
Sample records for zapazdyvayushchikh nejtronov pri

  1. The effective lifetime and temperature coefficient in a coupled fast-thermal reactor; Temps de vie effectif et coefficient de temperature dans un reacteur a couplage neutrons rapides-neutrons thermiques; Ehffektivnyj srok zhizni i temperaturnyj koehffitsient nejtronov v dvoyakom reaktore na bystrykh i teplovykh nejtronakh; Vida efectiva y coeficiente de temperatura en un reactor con acoplamiento rapido-termico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haefele, W. [Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    . Teplovoj komponent dejstvuet kak svoego roda zamedlitel' vremeni zhizni nejtronov. Kak i v teorii zapazdyvayushchikh nejtronov, ehffekt zapazdyvaniya ischezaet, esli reaktivnost' dostatochno vysoka, chtoby bystryj komponent stal kritichnym sam po sebe. V issledovanii rassmatrivalsya sparennyj reaktor, v kotorom bystryj komponent podvergaetsya dejstviyu vnezapnogo stupenchatogo skachka reaktivnosti {alpha}{sub 0}. Izza vozrastayushchego urovnya ehnergii temperatura podnimaetsya i nachinayut rabotat' dva temperaturnykh koehffitsienta: temperaturnyj koehffitsient bystrogo komponenta i temperaturnyj koehffitsient teplovogo komponenta. Ehta problema rassmatrivaetsya s odnoj gruppoj zapazdyvayushchikh nejtronov (v obychnom znachenii). Privoditsya formalizm dlya vyrazheniya ehffektivnogo sroka zhizni i temperaturnogo koehffitsienta vo vremya razlichnykh stadij issledovaniya. Dany takie otkloneniya dlya razlichnykh znachenij {alpha}{sub 0}, pri kotorykh dostigaetsya predel kinetiki reaktorov na bystrykh nejtronakh. (author)

  2. The Pulsed Neutron Technique Applied to Fast Non-Multiplying Assemblies; Application de la Methode des Neutrons Pulses aux Assemblages Non Multiplicateurs a Neutrons Rapides; Primenenie metoda impul'snykh nejtronov pri izuchenii povedeniya bystrykh nejtronov v nerazmnozhayushchikh sborkakh; Aplicacion de la Tecnica de los Neutrones Pulsados a Conjuntos Rapidos de Materiales No Multiplicadores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beghian, L. E.; Wilensky, S. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States)


    mozhno opredelit' putem izmerenija postojannoj spada v zavisimosti ot razmera sborki. Predstavlen teoreticheskij vyvod dlja rascheta doli uprugogo rassejanija v chlene utechki i, sledovatel'no, mozhno opredelit' sechenie neuprugogo rassejanija. Teoreticheskaja traktovka dlja rascheta vklada uprugogo rassejanija proverena jeksperimental'nym putem. Sechenie neuprugogo rassejanija zheleza izmereno s pomoshh'ju jetogo metoda dlja pervichnoj jenergii nejtronov v diapazone 0,8 -1,5 Mjev. Vysheopisannyj metod impul'snogo istochnika nejtronov byl ispol'zovan dlja. izmere nija postojannoj spada v otnoshenii svincovyh plastin. Jeksperimental'nye dannye primerno soglasujutsja s predpolozhenijami, kotorye obychno delajut pri reshenii bol'cmanovskogo uravnenija perenosa s vremennoj zavisimost'ju (t.e. odnomernoe, odnoskorostnoe). Postojannye spada izmereny dlja svincovyh plastin razmerom 28x32 djujma i tolshhinoj 2; 4; b i 8 djujmov. Posle vnesenija popravki na poterju jenergii i konechnye razmery sborki rezul'taty sravnivajutsja s priblizitel'nymi reshenijami bol'cmanovskogo uravnenija perenosa. (author)

  3. The Determination of Uranium in Urine by Delayed Neutron Counting; Dosage de l'Uranium dans l'Urine par Comptage des Neutrons Differes; Opredelenie soderzhaniya urana v moche putem scheta zapazdyvayushchikh nejtronov; Determinacion del Uranio Contenido en la Orina por Recuento de Neutrones Retardados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brookes, I. R. [Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    recipiente adecuado y se introduce por un sistema de tubos neumaticos en el nucleo del reactor HERALD, donde es irradiado en un flujo termico de 3,94 * 10{sup 12}n/cm{sup 2} s, aproximadamente. Al cabo de 1 min de irradiacion la muestra vuelve automaticamente al laboratorio, donde el frasco que la.contiene se coloca en el contador neutronico que se conecta a los 25 s de haber salido la muestra del reactor. La muestra se recuenta durante 1 min. Las muestras testigo consisten en orina de personas no expuestas profesionalmente al uranio, y el patron de calibracion, en una cantidad conocida de {sup 235}U (en forma de uranio natural). El limite de deteccion es de 0,020 pCi de uranio enriquecido al 93% (0,007 de la carga corporal maxima admisible) y 0,036 {mu}g de uranio natural por 100 mi de orina. El limite de deteccion depende de la' actividad de la muestra testigo determinada por recuento. La actividad principal de la muestra testigo se debe a los emisores gamma formados por irradiacion de la orina. El ciclo de irradiacion y recuento dura unos 3,5 min y en una jornada de trabajo se pueden evaporar y envasar 50 muestras. A los efectos del analisis de orina, es despreciable la interferencia del {sup 239}Pu. (author) [Russian] Pri jetom metode soderzhanie urana-235 opredeljaetsja putem scheta zapazdyvajushhih nejtronov, ispuskaemyh posle delenija urana-235 v obrazce teplovymi nejtronami. Tri gruppy nejtronov, predstavljajushhie interes, imejut periody poluraspada 55,72, 22,72 i 6,22 sek. 100 ml mochi isparjajut do suhogo ostatka v vodjanoj vanne. Ostatok pomeshhajut v. polijetilenovuju butylku vesom v odnu unciju vmeste primerno s 4 - 5 ml, a zatem butylku zapaivajut v gorjachem sostojanii. Butylku s obrazcom pomeshhajut v kontejner i napravljajut cherez sistemu pnevmaticheskih trub v aktivnuju zonu reaktora HERALD,gde ona obluchaetsja v potoke teplovyh nejtronov, sostavljajushhem priblizitel'no 3,94 * 10{sup 12} n/sm{sup 2} sek. Posle obluchenija v techenie odnoj minuty obrazec

  4. The determination of sulphur in materials of high neutron absorption cross-section by fast-neutron activation analysis; Determination du soufre dans les matieres de forte section efficace d'absorption neutronique, au moyen d'une analyse par activation avec des neutrons rapides; Opredelenie sery v materialakh s bol'shim secheniem pogloshcheniya nejtronov metodom aktivatsionnogo analiza bystrykh nejtronov; Determinacion del azufre en sustancias de elevada seccion eficaz de absorcion neutronica mediante analisis por activacion con neutrones rapidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gibbons, D; Simpson, H [Wantage Research Laboratory (A.E.R.E.), Wantage, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    secciones eficaces de absorcion para los neutrones rapidos son mucho mas bajas que para los lentos lo cual reduce considerablemente los errores debidos al autoblindaje. La interferencia debida a la reaccion (n, {gamma}) causada por los neutrones lentos en el fosforo natural puede eliminarse gracias a una tecnica que consiste en efectuar irradiaciones dobles en regiones del reactor en que varien las razones del flujo de neutrones lentos a neutrones rapidos. El metodo se ha aplicado a la determinacion del azufre en cromo y arsenico. (author) [Russian] Proizvodstvo radiofosfora pri vzaimodejstvii bystrykh nejtronov (n, p) s seroj ispol'zuetsya dlya opredeleniya sery s pomoshch'yu aktivatsionnogo analiza. Ispol'zovanie dannogo metoda pozvolyaet opredelit' nalichie sery v materialakh s bol'shim secheniem pogloshcheniya teplovykh nejtronov, t.k. sechenie pogloshcheniya bystrykh nejtronov, kak pravilo, znachitel'no men'she, chem medlennykh nejtronov, chto pozvolyaet zametno snizit' veroyatnost' oshibok iz-za samozashchity. Pomekhi iz-za reaktsii (n, {gamma}) na medlennykh nejtronakh s estestvennym fosforom ustranyayutsya metodom dvojnogo oblucheniya v mestakh s razlichnym otnosheniem potokov bystrykh i medlennykh nejtronov. Dannyj metod primenyalsya dlya opredeleniya sery v khrome i mysh'yake. (author)

  5. Improved Techniques for Low-Flux Measurement of Prompt Neutron Lifetime, Conversion Ratio and Fast Spectra; Methodes Perfectionnees de Mesure de la Duree de Vie des Neutrons Instantanes, du Rapport de Conversion et des Spectres de Neutrons Rapides, dans un Reacteur a Bas Flux; Usovershenstvovannye metody izmereniya vremeni zhizni mgnovennykh nejtronov, koehffitsienta konversii i spektra bystrykh nejtronov pri slabykh potokakh nejtronov; Tecnicas Perfeccionadas para la Determinacion del Periodo de los Neutrones Inmediatos, la Razon de Conversion y los Espectros de Neutrones Rapidos, con Flujos Reducidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armani, R. J.; Bennett, E. F.; Brenner, M. W.; Bretscher, M. M.; Cohn, C. E.; Huber, R. J.; Kaufmann, S. G.; Redman, W. C. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    medir este valor en un reactor de flujo reducido, pero se estan estudiando algunos que pueden servir a ese fin. Los autores resefian tres de las tecnicas que ofrecen mejores perspectivas. Los estudios realizados con el proposito de construit un espectrometro pequeflo para neutrones rapidos con buenas caracteristicas de estabilidad, poder de resolucion y sensibilidad, destinado a la medicion de espectros neutronicos dentro del reactor, en el intervalo energetico de las decenas o centenares de kilovoltios, se han concentrado en el empleo del analisis de la forma de los impulsos (con el fin de rechazar los sucesos iniciados por los rayos gamma en los contadores proporcionales de retroceso de hidtogeno) y el empleo de la colimacion en los detectores tipo sandwich, a base de {sup 6}LiF en un material solido, a fin de aumentar el poder de resolucion. Se ha construido cierto ndmero de instrumentes de este tipo y se esta estudiando la forma en que se comportan frente a los neutrones monocineticos y los neutrones de un reactor. Recurriendo a la tecnica de rechazo de los rayos gamma, se ha podido reducir varios cientos de veces la sensibilidad del contador de retroceso frente a dichos rayos y de esta manera, el limite inferior de aplicacion del instrumente se ha extendido por lo menos hasta los 30 keV. En cuanto a los instrumentes de semiconductors a base de {sup 6}Li, se han observado poderes de resolucion de hasta 70 keV de amplitud total en correspondencia con la mitad del maximo (1,5%) para la suma de los impulsos, en la irradiaeion con neutrones termicos. (author) [Russian] Pri osushhestvlenii programmy issledovanija reak- tora nulevoj moshhnosti (ZPR) primenjalis' razlichnye statisticheskie metody izmerenija ot- noshenija vremeni zhizni mgnovennyh nejtronov k doze zapazdyvajushhih nejtronov. Odin metod, a imenno analiz ''shuma'' reaktora s pomoshh'ju polosovogo fil'tra byl razrabotan v laboratorii, a drugie, naprimer izmerenie chastoty zapazdyvajushhih sovpadenij impul



    Kerin, Tjaša


    V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela predstavljamo splošen pojem motivacije, pomen motivacije ter teoretična izhodišča. Povezujemo splošna teoretična izhodišča s poučevanjem likovne vzgoje ter artikulacijske značilnosti pri njenem pouku. Ob tem smo tudi izpostavili pomembnost motivacije pri likovni vzgoji ter navedli nekaj možnosti za uspešno realizacijo le-te. Dotaknili smo se tudi individualizacije pri likovni vzgoji ter sredstev za spodbujanje motivacije. V empiričnem delu dela predsta...

  7. Učinkovitost terapevtskega ultrazvoka pri zmanjševanju bolečine pri artrozi kolena


    Blas, Marjeta


    Uvod: Artroza je degenerativni proces, ki lahko privede do deformacije kolenskega sklepa ter predvsem pri starejših povzroči težave pri vsakodnevnih opravilih in zmanjša kakovost njihovega življenja. Glavni simptom je bolečina. Pomembno vlogo pri zdravljenju ima fizioterapija. Inštrumentalna fizioterapija, kot je ultrazvok, se pogosto uporablja za zmanjševanje bolečine ali kot predpriprava na vadbo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na osnovi pregleda objavljene strokovne in znanstvene literat...

  8. G-Quadruplexes influence pri-microRNA processing. (United States)

    Rouleau, Samuel G; Garant, Jean-Michel; Bolduc, François; Bisaillon, Martin; Perreault, Jean-Pierre


    RNA G-Quadruplexes (G4) have been shown to possess many biological functions, including the regulation of microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis and function. However, their impact on pri-miRNA processing remains unknown. We identified G4 located near the Drosha cleavage site in three distinct pri-miRNAs: pri-mir200c, pri-mir451a, and pri-mir497. The folding of the potential G4 motifs was determined in solution. Subsequently, mutations disrupting G4 folding led to important changes in the mature miRNAs levels in cells. Moreover, using small antisense oligonucleotides binding to the pri-miRNA, it was possible to modulate, either positively or negatively, the mature miRNA levels. Together, these data demonstrate that G4 motifs could contribute to the regulation of pri-mRNA processing, a novel role for G4. Considering that bio-informatics screening indicates that between 9% and 50% of all pri-miRNAs contain a putative G4, these structures possess interesting potential as future therapeutic targets.

  9. Presence of pRI1:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Migura, Lourdes Garcia; Hasman, Henrik; Jensen, Lars Bogø


    This study focused on the molecular characterization of a small cryptic, mobilizable plasmid (6038 bp) sequenced from an E. faecium 9631160-1 of poultry origin. Sequence analysis of pRI1 revealed seven open reading frames. pRI1 contained an IS 100% identical to ISEfa4. This insertion element...... almost identical to the repA from the pEFNP1 and pKQ10 plasmids from E. faecium was also identified. Presence of the pRI1 replication initiation gene (rep) was analyzed in a panel of 159 E. faecium isolates of human and animal origin from different European countries, of which 60 tested positive...

  10. Uporaba hipnoze pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj


    Radić, Janja


    V svojem diplomskem delu predstavljam tehniko hipnoze kot metodo za izboljšanje spomina pri pričah in žrtvah kaznivih dejanj. Posvetim se pojmovanju in uporabi hipnoze skozi zgodovino, nato pa podam še njeno definicijo in tehnike. Poleg načina uporabe hipnoze pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj, predstavim tudi njene prednosti in slabosti, opišem potek hipnotiziranja ter vlogo in funkcijo hipnotizerja. V zadnjih dveh poglavjih pojasnim vpliv spomina na hipnotične informacije ter predstavim pravn...

  11. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Diastereomeric and Geometric Analogs of Calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, Against Human HL-60 Leukemia and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. (United States)

    Milczarek, Magdalena; Chodyński, Michał; Filip-Psurska, Beata; Martowicz, Agnieszka; Krupa, Małgorzata; Krajewski, Krzysztof; Kutner, Andrzej; Wietrzyk, Joanna


    Diastereomeric and geometric analogs of calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, were synthesized as advanced intermediates from vitamin D C-22 benzothiazoyl sulfones and side-chain aldehydes using our convergent strategy. Calcitriol, calcipotriol (PRI-2201) and tacalcitol (PRI-2191) were used as the reference compounds. Among a series of tested analogs the diastereomeric analog PRI-2202 showed the strongest antiproliferative activity on the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, whereas the geometric analog PRI-2205 was the weakest. Both analogs were less potent in antiproliferative activity against HL-60 cells compared to the reference compounds. The ability to potentiate antiproliferative effect of cisplatin or doxorubicin against HL-60 cells or that of tamoxifen against the MCF-7 cell line was observed at higher doses of PRI-2202 or PRI-2205 than those of the reference compounds. The proapoptotic activity of tamoxifen, expressed as the diminished mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as the increased phosphatidylserine expression, was partially attenuated by calcitriol, PRI-2191, PRI-2201 and PRI-2205. The treatment of the MCF-7 cells with tamoxifen alone resulted in an increase in VDR expression. Moreover, a further increase in VDR expression was observed when the analogs PRI-2201 or PRI-2205, but not PRI-2191, were used in combination with tamoxifen. This observation could partially explain the potentiation of the antiproliferative effect of tamoxifen by vitamin D analogs.

  12. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Diastereomeric and Geometric Analogs of Calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, Against Human HL-60 Leukemia and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrzej Kutner


    Full Text Available Diastereomeric and geometric analogs of calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, were synthesized as advanced intermediates from vitamin D C-22 benzothiazoyl sulfones and side-chain aldehydes using our convergent strategy. Calcitriol, calcipotriol (PRI-2201 and tacalcitol (PRI-2191 were used as the reference compounds. Among a series of tested analogs the diastereomeric analog PRI-2202 showed the strongest antiproliferative activity on the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, whereas the geometric analog PRI-2205 was the weakest. Both analogs were less potent in antiproliferative activity against HL-60 cells compared to the reference compounds. The ability to potentiate antiproliferative effect of cisplatin or doxorubicin against HL-60 cells or that of tamoxifen against the MCF-7 cell line was observed at higher doses of PRI-2202 or PRI-2205 than those of the reference compounds. The proapoptotic activity of tamoxifen, expressed as the diminished mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as the increased phosphatidylserine expression, was partially attenuated by calcitriol, PRI-2191, PRI-2201 and PRI-2205. The treatment of the MCF-7 cells with tamoxifen alone resulted in an increase in VDR expression. Moreover, a further increase in VDR expression was observed when the analogs PRI-2201 or PRI-2205, but not PRI-2191, were used in combination with tamoxifen. This observation could partially explain the potentiation of the antiproliferative effect of tamoxifen by vitamin D analogs.

  13. Uporaba BIM pri projektiranju cestne infrastrukture


    Svetina, Gregor


    Magistrsko delo obravnava uporabo informacijskega modeliranja gradenj (angl. Building Information Modeling, kratica BIM) v infrastrukturnih projektih. Pri tem je kot primer uporabljen projekt Druge cevi predora Karavanke, pri katerem je bil BIM dejansko uporabljen. Naredili smo modele cest, ki se bodo uporabljale za odvoz materiala na deponije. Najprej je predstavljenih nekaj osnov o BIM-u, vključno s predstavitvami lastnosti 3D, 4D, 5D in 6D modelov, ovrednotenjem BIM-a, stopnjami podrobn...



    Zorman, Tjaša


    Uporaba elektronskega poslovanja je danes v svetu in pri nas zelo razširjena. Število uporabnikov elektronskega bančništva kot elementa elektronskega poslovanja se je od leta 2000 do leta 2008 povečalo skoraj za 30-krat. Vedno večje število uporabnikov kaže na pomembnost in uporabnost elektronskega bančništva pri nas. Del uspešnosti elektronskega bančništva lahko pripišemo njegovi varnosti, ki s svojimi elementi sodi v sam vrh kakovosti. Uporabniki elektronskega bančništva se zavedajo, d...

  15. Pomen zdrave prehrane in telesne aktivnosti pri osnovnošolcih


    Smole, Valentina


    V diplomskem delu Pomen zdrave prehrane in telesne aktivnosti pri osnovnošolcih so predstavljene smernice zdravega prehranjevanja pri otrocih, pomen zdrave prehrane in redne telesne aktivnosti za zdravje osnovnošolskih otrok ter vloga medicinske sestre pri promociji zdrave prehrane in telesne aktivnosti. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med otroci osmega in devetega razreda osnovne šole. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je odnos osnovnošolcev d...

  16. Three causes of variation in the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) in evergreen conifers. (United States)

    Wong, Christopher Y S; Gamon, John A


    The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) reflects diurnal xanthophyll cycle activity and is also influenced by seasonally changing carotenoid : Chl pigment ratios. Both changing pigment pools and xanthophyll cycle activity contribute to photoprotection in evergreen conifers exposed to boreal winters, but they operate over different timescales, and their relative contribution to the PRI signal has often been unclear. To clarify these responses and their contribution to the PRI signal, leaf PRI, pigment composition, temperature and irradiance were monitored over 2 yr for two evergreen conifers (Pinus contorta and Pinus ponderosa) in a boreal climate. PRI was affected by three distinct processes operating over different timescales and exhibiting contrasting spectral responses. Over the 2 yr study period, the greatest change in PRI resulted from seasonally changing carotenoid : Chl pigment ratios, followed by a previously unreported shifting leaf albedo during periods of deep cold. Remarkably, the smallest change was attributable to the xanthophyll cycle. To properly distinguish these three effects, interpretation of PRI must consider temporal context, physiological responses to evolving environmental conditions, and spectral response. Consideration of the separate mechanisms affecting PRI over different timescales could greatly improve efforts to monitor changing photosynthetic activity using optical remote sensing. © 2014 The Authors New Phytologist © 2014 New Phytologist Trust.

  17. Correcting the relationship between PRI and shadow fraction for the blue sky effect (United States)

    Mõttus, Matti


    The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is defined as the normalized difference ratio of leaf reflectance at two specific wavelengths in the green spectral region. Its value depends on the status of leaf carotenoid content, and especially that of the xanthophyll cycle pigments. Due to the dependence on the xanthophyll cycle, when the photosynthetic apparatus of green leaves is close to the saturation limit, their PRI becomes dependent on light conditions. Therefore, by measuring the PRI of leaves in the same canopy under different local irradiance conditions on a sunny day, it should be possible to determine the saturation level of the leaves. In turn, this gives information on the light use efficiency (LUE) of the vegetation canopy. The average light conditions of visible foliage elements are often quantified with the shadow fraction -- the fraction of visible foliage not lit by direct sunlight. The dependence of PRI on the shadow fraction has been used to remotely measure canopy LUE on clear days. Variations in shadow fraction have been achieved with multiangular measurement. However, besides photosynthetic downregulation, the dependence of canopy PRI on shadow fraction is affected by the blue sky radiation caused by scattering in the atmosphere. To quantify this effect on remotely sensed PRI, we present the underlying definitions relating leaf and canopy PRI and perform the required calculations for typical midsummer conditions in Central Finland. We demonstrate that the effect of blue sky radiation on the variation of PRI with canopy shadow fraction is similar in shape and magnitude to that of LUE variations reported in literature. Next, we propose a new method to assess these PRI variations in structured vegetation. We investiagate this blue sky effect on the PRI -- shadow fraction relationship with high spatial (60 cm) and spectral (9.8 nm) resolution airborne imaging spectroscopy data from Hyytiälä, Finland. We evaluate the spectral irradiance in

  18. Structural and functional characterization of the CAP domain of pathogen-related yeast 1 (Pry1) protein (United States)

    Darwiche, Rabih; Kelleher, Alan; Hudspeth, Elissa M.; Schneiter, Roger; Asojo, Oluwatoyin A.


    The production, crystal structure, and functional characterization of the C-terminal cysteine-rich secretory protein/antigen 5/pathogenesis related-1 (CAP) domain of pathogen-related yeast protein-1 (Pry1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is presented. The CAP domain of Pry1 (Pry1CAP) is functional in vivo as its expression restores cholesterol export to yeast mutants lacking endogenous Pry1 and Pry2. Recombinant Pry1CAP forms dimers in solution, is sufficient for in vitro cholesterol binding, and has comparable binding properties as full-length Pry1. Two crystal structures of Pry1CAP are reported, one with Mg2+ coordinated to the conserved CAP tetrad (His208, Glu215, Glu233 and His250) in spacegroup I41 and the other without divalent cations in spacegroup P6122. The latter structure contains four 1,4-dioxane molecules from the crystallization solution, one of which sits in the cholesterol binding site. Both structures reveal that the divalent cation and cholesterol binding sites are connected upon dimerization, providing a structural basis for the observed Mg2+-dependent sterol binding by Pry1.

  19. Levkemija pri otroku in problemi prehranjevanja in pitja


    Šinkovec, Sara


    Uvod: Podhranjenost in kaheksija sta pogosta pri otrocih z levkemijo in sta pokazatelja slabše prognoze. Slabo prehransko stanje otroka je povezano z večjim številom stranskih učinkov zdravljenja, s slabšim odzivom na zdravljenje in krajšim preživetjem. Funkcionalno stanje otrok in kakovost njihovega življenja sta slabša. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati problem prehranjevanja in pitja pri otroku z levkemijo. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s kr...

  20. Moderation of Neutrons Emitted by a Pulsed Source and Neutron Spectrometry Based on Slowing-Down Time; Ralentissement des Neutrons Emis par une Source Pulsee et Leur Spectrometrie en Fonction du Temps de Ralentissement; Zamedlenie nejtronov, ispuskaemykh impul'snym istochnikom, i spektrometriya nejtronov po vremeni zamedleniya; Moderacion de Neutrones Emitidos por una Pitente Pulsada y Espectrometria Neutronica Basada en el Tiempo de Frenado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergman, A. A.; Isakov, A. I.; Kazarnovskij, M. V.; Popov, Ju. P.; Shapiro, F. L. [Fizicheskij Institut Im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    orbital 1 = 1. (author) [Russian] V Fizicheskom institute im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR na protjazhenii poslednih 10 let byl vypolnen rjad rabot po issledovaniju nestacionarnogo zamedlenija nejtronov v tjazhelyh sredah, razvitiju metoda spektrometrii nejtronov po vremeni zamedlenija i primeneniju jetogo metoda dlja izuchenija jenergeticheskoj zavisimosti sechenij jadernyh reakcij, vyzyvaemyh nejtronami s jenergiej do 30 kjev. V nastojashhem doklade daetsja obzor jetih issledovanij i obsuzhdajutsja ih itogi. V doklade posle kratkogo rassmotrenija teorii nestacionarnogo zamedlenija i termalizacii nejtronov izlagajutsja rezul'taty jeksperimental'nogo izuchenija zamedlenija nejtronov v grafite, zheleze i svince i izuchenija termalizacii nejtronov v svince. Pri pomoshhi impul'snogo istochnika nejtronov i rezonansnyh detektorov bylo izmereno raspredelenie vremen zamedlenija do rjada fiksirovannyh znachenij konechnoj jenergii nejtrona. Provedeno sravnenie poluchennyh rezul'tatov s teoriej, uchityvajushhej teplovoe dvizhenie atomov zamedlitelja, kotoroe v sluchae svinca privodit k izmerimomu razbrosu vremen zamedlenija pri jenergijah nizhe 10 jev. Dlja podkadmievoj oblasti jenergij izmerena zavisimost' srednej skorosti nejtronov v svince ot vremeni zamedlenija i provedeno sravnenie s mnogogruppovoj teoriej. Opisana primenjavshajasja metodika opredelenija jenergeticheskoj zavisimosti sechenij nejtronnyh reakcij po vremeni zamedlenija i obsuzhdajutsja vozmozhnosti i perspektivy jetogo metoda spektrometrii. Kratko obsuzhdajutsja rezul'taty spektrometricheskih izmerenij, kotorye velis' v dvuh napravlenijah. Pervoe napravlenie -precizionnye izmerenija jenergeticheskoj zavisimosti jenergeticheskogo hoda otnoshenij sechenij reakcij He{sup 3}(n, p), Li{sup 6}(n, {alpha}), B{sup 10}(n, {alpha}) i N{sup 14}(n, p). Naibolee interesnyj rezul'tat jetih opytov -obnaruzhenie postojannoj otricatel'noj slagajushhej sechenija reakcij i ukazanija na sushhestvovanie vozbuzhdennogo urovnja Ne{sup 4

  1. Izzivi in trendi pri vzpostavitvi managmenta destinacije Mirnska dolina


    Žibert, Maja


    Diplomska naloga z naslovom Izzivi in trendi pri vzpostavitvi managmenta destinacije Mirnska dolina v veliki meri preverja izvajanje vsebine dokumenta Strateško akcijski načrt pri vzpostavitvi destinacije Mirnska dolina na terenu. Vsebina dokumenta se dotika posameznih prioritet trajnostnega razvoja destinacije. Na terenu smo preko intervjujev s posameznimi deležniki vseh treh sektorjev, ki sestavljajo destinacijo želeli izvedeti, kako oni doživljajo prioritete razvoja. V diplomski nalogi je ...

  2. Uporaba kreativnih medijev pri delu z mladimi v družbi tveganja


    Zaner, Tamara


    Kot socialni pedagogi in pedagoginje se pri svojem delu nenehno srečujemo z mladimi. Ti se v sodobni družbi, srečujejo z negotovostjo, dvomi in posledično tudi stiskami, ki segajo v vse dimenzije njihovega življenja. Pri svojem delu sem temeljila na Beckovem pojmovanju današnje družbe, pri razumevanju položaja mladih pa izhajala iz koncepta življenjske usmerjenosti, socialnega pedagoga Hansa Thierscha. Namen raziskovalnega dela je preveriti, kako s pomočjo kreativnih medijev prispevati k opol...



    Vindiš, Jure


    Problem, katerega si bomo postavili v ospredje, je, kako so urejena pogodbena razmerja pri mednarodnih poslih malih in srednje velikih podjetij. Skušali bomo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so pogodbe pri poslovanju doma in mednarodni menjavi determinirane, in kateri so mehanizmi, s katerimi se podjetja zavarujejo, da se pogodbeni partner drži pogodbe. Osnovo za raziskovalna izhodišča bomo jemali iz študije iz leta 1963 z naslovom Preliminarna študija izvenpogodbenih razmerij v pos...

  4. 'Mastspuit met sensoren brengt middel effectiever aan' (onderzoek praktijkproeven PRI en PPO)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engels, A.; PPO BBF Boomkwekerij,; PRI,; Nieuwenhuizen, A.T.


    In mei 2011 starten Plant Research International (PRI), PPO Boomkwekerij en Damcon de eerste praktijkproeven met sensoren op de mastspuit. Dit prototype spuit alleen als het bladeren detecteert. Projectleider Ard Nieuwenhuizen van PRI is ervan overtuigd dat kwekers met zo'n type spuit middelen

  5. Donava in Sava pri Strabonu in v napisih

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marjeta Šašel Kos


    Full Text Available V članku so zbrana in komentirana tista mesta v Strabonovi 7. knjigi, kjer piše o Donavi in Savi. Že Herodot je Donavo opredelil kot najpomembnejšo njemu znano reko; pri grških piscih se je zanjo uveljavilo tračansko ime Istros, ki se je tudi pozneje uporabljalo za spodnji tok Donave. Zgornji tok se je imenoval Danuvius/Danubius, ime je verjetno keltsko. Kot božanstvu so Danuviju postavljali oltarje; blizu sotočja Drave in Donave so skupaj z njim počastili tudi boga Drava. Savo je poosebljal bog Savus, ki so ga častili ob zgornjem, nevarnejšem toku reke do Siscije. Skupaj z Adsaluto sta imela svetišče nad brzicami pri Podkraju nasproti Hrastnika, blizu območja nevarnih slapov. Strabon poleg drugih rek dvakrat omenja sicer neznani Noar, ki so ga enačili s celo vrsto rek, med drugim tudi z Odro, vendar je natančna analiza Strabonovega besedila pokazala, da gre lahko le za spodnji tok Save. Izviri Save Dolinke v Zelencih pri Podkorenu so bili sveti kraj, kjer so častili Saverkno.

  6. Biological Effects of Thermal Neutrons and the B{sup 10}(n, {alpha}) Li{sup 7} reaction; Effets Biologiques des Neutrons Thermiques et la Reaction {sup 10}B(n, {alpha}){sup 7}Li; Biologicheskoe dejstvie teplovykh nejtronov i reaktsiya B{sup 10}(n, {alpha}) Li{sup 7}; Efectos Biologicos de los Neutrones Termicos y la Reaccion {sup 10}B(n, {alpha}){sup 7}Li

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Archambeau, J. O.; Alcober, V.; Calvo, W. G.; Brenneis, H. [Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    -izluchenija, pojavljajushhegosja pri zahvate teplovyh nejtronov jelementami tkani i jekranirujushhih materialov, a takzhe gamma-izluchenija i obluchenija bystrymi nejtronami, pojavljajushhimisja pri processah delenija v aktivnoj zone reaktora. Konechnyj rezul'tat obluchenija teplovymi nejtronami javljaetsja funkciej padajushhego potoka nejtronov. Poskol'ku plotnost' potoka teplovyh nejtronov v tkani bystro padaet (sloj polovinnogo pogloshhenija Approximately-Equal-To 1,8 sm), dlja obespechenija vysokih doz v glubine na poverhnost' dolzhny popadat' bol'shie dozy. Pojetomu reakcii legkih, kishechnika, kostnogo mozga i slizistoj obolochki zavisjat glavnym obrazom, ot gamma-obluchenija v rezul'tate zahvata nejtronov vyshelezhashhimi tkanjami. Obluchenie golovy u sobak pri nejtronnom potoke 1.4 x 10{sup 14}/cm{sup 2} privodit k jepiljacii, jeriteme i vlazhnoj deskvamacii s soputstvujushhim ugneteniem krovotvorenija. Odnako v techenie 25-30 dnej na''ljudaetsja vosstanovlenie dejatel'nosti kostnogo mozga i izlechenie kozhnyh porazhenij. Pri nejtronnom obluchenii zhivotnyh 5 x 10{sup 13} n/cm{sup 2} cherez 30 minut posle vnutrivennogo vvedenija 35 mg/kg bora-10 u zhivotnyh nabljudaetsja nekroticheskij jepidermit, otek kozhi golovy i kon{sup j}unktivit. B mozgu obnaruzhivajutsja kapiljarnye krovoizlijanija i staz s povrezhdeniem nejtronov i astrocitov i narusheniem jendotileja kapilljarov. Znachitel'no umen'shaetsja chislo trombocitov, kotoroe usugubljaet mestnye izmenenija. Zhivotnye pogibajut ot krovotechenij i/ili mozgovyh narushenij na 5 -8-j den' posle obluchenija. Jeti jeffekty svjazyvajut kak s gamma- tak i s al'fa-oblucheniem, voznikajushhim pri zahvate nejtronov borom (B{sup 10}(n, {alpha}) Li{sup 7}). Obluchenie kozhi svinej pri 5 x 10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2} ne privodit k gistologicheskim izmenenijam. Pri obluchenii kozhi posle vnutrivennogo vvedenija 35 mg/kg bora-10 pri takoj zhe moshhnosti nejtronnogo potoka razvivaetsja klassicheskij radio-jepidermit, izlechivajushhijsja cherez36 -40 dnej

  7. Differential Neutron Scattering from Hydrogenous Moderators; Diffusion Differentielle des Neutrons par des Ralentisseurs Hydrogenes; Differentsial'noe rasseyanie nejtronov iz vodorodosoderzhashchikh zamedlitelej; Dispersion Diferencial de Neutrones en Moderadores Hidrogenados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beyster, J. R.; Young, J. C.; Neill, J. M.; Mowry, W. R. [General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation, John Jay Hopkins Laboratory for Pure and Applied Science, San Diego, CA (United States)


    nejtronov po napravleniju k neskol'kim polnost'ju pogloshhajushhim nejtrony detektoram. Metod pozvoljaet izmerjat' odnovremenno uglovoe raspredelenie bolee chem dlja 50 energij bombardirujushhih nejtronov. Intensivnosti vysoki, fonovye shumy maly i horosho opredeleny, tak chto izmerenija mogut proizvodit'sja bystro pri vseh uglah rassejanija ot 10 do 155m. Soobshhajutsja rezul'taty izmerenij sechenij differencial'nogo rassejanija dlja vanadija, N{sub 2}O, D{sub 2}O i ZrH. Vanadij izuchen dlja proverki jeksperimental'nogo oborudovanija. Izmerenija s N{sub 2}O dlja obrazcov raznoj tolshhiny v razlichnyh napravlenijah provedeny dlja sopostavlenija s raschetami, osnovannymi na razlichnyh modeljah rassejanija so svjazannym vodorodom, i dlja sravnenija s rabotami Shpringera i Rejnsha. Vo vse jeksperimental'nye izmerenija byli vneseny popravki na nabljudaemoe v obrazcah sil'noe vozdejstvie mnogokratnogo rassejanija. V nastojashhee vremja predskazyvaemoe model'ju rassejanija Nelkina sil'noe izmenenie pri energii nejtronov priblizitel'no v 0,06 jev jeksperimental'no ne nabljudaetsja iz-za togo, chto predpolozhitel'nyj edinyj rotator s tormozheniem pri moshhnosti v 0,06 jev ne predstavljaetsja fizicheski real'nym. Krome togo, jeta prostaja model' ne predugadyvaet pravil'no rassejanie pri bol'shih uglah. Jeksperimental'nye dannye sluzhat dlja celogo rjada poleznyh nadobnostej. Prezhde vsego uglovoe raspredelenie chrezvychajno chuvstvitel'no po otnosheniju k fizicheskim svojstvam modeli rassejanija i pojetomu sluzhit dlja proverki udovletvoritel'nosti jetoj modeli. Vo-vtoryh, jeksperimental'nye rezul'taty chuvstvitel'ny k bolee vysokim porjadkam rassejanija P{sub n} v protivopolozhnost' mnogochislennym integral'nym jeksperimentam, kotorye chuvstvitel'ny glavnym obrazom k rassejaniju P{sub 0}. V chastnosti predstavljaetsja vozmozhnym proverjat' jadro rassejanija P{sub 1} tak, chtoby ono podhodilo dlja dannoj molekuljarnoj modeli. V- tret'ih, na osnovanii jeksperimentov predstavljaetsja

  8. Dieta pri hiperholesterolemiji


    Čerček Vilhar, Emanuela


    Holesterol je maščobna molekula, ki v telesu opravlja mnogo funkcij. Njegova biosinteza in pot po telesu kot nepolarna molekula je izredno zapletena. Pri tem se vključuje v lipoproteine in prehaja v jetra, kjer poteka glavna pot presnavljanja ter tvorba žolčnih soli. Značilno je, da holesterol v našem organizmu izvira iz dveh virov. Eno tretjino ga zaužijemo s hrano, preostanek pa ga tvorimo sami iz predhodne molekule acetil-CoA. Ljudje se v današnjem času čedalje pogosteje srečujejo s poviša...

  9. Dimeric structure of the N-terminal domain of PriB protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis solved ab initio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liebschner, Dorothee [National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Brzezinski, Krzysztof [National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); University of Bialystok, 15-399 Bialystok (Poland); Dauter, Miroslawa [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Dauter, Zbigniew, E-mail: [National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Nowak, Marta; Kur, Józef; Olszewski, Marcin, E-mail: [Gdansk University of Technology, 80-952 Gdansk (Poland); National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States)


    The N-terminal domain of the PriB protein from the thermophilic bacterium T. tengcongensis (TtePriB) was expressed and its crystal structure has been solved at the atomic resolution of 1.09 Å by direct methods. PriB is one of the components of the bacterial primosome, which catalyzes the reactivation of stalled replication forks at sites of DNA damage. The N-terminal domain of the PriB protein from the thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TtePriB) was expressed and its crystal structure was solved at the atomic resolution of 1.09 Å by direct methods. The protein chain, which encompasses the first 104 residues of the full 220-residue protein, adopts the characteristic oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB) structure consisting of a five-stranded β-barrel filled with hydrophobic residues and equipped with four loops extending from the barrel. In the crystal two protomers dimerize, forming a six-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. The structure of the N-terminal OB domain of T. tengcongensis shows significant differences compared with mesophile PriBs. While in all other known structures of PriB a dimer is formed by two identical OB domains in separate chains, TtePriB contains two consecutive OB domains in one chain. However, sequence comparison of both the N-terminal and the C-terminal domains of TtePriB suggests that they have analogous structures and that the natural protein possesses a structure similar to a dimer of two N-terminal domains.



    Jaušovec, Špela


    Osnovni namen magistrskega dela je prispevati k boljšemu razumevanju motenj vedenja pri otrocih in mladostnikih ter obravnavati vpliv motenj vedenja na otrokovo funkcioniranje in vedenje. O motnjah vedenja je napisanega že veliko, še več pa ostaja neraziskanega in nerazumljenega. Magistrsko delo je zasnovano teoretično. S pomočjo strokovne literature in virov tako poskuša podrobno opredeliti motnje vedenja, njihove varovalne dejavnike in dejavnike tveganja, definirati družinsko in šolsko...

  11. Diurnal and Directional Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the PRI in a Cornfield (United States)

    Middleton, Elizabeth; Cheng, Y. B.; Corp, L.; Campbell, P.; Kustas, W.


    Determining the health and vigor of vegetation using high spectral resolution remote sensing is an important goal which has application to monitoring agriculture and ecosystem productivity and carbon exchange. Two spectral indices used to assess whether vegetation is performing near-optimally or exhibiting symptoms of environmental stress (e.g., drought or nutrient deficiency, non-optimal temperatures, etc.) are the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and solar-induced red and far-red Chlorophyll Fluorescence (Fs). Both the PRI and Fs capture the dynamics of photoprotection mechanisms within green foliage: the PRI is based on the association of the reflected radiation in the green spectrum with the xanthophyll cycle, whereas Fs measures the emitted radiation in the red and far-red spectrum. Fs was determined from retrievals in the atmospheric oxygen absorption features centered at 688 and 760 nm using a modified Fraunhofer Line Depth (FLD) method. We previously demonstrated diurnal and seasonal PRI differences for sunlit vs. shaded foliage in a conifer forest canopy, as expressed in the hotspot and darkspot of the Bidirectional Reflectance Function (BRF). In a USDA-ARS experimental field site located in Beltsville, MD, USA, measurements were acquired over a corn crop from a nadir view in 2008 with an ASD FieldSpec Pro (Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc., Boulder, CO, USA) to study the behavior of the PRI for sunlit and shaded foliage as captured in reflectance variations associated with the BRF, in a I m tall canopy in the vegetative growth stage. Those observations were compared to simulations obtained from two radiative transfer models. Measurements were then acquired to examine whether the PRI and Fs were influenced by view zenith and azimuth geometries at different times of day. Those measurements were made in 2010 with the Ocean Optics USB4000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer (Ocean Optics Inc., Dunedin, Florida, USA) at several times during the day on

  12. RBE of Monoenergetic Fast Neutrons: Cytogenetic Effects in Maize; EBR des Neutrons Rapides Monoenergeniques: Effets Cytogenetiques sur le Mais; Obeh monoehnergeticheskikh bystrykh nejtronov: tsitogeneticheskie izmeneniya u kukuruzy; EBR de los Neutrones Rapidos Monoenergeticos: Efectos Citogeneticos en el Maiz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, H. H.; Bateman, J. L.; Quastler, H.; Rossi, H. H. [Biology and Medical Departments, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    nasyshhenija i perekryvalis' v predele dlja monojener- geticheskih bystryh nejtronov i dlja rentgenovskih luchej s naprjazheniem 250 kv. Velichiny OBJe, raschitannye v rezul'tate otnositel'nogo naklona linejnyh regressivnyh linij dlja nejtronov i rentgenovskih luchej, nahodilis' v predelah ot 42 do 135 so srednej velichinoj primerno 70. Bystrye nejtrony s jenergiej 0,43 Mjev byli naibolee jeffektivnymi sredi teh, kotorye ispol'zovalis' pri poluchenii mutantov sektorov g{sub 2}. (author)

  13. Sistem DACUM pri sestavljanju strokovnih izobraževalnih programov

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    Jindra Kulich


    Full Text Available DACUM je razmeroma nov sistem logično razvrščenih postopnih korakov, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za večjo učinkovitost pri strokovnem izobraževanju delavcev. Sistem DACUM je sestavljen iz petih zaporednih korakov. Prva dva obsegala analizo delovnih nalog in določanje storilnostnih ciljev. Pri naslednjih treh korakih mentor določi izpeljavo izobraževanja, izbira postopek vrednotenja, učne metode in izobraževalna sredstva. Izobraževalni program sestavljajo sploš­ ne naloge, delne naloge in posamezne naloge. Glede na te tri ravni je kot primer razčlenjeno usposabljanje natakarja.

  14. Analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5:1 pri rokometu


    Kozole, Rok


    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5:1 pri rokometu. Obrambna formacija 5:1 je po obrambi 6:0 druga najpogosteje uporabljena obrambna formacija, katere se poslužujejo tako ekipe iz vrhunskega rokometa kot tudi ekipe, ki tekmujejo v ligah nižje kakovosti. V skladu s hitrim razvojem rokometne igre se je razvijala tudi obramba 5:1. Obrambna formacija 5:1 se pri mlajših rokometaših uporablja tudi kot prehodna obramba oz. temelj za prehod iz bolj globokih (...



    Marčec, Tamara


    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vpliv likovne tehnike na izbiro barv pri predšolskem otroku je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo na kratko predstavili ustvarjalnost, njene faze in faktorje ter kako spodbujamo ali zaviramo ustvarjalnost pri predšolskem otroku. Nato smo nadaljevali in opisali vlogo in pomen barve za predšolskega otroka. Predstavili smo likovna področja in vsako na kratko opisali. Kasneje smo podrobneje opisali področje slikanja, kajti naše de...

  16. Uporaba e-gradiv pri pouku računalništva v osnovni šoli


    Benedičič, Andrej


    V zadnjih nekaj letih se je pouk v osnovnih in srednjih šolah pri nas in po svetu močno spremenil, k čemur je pripomogel tudi razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (v nadaljevanju IKT). Dandanes si pouka brez uporabe IKT pri vseh učnih predmetih skoraj ne moremo več predstavljati. V šole so tako prišle elektronske table, interaktivne table, tablice, glasovalne naprave in ostale elektronske naprave, ki lahko ob ustrezni uporabi pripomorejo k večji aktivnosti učencev med poukom in izb...

  17. Spectral Similarity and PRI Variations for a Boreal Forest Stand Using Multi-angular Airborne Imagery

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    Vincent Markiet


    Full Text Available The photochemical reflectance index (PRI is a proxy for light use efficiency (LUE, and is used in remote sensing to measure plant stress and photosynthetic downregulation in plant canopies. It is known to depend on local light conditions within a canopy indicating non-photosynthetic quenching of incident radiation. Additionally, when measured from a distance, canopy PRI depends on shadow fraction—the fraction of shaded foliage in the instantaneous field of view of the sensor—due to observation geometry. Our aim is to quantify the extent to which sunlit fraction alone can describe variations in PRI so that it would be possible to correct for its variation and identify other possible factors affecting the PRI–sunlit fraction relationship. We used a high spatial and spectral resolution Aisa Eagle airborne imaging spectrometer above a boreal Scots pine site in Finland (Hyytiälä forest research station, 61°50′N, 24°17′E, with the sensor looking in nadir and tilted (off-nadir directions. The spectral resolution of the data was 4.6 nm, and the spatial resolution was 0.6 m. We compared the PRI for three different scatter angles ( β = 19 ° , 55 ° and 76 °, defined as the angle between sensor and solar directions at the forest stand level, and observed a small (0.006 but statistically significant (p < 0.01 difference in stand PRI. We found that stand mean PRI was not a direct function of sunlit fraction. However, for each scatter angle separately, we found a clear non-linear relationship between PRI and sunlit fraction. The relationship was systematic and had a similar shape for all of the scatter angles. As the PRI–sunlit fraction curves for the different scatter angles were shifted with respect to each other, no universal curve could be found causing the observed independence of canopy PRI from the average sunlit fraction of each view direction. We found the shifts of the curves to be related to a leaf structural effect on canopy

  18. Some Measurements of Thermal Neutron Spectra; Mesure de Spectres de Neutrons Thermiques; Nekotorye izmereniya spektrov teplovykh nejtronov; Algunas Mediciones de Espectros de Neutrones Termicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poole, M. J.; Schofield, P.; Sinclair, R. N. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Research Group, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (United Kingdom)


    gomogennyh zamedliteljah. Jeta rabota osushhestvljaetsja paralell'no i v prodolzhenie bolee rannej raboty avtora, sluzhit dlja proverki prigodnosti poperechnyh sechenij perehoda jenergii afE'-E), vyvodimyh iz primenjaemogo zakona rassejanija. Odnako takoj opyt absoljutno nechuvstvitelen k uglovoj zavisimosti rassejanija i sootvetstvujushhej chasti poperechnogo sechenija rassejanija, ne vyzyvajushhej obmena jenergiej s nejtronom rassejanija, prichem oba jeti momenta igrajut vazhnuju rol' v reshenii ljuboj problemy prostranstvennoj zavisimosti. Sootvetstvenno osushhestvljalis' drugie opyty, v kotoryh narochno vvodilis' razryvy prostranstvennoj i teplovoj nepreryvnosti, chtoby postavit' spektr v zavisimost' ot polnogo zakona rassejanija. Pervym iz takih opytov javljaetsja tak nazyvaemyj {sup o}pyt s dvumja blokami{sup ,} v kotorom teplovye nejtrony diffundirujut iz grafitovogo bloka pri komnatnoj temperature vo vtoroj blok, temperatura kotorogo mozhet podnimat'sja do 400 Degree-Sign S. Spektry nejtronov izmerjajutsja v razlichnyh polozhenijah okolo razryva temperaturnoj nepreryvnosti putem vydelenija puchka nejtronov iz kazhdogo polozhenija i propuskanija ego cherez spektrometr po vremeni proleta s selektorom nejtronov. V kachestve predvaritel'nogo analiza iz opyta, kotoryj mozhet byt' sravnen s analogichnymi opytami Benneta i dr. kotorye primenili de- dektory, chuvstvitel'nye k jenergii, vyvodjatsja {sup p}operechnye sechenija retermalizacii{sup .} V celjah poluchenija bolee podrobnyh sravnitel'nyh dannyh v nastojashhee vremja provodjatsja raschety po mnogogruppovoj teorii diffuzii s ispol'zovaniem poluchennyh v Chok-River dannyh po zakonu rassejanija s popytkoj predugadat' formu jenergeticheskogo spektra v polozhenijah v oboih blokah. Vo vtorom opyte vmesto razryva teplovoj nepreryvnosti vvoditsja razryv prostranstvennoj nepreryvnosti. Kadmievyj disk dostatochnoj tolshhiny, chtoby schitat'sja ''chernym'' dlja vseh nejtronov s jenergiej men'she 0,4 jev, zakrepljaetsja v centre

  19. Prion-like nanofibrils of small molecules (PriSM): A new frontier at the intersection of supramolecular chemistry and cell biology. (United States)

    Zhou, Jie; Du, Xuewen; Xu, Bing


    Formed by non-covalent interactions and not defined at genetic level, the assemblies of small molecules in biology are complicated and less explored. A common morphology of the supramolecular assemblies of small molecules is nanofibrils, which coincidentally resembles the nanofibrils formed by proteins such as prions. So these supramolecular assemblies are termed as prion-like nanofibrils of small molecules (PriSM). Emerging evidence from several unrelated fields over the past decade implies the significance of PriSM in biology and medicine. This perspective aims to highlight some recent advances of the research on PriSM. This paper starts with description of the intriguing similarities between PriSM and prions, discusses the paradoxical features of PriSM, introduces the methods for elucidating the biological functions of PriSM, illustrates several examples of beneficial aspects of PriSM, and finishes with the promises and current challenges in the research of PriSM. We anticipate that the research of PriSM will contribute to the fundamental understanding at the intersection of supramolecular chemistry and cell biology and ultimately lead to a new paradigm of molecular (or supramolecular) therapeutics for biomedicine.

  20. The Quantification Process for the PRiME-U34i

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Mee-Jeong; Han, Sang-Hoon; Yang, Joon-Eon


    In this paper, we introduce the quantification process for the PRIME-U34i, which is the merged model of ETs (Event Trees) and FTs (Fault Trees) for the level 1 internal PSA of UCN 3 and 4. PRiME-U34i has one top event. Therefore, the quantification process is changed to a simplified method when compared to the past one. In the past, we used the text file called a user file to control the quantification process. However, this user file is so complicated that it is difficult for a non-expert to understand it. Moreover, in the past PSA, ET and FT were separated but in PRiMEU34i, ET and FT were merged together. Thus, the quantification process is different. This paper is composed of five sections. In section 2, we introduce the construction of the one top model. Section 3 shows the quantification process used in the PRiME-U34i. Section 4 describes the post processing. Last section is the conclusions

  1. Mass spectrometric investigation of neutral and charged constituents in saturated vapor over PrI3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motalov, V.B.; Vorobiev, D.E.; Kudin, L.S.; Markus, T.


    The Knudsen effusion mass spectrometric technique was used to study vapor species over praseodymium triiodide. The monomer, PrI 3 , and dimer, Pr 2 I 6 , molecules and the negative ions, PrI 4 - and Pr 2 I 7 - , were observed in saturated vapor in the temperature range from 856 K to 1048 K. The partial vapor pressures of neutral constituents were determined and the enthalpies of sublimation obtained using the second and the third laws of thermodynamics (Δ s H deg. (298.15 K) = 291 ± 4 kJ mol -1 for PrI 3 , and Δ s H deg. (298.15 K) = 400 ± 30 kJ mol -1 for Pr 2 I 6 ). The equilibrium constants for various ion molecular reactions were measured and the enthalpies of reactions obtained. The enthalpies of formation, Δ f H deg. (298.15 K) kJ mol -1 , of gaseous molecules and ions were calculated and are as follows: -374 ± 6 (PrI 3 ), -929 ± 30 (Pr 2 I 6 ), -867 ± 30 (PrI 4 - ), -1432 ± 50 (Pr 2 I 7 - )

  2. PRiFi Networking for Tracking-Resistant Mobile Computing (United States)


    conjunction with other relevant services, including Tor for tracking-resistant inter-organizational communication, distributed protocols for a hardened, fully deployable PriFi implementation that can be used in conjunction with other relevant services, including Tor for tracking

  3. Draft Genome Sequence of the Antagonistic Rhizosphere Bacterium Serratia plymuthica Strain PRI-2C

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garbeva, P.; van Elsas, J.D.; de Boer, W.

    Serratia plymuthica strain PRI-2C is a rhizosphere bacterial strain with antagonistic activity against different plant pathogens. Here we present the 5.39-Mb (G+C content, 55.67%) draft genome sequence of S. plymuthica strain PRI-2C with the aim of providing insight into the genomic basis of its

  4. Stres pri delu v nujni medicinski pomoči - prehospitalna enota


    Ploder, Matej


    Izhodišča: V diplomskem delu smo se lotili vprašanja, kako stres vpliva na delo reševalcev v prehospitalni enoti nujne medicinske pomoči. Reševalci in zdravniki nujne medicinske pomoči se vsakodnevno srečujejo s situacijami, ki vplivajo na njihovo nadaljnjo delo, počutje in psihično stabilnost, predvsem pa na njihovo zdravje, od tragičnih nesreč, katerim so priča, do trenutkov, ko svojega poslanstva ne bi zamenjali za nič na svetu. Pri raziskavi smo ugotavljali, kaj reševalcem sploh predstavl...

  5. Remote detection of water stress conditions via a diurnal photochemical reflectance index (PRI) improves yield prediction in rainfed wheat (United States)

    Magney, T. S.; Vierling, L. A.; Eitel, J.


    Employing remotely sensed techniques to quantify the existence and magnitude of midday photosynthetic downregulation using the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) may reveal new information about plant responses to abiotic stressors in space and time. However, the interpretation and application of the PRI can be confounded because of its sensitivity to several variables changing at the diurnal (e.g., irradiation, shadow fraction) and seasonal (e.g., leaf area, chlorophyll and carotene pigment concentrations, irradiation) time scales. We explored different techniques to correct the PRI for variations in canopy structure and relative chlorophyll content (ChlR) using highly temporally resolved (frequency = five minutes) in-situ radiometric measurements of PRI and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over eight soft white spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)field plots under varying nitrogen and soil water conditions over two seasons. Our results suggest that the influence of seasonal variation in canopy ChlR and LAI on the diurnally measured PRI (PRIdiurnal) can be minimized using simple correction techniques, therefore improving the strength of PRI as a tool to quantify abiotic stressors such as daily changes in soil volumetric water content (SVWC), and vapor pressure deficit (VPD). PRIdiurnal responded strongly to available nitrogen, and linearly tracked seasonal changes in SVWC, VPD, and stomatal conductance (gc). Utilizing the PRI as an indicator of stress, yield predictions significantly over greenness indices such as the NDVI. This study provides insight towards the future interpretation and scaling of PRI to quantify rapid changes in photosynthesis, and as an indicator of plant stress.

  6. Physiological validation of photochemical reflectance index (PRI) as a photosynthetic parameter using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. (United States)

    Kohzuma, Kaori; Hikosaka, Kouki


    Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is the most important photoprotective system in higher plants. NPQ can be divided into several steps according to the timescale of relaxation of chlorophyll fluorescence after reaching a steady state (i.e., the fast phase, qE; middle phase, qZ or qT; and slow phase, qI). The dissipation of excess energy as heat during the xanthophyll cycle, a large component of NPQ, is detectable during the fast to middle phase (sec to min). Although thermal dissipation is primarily investigated using indirect methods such as chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, such analyses require dark adaptation or the application of a saturating pulse during measurement, making it difficult to continuously monitor this process. Here, we designed an unconventional technique for real-time monitoring of changes in thylakoid lumen pH (as reflected by changes in xanthophyll pigment content) based on the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), which we estimated by measuring light-driven leaf reflectance at 531 nm. We analyzed two Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, npq1 (unable to convert violaxanthin to zeaxanthin due to inhibited violaxanthin de-epoxidase [VDE] activity) and npq4 (lacking PsbS protein), to uncover the regulator of the PRI. The PRI was variable in wild-type and npq4 plants, but not in npq1, indicating that the PRI is related to xanthophyll cycle-dependent thermal energy quenching (qZ) rather than the linear electron transport rate or NPQ. In situ lumen pH substitution using a pH-controlled buffer solution caused a shift in PRI. These results suggest that the PRI reflects only xanthophyll cycle conversion and is therefore a useful parameter for monitoring thylakoid lumen pH (reflecting VDE activity) in vivo. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. PriBots: Conversational Privacy with Chatbots


    Harkous, Hamza; Fawaz, Kassem; Shin, Kang G.; Aberer, Karl


    Traditional mechanisms for delivering notice and enabling choice have so far failed to protect users’ privacy. Users are continuously frustrated by complex privacy policies, unreachable privacy settings, and a multitude of emerging standards. The miniaturization trend of smart devices and the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoTs) will exacerbate this problem further. In this paper, we propose Conversational Privacy Bots (PriBots) as a new way of delivering notice and choice through a two...

  8. Photosynthetic Efficiency of Northern Forest Ecosystems Using a MODIS-Derived Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) (United States)

    Middleton, E. M.; Huemmrich, K. F.; Landis, D. R.; Black, T. A.; Barr, A. G.; McCaughey, J. H.


    This study evaluates a direct remote sensing approach from space for the determination of ecosystem photosynthetic light use efficiency (LUE), through measurement of vegetation reflectance changes expressed with the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI). The PRI is a normalized difference index based on spectral changes at a physiologically active wavelength (approximately 531 nanometers) as compared to a reference waveband, and is only available from a very few satellites. These include the two Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) on the Aqua and Terra satellites each of which have a narrow (10-nanometer) ocean band centered at 531 nanometers. We examined several PRI variations computed with candidate reference bands, since MODIS lacks the traditional 570-nanometer reference band. The PRI computed using MODIS land band 1 (620-670 nanometers) gave the best performance for daily LUE estimation. Through rigorous statistical analyses over a large image collection (n equals 420), the success of relating in situ daily tower-derived LUE to MODIS observations for northern forests was strongly influenced by satellite viewing geometry. LUE was calculated from CO2 fluxes (moles per moles of carbon absorbed quanta) measured at instrumented Canadian Carbon Program flux towers in four Canadian forests: a mature fir site in British Columbia, mature aspen and black spruce sites in Saskatchewan, and a mixed deciduous/coniferous forest site in Ontario. All aspects of the viewing geometry had significant effects on the MODIS-PRI, including the view zenith angle (VZA), the view azimuth angle, and the displacement of the view azimuth relative to the solar principal plane, in addition to illumination related variables.Nevertheless, we show that forward scatter sector views (VZA, 16 degrees-45 degrees) provided the strongest relationships to daily LUE, especially those collected in the early afternoon by Aqua (r squared = 0.83, RMSE (root mean square error) equals 0

  9. Experimental Study of the Process of Neutron Thermalization in Time in Aqueous Moderators; Etude Experimentale du Processus de Thermalisation des Neutrons en Fonction du Temps dans les Ralentisseurs Contenant de l'Eau; Ehksperimental'noe izuchenie protsessa termalizatsii nejtronov vo vremeni v vodorodosoderzhashchikh zamedlitelyakh; Estudio Experimental del Proceso de Termalizacion de Neutrones en Funcion del Tiempo en Moderadores Acuosos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ishmaev, S. N.; Mostovoj, V. I.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshov, A. A. [Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol' zovaniju Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii Im. I.V.Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    ambiente, con un poder de resolucion de 3,5 {mu}s. Los espectros medidos en un prisma de ZrH de gran tamano (B{sup 2} = 3,8 * 10{sup -2} cm{sup 2}) pertenecen a un intervalo de tiempos de moderacion (t > 30 {mu}s) en el cual la energia media de los neutrones es inferior a 0,13 eV y el intercambio de energia entre el gas neutronico y el medio se debe fundamentalmente a la excitacion de vibraciones acusticas en el reticulado. Dentro de este intervalo, la termaiizacion se desarrolla a un ritmo comparativamente lento y el tiempo necesario para obtener un espectro neutronico de equilibrio es del orden de 400 {mu}s. En montajes de ZrH de pequenas dimensiones (B{sup 2} Asymptotically-Equal-To 20 * 10{sup -2} cm{sup -2}) se observa un marcado efecto de enfriamiento por difusion. Los espectros medidos para tiempos de moderacion prolongados difieren considerablemente de la distribucion maxwelliana correspondiente a la temperatura ambiente. El tiempo necesario para lograr una distribucion energetica de equilibrio aumenta a medida que disminuyen las dimensiones del sistema. Los autores presentan espectros energeticos de neutrones en agua (B{sup 2} = 2,56 * 10{sup -2} cm{sup -2}) para tiempos de moderacion superiores a 13 {mu}s donde las deformaciones debidas a la resolucion son insignificantes. La forma del espectro solo concuerda con la distribucion maxwelliana a temperatura ambiente, al cabo de unos 100 {mu}s despues de emitida una rafaga de neutrones rapidos. El tiempo necesario para que el espectro de neutrones alcance el equilibrio es, en este experimento, tres a cuatro veces mas prolongado que los valores calculados por diversos autores. En la memoria se analizan los posibles motivos de esta discrepancia. (author) [Russian] S pomoshh'ju metodiki, opisannoj v drugom doklade avtorov na dannuju konferenciju, izmereny nestacionarnye spektry nejtronov v gidride cirkonija i vode pri komnatnoj temperature s razresheniem 3,5 mksek po vremeni zamedlenija. Spektry, izmerennye v prizme iz

  10. Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as a proxy of Light Use Efficiency (LUE) and transpiration in Mediterranean crop sites (United States)

    LE Dantec, V.; Chebbi, W.; Boulet, G.; Merlin, O.; Lili-Chabaane, Z.; Er Raki, S.; Ceschia, E.; Khabba, S.; Fanise, P.; Zawilski, B.; Simonneaux, V.; Jarlan, L.


    The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is based on the short term reversible xanthophyll pigment changes accompanying plant stress and therefore of the associated photosynthetic activities. Strong relationships between PRI and Light Use Efficiency (LUE) were shown at leaf and canopy scales and over a wide range of species (Garbulsky et al., 2011). But very few previous works have explored the potential link with plant water status. In this study, we have first analyzed the link between PRI and LUE at canopy scale on two different crops in terms of canopy structure and crop management: olive grove (Tunisia) and wheat grown under different water regimes (irrigated or rainfed) and climate zones (France, Morocco). We have investigated the daily and seasonal dynamics of PRI; linking its variations to meteorological factors (global radiation and sun angle effects, soil water content, relative air humidity …) and plant processes. The highest correlations were mainly observed in clear skies conditions. We have found, whatever site, linear negative relationships between PRI and LUE using data acquired in midday (i.e. in solar zenithal angle condition). Linear link between PRI and sapflow measurements was also revealed. This correlation was obtained over periods characterized by a moderate soil water deficit, i.e. by when transpiration rate was mainly control by Vapor Pressure Deficit. We will then briefly presented alternative and complementary approaches to this index, to detect different level of water stress using thermal infrared emissions.

  11. Vartotojų elgsenos veiksnių įtaka sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procesui


    Jakimavičiūtė, Judita


    Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota ir įvertinta vartotojų elgsenos veiksnių įtaka sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procese, iškeltos vartotojų elgsenos problemos, susiję su vartotojo sprendimu pirkti bei pateikti siūlymai, kaip šias problemas spręsti. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu tiriama vartotojų elgsenos samprata, pateikiamos skirtingos Lietuvos bei užsienio autorių nuomonės apie vidinių ir išorinių veiksnių įtaką vartotojų elgsenai bei vartotojų sprendimo priėmimo procesui. Antroje...



    Bauman, Anja


    Osrednja tema diplomske naloge so psihološki vidiki barv pri izdelavi logotipa. Diplomska naloga zajema tako teoretični kot tudi empirični del. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen logotip in njegovi kriteriji uspešnosti. Prav tako pa so predstavljene tudi barve, njeni učinki ter značilnosti. Empirični del diplomske naloge pa se ukvarja z analizo obstoječih in izdelanih logotipov.

  13. Načrtovani preventivni hišni obisk pri nosečnici


    Hofinger Mihelič, Špela


    Rojstvo zdravega otroka je nedvomno eden izmed najpomembnejših dogodkov v življenju posameznika in družine. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti v kolikšni meri se pri nosečnicah vključuje v preventivo patronažna medicinska sestra (PMS) in kaj nosečnice pričakujejo od njenega hišnega obiska. Cilj je bil oceniti želje nosečnic po hišnem obisku PMS in ugotoviti kje dobijo nosečnice največ informacij o nosečnosti in zdravem načinu življenja ter ugotoviti koliko so nosečnice poučene o pravicah...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Ketut Sudita


    Full Text Available Balinese sculptors in districts of Ubud and Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali pry into the Law of Pornography. Those who agree state that the law is needed to maintain the morality which has been getting worse, and those who disagree state that it may emasculate their freedom and creativities. This study gives answers to (1 what social practices were performed by the Balinese sculptors to pry into the Law of Pornography?, (2 why did they pry into the application of the law?, and (3 what was the meaning of their prying? Several relevant critical theories such as the theory of structuration, the theory of hegemony, and the theory of aesthetics were eclectically used in this study. The data needed were collected through observation, in-depth interview, documentation study, and library research. The result of the study showed that the Balinese sculptors showed their resistance to the application of the law by making adaptation, changing profession, and still producing pornographic works. The sanction which might be imposed upon them, the consumers of pornographic works decreased, and they were eliminated from exhibitions scared them when they pried into the law. What they did could not be separated from economic, political, ideological, moral, and ethic factors. The meaning of their prying was that it caused them to lose their idealism, their consumers went down, and the number of pornographic works dropped as well.

  15. Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement in Primary Care (PriCARE): A Randomized Trial of a Parent Training for Child Behavior Problems. (United States)

    Schilling, Samantha; French, Benjamin; Berkowitz, Steven J; Dougherty, Susan L; Scribano, Philip V; Wood, Joanne N

    Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement in Primary Care (PriCARE) is a 6-session group parent training designed to teach positive parenting skills. Our objective was to measure PriCARE's impact on child behavior and parenting attitudes. Parents of children 2 to 6 years old with behavior concerns were randomized to PriCARE (n = 80) or control (n = 40). Child behavior and parenting attitudes were measured at baseline (0 weeks), program completion (9 weeks), and 7 weeks after program completion (16 weeks) using the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) and the Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory 2 (AAPI2). Linear regression models compared mean ECBI and AAPI2 change scores from 0 to 16 weeks in the PriCARE and control groups, adjusted for baseline scores. Of those randomized to PriCARE, 43% attended 3 or more sessions. Decreases in mean ECBI intensity and problem scores between 0 and 16 weeks were greater in the PriCARE group, reflecting a larger improvement in behavior problems [intensity: -22 (-29, -16) vs -7 (-17, 2), P = .012; problem: -5 (-7, -4) vs -2 (-4, 0), P = .014]. Scores on 3 of the 5 AAPI2 subscales reflected greater improvements in parenting attitudes in the PriCARE group compared to control in the following areas: empathy toward children's needs [0.82 (0.51, 1.14) vs 0.25 (-0.19, 0.70), P = .04], corporal punishment [0.22 (0.00, 0.45) vs -0.30 (-0.61, 0.02), P = .009], and power and independence [0.37 (-0.02, 0.76) vs -0.64 (-1.19, -0.09), P = .003]. PriCARE shows promise in improving parent-reported child-behavior problems in preschool-aged children and increasing positive parenting attitudes. Copyright © 2016 Academic Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. PriFi - Using a Multiple Alignment of Related Sequences to Find Primers for  Amplification of Homologs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fredslund, Jakob; Schauser, Leif; Madsen, Lene Heegaard


    Using a comparative approach, the web program PriFi ( designs pairs of primers useful for PCR amplification of genomic DNA in species where prior sequence information is not available. The program works with an alignment of DNA sequences from phylog...

  17. Responses of the reflectance indices PRI and NDVI to experimental warming and drought in European shrublands along a north–south climatic gradient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mänd, Pille; Hallik, Lea; Peñuelas, Josep


    NDVI680 [780 nm; 680 nm] using red spectral region, and NDVI570 [780 nm; 570 nm] using the same green spectral region as PRI. All three reflectance indices were significantly related to green LAIe and were able to detect changes in shrubland vegetation among treatments. In general warming treatment...... increased PRI and drought treatment reduced NDVI values. The significant treatment effect on photochemical efficiency of plants detected with PRI could not be detected by fluorescence measurements. However, we found canopy level measured PRI to be very sensitive to soil reflectance properties especially...

  18. Canopy Level Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the PRI in a Cornfield (United States)

    Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Cheng, Yen-Ben; Corp, Lawrence A.; Campbell, Petya K. E.; Huemmrich, K. Fred; Zhang, Qingyuan; Kustas, William P.


    Two bio-indicators, the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and solar-induced red and far-red Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF), were derived from directional hyperspectral observations and studied in a cornfield on two contrasting days in the growing season. Both red and far-red SIF exhibited higher values on the day when the canopy in the early senescent stage, but only the far-red SIF showed sensitivity to viewing geometry. Consequently, the red/far-red SIF ratio varied greatly among azimuth positions while the largest values were obtained for the "hotspot" at both growth stages. This ratio was lower (approx.0.88 +/- 0.4) in early July than in August when the ratio approached equivalence (near approx.1). In concert, the PRI exhibited stronger responses to both zenith and azimuth angles and different values on the two growth stages. The potential of using these indices to monitor photosynthetic activities needs further investigation

  19. La mort d’un couple : prière(s) et vie publiques


    Touzeil-Divina, Mathieu


    Si, avant la Loi du 5 décembre 1905, les Eglises et l’Etat concrétisaient matériellement leurs liens étroits par des rites officiels nommés prières publiques, ceux-ci sont censés avoir été supprimés depuis. C’est l’histoire de cette suppression (après en avoir retenu une définition) qui est ici envisagée à travers trois secteurs cardinaux de l’action administrative : la vie universitaire, parlementaire et judiciaire. Dans ces trois hypothèses les prières publiques ont été supprimées de façon ...

  20. Prières et service public Prayers and the civil service

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilles J. Guglielmi


    Full Text Available La marque de la séparation des Eglises et de l’Etat semble en France suffisamment forte pour que les points de contact entre service public et prière soient rares et plutôt indirects, à partir de comportements qui n’ont en général pas pour objet d’opposer le seul acte de prière aux normes juridiques et sociales environnantes. Néanmoins à partir des systèmes juridiques et des pratiques d’autres pays d’Europe, les arrêts pragmatiques de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme révèlent une retenue comparable, même si leur fondement est nécessairement différent.Dans son ensemble, la jurisprudence de la Cour permet de constater que les Etats membres du Conseil de l’Europe ont parfois à l’égard de la prière des attitudes restrictives qui dépendent soit d’une sorte de protection de la religion dominante par rapport aux cultes minoritaires, soit d’un refus implicite de l’athéisme. En revanche, la notion de service public, n’étant pas universellement reconnue en Europe, ne fournit pas un cadre de raisonnement juridique signifiant dans les arrêts, ce qui ne permet d’identifier les rapports entre prières et service public que par le biais du contexte dans lequel se produisent les actes de prière.The mark of the separation between the Church and the State seems sufficiently strong in France so that the points of contact between the civil service and prayer are rare and rather indirect, starting with behaviours which do not have in general aim to oppose the sole act of prayer to the legal and social standards surrounding (First part. Nevertheless the legal systems and practices of other countries of Europe reveal the pragmatic judgements of the European Court of Human Rights and their comparable reserve, even if their base is necessarily different (Second part.As a whole, the decisions of the Court make it possible to note that the Member States of the Council of Europe sometimes have restrictive attitudes

  1. Visible Light Excited Catalysis and Reusability Performances of TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 Upconversion Materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan Jiao


    Full Text Available To get high efficiency photodegradation on pollutants under visible light, Pr(III doped Y2SiO5 upconversion materials and anatase TiO2 nanofilm coated Pr:Y2SiO5 composite have been prepared by using a sol-gel method. XRD and SEM test results indicated that TiO2 nanofilm was well coated on Pr:Y2SiO5 to form TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 composite particles with the sizes of 0.5–1.0 μm. To avoid secondary pollution resulting from incomplete recovery of catalyst particles, TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 was loaded on the glass fiber filters by using a dip-coating method. It is found that the catalyst particles were embedded into the carrier firmly, even after having been reused for 6 times. The luminescence intensities of TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 were getting down sharply with the coating contents of TiO2 increased, which was attributed to the adsorption of the luminescence by the TiO2 film in situ. As a result, TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 with 4% TiO2, which presented lowest luminescence intensity, showed the highest efficiency on the photodegradation of nitrobenzene wastewater. The catalysts loaded on glass fiber filters showed excellent reusability on the photodegradation of nitrobenzene and presented a photodegradation rate of 95% at the first time and up to 75.9% even after 6 times of reusing by the treatment time of 12 h.



    Kralj, Saša


    Branje je pomembna dejavnost, ki vpliva na osebnostni razvoj posameznika, učenje in učno uspešnost. Vse pozitivne plati branja se vse bolj pozabljajo ob hitrem tempu življenja. Učitelji in knjižničarji imajo velik pomen pri spodbujanju branja. S svojim znanjem o dobrobiti branja, z uporabo različnih metod in oblik dela lahko pritegnejo starše in skupaj spodbujajo učence k branju ter tako skušajo vzgojiti bralca za vse življenje. Namen diplomskega dela je osvetliti pomen branja, bralne pismeno...

  3. Use of Synthetic Polymers in Nuclear Emulsions for Fast-Neutron Dosimetry; Primenenie sinteticheskikh polimerov v yadernykh ehmul'siyakh dlya dozimetrii bystrykh nejtronov

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bradna, F. [Laboratorija Radiologicheskoj Dozimetrii Instituta Jadernykh Issledovanij CHSAN Praga, CSSR (Czech Republic)


    jemul'sij, odnako fiziko-mehanicheskie svojstva polimero-zhelatinovyh jemul'sij znachitel'no luchshe svojstv obychnyh zhelatinovyh jemul'sij. Polimery obladajut horoshimi zashhitnymi svojstvami i polimer No 2 prigoden dazhe v fizicheskom sozrevanii, poskol'ku on malo tormozit jetot process. V techenie estestvennogo starenija fotohimicheskie svojstva polimero-zhelatinovyh jemul'sij prakticheski ne izmenjalis' i eshhe dal'she znachitel'no povyshalas' ih mehanicheskaja prochnost'. V rezul'tate ukazannyh predvaritel'nyh opytov polimery No 1 i No 2 primenjalis' v kachestve napolnitelej jadernoj jemul'sii v kolichestve ot 50 do 70% po otnosheniju k obshhemu kolichestvu zashhitnogo kolloida, ne izmenjaja v dannoj jemul'sii soderzhanie serebra. Dlja dal'nejshego povyshenija jeffektivnosti jemul'sij polimero-zhelatinov'te jemul'sii nasyshhalis' vodorodom putem vremennogo propuskanija cherez ego zhidkuju jemul'siju. Gotovye jemul'sii nalivalis' na triacetatnuju podlozhku tolshhinoj 190 mikron, kotoraja javljaetsja v zhelaemom sluchae jeffektivnym radiatorom protonov. Jemul'sii obluchalis' bystrymi nejtronami plotnost'ju 1,56 * 108 nejtronov/sm{sup 2} ot istochnika (Ra - D - Be). S cel'ju uvelichenija jeffektivnosti registracii nejtronov, pri obluchenii jemul'sij ispol'zovalis' dobavochnye radiatory protonov tipa: polivinilovyj spirt (PVS), triacetat (T), polijetilen (PJe) optimal'noj tolshhiny. Obrabotka rezul'tatov s dozimetricheskoj tochki zrenija pokazala sledujushhie rezul'taty: 1. Po sravneniju s obychnymi zhelatinovymi jemul'sijami jeffektivnost' registracii povysilas': - do 25% v sluchae primenenija polimerov No 1 i No 2 v zavisimosti ot stepeni napolnenija; . - na 100% v sluchae primenenija polimera No 1 v vodorodom nasyshhennoj jemul'sii, prinjatoj v kachestve standarta polimero-zhelatinovoj jemul'sii (SPZhJe). 2. V sluchae primenenija optimal'nyh dobavochnyh radiatorov protonov (PVS, T, PJe) k ukazannoj jemul'sii SPZhJe, ee jeffektivnost' registrkcii povysilas' dal

  4. Survey of Pulsed Neutron Source Methods for Multiplying Media; Methodes des Neutrons Pulses Pour l'Etude des Milieux Multiplicateurs; Obzor metodov s ispol'zovaniem istochnikov impul'snykh nejtronov dlya razmnozhayushchej sredy; Estudio Panoramico de los Metodos de Empleo de Fuentes de Neutrons Pulsados en Medios Multiplicadores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garelis, E. [General Electric Company, Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory, Pleasanton, CA (United States)


    tratamiento del modo fundamental teniendo en cuenta la base teorica de las tecnicas de empleo de fuentes de neutrones pulsados que se han perfeccionado para el modelo (kO/E). Se exponen las repercusiones de la teoria de la fuente de neutrones pulsados en lo que se refiere a la obtencion de valores exactos de la constante de decrecimiento y de datos adecuados para el analisis de los sistemas pulsados. Tambien se examina la labor experimental realizada y se ponen de manifiesto tanto las ventajas como las limitaciones de la tecnica (k{beta}/ Script-Small-L ). El autor estudia tambien los metodos seudoaleatorios de respuesta a los impulsos, que utilizan una correlacion entre los datos de entrada y los de salida para determinar la funcion de Green de un conjunto multiplicador, y pone de manifiesto que la informacion obtenida con el metodo seudoaleatorio es identica a la conseguida por el metodo de la pulsacion reiterada. Por consiguiente, los metodos desarrollados para la tecnica de la pulsacion reiterada se pueden aplicar a la tecnica seudoaleatoria. (author) [Russian] V poslednie gody sushhestvovali dva napravlenija v oblasti jeffektivnyh sposobov poluchenija izmerenii ostatochnoj reaktivnosti s ispol'zovaniem ge- neratorov impul'snyhnejtronov: 1) obychnye izmerenija s istochnikom impul'snyh nejtronov pri nepreryvnom pul'sirujushhem istochnike i 2) metody, osnovannye na psevdosluchajnom otvete impul'sa s ispol'zovaniem sootnoshenija mezhdu vhodom i vyhodom. V oboih sluchajah po- luchaemaja informacija identichna, t.e. oba napravlenija ideal'no sluzhat opredeleniju otvetnoj funkcii. Razrabotka metodov s istochnikom impul'snyh nejtronov na teplovyh sistemah v celjah izmerenija reaktivnosti proslezhivaetsja ot pervonachal'nyh popytok Sjoestrand do nedavnego metoda (k{beta}/ Script-Small-L ). Pri obychnom metode s istochnikom impul'snyh nejtronov funkcija podkriti- cheskoj sborki Grina, otvet reaktora na del'ta-funkciju istochnika nejtronov, predstavljaet soboj poisk svojstv

  5. ¿Por qué perdió el PRI en Yucatán? Las transiciones de este año en bastiones priístas, caída de una imagen distorsionada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lic. Fernando Pacheco Bailón


    Full Text Available El pasado domingo 27 de mayo, a eso de las 5:30 de la tarde, los mexicanos nos enteramos a través de los medios de comunicación de televisión abierta y pagada de la ventaja que tenía el candidato a la gubernatura de Yucatán, a través de la coalición PAN, PRD, PVEM, PT, Patricio Patrón Laviada, con respecto al candidato del PRI, Orlando Paredes Lara. Más tarde, de aquella llamada telefónica que hiciera el presidente Vicente Fox para felicitar al candidato que aventajaba al del tricolor, al hacer referencia a las encuestas de salida llevadas a cabo por empresas como Consulta Mitovsky, Garo y otras más. Hay muchas metodologías para poder analizar procesos electorales, así como distintas formas de abordar el problema del por qué perdió el PRI en Yucatán. Para efectos de estudio se planteará las condiciones preelectorales que se dieron, el propio momento electoral del pasado 27 de mayo, así como la visión futura de PRI como organización política en tiempos transitorios.

  6. Solution structure of the N-terminal domain of a replication restart primosome factor, PriC, in Escherichia coli (United States)

    Aramaki, Takahiko; Abe, Yoshito; Katayama, Tsutomu; Ueda, Tadashi


    In eubacterial organisms, the oriC-independent primosome plays an essential role in replication restart after the dissociation of the replication DNA-protein complex by DNA damage. PriC is a key protein component in the replication restart primosome. Our recent study suggested that PriC is divided into two domains: an N-terminal and a C-terminal domain. In the present study, we determined the solution structure of the N-terminal domain, whose structure and function have remained unknown until now. The revealed structure was composed of three helices and one extended loop. We also observed chemical shift changes in the heteronuclear NMR spectrum and oligomerization in the presence of ssDNA. These abilities may contribute to the PriC-ssDNA complex, which is important for the replication restart primosome. PMID:23868391

  7. PriFi - Using a Multiple Alignment of Related Sequences to Find Primers for  Amplification of Homologs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fredslund, Jakob; Schauser, Leif; Madsen, Lene Heegaard


    Using a comparative approach, the web program PriFi ( designs pairs of primers useful for PCR amplification of genomic DNA in species where prior sequence information is not available. The program works with an alignment of DNA sequences from...... of a procedure for developing general markers serving as common anchor loci across species. To accommodate users with special preferences, configuration settings and criteria can be customized....



    Lipovčić, Dijana


    Med dohodke iz kapitala spadajo obresti, dividende in dobiček iz kapitala. Države svoje rezidente obdavčujejo po načelu svetovnega dohodka, nerezidente pa glede na vir dohodka. Problem pri mednarodni obdavčitvi je možnost dvojnega obdavčevanja, saj je lahko davčni zavezanec obdavčen v tujini, kjer je dohodek dosegel, in tudi v državi rezidentstva. Države zato sklepajo sporazume o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja. V diplomskem seminarju smo primerjali obdavčitev dohodkov iz kapitala v Slo...

  9. Povezanost modulacije refleksa H pri prehodu iz leže v stojo in mejami stabilnosti v stoji pri baletnih plesalcih


    Lešnik, Tjaša


    Da bi ugotovili povezanost modulacije refleksa H in mej stabilnosti pri baletnih plesalcih, smo izmerili amplitudo refleksa H in izvedli štirismerni test mej stabilnosti. Refleks H je bil izmerjen osmim profesionalnim baletnim plesalcem, aktivnim članom baletnega ansambla Slovenskega narodnega gledališča Ljubljana in Maribor (1 moški in 7 žensk, povprečna starost: 25±4,2 let, povprečna višina: 169,25±5,4 cm in povprečna teža: 56,45± 10,1 kg). Vsi merjenci so zaključili najmanj 10 let plesnega...

  10. Relative Biological Effectiveness of 14-MeV Fast Neutrons to Co{sup 60} Gamma-Rays in Einkorn Wheat; Efficacite Biologique Relative des Neutrons Rapides de 14 MeV par Rapport aux Rayons Gamma de {sup 60}Co sur l'Engrain; Otnositel'naya biologicheskaya ehffektivnost' bystrykh nejtronov s ehnergiej 14 MeV i gamma-luchej CO{sup 60} pri ikh dejstvii na pshenitsu odnozernyanku; EBR de los Neutrones Rapidos de 14 MeV y de los Rayos Gamma del {sup 60}Co en el Trigo Escanda Menor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujii, T. [National Institute of Genetics, Misima (Japan)


    , sobrevivio entre 60 y 80% de las plantulas y en los grupos tratados con rayos gamma, la supervivencia fue del 100%. En cambio, en el grupo sometido a la irradiacion neutronica con la dosis mas elevada, solo sobrevivio un 4% de las plantulas. No se observaron mutaciones en el grupo testigo y el numero de plantas que presentaba retonos rayados crecio al aumentar la dosis de ambos tipos de radiacion. Se observaron retoflos con mutaciones en un 15% de las plantas sobrevivientes tratadas con la dosis inferior de neutrones y la misma frecuencia se registro para la dceis mayor de rayos gamma. Al parecer, la EBR de los neutrones de 14 MeV con respecto a los rayos gamma de {sup 60}Co, para la mutacion somatica, es 20 como minimo. (author) [Russian] Avtor izuchal OBJe nejtronov s jenergiej 14 Mjev i gamma-luchej Sobo pri ih dejstvii na pshenicu odnozernjanku s pomoshh'ju special'nogo lokusnogo metoda. Dlja opyta ispol'zovalis' semena generacii F{sub 1} gibrida mezhdu ishodnym sortom i mutantom Chlorina (mutant Chlorina byl poluchen kak edinstvennyj recessivnyj rentgenomutant; ot stadii sejanca do nastuplenija spelosti on byl odnorodno svetlozelenym s otnositel'no vysokoj vyzhivaemost'ju i urozhajnost'ju). U rastenij F{sub 1} byla normal'naja zelenaja okraska i normal'nyj harakter rosta. Pokojashhiesja semena Ft obluchali bystrymi nejtronami v dozah 0,5, 1,0 i 1,4 krad i gamma-luchami v dozah 4,3 8,6 i 12,9 krad. Mutacii ot dominantnyh normal'nyh zelenyh do Chlorina nabljudalis' posle oboih vidov obluchenija i pojavljalis' v list'jah i stebljah geterozigotnyh rastenij X{sub 1} v vide prodol'nyh polos. Okolo 80% semjan vzoshlo na kontrol'nyh uchastkah i na uchastkah posle obluchenija ca- mymi nizkimi dozami nejtronov i gamma-luchej, procent vshozhesti postepenno snizhalsja s povysheniem dozy pri oboih vidah obluchenija. Krome togo, takaja zhe tendencija nabljudalas' i na rannih stadijah rosta sejancev, kotoryj postepenno tormozilsja s povysheniem dozy. Soglasno jetim dannym nejtronnoe



    Horvat, Metod


    Diplomsko delo predstavlja vlogo operativnega managementa pri razvoju Unicredit Banka Slovenije d.d. Operativni management predstavlja ključen kader, ki s svojim znanjem, sposobnostjo in pripravljenostjo lahko pripelje do realizacije ciljev in razvoja banke. V teoretičnem delu gre za pregled strokovne literature na področju organizacije, managerja, managementa, operativnega managementa, operativnega managementa v Unicredit Banki Slovenije d.d. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskav...

  12. Prednosti metode Montessori pri obravnavi oseb z demenco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreja Ljubič


    Full Text Available Uvod: Demenca je kronično obolenje s tendenco upadanja kognitivnih sposobnosti obolelega. Uporaba metod za obvladovanje in trening osnovnih življenjskih aktivnosti, ki omogočajo daljše obdobje samostojnega življenja pacienta z demenco, je v tujini uveljavljena z različnimi novejšimi koomplementarnimi pristopi. Ena izmed uveljavljenih metod je pristop Marie Montessori, prilagojen odraslim pacientom z demenco. V članku je predstavljena metoda montessori pri obravnavi pacienta z demenco in njeni učinki na kakovost življenja pacienta z demenco. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metodologija s pregledom domače in tuje literature. Za prikaz pregleda petih preko spleta dostopnih podatkovnih baz in odločanja o uporabnosti pregledanih virov je bila uporabljena metoda PRISMA. V končni pregled literature je bilo ključenih 19 člankov, objavljenih do maja 2016. Za obdelavo podatkov je bil uporabljen model analize konceptov. Večina zajetih raziskav je bila izvedena v Združenih državah Amerike. Rezultati: Po pregledu raziskav so bila identificirana tri tematska področja: (1 vpliv metode montessori na sodelovanje in prizadevanje, (2 vpliv metode montessori na vedenje, povezano s hranjenjem, in (3 vpliv metode montessori na širšo skupino kognitivnih sposobnosti. Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub majhnemu številu člankov, ki opisujejo uporabo metode montessori pri obravnavi pacientov z demenco, metodo lahko predstavimo kot učinkovito. Avtorji raziskav ugotavljajo, da pristop ne le omogoča ohranjanje kognitivnih sposobnosti, temveč le-te celo izboljšuje.



    Zupanc, Simona


    Diplomska naloga opisuje velik problem sodobne družbe - prenasičenost z odpadnimi plastičnimi vrečkami, ki zelo obremenjujejo okolje in potrebujejo izjemno veliko časa za razgradnjo. Naloga se ukvarja tudi z možnimi alternativnimi rešitvami za to pereče vprašanje. V prvem poglavju je predstavljena problematika plastične embalaže. Pri tem smo se predvsem osredotočili na problem plastičnih vrečk HDPE (polietilen visoke gostote- vrečke, katere se uporabljajo za sadje, zelenjavo in mesne izde...



    Žižek, Tamara


    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Prepoznavnost plesnega ljudskega izročila pri osnovnošolcih sestavljata teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili ples na splošno ter ljudski ples, osredotočili smo se bolj podrobno na en slovenski ljudski ples, ki se imenuje štajeriš. Predstavili smo tudi poučevanje ljudskih plesov, kaj je pomembno za vodenje folklorne skupine, opisali oblačila, ki se imenujejo narodne noše, ter na kratko predstavili nekaj izbranih šeg in navad naših prednikov...

  15. Izvedljivost testa stoje na eni nogi na pritiskovni plošči pri dejavnih starejših


    Podvratnik, Jerica


    Uvod: Ravnotežje je potrebno za vzdrževanje stabilnega položaja med gibanjem, pri prehodih v različne položaje in med izvajanjem vsakodnevnih dejavnosti. Med teste za ocenjevanje sistemov ravnotežja spada modificiran test senzorične interakcije. S postopkom stabilometrije se s pomočjo pritiskovne plošče zabeleži gibanje središča pritiska. Za uporabno meritev je potrebno, da preiskovanec vzdržuje položaj vsaj 30 sekund. Namen: Z meritvami časa in gibanja središča pritiska pri testu stoje na en...

  16. Možnosti prihrankov električne energije pri cestni razsvetljavi, ki se prilagaja količini prometa




    V diplomskem delu sem predstavil način in predlog, kako zmanjšati stroške porabe električne energije in svetlobno onesnaževanje z javno razsvetljavo. Pri analizi podatkov sem si pomagal s programom MATLAB. Dobljene vrednosti sem nato obdelal v programskem orodju MS Excel. Na začetku najprej preletim zgodovino razvoja umetne razsvetljave in razvoja javne razsvetljave v Sloveniji in svetu. Za tem opišem veljavne zahteve glede javne razsvetljave in elemente, ki so upoštevani pri načrtovanju n...

  17. Regulation of pri-microRNA BIC transcription and processing in Burkitt lymphoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kluiver, J.; van den Berg, Anke; de Jong, Doetje; Blokzijl, T.; Harms, G.; Bouwman, E.; Jacobs, Susan; Poppema, Sibrand; Kroesen, Bart-Jan


    BIC is a primary microRNA (pri-miR-155) that can be processed to mature miR-155. In this study, we show the crucial involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) in the regulation of BIC expression upon B-cell receptor triggering. Surprisingly, Northern blot analysis



    Kumer, Monika


    V diplomskem delu Izražanje neprijetnih čustev pri predšolskih otrocih so podrobneje predstavljena naslednja neprijetna čustva: jeza, strah, žalost, sram, ljubosumje, gnus. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila čustva kot del duševnih procesov, pojem čustva definirala glede na različne avtorje in različne teorije ter opisala osnovne značilnosti čustev. Navedla sem, kako lahko čustva med seboj razlikujemo (afekti in razpoloženja, osnovna in sestavljena čustva oz. temeljna in kompleksna ...

  19. Pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism is associated with gastric cancer prognosis and might affect mature let-7a expression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Y


    Full Text Available Ying Li, Qian Xu, Jingwei Liu, Caiyun He, Quan Yuan, Chengzhong Xing, Yuan Yuan Tumor Etiology and Screening Department of Cancer Institute and General Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, and Key Laboratory of Cancer Etiology and Prevention (China Medical University, Liaoning Provincial Education Department, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China Abstract: The relationship between the pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism and gastric cancer (GC risk has been reported. However, the role of this polymorphism in the prognosis of GC remains largely elusive. Sequenom MassARRAY platform method and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism were used to investigate pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 G→A in 334 GC patients. Real-time PCR detected expression of mature let-7a in serum and tissue. Patients with AA or GA+AA genotypes of the pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism demonstrated significantly longer survival time than those with the wild GG genotype. Stratified analysis indicated that survival time was significantly longer in women with AA or GA+AA genotypes and in Borrmann type I/II patients with GA heterozygote or GA+AA genotypes. AA genotype was more frequent in the lymphatic-metastasis-negative subgroup. Serum mature let-7a expression in healthy people with the GA heterozygote and the GA+AA genotype was higher than in those with the GG genotype, and the difference remained significant in the female healthy subgroup. Pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism might be a biomarker for GC prognosis, especially for female and Borrmann type I/II patients. The pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism might affect serum mature let-7a expression, and partly explain the mechanism of the relationship between the pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism and GC survival. Keywords: miRNA, let-7a, polymorphism, gastric cancer, prognosis, expression



    Črnila, Marija


    V prvem delu naloge je prikazan poklic prodajalca pri nas. Delo se osredotoči na zdravstvene izostanke z dela v Sloveniji. V tem kontekstu so predstavljena posamezna teoretična izhodišča. Nakazane so ločnice med zdravstvenimi izostanki z dela in delodajalci. V osrednjem delu naloge je predstavljena strategija za promocijo zdravja v delovnem okolju, možnosti za zniževanje bolniškega staleža, Luksemburška deklaracija. Osvetljeno je vprašanje dimenzij zdravega življenjskega sloga. Z delom ...

  1. PRI leidt rupsen om de tuin: effect van tussenteelt en combinatieteelt op rupsen op spruitkool

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elderson, J.; Belder, den E.


    PRI onderzocht in spruitkool het effect van bloemstroken met bruine mosterd of klaver, ingezaaid om de zes rijen, op de aantallen rupsen en de samenstelling van de rupsenpopulatie gedurende het groeiseizoen. In het artikel ook een beschrijving en illustraties van de zes belangrijkste rupsensoorten

  2. The interaction effects of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 with PGC and ERCC6 gene polymorphisms in gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qian Xu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction effects of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 with pepsinogen C (PGC and excision repair cross complementing group 6 (ERCC6 gene polymorphisms and its association with the risks of gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis. We hoped to identify miRNA polymorphism or a combination of several polymorphisms that could serve as biomarkers for predicting the risk of gastric cancer and its precancerous diseases. METHODS: Sequenom MassARRAY platform method was used to detect polymorphisms of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 G → A, PGC rs4711690 C → G, PGC rs6458238 G → A, PGC rs9471643 G → C, and ERCC6 rs1917799 in 471 gastric cancer patients, 645 atrophic gastritis patients and 717 controls. RESULTS: An interaction effect of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism with ERCC6 rs1917799 polymorphism was observed for the risk of gastric cancer (P interaction = 0.026; and interaction effects of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism with PGC rs6458238 polymorphism (P interaction = 0.012 and PGC rs9471643 polymorphism (P interaction = 0.039 were observed for the risk of atrophic gastritis. CONCLUSION: The combination of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism and ERCC6 and PGC polymorphisms could provide a greater prediction potential than a single polymorphism on its own. Large-scale studies and molecular mechanism research are needed to confirm our findings.

  3. Zeaxanthin-independent energy quenching and alternative electron sinks cause a decoupling of the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and photosynthesis in an evergreen conifer during spring. (United States)

    Fréchette, Emmanuelle; Wong, Christopher Y S; Junker, Laura Verena; Chang, Christine Yao-Yun; Ensminger, Ingo


    In evergreen conifers, the winter down-regulation of photosynthesis and its recovery during spring are the result of a reorganization of the chloroplast and adjustments of energy-quenching mechanisms. These phenological changes may remain undetected by remote sensing, as conifers retain green foliage during periods of photosynthetic down-regulation. The aim was to assess if the timing of the spring recovery of photosynthesis and energy-quenching characteristics are accurately monitored by the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) in the evergreen conifer Pinus strobus. The recovery of photosynthesis was studied using chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf gas exchange, leaf spectral reflectance, and photosynthetic pigment measurements. To assess if climate change might affect the recovery of photosynthesis, seedlings were exposed to cold spring conditions or warm spring conditions with elevated temperature. An early spring decoupling of the relationship between photosynthesis and PRI in both treatments was observed. This was caused by differences between the timing of the recovery of photosynthesis and the timing of carotenoid and chlorophyll pool size adjustments which are the main factors controlling PRI during spring. It was also demonstrated that zeaxanthin-independent NPQ mechanisms undetected by PRI further contributed to the early spring decoupling of the PRI-LUE relationship. An important mechanism undetected by PRI seems to involve increased electron transport around photosystem I, which was a significant energy sink during the entire spring transition, particularly in needles exposed to a combination of high light and cold temperatures. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

  4. Povratna informacija pri matematičnih domačih nalogah


    Žitko, Urša


    V diplomskem delu je predstavljena povratna informacija pri matematičnih domačih nalogah. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene domače naloge: njihova zgodovina, namen in več klasifikacij vrst domačih nalog. Domače naloge so namenjene učencem, da z njimi usvojijo in utrdijo obravnavano snov. Domača naloga učencem omogoča učenje uporabe postopkov, ki jih že poznajo, in pridobivanje novih spretnosti za nadaljnje razumevanje snovi. Z rednim pisanjem domačih nalog se učenci naučijo vestnega in sam...

  5. Identification and analysis of genetic variations in pri-miRNAs expressed specifically or at a high level in sheep skeletal muscle.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Zhang

    Full Text Available MicroRNAs (miRNAs are key regulators in miRNA-mediated gene regulatory networks and play important roles in many biological processes, such as growth and development of mammals. In this study, we used microarrays to detect 261 miRNAs that are expressed in sheep skeletal muscle. We found 22 miRNAs that showed high levels of expression and equated to 89% of the total miRNA. Genetic variations in these 22 pri-miRNAs were further investigated using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP and sequencing. A total of 49 genetic variations, which included 41 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs and 8 deletions/insertions, were identified in four sheep breeds. Three variations were further researched in a larger sample set, including five sheep breeds with different meat production performances. We found that the genotype and allele frequencies of the CCC deletion/insertion in pri-miR-133a were significantly related to the sheep meat production trait. Finally, cell assays and quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR were employed to investigate the effect of pri-miRNA genetic variation on the miRNA biogenesis process. The results confirmed that genetic variations can influence miRNA biogenesis and increase or decrease the levels of mature miRNAs, in accordance with the energy and stability change of hair-pin secondary structures. Our findings will help to further the understanding of the functions of genetic variations in sheep pri-miRNAs in skeletal muscle growth and development.

  6. Uporaba animiranih filmov in risank pri poučevanju naravoslovnih tematik


    Jeraj, Tina; Susman, Katarina


    Otroci se z risankami srečujejo že zelo zgodaj, tako v domačem kot v učnem okolju. Uporaba animiranih filmov pri pouku predstavlja motivacijsko orodje, poleg tega pa se ob premišljenem izboru risanke in spremljevalnih dejavnosti učenci tudi učijo. V prispevku je predstavljena raziskava o zastopanosti naravoslovnih tematik in naravoslovnih spodrsljajev (napak, ki so v nasprotju z realnostjo) v naboru risank, ki so trenutno aktualne med učenci. V okviru pedagoške raziskave smo v skupini tretješ...

  7. Miselni procesi pri tekačih na ultramaratonskih preizkušnjah


    Ahac, Urška


    Cilj diplomskega dela je bil izluščiti glavne miselne vzorce in vodila rekreativnih tekačev na dolge proge. Pri razdaljah, ki segajo v dvakratni maraton in več, je potrebna izdatna mera samomotivacije, slednja pa lahko izvira iz pozitivnih prepričanj ali pa negativnih preteklih travm posameznika. Vsi, ki tečejo na daljše razdalje, imajo za seboj močan psihološki vzvod in naš namen je bil slednje poiskati ter podrobneje opisati. V tem projektu so povzeti rezultati nekaterih raziskav, ki so...

  8. Anksioznost učencev 6. razreda osnovne šole pri pouku angleščine kot tujega jezika v povezavi z njihovo učno uspešnostjo


    Praček, Anja


    Magistrsko delo obravnava anksioznost šestošolcev pri pouku angleščine kot tujega jezika v povezavi z njihovo učno uspešnostjo pri pouku angleščine. Pouk angleščine se v marsičem razlikuje od drugih šolskih predmetov in prav ta posebna učna situacija lahko pri učencih izzove anksioznost. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je s pomočjo literature na kratko predstavljena trenutna situacija poučevanja in učenja angleščine v slovenskih javnih...

  9. Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus Primosomal DnaD Protein: Highly Conserved C-Terminal Region Is Crucial for ssDNA and PriA Helicase Binding but Not for DnaA Protein-Binding and Self-Tetramerization.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yen-Hua Huang

    Full Text Available The role of DnaD in the recruitment of replicative helicase has been identified. However, knowledge of the DNA, PriA, and DnaA binding mechanism of this protein for the DnaA- and PriA-directed replication primosome assemblies is limited. We characterized the DNA-binding properties of DnaD from Staphylococcus aureus (SaDnaD and analyzed its interactions with SaPriA and SaDnaA. The gel filtration chromatography analysis of purified SaDnaD and its deletion mutant proteins (SaDnaD1-195, SaDnaD1-200 and SaDnaD1-204 showed a stable tetramer in solution. This finding indicates that the C-terminal region aa 196-228 is not crucial for SaDnaD oligomerization. SaDnaD forms distinct complexes with ssDNA of different lengths. In fluorescence titrations, SaDnaD bound to ssDNA with a binding-site size of approximately 32 nt. A stable complex of SaDnaD1-195, SaDnaD1-200, and SaDnaD1-204 with ssDNA dT40 was undetectable, indicating that the C-terminal region of SaDnaD (particularly aa 205-228 is crucial for ssDNA binding. The SPR results revealed that SaDnaD1-195 can interact with SaDnaA but not with SaPriA, which may indicate that DnaD has different binding sites for PriA and DnaA. Both SaDnaD and SaDnaDY176A mutant proteins, but not SaDnaD1-195, can significantly stimulate the ATPase activity of SaPriA. Hence, the stimulation effect mainly resulted from direct contact within the protein-protein interaction, not via the DNA-protein interaction. Kinetic studies revealed that the SaDnaD-SaPriA interaction increases the Vmax of the SaPriA ATPase fivefold without significantly affecting the Km. These results indicate that the conserved C-terminal region is crucial for ssDNA and PriA helicase binding, but not for DnaA protein-binding and self-tetramerization.

  10. Replication restart in UV-irradiated Escherichia coli involving pols II, III, V, PriA, RecA and RecFOR proteins. (United States)

    Rangarajan, Savithri; Woodgate, Roger; Goodman, Myron F


    In Escherichia coli, UV-irradiated cells resume DNA synthesis after a transient inhibition by a process called replication restart. To elucidate the role of several key proteins involved in this process, we have analysed the time dependence of replication restart in strains carrying a combination of mutations in lexA, recA, polB (pol II), umuDC (pol V), priA, dnaC, recF, recO or recR. We find that both pol II and the origin-independent primosome-assembling function of PriA are essential for the immediate recovery of DNA synthesis after UV irradiation. In their absence, translesion replication or 'replication readthrough' occurs approximately 50 min after UV and is pol V-dependent. In a wild-type, lexA+ background, mutations in recF, recO or recR block both pathways. Similar results were obtained with a lexA(Def) recF strain. However, lexA(Def) recO or lexA(Def) recR strains, although unable to facilitate PriA-pol II-dependent restart, were able to perform pol V-dependent readthrough. The defects in restart attributed to mutations in recF, recO or recR were suppressed in a recA730 lexA(Def) strain expressing constitutively activated RecA (RecA*). Our data suggest that in a wild-type background, RecF, O and R are important for the induction of the SOS response and the formation of RecA*-dependent recombination intermediates necessary for PriA/Pol II-dependent replication restart. In con-trast, only RecF is required for the activation of RecA that leads to the formation of pol V (UmuD'2C) and facilitates replication readthrough.



    Rogač, Vida


    Astronomija je veda, ki je spremljala že pračloveka. Ljudje so se že od nekdaj orientirali po zvezdah. Dandanes astronomije, razen znanstvenih raziskovanj, ne uporabljamo več v tovrstne namene, ampak je ta za večino le hobi. Ljudje se ozirajo v nebo in poskušajo prepoznati objekte, ki jih lahko opazijo na nebu. Pri tem si lahko s pomočjo novih tehnologij pomagamo kar sami. Poiščemo ustrezen računalniški program ali mobilno aplikacijo, ki nam točno poimenuje svetlo piko na nočnem nebu, ki jo o...



    Ekart, Matej


    V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali mikrokrmilniški modul Arduino. Opisali smo strojno opremo modela Uno, ki ga uporabljamo v praktičnem delu, ter predstavili osnovne karakteristike ostalih modelov. V nadaljevanju smo spoznali odprtokodno razvojno okolje Arduino in Arduino programski jezik. V praktičnem delu smo preverili, kako se odprtokodna platforma Arduino izkaže v praksi. Razvili smo avtomatski sistem za samodejno zalivanje, pri čemer smo uporabili številne dodatne komponente, ki smo ji...

  13. Annotating and quantifying pri-miRNA transcripts using RNA-Seq data of wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Lepe-Soltero


    Full Text Available The genome annotation for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana does not include the primary transcripts from which MIRNAs are processed. Here we present and analyze the raw mRNA sequencing data from wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of A. thaliana, ecotype Columbia. Because SERRATE is required for pri-miRNA processing, these precursors accumulate in serrate-1 mutants, facilitating their detection using standard RNA-Seq protocols. We first use the mapping of the RNA-Seq reads to the reference genome to annotate the potential primary transcripts of MIRNAs expressed in the embryo. We then quantify these pri-miRNAs in wild type and serrate-1 mutants. Finally, we use differential expression analysis to determine which are up-regulated in serrate-1 compared to wild type, to select the best candidates for bona fide pri-miRNAs expressed in the globular stage embryos. In addition, we analyze a previously published RNA-Seq dataset of wild type and dicer-like 1 mutant embryos at the globular stage [1]. Our data are interpreted and discussed in a separate article [2].

  14. Annotating and quantifying pri-miRNA transcripts using RNA-Seq data of wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Lepe-Soltero, Daniel; Armenta-Medina, Alma; Xiang, Daoquan; Datla, Raju; Gillmor, C Stewart; Abreu-Goodger, Cei


    The genome annotation for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana does not include the primary transcripts from which MIRNAs are processed. Here we present and analyze the raw mRNA sequencing data from wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of A. thaliana , ecotype Columbia. Because SERRATE is required for pri-miRNA processing, these precursors accumulate in serrate-1 mutants, facilitating their detection using standard RNA-Seq protocols. We first use the mapping of the RNA-Seq reads to the reference genome to annotate the potential primary transcripts of MIRNAs expressed in the embryo. We then quantify these pri-miRNAs in wild type and serrate-1 mutants. Finally, we use differential expression analysis to determine which are up-regulated in serrate-1 compared to wild type, to select the best candidates for bona fide pri-miRNAs expressed in the globular stage embryos. In addition, we analyze a previously published RNA-Seq dataset of wild type and dicer-like 1 mutant embryos at the globular stage [1]. Our data are interpreted and discussed in a separate article [2].

  15. A pulsed fast reactor; Un reacteur pulse a neutrons rapides; Impul'snyj reaktor na bystrykh nejtronakh; Reactor rapido pulsado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blokhin, G. E.; Blokhintsev, D. I.; Blyumkina, Yu. A.; Bondarenko, I. I.; Deryagin, B. N.; Zajmovskij, A. S.; Zinov' ev, V. P.; Kazachkovskij, O. D.; Krasnoyarov, N. V.; Lejpunskij, A. I.; Malykh, V. A.; Nazarov, P. M.; Nikolaev, S. K.; Stavisskij, Yu. Ya.; Ukraintsev, F. I.; Frank, I. M.; Shapiro, F. Ji.; Yazvitskij, Yu. S. [Akademiya Nauk, Moscow, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    los impulsos de potencia. Asimismo, se efectuaron mediciones del periodo de los neutrones instantaneos, de la fraccion efectiva de neutrones retardados y de los coeficientes de variacion de la reactividad en funcion de la temperatura. (author) [Russian] Impul'snyj reaktor na bystrykh nejtronakh (IBR) rabotaet na nominal'noj moshchnosti v Obedinennom institute yadernykh issledovanij s dekabrya 1960 goda. Reaktor ispol'zuetsya v kachestve impul'snogo istochnika nejtronov dlya fizicheskikh ehksperimentov, provodimykh metodom vremeni proleta. Provodyatsya izmereniya polnogo secheniya, secheniya zakhvata dlya promezhutochnykh nejtronov, issledo- vaniya vzaimodejstviya medlennykh nejtronov s tverdym telom i s zhidkost'yu, izmereniya spektrov nejtronov, ustanavlivayushchikhs ya v. razlichnykh sredakh. V doklade opisany osnovy konstruktsii reaktora i rezul'taty ego issledovanij. Osnovnoj rezhim raboty reaktora-rezhim periodicheskikh impul'sov. Impul'sy moshchnosti voznikayut pri bystrom peremeshchenii podvizhnoj chasti aktivnoj zony reaktora cherez ego nepodvizhnuyu zonu. Podvizhnaya chast' aktivnoj zony zakreplena vo vrashchayushchemsya diske i dvizhetsya so skorost'yu-230 m/sek. Chastota impul'sov moshchnosti mozhet izmenyat'sya s pomoshch'yu vspomogatel'noj podvizhnoj zony v diapazone 2,3-88 im/sek. Srednyaya moshchnost' reaktora - 1 kvt. Polushirina impul'sa moshchnosti - 36 mksek. Reaktor snabzhen sistemoj upravleniya i zashchity, obespechivayushchej avtomaticheskoe podderzhanie srednej moshchnosti reaktora i ego bystruyu ostanovku v sluchae narusheniya rezhima. Reaktor snabzhen sistemoj vakuumirovanny kh nektronovodov, ispol'zuemykh v ehksperimentakh po vremeni proleta. Glavnyj nejtronovod imeet dlinu 1000 m. V protsesse puska i fizicheskikh issledovanij reaktora izuchalos' vliyanie peremeshcheniya organov regulirovaniya i podvizhnykh chastej aktivnoj zony na reaktivnost', izmeryalas' dlitel'nost' impul'sa pri razlichnykh rezhimakh raboty reaktora, izuchalis

  16. Vloga medicinske sestre pri skrbi za otroka z očesno protezo


    Lukić, Maja


    Uvod: Retinoblastom je najpogostejši maligni tumor, ki se velikokrat pojavi v otroški dobi. Bolezen je sicer redka, a zelo nevarna, saj lahko uniči tako otrokovo oko kot tudi njegov vid. Pomembna je hitra prepoznava tega nevarnega tumorja, takojšna diagnostika in zdravljenje. Večje tveganje za nastanek retinoblastoma obstaja pri otrocih, katerih bolezen se je v družini že pojavila. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature ugotoviti, na kakšen način in kako lahko medicins...

  17. Monitoring phenology of photosynthesis in temperate evergreen and mixed deciduous forests using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) at leaf and canopy scales (United States)

    Wong, C. Y.; Arain, M. A.; Ensminger, I.


    Evergreen conifers in boreal and temperate regions undergo strong seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperatures, which determines their phenology of high photosynthetic activity in the growing season and downregulation during the winter. Monitoring the timing of the transition between summer activity and winter downregulation in evergreens is difficult since this is a largely invisible process, unlike in deciduous trees that have a visible budding and a sequence of leaf unfolding in the spring and leaf abscission in the fall. The light-use efficiency (LUE) model estimates gross primary productivity (GPP) and may be parameterized using remotely sensed vegetation indices. Using spectral reflectance data, we derived the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), a measure of leaf "greenness", and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), a proxy for chlorophyll:carotenoid ratios which is related to photosynthetic activity. To better understand the relationship between these vegetation indices and photosynthetic activity and to contrast this relationship between plant functional types, the phenology of NDVI, PRI and photosynthesis was monitored in an evergreen forest and a mixed deciduous forest at the leaf and canopy scale. Our data indicates that the LUE model can be parameterized by NDVI and PRI to track forest phenology. Differences in the sensitivity of PRI and NDVI will be discussed. These findings have implications to address the phenology of evergreen conifers by using PRI to complement NDVI in the LUE model, potentially improving model productivity estimates in northern hemisphere forests, that are dominated by conifers.

  18. La mort d’un couple : prière(s) et vie publiques Death of a couple: prayer(s) and public life


    Mathieu Touzeil-Divina


    Si, avant la Loi du 5 décembre 1905, les Eglises et l’Etat concrétisaient matériellement leurs liens étroits par des rites officiels nommés prières publiques, ceux-ci sont censés avoir été supprimés depuis. C’est l’histoire de cette suppression (après en avoir retenu une définition) qui est ici envisagée à travers trois secteurs cardinaux de l’action administrative : la vie universitaire, parlementaire et judiciaire. Dans ces trois hypothèses les prières publiques ont été supprimées de façon ...

  19. Developmentally regulated expression and complex processing of barley pri-microRNAs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kruszka Katarzyna


    Full Text Available Abstract Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs regulate gene expression via mRNA cleavage or translation inhibition. In spite of barley being a cereal of great economic importance, very little data is available concerning its miRNA biogenesis. There are 69 barley miRNA and 67 pre-miRNA sequences available in the miRBase (release 19. However, no barley pri-miRNA and MIR gene structures have been shown experimentally. In the present paper, we examine the biogenesis of selected barley miRNAs and the developmental regulation of their pri-miRNA processing to learn more about miRNA maturation in barely. Results To investigate the organization of barley microRNA genes, nine microRNAs - 156g, 159b, 166n, 168a-5p/168a-3p, 171e, 397b-3p, 1120, and 1126 - were selected. Two of the studied miRNAs originate from one MIR168a-5p/168a-3p gene. The presence of all miRNAs was confirmed using a Northern blot approach. The miRNAs are encoded by genes with diverse organizations, representing mostly independent transcription units with or without introns. The intron-containing miRNA transcripts undergo complex splicing events to generate various spliced isoforms. We identified miRNAs that were encoded within introns of the noncoding genes MIR156g and MIR1126. Interestingly, the intron that encodes miR156g is spliced less efficiently than the intron encoding miR1126 from their specific precursors. miR397b-3p was detected in barley as a most probable functional miRNA, in contrast to rice where it has been identified as a complementary partner miRNA*. In the case of miR168a-5p/168a-3p, we found the generation of stable, mature molecules from both pre-miRNA arms, confirming evolutionary conservation of the stability of both species, as shown in rice and maize. We suggest that miR1120, located within the 3′ UTR of a protein-coding gene and described as a functional miRNA in wheat, may represent a siRNA generated from a mariner-like transposable element. Conclusions Seven of the

  20. Diffusion Parameters of BeO by the Pulsed Neutron Method; Calcul des Parametres de Diffusion de BeO par la Methode des Neutrons Pulses; Opredelenie diffuzionnykh parametrov BeO s pomoshch'yu metoda impul'snykh nejtronov; Determinacion de los Parametros de Difusion en el BeO por el Metodo de los Neutrones Pulsados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joshi, B. V.; Nargundkar, V. R.; Subbarao, K. [Atomic Energy Establishment Trombay, Bombay (India)


    la constante de decrecimiento, fue posible tener en cuenta toda actividad de fondo constante. Para evitar armonicos temporales se prescindio de los laplacianos de valor muy elevado. Se elimino el efecto de todo contenido armonico remanente mediante el empleo de un retardo adecuado. Se determino, para varios laplacianos, la constante de decrecimiento del modo fundamental de la poblacion de neutrones termicos. Los autores examinan las condiciones que han de satisfacerse para determinar con precision la constante C de enfriamiento por difusion. Los valores obtenidos para el BeO fueron los siguientes: {lambda}{sub 0} = constante de absorcion = 156, 02 {+-} 4,37 s{sup -1}, D = coeficiente de difusion = (1,3334 {+-} 0,0128) * 10{sup 5} cm{sup 2}/s, C = constante de enfriamiento por difusion = (-4,8758 {+-} 0,5846) * 10{sup 5} cm{sup 4}/s. Los autores calcularon el efecto de despreciar la influencia del termino B{sup 6} sobre la determinacion de los parametros de difusion, demostrando que es considerable. Atribuyen a ese efecto la persistente discrepancia entre los valores de C obtenido para el mismo moderador por distintos investigadores. (author) [Russian] Opisyvaetsja primenenie metoda impul'snyh nejtronov dlja toch- nogo opredelenija diffuzionnyh parametrov zamedlitelej. S pomoshh'ju jetogo metoda byli polucheny diffuzionnye parametry VeO. Impul'sy nejtronov poluchalis' s pomoshh'ju kas- kadnogo uskoritelja v rezul'tate pul'sirovanija istochnika ionov i ispol'zovanija reakcii Be (d, n). Detektorom sluzhil proporcional'nyj schetchik iz obogashhennogo grehftoristogo bora. Pokazano, chto pri pravil'nom vybore polozhenija i dliny schetchika, a takzhe polozhenija istochnika, mozhno ustranit' bol'shuju chast' prostranstvennyh garmonik. Ljuboj postojannyj fon mozhet byt' uchten pri raschete postojannoj raspada. Chtoby izbezhat' vremennyh garmo- nik, ochen' bol'shie laplasiany ne ispol'zovalis'. Vse ostavshiesja garmoniki byli svedeny na net blagodarja ispol'zovaniju pravil

  1. Simbolika dogajalnega prostora v Matkovi Tini, Sreči in Krstu pri Savici:


    Božič, Zoran


    The typical settings in Matkova Tina, Sreča (Happiness) and Krst pri Savici (The Baptism by the Savica) is locations near a water. Water symbolically bathes away guilt of the central characters, i.e. the innkeeper's Tina, Strežkova Tinka and Črtomir, who all yearned for love but ended up as outcasts and doers of action with fatal consequences. Tina, Tinka and Črtomir did the stations along the river Soča. The river is marked by the figure of the Christian saint John Nepomuce, protector agains...

  2. A pri-miR-218 variant and risk of cervical carcinoma in Chinese women

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Ting-Yan; Cheng, Xi; Wu, Xiaohua; Wei, Qingyi; Chen, Xiao-Jun; Zhu, Mei-Ling; Wang, Meng-Yun; He, Jing; Yu, Ke-Da; Shao, Zhi-Ming; Sun, Meng-Hong; Zhou, Xiao-Yan


    MicroRNA (miRNA)-related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may compromise miRNA binding affinity and modify mRNA expression levels of the target genes, thus leading to cancer susceptibility. However, few studies have investigated roles of miRNA-related SNPs in the etiology of cervical carcinoma. In this case–control study of 1,584 cervical cancer cases and 1,394 cancer-free female controls, we investigated associations between two miR-218-related SNPs involved in the LAMB3-miR-218 pathway and the risk of cervical carcinoma in Eastern Chinese women. We found that the pri-miR-218 rs11134527 variant GG genotype was significantly associated with a decreased risk of cervical carcinoma compared with AA/AG genotypes (adjusted OR=0.77, 95% CI=0.63-0.95, P=0.015). However, this association was not observed for the miR-218 binding site SNP (rs2566) on LAMB3. Using the multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis, we observed some evidence of interactions of these two SNPs with other risk factors, especially age at primiparity and menopausal status, in the risk of cervical carcinoma. The pri-miR-218 rs11134527 SNP was significantly associated with the risk of cervical carcinoma in Eastern Chinese women. Larger, independent studies are warranted to validate our findings

  3. Cyrillic alphabet as the designation of national identity among students of University of Priština with temporary head office in Kosovska Mitrovica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miketić Sanja D.


    Full Text Available The relationship between culture and nationality and in that sense - national identity of a particular community - is a known thing for a long time. Nationality is usually strongly connected to culture. We will only mention few of their joint characteristics: language, religion, art, customs, tradition etc. In this article special attention will be paid to one of the features of national identity - language - and we will focus on the usage of Cyrillic alphabet of our target group (students of University of Priština, with temporary head office in Kosovska Mitrovica. The study consists of two smaller researches. In the first part we explored reactions of students at University of Priština and we assumed that they will have different reactions towards Cyrillic alphabet and Latin alphabet used as stimuli-words comparing to pupils of Belgrade and Zrenjanin high schools and students of University of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš presented in The associative dictionary of Serbian language (Asocjativni rečnik srpskog jezika, 2005. In the second part we tried to find out if our informants prefer the usage of Cyrillic or Latin alphabet, and which one they find better in the esthetic sense. We compared attitudes of students who enroll University of Priština to attitudes of students who enroll University of Belgrade and differences between their attitudes. With both researches we wanted to see if there are formed verbal stereotypes with positive or negative connotation, and what are the attitudes on using Cyrillic alphabet among students in the age of expansion of Latin alphabet. We concluded that Cyrillic alphabet is more used and valued at University of Priština than in the rest of Republic of Serbia and the reason for that might be the stronger sense of national identity among these students.

  4. Pulse-form discrimination in organic scintillation crystals; Discrimination d'apres la forme de l'impulsion dans les cristaux organiques de scintillation; Diskriminatsiya formy impul'sov v organicheskikh stsintillyatsionnykh kristallakh; Discriminacion de la forma de los impulsos en los cristales de compuestos organicos para contadores de centelleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Vries, L J; Udo, F [Instituut voor Kernphysisch Onderzoek, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    ) [Spanish] Los autores presentan un circuito de discriminacion proton-electron basado en las diferencias de forma entre los impulsos de centelleo luminosos producidos por los protones y por los electrones, respectivamente, en los cristales de estilbeno. El circuito es estable y es capaz de distinguir los impulsos de protones de los electrones hasta con energias de protones de solamente 300 keV. El circuito discriminador, compuesto unicamente de elementos lineales, es sensible a errores inducidos por apilonamiento durante 0,1 {mu}s solamente, a partir de la llegada de un impulso. El circuito descrito se aplico en un espectrometro para neutrones de 1 a 30 MeV, basado en el retroceso de protones entre dos cristales de estilbeno. Se alcanzo un poder de resolucion de 10 por ciento, para una energia neutronica de 14 MeV, con un rendimiento de deteccion de 1,3 {center_dot} 10{sup -4}. Se podria usar un monitor neutronico basado tambien en un sistema de discriminacion lineal de la forma de los impulsos para medir una dosis neutronica igual al 10% de la dosis maxima admisible, en presencia de un flujo {gamma} cuatro veces mayor que la dosis maxima admisible. (author) [Russian] Opisyvaetsya kontur diskriminatsii protonov-ehlektronov, osnovannyj na raznitse formy stsintillyatsionnykh svetovykh impul'sov, navedennykh v stil'bene sootvetstvenno protonami i ehlektronami. EHtot kontur ustojchiv i otlichaet impul'sy protonov ot impul'sov ehlektronov dazhe pri padenii ehnergii protonov do 300 kehv. Diskriminiruyushchij kontur, sostoyashchij isklyuchitel'no iz linejnykh ehlementov, chuvstvitelen k obrazuyushchimsya iz-za nakopleniya oshibkam tol'ko v techenie 0,1 mikro-sekundy posle postupleniya impul'sa. Opisyvaemyj kontur byl ispol'zovan v spektrometre dlya nejtronov s ehnergiyami 1-30 mehv, osnovannom na otdache protonov mezhdu dvumya kristallami stil'bena. Pri ehnergii nejtronov v 14 mehv bylo polucheno ikh razreshenie s tochnost'yu do 10%, pri ehffektivnosti detektirovaniya v 1,3 x 10

  5. PRI 3.1: Electrolyte membrane fuel cells (Co-PACEM), final report (july 2002 to june 2004); PRI 3.1: Coeurs de piles a combustible a electrolyte membrane (Co-PACEM), rapport final (juillet 2002 a juin 2004)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamy, C.


    The researches realized in the PRI Co-PACEM aim to improve the operating of the core of the electrolyte membrane fuel cells, at low temperature in order to minimize the high voltage of the electro-chemical reactions, to decrease the cost of the membrane, to improve the properties (conductivity, mechanical and thermal stability...) and to optimize the transport of heat and reactive. The document presents the research programs. (A.L.B.)


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    D. Gene Pace


    Full Text Available Throughout most of the twentieth century; Mexico’s political and economic policies were heavily influenced by the Partido Revolucionario Institutional (PRI. The landmark 1998 victory by Vicente Fox, the first presidential candidate in seven decades to win without the official sanction of the PRI,marked an important milestone in Mexican history; Octavio Paz, an eloquent proponent of political, economic, and social reform, sought for decades to inspire change. This paper seeks to illuminate Paz’s economic philosophy, and to demonstrate how the acclaimed writer, through courageous symbolic action coupled with an inimitable and potent pen, challenged the PRI’s hegemony in Mexico and contributed to the historic election he almost lived to celebrate (an elderly Paz died shortly before the historic 1998 election.“The Aztec ritual of 2 October [1968] in the Plaza de Tlatelolco. . . convinced me to abandon the Mexican Foreign Service.”“October 2, 1968 ended the student movement. It also ended an era in thehistory of Mexico.”

  7. Vías de señalización en enfermedades priónicas


    Rodríguez Fernández, Agustí


    Las enfermedades priónicas, también conocidas como EETs (Encefalopatías Espongiformes Transmisibles), son un grupo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas fatales que, debido a su transmisibilidad potencial han tenido un gran impacto social, político y económico en las últimas décadas. Las EETs afectan a los humanos y a algunos grupos de animales, presentan largos períodos de incubación y producen la muerte pocos meses después de la aparición de la sintomatología clínica. Su origen se atribuye a ...

  8. Uporaba JavaEE mikrostoritev pri razvoju celovite rešitve za upravljanje s spletnimi oglasi




    Diplomska naloga govori o procesu razvijanja celovite rešitve za sledenje in upravljanje s spletnimi oglasi, kot pomoč uporabniku pri nakupu želenega izdelka. Končni izdelek diplomske naloge je rešitev, ki je sestavljena iz spletne aplikacije, mobilne aplikacije, razširitve v spletnem brskalniku ter zalednega sistema. Diploma poleg idejne zasnove predstavlja tudi uporabo JavaEE mikrostoritev in ostalih tehnologij ter argumentira, zakaj so izbrani okvirji najprimernejši za takšno rešitev. Cilj...

  9. Pulsed-Source Experiments with Multiplying and Non-Multiplying Heavy Water Systems; Experiences a l'Aide de Sources Pulsees sur des Systemes Multiplicateurs et Non Multiplicateurs a Eau Lourde; Ehksperimenty s pul'siruyushchim istochnikom na nerazmnozhayushchikh i razmnozhayushchikh ustrojstvakh s tyazheloj vodoj; Experimentos con Fuentes Pulsadas en Sistemas de Agua Pesada Multiplicadores y No Multiplicadores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Utzinger, E.; Heer, W.; Lutz, H. R. [Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research, Wuerenlingen (Switzerland)


    {sub 2}O. Los autores comparan los valores experimentales con los parametros de la teoria dedos grupos y examinan seguidamente las limitaciones de esta tecnica. Ademas, midieron directamente, utilizando los datos proporcionados por la 'cola' de neutrones retardados de los impulsos, los valores de la reactividad en sistemas acusadamente subcriticos con p Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To -40 dolares. Estos resultados concuerdan satisfactoriamente con los de las mediciones estaticas. (author) [Russian] Na podkriticheskom ustrojstve MINOR Shvejcarskogo federal'nogo instituta po reaktornym issledovanijam v Wuerenlingen osushhestvlena shirokaja programma izmerenij pri pomoshhi pul'sirujushhego istochnika tipa {sup 3}T(d,n){sup 4}He. Provedeny tri kategorii jeksperimentov dlja izmerenija: a) konstant raspada mgnovennyh nejtronov v estestvennyh i slegka obogashhennyh re- shetkah; b) urovnja reaktivnosti v podkriticheskom sostojanii pri pomoshhi raspada mgnovennyh nejtronov i hvostov zamedlennyh nejtronov v estestvennyh i slegka obogashhennyh reshetkah; i v) anizotropii diffuzionnoj konstanty teplovyh nejtronov v tjazheloj vode s pogruzhen- nym v nee raznym kolichestvom parallel'no raspolozhennyh pustyh trubok raznyh razmerov. Dlja kazhdogo ustrojstva potok teplovyh nejtronov, zavisjashhij ot vremeni, izmerjali v razlichnyh polozhenijah po vysote dlja poluchenija konstant raspada mgnovennyh nejtronov dlja razlichnyh osevyh laplasianov (analiz Fur'e) bez izmenenija vysoty dejstvitel'nogo urovnja tjazheloj vody. Jeksperimental'nye znachenija sravnivajutsja s teoreticheskimi dvu- gruppovymi parametrami. Obsuzhdajutsja nedostatki jetogo metoda. 'dopolnenie k jetomu putem ispol'zovanija hvosta zamedlennyh pul'sirujushhih nejtronov neposredstvennym obra- zom byla izmerena reaktivnost' v sil'no podkriticheskih sistemah s p Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To -40$. Rezul'taty sravnivajutsja so statisticheskimi izmerenijami, i oni dajut ves'ma horoshee sovpadenie. (author)

  10. Vloga medicinske sestre pri nefarmakološki obravnavi otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo


    Močnik, Anja


    Uvod: Motnja pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo spada v skupino vedenjskih in čustvenih motenj. Odkrita je pri približno 3 do 5 % šoloobveznih otrok. Trije osnovni simptomi so pomanjkljiva in zlahka odvrnljiva pozornost, impulzivnost in hiperaktivnost. Med dejavnike nastanka štejemo biokemične, genetske in nevrološke, diagnosticiranje pa poteka na podlagi simptomov. Kompleksnost problema zahteva celosten pristop, zavračanje farmakološkega zdravljenja s strani nekaterih posameznikov pa nas spodbuja...

  11. Data Evaluation Problems in the Pulsed Neutron Source Method; Problemes d'Evaluation des Donnees dans les Applications de la Methode de la Source Pulsee; Problemy otsenki dannykh pri primenenii metoda istochnika impul'snykh nejtronov; Problemas de Evaluacion de Datos en el Metodo de la Fuente de Neutrones Pulsados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pal, L.; Bod, L.; Szatmary, Z. [Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Hungary)


    muy importante determinar directamente el parametro caracteristico del fondo, partiendo de los datos de desin tegracion obtenidos empleando diversas demoras. Los parametros de difusion se calcularon con el metodo de los cuadrados minimos ponderados, empleando las constantes de desintegracion de desviacion tipo minima obtenidas segun la funcion de maxima probabilidad. Como no se conocian los valores del recorrido libre medio de transporte para los materiales investigados, se ideo un procedimiento de iteracion rapidamente convergente para determinarlo. Con la calculadora se pudieron determinar los coeficientes de orden B{sup 6} y los terminos superiores de la constante de desintegracion. Los parametros de difusion de los materiales hidrogenados investigados se calcularon con la formula de Radkowsky, partiendo de la variacion de las secciones eficaces integrales de dispersion en funcion de la energia. Los calculos demuestran que la formula de Radkowsky proporciona un metodo empirico muy util para evaluar el recorrido libre medio de transporte en gran numero de materiales hidrogenados. (author) [Russian] Dlja opredelenija diffuzionnyh parametrov teplovyh nejtronov uzhe bolee desjati let primenjaetsja impul'snyj metod. Jetot metod okazalsja ves'ma podhodjashhim dlja issledovanija gidrogennyh zamedlitelej. Soobshhajutsja rezul'taty izmerenij v vode, benzole, toluole, ksilon-ciklogeksane, n-geksane i difenile; obsuzhdajutsja metody, s po- moshh'ju kotoryh na osnovanii izmerennyh dannyh s naimen'shej pogreshnost'ju mozhno opre- delit' parametry diffuzii, predstavljajushhie interes. Vvidu togo, chto pri issledovanii zamedlitelej pri vysokih temperaturah vstrechajutsja zatrudnenija tehnicheskogo haraktera iz-za projavlenija vozdejstvija vremeni proleta, chto oka- zyvaet vlijanie na velichinu konstanty raspada, to jeto javlenie podrobno issleduetsja kak teoreticheski, tak i jeksperimental'no; ukazyvajutsja geometricheskie uslovija, dajushhie voz- mozhnost' obespechit

  12. Les prières et le droit. Considérations d’une sociologue Prayers and the Law. Reflections of a sociologist

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    Régine Azria


    Full Text Available Les points de rencontre entre prière et droit sont nombreux, y compris en France où, du fait de la Séparation, on serait fondé à considérer de telles rencontres comme illégitimes sinon impossibles, la prière se référant au religieux donc à la sphère privée et le droit à la justice donc à la sphère publique. Cet essai se propose de démontrer que dans la réalité, les cloisons entre le privé et le public sont moins étanches et les relations entre la religion et le droit plus étroites qu’il n’y paraît. Après avoir évoqué les systèmes de droit religieux (droit canon, charia, halakha produits en marge des droits nationaux, rappelé la diversité des liens juridiques entre État et religion (théocratie, monarchie de droit divin, religion d’État – avec ou sans reconnaissance de minorités religieuses tolérées –, religion de la majorité, pluralisme, Concordat, laïcité, séparation, athéisme d’État et la pluralité des niveaux et sources de normativité au sein même des systèmes religieux, l’article se concentre sur la prière et en décline les différents aspects. En effet, la prière n’est pas plus monolithique que le droit. Exercice solitaire ou pratique collective, expression spontanée ou normée de la foi, du sentiment religieux ou de l’appartenance confessionnelle, affirmation identitaire ou communautaire, la prière est diverse dans ses formes et ses contenus comme dans ses usages. Acte social ou militant, dès lors qu’elle se risque à franchir le seuil de la sphère privée du religieux, la prière rencontre la loi.Meeting points between prayers and the law are many, including in France where, because of the separation between the Church and the State, one would be entitled to consider such junctures as illegitimate if not impossible since prayer is linked to the religious and therefore the private sphere whereas law concerns justice and therefore the public sphere. The present essay

  13. Angular distributions of fast neutrons scattered by Al, Si, P, S and Zn; Distributions angulaires des neutrons rapides diffuses par Al, Si, P, S et Zn; Usloviya raspredeleniya bystrykh nejtronov, rasseyannykh alyuminiem, kremniem, fosforom i tsinkom; Distribuciones angulares de neutrones rapidos dispersados por Al, Si, P, S y Zn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tstjkaija, K; Tanaka, S; Maeuyama, M; Tomita, Y [Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-Mtjea (Japan)


    Differential scattering cross-sections of Al, Si, P, S and Zn for fast neutrons have been measured in an energy range of 3.4 to 4.6 MeV by using the time-of-flight method. Angular distributions of the inelastically scattered neutrons are nearly isotropic in all cases. These results are discussed on the basis of the Hauser-Feshbach theory. (author) [French] Les sections efficaces differentielles de diffusion de Al, Si, P, S et Zn pour des neutrons rapides ont ete mesurees dans la gamme d'energies de 3,4 a 4,6 MeV, en employant la methode du temps de vol. Les distributions angulaires des neutrons diffuses inelastiquement sont presque isotropes dans tous les cas. Les auteurs analysent ces resultats en se fondant sur la theorie de Hauser-Feshbach. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han medido por el metodo del tiempo de vuelo las secciones eficaces diferenciales de dispersion del Al, Si, P, S y Zn para neutrones rapidos de energia comprendida entre 3,4 y 4,6 MeV. Las distribuciones angulares de los neutrones dispersados inelasticamente son casi isotropicas en todos los casos. Los autores analizan los resultados obtenidos basandose en la teoria de Hauser-Feshbach . (author) [Russian] Differentsial'no e sechenie rasseyaniya alyuminiya, kremniya, fosfora, sery i tsinka dlya bystrykh nejtronov izmereno v diapazone ehnergii ot 3,4 do 4,6 Megaehlektronvol't ispol'zovanie m metoda vremeni proleta. Uglovye raspredeleniya neuprugo rasseyannykh nejtronov yavlyayutsya pochti vo vsekh sluchayakh izotropnymi. Jeti rezul'taty obsuzhdayutsya na osnove teorii Hauzera-Feshbakha. (author)

  14. Primerjava učinkovitosti metode mentorstva in koučinga pri delu z brezposelno osebo


    Jagodnik, Sabina


    Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na primerjavo rabe mentorstva in koučinga pri delu z brezposelno osebo z namenom uspešnega nastopa na trgu dela. Primerjava je izpeljana na podlagi treh izpeljanih procesov koučinga ter dveh procesov mentorstva. Preko uporabe metode participativnega akcijskega raziskovanja odgovarja na vprašanja, katera metoda je primernejša glede na potrebe brezposelne osebe za uspešen nastop na trgu dela, njene izkušnje, obstoječa znanja in veščine, katere so prednosti in slabo...

  15. Improvement of the design and generation of highly specific plant knockdown lines using primary synthetic microRNAs (pri-smiRNAs

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    Alves Leonardo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background microRNAs (miRNAs are endogenous small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. In plants, they typically show high complementarity to a single sequence motif within their target mRNAs and act by catalyzing specific mRNA cleavage and degradation. miRNAs are processed from much longer primary transcripts via precursor miRNAs containing fold-back structures. Leaving these secondary structures intact, miRNAs can be re-designed experimentally to target mRNAs of choice. Results We designed primary synthetic miRNAs (pri-smiRNAs on the basis of the primary transcript of the Arabidopsis MIR159A gene by replacing the original miR159a and the corresponding miR159a* with novel sequences, keeping the overall secondary structure as predicted by the program RNAfold. We used the program RNAhybrid to optimize smiRNA design and to screen the complete Arabidopsis transcriptome for potential off-targets. To improve the molecular cloning of the pri-smiRNA we inserted restriction sites in the original MIR159A primary transcript to easily accommodate the smiRNA/smiRNA* DNA fragment. As a proof-of-concept, we targeted the single gene encoding chalcone synthase (CHS in Arabidopsis. We demonstrate smiRNA(CHS expression and CHS mRNA cleavage in different transgenic lines. Phenotypic changes in these lines were observed for seed color and flavonol derivatives, and quantified with respect to anthocyanin content. We also tested the effect of mismatches and excess G:U base pairs on knockdown efficiency. Conclusions RNAhybrid-assisted design of smiRNAs and generation of pri-smiRNAs using a novel vector containing restriction sites greatly improves specificity and speed of the generation of stable knockdown lines for functional analyses in plants.

  16. Neutron Tests at the Start-Up of EDF1; Les essais neutroniques au demarrage du reacteur EDF1; Nejtronnye izmereniya pri puske reaktora EDF1; Ensayos neutronicos efectuados durante la puesta en marcha del reactor EDF1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teste du Bailler, A. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France); Janin, R. [Electricite de France, Paris (France)


    ehksperimental'nykh metodov, razrabotannykh na reaktorakh v Markule, byla provedena vo vremya puska reaktora EDF.1. Izmereniya kasalis' glavnym obrazom ehffektivnosti upravlyayushchikh sterzhnej pri razlichnykh p ogruzh eniyakh. Opredelyaetsya skhema pod''ema s terzhnej, kotoraya pozvolyaet poluchat' polnuyu moshchnost' prk soblyudenii opredelennykh ogranichenij v temperature obolochek i gaza. Parallel'no byli provedeny izmereniya potoka pri razlichnykh polozheniyakh kompensiruyushchikh sterzhnej i pri razlichnykh zagruzkakh poglotitelej v opredelennykh kanalakh, v zavisimosti ot predvaritel'nykh raschetov v dvukhraehmernom izmerenii. Ehti izmereniya byli polucheny putem aktivatsii tochechnykh detektorov s primeneniem obychnogo metoda otravleniya vozdukha. Pri nekotorykh urovnyakh temperatury (do 140{sup o}C) byli provedeny izmereniya koehffitsientov reaktivnosti i ehffektivnosti reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej. V to zhe vremya putem aktivatsii sootvetstvuyushchikh detektorov (uran, plutonij, lyutetsij, marganets, indij, zoloto) byli provedeny izmereniya koehffitsientov spektra. Dlya izmereniya ehffektivnosti nekotorykh kompensiruyushchikh sterzhnej byl ispol'zovan ostsillyatsionnyj metod. Nakonets, s tselyakh izucheniya zashchity i povrezhdeniya grafita byli provedeny izmereniya potoka bystrykh nejtronov. (author)

  17. Evaluation of Dose: Comparative Effect of Fast Neutrons and other Types of Radiation on the Survival of E. Coli and S. Cerevisiae; Evaluation de la Dose Delivree et Actions Comparees des Neutrons Rapides et d'Autres Radiations sur la Survie de E. Coli et S. Cerevisiae; Otsenka dozy i sravnitel'noe vliyanie bystrykh nejtronov i drugikh vidov izlucheniya na vyzhivaemost' E. Coli i S. Cerevisiae; Evaluacion de la Dosis Suministrada y Comparacion de la Accion de los Neutrones Rapidos sobre la Supervivencia del E. Coli y del S. Cerevisiae con la de Otras Radiaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arnaud, Y.; Bocquet, C. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France)


    proizvodit izmerenie potoka i spektral'nogo raspredelenija bystryh nejtronov. Jeti miniatjurnye detektory razmeshhajutsja v razlichnyh tochkah obluchaemogo obrazca i pozvoljajut jeksperimental'no ocenivat' pogloshhaemuju tkanjami dozu. Takaja ustanovka i dozimetrija dali vozmozhnost' sravnit' vlijanie bystryh nejtronov i drugih vidov ionizirujushhego izluchenija (rentgenovy luchi) na odnokletochnye organizmy. Izuchalsja procent vyzhivaemosti i chastota morfologicheskih mutacij u Saccharo- myces cerevisiae. Ustanovlena takzhe krivaja vyzhivaemosti Escherichia coli v otnoshenii rentgenovyh luchej i nejtronov. Otmechaetsja, chto OBJe jetih razlichnyh vidov izluchenija zavisit ot issleduemogo zhivogo organizma, ot izbrannogo biologicheskogo kriterija, a takzhe ot dozy obluchenija, pri kotoroj proizvoditsja sravnenie. V jetih uslovijah OBJe javljaetsja funkciej dozy. Dejstvie bystryh nejtronov i rentgenovyh luchej chasto zavisit ot razlichnyh radiobiologicheskih processov. Bylo by proizvol'no svjazyvat' mezhdu soboj dozy jetih razlichnyh izluchenij linejnymi otnoshenijami. (author)

  18. Povezanost barv in čustev pri učencih v 4. razredu osnovne šole


    Kolar, Rebeka


    V magistrski nalogi se dotikamo področja barv, ki imajo lahko močan učinek na človeško telo in emocije. Že kot otroci uporabljamo barve tako v domačem okolju kot šoli. Po mnenju strokovnjakov naj bi ravno uporaba posameznih barv razodevala otrokovo emocionalno življenje. Pri tem je pomembno poudariti, da se barvno izražanje otrok skozi njihov razvoj spreminja, nadgrajuje, spreminja se otrokova uporaba in odnos do barv. Raziskave, ki so bile opravljene na tem področju, kažejo, da lahko ravno n...

  19. The Biological Effect of Fast Neutrons and High-Energy Protons; Effets Biologiques des Neutrons Rapides et des Protons de Haute Energie; Biologicheskoe dejstvie bystrykh nejtronov i protonov vysokikh ehnergii; Efectos Biologicos de los Neutrones Rapidos y de los Protones de Elevada Energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moskalev, Ju. I.; Petrovich, I. K.; Strel' cova, V. N.


    despues de la irradiacion con una dosis de 42,5 rad. Con la misma dosis tambien se manifiestan leucosis y tumores de la tiroides. En la irradiacion protonica, la dosis tumorigena minima es del orden de 250 rad para lee tejidos hematopoyeticos y la tiroides, de 300 rad para los testiculos, y de unos 100 rad para la prostata, el pancreas y el tejido hipodermico. Despues de la irradiacion con neutrones rapidos, la frecuencia de la aparicion de tumores en los testiculos, el intestino grueso, los rinones y el higado, presenta un aumento para dosis entre 42,5 y 85 rad, y en la piel y el tejido hipodermico ocurre lo mismo para dosis de 85 rad. En el caso de la irradiacion con neutrones rapidos, los tumores aparecen con dosis de 3 a 5 veces inferiores a las dosis protonicas. (author) [Russian] Predstavljajutsja rezul'taty sravnitel'nyh jeksperimentov po izucheniju dejstvija bystryh nejtronov i protonov vysokih jenergij (500 Mjev) na prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni, perifericheskuju krov', cha sto tu i skorost' pojavlenija opuholej u krys v zavisimosti o t dozy vozdejstvija i sroka nabljudenija. Opyt s nejtronami postavlen na 573, s protonami na 490 belyh krysah. Bystrymi nejtronami zhivotnyh obluchali v dozah ot 8,5 do 510 rad, protonami ot 28 do 1008 rad. Dlja bystryh nejtronov i protonov ustanovleny velichiny ostro, podostro i hronicheski jeffektivnyh d o z . LD{sub 50/30} dlja nejtronov ravna 408, dlja protonov 600 rad, a LD{sub 50/120} so otvetstvenno 380 i 600 rad. Proanalizirovany zakonomernosti vymiranija krys v rannie i pozdnie sroki jeksperimenta. Pokazano, chto srednjaja prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni krys, obluchennyh bystrymi nejtronami, ne zavisit ot pola. Forma krivoj doza-jeffekt dlja otdel'nyh pokazatelej perifericheskoj krovi sushhestvenno zavisit ne tol'ko ot radiochuvstvitel'nosti sootvetstvujushhih kletok krovi, no i ot sroka nabljudenija. Ona mozhet sushhestvenno izmenjat'sja vo vremeni dlja odnogo i t o go zhe pokazatelja. V otdalennye sroki posle obluchenija kak

  20. Pravna razmerja pri pogodbi o nepremičninskem posredovanju (primerjalno pravna ureditev po slovenskem in avstrijskem pravu)


    Koser Dolenc, Martina


    Magistrska naloga celovito analizira pravna razmerja pri pogodbi o nepremičniskem posredovanju po slovenskem in avstrijskem pravu. Poudarek je v podrobni predstavitvi in opisu pravic in obveznosti strank, ki izhajajo iz posredniške pogodbe. V Sloveniji je posredniška pogodba urejena v Obligacijskem zakoniku (OZ) in sicer v členih od 837. do 850. Posredniška pogodba je dvostranska obvezna, odplačna, neoblična pogodba. Pravna pravila v zvezi s posredniško pogodbo po OZ so večinoma dispoziti...

  1. Lens Opacification in Mice Exposed to Monoenergetic Fast Neutrons; Opacite du Cristallin chez la Souris Exposee aux Neutrons Rapides; Katarakty u myshej, obluchennykh monoehnergeticheskimi bystrymi nejtronami; Opacidad del Cristalino en los Ratones Expuestos a los Neutrones Rapidos Monoenergeticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bateman, J. L.; Bond, V. P.; Rossi, H. H. [Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States); Radiological Research Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Columbia University, New York, NY (United States)


    neutrones en los estudios precitados es aproximadamente proporcional a la TLE calculada (promedio de energia). Los autores estan valorando el efecto secundario de induccion de cataratas en funcion de la energia neutronica, y los resultados revelan que la energia de 0,43MeV es mas efectiva que la de 1,80 MeV. Un procedimiento perfeccionado en el que se emplea una lampara de rendija ha permitido descubrir anticipadamente zonas opacas con dosis de radiacion relativamente reducidas. Los autores han estudiado los mecanismos de restablecimiento en diversos sistemas celulares con neutrones rapidos monoenergeticos y con rayos X o rayos gamma. Estan examinando actualmente las lesiones del cromosoma, que se manifiestan por la frecuencia de anafases anormales en la regeneracion del higado tres meses despues de la irradiacion, en ratones expuestos a la accion de los rayos gamma con intensidades de dosis comprendidas entre 0,2 y 100 rad/min. (author) [Russian] Issledovanija reakcii na izluchenija s nizkoj linejnoj peredachej jenergii (LPJe), kak rentgenovy ili gamma-luchi, shiroko provodjatsja na melkih zhivotnyh ot subkletochnogo urovnja do urovnja celogo zhivotnogo. Men'shee kolichestvo issledovanij provoditsja s izluchenijami s vysokoj LPJe, kak bystrye nejtrony. Bol'shinstvo jetih issledovanij vkljuchaet obluchenie nejtronami s razlichnoj jenergiej i, sledovatel'no, razlichnoj LPJe. Nekotorye reakcii mezhdu puchkom zarjazhennyh chastic i mishen'ju privodjat k obrazovaniju nejtronov s jenergijami, tesno zavisjashhimi ot ugla mezhdu traektoriej izluchenija i os'ju mishen'-puchok- Odna iz nih, reakcija protonov s tritievoj mishen'ju, ispol'zovalas' dlja nekotoryh issledovanij v dannoj laboratorii. Issledovanija s opredeleniem umen'shenija vesa slezenki i zobnoj zhelezy u myshej pozvolili najti velichinyOBJe, kotorye pri sravnenii s rentgenovskimi luchami 250 kv, generiruemymi v intervale pikovyh jenergij, ravnjalis' primerno chetyrem pri jenergii nejtronov 0,43 Mjev i snizhalis' do

  2. Diurnal and Seasonal Responses of High Frequency Chlorophyll Fluorescence and PRI Measurements to Abiotic Stress in Almonds (United States)

    Bambach-Ortiz, N. E.; Paw U, K. T.


    Plants have evolved to efficiently utilize light to synthesize energy-rich carbon compounds, and at the same time, dissipate absorbed but excessive photon that would otherwise transfer excitation energy to potentially toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Nevertheless, even the most rapidly growing plants with the highest rates of photosynthesis only utilize about half of the light their leaves absorb during the hours of peak irradiance in sun-exposed habitats. Usually, that daily peak of irradiance coincides with high temperature and a high vapor pressure deficit, which are conditions related to plant stomata closure. Consequently, specially in water stressed environments, plants need to have mechanisms to dissipate most of absorbed photons. Plants avoid photo-oxidative damage of the photosynthetic apparatus due to the formation of ROS under excess light using different mechanisms in order to either lower the amount of ROS formation or detoxify already formed ROS. Photoinhibition is defined as a reduction in photosynthetic activity due largely to a sustained reduction in the photochemical efficiency of Photosystem II (PSII), which can be assessed by monitoring Chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF). Alternatively, monitoring abiotic stress effects upon photosynthetic activity and photoinhibition may be possible using high frequency spectral reflectance sensors. We aim to find the potential relationships between high frequency PRI and ChlF as indicators of photoinhibition and permanent photodamage at a seasonal scale. Preliminary results show that PRI responses are sensitive to photoinhibition, but provide a poor representation of permanent photodamage observed at a seasonal scale.



    Ogrizek, Tjaša


    Namen te študije je bil preveriti vpliv spominskega treninga N-back na kratko- in dolgotrajne spominske sposobnosti pri udeležencih s pridobljeno možgansko poškodbo. V ta namen sta se izoblikovali dve hipotezi, in sicer (H1) kratkotrajni spomin udeležencev se bo izboljšal ter (H2) dolgotrajni spomin udeležencev se ne bo spremenil. Udeleženci v študiji so bili trije posamezniki, stari 38, 31 ter 26 let, ki imajo pridobljeno možgansko poškodbo. Metodološki pripomočki, uporabljeni v študiji, so ...

  4. Thermal Neutron Spectral and Spatial Distributions in Light-Water-Moderated Uranium Lattices; Distributions Spectrale et Spatiale des Neutrons Thermiques dans des Reseaux a Uranium et a Eau Leger; Spektral'noe i prostranstvennoe raspredelenie teplovykh nejtronov v uranovykh reshetkakh s vodnym zamedlitelem; Distribuciones Espectral y Espacial de los Neutrones Termicos en los Reticulados de Uranio Moderados por Agua Ligera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hardy, J.; Volpe, J. J.; Klein, D.; Schmidt, E.; Gelbard, E. [Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    razlichnymi priblizhenijami k teorii perenosa i integral'nomu jadru rassejanija terlovyh nejtronov. Pervaja serija opytov zakljuchaetsja v izmerenii blok-jeffektov teplovyh nejtronov v raz- nyh jachejkah reshetki sborki TRH, reaktora s vodnym zamedlitelem na slegka obogashhennom urane s cilindricheskimi toplivnymi jelementami, raspolozhennymi po geksagonal'noj sisteme. Sravnivalis' dannye ob ispol'zovanii teplovyh nejtronov s dannymi, poluchennymi v Monte Karlo. Primenjalis' funkcii Radkovskogo i Nelkina. Funkcija vlijanija Radkovskogo daet priblizhenie pervogo porjadka, shiroko ispol'zuemoe pri proektirovanii reaktorov. Funk- cija vlijanija Nelkina predstavljaet soboj bolee novoe i bolee podrobnoe opisanie integral'- nogo jadra rassejanija. Poskol'ku raschetnye znachenija pogloshhenija teplovyh nejtronov zavisjat ot vybora in- tegral'nogo jadra rassejanija, v osobennosti esli jeto ne maksvellovskij spektr potokov nej- tronov, drugaja serija opytov po izmereniju aktivacii na sborke TRH prednaznachalas' dlja bolee neposredstvennogo opredelenija integral'nogo jadra rassejanija. Opyty provodilis' v uslovijah, pri kotoryh iskazhenie spektra v osnovnom vyzyvalos' ravnomernym otravleniem. Izmerenija provodilis' v zapolnennoj vodoj trubke diametrom 10sm v reshetke TRX. Stenka trubki byla napolnena poroshkom B{sup 10}, jeffektivno razryvaja svjaz' mezhdu vnutrennej poverh- nost'ju trubki i reshetkoj reaktora pri jenergii nizhe 10 kjev. Otnositel'nye znachenija aktivacii teplovymi nejtronami i radial'nye konfiguracii chuvstvitel'nyh v otnoshenii spektrov detektorov izmerjalis' v dvuh sluchajah s polucheniem sootvetstvenno pochti maksvellovskogo spektra (dlja chistoj vody) i spektra, sil'no iskazhen- nogo v rezul'tate otravlenija kadmiem. Dlja jetogo opyta raschety s kazhdoj funkciej provodilis' v gruppe jenergii 12 s pribli- zheniem P{sub 3} . V rezul'tate rascheta sobstvennyh znachenij prostranstvennyh form, jeksponen- cial'no raspadajushhihsja v letargii, kotorye podderzhivajutsja v

  5. PRI 2.1: Basic researches on the photovoltaic: new materials (july 2002 - july 2004). Final report of the integrated research project; PRI 2.1: Recherches de base en photovoltaique: nouveaux materiaux (Juillet 2002 - Juin 2004). Rapport final du projet de recherche integre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marfaing, Y.


    The main material of the photovoltaic cells is the massive crystalline silicon. For a large scale development of the photovoltaic industry, it is necessary to use thin layers. Many materials are possible to reach this objective: different types of silicon (amorphous, mono-crystal, poly-crystal), poly-crystal of CIS type (CuInSe{sub 2}) and organic molecules and polymers. The last two types are innovative and need some researches. These research axis are presented in this PRI. (A.L.B.)

  6. A gaseous scintillation counter filled with He{sup 3} for neutron spectrometry; Compteur a scintillateur gazeux rempli de {sup 3}He pour la spectrometrie des flux de neutrons; Gazovyj stsintillyatsionnyj schetchik napolnennyj He{sup 3} dlya spektrometrii potokov nejtronov; Contador de centelleador gaseoso cargado con helio-3 para la espectrometria neutronica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baldin, S A; Matveev, V V


    gaseoso, y se exponen los resultados de experimentos sobre el registro y la espectrometria de flujos neutronicos realizados mediante ese contador cargado con una mezcla de-10 por ciento de xenon y 9 por ciento de helio-3 a una presion de 20 atm. abs. Se proporcionan datos sobre la construccion del aparato de suministro que asegura el funcionamiento ininterrumpido del contador durante largo tiempo, proporciona las mezclas de gases necesarias a una presion de 60 atmosferas y permite proceder a una purificacion continua del gas. Se examinan, ademas, los resultados del estudio del poder de resolucion energetica y la linealidad del contador en funcion de la energia, su rendimiento con intensidades en campos gamma de hasta 3 roentgens/h, y algunas cuestiones relacionadas con la posibilidad de ampliar el intervalo energetico en el que pueden aplicarse los contadores de centelleador gaseoso cargados con helio-3. (author) [Russian] V doklade opisyvaetsya gazovyj agregat, gazovyj stsintillyatsionnyj schetchik, a takzhe rezul'taty ehksperimentov po registratsii i spektrometrii potokov nejtronov pri pomoshchi gazovogo stsintillyatsionnogo schetchika, napolnennogo smes'yu 10% ksenona i 90% geliya-3, pri obshchem davlenii 20 ata. Privodyatsya dannye ob ustrojstve gazovogo agregata, obespechivayushchego nepreryvnuyu rabotu schetchika v techenie dlitel'nogo vremeni, poluchenie neobkhodimykh smesej gazov s obshchim davleniem do 60 atm, i postoyannuyu ochistku gaza ot zagryaznenij. Krome togo v doklade obsuzhdayutsya rezul'taty issledovaniya ehnergeticheskogo razresheniya i linejnosti schetchika po ehnergii, ego rabotosposobnost' v gamma-polyakh moshchnost'yu do 3 r/chas, a takzhe voprosy, svyazannye s vozmozhnost'yu rasshireniya ehnergeticheskogo diapazona raboty gazovykh stsintillyatsionnykh schetchikov, napolnennykh geliem-3. (author)

  7. Neki problemi pri prevođenju moderne poezije promatrani kroz teoriju konceptualne integracije

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanja Cimer


    Full Text Available Straußeneimondaber ich finde nichts mehrnichts mehr an Buchstaben im Wortmache so ähnlichwie Luftgang ohne Seiles fällt nichts mehraber nichts ist eben auchZaungrenzeund LebenMittelstelzengangder Strauß legt seine Eier in den Himmelfast Massenproduktionkugelrunde Stundenmit Haut auf wirren ÜberzugHände greifen leerwenn nicht duaber das kann nicht –Angsttauchen mit Höhengangund die Hand als Schalewer fängt, – verliert!Mjesec od nojevog jajetaali nema ničeg višeničeg više u slovima riječičinim sličnokao hod po zraku bez konopcaništa više ne padaali i ništa jestgranica od ogradei životsredinom na štulamanoj liježe svoja jaja u nebogotovo masovna proizvodnjasati okrugli poput loptes kožom na neurednoj presvlaciruke posežu u praznoako nisi tiali to ne može –uron u strah s letom u visinei ruka poput ljusketko ulovi, – izgubi!Prevođenje poezije oduvijek se smatralo osobitom temom unutar ionako složenog područja književnog prevođenja. Budući da poezija predstavlja književni oblik u kojem su sadržaj i forma nerazdvojno povezani, jasno je zašto ona predstavlja najzahtjevniji oblik prevoditeljske aktivnosti. Problematičnu točku pri prevođenju poezije predstavlja činjenica da ona daje izrazito “zgusnutu” i kompaktnu formu te da jezik poezije uglavnom počiva na konotacijama, a ne na denotacijama. Noviji pristupi prevođenju prepoznaju da su nekadašnja protivljenja prevođenju poezije, to jest isticanja njezine neprevodivosti, zapravo bila usmjerena na nemogućnost potpunog prenošenja svih aspekata izvornog poetskog djela u ciljni jezik i njegovu kulturu i tradiciju (neprevodivost poezije isticali su, primjerice, T. S. Eliott: “[poezija je] stalni podsjetnik na sve ono što se može reći samo na jednom jeziku”, Roman Jakobson: “poezija je po definiciji neprevodiva” ili Nabokov: “pjesma ne može biti prevedena, reproducirana ni iznova oblikovana na ciljnom jeziku” (svi navedeni citati te citati

  8. Arc in a Gas Flowing Through a Magnetic Field; Duga v potoke gaza pri nalichii magnitnogo polya

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baranov, V. Ju.; Vasil' eva, I. A.; Ul' janov, K. N. [Vsesojuznyj Jelektrotehnicheskij Institut Im.V.I. Lenina, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    The authors have previously shown that ad.c. electric arc can be used in the pre-ionizer of a non-equilibrium MHD generator. The pre-ionizer must be located immediately before the duct inlet, where the magnetic field is fairly strong and may have a substantial effect on the current in the gas flow. In the present paper they consider the behaviour of an electric arc in a gas flowing through a magnetic field. The experiments were carried out with argon, using the apparatus described in Ref. [1] of the paper. The flow was set up in a closed glass loop by means of an electromagnetic accelerator (MHD motor). By suitably treating and adjusting the loop it was possible to conduct the investigations in spectrally pure argon. The pressure varied between 1 and 100 mm Hg, and the flow velocity V{sub 0}{<=} 10{sup 4} cm/sec. The magnetic field in the accelerator (B{sub 1}) and near the arc (B{sub 2}) varied between zero and 7 x 10{sup 3} Oe. The spatial distribution of the electron concentration (n{sub e}) and the electron temperature (T{sub e}) were measured using probe and spectrum analysis methods. The gas temperature (T{sub g} ) was measured by the hot wire method and the flow velocity with the help of pitot tubes. Experiments were carried out in both decelerating and accelerating magnetic fields. (author) [Russian] Jelektricheskaja duga postojannogo toka mozhet byt' ispol'zovana v kachestve jelementa predionizatora v neravnovesnom MGDG. Predionizator dolzhen byt' raspolozhen neposredstvenno pered kanalom generatora v oblasti dostatochno sil'nogo magnitnogo polja, kotoroe mozhet sushhestvenno povlijat' na protekanie toka v potoke. Issledovano povedenie jelektricheskoj dugi v potoke pri nalichii magnitnogo polja. Jeksperimenty byli vypolneny v argone na ustanovke, opisannoj v rabote [1] . Potok v zamknutom stekljannom konture sozdavalsja pri pomoshhi jelektromagnitnogo uskoritelja (MGD dvigatelja). Sootvetstvujushhaja obrabotka i trenirovka kontura davala vozmozhnost

  9. Evalvacija nivojskega pouka pri pouku slovenščine v 8. in 9. razredih na osnovnih šolah v občinah Ormož, Središče ob Dravi in Sveti Tomaž


    Lalić, Marko


    Mnenja o učni diferenciaciji in individualizaciji pouka ter z njima povezanim nivojskim poukom so že od samega začetka predmet nasprotujočih si mnenj tako pri strokovnjakih kot pri laikih. Nivojski pouk, ki je v veljavi vse od leta 1996, je poskrbel, da proces poučevanja poteka na drugačnem učiteljevem pristopu, na večji učenčevi aktivnosti, povezovanju učnih vsebin in prilagajanju učenčevih individualnih posebnosti. Leta 2006 je bil nivojski pouk kot sistemski ukrep opuščen. Šolam pa je bilo...

  10. Nuclear geophysics in prospecting for ore and coal deposits; Geophysique nucleaire et prospection des gisements de charbon et autres mineraux; Yadernaya geofizika pri razvedke rudnykh i ugol'nykh mestorozhdenij; Geofisica nuclear u prospeccion de yacimientos de carbon y otros minerales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bulashevich, Yu P; Voskobojnikov, G M; Muzyukin, L V


    captura de neutrones termicos del boro hace posible determinar estratos boriferos en la zona del sondeo empleando los metodos E.G.N. y E.N.N. La influencia del agua se elimina mediante sondeos inversos. Este metodo, asi como otros sistemas de exploracion por activacion neutronica, han sido aplicados tambien en diversos yacimientos de cobre, manganeso, aluminio y otros minerales. La exploracion por activacion continua esta indicada cuando el periodo de semi [Russian] Na rudnykh i ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniyakh metody yadernoj geofiziki primenyayutsya glavnym obrazom pri karotazhe razvedochnykh skvazhin. Na rudnykh i ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniyakh Sovetskogo Soyuza nakhodyat shirokoe proizvodstvennoe primenenie sleduyushchie vidy radioaktivnogo ili yadernogo karotazha (RK): plotnostnoj ili gamma-gamma karotazh (GGK) s istochnikom izlucheniya Co{sup 60}, selektivnyj gamma-gamma karotazh (SGGK) s istochnikom myagkogo izlucheniya tipa S75, nejtron-nejtronnyj karotazh (NNK) i nejtronnyj gamma karotazh s Ro-Ve istochnikom nejtronov, akti- vatsionnyj, v chastnosti nepreryvnyj, karotazh s tem zhe istochnikom, a takzhe foto-nej- tronnyj karotazh s gamma-izluchatelem Sb{sup 124}. Osnovnaya zadacha RK na rudnykh mestorozhdeniyakh - vydelenie rudnykh zon v razreze skvazhin, chto sokrashchaet intervaly oprobovaniya, i orientirovochnaya otsenka soderzhaniya poleznogo komponenta in situ. Na ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniyakh RK reshaet zadachu opredeleniya glubiny zaleganiya, moshchnosti i stroeniya ugol'nykh plastov. ' Metody GGK i SGGK osnovany na registratsii rasseyannogo gamma-izlucheniya istochnika. Pri dostatochnoj zhestkosti izlucheniya istochnika i slaboj chuvstvitel'nosti indikatora intensivnost' rasseyannogo izlucheniya zavisit tol'ko ot plotnosti porody i rasstoyaniya mezhdu istochnikom i indikatorom. EHto sluchaj GGK, kotorym ugol'nye plasty vydelyayutsya po maksimumam rasseyannogo izlucheniya. V SGGK sushchestvenna registratsiya myagkoj chasti spektra rasseyannogo izlucheniya

  11. Obravnava vedenja in komunikacije po načelih ABA metode pri dvojčkih z avtističnimi motnjami


    Berlot, Barbara


    Avtistične motnje sodijo med razvojno nevrološke motnje, ki trajajo celo življenje. Med težave, ki jih imajo osebe z avtističnimi motnjami na različnih področjih funkcioniranja, sodita tudi pojav neustreznih vedenjskih vzorcev in nezmožnost komunikacije z okoljem. Ravno pojav neustreznih vedenjskih vzorcev in nezmožnost komuniciranja z okoljem pri osebah z avtistično motnjo pomembno vplivata na uspešnost vključevanja teh oseb v različne vzgojno-izobraževalne programe. Namen kvalitativne študi...

  12. Sun-induced Chlorophyll fluorescence and PRI improve remote sensing GPP estimates under varying nutrient availability in a typical Mediterranean savanna ecosystem (United States)

    Perez-Priego, O.; Guan, J.; Rossini, M.; Fava, F.; Wutzler, T.; Moreno, G.; Carvalhais, N.; Carrara, A.; Kolle, O.; Julitta, T.; Schrumpf, M.; Reichstein, M.; Migliavacca, M.


    This study investigates the performances of different optical indices to estimate gross primary production (GPP) of herbaceous stratum in a Mediterranean savanna with different Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P) availability. Sun-induced chlorophyll Fluorescence yield computed at 760 nm (Fy760), scaled-photochemical reflectance index (sPRI), MERIS terrestrial-chlorophyll index (MTCI) and Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were computed from near-surface field spectroscopy measurements collected using high spectral resolution spectrometers covering the visible near-infrared regions. GPP was measured using canopy-chambers on the same locations sampled by the spectrometers. We hypothesized that light-use efficiency (LUE) models driven by remote sensing quantities (RSM) can better track changes in GPP caused by nutrient supplies compared to those driven exclusively by meteorological data (MM). Particularly, we compared the performances of different RSM formulations - relying on the use of Fy760 or sPRI as proxy for LUE and NDVI or MTCI as fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) - with those of classical MM. Results showed significantly higher GPP in the N fertilized experimental plots during the growing period. These differences in GPP disappeared in the drying period when senescence effects masked out potential differences due to plant N content. Consequently, although MTCI was tightly related to plant N content (r2 = 0.86, p < 0.01), it was poorly related to GPP (r2 = 0.45, p < 0.05). On the contrary sPRI and Fy760 correlated well with GPP during the whole measurement period. Results revealed that the relationship between GPP and Fy760 is not unique across treatments but it is affected by N availability. Results from a cross validation analysis showed that MM (AICcv = 127, MEcv = 0.879) outperformed RSM (AICcv = 140, MEcv = 0.8737) when soil moisture was used to constrain the seasonal dynamic of LUE. However, residual analyses

  13. Effects of Monoenergetic Neutron Radiation on Human Cells in Tissue Culture; Effets des Neutrons Monoenergetiques sur des Cellules de Tissus Humains en Culture; Dejstvie oblucheniya monoehnergeticheskimi nejtronami na kletki kul'tury tkanej cheloveka; Efectos de la Radiacion Neutronica Monoenergetica sobre las Celulas Humanas en Cultivos de Tejidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broerse, J. J.; Barendsen, G. W. [Radiobiological Institute of the Organization for Health Research TNO, Rijswijk (Z.H.) (Netherlands)


    sharikov, pomeshhennyh sootvetstvenno mezhdu chashkami i trubkami. R a sche t dozy nejtronnogo potoka predstavljal rjad problem, kotorye obsuzhdajutsja. Poskol'ku ne sushhestvuet ravnomernogo obluchenija kletok, izuchajutsja rezul'tirujushhie netochnosti pri opredelenijah dozy. Privodjatsja krivye zavisimosti vyzhivanija ot dozy dlja oboih tipov nejtronov. Dlja nejtronov s jenergiej 3 Mjev otnositel'naja biologicheskaja jeffektivnost' sostavljala ot 6,5 pri malyh dozah do primerno 3,1 pri vysokih d o zah , v to vremja kak dlja nejtronov s jenergiej 15 Mjev velichiny OBJe ko lebalas' ot 1,9 do 1,6. Putem sravnenija jetih velichin OBJe s s o otnosheniem O B Je-LP Je , poluchennym v predydushhih jeksperimentah s dejtronami i al'f a - chasticami, mozhno opredelit' jeffektivnoe LPJe dlja nejtronov, ispol'zovannyh v jeksperimente. Dlja reshenija nekotoryh problem, svjazannyh so smert'ju jeksperimental'nyh zhivotnyh posle rentgenovskogo ili nejtronnogo obluchenija, byl razrabotan metod, s pomoshh'ju kotorogo kletki, soderzhashhiesja v nebol'shih trubkah, ispol'zujutsja dlja izmerenija jeffektivnoj dozy (t.e. dozy, dlja kotoroj vneseny popravki na OBJe) v uchastkah fantomov ili t el zhivotnyh, predstavljajushhih interes. (author)

  14. Izvršilne funkcije pri učencih s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja


    Senekovič, Jasna


    V magistrskem delu z naslovom Izvršilne funkcije pri učencih s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja v prvem delu predstavljamo dosedanja spoznanja o izvršilnih funkcijah in učnih težavah v osnovni šoli, še posebej učencev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (PPPU). Tako smo v teoretičnem delu najprej opredelili osnovne pojme izvršilne funkcije, samoregulacija, metakognicija, učenje učenja in učne težave, posebej še primanjkljaje na posameznih področjih učenja. Podrobneje sm...

  15. Endocrine and Metabolic Effects of Adipose Tissue in Children and Adolescents / Endokrina in Presnovna Funkcija Maščobnega Tkiva Pri Otrocih in Mladostnikih

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    Kotnik Primož


    Full Text Available Maščobno tkivo ima vlogo pri številnih endokrinih in presnovnih procesih. Lepin je bil med prvimi odkritimi dejavniki iz maščobnega tkiva, ki delujejo avto-, para- in endokrino. Od opredelitve leptina so odkrili še številne druge dejavnike, od katerih se nekateri izločajo iz maščobnih celic, nekateri pa iz drugih celic maščobnega tkiva.

  16. Persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals and radioactivity in the urban soil of Priština City, Kosovo and Metohija. (United States)

    Gulan, Ljiljana; Milenkovic, Biljana; Zeremski, Tijana; Milic, Gordana; Vuckovic, Biljana


    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals content and radioactivity levels were measured in 27 soil samples collected from Priština, the capital of Kosovo and Metohija. The sixteen PAHs, twelve OCPs and six PCBs congeners were determined by gas chromatography system with mass spectrometry detection. Although the use of PCBs and OCPs was prohibited decades ago residues of those compounds still existed in measurable concentrations in soils of Priština. PAHs were also present in analyzed samples but their mean concentration was significantly lower than mean concentrations of PAHs previously reported in urban areas in the world. The concentrations of heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined by the EDTA extraction protocols, along with their extractable concentrations. The activity concentrations of natural radionuclides ( 226 Ra, 232 Th and 40 K) were determined by gamma spectrometry method. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test found that activity concentrations of natural radionuclides were normally distributed. Radiological risk was estimated through the annual effective dose, gonadal dose equivalent, excess lifetime cancer risk, radium equivalent activity, external and internal hazard indexes. Spearman correlation coefficient was used for analysis of correlations between physicochemical properties, heavy metal contents and radionuclide activity concentrations. Strong positive correlation between 226 Ra and 232 Th was found, as well as among pairs of As-Cd and Co-Mn. Very strong positive correlation (0.838) at the 0.01 significance level was noted for Pb-Zn pair. Strong correlations indicate common occurrence of these elements in the nature, as well as geogenic association. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. The Measurement of Reactivity In Multiregion Subcritical Systems by the Pulsed Neutron Technique; Mesure de la Reactivite dans les Systemes Sous-Critiques a Plusieurs Regions par la Methode des Neutrons Pulses; Izmerenie reaktivnosti v mnogozonnykh podkriticheskikh sistemakh metodom impul'snykh nejtronov; Mediciones de la Reactividad en Sistemas Subcriticos de Varias Regiones Mediante la Tecnica de los Neutrones Pulsados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sherwin, J.; Leng, J. H. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Windscale Works, Cumberland (United Kingdom)


    se obtuvo en el reactor avanzado de Windscale, refigerado con gas, cuyo funcionamiento se interrumpio deliberadamente por un envenenamiento uniforme. En el segundo caso se hizo variar la reactividad del cuerpo del reactor 'HERO' de potencia nula modificando el radio de la zona cargada. Todas las mediciones de los impulsos ncuironicos concuerdan satisfactoriamente con las obtenidas por otros metodos mas clasicos de determinacion de la reactividad. Por ultimo, los autores examinan las tecnicas experimentales y las dificultades encontradas en los sistemas moderados con grafito. (author) [Russian] Mgnovennyj raspad termalizovannoj vspyshki nejtronov v mnogojeonnoj podkriticheskoj sisteme izuchalsja s pomoshh'ju dvuhgruppovoj teo- rii diffuzii. Pokazyvaetsja, chto mozhno ustanovit' svjaz' mezhdu postojannoj mgnovennogo raspada osnovnogo sostojanija i kojefficientom jeffektivnogo razmnozhenija sistemy v ramkah dvuh opredelennyh parametrov dlja celej publikuemogo doklada v kachestve kojefficienta chuvstvitel'nosti reaktora i popravki na mgnovennyj raspad, kotorye zavisjat v bol'shoj stepeni ot prostranstvennogo razmeshhenija potokov v sisteme. Pri odnorodnoj sisteme bez otrazhatelja kojefficient chuvstvitel'nosti mozhno ustanovit' pri opredelenii srednego perioda zhizni nejtrona v sisteme, dlja mnogozonnoj sistemy takoj kojefficient predstavljaet soboj sochetanie periodov zhizni v kazhdoj zone, uslozhnennyh in- tegralami vozmushhenija. Vtoroj parametr, popravka na raspad mozhet che imet' fizicheskogo smysla v svjazi s tem, chto ona pojavljaetsja pri popytke ustanovit' svjaz' mezhdu dvumja so- otvetstvujushhimi masshtabami reaktivnosti, to-est' masshtabom pri opredelenii kotorogo ispol'zuetsja postojannaja mgnovennogo raspada, i masshtabom, vyvodimym s ispol'zovaniem kojefficienta jeffektivnogo razmnozhenija. Izuchajutsja svojstva jetih parametrov s uporom na reaktor s obogashhennym uranom i grafitovym zamedlitelem, sostojashhij iz odnorodnoj aktivnoj zony i otrazhatelja, i

  18. Thermochemical cycles for the heat and cold long-range transport. Final report of the PRI 9.2 Cold transport. Annual report of the PR 2-8; Cycles thermochimiques pour le transport de chaleur et de froid a longue distance. Rapport final du PRI 9.2. Transport de froid. Rapport annuel du PR 2-8

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, L.; Tondeur, D. [Laboratoire des Sciences du Genie Chimique (LSGC), 54 - Nancy (France); Mazet, N.; Neveu, P.; Stitou, D.; Spinner, B. [Institut de Science et de Genie des Materiaux et Procedes (IMP), 66 - Perpignan (France)


    This PRI deals with the use of thermochemical processes, based on solid-gas reversible transformation, to transfer heat of cold at long-range distance (> 10 km), in order to enhance the energy efficiency. Four main aspects have been studied to confirm the process feasibility: the process identification and the operating conditions, the selection of compatible reagents, the design of an auto-thermal reactor and the gas transport impact on the global performances. (A.L.B.)

  19. Relation of photofission cross sections and delayed neutron photoproduction in the range of E1-giant resonance. Sootnoshenie mezhdu secheniyami fotodeleniya i fotoobrazovaniya zapazdyvayushchikh nejtronov v oblasti E1-gigantskogo rezonansa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ganich, P P; Parlag, O A; Sikora, D I; Sychev, S I


    Relation between yields and cross sections of photofission and photoproduction is studied in order to use them in the methods for analysis of fissile nuclides. Total yield of delayed neutrons from the {sup 232}Th target and ratios of total yields from {sup 238}U and {sup 232}Th targets were measured in the M=300 microtron in 6-18 MeV energy range. Efficiency of the suggested method for refining the {sup 238}U photofission cross sections in the range of E1-giant resonance is shown.

  20. Lower Oligocene non-geniculate coralline red algal (Corallinales, Rhodophyta assemblage from Poljšica pri Podnartu (Upper Carniola, Slovenia

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    Luka Gale


    Full Text Available The Lower Oligocene Gornji Grad beds from Polj{ica pri Podnartu consist of marly limestone, mudstone, several layers of limestones and two layers of sandstones, and were deposited on a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp.Especially the limestones contain rich fossil fauna and non-geniculate coralline red algae. These were systematicallycollected from four horizons and researched in thin sections under an optical microscope. Genera Lithoporella,Neogoniolithon, Spongites, Lithothamnion, Mesophyllum and Spongites were recognized. Surface area for each genus was calculated and the differences in the coralline assemblages in the four horizons were analysed. Thecorallines originate from two source areas: sandy-muddy bottom of a shallow marine environment, and small coral bioherms with its encrusters.

  1. mirEX: a platform for comparative exploration of plant pri-miRNA expression data. (United States)

    Bielewicz, Dawid; Dolata, Jakub; Zielezinski, Andrzej; Alaba, Sylwia; Szarzynska, Bogna; Szczesniak, Michal W; Jarmolowski, Artur; Szweykowska-Kulinska, Zofia; Karlowski, Wojciech M


    mirEX is a comprehensive platform for comparative analysis of primary microRNA expression data. RT-qPCR-based gene expression profiles are stored in a universal and expandable database scheme and wrapped by an intuitive user-friendly interface. A new way of accessing gene expression data in mirEX includes a simple mouse operated querying system and dynamic graphs for data mining analyses. In contrast to other publicly available databases, the mirEX interface allows a simultaneous comparison of expression levels between various microRNA genes in diverse organs and developmental stages. Currently, mirEX integrates information about the expression profile of 190 Arabidopsis thaliana pri-miRNAs in seven different developmental stages: seeds, seedlings and various organs of mature plants. Additionally, by providing RNA structural models, publicly available deep sequencing results, experimental procedure details and careful selection of auxiliary data in the form of web links, mirEX can function as a one-stop solution for Arabidopsis microRNA information. A web-based mirEX interface can be accessed at

  2. Measurement of resonance parameters of cross-sections affecting fast-neutron propagation in various media; Mesure des parametres de resonance de sections efficaces lies a la propagation des neutrons dans differents milieux; Izmerenie parametrov rezonansnoj struktury sechenij, vliyayushchikh na rasprostranenie bystrykh nejtronov v sredakh; Medicion de los parametros de resonancia de las secciones eficaces que afectan a la propagacion de los neutrones rapidos en distintos medios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nikolaev, M N; Filippov, V V; Bondarenko, I I [Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian Federation)


    propagacion de los neutrones en la materia abarca desde algunas decenas de kiloelectron-voltios , para los nucleos pesados, hasta unos cuantos mega-electron-voltios, para los nucleos intermedios. Para poder tener en cuenta los efectos de resonancia en el calculo de los parametros de los grupos, es indispensable conocer no solo las secciones eficaces medias correspondientes a las reacciones de los neutrones con la materia, sino tambien algunas magnitudes tales como (1/{Sigma}{sub t}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}) etc. - los corchetes indican que se toman valores promedios de los grupos energeticos. La informacion de que se dispone actualement acerca de los parametros de resonancia en el terreno de los neutrones rapidos no permite calcular las magnitudes mencionadas con la exactitud necesaria. Por tal razon interesa medir directamente (1/{Sigma}{sub t}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}) y otros valores analogos. Los autores presentan los resultados de las mediciones de una serie de parametros tales como ({Sigma}{sub t}), ({Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 3}), etc. que caracterizan la estructura de las secciones eficaces de una serie de nucleos intermedios para neutrones de energia comprendida entre 300 keV y 3 MeV. Dichos valores se dedujeron analizando las curvas de paso a traves de la materia, obtenidas con una geometria favorable, hasta un valor limite de 10{sup -2}, aproximadamente . Los datos obtenidos demuestran que los efectos de resonancia ejercen una notable influencia sobre las caracteristicas de la difusion en la materia. (author) [Russian] Pri sostavlenii sistem mnogogruppovykh konstant dlya rascheta reaktorov na bystrykh i promezhutochnykh nejtronakh vo mnogikh sluchayakh neobkhodimo uchityvat' ehffekty samoehkranirovki , svyazannye s rezonansnoj strukturoj sechenij. EHnergeticheskaya oblast', v kotoroj rezonansnaya struktura okazyvaet sushchestvennoe vliyanie na rasprostranenie nejtronov v veshchestve

  3. Methods of Particle Detection in Free Neutron Decay; Methode de detection des particules dans une desintegration de neutrons libres; Metod obnaruzheniya chastits pri raspade svobodnogo nejtrona; Metodo para la deteccion de particulas en la desintegracion de neutrones libres

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    Novey, T B [Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL (United States)


    aboutir a un multiplicateur ordinaire a 10 etages et ses chicanes d'entree pour resolution angulaire. 4. Le systeme electronique qui isole dans les detecteurs les impulsions venant des detecteurs et ayant les caracteristiques voulues de frequence, de retard relatif et d'amplitude et permet ainsi d'identifier la des- integration d'un neutron. (author) [Spanish] En el Laboratorio de Argonne se ha llevado a cabo recientemente una serie de estudios experimentales sobre la desintegracion de neutrones polarizados, con el fin de elucidar las modalidades de la interaccion nuclear a bajas energias. Estos estudios han consistido en mediciones de la distribucion angular de electrones y protones con respecto al sentido del spin de los neutrones libres que sufren la desintegracion. Los componentes fundamentales del aparato que el autor describe en la memoria son: 1. Un espejo de hierro y cobalto, de un metro, que selecciona un haz de neutrones altamente polarizados y permite determinar el grado de polarizacion aplicando distintos procedimientos . 2. El detector de electrones, consistente en un mosaico de cristales de antraceno de 10 cm de diametro y 6 mm de espesor, y en un dispositivo de canalizacion luminosa. 3. El detector de protones, formado por un sistema multiplicador de electrones de 14 etapas, la primera de las cuales con una abertura de 15x15 cm, que va disminuyendo en cuatro pasos hasta una estructura multiplicadora usual de 10 etapas, y sus deflectores de entrada para lograr la resolucion angular. 4. El sistema electronico que selecciona los impulsos que, al ser adecuados los intervalos con que se suceden, su defasaje en tiempo y su amplitud, hacen posible la identificacion de una desintegracion neutronica. (author) [Russian] Nedavno Argonnskoj gruppoj byl zavershen ryad ehksperimental'nykh issledovanij po raspadu polyarizovannykh nejtronov s tem, chtoby prolit'svet na strukturu slabogo yadernogo vzaimodejstviya. EHti issledovaniya nosili formu izmereniya uglovykh

  4. In Vivo and Air Dosimetry of Fission-Spectrum Neutrons; Dosimetrie In Vivo et dans l'Air du Spectre des Neutrons de Fission; Dozimetriya v vozdukhe i dozimetriya In Vivo nejtronov spektra deleniya; Dosimetria In Vivo y en el Aire de Neutrones de un Espectro de Fision

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mobley, T. S.; Engel, R. E.; Godden, W. R. [Kirtland Airforce Base, New Mexico (United States); Penikas, V. T. [AFIT, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, with Duty Station at University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY (United States)


    rumenotomfa empleada. La dosis neutronica se determina mediante laminas de umbral. Para medir el flujo integrado de neutrones termicos, se utilizaron las laminas de oro y de oro recubierto de cadmio; para el flujo integrado de neutrones rapidos, se recurrio al plutonio-239, al neptunio-237, al uranio-238 y al azufre-32; la dosis gamma se determino con varillas de vidrio radiofotoluminiscentes. Las ovejas fueron sometidas a exposiciones laterales, a una distancia de linea media de 200 o 175 cm del centro del conjunto critico. La dosis neutronica medida en el aire, a 200 cm, fue 161 {+-} 5 ,5 rad; y a 175 cm, fue 242 {+-} 16,6 rad. A las mismas distancias, la dosis gamma fue, respectivamente, 33 {+-} 2,4 y 42 {+-}2,5 r. Las dosis de entrada y salida, asi como la dosis recibida por el aposito interno varian con el ascenso de temperatura, la distancia al reactor, la orientacion de las laminas con respecto a este y el espesor y composicion de los tejidos atenuadores. (author) [Russian] Dlja opredelenija glubinnoj dozy vo vremja obluchenija nejtronami spektra delenija na ovcah razrabotan metod dozimetrii nejtronov in vivo. Dlja issledovanij ispol'zovalas impul'snaja reaktornaja sborka podobnaja sborke Godiva I I Los-Alamosskoj nauchnoj laboratorii. Reak tor rabotal v impul'snom rezhime, proizvodja impul'sy prodolzhitel'nost'ju 50 mksek shirinoj v polovinu vysoty maksimal'nogo impul'sa, prichem temperatura toplivnogo materiala povyshalas' primerno do 100 Degree-Sign S. Podkozhnyj detektor soderzhal kadmij, pokrytyj zolotoj fol'goj, prostuju zolotuju fol'gu i tri stekljannyh termoljuminescentnyh sterzhnevyh dozimetra v stekljannom kontejnere, vylozhennom litiem i svincom. Jeti detektory pomeshhalis' v podkozhnoj tkani po obeim storonam tela dlja obnaruzhenija integrirovannogo potoka teplovyh nejtronov i gamma-dozy, tak kak potoki nejtronov napravljalis' sboku. Detektory dlja brjushnoj polosti byli podgotovleny takim zhe obrazom, kak i dlja podkozhnogo vvedenija, i sostojali iz

  5. Trening za razvijanje občutka za števila in količine pri predšolskih otrocih s posebnimi potrebami


    Kuplenk, Petra


    Tako otroci kot tudi odrasli se z matematiko srečujemo na vsakem koraku, pa naj bo to na poti v vrtec, službo ali pa pri delu doma. Matematika vsakodnevno vpliva na naše življenje in delo. Na delovnem mestu, v vrtcu, opažam vse večje težave otrok s posebnimi potrebami na področju razvoja občutka za števila in količine. V predšolskem obdobju je namreč nujno, da otroci razvijejo občutek za števila in količine, saj vsa nadaljnja matematična znanja temeljijo na usvojenih spretnostih. V empirič...


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    Full Text Available Despite their increasing importance in sedimentology and palaeoecology, non-geniculate coralline algae remain virtually overlooked in Slovenia. Though these plants are present or even abundant in the Cretaceous and Cainozoic strata, they have never been studied in detail with notable exception of corallines from the Lower Oligocene beds in the area of Gornji Grad. Poljšica pri Podnartu is another locality where Lower Oligocene beds are exposed, considered as equivalent to the former. The studied profile consists of pebbly limestone, mudstone, sandstone and limestone. Limestones contain abundant non-geniculate coralline algae. Nine species from six genera of these corallines have been identified: Lithoporella melobesioides (Foslie Foslie, 1909, Neogoniolithon contii (Mastrorilli Quaranta et al., 2007, Spongites sp., Lithothamnion sp. 1, Lithothamnion sp. 2, Mesophyllum sp. 1, Mesophyllum sp. 2, Mesophyllum sp. 3 and Sporolithon sp. Some of these species are described from Slovenia for the first time. 

  7. La mort d’un couple : prière(s et vie publiques Death of a couple: prayer(s and public life

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    Mathieu Touzeil-Divina


    Full Text Available Si, avant la Loi du 5 décembre 1905, les Eglises et l’Etat concrétisaient matériellement leurs liens étroits par des rites officiels nommés prières publiques, ceux-ci sont censés avoir été supprimés depuis. C’est l’histoire de cette suppression (après en avoir retenu une définition qui est ici envisagée à travers trois secteurs cardinaux de l’action administrative : la vie universitaire, parlementaire et judiciaire. Dans ces trois hypothèses les prières publiques ont été supprimées de façon différente (respectivement : par désuétude, par une Loi constitutionnelle et par circulaire. On constatera, enfin, l’actualité (troublante de certains de ces rites non exclus totalement de notre vie publique … laïque.If, before the law from December 5, 1905 law, Churches and the State would concretely manifest their close links through official rites called public prayers, these rites are supposed to have since been abolished. This article deals with the history of this abolition – which it first defines – through the study of the three central sectors of the public sector’s activity: university, parliament and judiciary life. In these three hypotheses, prayers have been abolished in various ways (respectively: by obsolescence, by constitutional statute-law and by decree. It will eventually focus on the (disquieting actuality of some of these rites not entirely excluded from our « secular » public life.

  8. Las élites gobernantes priístas del Estado de México: su conformación y redes 1942-2005

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    Claudia Abigail Morales Gómez


    Full Text Available El análisis que se realiza a lo largo de este texto tiene como objetivo explicar la conformación de las élites gubernamentales priístas en las sucesiones del ejecutivo local del Estado de México. Lo cual se pretende demostrar a través de una revisión teórica de las élites y desde la concepción del término; misma que para el caso de estudio se llevó a cabo mediante el reconocimiento de las redes de los principales actores políticos, lo que permite mostrar que sus relaciones de amistad, familiares o laborales son las que le posibilitan ascender y formar parte de las élites gubernamentales.

  9. Oscilacije nagibnog sklopa oruđa pri opaljenju / Oscillation of elevating group on artillery weapon during firing test

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    Zoran Ristić


    Full Text Available U radu su opisane oscilacije nagibnog sklopa artiljerijskog oruđa koje nastaju pri opaljenju. Nagibni sklop prikazanje kao kruto telo sa jednim stepenom slobode kretanja (rotacija u vertikalnoj ravni. Model oscilovanja upoređenje sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima realnog modela oscilovanja oruđa (oscilacije nagibnog sklopa sa više stepeni slobode kretanja. Date su razlike između proračunskog i realnog modela oscilovanja i analiza njihovih parametara. / The oscillation of elevating group on artillery weapon during firing test are described in this paper. The elevation group is represented a rigid body of DOF (rotation in vertical plane. The model oscillation is compared -with the experimental results of real model oscillation (oscillations of elevating group with more degrees of freedom. A difference sizes among simplify and real model oscillation are given, and some of their parameters are analyzed.

  10. Transmutation doping and recoil effects in semiconductors exposed to thermal neutrons; Transmutations provoquees et effets de recul dans les semi-conducteurs exposes aux neutrons thermiques; Prisadka i sdacha v rezul'tate prevrashcheniya poluprovodnikov pod dejstviem teplovykh nejtronov; Impurificacion por transmutacion y efectos de retroceso en los semiconductores expuestos a neutrones termicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crawford, Jr, J H; Cleland, J W [Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    ({sup 71}Ga); una correcta eleccion de la exposicion permite por tanto disminuir la concentracion de electrones en el germanio de tipo n hasta valores muy bajos, o transformar el germanio de tipo n en germanio de tipo p. Afortunadamente, el periodo de semidesintegracion del nuclido que da origen al {sup 71}Ga es largo; ello permite observar en detalle el curso de la ''valoracion radiactiva'' por medicion del coeficiente de Hall y de la comductividad. Los experimentos demuestran tambien que los defectos que producen en la red cristalina los retrocesos de nucleos causados por la emision gamma consecutiva a la captura neutronica eliminan aproximadamente un electron por cada neutron capturado. El recocido a unos 450 Degree-Sign C hace que los atomos desplazados vuelvan a los sitios que les corresponden en la red cristalina. Tambien se han observado efectos del retroceso en el silicio; cada captura da lugar a la eliminacion de, aproximadamente, dos portadores de carga. Los autores analizaran las deducciones a que llevan estos resultados y los obtenidos con el germanio, basandose en los espectros de rayos gamma de captura. En el caso del antimoniuro de indio, los rayos gamma de captura emitidos por el {sup 115}In no bastan para desplazar un numero grande de nucleos, de modo que el efecto principal es la formacion de {sup 116}Sn, que es un donor cuando sustituye a un atomo de indio en una red cristalina de este elemento. La impurificacion por transmutacion nuclear ofrece una posibilidad de estudiar numerosos semiconductores compuestos en los que resulta dificil introducir impurezas por procomientos quimicos. (author) [Russian] Byli provedeny podrobnye issledovaniya vozdejstviya teplovykh nejtronov na germanij. Iz pyati izotopov tri izotopa prevrashchayutsya v khimicheskie primesi, vykhod kotorykh, v chisle atomov na 100 zakhvatov nejtronov, i ikh periody poluraspada predstavlyayutsya v sleduyushchem vide: Ga{sup 71} - 30,4, 11,4 dnya; As{sup 75} - 9,8, 82 min; Se{sup 77} - 1

  11. Ranges of Iodine and Bromine Isotopes Produced in the Interaction of High-Energy Protons with Uranium; Isotopes de l'Iode et du Brome Produits par l'Interaction de Protons de Haute Energie avec l'Uranium; 041f 0420 041e 0411 0415 0413 0418 0418 0417 041e 0422 041e 041f 041e 0412 0419 041e 0414 0410 0418 0411 0420 041e 041c 0410 , 041f 041e 041b 0423 0427 0415 041d 041d 042b 0425 041f 0420 0418 0412 0417 0410 0418 041c 041e 0414 0415 0419 0421 0422 0412 0418 0418 041f 0420 041e - 0422 041e 041d 041e 0412 0411 041e 041b 042c 0428 041e 0419 042d 041d 0415 0420 0413 0418 0418 0421 0423 0420 0410 041d 041e 041c ; Alcance de los Isotopos del Yodo y del Bromo Producidos en la Interaccion de Protones de Alta Energia con el Uranio

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    Brandt, R. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Max Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    la produccion de isotopos deficientes en neutrones vuelve a observarse empleando altas energias de bombardeo. El autor centra su estudio en esos isotopos deficientes en neutrones, que practicamente se producen solo a niveles superiores a 1 GeV; a energias de bombardeo mas elevadas, su alcance esta limitado aproximada mente a la mitad del alcance de los productos de fision normales, lo que indica que se forman en virtud de un proceso distinto del de fision. El autor examina estas conclus iones teniendo en cuenta modelosde 'espalacion ' y de ' fragmentacion '. definiendo de nuevo estos dos terminos. (author) [Russian] Obychnye jeksperimenty po probegam s ispol'zovaniem tolstoj uranovoj fol'gi vmeste s aljuminievymi lovushkami i dozimetrami provodjatsja na dvuh uskoriteljah CERN s protonami, imejushhimi jenergii 0,55 Bjev i 18,2 Bjev. Iod (ili brom) vydeljadtsja himicheshim putem i razdeljaetsja v separatore radioizotopov v CERN. V rezul'tate poluchajut obrazcy bez nositelja, soderzhashhie po sushhestvu tol'ko odin chistyj radioaktivnyj izotop. Opredeljaetsja takzhe vyhod himicheskih produktov. Analiz dannyh pozvoljaet poluchit' neposredstvenno probeg dlja kazhdogo izotopa v urane. Vse izotopy joda imejut odin i tot zhe probeg pri jenergii protonov 0,55 Bjev, t.e. oni vse obrazujutsja v processe delenija. Ranee bylo izvestno, chto izotopy Joda s izbytkom nejtronov imejut priblizitel'no odin i tot zhe probeg, nezavisimo ot togo,prevyshaet li jenergija protonov 1 Bjev ili ona nizhe jetogo urovnja, a takzhe, chto izotopy joda s nedostatkom nejtronov dajut rezkoe sokrashhenie, priblizitel'no na polovinu, pri uvelichenii jenergii protonov svyshe 1 Bjev. Pokazyvaetsja, chto jeto sokrashhenie probega proishodit dovol'no vnezapno, privodja k skachku na krivoj zavisimosti probega ot massy izotopa joda. Izotopy s nedostatkom nejtronov, imeja sokrashhennyj probeg pri jenergii protonov svyshe I Bjev, javljajutsja temi zhe samymi izotopami, v otnoshenii kotoryh nabljudalos' sil

  12. Anxiety, Self-Esteem and Coping With Stress in Secondary School Students in Relation to Involvement in Organized Sports / Anksioznost, Samospoštovanje In Spoprijemanje S Stresom Pri Srednješolcih V Povezavi Z Vključenostjo V Organizirano Športno Aktivnost

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    Dolenc Petra


    Full Text Available Cilj. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti raven samospoštovanja in anksioznosti ter uporabo različnih strategij spoprijemanja s stresom pri srednješolskih mladostnikih v povezavi z vključenostjo v redno in organizirano športno vadbo.

  13. A Simple and High-Throughput Analysis of Amatoxins and Phallotoxins in Human Plasma, Serum and Urine Using UPLC-MS/MS Combined with PRiME HLB μElution Platform

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    Shuo Zhang


    Full Text Available Amatoxins and phallotoxins are toxic cyclopeptides found in the genus Amanita and are among the predominant causes of fatal food poisoning in China. In the treatment of Amanita mushroom poisoning, an early and definite diagnosis is necessary for a successful outcome, which has prompted the development of protocols for the fast and confirmatory determination of amatoxins and phallotoxins in human biological fluids. For this purpose, a simple, rapid and sensitive multiresidue UPLC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of α-amanitin, β-amanitin, γ-amanitin, phalloidin (PHD and phallacidin (PCD in human plasma, serum and urine was developed and validated. The diluted plasma, serum and urine samples were directly purified with a novel PRiME technique on a 96-well μElution plate platform, which allowed high-throughput sample processing and low reagent consumption. After purification, a UPLC-MS/MS analysis was performed using positive electrospray ionization (ESI+ in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM mode. This method fulfilled the requirements of a validation test, with good results for the limit of detection (LOD, lower limit of quantification (LLOQ, accuracy, intra- and inter-assay precision, recovery and matrix effects. All of the analytes were confirmed and quantified in authentic plasma, serum and urine samples obtained from cases of poisoning using this method. Using the PRiME μElution technique for quantification reduces labor and time costs and represents a suitable method for routine toxicological and clinical emergency analysis.

  14. Pulsed Source Measurements on a Uranium-Water Subcritical Assembly; Mesures Faites sur un Assemblage Sous- Critique Uranium-Eau Ordinaire a l'Aide d'une Source Pulsee; Izmereniya s pomoshch'yu istochnikov impul'snykh nejtronov na urano-vodnoi podkriticheskoi sborke; Mediciones con Fuentes Pulsantes en un Conjunto Subcritico Uranio-Agua

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gibson, I. H.; Walker, J. [Department of Physics, University of Birmingham, Birmingham (United Kingdom)


    reticulado rectificadas con precision; en todos los casos el uranio adopta la forma de barras de 109,8 cm de largo por 3,0 cm de diametro. El combustible se monta horizontalmente, alcanzando el peso de las cargas hasta unas 6 t. Se eliminan, o eligen a voluntad, los armonicos espaciales ubicando convenientemente un pequeno detector de centelleo. Los autores presentan resultados experimentales que indican la relacion de dependencia existente entre la constante de desintegracion y el laplaciano y los comparan con los valores hallados teoricamente. (author) [Russian] Sborka na prirodnom urane i legkoj vode bez otrazhatelja ispol'zuetsja sovmestno s istochnikom impul'snyh nejtronov dlja izmerenija vremeni raspada pri razlichnyh znachenijah laplasiana. Chetyre razlichnyh shaga reshetki na otrezke 3,94 - 5,8 sm byli polucheny putem ispol'zovanija razlichnyh par horosho obrabotannyh plastinok reshetki, v kazhdom sluchae uran byl v vide sterzhnej dlinoj 109,8 i diametrom 3,0 sm. Sterzhni ustanavlivalis' gorizontal'no, ves zagruzok sostavljal priblizitel'no 6 t. Prostranstvennye kolebanija ustranjalis' ili vydeljalis' putem sootvetstvujushhego ustanovlenija nebol'shogo scintilljacionnogo detektora. Budut predstavleny i sravneny s teoreticheskimi dannymi rezul'taty opytov, pokazyvajushhie zavisimost' postojannoj raspada ot laplasiana. (author)

  15. Some Results of the Research Work on the Biological Effect of Neutrons and Protons; Quelques Resultats des Etudes sur les Effets Biologiques des Neutrons et des Protons; Nekotorye itogi izucheniya biologicheskogo dejstviya nejtronov i protonov; Algunos Resultados del Estudio de los Efectos Biologicos de los Neutrones y Protones

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    Moskalev, Ju. I. [Institut Biofiziki AMN SSSR, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    investigacion de los efectos biologicos de los neutrones y protones de elevada energia. Se demuestra que son importantes problemas de la radiobiologia moderna la determinacion de la eficacia biologica relativa de los diversos tipos de radiaciones en distintas condiciones de irradiacion, asi como la indagacion de las diferencias cualitativas de su efecto sobre los organismos vivos. Se senala la necesidad de estimular eLestudio de la accion combinada de los diversos factores. Partiendo de ejemplos concretos, se exponen los principales resultados de las investigaciones sobre profilaxis de las radiolesiones provocadas por neutrones y protones de elevada energia y se indica la contribucion de esas investigaciones a la comprension de la accion especifica de los diversos tipos de radiaciones. (author) [Russian] Obobshheny rezul'taty jeksperimental'nyh issledovanij, vypolnennyh za poslednie 2 - 3 goda v oblasti izuchenija biologicheskogo dejstvija nejtronov i protonov vysokih jenergij. Pokazano, chto vazhnoj zadachej sovremennoj radio-biologii javljaetsja issledovanie kak otnositel'noj biologicheskoj jeffektivnosti razlichnyh vidov izluchenija pri raznyh u slovijah vozdejstvija luchevo go faktora, tak i vyjasnenija kachestvennyh razlichij v dejstvii ih na zhivotnyj organizm. Obrashheno vnimanie na neobhodimost' razvitija issledovanij po kombinirovannomu dejstviju razlichnyh faktorov luchevoj i neluchevoj prirody. Na konkretnyh primerah prodemonstrirovany osnovnye dostizhenija issledovanij po profilaktike luchevyh porazhenij, vyzvannyh nejtronami i protonami vysokih jenergij, a takzhe prodemonstrirovana rol' jetih issledovanij dlja ponimanija specifiki dejstvija raznyh vidov izluchenija. (author)

  16. Development of Geiger-Mueller counters for operation at high temperatures; Mise au point de compteurs Geiger-Mueller fonctionnant a haute temperature; Razrabotka schetchikov Gejgera-Myullera, rabotayushchikh pri povyshennoj temperature; Contadores Geiger-Mueller que funcionan a temperaturas elevadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draghicescu, M [Institut de Physique Atomique, Bucarest (Romania)


    Counters of this type are necessary for radioactive logging at great depths; they have to operate normally at temperatures up to 180{sup o}C. In order to preserve their characteristics under such conditions, the work function of the cathode has been improved by a special treatment. Tests have been made on counters with graphite, copper and wolfram cathodes in a glass envelope. The method is simple, and can easily be employed in industry. (author) [French] De tels compteurs sont necessaires pour le sondage radioactif aux grandes profondeurs; ils doivent fonctionner dans des conditions normales jusqu'a la temperature de 180{sup o}C. Afin qu'ils puissent conserver leurs caracteristiques jusqu'a cette temperature, on a agi sur le travail de sortie de la cathode par un traitement adequat. On a fait l'essai sur des compteurs avec cathode de graphite, de cuivre ou de tungstene, dans un ballon de verre. La methode proposee est simple et peut etre appliquee facilement dans l'industrie. (author) [Spanish] Se requiere este tipo de contador para la determinacion de la radiactividad a grandes profundidades; debe ser capaz de funcionar normalmente a temperaturas hasta de 180{sup o}C. A fin de que sus caracteristicas se conserven inalteradas hasta tales temperaturas, se ha modificado la funcion de trabajo del catodo mediante un tratamiento adecuando. Se han ensayado contadores con catodo de grafito, de cobre o de wolframio en un balon de vidrio. El metodo propuesto es simple y puede aplicarse facilmente en la industria. (author) [Russian] Podobnye schetchiki neobkhodimy dlya radioaktivnogo karottazha na bol'shikh glubinakh; oni dolzhny funktsionirovat' v normal'nykh usloviyakh pri temperature do 180{sup o}C. Nakonets, dlya togo, chtoby oni mogli sokhranyat' svoi osobennosti pri ehtoj temperature, bylo obrashcheno vnimanie na rabotu katodnogo vykhoda pri pomoshchi sootvetstvuyushchej obrabotki. Byl proveden opyt na schetchikakh s grafitovym, mednym ili vol'framovym katodom v

  17. Preliminary evidence for association of genetic variants in pri-miR-34b/c and abnormal miR-34c expression with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. (United States)

    Garcia-Martínez, I; Sánchez-Mora, C; Pagerols, M; Richarte, V; Corrales, M; Fadeuilhe, C; Cormand, B; Casas, M; Ramos-Quiroga, J A; Ribasés, M


    Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairment to sustain attention and inability to control impulses and activity level. The etiology of ADHD is complex, with an estimated heritability of 70-80%. Under the hypothesis that alterations in the processing or target binding of microRNAs (miRNAs) may result in functional alterations predisposing to ADHD, we explored whether common polymorphisms potentially affecting miRNA-mediated regulation are involved in this psychiatric disorder. We performed a comprehensive association study focused on 134 miRNAs in 754 ADHD subjects and 766 controls and found association between the miR-34b/c locus and ADHD. Subsequently, we provided preliminary evidence for overexpression of the miR-34c-3p mature form in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of ADHD subjects. Next, we tested the effect on gene expression of single-nucleotide polymorphisms within the ADHD-associated region and found that rs4938923 in the promoter of the pri-miR-34b/c tags cis expression quantitative trait loci for both miR-34b and miR-34c and has an impact on the expression levels of 681 transcripts in trans, including genes previously associated with ADHD. This gene set was enriched for miR-34b/c binding sites, functional categories related to the central nervous system, such as axon guidance or neuron differentiation, and serotonin biosynthesis and signaling canonical pathways. Our results provide preliminary evidence for the contribution to ADHD of a functional variant in the pri-miR-34b/c promoter, possibly through dysregulation of the expression of mature forms of miR-34b and miR-34c and some target genes. These data highlight the importance of abnormal miRNA function as a potential epigenetic mechanism contributing to ADHD.

  18. Use of the Neutron Die-Away Technique to Test Control Rod Effectiveness Theories; Emploi de la Methode d'Absorption des Neutrons pour Verifier les Theories sur l'Efficacite des Barres de Commande; Ispol'zovanie metoda spada potoka nejtronov dlya proverki teorij ehffektivnosti reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej; Aplicacion de la Tecnica de Extincion Neutronica a la Verificacion de las Teorias sobre la Eficacia de las Barras de Control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez, R. B. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States); De Saussure, G.; Silver, E. G. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States); Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    actualmente determinaciones con barras de dimensiones intermedias, a fin de averiguar el limite de aplicacion de la teoria de la difusion. (author) [Russian] Raschety jeffektivnosti regulirujushhih sterzhnej uslozhnjajutsja ih zavisimost'ju kak ot raspredelenija jenergij nejtronov, tak m ot geometrii sborki. Pri sravnenii teoreticheskih dannyh s rezul'tatami jeksperimentov, provedennyh na reaktorah ili kriticheskih sistemah, voznikajut trudnosti, svjazannye s vnutrennej slozhnost'ju takih sistem. Metod spada potoka nejtronov pozvoljaet poluchit' model' vseh teplovyh nejtronov, v kotoroj raspredelenie jenergii nejtronov mozhet byt' otdeleno ot prostranstvennyh jeffektov. Pojetomu geometricheskij faktor jeffektivnosti regulirujushhego sterzhnja mozhet byt' izuchen bez ucheta detalej nejtronnogo spektra, a rezul'taty mogut byt' sravneny s rezul'tatami chistoj prostoj jeksperimental'noj ustanovki. Metod osnovan na tom fakte, chto v jeksperimente s zamiraniem nejtronov, kak on zdes' opisan, laplasian sborki svjazan s postojannoj raspada osnovnogo vida po formuljo: B{sup 2} = ({lambda} - {lambda}{sub a})/D {lambda}{sub a} gde Ha-obratnyj poluperiod nejtronov v zamedlitele (sek-1 ); D- postojannaja diffuzii (sm2 'sek-1 ). V zamedljajushhih sborkah, ispol'zuemyh dlja jetih jeksperimentov, imelis' prjamougol'nye berillievye prizmy razlichnyh razmerov, sostavlennye iz nebol'shih (7,3 h 7,3 h 5,24 sm) blokov. Ispol'zovalis' tri vida kadmievyh regulirujushhih sterzhnej: tonkie diametrom 0,476sm, krestoobraznye i polye ''tolstye'' sterzhni secheniem 7,3 X 7,3sm. Byli provereny sledujushhie teoreticheskie shemy: 1) Nordhejma -Skalettara; 2) Hurvitca-Roe; 3) Cifrovoj hod diffuzii. Jeffekt krestoobraznogo poglotitelja byl raschitan s pomoshh'ju metoda konformnogo preobrazovanija Hurvitca-Roe. Dlja laplasiana bylo polucheno znachenie 0,0188sm{sup -2}, chto sravnimo s jeksperimental'nymi rezul'tatami, sostavivshimi 0,0187 {+-} 0,0006 cm{sup -2}. Znachenija, poluchennye dlja tolstyh sterzhnej s

  19. A Privacy Protection User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme Tailored for the Internet of Things Environment: PriAuth

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    Yuwen Chen


    Full Text Available In a wearable sensor-based deployment, sensors are placed over the patient to monitor their body health parameters. Continuous physiological information monitored by wearable sensors helps doctors have a better diagnostic and a suitable treatment. When doctors want to access the patient’s sensor data remotely via network, the patient will authenticate the identity of the doctor first, and then they will negotiate a key for further communication. Many lightweight schemes have been proposed to enable a mutual authentication and key establishment between the two parties with the help of a gateway node, but most of these schemes cannot enable identity confidentiality. Besides, the shared key is also known by the gateway, which means the patient’s sensor data could be leaked to the gateway. In PriAuth, identities are encrypted to guarantee confidentiality. Additionally, Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH key exchange protocol has been adopted to ensure the secrecy of the key, avoiding the gateway access to it. Besides, only hash and XOR computations are adopted because of the computability and power constraints of the wearable sensors. The proposed scheme has been validated by BAN logic and AVISPA, and the results show the scheme has been proven as secure.

  20. Las redes sociales en las campañas de los candidatos a diputados locales del PRI , el PAN y el PRD en las elecciones de 2015 en el Estado de México / Social media in local campaigns of pri , pan and prd candidates in the 2015 State of Mexico legislative elections

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    Leticia Heras Gómez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es examinar la comunicación política de los partidos a través de las redes sociales (Facebook y Twitter en las elecciones de 2015 para el Congreso local del Estado de México. Con este fin, se realizó un análisis de contenido de todos los mensajes en redes sociales de los candidatos del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN y el Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD a partir de una muestra de nueve de los 45 distritos electorales uninominales, con base en una codificación que clasifica su contenido en ocho categorías relevantes. Contrario a los supuestos de la literatura sobre la posmodernización de las campañas electorales, los resultados del estudio muestran que el uso político de las redes sociales en las elecciones locales en México es todavía limitado y que los canales basados en Internet aún no han logrado desplazar a las formas tradicionales de comunicación ni de participación electoral. En general, los datos revelan que las redes sociales se utilizan esencialmente como agenda o diario de actividades de los candidatos, los cuales buscan una mayor visibilidad de su imagen, pero con escasa incidencia en los resultados electorales. / The aim of this article is to examine political party communication through social media (Facebook and Twitter in the 2015 local congressional elections of the State of Mexico. According to that purpose, we carried out a content analysis of social media messages of all congressional candidates of the PRI, PAN, and PRD from a sample of nine single-member districts out of 45, by using a coding of eight relevant categories. The results of our study show that the political use of social media in local elections in México is still quite limited and that Internet channels have not replaced traditional methods of political communication and electoral participation, which is contrary to the assumptions of post-modernization literature

  1. Retention in Solid KIO{sub 3} Activated with Fast and Slow Neutrons; Retention dans KIO{sub 3} Solide Active par des Neutrons Rapides et des Neutrons Lents; 0423 0414 0415 0420 0416 0410 041d 0418 0415 0412 0422 0412 0415 0420 0414 041e 041c KIO{sub 3}, 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 0418 0420 041e 0412 0410 041d 041d 041e 041c 0411 042b 0421 0422 0420 042b 041c 0418 0418 041c 0415 0414 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 041c 0418 041d 0415 0418 0422 0420 041e 041d 0410 041c 0418 ; Retencion en KIO{sub 3} Solido Activado con Neutrones Rapidos y Lentos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aten, A.H.W. Jr.; Lindner-Groen, M.; Lindner, L. [Instituut voor Kernphysisch Onderzoek, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    s pomoshh'ju bystryh i teplovyh nejtronov. Pri bystryh nejtronah uderzhanie joda-128 bylo znachitel'no vyshe, chem uderzhanie joda-126, no uderzhanie joda-128 s pomoshh'ju teplovyh nejtronov bylo dazhe vyshe, chem uderzhanie, poluchennoe s pomoshh'ju bystryh nejtronov. Jeto ukazyvaet, chto, pomimo shemy raspada, jenergija otdachi mozhet takzhe sostavljat' faktor, opredeljajushhij uderzhanie. Otzhig joda-128 i Joda-126 (oba polucheny s pomoshh'ju bystryh nejtronov) takzhe okazalsja razlichnym. Pri obrabotke posle obluchenija pri temperaturah do 100 Degree-Sign C uderzhanie oboih izotopov vozrastalo na odin i tot zhe procent obshhej aktivnosti, t.e. raznica v uderzhanii ostavalas' postojannoj. Takim obrazom frakcija joda-126, kotoraja umen'shalas' processom otdachi, bol'she umen'shennoj frakcii joda-128, znachitel'no men'she podvergalas' vozdejstviju nagreva, chem frakcija, kotoraja umen'shaetsja v oboih izotopah. Ochevidno, chto takoe slozhnoe himicheskoe povedenie radioaktivnogo atoma otdachi mozhno ob{sup j}asnit' tol'ko s pomoshh'ju dostatochnoj detal'noj modeli. (author)

  2. Perfil político de los diputados mexicanos federales del pan y pri de la LXI Legislatura: apuntes para un estudio cualitativo de los políticos

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    Mónica Montaño Reyes


    Full Text Available El descontento ante la democracia ha pro - vocado que el estudio del capital humano que dirige las instituciones representativas cobre relevancia. En este artículo se analiza el perfil político de 382 diputados federales del Partido Acción Nacional ( pan y del Partido Revolucionario Institucional ( pri de la lxi Legislatura. El análisis contem - pla sus competencias profesionales, su trayectoria y su experiencia política. Los resultados muestran datos relevantes sobre los personajes que ejercen los puestos de representación política en México; la revisión de sus competencias personales y de su trayectoria profesional lleva a concluir que la carrera política es un factor de gran importancia para el mejor funcionamiento de la democracia representativa.

  3. Association of Average Telomere Length with Body-Mass Index and Vitamin D Status in Juvenile Population with Type 1 Diabetes / Povezava Povprečnih Dolžin Telomerov Z Indeksom Telesne Teže in Vitaminom D Pri Mladostnikih S Sladkorno Boleznijo Tipa 1

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    Tesovnik Tine


    Full Text Available Izhodišče. Sladkorna bolezen tipa 1 (SBT1 je kronična avtoimunska bolezen, pri kateri hiperglikemija ter zvišana raven oksidativnega stresa in končnih produktov glikacije skupaj z genetskimi in okoljskimi dejavniki privedeta do nastanka diabetičnih zapletov. Krajše dolžine telomerov so povezane s hiperglikemičnimi epizodami in nižjimi serumskimi vrednostmi vitamina D.

  4. El silenciamiento de la proteína priónica celular (PrPC mediante RNA de interferencia (siRNA reduce la infección por HSV-1 y HSV-2 en células SK-SY5Y

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    Elizabeth Ortega-Soto


    Full Text Available Las encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles (EETs son enfermedades neurodegenerativas fatales que afectan a humanos y ciertas especies animales. La hipótesis más aceptada indica que el agente infeccioso, denotado como prion y compuesto principalmente por la Proteína Priónica Scrapie (PrPSc, corresponde a una conformación anormal de una proteína codificada por el huésped denominada Proteína Priónica Celular (PrPC, cuya función es aún desconocida; sin embargo, la expresión ubicua de PrPC así como su elevado grado de conservación entre especies, sugieren un papel importante para esta proteína. En este trabajo se detectó a la PrPC en diferentes tipos celulares incluyendo un cultivo primario de células de peces (Tilapia, Oreochromis spp.. Además, basándonos en la secuencia de la PrPC humana, se diseñó un RNA de interferencia (siRNA con el fin de silenciar el gen PRNP en células neuronales SK-SY5Y. El siRNA diseñado inhibió la expresión de PrPC a lo largo de las 96 h post-transfección y las células silenciadas fueron menos susceptibles a la infección por HSV-1 y HSV-2, en comparación con células no transfectadas con el siRNA.

  5. Expression of genes for microRNA-processing enzymes is altered in advanced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. (United States)

    Sharma, Haveesh; Estep, Michael; Birerdinc, Aybike; Afendy, Arian; Moazzez, Amir; Elariny, Hazem; Goodman, Zachary; Chandhoke, Vikas; Baranova, Ancha; Younossi, Zobair M


    Recently, microRNAs (miRNA) have been linked to the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its progression to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). First transcribed as pri-miRNA, these molecules are further processed by a complex of endonuclear and cytosolic RNA binding molecules to form mature miRNAs. The aim of this study is to investigate mechanisms of miRNA regulation in the visceral adipose of obese NAFLD patients via measuring expression of miRNA processing enzymes and pri-miRNA. Total RNAs were extracted from visceral adipose tissue (VAT) samples collected from patients undergoing bariatric surgery. All patients had biopsy-proven NAFLD (NASH patients [n = 12] and non-NASH NAFLD [n = 12]). For each patient, we profiled mRNA levels for three miRNA processing elements (Drosha, DGCR8, and Dicer1) and seven pri-miRNAs (pri-miR-125b-2, pri-miR-16-2, pri-miR-26a-1, pri-miR-26a-2, pri-miR-7-1, pri-miR-7-2, and pri-miR-7-3). Expression of Dicer1, Drosha and DGCR8 was significantly increased within the NASH cohort along with expression of pri-miR-7-1. The presence of focal necrosis on the liver biopsy correlated significantly with levels of Dicer1 and DGRC8. Both NASH and ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes correlated negatively with the expression levels of hsa-miR-125b. Histologic NASH correlated positively with the expression levels of pri-miR-16-2 and pri-miR-7-1. The presence of the hepatocyte's ballooning degeneration in the liver biopsy correlated positively with pri-miR-26a-1 and pri-miR-7-1. The expression profile of pri-miR-125b-2 also correlated positively with body mass index. Our findings support the hypothesis that VAT-derived miRNA may contribute to the pathogenesis of NASH in obese patients. © 2013 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  6. Cold distribution networks. Cold distribution by two-phase refrigerant fluid. Case of ice slurries; Reseaux de distribution de froid. Distribution de froid par fluide frigoporteur diphasique. Cas du coulis de glace stabilisee (2002 - 2004). Rapport final (1er juillet 2004). Programme energie. PRI 9.1

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    Lallemand, A. [Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA), Centre de Thermique de Lyon (CETHIL), UMR 5008, 69 - Villeurbanne (France); Mercier, P. [CEA Grenoble, Groupement pour la Recherche sur les Echangeurs Thermiques (GRETH), 38 (France); Royon, L. [Paris-1 Univ., Lab. de Biorheologie et d' Hydrodynamique Physico-Chimique, 75 (France); Dumas, J.P. [L' Ecole Nationale Superieure en Genie des Technologies Industrielles, Lab. de Thermique Energetique et Procedes, 64 - Pau (France); Guilpart, J. [URGPAN/CEMAGRE, 33 - Bordeaux (France)


    This PRI aims to participate to the development of alternate solutions for refrigerant fluids, for the cold transport and more specially a two phase refrigerant fluid: the stabilized ice slurry. The research program presented three main axis: design, realization and characterization of stabilized ice slurry, experimental studies of transport and transfer properties, study of online measurement process of the solid content. A simulation has been realized to evaluate the energy efficiency of this refrigerant use. (A.L.B.)

  7. Neutron radiation capture; Radiatsionnyj zakhvat nejtronov

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For all stable and experimentally studied radionuclides evaluated data are presented on cross sections of thermal neutrons, on resonance integrals and medium neutron cross sections with energy of 30 KeV. Refs, figs and tabs.

  8. Advanced epithermal thorium reactor (AETR) physics; Physique d'un reacteur au thorium, a neutrons epithermiques, de type perfectionne (AETR); Fizika usovershenstvovannog o nadteplovogo torievogo reaktora; Fisica del reactor epitermico de tipo avanzado, alimentado con torio (AETR)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campise, A. V. [Atomics International, Canoga Park, CA (United States)


    del {sup 233}Pa y de isotopos del uranio sobre el balance neutronico relativo y se evalua la probable razon de reproduccion y las caracteristicas de combustion teniendo en cuenta la imprecision en el conocimiento de las secciones eficaces nucleares. (author) [Russian] Rassmatrivayuts ya printsipy konstruirovani ya usovershenstvovannog o nadteplovogo torievogo reaktora s uchetom sushchestvuyushchej teorii yadernykh parametrov i potentsial'nogo poleznogo ispol'zovaniya nejtronov. Byl izuchen ehffekt rezonansnogo zakhvata toriya v sistemakhs grafitovym zamedlitelem dlya nejtronov s ehnergiyami ot 0,10 do 100 kehv. Ispol'zuyutsya formuly uzkogo rezonansa i shirokogo rezonansa v tselyakh polucheniya zavisimogo ot temperatury ehffektivnogo rezo- nansnogo integrala torievogo sterzhnya, kotoryj vyrazhaetsya v vide ehkvivalentnykh mnogogruppovykh sechenij. Neobkhodimost' v poluchenii yadernykh dannykh v oblasti promezhutochnykh ehnergij privela k sozdaniyu proekta i konstruktsii kriticheskoj sborki. Yadernyj proekt ehtoj sborki podcherkivaet vazhnost' dannykh poperechnykh sechenij i teoreticheskoj interpretatsii ehksperimental'nykh rezul'tatov, imeyushchikh otnoshenie k usovershenstvovannom u nadteplovomu torievomu reaktoru. Tochnost' analiticheskikh metodov byla podtverzhdena pri analize ehksperimental'nykh rezul'tatov, poluchennykh na reaktore nulevoj moshchnosti ZPR-III. Provodyatsya sravneniya trekh konfiguratsij teploperedachi s ispol'zovaniem udvoennogo vremeni v kachestve optimal'nogo parametra. EHffekt proizvodstva izotopa protaktiniya-233 i urana pri otnositel'no poleznom ispol'zovanii nejtronov, vozmozhnye koehffitsienty vosproizvodstva i kharakteristiki vygoraniya otsenivayutsya v svyazi s netochnostyami v yadernykh poperechnykh secheniyakh. (author)

  9. Doenças priônicas: avaliação dos riscos envolvidos na utilização de produtos de origem bovina Prionic disease: evaluation of the risks involved in using products of bovine origin

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    Omar Lupi


    Full Text Available Os príons são proteínas que se mostram capazes de auto-replicação apesar de, para isso, alterar o metabolismo celular. São responsáveis por inúmeras doenças em animais e no ser humano (doenças priônicas, todas elas fatais. Essas moléstias apresentam enorme variabilidade quanto ao período de incubação, de alguns meses a 40 anos. Os príons acumulam-se e destroem os neurônios, provocando quadros conhecidos como encefalopatias espongiosiformes. Discute-se a apresentação clínica, epidemiológica e histórica das doenças priônicas. O foco maior de discussão recai, no entanto, na possibilidade teórica da transmissão iatrogênica dos príons por meio das formulações tópicas que utilizam ceramidas (cerebrosídeos ou placenta de origem bovina, assim como pelo risco representado por alguns procedimentos dermatológicos, como transplantes da pele e implantes de colágeno.A prion is a protein that is capable of self replication, thereby altering a cell's metabolism. It is responsible for a number of human and animal diseases (prionic diseases, all of which are always lethal. These diseases have enormous variability in their incubation periods, ranging from a few months to forty years. Prions accumulate and destroy nerve cells, causing spongiform encephalopathy. We discuss the clinical picture, epidemiology, and historical background of prionic diseases. The major focus of the discussion lies, however, on the theoretical possibility of iatrogenic transmission of prion infection due to topical formulations using ceramides (cerebrosides or placenta of bovine origin, as well as the risk represented by some dermatological procedures such as skin grafts and collagen implants.



    Sać, Teuta


    V računovodskih izkazih se pojavijo posamezne napačne navedbe, ki lahko izvirajo iz naslova prevare ali napake. Revizorja pri revidiranju spremljajo tveganja, da ne bo odkril napačne navedbe in izrazil napačnega mnenja o poštenosti in resničnosti računovodskih izkazov, ki ga imenujemo revizijsko tveganje. Revizijsko tveganje je sestavljeno iz tveganja pri delovanju, tveganja pri kontroliranju in tveganja pri odkrivanju. Na tveganje pri delovanju lahko vplivajo okoliščine znotraj podjetja...

  11. Pulsed Neutron Studies of BeO-Natural Uranium Lattices; Etudes de Reseaux Uranium Naturel-Glucine, par la Methode des Neutrons Pulses; Issledovanie reshetok BeO-prirodnyj uran s pomoshch'yu impul'snykh nejtronov; Estudio de Reticulados de Beo-Uranio Natural con Ayuda de Neutrones Pulsados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joshi, B. V.; Nargundkar, V. R.; Subbarao, K. [Atomic Energy Establishment Trombay, Bombay (India)


    . Las rafagas de neutrones se produjeron con un acelerador de cascada pulsando la fuente de iones y empleando la reaccion Be(d, n). Como detectores se emplearon contadores proporcionales de BF{sub 3} enriquecido. Los armonicos espaciales y temporales se eliminaron por el metodo descrito por Joshi y sus colaboradores en otra memoria presentada en este simposio. Se determino la constante de decrecimiento del modo fundamental para diversos laplacianos cuando la criticidad estaba muy lejos de alcanzarse. En estos calculos se tuvo en cuenta el efecto del enfriamiento por difusion, asi como el de la anisotropic. Todas las constantes de difusion y de multiplicacion se determinaron mediante ajuste por cuadrados minimos siguiendo tres procedimientos distintos. El laplaciano crftico inmediato se obtuvo resolviendo la ecuacion de la constante de decrecimiento para {lambda} = 0. Los resultados finales fueron los siguientes: Longitud de difusion L = 15,2 cm. Constante de absorcion {lambda}{sub 0} = 162,5 s{sup -1}. Coeficiente de difusion D = 1,761 * 10{sup 5} cm{sup 2}/s. Constante de enfriamiento por difusion C = -8,766 * 10{sup 5} cm{sup 4}/s. Edad {tau} = 150,7 cm{sup 2} Factor de multiplicacion infinita k{sub {infinity}}= 1,126. Laplaciano crftico inmediato B{sup 2} = 3,00 * 10{sup -4} cm{sup -2}. (author) [Russian] Opisyvaetsja primenenie metoda impul'snyh nejtronov dlja opredelenija dif- fuzionnyh parametrov i postojannyh razmnozhenija reshetok. S pomoshh'ju jetogo metoda po- lucheny diffuzionnye parametry i postojannye razmnozhenija dlja reshetok VeO-prirodnyj uran. Ispol'zovavshiesja uranovye sterzhni imeli v diametre 2,92 sm i byli pokryty alju- miniem tolshhinoj v 0,072 sm. Oni byli raspolozheny vertikal'no v kanalah, imejushhih kva- dratnoe sechenie 5 h 5 sm v kvadratnoj reshetke s shagom 15 sm. Impul'sy nejtronov polu- chali s pomoshh'ju kaskadnogo uskoritelja v rezul'tate pul'sirovanija istochnika ionov i is- pol'zovanija reakcij Be (d,n). Detektorami sluzhili

  12. Saddle-Point Rotational States from Resonance Fission of Oriented Nuclei; Etats Rotationnels a l'Etranglement Resultant de la Fission, par Neutrons de Resonance, de Noyaux Orientes; 0412 0420 0410 0429 0410 0422 0415 041b 042c 041d 042b 0415 0421 041e 0421 0422 041e 042f 041d 0418 042f 0421 0415 0414 041b 041e 0412 041e 0419 0422 041e 0427 K 0418 0412 0420 0415 0417 0423 041b 042c 0422 0410 0422 0415 0420 0415 0417 041e 041d 0410 041d 0421 041d 041e 0413 041e 0414 0415 041b 0415 041d 0418 042f 041e 0420 0418 0415 041d 0422 0418 0420 041e 0412 0410 041d 041d 042b 0425 042f 0414 0415 0420 ; Estados Rotacionales en el Punto de Estrangulacion Debidos a la Fision por Resonancia de Nucleos Orientados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dabbs, J. W.T.; Walter, F. J.; Parker, G. W. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    temperature 1,2 Degree-Sign K s pomoshh'ju teplovyh nejtronov, o chem soobshhalos' ranee. Jeti jeksperimenty teper' rasshireny s vkljucheniem rezonansnyh jenergij nejtronov i pri temperature 0,5 Degree-Sign K. Pri ispol'zovanii vmeste s neposredstvennym opredeleniem (s pomoshh'ju poljarizovannyh nejtronov i poljarizovannyh jader) znachenij J, svjazannyh s kazhdym rezonansom, takoe rasshirenie daet vozmozhnost' znachitel'no polnee ponjat' chislo i harakter imejushhihsja kanalov delenija. Jeti voprosy davno stojat v oblasti delenija. Dlja urana-235 bylo ustanovleno, chto anizotropija oskolkov delenija priblizhaetsja k verojatnomu maksimumu pri rezonansah s jenergijami 1,14 i 8,8 jev, so znakom, protivopolozhnym ustanovlennomu ranee dlja al'fa-chastic. Krome togo, bylo ustanovleno znachitel'noe umen'shenie v anizotropii pri jenergii nejtronov v rajone horosho izvestnogo rezonansa 0,3 jev. Pri otsutstvii neposredstvennoj informacii otnositel'no znachenij J v urane-235 byla sdelana ssylka na mnogourovnevuju aproksimaciju k erf, podobnuju aproksimacii Kirpichnikova i dr., v kotoroj predpolagalos', chto J(0,3 jev) Not-Equal-To J( 1,14 jev) v protivopolozhnost' predydushhim mnogourovnevym aproksimacijam. Jeti predvaritel'nye dannye sovmestimy s dannymi otnositel'no anizotropii, proporcional'noj raschetnomu vkladu v erf dvuh vozmozhnyh znachenij J. Forma krivoj, odnako, ne sovmestima s drugimi dannymi, naprimer, s dannymi otnositel'no izmenenija sootnoshenija pik-vpadina Falera i Trompa, chto, takim obrazom, dovol'no kategoricheski ukazyvaet na to, chto J(0,3 jev) Not-Equal-To J(1,14 jev) ne sleduet prinimat' kak ischerpyvajushhee. Provodjatsja novye izmerenija. (author)

  13. Dynamics of spectral bio-indicators and their correlations with light use efficiency using directional observations at a Douglas-fir forest (United States)

    Cheng, Yen-Ben; Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Hilker, Thomas; Coops, Nicholas C.; Black, T. Andrew; Krishnan, Praveena


    The carbon science community must rely on satellite remote sensing to obtain global estimates of photosynthetic activity, typically expressed as net primary production (NPP), gross primary production (GPP) or light use efficiency (LUE). The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), calculated as a normalized difference reflectance index using a physiologically active green band (~531 nm) and another physiologically insensitive green reference band (~570 nm), denoted as PRI(570), has been confirmed in many studies as being strongly related to LUE. Here, we examined the potential of utilizing PRI(570) observations under different illumination conditions for canopy LUE estimation of a forest. In order to evaluate this, directional hyperspectral reflectance measurements were collected continuously throughout the daytime periods using an automated spectroradiometer in conjunction with tower-based eddy covariance fluxes and environmental measurements at a coastal conifer forest in British Columbia, Canada throughout the 2006 growing season. A parameter calculated as the PRI(570) difference (dPRI(570)) between shaded versus sunlit canopy foliage sectors showed a strong correlation to tower-based LUE. The seasonal pattern for this correlation produced a dramatic change from high negative (r ~ -0.80) values in the springtime and early fall to high positive values (r ~ 0.80) during the summer months, which could represent the seasonality of physiological characteristics and environmental factors. Although the PRI(570) successfully tracked canopy LUE, one or both of its green bands (~531 and 570 nm) used to calculate the PRI are unavailable on most existing and planned near-term satellites. Therefore, we examined the potential to use 24 other spectral indexes for LUE monitoring that might be correlated to PRI, and thereby a substitute for it. We also continued our previous investigations into the influence of illumination conditions on the observed PRI(570) and other indexes

  14. Dynamics of spectral bio-indicators and their correlations with light use efficiency using directional observations at a Douglas-fir forest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Yen-Ben; Middleton, Elizabeth M; Hilker, Thomas; Coops, Nicholas C; Black, T Andrew; Krishnan, Praveena


    The carbon science community must rely on satellite remote sensing to obtain global estimates of photosynthetic activity, typically expressed as net primary production (NPP), gross primary production (GPP) or light use efficiency (LUE). The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), calculated as a normalized difference reflectance index using a physiologically active green band (∼531 nm) and another physiologically insensitive green reference band (∼570 nm), denoted as PRI(570), has been confirmed in many studies as being strongly related to LUE. Here, we examined the potential of utilizing PRI(570) observations under different illumination conditions for canopy LUE estimation of a forest. In order to evaluate this, directional hyperspectral reflectance measurements were collected continuously throughout the daytime periods using an automated spectroradiometer in conjunction with tower-based eddy covariance fluxes and environmental measurements at a coastal conifer forest in British Columbia, Canada throughout the 2006 growing season. A parameter calculated as the PRI(570) difference (dPRI(570)) between shaded versus sunlit canopy foliage sectors showed a strong correlation to tower-based LUE. The seasonal pattern for this correlation produced a dramatic change from high negative (r ∼ −0.80) values in the springtime and early fall to high positive values (r ∼ 0.80) during the summer months, which could represent the seasonality of physiological characteristics and environmental factors. Although the PRI(570) successfully tracked canopy LUE, one or both of its green bands (∼531 and 570 nm) used to calculate the PRI are unavailable on most existing and planned near-term satellites. Therefore, we examined the potential to use 24 other spectral indexes for LUE monitoring that might be correlated to PRI, and thereby a substitute for it. We also continued our previous investigations into the influence of illumination conditions on the observed PRI(570) and other

  15. Measurements with a Pulsed and Modulated Source in a Reactor; Mesures au Moyen d'une Source Pulsee et Modulee dans un Reacteur; Izmereniya v reaktore s pomoshch'yu impul'snogo i moduliruemogo is tochnika; Mediciones Efectuadas en Reactor con una Fuente Pulsada y Modulada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rotter, W. [Centre d' Etude de l' Energie Nucleaire, Mol (Belgium)


    analizador multicanal. Como el flujo del generador es perfectamente sinusoidal, la respuesta del reactor puede integrarse en cada cuarto de perfodo, puesto que el circuito de medicion esta gobernado por el generador; por consiguiente, el tiempo de medicion es minimo. Los datos registrados sobre cinta perforada se analizan con ayuda de una calculadora numerica. (author) [Russian] Generator, vyhod nejtronov kotorogo izmenjaetsja v zavisimosti ot funkcii kakogo-to vremeni, byl razrabotan v issledovatel'skih laboratorijah Filipsa. Ego prakticheskaja pol'za v oblasti fiziki reaktorov byla prodemonstrirovana na serii izmerenij, provedennyh v reaktore BR-O 2 v podkriticheskom sostojanii. Horoshaja ustojchivost', vozmozhnost' proizvodit' rezkie izmenenija intensivnosti nejtronnogo potoka, impul'sirovat' vyhod ili modulirovat' ego sinusoidal'no, - vse jeto delaet takoj generator ochen' gibkim. On pozvoljaet ustanavlivat' reaktivnost' ({rho} = {Delta}k/{beta}) i vremja zhizni nejtronov ( Script-Small-L /{beta}) po razlichnym nezavisimym metodam. Tochnoe sravnenie jetih metodov vozmozhno, poskol'ku poslednie mogut byt' ispol'zovany bez izmenenija uslovij izmerenija. Ustanovleno: 1) {rho} na osnove zapazdyvajushhih nejtronov putem mgnovennogo umen'shenija vyhoda nejtronov; 2) {rho} na osnove mgnovennyh nejtronov putem ispol'zovanija impul'sov nejtronov; 3) Script-Small-L /{beta} putem soedinenija 1) i 2) dlja 0,5 $ < {rho} < 2 $ ; 4) Script-Small-L /{beta} na osnove peredatochnoj funkcii reaktora dlja moduliruemogo istochnika. Obsuzhdajutsja peredatochnye funkcii dlja oscilljatora reaktivnosti i dlja sinusoidal'no moduliruemogo istochnika. Pokazano, chto izmerenie Script-Small-L /{beta} vozmozhno dlja 0,1 $< {rho} < $ s uchetom primenenija moduliruemogo istochnika. Tot zhe metod takzhe daet reaktivnost' s pomoshh'ju otnoshenija mgnovennyh nejtronov k zapazdyvajushhim nejtronam dlja optimal'noj chastoty, prichem na praktike jeto proishodit nezavisimo ot dannyh, otnosjashhihsja k

  16. Status of computational and experimental correlations for Los Alamos fast-neutron critical assemblies; Correlation entre les calculs et les experiences sur les ensembles critiques a neutrons rapides de Los Alamos; Sostoyanie vychislitel'nykh i ehksperimental'nykh korrelyatsij dlya Los-Alamosskoj kriticheskoj sistemy na bystrykh nejtronakh; Conjuntos criticos de neutrones rapidos de Los Alamos; correlacion entre resultados calculados y experimentales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, G E [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    'nost ' vychislennogo spektra i kriticheskikh razmerov k razlichnym modelyam perenosa nejtronov (transportnye i linejnye priblizheniya) i arifmeticheskim priblizheniyam (ogranichennye uglovye segmentatsii i mnogogruppovy e predstavleniya) dlya neskol'kikh tipichnykh sistem, chtoby pomoch' ustanovit' neobkhodimye raschetnye detali. Sravneniya mezhdu ehksperimentom i vychislennymi dannymi budut vklyuchat' takzhe v dopolnenie k spektral'nym indeksam i kriticheskim razmeram, vremya zhizni nejtronov i doli zapazdyvayushchikh nejtronov. (author)

  17. Microprocessor Recruitment to Elongating RNA Polymerase II Is Required for Differential Expression of MicroRNAs

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    Victoria A. Church


    Full Text Available The cellular abundance of mature microRNAs (miRNAs is dictated by the efficiency of nuclear processing of primary miRNA transcripts (pri-miRNAs into pre-miRNA intermediates. The Microprocessor complex of Drosha and DGCR8 carries this out, but it has been unclear what controls Microprocessor’s differential processing of various pri-miRNAs. Here, we show that Drosophila DGCR8 (Pasha directly associates with the C-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase II elongation complex when it is phosphorylated by the Cdk9 kinase (pTEFb. When association is blocked by loss of Cdk9 activity, a global change in pri-miRNA processing is detected. Processing of pri-miRNAs with a UGU sequence motif in their apical junction domain increases, while processing of pri-miRNAs lacking this motif decreases. Therefore, phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II recruits Microprocessor for co-transcriptional processing of non-UGU pri-miRNAs that would otherwise be poorly processed. In contrast, UGU-positive pri-miRNAs are robustly processed by Microprocessor independent of RNA polymerase association.

  18. The place of Political Risk Insurance in the political risk management strategy of multinational corporations

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    Violeta Iftinchi


    Full Text Available Confronted with a variety of political risks that affect their international activities, multinational corporations (MNCs can use Political Risk Insurance (PRI as a method to mitigate some of those risks. The aim of this article is to present the main characteristics of the PRI policies and participants, to highlight its benefits and to put forward three limitations that prevent MNCs in using PRI in their political risk management strategy (fluctuating capacity on the market, high premium rates and small compensation value. The recent trend in incorporating corporate social responsibility requirements as a pre-condition for providing PRI can contribute to lowering PRI premium rates.

  19. Neutron Spectra in H{sub 2}O, D{sub 2}O, BeO and CH{sub 2}; Spectres de Neutrons dans H{sub 2}O, D{sub 2}O, BeO et CH{sub 2}; Spektry nejtronov v H{sub 2}O, D{sub 2}O, BeO i CH{sub 2}; Espectros Neutronicos en H{sub 2}O, D{sub 2}O, BeO y CH{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neill, J. M.; Young, J. C.; Trimble, G. D.; Beyster, J. R. [General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation, John Jay Hopkins Laboratory for Pure and Applied Science, San Diego, CA (United States)


    'noj teploemkosti dlja VeO.' Pri jetih izmerenijah nabljudalsja znachitel'nyj Breggovskij zahvat nejtronov nizkih energij. (author)

  20. Remote Sensing of Light Use Efficiency in a Boreal Forest and Peatland in James Bay, Quebec (United States)

    Rogers, Cheryl

    The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is a remotely sensed vegetation index that detects a decrease in spectral reflectance at 531nm associated with xanthophyll cycle activity. PRI has been shown to track light use efficiency (LUE) in a number of plant species. PRI shows great promise in improving our ability to sense photosynthetic fluxes of CO2 remotely. However, it has not been tested in all environments, and its applicability is particularly uncertain for peatland environments dominated by mosses. This research investigates the ability of PRI to track LUE in a boreal forest and peatland, and examines the spectral signal associated with xanthophyll cycle activity in heterogeneous peatland plots. This research also investigates the relationship between PRI and leaf area index (LAI) over space and time in a peatland. We found most plots examined in the peatland site did not exhibit a spectral signal associated with xanthophyll cycle activity when exposed to a transition from dark conditions to full sunlight. This transition should lead to a de-epoxidation of xanthophylls in leaf tissues and a decrease in reflectance at 531nm. Plots that did show the decrease in reflectance at 531nm after this change in light conditions also displayed a decrease in PRI. This indicates that PRI effectively detects the 531nm signal as well as xanthophyll cycle activity and light stress in these plots. However, the variability in the strength of the spectral response to changing light conditions may confound the PRI signal in practice, and make it difficult to interpret results of airborne or satellite data. We also found PRI at the peatland site to be sensitive to and directly correlated with spatial variability in LAI, and negatively correlated with temporal variability in LAI. These characteristics may result in further difficulties applying PRI in peatlands. PRI and LUE were correlated at both the forest and peatland site, however at both sites the PRI signal saturated around

  1. Biological Evaluation of Double Point Modified Analogues of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D2 as Potential Anti-Leukemic Agents

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    Aoife Corcoran


    Full Text Available Structurally similar double-point modified analogues of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2 (1,25D2 were screened in vitro for their pro-differentiating activity against the promyeloid cell line HL60. Their affinities towards human full length vitamin D receptor (VDR and metabolic stability against human vitamin D 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1 were also tested. The analogues (PRI-1730, PRI-1731, PRI-1732, PRI-1733 and PRI-1734 contained 5,6-trans modification of the A-ring and of the triene system, additional hydroxyl or unsaturation at C-22 in the side chain and reversed absolute configuration (24-epi at C-24 of 1,25D2. As presented in this paper, introduction of selected structural modifications simultaneously in two distinct parts of the vitamin D molecule resulted in a divergent group of analogues. Analogues showed lower VDR affinity in comparison to that of the parent hormones, 1,25D2 and 1,25D3, and they caused effective HL60 cell differentiation only at high concentrations of 100 nM and above. Unexpectedly, introducing of a 5,6-trans modification combined with C-22 hydroxyl and 24-epi configuration switched off entirely the cell differentiation activity of the analogue (PRI-1734. However, this analogue remained a moderate substrate for CYP24A1, as it was metabolized at 22%, compared to 35% for 1,25D2. Other analogues from this series were either less (12% for PRI-1731 and PRI-1733 or more (52% for PRI-1732 resistant to the enzymatic deactivation. Although the inactive analogue PRI-1734 failed to show VDR antagonism, when tested in HL60 cells, its structure might be a good starting point for our design of a vitamin D antagonist.

  2. United States Air Force Statistical Digest, Fiscal Year 1957. Twelfth Edition (United States)


    ACCIIENrS CAUSING FACTORS td AU" PRI AI.L PRJ ALL PRI ALL PRI ALL PRI ALL PRI SEcoND QI.IARTER (CONI" D) nmER • (CONT’D) Jet ~ (cant’d) B-52...unobllga:ted balancea tranaterred to the Treasury and \\Ulll~ted b&1&ncea at ~tions tranaterred ’to "Mit account.a.. , td CUb tral:aterred traD...8217~ ~ 4𔃻 !!&f 5,806-----p:g6F . ,1 150 l,303 1,951 RT-33. 460 99 97 150 114 T-6. 9,733 l,2B1 2,928 2,416 3,108 T-33 . 3, l53 795 838 887 633 OURKEY 124

  3. Congés… pour « prières » Prayers and days off

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    Claudine Viard


    Full Text Available Les premiers combats de la classe ouvrière se sont portés sur la demande d’une journée de repos, qui par tradition chrétienne a été fixée le dimanche en 1906. Quatre journées de congé à caractère chrétien ont en outre été retenues par le législateur. L’exercice du culte est donc concrètement garanti pour les chrétiens. Avec l’arrivée sur le territoire de la République  de populations de confessions variées, cette organisation du travail apparaît inégalitaire, voire de nature à porter atteinte à la liberté religieuse. Il a été proposé de reconnaître les jours de prières d’autres confessions. Pour l’instant, le législateur n’a pas adopté ces propositions. Mais la question reste posée. Or, la jurisprudence des tribunaux judiciaires et administratifs admet le droit de prier des fidèles des cultes minoritaires, ils peuvent prétendre à un congé lors des fêtes de leur religion dans la mesure où cela n’occasionne pas de perturbation. La consécration de cette jurisprudence souple par le législateur serait de nature à calmer le débat.At the turn of the century, the working classes fought for a day off in the week, which was granted on Sundays by the legislator in 1906. Four additional christian holidays are also legal. So the right to pray is garanteed for christians. As different populations with various faiths settled in France, this organisation has seemed to violate the principle of equality, and religious freedom. There has been a debate on the question whether some of the days of minority religions should also be observed by all the population. But so far, the legislator has not voted any of these proposals. It remains an issue. The French judge has consistently decided that the people of non christian faiths had the right to be granted a day off to pray on these special days, provided it would not cause prejudice to the organisation they work for. It might help to calm the debate if this

  4. La preghiera del poeta nell’Alcibiade Secondo: un modello filosofico e cultuale*


    Scrofani, Giorgio


    Dans le Second Alcibiade, Socrate propose une prière simple pour les « bonnes choses » comme exemple de la manière adéquate de s’adresser aux dieux et il l’attribue au « poète ». Jusqu’à présent, une telle prière a été étudiée comme exemple de prière philoso­phique, c’est-à-dire en tant que discours sur la prière plutôt que comme prière en tant que telle. Même si elle fait partie intégrante de l’enseignement proposé par Socrate dans ce dialogue, sa signification véritablement liturgique ne pe...

  5. Integrating Chlorophyll fapar and Nadir Photochemical Reflectance Index from EO-1/Hyperion to Predict Cornfield Daily Gross Primary Production (United States)

    Zhang, Qingyuan; Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Cheng, Yen-Ben; Huemmrich, K. Fred; Cook, Bruce D.; Corp, Lawrence A.; Kustas, William P.; Russ, Andrew L.; Prueger, John H.; Yao, Tian


    The concept of light use efficiency (Epsilon) and the concept of fraction of photosynthetically active ration (PAR) absorbed for vegetation photosynthesis (PSN), i.e., fAPAR (sub PSN), have been widely utilized to estimate vegetation gross primary productivity (GPP). It has been demonstrated that the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is empirically related to e. An experimental US Department of Agriculture (USDA) cornfield in Maryland was selected as our study field. We explored the potential of integrating fAPAR(sub chl) (defined as the fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll) and nadir PRI (PRI(sub nadir)) to predict cornfield daily GPP. We acquired nadir or near-nadir EO-1/Hyperion satellite images that covered the cornfield and took nadir in-situ field spectral measurements. Those data were used to derive the PRI(sub nadir) and fAPAR (sub chl). The fAPAR (sub chl) is retrieved with the advanced radiative transfer model PROSAIL2 and the Metropolis approach, a type of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation procedure. We define chlorophyll light use efficiency Epsilon (sub chl) as the ratio of vegetation GPP as measured by eddy covariance techniques to PAR absorbed by chlorophyll (Epsilon(sub chl) = GPP/APAR (sub chl). Daily Epsilon (sub chl) retrieved with the EO-1 Hyperion images was regressed with a linear equation of PRI (sub nadir) Epsilon (sub chl) = Alpha × PRI (sub nadir) + Beta). The satellite Epsilon(sub chl- PRI (sub nadir) linear relationship for the cornfield was implemented to develop an integrated daily GPP model [GPP = (Alpha × PRI(sub nadir) + Beta) × fAPAR (sub chl) × PAR], which was evaluated with fAPAR (sub chl) and PRI (sub nadir) retrieved from field measurements. Daily GPP estimated with this fAPAR (sub chl-) PRI (nadir) integration model was strongly correlated with the observed tower in-situ daily GPP (R(sup 2) = 0.93); with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.71 g C mol-(sup -1) PPFD and coefficient of variation (CV) of 16

  6. Annotation of mammalian primary microRNAs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enright Anton J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs are important regulators of gene expression and have been implicated in development, differentiation and pathogenesis. Hundreds of miRNAs have been discovered in mammalian genomes. Approximately 50% of mammalian miRNAs are expressed from introns of protein-coding genes; the primary transcript (pri-miRNA is therefore assumed to be the host transcript. However, very little is known about the structure of pri-miRNAs expressed from intergenic regions. Here we annotate transcript boundaries of miRNAs in human, mouse and rat genomes using various transcription features. The 5' end of the pri-miRNA is predicted from transcription start sites, CpG islands and 5' CAGE tags mapped in the upstream flanking region surrounding the precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA. The 3' end of the pri-miRNA is predicted based on the mapping of polyA signals, and supported by cDNA/EST and ditags data. The predicted pri-miRNAs are also analyzed for promoter and insulator-associated regulatory regions. Results We define sets of conserved and non-conserved human, mouse and rat pre-miRNAs using bidirectional BLAST and synteny analysis. Transcription features in their flanking regions are used to demarcate the 5' and 3' boundaries of the pri-miRNAs. The lengths and boundaries of primary transcripts are highly conserved between orthologous miRNAs. A significant fraction of pri-miRNAs have lengths between 1 and 10 kb, with very few introns. We annotate a total of 59 pri-miRNA structures, which include 82 pre-miRNAs. 36 pri-miRNAs are conserved in all 3 species. In total, 18 of the confidently annotated transcripts express more than one pre-miRNA. The upstream regions of 54% of the predicted pri-miRNAs are found to be associated with promoter and insulator regulatory sequences. Conclusion Little is known about the primary transcripts of intergenic miRNAs. Using comparative data, we are able to identify the boundaries of a significant proportion of

  7. Compounds Labelled with Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Emitters for Medical Isotope Scanning; Gammagraphie au Moyen de Composes Marques avec des Emetteurs Gamma de Faible Energie; Soedineniya, ispol'zuemye pri meditsinskom izotopnom skennirovanii, mechennye s pomoshch'yu gamma-izluchatelej nizkoj ehnergii; Compuestos Marcados con Emisores Gamma de Baja Energia para la Exploracion Medica Mediante Isotopos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheer, K. E.; Zum Winkel, K.; Georgi, M. [Czerny-Krankenhaus der Universitat Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    por los tejidos del cuerpo limita la profundidad a que las lesiones pueden ser visualizadas. En organos de grandes dimensiones, como el higado, se evita la superposicion de las radiaciones procedentes de la parte posterior del organo, lo que permite detectar mejor las lesiones superficiales. El. emisor,gamma de baja energia mas importante es el {sup 125}I. Para la exploracion de la tiroides se utiliza en forma de yoduro. El Rosa Bengala marcada con {sup 125}I es un compuesto adecuado para la exploracion del higado. Tambien puede utilizarse albumina desnaturalizada por el calor, marcada con {sup 125}I. Para la exploracion del rinon se ha comprobado que el hipuran marcado con {sup 125}I da buenos resultados cuando se inyecta por via intramuscular con hialuronidasa a fin de lograr un nivel uniforme de radiactividad en este organo. Otro emisor gamma de baja energia muy util para la exploracion medica es el {sup 197}Hg que puede utilizarse en forma de cloruro para la exploracion de los rinones y el bazo. Deben tomarse precauciones especiales para evitar la superposicion del rinon y el bazo. La exploracion da mejores resultados si se utiliza {sup 197}Hg marcado con neohidrina. Este compuesto puede emplearse tambien para la localizacion de tumores del cerebro. Los autores presentan centelleogramas tipicos de tumores de la tiroides, del higado, del bazo, del rinon y del cerebro obtenidos con emisores gamma de baja energia y con nuclidos y compuestos tradicionales, y examinan las ventajas que ofrecen los primeros. (author) [Russian] Gammaizluchateli nizkoj jenergii imejut osobye preimushhestva pri ispol'zovanii ih dlja medicine - skogo scintilljacionnogo skennirovanija po dvum prichinam: 1. Svincovaja zashhita kollimatorov znachitel'no jeffektivnee. Pojetomu mozhno primenjat' tonkostennye kollimatory s mnogokratnoj fokusirovkoj, dobivajas' pri jetom naibol'shego geometricheskogo razreshenija, i v svjazi s jetim- vozmozhnosti obnaruzhenija nebol'shih porazhenij. 2. Pogloshhenie

  8. Dissecting the interactions of SERRATE with RNA and DICER-LIKE 1 in Arabidopsis microRNA precursor processing

    KAUST Repository

    Iwata, Yuji; Takahashi, Masateru; Fedoroff, Nina V.; Hamdan, Samir


    ). In the present study, we examined primary miRNA precursor (pri-miRNA) processing by highly purified recombinant DCL1 and SE proteins and found that SE is integral to pri-miRNA processing by DCL1. SE stimulates DCL1 cleavage of the pri-miRNA in an ionic strength

  9. Method of obtaining concentrated preparations of Cl{sup 36} and Br{sup 82} by recoil nuclei under exposure to high-density neutron fields; Preparation de composes du chlore-36 et du brome-82 de haute activite specifique, par exposition de noyaux de recul a des champs neutroniques intenses; Poluchenie kontsentrirovannykh preparatov Cl{sup 36} i Br{sup 82} metodom yader otdachi pri obluchenii v nejtronnykh polyakh vysokoj plotnosti; Obtencion de compuestos de cloro-36 y de bromo-82 de alta actividad especifica por retroceso de nucleos en campos neutronicos intensos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kurchatova, L N; Kurchatov, B V


    resultado de la superposicion de toda una serie de procesos : formacion de atomos de cloro radiactivo, separacion radiolitica del haluro, difusion de los productos obtenidos en la red cristalina del carbono, su sorcion en la superficie y su recombinacion en distintos centros. La extraordinaria variedad de condiciones en que se forman e interaccionan los productos de irradiacion con el esqueleto carbonico y su superficie depende de un gran numero de factores, a saber : la estructura ultramicroscopica, la naturaleza de los nuevos compuestos, que estan relacionados con el tipo de compuestos superficiales, la existencia en la superficie del carbono de centros con un espectro continuo de energia de sorcion, la probable formacion de diversos centros estacionarios de recombinacion por irradiacion del carbono, etc. Por ello, las tecnicas utilizadas ofrecen la posibilidad de realizar una gran variedad de experimentos a fin de establecer las condiciones optimas de enriquecimiento. (author) [Russian] Klassicheskij metod polucheniya kontsentrirovannykh radioaktivnykh preparatov Stsilarda-CHalmersa obychno rassmatrivaetsya kak malo ehffektivnyj pri ispol'zovanii bol'shikh integral'nykh potokov nejtronov iz-za znachitel'nogo razlozheniya obluchaemogo soedineniya pod dejstviem radiatsii. Avtorami najdeny soedineniya broma i khlora s uglerodom, pozvolyayushchie poluchat' sushchestvennoe obogashchenie radioaktivnymi izotopami khlora i broma metodom yader otdachi pri obluchenii v nejtronnykh potokakh poryadka 10{sup 13} nejtr./sek-cm{sup 2}. EHti soedineniya otvechayut formule C{sub n}X, gde X-Cl ili Br, N = 10 + 20 dlya soedineniya khlora i 25 + 70 -dlya soedinenij broma. Oni dostatochno ustojchivy termicheski i khimicheski. Soedinenie sostava C{sub 30}Br vyderzhivaet nagrevanie do 300{sup o}C v atmosfere argona bez otshchepleniya broma; ono razlagaetsya polnost'yu pri temperature 600{sup o}C. Ukazannoe soedinenie broma s uglerodom prakticheski ustojchivo k vozdejstviyu vodnykh rastvorov

  10. Behavior and sensitivity of an optimal tree diameter growth model under data uncertainty (United States)

    Don C. Bragg


    Using loblolly pine, shortleaf pine, white oak, and northern red oak as examples, this paper considers the behavior of potential relative increment (PRI) models of optimal tree diameter growth under data uncertainity. Recommendations on intial sample size and the PRI iteractive curve fitting process are provided. Combining different state inventories prior to PRI model...

  11. Plasma Containment and Stability in a Megajoule Theta-Pinch Experiment; Confinement et Stabilite du Plasma dans un Dispositif a Striction Azimutale de un Megajoule; Uderzhanie i ustojchivost' plazmy pri provedenii ehksperimenta s' megadzhoulevym teta-pinchem; Confinamiento y Estabilidad del Plasma en un Experimento de Estriccion Azimutal de 1 MJ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bodin, H. A.B.; Green, T. S.; Newton, A. A.; Niblett, G. B.F.; Reynolds, J. A. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    sravnenija izmerennyh znachenij temperatur' jelektronov, diamagnetizma plazmy, radial'nogo raspredelenija plotnosti i vyhoda nejtronov so znachenijami, predskazannymi chislennymi gidromagnitnymi raschetami s ispol'zovaniem koda Gajna-Robertsa. V nastojashhee vremja s pomoshh'ju samyh raznoobraznyh metodov provoditsja izmerenie skorosti aksial'noj poteri plazmy v prisutstvii zahvachennyh parallel'nogo i obratnogo magnitnyh polej. Jeti metody vkljuchajut metody opticheskoj interferometrii dlja opredelenija obshhego chisla zahvachennyh chastic, analiz sploshnogo ispuskanija v vidimom spektre s cel'ju opredelenija plotnosti linij kak funkcii polozhenija v otnoshenii osi i ispol'zovanie miniatjurnyh p'ezojelektricheskih zondov dlja izmerenija razmera apertury pri poterjah. Rezul'taty pokazyvajut, chto plazma podverzhena diffuzii magnitnogo polja na rannih stadijah i ohlazhdeniju jelektronov libo radiaciej primesej, libo teplovoj provodimost'ju vdol' linij polja. Posledujushhee umen'shenie velichiny {beta} plazmy do znachenija okolo 0,5 pri pikovom pole uvelichivaet magnitnye apertury na koncah katushki i takim obrazom vedet k osevym poterjam plazmy. Sledovatel'no, glavnymi problemami na budushhee ostajutsja razrabotka sistemy predvaritel'nogo nagreva dlja pridanija plazme bolee vysokoj temperatury pri {beta} okolo edinicy i umen'shenie skorosti poteri jenergii jelektronov. (author)

  12. Improved plant nitrogen nutrition contributes to higher water use efficiency in tomatoes under alternate partial root-zone irrigation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Andersen, Mathias Neumann


    stomatal conductance during the treatment. At the end of the experiment, N accumulation and 15N recovery was highest in FI, intermediate in PRI and lowest in DI. In addition, PRI plants consistently allocated more N into the upper and middle leaf layers than in the FI and DI treatments. The improved N...... nutrition and distribution in the canopy may indicate that PRI plants have a greater photosynthetic capacity than DI plants; this is confirmed by the observed positive linear relationship between specific leaf N content and δ13C. It is concluded that PRI improves N nutrition and optimises N distribution...



    Stanko, Renata


    Ljudje smo različni. Različno vrednotimo in ocenjujemo iste stvari. Imamo različne okuse, različne zahteve, obenem pa imamo svoja pričakovanja. Od gostincev in pri njih zaposlenih pričakujemo, da bodo poznali naše zahteve in pričakovanja ter jih brezhibno zadovoljili. Še posebej, ker so nas k njim napotili naši prijatelji oz. družina, ki so bili zelo zadovoljni ali zato, ker je od naše prisotnosti v gostilni odvisen naš družbeni položaj. Prenos informacij med prijatelji in družinskim...

  14. Evaluating the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index and the light use efficiency in a mangrove forest with Spartina alterniflora invasion (United States)

    Shi, C.; Wang, L.; Yang, S.


    Mangrove forest is an important component of wetland ecosystems, which has high productivity, strong carbon sequestration capacity and great ecological values. The light use efficiency (LUE) of photosynthesis is a major parameter for estimating plant productivity. Recent studies have shown that the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) has a strong relationship with LUE and the relationship is significantly influenced by plant species and environmental factors. In this paper, we evaluated the relationship between PRI and LUE for different mangrove species (Avicennia marina and Aegiceras corniculatum) and the effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on the PRI-LUE relationship. The results showed that the LUE of mangroves had a good correlation with PRI, and the correlation of Avicennia marina was stronger than that of Aegiceras corniculatum. In addition, the invasion of Spartina alterniflora impaired the PRI-LUE relationship for both mangrove species.

  15. Patterns of Lethality and Absorbed Dose Distributions in Mice for Monoenergetic Neutrons; Letalite et Distribution de la Dose Absorbee chez la Souris pour des Neutrons Monoenergetiques; Letal'nost' i raspredelenie pogloshchennoj dozy pri obluchenii myshej monoehnergeticheskimi neitronami; Letalidad y Distribucion de las Dosis Absorbidas por el Raton para Neutrones Monoenergeticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frigerio, N. A.; Jordan, D. L. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    kontrol' raspredelenija dozy vnutri zhivotnogo. Absoljutnoe izmerenie moshhnosti potoka proizvodilos' s pomoshh'ju schetchika delenija uran-235 i absoljutnogo scheta aktivnosti zolotyh provolok i fol'g, aktivirovannyh v kadmievom pokrytii. Pogloshhenie dozy izmerjalos' s pomoshh'ju mikro-ionizacionnoj kamery i special'no razrabotannogo vysokochuvstvitel'nogo dozimetra FeSO{sub 4}- NH{sub 4}SCN. Otnositel'nye izmerenija doz proizvodilis' s pomoshh'ju ga zo v o go schetchika protonov otdachi Hersta i V10, Lie i scintilljatorov protonov otdachi. Raspredelenie jenergii nejtronov izmerjalos' s pomoshh'ju special'no razrabotannyh B{sup 10} , Ne{sup 3} i L i{sup 6} gazovyh spektrometrov i spektrometrov tverdyh tel. Gamma-izluchenie izmerjalos' s pomoshh'ju Ne/Ag schetnyh kamer. Jeti izmerenija pokazali, chto dolja gamma-luchej sostavljala menee 0,8%, a teplovoe-nadteplovoe izluchenie men'she 0,01% obshhej dozy v radah. Zhivotnyh obluchali dozami so srednim znacheniem v sredinnoj tochke ot 180 do 1200 rad pri jenergii nejtronov ot 396 do 658 {+-}50 kjev dlja ohvata o b lasti N i O-rezonansov. Uroven' i harakter letal'nosti strogo zaviseli ot jenergii nejtronov i, v ravnoj s t e peni, no sam ostojat el'no, - ot raspredelenija dozy. Odnako,nezavisimo ot dozy, jenergii ili raspredelenija dozy, vse te zhe zhivotnye, kotorye vyzhili v techenie 5 dnej, prozhili dalee ne menee 144 dnej i pogibli zatem ot obychnyh dlitel'no dejstvujushhih faktorov. Jeto pokazyvaet, chto monojenergeticheskie bystrye nejtrony bez primesi gamma- ili nadteplovyh izluchenij mogut privodit' pochti bez iskljuchenija k rannej ''kishechnoj smerti''. (author)

  16. Selective inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin/CBP signaling ameliorates hepatitis C virus-induced liver fibrosis in mouse model. (United States)

    Tokunaga, Yuko; Osawa, Yosuke; Ohtsuki, Takahiro; Hayashi, Yukiko; Yamaji, Kenzaburo; Yamane, Daisuke; Hara, Mitsuko; Munekata, Keisuke; Tsukiyama-Kohara, Kyoko; Hishima, Tsunekazu; Kojima, Soichi; Kimura, Kiminori; Kohara, Michinori


    Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the major causes of serious liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis. There are no anti-fibrotic drugs with efficacy against liver cirrhosis. Wnt/β-catenin signaling has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a variety of tissue fibrosis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of a β-catenin/CBP (cyclic AMP response element binding protein) inhibitor on liver fibrosis. The anti-fibrotic activity of PRI-724, a selective inhibitor of β-catenin/CBP, was assessed in HCV GT1b transgenic mice at 18 months after HCV genome expression. PRI-724 was injected intraperitoneally or subcutaneously in these mice for 6 weeks. PRI-724 reduced liver fibrosis, which was indicated by silver stain, Sirius Red staining, and hepatic hydroxyproline levels, in HCV mice while attenuating αSMA induction. PRI-724 led to increased levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 mRNA in the liver, along with elevated levels of intrahepatic neutrophils and macrophages/monocytes. The induced intrahepatic neutrophils and macrophages/monocytes were identified as the source of MMP-8. In conclusion, PRI-724 ameliorated HCV-induced liver fibrosis in mice. We hypothesize that inhibition of hepatic stellate cells activation and induction of fibrolytic cells expressing MMP-8 contribute to the anti-fibrotic effects of PRI-724. PRI-724 is a drug candidate which possesses anti-fibrotic effect.

  17. Photoperiod and temperature constraints on the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index and the light use efficiency of photosynthesis in Pinus strobus. (United States)

    Fréchette, Emmanuelle; Chang, Christine Yao-Yun; Ensminger, Ingo


    The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is a proxy for the activity of the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle and photosynthetic light use efficiency (LUE) in plants. Evergreen conifers downregulate photosynthesis in autumn in response to low temperature and shorter photoperiod, and the dynamic xanthophyll cycle-mediated non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is replaced by sustained NPQ. We hypothesized that this shift in xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy partitioning during the autumn is the cause for variations in the PRI-LUE relationship. In order to test our hypothesis, we characterized energy partitioning and pigment composition during a simulated summer-autumn transition in a conifer and assessed the effects of temperature and photoperiod on the PRI-LUE relationship. We measured gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf reflectance during the photosynthetic downregulation in Pinus strobus L. seedlings exposed to low temperature/short photoperiod or elevated temperature/short photoperiod conditions. Shifts in energy partitioning during simulated autumn were observed when the pools of chlorophylls decreased and pools of photoprotective carotenoids increased. On a seasonal timescale, PRI was controlled by carotenoid pool sizes rather than xanthophyll cycle dynamics. Photochemical reflectance index variation under cold autumn conditions mainly reflected long-term pigment pool adjustments associated with sustained NPQ, which impaired the PRI-LUE relationship. Exposure to warm autumn conditions prevented the induction of sustained NPQ but still impaired the PRI-LUE relationship. We therefore conclude that alternative zeaxanthin-independent NPQ mechanisms, which remain undetected by the PRI, are present under both cold and warm autumn conditions, contributing to the discrepancy in the PRI-LUE relationship during autumn. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  18. Antitumor properties of (5E,7E) analogs of vitamin D3. (United States)

    Filip, B; Milczarek, M; Wietrzyk, J; Chodyński, M; Kutner, A


    Geometric isomers (5E,7E) of major active metabolites of vitamin D3 [1alpha,25(OH)2D3 and (24R)-1,24(OH)2D3] were synthesized by a new convenient procedure. Vitamin D triene system of the metabolites was first derivatized as a Diels-Alder adduct. Removal of the triene protecting group, in a key synthetic step, yielded the title compounds PRI-2208 and PRI-2209, respectively. The analogs were examined for their antiproliferative activity in vitro against human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells. The activity was compared with one of the parent compounds. Both analogs examined revealed similar or higher antiproliferative activity compared to 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 or to (24R)-1,24(OH)2D3. The studies of calcemic activity in vivo showed that analogs PRI-2208 and PRI-2209 did not influence the serum calcium level in doses, in which 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 or (24R)-1,24(OH)2D3 significantly increased this level. The antitumor activity of these analogs in the LLC mice tumor model was studied. Analog PRI-2208 was found to be more active in inhibiting LLC tumor growth than 1alpha,25(OH)2D3, as well as than PRI-2191 and PRI-2209. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. [Compliance with process indicators in people with type 2 diabetes and linking incentives in Primary Care]. (United States)

    Pascual de la Pisa, Beatriz; Márquez Calzada, Cristina; Cuberos Sánchez, Carla; Cruces Jiménez, José Miguel; Fernández Gamaza, Manuel; Martínez Martínez, María Isabel


    Pay-for-performance programs to improve the quality of health care are extending gradually, particularly en Primary Health Care. Our aim was to explore the relationship between the degree of compliance with the process indicators (PrI) of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in Primary Care and linkage to incentives. Cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study. Six Primary Health Care centers in Seville Aljarafe District randomly selected and stratified by population size. From 3.647 adults included in Integrated Healthcare Process of T2DM during 2008, 366 patients were included according sample size calculation by stratified random sampling. PrI: eye and feet examination, glycated hemoglobin, lipid profile, microalbuminuria and electrocardiogram. Confounding: Age, gender, characteristics town for patients and professional variables. The mean age was 66.36 years (standard deviation [DE]: 11,56); 48.9% were women. PrI with better compliance were feet examination, glycated hemoglobin and lipid profile (59.6%, 44.3% and 44%, respectively). 2.7% of patients had simultaneous compliance of the six PrI and 11.74% of patients three PrI linkage to incentives. Statistical association was observed in the compliance of the PrI incentives linked or not (P=.001). The degree of compliance with the PrI for screening chronic complications of T2DM is mostly low but this was higher on indicators linked to incentives. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. The thermodynamic characteristics of vaporization in the NaI-PrI3 system (United States)

    Motalov, V. B.; Kudin, L. S.; Markus, T.


    The vaporization of the NaI-PrI3 quasi-binary system was studied by high-temperature mass spectrometry over the whole concentration range. At 623-994 K, saturated vapor contained not only (NaI) n and (PrI3) n molecules ( n = 1, 2) and Na+(NaI) n ( n = 0-4) and I-(PrI3) n ( n = 1-2) ions but also mixed molecular and ionic associates recorded for the first time (NaPrI4, Na2PrI5, NaPrI{3/+}, Na2PrI{4/+}, Na3PrI{5/+}, Na4PrI{6/+}, NaPrI{5/-}, and NaPr2I{8/-}). The partial vapor pressures of molecules were calculated, and the equilibrium constants of the dissociation of neutral and charged associates were measured. The enthalpies of molecular and ion-molecular reactions were determined, and the enthalpies of formation of gaseous molecules and ions were obtained.

  1. New features of current-driven low-frequency instabilities in a Q-machine plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimitriu, Dan-Gheorghe; Ignatescu, Valerian; Lozneanu, Erzilia; Sanduloviciu, Mircea; Ionita, Codrina; Schrittwieser, Roman Wolfgang


    Among the instabilities in a low-density magnetized plasma column, the electrostatic ion-cyclotron instability (EICI) and the potential relaxation instability (PRI) are the best known and most thoroughly investigated. Both instabilities are excited by drawing an electron current parallel to the magnetic field towards a circular collector (CO), which is inserted into the plasma column perpendicular to the axis. For the PRI, the radius of CO must be considerably larger than the ion gyroradius so that the ion trajectories can be approximated as one-dimensional. For the EICI, the radius of CO must be considerably smaller than that of the plasma column, but also larger than one ion gyroradius. A transition from the PRI into the EICI was reported earlier. A certain range of CO radii was found where both instabilities could be excited simultaneously. We report on a strong modulation of the EICI by the PRI, obtained for gradually increasing the CO bias, with the EICI appearing at first, and later the PRI. The EICI frequency was about four times larger than that of the PRI. The modulation not only affects the amplitude but also the frequency of the EICI. This leads to the formation of sidebands in the spectrum around f EICI with a frequency difference equal to ± f PRI . In addition, we find that the EICI frequency depends not only on the magnetic field strength but also on the CO current. Our data also show a strong non-linear dependence of the PRI frequency on the magnetic field strength. To explain these features, we propose a new phenomenological model, which is able to clarify the role of complex space charge configurations for low frequency instabilities in a low-density magnetized plasma column. (authors)

  2. Scanning in Thyroid Cancer; Exploration des tumeurs de la thyroide; Ispol'zovanie radioizotopov pri issledovanii raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy; Exploracion de los tumores tiroideos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, Franz K [Radioisotope Centre, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    methode qui permette de suivre l'evolution de la maladie. (author) [Spanish] La exploracion de los tumores de la tiroides reviste interes para: 1. El diagnostico preoperatorio de los nodulos tiroideos; 2. La localization de metastasis del cancer de tiroides; 3. El tratamiento de los enfermos tiroidectomizados, con metastasis del cancer de la tiroides. El autor describe el aspecto de los nodulos tiroideos en el centelleograma y proporciona algunos resultados preliminares obtenidos con el empleo del fosforo radiactivo y con el recuento externo de los nodulos < inactivos > mediante un contador Geiger-Mueller. El autor describe asimismo la localizacion de las metastasis del cancer de la tiroides, destacando, especialmente, el empleo de la hormona tirotropica. Ese metodo ha permitido comprobar que las tres cuartas partes de los enfermos que padecen de tumores metastaticos de la tiroides tienen metastasis activas. Estudia detalladamente la tecnica de la ablation de los restos glandulares que suelen quedar despues de la tiroidectomia total, asi como el tratamiento de las metastasis. La exploracion de las metastasis constituye el mejor medio para observar la evolucion de la enfermedad. (author) [Russian] Primenenie radioizotopov v issledovanii raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy rekomenduetsya v sleduyushchikh sluchayakh: 1. Predoperatsionny j diagnoz uzelkovogo utolshcheniya shchitovidnoj zhelezy; 2. Lokalizatsiya metastazov raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy; 3. Lechenie bol'nykh s udalennoj shchitovidnoj zhelezoj, no s metastazami, obrazovann{sup m}i rakom ehtoj zhelezy; Opisyvaetsya vliyanie uzelkovykh utolshchenij shchitovidnoj zhelezy na etsiitigrammu. Soobshchaetsya o nekotorykh predvaritel'nykh rezul'tatakh opredeleniya < kholodnykh > utolshchenij pri pomoshchi radioaktivnog o fosfora i naruzhnogo primeneniya schetchika Gejgera-Myullera. Opisyvaetsya lokalizatsiya metastazov raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy i v osobennosti ispol'zovanie dlya ehtoj Deli gormona perednej doli gipofiza. S pomoshch



    Osterc, Miša


    Zadovoljstvo gostov je ključni element za uspešen razvoj in dolgoročen obstoj kateregakoli hotelskega podjetja, zato mora biti njihovo doseganje tudi glavni cilj vsakega hotela. Pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, da zagotavljanje zadovoljstva gostov zahteva dobro poznavanje želja in pričakovanj vsakega gosta, zato je merjenje, analiziranje in spremljanje zadovoljstva eden najpomembnejših izzivov pri pripravi strategije poslovanja vsakega hotela. To velja tudi za Hotel Bioterme Mala Nedelja,...

  4. Subepidermal moisture detection of heel pressure injury: The pressure ulcer detection study outcomes. (United States)

    Bates-Jensen, Barbara M; McCreath, Heather E; Nakagami, Gojiro; Patlan, Anabel


    We examined subepidermal moisture (SEM) and visual skin assessment of heel pressure injury (PrI) among 417 nursing home residents in 19 facilities over 16 weeks. Participants were older (mean age 77 years), 58% were female, over half were ethnic minorities (29% African American, 12% Asian American, 21% Hispanic), and at risk for PrI (mean Braden Scale Risk score = 15.6). Blinded concurrent visual assessments and SEM measurements were obtained at heels weekly. Visual skin damage was categorised as normal, erythema, stage 1 PrI, deep tissue injury (DTI) or stage 2 or greater PrI. PrI incidence was 76%. Off-loading occurred with pillows (76% of residents) rather than heel boots (21%) and often for those with DTI (91%). Subepidermal moisture was measured with a device where higher readings indicate greater moisture (range: 0-70 tissue dielectric constant), with normal skin values significantly different from values in the presence of skin damage. Subepidermal moisture was associated with concurrent damage and damage 1 week later in generalised multinomial logistic models adjusting for age, diabetes and function. Subepidermal moisture detected DTI and differentiated those that resolved, remained and deteriorated over 16 weeks. Subepidermal moisture may be an objective method for detecting PrI. © 2017 Inc and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Global Prioritization of Disease Candidate Metabolites Based on a Multi-omics Composite Network (United States)

    Yao, Qianlan; Xu, Yanjun; Yang, Haixiu; Shang, Desi; Zhang, Chunlong; Zhang, Yunpeng; Sun, Zeguo; Shi, Xinrui; Feng, Li; Han, Junwei; Su, Fei; Li, Chunquan; Li, Xia


    The identification of disease-related metabolites is important for a better understanding of metabolite pathological processes in order to improve human medicine. Metabolites, which are the terminal products of cellular regulatory process, can be affected by multi-omic processes. In this work, we propose a powerful method, MetPriCNet, to predict and prioritize disease candidate metabolites based on integrated multi-omics information. MetPriCNet prioritized candidate metabolites based on their global distance similarity with seed nodes in a composite network, which integrated multi-omics information from the genome, phenome, metabolome and interactome. After performing cross-validation on 87 phenotypes with a total of 602 metabolites, MetPriCNet achieved a high AUC value of up to 0.918. We also assessed the performance of MetPriCNet on 18 disease classes and found that 4 disease classes achieved an AUC value over 0.95. Notably, MetPriCNet can also predict disease metabolites without known disease metabolite knowledge. Some new high-risk metabolites of breast cancer were predicted, although there is a lack of known disease metabolite information. A predicted disease metabolic landscape was constructed and analyzed based on the results of MetPriCNet for 87 phenotypes to help us understand the genetic and metabolic mechanism of disease from a global view. PMID:26598063

  6. Aplikacija za avtomatizirano prepoznavanje listov dreves in grmov kritosemenk za operacijski sistem Android


    Puhmeister, Sandro


    V tem diplomskem delu smo implementirali aplikacijo za avtomatizirano prepoznavanje listov dreves in grmov kritosemenk za operacijski sistem Android, pri čemer smo postopek prepoznavanja vrste razdelili na štiri ključne faze: zajem slik, obdelavo slik, luščenje značilnic in določitev vrste. Pri zajetju slik smo uporabili privzeto aplikacijo operacijskega sistema Android, kjer uporabnik zajame dve fotografiji (fotografira spodnjo in vrhnjo površino lista) za obdelavo slik. Pri obdelavi slik sm...

  7. Upravljanje in ravnanje s človeškimi viri v logistiki Slovenske vojske : magistrsko delo


    Žižek, Martin


    Upravljanje s človeškimi viri (HRM — Human resource management) je zelo pomemben segment delovanja vsake organizacije. Zanemarjanje tega pomembnega segmenta delovanja lahko odločilno vpliva na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih pri delu in posledično na rezultate organizacije. Ker pa organizacijo vodijo ljudje, je treba omogočiti dobre delovne pogoje in tako pri zaposlenih ustvariti zadovoljstvo pri delu in jim vzbuditi občutek pripadnosti. Ravnanje s človeškimi viri je proces, ki zaje...

  8. Empowerment von Frauen in Indien


    Langenbacher, Nora


    The aim of this dissertation was to study whether the participation of women in India’s local governance institutions, the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) which was guaranteed by a quota, really leads to empowerment. To counter the political and socio-economic marginalization of Indian women, a reservation of 33 per cent of all PRI-seats for women became law in 1993 as part of two constitutional amendments. Not only were the PRI expected to spark more sustainable bottom-up development; the ...

  9. Utilizing In Situ Directional Hyperspectral Measurements to Validate Bio-Indicator Simulations for a Corn Crop Canopy (United States)

    Cheng, Yen-Ben; Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Huemmrich, Karl F.; Zhang, Qingyuan; Campbell, Petya K. E.; Corp, Lawrence A.; Russ, Andrew L.; Kustas, William P.


    Two radiative transfer canopy models, SAIL and the two-layer Markov-Chain Canopy Reflectance Model (MCRM), were coupled with in situ leaf optical properties to simulate canopy-level spectral band ratio vegetation indices with the focus on the photochemical reflectance index in a cornfield. In situ hyperspectral measurements were made at both leaf and canopy levels. Leaf optical properties were obtained from both sunlit and shaded leaves. Canopy reflectance was acquired for eight different relative azimuth angles (psi) at three different view zenith angles (Theta (sub v)), and later used to validate model outputs. Field observations of photochemical reflectance index (PRI) for sunlit leaves exhibited lower values than shaded leaves, indicating higher light stress. Canopy PRI expressed obvious sensitivity to viewing geometry, as a function of both Theta (sub v) and psi . Overall, simulations from MCRM exhibited better agreements with in situ values than SAIL. When using only sunlit leaves as input, the MCRM-simulated PRI values showed satisfactory correlation and RMSE, as compared to in situ values. However, the performance of the MCRM model was significantly improved after defining a lower canopy layer comprised of shaded leaves beneath the upper sunlit leaf layer. Four other widely used band ratio vegetation indices were also studied and compared with the PRI results. MCRM simulations were able to generate satisfactory simulations for these other four indices when using only sunlit leaves as input; but unlike PRI, adding shaded leaves did not improve the performance of MCRM. These results support the hypothesis that the PRI is sensitive to physiological dynamics while the others detect static factors related to canopy structure. Sensitivity analysis was performed on MCRM in order to better understand the effects of structure related parameters on the PRI simulations. Leaf area index (LAI) showed the most significant impact on MCRM-simulated PRI among the parameters

  10. Sila kojom vazduh pritiska pokretnu ploču/Force of the air pressure on a moving plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonid Ivanovich Gretchihin


    Full Text Available U radu je razrađena matematički model gasodinamičkog opstrujavanja ravne ploče pri njenom kretanju sa pozitivnim i negativnim napadnim uglom. Pokazano je da pri malim brzinama kretanja, silu uzgona i čeoni otpor određuje gasodinamički tok vazduha u izlaznoj oblasti opstrujavanja, a pri brzinama kretanja koje su bliske brzini zvuka odlučujuću ulogu vrši uzajamno udarno dejstvo ploče sa molekulima okružujuće sredine u ulaznoj oblasti opstrujavanja. Otcepljena struja iza ploče se ne pojavljuje pri malim brzinama kretanja. Određeni su uslovi kada čeoni otpor i sila uzgona ploče menjaju znak. / (ruski Razrabotana matematičeskaja model' gazodinamičeskogo obtekanija ploskoj plastiny pri ee dviženii s položitel'nym i otricatel'nym uglom ataki. Pokazano, čto pri malyh skorostjah dviženija plastiny pod''emnaja sila i lobovoe soprotivlenie opredeljajutsja gazodinamikoj tečenija vozduha v tyl'noj oblasti, a pri skorostjah dviženija blizkih k skorosti zvuka rešajuščuju rol' vypolnjaet udarnoe vzaimodejstvie plastiny s molekulami okružajuščej sredy v perednej oblasti. Sryvnoe tečenie za plastinoj pri malyh skorostjah dviženija ne voznikaet. Opredeleny uslovija, kogda lobovoe soprotivlenie i pod''emnaja sila plastiny izmenjaet znak. / This paper developed a mathematical model of gas dynamic fluid flow for a flat plate during its movement with positive and negative angles of attack. It is shown that at low velocities, the lifting force and the frontal resistance are determined by gasdynamic air flow in the fluid flow exit areawhile at velocities close to the speed of sound the decisive role is played by a mutualeffect of the pplate coliding with molecules of the surrounding environment in the fluid flow incidence field. The airflow behind the plate does not appear at low velocities. The conditions when the frontal resistance and the lifting force change the sign are determined.

  11. GenBank blastx search result: AK060750 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available n 6, a glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (GLUD1) pseudogene and the 3' end of the DCX gene for doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 2e-12 +2 ...

  12. GenBank blastx search result: AK058518 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available n 6, a glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (GLUD1) pseudogene and the 3' end of the DCX gene for doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 1e-24 +2 ...

  13. Report of the PRI biofuel-ethanol; Rapport du PRI biocarburant-ethanol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This evaluation report presents three research programs in the framework of the physiological behavior of the yeast ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'', with high ethanol content. These studies should allowed to select an efficient yeast for the ethanol production. The first study concerns the development of an enzymatic process for the hydrolysis and the fermentation. The second study deals with the molecular and dynamical bases for the yeast metabolic engineering for the ethanol fuel production. The third research concerns the optimization of performance of microbial production processes of ethanol. (A.L.B.)

  14. Report of the PRI biofuel-ethanol; Rapport du PRI biocarburant-ethanol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This evaluation report presents three research programs in the framework of the physiological behavior of the yeast ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'', with high ethanol content. These studies should allowed to select an efficient yeast for the ethanol production. The first study concerns the development of an enzymatic process for the hydrolysis and the fermentation. The second study deals with the molecular and dynamical bases for the yeast metabolic engineering for the ethanol fuel production. The third research concerns the optimization of performance of microbial production processes of ethanol. (A.L.B.)

  15. Detennination Qf Optimuni on-fann Seed Pri~ing Time for Maize ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    maize seed to on-far111 priming is an important development which can be used to improve ... Key words: semi-arid: crop establishment; sorghum; maize: on-farm seed priming; Zimbapwe. ... faster growth and higher yield after seed prim-, ing.

  16. Retrieval of the photochemical reflectance index for assessing xanthophyll cycle activity: a comparison of near-surface optical sensors (United States)

    Harris, A.; Gamon, J. A.; Pastorello, G. Z.; Wong, C. Y. S.


    Unattended optical sensors are increasingly being deployed on eddy covariance flux towers and are often used to complement existing vegetation and micrometeorological measurements to enable assessment of biophysical states and biogeochemical processes over a range of spatial scales. Of particular interest are sensors that can measure the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), which can provide information pertaining to leaf pigments and photosynthetic activity. This interest has facilitated the production of a new range of lower-cost multispectral sensors specifically designed to measure temporal changes in the PRI signal. However, little is known about the characteristics (spectral, radiometric and temporal) of many of these PRI sensors, making it difficult to compare data obtained from these sensors across time, geographical locations and instruments. Furthermore, direct testing of the capability of these sensors to actually detect the conversion of the xanthophyll cycle, which is the original biological basis of the PRI diurnal signal, is largely absent, often resulting in an unclear interpretation of the signal, particularly given the wide range of factors now known to influence PRI. Through a series of experiments, we assess the sensitivity of one of the leading brands of PRI sensor (Skye SKR 1800) to changes in vegetation photosynthetic activity in response to changing irradiance. We compare the results with those obtained using a more expensive industry-standard visible to near-infrared hyperspectral spectrometer (PP Systems UniSpec) and determine the radiometric compatibility of measurements made by the different instruments. Results suggest that the SKR 1800 instrument is able to track rapid (seconds to minutes) and more gradual diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity associated with xanthophyll cycle pigment conversion. Measurements obtained from both the high and lower cost instrument were significantly linearly correlated but were subject to a large

  17. Li tter Fall i n A Pri mary an d Two Logged -over Lowland Tropical Rainfore sts in Pasirmayang, Jam bi.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Litte r accu mulatio n in a prim ary and a log g ed-ove r lo wland dipterocarp fore st at Pa si rmayang, Ja mbi wa s measu red u sin g the litte r trap met hod . In the p rimary fore st , tra p s were placed in fou r d istinc t areas, reflectin g th e su ccess ion stages of the fo rest fr om building t o mat u ration. In the logged-over fo re st , litter p roduc tion w a s measured at two differe nt si tes, one cut in 197 9/1980 a nd t h e second i n 1 983/1984. In the prim ary fore st , ave rage litter production during the ob serv ation period wa s 925 g m"2yr '. In the lo gged -over f o r e st , ave rage l itte r production wa s 721 g m '2 yr1 for t h e sit e cut in 1979 /198 0 and 70 6 g m '2 yr1 f o r the site cut in 19 83/1 984 . Leave s com p ri sed the major con tri butor of litter wit h 67% of tota l litter produced in t h e pri m ary forest, 67% of total litter i n the 1979/ 1980 cut log g ed-o ver fore st, and 65 % of total li tter in the 1983/1984 cut logged-over fore st . The pu rp ose of the stu dy wa s to use litte r fa ll a s a measure of forest pro ductivi ty to a ssess the recovery of log g ed -over forests and , t o pro v ide a basi s for co mpariso n o f forest-de rived land practices for app ropriate fo re st manage ment stra tegies .

  18. The Relationship between Blood Injury and Absorbed Dose in Criticality Accidents; Relations entre la Deterioration du Sang et la Dose Absorbee lors d'Accidents Dus a la Formation d'un Etat Critique; Svyaz' mezhdu velichinoj pogloshchennoj dozy pri avariyakh na reaktorakh, dostigshikh kritichnosti, i narusheniem sostava krovi; Relacion entre las Hemolesiones y la Dosis Absorbida en los Accidentes de Criticidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dennis, J. A. [Health Physics and Medical Division, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (United Kingdom)


    absorbidas por el tronco humano. Examina la relacion entre estas estimaciones de dosis y los valores del diagrama del recuento sanguineo basado en el sistema de valoracion propuesto por N. Wald y G. E. Thoma para las desviaciones con respecto a los indices normales de linfocitos, neutrofilos y plaquetas en la sangre periferica. Demuestra que un parametro basado en la dosis gamma absorbida superficialmente y en la actividad del {sup 24}Na en la sangre concuerda mas satisfactoriamente con el diagrama mencionado y se presta mejor para pronosticar la gravedad de una radiolesion que cualquiera de las estimaciones dosimetricas corrientes. En general, la EBR de las dosis de particulas pesadas de retroceso deducida de estas observaciones armoniza con los valores obtenidos en experimentos realizados con perros. (author) [Russian] Dlja opredelenija dozy, pogloshhennoj poverhnost'ju tela cheloveka,vychisljalis' dozy nejtronnogo i gamma-obluchenij dlja lic, podvergshihsja oblucheniju pri avarijah na reaktorah, dostigshih kritichnosti. Izuchalas' svjaz' mezhdu jetimi dozami i ''profil'nym sostavom krovi'' po metodu M. Uolda i Dzh. Toma dlja otklonenij ot normy limfocitov, nejtrofil'nyh lejkocitov i trombocitov. Pokazano, chto velichina dozy, poluchennaja pri podschete poverhnostnoj pogloshhennoj dozy gamma- obluchenija i urovnja aktivnosti natrija-24 v krovi, v bol'shej stepeni soglasuetsja s profil'nym sostavom krovi i javljaetsja bolee nadezhnym prognosticheskim priznakom pri ocenke ste peni luch ev o go porazhenija, chem standartnye metody ocenki doz obluchenija. Otnositel'naja biologicheskaja jeffektivnost' doz tjazhelyh chastic otdachi, poluchennyh pri jetih nabljudenijah, v obshhem so glasuetsja s velichinami, poluchennymi v rezul'tate jeksperimentov na sobakah. (author)

  19. GenBank blastx search result: AK107763 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available isease and variant metachromatic leukodystrophy) variant, clone: SYN03435.|PRI PRI 3e-11 +3 ... ...AK107763 002-133-A11 AK223290.1 Homo sapiens mRNA for prosaposin (variant Gaucher d

  20. The Subcritical Assembly for High-Temperature Use; Assemblage Sous-Critique Pour Emploi a Haute Temperature; K voprosu o podkriticheskoj sborke dlya ispol'zovaniya pri vysokikh temperaturakh; Conjunto Subcritico para Temperatura Elevada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakurai, Y.; Sekiya, T.; Suita, T. [Osaka University (Japan); Hishida, H.; Hamada, H.; Nagashima, K. [Sumitomo Atomic Energy Industries Group (Japan)


    vysokotemperaturnoj oblasti primenjaetsja gelij. Jeti vysokotemperaturnye gazovye petli proektirujutsja takim obrazom, chto ih mozhno ispol'zovat' dlja issledovanija voprosov neposredstvennogo prevrashhenija atomnoj jenergii v jelektricheskuju. Sborki osnashhajutsja sistemami upravlenija i kontrol'no-izmeritel'nymi sistemami podobno nebol'shim atomnym reaktoram. V nastojashhee vremja izuchaetsja jeksperimental'nyj metod opredelenija laplasiana sistemy i issleduetsja nailuchshaja shema raspolozhenija istochnika impul'snyh nejtronov i detektorov. Dalee, razrabatyvaetsja unikal'nyj metod izmerenija plotnosti potokov nejtronov pri vysokoj temperature. Nakonec, predpolagaetsja izuchit' vopros o vlijanii vysokoj temperatury na parametry reaktora. (author)

  1. Vloga tiskanih filmskih plakatov v dobi elektronskih medijev


    Gliha, Ajda


    Filmski plakat je spremljevalni material filma že od njegovega nastanka. Imel je pomembno vlogo vzpostaviti komunikacijo z občinstvom in občinstvo privabiti k ogledu filma. Filmska industrija pa je skozi leta doživela veliko sprememb na vseh področjih svojega delovanja, tako pri produkciji filma kot tudi pri oglaševanju filma. Zaradi napredka v tehnologiji, pojava elektronskih medijev in sprememb pri oglaševanju filma sta vloga in prihodnost tiskanega filmskega plakata vprašljiva. Cilj diplom...

  2. Razumevanje trojne narave kemijske vezi na submikroskopski ravni


    Klun, Tina


    Magistrsko delo celostno obravnava trojno naravo pojma kemijska vez s poudarkom na submikroskopski ravni. S pojmom kemijska vez se učenci v Sloveniji srečajo v osmem razredu osnovne šole v tematskem sklopu povezovanje delcev/gradnikov. Zaradi abstraktnosti pojma kemijska vez je pomembno, da se pri učencih spodbuja učenje na makroskopski, submikroskopski in simbolni ravni, saj je tak način dela ključnega pomena za oblikovanje ustreznega mentalnega modela o kemijski vezi pri učencih. Pri gradnj...

  3. GenBank blastx search result: AK060824 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK060824 001-034-B04 U75295.1 Human fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH10) gene, spliced exon 9', and complete cds for alternatively spliced product.|PRI PRI 3e-91 +1 ...

  4. GenBank blastx search result: AK104746 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104746 001-038-E07 U75295.1 Human fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH10) gene, spliced exon 9', and complete cds for alternatively spliced product.|PRI PRI 1e-102 +2 ...

  5. Identification of 11-amino acid peptides that disrupt Notch-mediated processes in Drosophila

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeh Hsiao-Fong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The conserved Notch signaling pathway regulates cell fate decisions and maintains stem cells in multicellular organisms. Up-regulation of Notch signaling is observed in several types of cancer and is causally involved in proliferation and survival of cancer cells. Thus, it is of great interest to look for anti-Notch reagents for therapeutic purposes. In model animal Drosophila, Notch signaling restricts selection of sensory organ precursors (SOPs during external sensory (ES organ development. To look for novel genes that can suppress Notch signaling, we performed a gain-of-function modifier screen to look for genes that enhance the phenotype of ectopic ES organs induced by overexpression of phyllopod, a gene required for SOP specification. Results From the gain-of-function screen, we discovered that overexpression of polished rice/tarsal-less (pri/tal increases the numbers of ES organs as well as SOPs. pri/tal is a polycistronic gene that contains four short open reading frames encoding three 11-amino acid and one 32-amino acid peptides. Ectopic expression of the 11 amino-acid peptides recapitulates the pri/tal misexpression phenotype in ectopic ES organ formation. In situ hybridization experiment reveals that pri/tal mRNA is expressed in the SOPs of the chemosensory organs and the stretch-sensing chordotonal organs. In Drosophila wing development, the Notch signaling pathway mediates the formation of the dorsal-ventral (DV compartmental boundary and the restriction of the vein width from the primordial veins, the proveins. We also found that pri/tal mRNA is expressed in the DV boundary and the longitudinal proveins, and overexpression of Pri/Tal peptides disrupts the DV boundary formation and helps to expand the width of the wing vein. Genetic analyses further show that a Notch loss-of-function allele strongly enhances these two phenotypes. Cut and E(splmβ are target genes of the Notch pathway in DV boundary formation and

  6. A new method to evaluate patient characteristic response to ultrafiltration during hemodialysis. (United States)

    Casagrande, G; Teatini, U; Romei Longhena, G; Miglietta, F; Fumero, R; Costantino, M L


    Several factors are involved in the pathogenesis of dialysis discomfort interfering with optimal fluid removal and reducing the efficacy of the treatment; the most important one is a decrease in blood volume caused by an imbalance between ultrafiltration (UF) and plasmarefilling (PR) rates. This study is aimed at devising a method to tailor the dialysis therapy to each individual patient, by analyzing the relationship between PR and UF during the sessions in stable patients and widening the knowledge of fluid exchanges during the treatment. Thirty stable patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis were enrolled. Three dialysis sessions were monitored for each patient; systemic pressure, blood composition, blood volume % variation, weight loss and conductivity were recorded repeatedly. A Plasma Refilling Index (PRI), defined and calculated by means of parameters measured throughout the dialysis, was introduced as a novel instrument to study plasma refilling phenomena. Results. The PRI provides understanding of patient response (in terms of plasma refilling) to the set UF. In the monitored sessions, the PRI trend is found to be characteristic of each patient; a PRI course that is at variance with the characteristic trend is a signal of inadequate or unusual dialysis scheduling. Moreover, statistical analysis highlights two different PRI trends during the first hour and during the rest of the treatment, suggesting the presence of different treatment phases. The main advantage of the PRI index is that it is non-invasive peculiar to each patient and easy to compute in a dialysis routine based on online data recorded by the monitor. A deviation from the characteristic trend may be a warning for the clinician. The analysis of the PRI trend also suggests how to modulate UF as a function of interstitial to intravascular fluid removal balance during dialysis.

  7. GenBank blastx search result: AK105761 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ome 6q13-15 Contains the 3' part of the BCKDHB gene for branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 1e-115 +2 ...

  8. GenBank blastx search result: AK061863 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ome 6q13-15 Contains the 3' part of the BCKDHB gene for branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 2e-47 +2 ...

  9. GenBank blastx search result: AK104686 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ome 6q13-15 Contains the 3' part of the BCKDHB gene for branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 1e-48 +1 ...

  10. Solution Method of Multi-Product Two-Stage Logistics Problem with Constraints of Delivery Course (United States)

    Ataka, Shinichiro; Gen, Mitsuo

    The logistics network design is one of the important phase of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and it is the problem that should be optimized for long-term promotion of efficiency of the whole supply chain. Usually a plant produces different type of products. Even if it is a factory of the same company, delivery is different by a kind of a produced product. The restrictions which this model has are deeply concerned with TP in the real world. In this paper, we consider the logistics network design problems with multi-products and constraints for delivery course. To solve the problem, we used a hybrid priority-based Genetic Algorithm (h-priGA), and we tried the comparison experiment with priority-based Genetic Algorithm (priGA)and h-priGA, we show it about the effectiveness of h-priGA.

  11. Comparative effects of partial root-zone irrigation and deficit irrigation on phosphorus uptake in tomato plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Jensen, Christian Richardt


    The comparative effects of partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) and deficit irrigation (DI) on phosphorus (P) uptake in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants were investigated in a split-root pot experiment. The results showed that PRI treatment improved water-use efficiency (WUE) compared...... to the DI treatment. PRI-treated plants accumulated significantly higher amounts of P in their shoots than DI plants under organic maize straw N fertilisation, whereas similar levels of shoot P accumulation were observed under mineral N fertilisation. Thus, the form of N fertiliser, and thereby...... the different plant N status, affected the accumulation of P in shoots, as reflected by a higher plant N:P ratio following mineral N fertilisation than after organic N fertilisation. Compared to the DI treatment, PRI significantly increased both the physiological and agronomic efficiencies of P-use under...

  12. Alternate partial root-zone irrigation improves fertilizer-N use efficiency in tomatoes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Jensen, Lars Stoumann


    The objective of this study was to investigate the comparative effects of alternative partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) and deficit irrigation (DI) on fertilizer-N use efficiency in tomato plants under mineral N and organic N fertilizations. The plants were grown in split-root pots in a climate......-controlled glasshouse and were subjected to PRI and DI treatments during early fruiting stage. When analyzed across the N fertilizer treatments, PRI treatment led to significantly higher N yield, agronomic N use efficiency (ANUE), and apparent N recovery efficiency (ANRE) as compared with the DI treatment, indicating...... significantly higher fertilizer-N use efficiency and soil N availability as well as enhanced plant’s N acquisition ability in the PRI treatment. Analysis across the irrigation treatments showed that the mineral N fertilizer treatment (MinN) significantly increased N yield, ANUE and ANRE relative to the organic...

  13. Travel agency electronic business


    Bjelobrk, Jelena


    Turizem in informacijska tehnologija sta dve največji in najbolj dinamični panogi v današnjem času. Obe panogi se zelo hitro razvijata in povpraševanje po njiju strmo raste. Posebno vlogo pri tem ima internet, ki je prenosni medij in omogoča najcenejši prenos podatkov in povezuje ljudi. Prav tako ima internet zelo pomembno vlogo pri turističnem trženju saj je njegova funkcija zelo pomembna pri distribuciji turističnih storitev. Internet predstavlja zelo pomembno vlogo za potencialnega turista...


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A fully characterised natural rubber latex was subjected to mechanical degradation by stirring at intervals. The resistance to oxidative degradation of the different samples were studied by measuring the Plasticity retention indices (PRI).The results show that there is an enhancement of the PRI from 57% for the undegraded rubber to 79% for the one-hour degraded sample. Further degradation resulted in decrease of PRI as time of degradation increased. Therefore, the one-hour degraded sample is a special rubber with high oxidation resistance which is of great importance in engineering.



    Tomec, Matej


    Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti internet, kot nov medij in njegovo vlogo pri prodaji. Da je internet kot medij nekaj posebnega in da nudi več priložnosti, kot nevarnosti, sem dokazal s primerjavo s tradicionalnimi mediji. Posebej sem še izpostavil slabosti in prednosti e-nakupovanja, ter s tem želel ugotoviti, na kaj morajo biti podjetja pozorna, da bodo pri prodaji preko interneta uspešna. Razlogi, zakaj večina slovenskih podjetij pri spletni prodaji ni uspešna v tolikšni meri, kot bi si ...



    Novak, Klavdija


    Odjemalci in njihove navade se spreminjajo. Pričakovanja odjemalcev so vse višja, zahteve po enostavni uporabniški izkušnji postajajo splošno veljavne. Kakovost storitev in servisa pridobivata na pomenu. Podjetja morajo postati bolj hitra in agilna pri prilagajanju odjemalcem in trgu. Ko se podjetje usmerja na nove trge, mora pri tem upoštevati še posebnosti ciljnega trga in načrtovanje postane še bolj zahtevno. Globalizacija trga prinaša priložnosti za mnoga podjetja, ki morajo biti pred...

  17. The computerized point of order processing at the dairying plant


    Pankauskienė, Dalia


    Darbe išanalizuota IS kūrimo principai ir problemos, pieno perdirbimo įmonės veikla. Pasirinktos užsakymų priėmimo sistemos projektavimo ir projekto realizavimo priemonės. Atliktas užsakymų priėmimo IS projektavimas. Sukurta duomenų bazė, kurios pagalba suprojektuota užsakymų priėmimo kompiuterizuota darbo vieta pieno perdirbimo įmonėje. Company’s business computerization stands for creating and installing an information system which would satisfy all company’s needs. Such system’s creatio...



    Zadravec, Kristina


    Načrtovanje, kot proces institucionalne vzgoje, ima pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju otrokove osebnosti v predšolskem obdobju. V teoretičnem delu so opisani vidiki, ki se upoštevajo pri načrtovanju dejavnosti v predšolskem obdobju, ravni in področja kakovosti v vrtcu, modeli načrtovanja kurikuluma (učno-snovni, učno-ciljni in razvojno-procesni model načrtovanja), opisani so različni pristopi pri načrtovanju vzgojnega dela v vrtcu (Pedagogika Marie Montessori, Valdorfska pedagogika, High/Scopov ...

  19. Recepcijska zmožnost mladega bralca – razvijanje recepcijske zmožnosti zaznavanja, doživljanja in vrednotenja književne osebe


    Jerčič Pšeničnik, Simona


    V zadnjem desetletju smo priča spreminjanju bralnih navad otrok in mladostnikov. Opazen je premik od tradicionalnega branja knjig za zabavo do novih bralnih priložnosti, ki jih ponujajo internet in drugi multimedijski sistemi. Računalniki in druge naprave, ki sočasno prikazujejo besedilo, slike, filme in zvoke, so že splošno rabljena orodja, ki lahko pomagajo pri razvijanju otrokovih bralnih zmožnosti. Vsekakor pa ima pri tem pomembno vlogo učitelj, ki bi moral biti usposobljen za pogovor o l...

  20. Izdelovalci glasbil na Slovenskem 1606–1918

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darja Koter


    Full Text Available Proučevanje zgodovine izdelovanja inštrumentov in posameznih izdelovalcev na Slovenskem nima dolge tradicije. Na ta del glasbene preteklosti je strokovno in drugo javnost prvi opozoril Josip Mantuani ob 60-letnici ljubljanske Glasbene matice leta 1932, ki je ob tej priložnosti v Narodnem domu v Ljubljani organizirala veliko razstavo Razvoj glasbe pri Slovencih, kjer so bili z izdelki predstavljeni tudi nekateri starejši in sodobni domači izdelovalci inštrumentov. Med najmanj razvitimi segmenti muzikologije na Slovenskem sta organologija glasbenih inštrumentov in zgodovina izdelovanja glasbil. Večje strokovne pozornosti so bile deležne predvsem orgle in orglarji. Orglarstvo in posamezne mojstre so od sedemdesetih let naprej proučevali Ladislav Šaban, Milko Bizjak in Edo Škulj, v zadnjem desetletju pa se stopnjuje zanimanje še za izdelovalce drugih inštrumentov, ki so v preteklih stoletjih delovali na ozemlju današnje Slovenije. Rezultati posameznih študij so objavljeni v različnih publikacijah, revijah, zbornikih in leksikonih, nekaj podatkov o izdelovalcih pa najdemo tudi v tuji literaturi. Da bi bilo poznavanje zgodovine izdelovanja glasbil in posameznih mojstrov bolj pregledno in dostopnejše, je nujno, da objavljene dosežke strnemo v obliki gesel z vsemi najbolj vitalnimi podatki, s čimer bodo imeli uporabniki boljši dostop do informacij. Pri oblikovanju gesel je bila upoštevana metodologija, ki se je uveljavila v nemški in angleški leksikografski literaturi. Imena izdelovalcev so zapisana v izvirni obliki, ponekod pa so dodane še različice priimkov in imen, ki jih najdemo v primarnih virih. Pri rojstnih podatkih so navedene letnice rojstva in smrti ter natančni datumi, kadar so znani. V primerih, kjer čas rojstva ni ugotovljen, so pomembne letnice delovanja posameznika. Primer: CAJHEN, (Zeichen, Martin (1855–1863. Pri poklicu je mogočih več navedb, npr. izdelovalec orgel, organist, trgovec z glasbili ... Kadar

  1. The adsorption of hydrogen on a molecular sieve at -196{sup o}C and the observation of an isotope effect; Adsorption d'hydrogene sur un tamis moleculaire a -196{sup o}C et observation d'un effet isotopique; Absorbtsiya vodoroda na molekulyarnom fil'tre pri -196{sup o} i nablyudenie rezul'tatov dejstviya izotopov; Adsorcion de hidrogeno en un tamiz molecular a -196{sup o}C y observacion de un efecto isotopico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duncombe, W G [Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent (United Kingdom)


    adsorbio en el tamiz molecular cerca del 99 % del hidrogeno inicial antes de comenzar la desorcion por bombeo. Por lo tanto, parece probable que el considerable fraccionamiento observado tenga lugar principalmente durante la desorcion y que el efecto carezca de importancia cuando el tamiz se emplea para manipular pequenos volumenes de isotopos del hidrogeno ya que, por lo general, la desorcion total se efectuara por calentamiento. (author) [Russian] Ispytyvalsya molekulyarnyj fil'tr Linde 4 A v kachestve vozmozhnogo sredstva obrashcheniya s nebol'shimi ob{sup e}mami izotopov vodoroda v vakuume, vmesto primenyayushchegosya v nastoyashchee vremya nasosa Toiplera. Davlenie ravnovesiya (P) izmeryaetsya razlichnymi ob{sup e}mami (V) vodoroda, absorbiruemogo odnim grammom fil'tra pri temperature -196{sup o}. EHksperimenty s aktivirovannym drevesnym uglem pokazyvayut preimushchestvo fil'tra kak absorbenta vodoroda. Odin gramm fil'tra v sisteme s ob{sup e}mom v 500 ml absorbiruet okolo 97 % odnogo ml obraztsa vodoroda. Absorbtsiya neznachitel'na pri temperature -78{sup o}, i desorbtsiya yavlyaetsya kolichestvennoj i b'kpro protekaet pri komnatnoj temperature. Vozmozhnost' rezul'tatov dejstviya izotopa izuchalas' putem absorbirovaniya izmeryaemykh ob{sup e}mov tritiya (5 millikyuri/mol') pri ravnomernom davlenii okolo 5 mm, pri ehtom proiskhodilo vykachivanie sistemy v periode do 15 minut i izmerenie ob{sup e}ma ostatochnogo vodoroda. Poslednij prevrashchalsya kolichestvenno v vodu, zatem v butan i gaz. Udel'naya aktivnost' byla vsegda vyshe, chem aktivnost' tritiya, kotoryj prokhodil 10 tsiklov absorbtsii i desorbtsii bez promezhutochnogo vykachivaniya s tem, chtoby ne bylo nikakikh chistykh poter' gaza. EHto imelo takuyu zhe udel'nuyu aktivnost', kak u neobrabotannogo tritiya, vzyatogo iz rezervnoj kolby. Bylo obnaruzheno, chto logarifm (ostatochnyj ob{sup e}m/nachal'nyj ob{sup e}m) proportsionalen 1/logarifm (ostatochnaya udel'naya aktivnost'/ nachal'naya udel'naya aktivnost') v

  2. GenBank blastx search result: AK059429 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059429 001-027-F01 S81752.1 DPH2L=candidate tumor suppressor gene {ovarian cancer critical region of delet...ion} [human, 9 week fetal and placental tissues, mRNA, 2233 nt].|PRI PRI 2e-64 +2 ...

  3. The Drug war: Diplomatic and Security Implications for Mexico and the United States (United States)


    The PRI electoral gains will make it impossible for President Calderon to push significant reforms through without serious concessions to the PRI-if...August 2002), 5. 83 GLOSSARY Commission Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH). Mexico’s National Commission on Human Rights. Counter-drug

  4. GenBank blastx search result: AK059663 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059663 001-031-E04 AB063318.1 Homo sapiens MoDP-2, MoDP-3 mRNA for acute morphine dependence... related protein 2, acute morphine dependence related peptide 3, complete cds.|PRI PRI 7e-29 +3 ...

  5. GenBank blastx search result: AK059413 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059413 001-027-D02 AB063318.1 Homo sapiens MoDP-2, MoDP-3 mRNA for acute morphine dependence... related protein 2, acute morphine dependence related peptide 3, complete cds.|PRI PRI 9e-12 +1 ...

  6. GenBank blastx search result: AK062146 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK062146 001-045-G12 AB063318.1 Homo sapiens MoDP-2, MoDP-3 mRNA for acute morphine dependence... related protein 2, acute morphine dependence related peptide 3, complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-80 +1 ...

  7. 1995-1996 annual report of the Petroleum Recovery Institute

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Financial performance and technical achievements were highlighted in the Petroleum Recovery Institute's 1995-96 annual review, with a special review of PRI's involvement with microgravity science. A list of PRI research and technology contracts and research reports from 1995-1996 was also included

  8. A reliability analysis of a natural-gas pressure-regulating installation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerbec, Marko


    A case study involving analyses of the operability, reliability and availability was made for a selected, typical, high-pressure, natural-gas, pressure-regulating installation (PRI). The study was commissioned by the national operator of the natural-gas, transmission-pipeline network for the purpose of validating the existing operability and maintenance practices and policies. The study involved a failure-risk analysis (HAZOP) of the selected typical installation, retrieval and analysis of the available corrective maintenance data for the PRI's equipment at the network level in order to obtain the failure rates followed by an elaboration of the quantitative fault trees. Thus, both operator-specific and generic literature data on equipment failure rates were used. The results obtained show that two failure scenarios need to be considered: the first is related to the PRI's failure to provide gas to the consumer(s) due to a low-pressure state and the second is related to a failure of the gas pre-heating at the high-pressure reduction stage, leading to a low temperature (a non-critical, but unfavorable, PRI state). Related to the first scenario, the most important cause of failure was found to be a transient pressure disturbance back from the consumer side. The network's average PRI failure frequency was assessed to be about once per 32 years, and the average unavailability to be about 4 minutes per year (the confidence intervals were also assessed). Based on the results obtained, some improvements to the monitoring of the PRI are proposed.

  9. A reliability analysis of a natural-gas pressure-regulating installation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerbec, Marko, E-mail: marko.gerbec@ijs.s [Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    A case study involving analyses of the operability, reliability and availability was made for a selected, typical, high-pressure, natural-gas, pressure-regulating installation (PRI). The study was commissioned by the national operator of the natural-gas, transmission-pipeline network for the purpose of validating the existing operability and maintenance practices and policies. The study involved a failure-risk analysis (HAZOP) of the selected typical installation, retrieval and analysis of the available corrective maintenance data for the PRI's equipment at the network level in order to obtain the failure rates followed by an elaboration of the quantitative fault trees. Thus, both operator-specific and generic literature data on equipment failure rates were used. The results obtained show that two failure scenarios need to be considered: the first is related to the PRI's failure to provide gas to the consumer(s) due to a low-pressure state and the second is related to a failure of the gas pre-heating at the high-pressure reduction stage, leading to a low temperature (a non-critical, but unfavorable, PRI state). Related to the first scenario, the most important cause of failure was found to be a transient pressure disturbance back from the consumer side. The network's average PRI failure frequency was assessed to be about once per 32 years, and the average unavailability to be about 4 minutes per year (the confidence intervals were also assessed). Based on the results obtained, some improvements to the monitoring of the PRI are proposed.

  10. osamosvojitvi slovenije leta 1991

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elke Tharun


    Full Text Available Nemške občine se razlikujejo med seboj po svoji upravi v smislu samouprave, ki je za-gotovljena z ustavo. Neposredna posledica je vedno več omejitev pri prenosu odgovor-nosti, na področju financ in pri evropskem upravljanju.

  11. The RNA-binding protein HOS5 and serine/arginine-rich proteins RS40 and RS41 participate in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao; Cui, Peng; Xiong, Liming


    MicroRNAs are a class of small regulatory RNAs that are generated from primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts with a stem-loop structure. Accuracy of the processing of pri-miRNA into mature miRNA in plants can be enhanced by SERRATE (SE

  12. GenBank blastx search result: AK106998 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK106998 002-120-B12 AB179082.1 Macaca fascicularis testis cDNA clone: QtsA-12630, similar to human oculocer...ebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL), transcriptvariant a, mRNA, RefSeq: NM_000276.3.|PRI PRI 1e-29 +3 ...

  13. GenBank blastx search result: AK059494 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059494 001-028-H05 AB179082.1 Macaca fascicularis testis cDNA clone: QtsA-12630, similar to human oculocer...ebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL), transcriptvariant a, mRNA, RefSeq: NM_000276.3.|PRI PRI 7e-40 +2 ...

  14. GenBank blastx search result: AK062242 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-31 +1 ... ...AK062242 001-047-E10 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  15. GenBank blastx search result: AK110760 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-100 +1 ... ...AK110760 002-170-H05 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  16. GenBank blastx search result: AK060732 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22893 IMAGE:4065221), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-113 +3 ... ...AK060732 001-032-A05 BC023983.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  17. GenBank blastx search result: AK062242 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22893 IMAGE:4065221), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-31 +1 ... ...AK062242 001-047-E10 BC023983.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  18. GenBank blastx search result: AK104686 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104686 001-036-C11 BC034481.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:26350 IMAGE:4824846), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-20 +1 ...

  19. GenBank blastx search result: AK060732 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-113 +3 ... ...AK060732 001-032-A05 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  20. GenBank blastx search result: AK061863 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK061863 001-040-H03 BC034481.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:26350 IMAGE:4824846), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-18 +2 ...

  1. GenBank blastx search result: AK110760 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:2355 IMAGE:2822372), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-100 +1 ... ...AK110760 002-170-H05 BC008933.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  2. GenBank blastx search result: AK060732 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:2355 IMAGE:2822372), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-113 +3 ... ...AK060732 001-032-A05 BC008933.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  3. GenBank blastx search result: AK105105 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22893 IMAGE:4065221), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-26 +3 ... ...AK105105 001-100-E08 BC023983.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  4. GenBank blastx search result: AK105105 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-26 +3 ... ...AK105105 001-100-E08 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  5. GenBank blastx search result: AK062242 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:2355 IMAGE:2822372), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-31 +1 ... ...AK062242 001-047-E10 BC008933.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  6. Sumerian Proverbs. Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotammia. By Edmund I. Gordon with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. (Museum Monographs. Published by The University ivrus,eum. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia 1959, 7,50. XXVI + 556 str.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viktor Korošec


    Full Text Available Stari pregovori in reki so dragocene priče ljudske modrosti in ljudskega naziranja o življenju in družbi. Posebno priljubljeni so bili na Starem vzhodu. Tako so pri Egipčanih nastali obširni "modrostni spisi". biblija ima posebno knjigo Pregovorov (Mišle Šelomo. Zelo razširjeni so pa bili tudi pri starih Sumercih. Njihovi pisarji so v mestih Nippurju, Uru (in najbrž tudi drugod sestavljali cele zbirke takih rekov. Navadno so to kratka pravila, življenjske maksime, včasih samoumevne resnice, včasih kratke, nekoliko sarkastične zgodbice.



    Jurak, Teja


    V diplomski nalogi primerjamo motivacijo učencev drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja (VIO) osnovne šole (OŠ) v Sloveniji in Španiji za učenje tujega jezika (angleščine) ter motivacijo mlajših učencev v primerjavi s starejšimi v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Osredotočamo se na učenje tujega jezika v otroštvu, pri tem pa najprej opredelimo pojem motivacija, motivacija pri učenju, torej učna motivacija in njene vrste, kot sta notranja in zunanja motivacija ter specifično pri učenj...

  8. PWR core design calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trkov, A; Ravnik, M; Zeleznik, N [Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    Functional description of the programme package Cord-2 for PWR core design calculations is presented. Programme package is briefly described. Use of the package and calculational procedures for typical core design problems are treated. Comparison of main results with experimental values is presented as part of the verification process. (author) [Slovenian] Opisali smo programski paket CORD-2, ki se uporablja pri projektnih izracunih sredice pri upravljanju tlacnovodnega reaktorja. Prikazana je uporaba paketa in racunskih postopkov za tipicne probleme, ki nastopajo pri projektiranju sredice. Primerjava glavnih rezultatov z eksperimentalnimi vrednostmi je predstavljena kot del preveritvenega procesa. (author)

  9. The photochemical reflectance index provides an optical indicator of spring photosynthetic activation in evergreen conifers. (United States)

    Wong, Christopher Y S; Gamon, John A


    In evergreens, the seasonal down-regulation and reactivation of photosynthesis is largely invisible and difficult to assess with remote sensing. This invisible phenology may be changing as a result of climate change. To better understand the mechanism and timing of these hidden physiological transitions, we explored several assays and optical indicators of spring photosynthetic activation in conifers exposed to a boreal climate. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf pigments for evergreen conifer seedlings were monitored over 1 yr of a boreal climate with the addition of gas exchange during the spring. PRI, electron transport rate, pigment levels, light-use efficiency and photosynthesis all exhibited striking seasonal changes, with varying kinetics and strengths of correlation, which were used to evaluate the mechanisms and timing of spring activation. PRI and pigment pools were closely timed with photosynthetic reactivation measured by gas exchange. The PRI provided a clear optical indicator of spring photosynthetic activation that was detectable at leaf and stand scales in conifers. We propose that PRI might provide a useful metric of effective growing season length amenable to remote sensing and could improve remote-sensing-driven models of carbon uptake in evergreen ecosystems. © 2015 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  10. Complications from arteriovenous malformation radiosurgery: multivariate analysis and risk modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flickinger, John C.; Kondziolka, Douglas; Pollock, Bruce E.; Maitz, Ann H.; Lunsford, L. Dade


    Purpose/Objective: To assess the relationships of radiosurgery treatment parameters to the development of complications from radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations (AVM). Methods and Materials: We evaluated follow-up imaging and clinical data in 307 AVM patients who received gamma knife radiosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh between 1987 and 1993. All patients had regular clinical or imaging follow up for a minimum of 2 years (range: 24-96 months, median = 44 months). Results: Post-radiosurgical imaging (PRI) changes developed in 30.5% of patients with regular follow-up magnetic resonance imaging, and were symptomatic in 10.7% of all patients at 7 years. PRI changes resolved within 3 years developed significantly less often (p = 0.0274) in patients with symptoms (52.8%) compared to asymptomatic patients (94.8%). The 7-year actuarial rate for developing persistent symptomatic PRI changes was 5.05%. Multivariate logistic regression modeling found that the 12 Gy volume was the only independent variable that correlated significantly with PRI changes (p < 0.0001) while symptomatic PRI changes were correlated with both 12 Gy volume (p = 0.0013) and AVM location (p 0.0066). Conclusion: Complications from AVM radiosurgery can be predicted with a statistical model relating the risks of developing symptomatic post-radiosurgical imaging changes to 12 Gy treatment volume and location

  11. GenBank blastx search result: AK105069 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK105069 001-045-C01 AB169286.1 Macaca fascicularis testis cDNA, clone: QtsA-18648, similar to human mortali...ty factor 4 like 2 (MORF4L2), mRNA, RefSeq: NM_012286.1.|PRI PRI 3e-20 +3 ...

  12. GenBank blastx search result: AK105761 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK105761 001-202-D07 BC040139.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), transcript variant 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:48849 IMAGE:5493159), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-115 +2 ...

  13. GenBank blastx search result: AK104686 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104686 001-036-C11 BC040139.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), transcript variant 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:48849 IMAGE:5493159), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-48 +1 ...

  14. GenBank blastx search result: AK061863 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK061863 001-040-H03 BC040139.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), transcript variant 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:48849 IMAGE:5493159), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-47 +2 ...

  15. Carbon retention in the soil–plant system under different irrigation regimes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Andersen, Mathias Neumann


    their environmental impacts. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L., var. Cedrico) were grown in split-root pots in a climate-controlled glasshouse and were subjected to full irrigation (FI), deficit irrigation (DI) and alternate partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) at early fruiting stage. In Exp. I, each plant...... to a greater microbial activity in the two treatments; particularly the PRI induced drying and wetting cycles of the soils may cause an increase of microbial activities and respiration rate, which could lead to more C losses from the soil. However, in both experiments the total C concentration in the PRI...... in the two experiments might have affected the C retention in the soil and in the plant biomass. Nevertheless, with a same degree of water saving, PRI was superior to DI in terms of enhancing C concentration in the plant biomass, which might have contributed to a better fruit quality in tomatoes as reported...

  16. The thermodynamic characteristics of vaporization of praseodymium triiodide (United States)

    Motalov, V. B.; Kudin, L. S.; Markus, T.


    The vaporization of praseodymium triiodide was studied by high-temperature mass spectrometry. Monomeric (PrI3) and dimeric (Pr2I6) molecules and the PrI{4/-} and Pr2I{7/-} negative ions were recorded in saturated vapor over the temperature range 842-1048 K. The partial pressures of neutral vapor components were determined. The enthalpies of sublimation Δs H o(298.15 K) in the form of monomers (291 ± 10 kJ/mol) and dimers (400 ± 30 kJ/mol) were calculated by the second and third laws of thermodynamics. The equilibrium constants of ion-molecular reactions were measured and the enthalpies of the reactions determined. The enthalpies of formation Δf H o(298.15 K) of molecules and ions in the gas phase were calculated (-373 ± 11, -929 ± 31, -865 ± 25, and -1433 ± 48 kJ/mol for PrI3, Pr2I6, PrI{4/-}, and Pr2I{7/-}, respectively).

  17. A new polymorphism biomarker rs629367 associated with increased risk and poor survival of gastric cancer in chinese by up-regulated miRNA-let-7a expression.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qian Xu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Variant in pri-miRNA could affect miRNA expression and mature process or splicing efficiency, thus altering the hereditary susceptibility and prognosis of cancer. We aimed to assess miRNA-let-7 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP associated with the risk and prognosis of gastric cancer (GC as predicting biomarkers, and furthermore, its possible mechanisms. METHODS: A two-stage case-control study was designed to screen four miRNA SNPs (pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 and rs1143770, pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971, pri-let-7f-2 rs17276588 in 107 GC patients, 107 atrophic gastritis (AG, and matched 124 controls using PCR-RFLP. Two promising SNPs were validated in another independent 1949 samples (including 579 gastric cancer patients, 649 atrophic gastritis and 721 controls using Sequenom MassARRAY platform and sequencing. RESULTS: We found that pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 CC variant genotype was associated with increased risks of gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis by 1.83-fold and 1.86-fold, respectively. For gastric cancer prognosis, patients with rs629367 CC genotype had significantly poorer survival than patients with AA genotype (log-rank P = 0.004. We further investigated the let-7a expression levels in serum and found that let-7a expression elevated gradually for rs629367 AA, CA, CC genotype in the atrophic gastritis group (P = 0.043. Furthermore, we confirmed these findings in vitro study by overexpressing let-7a carrying pri-let-7a-2 wild-type A or polymorphic-type C allele (P<0.001. CONCLUSIONS: pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 CC genotype could increase the risks of gastric cancer as well as atrophic gastritis and was also associated with poor survival of gastric cancer, which possibly by affecting the mature let-7a expression, and could serve as a predicting biomarker for high-risk and poor prognosis of gastric cancer.

  18. Obvladovanje dejavnikov tveganja za nastanek srčno-žilnih bolezni v referenčni ambulanti družinske medicine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alenka Terbovc


    Full Text Available Uvod: Model referenčnih ambulant družinske medicine prinaša spremembe v obravnavi pacientov. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti dejavnike tveganja, ki prispevajo k zmanjšanju nastanka srčno-žilnih bolezni z nefarmakološkimi ukrepi pri pacientih v referenčni ambulanti družinske medicine. Metode: Narejena je bila retrogradna raziskava podatkov pacientov, ki so bili obravnavani v referenčnih ambulantah za srčno-žilno ogroženost. Naključni raziskovalni vzorec je obsegal 128 pacientov, ki so v obdobju od 1. maja do 25. avgusta 2014 v referenčni ambulanti družinske medicine opravili presejalni in kontrolni pregled. Podatki so bili analizirani z opisno statistiko in hi-kvadrat testom. Rezultati: Pri obravnavanih pacientih so bili pri kontrolnem pregledu v primerjavi s presejalnim ugotovljeni višji deleži urejenih preiskovanih parametrov, in sicer pri krvnem tlaku (41,6 %, holesterolu (45,5 % in krvnem sladkorju (53,3 %, zmanjšal se je tudi delež kadilcev, in sicer za 4 %. Visoka srčno-žilna ogroženost (20–40 % se je pri kontrolni meritvi znižala na 28 %, zelo visoka na 6,6 %. Po obravnavi v ambulanti se je telesna aktivnost, izvajana od 2- do 4-krat na teden, povečala na 54,3 % oz. telesna aktivnost, izvajana 5-krat na teden, na 19,4 %. Statistično značilne razlike so se pokazale pri krvnem tlaku (χ2 = 8,780, p = 0,003 in holesterolu (χ2 = 4,781, p = 0,029. Diskusija in zaključek: Po ambulantni obravnavi se je pri pacientih pomembno izboljšala vrednost nekaterih dejavnikov tveganja, kar je moč pripisati kakovostni obravnavi, ki jo omogoča model referenčnih ambulant, in vlogi diplomirane medicinske sestre v tem modelu.

  19. Slow Neutron Spectrometers at the Swedish Reactors; Spectrometres a Neutrons Lents des Reacteurs Suedois; 0421 041f 0415 041a 0422 0420 041e 041c 0415 0422 0420 042b 041c 0415 0414 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 0425 041d 0415 0419 0422 0420 041e 041d 041e 0412 041d 0410 0428 0412 0415 0414 0421 041a 0418 0425 0420 0415 0410 041a 0422 041e 0420 0410 0425 ; Espectrometros para Neutrones Lentos en los Reactores de Suecia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dahlborg, U.; Skoeld, K. [AB Atomenergi, Stockholm (Sweden); Larsson, K. -E. [Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)


    efecto combinado de un filtro de Be y un selector con una curva de transmision estrecha. En este espectrometro, lo mismo que en el de Estocolmo, el selector se coloca delante de la muestra para poder registrar simultaneamente datos a diferentes angulos de observacion. En el reactor R2 se encuentra tambien instalado un espectrometro triaxial de cristal. Los autores describen diversas caracteristicas de los instrumentos, tales como las intensidades y los poderes de resolucion alcanzados, e indican en que medida se adaptan a ciertas determinaciones. Demuestran con datos numericos que un aumento relativamente pequeno del poder de resolucion ocasiona una elevada perdida de intensidad. Cuando se comparan los reactores RI y R2 como fuentes neutronicas para experimentos en el orificio de haz, es interesante observar que, si bien el flujo neutronico del reactor R2 es 100 veces mayor, el rendimiento en neutrones es unas 10 veces menor. El fenomeno se debe a la estrechez de los orificios de haz y a los filtros que son necesarios para reducir los flujos gamma y de neutrones rapidos. Como ilustracion, la memoria discute brevemente datos de dispersion en H{sub 2}O obtenidos con los diversos instrumentos. La comparacion demuestra que, para experimentos con el orificio de haz, el reactor de agua pesada presenta ventajas innegables. (author) [Russian] V nastojashhee vremja na dvuh shvedskih issledovatel'skih reaktorah K1 v Stokgol'me i R2 v Studsvike, imejutsja vozmozhnosti dlja ispol'zovanija chetyreh razlichnyh spektrometrov nejtronov v opytah po neuprugomu rassejaniju nejtronov. V Stokgol'me na tjazhelovodnom reaktore R1 moshhnost'ju 600-kvt odnovremenno ispol'zujutsja dva spektrometra po vremeni proleta s medlenno dejstvujushhim preryvatelem. Na odnom reaktore my postojanno ispol'zuem berillievyj fil'tr v kachestve monohromatora, v to vremja kak na drugom reaktore mozhno ispol'zovat' libo berillievyj fil'tr, libo kristallicheskij monohromator. Obnaruzheno, chto pri izmerenijah

  20. Patients with restored occlusions. Part III: The effect of occlusal splint therapy and occlusal adjustments on TMJ dysfunction. (United States)

    Lederman, K H; Clayton, J A


    An earlier study of 50 patients with occlusions restored by fixed partial dentures indicated a high percent (68%) of TMJ dysfunction. Occlusal interferences can play a significant role in causing TMJ dysfunction. To determine the significance of occlusal interferences, occlusal splints were placed in 10 of these restored patients who had moderate to severe dysfunction. The PRI was used to detect the presence or absence of TMJ dysfunction. The PRI TMJ dysfunction scores were reduced in all 10 patients after use of the occlusal splint. Five of the patients achieved reproducible tracings (no TMJ dysfunction) during the experiment time of 7 months. The occlusion of two patients was adjusted to eliminate the need for the occlusal splint. Patients who wore the splint 24 hours a day showed a significant (0.0004 level) reduction in TMJ dysfunction. Those patients who did not wear the splint regularly or had high levels of stress had PRI scores that varied. This finding indicates that the occlusal splint is not a treatment, as its removal permits reactivation of the occlusal interference. Resolution of dysfunction did not occur until occlusal interferences were removed. The changes in PRI scores to different dysfunction categories (none, slight, moderate, and severe) for the experimental group were significant at the 0.01 level. A control group of five patients had similar pantographic tracings but no other treatment. Their PRI scores varied, but there was no significant change in PRI scores or dysfunction categories. It was concluded that occlusal interferences were active causes of TMJ dysfunction in 10 of 36 patients in a population with restored occlusions.

  1. SPARK-UP; Seaweed Production And Refining of Kelp, Ulva and Palmaria

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wald, J.; Visser, de W.; Brandenburg, W.A.; Jongschaap, R.E.E.; Werf, van der A.K.; Deelman, Berth-Jan; Helmendach-Nieuwenhuize, Carola


    In het SPARK-UP project, waarin de partners Arkema, PRI-WUR en North Seaweed samenwerkten aan de ontwikkeling van toepassing van zeewier in de biobased economy, is de afgelopen jaren veel werk verzet. In een bassin op het terrein van Arkema, heeft PRI een teeltsysteem opgezet en in gebruik genomen,

  2. GenBank blastx search result: AK104229 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104229 006-307-D03 AF023268.1 Homo sapiens clk2 kinase (CLK2), propin1, cote1, glucocerebro...sidase (GBA), and metaxin genes, complete cds; metaxin pseudogene and glucocerebrosidase pseudogene; and thrombospondin3 (THBS3) gene, partial cds.|PRI PRI 3e-41 +3 ...

  3. GenBank blastx search result: AK058642 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK058642 001-018-E05 AF023268.1 Homo sapiens clk2 kinase (CLK2), propin1, cote1, glucocerebro...sidase (GBA), and metaxin genes, complete cds; metaxin pseudogene and glucocerebrosidase pseudogene; and thrombospondin3 (THBS3) gene, partial cds.|PRI PRI 2e-18 +3 ...

  4. GenBank blastx search result: AK061708 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK061708 001-037-F11 AF023268.1 Homo sapiens clk2 kinase (CLK2), propin1, cote1, glucocerebro...sidase (GBA), and metaxin genes, complete cds; metaxin pseudogene and glucocerebrosidase pseudogene; and thrombospondin3 (THBS3) gene, partial cds.|PRI PRI 1e-41 +3 ...

  5. New imaging systems in nuclear medicine. Technical progress report, January 1, 1982-December 31, 1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brownell, G.L.


    A new instrumentation concept has been developed for the analogue ring detector (PR-I) and its success has been demonstrated. Software for PRI has been developed. Studies of new instrumentation methods and materials include extension of the analog concepts to higher spatial resolution, higher data rates and cylindrical shaped detectors

  6. Prihodnja osvetlitev in nočna podoba mest: študija primera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simon Rankel


    Full Text Available Prihodnja osvetlitev na podlagi polprevodniških virov svetlobe bo spremenila nočno podobo mest. Možnosti njihove umestitve in uporabe v urbanem prostoru so številne. V članku zato proučujemo, ali bi njihova prihodnja uporaba v splošni zunanji razsvetljavi pozitivno vplivala na človekovo sprejemanje tako osvetljenega urbanega prostora. Na podlagi inovativne uporabe omenjenih virov svetlobe smo izoblikovali dva različna koncepta osvetlitve. Prvi koncept temelji na ploskovni osvetlitvi, drugi pa na detajlnem prikazu arhitekturno–urbanih elementov. Predlogi za osvetlitev so bili narejeni na petih različnih lokacijah mesta. Poleg izpolnjevanja funkcionalnih potreb upoštevajo tudi urbanistični in arhitekturni vidik osvetljevanja. Z ocenami afektivne kakovosti slikovnih prikazov smo predstavili in proučevali temeljna afektivna stanja anketiranih. Ugotovitve kažejo, da so se anketiranci pri večini predlogov strinjali pri ocenah spremenljivk »prijetnost« in »pozornost. Statistika pokaže med konceptoma značilne razlike pri ocenah obeh spremenljivk. Pri neposredni primerjavi obeh konceptov smo ugotovili, da je naklonjenost anketirancev do določenega osvetlitvenega koncepta odvisna tudi od mestne lokacije. S člankom želimo poudariti pomen nočne podobe mesta pri razvoju prihodnjih strategij osvetlitve, ki temeljijo na polprevodniških virih svetlobe.

  7. Establishment of the Relationship between the Photochemical Reflectance Index and Canopy Light Use Efficiency Using Multi-angle Hyperspectral Observations (United States)

    Zhang, Qian; Chen, Jing; Zhang, Yongguang; Qiu, Feng; Fan, Weiliang; Ju, Weimin


    The gross primary production (GPP) of terrestrial ecosystems constitutes the largest global land carbon flux and exhibits significant spatial and temporal variations. Due to its wide spatial coverage, remote sensing technology is shown to be useful for improving the estimation of GPP in combination with light use efficiency (LUE) models. Accurate estimation of LUE is essential for calculating GPP using remote sensing data and LUE models at regional and global scales. A promising method used for estimating LUE is the photochemical reflectance index (PRI = (R531-R570)/(R531 + R570), where R531 and R570 are reflectance at wavelengths 531 and 570 nm) through remote sensing. However, it has been documented that there are certain issues with PRI at the canopy scale, which need to be considered systematically. For this purpose, an improved tower-based automatic canopy multi-angle hyperspectral observation system was established at the Qianyanzhou flux station in China since January of 2013. In each 15-minute observation cycle, PRI was observed at four view zenith angles fixed at solar zenith angle and (37°, 47°, 57°) or (42°, 52°, 62°) in the azimuth angle range from 45° to 325° (defined from geodetic north). To improve the ability of directional PRI observation to track canopy LUE, the canopy is treated as two-big leaves, i.e. sunlit and shaded leaves. On the basis of a geometrical optical model, the observed canopy reflectance for each view angle is separated to four components, i.e. sunlit and shaded leaves and sunlit and shaded backgrounds. To determine the fractions of these four components at each view angle, three models based on different theories are tested for simulating the fraction of sunlit leaves. Finally, a ratio of canopy reflectance to leaf reflectance is used to represent the fraction of sunlit leaves, and the fraction of shaded leaves is calculated with the four-scale geometrical optical model. Thus, sunlit and shaded PRI are estimated using

  8. Nova libro pri interlingvistiko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rets rmt.: Blanke, Detlev. Interlinguistische Beiträge : zum Wesen und zur Plansprachen / herausgegeben von Sabine Fiedler. Frankfurt/Main, Berlin ; Bern ; Bruxelles ; New York ; Oxford ; Wien : Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften Peter Lang

  9. The Formation of Polymeric Products in Reactions of Polyvalent Recoil Atoms; Formation de Polymeres lors de Reactions Provoquees par des Atomes de Recul Polyvalents; Obrazovanie polimernykh produktov pri reaktsiyakh polivalentnykh atomov otdachi; Formacion de Polimeros en las Reacciones de Atomos de Retroceso Polivalentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dzantiev, B. G.; Stukan, R. A.; Shvedchikov, A. P.; Shishkov, A. V. [Institut Himicheskoj Fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    mechenyh polimernyh produktov v processe himicheskoj stabilizacii atomov otdachi sery-35 i ugleroda-14, poluchajushhihsja po jadernym reakcijam Cl{sup 35} /n, p/S{sup 35} i N{sup 14}/n, p/C{sup 14} v gazovoj i zhidkoj fazah. Mozhno predpolozhit', chto v processe stabilizacii gorjachie atomy ugleroda obrazujut metilenovye biradikaly, kotorye po svoej sposobnosti vstupat' v reakciju vo mnogom napominajut povedenie atomarnoj sery. Issledovanija provodilis' kak dlja parafinovyh (CH{sub 4}, C{sub 2}H{sub 6}), tak i dlja ciklicheskih (ciklogeksan, ciklogeksen, benzol) uglevodorod. Oblucheniju podvergalis' binarnye sistemy uglevodorod-datchik gorjachih atomov S{sup 35} i C{sup 14}. V kachestve poslednego ispol'zovalis' soedinenija CCI{sub 4}, HCl i ammiak. Obluchenie provodilos' na reaktore tipa IRT-1000 pri potoke teplovyh nejtronov 10{sup 11} - 10{sup 12} neJtron/cm{sup 2}sek. Pokazano, chto dlja razlichnyh soedinenij v zhidkoj faze do 60-90% sery-35 stabilizuetsja v forme polimera, vyhod kotorogo jekstremal'no zavisit ot sostava, prohodja cherez maksimum pri sootnoshenii komponentov, blizkom k jekvimolekuljarnomu. V gazovoj faze vyhod polimera sostavljaet 30 - 40% ot obshhej aktivnosti. Metodom radiohromatografii na bumage ustanovleno, chto mechenye polimernye produkty imejut slozhnyj sostav i predstavljajut soboj smes' dvuh kachestvenno otlichnyh tipov soedinenij, vyhod kotoryh po-raznomu menjaetsja v zavisimosti ot sootnoshenija komponentov. Uvelichenie vremeni obluchenija privodit k rostu vyhoda mechenogo polimera. V sluchae zhidkofaznoj sistemy C{sub 6}H{sub 12}-CCl{sub 4} molekuljarnyj ves S{sup 35}-soderzhashhego polimera, opredeljalsja metodom diffuzii iz kapilljara i okazalsja ravnym 5000 dlja polimera odnogo tipa i 500 - 1000 dlja drugogo. Obrazovanie vysokokipjashhego mechenogo produkta nabljudalos' takzhe pri obluchenii chistogo CCI{sub 4}. Analogichnye opyty provodilis' v sisteme jetilen -ammiak v gazovoj faze pri vysokom davlenii. Pokazano, chto v jetom sluchae

  10. Chlorophyll fluorescence, photochemical reflective index and normalized difference vegetative index during plant senescence. (United States)

    Cordon, Gabriela; Lagorio, M Gabriela; Paruelo, José M


    The relationship between the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and chlorophyll fluorescence along senescence was investigated in this work. Reflectance and radiance measurements were performed at canopy level in grass species presenting different photosynthetic metabolism: Avena sativa (C3) and Setaria italica (C4), at different stages of the natural senescence process. Sun induced-chlorophyll fluorescence at 760nm (SIF 760 ) and the apparent fluorescence yield (SIF 760 /a, with a=irradiance at time of measurement) were extracted from the radiance spectra of canopies using the Fraunhofer Line Discrimination-method. The photosynthetic parameters derived from Kautsky kinetics and pigment content were also calculated at leaf level. Whilst stand level NDVI patterns were related to changes in the structure of canopies and not in pigment content, stand level PRI patterns suggested changes both in terms of canopy and of pigment content in leaves. Both SIF 760 /a and Φ PSII decreased progressively along senescence in both species. A strong increment in NPQ was evident in A. sativa while in S. italica NPQ values were lower. Our most important finding was that two chlorophyll fluorescence signals, Φ PSII and SIF 760 /a, correlated with the canopy PRI values in the two grasses assessed, even when tissues at different ontogenic stages were present. Even though significant changes occurred in the Total Chlr/Car ratio along senescence in both studied species, significant correlations between PRI and chlorophyll fluorescence signals might indicate the usefulness of this reflectance index as a proxy of photosynthetic RUE, at least under the conditions of this study. The relationships between stand level PRI and the fluorescence estimators (Φ PSII and SIF 760 /a) were positive in both cases. Therefore, an increase in PRI values as in the fluorescence parameters would indicate higher RUE. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All

  11. A New Polymorphism Biomarker rs629367 Associated with Increased Risk and Poor Survival of Gastric Cancer in Chinese by Up-Regulated miRNA-let-7a Expression (United States)

    Xu, Qian; Dong, Qiguan; He, Caiyun; Liu, Wenjing; Sun, Liping; Liu, Jingwei; Xing, Chengzhong; Li, Xiaohang; Wang, Bengang; Yuan, Yuan


    Background Variant in pri-miRNA could affect miRNA expression and mature process or splicing efficiency, thus altering the hereditary susceptibility and prognosis of cancer. We aimed to assess miRNA-let-7 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with the risk and prognosis of gastric cancer (GC) as predicting biomarkers, and furthermore, its possible mechanisms. Methods A two-stage case-control study was designed to screen four miRNA SNPs (pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 and rs1143770, pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971, pri-let-7f-2 rs17276588) in 107 GC patients, 107 atrophic gastritis (AG), and matched 124 controls using PCR-RFLP. Two promising SNPs were validated in another independent 1949 samples (including 579 gastric cancer patients, 649 atrophic gastritis and 721 controls) using Sequenom MassARRAY platform and sequencing. Results We found that pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 CC variant genotype was associated with increased risks of gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis by 1.83-fold and 1.86-fold, respectively. For gastric cancer prognosis, patients with rs629367 CC genotype had significantly poorer survival than patients with AA genotype (log-rank P = 0.004). We further investigated the let-7a expression levels in serum and found that let-7a expression elevated gradually for rs629367 AA, CA, CC genotype in the atrophic gastritis group (P = 0.043). Furthermore, we confirmed these findings in vitro study by overexpressing let-7a carrying pri-let-7a-2 wild-type A or polymorphic-type C allele (Pcancer as well as atrophic gastritis and was also associated with poor survival of gastric cancer, which possibly by affecting the mature let-7a expression, and could serve as a predicting biomarker for high-risk and poor prognosis of gastric cancer. PMID:24760009

  12. Microprocessor Activity Controls Differential miRNA Biogenesis In Vivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Conrad


    Full Text Available In miRNA biogenesis, pri-miRNA transcripts are converted into pre-miRNA hairpins. The in vivo properties of this process remain enigmatic. Here, we determine in vivo transcriptome-wide pri-miRNA processing using next-generation sequencing of chromatin-associated pri-miRNAs. We identify a distinctive Microprocessor signature in the transcriptome profile from which efficiency of the endogenous processing event can be accurately quantified. This analysis reveals differential susceptibility to Microprocessor cleavage as a key regulatory step in miRNA biogenesis. Processing is highly variable among pri-miRNAs and a better predictor of miRNA abundance than primary transcription itself. Processing is also largely stable across three cell lines, suggesting a major contribution of sequence determinants. On the basis of differential processing efficiencies, we define functionality for short sequence features adjacent to the pre-miRNA hairpin. In conclusion, we identify Microprocessor as the main hub for diversified miRNA output and suggest a role for uncoupling miRNA biogenesis from host gene expression.

  13. Dissecting the interactions of SERRATE with RNA and DICER-LIKE 1 in Arabidopsis microRNA precursor processing

    KAUST Repository

    Iwata, Yuji


    Efficient and precise microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis in Arabidopsis is mediated by the RNaseIII-family enzyme DICER-LIKE 1 (DCL1), double-stranded RNA-binding protein HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 and the zinc-finger (ZnF) domain-containing protein SERRATE (SE). In the present study, we examined primary miRNA precursor (pri-miRNA) processing by highly purified recombinant DCL1 and SE proteins and found that SE is integral to pri-miRNA processing by DCL1. SE stimulates DCL1 cleavage of the pri-miRNA in an ionic strength-dependent manner. SE uses its N-terminal domain to bind to RNA and requires both N-terminal and ZnF domains to bind to DCL1. However, when DCL1 is bound to RNA, the interaction with the ZnF domain of SE becomes indispensible and stimulates the activity of DCL1 without requiring SE binding to RNA. Our results suggest that the interactions among SE, DCL1 and RNA are a potential point for regulating pri-miRNA processing. 2013 The Author(s) 2013.

  14. Jak3, STAT3, and STAT5 inhibit expression of miR-22, a novel tumor suppressor microRNA, in cutaneous T-Cell lymphoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sibbesen, Nina A; Kopp, Katharina L; Litvinov, Ivan V


    the promoter of the miR-22 host gene, and (iii) inhibition of Jak3, STAT3, and STAT5 triggers increased expression of pri-miR-22 and miR-22. Curcumin, a nutrient with anti-Jak3 activity and histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) also trigger increased expression of pri-miR-22 and miR-22. Transfection...

  15. Utjecaj bakteriološke kakvoće mlijeka na trajnost pasteriziranog mlijeka


    Kršev, Ljerka; Tratnik, Ljubica; Pirjavec, Irena; Borović, Anica


    Tijekom ljetnog razdoblja kontrolirana je mikrobiološka kakvoća 10 skupnih uzoraka sirovog mlijeka. Nakon pasterizacije (80 °C/60") istih uzoraka određena je mikrobiološka kakvoća i održivost pri temperaturi okoline i pri +8 °C. Pasterizirano se mlijeko može čuvati do 5 dana.

  16. Uvod v tematski sklop

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    Florence Gacoin-Marks


    Slovenski raziskovalni prostor seveda premore veliko več zanimivih raziskav v zvezi z Afriko, zato lahko samo obžalujemo, da nekateri raziskovalci pri tej publikaciji niso mogli sodelovati in da zato njihova stroka tukaj ni zastopana. Ob tej priložnosti se iskreno zahvaljujem vsem, ki so sodelovali pri projektu s kakovostnimi in raznovrstnimi razpravami.

  17. Adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de cultivares de alface do grupo crespa em cultivo hidropônico Adaptability and phenotypic stability of crisp lettuce cultivars in hydroponics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronan Gualberto


    Full Text Available Considerando as diferentes estações climáticas em que a alface é cultivada durante o ano, é de se esperar a ocorrência de uma elevada interação genótipo x ambiente. Em função disto, neste trabalho estudou-se o desempenho produtivo, adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de seis cultivares de alface do grupo crespa (Deisy, Elba, Sabrina, Summer Green, Vera e Verônica, em sistema hidropônico NFT, instalado em casa-de-vegetação, na Universidade de Marília (SP. Foram conduzidos nove ensaios em três épocas (outono: Out n; inverno: Inv n e; primavera: Pri n, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, avaliando-se quatro plantas por parcela. Ocorreram diferenças significativas entre ambientes (épocas de semeadura. Verificou-se que, de maneira geral, os três plantios realizados no outono apresentaram valores médios de produtividade (Out1 = 3,1; Out2 = 5,3 e; Out3 = 4,6 kg m² superiores aos realizados no inverno (Inv1 = 3,6; Inv2 = 3,5 e; Inv = 3,7 kg m² e primavera (Pri1 = 4,0; Pri2 = 3,6 e; Pri3 = 3,2 kg m². Embora a interação cultivares x ambientes também tenha sido significativa, para produtividade, à exceção dos ambientes Inv3 e Pri1, não ocorreram diferenças significativas entre as cultivares dentro de cada época de plantio e, para número de folhas por planta, ocorreram diferenças significativas entre as cultivares somente no ambiente Out3. As cultivares Deyse e Verônica foram as únicas a mostrarem adaptabilidade a todos ambientes estudados para produtividade; todas as cultivares apresentaram instabilidade para essa mesma característica. Para o número de folhas por planta, somente a cultivar Summer Green apresentou comportamento altamente previsível (estável, no entanto, mostrou-se adaptada somente aos ambientes desfavoráveis.Considering the climatic seasons in which lettuce is cultivated, probably a high interaction genotype x environment could be obtained. The yield

  18. Carcinogenesis by Fast Neutrons Relative to X-Rays in Mice; Carcinogenese chez les Souris sous l'Effet des Neutrons Rapides et des Rayons X; Sravnitel'naya chastota vozniknoveniya rakovykh opukholej u myshej pri obluchenii bystrymi nejtronami i rentgenovskimi luchami; Accion Carcinogenica Comparada de los Neutrones Rapidos y de los Rayos X en el Raton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cole, L. J.; Nowell, P. C. [Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA (United States); Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    jetih novoobrazovanij pri primenenii nejtronnogo obluchenija i ispol'zovanii specificheskih proliferativnyh raz drazhitelej. Dannye pokazyvajut, chto potencial'nyj faktor so stavlja et priblizitel'no 2 dlja nejtronov delenija otnositel'no rentgenovskih luchej s pikovym naprjazheniem 250 kv dlja vozniknovenija opuholej pochek u myshej. Chto kasaetsja razvitija limfomn, to u myshej, podvergnutyh nejtronnomu oblucheniju, chastota ih vozniknovenija okazalas. (author)

  19. Development of microstructure of steel for thermal power generation: Razvoj mikrostrukture jekel za termično generacijo energije:


    Bevilaqua, T.; Fujda, M.; Kuskulic, T.; Kvackaj, Tibor; Pokorny, I.; Weiss, M.


    The evolution of microstructure during the reheating and cooling of steel for thermal power generation was investigated. On the basis of the microstructure produced during cooling a CCT diagram is proposed Raziskan je bil razvoj mikrostrukture pri segrevanju in ohlajanju jekel za toplotno generacijo energije. Na podlagi mikrostrukture, ki je nastala pri ohlajanju, je bil predložen CCT-diagram.

  20. Dispersion Curves for Phonons in Diamond; Courbes de Dispersion des Phonons dans le Diamant; Krivye dispersii dlya fononov v almaze; Curvas de Dispersion de los Fonones en el Diamante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Warren, J. L.; Wenzel, R. G.; Yarnell, J. L. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    recien mencionados, la tienen menos en el caso del diamante. (author) [Russian] Trehosnyj difrakcionnyj spektrometr nejtronov na Losalamosskom reaktore ''Omega Vest'' ispol'zovalsja dlja izmerenija nekotoryh krivyh dispersii dlja rasprostranenija fononov v napravlenijah [100] i [111] v almaze . Vse iz merenija provodilis' pri komnatnoj temperature. Obrazec predstavljal soboj korichnevyj promyshlennyj almaz tipa Na vesom 242,8 karat (48,56 grammov). Izuchenie javlenij difrakcii nejtronov pokazalo, chto almaz sostoit iz bol'shogo edinichnogo kristalla s mozaichnym razbrosom v razmere M Degree-Sign polnoj shiriny pri polumaksimume, pljus dvumja nebol'shimi oblastjami, razorientirovannymi na 3 - 5 Degree-Sign . Spektrometr programmirovalsja dlja operacii ''postojannaja''. Vo vseh sluchajah jenergija padajushhih nejtronov byla postojannoj, i rassejannye nejtrony terjali jenergiju. Dostatochnaja intensivnost' pri jenergii bombardirovki, dostatochno bol'shoj dlja vozbuzhdenija opticheskih form almaza, byla dostignuta v rezul'tate ispol'zovanija otrazhenija (1122) berillievogo monohromatora. K trudnostjam provedenija jeksperimentov, pomimo trudnostej, voznikajushhih v svjazi s nalichiem ochen' vysokih chastot fononov v almaze, otnositsja vozniknovenie anomal'nyh pikov, chto zatrudnjaet raspoznavanie tochek poljarizacii. Schitaetsja, chto neopredelennosti v izmerennyh chastotah sostavljajut velichinu porjadka 2-3 procentov. Naibolee razitel'nym rezul'tatom jetih izmerenij javljaetsja podtverzhdenie predpolozhenij, osnovannyh na dannyh otnositel'no pogloshhenija infrakrasnoj oblasti spektra i otnositel'no udel'nogo tepla, chto almaz ne javljaetsja gomologom s kremniem i germaniem. Otsutstvie sootvetstvija projavljaetsja v osnovnom v povedenii poperechnyh akusticheskih vetvej, kotorye v sluchajah vyrazhenija ih v sootvetstvujushhih privedennyh edinicah po svoej chastote pochti v dva raza vyshe v almaze, chem v kremnii i germanii. Ostal'nye nabljudaemye krivye dispersii dlja almaza

  1. A critical summary of microscopic fast-neutron interactions with reactor structural, fissile and fertile materials; Apercu critique des interactions microscopiques des neutrons rapides avec les materiaux de construction et les matieres fissiles et fertiles utilisees dans les reacteurs; Kriticheskij obzor mikroskopicheskog o vzaimodejstviya bystrykh nejtronov s konstruktsionnymi, rasshcheplyayushchimis ya i vosproizvodyashchim i reaktornymi materialami; Resumen critico de las interacciones microscopicas de los neutrones rapidos con los materiales estructurales fisionables y fertiles utilizados en los reactores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, A B [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    reactions provoquees par des neutrons rapides, en insistant sur les conditions que doivent remplir, dans les reacteurs, les donnees nucleaires fondamentales. (author) [Spanish] El autor examina el estado actual de los conocimientos acerca de las reacciones inducidas por los neutrones rapidos que se utilizan en el proyecto de reactores nucleares. Estudia con particular atencion los metodos experimentales microscopicos, sus resultados y la precision de los mismos. Considera con detalle la dispersion de los neutrones rapidos, y da los resultados de mediciones experimentales de la dispersion en el caso del oxigeno, hierro, zirconio, niobio, wolframio, torio y uranio. Expone los resultados mas significativos de los estudios experimentales de la captura de neutrones rapidos y de la fision inducida por los mismos. Las mediciones estudiadas no solo conducen a resultados de gran utilidad practica, sino que sirven como ejemplos de la aplicacion de las tecnicas nucleares experimentales mas modernas. El autor indica los terrenos en que la informacion experimental es limitada, contradictoria o inexistente. Por ultimo, formula previsiones sobre el desarrollo de los conocimientos relativos a las reacciones de los neutrones rapidos, subrayando lo referente al cumplimiento de las condiciones necesarias para que el reactor proporcione datos nucleares basicos. (author) [Russian] V doklade rassmatrivaetsya primenenie shiroko rasprostranenny kh znanij o reaktsiyakh, vyzyvaemykh bystrymi nejtronami v yadernykh proektakh reaktornykh sistem. Osnovnoe znachenie pridaetsya mikroskopicheski m ehksperimental'ny m metodam, rezul'tatam i tochnosti. Podrobno rassmatrivaetsya rasseyanie bystrykh nejtronov, vklyuchaya rezul'taty ehksperimental'nogo opredeleniya rasseyaniya na kislorode, zheleze, tsirkonii, niobii, vol'frame, torii i urane. Privodyatsya dannye, poluchennye v rezul'tate ehksperimental'ny kh issledovanij zakhvata bystrykh nejtronov i deleniya, vyzvannogo nejtronami. Izmereniya, privedennye v

  2. Remote sensing of photosynthetic-light-use efficiency of a Siberian boreal forest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichol, C.J.; Grace, J.; Shibistova, O.; Matsubara, S.


    The relationship between a physiological index called the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and photosynthetic light-use-efficiency (LUE) of a Siberian boreal forest during the winter-spring transition, or green-up period, was investigated in 2000. During this time the photosynthetic apparatus was considered under stress as a result of extremes of temperature (from -20 to 35 deg C) coupled with a high radiation load. Reflectance measurements of four stands were made from a helicopter-mounted spectro radiometer and PRI was calculated from these data. Eddy covariance towers were operating at the four stands and offered a means to calculate LUE. A significant linear relationship was apparent between PRI, calculated from the helicopter spectral data, and LUE, calculated from the eddy covariance data, for the four sites sampled. Reflectance measurements were also made of a Scots pine stand from the eddy covariance tower. Needles were also sampled during the time of spectral data acquisition for xanthophyll pigment determination. Strong linear relationships were observed among PRI, the epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle (EPS) and LUE over the green-up period and the diurnal cycle at the canopy scale

  3. Community Awareness on Rabies Prevention and Control in Bicol, Philippines: Pre- and Post-Project Implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toni Rose M. Barroga


    Full Text Available Rabies is endemic in the Philippines. To support the rabies campaign in the Bicol region at the southeastern part of Luzon, the BAI-OIE Stop Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses (STANDZ Rabies project was implemented in the pilot provinces of Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Albay, and Masbate. A community awareness survey was conducted with the residents of these provinces to determine their knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP on rabies during the start and end of the project. Qualitative, descriptive research was done with a structured KAP questionnaire. Pet owners in the pilot provinces were chosen as respondents. Results showed that respondents know that they can acquire rabies in animals through the bite of a rabid dog (pre-project implementation (PRI: 19.6%, post-project implementation (POI: 38.0%. Vaccination was the top rabies preventive measure (PRI: 61.8%, POI: 92.8%. Biting incidents were noted in some respondents, and observing the dog and killing it immediately were some of the actions taken by bite victims. If a supposed rabid dog was seen, respondents would either: immediately kill the dog (PRI: 20.3%, POI: 13.7%, report it to authorities (PRI: 26.3%, POI: 63.1%, and capture and observe the dog concerned (PRI: 13.5%, POI: 6.0%. Pet owners increased their KAP about rabies prevention and control as compared to the pre-implementation study. However, certain gaps in their KAP need to be given attention; thus continuous education of pet owners must be done.

  4. On the use of leaf spectral indices to assess water status and photosynthetic limitations in Olea europaea L. during water-stress and recovery. (United States)

    Sun, Pengsen; Wahbi, Said; Tsonev, Tsonko; Haworth, Matthew; Liu, Shirong; Centritto, Mauro


    Diffusional limitations to photosynthesis, relative water content (RWC), pigment concentrations and their association with reflectance indices were studied in olive (Olea europaea) saplings subjected to water-stress and re-watering. RWC decreased sharply as drought progressed. Following rewatering, RWC gradually increased to pre-stress values. Photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs), mesophyll conductance (gm), total conductance (gt), photochemical reflectance index (PRI), water index (WI) and relative depth index (RDI) closely followed RWC. In contrast, carotenoid concentration, the carotenoid to chlorophyll ratio, water content reflectance index (WCRI) and structural independent pigment index (SIPI) showed an opposite trend to that of RWC. Photosynthesis scaled linearly with leaf conductance to CO2; however, A measured under non-photorespiratory conditions (A1%O2) was approximately two times greater than A measured at 21% [O2], indicating that photorespiration likely increased in response to drought. A1%O2 also significantly correlated with leaf conductance parameters. These relationships were apparent in saturation type curves, indicating that under non-photorespiratory conditions, CO2 conductance was not the major limitations to A. PRI was significant correlated with RWC. PRI was also very sensitive to pigment concentrations and photosynthesis, and significantly tracked all CO2 conductance parameters. WI, RDI and WCRI were all significantly correlated with RWC, and most notably to leaf transpiration. Overall, PRI correlated more closely with carotenoid concentration than SIPI; whereas WI tracked leaf transpiration more effectively than RDI and WCRI. This study clearly demonstrates that PRI and WI can be used for the fast detection of physiological traits of olive trees subjected to water-stress.

  5. Development of an Army Stationary Axle Efficiency Test Stand - Interim Report TFLRF No. 471 (United States)


    Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003-6670 31-Mar-20 PRI GL 0721 76 MP Gear Lube SAE 80W-90 Raloy Lubricantes, S.A. de C.V. Av. Del Convento No.111 Parque C.V. Av. Del Convento No.111 Parque Industrial Santiago Tianguistenco C.P. 52600, Mexico 30-Jun-19 PRI GL 0706 Transmisión SAE 80W-90 GL-5 MB SAE

  6. Canopy Vegetation Indices from In situ Hyperspectral Data to Assess Plant Water Status of Winter Wheat under Powdery Mildew Stress. (United States)

    Feng, Wei; Qi, Shuangli; Heng, Yarong; Zhou, Yi; Wu, Yapeng; Liu, Wandai; He, Li; Li, Xiao


    Plant disease and pests influence the physiological state and restricts the healthy growth of crops. Physiological measurements are considered the most accurate way of assessing plant health status. In this paper, we researched the use of an in situ hyperspectral remote sensor to detect plant water status in winter wheat infected with powdery mildew. Using a diseased nursery field and artificially inoculated open field experiments, we detected the canopy spectra of wheat at different developmental stages and under different degrees of disease severity. At the same time, destructive sampling was carried out for physical tests to investigate the change of physiological parameters under the condition of disease. Selected vegetation indices (VIs) were mostly comprised of green bands, and correlation coefficients between these common VIs and plant water content (PWC) were generally 0.784-0.902 ( p powdery mildew stress. The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) was sensitive to physiological response influenced by powdery mildew, and the relationships of PRI with chlorophyll content, the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm), and the potential activity of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fo) were good with R 2 = 0.639, 0.833, 0.808, respectively. Linear regressions showed PRI demonstrated a steady relationship with PWC across different growth conditions, with R 2 = 0.817 and RMSE = 2.17. The acquired PRI model of wheat under the powdery mildew stress has a good compatibility to different experimental fields from booting stage to filling stage compared with the traditional water signal vegetation indices, WBI, FWBI 1 , and FWBI 2 . The verification results with independent data showed that PRI still performed better with R 2 = 0.819 between measured and predicted, and corresponding RE = 8.26%. Thus, PRI is recommended as a potentially reliable indicator of PWC in winter wheat with powdery mildew stress. The results will help to understand the physical state of

  7. Insights into the evolution of enzyme substrate promiscuity after the discovery of (βα)₈ isomerase evolutionary intermediates from a diverse metagenome. (United States)

    Noda-García, Lianet; Juárez-Vázquez, Ana L; Ávila-Arcos, María C; Verduzco-Castro, Ernesto A; Montero-Morán, Gabriela; Gaytán, Paul; Carrillo-Tripp, Mauricio; Barona-Gómez, Francisco


    Current sequence-based approaches to identify enzyme functional shifts, such as enzyme promiscuity, have proven to be highly dependent on a priori functional knowledge, hampering our ability to reconstruct evolutionary history behind these mechanisms. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) profiles, broadly used to classify enzyme families, can be useful to distinguish between closely related enzyme families with different specificities. The (βα)8-isomerase HisA/PriA enzyme family, involved in L-histidine (HisA, mono-substrate) biosynthesis in most bacteria and plants, but also in L-tryptophan (HisA/TrpF or PriA, dual-substrate) biosynthesis in most Actinobacteria, has been used as model system to explore evolutionary hypotheses and therefore has a considerable amount of evolutionary, functional and structural knowledge available. We searched for functional evolutionary intermediates between the HisA and PriA enzyme families in order to understand the functional divergence between these families. We constructed a HMM profile that correctly classifies sequences of unknown function into the HisA and PriA enzyme sub-families. Using this HMM profile, we mined a large metagenome to identify plausible evolutionary intermediate sequences between HisA and PriA. These sequences were used to perform phylogenetic reconstructions and to identify functionally conserved amino acids. Biochemical characterization of one selected enzyme (CAM1) with a mutation within the functionally essential N-terminus phosphate-binding site, namely, an alanine instead of a glycine in HisA or a serine in PriA, showed that this evolutionary intermediate has dual-substrate specificity. Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis of this alanine residue, either backwards into a glycine or forward into a serine, revealed the robustness of this enzyme. None of these mutations, presumably upon functionally essential amino acids, significantly abolished its enzyme activities. A truncated version of this enzyme (CAM2





    Zagotavljanje zanesljive oskrbe odjemalcev z električno energijo predstavlja primarno nalogo elektroenergetskih sistemov, na kar kaže tudi spreminjanje načina regulacije sistemskih operaterjev v dereguliranih trgih z električno energijo. Regulatorji pri regulaciji sistemskih operaterjev namreč vse pogosteje uvajajo regulacijo kakovosti dobave električne energije, ki v ospredje postavlja prav zanesljivost sistema. Prihodki sistemskih operaterjev so pri regulaciji kakovosti dobave električne en...

  9. UNICOAT. Development Laboratory Characterization and Field Evaluation (United States)


    PROBLEMS 4bD 4E2UIRED AIhTE4HANCE THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS MATERIAL IS T4aT IT WILL PROVIDE AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE FOR A FLEVIBLE PRiMER. THIS PRiMED IS...ICCA’- on tiis 9-!4 i𔃿 was e:Lfflient. NADEP Norfolk personnel tD . Cddmani iriiortei NAD (C..-eu oi ttog snort out 1,+e. tor. CcidMAn ,totaed that

  10. Po sledeh postsocialističnega prestrukturiranja mest: spreminjajoča se središča v srednje- in vzhodnoevropskih prestolnicah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jasna MARIOTTI


    Full Text Available Hitre politične in gospodarske spremembe po padcu socializma so povzročile dinamične procese urbanega prestrukturiranja v mestih, pri čemer so stare vzorce in modele rasti zamenjali tisti, pri katerih sta bila kapital in tržno gospodarstvo ključna za rast in razvoj. Preobrazba v tržno gospodarstvo in ponovna uvedba lastništva zemljišč sta zahtevali nov, decentralizirani sistem odločanja, kar je neposredno vplivalo na zgradbo in obliko mest. Med urbanimi preobrazbami so prišle jasno do izraza spremembe v lokacijskih vzorcih trgovskih objektov v mestih, ki so ponazarjale različne vzorce prostorske organizacije postsocialističnih mest. V članku avtorja preučujeta in predstavita nekatere posebnosti te preobrazbe v Bukarešti, Budimpešti, Pragi in Sofiji pred padcem socializma in po njem. Na podlagi analize izbranih mest predstavita procese postsocialističnega prostorskega prestrukturiranja, pri čemer preučujeta spremembe njihovih središč, ki so povzročile razdrobljenost mest in razpadanje urbanega tkiva. V primerjalni študiji je poleg tega prikazano, kako se v mestih s podobno preteklostjo lahko pojavijo različni razvojni vzorci.

  11. Selective blockade of microRNA processing by Lin-28 (United States)

    Viswanathan, Srinivas R.; Daley, George Q.; Gregory, Richard I.


    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play critical roles in development, and dysregulation of miRNA expression has been observed in human malignancies. Recent evidence suggests that the processing of several primary miRNA transcripts (pri-miRNAs) is blocked post-transcriptionally in embryonic stem (ES) cells, embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, and primary tumors. Here we show that Lin-28, a developmentally regulated RNA-binding protein, selectively blocks the processing of pri-let-7 miRNAs in embryonic cells. Using in vitro and in vivo studies, we demonstrate that Lin-28 is necessary and sufficient for blocking Microprocessor-mediated cleavage of pri-let-7 miRNAs. Our results identify Lin-28 as a negative regulator of miRNA biogenesis and suggest that Lin-28 may play a central role in blocking miRNA-mediated differentiation in stem cells and certain cancers. PMID:18292307

  12. Towards an understanding of miRNA regulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Trine Ilsø

    miRNAs are well-known regulators of gene expression. They function post-transcriptionally by binding to complementary sites within the 3´UTR of target mRNAs, which mediates translational repression and destabilization. However, miRNA expression itself is also subjected to regulation. Here, we...... report a new method to investigate and potentially characterize the pri-miRNA transcript. Overexpression of a transdominant Drosha mutant, which is unable to cleave its substrate, enables stabilization of the pri-miRNA transcript. Drosha mutant immunoprecipitation from the nuclear compartment...... is performed followed by high-throughput sequencing (nuclear Drosha Mt2 RIPseq). This method allows for the detection of global pri-miRNA signature and also provides a method to potentially identify new Drosha substrates. Furthermore, data on the identification of a novel endogenous circular RNA sponge (ciRS-7...

  13. Progress towards phosphorus-33 production: studies on the enrichment of sulphur-33 by means of anion exchangers; Mise au point d'une methode de production du phosphore-33: etudes sur l'enrichissement du soufre-33 au moyen d'echangeurs anioniques; Uspekhi v poluchenii fosfora-33: izuchenie obogashcheniya sery-33 pri pomoshchi anionnykh obmennikov; Progresos on la produccion de fosforo-33: estudios realizados sobre el enriquecimiento del azufre-33 por medio de intercambiadores anionicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forberg, S; Westermark, T [Division of Physical Chemistry, Kungl. Tekniska Hogskolan, Stockholm 70 (Sweden)


    {sup 33}S mediante intercambio quimico entre el HSO{sub 3}{sup -} y el H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} para la produccion del {sup 33}P, por ser el metodo que mejores perspectivas ofrece. Encontraron que el desplazamiento mediante HCl del HSO{sub 3}{sup -} fijado en los intercambiadores anionicos constituye un metodo excelente para lograr condiciones de contracorriente y de reflujo total en este sistema. Destacan algunos inconvenientes del metodo, que derivan de la necesidad de trabajar con un reflujo muy intenso. En el instituto de tecnologia de Estocolmo se ha construido una instalacion en que se aplica este proceso, y la memoria indica los parametros obtenidos y la experiencia adquirida durante su funcionamiento, asi como los resultados experimentales. El enriquecimiento obtenido, muy inferior al calculado segun los resultados de laboratorio, se atribuye a la formacion de una ''cola'' de H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} en la fase HCl. Los autores han investigado este problema y encuentran que quiza se pudiera resolver empleando disolventes organicos en vez de soluciones acuosas. (author) [Russian] V kachestve naibolee perspektivnogo sposoba polucheniya P{sup 33} bylo vybrano obogashchenie S{sup 33} khimicheskim obmenom mezhdu HSO{sub 3} i H{sub 2}SO{sub 3}. Vytesnenie HSO{sub 3} pri pomoshchi HCl iz anionnykh obmennikov okazalos' ochen' udobnym metodom dlya polucheniya protivotecheniya i sozdaniya massovogo potoka flegmy dlya ehtoj sistemy. Ukazyvayutsya nekotorye prisushchie sisteme nedostatki, svyazannye s trebovaniyami intensivnogo potoka flegmy. Dlya osushchestvleniya ehtogo protsessa pri institute byla sozdana osobaya ustanovka, v doklade izlagayutsya poluchennye parametry, operativnyj opyt i rezul'taty. Blagodarya obrazovaniyu H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} pri vytesnenii HSO{sub 3} s pomoshch'yu HCl dostigalos' znachitel'no men'shee obogashchenie, chem ehto predpolagalos' pri provedenii laboratornykh rabot. Bylo provedeno izuchenie ehtoj problemy, i vozmozhnym putem, veroyatno

  14. Operating Experience with the VERA Zero-Energy Fast Reactor; Fonctionnement du Reacteur VERA a Neutrons Rapides, de Puissance Zero; Opyt ehkspluatatsii reaktora VERA na bystrykh nejtronakh nulevoj moshchnosti; Experiencia Adquirida con el Reactor Rapido VERA de Potencia Nula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weale, J. W.; McTaggart, M. H.; Goodfellow, H.; Paterson, W. J. [Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston (United Kingdom)


    , intensidad de la fuente neutronica, empleo de un acelerador para producir neutrones; velocidad de respuesta de los circuitos de seguridad y restricciones subsiguientes en lo que atafle a la velocidad con que se pueden unir las dos mitados; precauciones adicionales necesarias al utilizar plutonio como combustible; notas sobre la precision de las mediciones de reactividad y sobre las limitaciones practicas que afectan a otras mediciones relacionadas con la fisica de los reactores. (author) [Russian] Daetsja kratkoe opisanie konstrukcii reaktora na bystryh nejtronah nule- voj moshhnosti, sostojashhego iz dvuh odinakovyh chastej. Pri jetom osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja tem chertam, kotorye opredeljajut praktichnost' i obespechivajut tochnost' izmerenij po fizi- ke reaktorov. Obsuzhdajutsja preimushhestva i nedostatki konstrukcii s ssylkoj na dvuhlet- nij opyt jekspluatacii reaktora. Rassmatrivajutsja sledujushhie temy:prisposoblennost' proekta i konstrkcii iz dvuh odinakovyh chastej dlja provedenija jeksperimental'nyh issle- dovanij; razmer i kachestvo obrabotki toplivnyh blokov i tochnost' razmeshhenija toplivnyh jelementov; vlijanie granichnyh neravnomernostej i geterogennosti struktury na tochnost' opredelenija kriticheskoj massy ''ideal'noj'' jekvivalentnoj sborki; vosproizvodimost' kri- ticheskogo uslovija posle demontirovanija sborki ili razdelenija dvuh chastej; izmenenie reak- tivnosti s razdeleniem chastej, v tom chisle vlijanie nesimmetrichnoj zagruzki;chuvstvitel'- nost' razlichnyh schetchikov, moshhnost' istochnika nejtronov, ispol'zovanie istochnika uskorennyh nejtronov; bystrota otvetnoj reakcii konturov avarijnoj zashhity i posledujushhie ogranichenija skorosti sobiranija chastej; dopolnitel'nye predupreditel'nye mery, neobho- dimye pri ispol'zovanii plutonija; primechanija otnositel'no tochnosti izmerenija reaktiv- nosti i otnositel'no prakticheskih ogranichenij, vlijajushhih na razlichnye drugie izmerenija po fizike reaktorov. (author)

  15. Recent Measurements of the Scattering Laws of Some Hydrogenous Moderators; Determination des Lois de Diffusion de Plusieurs Ralentisseurs Hydrogenes; 0423 0421 0422 0410 041d 041e 0412 041b 0415 041d 0418 0415 0417 0410 041a 041e 041d 041e 0412 0420 0410 0421 0421 0415 042f 041d 0418 042f 041d 0410 041d 0415 041a 041e 0422 041e 0420 042b 0425 0412 041e 0414 041e 0420 041e 0414 0421 041e 0414 0415 0420 0416 0410 0429 0418 0425 0417 0410 041c 0415 0414 041b 0418 0422 0415 041b 042f 0425 ; Recientes Comprobaciones de las Leyes de Dispersion en Algunos Moderadores Hidro Genados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glaeser, W.; Ehret, G.; Merkel, A. [Institut fuer Angewandte Kernphysik, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    -Nelkin y a la teoria perfeccionada de Griffing. (author) [Russian] Ustanovlenie zakonov rassejanija na vodorodsoderzhashhih materialah imeet bol'shoe znachenie kak dlja luchshego ponimanija termalizacii nejtronov v takih zamedliteljah, tak i dlja ponimanija fizicheskih osnov dinamicheskogo povedenija takih sistem. S pomoshh'ju metoda izmerenija po vremeni proleta (vrashhajushhijsja kristall) byli izmereny dvojnye differencial'nye sechenija rassejanija dlja benzola, cirkonievogo gidrida i parov obychnoj vody. Jeti izmerenija byli osushhestvleny pri jenergijah bombardirujushhih nejtronov ot 0,018 do 0,06 jev i pri uglah rassejanija mezhdu 20 i 140 Degree-Sign . Izmerennye velichiny Q ohvatyvajut diapazon ot 0 do 15 A{sup -1} (zdes nQ - peredacha impul'sa). Dannye o zakone rassejanija byli vyvedeny iz izmerennyh poperechnyh sechenij i byli jekstrapolirovany s pomoshh'ju raschetov LEAP i ADDELT dlja poluchenija znachenij peredachi jenergii i impul'sa, kotorye nevozmozhno poluchit' neposredstvenno jeksperimental'nym putem. Metodom jekstrapoljacii byli opredeleny takzhe obobshhennye raspredelenija chastot r({beta}) dlja benzola i cirkonievogo gidrida. Rezul'taty dlja vodjanyh parov sravnivajutsja s teoreticheskimi raschetami, osnovannymi na teorii Krigera-Njelkina i na uluchshennoj teorii Griffinga. (author)

  16. Rapid Estimation of Fast-Neutron Doses following Radiation Exposure in Criticality Accidents: The S{sup 32}(n, p)P{sup 32} Reaction in Body Hair; Prompte Evaluation des Doses de Neutrons Rapides apres une Exposition au Rayonnement a la Suite d'Accidents de Criticite: Reaction {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P dans le Systeme Pileux; 0411 042b 0421 0414 ; Evaluacion Acelerada de Dosis de Neutrones Rapidos Despues de una Irradiacion Consecutiva a un Accidente de Criticidad: La Reaccion {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P en el Pelo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petersen, D. F. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    han deducido para cada caso, concordaban satisfactoriamente con las determinaciones independientes de las fisiones totales efectuadas por procedimientos analiticos clasicos. Para obtener rapidamente la dosis aproximada de neutrones rapidos, basta multiplicar por 0,49 la actividad del {sup 32}P, expresada en des/min. g de pelo a T = 0 y medida con cualquier sistema de recuento de rendimiento conocido, para obtener la dosis neutronica en rad correspondiente al 'nivel azufre'. (author) [Russian] Sochetanie unikal'nogo himicheskogo sostava, opredelennogo anatomicheskogo stroenija i dostupnosti, delaet chelovecheskij volos poleznym materialom dlja bystroj ocenki doz bystryh nejtronov, poluchaemyh personalom, svjazannym s rabotoj v avarijnyh uslovijah v kriticheskom sostojanii. V chelovecheskom volose otmechaetsja odno i to zhe soderzhanie sery, nezavisimo ot pola, cveta ili raspredelenija. Velichina 0,048 {+-} 0,005g sery na 1 g volosa ukazyvaet, chto 5 % mogut byt' ispol'zovany v kachestve standartnoj cifry dlja harakteristiki soderzhanija sery pri predvaritel'nyh ocenkah dozy bez vnesenija popravok na analiz soderzhanija sery v volosah otdel'nyh lic. Pri otsutstvii legko udaljaemogo vneshnego zagrjaznenija v volosah soderzhitsja menee 0,025 procentov fosfora. Poskol'ku poperechnye sechenija aktivacii fosfora i sery odinakovy, fakticheskoe otsutstvie fosfora daet vozmozhnost' ispol'zovat' volos v kachestve porogovogo detektora dlja biologicheskoj sery pri izmerenii potoka nejtronov s jenergiej svyshe 2,5 Mjev s pomoshh'ju reakcii S{sup 32}(n, p)P{sup 32}. Razrabotany metody dlja bystrogo vydelenija radiohimicheski chistogo R{sup 32} s cel'ju obespechenija klinicheski poleznyh ocenok obluchenija bystrymi nejtronami postradavshih vo vremja avarij v kriticheskom sostojanii. Pri otsutstvii bol'shogo zagrjaznenija produktami delenija predvaritel'nye ocenki mozhno provesti v techenie dvuh chasov. Dlja osushhestvlenija bolee shirokoj procedury po udaleniju produktov delenija

  17. Studies on radiation-image detectors; Etudes sur les detecteurs a images de rayonnements; Izuchenie detektorov izobrazheniya radiatsii; Estudios sobre detectores de radiaciones productores de imagenes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiffel, L [Armour Research Foundation, Chicago, IL (United States)


    }mkoj raspredeleniya iskr. Pri rabote s issledovatel'skim reaktorom Armor na rezhime maloj moshchnosti za desyat' MINUT byla zasnyata kartina raspredeleniya nejtronov po Laueh; pikovyj potok aktivnoj zony sostavlyal 10{sup 11} nv, a kollimator sostoyal iz pryamoj trubki diametrom 1 X 1 cm. Opisano primenenie ehtikh schetchikov dlya drugikh nejtronnykh issledovanij s ukazaniem nailuchshej dostizhimoj razreshayushchej sposobnosti, kotoraya mozhet byt' poluchena pri men'shikh rasstoyaniyakh mezhdu ehlektrodami, ispol'zovanii dinamicheskoj razvertki, a, vozmozhno, i pri prostranstvennom fil'trovanii opticheskogo izobrazheniya. Vtorym obshchim podkhodom k obnaruzheniyu izobrazheniya, vyzyvaemogo radiatsiej, yavlyaetsya ispol'zovanie v preobrazovatele lyuminestsiruyushchikh i fosforestsiruyushchikh ehkranov. V nastoyashchee vremya ispytyvayutsya matritsy lyuminestsiruyushchikh volokon, sostoyashchikh iz ves'ma tonkikh steklyannykh trubok, napolnennykh stsintillyatsionnoj zhidkost'yu. EHti matritsy oka- zyvayutsya poleznymi pri obnaruzhenii rentgenovskikh luchej i gamma-izluchenij; dlya polucheniya chuvstvitel'nosti k nejtronam MOGUT ''zaryazhat'sya'' libo materialy stenok, libo soderzhashchayasya vnutri trubok zhidkost'. BUDUT izlozheny novye metody vyrabotki lyuminestsiruyushchikh voloknistykh ehkranov razlichnogo tipa s ukazaniem ikh opticheskikh svojstv, chto takzhe tesno svyazano s tekhnologiej stsintillyatsionnykh kamer. BUDUT kratko obsuzhdeny vozmozhnosti postrojki vosproizvodyashchikh izobrazheniya detektorov s ispol'zovaniem tolstykh blokov materiala, sposobnykh khranit' znachitel'nyj zapas ehnergii i vyzyvat' fosforestsentsiyu pri ikh obluchenii; budut takzhe opisany metody otscheta pokazanij pri pomoshchi opticheskoj razvertki luchej dlya ustraneniya poter' v razreshayushchej sposobnosti iz-za konechnoj tolshchiny lyuminofora. (author)



    Dolžan, Tomaž


    Tema diplomske naloge so kabelski snopi oziroma povezave, ki se uporabljajo v namen avtomobilske industrije. Pri obravnavanih kabelskih snopih gre za problematiko statističnega nadzora proizvodnega procesa. V nalogi smo se ukvarjali z izboljšavo dosedanjega statističnega nadzora proizvodnega procesa in pri tem dobili tudi konkretne podatke za dva parametra, katera smo merili. Meritve smo opravljali na podlagi jemanja vzorcev iz proizvodnega procesa. Opisali smo preteklo stanje statističnega n...



    Reberčnik, Matic


    V projektni nalogi smo v uvodnih poglavjih predstavili različne načine izvajanja geodetskih meritev, ki jih v gradbeništvu uporabljamo pri analizi pomikov in deformacij gradbenih konstrukcij ter terena, na katerem so le-te postavljene. V nadaljevanju opisujemo terestične in GNSS (globalni navigacijski satelitski sistem) metode, ki smo jih uporabljali pri izvajanju meritev na izbranem premostitvenem objektu avtocestnega odseka v Sloveniji (zaradi varovanja podatkov ga imenujemo Objekt 1). Pod...

  20. Avtomatsko vodenje pri avtonomnih jadrnicah




    Avtonomne jadrnice so robotska plovila, ki brez potrebe po človekovih posegih uporabljajo veter za pogon in upravljajo z jadri in krmilom. Namen razvoja teh plovil je izdelava jadrnice brez posadke, ki omogoča popolno samostojno jadranje, varno plovbo in izvajanje dolgoročnih nalog na morju. Najpomembnejši sistemi avtonomnih jadrnic so: sistem za dolgoročno načrtovanje plovne poti v odvisnosti od vremenskih razmer, sistem za kratkoročno preusmerjanje jadrnice v odvisnosti od trenutnih pod...

  1. Primenenie piyavita pri sakharnom diabete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E V Mikhaylova


    Full Text Available Актуальность. Микроциркуляторные сосудистые нарушения при сахарном диабете (СД носят вторичный характер, но необходимость их коррекции выходит на первый план, так как они являются причиной стойких, некупируемых сахароснижающими препаратами патологических состояний (нефропатия, ретинопатия и др., ведущих к инвалидизации. Имеются данные о влиянии пиявита на реологические свойства крови, васкулярно-тромбоцитарный гемостаз, липидный обмен, атерогенез. Цель. Изучение влияния Пиявита на реологические свойства крови, васкулярно-тромбоцитарный гемостаз, липидный обмен, атерогенез. Материалы и методы Обследовано 30 человек: 22 больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа в возрасте от 41 года до 67 лет и 8 больных с СД 1 типа в возрасте от 17 до 42 лет. 13 пациентов с СД 2 получали инсулин и сахароснижаюшие препараты, 9 ? только сахароснижаюшие препараты. Все больные СД 1 типа находились на инсулинотерапии. На фоне указанных методов лечения больным назначали Пиявит. Лечение пиявитом проводили в течение 3 нед. по 300 мг 2 раза в день. Результаты. Данные свидетельствуют об улучшении показателей липидного обмена: снижении уровня холестерина сыворотки крови и триглицеридов. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о снижении гиперкогуляционного потенциала крови и усилении фибринолитической активности крови под влиянием пиявита. Выводы. На фоне лечения пиявитом у больных сахарным диабетом отмечено улучшение показателей липидного обмена и системы гемостаза. Пиявит можно рекомендовать для комплексной терапии больных сахарным диабетом 1 и 2 типа.

  2. Above-ground net primary productivity in young stands of beech and spruce

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    Pajtík Jozef


    Full Text Available V tejto práci sme pomocou kombinácií kontinuálnych meraní a deštruktívnych odberov vzorníkov sledovali a porovnali zásobu nadzemnej biomasy a ročnú primárnu produkciu (NPP v prirodzene obnovených mladých porastoch buka a smreka. Na vybranej lokalite predpokladáme, že zmenené klimatické podmienky budú lepšie vyhovovať buku pred v súčasnosti prevládajúcim smrekom. Lokalita Vrchslatina sa nachádza v južnej časti Veporských vrchov v nadmorskej výške 977 m nad morom (48° 38΄ 50΄΄ N, 19° 36΄ 07΄΄ E. Priemerné ročné zrážky sa pohybujú okolo 900 mm, priemerná ročná teplota je 5,2 °C. Na sledovanej lokalite sme pozorovali odlišný priebeh rastu buka a smreka. Pri buku bola pozorovaná menšia medziročná mortalita, udržiaval sa až prehustený zápoj, v ktorom sa aj podúrovňové stromy snažili dostať do úrovne. Toto sa prejavilo na tvare kmeňov, ktoré sú tenké a vysoké. Štíhlostný koeficient sa pri stromoch so strednou hrúbkou a strednou výškou postupne zvyšoval od 1,19 do 1,40. Pri smreku dochádza k vyššej mortalite, vrastavé a podúrovňové stromy odumierajú z dôvodu nedostatku svetla. Stromy rastú viac do hrúbky, čo sa odráža aj na štíhlostnom koeficiente, ktorý bol po celé obdobie viac-menej konštantný a pohyboval sa v rozpätí 0,89 až 0,93 (tab. 1. Zásoby kmeňa sú pri smreku v jednotlivých rokoch o 3 - 10 m3.ha-1 väčšie ako pri buku (tab. 3. Po prepočítaní na sušinu je vplyvom rozdielnej objemovej hmotnosti (obr. 5 celková zásoba sušiny drevných častí (kmeň a konáre väčšia pri buku (tab. 3. Najväčší rozdiel medzi drevinami je v zásobe asimilačných orgánov, ktorá je pri smreku viac než trojnásobná (tab. 3 a 4. Počas rastu dochádza pri obidvoch drevinách k zvyšovaniu podielu kmeňa a znižovaniu podielu asimilačných orgánov (obr. 2. Hlavný medzidruhový rozdiel pri pomerne vyrovnaných hektárových zásobách je v

  3. Vegetation Function and Physiology: Photosynthesis, Fluorescence and Non-photochemical Quenching (NPQ) (United States)

    Zhang, Q.; Yao, T.


    Photosynthesis is a basic physiological function of vegetation that relies on PAR provided through photosynthetic pigments (mainly chlorophyll) for plant growth and biomass accumulation. Vegetation chlorophyll (chl) content and non-chlorophyll (non-chl) components vary with plant functional types (PFTs) and growing stages. The PAR absorbed by canopy chlorophyll (APARchl) is associated with photosynthesis (i.e., gross primary production, GPP) while the PAR absorbed by canopy non-chl components (APARnon-chl) is not associated with photosynthesis. Under non-optimal environmental conditions, vegetation is "stressed" and both photosynthesis (GPP) and light use efficiency are reduced, therefore, excess portions of APARchl are discarded as fluorescence or non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is a measurement related to NPQ. Both PRI and yield of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIFyield = SIF/APARchl) have been proposed as possible bio-indicators of LUEchl. We have successfully developed an algorithm to distinguish between chlorophyll and non-chl components of vegetation, and to retrieve fractional absorptions of PAR by chlorophyll (fAPARchl) and by non-chl components (fAPARnon-chl) with surface reflectance of MODIS bands 1 - 7. A method originally pioneered by Hanan et al. (2002) has been used to retrieve fAPAR for vegetation photosynthesis (fAPARPSN) at flux tower sites based on the light response curve of tower net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and incident PAR at low light intensity. We have also retrieved the PRI from MODIS data (bands 11 and 1) and have derived SIFyield with the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment - 2 (GOME-2) SIF data. We find that fAPARPSN at flux tower sites matches well with site fAPARchl, and ratio fAPARnon-chl/fAPARchl varies largely. APARchl can explain >=78% variation in seasonal GPP . We disentangle the possible impact of fAPARchl on PRI from physiological stress response, disentangle the possible


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    Berislav Majhut


    Full Text Available Josip Kozarac (1858–1906 is considered to be one of the most important Slavonian and Croatian writers of Realism. However, the beginnings of his literary work written for children are seldom mentioned and even less frequently studied. Indeed, a few remarks about that part of Kozarac’s literary work disagree on which stories belong to The Tales of Grandfather Niko (Priče djeda Nike. Such an attitude towards what constitutes the corpus of Kozarac’s work under this title is closely linked to the issue of the affiliation of these stories to children’s literature. This study attempts to provide answers to two intertwined questions: first, do Priče djeda Nike (The Tales of Grandfather Niko belong to children’s literature and second, what is the exact scope of the work known as Priče djeda Nike? Having established that Priče djeda Nike undoubtedly belong to children’s literature, we will try to find their place in the history of Croatian children’s literature. We will argue that this work represents a transitory form of narration between, on the one hand, moralistic stories (which we find in the very popular translations of the stories by German authors Christoph Schmid and Franz Hoffmann and their Croatian epigones and, on the other, entrepreneurship narratives by Davorin Trstenjak, U radu je spas (Labor Will Save Us from 1885 and Dragoslav Heiligstein, Zlatne ruke (Golden Hands from 1930, which paved the way for socially engaged realistic novels, such as Mato Lovrak’s Vlak u snijegu (A Train in the Snow published in 1933 and Družba Pere Kvržice (Pero Kvržica’s Gang published in 1933, and Josip Pavičić’s Poletarci, published in 1937. The study will show that the number of stories published in the first monographic edition of Priče djeda Nike is different from the number of stories published in Pučke novine. The study also analyzes which stories Kozarac himself considered as those belonging to Priče djeda Nike.



    Sibila, Andrej


    Internet in spletne strani so postali nepogrešljiv del poslovnega okolja. Prav tako se pri poslovanju sodobnega podjetja povečuje vloga oglaševanja na internetu, ki postaja pomemben del pri razvoju podjetja, širjenju poslovanja, racionalizaciji stroškov in nenazadnje sledenju trendom prihodnosti. Diplomska naloga vsebuje primerjavo tehnik oglaševanja med internetnim oglaševanjem in oglaševanjem v tiskanih medijih v Sloveniji. Najprej opredelimo problem, ki ga raziskujemo v diplomski n...

  6. Prenova razsvetljave na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko




    Pri energetskem pregledu stavbe Fakultete za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani je bilo ugotovljeno, da je razsvetljava prostorov na fakulteti v veliko primerih stara, neprimerna in energetsko potratna. V diplomski nalogi smo se posvetili energetski analizi prenove razsvetljave predavalnice P7 in kabineta AZ101. Pri načrtovanju in izbiri svetil smo upoštevali vse tehnične in energetske smernice za učinkovito razsvetljavo prostorov za izobraževanje. V uvodu smo opisali fizikalne osnove svetlobe, k...

  7. Pomen standardov v geodetski izmeri


    Janež, Žiga


    Med geodetskim delom se mnogokrat srečamo s takšnimi ali drugačnimi normativnimi dokumenti in pravnimi predpisi. Normativni dokumenti praviloma predpisujejo geodetske protokole za zagotavljanje predpisanih natančnosti. V nalogi so obravnavani normativni dokumenti za dva tipa geodetskih meritev, bolj natančen pri pregradnih objektih ter manj natančen pri detajlni izmeri. Najprej so na splošno predstavljeni normativni dokumenti ter njihove značilnosti. Temu sledi pregled normativnih dokument...

  8. Mechanisms of bacterial DNA replication restart (United States)

    Windgassen, Tricia A; Wessel, Sarah R; Bhattacharyya, Basudeb


    Abstract Multi-protein DNA replication complexes called replisomes perform the essential process of copying cellular genetic information prior to cell division. Under ideal conditions, replisomes dissociate only after the entire genome has been duplicated. However, DNA replication rarely occurs without interruptions that can dislodge replisomes from DNA. Such events produce incompletely replicated chromosomes that, if left unrepaired, prevent the segregation of full genomes to daughter cells. To mitigate this threat, cells have evolved ‘DNA replication restart’ pathways that have been best defined in bacteria. Replication restart requires recognition and remodeling of abandoned replication forks by DNA replication restart proteins followed by reloading of the replicative DNA helicase, which subsequently directs assembly of the remaining replisome subunits. This review summarizes our current understanding of the mechanisms underlying replication restart and the proteins that drive the process in Escherichia coli (PriA, PriB, PriC and DnaT). PMID:29202195

  9. Detecting Inter-Annual Variations in the Phenology of Evergreen Conifers Using Long-Term MODIS Vegetation Index Time Series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Ulsig


    Full Text Available Long-term observations of vegetation phenology can be used to monitor the response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change. Satellite remote sensing provides the most efficient means to observe phenological events through time series analysis of vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI. This study investigates the potential of a Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI, which has been linked to vegetation light use efficiency, to improve the accuracy of MODIS-based estimates of phenology in an evergreen conifer forest. Timings of the start and end of the growing season (SGS and EGS were derived from a 13-year-long time series of PRI and NDVI based on a MAIAC (multi-angle implementation of atmospheric correction processed MODIS dataset and standard MODIS NDVI product data. The derived dates were validated with phenology estimates from ground-based flux tower measurements of ecosystem productivity. Significant correlations were found between the MAIAC time series and ground-estimated SGS (R2 = 0.36–0.8, which is remarkable since previous studies have found it difficult to observe inter-annual phenological variations in evergreen vegetation from satellite data. The considerably noisier NDVI product could not accurately predict SGS, and EGS could not be derived successfully from any of the time series. While the strongest relationship overall was found between SGS derived from the ground data and PRI, MAIAC NDVI exhibited high correlations with SGS more consistently (R2 > 0.6 in all cases. The results suggest that PRI can serve as an effective indicator of spring seasonal transitions, however, additional work is necessary to confirm the relationships observed and to further explore the usefulness of MODIS PRI for detecting phenology.

  10. Seasonal photosynthetic activity in evergreen conifer leaves monitored with spectral reflectance (United States)

    Wong, C. Y.; Gamon, J. A.


    Boreal evergreen conifers must maintain photosynthetic systems in environments where temperatures vary greatly across seasons from high temperatures in the summer to freezing levels in the winter. This involves seasonal downregulation and photoprotection during periods of extreme temperatures. To better understand this downregulation, seasonal dynamics of photosynthesis of lodgepole (Pinus contorta D.) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa D.) were monitored in Edmonton, Canada over two years. Spectral reflectance at the leaf and stand scales was measured weekly and the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), often used as a proxy for chlorophyll and carotenoid pigment levels and photosynthetic light-use efficiency (LUE), was used to track the seasonal dynamics of photosynthetic activity. Additional physiological measurements included leaf pigment content, chlorophyll fluorescence, and gas exchange. All the metrics indicate large seasonal changes in photosynthetic activity, with a sharp transition from winter downregulation to active photosynthesis in the spring and a more gradual fall transition into winter. The PRI was a good indicator of several other variables including seasonally changing photosynthetic activity, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic LUE, and pigment pool sizes. Over the two-year cycle, PRI was primarily driven by changes in constitutive (chlorophyll:carotenoid) pigment levels correlated with seasonal photosynthetic activity, with a much smaller variation caused by diurnal changes in xanthophyll cycle activity (conversion between violaxanthin & zeaxanthin). Leaf and canopy scale PRI measurements exhibited parallel responses during the winter-spring transition. Together, our findings indicate that evergreen conifers photosynthetic system possesses a remarkable degree of resilience in response to large temperature changes across seasons, and that optical remote sensing can be used to observe the seasonal effects on photosynthesis and

  11. High dielectric constant PrYxOy sensing films electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor pH-sensor for the detection of urea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Min-Hsien; Lee, Cheng-Da; Pan, Tung-Ming


    In this paper, we describe the structural and sensing properties of high-k PrY x O y sensing films deposited on Si substrates through reactive co-sputtering. Secondary ion mass spectrometry and atomic force microscopy were employed to analyze the compositional and morphological features of these films after annealing at various temperatures. The electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor (EIS) device incorporating a PrY x O y sensing membrane that had been annealed at 800 o C exhibited good sensing characteristics, including a high sensitivity (59.07 mV pH -1 in solutions from pH 2 to 12), a low hysteresis voltage (2.4 mV in the pH loop 7 → 4 → 7 → 10 → 7), and a small drift rate (0.62 mV h -1 in the buffer solution at pH 7). The PrY x O y EIS device also showed a high selective response towards H + . This improvement can be attributed to the small number of crystal defects and the large surface roughness. In addition, the enzymatic EIS-based urea biosensor incorporating a high-k PrY x O y sensing film annealed at 800 o C allowed the potentiometric analysis of urea, at concentrations ranging from 1 to 16 mM, with a sensitivity of 9.59 mV mM -1 .

  12. Vrednotenje elektronskega referenčnega servisa "Vprašaj knjižničarja" s strani knjižničnih uporabnikov


    Svetličič, Tjaša


    Magistrsko delo obravnava referenčni servis "Vprašaj knjižničarja" (RSVK) v sistemu COBISS.SI. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti njegovo prepoznavnost med uporabniki knjižnic. Prav tako magistrsko delo raziskuje pomen strokovnosti RSVK pri obravnavi razpoložljivih informacij in posredovanju le teh uporabnikom. Cilj je tudi ugotoviti pogostost rabe servisa, namen, kakovost servisa in pojavnost težav pri uporabi le tega. Teoretičnemu delu sledi raziskovalni del, ki prikazuje rezultate ankete...



    Majcen, Sabrina


    V diplomskem delu smo predstavili pacienta s psihozo, pri katerem se kažejo problemi pri vsakodnevnem funkcioniranju zaradi številnih dejavnikov, ki so povezani s samo boleznijo. V teoretičnem delu je zajeta opredelitev psihoze, vrste psihotičnih motenj, znaki in simptomi ter načini zdravljenja. Posebno poglavje smo namenili zdravstveni negi pacienta s to boleznijo ter kakovosti življenja. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki smo jo izve...



    Coklin, Tanja


    Banke se pri svojem poslovanju srečujejo s številnimi tveganji. Ker je ena od njihovih osnovnih dejavnosti dajanje kreditov, so najbolj izpostavljene kreditnemu tveganju. Kreditno tveganje je tveganje nastanka izgube zaradi neizpolnitve obveznosti dolžnika do banke. Kreditnemu tveganju se ni mogoče izogniti, ga pa je mogoče zmanjšati. S tem namenom banke upravljajo in obvladujejo kreditno tveganje, ki so mu izpostavljene. Pri tem so omejene z zakonskimi predpisi. Oba procesa morata poteka...

  15. Samopodoba in učni uspeh


    Oprčkal, Tanja


    V diplomski nalogi sem obravnavala tematiko samopodobe in učnega uspeha. Samopodoba je pomemben pokazatelj otrokovega duševnega zdravja in hkrati njegovega razvoja in funkcioniranja kasneje v življenju. Sodobna spoznanja kažejo, da je prav obdobje otroštva najpomembnejše za oblikovanje posameznikove samopodobe in njenih posameznih sestavin. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti stopnjo splošne samopodobe pri učencih. Želela sem ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike pri stopnji samopodobe glede na...

  16. Life cycle of a data warehousing project in healthcare. (United States)

    Verma, R; Harper, J


    Hill Physicians Medical Group (and its medical management firm, PriMed Management) early on recognized the need for a data warehouse. Management demanded that data from many sources be integrated, cleansed, and formatted. As a first step, an operational data store (ODS) was built and populated with data from the main transactional system; encounter data were added. The ODS has served its purpose well and has whetted management's appetite for more information and faster, more reliable access, all in one location. PriMed hired Annams Systems Consulting (Annams) for this effort. A team was formed, made up of consultants from Annams and members of PriMed's information services (IS) team. The "classical" approach is being taken: enhancing the ODS, which is largely normalized in structure, and integrating data from various sources, along with enforcing business rules. The team is designing and implementing data marts and a "star schema" style of data modeling--a useful tool for management to evaluate results before investing further.

  17. Pripoved v literaturi in filmu


    Mušič, Nika


    Magistrsko delo preučuje pripoved v literaturi in filmu, pri čemer se opira tako na dognanja strukturalistične naratologije kot tudi na raziskave postklasične naratologije, in sicer predvsem kognitivnih pristopov. Pripoved je v delu predstavljena glede na širšo terminološko opredelitev, torej kot semiotična reprezentacija oziroma fenomen onstran medija, pri tem pa so definirani tudi minimalni pogoji pripovednosti. Obenem je glede na ožjo določitev pripoved obravnavana kot komunikacijsko razme...

  18. Optimizacija razvoza po lastnih prodajalnah izbranega podjetja


    Bagari, Jasmina


    V diplomskem delu obravnavamo problematiko optimizacije razvoza pekovskih izdelkov v lastne prodajalne. Reševanja problematike smo se lotili s pomočjo sledilnega sistema Trak 8. Najprej smo naredili posnetek stanja in nato analizirali pridobljene podatke. Prišli smo do zaključka, da lahko proge razvoza bolj racionalno in točno načrtujemo. S tem odpravimo podvojene kilometre, prazne kilometre in zmanjšamo stroške razvoza. Po prestrukturiranju vseh prog smo prišli do spoznanja, da lahko lastne ...



    Munda, Tamara


    V diplomskem delu smo raziskali možnosti barvanja bombažne tkanine z naravnimi rastlinskimi barvili, pridobljenimi iz kurkume, koprive in hrastovega lubja. Barvanje je potekalo po izčrpalnem postopku, ob dodatku različnih kovinskih soli (Fe, Al, Cu) ali brez njih, pri različnih pH vrednostih. Kovinske soli vplivajo na barvni ton in boljše vezanje barvila z vlaknom. Po barvanju smo vzorce oprali. Izvedli smo tudi spektrofotometrično vrednotenje barve na opranih in neopranih vzorcih. Pri barvan...

  20. Perspektiven der Stadtentwicklung der Stadt Rehau/Oberfranken


    Maier, Jörg; Kadner, Beate; Gutgesell, Matthias


    Perspektive razvoja mesta Rehau/Oberfranken – Prispevek k aplikativnem geografskem proučevanju malih mest V preteklih letih so se pogoji razvoja mest in občin močno spremenili. Internacionalizacija gospodarstva, vse večje konkurenca, spremembe gospodarske strukture, novi življenjski stili ter zmanjševanje števila prebivalcev so v današnjem času pomembna izhodišča pri načrtovanju razvoja občin. Tudi v prihodnje je pričakovati spremembe glede oskrbe, gospodarskih razmer, socialnih razmer in ...



    Apat, Alja


    Dojenje je naravni način hranjenja otroka v prvih mesecih njegovega življenja. Omogoča optimalno telesno in duševno rast ter razvoj otroka. Materino mleko vsebuje vsa življenjsko pomembna hranila v pravilnem ravnovesju. Dojenje ima mnoge prednosti, tako za mater, ki doji, kakor za njenega otroka. Pomembno vlogo pri dojenju imajo tudi medicinske sestre v porodnišnici in patronažne medicinske sestre. Njihova naloga je tudi zdravstveno-vzgojno delo pri dojenju. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti os...

  2. Improved method for prioritization of disease associated lncRNAs based on ceRNA theory and functional genomics data. (United States)

    Wang, Peng; Guo, Qiuyan; Gao, Yue; Zhi, Hui; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Yue; Zhang, Jizhou; Yue, Ming; Guo, Maoni; Ning, Shangwei; Zhang, Guangmei; Li, Xia


    Although several computational models that predict disease-associated lncRNAs (long non-coding RNAs) exist, only a limited number of disease-associated lncRNAs are known. In this study, we mapped lncRNAs to their functional genomics context using competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) theory. Based on the criteria that similar lncRNAs are likely involved in similar diseases, we proposed a disease lncRNA prioritization method, DisLncPri, to identify novel disease-lncRNA associations. Using a leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) strategy, DisLncPri achieved reliable area under curve (AUC) values of 0.89 and 0.87 for the LncRNADisease and Lnc2Cancer datasets that further improved to 0.90 and 0.89 by integrating a multiple rank fusion strategy. We found that DisLncPri had the highest rank enrichment score and AUC value in comparison to several other methods for case studies of alzheimer's disease, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer and gastric cancer. Several novel lncRNAs in the top ranks of these diseases were found to be newly verified by relevant databases or reported in recent studies. Prioritization of lncRNAs from a microarray (GSE53622) of oesophageal cancer patients highlighted ENSG00000226029 (top 2), a previously unidentified lncRNA as a potential prognostic biomarker. Our analysis thus indicates that DisLncPri is an excellent tool for identifying lncRNAs that could be novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets in a variety of human diseases.

  3. Inhibition of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP-response Element-binding Protein (CREB-binding Protein (CBP/β-Catenin Reduces Liver Fibrosis in Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yosuke Osawa


    Full Text Available Wnt/β-catenin is involved in every aspect of embryonic development and in the pathogenesis of many human diseases, and is also implicated in organ fibrosis. However, the role of β-catenin-mediated signaling on liver fibrosis remains unclear. To explore this issue, the effects of PRI-724, a selective inhibitor of the cAMP-response element-binding protein-binding protein (CBP/β-catenin interaction, on liver fibrosis were examined using carbon tetrachloride (CCl4- or bile duct ligation (BDL-induced mouse liver fibrosis models. Following repetitive CCl4 administrations, the nuclear translocation of β-catenin was observed only in the non-parenchymal cells in the liver. PRI-724 treatment reduced the fibrosis induced by CCl4 or BDL. C-82, an active form of PRI-724, inhibited the activation of isolated primary mouse quiescent hepatic stellate cells (HSCs and promoted cell death in culture-activated HSCs. During the fibrosis resolution period, an increase in F4/80+ CD11b+ and Ly6Clow CD11b+ macrophages was induced by CCl4 and was sustained for two weeks thereafter, even after having stopped CCl4 treatment. PRI-724 accelerated the resolution of CCl4-induced liver fibrosis, and this was accompanied by increased matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9, MMP-2, and MMP-8 expression in intrahepatic leukocytes. In conclusion, targeting the CBP/β-catenin interaction may become a new therapeutic strategy in treating liver fibrosis.

  4. Spectral Bio-indicator Simulations for Tracking Photosynthetic Activities in a Corn Field (United States)

    Cheng, Yen-Ben; Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Huemmrich, K. Fred; Zhang, Qingyuan; Corp, Lawrence; Campbell, Petya; Kustas, William


    Accurate assessment of vegetation canopy optical properties plays a critical role in monitoring natural and managed ecosystems under environmental changes. In this context, radiative transfer (RT) models simulating vegetation canopy reflectance have been demonstrated to be a powerful tool for understanding and estimating spectral bio-indicators. In this study, two narrow band spectroradiometers were utilized to acquire observations over corn canopies for two summers. These in situ spectral data were then used to validate a two-layer Markov chain-based canopy reflectance model for simulating the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), which has been widely used in recent vegetation photosynthetic light use efficiency (LUE) studies. The in situ PRI derived from narrow band hyperspectral reflectance exhibited clear responses to: 1) viewing geometry which affects the asset of light environment; and 2) seasonal variation corresponding to the growth stage. The RT model (ACRM) successfully simulated the responses to the variable viewing geometry. The best simulations were obtained when the model was set to run in the two layer mode using the sunlit leaves as the upper layer and shaded leaves as the lower layer. Simulated PRI values yielded much better correlations to in situ observations when the cornfield was dominated by green foliage during the early growth, vegetative and reproductive stages (r = 0.78 to 0.86) than in the later senescent stage (r = 0.65). Further sensitivity analyses were conducted to show the important influences of leaf area index (LAI) and the sunlit/shaded ratio on PRI observations.

  5. Prehransko opismenjevanje otrok z vidika usvajanja prehranskih veščin


    Kostanjevec, Stojan; Erjavšek, Martina


    Na zdravje in kakovost življenja posameznika vpliva stopnja njegove prehranske pismenosti, katere pomemben del so tudi usvojene prehranske veščine in od katerih je odvisen izbor hrane, ki jo posameznik pripravlja in uživa. Prehransko vešč posameznik je zmožen uporabiti usvojeno prehransko znanje pri načrtovanju prehrane, nakupovanju živil in pri pripravi obrokov hrane. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, katere prehranske veščine usvojijo osnovnošolci v šolskem in domačem okolju ter kako pogost...

  6. Coherent radar observations of a storm sudden commencement having a preliminary reverse impulse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDiarmid, D.R.; Nielsen, E.


    Observations of the February 4, 1983, storm sudden commencement (ssc) by the STARE and SABRE radar systems are presented. The observing stations were in the dusk sector, where the ssc was accompanied by a preliminary reverse impulse (PRI). The radar data show the PRI to be a consequence of the ssc compression wave producing an initial antisunward flow. The polarization of the ssc electric field in the ionosphere is seen to have both longitudinal and latitudinal structure. The observations are discussed in terms of the propagation of the ssc disturbance throughout the magnetosphere



    Prah, Luka


    Projektni management je apliciranje znanja, veščin, orodji in tehnik na aktivnosti projekta, da dosežemo ali presežemo potrebe in pričakovanja interesne skupine. Projektni managerjem ni cilj samo doseganje specifičnega časa, stroškov in kvalitete projekta, temveč tudi organiziranje celotnega procesa, da le ta dosega pričakovanja ljudi, ki so vključeni v projekt ali le ta vpliva na njih. Projekt je dejansko začasno prizadevanje kreacije edinstvenega produkta ali storitve, ki poteka zunaj vsako...

  8. Kako z didaktično igro otroku približati temo o smrti in žalovanju


    Stanković Petrović, Sanja


    V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo smrt in žalovanje kot pomembno temo, ki je del vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok v predšolskem obdobju. V teoretičnem delu utemeljujemo, da je smrt del življenja ter da je potrebno otroku predstaviti jasne in razumljive informacije vezane na to temo, ob tem pa upoštevati otrokovo razvojno stopnjo in individualne značilnosti. Prav tako je pomembno, da odrasli dobro poznamo in razumemo procese žalovanja, tako pri odraslih kot pri otrocih, saj se proces žalovanja lah...

  9. Izdelava spletne strani z uporabo programske opreme kot storitve




    Diplomsko delo obravnava izdelavo spletnih strani z uporabo programske opreme kot storitve (SaaS, Software as a Service), pri čemer sem se osredotočil na platformo Wix. Programska oprema kot storitev se ne namešča na lokalni računalnik, saj se nahaja na strežniku ponudnika. Uporabniki pri naročilu uporabe take programske opreme plačajo le tiste storitve, ki jih dejansko potrebujejo. Do programske opreme kot storitve lahko dostopamo od povsod, kjer imamo internetno povezavo, vendar je za to po...



    Mori, Jernej


    Ventilatorska pljučnica (VAP) je med najpogostejšimi zapleti pri pacientih, ki ležijo v intenzivni enoti in so priklopljeni na mehanično ventilacijo. VAP podaljša ležalno dobo na intenzivni enoti, pogosto povzroči smrt pacienta in predstavlja velik dodaten strošek za zdravstveni sistem. Namen diplomskega dela je bil opisati in predstaviti ukrepe za preprečevanje VAP. V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno (opisno) metodo dela, pri kateri nam je bila v pomoč domača, predvsem pa tuja lite...



    Sraka, Petra


    V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni didaktični pripomočki na splošno, sledi pregled terminov, ki so se zanje uporabljali skozi zgodovino vse do danes, klasifikacija ter lastnosti temeljnih didaktičnih pripomočkov. Podane so osnovne smernice kritične izbire ter racionalne uporabe pripomočkov pri pouku matematike. Bolj podrobno so predstavljeni didaktični pripomočki pri pouku matematike v sklopu aritmetike in algebre v prvem triletju osnovne šole oziroma tisti pripomočki, ki jih predpisuje učni ...

  12. Strateški marketing za popularizacijo ritmične gimnastike


    Möderndorfer, Tjaša


    Uvodoma smo predstavili in preučili ključne pojme za lažje razumevanje trženjskih osnov. V nadaljevanju predstavimo metode in tehnike, ki nam pomagajo pri raziskovanju in posledično pri določanju trga in ciljev. Predstavljeni so nekateri osnovni modeli, ki nam pomagajo razumeti, kako trg deluje in kaj vse vpliva nanj. Naša tema se nanaša na šport, zato si v nadaljevanju pogledamo delovanje športnih organizacij. Za pripravo strategije trženja pregledamo okolje in vse deležnike, ki so pos...

  13. Uporaba nabora multimedijskih orodij za mednarodno predstavitev mostu "Pašerele" čez reko Sočo na Goriškem




    V pričujočem delu je predstavljen potek projekta, ki smo ga začeli izvajati v maju 2014 pod mentorstvom dr. Franca Policardija, glavnega distributerja uporabljenega gradiva g. Maria Mute ter g. Petra Gruntarja, ki nam je pomagal pri rekonstrukciji mostu v AvtoCAD-u 2012. Problem našega projekta je bil kako z uporabo standardnih metod in multimedije zabrisati mejo, ki je nastala med Slovenijo in Italijo, bolj natančno med potomci ljudi, ki so nekdaj živeli pod skupno državo Avstro-Ogrsko. O...



    Jurjevčič, Bor


    V diplomskem delu smo opisali problem finančnega načrtovanja v slovenskih podjetjih, pri tem pa smo se omejili na mikropodjetja in mala podjetja ter samostojne podjetnike, še posebej pa smo se posvetili finančnemu načrtu diverzifikacije lastnega podjetja, FI BOR, d. o. o. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo opisali teoretičen vidik in pomen finančnega načrtovanja za podjetja, izvedeli anketo med podjetji o njihovem finančnem načrtovanju, pri čemer smo ugotovili, da se anketirana podjetja p...



    Jus, Suzana


    V zadnjih letih postajajo poleg fantazijske literature za otroke vse bolj priljubljeni tudi fantazijski romani za mladino in odrasle. Tako je lani na police knjigarn prišel slovenski prevod Rothfussovega romana Ime vetra. Ta specifični žanr je za prevajalca posebej trd oreh – zaradi dolžine literarnega dela potrebuje poleg izpiljenega znanja jezika, natančnosti in iznajdljivosti tudi dobršno mero potrpljenja, če želi, da je delo prevedeno dobro in dosledno. Pri tem je pomembno, da skuša poleg...

  16. Strategije drevesnega preiskovanja Monte Carlo




    Po preboju pri igri go so metode drevesnega preiskovanja Monte Carlo (ang. Monte Carlo tree search – MCTS) sprožile bliskovit napredek agentov za igranje iger: raziskovalna skupnost je od takrat razvila veliko variant in izboljšav algoritma MCTS ter s tem zagotovila napredek umetne inteligence ne samo pri igrah, ampak tudi v številnih drugih domenah. Čeprav metode MCTS združujejo splošnost naključnega vzorčenja z natančnostjo drevesnega preiskovanja, imajo lahko v praksi težave s počasno konv...

  17. Deleuze and the teenage mother: trouble makers for education and transition


    Kamp, Annelies


    The title of this chapter is doing some work, albeit in a somewhat awkward fashion. Giles Deleuze appears, philosopher of a “bastard kind” (Massumi 1992, 1). Deleuze opens the work because he, and his concepts, do something they are rather good at: a bit of troubling, a bit of “prying open” of habitual ways of thinking (Massumi 1987, xv). In this chapter that bit of troubling and prying open is directed toward a rethinking of youth transition and the role of schools in that particular form of...

  18. Ocjena zaduženosti poduzeća Hoteli Zlatni rat temelju analize financijskih izvještaja


    Rosandić, Anabela


    Završnim radom ukazuje se na vaţnost analiziranja i korištenja računovodstvenih informacija prezentiranih u godišnjim financijskim izvještajima pri donošenju poslovnih odluka, a posebice pri ocjeni zaduţenosti poduzeća ili poslovnih partnera. Zaduţenost poduzeća ima utjecaj na likvidnost, profitabilnost i opstanak poduzeća, a samim time i na rast i razvoj gospodarstva. Rad prikazuje instrumente i postupke analize zaduţenosti, vaţnost adekvatnog financiranja te tehnike i modele upravljanja riz...

  19. How important are peatlands globally in providing drinking water resources? (United States)

    Xu, Jiren; Morris, Paul; Holden, Joseph


    The potential role of peatlands as water stores and sources of downstream water resources for human use is often cited in publications setting the context for the importance of peatlands, but is rarely backed up with substantive evidence. We sought to determine the global role of peatlands in water resource provision. We developed the Peat Population Index (PPI) that combines the coverage of peat and the local population density to show focused (hotspot) areas where there is a combination of both large areas of peat and large populations who would potentially use water sourced from those peatlands. We also developed a method for estimating the proportion of river water that interacted with contributing peatlands before draining into rivers and reservoirs used as a drinking water resource. The Peat Reservoir Index (PRI) estimates the contribution of peatlands to domestic water use to be 1.64 km3 per year which is 0.35 % of the global total. The results suggest that although peatlands are widespread, the spatial distribution of the high PPI and PRI river basins is concentrated in European middle latitudes particularly around major conurbations in The Netherlands, northern England, Scotland (Glasgow) and Ireland (Dublin), although there were also some important systems in Florida, the Niger Delta and Malaysia. More detailed research into water resource provision in high PPI areas showed that they were not always also high PRI areas as often water resources were delivered to urban centres from non-peat areas, despite a large area of peat within the catchment. However, particularly in the UK and Ireland, there are some high PRI systems where peatlands directly supply water to nearby urban centres. Thus both indices are useful and can be used at a global level while more local refinement enables enhanced use which supports global and local peatland protection measures. We now intend to study the impacts of peatland degradation and climate change on water resource

  20. A novel time-to-pulse height converter for fast-neutron time-of-flight techniques; Nouveau convertisseur temps-amplitude d'impulsions pour les mesures du temps de vol des neutrons rapides; Novyj vremya-amplitudnyj preobrazovatel' impul'sov dlya izmereniya vremeni proleta bystrykh nejtronov; Nuevo convertidor tiempo-altura de impulsos para tecnicas de tiempo de vuelo de neutrones rapidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christiansen, J [Physikalisches Staatsinstitut, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    } s con coincidencias gamma obtenidas de una fuente de {sup 60}Co y utilizando cristales plasticos NE 102, y de 2{tau} = 1,4 {center_dot} 10{sup -9} con coincidencias gamma de 511 KeV y utilizando cristales de Nal (Te). El metodo se utilizo tambien aplicando tecnicas de haces pulsantes. En la experiencia realizada se obtuvo, a partir de una radiofrecuencia pulsadora, una sucesion de impulsos muy aguzados, con una frecuencia de 8 MHz, que se transmitio a las placas de la valvula E80T. Se obtuvo un tiempo de resolucion de 2{tau} = 1,1 {center_dot} 10{sup -9} s con neutrones de 4 MeV, utilizando cristales plasticos de 0,7 pulgadas de largo. Normalmente la region de respuesta lineal fue de 30 ns (30 {center_dot} 10{sup -9} s), pero se consiguio aumentarla hasta 120 ns. (author) [Russian] Opisyvaetsya ehlektronnyj vremya-amplitudnyj preobrazovatel' impul'sov s ispol'zovaniem metoda umnozheniya perekryvayushchikhsya impul'sov vmesto obychnogo metoda ikh slozheniya. EHto dostigaetsya polucheniem sovpadeniya linejnogo piloobraznogo impul'sa s rezko ogranichennym igol'chatym impul'som. Piloobraznyj impul's postupaet na reshetku otklonyayushchej puchok lampy (E80T), a igol'chatyj impul's napravlyaetsya na otklonyayushchie plastiny, gde on otkryvaet lampu tol'ko v techenie promezhutka vremeni priblizitel'no 5 x 10{sup -9} sekund. Plastina poluchaet zaryad, proportsional'nyj raznitse vo vremeni mezhdu nachalom piloobraznogo i nachalom igol'chatogo impul'sov. Posylaemyj plastinoj impul's rasshiryaetsya i usilivaetsya i amplituda ego sootvetstvuet velichine raznitsy vo vremeni. EHtim metodom udalos' poluchit' razreshayushchuyu sposobnost' po vremeni, ravnuyu {tau} = 7 x 10{sup -12} sekundam s iskusstvennymi impul'sami, {tau} = 3 x 10{sup -10} sekundam s sovpadeniyami dlya kobal'ta-60 pri ispol'zovanii plasticheskogo kristalla NE 102, i {tau} = 1,4 x 10{sup -9} sekundy pri sovpadeniyakh v 511 kehv pri ispol'zovanii kristallov Nal (Te). EHtot metod byl ispol'zovan takzhe v sochetanii

  1. Molecular assembly and biosynthesis of acetylcholinesterase in brain and muscle: The roles of t-peptide, FHB domain and N-linked glycosylation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicky P. Chen


    Full Text Available Acetylcholinesterase (AChE is responsible for the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, in the nervous system. The functional localization and oligomerization of AChE T variant are depending primarily on the association of their anchoring partners, either collagen tail (ColQ or proline rich membrane anchor (PRiMA. Complexes with ColQ represent the asymmetric forms (A12 in muscle, while complexes with PRiMA represent tetrameric globular forms (G4 mainly found in brain and muscle. Apart from these traditional molecular forms, a ColQ-linked asymmetric form and a PRiMA-linked globular form of hybrid cholinesterases (ChEs, having both AChE and BChE catalytic subunits, were revealed in chicken brain and muscle. The similarity of various molecular forms of AChE and BChE raises interesting question regarding to their possible relationship in enzyme assembly and localization. The focus of this review is to provide current findings about the biosynthesis of different forms of ChEs together with their anchoring proteins.

  2. Kaj napravi manj izobražene odrasle drugačne?

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    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Avtorica v tem prispevku obravnava vprašanje: kako se učijo manj izobraženi odrasli. V zvezi s tem se ustavi tudi pri motivaciji za izobraževanje pri takšnih odraslih učencih in ugotavlja, da imajo le življenjske potrebe, ne pa tudi izobraževalnih. Pri tem uporabljajo tudi posebne načine učenja. Vse to narekuje mentorju drugačno programiranje in izpeljavo izobraževalnega programa. Vprašanje, ki se mu Dušana Findeisen najbolj posveti, je vprašanje mentorjevega diskurza, ki mora biti čim bolj podobno diskurzu, ki ponazarja delo. Mentorjeva govorica ne sme biti formalizirana in do kraja strukturirana. Mentor naj jo takoj oblikuje. Uporablja naj dosti parafraz. Njegova misel “Se mora iskati”. Svoja spoznanja avtorica opira na izkušnje pridobljene v jezikovnih tečajih, po programih, ki temeljijo na analiziranih govornih in drugih potrebah skupine, to je programih, namenjenih skupinam natakarjev in sprevodnikov na vlakih intercity.

  3. The Prying Eye: Ethics of Photojournalism. (United States)

    Mundt, Whitney R.; Broussard, E. Joseph

    A national sample of journalists, consisting of 700 television news photographers, newspaper photographers, television news directors, newspaper editors, and journalism educators, was asked to evaluate the ethical conduct in eight situations involving alleged invasion of privacy by photography. The respondents found journalistic conduct to be…

  4. Animal Representations on Ceremonial Objects Found in the Tumulus at Črnolica pri Šentjurju at the Foot of Rifnik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iztok Vrenčur


    Full Text Available The years 1985 and 1986 saw a rescue excavation by archaeologists from the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Celje Regional Office, performed on the severely damaged Iron Age tumulus in the village of Črnolica pri Šentjurju. The village lies in the close vicinity of the Rifnik hill, the site of one of the largest known hilltop settlements in Slovenia dating from the Late Bronze and Iron Ages. The excavation in Črnolica yielded a stone grave chamber of monumental dimensions, together with fragmented and decontextualised grave goods. These included a large set of quality ceramic vessels, a considerable number of bronze vessels, glass cups, fibulae, and a horse harness. Of special importance are three bronze items fabricated in Etruria, which carry the protomas of an aquatic bird, horses, and a ram. The burial dates to the Hallstatt C2 period or the second half of the 7th century BC. Aquatic birds are positioned on all four vertexes of the presentatoio, a special type of vessel presumably used for libation rituals. Comparable items have come to light in the richest graves of the Iron Age aristocracy of Etruria, Latium Vetus and Bologna, and date to the end of the 8th and the beginning of the 7th centuries BC. The aquatic bird sculptures on the presentatoio are stylised, displaying features of the Late Italic Geometric style. This motif marks various Late Bronze and Iron Age items associated with ritual activities in the greater part of Europe, connecting them with prehistoric religious beliefs. While the assumption that they refer to the sun divinisation cult is not proven, they must have signified some prehistoric aspect of the holy or numinous. The two anthropomorphic legs with an attached horse protoma found in the Črnolica tumulus were reconstructed as a part of a tripod of small dimensions, which can be classified as a member of the so-called horse tripod family, fine products of the Italic Geometric style

  5. Direct Measurement of Tritium in Biological Materials with the Liquid Scintillation Counter; Determination quantitative directe du tritium dans les substances biologiques, au moyen de compteurs a scintillations a liquides; Neposredstvennoe izmerenie kolichestva tritiya v biologicheskikh materialakh pri pomoshchi zhidkogo stsintillyatsionnogo schetchika; Determinacion cuantitativa directa del tritio en sustancias biologicas mediante contadores de centelleador liquido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halvorsen, K [Institutt for Atomenergi, Kjeller, Lillestroem (Norway)


    muestras de tejidos de raton a los que se habia inyectado previamente timidina marcada con tritio. Despues de inyectar al raton una dosis del orden de 1 {mu}c de timidina tritiada por gramo de peso corporal, se pudieron seguir durante un mes las transformaciones metabolicas de la timidina incorporada al acido desoxirribonucleico (DISIA) de los distintos tejidos. (author) [Russian] V literature uzhe soobshchalos' o sposobakh izmereniya kolichestva tritiya v tkanyakh zhivotnykh i v izolirovannykh srezakh tkanej. Odnako pri vsekh opisyvaemykh rabotakh dlya otscheta impul'sov obraztsov primenyalsya zhidkostnyj stsintillyatsionnyj spektrometr sovpadenij. Pri vypolnenii nastoyashchej raboty dlya izmerenij byl ispol'zovan zhidkostnyj stsintillyatsionnyj schetchik s odnim fotoehlementom. Issledovalis' glavnym obrazom neposredstvennoe rastvorenie tkanej zhivotnykh v giamine 10-KH i otschet impul'sov vzvesi liofilirovannoj tkani v stsintilliruyushchikh gelyakh. Razlichnye tkani, kak naprimer, pechen', kishechnik, krov' i kozha mogut byt' neposredstvenno rastvoreny v giamine i aktivnost' ikh izmerena s tochnost'yu do 10-15 protsentov. Budut obsuzhdeny metody vvedeniya popravki na gashenie i nekotorye yavleniya fosforestsentsii, poskol'ku oni vliyayut na otschet impul'sov v schetnom ustrojstve s edinym fotoehlementom. KHotya chuvstvitel'nost' ehtogo metoda predstavlyaetsya neskol'ko men'shej, chem pri ispol'zovanii schetchika sovpadenij, odnako ehtot metod udovletvoritelen dlya mnogikh vidov primenenij. Predstavlyaemaya rabota byla provedena na obraztsakh tkanej myshi posle predvaritel'noj in{sup e}ktsii mechennogo tritiem timidina. Pri vpryskivanii v mysh' dozy priblizitel'no v 1 mikrokyuri tritirovannogo timidina na gramm vesa ee tela, metabolicheskaya sud'ba timidina, pogloshchennogo deoksiribonukleinovoj kislotoj razlichnykh tkanej, mogla byt' proslezhena v techenie tselogo mesyatsa. (author)

  6. The utility of presacral drainage in penetrating rectal injuries in adult and pediatric patients. (United States)

    Savoie, Kate B; Beazley, Thomas M; Cleveland, Brent; Khaneki, Sina; Markel, Troy A; Hammer, Peter M; Savage, Stephanie; Williams, Regan F


    With changing weaponry associated with injuries in civilian trauma, there is no clinical census on the utility of presacral drainage (PSD) in penetrating rectal injuries (PRIs), particularly in pediatric patients. Patients with PRI from July 2004-June 2014 treated at two free-standing children's hospitals and two adult level 1 trauma centers were compared by age (pediatric patients ≤16 years) and PSD. A stratified analysis was performed based on age. The primary outcome was pelvic/presacral abscess. We identified 81 patients with PRI; 19 pediatric, 62 adult. Forty patients had PSD; only three pediatric patients had a drain. Adult patients were more likely to have sustained gunshot wounds (84%), whereas pediatric patients were more likely to sustain impalement injuries (59%). Pediatric patients were more likely to have distal extraperitoneal injuries (56% versus 27% in adults, P = 0.03). PSD was more common in adult patients (59% versus 14%, P = 0.0004), African-Americans (71% versus 11% Caucasian, P adult and pediatric patients. There were three cases of pelvic/presacral abscess, all in the adult patients (P = 0.31); one patient with PSD and two without PSD (P = 0.58). In stratified analysis, there were no differences in any infectious complication between those with and without PSD. Pelvic/presacral abscess is a rare complication of PRI, especially in pediatric patients. PSD is not associated with decreased rates of infectious complications and may not be necessary in the treatment of PRI. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Evidence of a robust relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America (United States)

    Smith, W. K.; Biederman, J. A.; Scott, R. L.; Moore, D. J.; Kimball, J. S.; He, M.; Yan, D.; Hudson, A.; Barnes, M.; MacBean, N.; Fox, A. M.; Litvak, M. E.


    Satellite remote sensing provides unmatched spatiotemporal information on multiple facets of vegetation dynamics including seasonal to interannual total photosynthesis, termed gross primary productivity (GPP). Yet, our understanding of the relationship between GPP and remote sensing observations - and how this relationship changes with scale, biophysical constraint, vegetation type, etc. - remains limited. This knowledge gap is especially apparent for dryland ecosystems, which have high spatial and temporal variability and are under-represented by long-term, continuous field measurements. Here, utilizing a new synthesis of eddy covariance flux tower data for southwestern North America, we present a first assessment of the ability of novel satellite remote sensing vegetation proxies to accurately capture seasonal to interannual GPP dynamics across the region. We evaluate the greenness-based Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and emerging proxies linked to plant physiological function, Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) and Photochemical Reflectivity Index (PRI). We find that SIF observations more consistently correlate with seasonal GPP dynamics (R = 0.90) compared to EVI (R = 0.85) and PRI (R = 0.78). More, we find that SIF observations are also more sensitive to interannual GPP variability (linear slope = 0.80) relative to EVI (linear slope = 0.63) and PRI (linear slope = 0.35). This is likely due to increased sensitivity of SIF to GPP during periods of decoupling between greenness and photosynthesis due to water-limitation / stomatal closure. Conversely, EVI and PRI observations better capture spatial GPP variability between flux tower sites. These results suggest that combinations of these independent vegetation growth proxies could yield synergistic improvements in satellite-based GPP estimates.

  8. Rare Drosha Splice Variants Are Deficient in MicroRNA Processing but Do Not Affect General MicroRNA Expression in Cancer Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefanie E. Grund


    Full Text Available Drosha is a key enzyme in microRNA biogenesis, generating the precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA by excising the stem-loop embedded in the primary transcripts (pri-miRNA. The specificity for the pri-miRNAs and determination of the cleavage site are provided by its binding partner DGCR8, which is necessary for efficient processing. The crucial Drosha domains for pri-miRNA cleavage are the middle part, the two enzymatic RNase III domains (RIIID, and the dsRNA binding domain (dsRBD in the C-terminus. Here, we identify alternatively spliced transcripts in human melanoma and NT2 cell lines, encoding C-terminally truncated Drosha proteins lacking part of the RIIIDb and the entire dsRBD. Proteins generated from these alternative splice variants fail to bind to DGCR8 but still interact with Ewing sarcoma protein (EWS. In vitro as well as in vivo, the Drosha splice variants are deficient in pri-miRNA processing. However, the aberrant transcripts in melanoma cells do not consistently reduce mature miRNA levels compared with melanoma cell lines lacking those splice variants, possibly owing to their limited abundance. Our findings show that alternative processing-deficient Drosha splice variants exist in melanoma cells. In elevated amounts, these alternatively spliced transcripts could provide one potential mechanism accounting for the deregulation of miRNAs in cancer cells. On the basis of our results, the search for alternative inactive splice variants might be fruitful in different tumor entities to unravel the molecular basis of the previously observed decreased microRNA processing efficiency in cancer.

  9. Mononuclear Amido and Binuclear Imido Zirconium Complexes Supported by Dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene Ligands. X-ray Structure of [(Me(4)taa)Zr(&mgr;-NR)(2)Zr(NHR)(2)] (R = Bu(t) or 2,6-C(6)H(3)Me(2)). (United States)

    Nikonov, Georgii I.; Blake, Alexander J.; Mountford, Philip


    Reaction of 2 equiv of Li[NH-2,6-C(6)H(3)R(2)] with [(Me(4)taa)ZrCl(2)] (Me(4)taaH(2) = tetramethyldibenzotetraaza[14]annulene) gives the bis(amido) derivatives [(Me(4)taa)Zr(NH-2,6-C(6)H(3)R(2))(2)] [R = Pr(i) (1) and Me (2)]. Addition of Me(4)taaH(2) to [Zr(N-2,6-C(6)H(3)Pr(i)(2))(NH-2,6-C(6)H(3)Pr(i)(2))(2)(py)(2)] also affords 1. The reaction of 2 equiv of aryl or alkyl amines H(2)NR with the bis(alkyl) complex [(Me(4)taa)Zr(CH(2)SiMe(3))(2)] is the most versatile method for preparing [(Me(4)taa)Zr(NHR)(2)] (R = 2,6-C(6)H(3)Pr(i)(2), 2,6-C(6)H(3)Me(2), Ph, or Bu(t)). Reaction of 1 equiv of Me(4)taaH(2) with the binuclear complexes [(Bu(t)NH)(2)Zr(&mgr;-NBu(t))(2)Zr(NHBu(t))(2)] or [(py)(HN-2,6-C(6)H(3)Me(2))(2)Zr(&mgr;-N-2,6-C(6)H(3)Me(2))(2)Zr(NH-2,6-C(6)H(3)Me(2))(2)(py)] gives the asymmetrically substituted derivatives [(Me(4)taa)Zr(&mgr;-NR)(2)Zr(NHR)(2)] [R = Bu(t) (6) or 2,6-C(6)H(3)Me(2) (8)], which have been crystallographically characterized.

  10. Using a New Measurement to Evaluate Pain Relief Among Cancer Inpatients with Clinically Significant Pain Based on a Nursing Information System: A Three-Year Hospital-Based Study. (United States)

    Wang, Wei-Yun; Chu, Chi-Ming; Sung, Chun-Sung; Ho, Shung-Tai; Wu, Yi-Syuan; Liang, Chun-Yu; Wang, Kwua-Yun


    Developing a new measurement index is the first step in evaluating pain relief outcomes. Although the percentage difference in pain intensity (%PID) is the most popular indicator, this indicator does not take into account the goal of pain relief. Therefore, the aims of this study were to develop a pain relief index (PRI) for outcome evaluation and to examine the index using demographic characteristics of cancer inpatients with clinically significant pain. Retrospective cohort study. A national hospital. All cancer inpatients. Pain intensity was assessed using a numerical rating scale, a faces pain scale or the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Behavioral Tool. Using a nursing information system, a pain score database containing data from 2011 through 2013 was analyzed. Cancer patients representing 93,812 hospitalizations were considered in this study. We focused on cancer patients for whom the worst pain intensity (WPI) was ≥ 4 points. PRI values of -62.02% to -72.55% were observed in the WPI ≥ 7 and 4 ≤ WPI ≤ 6 groups. Significant (P 65 years old, those who were admitted to the medicine or gynecology and those who had a hospital stay > 30 days. This hospital-based study demonstrated that the PRI is an effective and valid measure for evaluating outcome data using an electronic nursing information system. We will further define the meaningful range of percentage difference in PRI from various perspectives. © 2016 American Academy of Pain Medicine. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:



    Rogelšek, Klavdija


    Vsaka nosečnost je edinstvena in le redka poteka brez težav. Zelo pomembno je, da je ženska na nosečnost temeljito pripravljena, tako telesno kot duševno. Poznavanje simptomov nosečnosti je za žensko pomembno, saj ji lahko pomagajo pri razumevanju lastnega telesa in pri prilagajanju na številne težave, ki spremljajo to obdobje. Čeprav nosečnost ni bolezen, ampak normalen fiziološki proces, je povezana z določenim tveganjem. Tveganja za mater in otroka pa lahko večinoma zmanjšamo, če opozoril...

  12. Pomen okoljske ozaveščenosti in sodelovanja javnosti za trajnostni razvoj

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Metka Špes


    Full Text Available Pri trajnostnem razvoju, ki zahteva uravnoteženost med ekonomskimi, socialnimi in okoljskimi cilji, je ključnega pomen tudi najširša udeležba javnosti. Za poznavanje ekoloških in razvojnih odločitev pa je potrebno zagotoviti objektivne informacije in dvig splošne okoljske zavesti. Posameznik ali skupine ljudi bodo reakcije na negativne pojave v okolju gradili na njegovi percepciji, ki pa ne ustreza vedno objektivnemu stanju, ampak ga modificirajo različni dejavniki, med njimi tudi dostop do informacij in sodelovanje javnosti pri odločanju.



    Mihelič, Urša


    Problem, ki smo ga obravnavali, je bila manjša prodaja od pričakovane, s posebnim poudarkom na segmentaciji trga. Je namreč eden od močnejših dejavnikov pri izplenu podjetja Si.mobil. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo se osredotočili na segmentacijo trga na splošno. S pomočjo literature smo ugotavljali, kaj sploh pomeni pojem segmentacija trga, kakšne so ravni segmentiranja, kakšni so postopki in faze segmentiranja trga ter tudi kakšne so osnove za segmentiranje porabniškega trga. O...



    Bunšek, Dejan


    V diplomskem delu sem primerjal spletno bančništvo Probanke in NLB za prebivalstvo. Omenjeni sistem se pri Probanki imenuje Prosplet, pri NLB-ju pa NLB Klik. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskal razlike med izrazoma spletna stran in spletni portal, da sem kasneje lažje naredil primerjavo spletnih strani Probanke in NLB-ja. V teoretičnem delu sem prav tako ugotavljal razlike med spletnim bančništvom in elektronskim bančništvom, da ne bi zamenjevali teh podobnih, a različnih pojmov. Spletno banč...

  15. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for protein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tetens, Inge

    This opinion of the EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) deals with the setting of Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) for protein. The Panel concludes that a Population Reference Intake (PRI) can be derived from nitrogen balance studies. Several health outcomes possibly...... for growth and maintenance. For pregnancy, an intake of 1, 9 and 28 g/d in the first, second and third trimesters, respectively, is proposed in addition to the PRI for non-pregnant women. For lactation, a protein intake of 19 g/d during the first six months, and of 13 g/d after six months, is proposed...

  16. Neuronal activity rapidly induces transcription of the CREB-regulated microRNA-132, in vivo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nudelman, Aaron Samuel; DiRocco, Derek P; Lambert, Talley J


    Activity-dependent changes in gene-expression are believed to underlie the molecular representation of memory. In this study, we report that in vivo activation of neurons rapidly induces the CREB-regulated microRNA miR-132. To determine if production of miR-132 is regulated by neuronal activity its......, olfactory bulb, and striatum by contextual fear conditioning, odor-exposure, and cocaine-injection, respectively, also increased pri-miR-132. Induction kinetics of pri-miR-132 were monitored and found to parallel those of immediate early genes, peaking at 45 min and returning to basal levels within 2 h...



    Koprivnik, Tamara


    Še vedno živimo v času slabega gospodarskega stanja, katerega posledice se kažejo tudi v porastu gospodarskega kriminala. Glede na to, da je gospodarski kriminal vedno težje odkrivati, so lahko žvižgači ključnega pomena pri odkrivanju in preprečevanju le-tega. V podjetjih so pogosto priča gospodarskemu kriminalu ravno računovodje, zato smo se v magistrskem delu osredotočili na njih. Problem, ki smo si ga zastavili v magistrskem delu je, da ni znano, kateri demografski dejavniki vplivajo na ob...

  18. Rast podjetja s pomočjo nakupa in prodaje franšize na primeru podjetja x


    Bratkovič, Svarun


    Eden izmed razlogov, ki sili podjetje k rasti je rast obstoječih in pojav novih kKonkurenčnih ki se pojavlja na trgu, na katerem deluje podjetje, sili le-to k rasti. Saj ima Rastoča podjetja imajo za cilj ohranjati oziroma povečevati velikost svojega vsako podjetje cilj, da bi pridobilo kar se da velik tržngai deleža, dobička itd. Podjetje prične uradno delovati z vpisomn v sodni register. Podjetja nato strmijo k njihovem Nato se prične njihova pot razvojau in rasti. To lahko...



    Videtič, Mojca


    V diplomskem delu smo skušali prikazati, kolikšna je vključenost elementov razvajenosti v berilih za tretje triletje osnovnih šol. Pri analizi smo se omejili na berila iz Kataloga učbenikov. Skušali smo predstaviti problematiko razvajenosti v okviru pouka književnosti. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili pojme, ki so ključni pri analizi tega problema (načini razvajanja, posledice razvajenosti, čustvena inteligenca), in skušali podati nekaj predlogov za lažje in uspešnejše delo z raz...



    Šegula, Andreja


    Kljub tehnološkemu napredku, ki v današnjem času olajšuje življenje, vse večkrat obstaja občutek, da se je vedno težje upirati vsakdanjim pritiskom. Prav zato so pri usklajevanju delovnih in domačih obveznosti potrebni koristni napotki za obvladovanje in nadziranje neprestanih zahtev. Zaradi prevelikih delovnih obremenitev se zaposleni v delovnem okolju nenehno srečujejo s stresom. Zato je potrebno uvesti rešitve, ki bodo pomagale pri boljšem obvladovanju teh težav in ki bodo v življenje vnes...

  1. Antioksidacijska svojstva i stabilnost boje tijekom ubrzanog i prirodnog starenja piva tamnih piva


    Herceg, Filip


    Pivo je piće dobiveno alkoholnom fermentacijom sladovine, većinom pripravljene samo od ječmenog slada, no mogu se dodati i neslađene žitarice, kao što su kukuruz, pšenica ili riža. Smatra se dobrim izborom polifenola kojima je izvorište u ječmenom sladu i hmelju. U ovom je radu određivan oksidacijski profil dva različita tipa hrvatskih tamnih piva podvrgnutih ubrzanom postupku starenja (6 dana pri 42 oC) i prirodnom starenju (4 mjeseca pri sobnoj temperaturi). U uzorcima su određivani udjel u...



    Velcer, Maja


    Podjetništvo že od nekdaj velja za specifični način kariernega udejstvovanja, katerega se lotijo tisti posamezniki, ki še posebej cenijo neodvisnost in svobodo pri življenjskih odločitvah. V tem smislu podjetništvo ni zgolj način kariernega delovanja, pač pa gre za način življenja, ki podjetniku omogoča izpolnjevanje lastnega potenciala na najvišjem nivoju. Če je torej podjetništvo način življenja, potem nas zanima ali je lahko tudi pomemben dejavnik pri doseganju življenjskega zadovo...



    Zadravec, Mateja


    Digitalizacija in svetovni splet sta že nekaj časa sestavni del našega vsakdana, tega se zavedata tudi oglaševalska in medijska stroka. Načrtovanje medijev in zakup oglasnega prostora pri tem nista izjemi. Namen našega magistrskega dela je raziskati programatično oz. spletno načrtovanje medijev, predvsem pa ugotoviti, v kakšni meri ta inovativen pristop pripomore k bolj učinkovitemu in uspešnemu načrtovanju medijev. Pri tem smo se usmerili na programatično oz. spletno načrtovanje in zakup ogl...

  4. Nuclear Accident Dosimetry at Argonne National Laboratory; Dosimetrie dans les Cas d'Accidents Nucleaires au Laboratoire National d'Argonne; 0421 041b 0423 0416 0411 0410 0414 ; Dosimetria en Casos de Accidente Nuclear en el Laboratorio Nacional de Argonne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, L. L.; Duffy, T. L.; Sedlet, J.; O' Neil, D. P. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    propuesto metodos para valorar el ftisforo-32 en materiales biologicos con el fin de obtener la dosis de neutrones rapidos, analizar los productos de activacion neutronica en las sustancias de que se compone el medio ambiente, y determinar el numero total de fisiones. El control administrativo de las operaciones dosimetricas se vera facilitado por el empleo de un manual que enumera el emplazamiento de los dosimetros, la manera de manejarlos y los procedimientos de recuento, e indica las formulas que se han de utilizar en el calculo de las dosis. (author) [Russian] V doklade obobshhaetsja problema tekushhego planirovanija v Argonskoj nacional'noj laboratorii v otnoshenii opredelenija dozy obluchenija posle avarijnoj kritichnosti. Obsuzhdenie svjazano v osnovnom s dvumja tipami izgotovljaemyh promyshlennost'ju kompaktnyh dozimetricheskih ustrojstJo i vkljuchaet rezul'taty provedennyh nezavisimo kolibrovanij, vypolnennyh v laboratorii. V pervichnuju dozimetricheskuju sistemu vkljuchajutsja porogovye detektory, razrabotannye v Okridzhskoj nacional'noj laboratorii dlja izmerenija spektrov nejtronov. Jeksperimental'no vyvedeny kalibrovochnye krivye raspada fol'gi iz deljashhegosja materiala dlja postojanno ispol'zuemogo v Argone scintilljacionnogo schetnogo oborudovanija. Jeto oborudovanie kalibrovano takzhe dlja opredelenija aktivnosti natrija-24 v krovi. Dozimetricheskie bloki razrabotannogo v laboratorii Savanna River tipa ispol'zujutsja v kachjostve vtorichnyh stancij. Dannye, postupajushhie ot komponentov jetih blokov, svjazannyh s aktivaciej nejtronami, budut ispol'zovat'sja dlja vnesenija izmenenij v nejtronnyj spektr dlja promezhutochnyh, a takzhe teplovyh znachenij jenergii. Zakadmievaja aktivacija mednoj fol'gi pri dannom znachenii nejtronov promezhutochnoj jenergii okazalas' sravnitel'no nechuvstvitel'noj k izmenenijam v nejtronnom spektre v jetoj oblasti. Byla opredelena znachimaja srednjaja velichina poperechnogo sechenija medi. Kojefficienty kalibrovanija schetchika

  5. Comparison of Resistance Index Some Potato Cultivars to the Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say (Col.: Chrysomelidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Ghassemi-Kahrizeh


    Full Text Available Introduction: Potato, Solanum tuberosum L. is an important crop with 5.24 million tons of production on 210,000 hectares of irrigated land in Iran. Several pests attack the potato crop which among them the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say, is the most important defoliating pest of potato throughout the world and Iran and considerably reduce crop yield. Growers rely on pesticides to control this pest in the field but this insect is well known for its rapid resistance development to pesticides, so that it has developed field resistance to nearly all insecticides used against it and it is now resistant to more than 40 chemical insecticides. The problems of insecticide resistance, combined with continuing environmental concerns associated with chemical pesticide use, have provided a considerable stimulus over the past 50 years for the development of alternative control methods. Host plant resistance is considered to be an important part of integrated pest management (IPM system of this pest, which is compatible with sustainable control methods and can reduce the use of chemical insecticides .With the aim of identifying the existence of resistance resources, a study was conducted to evaluate and comparison the resistance index (PRI of 33 potatocultivarsto the Colorado potato beetle. Detected resistant variety (ies could be used as a resistance source for IPM programs of this pest. Materials and Methods: Greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to compare resistance index (PRI of 33 potato cultivars to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say, in Naghadeh region during 2007-2008. In a choice test, the numbers of attracted beetles to each cultivar was determined as antixenosis index in the field. Also, Percentage of larval and pupal mortality were determined and used as the antibiosis index under greenhouse conditions. To evaluate the tolerance index, infested and non infested plots were planted and

  6. Electronic methods for discriminating scintillation shapes; Methodes electroniques de discrimination des formes des impulsions issues de scintillateurs; Ehlektronnye metody diskriminatsii form stsintillyatsii; Metodos electronicos de discriminacion de forma de impulsos de centelleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forte, M; Konsta, A; Maranzana, C [European Atomic Energy Community, CCR, ISPRA (Italy)


    hasta impulsos debiles, de unas cuantas decenas de fotoelectrones, y la discriminacion de fragmentos emitidos por captura neutronica en liquidos conteniendo boro. Algunas de estas redes fueron capaces de operar con impulsos de la misma polaridad emitidos por dos de los ultimos dinodos, incluso con la salida de un solo electrodo. Ello puede ser util cuando conviene emplear el anodo independientemente, por ejemplo, para sincronizacion. (author) [Russian] Kak uzhe soobshchalos' ran'she, forma stsintillyatsionnogo impul'sa, kharakterizuyushchaya tip vozbuzhdayushchej chastitsy (ehlektron, proton, al'fa i t.d.), mozhet byt' prevrashchena v nezavisimyj ot amplitudy impul'sa parametr. EHto pozvolyaet vyyavit' posredstvom mnogokanal'nogo analizatora sostav vozbuzhdayushchego stsintillyator puchka so smeshannymi chastitsami. EHtot metod byl uspeshno primenen k neskol'kim stsintillyatoram kak organicheskogo, tak i neorganicheskogo tipa. Privodyatsya detali ehlektronnykh metodik, ispol'zovannykh dlya preobrazovaniya formy impul'sov. Dlya bolee prostykh sluchaev diskriminatsii tol'ko mezhdu dvumya vidami impul'sov (naprimer, diskriminatsiya nejtronov ot gamma-izluchenij) rassmatrivalas' takzhe vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniya passivnykh skhem, predstavlyayushchikhsya perspektivnymi dlya dal'nejshikh usovershenstvovanij i uproshchenij. Bylo isprobovano neskol'ko skhem, glavnym rezul'tatom chego bylo to, chto pri nalichii fona gamma-izlucheniya udalos' rasprostranit' diskriminatsiyu protonov otdachi v zhidkikh stsintillyatorakh na malye impul'sy vsego lish' v neskol'ko desyatkov fotoehlektronov, a takzhe dobit'sya diskriminatsii oskolkov zakhvata nejtronov v soderzhashchikh bor zhidkostyakh. Nekotorye iz ehtikh skhem byli prednaznacheny dlya raboty s impul'sami odinakovoj polyarnosti, podavaemymi dvumya poslednimi ehlektrodami umnozhitelya, ili dazhe s vykhodnymi impul'sami odnogo lish' ehlektroda. EHto mozhet okazat'sya poleznym pri nezavisimom ispol'zovanii anoda, naprimer, dlya

  7. TGF-β/Smad2/3 signaling directly regulates several miRNAs in mouse ES cells and early embryos.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicholas Redshaw

    Full Text Available The Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β signaling pathway is one of the major pathways essential for normal embryonic development and tissue homeostasis, with anti-tumor but also pro-metastatic properties in cancer. This pathway directly regulates several target genes that mediate its downstream functions, however very few microRNAs (miRNAs have been identified as targets. miRNAs are modulators of gene expression with essential roles in development and a clear association with diseases including cancer. Little is known about the transcriptional regulation of the primary transcripts (pri-miRNA, pri-miR from which several mature miRNAs are often derived. Here we present the identification of miRNAs regulated by TGF-β signaling in mouse embryonic stem (ES cells and early embryos. We used an inducible ES cell system to maintain high levels of the TGF-β activated/phosphorylated Smad2/3 effectors, which are the transcription factors of the pathway, and a specific inhibitor that blocks their activation. By performing short RNA deep-sequencing after 12 hours Smad2/3 activation and after 16 hours inhibition, we generated a database of responsive miRNAs. Promoter/enhancer analysis of a subset of these miRNAs revealed that the transcription of pri-miR-181c/d and the pri-miR-341∼3072 cluster were found to depend on activated Smad2/3. Several of these miRNAs are expressed in early mouse embryos, when the pathway is known to play an essential role. Treatment of embryos with TGF-β inhibitor caused a reduction of their levels confirming that they are targets of this pathway in vivo. Furthermore, we showed that pri-miR-341∼3072 transcription also depends on FoxH1, a known Smad2/3 transcription partner during early development. Together, our data show that miRNAs are regulated directly by the TGF-β/Smad2/3 pathway in ES cells and early embryos. As somatic abnormalities in functions known to be regulated by the TGF-β/Smad2/3 pathway underlie tumor

  8. Thermal Vibrations of Beta-Brass and the Order-Disorder Transition; Vibrations Thermiques dans le Laiton Beta et Transformation Ordre-Desordre; Teplovye kolebaniya beta-latuni i perekhod iz uporyadochennogo sostoyaniya v razuporyadochennoe; Vibraciones Termicas del Laton Beta y Transicion Orden-Desorden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dolling, G.; Gilat, G. [Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, ON (Canada)


    reciproco, que presentan acusados aumentos de la anchura energetica a la temperatura de transicion. Estos efectos no se han podido explicar aun de manera logica. (author) [Russian] Nabljudenija za obychnymi formami kolebanija uporjadochennogo splava medi i cinka ({beta}-latun') pri 296 Degree-Sign K provodilis' s pomoshh'ju kogerentnogo odno fononnogo rassejanija medlennyh nejtronov na monokristallicheskih obrazcah. Dlja izmerenija chastot kolebanij, rasprostranjajushhihsja vdol' vysokosimmetrichnyh napravlenij [00{zeta}], [{zeta}{zeta}0], [{zeta}{zeta}{zeta}{zeta}] i [ Vulgar-Fraction-One-Half Vulgar-Fraction-One-Half {zeta}] ispol'zovalsja trehosnyj kristallicheskij spektrometr na reaktore NRU. Krivye dispersii napominajut krivye dispersii prostogo ob{sup e}mno-centrirovannogo kubicheskogo kristalla, naprimer Na, za iskljucheniem togo, chto pojavljajutsja nekotorye vyrozhdenija, v osnovnom vvidu razlichija mezhdu vtorym blizhajshim sosedom Si-Si i silami Zn-Zn. Naprimer, my nahodim dve razlichnye formy volnovogo vektora (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) (v obratnyh edinicah reshetki), chastoty kotoryh sootvetstvenno sostavljajut (4,21 {+-}0,06) i (4,93 10) * 10{sup 12} gerc. Kratko upominajutsja modeli mezhatomnyh sil, kotorye predstavljajut udovletvoritel'noe opisanie rezul'tatov, poluchennyh pri 296 Degree-Sign K. Nekotorye normal'nye formy kolebanij izucheny pri povyshennyh temperaturah, osobenno v oblasti perehoda iz uporjadochennogo sostojanija v neuporjadochennoe pri temperature priblizitel'no 727 Degree-Sign K. V obshhej strukture krivyh dispersij ne otmechaetsja znachitel'nyh izmenenij v rezul'tate ischeznovenija porjadka dal'nego rasstojanija pri jetoj temperature, hotja razlichnye ''rasshheplenija'', nabljudaemye pri 296 Degree-Sign K, rasplyvajutsja v bolee ili menee postojannye ''polosy'' chastot. Pri povyshenii temperatury chastoty v celom umen'shajutsja, a jenergeticheskie shiriny uvelichivajutsja. Jeti izmenenija proishodjat plavno, za iskljucheniem dvuh prodol

  9. Wi-Fi Hotspot Auto-Discovery: A Practical & Energy-Aware System for Smart Objects using Cellular Signals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nithyananthan Poosamani


    Full Text Available The Internet of Things (IoT paradigm aims to interconnect a variety of heterogeneous Smart Objects (SO using energy-efficient methodologies and standard communication protocols. A majority of consumer devices sold today come equipped with wireless LAN and cellular technology to connect with the world-wide network. To discover Wi-Fi hot spots, there is a need for constant scanning of Wi-Fi radio in these devices and results in significant battery drain. We present PRiSM, a practical system to automatically locate Wi-Fi hotspots while Wi-Fi radio is turned off, by using the statistical characteristics of cellular signals. Cellular signals are received at zero extra cost in mobile devices and hence PRiSM is highly energy-efficient. It is a lightweight client-side only implementation and needs no prior knowledge on floor plans or wireless infrastructure. We implement PRiSM on Android-based devices and show up to 96% of energy savings in Wi-Fi sensing operations which is equivalent to saving up to 16% of total battery capacity, together with an average prediction accuracy of up to 98%.

  10. Tri prvine konstrukcije prostorske identitete v soseskah Mađir v Banjaluki (Bosna in Hercegovina in Ilsvika v Trondheimu (Norveška

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor Kuvač


    Full Text Available Sodobni svet je priča hitri urbanizaciji, povečevanju števila mestnega prebivalstva, stalni rasti mest in gradnji novih sosesk. Slednjim pogosto primanjkuje prvin lastne identitete z vidika kraja in ljudi, ki tam živijo, zato jih je treba ustvariti skupaj s fizično in naravno strukturo kraja ter kulturno identiteto ljudi. Konstrukcija prostorske identitete je v članku z metodo kvalitativne analize obravnavana na podlagi primera dveh »novih« mestnih sosesk: soseske Mađir v bosanski Banjaluki in soseske Ilsvika v norveškem Trondheimu. Avtorja ju primerjata na podlagi modela trikotnika, ki vključuje tri prvine konstrukcije identitete kot tri točke analize: a prostorski kontekst, b sodelovanje pri načrtovanju in gradnji ter c dogajanje v kraju. Med obema kulturnima kontekstoma in načinoma konstrukcije prostorske identitete so podobnosti in razlike. Raziskava je pokazala vsesplošen pomen obravnavanega pojava, pri čemer proces lahko izboljšamo z uporabo pozitivnih izkušenj drugih, ki jih prilagodimo posameznemu okolju. Zaradi pomembnosti in medsebojne povezave treh prvin, vključenih v konstrukcijo prostorske identitete, bi jih bilo treba uskladiti na vseh stopnjah razvoja.

  11. Immunoprecipitation of Tri-methylated Capped RNA. (United States)

    Hayes, Karen E; Barr, Jamie A; Xie, Mingyi; Steitz, Joan A; Martinez, Ivan


    Cellular quiescence (also known as G 0 arrest) is characterized by reduced DNA replication, increased autophagy, and increased expression of cyclin-dependent kinase p27 Kip1 . Quiescence is essential for wound healing, organ regeneration, and preventing neoplasia. Previous findings indicate that microRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in regulating cellular quiescence. Our recent publication demonstrated the existence of an alternative miRNA biogenesis pathway in primary human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) cells during quiescence. Indeed, we have identified a group of pri-miRNAs (whose mature miRNAs were found induced during quiescence) modified with a 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG)-cap by the trimethylguanosine synthase 1 (TGS1) protein and transported to the cytoplasm by the Exportin-1 (XPO1) protein. We used an antibody against (TMG)-caps (which does not cross-react with the (m 7 G)-caps that most pri-miRNAs or mRNAs contain [Luhrmann et al ., 1982]) to perform RNA immunoprecipitations from total RNA extracts of proliferating or quiescent HFFs. The novelty of this assay is the specific isolation of pri-miRNAs as well as other non-coding RNAs containing a TMG-cap modification.

  12. The RNA-binding protein HOS5 and serine/arginine-rich proteins RS40 and RS41 participate in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao


    MicroRNAs are a class of small regulatory RNAs that are generated from primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts with a stem-loop structure. Accuracy of the processing of pri-miRNA into mature miRNA in plants can be enhanced by SERRATE (SE) and HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 (HYL1). HYL1 activity is regulated by the FIERY2 (FRY2)/RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain phosphatase-like 1 (CPL1). Here, we discover that HIGH OSMOTIC STRESS GENE EXPRESSION 5 (HOS5) and two serine/arginine-rich splicing factors RS40 and RS41, previously shown to be involved in pre-mRNA splicing, affect the biogenesis of a subset of miRNA. These proteins are required for correct miRNA strand selection and the maintenance of miRNA levels. FRY2 dephosphorylates HOS5 whose phosphorylation status affects its subnuclear localization. HOS5 and the RS proteins bind both intronless and intron-containing pri-miRNAs. Importantly, all of these splicing-related factors directly interact with both HYL1 and SE in nuclear splicing speckles. Our results indicate that these splicing factors are directly involved in the biogenesis of a group of miRNA.

  13. In-vivo quantification of primary microRNA processing by Drosha with a luciferase based system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allegra, Danilo; Mertens, Daniel


    Research highlights: → Posttranscriptional regulation of miRNA processing is difficult to quantify. → Our in-vivo processing assay can quantify Drosha cleavage in live cells. → It is based on luciferase reporters fused with pri-miRNAs. → The assay validates the processing defect caused by a mutation in pri-16-1. → It is a sensitive method to quantify pri-miRNA cleavage by Drosha in live cells. -- Abstract: The RNAse III Drosha is responsible for the first step of microRNA maturation, the cleavage of primary miRNA to produce the precursor miRNA. Processing by Drosha is finely regulated and influences the amount of mature microRNA in a cell. We describe in the present work a method to quantify Drosha processing activity in-vivo, which is applicable to any microRNA. With respect to other methods for measuring Drosha activity, our system is faster and scalable, can be used with any cellular system and does not require cell sorting or use of radioactive isotopes. This system is useful to study regulation of Drosha activity in physiological and pathological conditions.

  14. The Let Distribution of Dose in Some Tissue Cylinders; Repartition de la Dose en Fonction du TLE dans Quelques Modeles Cylindriques de Tissus; Raspredelenie linejnoj peredachi ehnergii dozy v nekotorykh tkanevykh tsilindrakh; Distribucion de la Dosis en Funcion de la TLE en Algunos Modelos Cilindricos de Tejidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Snyder, W. S. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    que simulan ratones, ratas, cobayos (conejillos de Indias), perros y seres humanos. Se admitio que esos tejidos consistian en H.C.N y O en las mismas proporciones que en el hombre standard. Las secciones eficaces aplicadas para el H se ajustan estrictamente a las especificadas en el informe BNL 325, mientras que las secciones eficaces para el O, el N y el C son las prescritas en los documentos NDA 2111-3 (Vol. A ), ORNL-2389 y NDA 12-16, respectivamente. Tambien se efectuo el calculo para el caso de un modelo irradiado con el espectro de fision modificado, utilizado por Neary. El autor aplico las distribuciones de la TLE obtenidas en esta forma, juntamente con los valores de la EBR recomendados por la CIPR, para interpretar los efectos biologicos de la irradiacion neutronica. Compara dichas distribuciones con los datos sobre los efectos biologicos de los neutrones obtenidos experimentalmente y comprueba que confirman, por lo menos en parte, las hipotesis generalmente admitidas sobre la relacion funcional entre la TLE y la EBR, por ejemplo, que la posibilidad de cura y el efecto del exigenose manifiestan esencialmente con dosis de baja TLE. Aunque estas interpretaciones poseen un caracter preliminar, la distribucion de la dosis en funcion de la TLE podra servir de base para nuevas experiencias sobre la relacion entre la TLE y la EBR. (author) [Russian] Pri nejtronnom obluchenii tkanevogo fantoma obrazujushhiesja jadra otlachi imejut nepreryvnyj spektr jenergii. Dazhe v sluchae obluchenija monojenergeticheskimi nejtronami proishodit nepreryvnoe raspredelenie jenergii dlja razlichnyh jader otdachi i, sledovatel'no, takzhe nepreryvnoe raspredelenie dozy v otnoshenii L P Je . Pri ispol'zovanii programmy tipa Monte-Karlo dlja kontroliruemogo schetno-vychislitel'nogo ustrojstva 1604 vychisljalsja spektr L P Je dozy puchka monojenergeticheskih nejtronov dlja tkanevyh cilindrov, imitirujushhih mysh', krysu, morskuju svinku, sobaku i cheloveka. Tkan' sostojala iz N, S , N i O v

  15. Načrtovanje nabave v okviru javnih naročil v podjetju dem d.o.o.


    Helbl, Matej


    Zaradi evropskih direktiv in zakonskih zahtev Zakona o javnem naročanju ZJN-3 bo teženj po celovitem obvladovanju nabav, vključno z načrtovanjem le-teh, pri javnih naročnikih na splošnem in prav tako infrastrukturnem področju v prihodnosti vse več. Da celotni sistem javnega naročanja deluje in sledi ciljem javnega naročanja, morajo naročniki pri izvajanju postopkov javnih naročil spoštovati temeljna načela javnega naročanja. Zmotno je prepričanje naročnikov, da temeljna načela veljajo samo...



    Stopar, Ana


    V današnjem času, ko smo priča številnim podnebnim spremembam, moramo posvetiti večjo pozornost varstvu okolja. Desetletja smo z okoljem delali samo z ozirom na našo korist in »ugodje« ter s tem povzročili številne negativne vplive na našo okolico. Ekološko zavedanje se je v zadnjem času močno povečalo in tako prišlo v vse stroke, tudi v arhitekturo in v gradbeništvo. Trajnostna arhitektura je postala osnovna komponentna sonaravnega razoja. Posegi v prostor se omejujejo na najmanjšo možno mer...

  17. Baština Starog grada Zrinskih


    Kovač, Ivana


    Stari grad Zrinskih priča bogate, zanimljive i velike priče u svakom svojem kutku. Dvorac je prepun kulturne baštine koja će svakog ostaviti bez daha i dat će nam nove poglede na hrvatsku povijest, a još više na međimursku povijest. U ovom završnom radu pisat ću o ljepotama kraja, povijesnim zbivanjima i kulturnoj baštini grada, od samog početka pa do danas. Posebno ću se posvetiti predmetima koji su nam ostavili naši preci, a najviše umjetnosti grada i okolice. Čakovečki stari grad ima djelo...



    Grobelnik, Andreja


    V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali pravno ureditev in obdavčitev študentskega dela v Sloveniji ter v Nemčiji. Proučili smo glavne razlike in podobnosti pri nas in v Nemčiji. Glavna razlika je ta, da so nemški študentje izenačeni z ostalimi državljani ter da jim teče delovna doba za opravljeno delo. Naravnani so k študiju, pri nas pa postavljajo na prvo mesto delo in delovne izkušnje. Razlika je tudi v tem, da si morajo študenti v Nemčiji sami plačevati posamezne prispevke in zavarovanja te...

  19. Transferencias de recursos y partidos políticos. Estudio de los municipios mexicanos.

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    Silverio Tamez Garza


    Full Text Available In this paper we analyze how much influence the political party with the largest nationwide (Partido Revolucionario Institucional: PRI in the Congress, specifically the House of Representatives, in the distribution of the Funds of Branch 23: Paving Fund and Sports Spaces for Municipalities, for the year 2010 which is when this fund was created and for the year 2011. The results of our analysis were that there is a positive impact in the influence of the political party with the largest presence in the Chamber of Deputies in the allocation of resources to those municipalities that are governed by mayors from the PRI.

  20. SOX9 regulates microRNA miR-202-5p/3p expression during mouse testis differentiation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wainwright, Elanor N; Jorgensen, Joan S; Kim, Youngha


    MicroRNAs are important regulators of developmental gene expression, but their contribution to fetal gonad development is not well understood. We have identified the evolutionarily conserved gonadal microRNAs miR-202-5p and miR-202-3p as having a potential role in regulating mouse embryonic gonad....... Expression of the primary transcript of miR-202-5p/3p remained low in XY gonads in a conditional Sox9-null mouse model, suggesting that pri-miR-202 transcription is downstream of SOX9, a transcription factor that is both necessary and sufficient for male sex determination. We identified the pri-miR-202...

  1. Development of a primer–probe energy transfer based real-time PCR for the detection of Swine influenza virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kowalczyk, Andrzej; Markowska-Daniel, Iwona; Rasmussen, Thomas Bruun


    Swine influenza virus (SIV) causes a contagious and requiring official notification disease of pigs and humans. In this study, a real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay based on primer–probe energy transfer (PriProET) for the detection of SIV RNA was developed...... of the specific product amplification. The assay is specific for influenza virus with a sensitivity of detection limit of approximately 10 copies of RNA by PCR. Based on serial dilutions of SIV, the detection limit of the assay was approximately 0.003 TCID50/ml for H1N1 A/Swine/Poland/KPR9/2004 virus. The Pri...

  2. Peta obletnica prve slovenske revije za izobrazevanje odraslih

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    Ana Kranjc


    Full Text Available RevijaAndragoška spoznanja, prva slovenska revija za izobraževanje odraslih, praznuje peto obletnico izhajanja. Člani uredniškega odbora se skupaj z avtorji in bralci veselimo tega jubileja. Pred očmi imamo začetna prizadevanja, da je revija sploh nastala, in nato prizadevanja za njen obstoj, pri pridobivanju novih sodelavcev, širjenju kroga bralcev in zagotavljanju materialnih sredstev, pri čemer ne smemo pozabiti tudi na občasne težave. Večina truda pa je bila posvečena temu, da bi revija opravljala svoje osnovno poslanstvo.

  3. Razvoj jedilniškega stola


    Kermc, Klemen


    Stol je danes nepogrešljiv del pohištva, saj si nihče več ne predstavlja življenja brez njega. Z njim se srečujemo praktično na vsakem koraku, nepogrešljiv je že ob jutranji kavi, nato v službi, pa čeprav samo v času počitka, prav tako pri obedu ter večernem počitku. Pri razvoju je treba upoštevati vse operacije skozi celoten proces njegovega nastanka. Za začetek je potrebna ideja, nato se ta ideja oceni ter oblikuje in testira koncept izdelka. Sledi razvoj strategije trženja, naredi se poslo...

  4. Metodologija postavljanja diferencijalnih jednačina pri istraživanju dinamičkih parametara konstrukcije lansirne rampe na vozilu točkašu / Methodology make of differential equations at investigation of dynamic parameters of constructions of launcher on vehicle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vlado P. Đurković


    Full Text Available U radu se određuju optimalni parametri konstrukcije lansirne rampe: položaj tačke vešanja hidrocilindra na rampi, dužina i materijal rampe, koeficijent viskoznog trenja ulja u hidrocilindru, koeficijent krutosti lansirne rampe i hidrocilindra, poprečni presek rampe, itd. Radi toga postavlja se mehanički model sa tri stepena slobode kretanja i odgovarajući model u vidu sistema od tri nelinearne diferencijalne jednačine drugog reda. Numeričkom analizom dobijenog matematičkog modela (primenom programskog jezika Compaq Visual Fortran, Version 6.5 dolazi se do optimalnosti pojedinih parametara. Dobijeni rezultati, predstavljeni u grafičkoj formi, mogu da budu veoma korisni projektantima raketnih lansera, kako stabilnih, tako i mobilnih, pri razvoju novih konstrukcija i modifikaciji postojećih. / This paper determines optimal construction parametrics of a missile launcher place of hydro-cylinder on launcher, length and material of ramp of launcher coefficient of the viscosity of friction oil in hydro-cylinder, coefficient of stiffness of launcher and hydro-cylinder, cross-section of launcher etc. In this purpose appointment mechanical model with three degrees of freedom motion and analogous model of system of three nonlinear differential equation second order. Numerical analysis obtained mathematical model (programming with language Compaq Visual Fortran, Version 6.5 coming to optimal parameters. Obtained results that are presented in graphical shapes can be very useful for designing stable and mobile missile launchers, both for development of new constructions and modification of existing structures.

  5. The Control of Fast Reactors: Current Methods and Future Prospects; Controle des Reacteurs a Neutrons Rapides. Methodes Actuelles et Perspectives d'Avenir; Upravlenie reaktorami na bystrykh nejtronakh. sushchestvuyushchie metody i dal'nejshie perspektivy; Control de Reactores Rapidos: Metodos Actuales y Perspectivas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loewenstein, W. B. [Argonne National Laboratory, IL (United States)


    efectividad de los mecanismos de control han evolucionado desde evaluaciones poco precisas hasta calculos muy fidedignos confirmados experimentalmente en conjuntos criticos. El autor describe los resultados experimentales y las tecnicas analiticas, que suelen ser seguras. Los experimentos criticos que precedieron la construccion de los actuales modelos de reactores de neutrones rapidos comprendieron muchas investigaciones sobre la efectividad de sus mecanismos de control y experimentos marginales para sistemas perfeccionados en los que el cuerpo tiene un volumen mayor. El autor cita algunos estudios analiticos provisionales de los que se puede deducir que no habra necesidad de efectuar en lo sucesivo investigaciones experimentales detalladas en maquetas. (author) [Russian] Obsuzhdajutsja prakticheskie aspekty obespechenija sootvetstvujushhej reaktivnosti dlja upravlenija reaktorami na bystryh nejtronah, kotorye sushhestvenno otlichajutsja ot analogichnyh aspektov pri osushhestvlenii kontrolja sistem teplovyh nejtronov. Jeti razlichija vyzvany glavnym obrazom blagodarja nebol'shim sechenijam na bystryh nejtronah. V sistemah na bystryh nejtronah otsutstvujut sil'nye poglotiteli nejtronov. V rezul'tate jetogo takie sil'nye poglotiteli nejtronov v teplovyh reaktorah, kak produkty raspada (naprimer He i Zt)trebujut znachitel'no men'she reaktivnosti na ih kompensaciju, chem poterja reaktivnosti, vyzvannaja deleniem i zahvatom rasshhepljajushhihsja materialov. Poskol'ku atomnye sechenija bystrogo spektra dovol'no maly po sravneniju s sechenijami dlja teplovyh nejtronov atomnaja plotnost' materiala igraet vazhnuju rol' pri vybore materialov dlja regulirujushhih sterzhnej. Opisyvajutsja sushhestvujushhie tipy kontrol'nyh mehanizmov reaktorov na bystryh nejtronah. Jeti sposoby napravleny na vozmozhnost' ispol'zovanija, tam, gde jeto priemlemo,, kontrolja za utechkoj nejtronov. Kogda takoj kontrol' prakticheski neosushhestvim, to pri menjaetsja kontrol' s pomoshh'ju peredvizhenija

  6. Critical experiments and nuclear calculations - LAMPRE-I; Experiences critiques et calculs nucleaires concernant le LAMPRE-I; Kriticheskie opyty i yadernye raschety - LAMPRE-I; Experimentos criticos u calculos nucleares relativos al LAMPRE-I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Battat, M E [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    1 megavatt, aktivnaya zona kotorogo soderzhit rasplavlennyj splav plutoniya i zheleza (90 atomnykh protsentov plutoniya, 10 atomnykh protsentov zheleza pri tochke plavleniya v 410{sup o} TS). Regulirovka reaktivnosti obespechena putem ispol'zovaniya otrazhatelya iz nerzhaveyushchej stali i chetyrekh nikelievykh reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej, raspolozhennykh vne aktivnoj zony. Byli provedeny opyty pri temperaturakh aktivnoj zony v 80, 160 i 480 deg. TS s tem, chtoby opredelit' kriticheskuyu massu i tsennost' otrazhatelya pri kazhdoj iz ehtikh temperatur. Byli izmereny temperaturnyj koehffitsient reaktivnosti, a takzhe tsennost' reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej po izmereniyam perioda. Byli sdelany raschety s ispol'zovaniem metoda S{sub n} dlya resheniya problemy perenosa nejtronov, chtoby opredelit' osnovnye yadernye parametry sistemy. Sravnenie mezhdu raschetnymi i izmerennymi velichinami parametrov takikh kak temperaturnyj koehffitsient, tsennost' reguliruyushchikh ehlementov i kriticheskaya massa predstavlyayut takzhe interes v otsenke nadezhnosti proektnykh raschetov. (author)

  7. Radiation protection at the RA Reactor in 1989, Part -2, Decontamination, collection of treatment of fluid and solid radioactive waste, Annex 3; Deo 2 - Zastita od zracenja kod reaktora RA u 1989. godini, Dekontaminacija i intervencija, sakupljanje i obrada tecnih i cvrstih radioaktivnih otpadnih materija za potrebe reaktora RA - Prilog 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mandic, M; Vukovic, Z; Plecas, I; Knezevic, Lj; Lazic, S; Bacic, S [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Certain amount of solid waste results from RA reactor operation, the mean quantity of which depends on the duration of reactor operation and related activities. During repair, when reactor is not operated as well under accidental conditions, the quantity of waste is higher, dependent on the type of repair and comprehensiveness of decontamination of the working surface, contaminated tools and components. The waste is sorted and packed on the spot where they appeared according to the existing regulations and principles of radiation protection with aim to minimize unnecessary exposure of the radiation protection personnel who deals with control, transport, radioactive waste treatment and decontamination. During exceptional operations (decontamination, repair, bigger volume of contaminated material, etc.) professional staff of the Radiation protection department gives recommendations and helps in planning the actions related to repair, sorting and packaging of radioactive waste in special containers, identification of the contaminants, etc. [Serbo-Croat] Tokom rada reaktora RA dolazi do stvaranja odredjenih cvrstih otpadnih materijala cija prosecna kolicina zavisi od vremena rada reaktora i aktivnosti koje se tamo obavljaju. Tokom remonta, kada reaktor ne radi kao i pri akcidentalnim situacijama nastaju vece kolicine otpadnih materijala koje zavise od obima i vrste remontnih operacija i obima dekontaminacije kontaminirane radne povrsine i kontaminiranog alata, predmeta, opreme, itd. Nastali otpadni materijali se razvrstavaju i pakuju na mestu nastanka prema odgovarajucim propisima u skladu sa principima zastite od zracenja i aspekta bezbednosti u cilju minimiziranja nepotrebnog ozracivanja ljudstva za preuzimanje, kontrolu, transport, naknadnu obradu RAO i dekontaminaciju. Pri nerutinskim operacijama (dekontaminacija, remont, kontaminiarni otpadni materijal velike zapremine i sl.), strucna sluzba Institita ZASTITA pruza strucne konsultacije i pomaze pri planiranju

  8. Las elecciones mexicanas de 1995

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    Alonso LUJAMBIO


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo analiza las elecciones estatales y locales celebradas en México en 1995. El autor destaca cuatro factores presentes en estos comiciones. En primer lugar, se celebraron en un contexto de crisis económica. En segundo lugar, el PRI cosechó los peores resultados electorales de su historia. En tercer lugar, los procesos electorales (salvo quizá el de Yucatán fueron limpios y transparentes. Por último, la competitividad del mercado electoral aumentó al concentrarse el voto opositor en una de las opciones, de la centro-derecha representada por el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN, y al perder presencia el partido opositor de centro-iexquierda Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD. Así, pues, tendió a fortalecerse el esquema bipartito PRI-PAN y a debilitarse el tripartidismo PRD-PRI-PAN. El autor concluye que 1995 fue un año de aceleración para el proceso de transición a la democracia en México.ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the local and federal state elections held in México in 1995. The author mark four principal factors in this elections. First, this elections took place in a context of economical crisis. Second, the PRI had got the worst results in his history. Third, the elections (xcepts maybe in Yucatán were clean. At last, the election competitiveness increased because of the concentration of the opposing vote in the Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN, centre-right. The centre-leftist Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD losed influence. The author conclusion is that 1995 was a year in wich the transition to democracy go faster.

  9. Radiation protection at the RA Reactor in 1995, Part -2, Annex 2, Decontamination and actions, collection of liquid effluents and solid radioactive waste; Deo 2 - Prilog 2 - Dekontaminacija i intervencije, skupljanje tecnih efluenata i cvrstih radioaktivnih otpadnih materijala

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mandic, M; Vukovic, Z; Lazic, S; Plecas, I; Voko, A [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Certain amount of solid waste results from RA reactor operation, the mean quantity of which depends on the duration of reactor operation and related activities. During repair, when reactor is not operated as well under accidental conditions, the quantity of waste is higher, dependent on the type of repair and comprehensiveness of decontamination of the working surface, contaminated tools and components. The waste is sorted and packed on the spot where they appeared according to the existing regulations and principles of radiation protection with aim to minimize unnecessary exposure of the radiation protection personnel who deals with control, transport, radioactive waste treatment and decontamination. During exceptional operations (decontamination, repair, bigger volume of contaminated material, etc.) professional staff of the Radiation protection department gives recommendations and helps in planning the actions related to repair, sorting and packaging of radioactive waste in special containers, identification of the contaminants, etc. [Serbo-Croat] Tokom rada reaktora RA dolazi do stvaranja odredjenih cvrstih otpadnih materijala cija prosecna kolicina zavisi od vremena rada reaktora i aktivnosti koje se tamo obavljaju. Tokom remonta, kada reaktor ne radi kao i pri akcidentalnim situacijama nastaju vece kolicine otpadnih materijala koje zavise od obima i vrste remontnih operacija i obima dekontaminacije kontaminirane radne povrsine i kontaminiranog alata, predmeta, opreme, itd. Nastali otpadni materijali se razvrstavaju i pakuju na mestu nastanka prema odgovarajucim propisima u skladu sa principima zastite od zracenja i aspekta bezbednosti u cilju minimiziranja nepotrebnog ozracivanja ljudstva za preuzimanje, kontrolu, transport, naknadnu obradu RAO i dekontaminaciju. Pri nerutinskim operacijama (dekontaminacija, remont, kontaminiarni otpadni materijal velike zapremine i sl.), strucna sluzba Institita ZASTITA pruza strucne konsultacije i pomaze pri planiranju

  10. Experimental Investigation of the Effect of the Excess Fuel Coefficient on the Electrical Conductivity of Potassium-Seeded Hydrocarbon Fuel Combustion Products; 042d 041a 0421 041f 0414

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gol' denberg, S. A.; Zimin, Je. P.; Levlev, V. N.; Popov, V. A. [Energeticheskij Institut Im. G.M.Krzhizhanovskogo, Moskva, USSR (Russian Federation)


    zavisimosti mezhdu ionizaciej dobavki kalija i sostavom produktov sgoranija dvuh uglevodorodnyh topliv: benzina i metana. Variacija sostava produktov sgoranija obespechivalas' izmeneniem kojefficienta izbytka topliva v gorjuchej smesi. Izmerenija provodilis' pri neskol'kihfiksirovannyh znachenijah temperatury v diapazone ot 1850 do 3000 Degree-Sign K (polnoe davlenie - 1 at). Temperatura podderzhivalas' postojannoj (putem razbavlenija produktov sgoranija azotom). Poluchennye jeksperimental'nye dannye po provodimosti sootvetstvujut parcial'nomu davleniju dobavki kalija (1%). V oblasti vysokih temperatur (pri ispol'zovanii benzina v kachestve topliva) izmerenija provodilis' neposredstvenno pri dobavke 1%, togda kak v oblasti nizkih temperatur (pri ispol'zovanii metana v kachestve topliva) izmerenija provodilis' pri dobavke 3 x 10{sup -2}% a zatem rezul'taty byli pereschitany na dobavku 1%. Dlja izmerenija provodimosti ispol'zovalis' metod rezonansnogo kontura i metod zatuhanija radiovoln ({lambda} = 0,8 sm). Temperatura produktov sgoranija izmerjalas' po obrashheniju D-linii natrija. Izmerenija pokazali, chto jelektroprovodnost' produktov sgoranija s dobavkoj kalija umen'shaetsja pri umen'shenii kojefficienta izbytka topliva. Pri dostatochno bol'shih kojefficientah izbytka topliva jeto snizhenie projavljaetsja slabo. Rezkoe snizhenie jelektroprovodnosti (v neskol'ko raz) sosredotocheno v oblasti znachenij kojefficienta izbytka topliva, priblizitel'no ot 1 do 1,7. Dlja interpretacii jeksperimental'nyh dannyh ispol'zovalis'-rezul'taty teoreticheskogo rascheta vlijanija gidroksila ON na process ionizacii dobavki kalija cherez obrazovanie gidrookisi KON i zahvat chasti svobodnyh jelektronov s obrazovaniem otricatel'nogo iona ON{sup -}. Takoe sravnenie prodemonstrirovalo horoshee kachestvennoe soglasovanie jeksperimental'nyh i raschetnyh dannyh, chto podtverzhdaet pravil'nost' rassmatrivaemogo mehanizma vlijanija opredelennogo sostava produktov sgoranija na ionizaciju dobavki

  11. Liver Scanning with Colloidal Radiogold; Exploration du foie a l'aide de l'or radioactif colloidal; Issledovanie pecheni pri pomoshchi radioaktivnogo kolloidal'nogo zolota; Exploracion del higado con oro coloidal radiactivo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Donato, L; Becchini, M F; Panichi, S [Centro di Medicina Nucleate, University of Pisa (Italy)


    esquemas anatomico y funcional. (author) [Russian] Avtory soobshchayut o svoem opyte v ispol'zovanii kolloidal'nog o zolota Ah{sup 198} dlya issledovaniya pecheni. Dlya polucheniya chetkogo razgranicheniya pecheni ot sosednikh organov i okru-zhayushchikh tkanej obychno trebuetsya doza mechenykh ehlementov, sootvetstvuyushcha ya 2,5 {mu}C/Kg. Vsya protsedura issledovaniya, kotoraya nachinaetsya cherez 30 minut posle vnutrivennogo vspryskivaniya, zanimaet okolo 90 minut pri ispol'zovanii polnost'yu avtomaticheskoj apparatury. Verkhnie i bokovye kontury pecheni obychno luchshe razlichayutsya chem nizhnie. Ispol'zovanie fokusiruyushchi kh kollimatorov (poristogo tipa) znachitel'no uluchshaet poluchaemye rezul'taty. V obychnykh usloviyakh pechen' yavlyaetsya edinstvennym organom, kotoryj chetko viden na ehkrane. V nekotorykh sluchayakh pri splenomegalii i tsirroza pecheni mozhno krome togo videt' i selezenku, veroyatno v svyazi s sokrashcheniem retikulo-ehndotelialyyuj sistemy pecheni. Sudya po priobretennomu avtorami opytu, dannyj metod ves'ma maloehffektive n dlya opredeleniya nebol'shikh metastazov pecheni, kotorye ne izmenyayut ob{sup e}ma i Formy poslednej. Dazhe v sluchayakh podtverzhdennog o operatsiej nalichiya mnozhestva razbrosannykh melkikh uzelkov metastaticheskog o kharaktera issledovaniya ehtim metodom dali neyasnye rezul'taty. Ispol'zovanie radioaktivnog o zolota-198 mozhet v sluchayakh rasseyannogo ili zonal'nogo rasshireniya - nezavisimo ot prichiny - sposobstvovat' vyyasnesho, vyzvany li ehti izmeneniya rasshireniem normal'no funktsioniruyushche j tkani ili zhe nalichem v tkani pecheni patologicheski kh obrazovanij. Ochen' udalnym okazalos' sochetanie radioizotopnog o issledovaniya pecheni s issledovaniem ee konturov rentgenovskimi luchami posle provedeniya pnevmoperitoneuma, tak kak ono pozvolyaet provesti sravnenie mezhdu anatomicheskim i funktsional'ny m sostoyaniem dannogo organa. Kontury, poluchaemye na stsintigrammakh i na rentgenovskikh snimkakh

  12. Monitoring Spring Recovery of Photosynthesis and Spectral Reflectance in Temperate Evergreen and Mixed Deciduous Forests (United States)

    Wong, C. Y.; Arain, M. A.; Ensminger, I.


    Evergreen conifers in boreal and temperate regions undergo strong seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperatures, which characterizes their photosynthetic activity with high activity in the growing season and downregulation during the winter season. Monitoring the timing of the transitions in evergreens is difficult since it's a largely invisible process, unlike deciduous trees that have a visible budding and senescence sequence. Spectral reflectance and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), often used as a proxy for photosynthetic light-use efficiency, provides a promising tool to track the transition of evergreens between inactive and active photosynthetic states. To better understand the relationship between PRI and photosynthetic activity and to contrast this relationship between plant functional types, the spring recovery of an evergreen forest and mixed deciduous forest was monitored using spectral reflectance, chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange. All metrics indicate photosynthetic recovery during the spring season. These findings indicate that PRI can be used to observe the spring recovery of photosynthesis in evergreen conifers but may not be best suited for deciduous trees. These findings have implications for remote sensing, which provides a promising long-term monitoring system of whole ecosystems, which is important since their roles in the carbon cycle may shift in response to climate change.

  13. Impulsive sounds change European seabass swimming patterns: Influence of pulse repetition interval

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neo, Y.Y.; Ufkes, E.; Kastelein, R.A.; Winter, H.V.; Cate, C. ten; Slabbekoorn, H.


    Highlights: • We exposed impulsive sounds of different repetition intervals to European seabass. • Immediate behavioural changes mirrored previous indoor & outdoor studies. • Repetition intervals influenced the impacts differentially but not the recovery. • Sound temporal patterns may be more important than some standard metrics. - Abstract: Seismic shootings and offshore pile-driving are regularly performed, emitting significant amounts of noise that may negatively affect fish behaviour. The pulse repetition interval (PRI) of these impulsive sounds may vary considerably and influence the behavioural impact and recovery. Here, we tested the effect of four PRIs (0.5–4.0 s) on European seabass swimming patterns in an outdoor basin. At the onset of the sound exposures, the fish swam faster and dived deeper in tighter shoals. PRI affected the immediate and delayed behavioural changes but not the recovery time. Our study highlights that (1) the behavioural changes of captive European seabass were consistent with previous indoor and outdoor studies; (2) PRI could influence behavioural impact differentially, which may have management implications; (3) some acoustic metrics, e.g. SEL cum , may have limited predictive power to assess the strength of behavioural impacts of noise. Noise impact assessments need to consider the contribution of sound temporal structure



    Sedej, Gašper


    V diplomskem delu opisujemo sistem, ki smo ga razvili za multimodalni oddaljeni nadzor okolja. Sistem je sestavljen iz več komponent, med katerimi ima ključno vlogo digitalni fotoaparat. Ta je uporabljen za zajemanje žive slike in hkrati tudi fotografij z visoko ločljivostjo. Fotoaparat nadzira računalniški strežnik, ki poganja programsko opremo gPhoto. Video zajemamo preko fotoaparatovega analognega priključka in slikovnega pretvornika, ki pretvori analogni video signal v digitalnega. Strežn...

  15. Fyzioterapia pri paréze nervus facialis




    The subject of this bachelor?s thesis is physiotherapy for peripheral paralysis of a facial nerve (nervus facialis), specifically Bell?s palsy. This is a paralysis of the mimetic muscles affecting an entire half of a face. It is typified by a rapid onset, usually on waking in the morning, and normally follows a predictable course. The most notable objective symptom is a marked facial asymmetry together with a complete change in the facial expression. For most patients prognosis is good, many ...

  16. Pri delezhke Tsheburashki mehh letit po storonam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vene ärimees ostab ameerika kompaniilt Films by Jove kollektsiooni nõukogude multifilmide (547 filmi) levitamisõigused, et anda need üle loodavale laste telekanalile Venemaal. Lähemalt laste multifilmide lemmikkangelasest Tsheburashkast, mille loojaks kirjanik Eduard Uspenski

  17. Measurements of the Asymptotic Spectrum of a Multiplying Medium; Mesures du Spectre Asymptotique d'Un Milieu Multiplicateur; Izmereniya asimptoticheskogo spektra umnozhayushchej sredy; Mediciones del Espectro Asintotico en un Medio Multiplicador

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Slovacek, R. E.; Cerbone, R. J.; Gaerttner, E. R.; Fullwood, R. R.; Bach, D. R. [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (United States)


    'presenta una distribucion espacial persistente que se presta mas al analisis, los autores estiman que la tecnica de medicion del espectro asintotico aplicada a sistemas multiplicadores ha de resultar en extremo util en el estudio del problema del espectro espacial en un amplio intervalo energetico. (author) [Russian] Asimptoticheskij (po vremeni) spektr umnozhajushhej sredy predstavljaet interes ne tol'ko dlja provedenija jeksperimentov po analizu pul'sirujushhih nejtronov, no i takzhe dlja izuchenija svojstv nejtronnoj diffuzii sredy. Dlja izmerenija asimptoticheskogo nejtronnogo spektra v razmnozhajushhej sisteme razrabotan istochnik pul'sirujushhih nejtronov-mehanicheskij preryvatel'. Osushhestvleno izmerenie poverhnosti i centra (skaljara) spektra kazhdoj iz chetyreh razmnozhajushhih sistem, daetsja sravnenie s raschetami spektra. Vo vseh razmnozhajushhih sistemah v kachestve zamedlitelja ispol'zovalsja obogashhennyj uran-235 i vodorod. Dve sistemy byli izgotovleny iz toplivnyh sterzhnej, pokrytyh cirkoniem v vode; dve drugih sistemy byli izgotovleny iz smesi poroshkov UO{sub 2} i ZrO{sub 2}, dispergirovannyh v parafine. Razmery i proporcii vodoroda po otnosheniju k uranu-235 brali razlichnye s tem, chtoby raznoobrazit' absorbciju, utechku i rassejanie. Skaljarnyj spektr vyschityvali na osnovanii teorii staticheskoj diffuzii. Sovpadenija mezhdu izmerennym i skaljarnym spektrom okazyvalis' udovletvoritel'nymi, kogda dlja vychislenija spektra ispol'zovalas' izmerennaja velichina asimptoticheskoj postojannoj raspada. Najdeno, chto vyschitannyj asimptoticheskij spektr javljaetsja chrezvychajno chuvstvitel'nym k postojannoj raspada; 7%-noe izmenenie v postojannoj raspada dlja odnoj iz sistem dalo v rezul'tate 47%-noe izmenenie v teplovom sostojanii k zamedleniju otnoshenija potokov. Poverhnostnyj spektr dlja dvuh iz sistem poluchen pri ispol'zovanii dvojnogo vychislenija R1. Vychislenie poverhnostnogo spektra sovpalo s dannymi v teplovoj oblasti do 0,2 ev. Odnako pri

  18. Narusheniya v sisteme gemostaza pri sakharnom diabete i puti ikh korrektsii pri naznachenii kombinirovannoy terapii Diabetonom MV i metforminom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Sergeevich Ametov


    Full Text Available Для больных сахарным диабетом характерно атеротромботическое состояние, обусловленное множественными нарушениями в системе гемостаза. Гемостатические нарушения у больных сахарным диабетом являются обычно комплексными и включают активацию естественных механизмов системы коагуляции, подавление фибринолитической активности, а также различные нарушения функции тромбоцитов

  19. México: contexto econômico e estratégias eleitorais Mexico: economic context and electoral strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Alvarez Béjar


    Full Text Available Este "exercício de economia política para a análise da conjuntura" examina diversas dimensões do desempenho recente da economia mexicana para no final orientar a análise para a dimensão política, especialmente no que concerne aos mecanismo de sustentação do poder do PRI e às alianças das principais forças eleitorais.This "exercise in political economy directed to the analysis of the conjuncture" examines several dimensions of the recent performance of the Mexican economy, finishing by focusing the analysis on the political dimension, specially concerning the mechanisms for buttressing the power of the PRI and the alliances between the main electoral forces.

  20. Određivanje krutosti planetarnog prenosnika / Determination of gear mesh stiffness in planetary gearing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vojislav Batinić


    Full Text Available Kontaktna krutost zubaca jedan je od glavnih generatora unutrašnjih dinamičkih sila u spregama zupčanika planetarnih prenosnika. Neophodan je pri opisivanju dinamičkog ponašanja planetarnih prenosnika, tj. pri postavljanju jednačina dinamičke ravnoteže. U radu je prikazan metodološki pristup analitičkom i eksperimentalnom određivanju krutosti posmatranog planetarnog prenosnika. / Gear mesh stiffness in planetary gearing is one of the main generators of internal dynamic forces. It is necessary in describing dynamic behavior of planetary trains, i.e. in defining their equations of dynamic balance. This paper presents a methodological approach to experimental and analytical calculation of stiffness in planetary gearing.

  1. Optimalizácia monitorovania sieťovej prevádzky

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    František Jakab


    Full Text Available Tento príspevok sa zaoberá otvorenými problémami vyskytujúcimi sa pri pasívnom prístupe merania sieťových charakteristík. Opisuje najpoužívanejšie prístupy merania sieťových parametrov ako aj charakteristiky, ktoré sa pri monitorovaní najčastejšie sledujú. Hlavným cieľom tohto príspevku je predstavenie konceptuálneho návrhu riešenia opísaných problémov, ktorý by sa mal docieliť automatizovaným prispôsobením exportu záznamov o tokoch prevádzky k aktuálnemu stavu siete.

  2. Nutritional responses to soil drying and rewetting cycles under partial root-zone drying irrigation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Jensen, Christian Richardt; Liu, Fulai


    signaling that regulates stomatal aperture. PRI induced soil DRW cycles and more soil water dynamics in the root zone enhance soil nutrient mineralization process and thus increase the bioavailability of soil nutrients, resulting in improved nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) uptake, in which soil microbial...... processes play a key role. Studies investigating how soil DRW cycles and water dynamics under PRI on nutrient transport in soil solution, soil microbe mediated P transformation, interactions between phytohormones and nutrient uptake, root morphological and architectural traits for nutrient acquisition......Abstract Repeated soil drying and rewetting (DRW) cycles occur in rainfed and irrigated agriculture. The intensity and frequency of DRW cycles regulate both microbial physiology and soil physical processes, hereby affecting the mineralization and immobilization of soil nutrients...

  3. Čemu (ali sploh čemu služi diploma iz družboslovja ali humanistike in pomen izobraževanja odraslih

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    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Avtorica obravnava usklajenost formalne izobrazbe z zaposlitvijo, ki je različna na različnih področjih dela in v različnih evropskih državah. Zaposlenost na svojem področju diplomantom omogoča, da ostanejo na delovnem mestu. Omogoča jim tudi boljši zaslužek. Za boljšo usklajenost izobrazbe z zaposlitvijo je pomembno izobraževanje odraslih in tudi to, kar počnemo v »resnem prostem času«. V nadaljevanju razprave Dušana Findeisen predstavi zbrana pričevanja o tem, kako individualizirano poteka življenjska in poklicna pot diplomantov s področja družboslovja in humanistike, in o pomenu izobraževanja odraslih pri tem.

  4. Suitability of Cadmium Tantalate and Indium Tantalate as Control Materials for High-Temperature Reactors; Le Tantalate de Cadmium et le Tantalate d'Indium Comme Absorbants pour les Reacteurs a Haute Temperature; Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya tantalatov kadmiya i indiya v kachestve kontrol'nogo materiala dlya vysokotemperaturnykh reaktorov; Empleo del Tantalato de Cadmio y del Tantalato de Indio Como Materiales de Control Para Reactores de Alta Temperatura

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Preisler, E.; Haessner, F.; Petzow, G. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    jenergii; b) vysokoj sposobnost'ju pogloshhenija nejtronov; v) maloj chuvstvitel'nost'ju k radiacionnomu povrezhdeniju; g ) horoshej teploustojchivost'ju;' ' d) maloj reaktivnost'ju s okruzhajushhej sredoj; e ) dolzhny byt' deshevymi i legko dostupnymi. Prinimaja vo vnimanie jeti soobrazhenija i prenebregaja pomehami reakcij p ,a , v pervuju ochered' sleduet rassmotret' sledujushhie jelementy: kadmij, vol'fram, indij i tantal. Ves'ma vazhno ob{sup e}dinit' horoshij poglotitel' teplovyh nejtronov s horoshim poglotitelem jepiteplovyh nejtronov s tem, chtoby poluchennyj takim obrazom material byl teploustojchivym ( Greater-Than-Or-Equivalent-To 700 Degree-Sign C) . Dlja jetogo mogut byt' ispol'zovany dvuokisi CdWO{sub 4}, Cd {sub 2}Ta{sub 2}O{sub 7} i CdIn{sub 2}O{sub 2}. Sredi nih naibolee vysokoustojchivym javljaetsja tantalat kadmija. Drugoj dvuokis'ju, predstavljajushhej v soedinenii s tantalatom kadmija blagoprijatnyj spektr pogloshhenija nejtronov, javljaetsja tantalat indija. Pri jetom on o bl ada et i horoshej teploustojchivost'ju. Tak kak keramicheskim pogloshhajushhim materialam forma pridaetsja putem plasticheskoj deformacii, oni chasto ispol'zujutsja v vide kermetov. Pojetomu oni dolzhny byt' sovmestimy s metallami. Tantalat kadmija sovmestim s serebrom, s med'ju i do 7 00 Degree-Sign S, s nikelem; tantalat indija polnost'ju sovmestim s serebrom, med'ju i nikelem i do 700 Degree-Sign S, s molibdenom i do nekotoroj stepeni s zh e l e zom . Jeti rezul'taty sootvetstvujut vychislenijam termodinamiki . Dlja togo, chtoby ocenit' povedenie pogloshhajushhih materialov v uslovijah reaktora, neobhodimo prinjat' vo vnimanie dochernie produkty pogloshhenija nejtronov. Kadmij-113 prevrashhaetsja v stabil'nyj kadmij-114, togda kak tantal prevrashhaetsja v vol'fram, a indij - v olovo. Oba dochernih produkta mogut zaderzhat' v svoih naibolee prochnyh sostojanijah v a lentnosti bol'shee kolichestvo kisloroda, chem ishodnye jelementy. Pojetomu mozhno ozhidat' vosstanovlenija Cd

  5. Isolation and characterization of differentially expressed genes in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Through reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis, priA homologue and AP-1 like transcription factor ... The oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, and white button mushroom ..... differential display of RAPD. FEMS Microbiol.

  6. Non-Destructive Methods for Determining Burn-Up in Nuclear Fuel; Methodes Non Destructives d'Evaluation du Taux de Combustion dans le Combustible Nucleaire; Metody opredeleniya vygoraniya v yadernom toplive bez razrusheniya obraztsa; Metodos No Destructivos para Determinai el Grado de Combustion de los Elementos Combustibles Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGonnagle, W. J. [Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL (United States)


    jadernyh reaktorah bez razrushenija obrazca javljajutsja poleznymi i zhelatel'nymi. Ideal'nym byl by metod, ne trebujushhij special'nyh dannyh o nejtronnom spektre, istorii radiacii ili vremeni ohlazhdenija. Obluchennye toplivnye jelementy sami po sebe javljajutsja nositeljami informacii o stepeni vygoranija topliva. Jeta informacija soderzhitsja v forme radioaktivnyh i stabil'nyh izotopov, obrazujushhihsja v processe delenija. K sozhaleniju,kak pri metodah analiza topliva bez razrushenija obrazca, tak i s razrusheniem obrazca nejtronnyj spektr, istorija radiacii i period ohlazhdenija vlijajut na jetu informaciju. Tochno tak zhe nedostatok tochnyh jadernyh dannyh, takih, kak znachenija jadernyh poperechnyh sechenij, vlijaet na ljubye vychislenija, kotorye mozhno bylo by proizvesti. Drugoj trudnost'ju pri analizah bez razrushenija obrazca javljaetsja nalichie polej vysokoj radiacii, kotoraja vnosit dopolnitel'nyj ''shum'' v fon pri izmerenijah. Razrabotka poleznyh i real'nyh standartov javljaetsja trudnym delom. Metody analiza stepeni vygoranija bez razrushenija obrazca osobenno polezny togda, kogda trebuetsja bystro i jekonomichno, dazhe pri sushhestvujushhem polozhenii s ih nedostatkom, poluchit' zhelatel'nuju tochnost' priblizitel'noj velichiny vygoranija. Ispol'zovalos' neskol'ko metodov dlja opredelenija stepeni vygoranija bez razrushenija obrazca; vedetsja ih ocenka ili oni predlagajutsja. Ispol'zovalis' razlichnye tipy spektrometrov, v tom chisle spektrometry s izognutym kristallom, magnitnyj komptonovskij spektrometr, komptonovskij spektrometr na sovpadenija i scintilljacionnyj spektrometr dlja analiza gamma-izluchenija radioaktivnogo materiala, obrazujushhegosja vo vremja processa delenija. Drugie metody analiza bez razrushenija obrazca vkljuchajut aktivaciju fol'gi, propuskanie nejtronov, aktivacionnyj analiz, izmerenie zahvata gamma-luchej i izmerenie mgnovennyh i zapazdyvajushhih nejtronov. Rassmatrivajutsja osnovnye principy kazhdogo iz vyshenazvannyh metodov i

  7. Diffuse Scattering from Alloys and Disordered Systems: Experimental Techniques and Potentialities; Diffusion dans les Alliages et les Systemes Desordonnes; Methodes Experimentales et Possibilites d'Application; Diffuznoe rasseyanie na splavakh i razuporyadochennykh sistemakh. ehksperimental'nye metody i potentsial'nye vozmozhnosti; Dispersion Difusa en Aleaciones y Sistemas Desordenados; Tecnicas Experimentales y Posibilidades

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Low, G. G. [Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berks (United Kingdom)


    la direccion de magnetizacion con respecto al vector de dispersion neutronica. De este modo, la dispersion de interes puede distinguirse de los efectos no magneticos como diferencia entre dos intensidades medidas. Un proceso que contribuye al fondo de dispersion difusa, en parte de caracter magnetico y que, por tanto, la mencionada tecnica no elimina, es la dispersion miiltiple de Bragg en un poli- cristal magnetico. Puede prevenirse utilizando una muestra monocristalina o empleando neutrones de gran longitud de onda, de forma que impidan los procesos de Bragg. En Harwell se ha construido un instrumento basado en este principio, que se utiliza para una amplia serie de mediciones en aleaciones ferromagneticas diluidas. Se examinan estos experimentos y otras novedades que cabe anticipar en la materia, entre ellas la medicion de la dispersion magnetica difusa en sales paramagneticas. El estudio de esta dispersion reviste enorme interes, pues proporciona informacion dilecta sobre la cantidad de spin transmitida por un ion magnetico a los ligandos que le rodean como resultado de la covalencia. (author) [Russian] Zadachej nastojashhej raboty javljaetsja rassmotrenie kak v principe, tak i s prakticheskoj tochki zrenija teh vidov dannyh, kotorye mozhno poluchit' v rezul'tate izuchenija neuprugogo diffuznogo rassejanija nejtronov. Vnimanie skoncentrirovano na teh sistemah, v kotoryh imeetsja razuporjadochen- noe raspolozhenie defektov, kazhdyj iz kotoryh mozhno uslovno schitat' ne podverzhennym vlijaniju drugih imejushhihsja defektov libo v rezul'tate razbavlenija, libo v rezul'tate otsutstvija zavisimosti ot okruzhenija. Pri jetih uslovijah intensivnost' rassejanija proporcional'na kvadratu modulja razlozhenija Fur'e po vozmushheniju v amplitude rassejanija, vyzvannomu defektom. Takim obrazom, dannye ob amplitude prostranstvennogo raspredelenija rassejanija defektov mogut byt' polucheny v rezul'tate vypolnenija sootvetstvujushhih izmerenij rassejanija nejtronov i

  8. Characterisation of Fractures and Fracture Zones in a Carbonate Aquifer Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Pricking Probe Methodes (United States)

    Szalai, Sandor; Kovacs, Attila; Kuslits, Lukács; Facsko, Gabor; Gribovszki, Katalin; Kalmar, Janos; Szarka, Laszlo


    Position, width and fragmentation level of fracture zones and position, significance and characteristic distance of fractures were aimed to determine in a carbonate aquifer. These are fundamental parameters, e.g. in hydrogeological modelling of aquifers, due to their role in subsurface water movements. The description of small scale fracture systems is however a challenging task. In the test area (Kádárta, Bakony Mts, Hungary), two methods proved to be applicable to get reasonable information about the fractures: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Pricking-Probe (PriP). PriP is a simple mechanical tool which has been successfully applied in archaeological investigations. ERT results demonstrated its applicability in this small scale fracture study. PriP proved to be a good verification tool both for fracture zone mapping and detecting fractures, but in certain areas, it produced different results than the ERT. The applicability of this method has therefore to be tested yet, although its problems most probably origin from human activity which reorganises the near-surface debris distribution. In the test site, both methods displayed fracture zones including a very characteristic one and a number of individual fractures and determined their characteristic distance and significance. Both methods prove to be able to produce hydrogeologically important parameters even individually, but their simultaneous application is recommended to decrease the possible discrepancies.

  9. Simulacioni model višelamelastih frikcionih sklopova / Simulation model of multiple plate friction clutches and brakes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandar Grkić


    Full Text Available Višelamelasti frikcioni sklopovi koriste se za promenu stepena prenosa u planetarnim menjačkim prenosnicima motornih vozila. Razvijeni simulacioni model frikcione spojnice i kočnice omogućava simulaciju rada menjačkog prenosnika pri promeni stepena prenosa. Primenom razvijenog modela moguće je na bazi simulacije analizirati prelazni proces pri promeni stepena prenosa i obezbediti identifikaciju relevantnih parametara bez izrade većeg broja fizičkih prototipova. Na taj način obezbeđuje se smanjenje troškova i skraćenje procesa razvoja novih prenosnika snage, uz poboljšanje upotrebnog kvaliteta. Simulacioni model može da se koristi i pri razvoju upravljačkog sistema menjačkog prenosnika za definisanje potrebnih karakteristika njegovih komponenata. / Multiple plate friction clutches and brakes are used for gear shifting within planetary gear trains of motor vehicles. The developed simulation model of the friction clutch and brake enables the simulation and the analysis of the planetary gear train transitional processes during gear shifting and provides identification of relevant parameters without making numerous physical prototypes. Costs are thus reduced and time for developing new gear trains shortened, while the product quality is increased. The simulation model can be use additionally in developing steering systems of planetary gear trains for defining characteristics of their components.

  10. Tatiana Detlofson: "Mandariinide" film on nagu väike kalliskivi üüratus meres / intervjueerinud Annela Laaneots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Detlofson, Tatiana


    Intervjuu Oscari nominatsiooni jõudnud Eesti filmi "Mandariinid" PR-tegija Tatiana Detlofsoniga filmi PR-i eduteguritest. Filmi meeskond pälvis Aasta Suhtekorraldaja 2015 tiitli professionaalse ja tulemusliku PR-töö eest

  11. Elongated Hypocotyl 5-Homolog (HYH Negatively Regulates Expression of the Ambient Temperature-Responsive MicroRNA Gene MIR169

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Phanu T. Serivichyaswat


    Full Text Available Arabidopsis microRNA169 (miR169 is an ambient temperature-responsive microRNA that plays an important role in stress responses and the floral transition. However, the transcription factors that regulate the expression of MIR169 have remained unknown. In this study, we show that Elongated Hypocotyl 5-Homolog (HYH directly binds to the promoter of MIR169a and negatively regulates its expression. Absolute quantification identified MIR169a as the major locus producing miR169. GUS reporter assays revealed that the deletion of a 498-bp fragment (–1,505 to –1,007, relative to the major transcriptional start site of MIR169a abolished its ambient temperature-responsive expression. DNA-affinity chromatography followed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis identified transcription factor HYH as a trans-acting factor that binds to the 498-bp promoter fragment of pri-miR169a. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation–quantitative PCR demonstrated that the HYH.2 protein, a predominant isoform of HYH, directly associated with a G-box-like motif in the 498-bp fragment of pri-miR169a. Higher enrichment of HYH.2 protein on the promoter region of MIR169a was seen at 23°C, consistent with the presence of more HYH.2 protein in the cell at the temperature. Transcript levels of pri-miR169a increased in hyh mutants and decreased in transgenic plants overexpressing HYH. Consistent with the negative regulation of MIR169a by HYH, the diurnal levels of HYH mRNA and pri-miR169a showed opposite patterns. Taken together, our results suggest that HYH is a transcription factor that binds to a G-box-like motif in the MIR169a promoter and negatively regulates ambient temperature-responsive expression of MIR169a at higher temperatures in Arabidopsis.

  12. Implementasi Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS Untuk Paket Data Pemantauan dan PengukuranUntuk Paket Data Pemantauan dan Pengukuran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arief Goeritno


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan implementasi Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS untuk paket data pemantauan dan pengukuran melalui tujuan penelitian, berupa: a penyetelan program aplikasi pada jaringan APRS dan b pengukuran terhadap penerimaan data berdasarkan kinerja sensor-sensor. Penyetelan program aplikasi APRS merupakan konfigurasi perangkat lunak untuk APRS yang akan digunakan pada stasiun penerimaan data APRS dengan program aplikasi yang biasa digunakan, yaitu hyperterminal dan UI-View 32. Pengukuran penerimaan data berdasarkan kinerja sensor yang dilakukan melalui proses perekaman pada stasiun penerimaan data APRS. Kinerja sensor-sensor akan diamati pada stasiun pengiriman dan data hasil pengamatan akan dapat diterima pada stasiun penerimaan secara real time. Program aplikasi berbasis hyperterminal dan UI View 32 telah berhasil melakukan proses handshaking antara Terminal Node Controller (TNC dan komputer, sehingga data telemetri dari stasiun pengiriman paket data dapat diterima di stasiun penerimaan. Data telemetri dapat diamati pada stasiun penerimaan dan dapat diperoleh secara real time dengan format: YB0LRB-11>BEACON,WIDE2-1 [05/18/2014 04:03:49]: : T#010,008,093,004,122,075. Notifikasi YB0LRB-11 merupakan stasiun pengiriman paket data telemetri, kemudian data tersebut akan diterima pada stasiun penerima YD1PRY dengan format: YD1PRY-2>APLPN,ARISS [05/18/2014 04:03:07]: : !06.30.37S/106.48.26E#. Notifikasi tersebut merupakan pengiriman informasi data posisi oleh stasiun YD1PRY untuk inisialisasi pada jaringan APRS. Stasiun YB0LRB-11 ketika mengirim paket data telemetri dengan format: YB0LRB-11>BEACON,WIDE2-1 [05/18/2014 04:00:49]: : T#001,004,035,005,122,075. Paket data dari stasiun YB0LRB yang dipancar ulang atau digipeater dengan format: YB0LRB-11>BEACON,YD1PRY-2,WIDE2* [05/18/2014 04:00:50]: : T#001,004,035,005,122,075. Sensor pengukuran berkinerja relatif stabil, walaupun terdapat nilai simpangan pengukuran sebesar 1 cm atau

  13. Los medios de comunicación en la construcción de la cultura política democrática en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacqueline PESCHARD


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El texto ofrece un balance del comportamiento de los medios de comunicación durante la época de la hegemonía del PRI en México, poniendo énfasis en la «unilateralidad informativa» que caracterizó a la cobertura de las campañas políticas en radio y televisión Para atender a esta disparidad informativa, desde 1994, el Instituto Federal Electoral ha realizado monitoreos de los principales noticieros en medios electrónicos durante las campañas electorales, y desde entonces la información que sobre los eventos de campaña ofrecen los medios en su conjunto ha sido más equilibrada, pues al menos los tres principales contendientes han obtenido un espacio relativamente equitativo. No obstante, al descender a nivel de los diferentes estados de la república mexicana, puede apreciarse que en 1997 y durante el primer mes de campaña del 2000, algunas estaciones de radio y canales de televisión siguen presentando sesgos a favor de alguno de los partidos políticos.ABSTRACT: During the long period of political hegemony of the PRI in Mexico, the information about electoral campaigns reported by the mass media was clearly biased against opposition parties because the PRI received over 80% of the time given to the parties. From 1994 on, the Federal Electoral Institute has been monitoring the main newsreels on radio and television during electoral campaigns and has found that as a whole, the transmission of the electoral activities of the three main political parties has been balanced. However, when analyzing newsreels in the different states, the bias is still present, but in 1997 it favoured only the PRI, and during the first month of the Presidential campaign of 2000 it favoured the three main parties. This shows that the media have become pluralistic.

  14. GenBank blastx search result: AK242766 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available r calpain 6, a glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (GLUD1) pseudogene and the 3' end of the DCX gene for doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin), complete sequence. PRI 2e-33 1 ...

  15. GenBank blastx search result: AK242717 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available r calpain 6, a glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (GLUD1) pseudogene and the 3' end of the DCX gene for doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin), complete sequence. PRI 2e-37 1 ...

  16. Economic Criteria Applied to Nuclear Materials Management; Criteres Economiques Applicables a la Gestion des Matieres Nucleaires; Ehkonomicheskie kriterii, primenyaemye pri kontrole i uchete yadernykh materialov; Criterios Economicos Aplicados a la Administracion de Materiales Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shelley, W. J.; Kuehn, M. N. [Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Charles, MS (United States)


    procedimientos, las tecnicas, el proceso de las operaciones y la forma en que el personal lleva a cabo su cometido. Esta atencion y la voluntad de corregir los. errores permitiran asegurar el equilibrio optimo de los costos y las necesidades. (author) [Russian] Kontrol' i uchet jadernyh materialov dolzhny vsegda igrat' vspomogatel'nuju rol' pri vypolnenii osnovnoj zadachi obrabotki jadernyh materialov, t.e. vyrabotki jenergii ili proizvodstva konechnyh produktov. V svjazi s jetim otvetstvennye za kontrol' i uchet jadernyh materialov dolzhny postojanno reagirovat' na nuzhdy, svjazannye s vypolneniem osnovnoj proizvodstvennoj zadachi, i prisposablivat' neobhodimye sistemy k jetomu processu s tem, chtoby osushhestvljat' kontrol' i uchet jadernyh materialov pri optimal'nyh zatratah. V svjazi s sistemoj kontrolja i ucheta jadernyh materialov neobhodimo tshhatel'no izuchat' rjad faktorov, kotorye vlijajut na ee stoimost'. Razrabotannaja sistema kontrolja dolzhna dopolnjat' proizvodstvennyj process, obespechivaja minimal'nye rashody na soderzhanie personala, analizy i minimal'nyj pereryv proizvodstvennogo processa. Sistema kontrolja dolzhna sochetat'sja s proizvodstvnnymi potrebnostjami dlja togo, chtoby poluchennaja kolichestvennaja informacija bystro postupala licam, osushhestvljajushhim kontrol' za rabotoj. Sistema registracii i vydachi svedenij dolzhna obespechivat' maksimum dopolnitel'nyh dannyh. Ona dolzhna byt' shodnoj s sistemami, kotorye ispol'zujut postavshhiki i potrebiteli, i davat', pri vozmozhnosti, dopolnitel'nuju informaciju, svjazannuju s partijami jadernogo materiala. Dannye,poluchaemye dlja kontrolja za jadernymi materialami, dolzhny byt' tol'ko takimi, kotorye neobhodimye celjah obespechenija togo, chtoby ne bylo nikakih znachitel'nyh poter', hishhenij, nezakonnogo prisvoenija ili ispol'zovanija ne po naznacheniju jadernyh materialov. Dopolnitel'nye dannye dolzhny podvergat'sja tochno takoj zhe neobhodimoj strogoj proverke, kotoroj podvergajutsja dannye

  17. Novel Method of Unambiguous Moving Target Detection in Pulse-Doppler Radar with Random Pulse Repetition Interval

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu Zhen


    Full Text Available Blind zones and ambiguities in range and velocity measurement are two important issues in traditional pulse-Doppler radar. By generating random deviations with respect to a mean Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI, this paper proposes a novel algorithm of Moving Target Detection (MTD based on the Compressed Sensing (CS theory, in which the random deviations of the PRIare converted to the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP of the observing matrix. The ambiguities of range and velocity are eliminated by designing the signal parameters. The simulation results demonstrate that this scheme has high performance of detection, and there is no ambiguity and blind zones as well. It can also shorten the coherent processing interval compared to traditional staggered PRI mode because only one pulse train is needed instead of several trains.

  18. Knowledge acquisition on hazards in chemical and process industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vojnovic, D; Kozuh, M [Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    The knowledge acquisition for probabilistic risk assessment and operational safety improvements are described. The procedure HazOp (Hazard and Operability Study) are used for hazard identification. The acquainted knowledge is condensed in the form of cause-consequence matrix which is very convenient for plant logic model start point definition. At the end, the possibility for HazOp performance support by use of Artificial Intelligence approach is considered. (author) [Slovenian] V clanku se obravnava zbiranje znanja za potrebe verjetnostne ocene tveganja in izboljsanja obratovalne varnosti. Opisan je postopek za razpoznavanje nevarnosti po metodi HazOp. Zbrano znanje je predstavljeno v obliki vzrocno posledicne matrike, kar je primerna oblika za nadaljno uporabo pri logicnem modeliranju objekta. Ravno tako je obravnavana moznost uporabe diagnosticnih metod (umetna inteligenca) pri HazOp analizi. [author].

  19. Povezava avtentičnega in transformacijskega vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev: moderacijski vpliv psihološkega opolnomočenja

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    Matej Groselj


    Full Text Available Članek preučuje moderacijski vpliv psihološkega opolnomočenja na povezavo avtentičnega in transformacijskega vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev. Hipoteze razvijemo in empirično preizkusimo z uporabo multiple regresijske analize na vzorcu 126 zaposlenih v mednarodnem tehnološkem podjetju. Rezultati kažejo, da psihološko opolnomočenje nastopa kot moderator povezave vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev tako pri avtentičnem, kot pri transformacijskem vodenju. Prispevek raziskave vidimo v širjenju nabora raziskav o povezovanju vodenja in inovativnosti, primerjavi povezave dveh teorij vodenja z inovativnostjo ter v boljšem razumevanju moderacijskih procesov, s katerimi vodje spodbujajo inovativno vedenje sledilcev. V diskusiji obravnavamo teoretične prispevke, priporočila za prakso, omejitve in priložnosti za prihodnje raziskovanje.

  20. Četrta konferenca o izobraževanju in učenju starejših

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Pravijo, da je Univerza v Ulmu "najvišja nemška univerza". Najvišja zato, ker stoji zunaj mesta na vzpetini. Res je, da slovi po svojih tehniških fakultetah, pa vendar v Ulmu niso pozabili na družbene vede. Znanja iz teh ved si je na Univerzi v Ulmu moč pridobiti pri ZAWIW, Univerzitetnem centru za splošno nadaljevalno izobraževanje. Pri tem centru pa je leta 1994 nastal tudi sedež Evropske zveze "Učenje v poznejših letih". Tako je v njenem okviru lani potekala v Ulmu že četrta konferenca, posvečena izobraževanju in učenju starejših odraslih.

  1. RBE of some Sodium, Water and Bioelectric Parameters of Gastro-Intestinal Absorption; L'EBR pour le Transport du Sodium et de l'Eau et pour Certains Parametre Bioelectriques dans l'Absorption Gastro-Intestinale; Obeh v otnoshenii nekotorykh natrievykh, vodnykh i bioehlektricheskikh parametrov vsasyvaniya v zheludochno-kishechnom trakte; La EBR Para el Transporte del Sodio y del Agua y Para Ciertos Parametros Bioelectricos en la Absorcion Gastrointestinal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vaughan, B. E.; Davis, A. K.; Cummins, J. T.; Alpen, E. L. [US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA (United States)


    permeabilidad decrece al aumentar las dosis de irradiacion. (author) [Russian] Ranee soobshhalos' o biojelektricheskih izmerenijah i izmerenii potoka v odnom napravlenii. Krys i sobak pod- vergali rentgenovskomu oblucheniju pri pikovym naprjazhenii 250 kv (krysy) ili 1000 kv (sobaki) i oblucheniju bystrymi nejtronami. Obluchenie bylo obshhim, dvustoronnim, v kazhdom sluchae proizvodilas' glubinnaja dozimetrija. U hrys cherez 7 dnej posle obluchenija biojelektricheskaja aktivnost' zheludka znachitel'no snizhalas' po sravneniju s normoj, no v nizhnih otdelah zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta takogo snizhenija ne bylo. Dlja pozdnego snizhenija biojelektricheskoj aktivnosti zheludka ustanovlena velichina OBJe porjadka 2-3, jetot jeffekt otchetlivo zameten pri doze nejtronov v 160 rad (1-e stolknovenie). U sobak cherez tri dnja posle obluchenija skorost' odnostoronnego perehoda natrija i vody iz plazmy v prosvet kishechnika snizhalas'. Jeto nabljudaetsja posle rentgenovskogo obluchenija pri 1200 rentgen (doza v vozduhe) i posle nejtronnogo obluchenija pri 300 rad ili 600 rad (1-e stolknovenie). Odnako pri doze rentgenovyh luchej 600 rad (v vozduhe) jeti skorosti perehoda ne izmenjajutsja i imejut drugoe napravlenie. Velichina OBJe dlja pozdnego snizhenija perehoda iz plazmy v prosvet kishechnika budet ravnjat'sja 2 - 6. Izuchenie jelektrogennogo mehanizma na zheludke krysy ukazyvaet na specifichnost' iona natrija v otlichie ot dannyh, poluchennyh na zheludke ljagushki. Velichiny potencialov, poluchennye in vitro, sootvetstvujut velichinam, poluchennym in vivo, i menjajutsja lish' pod vlijaniem metabolicheskogo otravlenija ili zameshhanija natrija. V protivopolozhnost' biojelektricheskim parametram opredelenija potoka javljajutsja bolee specifichnymi; odnako znachitel'naja biologicheskaja variabil'nost' ogranichivaet ih ispol'zovanie. Odnostoronnie toki iz plazmy v prosvet kishechnika obnaruzhivajut znachitel'nye izmenenija pod vlijaniem radiacii, chto ukazyvaet na snizhenie

  2. GenBank blastx search result: AK241408 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available dependent regulator of chromatin (subfamily a, member 1), the 5' end of the OCRL gene for oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe and two CpG islands, complete sequence. PRI 1e-21 1 ...

  3. GenBank blastx search result: AK242828 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available dependent regulator of chromatin (subfamily a, member 1), the 5' end of the OCRL gene for oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe and two CpG islands, complete sequence. PRI 3e-51 1 ...

  4. Radioactive rare earths from fallout for study of particle movement in the sea; Etude du mouvement des particules dans la mer a l'aide de terres rares radioactives provenant de retombees; Ispol'zovanie osazhdayushchikhsya pri vypadenii radioaktivnykh redkikh zemel' dlya issledovaniya dvizheniya chastits v more; Estudio del movimiento de las particulas en el mar con ayuda de tierras raras radiactivas procedentes de las precipitaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sugihara, Thomas T [Clark University, Worcester, MA (United States); Bowen, Vaughan T [Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA (United States)


    'interpreter les resultats de cette etude dans le cadre general de la geochimie marine des cations trivalente, et de mettre en evidence les aspects particuliers et l'utilite generale de cet essai d'utilisation des retombees comme indicateurs. (author) [Spanish] En el marco de un vasto estudio sobre la distribucion en el oceano Atlantico de los raclionuclidos de periodo largo procedentes de precipitaciones radiactivas, se han efectuado numerosas mediciones de la concentracion del cerio-144 y del promecio-147. Una comporacion de las variaciones horizontales y verticales de estas concentraciones con las concentraciones del estroncio-90, que fueron medidas al mismo tiempo, demuestra que las tierras rasas suelen abundar menos en las aguas superficiales que los nuclidos que se sabe son solubles. Esta observacion, unida al hecho de que se ha observado a menudo un enriquecimiento de las aguas profundas en tierras raras, permite afirmar que esos elementos experimentan un rapido transporte vertical al fijarse a particulas en vias de sedimentacion. Esta hipotesis es perfectamente compatible con el comportamiento ''radiocoloidal'' caracteristico de las tierras raras al pH del agua de mar. En la memoria se procura interpretar este estudio en el contexto de las propiedades generales de los cationes trivalentes en geoquimica marina; asimismo, se ponen de manifiesto los aspectos caracteristicos y la utilidad general de este ensayo de utilizacion de las precipitaciones como indicadores radiactivos. (author) [Russian] V kachestve chasti podrobnogo issledovaniya raspredeleniya dolgozhivushchikh radioizotopov, osevshikh pri vypadenii v Atlanticheskom okeane, bylo prodelano znachitel'noe chislo zamerov kontsentratsii tseriya-144 i prometiya-147. Sopostavlenie ehtikh kontsentratsij po mere ikh izmeneniya kak v gorizontal'nom, tak i v verti-kal'nom napravleniyakh s odnovremenno zamerennymi kontsentratsiyami strontsiya-90 pokazyvaet, chto redkie zemli nakhodyatsya obychno v men'shikh kolichestvakh na

  5. Search Results | Page 4 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 31 - 40 of 59 ... The mission of the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI) is to create ... Hungry Cities Initiative: Informality, Inclusive Growth, and Food Security in ... Opportunities in CARICOM Migration : Brain Circulation, Diasporic ...

  6. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dec 1, 2006 ... stone for human health and survival, and where conservation biologists understand that ... market conditions or local institutions do not provide them ..... maintenance and restoration of forests that protect birds, pri- mates and ...

  7. "Hacer o no hacer" (To do or not to do). Mexican Foreign Policy and UN Peacekeeping Operations in the 21st Century

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Encinas-Valenzuela, Jesus E


    On December 1, 2000 a new administration took over the presidency of Mexico. This event was much anticipated because the new president, Vicente Fox, belonged to a different party than the PRI, the established official party...

  8. EX1607 Water Column Summary Report and Profile Data Collection (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — A complete set of water column profile data and CTD Summary Report (if generated) generated by the Okeanos Explorer during EX1607: CAPSTONE Wake Island PRI MNM...

  9. Uudised : Balleti võlumaailm. Agent M sai maha uue plaadi, singli ja videoga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusooper Estonia, eesotsas Mai Murdmaa, Tatjana Järvi ja Lemme Järviga, korraldab põhikoolinoortele balletti tutvustavaid etendusi. Alternatiivrokki viljeleva ansambli Agent M heliplaadist "Spionaazh" ja videost laulule "Queen of the World" (

  10. The 'econoll1.ics' ofll1.edical technology

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    issues in health-care technology, social, ethical, legal and cultural issues ... eventual, generally high cost ofhealth care is defi- .... nity nurse - the most important person in most pri- .... the sensationalist possibilities of a new cancer cure story.

  11. 2007 national roadside survey of alcohol and drug use by drivers : drug results. (United States)


    This report presents the first national prevalence estimates for drug-involved driving derived from the recently : completed 2007 National Roadside Survey (NRS). The NRS is a national field survey of alcohol- and drug-involved : driving conducted pri...

  12. Bourse de recherche : Innovation en matière de vaccins pour le bétail

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 sept. 2017 ... Date butoir : le 6 septembre 2017 Prière de noter que toutes les demandes doivent être présentées en ligne. Cette bourse de recherche est accessible uniquement aux citoyens kenyans.

  13. GenBank blastx search result: AK289049 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK289049 J090092N07 BC098389.1 BC098389 Homo sapiens coagulation factor VIII, procoagulant component (hemoph...ilia A), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:5284386), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  14. GenBank blastx search result: AK289049 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK289049 J090092N07 BC064380.1 BC064380 Homo sapiens coagulation factor VIII, procoagulant component (hemoph...ilia A), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:5733897), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  15. GenBank blastx search result: AK289049 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK289049 J090092N07 BC022513.1 BC022513 Homo sapiens coagulation factor VIII, procoagulant component (hemoph...ilia A), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4815208), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  16. Gene duplication as a major force in evolution

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ers were developed, and the 1990s, when genome sequenc- ing became ... transposed gene copies have been maintained in the human genome over the past 63 ..... competent artificial chromosome (TAC) libraries as the pri- mary substrates ...

  17. What does primary health care cost and can we afford to find out ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Accurate information on the costs of providing priInary health care (PHC) ... if the Government's stated commitment to an adequate PHC system is to be realised. ... to generate accurate cost accounting information is a serious shortcoIDing.

  18. Nebesedno komuniciranje pri prodaji izdelkov blagovne znamke "HAPPENING"


    Šuhel, Kristina


    Komuniciranje spremlja človeka skozi vso njegovo življenje. Glede nato, da skoraj tretjino življenja preživimo v službi, velik del komunikacij poteka prav na delovnem mestu. Podjetje komunicira z obstoječimi, možnimi uporabniki, z zaposlenimi … Komuniciranje poteka z namenom, saj želimo od prejemnika sporočila določen odziv. Največji del komuniciranja zajema prav nebesedno komuniciranje, s katerim želi izvajalec marketinga ustvariti sliko o sebi in pripraviti javnost do aktivnosti, npr. do...



    Vergot, Leonida


    V današnjem času, času hude konkurence, v hitro razvijajočem se okolju, ki ga narekujejo odprti trgi, globalizacija in rastoče zahteve kupcev, morajo podjetja na vsakem koraku izbrati rešitve za izboljšanje svojih procesov, da lahko dosežejo konkurenčno prednost, jo obdržijo in povečujejo. Za izboljšanje procesov v naši proizvodnji in dvig produktivnosti smo izbrali koncept vitke proizvodnje. Diplomsko delo na teoretičnih in praktičnih primerih opisuje uvajanje načel vitke proizvodnje...



    Potrpin, Tea


    V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili pojme kulture, medkulturnih razlik ter osnove poslovnega bontona. Na kratko smo predstavili splošne znamenitosti Slovenije in Kitajske, in njune gospodarske ter zgodovinske značilnosti, največ poudarka pa smo namenili poslovnemu bontonu oziroma medkulturnim razlikam. Analizirali smo dosedanje skupno poslovanje teh dveh držav ter ugotovili, da sta Slovenija in Kitajska povezani še iz časov Jugoslavije. Očitno smo uspeli dobro preučiti njihovo kulturo (in Kit...

  1. Primena metoda ekspertskog ocenjivanja pri oceni profesionalnog rizika


    Zoran Novaković


    Osnovni cilj utvrđivanja ocene profesionalnog rizika je preventivno delovanje u funkciji bezbednosti i zaštite zdravlja zaposlenih, tj. preduzimanje opštih i posebnih mera zaštite na radu radi eliminisanja opasnosti ili štetnosti, ili smanjivanja vremena ekspozicije zaposlenog određenim faktorima rizika u sredinama gde je ustanovljena njihova prisutnost. U mnogim slučajevima raspoloživi podaci o prethodnim štetnim događajima su nepotpuni ili nisu dovoljno statistički relevantni...



    Narat, Jernej


    Cilj diplomskega dela je poiskati in preveriti ustreznost metode s pomočjo katere bi lahko planirali proizvodnjo v kovinarskem podjetju z čim manjšimi zalogami končnih izdelkov. V diplomskem delu smo ugotovili, da je rešitev našega problema vpeljava Heijunka tehnike. Planiranje in vodenje proizvodnje z rešitvami, ki jih ponuja Heijunka tehnika vodi uporabnika do zmanjšanja zalog končnih izdelkov brez ogrožanja dobav kupcu. Učinek zmanjšanja zalog se zaradi uporabe Heijunka tehnike pre...

  3. Prying into the Prion Hypothesis for Parkinson's Disease. (United States)

    Brundin, Patrik; Melki, Ronald


    In Parkinson's disease, intracellular α-synuclein inclusions form in neurons. We suggest that prion-like behavior of α-synuclein is a key component in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis. Although multiple molecular changes are involved in the triggering of the disease process, we propose that neuron-to-neuron transfer is a crucial event that is essential for Lewy pathology to spread from one brain region to another. In this review, we describe key findings in human postmortem brains, cultured cells, and animal models of disease that support the idea that α-synuclein can act as a prion. We consider potential triggers of the α-synuclein misfolding and why the aggregates escape cellular degradation under disease conditions. We also discuss whether different strains of α-synuclein fibrils can underlie differences in cellular and regional distribution of aggregates in different synucleinopathies. Our conclusion is that α-synuclein probably acts as a prion in human diseases, and a deeper understanding of this step in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease can facilitate the development of disease-modifying therapies in the future. Dual Perspectives Companion Paper: Parkinson's Disease Is Not Simply a Prion Disorder, by D. James Surmeier, José A. Obeso, and Glenda M. Halliday. Copyright © 2017 the authors 0270-6474/17/379808-11$15.00/0.





    U ovom preglednom članku opisan je patomehanizam nastanka bolnog osjeta i put njegovog širenja od mjesta ozljede do korteksa s posebnim osvrtom na pojavu boli kod kronične rane i važnosti njenog pravodobnog i pravovaljanog liječenja Istaknuto je značenje nociceptora (prihvatača bolnih podražaja) i kemijskih posrednika (neurotransmitera) te alogenih tvari koje se oslobađaju na mjestu ozljede i podražuju nocicepcijske neurone. U liječenju je naglašena primjena farmakoterapije (analgetici). Kao ...

  5. Sistema angiogeneza v norme i pri sakharnom diabete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anastasia Sergeevna Severina


    Full Text Available Ангиогенез представляет собой сложный морфогенетический процесс, который играет ключевую роль в эмбриогенезе и является физиологическим процессом образования кровеносных капилляров из капиллярных отростков и их организации в сосудистую сеть. Факт участия VEGF в развитии сосудистых осложнений при СД не вызывает сомнений. Однако, учитывая противоречивые результаты исследований, требуется дальнейшее детальное изучение роли VEGF при этих осложнениях с целью поиска принципиально новых подходов к профилактике и лечению сосудистых осложнений сахарного диабета.

  6. Oprijemljivi vmesniki pri učenju prostorske orientacije




    Diplomsko delo zajema vse faze procesa izdelave oprijemljivega uporabniškega vmesnika in aplikacije za učenje prostorske orientacije predšolskih otrok. Poleg tehničnega dela je teorija podkrepljena tudi s pedagoškimi pogledi na tehnologijo in njeno uporabno vrednost kot pripomoček za učenje. Praktičen del obsega načrtovanje, prototipiranje in izdelavo oprijemljivega vmesnika, ki je podprt z rezultati testiranja, opravljenega v enem izmed vrtcev v Novi Gorici. Končni izdelek z imenom Moj...

  7. Sustained Inhibition of HBV Replication In Vivo after Systemic Injection of AAVs Encoding Artificial Antiviral Primary MicroRNAs. (United States)

    Maepa, Mohube Betty; Ely, Abdullah; Grayson, Wayne; Arbuthnot, Patrick


    Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains a problem of global significance and improving available treatment is important to prevent life-threatening complications arising in persistently infected individuals. HBV is susceptible to silencing by exogenous artificial intermediates of the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. However, toxicity of Pol III cassettes and short duration of silencing by effectors of the RNAi pathway may limit anti-HBV therapeutic utility. To advance RNAi-based HBV gene silencing, mono- and trimeric artificial primary microRNAs (pri-miRs) derived from pri-miR-31 were placed under control of the liver-specific modified murine transthyretin promoter. The sequences, which target the X sequence of HBV, were incorporated into recombinant hepatotropic self-complementary adeno-associated viruses (scAAVs). Systemic intravenous injection of the vectors into HBV transgenic mice at a dose of 1 × 10 11 per animal effected significant suppression of markers of HBV replication for at least 32 weeks. The pri-miRs were processed according to the intended design, and intrahepatic antiviral guide sequences were detectable for 40 weeks after the injection. There was no evidence of toxicity, and innate immunostimulation was not detectable following the injections. This efficacy is an improvement on previously reported RNAi-based inhibition of HBV replication and is important to clinical translation of the technology. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Progress in Remote Sensing of Photosynthetic Activity over the Amazon Basin (United States)

    Resende de Sousa, Celio Helder; Hilker, Thomas; Waring, Richard; Mendes De Moura, Yhasmin; Lyapustin, Alexei


    Although quantifying the massive exchange of carbon that takes place over the Amazon Basin remains a challenge, progress is being made as the remote sensing community moves from using traditional, reflectance-based vegetation indices, such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), to the more functional Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI). This new index, together with satellite-derived estimates of canopy light interception and Sun-Induced Fluorescence (SIF), provide improved estimates of Gross Primary Production (GPP). This paper traces the development of these new approaches, compares the results of their analyses from multiple years of data acquired across the Amazon Basin and suggests further improvements in instrument design, data acquisition and processing. We demonstrated that our estimates of PRI are in generally good agreement with eddy-flux tower measurements of photosynthetic light use efficiency (epsilon) at four sites in the Amazon Basin: r(exp 2) values ranged from 0.37 to 0.51 for northern flux sites and to 0.78for southern flux sites. This is a significant advance over previous approaches seeking to establish a link between global-scale photosynthetic activity and remotely-sensed data. When combined with measurements of Sun-Induced Fluorescence (SIF), PRI provides realistic estimates of seasonal variation in photosynthesis over the Amazon that relate well to the wet and dry seasons. We anticipate that our findings will steer the development of improved approaches to estimate photosynthetic activity over the tropics.

  9. GenBank blastx search result: AK241698 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK241698 J065196B09 U75295.1 HSALDHX10 Human fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH10) gene, spliced exon 9', and complete cds for alternatively spliced product. PRI 4e-77 1 ...

  10. The Report of the President of the Society for Ancient and Humanist Studies for September 2001- September 2003 (presented in Ljubljana, 15/11/03

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matjaž Babič


    Full Text Available I. URADNE ZADEVE Tudi v tem mandatu je društvo nadaljevalo z akcijo pridobivanja novih članov, tako da je članstvo naraslo. Pri tem so bili zlasti dejavni člani študentske sekcije.

  11. Adapting risk management and computational intelligence network optimization techniques to improve traffic throughput and tail risk analysis. (United States)


    Risk management techniques are used to analyze fluctuations in uncontrollable variables and keep those fluctuations from impeding : the core function of a system or business. Examples of this are making sure that volatility in copper and aluminum pri...

  12. Slovensko-bolgarski in Bolgarsko-slovenski priročnik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Metod Čepar


    Full Text Available Oktobra 2010 je pri Znanstveni založbi Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljublja ni izšel Slovensko – bolgarski in bolgarsko – slovenski priročnik, ki ga je uredil Ljudmil Dimitrov, lektor bolgarskega jezika na oddelku za slavistiko FF v letih 2005-2010. Pri pripravi gesel pa je sodelovala skupina nadarjenih študentov bolgarskega jezika: Ivana Angelova, Ana Drk, Lovro Kozamernik, Sandra Oman in Jaro Samobor. Knjiga je v grobem razdeljena na dva dela. Z ene strani je slovenskobolgarski del, z druge pa bolgarskoslovenski. Vsak posamezni del se dalje deli na enajst večjih poglavij/sklopov, ki se dalje delijo na podpoglavja oz. posamezne sklope. V njih je zajeta kratka predstavitev slovenskega oz. bolgarskega jezika, splošne besede, komunikacije, pa vse do kulture razvedrila, turističnih izrazov in izobraževanja.

  13. Grain growth of metal uranium; Rast zrna kod metalnog urana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerovic, D [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia)


    In order to study the grain growth, uranium samples were deformed by molding up to 50% and then by rolling at 600 deg C for recrystallization. Grains obtained by recrystallization having diameter 10 - 15 {mu} were heated at different temperatures and during different time intervals to record the changes of grain size. Characteristic grain growth values, rate constants, time exponent and activation energy, were calculated by using the obtained data. U cilju proucavanja rasta zrna uzorci urana deformisani su valjanjem do 50%, a zatim zareni na 600 deg C da rekristalisu. Rekristalizacijom su dobijena sitna zrna, precnika 10-15 {mu} koja su zatim podvrgavana zarenju pri raznim temperaturama i razlicitm vremenskim intervalima, pri cemu je pracena promena velicine zrna. Na osnovu dobijenih podataka izracunate su karakteristicne velicine rasta zrna: konstante brzine, vremenski eksponent i energija aktivacije (author)

  14. A typology of pain coping strategies in pediatric patients with chronic abdominal pain. (United States)

    Walker, Lynn S; Baber, Kari Freeman; Garber, Judy; Smith, Craig A


    This study aimed to identify clinically meaningful profiles of pain coping strategies used by youth with chronic abdominal pain (CAP). Participants (n=699) were pediatric patients (ages 8-18 years) and their parents. Patients completed the Pain Response Inventory (PRI) and measures of somatic and depressive symptoms, disability, pain severity and pain efficacy, and perceived competence. Parents rated their children's pain severity and coping efficacy. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on the 13 PRI subscales identified pain coping profiles in Sample 1 (n=311) that replicated in Sample 2 (n=388). Evidence was found of external validity and distinctiveness of the profiles. The findings support a typology of pain coping that reflects the quality of patients' pain mastery efforts and interpersonal relationships associated with pain coping. Results are discussed in relation to developmental processes, attachment styles, and treatment implications.

  15. Assessment and Correlation of Customer and Rater Response to Cold-Start and Warmup Driveability (United States)


    8217 CAR3 VAN DODGE 85 9 A 5.2 CARB SUFýUR9AN CwEVRCL=ET 35 3 A 5.7 CA~a SU8ýURBAN CHEVROLET 35 iA 5.7 CARB VAN FORD 85 13 A 5.8 CAR3! RX7 MAZDA 95 0 m...4 A 2.6 CAk5 FESTIVA FORD 90 4 4 1.3 PrI P10TEGE MAZDA 90 4 M 1.8 PFI ECLIPSE MITSUBISHI 90 44 2.0 PFI ACCORD HONDA 90 4 A 2.2 PrI VCYAGER PLYMOUTH 90...A 5.7 CARý TRUCK DODGE 86 9 A 5.9 CAle 323 MAZDA 96 4 M 1.5 par JEFTTA VOLKSWAGEN S6 4 M le8 OFI 2 ’)11S x NISSAN 86 4 A 200C: F I CSLICA TOYOTA 86 4

  16. Delayed Neutrons and Photoneutrons from Fission Products; Neutrons Retardes et Photoneutrons Emis par des Produits de Fission; 0417 0410 041f 0410 0417 0414 042b 0412 0410 042e 0429 0418 0415 041d 0415 0419 0422 0420 041e 041d 042b 0418 0424 041e 0422 041e 041d 0415 0419 0422 0420 041e 041d 042b 041f 0420 041e 0414 0423 041a 0422 041e 0412 0414 0415 041b 0415 041d 0418 042f ; Neutrones Retardados y Fotoneutrones de los Productos de Fision

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amiel, S. [Soreq Nuclear Research Centre, Atomic Energy Commission, Yavne (Israel)


    nezavisimy ot jenergii bombardirujushhih deljashhihsja nejtronov pri jenergijah do neskol'kih Mjev. V ztom diapazone vyhody nabljudaemoj gruppy, osobenno gruppy dolgozhivushhih predshestvennikov, dostatochno horosho soglasujutsja s massoj delenija i raspredelenijami zarjada, a takzhe s raschetnoj verojatnost'ju ispuskanija nejtronov. Dal'nejshee detal'noe issledovanie predshestvennikov zapazdyvajushhih nejtronov (v chastnosti, v trudnoj oblasti korotkogo perioda poluraspada) trebuet usovershenstvovanija metodov sverhbystrogo radiohimicheskogo otdelenija predshestvennikov (ili izotopnogo razdelenija na linii), a takzhe bystroj nejtronnoj spektroskopii s vysokoj razreshajushhej sposobnost'ju i jeffektivnost'ju. Fotonejtrony, Znanie intensivnosti i spektrov gamma-luchej produktov delenija imeet bol'shoe prakticheskoe znachenie v reaktornoj tehnike, v chastnosti, chto kasaetsja jeffektov nagrevanija gamma-luchami, jekranirovanija i radiacii. Gamma-luchi s jenergiej, bol'shej chem 2,23 i 1,67 Mjev, javljajutsja prichinoj jemissii fotonejtronov iz dejterija i berillija sootvetstvenno i ochen' vazhny dlja izuchenija kinetiki tjazhelovodnyh reaktorov s zamedlitelem iz berillija. Intensivnost' ispuskanija fotonejtronoja posle delenija predstavljaet soboj slozhnyj raspad sootvetstvujushhih nuklidov, ispuskajushhih gamma-luchi v smesi iz cepochki produktov delenija. Obshhie krivye raspada fotonejtroiov iz D{sub 2}O i Be byli razdeleny na 9 grupp s periodom poluraspada v diapazone ot neskol'kih sekund do priblizitel'no 13 dnej. Kazhdaja iz jetih grupp predstavljaet soboj slozhnyj sostav nuklidov. Detal'naja informacija otnositel'no komponentov jetih grupp ochen' vazhna dlja teh reaktorov, v kotoryh mozhet imet' mesto frakcionirovannoe delenie, vlijajushhee na otnositel'nuju gruppovuju rasprostranennost'. Podobnaja informacija sushhestvuet tol'ko v otnoshenii dolgozhivushhih produktov delenija, harakteristiki i vyhod kotoryh horosho izvestny, i rezul'taty jeksperimentov soglasujutsja s

  17. Theory of Pulsed Neutron Experiments in Highly Heterogeneous Multiplying Media; Theorie des Experiences au Moyen des Neutrons Pulses, dans les Milieux Multiplicateurs Tres Heterogenes; O teorii ehksperimentov s impul'snymi neitronami v geterogennykh razmnozhayushchikh sredakh; Aspectos Teoricos de los Experimentos con Neutrones Pulsados en Medios Multiplicadores Muy Heterogeneos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Corno, S. E. [Instituto di Fisica ' ' A. Volta' ' (Italy); Unversity of Pavia, Pavia (Italy); SNAM, Milan [Italy


    como punto singular absorbente y multiplicador del campo neutronico. Como el auto: estudia sobre todo la variacion espacial y temporal del flujo neutronico, utiliza valores relativamente poco precisos por lo que respecta a la variacion de la poblacion neutronica en funcion de la energia. Dentro de los limites de validez de la teorfe de la edad de difusion, la instalacion responde en forma analitica a una excitacion provocada por los neutrones. Cuando se trata de una fuente de modulacion sinusoidal de frecuencia determinada, puede demostrarse facilmente que si el punto singular axial fuese puramente absorbente, las ondas neutronicas que se propagaran a lo largo de la instalacion poseerfan una fase, una longitud de onda y una constante de atenuacion dependiente de las propiedades absorbentes del punto singular. Esto se complica en caso de multiplicacion neutronica. Para este caso general, la solucion presentada en la memoria depende, desde luego, de las propiedades absorbentes y multiplicadoras del punto singular. Esta circunstancia, entre otras, ha inducido a utilizar una instalacion como la que se acaba de describir para ensayar los elementos combustibles de los reactores heterogeneos. (author) [Russian] Issledovalis' vremennaja i prostranstvennaja zavisimosti nejtronnogo potoka na vysoko geterogennoj sborke, kuda inzhektirujutsja impul'snye ili sinusoidno modulirovannye nejtrony. Dlja prostoty rassmatrivaetsja ustrojstvo, sostojashhee iz cilindricheskogo bloka zamedlitelja tjazhelyh nejtronov, po osi kotorogo nahoditsja vytjanutaja oblast' rasshhepljajushhegosja materiala. Predpolagaetsja, chto usiljajushhij istochnik nejtronov razmeshhaetsja na odnoj iz storon cilindra. Razmer rasshhepljajushhejsja oblasti pozvoljaet rassmatrivat' ee kak absorbirujushhuju i razmnozhajushhuju singuljarnuju sostavljajushhuju nejtronnogo polja. Poskol'ku vnimanie koncentriruvalos' glavnym obrazom na prostranstvennom i vremennom izmenenii nejtronnogo potoka, to sdelany dovol'no grubye

  18. Scanning of Bone Marrow in Haematopoietic Disorders; Gammagraphie de la Moelle Osseuse dans les Troubles Hematopoietiques; Skennirovanie kostnogo mozga pri gematopoehticheskikh narusheniyakh; Exploracion de la Medula Osea en Casos de Trastornos Hematopoyeticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kniseley, R. M.; Andrews, G. A.; Edwards, C. L.; Tanida, R. [Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, TN (United States)


    individualmente las costillas. Cuando la medula esta dilatada se puede visualizar la zona de la rodilla, incluido el espacio articular. Los autores han logrado establecer una correlacion entre estos centelleogramas, los resultados de biopsias por aspiracion y centelleogramas lineales. Como se requieren dosis relativamente elevadas de oro-198, se esta estudiando la posibilidad de emplear otros isotopos. Tambien se esta ensayando un antropogammametro perfeccionado con el fin de facilitar la exploracion. (author) [Russian] Skennirovanie mozhet pomoch' pri ocenke ob{sup e}ma i raspredelenija gematopojeticheskogo kost- nogo mozga -trudnoj zadache dlja aspiracii ili biopsii. S pomoshh'ju skennera s zolotym- vol'framovym fokusirujushhim kollimatorom diametrom 61 mm v Okridzhskoj nacional'noj laboratorii posle vnutrivennogo vvedenija kolloidal'nogo zolota-198 byli polucheny chetkie ochertanija kostnogo mozga, prichem izvestno, chto retikulo-jendotelial'naja funkcija kostnogo mozga sootvetstvuet oblastjam gematopojeza. Skennirovanie provodilos' u pacientov s normal'nym gematopojezom i s raznymi narushenijami krovi, naprimer s ochagovym porazheniem kostnogo mozga, ostroj i hronicheskoj lejkemiej, istinnoj policitemiej, mielofibrozom, mnozhestvennoj mijelomoj i limfomoj. V svjazi s retikulojendotelial'noj aktivnost'ju v pecheni i selezenke izobrazhenie kostnogo mozga zatemneno v central'nom otdele. Ochercheny tela pozvonkov, mezhpozvonochnye diski, kosti taza i dlinnye kosti, a v grudnoj kletke grudina i grudnye pozvonki. Obnaruzheny takzhe ochagovye porazhenija. Otdel'nye rebra ne vidny iz-za dyhatel'nyh dvizhenij. Pri razrastanii kostnogo mozga ego mozhno videt' v kolennoj oblasti, vkljuchaja oblast' sustava . Pojavilas' vozmozhnost' svjazat' jeti skenogrammy s dannymi aspiracionnoj biopsii i s linejnymi diagrammami. V svjazi s tem, chto trebujutsja sravnitel'no bol'shie dozy zolota-198, issleduetsja vozmozhnost' primenenija drugih izotopov. Dlja poluchenija skennogramm, imejushhih bol

  19. Molecular systematics and conservation of the langurs and leaf ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    in turn used to derive a rational and scientific basis for pri- oritizing species for .... distinct species, or one of a small number of closely-related forms that are ... retroposon integration (Osterholz et al. 2008); 'x' ..... Current primate research (ed.

  20. GenBank blastx search result: AK288647 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK288647 J090056K16 BC096137.1 BC096137 Homo sapiens transition protein 2 (during histone to protamine repla...cement), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:116785 IMAGE:40002553), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  1. GenBank blastx search result: AK288647 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK288647 J090056K16 BC096135.3 BC096135 Homo sapiens transition protein 2 (during histone to protamine repla...cement), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:116782 IMAGE:40002547), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  2. GenBank blastx search result: AK288647 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK288647 J090056K16 BC096136.3 BC096136 Homo sapiens transition protein 2 (during histone to protamine repla...cement), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:116783 IMAGE:40002550), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  3. Bourse de recherche : Alimentation, environnement et santé | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 sept. 2017 ... Date butoir : le 6 septembre 2017 Prière de noter que toutes les demandes doivent ... et ultra transformées, qui sont pauvres sur le plan nutritionnel. ... le marketing social ou les changements de comportements individuels; ...

  4. GenBank blastx search result: AK289049 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK289049 J090092N07 BC111969.1 BC111969 Homo sapiens coagulation factor VIII, procoagulant component (hemoph...ilia A), transcript variant 2, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:8327437), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  5. GenBank blastx search result: AK289049 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK289049 J090092N07 BC111967.1 BC111967 Homo sapiens coagulation factor VIII, procoagulant component (hemoph...ilia A), transcript variant 2, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:8327435), complete cds. PRI 0.0 0 ...

  6. Effectieve kolonisatie van aardappelplanten door Dickeya-soorten (Erwinia chrysanthemi) : themanummer fytobacteriologie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolf, van der J.M.; Czajkowski, R.L.; Velvis, H.


    De bacterieziekten zwartbenigheid en stengelnatrot, veroorzaakt door Pectobacterium en Dickeya (Erwinia)- soorten, berokkenen grote schade aan de pootaardappelteelt. Bij PRI en HZPC wordt onderzoek verricht naar de verspreiding van deze pathogenen tijdens teelt- en (na)oogst. Het was al bekend dat

  7. 'Zaadoverdracht pepino onwaarschijnlijk' (interview met René van der Vlugt)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verheul, J.; Vlugt, van der R.A.A.


    Onderzoekers van Plant Research International (PRI) hebben een verdere toelichting gegeven op de eerdere uitkomsten van onderzoek naar het pepino mozaiekvirus in tomaat dat binnen het EU onderzoeksproject Pepeira plaatsvindt. Over de mogelijkheid van overdracht via zaad is een verkeerd beeld

  8. An evaluation of alternative fuels usage by public transit agencies. (United States)


    The oil crisis of the 1970s forced Americans to reconsider using fossil fuels as a primary energy source. In : the public transit arena, private transit companies found themselves unable to compete in the urban : environment as rapidly rising oil pri...

  9. New insights in freesia leaf necrosis disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verbeek, M.; Meekes, E.T.M.


    Onderzoek van PRI en Naktuinbouw heeft aan het licht gebracht dat bladnecrose waarschijnlijk wordt veroorzaakt door een ophiovirus dat overgebracht wordt door een vrij algemene schimmel: Olpidium brassicae. Bovendien is er een methode ontwikkeld om uitgangsmateriaal te toetsen op het gevonden

  10. Nieuwe feiten over hardnekkige necrose in freesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Middelburg, A.F.; Verbeek, M.


    Onderzoek van PRI en Naktuinbouw heeft aan het licht gebracht dat bladnecrose waarschijnlijk wordt veroorzaakt door een ophiovirus dat overgebracht wordt door een vrij algemene schimmel: Olpidium brassicae. Bovendien is er een methode ontwikkeld om uitgangsmateriaal te toetsen op het gevonden

  11. Technology Evaluation of Army-Scale Waste-to-Energy Systems (United States)


    ot by installing generally comparable: in series with package in- acoustic partitions, with low-resistance blast panel% cinerator-boiler systems...labyrinth seals and heat- Automatic temperature controls are used. A pri- resistant gaskets to inhibit air leakage. mary pyrometer monitors the

  12. Keramzito gamyba naudojant nesipučiantį molį, sapropelį ir glicerolį

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Šio darbo tikslas - ištirti keraminių plytų ir čerpių gamybai netinkančio, silpnai pučiančiosi (išsipūtimo koeficientas Kp = 2 - 2,5 ir nesipučiančio (Kp < 2 molio panaudojimo keramzito gamybai galimybes, molio pūtimuisi gerinti dedant šių organinių priedų: biodyzelino gamybos atliekos - glicerolio, medienos drožlių plokščių pjuvenų ir organinio sapropelio. Keramzito izoliacinės savybės gerėja didėjant išdegto molio šukės akytumui. Kad molis pūstųsi geriau, į jį dažnai įmaišoma organinių priedų. Tirtas Krūnos telkinio III sluoksnio karbonatingasis molis be priedų netinka keramzito gamybai dėl per mažo išsipūtimo koeficiento (Kp = 1,25. Tam tikslui į išdžiovintą smulkiai maltą molį buvo įmaišoma įvairūs kiekiai (0 %, 1 %, 2 %, 3 %, 5 %, 7 % ir 10 % organinių atliekų. Granulės gamintos su vienu arba keliais pasirinktais degimo metu dujas išskiriančiais priedais. Suformuotos ir išdžiovintos granulės degtos skirtingose temperatūrose iki jų apsilydimo temperatūros - nuo 1090 °C iki 1170 °C. Nustatytas išdegtų granulių pūtimasis ir vandens įmirkis. Tyrimų metu nustatyta, kad organinės atliekos yra efektyvus priedas, didinantis molio struktūros akytumą. Be to, molyje neturi būti daugiau kaip 5 % sapropelio, rekomenduojamas glicerolio kiekis yra 1 % - 3 %, optimalus pjuvenų kiekis - 3 %. Bandinių, pagamintų su nurodytais priedų kiekiais ir išdegtų skirtingose temperatūrose, vandens įmirkis neviršija 15 %.

  13. Study of inclusions and segregation in metals by autoradiography; Etude autoradiographic des inclusions et de la segregation dans les metaux; Izuchenie primesej i usadki metalla s pomoshch'yu avtoradiografii; Estudio autoradiografico de las inclusiones y de la segregacion en los metales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Makin, S M [Wantage Research Laboratory, Wantage, Berks (United Kingdom)


    radioizotopov v metallurgii. V khode ehtoj raboty byli sozdany novye avtoradiograficheskie metody. Oni vklyuchayut obluchenie i avtoradiografiyu ehkstraktsionnykh modelej, podobno ispol'zuemym v ehlektronnoj mikroskopii, i protsess dvukhtsvetnogo perekhoda, pri kotorom tsvetnye kopii chertezhej avtoradiografa pokazyvayutsya s sootvetstvuyushchimi nalozhennymi dannymi mikrografov. EHti metody ispol'zuyutsya pri izuchenii primesej v stali i urane i pri issledovanii segregatsii sery i fosfora pri svarke v nerzhaveyushchej stali. (author)

  14. Relationship between Corrected-QT Intervals and Other ECG Characteristics with Methadone Dose in Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT Patients and Healthy Subjects: A Case- Control Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mina Akbari Rad


    Full Text Available Background In this study we assessed the relationship between corrected-QT intervals and other ECG characteristics with methadone dose and other parameters in MMT patients and healthy subjects. Methods This was a case-control study which was carried out on patients underwent MMT and healthy control group who had been referred to Ebne-Sina academic hospital, Mashhad during 2014 - 2015. At the time of the study, 40 patients who received MMT therapy for at least 6 months and 40 voluntary healthy subjects who matched on age and sex enrolled in the study. 12-lead ECG was performed for all the patients. Mean QT interval, PR interval and QRS duration in every 12 leads were documented for each patient in maximum. Results To evaluate the patients, we divided 80 patients into two groups: 40 patients under treatment with Methadone and 40 voluntary participants as control group. There were 20 males and 20 females in each group. Duration of addiction was 214.80 ± 126.99 months in MMT group. Significant differences were observed in PRi between the patient and control groups (P = 0.007, and also between methadone dose and PRi (r = 0.468, P = 0.038 in males. QTc prolongation was reported in 4 patients of addicted group (10%. All of the QTc prolongation patients were female (P = 0.037. There was significant relationship between PRi and weight (P = 0.015, addiction period (P = 0.011, methadone treatment period (P = 0.018 as well as methadone dosage (P = 0.14. Methadone cut off point of 65 mg had a significant relationship with systolic blood pressure (P = 0.002, diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.013, QTCi (P = 0.016 and QRS (P = 0.044; however, no significant relationship was reported with PRi (P = 0.451. Conclusions We found that there is no exact dosage of methadone in which the side effects such as TdP (Torsade de pointes or QTc prolongation can be predicted. Female gender and methadone dosage ≥ 65 mg were risk factors of our study for QTc prolongation which


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    person, such as a genetic nurse, should inform them of their options and then refer them to a ... cation and counselling could fall to primary care doctors and nurses. Few pri- mary health care ... no prevention, treatment or cure, is very different.

  16. Evolution of microstructure in flyash-containing porcelain body on ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Primary mullite aggregates re- main stable ... dissolve in the glass melt, whereas aggregates of scaly pri- mary mullite ... powder (– 200 mesh BS sieve) of each of the samples. ... The results of chemical analysis of all raw materials are given in ...

  17. ‘It’s as if you’re not in the jail, as if you’re not a prisoner’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Deuchar, Ross; Mørck, Line Lerche; Matemba, Yonah,


    This paper explores Scottish and Danish young male offenders’ experiences of incarceration, prison chaplaincy, religion and spirituality. The findings from in-depth face to face semi-structured interviews (n=15) suggest that although Scotland and Denmark are increasingly secular countries the pri...

  18. Odhad možných následků při úniku hořlavé látky


    Miček, Michal


    Táto bakalárska práca bola zameraná na odhad možných následkov pri úniku horľavej látky. Práca je rozdelená do troch hlavných časti. V prvej časti sú obsiahnuté vybrané závažné priemyselné havárie vo svete aj v Českej Republike a niektoré pojmy spojené s následkami pri úniku horľavej látky. Druhá časť obsahuje stručný popis použitého programu (ALOHA 5.4.3) spolu s charakteristikou niektorých vstupných parametrov pre modelované typové havárie – požiar typu Jet Fire zo zariadení používaných pre...

  19. Pregnancy risk among black, white, and Hispanic teen girls in New York City public schools. (United States)

    Waddell, Elizabeth Needham; Orr, Mark G; Sackoff, Judith; Santelli, John S


    Disparities in teen pregnancy rates are explained by different rates of sexual activity and contraceptive use. Identifying other components of risk such as race/ethnicity and neighborhood can inform strategies for teen pregnancy prevention. Data from the 2005 and 2007 New York City Youth Risk Behavior Surveys were used to model demographic differences in odds of recent sexual activity and birth control use among black, white, and Hispanic public high school girls. Overall pregnancy risk was calculated using pregnancy risk index (PRI) methodology, which estimates probability of pregnancy based on current sexual activity and birth control method at last intercourse. Factors of race/ethnicity, grade level, age, borough, and school neighborhood were assessed. Whites reported lower rates of current sexual activity (23.4%) than blacks (35.4%) or Hispanics (32.7%), and had lower predicted pregnancy risk (PRI = 5.4% vs. 9.0% and 10.5%, respectively). Among sexually active females, hormonal contraception use rates were low in all groups (11.6% among whites, 7.8% among blacks, and 7.5% among Hispanics). Compared to white teens, much of the difference in PRI was attributable to poorer contraceptive use (19% among blacks and 50% among Hispanics). Significant differences in contraceptive use were also observed by school neighborhood after adjusting for age group and race/ethnicity. Interventions to reduce teen pregnancy among diverse populations should include messages promoting delayed sexual activity, condom use and use of highly effective birth control methods. Access to long-acting contraceptive methods must be expanded for all sexually active high school students.

  20. Pulsed and Static Neutron Measurements in Light-Water and Heavy-Water Exponentials; Mesures par les Methodes Pulsee et Statique dans les Ensembles Exponentiels a Eau Legere et a Eau Lourde; Izmerenie impul'snykh i staticheskikh nejtronov v ehksponentsial'nykh ustanovkakh s obychnoj i tyazheloj vodoj; Mediciones por los Metodos Pulsados y Estaticos en Conjuntos Exponenciales de Agua Ligera y Agua Pesada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parkinson, T. F.; Perez, R. B.; Fry, D. N.; Hartley, R. H.; Smith, S. P.D.; Diaz, N. J. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States)


    kotorogo mozhno vyvesti k' , primenjalsja metod impul'snyh nejtronov. Odnako dlja ustanovlenija pravomernosti impul'snogo metoda neobhodimo proizvesti sravnenie mezhdu impul'snym i staticheskim metodami. My vypolnili takie izmerenija s zamedliteljami iz H{sub 2}O i D{sub 2}O v sistemah s otrazhatelem i bez takovogo. Dlja jeksperimentov ispol'zovalsja bak diametrom 1 m. Dlja korreljacii izmerennyh postojannyh raspada s sootvetstvujushhimi-parametrami sistemy, ispol'zovalas' modificirovannaja odnogruppovaja teoreticheskaja model' (imenuemaja v dal'nejshem model'ju A). Tak, {lambda} vyrazhaetsja prostym otnosheniem {lambda}{sub 0}, k{sub {infinity}} {tau}, L{sup 2} i B{sup 2}, gde B{sup 2} udovletvorjaet kriticheskomu ravneniju dvuh zon. Vychislitel'naja shema vkljuchaet opredelenie snachala znachenija postojannoj raspada {lambda} s posledujushhej interaciej do teh por, poka ne budet najdeno znachenie V', sootvetstvujushhee kriticheskomu uravneniju i granichnym uslovijam . Byli oprobovany takzhe dve drugie modeli: Model' V-dvuhzonnaja odnogruppovaja sistema, v kotoroj B{sup 2}{sub g} v funkcii vlijanija Fermi prinimaetsja kak geometricheskij laplasian jekvivalentnoj sistemy bez otrazhatelja s otrazhatel'noj dobavkoj. Model' C -dvuhgruppovaja sistema bez otrazhatelja s otrazhatel'noj dobavkoj. Sravnenie raschetnyh i jeksperimental'nyh postojannyh raspada pokazyvaet, chto tol'ko model' A daet udovletvoritel'noe sovpadenie. Mozhno sdelat' sledujushhie vyvody: 1. Prisutstvie otrazhatelja sil'no vlijaet na fiziku impul'snoj sistemy Metod predpolozhenija otrazhatel'noj dobavki ne vsegda cenen. 2. Znachenie postojannoj raspada {lambda} ochen' chuvstvitel'no k predpolagaemomu znacheniju verojatnosti izoezhanija utechki oystryh nejtronov. Jeksperimenty pokazali, chto dlja nebol'shih geterogennyh sborok k mozhno opredelit' metodom impul'snyh nejtronov. V nastojashhee vremja provodjatsja raboty po pustotelym uranovym sterzhnjam, kotorye pozvoljajut imitirovat' organicheskie