
Sample records for wires syst biol

  1. Firemní ERP systém


    Komárek, Lukáš


    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o problematice tvorby ERP systému na platformě .NET Framework s využitím Microsoft technologií. Jednotlivé kapitoly seznámí čtenáře s analýzou, návrhem a implementací vlastního ERP systému. Čtenář bude podrobněji seznámen se zařazením a komponentami ERP systému, moderními vývojovými technologiemi a nástroji, příkladem návrhu modulů a funkcí ERP systému včetně implementace a nasazení aplikace ERP systému. This thesis focuses on the issues while creating the E...

  2. Systèmes de Gestion de Production et Systèmes de Contrôle de Gestion


    Travaillé , Denis


    L'interrogation fondamentale des travaux de recherche porte sur la question de la séparabilité et de l'interaction entre système de gestion de production et système de contrôle de gestion. Le premier temps de la réflexion concerne la spécificité du contrôle de gestion en contexte de "Juste-à-Temps. Le second temps de la recherche est relatif aux systèmes d'information de production intégrés en relation avec le système de contrôle de gestion et au rôle des représentations comptables dans la qu...

  3. Implementace ERP systémů


    Přívratský, Miroslav


    První část této práce uvádí vztah ERP systémů a jiných aplikací běžně zaváděných v podnikových informačních systémech a rozvádí funkcionalitu ERP systémů. Druhá část se poté věnuje detailní kategorizaci ERP produktů z mnoha různých hledisek a analyzuje obecné parametry, podle kterých je možné ERP systémy posuzovat (např. při výběru produktu, který má být implementován). Poslední část je zaměřena na projekty implementace ERP systémů, jejich průběh a hodnocení jejich úspěšnosti. Na závěr práce ...

  4. DRG systém v ČR


    Hodyc, Daniel MUDr.


    Diplomová práce hodnotí historický proces implementace klasifikačního systému DRG v České republice a srovnává jej s vývojem analogických systémů v ostatních zemích světa. Na podkladě platné metodiky IR DRG užívané v ČR v roce 2006 analyzuje hospitalizační část lékařské péče poskytované ve Fakultní nemocnici v Motole. Zkoumá rozdíly v nákladovosti při srovnání rozdílných pacientských skupin (děti – dospělí, operovaní – léčení konzervativně) a ukazuje výhody užití DRG systému pro hodnocení kva...

  5. Tiempo y edad biológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vargas, Esteban


    Full Text Available In this paper we attempt to think if it is possible to conceive age as a characteristic time of living organisms including man. In the paper we review several concepts of age coming from sciences such as chronobiology, gerontology, evolutionary biology and developmental biology, and trough all of them, we see that biological time is thought as time measured by a clock. We propose that age as biological time must be understood as a phase in the biological process, but depending on the complete cycle of the organism. In the case of human being, his age is determined also by what is “expected” about him. His age is then determined by biological and cultural aspects.En este trabajo intentamos meditar si es posible concebir la edad como un tiempo propio de los seres vivos incluyendo al hombre. En el trabajo revisamos diversos conceptos de edad obtenidos de diversas ciencias biológicas como la cronobiología, la gerontología, la biología evolutiva y la biología del desarrollo descubriendo que en ellas, en general, se sigue pensando el tiempo biológico como el tiempo que mide un reloj. Nosotros proponemos que la edad como tiempo biológico debe ser entendida como una fase del proceso biológico, pero en función del ciclo completo del organismo. En el caso del ser humano, su edad está determinada también por lo que se “espera” de él. Su edad está determinada entonces por aspectos biológicos y culturales.

  6. Inteligentní přístupový systém


    Steingart, Viktor


    Práce se zabývá tvorbou autonomního vestavěného systému sloužícího jako přístupový systém postaveném na platformě ESP8266. Systém umožňuje přístup správce do administrátorského webového rozhraní pomocí mobilního telefonu. This thesis deals with the creation of an autonomous embedded system serving as an access control system built on the platform ESP8266. The system allows administrator access to the admin web interface via a mobile phone. B

  7. Reflexia na stav a perspektívy didaktiky biológie z pohľadu situácie na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave.

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    Katarína Ušáková


    Full Text Available Príspevok popisuje východiská a impulzy rozvoja didaktiky biológie na Slovensku  z pohľadu skúseností edukačnej a výskumnej práce na Katedre didaktiky prírodných vied, psychológie a pedagogiky PRIFUK v Bratislave. Cez stručný historický prehľad od povojnového obdobia až po súčasnosť upriamuje pozornosť na osobnosti, ktoré sú s formovaním didaktiky biológie úzko spojené. Poukazuje na niektoré spoločné problémy prírodovedného vzdelávania v kontexte spoločensko-politických zmien spojených so vstupom do EU a dôsledkami reformného úsilia s cieľom konvergencie vzdelávacích systémov krajín EU. Podrobnejšie sa venuje problémom v doktorandskom štúdiu  a výskumu v didaktike biológie, od kvality ktorého sa odvíja aj úroveň učiteľskej prípravy budúcich učiteľov biológie. Konkretizuje zmeny v obsahu aj v štruktúre didaktických predmetov s cieľom zvýšiť kvalitu a funkčnosť prípravy učiteľov. V závere príspevku autorka upozorňuje na pretrvávajúce problémy didaktiky biológie, ktorých riešenie si vyžaduje potrebu vyššej miery spolupráce všetkých zainteresovaných zložiek.

  8. Aplikace pro nositelnou elektroniku se systémem Android Wear


    Šmejkal, Petr


    Semestrální práce „Aplikace pro nositelnou elektroniku se systémem" Android Wear popisuje základní principy komunikačních sítí - M2M (machine to machine), H2H (human to human) a D2D (device to device). Práce se dále zabývá nositelnými zařízeními, zejména chytrými hodinkami, dostupnými operačními systémy pro chytré hodinky a systémem Android, Android Wear. V praktické části je popsaná funkcionalita, vzhled a struktura vyvinuté aplikace pro Android Wear. The semestral project "Application fo...

  9. The SysteMHC Atlas project. (United States)

    Shao, Wenguang; Pedrioli, Patrick G A; Wolski, Witold; Scurtescu, Cristian; Schmid, Emanuel; Vizcaíno, Juan A; Courcelles, Mathieu; Schuster, Heiko; Kowalewski, Daniel; Marino, Fabio; Arlehamn, Cecilia S L; Vaughan, Kerrie; Peters, Bjoern; Sette, Alessandro; Ottenhoff, Tom H M; Meijgaarden, Krista E; Nieuwenhuizen, Natalie; Kaufmann, Stefan H E; Schlapbach, Ralph; Castle, John C; Nesvizhskii, Alexey I; Nielsen, Morten; Deutsch, Eric W; Campbell, David S; Moritz, Robert L; Zubarev, Roman A; Ytterberg, Anders Jimmy; Purcell, Anthony W; Marcilla, Miguel; Paradela, Alberto; Wang, Qi; Costello, Catherine E; Ternette, Nicola; van Veelen, Peter A; van Els, Cécile A C M; Heck, Albert J R; de Souza, Gustavo A; Sollid, Ludvig M; Admon, Arie; Stevanovic, Stefan; Rammensee, Hans-Georg; Thibault, Pierre; Perreault, Claude; Bassani-Sternberg, Michal; Aebersold, Ruedi; Caron, Etienne


    Mass spectrometry (MS)-based immunopeptidomics investigates the repertoire of peptides presented at the cell surface by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. The broad clinical relevance of MHC-associated peptides, e.g. in precision medicine, provides a strong rationale for the large-scale generation of immunopeptidomic datasets and recent developments in MS-based peptide analysis technologies now support the generation of the required data. Importantly, the availability of diverse immunopeptidomic datasets has resulted in an increasing need to standardize, store and exchange this type of data to enable better collaborations among researchers, to advance the field more efficiently and to establish quality measures required for the meaningful comparison of datasets. Here we present the SysteMHC Atlas (, a public database that aims at collecting, organizing, sharing, visualizing and exploring immunopeptidomic data generated by MS. The Atlas includes raw mass spectrometer output files collected from several laboratories around the globe, a catalog of context-specific datasets of MHC class I and class II peptides, standardized MHC allele-specific peptide spectral libraries consisting of consensus spectra calculated from repeat measurements of the same peptide sequence, and links to other proteomics and immunology databases. The SysteMHC Atlas project was created and will be further expanded using a uniform and open computational pipeline that controls the quality of peptide identifications and peptide annotations. Thus, the SysteMHC Atlas disseminates quality controlled immunopeptidomic information to the public domain and serves as a community resource toward the generation of a high-quality comprehensive map of the human immunopeptidome and the support of consistent measurement of immunopeptidomic sample cohorts. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  10. Biolingüística y capacidad humana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chomsky Noam Abraham


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta de manera sucinta el enfoque llamado 'biolingüístico' que empezó a desarrollarse en los primeros años de la posguerra, teniendo en cuenta los avances de la biología y las matemáticas. Se pasa revista a algunos postulados de la neurociencia (i.e. ciencia cognitiva en lo concerniente a la 'facultad del lenguaje', así como a los dos últimos modelos de la GG: el modelo de 'Principios y Parámetros' (P&P y el modelo 'Minimalista'. Estos últimos buscan responder las cuestiones fundamentales de la biología del lenguaje, su naturaleza, uso y evolución. Desde este punto de vista, se trata de caracterizar el equipamiento biológico gracias al cual los seres humanos adquieren una gramática. Así las cosas, se considera el equipamiento biológico como una función que asocia experiencia y gramática.

  11. Gouvernance des systèmes alimentaires urbains pour la prévention ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... contre ces systèmes alimentaires en évolution et l'augmentation connexe des maladies ... les systèmes d'information et d'enregistrement des faits d'état civil dans les pays en ... GrowInclusive : la plateforme tant attendue est en construction.

  12. Cadenas de valor, comercio exterior y diversidad biológica


    Gómez, Rosario


    En el Perú, gradualmente se aprecia la articulación entre mercados emergentes y cadenas de valor nacionales, vinculadas con el aprovechamiento sostenible de la diversidad biológica. En este sentido, la megadiversidad biológica y, por ende, los servicios que brindan los ecosistemas han contribuido a responder a las oportunidades que brinda el mercado internacional. En dicho contexto, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el aporte económico de la diversidad biológica, en particular en ...

  13. Effect of wire shape on wire array discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Yushita, Y.; Nagata, M.; Teramoto, Y.; Katsuki, S.; Akiyama, H.


    Although considerable investigations have been reported on z-pinches to achieve nuclear fusion, little attention has been given from the point of view of how a wire array consisting of many parallel wires explodes. Instability existing in the wire array discharge has been shown. In this paper, the effect of wire shape in the wire array on unstable behavior of the wire array discharge is represented by numerical analysis. The claws on the wire formed in installation of wire may cause uniform current distribution on wire array. The effect of error of wire diameter in production is computed by Monte Carlo Method. (author)

  14. Effect of wire shape on wire array discharge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimomura, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Yushita, Y.; Nagata, M. [University of Tokushima, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokushima (Japan); Teramoto, Y.; Katsuki, S.; Akiyama, H. [Kumamoto University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kumamoto (Japan)


    Although considerable investigations have been reported on z-pinches to achieve nuclear fusion, little attention has been given from the point of view of how a wire array consisting of many parallel wires explodes. Instability existing in the wire array discharge has been shown. In this paper, the effect of wire shape in the wire array on unstable behavior of the wire array discharge is represented by numerical analysis. The claws on the wire formed in installation of wire may cause uniform current distribution on wire array. The effect of error of wire diameter in production is computed by Monte Carlo Method. (author)

  15. Evaluation of biol`s effect on fourteen accession of native potato (Solanum ssp. at the experimental station kallutaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Condori-Mamani Pastor


    Full Text Available In Bolivia the productive potato regions, you characterize for an extensive agriculture in blankets (of traditional form, of car subsistence and not much diversified, the little properties for the cultivation of potato possess the greater part of the productive, and they locate at little plots of land that annually they go rotating. The present research work has the objective to make a comparison and to characterize fourteen accessions of native potato of germoplasma's collection, of Agronomic Ingeniería's race, (UPEA. The study carried completion at Kallutaca's experiment station itself, becoming established on the basis of a Design Bloques Complete at random (DBCA with three repetitions each accession, the second factor is diligent biol's dose, considered himself like a stimulant compound fito, for cultivations, where increments in the capability of photosynthesis and the production allow principal. Whose moral values place between 2.0 2.6% themselves (% in dry material and that they yielded 3.3 %'s concentration of total N to 3.7%. The analysis of microcomputer Hierro's (132 ppm, Manganeso's, Cobre's and Zinc's presence with 12.1 and 6 ppm detected nutrient in the obtained effluent. Accessions Pole, Sacampaya, Sani imilla, Janq'o, collide, Runic Bola, Q'aysalla and Laramq'aysa had bigger development, the same the remainders have bigger performances they did not have the same incidence. This answer is due to a positive effect of the biol on the performance of tubers in accordance with dose of diligent biol the accessions of native potato where 1 with the application of dose of 25 % of Biol obtained to 10 t.h-1 an equivalent yield.

  16. Componentes biol??gicamente activos de la leche materna


    Bar?? Rodr??guez, Luis; Jim??nez, J.; Mart??nez-F??rez, Antonio; Boza Puerta, Julio Jos??


    La leche materna es un complejo fluido biol??gico que aporta la energ??a y los nutrientes esenciales para el desarrollo y crecimiento del reci??n nacido. Pero adem??s, la leche materna contiene toda una serie de compuestos bioactivos como enzimas, hormonas, factores de crecimiento, prote??nas espec??ficas, poliaminas, nucle??tidos, oligosac??ridos, etc., que ejercen efectos biol??gicos y que en conjunto reciben el nombre de ???factores tr??ficos de la leche???. Estos compuestos bi...

  17. Initiatives canadiennes d'avant-garde en matière de systèmes de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Initiatives canadiennes d'avant-garde en matière de systèmes de santé équitables et d'amélioration de la santé des mères et des enfants ... renforcement des systèmes de santé : d'une part, le recrutement des travailleurs de la santé, le maintien de cet effectif et, d'autre part, le rôle des systèmes d'information sur la santé.

  18. Systèmes d'information sanitaire ou santé sexuelle et reproductive ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 mai 2017 ... Systèmes d'information sanitaire ou santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents en Afrique de l'Ouest. Appel. Propositions. Programme(s) ... Sujet(s). Systèmes de santé, ADOLESCENTS, SANTÉ REPRODUCTIVE, DROITS EN MATIERE DE PROCREATION. Durée. 36 à 48 mois. Financée par. CRDI ...

  19. Informační systém pro předprodej vstupenek


    Galetka, Josef


    Práce se zabývá problematikou spojenou s návrhem a implementací informačního systému pro předprodej vstupenek. Systém umožňuje prodej a nákup vstupenek na různé akce. Je schopen generovat a zasílat vstupenky elektronicky. Je zahrnuta administrátorská správa systému a požadované uživatelské prostředky. Implementace byla realizována za použití technologie PHP, MySQL a JavaScript na serveru Apache. This work deals with the problems connected with projection and implementation of information s...

  20. Genome-scale metabolic models applied to human health and disease. (United States)

    Cook, Daniel J; Nielsen, Jens


    Advances in genome sequencing, high throughput measurement of gene and protein expression levels, data accessibility, and computational power have allowed genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) to become a useful tool for understanding metabolic alterations associated with many different diseases. Despite the proven utility of GEMs, researchers confront multiple challenges in the use of GEMs, their application to human health and disease, and their construction and simulation in an organ-specific and disease-specific manner. Several approaches that researchers are taking to address these challenges include using proteomic and transcriptomic-informed methods to build GEMs for individual organs, diseases, and patients and using constraints on model behavior during simulation to match observed metabolic fluxes. We review the challenges facing researchers in the use of GEMs, review the approaches used to address these challenges, and describe advances that are on the horizon and could lead to a better understanding of human metabolism. WIREs Syst Biol Med 2017, 9:e1393. doi: 10.1002/wsbm.1393 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Analyste de systèmes intermédiaire (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'analyste de systèmes intermédiaire travaille sous la supervision du ... à la mise en œuvre et à la maintenance d'un large éventail de systèmes tout en assurant ... directement les consultants externes sous contrat afin de faciliter la transition ...

  2. Un système multi-agents pour le filtrage automatique du courrier ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cet article montre l'applicabilité et l'adaptabilité de l'appriche intelligence artificielle distribuée, en l'occurrence les systèmes multi-agnets, au filtrage du courrier électronique. Il décrit un système de filtrage de courriers électroniques dynamiques et intelligent (SYMCOL). Il permet de traiter la partie structurée et la partie texte ...

  3. Schéma directeur des Systèmes d'information 2012-2016


    Institut National de Recherche Agronomique UAR 0776 Administration du siège


    Le schéma directeur des systèmes d’information de l’inra est le premier Schéma directeur dont l’institut se dote dans le champ des systèmes D’information. Il couvre la période 2012‐2016 du contrat d’objectifs Et s’inscrit dans les perspectives scientifiques dressées par le document D’orientation 2010‐2020

  4. Soutien au programme de recherche du GCRAI sur les systèmes d ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Plus de 700 millions de personnes dépendent de systèmes d'aquaculture pour gagner leur vie. Ces systèmes agricoles diversifiés combinent culture, élevage, aquaculture, pêche et collecte de ressources naturelles comme les fruits, les graines, le bois et la faune. Toutefois, de nombreuses contraintes empêchent les petits ...

  5. Amélioration du système de suivi de l'information sur la santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le système de suivi de l'information sur la santé communautaire (CHITS) est un système électronique d'information sur la santé publique mis en place par les services de santé de Pasay City en 2004. Le cinquième des habitants des bidonvilles du grand Manille étant établis à Pasay City, ce système dessert une population ...

  6. Mikrojádra operačních systémů


    Beneš, Eduard


    Táto práca sa zaoberá problematikou mikrojadier operačných systémov. Prvá časť je zameraná na oboznámenie s problematikou jadier operačných systémov. Obsahuje základné vlastnosti a mechanizmy druhej generácie mikrojadier reprezentovanej mikrojadrom L4, na ktoré sa zameriavame v ďalších častiach práce. Následne sú opísané dva rôzne porty operačného systému Linux nad mikrojadro L4, sú to L4Linux a Wombat. V druhej časti práce je popísaný spôsob inštalácie vybraných portov a hlavné problémy, kto...

  7. wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia

    Proportional multi-wire chamber. Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle. Proportional wire chambers allow a much quicker reading than the optical or magnetoscriptive readout wire chambers.

  8. Wire breakage in SLC wire profile monitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Field, C.; McCormick, D.; Raimondi, P.; Ross, M.


    Wire scanning beam profile monitors are used at the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) for emittance preservation control and beam optics optimization. Twenty such scanners have proven most useful for this purpose and have performed a total of 1.5 million scans in the 4 to 6 years since their installation. Most of the essential scanners are equipped with 20 to 40 microm tungsten wires. SLC bunch intensities and sizes often exceed 2 x 10 7 particles/microm 2 (3C/m 2 ). The authors believe that this has caused a number of tungsten wire failures that appear at the ends of the wire, near the wire support points, after a few hundred scans are accumulated. Carbon fibers, also widely used at SLAC, have been substituted in several scanners and have performed well. In this paper, the authors present theories for the wire failure mechanism and techniques learned in reducing the failures

  9. The SysteMHC Atlas project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shao, Wenguang; Pedrioli, Patrick G. A.; Wolski, Witold


    consisting of consensus spectra calculated from repeat measurements of the same peptide sequence, and links to other proteomics and immunology databases. The SysteMHC Atlas project was created and will be further expanded using a uniform and open computational pipeline that controls the quality of peptide......-scale generation of immunopeptidomic datasets and recent developments in MS-based peptide analysis technologies now support the generation of the required data. Importantly, the availability of diverse immunopeptidomic datasets has resulted in an increasing need to standardize, store and exchange this type of data...

  10. Influence du système d'élevage sur la reproduction de la poule ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    améliorer la productivité des poules locales. Le nombre d'œufs pondu par poule et par an dans ce système a été plus du ... moderne de poulet de chair, de poules pondeuses ..... conditionnée plus par le système de conduite et la.

  11. Posouzení stability kotevního systému


    Krško, Matúš


    Bakalárska práca je zameraná na problematiku stability kotevného systému. Teoretická časť sa zaoberá rozdelením a technológiou výstavby kotvených stien a poruchovými stavmi, ktoré môžu nastať. Ďalej sú predstavené metódy na posúdenie vnútornej stability systému. Vo výpočtovej časti sú tieto metódy aplikované na vzorový príklad. V závere práce sú získané výsledky vyhodnotené. Bachelor´s thesis is focused on stability of anchored system. Theoretical part deals with various types of anchored ...

  12. Možnosti vstřikovacího systému common-rail


    Smilek, Tomáš


    Tomáš Smilek Možnosti vstřikovacího systému common-rail BP, Ústav automobilního a dopravního inženýrství, 2008, str. 23, obr. 18, přílohy 0 Bakalářská práce se zabývá vstřikovacím systémem common-rail. Popisuje historii vývoje stejně jako jednotlivé části systému a jejich funkci. Také stanovuje výhody oproti starým způsobům vstřikování. Tomáš Smilek Possibilities of Common-rail Injection System BT, Institute of Automotive Engineering, 2008, p. 23, fig. 18, appendices 0 This study´s motivat...

  13. Système de guidage pour ponts roulants

    CERN Document Server

    Caldérone, A


    L'équipe de maintenance des ponts roulants ST-HM-PR est souvent confrontée à résoudre des problèmes d'usure de galets de translation. Ces défauts apparaissent particulièrement lorsque l'on travaille avec des charges décentrées et sur des ponts roulants de grande portée. Pour remédier à ces défauts, plutôt que d'utiliser une solution mécanique conventionnelle, le groupe HM a développé un système électronique qui consiste à mesurer la distance entre le rail de roulement et les joues des roues, traiter ce signal et corriger la vitesse des moteurs respectifs de translation, de façon à maintenir le pont roulant centré. Ce système a été entièrement réalisé au sein du groupe HM et installé sur deux ponts roulants équipant le hall EHN1.

  14. Systèmes multi-échelles, Modélisation et simulation (United States)

    Le Bris, Claude

    Systèmes multi-échelles est une introduction à la problématique des systèmes multi-échelles du point de vue du mathématicien appliqué. Il se compose d'une mosaique d'exemples dont le seul lien est d'appartenir à la très grande famille des problèmes issus de la physique au sens large qui présentent pour leur modélisation et leur simulation cette difficulté essentielle de comporter en leur sein des échelles de temps oud'espace très différentes.

  15. Thermosonic wire bonding of IC devices using palladium wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shze, J.H.; Poh, M.T.; Tan, R.M.


    The feasibility of replacing gold wire by palladium wire in thermosonic wire bonding of CMOS and bipolar devices are studied in terms of the manufacturability, physical, electrical and assembly performance. The results that palladium wire is a viable option for bonding the bipolar devices but not the CMOS devices

  16. Vibration of signal wires in wire detectors under irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bojko, I.R.; Shelkov, G.A.; Dodonov, V.I.; Ignatenko, M.A.; Nikolenko, M.Yu.


    Radiation-induced vibration of signal wires in wire detectors is found and explained. The phenomenon is based on repulsion of a signal wire with a positive potential and a cloud of positive ions that remains after neutralization of the electron part of the avalanche formed in the course of gas amplification. Vibration with a noticeable amplitude may arise from fluctuations of repulsive forces, which act on the wire and whose sources are numerous ion clusters. A formula is obtained which allows wire oscillations to be estimated for all types of wire detectors. Calculation shows that oscillations of signal wires can be substantial for the coordinate accuracy of a detector working in the limited streamer mode at fluxes over 10 5 particles per second per wire. In the proportional mode an average oscillation amplitude can be as large as 20-30 μm at some detector parameters and external radiation fluxes over 10 5 . The experimental investigations show that the proposed model well describes the main features of the phenomenon. 6 refs., 8 figs

  17. Wire Chamber

    CERN Multimedia

    Magnetoscriptive readout wire chamber. Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  18. Wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia


    Magnetoscriptive readout wire chamber.Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  19. Optimalizace systému zaměstnaneckých benefitů v podniku


    Knyblová, Lucie


    Cílem diplomové práce „Optimalizace systému zaměstnaneckých benefitů v podniku“ je analyzovat zaměstnanecké benefity dle současné právní úpravy z pohledu daňového zatížení podniku i zaměstnance. Dílčím cílem je na základě dotazníkového šetření zjistit spokojenost zaměstnanců se současným systémem zaměstnaneckých benefitů v konkrétním podniku a navrhnout určité změny, které povedou ke spokojenosti zaměstnanců a optimalizaci systému z daňového hlediska jak pro zaměstnance tak pro zaměstnavatele...

  20. Pozice RM-Systému na českém kapitálovém trhu


    Novotný, Josef


    Práce popisuje historický vývoj RM-Systému, okolnosti, za kterých byl založen,princip jeho fungování. Popisuje také trhy cenných papírů z teoretického hlediska, jejich dělení a systémy, na kterých fungují. Dále práce popisuje současnou pozici RM-Systému na českém trhu cenných papírů a zkoumá její možné příčiny.

  1. PLC SCADA systém pro řízení větrného tunelu


    Trenčan, Tomáš


    Předložená bakalářská práce se věnuje programovatelnému automatu (PLC) firmy WAGO a SCADA systémům. Skládá se ze dvou části, z teoretické části a z praktické části. V teoretické části jsou na zakladě poznatků z odborné literatury vymezeny pojmy ohledně SCADA systémů, PLC od firmy WAGO a vývojového prostředí e!COCKPIT firmy WAGO a rešerše volně dostupných SCADA systémů podporujících Modbus TCP. Na základě této rešerše byl vybrán SCADA systém pro vizualizaci dvou demonstračníc úloh v praktické ...

  2. Systèmes de recommandation et Recherche d'Information


    Candillier , Laurent; Chai , Etienne; Delpech , Estelle


    National audience; Cet article traite de l'application des technologies de recommandation aux systèmes de Recherche d'Information. Nous y détaillons un cas d'application à la recherche de lieux à travers la présentation de l'annuaire Nomao.

  3. Armas biológicas


    Bruhn Cuevas, Rosa María


    Abordamos el presente trabajo con el objetivo de realizar una revisión bibliográfica que nos permita elaborar un análisis del empleo de armas biológicas tanto en el pasado, es decir, una documentación de la utilización de éstas a lo largo de la historia, quiénes las utilizaban y el porqué de su utilización, dividido en varios periodos; como en el presente, si se siguen empleando en la actualidad, con especial mención de los protocolos que existen en cuanto a su regulación normativa a día de h...

  4. Archivage électronique : spécifications relatives à la conception et à l'exploitation de systèmes informatiques en vue d'assurer la conservation et l'intégrité des documents stockés dans ces systèmes

    CERN Document Server

    Association Française de Normalisation. Paris


    Archivage électronique : spécifications relatives à la conception et à l'exploitation de systèmes informatiques en vue d'assurer la conservation et l'intégrité des documents stockés dans ces systèmes

  5. Detection of a buried wire with two resistively loaded wire antennas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vossen, S.H.J.A.; Tijhuis, A.G.; Lepelaars, E.S.A.M.; Zwamborn, A.P.M.


    The use of two identical straight thin-wire antennas for the detection of a buried wire is analyzed with the aid of numerical calculations. The buried wire is located below an interface between two homogeneous half-spaces. The detection setup, which is formed by a transmitting and a receiving wire,

  6. wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia


    Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  7. Wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia

    Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  8. wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia

    Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  9. Wire Array Photovoltaics (United States)

    Turner-Evans, Dan

    Over the past five years, the cost of solar panels has dropped drastically and, in concert, the number of installed modules has risen exponentially. However, solar electricity is still more than twice as expensive as electricity from a natural gas plant. Fortunately, wire array solar cells have emerged as a promising technology for further lowering the cost of solar. Si wire array solar cells are formed with a unique, low cost growth method and use 100 times less material than conventional Si cells. The wires can be embedded in a transparent, flexible polymer to create a free-standing array that can be rolled up for easy installation in a variety of form factors. Furthermore, by incorporating multijunctions into the wire morphology, higher efficiencies can be achieved while taking advantage of the unique defect relaxation pathways afforded by the 3D wire geometry. The work in this thesis shepherded Si wires from undoped arrays to flexible, functional large area devices and laid the groundwork for multijunction wire array cells. Fabrication techniques were developed to turn intrinsic Si wires into full p-n junctions and the wires were passivated with a-Si:H and a-SiNx:H. Single wire devices yielded open circuit voltages of 600 mV and efficiencies of 9%. The arrays were then embedded in a polymer and contacted with a transparent, flexible, Ni nanoparticle and Ag nanowire top contact. The contact connected >99% of the wires in parallel and yielded flexible, substrate free solar cells featuring hundreds of thousands of wires. Building on the success of the Si wire arrays, GaP was epitaxially grown on the material to create heterostructures for photoelectrochemistry. These cells were limited by low absorption in the GaP due to its indirect bandgap, and poor current collection due to a diffusion length of only 80 nm. However, GaAsP on SiGe offers a superior combination of materials, and wire architectures based on these semiconductors were investigated for multijunction

  10. Les systèmes alimentaires alternatifs face aux enjeux sanitaires


    Touzard, Jean-Marc


    L’objet de la communication est de montrer comment la coexistence et la combinaison d’une diversité de système alimentaires est un trait de la globalisation et joue sur les enjeux, les pratiques, et les régulations sanitaires.

  11. Un système d'avant-garde rend l'accès à l'information abordable ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 oct. 2010 ... Bien avant l'avènement des ordinateurs personnels et d'Internet, les énormes collections et bases de données des organismes des Nations Unies étaient consultables sous forme numérique par le truchement d'un système appelé ISIS. Par contre, ce système ne pouvant fonctionner qu'au moyen ...

  12. 49 CFR 236.74 - Protection of insulated wire; splice in underground wire. (United States)


    ... underground wire. 236.74 Section 236.74 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RULES, STANDARDS, AND INSTRUCTIONS GOVERNING... wire; splice in underground wire. Insulated wire shall be protected from mechanical injury. The...

  13. 49 CFR 234.241 - Protection of insulated wire; splice in underground wire. (United States)


    ... underground wire. 234.241 Section 234.241 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRADE CROSSING SIGNAL SYSTEM SAFETY... of insulated wire; splice in underground wire. Insulated wire shall be protected from mechanical...

  14. wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia

    Was used in ISR (Intersecting Storage Ring) split field magnet experiment. Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  15. Aislamiento de microorganismos para control biológico de Moniliophthora roreri


    Liliana Yanet Suárez Contreras; Alba Luz Rangel Riaño


    Moniliophthora roreri es un hongo que causa la moniliasis, una enfermedad de la mazorca en el cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao), con pérdidas hasta del 60% de la cosecha. El control biológico utilizando microorganismos endófitos surge como una alternativa para el manejo de esta enfermedad. En la presente investigación se evaluaron microorganismos con potencial para control biológico de M. roreri en Norte de Santander, Colombia. Para el efecto, se aisló e identificó este fitopatógeno y se uti...

  16. Aplikace pro nositelnou elektroniku se systémem Apple WatchOS


    Singh, Kevin


    Bakalářská práce „Aplikace pro nositelnou elektroniku se systémem Apple WatchOS“ se zabývá teoretickým rozborem komunikací M2M (Machine-to-Machine), H2H (Human- to-Human), D2D (Device-to-Device) a nositelnou elektronikou. V teoretické části jsou dále popsány chytré hodinky Apple Watch, jenž obsahují požadovaný systém WatchOS. V rámci bakalářské práce vznikly dvě aplikace, přičemž první byla vytvořena pro mobilní zařízení iPhone a druhá pro chytré hodinky Apple watch. Aplikace zobrazují inform...

  17. Le système de l'harmonie de Rameau dans sa correspondance avec d'Alembert et Rousseau

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefanović Ana M.


    Full Text Available (francuski L'article examine la correspondance polémique de Rameau avec d'Alembert et Rousseau, entretenue dans la sixième décénie du XVIIIe siècle. Le système de l'harmonie de Rameau y est affronté à deux défis contradictoires: d'un côté, à la provocation d'absolutisation du système venant de son intériorité-même, et de l'autre, à une nouvelle conception de l'autonomie musicale, conçue sur le geste anarchique et destructif envers lui. Tandis que, de la polémique avec d'Alembert, le système vient de ressortir assuré et renforcé, soutenant la suprématie de la musique dans le champ théorique, la polémique avec Rousseau démontre que l'autonomie scientifique n'entraîne pas de soi l'isolation de la musique dans le domaine esthétique. Fondé sur le réseau cohérent de ses propres règles, le système musical est apte de se plier, de se modifier sous l'influence de ce qui lui est "extérieur": du sens contenu dans des énoncés linguistiques. L'idée de représentation musicale est alors modifiée dans la direction d'une réconcilliation possible de la raison (cartésienne et de l'imagination créatrice, du général et du particulier, de la norme et de l'individualité, dans la mesure où le système musical devenant analogue au système linguistique, en tant que "langue en action" participe chaque fois dans l'événement de sa propre création.

  18. PS wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia


    A wire chamber used at CERN's Proton Synchrotron accelerator in the 1970s. Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  19. La systématique de l’esprit pratique chez Wolff, Kant, Fichte et Hegel


    Siep, Ludwig


    En dépit des grands bouleversements systématiques dans la philosophie allemande du xviiie siècle, la continuité est étonnante, de Wolff à Hegel, pour ce qui concerne le contenu des doctrines sur la raison pratique. Une comparaison de ces doctrines chez Wolff, Kant, Fichte et Hegel peut révéler l’intention et les raisons pour lesquelles chacun de ces auteurs modifia la systématique des différentes facultés. À partir de Kant, autonomie et liberté deviennent les concepts directeurs permettant de...

  20. Alergenos: relación entre función biológica y alergenicidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Homero San Juan


    Full Text Available Los alergenos se encuentran en muy diversas fuentes, pero, tienen la particularidad de inducir la producción de inmunoglobulina E (IgE y provocar alergia. No se conoce una característica molecular biológica común entre los alergenos que explique su capacidad alergénica. En los últimos años, se han demostrado o inferido diferentes funciones biológicas en los alergenos, generando nuevas hipótesis sobre el papel de dichas funciones en la actividad alergénica. Con el fin de identificar qué funciones biológicas se han demostrado o inferido en los alergenos y analizar su posible influencia en el papel alergénico, se revisaron aproximadamente doscientos alergenos teniendo como base los ya caracterizados por el Comité de Nomenclatura de Alergenos de la OMS, como también otros menos caracterizados pero con algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas conocidas. Los alergenos se agruparon de acuerdo con la actividad biológica y se tabularon con su fuente de origen, peso molecular (PM, punto isoeléctrico (pl, frecuencia de reactividad en la población alérgica, potenciales sitios de glicosilación y formación de enlaces disulfuro. Se identificaron 88 alergenos en los que se ha informado alguna actividad biológica. El agrupamiento de estos según la actividad produjo los siguientes resultados: enzimática (47,2%, inhibición de enzimas (11,3%, transporte (18,1%, regulación de la actividad celular (15,9% y otras actividades como la de conferir resistencia a enfermedades en plantas y citólisis (7,9%. En muchos de estos alergenos, la actividad biológica ha sido inferida por su homología estructural con proteínas de función conocida, pero los experimentos que corroboren dicha función no se han realizado. La mayoría de estos alergenos tienen en común PM

  1. Wire bonding in microelectronics

    CERN Document Server

    Harman, George G


    Wire Bonding in Microelectronics, Third Edition, has been thoroughly revised to help you meet the challenges of today's small-scale and fine-pitch microelectronics. This authoritative guide covers every aspect of designing, manufacturing, and evaluating wire bonds engineered with cutting-edge techniques. In addition to gaining a full grasp of bonding technology, you'll learn how to create reliable bonds at exceedingly high yields, test wire bonds, solve common bonding problems, implement molecular cleaning methods, and much more. Coverage includes: Ultrasonic bonding systems and technologies, including high-frequency systems Bonding wire metallurgy and characteristics, including copper wire Wire bond testing Gold-aluminum intermetallic compounds and other interface reactions Gold and nickel-based bond pad plating materials and problems Cleaning to improve bondability and reliability Mechanical problems in wire bonding High-yield, fine-pitch, specialized-looping, soft-substrate, and extreme-temperature wire bo...

  2. Gestionnaire, Systèmes financiers (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Examiner et évaluer les répercussions des mises à niveau de l'infrastructure du CRDI .... Analyste des systèmes de gestion ... Le titulaire du poste établit le lien nécessaire entre les activités fonctionnelles financières et administratives et les ...

  3. Base Information Transport Infrastructure Wired (BITI Wired) (United States)


    2016 Major Automated Information System Annual Report Base Information Transport Infrastructure Wired (BITI Wired) Defense Acquisition Management...Combat Information Transport System program was restructured into two pre-Major Automated Information System (pre-MAIS) components: Information...Major Automated Information System MAIS OE - MAIS Original Estimate MAR – MAIS Annual Report MDA - Milestone Decision Authority MDD - Materiel

  4. Bezpečnost operačního systému Apple iOS


    Zahradníček, Zdeněk


    Bakalářská práce se zabývá zabezpečením operačního systému iOS a vytvářením aplikací pro tento systém. Popisuje základní vlastnosti systému, použitá zabezpečení, šifrování a třídy pro bezpečné ukládání souborů. Další oblastí, kterou se práce zabývá je zabezpečení přístupu k internetu a ochranou odesílaných a přijímaných dat. V práci je popsán programovací balíček Xcode, používaný vývojáři pro iOS platformu. Dále byla zkompilována aplikace pro ukázku práce s tímto programovacím balíčkem a její...

  5. Load-Deflection and Friction Properties of PEEK Wires as Alternative Orthodontic Wires. (United States)

    Tada, Yoshifumi; Hayakawa, Tohru; Nakamura, Yoshiki


    Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is now attracting attention as an alternative to metal alloys in the dental field. In the present study, we evaluated the load-deflection characteristics of PEEK wires in addition to their frictional properties. Three types of PEEK wires are used: two sizes of rectangular shape, 0.016 × 0.022 in² and 0.019 × 0.025 in² (19-25PEEK), and rounded shape, diameter 0.016 in (16PEEK). As a control, Ni-Ti orthodontic wire, diameter 0.016 in, was used. The three-point bending properties were evaluated in a modified three-point bending system for orthodontics. The static friction between the orthodontic wire and the bracket was also measured. The load-deflection curves were similar among Ni-Ti and PEEK wires, except for 16PEEK with slot-lid ligation. The bending force of 19-25PEEK wire was comparable with that of Ni-Ti wire. 19-25PEEK showed the highest load at the deflection of 1500 μm ( p 0.05). No significant difference was seen in static friction between all three PEEK wires and Ni-Ti wire ( p > 0.05). It is suggested that 19-25PEEK will be applicable for orthodontic treatment with the use of slot-lid ligation.

  6. Copper wire bonding

    CERN Document Server

    Chauhan, Preeti S; Zhong, ZhaoWei; Pecht, Michael G


    This critical volume provides an in-depth presentation of copper wire bonding technologies, processes and equipment, along with the economic benefits and risks.  Due to the increasing cost of materials used to make electronic components, the electronics industry has been rapidly moving from high cost gold to significantly lower cost copper as a wire bonding material.  However, copper wire bonding has several process and reliability concerns due to its material properties.  Copper Wire Bonding book lays out the challenges involved in replacing gold with copper as a wire bond material, and includes the bonding process changes—bond force, electric flame off, current and ultrasonic energy optimization, and bonding tools and equipment changes for first and second bond formation.  In addition, the bond–pad metallurgies and the use of bare and palladium-coated copper wires on aluminum are presented, and gold, nickel and palladium surface finishes are discussed.  The book also discusses best practices and re...

  7. Minimisation of the wire position uncertainties of the new CERN vacuum wire scanner

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2069346; Barjau Condomines, A

    In the next years the luminosity of the LHC will be significantly increased. This will require a much higher accuracy of beam profile measurement than actually achievable by the current wire scanner. The new fast wire scanner is foreseen to measure small emittance beams throughout the LHC injector chain, which demands a wire travelling speed up to 20 ms-1 and position measurement accuracy of the order of a few microns. The vibrations of the mechanical parts of the system, and particularly the vibrations of the thin carbon wire, were identified as the major error sources of wire position uncertainty. Therefore the understanding of the wire vibrations is a high priority for the design and operation of the new device. This document presents the work performed to understand the main causes of the wire vibrations observed in one of the existing wire scanner and the new proposed design.

  8. Systèmes coopératifs hybride Satellite-Terrestre : analyse de performance et dimensionnement du système


    Sreng, Sokchenda


    Les systèmes de communications par satellite sont utilisés dans le contexte de la radiodiffusion, de la navigation, du sauvetage et du secours aux sinistrés, car ils permettent de fournir des services sur une large zone de couverture. Cependant, cette zone de couverture est limitée par l'effet de masquage provoqué par des obstacles qui bloquent la liaison directe entre le satellite et un utilisateur terrestre. L'effet de masquage devient plus sévère en cas de satellites à faibles angles d'élé...

  9. Flavonoides em Annonaceae: ocorrência e propriedades biológicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clara dos Reis Nunes


    Full Text Available Esta revisão descreve algumas propriedades biológicas e químicas, bem como os usos etnobotânicos e farmacológicos de algumas substâncias isoladas a partir do gênero Annona (família Annonaceae. As espécies dessa família possuem distribuição tropical e subtropical. A Annona muricata L., em especial, possui proeminência na economia de frutos tropicais, além de ser quimicamente caracterizada pela presença de substâncias fenólicas e terpênicas. Logo, este trabalho destaca a importância e ocorrência desses metabólitos, bem como suas atividades biológicas.

  10. Theory of wire number scaling in wire-array Z pinches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desjarlais, M.P.; Marder, B.M.


    Pulsed-power-driven Z pinches, produced by imploding cylindrical arrays of many wires, have generated very high x-ray radiation powers (>200 TW) and energies (2 MJ). Experiments have revealed a steady improvement in Z-pinch performance with increasing wire number at fixed total mass and array radius. The dominant mechanism acting to limit the performance of these devices is believed to be the Rayleigh-Taylor instability which broadens the radially imploding plasma sheath and consequently reduces the peak radiation power. A model is presented which describes an amplification over the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor growth rate brought about by kink-like forces on the individual wires. This amplification factor goes to zero as the number of wires approaches infinity. This model gives results which are in good agreement with the experimental data and provides a scaling for wire-array Z pinches. copyright 1999 American Institute of Physics

  11. Dual wire welding torch and method (United States)

    Diez, Fernando Martinez; Stump, Kevin S.; Ludewig, Howard W.; Kilty, Alan L.; Robinson, Matthew M.; Egland, Keith M.


    A welding torch includes a nozzle with a first welding wire guide configured to orient a first welding wire in a first welding wire orientation, and a second welding wire guide configured to orient a second welding wire in a second welding wire orientation that is non-coplanar and divergent with respect to the first welding wire orientation. A method of welding includes moving a welding torch with respect to a workpiece joint to be welded. During moving the welding torch, a first welding wire is fed through a first welding wire guide defining a first welding wire orientation and a second welding wire is fed through a second welding wire guide defining a second welding wire orientation that is divergent and non-coplanar with respect to the first welding wire orientation.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. A. Lutsenko


    Full Text Available It is shown that at twisting of wire of diameter 1,83 mm, produced by direct wire drawing of thermomechanically processed rolled wire of diameter 5,5 mm of steel 90, metal stratification is completely eliminated at decrease of carbon, manganese and an additional alloying of chrome.

  13. One century of Kirschner wires and Kirschner wire insertion techniques : A historical review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Franssen, Bas B. G. M.; Schuurman, Arnold H.; Van der Molen, Aebele Mink; Kon, Moshe

    A century ago, in 1909, Martin Kirschner (1879-942) introduced a smooth pin, presently known as the Kirschner wire (K-wire). The K-wire was initiallly used for skeletal traction and is now currently used for many different goals. The development of the K-wire and its insertion devices were mainly

  14. How well can blood pressure be controlled? Progress report on the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Follow-Up Study (Syst-Eur 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarti Cinzia


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled Systolic Hypertension in Europe trial (Syst-Eur 1 proved that blood pressure (BP lowering therapy starting with nitrendipine reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension. In an attempt to confirm the safety of long-term antihypertensive therapy based on a dihydropyridine, the Syst-Eur patients remained in open follow-up after the end of Syst-Eur 1. This paper presents the second progress report of this follow-up study (Syst-Eur 2. It describes BP control and adherence to study medications. Methods After the end of Syst-Eur 1 all patients, treated either actively or with placebo, were invited either to continue or to start antihypertensive treatment with the same drugs as previously used in the active treatment arm. In order to reach the target BP (sitting SBP Results Of the 3787 eligible patients, 3516 (93% entered Syst-Eur 2. At the last available visit, 72% of the patients were taking nitrendipine. SBP/DBP at entry in Syst-Eur 2 averaged 160/83 mmHg in the former placebo group and 151/80 mmHg in the former active-treatment group. At the last follow-up visit SBP/DBP in the patients previously randomised to placebo or active treatment had decreased by 16/5 mmHg and 7/5 mmHg, respectively. The target BP was reached by 74% of the patients. Conclusion Substantial reductions in systolic BP may be achieved in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension with a treatment strategy starting with the dihydropyridine calcium-channel blocker, nitrendipine, with the possible addition of enalapril and/or hydrochlorothiazide.

  15. Geometry and evolutionary parallelism in the long bones of cavioid ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Our study deals with this question from the point of view of biomechanical characteristics of the ... values of these variables calculated for the samples studied of artiodactyls and rodents. The present ...... diving ducks; Syst. Biol. 48 683–714.

  16. Implementace protokolu ACP do operačního systému L4


    Kolarík, Tomáš


    Práce se zabývá implementací protokolu ACP, který slouží k řízení přístupu pro operační systém založený na mikrojádře L4. Teoretická část práce se zabývá možnostmi řízení přístupu v počítačových sítích. Pozornost je se přitom soustřeďuje na AAA systémy, které řízení přístupu umožňují. Následně je podrobně popsán protokol ACP, typy jeho zpráv a reakce na ně. Druhá část teoretické přípravy je věnována operačním systémům kde se podrobněji zabývá jejich architekturou a službami. Následně je blíže...

  17. Systèmes d'information sur la santé

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    personnel spécialisé — et bien souvent le leadership et la vision — pour ... Recourir aux données probantes pour réduire la mortalité maternelle au Nigeria. □ Incorporer les TIC aux systèmes de santé. □ Intégrer les collectivités à la surveillance du .... il y a lieu de mieux comprendre comment ces outils peuvent étayer la ...

  18. Reliability Criteria for Thick Bonding Wire. (United States)

    Dagdelen, Turker; Abdel-Rahman, Eihab; Yavuz, Mustafa


    Bonding wire is one of the main interconnection techniques. Thick bonding wire is widely used in power modules and other high power applications. This study examined the case for extending the use of traditional thin wire reliability criteria, namely wire flexure and aspect ratio, to thick wires. Eleven aluminum (Al) and aluminum coated copper (CucorAl) wire samples with diameter 300 μm were tested experimentally. The wire response was measured using a novel non-contact method. High fidelity FEM models of the wire were developed and validated. We found that wire flexure is not correlated to its stress state or fatigue life. On the other hand, aspect ratio is a consistent criterion of thick wire fatigue life. Increasing the wire aspect ratio lowers its critical stress and increases its fatigue life. Moreover, we found that CucorAl wire has superior performance and longer fatigue life than Al wire.

  19. Reliability Criteria for Thick Bonding Wire (United States)

    Yavuz, Mustafa


    Bonding wire is one of the main interconnection techniques. Thick bonding wire is widely used in power modules and other high power applications. This study examined the case for extending the use of traditional thin wire reliability criteria, namely wire flexure and aspect ratio, to thick wires. Eleven aluminum (Al) and aluminum coated copper (CucorAl) wire samples with diameter 300 μm were tested experimentally. The wire response was measured using a novel non-contact method. High fidelity FEM models of the wire were developed and validated. We found that wire flexure is not correlated to its stress state or fatigue life. On the other hand, aspect ratio is a consistent criterion of thick wire fatigue life. Increasing the wire aspect ratio lowers its critical stress and increases its fatigue life. Moreover, we found that CucorAl wire has superior performance and longer fatigue life than Al wire. PMID:29673194

  20. Reliability Criteria for Thick Bonding Wire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Turker Dagdelen


    Full Text Available Bonding wire is one of the main interconnection techniques. Thick bonding wire is widely used in power modules and other high power applications. This study examined the case for extending the use of traditional thin wire reliability criteria, namely wire flexure and aspect ratio, to thick wires. Eleven aluminum (Al and aluminum coated copper (CucorAl wire samples with diameter 300 μm were tested experimentally. The wire response was measured using a novel non-contact method. High fidelity FEM models of the wire were developed and validated. We found that wire flexure is not correlated to its stress state or fatigue life. On the other hand, aspect ratio is a consistent criterion of thick wire fatigue life. Increasing the wire aspect ratio lowers its critical stress and increases its fatigue life. Moreover, we found that CucorAl wire has superior performance and longer fatigue life than Al wire.

  1. 1998 wire development workshop proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report consists of vugraphs of the presentations at the conference. The conference was divided into the following sessions: (1) First Generation Wire Development: Status and Issues; (2) First Generation Wire in Pre-Commercial Prototypes; (3) Second Generation Wire Development: Private Sector Progress and Issues; (4) Second Generation Wire Development: Federal Laboratories; and (5) Fundamental Research Issues for HTS Wire Development.

  2. 1998 wire development workshop proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report consists of vugraphs of the presentations at the conference. The conference was divided into the following sessions: (1) First Generation Wire Development: Status and Issues; (2) First Generation Wire in Pre-Commercial Prototypes; (3) Second Generation Wire Development: Private Sector Progress and Issues; (4) Second Generation Wire Development: Federal Laboratories; and (5) Fundamental Research Issues for HTS Wire Development

  3. Right wire in orthodontics: a review


    Ali, Hashim


    Quality of orthodontic wire such as stiffness, hardness, resiliency, elasticity and working range are important determinants of the effectivenes of tooth movement. Commonly used types of orthodontic arch wire:1) stainless steel(ss) wire, 2) conventional nickel- titanium (NiTi)alloy wire,3) improved super elastic NiTi- alloy wire( also called low hysteresis(LH)wire), and titanium molybdenum alloy(TMA) wire.

  4. Application of irradiated wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uda, I.; Kozima, K.; Suzuki, S.; Tada, S.; Torisu, S.; Veno, K.


    Rubber insulated wires are still useful for internal wiring in motor vehicles and electrical equipment because of flexibility and toughness. Irradiated cross-linked rubber materials have been successfully introduced for use with fusible link wire and helically coiled cord

  5. Analyse des systèmes d'innovation (Burkina Faso) | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet a pour objectif d'améliorer l'efficience du système d'innovation en construction au Burkina Faso en renforçant les échanges entre chercheurs, inventeurs, ... Faso : communication présentée à la IIIe Conférence Internationale de KMA « Knowledge Management Africa » sous le thème « le... 49285. Journal articles.

  6. Effect of discrete wires on the implosion dynamics of wire array Z pinches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedev, S. V.; Beg, F. N.; Bland, S. N.; Chittenden, J. P.; Dangor, A. E.; Haines, M. G.; Kwek, K. H.; Pikuz, S. A.; Shelkovenko, T. A.


    A phenomenological model of wire array Z-pinch implosions, based on the analysis of experimental data obtained on the mega-ampere generator for plasma implosion experiments (MAGPIE) generator [I. H. Mitchell , Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 1533 (1996)], is described. The data show that during the first ∼80% of the implosion the wire cores remain stationary in their initial positions, while the coronal plasma is continuously jetting from the wire cores to the array axis. This phase ends by the formation of gaps in the wire cores, which occurs due to the nonuniformity of the ablation rate along the wires. The final phase of the implosion starting at this time occurs as a rapid snowplow-like implosion of the radially distributed precursor plasma, previously injected in the interior of the array. The density distribution of the precursor plasma, being peaked on the array axis, could be a key factor providing stability of the wire array implosions operating in the regime of discrete wires. The modified ''initial'' conditions for simulations of wire array Z-pinch implosions with one-dimension (1D) and two-dimensions (2D) in the r--z plane, radiation-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) codes, and a possible scaling to a larger drive current are discussed

  7. Control biológico de ácaros Tetranychidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Acosta Gómez Alfredo


    Full Text Available En este articulo, se presenta información publicada e inédita y, también, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva de los enemigos naturales de T. cinnabarinus y T. urticae, tanto a nivel mundial, como a nivel nacional, con el propósito de despertar el interés e informar sobre las bondades del control
    biológico de los ácaros Tetranychidae y, en los casos donde es posible, se proporciona alguna información correspondiente a su efectividad. Posteriormente, se plantea una discusión resumida y se sugieren algunas propuestas de comportamiento estratégico o de utilidad potencial que podrían ser adoptadas por los profesionales comprometidos o
    responsables de los cultivos de flores para promover
    la ampliación del uso de enemigos naturales de los ácaros y utilizar, entre otros, métodos o estrategias biológicas, culturales o flsicas, que ayuden a disminuir la frecuencia del uso de agroquímicos y, así, conservar un ambiente menos contaminado y menos perjudicial para la humanidad del futuro.

  8. Rapport d’étape – Le Système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes : un système de surveillance des blessures dynamique et novateur

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    J. Crain


    Full Text Available Ce rapport d’étape sur le Système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes (SCHIRPT, un système de surveillance des blessures et des empoisonnements utilisé par les services d’urgence, décrit le résultat de la migration d’un processus d’entrée et de codage des données centralisé vers le processus décentralisé de l’eSCHIRPT, réalisée en 2011. Ce système sécurisé accroît la souplesse et la rapidité globales du SCHIRPT, attributs clés d’un système de surveillance efficace. La plate-forme intégrée de l’eSCHIRPT permet une entrée de données et un accès aux données en temps quasi réel, comprend des outils conviviaux de gestion et d’analyse des données et facilite la communication et la connectivité au sein du réseau du SCHIRPT grâce à un centre de collaboration en ligne. L’essai pilote mené actuellement sur les outils automatisés de contrôle de données et d’analyse des tendances – destinés à surveiller et à mettre en évidence les données d’entrée à partir de critères prédéfinis (par exemple un nouveau produit de consommation – révèle le potentiel de détection rapide des nouveaux dangers, enjeux et tendances que possède l’eSCHIRPT.

  9. Administrateur du système (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sous la supervision du gestionnaire, Infrastructure, sécurité et documents (ISD), ... et de la maintenance courants des divers systèmes d'infrastructure du Centre, ... techniques dans les régions et des techniciens sous contrat) pour fournir des ...

  10. Wire core reactor for NTP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harty, R.B.


    The development of the wire core system for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) that took place from 1963 to 1965 is discussed. A wire core consists of a fuel wire with spacer wires. It's an annular flow core having a central control rod. There are actually four of these, with beryllium solid reflectors on both ends and all the way around. Much of the information on the concept is given in viewgraph form. Viewgraphs are presented on design details of the wire core, the engine design, engine weight vs. thrust, a technique used to fabricate the wire fuel element, and axial temperature distribution

  11. Etude empirique de la relation entre le système monétaire et financier et la croissance économique


    Ouni, Moez; Nejadan-Zarin, Milad


    La problématique de la relation entre le système financier, et de ses effets, et la croissance économique reste une question controversée. Elle est sujet d’un débat animé entre les différentes tendances économiques. L’objectif de la présente thèse est d’apporter des éclairages sur la nature de ladite relation. Pour atteindre cet objectif, Nous avons considéré le système financier composé du système bancaire, y compris la banque centrale, et de la bourse de valeurs, et la croissance économique...

  12. Water Desalination with Wires

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Porada, S.; Sales, B.B.; Hamelers, H.V.M.; Biesheuvel, P.M.


    We show the significant potential of water desalination using a novel capacitive wire-based technology in which anode/cathode wire pairs are constructed from coating a thin porous carbon electrode layer on top of electrically conducting rods (or wires). By alternately dipping an array of electrode

  13. Towards plant wires


    Adamatzky, Andrew


    In experimental laboratory studies we evaluate a possibility of making electrical wires from living plants. In scoping experiments we use lettuce seedlings as a prototype model of a plant wire. We approximate an electrical potential transfer function by applying direct current voltage to the lettuce seedlings and recording output voltage. We analyse oscillation frequencies of the output potential and assess noise immunity of the plant wires. Our findings will be used in future designs of self...

  14. Hipótesis de progresión del conocimiento biológico y del conocimiento didáctico del contenido biológico. Parte I: referentes teóricos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Édgar Orlay Valbuena Ussa


    Full Text Available Este artículo, constituye el primero de una serie de dos, consistentes en el abordaje de dos constituyentes fundamentales del conocimiento profesional del profesor de Biología. Primero se presenta la perspectiva del autor sobre el conocimiento profesional del profesor de Biología, y el conocimiento didáctico del contenido biológico (CDCB; luego, a partir de la revisión de antecedentes y de referentes teóricos, se propone una hipótesis de progresión tanto para el conocimiento biológico (estructuras sintáctica y sustantiva como para el CDCB. Para el caso del primer conocimiento, la hipótesis plantea dos extremos: la perspectiva fisicalista y la visión estructural-sistémica; en cuanto al CDCB, la hipótesis plantea dos polos: el reduccionismo biológico y la perspectiva integradora-transformadora. Posteriormente, en el segundo artículo se presentarán los resultados de investigación, a partir del análisis de datos de estudios obtenidos con futuros profesores de Biología.

  15. 39 VetoMed : un système expert à base d'icônes pour la médecine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mots-clés: système expert, générateur de systèmes expert, base de connaissances, médecine traditionnelle vétérinaire, plantes médicinales, interface iconique, tradipraticien. Abstract. VetoMed : An icon-based expert system for Traditional Veterinary Medicine. In this paper we propose an expert system in which, icons are ...

  16. Evolution of cementite morphology in pearlitic steel wire during wet wire drawing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Xiaodan; Godfrey, Andrew; Hansen, Niels


    The evolution of the cementite phase during wet wire drawing of a pearlitic steel wire has been followed as a function of strain. Particular attention has been given to a quantitative characterization of changes in the alignment and in the dimensions of the cementite phase. Scanning electron...... microscope observations show that cementite plates become increasingly aligned with the wire axis as the drawing strain is increased. Measurements in the transmission electron microscope show that the cementite deforms plastically during wire drawing , with the average thickness of the cementite plates...... decreasing from 19 nm (ε = 0) to 2 nm (ε = 3.7) in correspondence with the reduction in wire diameter. The deformation of the cementite is strongly related to plastic deformation in the ferrite, with coarse slip steps, shear bands and cracks in the cementite plates/particles observed parallel to either {110...

  17. CDMA à séquence directe appliqué aux systèmes de communications optiques


    Lourdiane , Mounia


    Depuis quelques années, le besoin de systèmes de communications plus rapides et plus sures se fait sentir. Le partage entre utilisateurs de la très grande bande passante des fibres optiques nécessite des techniques d'accès adaptées. Afin de répondre à ces besoins, un certain nombre de techniques de multiplexage, dont le CDMA, ont été développées. Cette technique d'accès multiple est déjà largement utilisée dans les systèmes de communications radio-mobiles, que ce soit dans les normes américai...

  18. Accidentes biológicos en estudiantes de medicina de una universidad peruana: prevalencia, mecanismos y factores de riesgo

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    Elizabeth Inga


    Full Text Available Introducción: Una de las más serias amenazas que enfrentan los estudiantes de medicina durante su práctica clínica es la posibilidad de exposición a accidentes biológicos, debido en la mayoría de los casos a la inexperiencia y el escaso desarrollo de las habilidades manuales. Objetivos: Establecer la frecuencia, mecanismos, circunstancias y factores de riesgo de los accidentes biológicos ocurridos entre estudiantes de medicina. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo observacional de corte transversal. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Estudiantes de medicina. Metodología: Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada anónima, voluntaria y autoadministrada. Principales medidas de resultados: Accidentes biológicos. Resultados: En total fueron 307 entrevistados. La prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en la población estudiada fue de 51,5% (158/307. La media de accidentes biológicos en el último año fue de 1,06. El 91,1% de los estudiantes del último año presentó al menos un accidente biológico, versus 11,9% en los estudiantes del primer año. Los estudiantes del último año informaron con más frecuencia accidentes de riesgo alto para transmisión de infecciones, siendo 47,6% por pinchazo con objeto punzocortante, y 80,6% tuvo exposición a sangre; los accidentes de riesgo alto son mucho más frecuentes en quirófanos y sala de partos (51,9%. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de accidentes biológicos fue 51,5%, siendo el pinchazo la forma más frecuente. Es necesario desarrollar estrategias que permitan velar por la bioseguridad de los estudiantes de medicina.

  19. Using wire shaping techniques and holographic optics to optimize deposition characteristics in wire-based laser cladding. (United States)

    Goffin, N J; Higginson, R L; Tyrer, J R


    In laser cladding, the potential benefits of wire feeding are considerable. Typical problems with the use of powder, such as gas entrapment, sub-100% material density and low deposition rate are all avoided with the use of wire. However, the use of a powder-based source material is the industry standard, with wire-based deposition generally regarded as an academic curiosity. This is because, although wire-based methods have been shown to be capable of superior quality results, the wire-based process is more difficult to control. In this work, the potential for wire shaping techniques, combined with existing holographic optical element knowledge, is investigated in order to further improve the processing characteristics. Experiments with pre-placed wire showed the ability of shaped wire to provide uniformity of wire melting compared with standard round wire, giving reduced power density requirements and superior control of clad track dilution. When feeding with flat wire, the resulting clad tracks showed a greater level of quality consistency and became less sensitive to alterations in processing conditions. In addition, a 22% increase in deposition rate was achieved. Stacking of multiple layers demonstrated the ability to create fully dense, three-dimensional structures, with directional metallurgical grain growth and uniform chemical structure.

  20. Evolution of cementite morphology in pearlitic steel wire during wet wire drawing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xiaodan; Godfrey, Andrew; Hansen, Niels; Huang Xiaoxu; Liu Wei; Liu Qing


    The evolution of the cementite phase during wet wire drawing of a pearlitic steel wire has been followed as a function of strain. Particular attention has been given to a quantitative characterization of changes in the alignment and in the dimensions of the cementite phase. Scanning electron microscope observations show that cementite plates become increasingly aligned with the wire axis as the drawing strain is increased. Measurements in the transmission electron microscope show that the cementite deforms plastically during wire drawing , with the average thickness of the cementite plates decreasing from 19 nm (ε = 0) to 2 nm (ε = 3.7) in correspondence with the reduction in wire diameter. The deformation of the cementite is strongly related to plastic deformation in the ferrite, with coarse slip steps, shear bands and cracks in the cementite plates/particles observed parallel to either {110} α or {112} α slip plane traces in the ferrite.

  1. 1 mil gold bond wire study.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huff, Johnathon; McLean, Michael B.; Jenkins, Mark W.; Rutherford, Brian Milne


    In microcircuit fabrication, the diameter and length of a bond wire have been shown to both affect the current versus fusing time ratio of a bond wire as well as the gap length of the fused wire. This study investigated the impact of current level on the time-to-open and gap length of 1 mil by 60 mil gold bond wires. During the experiments, constant current was provided for a control set of bond wires for 250ms, 410ms and until the wire fused; non-destructively pull-tested wires for 250ms; and notched wires. The key findings were that as the current increases, the gap length increases and 73% of the bond wires will fuse at 1.8A, and 100% of the wires fuse at 1.9A within 60ms. Due to the limited scope of experiments and limited data analyzed, further investigation is encouraged to confirm these observations.

  2. Corrosion of Wires on Wooden Wire-Bound Packaging Crates (United States)

    Samuel L. Zelinka; Stan Lebow


    Wire-bound packaging crates are used by the US Army to transport materials. Because these crates may be exposed to harsh environments, they are dip-treated with a wood preservative (biocide treatment). For many years, zinc-naphthenate was the most commonly used preservative for these packaging crates and few corrosion problems with the wires were observed. Recently,...

  3. Consolidation des systèmes d'approvisionnement en Amérique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) jouent un rôle clé dans la modernisation des systèmes d'administration publique, en général, ... Reporte final : VII Conferencia Anual sobre Compras Gubernamentales de las Américas, 18 al 20 de Octubre de 2011, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.

  4. Le renforcement des systèmes de santé | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 avr. 2013 ... Avec le soutien du CRDI, Walter Flores et une coalition dirigée par le Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud ... Les briques et les clics sont importants; il est essentiel de disposer d'infrastructures convenables et de systèmes efficaces de gestion de l'information.

  5. L'impact d'une démarche d'alignement stratégique du système d'information sur la stratégie de l'entreprise Cas de SONATRACH


    Taieb Errahmani, Mohamed


    Le management des systèmes d'information et des technologies de l'information a apporté de nombreux concepts et pratiques, à savoir ; la gouvernance IT, la gestion stratégique des systèmes d’information… etc. Le concept d’alignement stratégique du système d'information rassemble deux axes principaux, soit ; la stratégie du système d’information et la stratégie de l'entreprise. L'objectif principal de cette étude est de mettre en évidence l'impact d’une démarche d'alignement des systèmes d'inf...

  6. Influence du système de logement sur quelques performances ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les effets de deux systèmes de logement (batterie de cages et sol sur litière) sur les performances zootechniques et économiques des poules pondeuses ont été évalués en zone tropicale humide, au sud du Benin. Un total de 180 poules pondeuses (Isa Brown) de 26 semaines d'âge était réparti en deux groupes de 108 et ...

  7. Forming Refractory Insulation On Copper Wire (United States)

    Setlock, J.; Roberts, G.


    Alternative insulating process forms flexible coat of uncured refractory insulating material on copper wire. Coated wire formed into coil or other complex shape. Wire-coating apparatus forms "green" coat on copper wire. After wire coiled, heating converts "green" coat to refractory electrical insulator. When cured to final brittle form, insulating material withstands temperatures above melting temperature of wire. Process used to make coils for motors, solenoids, and other electrical devices to be operated at high temperatures.

  8. Návrhový systém pro zjištění a kvantifikaci požadavků na řídicí systém inteligentního domu


    Kotík, Miloslav


    Bakalářská práce se věnuje analýze požadavků investora na řídicí systém inteligentního domu. Je navržen dotazník jako vodítko projektanta při komunikaci s investorem a tento postup je převeden do interaktivní podoby formuláře. Na základě dotazníku je poté navržen postup pro automatické vyhodnocení a převod zjištěných požadavků investora do seznamu doporučených komponent řídicího systému Tecomat Foxtrot a jeho periferií pro realizaci. První dvě kapitoly práce jsou teoretické a popisují intelig...

  9. Medición de Activos Biológicos en Marcos Conceptuales Comparados

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    Beatriz Brozzú


    Full Text Available En este ensayo, no solamente pretendemos seguir probando que las NCP FAPCE (Argentina son la consecuencia de un criterio absolutamente normativista y por lo tanto restrictivo y limitado, mientras que las NIIF y las FASB se fundamentan en un paradigma basado en la “utilidad para el decisor”, o sea en las necesidades del usuario de la información. Lo que también concluiremos es que esta esencial diferencia es la causa por la cual el amplio criterio aplicado por la NIIF 41 –Activos biológicos– y la armoniosa coherencia con su Marco Conceptual, le permiten al Sistema de Información Contable lograr su principal objetivo, cual es mostrar “valor real” para todos los Activos. Por el contrario, y para que las NCP FACPCE argentinas puedan ser realmente un sistema de información útil, y en el caso especifico de la RT22 FAPCE –Activos biológicos–, ésta debe apartarse de su Marco conceptual para poder valuar los Activos Biológicos destinados a ser utilizados en el proceso productivo a un valor corriente (considerado razonablemente representativo de su valor real puesto que de respetar el Marco Conceptual debería valuarlos a valor histórico.

  10. Atividade biológica de Davilla kunthii A. St. –Hil. (Dilleniaceae

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    Full Text Available RESUMO Davilla kunthii A. St. –Hil. (Dilleniaceae tem ampla distribuição vegetal. Sua família agrega uma quantidade significativa de novas substâncias, bem como importantes atividades biológicas. O uso mais comum é na medicina alternativa para combater algumas doenças, mas estudos comprovam diferentes atividades biológicas de interesse farmacológico. A literatura sobre a bioatividade de D. kunthii é incipiente. Por esta razão, os objetivos deste trabalho se concentraram em verificar os efeitos biológicos do extrato das folhas de D. kunthii, através de bioensaios frente a microrganismos patógenos Escherichia coli, Salmonella tiphymurium (bactérias gram-negativa, Staphylococcus aureus e Streptococcus sanguinis (bactérias gram-positiva, ao fungo tipo levedura Candida albicans e aos fungos filamentosos Aspergillus flavus e Fusarium proliferatum. A pesquisa verificou ainda a atividade redutora da enzima de acetilcolinesterase, e, também, foi observada a atividade antioxidante via DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila e de toxicidade frente ao microcrustáceo A. salina. Os resultados apontaram significativas atividades antioxidante, antimicrobiano, atingindo até 90% de inibição sobre a levedura C. albicans em todas as concentrações.

  11. Endocardite em prótese biológica por candida parapsilosis

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    Luiz Carlos Severo


    Full Text Available Relata-se um caso de endocardite causada pela Candida parapsilosis numa prótese valvular biológica em posição mitral. Revisa-se brevemente a literatura brasileira sobre o assunto.

  12. Guerra biológica, bioterrorismo e saúde pública

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Jacintho da Silva

    Full Text Available O uso de agentes biológicos como arma não é novidade para a humanidade. Durante séculos, até a atualidade, a guerra biológica tem sido objeto de muita pesquisa e especulação, mas de pouca ação. O medo de efeitos contrários e dúvidas sobre sua eficiência como armas devem ter limitado seu uso. Recentemente, se verificou uma nova forma de terrorismo, empregando agentes infecciosos, devagar e sem muito alarde, até as ocorrências recentes com o Bacillus anthracis nos Estados Unidos. A varíola é possivelmente o mais devastador desses agentes. Menos de 25 anos passados desde sua erradicação, a saúde pública tem que lidar com a possibilidade de sua re-introdução. O cenário da re-introdução da varíola no Brasil é discutido.

  13. Guerra biológica, bioterrorismo e saúde pública

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    Silva Luiz Jacintho da


    Full Text Available O uso de agentes biológicos como arma não é novidade para a humanidade. Durante séculos, até a atualidade, a guerra biológica tem sido objeto de muita pesquisa e especulação, mas de pouca ação. O medo de efeitos contrários e dúvidas sobre sua eficiência como armas devem ter limitado seu uso. Recentemente, se verificou uma nova forma de terrorismo, empregando agentes infecciosos, devagar e sem muito alarde, até as ocorrências recentes com o Bacillus anthracis nos Estados Unidos. A varíola é possivelmente o mais devastador desses agentes. Menos de 25 anos passados desde sua erradicação, a saúde pública tem que lidar com a possibilidade de sua re-introdução. O cenário da re-introdução da varíola no Brasil é discutido.

  14. Guerra biológica, bioterrorismo e saúde pública

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    Luiz Jacintho da Silva


    Full Text Available O uso de agentes biológicos como arma não é novidade para a humanidade. Durante séculos, até a atualidade, a guerra biológica tem sido objeto de muita pesquisa e especulação, mas de pouca ação. O medo de efeitos contrários e dúvidas sobre sua eficiência como armas devem ter limitado seu uso. Recentemente, se verificou uma nova forma de terrorismo, empregando agentes infecciosos, devagar e sem muito alarde, até as ocorrências recentes com o Bacillus anthracis nos Estados Unidos. A varíola é possivelmente o mais devastador desses agentes. Menos de 25 anos passados desde sua erradicação, a saúde pública tem que lidar com a possibilidade de sua re-introdução. O cenário da re-introdução da varíola no Brasil é discutido.

  15. Wire chambers: Trends and alternatives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Regler, Meinhard


    The subtitle of this year's Vienna Wire Chamber Conference - 'Recent Trends and Alternative Techniques' - signalled that it covered a wide range of science and technology. While an opening Vienna talk by wire chamber pioneer Georges Charpak many years ago began 'Les funerailles des chambres a fils (the burial of wire chambers)', the contrary feeling this year was that wire chambers are very much alive!.

  16. Review of wire chamber aging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Va'Vra, J.


    This paper makes an overview of the wire chamber aging problems as a function of various chamber design parameters. It emphasizes the chemistry point of view and many examples are drawn from the plasma chemistry field as a guidance for a possible effort in the wire chamber field. The paper emphasizes the necessity of variable tuning, the importance of purity of the wire chamber environment, as well as it provides a practical list of presently known recommendations. In addition, several models of the wire chamber aging are qualitatively discussed. The paper is based on a summary talk given at the Wire Chamber Aging Workshop held at LBL, Berkeley on January 16-17, 1986. Presented also at Wire Chamber Conference, Vienna, February 25-28, 1986. 74 refs., 18 figs., 11 tabs

  17. Intégration des pluies prévues du système AROME-PI dans le système AIGA


    Demargne, J.; Javelle, P.


    / Cette étude a été réalisée pour le SCHAPI (Service Central d'Hydrométéorologie et d'Appui à la Prévision des Inondations) pour analyser l'amélioration du système d'avertissement sur la possibilité de crues rapides AIGA en intégrant des prévisions de pluie future à courte échéance et fine résolution spatio-temporelle et en prenant en compte leurs incertitudes. Le SCHAPI développe actuellement un service d'avertissement automatisé valable sur l'ensemble de la France, qui sera complété par un ...

  18. Prostorové rozhraní informačního systému malé obce řešené v Open Source Software

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    Karel Jedlička


    Full Text Available Příspěvek si klade za cíl představit možnosti open source software pro implementaci prostorového rozhraní informačního systému malé obce.Zabývá se návrhem projektu po jednotlivých částech: identifikace požadavků zastupitelského úřadu (uživatele systému, popis obecné architektury systému a volba vhodných (nekomerčních technologií pro jeho implementaci. Součástí projektu je i popis vyvinuté technologie pro import nejdůležitějších datových vrstev (informací o vlastnictví do systému.Článek je doplněn výčtem využitelných datových zdrojů pro informační systém malé obce v České republice.

  19. Un Nobel para el tiempo biológico

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    Diego Golombek


    Full Text Available El premio Nobel en Fisiología o Medicina de 2017 fue otorgado a tres investigadores norteamericanos pioneros en el descubrimiento del mecanismo de los ritmos circadianos. Ya era hora… y es una excelente excusa para destacar la importancia de la Cronobiología – la ciencia que estudia los ritmos y relojes biológicos - tanto en la vida cotidiana en general como en las ciencias médicas en particular.

  20. Penser Système : Découvrir nos modèles d'organisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bryan, B.; Goodman, M.; Schaveling, J.


    Pourquoi le travail s’accumule-t-il sur nos bureaux alors que nous travaillons de plus en plus? Parfois « nos solutions » aggravent nos problèmes. Comment pouvons-nous éviter ces paradoxes ? Penser système donne de nouvelles perspectives dans des situations complexes. Cela vous permettra de

  1. Analyste de systèmes principal (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'analyste de systèmes principal travaille sous la supervision du ... une analyse fonctionnelle élémentaire des exigences en parlant de la portée et de la raison ... et l'infrastructure en matière de TI tout en se mettant à la place des techniciens, ...

  2. Wire chambers: Trends and alternatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regler, Meinhard


    The subtitle of this year's Vienna Wire Chamber Conference - 'Recent Trends and Alternative Techniques' - signalled that it covered a wide range of science and technology. While an opening Vienna talk by wire chamber pioneer Georges Charpak many years ago began 'Les funerailles des chambres a fils (the burial of wire chambers)', the contrary feeling this year was that wire chambers are very much alive!

  3. Vibrating wire for beam profile scanning

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    S. G. Arutunian


    Full Text Available A method that measures the transverse profile (emittance of the bunch by detecting radiation arising at the scattering of the bunch on scanning wire is widely used. In this work information about bunch scattering is obtained by measuring the oscillation frequency of the tightened scanning wire. In such a way, the system of radiation (or secondary particles extraction and measurement can be removed. The entire unit consists of a compact fork with tightened wire and a scanning system. Normal oscillation frequency of a wire depends on wire tension, its geometric parameters, and, in a second approximation, its elastic characteristics. Normal oscillations are generated by interaction of an alternating current through the wire with magnetic field of a permanent magnet. In this case, it is suggested that the magnetic field of the accelerator (field of dipole magnets or quadrupole magnets be used for excitation of oscillations. The dependence of oscillation frequency on beam scattering is determined by several factors, including changes of wire tension caused by transverse force of the beam and influence of beam self-field. Preliminary calculations show that the influence of wire heating will dominate. We have studied strain gauges on the basis of vibrating wire from various materials (tungsten, beryl bronze, and niobium zirconium alloys. A scheme of normal oscillation generation by alternating current in autogeneration circuit with automatic frequency adjustment was selected. A special method of wire fixation and elimination of transverse degrees of freedom allows us to achieve relative stability better than 10^{-5} during several days at a relative resolution of 10^{-6}. Experimental results and estimates of wire heating of existing scanners show that the wire heats up to a few hundred grades, which is enough for measurements. The usage of wire of micrometer thickness diminishes the problem of wire thermalization speed during the scanning of the bunch.

  4. Charpak hemispherical wire chamber

    CERN Multimedia


    pieces. Mesures are of the largest one. Multi-wire detectors contain layers of positively and negatively charged wires enclosed in a chamber full of gas. A charged particle passing through the chamber knocks negatively charged electrons out of atoms in the gas, leaving behind positive ions. The electrons are pulled towards the positively charged wires. They collide with other atoms on the way, producing an avalanche of electrons and ions. The movement of these electrons and ions induces an electric pulse in the wires which is collected by fast electronics. The size of the pulse is proportional to the energy loss of the original particle.

  5. Guide du calcul en mécanique valider le comportement des systèmes techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Spenlé, Daniel


    Ce guide couvre l’essentiel des programmes de la Première STI2D aux sections de BTS pour les compétences liées à la mécanique. Pour prendre en compte les nouveautés pédagogiques, cette nouvelle édition évolue vers des systèmes « grand public » (robotique humanoïde, cycle trainer, power-ball…) ou des systèmes liés au développement durable(éolienne, scooter électrique…). Points forts - Un guide qui tient compte des orientations du nouveau programme de STI2D : - systèmes vibratoires ; - accéléromètres, effet gyroscopique ; - développement de l’énergétique. - Les disciplines Génie mécanique/Génie électrique sont décloisonnées: - introduction de dispositifs pluri-techniques ; - présentation d’interfaces liant la partie opérative à la partie commande ; - introduction de la conversion de l’énergie électrique en énergie mécanique et réciproquement, étude comportementale, point de fonctionnement, définition des grandeurs associées. - Le caractère expérimental, ...

  6. Electrodeposition of nickel nano wire arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nur Ubaidah Saidin; Kok Kuan Ying; Ng Inn Khuan; Nurazila Mat Zali; Siti Salwa Zainal Abidin


    Synthesis, characterization and assembly of one-dimensional nickel nano wires prepared by template directed electrodeposition are discussed in this paper. Parallel arrays of high aspect ratio nickel nano wires were electrodeposited using electrolytes with different cations and pH. The nano wires were characterized using X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the orientations of the electro deposited Ni nano wires were governed by the deposition current and the electrolyte conditions. Free standing nickel nano wires can be obtained by dissolving the template. Due to the magnetic nature of the nano wires, magnetic alignment was employed to assemble and position the free standing nano wires in the device structure. (author)

  7. Wire-number effects on high-power annular z-pinches and some characteristics at high wire number

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Characteristics of annular wire-array z-pinches as a function of wire number and at high wire number are reviewed. The data, taken primarily using aluminum wires on Saturn are comprehensive. The experiments have provided important insights into the features of wire-array dynamics critical for high x-ray power generation, and have initiated a renaissance in z-pinches when high numbers of wires are used. In this regime, for example, radiation environments characteristic of those encountered during the early pulses required for indirect-drive ICF ignition on the NIF have been produced in hohlraums driven by x-rays from a z-pinch, and are commented on here.

  8. Wire-number effects on high-power annular z-pinches and some characteristics at high wire number

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Characteristics of annular wire-array z-pinches as a function of wire number and at high wire number are reviewed. The data, taken primarily using aluminum wires on Saturn are comprehensive. The experiments have provided important insights into the features of wire-array dynamics critical for high x-ray power generation, and have initiated a renaissance in z-pinches when high numbers of wires are used. In this regime, for example, radiation environments characteristic of those encountered during the early pulses required for indirect-drive ICF ignition on the NIF have been produced in hohlraums driven by x-rays from a z-pinch, and are commented on here

  9. Diagnostics for exploding wires (abstract)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moosman, B.; Bystritskii, V.; Wessel, F.J.; Van Drie, A.


    Two diagnostics, capable of imaging fast, high temperature, plasmas were used on exploding wire experiments at UC Irvine. An atmospheric pressure nitrogen laser (λ=337.1 nm) was used to generate simultaneous shadow and shearing interferogram images with a temporal resolution of ∼1 ns and a spatial resolution of 10 μm. An x-ray backlighter imaged the exploding wire 90 degree with respect to the laser and at approximately the same instant in time. The backlighter spatial resolution as determined by geometry and film resolution was 25 μm. Copper wires of diameters (25, 50, and 100 μm) and steel wire d=25 μm were exploded in vacuum (10 -5 Torr) at a maximum current level of 12 kA, by a rectified marx bank at a voltage of 50 kV and a current rise time (quarter period) of 900 ns. Copper wires which were cleaned and then resistively heated under vacuum to incandescence for several hours prior to high current initiation, exhibited greater expansion velocities at peak current than wires which had not been heated prior to discharge. Axial variations on the surface of the wire observed with the laser were found to correlate with bulk axial mass differences from x-ray backlighting. High electron density, measured near the opaque surface of the exploding wire, suggests that much of the current is shunted outward away from the bulk of the wire. copyright 1999 American Institute of Physics

  10. Self-Catalyzed CdTe Wires

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    Tom Baines


    Full Text Available CdTe wires have been fabricated via a catalyst free method using the industrially scalable physical vapor deposition technique close space sublimation. Wire growth was shown to be highly dependent on surface roughness and deposition pressure, with only low roughness surfaces being capable of producing wires. Growth of wires is highly (111 oriented and is inferred to occur via a vapor-solid-solid growth mechanism, wherein a CdTe seed particle acts to template the growth. Such seed particles are visible as wire caps and have been characterized via energy dispersive X-ray analysis to establish they are single phase CdTe, hence validating the self-catalysation route. Cathodoluminescence analysis demonstrates that CdTe wires exhibited a much lower level of recombination when compared to a planar CdTe film, which is highly beneficial for semiconductor applications.

  11. Systémová dynamika a její modely jako součást Competitive Intelligence

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    Stanislava Mildeová


    Full Text Available Obchodní konkurence je oblast, která zatím plně nevyužívá výhod modelování a simulace. V reakci na tento fakt je cílem článku ukázat model simulující konkurenční boj. Model, vycházející z logiky Systémové dynamiky, slouží ke zkoumání efektu vývoje produktů na konkurenceschopnost podniku. V rámci tvorby tohoto vlastního modelu a provedených experimentů autor dokazuje, že použití modelování a simulací je užitečné při získávání nových informací, které nejsou obsaženy v podnikových informačních systémech. I když je prezentovaný model zjednodušením skutečného trhu, takový systémový model může být perspektivním nástrojem Competitive Intelligence.

  12. Practical wiring in SI units

    CERN Document Server

    Miller, Henry A


    Practical Wiring, Volume 1 is a 13-chapter book that first describes some of the common hand tools used in connection with sheathed wiring. Subsequent chapters discuss the safety in wiring, cables, conductor terminations, insulating sheathed wiring, conductor sizes, and consumer's control equipments. Other chapters center on socket outlets, plugs, lighting subcircuits, lighting accessories, bells, and primary and secondary cells. This book will be very valuable to students involved in this field of interest.

  13. Wire EDM for Refractory Materials (United States)

    Zellars, G. R.; Harris, F. E.; Lowell, C. E.; Pollman, W. M.; Rys, V. J.; Wills, R. J.


    In an attempt to reduce fabrication time and costs, Wire Electrical Discharge Machine (Wire EDM) method was investigated as tool for fabricating matched blade roots and disk slots. Eight high-strength nickel-base superalloys were used. Computer-controlled Wire EDM technique provided high quality surfaces with excellent dimensional tolerances. Wire EDM method offers potential for substantial reductions in fabrication costs for "hard to machine" alloys and electrically conductive materials in specific high-precision applications.

  14. Audio wiring guide how to wire the most popular audio and video connectors

    CERN Document Server

    Hechtman, John


    Whether you're a pro or an amateur, a musician or into multimedia, you can't afford to guess about audio wiring. The Audio Wiring Guide is a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide that explains exactly what you need to know. No matter the size of your wiring project or installation, this handy tool provides you with the essential information you need and the techniques to use it. Using The Audio Wiring Guide is like having an expert at your side. By following the clear, step-by-step directions, you can do professional-level work at a fraction of the cost.

  15. Informační systém pro správu rezervací v restauracích


    Slanař, David


    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o stávajícím stavu fungování rezervací v restauracích a jeho inovaci pomocí zavedení informačního systému pro vytváření a správu rezervací. Popisuje návrh internetové webové aplikace umožňující on-line vytváření rezervací samotnými uživateli a jejich následnou správu zaměstnanci. Dále popis ekonomického přínosu a jiných výhod plynoucích ze zavedení tohoto systému v reálném světě a v neposlední řadě řešení případných problémů při nasazování systému v praxi. T...

  16. História dos tratamentos biológicos Biologicals treatments's history

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    Sérgio Paulo Rigonatti


    Full Text Available Contexto: Trata-se de uma discussão de como surgiram os tratamentos biológicos no decorrer da história da psiquiatria.Context: It's about a discussion on how begun the biological treatment throughout Psychiatry History.

  17. La co-conception en partenariat de systèmes agricoles innovants

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    Vall Eric


    Full Text Available La co-conception de systèmes agricoles innovants est une piste prometteuse pour répondre au défi de l’innovation, notamment pour les exploitations agricoles familiales africaines confrontées à de multiples changements. Mais il faut penser à la place et aux rôles tenus par de multiples acteurs (agriculteurs, conseillers, chercheurs pour produire les changements souhaités par toutes les parties, et donc réfléchir à la question du partenariat dans le processus. Cet article présente la démarche de conception en partenariat de systèmes agricoles innovants (CPSAI élaborée entre 2005 et 2015 dans l’ouest du Burkina Faso, notamment sur la gestion de la fumure organique des cultures. La CPSAI s’appuie sur un dispositif partenarial formalisé et sur une démarche progressive en trois phases itératives : (1 exploration et formalisation du partenariat, (2 conceptions et test des options de changement, (3 bilan et désengagement. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’innovation est plus efficace et durable quand elle est le produit d’un travail partenarial.

  18. K-wire and tension band wire fixation in treating sternoclavicular joint dislocation

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    CHEN Qing-yu


    Full Text Available 【Abstract】Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and therapeutic effect of treating sternoclavicular joint dislocation by K-wire and tension band wire fixation, and to improve the safety and stability of this technique. Methods: This study consisted of 9 cases, 6 males and 3 females with the mean age of 25 years (range, 9-62 years. The causes were traffic accident in 7 cases, falling in 1 case and fight in 1 case. The duration from injury to operation was 2 hours to 7 days. There were 5 left dislocations and 4 right dislocations; 8 anterior dislocations and 1 posterior dislocation, including one combined with left scapular fracture and one with left olecranon fracture. Open reduction and internal fixation using K-wires and tension band wires were performed to treat dislocations. Results: All patients were followed up for 6 to 24 months, 10 months on average. According to Rockwood’s rating scale on postoperative sternoclavicular joint, 8 cases achieved excellent outcomes with an average score of 13.88, and the rest case achieved a good outcome with the score of 12. Anatomical reduction was obtained in all cases. There were no such postoperative complications as severe infection, injury to blood vessel and nerve, failure of fixation, etc. Patients were all satisfied with the anatomical reduction and functional recovery. Conclusions: The technique of K-wire and tension band wire fixation is safe, simple, effective, less invasive and has been successfully used in orthopedic surgery. It is effective in treating sternoclavicular joint dislocation though it has some disadvantages. Key words: Sternoclavicular joint; Dislocations; Bone wires; Fracture fixation, internal

  19. A comparison of a 'J' wire and a straight wire in successful antegrade cannulation of the superficial femoral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gay, D.A.T.; Edwards, A.J.; Puckett, M.A.; Roobottom, C.A.


    AIMS: To evaluate the success of two different types of wire in common use in their ability to successfully cannulate the superficial femoral artery (SFA) using antegrade puncture. METHODS: 50 consecutive patients in whom antegrade infra-inguinal intervention was planned, underwent common femoral arterial puncture and then cannulation with either a standard 3 mm 'J' wire or a floppy tipped straight wire (William Cook--Europe). The frequency with which each type of wire entered the SFA or profunda femoris artery without image guidance was recorded. Further analysis was also made of the success of manipulation of the wire into the SFA following profunda cannulation and the use of alternative guide wires. RESULTS: In 19 out of 25 (76%) patients the 'J' wire correctly entered the SFA without image guidance. Only 5 out of 25 (25%) of straight wires entered the SFA with the initial pass (p<0.0001). Following further manipulation with the same wire all except 1 'J' wire was successfully negotiated into the SFA. The same was true for only 9 of the remaining straight wires with 11 patients requiring an alternative guide wire. CONCLUSIONS: When performing antegrade cannulation of the SFA a 'J' wire is more likely to be successful than a straight guide wire

  20. The Analysis of the High Speed Wire Drawing Process of High Carbon Steel Wires Under Hydrodynamic Lubrication Conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suliga M.


    Full Text Available In this work the analysis of the wire drawing process in hydrodynamic dies has been done. The drawing process of φ5.5 mm wire rod to the final wire of φ1.7 mm was conducted in 12 passes, in drawing speed range of 5-25 m/s. For final wires of φ1.7 mm the investigation of topography of wire surface, the amount of lubricant on the wire surface and the pressure of lubricant in hydrodynamic dies were determined. Additionally, in the work selected mechanical properties of the wires have been estimated.

  1. Towards plant wires. (United States)

    Adamatzky, Andrew


    In experimental laboratory studies we evaluate a possibility of making electrical wires from living plants. In scoping experiments we use lettuce seedlings as a prototype model of a plant wire. We approximate an electrical potential transfer function by applying direct current voltage to the lettuce seedlings and recording output voltage. We analyse oscillation frequencies of the output potential and assess noise immunity of the plant wires. Our findings will be used in future designs of self-growing wetware circuits and devices, and integration of plant-based electronic components into future and emergent bio-hybrid systems. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. GPS sledovací systém


    Hofman, Jan


    V práci je popsán základní princip a vlastnosti globálního pozičního systému GPS. Je zde přiblížena problematika určování polohy, rychlosti a nadmořské výšky. Tyto poznatky jsou dále použity pro návrh zařízení, které komunikuje s běžně vyráběným GPS přijímačem a z něj získané informace zpracovává a ukládá do paměti pro pozdější vyhodnocení The keystone and properties of Global Position System (GPS) are described in this thesis. The thesis explains questions of position, speed and elevation...

  3. Manejo biológico de nematodos fitoparásitos con hongos y bacterias

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    Ricardo Piedra Naranjo


    Full Text Available La agricultura actual demanda la reducción de plaguicidas químicos y la introducción de sistemas sostenibles con el uso de agentes de manejo biológico.  La alternativa de usar hongos y bacterias para el manejo de nematodos fitoparásitos puede ser una opción biológica muy importante de actualidad. El manejo biológico de nematodos fitoparásitos es posible si se logra fomentar e investigar la utilización de hongos y bacterias que pueden estar en el suelo o, de lo contrario, reproducirse en laboratorios para uso comercial. En revisión de literatura se encontró varios organismos (hongos y bacterias que pueden ser utilizados por agricultores, y en algunos casos, ya están siendo aplicados. Entre los organismos encontrados, tenemos las bacterias Pasteuria penetrans, Pseudomonas (Burlkoldelia cepacia tipo Wisconsin.  Algunos hongos como: Verticillium chlamydosporium. Arthtrobotrys y Monacrosporium, Catenaria spp, Drechmeria coniospora, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus spp. Fusarium solani, Cylindrocarpon cylindroides y Paecilomyces lilacinus, Verticillium lecanii, Arthrobotrys conoides, A. musiformis, A.  robusta, Monoacrosporium ellipsosporum, Dactylaria thaumasia, Cylindrocarpon sp., Trichoderma harzianum, Dactylella brochophaga, Arthrobotrys oligospora y Arthrobotrys botryospora y Myrothecium verrucaria. Con este tipo de información, planteada desde el punto de vista en investigaciones agropecuarias, se podría tener posibilidades de utilizar nematicidas biológicos en el manejo de nematodos fitoparásitos, desarrollando un manejo integrado de plagas, donde se tendría la posibilidad de no usar de nematicidas químicos en un futuro, o por lo menos reducir sustancialmente su uso en nuestra agricultura y así mejorar la relación con el medio ambiente y el ser humano.

  4. Intégration des pluies prévues du système COSMO-DE-EPS dans le système AIGA


    Demargne, J.; Javelle, P.


    / Cette étude a été réalisée pour le SCHAPI (Service Central d'Hydrométéorologie et d'Appui à la Prévision des Inondations) pour analyser l'amélioration du système d'avertissement aux crues rapides AIGA en prenant en compte les incertitudes des pluies futures et des paramètres du modèle hydrologique calibré et régionalisé. Le SCHAPI développe actuellement un service d'avertissement automatisé valable sur l'ensemble de la France, qui sera complété par un service expertisé d'avertissement sur d...

  5. Investigation of method for Stainless Steel Welding Wire as a Replacement for Arc Wire Comsumables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koiprasert, H.


    Full Text Available Arc spraying as a coating method is being employed in various industrial applications as a part of maintenance service, and also as a surface engineering technique for many machine parts and components. The major cost in producing the arc spray coating is, however, based on the cost of the arc wire comsumables. This project was carried out to investigate the use of the commercially-available gas metal arc welding wire (GMAW wire as a cheaper alternative to the special-purpose arc wire comsumables. The wire material chosen for this early study is the 316L stainless steel, due to its popularity in many applications as a built-up coating for worn parts. The physical properties of the coatings produced from the two sets of 316L stainless steel wire were determined to be different in the percentage of porosity and the oxide content. The mechanical properties, including the tensile bond strength and the wear rate of the coatings produced from the two types of sprayed wire, were also different. This will, in turn, result in a slight difference in the performance of thecoatings.

  6. Welding wire pressure sensor assembly (United States)

    Morris, Timothy B. (Inventor); Milly, Peter F., Sr. (Inventor); White, J. Kevin (Inventor)


    The present invention relates to a device which is used to monitor the position of a filler wire relative to a base material being welded as the filler wire is added to a welding pool. The device is applicable to automated welding systems wherein nonconsumable electrode arc welding processes are utilized in conjunction with a filler wire which is added to a weld pool created by the electrode arc. The invention senses pressure deviations from a predetermined pressure between the filler wire and the base material, and provides electrical signals responsive to the deviations for actuating control mechanisms in an automatic welding apparatus so as to minimize the pressure deviation and to prevent disengagement of the contact between the filler wire and the base material.

  7. Griesinger e as bases da "Primeira psiquiatria biológica"

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    Mário Eduardo Costa Pereira


    Full Text Available Wilhelm Griesinger foi um personagem central na história da psiquiatria alemã. Considerado por muitos como um dos "pais da psiquiatria biológica", sua obra, na verdade, é extremamente complexa, apoiando-se em uma sofisticada teoria do eu e das desestruturação dos processos mentais na psicopatologia.

  8. Informatividade dos lucros contábeis e divulgação dos ativos biológicos: evidências brasileiras


    Holanda, Allan Pinheiro


    A pesquisa tem o objetivo de investigar a influência exercida pela divulgação dos ativos biológicos na informatividade dos lucros contábeis nas firmas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa, considerando-se o período de 2010 a 2011. Para a investigação da informatividade dos ativos biológicos foi utilizada a adaptação dos modelos propostos por Easton e Harris (1991) e Francis e Schipper (1999). Os ativos biológicos, por sua vez, foram mensurados de duas maneiras, pela simples existência da c...

  9. El progreso biológico

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    Barahona, Ana


    Full Text Available Not available.La idea de progreso en Biología está ligada al concepto de scala naturae o la gran cadena del ser que se puede trazar hasta Aristóteles. Esta noción de que los organismos vivientes pueden clasificarse en una jerarquía de inferior a superior tomó formas nuevas en los siglos XVII y XVIII. En el siglo XVIII, naturalistas como Buffon, Bonnet y Robinet se habían preguntado si podíamos hablar de un patrón definido de desarrollo. En el siglo XIX, Lamarck postula la idea de que existe una progresión de los organismos menos avanzados a los organismos más avanzados. Posteriormente, la teoría de la evolución añade la dimensión temporal y de continuidad genética o histórica a la clasificación jerárquica de los seres vivos. Darwin pensaba que la selección natural traía como resultado el perfeccionamiento y que éste inevitablemente conduciría al progreso gradual de la organización. Herbert Spencer se convirtió en uno de los darwinistas más radicales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Para Spencer la idea de progreso se aplicaba no solo al mundo biológico sino que era parte de una ley general, que dirigía lo simple hacia lo complejo, lo homogéneo a lo heterogéneo. Posteriormente, Julian Huxley, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ernst Mayr, George Gaylord Simpson y Ledyard Stebbins —conocidos como los arquitectos de la Sintesis Moderna— comparten una visión progresionista de la evolución biológica. La noción de progreso evolutivo, en la actualidad, es sumamente controvertida, y se pueden distinguir básicamente tres diferentes perspectivas. La primera, defendida por Michael Ruse y David Hull entre otros, sostiene que no existe evidencia científica que nos lleve a aceptar cierta «direccionalidad» en la evolución biológica. Una segunda visión, defendida por Stephen J. Gould, sostiene que, en la medida en que reemplacemos el término de progreso (ya que éste es antropocéntrico por el de «noción operacional de

  10. Mot du Directeur régional Pleins feux surla recherche des systèmes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Gloria Lihemo

    Afrique sub-saharienne. Nous y parlons du travail que fait le. CRDI pour appuyer la recherche des systèmes sanitaires qui prend en compte une approche holistique, interdisciplinaire pour une meilleure santé. Le CRDI reconnaît ...

  11. Tentative d'évaluation du systéme d'information marketing au niveau des banques publiques Algériennes


    Hassaine-kazi-tani, Amel


    Le premier chapitre présente les fondements théoriques relatifs au marketing, marketing des services et notamment le marketing bancaire.dans le deuxiéme chapitre seront développées les notions de base du concept d'information et celui de systéme d'information et puis le systéme d'information marketing.le troisiéme chapitre pratique présente une étude de cas auprés des banques publiques Algériennes.

  12. Multifilament Cable Wire versus Conventional Wire for Sternal Closure in Patients Undergoing Major Cardiac Surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    You Na Oh


    Full Text Available Background: Stainless steel wiring remains the most popular technique for primary sternal closure. Recently, a multifilament cable wiring system (Pioneer Surgical Technology Inc., Marquette, MI, USA was introduced for sternal closure and has gained wide acceptance due to its superior resistance to tension. We aimed to compare conventional steel wiring to multifilament cable fixation for sternal closure in patients undergoing major cardiac surgery. Methods: Data were collected retrospectively on 1,354 patients who underwent sternal closure after major cardiac surgery, using either the multifilament cable wiring system or conventional steel wires between January 2009 and October 2010. The surgical outcomes of these two groups of patients were compared using propensity score matching based on 18 baseline patient characteristics. Results: Propensity score matching yielded 392 pairs of patients in the two groups whose baseline profiles showed no significant differences. No significant differences between the two groups were observed in the rates of early mortality (2.0% vs. 1.3%, p=0.578, major wound complications requiring reconstruction (1.3% vs. 1.3%, p>0.99, minor wound complications (3.6% vs. 2.0%, p=0.279, or mediastinitis (0.8% vs. 1.0%, p=1.00. Patients in the multifilament cable group had fewer sternal bleeding events than those in the conventional wire group, but this tendency was not statistically significant (4.3% vs. 7.4%, p=0.068. Conclusion: The surgical outcomes of sternal closure using multifilament cable wires were comparable to those observed when conventional steel wires were used. Therefore, the multifilament cable wiring system may be considered a viable option for sternal closure in patients undergoing major cardiac surgery.

  13. Multifilament Cable Wire versus Conventional Wire for Sternal Closure in Patients Undergoing Major Cardiac Surgery. (United States)

    Oh, You Na; Ha, Keong Jun; Kim, Joon Bum; Jung, Sung-Ho; Choo, Suk Jung; Chung, Cheol Hyun; Lee, Jae Won


    Stainless steel wiring remains the most popular technique for primary sternal closure. Recently, a multifilament cable wiring system (Pioneer Surgical Technology Inc., Marquette, MI, USA) was introduced for sternal closure and has gained wide acceptance due to its superior resistance to tension. We aimed to compare conventional steel wiring to multifilament cable fixation for sternal closure in patients undergoing major cardiac surgery. Data were collected retrospectively on 1,354 patients who underwent sternal closure after major cardiac surgery, using either the multifilament cable wiring system or conventional steel wires between January 2009 and October 2010. The surgical outcomes of these two groups of patients were compared using propensity score matching based on 18 baseline patient characteristics. Propensity score matching yielded 392 pairs of patients in the two groups whose baseline profiles showed no significant differences. No significant differences between the two groups were observed in the rates of early mortality (2.0% vs. 1.3%, p=0.578), major wound complications requiring reconstruction (1.3% vs. 1.3%, p>0.99), minor wound complications (3.6% vs. 2.0%, p=0.279), or mediastinitis (0.8% vs. 1.0%, p=1.00). Patients in the multifilament cable group had fewer sternal bleeding events than those in the conventional wire group, but this tendency was not statistically significant (4.3% vs. 7.4%, p=0.068). The surgical outcomes of sternal closure using multifilament cable wires were comparable to those observed when conventional steel wires were used. Therefore, the multifilament cable wiring system may be considered a viable option for sternal closure in patients undergoing major cardiac surgery.

  14. Armer les villes contre la faim : Systèmes alimentaires urbains ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le XXe siècle a été le témoin d'une croissance massive des populations urbaines. ... On y explore le rôle que les structures existantes de marketing et de distribution peuvent jouer pour améliorer l'accessibilité, les systèmes de distribution alimentaire en émergence et leur apport éventuel à l'élimination de la faim dans les ...

  15. Clinical bending of nickel titanium wires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen Chain


    Full Text Available Since the evolution and the involvement of Nickel Titanium wires in the field of Orthodontics. The treatment plan has evolved with the use of low force Nickel Titanium wires. Because of their high springback, low stiffness, they are the key initial wires in leveling and alignment but have poor formability. Since poor formability limits its ability to create variable arch forms thus; limits the form of treatment. We have devised a method to bend the Nickel Titanium wires to help in our inventory but also customized the wire according to the treatment.

  16. Energy Deposition in a Septum Wire

    CERN Document Server

    Ferioli, G; Knaus, P; Koopman, J; CERN. Geneva. SPS and LHC Division


    The present note describes a machine development (MD) aimed to confirm experimentally the need for protection of the extraction wire septum ZS in SPS long straight section LSS6 during LHC operation. Single wires identical to the ones mounted on the extraction septum were fixed on a fast wire scanner and put into the beam path. The beam heated the wire until it broke after a measured number of turns. The maximum single shot intensity the septum wires could withstand was thus calculated and compared with simulation results.

  17. Feasibility studies on the direct wire readout on wire scanners in electron accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markert, Michael


    This bachelor thesis deals essentially with the signal processing of a so-called wire scanner, a special monitor, which comes to application in the beam diagnostics of particle accelerators. In this direct wire readout the voltage signal, which is induced by the particle beam in the measurement wire of the wire scanner, shall be directly read out. The aim of this thesis is to show fundamental considerations and perform studies, which study, whether and how in the future by means of a suited data transmission as well as readout electronics conclusion on the most important parameters of the beam, like position and profile, are possible. The measurement system presented here is divided in three main components: Signal measurement, signal preparation, and signal stretching. A suited test facility was developed and is presented in detail, in which then all components, like for instance the transmission cables, the wire-scanner fork, and the developed measurement circuit, are studied, which are of importance for a faultless signal transmission and presentation. Extensive measurements on the single components, as well as calculations for the signal transmission on and in the wire scanner were performed, whereby a good agreement could be found. Thereafter a comparison and a selection of the component used in this project were made. Furthermore improvement proposals, new constructions, and outlooks are presented, which could be of importance in further works.

  18. An interconnecting bus power optimization method combining interconnect wire spacing with wire ordering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Zhang-Ming; Hao Bao-Tian; En Yun-Fei; Yang Yin-Tang; Li Yue-Jin


    On-chip interconnect buses consume tens of percents of dynamic power in a nanometer scale integrated circuit and they will consume more power with the rapid scaling down of technology size and continuously rising clock frequency, therefore it is meaningful to lower the interconnecting bus power in design. In this paper, a simple yet accurate interconnect parasitic capacitance model is presented first and then, based on this model, a novel interconnecting bus optimization method is proposed. Wire spacing is a process for spacing wires for minimum dynamic power, while wire ordering is a process that searches for wire orders that maximally enhance it. The method, i.e., combining wire spacing with wire ordering, focuses on bus dynamic power optimization with a consideration of bus performance requirements. The optimization method is verified based on various nanometer technology parameters, showing that with 50% slack of routing space, 25.71% and 32.65% of power can be saved on average by the proposed optimization method for a global bus and an intermediate bus, respectively, under a 65-nm technology node, compared with 21.78% and 27.68% of power saved on average by uniform spacing technology. The proposed method is especially suitable for computer-aided design of nanometer scale on-chip buses. (interdisciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)

  19. Wire Scanner Motion Control Card

    CERN Document Server

    Forde, S E


    Scientists require a certain beam quality produced by the accelerator rings at CERN. The discovery potential of LHC is given by the reachable luminosity at its interaction points. The luminosity is maximized by minimizing the beam size. Therefore an accurate beam size measurement is required for optimizing the luminosity. The wire scanner performs very accurate profile measurements, but as it can not be used at full intensity in the LHC ring, it is used for calibrating other profile monitors. As the current wire scanner system, which is used in the present CERN accelerators, has not been made for the required specification of the LHC, a new design of a wire scanner motion control card is part of the LHC wire scanner project. The main functions of this card are to control the wire scanner motion and to acquire the position of the wire. In case of further upgrades at a later stage, it is required to allow an easy update of the firmware, hence the programmable features of FPGAs will be used for this purpose. The...

  20. K-wire and tension band wire fixation in treating sternoclavicular joint dislocation. (United States)

    Chen, Qing-yu; Cheng, Shao-wen; Wang, Wei; Lin, Zhong-qin; Zhang, Wei; Kou, Dong-quan; Shen, Yue; Ying, Xiao-zhou; Cheng, Xiao-jie; Lv, Chuan-zhu; Peng, Lei


    To evaluate the feasibility and therapeutic effect of treating sternoclavicular joint dislocation by K-wire and tension band wire fixation, and to improve the safety and stability of this technique. This study consisted of 9 cases, 6 males and 3 females with the mean age of 25 years (range, 9-62 years). The causes were traffic accident in 7 cases, falling in 1 case and fight in 1 case. The duration from injury to operation was 2 hours to 7 days. There were 5 left dislocations and 4 right dislocations; 8 anterior dislocations and 1 posterior dislocation, including one combined with left scapular fracture and one with left olecranon fracture. Open reduction and internal fixation using K-wires and tension band wires were performed to treat dislocations. All patients were followed up for 6 to 24 months, 10 months on average. According to Rockwood's rating scale on postoperative sternoclavicular joint, 8 cases achieved excellent outcomes with an average score of 13.88, and the rest case achieved a good outcome with the score of 12. Anatomical reduction was obtained in all cases. There were no such postoperative complications as severe infection, injury to blood vessel and nerve, failure of fixation, etc. Patients were all satisfied with the anatomical reduction and functional recovery. The technique of K-wire and tension band wire fixation is safe, simple, effective, less invasive and has been successfully used in orthopedic surgery. It is effective in treating sternoclavicular joint dislocation though it has some disadvantages.

  1. A Syst-OMICS Approach to Ensuring Food Safety and Reducing the Economic Burden of Salmonellosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Guillaume Emond-Rheault


    Full Text Available The Salmonella Syst-OMICS consortium is sequencing 4,500 Salmonella genomes and building an analysis pipeline for the study of Salmonella genome evolution, antibiotic resistance and virulence genes. Metadata, including phenotypic as well as genomic data, for isolates of the collection are provided through the Salmonella Foodborne Syst-OMICS database (SalFoS, at Here, we present our strategy and the analysis of the first 3,377 genomes. Our data will be used to draw potential links between strains found in fresh produce, humans, animals and the environment. The ultimate goals are to understand how Salmonella evolves over time, improve the accuracy of diagnostic methods, develop control methods in the field, and identify prognostic markers for evidence-based decisions in epidemiology and surveillance.

  2. Intégration d'un système de Retour d'Expériences à un PLM


    Bertin, Aurélie


    Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s’inscrivent dans une problématique d’amélioration continue appliquée aux produits et aux processus industriels, par la mise en place d’un système de Retour d’Expérience (REx) couplé au système PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) de gestion du cycle de vie du produit. Les développements, menés dans le cadre d’un partenarial industriel, ciblent l’établissement d’une solution de valorisation du patrimoine immatériel de l’entreprise, constitué des expérience...

  3. Le système d’information sur la biodiversité de l’administration des parcs nationaux argentins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonidas Lizarraga


    Full Text Available Introduction Le système d’information sur la biodiversité (SIB, Sistema de Información de Biodiversidad de l’administration des parcs nationaux argentins (APN, Administración de Parques Nacionales a été lancé en 2002, avec le soutien du Global Environment Fund (GEF dans le cadre du Projet de préservation de la biodiversité mené par l’État argentin. Le dispositif, abrégé en SIB-APN, est composé d’un ensemble de bases de données thématiques et d’un système d’information géographique : son ob...

  4. Architecture, des normes et des systèmes d'information libres, phase ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Architecture, des normes et des systèmes d'information libres, phase II (OASIS II) - Renforcement des capacités dans l'ensemble de l'Afrique. Sur presque tout le continent africain, la prestation des services de santé est limitée en raison des maigres ressources disponibles et de la charge de morbidité de plus en plus ...

  5. 75 FR 60480 - In the Matter of Certain Bulk Welding Wire Containers and Components Thereof and Welding Wire... (United States)


    ... Welding Wire Containers and Components Thereof and Welding Wire; Notice of Commission Determination To... within the United States after importation of certain bulk welding wire containers, components thereof, and welding wire by reason of infringement of certain claims of United States Patent Nos. 6,260,781; 6...

  6. Plasma chemistry in wire chambers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wise, J.


    The phenomenology of wire chamber aging is discussed and fundamentals of proportional counters are presented. Free-radical polymerization and plasma polymerization are discussed. The chemistry of wire aging is reviewed. Similarities between wire chamber plasma (>1 atm dc-discharge) and low-pressure rf-discharge plasmas, which have been more widely studied, are suggested. Construction and use of a system to allow study of the plasma reactions occurring in wire chambers is reported. A proportional tube irradiated by an 55 Fe source is used as a model wire chamber. Condensable species in the proportional tube effluent are concentrated in a cryotrap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Several different wire chamber gases (methane, argon/methane, ethane, argon/ethane, propane, argon/isobutane) are tested and their reaction products qualitatively identified. For all gases tested except those containing methane, use of hygroscopic filters to remove trace water and oxygen contaminants from the gas resulted in an increase in the average molecular weight of the products, consistent with results from low-pressure rf-discharge plasmas. It is suggested that because water and oxygen inhibit polymer growth in the gas phase that they may also reduce polymer deposition in proportional tubes and therefore retard wire aging processes. Mechanistic implications of the plasma reactions of hydrocarbons with oxygen are suggested. Unresolved issues in this work and proposals for further study are discussed

  7. Modeling and simulation of the fluid flow in wire electrochemical machining with rotating tool (wire ECM) (United States)

    Klocke, F.; Herrig, T.; Zeis, M.; Klink, A.


    Combining the working principle of electrochemical machining (ECM) with a universal rotating tool, like a wire, could manage lots of challenges of the classical ECM sinking process. Such a wire-ECM process could be able to machine flexible and efficient 2.5-dimensional geometries like fir tree slots in turbine discs. Nowadays, established manufacturing technologies for slotting turbine discs are broaching and wire electrical discharge machining (wire EDM). Nevertheless, high requirements on surface integrity of turbine parts need cost intensive process development and - in case of wire-EDM - trim cuts to reduce the heat affected rim zone. Due to the process specific advantages, ECM is an attractive alternative manufacturing technology and is getting more and more relevant for sinking applications within the last few years. But ECM is also opposed with high costs for process development and complex electrolyte flow devices. In the past, few studies dealt with the development of a wire ECM process to meet these challenges. However, previous concepts of wire ECM were only suitable for micro machining applications. Due to insufficient flushing concepts the application of the process for machining macro geometries failed. Therefore, this paper presents the modeling and simulation of a new flushing approach for process assessment. The suitability of a rotating structured wire electrode in combination with an axial flushing for electrodes with high aspect ratios is investigated and discussed.

  8. Empolder and application of LiveWire program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Bo; Li Jing; Wang Xiaoming


    LiveWire is a specific module of Netscape Web server to actualize CGI function; through LiveWire application program one can create dynamic web page on web site. This article introduces how to write LiveWire application code, have to compile, debug and manage LiveWire application programs, and how to apply LiveWire application program on Netscape Web server to create a dynamic web page. (authors)

  9. Le Machine Learning confronté aux contraintes opérationnelles des systèmes de détection


    Beaugnon , Anaël; Husson , Antoine


    International audience; Les systèmes de détection d’intrusion, reposant traditionnellementsur des signatures, n’ont pas échappé à l’attrait récent des techniquesde Machine Learning. Si les résultats présentés dans les articles de rechercheacadémique sont souvent excellents, les experts en sécurité ontcependant encore de nombreuses réticences concernant l’utilisation duMachine Learning dans les systèmes de détection d’intrusion. Ils redoutentgénéralement une inadéquation de ces techniques aux ...

  10. Optimisation du temps de réponse du système de recommandation pour l'évaluation MIMICRY


    Follet , Damien; Delestre , Nicolas; Malandain , Nicolas; Vercouter , Laurent


    Conférence EIAH 2015; L'évaluation par grille d'évaluation est de plus en plus répandue. Elle facilite l'apprentissage des apprenants mais augmente la charge d'évaluation des enseignants. Nous proposons un système de recommandation pour l'évaluation par grille de compétences, utile, utilisable, thématiquement indépendant et basé sur l'apprentissage artificiel. Dans cet article nous testons ce système sur des données réelles pour des compétences non triviales. Nous identifions deux limites fon...

  11. Control of flow past a circular cylinder via a spanwise surface wire: effect of the wire scale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ekmekci, Alis [University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, Toronto, ON (Canada); Rockwell, Donald [Lehigh University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bethlehem, PA (United States)


    Flow phenomena induced by a single spanwise wire on the surface of a circular cylinder are investigated via a cinema technique of particle image velocimetry (PIV). The primary aim of this investigation is to assess the effect of the wire scale. To this end, consideration is given to wires with different diameters that are 0.5, 1.2, and 2.9% of the cylinder diameter. The Reynolds number has a subcritical value of 10,000. Compared to the thickness of the unperturbed boundary layer developing around the cylinder between 5 and 75 from the forward stagnation point, the former two wires have smaller scales and the latter has a larger scale. Two angular locations of the wire, defined with respect to the forward stagnation point of the cylinder, are found to be critical. When the wire is located at these critical angles, either the most significant extension or the contraction of the time-mean separation bubble occurs in the near wake. These critical angles depend on the wire scale: the smaller the wire, the larger the critical angle. The small-scale and large-scale wires that have diameters of 1.2 and 2.9% of the cylinder diameter induce bistable shear-layer oscillations between different separation modes when placed at their respective critical angles corresponding to maximum extension of the near-wake bubble. These oscillations have irregular time intervals that are much longer than the time scale associated with the classical Karman instability. Moreover, the large-scale wire can either significantly attenuate or intensify the Karman mode of vortex shedding at the critical states; in contrast, the small-scale wires do not notably alter the strength of the Karman instability. (orig.)

  12. Preliminary Single-Phase Mixing Test using Wire Mesh System in a wire-wrapped 37-rod Bundle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bae, Hwang; Kim, Hyungmo; Lee, Dong Won; Choi, Hae Seob; Choi, Sun Rock; Chang, Seokkyu; Kim, Seok; Euh, Dongjin; Lee, Hyeongyeon


    In this paper, preliminary tests of the wire-mesh sensor are introduced before measuring of mixing coefficient in the wire-wrapped 37-pin fuel assembly for a sodium-cooled fast reactor. Through this preliminary test, it was confirmed that city water can be used as a tracer for demineralized water as a base. A simple test was performed to evaluate the characteristics of a wire mesh with of a short pipe shape. The conductivity of de-mineralized water and city water is linearly increased for the limited temperature ranges as the temperature is increased. The reliability of the wire mesh sensor was estimated based on the averages and standard deviations of the plane image using the cross points. A wire mesh sensor is suitable to apply to a single-phase flow measurement for a mixture with de-mineralized water and city water. A wire mesh sensor and system have been traditionally used to measure the void fraction of a two-phase flow field with gas and liquid. Recently, Ylonen et al. successfully designed and commissioned a measurement system for a single-phase flow using a wire mesh sensor

  13. Riesgo biológico y prácticas de bioseguridad en docencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandra M. Diaz-Tamayo


    Full Text Available Resumen Los riesgos ocupacionales a los cuales están expuestos los docentes del área de salud, aumentan con el desempeño de sus actividades asistenciales y prácticas formativas con estudiantes, por esto durante su formación profesional se exigen conocimientos, juicio crítico, desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en el cumplimiento de sus funciones. Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento en riesgo biológico y el cumplimiento de las prácticas de bioseguridad en el personal docente, responsable de la formación clínica de los estudiantes de los programas académicos de la Facultad de Salud de una Institución de Educación Superior. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, con una muestra de 78 docentes, entrevistados personalmente y en sus áreas de trabajo. Se evaluaron variables de conocimiento respecto al concepto que tienen los docentes sobre riesgo biológico y bioseguridad y la variable de prácticas respecto al cumplimiento de normas de bioseguridad. Resultados: la tercera parte de los docentes evaluados conocen sobre riesgo biológico y bioseguridad y en un porcentaje menor se evidenció la aplicación de prácticas de bioseguridad. No se observaron relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre conocimiento en riesgo biológico y bioseguridad y tipo de vinculación y antigüedad docente. Discusión: los docentes reconocen la exposición al riesgo biológico, pero preocupa la baja utilización de medidas de bioseguridad y de procedimientos recomendados para prevenir accidentes. Conclusiones: se espera que los docentes del área de la salud tengan un alto conocimiento sobre riesgo biológico y aplicación de normas de bioseguridad, pero esta investigación demostró las deficiencias en este tema por la población estudiada. Abstract Professors working in the field of health are exposed to occupational risks that increase as they perform their care and teaching activities with students. Thus their professional

  14. submitter Dynamical Models of a Wire Scanner

    CERN Document Server

    Barjau, Ana; Dehning, Bernd


    The accuracy of the beam profile measurements achievable by the current wire scanners at CERN is limited by the vibrations of their mechanical parts. In particular, the vibrations of the carbon wire represent the major source of wire position uncertainty which limits the beam profile measurement accuracy. In the coming years, due to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) luminosity upgrade, a wire traveling speed up to 20 $m s^{−1}$ and a position measurement accuracy of the order of 1 μm will be required. A new wire scanner design based on the understanding of the wire vibration origin is therefore needed. We present the models developed to understand the main causes of the wire vibrations observed in an existing wire scanner. The development and tuning of those models are based on measurements and tests performed on that CERN proton synchrotron (PS) scanner. The final model for the (wire + fork) system has six degrees-of-freedom (DOF). The wire equations contain three different excitation terms: inertia...

  15. 47 CFR 32.2321 - Customer premises wiring. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Customer premises wiring. 32.2321 Section 32... Customer premises wiring. (a) This account shall include all amounts transferred from the former Account 232, Station Connections, inside wiring subclass. (b) Embedded Customer Premises Wiring is that...

  16. Magnetic domain propagation in Pt/Co/Pt micro wires with engineered coercivity gradients along and across the wire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jarosz, A., E-mail: [Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. M. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznań (Poland); Gaul, A. [Department of Physics and Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT), University of Kassel, Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40, D-34132 Kassel (Germany); Urbaniak, M. [Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. M. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznań (Poland); Ehresmann, A. [Department of Physics and Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT), University of Kassel, Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40, D-34132 Kassel (Germany); Stobiecki, F. [Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. M. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznań (Poland)


    Highlights: • Electron lithography and ion bombardment were used to modify the Co/Pt micro-wires. • Two-dimensional perpendicular magnetic anisotropy gradient was engineered. • Engineered anisotropy gradient allowed to control domain wall positions in the wires. • Simulations confirm the influence of defects on a remanent state of the wires. - Abstract: Pt(15 nm)/[Co(0.6 nm)/Pt(1.5 nm)]{sub 4} multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy were patterned into several-micrometer wide wires by electron-beam lithography. Bombarding the wires with He{sup +} ions with a fluence gradient along the wire results in a spatial gradient of switching fields that allows a controllable positioning of domain walls. The influence of the reduced anisotropy near the wire edges causes a remanent state in which the reversal close to the long edges precedes that in the middle of the wires. Experiments using Kerr microscopy prove this effect and micromagnetic simulations corroborate that a decrease of the anisotropy at the edges is responsible for the effect.

  17. Control biológico de moscas blancas en cultivo de tomate: interacciones entre sus enemigos naturales


    Moreno Ripoll, Rafael


    [spa] Para obtener un control biológico adecuado de las plagas presentes en un cultivo es importante determinar las relaciones tróficas que existen entre los enemigos naturales y su efecto sobre el control de estas plagas. Dos de estas interacciones, la depredación intragremial y el canibalismo, pueden condicionar el éxito de los programas de control biológico produciendo efectos aditivos o negativos sobre las poblaciones de la plaga. Para determinar la ingesta de todos los estados de desarro...

  18. Elaboration et Suivi des Budgets de Marketing Industriel: le Système ADVISOR


    Choffray, Jean-Marie; Delabre, Gilles


    Cet article revoit les problèmes posés par l'élaboration et le suivi des budgets de marketing dans un environnement industriel. Il présente le système ADVISOR pour lequel nous avons développé un programme interactif adapté aux besoins des entreprises Françaises.

  19. Sensitive and simple method for measuring wire tensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atac, M.; Mishina, M.


    Measuring tension of wires in drift chambers and multiwire proportional chambers after construction is an important process because sometimes wires get loose after soldering, crimping or glueing. One needs to sort out wires which have tensions below a required minimum value to prevent electrostatic instabilities. There have been several methods reported on this subject in which the wires were excited either with sinusoidal current under magnetic field or with sinusoidal voltage electrostatically coupled to the wire, searching for a resonating frequency with which the wires vibrate mechanically. Then the vibration is detected either visually, optically or with magnetic pick-up directly touching the wires. Any of these is only applicable to the usual multiwire chamber which has open access to the wire plane. They also need fairly large excitation currents to induce a detectable vibration to the wires. Here we report a very simple method that can be used for any type of wire chamber or proportional tube system for measuring wire tension. Only a very small current is required for the wire excitation to obtain a large enough signal because it detects the induced emf voltage across a wire. A sine-wave oscillator and a digital voltmeter are sufficient devices aside from a permanent magnet to provide the magnetic field around the wire. A useful application of this method to a large system is suggested

  20. Percepción del riesgo biológico en dos entidades de ciencia del sector salud en Holguín: cuba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dailín Cobos Valdes

    Full Text Available Introducción: La temática sobre la percepción de riesgos resulta de gran actualidad e importancia porque su interpretación conduce al enfrentamiento de comportamientos humanos diversos. La misma puede ser aplicada a problemas de mayor especialización como el riesgo tecnológico o biológico. Las entidades con riesgo biológico deben conocer la percepción de sus trabajadores para poder organizar la Seguridad Biológica y proteger al trabajador ocupacionalmente expuesto. Las dos entidades de ciencia con riesgo biológico del sector salud en Holguín no presentan esta determinación. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de riesgo biológico en estas entidades. Materiales y Métodos: Para determinar la percepción del riesgo biológico, se empleó el programa RISKPERCEP, se utilizó también el método Delphi para validar la encuesta elaborada ajustada al grupo de estudio. Resultados: La percepción del riesgo en las dos entidades fue baja. Este resultado tiene notables implicaciones en la Bioseguridad, ya que al no valorar el riesgo al que están expuestos, los trabajadores, se familiarizan con las actividades con riesgo biológico que ejecutan diariamente y son proclives a cometer fallas. En sentido general, en las dos entidades, las variables a nivel de individuos y de la naturaleza del riesgo se encuentran subestimadas y las de gestión se encuentran sobrestimadas. Conclusiones: Los estudios realizados permiten determinar sobre qué aspectos debe incidirse para regular la sobrestimación o subestimación del riesgo, los que son esenciales en el diseño de políticas adecuadas de capacitación y en la preparación de mensajes de prevención en el ámbito laboral.

  1. VIC-CropSyst-v2: A regional-scale modeling platform to simulate the nexus of climate, hydrology, cropping systems, and human decisions (United States)

    Malek, Keyvan; Stöckle, Claudio; Chinnayakanahalli, Kiran; Nelson, Roger; Liu, Mingliang; Rajagopalan, Kirti; Barik, Muhammad; Adam, Jennifer C.


    Food supply is affected by a complex nexus of land, atmosphere, and human processes, including short- and long-term stressors (e.g., drought and climate change, respectively). A simulation platform that captures these complex elements can be used to inform policy and best management practices to promote sustainable agriculture. We have developed a tightly coupled framework using the macroscale variable infiltration capacity (VIC) hydrologic model and the CropSyst agricultural model. A mechanistic irrigation module was also developed for inclusion in this framework. Because VIC-CropSyst combines two widely used and mechanistic models (for crop phenology, growth, management, and macroscale hydrology), it can provide realistic and hydrologically consistent simulations of water availability, crop water requirements for irrigation, and agricultural productivity for both irrigated and dryland systems. This allows VIC-CropSyst to provide managers and decision makers with reliable information on regional water stresses and their impacts on food production. Additionally, VIC-CropSyst is being used in conjunction with socioeconomic models, river system models, and atmospheric models to simulate feedback processes between regional water availability, agricultural water management decisions, and land-atmosphere interactions. The performance of VIC-CropSyst was evaluated on both regional (over the US Pacific Northwest) and point scales. Point-scale evaluation involved using two flux tower sites located in agricultural fields in the US (Nebraska and Illinois). The agreement between recorded and simulated evapotranspiration (ET), applied irrigation water, soil moisture, leaf area index (LAI), and yield indicated that, although the model is intended to work on regional scales, it also captures field-scale processes in agricultural areas.

  2. Mountain Plains Learning Experience Guide: Electrical Wiring. Course: Electrical Wiring Rough-In. (United States)

    Arneson, R.; And Others

    One of two individualized courses included in an electrical wiring curriculum, this course covers electrical installations that are generally hidden within the structure. The course is comprised of four units: (1) Outlet and Switch Boxes, (2) Wiring, (3) Service Entrance, and (4) Signal and Low Voltage Systems. Each unit begins with a Unit…

  3. 49 CFR 393.28 - Wiring systems. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Wiring systems. 393.28 Section 393.28 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY... NECESSARY FOR SAFE OPERATION Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Electrical Wiring § 393.28 Wiring systems...

  4. Electromagnetic Behaviour of Metallic Wire Structures

    CERN Document Server

    Chui, S T


    Despite the recent development and interest in the photonics of metallic wire structures, the relatively simple concepts and physics often remain obscured or poorly explained to those who do not specialize in the field. Electromagnetic Behaviour of Metallic Wire Structures provides a clear and coherent guide to understanding these phenomena without excessive numerical calculations.   Including both background material and detailed derivations of the various different formulae applied, Electromagnetic Behaviour of Metallic Wire Structures describes how to extend basic circuit theory relating to voltages, currents, and resistances of metallic wire networks to include situations where the currents are no longer spatially uniform along the wire. This lays a foundation for a deeper understanding of the many new phenomena observed in meta-electromagnetic materials.   Examples of applications are included to support this new approach making Electromagnetic Behaviour of Metallic Wire Structures a comprehensive and ...

  5. Etude systématique et écologique de la faune associée aux moules ()


    Fezzani, S.; Zghal, F.; Ben Amor, Z.; El Abed, A.


    Ce travail s’intéresse non seulement à la connaissance de la faune associée aux moules notamment : Mytilus galloprovincialis, mais aussi à une étude systématique et écologique de la faune récoltée. Cette étude a été réalisée dans le lac de Bizerte, à la station de mytiliculture de Menzel Jemil. Une partie de ce travail est consacrée à un examen systématique de la faune récoltée et qui nous a permis d’inventorier 6 embranchements dont les annélides qui sont représentés par 10 espèces de Po...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. B. Zuev


    Full Text Available The paper presents the main technical specifications of galvanized low carbon wire for muzzles (bottle’hood wire, consistent with the exploitation requirements to the wire in the manufacture and use of muzzles. The main criteria when selecting the steel grade and upon selection of the technological processes are given. 

  7. Pacemaker wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fransson, S.G.


    Evaluation of pacemaker wires were performed by comparing Advanced Multiple Beam Equalization Radiography (AMBER) with conventional chest radiography. The scanning equalization technique of the AMBER unit makes it superior to conventional technique in the depiction of different structures in the mediastinum or in the pleural sinuses. So far motion artifacts have not been considered clinically important. The longer exposure time, however, may impair the assessment of pacemaker wires. The motion artifact described may not only make adequate evaluation impossible but may even give a false impression of a lead fracture. The difference between the two systems was significant. (orig.)

  8. Inhomogeneous wire explosion in water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwangbo, C.K.; Kong, H.J.; Lee, S.S.


    Inhomogeneous processes are observed in underwater copper wire explosion induced by a condensed capacitor discharge. The wire used is 0.1 mm in diameter and 10 mm long, and the capacitor of 2 μF is charged to 5 KV. A N 2 laser is used for the diagnostic of spatial extension of exploding copper vapour. The photographs obtained in this experiment show unambiguously the inhomogeneous explosion along the exploding wire. The quenching of plasma by the surrounding water inhibits the expansion of the vapour. It is believed the observed inhomogeneous explosion along the wire is located and localized around Goronkin's striae, which was first reported by Goronkin and discussed by Froengel as a pre-breakdown phenomenon. (author)

  9. The Influence of biol in the crop yield of Lactuca sativa L. variety Iceberg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pomboza-Tamaquiza Pablo


    Full Text Available The objective of the research was to assess the influence of biol enriched with efficient micro-organisms, in the ecological cultivation of Lactuca sativa L (lettuce variety "Iceberg". The field test was carried out on the farm of Querochaca, Faculty of Sciences Agriculture, of the Technical University of Ambato. The studied factors were doses of biol (2%, 4% and 6% and frequencies of application (8 and 15 days, I know used the experimental design of complete blocks at random, with factorial arrangement of 3x2 1 with three repetitions. We evaluated: plant height, diameter of the main stem, days to harvest, weight and diameter of the bud commercial, performance in kg/plot neta and performance in kg/experimental unit, conducted the significance test of Duncan to 5%. The results showed that the dose of 6 per cent applied every 15 days treatment D3F2, contributed to the larger diameter of the bud commercial (25.9 cm; the greater weight of cogollo commercial (1.14 kg and the higher performance (549 kg/experimental unit. This suggests that the implementation of biol can be an important ecological alternative to fertilize organic farming as the lettuce by reducing the use of fertilizers in chemical synthesis and production costs.

  10. HTS Wire Development Workshop: Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The 1994 High-Temperature Superconducting Wire Development Workshop was held on February 16--17 at the St. Petersburg Hilton and Towers in St. Petersburg, Florida. The meeting was hosted by Florida Power Corporation and sponsored by the US Department of Energy`s Superconductivity Program for Electric Power Systems. The meeting focused on recent high-temperature superconducting wire development activities in the Department of Energy`s Superconductivity Systems program. The meeting opened with a general discussion on the needs and benefits of superconductivity from a utility perspective, the US global competitiveness position, and an outlook on the overall prospects of wire development. The meeting then focused on four important technology areas: Wire characterization: issues and needs; technology for overcoming barriers: weak links and flux pinning; manufacturing issues for long wire lengths; and physical properties of HTS coils. Following in-depth presentations, working groups were formed in each technology area to discuss the most important current research and development issues. The working groups identified research areas that have the potential for greatly enhancing the wire development effort. These areas are discussed in the summary reports from each of the working groups. This document is a compilation of the workshop proceedings including all general session presentations and summary reports from the working groups.

  11. Si Wire-Array Solar Cells (United States)

    Boettcher, Shannon


    Micron-scale Si wire arrays are three-dimensional photovoltaic absorbers that enable orthogonalization of light absorption and carrier collection and hence allow for the utilization of relatively impure Si in efficient solar cell designs. The wire arrays are grown by a vapor-liquid-solid-catalyzed process on a crystalline (111) Si wafer lithographically patterned with an array of metal catalyst particles. Following growth, such arrays can be embedded in polymethyldisiloxane (PDMS) and then peeled from the template growth substrate. The result is an unusual photovoltaic material: a flexible, bendable, wafer-thickness crystalline Si absorber. In this paper I will describe: 1. the growth of high-quality Si wires with controllable doping and the evaluation of their photovoltaic energy-conversion performance using a test electrolyte that forms a rectifying conformal semiconductor-liquid contact 2. the observation of enhanced absorption in wire arrays exceeding the conventional light trapping limits for planar Si cells of equivalent material thickness and 3. single-wire and large-area solid-state Si wire-array solar cell results obtained to date with directions for future cell designs based on optical and device physics. In collaboration with Michael Kelzenberg, Morgan Putnam, Joshua Spurgeon, Daniel Turner-Evans, Emily Warren, Nathan Lewis, and Harry Atwater, California Institute of Technology.

  12. Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones


    Fernández López, Víctor Manuel; López de Lacey, Antonio; Rüdiger Ortiz, Olaf


    Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones. En la presente invención se protegen electrodos biológicos modificados con enzimas hidrogenasas (ánodos) mediante los cuales es posible obtener energía eléctrica del hidrógeno en una configuración típica de pilas de combustible; asimismo, con estos electrodos modificados con hidrogenasa (cátodos) es posible producir hidrógeno a partir de agua en una configuración típica de cél...

  13. Contribuições a estudos biológicos com o uso de modelos biofísicos


    de Cássia Moura do Nascimento, Rita


    Um modelo biofísico é uma representação simplificada e/ou abstrata de processos ou sistemas biológicos. Objetivando ampliar o conhecimento sobre a modelagem biofísica, esta Tese enfoca prioritariamente os modelos que desenvolvemos, visando contribuir com os estudos biológicos. Proteínas transportadoras do tipo canal iônico encontram-se presentes na membrana plasmática de todos os seres vivos e o primeiro modelo biofísico é uma membrana plasmática artificial, na qual há um co...

  14. Mechanical behavior of M-Wire and conventional NiTi wire used to manufacture rotary endodontic instruments. (United States)

    Pereira, Erika S J; Gomes, Renata O; Leroy, Agnès M F; Singh, Rupinderpal; Peters, Ove A; Bahia, Maria G A; Buono, Vicente T L


    Comparison of physical and mechanical properties of one conventional and a new NiTi wire, which had received an additional thermomechanical treatment. Specimens of both conventional (NiTi) and the new type of wire, called M-Wire (MW), were subjected to tensile and three-point bending tests, Vickers microhardness measurements, and to rotating-bending fatigue tests at a strain-controlled level of 6%. Fracture surfaces were observed by scanning electron microscopy and the non-deformed microstructures by transmission electron microscopy. The thermomechanical treatment applied to produce the M-Wire apparently increased the tensile strength and Vickers microhardness of the material, but its apparent Young modulus was smaller than that of conventionally treated NiTi. The three-point bending tests showed a higher flexibility for MW which also exhibited a significantly higher number of cycles to failure. M-Wire presented mechanical properties that can render endodontic instruments more flexible and fatigue resistant than those made with conventionally processed NiTi wires. Copyright © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Comparison of Analysis, Simulation, and Measurement of Wire-to-Wire Crosstalk. Part 2 (United States)

    Bradley, Arthur T.; Yavoich, Brian James; Hodson, Shane M.; Godley, Franklin


    In this investigation, we compare crosstalk analysis, simulation, and measurement results for electrically short configurations. Methods include hand calculations, PSPICE simulations, Microstripes transient field solver, and empirical measurement. In total, four representative physical configurations are examined, including a single wire over a ground plane, a twisted pair over a ground plane, generator plus receptor wires inside a cylindrical conduit, and a single receptor wire inside a cylindrical conduit. Part 1 addresses the first two cases, and Part 2 addresses the final two. Agreement between the analysis methods and test data is shown to be very good.

  16. Comparison of Analysis, Simulation, and Measurement of Wire-to-Wire Crosstalk. Part 1 (United States)

    Bradley, Arthur T.; Yavoich, Brian James; Hodson, Shame M.; Godley, Richard Franklin


    In this investigation, we compare crosstalk analysis, simulation, and measurement results for electrically short configurations. Methods include hand calculations, PSPICE simulations, Microstripes transient field solver, and empirical measurement. In total, four representative physical configurations are examined, including a single wire over a ground plane, a twisted pair over a ground plane, generator plus receptor wires inside a cylindrical conduit, and a single receptor wire inside a cylindrical conduit. Part 1 addresses the first two cases, and Part 2 addresses the final two. Agreement between the analysis, simulation, and test data is shown to be very good.

  17. Getting "Wired" for McLuhan's Cyberculture. (United States)

    McMurdo, George


    Examines the introduction of the computing magazine, "Wired", into the United Kingdom's (UK) market. Presents conversations with the founder and editorial staff of the UK edition, and discusses the accessibility of "Wired" via the World Wide Web. Describes 10 articles from United States "Wired" back-issues and…

  18. Ignition and spread of electrical wire fires


    Huang, Xinyan


    Ignition of electrical wires by external heating is investigated in order to gain a better understanding of the initiation of electrical-wire fires. An ignition-to- spread model is developed to systematically explain ignition and the following transition to spread. The model predicts that for a higher-conductance wire it is more difficult to achieve ignition and the weak flame may extinguish during the transition phase because of a large conductive heat loss along the wire core. Wires with tw...

  19. Biolingüística y capacidad humana Biolinguistics and Human Capacity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chomsky Noam Abraham


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta de manera sucinta el enfoque llamado 'biolingüístico' que empezó a desarrollarse en los primeros años de la posguerra, teniendo en cuenta los avances de la biología y las matemáticas. Se pasa revista a algunos postulados de la neurociencia (i.e. ciencia cognitiva en lo concerniente a la 'facultad del lenguaje', así como a los dos últimos modelos de la GG: el modelo de 'Principios y Parámetros' (P&P y el modelo 'Minimalista'. Estos últimos buscan responder las cuestiones fundamentales de la biología del lenguaje, su naturaleza, uso y evolución. Desde este punto de vista, se trata de caracterizar el equipamiento biológico gracias al cual los seres humanos adquieren una gramática. Así las cosas, se considera el equipamiento biológico como una función que asocia experiencia y gramática.This paper depicts a brief account of the so-called ´biolinguistic´ approach which dates back to the first postwar years, by taking into account progress in biology and mathematics. Some postulates of neuroscience (i.e. cognitive science regarding the ´faculty of language´ as well as the last two models of GG: the ´Principles and Parameters´ (P&P and the ´Minimalist´ models are reviewed. The latter aim to provide answers to key questions on the biology of language, its nature, its use, and its evolution. From this standpoint it has been attempted to characterize the biological endowment which allows human beings to acquire a grammar. Thus the biological endowment is seen as a function relating experience to grammar.

  20. Phosphorus in antique iron music wire. (United States)

    Goodway, M


    Harpsichords and other wire-strung musical instruments were made with longer strings about the beginning of the 17th century. This change required stronger music wire. Although these changes coincided with the introduction of the first mass-produced steel (iron alloyed with carbon), carbon was not found in samples of antique iron harpsichord wire. The wire contained an amount of phosphorus sufficient to have impeded its conversion to steel, and may have been drawn from iron rejected for this purpose. The method used to select pig iron for wire drawing ensured the highest possible phosphorus content at a time when its presence in iron was unsuspected. Phosphorus as an alloying element has had the reputation for making steel brittle when worked cold. Nevertheless, in replicating the antique wire, it was found that lowcarbon iron that contained 0.16 percent phosphorus was easily drawn to appropriate gauges and strengths for restringing antique harpsichords.

  1. Electro-mechanics of drift tube wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milburn, R.H.


    The position and stability of the sense wires in very long drift tubes are affected by both gravitational and electrostatic forces, as well as by the wire tension. For a tube to be used as an element of a high-resolution detector all these forces and their effects must be understood in appropriately precise detail. In addition, the quality control procedures applied during manufacture and detector installation must be adequate to ensure that the internal wire positions remain within tolerances. It may be instructive to practitioners to review the simple theory of a taut wire in the presence of anisotropic gravitational and electrostatic fields to illustrate the conditions for stability, the equilibrium wire displacement from straightness, and the effect of the fields on the mechanical vibration frequencies. These last may be used to monitor the wire configuration externally. A number of practical formulae result and these are applied to illustrative examples. (orig.)

  2. Medidas de bioseguridad adoptadas en el manejo con materiales biológicos en Laboratorios Liorad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Burguet Lago


    Full Text Available Introducción: el trabajo con microorganismos puede conllevar a riesgos tanto para el personal que trabaja con los mismos como para el medio ambiente. La existencia de laboratorios de seguridad biológica y la implementación de medidas en la manipulación de los agentes biológicos minimizan el riesgo. Objetivo: evaluar las medidas de bioseguridad adoptadas en el manejo con materiales biológicos en Laboratorios Liorad. Métodos: empleo de una lista de chequeo y análisis de los resultados a través de una Matriz DAFO para valorar si el diseño de la instalación cumple con la bioseguridad. Además establecer un sistema documental para la manipulación de microorganismos y la confección de un plan de capacitación para el personal que trabaja en el laboratorio de control microbiológico. Resultados: la lista de chequeo permitió identificar como principal debilidad el no disponer de un doble pasillo para el traslado del material limpio y sucio. Como fortalezas, cumplir con las prácticas y procesamientos adecuados y el contar con equipos de seguridad biológica. El sistema documental incorporó a los procedimientos establecidos para la manipulación, un acápite referido a la «Peligrosidad y Medidas de Seguridad». El programa de capacitación desarrollado permitió proveer conocimientos específicos referidos a esta temática. Conclusión: las medidas adoptadas en el laboratorio permiten plantear que de manera general se cumplen los requisitos establecidos en materia de Bioseguridad para el trabajo con microorganismos.

  3. Lansce Wire Scanning Diagnostics Device Mechanical Design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez Esparza, Sergio; Batygin, Yuri K.; Gilpatrick, John D.; Gruchalla, Michael E.; Maestas, Alfred J.; Pillai, Chandra; Raybun, Joseph L.; Sattler, F.D.; Sedillo, James Daniel; Smith, Brian G.


    The Accelerator Operations and Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory operates a linear particle accelerator which utilizes 110 wire scanning diagnostics devices to gain position and intensity information of the proton beam. In the upcoming LANSCE improvements, 51 of these wire scanners are to be replaced with a new design, up-to-date technology and off-the-shelf components. This document outlines the requirements for the mechanical design of the LANSCE wire scanner and presents the recently developed linac wire scanner prototype. Additionally, this document presents the design modifications that have been implemented into the fabrication and assembly of this first linac wire scanner prototype. Also, this document will present the design for the second, third, and fourth wire scanner prototypes being developed. Prototypes 2 and 3 belong to a different section of the particle accelerator and therefore have slightly different design specifications. Prototype 4 is a modification of a previously used wire scanner in our facility. Lastly, the paper concludes with a plan for future work on the wire scanner development.

  4. Lansce Wire Scanning Diagnostics Device Mechanical Design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Esparza, Sergio [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Batygin, Yuri K. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Gilpatrick, John D. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Gruchalla, Michael E. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Maestas, Alfred J. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Pillai, Chandra [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Raybun, Joseph L. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Sattler, F. D. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Sedillo, James Daniel [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Smith, Brian G. [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The Accelerator Operations & Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory operates a linear particle accelerator which utilizes 110 wire scanning diagnostics devices to gain position and intensity information of the proton beam. In the upcoming LANSCE improvements, 51 of these wire scanners are to be replaced with a new design, up-to-date technology and off-the-shelf components. This document outlines the requirements for the mechanical design of the LANSCE wire scanner and presents the recently developed linac wire scanner prototype. Additionally, this document presents the design modifications that have been implemented into the fabrication and assembly of this first linac wire scanner prototype. Also, this document will present the design for the second, third, and fourth wire scanner prototypes being developed. Prototypes 2 and 3 belong to a different section of the particle accelerator and therefore have slightly different design specifications. Prototype 4 is a modification of a previously used wire scanner in our facility. Lastly, the paper concludes with a plan for future work on the wire scanner development.

  5. A Syst-OMICS Approach to Ensuring Food Safety and Reducing the Economic Burden of Salmonellosis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Emond-Rheault, Jean-Guillaume; Jeukens, Julie; Freschi, Luca; Kukavica-Ibrulj, Irena; Boyle, Brian; Dupont, Marie-Josée; Colavecchio, Anna; Barrere, Virginie; Cadieux, Brigitte; Arya, Gitanjali; Bekal, Sadjia; Berry, Chrystal; Burnett, Elton; Cavestri, Camille; Chapin, Travis K; Crouse, Alanna; Daigle, France; Danyluk, Michelle D; Delaquis, Pascal; Dewar, Ken; Doualla-Bell, Florence; Fliss, Ismail; Fong, Karen; Fournier, Eric; Franz, Eelco; Garduno, Rafael; Gill, Alexander; Gruenheid, Samantha; Harris, Linda; Huang, Carol B; Huang, Hongsheng; Johnson, Roger; Joly, Yann; Kerhoas, Maud; Kong, Nguyet; Lapointe, Gisèle; Larivière, Line; Loignon, Stéphanie; Malo, Danielle; Moineau, Sylvain; Mottawea, Walid; Mukhopadhyay, Kakali; Nadon, Céline; Nash, John; Ngueng Feze, Ida; Ogunremi, Dele; Perets, Ann; Pilar, Ana V; Reimer, Aleisha R; Robertson, James; Rohde, John; Sanderson, Kenneth E; Song, Lingqiao; Stephan, Roger; Tamber, Sandeep; Thomassin, Paul; Tremblay, Denise; Usongo, Valentine; Vincent, Caroline; Wang, Siyun; Weadge, Joel T; Wiedmann, Martin; Wijnands, Lucas; Wilson, Emily D; Wittum, Thomas; Yoshida, Catherine; Youfsi, Khadija; Zhu, Lei; Weimer, Bart C; Goodridge, Lawrence; Levesque, Roger C


    The Salmonella Syst-OMICS consortium is sequencing 4,500 Salmonella genomes and building an analysis pipeline for the study of Salmonella genome evolution, antibiotic resistance and virulence genes. Metadata, including phenotypic as well as genomic data, for isolates of the collection are provided

  6. Commercial and Industrial Wiring. (United States)

    Kaltwasser, Stan; Flowers, Gary

    This module is the third in a series of three wiring publications, includes additional technical knowledge and applications required for job entry in the commercial and industrial wiring trade. The module contains 15 instructional units that cover the following topics: blueprint reading and load calculations; tools and equipment; service;…

  7. Modélisation d'un système de séchage solaire du tabac en Algérie


    Benaouda , Nour-Eddine; Belhamel , Maiouf


    International audience; L'étude a porté sur la contribution théorique du bilan d'énergie d'un système de séchage convectif des produits en feuilles. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux aspects énergétiques d'un système solaire de séchage. Le but visé par ce présent travail est l'étude de l'influence des différents paramètres entrant en jeu dans le séchage du tabac par voie solaire en Algérie.

  8. VIC–CropSyst-v2: A regional-scale modeling platform to simulate the nexus of climate, hydrology, cropping systems, and human decisions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Malek


    Full Text Available Food supply is affected by a complex nexus of land, atmosphere, and human processes, including short- and long-term stressors (e.g., drought and climate change, respectively. A simulation platform that captures these complex elements can be used to inform policy and best management practices to promote sustainable agriculture. We have developed a tightly coupled framework using the macroscale variable infiltration capacity (VIC hydrologic model and the CropSyst agricultural model. A mechanistic irrigation module was also developed for inclusion in this framework. Because VIC–CropSyst combines two widely used and mechanistic models (for crop phenology, growth, management, and macroscale hydrology, it can provide realistic and hydrologically consistent simulations of water availability, crop water requirements for irrigation, and agricultural productivity for both irrigated and dryland systems. This allows VIC–CropSyst to provide managers and decision makers with reliable information on regional water stresses and their impacts on food production. Additionally, VIC–CropSyst is being used in conjunction with socioeconomic models, river system models, and atmospheric models to simulate feedback processes between regional water availability, agricultural water management decisions, and land–atmosphere interactions. The performance of VIC–CropSyst was evaluated on both regional (over the US Pacific Northwest and point scales. Point-scale evaluation involved using two flux tower sites located in agricultural fields in the US (Nebraska and Illinois. The agreement between recorded and simulated evapotranspiration (ET, applied irrigation water, soil moisture, leaf area index (LAI, and yield indicated that, although the model is intended to work on regional scales, it also captures field-scale processes in agricultural areas.

  9. Wire alignment system for ATF LINAC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayano, H.; Takeda, S.; Matsumoto, H.; Matsui, T.


    A wire based alignment system is adopted to make less than 40μm precision alignment for injector linac of Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). The system consists of two stretched SUS wires, pickup coils and active mover stages. The position of pickup coils in a mount which will be installed into LINAC stages is set to the calculated wire position prior to installation. All of LINAC stages are then moved to keep the calculated position by the active mover. The test results of wire position detection in a long term are described. (author)

  10. Nickel contaminated titanium weld wire study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffin, G.R.; Sumstine, R.L.


    Attachment of thermocouples to fuel rod welding problems at Exxon Nuclear Company and INEL prompted an investigation study of the titanium filler wire material. It was found that the titanium filler wire was contaminated with nickel which was jacketed on the wire prior to the drawing process at the manufacturers. A method was developed to 100% inspect all filler wire for future welding application. This method not only indicates the presence of nickel contamination but indicates quantity of contamination. The process is capable of high speed inspection necessary for various high speed manufacturing processes

  11. Californium Recovery from Palladium Wire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burns, Jon D. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    The recovery of 252Cf from palladium-252Cf cermet wires was investigated to determine the feasibility of implementing it into the cermet wire production operation at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Radiochemical Engineering Development Center. The dissolution of Pd wire in 8 M HNO3 and trace amounts of HCl was studied at both ambient and elevated temperatures. These studies showed that it took days to dissolve the wire at ambient temperature and only 2 hours at 60°C. Adjusting the ratio of the volume of solvent to the mass of the wire segment showed little change in the kinetics of dissolution, which ranged from 0.176 mL/mg down to 0.019 mL/mg. A successful chromatographic separation of 153Gd, a surrogate for 252Cf, from Pd was demonstrated using AG 50x8 cation exchange resin with a bed volume of 0.5 mL and an internal diameter of 0.8 cm.

  12. Wire number dependence of the implosion dynamics, stagnation, and radiation output of tungsten wire arrays at Z driver

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazarakis, Michael G.; Stygar, William A.; Sinars, Daniel B.; Cuneo, Michael E.; Nash, Thomas J.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Keith Matzen, M.; Porter, John L.; Struve, Kenneth W.; McDaniel, Dillon H. [Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 (United States); Deeney, Christopher E. [National Nuclear Security Administration, Washington, D.C. 20585 (United States); Douglas, Melissa R. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (United States); Chittenden, Jerry [Imperial College, London, SW and 2BW (United Kingdom)


    We report results of the experimental campaign, which studied the initiation, implosion dynamics, and radiation yield of tungsten wire arrays as a function of the wire number. The wire array dimensions and mass were those of interest for the Z-pinch driven Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) program. An optimization study of the x-ray emitted peak power, rise time, and full width at half maximum was effectuated by varying the wire number while keeping the total array mass constant and equal to {approx}5.8 mg. The driver utilized was the {approx}20-MA Z accelerator before refurbishment in its usual short pulse mode of 100 ns. We studied single arrays of 20-mm diameter and 1-cm height. The smaller wire number studied was 30 and the largest 600. It appears that 600 is the highest achievable wire number with present day's technology. Radial and axial diagnostics were utilized including crystal monochromatic x-ray backlighter. An optimum wire number of {approx}375 was observed which was very close to the routinely utilized 300 for the ICF program in Sandia.

  13. Wire number dependence of the implosion dynamics, stagnation, and radiation output of tungsten wire arrays at Z driver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazarakis, Michael G.; Stygar, William A.; Sinars, Daniel B.; Cuneo, Michael E.; Nash, Thomas J.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Keith Matzen, M.; Porter, John L.; Struve, Kenneth W.; McDaniel, Dillon H.; Deeney, Christopher E.; Douglas, Melissa R.; Chittenden, Jerry


    We report results of the experimental campaign, which studied the initiation, implosion dynamics, and radiation yield of tungsten wire arrays as a function of the wire number. The wire array dimensions and mass were those of interest for the Z-pinch driven Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) program. An optimization study of the x-ray emitted peak power, rise time, and full width at half maximum was effectuated by varying the wire number while keeping the total array mass constant and equal to ∼5.8 mg. The driver utilized was the ∼20-MA Z accelerator before refurbishment in its usual short pulse mode of 100 ns. We studied single arrays of 20-mm diameter and 1-cm height. The smaller wire number studied was 30 and the largest 600. It appears that 600 is the highest achievable wire number with present day's technology. Radial and axial diagnostics were utilized including crystal monochromatic x-ray backlighter. An optimum wire number of ∼375 was observed which was very close to the routinely utilized 300 for the ICF program in Sandia.

  14. Analyse de l'emballement thermique d'un système chimique hybride non tempéré


    Véchot , Luc; Bigot , Jean-Pierre; Minko , Wilfried ,; Kazmierczak , Marc; Vicot , Patricia


    National audience; Ce travail s'intéresse au “blow-down” (emballement thermique en présence d'un évent de sécurité) d'un système chimique non tempéré (30% CHP) soumis à un incendie. Il utilise une maquette à l'échelle 0,1 l. L'analyse des données post décomposition a montré que la vapeur présente est principalement un produit de la réaction. Toutes les expériences de blow-down ont présenté deux pics de pression, quel que soit le rapport A/V, ce qui est typique des systèmes non tempérés. Nous ...

  15. Investigador Invitado. Control Biológico en Agroecosistemas Mediante el Manejo de Insectos Entomófagos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicholls Clara Inés


    Full Text Available La importancia que tienen los enemigos naturales de los organismos nocivos ha sido reconocida desde hace varias décadas. Desafortunadamente la implantación del control biológico no ha tenido la dimensión deseada. El empleo indiscriminado de productos biocidas ha alterado la biodiversidad de los agroecosistemas. Los parasitoides y predatores han sufrido los efectos nocivos de los plaguicidas. Los enemigos naturales de las plagas juegan un papel trascendental en la regulación las poblaciones de insectos nocivos. Los predatores de la clase insecta se registran en diversos órdenes y la abundancia de especies es impresionante. Pero el conocimiento que se tiene sobre su importancia aún es parcial. Pero el conocimiento que se tiene sobre su importancia aun es parcial. En muchos países no se ha precisado aun la bondad de estos organismos y se les protege. En el caso de los parasitoides ocurre algo similar. Se afirma que su diversidad biótica es incalculable, pero se explotan muy pocas especies. En estos dos grupos descansan los proyectos de Control Biológico clásico. Los éxitos en proyectos de control biológico se reconocen y se han expandido en varios países pero se requiere de un mayor impulso. Debido a las exigencias de una producción agrícola sostenible se debe de apoyar en Control Biológico de Plagas. En este documento se plantean aspectos generales sobre el tema.

  16. Systèmes d'information sur la santé Transposer les données ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 mars 2013 ... Au pire, un système d'information sur la santé dysfonctionnel peut entraîner la non-satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux de la population. Briser le ... Five IDRC-supported health systems researchers talk about how their work is improving primary health care for mothers and children, and changin.

  17. High-performance, stretchable, wire-shaped supercapacitors. (United States)

    Chen, Tao; Hao, Rui; Peng, Huisheng; Dai, Liming


    A general approach toward extremely stretchable and highly conductive electrodes was developed. The method involves wrapping a continuous carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film around pre-stretched elastic wires, from which high-performance, stretchable wire-shaped supercapacitors were fabricated. The supercapacitors were made by twisting two such CNT-wrapped elastic wires, pre-coated with poly(vinyl alcohol)/H3PO4 hydrogel, as the electrolyte and separator. The resultant wire-shaped supercapacitors exhibited an extremely high elasticity of up to 350% strain with a high device capacitance up to 30.7 F g(-1), which is two times that of the state-of-the-art stretchable supercapacitor under only 100% strain. The wire-shaped structure facilitated the integration of multiple supercapacitors into a single wire device to meet specific energy and power needs for various potential applications. These supercapacitors can be repeatedly stretched from 0 to 200% strain for hundreds of cycles with no change in performance, thus outperforming all the reported state-of-the-art stretchable electronics. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Une méthodologie d'analyse des effets de la globalisation sur les systèmes régionaux locaux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvana Lombardo


    Full Text Available Ce travail a pour but d'enrichir les études concernant les répercussions du changement de l'économie de l'entreprise au niveau global sur les modèles d'organisation territorial au niveau local les entreprises. La recherche part du constat d'une insuffisance du cadre d'étude et d'un manque d'information systématique généralisé. Dans ce but nous avons essayé d'approfondir certains aspects théoriques relatifs d'une part au modèle de réseau que relie les composantes du système territorial, et d'autre part aux effets de globalisation de l'entreprise.Nous avons abordé l'analyse des systèmes industriels de deux régions de l'Italie - les Abbruzes et le Lazio - très peu étudiées mais qui, dans les années dernières, ont montré de grands changements, notamment en ce qui concerne les PME et la formation de véritables systèmes locaux organisés afin de répondre d'une façon très active aux mutations du système économique global.L'analyse s'appuie sur une enquête directe par questionnaire adressée à un échantillon d'entreprises. La loi sur "la privacy" nous a contraintes à employer les données traditionnelles de l'Institut Central de Statistiques et de l'Union des Chambres de Commerce, à partir desquelles nous avons défini l'univers statistique et construit un échantillon représentatif.Les connaissances produites par l'analyse des données permettent de déterminer les formes des questions et d'identifier les aspects devant être approfondis. Les premières conclusions portent en particulier sur les facteurs principaux des choix de localisation de l'entreprise.

  19. [Mechanics analysis of fracture of orthodontic wires]. (United States)

    Wang, Yeping; Sun, Xiaoye; Zhang, Longqi


    Fracture problem of orthodontic wires was discussed in this paper. The calculation formulae of bending stress and tensile stress were obtained. All main factors that affect bending stress and tensile stress of orthodontic wires were analyzed and discussed. It was concluded that the main causes of fracture of orthodontic wires were fatigue and static disruption. Some improving proposals for preventing fracture of orthodontic wires were put forward.

  20. Lunar Module Wiring Design Considerations and Failure Modes (United States)

    Interbartolo, Michael


    This slide presentation reviews the considerations for the design of wiring for the Lunar Module. Included are a review of the choice of conductors and insulations, the wire splicing (i.e., crimping, and soldering), the wire connectors, and the fabrication of the wire harnesses. The problems in fabrication include the wires being the wrong length, the damage due to the sharp edges, the requried use of temproary protective covers and inadequate training. The problems in the wire harness installation include damge from sharp eges, work on adjacent harnesses, connector damage, and breaking wires. Engineering suggestions from the Apollo-era in reference to the conductors that are reviewed include: the use of plated conductors, and the use of alloys for stronger wiring. In refernce to insulation, the suggestions from Apollo era include the use of polymer tape-wrap wire insulation due to the light weight, however, other types of modern insulation might be more cost-effective. In reference to wire splices and terminal boards the suggestions from the Apollo Era include the use of crimp splices as superior to solder splices, joining multiple wire to a common point using modular plug-ins might be more reliable, but are heavier than crimp splicing. For connectors, the lessons from the Apollo era indicate that a rear environmental seal that does not require additional potting is preferred, and pins should be crimped or welded to the incoming wires and be removable from the rear of the connector.

  1. Superconducting wire for the T-15 toroidal magnet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klimenko, E.Yu.; Kruglov, V.S.; Martovetskij, N.N.


    Main characteristics of a wire designed for the T-15 toroidal superconducting magnet production are given. The wire with circulation cooling is a twist of 11 niobium-tin wires 1.5 mm in diameter, joined electrolytically by two copper tubes with 3 mm inside diameter. The wire is capable to carry 10 kA current in the 8.5 T induction field. Wire features and structures promote to receive high structural current density in winding: diffuseness of superconducting-to-normal transition increases wire stability, screw symmetry od a current-carrying core provides wire resistance to pulse longitudinal field effect at plasma current disruption, low bronze thermal conductivity in a twist increases stability to outside pulse perturbations

  2. Carbon wire chamber at sub-atmospheric pressure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Charles, G., E-mail:; Audouin, L., E-mail:; Bettane, J.; Dupre, R.; Genolini, B.; Hammoudi, N.; Imre, M.; Le Ven, V.; Maroni, A.; Mathon, B.; Nguyen Trung, T.; Rauly, E.


    Present in many experiments, wire and drift chambers have been used in a large variety of shapes and configurations during the last decades. Nevertheless, their readout elements has not evolved much: tungsten, sometimes gold-plated or aluminum, wires. By taking advantage of the developments in the manufacture of conducting carbon fiber, we could obtain interesting improvements for wire detectors. In this article, we present recent tests and simulations using carbon fibers to readout signal in place of traditional tungsten wires. Unlike metallic wires, their low weight guaranties a reduced quantity of material in the active area.

  3. Diagnostic des systèmes de culture à base de mil [ Pennisetum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif : Le présent travail a pour objectif, de faire un état des lieux des systèmes de production à base de mil en Côte d'Ivoire septentrionale afin de proposer de nouvelles pistes d'amélioration. Méthodologie et résultats : L'approche méthodologique s'est reposée sur une enquête auprès des paysans sur le terrain dans ...

  4. Indemnisation des dommages résultant de soins de santé. Phase V : impact budgétaire de la transposition du système français en Belgique


    Yerna, Benoît-Laurent; Maréchal, Xavier; Denuit, Michel; Closon, Jean-Pierre; Vinck, Imgard


    L’objectif de la présente étude consiste, d’une part, à décrire le système français d’indemnisation des victimes de dommages médicaux et, d’autre part, à calculer l’impact budgétaire de la transposition d’un tel système en Belgique. Les spécificités du système qui sera introduit en Belgique n’étant pas connues au moment de l’étude, le coût a été calculé sur la base des modalités du système en vigueur en France. Les statistiques françaises de fréquences des différents types de dommages (infect...

  5. The importance of carbon nanotube wire density, structural uniformity, and purity for fabricating homogeneous carbon nanotube-copper wire composites by copper electrodeposition (United States)

    Sundaram, Rajyashree; Yamada, Takeo; Hata, Kenji; Sekiguchi, Atsuko


    We present the influence of density, structural regularity, and purity of carbon nanotube wires (CNTWs) used as Cu electrodeposition templates on fabricating homogeneous high-electrical performance CNT-Cu wires lighter than Cu. We show that low-density CNTWs (wires) with regular macro- and microstructures and high CNT content (>90 wt %) are essential for making homogeneous CNT-Cu wires. These homogeneous CNT-Cu wires show a continuous Cu matrix with evenly mixed nanotubes of high volume fractions (˜45 vol %) throughout the wire-length. Consequently, the composite wires show densities ˜5.1 g/cm3 (33% lower than Cu) and electrical conductivities ˜6.1 × 104 S/cm (>100 × CNTW conductivity). However, composite wires from templates with higher densities or structural inconsistencies are non-uniform with discontinuous Cu matrices and poor CNT/Cu mixing. These non-uniform CNT-Cu wires show conductivities 2-6 times lower than the homogeneous composite wires.

  6. Tratamiento de aguas industriales mediante reactor biológico de membranas


    Aznar Jiménez, Antonio


    El Laboratorio de Ingeniería para el Tratamiento de Aguas de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, de investigación y servicios en el tratamiento de aguas residuales, optimiza el diseño y puesta a punto de reactores biológicos de membranas (MBR), indicados para obtener agua depurada de alta calidad y/o aumentar la capacidad de tratamiento.

  7. Pre-wired systems prove their worth. (United States)


    The 'new generation' of modular wiring systems from Apex Wiring Solutions have been specified for two of the world's foremost teaching hospitals - the Royal London and St Bartholomew's Hospital, as part of a pounds sterling 1 billion redevelopment project, to cut electrical installation times, reduce on-site waste, and provide a pre-wired, factory-tested, power and lighting system. HEJ reports.

  8. Modern wiring practice

    CERN Document Server

    Steward, W E


    Continuously in print since 1952, Modern Wiring Practice has now been fully revised to provide an up-to-date source of reference to building services design and installation in the 21st century. This compact and practical guide addresses wiring systems design and electrical installation together in one volume, creating a comprehensive overview of the whole process for contractors and architects, as well as electricians and other installation engineers. Best practice is incorporated throughout, combining theory and practice with clear and accessible explanation, all

  9. Domain observations of Fe and Co based amorphous wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takajo, M.; Yamasaki, J.


    Domain observations were made on Fe and Co based amorphous magnetic wires that exhibit a large Barkhausen discontinuity during flux reversal. Domain patterns observed on the wire surface were compared with those found on a polished section through the center of the wire. It was confirmed that the Fe based wire consists of a shell and core region as previously proposed, however, there is a third region between them. This fairly thick transition region made up of domains at an angle of about 45 degree to the wire axis clearly lacking the closure domains of the previous model. The Co based wire does not have a clear core and shell domain structure. The center of the wire had a classic domain structure expected of uniaxial anisotropy with the easy axis normal to the wire axis. When a model for the residual stress quenched-in during cooling of large Fe bars is applied to the wire, the expected anisotropy is consistent with the domain patterns in the Fe based wire, however, shape anisotropy still plays a dominant role in defining the wire core in the Co based wire

  10. Automatic reel controls filler wire in welding machines (United States)

    Millett, A. V.


    Automatic reel on automatic welding equipment takes up slack in the reel-fed filler wire when welding operation is terminated. The reel maintains constant, adjustable tension on the wire during the welding operation and rewinds the wire from the wire feed unit when the welding is completed.

  11. Method of preparing composite superconducting wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verhoeven, J. D.; Finnemore, D. K.; Gibson, E. D.; Ostenson, J. E.; Schmidt, F. A.


    An improved method of preparing composite multifilament superconducting wire of Nb 3 Sn in a copper matrix which eliminates the necessity of coating the drawn wire with tin. A generalized cylindrical billet of an alloy of copper containing at least 15 weight percent niobium, present in the copper as discrete, randomly distributed and oriented dendritic-shaped particles, is provided with at least one longitudinal opening which is filled with tin to form a composite drawing rod. The drawing rod is then drawn to form a ductile composite multifilament wire containing a filament of tin. The ductile wire containing the tin can then be wound into magnet coils or other devices before heating to diffuse the tin through the wire to react with the niobium forming Nb 3 Sn. Also described is an improved method for making large billets of the copper-niobium alloy by consumable-arc casting

  12. Heterocronía, generadora de cambios biológicos


    Picasso, Mariana


    El reloj biológico se ha acelerado o retrasado reiteradas veces a lo largo de la historia de los seres vivos. De este modo, se han modificado tanto los tiempos del desarrollo general del cuerpo, como de una estructura en particular, e incluso el tiempo en el que se produce la maduración sexual del organismo. Estos cambios temporales se denominan eventos de heterocronía (del griego, heteros: distinto, chronos: tiempo) y son una piedra angular del proceso evolutivo. Las heterocronías son respon...

  13. Maduración biológica y aptitudes cognitivas


    Asensio Aguilera, Josep M.


    El avance experimentado por algunas disciplinas biológicas en los ultimos años ha permitido comprender mejor ciertas características de los procesos de desarrollo del cerebro que revelan un claro interés pedagógico. De los datos proporcionados por la Neurobiología y la Cronobiología se desprende la apreciable influencia que ejerce el ambiente en la composición y estructura del neocórtex, al igual que la existencia de un ritmo de desarrollo cerebral variable, segun los sujetos, dentro de las p...

  14. FE modeling of Cu wire bond process and reliability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yuan, C.A.; Weltevreden, E.R.; Akker, P. van den; Kregting, R.; Vreugd, J. de; Zhang, G.Q.


    Copper based wire bonding technology is widely accepted by electronic packaging industry due to the world-wide cost reduction actions (compared to gold wire bond). However, the mechanical characterization of copper wire differs from the gold wire; hence the new wire bond process setting and new bond

  15. Monitoring and evaluation of wire mesh forming life (United States)

    Enemuoh, Emmanuel U.; Zhao, Ping; Kadlec, Alec


    Forming tables are used with stainless steel wire mesh conveyor belts to produce variety of products. The forming tables will typically run continuously for several days, with some hours of scheduled downtime for maintenance, cleaning and part replacement after several weeks of operation. The wire mesh conveyor belts show large variation in their remaining life due to associated variations in their nominal thicknesses. Currently the industry is dependent on seasoned operators to determine the replacement time for the wire mesh formers. The drawback of this approach is inconsistency in judgements made by different operators and lack of data knowledge that can be used to develop decision making system that will be more consistent with wire mesh life prediction and replacement time. In this study, diagnostic measurements about the health of wire mesh former is investigated and developed. The wire mesh quality characteristics considered are thermal measurement, tension property, gage thickness, and wire mesh wear. The results show that real time thermal sensor and wear measurements would provide suitable data for the estimation of wire mesh failure, therefore, can be used as a diagnostic parameter for developing structural health monitoring (SHM) system for stainless steel wire mesh formers.

  16. Redakční systém sportovního klubu


    Gvizd, Peter


    GVIZD, P., Redakční systém sportovního klubu. Brno, 2015. The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to create a content management systems's de-sign for the sport club Jednota Sokol Chocholná -- Velčice. The design is created on the basis of the club analysis and the identification of the key properties, which should be met by the content management system. Other properties of the content management system are deduced from the club requirements. The implementation was realized by standard technologi...

  17. Système de recommandation des services web sémantiques.


    KARAOUZENE, Meryem


    : Les systèmes de recommandation sont capables d’estimer l’intérêt d’un utilisateur pour une ressource donnée à partir de certaines informations relatives à d’autres utilisateurs similaires et aux propriétés des ressources. Dans ce mémoire nous avons présenté les phases d’une application sur ce domaine en introduisant la notion de recommandation sociale basant sur le filtrage collaboratif pour structurer les services web sémantique, on Calculant des similarités entre items pour...

  18. Electric wiring domestic

    CERN Document Server

    Coker, A J


    Electric Wiring: Domestic, Tenth Edition, is a clear and reliable guide to the practical aspects of domestic electric wiring. Intended for electrical contractors, installation engineers, wiremen and students, its aim is to provide essential up to date information on modern methods and materials in a simple, clear, and concise manner. The main changes in this edition are those necessary to bring the work into line with the 16th Edition of the Regulations for Electrical Installations issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. The book begins by introducing the basic features of domestic

  19. Fatores associados à exposição ocupacional com material biológico entre profissionais de enfermagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nádia Bruna da Silva Negrinho

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: identificar os fatores associados à exposição ocupacional com material biológico entre profissionais de enfermagem. Método: estudo transversal, realizado em um hospital, de alta complexidade, do interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram entrevistados profissionais de enfermagem no período de março a novembro de 2015. Todos os aspectos éticos foram contemplados. Resultado: dentre 226 profissionais entrevistados, 17,3% sofreram exposição ocupacional com material biológico potencialmente contaminado, sendo 61,5% por via percutânea. Fatores, como a faixa etária (p=0,003, a experiência na enfermagem (p=0,015 e na instituição, (p=0,032 estiveram associados ao acidente. Conclusão: a maior parte dos acidentes com material biológico entre os profissionais de enfermagem ocorreu por via percutânea sendo que a idade, experiência profissional e na instituição compreenderam fatores associados à exposição ocupacional.

  20. Micro Wire-Drawing: Experiments And Modelling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berti, G. A.; Monti, M.; Bietresato, M.; D'Angelo, L.


    In the paper, the authors propose to adopt the micro wire-drawing as a key for investigating models of micro forming processes. The reasons of this choice arose in the fact that this process can be considered a quasi-stationary process where tribological conditions at the interface between the material and the die can be assumed to be constant during the whole deformation. Two different materials have been investigated: i) a low-carbon steel and, ii) a nonferrous metal (copper). The micro hardness and tensile tests performed on each drawn wire show a thin hardened layer (more evident then in macro wires) on the external surface of the wire and hardening decreases rapidly from the surface layer to the center. For the copper wire this effect is reduced and traditional material constitutive model seems to be adequate to predict experimentation. For the low-carbon steel a modified constitutive material model has been proposed and implemented in a FE code giving a better agreement with the experiments

  1. Seeded perturbations in wire array Z-Pinches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, Allen Conrad; Fedin, Dmitry; Kantsyrev, Victor Leonidovich; Wunsch, Scott Edward; Oliver, Bryan Velten; Lebedev, Sergey V.; Coverdale, Christine Anne; Ouart, Nicholas D.; LePell, Paul David; Safronova, Alla S.; Shrestha, I.; McKenney, John Lee; Ampleford, David J.; Rapley, J.; Bott, S.C.; Palmer, J.B.A.; Sotnikov, Vladimir Isaakovich; Bland, Simon Nicholas; Ivanov, Vladimir V.; Chittenden, Jeremy Paul; Jones, B.; Garasi, Christopher Joseph; Hall, Gareth Neville; Yilmaz, M. Faith; Mehlhorn, Thomas Alan; Deeney, Christopher; Pokala, S.; Nalajala, V.


    Controlled seeding of perturbations is employed to study the evolution of wire array z-pinch implosion instabilities which strongly impact x-ray production when the 3D plasma stagnates on axis. Wires modulated in radius exhibit locally enhanced magnetic field and imploding bubble formation at discontinuities in wire radius due to the perturbed current path. Wires coated with localized spectroscopic dopants are used to track turbulent material flow. Experiments and MHD modeling offer insight into the behavior of z-pinch instabilities.

  2. 29 CFR 1926.404 - Wiring design and protection. (United States)


    .... Receptacles on a two-wire, single-phase portable or vehicle-mounted generator rated not more than 5kW, where the circuit conductors of the generator are insulated from the generator frame and all other grounded... wiring shall be grounded: (i) Three-wire DC systems. All 3-wire DC systems shall have their neutral...

  3. Acoustic Emission from Elevator Wire Ropes During Tensile Testing (United States)

    Bai, Wenjie; Chai, Mengyu; Li, Lichan; Li, Yongquan; Duan, Quan

    The acoustic emission (AE) technique was used to monitor the tensile testing process for two kinds of elevator wire ropes in our work. The AE signals from wire breaks were obtained and analyzed by AE parameters and waveforms. The results showed that AE technique can be a useful tool to monitor wire break phenomenon of wire ropes and effectively capture information of wire break signal. The relationship between AE signal characteristics and wire breaks is investigated and it is found that the most effective acoustic signal discriminators are amplitude and absolute energy. Moreover, the wire break signal of two kinds of ropes is a type of burst signal and it is believed that the waveform and spectrum can be applied to analyze the AE wire break signals.

  4. Superconducting wires and methods of making thereof

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Xingchen; Sumption, Michael D.; Peng, Xuan


    Disclosed herein are superconducting wires. The superconducting wires can comprise a metallic matrix and at least one continuous subelement embedded in the matrix. Each subelement can comprise a non-superconducting core, a superconducting layer coaxially disposed around the non-superconducting core, and a barrier layer coaxially disposed around the superconducting layer. The superconducting layer can comprise a plurality of Nb.sub.3Sn grains stabilized by metal oxide particulates disposed therein. The Nb.sub.3Sn grains can have an average grain size of from 5 nm to 90 nm (for example, from 15 nm to 30 nm). The superconducting wire can have a high-field critical current density (J.sub.c) of at least 5,000 A/mm.sup.2 at a temperature of 4.2 K in a magnetic field of 12 T. Also described are superconducting wire precursors that can be heat treated to prepare superconducting wires, as well as methods of making superconducting wires.

  5. Impedance Characterisation of the SPS Wire Scanner

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2091911; Prof. Sillanpää, Mika

    As a beam diagnostic tool, the SPS wire scanner interacts with the proton bunches traversing the vacuum pipes of the Super Proton Synchrotron particle accelerator. Following the interaction, the bunches decelerate or experience momentum kicks off-axis and couple energy to the cavity walls, resonances and to the diagnostic tool, the scanning wire. The beam coupling impedance and, in particular, the beam induced heating of the wire motivate the characterisation and redesign of the SPS wire scanner. In this thesis, we characterise RF-wise the low frequency modes of the SPS wire scanner. These have the highest contribution to the impedance. We measure the cavity modes in terms of resonance frequency and quality factor by traditional measurement techniques and data analysis. We carry out a 4-port measurement to evaluate the beam coupling to the scanning wire, that yields the spectral heating power. If combined with the simulations, one is able to extract the beam coupling impedance and deduce the spectral dissipa...

  6. Body of Knowledge (BOK) for Copper Wire Bonds (United States)

    Rutkowski, E.; Sampson, M. J.


    Copper wire bonds have replaced gold wire bonds in the majority of commercial semiconductor devices for the latest technology nodes. Although economics has been the driving mechanism to lower semiconductor packaging costs for a savings of about 20% by replacing gold wire bonds with copper, copper also has materials property advantages over gold. When compared to gold, copper has approximately: 25% lower electrical resistivity, 30% higher thermal conductivity, 75% higher tensile strength and 45% higher modulus of elasticity. Copper wire bonds on aluminum bond pads are also more mechanically robust over time and elevated temperature due to the slower intermetallic formation rate - approximately 1/100th that of the gold to aluminum intermetallic formation rate. However, there are significant tradeoffs with copper wire bonding - copper has twice the hardness of gold which results in a narrower bonding manufacturing process window and requires that the semiconductor companies design more mechanically rigid bonding pads to prevent cratering to both the bond pad and underlying chip structure. Furthermore, copper is significantly more prone to corrosion issues. The semiconductor packaging industry has responded to this corrosion concern by creating a palladium coated copper bonding wire, which is more corrosion resistant than pure copper bonding wire. Also, the selection of the device molding compound is critical because use of environmentally friendly green compounds can result in internal CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) mismatches with the copper wire bonds that can eventually lead to device failures during thermal cycling. Despite the difficult problems associated with the changeover to copper bonding wire, there are billions of copper wire bonded devices delivered annually to customers. It is noteworthy that Texas Instruments announced in October of 2014 that they are shipping microcircuits containing copper wire bonds for safety critical automotive applications

  7. Numerical modelling of ozone production in a wire-cylinder corona discharge and comparison with a wire-plate corona discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Pengxiang; Chen Junhong


    The effect of electrode configuration on ozone production in the direct-current corona discharge of dry and humid air is studied by a numerical model that combines the electron distribution in the corona plasma, plasma chemistry and transport phenomena. Two electrode configurations are considered: wire-cylinder discharge with air flowing along the wire axis and wire-plate discharge with air flowing transverse to the wire. The ozone distributions in both types of discharges are compared. For both electrode configurations, the ozone production rate is higher in the negative corona than in the positive corona and it decreases with an increase in relative humidity. More importantly, the detailed ozone distribution in the neighbourhood of the discharge wire, together with the ozone kinetics, reveals the possible difference in the ozone production from the two discharges. With the same operating conditions and sufficiently short flow residence time, the ozone production rate is nearly the same for both electrode configurations. When the flow residence time is longer than the characteristic time for homogeneous ozone destruction, the net ozone production is higher in the wire-cylinder discharge than in the wire-plate discharge due to relatively less ozone destruction.

  8. Numerical modelling of ozone production in a wire-cylinder corona discharge and comparison with a wire-plate corona discharge (United States)

    Wang, Pengxiang; Chen, Junhong


    The effect of electrode configuration on ozone production in the direct-current corona discharge of dry and humid air is studied by a numerical model that combines the electron distribution in the corona plasma, plasma chemistry and transport phenomena. Two electrode configurations are considered: wire-cylinder discharge with air flowing along the wire axis and wire-plate discharge with air flowing transverse to the wire. The ozone distributions in both types of discharges are compared. For both electrode configurations, the ozone production rate is higher in the negative corona than in the positive corona and it decreases with an increase in relative humidity. More importantly, the detailed ozone distribution in the neighbourhood of the discharge wire, together with the ozone kinetics, reveals the possible difference in the ozone production from the two discharges. With the same operating conditions and sufficiently short flow residence time, the ozone production rate is nearly the same for both electrode configurations. When the flow residence time is longer than the characteristic time for homogeneous ozone destruction, the net ozone production is higher in the wire-cylinder discharge than in the wire-plate discharge due to relatively less ozone destruction.

  9. Fabrication of tungsten wire needles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roder, A.


    Fine point needles for field emissoin are conventionally produced by electrolytically or chemically etching tungsten wire. Points formed in this manner have a typical tip radius of about 0.5 microns and a cone angle of some 30 degrees. The construction of needle matrix detector chambers has created a need for tungsten needles whose specifications are: 20 mil tungsten wire, 1.5 inch total length, 3 mm-long taper (resulting in a cone angle of about 5 degrees), and 25 micron-radius point (similar to that found on sewing needles). In the process described here for producing such needles, tungsten wire, immersed in a NaOH solution and in the presence of an electrode, is connected first to an ac voltage and then to a dc supply, to form a taper and a point on the end of the wire immersed in the solution. The process parameters described here are for needles that will meet the above specifications. Possible variations will be discussed under each approprite heading

  10. Renforcement des capacités de réaliser des examens systématiques

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    LIRNEasia appliquera les protocoles de la Collaboration Campbell et renforcera les capacités des deux communautés précitées de réaliser des examens systémiques qui évalueront et consolideront les connaissances sur de grandes questions de développement, dont les suivantes : - l'incidence de l'argent mobile sur les ...

  11. Simulation numérique des transferts thermiques dans un système de séchage solaire du bois


    Khouya , Ahmed; Benabdelouhab , Jaâfar; Draoui , Abdeslam


    International audience; Les auteurs présentent une étude théorique sur un système de séchage constitué d'un capteur solaire à air de type multi–passes muni d'ailettes et couplé à une cuve de stockage dans les conditions climatiques de la région de Tanger au Maroc. L'étude est réalisée à partir des modèles mathématiques obtenus par l'écriture des lois de conservation de l'énergie dans les différentes composantes du système. Des simulations ont été réalisées en exploitant des mesures expériment...

  12. External wire-frame fixation of digital skin grafts: a non-invasive alternative to the K-wire insertion method. (United States)

    Huang, Chenyu; Ogawa, Rei; Hyakusoku, Hiko


    The current skin graft fixation methods for digits, including the Kirschner wire insertion technique, can be limited by inadequate or excessive fixation and complications such as infection or secondary injuries. Therefore, the external wire-frame fixation method was invented and used for skin grafting of digits. This study aimed to investigate external wire-frame fixation of digital skin grafts as a non-invasive alternative to the K-wire insertion method. In 2005-2012, 15 patients with burn scar contractures on the hand digits received a skin graft that was then fixed with an external wire frame. The intra-operative time needed to make the wire frame, the postoperative time to frame and suture removal, the graft survival rate, the effect of contracture release and the complications were recorded. In all cases, the contracture release was 100%. The complete graft survival rate was 98.6%. Four patients had epithelial necrosis in wire-frame fixation is simple, minimally invasive and a custom-made technique for skin grafting of the fingers. It was designed for its potential benefits and the decreased risk it poses to patients with scar contractures on their fingers. It can be implemented in three phases of grafting, does not affect the epiphyseal line or subsequent finger growth and is suitable for children with multi-digit involvement. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

  13. Formation of plasma around wire fragments created by electrically exploded copper wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, Michael J.


    The physical processes occurring during the electrical explosion of metallic conductors has attracted interest for many years. Applications include circuit breakers, segmented lightning divertor strips for aircraft radomes, disruption of metallic shaped charge jets, plasma armatures for electromagnetic railguns and plasma generators for electrothermal-chemical guns. Recent work has cited the phenomenology of the fragmentation processes, particularly the development of a plasma around the lower resistance condensed fragments. An understanding of both the fragmentation process and the development of the accompanying formation of plasma is essential for the optimization of devices that utilize either of these phenomena. With the use of x-radiography and fast photography, this paper explores the wire explosion process, in particular the relationship between the fragmentation, plasma development and resistance rise that occurs during this period. A hypothesis is put forward to account for the development of plasma around the condensed wire fragments. Experimental parameters used in this study are defined. Wires studied were typically copper, with a diameter of 1 mm and length in excess of 150 mm. Circuit inductance used were from 26 to 800 μH. This relatively high circuit inductance gave circuit rise times less than 180 MA s -1 , slow with respect to many other exploding wire studies. Discharge duration ranged from 0.8 to 10 ms. (author)

  14. Ferromagnetic artificial pinning centers in multifilamentary superconducting wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, J.Q.; Rizzo, N.D.; Prober, D.E.


    The authors fabricated multifilamentary NbTi wires with ferromagnetic (FM) artificial pinning centers (APCs) to enhance the critical current density (J c ) in magnetic fields. They used a bundle and draw technique to process the APC wires with either Ni or Fe as the pinning centers. Both wires produced higher J c in the high field range (5-9 T) than previous non-magnetic APC wires similarly processed, even though the authors have not yet optimized pin percentage. Using a magnetometer they found that the pins remained ferromagnetic for the wires with maximum J c . However, they did observe a substantial loss of FM material for the wires where the pin diameter approached 3 nm. Thus, they expect further enhancement of J c with better pin quality

  15. Ultrahigh-strength submicron-sized metallic glass wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Y.B.; Lee, C.C.; Yi, J.; An, X.H.; Pan, M.X.; Xie, K.Y.; Liao, X.Z.; Cairney, J.M.; Ringer, S.P.; Wang, W.H.


    In situ deformation experiments were performed in a transmission electron microscope to investigate the mechanical properties of submicron-sized Pd 40 Cu 30 Ni 10 P 20 metallic glass (MG) wires. Results show that the submicron-sized MG wires exhibit intrinsic ultrahigh tensile strength of ∼2.8 GPa, which is nearly twice as high as that in their bulk counterpart, and ∼5% elastic strain approaching the elastic limits. The tensile strength, engineering strain at failure and deformation mode of the submicron-sized MG wires depend on the diameter of the wires

  16. Développement d’un système de contrôle, de configuration et de supervision graphique distribué

    CERN Document Server

    Moreau, Alexandre


    Dans le cadre de l’expérience LHCb, les physiciens travaillant au CERN devront acquérir et analyser un nombre considérable d’informations issues des différents d´etecteurs. Afin de les obtenir, un important dispositif d’acquisition de données a été élaboré au sein même du CERN, comprenant des centaines de cartes électroniques, qui permettront non seulement de s’assurer du bon déroulement de l’expérience, mais également de véhiculer ces données depuis les détecteurs jusqu’aux zones de stockage. La configuration, le contrôle et la surveillance de ces cartes devront être faits à distance, grâce à un logiciel de type SCADA, sous la forme d’interfaces graphiques. Mon travail a donc consisté à réaliser ce système pour un type bien précis de cartes électroniques équipées d’un PC embarqué. Le système réalisé répond maintenant à la plupart des attentes, mais existant des systèmes équivalents pour d’autres types de cartes électroniques, il est maintenant envisag...

  17. Diamond wire cutting of heat exchangers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckman, T.R.; Bjerler, J.


    With the change-out of equipment at nuclear power plants comes large quantities of low level contaminated metallic waste. Of particular concern are large heat exchangers, preheaters and steam generators. These bulky items consume huge volumes of burial space. The need for volume reduction and recycling of these metals has created new demands for 'how' to cut heat exchangers into useful sizes for decontamination, melting or compaction. This paper reviews the cutting solution provided by a diamond wire system, with particular regard for cutting of a Ringhals Preheater Bundle at Studsvik Nuclear in 1989. The background of diamond wire sawing is discussed and basic components of wire sawing are explained. Other examples of wire cutting decommissioned components are also given. (author)

  18. Poliquetos (Annelida: Polychaeta como indicadores biológicos de contaminación marina: casos en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa Fernández Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El concepto de Indicador Biológico ha sido usado sin mayor precaución al momento de emplear ciertos organismos en programas de monitoreo ambiental, lo cual genera confusión. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo fue resaltar la importancia en la consolidación de una definición precisa de este concepto a partir de información disponible, proponiendo una definición para el mismo. Las características ecológicas de los poliquetos permiten que, al estar en contacto permanente con diferentes tipos de contaminantes, respondan bioacumulando, disminuyendo o aumentando su abundancia, según sea la especie, hecho que posiciona este tipo de organismos como potenciales indicadores de contaminación marina. En este artículo se presenta de manera concreta un análisis de la literatura disponible para poliquetos en el campo de los indicadores biológicos, resaltando cómo éstos han sido usados en diferentes metodologías, con ejemplos a internacionales, así como una selección especial para Colombia. De los resultados más sobresalientes se encontró que Capitella capitata es la especie más estudiada al estar asociada con ambientes contaminados a causa del incremento de materia orgánica y es la única especie reportada en el país como indicador biológico usando las técnicas clásicas de bioindicación. Finalmente, se reitera la importancia de iniciar investigaciones sobre los aspectos ecológicos, ecotoxicológicos y bioensayos de laboratorio con otras especies de poliquetos para validar cuáles especies y por qué pueden ser consideradas como indicadores biológicos para el país.

  19. The status of commercial and developmental HTS wires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masur, L.J.; Buczek, D.; Harley, E.; Kodenkandath, T.; Li, X.; Lynch, J.; Nguyen, N.; Rupich, M.; Schoop, U.; Scudiere, J.; Siegal, E.; Thieme, C.; Verebelyi, D.; Zhang, W.; Kellers, J


    This paper provides an update on the development, performance and application of first and second generation high temperature superconductor (HTS) wires fabricated at American Superconductor (AMSC). First generation, multifilamentary composite wire is available commercially today in different viable product forms. This conductor carries 140 x the current of copper of the same cross-section, and is robust enough to stand tough industrial requirements. Second generation HTS wires, having a coated conductor composite architecture, are under development today and achieved substantial progress recently. AMSC's first generation wire will continue as the workhorse of the industry for the next 3-4 years while AMSC's second generation coated conductor wire is on track to be reproducible, uniform, scalable, and low cost. This paper provides a product differentiation with a view on the application of HTS wire in the electric power sector. Basic engineering data is reviewed that shall aid the engineer in the selection of the HTS wire product.

  20. Wired to freedom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Kim Sune Karrasch; Bertilsson, Margareta


    dimension of life science through a notion of public politics adopted from the political theory of John Dewey. We show how cochlear implantation engages different social imaginaries on the collective and individual levels and we suggest that users share an imaginary of being “wired to freedom” that involves...... new access to social life, continuous communicative challenges, common practices, and experiences. In looking at their lives as “wired to freedom,” we hope to promote a wider spectrum of civic participation in the benefit of future life science developments within and beyond the field of Cochlear...

  1. Heat Transfer Analysis in Wire Bundles for Aerospace Vehicles (United States)

    Rickman, S. L.; Iamello, C. J.


    Design of wiring for aerospace vehicles relies on an understanding of "ampacity" which refers to the current carrying capacity of wires, either, individually or in wire bundles. Designers rely on standards to derate allowable current flow to prevent exceedance of wire temperature limits due to resistive heat dissipation within the wires or wire bundles. These standards often add considerable margin and are based on empirical data. Commercial providers are taking an aggressive approach to wire sizing which challenges the conventional wisdom of the established standards. Thermal modelling of wire bundles may offer significant mass reduction in a system if the technique can be generalized to produce reliable temperature predictions for arbitrary bundle configurations. Thermal analysis has been applied to the problem of wire bundles wherein any or all of the wires within the bundle may carry current. Wire bundles present analytical challenges because the heat transfer path from conductors internal to the bundle is tortuous, relying on internal radiation and thermal interface conductance to move the heat from within the bundle to the external jacket where it can be carried away by convective and radiative heat transfer. The problem is further complicated by the dependence of wire electrical resistivity on temperature. Reduced heat transfer out of the bundle leads to higher conductor temperatures and, hence, increased resistive heat dissipation. Development of a generalized wire bundle thermal model is presented and compared with test data. The steady state heat balance for a single wire is derived and extended to the bundle configuration. The generalized model includes the effects of temperature varying resistance, internal radiation and thermal interface conductance, external radiation and temperature varying convective relief from the free surface. The sensitivity of the response to uncertainties in key model parameters is explored using Monte Carlo analysis.

  2. Thermosonic wire bonding of gold wire onto copper pad using the saturated interfacial phenomena (United States)

    Jeng, Yeau-Ren; Aoh, Jong-Hing; Wang, Chang-Ming


    Copper has been used to replace conventional aluminium interconnection to improve the performance of deep submicron integrated circuits. This study used the saturated interfacial phenomena found in thermosonic ball bonding of gold wire onto aluminium pad to investigate thermosonic ball bonding of gold wire onto copper pad. The effects of preheat temperatures and ultrasonic powers on the bonding force were investigated by using a thermosonic bonding machine and a shear tester. This work shows that under proper preheat temperatures, the bonding force of thermosonic wire bonding can be explained based on interfacial microcontact phenomena such as energy intensity, interfacial temperature and real contact area. It is clearly shown that as the energy intensity is increased, the shear force increases, reaches a maximum, and then decreases. After saturation, i.e. the establishment of maximum atomic bonding, any type of additional energy input will damage the bonding, decreasing the shear force. If the preheat temperature is not within the proper range, the interfacial saturation phenomenon does not exist. For a preload of 0.5 N and a welding time of 15 ms in thermosonic wire bonding of gold wire onto copper pads, a maximum shear force of about 0.33 N is found where the interfacial energy intensity equals 1.8×106 J m-2 for preheat temperatures of 150°C and 170°C. Moreover, the corresponding optimal ultrasonic power is about 110 units.

  3. Development of wire wrapping technology for FBR fuel pin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nogami, Tetsuya; Seki, Nobuo; Sawayama, Takeo; Ishibashi, Takashi


    For the FBR fuel assembly, the spacer wire is adopted to maintain the space between fuel pins. The developments have been carried out to achieve automatically wire wrapping with high precision. Based on the fundamental technology developed through the mock-up test operation, Joyo 'MK-I', fuel pin fabrication was started using partially mechanized wire wrapping machine in 1973. In 1978, an automated wire wrapping machine for Joyo 'MK-II' was developed by the adoption of some improvements for the wire inserting system to end plug hole and the precision of wire pitch. On the bases of these experiences, fully automated wire wrapping machine for 'Monju' fuel pin was installed at Plutonium Fuel Production Facility (PFPF) in 1987. (author)

  4. Wire scanner software and firmware issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilpatrick, John Doug


    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center facility presently has 110 slow wire scanning profile measurement instruments located along its various beam lines. These wire scanners were developed and have been operating for at least 30 years. While the wire scanners solved many problems to operate and have served the facility well they have increasingly suffered from several problems or limitations, such as maintenance and reliability problems, antiquated components, slow data acquisition, and etc. In order to refurbish these devices, these wire scanners will be replaced with newer versions. The replacement will consist of a completely new beam line actuator, new cables, new electronics and brand new software and firmware. This note describes the functions and modes of operation that LabVIEW VI software on the real time controller and FPGA LabVIEW firmware will be required. It will be especially interesting to understand the overall architecture of these LabVIEW VIs. While this note will endeavor to describe all of the requirements and issues for the wire scanners, undoubtedly, there will be missing details that will be added as time progresses.

  5. Ciclo de vida de Triatoma dimidiata Latreille, 1811 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) en condiciones de laboratorio: producción de ninfas para ensayos biológicos


    Marlene Reyes; Víctor Manuel Angulo


    Introducción. A pesar de la importancia de Triatoma dimidiata como vector de la enfermedad de Chagas, poco se conoce de su ciclo biológico y de la producción eficiente de insectos disponibles para ensayos biológicos. Objetivo. Determinar las características del ciclo de vida en el laboratorio y establecer las condiciones del estado nutricional para la producción eficiente de ninfas de V estadio para ensayos biológicos. Materiales y métodos. Se determinaron los tiempos de desarrollo de l...

  6. Technical innovation: Wire guided ductography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aslam, Muhammad Ovais; Ramadan, Salwa; Al-Adwani, Muneera


    To introduce an easy and improved technique for performing ductography using inexpensive easily available intravenous cannula. Guide wire: Prolene/Surgipro 3-0 (Polypropylene mono filament non-absorbable surgical suture). A plastic 26 G intravenous cannula. Disposable syringe 2 ml. Non-ionic contrast (low density like Omnipaque 240 mg I/I). The guide wire (Prolene 3-0) is introduced into the orifice of the duct heaving discharge and 26 G intravenous plastic cannula is then passed over the guide wire. The cannula is advanced in the duct over guide wire by spinning around it. When the cannula is in place the guide wire is removed. Any air bubbles present in the hub of the cannula can be displaced by filling the hub from bottom upwards with needle attached to contrast filled syringe. 0.2–0.4 ml non-ionic contrast is gently injected. Injection is stopped if the patient has pain or burning. Magnified cranio-caudal view is obtained with cannula tapped in place and gentle compression is applied with the patient sitting. If duct filling is satisfactory a 90* lateral view is obtained. A successful adaptation of the technique for performing ductography is presented. The materials required for the technique are easily available in most radiology departments and are inexpensive, thus making the procedure comfortable for the patient and radiologist with considerable cost effectiveness.

  7. Metallurgical investigation of wire breakage of tyre bead grade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Piyas Palit


    Full Text Available Tyre bead grade wire is used for tyre making application. The wire is used as reinforcement inside the polymer of tyre. The wire is available in different size/section such as 1.6–0.80 mm thin Cu coated wire. During tyre making operation at tyre manufacturer company, wire failed frequently. In this present study, different broken/defective wire samples were collected from wire mill for detailed investigation of the defect. The natures of the defects were localized and similar in nature. The fracture surface was of finger nail type. Crow feet like defects including button like surface abnormalities were also observed on the broken wire samples. The defect was studied at different directions under microscope. Different advanced metallographic techniques have been used for detail investigation. The analysis revealed that, white layer of surface martensite was formed and it caused the final breakage of wire. In this present study we have also discussed about the possible reason for the formation of such kind of surface martensite (hard-phase.

  8. IEE wiring regulations explained and illustrated

    CERN Document Server

    Scaddan, Brian


    The IEE Wiring Regulations Explained and Illustrated, Second Edition discusses the recommendations of the IEE Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings for the safe selection or erection of wiring installations. The book emphasizes earthing, bonding, protection, and circuit design of electrical wirings. The text reviews the fundamental requirements for safety, earthing systems, the earth fault loop impedance, and supplementary bonding. The book also describes the different types of protection, such as protection against mechanical damage, overcurrent, under voltage (which prevents

  9. Avaliação do processo de tratamento biológico de águas residuárias sanitária e industrial em sistema combinado com reator biológico de contato seguido de filtro aerado submerso


    Hércules Antonio de Oliveira


    Este estudo apresenta os resultados da operação de uma planta piloto de tratamento biológico para águas residuárias, em testes realizados em duas fases de estudo, sendo a primeira relacionada com a operação de um reator biológico de contato (RBC) e a segunda com a operação em sistema combinado, com um biofiltro aerado submerso (BAS) à jusante do RBC. As unidades RBC e BAS foram ensaiadas no tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A vazão média de alimentação foi de 82,9 Lh-1, e vazão de recirculação ...

  10. Test en ligne des systèmes à base de microprocesseur


    Michel , Thierry


    Cette thèse traite de la vérification en ligne, par des moyens matériels, du flot de contrôle d'un système a base de microprocesseur. Une technique de compaction est utilisée pour faciliter cette vérification (analyse de signature). La plupart des méthodes proposées jusqu'ici imposent une modification du programme d'application, afin d'introduire dans celui-ci des propriétés invariantes (la signature en chaque point de l'organigramme est indépendante des chemins préalablement parcourus). Les ...

  11. Wiring Damage Analyses for STS OV-103 (United States)

    Thomas, Walter, III


    This study investigated the Shuttle Program s belief that Space Transportation System (STS) wiring damage occurrences are random, that is, a constant occurrence rate. Using Problem Reporting and Corrective Action (PRACA)-derived data for STS Space Shuttle OV-103, wiring damage was observed to increase over the vehicle s life. Causal factors could include wiring physical deterioration, maintenance and inspection induced damage, and inspection process changes resulting in more damage events being reported. Induced damage effects cannot be resolved with existent data. Growth analysis (using Crow-AMSAA, or CA) resolved maintenance/inspection effects (e.g., heightened awareness) on all wire damages and indicated an overall increase since Challenger Return-to-Flight (RTF). An increasing failure or occurrence rate per flight cycle was seen for each wire damage mode; these (individual) rates were not affected by inspection process effects, within statistical error.

  12. Investigation of ball bond integrity for 0.8 mil (20 microns) diameter gold bonding wire on low k die in wire bonding technology (United States)

    Kudtarkar, Santosh Anil

    Microelectronics technology has been undergoing continuous scaling to accommodate customer driven demand for smaller, faster and cheaper products. This demand has been satisfied by using novel materials, design techniques and processes. This results in challenges for the chip connection technology and also the package technology. The focus of this research endeavor was restricted to wire bond interconnect technology using gold bonding wires. Wire bond technology is often regarded as a simple first level interconnection technique. In reality, however, this is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of the interactions between the design, material and process variables, and their impact on the reliability of the bond formed during this process. This research endeavor primarily focused on low diameter, 0.8 mil thick (20 mum) diameter gold bonding wire. Within the scope of this research, the integrity of the ball bond formed by 1.0 mil (25 mum) and 0.8 mil (20 mum) diameter wires was compared. This was followed by the evaluation of bonds formed on bond pads having doped SiO2 (low k) as underlying structures. In addition, the effect of varying the percentage of the wire dopant, palladium and bonding process parameters (bonding force, bond time, ultrasonic energy) for 0.8 mil (20 mum) bonding wire was also evaluated. Finally, a degradation empirical model was developed to understand the decrease in the wire strength. This research effort helped to develop a fundamental understanding of the various factors affecting the reliability of a ball bond from a design (low diameter bonding wire), material (low k and bonding wire dopants), and process (wire bonding process parameters) perspective for a first level interconnection technique, namely wire bonding. The significance of this research endeavor was the systematic investigation of the ball bonds formed using 0.8 mil (20 microm) gold bonding wire within the wire bonding arena. This research addressed low k

  13. Caractérisation physico-chimique d'un système lotique en région ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 mai 2017 ... région tropicale : la rivière Sô au Sud-Bénin, Afrique de l'Ouest. ... la mise en place d'un plan de gestion durable de la rivière et son bassin ...... système qui contrôle et traite les eaux usées avant leur ... Étude dynamique des.

  14. Pretinning Nickel-Plated Wire Shields (United States)

    Igawa, J. A.


    Nickel-plated copper shielding for wires pretinned for subsequent soldering with help of activated rosin flux. Shield cut at point 0.25 to 0.375 in. (6 to 10 mm) from cut end of outer jacket. Loosened end of shield straightened and pulled toward cut end. Insulation of inner wires kept intact during pretinning.

  15. Supplemental Analysis Survey of C&P Telephone Inside Wiring. (United States)


    telephone company facilities in 1984. In 1985, among other actions favorable to deregulation and detariffing of inside wiring, the FCC proposed to detariff ...installation of inside wiring, detariff the maintenance of all inside wiring, treat all inside wiring as customer premise equipment and pass ownership...85-148, 50 Fed. let. 13991 (April 9, 1985), pToposing to detariff the installation of simple inside wiring and also to detariff the maintenance of all

  16. Nano-powder production by electrical explosion of wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mao Zhiguo; Zou Xiaobing; Wang Xinxin; Jiang Weihua


    A device for nano-powder production by electrical explosion of wires was designed and built. Eight wires housed in the discharge chamber are exploded one by one before opening the chamber for the collection of the produced nano-powder. To increase the rate of energy deposition into a wire, the electrical behavior of the discharge circuit including the exploding wire was simulated. The results showed that both reducing the circuit inductance and reducing the capacitance of the energy-storage capacitor (keeping the storage energy constant) can increase the energy deposition rate. To better understand the physical processes of the nano-powder formation by the wire vapor, a Mach-Zehnder interferometer was used to record the time evolution of the wire vapor as well as the plasma. A thermal expansion lag of the dense vapor core as well as more than one times of the vapor burst was observed for the first time. Finally, nano-powders of titanium nitride, titanium dioxide, copper oxides and zinc oxide were produced by electrical explosion of wires. (authors)

  17. Wire-rope emplacement of diagnostics systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burden, W.L.


    The study reported here was initiated to determine if, with the Cable Downhole System (CDS) currently under development, there is an advantage to using continuous wire rope to lower the emplacement package to the bottom of the hole. A baseline design using two wire ropes as well as several alternatives are discussed in this report. It was concluded that the advantages of the wire-rope emplacement system do not justify the cost of converting to such a system, especially for LLNL's maximum emplacement package weights

  18. Processing of flexible high-Tc superconducting wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, B.I.; Modi, V.


    Wires superconducting at temperatures above 77 K are produced by using YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 materials. Flexibility was obtained by support from prefabricated fibers or a metallic coating on the extruded YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 wires. The microstructure, the T c and the critical current densities of the wires were determined. Processing variables and steps are described

  19. Experimental investigation of industrial copper deformed by wire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    drawing on microstructure and physical properties of industrial copper wires. Copper wires were provided by E.N.I.CA.Biskra (Algeria). We investigated some wires with different strain levels (as received, 1.20, 2.10, and ε = 3.35).

  20. Magnetic anisotropy and anisotropic ballistic conductance of thin magnetic wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabirianov, R.


    The magnetocrystalline anisotropy of thin magnetic wires of iron and cobalt is quite different from the bulk phases. The spin moment of monatomic Fe wire may be as high as 3.4 μ B , while the orbital moment as high as 0.5 μ B . The magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) was calculated for wires up to 0.6 nm in diameter starting from monatomic wire and adding consecutive shells for thicker wires. I observe that Fe wires exhibit the change sign with the stress applied along the wire. It means that easy axis may change from the direction along the wire to perpendicular to the wire. We find that ballistic conductance of the wire depends on the direction of the applied magnetic field, i.e. shows anisotropic ballistic magnetoresistance. This effect occurs due to the symmetry dependence of the splitting of degenerate bands in the applied field which changes the number of bands crossing the Fermi level. We find that the ballistic conductance changes with applied stress. Even for thicker wires the ballistic conductance changes by factor 2 on moderate tensile stain in our 5x4 model wire. Thus, the ballistic conductance of magnetic wires changes in the applied field due to the magnetostriction. This effect can be observed as large anisotropic BMR in the experiment

  1. Descrição da larva de último instar e pupa de Epacroplon cruciatum (Aurivillius (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae e notas biológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juares Fuhrmann


    Full Text Available Descrição da larva de último instar e pupa de Epacroplon cruciatum (Aurivillius (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae e notas biológicas. Último instar larval e pupa do Hexoplonini sul-americano Epacroplon cruciatum (Aurivillius, 1899 são descritos, ilustrados e disponibilizadas notas biológicas.

  2. Evolução biológica: ECO-EVO-DEVO na formação inicial de professores e pesquisadores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thais Benetti Oliveira


    Full Text Available A epistemologia é uma área que fornece aportes para reflexão sobre a natureza e construção dos conhecimentos. No que é referente às Ciências Biológicas, o conceito de evolução é entendido como um eixo integrador dessa Ciência e, portanto, deve representar a integração das diversas áreas da Biologia. Um estudo epistemológico sobre evolução permite que identifiquemos uma abordagem recente de pesquisa denominada ECO-EVO-DEVO, a qual apresenta um sincronismo entre desenvolvimento, organismo e ambiente no processo evolutivo e na constituição da diversidade fenotípica. Entendemos que é de ostensiva importância que essa abordagem seja discutia durante a Formação Inicial de professores e pesquisadores em Ciências Biológicas e, portanto, pretendemos investigar meios de representa-la como uma forma a facilitar sua inserção na sala de aula. Para a realização desta investigação, organizamos um Grupo de Pesquisa em Epistemologia da Biologia (GPEB onde foram propostas discussões acerca da evolução biológica a partir dessa abordagem. Desta forma, este artigo é sistematizado por meio de três principais eixos: 1 as características do conhecimento biológico integrado; 2 a epistemologia como parte fundamental à didática da biologia; 3 o GPEB como um espaço formativo por meio do qual pôde-se obter dados empíricos acerca de possibilidades de didatização do conhecimento biológico e 4 a proposição de diagramas para representar o percurso conceitual da abordagem integrada da evolução. Assim, um estudo aprofundado sobre as compilações contemporâneas acerca da ECO-EVO-DEVO e da pluralidade de processos que envolvem a evolução biológica, as discussões no GPEB e a elaboração de diagramas decorrentes da organização conceitual engendrada pelos participantes do grupo formam estratégias metodológicas que permitiram exemplificar caracterizações sobre a integração dos níveis biológicos no processo evolutivo

  3. Contribución a la mejora del tratamiento biológico de aguas residuales de la industria de curtidos


    Artiga Acuña, Priscila


    Os obxectivos desta Tese Doutoral son a mellora e a optimización dos procesos empregados no tratamento biolóxico das augas residuais na industria de curtidos, agrupándose os estudos feitos en tres etapas diferenciadas: 1) Posta a punto de novos sistemas de monitorización para o seguimento da actividade e toxicidade microbiana en sistemas de depuración biolóxicos, mediante sistemas de titulación; 2) Avaliación de estratexias para a mellora dos procesos convencionais de lamas ...

  4. La biomonitorización de sustancias tóxicas en muestras biológicas de población general


    Ibarluzea, Jesús; Aurrekoetxea, Juan José; Porta Serra, Miquel; Sunyer Deu, Jordi; Ballester Díez, Ferran


    La biomonitorización de sustancias tóxicas ha sido incorporada por buena parte de los países más desarrollados, con el objetivo de conocer sus concentraciones en muestras biológicas. Estas sustancias se incorporan al organismo por medio de diferentes exposiciones ambientales. La vigilancia en muestras biológicas debe permitir conocer sus valores en grupos vulnerables y su evolución en el tiempo, comparar con los valores observados en otros países, identificar grupos que presenten valores alto...

  5. Induced Voltage in an Open Wire (United States)

    Morawetz, K.; Gilbert, M.; Trupp, A.


    A puzzle arising from Faraday's law has been considered and solved concerning the question which voltage will be induced in an open wire with a time-varying homogeneous magnetic field. In contrast to closed wires where the voltage is determined by the time variance of the magnetic field and the enclosed area, in an open wire we have to integrate the electric field along the wire. It is found that the longitudinal electric field with respect to the wave vector contributes with 1/3 and the transverse field with 2/3 to the induced voltage. In order to find the electric fields the sources of the magnetic fields are necessary to know. The representation of a spatially homogeneous and time-varying magnetic field implies unavoidably a certain symmetry point or symmetry line which depend on the geometry of the source. As a consequence the induced voltage of an open wire is found to be the area covered with respect to this symmetry line or point perpendicular to the magnetic field. This in turn allows to find the symmetry points of a magnetic field source by measuring the voltage of an open wire placed with different angles in the magnetic field. We present exactly solvable models of the Maxwell equations for a symmetry point and for a symmetry line, respectively. The results are applicable to open circuit problems like corrosion and for astrophysical applications.

  6. Low-Cost Superconducting Wire for Wind Generators: High Performance, Low Cost Superconducting Wires and Coils for High Power Wind Generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    REACT Project: The University of Houston will develop a low-cost, high-current superconducting wire that could be used in high-power wind generators. Superconducting wire currently transports 600 times more electric current than a similarly sized copper wire, but is significantly more expensive. The University of Houston’s innovation is based on engineering nanoscale defects in the superconducting film. This could quadruple the current relative to today’s superconducting wires, supporting the same amount of current using 25% of the material. This would make wind generators lighter, more powerful and more efficient. The design could result in a several-fold reduction in wire costs and enable their commercial viability of high-power wind generators for use in offshore applications.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Kudry


    Full Text Available In this paper proved the possibility of developing passive electronic inductive elements based replace metal wire that is wound inductor, the wire is made of electret. The relative permeability of the electret S  10 000, several orders of magnitude greater than the permeability of conventional insulation materials, i < 10, resulting current in the wire acquires properties bias current. The essence of innovation is to replace the source of of magnetic induction flow that pervades the core of the coil. According to the theory of electrodynamics, current bias, in contrast to conduction current, generated no movement of charge along the wire, but the change of the charge in the local volume.Equivalence bias current and conduction current is manifested in the possibility of forming a magnetic field. The flow through magnetic induction coil core regardless of the current it generates, creates voltage at its ends.The paper also shows the numeric characteristics that determine the effective frequency range, specified the reason why electric a wire with і < 10 can not generate magnetic flux through the core and serve as a passive reactive component.

  8. Development of environmental-friendly wire and cable

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueno, Keiji


    The electron beam technology has been used in many industrial fields as a method of conventional polymer modification or optimum processability. The main industrial fields of radiation crosslinking are wire and cable, heat shrinkable tubings, plastic foams, precuring of tires, floppy disk curing, foods packaging films, and so on. The radiation crosslinking of wire and cable was started in 1961 in Japan and 15 wire and cable companies are now using electron beam accelerators for production or R and D. The dominant characteristics of crosslinking of insulation materials are application at high temperature, good oil and chemical resistibility and high mechanical properties. These radiation crosslinking wire and cable are applied widely in electronics equipments and automobiles. Recently, electronics manufacturers have indicated deep concern over the effects on the environment. Wire and cable also are required to be applicable for environmental preservation. (J.P.N.)

  9. t matrix of metallic wire structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhan, T. R.; Chui, S. T.


    To study the electromagnetic resonance and scattering properties of complex structures of which metallic wire structures are constituents within multiple scattering theory, the t matrix of individual structures is needed. We have recently developed a rigorous and numerically efficient equivalent circuit theory in which retardation effects are taken into account for metallic wire structures. Here, we show how the t matrix can be calculated analytically within this theory. We illustrate our method with the example of split ring resonators. The density of states and cross sections for scattering and absorption are calculated, which are shown to be remarkably enhanced at resonant frequencies. The t matrix serves as the basic building block to evaluate the interaction of wire structures within the framework of multiple scattering theory. This will open the door to efficient design and optimization of assembly of wire structures

  10. Wire Array Solar Cells: Fabrication and Photoelectrochemical Studies (United States)

    Spurgeon, Joshua Michael

    Despite demand for clean energy to reduce our addiction to fossil fuels, the price of these technologies relative to oil and coal has prevented their widespread implementation. Solar energy has enormous potential as a carbon-free resource but is several times the cost of coal-produced electricity, largely because photovoltaics of practical efficiency require high-quality, pure semiconductor materials. To produce current in a planar junction solar cell, an electron or hole generated deep within the material must travel all the way to the junction without recombining. Radial junction, wire array solar cells, however, have the potential to decouple the directions of light absorption and charge-carrier collection so that a semiconductor with a minority-carrier diffusion length shorter than its absorption depth (i.e., a lower quality, potentially cheaper material) can effectively produce current. The axial dimension of the wires is long enough for sufficient optical absorption while the charge-carriers are collected along the shorter radial dimension in a massively parallel array. This thesis explores the wire array solar cell design by developing potentially low-cost fabrication methods and investigating the energy-conversion properties of the arrays in photoelectrochemical cells. The concept was initially investigated with Cd(Se, Te) rod arrays; however, Si was the primary focus of wire array research because its semiconductor properties make low-quality Si an ideal candidate for improvement in a radial geometry. Fabrication routes for Si wire arrays were explored, including the vapor-liquid-solid growth of wires using SiCl4. Uniform, vertically aligned Si wires were demonstrated in a process that permits control of the wire radius, length, and spacing. A technique was developed to transfer these wire arrays into a low-cost, flexible polymer film, and grow multiple subsequent arrays using a single Si(111) substrate. Photoelectrochemical measurements on Si wire array

  11. Welding wires for high-tensile steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laz'ko, V.E.; Starova, L.L.; Koval'chuk, V.G.; Maksimovich, T.L.; Labzina, I.E.; Yadrov, V.M.


    Strength of welded joints in arc welding of high-tensile steels of mean and high thickness by welding wires is equal to approximately 1300 MPa in thermohardened state and approximately 600 MPa without heat treatment. Sv-15Kh2NMTsRA-VI (EhK44-VI) -Sv-30Kh2NMTsRA-VI (EkK47-VI) welding wires are suggested for welding of medium-carbon alloyed steels. These wires provide monotonous growth of ultimate strength of weld metal in 1250-1900 MPa range with increase of C content in heat-treated state

  12. Corrosion fatigue behaviors of steel wires used in coalmine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Songquan; Zhang, Dekun; Chen, Kai; Xu, Linmin; Ge, Shirong


    Highlights: • The CF life of steel wire in acid solution is the shortest. • The fatigue source zone showed dimple morphology when coupled with anode potential. • The area of dimple increases with the increase of the applied anode potential. • The strong cathode potential cannot reduce the CF life of the smooth steel wire. • The hydrogen impacted mainly on the plastic deformation of the wire surface. - Abstract: The corrosion fatigue (CF) behaviors of the mining steel wire in different solutions at different applied polarization potentials were investigated in this paper. The surfaces and fracture morphologies of the steel wire at different applied potentials were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the CF life of steel wire in acid solution is the shortest. Moreover, the strong anodic polarization potential greatly reduced the CF life of steel wire, while the strong cathode potential did not reduce the CF life. For the smooth steel wire, the hydrogen impacted mainly on the plastic deformation of the wire surface. There was obvious dimple in the fatigue source zone of the wire when coupled with anode potential, and the area of the dimple increased with the increase of the applied anode potential. Conversely, the fatigue source zone of the fracture was relatively smooth at cathode polarization potential, which indicated that the crack propagation followed the mechanism of hydrogen induced cracking

  13. Profiling of Human Acquired Immunity Against the Salivary Proteins of Phlebotomus papatasi Reveals Clusters of Differential Immunoreactivity (United States)


    leishmaniasis.56 Pre-exposure of PROFILING OF SAND FLY SALIVARY PROTEINS 935 murine cells to L. intermedia salivary sonicates resulted in decreased IP-10...Thompson JD, Higgins DG, 2011. Fast, scalable generation of high-quality protein multiple sequence alignments using Clustal Omega. Mol Syst Biol 7...Brodskyn C, Barral A, de Oliveira CI, 2010. Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia saliva modulates the inflammatory environ- ment induced by Leishmania

  14. Investigación sobre el efecto de la temperatura en los procesos biológicos por fangos activos


    Francisco Díaz, Juan Pablo de


    Durante la presente Investigación se ha estudiado el efecto que produce la temperatura en los procesos de depuración biológica por fangos activos, desarrollando la influencia de dicho factor en cada una de las etapas de la línea de agua de una estación depuradora. - Pretratamiento - Decantación Primaria - Reactor Biológico - Decantación Secundaria Se ha considerado que los efectos de la temperatura en los procesos meramente físicos, son mínimos, únicamente provocados por la variación de la de...

  15. Parâmetros biológicos e tabela de vida de fertilidade de Neopamera bilobata (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae em morangueiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taciana Melissa de Azevedo Kuhn


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os parâmetros biológicos e determinar a tabela de vida de fertilidade de Neopamera bilobata (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae em morangueiro. O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Entomologia da Embrapa Uva e Vinho, em Bento Gonçalves, RS, em câmara climatizada (a 23±1°C, 70±10% UR e fotófase de 12 horas. Utilizaram-se folíolos, flores, frutos verdes e maduros de morangueiro 'Aromas' como alimento para os percevejos. O desenvolvimento das fases imaturas e os parâmetros biológicos dos adultos foram monitorados diariamente. O percevejo N. bilobata não completou o ciclo biológico em folíolos e flores de morangueiro. Em frutos maduros e verdes, o tempo de desenvolvimento da ninfa ao adulto foi de 32,8±9,12 e 36,7±6,80 dias, com viabilidade de 27,3 e 51%, respectivamente. O período de oviposição foi de 34,7±21,2 dias, com 319,1±262,7 ovos em frutos maduros, e de 43,9±18,3 dias, com 318,2±144,7 ovos em frutos verdes. Neopamera bilobata completa seu ciclo biológico na cultura do morangueiro. Frutos verdes de morangueiro são mais adequados ao desenvolvimento deste inseto do que frutos maduros.

  16. LANSCE wire scanning diagnostics device mechanical design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez Esparza, Sergio


    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is one of the major experimental science facilities at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The core of LANSCE's work lies in the operation of a powerful linear accelerator, which accelerates protons up to 84% the speed oflight. These protons are used for a variety of purposes, including materials testing, weapons research and isotopes production. To assist in guiding the proton beam, a series of over one hundred wire scanners are used to measure the beam profile at various locations along the half-mile length of the particle accelerator. A wire scanner is an electro-mechanical device that moves a set of wires through a particle beam and measures the secondary emissions from the resulting beam-wire interaction to obtain beam intensity information. When supplemented with data from a position sensor, this information is used to determine the cross-sectional profile of the beam. This measurement allows beam operators to adjust parameters such as acceleration, beam steering, and focus to ensure that the beam reaches its destination as effectively as possible. Some of the current wire scanners are nearly forty years old and are becoming obsolete. The problem with current wire scanners comes in the difficulty of maintenance and reliability. The designs of these wire scanners vary making it difficult to keep spare parts that would work on all designs. Also many of the components are custom built or out-dated technology and are no longer in production.

  17. LANSCE wire scanning diagnostics device mechanical design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Esparza, Sergio [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is one of the major experimental science facilities at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The core of LANSCE's work lies in the operation of a powerful linear accelerator, which accelerates protons up to 84% the speed oflight. These protons are used for a variety of purposes, including materials testing, weapons research and isotopes production. To assist in guiding the proton beam, a series of over one hundred wire scanners are used to measure the beam profile at various locations along the half-mile length of the particle accelerator. A wire scanner is an electro-mechanical device that moves a set of wires through a particle beam and measures the secondary emissions from the resulting beam-wire interaction to obtain beam intensity information. When supplemented with data from a position sensor, this information is used to determine the cross-sectional profile of the beam. This measurement allows beam operators to adjust parameters such as acceleration, beam steering, and focus to ensure that the beam reaches its destination as effectively as possible. Some of the current wire scanners are nearly forty years old and are becoming obsolete. The problem with current wire scanners comes in the difficulty of maintenance and reliability. The designs of these wire scanners vary making it difficult to keep spare parts that would work on all designs. Also many of the components are custom built or out-dated technology and are no longer in production.

  18. New crosslinked polyvinyl chloride insulated wire by electron beam irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahata, Norio; Shingyouchi, Kazuo; Sato, Masakatsu; Sasaki, Hidemi; Terunuma, Haruji


    The polyvinyl chloride-coated wires crosslinked by electron beam irradiation have made rapid progress as electric and electronic wiring material and grown to hold a firm position in this field. In response to the requirements for wires with the advance of electronic equipments, Hitachi Cable Ltd. developed a peculiar graft polymer consisting of chlorinated polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. To this polymer, the characteristics of a very wide range from toughness to flexibility can be given, and the crosslinked polyvinyl chloride wires utilizing these characteristics were put in practical use. Many kinds of the wires were developed as follows; 105 deg. C rating crosslinked vinyl-coated wires authorized by UL and CSA standards, crosslinked vinyl-coated wires with excellent flexibility, high strength crosslinked vinyl-coated wires with thin coating and crosslinked vinyl-coated wires for automobiles. They are expected to be developed into other new fields and applications. (Kobatake, H.)

  19. Solutionner les problèmes du système d'autobus urbain au Salvador ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un trajet en autobus public au Salvador peut être une expérience périlleuse, mais un projet de recherche contribue à améliorer ce système de transport qui dessert des millions de gens. Cet article fait partie d'une série de reportages sur des projets innovants mis en œuvre dans les pays en développement, compilée dans ...

  20. La recherche-action participative appliquée aux systèmes de santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 déc. 2014 ... Une nouvelle publication, intitulée Participatory Action Research in Health Systems: a methods reader, a été lancée à l'occasion du troisième Symposium mondial sur la recherche sur les systèmes de santé, qui s'est tenu au Cap, en Afrique du Sud, du 30 septembre au 3 octobre 2014. Ce guide des ...

  1. Atribuição de significados biológicos às variáveis da equação logística: uma aplicação do Cálculo nas Ciências Biológicas Attribution of biological meanings to variables of logistic equation: applying Calculus to Biology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilian Akemi Kato


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta, como objetivo principal, uma proposta metodológica para o ensino do Cálculo nos cursos de Ciências Biológicas, que privilegia a atribuição de significados biológicos às variáveis e parâmetros que aparecem nos modelos matemáticos no estudo de dinâmica de populações. Utilizou-se, neste estudo, a equação logística como modelo matemático que caracteriza diversos tipos de crescimento populacional, além de apresentar outras complexidades do fenômeno biológico que podem ser melhor caracterizadas e explicadas por meio dos conceitos matemáticos relacionados ao Cálculo Diferencial. Entende-se que estas relações do Cálculo com as Ciências Biológicas contribuem para a compreensão de fenômenos biológicos complexos que podem ser explicados por equações matemáticas bastante simples.A methodological proposal for the teaching of Calculus in Biology courses is suggested. It would highlight the attribution of biological meanings to variables and parameters in mathematical models within the study of population dynamics. Logistic equations have been used as a mathematical model that characterizes several types of population growth and other complexities of the biological phenomenon which may be better explained through mathematical concepts related to Differential Calculus. Relationship between Calculus and Biology may contribute towards the comprehension of complex biological phenomena that may be explained through simple mathematical equations.

  2. On grouping individual wire segments into equivalent wires or chains, and introduction of multiple domain basis functions

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Lysko, AA


    Full Text Available The paper introduces a method to cover several wire segments with a single basis function, describes related practical algorithms, and gives some results. The process involves three steps: identifying chains of wire segments, splitting the chains...

  3. Webový systém pro skladovou evidenci


    Češka, Petr


    Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit a vylepšit aktuální řešení informačního systému organizace Klub Salesiánského hnutí mládeže v Prostějově tak, aby splňoval náročnější požadavky na rychlou online komunikaci a vytvořil tak dostupnou podporu pro řízení informací a řízení skladových aktiv. Práce se zaměřuje na další návrhy rozšíření IS tak, aby se na jeho základech mohla organizace dále rozvíjet a plnit požadavky udávané stakeholdery. The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate and improve ...

  4. Aspectos étnicos, biológicos e químicos de Senna occidentalis (Fabaceae

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    T. M. KANEKO


    Full Text Available Senna occidentalis (sin. Cassia occidentalis é um arbusto perene nativo da América do Sul e distribuída em regiões tropicais ao redor do mundo, frequentemente contaminando pastos e culturas de cereais. Inúmeros estudos demonstraram que esta planta é tóxica para animais. Na medicina popular, tribos americanas, africanas e indianas usam preparações da S. occidentalis como tônico, estomáquico, febrífugo, laxante e antimicrobiano. Diversas propriedades biológicas da espécie já foram comprovadas, tais como a antibacteriana, antifúngica, antimalárica, antitumoral e hepatoprotetora. As análises fitoquímicas evidenciaram que as antraquinonas, os flavonóides e outros derivados fenólicos são os seus principais constituintes. Esta revisão apresenta dados etnofarmacológicos, químicos e biológicos publicados na literatura sobre S. occidentalis. Palavras-chave: Senna occidentalis. Cassia occidentalis. Fabaceae. Leguminosae. Caesalpinioideae. Fedegoso.

  5. PERSOREC : un système personnalisé de recommandations pour les folksonomies basé sur les concepts quadratiques


    Jelassi , Mohamed Nader; Ben Yahia , Sadok; Mephu Nguifo , Engelbert


    National audience; Ce papier présente un nouveau système personnalisé de recommandations pour les folksonomies basé sur les concepts quadratiques.; This paper introduces a new personalized recommender system for folksonomies based on quadratic concepts.

  6. The magnetoresistance of sub-micron Fe wires (United States)

    Blundell, S. J.; Shearwood, C.; Gester, M.; Baird, M. J.; Bland, J. A. C.; Ahmed, H.


    A novel combination of electron- and ion-beam lithography has been used to prepare Fe gratings with wire widths of 0.5 μm and wire separations in the range 0.5-4 μm from an Fe/GaAs (001) film of thickness 25 nm. With an in-plane magnetic field applied perpendicular to the length of the wires, a harder magnetisation loop is observed using the magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE), compared with that observed in the unprocessed film. We observe a strong effect in the magnetoresistance (MR) when the magnetic field is applied transverse to the wires. It is believed that this effect originates from the highly non-uniform demagnetising field in each wire of the grating. These results demonstrate that the combination of MOKE and MR measurements can provide important information about the magnetisation reversal processes in magnetic gratings and can be used to understand the effect of shape anisotropy on magnetic properties.

  7. Disponibilidade de azoto para as plantas, a partir de fertilizantes orgânicos autorizados em agricultura biológica


    Pereira, Anabela; Rodrigues, M.A.; Arrobas, Margarida


    Os fertilizantes orgânicos continuam a ser bastante valorizados pela agricultura. No modo de produção biológico, com as restrições ao uso de fertilizantes de síntese, os fertilizantes autorizados para aquele fim, ganham importância acrescida Neste trabalho reportam-se resultados de um ensaio que incluiu 8 tipos de fertilizantes, alguns dos quais autorizados em agricultura biológica. O trabalho está integrado numa linha de investigação mais ampla que envolve também ensaios de campo. Os fertili...

  8. Flywheel system using wire-wound rotor (United States)

    Chiao, Edward Young; Bender, Donald Arthur; Means, Andrew E.; Snyder, Philip K.


    A flywheel is described having a rotor constructed of wire wound onto a central form. The wire is prestressed, thus mitigating stresses that occur during operation. In another aspect, the flywheel incorporates a low-loss motor using electrically non-conducting permanent magnets.

  9. Minimally invasive tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures. (United States)

    Takada, Naoya; Kato, Kenji; Fukuta, Makoto; Wada, Ikuo; Otsuka, Takanobu


    Some types of implants, such as plates, screws, wires, and nails, have been used for open reduction and internal fixation of olecranon fractures. A ≥ 10 cm longitudinal incision is used for open reduction and internal fixation of olecranon fractures. According to previous studies, tension band wiring is a popular method that gives good results. However, back out of the wires after the surgery is one of the main postoperative complications. Moreover, if the Kirschner wires are inserted through the anterior ulnar cortex, they may impinge on the radial neck, supinator muscle, or biceps tendon. Herein, we describe the minimally invasive tension band wiring technique using Ring-Pin. This technique can be performed through a 2 cm incision. Small skin incisions are advantageous from an esthetic viewpoint. Ring-Pin was fixed by using a dedicated cable wire that does not back out unless the cable wire breaks or slips out of the dedicated metallic clamp. As the pins are placed in intramedullary canal, this technique does not lead to postoperative complications that may occur after transcortical fixation by conventional tension band wiring. Minimally invasive tension band wiring is one of the useful options for the treatment of olecranon fractures with some advantages.

  10. Angular response of hot wire probes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Mare, L; Jelly, T O; Day, I J


    A new equation for the convective heat loss from the sensor of a hot-wire probe is derived which accounts for both the potential and the viscous parts of the flow past the prongs. The convective heat loss from the sensor is related to the far-field velocity by an expression containing a term representing the potential flow around the prongs, and a term representing their viscous effect. This latter term is absent in the response equations available in the literature but is essential in representing some features of the observed response of miniature hot-wire probes. The response equation contains only four parameters but it can reproduce, with great accuracy, the behaviour of commonly used single-wire probes. The response equation simplifies the calibration the angular response of rotated slanted hot-wire probes: only standard King’s law parameters and a Reynolds-dependent drag coefficient need to be determined. (paper)

  11. Resíduos biológicos nos Institutos de Medicina Legal de Goiás: implicações para os trabalhadores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Izildinha Pedreira Barros


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar o manejo dos resíduos biológicos nos Institutos de Medicina legal, segundo as diferentes etapas previstas na legislação nacional vigente; verificar a situação de risco biológico ocupacional para os trabalhadores dos Institutos de Medicina Legal (IML do Estado de Goiás A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de observação direta, entrevista e questionário com os trabalhadores. Apesar desses serviços gerarem resíduos semelhantes ao de qualquer instituição de saúde, estes não são segregados, acondicionados e dispostos conforme as normas legais vigentes. O manejo de perfurocortantes foi o principal risco para o trabalhador, gerando exposição percutânea. Embora, haja uma consciência, entre os trabalhadores, acerca do risco biológico envolvido em suas atividades, há baixa adesão às medidas de proteção. A maioria não usa os equipamentos de proteção individual recomendados, e não têm esquema completo para as vacinas contra o vírus da hepatite B e contra o tétano. Os resultados mostram a ausência de uma política voltada para o gerenciamento dos resíduos biológicos nos IML, a vulnerabilidade dos profissionais quanto aos riscos com material biológico e a premente necessidade de educação permanente em relação às medidas de biossegurança.

  12. Resíduos biológicos nos institutos de medicina legal de Goiás: implicações para os trabalhadores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Izildinha Pedreira Barros


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar o manejo dos resíduos biológicos nos Institutos de Medicina legal, segundo as diferentes etapas previstas na legislação nacional vigente; verificar a situação de risco biológico ocupacional para os trabalhadores dos Institutos de Medicina Legal (IML do Estado de Goiás A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de observação direta, entrevista e questionário com os trabalhadores. Apesar desses serviços gerarem resíduos semelhantes ao de qualquer instituição de saúde, estes não são segregados, acondicionados e dispostos conforme as normas legais vigentes. O manejo de perfurocortantes foi o principal risco para o trabalhador, gerando exposição percutânea. Embora, haja uma consciência, entre os trabalhadores, acerca do risco biológico envolvido em suas atividades, há baixa adesão às medidas de proteção. A maioria não usa os equipamentos de proteção individual recomendados, e não têm esquema completo para as vacinas contra o vírus da hepatite B e contra o tétano. Os resultados mostram a ausência de uma política voltada para o gerenciamento dos resíduos biológicos nos IML, a vulnerabilidade dos profissionais quanto aos riscos com material biológico e a premente necessidade de educação permanente em relação às medidas de biossegurança.

  13. Behavioral epigenetics. (United States)

    Moore, David S


    Why do we grow up to have the traits we do? Most 20th century scientists answered this question by referring only to our genes and our environments. But recent discoveries in the emerging field of behavioral epigenetics have revealed factors at the interface between genes and environments that also play crucial roles in development. These factors affect how genes work; scientists now know that what matters as much as which genes you have (and what environments you encounter) is how your genes are affected by their contexts. The discovery that what our genes do depends in part on our experiences has shed light on how Nature and Nurture interact at the molecular level inside of our bodies. Data emerging from the world's behavioral epigenetics laboratories support the idea that a person's genes alone cannot determine if, for example, he or she will end up shy, suffering from cardiovascular disease, or extremely smart. Among the environmental factors that can influence genetic activity are parenting styles, diets, and social statuses. In addition to influencing how doctors treat diseases, discoveries about behavioral epigenetics are likely to alter how biologists think about evolution, because some epigenetic effects of experience appear to be transmissible from generation to generation. This domain of research will likely change how we think about the origins of human nature. WIREs Syst Biol Med 2017, 9:e1333. doi: 10.1002/wsbm.1333 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Atom chips in the real world: the effects of wire corrugation (United States)

    Schumm, T.; Estève, J.; Figl, C.; Trebbia, J.-B.; Aussibal, C.; Nguyen, H.; Mailly, D.; Bouchoule, I.; Westbrook, C. I.; Aspect, A.


    We present a detailed model describing the effects of wire corrugation on the trapping potential experienced by a cloud of atoms above a current carrying micro wire. We calculate the distortion of the current distribution due to corrugation and then derive the corresponding roughness in the magnetic field above the wire. Scaling laws are derived for the roughness as a function of height above a ribbon shaped wire. We also present experimental data on micro wire traps using cold atoms which complement some previously published measurements [CITE] and which demonstrate that wire corrugation can satisfactorily explain our observations of atom cloud fragmentation above electroplated gold wires. Finally, we present measurements of the corrugation of new wires fabricated by electron beam lithography and evaporation of gold. These wires appear to be substantially smoother than electroplated wires.

  15. Thermal Aware Floorplanning Incorporating Temperature Dependent Wire Delay Estimation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winther, AndreasThor; Liu, Wei; Nannarelli, Alberto


    Temperature has a negative impact on metal resistance and thus wire delay. In state-of-the-art VLSI circuits, large thermal gradients usually exist due to the uneven distribution of heat sources. The difference in wire temperature can lead to performance mismatch because wires of the same length...... can have different delay. Traditional floorplanning algorithms use wirelength to estimate wire performance. In this work, we show that this does not always produce a design with the shortest delay and we propose a floorplanning algorithm taking into account temperature dependent wire delay as one...

  16. Steer-by-wire innovations and demonstrator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lupker, H.A.; Zuurbier, J.; Verschuren, R.M.A.F.; Jansen, S.T.H.; Willemsen, D.M.C.


    Arguments for 'by-wire' systems include production costs, packaging and traffic safety. Innovations concern both product and development process e.g. combined virtual engineering and Hardware-in-the-loop testing. Three Steer-by-wire systems are discussed: a steering system simulator used as a

  17. Optimization of the Single Staggered Wire and Tube Heat Exchanger

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arsana I Made


    Full Text Available Wire and tube heat exchanger consists of a coiled tube, and wire is welded on the two sides of it in normal direction of the tube. Generally,wire and tube heat exchanger uses inline wire arrangement between the two sides, whereas in this study, it used staggered wire arrangement that reduces the restriction of convection heat transfer. This study performed the optimization of single staggered wire and tube heat exchanger to increase the capacity and reduce the mass of the heat exchanger. Optimization was conducted with the Hooke-Jeeves method, which aims to optimize the geometry of the heat exchanger, especially on the diameter (dw and the distance between wires (pw. The model developed to present heat transfer correlations on single staggered wire and tube heat exchanger was valid. The maximum optimization factor obtained when the diameter wire was 0.9 mm and the distance between wires (pw was 11 mm with the fref value = 1.5837. It means that the optimized design only using mass of 59,10 % and could transfer heat about 98,5 % from the basis design.

  18. Radiofrequency Wire Recanalization of Chronically Thrombosed TIPS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Majdalany, Bill S., E-mail: [University of Michigan Health System, Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology (United States); Elliott, Eric D., E-mail: [The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology (United States); Michaels, Anthony J., E-mail:; Hanje, A. James, E-mail: [The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine (United States); Saad, Wael E. A., E-mail: [University of Michigan Health System, Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology (United States)


    Radiofrequency (RF) guide wires have been applied to cardiac interventions, recanalization of central venous thromboses, and to cross biliary occlusions. Herein, the use of a RF wire technique to revise chronically occluded transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) is described. In both cases, conventional TIPS revision techniques failed to revise the chronically thrombosed TIPS. RF wire recanalization was successfully performed through each of the chronically thrombosed TIPS, demonstrating initial safety and feasibility in this application.

  19. Experimental study on underwater electrical explosion of a copper wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Qing; Zhang Jun; Tan Xiangyu; Ren Baozhong; Zhang Qiaogen


    Through analyzing the physical process of underwater electrical wire explosion, electrical wire explosions with copper wires were investigated underwater using pulsed voltage in the time scale of a few microseconds. A self-integrating Rogowsky coil and a voltage divider were used for current and voltage at the wire load, respectively. The shock wave pressure is measured with a piezoelectric pressure probe at the same distance. The current rise rate was adjusted by changing the applied voltage, circuit inductance, length and diameter of copper wire. The change of the current rise rate had a great effect on the process of underwater electrical wire explosion with copper wires. At last, the effect of discharge voltage, circuit inductance, length and diameter of copper wire were obtained on the explosion voltage and current as well as shock wave pressure. (authors)

  20. Self-impedances of finite and infinite wires with earth-return

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koglin, H.J.; Meyer, E.P.


    The electromagnetic field for a thin wire of finite length, embedded in a homogeneous earth of infinite extent in all directions, is given. The distribution of the electric field intensity close to the wire is examined. The mathematical model for the finite wire is expanded by substituting a spheroidal earth-electrode at each end. The external self-impedance of the wire between the earth-electrodes is calculated by integrating the electric field intensity along a presupposed radius. Especially in the case of short wires the results show considerable deviations to the known depth of current penetration as compared to that of an infinitely long wire. By considering the approximations used for short wires in this model, one can draw conclusions on the external self-impedance for short wires above, on and under the earth's surface. (orig.) [de

  1. Interchip link system using an optical wiring method. (United States)

    Cho, In-Kui; Ryu, Jin-Hwa; Jeong, Myung-Yung


    A chip-scale optical link system is presented with a transmitter/receiver and optical wire link. The interchip link system consists of a metal optical bench, a printed circuit board module, a driver/receiver integrated circuit, a vertical cavity surface-emitting laser/photodiode array, and an optical wire link composed of plastic optical fibers (POFs). We have developed a downsized POF and an optical wiring method that allows on-site installation with a simple annealing as optical wiring technologies for achieving high-density optical interchip interconnection within such devices. Successful data transfer measurements are presented.

  2. SpaceWire: IP, Components, Development Support and Test Equipment (United States)

    Parkes, S.; McClements, C.; Mills, S.; Martin, I.

    SpaceWire is a communications network for use onboard spacecraft. It is designed to connect high data-rate sensors, large solid-state memories, processing units and the downlink telemetry subsystem providing an integrated data-handling network. SpaceWire links are serial, high-speed (2 Mbits/sec to 400 Mbits/sec), bi-directional, full-duplex, pointto- point data links which connect together SpaceWire equipment. Application information is sent along a SpaceWire link in discrete packets. Control and time information can also be sent along SpaceWire links. SpaceWire is defined in the ECSS-E50-12A standard [1]. With the adoption of SpaceWire on many space missions the ready availability of intellectual property (IP) cores, components, software drivers, development support, and test equipment becomes a major issue for those developing satellites and their electronic subsystems. This paper describes the work being done at the University of Dundee and STAR-Dundee Ltd with ESA, BNSC and internal funding to make these essential items available. STAR-Dundee is a spin-out company of the University of Dundee set up specifically to support users of SpaceWire.

  3. WIRED magazine announces rave awards nominees

    CERN Document Server


    WIRED Magazine has anounced the nominees for its fourth annual WIRED Rave Awards, celebrating innovation and the individuals transforming commerce and culture. Jeffrey Hangst of the University of Aarhus has been nominated in the science category, for his work on the ATHENA Experiment, CERN (1/2 page).

  4. Automatizace chyb objednávkového systému


    Bažant, Milan


    Bakalářská práce se zabývá vytvořením softwaru pro automatizaci oprav integračních chyb objednávkového systému. Na základě analýzy chyb, jejich příčin a možnostech opravy zajistit automatizaci opravy tak, aby nebyl potřeba ruční zásah a nedocházelo ke zpoždění realizace objednávek zákazníků. The bachelor thesis focuses on the creation of the automatic error cleansing software which clears the errors generated by the ordering system. Based on the error analysis (e.g. their causes and possib...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruchalla, Michael E.


    A new AFE is being developed for the new LANSCE-R wire-scanner systems. The new AFE is implemented in a National Instruments Compact RIO (cRIO) module installed a BiRa 4U BiRIO cRIO chassis specifically designed to accommodate the cRIO crate and all the wire-scanner interface, control and motor-drive electronics. A single AFE module provides interface to both X and Y wire sensors using true DC coupled transimpedance amplifiers providing collection of the wire charge signals, real-time wire integrity verification using the normal dataacquisition system, and wire bias of 0V to +/-50V. The AFE system is designed to accommodate comparatively long macropulses (>1ms) with high PRF (>120Hz) without the need to provide timing signals. The basic AFE bandwidth is flat from true DC to 50kHz with a true first-order pole at 50kHz. Numeric integration in the cRIO FPGA provides real-time pulse-to-pulse numeric integration of the AFE signal to compute the total charge collected in each macropulse. This method of charge collection eliminates the need to provide synchronization signals to the wire-scanner AFE while providing the capability to accurately record the charge from long macropulses at high PRF.

  6. Kirschner Wires : insertion techniques and bone related consequences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Franssen, B.B.G.M.


    The Kirschner (K-) wire was first introduced in 1909 by Martin Kirschner. This is a thin unthreaded wire of surgical steel with a diameter of up to three millimeters and a selection of different tips. The use of K-wires is often promoted as a simple technique because of its easy placement,

  7. Évaluation de l'apport des pluies prévues par le système opérationnel AROME-PI dans le système Vigicrues-Flash


    Demargne, J.; Javelle, P.


    / Cette étude a été réalisée pour le SCHAPI (Service Central d'Hydrométéorologie et d'Appui à la Prévision des Inondations) pour analyser l'amélioration du système d'avertissement sur la possibilité de crues rapides en intégrant des prévisions de pluie future à courte échéance et fine résolution spatio-temporelle et en prenant en compte leurs incertitudes. Le SCHAPI développe actuellement un service d'avertissement automatisé valable sur l'ensemble de la France, appelé Vigicrues-Flash, qui de...

  8. Systèmes d'innovation des pays BRICS (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde, la Chine et l'Afrique du Sud (dits pays BRICS) ont placé l'innovation au coeur de leur stratégie de développement. Toutefois, les chercheurs disposent de très peu de connaissances sur le système d'innovation de chacun de ces pays et sur les répercussions qu'il a sur l'économie. La subvention ...

  9. Temperature Diffusion Distribution of Electric Wire Deteriorated by Overcurrent (United States)

    Choi, Chung-Seog; Kim, Hyang-Kon; Kim, Dong-Woo; Lee, Ki-Yeon

    This study presents thermal diffusion distribution of the electric wires when overcurrent is supplied to copper wires. And then, this study intends to provide a basis of knowledge for analyzing the causes of electric accidents through hybrid technology. In the thermal image distribution analysis of the electric wire to which fusing current was supplied, it was found that less heat was accumulated in the thin wires because of easier heat dispersion, while more heat was accumulated in the thicker wires. The 3-dimensional thermal image analysis showed that heat distribution was concentrated at the center of the wire and the inclination of heat distribution was steep in the thicker wires. When 81A was supplied to 1.6mm copper wire for 500 seconds, the surface temperature of wire was maximum 46.68°C and minimum 30.87°C. It revealed the initial characteristics of insulation deterioration that generates white smoke without external deformation. In the analysis with stereoscopic microscope, the surface turned dark brown and rough with the increase of fusing current. Also, it was known that exfoliation occurred when wire melted down with 2 times the fusing current. With the increase of current, we found the number of primary arms of the dendrite structure to be increased and those of the secondary and tertiary arms to be decreased. Also, when the overcurrent reached twice the fusing current, it was found that columnar composition, observed in the cross sectional structure of molten wire, appeared and formed regular directivity. As described above, we could present the burning pattern and change in characteristics of insulation and conductor quantitatively. And we could not only minimize the analysis error by combining the information but also present the scientific basis in the analysis of causes of electric accidents, mediation of disputes on product liability concerning the electric products.

  10. Energy transformation in Z-pinch and plasma focus discharges with wire and wire-in-liner loads

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubes, Pavel; Kravarik, Jozef; Klir, Daniel; Scholz, Marek; Paduch, Marian; Tomaszewski, Krzysztof; Karpinski, Leslaw; Bakshaev, Yury L.; Blinov, Peter I.; Chernenko, Andrey S.; Dan'ko, Sergey A.; Korolev, Valery D.; Shashkov, Andrey Y.; Tumanov, Victor I.


    The results of the study of the Z-pinch and plasma-focus plasmas at presence of the axial C, Al, or Cu wires of sufficient high diameter are discussed in this paper. The wire was positioned on the top of the inner electrode of the PF 1000 plasma focus (1.8 MA, IPPLM Warsaw), or at the axis with or without the tungsten or alumine wire array load at the S-300 facility (3 MA, RRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow), and at the axis of the small Z-pinch Z-150 (50 kA, CTU Prague). The plasma corona around the wire was generated both by the current going through the wires and by the implosion of the wire array or of the current sheath. The experiments showed interesting results often observed in some shots of Z-pinch type discharges - existence of helical structures, two relatively long and stable pinch phases, oscillation of pinch diameter, and back return of the plasma exploding from the pinch. All these observed phenomena can be evolved by spontaneous self-generation and transformation of the axial magnetic field in the pinch during the plasma implosion and explosion. A configuration of axial and azimuthal magnetic field confines the plasma and later transforms or dissipates during a few tens or hundreds ns. A fast transformation of internal magnetic fields can induce a sufficiently high electric field for generation of keV particles and radiation. Study and usage of Z-pinch discharges is connected with solving of two principal problems, limitation of instability development and a way of generation of high energy particles and radiation. The first problem is partially solved by the faster increase of the current, by better cylindrical symmetry of the load and plasma, by higher density of the plasma or by the presence of a stronger magnetized plasma

  11. Electromagnetic densification of MgB2/Cu wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woźniak, M; Glowacki, B A


    Electromagnetic compaction of in situ MgB 2 /Cu wire has been achieved using a custom-built 200 J device. The monofilament core packing density was increased by 8% and up to 31% for unreacted and reacted wires respectively. The higher density of the MgB 2 core resulted in a critical current density increase of up to 75% in comparison to that for cold-drawn-only wire. Applying this treatment to a wire with Cu powder additions to the core and with an optimized heat treatment resulted in one of the highest ever reported values of J c for MgB 2 /Cu wires of 6.83 × 10 3  A cm −2 at 4.2 K and 6 T. (paper)

  12. Hierarchical structures in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Xiaodan; Godfrey, Andrew; Hansen, Niels


    The microstructure and crystallography of drawn pearlitic steel wires have been quantified by a number of electron microscopy techniques including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction and nanobeam diffraction, with focus on the change...... in the structure and crystallography when a randomly oriented cementite structure in a patented wire during wire drawing is transformed into a lamellar structure parallel to the drawing axis. Changes in the interlamellar spacing and in the misorientation angle along and across the ferrite lamellae show significant...... through-diameter variations in wires drawn to large strains P 1.5. The structural evolution is hierarchical as the structural variations have their cause in a different macroscopic orientation of the cementite in the initial (patented) structure with respect to the wire axis. The through...

  13. Hierarchical structures in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Xiaodan; Godfrey, Andrew; Hansen, Niels


    The microstructure and crystallography of drawn pearlitic steel wires have been quantified by a number of electron microscopy techniques including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction and nanobeam diffraction, with focus on the change...... in the structure and crystallography when a randomly oriented cementite structure in a patented wire during wire drawing is transformed into a lamellar structure parallel to the drawing axis. Changes in the interlamellar spacing and in the misorientation angle along and across the ferrite lamellae show significant...... through-diameter variations in wires drawn to large strains ⩾ 1.5. The structural evolution is hierarchical as the structural variations have their cause in a different macroscopic orientation of the cementite in the initial (patented) structure with respect to the wire axis. The through...

  14. A New Flying Wire System for the Tevatron (United States)

    Blokland, Willem; Dey, Joseph; Vogel, Greg


    A new Flying Wires system replaces the old system to enhance the analysis of the beam emittance, improve the reliability, and handle the upcoming upgrades of the Tevatron. New VME data acquisition modules and timing modules allow for more bunches to be sampled more precisely. The programming language LabVIEW, running on a Macintosh computer, controls the VME modules and the nuLogic motion board that flies the wires. LabVIEW also analyzes and stores the data, and handles local and remote commands. The new system flies three wires and fits profiles of 72 bunches to a gaussian function within two seconds. A new console application operates the flying wires from any control console. This paper discusses the hardware and software setup, the capabilities and measurement results of the new Flying Wires system.

  15. Seeded perturbations in wire array z-pinches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, Allen Conrad; Kantsyrev, Victor Leonidovich; Wunsch, Scott Edward; Oliver, Bryan Velten; Lebedev, Sergey V.; Safronova, Alla S.; Maxwell, J.; McKenney, John Lee; Ampleford, David J.; Rapley, J.; Bott, S.C.; Palmer, J.B.A.; Bland, Simon Nicholas; Jones, Brent Manley; Chittenden, Jeremy Paul; Garasi, Christopher Joseph; Hall, Gareth Neville; Mehlhorn, Thomas Alan; Deeney, Christopher


    The impact of 3D structure on wire array z-pinch dynamics is a topic of current interest, and has been studied by the controlled seeding of wire perturbations. First, Al wires were etched at Sandia, creating 20% radial perturbations with variable axial wavelength. Observations of magnetic bubble formation in the etched regions during experiments on the MAGPIE accelerator are discussed and compared to 3D MHD modeling. Second, thin NaF coatings of 1 mm axial extent were deposited on Al wires and fielded on the Zebra accelerator. Little or no axial transport of the NaF spectroscopic dopant was observed in spatially resolved K-shell spectra, which places constraints on particle diffusivity in dense z-pinch plasmas. Finally, technology development for seeding perturbations is discussed

  16. Josephson junction arrays and superconducting wire networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobb, C.J.


    Techniques used to fabricate integrated circuits make it possible to construct superconducting networks containing as many as 10 6 wires or Josephson junctions. Such networks undergo phase transitions from resistive high-temperature states to ordered low-resistance low-temperature states. The nature of the phase transition depends strongly on controllable parameters such as the strength of the superconductivity in each wire or junction and the external magnetic field. This paper will review the physics of these phase transitions, starting with the simplest zero-magnetic field case. This leads to a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition when the junctions or wires are weak, and a simple mean-field fransition when the junctions or wires are strong. Rich behavior, resulting from frustration, occurs in the presence of a magnetic field. (orig.)

  17. A tentative opinion of modeling plasma formation in metallic wire Z pinch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Ning


    Numerous experiments in both single wire and in wire arrays have attracted much attention. For the wire array Z-pinch implosions the plasma formation in the metallic wire Z pinches is a key question. By means of analyzing a number of single-wire and multi-wire experiments, two models to describe the behavior of a wire array Z-pinch in initial phase are suggested. In this phase each wire carries a rising current and behaves independently in a way similar to that found in single wire Z-pinch experiments in which a comparable current in one wire is employed. Based on one- or/and two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory, one model is used to simulate the electrical explosion stage of the metallic wire, another is used to simulate the wire-plasma formation stage

  18. ''Water bath'' effect during the electrical underwater wire explosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oreshkin, V. I.; Chaikovsky, S. A.; Ratakhin, N. A.; Grinenko, A.; Krasik, Ya. E.


    The results of a simulation of underwater electrical wire explosion at a current density >10 9 A/cm 2 , total discharge current of ∼3 MA, and rise time of the current of ∼100 ns are presented. The electrical wire explosion was simulated using a one-dimensional radiation-magnetohydrodynamic model. It is shown that the radiation of the exploded wire produces a thin conducting plasma shell in the water in the vicinity of the exploding wire surface. It was found that this plasma shell catches up to 30% of the discharge current. Nevertheless, it was shown that the pressure and temperature of the wire material remain unchanged as compared with the idealized case of the electrical wire explosion in vacuum. This result is explained by a 'water bath' effect

  19. Agent des systèmes d'information financière (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Répondre directement aux demandes des utilisateurs formulées par courriel ou par téléphone ou par l'entremise du système de gestion des appels de dépannage. Communiquer au besoin avec les fournisseurs de logiciels et le personnel responsable des TI pour régler les problèmes rencontrés par les utilisateurs finaux ...

  20. Topology Optimized Photonic Wire Splitters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Lars Hagedorn; Borel, Peter Ingo; Jensen, Jakob Søndergaard


    Photonic wire splitters have been designed using topology optimization. The splitters have been fabricated in silicon-on-insulator material and display broadband low-loss 3dB splitting in a bandwidth larger than 100 nm.......Photonic wire splitters have been designed using topology optimization. The splitters have been fabricated in silicon-on-insulator material and display broadband low-loss 3dB splitting in a bandwidth larger than 100 nm....

  1. Josephson junctions of multiple superconducting wires (United States)

    Deb, Oindrila; Sengupta, K.; Sen, Diptiman


    We study the spectrum of Andreev bound states and Josephson currents across a junction of N superconducting wires which may have s - or p -wave pairing symmetries and develop a scattering matrix based formalism which allows us to address transport across such junctions. For N ≥3 , it is well known that Berry curvature terms contribute to the Josephson currents; we chart out situations where such terms can have relatively large effects. For a system of three s -wave or three p -wave superconductors, we provide analytic expressions for the Andreev bound-state energies and study the Josephson currents in response to a constant voltage applied across one of the wires; we find that the integrated transconductance at zero temperature is quantized to integer multiples of 4 e2/h , where e is the electron charge and h =2 π ℏ is Planck's constant. For a sinusoidal current with frequency ω applied across one of the wires in the junction, we find that Shapiro plateaus appear in the time-averaged voltage across that wire for any rational fractional multiple (in contrast to only integer multiples in junctions of two wires) of 2 e /(ℏ ω ) . We also use our formalism to study junctions of two p -wave and one s -wave wires. We find that the corresponding Andreev bound-state energies depend on the spin of the Bogoliubov quasiparticles; this produces a net magnetic moment in such junctions. The time variation of these magnetic moments may be controlled by an external voltage applied across the junction. We discuss experiments which may test our theory.

  2. NASA/BAE SYSTEMS SpaceWire Effort (United States)

    Rakow, Glenn Parker; Schnurr, Richard G.; Kapcio, Paul


    This paper discusses the state of the NASA and BAE SYSTEMS developments of SpaceWire. NASA has developed intellectual property that implements SpaceWire in Register Transfer Level (RTL) VHDL for a SpaceWire link and router. This design has been extensively verified using directed tests from the SpaceWire Standard and design specification, as well as being randomly tested to flush out hard to find bugs in the code. The high level features of the design will be discussed, including the support for multiple time code masters, which will be useful for the James Webb Space Telescope electrical architecture. This design is now ready to be targeted to FPGA's and ASICs. Target utilization and performance information will be presented for Spaceflight worthy FPGA's and a discussion of the ASIC implementations will be addressed. In particular, the BAE SYSTEMS ASIC will be highlighted which will be implemented on their .25micron rad-hard line. The chip will implement a 4-port router with the ability to tie chips together to make larger routers without external glue logic. This part will have integrated LVDS drivers/receivers, include a PLL and include skew control logic. It will be targeted to run at greater than 300 MHz and include the implementation for the proposed SpaceWire transport layer. The need to provide a reliable transport mechanism for SpaceWire has been identified by both NASA And ESA, who are attempting to define a transport layer standard that utilizes a low overhead, low latency connection oriented approach that works end-to-end. This layer needs to be implemented in hardware to prevent bottlenecks.

  3. Characterization of NbTi multifilamentary superconducting wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vellego, G.


    Pirelli is developing superconducting mulfilamentary NbTi wires, with current carrying capacities of up to 500 A, for use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems and in small research magnets. Pirelli and IFUSP have developed a system for assessing wire performance, whose quality is comparable to the equivalent systems at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). In particular, a high sensitivity is required for critical current measurements, so that the modern criteria for definition of critical current can be used. These involve conductor resistivities of the order of 10 -12 ohm-cm. The methods of measurements of critical current in applied magnetic fields, of residual resistance ratio and of copper to superconductor ratio are described. The results of the first tests performed in Pirelli wires and in wires of other manufacturers are described. These include tests on a NBS standard reference material. These results are of the same quality as results obtained at BNL or NBS on the same wires. So this system can be very useful throughout the Pirelli program. (author) [pt

  4. Model-Based Testability Assessment and Directed Troubleshooting of Shuttle Wiring Systems (United States)

    Deb, Somnath; Domagala, Chuck; Shrestha, Roshan; Malepati, Venkatesh; Cavanaugh, Kevin; Patterson-Hine, Ann; Sanderfer, Dwight; Cockrell, Jim; Norvig, Peter (Technical Monitor)


    We have recently completed a pilot study on the Space shuttle wiring system commissioned by the Wiring Integrity Research (WIRe) team at NASA Ames Research Center, As the space shuttle ages, it is experiencing wiring degradation problems including arcing, chaffing insulation breakdown and broken conductors. A systematic and comprehensive test process is required to thoroughly test and quality assure (QA) the wiring systems. The NASA WIRe team recognized the value of a formal model based analysis for risk-assessment and fault coverage analysis. However. wiring systems are complex and involve over 50,000 wire segments. Therefore, NASA commissioned this pilot study with Qualtech Systems. Inc. (QSI) to explore means of automatically extracting high fidelity multi-signal models from wiring information database for use with QSI's Testability Engineering and Maintenance System (TEAMS) tool.

  5. 46 CFR 111.30-19 - Buses and wiring. (United States)


    ... control wiring must be— (1) Suitable for installation within in a switchboard enclosure and be rated at 90... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Buses and wiring. 111.30-19 Section 111.30-19 Shipping... REQUIREMENTS Switchboards § 111.30-19 Buses and wiring. (a) General. Each bus must meet the requirements of...

  6. Chemistry of radiation damage to wire chambers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wise, J.


    Proportional counters are used to study aspects of radiation damage to wire chambers (wire aging). Principles of low-pressure, rf plasma chemistry are used to predict the plasma chemistry in electron avalanches (1 atm, dc). (1) Aging is studied in CF 4 /iC 4 H 10 gas mixtures. Wire deposits are analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy. An apparent cathode aging process resulting in loss of gain rather than in a self-sustained current is observed in CF 4 -rich gases. A four-part model considering plasma polymerization of the hydrocarbon, etching of wire deposits by CF 4 , acceleration of deposition processes in strongly etching environments, and reactivity of the wire surface is developed to understand anode wire aging in CF 4 /iC 4 H 10 gases. Practical guidelines suggested by the model are discussed. (2) Data are presented to suggest that trace amounts of Freons do not affect aging rates in either dimethyl ether or Ar/C 2 H 6 . Apparent loss of gain is explained by attachment of primary electrons to a continuously increasing concentration of Freon 11 (CCl 3 F) in the counter gas. An increase in the concentration of Freon 11 in dimethyl ether is caused by a distillation process in the gas supply bottle and is a natural consequence of the unequal volatilities of the two compounds

  7. Terapia biológica en enfermedades reumatológicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel F Ugarte-Gil


    Full Text Available El advenimiento del uso de terapias biológicas en Reumatología ha modificado significativamente el pronóstico de pacientes portadores de artritis reumatoide (AR, artritis juvenil (AJ, espondilitis anquilosante (EA, entre otras enfermedades. A diferencia de las terapias convencionales estos productos biológicos se dirigen a los llamados blancos terapéuticos ya sea estas una línea celular, un mediador inflamatorio o un receptor de superficie. Estos compuestos son producidos por células vivas mediante la tecnología del ADN recombinante. Estos compuestos pueden tener componentes humano y animal [quiméricos (Xi, humanizados (Zu], o completamente humanos (H lo cual se reconoce por las letras que se incluyen en el nombre de cada uno. En el campo de la Reumatología, el primer compuesto utilizado fue el etanercept (anti-factor de necrosis tumoral o anti-TNF aprobado en 1998, pero otros anti-TNF han demostrado su beneficio en AR, como en EA y AJ. Los inhibidores de Interleucina (IL-1 casi no se usan en AR actualmente, pero si los inhibidores de IL-6, así como los agentes contra las células B y los agonistas de CTLA-4 (Cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen. Existe asimismo un compuesto dirigido al BLyS (B-lymphocyte stimulator el cual se usa en lupus eritematoso sistémico y otro dirigido al receptor activador del factor nuclear κB (RANKL, receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand que se usa en osteoporosis. Con el avance en el conocimiento de la patogenia de las enfermedades reumαticas, se vienen reconociendo otra blancos terapιuticas. En los aρos venideros, este campo ha de expandirse en proporciones geomιtricas

  8. Notched K-wire for low thermal damage bone drilling. (United States)

    Liu, Yao; Belmont, Barry; Wang, Yiwen; Tai, Bruce; Holmes, James; Shih, Albert


    The Kirschner wire (K-wire) is a common bone drilling tool in orthopedic surgery to affix fractured bone. Significant heat is produced due to both the cutting and the friction between the K-wire and the bone debris during drilling. Such heat can result in high temperatures, leading to osteonecrosis and other secondary injuries. To reduce thermal injury and other high-temperature associated complications, a new K-wire design with three notches along the three-plane trocar tip fabricated using a thin micro-saw tool is studied. These notches evacuate bone debris and reduce the clogging and heat generation during bone drilling. A set of four K-wires, one without notches and three notched, with depths of 0.5, 0.75, and 1mm, are evaluated. Bone drilling experiments conducted on bovine cortical bone show that notched K-wires could effectively decrease the temperature, thrust force, and torque during bone drilling. K-wires with notches 1mm deep reduced the thrust force and torque by approximately 30%, reduced peak temperatures by 43%, and eliminated blackened burn marks in bone. This study demonstrates that a simple modification of the tip of K-wires can effectively reduce bone temperatures during drilling. Copyright © 2017 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Surface cleaning of metal wire by atmospheric pressure plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, T.; Buttapeng, C.; Furuya, S.; Harada, N.


    In this study, the possible application of atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma for the annealing of metallic wire is examined and presented. The main purpose of the current study is to examine the surface cleaning effect for a cylindrical object by atmospheric pressure plasma. The experimental setup consists of a gas tank, plasma reactor, and power supply with control panel. The gas assists in the generation of plasma. Copper wire was used as an experimental cylindrical object. This copper wire was irradiated with the plasma, and the cleaning effect was confirmed. The result showed that it is possible to remove the tarnish which exists on the copper wire surface. The experiment reveals that atmospheric pressure plasma is usable for the surface cleaning of metal wire. However, it is necessary to examine the method for preventing oxidization of the copper wire.

  10. Laparoscopic extraction of fractured Kirschner wire from the pelvis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vinaykumar N Thati


    Full Text Available Kirschner wire is a sharp stainless steel guide wire commonly used in fixation of fractured bone segments. There are case reports of migrated K wire from the upper limb into the spine and chest, and from the lower limb in to the abdomen and pelvis. Here, we present a case report of accidental intra-operative fracture of K wire during percutaneous femoral nailing for sub-trochanteric fracture of right femur, which migrated in to the pelvis when the orthopaedician tried to retrieve the broken segment of the K wire. This case highlights the use of laparoscopy as minimally invasive surgical option.

  11. NASA requirements and applications environments for electrical power wiring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stavnes, M.W.; Hammond, A.N.


    Serious problems can occur from insulation failures in the wiring harnesses of aerospace vehicles. In most recorded incidents, the failures have been identified to be the result of arc tracking, the propagation of an arc along wiring bundles through degradation of insulation. Propagation of the arc can lead to the loss of the entire wiring harness and the functions which it supports. While an extensive database of testing for arc track resistant wire insulations have been developed for aircraft applications, the counterpart requirements for spacecraft are very limited. This paper presents the electrical, thermal, mechanical, chemical, and operational requirements for specification and testing of candidate wiring systems for spacecraft applications

  12. The Previously Undetected Presence of Culex restuans (Diptera: Culicidae) in Central America, with Notes on Identification (United States)


    geografica actualizada. Rev. Inv. Salud Publica (Mexico) 33: 11 I - 125. Heinemann, S.J. and J.N. Belkin. 1977. Collection records of the project...Mosquitoes of Middle America” 8. Central America: Belize (BH), Guatemala (GUA), El Salvador ( SAL ), Honduras (HON), Nicaragua (NI, NIC). Mosq. Syst...Culicidae). Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. Biol. Notes 52, 50 pp. Vargas, L. 1956. Especies y distribucidn de mosquitos mexicanos no anofelinos. Rev. Instit. de

  13. Composite ceramic superconducting wires for electric motor applications (United States)

    Halloran, John W.


    Several types of HTSC wire have been produced and two types of HTSC motors are being built. Hundreds of meters of Ag- clad wire were fabricated from YBa2Cu3O(7-x) (Y-123) and Bi2Ca2Sr2Cu3O10 (BiSCCO). The dc homopolar motor coils are not yet completed, but multiple turns of wire have been wound on the coil bobbins to characterize the superconducting properties of coiled wire. Multifilamentary conductors were fabricated as cables and coils. The sintered polycrystalline wire has self-field critical current densities (Jc) as high as 2800 A/sq cm, but the Jc falls rapidly with magnetic field. To improve Jc, sintered YBCO wire is melt textured with a continuous process which has produced textures wire up to 0.5 meters long with 77K transport Jc above 11, 770 A/sq cm2 in self field and 2100 A/sq cm2 at 1 telsa. The Emerson Electric dc homopolar HTSC motor has been fabricated and run with conventional copper coils. A novel class of potential very powerful superconducting motors have been designed to use trapped flux in melt textures Y-123 as magnet replicas in an new type of permanent magnet motor. The stator element and part of the rotor of the first prototype machine exist, and the HTSC magnet replica segments are being fabricated.

  14. Beam Position and Phase Monitor - Wire Mapping System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watkins, Heath A.; Shurter, Robert B.; Gilpatrick, John D.; Kutac, Vincent G.; Martinez, Derwin


    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) deploys many cylindrical beam position and phase monitors (BPPM) throughout the linac to measure the beam central position, phase and bunched-beam current. Each monitor is calibrated and qualified prior to installation to insure it meets LANSCE requirements. The BPPM wire mapping system is used to map the BPPM electrode offset, sensitivity and higher order coefficients. This system uses a three-axis motion table to position the wire antenna structure within the cavity, simulating the beam excitation of a BPPM at a fundamental frequency of 201.25 MHz. RF signal strength is measured and recorded for the four electrodes as the antenna position is updated. An effort is underway to extend the systems service to the LANSCE facility by replacing obsolete electronic hardware and taking advantage of software enhancements. This paper describes the upgraded wire positioning system's new hardware and software capabilities including its revised antenna structure, motion control interface, RF measurement equipment and Labview software upgrades. The main purpose of the wire mapping system at LANSCE is to characterize the amplitude response versus beam central position of BPPMs before they are installed in the beam line. The wire mapping system is able to simulate a beam using a thin wire and measure the signal response as the wire position is varied within the BPPM aperture.

  15. Temperature Dependent Wire Delay Estimation in Floorplanning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winther, Andreas Thor; Liu, Wei; Nannarelli, Alberto


    Due to large variations in temperature in VLSI circuits and the linear relationship between metal resistance and temperature, the delay through wires of the same length can be different. Traditional thermal aware floorplanning algorithms use wirelength to estimate delay and routability. In this w......Due to large variations in temperature in VLSI circuits and the linear relationship between metal resistance and temperature, the delay through wires of the same length can be different. Traditional thermal aware floorplanning algorithms use wirelength to estimate delay and routability....... In this work, we show that using wirelength as the evaluation metric does not always produce a floorplan with the shortest delay. We propose a temperature dependent wire delay estimation method for thermal aware floorplanning algorithms, which takes into account the thermal effect on wire delay. The experiment...

  16. Systém pro obchodování s virtuálními předměty


    Sedláček, Lukáš


    Cílem této práce je seznámit čtenáře s problematikou systémů pro obchodování s virtuálními předměty. Práce je zaměřena hlavně na virtuální ekonomiky MMORPG (Massive(ly)-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Pro hlubší pochopení MMORPG světů, je v této práci zpracován jejich vznik, vývoj, historie, psychologické aspekty, náhled do problematiky jejich virtuálních ekonomik, stručná charakteristika elektronických platebních systémů a informace o dvou virtuálních ekonomikách (Entropia Universe a ...

  17. Signals analysis of fluxgate array for wire rope defaults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu Wei; Chu Jianxin


    In order to detecting the magnetic leakage fields of the wire rope defaults, a transducer made up of the fluxgate array is designed, and a series of the characteristic values of wire rope defaults signals are defined. By processing the characteristic signals, the LF or LMA of wire rope are distinguished, and the default extent is estimated. The experiment results of the new method for detecting the wire rope faults are introduced

  18. Composite conductor containing superconductive wires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larson, W.L.; Wong, J.


    A superconductor cable substitute made by coworking multiple rods of superconductive niobium--titanium or niobium--zirconium alloy with a common copper matrix to extend the copper and rods to form a final elongated product which has superconductive wires distributed in a reduced cross-section copper conductor with a complete metallurgical bond between the normal-conductive copper and the superconductor wires contained therein is described. The superconductor cable can be in the form of a tube.

  19. A vivência dos trabalhadores de Enfermagem que sofreram acidente com fluido biológico: um olhar fenomenológico


    Carolina Luiza Bernardes


    RESUMO A exposição ocupacional aos fluidos biológicos é inerente ao trabalho desempenhado pela equipe de enfermagem durante a realização da assistência, tornando o trabalhador susceptível a ocorrência de acidentes e exposto aos fluidos corporais que podem conter diferentes patógenos causadores de doenças como HIV, Hepatite B e C. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa que objetivou compreender a experiência do acidente com fluido biológico e da assistência prestada aos trabalhadores de...

  20. Fertilização biológica: técnicas de vanguarda para o desenvolvimento agrícola sustentável


    Carvajal Muñoz, Juan Sebastián; Mera Benavides, Adriana Consuelo


    El empleo de fertilizantes biológicos ha crecido ostensiblemente en las últimas dos décadas. Tal utilización masiva surge como resultado de la amplia demanda de materia prima para los procesos productivos y abastecimiento de alimentos en el mundo. Los fertilizantes biológicos actúan como sustitutos de fertilizantes químicos tradicionales, brindan buenos rendimientos en las cosechas, favorecen el crecimiento de frutos sanos, resistentes al ataque de plagas y ofrecen facilidades para su aplicac...

  1. Modelling aluminium wire bond reliability in high power OMP devices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kregting, R.; Yuan, C.A.; Xiao, A.; Bruijn, F. de


    In a RF power application such as the OMP, the wires are subjected to high current (because of the high power) and high temperature (because of the heat from IC and joule-heating from the wire itself). Moreover, the wire shape is essential to the RF performance. Hence, the aluminium wire is

  2. A laser-wire system for the International Linear Collider

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A new laser-wire has been installed in the extraction line of the ATF at KEK. It aims at demonstrating ... beam size measurements to extract the phase space of the electron and positron ... the laser-wire (LW), instead of a conventional solid wire.

  3. Towards a wire-mediated coupling of trapped ions (United States)

    Clark, Robert; Lee, Tony; Daniilidis, Nikos; Sankaranarayanan, S.; Häffner, Hartmut


    Most schemes for ion trap quantum computation rely upon the exchange of information between ion-qubits in the same trap region, mediated by their shared vibrational mode. An alternative way to achieve this coupling is via the image charges induced in a conducting wire that connects different traps. This was shown to be theoretically possible by Heinzen and Wineland in 1990, but some important practical questions have remained unaddressed. Among these are how the presence of such a wire modifies the motional frequencies and heating rates of trapped ions. We thus have realized this system as a 1 mm-scale planar segmented rf ion trap combined with an electrically floating gold wire of 25 microns diameter and length 1 cm. This wire is placed close to trapped ions using a set of piezoelectric nanopositioners. We present here experimental measurements of the motional frequencies and heating rates of a single trapped calcium ion as the wire is moved from 3.0 mm to 0.2 mm away from the ion. We discuss the implications of these results for achieving wire-mediated coupling in the present apparatus, as well as in future improved setups.

  4. Mechanical characterisation of orthodontic superelastic Ni-Ti wires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arrigoni, M.; Pietrabissa, R. [Politecnico di Milano, Milano (Italy). Lab. of Biological Structure Mechanics; Auricchio, F.; Petrini, L. [Politecnico di Milano, Milano (Italy). Lab. of Biological Structure Mechanics; Pavia Univ. (Italy). Dept. of Structural Mechanics; Cacciafesta, V. [Politecnico di Milano, Milano (Italy). Lab. of Biological Structure Mechanics; Pavia Univ. (Italy). Dept. of Orthodontia


    Nowadays, the orthodontic treatment is improving thanks to the introduction of Ni-Ti super-elastic alloy wires in the ordinary therapy. Indeed, laboratory tests performed in the last decade have shown that Ni-Ti superelastic wires are able to satisfy the ideal requirements for fixed arch-wire appliance: high flexibility, minimal distortion or plastic deformation, light constant force production over a wide range of displacements. On the other hand, many orthodontic companies produce Ni-Ti arch-wires, without giving detailed specifications on their superelastic characteristics. To improve the knowledge on real properties for these products, an experimental campaign on different commercial arch-wires has been started at the Laboratory of Biological Structure Mechanics (LABS) at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). This work presents the first step of the research, concerning the comparison between the behaviour of four types of wires (two produced by ORMCO and two produced by 3M/Unitek) under monotonic and cyclic isothermal tensile tests. The results show significant differences between the products in terms of elastic modulus, stress values of the loading-unloading plateau, hysteresis amplitude, spring-back capacity, shape recovery capability, strain rate effect and fatigue behaviour. (orig.)

  5. Niobium Titanium and Copper wire samples

    CERN Multimedia


    Two wire samples, both for carrying 13'000Amperes. I sample is copper. The other is the Niobium Titanium wiring used in the LHC magnets. The high magnetic fields needed for guiding particles around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring are created by passing 12’500 amps of current through coils of superconducting wiring. At very low temperatures, superconductors have no electrical resistance and therefore no power loss. The LHC is the largest superconducting installation ever built. The magnetic field must also be extremely uniform. This means the current flowing in the coils has to be very precisely controlled. Indeed, nowhere before has such precision been achieved at such high currents. Magnet coils are made of copper-clad niobium–titanium cables — each wire in the cable consists of 9’000 niobium–titanium filaments ten times finer than a hair. The cables carry up to 12’500 amps and must withstand enormous electromagnetic forces. At full field, the force on one metre of magnet is comparable ...

  6. Shape memory alloy wire-based smart natural rubber bearing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hedayati Dezfuli, F; Shahria Alam, M


    In this study, two types of smart elastomeric bearings are presented using shape memory alloy (SMA) wires. Due to the unique characteristics of SMAs, such as the superelastic effect and the recentering capability, the residual deformation in SMA-based natural rubber bearings (SMA-NRBs) is significantly reduced whereas the energy dissipation capacity is increased. Two different configurations of SMA wires incorporated in elastomeric bearings are considered. The effect of several parameters, including the shear strain amplitude, the type of SMA, the aspect ratio of the base isolator, the thickness of SMA wire, and the amount of pre-strain in the wires on the performance of SMA-NRBs is investigated. Rubber bearings are composed of natural rubber layers bonded to steel shims as reinforcement. Results show that ferrous SMA wire, FeNiCuAlTaB, with 13.5% superelastic strain and a very low austenite finish temperature (−62 °C), is the best candidate to be used in SMA-NRBs subjected to high shear strain amplitudes. In terms of the lateral flexibility and wire strain level, the smart rubber bearing with a cross configuration of SMA wires is more efficient. Moreover, the cross configuration can be implemented in high-aspect-ratio elastomeric bearings since the strain induced in the wire does not exceed the superelastic range. When cross SMA wires with 2% pre-strain are used in a smart NRB, the dissipated energy is increased by 74% and the residual deformation is decreased by 15%. (paper)

  7. Self-organization of mesoscopic silver wires by electrochemical deposition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheng Zhong


    Full Text Available Long, straight mesoscale silver wires have been fabricated from AgNO3 electrolyte via electrodeposition without the help of templates, additives, and surfactants. Although the wire growth speed is very fast due to growth under non-equilibrium conditions, the wire morphology is regular and uniform in diameter. Structural studies reveal that the wires are single-crystalline, with the [112] direction as the growth direction. A possible growth mechanism is suggested. Auger depth profile measurements show that the wires are stable against oxidation under ambient conditions. This unique system provides a convenient way for the study of self-organization in electrochemical environments as well as for the fabrication of highly-ordered, single-crystalline metal nanowires.

  8. Failure analysis of the fractured wires in sternal perichronal loops. (United States)

    Chao, Jesús; Voces, Roberto; Peña, Carmen


    We report failure analysis of sternal wires in two cases in which a perichronal fixation technique was used to close the sternotomy. Various characteristics of the retrieved wires were compared to those of unused wires of the same grade and same manufacturer and with surgical wire specifications. In both cases, wire fracture was un-branched and transgranular and proceeded by a high cycle fatigue process, apparently in the absence of corrosion. However, stress anlysis indicates that the effective stress produced during strong coughing is lower than the yield strength. Our findings suggest that in order to reduce the risk for sternal dehiscence, the diameter of the wire used should be increased. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Physical analysis for designing nested-wire arrays on Z-pinch implosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Zhenhua; Liu Quan; Ding Ning; Ning Cheng


    Z-pinch experiments have demonstrated that the X-ray power increases 40% with a nested-wire array compared with that with a single-layered wire array. The design of the nested-wire array on Z accelerator is studied through the implosion dynamics and the growth of RT instabilities. The analysis shows that the nested-wire array does not produce more total X-ray radiation energy than the single-layered wire array, but it obviously increases the X-ray power. The radius of the outer array of the nested-wire array could be determined based on the radius of the optimized single-layered. The masses of the outer and inner arrays could be determined by the implosion time of the nested-wire array, which is roughly the same as that of the single-layered wire array. Some suggestions are put forward which may be helpful in the nested-wire array design for Z-pinch experiments. (authors)

  10. Fast wire scanner for intense electron beams

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Moore


    Full Text Available We have developed a cost-effective, fast rotating wire scanner for use in accelerators where high beam currents would otherwise melt even carbon wires. This new design uses a simple planetary gear setup to rotate a carbon wire, fixed at one end, through the beam at speeds in excess of 20  m/s. We present results from bench tests, as well as transverse beam profile measurements taken at Cornell’s high-brightness energy recovery linac photoinjector, for beam currents up to 35 mA.

  11. Problems associated with iridium-192 wire implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnott, S.J.; Law, J.; Ash, D.; Flynn, A.; Paine, C.H.; Durrant, K.R.; Barber, C.D.; Dixon-Brown, A.


    Three incidents are reported, from different radiotherapy centres, in which an implanted iridium-192 wire remained in the tissues of a patient after withdrawal of the plastic tubing in which it was contained. In each case the instrument used to cut the wire had probably formed a hook on the end of the wire which caused it to catch in the tissues. Detailed recommendations are made for avoiding such incidents in the future, the most important of which is that the patient should be effectively monitored after the supposed removal of all radioactive sources. (author)

  12. Developing and Testing SpaceWire Devices and Networks (United States)

    Parkes, Steve; Mills, Stuart


    SpaceWire is a data-handling network for use on-board spacecraft, which connects together instruments, mass- memory, processors, downlink telemetry, and other on- board sub-systems [1]. SpaceWire is simple to implement and has some specific characteristics that help it support data-handling applications in space: high-speed, low-power, simplicity, relatively low implementation cost, and architectural flexibility making it ideal for many space missions. SpaceWire provides high-speed (2 Mbits/s to 200 Mbits/s), bi- directional, full-duplex data-links, which connect together SpaceWire enabled equipment. Data-handling networks can be built to suit particular applications using point-to-point data-links and routing switches.Since the SpaceWire standard was published in January 2003, it has been adopted by ESA, NASA, JAXA and RosCosmos for many missions and is being widely used on scientific, Earth observation, commercial and other spacecraft. High-profile missions using SpaceWire include: Gaia, ExoMars rover, Bepi- Colombo, James Webb Space Telescope, GOES-R, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Astro-H.The development and testing of the SpaceWire links and networks used on these and many other spacecraft currently under development, requires a comprehensive array of test equipment. In this paper the requirements for test equipment fulfilling key test functions are outlined and then equipment that meets these requirements is described. Finally the all-important software that operates with the test equipment is introduced.

  13. 75 FR 4584 - Wire Decking From China (United States)


    ... Decking From China AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission. ACTION: Scheduling of the final... subsidized and less-than-fair-value imports from China of wire decking, provided for in subheadings 9403.90... China of wire decking, and that such [[Page 4585

  14. Four-atom period in the conductance of monatomic al wires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thygesen, Kristian Sommer; Jacobsen, Karsten Wedel


    We present first-principles calculations based on density functional theory for the conductance of monatomic Al wires between Al(111) electrodes. In contrast to the even-odd oscillations observed in other metallic wires, the conductance of the Al wires is found to oscillate with a period of four ...... atoms as the length of the wire is varied. Although local charge neutrality can account for the observed period, it leads to an incorrect phase. We explain the conductance behavior using a resonant transport model based on the electronic structure of the infinite wire....

  15. Inductor Design Comparison of Three-wire and Four-wire Three-phase Voltage Source Converters in Power Factor Correction Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kouchaki, Alireza; Nymand, Morten


    This paper studies the inductor design for three-wire and four-wire power factor correction converter (PFC). Designing the efficient inductor for this converter (regardless of connecting the midpoint to the ground) requires a comprehensive knowledge of the inductor current and voltage behavior....... This paper investigates how changing three-wire PFC to four-wire counterpart influences the inductor design in terms of size, losses, and overall efficiency of the converter. Therefore, the inductor current and voltage waveforms are analyzed and generalized in both cases for one switching cycle to build...... a foundation for comparison. Accordingly, the analyses are able to interpret the differences between both configurations and explain the core losses and the copper losses of inductors, especially those caused by the high frequency ac current ripple. Finally, two inductors are designed for a 5 kW PFC...

  16. An ad-hoc fretting wear tribotester design for thin steel wires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Llavori Iñigo


    Full Text Available Steel wire ropes experience fretting wear damage when the rope runs over a sheave promoting an oscillatory motion between the wires. Consequently, wear scars appear between the contacting wires leading to an increase of the stress field and the following rupture of the wires due to fatigue. That is why the understanding and prediction of the fretting wear phenomena of thin wires is fundamental in order to improve the performance of steel wire ropes. The present research deals with the design of an ad-hoc fretting wear test machine for thin wires. The test apparatus is designed for testing thin wires with a maximum diameter of 1.0 mm, at slip amplitudes ranging from 5 to 300 μm, crossing angle between 0-90°, and contacting force ranging from 0,5 to 5 N. The working principle of displacement amplitude and contacting force as well as the crossing angle between the wires are described. Preliminary studies for understanding the fretting wear characteristics are presented, analysing 0.45 mm diameter cold-drawn eutectoid carbon steel (0.8% C wires (tensile strength higher than 3000 MPa.

  17. Experimental study on manufacturing of grits-spiral- distribution electroplated wire saw

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yufei GAO


    Full Text Available In order to obtain high performance electroplating diamond wire saw, experimental studies are conducted for development of grits-spiral-distribution electroplated diamond wire saw using sand-suspend electroplating method. The influences of pre-plating cathode current density, grits electro-embedding cathode current density and time on composite deposite coating appearance and grits distribution of wire saw are analyzed, and the sawing experiment is carried out by using the trial wire saw. The results show that good bonding strength between the coating and the steel wire can be obtained when the adopted cathode current density is 5.0 A/dm2 at pre-plating stage; good coating and girts distribution can be obtained when the adopted cathode current density is 5.0 A/dm2 and the electroplating time is 7~8 min at grits electro-embedding stage. By winding insulation wire on the surface of steel wire and reasonably selecting technological parameters before pre-plating can make the diamond wire saw with grits-spiral-distribution on surface, and the new type of wire saw has a better crumbs-clearing effect in wire sawing process.

  18. Modern trends of aircraft fly-by-wire systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    С. С. Юцкевич


    Full Text Available Specifics of civil aviation modern transport aircraft fly-by-wire control systems are described. A comparison of the systems-level hardware and software, expressed through modes of guidance, provision of aircraft Airbus A-320, Boeing B-777, Tupolev Tu-214, Sukhoi Superjet SSJ-100 are carried out. The possibility of transition from mechanical control wiring to control through fly-by-wire system in the backup channel is shown.

  19. A Laser-Wire System for the International Linear Collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delerue, N.; Dixit, S.; Gannaway, F.; Howell, D.; Qurshi, M.; Blair, G.; Boogert, S.; Boorman, G.; Driouichi, C.; Deacon, L.; Aryshev, A.; Karataev, P.; Terunuma, N.; Urakawa, J.; Brachmann, A.; Frisch, J.; Ross, M.


    A new laser-wire has been installed in the extraction line of the ATF at KEK. It aims at demonstrating that laser-wires can be used to measure micrometre scale beam size. In parallel, studies have been made to specify a laser suitable for the ILC laser-wires.

  20. A laser-wire system for the International Linear Collider

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A new laser-wire has been installed in the extraction line of the ATF at KEK. It aims at demonstrating that laser-wires can be used to measure micrometre scale beam size. In parallel, studies have been made to specify a laser suitable for the ILC laser-wires.

  1. Fabrication of mesoscopic floating Si wires by introducing dislocations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motohashi, Mitsuya; Shimizu, Kazuya; Niwa, Masaaki; Suzuki, Toshiaki


    We fabricated a mesoscopic Si wire by introducing dislocations in a silicon wafer before HF anodization. The dislocations formed along the (111) crystal plane. The outline of the dislocation line was an inverted triangle. The resulting wire floated on a bridge girder and had a hybrid structure consisting of a porous layer and crystalline Si. The cross section of the wire had an inverted triangle shape. The wire formation mechanism is discussed in terms of carrier transport, crystal structure, and dislocation formation during anodization. (paper)

  2. Fabrication of mesoscopic floating Si wires by introducing dislocations (United States)

    Motohashi, Mitsuya; Shimizu, Kazuya; Suzuki, Toshiaki; Niwa, Masaaki


    We fabricated a mesoscopic Si wire by introducing dislocations in a silicon wafer before HF anodization. The dislocations formed along the (111) crystal plane. The outline of the dislocation line was an inverted triangle. The resulting wire floated on a bridge girder and had a hybrid structure consisting of a porous layer and crystalline Si. The cross section of the wire had an inverted triangle shape. The wire formation mechanism is discussed in terms of carrier transport, crystal structure, and dislocation formation during anodization.

  3. Mechanical optimisation of a high-precision fast wire scanner at CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Samuelsson, Sebastian; Veness, Raymond

    Wire scanners are instruments used to measure the transverse beam prole in particle accelerators by passing a thin wire through the particle beam. To avoid the issues of vacuum leakage through the bellows and wire failure related to current designs of wire scanners, a new concept for a wire scanner has been developed at CERN. This design has all moving parts inside the beam vacuum and has a nominal wire scanning speed of 20 m/s. The demands on the design associated with this together with the high precision requirements create a need for\

  4. Depuración de las aguas de lavado de aceitunas negras mediante procesos biológico aerobio y de ozonización

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García Rodríguez, Juan


    Full Text Available The purification of black olive washed waters has been studied by an aerobic biological treatment, an ozonation process and by the combination of both sequential processes: ozone-biological and biological-ozone. Biodegradation experiments have been carried out modifying the initial substrate and biomass concentration. In the ozonation experiments, temperature, pH and ozone partial pressure has been varied. A kinetic study applying the Contois’model to the biological experimental data was performed. In the ozonation process, supposing a firsts-order kinetic reaction with respect to COD and ozone, the kinetic constant was determined. In both combined treatments, the previous stage improved the reaction rate of the second stage. For the purification of these wastewaters, an aerobic biological treatment followed by an ozonation process was the most effective sequence.Se ha estudiado la depuración de las aguas de lavado del procesado de aceitunas negras por tratamientos biológico aerobio y de ozonización y por procesos combinados secuenciales ozono-biológico y biológico-ozono. Se han llevado a cabo experimentos de biodegradación modificando las concentraciones iniciales de sustrato y de biomasa. En los experimentos de ozonización se ha variado la temperatura, el pH y la presión parcial de ozono. Se ha realizado un estudio cinético aplicando el modelo de Contois a los procesos biológicos. Considerando reacciones de primer orden respecto de la DQO, se ha determinado la constante de velocidad en los procesos de ozonización. En los tratamientos combinados, la etapa previa supuso una mejora en la constante de velocidad de la segunda etapa. La secuencia depuración biológica aerobia seguida de ozonización resultó el proceso más eficaz para el tratamiento de estas aguas.

  5. Structural evolution and drawability in laser dieless drawing of fine nickel wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yonggang; Quick, Nathaniel R.; Kar, Aravinda


    Drawability of Nickel 200 wires in laser dieless drawing was investigated. Influencing factors under consideration include the laser power, the heat-treatment state (as-drawn or annealed), and the initial wire diameter. Microstructural evolutions in laser dieless drawing were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The wires exhibit optimal drawability at an intermediate laser power range corresponding to the wire temperature in the range of 1000-1300 K. The as-drawn precursor wire has better drawability than that of the annealed wire. The drawability decreases as the precursor wire diameter deceases. Microcrystalline structures were found in nickel 200 wires after being laser-drawn from as-drawn precursor wires. These experimental observations are explained using the concepts of dynamic recovery and recrystallization

  6. Thermal hydraulic evaluation of advanced wire-wrapped assemblies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, J.P.


    The thermal-hydraulic analyses presented in this report are based on application of the subchannel concept in association with the use of bulk parameters for coolant velocity and coolant temperature within a subchannel. The interactions between subchannels are due to turbulent interchange, pressure-induced diversion crossflow, directed sweeping crossflow induced by the helical wire wrap, and transverse thermal conduction. The FULMIX-II computer program was successfully developed to perform the steady-state temperature predictions for LMFBR fuel assemblies with the reference straight-start design and the advanced wire-wrap designs. Predicted steady-state temperature profiles are presented for a typical CRBRP 217-rod wire-wrapped assembly with the selected wire-wrap designs

  7. Torsion-induced magnetoimpedance in nanocrystalline Fe-based wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, J.D.; Olivera, J.; Alvarez, P.; Sanchez, T.; Perez, M.J.; Sanchez, M.L.; Gorria, P.; Hernando, B.


    The magnetic field influence on the real and imaginary parts of axial-diagonal (ζ zz ) and off-diagonal (ζ φz ) components of the surface magnetoimpedance (MI) tensor has been studied in amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe 73.5 Si 13.5 B 9 Cu 1 Nb 3 wires. Twisted and untwisted wires were annealed at a temperature near to that of primary crystallization. The MI response has been measured at 1MHz and 5mA rms drive current in all the samples. Even though the higher values for both components of the MI tensor are achieved for the untwisted annealed wire, the most interesting features are observed in the torsion annealed wire

  8. Graphene wire medium: Homogenization and application

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andryieuski, Andrei; Chigrin, Dmitry N.; Lavrinenko, Andrei


    In this contribution we analyze numerically the optical properties of the graphene wire medium, which unit cell consists of a stripe of graphene embedded into dielectric. We propose a simple method for retrieval of the isofrequency contour and effective permittivity tensor. As an example of the g......In this contribution we analyze numerically the optical properties of the graphene wire medium, which unit cell consists of a stripe of graphene embedded into dielectric. We propose a simple method for retrieval of the isofrequency contour and effective permittivity tensor. As an example...... of the graphene wire medium application we demonstrate a reconfigurable hyperlens for the terahertz subwavelength imaging capable of resolving two sources with separation λ0/5 in the far-field....

  9. 47 CFR 76.802 - Disposition of cable home wiring. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Disposition of cable home wiring. 76.802... MULTICHANNEL VIDEO AND CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE Cable Inside Wiring § 76.802 Disposition of cable home wiring. (a)(1) Upon voluntary termination of cable service by a subscriber in a single unit installation, a...

  10. Recent development of drastically innovative BSCCO wire (DI-BISCCO)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kikuchi, M.; Kato, T.; Ohkura, K.; Ayai, N.; Fujikami, J.; Fujino, K.; Kobayashi, S.; Ueno, E.; Yamazaki, K.; Yamade, S.; Hayashi, K.; Sato, K.; Nagai, T.; Matsui, Y.


    Up to this day, Ag-sheathed Bi2223 superconducting wires have been widely investigated and the long wires about 1000 m have been produced by using powder-in-tube (PIT) method on a commercial basis in the various facilities or companies. Although the wires are used for some applications such as HTS cables, magnets, motor and so on, the Bi2223 wires not only require much more improvements of the superconducting properties such as critical current, mechanical properties, but also longer and more uniform wires. Recently, the performances of Bi2223 wires have been drastically improved by using Controlled Over Pressure (CT-OP) sintering process. CT-OP process increased critical current (I c ) by more than 60% at 77 K and self field and improved the mechanical strength by more than 70%. The maximum I c was increased up to 166 A. These drastic improvements were caused by the higher density of Bi2223 filament up to almost 100% and better connectivity of the Bi2223 grains. The dense structure of the Bi2223 filaments prevents the ballooning phenomenon which is caused by the gasification of the trapped liquid nitrogen during temperature rise. Additionally, higher uniformity and higher production yield of long length wire were also achieved by exterminating defects during sintering. These high performance levels in CT-OP wires have contributed commercial level applications. We call as Drastically Innovative BSCCO (DI-BSCCO)

  11. Droits des femmes et accès à l'eau et aux systèmes d ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Partout sur la planète, les citadines pauvres doivent composer chaque jour avec les problèmes liés à l'absence de systèmes d'assainissement sûrs, abordables, accessibles et appropriées. L'ONG Women in Cities International (WICI) tente de trouver des moyens de remédier à cette situation en Inde. Cette subvention lui ...

  12. Prediction of grain deformation in drawn copper wire


    Chang Chao-Cheng; Wang Zi-Wei; Huang Chien-Kuo; Wu Hsu-Fu


    Most copper wire is produced using a drawing process. The crystallographic texture of copper wire, which is strongly associated with grain deformation, can have a profound effect on the formability and mechanical and electrical properties. Thus, the ability to predict grain deformation in drawn copper wire could help to elucidate the evolution of microstructure, which could be highly valuable in product design. This study developed a novel method for predicting grain deformation in drawn copp...

  13. Water-cooled grid ''wires'' for direct converters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwer, C.J.


    A study was conducted to determine the feasibility of internal convective cooling of grid ''wires'' for direct converters. Detailed computer calculations reveal that the use of small diameter water cooled tubes as grid ''wires'' is feasible for a considerable range of lengths and thermal fluxes

  14. Resonant tunneling of electrons in quantum wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krive, I.V.; Shekhter, R.I.; Jonson, M.; Krive, I.V.


    We considered resonant electron tunneling in various nanostructures including single wall carbon nanotubes, molecular transistors and quantum wires formed in two-dimensional electron gas. The review starts with a textbook description of resonant tunneling of noninteracting electrons through a double-barrier structure. The effects of electron-electron interaction in sequential and resonant electron tunneling are studied by using Luttinger liquid model of electron transport in quantum wires. The experimental aspects of the problem (fabrication of quantum wires and transport measurements) are also considered. The influence of vibrational and electromechanical effects on resonant electron tunneling in molecular transistors is discussed.

  15. Système de PLC pour la supervision de la distribution basse tension des expériences ALICE et LHCb

    CERN Document Server

    Burdet, G


    Le groupe TS/EL étudie et réalise la distribution électrique basse tension pour alimenter les racks contenant l'électronique associée aux détecteurs dans les zones expérimentales du LHC. La distribution basse tension utilisera des tableaux récupérés des expériences du LEP pour ALICE et LHCb et un système basé sur des gaines CANALIS pour ATLAS et CMS. L'ensemble de la distribution électrique basse tension sera surveillée et contrôlée par l'intermédiaire de systèmes à base de PLC. Ce papier décrit l'infrastructure de supervision proposée pour ALICE et LHCb et son intégration au CERN Electrical Network Supervisor (ENS) et au Detector Control System (DCS).

  16. 29 CFR 1926.405 - Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use. (United States)


    ... Electrical Installation Safety Requirements § 1926.405 Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general... lighting wiring methods which may be of a class less than would be required for a permanent installation... subpart for permanent wiring shall apply to temporary wiring installations. Temporary wiring shall be...

  17. Observación de muestras biológicas al microscopio óptico


    Alvarez Hornos, Francisco Javier; Izquierdo Sanchis, Marta


    La observación microscópica de muestras de aguas de los reactores biológicos de una Estación Depuradora de Aguas Residuales proporciona información cualitativa sobre la calidad de la población microbiana y del estado de los flóculos. En este vídeo, se muestra la utilización de un microscopio óptico para la observación de muestras de agua de un reactor de fangos activados. Data: 2013 ;

  18. LabVIEW Interface for PCI-SpaceWire Interface Card (United States)

    Lux, James; Loya, Frank; Bachmann, Alex


    This software provides a LabView interface to the NT drivers for the PCISpaceWire card, which is a peripheral component interface (PCI) bus interface that conforms to the IEEE-1355/ SpaceWire standard. As SpaceWire grows in popularity, the ability to use SpaceWire links within LabVIEW will be important to electronic ground support equipment vendors. In addition, there is a need for a high-level LabVIEW interface to the low-level device- driver software supplied with the card. The LabVIEW virtual instrument (VI) provides graphical interfaces to support all (1) SpaceWire link functions, including message handling and routing; (2) monitoring as a passive tap using specialized hardware; and (3) low-level access to satellite mission-control subsystem functions. The software is supplied in a zip file that contains LabVIEW VI files, which provide various functions of the PCI-SpaceWire card, as well as higher-link-level functions. The VIs are suitably named according to the matching function names in the driver manual. A number of test programs also are provided to exercise various functions.

  19. Tensile stress dependence of the magnetostatic interaction between Fe-rich wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gawronski, P.; Zhukov, A.; Blanco, J.M.; Gonzalez, J.; KuIakowski, K.


    We study the influence of the applied tensile stress on the magnetostatic interaction between two amorphous Fe-rich wires. The hysteresis loop is measured for: (i) conventional wires produced by in-rotation-water method, with diameter of 125μm (ii) cold-drawn wires with diameter of 50μm. The stress dependence of the interaction field is evaluated from the shape of the hysteresis loops, which show characteristic two-step behaviour. These steps mark the values of the switching field of the wires. For the conventional wires the tensile stress dependence of the interaction field can be explained as a result of the tensile stress dependence of the magnetization. For the cold-drawn wires, the interaction field shows a maximum with the applied stress. This behaviour is interpreted as a consequence of a local variation of the domain structure at the wire ends. It modifies the stray field, and-as a consequence-the switching field of the neighbouring wire

  20. COBRA-IV wire wrap data comparisons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Donovan, T.E.; George, T.L.; Wheeler, C.L.


    Thermal hydraulic analyses of hexagonally packed wire-wrapped fuel assemblies are complicated by the induced crossflow between adjacent subchannels. The COBRA-IV computer code simultaneously solves the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of fuel assemblies. The modifications and the results are presented which are predicted by the COBRA-IV calculation. Comparisons are made with data measured in five experimental models of a wire-wrapped fuel assembly

  1. Submerged-arc wire electrodes with nickel-plated surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hagen, H. vom.


    The article reports on the development of SANWELD welding rods at GARHYTTAN's which is a wire free of impurities, copper, and hydrogen with a nickel surface. It is producted according to the SANBOND process. The wire has an optimum of mechanical quality grades depending on the powder used for welding, especially an improvement of notch impact strength. The elongation, especially the long-time values, are improved, hydrogen cracks are excluded depending on the correct powder or protective gas, and the low-temparature values are improved. An attendant phenomenon, which is not unimportant, is that the wires are practically corrosion-resistant in the non-welded state. The wire is suitable for submerged-arc welding in steam boilers and pressure vessels. (IHoe) [de

  2. Transmission channels through Na and Al atom wire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kobayashi, N.; Brandbyge, Mads; Tsukada, M.


    First-principles calculations of the transmission channels of single-atom-width Na and Al atom wires bridged between metallic jellium electrodes are presented. For the Na wire, a single channel contributes to the conduction with an almost full quantization value, 2e(2)/h. The conductance...... is insensitive to the geometrical change since the Fermi energy is located above the onset energy of the channel showing the quantization of conductance. On the other hand, for the Al wire. three channels contribute to the conduction. The Fermi energy is placed just at the onset of the second and the third...... channels, and the channel transmissions are very sensitive to the geometrical changes of the wires. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved....

  3. Researching on Control Device of Prestressing Wire Reinforcement (United States)

    Si, Jianhui; Guo, Yangbo; Liu, Maoshe


    This paper mainly introduces a device for controlling prestress and its related research methods, the advantage of this method is that the reinforcement process is easy to operate and control the prestress of wire rope accurately. The relationship between the stress and strain of the steel wire rope is monitored during the experiment, and the one - to - one relationship between the controllable position and the pretightening force of the steel wire rope is confirmed by the 5mm steel wire rope, and the results are analyzed theoretically by the measured elastic modulus. The results show that the method can effectively control the prestressing force, and the result provides a reference method for strengthening the concrete column with prestressed steel strand.

  4. Cold atoms in microscopic traps: from wires to chips

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cassettari, D.


    This thesis reports on the experimental demonstration of magnetic guides, traps and beam splitters for neutral atoms using current carrying wires. A straight wire allows to create two basic guide configurations: the magnetic field generated by the wire alone produces a guide where atoms in a strong field seeking state perform orbits around the wire (Kepler guide); by adding an external magnetic field, atoms in a weak field seeking state are guided at the location where the external field and the field generated by the wire cancel out (side guide). Furthermore, bending the wire in various shapes allows to modify the side guide potential and hence to create a large variety of three dimensional traps. A relevant property of these potentials is that higher trapping gradients are obtained by decreasing the current flowing in the wires. As the trap is compressed, it also moves closer to the wire. This feature has allowed us to create microscopic potentials by using thin wires designed on a surface (atom chip) by means of high resolution microfabrication techniques. Wires mounted on a surface have the advantage of being more robust and able to sustain larger currents due to their thermal coupling with the substrate. In our experiment we have developed methods to load these traps and guides with laser cooled atoms. Our first investigations have been performed with free standing wires which we have used to study the Kepler guide, the side guide and a three dimensional Ioffe-Pritchard trap. In the latter we have achieved the trapping parameters required in the experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates with much reduced power consumption. In a second time we have replaced the free standing wires with an atom chip, which we have used to compress the atomic cloud in potentials with trap frequencies above 100 kHz and ground state sizes below 100 nm. Such potentials are especially interesting for quantum information proposals of performing quantum gate operations with controlled

  5. 47 CFR 76.806 - Pre-termination access to cable home wiring. (United States)


    ... the installation of their own cable home wiring; or connect additional home wiring, splitters or other... and other equipment used in the installation of home wiring) meets reasonable technical specifications... 47 Telecommunication 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Pre-termination access to cable home wiring. 76...

  6. Transparency in nanophotonic quantum wires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Mahi R [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London N6A 3K7 (Canada)


    We have studied the quantum optics of a photonic quantum nanowire doped with an ensemble of three-level nanoparticles. The wire is made from two photonic crystals A and B. Crystal A is embedded within crystal B and acts as a photonic nanowire. It is considered that the conduction band of crystal A lies below that of crystal B. As a result, photons are confined in crystal A and are reflected from crystal B. The bound states of the confined photons are calculated using the transfer matrix method. It is found that the number of bound states in the wire depends on the size of the wire and the energy difference between the conduction band extrema of crystals A and B. The absorption coefficient of the system has also been calculated using the Schroedinger equation method. It is considered that the nanoparticles interact with the photonic bound states. Numerical simulations show that when one of the resonance energies lies near the bound state, the system becomes transparent. However, when the resonance energy lies away from the bound state the crystal reverts to an absorbing state. Similarly, when the radius of the dielectric spheres is changed the location of the transparency peak is shifted. This means that the present system can be switched between two states by changing the size of the wire and the transition energy. These findings can be used to make new types of optical devices.

  7. Transparency in nanophotonic quantum wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Mahi R


    We have studied the quantum optics of a photonic quantum nanowire doped with an ensemble of three-level nanoparticles. The wire is made from two photonic crystals A and B. Crystal A is embedded within crystal B and acts as a photonic nanowire. It is considered that the conduction band of crystal A lies below that of crystal B. As a result, photons are confined in crystal A and are reflected from crystal B. The bound states of the confined photons are calculated using the transfer matrix method. It is found that the number of bound states in the wire depends on the size of the wire and the energy difference between the conduction band extrema of crystals A and B. The absorption coefficient of the system has also been calculated using the Schroedinger equation method. It is considered that the nanoparticles interact with the photonic bound states. Numerical simulations show that when one of the resonance energies lies near the bound state, the system becomes transparent. However, when the resonance energy lies away from the bound state the crystal reverts to an absorbing state. Similarly, when the radius of the dielectric spheres is changed the location of the transparency peak is shifted. This means that the present system can be switched between two states by changing the size of the wire and the transition energy. These findings can be used to make new types of optical devices.

  8. Cutting techniques of reinforced concrete by wire sawing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyao, Hidehiko; Komatsu, Junji; Kamiyama, Yoshinori; Yasoshima, Harunori; Kukino, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Yuichi; Miyazaki, Takashi; Aritomi, Masanori


    The Research Association for Nuclear Facility Decommissioning (RANDEC) has been carrying out demonstration tests to improve current technologies for decommissioning. The conceptual dismantling system has been studied and basic cutting tests have been carried out by wire sawing. In terms of waste management and dismantling efficiency, the diamond wire saw cutting method has advantages for cutting radioactive concrete in large blocks. A conceptual design for a dismantling system for various concrete shieldings of nuclear facilities has been developed and diamond wire sawing has been designed and manufactured. The basic cutting tests by wire sawing have been carried out to obtain quantitative data, in addition to the conceptual design of a dismantling system for biological shielding of various power reactors (PWR, BWR, GCR) and cell walls of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. On the basis of the conceptual dismantling system and quantitative cutting performance data, wire sawing equipment has been manufactured for use in nuclear facilities. This study was performed on consignment for the Science and Technology Agency of Japan. (author)

  9. Longitudinal magnetic bistability of electroplated wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurlyandskaya, G.V.; Garcia-Miquel, H.; Vazquez, M.; Svalov, A.V.; Vas'kovskiy, V.O.


    Fe 20 Ni 74 Co 6 and Fe 20 Ni 64 Co 16 1 μm thick magnetic tubes electroplated onto Cu 98 Be 2 conductive wire have been investigated in as-deposited state, after heat treatment under longitudinal magnetic field for 1 h at 330 deg. C, and after rf-sputtering deposition of the additional 2 μm Fe 19 Ni 81 layer. Heat treatments and an additional layer deposition modify the shape of hysteresis loops. Magnetically bistable behaviour, observed after the field annealing at a temperature of 330 deg. C, is studied as a function of the length of the samples. This is the first report by our knowledge on the bistable behaviour of the electroplated wires. The bistability of these wires is promising for applications such as tagging or pulse generator applications

  10. Experience of precision measuring distances by invar wires at accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porubaj, N.I.


    With a view to determining the deformations and displacements of the ring foundation of the ITEP accelerator, the method of very accurate distance measurements by means of invar wires and strips is described. Measurement errors are analyzed. This method has allowed to measure distances up to 40 m with a mean-square error of less than 40 μm. The calibration accuracy of 3 and 25-m measuring wires has been determined to be +- 27 μm. Time instability of the wires is +- 16 μm. It is shown that strips are more stable in time than wires. Elongation of 6, 19, 25 and 38 m invar wires has been measured as function of the tension time. The error due to tension of a 38-m wire may be tangible. Data on thermal coefficient variation in time has been obtained for invar wires and strips. The multiannual measurements of the ring foundation deformations show that variations of the mean radius are caused by increases of concrete temperature. Temperature increase by only 1 deg caused mean radius increase of 0.3 mm

  11. Thermal performance in circular tube fitted with coiled square wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Promvonge, Pongjet


    The effects of wires with square cross section forming a coil used as a turbulator on the heat transfer and turbulent flow friction characteristics in a uniform heat flux, circular tube are experimentally investigated in the present work. The experiments are performed for flows with Reynolds numbers ranging from 5000 to 25,000. Two different spring coiled wire pitches are introduced. The results are also compared with those obtained from using a typical coiled circular wire, apart from the smooth tube. The experimental results reveal that the use of coiled square wire turbulators leads to a considerable increase in heat transfer and friction loss over those of a smooth wall tube. The Nusselt number increases with the rise of Reynolds number and the reduction of pitch for both circular and square wire coils. The coiled square wire provides higher heat transfer than the circular one under the same conditions. Also, performance evaluation criteria to assess the real benefits in using both coil wires of the enhanced tube are determined

  12. B218 Weld Filler Wire Characterization for Al-Li Alloy 2195 (United States)

    Bjorkman, Gerry; Russell, Carolyn


    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Lockheed Martin Space Systems- Michoud Operations, and McCook Metals have developed an aluminum-copper weld filler wire for fusion welding aluminum lithium alloy 2195. The aluminum-copper based weld filler wire has been identified as B218, a McCook Metals designation. B218 is the result of six years of weld filler wire development funded by NASA, Lockheed Martin, and McCook Metals. The filler wire chemistry was developed to produce enhanced 2195 weld and repair weld mechanical properties over the 4043 aluminum-silicon weld filler wire, which is currently used to weld 2195 on the Super Lightweight External Tank for the NASA Space Shuttle Program. An initial characterization was performed consisting of a repair weld evaluation using B218 and 4043 weld filler wires. The testing involved room temperature and cryogenic repair weld tensile testing along with fracture toughness testing. From the testing, B218 weld filler wire produce enhanced repair weld tensile strength, ductility, and fracture properties over 4043. B218 weld filler wire has proved to be a superior weld filler wire for welding aluminum lithium alloy 2195 over 4043.

  13. Evaluation of Effects of Sterilization on Mechanical Properties of Orthodontic Wires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sridhar Kannan


    Results: Dry heat sterilization, autoclave, 2% glutaraldehyde solution had no effect on ultimate tensile strength, 0.1% yield strength, modulus of elasticity and percentage elongation of stainless steel and elgiloy wires. Tensile strength and yield strength of Nitinol and b-titanium wires together with percentage elongation of b-titanium wires significantly increased following dry heat sterilization and autoclave. No detrimental effects on properties of wires were observed. These sterilization procedures could be safely recommended for sterilization of orthodontic wires.

  14. Method for wrapping a wire round a nuclear fuel rod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakayasu, Fumio.


    Object: To provide a method for winding a wire round a nuclear fuel rod with accurate pitches without imparting any local strain or torsion to the wire. Structure: A wire is fixed on one end of the fuel rod, and the other end of the wire is secured to a universal joint leaving a winding allowance to the fuel rod. The wire is linearly stretched by a predetermined tension through the universal joint so as to provide an angle of development theta corresponding to the desired winding pitch, and then, the fuel rod may be rotated so that the end of the wire on the side of the universal joint is moved towards the fuel rod so as to render the angle of development theta constant in proportion to said rotation of the fuel rod. (Kamimura, M.)

  15. Welding wire velocity modelling and control using an optical sensor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten M.; Pedersen, Tom S.


    In this paper a method for controlling the velocity of a welding wire at the tip of the handle is described. The method is an alternative to the traditional welding apparatus control system where the wire velocity is controlled internal in the welding machine implying a poor disturbance reduction....... To obtain the tip velocity a dynamic model of the wire/liner system is developed and verified.  In the wire/liner system it turned out that backlash and reflections are influential factors. An idea for handling the backlash has been suggested. In addition an optical sensor for measuring the wire velocity...... at the tip has been constructed. The optical sensor may be used but some problems due to focusing cause noise in the control loop demanding a more precise mechanical wire feed system or an optical sensor with better focusing characteristics....

  16. Dynamical analysis of surface-insulated planar wire array Z-pinches (United States)

    Li, Yang; Sheng, Liang; Hei, Dongwei; Li, Xingwen; Zhang, Jinhai; Li, Mo; Qiu, Aici


    The ablation and implosion dynamics of planar wire array Z-pinches with and without surface insulation are compared and discussed in this paper. This paper first presents a phenomenological model named the ablation and cascade snowplow implosion (ACSI) model, which accounts for the ablation and implosion phases of a planar wire array Z-pinch in a single simulation. The comparison between experimental data and simulation results shows that the ACSI model could give a fairly good description about the dynamical characteristics of planar wire array Z-pinches. Surface insulation introduces notable differences in the ablation phase of planar wire array Z-pinches. The ablation phase is divided into two stages: insulation layer ablation and tungsten wire ablation. The two-stage ablation process of insulated wires is simulated in the ACSI model by updating the formulas describing the ablation process.

  17. Electron transport in quantum wires: possible current instability mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sablikov, V.A.


    The electrons nonlinear and dynamic transition in quantum wires connecting the electron reservoirs, are studies with an account of the Coulomb interaction distribution of electron density between the reservoirs and the wire. It is established that there exist two processes, leading to electrical instability in such structure. One of them is expressed in form of multistability of the charge accumulated in the wire, and negative differential conductivity. The other one is connected with origination of negative dynamic conductivity in the narrow frequency range near the resonance frequency of the charge waves on the wire length [ru

  18. Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates for Nano wires Array Fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nur Ubaidah Saidin; Kok, K.Y.; Ng, I.K.


    This paper reports on the process developed to fabricate anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) templates suitable for the fabrication of nano wire arrays. Anodization process has been used to fabricate the AAO templates with pore diameters ranging from 15 nm to 30 nm. Electrodeposition of parallel arrays of high aspect ratio nickel nano wires were demonstrated using these fabricated AAO templates. The nano wires produced were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the orientations of the electrodeposited nickel nano wires were governed by the deposition current and electrolyte conditions. (author)

  19. Optimization of arc-start performance by wire-feeding control for GMA welding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Jong Gu; Ryu, Gyeong Su; Rhee, Se Hun [Hanyang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Dong Cheol; Kang, Mun Jin [Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Incheon (Korea, Republic of); Park, Young Whan [Pukyong National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    The wire feeding system for gas metal arc welding usually consists of a wire feeder and a torch. In many industries, the distance between the wire feeder and the torch is generally 3 m to 5 m. In a conventional wire feeder, a direct current (DC) motor is used for wire feeding. However, a significant problem with this system is the impossibility of feedback control because of inner or outer impedance. In this paper, a digital wire feeder was developed by using a DC encoder motor and a push-pull torch. An optimized wire-feeding system was also developed by experiment. The welding process was observed using a high-speed camera. The resulting wire-feeding system exhibits low spatter generation and arc stability.

  20. Single Wire Detector Performance Over One Year of Operation

    CERN Document Server

    Hervas Aguilar, David Alberto


    Abstract When ionizing radiation passes through gas chambers in single wire detectors gas molecules separate into ions and electrons. By applying a strong localized electric field near the single wire an avalanche of electrons is created and it can be collected. The current produced in the wire is then proportional to the energy of the particle detected. Nevertheless, many factors can contribute to detector aging effects which are visible in a loss of gain caused by deposition of contaminants on the collecting wire. This study consists on novel data analysis techniques used to process large amounts of data produced by two simultaneously running single wire detectors. Aging effects are analyzed while environmental fluctuations are corrected for. A series of scripts carry out data filtering, data matching, corrections, and finally trend plotting by using ROOT’s extensive libraries developed at CERN.

  1. Copper Refinement from Anode to Cathode and then to Wire Rod: Effects of Impurities on Recrystallization Kinetics and Wire Ductility. (United States)

    Helbert, Anne-Laure; Moya, Alice; Jil, Tomas; Andrieux, Michel; Ignat, Michel; Brisset, François; Baudin, Thierry


    In this paper, the traceability of copper from the anode to the cathode and then the wire rod has been studied in terms of impurity content, microstructure, texture, recrystallization kinetics, and ductility. These characterizations were obtained based on secondary ion mass spectrometry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction, HV hardness, and electron backscattered diffraction. It is shown that the recrystallization was delayed by the total amount of impurities. From tensile tests performed on cold drawn and subsequently annealed wires for a given time, a simplified model has been developed to link tensile elongation to the chemical composition. This model allowed quantification of the contribution of some additional elements, present in small quantity, on the recrystallization kinetics. The proposed model adjusted for the cold-drawn wires was also validated on both the cathode and wire rod used for the study of traceability.

  2. Evidence for length-dependent wire expansion, filament dedensification and consequent degradation of critical current density in Ag-alloy sheathed Bi-2212 wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malagoli, A; Lee, P J; Jiang, J; Trociewitz, U P; Hellstrom, E E; Larbalestier, D C; Ghosh, A K; Scheuerlein, C; Di Michiel, M


    It is well known that longer Bi-2212 conductors have significantly lower critical current density (J c ) than shorter ones, and recently it has become clear that a major cause of this reduction is internal gas pressure generated during heat treatment, which expands the wire diameter and dedensifies the Bi-2212 filaments. Here we report on the length-dependent expansion of 5–240 cm lengths of state-of-the-art, commercial Ag alloy sheathed Bi-2212 wire after full and some partial heat treatments. Detailed image analysis along the wire length shows that the wire diameter increases with distance from the ends, longer samples often showing evident damage and leaks provoked by the internal gas pressure. Comparison of heat treatments carried out just below the melting point and with the usual melt process makes it clear that melting is crucial to developing high internal pressure. The decay of J c away from the ends is directly correlated to the local wire diameter increase, which decreases the local Bi-2212 filament mass density and lowers J c , often by well over 50%. It is clear that control of the internal gas pressure is crucial to attaining the full J c of these very promising round wires and that the very variable properties of Bi-2212 wires are due to the fact that this internal gas pressure has so far not been well controlled. (paper)

  3. Carsim : un système pour convertir des textes en scènes tridimensionnelles animées

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nugues, P.; Dupuy, S.; Egges, A.


    Cet article décrit un système de conversion de textes en scènes tridimensionnelles animées. Les textes sont des constats d’accidents de voitures rédigés par un des conducteurs. Le processus de conversion comporte de deux étapes. Un premier module d’extraction d’informations crée une description

  4. Atom chips in the real world: the effects of wire corrugation


    Schumm , Thorsten; Estève , Jérôme; Aussibal , Christine; Figl , Cristina; Trebbia , Jean-Baptiste; Nguyen , Hai; Mailly , Dominique; Bouchoule , Isabelle; Westbrook , Christoph I; Aspect , Alain


    International audience; We present a detailed model describing the effects of wire corrugation on the trapping potential experienced by a cloud of atoms above a current carrying micro wire. We calculate the distortion of the current distribution due to corrugation and then derive the corresponding roughness in the magnetic field above the wire. Scaling laws are derived for the roughness as a function of height above a ribbon shaped wire. We also present experimental data on micro wire traps u...

  5. Plastic deformation of 2D crumpled wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes, M A F; Donato, C C; Brito, V P; Coelho, A S O


    When a single long piece of elastic wire is injected through channels into a confining two-dimensional cavity, a complex structure of hierarchical loops is formed. In the limit of maximum packing density, these structures are described by several scaling laws. In this paper this packing process is investigated but using plastic wires which give rise to completely irreversible structures of different morphology. In particular, the plastic deformation from circular to oblate configurations of crumpled wires is experimentally studied, obtained by the application of an axial strain. Among other things, it is shown that in spite of plasticity, irreversibility and very large deformations, scaling is still observed.

  6. Fabrication of FFTF fuel pin wire wrap

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Epperson, E.M.


    Lateral spacing between FFTF fuel pins is required to provide a passageway for the sodium coolant to flow over each pin to remove heat generated by the fission process. This spacing is provided by wrapping each fuel pin with type 316 stainless steel wire. This wire has a 1.435mm (0.0565 in.) to 1.448mm (0.0570 in.) diameter, contains 17 +- 2% cold work and was fabricated and tested to exacting RDT Standards. About 500 kg (1100 lbs) or 39 Km (24 miles) of fuel pin wrap wire is used in each core loading. Fabrication procedures and quality assurance tests are described

  7. Investigation of wire motion in superconducting magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogitsu, T.; Tsuchiya, K.; Devred, A.


    The large Lorentz forces occuring during the excitation of superconducting magnets can provoke sudden motions of wire, which eventually release enough energy to trigger a quench. These wire motions are accompanied by two electromagnetic effects: an induced emf along the moved wire, and a local change in flux caused by the minute dislocation of current. Both effects cause spikes in the coil voltage. Voltage data recorded during the excitation of a superconducting quadrupole magnet which early exhibit such events are here reported. Interpretations of the voltage spikes in terms of energy release are also presented, leading to insights on the spectrum of the disturbances which occur in real magnets. 15 refs

  8. Assessing the MR compatibility of dental retainer wires at 7 Tesla. (United States)

    Wezel, Joep; Kooij, Bert Jan; Webb, Andrew G


    To determine the MR compatibility of common dental retainer wires at 7 Tesla in terms of potential RF heating and magnetic susceptibility effects. Electromagnetic simulations and experimental results were compared for dental retainer wires placed in tissue-mimicking phantoms. Simulations were then performed for a human model with wire in place. Finally, image quality was assessed for different scanning protocols and wires. Simulations and experimental data in phantoms agreed well, with the length of the wire correlating to maximum heating in phantoms being approximately 47 mm. Even in this case, no substantial heating occurs when scanning within the specific absorption rate (SAR) guidelines for the head. Image distortions from the most ferromagnetic dental wire were not significant for any brain region. Dental retainer wires appear to be MR compatible at 7 Tesla. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. The effects of sterilization on the tensile strength of orthodontic wires. (United States)

    Staggers, J A; Margeson, D


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of sterilization on the tensile strength of 0.016" beta-titanium, nickel titanium and stainless steel wires. Three common methods of sterilization--autoclaving, dry heat and ethylene oxide--were evaluated in three test trials involving zero, one and five sterilization cycles. For each of the test trials, five pieces each of 0.016" TMA, 0.016" Sentalloy and 0.016" Tru-chrome stainless steel wires were sterilized using a standard autoclave. Five other pieces of each of the same wires were sterilized in a dryclave, while an additional five pieces of each of the three wire types were sterilized using ethylene oxide. The ultimate tensile strengths of the wires were then determined using an Instron Universal Testing Machine. The data were compared for statistical differences using analysis of variance. The results showed that dry heat sterilization significantly increased the tensile strength of TMA wires after one cycle, but not after five cycles. Autoclaving and ethylene oxide sterilization did not significantly alter the tensile strength of TMA wires. Dry heat and autoclave sterilization also significantly increased the tensile strength of Sentalloy wires, but the mean strength after five sterilization cycles was not significantly different than after one cycle. Ethylene oxide sterilization of Sentalloy wires did not significantly alter the tensile strengths of that wire. There were no significant differences in the tensile strengths of the stainless steel wires following zero, one or five cycles for any of the sterilization methods.

  10. Percutaneous Kirschner wire (K-wire) fixation for humerus shaft fractures in children: A treatment concept. (United States)

    Sahu, Ramji Lal


    Fractures of the humeral shaft are uncommon, representing less than 10 percent of all fractures in children. Humeral shaft fractures in children can be treated by immobilisation alone. A small number of fractures are unable to be reduced adequately or maintained in adequate alignment, and these should be treated surgically. In the present study, Kirschner wires (K-wire) were used to achieve a closed intramedullary fixation of humeral shaft fractures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intramedullary K-wires for the treatment of humeral shaft fracture in children. This prospective study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic surgery in M. M. Medical College from June 2005 to June 2010. Sixty-eight children with a mean age of 7.7 years (range, 2-14 years) were recruited from Emergency and out patient department having closed fracture of humerus shaft. All patients were operated under general anaesthesia. All patients were followed for 12 months. Out of 68 patients, 64 patients underwent union in 42-70 days with a mean of 56 days. Complications found in four patients who had insignificant delayed union which were united next 3 weeks. Intramedullary K-wires were removed after an average of 5 months without any complications. The results were excellent in 94.11% and good in 5% children. This technique is simple, quick to perform, safe and reliable and avoids prolonged hospitalization with good results and is economical.

  11. Amélioration de la résilience de systèmes spatiaux soumis à des menaces : vers des réseaux de satellites autonomes


    Cristini, Frédéric


    un environnement spatial naturel hostile, les systèmes spatiaux de télédétection traditionnels, monolithiques et téléopérés depuis le sol, demeurent vulnérables face à un nombre croissant de menaces émergentes issues de l’environnement spatial artificiel (armes antisatellites, débris). Plutôt que de chercher à protéger physiquement les satellites, nous proposons d’adopter une stratégie fondée sur le concept de résilience, qui traduit la capacité d’un système à poursuivre sa mis...

  12. Exciton dephasing in ZnSe quantum wires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wagner, Hans Peter; Langbein, Wolfgang Werner; Hvam, Jørn Märcher


    The homogeneous linewidths of excitons in wet-etched ZnSe quantum wires of lateral sizes down to 23 nm are studied by transient four-wave mixing. The low-density dephasing time is found to increase with decreasing wire width. This is attributed mainly to a reduction of electron-exciton scattering...

  13. Initial arch wires for alignment of crooked teeth with fixed orthodontic braces. (United States)

    Wang, Yan; Jian, Fan; Lai, Wenli; Zhao, Zhihe; Yang, Zhi; Liao, Zhengyu; Shi, Zongdao; Wu, Taixiang; Millett, Declan T; McIntyre, Grant T; Hickman, Joy


    The initial arch wire is the first arch wire to be inserted into the fixed appliance at the beginning of orthodontic treatment and is used mainly for correcting crowding and rotations of teeth. With a number of orthodontic arch wires available for initial tooth alignment, it is important to understand which wire is most efficient, as well as which wires cause the least amount of root resorption and pain during the initial aligning stage of treatment. To identify and assess the evidence for the effects of initial arch wires for alignment of teeth with fixed orthodontic braces in relation to alignment speed, root resorption and pain intensity. We searched the following electronic databases: the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (30th November 2009), CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2009, Issue 4), MEDLINE (1950 to 30th November 2009) and EMBASE (1980 to 30th November 2009). Reference lists of articles were also searched. There was no restriction with regard to publication status or language of publication. We contacted all authors of included studies to identify additional studies. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of initial arch wires to align crooked teeth with fixed orthodontic braces were selected. Only studies involving patients with upper and/or lower full arch fixed orthodontic appliances were included. Two review authors were responsible for study selection, validity assessment and data extraction. All disagreements were resolved by discussion amongst the review team. Corresponding authors of included studies were contacted to obtain missing information. Seven RCTs, with 517 participants, provided data for this review. Among them, five trials investigated the speed of initial tooth alignment comparing: 0.016 inch ion-implanted A-NiTi wire versus 0.016 inch A-NiTi versus 0.0175 multistrand stainless steel wire; 0.016x0.022 inch medium force active M-NiTi wire versus 0.016x0.022 inch graded force active M-NiTi wire versus 0.0155 inch multistrand

  14. Luttinger liquid behavior of weakly disordered quantum wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palevski, A.; Levy, E.; Karpovski, M.; Tsukernik, A.; Dwir, B.; Kapon, E.


    Full Text:The talk will be devoted to the electronic transport in quantum nano wires. The temperature dependence of the conductance in long V-groove quantum wires fabricated in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures is consistent with recent theories given within the framework of the Luttinger liquid model, in the limit of weakly disordered wires. We show that for the relatively small amount of disorder in our quantum wires, the value of the interaction parameter g is g=0.66, which is the expected value for GaAs. However, samples with a higher level of disorder show conductance with stronger temperature dependence, which exceeds the range of validity of a perturbation theory. Trying to fit such data with perturbation-theory models leads inevitably to wrong (lower) values of g

  15. Wire system aging assessment and condition monitoring (WASCO)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fantoni, P.F.


    Nuclear facilities rely on electrical wire systems to perform a variety of functions for successful operation. Many of these functions directly support the safe operation of the facility; therefore, the continued reliability of wire systems, even as they age, is critical. Condition Monitoring (CM) of installed wire systems is an important part of any aging program, both during the first 40 years of the qualified life and even more in anticipation of the license renewal for a nuclear power plant. This report contains some test results of a method for wire system condition monitoring, developed at the Halden Reactor Project, called LIRA (LIne Resonance Analysis), which can be used on-line to detect any local or global changes in the cable electrical parameters as a consequence of insulation faults or degradation. (au)

  16. Photovoltaic Wire, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will investigate a new architecture for photovoltaic devices based on nanotechnology: photovoltaic wire. The...

  17. Multifilamentary Cu-Nb3Sn superconductor wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, D.; Pinatti, D.G.


    This paper reports on one of the main technological problems concerning Nb 3 Sn superconducting wires production which is the optimization of heat treatments for the formation of the A-15 intermetallic compound. At the present work, Nb 3 Sn superconducting wire is produced by solid-liquid diffusion method which increases considerably the critical current values of the superconductor. Through this method, niobium, copper and Sn 7% wt Cu alloy are kept in the pure state. Thus, the method dispenses intermediate heat treatments of recrystallization during the manufacturing process of the wire. After the wire was ready, optimization work of heat treatments was accomplished aiming to obtain its best superconducting characteristics, Measurement of critical temperature, critical current versus magnetic field, normal and at room temperature resistivity were performed, as well as scanning electron microscopy for determination of Nb 3 Sn layers and transmission electron microscopy measurements of redetermining the grain sizes in Nb 3 Sn formed in each treatment. It was obtained critical current densities of 1.8 x 10 6 A/cm 2 in the Nb 3 Sn layer, at 10 Teslas and 4.2 K. The samples were analyzed by employing the superconducting collective flux pinning theories and a satisfactory agreement between the experimental and theoretical data was attained. The production process and the small size of the filaments used made a successful optimization of the wire possible

  18. Predikční systém ELVÍRA pro predikci spotřeby zemního plynu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pelikán, Emil; Eben, Kryštof; Šimůnek, Milan; Kolman, M.; Hais, J.


    Roč. 80, č. 11 (2000), s. 253-255 ISSN 0032-1761 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : predikční modely * systémy pro podporu rozhodování * regresní metody * umělé neuronové sítě Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research

  19. Comparing Thermal Stability of NbTi and Nb$_3$Sn Wires

    CERN Document Server

    Breschi, M; Bottura, L; Devred, A; Trillaud, F


    The investigation of quenching in low temperature superconducting wires is of great relevance for a proper design of superconductive cables and magnets. This paper reports the experimental results of a vast measurement campaign of quench induced by laser pulses on NbTi and Nb$_{3}$Sn wires in pool boiling Helium I. A comparison of the quench behavior of two typical NbTi and Nb$_{3}$Sn wires is shown from different standpoints. Different qualitative behaviors of the voltage traces recorded during quenches and recoveries on NbTi and Nb$_{3}$Sn wires are reported and analyzed. It is shown that the Nb$_{3}$Sn wire exhibits a quench or no-quench behavior, whereas quenches and recoveries are exhibited by the NbTi wire. The two wires are also compared considering the behaviors of the two main parameters describing quench, i.e. quench energies and quench velocities, with respect to operation current and pulse duration and magnetic field. It is shown that the Nb$_{3}$Sn wire exhibits a ‘kink’ of the quench energy ...

  20. Investigação de acidentes biológicos entre profissionais de saúde Investigación de accidentes biológicos entre los trabajadores de la salud Investigation of biological accidents among health care workers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Azevedo da Silva


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar a principal categoria profissional exposta a risco biológico e os principais tipos de acidentes ocorridos entre trabalhadores da área de saúde, em Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ. A partir da análise das fichas de notificação de acidentes biológicos dos 183 profissionais acidentados entre janeiro de 2005 e setembro de 2005, observamos que a categoria profissional mais exposta foi a dos auxiliares/técnicos de enfermagem (54,1%, seguida pela dos acadêmicos de medicina e odontologia (10,4%. A ocorrência de acidentes com materiais perfurocortantes foi relacionada à manipulação frequente desses objetos e ao comportamento dos profissionais que utilizam práticas que oferecem riscos de acidentes com agulhas, tais como o descarte inadequado de objetos perfurocortantes.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las principales categorías profesional expuestas a riesgos biológicos y el principal tipo de accidentes producidos entre los profesionales del área de la salud en Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ. Del análisis de 183 archivos de los trabajadores que sufren accidentes con material biológico, de enero a septiembre de 2005, se observó que la categoría profesional más expuesta a sufrir accidentes fue el de los auxiliares de enfermería (54,1%, seguido por los estudiantes de odontología y medicina (10,4%. La de accidentes se relacionó con la manipulación frecuente de agujas, y con el comportamiento de los trabajadores, que mantienen prácticas que ofrecen riesgos, como la eliminación inadecuada de agujas.The aims of this study were to identify the major professional category exposed to biological risk and the principal type of accident occurred among health care workers in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ. Based on the analysis of 183 records filled out by the workers who suffered biohazardous accidents between January 2005 and September 2005, we found the nursing auxiliaries and technicians as the

  1. Las ciencias biológicas en el arte argentino contemporáneo


    Matewecki, Natalia


    En este trabajo se describen las obras más recientes del arte argentino ligado a la ciencia y a la tecnología. Desde las producciones desarrolladas en el marco de la vida artificial que incluyen algoritmos evolutivos, algoritmos genéticos, autómatas celulares y robóticos, hasta los proyectos de bioarte que comprenden el uso de la biotecnología, todas estas obras marcan la pauta de un siglo caracterizado por el despliegue de las ciencias biológicas.

  2. Behavior of NiTiNb SMA wires under recovery stress or prestressing. (United States)

    Choi, Eunsoo; Nam, Tae-Hyun; Chung, Young-Soo; Kim, Yeon-Wook; Lee, Seung-Yong


    The recovery stress of martensitic shape-memory alloy [SMA] wires can be used to confine concrete, and the confining effectiveness of the SMA wires was previously proved through experimental tests. However, the behavior of SMA wires under recovery stress has not been seriously investigated. Thus, this study conducted a series of tests of NiTiNb martensitic SMA wires under recovery stress with varying degrees of prestrain on the wires and compared the behavior under recovery stress with that under prestressing of the wires. The remaining stress was reduced by the procedure of additional strain loading and unloading. More additional strains reduced more remaining stresses. When the SMA wires were heated up to the transformation temperature under prestress, the stress on the wires increased due to the state transformation. Furthermore, the stress decreased with a decreasing temperature of the wires down to room temperature. The stress of the NiTiNb wires was higher than the prestress, and the developed stress seemed to depend on the composition of the SMAs. When an additional strain was subsequently loaded and unloaded on the prestressed SMA wires, the remaining stress decreased. Finally, the remaining stress becomes zero when loading and unloading a specific large strain.

  3. Producción de un tensoactivo biológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosero N. Gladys


    Full Text Available En este artículo se resume el estudio realizado en el Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo (ICP, para escalar desde el laboratorio hasta la planta piloto, un proceso para la producción de biosurfactante tipo ramnolípido. Mediante el examen de las condiciones de activación del microorganismo y del diseño del medio de cultivo se establecieron condiciones que en forma sistemática disparan el mecanismo productor del microorganismo y permiten incrementar la productividad del biosurfactante. Se demostró la alta eficiencia de este aditivo biológico en aplicaciones, tales como biodegradación de hidrocarburos en medios salinos, control de la corrosión y recuperación de crudo a partir de lodos de fondos de tanques de almacenamiento. 

  4. Electrical short circuit and current overload tests on aircraft wiring (United States)

    Cahill, Patricia


    The findings of electrical short circuit and current overload tests performed on commercial aircraft wiring are presented. A series of bench-scale tests were conducted to evaluate circuit breaker response to overcurrent and to determine if the wire showed any visible signs of thermal degradation due to overcurrent. Three types of wire used in commercial aircraft were evaluated: MIL-W-22759/34 (150 C rated), MIL-W-81381/12 (200 C rated), and BMS 1360 (260 C rated). A second series of tests evaluated circuit breaker response to short circuits and ticking faults. These tests were also meant to determine if the three test wires behaved differently under these conditions and if a short circuit or ticking fault could start a fire. It is concluded that circuit breakers provided reliable overcurrent protection. Circuit breakers may not protect wire from ticking faults but can protect wire from direct shorts. These tests indicated that the appearance of a wire subjected to a current that totally degrades the insulation looks identical to a wire subjected to a fire; however the 'fire exposed' conductor was more brittle than the conductor degraded by overcurrent. Preliminary testing indicates that direct short circuits are not likely to start a fire. Preliminary testing indicated that direct short circuits do not erode insulation and conductor to the extent that ticking faults did. Circuit breakers may not safeguard against the ignition of flammable materials by ticking faults. The flammability of materials near ticking faults is far more important than the rating of the wire insulation material.

  5. Systém na automatické generování písemných zkoušek


    Kapusta, Vlastimil


    Tato bakalářská práce popisuje grafický návrh, použité technologie a implementaci systému na automatické generování písemných zkoušek. Jako implementační jazyk byl použit jazyk Java. Práce se zabývá použitím knihovny Swing pro tvorbu GUI a využitím knihoven Insubstantial a SwingX, které rozšiřují knihovnu Swing. Důležitou částí práce je propojení jazyka Java a sázecího systému LaTeX. Výsledkem je aplikace, která umožňuje vytváření zadání písemných zkoušek. Dále je umožněno ukládání a načítání...

  6. Velocity distribution measurement in wire-spaced fuel pin bundle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizuta, Hiroshi; Ohtake, Toshihide; Uruwashi, Shinichi; Takahashi, Keiichi


    Flow distribution measurement was made in the subchannels of a pin bundle in air flow. The present paper is interim because the target of this work is the decision of temperature of the pin surface in contact with wire spacers. The wire-spaced fuel pin bundle used for the experiment consists of 37 simulated fuel pins of stainless steel tubes, 3000 mm in length and 31.6 mm in diameter, which are wound spirally with 6 mm stainless steel wire. The bundle is wrapped with a hexagonal tube, 3500 mm in length and 293 mm in flat-to-flat distance. The bundle is fixed with knock-bar at the entrance of air flow in the hexagonal tube. The pitch of pins in the bundle is 37.6 mm (P/D=1.19) and the wrapping pitch of wire is 1100 mm (H/D=34.8). A pair of arrow-type 5-hole Pitot tubes are used to measure the flow velocity and the direction of air flow in the pin bundle. The measurement of flow distribution was made with the conditions of air flow rate of 0.33 m 3 /sec, air temperature of 45 0 C, and average Reynolds number of 15100 (average air velocity of 20.6 m/sec.). It was found that circular flow existed in the down stream of wire spacers, that axial flow velocity was slower in the subchannels, which contained wire spacers, than in those not affected by the wire, and that the flow angle to the axial velocity at the boundary of subchannels was two thirds smaller than wire wrapping angle. (Tai, I.)

  7. Heat resistant wire and cable and heat shrinkable tubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ueno, Keiji [Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. (Japan)


    Radiation processes have been used in industrial fields (e.g. wire and cable, heat shrinkable tubes) for about 30 years. In Japan, 60 electron beam accelerators were used in R and D, 54 in wire and cable, 24 in tire rubber, 16 in paint curing, 14 in PE foam and 9 accelerators were used in heat shrinkable tubes in 1993. Many properties (e.g. solder resistance, thermal deformation, and solven resistance) of wire and cable are improved by using radiation processes, and many kinds of radiation crosslinked wire and cable are used in the consumer market (TV sets, VTR`s, audio disc players, etc.), automobiles (automobile wire harnesses, fusible link wires, sensor cables etc.), and the industrial market (computer cables, cables for keyboards, coaxial cables, etc.). Another important industrial application of E{beta} radiation process is heat shrinkable tubes. Heat shinkable tubes, heated by a hot gun, shrink 1/2 {approx} 1/3 of their inner diameters. Heat shrinkable tubes are used for covers of distributing line terminals, joint covers of telecommunication lines, protection of fuel pipe lines and so on. In this seminar, actual applications and characteristic properties of radiation crosslinked materials are presented.

  8. Faraday and Kerr Effects Diagnostics for Underwater Exploding Wires (United States)

    Sarkisov, G. S.; Fedotov-Gefen, A. V.; Krasik, Ya. E.


    Two-channel laser polarimeter was used to measure magnetic and electric fields in vicinity of underwater exploding wire. Nd:YAG Q-switch laser with 532nm wavelength, 100mJ energy and 5ns pulse width was used for probing. Single wire, parallel wires and X and V- shaped wires was used in experiments. Electric and magnetic field induced birefringes in the water results in changing of polarization stage of probing beam after propagation through this anisotropic medium. Magnetic field results in circular anisotropy of the water, while electric field creates linear anisotropy. Magnetic field results in rotation of polarization plan of linear-polarized probing beam. Electric field effect is more complicated- polarization plan of the laser beam subjected to pulsation and changing of ellipticity. Effect of electric field depends on initial probing geometry- angle between electrical field vector E and polarization plane of probing wave. In our exploding wire experiments we found influence of both Faraday and Kerr effects. It was demonstrated existence of Kerr effect inside bubbles at high voltage electrode. Effect of magnetic fields interaction for multi-wire loads was observed.

  9. Heat resistant wire and cable and heat shrinkable tubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keiji Ueno


    Radiation processes have been used in industrial fields (e.g. wire and cable, heat shrinkable tubes) for about 30 years. In Japan, 60 electron beam accelerators were used in R and D, 54 in wire and cable, 24 in tire rubber, 16 in paint curing, 14 in PE foam and 9 accelerators were used in heat shrinkable tubes in 1993. Many properties (e.g. solder resistance, thermal deformation, and solven resistance) of wire and cable are improved by using radiation processes, and many kinds of radiation crosslinked wire and cable are used in the consumer market (TV sets, VTR's, audio disc players, etc.), automobiles (automobile wire harnesses, fusible link wires, sensor cables etc.), and the industrial market (computer cables, cables for keyboards, coaxial cables, etc.). Another important industrial application of Eβ radiation process is heat shrinkable tubes. Heat shinkable tubes, heated by a hot gun, shrink 1/2 ∼ 1/3 of their inner diameters. Heat shrinkable tubes are used for covers of distributing line terminals, joint covers of telecommunication lines, protection of fuel pipe lines and so on. In this seminar, actual applications and characteristic properties of radiation crosslinked materials are presented

  10. Development of a new type of three-component composite superconducting wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Onishi, T.


    A new type of multifilamentary composite superconducting wire is described. This wire consists of seven filaments, each of which is a fine tubular Nb 50% Ti wire, filled with high purity aluminium and embedded in a cupronickel matrix. The results of experiments carried out on the stability and ac losses of this wire are presented. (author)

  11. Hot drawn Fe–6.5 wt.%Si wires with good ductility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, W.; Li, H.; Yang, K.; Liang, Y.F.; Yang, J.; Ye, F.


    Highlights: • Fe–6.5wt%Si steel wire with diameter of 1.6 mm can be successfully obtained by hot drawing process. • The ductility of Fe–6.5wt%Si alloy can be improved significantly when it is fabricated in the form of wire. • The Dc magnetic property of Fe–6.5wt%Si steel wire 1.6 mm in diameter is excellent, which is close to that of 0.3 mm thick cold-rolling sheet. - Abstract: Fe–6.5 wt.%Si high silicon steel wires with a diameter of 1.6 mm are fabricated successfully by hot drawing. The high silicon steel wires show much better ductility than sheets. The tensile strength and elongation of the wires at the room temperature can reach 1.31 GPa and 1.4%, respectively. The tensile strength and elongation of the rolling sheet at the room temperature are 0.8 GPa and 0, respectively. The microstructure analyses show that the elongated grains after drawing and reduced ordering phases by deformation in the wires might contribute to its good ductility. Bs value of 1.437 T and Hc value of 16.96 A/m are obtained for the wire after proper heat treatment for the wires

  12. The Effect of Annealing on the Elastic Modulus of Orthodontic Wires (United States)

    Higginbottom, Kyle

    Introduction: Nickel Titanium orthodontic wires are currently used in orthodontic treatment due to their heat activated properties and their delivery of constant force. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of annealing on the elastic modulus of Nickel Titanium, Stainless Steel and Beta-titanium (TMA) wires. Different points along the wire were tested in order to determine how far from the annealed ends the elastic modulus of the wires was affected. Methods: Eighty (80) orthodontic wires consisting of 4 equal groups (SS/TMA/Classic NitinolRTM/Super Elastic NitinolRTM) were used as the specimens for this study. All wires were measured and marked at 5mm measurements, and cut into 33.00mm sections. The wires were heated with a butane torch until the first 13.00mm of the wires were red hot. Load deflection tests using an InstronRTM universal testing machine were run at 5mm distances from the end of the wire that had been annealed. The change in elastic modulus was then determined. Results: There was a significant difference (F = 533.001, p = 0.0005) in the change in elastic modulus for the four distances. There was also a significant difference (F = 57.571, p = 0.0005) in the change in elastic modulus for the four wire types. There was a significant interaction (F = 19.601, p = 0.005) between wire type and distance, however this interaction negated the differences between the wires. Conclusion: 1) There are significant differences in the changes in elastic modulus between the areas of the wires within the annealed section and those areas 5mm and 10mm away from the annealed section. The change in elastic modulus within the annealed section was significantly greater at 8 mm than it was at 13mm, and this was significantly greater than 18mm and 23mm (5mm and 10mm beyond the annealed section). However, there was no statistical difference in the change in elastic modulus between 5mm and 10mm away from the annealed section (18mm and 23mm respectively). 2

  13. Wire compensation: Performance, SPS MDs, pulsed system

    CERN Document Server

    Dorda, U


    A wire compensation (BBLR) scheme has been proposed in order to improve the long range beam-beam performance of the nominal LHC and its phase 1 and phase 2 upgrades[1]. In this paper we present experimental experience of the CERN SPS wires (BBLR) and report on progress with the RF BBLR.

  14. Test plan for Enraf Series 854 level gauge wire testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnes, G.A.


    An Enraf Series 854 level gauge was installed on tank 241-S-106 during the first week of June 1994. On August 11, 1994, the gauge's stainless steel measuring wire broke. After examination and laboratory analysis, it was determined that the wire broke due to severe chloride ion corrosion. It is suspected that the chloride ion contamination came from the radiation induced breakdown of the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser liner. It is well documented that the breakdown of PVC due to radiation produces chloride containing compounds. This document provides a qualification test plan to remove and have analyzed the wire in all of the Enraf Series 854 that have been installed to date. These tests will confirm the presence or absence of chloride ions in the PVC liners and/or on the Enraf measuring wires installed in the tanks. This test will involve removing the 316 stainless steel wire drums from all of the existing Enraf Series 854 level gauges that have been installed. New 316 stainless steel wire drums shall be installed into the gauges and the gauges will be placed back into service. The wire that is removed from the gauges shall be sent to the 222-S Lab or the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) for analysis. Additional wire replacements will occur at intervals as determined necessary by the results of the laboratory analyses

  15. US-guided preoperative hook-wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Tae Beom; Lee, Sang Kwon; Kim, Hye Jung; Ryeom, Hun Kyu; Kim, Tae Hun; Kim, Yong Ju; Kang, Duk Sik; Lee, Young Ha; Park, Ho Yong


    To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of US-guided preoperative wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions. US-guided preoperative wire localization was performed upon 45 nonpalpable breast lesions including 14 nonpalpable masses, 11 nonpalpable masses with microcalcifications, 11 ductal lesions, 9 with microcalcifications. No local anesthesia was performed during the localization procedure. Under the US-guidance, the needle with the hook-wire was inserted into the lesion until the hook of the wire reached 1 cm beyond the posterior margin of the lesion. Precise wire positioning was confirmed by mammography. Specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography was performed in all cases. US-guided preoperative wire localization was successfully achieved in all cases. The time required for US-guided wire localization was less than five minutes. All lesions were successfully removed by surgical excision. Successful removal was confirmed by specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography, gross findings of the specimen and consistency between radiographic and pathologic findings. The histologic diagnosis of 45 lesions were 7 ductal carcinoma in situ, 8 invasive ductal carcinoma, 6 fibroadenoma, 8 intraductal papilloma, 2 atypical ductal hyperplasia, and 14 fibrocystic changes. No complications were occurred during and after the procedure. US-guided preoperative wire localization for excisional biopsy is simple, safe, and accurate method in the histologic diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions detectable with ultrasonography.

  16. US-guided preoperative hook-wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Tae Beom; Lee, Sang Kwon; Kim, Hye Jung; Ryeom, Hun Kyu; Kim, Tae Hun; Kim, Yong Ju; Kang, Duk Sik; Lee, Young Ha; Park, Ho Yong [Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Taegu (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of US-guided preoperative wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions. US-guided preoperative wire localization was performed upon 45 nonpalpable breast lesions including 14 nonpalpable masses, 11 nonpalpable masses with microcalcifications, 11 ductal lesions, 9 with microcalcifications. No local anesthesia was performed during the localization procedure. Under the US-guidance, the needle with the hook-wire was inserted into the lesion until the hook of the wire reached 1 cm beyond the posterior margin of the lesion. Precise wire positioning was confirmed by mammography. Specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography was performed in all cases. US-guided preoperative wire localization was successfully achieved in all cases. The time required for US-guided wire localization was less than five minutes. All lesions were successfully removed by surgical excision. Successful removal was confirmed by specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography, gross findings of the specimen and consistency between radiographic and pathologic findings. The histologic diagnosis of 45 lesions were 7 ductal carcinoma in situ, 8 invasive ductal carcinoma, 6 fibroadenoma, 8 intraductal papilloma, 2 atypical ductal hyperplasia, and 14 fibrocystic changes. No complications were occurred during and after the procedure. US-guided preoperative wire localization for excisional biopsy is simple, safe, and accurate method in the histologic diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions detectable with ultrasonography.

  17. Recent developments in wire chamber tracking at SSC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogren, H.


    All of the major SSC proposed detectors use wire chambers in their tracking systems. The feasibility of wire chambers in an SSC detector has now been established by a number of groups planning detectors at SSC. The major advances during the past year in understanding straw tube drift chambers are presented and several innovations in gaseous wire chambers are discussed. The R and D section will concentrate on progress in drift cell design, electronics and signal processing, and engineering aspects of the tracking designs

  18. Fabrication and physical properties of permalloy nano-size wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, C.; Lee, S.F.; Yao, Y.D.; Wong, M.S.; Huang, E.W.; Ma, Y.-R.; Tsai, J.L.; Chang, C.R.


    Nano-size NiFe wires with patterned shapes in half-ring-in-series, octagon-in-series, and zigzag-in-series configurations were fabricated. Their magnetoresistance was studied below room temperature and their magnetic domain images were investigated at room temperature by a magnetic force microscope. In general, we have experimentally demonstrated that the variation of the magnetoresistance of our patterned nano-size wires can be related to different domain configurations and explained by the domain switching effect. The number of magnetic domain walls in our patterned wires can be controlled by the shape anisotropy and the size of each section of patterns that form the wires

  19. Experimental study of parallel multi-tungsten wire Z-pinch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Xianbin; China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang; Lin Libin; Yang Libing; Deng Jianjun; Gu Yuanchao; Ye Shican; Yue Zhengpu; Zhou Shaotong; Li Fengping; Zhang Siqun


    The study of three parallel tungsten wire loads and five parallel tungsten wire loads implosion experiment on accelerator 'Yang' are reported. Tungsten wires (φ17 μm) with separation of 1 mm were used. The pinch was driven by a 350 kA peak current, 80 ns 10%-90% rise time. By means of pinhole camera and X-ray diagnostics technology, a non-uniform plasma column is formed among the wires and soft X-ray pulse are observed. the change of load current are analyzed, the development of sausage instability and kink instability, 'hot spot' effect and dispersion spot for plasma column are also discussed. (authors)

  20. Utilización de los equipos de protección individual frente al riesgo biológico por el personal sanitario


    Angelina Constans Aubert; Rosa Mª Alonso Espadalé; Joaquín Pérez Nicolás


    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido obtener información sobre el nivel de utilización de los equipos de protección individual (EPI) frente al riego biológico entre el personal que desarrolla su actividad profesional en centros sanitarios. Para ello se preparó un cuestionario, que previamente validado se aplicó a un colectivo de distintos centros sanitarios de Cataluña durante los años 2003/2004. La información obtenida en este estudio revela que la utilización de los EPI frente al riesgo biol...

  1. The sub-wavelength imaging performance of disordered wire media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, David A.


    An analysis of the sub-wavelength imaging performance of disordered thin wire media is undertaken, in order to understand how its performance may be affected by manufacturing errors. The structure is found to be extremely robust to disorder which keeps the wires parallel. Variation in the orientation of the wires and their longitudinal position causes more significant degradation in the image quality, which is quantified numerically

  2. Approches par points de vue pour l’ingénierie des Systèmes d’information

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brahim Lahna


    Full Text Available Les concepts de point de vue, de rôle, de perspective et de vue ont été largement étudiés et utilisés dans de nombreux travaux, dans divers domaines de l’informatique. On retrouve ces notions dans les Systèmes de Représentation de Connaissances par Objets, les Bases de Données Orientées Objets, les Méthodes de Conception, la Programmation Orientée Objets, etc. Chaque domaine lui donne sa propre définition et l’utilise dans son propre contexte. La notion de vue se développe indépendamment dans ces différentes disciplines. Bien que les propositions différent, elles sont confrontées aux mêmes problèmes : établir des relations entre vues et garantir la cohérence des vues entre elles ou vis-à-vis d'un modèle de référence. Nous présentons dans cet article des travaux relatifs aux notions de vues et points de vue dans différentes disciplines informatiques en insistant sur une proposition originale pour une nouvelle ingénierie des systèmes d’information orientée perspectives et composants multivues réutilisables.

  3. Locating the displacement of the steel wire implantation with the stereotactic mammography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Jie; Xu Jianmin; Sun Guomin; Sun Guoping; Zang Da; Zhou Dongxian; Mai Peicheng


    Objective: To analyze the manifestation, reason, the processing method of the steel wire implantation with the stereotactic mammography to improve the accuracy of the preoperative positioning. Methods: Seventy-nine cases which got the stereotactic steel wire implantation. In 96 lesions, 13 had steel wire displacement. Among them, 5 cases got steel wire displacement during the stereotactic process, 5 cases got steel wire displacement after the stereotactic process, 2 cases got steel wire displacement during the operation, one case did not show the calcification on the postoperative radiography. Results: The steel wire displacement occurred in 5 cases during the stereotactic process came from the patients and doctors respectively and the repositioning was needed. The steel wire displacement after the stereoscopic positioning was attributed to the overdose injection of local anesthesia, which led to the mismatch between the depth of Z axis of the mammary gland and the actual depth the computer given, the incorrect method for needle placement, and, neglecting whether the steel wire have got the lesion anchored when pulling out the needle set of steel wire hood, besides, these three kinds of instances above were all exaggerated by the accordion effect. For the displacement within 2 cm, the lesion can be excised toward the pathological change direction according to the position that steel wire prompted and re-place the second steel wire, putting the J-shaped steel wire into the needle hood and taking it out of the body. After repositioning, 2 cases had the steel wire prolapse during operation, which resulted from the over-lifting of the steel wire. After placing the steel wire, the radiologist should give an accurate description on the depth and direction to the surgeon and the notch should be taken for incision from the steel wire head end which is proximate to skin. The postoperative specimen from one case had no calcification, which might be related to the condition

  4. Consideraciones de diseño para la eliminación biológica de fósforo empleando procesos biopelícula


    Castillo de Castro, Pedro; Tejero Monzón, Iñaki


    El siguiente artículo es un resumen del estado del arte de la Eliminación Biológica de Fósforo (EBF) empleando procesos de biopelícula. En él se describen minuciosamente los mecanismos que intervienen en la eliminación biológica de este elemento, así como las teorías actualmente aceptadas. Se presentan los procesos biopelícula actualmente desarrollados, así como los consideraciones de diseño para reactores biopelícula, y la forma de trabajo necesaria para conseguir la EBF.

  5. Fluorescent silver nanoparticles via exploding wire technique

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Pure silver nanoparticles in double distilled water were generated via simple physical method using pure (99.9%) silver wires with 0.2 mm diameter. These wires have been exploded in water by bringing them into sudden contact with pure (99.9%) silver plate when subjected to a potential difference of 36 V DC. High current.

  6. Vibrating wire apparatus for periodic magnetic structure measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Temnykh, A.B.


    Devices with periodic magnetic structures such as wigglers and undulators are often key elements in synchrotron radiation sources. In applications where the coherence of the emitted radiation is important, magnetic field errors distorting the periodicity of the field can significantly reduce the performance of the devices. Thus, the measurement, localization, and correction of the field errors can be a critical issue. This article presents a new method for magnetic field measurements in periodic magnetic structures. The method uses a vibrating taut wire passing through the magnetic structure, and it involves measurements of the amplitudes and phases of the standing waves excited on the wire by the Lorentz force between an AC current in the wire and the surrounding magnetic field. For certain arrangements of the wire, vibrations in the wire will be excited by only non-periodic magnetic field component, i.e., by the error field. By measuring the phase and amplitude of these waves, one can reconstruct the error field distribution and then correct it. The method was tested on a permanent magnet wiggler with 19.8 cm period and a peak field of ∼7000G. It demonstrated ∼0.6G RMS sensitivity, δB rms /B rms ∼1.2x10 -4 and spatial resolution sufficient to identify poles generating the field error. Good agreement was found between field error measurements obtained with the vibrating wire method and with traditional Hall probe field mapping

  7. Pull-pull position control of dual motor wire rope transmission. (United States)

    Guo, Quan; Jiao, Zongxia; Yan, Liang; Yu, Qian; Shang, Yaoxing


    Wire rope transmission is very efficient because of the small total moving object mass. The wire rope could only transmit pulling force. Therefore it has to be kept in a tightened state during transmission; in high speed applications the dynamic performance depends on the rope's stiffness, which can be adjusted by the wire rope tension. To improve the system dynamic performance output, this paper proposes a novel pull-pull method based on dual motors connected by wire ropes, for precise, high speed position control applications. The method can regulate target position and wire rope tension simultaneously. Wire ropes remain in a pre-tightening state at all times, which prevents the influence of elasticity and reduces the position tracking error in the changing direction process. Simulations and experiments were conducted; the results indicate that both position precision and superior dynamic performance can be synchronously achieved. The research is relevant to space craft precision pointing instruments.

  8. Finite element simulation of impact response of wire mesh screens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Caizheng


    Full Text Available In this paper, the response of wire mesh screens to low velocity impact with blunt objects is investigated using finite element (FE simulation. The woven wire mesh is modelled with homogeneous shell elements with equivalent smeared mechanical properties. The mechanical behaviour of the woven wire mesh was determined experimentally with tensile tests on steel wire mesh coupons to generate the data for the smeared shell material used in the FE. The effects of impacts with a low mass (4 kg and a large mass (40 kg providing the same impact energy are studied. The joint between the wire mesh screen and the aluminium frame surrounding it is modelled using contact elements with friction between the corresponding elements. Damage to the screen of different types compromising its structural integrity, such as mesh separation and pulling out from the surrounding frame is modelled. The FE simulation is validated with results of impact tests conducted on woven steel wire screen meshes.

  9. Tungsten wire and tubing joined by nickel brazing (United States)


    Thin tungsten wire and tungsten tubing are brazed together using a contacting coil of nickel wire heated to its melting point in an inert-gas atmosphere. This method is also effective for brazing tungsten to tungsten-rhenium parts.

  10. Tratamiento biológico aerobio de alpechín depurado previamente con ozono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domínguez Vargas, Joaquín R.


    Full Text Available In the present work, the degradation of olive mill wastewaters previously treated by an ozonation stage has been studied by an aerobic biological oxidation. The substrate evolution (based on chemical oxygen demand, biomass (measured as volatile suspended solids and total polyphenolic contents were followed during each experiment. A kinetic study is performed by using the Contois model, which applied to the experimental data, provides the specific kinetic parameters of this model. The deduced kinetic equation for the consume of substrate is q= 17.0 S/(18.2 X + S0 X g COD/ gVSS. day. Moreover, others interesting biological parameters like the cellular yield coefficient and the kinetic rate constant for the endogenous metabolism were determined, obtaining a values of 0.214 g VSS/g COD and 0.167 day-1, respectively.En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la oxidación biológica aerobia por Iodos activos de las aguas residuales de almazaras (alpechín que previamente habían sido depuradas por una etapa química mediante ozono. La evolución del proceso biológico fue seguida midiendo la concentración de sustrato (en términos de demanda química de oxígeno, la concentración de biomasa (medida como sólidos en suspensión volátiles y el contenido en compuestos polifenólicos totales. Se realiza un estudio cinético basado en el modelo de Contois que, aplicado a los datos experimentales, permite calcular los parámetros cinéticos específicos de este modelo. La ecuación deducida para el consumo de sustrato es q= 17.0 S/(18.2 X + S0 X, g DQO/ gSSV. día. Al mismo tiempo se han determinado otros parámetros biológicos de interés como son el coeficiente de rendimiento celular y la constante cinética correspondiente al metabolismo endógeno, obteniéndose unos valores de 0.214 g SSV/g DQO y 0.167 día-1, respectivamente.

  11. Toxicidad biológica de cepas nativas de Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner en larvas de Tecia solanivora Povolny

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Martínez


    Full Text Available La biodiversidad microbiológica de los suelos del departamento de Boyacá aún no ha sido explorada en toda su magnitud y existen microorganismos, como en el caso de Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt, que pueden emplearse para el desarrollo de estrategias biológicas de control de plagas en el futuro. Por lo anterior, el presente trabajo evaluó la actividad biológica, expresada como  toxicidad, de cepas nativas de B. thuringiensis en la Polilla Guatemalteca  de  la  papa  Tecia  solanivora Povolny, una de  las plagas más  limitantes en el cultivo de papa en la región andina colombiana. Esta  evaluación  se  realizó con  aislados de  Bt obtenidos y conservados por el Grupo de Manejo Biológico de Cultivos (GMBC en el Laboratorio de Control Biológico de la UPTC, colectados de muestras de  suelo en  la Provincia Centro de Boyacá y  previamente  caracterizados  macro  y microscópicamente.  La   toxicidad  se  evaluó mediante bioensayos con larvas de primer instar de  T.  solanivora,  utilizando  el método  decontaminación superficial de cubos de papa. Se evaluó  la mortalidad  ocho  días  después  de montado  el  bioensayo  y  se  determinó, igualmente,  la Concentración letal media (Cl 50 de las cepas que presentaron  la mayor actividad  tóxica en  los  bioensayos  iniciales.  Los  aislamientosGMBC-B054, GMBC-B071, GMBC-B076, GMBC- B098, GMBC-B111 y GMBC-B117 fueron  los más activos, con Cl 50 de 1.08x106, 4.24x106, 5.12x106, 4.36x103, 3.56x103  y  1.19x104  esporas  · mL-1,respectivamente.

  12. Anisotropic intrinsic spin Hall effect in quantum wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cummings, A W; Akis, R; Ferry, D K


    We use numerical simulations to investigate the spin Hall effect in quantum wires in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. We find that the intrinsic spin Hall effect is highly anisotropic with respect to the orientation of the wire, and that the nature of this anisotropy depends strongly on the electron density and the relative strengths of the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings. In particular, at low densities, when only one subband of the quantum wire is occupied, the spin Hall effect is strongest for electron momentum along the [1-bar 10] axis, which is the opposite of what is expected for the purely 2D case. In addition, when more than one subband is occupied, the strength and anisotropy of the spin Hall effect can vary greatly over relatively small changes in electron density, which makes it difficult to predict which wire orientation will maximize the strength of the spin Hall effect. These results help to illuminate the role of quantum confinement in spin-orbit-coupled systems, and can serve as a guide for future experimental work on the use of quantum wires for spin-Hall-based spintronic applications. (paper)

  13. STM tunneling through a quantum wire with a side-attached impurity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwapinski, T.; Krawiec, M.; Jalochowski, M.


    The STM tunneling through a quantum wire (QW) with a side-attached impurity (atom, island) is investigated using a tight-binding model and the non-equilibrium Keldysh Green function method. The impurity can be coupled to one or more QW atoms. The presence of the impurity strongly modifies the local density of states of the wire atoms, thus influences the STM tunneling through all the wire atoms. The transport properties of the impurity itself are also investigated mainly as a function of the wire length and the way it is coupled to the wire. It is shown that the properties of the impurity itself and the way it is coupled to the wire strongly influence the STM tunneling, the density of states and differential conductance

  14. Influence of magnetic moment formation on the conductance of coupled quantum wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puller, V I; Mourokh, L G; Bird, J P; Ochiai, Y


    In this paper, we develop a model for the resonant interaction between a pair of coupled quantum wires, under conditions where self-consistent effects lead to the formation of a local magnetic moment in one of the wires. Our analysis is motivated by the experimental results of Morimoto et al (2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 3952), who showed that the conductance of one of the quantum wires exhibits a resonant peak at low temperatures, whenever the other wire is swept into the regime where local-moment formation is expected. In order to account for these observations, we develop a theoretical model for the inter-wire interaction that calculated the transmission properties of one (the fixed) wire when the device potential is modified by the presence of an extra scattering term, arising from the presence of the local moment in the swept wire. To determine the transmission coefficients in this system, we derive equations describing the dynamics of electrons in the swept and fixed wires of the coupled-wire geometry. Our analysis clearly shows that the observation of a resonant peak in the conductance of the fixed wire is correlated to the appearance of additional structure (near 0.75 x 2e 2 /h or 0.25 x 2e 2 /h) in the conductance of the swept wire, in agreement with the experimental results of Morimoto et al


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Ju. Borisenko


    Full Text Available The influence of bainite structure on mechanical characteristics of wire of steel 80 after patenting is studied. The quantity and structure state of bainite, providing high complex of mechanical characteristics of high-carbon wire, is determined.

  16. Interaction and Dephasing of Excitons in ZnSe Quantum Wires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wagner, Hans Peter; Langbein, Wolfgang; Hvam, Jørn Märcher


    We study the coherent formation of biexcitons in wet-etched ZnSe quantum wires of lateral sizes down to 23 nm by transient degenerate four-wave mixing. We observe an increase of the biexciton binding energy with decreasing wire width reaching 30% energy enhancement in the smallest wire structure...

  17. Fatigue life prediction method for contact wire using maximum local stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Yong Seok; Haochuang, Li; Seok, Chang Sung; Koo, Jae Mean [Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ki Won; Kwon, Sam Young; Cho, Yong Hyeon [Korea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang (Korea, Republic of)


    Railway contact wires supplying electricity to trains are exposed to repeated mechanical strain and stress caused by their own weight and discontinuous contact with a pantograph during train operation. Since the speed of railway transportation has increased continuously, railway industries have recently reported a number of contact wire failures caused by mechanical fatigue fractures instead of normal wear, which has been a more common failure mechanism. To secure the safety and durability of contact wires in environments with increased train speeds, a bending fatigue test on contact wire has been performed. The test equipment is too complicated to evaluate the fatigue characteristics of contact wire. Thus, the axial tension fatigue test was performed for a standard specimen, and the bending fatigue life for the contact wire structure was then predicted using the maximum local stress occurring at the top of the contact wire. Lastly, the tested bending fatigue life of the structure was compared with the fatigue life predicted by the axial tension fatigue test for verification.

  18. Fatigue life prediction method for contact wire using maximum local stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Yong Seok; Haochuang, Li; Seok, Chang Sung; Koo, Jae Mean; Lee, Ki Won; Kwon, Sam Young; Cho, Yong Hyeon


    Railway contact wires supplying electricity to trains are exposed to repeated mechanical strain and stress caused by their own weight and discontinuous contact with a pantograph during train operation. Since the speed of railway transportation has increased continuously, railway industries have recently reported a number of contact wire failures caused by mechanical fatigue fractures instead of normal wear, which has been a more common failure mechanism. To secure the safety and durability of contact wires in environments with increased train speeds, a bending fatigue test on contact wire has been performed. The test equipment is too complicated to evaluate the fatigue characteristics of contact wire. Thus, the axial tension fatigue test was performed for a standard specimen, and the bending fatigue life for the contact wire structure was then predicted using the maximum local stress occurring at the top of the contact wire. Lastly, the tested bending fatigue life of the structure was compared with the fatigue life predicted by the axial tension fatigue test for verification.

  19. Implementation of Order-wire Functionality in IRITEL NG-SDH devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Katanić


    Full Text Available This paper describes the implementation of order-wire functionality in NG-SDH devices ODS2G5 and OTS622 IRITEL. The paper also describes the operation of order-wire in networks with arbitrary topologies, as well as the configuration of order-wire functionality by using network management software SUNCE. The presented solution for order-wire functionality is compared with VoIP solutions. The paper shows that the presented solution provides fast reaction to network failures, while keeping the implementation simple.

  20. Las armas biológicas. Perspectivas de futuro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nieva Machín


    Full Text Available La valoración de bajo riesgo de sufrir un ataque con armas biológicas realizada por la estrategia nacional de seguridad resulta errónea ya que España como miembro de la OTAN debería recoger en su estrategia nacional de seguridad del año 2013 esta amenaza ya considerada como tal por la OTAN en el año 2002. Para una valoración efectiva del nivel de esta amenaza resulta preciso considerar que esta ha trascendido el ámbito militar. En el presente artículo se presentará la vulnerabilidad de España derivaba de las políticas y protocolos de seguridad de carácter reactivo y no preventivo establecidas en España así como aspectos mutidimensionales que requieren un replanteamiento y mejoras acordes a una valoración de riesgo más precisa.

  1. Mesoscopic NbSe3 wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zant, H.S.J. van der; Kalwij, A.; Mantel, O.C.; Markovic, N.


    We have fabricated wire structures with (sub)micron sizes in the charge-density wave conductor NbSe 3 . Electrical transport measurements include complete mode-locking on Shapiro steps and show that the patterning has not affected the CDW material. Our mesoscopic wires show strong fluctuation and hysteresis effects in the low-temperature current-voltage characteristics, as well as a strong reduction of the phase-slip voltage. This reduction can not be explained with existing models. We suggest that single phase-slip events are responsible for a substantial reduction of the CDW strain in micron-sized systems. (orig.)

  2. Nosso corpo nos pertence: a dialética do biológico e do social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen Mary Giffin


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa situar a discussão do biológico e do social no interior da análise da condição feminina. Com o surgimento das análises feministas, a hegemonia anterior das explicações biológicas é substituída por uma ênfase na construção social da identidade feminina. O determinismo biológico é repudiado, mesmo quando a identificação da mulher com o corpo e com a natureza e seu status secundário são considerados como universais. Neste processo de reelaboração do objeto, o papel ideológico da ciência é apontado, na medida em que a dominação masculina na ciência e na sociedade acompanhou a tendência histórica que relegou a questão da mulher à esfera natural. Embora uma crescente apreciação da construção social da atividade científica em si impulsione o abandono da dicotomia biológico/social ao nível conceitual, as diferenças entre homem e mulher na esfera da reprodução continuam a atuar. É argumentado que análise da reprodução requer caracterização dos sexos como entidades biossociais em relacionamento, situados em contextos históricos específicos, e que, na sociedade moderna, a mulher é sujeita a uma dupla contradição reprodutiva.This article aims at reviewing the discussion of biological and social factors in the analysis of women's social condition. With the appearance of a feminist perspective, the dominance of earlier biologically-based explanations was substituted by an emphasis on the social construction of female identity. Even when women's identification with the body and with nature, and their secondary status, were considered universal, biological determinism was rejected. In this process of re-definition of the object of study, the ideological role of science was pointed out, since male dominance in science and society accompanied the historical tendency which relegated "the woman question" to the sphere of natural fact. Although growing awareness of the socially-constructed nature

  3. Release of metal ions from round and rectangular NiTi wires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arash Azizi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of nickel and titanium ions released from two wires with different shapes and a similar surface area. Methods Forty round nickel-titanium (NiTi arch wires with the diameter of 0.020 in. and 40 rectangular NiTi arch wires with the diameter of 0.016 × 0.016 in. were immersed in artificial saliva during a 21-day period. The surface area of both wires was 0.44 in.2. Wires were separately dipped into polypropylene tubes containing 50 ml of buffer solution and were incubated and maintained at 37 °C. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES was used to measure the amount of ions released after exposure lengths of 1 h, 24 h, 1 week, and 3 weeks. Repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey tests were used to evaluate the data. Results The results indicated that the amount of nickel and titanium concentrations was significantly higher in the rectangular wire group. The most significant release of all metals was measured after the first hour of immersion. In the rectangular wire group, 243 ± 4.2 ng/ml of nickel was released after 1 h, while 221.4 ± 1.7 ng/ml of nickel was released in the round wire group. Similarly, 243.3 ± 2.8 ng/ml of titanium was released in the rectangular wire group and a significantly lower amount of 211.9 ± 2.3 ng/ml of titanium was released in the round wire group. Conclusions Release of metal ions was influenced by the shape of the wire and increase of time.

  4. Structure of gold monoatomic wires connected to two electrodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zoubkoff, Remi [Centre de Recherche en Matiere Condensee et Nanosciences, CNRS, Campus de Luminy, Case 913, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 (France)]. E-mail:; Vega, L. de la [Departamento de Fisica de la Materia Condensada C-V, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid (Spain); Martin-Rodero, A. [Departamento de Fisica de la Materia Condensada C-V, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid (Spain); Levy Yeyati, A. [Departamento de Fisica de la Materia Condensada C-V, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid (Spain); Saul, Andres [Centre de Recherche en Matiere Condensee et Nanosciences, CNRS, Campus de Luminy, Case 913, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 (France)


    In this work, we present calculations concerning the stability of infinite monoatomic Au wires and finite Au wires between electrodes. For the systems with the electrodes, that we represent by FCC slabs with (0 0 1) surfaces, the total energy calculations have been performed with a spd non-orthogonal tight-binding Hamiltonian. For the infinite wires, the calculations were also compared to semi-empirical and first principle ones. For the infinite wires and small enough inter-atomic distances, we find that a zig-zag structure is most stable than the linear one, in agreement with previous calculations. For the system between electrodes, one gets an almost concave or a symmetric broken edges structure depending on the inter-atomic distance.

  5. Crosslinking of wire and cable insulation using electron accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Yongxiang; Ma Zueteh


    Radiation crosslinking of wire and cable insulation is a well-established technology that is widely used in industry. The advantages of radiation crosslinking over chemical crosslinking have helped maintain its steady growth. Since successful utilization of electron beam processing relies on the formulation of compounds used in insulation, the radiation crosslinking of various polymers is reviewed. The handling technology for crosslinking wire and cable insulation and the throughput capacity of electron beam processors are also discussed. More than 30% of the industrial electron accelerators in the world are used for the radiation crosslinking of wire and cable insulation. Prospects of increased use of electron accelerators for crosslinking of wire and cable insulation are very good. (orig.)

  6. Charge Transport Along Phenylenevinylene Molecular Wires



    Abstract A model to calculate the mobility of charges along molecular wires is presented. The model is based on the tight-binding approximation and combines a quantum mechanical description of the charge with a classical description of the structural degrees of freedom. It is demonstrated that the average mobility of charge carriers along molecular wires can be obtained by time-propagation of states which are initially localised. The model is used to calculate the mobility of charg...

  7. Novel use of the "buddy"wire.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Hare, A


    Summary: During interventional procedures the tortuosity of the vasculature hampers catheter stability. The buddy wire may be used to aid and maintain vascular access.We describe a case of acute subarachnoid haemorrhage secondary to dissecting aneurysm of the vertebral artery.We discuss the value of the buddy wire during balloon occlusion of the vertebral artery not as it is typically used, but to actually prevent the balloon repeatedly entering the posterior inferior cerebellar artery during the procedure.

  8. Wired vs. Wireless. (United States)

    Fielding, Randall


    Presents a debate on which technology will be in tomorrow's classrooms and the pros and cons of wiring classrooms and using a wireless network. Concluding comments address the likelihood, and desirability, of placing computers throughout the entire educational process and what types of computers and capabilities are needed. (GR)

  9. Comparación visual de grandes jerarquías: El caso de las de taxonomías biológicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Sancho-Chavarría


    Full Text Available La visualización y el análisis de las taxonomías biológicas es un reto monumental: las taxonomías biológicas son voluminosas, pueden cambiar con el tiempo conforme la comunidad científica hace nuevos descubrimientos, la información taxonómica está dispersa en todo el mundo, está incompleta y existen diferentes versiones de las taxonomías ya que los científicos utilizan diferentes criterios de clasificación. Para entender y documentar mejor la biodiversidad, así como para apoyar su conservación, es necesario curar e integrar esta información. Es aquí donde la comparación de grandes jerarquías se convierte en una herramienta sumamente útil. Hasta el momento, la investigación sobre este tema incluye el estado del arte sobre la visualización de la información y técnicas de comparación de jerarquías, el desarrollo de una herramienta de visualización de jerarquías mediante la técnica de árboles de conos y la caracterización de las tareas del trabajo taxonómico que inducen cambios en las taxonomías. Se identificaron 10 tareas: identificar congruencia, identificar correcciones, identificar nuevos nodos, obtener una visión global de los cambios, resumir cambios, encontrar inconsistencias, aplicar filtros, obtener detalles, enfocarse y editar. La contribución de esta investigación es comparar y visualizar las taxonomías biológicas mediante la consideración sistemática de dicha caracterización de las tareas de los usuarios, lo cual es un enfoque novedoso para el desarrollo de propuestas de visualización en el dominio de taxonomías biológicas.

  10. Imperfection analysis of flexible pipe armor wires in compression and bending

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Niels Højen; Lyckegaard, Anders; Andreasen, Jens H.


    The work presented in this paper is motivated by a specific failure mode known as lateral wire buckling occurring in the tensile armor layers of flexible pipes. The tensile armor is usually constituted by two layers of initially helically wound steel wires with opposite lay directions. During pipe...... ability of the wires. This may cause the wires to buckle in the circumferential pipe direction, when these are restrained against radial deformations by adjacent layers. In the present paper, a single armoring wire modeled as a long and slender curved beam embedded in a frictionless cylinder bent...

  11. Report on UQ Assessmentsto support SESAME wire-wrappedbundle experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popov, Emilian L. [ORNL; Pointer, William David [ORNL


    This work assesses the influence of assumptions made when generating a mesh of a wire-wrappedgeometry. The contact region between a wire and its adjacent pin is commonly modeled by eitherembedding the wire to the adjacent pin or trimming the wire so that a gap separates the wire from itsadjacent pin. These models are referred to as close-gap and open-gap approaches herein and are applied totwo geometries. The first geometry consists of a single pin wire-wrapped subchannel. A polyhedral meshand a hexahedral mesh are generated. The second and third geometry are a 7-pin and a 19-pinwire-wrapped bundles meshed with polyhedral elements only. Pressure drops are obtained with theSTAR-CCM+computational fluid dynamic package. Sensitivity analyses of the mesh density, the meshtype, and the turbulent models are performed. Numerical results show that the best match to theexperimental data and to the Cheng-Todreas correlation is obtained with the combination of a hexahedralmesh, the shear stress transport (SST) turbulent model, and the open-gap approach. In the case of the 7-pingeometry, the best results are obtained with the open-gap approach and the SST turbulent model. The19-pin geometry yields contradictory results to the 7-pin geometry results, and thus will require furtherinvestigations.

  12. Feasibility studies on the direct wire readout on wire scanners in electron accelerators; Durchfuehrbarkeitsstudien zur direkten Drahtauslese an Wirescannern in Elektronen-Beschleunigern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markert, Michael


    This bachelor thesis deals essentially with the signal processing of a so-called wire scanner, a special monitor, which comes to application in the beam diagnostics of particle accelerators. In this direct wire readout the voltage signal, which is induced by the particle beam in the measurement wire of the wire scanner, shall be directly read out. The aim of this thesis is to show fundamental considerations and perform studies, which study, whether and how in the future by means of a suited data transmission as well as readout electronics conclusion on the most important parameters of the beam, like position and profile, are possible. The measurement system presented here is divided in three main components: Signal measurement, signal preparation, and signal stretching. A suited test facility was developed and is presented in detail, in which then all components, like for instance the transmission cables, the wire-scanner fork, and the developed measurement circuit, are studied, which are of importance for a faultless signal transmission and presentation. Extensive measurements on the single components, as well as calculations for the signal transmission on and in the wire scanner were performed, whereby a good agreement could be found. Thereafter a comparison and a selection of the component used in this project were made. Furthermore improvement proposals, new constructions, and outlooks are presented, which could be of importance in further works.

  13. Strain sensing systems tailored for tensile measurement of fragile wires (United States)

    Nyilas, Arman


    Fundamental stress versus strain measurements were completed on superconducting Nb3Sn wires within the framework of IEC/TC90 and VAMAS/TWA16. A key task was the assessment of sensing systems regarding resolution, accuracy, and precision when measuring Young's modulus. Prior to actual Nb3Sn wire measurements metallic wires, consisting of copper and stainless steel having diameters similar to the Nb3Sn wire, were extensively investigated with respect to their elastic line properties using different types of extensometers. After these calibration tests Nb3Sn wire measurements of different companies resulted in several important facts with respect to total size and weight of the used extensometers. The size could be correlated to the initial stage of stress versus strain behaviour. In fact, the effect of wire curls resulting from the production line had a profound effect on Young's modulus measurements. Within this context, the possibility of determining Young's modulus from unloading compliance lines in the plastic regime of the stress-strain curve was considered. The data obtained using this test methodology were discussed under consideration of the composite nature of Nb3Sn wire. In addition, a non-contacting sensing system based on a double-beam laser extensometer was used to investigate the potential of this new sensing system.

  14. Strain sensing systems tailored for tensile measurement of fragile wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyilas, Arman


    Fundamental stress versus strain measurements were completed on superconducting Nb 3 Sn wires within the framework of IEC/TC90 and VAMAS/TWA16. A key task was the assessment of sensing systems regarding resolution, accuracy, and precision when measuring Young's modulus. Prior to actual Nb 3 Sn wire measurements metallic wires, consisting of copper and stainless steel having diameters similar to the Nb 3 Sn wire, were extensively investigated with respect to their elastic line properties using different types of extensometers. After these calibration tests Nb 3 Sn wire measurements of different companies resulted in several important facts with respect to total size and weight of the used extensometers. The size could be correlated to the initial stage of stress versus strain behaviour. In fact, the effect of wire curls resulting from the production line had a profound effect on Young's modulus measurements. Within this context, the possibility of determining Young's modulus from unloading compliance lines in the plastic regime of the stress-strain curve was considered. The data obtained using this test methodology were discussed under consideration of the composite nature of Nb 3 Sn wire. In addition, a non-contacting sensing system based on a double-beam laser extensometer was used to investigate the potential of this new sensing system

  15. Wire winding increases lifetime of oxide coated cathodes (United States)

    Kerslake, W.; Vargo, D.


    Refractory-metal heater base wound with a thin refractory metal wire increases the longevity of oxide-coated cathodes. The wire-wound unit is impregnated with the required thickness of metal oxide. This cathode is useful in magnetohydrodynamic systems and in electron tubes.

  16. 46 CFR 169.679 - Wiring for power and lighting circuits. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Wiring for power and lighting circuits. 169.679 Section... SCHOOL VESSELS Machinery and Electrical Electrical Installations Operating at Potentials of 50 Volts Or More on Vessels of Less Than 100 Gross Tons § 169.679 Wiring for power and lighting circuits. Wiring...

  17. Detection of a buried object with pulse-compensated wire antennas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vossen, S.H.J.A.; Tijhuis, A.G.; Lepelaars, E.S.A.M.; Zwamborn, A.P.M.


    For the detection of a buried object we consider two straight thin-wire antennas above an interface between two homogeneous dielectric half spaces. One antenna is a transmitting wire and the other is a receiving wire. Our aim is to use this simple antenna set up for the detection of buried objects

  18. A study on the development of high-Tc superconducting wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Won, Dong Yeon; Chang, In Soon; Lee, Jong Min; Um, Tae Yoon; Hong, Kyae Won; Lee, Ho Jin; Lee, Hee Kwun; Kim, Chan Joong; Park, Soon Dong; Kim, Woo Gon; Kim, Ki Baek; Kwon, Sun Chil


    On this study Y-Ba-Cu-O was prepared by partial melt process and superconducting wire was fabricated by powder-in-tube method. First, mechancial properties, electrical properties, microstructure and oxygen diffusion behavior were observed. Second, through fabricated superconducting wire, conceptual design, composition and plasticity of filament superconducting wire were investigated. (Author)

  19. 76 FR 29266 - Galvanized Steel Wire From China and Mexico (United States)


    ...)] Galvanized Steel Wire From China and Mexico Determinations On the basis of the record \\1\\ developed in the... reason of imports from China and Mexico of galvanized steel wire, provided for in subheading 7217.20.30... subsidized imports of galvanized steel wire from China and Mexico. Accordingly, effective March 31, 2011, the...

  20. Metallurgical characterization of a new nickel-titanium wire for rotary endodontic instruments. (United States)

    Alapati, Satish B; Brantley, William A; Iijima, Masahiro; Clark, William A T; Kovarik, Libor; Buie, Caesar; Liu, Jie; Ben Johnson, William


    A novel thermomechanical processing procedure has been developed that yields a superelastic (SE) nickel-titanium (NiTi) wire (M-Wire) that laboratory testing shows has improved mechanical properties compared with conventional SE austenitic NiTi wires used for manufacture of rotary instruments. The objective of this study was to determine the origin of the improved mechanical properties. Specimens from 2 batches of M-Wire prepared under different processing conditions and from 1 batch of standard-processed SE wire for rotary instruments were examined by scanning transmission electron microscopy, temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry, micro-x-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy with x-ray energy-dispersive spectrometric analyses. The processing for M-Wire yields a microstructure containing martensite, that the proportions of NiTi phases depend on processing conditions, and that the microstructure exhibits pronounced evidence of alloy strengthening. The presence of Ti(2)Ni precipitates in both microstructures indicates that M-Wire and the conventional SE wire for rotary instruments are titanium-rich.