available AbstrakPlastik ditambahkan ke dalam gorengan dengan cara dimasukkan ke dalam minyak goreng panas oleh penjual gorengan agar gorengannya tetap gurih dalam waktu yang lama. Praktik penggunaan plastik pada minyak goreng ini telah ditemukan pada beberapa tempat di Indonesia. Daerah Jati Padang telah dilakukan identifikasi awal kepada penjual gorengan dan diperkirakan minyak gorengnya mengandung plastik, untuk itu diperlukan screening kandungan plastik pada minyak goreng yang terdapat pada gorengan di Jati Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat kandungan plastik pada minyak goreng yang digunakan oleh penjual gorengan di Jati Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 10 dari penjual gorengan dengan masing-masing sebanyak 100 ml minyak goreng. Semua sampel dilakukan uji kualitatif dengan GC-MS QP2010 jenis kolom RT-5MS (Crossbond 5% Diphenyl- 95% Dimethypoly silicone. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 9 dari 10 sampel minyak goreng mengandung senyawa isopropyl dari plastik polyethylene dan polypropylene. Sampel yang mengandung senyawa plastik dengan persentasenya adalah sampel 1(18.57%, 2(19.19%, 3(18.54%, 4(23.11%, 6(8.52%, 7(7.80%, 8(11.49%, 9(11.57%, dan 10(19.69%.Kata kunci: screening, plastik, minyak goreng, GC-MS, isopropylAbstractPlastics is added into frieds by entering into hot cooking oil by the seller in order fried savory fried fixed in a long time. The added of plastics in cooking oil has been found in several places in Indonesia. The fried seller in Jati Padang has made as initial identification to estimated oil-containing plastic. It is necessary for screening of plastic content in cooking oil found in fried in Jati Padang. The objective of this study was to determine whether there was any plastics content in coocking oil by the fried seller in Jati Padang. This research was a descriptive qualitative. Samples were taken from10 of fried sellers about 100 ml of

  10. Perancangan dan Implementasi Autonomous Landing Menggunakan Behavior-Based dan Fuzzy Controller pada Quadcopter

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    Fadjri Andika Permadi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi sistem kendali pesawat sayap berputar (copter semakin pesat salah satunya pada pesawat berbaling-baling empat (quadcopter. Landing merupakan bagian tersulit dalam penerbangan quadcopter. Ukuran quadcopter yang kecil mengakibatkan susahnya pengendalian kestabilan dan kecepatan turun.Cara mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah dengan autonomous landing yang menggunakan algoritma kendali behavior-based (berbasis perilaku. Tugas akhir ini merancang dan mengimplementasikan algoritma kendali behavior-based (berbasis perilaku pada proses autonomous landing quadcopter dan kontroler PD (Proporsional, Diferensial pada untuk  kestabilan sudut roll dan pitch, sedangkan untuk jarak landing menggunakan kontroler logika fuzzy. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, didapatkan nilai parameter kontroler PD roll dan kontroler PD pitch dari hasil tuning terstruktur pada simulasi Kp=500 dan Kd=30. Sedangkan kendali landing menggunakan kontroler logika fuzzy dengan parameter Ke=4 Kde=175 dan Ku=1 pada simulasi dapat melakukan proses landing selama 8 detik dari ketinggian 3 meter. Respon hasil implementasi pada quadcopter belum sesuai dengan hasil simulasi. Proses landing pada implementasi lebih cepat dengan waktu 3.5 detik dari ketinggian 2 meter, selain itu koreksi sudut roll dan sudut pitch masih terhadapat error +/-3º.

  11. Room temperature photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanorods grown by hydrothermal reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iwan, S., E-mail: [Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA-UNJ, Rawamangun, Jakarta (Indonesia); Prodi Ilmu Material, Departemen Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok (Indonesia); Fauzia, Vivi [Prodi Ilmu Material, Departemen Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok (Indonesia); Umar, A. A. [Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi, Selangor (Malaysia); Sun, X. W. [School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue (Singapore)


    Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods were fabricated by a hydrothermal reaction on silicon (Si) substrate at 95 °C for 6 hours. The ZnO seed layer was fabricated by depositing ZnO thin films on Si substrates by ultrasonic spray pyrolisis (USP). The annealing effects on crystal structure and optical properties of ZnO nanorods were investigated. The post-annealing treatment was performed at 800 °C with different environments. The annealed of ZnO nanorods were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL) in order to analyze crystal structure and optical properties, respectively. The results show the orientations of [002], [101], [102], and [103] diffraction peaks were observed and hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO nanorods were vertically grown on Si substrates. The room temperature PL spectra show ultra-violet (UV) and visible emissions. The annealed of ZnO nanorods in vacuum condition (3.8 × 10{sup −3} Torr) has dominant UV emission. Meanwhile, non-annealed of ZnO nanorods has dominant visible emission. It was expected that the annealed of ZnO in vacuum condition suppresses the existence of native defects in ZnO nanorods.

  12. Positron annihilation spectroscopy in doped p-type ZnO (United States)

    Majumdar, Sayanee; Sanyal, D.


    Positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) spectroscopy has been used to investigate the vacancy type defect of the Li and N doped ZnO. The mono-vacancies, shallow -vacancies and open volume defects have been found in both the Li and N doped ZnO. The mono-vacancies, shallow-vacancies and open volume defects increase in N-doped ZnO as the size of N is quite high compared to Li. Positron annihilation study showed that the doping above 1-3% Li and 3-4% N in ZnO are not required in order to achieve low resistivity, high hole concentration and good mobility.

  13. Usulan Sistem Pemesanan Untuk Meningkatkan Service Level Pada Sistem Heijunka


    Hartini, Sri; Fanani, Zainal; Rachimi A., Luki


    PT X merupakan distributor  yang melayani permintaan suku cadang untuk wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Salah satu ukuran kepuasan pelanggan adalah service level.Berdasarkan data perusahaan pada bulan Januari – April 2007, service level global untuk keseluruhan item masih berada dibawah target service level yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini diberikan usulan perbaikan pada sistem peramalan dan model pemesanan untuk item kritis, yaitu item 90915-TE001 dan 85214-0A...

  14. ZnO film deposition on Al film and effects of deposition temperature on ZnO film growth characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Giwan; Yim, Munhyuk; Kim, Donghyun; Linh, Mai; Chai, Dongkyu


    The effects of the deposition temperature on the growth characteristics of the ZnO films were studied for film bulk acoustic wave resonator (FBAR) device applications. All films were deposited using a radio frequency magnetron sputtering technique. It was found that the growth characteristics of ZnO films have a strong dependence on the deposition temperature from 25 to 350 deg. C. ZnO films deposited below 200 deg. C exhibited reasonably good columnar grain structures with highly preferred c-axis orientation while those above 200 deg. C showed very poor columnar grain structures with mixed-axis orientation. This study seems very useful for future FBAR device applications

  15. Structural and optical properties of ZnO rods hydrothermally formed on polyethersulfone substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Chang Mi; Jang, Jin Tak; Kim, Chang Yong; Ryu, Hyuk Hyun [Inje University, Gimhae (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Won Jae [Dong-Eui University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Chang, Ji Ho [Korea Maritime University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Son, Chang Sik [Silla University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Hee Lack [Pukyong National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Various unique ZnO morphologies, such as cigar-like and belt-like structures and microrod and nanorod structures, were formed on flexible polyethersulfone (PES) substrates by using a low temperature hydrothermal route. The structural properties of ZnO depended highly on the precursor concentration. The effect of a thin ZnO seed layer deposited the on PES substrate by using atomic layer deposition on the structural and the optical properties of ZnO hydrothermally grown on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates was studied. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and photoluminescence (PL) measurements were employed to analyze the characteristics of hydrothermally-grown ZnO. The diameter of the ZnO nanorods grown on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates increased with increasing precursor concentration from 0.025 to 0.125 M due to the Ostwald ripening process. ZnO hydrothermally-grown on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates at a low precursor concentration showed better structural properties than ZnO formed without a seed layer. Well-formed ZnO nanorods deposited on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates showed two PL peaks, one in the ultraviolet and the other in the visible region, whereas horizontally positioned ZnO formed on the PES substrate in the absence of a seed layer emitted only one broad PL peak in the violet region. The ZnO grown on PES substrates in this work can be used as high-quality transparent electrodes for solar cells fabricated on flexible substrates.

  16. Structural and optical properties of ZnO rods hydrothermally formed on polyethersulfone substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Chang Mi; Jang, Jin Tak; Kim, Chang Yong; Ryu, Hyuk Hyun; Lee, Won Jae; Chang, Ji Ho; Son, Chang Sik; Choi, Hee Lack


    Various unique ZnO morphologies, such as cigar-like and belt-like structures and microrod and nanorod structures, were formed on flexible polyethersulfone (PES) substrates by using a low temperature hydrothermal route. The structural properties of ZnO depended highly on the precursor concentration. The effect of a thin ZnO seed layer deposited the on PES substrate by using atomic layer deposition on the structural and the optical properties of ZnO hydrothermally grown on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates was studied. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and photoluminescence (PL) measurements were employed to analyze the characteristics of hydrothermally-grown ZnO. The diameter of the ZnO nanorods grown on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates increased with increasing precursor concentration from 0.025 to 0.125 M due to the Ostwald ripening process. ZnO hydrothermally-grown on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates at a low precursor concentration showed better structural properties than ZnO formed without a seed layer. Well-formed ZnO nanorods deposited on the ZnO seed layer/PES substrates showed two PL peaks, one in the ultraviolet and the other in the visible region, whereas horizontally positioned ZnO formed on the PES substrate in the absence of a seed layer emitted only one broad PL peak in the violet region. The ZnO grown on PES substrates in this work can be used as high-quality transparent electrodes for solar cells fabricated on flexible substrates.


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    Alice Indradjaja


    Full Text Available Hiperplasia adrenal kongenital merupakan salah satu dari kelompok kelainan genetik akibat defisiensi enzim yang diperlukan untuk biosintesis steroid di korteks kelenjar adrenal. Bentuk kelainan hiperplasia adrenal kongenital yang tersering adalah defisiensi enzim 21-hidroksilase (21OHD hingga mencapai 90% kasus. Kelainan utama pada pasien dengan defisiensi enzim 21-hidroksilase adalah kegagalan sintesis kortisol secara adekuat. Defisiensi 21-hidroksilase klasik tipe virilisasi sederhana menyebabkan genitalia ambigu pada bayi perempuan. Dilaporkan sebuah kasus hiperplasia adrenal kongenital klasik tipe virilisasi sederhana pada anak perempuan usia tiga tahun. Pasien dirujuk ke Poliklinik anak RSUP Sanglah Denpasar dengan keluhan utama pembesaran dan pemanjangan klitoris yang progresif disertai tumbuhnya bulu pubis.  Pasien lahir dengan genitalia ambigu. Pasien didiagnosis defisiensi 21-hidroksilase berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan kadar progesteron 17-OH >1.200ng/dl dan pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan prader derajat III. Pada pemeriksaan usia tulang menunjukkan usia tulang yang melebihi umurnya, USG abdomen dalam batas normal dengan hasil analisis kromosom 46,XX. Pasien tidak pernah mengalami krisis adrenal selama 3 tahun dan menjalani tindakan pembedahan pada usia 3 tahun. Keluarga pasien diberikan konseling, dilakukan monitor  berkala pada pasien dan terapi hidrokortison. Prognosis pada pasien ini baik. [MEDICINA 2014;45:58-64].

  18. Pengaruh Penambahan PWM (Pulse Width Modulation Pada Generator HHO Tipe Dry Cell

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    Fungky Dyan Pertiwi


    Full Text Available Generator HHO memanfaatkan proses elektrolisis air agar mendapatkan gas H2. Namun, pada praktiknya pemakaian arus dari aki yang besar dan temperatur tinggi membuat bejana generator menjadi cepat rusak, sehingga dibutuhkan tambahan rangkaian elektronika PWM pada pengujian generator HHO guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan elektroda plat berjumlah 9 berdimensi 120mm 120mm, tebal 1mm dan dibatasi oleh o-ring dengan diameter 126mm, tebal 3mm. Pengujian dilakukan secara eksperimen dengan 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok control yang mana pengujian tanpa menggunakan PWM serta kelompok uji dimana pengujian menggunakan PWM dengan variasi duty cycle 30%, 50% dan 70%. Pengujian dilakukan hingga temperatur elektrolit 93oC. Hasil uji didapatkan bahwa arus, laju produksi dan efisiensi terbesar didapatkan pada pengujian tanpa PWM yang mencapai 60,6A, 6,033 10-6kg/s dan 25,69%. Namun, pada pengambilan data kedua efisiensi turun menjadi 19,74%. Penambahan PWM pada pengujian berpengaruh pada arus dan temperatur yang stabil meskipun laju produksi dan efisiensi lebih kecil daripada pengujian tanpa PWM. Pengujian dengan PWM pada duty cycle 70% menghasilkan laju produksi dan efisiensi terbesar yang mencapai 1,843 10-6 kg/s dan 15,19%.

  19. Preparation and characterization of Ce-doped ZnO nanofibers by an electrospinning method

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    Jong-Pil Kim


    Full Text Available ZnO and Ce-doped ZnO Nanofibers on (111 Pt/SiO2/Si substrates were produced using an electrospinning technique. The as-prepared composite fibres were subjected to high-temperature calcination to produce inorganic fibers. After calcining at a temperature of 500 °C, the average diameter of the ZnO and Ce-doped ZnO nanofibers were determined to be 170 nm and 225 nm, respectively. The average grain size of the ZnO and Ce-doped ZnO nanofibers were about 50 nm and 57 nm, respectively. The microstructure, chemical bonding state and photoluminescence of the produced ZnO and Ce-doped ZnO nanofibers were investigated. The Ce-doped ZnO nanofiber can be assigned to the presence of Ce ions on substitutional sites of Zn ions and the Ce3+ state from X-ray photoelectron spectra. Compared with PL spectra of ZnO nanofibers, the peak position of the UV emission of the Ce-doped ZnO nanofibers is sharply suppressed while the green emission band is highly enhanced.

  20. Theoretical prediction of low-density hexagonal ZnO hollow structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tuoc, Vu Ngoc, E-mail: [Institute of Engineering Physics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 1 Dai Co Viet Road, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Huan, Tran Doan [Institute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3136 (United States); Thao, Nguyen Thi [Institute of Engineering Physics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 1 Dai Co Viet Road, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Hong Duc University, 307 Le Lai, Thanh Hoa City (Viet Nam); Tuan, Le Manh [Hong Duc University, 307 Le Lai, Thanh Hoa City (Viet Nam)


    Along with wurtzite and zinc blende, zinc oxide (ZnO) has been found in a large number of polymorphs with substantially different properties and, hence, applications. Therefore, predicting and synthesizing new classes of ZnO polymorphs are of great significance and have been gaining considerable interest. Herein, we perform a density functional theory based tight-binding study, predicting several new series of ZnO hollow structures using the bottom-up approach. The geometry of the building blocks allows for obtaining a variety of hexagonal, low-density nanoporous, and flexible ZnO hollow structures. Their stability is discussed by means of the free energy computed within the lattice-dynamics approach. Our calculations also indicate that all the reported hollow structures are wide band gap semiconductors in the same fashion with bulk ZnO. The electronic band structures of the ZnO hollow structures are finally examined in detail.

  1. Studi Kinetika Dekomposisi Glukosa pada Temperatur Tinggi

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    Fika Anjana


    Full Text Available Glukosa banyak dimanfaatkan untuk proses dekomposisi dan menghasilkan beberapa senyawa anorganik, dalam penelitian ini salah satu produk yang di hasilkan dalam produksi dekomposisi glukosa adalah HMF (5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari proses dekomposisi glukosa pada tekanan dan temperature tinggi dimana tekanan dibuat konstan 10 atm dengan bantuan gas nitrogen sedangkan temperature berkisar antara 140-180 °C. Pengaruh konsentrasi asam sulfat dipelajari untuk mengetahui aspek kinetika. Dari penelitian ini didapat dekomposisi glukosa mengikuti orde satu dengan 5-HMF sebagai produk paling banyak sedangkan harga energi aktivasi didapat paling besar 1426.68 J/mol pada komsemtrasi asam sulfat 0.4 N dan konsentrasi HMF paling banyak didapat pada suhu 180, waktu 40 menit sebesar 0.00949 mol/L dengan konsentrasi asam sulfat sebesar 0.4 N.


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    mafruddin mafruddin


    Full Text Available Sampah plastik merupakan sebuah kendala terbesar di dunia pada saat ini, dan di Indonesia pada khususnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh budaya konsumtif masyarakat Indonesia akan produk plastik semakin meningkat namun upaya untuk menangani limbah plastik tersebut sangatlah minim. Oleh karena masalah tersebut upaya yang harus dilakukan adalah menciptakan sumber energi alternatif dari limbah plastik dengan metode pirolisis yaitu mengggunakan alat destilasi. Kondensor merupakan salah satu komponen pada alat destilasi minyak plastik yang berfungsi sebagai alat untuk penukar panas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui pengaruh diameter dan geometri pada pipa kondensor terhadap perpindahan panas dan koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh serta perbandingan minyak plastik yang dihasilkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen nyata dengan memvariasikan diameter pipa yaitu 0,5 in dan 0,25 in dengan diameter geometri lilitan 20 cm dan 30 cm. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa laju perpindahan panas menyeluruh yang tertinggi pada pipa kondensor diameter 0,25 in dengan diameter geometri 20 cm yaitu 3067 Watt dan koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh yang tertinggi pada pipa diameter 0,25 in dengan geometri 20 cm yaitu 661,9 W/m2 ˚C. Pipa yang menghasilkan minyak plastik paling banyak yaitu 4,5 liter pada pipa diameter 0,25 in dengan geometri 20 cm. Kata Kunci: Diameter, Geometri, Kondensor, Destilasi Minyak Plastik.

  3. ZnO film for application in surface acoustic wave device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du, X Y; Fu, Y Q; Tan, S C; Luo, J K; Flewitt, A J; Maeng, S; Kim, S H; Choi, Y J; Lee, D S; Park, N M; Park, J; Milne, W I


    High quality, c-axis oriented zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were grown on silicon substrate using RF magnetron sputtering. Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices were fabricated with different thickness of ZnO ranging from 1.2 to 5.5 μmUm and the frequency responses were characterized using a network analyzer. Thick ZnO films produce the strongest transmission and reflection signals from the SAW devices. The SAW propagation velocity is also strongly dependent on ZnO film thickness. The performance of the ZnO SAW devices could be improved with addition of a SiO 2 layer, in name of reflection signal amplitude and phase velocity of Rayleigh wave

  4. MOVPE growth and characterisation of ZnO properties for optoelectronic applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oleynik, N.


    In this work a new Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) method was developed for the growth and doping of high-quality ZnO films. ZnO is a unique optoelectronic material for the effective light generation in the green to the UV spectral range. Optoelectronic applications of ZnO require impurity-free monocrystalline films with smooth surfaces and low concentration of the defects in the crystal lattice. At the beginning of this work only few reports on MOVPE growth of polycrystalline ZnO existed. The low quality of ZnO is attributed to the lack of an epitaxially matched substrate, and gas-phase prereactions between the Zn- and O-precursors. To achieve control over the ZnO quality, several O-precursors were tested for the growth on GaN/Si(111) or GaN/Sapphire substrates at different reactor temperatures and pressures. ZnO layers with XRD rocking curve FWHMs of the (0002) reflection of 180'' and narrow cathodoluminescence of 1.3 meV of the dominant I{sub 8} emission were synthesized using a two-step growth procedure. In this procedure, ZnO is homoepitaxially grown at high temperature using N{sub 2}O as O-precursor on a low temperature grown ZnO buffer layer using tertiary-butanol as O-precursor. p-Type doping of ZnO, which usually exhibits n-type behaviour, is very difficult. This doping asymmetry represents an issue for ZnO-based devices. Beginning from 1992, a growing number of reports have been claiming a fabrication of p-type ZnO, but, due to the missing reproducibilty, they are still questionable. Native defects, non-stoichiometry, and hydrogen are sources of n-type conductivity of ZnO. Together with a low solubility of the potential p-type dopants and deep position of impurity levels, these factors partly explain p-type doping difficulties in ZnO. However, there is no fully described mechanism of the ZnO doping asymmetry yet. In this work, NH{sub 3}, unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMHy), diisobutylamine, and NO nitrogen precursors were studied

  5. Photoluminescence and lasing properties of ZnO nanorods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Geon Joon; Lee, Young Pak; Min, Sun Ki; Han, Sung Hwan; Lim, Hwan Hong; Cha, Myoung Sik; Kim, Sung Soo; Cheong, Hyeon Sik


    In this study, we investigated the structures, photoluminescence (PL), and lasing characteristics of the ZnO nanorods prepared by using chemical bath deposition. The continuous-wave HeCd laser excited PL spectra of the ZnO nanorods exhibited two emission bands, one in the UV region and the other in the visible region. The UV emission band has its peak at 3.25 eV with a bandwidth of 160 meV. However, the PL spectra under 355-nm, 35-ps pulse excitation exhibited a spectrally-narrowed UV emission band with a peak at 3.20 eV and a spectral width of 35 meV. The lasing phenomena were ascribed to the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) caused by coupling of the microcavity effect of ZnO nanorods and the high-intensity excitation. Above the lasing threshold, the ASE peak intensity exhibited a superlinear dependence on the excitation intensity. For an excitation pulse energy of 3 mJ, the ASE peak intensity was increased by enlarging the length of the ZnO nanorods from 1 μm to 4 μm. In addition, the PL spectrum under 800-nm femtosecond pulse excitation exhibited second harmonic generation, as well as the multiphoton absorption-induced UV emission band. In this research, ZnO nanorods were grown on seed layers by using chemical bath deposition in an aqueous solution of Zn(NO 3 ) 2 and hexamethyltetramine. The seed layers were prepared on conducting glass substrates by dip coating in an aqueous colloidal dispersion containing 50% 70-nm ZnO nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscopy clearly revealed that ZnO nanorods were successfully grown on the seed layers.

  6. Template-free sonochemical synthesis of flower-like ZnO nanostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Huawa [State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi' an 710072 (China); School of Science, Xi' an Polytechnic University, Xi' an 710048 (China); Fan, Huiqing, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi' an 710072 (China); Wang, Xin [Shaanxi Province Thin Film Technology and Optical Test Open Key Laboratory, School of Photoelectrical Engineering, Xi' an Technological University, Xi' an 710032 (China); Wang, Jing [State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi' an 710072 (China); Cheng, Pengfei; Zhang, Xiaojun [School of Science, Xi' an Polytechnic University, Xi' an 710048 (China)


    Flower-like ZnO nanostructures have been successfully synthesized via a facile and template-free sonochemical method, using zinc acetate and potassium hydroxide as reactants only. The as-synthesized flower-like ZnO nanostructures were composed of nanorods with the width of ∼300–400 nm and the length of ∼2–3 μm. The structures, morphologies and optical properties of the as-prepared products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy, UV-Vis spectrophotometry and Raman-scattering spectroscopy. A plausible formation mechanism of flower-like ZnO nanostructures was studied by SEM which monitors an intermediate morphology transformation of the product at the different ultrasonic time (t=80,90,95,105, and 120 min). - Highlights: • A facile and template-free sonochemical method to fabricate flower-like ZnO nanostructures was proposed. • The flower-like ZnO nanostructures follow the ingrowth of ZnO from the matrix of Zn(OH){sub 2} crystals. • The flower-like ZnO nanostructures are also expected to explore their application in the field of nano-electronic devices.

  7. Electrodeposition of ZnO nano-wires lattices with a controlled morphology; Electrodepot de reseaux de nanofils de ZnO a morphologie controlee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elias, J.; Tena-Zaera, R.; Katty, A.; Levy-Clement, C. [Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Lab. de Chimie Metallurgique des Terres Rares, UPR 209, 94 - Thiais (France)


    In this work, it is shown that the electrodeposition is a changeable low cost method which allows, according to the synthesis conditions, to obtain not only plane thin layers of ZnO but different nano-structures too. In a first part, are presented the formation conditions of a compact thin layer of nanocrystalline ZnO electrodeposited on a conducing glass substrate. This layer plays a buffer layer role for the deposition of a lattice of ZnO nano-wires. The step of nano-wires nucleation is not only determined by the electrochemical parameters but by the properties of the buffer layer too as the grain sizes and its thickness. In this context, the use of an electrodeposition method in two steps allows to control the nano-wires length and diameter and their density. The morphology and the structural and optical properties of these nano-structures have been analyzed by different techniques as the scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the X-ray diffraction and the optical spectroscopy. These studies show that ZnO nano-structures are formed of monocrystalline ZnO nano-wires, presenting a great developed surface and a great optical transparency in the visible. These properties make ZnO a good material for the development of nano-structured photovoltaic cells as the extremely thin absorber cells (PV ETA) or those with dye (DSSC) which are generally prepared with porous polycrystalline TiO{sub 2}. Its replacement by a lattice of monocrystalline ZnO nano-wires allows to reduce considerably the number of grain boundaries and in consequence to improve the transport of the electrons. The results are then promising for the PV ETA cells with ZnO nano-wires. (O.M.)

  8. Performansi Pendingin Termoelektrik Alat Transportasi Ikan Segar pada Berbagai Tegangan

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    Tri Nugroho Widianto


    Full Text Available Thermoelectric performance test of refrigerated fish container at various voltages was conducted. Performance test aims to determine temperature of heat pipe, heat sink, room container and electric current requirements of thermoelectric refriferator at various voltages. Thermoelectric refrigerator composed of two pieces peltier elements, aluminiums bracket, fan, heat sink and heat pipe. Thermoelectric refrigerator was placed at the top of fish container. Various voltages used were 8 V, 10 V, and 12 V. Parameters measured were the amount of electric current through the thermoelectric, temperature of heat sink, heat pipe and room container. Room container temperature could be reached on 12, 10 and 8 V were 14, 16 and 17 °C respectively. Heat sink temperature on 12 V was -0.1 °C and temperature on 8 and 10 V were 3-4°C. Heat pipe temperature on 12 and 10 V reached 30-31 °C, while temperature on 8 V was 27 °C. The electric current requirements on 12, 10 and 8 V were 6.3, 4.8 and 3.8 A with energy requirements of refrigerated fish container were 75, 48 and 30 watt respectively. The cooling capacity of peltier module on 12 V was 12.5 W, while the cooling capacity on 10 and 8 V were 10.5 W respectively. ABSTRAK Uji performansi pendingin termolektrik alat transportasi ikan segar pada berbagai tegangan telah dilakukan. Uji performansi dilakukan untuk mengetahui suhu heat pipe, heat sink serta ruang peti insulasi serta kebutuhan listrik sistem pendingin pada berbagai tegangan. Sistem pendingin termoelektrik tersusun dari dua buah elemen peltier, bracket alumunium, fan, heat sink dan heat pipe. Pendingin termoelektrik dipasang di bagian atas peti insulasi. Uji performansi dilakukan pada tegangan 8, 10 dan 12 V. Parameter yang diukur adalah jumlah arus listrik yang melalui sistem pengingin, suhu heat sink, heat pipe dan suhu ruang peti insulasi. Suhu ruang peti insulasi yang dicapai pada tegangan 12, 10 dan 8 V berturut-turut sebesar 14, 16 dan 17

  9. Karakteristik Enzim Digesti, Protease dan Amilase, Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac. pada Fase Pertumbuhan

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    Untung Susilo


    Full Text Available Suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik enzim digesti, protease dan amilase pada ikan gurami, Osphronemus gouramy Lac., telah dilakukan dengan metode survey. Jumlah ikan yang digunakan untuk penelitian sebanyak 25 ekor yang dikelompokan menjadi tiga kelompok ukuran13,29, 35,86 dan 91,86 g/ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas protease digesti ikan gurami berbeda secara signifikan pada segmen usus dan pH buffer yang berbeda (P.05, namun berbeda secara signifikan diantara ukuran ikan yang berbeda (P<.05, dan aktivitas amilase tertinggi dijumpai pada ikan dengan ukuran terkecil. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa aktivitas protease dan amilase dijumpai sepanjang saluran digestinya baik pada ikan yang berukuran kecil maupun besar. Aktivitas protease umumnya tinggi pada suasana asam dan netral pada usus depan dan tengah. Aktivitas protease ikan yang berukuran besar lebih rendah dari pada ikan yang berukuran lebih kecil. Aktivitas amilase tidak terdapat perbedaan diantara segmen usus yang diuji, namun aktivitas amilase tertinggi dijumpai pada ikan dengan berat rata-rata 13,29 g/ekor

  10. CBE growth of high-quality ZnO epitaxial layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    El-Shaer, A.; Bakin, A.; Mofor, A.C.; Kreye, M.; Waag, A. [Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Technical University Braunschweig, Hans-Sommer-Strasse 66, 38106 Braunschweig (Germany); Blaesing, J.; Krost, A. [Institute of Experimental Physics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (Germany); Stoimenos, J. [Physics Department, Aristotele University, Univ. Campus, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece); Pecz, B. [Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 49, 1525 Budapest (Hungary); Heuken, M. [Aixtron AG, Kackertstr. 15-17, 52072 Aachen (Germany)


    Further improvements on the recently reported novel approach to zinc oxide Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) are presented. Hydrogen peroxide is employed as a very efficient novel oxidant. ZnO layers with a thickness from 100 nm to 600 nm were grown on c-sapphire using a MgO buffer. PL-mapping as well as conductivity mapping shows a good uniformity across the 2 inch ZnO-on-sapphire epiwafers. The measured surface roughness for the best layers is as low as 0.26 nm. HRXRD measurements of the obtained ZnO layers show excellent quality of the single crystalline ZnO. The FWHM of the HRXRD (0002) rocking curves measured for the 2 inch ZnO-on-sapphire wafers is as low as 27 arcsec with a very high lateral homogeneity across the whole wafer. Plane view HRTEM observations reveal the very good quality of the ZnO films. The results indicate that CBE is a suitable technique to fabricate ZnO of very high structural quality, which can eventually be used as an alternative to bulk ZnO substrates. (copyright 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  11. Aqueous chemical growth and application of ZnO nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Postels, Bianca; Kasprzak, Anna; Mofor, Augustine C.; Wehmann, Hergo-Heinrich; Bakin, Andrey; Waag, Andreas [Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Technical University Braunschweig, Hans-Sommer-Str. 66, 38106 Braunschweig (Germany)


    A very promising fabrication process for ZnO nanostructures is the aqueous chemical growth (ACG), since it is a cost efficient and low temperature approach. Using this growth technique we generated wafer-scale ZnO nanorod arrays on Si, sapphire, ITO coated glass and even on flexible polymer substrates. ACG is found to be only weakly influenced by the substrate material and we are also able to control the dimensions of the ZnO nanorods. Another benefit of ACG is the ability to fabricate patterned arrays of ZnO nanorods by a selective growth process on structured metallised surfaces. Results of structural analysis with SEM and XRD are reported. Additionally, optical properties were investigated by PL measurements. First attempts on the preparation of dye sensitised solar cells (DSSCs) are also reported. Here, the traditional sintered TiO{sub 2} nanoparticles are replaced by a densely packed and vertically aligned array of ACG ZnO nanorods. The size and morphology of the ZnO nanorods can be controlled. The influence of the length of the nanorods on the cell properties is investigated. A vapour phase transport technique was also used as alternative growth method.

  12. Atomic absorption photometry of excess Zn in ZnO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lott, K.; Shinkarenko, S.; Tuern, L. [Department of Materials Science, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn (Estonia); Kirsanova, T.; Grebennik, A.; Vishnjakov, A. [Department of Physical Chemistry, D. Mendelejev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Miusskaya Sq. 9, 125047 Moscow (Russian Federation)


    Zn excess in ZnO is built up automatically at high temperatures. Excess Zn in hydrothermally grown ZnO single crystals were investigated by the atomic absorption photometry (AAP) method. To determine the excess zinc in ZnO samples, the AAP of zinc vapour was used in the conditions of solid-vapour equilibrium. Zn AAP allowed to eliminate excess Zn connected differentially in ZnO samples. To fix Zn non-stoichiometry, all the ZnO samples tested were previously heat treated at temperature interval from 850 to 900 C and at fixed Zn vapour pressures from 0.1 to 0.9 of saturated zinc vapour pressure at given treatment temperature. The analysis of temperature dependence of zinc vapour pressure indicated that the impurity metals take active role in the determination of non-stoichiometric zinc. The impurities Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu form oxides which will reduce during annealing in Zn vapor up to metals form. During AAP measurement in optical cuvette, these metals react with ZnO and give additional Zn vapor pressure. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  13. Direct current magnetron sputter-deposited ZnO thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoon, Jian-Wei; Chan, Kah-Yoong; Krishnasamy, Jegenathan; Tou, Teck-Yong; Knipp, Dietmar


    Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a very promising electronic material for emerging transparent large-area electronic applications including thin-film sensors, transistors and solar cells. We fabricated ZnO thin films by employing direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering deposition technique. ZnO films with different thicknesses ranging from 150 nm to 750 nm were deposited on glass substrates. The deposition pressure and the substrate temperature were varied from 12 mTorr to 25 mTorr, and from room temperature to 450 deg. C, respectively. The influence of the film thickness, deposition pressure and the substrate temperature on structural and optical properties of the ZnO films was investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrometer. The experimental results reveal that the film thickness, deposition pressure and the substrate temperature play significant role in the structural formation and the optical properties of the deposited ZnO thin films.

  14. Defect-induced magnetic order in pure ZnO films (United States)

    Khalid, M.; Ziese, M.; Setzer, A.; Esquinazi, P.; Lorenz, M.; Hochmuth, H.; Grundmann, M.; Spemann, D.; Butz, T.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Fischer, G.; Adeagbo, W. A.; Hergert, W.; Ernst, A.


    We have investigated the magnetic properties of pure ZnO thin films grown under N2 pressure on a -, c -, and r -plane Al2O3 substrates by pulsed-laser deposition. The substrate temperature and the N2 pressure were varied from room temperature to 570°C and from 0.007 to 1.0 mbar, respectively. The magnetic properties of bare substrates and ZnO films were investigated by SQUID magnetometry. ZnO films grown on c - and a -plane Al2O3 substrates did not show significant ferromagnetism. However, ZnO films grown on r -plane Al2O3 showed reproducible ferromagnetism at 300 K when grown at 300-400°C and 0.1-1.0 mbar N2 pressure. Positron annihilation spectroscopy measurements as well as density-functional theory calculations suggest that the ferromagnetism in ZnO films is related to Zn vacancies.

  15. Hydrodynamic fabrication of structurally gradient ZnO nanorods. (United States)

    Kim, Hyung Min; Youn, Jae Ryoun; Song, Young Seok


    We studied a new approach where structurally gradient nanostructures were fabricated by means of hydrodynamics. Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods were synthesized in a drag-driven rotational flow in a controlled manner. The structural characteristics of nanorods such as orientation and diameter were determined by momentum and mass transfer at the substrate surface. The nucleation of ZnO was induced by shear stress which plays a key role in determining the orientation of ZnO nanorods. The nucleation and growth of such nanostructures were modeled theoretically and analyzed numerically to understand the underlying physics of the fabrication of nanostructures controlled by hydrodynamics. The findings demonstrated that the precise control of momentum and mass transfer enabled the formation of ZnO nanorods with a structural gradient in diameter and orientation.

  16. Luminescence of colloidal ZnO nanoparticles synthesized in alcohols and biological application of ZnO passivated by MgO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sikora, Bożena; Fronc, Krzysztof; Kamińska, Izabela; Elbaum, Danek; Koper, Kamil; Stępień, Piotr


    This report presents the results of spectroscopic measurements of colloidal ZnO nanoparticles synthesized in various alcohols. Luminescence of colloidal ZnO was monitored under different reaction conditions to elucidate the mechanism of the visible emission. We performed the process in different alcohols, temperatures and reaction times for two different reactants: water and NaOH. Based on the presented and previously published results it is apparent that the luminescence of the nanoparticles is influenced by several competing phenomena: the formation of new nucleation centers, the growth of the nanoparticles and surface passivation. Superimposed on the above effects is a size dependent luminescence alteration resulting from the quantum confinement. The study contributes to our understanding of the origin of ZnO nanoparticles’ green emission which is important in a rational design of fluorescent probes for nontoxic biological applications. The ZnO nanoparticles were coated with a magnesium oxide layer and introduced into a HeLa cancer cell. (paper)

  17. Luminescence of colloidal ZnO nanoparticles synthesized in alcohols and biological application of ZnO passivated by MgO. (United States)

    Sikora, Bożena; Fronc, Krzysztof; Kamińska, Izabela; Koper, Kamil; Stępień, Piotr; Elbaum, Danek


    This report presents the results of spectroscopic measurements of colloidal ZnO nanoparticles synthesized in various alcohols. Luminescence of colloidal ZnO was monitored under different reaction conditions to elucidate the mechanism of the visible emission. We performed the process in different alcohols, temperatures and reaction times for two different reactants: water and NaOH. Based on the presented and previously published results it is apparent that the luminescence of the nanoparticles is influenced by several competing phenomena: the formation of new nucleation centers, the growth of the nanoparticles and surface passivation. Superimposed on the above effects is a size dependent luminescence alteration resulting from the quantum confinement. The study contributes to our understanding of the origin of ZnO nanoparticles' green emission which is important in a rational design of fluorescent probes for nontoxic biological applications. The ZnO nanoparticles were coated with a magnesium oxide layer and introduced into a HeLa cancer cell.

  18. Synthesis of ordered large-scale ZnO nanopore arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding, G.Q.; Shen, W.Z.; Zheng, M.J.; Fan, D.H.


    An effective approach is demonstrated for growing ordered large-scale ZnO nanopore arrays through radio-frequency magnetron sputtering deposition on porous alumina membranes (PAMs). The realization of highly ordered hexagonal ZnO nanopore arrays benefits from the unique properties of ZnO (hexagonal structure, polar surfaces, and preferable growth directions) and PAMs (controllable hexagonal nanopores and localized negative charges). Further evidence has been shown through the effects of nanorod size and thermal treatment of PAMs on the yielded morphology of ZnO nanopore arrays. This approach opens the possibility of creating regular semiconducting nanopore arrays for the application of filters, sensors, and templates

  19. Integrated ZnO nanotube arrays as efficient dye-sensitized solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xi, Y., E-mail: [Department of Applied Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China); School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0245 (United States); Wu, W.Z.; Fang, H. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0245 (United States); Hu, C.G. [Department of Applied Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 (China)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Tuning the reaction parameters, we got the best reaction conditions on ITO glass. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Introduce ZnO NTs design of photoanode featuring high aspect ratio structure. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The design strategy integrates the optical fibers or ITO with ZnO NTs grown. - Abstract: Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a wide band gap semiconducting material and has been considered as an alternative material in dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) applications. A high-performance nanotube (NT) photoanode must have a large surface area for dye adsorption in order to enhance conversion efficiency. In this work, the way of hydrothermally grown ZnO NT arrays on the indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate is presented by utilizing a systematic study. By adjusting the hydrothermal reaction parameters, we attained the optimizing reaction conditions on the ITO substrate. Moreover, ZnO NT arrays are introduced as a photoanode on various substrates, such as optical fiber and ITO glass, for DSSCs applications. We took the contrast test with conversion efficiency of the DSSC based on ZnO NT arrays versus ZnO nanowire arrays on the ITO substrate, which the DSSC based on ZnO NT arrays shows significantly enhanced power conversion efficiency. Furthermore, the conversion efficiency of DSSC based on the ZnO NT arrays grown on an optical fiber substrate is enhanced up to 1.44%.

  20. Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Pengaturan Optimal LQR untuk Menjaga Kestabilan Hover pada Quadcopter

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    Kardono Kardono


    Full Text Available Quadcopter adalah pesawat terbang yang memiliki potensi untuk lepas landas, hover, terbang manuver, dan mendarat bahkan di daerah kecil. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi modern, saat ini quadcopter banyak digunakan untuk pengawasan area, pengambilan foto/video, pelaksanaan misi yang beresiko tinggi dan lain-lain. Kestabilan hover pada quadcopter sangatlah penting dan harus dimiliki quadcopter agar pemanfaatannya dapat maksimal. Kontrol hover merupakan prioritas utama dalam setiap upaya pengendalian quadcopter baik pada pengendalian fase take-off, landing, dan trajectory, hal ini dikarenakan kesalahan yang kecil saja yang terjadi pada sudut dan atau ketinggian quadcopter dapat menyebabkan quadcopter bergerak baik terhadap sumbu x, y, maupun z. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dibahas desain sistem kontrol pada quadcopter agar dapat melakukan proses hover secara otomatis dengan stabil dan metode yang digunakan adalah kontroler Linier Quadratic Regulator (LQR. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, didapatkan nilai parameter kontrol LQR dari hasil tuning diperoleh parameter R=1 dan Q=Q4 yang pada simulasi dapat terbang hover pada ketinggian 2 m, dan dapat mengatasi gangguan dengan rise time selama 0,1332detik. Respon hasil implementasi pada quadcopter tidak sebaik dengan hasil simulasi, terbang hover dengan set point ketinggian 100 cm masih berisolasi antara 50cm sampai 200cm, dan respon kestabilan sudut lebih lambat yaitu 0,23detik.

  1. Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran pH dan Temperatur Pada Bioreaktor Anaerob Tipe Semi-Batch

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    Dimas Prasetyo Oetomo


    Full Text Available Proses pada bioreaktor dapat dilakukan secara aerob yaitu menggunakan bantuan oksigen dan anaerob yaitu tidak menggunakan bantuan oksigen. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan fermentasi  enceng gondok untuk menghasilkan biogas menggunakan bioreaktor anaerob tipe semi-batch. Enceng gondok memiliki rasio C/N sebesar 22.5 – 35.84% yang merupakan komposisi optimum untuk ekstraksi biogas. Kinerja dari bioreaktor dalam produksi biogas dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter seperti pH dan temperatur. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan sistem pengukuran besaran pH dan temperatur secara online sehingga memudahkan dalam pengambilan data. Bahan yang digunakan pada proses fermentasi adalah campuran enceng gondok yang telah dicincang dan dicampur air dengan dua komposisi penambahan berbeda untuk dibandingkan. Pada Bioreaktor1 digunakan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 1:3 dan pada bioreaktor 2 digunakan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 0,75: 1,25. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa bioreaktor 2 dengan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 0,75: 1,25 menghasilkan biogas lebih aktif dibandingkan dengan bioreaktor 1 dengan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 1 : 3. Hal tersebut diketahui dari hasil pengukuran selama 76 hari. Dari hasil pengukuran juga diketahui bahwa penurunan nilai COD pada bioreaktor 2 lebih besar dari pada  bioreaktor 1.

  2. Penanganan Gingivitis dengan Metoda "Toothpick Brushing" (Laporan kasus pada wanita pengguna kontrasepsi oral

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    Armasastra Bahar


    Full Text Available Gingivitis sebagai salah satu kelainan jaringan penyangga gigi telah diketahui disebabkan karena kebersihan mulut yang tidak baik dan berkaitan dengan kebiasaan dan cara menyikat gigi yang tidak memadai. Di samping itu telah banyak pula laporan yang mengatakan bahwa terjadinya gingivitis juga berhubungan dengan peningkatan hormon kelamin steroid darah seperti pada kehamilan, menstruasi dan pada pengguna kontrasepsi hormonal.Dalam pemeriksaan yang dilakukan pada beberapa wanita pengguna kontrasepsi oral di Puskesmas Serpong ditemukan kelainan gingivitis.Pada penderita tersebut dilakukan pemeriksaan intraoral dan Occult Blood Test untuk memperkuat pemeriksaan apakah keadaan gingivitisnya memerlukan terapi lebih lanjut. Setelah dilakukan penambalan gigi yang merupakan keluhan utama penderita datang ke BKIA, dilakukan usaha untuk menanggulangi gingivitis yang ada berupa penerangan tentang faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab gingivitis dan instruksi cara menyikat gigi dengan metoda "Toothpick brushing". Evaluasi yang dilakukan pada minggu II dan III, memperlihatkan hasil yang baik, nilai PI, PBI dan OBT menurun dibandingkan dengan nilai awal yang telah dilakukan.Pada kunjungan pada minggu III dilakukan pembersihan karang gigi. Menyikat gigi dengan metoda "Toothpick brushing" memperlihatkan hasil yang baik dalam memperbaiki kelainan gingivitis.

  3. Implementasi Analog Front End Pada Sensor Kapasitif Untuk Pengaturan Kelembaban Menggunakan Mikrokontroller STM32

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    Rendy Setiawan


    Full Text Available Sensor kapasitif merupakan jenis sensor yang mengubah stimulus fisik menjadi perubahan kapasitansi. Pada sensor kapasitif, adanya stray capacitance atau kapasitansi parasitik pada sensor dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dalam pengukuran. Dalam aplikasi pengaturan kelembaban, dibutuhkan sistem pengukuran kelembaban dengan kesalahan minimum untuk mendapatkan nilai setting point dengan galat minimum. Maka diperlukan implementasi analog front end yang dapat meminimalisir kesalahan akibat stray capacitance pada sensor kapasitif untuk pengukuran kelembaban relatif. Pada sistem pengukuran sensor kapasitif ini, sensor dieksitasi dengan sinyal AC yang dihasilkan oleh generator sinyal pada frekuensi 10 KHz, kemudian diimplementasikan analog front end untuk mengondisikan sinyal dari sensor. Keluaran dari analog front end dikonversi menjadi sinyal DC menggunakan demodulator sinkron dan filter low pass lalu dikonversi menjadi data digital menggunakan ADC di mikrokontroller STM32. Hasil pengukuran yang didapatkan dengan implementasi analog front end kemudian kemudian gunakan untuk mengatur kelembaban pada sebuah plant growth chamber. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian, rangkaian analog front end dapat mengompensasi stray capacitance dengan kesalahan pembacaan nilai kapasitansi maksimal sebesar 4.2% pada kondisi stray capacitance sebesar 236,6pF, 174,3pF dan 115,7pF. Implementasi analog front end pada pengaturan kelembaban menghasilkan galat pada setting point maksimal sebesar 8.8% untuk nilai RH 75% dan 33%.

  4. Annealing effects of ZnO nanorods on dye-sensitized solar cell efficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Jooyoung; Lee, Juneyoung [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-dong, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul 120-749 (Korea, Republic of); Lim, Sangwoo, E-mail: [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-dong, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul 120-749 (Korea, Republic of)


    Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) were fabricated using ZnO nanorod arrays vertically grown on fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass using a low-temperature hydrothermal method. When the ZnO seed layer was annealed, greater DSSC efficiency was obtained. This may be attributed to the improvement of adhesion between the FTO and the seed layer and the corresponding effective growth of the ZnO nanorods. The DSSCs fabricated using ZnO nanorods which underwent annealing were more efficient than those that did not undergo annealing. The ZnO nanorods which were annealed in N{sub 2}/H{sub 2} or O{sub 2} had increased dye loadings due to higher OH concentrations on the hydrophilic surface, which contributed to the improved DSSC efficiency. The fill factor increased after the annealing of the ZnO nanorods, potentially due to the improved crystallinity of the ZnO nanorods. In this study, annealing of both the seed layer and the ZnO nanorods resulted in the greatest DSSC efficiency.

  5. Analisis Algoritma Pergantian Cache Pada Proxy Web Server Internet Dengan Simulasi


    Nurwarsito, Heru


    Pertumbuhan jumlah client internet dari waktu ke waktu terus bertambah, maka respon akses internet menjadi semakin lambat. Untuk membantu kecepatan akses tersebut maka diperlukan cache pada Proxy Server. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performansi Proxy Server pada Jaringan Internet terhadap penggunaan algoritma pergantian cache-nya.Analisis Algoritma Pergantian Cache Pada Proxy Server didesain dengan metoda pemodelan simulasi jaringan internet yang terdiri dari Web server, Proxy ...

  6. Strategi Pemasaran Public Relations Md Entertainment Pada Pemasaran Film Habibie & Ainun


    Permana, Trisna Adi; Puspitasari, Lilis


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan, implementasi serta evaluasi dari strategiMarketing Public Relations yang ditetapkan PR MD Entertainment pada film Habibie & Ainun pada tahun2012-2013. Metode yang dilakukan adalah metode deskriptif yang bertujuan melukiskan secara sistematisfakta atau karakteristik populasi tertentu atau bidang tertentu secara faktual dan cermat. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan PR MD Entertainment telah melakukan tahapan-tahapan atau Teknik PR pada film Ha...

  7. Desain Proportional Integral Derrivative (Pid) Controller Pada Model Arm Robot Manipulator


    Pratama, Adhityanendra Pandu; Munadi, Munadi


    Dalam rangka menuju proses industrialisasi modern di negara Indonesia, harus didukung dengan teknologi yang canggih, contoh nya adalah arm robot manipulator. sebagai pelaku proses produksi sehingga dihasilkan ketepatan,kepresisian, dan kefektifan pada proses produksi. Dengan hal tersebut dibuat sebuah desain kontrol PID pada arm robot manipulator dengan tujuan menghasilkan tingkat presisi dan kestabilan yang lebih baik. Kontroler tersebut didesain, disimulasikan, dan diaplikasikan pada ha...

  8. ZnO Nanoparticles Affect Bacillus subtilis Cell Growth and Biofilm Formation.

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    Yi-Huang Hsueh

    Full Text Available Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs are an important antimicrobial additive in many industrial applications. However, mass-produced ZnO NPs are ultimately disposed of in the environment, which can threaten soil-dwelling microorganisms that play important roles in biodegradation, nutrient recycling, plant protection, and ecological balance. This study sought to understand how ZnO NPs affect Bacillus subtilis, a plant-beneficial bacterium ubiquitously found in soil. The impact of ZnO NPs on B. subtilis growth, FtsZ ring formation, cytosolic protein activity, and biofilm formation were assessed, and our results show that B. subtilis growth is inhibited by high concentrations of ZnO NPs (≥ 50 ppm, with cells exhibiting a prolonged lag phase and delayed medial FtsZ ring formation. RedoxSensor and Phag-GFP fluorescence data further show that at ZnO-NP concentrations above 50 ppm, B. subtilis reductase activity, membrane stability, and protein expression all decrease. SDS-PAGE Stains-All staining results and FT-IR data further demonstrate that ZnO NPs negatively affect exopolysaccharide production. Moreover, it was found that B. subtilis biofilm surface structures became smooth under ZnO-NP concentrations of only 5-10 ppm, with concentrations ≤ 25 ppm significantly reducing biofilm formation activity. XANES and EXAFS spectra analysis further confirmed the presence of ZnO in co-cultured B. subtilis cells, which suggests penetration of cell membranes by either ZnO NPs or toxic Zn+ ions from ionized ZnO NPs, the latter of which may be deionized to ZnO within bacterial cells. Together, these results demonstrate that ZnO NPs can affect B. subtilis viability through the inhibition of cell growth, cytosolic protein expression, and biofilm formation, and suggest that future ZnO-NP waste management strategies would do well to mitigate the potential environmental impact engendered by the disposal of these nanoparticles.

  9. Dye-sensitized solar cells with a tri-layer ZnO photo-electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Hui; Bai, Jiafan; Feng, Bo; Lu, Xiong; Weng, Jie; Jiang, Chongxi; Wang, Jianxin, E-mail:


    Graphical abstract: Schematic diagram for the energy-level, the paths of charge transfer, the model of light scattering in the top layer and the assembly of the DSSC. Highlights: •We successfully fabricated ZnO photo-anodes with a tri-layer ZnO structure. •The ZnO seed layer decreased the transfer resistance at the ZnO/FTO interface. •The ZnO light scattering layer could increase the number of photoelectrons. •J{sub sc} and V{sub oc} were greatly enhanced via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. •The efficiency of the DSSCs for a tri-layer ZnO structure was the highest. -- Abstract: In this paper, a tri-layer ZnO structure was designed to fabricate the photo-anodes of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The results showed that an overall energy-conversion efficiency of 1.18% was achieved for DSSC with the tri-layer photo-anode, which was 14% higher than that obtained from a bilayer ZnO photo-anode (with an efficiency of 1.04%) and 76% higher than that fabricated with a single layer photo-anode (with an efficiency of 0.67%). The photo-current density and the open circuit voltage have greatly increased via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. Thus, the tri-layer ZnO structure might provide a new route for the improvement of the overall energy-conversion efficiency for the DSSC of ZnO.

  10. Dye-sensitized solar cells with a tri-layer ZnO photo-electrode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Hui; Bai, Jiafan; Feng, Bo; Lu, Xiong; Weng, Jie; Jiang, Chongxi; Wang, Jianxin


    Graphical abstract: Schematic diagram for the energy-level, the paths of charge transfer, the model of light scattering in the top layer and the assembly of the DSSC. Highlights: •We successfully fabricated ZnO photo-anodes with a tri-layer ZnO structure. •The ZnO seed layer decreased the transfer resistance at the ZnO/FTO interface. •The ZnO light scattering layer could increase the number of photoelectrons. •J sc and V oc were greatly enhanced via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. •The efficiency of the DSSCs for a tri-layer ZnO structure was the highest. -- Abstract: In this paper, a tri-layer ZnO structure was designed to fabricate the photo-anodes of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The results showed that an overall energy-conversion efficiency of 1.18% was achieved for DSSC with the tri-layer photo-anode, which was 14% higher than that obtained from a bilayer ZnO photo-anode (with an efficiency of 1.04%) and 76% higher than that fabricated with a single layer photo-anode (with an efficiency of 0.67%). The photo-current density and the open circuit voltage have greatly increased via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. Thus, the tri-layer ZnO structure might provide a new route for the improvement of the overall energy-conversion efficiency for the DSSC of ZnO

  11. Point defects in ZnO crystals grown by various techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Čížek, J; Vlček, M; Hruška, P; Lukáč, F; Melikhova, O; Anwand, W; Selim, F; Hugenschmidt, Ch; Egger, W


    In the present work point defects in ZnO crystals were characterized by positron lifetime spectroscopy combined with back-diffusion measurement of slow positrons. Defects in ZnO crystals grown by various techniques were compared. Hydrothermally grown ZnO crystals contain defects characterized by lifetime of ≈181 ps. These defects were attributed to Zn vacancies associated with hydrogen. ZnO crystals prepared by other techniques (Bridgman, pressurized melt growth, and seeded chemical vapour transport) exhibit shorter lifetime of ≈165 ps. Positron back-diffusion studies revealed that hydrothermally grown ZnO crystals contain higher density of defects than the crystals grown by other techniques. The lowest concentration of defects was detected in the crystal grown by seeded chemical vapor transport. (paper)

  12. Structural, optical and magnetic characterization of Ru doped ZnO nanorods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, Sanjeev; Kaur, Palvinder; Chen, C.L.; Thangavel, R.; Dong, C.L.; Ho, Y.K.; Lee, J.F.; Chan, T.S.; Chen, T.K.; Mok, B.H.; Rao, S.M.; Wu, M.K.


    Graphical abstract: Ruthenium (Ru = 0%, 1% and 2%) doped nano-crystalline zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods were synthesized by using well-known sol–gel technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that Ru (0%, 1% and 2%) doped ZnO nanorods crystallized in the wurtzite structure having space group C 3v (P6 3 mc). Williamson and Hall plot reveal that in the nanoscale dimensions, incorporation of Ru induced the tensile strain in ZnO host matrix. Photoluminescence (PL) and Raman studies of Ru doped ZnO nanorods show the formation of singly ionized oxygen vacancies which may account for the observed room temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) in 2% Ru doped ZnO. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) reveals that Ru replace the Zn atoms in the host lattice and maintain the crystal symmetry with slightly lattice distortion. Highlights: • Ru doped ZnO nanorods crystallized in the wurtzite structure having space group C 3v (P6 3 mc). • PL and Raman studies show the formation of singly ionized oxygen vacancies in 2% Ru doped ZnO. • XAS reveals that Ru replace the Zn atoms in the host lattice with slightly lattice distortion. • Doping of Ru in ZnO nanostructures gives rise to RTFM ordering. -- Abstract: Ruthenium (Ru = 0%, 1% and 2%) doped nano-crystalline zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods were synthesized by using well-known sol–gel technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that Ru (0%, 1% and 2%) doped ZnO nanorods crystallized in the wurtzite structure having space group C 3v (P6 3 mc). Williamson and Hall plot reveal that in the nanoscale dimensions, incorporation of Ru induced the tensile strain in ZnO host matrix. Photoluminescence (PL) and Raman studies of Ru doped ZnO nanorods show the formation of singly ionized oxygen vacancies which may account for the observed room temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) in 2% Ru doped ZnO. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) reveals that Ru replace the Zn atoms in the host lattice and maintain the crystal symmetry with slightly lattice


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    M. Makrus Imron


    Full Text Available Penggunaan bahan bakar cair berupa garam LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4 pada Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR meyebabkan pengendalian daya pada PCMSR dapat dilakukan dengan mengendalikan laju aliran bahan bakar dan pendingin. Sedangkan dari sistem keselamatan, penggunaan bahan bakar cair menjadikan PCMSR memiliki karakter keselamatan melekat (inherent safety yang baik. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan analisis transien PCMSR pada tiga kondisi, yaitu: ketika terjadi perubahan laju aliran bahan bakar, ketika terjadi perubahan laju aliran pendingin dan ketika terdapat kegagalan pada sistem pelepasan panas (loss of heat sink. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memodelkan reaktor pada kondisi tunak menggunakan paket program. Standart Reactor Analysis Code (SRAC. Selanjutnya dari keluaran paket program SRAC diperoleh data data yang meliputi fluks netron,konstanta grup, kontanta peluran prekusor netron, fraksi netron kasip untuk perhitungan transien. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penurunan laju aliran bahan bakar sebesar 50 % dari laju bahan bakar sebelumnya, menyebabkan daya pada PCMSR turun menjadi 78 % dari daya sebelumnya. Dan penurunan laju aliran pendingin sebesar 50 % dari laju pendingin sebelumnya, menyebabkan daya pada PCMSR turun menjadi 63 % dari daya sebelumnya. Sedangkan pada saat terjadi loss of heat sink daya PCMSR menunjukkan penurunan. Kata kunci: PCMSR, transien, daya, laju aliran.   The use of liquid fuels in the form of molten salts LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4 in Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR makes power control at PCMSR can be done by controlling the flow rate of fuel and coolant. In addition, from safety systems aspect, the use of liquid fuels makes PCMSR has good inherent safety characteristics. In this study transient analysis has been carried out on three conditions of PCMSR, namely when the fuel flow rate is changing, when the coolant flow rate is changing and when there is loss of heat sink condition. This research is

  14. Implementasi dan Analisis Teknik Reduksi PAPR OFDM Menggunakan Metode PTS pada WARP

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    Rizkha Ajeng Rochmatika


    Full Text Available Sistem OFDM cocok digunakan sebagai solusi yang dapat memenuhi layanan komunikasi data kecepatan tinggi karena memiliki efisiensi bandwidth dengan performansi terbaik. Namun dalam implementasinya, sistem OFDM memiliki kelemahan yang disebabkan oleh tingginya nilai Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR sehingga sinyal OFDM rentan terkena distorsi nonlinear yang disebabkan oleh adanya komponen RF power amplifier yang menyebabkan kompleksitas komponen Analog to Digital Converter (ADC yang terdapat pada Wireless Open Access Research Platform (WARP. Nilai PAPR yang besar pada OFDM membutuhkan power amplifier dengan dynamic range yang lebar untuk mengakomodasi sinyal, apabila hal tersebut tidak terpenuhi maka menyebabkan distorsi nonlinear dan pada akhirnya menurunkan performansi OFDM. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengatasinya dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat mereduksi nilai PAPR salah satunya menggunakan metode PTS. Guna melihat unjuk kerja teknik PTS, maka pada penelitian ini dibandingkan dua skema antara sistem OFDM tanpa dan dengan teknik PTS menggunakan analisa pada bit error rate dan nilai CCDF. Dari hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kinerja teknik PTS mampu meningkatkan kinerja sistem OFDM saat terkena distorsi nonlinear, terlihat pada pengukuran dengan modulasi 16-QAM untuk gain 56 didapatkan peningkatan BER sebesar 95.98%. Sedangkan pada grafik CCDF terjadi penurunan nilai PAPR sebesar 34.17% untuk M=4.

  15. Dynamic recovery and optical properties changes in He-implanted ZnO nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.-K.; Harriman, T.A.; Lucca, D.A.; Jung, H.S.; Ryan, D.B.; Nastasi, M.


    A study of the effects of ion-implanted He + on the photoluminescence (PL) of ZnO nanoparticles is presented. This investigation is motivated by the need to further understand the effects of damage resulting from the implantation process on the luminescence response of the nanoparticles. ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized by reacting zinc acetate with lithium hydroxide. The nanoparticle suspension was then dip coated on SiO 2 substrates producing thin films of ZnO nanoparticles, which were then implanted with He + ions at either room temperature or 400 deg. C. Following implantation, the PL spectrum of the ZnO nanoparticles was investigated and compared to that obtained from He-implanted bulk ZnO. Change in the overall luminescence efficiency was found to depend on both the size of the nanoparticles and the implantation temperature, and is attributed to the dynamic recovery of collision cascades in the ZnO nanoparticles. In addition, a comparison of He + -implanted ZnO nanoparticles with He + -implanted ZnO single crystals indicates that the origin of the green luminescence occurring from the ZnO nanoparticles is near-surface complex defects


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    Kemas Ridhuan


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan energi yang terus meningkat dan ketersediaan bahan bakar yang menipis memaksa manusia untuk mencari sumber alternative bahan bakar. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan suatu penelitian untuk memperoleh bahan bakar alternative yang dapat diperbarui seperti kulit durian, limbah kulit durian yang selama ini tidak termanfaatkan dengan baik, karena karakternya yang sukar terurai sehingga berpotensi menjadi salah satu limbah hayati yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Oleh karenanya diperlukan usaha untuk memanfaatkan sampah kulit durian sebagai bahan bakar alternative menggunakan metode pirolisis dan karbonisasi pada waktu penelitian ini dilakukan perlakuan yang sama untuk mengetahui perbedaanya. Pirolisis adalah proses dekomposisi suatu bahan pada suhu tinggi tanpa adanya udara atau dengan udara terbatas, sedangkan karbonisasi ialah proses pembakaran yang dilakukan  tanpa titik temperatur tertentu udara yang masuk tidak terbatas, tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses pirolisis dan karbonisasi pada sampah kulit durian terhadap nilai kalori yang dihasilkan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kampus II Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pirolisis dan karbonisasi, dalam proses pirolisis dengan menambahkan tabung pitot dan karbonisasi tanpa menggunakan tabung pitot. Hasil penelitian dengan metode pirolisis didapatkan temperatur tertinggi pada pitot sebesar 3980C pada menit ke 90 lamanya bahan bakar habis 90 menit dari 3 kg bahan baku menghasilkan arang 1 kg ( 33,33% dan dari 12 kg bahan bakar menyisakan arang 4 kg ( 33,33% dihasilkan nilai kalor sebesar 5609,453 Cal/gr, sedangkan pada penelitian dengan metode karbonisasi dihasilkan temperatur pada api sebesar 4430C pada menit ke 90 lamanya bahan bakar habis 90 menit dari 12 kg bahan baku menghasilkan arang 3,5 kg ( 29,16% pada proses karbonisasi menghasilkan nilai kalor sebesar 3418,9846 Cal/gr.

  17. Photoluminescence of Sequential Infiltration Synthesized ZnO nanostructures (United States)

    Ocola, Leonidas; Gosztola, David; Yanguas-Gil, Angel; Connolly, Aine

    We have investigated a variation of atomic layer deposition (ALD), called sequential infiltration synthesis (SiS), as an alternate method to incorporate ZnO and other oxides inside polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and other polymers. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) results show that we synthesize ZnO up to 300 nm inside a PMMA film. Photoluminescence data on a PMMA film shows that we achieve a factor of 400X increase in photoluminescence (PL) intensity when comparing a blank Si sample and a 270 nm thick PMMA film, where both were treated with the same 12 alternating cycles of H2O and diethyl zinc (DEZ). PMMA is a well-known ebeam resist. We can expose and develop patterns useful for photonics or sensing applications first, and then convert them afterwards into a hybrid polymer-oxide material. We show that patterning does indeed affect the photoluminescence signature of native ZnO. We demonstrate we can track the growth of the ZnO inside the PMMA polymer using both photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy and determine the point in the process where ZnO is first photoluminescent and also at which point ZnO first exhibits long range order in the polymer. This work was supported by the Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Use of the Center for Nanoscale Materials was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.


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    Juniar Doan Wihardono


    Full Text Available Peramalan beban merupakan suatu kegiatan untuk memperkirakan kondisi beban pada hari yang akan datang. Kondisi beban pada saat hari libur merupakan suatu fenomena yang sangat menarik untuk diketahui. Fenomena ini terjadi di Bali yaitu pada saat hari Raya Nyepi. Karena, kondisi beban pada hari Raya Nyepi akan mengalami penurunan yang sangat drastis. Kondisi tersebut perlu diketahui agar operasi sistem tenaga listrik dapat berjalan secara optimal. Metode peramalan beban pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Generalized Regression Neural Nework (GRNN yang dibandingkan dengan metode Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN. Data pada proses peramalan menggunakan data beban puncak harian pada hari libur di Bali antara tahun 2010 sampai 2014. Pemilihan data difokuskan pada data beban puncak pada 5 hari sebelum hari libur (h-4 sampai hari libur (h. Metode GRNN menghasilkan Mean Square Error (MSE sebesar 0.020089 dan Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE sebesar 2.01%. sedangkan metode RBFNN menghasilkan MSE sebesar 0.022757 dan MAPE sebesar 2,28%.


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    Sendhy Rachmat Wurdianarto


    Full Text Available Perkembangan ilmu pada dunia komputer sangatlah pesat. Salah satu yang menandai hal ini adalah ilmu komputer telah merambah pada dunia biometrik. Arti biometrik sendiri adalah karakter-karakter manusia yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan antara orang yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Salah satu pemanfaatan karakter / organ tubuh pada setiap manusia yang digunakan untuk identifikasi (pengenalan adalah dengan memanfaatkan wajah. Dari permasalahan diatas dalam pengenalan lebih tentang aplikasi Matlab pada Face Recognation menggunakan metode Euclidean Distance dan Canberra Distance. Model pengembangan aplikasi yang digunakan adalah model waterfall. Model waterfall beriisi rangkaian aktivitas proses yang disajikan dalam proses analisa kebutuhan, desain menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Language, inputan objek gambar diproses menggunakan Euclidean Distance dan Canberra Distance. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah aplikasi face Recognation menggunakan metode euclidean Distance dan Canverra Distance terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Untuk kedepannya aplikasi tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan menggunakan objek berupa video ataupun objek lainnya.   Kata kunci : Euclidean Distance, Face Recognition, Biometrik, Canberra Distance



    Awal Isgiyanto


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan informasi diagnostik dari kesalahan jawaban peserta pada Ujian Nasional (UN) Matematika. Informasi diagnostik yang ditemukan meli-puti atribut yang mendasari butir soal, ketidaktuntasan atribut, dan jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh peserta. Penelitian ini merupakan diagnosis post-hoc, yang digambarkan sebagai pende-katan retrofitting. Analisis butir soal dan respons butir pada UN mata pelajaran matematika untuk menemukan informasi diag-nostik pada k...

  1. Aktivitas Protease Dari Bacillus circulans Pada Media Pertumbuhan Dengan pH Tidak Terkontrol

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    La Ode Sumarlin


    Full Text Available Salah satu enzim yang telah banyak dipelajari adalah enzim protease. Jenis enzim inimerupakan enzim yang penting dari segi ekonomi karena menguasai 59% dari total penjualanenzim di dunia. Aplikasi protese telah meluas, baik pada industri pangan maupun nonpangan.Industri pangan memanfaatkan protease untuk memperbaiki tekstur, mempersingkat waktupencampuran, dan meningkatkan volume adonan pada pembuatan roti, menjernihkan bir,mengempukkan daging, dan menggumpalkan susu. Enzim ini dapat dproduksi oleh mikrobadalam suatu media mengandung Air Rendaman Kedelai (ARK dengan pH tidak terkontrol.Pengukuran aktivitas enzim menggunakan metode Bergmeyer dan Grassl sedangkan kadarprotein ditentukan dengan metode Bradford. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa AktivitasProtease (AP pada media Air Rendaman Kedelai dan media standar dengan pH tidakterkontrol masing-masing sebesar 0,1814 U/ml dan 0,0342 U/ml. Produksi protease pada mediatersebut optimum pada pH 9,28, jam ke-56 pada fase akhir eksponensial dari fase pertumbuhanmikroba.

  2. Enhanced antimicrobial activity in biosynthesized ZnO nanoparticles (United States)

    Kumari, Niraj; Kumari, Priti; Jha, Anal K.; Prasad, K.


    Biological synthesis of different metallic and/or oxide nanoparticles and their applications especially in agriculture and biomedical sciences are gaining prominence nowadays due to their handy and reproducible synthetic protocols which are cost-effective and eco-friendly. In this work, green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using the alcoholic extract of Azadirachta indica as a reducing and stabilizing agent has been presented. Formation of ZnO NPs was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. The phytochemicals responsible for nano-transformation were principally alkaloids, flavanoids, terpenoids, tannins and organic acids present in the Azadirachta indica leaves. The synthesized ZnO NPs were used for antimicrobial assays by disc diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Results showed that ZnO NPs may act as antimicrobial agent especially against skin infections.

  3. Ultraviolet photosensors fabricated with Ag nanowires coated with ZnO nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shen, Guan-Hung [Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); Hong, Franklin Chau-Nan, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); Center for Micro/Nano Science and Technology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); NCKU Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China)


    We have developed a simple low temperature process to coat zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs) on Ag nanowires (NWs) with well-controlled morphology. Triethanolamine (TEA) was employed to react with zinc acetate (Zn(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 2}) forming ZnO NPs. TEA was also found to enhance the nucleation and binding of ZnO NPs on the Ag nanowire surfaces facilitating a complete coverage of Ag nanowire surfaces with ZnO NPs. The effects of the process parameters including reaction time and reaction temperature were studied. The surfaces of 60 nm diameter Ag NWs could be completely covered with ZnO NPs with the final diameters of Ag-NWs@ZnO (core–shell NWs) turning into the range from 100 nm to 450 nm. The Ag-NWs@ZnO was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray mapping analysis, X-ray diffraction, and photoluminescence spectra. Finally, ultraviolet (UV) photosensors were fabricated using Ag-NWs@ZnO. They were found to improve photosensitivity with greatly enhanced fast response by reducing the recovery time by 2 orders, in comparison with the UV-sensors using single-crystalline ZnO NWs. - Highlights: • Solution process to coat ZnO nanoparticles on Ag nanowires has been developed. • Ultraviolet photosensing of ZnO nanoparticles coated on the Ag nanowires was found. • High defect concentration of ZnO nanoparticles enhanced the photosensing properties.

  4. Dominant ultraviolet-blue photoluminescence of ZnO embedded into synthetic opal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abrarov, S.M.; Yuldashev, Sh.U.; Kim, T.W.; Lee, S.B.; Kwon, H.Y.; Kang, T.W.


    The temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) characteristics of zinc oxide (ZnO) embedded into the voids of synthetic opal were studied. ZnO was infiltrated into opal from aqueous solution with zinc nitrate precursor followed by thermal annealing. The PL spectra of the ZnO powder exhibit very high and broad emission peaks in the green region due to crystal defects, such as oxygen vacancies and zinc ion interstitials. In contrast to the PL spectra of ZnO powder, nanocrystals of ZnO embedded into the voids of FCC packed opal matrix exhibit dominant ultraviolet (UV)-blue and rapidly decreasing green PL emissions with decreasing temperature. The temperature-dependent PL characteristics show that the green band suppression in the ZnO nanocrystals is due to the influence of photonic crystal. The infiltration of nanoparticles into synthetic opal may be used for the fabrication of polycrystalline ZnO with dominant UV-blue PL. These results indicate that the luminescent materials embedded into photonic crystal may be promising for the fabrication of the RGB pixels in full-color displays

  5. Degradation of Paraquat in Gramoxone Pesticide with Addition of ZnO

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    Febrina Arfi


    Full Text Available Paraquat is the most toxic herbicide, the main agricultural crops and plantations that use them are cloves, cocoa, oil palm, rubber, coffee, and pepper. Therefore, it is necessary to study to degrade paraquat compounds by photolysis method with using ZnO. Photolysis is a process of UV irradiation with a wavelength of 200-400 nm. In this study Photolysis method used UV light with λ = 365 nm. Degradation of paraquat compound was done with the influence of variation of time without the addition ZnO, the influence of ZnO additional variations, and the effect of combination between variations of time and optimization of ZnO addition. The result of the study shows that photolysis degradation product without the addition of ZnO for 120 minutes has been degraded by 12.56%. While the optimum addition of 0.1 grams ZnO increased the percentage of degradation which is about 57.64%. This is proved that the addition of ZnO with photolysis method can degrade more paraquat compounds.

  6. Influence Al doped ZnO nanostructure on structural and optical properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramelan, Ari Handono; Wahyuningsih, Sayekti; Chasanah, Uswatul; Munawaroh, Hanik


    The preparation of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) thin films prepared by the spin-coating method was reported. Preparation of AZO was conducted by annealing treatment at a temperature of 700°C. While the spin-coating process of AZO thin films were done at 2000 and 3000 rpm respectively. The structural properties of ZnO were determined by X- ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. ZnOnanostructure was formed after annealed at atemperature of 400°C.The morphology of ZnO was determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed the irregular morphology about 30-50µm in size. Al doped on ZnO influenced the optical properties of those material. Increasing Al contain on ZnO cause of shifting to the lower wavelength. The optical properties of the ZnO as well as AZO films showed that higher reflectance on the ultraviolet region so those materials were used as anti-reflecting agent.Al addition significantly enhance the optical transparency and induce the blue-shift in optical bandgap of ZnO films.

  7. Biomarker Prediktor Kejadian Poliuria pada Resipien Pascatransplantasi Ginjal


    Angling Yunanto; Arry Rodjani


    Poliuria pada resipien pascatransplantasi ginjal merupakan kondisi yang sering terjadi dan berpotensi menimbulkan komplikasi fatal apabila berlangsung secara masif, terus menerus, dan tanpa pengawasanyang ketat. Studi literatur ini dibuat agar dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai biomarker apa yang dapatdigunakan sebagai prediktor kejadian poliuria pada resipien pascatransplantasi ginjal dan apakah biomarkertersebut dapat dipergunakan di RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Studi literatur ini d...

  8. Faktor-Faktor Brand Loyalty Smartphone pada Generasi Y


    Tirta Angela; Nurlaila Effendi


    Brand loyalty terhadap smartphone merupakan bentuk perilaku pembelian berulang yang dilakukan konsumen terhadap suatu merek smartphone yang sama. Brand loyalty merupakan suatu fenomena penting bagi industri. Generasi Y merupakan sasaran penelitian ini karena berkarakteristik sebagai techno-generation yang akan menjadi pimpinan pasar pada masa depan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi brand loyalty terhadap smartphone, pada generasi Y. Teknik sampling...

  9. High efficient ZnO nanowalnuts photocatalyst: A case study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Feng [College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang 157011 (China); College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025 (China); Zhang, Siwen; Liu, Yang [College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025 (China); Liu, Hongfeng [School of Basic Medical Sciences, Mudanjiang Medical University, Mudanjiang 157011 (China); Qu, Fengyu [College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025 (China); Cai, Xue, E-mail: [College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang 157011 (China); Wu, Xiang, E-mail: [College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025 (China)


    Highlights: • Walnut-like ZnO nanostructures are synthesized through a facile hydrothermal method. • Morphologies and microstructures of the as-obtained ZnO products were investigated. • The photocatalytic results demonstrate that methyl orange (MO) aqueous solution can be degraded over 97% after 45 min under UV light irradiation. - Abstract: Walnut-like ZnO nanostructures are successfully synthesized through a facile hydrothermal method. The structure and morphology of the as-synthesized products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The photocatalytic properties of ZnO nanowalnuts are investigated by photodegradating several organic dyes, such as Congo red (CR), methyl orange (MO) and eosin red aqueous solutions under UV irradiation, respectively. The results demonstrate that methyl orange (MO) aqueous solution can be degraded over 97% after 45 min under UV light irradiation. In addition, eosin red and Congo red (CR) aqueous solution degradation experiments are also conducted in the same condition, respectively. It showed that ZnO nanowalnuts represent high photocatalytic activities with a degradation efficiency of 87% for CR with 115 min of irradiation and 97% for eosin red with 55 min of irradiation. The reported ZnO products may be promising candidates as the photocatalysts in waste water treatment.

  10. High efficient ZnO nanowalnuts photocatalyst: A case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, Feng; Zhang, Siwen; Liu, Yang; Liu, Hongfeng; Qu, Fengyu; Cai, Xue; Wu, Xiang


    Highlights: • Walnut-like ZnO nanostructures are synthesized through a facile hydrothermal method. • Morphologies and microstructures of the as-obtained ZnO products were investigated. • The photocatalytic results demonstrate that methyl orange (MO) aqueous solution can be degraded over 97% after 45 min under UV light irradiation. - Abstract: Walnut-like ZnO nanostructures are successfully synthesized through a facile hydrothermal method. The structure and morphology of the as-synthesized products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The photocatalytic properties of ZnO nanowalnuts are investigated by photodegradating several organic dyes, such as Congo red (CR), methyl orange (MO) and eosin red aqueous solutions under UV irradiation, respectively. The results demonstrate that methyl orange (MO) aqueous solution can be degraded over 97% after 45 min under UV light irradiation. In addition, eosin red and Congo red (CR) aqueous solution degradation experiments are also conducted in the same condition, respectively. It showed that ZnO nanowalnuts represent high photocatalytic activities with a degradation efficiency of 87% for CR with 115 min of irradiation and 97% for eosin red with 55 min of irradiation. The reported ZnO products may be promising candidates as the photocatalysts in waste water treatment

  11. ZnO Thin Film Electronics for More than Displays (United States)

    Ramirez, Jose Israel

    Zinc oxide thin film transistors (TFTs) are investigated in this work for large-area electronic applications outside of display technology. A constant pressure, constant flow, showerhead, plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) process has been developed to fabricate high mobility TFTs and circuits on rigid and flexible substrates at 200 °C. ZnO films and resulting devices prepared by PEALD and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) have been compared. Both PEALD and PLD ZnO films result in densely packed, polycrystalline ZnO thin films that were used to make high performance devices. PEALD ZnO TFTs deposited at 300 °C have a field-effect mobility of ˜ 40 cm2/V-s (and > 20 cm2/V-S deposited at 200 °C). PLD ZnO TFTs, annealed at 400 °C, have a field-effect mobility of > 60 cm2/V-s (and up to 100 cm2/V-s). Devices, prepared by either technique, show high gamma-ray radiation tolerance of up to 100 Mrad(SiO2) with only a small radiation-induced threshold voltage shift (VT ˜ -1.5 V). Electrical biasing during irradiation showed no enhanced radiation-induced effects. The study of the radiation effects as a function of material stack thicknesses revealed the majority of the radiation-induced charge collection happens at the semiconductor-passivation interface. A simple sheet-charge model at that interface can describe the radiation-induced charge in ZnO TFTs. By taking advantage of the substrate-agnostic process provided by PEALD, due to its low-temperature and excellent conformal coatings, ZnO electronics were monolithically integrated with thin-film complex oxides. Application-based examples where ZnO electronics provide added functionality to complex oxide-based devices are presented. In particular, the integration of arrayed lead zirconate titanate (Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 or PZT) thin films with ZnO electronics for microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) and deformable mirrors is demonstrated. ZnO switches can provide voltage to PZT capacitors with fast charging and slow

  12. Photochemical events during photosensitization of colloidal ZnO ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The photosensitization of colloidal ZnO nanoparticles with riboflavin (RF) was investigated using absorption, fluorescence spectroscopic measurements and time resolved fluorescence measurements. Riboflavin adsorbed strongly on the surface of ZnO nanoparticles. Apparent association constant was obtained from the ...

  13. Radio-frequency magnetron sputtering and wet thermal oxidation of ZnO thin film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, H. F.; Chua, S. J.; Hu, G. X.; Gong, H.; Xiang, N.


    The authors studied the growth and wet thermal oxidation (WTO) of ZnO thin films using a radio-frequency magnetron sputtering technique. X-ray diffraction reveals a preferred orientation of [1010]ZnO(0002)//[1120]Al 2 O 3 (0002) coexisted with a small amount of ZnO (1011) and ZnO (1013) crystals on the Al 2 O 3 (0001) substrate. The ZnO (1011) and ZnO (1013) crystals, as well as the in-plane preferred orientation, are absent from the growth of ZnO on the GaAs(001) substrate. WTO at 550 deg. C improves the crystalline and the photoluminescence more significantly than annealing in air, N 2 and O 2 ambient; it also tends to convert the crystal from ZnO (1011) and ZnO (1013) to ZnO (0002). The evolution of the photoluminescence upon WTO and annealing reveals that the green and orange emissions, centered at 520 and 650 nm, are likely originated from oxygen vacancies and oxygen interstitials, respectively; while the 420 nm emission, which is very sensitive to the postgrowth thermal processing regardless of the substrate and the ambient gas, is likely originated from the surface-state related defects

  14. Peningkatan Karakteristik Traksi Pada Mobil Formula Sapuangin Speed 3

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    Nursaid Eko Wibowo


    Full Text Available Melihat hasil Student Formula Japan 2015, capaian dynamict event dari ITS team sapuangin sangatlah kurang. Pada dynamic event yang meliputi: acceleration, skidpad, autocross dan endurance ITS team Sapuangin hanya mengikuti 2 event. Catatan hasil waktu yang diperoleh juga sangatlah kurang, rata-rata terpaut 7 second sampai 10 second dari para juara. Hal ini menunjukkan kurangnya kemampuan mobil untuk bermanuver. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah kinerja dari kendaraan dimana gaya dorong/traksi sebagai parameter. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan peningkatan karakteristik traksi pada mobil formula Sapuangin Speed 3 yang menggunakan mesin husaberg 450 cc dengan 6 tingkat kecepatan. Langkah pertama harus mengetahui karakteristik mesin husaberg 450cc, kemudian dilakukan analisa untuk memilih parameter yang tepat. Setelah itu ditentukan rancangan peningkatan traksi kendaraan yaitu dengan cara merubah final drive dan diameter velg serta perancangan rasio transmisi ulang apabila diperlukan. Selain itu dilakukan juga analisa traksi saat belok yang berhubungan dengan pengaruh pemakaian Limitted Slip Differential (LSD pada mobil sapuangin speed 3 terhadap radius belok lintasan. Dari hasil penelitian, untuk meningkatkan karakteristik  transmisi tanpa mengubah rasio dipilih mengganti sprocket menjadi 56 dan  velg 13 dengan estimasi waktu tempuh akselerasi 4.63 s. Sedangkan untuk meningkatkan karakteristik traksi dengan mengubah rasio mobil sapuangin speed 3 dipilih menggunakan sprocket 52, velg 15, dengan 7 tingkat kecepatan, estimasi waktu tempuh akselerasi 4.16 second dengan penambahan negative wing pada bagian belakang untuk melawan spin. Untuk pengaruh pemakaian LSD pada mobil mengakibatkan mobil susah dikendalikan dan cenderung merugikan, torsi/putaran roda dalam dan roda luar cenderung sama ketika belok, namun pada kenyataanya kebutuhan torsi/putaran roda berbeda.

  15. Characterization of Mn doped ZnO nanopowder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlenker, Eva; Bakin, Andrey; Al-Suleiman, Mohamed; Wehmann, Hergo-Heinrich; Waag, Andreas [Institute of Semiconductor Technology, TU Braunschweig (Germany); Schmid, Herbert; Mader, Werner [Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, University Bonn (Germany); Bremers, Heiko; Hangleiter, Andreas [Institute of Applied Physics, TU Braunschweig (Germany)


    In the quest of materials for spintronic applications, diluted magnetic semiconductors recently attracted much attention. The main challenge is finding a ferromagnetic material with Curie temperature T{sub c}>300 K whose magnetic properties can be controlled electrically. The interest was particularly focused on Zn(TM)O since theoretical calculations predict that ZnO containing Mn could exhibit ferromagnetism with T{sub c} above room temperature. In the present study, the structural and magnetic properties of Mn doped ZnO nanopowder are investigated and compared to undoped ZnO crystals. Doping of ZnO with Mn results in increased lattice constants as revealed by XRD. However, an inhomogeneous distribution of the Mn dopants within the nanopowder was revealed by energy-dispersive X-ray and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Magnetic properties are investigated by means of SQUID measurements on aggregates of powder particles as well as by MFM to study the behavior of single grains. The MFM image differs significantly from the topography as imaged by AFM and suggests the existence of long-ranging magnetic signals emerging from the sample.

  16. ZnO nanostructures induced by microwave plasma

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    Khaled A. Elsayed


    Full Text Available Microwave induced hydrogen plasma is used to fabricate ZnO thin films at low ambient gas pressure and controlled oxygen content in the gas mixture. The emission spectra have been observed. Optical emission spectroscopy was used to identify the chemical reaction mechanism. Structural quality of the so-obtained nanoparticles was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD and high resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM. SEM results showed that nanorods were formed in the process, and XRD results along with nanorod dimensions obtained from SEM are consistent with the formation of single and poly-crystalline ZnO nanorods. The alignment of these nanorods with respect to the substrates depends on the lattice mismatch between ZnO and the glass substrate. The minimum crystallite grain size as obtained from the SEM measurements was ∼24 nm and the average diameter is 70 nm with a length of 1–2 μm. The deposited ZnO thin films have a wide energy band gap that equals ∼3 eV.


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    Rudi Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Teknologi Wireless Network sudah lama ditemukan dan seiring waktu juga mengalami perkembangan, Namun sifat teknologi ini menggantungkan diri pada infrastruktur jaringan yang ada. Hal ini bias menjadi kelemahan tersendiri saat kondisi infrastruktur jaringan sedang mengalami gangguan, karena setiap komunikasi yang melewati infrastruktur jaringan tersebut tidak akan sampai pada tujuan. Teknologi jaringan Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET diciptakan sebagai antisipasi jika infrastruktur jaringan sedang mengalami gangguan. Dengan jaringan MANET sistem komunikasi yang dilakukan tidak membutuhkan infrastruktur jaringan karena tiap node pada jaringan tersebut bersifat mobile. Untuk menguji kemampuan MANET, pada penelitian ini akan menerapkan File Transfer Protocol (FTP sebagai media untuk melakukan komunikasi data file transfer yang diimplementasi pada jaringan MANET. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa File Transfer dapat berfungsi dengan baik saat diterapkan pada jaringan MANET.

  18. Analisis Ripple Masukan Dan Keluaran PWM AC Chopper 3-Fasa Pada Beban Motor Induksi 3-Fasa


    Luthfi, Muhamad; Dachlan, Harry Soekotjo; Wijono, Wijono


    Penggunaan chopper dalam sistem kelistrikan akan menimbulkan ripple pada tegangan keluarannya. Kebanyakan ripple difahami terbangkit pada sisi output. Pada penelitian ini ripple pada sisi input juga dianalisis. Disamping ripple, penggunaan chopper akan membangkitkan harmonisa yang akan menimbulkan rugirugi. Untuk memperkecil rugi-rugi tersebut, pada sisi input maupun output perlu dipasang filter LC. Penentuan nilai komponen filter ini dipengaruhi oleh ripple yang timbul. Dengan mengetahui m...

  19. Removable Watermarking Sebagai Pengendalian Terhadap Cyber Crime Pada Audio Digital

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    Reyhani Lian Putri


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat menuntut penggunanya untuk lebih berhati-hati seiring semakin meningkatnya cyber crime.Banyak pihak telah mengembangkan berbagai teknik perlindungan data digital, salah satunya adalah watermarking. Teknologi watermarking berfungsi untuk memberikan identitas, melindungi, atau menandai data digital, baik audio, citra, ataupun video, yang mereka miliki. Akan tetapi, teknik tersebut masih dapat diretas oleh oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab.Pada penelitian ini, proses watermarking diterapkan pada audio digital dengan menyisipkan watermark yang terdengar jelas oleh indera pendengaran manusia (perceptible pada audio host.Hal ini bertujuan agar data audio dapat terlindungi dan apabila ada pihak lain yang ingin mendapatkan data audio tersebut harus memiliki “kunci” untuk menghilangkan watermark. Proses removable watermarking ini dilakukan pada data watermark yang sudah diketahui metode penyisipannya, agar watermark dapat dihilangkan sehingga kualitas audio menjadi lebih baik. Dengan menggunakan metode ini diperoleh kinerja audio watermarking pada nilai distorsi tertinggi dengan rata-rata nilai SNR sebesar7,834 dB dan rata-rata nilai ODG sebesar -3,77.Kualitas audio meningkat setelah watermark dihilangkan, di mana rata-rata SNR menjadi sebesar 24,986 dB dan rata-rata ODG menjadi sebesar -1,064 serta nilai MOS sebesar 4,40.

  20. Photoluminescence quenching and enhanced spin relaxation in Fe doped ZnO nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ovhal, Manoj M.; Santhosh Kumar, A. [Department of Materials Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Girinagar, Pune 411025 (India); Khullar, Prerna [School of Materials Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi 221005 (India); Kumar, Manjeet [Department of Materials Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Girinagar, Pune 411025 (India); Abhyankar, A.C., E-mail: [Department of Materials Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Girinagar, Pune 411025 (India)


    Cost-effective ultrasonically assisted precipitation method is utilized to synthesize Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs) at room temperature and the effect of Iron (Fe) doping on structural, optical and spin relaxation properties also presented. As-synthesized pure and Fe doped ZnO NPs possess a perfect hexagonal growth habit of wurtzite zinc oxide, along the (101) direction of preference. With Fe doping, ‘c/a’ ratio and compressive lattice strain in ZnO NPs are found to reduce and increase, respectively. Raman studies demonstrate that the E{sub 1} longitudinal optical (LO) vibrational mode is very weak in pure which remarkably enhanced with Fe doping into ZnO NPs. The direct band gap energy (E{sub g}) of the ZnO NPs has been increased from 3.02 eV to 3.11 eV with Fe doping. A slight red-shift observed with strong green emission band, in photoluminescence spectra, is strongly quenched in 6 wt.% Fe doped ZnO NPs. The field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals spherical shape of ZnO NPs with 60–70 nm, which reduces substantially on Fe doping. The energy dispersive X-ray spectrum and elemental mapping confirms the homogeneous distribution of Fe in ZnO NPs. Moreover, the specific relaxation rate (R{sub 2sp} = 1/T{sub 2}) has been measured using Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) method and found to be maximum in 6 wt.% Fe doped ZnO NPs. Further, the correlation of structural, optical and dynamic properties is proposed. - Highlights: • Pure ZnO and Fe doped ZnO NPs were successfully prepared by cost effective ultrasonically assisted precipitation method. • The optical band gap of ZnO has been enhanced form 3.02–3.11 eV with Fe doping. • PL quenching behaviour has been observed with Fe{sup 3+} ions substitution in ZnO lattice. • Specific relaxation rate (R{sub 2sp} = 1/T{sub 2}) has been varied with Fe doping and found to be maximum in 6 wt.% Fe doped ZnO NPs.

  1. Tuning magnetism by biaxial strain in native ZnO. (United States)

    Peng, Chengxiao; Wang, Yuanxu; Cheng, Zhenxiang; Zhang, Guangbiao; Wang, Chao; Yang, Gui


    Magnetic ZnO, one of the most important diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS), has attracted great scientific interest because of its possible technological applications in optomagnetic devices. Magnetism in this material is usually delicately tuned by the doping level, dislocations, and local structures. The rational control of magnetism in ZnO is a highly attractive approach for practical applications. Here, the tuning effect of biaxial strain on the d(0) magnetism of native imperfect ZnO is demonstrated through first-principles calculations. Our calculation results show that strain conditions have little effect on the defect formation energy of Zn and O vacancies in ZnO, but they do affect the magnetism significantly. For a cation vacancy, increasing the compressive strain will obviously decrease its magnetic moment, while tensile strain cannot change the moment, which remains constant at 2 μB. For a singly charged anion vacancy, however, the dependence of the magnetic moment on strain is opposite to that of the Zn vacancy. Furthermore, the ferromagnetic state is always present, irrespective of the strain type, for ZnO with two zinc vacancies, 2VZns. A large tensile strain is favorable for improving the Curie temperature and realizing room temperature ferromagnetism for ZnO-based native semiconductors. For ZnO with two singly charged oxygen vacancies, 2Vs, no ferromagnetic ordering can be observed. Our work points the way to the rational design of materials beyond ZnO with novel non-intrinsic functionality by simply tuning the strain in a thin film form.


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    Imam Taufik


    Full Text Available Penggunaan pestisida merupakan salah satu sumber pencemar yang potensial bagi sumberdaya dan lingkungan perairan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran pestisida pada lahan perikanan budidaya di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian diawali dengan penentuan lokasi, dilanjutkan dengan pengambilan contoh (air, sedimen, biota air, preparasi, identifikasi, dan analisis data, serta pelaporan. Analisis contoh menggunakan alat Gas Chromatograph (GC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lahan perikanan air tawar di daerah Sukabumi terdapat residu pestisida dari golongan organoklorin, organofosfat, piretroid, dan karbamat dengan konsentrasi di bawah Batas Maksimal Residu (BMR. Jenis dan konsentrasi residu pestisida tersebut yang terbesar terdapat pada ikan, kemudian di dalam tanah dan yang terakhir adalah dalam air.

  3. Sparking deposited ZnO nanoparticles as double-layered photoelectrode in ZnO dye-sensitized solar cell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hongsith, Kritsada [Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 (Thailand); Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP center), CHE, Bangkok 10400 (Thailand); Hongsith, Niyom [Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP center), CHE, Bangkok 10400 (Thailand); School of Science, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000 (Thailand); Wongratanaphisan, Duangmanee; Gardchareon, Atcharawon; Phadungdhitidhada, Surachet [Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 (Thailand); Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP center), CHE, Bangkok 10400 (Thailand); Singjai, Pisith [Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 (Thailand); Choopun, Supab, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 (Thailand); Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP center), CHE, Bangkok 10400 (Thailand)


    The semiconducting layers of ZnO nanoparticles (ZN), ZnO powder (ZP) and ZnO nanopowder (ZNP) were designed and fabricated for double-layered semiconducting photoelectrode in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The under-layer was ZN, which was prepared by simple and cost-effective sparking technique onto F-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass substrate and its thickness was controlled by number of sparking cycles for 0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 rounds under atmospheric pressure. Then, ZP or ZNP was screened on to ZN to form double-layered photoelectrode. Here, the DSSC structures were FTO/double-layered ZnO/Eosin Y/electrolyte/Pt counterelectrode. The best results of DSSCs were observed with J{sub sc} of 4.71 mA/cm{sup 2} and 5.56 mA/cm{sup 2} and photoconversion efficiency of 1.11% and 1.14% at 50 sparking cycles for ZP and ZNP over-layers, respectively. The efficiency enhancement can be explained by combination effects of electron and light scattering. Moreover, the modified equation of short circuit current density was developed and effectively used to explain the efficiency enhancement. - Highlights: • Effect of under-layer thickness is investigated. • Simple and cost-effective sparking technique is used for ZnO nanoparticles. • Efficiency enhancement can be explained by both electron and light scattering. • Modified equation of short circuit current density was developed for enhancement.

  4. Sparking deposited ZnO nanoparticles as double-layered photoelectrode in ZnO dye-sensitized solar cell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hongsith, Kritsada; Hongsith, Niyom; Wongratanaphisan, Duangmanee; Gardchareon, Atcharawon; Phadungdhitidhada, Surachet; Singjai, Pisith; Choopun, Supab


    The semiconducting layers of ZnO nanoparticles (ZN), ZnO powder (ZP) and ZnO nanopowder (ZNP) were designed and fabricated for double-layered semiconducting photoelectrode in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The under-layer was ZN, which was prepared by simple and cost-effective sparking technique onto F-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass substrate and its thickness was controlled by number of sparking cycles for 0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 rounds under atmospheric pressure. Then, ZP or ZNP was screened on to ZN to form double-layered photoelectrode. Here, the DSSC structures were FTO/double-layered ZnO/Eosin Y/electrolyte/Pt counterelectrode. The best results of DSSCs were observed with J sc of 4.71 mA/cm 2 and 5.56 mA/cm 2 and photoconversion efficiency of 1.11% and 1.14% at 50 sparking cycles for ZP and ZNP over-layers, respectively. The efficiency enhancement can be explained by combination effects of electron and light scattering. Moreover, the modified equation of short circuit current density was developed and effectively used to explain the efficiency enhancement. - Highlights: • Effect of under-layer thickness is investigated. • Simple and cost-effective sparking technique is used for ZnO nanoparticles. • Efficiency enhancement can be explained by both electron and light scattering. • Modified equation of short circuit current density was developed for enhancement

  5. Tata Laksana Non Imunosupresan Sindrom Nefrotik pada Anak

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sudung Oloan Pardede


    Full Text Available Sindrom nefrotik adalah keadaan klinis yang terdiri atas proteinuria masif, hipo­albuminemia (< 2,5 g/dL, edema, dan hiperkolesterolemia. Terapi utama sindrom nefrotik adalah imunosupresan terutama kortikosteroid. Pada sindrom nefrotik relaps sering atau dependen steroid, dan sindrom nefrotik resisten steroid, selain steroid diberikan juga imunosupresan lain seperti siklofosfamid, siklosporin, mikofenolat mofetil, takrolimus, atau pun levamisol. Selain pemberian imunosupresan diperlukan terapi suportif, yang meliputi terapi diitetik,  tata laksana edema, hipertensi, hipovolemia, trombosis, hiperlipidemia, dan infeksi. Tata laksana diitetik terdiri atas kalori yang adekuat, protein sesuai recommended daily allowance, lemak low saturated, dan rendah garam. Komposisi zat gizi yang dianjurkan terdiri atas 10-14% protein; 40-50% lemak poly- dan monounsaturated, 40-50% karbohidrat. Tata laksana  edema terdiri atas restriksi cairan, pemberian diuretik, dan infus albumin jika perlu. Infeksi yang sering terjadi pada sindrom nefrotik adalah selulitis peritonitis, dan pneumonia yang diterapi dengan antibiotik sefotaksim, seftriakson, ko-amoksiklav. Antihipertensi yang digunakan pada anak umumnya diuretik, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, (amblodipin, nifedipin, isradipin, alpha-symphatetic agents, beta blockers dan vasodilator. Aktivitas fisik tidak perlu dibatasi, dan pada edema ringan atau tidak berat tidak perlu dilarang pergi ke sekolah

  6. Whistleblowing dalam Tekanan Ketaatan dan Kepercayaan pada Pimpinan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vania Yunita Setianto


      Tekanan yang diberikan oleh manajer kepada karyawan untuk melakukan tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perusahaan, menyebabkan adanya ketegangan yang terjadi dalam diri karyawan. Ketegangan terjadi karena perintah yang diberikan secara langsung oleh manajer tidak sesuai dengan nilai atau moral yang dipegang. Ketika karyawan memilih untuk melaporkan tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan nilai atau moral yang dianutnya, maka karyawan dapat melaporkan tindakan tersebut kepada manajemen senior. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti potensi seorang karyawan untuk melakukan tindakan whistleblowing apabila berhadapan dengan kondisi tekanan ketaatan dan kepercayaan pada pimpinan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana dengan subjek mahasiswa S1 akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis. Penelitian ini menguji potensi tindakan whistleblowing oleh karyawandalam  keadaan tekanan ketaatan dan kepercayaan pada pimpinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental 2x2 between subject dengan total 69 subjek mahasiswa yang berperan sebagai karyawan menghasilkan 60 data siap olah. Perlakuan diberikan dalam bentuk tekanan ketaatan (tinggi dan rendah dan kepercayaan pada pimpinan (tinggi dan rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa grup yang mendapatkan perlakuan tekanan ketaatan tinggi dan kepercayaan pada pimpinan yang tinggi pula maka memperbesar potensi seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan whistleblowing.

  7. Pengaruh Perebusan, Penggaraman Dan Penjemuran Pada Udang Dan Cumi Terhadap Pembentukan 7 Ketokolesterol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudi Riyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian pengaruh perebusan, penggaraman dan penjemuran pada udang dan cumi terhadap pembentukan 7‑ketokolesterol telah dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini, udang dan cumi masing ­masing dibagi dalam dua kelompok. Pada kelompok pertama diberikan perlakuan perebusan dalam air, dan pada kelompok kedua diberikan perlakuan perebusan dalam air garam (3% air garam untuk udang dan 20% air garam untuk cumi. Setelah perebusan, dilakukan pengeringan di bawah matahari (udang dikupas dahulu sebelum dijemur. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat kondisi segar, setelah direbus dan setelah dijemur. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kandungan 7‑ketokolesterol, kolesterol, nilai TBA, dan kadar air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perebusan, penggaraman dan penjemuran berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan 7‑ketokolesterol sampai konsentrasi 20,82 ppm pada udang dan 15,05 ppm pada cumi sebagai konsentrasi tertinggi produk hasil oksidasi kolesterol yang terbentuk. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bukti bahwa pemanasan (perebusan dan penjemuran, serta penggaraman berpengaruh dalam proses oksidasi kolesterol pada udang dan cumi.





    ÖZETMaksillofasiyal protezlerin başarısında estetik kadar retansiyonunun sağlanmasının da büyük etkisi vardır. Maksillofasiyal protezleri istenilen pozisyonda tutabilmek için çeşitli adeziv sistemleri vardır. Bunlar, akrilik reçine adezivler, silikon adezivler ve basınca duyarlı banttır. Günümüzde en yaygın olarak kullanılan maksillofasiyal protez materyalleri silikon elastomerleridir. Uygun adezivin seçimi, protetik materyale ve uygulanacağı dokuya bağlıdır. Maksillofasiyal protez adezivleri...

  9. Variable range hopping in ZnO films (United States)

    Ali, Nasir; Ghosh, Subhasis


    We report the variable range hopping in ZnO films grown by RF magnetron sputtering in different argon and oxygen partial pressure. It has been found that Mott variable range hopping dominant over Efros variable range hopping in all ZnO films. It also has been found that hopping distance and energy increases with increasing oxygen partial pressure.

  10. Defect studies in annealed ZnO by positron annihilation spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanyal, D; Roy, Tapatee Kundu; Chakrabarti, Mahuya; Dechoudhury, Siddhartha; Bhowmick, Debasis; Chakrabarti, Alok [Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700064 (India)


    Coincidence Doppler broadening of the positron annihilation technique has been employed to identify the defects in thermally annealed 'as-received' ZnO and thermally annealed ball-milled nanocrystalline ZnO. Results indicate that a significant amount of oxygen vacancy has been created in ZnO due to annealing at about 500 deg. C and above. The results also indicate that the Zn vacancy created during the ball milling process can be easily removed by annealing the sample at about 500 deg. C and above. The defect characterization has also been correlated with the magnetic properties of ZnO.

  11. Defect studies in annealed ZnO by positron annihilation spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanyal, D; Roy, Tapatee Kundu; Chakrabarti, Mahuya; Dechoudhury, Siddhartha; Bhowmick, Debasis; Chakrabarti, Alok


    Coincidence Doppler broadening of the positron annihilation technique has been employed to identify the defects in thermally annealed 'as-received' ZnO and thermally annealed ball-milled nanocrystalline ZnO. Results indicate that a significant amount of oxygen vacancy has been created in ZnO due to annealing at about 500 deg. C and above. The results also indicate that the Zn vacancy created during the ball milling process can be easily removed by annealing the sample at about 500 deg. C and above. The defect characterization has also been correlated with the magnetic properties of ZnO

  12. Explanation of ferromagnetism origin in C-doped ZnO by first principle calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Amiri, A.; Lassri, H.; Hlil, E.K.; Abid, M.


    By ab-initio calculations, we systematically study possible source of ferromagnetism C-doped ZnO compound. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of C-doped ZnO with / without ZnO host and C defects were investigated using the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker (KKR) method combined with coherent potential approximation (CPA). We show that Zn vacancy and presence of C defects (substitutional, interstitial or combination of both) induce the ferromagnetism in C-doped ZnO. From density of state (DOS) analysis, we show that p–p interaction between C atoms and/or C and O atoms is the mechanism of ferromagnetic coupling in C-doped ZnO. - Highlights: • We study the effect of ZnO host and C defects on ferromagnetism in C-doped ZnO. • Details of KKR method calculations performed to investigate both magnetic and electronic structures. • Magnetic moments, total and partial DOS for C-doped ZnO are well calculated and discussed. • Based on DOS calculations we interpret a origin of ferromagnetism in C-doped ZnO. • Mechanism of ferromagnetic coupling is well proposed

  13. Explanation of ferromagnetism origin in C-doped ZnO by first principle calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    El Amiri, A., E-mail: [Laboratoire de Physique Fondamentale et Appliquée (LPFA), Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II, B.P. 5366 Mâarif, Casablanca, Maroc (Morocco); Lassri, H. [Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Micro-électronique, Automatique et Thermique (LPMMAT). Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II, B.P. 5366 Mâarif, Casablanca, Maroc (Morocco); Hlil, E.K. [Institut Néel, CNRS et Université Joseph Fourier, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble (France); Abid, M. [Laboratoire de Physique Fondamentale et Appliquée (LPFA), Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II, B.P. 5366 Mâarif, Casablanca, Maroc (Morocco)


    By ab-initio calculations, we systematically study possible source of ferromagnetism C-doped ZnO compound. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of C-doped ZnO with / without ZnO host and C defects were investigated using the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker (KKR) method combined with coherent potential approximation (CPA). We show that Zn vacancy and presence of C defects (substitutional, interstitial or combination of both) induce the ferromagnetism in C-doped ZnO. From density of state (DOS) analysis, we show that p–p interaction between C atoms and/or C and O atoms is the mechanism of ferromagnetic coupling in C-doped ZnO. - Highlights: • We study the effect of ZnO host and C defects on ferromagnetism in C-doped ZnO. • Details of KKR method calculations performed to investigate both magnetic and electronic structures. • Magnetic moments, total and partial DOS for C-doped ZnO are well calculated and discussed. • Based on DOS calculations we interpret a origin of ferromagnetism in C-doped ZnO. • Mechanism of ferromagnetic coupling is well proposed.

  14. Microwave assisted synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles for lighting and dye removal application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumar, Vijay, E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, ZA 9300 (South Africa); Gohain, M. [Department of Chemistry, University of Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, ZA 9300 (South Africa); Som, S.; Kumar, Vinod [Department of Physics, University of Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, ZA 9300 (South Africa); Bezuindenhoudt, B.C.B. [Department of Chemistry, University of Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, ZA 9300 (South Africa); Swart, Hendrik C., E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, ZA 9300 (South Africa)


    In this study, we report on the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) via the microwave-assisted technique. The as-synthesized ZnO nanoparticles were annealed at 500 °C for three hours. The ZnO NPs were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopic techniques. XRD results confirmed the formation of as-synthesized ZnO powder oriented along the (101) direction. The Kubelka–Munk function has been employed to determine the band gap of the ZnO powder. ZnO powder has been studied by photoluminescence (PL) before and after annealing to identify the emission of defects in the visible range. The intensity of the PL emission has decreased after annealing. The synthesized ZnO samples were also studied for methyl orange dye removal from waste water. It has been found that the as-synthesized ZnO shows better adsorption behaviour as compared to the annealed sample.

  15. Hydrogen-Induced Plastic Deformation in ZnO (United States)

    Lukáč, F.; Čížek, J.; Vlček, M.; Procházka, I.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Traeger, F.; Rogalla, D.; Becker, H.-W.

    In the present work hydrothermally grown ZnO single crystals covered with Pd over-layer were electrochemically loaded with hydrogen and the influence of hydrogen on ZnO micro structure was investigated by positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) was employed for determination of depth profile of hydrogen concentration in the sample. NRA measurements confirmed that a substantial amount of hydrogen was introduced into ZnO by electrochemical charging. The bulk hydrogen concentration in ZnO determined by NRA agrees well with the concentration estimated from the transported charge using the Faraday's law. Moreover, a subsurface region with enhanced hydrogen concentration was found in the loaded crystals. Slow positron implantation spectroscopy (SPIS) investigations of hydrogen-loaded crystal revealed enhanced concentration of defects in the subsurface region. This testifies hydrogen-induced plastic deformation of the loaded crystal. Absorbed hydrogen causes a significant lattice expansion. At low hydrogen concentrations this expansion is accommodated by elastic straining, but at higher concentrations hydrogen-induced stress exceeds the yield stress in ZnO and plastic deformation of the loaded crystal takes place. Enhanced hydrogen concentration detected in the subsurface region by NRA is, therefore, due to excess hydrogen trapped at open volume defects introduced by plastic deformation. Moreover, it was found that hydrogen-induced plastic deformation in the subsurface layer leads to typical surface modification: formation of hexagonal shape pyramids on the surface due to hydrogen-induced slip in the [0001] direction.

  16. Enormous enhancement of ZnO nanorod photoluminescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Y.H.; Duan, W.J.; Wu, Z.L.; Zheng, D.; Zhou, X.W.; Zhou, B.Y.; Dai, L.J.; Wang, Y.S.


    ZnO nanorod arrays were grown on quartz slices in the aqueous solution of zinc acetate and hexamethylenetetramine at 90 °C. Then ZnO:Mg shells were epitaxially grown on the nanorods to form core/shell structures in the aqueous solution of zinc acetate, magnesium acetate and hexamethylenetetramine at the same temperature. Effects of the shells and UV laser beam irradiation on the crystal structure and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanorods were studied. ZnO:Mg shells suppress the green emission and enhance the UV emission intensity of the nanorods by 38 times. Enhancement of the UV emission depends on the Mg content in the shells. Short time UV laser beam irradiation could improve ZnO nanorod emission efficiently. The UV emission intensity of ZnO nanorods is enhanced by 71 times by capping and subsequent UV laser beam irradiation. - Highlights: ► ZnO nanorod arrays were grown on quartz slices in solution at 90 °C. ► The nanorods were capped by ZnO:Mg layers to form core/shell structures. ► ZnO:MgO shells suppress the green emission and enhance the UV emission intensity by 38 times. ► The enhancement depends on the Mg content in the shells. ► Exposing the nanorods to 325 laser beam improves the UV emission efficiently. ► Capping and 325 nm laser beam irradiation could enhance the nanorod UV emission intensity by 71 times.

  17. EDTA-assisted synthesis of rose-like ZnO architectures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Zhen [Institute of Nanochemistry and Nanobiology, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800 (China); Shanghai Applied Radiation Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800 (China); Fang, Yaoguo [Institute of Nanochemistry and Nanobiology, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800 (China); Peng, Liwei; Wu, Minghong [Shanghai Applied Radiation Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800 (China); Pan, Dengyu


    Rose-like ZnO nanostructures were prepared by a low-temperature solution route with assistance of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium (EDTA-2Na). The morphology of ZnO nanostructures was found to change from nanowire arrays to rose- and tower-like architectures with increasing the molar ratio of EDTA-2Na/Zn{sup 2+}. Also, the shape evolution of ZnO nanostructures with time was observed from flat nanosheets to wrinkled nanosheets and to rose-like nanostructures. EDTA-2Na as a strong complexing agent was found to play a key role in the shape evolution. Photoluminescence spectra show that the rose-like ZnO architectures have more defects than the nanowire arrays. (copyright 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)


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    Laeli Kurniasari


    Full Text Available ACTIVATION OF NATURAL ZEOLITE AS AN ADSORBENT FOR LOW TEMPERATURE DRYING SYSTEM. Drying is one process which is used in many industries, especially in food product. The process usually still has low energy efficiency and can make food deterioration because of the usage of high temperature. One alternative in drying technology is the use of zeolite as a water vapor adsorbent. This kind of drying method make it possible to operate in lower temperature, hence it will be suitable for heat sensitive product. Natural zeolit can be one promising adsorbent since it is spreadly abundant in Indonesia. Natural zeolite must be activated first before used, in order to get zeolite with high adsorption capacity. Activation process in natural zeolite will change the Si/Al ratio, polarity, and affinity of zeolite toward water vapor and also increase the porosity. Activation of natural zeolite can be done with two methods, chemical activation use NaOH and physical activation use heat. In the activation using NaOH, natural zeolite is immersed with NaOH solution 0.5-2N in 2 hour with temperature range 60-900C. The process is continued with the drying of zeolite in oven with 1100C for 4 hours. While in heat treatment, zeolit is heated into 200-5000C in furnace for 2-5 hours. SEM analysis is used to compare the change in zeolite morphology before and after each treatment, while to know the adsorption capacity of zeolite, the analyses were done in many temperature and relative humidity. Result gives the best condition in NaOH activation is NaOH 1N and temperature 700C, with water vapor loading is 0.171 gr/gr adsorbent. In heat treatment, the best condition is 3000C and 3 hours with loading 0.137 gr water vapor/gr adsorbent.  Pengeringan merupakan salah satu proses yang banyak digunakan pada produk pangan. Proses ini umumnya menyebabkan kerusakan pada bahan pangan, disamping masih rendahnya efisiensi energi. Salah satu alternatif pada proses pengeringan yaitu

  19. Perilaku Pembelian Online Produk Fashion pada Zalora Indonesia


    Saputri, Marheni Eka


    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, kemajuan berbisnis melalui internet pun semakin berkembang. Pada zaman sekarang ini, masyarakat sudah banyak yang menyukai berbelanja secara online, karena selain praktis, harga barang yang ditawarkan pun relatif murah atau sama dengan di toko konvensional. Salah satu toko online yang digemari masyarakat Indonesia adalah Zalora. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh perilaku konsumen terhadap keputusan pembelian (studi pada konsumen Zalora Indo...

  20. Atom probe microscopy of zinc isotopic enrichment in ZnO nanorods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. N. Ironside


    Full Text Available We report on atomic probe microscopy (APM of isotopically enriched ZnO nanorods that measures the spatial distribution of zinc isotopes in sections of ZnO nanorods for natural abundance natZnO and 64Zn and 66Zn enriched ZnO nanorods. The results demonstrate that APM can accurately quantify isotopic abundances within these nanoscale structures. Therefore the atom probe microscope is a useful tool for characterizing Zn isotopic heterostructures in ZnO. Isotopic heterostructures have been proposed for controlling thermal conductivity and also, combined with neutron transmutation doping, they could be key to a novel technology for producing p-n junctions in ZnO thin films and nanorods.

  1. Mn{sup 2+} ions distribution in doped sol–gel deposited ZnO films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stefan, Mariana, E-mail: [National Institute of Materials Physics, P.O. Box MG-7, 077125 Magurele (Romania); Ghica, Daniela; Nistor, Sergiu V.; Maraloiu, Adrian V. [National Institute of Materials Physics, P.O. Box MG-7, 077125 Magurele (Romania); Plugaru, Rodica [National Institute for R & D in Microtechnologies (IMT), Erou Iancu Nicolae Str. 126A, 077190 Bucharest (Romania)


    Highlights: • Several Mn{sup 2+} centers observed by EPR in sol–gel ZnO films. • Mn{sup 2+} ions localized at Zn{sup 2+} sites in ZnO grains and disordered ZnO phase. • Sixfold coordinated Mn{sup 2+} ions localized in inter-grain region. • Aggregated Mn in insular-like regions between ZnO grains in the ZnO:5%Mn film. • Aggregated Mn phase presence and distribution observed by EPR and EDX-STEM. - Abstract: The localization and distribution of the Mn{sup 2+} ions in two sol–gel deposited ZnO films doped with different manganese concentrations were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and analytical transmission electron microscopy. In the lightly doped sample the Mn{sup 2+} ions are mainly localized substitutionally at isolated tetrahedrally coordinated Zn{sup 2+} sites in both crystalline ZnO nanograins (34%) and surrounding disordered ZnO (52%). In the highly doped ZnO film, a much smaller proportion of manganese substitutes Zn{sup 2+} in the crystalline and disordered ZnO (10%). The main amount (85%) of manganese aggregates in a secondary phase as an insular-like distribution between the ZnO nanograins. The remaining Mn{sup 2+} ions (14% and 5% at low and high doping levels, respectively) are localized at isolated, six-fold coordinated sites, very likely in the disordered intergrain region. Annealing at 600 °C induced changes in the Mn{sup 2+} ions distribution, reflecting the increase of the ZnO crystallization degree, better observed in the lightly doped sample.

  2. Studi Karakteristik Aliran Tiga Dimensi Dan Perpindahan Panas Pada Cascade Airfoil Dengan Pengaruh Clearance

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    Yusuf Wibisono


    Full Text Available Dalam dunia teknik khususunya mekanika fluida, aliran tiga dimensi merupakan hal yang sangat penting guna untuk mengetahui fenomena aliran dan perpindahan panas yang terjadi pada bluffbody cascade airfoil. Error atau loses yang terjadi pada cascade airfoil disebabkan oleh adanya aliran sekunder. Error atau loses tersebut menurut penilitian yang terlah dilakukan dapat dikurang dengan aspek clearance. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa karaktersistik aliran tiga dimensi serta perpindahan panas akibat adanya perubahan jarak antara leading edge antara cascade dan sudut serang serta bentuk geometri. hasil dari simulasi divisualisasikan dalam bentuk velocity dan pressure coefficient. Pada cascade airfoil dengan sudut serang 20° terjadi fenomena pada dinding clearance yaitu tip clearance flow di mana ketika aliran udara melewati dinding akan mengalami up stream yang mengakibatkan arah aliran menuju ke atas, sedangkan pada dinding airfoil ditemukan aliran sekunder berupa curl flow yang akhirnya membentuk spiral point pada trailing edge. Perubahan sudut serang menjadi -20° membuat perbedaan tekanan antara lower side dan upper side semakin lemah, begitu juga tip clearance flow yang terjadi pada wall clearance mengalami perubahan arah menjadi down stream yang mengakibatkan arah aliran menjuu kebawah. Perubahan sudut juga berpengaruh terhadap pressure coeficient pada boundary layer airfoil dan mengakibatkan blockage effect serta terjadinya vortex yang berbeda.

  3. Orientation-dependent chemistry and band-bending of Ti on polar ZnO surfaces. (United States)

    Borghetti, Patrizia; Mouchaal, Younes; Dai, Zongbei; Cabailh, Gregory; Chenot, Stéphane; Lazzari, Rémi; Jupille, Jacques


    Orientation-dependent reactivity and band-bending are evidenced upon Ti deposition (1-10 Å) on polar ZnO(0001)-Zn and ZnO(0001[combining macron])-O surfaces. At the onset of the Ti deposition, a downward band-bending was observed on ZnO(0001[combining macron])-O while no change occurred on ZnO(0001)-Zn. Combining this with the photoemission analysis of the Ti 2p core level and Zn L 3 (L 2 )M 45 M 45 Auger transition, it is established that the Ti/ZnO reaction is of the form Ti + 2ZnO → TiO 2 + 2Zn on ZnO(0001)-Zn and Ti + yZnO → TiZn x O y + (y - x)Zn on ZnO(0001[combining macron])-O. Consistently, upon annealing thicker Ti adlayers, the metallic zinc is removed to leave ZnO(0001)-Zn surfaces covered with a TiO 2 -like phase and ZnO(0001[combining macron])-O surfaces covered with a defined (Ti, Zn, O) compound. Finally, a difference in the activation temperature between the O-terminated (500 K) and Zn-terminated (700 K) surfaces is observed, which is tentatively explained by different electric fields in the space charge layer at ZnO surfaces.

  4. Analisa Tegangan Jatuh pada Sistem Distribusi Listrik di Kapal Penumpang dengan Menggunakan Metode Simulasi

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    Muhammad Farid Wahyudianto


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan akan listrik di kapal saat ini sangat tinggi, karena hampir semua aktivitas di kapal seperti berlayar, bermanuver, bongkar muat dan lego jangkar membutuhkan konsumsi listrik yang besar. Pada berbagai macam kondisi tersebut perlu diketahui seberapa besar nilai losses tegangan atau tegangan jatuh dan cara untuk melakukan perbaikan tegangan jatuh. Pada penulisan tugas akhir akan dikaji secara teknis cara melakukan perhitungan tegangan jatuh secara manual dan membandingkannya dengan simulasi software. Pada simulasi software digunakan load flow analysis dan motor acceleration analysis sebagai metode untuk melakukan perhitungan tegangan jatuh secara simulasi. Hasil yang diperoleh terdapat tegangan jatuh terbesar pada kondisi maneuver, saat starting bow thruster terdapat tegangan jatuh selama 60 detik yang tidak sesuai dengan standar IEC 5% dan tidak direkomendasikan oleh IEEE. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan pada bow thruster dengan cara menaikkan tap transformator sebesar 2,5% dengan tegangan sekunder 400V pada hasil running load flow analysis dan memberi kapasitor sebesar 2000 kVAr, tegangan jatuh pada hasil running motor acceleration analysis tegangan jatuh dapat diturunkan menjadi 13 detik yang sesuai dengan standar IEC dan rekomendasi IEEE.


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    Budi Yanto Husodo


    Full Text Available Salah satu persoalan yang timbul pada pengoperasian motor induksi adalah arus pengasutan yang tinggi yang nilainya bisa mencapai sepuluh kali arus nominal. Arus pengasutan yang besar ini mengakibatkan penurunan tegangan sesaat (sag pada sistem jaringan. Selain itu juga menyebabkan tingginya pemakaian daya hingga sebesar 1,5 - 2,5 kali daya nominal yang berakibat pada tingginya energi pemakaian pada saat pengasutan. Metode pengasutan diperlukan untuk mengurangi arus pengasutan dan pemakaian energi yang besar tersebut. Pada makalah ini dilakukan perbandingan tiga metode pengasutan motor induksi yaitu berupa autotrafo, reaktor dan rangkaian star-delta. Dengan menggunakan software ETAP, pengujian dilakukan pada motor induksi 6 kV, 279 A, 2500 kW, dan faktor daya sebesar 0,879, sebagai penggerak fan pada bag filter. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa autotrafo memberikan penurunan arus pengasutan yang paling besar yaitu 73,82% dari arus pengasutan motor tanpa bantuan alat pengasutan. Sedangkan konsumsi energi yang paling kecil didapatkan dengan mengunakan pengasutan reaktor, di mana energi pemakaian berkurang dari 31,102 kWh tanpa pengasutan menjadi 17,676 kWh atau setara dengan 43,17%.


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    Philip Teguh Imanto


    Full Text Available Copepoda pada dasarnya adalah udang berukuran mikroskopik yang menjadi rantai pakan alami yang penting di perairan bebas. Investigasi jenis-jenis copepod lokal akan membantu menyiapkan informasi untuk pengembangan budidayanya sebagai jasad pakan alami. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengkoleksi jenis Cyclopoida lokal perairan pantai Gerokgak, Buleleng, Bali, diisolasi dan dikembangbiakkan dengan pakan kombinasi antara alga Nannochloropsis oculatta, tepung terigu, ragi roti, dan hati ayam dalam tangki beton 5 m3. Tiga ratus individu Cyclopoida yang membawa telur ditempatkan pada tiga wadah kultur bervolume satu liter. Pengamatan pada pertumbuhan individu dilakukan dengan sampling setiap hari dan setiap dua hari untuk melihat perkembangan telurnya. Jenis Cyclopoida lokal termasuk famili Cyclopidae dan genus Apocyclops spp. Kecepatan pertumbuhan mencapai 20 µm setiap harinya, dan dari fase copepodit mencapai ukuran dewasa membawa telur dianalisis selama 12 hari, perkembangan telur memerlukan waktu maksimal 10 hari, sehingga estimasi siklus umur minimal adalah 22 hari. Produktivitas rata-rata telur Apocyclops spp. pada penelitian ini diestimasi sebanyak 36 (minimum16-maksimum 65 butir per individu betina. Penelitian kultur lebih lanjut difokuskan pada optimalisasi suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut pada media hingga optimalisasi pada jenis pakan. Copepod, a microscopic shrimp, is an important member in natural food chain in waters. Investigating the types of local copepod will provide valuable information for the development of other natural live feed culture. The research was carried out by collecting local Cyclopoida species from Gerokgak coastal waters, Buleleng Regency-Bali, isolated and cultured with combination feed of algae Nannochloropsis oculatta, wheat flour, yeast bread and chicken liver in 5 m3 concrete tank. Three hundred individuals of Cyclopoida carrying eggs were placed in three beaker glasses of one-liter culture volume. An observation


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    Dien GA Nursa


    Full Text Available Kehilangan fungsi pada Usia lanjut merupakan tahapan akhir dari berbagai penyakit yang dialami Usia lanjut. Kemunduran fungsional berarti menurunnya kemampuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi dan hal ini dapat diukur dengan menilaiADL (Activity Daily Life, termasuk didalamnya mobility, eating, toileting, dressing, grooming. Halini dapat pula dilanjutkan dengan memeriksa aktivitas tambahan sehari-hari IADL seperti berbelanja, pergi ke bank, memasak, menyetir, membersihkan rumah atau menggunakan fasilitas kendaraan umum. Sebagai tambahan, pemeriksaan objektif dari fungsi kognitif dan perilaku serta ekonomi, sosial, emosionaljuga dibutuhkan untuk memperoleh data yang lengkap mengenai fungsi tubuh yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan pada Usia lanjut.


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    Sularto Sularto


    Full Text Available Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui keragaan trait reproduksi ikan patin siam generasi F-1. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah tiga populasi patin siam hasil seleksi pada tahun 2004. Ikan dipelihara dalam jaring yang ditempatkan dalam kolam 6.000 m2 dengan kedalaman antara 1,25-1,5 m. Pakan berupa pelet komersial dengan kadar protein 28% diberikan sebanyak 2% bobot biomassa/hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah perkembangan gonad, fekunditas, fertilitas, dan daya tetas. Parameter pendukung adalah kualitas air dan tingkat curah hujan. Pengamatan perkembangan gonad dilakukan setiap bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan patin populasi Sukamandi mempunyai fekunditas tertinggi yaitu 201.319 butir/kg induk diikuti oleh populasi Jakarta 163.348 butir dan populasi Sukabumi 132.340 butir. Nilai indeks ovosomatik tertinggi terdapat pada populasi Sukamandi sebesar 16,52%, diikuti populasi Jakarta 14,63% dan populasi Sukabumi 10,79%. Diameter oosit terbesar terdapat pada populasi Jakarta yaitu 1,08 mm; demikian pula panjang larva tertinggi pada populasi Jakarta yaitu 3,79 mm. Derajat fertilitas tertinggi terdapat pada populasi Sukamandi yaitu 67,88%; sedangkan derajat penetasan tertinggi terdapat pada populasi Sukabumi yaitu 96,67%.

  9. Graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres as a photocatalyst for high performance photocatalysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Da; Wang, Dongfang; Ge, Qisheng; Ping, Guangxing; Fan, Meiqiang; Qin, Laishun; Bai, Liqun; Lv, Chunju; Shu, Kangying


    In this work, graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres (ZnO–graphene nanocomposites) were prepared by a simple facile lyophilization method, followed by thermal treatment process. ZnO nanospheres with the size of about 100–400 nm, composed of numerous nanocrystals with hexagonal wurtzite structure, were well separated from each other and wrapped with transparent graphene sheets. Compared to ZnO nanospheres, the ZnO–graphene nanocomposites showed a significant enhancement in the photodegradation of methylene blue. This enhanced photocatalytic activity could be attributed to their favorable dye-adsorption affinity and increased optical absorption as well as the efficient charge transfer of the photogenerated electrons in the conduction band of ZnO to graphene. Thus, this work could provide a facile and low-cost method for the development of graphene-based nanocomposites with promising applications in photocatalysis, solar energy conversion, sensing, and so on. - Highlights: • Graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres were prepared by a facile lyophilization method. • ZnO nanospheres were separated from each other and wrapped with 2D graphene sheets. • Graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres exhibited superior photocatalytic activities. • The photocatalytic mechanisms of graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres were discussed

  10. Graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres as a photocatalyst for high performance photocatalysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Da, E-mail: [College of Materials Science & Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Wang, Dongfang; Ge, Qisheng; Ping, Guangxing [College of Materials Science & Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Fan, Meiqiang, E-mail: [College of Materials Science & Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Qin, Laishun [College of Materials Science & Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Bai, Liqun [School of Sciences, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Hangzhou 311300 (China); Lv, Chunju; Shu, Kangying [College of Materials Science & Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018 (China)


    In this work, graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres (ZnO–graphene nanocomposites) were prepared by a simple facile lyophilization method, followed by thermal treatment process. ZnO nanospheres with the size of about 100–400 nm, composed of numerous nanocrystals with hexagonal wurtzite structure, were well separated from each other and wrapped with transparent graphene sheets. Compared to ZnO nanospheres, the ZnO–graphene nanocomposites showed a significant enhancement in the photodegradation of methylene blue. This enhanced photocatalytic activity could be attributed to their favorable dye-adsorption affinity and increased optical absorption as well as the efficient charge transfer of the photogenerated electrons in the conduction band of ZnO to graphene. Thus, this work could provide a facile and low-cost method for the development of graphene-based nanocomposites with promising applications in photocatalysis, solar energy conversion, sensing, and so on. - Highlights: • Graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres were prepared by a facile lyophilization method. • ZnO nanospheres were separated from each other and wrapped with 2D graphene sheets. • Graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres exhibited superior photocatalytic activities. • The photocatalytic mechanisms of graphene-wrapped ZnO nanospheres were discussed.

  11. Effect of cobalt doping on the mechanical properties of ZnO nanowires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vahtrus, Mikk; Šutka, Andris [Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwaldi 1, 50412 Tartu (Estonia); Polyakov, Boris [Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Kengaraga 8, LV-1063 Riga (Latvia); Oras, Sven; Antsov, Mikk [Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwaldi 1, 50412 Tartu (Estonia); Doebelin, Nicola [RMS Foundation, Bischmattstrasse 12, Bettlach 2544 (Switzerland); Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 1–3, Bern 3012 (Switzerland); Lõhmus, Rünno; Nõmmiste, Ergo [Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwaldi 1, 50412 Tartu (Estonia); Vlassov, Sergei, E-mail: [Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwaldi 1, 50412 Tartu (Estonia)


    In this work, we investigate the influence of doping on the mechanical properties of ZnO nanowires (NWs) by comparing the mechanical properties of pure and Co-doped ZnO NWs grown in similar conditions and having the same crystallographic orientation [0001]. The mechanical characterization included three-point bending tests made with atomic force microscopy and cantilever beam bending tests performed inside scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the Young's modulus of ZnO NWs containing 5% of Co was approximately a third lower than that of the pure ZnO NWs. Bending strength values were comparable for both materials and in both cases were close to theoretical strength indicating high quality of NWs. Dependence of mechanical properties on NW diameter was found for both doped and undoped ZnO NWs. - Highlights: •Effect of Co doping on the mechanical properties of ZnO nanowires is studied. •Co substitutes Zn atoms in ZnO crystal lattice. •Co addition affects crystal lattice parameters. •Co addition results in significantly decreased Young's modulus of ZnO. •Bending strength for doped and undoped wires is close to the theoretical strength.



    Juniar Doan Wihardono; Agus Dharma; I Made Mataram


    Peramalan beban merupakan suatu kegiatan untuk memperkirakan kondisi beban pada hari yang akan datang. Kondisi beban pada saat hari libur merupakan suatu fenomena yang sangat menarik untuk diketahui. Fenomena ini terjadi di Bali yaitu pada saat hari Raya Nyepi. Karena, kondisi beban pada hari Raya Nyepi akan mengalami penurunan yang sangat drastis. Kondisi tersebut perlu diketahui agar operasi sistem tenaga listrik dapat berjalan secara optimal. Metode peramalan beban pada penelitian ini meng...

  13. Y-Doped ZnO Nanorods by Hydrothermal Method and Their Acetone Gas Sensitivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peng Yu


    Full Text Available Pure and yttrium- (Y- doped (1 at%, 3 at%, and 7 at% ZnO nanorods were synthesized using a hydrothermal process. The crystallography and microstructure of the synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX. Comparing with pure ZnO nanorods, Y-doped ZnO exhibited improved acetone sensing properties. The response of 1 at% Y-doped ZnO nanorods to 100 ppm acetone is larger than that of pure ZnO nanorods. The response and recovery times of 1 at% Y-doped ZnO nanorods to 100 ppm acetone are about 30 s and 90 s, respectively. The gas sensor based on Y-doped ZnO nanorods showed good selectivity to acetone in the interfere gases of ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and methanol. The formation mechanism of the ZnO nanorods was briefly analyzed.

  14. Enhanced field emission of ZnO nanoneedle arrays via solution etching at room temperature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Huanming; Qin, Zhiwei; Wang, Zaide


    ZnO nanoneedle arrays (ZnO nns) were synthesized by a facile two-step solution-phase method based on the etching of pre-synthesized ZnO nanowire arrays (ZnO nws) with flat ends at room temperature. Field emission measurement results showed that the turn-on electronic fields of ZnO nns and nws wer...

  15. Nanosheet-Assembled ZnO Microflower Photocatalysts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siwen Zhang


    Full Text Available Large scale ZnO microflowers assembled by numerous nanosheets are synthesized through a facile and effective hydrothermal route. The structure and morphology of the resultant products are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD and scanning electron microscope (SEM. Photocatalytic properties of the as-synthesized products are also investigated. The results demonstrate that eosin red aqueous solution can be degraded over 97% after 110 min under UV light irradiation. In addition, methyl orange (MO and Congo red (CR aqueous solution degradation experiments also are conducted in the same condition, respectively. It showed that nanosheet-assembled ZnO microflowers represent high photocatalytic activities with a degradation efficiency of 91% for CR with 90 min of irradiation and 90% for MO with 60 min of irradiation. The reported ZnO products may be promising candidates as the photocatalysts in waste water treatment.

  16. Electrical characterization of ZnO nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlenker, E.; Bakin, A.; Postels, B.; Mofor, A.C.; Wehmann, H.H.; Waag, A. [Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Technical University Braunschweig, Hans-Sommer-Strasse 66, 38106 Braunschweig (Germany); Weimann, T.; Hinze, P. [Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig (Germany)


    Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods were grown by a wet chemical approach and by vapor phase transport. To explore the electrical properties of individual nanostructures current-voltage (I-V) characteristics were obtained by using an atomic force microscope (AFM) with a conductive tip or by detaching the nanorods from the growth substrate, transferring them to an isolating substrate and contacting them with evaporated Ti/Au electrodes patterned by electron-beam lithography. The AFM-approach only yields a Schottky diode behavior, while the Ti/Au forms ohmic contacts to the ZnO. For the latter method the obtained I-V curves reveal a resistivity of the nanorods in the order of 10{sup -5} {omega} cm which is unusually low for undoped ZnO. We therefore assume the existence of a highly conductive surface channel. (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  17. Effect of ALD surface treatment on structural and optical properties of ZnO nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Jin-Tak [Department of Nano Systems Engineering, Center for Nano Manufacturing, Inje University, Obang-dong, Gimhae, Gyeongnam 621-749 (Korea, Republic of); Ryu, Hyukhyun, E-mail: [Department of Nano Systems Engineering, Center for Nano Manufacturing, Inje University, Obang-dong, Gimhae, Gyeongnam 621-749 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Won-Jae [Department of Materials and Components Engineering, Dong-Eui University, 995 Eomgwangno, Busanjin-gu, Busan 614-714 (Korea, Republic of)


    In this study, we report on the improvement of the optical and structural properties of ZnO nanorods using atomic layer deposition (ALD) on seed ZnO nanorods. After the initial growth of ZnO seed nanorods by hydrothermal synthesis for 1 h, a ZnO layer with a thickness of 10 nm was deposited on the initial ZnO seed nanorods using ALD. Then ZnO was further grown by hydrothermal synthesis for 4 h. The samples were characterized using room temperature photoluminescence (PL), field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). From this experiment, it was found that the ZnO nanorods with the ALD surface treatment show improved optical and structural properties when compared with the ZnO nanorods grown only by hydrothermal synthesis. The ZnO nanorods with the ALD surface treatment show about 2.7 times higher XRD (0 0 2) peak intensity, about 2.64 times higher PL NBE peak intensity, and about 3.1 times better NBE/DLE ratio than the ZnO nanorods without an ALD surface treatment.

  18. Sol-gel synthesized ZnO for optoelectronics applications: a characterization review (United States)

    Harun, Kausar; Hussain, Fayaz; Purwanto, Agus; Sahraoui, Bouchta; Zawadzka, Anna; Azmin Mohamad, Ahmad


    The rapid growth in green technology has resulted in a marked increase in the incorporation of ZnO in energy and optoelectronic devices. Research involving ZnO is being given renewed attention in the quest to fully exploit its promising properties. The purity and state of defects in the ZnO system are optimized through several modifications to the synthesis conditions and the starting materials. These works have been verified through a series of characterizations. This review covers the essential characterization outcomes of pure ZnO nanoparticles. Emphasis is placed on recent techniques, examples and some issues concerning sol-gel synthesized ZnO nanoparticles. Thermal, phase, structural and morphological observations are combined to ascertain the level of purity of ZnO. The subsequent elemental and optical characterizations are also discussed. This review would be the collective information and suggestions at one place for investigators to focus on the best development of ZnO-based optical and energy devices.


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    Iwan Prihantoro


    Full Text Available Lemna minor merupakan jenis tanaman yang hidup dominan pada perairan dengan kualitas nutrisi tinggi dan potensial sebagai sumber hijauan pakan bagi ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur potensi Lemna minor dan karakteristiknya pada berbagai media tanam untuk mendapatkan teknik produksi yang optimal. Penelitian dilakukan pada bak plastik dengan ukuran 36.5×27×10 cm3 selama dua minggu. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan lima perlakuan media dan lima ulangan. Jenis media yang digunakan adalah kontrol, hoagland, hyponex, kompos dan NPK. Parameter yang diukur meliputi serapan nitrogen, pH media, cover area, penyusutan media, dan produksi biomassa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lemna minor efektif dalam memanfaatkan nitrogen dengan nilai serapan > 98 %, media kompos memberikan status pH media yang stabil/netral dan pertambahan luas cover area (LCA tercepat dan tingkat produksi biomassa Lemna minor terbaik pada media kompos dan Hoagland.

  20. Hierarchical ZnO with twinned structure: Morphology evolution, formation mechanism and properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Ruixia; Song, Xueling; Li, Jia; Yang, Ping


    Various hierarchical ZnO architectures constructed by twinned structures have been synthesized via a trisodium citrate assisted hydrothermal method on a large scale. The probable formation mechanisms of hierarchical ZnO structures with twinned structure were proposed and discussed. The hierarchical ZnO with twinned structures are composed of two hemispheres with a center concave junction to join them together at their waists. The ZnO microspheres with rough surfaces were obtained when the concentration of trisodium citrate is 0.1 M. However, the football-like microspheres consisted of hexagonal nanosheets were formed when adding glycerol into the water, which should be attributed to the slower nucleation and growth rate of nanocrystals. The hamburger-like ZnO with different aspect ratio and nonuniform ZnO microspheres were generated due to the different quantity of initial nuclei and growth units when simply modulating the concentration of trisodium citrate. The surface area of football-like ZnO is about 3.51 times of microspheres composed of irregular particles. However their photocatalytic performances are similar under UV light irradiation, which indicates that pore sizes of the sample have more important influences on the photocatalytic activity. - Highlights: • Hierarchical ZnO constructed by twinned structures have been synthesized. • The formation mechanisms of ZnO with twinned structure were discussed. • Football-like microspheres were obtained due to the slower nucleation and growth. • Hamburger-like ZnO was formed due to the amount of initial nuclei and growth units. • Pore sizes have important effects on the photocatalytic activity of sample

  1. Hierarchical ZnO with twinned structure: Morphology evolution, formation mechanism and properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shi, Ruixia; Song, Xueling; Li, Jia; Yang, Ping, E-mail:


    Various hierarchical ZnO architectures constructed by twinned structures have been synthesized via a trisodium citrate assisted hydrothermal method on a large scale. The probable formation mechanisms of hierarchical ZnO structures with twinned structure were proposed and discussed. The hierarchical ZnO with twinned structures are composed of two hemispheres with a center concave junction to join them together at their waists. The ZnO microspheres with rough surfaces were obtained when the concentration of trisodium citrate is 0.1 M. However, the football-like microspheres consisted of hexagonal nanosheets were formed when adding glycerol into the water, which should be attributed to the slower nucleation and growth rate of nanocrystals. The hamburger-like ZnO with different aspect ratio and nonuniform ZnO microspheres were generated due to the different quantity of initial nuclei and growth units when simply modulating the concentration of trisodium citrate. The surface area of football-like ZnO is about 3.51 times of microspheres composed of irregular particles. However their photocatalytic performances are similar under UV light irradiation, which indicates that pore sizes of the sample have more important influences on the photocatalytic activity. - Highlights: • Hierarchical ZnO constructed by twinned structures have been synthesized. • The formation mechanisms of ZnO with twinned structure were discussed. • Football-like microspheres were obtained due to the slower nucleation and growth. • Hamburger-like ZnO was formed due to the amount of initial nuclei and growth units. • Pore sizes have important effects on the photocatalytic activity of sample.


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    Abduh Ridho


    Full Text Available Abstract: Influence Of Comic For Children Health Is Knowledge Eye. The prevalence of eye disorders cases is very high, about 13 million cases in children aged 5-15 years. There are several factors caused the eye disorders in children, one of them is lack of knowledge about determining eye disorders prevention behaviour. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of comic media on eye health knowledge in children. The research design used was pre-experimental design with one group pretest-post-test design with 36 samples. The results of this study concluded that comic effect on eye health knowledge on children (p-value = 0,000 <0,05 with mean at pretest 55,00 and mean at posttest 81,48. So the comic effect on the child’s knowledge about eye health disorders. Health education efforts can utilize comic has media as a media of health promotion during school healthcare activities of school children. Abstrak: Pengaruh Media Komik Terhadap Pengetahuan Kesehatan Mata Pada Anak. Prevalensi kasus gangguan mata anak sangat tinggi, sekitar 13 juta kasus pada anak usia 5-15 tahun. Ada beberapa faktor yang melatarbelakangi gangguan mata pada anak, salah satunya yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai kebiasaan/ perilaku yang dapat mencegah gangguan mata. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat pengaruh media komik terhadap pengetahuan kesehatan mata pada anak. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-experimental design dengan rancangan penelitian one group pre-test and post-test design dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 36 sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa komik berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan kesehatan mata pada anak (p value = 0,000 < 0,05 dengan mean pada saat pre-test 55,00 dan mean saat post-test 81,48. Jadi, komik berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan anak mengenai gangguan kesehatan mata. Upaya pendidikan kesehatan dapat memanfaatkan media komik sebagai media promosi kesehatan saat kegiatan penjaringan kesehatan anak sekolah.

  3. Characterization of donor states in ZnO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seghier, D.; Gislason, H.P.


    We performed electrical and optical measurements on as-grown ZnO which exhibits n-type conductivity. So far, neither the origin of the residual conductivity nor the electrical properties of the responsible defects is fully understood. We investigated shallow and deep donors in ZnO materials grown with pulsed laser injection using admittance spectroscopy. We identifed shallow donors with ionization energies as low as 15 meV which may be attributed to native defects. Annealing in nitrogen ambient enhances the conductivity by further lowering the ionization energy of the shallow donors. Using optically excited admittance spectroscopy we also found deep defects. They are strongly metastable and account for a significant part of the persistent photoconductivity in our ZnO materials

  4. Ultrasonic-assisted fabrication of superhydrophobic ZnO nanowall ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The results suggested that the synergistic effect of the aluminium oxide seed layer and sonochemical process can enable the formation of ZnO nanowall structures favourable for superhydrophobic property. A possible growth mechanism of ZnO nanowalls formation during sonication process has been discussed in detail.

  5. Enhanced fluorescence imaging performance of hydrophobic colloidal ZnO nanoparticles by a facile method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zang, Zhigang; Tang, Xiaosheng


    Highlights: • A dual phase hydrothermal method was developed to synthesize ZnO nanoparticles. • ZnO nanoparticles show a stability and solubility in the aqueous environment. • ZnO nanoparticles with a blue emission wavelength at around 420 nm and small size (30 nm). • ZnO nanoparticles as biological labeling agent was also shown. - Abstract: A facile synthesis method for the formation of ZnO nanoparticles by using a double-phase reaction was demonstrated in this paper. The morphology of the synthesized ZnO nanoparticles shows a flower-shape. Hydrogen peroxide was used as a unique oxygenic source to promote the formation of ZnO in the presence of organic zinc precursor. The as-synthesized ZnO nanoparticles also show a stability and solubility in the aqueous environment. The structure and properties of ZnO nanoparticles were investigated by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well as UV–vis and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The as-prepared hydrophobic colloidal ZnO nanoparticles could be modified to become water-soluble via ligand exchange with amineothanethiol⋅HCl while retaining the photoluminescence properties. In addition, the potential application for biological label of water-soluble ZnO nanoparticles were also demonstrated. These results not only have applications towards using colloidal ZnO nanoparticles effectively in biological fluorescence imaging, but also promote its application in the field of targeted drug delivery

  6. Carrier transport mechanisms of hybrid ZnO nanorod-polymer LEDs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Sungjae; Lee, Kyuseung; Son, Dongick; Oh, Youngjei; Choi, Wonkook; Angadi, Basavaraj


    A hybrid polymer-nanorod (NR) light-emitting diode (LED), consisting of a hole-conducting polymer poly (9-vinyl carbazole) (PVK) and ZnO nanorod (NR) composite, with the device structure of glass/indium-tin-oxide (ITO)/PEDOT:PSS/(PVK + ZnO nanorods)/Al is fabricated through a simple spin coating technique. TEM images shows inhomogeneous deposition and the agglomeration of ZnO NRs, which is explained through their low probability of adsorption on PVK due to two-dimensional structural property. In the current-voltage characteristics, negative differential resistance (NDR) phenomenon is observed corresponding to device structure without ZnO NRs. The carrier transport behavior in the LED device is well described by both ohmic and space-charge-limited-current (SCLC) mechanisms. Broad blue electroluminescence (EL) consisting of two sub peaks, are centered at 441 nm and the other at 495 nm, is observed, which indicates that the ZnO nanorod play a role as a recombination center for excitons. The red shift in the position of the EL compared to that photoluminescence is well explained through band offsets at the heterojunction between the PVK and ZnO NRs.

  7. Uji Performansi Algoritma Floyd-Warshall Pada Jaringan Software Defined Network (SDN

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    Ihsan Aris Saputra


    Full Text Available Penentuan rute pada sebuah jaringan software defined network (SDN merupakan salah satu contoh topik yang menarik untuk diteliti. Algoritma penentuan rute terpendek pada jaringan SDN sangatlah menentukan apakah jaringan SDN yang dibangun dengan algoritma tersebut sudah optimal. Salah satu algoritma penentuan rute terpendek yaitu algoritma FloydWarshall, yang akan diuji coba dan dianalisis apakah sudah termasuk algoritma yang optimal pada jaringan SDN dengan membandingkan dengan standarisasi yang ada. Pengujian akan dilakukan dengan mengirimkan paket data, VoIP dan video dengan melihat overhead traffic dan QoS (delay dan packet loss. Algoritma Floyd-Warshall akan digunakan pada pengontrol Ryu dan menggunakan Mininet sebagai emulator jaringan dengan topologi berbasis Abiline. Hasil simulasi dan pengujian algoritma Floyd-Warshall sebagai penentuan jalur terbaik dalam jaringan SDN, mendapatkan hasil yang memenuhi standarisasi. Nilai dari QoS yang didapat untuk delay masih berada pada nilai yang menjadi standar ITU-T G.1010. Packet loss yang dihasilkan semua jenis layanan sudah memenuhi standar ITU-T G.1010 yaitu 0% hingga saat pada jaringan diberikan background traffic melebihi kapasitas link yaitu pemberian sebesar 75 Mbps. Dalam pengujian waktu konvergensi didapatkan waktu dengan rata-rata nilai 17.71446 detik. Kemudian untuk overhead traffic menunjukan bahwa perubahan overhead dipengaruhi oleh controller update dan juga flow update, dimana ketika sering terjadinya controller update dan flow update maka semakin besar juga overhead yang didapat.


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    Agus Dwi Anggono


    Full Text Available Plastic injection merupakan proses manufactur untuk membuat produk dengan bahan dasar plastic atau dalam kesempatan ini polypropylene. Pada proses tersebut seringkali terjadi cacat produk seperti pengerutan, retak, dimensi tidak sesuai dan kerusakan saat produk keluar dari mould, sehingga banyak material yang terbuang percuma. Meskipun cacat produk tersebut dipengaruhi banyak factor, tetapi yang paling utama adalah masalah shrinkage, atau penyusutan material setelah terjadi pendinginan. Sangat penting untuk melakukan prediksi lebih awal terjadinya penyusutan setelah pendinginan untuk menghindari cacat produk. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan prediksi shrinkage yang akan digunakan untuk material polypropylene dengan cara perhitungan standar. Pembuatan modeling dalam bentuk 3D (tiga dimensi injection molding baik cavity maupun corenya dengan menggunakan CATIA, kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan software MoldFlow untuk pembuatan mesh dan memberikan batasan panas pada komponen sehingga dapat diketahui mode penyusutannya. Analisis ini akan memberikan gambaran tentang distribusi panas pada mould dan memberikan tentang gambaran aliran fluida. Pada analisis tersebut dapat dilihat gejala terjadinya cacat produk, jika hal itu terjadi maka perlu dilakukan perubahan shrinkage, sampai diperoleh hasil analisis yang baik.

  9. Electrical properties of ZnO nanorods and layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlenker, Eva; Bakin, Andrey; Peters, Ole; Mofor, Augustine C.; Postels, Bianca; El-Shaer, Hamid; Wehmann, Hergo-Heinrich; Waag, Andreas [Institut fuer Halbleitertechnik, TU Braunschweig (Germany); Weimann, Thomas; Hinze, Peter [Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig (Germany)


    ZnO has attracted a lot of interest in the scientific community due to its outstanding properties. With a band gap of 3.37 eV and an exciton binding energy of 60 meV it is a promising candidate for micro- and optoelectronic applications. The growth of ZnO nanostructures and epitaxial layers is well under control and their optical and structural properties are already thoroughly characterized. However, due to contacting difficulties, less reports exist on the electrical properties of single ZnO nanostructures. In this contribution we present various contacting methods in order to explore the electrical properties of individual nanorods either grown by aqueous chemical growth or vapor phase transport. Current-Voltage characteristics were obtained by using an atomic force microscope with a conductive tip or by patterning contacts with e-beam lithography. The results are compared to the ones obtained from measurements on epitaxially grown ZnO layers and first applications are presented.

  10. Reducing ZnO nanoparticle cytotoxicity by surface modification. (United States)

    Luo, Mingdeng; Shen, Cenchao; Feltis, Bryce N; Martin, Lisandra L; Hughes, Anthony E; Wright, Paul F A; Turney, Terence W


    Nanoparticulate zinc oxide (ZnO) is one of the most widely used engineered nanomaterials and its toxicology has gained considerable recent attention. A key aspect for controlling biological interactions at the nanoscale is understanding the relevant nanoparticle surface chemistry. In this study, we have determined the disposition of ZnO nanoparticles within human immune cells by measurement of total Zn, as well as the proportions of extra- and intracellular dissolved Zn as a function of dose and surface coating. From this mass balance, the intracellular soluble Zn levels showed little difference in regard to dose above a certain minimal level or to different surface coatings. PEGylation of ZnO NPs reduced their cytotoxicity as a result of decreased cellular uptake arising from a minimal protein corona. We conclude that the key role of the surface properties of ZnO NPs in controlling cytotoxicity is to regulate cellular nanoparticle uptake rather than altering either intracellular or extracellular Zn dissolution.

  11. Photoluminescence of spray pyrolysis deposited ZnO nanorods

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    Mikli Valdek


    Full Text Available Abstract Photoluminescence of highly structured ZnO layers comprising well-shaped hexagonal rods is presented. The ZnO rods (length 500-1,000 nm, diameter 100-300 nm were grown in air onto a preheated soda-lime glass (SGL or ITO/SGL substrate by low-cost chemical spray pyrolysis method using zinc chloride precursor solutions and growth temperatures in the range of 450-550°C. We report the effect of the variation in deposition parameters (substrate type, growth temperature, spray rate, solvent type on the photoluminescence properties of the spray-deposited ZnO nanorods. A dominant near band edge (NBE emission is observed at 300 K and at 10 K. High-resolution photoluminescence measurements at 10 K reveal fine structure of the NBE band with the dominant peaks related to the bound exciton transitions. It is found that all studied technological parameters affect the excitonic photoluminescence in ZnO nanorods. PACS: 78.55.Et, 81.15.Rs, 61.46.Km

  12. The structural properties of flower-like ZnO nanostructures on porous silicon (United States)

    Eswar, Kevin Alvin; Suhaimi, Mohd Husairi Fadzillah; Guliling, Muliyadi; Mohamad, Maryam; Khusaimi, Zuraida; Rusop, M.; Abdullah, Saifollah


    The flower-like zinc oxide (ZnO) were successfully synthesized on porous silicon (PSi) via hydrothermal method. The characteristic of ZnO nanostructures was investigated using field emission scanning microscopy (FESEM) and X-ray diffraction (X-Ray). The FESEM images show the flower-like ZnO nanostructures composed ZnO nanoparticles. The X-ray diffraction shows that strong intensity of (100), (002) and (101) peaks. The structural analysis revealed that the peaks angles were shifted due to the stress or imperfection of the crystalline of ZnO nanostructures. The crystalline sizes in range of 42.60 to 54.09 nm were produced.

  13. Function of NaOH hydrolysis in electrospinning ZnO nanofibers via using polylactide as templates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Mengzhu; Wang, Yongpeng; Cheng, Zhiqiang; Song, Lihua; Zhang, Mingyue; Hu, Meijuan; Li, Junfeng


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • PLA was used as templates to electrospin ZnO nanofibers for the first time. • Without NaOH hydrolysis, only ZnO film was prepared. • Under function of NaOH, ZnO nanofibers were obtained. • The function of NaOH was discussed. • ZnO nanofibers showed much higher photocatalytical efficiency than ZnO film. - Abstract: Mixture of polylactide (8 wt%), zinc acetate (6 wt%) and hexafluoroisopropanol was first used as electrospinning solution to fabricate ZnO nanofibers. Unfortunately, after direct calcination of the precursor polylactide/zinc acetate nanofibers, only ZnO film was prepared. Surprisingly, when the precursor fibers were pre-hydrolyzed with NaOH, ZnO nanofibers with diameter of 678 nm were obtained. The mechanism analysis showed that the preserve of fiber structure was attributed to the formation of zinc polylactic acid in the process of hydrolyzation. After characterized by scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope, the ZnO film was found to be an aggregation of irregular nanoparticles and the ZnO nanofiber was a necklace-like arrangement of cylindrical grains. X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence measurements indicated that the crystalline quality of the ZnO nanofibers was higher than the film. Furthermore, photocatalytic performance of the ZnO samples was investigated. Comparing with ZnO film, ZnO nanofibers exhibited much higher activity

  14. Enhancement of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Performances Using Cetyltrimethylammonium-Bromide Modified ZnO

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    Chung-Kai Wu


    Full Text Available In this study, the performance and stability of inverted bulk heterojunction (BHJ polymer solar cells (PSCs is enhanced by doping zinc oxide (ZnO with 0–6 wt % cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB in the sol-gel ZnO precursor solution. The power conversion efficiency (PCE of the optimized 3 wt % CTAB-doped ZnO PSCs was increased by 9.07%, compared to a PCE of 7.31% for the pristine ZnO device. The 0–6 wt % CTAB-doped ZnO surface roughness was reduced from 2.6 to 1 nm and the number of surface defects decreased. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy binding energies of Zn 2p3/2 (1021.92 eV and 2p1/2 (1044.99 eV shifted to 1022.83 and 1045.88 eV, respectively, which is related to strong chemical bonding via bromide ions (Br− that occupy oxygen vacancies in the ZnO lattice, improving the PCE of PSCs. The concentration of CTAB in ZnO significantly affected the work function of PSC devices; however, excessive CTAB increased the work function of the ZnO layer, resulting from the aggregation of CTAB molecules. In addition, after a 120-hour stability test in the atmosphere with 40% relative humidity, the inverted device based on CTAB-doped ZnO retained 92% of its original PCE and that based on pristine ZnO retained 68% of its original PCE. The obtained results demonstrate that the addition of CTAB into ZnO can dramatically influence the optical, electrical, and morphological properties of ZnO, enhancing the performance and stability of BHJ PSCs.

  15. Smoothing of ZnO films by gas cluster ion beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, H.; Liu, S.W.; Wang, X.M.; Iliev, M.N.; Chen, C.L.; Yu, X.K.; Liu, J.R.; Ma, K.; Chu, W.K.


    Planarization of wide-band-gap semiconductor ZnO surface is crucial for thin-film device performance. In this study, the rough initial surfaces of ZnO films deposited by r.f. magnetron sputtering on Si substrates were smoothed by gas cluster ion beams. AFM measurements show that the average surface roughness (R a ) of the ZnO films could be reduced considerably from 16.1 nm to 0.9 nm. Raman spectroscopy was used to monitor the structure of both the as-grown and the smoothed ZnO films. Rutherford back-scattering in combination with channeling effect was used to study the damage production induced by the cluster bombardment

  16. Hybrid AC EL structures with thin protective ZnO film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsvetkova, E; Dikov, H; Kolentsov, K; Yourukova, L; Zhechev, D; Steflekova, V


    Alternating current hybrid electroluminescent Al/SnO 2 /ZnS: Cu/ZnO/Al structures with blue emission have been prepared. In these ZnO films are used as protective layers. The optical properties of different RF magnetron sputtered ZnO films have been studied. The voltage - brightness characteristics of AC EL structures with a ZnO protective film and conventional structures with a TiO 2 protective layer are compared. The investigation shows that the brightness of the structures with a ZnO protective film is higher. The improved characteristics of these new hybrid structures could be used in preparing various systems for representation of permanent or variable light information

  17. Analisis Perilaku Penerimaan EDMODO pada Perkuliahan Dengan Model UTAUT

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    Kurniabudi .


    Full Text Available Penggunan perangkat e-learning di STIKOMDB diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa penerimaan perangkat e-learning pada pembelajaran menggunakan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ( UTAUT . Responden penelitian adalah mahasiswa STIKOMDB yang menggunakan perangkat e-learning pada pembelajaran. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode survey. Data dianalisa menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa that Expectancy Performance , Price Value dan Habit memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Behavioral Intention. Sedangkan Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Condition, Social Influence dan Hedonic Motivation tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap Behavioral Intention. Model penelitian menghasilkan nilai R2 sebesar 0.639 yang memiliki arti bahwa model cukup subtansial untuk memprediksi penerimaan perangkat e-Learning pada pembelajaran

  18. UV-Enhanced Ethanol Sensing Properties of RF Magnetron-Sputtered ZnO Film. (United States)

    Huang, Jinyu; Du, Yu; Wang, Quan; Zhang, Hao; Geng, Youfu; Li, Xuejin; Tian, Xiaoqing


    ZnO film was deposited by the magnetron sputtering method. The thickness of ZnO film is approximately 2 μm. The influence of UV light illumination on C₂H₅OH sensing properties of ZnO film was investigated. Gas sensing results revealed that the UV-illuminated ZnO film displays excellent C₂H₅OH characteristics in terms of high sensitivity, excellent selectivity, rapid response/recovery, and low detection limit down to 0.1 ppm. The excellent sensing performance of the sensor with UV activation could be attributed to the photocatalytic oxidation of ethanol on the surface of the ZnO film, the planar film structure with high utilizing efficiency of UV light, high electron mobility, and a good surface/volume ratio of of ZnO film with a relatively rough and porous surface.

  19. Tunable, flexible antireflection layer of ZnO nanowires embedded in PDMS. (United States)

    Kim, Min Kyu; Yi, Dong Kee; Paik, Ungyu


    In this article, we report the fabrication of ordered hybrid structures composed of ZnO nanowires and a polymeric matrix with a polymer precursor infiltrating the nanowire arrays. The antireflective properties of the resulting ZnO nanowire-embedded polydimethylsiloxane composite (ZPC) were investigated at various ZnO nanowire lengths and ZPC bending angles. Interestingly, we found that whereas the antireflective properties showed a strong dependence on the length of the embedded ZnO nanowires in PDMS, the bending of ZPC has little effect on the antireflective properties.

  20. Analisa Variable Moment of Inertia (VMI Flywheel pada Hydro-Shock Absorber Kendaraan

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    Hasbulah Zarkasy


    Full Text Available Flywheel selama ini dimanfaatkan untuk menyimpan energi mekanik pada mesin, membuat mesin berputar dengan lebih lembut. Prinsip kerja dari flywheel adalah dengan memanfaatkan momen inersia. Baru-baru ini dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pemanfaatan dari flywheel, yakni pada sistem suspense, akan tetapi selama ini penelitian yang dilakukan terbatas pada flywheel dengan momen inersia yang konstan (Constant Moment of Inertia. Kali ini akan dilakukan penelitian mengenai Variable Moment of Inertia Flywhel atau dengan kata lain flywheel yang momen inersianya berubah-ubah. Flywheel ini terdiri dari dua bagian utama, yakni flywheel berongga dan slider yang dapat bergerak bebas di sepanjang guide track. Percobaan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakteristik gaya redam dari VMI Flywheel. Juga akan dianalisa seperti apa respon dinamis dari slider selama flywheel berputar. Selain itu respon dinamis kendaraan saat VMI Flywheel ini dipasangkan juga dianalisa. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa variasi massa slider berpengaruh terhadap gaya redam yang dihasilkan oleh VMI Flywheel. Semakin besar massa slider, gaya redam yang muncul juga semakin besar. Faktor frekuensi input juga berpengaruh, sebab semakin besar frekuensi input yang pada shock absorber, gaya redam yang timbul juga membesar. Perpindahan yang dialami oleh slider juga tergantung pada jenis massa slider tersebut. Semakin besar massa slider, perpindahan yang dialami juga akan semakin besar. Performa VMI Flywheel secara umum pada frekuensi rendah. Sedangkan pada frekuensi tinggi, performa VMI Flywheel cenderung tidak bagus dan menyebabkan kendaraan tidak nyaman.

  1. Katarak Senilis Imatur Pada Wanita Umur 84 Tahun


    Amindyta, Oktaria


    Latar belakang. Katarak merupakan kekeruhan yang timbul pada lensa yang dapat menyebabkan kebutaan. Pada tahun 1997, WHO memperkirakan terdapat 38 juta orang buta di dunia dan setengahnya disebabkan oleh katarak. Katarak yang berhubungan dengan usia menyebabkan kira-kira 48% kebutaan didunia, yaitu sekitar 18 juta orang. Sekitar 85% dari penderita katarak adalah orang lanjut usia (senile). Kasus. Ny N, usia 80 tahun, mengeluh penglihatan berasap. Keluhan disertai dengan silau jika melihat ...

  2. Deteksi Antigen pada Kriptokokosis

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    Robiatul Adawiyah


    Full Text Available AbstrakKriptokokosis merupakan infeksi sistemik yang disebabkan Cryptococcus sp. Predileksi jamur tersebut adalah susunan saraf pusat dan selaput otak. Terdapat 5 spesies Cryptococcus sp. yang menyebabkan penyakit pada manusia; yang paling banyak adalah Cr. neoformans dan Cr. gattii. Diagnosis kriptokokosis ditegakkan berdasarkan gejala klinis, pemeriksaan laboratoris serta radiologis. Pemeriksaan laboratoris dilakukan dengan identifikasi morfologi, serologi danPCR. Pemeriksaan secara morfologi dengan tinta India positif  bila jumlah sel jamur 10  sel/ml spesimen. Kultur dilakukan di media sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA dan niger sheed agar (NSA, jamur tumbuh setelah 5-7 hari. Deteksi antigen dan antibodi dilakukan pada cairan tubuh dan tidak membutuhkan waktu lama. Deteksi antibodi Cr.neoformans memiliki kelemahan yaitu tidak menunjukkan hasil positif pada infeksi akut, IgA masih positif setelah 1-2 tahun fase penyembuhan, IgG dapat persisten, pada individu imunokompromis menunjukkan hasil yang sangat kompleks dan dalam menentukan diagnosis sering tidak konsisten. Polisakarida adalah komponen paling berperan dalam virulensi Cr. neoformans. Komponen polisakarida terutama glucuronoxylomannan merupakan petanda penting dalam diagnosis kriptokokosis secara serologis. Deteksi antigen Cr. neoformans memiliki kelebihan yaitu menunjukkan hasil positif pada infeksi akut/kronis, sensitivitas dan spesifisitas tinggi, dapat mendeteksi polisakarida hingga 10 ng/ml sehingga dengan kadarantigen yang minimal tetap dapat mendiagnosis kriptokokosis.Kata kunci: Cr. neoformans, glucuronoxylomannan, antigenAbstractCryptococcosis is systemic infection that caused by Cryptococcus sp. Predilection of this fungi is the central nervous system and brain membrane. There are 5 species of Cryptococcus sp. that cause cryptococcosis in human; but the majority are caused by Cr. neoformans and Cr. gattii. The diagnosis of cryptococcosis is made based on clinical symptoms

  3. Cu-implanted ZnO nanorods array film: An aqueous synthetic approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Ajaya Kumar, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Govt. VYT PG. Autonomous College Durg, Chhattisgarh (India); Thool, Gautam Sheel [Department of Chemistry, Govt. VYT PG. Autonomous College Durg, Chhattisgarh (India); Singh, R.S. [Department of Physics, Govt. D.T. College, Utai, Durg, Chhattisgarh (India); Singh, Surya Prakash, E-mail: [Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Uppal road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500007 (India)


    Highlights: • Cu doped ZnO nanorods were synthesized using low temperature aqueous solution method. • We demonstrated the capping action of TEA via theoretical simulation. • Raman analysis revealed the presence of tensile strain in Cu doped ZnO nanorods. • Growth rate was found to be high in Cu doped ZnO nanorods. - Abstract: Pure and Cu doped ZnO nanorods array are synthesized via two step chemical bath deposition method. The seed layer is prepared by successive ionic layer adsorption reaction (SILAR) method. The synthesized materials have been systematically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDAX), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. SEM pictures show the existence of vertically well aligned hexagonal ZnO nanorods. EDAX spectrum confirms the presence of Cu in ZnO nanorods. High intense peak of (0 0 2) plane and E{sub 2}{sup high} mode for XRD and Raman spectrum respectively, suggest the ZnO nanorods are adopted c-axis orientation perpendicular to substrate. XRD and Raman analysis shows the presence of tensile strain in Cu doped ZnO nanorods. Effect of Cu doping on lattice constants, unit cell volume and Zn–O bond length of ZnO nanorods have also been studied. Room temperature PL measurement exhibits two luminescence bands in the spectra i.e. UV emission centered at 3.215 eV and a broad visible band. Theoretical investigation for capping action of triethanolamine is done by Hartree–Fock (HF) method with 3-21G basis set using Gaussian 09 program package.

  4. Quenching of the surface-state-related photoluminescence in Ni-coated ZnO nanowires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tang Yang [Key Laboratory of Excited State Processes, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 16 East Nan-Hu Road, Open Economic Zone, Changchun 130033 (China); Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China); Zhao Dongxu, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Excited State Processes, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 16 East Nan-Hu Road, Open Economic Zone, Changchun 130033 (China); Zhang Jiying; Shen Dezhen [Key Laboratory of Excited State Processes, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 16 East Nan-Hu Road, Open Economic Zone, Changchun 130033 (China)


    Nickel-coated ZnO nanowires (NWs) were fabricated by electrodepositing Ni particles on ZnO NW arrays. The morphological, magnetic, and photoluminescent properties of the Ni-coated ZnO NWs were investigated. The Ni particles were deposited on the ZnO NWs' surface along its length to form a Ni/ZnO shell-core structure. The Ni-coated ZnO NWs exhibited more isotropic characteristic than the electrodeposited Ni films owing to the isotropic sphere structure of the Ni particles. A strong ultraviolet emission can be obtained from the Ni-coated ZnO NWs, while the green emission related to surface states was quenched by the passivated layer.

  5. Quenching of the surface-state-related photoluminescence in Ni-coated ZnO nanowires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Yang; Zhao Dongxu; Zhang Jiying; Shen Dezhen


    Nickel-coated ZnO nanowires (NWs) were fabricated by electrodepositing Ni particles on ZnO NW arrays. The morphological, magnetic, and photoluminescent properties of the Ni-coated ZnO NWs were investigated. The Ni particles were deposited on the ZnO NWs' surface along its length to form a Ni/ZnO shell-core structure. The Ni-coated ZnO NWs exhibited more isotropic characteristic than the electrodeposited Ni films owing to the isotropic sphere structure of the Ni particles. A strong ultraviolet emission can be obtained from the Ni-coated ZnO NWs, while the green emission related to surface states was quenched by the passivated layer.

  6. Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Using p-Type ZnO Nanowire Arrays

    KAUST Repository

    Lu, Ming-Pei


    Using phosphorus-doped ZnO nanowire (NW) arrays grown on silicon substrate, energy conversion using the p-type ZnO NWs has been demonstrated for the first time. The p-type ZnO NWs produce positive output voltage pulses when scanned by a conductive atomic force microscope (AFM) in contact mode. The output voltage pulse is generated when the tip contacts the stretched side (positive piezoelectric potential side) of the NW. In contrast, the n-type ZnO NW produces negative output voltage when scanned by the AFM tip, and the output voltage pulse is generated when the tip contacts the compressed side (negative potential side) of the NW. In reference to theoretical simulation, these experimentally observed phenomena have been systematically explained based on the mechanism proposed for a nanogenerator. © 2009 American Chemical Society.

  7. Unjuk Kerja IP PBX Asterisk dan FreeSWITCH pada Topologi Bertingkat di Jaringan Kampus

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    Iwan Setiawan


    Full Text Available Internet Protocol-based Private Branch Exchange (IP PBX diperlukan untuk menghubungkan panggilan antar perangkat komunikasi Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP di sebuah jaringan lokal (LAN. Dengan adanya IP PBX, layanan VoIP dapat disediakan di atas jaringan data/IP yang sudah tergelar. Penelitian ini kami lakukan untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja VoIP pada dua IP PBX yang menggunakan perangkat lunak server Asterisk dan FreeSWITCH. Kami merancang sebuah arsitektur jaringan eksperimen yang diadaptasi dari topologi bertingkat pada jaringan kampus (CAN di lokasi penelitian dengan hierarki perangkat yang terdiri dari core switch, distribution switch, dan access switch. Kedua IP PBX ditempatkan pada hierarki yang berbeda pada topologi jaringan tersebut agar dapat diketahui pengaruhnya terhadap unjuk kerja VoIP. Konsep eksperimen ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu dasar untuk mendesain arsitektur IP PBX secara terpusat dan tersebar pada jaringan kampus. Unjuk kerja VoIP kami ukur dengan parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS dan Quality of Experience (QoE. Selain itu, kami juga mengukur konsumsi prosesor dan memori yang dipakai oleh perangkat lunak server VoIP pada saat komunikasi terjadi. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan skenario phone-to-phone pada jaringan eksperimen yang terhubung ke jaringan kampus aktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penempatan IP PBX di hierarki yang berbeda pada topologi jaringan berpengaruh terhadap unjuk kerja VoIP khususnya pada IP PBX Asterisk. Ketika dibandingkan, unjuk kerja IP PBX FreeSWITCH dalam hal QoS dan QoE sedikit lebih baik daripada Asterisk pada rerata latensi/delay, jitter, Mean Opinion Score (MOS, dan konsumsi memori yaitu 41,012 ms, 0,060 ms, 5, dan 1 % untuk IP PBX 1 serta 41,016 ms, 0,066 ms, 5, dan 0,5 % untuk IP PBX 2

  8. Effects of the annealing duration of the ZnO buffer layer on structural and optical properties of ZnO rods grown by a hydrothermal process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, C.M.; Lee, J.Y.; Heo, J.H.; Park, J.H.; Kim, C.R. [Department of Nano Systems Engineering, Center for Nano Manufacturing, Inje University, Obang-dong, Gimhae, Gyeongnam 621-749 (Korea, Republic of); Ryu, H., E-mail: [Department of Nano Systems Engineering, Center for Nano Manufacturing, Inje University, Obang-dong, Gimhae, Gyeongnam 621-749 (Korea, Republic of); Chang, J.H. [Major of Nano Semiconductor, Korea Maritime University, 1 Dongsam-dong, Yeongdo-Ku, Busan 606-791 (Korea, Republic of); Son, C.S. [Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Silla University, Gwaebeop-dong, Sasang-gu, Busan 617-736 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, W.J. [Department of Nano Engineering, Dong-Eui University, 995 Eomgwangno, Busanjin-gu, Busan 614-714 (Korea, Republic of); Tan, S.T. [Institute of Microelectronics, 11 Science Park Road, Science Park II, Singapore 117685 (Singapore); Zhao, J.L. [School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Sun, X.W. [Institute of Microelectronics, 11 Science Park Road, Science Park II, Singapore 117685 (Singapore); School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore)


    In this study, the effects of the annealing duration of a zinc oxide (ZnO) buffer layer on structural and optical properties of ZnO rods grown by a hydrothermal process are discussed. A ZnO buffer layer was deposited on p-type Si (1 1 1) substrates by the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) method. After that, ZnO rods were grown on the ZnO-buffer/Si (1 1 1) substrate by a hydrothermal process. In order to determine the optimum annealing duration of the buffer layer for the growth of ZnO rods, durations ranging from 0.5 to 30 min were tried. The morphology and crystal structure of the ZnO/ZnO-buffer/Si (1 1 1) were measured by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The optical properties were investigated by photoluminescence (PL) measurement.


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    Rensat Bastian Tino


    Full Text Available Infeksi malaria pada kehamilan merugikan ibu dan janin yang dikandungnya karena dapat meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu maupun janin. Data kematian ibu di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Tahun 2014, menunjukkan bahwa kematian ibu berdasarkan penyebab malaria berada pada urutan ke tiga. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor perilaku pencegahan (pemakaian kelambu, pemasangan kawat kasa, penggunaan obat anti nyamuk dan kebiasaan berada di luar rumah pada malam hari terhadap kejadian malaria pada ibu hamil di Kabupaten TTS. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan rancangan penelitian case control. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Multi Stage Sampling dengan besar sampel sebanyak 90 orang. Analisis data menggunakan analisis bivariabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ibu hamil yang tidak menggunakan kelambu dan atau memiliki kebiasaan berada di luar rumah pada malam hari memiliki risiko yang lebih besar untuk terinfeksi malaria di Kabupaten TTS p=0,000 (OR 8,389, 95% CI : 3,152-22,292 dan p : 0,010 (OR : 3,143, 95% CI : 1,300-7,599. Dengan demikian maka perlu adanya pemerataan, monitoring pemanfaatan dan pemeliharaan kelambu berinsektisida dan perlu mengidentifikasi potensi-potensi lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai media pengusir nyamuk dan dapat juga memanfaatkan tanaman-tanaman pengusir nyamuk, seperti zodia, selasih, geranium, suren, lavender, serai dan mimba. Kata Kunci: Malaria, Ibu Hamil, Perilaku, Pencegahan

  10. Karakteristik Dan perawatan Anomali Ortodonsia Pada Beberapa Penderita Achondroplasia


    Agustina, Nova


    Karakteristik dan Perawatan Anomali Ortodonsia pada Beberapa Penderita Achondroplasia xii + 56 halaman Kelainan genetik dapat berpengaruh terhadap gangguan dentofasial. Achondroplasia adalah salah satu kelainan genetik yang mempunyai manifestasi timbulnya gangguan dentofasial. Achondroplasia adalah salah satu bentuk dwarfisme yang sering dijumpai. Achondroplasia disebabkan oleh gangguan osifikasi endokondral akibat mutasi gen FGFR 3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 3) pada lengan p...

  11. Perancangan Kendali Manuver Untuk Menghindari Tabrakan Pada Kapal Patroli Cepat Berbasis Pengujian Model

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    Kusnindar Priohutomo


    Full Text Available Kendali manuver kapal untuk menghindari tabrakan menjadi masalah penting pada sebagian besar sistem transportasi kapal. Banyak kajian yang dilakukan agar kapal dapat terhindar dari tabrakan. Tetapi semuanya menggunakan pendekatan numerik. Pendekatan numerik memiliki kelemahan yaitu nilai yang diperoleh adalah nilai hampiran dan bukan nilai exact. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kajian kendali manuver kapal menggunakan pendekatan pengujian skala model. Pada paper ini akan dibahas perancangan kendali manuver yang akan digunakan pada model kapal untuk menghindarkan kapal dari tabrakan. Dimana didalam sistem kendali tersebut terdapat beberapa sensor, antara lain sensor ultrasonic, sensor gyro dan kamera Qualysis. Pengujian dilakukan di kolam Manuvering Ocean Basin milik Balai Teknologi Hidrodinamika (d/h LHI, BPP. Teknologi. Model kapal yang digunakan adalah kapal patroli cepat (fast patrol boat. Halangan yang dipasang berjumlah 1 dan dalam posisi diam. Dari pengujian model kapal yang dilakukan, perancangan kendali manuver terbukti mampu menghindarkan kapal dari terjadinya tabrakan. Jarak minimum kapal dan halangan pada jarak tabrakan 250 m sebesar 88,25 m, pada jarak tabrakan 200 m sebesar 47,33 m sedangkan pada jarak tabrakan 150 m sebesar 12,75 m.


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    I Nyoman Trisna Wirawan


    Full Text Available Wireless ad-hoc merupakan sebuah skema jaringan yang didesain supaya mampu beroperasi tanpa membutuhkan infrastruktur tetap serta bersifat otonom. Teknik flooding pada proses path discovery dalam kasus wireless ad-hoc network dapat menimbulkan masalah beban jaringan yang berlebihan. Oleh karena itu, sebuah skema clustering diusulkan untuk mengurangi adanya flooding paket yang berlebihan dengan membagi node-node dalam jaringan menjadi beberapa bagian berdasarkan parameter tertentu. Teknik ini efektifuntuk mengurangi paket yang harus dilewatkan dalam jaringan. Namun masalah muncul ketika sebuah jaringan wireless ad-hoc harus membentuk sebuah cluster dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa parameter khusus. Parameter tersebut harus disesuaikan dengan kasus yang dihadapi. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas secara khusus mengenai penerapan skema clustering dalam lingkungan wireless ad-hoc network, baik pada MANETdan penyesuaian skema clustering yang harus dilakukan pada VANET berdasarkan mobilitasnya.

  13. Growth and characterization of ZnO nanowires for optical applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    AlSalhi, M S; Atif, M; Ansari, A A; Khun, K; Ibupoto, Z H; Willander, M


    In the present work, cerium oxide CeO 2 nanoparticles were synthesized by the sol–gel method and used for the growth of ZnO nanorods. The synthesized nanoparticles were studied by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopic techniques. Furthermore, these nanoparticles were used as the seed layer for the growth of ZnO nanorods by following the hydrothermal growth method. The structural study of ZnO nanorods was carried out by means of field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and XRD techniques. This study demonstrated that the grown ZnO nanorods are well aligned, uniform, of good crystal quality and have diameters of less than 200 nm. Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis revealed that the ZnO nanorods are composed only of zinc, cerium as the seed atom, and oxygen atoms, with no other impurities in the grown nanorods. Moreover, a photoluminescence (PL) approach was applied for the optical characterization, and it was observed that the near-band-edge (NBE) emission was the same as that of the zinc acetate seed layer, however the green and orange/red emission peaks were slightly raised due to possibly higher levels of defects in the cerium oxide seeded ZnO nanorods. This study provides an alternative approach for the controlled synthesis of ZnO nanorods using cerium oxide nanoparticles as the seed nucleation layer, improving both the morphology of the nanorods and the performance of devices based upon them. (paper)

  14. Kompensasi Kesalahan Sensor Berbasis Descriptor dengan Performa H_inf pada Winding Machine

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    Hendra Antomy


    Full Text Available Kesalahan pada sensor dapat terjadi pada sistem kontrol dengan umpan balik sehingga mengakibatkan sistem mengalami penurunan stabilitas dan performa. Fault Tolerant Control (FTC adalah metode untuk mengkompensasi kesalahan pada komponen sistem, salah satunya adalah kesalahan sensor. FTC dapat disusun dengan cara mendesain estimator untuk mengestimasi besarnya kesalahan sensor yang terjadi. Kompensasi dilakukan dengan cara mengurangkan estimasi kesalahan sensor dengan keluaran sistem. Pada makalah ini, FTC untuk kesalahan sensor diterapkan pada sistem winding machine. Estimator dirancang menggunakan pendekatan sistem descriptor dan didesain memenuhi performa H_inf. Permasalahan dalam desain estimator dirumuskan dalam bentuk Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI. Untuk merancang kontroler nominal, sistem winding machine direpresentasikan sebagai model fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno (T-S. Berdasarkan model tersebut, aturan kontroler disusun menggunakan konsep Parallel Distributed Compensation (PDC dengan struktur kontrol servo tipe 1. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa kompensasi yang diberikan dapat menjaga performa dan stabilitas sistem saat terjadi kesalahan sensor. Selain itu, estimator memenuhi performa H_inf dengan L2-Gain kurang dari tingkat pelemahan yang ditentukan.

  15. Identifikasi Kedalaman Laut (Bathymetry berdasarkan Warna Permukaan Laut pada Citra Satelit menggunakan Metode ANFIS

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    Diwan Mukti Pambuko


    mengetahui warna permukaan pada posisi tersebut dapat dibuat sebuah sistem yang bisa mengidentifikasi kedalaman laut pada posisi tertentu dari warna pada permukaan laut tersebut. Sistem yang dibangun ini menggunakan data kedalaman laut hasil pengukuran manual dan dipadukan dengan data gambar satelit pada posisi yang sama. Kemudian dilakukan proses learning menggunakan teknik Neuro-Fuzzy dengan metode ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System dengan kinerja model identifikasi dapat diketahui dari nilai MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error dan MSE (Mean Square Error. Hasil dari pembuatan model identifikasi, diperoleh sistem yang dapat melakukan identifikasi sangat baik dengan error yang diperoleh pada saat proses pengujian sebesar MAPE 9.0024 % dan MSE 0.0034. Kata kunci: bathymetry, citra satelit, neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS

  16. Intrinsic defects in ZnO varistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahan, G.D.


    Theoretical calculations are presented for equilibrium concentrations of zinc and oxygen vacancies in ZnO. Results are presented at the sintering temperature, and also at room temperature. Theoretical calculations of reaction constants show that the intrinsic donor is the oxygen vacancy, rather than the zinc interstitial. The depletion of vacancies in the surface region, as the ZnO is cooled from the sintering temperature, is also calculated. Homojunction effects which are caused by such depletion are shown to be small


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    Ance M. Dahro


    Full Text Available plementasi yodium pada ibu menyusui dan bayi di 2 kecamatan Magelang. Responden adalah ibu menyusui sebanyak 216 orang dan bayinya yang berumur 7-12 minggu dalam keadaan sehat. Responden dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok perlakuan yaitu I: ibu dan bayi diberi kapsul yodium; II: hanya ibu yang diberi kapsul yodium; III: hanya bayi yang diberi kapsul yodium; IV: ibu dan bayi sebagai pembanding. Yodium yang diberikan pada ibu menyusui dosis 200 mg, sedangkan untuk bayi dosis 100 mg. Dilihat dampaknya pada status yodium melalui pemeriksaan yodium dalam urin bayi pada hari ke 0, 1, 7, 60, 90 dan 180 dihitung dari hari pertama intervensi; kadar hemoglobin pada hari ke 180 dan status gizi bayi berdasarkan hasil pengukuran anthropometri pada hari ke 0, 90 dan 180. Dari hasil penelitian didapati median kadar yodium dalam urin bayi kelompok I, II dan III naik mencapai puncaknya pada hari pertama setelah pemberian kapsul yodium masing-masing yaitu 27450 ug/l, 15500 ug/l dan 26000 ug/l. Bila dibandingkan dengan awal pemeriksaan kenaikan ekskresi yodium dalam urin kelompok I, II dan III masing-masing adalah 283 kali, 152 kali dan 245 kali. Yodium dalam urin bayi kelompok I dibandingkan dengan kelompok II diasumsikan tidak sama pada setiap waktu pemeriksaan ternyata cenderung tidak terlalu berbeda. Yodium dalam urin bayi pada hri pertama kelompok II dan kelompok III yang bila dibandingkan dengan ekskresi yodium urin kelompok I menunjukkan bahwa ekskresi kadar yodium urin bayi makin tidak konsisten bila dosis suplemen makin tinggi. Ekskresi yodium dalam urin bayi yang mendapat yodium dosis hanya 100 mg ternyata jumlahnya cenderung sama dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin ibu yang memperoleh dosis 200 mg, yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan toleransi penyerapan yodium oleh tubuh bayi dan dewasa. Bayi yang hanya mendapat ASI saja (kelompok II ekskresi yodium dalam urinnya sudah menggambarkan kecukupan perolehan yodium pada bayi hingga hari ke 180. Pada akhir penelitian


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    Kusnanto .


    Full Text Available Stabilitas postural adalah masalah yang umum pada lansia. Balance exercise dapat dijadikan alternative latihan bagi lansia. Latihan ini meliputi 5 gerakan (plantar flexion, hip flexion, hip flexion, knee flexion dan side leg raise. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa efek dari balance exercise terhadap peningkatan stabilitas postural pada lansia. Penelitian ini menggunakan design pre eksperimen. Populasi yang digunakan adalah lansia di Panti Wreda Bangkalan. Total sampel adalah 11 responden, yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Variabel dependen adalah balance exercise dan variabel independen adalah stabilitas postural. Stabilitas postural diukur menggunakan 2 tes, yaitu tes Tinetti dan TUGT (Time Up and Go Test. Data dianalisa menggunakan paired t test dengan level signifikan 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa balance exercise secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan stabilitas postural. Pada tes Tinetti (p=0,000 dan di TUGT (p=0,001. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hasil yang signifikan antara balance exercise dengan peningkatan stabilitas postural pada lansia. Hal ini disebabkan Karena balance exercise dapat membuat otot lansia menjadi hipertrofi. Hipertrofi dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot sehingga stabilitas postural lansia dapat meningkat. Penelitian yang akan datang diharapkan melibatkan lebih banyak responden dengan waktu penelitian yang lebih lama dan pengukuran yang lebih baik untuk memastikan hasil yang lebih akurat.

  19. Gambaran histopatologi penyembuhkan luka pencabutan gigi pada makrofag dan neovaskular dengan pemberian getah batang pisang ambon

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    Hendrik Setia Budi


    mandibula. Kelompok pertama sebagai kontrol, pada soket diberi gel hidroksipropil metil selulosa (HPMC 4%, kelompok kedua diberi GEGPA 60%, dan kelompok ketiga diberi gelatin sponge. Tikus dikorbankan pada hari ke-3 dan 5 untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi neovaskular dan makrofag pada soket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kelompok kontrol pada jumlah neovaskular dan makrofag soket pada hari ke-3 (p0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian GEGPA 60% dapat mempercepat penyembukan luka pencabutan gigi melalui peningkatan jumlah makrofag dan neovaskular.

  20. UV irradiation assisted growth of ZnO nanowires on optical fiber surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gong, Bo; Shi, Tielin; Liao, Guanglan; Li, Xiaoping; Huang, Jie; Zhou, Temgyuan; Tang, Zirong, E-mail:


    Highlights: • A new fabrication process combined a hydrothermal process with UV irradiation from optical fiber is developed. • The growth of ZnO nanowires is efficient in the utilization of UV light. • A novel hybrid structure which integrates ZnO nanowires on optical fiber surface is synthesized. • The UV assisted growth of ZnO nanowires shows preferred orientation and better quality. • A mechanism of growing ZnO nanowires under UV irradiation is proposed. - Abstract: In this paper, a novel approach was developed for the enhanced growth of ZnO nanowires on optical fiber surface. The method combined a hydrothermal process with the efficient UV irradiation from the fiber core, and the effects of UV irradiation on the growth behavior of ZnO nanowires were investigated. The results show that UV irradiation had great effects on the preferred growth orientation and the quality of the ZnO nanowires. The crystallization velocity along the c-axis would increase rapidly with the increase of the irradiation power, while the growth process in the lateral direction was marginally affected by the irradiation. The structure of ZnO nanowires also shows less oxygen vacancy with UV irradiation of higher power. The developed approach is applicable for the efficient growth of nanowires on the fiber surface, and the ZnO nanowires/optical fiber hybrid structures have great potentials for a wide variety of applications such as optical fiber sensors and probes.

  1. Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical behavior of Sb-doped ZnO microsphere film

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Qian [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Cyrus Tang Center for Sensor Materials and Applications, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027 (China); Cheng, Kui, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Cyrus Tang Center for Sensor Materials and Applications, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027 (China); Weng, Wenjian, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Cyrus Tang Center for Sensor Materials and Applications, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027 (China); The Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1295 Dingxi Road, Shanghai, 200050 (China); Du, Piyi; Han, Gaorong [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Cyrus Tang Center for Sensor Materials and Applications, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027 (China)


    Sb-doped ZnO microsphere film was fabricated by a carboxylate ion assisted hydrothermal route coupled with a post-calcination process. The structure, chemical composition and optical band gap of the Sb-doped ZnO microsphere film were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, inductively couple plasma optical emission spectroscopy and UV–visible spectrophotometry, and compared with the un-doped ZnO microsphere film. The results suggest that the formation of zinc–antimony tartrate complex species during hydrothermal growth is the key to realize Sb-doped ZnO microstructures, and the present hydrothermal method with post-calcination is an effective way to dope Sb into ZnO. Furthermore, the Sb-doped ZnO microsphere film based electrochemical biosensor exhibits a good sensing performance for the detection of hydrogen peroxide, with a sensitivity of 271 μA mM{sup −1} cm{sup −2} which is more than three times higher than that of the un-doped ZnO biosensor. - Highlights: • Sb-doped ZnO microsphere (SZM) films were grown by hydrothermal deposition. • Carboxylate ions were used to form complex during hydrothermal growth. • The formation of Zn–Sb tartrate complex is the key to realize SZM. • The biosensors based on SZM film are feasible and sensitive to detect H{sub 2}O{sub 2}. • The Sb doping could improve the electrochemical property of ZnO.

  2. Effects of the Absorption Behaviour of ZnO Nanoparticles on Cytotoxicity Measurements

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    Nigar Najim


    Full Text Available ZnO absorbs certain wavelengths of light and this behavior is more pronounced for nanoparticles of ZnO. As many toxicity measurements rely on measuring light transmission in cell lines, it is essential to determine how far this light absorption influences experimental toxicity measurements. The main objective was to study the ZnO absorption and how this influenced the cytotoxicity measurements. The cytotoxicity of differently sized ZnO nanoparticles in normal and cancer cell lines derived from lung tissue (Hs888Lu, neuron-phenotypic cells (SH-SY5Y, neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y, human histiocytic lymphoma (U937, and lung cancer (A549 was investigated. Our results demonstrate that the presence of ZnO affected the cytotoxicity measurements due to the absorption characteristic of ZnO nanoparticles. The data revealed that the ZnO nanoparticles with an average particle size of around 85.7 nm and 190 nm showed cytotoxicity towards U937, SH-SY5Y, differentiated SH-SY5Y, and Hs888Lu cell lines. No effect on the A549 cells was observed. It was also found that the cytotoxicity of ZnO was particle size, concentration, and time dependent. These studies are the first to quantify the influence of ZnO nanoparticles on cytotoxicity assays. Corrections for absorption effects were carried out which gave an accurate estimation of the concentrations that produce the cytotoxic effects.

  3. Adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada Biomassa Imperata cylindrica

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    Noer Komari


    Full Text Available Metode alternatif untuk mengatasi pencemaran logam berat adalah biosorpsi menggunakan biomassa sebagai adsorben. Telah dilakukan penelitian kajian adsorpsi campuran Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada biomassa Imperata cylindrica sebagai adsorben. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kemampuan biomassa mengadsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+. Preparasi biomassa dilakukan dengan aktivasi menggunakan asam nitrat dan amonium hidroksida. Adsorpsi dilakukan dengan sistem batch. Parameter yang diukur adalah pH optimum, waktu kontak optimum, kapasitas adsorpsi dan recovery ion logam. Analisis kadar logam dilakukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (AAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pH optimum adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing-masing pada pH 5 dan pH 6. Waktu kontak optimum adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing masing pada 40 menit dan 30 pertama. Kapasitas adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada konsentrasi awal 10 ppm masing-masing adalah 90,95% dan 43,60%. Recovery Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing-masing 84,45% dan 57,13%.


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    Randa Oktavada Zein


    Full Text Available Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP merupakan layanan bersifat real-time, parameter yang dapat mempengaruhi kulitas layanan seperti delay, jitter dan packet loss. Dalam proses pengkodean sinyal analog menjadi sinyal digital menyebabkan terjadiya delay pada VoIP. Sistem pengcodean ini disebut codec, setiap codec memiliki bitrate yang berbeda pengkodeannya. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan codec G.711, G729 dan codec G.723.1 sebagai perbandingan untuk mengetahui qulity of service (QoS VoIP jika diterapkan pada jaringan MANET. Dengan penambahan aplikasi Hypertext Transfer Protovol (HTTP untuk mendapatkan parameter QoS VoIP dari codec G.711, G.729 dan G.723.1. Hasil yang didapat pada codec G.723.1 lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan codec g.711 dan G.729 dilihat dari nilai dari parameter QoS seperti delay, jitter dan packet loss. Sesuai standar ITU-T G114 dimana perhitunan teoritis parameter dari codec G.723.1 didapat hasil terendah 7,68 kbps.

  5. Hybrid ZnO:polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells from a ZnO precursor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beek, W.J.E.; Slooff, L.H.; Wienk, M.M.; Kroon, J.M.; Janssen, R.A.J.; Kafafi, Z.H.


    We describe a simple and new method to create hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells consisting of ZnO and conjugated polymers. A gel-forming ZnO precursor, blended with conjugated polymers, is converted into crystalline ZnO at temperatures as low as 110 °C. In-situ formation of ZnO in MDMO-PPV


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    Ajeng Sarinastiti


    Full Text Available Kali Semarang sebagai sungai bersejarah di Semarang, dahulu memiliki fungsi transportasi yang membelah perekonomian dan pertahanan kota. Bermacam etnis pedagang tinggal di sekitarnya hingga daerah tersebut menjadi permukiman etnis. Contohnya Kampung Melayu, etnis Tionghoa pada Kampung Pecinan, etnis Arab pada Kampung Kauman, serta Kampung Sekayu. Dan juga Kawasan Kota Lama sebagai daerah bersejarah dalam masa pemerintahan Kota Semarang. Kali Semarang memberi pengaruh fungsi waterfront pada permukiman tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep waterfront pada permukiman etnis Kali Semarang, yaitu Kampung Melayu, Kawasan Kota Lama, Kampung Pecinan, Kampung Kauman, dan Kampung Melayu. Diperlukan eksplorasi dan deskripsi keadaan yang mendalam untuk mengidentifikasikan informasi baru pada lokasi penelitian dengan konsep atau teori yang menjelaskan fenomena yang akan terjadi. Metode kualitatif rasionalistik digunakan dengan landasan teori mengenai waterfront dan permukiman etnis disertai dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur dari berbagai sumber, observasi lapangan langsung, dan pertanyaan mendalam kepada key person. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya Kampung Melayu dan Kawasan Kota Lama yang pada awal mulanya menggunakan konsep waterfront karena lokasinya merupakan kawasan pelabuhan, pergudangan, dan perdagangan. Kampung Pecinan sebagai kawasan perdagangan, serta Kampung Kauman dan Kampung Sekayu sebagai permukiman tidak menggunakan konsep waterfront.[Title: Waterfront Concept on Ethnic Settlement in Kali Semarang] Kali Semarang, as a historical river in Semarang, has function as transportation to support the economy and city. Many ethnic traders settled around, so that area becomes ethnic settlement, such as Kampung Melayu, Chinese ethnic in Kampung Pecinan, Arabian ethnic in Kampung Kauman, and Kampung Sekayu, and Kota Lama areas as historical area in Semarang’s government era. The Kali Semarang giving influence


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    Beny Yulianingsih


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS dengan pendekatan inkuiri. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XII SMK NU Tenggarang Bondowoso tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan motivasi siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 69,69% dengan rincian pada aspek attention sebesar 73,16% pada siklus I menjadi 92,53% pada siklus II, pada aspek relevance sebesar 79,20% pada siklus I menjadi 95,07% pada siklus II, pada aspek confidence sebesar 73,70% pada siklus I menjadi 89,40% pada siklus II, dan pada aspek satisfaction sebesar 72,69% pada siklus I menjadi 91,43% pada siklus II. Begitupula hasil belajar afektif yang diperoleh selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung juga mengalami peningkatan persentase yaitu 76,22% pada siklus I dan 83,67% pada siklus II. Untuk keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran juga menunjukkan peningkatan dari 92,22% pada siklus 1 dan 95,66% pada siklus II. Dengan demikian, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif TPS dengan pendekatan inkuiri dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa.

  8. Vertically aligned ZnO nanorods on porous silicon substrates: Effect of growth time

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    R. Shabannia


    Full Text Available Vertically aligned ZnO nanorods were successfully grown on porous silicon (PS substrates by chemical bath deposition at a low temperature. X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, transmission electron microscopy (TEM, and photoluminescence (PL analyses were carried out to investigate the effect of growth duration (2 h to 8 h on the optical and structural properties of the aligned ZnO nanorods. Strong and sharp ZnO (0 0 2 peaks of the ZnO nanorods proved that the aligned ZnO nanorods were preferentially fabricated along the c-axis of the hexagonal wurtzite structure. FESEM images demonstrated that the ZnO nanorod arrays were well aligned along the c-axis and perpendicular to the PS substrates regardless of the growth duration. The TEM image showed that the top surfaces of the ZnO nanorods were round with a smooth curvature. PL spectra demonstrated that the ZnO nanorods grown for 5 h exhibited the sharpest and most intense PL peaks within the ultraviolet range among all samples.

  9. Physical and chemical contributions of a plasma treatment in the growth of ZnO nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, J.T. [Department of Nano Systems Engineering, Center for Nano Manufacturing, Inje University, Obang-dong, Gimhae, Gyeongnam 621-749 (Korea, Republic of); Ryu, H., E-mail: [Department of Nano Systems Engineering, Center for Nano Manufacturing, Inje University, Obang-dong, Gimhae, Gyeongnam 621-749 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, W.J. [Department of Materials and Components Engineering, Dong-Eui University, 995 Eomgwangno, Busanjin-gu, Busan 614-714 (Korea, Republic of); Yun, J. [Department of Nano Science and Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon, Gyeongnam 631-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: •ZnO nanorods were grown by hydrothermal synthesis. •Oxygen plasma was done on the surface of seed ZnO nanorods. •The ZnO nanorods with and without plasma treatment were characterized. •The results showed that the optical and structural properties of ZnO nanorods with plasma treatment were enhanced. -- Abstract: We analyzed the enhancement of optical and structural properties of ZnO nanorods by using a plasma treatment. In this study, seed ZnO nanorods were grown by hydrothermal synthesis for 1 h on a ZnO buffered Si substrate. The seed ZnO nanorods were then treated with an oxygen plasma. Next, ZnO was grown for an additional 4 h by hydrothermal synthesis. The resultant ZnO nanorods were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL). The measurements showed that the plasma treatment of the seed ZnO nanorods increased the roughness of the buffer layer and the concentration of oxygen ions on the surfaces of the seed ZnO nanorods and the buffer layer, leading to improved optical and structural properties. In this study, we found that the plasma treatment on the seed ZnO nanorods enhanced the optical and structural properties of the ZnO nanorods.

  10. Analisis Gerakan Tendangan Ap Chagi Pada Taekwondoin junior Putra Kabupaten lombok Timur

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    Nopi Hariadi


    Full Text Available Tendangan Ap Chagi ini merupakan teknik tendangan yang paling mendasar yang harus dikuasai Taekwondoin dan dapat menghasilkan poin tiga. (WTF Competition Rules & Interpretation, 2012: 22. Jenis penelitian yaitu jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan bila ditinjau dari jenis pendekatannya termasuk Action Research (Penelitian tindakan. Instrumen penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Software Dartfish Handycam dan Laptop. Analisis data menggunakan Analyzer pada Software Dartfish serta penilaan dari Expert Judgement yang meliputi sudut tangan, sudut kemiringan punggung, sudut bukaan kaki dan sudut putaran telapak kaki, serta kecepatan dan ketepatan tendangan. Dari 3 atlet yang menjadi subjek penelitian diperoleh satu atlet yang mendapatkan hasil terbaik, pada tendangan Ap Chagi, hasil terbaik diperoleh pada subjek penelitian AKB. Penelitian menyimpulkan perbaikan gerakan berupa pendampingan dan arahan dari peneliti, pelatih dan Expert Judgement, berupa latihan fisik dan latihan teknik dasar tendangan Ap Chagi. Dan hasil tendangan Ap Chagi yang paling baik atau efektif terdapat pada refleksi III, dapat dilihat pada Taekwondoin AKB dengan waktu 0,34 s, jarak tendangan dengan sasaran 1,60 m, sehingga menghasilkan kecepatan 5,0 m/s. Berikutnya untuk sudut tangan 51.3°, sudut kemiringan punggung 141,8°, sudut bukaan kaki sebesar 101,0°, sudut putaran telapak kaki sebesar 50,0° dan tepat pada sasaran yang telah ditentukan.

  11. Exciton luminescence characteristic of ZnO. Ga scintillator for neutron detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinoshita, A.; Fujiwara, A.; Koyama, S.; Takei, Y.; Nanto, H.; Katagiri, Masaki


    ZnO family phosphors as novel phosphor materials for neutron detector have prepared using Spark Plasma Sintering method. The optical properties of ZnO phosphor prepared are investigated. The following results were obtained. Two dominant PL emission peaks at 395 nm and 495 nm were observed. The lifetime of the PL emission peak at 395 nm (UV emission band) is about 20 ns, which is suitable for neutron detection. The Ga (30 mol%)-doped ZnO phosphor exhibited an intense UV emission band without the visible emission band. The Ga-doped ZnO phosphor can be prepared at the atmospheric pressure of about 8 Pa using SPS method. It was found that the PL intensity of UV emission band is increased with improving the crystallinity of the ZnO phosphor. (author)

  12. Solution precursor plasma deposition of nanostructured ZnO coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tummala, Raghavender; Guduru, Ramesh K.; Mohanty, Pravansu S.


    Highlights: → The solution precursor route employed is an inexpensive process with capability to produce large scale coatings at fast rates on mass scale production. → It is highly capable of developing tailorable nanostructures. → This technique can be employed to spray the coatings on any kind of substrates including polymers. → The ZnO coatings developed via solution precursor plasma spray process have good electrical conductivity and reflectivity properties in spite of possessing large amount of particulate boundaries, porosity and nanostructured grains. -- Abstract: Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a wide band gap semiconducting material that has various applications including optical, electronic, biomedical and corrosion protection. It is usually synthesized via processing routes, such as vapor deposition techniques, sol-gel, spray pyrolysis and thermal spray of pre-synthesized ZnO powders. Cheaper and faster synthesis techniques are of technological importance due to increased demand in alternative energy applications. Here, we report synthesis of nanostructured ZnO coatings directly from a solution precursor in a single step using plasma spray technique. Nanostructured ZnO coatings were deposited from the solution precursor prepared using zinc acetate and water/isopropanol. An axial liquid atomizer was employed in a DC plasma spray torch to create fine droplets of precursor for faster thermal treatment in the plasma plume to form ZnO. Microstructures of coatings revealed ultrafine particulate agglomerates. X-ray diffraction confirmed polycrystalline nature and hexagonal Wurtzite crystal structure of the coatings. Transmission electron microscopy studies showed fine grains in the range of 10-40 nm. Observed optical transmittance (∼65-80%) and reflectivity (∼65-70%) in the visible spectrum, and electrical resistivity (48.5-50.1 mΩ cm) of ZnO coatings are attributed to ultrafine particulate morphology of the coatings.

  13. Solution precursor plasma deposition of nanostructured ZnO coatings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tummala, Raghavender [Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI 48128 (United States); Guduru, Ramesh K., E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI 48128 (United States); Mohanty, Pravansu S. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI 48128 (United States)


    Highlights: {yields} The solution precursor route employed is an inexpensive process with capability to produce large scale coatings at fast rates on mass scale production. {yields} It is highly capable of developing tailorable nanostructures. {yields} This technique can be employed to spray the coatings on any kind of substrates including polymers. {yields} The ZnO coatings developed via solution precursor plasma spray process have good electrical conductivity and reflectivity properties in spite of possessing large amount of particulate boundaries, porosity and nanostructured grains. -- Abstract: Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a wide band gap semiconducting material that has various applications including optical, electronic, biomedical and corrosion protection. It is usually synthesized via processing routes, such as vapor deposition techniques, sol-gel, spray pyrolysis and thermal spray of pre-synthesized ZnO powders. Cheaper and faster synthesis techniques are of technological importance due to increased demand in alternative energy applications. Here, we report synthesis of nanostructured ZnO coatings directly from a solution precursor in a single step using plasma spray technique. Nanostructured ZnO coatings were deposited from the solution precursor prepared using zinc acetate and water/isopropanol. An axial liquid atomizer was employed in a DC plasma spray torch to create fine droplets of precursor for faster thermal treatment in the plasma plume to form ZnO. Microstructures of coatings revealed ultrafine particulate agglomerates. X-ray diffraction confirmed polycrystalline nature and hexagonal Wurtzite crystal structure of the coatings. Transmission electron microscopy studies showed fine grains in the range of 10-40 nm. Observed optical transmittance ({approx}65-80%) and reflectivity ({approx}65-70%) in the visible spectrum, and electrical resistivity (48.5-50.1 m{Omega} cm) of ZnO coatings are attributed to ultrafine particulate morphology of the coatings.

  14. Prototipe Rele Proteksi Overheating pada Motor 1 Phasa Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89C51

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    Endi Permata


    Full Text Available Rele proteksi panas berlebih berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51 merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memproteksi motor agar tidak terjadinya kerusakan pada motor. Pada penelitian ini dibuat prototipe rele proteksi panas berlebih pada motor 1 phasa berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51 berdasarkan kelas isolator yang dipakai pada motor yaitu Y dan A dengan sistem pengendalinya adalah miukrokontroler AT89C51. Mikrokontroler AT89C51 sebagai pengendali dari piranti – piranti lain yang digunakan seperti sensor suhu LM35, Op-Amp, dan ADC, apabila suhu yang terdeteksi oleh sensor tidak sesuai dengan penyetingan batasnya tersebut maka mikrokontroler AT89C51 memerintahkan ke relay 12 Vdc untuk membunyikan alarm dan juga menghidupkan kontaktor yang terhubung ke motor. Sehingga Motor terselamatkan dari gangguan panas berlebih yang dapat menyebabkan motor terbakar. Adapun untuk mengetahui pada suhu berapa terjadinya gangguan pada motor ditampilkan melalui display LCD 16x2.

  15. Use of Nanostructured ZnO for Production of Antimicrobial Textiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chit Ko Ko Htwe


    An awareness of general sanitation, contact disease transmission, and personal protection has led to the development of antimicrobial textiles. The development of antimicrobial fabrics using nanostructure ZnO has been investigated in this present work. The nanostructure ZnO were produced using a microwave irradiation without any other calcinations and were directly applied on to the fabric using pad-dry-cure method.Synthesized nanostructure ZnO were characterized by XRD and SEM for ZnO purification and particle size examination. The antibacterial activity of the finished fabrics was assessed qualitatively by agar diffusion method. The results show that the finished fabric demonstrated significant antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in qualitative test.

  16. Transient behaviors of ZnO thin films on a transparent, flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Yong Jun [Department of Nano-Physics, Gachon University, 1342 Seongnamdaero, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 461-701 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ho Seok [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, 5-1 Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-713 (Korea, Republic of); Noh, Jin-Seo, E-mail: [Department of Nano-Physics, Gachon University, 1342 Seongnamdaero, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 461-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    Thickness-dependent electrical, structural, and optical properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates have been investigated in the very thin thickness range of 20 to 120 nm. In this thickness range, the electrical resistance of ZnO film increased with an increase in film thickness. This unusual transition behavior was explained in terms of structural evolution from Zn-phase-incorporating non-crystalline ZnO to hexagonal-structured ZnO. A critical thickness for the full development of hexagonal ZnO crystal was estimated at approximately 80 nm in this study. ZnO thin films on PET substrates exhibit a high optical transmittance of > 70% and good endurance to bending cycles over the measured thickness range. The results of this study indicate that a trade-off should be sought between structural, electrical, optical, and mechanical properties for practical applications of very thin ZnO films on organic substrates. - Highlights: • Very thin ZnO films were sputter-deposited on the PET substrate. • The ZnO film resistance increases with an increase in film thickness until saturation. • Hexagonal crystal structures gradually develop with increasing film thickness. • A Zn phase appears in a 20-nm-thick ZnO film. • ZnO films show high optical transmittance of > 80% and good endurance to bending.

  17. Transient behaviors of ZnO thin films on a transparent, flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Yong Jun; Lee, Ho Seok; Noh, Jin-Seo


    Thickness-dependent electrical, structural, and optical properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates have been investigated in the very thin thickness range of 20 to 120 nm. In this thickness range, the electrical resistance of ZnO film increased with an increase in film thickness. This unusual transition behavior was explained in terms of structural evolution from Zn-phase-incorporating non-crystalline ZnO to hexagonal-structured ZnO. A critical thickness for the full development of hexagonal ZnO crystal was estimated at approximately 80 nm in this study. ZnO thin films on PET substrates exhibit a high optical transmittance of > 70% and good endurance to bending cycles over the measured thickness range. The results of this study indicate that a trade-off should be sought between structural, electrical, optical, and mechanical properties for practical applications of very thin ZnO films on organic substrates. - Highlights: • Very thin ZnO films were sputter-deposited on the PET substrate. • The ZnO film resistance increases with an increase in film thickness until saturation. • Hexagonal crystal structures gradually develop with increasing film thickness. • A Zn phase appears in a 20-nm-thick ZnO film. • ZnO films show high optical transmittance of > 80% and good endurance to bending.

  18. Optimasi Jaringan SFN pada Sistem DVB-T2 Menggunakan Metode Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Oxy Riza Primasetiya


    Full Text Available Di Indonesia perpindahan dari sistem analog ke sistem digital pada dunia pertelevisian saat ini sedang dalam proses. TV analog yang saat ini masih dipergunakan dianggap tidak lagi efisien, selain tidak memberikan kualitas layanan yang optimal, juga tidak efisien terhadap spektrum sinyal. Indonesia sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri No 5 Tahun 2012, dalam penyiaran digital menggunakan Teknologi DVB-T2. Teknologi DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial Second Generationdapat diaplikasikan dengan menggunakan SFN (Single Frequency Network. Jaringan SFN memungkinkan sebuah stasiun TV dapat memiliki pemancar dengan frekuensi yang sama dan tersebar pada wilayah layanan yang luas. Transmisi SFN dapat diartikan sebagai bentuk sederhana dari propagasi multipath, karena semua pemancar dalam jaringan mengirimkan secara bersamaan informasi yang sama menggunakan saluran frekuensi yang sama. Dengan teknologi SFN, meskipun semua pemancar dalam jaringan mengirimkan data pada frekuensi yang sama, hal tersebut tidak mengakibatkan interferensi dalam proses perngiriman data. Pada Penelitian ini, membahas mengenai optimasi jaringan SFN pada sistem DVB-T2. Metode yang dipilih dalam proses optimasi DVB-T2 adalah PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization, lalu hasil optimasi dibandingkan dengan sebelum optimasi dan juga dibandingkan dengan metode optimasi lain, yaitu Simulated Annealing. Melalui metode PSO, sebuah algoritma akan disimulasikan untuk mengoptimalisasi sejumlah parameter orientasi antena pemancar pada setiap pemancar SFN di wilayah tertentu. Dengan demikian, daerah coverage jaringan SFN pada wilayah tersebut dapat diperluas.

  19. Photoelectron spectroscopic study on electronic structure of butterfly-templated ZnO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamada, Masao; Sugiyama, Harue; Takahashi, Kazutoshi; Guo, Qixin [Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga University, Honjo 1, Saga 840-8502 (Japan); Gu, Jiajun; Zhang, Wang; Fan, Tongxiang; Zhang, Di [State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030 (China)


    Biological systems have complicated hierarchical architecture involving nano-structures inside, and are expected as another candidate for new nano-templates. The present work reports the photoelectron spectroscopic study on electronic structure of the butterfly-templated ZnO that were successfully produced from butterfly wings. Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectrum (UPS) of the butterfly-templated ZnO shows clearly the valence band and a Zn-3d peak, indicating that the butterfly-templated ZnO has the same electronic structure as bulk ZnO. However, the details show that the energy positions of the Zn-3d level and the valence-band structure are different between them. The present results indicate that the bonding interaction between Zn-4sp and O-2p orbitals is stronger in the butterfly-templated ZnO, probably due to the nano-structures inside. Important parameters such as band bending and electron affinity are also obtained. The larger band bending and the lower electron affinity are found in the butterfly-templated ZnO (copyright 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  20. Encapsulation of nanoparticles into single-crystal ZnO nanorods and microrods. (United States)

    Liu, Jinzhang; Notarianni, Marco; Rintoul, Llew; Motta, Nunzio


    One-dimensional single crystal incorporating functional nanoparticles of other materials could be an interesting platform for various applications. We studied the encapsulation of nanoparticles into single-crystal ZnO nanorods by exploiting the crystal growth of ZnO in aqueous solution. Two types of nanodiamonds with mean diameters of 10 nm and 40 nm, respectively, and polymer nanobeads with size of 200 nm have been used to study the encapsulation process. It was found that by regrowing these ZnO nanorods with nanoparticles attached to their surfaces, a full encapsulation of nanoparticles into nanorods can be achieved. We demonstrate that our low-temperature aqueous solution growth of ZnO nanorods do not affect or cause degradation of the nanoparticles of either inorganic or organic materials. This new growth method opens the way to a plethora of applications combining the properties of single crystal host and encapsulated nanoparticles. We perform micro-photoluminescence measurement on a single ZnO nanorod containing luminescent nanodiamonds and the spectrum has a different shape from that of naked nanodiamonds, revealing the cavity effect of ZnO nanorod.

  1. Hubungan Antara Body Image Dan Self-esteem Pada Dewasa Awal Tuna Daksa


    Sari, Dahlia Nur Permata


    Penelitian ini meneliti mengenai pengaruh body image terhadap selfesteem pada dewasa awal tuna daksa. Hipotesis pada penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan positif antara body image dan self-esteem pada dewasa awal tuna daksa. Semakin positif body image maka semakin tinggi self-esteem yang dimiliki, begitu juga sebaliknya, semakin negatif body image maka semakin rendah self-esteem yang dimiliki. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 30 dewasa awal tuna daksa yang memiliki cacat tubuh seteleh kelahiran. D...


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    Rinda Asytuti


    Full Text Available Pembiayaan gadai emas di bank syariah mencuat ketika harga emas dunia mengalami fluktuasi yang cukup tajam. Hal ini mendorong masyarakat beralih kepada investasi emas. Diawali oleh BRI syariah membuka layanan gadai emas yang diidasarkan pada akad rahn dan ijaroh, namun pada praktiknya membuka prosedur layanan beli gadai yang disinyalir rentan dengan spekulasi yang dilarang oleh agama islam. Produk beli gadai selanjutnya dikenal dengan berkebun emas ini dibatasi oleh Bank Indonesia guna membatasi gerak spekulasi nasabah atas emas. Akan tetapi beberapa bank syariah seperti BNI dan BSM yang juga membuka layanan gadai emas tidak melakukan transaksi beli gadai sebagaimana BRI syariah melainkan hanya melayani gadai emas sebagaimana dalam fatwa DSN MUI No 26/DSN-MUI/III/2002. Namun transaksi gadai emas yang berjalan bukan berarti tanpa masalah ditilik dari fikih dan etika salah satunya adalah penetapan harga ijaroh yang didasarkan pada metode tiring dan taksasi pembiayaan yang diterima. Penetapan harga ijaroh dan transaksi gadai emas  dirasakan telah menyalahi konsepsi Rahn yang seharusnya didudukkan pada akad keterdesakan yang beresensi ta’awun tolong menolong. Untuk itu tulisan ini  membahas tentang praktik gadai emas di bank syariah dan metode penetapan ujroh pada produk gadai emas. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa penetapan tarif ijaroh yang saat ini ditetapkan oleh bank syariah rentan pada penggelinciran fungsi sesunguhnya yang kemudian jatuh pada konsepsi “hillah / Helah (al-hilah; al-tahayulyang termasuk upaya rasional yang manipulatif.  Di antara hillah tersebut adalah penggantian nama dan perubahan bentuk padahal substansinya sama. Yusuf al-Qardhawi berpendapat bahwa sebuah perubahan nama tidak diakui secara hukum apabila substansinya tetap, dan perubahan bentuk juga tidak diakui secara hukum apabila hakikatnya sama (la ‘ibrata bi taghayyur al-ism idza baqiya al- musamma, wa la bi taghayyur al-shurah idza baqiyat al-haqiqah


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    Putu Agus Grantika


    Full Text Available Penyakit Parkinson merupakan suatu kelainan degeneratif sistem saraf pusat yang disebabkan olehaktivitas neuron dopaminergik yang sangat berkurang, terutama di daerah pars kompakta dari nigrasubstantia. Penyakit Parkinson menampilkan gejala motor dan gejala nonmotor yang meliputi berbagaidomain termasuk gejala-gejala di bidang psikiatri.Gejala psikiatri pada penyakit Parkinson seringterjadi bahkan pada tahap awal penyakit, dan memiliki konsekuensi penting terhadap kualitas hidupdan fungsi sehari-hari. Gejala psikiatri yang paling sering muncul pada penyakit Parkinson adalahpsikosis,  depresi,  dan  kecemasan. Patofisiologi  gangguan neuropsikiatri  ini  sangat  kompleks  danmultifaktorial, melibatkan proses neurodegeneratif, mekanisme psikologis dan efek yang berkaitandengan pengobatan farmakologis. [MEDICINA 2015;46:28-32].Parkinson?s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous systemdue togreatly reduced ofthe activity of dopaminergic neurons, especially pars compacta area in the substantia nigra. Parkinson?sdisease show motor and non-motor symptoms that include a variety of domains, including psychiatricsymptoms. Psychiatric symptoms in Parkinson?s disease often occur in the early stages of disease, andhas important consequences for the quality of life and daily functioning. The most frequent psychiatricsymptoms appear in Parkinson?s disease are psychosis, depression, and anxiety. Pathophysiology ofneuropsychiatric disorders are complex and multifactorial,  involving neuro degenerative processes,psychological mechanisms and associated with the effects of pharmacological treatment. [MEDICINA2015;46:28-32].

  4. Growth of Single- and Bilayer ZnO on Au(111) and Interaction with Copper

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deng, Xingyi; Yao, Kun; Sun, Keju; Li, Wei-Xue; Lee, Junseok; Matranga, Christopher


    The stoichiometric single- and bi-layer ZnO(0001) have been prepared by reactive deposition of Zn on Au(111) and studied in detail with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and density functional theory calculations. Both single- and bi-layer ZnO(0001) adopt a planar, graphite-like structure similar to freestanding ZnO(0001) due to the weak van der Waals interactions dominating their adhesion with the Au(111) substrate. At higher temperature, the single-layer ZnO(0001) converts gradually to bi-layer ZnO(0001) due to the twice stronger interaction between two ZnO layers than the interfacial adhesion of ZnO with Au substrate. It is found that Cu atoms on the surface of bi-layer ZnO(0001) are mobile with a diffusion barrier of 0.31 eV, and likely to agglomerate and form nanosized particles at low coverages; while Cu atoms tend to penetrate a single layer of ZnO(0001) with a barrier of 0.10 eV, resulting in a Cu free surface.

  5. Adiksi Game Online Dan Ketrampilan Penyesuaian Sosial Pada Remaja


    Nirwanda, Cesaria Septa; Ediati, Annastasia


    Kemampuan remaja dalam melakukan penyesuaian dengan lingkungan sosial diperoleh dari proses belajar melalui pengalaman baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan adiksi game online dengan keterampilan penyesuaian sosial pada remaja di Semarang. Adiksi game online adalah pola penggunaan game yang berlebihan dan mengakibatkan gangguan pada hidup individu. Keterampilan penyesuaian sosial adalah kemampuan untuk menerima dan mengatasi Perubahan keadaan yang terjadi dalam hidupnya. Hi...

  6. Perencanaan Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) Pada Hotel Everbright Surabaya


    Santoso, Christian Hanni; Henuk, Yohan Gunawan; Kristanti, Monika


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Perencanaan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) pada Hotel Everbright Surabaya. Tujuan penggunaan QFD pada penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kebutuhan konsumen (customer requirements) dan tindakan perbaikan (technical characteristics). Selain itu juga mengetahui harapan dan persepsi konsumen serta gap antara harapan dan persepsi konsumen serta apakah ada perbedaan signifikan antara harapan dan persepsi. Data diolah dengan menggunakan Quality Function Dep...


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    Yuniar Rosmalina


    Full Text Available Mengingat tingginya biaya yang diperlukan dalam menganalisa kandungan iodium pada garam secara laboratorium, serta pentingnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam penanggulangan masalah gangguan akibat kekurangan iodium, maka diperlukan teknologi sederhana untuk mendeteksi iodium pada garam iodium yang diperjualbelikan di pasar. Untuk itu telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai beberapa cara mendeteksi iodium pada garam menggunakan sumber karbohidrat dan sumber zat pereduksi, seperti Dioscorea Hispida Dennst (gadung, Manihot utilissima (singkong, atau Rubber seed (biji karet. Berdasarkan jenis dan jumlah campuran yang digunakan ada 6 formula yang diuji pada penelitian pendahuluan yaitu formula ICo, IICo, IC1, IIC1, ISo, dan IISo. Pada penelitian lanjutan, formula yang terpilih diuji menggunakan garam iodium yang dibeli dari pasar di Kodya Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula IICo dan IIC1 menggunakan perasan singkong atau gadung, serta formula IISo menggunakan parutan biji karet, dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk mendeteksi kadar iodium pada garam beriodium. Formula IICo terdiri dari 4 ml perasan gadung atau singkong, dicampur dengan 45 g garam beriodium dan 8 ml asam cuka 25 persen. Formula IIC1 sama seperti formula IICo, tapi menggunakan gadung yang telah disimpan tiga minggu, dan singkong yang telah disimpan dua minggu. Formula IISo terdiri dari 7 gr parutan biji karet, ditambah dengan 45 g garam iodium dan 16 ml asam sitrat. Hasil penelitian lanjutan menunjukkan hanya 11.1 persen garam beriodium di Kodya Bogor mempunyai kandungan diatas 30 ppm, dan 88.9 persen dibawah 30 ppm. Garam beriodium yang mempunyai kandungan di atas 30 ppm akan menunjukkan warna biru atau ungu, dan yang mempunyai kandungan dibawah 30 ppm akan menunjukkan warna cokelat, warna biru yang tidak stabil atau tidak menunjukkan perubahan warna.

  8. Gambaran Histopatologik Lesi Karies pada Email dengan Aplikasi Fluor In Vitro

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    Agoeng Tjahjani


    Full Text Available Tahap dini karies telah lama dikenal dengan istilah bercak putih. Untuk mengetahui terjadinya lesi karies di bawah permukaan email in vivo, maka dilakukan penelitian secara in vitro dengan merendam gigi Premolar dengan dan tanpa aplikasi fluor dalam perbenihan kuman Streptococcus mutans FA-1 (ATCC 16495. Enam puluh empat gigi Preolar tanpa karies dibagi dalam 2 kelompok. Pada kelompok perlakuan, gigi diaplikasi dengan fluor sedang pada kelompok kontrol gigi tanpa aplikasi fluor. Semua gigi dimasukkan dalam perbenihan tioglikolat air yang ke dalamnya telah ditanam Streptococcus mutans FA-4 (ATCC 16495 selama 4 dan 8 minggu. Pembentukan bercah putih diamati dengan mikroskop 'zoom-stereo'. Sedang besarnya porusitas di bawah permukaan email diaamti dengan mikroskop polarisasi. Pada akhir minggu ke-4 dan ke-8 pada kedua kelompok ditemukan peningkatan jumlah gigi dengan pembentukan bercak putih dan peningkatan nilai rata-rata kedalaman lapisan badan lesi. Uji statistik dengan chi-square test menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pada p<0.05. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut di atas disimpulkan bahwa (1 aplikasi NaF hanya menghambat sebagian pembentukan lesi karies dan (2 sistem perbenihan kuman yang digunakan tidak dapat mencerminkan keadaan mulut yang sebenarnya.


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    R. Yusuf Sidiq Budiawan


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai penggunaan disfemia ini bertujuan untuk 1 mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk disfemia yang digunakan pada judul berita berbahasa Indonesia di TV One dan berbahasa Jawa di Jogja TV, 2 mendeskripsikan nilai rasa dalam disfemia, 3 mendeskripsikan topik-topik berita yang memunculkan disfemia, dan 4 karakteristik kebahasaannya. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik catat (Mastoyo, 2007:44-46 dan teknik sampling berdasarkan tujuan (purposive sampling. Teknik ini akan mencatat hasil penyimakan semua data, yaitu juduljudul berita yang memiliki potensi disfemia pada berita nasional di TV One dan berita Pawartos Ngayogyakarta di Jogja TV. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi (Elliott, 1991:82 melalui tiga perspektif. Data penelitian ini disajikan dengan metode formal dan informal. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa 1 Penggunaan disfemia hanya berada pada tataran kata saja, 2 nilai rasa pada judul berita di TV One dapat diklasifkasikan menjadi 5 jenis, sedangkan nilai rasa pada judul berita di Jogja TV dapat diklasifkasikan menjadi 2 jenis saja, 3 disfemia di TV One muncul dalam 5 topik berita, sedangkan dalam berita di Jogja TV ditemukan pada 3 macam topik, 4 penggunaan disfemia pada berita di TV One lebih banyak, lebih ditonjolkan, dan “menyerang” langsung obyek yang diberitakannya, sedangkan bentuk disfemia pada berita di Jogja TV tidak.

  10. Efficient solution route to transparent ZnO semiconductor films using colloidal nanocrystals

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    Satoshi Suehiro


    Full Text Available ZnO nanocrystals (NCs were synthesized by heating Zn (II acetylacetonate in oleic acid/oleylamine in the presence of 1,2-hexadecanediol at 220 °C. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM and dynamic light scattering (DLS measurements revealed the formation of monodispersed ZnO NCs of ca. 7 nm. ZnO NC assembled films were fabricated on a glass substrate by deposition with the colloidal ZnO NCs dispersed in toluene. The film composed of the NCs showed good optical transparency in the visible to near-infrared region. A device coupling the ZnO NC film with a p-type Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS NC film exhibited an obvious diode-like current–voltage behavior. The results suggest that the transparent ZnO film has a potentiality to be used for an n-type window layer in some optoelectronic applications.


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    Tuti Khoiriah


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the effect of metacognitive learning strategies on student learning outcomes in the concept of the human digestive system. This study was conducted in one of the SMA in Tangerang. The method used was a quasi-experimental design using pretest-posttest control group design. Samples were students of class XI IPA-4 totaling 35 people as classroom control and class XI IPA-1 experiment class. Instruments used were multiple choice tests, students worksheets and student learning activity observation sheet. Results showed that there were significant differences in learning outcomes between classes to learn metacognitive strategies to control class (tvalue= 2.19 and t table 2.03, tvalue> ttabel.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi belajar metakognitif terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2015 di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas di  Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen yang menggunakan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik random sampling. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 4 berjumlah 35 orang sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas XI IPA 1 berjumlah 35 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes yang berbentuk pilihan ganda dan nontes berupa lembar kerja siswa dan lembar observasi aktivitas belajar siswa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas dengan strategi belajar metakognitif dengan kelas kontrol (thitung 2,19 dan ttabel 2,03, thitung > ttabel. Erata

  12. Study of annealing effect on the growth of ZnO nanorods on ZnO seed layers (United States)

    Sannakashappanavar, Basavaraj S.; Pattanashetti, Nandini A.; Byrareddy, C. R.; Yadav, Aniruddh Bahadur


    A zinc oxide (ZnO) seed layer was deposited on the SiO2/Si substrate by RF sputtering. To study the effect of annealing, the seed layers were classified into annealed and unannealed thin films. Annealing of the seed layers was carried at 450°C. Surface morphology of the seed layers were studied by Atomic force microscopy. ZnO nanorods were then grown on both the types of seed layer by hydrothermal method. The morphology and the structural properties of the nanorods were characterized by X-ray diffraction and Scanning electron microscopy. The effect of seed layer annealing on the growth and orientation of the ZnO nanorods were clearly examined on comparing with the nanorods grown on unannealed seed layer. The nanorods grown on annealed seed layers were found to be well aligned and oriented. Further, the I-V characteristic study was carried out on these aligned nanorods. The results supports positively for the future work to further enhance the properties of developed nanorods for their wide applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices.

  13. ZnO nanofluids for the improved cytotoxicity and cellular uptake of doxorubicin

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    Safoura Soleymani


    Full Text Available Objective(s: Combination anticancer therapy holds promise for improving the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy drugs such as doxorubicin (DOX as well as decreasing their dose-limiting side effects. Overcoming the side effects of doxorubicin (DOX is a major challenge to the effective treatment of cancer. Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs are emerging as potent tools for a wide variety of biomedical applications. The aim of this study was to develop a combinatorial approach for enhancing the anticancer efficacy and cellular uptake of DOX. Materials and Methods: ZnO NPs were synthesized by the solvothermal method and were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, dynamic light scattering (DLS and transmission electron microscopy (TEM. ZnO NPs were dispersed in 10% bovine serum albumin (BSA and the cytotoxic effect of the resulting ZnO nanofluids was evaluated alone and in combination with DOX on DU145 cells. The influence of ZnO nanofluids on the cellular uptake of DOX and DOX-induced catalase mRNA expression were investigated by fluorescence microscopy and semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR, respectively. Results: The MTT results revealed that ZnO nanofluids decreased the cell viability of DU145 cells in a timeand dose-dependent manner. Simultaneous combination treatment of DOX and ZnO nanofluid showed a significant increase in anticancer activity and the cellular uptake of DOX compared to DOX alone. Also, a time-dependent reduction of catalase mRNA expression was observed in the cells treated with ZnO nanofluids and DOX, alone and in combination with each other. Conclusion: These results indicate the role of ZnO nanofluid as a growth-inhibitory agent and a drug delivery system for DOX in DU145 cells. Thus, ZnO nanofluid could be a candidate for combination chemotherapy.


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    Heny Djoehaeni


    Full Text Available Abstract, Issues relating to the environment is a global issue that demands attention from various sectors including education . Sullivan in Bezzina (2006 states that the environmental crisis is a social issue and not a matter of merely natural . Environmental education has a very important role in addressing environmental problems that arise at this time . Although the policy published by the government of West Java, but at the level of implementation required a learning model which could be a reference to the teacher in implementing the learning of Environmental Education in Early Childhood Education. The method used in this study is Research and Development with the following phases: preliminary study include literature studies , field surveys and preparation of the initial product . The development phase includes limited testing and trials as well as broader validation phase . Result shows that Environmental Education in Early Childhood education is still not optimal . Learning model is developed with the model based on Contextual Inquiry process . Implementation of Contextual Inquiry-based learning model in the Learning Environment Education in Early Childhood Education can improve children's learning outcomes , especially in the sphere of competence of knowledge , attitudes and skills which refers to the Local Content Curriculum Environmental Education. . Keywords : Environmental Education, Early childhood Education, Curriculum Abstrak, masalah-masalah yang berhubungan dengan lingkungan merupakan isu global yang menuntut perhatian dari berbagai sektor termasuk pendidikan. Sullivan di Bezzina ( 2006 menyatakan bahwa krisis lingkungan merupakan masalah sosial dan bukan semata-mata sesuatu yang alami. Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menangani masalah lingkungan yang muncul saat ini. Meskipun kebijakan diterbitkan oleh pemerintah Jawa Barat, tetapi pada tingkat implementasi diperlukan model pembelajaran

  15. Perancangan dan Implementasi Kontroler PID Gain Scheduling untuk Gerakan Lateral Way-to-Way Point pada UAV Quadcopter

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    Tri Awan Nusa Putra


    Full Text Available Quadcopter diharapkan dapat bergerak secara lincah dan efektif menyusuri lintasan horisontal. Berdasar hukum fisisnya, gerak lateral dapat terjadi karena adanya daya angkat dan terjadinya perubahan sudut dari quadcopter tersebut. Mengacu pada hal tersebut, sudut-sudut gerak pada quadcopterakan menjadi parameter untuk gerak maju atau menyamping yang secara langsung juga berpengaruh pada gerak vertikal. Pada saat proses hoveratau melayang, adalah saat yang paling riskan pada quadcopter. Sehinga pengaturan hover dari quadcopter menjadi prioritas pada riset ini, karena apabila terjadi kesalahan hoverakan menyebabkan perubahan gerak terhadap sumbu X, Y maupun Z. Pada tugas akhir ini digunakan kontroler PID dan metode gainscheduling dengan nilai parameter penguatan yang diperoleh secara eksperimental untuk pengaturan gerak lateral menyusuri lintasan. Apabila menggunakan metode PID biasa, maka diperoleh penurunan ketinggian yang drastis hingga 50% dari total ketinggian quadcopter, namun apabila menggunakan metode PID GainScheduling, pada simulasi hanya terjadi penurunan ketinggian sebesar 0,35% dan saat implementasi mengalami sekitar 10% dari total ketinggian yang dicapai.

  16. From Bloch to random lasing in ZnO self-assembled nanostructures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garcia-Fernandez, Pedro David; Cefe, López


    In this paper, we present measurements on UV lasing in ZnO ordered and disordered nanostructures. Bloch lasing is achieved in the ordered structures by exploiting very low group-velocity Bloch modes in ZnO photonic crystals. In the second case, random lasing is observed in ZnO photonic glasses. We...... study the lasing threshold in both cases and its dependence on the structural parameters. Finally, we present the transition from Bloch to random lasing by deliberately doping a ZnO inverse photonic crystal with a controlled amount of lattice vacancies effectively converting it into a translationally...

  17. Microwave absorption properties and mechanism of cagelike ZnO /SiO2 nanocomposites (United States)

    Cao, Mao-Sheng; Shi, Xiao-Ling; Fang, Xiao-Yong; Jin, Hai-Bo; Hou, Zhi-Ling; Zhou, Wei; Chen, Yu-Jin


    In this paper, cagelike ZnO /SiO2 nanocomposites were prepared and their microwave absorption properties were investigated in detail. Dielectric constants and losses of the pure cagelike ZnO nanostructures were measured in a frequency range of 8.2-12.4GHz. The measured results indicate that the cagelike ZnO nanostructures are low-loss material for microwave absorption in X band. However, the cagelike ZnO /SiO2 nanocomposites exhibit a relatively strong attenuation to microwave in X band. Such strong absorption is related to the unique geometrical morphology of the cagelike ZnO nanostructures in the composites. The microcurrent network can be produced in the cagelike ZnO nanostructures, which contributes to the conductive loss.

  18. Polyelectrolyte-assisted preparation and characterization of nanostructured ZnO thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jia, Shijun


    The present work focuses on the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured ZnO thin films onto silicon wafers modified by self-assembled-monolayers via chemical bath deposition. Two precursor solutions were designed and used for the film deposition, in which two different polymers were introduced respectively to control the growth of the ZnO colloidal particles in solution. ZnO films were deposited from an aqueous solution containing zinc salt and hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA) in the presence of a graft-copolymer (P (MAA{sub 0.50}-co(MAA-EO{sub 20}){sub 0.50}){sub 70}). A film-formation-diagram was established based on the results obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), which describes the influence of the concentration of HMTA and copolymer on the ZnO film formation. According to the film morphology, film formation can be classified into three categories: (a) island-like films, (b) uniform films and (c) canyon-like films. The ZnO films annealed at temperatures of 450 C, 500 C, 600 C and 700 C were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). After annealing, the films are polycrystalline ZnO with wurtzite structure. XRD measurements indicate that with increasing annealing temperature, the average grain size increases accordingly and the crystallinity of the films is improved. Upon heating to 600 C, the ZnO films exhibit preferred orientation with c-axis normal to substrate, whereas the films annealed at 700 C even show a more explicit texture. By annealing at temperatures above 600 C the ZnO film reacts with the substrate to form an interfacial layer of Zn{sub 2}SiO{sub 4}, which grows thicker at elevated annealing temperatures. The ZnO films annealed at 600 C and 700 C show strong UV emission. Another non-aqueous solution system for ZnO thin film deposition was established, in which 2- propanol was used as a solvent and Zn(CH3COO){sub 2}.2H{sub 2}O as well as NaOH as reactants

  19. Hierarchical ZnO Nanowires-loaded Sb-doped SnO2-ZnO Micrograting Pattern via Direct Imprinting-assisted Hydrothermal Growth and Its Selective Detection of Acetone Molecules (United States)

    Choi, Hak-Jong; Choi, Seon-Jin; Choo, Soyoung; Kim, Il-Doo; Lee, Heon


    We propose a novel synthetic route by combining imprinting transfer of a Sb-doped SnO2 (ATO)-ZnO composite micrograting pattern (MP), i.e., microstrip lines, on a sensor substrate and subsequent hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanowires (NWs) for producing a hierarchical ZnO NW-loaded ATO-ZnO MP as an improved chemo-resistive sensing layer. Here, ATO-ZnO MP structure with 3-μm line width, 9-μm pitch, and 6-μm height was fabricated by direct transfer of mixed ATO and ZnO nanoparticle (NP)-dispersed resists, which are pre-patterned on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold. ZnO NWs with an average diameter of less than 50 nm and a height of 250 nm were quasi-vertically grown on the ATO-ZnO MP, leading to markedly enhanced surface area and heterojunction composites between each ATO NP, ZnO NP, and ZnO NW. A ZnO NW-loaded MP sensor with a relative ratio of 1:9 between ATO and ZnO (1:9 ATO-ZnO), exhibited highly sensitive and selective acetone sensing performance with 2.84-fold higher response (Rair/Rgas = 12.8) compared to that (Rair/Rgas = 4.5) of pristine 1:9 ATO-ZnO MP sensor at 5 ppm. Our results demonstrate the processing advantages of direct imprinting-assisted hydrothermal growth for large-scale homogeneous coating of hierarchical oxide layers, particularly for applications in highly sensitive and selective chemical sensors.

  20. Bioavailability of Zn in ZnO nanoparticle-spiked soil and the implications to maize plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Xueqin; Wang, Fayuan; Shi, Zhaoyong; Tong, Ruijian; Shi, Xiaojun


    Little is known about the relationships between Zn bioavailability in ZnO nanoparticle (NP)-spiked soil and the implications to crops. The present pot culture experiment studied Zn bioavailability in soil spiked with different doses of ZnO NPs, using the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction method, as well as the toxicity and Zn accumulation in maize plants. Results showed that ZnO NPs exerted dose-dependent effects on maize growth and nutrition, photosynthetic pigments, and root activity (dehydrogenase), ranging from stimulatory (100–200 mg/kg) through to neutral (400 mg/kg) and toxic effect (800–3200 mg/kg). Both Zn concentration in shoots and roots correlated positively (P < 0.01) with ZnO NPs dose and soil DTPA-extractable Zn concentration. The BCF of Zn in shoots and roots ranged from 1.02 to 3.83 when ZnO NPs were added. In most cases, the toxic effects on plants elicited by ZnO NPs were overall similar to those caused by bulk ZnO and soluble Zn (ZnSO 4 ) at the same doses, irrespective of some significant differences suggesting a higher toxicity of ZnO NPs. Oxidative stress in plants via superoxide free radical production was induced by ZnO NPs at 800 mg/kg and above, and was more severe than the same doses of bulk ZnO and ZnSO 4 . Although significantly lower compared to bulk ZnO and ZnSO 4 , at least 16 % of the Zn from ZnO NPs was converted into DTPA-extractable (bioavailable) forms. The dissolved Zn 2+ from ZnO NPs may make a dominant contribution to their phytotoxicity. Although low amounts of ZnO NPs exhibited some beneficial effects, the accumulation of Zn from ZnO NPs into maize tissues could pose potential health risks for both plants and human


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    Andi Trimulyono


    Full Text Available Tingginya harga bahan bakar semakin mendorong pelaku industri khususnya pemilik kapal melakukan penghematan konsumsi bahan bakar dan cara yang cukup efektif untuk mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar tersebut adalah dengan menambah instalasi alat yang disebut Energy Saving Device (ESD pada propeller dengan tujuan meningkatkan efisiensi propulsi.   Beberapa desain  ESD propeller yang telah dikembangkan yakni Ducted Propellers (Kort Nozzel propeller, dan Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF. Perbedaan jenis Energy Saving Device (ESD mengindikasikan perubahan gaya torque dan thrust yang berbeda sehingga penulis disini ingin menganalisa pengaruh instalasi Energy Saving Device (ESD  pada propeller terhadap torque dan thrust yang dihasilkan sehingga dapat diketahui jenis ESD dengan performa paling optimal dengan bantuan paket program CAD (Computer Aided Design serta CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics. Hasil analisa dengan menggunakan RANS software CFD menunjukkan akibat penambahan instalasi Energy Saving Device (ESD  pada propeller, terjadi perubahan bentuk aliran fluida, yang berpengaruh pula terhadap nilai thrust dan torque yang dihasilkan. Gaya thrust yang terjadi pada pada PBCF Propeller adalah sebesar 8.70E+05 N, dengan Torque 7.18E+05, sedangkan thrust pada Nozzle Propeller adalah sebesar 1.18E+06 dengan Torque 9.86E+05

  2. Effect of ZnO nanoparticles in the oxygen uptake during aerobic wastewater treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cervantes-Avilés, Pabel; Brito, Elcia M. S. [University of Guanajuato, Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering (Mexico); Duran, Robert [Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Equipe Environment et Microbiologie (France); Martínez, Arodí Bernal; Cuevas-Rodríguez, Germán, E-mail: [University of Guanajuato, Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering (Mexico)


    The increased use of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) in everyday products indicates the importance of studying NPs release to the wastewater and its possible effect on biological process for wastewater treatment. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the effect of the presence of ZnO NPs in aerobic wastewater treatment. The results indicated that the oxygen uptake rate of microorganisms is inhibited for concentrations higher than 473 mg L{sup −1} of ZnO NPs. The diversity of microorganisms involved in wastewater treatment was reduced in presence of ZnO NPs. Related to morphological interaction between ZnO NPs and suspended biomass, physical damage in flocs structure were observed in presence of ZnO NPs. However, the internalization of Zn compounds in microorganisms not presented mechanical damage in the membrane cell. These findings suggest that inhibition in oxygen uptake was caused for negative effect that ZnO NPs induces in aerobic microorganisms involved in wastewater treatment.


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    Tatyantoro Andrasto


    Full Text Available Belum adanya database hasil skripsi dan tugas akhir pada jurusan Teknik Elektro UNNES yang baik berakibat memungkinkannya terjadi duplikasi atau penyalahgunaan hasil skripsi atau tugas akhir tahun yang lalu digunakan lagi untuk proposal skripsi atau tugas akhir pada tahun sekarang atau yang akan datang. Sehingga hal ini akan memberikan efek negatif pada perkembangan karya ilmiah/akademik di jurusan Teknik Elektro UNNES khususnya dan dunia akademik di Indonesia pada umumnya. Metode yang diterapkan pada pembuatan database ini adalah membuat prototype kemudian dilakukan proses mencoba dan meminta pendapat orang yang mendata dan menyimpan hasil skripsi dan tugas akhir di jurusan Teknik Elektro UNNES. Hasil penelitian ini berupa sistem database berbasis web sehingga dapat dilakukan input data, edit data maupun melihat data skripsi dan tugas akhir yang ada di jurusan Teknik Elektro UNNES dari manapun, tidak harus datang ke UNNES hanya untuk melihat maupun melakukan edit data oleh admin.

  4. Formation of p-type ZnO thin film through co-implantation (United States)

    Chuang, Yao-Teng; Liou, Jhe-Wei; Woon, Wei-Yen


    We present a study on the formation of p-type ZnO thin film through ion implantation. Group V dopants (N, P) with different ionic radii are implanted into chemical vapor deposition grown ZnO thin film on GaN/sapphire substrates prior to thermal activation. It is found that mono-doped ZnO by N+ implantation results in n-type conductivity under thermal activation. Dual-doped ZnO film with a N:P ion implantation dose ratio of 4:1 is found to be p-type under certain thermal activation conditions. Higher p-type activation levels (1019 cm-3) under a wider thermal activation range are found for the N/P dual-doped ZnO film co-implanted by additional oxygen ions. From high resolution x-ray diffraction and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy it is concluded that the observed p-type conductivities are a result of the promoted formation of PZn-4NO complex defects via the concurrent substitution of nitrogen at oxygen sites and phosphorus at zinc sites. The enhanced solubility and stability of acceptor defects in oxygen co-implanted dual-doped ZnO film are related to the reduction of oxygen vacancy defects at the surface. Our study demonstrates the prospect of the formation of stable p-type ZnO film through co-implantation.

  5. Synthesis and characterization of Mn-doped ZnO diluted magnetic semiconductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abdel-Galil, A. [Solid State Physics and Accelerators Department, NCRRT, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); Balboul, M.R., E-mail: [Solid State Physics and Accelerators Department, NCRRT, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); Sharaf, A. [Radiation Engineering Department, NCRRT, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt)


    In the present work undoped and Mn doped ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO:Mn), diluted magnetic semiconductors, were successfully synthesized by the sol–gel method at room temperature. The morphology of ZnO nanoparticles constituted by flower-like structures with hexagonal morphologies that changed significantly after the incorporation of Mn. Rietveld refinements results showed that Mn ions are successfully doped into ZnO matrix without altering its wurtzite phase. Meanwhile, Raman spectroscopy analyses confirm the wurtzite structure of undoped ZnO and ZnO:Mn nanoparticles. The lattice parameters increase with increasing Mn content due to the large ionic radius of Mn{sup 2+} compared to that of Zn{sup 2+}. Electron spin resonance measurements were performed to gain information about oxidation state and site occupancy of the magnetic Mn ions in the ZnO lattice. Moreover, UV–vis absorption spectra have been utilized to calculate the optical band gap of the undoped ZnO and ZnO:Mn nanoparticles before and after different γ-irradiation doses. The band gap of ZnO:Mn (2%) is 2.62 eV which is noticeably smaller than the 3.26 eV of undoped ZnO. The thermal decomposition properties of the prepared nanoparticle samples were also studied using simultaneous Thermogravimetric analysis in temperature range from 30 to 500 °C.

  6. Improved seedless hydrothermal synthesis of dense and ultralong ZnO nanowires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian Jinghua; Hu Jie; Li Sisi; Zhang Fan; Liu Jun; Shi Jian; Li Xin; Chen Yong; Tian Zhongqun


    Seedless hydrothermal synthesis has been improved by introducing an adequate content of ammonia into the nutrient solution, allowing the fabrication of dense and ultralong ZnO nanowire arrays over large areas on a substrate. The presence of ammonia in the nutrient solution facilitates the high density nucleation of ZnO on the substrate which is critical for the nanowire growth. In order to achieve an optimal growth, the growth conditions have been studied systematically as a function of ammonia content, growth temperature and incubation time. The effect of polyethyleneimine (PEI) has also been studied but shown to be of no benefit to the nucleation of ZnO. Ultradense and ultralong ZnO nanowires could be obtained under optimal growth conditions, showing no fused structure at the foot of the nanowire arrays. Due to different reaction kinetics, four growth regimes could be attributed, including the first fast growth, equilibrium phase, second fast growth and final erosion. Combining this simple method with optical lithography, ZnO nanowires could be grown selectively on patterned areas. In addition, the as-grown ZnO nanowires could be used for the fabrication of a piezoelectric nanogenerator. Compared to the device of ZnO nanowires made by other methods, a more than twice voltage output has been obtained, thereby proving an improved performance of our growth method.

  7. Optimasi Penambahan Colcemid pada Karyotyping Kultur Mecenchymal Stem Cells (MSC Mencit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ratih Rinendyaputri


    Full Text Available AbstractControl of the genetic stability of stem cells prior to the conduct of therapy is essential to prevent effects such as stem cell transformation. Karyotyping is a conventional technique to conduct an analysis of the number and structure of chromosomes. The analysis can only be performed on metaphase stage that needs to be optimized to get the cell at that stage because the length of the cell cycle are different in the each cell types. This study aims to obtain an optimal time to get MSC at metaphase stage. The study was conducted at the stem cell laboratory of Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health. The event begins with isolation using flushing technique at the femur and tibia of mice. Furthermore, the culture in vitro and induction colcemid 0,25μg/ml for 8,16 and 24 hours to get the MSC at metaphase stage. KCl solution with a concentration of 0.075 M and 0,045 M used as a solvent hipotonis. Results showed that 16 hours of induction colcemid 0,25μg/ml in 0.075 M KCl solution usage percentage of MSC who are at metaphase stage and do the highest analysis (p<0.05. In this study 16 hours induction colcemid 0,25μg/ml is the optimal time to obtain metaphase stage of the MSC from bone marrow of mice.Keywords: mecenchymal stem cell, karyotyping, colcemidAbstrakKontrol terhadap stabilitas genetik pada sel punca sebelum pelaksanan terapi merupakan hal yang penting untuk mencegah efek seperti transformasi sel punca yang dapat terjadi. Secara konvensional dapat dilakukan karyotyping untuk melakukan analisis terhadap jumlah dan struktur kromosom. Analisis hanya dapat dilakukan pada tahap metafase sehingga perlu dilakukan optimasi untuk mendapatkan sel pada tahap tersebut mengingat panjang siklus sel setiap jenis sel berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh waktu yang optimal untuk mendapatkan MSC pada tahap metafase. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium stem cell Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Badan Litbangkes


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    Timoticin Kwanda


    Full Text Available After a period of property crash in 1997, later in 2001 the increase of economic growth has produced new infill building development or infill design in the heritage areas of Surabaya. According to some internationally known charters and recommendations, principles of new infill design in the heritage areas have been developed, such as the Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas (UNESCO, 1976, the Washington Charter (1987, and the World Heritage Cities Management Guide (UNESCO, 1991. In general, the principles state that new infill design should be undertaken in an architectural style which is compatible with the surrounding character of buildings and the context. Unfortunately in Surabaya, some cases of new infill designs have damaged the character of the heritage areas. Therefore, in the future the city of Surabaya should ensuring that new infill design is appropriate by preparing design guidelines, conservation plan and conservation areas. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Setelah kehancuran usaha propeti yang terjadi pada tahun 1997, pada tahun 2001 pertumbuhan ekonomi telah menghasilkan pembangunan bangunan baru atau infill design pada kawasan pelestarian di Surabaya. Berdasarkan beberapa piagam yang dikenal didunia, prinsip-prinsip desain bangunan baru pada kawasan pelestarian telah dikenal seperti The Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas (UNESCO, 1976, The Washington Charter (1987, and The World Heritage Cities Management Guide (UNESCO, 1991. Secara umum, prinsip-prinsip ini menyatakan bahwa desain bangunan baru harus dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan langgam arsitektur yang serasi dengan karakter dan konteks bangunan-bangunan disekitarnya. Namun sangat disayangkan bahwa di Surabaya beberapa kasus desain bangunan baru telah merusak karakter kawasan pelestarian. Oleh karena itu, pada masa yang akan datang kota Surabaya harus memastikan bahwa desain

  9. Au sensitized ZnO nanorods for enhanced liquefied petroleum gas sensing properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakate, U.T.; Bulakhe, R.N.; Lokhande, C.D.; Kale, S.N.


    Highlights: • We studied ZnO nanorods film for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensing. • The Au sensitization on ZnO nanorods gives improved LPG sensing response. • The Au–ZnO shows 48% LPG response for 1040 ppm with fast response time of 50 S. • We proposed schematic for sensing mechanism using band diagram. - Abstract: The zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods have grown on glass substrate by spray pyrolysis deposition (SPD) method using zinc acetate solution. The phase formation, surface morphology and elemental composition of ZnO films have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques. The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensing response was remarkably improved by sensitization of gold (Au) surface noble metal on ZnO nanorods film. Maximum LPG response of 21% was observed for 1040 ppm of LPG, for pure ZnO nanorods sample. After Au sensitization on ZnO nanorods film sample, the LPG response greatly improved up to 48% at operating temperature 623 K. The improved LPG response is attributed Au sensitization with spill-over mechanism. Proposed model for LPG sensing mechanism discussed.

  10. Au sensitized ZnO nanorods for enhanced liquefied petroleum gas sensing properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakate, U.T., E-mail: [Department of Applied Physics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Deemed University, Pune 411025 (India); Bulakhe, R.N.; Lokhande, C.D. [Department of Physics, Thin films Physics Laboratory, Shivaji University Kolhapur 416004 (India); Kale, S.N. [Department of Applied Physics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Deemed University, Pune 411025 (India)


    Highlights: • We studied ZnO nanorods film for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensing. • The Au sensitization on ZnO nanorods gives improved LPG sensing response. • The Au–ZnO shows 48% LPG response for 1040 ppm with fast response time of 50 S. • We proposed schematic for sensing mechanism using band diagram. - Abstract: The zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods have grown on glass substrate by spray pyrolysis deposition (SPD) method using zinc acetate solution. The phase formation, surface morphology and elemental composition of ZnO films have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques. The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensing response was remarkably improved by sensitization of gold (Au) surface noble metal on ZnO nanorods film. Maximum LPG response of 21% was observed for 1040 ppm of LPG, for pure ZnO nanorods sample. After Au sensitization on ZnO nanorods film sample, the LPG response greatly improved up to 48% at operating temperature 623 K. The improved LPG response is attributed Au sensitization with spill-over mechanism. Proposed model for LPG sensing mechanism discussed.

  11. Oxidant-Dependent Thermoelectric Properties of Undoped ZnO Films by Atomic Layer Deposition

    KAUST Repository

    Kim, Hyunho


    Extraordinary oxidant-dependent changes in the thermoelectric properties of undoped ZnO thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) have been observed. Specifically, deionized water and ozone oxidants are used in the growth of ZnO by ALD using diethylzinc as a zinc precursor. No substitutional atoms have been added to the ZnO films. By using ozone as an oxidant instead of water, a thermoelectric power factor (σS) of 5.76 × 10 W m K is obtained at 705 K for undoped ZnO films. In contrast, the maximum power factor for the water-based ZnO film is only 2.89 × 10 W m K at 746 K. Materials analysis results indicate that the oxygen vacancy levels in the water- and ozone-grown ZnO films are essentially the same, but the difference comes from Zn-related defects present in the ZnO films. The data suggest that the strong oxidant effect on thermoelectric performance can be explained by a mechanism involving point defect-induced differences in carrier concentration between these two oxides and a self-compensation effect in water-based ZnO due to the competitive formations of both oxygen and zinc vacancies. This strong oxidant effect on the thermoelectric properties of undoped ZnO films provides a pathway to improve the thermoelectric performance of this important material.

  12. Investigation of the pulsed electrochemical deposition of ZnO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunkel, Christian; Lüttich, Franziska; Graaf, Harald; Oekermann, Torsten; Wark, Michael


    The influence of pulse parameters on the morphology of ZnO prepared by pulsed cathodic electrodeposition from oxygen-saturated aqueous ZnCl 2 solution on ITO (indium tin oxide)/glass substrates was investigated. It was found that the ratio between the pulse and the pause duration has a crucial influence on the crystal growth, reaching the highest density of the films with pause/pulse-ratios between 0.25 and 1. Longer pauses cause an Ostwald-like ripening of the ZnO crystals and therewith a strong change in the crystal morphology from roundly shaped to hexagonal. Also the hydrophilicity of the substrate resulting from pre-treatment has a crucial influence on the deposited films, leading to films only consisting of few large and separately grown ZnO crystals for highly hydrophilic substrates and an increasing fraction of small densely grown ZnO crystals with increasing hydrophobicity.

  13. Analisis Kinerja EIGRP dan OSPF pada Topologi Ring dan Mesh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRAK EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol dan OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt adalah routing protokol yang banyak digunakan pada suatu jaringan komputer. EIGRP hanya dapat digunakan pada perangkat Merk CISCO, sedangkan OSPF dapat digunakan pada semua merk jaringan. Pada penelitian ini dibandingkan delay dan rute dari kedua routing protokol yang diimplementasikan pada topologi Ring dan Mesh. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 digunakan untuk mensimulasikan kedua routing protokol ini. Skenario pertama adalah perancangan jaringan kemudian dilakukan pengujian waktu delay 100 kali dalam 5 kasus. Skenario kedua dilakukan pengujian trace route untuk mengetahui jalur yang dilewati paket data lalu memutus link utama. Pada skenario kedua juga dilakukan perbandingan nilai metric dan cost hasil simulasi dengan perhitungan rumus. Skenario ketiga dilakukan pengujian waktu konvergensi untuk setiap routing protokol pada setiap topologi. Hasilnya EIGRP lebih cepat 386 µs daripada OSPF untuk topologi Ring sedangkan OSPF lebih cepat 453 µs daripada EIGRP untuk topologi Mesh. Hasil trace route menunjukan rute yang dipilih oleh routing protokol yaitu nilai metric dan cost yang terkecil. Waktu konvergensi rata-rata topologi Ring pada EIGRP sebesar 12,75 detik dan 34,5 detik pada OSPF sedangkan topologi Mesh di EIGRP sebesar 13 detik dan 35,25 detik di OSPF. Kata Kunci: EIGRP, OSPF, Packet Tracer 5.3, Ring, Mesh, Konvergensi ABSTRACT EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol and OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt is the routing protocol that is widely used in a computer network. EIGRP can only be used on devices Brand CISCO, while OSPF can be used on all brands of network. In this study comparison of both the delay and the routing protocol implemented on Ring and Mesh topology. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 is used to simulate both the routing protocol. The first scenario is the design of the network and then do the test of time delay 100 times in 5 cases. The

  14. Analisis Kinerja EIGRP dan OSPF pada Topologi Ring dan Mesh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRAK EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol dan OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt adalah routing protokol yang banyak digunakan pada suatu jaringan komputer. EIGRP hanya dapat digunakan pada perangkat Merk CISCO, sedangkan OSPF dapat digunakan pada semua merk jaringan. Pada penelitian ini dibandingkan delay dan rute dari kedua routing protokol yang diimplementasikan pada topologi Ring dan Mesh. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 digunakan untuk mensimulasikan kedua routing protokol ini. Skenario pertama adalah perancangan jaringan kemudian dilakukan pengujian waktu delay 100 kali dalam 5 kasus. Skenario kedua dilakukan pengujian trace route untuk mengetahui jalur yang dilewati paket data lalu memutus link utama. Pada skenario kedua juga dilakukan perbandingan nilai metric dan cost hasil simulasi dengan perhitungan rumus. Skenario ketiga dilakukan pengujian waktu konvergensi untuk setiap routing protokol pada setiap topologi. Hasilnya EIGRP lebih cepat 386 µs daripada OSPF untuk topologi Ring sedangkan OSPF lebih cepat 453 µs daripada EIGRP untuk topologi Mesh. Hasil trace route menunjukan rute yang dipilih oleh routing protokol yaitu nilai metric dan cost yang terkecil. Waktu konvergensi rata-rata topologi Ring pada EIGRP sebesar 12,75 detik dan 34,5 detik pada OSPF sedangkan topologi Mesh di EIGRP sebesar 13 detik dan 35,25 detik di OSPF. Kata Kunci : EIGRP, OSPF, Packet Tracer 5.3, Ring, Mesh, Konvergensi ABSTRACT EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol and OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt is the routing protocol that is widely used in a computer network. EIGRP can only be used on devices Brand CISCO, while OSPF can be used on all brands of network. In this study comparison of both the delay and the routing protocol implemented on Ring and Mesh topology. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 is used to simulate both the routing protocol. The first scenario is the design of the network and then do the test of time delay 100 times in 5 cases. The

  15. Laser-induced grating in ZnO

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Jesper N.


    A simple approach for the calculation of self-diffraction in a thin combined phase and amplitude grating is presented. The third order nonlinearity, the electron-hole recombination time, and the ambipolar diffusion coefficient in a ZnO crystal are measured by means of laser-induced self-diffracti......A simple approach for the calculation of self-diffraction in a thin combined phase and amplitude grating is presented. The third order nonlinearity, the electron-hole recombination time, and the ambipolar diffusion coefficient in a ZnO crystal are measured by means of laser-induced self...

  16. Kajian Aus Pahat pada pembubutan Baja Aisi 4340 Menggunakan Pahat Karbida PVD Berlapis


    Carnegie, Dale


    120401084 Pada industri pemotongan logam, cairan pendingin banyak digunakan untuk memperoleh umur pahat yang lebih lama, tetapi cairan pendingin yang digunakan pada proses pemotongan logam mempunyai beberapa dampak negatif bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan permesinan kering pada penelitian ini untuk membuat proses pemotongan logam yang bersih dan aman terhadap lingkungan. Proses pembubutan dilakukan juga dengan permesinan keras untuk membubut material baja AISI 4340 ...


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    Astin Duwi Mutiara


    Full Text Available The purpose of this development study is to produce a scoring rubric on authentic assessment for tube material that meets the valid, practical, and reliable criteria. This development research uses the Plomp model. The result of this research is holistic scoring rubric and analytic on tube material with very valid value shown by percentage of score given by validator equal to 87,5%. The results of a limited trial show that the holistic and analytical rubrics on the tube material is quite practical and reliable. The value of this practicality is respectively indicated by the respondent response of holistic and analytical rubric users in the tube material by 80% and 78.33%. The scores reliability score of holistic and analytical rubric users on tube material was 0.738 and 0.868 respectively. Tujuan dari penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan rubrik penyekoran pada asesmen otentik untuk materi tabung yang memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan reliabel. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model Plomp. Hasil penelitian ini berupa rubrik penyekoran holistik dan analitik pada materi tabung dengan nilai sangat valid yang ditunjukkan oleh presentase skor yang diberikan validator sebesar 87,5%. Hasil uji coba secara terbatas menunjukkan bahwa rubrik holistik dan analitik pada materi tabung itu cukup praktis dan reliabel. Nilai kepraktisan ini secara berturut-turut ditunjukkan oleh respons angket pengguna rubrik holistik dan analitik pada materi tabung sebesar 80% dan 78,33 %. Nilai reliabilitas skor dari pengguna rubrik holistik dan analitik pada materi tabung secara berturut-turut sebesar 0,738 dan 0,868.

  18. Electronic Transport Properties of One Dimensional Zno Nanowires Studied Using Maximally-Localized Wannier Functions (United States)

    Sun, Xu; Gu, Yousong; Wang, Xueqiang


    One dimensional ZnO NWs with different diameters and lengths have been investigated using density functional theory (DFT) and Maximally Localized Wannier Functions (MLWFs). It is found that ZnO NWs are direct band gap semiconductors and there exist a turn on voltage for observable current. ZnO nanowires with different diameters and lengths show distinctive turn-on voltage thresholds in I-V characteristics curves. The diameters of ZnO NWs are greatly influent the transport properties of ZnO NWs. For the ZnO NW with large diameter that has more states and higher transmission coefficients leads to narrow band gap and low turn on voltage. In the case of thinner diameters, the length of ZnO NW can effects the electron tunneling and longer supercell lead to higher turn on voltage.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Putu Ayu Widyanti


    Full Text Available Korea Sydenham adalah bentuk paling umum dari gerakan korea yang diperoleh pada masa kanak-kanak, dan  merupakan salah satu kriteria diagnostik utama demam rematik. Korea Sydenham ditandai dengan gerakan involunter yang menghilang saat tidur, ketidakstabilan emosional, dan hipotonia. Kasus adalah anak perempuan berumur 9 tahun dengan gerakan coreatic (gerakan involunter pada lengan dan kaki. Gerakan tersebut juga ditemukan pada lidah sehingga pasien sulit untuk berbicara. Pasien juga memiliki ketidakstabilan emosi, dan kelemahan otot. Riwayat trauma disangkal.  Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan murmur di daerah apex jantung, holosistolik, derajat  2/6, meniup, dan menyebar sepanjang aksila. Pada echocardiography didapatkan  regurgitasi mitral moderat (MR dan regurgitasi aorta (AR karena karditis. Diagnosisnya adalah Korea Sydenham dan karditis. Pasien  diterapi dengan erythomicin 250 mg empat kali sehari selama 10 hari, dan eritromisin 250 mg oral dua kali sehari untuk profilaksis. Untuk terapi simtomatik diberikan haloperidol 2 mg dua kali sehari dan trihexyphenidil 0.5 mg tiga kali sehari. Respon terapi dan prognosis baik. (MEDICINA 2012;43:54-59.

  20. The surface defect-related electroluminescence from the ZnO microwire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ding Meng; Zhao Dongxu; Yao Bin; Li Binghui; Zhang Zhenzhong; Shan Chongxin; Shen Dezhen, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Excited State Processes, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130021 (China)


    Surface defect-related electroluminescence (EL) was realized from a single ZnO microwire-based metal-semiconductor-metal structure on a glass substrate. ZnO microwires were successfully fabricated using a simple chemical vapour deposition approach. Schottky contacts were detected between Au electrodes and the ZnO microwire. The EL spectrum showed a broad emission band covering the visible range from 400 to 700 nm. The possible EL emission mechanism is discussed in detail in this paper.

  1. Aplikasi Antivirus Pada Komputer Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0


    Nurapriani, Eka


    Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancangan aplikasi antivirus pada komputer. Antivirus merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan menghapus virus pada sistem komputer yang biasa dikenal sebagai Virus Protection Software. Metode dan rancangan aplikasi antivirus ini dikembangkan menggunakan perangkat lunak Visual Basic 6.0 yang berperan sebagai bahasa pemrograman, editor skrip program, dan desain visual program. Cara kerja dari aplikasi anti...

  2. Enhanced luminescence properties of hybrid Alq{sub 3}/ZnO (organic/inorganic) composite films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuba, M.; Muralidharan, G., E-mail:


    Pristine tris-(8-hydroxyquionoline)aluminum(Alq{sub 3}) and (Alq{sub 3}/ZnO hybrid) composites containing different weight percentages (5 wt%, 10 wt%, 20 wt%, 30 wt%, 40 wt% and 50 wt%) of ZnO in Alq{sub 3} were synthesized and coated on to a glass substrate using the dip coating method. The optimum concentration of ZnO in Alq{sub 3} films to get the best luminescence yield has been identified. XRD pattern reveals the amorphous nature of pure Alq{sub 3} film. The Alq{sub 3} films containing different weight percentages of ZnO show the presence of crystalline ZnO in Alq{sub 3}/ZnO composite films. The FTIR spectrum confirms the formation of quinoline with absorption in the region 600−800 cm{sup −1}. The hybrid Alq{sub 3}/ZnO composite films indicate the presence of Zn−O vibration band along with the corresponding Alq{sub 3} band. The band gap (HOMO–LUMO) of Alq{sub 3} film was calculated using absorption spectra and it is 2.87 eV for pristine films while it is 3.26 eV, 3.21 eV, 3.14 eV, 3.10 eV, 3.13 eV and 3.20 eV for the composite films containing 5–50 wt% of ZnO. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra of Alq{sub 3} films show a maximum PL intensity at 514 nm when excited at 390 nm. The ZnO incorporated composite films (Alq{sub 3}/ZnO) exhibit an emission in 485 nm and 514 nm. The composite films containing 30 wt% of ZnO exhibit maximum luminescence yield. - Highlights: • The pure Alq{sub 3} and Alq{sub 3}/ZnO composite were synthesized and coated on to a glass substrate using dip coating method. • Alq{sub 3}/ZnO composite film containing 30 wt% of ZnO exhibits two fold increases in luminescence intensity. • The shielding effect of ZnO on the Alq{sub 3} material suppresses the interactions among the host molecules in the excited state. • This leads to enhance the luminescence intensity in composite films.

  3. Electrochemical Sensing, Photocatalytic and Biological Activities of ZnO Nanoparticles: Synthesis via Green Chemistry Route (United States)

    Yadav, L. S. Reddy; Archana, B.; Lingaraju, K.; Kavitha, C.; Suresh, D.; Nagabhushana, H.; Nagaraju, G.


    In this paper, we have successfully synthesized ZnO nanoparticles (Nps) via solution combustion method using sugarcane juice as the novel fuel. The structure and morphology of the synthesized ZnO Nps have been analyzed using various analytical tools. The synthesized ZnO Nps exhibit excellent photocatalytic activity for the degradation of methylene blue dye, indicating that the ZnO Nps are potential photocatalytic semiconductor materials. The synthesized ZnO Nps also show good electrochemical sensing of dopamine. ZnO Nps exhibit significant bactericidal activity against Klebsiella aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Eschesichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus using agar well diffusion method. Furthermore, the ZnO Nps show good antioxidant activity by potentially scavenging 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals. The above studies clearly demonstrate versatile applications of ZnO synthesized by simple eco-friendly route.

  4. PFE: ZnO hybrid nanocomposites for OLED applications: Fabrication and photophysical properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belhaj, M. [Université de Monastir, Faculté des sciences de Monastir, Département de physique, Laboratoire des Interfaces et des Matériaux Avancés, 5019 Monastir (Tunisia); Dridi, C., E-mail: [Université de Monastir, Faculté des sciences de Monastir, Département de physique, Laboratoire des Interfaces et des Matériaux Avancés, 5019 Monastir (Tunisia); Université de Sousse, Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie de Sousse, Cité Ettafala, 4003 Ibn Khaldoun Sousse (Tunisia); Elhouichet, H. [Centre National de Recherches en Sciences des Matériaux, Laboratoire de physico-Chimie des Matériaux Minéreaux et leurs applications, B.P. 95 Hammam-Lif 2050 (Tunisia)


    In this work, ZnO nanoparticles (n-ZnO) and poly (9, 9-dioctyl-fluorenyl-2, 7-yleneethynylene) (PFE): n-ZnO based thin films were spin-coated onto glass substrates. Structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnO, PFE and the PFE: n-ZnO hybrid films with different n-ZnO mass ratios were investigated. n-ZnO films obtained by sol–gel technique are polycrystalline with a hexagonal wurtzite structure. They are also homogenous with an average grain size of about 35 nm. For polymer nanocomposite, the optical properties are closely related to the ZnO content in the mixture. Among the tested active layers, the best performance is observed for that containing 2 wt% of ZnO nanoparticles. - Highlights: • We have analyzed the optical properties of PFE: ZnO nanocomposites . • We have optimized the best PFE: ZnO nanocomposite for the OLED application. • We have demonstrated the feasibility of white OLED devices.

  5. ZnO twin-cones: synthesis, photoluminescence, and catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. (United States)

    Sun, Xuefei; Qiu, Xiaoqing; Li, Liping; Li, Guangshe


    ZnO twin-cones, a new member to the ZnO family, were prepared directly by a solvothermal method using a mixed solution of zinc nitrate and ethanol. The reaction and growth mechanisms of ZnO twin-cones were investigated by X-ray diffraction, UV-visible spectra, infrared and ion trap mass spectra, and transmission electron microscopy. All as-prepared ZnO cones consisted of tiny single crystals with lengths of several micrometers. With prolonging of the reaction time from 1.5 h to 7 days, the twin-cone shape did not change at all, while the lattice parameters increased slightly and the emission peak of photoluminescence shifted from the green region to the near orange region. ZnO twin-cones are also explored as an additive to promote the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. The variations of photoluminescence spectra and catalytic roles in ammonium perchlorate decomposition were discussed in terms of the defect structure of ZnO twin-cones.

  6. PFE: ZnO hybrid nanocomposites for OLED applications: Fabrication and photophysical properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belhaj, M.; Dridi, C.; Elhouichet, H.


    In this work, ZnO nanoparticles (n-ZnO) and poly (9, 9-dioctyl-fluorenyl-2, 7-yleneethynylene) (PFE): n-ZnO based thin films were spin-coated onto glass substrates. Structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnO, PFE and the PFE: n-ZnO hybrid films with different n-ZnO mass ratios were investigated. n-ZnO films obtained by sol–gel technique are polycrystalline with a hexagonal wurtzite structure. They are also homogenous with an average grain size of about 35 nm. For polymer nanocomposite, the optical properties are closely related to the ZnO content in the mixture. Among the tested active layers, the best performance is observed for that containing 2 wt% of ZnO nanoparticles. - Highlights: • We have analyzed the optical properties of PFE: ZnO nanocomposites . • We have optimized the best PFE: ZnO nanocomposite for the OLED application. • We have demonstrated the feasibility of white OLED devices

  7. Atomic layer deposition of B-doped ZnO using triisopropyl borate as the boron precursor and comparison with Al-doped ZnO

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia - Alonso, D.; Potts, S.E.; Helvoirt, van C.A.A.; Verheijen, M.A.; Kessels, W.M.M.


    Doped ZnO films are an important class of transparent conductive oxides, with many applications demanding increased growth control and low deposition temperatures. Therefore, the preparation of B-doped ZnO films by atomic layer deposition (ALD) at 150 °C was studied. The B source was triisopropyl


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    Atmadji Sumarkidjo


    Full Text Available Jokowi name in early 2013 emerged as a candidate for the "newest" Presiden RI 2014dramatically changed the political map in Indonesia. From March 2013 until January 2014 thename of Joko Widodo has always topped the surveys or polls were held, despite the PDI-Struggle(PDI-P, which is the bearer party official Jokowi until early February 2014 was never officiallyannounced their names as candidates of their President in Presidential Election come.This is known as Jokowi Effect. Has five characteristics of, first, the emergence of the name ofthe former mayor of Solo, who only three months in office as Governor of Jakarta to exchange aPresidential candidate in the 2014 polls. Second, the bandwagon effect after Jokowi nameappeared in the survey on social media and then knowingly disseminated through conventionalmass media such as newspapers and television.Third, the emergence of Jokowi name with thepopularity and the highest elektabilitas consistently in surveys throughout the year 2013 haschanged the landscape of national political calculations competition 2014 candidates. Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu sudah didepan mata. Pemilihan untuk menentukananggota-anggota DPR-RI, DPRD I dan DPRD II akan diselenggarakan pada 9 April 2014sementara pemilihan Presiden akan dilaksanakan pada 9 Juli 2014. Tidak mengherankan paracalon legislatif sudah bersiap untuk dikenal, diketahui dan nantinya dipilih oleh parakonstituennya, dan meskipun periode untuk kampanye secara resmi dimulai 11 Januari 2014.Nama Jokowi pada awal tahun 2013 muncul sebagai kandidat “terbaru” Pres iden RI 2014mengubah secara dramatis peta politik di Indonesia. Sejak Maret 2013 hingga Januari 2014 namaJoko Widodo selalu menduduki peringkat teratas berbagai survei atau poll yang diselenggarakan,meskipun PDI-Perjuangan (PDIP yang merupakan partai pengusung resmi Jokowi sampai awalFebruari 2014 tidak pernah secara resmi mengumumkan namanya sebagai bakal calon Presidenmereka pada Pilpres mendatang.

  9. Prevalensi Sindrom Metabolik pada Pekerja Perusahaan

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    Zahtamal Zahtamal


    Full Text Available Sindrom metabolik adalah masalah kesehatan yang prevalensinya cenderung meningkat pada pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan prevalensi kasus sindrom metabolik yang terjadi pada pekerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2014 pada dua perusahaan di Provinsi Riau dengan rancangan potong lintang. Sumber data adalah rekam medis pekerja yang melakukan medical check up periode Oktober 2013 hingga Februari 2014. Populasi adalah pekerja yang menderita sindrom metabolik sebanyak 131 orang. Sampel penelitian dipilih dengan cara total sampling yakni 131 orang. Instrumen adalah kuesioner, international physical activity questionnaire, tabel 24 hours food recall, dan tabel bantu pencatatan komponen sindrom metabolik. Pengelolaan data dilakukan secara kuantitatif menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat, dengan uji korelasi Spearman’s Rho dan kai kuadrat. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan prevalensi sindrom metabolik sebanyak 21,58%, dengan jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah laki-laki, kelompok usia terbanyak adalah > 50 tahun. Sebagian besar kasus sindrom metabolik memiliki tiga komponen, dengan komponen terbanyak adalah lingkar perut dan tekanan darah. Sebanyak 23,50% kasus memiliki riwayat keluarga obesitas dan diabetes melitus. Sebagian besar kategori aktivitas adalah sedang. Jenis asupan makanan dengan kategori tidak sesuai dengan diet adalah serat pangan dan lemak jenuh. Variabel lingkar perut berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik serta kadar kolesterol high density lipoprotein (p 50 years. Most cases of metabolic syndrome has three components, with the largest component is the abdominal circumference and blood pressure. A total of 23.50% of cases have a family history of obesity and diabetes mellitus. Most categories of activity is moderate. Most types of food intake in the category “out of dietary guidelines” are dietary fiber and saturated fat. Abdominal circumference variable has a

  10. Photoelectrochemical performance of N-doped ZnO branched nanowire photoanodes

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    Shrok Allami


    Full Text Available A ZnO branched-nanowire (BNW photoanode was doped with N for use in a photoelectrochemical cell (PEC to generate H2 from water splitting. First, ZnO BNWs were synthesized by chemical bath deposition method. Two experimental methods were used for N-doping: the time-controlled direct-current glow discharge plasma (DCGDP and the DC magnetron plasma (DCMP methods, to optimize N-doping of the NW structure. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS provided the N distribution and atomic percentage in the BNWs. The XPS results confirmed that N distribution into ZnO BNWs occurred by N substitution of O sites in the ZnO structure and through well-screened molecular N2. The morphologies and structures of the fabricated nanostructures were investigated by field-emission scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction respectively. The photoanode performance was demonstrated in photoelectrochemical studies at various power densities under both dark and illuminated conditions. Increasing the N amount in the ZnO BNWs increased the photocurrent in the PEC. Keywords: Engineering, Condensed matter physics, Nanotechnology, Materials science


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    Muhammad Imam Ghozali


    Full Text Available Sebagai lembaga terpenting dalam menjaga ketahanan pangan di Indonesia, perusahaan umum (Perum Badan urusan Logistik (BULOG sejak didirikannya memiliki tugas memasok bahan pangan, sehingga pengetahuan dan pengalaman BULOG dalam manajemen rantai pasok pangan dan hasil pertanian lainnya seyogianya dapat diandalkan. Namun BULOG belum teruji dalam perspektif masih menghadapi berbagai permasalahan yang sangat kompleks, yang muncul mulai dari masalah pasokan gabah di level petani, proses penggilingan gabah di level industri penggilingan (miller, hingga proses distribusi beras ke level konsumen. Dengan demikian, sebagai komoditas pangan utama, permasalahan beras bukan hanya merupakan permasalahan ekonomi saja tetapi juga bersifat politis. Data mining dapat membantu dalam memprediksi suatu sistem, sehingga dapat dilakukan pada penelitian ini agar prediksi lebih tepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini teknik yang dipakai ialah neural network backpropagation, ada beberapa tahap dalam peneilitian ini yaitu tahap pengumpulan data historik, pengolahan data, model atau metode yang diusulkan, eksperimen pada model tersebut, evaluasi dan validasi hasil. Pada hasil analisa menunjukan bahwa model ini mempunyai tingkat kesalahan atau error yang kecil atau didalam backpropagation sering disebut dengan mean square erorr (MSE. Disimpulkan bahwa teknik data mining menggunakan neural network backpropagation dapat menghasilkan suatu nilai error yang minimal sehingga tepat dan akurat untuk menentukan jumlah pasokan beras pada tahun berikutnya. Kata kunci: pasok beras, supply chain, data mining, neural network backpropagation, mean square erorr.

  12. Optimasi parameter neural network pada data time series

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    Muzakir Hi Sultan


    Full Text Available Gempa bumi merupakan suatu pergerakan tanah yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba hingga menimbulkan getaran, besarnya kekuatan gempa dapat mengakibatkan bencana baik kerusakan maupun korban jiwa. Untuk mengantisipasi bencana yang akan datang maka diperlukan suatu model khususnya untuk meramalkan besarnya kekuatan gempa. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan model ARIMA dan model kombinasi dari Neural Network-Algoritma Genetik (NN-GA untuk memprediksi rata-rata kekuatan gempa bumi setiap bulan khususnya yang terjadi di wilayah Maluku Utara. Data yang digunakan adalah data kekuatan gempa berdasarkan skala richter yang diperoleh dari Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG kota Ternate. Sebagai input pada model ARIMA dan NN-GA digunakan rata-rata kekuatan gempa bumi 36 bulan dan rata-rata kekuatan gempa 36 bulan berikutnya digunakan sebagai target untuk prediksi. Untuk meng-update parameter (bobot dari Neural Network digunakan metode Gradient Descent dan untuk mendapatkan parameter yang lebih optimal pada layer Output, maka di diterapkan Algoritma Genetik. Hasil peramalan dari kedua model kemudian dibandingkan dan model terbaik ditentukan dari nilai Mean square Error (MSE yang terkecil. dari hasil peramalan dengan model ARIMA diperoleh MSE sebesar 1.0125, sedangkan pada model NN-GA diperoleh MSE sebesar 0.9196. Nilai tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa model NN-GA lebih baik dari model ARIMA untuk peramalan rata-rata kekuatan gempa bumi beberapa bulan ke depan

  13. Pengaruh Tipe Kepemimpinan pada Persepsi Politik dan Outcomes Organisasional dengan Ingrasiasi sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi

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    Triana Fitriastuti


    Full Text Available AbstractPerception of organizational politics has important role in the organization. It’s because many empirical findings show that perception of organizational politics have impact on performance. Many factors have contributed to the development of organizational politics. The purpose of this study are to investigate the impact of transformational and transactional leadership on perception of organizational politics and to investigate the impact of perception of organizational politics on organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction, affective commitment with ingratiation as moderating variable. The research finding that transformational leadership have negative impact on perception of organizational politics, transactional leadership have no impact on perception of organizational politics, perception of organizational politics have negative impact on job satisfaction, perception of organizational politics have no impact on affective commitment, ingratiation moderate the relationship beween perception of organizational politics and job satisfaction, ingratiation moderate the relationship between perception of organizational politics and affective commitment.Keywords:perception of organizational politics, transformational, transactional, ingratiation.AbstrakPersepsi politik organisasional memiliki pengaruh penting dalam organisasi. Penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan persepsi politik organisasional berpengaruh negatif pada kinerja. Persepsi politik organisasional bukan suatu hal yang terbentuk dengan sendirinya. Salah satu diantaranya adalah faktor situasional yaitu kepemimpinan atasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional dan transaksional pada persepsi politik organisasional dan menguji pengaruh persepsi politik organisasional pada outcomes organisasional seperti kepuasan kerja dan komitmen afektif dengan menggunakan ingrasiasi sebagai variabel pemoderasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan

  14. Optical and structural properties of individual Co-doped ZnO microwires (United States)

    Kolomys, O. F.; Strelchuk, V. V.; Rarata, S. V.; Hayn, R.; Savoyant, A.; Giovannelli, F.; Delorme, F.; Tkach, V.


    The Co-doped ZnO microwires (MWs) were grown using the optical furnace method. We used Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), polarized micro-Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) and optical absorption spectroscopy to systematic investigation of the optical and structural properties of Co-doped ZnO MWs. The SEM analysis reveals that Co-doped ZnO MWs has hexagonal facets and cavity inside. The EDS results confirmed the presence and non-uniform distribution of Co impurities in the samples. Co doping of ZnO MWs leads to the decreased intensity, drastically broadening and high-energy shift of the NBE PL band. The red emission band at 1.85 eV originates from 2E(2G) → 4A2 (4F) intra-3d-transition of Co2+ in the ZnO lattice has been observed. The intense structured absorption bands within the near infrared ranges 3800-4800 and 5500-9000 cm-1 are caused by electronic spin-allowed transitions 4T2(F) ← 4A2(F) and 4T1(F) ← 4A2(F) of the tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ (3 d7) ions substituting Zn2+ ions in Co-doped ZnO MWs. Micro-Raman studies of Co doped ZnO MWs show doping/disorder induced additional modes as compared to the undoped sample. The resonant enhancement of the additional local Co-related A1-symmetry Raman mode is observed in the parallel polarization geometry y(z , z) ybar . For the Co doped ZnO MWs, the enhancement of the additional Co-related local vibration mode with an increase in the excitation photon energy is also observed in the Raman spectra.

  15. Miskonsepsi Buku Ajar Fisika SMA Kelas X Pada Pokok Bahasan Dinamika Gerak

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    Fachmi Nurdiansyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bentuk-bentuk miskonsepsi pada pokok bahasan dinamika gerak dalam buku ajar fisika SMA kelas X. Adapun buku ajar yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1 Fisika untuk SMA/MA Kelas X Semester I karangan RA dan SI yang diterbitkan tahun 2012 oleh penerbit IP, (2 Fisika untuk SMA/MA Kelas X Semester I karangan TPM yang diterbitkan tahun 2013 oleh penerbit VP, dan (3 Fisika Peminatan untuk SMA/MA Kelas X karangan SN dan SZ yang diterbitkan tahun 2013 oleh penerbit YW. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah data berupa aspek penjelasan konsep, penulisan rumus, penulisan simbol, penulisan satuan, dan penyajian gambar pada pokok bahasan dinamika gerak dalam buku ajar fisika SMA. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis data dalam buku ajar fisika SMA yang dibandingkan dengan buku teks fisika universitas. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa miskonsepsi pada pokok bahasan dinamika gerak terdapat dalam buku ajar fisika SMA. Buku ajar IP mengalami miskonsepsi pada aspek penjelasan konsep dengan persentase 10%, penulisan rumus dengan persentase 57,14%, penulisan simbol dengan persentase 46,15%, dan penyajian gambar dengan persentase 20%. Buku ajar VP mengalami miskonsepsi pada aspek penjelasan konsep dengan persentase 10%, penulisan rumus dengan persentase 85,71%, penulisan simbol dengan persentase 79,62%, dan penyajian gambar dengan persentase 80%. Buku ajar YW mengalami miskonsepsi pada aspek penjelasan konsep dengan persentase 10%, penulisan rumus dengan persentase 85,71%, penulisan simbol dengan persentase 69,23, dan penyajian gambar dengan persentase 20%. Pada aspek penulisan satuan, tidak terdapat miskonsepsi dalam buku ajar IP, VP, dan YW.


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    Aulia Hafizh S


    Full Text Available Kabupaten Indramayu merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang merupakan daerah sentra pertanian dimana sektor ini menyumbang 43% dari total PDRB (Produk Domestik Regional Bruto. Strategi yang tepat dan cepat harus dicanangkan untuk selalu memenuhi kebutuhan akan bahan pokok tersebut. Teknologi penginderaan jauh dapat mengakomodir informasi suatu objek secara cepat dan akurat tanpa harus berinteraksi langsung dengan objek dan dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai aplikasi yang diinginkan. Pembangunan model - model estimasi produktivitas pada beberapa komoditas vegetasi pertanian seperti padi telah digunakan sejak dua dekade lalu. Dari berbagai macam permodelan vegetasi, indeks vegetasi yang paling umum digunakan adalah NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index dan EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penentuan fase pertumbuhan , masa tanam, dan masa panen tumbuhan padi pada citra MODIS L1B. Masa tanam padi di kabupaten Indramayu berada pada bulan Juni dan Desember 2011, masa panen berada pada bulan  Mei dan September 2011. Citra Aster digunakan sebagai data pendukung untuk menentukan korelasi linear  terhadap data lapangan (fieldspectometer. Korelasi yang dihasilkan Antara Modis - Aster sebesar 0.9576 pada EVI dan 0.9654 pada NDVI; Modis - Fieldspectometer sebesar 0.8798 pada EVI dan 0.9077 pada NDVI; dan pada Aster - Fieldspectometer sebesar 0.9220 pada EVI dan 0.9460 pada NDVI. Korelasi dari ketiga data tersebut memiliki hubungan yang cukup kuat dikarenakan nilai yang dihasilkan mendekati nilai 1.

  17. Resistive Switching Characteristics in Electrochemically Synthesized ZnO Films

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    Shuhan Jing


    Full Text Available The semiconductor industry has long been seeking a new kind of non-volatile memory technology with high-density, high-speed, and low-power consumption. This study demonstrated the electrochemical synthesis of ZnO films without adding any soft or hard templates. The effect of deposition temperatures on crystal structure, surface morphology and resistive switching characteristics were investigated. Our findings reveal that the crystallinity, surface morphology and resistive switching characteristics of ZnO thin films can be well tuned by controlling deposition temperature. A conducting filament based model is proposed to explain the switching mechanism in ZnO thin films.

  18. Hierarchical structures of ZnO spherical particles synthesized solvothermally (United States)

    Saito, Noriko; Haneda, Hajime


    We review the solvothermal synthesis, using a mixture of ethylene glycol (EG) and water as the solvent, of zinc oxide (ZnO) particles having spherical and flower-like shapes and hierarchical nanostructures. The preparation conditions of the ZnO particles and the microscopic characterization of the morphology are summarized. We found the following three effects of the ratio of EG to water on the formation of hierarchical structures: (i) EG restricts the growth of ZnO microcrystals, (ii) EG promotes the self-assembly of small crystallites into spheroidal particles and (iii) the high water content of EG results in hollow spheres.

  19. Young's modulus of individual ZnO nanowires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, Dayong; Tian, Chunguang; Liu, Qingfei; Zhao, Man; Qin, Jieming; Hou, Jianhua; Gao, Shang; Liang, Qingcheng; Zhao, Jianxun


    We used a contact-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) to study the mechanical properties of an individual ZnO nanowire in the open air. It is noteworthy that the Young's modulus can be determined by an AFM tip compressing a single nanowire on a rigid substrate, which can bring more repeatability and accuracy for the measurements. In particular, the calculated radial Young's modulus of ZnO nanowires is consistent with the data of ZnO bulks and thin films. We also present the Young's modulus with different diameters, and all these are discussed deeply

  20. Kajian Bahasa Pragmatik pada Tari Endah Karya S. Maridi

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    Maryono -


    ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna Tari Endah1 dari perspektif linguis- tik pragmatik. Pendekatan penelitiannya menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Lan- dasan teoritis yang dirujuk lebih mengacu pada teori pragmatik dan teori seni pertunjukan. Bentuk aplikasinya, teori pragmatik digunakan untuk menggali komponen yang bersifat verbal, sedangkan teori seni pertunjukan untuk mengkaji komponen yang bersifat nonver- bal. Berdasarkan analisis komponen verbal dan nonverbal pada Tari Endah didapat suatu simpulan bahwa Tari Endah merupakan salah satu bentuk tari pasangan percintaan yang diharapkan dapat dicontoh dan diteladani bagi sepasang pengantin dan masyarakat pe- nonton pada umumnya. Di samping itu Tari Endah juga merupakan bentuk hiburan estetik yang sangat bermanfaat untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan rohani dan jasmani dalam berbagai aktivitas kehidupan manusia.   Kata kunci: bahasa pragmatik, komponen verbal, dan komponen nonverbal

  1. Encapsulation of nanoparticles into single-crystal ZnO nanorods and microrods

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    Jinzhang Liu


    Full Text Available One-dimensional single crystal incorporating functional nanoparticles of other materials could be an interesting platform for various applications. We studied the encapsulation of nanoparticles into single-crystal ZnO nanorods by exploiting the crystal growth of ZnO in aqueous solution. Two types of nanodiamonds with mean diameters of 10 nm and 40 nm, respectively, and polymer nanobeads with size of 200 nm have been used to study the encapsulation process. It was found that by regrowing these ZnO nanorods with nanoparticles attached to their surfaces, a full encapsulation of nanoparticles into nanorods can be achieved. We demonstrate that our low-temperature aqueous solution growth of ZnO nanorods do not affect or cause degradation of the nanoparticles of either inorganic or organic materials. This new growth method opens the way to a plethora of applications combining the properties of single crystal host and encapsulated nanoparticles. We perform micro-photoluminescence measurement on a single ZnO nanorod containing luminescent nanodiamonds and the spectrum has a different shape from that of naked nanodiamonds, revealing the cavity effect of ZnO nanorod.

  2. ZnO nanowire-based glucose biosensors with different coupling agents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Juneui [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749 (Korea, Republic of); Lim, Sangwoo, E-mail: [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Fabrication of ZnO nanowire-based glucose biosensors using different coupling agents. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Highest sensitivity for (3-aminopropyl)methyldiethoxysilane-treated biosensor. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Larger amount of glucose oxidase and lower electron transfer resistance for (3-aminopropyl)methyldiethoxysilane-treated biosensor. - Abstract: ZnO-nanowire-based glucose biosensors were fabricated by immobilizing glucose oxidase (GOx) onto a linker attached to ZnO nanowires. Different coupling agents were used, namely (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMS), (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES), and (3-aminopropyl)methyldiethoxysilane (APS), to increase the affinity of GOx binding to ZnO nanowires. The amount of GOx immobilized on the ZnO nanowires, the performance, sensitivity, and Michaelis-Menten constant of each biosensor, and the electron transfer resistance through the biosensor were all measured in order to investigate the effect of the coupling agent on the ZnO nanowire-based biosensor. Among the different biosensors, the APS-treated biosensor had the highest sensitivity (17.72 {mu}A cm{sup -2} mM{sup -1}) and the lowest Michaelis-Menten constant (1.37 mM). Since APS-treated ZnO nanowires showed the largest number of C-N groups and the lowest electron transfer resistance through the biosensor, we concluded that these properties were the key factors in the performance of APS-treated glucose biosensors.

  3. ZnO nanowire-based glucose biosensors with different coupling agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Juneui; Lim, Sangwoo


    Highlights: ► Fabrication of ZnO nanowire-based glucose biosensors using different coupling agents. ► Highest sensitivity for (3-aminopropyl)methyldiethoxysilane-treated biosensor. ► Larger amount of glucose oxidase and lower electron transfer resistance for (3-aminopropyl)methyldiethoxysilane-treated biosensor. - Abstract: ZnO-nanowire-based glucose biosensors were fabricated by immobilizing glucose oxidase (GOx) onto a linker attached to ZnO nanowires. Different coupling agents were used, namely (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMS), (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES), and (3-aminopropyl)methyldiethoxysilane (APS), to increase the affinity of GOx binding to ZnO nanowires. The amount of GOx immobilized on the ZnO nanowires, the performance, sensitivity, and Michaelis–Menten constant of each biosensor, and the electron transfer resistance through the biosensor were all measured in order to investigate the effect of the coupling agent on the ZnO nanowire-based biosensor. Among the different biosensors, the APS-treated biosensor had the highest sensitivity (17.72 μA cm −2 mM −1 ) and the lowest Michaelis–Menten constant (1.37 mM). Since APS-treated ZnO nanowires showed the largest number of C-N groups and the lowest electron transfer resistance through the biosensor, we concluded that these properties were the key factors in the performance of APS-treated glucose biosensors.

  4. Hybrid electroluminescent device based on MEH-PPV and ZnO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hewidy, Dina; Gadallah, A.-S.; Fattah, G. Abdel


    Hybrid organic/inorganic electroluminescent device based on the structure of glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/ZnO/ZnO submicrorods/Al has been manufactured. Spin coating has been used to deposit both PEDOT:PSS and MEH-PPV. Two-step process has been used to synthesis ZnO submicrorods, namely, spin coating and chemical bath deposition. Changing the dimensions of the ZnO submicrorods in this layer structure has been investigated to improve the performance of the organic/inorganic electroluminescence device. Such layer structure provides electroluminescence with narrow emission bands due to a high gain with this structure. X-ray diffraction patterns and scanning electron microscope images show that ZnO submicrorods have hexagon structure. Current-voltage curve for the structure has been reported. Electroluminescence curves (electroluminescence intensity versus wavelength) at different bias voltages have been presented and these results show narrowing in full width at half maximum in the spectra at high current density compared to photoluminescence excitation. The narrowing in the spectrum has been explained. - Highlights: • Manufacturing of MEH-PPV and ZnO electroluminescent device has been reported. • Spin coating and chemical bath deposition have been used for preparation of ZnO. • SEM images and X-ray diffraction of ZnO have been presented. • Current-voltage curves and electroluminescent measurements have been reported.

  5. Thermoelectric ZnO and ZnAl2O4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sommer, Sanna


    ZnO har vist sig at være et lovende termoelektrisk materiale. Den høje termiske ledningsevne kræver at man forsker i at finde en måde at sænke den. Tilstedeværelsen af både ZnAl2O4 og ZnO har vist sig at sænke den termiske ledningsevne for ZnO. Berardan et al. [5] har vist at når ZnAl2O4...... is tilstede på baggrund af en for høj aluminium doping koncentration under syntese af ZnO, så medfører tilstedeværelsen af ZnAl2O4 at zT sænkes. Modsat, så har Jood et al. vist at tildstedeværelsen af ZnAl2O4 kan medføre en aftagende termisk ledningsevne. På trods af en samtidig sænkning af den elektriske...... ledningsevne giver det overordnet en øget zT. Baillieul [29] har [20] syntetiseret ZnAl2O4 og ZnO separat, hvorefter krystalliterne er presset sammen. Det viser sig at medføre en øget elektrisk ledningsevne kombineret med aftagende termiske ledningsevne. Disse resultater viser at tilstedeværelsen af ZnAl2O4...

  6. The thermodynamic activity of ZnO in silicate melts (United States)

    Reyes, R. A.; Gaskell, D. R.


    The activity of ZnO in ZnO-SiO2 and CaO-ZnO-SiO2 melts has been measured at 1560 °C using a transpiration technique with CO-CO2 mixtures as the carrier gas. The activities of ZnO in dilute solution in 42 wt pct SiO2-38 wt pct CaO-20 wt pct A12O3 in the range 1400° to 1550 °C and in 62 wt pct SiO2-23.3 wt pct CaO-14.7 wt pct A12O3 at 1550 °C have also been measured. The measured free energies of formation of ZnO-SiO2 melts are significantly more negative than published estimated values and this, together with the behavior observed in the system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2, indicate that ZnO is a relatively basic oxide. The results are discussed in terms of the polymerization model of binary silicate melts and ideal silicate mixing in ternary silicate melts. The behavior of ZnO in dilute solution in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 melts is discussed in terms of the possibility of the fluxing of ZnO by iron blast furnace slags.

  7. Investigation of thin ZnO layers in view of laser desorption-ionization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grechnikov, A A; Borodkov, A S [Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 19 Kosygin Str., 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation); Georgieva, V B [Georgi Nadjakov Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee, 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria); Alimpiev, S S; Nikiforov, S M; Simanovsky, Ya O [General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 38 Vavilov Str., 119991 Moscow (Russian Federation); Dimova-Malinovska, D; Angelov, O I, E-mail: lazarova@issp.bas.b [Laboratory for Solar Energy and New Energy Sources, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee, 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria)


    Thin zinc oxide films (ZnO) were developed as a matrix-free platform for surface assisted laser desorption-ionization (SALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The ZnO films were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering of ZnO ceramic targets in Ar atmospheres on monocrystalline silicon. The generation under UV (355 nm) laser irradiation of positive ions of atenolol, reserpine and gramicidin S from the ZnO layers deposited was studied. All analytes tested were detected as protonated molecules with no or very structure-specific fragmentation. The mass spectra obtained showed low levels of chemical background noise. All ZnO films studied exhibited high stability and good reproducibility. The detection limits for test analytes are in the 10 femtomol range.

  8. Transport and structural characterization of solution-processable doped ZnO nanowires

    KAUST Repository

    Noriega, Rodrigo


    The use of ZnO nanowires has become a widespread topic of interest in optoelectronics. In order to correctly assess the quality, functionality, and possible applications of such nanostructures it is important to accurately understand their electrical and optical properties. Aluminum- and gallium-doped crystalline ZnO nanowires were synthesized using a low-temperature solution-based process, achieving dopant densities of the order of 1020 cm-3. A non-contact optical technique, photothermal deflection spectroscopy, is used to characterize ensembles of ZnO nanowires. By modeling the free charge carrier absorption as a Drude metal, we are able to calculate the free carrier density and mobility. Determining the location of the dopant atoms in the ZnO lattice is important to determine the doping mechanisms of the ZnO nanowires. Solid-state NMR is used to distinguish between coordination environments of the dopant atoms.

  9. Synthesis of Vertically Aligned ZnO Nano rods on Various Substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, J.J.; Hassan, Z.; Abu Hassan, H.; Mahdi, M.A.


    We successfully synthesized vertically aligned ZnO nano rods on Si, GaN, Sic, Al 2 O 3 , ITO, and quartz substrates using microwave assisted chemical bath deposition (MA-CBD) method. All these types of substrates were seeded with PVA-ZnO nano composites layer prior to the nano rods growth. The effect of substrate type on the morphology of the ZnO nano rods was studied. The diameter of grown ZnO nano rods ranged from 50 nm to 200 nm. Structural quality and morphology of ZnO nano rods were determined by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, which revealed hexagonal wurtzite structures perpendicular to the substrate along the z-axis in the direction of (002). Photoluminescence measurements of grown ZnO nano rods on all substrates exhibited high UV peak intensity. Raman scattering studies were conducted to estimate the lattice vibration modes. (author)

  10. Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanostructures on noble-metal coated substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dikovska, A.Og. [Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tsarigradsko Chaussee, Sofia 1784 (Bulgaria); Atanasova, G.B. [Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev str., bl. 11, 1113 Sofia (Bulgaria); Avdeev, G.V. [Rostislaw Kaischew Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev str., bl. 11, 1113 Sofia (Bulgaria); Nedyalkov, N.N. [Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tsarigradsko Chaussee, Sofia 1784 (Bulgaria)


    Highlights: • ZnO nanostructures were fabricated on Au–Ag alloy coated silicon substrates by applying pulsed laser deposition. • Morphology of the ZnO nanostructures was related to the Au–Ag alloy content in the catalyst layer. • Increasing the Ag content in Au–Ag catalyst layer changes the morphology of the ZnO nanostructures from nanorods to nanobelts. - Abstract: In this work, ZnO nanostructures were fabricated on noble-metal (Au, Ag and Au–Ag alloys) coated silicon substrates by applying pulsed laser deposition. The samples were prepared at a substrate temperature of 550 °C, an oxygen pressure of 5 Pa, and a laser fluence of 2 J cm{sup −2} – process parameters usually used for deposition of smooth and dense thin films. The metal layer's role is substantial for the preparation of nanostructures. Heating of the substrate changed the morphology of the metal layer and, subsequently, nanoparticles were formed. The use of different metal particles resulted in different morphologies and properties of the ZnO nanostructures synthesized. The morphology of the ZnO nanostructures was related to the Au–Ag alloy's content of the catalyst layer. It was found that the morphology of the ZnO nanostructures evolved from nanorods to nanobelts as the ratio of Au/Ag in the alloy catalyst was varied. The use of a small quantity of Ag in the Au–Ag catalyst (Au{sub 3}Ag) layer resulted predominantly in the deposition of ZnO nanorods. A higher Ag content in the catalyst alloy (AuAg{sub 2}) layer resulted in the growth of a dense structure of ZnO nanobelts.

  11. Green method for producing hierarchically assembled pristine porous ZnO nanoparticles with narrow particle size distribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escobedo-Morales, A.; Téllez-Flores, D.; Ruiz Peralta, Ma. de Lourdes; Garcia-Serrano, J.; Herrera-González, Ana M.; Rubio-Rosas, E.; Sánchez-Mora, E.; Olivares Xometl, O.


    A green method for producing pristine porous ZnO nanoparticles with narrow particle size distribution is reported. This method consists in synthesizing ZnO 2 nanopowders via a hydrothermal route using cheap and non-toxic reagents, and its subsequent thermal decomposition at low temperature under a non-protective atmosphere (air). The morphology, structural and optical properties of the obtained porous ZnO nanoparticles were studied by means of powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and nitrogen adsorption–desorption measurements. It was found that after thermal decomposition of the ZnO 2 powders, pristine ZnO nanoparticles are obtained. These particles are round-shaped with narrow size distribution. A further analysis of the obtained ZnO nanoparticles reveals that they are hierarchical self-assemblies of primary ZnO particles. The agglomeration of these primary particles at the very early stage of the thermal decomposition of ZnO 2 powders provides to the resulting ZnO nanoparticles a porous nature. The possibility of using the synthesized porous ZnO nanoparticles as photocatalysts has been evaluated on the degradation of rhodamine B dye. - Highlights: • A green synthesis method for obtaining porous ZnO nanoparticles is reported. • The obtained ZnO nanoparticles have narrow particle size distribution. • This method allows obtaining pristine ZnO nanoparticles avoiding unintentional doping. • A growth mechanism for the obtained porous ZnO nanoparticles is proposed

  12. Analisis Domain Proses COBIT Framework 5 Pada Sistem Informasi Worksheet (Studi Kasus: Perguruan Tinggi STMIK, Politeknik Palcomtech

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fahmi Ajismanto


    Full Text Available Perguruan tinggi Stmik, PalComTech adalah lembaga pendidikan komputer dan internet yang berdiri sejak tahun 2003. PalComTech menggunakan Sistem belajar praktek, diskusi, pemecahan studi kasus, praktikum di laboratorium dan setiap pertemuan didukung dengan fasilitas komputer dan internet. Sistem Pembelajaran Worksheet merupakan sistem informasi akademik yang digunakan oleh STMIK Palcomtech Palembang dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini menentukan domain proses pada Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT 5 dan Analisa Current Maturity Level, pengukuran tingkat kematangan tata kelola Worksheet. Metode yang digunakan yaitu, deskriptif, quantitative dan metode analisis mengunakan COBIT 5. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa proses domain COBIT Framework versi 5 yang digunakan adalah: (1. EDM, (Evaluate, Direct And Monitor, (a EDM03, (b EDM04 sedangkan pada domain  (2. APO (Align Plan and Organise yaitu: (a. APO02, (b. APO04, (c. APO07, (d. APO11, (e. APO12, (f. APO13 dan pada domain (3. MEA (Monitor Evaluate and Assess yaitu: MEA01. Hasil dari Analisis Current Maturity Level adalah: (1. EDM03 : 4,23 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable,(2. APO12 : 4,15 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable,   (3. APO07 : 4,07 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (4. MEA01 Memantau,: 3,96 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (5. EDM04: 3,90 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (6. APO11: 3,80 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (7. APO02: 3,70 berada pada level 4 -  Managed and Measureable, (8. APO13 : 3,61 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable, (9. APO04: 3,55 berada pada level 4 - Managed and Measureable.   Keywords : COBIT Fremework 5, Tata Kelola TI, Domain Proses, Worksheet

  13. Controllable synthesis of periodic flower-like ZnO nanostructures on Si subwavelength grating structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, Yeong Hwan; Leem, Jung Woo; Yu, Jae Su


    We report on the periodic well-defined flower-like zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures (NSs) self-assembled through a simple hydrothermal method using silicon (Si) subwavelength grating (SWG) structures. The Si SWGs serve as building blocks for constructing a two-dimensional (2D) periodic architecture to integrate the one-dimensional (1D) ZnO NSs. Various controlled morphologies of ZnO NSs with high crystallinity are obtained by changing the growth conditions. For 1D ZnO NSs integrated on periodic hexagonal Si SWG structures, the reflection characteristics are investigated in comparison with the conventional ZnO nanorod (NR) arrays. For a three-dimensional (3D) flower-like ZnO NS on Si SWGs, a relatively low total reflectance of < 8% at wavelengths of 300-1050 nm is achieved compared to the ZnO NRs on Si substrate.

  14. Analisis Biaya, Volume, Laba sebagai Alat Bantu Perencanaan Laba pada Hotel Sedona Manado


    Samahati, Ricky Budiman


    Manado sebagai kota pariwisata menyediakan sarana dan prasarana kepariwisataan termasuk jasa perhotelan. Hotel Sedona merupakan salah satu hotel yang ada di Kota Manado dan merupakan objek yang dipilih penulis dengan menggunakan data operasional penjualan yang terjadi pada tahun 2011 dan 2012. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui titik break even point, jumlah volume penjualan pada tingkat laba yang direncanakan, serta tingkat margin of safety pada Hotel Sedona Manado. Metode analisi...

  15. Electrical properties of ZnO thin films grown by MOCVD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pagni, O. [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Somhlahlo, N.N. [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Weichsel, C. [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Leitch, A.W.R. [Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa)]. E-mail:


    We report on the electrical characterization of ZnO films grown by MOCVD on glass and sapphire substrates. After correcting our temperature variable Hall measurements by applying the standard two-layer model, which takes into account an interfacial layer, scattering mechanisms in the ZnO films were studied as well as donor activation energies determined. ZnO films grown at different oxygen partial pressures indicated the importance of growth conditions on the defect structure by means of their conductivities and conductivity activation energies.

  16. Electrical properties of ZnO thin films grown by MOCVD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pagni, O.; Somhlahlo, N.N.; Weichsel, C.; Leitch, A.W.R.


    We report on the electrical characterization of ZnO films grown by MOCVD on glass and sapphire substrates. After correcting our temperature variable Hall measurements by applying the standard two-layer model, which takes into account an interfacial layer, scattering mechanisms in the ZnO films were studied as well as donor activation energies determined. ZnO films grown at different oxygen partial pressures indicated the importance of growth conditions on the defect structure by means of their conductivities and conductivity activation energies

  17. Implementasi Kriptografi Kunci Publik dengan Algoritma RSA-CRT pada Aplikasi Instant Messaging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashari Arief


    Full Text Available Instant messaging merupakan salah satu bentuk kemajuan teknologi komunikasi yang mempermudah penyampaian informasi. Saat ini, dengan semakin banyaknya pengguna aplikasi instant messaging berakibat pada dampak negatif berupa penyadapan data khususnya saat terjadi komunikasi yang bersifat rahasia. Algoritma RSA merupakan salah satu satu algoritma dalam kriptografi kunci publik. Pada proses enkripsi dan dekripsi digunakan kunci yang berbeda. Proses dekripsi algoritma RSA sering terjadi kendala karena ukuran kunci dekripsi yang relatif besar dapat memperlambat proses. Untuk mempercepat proses dekripsi, algoritma RSA dapat dimodifikasi dengan algoritma CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem, sering disebut dengan Algoritma RSA-CRT. Implementasi algoritma kriptografi RSA-CRT pada aplikasi instant messaging pada panjang bit n mulai dari 56 bit sampai 88 bit, proses dekripsi RSA-CRT dua kali lebih cepat dibandingkan proses dekripsi RSA. 

  18. Bula Hemoragik dengan Komplikasi Perforasi Gaster Sebagai Manifestasi Klinis Purpura Henoch-Schonlein yang Tidak Biasa pada Anak

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Budi Setiabudiawan


    Full Text Available Purpura Henoch-Schonlein (PHS merupakan vaskulitis pada pembuluh darah kecil tersering terjadi pada anak. Penyakit ini ditandai dengan purpura palpablenontrombositopenia disertai salah satu gejala nyeri perut, artritis atau atralgia, glomerulonefritis, dan hasil biopsi jaringan berupa gambaran vaskulitis leukositoklastik. Bula hemoragik disertai edema jaringan subkutan merupakan gambaran yang tidak umum pada PHS dan sering terlewatkan. Manifestasi klinis vesikobulosa PHS sering ditemukan pada pasien dewasa, 16%–60% kasus, sedangkan pada anak kurang dari 2% kasus. Walaupun PHS secara tipikal merupakan penyakit selflimiting, tetapi komplikasi serius dapat terjadi. Perforasi gaster sangat jarang dilaporkan sebagai komplikasi PHS. Kami melaporkan 2 kasus PHS dengan manifestasi kulit yang berat, yaitu timbulnya bula hemoragik disertai dengan perforasi gaster. Pada kedua kasus dilakukan tindakan operatif dengan keluaran yang berbeda, pada kasus pertama pasien dipulangkan dalam kondisi baik pascaoperasi setelah dilakukan laparatomi eksplorasi, walaupun masih menderita nefritis. Sedangkan pasien kedua meninggal setelah tindakan diagnostic peritoneal lavagedisebabkan sepsis berat. Simpulan, bula hemoragik dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai prediktor komplikasi perforasi gaster pada PHS yang akan meningkatkan kewaspadaan dalam tata laksana PHS

  19. Analisis Konsumen Berpindah Merek (BrandSwitcher Pada Bank Syariah Dan Bank Konvensional (Studi Kasus Pada Nasabah Di Wilayah Darmaga Bogor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mukhamad Najib


    Full Text Available Dalam situasi hypercompetition seperti saat ini, dimana konsumen dibanjiri oleh berbagai alternatif produk yang menarik, perubahan perilaku membeli akan mempermudah konsumen berpindah ke produk atau merek lainnya. Hal ini dapat terjadi pada nasabah bank di Indonesia. Munculnya perbankan syariah dengan pertumbuhan yang begitu cepat merupakan fenomena yang menggambarkan terjadinya perpindahan merek pada konsumen, dalam hal ini nasabah bank Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis prilaku perpindahan merek pada nasabah bank di wilayah Darmaga. Pengambilan data primer melalui pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive. Sementara analisa dilakukan secara deskriptif. Di wilayah demaga ada empat buah bank umum, yaitu Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI46, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI, Bank Muammalat Indonesia (BMI dan Bank Syariah Mandiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan BNI46 merupakan bank yang memiliki brand awareness paling tinggi diantara bank yang ada di Darmaga. Konsumen berpindah merek tidak hanya terjadi pada bank konvensional, tetapi juga bank syariah. Hal ini berarti bank syariah maupun bank konvensional berpotensi memiliki pelanggan yang tidak loyal. BNI46 memiliki konsumen yang paling tidak loyal bila dibanding dengan BRI, BSM dan BMI. Jika dibandingkan sesama bank syariah, maka BMI memiliki konsumen yang paling loyal. Faktor yang memiliki pengaruh paling tinggi terhadap konsumen dalam melakukan perpindahan merek adalah factor internal dan diiukti oleh faktor eksternal. Sementara faktor kekecewaan terhadap bank sebelumnya merupakan faktor yang paling kecil pengaruhnya terhadap konsumen dalam melakukan perpindahan merek.Keywords: Brand Awareness, Perpindahan Merek, Loyalitas

  20. Self-aligned nanocrystalline ZnO hexagons by facile solid-state and co-precipitation route

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thorat, J. H.; Kanade, K. G.; Nikam, L. K.; Chaudhari, P. D.; Panmand, R. P.; Kale, B. B.


    In this study, we report the synthesis of well-aligned nanocrystalline hexagonal zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles by facile solid-state and co-precipitation method. The co-precipitation reactions were performed using aqueous and ethylene glycol (EG) medium using zinc acetate and adipic acid to obtain zinc adipate and further decomposition at 450 °C to confer nanocrystalline ZnO hexagons. XRD shows the hexagonal wurtzite structure of the ZnO. Thermal study reveals complete formation of ZnO at 430 °C in case of solid-state method, whereas in case of co-precipitation method complete formation was observed at 400 °C. Field emission scanning electron microscope shows spherical morphology for ZnO synthesized by solid-state method. The aqueous-mediated ZnO by co-precipitation method shows rod-like morphology. These rods are formed via self assembling of spherical nanoparticles, however, uniformly dispersed spherical crystallites were seen in EG-mediated ZnO. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations clearly show well aligned and highly crystalline transparent and thin hexagonal ZnO. The particle size was measured using TEM and was observed to be 50–60 nm in case of solid-state method and aqueous-mediated co-precipitation method, while 25–50 nm in case of EG-mediated co-precipitation method. UV absorption spectra showed sharp absorption peaks with a blue shift for EG-mediated ZnO, which demonstrate the mono-dispersed lower particle size. The band gap of the ZnO was observed to be 3.4 eV which is higher than the bulk, implies nanocrystalline nature of the ZnO. The photoluminescence studies clearly indicate the strong violet and weak blue emission in ZnO nanoparticles which is quite unique. The process investigated may be useful to synthesize other oxide semiconductors and transition metal oxides.

  1. Self-aligned nanocrystalline ZnO hexagons by facile solid-state and co-precipitation route

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thorat, J. H. [Mahatma Phule College, Department of Chemistry (India); Kanade, K. G. [Annasaheb Awate College (India); Nikam, L. K. [B.G. College (India); Chaudhari, P. D.; Panmand, R. P.; Kale, B. B., E-mail: [Center for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET) (India)


    In this study, we report the synthesis of well-aligned nanocrystalline hexagonal zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles by facile solid-state and co-precipitation method. The co-precipitation reactions were performed using aqueous and ethylene glycol (EG) medium using zinc acetate and adipic acid to obtain zinc adipate and further decomposition at 450 Degree-Sign C to confer nanocrystalline ZnO hexagons. XRD shows the hexagonal wurtzite structure of the ZnO. Thermal study reveals complete formation of ZnO at 430 Degree-Sign C in case of solid-state method, whereas in case of co-precipitation method complete formation was observed at 400 Degree-Sign C. Field emission scanning electron microscope shows spherical morphology for ZnO synthesized by solid-state method. The aqueous-mediated ZnO by co-precipitation method shows rod-like morphology. These rods are formed via self assembling of spherical nanoparticles, however, uniformly dispersed spherical crystallites were seen in EG-mediated ZnO. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations clearly show well aligned and highly crystalline transparent and thin hexagonal ZnO. The particle size was measured using TEM and was observed to be 50-60 nm in case of solid-state method and aqueous-mediated co-precipitation method, while 25-50 nm in case of EG-mediated co-precipitation method. UV absorption spectra showed sharp absorption peaks with a blue shift for EG-mediated ZnO, which demonstrate the mono-dispersed lower particle size. The band gap of the ZnO was observed to be 3.4 eV which is higher than the bulk, implies nanocrystalline nature of the ZnO. The photoluminescence studies clearly indicate the strong violet and weak blue emission in ZnO nanoparticles which is quite unique. The process investigated may be useful to synthesize other oxide semiconductors and transition metal oxides.

  2. Atomic layer deposition of Al-doped ZnO thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tynell, Tommi; Yamauchi, Hisao; Karppinen, Maarit; Okazaki, Ryuji; Terasaki, Ichiro [Department of Chemistry, Aalto University, FI-00076 Aalto (Finland); Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan)


    Atomic layer deposition has been used to fabricate thin films of aluminum-doped ZnO by depositing interspersed layers of ZnO and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} on borosilicate glass substrates. The growth characteristics of the films have been investigated through x-ray diffraction, x-ray reflection, and x-ray fluorescence measurements, and the efficacy of the Al doping has been evaluated through optical reflectivity and Seebeck coefficient measurements. The Al doping is found to affect the carrier density of ZnO up to a nominal Al dopant content of 5 at. %. At nominal Al doping levels of 10 at. % and higher, the structure of the films is found to be strongly affected by the Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} phase and no further carrier doping of ZnO is observed.

  3. Acceptor Type Vacancy Complexes In As-Grown ZnO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zubiaga, A.; Tuomisto, F.; Zuniga-Perez, J.


    One of the many technological areas that ZnO is interesting for is the construction of opto-electronic devices working in the blue-UV range as its large band gap (∼3.4 eV at 10 K) makes them suitable for that purpose. As-grown ZnO shows generally n-type conductivity partially due to the large concentration of unintentional shallow donors, like H, but impurities can also form complexes with acceptor type defects (Zn vacancy) leading to the creation of compensating defects. Recently, Li Zn and Na Zn acceptors have been measured and H could form similar type of defects. Doppler Broadening Positron Annihilation spectroscopy experimental results on the observation of Zn related vacancy complexes in ZnO thin films, as-grown, O implanted and Al doped will be presented. Results show that as-grown ZnO film show small Zn vacancy related complexed that could be related to presence of H as a unintentional doping element.

  4. Starch assisted growth of dumbbell-shaped ZnO microstructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baranwal, V., E-mail: [Nanotechnology Application Centre, University of Allahabad, Allahabad 21002 (India); Zahra, Abeer [Department of Physics, Integral University, Lucknow 226026 (India); Singh, Prashant K.; Pandey, Avinash C. [Nanotechnology Application Centre, University of Allahabad, Allahabad 21002 (India)


    We present an experimental study on evolution of dumbbell-shaped ZnO microstructures. Structure, shape, size and optical properties were monitored by means of scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and photoluminescence spectroscopy, respectively. Our results show that a crystalline phase of ZnO is formed. A uniform distribution of randomly oriented dumbbell-shaped ZnO microstructures is observed. Near band edge as well as deep level visible emissions confirmed that there are intrinsic defects present in the system. Emissions extending from UV region to visible region show that these microstructures are good quality optical material which can be used in photocatalytic field. - Highlights: • Dumbbell-shaped ZnO micro-rods were synthesized by starch assisted hydrothermal process. • Micro-rods were of crystalline nature, confirmed by x-ray diffraction. • UV-emission as well as deep level visible emissions were observed. • Broad absorption band is observed which can be utilized in photocatalytic field.

  5. Acceptor Type Vacancy Complexes In As-Grown ZnO (United States)

    Zubiaga, A.; Tuomisto, F.; Zuñiga-Pérez, J.


    One of the many technological areas that ZnO is interesting for is the construction of opto-electronic devices working in the blue-UV range as its large band gap (˜3.4 eV at 10 K) makes them suitable for that purpose. As-grown ZnO shows generally n-type conductivity partially due to the large concentration of unintentional shallow donors, like H, but impurities can also form complexes with acceptor type defects (Zn vacancy) leading to the creation of compensating defects. Recently, LiZn and NaZn acceptors have been measured and H could form similar type of defects. Doppler Broadening Positron Annihilation spectroscopy experimental results on the observation of Zn related vacancy complexes in ZnO thin films, as-grown, O implanted and Al doped will be presented. Results show that as-grown ZnO film show small Zn vacancy related complexed that could be related to presence of H as a unintentional doping element.

  6. High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of ZnO Based Materials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Han, Li

    of the dopants and dopant concentrations, a large power factor was obtainable. The sample with the composition of Zn0.9Cd0.1Sc0.01O obtained the highest zT ∼0.3 @1173 K, ~0.24 @1073K, and a good average zT which is better than the state-of-the-art n-type thermoelectric oxide materials. Meanwhile, Sc-doped Zn......This thesis investigated the high temperature thermoelectric properties of ZnO based materials. The investigation first focused on the doping mechanisms of Al-doped ZnO, and then the influence of spark plasma sintering conditions on the thermoelectric properties of Al, Ga-dually doped Zn......O. Following that, the nanostructuring effect for Al-doped ZnO was systematically investigated using samples with different microstructure morphologies. At last, the newly developed ZnCdO materials with superior thermoelectric properties and thermal stability were introduced as promising substitutions...

  7. The Applications of Morphology Controlled ZnO in Catalysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuhai Sun


    Full Text Available Zinc oxide (ZnO, with the unique chemical and physical properties of high chemical stability, broad radiation absorption range, high electrochemical coupling coefficient, and high photo-stability, is an attractive multifunctional material which has promoted great interest in many fields. What is more, its properties can be tuned by controllable synthesized morphologies. Therefore, after the success of the abundant morphology controllable synthesis, both the morphology-dependent ZnO properties and their related applications have been extensively investigated. This review concentrates on the properties of morphology-dependent ZnO and their applications in catalysis, mainly involved reactions on green energy and environmental issues, such as CO2 hydrogenation to fuels, methanol steam reforming to generate H2, bio-diesel production, pollutant photo-degradation, etc. The impressive catalytic properties of ZnO are associated with morphology tuned specific microstructures, defects or abilities of electron transportation, etc. The main morphology-dependent promotion mechanisms are discussed and summarized.

  8. Ultraviolet Sensing by Al-doped ZnO Thin Films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rashid, A.R.A.; Menon, P.S.; Shaari, S.


    We report the fabrication and characterization of an ultraviolet photoconductive sensing by using Al-doped ZnO films. Undoped ZnO, 1 at.% and 2 at% of Al were prepared on quartz glass by sol gel method with annealing temperature of 500 degree Celsius for 1 hour. The presence of spherical shaped nanoparticles were detected for undoped ZnO by using FESEM. The absorption edge shifted to a lower wavelength by doping with Al and excitonic peak can be observed. The band gap values increased by adding Al. I-V curves reveal an improvement in electrical properties when the samples are illuminated by ultraviolet (UV) light with a wavelength of 365 nm. At 1 at.% of Al, the film have a larger increment in photocurrent response when illuminated with UV light compared to undoped ZnO and 2 at.% Al. The thin films have a longer recovery time than response time. (author)

  9. Bioavailability of Zn in ZnO nanoparticle-spiked soil and the implications to maize plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Xueqin [Southwest University, College of Resources and Environment (China); Wang, Fayuan, E-mail:; Shi, Zhaoyong [Henan University of Science and Technology, Agricultural College (China); Tong, Ruijian [Luoyang Normal University, Life Science Department (China); Shi, Xiaojun, E-mail: [Southwest University, College of Resources and Environment (China)


    Little is known about the relationships between Zn bioavailability in ZnO nanoparticle (NP)-spiked soil and the implications to crops. The present pot culture experiment studied Zn bioavailability in soil spiked with different doses of ZnO NPs, using the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction method, as well as the toxicity and Zn accumulation in maize plants. Results showed that ZnO NPs exerted dose-dependent effects on maize growth and nutrition, photosynthetic pigments, and root activity (dehydrogenase), ranging from stimulatory (100–200 mg/kg) through to neutral (400 mg/kg) and toxic effect (800–3200 mg/kg). Both Zn concentration in shoots and roots correlated positively (P < 0.01) with ZnO NPs dose and soil DTPA-extractable Zn concentration. The BCF of Zn in shoots and roots ranged from 1.02 to 3.83 when ZnO NPs were added. In most cases, the toxic effects on plants elicited by ZnO NPs were overall similar to those caused by bulk ZnO and soluble Zn (ZnSO{sub 4}) at the same doses, irrespective of some significant differences suggesting a higher toxicity of ZnO NPs. Oxidative stress in plants via superoxide free radical production was induced by ZnO NPs at 800 mg/kg and above, and was more severe than the same doses of bulk ZnO and ZnSO{sub 4}. Although significantly lower compared to bulk ZnO and ZnSO{sub 4}, at least 16 % of the Zn from ZnO NPs was converted into DTPA-extractable (bioavailable) forms. The dissolved Zn{sup 2+} from ZnO NPs may make a dominant contribution to their phytotoxicity. Although low amounts of ZnO NPs exhibited some beneficial effects, the accumulation of Zn from ZnO NPs into maize tissues could pose potential health risks for both plants and human.

  10. Perancangan dan Implementasi Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Tiga Fasa Pada Mesin Sentrifugal Menggunakan Metode Sliding Mode Control (SMC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adityo Yudistira


    Full Text Available Motor induksi tiga fasa banyak digunakan di industri, salah satunya pada industri pabrik gula. Di industri pabrik gula motor industri tiga fasa banyak digunakan pada mesin sentrifugal. Mesin ini digunakan pada proses pemisahan cairan massacuite dan strup hingga didapat kristal gula. Pada proses tersebut terjadi perubahan beban oleh karena itu pada siklus kecepatannya mengalami proses Charging, Spinning dan Discharging. Pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu dengan merubah posisi puli atau ukuran poros dari mesin sentrifugal. Pengaturan dengan metode ini mengakibatkan kecepatan motor akan sulit dikendalikan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Pengaturan kecepatan yang tidak tepat juga dapat mengakibatkan hasil produksi gula yang kurang maksimal. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode kontrol untuk mengoptimalkan kecepatan setpoint motor saat mengalami proses Charging, Spinning dan Discharging. Metode kontrol yang digunakan adalah metode Sliding Mode Control. Kontroler SMC yang diimplementasikan pada PLC memiliki W= 10 dan α=0,2. Dari hasil analisa sliding surface diketahui bahwa semakin bertambahnya beban maka hitting time semakin lama. Hasil implementasi kontroler SMC yang digunakan terjadi error ± 6,6% pada kecepatan 300 rpm sedangkan pada kecepatan 800 rpm dan 200 rpm terjadi error ± 2,5%. Sehingga Tugas Akhir ini dapat membantu meningkatkan efisiensi mesin sentrifugal pada pabrik gula.

  11. Electrical anisotropy properties of ZnO nanorods analyzed by conductive atomic force microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Yunfeng; Yu Naisen; Liu Dongping; He Yangyang; Liu Yuanda; Liang Hongwei; Du Guotong


    Highlights: ► The electrical properties of one individual lying ZnO nanorod were performed by C-AFM measurement. ► Inhomogeneous spatial current distribution was detected. ► Current was detected along the side facets while no current was detected in the top plane for ZnO nanorod. ► The side facets were more conductive than the top facets of ZnO nanorods. - Abstract: In this study, we have prepared ZnO nanorods on cracked GaN substrates using aqueous solution method. Unique electrical characterization of one individual lying ZnO nanorod is analyzed by conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM). Effect of anisotropy properties on the conductivity of a single nanorod has been investigated. The current maps of ZnO nanorods have been simultaneously recorded with the topography which is gained by AFM-contact mode. The C-AFM measurement present local current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of the side facets of one individual lying nanorod, however, no current is detected on the top facets of ZnO nanorods. Measurement results indicate that the side facets are more electrically active than the top facets of ZnO nanorods due to lower Schottky barrier height of the side facets.

  12. High quantum yield ZnO quantum dots synthesizing via an ultrasonication microreactor method. (United States)

    Yang, Weimin; Yang, Huafang; Ding, Wenhao; Zhang, Bing; Zhang, Le; Wang, Lixi; Yu, Mingxun; Zhang, Qitu


    Green emission ZnO quantum dots were synthesized by an ultrasonic microreactor. Ultrasonic radiation brought bubbles through ultrasonic cavitation. These bubbles built microreactor inside the microreactor. The photoluminescence properties of ZnO quantum dots synthesized with different flow rate, ultrasonic power and temperature were discussed. Flow rate, ultrasonic power and temperature would influence the type and quantity of defects in ZnO quantum dots. The sizes of ZnO quantum dots would be controlled by those conditions as well. Flow rate affected the reaction time. With the increasing of flow rate, the sizes of ZnO quantum dots decreased and the quantum yields first increased then decreased. Ultrasonic power changed the ultrasonic cavitation intensity, which affected the reaction energy and the separation of the solution. With the increasing of ultrasonic power, sizes of ZnO quantum dots first decreased then increased, while the quantum yields kept increasing. The effect of ultrasonic temperature on the photoluminescence properties of ZnO quantum dots was influenced by the flow rate. Different flow rate related to opposite changing trend. Moreover, the quantum yields of ZnO QDs synthesized by ultrasonic microreactor could reach 64.7%, which is higher than those synthesized only under ultrasonic radiation or only by microreactor. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Impact of thiol and amine functionalization on photoluminescence properties of ZnO films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jayalakshmi, G.; Saravanan, K.; Balasubramanian, T.


    In the present study, we have investigated surface functionalization of ZnO films with dodecanethiol (Thiol) and trioctylamine (amine) by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle (CA) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The chemical bondings of thiol and amine with ZnO have been confirmed via the formation of Zn–S and Zn–N bonds by XPS measurements. AFM measurements on ZnO films before and after surface functionalization with thiol and amine provide evidence for the successful functionalization of thiol and amine on ZnO surfaces without any island formation. The CA measurements on ZnO films before and after surface functionalization with thiol and amine show the hydrophobic nature. PL measurements of thiol and amine functionalized ZnO show enhancements of UV emission and quenching of visible emission. The enhanced UV emissions in thiol and amine functionalized ZnO films suggest that the surface defects such as oxygen vacancies are passivated by thiol and amine functionalization. -- Highlights: ► Surface functionalization is a new approach to reduce surface dependent non-radiative process. ► Oxygen vacancies are passivated on surface functionalization. ► Thiol and amine functionalized ZnO show enhancements of UV emission

  14. Photoluminescence of ZnO thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kao, Kuo-Sheng; Shih, Wei-Che; Ye, Wei-Tsuen; Cheng, Da-Long


    This study investigated surface acoustic wave devices with an Al/ZnO/Si structure for use in ultraviolet sensors. ZnO thin films were fabricated using a reactive radio frequency magnetron sputtering system. The substrate temperature of ZnO thin films can be varied to obtain highly crystalline properties. The surface morphologies and c-axis preferred orientation of the ZnO thin films were determined using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. In addition, bright-field images of ZnO crystallization were investigated using a transmission electron microscope. From photoluminescence analysis, four peaks were obtained at 377.8, 384.9, 391.4, and 403.4 nm. Interdigital transducers of an aluminum electrode were fabricated on the ZnO/Si structure by using a direct current sputtering system and photolithography, combined with the lift-off method, thereby obtaining a surface acoustic wave device. Finally, frequency responses were measured using a network analyzer, and an illuminating test was adopted for the ultraviolet sensor, using a wavelength of 355 nm from a light-emitting diode. The sensitivities of the ultraviolet sensor were also discussed. - Highlights: • The ZnO/Si SAW devices exhibit the Rayleigh and Sezawa modes. • The crystalline of ZnO affects the EHP recombination and generation. • The PL spectrum of ZnO shows Gaussian fitting distributions. • The CTD_U_V is influenced by SAW types and ZnO film characteristics.

  15. Photoluminescence of ZnO thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kao, Kuo-Sheng [Department of Computer and Communication, SHU-TE University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Shih, Wei-Che [Department of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Ye, Wei-Tsuen [Department of Computer and Communication, SHU-TE University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Cheng, Da-Long, E-mail: [Department of Computer and Communication, SHU-TE University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China)


    This study investigated surface acoustic wave devices with an Al/ZnO/Si structure for use in ultraviolet sensors. ZnO thin films were fabricated using a reactive radio frequency magnetron sputtering system. The substrate temperature of ZnO thin films can be varied to obtain highly crystalline properties. The surface morphologies and c-axis preferred orientation of the ZnO thin films were determined using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. In addition, bright-field images of ZnO crystallization were investigated using a transmission electron microscope. From photoluminescence analysis, four peaks were obtained at 377.8, 384.9, 391.4, and 403.4 nm. Interdigital transducers of an aluminum electrode were fabricated on the ZnO/Si structure by using a direct current sputtering system and photolithography, combined with the lift-off method, thereby obtaining a surface acoustic wave device. Finally, frequency responses were measured using a network analyzer, and an illuminating test was adopted for the ultraviolet sensor, using a wavelength of 355 nm from a light-emitting diode. The sensitivities of the ultraviolet sensor were also discussed. - Highlights: • The ZnO/Si SAW devices exhibit the Rayleigh and Sezawa modes. • The crystalline of ZnO affects the EHP recombination and generation. • The PL spectrum of ZnO shows Gaussian fitting distributions. • The CTD{sub UV} is influenced by SAW types and ZnO film characteristics.

  16. Effect of morphology on the non-ohmic conduction in ZnO nanostructures (United States)

    Praveen, E.; Jayakumar, K.


    Nanostructures of ZnO is synthesized with nanoflower like morphology by simple wet chemical method. The structural, morphological and electrical characterization have been carried out. The temperature dependent electrical characterization of ZnO pellets of thickness 1150 µm is made by the application of 925MPa pressure. The morphological dependence of non-ohmic conduction beyond some arbitrary tunneling potential and grain boundary barrier thickness is compared with the commercially available bulk ZnO. Our results show the suitability of nano-flower like ZnO for the devices like sensors, rectifiers etc.

  17. Photovoltaic Properties of Co-doped ZnO Thin Film on Glass Substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabia Aye; Zin Ma Ma; May Nwe Oo; Than Than Win; Yin Maung Maung; Ko Ko Kyaw Soe


    Cobalt (Co) 0.4 mol doped zinc oxide (ZnO) fine powder was prepared by solid state mixed oxide route. Phase formation and crystal structure of Co-doped ZnO (CZO) powder were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the micro structure of Co doped ZnO powder. Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescent (EDXRF) technique gave the elemental content of cobalt and zinc. Co-doped ZnO film was formed on glass substrate by spin coating technique. Photovoltaic properties of CZO/glass cell were measured.

  18. Superior photoelectrochemical properties of ZnO nanorods/poly(3-hexylthiophene) hybrid photoanodes (United States)

    Majumder, T.; Hmar, J. J. L.; Dhar, S.; Mondal, S. P.


    Photoelectrochemical properties of ZnO nanorods (ZnO NRs) and poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) polymer hybrid photoanodes have been studied. The hybrid photoanodes demonstrated higher photoconversion efficiency, incident photon to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) and lower interfacial resistance compared to pristine ZnO nanorods and P3HT based electrodes. The origin of superior photoelectrochemical properties of ZnO/P3HT photoanodes has been explained using carrier transport mechanism at semiconductor/electrolyte junction. The stability of ZnO NRs/P3HT photoanode has been demonstrated.

  19. Synthesis of vertical arrays of ultra long ZnO nanowires on noncrystalline substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Bong Jun; Lee, Kyung Moon; Shin, Hae-Young; Kim, Jinwoong; Liu, Jinzhang; Yoon, Seokhyun; Lee, Soonil; Ahn, Y.H.; Park, Ji-Yong


    Highlights: ► Arrays of vertical ultra-long ZnO nanowires with lengths upto 300 μm. ► Controls of lengths and diameters of vertical arrays of ZnO nanowires on SiO 2 substrates. ► Luminescent and electrical properties of ZnO nanowires prepared with different growth conditions. - Abstract: Vertically aligned arrays of ultralong ZnO nanowires were synthesized on SiO 2 substrates with carbothermal vapor phase transport method with Au seeding layer. High density of vertically aligned ZnO nanowires with lengths from a few to ∼300 μm could be grown by controlling growth conditions. Supply of high concentration of Zn vapor and control of the ratio between Zn vapor and oxygen are found to have the most significant effects on the growth of long ZnO nanowires in the vapor–solid growth mechanism. The nanowires are of high crystalline quality as confirmed by various structural, compositional, and luminescent measurements. Luminescent and electrical properties of ZnO nanowires with different growth conditions were also investigated.

  20. Hierarchical porous ZnO microflowers with ultra-high ethanol gas-sensing at low concentration (United States)

    Song, Liming; Yue, He; Li, Haiying; Liu, Li; Li, Yu; Du, Liting; Duan, Haojie; Klyui, N. I.


    Hierarchical porous and non-porous ZnO microflowers have been successfully fabricated by hydrothermal method. Their crystal structure, morphology and gas-sensing properties were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and chemical gas sensing intelligent analysis system (CGS). Compared with hierarchical non-porous ZnO microflowers, hierarchical porous ZnO microflowers exhibited ultra-high sensitivity with 50 ppm ethanol at 260 °C and the response is 110, which is 1.8 times higher than that of non-porous ZnO microflowers. Moreover, the lowest concentration limit of hierarchical porous ZnO microflowers (non-porous ZnO microflowers) to ethanol is 0.1 (1) ppm, the response value is 1.6 (1).

  1. Room-temperature deposition of crystalline patterned ZnO films by confined dewetting lithography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sepulveda-Guzman, S.; Reeja-Jayan, B.; De la Rosa, E.; Ortiz-Mendez, U.; Reyes-Betanzo, C.; Cruz-Silva, R.; Jose-Yacaman, M.


    In this work patterned ZnO films were prepared at room-temperature by deposition of ∼5 nm size ZnO nanoparticles using confined dewetting lithography, a process which induces their assembly, by drying a drop of ZnO colloidal dispersion between a floating template and the substrate. Crystalline ZnO nanoparticles exhibit a strong visible (525 nm) light emission upon UV excitation (λ = 350 nm). The resulting films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). The method described herein presents a simple and low cost method to prepare crystalline ZnO films with geometric patterns without additional annealing. Such transparent conducting films are attractive for applications like light emitting diodes (LEDs). As the process is carried out at room temperature, the patterned crystalline ZnO films can even be deposited on flexible substrates.

  2. Room-temperature deposition of crystalline patterned ZnO films by confined dewetting lithography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sepulveda-Guzman, S., E-mail: [Centro de Innovacion, Investigacion y Desarrollo en Ingenieria y Tecnologia. UANL, PIIT Monterrey, CP 66629, Apodaca NL (Mexico); Reeja-Jayan, B. [Texas Materials Institute, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 (United States); De la Rosa, E. [Centro de Investigacion en Optica, Loma del Bosque 115 Col. Lomas del Campestre C.P. 37150 Leon, Gto. Mexico (Mexico); Ortiz-Mendez, U. [Centro de Innovacion, Investigacion y Desarrollo en Ingenieria y Tecnologia. UANL, PIIT Monterrey, CP 66629, Apodaca NL (Mexico); Reyes-Betanzo, C. [Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica, Calle Luis Enrique Erro No. 1, Santa Maria Tonanzintla, Puebla. Apdo. Postal 51 y 216, C.P. 72000 Puebla (Mexico); Cruz-Silva, R. [Centro de Investigacion en Ingenieria y Ciencias Aplicadas, UAEM. Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, CP 62210 Cuernavaca, Mor. (Mexico); Jose-Yacaman, M. [Physics and Astronomy Department University of Texas at San Antonio 1604 campus San Antonio, TX 78249 (United States)


    In this work patterned ZnO films were prepared at room-temperature by deposition of {approx}5 nm size ZnO nanoparticles using confined dewetting lithography, a process which induces their assembly, by drying a drop of ZnO colloidal dispersion between a floating template and the substrate. Crystalline ZnO nanoparticles exhibit a strong visible (525 nm) light emission upon UV excitation ({lambda} = 350 nm). The resulting films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). The method described herein presents a simple and low cost method to prepare crystalline ZnO films with geometric patterns without additional annealing. Such transparent conducting films are attractive for applications like light emitting diodes (LEDs). As the process is carried out at room temperature, the patterned crystalline ZnO films can even be deposited on flexible substrates.

  3. Site-specific growth of Au particles on ZnO nanopyramids under ultraviolet illumination

    KAUST Repository

    Yao, Kexin


    In this work, wurtzite ZnO nanocrystals with unique "pyramid" morphology were firstly prepared via solvothermal synthesis. It was determined that the ZnO nanopyramids are grown along the polar c-axis with the vertexes pointing to the [001] direction. When the mixture of ZnO nanopyramids and Au precursor (HAuCl4) was exposed to ultraviolet (UV) illumination, Au particles were site-specifically formed on the vertexes of ZnO nanopyramids. The obtained Au/ZnO nanocomposite showed significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity as compared to the bare ZnO nanopyramids. First-principles based calculations well explained the formation of ZnO nanopyramids as well as the site-specific growth of Au, and revealed that during the photocatalysis process the Au particles can accommodate photoelectrons and thus facilitate the charge separation. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

  4. Sensitization of nano-porous ZnO photo-anode by a conjugated conducting polymer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sirimanne, P.M. [Nano-Science Laboratory, Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantana Road, Kandy (Sri Lanka); Environmental and Renewable Energy Systems Division, Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193 (Japan); Premalal, E.V.A. [Nano-Science Laboratory, Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantana Road, Kandy (Sri Lanka); Minoura, H. [Environmental and Renewable Energy Systems Division, Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193 (Japan)


    Hybrid ZnO films are prepared via one-step electrochemical process. Extraction of organic component from hybrid films results tiny wires like ZnO columns perpendicular to the substrate. Visible light sensitive-conjugated polymer poly(2-methoxy-5-[2 ethylhexyloxy]-1-4-phenylenevinylene, MEH-PPV) was embedded in highly porous ZnO ceramic by a solvent vaporization technique. An attempt was made to fabricate polymer sensitized photovoltaic cell by coupling polymer embedded ZnO electrodes with an electrolyte. Maximum photovoltage of 490 mV is observed for the cell with the configuration of ZnO vertical stroke MEH-PPV vertical stroke I{sup -}/I{sub 3}{sup -} cell. (author)

  5. The Fate of ZnO Nanoparticles Administered to Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells (United States)

    Gilbert, Benjamin; Fakra, Sirine C.; Xia, Tian; Pokhrel, Suman; Mädler, Lutz; Nel, André E.


    A particular challenge for nanotoxicology is the evaluation of the biological fate and toxicity of nanomaterials that dissolve in aqueous fluids. Zinc oxide nanomaterials are of particular concern because dissolution leads to release of the toxic divalent zinc ion. Although dissolved zinc ions have been implicated in ZnO cytotoxicity, direct identification of the chemical form of zinc taken up by cells exposed to ZnO nanoparticles, and its intracellular fate, has not yet been achieved. We combined high resolution X-ray spectromicroscopy and high elemental sensitivity X-ray microprobe analyses to determine the fate of ZnO and less soluble iron-doped ZnO nanoparticles following exposure to cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells, BEAS-2B. We complemented two-dimensional X-ray imaging methods with atomic force microscopy of cell surfaces to distinguish between nanoparticles that were transported inside the cells from those that adhered to the cell exterior. The data suggest cellular uptake of ZnO nanoparticles is a mechanism of zinc accumulation in cells. Following uptake, ZnO nanoparticles dissolved completely generating intracellular Zn2+ complexed by molecular ligands. These results corroborate a model for ZnO nanoparticle toxicity that is based on nanoparticle uptake followed by intracellular dissolution. PMID:22646753

  6. Strong blue emission from ZnO nanocrystals synthesized in acetone-based solvent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efafi, B.; Majles Ara, M.H.; Mousavi, S.S.


    In this research, ZnO nanocrystals were synthesized by an improved sol–gel method. UV–vis, FTIR and photoluminescence spectra of the ZnO solution synthesized by this route indicated different properties compared to the other preparation methods. It was observed from FTIR that the sol (prepared using acetone) with the low concentration contains a noticeable amount of the Zn–O bond. The PL spectrum with a strong blue emission confirmed that these nanocrystals are good candidate for use in applications where a monochromatic emission is required. To the best of our knowledge, monochromatic emission ZnO devices have been fabricated through high technology instruments but this paper introduces a simple method for preparation of ZnO with the high intensity blue peak. The size and morphology of ZnO nanocrystals have been studied using FESEM. The nanocrystal size was estimated about 70 nm which was in good agreement with XRD data. - Highlights: • Preparation of ZnO nanocrystals through a novel method by the use of acetone as the solvent. • Observation of the strong blue emission peak from the ZnO prepared solution. • Reduction of green emission in the synthesized sample compared to the other methods of preparation.

  7. Strong blue emission from ZnO nanocrystals synthesized in acetone-based solvent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Efafi, B. [NanoPhotonics Lab., Physics Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Departments of Physics, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Majles Ara, M.H., E-mail: [NanoPhotonics Lab., Physics Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Mousavi, S.S. [NanoPhotonics Lab., Physics Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    In this research, ZnO nanocrystals were synthesized by an improved sol–gel method. UV–vis, FTIR and photoluminescence spectra of the ZnO solution synthesized by this route indicated different properties compared to the other preparation methods. It was observed from FTIR that the sol (prepared using acetone) with the low concentration contains a noticeable amount of the Zn–O bond. The PL spectrum with a strong blue emission confirmed that these nanocrystals are good candidate for use in applications where a monochromatic emission is required. To the best of our knowledge, monochromatic emission ZnO devices have been fabricated through high technology instruments but this paper introduces a simple method for preparation of ZnO with the high intensity blue peak. The size and morphology of ZnO nanocrystals have been studied using FESEM. The nanocrystal size was estimated about 70 nm which was in good agreement with XRD data. - Highlights: • Preparation of ZnO nanocrystals through a novel method by the use of acetone as the solvent. • Observation of the strong blue emission peak from the ZnO prepared solution. • Reduction of green emission in the synthesized sample compared to the other methods of preparation.

  8. Perencanaan Ulang Sistem Pengkondisian Udara Pada lantai 1 dan 2 Gedung Surabaya Suite Hotel Di Surabaya

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    Wahyu Priatna


    Full Text Available Sistem pengkondisian udara menggunakan Air conditioner tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai pendingin, melainkan dituntut untuk dapat menghasilkan suatu kondisi udara nyaman. Perencanaan ulang yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi peralatan yang digunakan apakah telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau tidak. Perencanaan ulang ini dilakukan dengan perhitungan beban pendinginan dari setiap ruangan dan penurunan tekanan pada saluran ducting dengan menggunakan metode CLTD (Cooling Load Temperature Difference dengan memperhatikan letak geografis, dimensi, konstruksi dan kondisi luar bangunan. Desain temperatur ruangan didasarkan pada ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers standard comfort zone sedangkan desain di luar gedung didasarkan pada data dari BMKG Juanda. Dari hasil perhitungan beban pendinginan dan kapasitas udara, didapatkan peralatan pengkondisian udara yakni AHU dan FCU yang mengalami kelebihan kapasitas pendinginan dan kapasitas udara suplai menyebabkan ruangan yang dikondisikan nantinya tidak berada pada kondisi nyaman dikarenakan temperatur yang dihasilkan lebih rendah dari temperature ruangan pada kondisi nyaman. Dari hasil perhitungan, juga didapatkan peralatan pengkondisian udara dengan kapasitas yang lebih rendah dari kapasitas perencanaan ulang pada kondisi nyaman menyebabkan kondisi ruangan tidak lagi pada kondisi nyaman. Dari hasil perhitungan perencanaan ulang juga didapatkan besar fan static pressure yang dibutuhkan oleh tiap peralatan pengkondisian udara untuk mensirkulasikan udara didalam system termasuk menyalurkan udara suplai keruangan yang dikondisikan dimana kebutuhan fan static pressure terbesar ialah pada FCU 1-6 sebesar 318,33 Pa dan terkecil pada FCU 206 sebesar 1,08 Pa.

  9. Perbedaan Kadar Calprotectin Sebelum Dan Sesudah Radioterapi Pada Pasien Karsinoma Nasofaring Akibat Infeksi Epstein-Barr Virus

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    Rurie Ratna Shantiningsih


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV adalah anggota herpes virus berkaitan dengan etiologi karsinoma nasofaring (KNF. Pada pasien KNF jumlah monosit dalam sel darah tepi mengalami penurunan dan kebanyakan masih dalam bentuk immature sehingga menurunkan respon imun pasien serta meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya penyakit periodontal. Radioterapi merupakan salah satu metode terapi yang banyak digunakan untuk kasus KNF. Calprotectin diproduksi dalam sitoplasma sel monosit dan levelnya meningkat pada beberapa penyakit inflamasi, termasuk inflamasi jaringan periodontal, ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar calprotectin pada cairan sulkus gingiva (CSG. Tujuan: mengkaji perbedaan kadar calprotectin pada pasien KNF sebelum dan setelah dilakukan radioterapi, pada sel monosit, serum dan CSG. Metode Penelitian: sepuluh pasien KNF akibat infeksi EBV digunakan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Lima orang sebagai sampel kelompok sebelum radioterapi dan 5 orang sebagai sampel kelompok sesudah radioterapi. Dari masing-masing pasien diambil sel monosit dan serum darah tepi serta CSG. Kadar calprotectin diukur menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil: kadar calprotectin pada kelompok sampel sebelum radioterapi lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok sam pel sesudah radioterapi dilihat melalui sel monosit dan serum darah tepi. Sementara dari CSG, kadar calprotectin kelompok sampel sebelum radioterapi nampak lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok sesudah radioterapi. Hasil analisis statistik Anova menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05. Kesimpulan: terdapat perbedaan kadar calprotectin pada sel monosit, serum darah tepi dan CSG pasien KNF antara sebelum dan sesudah radioterapi. Pada sel monosit dan serum darah tepi, terjadi penurunan kadar calprotectin, sementara pada CSG terjadi peningkatan kadar calprotectin antara sebelum dan sesudah radioterapi.


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    Fitriyah Fitriyah


    Full Text Available Zeolit terbagi menjadi zeolit alam dan zeolit sintesis, kapasitas adsorpsi zeolit alam umumnya lebih rendah daripada zeolit sintesis, sehingga untuk meningkatkan kapasitas adsorpsinya, karakter permukaan zeolit alam perlu diubah dengan melakukan proses modifikasi permukaan melalui berbagai metode, salah satunya dengan metode interkalasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menginterkalasi zat warna xilenol orange ke dalam zeolit alam Lampung dan mengaplikasikannya sebagai elektroda zeolit termodifikasi. Melalui proses interkalasi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kegunaan dan nilai tambah dari zeolit. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa xilenol orange (XO dapat diinterkalasikan ke dalam zeolit, hal ini dapat dilihat dari pita spektrum FTIR yang memiliki serapan pada bilangan gelombang 1383 cm-1, yaitu menunjukkan serapan dari S=O simetris dan asimetris pada gugus –SO3H,hal ini diduga karena XO memiliki gugus SO3 sehingga menyebabkan adanya serangan pada proton zeolit. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disarikan bahwa xilanol orange dapat terinterkalasi pada zeolit alam Lampung dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai elektroda pendeteksi logam.


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    Indera Zainul Muttaqien


    Full Text Available Komunikasi multi-hop pada lingkungan MANET dapat melibatkan broadcast paket dalam proses route discovery. Protokol routing pada MANET akan melakukan broadcast paket RREQ dan menjalarkannya ke node tujuan secepat dan seefisien mungkin, dimana paket RREQ dari rute yang optimal adalah paket RREQ yang terlebih dahulu sampai ke tujuan. Aktifitas broadcast yang tidak terkontrol dapat menyebabkan suatu kondisi yang disebut broadcast storm problem. Broadcast storm problem dapat berdampak pada terganggunya kinerja dari protokol routing akibat adanya packet redundancy, contention, dan collision. Broadcast storm problem dapat ditangani dengan membatasi jumlah node yang dapat melakukan broadcast. Tujuan utama dari pembuatan makalah ini adalah merangkum beberapa mekanisme terbaru yang telah diakukan oleh para peneliti untuk menangani broadcast storm problem. Kami juga menyajikan perbandingan dari mekanisme tersebut berdasarkan karakteristik dari mekanisme ditinjau dari kesesuaian dengan beberapa skema penanganan broadcast storm problem yang diajukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya, kebutuhan informasi tertentu antar node, lingkungan uji coba dan apakah mekanisme ini dapat diterapkan pada protokol routing lainnya.


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    Untung Budiarto


    Full Text Available Studi ini merupakan langkah awal untuk membantu dalam memperbaiki genset tanpa perlu bantuan teknisi profesional. Dengan metode Decision Support System (DSS dalam pemilihan jenis kerusakan, sebagai operator mesin kapal mampu menemukan dan menganalisa serta menghasilkan solusi yang sesuai dengan kerusakan yang terjadi. DSS ini menggunakan software via web yang di integrasikan dengan database My SQL dan dimaksudkan agar lebih mudah menjangkau dalam mengakses berbagai macam solusi kerusakan pada genset di kapal, sehingga mempermudah pengerjaan. Beberapa jenis kerusakan pada genset terbagi menjadi 2(dua bagian, yaitu pada bagian mesin penggerak generator serta generator itu sendiri. Dalam prakteknya, generator lebih jarang mengalami kerusakan. Hal ini disebabkan genset digerakkan oleh mesin penggerak berupa diesel motor, yang diketahui lebih sering mengalami kerusakan . Sehingga  fokus pengerjaan web diutamakan pada mesin penggerak generator. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan web dengan integrasi database My SQL menunjukkan jumlah kerusakan sebanyak 305 (tiga ratus lima jenis kerusakan dengan 423 (empat ratus dua puluh tiga jenis gejala.

  13. Oxygen vacancies: The origin of n -type conductivity in ZnO (United States)

    Liu, Lishu; Mei, Zengxia; Tang, Aihua; Azarov, Alexander; Kuznetsov, Andrej; Xue, Qi-Kun; Du, Xiaolong


    Oxygen vacancy (VO) is a common native point defect that plays crucial roles in determining the physical and chemical properties of metal oxides such as ZnO. However, fundamental understanding of VO is still very sparse. Specifically, whether VO is mainly responsible for the n -type conductivity in ZnO has been still unsettled in the past 50 years. Here, we report on a study of oxygen self-diffusion by conceiving and growing oxygen-isotope ZnO heterostructures with delicately controlled chemical potential and Fermi level. The diffusion process is found to be predominantly mediated by VO. We further demonstrate that, in contrast to the general belief of their neutral attribute, the oxygen vacancies in ZnO are actually +2 charged and thus responsible for the unintentional n -type conductivity as well as the nonstoichiometry of ZnO. The methodology can be extended to study oxygen-related point defects and their energetics in other technologically important oxide materials.

  14. Luminescence properties of ZnO layers grown on Si-on-insulator substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, Bhupendra; Gong, Hao; Vicknesh, S.; Chua, S. J.; Tripathy, S.


    The authors report on the photoluminescence properties of polycrystalline ZnO thin films grown on compliant silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. The ZnO thin films on SOI were characterized by micro-Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The observation of E 2 high optical phonon mode near 438 cm -1 in the Raman spectra of the ZnO samples represents the wurtzite crystal structure. Apart from the near-band-edge free exciton (FX) transition around 3.35 eV at 77 K, the PL spectra of such ZnO films also showed a strong defect-induced violet emission peak in the range of 3.05-3.09 eV. Realization of such ZnO layers on SOI would be useful for heterointegration with SOI-based microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems

  15. Neutron scintillator using Ga-doped ZnO phosphor with high detection efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koyama, Shin; Kinoshita, Atsushi; Fujiwara, Akihiko; Kobayashi, Haruki; Takei, Yoshinori; Nanto, Hidehito; Katagiri, Masaki


    Zinc Oxide (ZnO) family phosphors as phosphor for neutron detector have prepared using Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) method. The optical properties of ZnO phosphor prepared are investigated. The following results were obtained. Two dominant photoluminescence (PL) emission peaks at 395 nm and 495 nm were observed. The lifetime of the PL emission peak at 395 nm (UV emission band) is about 20 ns, which is suitable for neutron detection. The Ga (30 mol%)-doped ZnO phosphor exhibited an intense UV emission band without the visible emission band. The Ga-doped ZnO phosphor can be prepared at the atmospheric pressure of about 8 Pa using SPS method. It was found that the PL intensity of UV emission band is increased with improving the crystallinity of the ZnO phosphor. (author)

  16. Pengaruh Fungsi Advence Centrifugal dan Putaran Terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar pada Motor Toyota Tipe 4K

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    Paryono Paryono


    Full Text Available Kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh pengelola bengkel mobil dan mekaniknya adalah pada waktu melaksanakan pekerjaan tune up. Mereka hanya menyetel saat pengapian dan platina saja tanpa mengontrol fungsi advance centrifugal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan konsumsi bahan-bakar pada motor bensin saat advance centrifugal bekerja normal dan macet pada putaran menengah dan tinggi. Sebagai obyek penelitian digunakan motor Toyota Type 4K yang telah diservis sesuai dengan standar industri. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa putaran motor dan kondisi advance centrifugal ada interaksi yang signifikan dengan F rasio = 82,975 dan P lebih kecil 0,05 terhadap konsumsi bensin pada motor Toyota Type 4K. Hal ini berarti bahwa pada berbagai putaran motor dengan kondisi advance centrifugal bekerja normal, konsumsi bensin pada motor Toyota Type 4K lebih irit jika dibandingkan dengan kondisi advance centrifugal yang macet.

  17. Obtaining ZnO nanocrystalline through methods of combustion and precipitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, A.P.; Guaglianoni, W.C.; Cunha, M.A.; Basegio, T.M.; Bergmann, C.P.


    Zinc oxide is important technological applications in rubber and industrial paints. The chemical properties and microstructure of ZnO powder depends on the synthesis method employed. In this work, it was obtained nanosized ZnO using different synthesis processes, such as solution combustion and precipitation, varying the concentrations of reactants and the working temperature. The obtained powders were characterized by SEM, BET, XRD, crystallite size determination and thermal analysis (TGA and DTA). It was possible to obtain nanosized ZnO with the methods used. (author)

  18. Effect of polar and non-polar surfaces of ZnO nanostructures on photocatalytic properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Jinghai; Wang Jian; Li Xiuyan; Lang Jihui; Liu Fuzhu; Yang Lili; Zhai Hongju; Gao Ming; Zhao Xiaoting


    Highlights: ► Large-scale arrayed ZnO nanocrystals including ZnO hexagonal platforms and hamburger-like samples have been successfully fabricated by a simple hydrothermal method. ► ZnO with hexagonal platform-like morphology exhibited higher photocatalytic activity compared with that of the hamburger-like ZnO nanostructures. ► The theories of expose surfaces and oxygen vacancies were utilized to explain the photocatalytic mechanism. - Abstract: Large-scale arrayed ZnO nanocrystals with two different expose surfaces, including ZnO hexagonal nanoplatforms with the major expose plane of (0 0 0 1) and hamburger-like samples with the nonpolar planes of {101 ¯ 0} mainly exposed, were successfully fabricated by a simple hydrothermal method. Mechanisms for compare the photocatalytic activity of two typical ZnO nanostructures were systematic explained as the key point in the paper. Compared with the hamburger-like ZnO nanostructures, the ZnO with hexagonal platform-like morphology exhibited improved ability on the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) in aqueous solution under UV radiation. The relative higher photocatalytic activity of the ZnO hexagonal nanoplatforms was attributed to the exposed polar surfaces and the content of oxygen vacancy on the nanostructures surface. The Zn-terminated (0 0 0 1) polar face and the surface defects are facile to adsorb O 2− and OH − ions, resulting in a greater production rate of O 2 · − and OH· − , hence promoting the photocatalysis reaction.

  19. Electrodeposition of ZnO nano-wires lattices with a controlled morphology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elias, J.; Tena-Zaera, R.; Katty, A.; Levy-Clement, C.


    In this work, it is shown that the electrodeposition is a changeable low cost method which allows, according to the synthesis conditions, to obtain not only plane thin layers of ZnO but different nano-structures too. In a first part, are presented the formation conditions of a compact thin layer of nanocrystalline ZnO electrodeposited on a conducing glass substrate. This layer plays a buffer layer role for the deposition of a lattice of ZnO nano-wires. The step of nano-wires nucleation is not only determined by the electrochemical parameters but by the properties of the buffer layer too as the grain sizes and its thickness. In this context, the use of an electrodeposition method in two steps allows to control the nano-wires length and diameter and their density. The morphology and the structural and optical properties of these nano-structures have been analyzed by different techniques as the scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the X-ray diffraction and the optical spectroscopy. These studies show that ZnO nano-structures are formed of monocrystalline ZnO nano-wires, presenting a great developed surface and a great optical transparency in the visible. These properties make ZnO a good material for the development of nano-structured photovoltaic cells as the extremely thin absorber cells (PV ETA) or those with dye (DSSC) which are generally prepared with porous polycrystalline TiO 2 . Its replacement by a lattice of monocrystalline ZnO nano-wires allows to reduce considerably the number of grain boundaries and in consequence to improve the transport of the electrons. The results are then promising for the PV ETA cells with ZnO nano-wires. (O.M.)

  20. The effect of different molarities of precursor Zn(NO3)2.6H2O to the growth of ZnO by solution-immersion deposited on ZnO seeded template

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Afaah, A N; Asib, N A M; Aadila, A; Eswar, K A; Mahmud, M R; Khusaimi, Z; Alrokayan, Salman A H; Khan, Haseeb A; Mohamed, R; Rusop, M


    ZnO films were grown on glass substrates by mist-atomization, with the growth temperature of 300 °C to form ZnO seeded template. The ZnO seeded template then undergo second deposition method, which is solution-immersion method to grow ZnO on the ZnO seeded template thin film. The thin films were immersed in different molarities of starting materials; which are zinc nitrate hexahydrate and HMTA. The molarities were varied from 0.05, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.40 M. As a control to the study, the ZnO seeded template which undergoes mist-atomization only, denoted as MA only is prepared for comparison studies to the other samples. The properties of the products were examined by photoluminescence (PL) spectrophotometer, Raman spectrophotometer, and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer. From the PL measurement, it shows that 0.40 M sample have highest UV emission and from Raman measurements, it was found that the sample immersed in 0.40 M precursor have high crystal quality. From UV-Vis measurements, sharp UV emission at ∼378 nm is observed and 0.40 M ZnO thin film shows a better absorption properties. (paper)