
Sample records for vuorovaikutus paeaestoejen mallinnuksessa

  1. Interaction between combustion and turbulence in modelling of emissions; Palamisen ja turbulenssin vuorovaikutus paeaestoejen mallinnuksessa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oksanen, A.; Maeki-Mantila, E. [Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland). Inst. of Energy and Process Technology


    The aim of the project has been to model and simulate gas phase combustion taking into account the interaction between the chemical reactions and turbulence, respectively. Especially the modelling of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide were included in the computations which were applied into two laboratory-scale test cases namely into the about 300 kW natural gas burner by International Flame Research Foundation and into the smaller natural gas jet flame by delft University of Technology. Both test cases were calculated in two dimensional axially symmetric chambers with the swirl numbers equal to 0.56 and zero in the IFRF and Delft flames, respectively. In this study it was necessary to take into account as well as possible the effect of turbulence on the chemical reactions. Therefore, the Eddy Dissipation Concept Model (EDC) together with the local extinction was chosen to describe both the combustion reactions of methane and carbon monoxide and the formation and reduction of nitric oxide, too. In this study two different turbulent time scales were used namely the Kolmogorov time scale in the fine structure conditions without and with the factor taking more into account the fine structure conditions, respectively. It can be noticed the computational results are more similar with the experimental data when the factor was used. The prediction of chemical time scale was based on the principle by Gran et Melaaen and Magnussen. (orig.)

  2. Interaction between combustion and turbulence in modelling of emissions; Palamisen ja turbulenssin vuorovaikutus paeaestoejen mallinnuksessa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oksanen, A.; Maeki-Mantila, E. [Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland). Thermal Engineering


    The aim of the work was to study the combustion models taking into account the coupling between gas phase reactions and turbulence the modelling of emissions, especially of nitric oxide, when temperature and species concentrations are fluctuating by turbulence. The principal tools to model turbulent gas phase combustion were methods based on the probability density function (pdf) with {beta} and {gamma}-distributions the practice of which can take into consideration the stochastic nature of turbulence and, on the other hand, the models which also include the effect turbulence on the reaction rates in the flames e.g. the Eddy Dissipation Model (EDM), the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC), the kinetic mod and the combinations of those ones, respectively. Besides these models effect of the different turbulence models (standard, RNG and CHENKIM k-{epsilon} models) on the combustion phenomena, especially on the formation emissions was also studied. Same kind of modelling has been done by the teams in the Special Interest Group of ERCOFTAC (European Research Community On Flow Turbulence And Combustion) under the title of Aerodynamics and Steady State Combustion Chambers and Furnaces (A.S.C.F.) with which we have co-operated during some years with success. (author)

  3. Hoitajien ja vanhempien välinen vuorovaikutus




    Pikkulapsen mielenterveys määritellään lapsen kyvyksi kokea, säädellä ja ilmaista tunteita, muodostaa läheisiä ja turvallisia ihmissuhteita sekä tutkia ympäristöä ja oppia. Vanhempien ohjaus ja varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen tukeminen suojaavat lapsen kehitystä. Työntekijän ja vanhempien välinen hyvä vuorovaikutus on yksi edellytys intervention onnistumiselle, kun halutaan tukea lapsen ja vanhempien välistä vuorovaikutusta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli kuvata hoitotyöntekijöiden ja vanhempien...

  4. Asiakkaan datan mallinnus ja sen analysointi Business Intelligence -järjestelmässä


    Porkka, Ville


    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli toteuttaa asiakkaalle Business Intelligence -järjestelmää käyttäen ympäristö kyselytutkimuksella kerätyn datan analysointia varten. Asiakkaan analyyseille asettamien vaatimusten vuoksi aiemmin kerätty data oli muutettava Business Intelligence -järjestelmän, ja erityisesti tietovarastoinnin kannalta optimaaliseen, moniulotteiseen muotoon. Asiakkaalle luotiin uusi relaatiotietokanta moniulotteisessa mallinnuksessa yleisesti käytetyn tähtimallin pohjalta. Asiakkaan ...

  5. MusaPolku - "I did it my way" : Sovellus ja peli oppilaan musiikkipolun havainnollistajaksi


    Kurkikangas, Leila; Sävelkoski, Pia


    Soitonopiskelu koostuu monenlaisista osa-alueista, jotka kaikki vaikuttavat lopputuloksen ”soittotaito” syntymiseen. Tekniset haasteet, sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus ja luovan ajattelun kehittyminen ovat jokainen suuressa roolissa soittajan matkalla. Kun tähän soitonopiskelun monimuotoisuuteen yhdistää oppilaiden yksilöllisyyden ja sen, että oppija prosessoi saamaansa tietoa aikaisempien kokemustensa perusteella, oppimispolut voivat olla hyvin erilaisia. Mielestämme oppilaan hahmotus omasta ...

  6. Onnistunut asiakaskohtaaminen ravintolassa asiakkaiden näkökulmasta


    Salikka, Toni


    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli selvittää millainen on onnistunut asiakaskohtaaminen ravintolassa asiakkaiden näkökulmasta, ja laatia asiakkaan kokemat laatukriteerit onnistuneelle asiakaskohtaamiselle haastattelujen tulosten pohjalta. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten vuorovaikutus ja fyysinen palveluympäristö vaikuttivat asiakkaisiin ja heidän kokemaansa palvelun laatuun, sekä miten nämä tekijät vaikuttavat yhdessä asiakaskohtaamisen onnistumiseen. Työn teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin asiakaskoh...

  7. Influencer relations : the changing media landscape and the upraise of new media influencers


    Pekkala, Pia


    Mediamaisema muuttuu yrityskeskeisestä mallista kohti yleisökeskeisempää mallia, joten yritysten ja brändien tulisi vastata markkinoinnillaan sekä viestinnällään tähän tarpeeseen. Keskiössä tulisi olla dialogi yleisön kanssa ja käyttäjälähtöistä sisältöä tulisi arvostaa entistä korkeammalle. Vertaisten tuottama sisältö koetaan luotettavana ja sosiaalisen median vaikuttajista on muodostunut nykypäivän mielipidevaikuttajia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, kuinka kasvava vuorovaikutus ...

  8. Particle-turbulence interaction; Partikkelitihentymien ja turbulenssin vuorovaikutus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karvinen, R.; Savolainen, K. [Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland). Energy and Process Technology


    In this work the interaction between solid particles and turbulence of the carrier fluid in two-phase flow is studied. The aim of the study is to find out prediction methods for the interaction of particles and fluid turbulence. Accurate measured results are needed in order to develop numerical simulations. There are very few good experimental data sets concerning the particulate matter and its effect on the gas turbulence. Turbulence of the gas phase in a vertical, dilute gas-particle pipe flow has been measured with the laser-Doppler anemometer in Tampere University of Technology. Special attention was paid to different components of the fluctuating velocity. Numerical simulations were done with the Phoenics-code in which the models of two-phase flows suggested in the literature were implemented. It has been observed that the particulate phase increases the rate of anisotropy of the fluid turbulence. It seems to be so that small rigid particles increase the intensity of the axial and decrease the intensity of the radial component in a vertical pipe flow. The change of the total kinetic energy of turbulence obviously depends on the particle size. In the case of 150 ,{mu} spherical glass particles flowing upwards with air, it seems to be slightly positive near the centerline of the pipe. This observation, i.e. the particles decrease turbulence in the radial direction, is very important; because mass and heat transfer in flows is strongly dependent on the component of fluctuating velocity perpendicular to the main flow direction

  9. Hallinnollinen vuorovaikutus sairaalatyöyhteisössä


    Pennanen, Eveliina


    As the healthcare sector is constantly growing and changing, it is more important than ever to consider how we can ensure that a sufficient number of employees are available in healthcare organizations now and in the future. Social interactions play a key role when it comes to constructing, maintaining and developing organizations, workplaces, groups and teams that motivate people. Administrative groups, such as various management groups and staff meetings, have a significant...

  10. Raamatun puhuttelussa: Teksti, kokemus ja vuorovaikutus adventistien raamatuntutkistelussa


    Lehtinen, Esa


    The aim of this dissertation is to describe the Seventh-day Adventist Bible study as situated action. The methodology is based on ethnomethodological conversation analysis. The data consists of audio-recordings of Bible study interaction in Tampere, Finland. The Bible study in an institution with a history of almost 150 years, and it is part of the weekly worship service in the Seventh-day Adventist church. It is based on an international study book that includes the texts that should be ...

  11. Common metrics. Comparing the warming effect of climate forcers in climate policy; Common metrics. Laempenemiseen vaikuttavien paeaestoejen yhteismitallistaminen ilmastopolitiikassa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lindroos, T. J.; Ekholm, T.; Savolainen, I.


    Climate policy needs a relatively simple method to compare the warming effect of different greenhouse gases (GHGs). Otherwise it would be necessary to negotiate a different reduction target for each gas. At the moment, Global Warming Potential (GWP) concept is used to compare different GHGs. Numerical values of GWP factors have been updated alongside with scientific understanding and majority seems content to the GWP. From 2005 onwards there have been many proposals of optional metrics. The most well known is Global Temperature change Potential (GTP) concept which measures the change of temperature as does global climate policies. The decision between metrics is a multicriteria decision which should include at least the coherence with climate policy and cost efficiency. The GWP concept may be a little more difficult to understand than the GTP but it is more cost efficient. Alongside with new metrics, scientists and politicians have started to discuss of new emission which have an effect on warming. These Short Lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) have either warming or cooling effect. Their effect can be presented with GWP and GTP but the uncertainties in the emission factors are large. In total, SLCFs reduce overall emissions of EU approximately 1% in year 2000. NO{sub x}, SO{sub x} (cooling) and black carbon (warming) emissions were the biggest factors. EU is planning to reduce the SLCF emissions to achieve health and environmental benefits, but at the same time this reduces the effect of EU's climate policies by approximately 10%. Uncertainties in the estimates are large. (orig.)