
Sample records for vold med saerlig

  1. Vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Žižek, Slavoj

    Vold er ikke blot kriminalitet og terrorisme, som forstyrrer den normale og rolige orden. Der er nemlig en større vold bygget ind i selve denne orden. Med udgangspunkt i denne påstand og ved hjælp af Kant, Lacan, vittigheder og Hollywood-film diskuterer Slavoj Žižek i denne bog både aktuelle...

  2. Vold, svensk uro og Henning Mankell

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft

    Paperet undersøger den fiktionelle repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med fyldige udblik til såvel andre af Mankells fortællinger og ikke mindst sociologiske og filosofiske diskussioner af volden, voldens forstyrre......Paperet undersøger den fiktionelle repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med fyldige udblik til såvel andre af Mankells fortællinger og ikke mindst sociologiske og filosofiske diskussioner af volden, voldens...

  3. Kontrol skaber mere vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fugl, Marie


    Siden begyndelsen af 90'erne er der sket en kraftig stigning i antallet af anmeldelser af vold mod offentligt ansatte. Stigningen forklares ofte med befolkningens 'dalende respekt for autoriteter', men ifølge kriminolog Peter Kruize handler det i høj grad om, at man fra offentlig side fører en hå...

  4. Vold mod førskolebørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oldrup, Helene; Lindstrøm, Maia; Korzen, Sara

    Denne rapport handler om praksis og barrierer for opsporing af og underretning om vold mod førskolebørn. Rapporten er baseret på 22 kvalitative interviews med fagfolk inden for dagpasning, sundhedsvæsen og det sociale system. Undersøgelsen viser bl.a., at en del af fagfolkene ofte tøver med at un...

  5. Vold mod børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Else; Agerlund Sloth Larsen, Dorthe

    er der gennemført en interviewundersøgelse, hvor i alt 14 sagsbehandlere fra fire forskellige store kommuner er interviewet om deres erfaringer fra sager med (mistanke om) fysisk vold mod børn, om hvordan sådanne sager sædvanligvis starter i socialforvaltningen, om undersøgelsesforløbet, om...

  6. Alkohol, andre rusmidler og vold i epidemiologisk perspektiv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kai Pernanen


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGDen medisinske interessen for vold og voldsskader har økt kraftig i løpet av de siste to tiårene. Det epidemiologiskeperspektivet på vold har blitt forsterket og et mer etiologisk og preventivt syn på volden er mere merkbarinnenfor sosialmedisinsk forskning. Alkoholen er en etiologisk faktor som har vist seg å være forbundet med voldi de aller fleste samfunn. I denne artikkelen beskrives de viktigste epidemiologiske metodene og funnene i studietav alkoholens sammenheng med vold. Denne sammenhengen har vist seg ikke å være direkte, men er avhengig aven rekke andre faktorer, og noen forskjellige typer av kausal avhengighet beskrives i artikkelen. Den epidemiologiskeforskningen om andre rusmidlers sammenheng med vold er betydelig mindre omfattende enn den er foralkohol. Det er også åpenbart at andre rusmidler ikke er like sterkt sammenknyttet med vold som alkoholen.Pernanen K. Alcohol, other drugs, and violence in an epidemiological perspective.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYThe public health approach to violence has become increasingly accepted during the last couple of decades. Thishas led to more epidemiological research into violence, and a stronger medical interest in the etiology and preventionof violence. However, epidemiological research on the prevalence of violence in different societies is stillmainly criminological in nature, being based on information about violence that has come to the attention of thepolice or processed in the courts. The study of the relationship between alcohol use and violent behaviour is alsopredominantly based on police and court materials, although an increasing number of emergency room andhospitalization studies have examined the role of alcohol in injuries caused by violence.There are two basic methodological approaches in the study of the relationship between alcohol use andviolence. The alcohol-involvement studies estimate the extent to which drinking by the offender or the victim

  7. Samtale i stedet for vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enevoldsen, Jørn Henrik; Drewniak, Henrik Thim

    Evaluering af den kriminalpræventive indsats: Samtale i steder for vold, der foregår i et samarbejde mellem skolerne i Esbjerg og Esbjerg politik under SSP-udvalget i Esbjerg.......Evaluering af den kriminalpræventive indsats: Samtale i steder for vold, der foregår i et samarbejde mellem skolerne i Esbjerg og Esbjerg politik under SSP-udvalget i Esbjerg....

  8. Konsekvenser af kollektiv vold med saerlig fokus på kønsperspektivet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helweg-Larsen, Karin; Kastrup, Marianne C


    There is increasing focus on the gender perspective related to the consequences of collective violence. Women run a greater risk of being victims of sexual violence, but few studies have focused on gender differences with respect to physical violence, sexual violations and the impact on health...

  9. Mod en pragmatisk sociologi om fysisk vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jønck, Mikkel Kronborg


    . Som et delvist svar på denne forsømmelse introduceres til den franske sociolog Luc Boltanskis »tilnærmede udkast« til en handlingsteori om vold, som er en del af en større handlingssociologi, der præsenteres i bogen Love and Justice as Competences. Der peges dog på et grundlæggende konceptuelt problem...

  10. ”Giv vold mod kvinder det røde kort” - En kampagneanalyse


    Dührr, Tine; Jeberg Kjær, Cecilie; Lassen Jørgensen, Katrine; Linea Pohl, Dina


    This project investigates if the campaign “Giv vold mod kvinder det røde kort” is successful in reaching its target audience. We keep a strict focus on the campaign’s Facebook page, because of its obvious role as the primary place where the target audience will encounter the campaign. We examine the Facebook page through a discourse analysis, to get a clear sense of the difficulties with reaching the target audience. Afterwards we examine the target audience, with a focus group interview to g...

  11. Pierre Bourdieu/ Praksis, uddannelse og symbolsk vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilken, Lisanne


    Artiklen giver en kort introduktion til nogle af Bourdieus væsentligste begreber og hans bidrag til en sociologi med afsæt i uddannelse......Artiklen giver en kort introduktion til nogle af Bourdieus væsentligste begreber og hans bidrag til en sociologi med afsæt i uddannelse...

  12. Pedagogiske lederes erfaringer med og forebygging av begynnende mobbeatferd i barnehagen.


    Alfsvåg, Anna


    Master's thesis in Special education Studiens tema er barns begynnende mobbeatferd, og hvordan dette erfares og forebygges av fire pedagogiske ledere i barnehager. Teoretiske perspektiver som belyser temaets perspektiver og kompleksitet er begrepene vold eller mobbing (Isdal, Andreassen & Thilesen, 2003), mobbing i barnehagen (Falck, 2013 og Størksen, 2013), aggresjonsperspektivet (Roland, 2011 og Olweus, 1993), ulike tiltak som kan iverksettes som tidlig innsats (Tremblay, 2010), verdien ...

  13. Physical violence against women in domestic situations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    Kirken har hidtil "ligget underdrejet" i forbindelse med vold mod kvinder eller børn. Forfatteren er præst i Belgien og udvikler gennem sin PhD-afhandling et syn på, hvordan kirken kan spille en aktiv rolle (kyriarki til erstatning for patriarkat)...

  14. Når kvinder kommer til orde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Galal, Ehab


    Arabisk religiøst tv har lanceret en lang række programmer henvendt til kvinder, der handler om alt fra samfundsproblematikker, religiøs fortolkning til livsstilsspørgsmål. Programmerne giver ikke kun nye bud på muslimske kvindeidentiteter, men bryder med tabuiserede temaer som fx vold mod kvinde...

  15. GoT: Tårerne triller og nørderne sejrer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    Game of Thrones har vanvittig stor succes, og det skyldes ikke mindst, at serien tør slå sine hovedpersoner ihjel. Det er lykkedes George R. R. Martin at kombinere Tolkiens episke tilgang med sword and sorcery-traditionens fokus på manddom og trolddom, vold og seksualitet. Det er nørdernes endeli...

  16. Tidsskriftet Antropologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    VOLD. 15 år efter murens fald må vi konstatere, at Verdens voldelige orden ikke opløstes med den kolde krigs afslutning. Verden er ikke blevet mere fredelig, og håbet kom til den endelige symbolske afslutning den 11. september 2001. Siden da har ”Krigen mod terror” skabt nye konflikter og krige i...

  17. Når retsstaten bliver lykkeobjekt, bliver boligpolitikkens racisme usynlig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bissenbakker, Mons; Myong, Lene


    Regeringens plan om at ’nedbryde’ bestemte boligområder er heldigvis blevet mødt med kritik og modstand. En del af kritikken har rammesat retsstaten som lovpakkens egentlige offer, men hvilke perspektiver glider i baggrunden, når kritikken samler sig om retsstaten som lykkeobjekt? Lovpakken sætte...... endnu engang strukturel racisme og statssanktioneret vold på den politiske dagsorden....

  18. Doping, amazoner og supermænd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Thomas Søbirk


    Hvad får unge mennesker til at stræbe efter en karriere i idrættens elite, selvom det betyder hårdt dagligt arbejde i en lang årrække? Og er eliteidrætten overhovedet et felt for sundhed og selvrealisering, eller er den nærmere en ramme for vold og magt, forbundet med uhørt selvplageri? Det er no...

  19. Som at noget lettede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berliner, Peter; Glendøs, Mia


    Den høje voldsrate i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) forklares ofte ud fra alkoholmisbrug og affektive handlinger. I denne artikel vises det gennem en kvantitativ og kvalitativ undersøgelse, at den episodiske vold må forstås som symptomer på strukturel vold. Den strukturelle vold er en kontekst, der ...

  20. Voldens mange facetter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth, Ingrid

    I artiklen gennemgås begrebet "Vold mod børn" og der opstilles en model over voldens mange former, såvel den passive og aktive form inden for fysisk, psykisk og seksuel vold. Modellen er en videreudvikling af Berks model fra 1989. Artklen har en omfattende litteraturliste.......I artiklen gennemgås begrebet "Vold mod børn" og der opstilles en model over voldens mange former, såvel den passive og aktive form inden for fysisk, psykisk og seksuel vold. Modellen er en videreudvikling af Berks model fra 1989. Artklen har en omfattende litteraturliste....

  1. Advancing PubMed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wildgaard, Lorna Elizabeth; Lund, Haakon


    the efficiency of biomedical literature searches. PubMed remains the primary resource for biomedical literature, and as PubMed makes the Medline data and Entrez PubMed Programming utilities freely available, any developer can produce alternative tools to search the database. The authors question if PubMed still...... provides the superior search interface for systematic searches or if the innovativeness of third-party tools provide alternatives worth considering. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach In all, 76 third-party tools that build on PubMed content were identified in a PubMed...... search and in published studies known to the authors. Only tools that provided free access to the broad PubMed content and designed specifically to enhance the search were included, reducing the set to 16 tools. The functionality of each tool within the scenario of a systematic search was compared across...

  2. Ytringsfrihed og blasfemi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Sten


    En redegørelse for forholdet mellem blasfemi, ytringsfrihed og religionsforhånelse. Der argumenteres endvidere for at blasfemibestemmelsen i den danske straffelov ikke udtrykker gældende ret, at det stedse er vanskeligt at finde en balance mellem den vigtige ytringsfrihed og de nødvendige indskræ...... indskrænkninger (såsom børneporne, opfordringer til vold og folkemord) og at beskyttelse af religion ikke har noget med menneskerettigheder at gøre og at forbud mod religionsforhånelse risikerer at stride mod menneskerettighederne....

  3. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT) for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, liges...

  4. PubMedReco: A Real-Time Recommender System for PubMed Citations. (United States)

    Samuel, Hamman W; Zaïane, Osmar R


    We present a recommender system, PubMedReco, for real-time suggestions of medical articles from PubMed, a database of over 23 million medical citations. PubMedReco can recommend medical article citations while users are conversing in a synchronous communication environment such as a chat room. Normally, users would have to leave their chat interface to open a new web browser window, and formulate an appropriate search query to retrieve relevant results. PubMedReco automatically generates the search query and shows relevant citations within the same integrated user interface. PubMedReco analyzes relevant keywords associated with the conversation and uses them to search for relevant citations using the PubMed E-utilities programming interface. Our contributions include improvements to the user experience for searching PubMed from within health forums and chat rooms, and a machine learning model for identifying relevant keywords. We demonstrate the feasibility of PubMedReco using BMJ's Doc2Doc forum discussions.

  5. Musikterapi med børn med svær autisme - en litteraturgennemgang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulla Holck


    Full Text Available Faglitteratur om musikterapi med børn med autisme er omfattende og indeholder såvel kvalitative case-beskrivelser som kvantitative forskningsundersøgelser. I artiklen gennemgås faglitteraturen systematisk med henblik på at specifi cere musikterapiens effekt og virkemåder i forhold til denne målgruppe. Vægten ligger på børn med svær autisme, men litteratur om voksne højtfungerende personer med autisme inddrages også. Forskningslitteraturen viser, at det især er inden for områderne koncentration, visuel opmærksomhed, respons og initiativ, samt brug af stemme og tur-tagning, at musikterapi har en effekt. Case-litteraturen begrunder denne effekt med musikkens evne til at være redundant, anvendelse af imitation og responsfremmende teknikker (overraskelse etc., fælles opbyggede samspilsformer, samt det temporale-interaktive element i improvisatorisk musikterapi. Ud fra en interaktionsteoretisk indfaldsvinkel sammenkobles effekten endvidere med, at den musikalske interaktion hjælper musikterapeuten til at fastholde et dynamisk udtryk, hvilket er afgørende i forhold til en klientgruppe, der ofte giver ´flad´ eller stærkt afvigende feedback.

  6. Mobning som socialt begreb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schott, Robin May


    Artiklen analyserer mobning i skolen som et socialt fænomen snarere end som en relation mellem individuelle mobbere og deres ofre. Denne tilgang afspejler nyere forskning, der har fokuseret på mobningens sociale dynamik, og står derved i modsætning til den individualistisk tilgang, der ellers har...... domineret feltet. Jeg undersøger tre definition af mobning: 1) mobning som en form for individuel aggression, 2) mobning som en slags samfundsmæssig vold og 3) mobning som en form for dysfunktionel gruppedynamik og kommer med et forslag til en ny definition....

  7. Transkulturalisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gholamian, Jamshid

    Udgangspunktet for denne thinking note udspringer fra en kritisk forholden til multikulturalismen. Ideen er, at åbne op for en diskussion om, hvordan multikulturalismen kan videreudvikles i retning af en mere kreativ pluralisme1 – en begrebsliggørelse af kultur, som ikke nøjes med en simpel...... en videreudvikling af multikulturalismen. Jeg mener jeg, at transkulturalisme er særlig nødvendig i multikomplekse samfund f.eks. det danske samfund2, hvor opfattelsen af en fast kulturel identitet baseret på race, etnicitet, religion har vist sig at være en kilde til konflikter og vold. Jeg indleder...

  8. Nostalgitrip med Pikachu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    Sommeren 2016 vil blive husket for den omsiggribende dille, Pokémon Go, med over 100 millioner downloads. Tusindvis af især børn og unge, men også forældre med barnevogne og hele familier, kunne pludselig ses på gader og stræder, i parker og grønne områder med en smartphone i hånden på jagt efter...

  9. Ambivalente fiktioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med et fyldigt udblik til Mankells novelle ”Sprickan”, og ikke mindst diskussioner af voldens forstyrrelse af demokrati og velfærdsstat hos Mankell. Således er Mankells krimifortællinger i dette...... tilfælde ligeså vel et springpunkt ind i mere sociologiske diskussioner af det kriminelle, volden og konstitutionen af et demokrati. Artiklen her er derfor såvel en analyse af som en tænkning med primært Mankells Innan frosten. I denne fortælling er det sociale fodfæste og overfladeidyllen nemlig...... kuldkastet af udemokratiske mekanismer i en fundamentalistisk religiøs trosretning. I overvejelsen af denne intrige vender jeg blikket mod ambivalensen inkluderet i både Mankells gennemgående efterforsker Wallander og de demokratiske strukturer, som Mankell diskuterer flere steder....

  10. The Grammar of Violence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levisen, Carsten


    Abstract: This paper explores the Danish keyword vold ‘violence, abuse’ and its associated ethno-syntax. Calling into attention (i) the differences and similarities of violence-related concepts in ethnolinguistic communities, and (ii) the key role played by ethnosyntax in the elaboration...... of violence, vold, and similar concepts, the paper aims to open a new ethnolinguistic research agenda for the study of negative sociality constructs and the positive value system hidden in such concepts. The Danish ethnosyntax of vold ‘violence, abuse’ hidden in compound morphology is scrutinized. Focusing...

  11. Interview med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter.......Interview med børn handler om børneinterview i forbindelse med forskning. Bogen er tænkt som inspiration til og afsæt for metodiske refleksioner i forbindelse med inddragelse af børn som informanter....

  12. Virtuelt skrivebord med open office

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kurt Gammelgaard


    SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende.......SDUs erfaringer med projektet Port 22: en virtuel platform med Open Office som kontorpakke til studerende....

  13. Mediator Complex Subunits MED2, MED5, MED16, and MED23 Genetically Interact in the Regulation of Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis. (United States)

    Dolan, Whitney L; Dilkes, Brian P; Stout, Jake M; Bonawitz, Nicholas D; Chapple, Clint


    The phenylpropanoid pathway is a major global carbon sink and is important for plant fitness and the engineering of bioenergy feedstocks. In Arabidopsis thaliana , disruption of two subunits of the transcriptional regulatory Mediator complex, MED5a and MED5b, results in an increase in phenylpropanoid accumulation. By contrast, the semidominant MED5b mutation reduced epidermal fluorescence4-3 ( ref4-3 ) results in dwarfism and constitutively repressed phenylpropanoid accumulation. Here, we report the results of a forward genetic screen for suppressors of ref4-3. We identified 13 independent lines that restore growth and/or phenylpropanoid accumulation in the ref4-3 background. Two of the suppressors restore growth without restoring soluble phenylpropanoid accumulation, indicating that the growth and metabolic phenotypes of the ref4-3 mutant can be genetically disentangled. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that all but one of the suppressors carry mutations in MED5b or other Mediator subunits. RNA-seq analysis showed that the ref4-3 mutation causes widespread changes in gene expression, including the upregulation of negative regulators of the phenylpropanoid pathway, and that the suppressors reverse many of these changes. Together, our data highlight the interdependence of individual Mediator subunits and provide greater insight into the transcriptional regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis by the Mediator complex. © 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

  14. MedSun Reports (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun) is an adverse event reporting program launched in 2002. The primary goal for MedSun is to work collaboratively with the...

  15. The MedDRA paradox. (United States)

    Merrill, Gary H


    MedDRA (the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology) is a controlled vocabulary widely used as a medical coding scheme. However, MedDRA's characterization of its structural hierarchy exhibits some confusing and paradoxical features. The goal of this paper is to examine these features, determine whether there is a coherent view of the MedDRA hierarchy that emerges, and explore what lessons are to be learned from this for using MedDRA and similar terminologies in a broad medical informatics context that includes relations among multiple disparate terminologies, thesauri, and ontologies.

  16. Analysis of PubMed User Sessions Using a Full-Day PubMed Query Log: A Comparison of Experienced and Nonexperienced PubMed Users (United States)


    Background PubMed is the largest biomedical bibliographic information source on the Internet. PubMed has been considered one of the most important and reliable sources of up-to-date health care evidence. Previous studies examined the effects of domain expertise/knowledge on search performance using PubMed. However, very little is known about PubMed users’ knowledge of information retrieval (IR) functions and their usage in query formulation. Objective The purpose of this study was to shed light on how experienced/nonexperienced PubMed users perform their search queries by analyzing a full-day query log. Our hypotheses were that (1) experienced PubMed users who use system functions quickly retrieve relevant documents and (2) nonexperienced PubMed users who do not use them have longer search sessions than experienced users. Methods To test these hypotheses, we analyzed PubMed query log data containing nearly 3 million queries. User sessions were divided into two categories: experienced and nonexperienced. We compared experienced and nonexperienced users per number of sessions, and experienced and nonexperienced user sessions per session length, with a focus on how fast they completed their sessions. Results To test our hypotheses, we measured how successful information retrieval was (at retrieving relevant documents), represented as the decrease rates of experienced and nonexperienced users from a session length of 1 to 2, 3, 4, and 5. The decrease rate (from a session length of 1 to 2) of the experienced users was significantly larger than that of the nonexperienced groups. Conclusions Experienced PubMed users retrieve relevant documents more quickly than nonexperienced PubMed users in terms of session length. PMID:26139516

  17. Evaluering af ordning med psykologbehandling af personer med let til moderat depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjeldsted, Rita; Christensen, Kaj Sparle

    Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter, psykolo......Herværende rapport evaluerer den pr. 1.4.2008 indførte ordning med mulighed for henvisning til psykologbehandling med 60 % tilskud for patienter med let til moderat depression. Evalueringen har betjent sig af flere gensidigt supplerende metoder: spørgeskemaundersøgelser overfor patienter...... tidligere evaluering af forsøgsordning af psykologbehandling af depression i perioden 2005-06. 18.419 personer i alderen 18-37 år blev henvist til psykolog i den undersøgte ordning i perioden 1.2.2009 – 31.1.2010, svarende til en henvisningshyppighed på 1,6 % af baggrundsbefolkningen i samme aldersgruppe....... Ordningen giver mulighed for én rehenvisning, og 9 % blev rehenvist i perioden. Spørgeskemaresultater viser, at kun 33 % af de henviste falder ind under henvisningskriteriet ” let til moderat depression” på tidspunktet for opstart af psykologbehandling, 39 % har ingen tegn på depression, og 28 % har svær...

  18. Sammensvorne designere med succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas


    Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter.......Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter....

  19. Processeringsoptimering med Canons software

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Precht, Helle


    . Muligheder i software optimering blev studeret i relation til optimal billedkvalitet og kontrol optagelser, for at undersøge om det var muligt at acceptere diagnostisk billedkvalitet og derved tage afsæt i ALARA. Metode og materialer Et kvantitativt eksperimentelt studie baseret på forsøg med teknisk og...... humant fantom. CD Rad fantom anvendes som teknisk fantom, hvor billederne blev analyseret med CD Rad software, og resultatet var en objektiv IQF værdi. Det humane fantom var et lamme pelvis med femur, der via NRPB’ er sammenlignelig med absorptionen ved et femårigt barn. De humane forsøgsbilleder blev...

  20. PubMed-EX: a web browser extension to enhance PubMed search with text mining features. (United States)

    Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Dai, Hong-Jie; Lai, Po-Ting; Huang, Chi-Hsin


    PubMed-EX is a browser extension that marks up PubMed search results with additional text-mining information. PubMed-EX's page mark-up, which includes section categorization and gene/disease and relation mark-up, can help researchers to quickly focus on key terms and provide additional information on them. All text processing is performed server-side, freeing up user resources. PubMed-EX is freely available at and

  1. Ulykke med hækkesaks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth, Peter Mygind


    Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning.......Snitsår med blødning fra en overskåret pulsåre på armen forekommer hyppigt ved selvmordsforsøg, men har sjældent et dødeligt forløb. Her gives et eksempel på en isoleret partiel overklipning af a.ulnaris ved en ulykke med en hækkesaks med dødelig forløbende blødning....

  2. Relevansen af nyere psykodynamisk teori for det klinisk musikterapeutiske arbejde med psykiatriske patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel beskriver et rationale for anvendelse af musik i en psykoterapeutisk kontekst. Det eksplicitte og implicitte forandringsniveau i psykoterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) diskuteres herpå med henvisning til to forskellige syn på terapeutisk forandring:...

  3. Gruppemusikterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse i dagbehandlingsregi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel er første redegørelse for de erfaringer, som er gjort med gruppemusikterapi (GMT for patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF i dagbehandlingsregi på Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Artiklen indeholder både konkrete anvisninger til aktiviteter og interventioner, ligesom den i et teoretisk perspektiv redegør for forskellige processer og reaktioner, der kan iagttages i behandlingen. Artiklen konkluderer, at GMT i sin nuværende form kan bidrage til udvikling af BPF-patienters evne til mentalisering og affektregulering, til opbygning af en gruppefølelse og fremme af interpersonel læring, ligesom GMT kan udvikle alliance til terapi generelt og GMT specifikt.

  4. MedPAC Data Book (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — MedPACs Data Book is the result of discussions with congressional staff members regarding ways that MedPAC can better support them. Some of the information it...

  5. The MEDIATOR genes MED12 and MED13 control Arabidopsis root system configuration influencing sugar and auxin responses. (United States)

    Raya-González, Javier; López-Bucio, Jesús Salvador; Prado-Rodríguez, José Carlos; Ruiz-Herrera, León Francisco; Guevara-García, Ángel Arturo; López-Bucio, José


    Arabidopsis med12 and med13 mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes related to an altered auxin homeostasis. Sucrose supplementation reactivates both cell division and elongation in primary roots as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression in these mutants. An analysis of primary root growth of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants in response to sucrose and/or N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) placed MED12 upstream of auxin transport for the sugar modulation of root growth. The MEDIATOR (MED) complex plays diverse functions in plant development, hormone signaling and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance through coordination of transcription. Here, we performed genetic, developmental, molecular and pharmacological analyses to characterize the role of MED12 and MED13 on the configuration of root architecture and its relationship with auxin and sugar responses. Arabidopsis med12 and med13 single mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes consistent with altered auxin homeostasis including altered primary root growth, lateral root development, and root hair elongation. MED12 and MED13 were required for activation of cell division and elongation in primary roots, as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression. Remarkably, most of these mutant phenotypes were rescued by supplying sucrose to the growth medium. The growth response of primary roots of WT, med12, aux1-7 and med12 aux1 single and double mutants to sucrose and application of auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) revealed the correlation of med12 phenotype with the activity of the auxin intake permease and suggests that MED12 acts upstream of AUX1 in the root growth response to sugar. These data provide compelling evidence that MEDIATOR links sugar sensing to auxin transport and distribution during root morphogenesis.

  6. Leg med vision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Mette; Bertelsen, Katrine


    Bogen henvender sig primært til det pædagogiske personale med målgruppen daginstitutioner. Bogen skal stimulere arbejdet med at gøre bevægelse til en integreret del af kulturen i daginstitutioner - at få det pædagogiske personale til - at sætte ord på og spørgsmålstegn ved deres pædagogiske bevæg...

  7. Lærere arbejder med landskabsdannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: YOUtube videoklip. Valg af arbejdsform: Lærere der er igang med at afprøve praktisk undersøgende arbejde med danske landskabsformer. Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Ultrakort videoklip valgt så 1) lærerne kan dele med kolleger, 2) øvrige...

  8. Med Kingo på dybt vand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arndal, Lars Stubbe


    Tag med digteren Thomas Kingo ud på dybt vand i selskab med lektor og Lars Arndal, der kaster nye perspektiver på Kingos forlisdigt Hierte-Suk. Arndal kommer hermed også med et bud på, hvordan man som lærer kan invitere eleverne med på opdagelse i digtet...

  9. Yrkesforberedelse eller fagopplæring med fagbrev? Med design og håndverk som kontekst

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bjørn Magne Aakre


    Full Text Available Artikkelen drøfter forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring med utgangspunkt i den kombinerte studieretningen formgivingsfag som ble innført i Norge i 1994. I 2006 ble den delt i et programfag under studiespesialiserende fag, og et nytt yrkesfaglig program med betegnelse design og håndverk. Hvilke interesser lå til grunn for endringene, hvor dyptgripende ble de og hvilke overveieleser kan en gjøre i ettertid om forholdet mellom yrkesforberedelse og fagopplæring? Artikkelen søker å svare på spørsmålene ut fra relevante dokumenter og to kvantitative undersøkelser med elever og lærere som informanter. Artikkelen konkluderer med at innholdet forble nokså likt, antall elever ble halvert og at frafallet økte. Det konkluderes videre med at mange forhold bidrar til å legitimere et fag og dets innhold som henholdsvis skolefag, vitenskapsfag eller yrkesfag. Legitimeringen preges ofte av motstridende motiver og interesser, og sjelden bare faglige begrunnelser.

  10. Redox regulation of the MED28 and MED32 mediator subunits is important for development and senescence. (United States)

    Shaikhali, Jehad; Davoine, Céline; Björklund, Stefan; Wingsle, Gunnar


    Mediator is a conserved multi-protein complex that acts as a bridge between promoter-bound transcriptional regulators and RNA polymerase II. While redox signaling is important in adjusting plant metabolism and development, the involvement of Mediator in redox homeostasis and regulation only recently started to emerge. Our previous results show that the MED10a, MED28, and MED32 Mediator subunits form various types of covalent oligomers linked by intermolecular disulfide bonds in vitro. To link that with biological significance we have characterized Arabidopsis med32 and med28 mutants and found that they are affected in root development and senescence, phenotypes possibly associated to redox changes.

  11. DailyMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA labels (package inserts). This Web site provides health information...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel introducerer et musikterapeutisk behandlingskoncept kaldet: Procesorienteret Musikterapi (PROM. PROM er et forsøg på at formulere en principiel ramme for musikterapi i psykiatrien, som dels tager udgangspunkt i 17 års klinisk erfaring, dels stiler mod at være ”best practice”. PROM indeholder beskrivelser af manualens unikke, essentielle men ikke unikke, acceptable og ikke acceptable dele. Den unikke del af PROM skal kunne implementeres til alle målgrupper, mens de øvrige dele af manualen rettes til i forhold til en specifik målgruppe. Denne udgave af PROM er specifikt rettet i mod musikterapi for patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser. Manualen indgår også som en del af et pilotprojekt, der har til formål at udvikle en protokol for et internationalt RCT projekt med samme målgruppe

  13. Sociale indsatser til mennesker med ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsson, Steen; Alim, Winnie; Holmskov, Henriette

    Igennem de seneste år har flere og flere fået stillet diagnosen ADHD, som er en adfærdsmæssig forstyrrelse. Mennesker med ADHD har meget forskelligt støttebehov, og rapportens formål er at skabe overblik over de eksisterende sociale indsatser og tilbud til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD. Langt de...... ansvar for sociale end for terapeutiske tilbud i forhold til gruppen med ADHD. Mange voksne med ADHD beskriver, at det kræver mange ressourcer at få den fornødne støtte fra kommunen, mens forældre til børn med ADHD oplever det som nemmere at få adgang til de rette støttetilbud. Men begge grupper møder...... mange udfordringer som fx manglende koordinering og hyppige sagsbehandlerskift. Rapporten er udarbejdet i tilknytning til Servicestyrelsens projekt ’Ny og forstærket indsats til børn, unge og voksne med ADHD’ og er finansieret af Socialministeriet....

  14. PubMed (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to...

  15. PubMed

    CERN Document Server

    PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 10 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other related databases, with links to participating online journals.

  16. Praktische handleiding PubMed : hét boek om snel en doeltreffend te zoeken in PubMed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Etten-Jamaludin, van F.; Deurenberg, H.W.J.


    Praktische handleidng PubMed is de eerste Nederlandstalige gids die op overzichtelijke wijze op de uitgebreide mogelijkheden van PubMed ingaat. PubMed ( biedt gratis toegang tot MEDLINE en is de meest gebruikte medische zoekmachine. In deze geheel herziene derde editie van Praktisch

  17. Towards PubMed 2.0. (United States)

    Fiorini, Nicolas; Lipman, David J; Lu, Zhiyong


    Staff from the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US describe recent improvements to the PubMed search engine and outline plans for the future, including a new experimental site called PubMed Labs.

  18. Endostatin (EntreMed). (United States)

    Grosios, K


    EntreMed has licensed the worldwide rights to the angiogenesis inhibitor Endostatin, a 20 kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, from the Children's Hospital of Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. It is being developed as a potential cancer treatment and may also be useful in certain types of blindness and arthritis [227427]. EntreMed filed an IND for Endostatin in June 1999 [334125] and as of September 1999, phase I trials were underway [341462]. As of April 2000, the company had initiated plans for testing low doses of Endostatin in cancer patients using continuous infusion and sc administration in a further phase I study to be conducted in Europe [361594]. A phase I trial of Endostatin which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Endostatin at a range of doses in no more than 100 cancer patients has been initiated. The trial will take place at the University of Texas MD Anderson Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Cancer Center in Madison. The National Cancer Center will be sponsoring the trial, which is expected to be completed in late 2000. As of March 2000, there had been no serious adverse events attributable to Endostatin administration. The first report from this trial is expected in autumn 2000 [341462], [366312]. The mechanism of action for Endostatin remains unclear, although reports from the 91st AACR Meeting in April 2000 showed that recombinant human endostatin bound to a number of tropomyosin cDNAs in a library screen [362039]. In preclinical studies, repeated administration of Endostatin consistently shrank primary tumors and did not produce any drug resistance. In mice, a variety of tumors which had progressed to 1 to 2% of total body weight, regressed to microscopic, dormant lesions following Endostatin treatment [231418], [231470], [270673]. Types of cancers which respond to Endostatin include lung, skin, vascular and fibrosarcomas. Toxicology studies in cynomolgus monkeys showed that bolus injections of

  19. Hvordan er det å leve med CRPS?


    Hovind, Thomas


    Hensikten med denne studien er å se på hvordan pasienter med komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS) opplever å leve med tilstanden og hvordan disse pasientene har opplevd å bli møtt i helsevesenet. CRPS er en langvarig tilstand med sterke smerter som kan medføre økt smerterespons, redusert funksjon og nedsatt livskvalitet hos pasientene. Studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på dybdeintervju av fire pasienter med CRPS. Pasientene ble rekruttert fra en smerteavdeling i Nord-Norge og u...

  20. The MedCLIVAR Network (United States)

    Lionello, Piero; Medclivar sg, The


    The MedCLIVAR initiative was first proposed at the 2003 European Geosciences Union assembly in Nice, France. In 2005, it was endorsed by the International Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) office. Subsequently, the MedCLIVAR Research Network Project was formally approved by the European Science Foundation and launched in May 2006 with the support of funding agencies from 12 countries. Since then, MedCLIVAR has served as a scientific network to promote interaction among different scientific disciplines and to develop a multidisciplinary vision of the evolution of the Mediterranean climate through studies that integrate atmospheric, marine, and terrestrial climate components at time scales ranging from paleoreconstructions to future climate scenarios. Presently, the network continues dealing with scientific issues including past climate variability; connections between the Mediterranean and global climate; the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level; feedbacks on the global climate system; and regional responses to greenhouse gas, air pollution, and aerosols. Its present activities include the publication of a newsletter, the organization of the next MedCLIVAR conference in 2014 and the publication of a special issue of Regional Environmental Change devoted to the climate of the Mediterranean region.

  1. Spiseoliers effekt på blodlipider og risiko for iskaemisk hjertesygdom med saerlig fokus på olivenolie. En litteraturgennemgang

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, L; Jakobsen, M U; Hasseldam, Henrik


    The European Union is financing a large-scale campaign, in which olive oil is represented as the optimal fat for dietetic prevention of coronary heart disease.......The European Union is financing a large-scale campaign, in which olive oil is represented as the optimal fat for dietetic prevention of coronary heart disease....

  2. Redefining the MED13L syndrome. (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits.

  3. Redefining the MED13L syndrome (United States)

    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin; Silva, João; Soares, Gabriela; Lopes, Fátima; Najmabadi, Hossein; Kahrizi, Kimia; Cox, Gerald F; Angus, Steven P; Staropoli, John F; Fischer, Ute; Suckow, Vanessa; Bartsch, Oliver; Chess, Andrew; Ropers, Hans-Hilger; Wienker, Thomas F; Hübner, Christoph; Kaindl, Angela M; Kalscheuer, Vera M


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits. PMID:25758992

  4. Tang med omtanke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schlundt, Jørgen


    Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab.......Befolkningen bør kende både mulige positive og negative effekter af fødevarer, før de spiser dem. Det mener Jørgen Schlundt, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, med henvisning til Ole G. Mouritsens kritik af instituttets udmeldinger om tang i det seneste nummer af Aktuel Naturvidenskab....

  5. TwiMed: Twitter and PubMed Comparable Corpus of Drugs, Diseases, Symptoms, and Their Relations. (United States)

    Alvaro, Nestor; Miyao, Yusuke; Collier, Nigel


    Work on pharmacovigilance systems using texts from PubMed and Twitter typically target at different elements and use different annotation guidelines resulting in a scenario where there is no comparable set of documents from both Twitter and PubMed annotated in the same manner. This study aimed to provide a comparable corpus of texts from PubMed and Twitter that can be used to study drug reports from these two sources of information, allowing researchers in the area of pharmacovigilance using natural language processing (NLP) to perform experiments to better understand the similarities and differences between drug reports in Twitter and PubMed. We produced a corpus comprising 1000 tweets and 1000 PubMed sentences selected using the same strategy and annotated at entity level by the same experts (pharmacists) using the same set of guidelines. The resulting corpus, annotated by two pharmacists, comprises semantically correct annotations for a set of drugs, diseases, and symptoms. This corpus contains the annotations for 3144 entities, 2749 relations, and 5003 attributes. We present a corpus that is unique in its characteristics as this is the first corpus for pharmacovigilance curated from Twitter messages and PubMed sentences using the same data selection and annotation strategies. We believe this corpus will be of particular interest for researchers willing to compare results from pharmacovigilance systems (eg, classifiers and named entity recognition systems) when using data from Twitter and from PubMed. We hope that given the comprehensive set of drug names and the annotated entities and relations, this corpus becomes a standard resource to compare results from different pharmacovigilance studies in the area of NLP. ©Nestor Alvaro, Yusuke Miyao, Nigel Collier. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 03.05.2017.

  6. PubMed Informer: Monitoring MEDLINE/PubMed through E-mail Alerts, SMS, PDA downloads and RSS feeds (United States)

    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael


    Summary PubMed Informer is a Web-based monitoring tool for topics of interest from MEDLINE/PubMed primarily designed for healthcare professionals. Five tracking methods are available: Web access, e-mail, Short Message Service (SMS), PDA downloads and RSS feeds. PubMed Informer delivers focused search updates and specific information to users with varying information-seeking practices. PMID:16779344

  7. A marvel of precision: MedAustron

    CERN Document Server

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    MedAustron, which is currently being built in Austria, will be one of the most advanced centres for ion beam therapy and research in Europe. It is based on the same design as the Italian National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO), which in turn is based on the CERN-led Proton Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS). MedAustron should welcome its first patient at the end of 2015.   Layout of the MedAustron accelerator complex.  With three ion-sources, a linac, a synchrotron and four irradiation rooms (see picture), MedAustron is a huge accelerator complex. Among other equipment, it comprises 300 magnets of 30 different types, all designed at CERN but produced at different sites: “We are working with five main suppliers from Europe and Russia,” explains Thomas Zickler, leader of the MedAustron magnet group. “All the magnets come to CERN to undergo a series of strict acceptance tests.” From the interfaces, to the electrical insulation, the co...

  8. The Arabidopsis mediator complex subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 regulate mediator and RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes. (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A; Hurst, Charlotte H; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R; De Cothi, Elizabeth A; Steele, John F; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation-induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature-induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced.

  9. Mødet med det Andet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marchwinski, Alena


    Da Christen Købke i 1830 malte sitt bilde fra Kunstakademiets avstøpningssamling på Charlottenborg, skildret han en situasjon som vordende danske kunstnere hadde vært fortrolige med i flere generasjoner: en ung mann betrakter en avstøpning av en antikk skulptur. Med utgangspunkt i kombinasjonen a...

  10. Et felteksperiment med Kærlighed i Kaos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Christiane Præstgaard; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer

    Som et nyt tilbud til danske forældre med børn med ADHD og ADHD-lignende vanskeligheder har ADHDforeningen udviklet forældretræningsprogrammet Kærlighed i Kaos, hvor frivillige hjælper forældre til børn med ADHD, der står med et særligt vanskeligt opdragelsesarbejde. Denne rapport har til formål......, når forældrene stiller krav til børnene. Resultaterne i denne rapport har interesse for fagpersoner, behandlere, undervisere, beslutningstagere, frivillige organisationer, foreninger og de mange nuværende og kommende familier, som dagligt kæmper med adfærdsvanskeligheder – såsom ADHD. Effektmålingen...

  11. Redefining the MED13L syndrome


    Adegbola, Abidemi; Musante, Luciana; Callewaert, Bert; Maciel, Patricia; Hu, Hao; Isidor, Bertrand; Picker-Minh, Sylvie; Le Caignec, Cedric; Delle Chiaie, Barbara; Vanakker, Olivier; Menten, Björn; Dheedene, Annelies; Bockaert, Nele; Roelens, Filip; Decaestecker, Karin


    Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex conge...

  12. Med det sociale som designmateriale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Binder, Thomas


    Samarbejde, samskabelse og social nysgerrighed er i dag en præmis for den nyskabende designer. Det sociale er det nye designmateriale som unge designere giver sig i kast med når f.eks. Emmy Linde samarbejder med plejehjemsbeboere, deres pårørende, plejepersonale og fysioterapeuter for at designe ...

  13. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katherinn Melissa Nasner-Posso


    Conclusions: Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis.

  14. Musikalsk leg med formgivning, timing og vitalitetsformer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Ifølge de Udviklingsorienterede Social-Pragmatiske Interventionsformer til børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse er en legende indfaldsvinkel, hvor man følger barnets lead, den mest effektive til at engagere yngre børn med autisme eller børn med svær autisme i et gensidigt samspil. Artiklen...

  15. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    .... The Med-e-Tel 2006 conference program covered over 130 presentations on topics such as homecare and health management, healthcare challenges, tele-education, eHealth in developing countries, telecardiology...

  16. Med-E-Tel

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lievens, Frank; Jordanova, Malina


    ..., and more. The Med-e-Tel 2006 exhibition showcased products and technologies in the areas of medication compliance, home telehealth and vital sign monitoring, clinical software, electronic medical records...

  17. At lede med latter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette


    "Det sagde hun også i går!" Platte vitser, der lægger op til den karakteristiske 'bodom-tchi'-trommelyd, behøver ikke være lederens eneste forsøg på at udvise humoristisk sans på talerstolen. For humor kan være meget andet og gøre meget mere for lederen end at score billige point med en spontan s...... spøg. Humor kan skabe klarhed over en pointe, skabe lederens image og skabe sammenhold i organisationen. Uden trommelyd, men med mange andre effekter i spil....

  18. Predicting clicks of PubMed articles. (United States)

    Mao, Yuqing; Lu, Zhiyong


    Predicting the popularity or access usage of an article has the potential to improve the quality of PubMed searches. We can model the click trend of each article as its access changes over time by mining the PubMed query logs, which contain the previous access history for all articles. In this article, we examine the access patterns produced by PubMed users in two years (July 2009 to July 2011). We explore the time series of accesses for each article in the query logs, model the trends with regression approaches, and subsequently use the models for prediction. We show that the click trends of PubMed articles are best fitted with a log-normal regression model. This model allows the number of accesses an article receives and the time since it first becomes available in PubMed to be related via quadratic and logistic functions, with the model parameters to be estimated via maximum likelihood. Our experiments predicting the number of accesses for an article based on its past usage demonstrate that the mean absolute error and mean absolute percentage error of our model are 4.0% and 8.1% lower than the power-law regression model, respectively. The log-normal distribution is also shown to perform significantly better than a previous prediction method based on a human memory theory in cognitive science. This work warrants further investigation on the utility of such a log-normal regression approach towards improving information access in PubMed.

  19. Akupunktur til patienten med kvalme og opkastning i forbindelse med kemoterapi - er der evidens for dette?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Birgith; Sørensen, Lene Bundgaard; Stricker, Lisbeth


      Patienter, der får kemoterapi med højemetogene stoffer lider stadig af kvalme og opkastning trods understøttende behandling med moderne antieemtika som 5HT3-antagonister eksempelvis ondansetron. Akupunkturstimulation anvendes for flere lidelser i sundhedsvæsenet og det undersøges om der er evid...

  20. Technical development of PubMed Interact: an improved interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches


    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul


    Abstract Background The project aims to create an alternative search interface for MEDLINE/PubMed that may provide assistance to the novice user and added convenience to the advanced user. An earlier version of the project was the 'Slider Interface for MEDLINE/PubMed searches' (SLIM) which provided JavaScript slider bars to control search parameters. In this new version, recent developments in Web-based technologies were implemented. These changes may prove to be even more valuable in enhanci...

  1. Grateful Med: getting started. (United States)

    Shearer, B; McCann, L; Crump, W J


    When a local medical library is not available, it is often necessary for physicians to discover alternate ways to receive medical information. Rural physicians, particularly, can make use of a computer program called Grateful Med that provides access to the same literature available to physicians in large cities. This program permits the user to perform database searches on the National Library of Medicine database (MEDLINE), corresponding to the primary index to medical literature, Index Medicus. In this article, we give the procedure for procuring a National Library of Medicine password and for making efficient use of the Grateful Med program.

  2. Human melioidosis reported by ProMED. (United States)

    Nasner-Posso, Katherinn Melissa; Cruz-Calderón, Stefania; Montúfar-Andrade, Franco E; Dance, David A B; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J


    There are limited sources describing the global burden of emerging diseases. A review of human melioidosis reported by ProMED was performed and the reliability of the data retrieved assessed in comparison to published reports. The effectiveness of ProMED was evaluated as a source of epidemiological data by focusing on melioidosis. Using the keyword 'melioidosis' in the ProMED search engine, all of the information from the reports and collected data was reviewed using a structured form, including the year, country, gender, occupation, number of infected individuals, and number of fatal cases. One hundred and twenty-four entries reported between January 1995 and October 2014 were identified. A total of 4630 cases were reported, with death reported in 505 cases, suggesting a misleadingly low overall case fatality rate (CFR) of 11%. Of 20 cases for which the gender was reported, 12 (60%) were male. Most of the cases were reported from Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Malaysia, with sporadic reports from other countries. Internet-based reporting systems such as ProMED are useful to gather information and synthesize knowledge on emerging infections. Although certain areas need to be improved, ProMED provided good information about melioidosis. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  3. MED-SUV Data Life Cycle (United States)

    Sangianantoni, Agata; Puglisi, Giuseppe; Spampinato, Letizia; Tulino, Sabrina


    The MED-SUV project aims to implement a digital e-infrastructure for data access in order to promote the monitoring and study of key volcanic regions prone to volcanic hazards, and thus improve hazard assessment, according to the rationale of Supersite GEO initiative to Vesuvius- Campi Flegrei and Mt Etna, currently identified as Permanent Supersites. The present study focuses on the life cycle of MED-SUV data generated in the first period of the project and highlights the managing approach, as well as the crucial steps to be implemented for ensuring that data will be properly and ethically managed and can be used and accessed from both MED-SUV and the external community. The process is conceived outlining how research data being handled as the project progresses, describing what data are collected, processed or generated and how these data are going to be shared and made available through Open Access. Data cycle begins with their generation and ends with the deposit in the digital infrastructure, its key series of stages through which MED-SUV data passes are Collection, Data citation, Categorization of data, Approval procedure, Registration of datasets, Application of licensing models, and PID assignment. This involves a combination of procedures and practices taking into account the scientific core mission and the priorities of the project as well as the potential legal issues related to the management and protection of the Intellectual Property. We believe that the implementation of this process constitutes a significant encouragement in MED-SUV data sharing and as a consequence a better understanding on the volcanic processes, hazard assessment and a better integration with other Supersites projects.

  4. The Arabidopsis Mediator Complex Subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 Regulate Mediator and RNA Polymerase II Recruitment to CBF-Responsive Cold-Regulated Genes[C][W][OPEN (United States)

    Hemsley, Piers A.; Hurst, Charlotte H.; Kaliyadasa, Ewon; Lamb, Rebecca; Knight, Marc R.; De Cothi, Elizabeth A.; Steele, John F.; Knight, Heather


    The Mediator16 (MED16; formerly termed SENSITIVE TO FREEZING6 [SFR6]) subunit of the plant Mediator transcriptional coactivator complex regulates cold-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana, acting downstream of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) transcription factors to recruit the core Mediator complex to cold-regulated genes. Here, we use loss-of-function mutants to show that RNA polymerase II recruitment to CBF-responsive cold-regulated genes requires MED16, MED2, and MED14 subunits. Transcription of genes known to be regulated via CBFs binding to the C-repeat motif/drought-responsive element promoter motif requires all three Mediator subunits, as does cold acclimation–induced freezing tolerance. In addition, these three subunits are required for low temperature–induced expression of some other, but not all, cold-responsive genes, including genes that are not known targets of CBFs. Genes inducible by darkness also required MED16 but required a different combination of Mediator subunits for their expression than the genes induced by cold. Together, our data illustrate that plants control transcription of specific genes through the action of subsets of Mediator subunits; the specific combination defined by the nature of the stimulus but also by the identity of the gene induced. PMID:24415770

  5. Tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gehrt, Charlotte Astrid; Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Klinker, Sabine


    Mødet mellem tandlæge og patient med spiseforstyrrelse Introduktion og formål: Det er velkendt, at tandlæger kan spille en rolle i forhold til tidlig identifikation af en spiseforstyrrelse. Der erimidlertid begrænset viden om, hvilke forventninger tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse har...... til mødet med hinanden i klinikken, og hvordan dette opleves. Undersøgelsens formål var derfor at få viden om mødet mellem tandlæger og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. Materialer og metoder: Undersøgelsen var en tværsnitsundersøgelse baseret på to spørgeskemaer udarbejdet til henholdsvis tandlæger...... og personer med en spiseforstyrrelse. I alt 1.405 tandlæger deltog, mens 260 personer med en spiseforstyrrelse besvarede spørgeskemaet. Resultater: Tandlægerne havde større selvrapporteret viden om orale komplikationer ved en spiseforstyrrelse end om spiseforstyrrelser generelt. Størstedelen af...

  6. Hvad skal vi med Etisk Råd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Thomas; Gjerris, Mickey


    Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder.......Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder....

  7. OvidSP Medline-to-PubMed search filter translation: a methodology for extending search filter range to include PubMed's unique content. (United States)

    Damarell, Raechel A; Tieman, Jennifer J; Sladek, Ruth M


    PubMed translations of OvidSP Medline search filters offer searchers improved ease of access. They may also facilitate access to PubMed's unique content, including citations for the most recently published biomedical evidence. Retrieving this content requires a search strategy comprising natural language terms ('textwords'), rather than Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). We describe a reproducible methodology that uses a validated PubMed search filter translation to create a textword-only strategy to extend retrieval to PubMed's unique heart failure literature. We translated an OvidSP Medline heart failure search filter for PubMed and established version equivalence in terms of indexed literature retrieval. The PubMed version was then run within PubMed to identify citations retrieved by the filter's MeSH terms (Heart failure, Left ventricular dysfunction, and Cardiomyopathy). It was then rerun with the same MeSH terms restricted to searching on title and abstract fields (i.e. as 'textwords'). Citations retrieved by the MeSH search but not the textword search were isolated. Frequency analysis of their titles/abstracts identified natural language alternatives for those MeSH terms that performed less effectively as textwords. These terms were tested in combination to determine the best performing search string for reclaiming this 'lost set'. This string, restricted to searching on PubMed's unique content, was then combined with the validated PubMed translation to extend the filter's performance in this database. The PubMed heart failure filter retrieved 6829 citations. Of these, 834 (12%) failed to be retrieved when MeSH terms were converted to textwords. Frequency analysis of the 834 citations identified five high frequency natural language alternatives that could improve retrieval of this set (cardiac failure, cardiac resynchronization, left ventricular systolic dysfunction, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, and LV dysfunction). Together these terms reclaimed

  8. Ti år med formidlingspligt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Gitte


    Jubilæet blev markeret ved et symposium - men hvor var journalisterne, og hvor var forskerne? For få uger siden lagde TV 2 hus til et symposium om videnskab, formidling, journalistik og spin. Danske Videnskabsjournalister og Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber tog med arrangementet et behjertet...... initiativ. De ville gøre status efter ti år med lovfæstet formidlingspligt på universiteterne. Samtidig lagde de op til et kritisk blik på universitetsverdenens kommunikationsafdelinger...

  9. Bygningsdele med celluloseuld og høruld

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Resume af rapport med eksempler på bygningsdele med papir- eller hørisolering, der overholder bygningsreglementerne, udarbejdet af Dansk Brandteknisk Institut under Energistyrelsens udviklingsprogram "Miljø- og arbejdsmiljøvenlig isolering"...

  10. Social indsats til borgere med erfaring fra salg af sex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlsen, Line; Amilon, Anna; Henriksen, Theresa Dyrvig


    Formålet med denne guide er at give endnu flere kommuner inspiration og vejledning til, hvordan man kan implementere og arbejde med CTI-forløb over for borgere med prostitutionserfaring. Manglende viden om borgere med prostitutionserfaringer gør det svært for kommunerne at hjælpe borgerne med de ...

  11. Specifik mutation med nålestiksoperation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holme, Inger; Wendt, Toni; Brinch-Pedersen, Henrik


    Mutanter af byg er vigtige i forskningen og benyttes også, når der forædles nye sorter til dyrkning. Hidtil har det kun været muligt at inducere mutationer tilfældige steder i genomet. Med helt ny teknologi benyttes proteiner med betegnelsen TALENs til at inducere mutationer i helt specifikke...

  12. Med sjefen på Facebook: En studie av ledere som er "venner" med sine ansatte


    Jensen, Anita


    MR690 Masteroppgave i organisasjon og ledelse - utdanningsledelse Formålet med studien er å belyse hvordan aktiv bruk av sosiale medier, i dette tilfellet Facebook, påvirker relasjoner mellom mennesker. Hva skjer når en tar i bruk en websjanger som i utgangspunktet er umiddelbar og uformell, til jobbrelatert og mer formell kommunikasjon? Er det sjangeren eller relasjonen som endres? Søkelyset rettes mot ledere som er “venner” med sine medarbeidere, og problemstillingen er...

  13. Geograf med GIS som ledetråd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Søren Zebitz


    Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling.......Fra speciale om kortlægning af luft forurening med NO2 i troposfæren målt fra satellit til PhD studerende med fokus på forståelsen af menneskers bevægelsesmønstre i byer. GIS og geodata er den røde tråd der binder de brede interesser indenfor geografi en sammen for denne forskerlærling....

  14. PubMed searches: overview and strategies for clinicians. (United States)

    Lindsey, Wesley T; Olin, Bernie R


    PubMed is a biomedical and life sciences database maintained by a division of the National Library of Medicine known as the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It is a large resource with more than 5600 journals indexed and greater than 22 million total citations. Searches conducted in PubMed provide references that are more specific for the intended topic compared with other popular search engines. Effective PubMed searches allow the clinician to remain current on the latest clinical trials, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines. PubMed continues to evolve by allowing users to create a customized experience through the My NCBI portal, new arrangements and options in search filters, and supporting scholarly projects through exportation of citations to reference managing software. Prepackaged search options available in the Clinical Queries feature also allow users to efficiently search for clinical literature. PubMed also provides information regarding the source journals themselves through the Journals in NCBI Databases link. This article provides an overview of the PubMed database's structure and features as well as strategies for conducting an effective search.

  15. A study on PubMed search tag usage pattern: association rule mining of a full-day PubMed query log. (United States)

    Mosa, Abu Saleh Mohammad; Yoo, Illhoi


    The practice of evidence-based medicine requires efficient biomedical literature search such as PubMed/MEDLINE. Retrieval performance relies highly on the efficient use of search field tags. The purpose of this study was to analyze PubMed log data in order to understand the usage pattern of search tags by the end user in PubMed/MEDLINE search. A PubMed query log file was obtained from the National Library of Medicine containing anonymous user identification, timestamp, and query text. Inconsistent records were removed from the dataset and the search tags were extracted from the query texts. A total of 2,917,159 queries were selected for this study issued by a total of 613,061 users. The analysis of frequent co-occurrences and usage patterns of the search tags was conducted using an association mining algorithm. The percentage of search tag usage was low (11.38% of the total queries) and only 2.95% of queries contained two or more tags. Three out of four users used no search tag and about two-third of them issued less than four queries. Among the queries containing at least one tagged search term, the average number of search tags was almost half of the number of total search terms. Navigational search tags are more frequently used than informational search tags. While no strong association was observed between informational and navigational tags, six (out of 19) informational tags and six (out of 29) navigational tags showed strong associations in PubMed searches. The low percentage of search tag usage implies that PubMed/MEDLINE users do not utilize the features of PubMed/MEDLINE widely or they are not aware of such features or solely depend on the high recall focused query translation by the PubMed's Automatic Term Mapping. The users need further education and interactive search application for effective use of the search tags in order to fulfill their biomedical information needs from PubMed/MEDLINE.

  16. Mars 2020 Entry, Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) (United States)

    Bose, Deepak; Wright, Henry; White, Todd; Schoenenberger, Mark; Santos, Jose; Karlgaard, Chris; Kuhl, Chris; Oishi, TOmo; Trombetta, Dominic


    This paper will introduce Mars Entry Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2) on NASA's Mars2020 mission. Mars2020 is a flagship NASA mission with science and technology objectives to help answer questions about possibility of life on Mars as well as to demonstrate technologies for future human expedition. Mars2020 is scheduled for launch in 2020. MEDLI2 is a suite of instruments embedded in the heatshield and backshell thermal protection systems of Mars2020 entry vehicle. The objectives of MEDLI2 are to gather critical aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics and TPS performance data during EDL phase of the mission. MEDLI2 builds up the success of MEDLI flight instrumentation on Mars Science Laboratory mission in 2012. MEDLI instrumentation suite measured surface pressure and TPS temperature on the heatshield during MSL entry into Mars. MEDLI data has since been used for unprecedented reconstruction of aerodynamic drag, vehicle attitude, in-situ atmospheric density, aerothermal heating, transition to turbulence, in-depth TPS performance and TPS ablation. [1,2] In addition to validating predictive models, MEDLI data has highlighted extra margin available in the MSL forebody TPS, which can potentially be used to reduce vehicle parasitic mass. MEDLI2 expands the scope of instrumentation by focusing on quantities of interest not addressed in MEDLI suite. The type the sensors are expanded and their layout on the TPS modified to meet these new objectives. The paper will provide key motivation and governing requirements that drive the choice and the implementation of the new sensor suite. The implementation considerations of sensor selection, qualification, and demonstration of minimal risk to the host mission will be described. The additional challenges associated with mechanical accommodation, electrical impact, data storage and retrieval for MEDLI2 system, which extends sensors to backshell will also be described.

  17. New floristic records in the Balkans: 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    for countries are: Albania - Eryngium serbicum (80), Bulgaria - Parthenocissus quinquefolia (75), Greece - Gonocytisus dirmilensis (69), Littorella uniflora (9) and Verbena aristigera (75), Greece - (69), (9) and (12); Serbia & Montenegro - Campanula moravica (76), Daphne malyana (82), Lindernia dubia (77......) and Poa timoleontis (79). Gonocytisus dirmilensis and Verbena aristigera are new for Europe. The publication includes contributions by B. Biel & Kit Tan (1-13), N. Böhling (14), D. Dimitrov & V. Vutov (15-28), R. Dimova & V. Vladimirov (29-30), Kit Tan & G. Vold (31-46), Kit Tan, G. Vold, G. Iatrou & G...

  18. Med Antony Beevor i Ardennerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Claus Bundgård


    Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten.......Den storsælgende amerikanske historiker Antony Beevor tager i sin gennemgang af Anden Verdenskrigs slag denne gang læserne med til de sneklædte skove i Ardennerne, hvor tyskerne iværksatte deres sidste store offensiv på Vestfronten....

  19. Ud at se med Erasmus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Pernille


    Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus.......Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus....

  20. Ud med Freud, Marx og Lacan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clasen, Mathias


    Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab.......Det er på høje tid, at humanister løsriver sig fra deres forældede teorier. Freud, Marx og Lacan skal erstattes med evolutionspsykologi, biologi og kognitionsvidenskab....

  1. Til julefrokost med Bjørn & Okay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith-Sivertsen, Henrik


    I denne artikel vises med udgangspunkt i en beskrivelse af et specifikt arrangement med det danske danseorkester Bjørn & Okay, hvordan man optræder inden for denne særlige musiktradition. Bjørn & Okays performative udgangspunkt er, at de, trods en status som landskendt orkester med mange hits, i ...... the audience and constantly telling them what to do. At the same time he and the other musicians actively bond with the audience, both onstage and offstage, which helps building the spirit of community, which is the clear goal of the musical performance....

  2. Selskabsloven med kommentarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Peer; Werlauff, Erik

    Selskabsloven med kommentarer er bibelen på området for kapitalselskaber. Den er et juridisk arbejdsredskab for praktikere, rådgivere, forskere og studerende. Bogen indeholder en komplet opdatering af kommentarerne i forhold til de mange ændringer i selskabsloven siden 1.-udgaven, men bygger i øv...

  3. Automation med pneumatiske servodrev - status og fremtid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Paul Haase


    Der er råd for problemer med ulineariteter. Med de nyeste metoder kan der lineære driftsområde udvides. Men pneumatikkomponenter skal være af høj kvalitet, når positionering skal være nøjagtig....

  4. Opfattelser af integration blandt unge med migrantbaggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Marianne; Bryderup, Inge


    I artiklen formidles analyser af otte interview med unge med migrantbaggrund. Der er fokus på de unges oplevelser og opfattelser af integration. Der er tale om komplekse processer og vekselvirkninger i forholdet mellem de samfundsmæssige kategoriseringer og individernes selvopfattelser. De unge o...

  5. Forandringslæring med autismediagnoser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafson, Kari Ingrid; Mørck, Line Lerche


    Artiklen drøfter en række aktuelle spørgsmål omkring læring hos børn og unge med autisme-spektrum-forstyrrelses diagnoser. Der introduceres til en social praksisteoretisk forståelse af forandringslæring, der diskuterer forandring ikke kun i relation til en persons identitet, men også aktuelle og...... potentielle forandringer, når det gælder overskridelse af binær logik i autisme versus normalitet, samt i relation til at overskride individualiserede og dualistiske problem-forståelser af fejl og mangler ved det autistiske barn. Det illustreres, hvordan disse former for dualistisk tænkning er forankret i et...... Rasmus’ ændringer i læring, selvforståelse og tilhørsforhold perspektiveres med andre ASF-diagnostiseredes læring udforsket bl.a. gennem gruppeinterviews i regi af Asperger-foreningen. Artiklen byder således på et alternativ i form af at forstå forandringslæring som overskridende læring, med langt større...

  6. Personer med handicap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Brian; Jonassen, Anders Bruun; Høgelund, Jan

    Regeringens Arbejdsmarkedskommission kommmer medio 2009 med forslag til, hvordan den samlede arbejdsindsats varigt kan øges gennem reformer på arbejdsmarkedet. En måde det kan ske på, er ved at begrænse antallet af personer, der står uden for arbejdsmarkedet som følge af helbredsproblemer. Rappor...

  7. Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med Influence Operationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Thomas Elkjer


    Kapitel 8: Juridiske overvejelser i forbindelse med influence-operationer Af Thomas Elkjer Nissen Dette kapitel fokuserer ligesom kapitel 9 på de juridiske problemstillinger, som den teknologiske udvikling har bragt med sig til væbnede konflikter; i dette kapitel er der fokus på kommunikation....... Kapitlet ser nærmere på det moderne informationsmiljø, dets betydning i moderne konflikter og den stigende anvendelse af information som magtmiddel. Herefter rettes blikket mod de juridiske overvejelser, der er forbundet med influence-operationer, bl.a. tid og rum, chefansvar, mandat og juridisk grundlag....... Afsnittet behandler desuden bl.a. jus in bello’s grundlæggende princippers indflydelse på influence-operationer....

  8. Ukraine i fokus sammen med Georgien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fledelius, Karsten


    Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer.......Der er god grund til at sammenligne Ukraine og Georgien, nu fokuslande for Danmark, og der er god grund til at støtte disse to eks-sovjetiske stater med i høj grad parallelle problemer....

  9. Effektivisering av arbetet med rumsbeskrivningar


    Enström, Magnus


    För att ta byggbranschen till nästa steg i utvecklingen är BIM det naturliga steget. Iteorin tycks många av lösningarna som medföljer implementationen av BIM varaenkla att förstå och skapa, i praktiken ligger dock de tekniska lösningarna långt ifrånen full implementation i branschen. I arbetet med olika typer av beskrivningar inomett byggprojekt har utvecklingen med hjälp av BIM stått still länge. Då det inte finnsnågot vedertaget sätt att utnyttja en BIM-modells information för att fylla oli...

  10. Fang CO2 med Aminosyrer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lerche, Benedicte Mai


    Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer.......Med såkaldte “carbon capture-teknikker” er det muligt at rense røgen fra kulfyrede kraftværker, således at den er næsten helt fri for drivhusgassen CO2. Kunsten er at gøre processen tilstrækkeligt billig. Et lovende fangstredskab i denne proces er aminosyrer....

  11. Mindfulness som smertehåndteringsredskab for kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mette Kold; Vedsted-Hansen, Hanne; Hansen, Tia G. B.


    Endometriose er en kronisk underlivssygdom med smerter og en række afledte problemer, som ikke nødvendigvis kan behandles med lægelige tiltag. Artiklen argumenterer for, at en mindfulness-baseret tilgang med fokus på smertehåndtering kan anvendes til denne klientgruppe. I vestlig terapeutisk...... sammenhæng kan mindfulness karakteriseres som nærvær, observation og beskrivelse af sansninger uden vurdering eller reaktion. Mindfulness-træning har effekt mod andre typer stress og kroniske smerter, og artiklen opridser et koncept til anvendelse ved endometriose. Konceptet belyses med en case, hvor...

  12. Frihet & struktur : en kvalitativ studie av skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette syndrom


    Siverts, Torstein


    Sammendrag. Tittel: Skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette Syndrom Med bakgrunn i egen erfaring fra arbeid med elever med Tourette Syndrom i grunnskolen, og i studier i spesialpedagogisk teori og empiri, etterstrebes det i denne studien å utvikle økt forståelse for hva slags erfaringer fra og perspektiver på sitt skoleliv elever med denne funksjonshemmende lidelsen har. Med grunnlag i analyser av intervjuer med elever om deres erfaringer og perspektiver, har jeg prøvd å b...

  13. Spilleregler i musikterapi med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Artiklen gennemgår udvalgte eksempler på anvendelse af spilleregler i musikterapi med børneklientgrupper. Efter en kort introduktion af Priestleys syn på analytisk musikterapi med børn, præsenteres læseren således for en række caseeksempler fra faglitteraturen, der giver indblik i udformning og a...

  14. Forsøg med Hi-Con altanelement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Pilegaard

    Denne rapport beskriver forsøg udført på Laboratoriet for Bærende Konstruktioner, Aalborg Universitet med et altanelement leveret af Hi-Con Aps, Hjallerup. Forsøgene er udført i september 2002. Forsøgene omfatter en statisk prøvning, hvor altanelementet blev belastet med sandsække og nedbøjningerne...

  15. Rutsjende dug - breddeopgave 73 med didaktisk kommentar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jens Højgaard


    Mit formål med artikelserien om breddeopgaver er - udover at gøre opmærksom på RUCs fysikuddannelse - dobbelt: Dels udvælger jeg opgaverne, så de kan have interesse som fysikproblemer i egen ret. Dels udvælger jeg dem med henblik på at kunne knytte didaktiske overvejelser til dem af interesse for...

  16. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...... sammenligne de to digitale kanaler og for at kunne sammenligne med en tidligere undersøgelse af digital kommunikation med det offentlige. Herudover er der tidligere gennemført en undersøgelse af e-mail svar og svartider i New Zealand og Australien. De danske resultater fra e-mail undersøgelsen, men ikke...

  17. Mellem nyliberalisme og terror - Interview med Chantal Mouffe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Allan Dreyer; Sonnichsen, André


    Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati......Interview med Chantal Mouffe om Hegemony and Socalist Strategy, modstandere og fjender en ny multipolær verdensorden og demokrati...

  18. Effektelektronik - teknologi med energibesparelser og forbedret performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede


    Lige siden transistoren blev opfundet, har det altid været ønskeligt at kunne anvende en sådan til at styre store strømme/spændinger i elektriske systemer. Det er teknologisk også sket, først med tyristorer til styring af store effekter, men siden hen også med den bipolare transistor MOSFET, samt...

  19. Ny viden begynder med forhindringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Martin Blok


    Pædagogik og pædagogisk arbejde diskuteres typisk inden for rammerne af det at hjælpe, støtte, simplificere og kompleksitetsreducere. Hvis man ønsker at vide noget om forhindringer, modstand og vanskeligheder som pædagogiske muligheder, så er udbuddet derimod forsvindende småt. Og når sådanne...... begreber endelig tages op, så benævnes de typisk blot, men bliver sjældent defineret. Hvad menes der med modstand, vanskeligheder eller kompleksitet? Med afsæt i en kort gennemgang af eksisterende forskning på området forsøger denne artikel at give et bud på en mulig definition af begrebet forhindring...

  20. Psykomotorisk behandling og wellness til personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamp, Anne Schinkel; Frausing, Kristian Park

    Rapporten evaluerer projektet Psykomotorisk behandling af personer med demens gennem fokusgruppeinterviews med deltagende studerende og personale fra deltagende centre. Samlet peges der på gavnligt udbytte for de demente beboere samt både personligt og fagligt udbytte for de deltagende studerende...

  1. Inkludering av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn i NIF-organisert idrett

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mari Kristin Sisjord


    Full Text Available Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske og Paralympiske Komité (NIF har en uttalt målsetting om en åpen og inkluderende idrett. Hvordan kommer dette til uttrykk i den praktiske virksomheten? Denne artikkelen, som bygger på data fra en undersøkelse om likestilling og mangfold i den organiserte idretten (NIF, retter søkelyset mot arbeid med inklusjon av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn på ulike organisasjonsnivå i NIF: særforbund, idrettskretser og idrettslag. Datamaterialet er kvalitative intervju med representanter fra ulike organisasjonsnivå. Resultatene viser at NIFs overordnede politikk i varierende grad nedfelles i særforbundenes virksomhet, i idrettskretsene og i idrettslagene. Av særforbundene skiller Fotballforbundet og Klatreforbundet seg ut som aktive pådrivere i arbeidet med inkludering. Mange idrettslag oppfattet slike spørsmål som lite aktuelle i sitt rekrutteringsområde. Representanter for lag som hadde erfaring med inkludering og rekruttering av minoritetsungdom, tilkjennega varierte erfaringer og synspunkter.

  2. Professionalisme med innovativt potentiale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Inger Marie

    To teoretiske sværvægtere bliver koblet sammen i Inger Marie Larsen-Nielsen arbejdspapir om professionalisme med innovativt potentiale. De to teoretikere er læringsteoretikeren John Dewey og socialpsykologen Georg Herbert Mead, som er sat sammen i en teoretisk forståelsesramme omkring professionel...

  3. Comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar literature searches. (United States)

    Anders, Michael E; Evans, Dennis P


    Literature searches are essential to evidence-based respiratory care. To conduct literature searches, respiratory therapists rely on search engines to retrieve information, but there is a dearth of literature on the comparative efficiencies of search engines for researching clinical questions in respiratory care. To compare PubMed and Google Scholar search results for clinical topics in respiratory care to that of a benchmark. We performed literature searches with PubMed and Google Scholar, on 3 clinical topics. In PubMed we used the Clinical Queries search filter. In Google Scholar we used the search filters in the Advanced Scholar Search option. We used the reference list of a related Cochrane Collaboration evidence-based systematic review as the benchmark for each of the search results. We calculated recall (sensitivity) and precision (positive predictive value) with 2 x 2 contingency tables. We compared the results with the chi-square test of independence and Fisher's exact test. PubMed and Google Scholar had similar recall for both overall search results (71% vs 69%) and full-text results (43% vs 51%). PubMed had better precision than Google Scholar for both overall search results (13% vs 0.07%, P PubMed searches with the Clinical Queries filter are more precise than with the Advanced Scholar Search in Google Scholar for respiratory care topics. PubMed appears to be more practical to conduct efficient, valid searches for informing evidence-based patient-care protocols, for guiding the care of individual patients, and for educational purposes.

  4. Best, Useful and Objective Precisions for Information Retrieval of Three Search Methods in PubMed and iPubMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Somayyeh Nadi Ravandi


    Full Text Available MEDLINE is one of the valuable sources of medical information on the Internet. Among the different open access sites of MEDLINE, PubMed is the best-known site. In 2010, iPubMed was established with an interaction-fuzzy search method for MEDLINE access. In the present work, we aimed to compare the precision of the retrieved sources (Best, Useful and Objective precision in the PubMed and iPubMed using two search methods (simple and MeSH search in PubMed and interaction-fuzzy method in iPubmed. During our semi-empirical study period, we held training workshops for 61 students of higher education to teach them Simple Search, MeSH Search, and Fuzzy-Interaction Search methods. Then, the precision of 305 searches for each method prepared by the students was calculated on the basis of Best precision, Useful precision, and Objective precision formulas. Analyses were done in SPSS version 11.5 using the Friedman and Wilcoxon Test, and three precisions obtained with the three precision formulas were studied for the three search methods. The mean precision of the interaction-fuzzy Search method was higher than that of the simple search and MeSH search for all three types of precision, i.e., Best precision, Useful precision, and Objective precision, and the Simple search method was in the next rank, and their mean precisions were significantly different (P < 0.001. The precision of the interaction-fuzzy search method in iPubmed was investigated for the first time. Also for the first time, three types of precision were evaluated in PubMed and iPubmed. The results showed that the Interaction-Fuzzy search method is more precise than using the natural language search (simple search and MeSH search, and users of this method found papers that were more related to their queries; even though search in Pubmed is useful, it is important that users apply new search methods to obtain the best results.

  5. MedRate: a wearable against child mortality

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva


    In humanitarian environments, when treating the main causes of child mortality, there are two key vital constants not easily measurable: the heart beat of the foetus and respiration rate of children. During the CERN Medtech:Hack, my team came up with MedRate, an inexpensive wearable able to monitor both. Collaboration is required to make MedRate a reality. Would you join us for a more fair fight against child mortality?

  6. The MedAustron project: an example of large-scale technology transfer

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso & Michael Benedikt


    In January this year, CERN’s Director-General Rolf Heuer handed over the first ion source to the MedAustron therapy centre in the town of Wiener Neustadt in the presence of the Austrian authorities. This milestone marks the beginning of the transition from the development and design phase to the commissioning of the new facility.   Handover of the ion source to MedAustron on 11 January, 2013. From left to right: Michael Benedikt (Project Leader MedAustron at CERN), Karlheinz Töchterle (Austrian Federal Minister of Science and Research), Erwin Pröll (Governor of Lower Austria), Rolf Heuer (Director-General CERN), Klaus Schneeberger (Lower Austrian State Parliament, Head of EBG MedAustron Council). The goal of the MedAustron project is the construction of an ion-therapy and research centre, based on a synchrotron accelerator complex, in Austria (for more about the technical part of the MedAustron project, click here). “MedAustron will be the first large-sca...

  7. Arbejdspladsvurdering i små virksomheder med 1-4 ansatte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasle, Peter; Esben, Dalskinn

    En analyse af mulighederne for at gennemføre arbejdspladsvurdering i mikrovirksomheder med 1-4 ansatte.......En analyse af mulighederne for at gennemføre arbejdspladsvurdering i mikrovirksomheder med 1-4 ansatte....

  8. PubMed Interact: an Interactive Search Application for MEDLINE/PubMed (United States)

    Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael


    Online search and retrieval systems are important resources for medical literature research. Progressive Web 2.0 technologies provide opportunities to improve search strategies and user experience. Using PHP, Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), PubMed Interact allows greater functionality so users can refine search parameters with ease and interact with the search results to retrieve and display relevant information and related articles. PMID:17238658

  9. En definitionssandhed med modifikationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holtermann, Jakob v. H.; Olsen, Henrik Palmer


    Denne artikel indgår i den debat om retskildebegrebet, der tidligere har været rejst af Jens Ravnkilde. Forfatterne påviser flere svagheder i Ravnkildes argumentation, herunder at han ignorerer hele den internationale diskussion på området, samtidig med at han baserer sit eget angiveligt nyudvikl...

  10. Analys av nickel med ICP-MS


    Wallman, Karin; Löfgren, Stefan; Sonesten, Lars; Demandt, Christian


    Vid en granskning av nickelhalter för perioden 1985-2007 upptäcktes ett nivåskifte i tidsserierna på flera stationer mellan 2001 och 2002. Skiftet visade sig bero på att prover innan 2002 inte korrigerades för kalciuminterferens, medan prover under åren 2002-2007 korrigerades. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda om resultaten före 2002 i efterhand kan korrigeras för kalciuminterferensen. Från 2002 finns ett antal prover (N=347) med resultat som både är kalciumkorrigerade och som inte är de...

  11. Tur-samspil i musikterapi med børn med svære kommunikationsvanskeligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Tur-samspil udgør en vigtig grundsten i den tidlige sociale og kommunikative udvikling, og optræder ofte i musikterapeutiske samspil med kommunikationssvage børn. Artiklen præsenterer relevante begreber fra faglitteraturen om tur-samspil i voksendialoger (de såkaldte Konversationsanalyser), som k...

  12. Musikterapi med kontakt- og kommunikationssvage børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler


    I artiklen beskrives, hvordan musikterapi er med til at støtte en målrettet udviklingsproces hos børn, med diagnoser som Asperger syndrom, autisme, opmærksomhedsforstyrrelser, ADHD o.lign. Musikkens kvaliteter beskrives og illustreres gennem vignetter fra terapiforløb, der alle er foregået i Klinik...

  13. Ødelæg alt muligt med et bogstav

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konzack, Lars


    En gang imellem griber en raptus SoMe-Danmark, og så fyldes alles feed med samme slags indhold. Senest overspringshandlede vi med hashtagget #oedelaeg1filmed1bogstav - og alle mulige afledninger af det....

  14. PubMed Medical Publications From Libya | Bakoush | Libyan ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We also used the same method to obtain data on the PubMed medical publications from Tunisia, Morocco and Yemen. Tunisia had the largest number of PubMed publications among the studied countries: 20.4 publications per million population per year and 7.2 publications per year per one billion US$ GDP. Libya had ...

  15. MedlinePlus FAQ: MedlinePlus and MEDLINE/PubMed (United States)

    ... What is the difference between MedlinePlus and MEDLINE/PubMed? To use the sharing features on this page, ... latest health professional articles on your topic. MEDLINE/PubMed: Is a database of professional biomedical literature Is ...

  16. GOClonto: an ontological clustering approach for conceptualizing PubMed abstracts. (United States)

    Zheng, Hai-Tao; Borchert, Charles; Kim, Hong-Gee


    Concurrent with progress in biomedical sciences, an overwhelming of textual knowledge is accumulating in the biomedical literature. PubMed is the most comprehensive database collecting and managing biomedical literature. To help researchers easily understand collections of PubMed abstracts, numerous clustering methods have been proposed to group similar abstracts based on their shared features. However, most of these methods do not explore the semantic relationships among groupings of documents, which could help better illuminate the groupings of PubMed abstracts. To address this issue, we proposed an ontological clustering method called GOClonto for conceptualizing PubMed abstracts. GOClonto uses latent semantic analysis (LSA) and gene ontology (GO) to identify key gene-related concepts and their relationships as well as allocate PubMed abstracts based on these key gene-related concepts. Based on two PubMed abstract collections, the experimental results show that GOClonto is able to identify key gene-related concepts and outperforms the STC (suffix tree clustering) algorithm, the Lingo algorithm, the Fuzzy Ants algorithm, and the clustering based TRS (tolerance rough set) algorithm. Moreover, the two ontologies generated by GOClonto show significant informative conceptual structures.

  17. National trivselsdag med fokus på bevægelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holt, Anne-Didde


    breaks”, skriver tre elever. Trivselsdagen gav ligeledes anledning til at dele de gode erfaringer, der indtil nu er udsprunget af ’Trivsel og Bevægelse i Skolen’ - P1 Morgen, P4 Fyn og TV-avisen bragte historier fra dagen på Glamsbjergskolen i Assens, mens P4 Midt og Vest besøgte Haldgård Skole i...... til at fordybe sig i, videreudvikle og vise omverdenen, hvordan der arbejdes med at fremme trivsel gennem bevægelse. Eleverne arbejdede bl.a. med at udvikle og afprøve brain breaks, som er små pauser med bevægelsesaktiviteter, der lægges ind i løbet af den stillesiddende undervisning. Formålet var...... for dem. ”Vi synes brain breaks er vigtige fordi med brain breaks får vi meget mere energi og fordi at man får et bedre forhold til sine klassekammerater, som man måske ikke snakker med så tit. Man kan holde til mere og det er vigtigt at få en pause til at tænke så derfor vil vi gerne have flere brain...

  18. The MedAustron Project at CERN, Status Report, May 2013

    CERN Document Server

    Benedikt, M; Gutleber, J


    MedAustron is a light ion-therapy and research centre based on a synchrotron accelerator complex under construction in Austria. It is the first large-scale accelerator facility in Austria. For the implementation of the required accelerator technologies, the county of Lower Austria and the company EBG MedAustron have set up dedicated agreements with CERN. These cover the assistance of CERN for the design and manufacturing follow-up of accelerator components and training of MedAustron personnel. CERN contributed to the MedAustron construction in particular by providing domain expertise, infrastructure, and manpower in relation with the design, the tendering and procurement processes.\

  19. Orientering og banelægning med Google Earth og Condes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Henrik Taarsted; Piaster, Thomas Gabriel


    Et e-læringsmodul på Danmarks undervisningsportal, som handler om hvordan man kan arbejde med banelægning indenfor o-løb. Med udgangspunkt i de to gratisprogrammer Google Earth og Condes lærer man gennem modulet, hvordan man indtegner poster og hvordan eleverne kan gøre det samme.......Et e-læringsmodul på Danmarks undervisningsportal, som handler om hvordan man kan arbejde med banelægning indenfor o-løb. Med udgangspunkt i de to gratisprogrammer Google Earth og Condes lærer man gennem modulet, hvordan man indtegner poster og hvordan eleverne kan gøre det samme....

  20. Poetisk sortsyn med lys for enden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Stein


    Ursula Andkjær Olsens digtsamling " Udgående fartøj" indledes med den følgende prægnante passage, der kan læses i sin helhed som " ugens digt" her på siden: " jeg har brugt tid på at tyde/ sprede dumpe fornemmelser / fra mit fjerne indre (...)......Ursula Andkjær Olsens digtsamling " Udgående fartøj" indledes med den følgende prægnante passage, der kan læses i sin helhed som " ugens digt" her på siden: " jeg har brugt tid på at tyde/ sprede dumpe fornemmelser / fra mit fjerne indre (...)...

  1. At skrive med video

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmboe, Peter


    Det kræver særlige kompetencer at skrive en digital tekst, så modtageren kan læse og bruge den. Derfor er det vigtigt at stimulere og udvikle elevernes skrivekompetence med både viden og værktøjer. Digital skrivedidaktik præsenterer teori om skrivekompetence og digital skrivning. Derudover...

  2. Exome sequencing identifies highly recurrent MED12 somatic mutations in breast fibroadenoma. (United States)

    Lim, Weng Khong; Ong, Choon Kiat; Tan, Jing; Thike, Aye Aye; Ng, Cedric Chuan Young; Rajasegaran, Vikneswari; Myint, Swe Swe; Nagarajan, Sanjanaa; Nasir, Nur Diyana Md; McPherson, John R; Cutcutache, Ioana; Poore, Gregory; Tay, Su Ting; Ooi, Wei Siong; Tan, Veronique Kiak Mien; Hartman, Mikael; Ong, Kong Wee; Tan, Benita K T; Rozen, Steven G; Tan, Puay Hoon; Tan, Patrick; Teh, Bin Tean


    Fibroadenomas are the most common breast tumors in women under 30 (refs. 1,2). Exome sequencing of eight fibroadenomas with matching whole-blood samples revealed recurrent somatic mutations solely in MED12, which encodes a Mediator complex subunit. Targeted sequencing of an additional 90 fibroadenomas confirmed highly frequent MED12 exon 2 mutations (58/98, 59%) that are probably somatic, with 71% of mutations occurring in codon 44. Using laser capture microdissection, we show that MED12 fibroadenoma mutations are present in stromal but not epithelial mammary cells. Expression profiling of MED12-mutated and wild-type fibroadenomas revealed that MED12 mutations are associated with dysregulated estrogen signaling and extracellular matrix organization. The fibroadenoma MED12 mutation spectrum is nearly identical to that of previously reported MED12 lesions in uterine leiomyoma but not those of other tumors. Benign tumors of the breast and uterus, both of which are key target tissues of estrogen, may thus share a common genetic basis underpinned by highly frequent and specific MED12 mutations.

  3. Further confirmation of the MED13L haploinsufficiency syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Haelst, M.M.; Monroe, G.R.; Duran, K.J.; van Binsbergen, E.; Breur, J.M.P.J.; Giltay, J.C.; van Haaften, G.W.

    MED13L haploinsufficiency syndrome has been described in two patients and is characterized by moderate intellectual disability (ID), conotruncal heart defects, facial abnormalities and hypotonia. Missense mutations in MED13L are linked to transposition of the great arteries and non-syndromal

  4. Death, dying and informatics: misrepresenting religion on MedLine. (United States)

    Rodríguez Del Pozo, Pablo; Fins, Joseph J


    The globalization of medical science carries for doctors worldwide a correlative duty to deepen their understanding of patients' cultural contexts and religious backgrounds, in order to satisfy each as a unique individual. To become better informed, practitioners may turn to MedLine, but it is unclear whether the information found there is an accurate representation of culture and religion. To test MedLine's representation of this field, we chose the topic of death and dying in the three major monotheistic religions. We searched MedLine using PubMed in order to retrieve and thematically analyze full-length scholarly journal papers or case reports dealing with religious traditions and end-of-life care. Our search consisted of a string of words that included the most common denominations of the three religions, the standard heading terms used by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL), and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. Eligible articles were limited to English-language papers with an abstract. We found that while a bibliographic search in MedLine on this topic produced instant results and some valuable literature, the aggregate reflected a selection bias. American writers were over-represented given the global prevalence of these religious traditions. Denominationally affiliated authors predominated in representing the Christian traditions. The Islamic tradition was under-represented. MedLine's capability to identify the most current, reliable and accurate information about purely scientific topics should not be assumed to be the same case when considering the interface of religion, culture and end-of-life care.

  5. Hvad SKER der med drikkevandet i USA?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramsay, Loren Mark


    Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år.......Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år....

  6. Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis - Kasuistik med hydrolyseret valleprotein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Junker Christensen, Morten


    Formål / Introduktion: Patienter med Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis (FDEIA) eller løbershock kan udvikle livstruende allergiske reaktioner (anafylaksi), når de kombinere fysisk anstrengelse med samtidig indtagelse af et normalt tolereret fødeemne - oftest hvede. Hydrolysering af prot...

  7. Beskrivelse af næringsstofomsætning med metabolomics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedemann, Mette Skou


    I et forsøg med mink med lav eller høj foderkonvertering er der blevet taget blodprøver på tre tidspunkter. Blodprøverne er blevet taget i en periode, hvor minkene er blevet fodret restriktivt (en prøve) og i en periode med ad libitum fodring (to prøver). Blodprøverne blev analyseret ved hjælp af...... fra restriktivt fodrede mink end i plasma fra ad libitum fodrede mink - betain og carnitin. Derudover er der en lang række andre metabolitter, som også findes i forskellig koncentration som endnu ikke er identificeret....

  8. Retrieval of diagnostic and treatment studies for clinical use through PubMed and PubMed's Clinical Queries filters. (United States)

    Lokker, Cynthia; Haynes, R Brian; Wilczynski, Nancy L; McKibbon, K Ann; Walter, Stephen D


    Clinical Queries filters were developed to improve the retrieval of high-quality studies in searches on clinical matters. The study objective was to determine the yield of relevant citations and physician satisfaction while searching for diagnostic and treatment studies using the Clinical Queries page of PubMed compared with searching PubMed without these filters. Forty practicing physicians, presented with standardized treatment and diagnosis questions and one question of their choosing, entered search terms which were processed in a random, blinded fashion through PubMed alone and PubMed Clinical Queries. Participants rated search retrievals for applicability to the question at hand and satisfaction. For treatment, the primary outcome of retrieval of relevant articles was not significantly different between the groups, but a higher proportion of articles from the Clinical Queries searches met methodologic criteria (p=0.049), and more articles were published in core internal medicine journals (p=0.056). For diagnosis, the filtered results returned more relevant articles (p=0.031) and fewer irrelevant articles (overall retrieval less, p=0.023); participants needed to screen fewer articles before arriving at the first relevant citation (p<0.05). Relevance was also influenced by content terms used by participants in searching. Participants varied greatly in their search performance. Clinical Queries filtered searches returned more high-quality studies, though the retrieval of relevant articles was only statistically different between the groups for diagnosis questions. Retrieving clinically important research studies from Medline is a challenging task for physicians. Methodological search filters can improve search retrieval.

  9. Nye steder med liv og sjæl?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stender, Marie

    planlæggere, der har skabt dem, udforskes stedernes tilblivelsesproces og sociale liv. Det nye sted opfattes af både beboere og professionelle som en bar mark, og mange kræfter sættes ind på at genfortrylle det med et skær af liv, identitet og historie fra start. Hånd i hånd med branding, virtuelle fora...

  10. Spilleregler i musikterapi med voksne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Artiklen gennemgår udvalgt faglitteratur, der på et overordnet plan beskriver typer af spilleregler i musikterapi med (fortrinsvis) voksne klientgrupper. Udgangspunktet er Priestleys anvendelse af begrebet, og hendes inddeling af spilleregler i forhold til forskellige teknikker gennemgås, efterfu...

  11. Forskning i musikterapi - børn med en Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Der er forskningsmæssig evidens for, at musikterapi med børn med en autisme spektrum forstyrrelse (ASF) har en signifikant effekt. Cochrane reviews påviser, at musikterapi fremmer verbal og navnlig nonverbal kommunikation hos børn med ASF. En RCT-undersøgelse viser endvidere en signifikant effekt...

  12. Death, dying and informatics: misrepresenting religion on MedLine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fins Joseph J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The globalization of medical science carries for doctors worldwide a correlative duty to deepen their understanding of patients' cultural contexts and religious backgrounds, in order to satisfy each as a unique individual. To become better informed, practitioners may turn to MedLine, but it is unclear whether the information found there is an accurate representation of culture and religion. To test MedLine's representation of this field, we chose the topic of death and dying in the three major monotheistic religions. Methods We searched MedLine using PubMed in order to retrieve and thematically analyze full-length scholarly journal papers or case reports dealing with religious traditions and end-of-life care. Our search consisted of a string of words that included the most common denominations of the three religions, the standard heading terms used by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL, and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH used by the National Library of Medicine. Eligible articles were limited to English-language papers with an abstract. Results We found that while a bibliographic search in MedLine on this topic produced instant results and some valuable literature, the aggregate reflected a selection bias. American writers were over-represented given the global prevalence of these religious traditions. Denominationally affiliated authors predominated in representing the Christian traditions. The Islamic tradition was under-represented. Conclusion MedLine's capability to identify the most current, reliable and accurate information about purely scientific topics should not be assumed to be the same case when considering the interface of religion, culture and end-of-life care.

  13. Farlig sex med engle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mejrup, Kristian


    De fleste af os tænker ikke på engle som kønnede væsner med en seksualitet, og selv om vi er i stand til at acceptere engle i alle mulige afskygninger, fra juletræets tyksakker i glitrende guld til frygtindgydende skikkelser i de bibelske skrifter, så er vi tilbøjelig til at ignorere spørgsmålet ...

  14. Hvad skal vi med Trump-satire?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette


    Trump-satire er et stort hit, og særligt en lang række satiriske videohilsner til Trump fra lande verden over får folk til at trække på smilebåndet. Men hvorfor er det så sjovt at gøre grin med Trump, og hvad kan vi bruge den politiske humor til?......Trump-satire er et stort hit, og særligt en lang række satiriske videohilsner til Trump fra lande verden over får folk til at trække på smilebåndet. Men hvorfor er det så sjovt at gøre grin med Trump, og hvad kan vi bruge den politiske humor til?...

  15. Ion Sources for MedAustron

    CERN Document Server

    Lettry, J; Wallner, J; Sargsyan, E; CERN. Geneva. BE Department


    The MedAustron Ion therapy center will be constructed in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) in the vicinity of Vienna. Its accelerator complex consists of four ion sources, a linear accelerator, a synchrotron and a beam delivery system to the three medical treatment rooms and to the research irradiation room. The ion sources shall deliver beams of H31+, C4+ and light ions with utmost reliability and stability. This paper describes the features of the ion sources presently planned for the MedAustron facility; such as ion source main parameters, gas injection, temperature control and cooling systems. A dedicated beam diagnostics technique is proposed in order to characterize ECR ions beams; in the first drift region after the ion source, a fraction of the mixed beam is selected via moveable aperture. With standard beam diagnostics, we then aim to produce position-dependant observables such as ion-current density, beam energy distribution and emittance for each charge states to be compared to simulations of ECR e-heating...

  16. Hovedpointer fra telefon survey med D&I kandidater og aftagere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, Søsser; Lindegaard, Hanne


    Som en anden fase i D&I evalueringen gennemførtes en telefon survey med alle færdige D&I kandidater (i perioden september til november 2009). Formålet med denne telefon survey var at kortlægge kandidaternes karriereforløb: mønstrer, entre på arbejdsmarkedet og hvor søger de job, beskæftigelsesmøn......Som en anden fase i D&I evalueringen gennemførtes en telefon survey med alle færdige D&I kandidater (i perioden september til november 2009). Formålet med denne telefon survey var at kortlægge kandidaternes karriereforløb: mønstrer, entre på arbejdsmarkedet og hvor søger de job......, beskæftigelsesmønstrer samt hvilke kompetencer de mener at have anvendt og ikke anvendt fra studiet i deres job. Telefon survey formen blev valgt for dermed at få muligheden for at få nogle kvantitative informationer frem. I alt blev 72 D&I kandidater interviewet ud af 78 mulige, dvs. vi opnåede en svarprocent på 92......,3 % . Spørgsmålene var forberedt på forhånd således at kandidaterne blev stillet de samme spørgsmål. Derudover gennemførtes en telefon survey med 14 aftagere af D&I kandidater (identificeret gennem telefon surveyen med kandidaterne, således at de repræsenterede store virksomheder, mindre virksomheder...

  17. Software-Enabled Distributed Network Governance: The PopMedNet Experience. (United States)

    Davies, Melanie; Erickson, Kyle; Wyner, Zachary; Malenfant, Jessica; Rosen, Rob; Brown, Jeffrey


    The expanded availability of electronic health information has led to increased interest in distributed health data research networks. The distributed research network model leaves data with and under the control of the data holder. Data holders, network coordinating centers, and researchers have distinct needs and challenges within this model. The concerns of network stakeholders are addressed in the design and governance models of the PopMedNet software platform. PopMedNet features include distributed querying, customizable workflows, and auditing and search capabilities. Its flexible role-based access control system enables the enforcement of varying governance policies. Four case studies describe how PopMedNet is used to enforce network governance models. Trust is an essential component of a distributed research network and must be built before data partners may be willing to participate further. The complexity of the PopMedNet system must be managed as networks grow and new data, analytic methods, and querying approaches are developed. The PopMedNet software platform supports a variety of network structures, governance models, and research activities through customizable features designed to meet the needs of network stakeholders.

  18. Å forske med kunsten kollaborativt i en fortellerforestillingsproduksjon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mette Bøe Lyngstad


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen viser forskerne, som også er fortellere, hvordan de i utviklingen av sin egen fortellerforestilling forsket med kunsten. Artikkelforfatterne forsøker å vise en selvrefleksivitet og metodologisk bevissthet gjennom hele kunstproduksjonen. De undersøker hvordan en gjennom å forske med kunsten kollaborativt kan koble historiske fakta, fiksjonsfortelling og livsfortelling i en kunstproduksjon. Forskningsartikkelen tar for seg kunstproduksjonens ulike faser som brainstormfase, innsamlingsfase, fortellertekniske fase og utforskingsfase i scenerommet.

  19. Mediator Subunit Med28 Is Essential for Mouse Peri-Implantation Development and Pluripotency.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin Li

    Full Text Available The multi-subunit mammalian Mediator complex acts as an integrator of transcriptional regulation by RNA Polymerase II, and has emerged as a master coordinator of development and cell fate determination. We previously identified the Mediator subunit, MED28, as a cytosolic binding partner of merlin, the Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2 tumor suppressor, and thus MED28 is distinct in having a cytosolic role as an NF2 interacting protein as well as a nuclear role as a Mediator complex subunit. Although limited in vitro studies have been performed on MED28, its in vivo function remains unknown. Employing a knockout mouse model, we describe for the first time the requirement for Med28 in the developing mouse embryo. Med28-deficiency causes peri-implantation lethality resulting from the loss of pluripotency of the inner cell mass accompanied by reduced expression of key pluripotency transcription factors Oct4 and Nanog. Further, overexpression of Med28 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts enhances the efficiency of their reprogramming to pluripotency. Cre-mediated inactivation of Med28 in induced pluripotent stem cells shows that Med28 is required for their survival. Intriguingly, heterozygous loss of Med28 results in differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into extraembryonic trophectoderm and primitive endoderm lineages. Our findings document the essential role of Med28 in the developing embryo as well as in acquisition and maintenance of pluripotency during reprogramming.

  20. Graduating med-peds residents' interest in part-time employment. (United States)

    Fix, Amy L; Kaelber, David C; Melgar, Thomas A; Chamberlain, John; Cull, William; Robbins, Brett W


    As part-time work is becoming more popular among the primary care specialties, we examined the demographic descriptors of med-peds residents seeking and finding part-time employment upon completion of residency training. As part of the 2006 annual American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Graduating Med-Peds Residents Survey, we surveyed the graduating residents of all med-peds programs about their interest in and plans for part-time employment. A total of 199 (60%) of the residents responded. Of the resident respondents applying for nonfellowship jobs, 19% sought part-time positions and 10% actually accepted a part-time position. Female residents were significantly more likely than male residents to apply for part-time jobs (26% vs. 7%, P = .034). Sixty percent of female residents immediately seeking work and 58% of those going on to fellowship reported an interest in arranging a part-time or reduced-hours position at some point in the next 5 years. Part-time employment among med-peds residents applying for nonfellowship positions after graduation is similar to the current incidence of part-time employment in other fields of primary care. A much higher percentage of med-peds residents are interested in arranging part-time work within 5 years after graduation. This strong interest in part-time work has many implications for the primary care workforce. Copyright © 2011 Academic Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Time-dependent migration of citations through PubMed and OvidSP subsets: a study on a series of simultaneous PubMed and OvidSP searches. (United States)

    Boeker, Martin; Vach, Werner; Motschall, Edith


    To quantitatively describe (1) differences between search results derived at consecutive time points with the PubMed and OvidSP literature search interfaces over a five day interval, and (2) the migration of citations through different subsets to estimate the timeliness of OvidSP. PubMed-Identifiers (PMIDs) of the following subsets were retrieved from PubMed and OvidSP simultaneously (within 8 h) at 11 days in March and April 2010 including 5 consecutive days: as supplied by publisher, in process, PubMed not MEDLINE, and OLDMEDLINE. Search results were compared for difference and intersection sets. The migration of citations on individual level was determined by comparison of corresponding sets over several days. The "in process" set was stable with about 446,000 - 452,000 citations; a small fraction of up to 3 % of the total subsets were in PubMed only and OvidSP only subsets. About 96 % of the ca. 10,500 citations in the OvidSP only subset migrated within 2 days out of the "in process" subset. The database of OvidSP is updated within a period of two days.

  2. Jokar et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2016) 13(1):40-44 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jokar et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. ... Shiraz- Iran.3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine and maternal- fetal ..... Ann Intern Med 2001; 135(5):344–51. 7. ... Clin Geriatr Med.2008; ... Indian J. Med Res.

  3. Susceptibility of MED-Q1 and MED-Q3 Biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Populations to Essential and Seed Oils. (United States)

    Samuel Fogné, Drabo; Olivier, Gnankine; Bassolé, Imael H N; Nébié, Roger Charles; Laurence, Mouton


    Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a major pest of many agricultural and ornamental crops in tropical and subtropical regions causing damages that result in important economic losses. Insecticides are commonly used in greenhouses or fields to control B. tabaci populations leading to rapid evolution of resistance that render treatments inefficient. Therefore, and for environmental and human health concerns, other approaches must be developed for this pest management. In the present study, we compare, using the leaf dip method, the toxicity of three essential oils (Cymbopogon citratus, Ocimum americanum, and Hyptis spicigera) and three seed oils (Lannea microcarpa, Lannea acida, and Carapa procera) with three chemical insecticides (acetamiprid, deltamethrin, and chlorpyrifos-ethyl) on adults. Two B. tabaci biotypes (MED-Q1 and MED-Q3) belonging to the Mediterranean species and collected in Burkina Faso were used. Essential oils were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. We showed that these two biotypes have different levels of resistance to the three insecticides, MED-Q3 being more sensitive than MED-Q1. Moreover, they differ in the frequency of resistance alleles to insecticides, especially for organophosphates, as these alleles are almost fixed in MED-Q1. On the other hand, the two biotypes prove to be more susceptible to the plant extracts than to insecticides except for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, with essential oils that showed the highest insecticidal activities. Monoterpenes content were the most abundant and showed the highest insecticidal activities. Our results indicated that essential oils, but also seed oils, have the potential to constitute an alternative strategy of pest management. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  4. Afkølingstid - breddeopgaver 45-46 med didaktisk kommentar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jens Højgaard


    Mit formål med artikelserien om breddeopgaver er – udover at gøre opmærksom på RUCs fysikuddannelse – dobbelt: Dels udvælger jeg opgaverne, så de kan have interesse som fysikproblemer i egen ret. Dels udvælger jeg dem med henblik på at kunne knytte didaktiske overvejelser til dem af interesse...

  5. Differential expression of Mediator complex subunit MED15 in testicular germ cell tumors. (United States)

    Klümper, Niklas; Syring, Isabella; Offermann, Anne; Shaikhibrahim, Zaki; Vogel, Wenzel; Müller, Stefan C; Ellinger, Jörg; Strauß, Arne; Radzun, Heinz Joachim; Ströbel, Philipp; Brägelmann, Johannes; Perner, Sven; Bremmer, Felix


    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are the most common cancer entities in young men with increasing incidence observed in the last decades. For therapeutic management it is important, that TGCT are divided into several histological subtypes. MED15 is part of the multiprotein Mediator complex which presents an integrative hub for transcriptional regulation and is known to be deregulated in several malignancies, such as prostate cancer and bladder cancer role, whereas the role of the Mediator complex in TGCT has not been investigated so far. Aim of the study was to investigate the implication of MED15 in TGCT development and its stratification into histological subtypes. Immunohistochemical staining (IHC) against Mediator complex subunit MED15 was conducted on a TGCT cohort containing tumor-free testis (n = 35), intratubular germ cell neoplasia unclassified (IGCNU, n = 14), seminomas (SEM, n = 107) and non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT, n = 42), further subdivided into embryonic carcinomas (EC, n = 30), yolk sac tumors (YST, n = 5), chorionic carcinomas (CC, n = 5) and teratomas (TER, n = 2). Quantification of MED15 protein expression was performed through IHC followed by semi-quantitative image analysis using the Definiens software. In tumor-free seminiferous tubules, MED15 protein expression was absent or only low expressed in spermatogonia. Interestingly, the precursor lesions IGCNU exhibited heterogeneous but partly very strong MED15 expression. SEM weakly express the Mediator complex subunit MED15, whereas NSGCT and especially EC show significantly enhanced expression compared to tumor-free testis. In conclusion, MED15 is differentially expressed in tumor-free testis and TGCT. While MED15 is absent or low in tumor-free testis and SEM, NSGCT highly express MED15, hinting at the diagnostic potential of this marker to distinguish between SEM and NSGCT. Further, the precursor lesion IGCNU showed increased nuclear MED15

  6. Searching PubMed for molecular epidemiology studies: the case of chromosome aberrations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ugolini, Donatella; Neri, Monica; Knudsen, Lisbeth E


    to environmental pollutants. The search, done on the PubMed/MedLine database, was based on a strategy combining descriptors listed in the PubMed Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Thesaurus and other available tools (free text or phrase search tools). 178 articles were retrieved by searching the period from January 1...

  7. Ion sources for MedAustron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lettry, J.; Penescu, L.; Wallner, J.; Sargsyan, E.


    The MedAustron Ion therapy center will be constructed in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) in the vicinity of Vienna. Its accelerator complex consists of four ion sources, a linear accelerator, a synchrotron, and a beam delivery system to the three medical treatment rooms and to the research irradiation room. The ion sources shall deliver beams of H 3 1+ , C 4+ , and light ions with utmost reliability and stability. This paper describes the features of the ion sources presently planned for the MedAustron facility, such as ion source main parameters, gas injection, temperature control, and cooling systems. A dedicated beam diagnostics technique is proposed in order to characterize electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion beams; in the first drift region after the ion source, a fraction of the mixed beam is selected via moveable aperture. With standard beam diagnostics, we then aim to produce position-dependant observables such as ion-current density, beam energy distribution, and emittance for each charge states to be compared to simulations of ECR e-heating, plasma simulation, beam formation, and transport.

  8. MedAustron board visits CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin

    On 14 October, the board of EBG MedAustron, which is overseeing the construction of Austria’s hadron therapy centre, visited CERN. The visit recognized the relationship of shared knowledge, technology and training between CERN and MedAustron.   Normal.dotm 0 0 1 17 98 cern 1 1 120 12.0 0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} ...

  9. MED, COMP, multilayered and NEIN: an overview of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lachman, Ralph S. [International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, UCLA School of Medicine, Radiological Services, Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA (United States); International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Krakow, Deborah; Cohn, Daniel H.; Rimoin, David L. [International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, UCLA School of Medicine, Radiological Services, Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    This overview covers the group of disorders that presents radiographically as multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED). The disorders include ''classic MED'' (Ribbing and Fairbank types): MED that is caused by mutations in the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), type IX collagen, and matrilin 3 genes (MATN3); and MED with multilayered patella, brachydactyly, and clubbed feet resultant from mutations in gene defect diastrophic dysplasia (DTDST). The recently identified gene/molecular abnormalities in these disorders have made more exact identification possible in many cases, although clinical testing is not always available. However, there are specific radiographic findings that allow the accurate diagnosis to be made, thus potentially guiding which molecular defect(s) should be investigated. The modes of inheritance of these distinct MED conditions are not identical. When a specific diagnosis is made, proper genetic counseling as well as prognostication, management issues and complications can be delineated to the patient and family. This review will include the mechanics of diagnostic and molecular triage for these disorders. (orig.)

  10. The inclusion of an online journal in PubMed central - a difficult path. (United States)

    Grech, Victor


    The indexing of a journal in a prominent database (such as PubMed) is an important imprimatur. Journals accepted for inclusion in PubMed Central (PMC) are automatically indexed in PubMed but must provide the entire contents of their publications as XML-tagged (Extensible Markup Language) data files compliant with PubMed's document type definition (DTD). This paper describes the various attempts that the journal Images in Paediatric Cardiology made in its efforts to convert the journal contents (including all of the extant backlog) to PMC-compliant XML for archiving and indexing in PubMed after the journal was accepted for inclusion by the database.

  11. Gaps in affiliation indexing in Scopus and PubMed. (United States)

    Schmidt, Cynthia M; Cox, Roxanne; Fial, Alissa V; Hartman, Teresa L; Magee, Martha L


    The authors sought to determine whether unexpected gaps existed in Scopus's author affiliation indexing of publications written by the University of Nebraska Medical Center or Nebraska Medicine (UNMC/NM) authors during 2014. First, we compared Scopus affiliation identifier search results to PubMed affiliation keyword search results. Then, we searched Scopus using affiliation keywords (UNMC, etc.) and compared the results to PubMed affiliation keyword and Scopus affiliation identifier searches. We found that Scopus's records for approximately 7% of UNMC/NM authors' publications lacked appropriate UNMC/NM author affiliation identifiers, and many journals' publishers were supplying incomplete author affiliation information to PubMed. Institutions relying on Scopus to track their impact should determine whether Scopus's affiliation identifiers will, in fact, identify all articles published by their authors and investigators.

  12. Med politiet i ’virkeligheden’: Reality-tv og kriminalitet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ib Bondebjerg


    Full Text Available Kriminalstoffet på tv bliver ofte anklaget for at spekulere i vore lavere instinkter, og med reality kommer vi tættere end nogensinde på sam- fundets bund og det utrættelige politi, som har til opgave at opretholde lov og orden. Artiklen gennemgår en lang række af de senere års kri- minalprogrammer og diskuterer dokumentarismens former med en særlig belysning af æstetik, retorik og synsvinkel i undergenrerne »reality magasin« og »reality soap«. Lars Engels’ serie »Historier fra en politistation« tages op til særlig debat, fordi Engels – vanen tro – arbejder med en mindre iscenesættelse og ukommenteret virkelig- hedsgengivelse, end vi finder det i andre »reality soaps«.

  13. Planning and scheduling algorithms for the COSMO-SkyMed constellation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bianchessi, Nicola; Righini, Giovanni


    The COSMO-SkyMed satellite constellation for the observation of the Earth is made of four satellites equipped with radar instruments and is intended for dual use, i.e. for security as well as for environmental monitoring purpose. The planning and scheduling problem for the COSMO-SkyMed constellation

  14. Vejbygning i områder med permafrost

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Anders Stuhr


    Siden begyndelsen af 1990’erne er der registreret en markant stigning i den årlige middeltemperatur i Nunavik, Québec Canada. Dette har ført til en reduktion i udbredelsen af permafrost, hvilket truer stabiliteten af lufthavne og veje i området. I sommeren 2007 blev en teststrækning opført i...... Tasiujaq Lufthavn for at studere effekten af tre forskellige metoder, som skal være med til at reducere optøningen af permafrost under landingsbanen. De tre metoder, som er blevet undersøgt, er konvektionskøling (air convection embankment), varmeudtrækning (heat drain) samt et forsøg med ændring af...

  15. Grønnere skibsfart med modstandsdygtige motorer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Lisbeth


    Udledningen af forurening fra skibsmotorer skal sænkes kraftigt i de kommende år, og derfor står den maritime industri overfor helt nye krav til blandt andet hvilke brændstoffer, man kan bruge. På grund af de nye regler, der begrænser skibenes energiforbrug, er man også begyndt at sejle med nedsa...... foregår i samarbejde med DTU Kemiteknik og MAN Diesel & Turbo....... hastighed. Både de nye brændstoftyper og den nedsatte hastighed giver problemer for skibsmotorerne, problemer som projektet SULCOR, Sulfuric Acid corrosion in Large Marine Diesel Engines, netop har modtaget 16 millioner kr. fra Innovationsfonden til at begynde at løse. Projektet ledes af DTU Mekanik og...

  16. Projekt Frit Sind hjælper mennesker med social angst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moutamid, Mina El


    Social angst er en almindelig, men overset lidelse, som ofte er forbundet med isolation. Mange fortæller ikke om den angst, de oplever, til andre og kommer til at leve et liv med begrænsninger, som de kunne være foruden, hvis de fik hjælp. Angsten betyder også, at det kan være svært at komme...... hjemmefra og opsøge hjælp hos SIND eller andre rådgivninger. Frit Sind er et nyt tilbud i København til disse mennesker og har fokus på de specifikke behov, mennesker med social angst har....

  17. Et eller andet med sprog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adamsen, Billy; Nielsen, Charlotte Marie Bisgaard; Dam Christensen, Mie


    bedre sted, intet mindre. - Jeg frygter at de kommer til at kede sig på et reklamebureau med fx at lave kampagner og drikke champagne. Så jeg prøver at tale dem fra det. De skal finde ud af, hvem de er og hvad de gerne vil bruge deres liv på. Rådgiver for statsministeren Billy Adamsen har en phd i...

  18. A synergetic hybridization of adsorption cycle with the multi-effect distillation (MED)

    KAUST Repository

    Thu, K.


    Multi-effect distillation (MED) systems are proven and energy efficient thermally-driven desalination systems for handling harsh seawater feed in the Gulf region. The high cycle efficiency is markedly achieved by latent energy re-use with minimal stage temperature-difference across the condensing steam and the evaporating saline seawater in each stage. The efficacies of MED system are (i) its low stage-temperature-difference between top brine temperature (TBT) and final condensing temperature, (ii) its robustness to varying salinity and ability to handle harmful algae Blooming (HABs) and (iii) its compact foot-print per unit water output. The practical TBT of MED systems, hitherto, is around 65 C for controllable scaling and fouling with the ambient-limited final condenser temperature, usually from 30 to 45 C. The adsorption (ADC) cycles utilize low-temperature heat sources (typically below 90 C) to produce useful cooling power and potable water. Hybridizing MED with AD cycles, they synergistically improve the water production rates at the same energy input whilst the AD cycle is driven by the recovered waste heat. We present a practical AD + MED combination that can be retrofitted to existing MEDs: The cooling energy of AD cycle through the water vapor uptake by the adsorbent is recycled internally, providing lower temperature condensing environment in the effects whilst the final condensing temperature of MED is as low as 5-10 C, which is below ambient. The increase in the temperature difference between TBT and final condensing temperature accommodates additional MED stages. A detailed numerical model is presented to capture the transient behaviors of heat and mass interactions in the combined AD + MED cycles and the results are presented in terms of key variables. It is observed that the water production rates of the combined cycle increase to give a GOR of 8.8 from an initial value of 5.9. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. MedBlock: Efficient and Secure Medical Data Sharing Via Blockchain. (United States)

    Fan, Kai; Wang, Shangyang; Ren, Yanhui; Li, Hui; Yang, Yintang


    With the development of electronic information technology, electronic medical records (EMRs) have been a common way to store the patients' data in hospitals. They are stored in different hospitals' databases, even for the same patient. Therefore, it is difficult to construct a summarized EMR for one patient from multiple hospital databases due to the security and privacy concerns. Meanwhile, current EMRs systems lack a standard data management and sharing policy, making it difficult for pharmaceutical scientists to develop precise medicines based on data obtained under different policies. To solve the above problems, we proposed a blockchain-based information management system, MedBlock, to handle patients' information. In this scheme, the distributed ledger of MedBlock allows the efficient EMRs access and EMRs retrieval. The improved consensus mechanism achieves consensus of EMRs without large energy consumption and network congestion. In addition, MedBlock also exhibits high information security combining the customized access control protocols and symmetric cryptography. MedBlock can play an important role in the sensitive medical information sharing.

  20. Vekst, metabolisme og ølbrygging med melkesyrebakterier og gjær


    Kvam, Guro


    Ølbrygging er et håndverk forbundet med lange tradisjoner, med røtter tilbake til det 12. århundrets Europa. Før dagens mikrobiologiske teknikker ble oppfunnet var all øl spontangjæret med en kompleks sammensetning av ulike gjær- og bakteriestammer. I dag produseres fremdeles enkelte av disse ølsortene under navn som lambic, geuze eller Berliner weisse, og interessen for slike ølsorter har økt betraktelig de siste årene. Mange bryggerier benytter i dag kjente kulturer av gjær og melkesyrebakt...

  1. Role for the MED21-MED7 Hinge in Assembly of the Mediator-RNA Polymerase II Holoenzyme* (United States)

    Sato, Shigeo; Tomomori-Sato, Chieri; Tsai, Kuang-Lei; Yu, Xiaodi; Sardiu, Mihaela; Saraf, Anita; Washburn, Michael P.; Florens, Laurence; Asturias, Francisco J.; Conaway, Ronald C.


    Mediator plays an integral role in activation of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription. A key step in activation is binding of Mediator to Pol II to form the Mediator-Pol II holoenzyme. Here, we exploit a combination of biochemistry and macromolecular EM to investigate holoenzyme assembly. We identify a subset of human Mediator head module subunits that bind Pol II independent of other subunits and thus probably contribute to a major Pol II binding site. In addition, we show that binding of human Mediator to Pol II depends on the integrity of a conserved “hinge” in the middle module MED21-MED7 heterodimer. Point mutations in the hinge region leave core Mediator intact but lead to increased disorder of the middle module and markedly reduced affinity for Pol II. These findings highlight the importance of Mediator conformation for holoenzyme assembly. PMID:27821593

  2. Den fuldt åbne MOOC med afsæt i aktuelle deltagere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansbøl, Mikala; Erkmann, Malene; Munksgaard, Marianne Eilsø


    I dette afsnit præsenterer vi nogle af erfaringerne fra arbejdet med fire versioner af Videnskabsteori MOOC’en. Erfaringerne tager afsæt i vores kvalitative undersøgelser af deltagerperspektiver (UCSJ undervisere og MOOC deltagere) på MOOC-understøttet undervisning i, og læring af, anvendt...... videnskabsteori. MOOC litteraturen havde indtil 2013 primært beskæftiget sig med universitetsuddannelse, og der var stort set ikke skrevet noget om MOOCs i en dansk sammenhæng. Kjærgaard et al. (2013) leverede et første dansk bidrag, der kobler MOOCs med professionshøjskolerne i Danmark. Arbejdet med...... Videnskabsteori MOOC’en har især taget afsæt i en interesse i at forstå samspillet mellem deltagerforudsætninger, interesser og behov, og læringsmulighederne med MOOC’en. På den baggrund udpeger vi nogle væsentlige designelementer, der kan medtænkes i fremtidige udviklinger af tilsvarende fuldt åbne MOOCs...

  3. Detection of Partial Demagnetization Fault in PMSMs Operating under Nonstationary Conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Chao; Delgado Prieto, Miguel; Romeral, Luis


    Demagnetization fault detection of in-service Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) is a challenging task because most PMSMs operate under nonstationary circumstances in industrial applications. A novel approach based on tracking characteristic orders of stator current using Vold-Kalman F......Demagnetization fault detection of in-service Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) is a challenging task because most PMSMs operate under nonstationary circumstances in industrial applications. A novel approach based on tracking characteristic orders of stator current using Vold......-Kalman Filter is proposed to detect the partial demagnetization fault in PMSMs running at nonstationary conditions. Amplitude of envelope of the fault characteristic orders is used as fault indictor. Experimental results verify the superiority of the proposed method on partial demagnetization online fault...... detection of PMSMs under various speed and load conditions....

  4. PubMed had a higher sensitivity than Ovid-MEDLINE in the search for systematic reviews. (United States)

    Katchamart, Wanruchada; Faulkner, Amy; Feldman, Brian; Tomlinson, George; Bombardier, Claire


    To compare the performance of Ovid-MEDLINE vs. PubMed for identifying randomized controlled trials of methotrexate (MTX) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We created search strategies for Ovid-MEDLINE and PubMed for a systematic review of MTX in RA. Their performance was evaluated using sensitivity, precision, and number needed to read (NNR). Comparing searches in Ovid-MEDLINE vs. PubMed, PubMed retrieved more citations overall than Ovid-MEDLINE; however, of the 20 citations that met eligibility criteria for the review, Ovid-MEDLINE retrieved 17 and PubMed 18. The sensitivity was 85% for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 90% for PubMed, whereas the precision and NNR were comparable (precision: 0.881% for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 0.884% for PubMed and NNR: 114 for Ovid-MEDLINE vs. 113 for PubMed). In systematic reviews of RA, PubMed has higher sensitivity than Ovid-MEDLINE with comparable precision and NNR. This study highlights the importance of well-designed database-specific search strategies. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. How Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners Use PubMed (United States)

    Quint-Rapoport, Mia


    Background PubMed is the largest bibliographic index in the life sciences. It is freely available online and is used by professionals and the public to learn more about medical research. While primarily intended to serve researchers, PubMed provides an array of tools and services that can help a wider readership in the location, comprehension, evaluation, and utilization of medical research. Objective This study sought to establish the potential contributions made by a range of PubMed tools and services to the use of the database by complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. Methods In this study, 10 chiropractors, 7 registered massage therapists, and a homeopath (N = 18), 11 with prior research training and 7 without, were taken through a 2-hour introductory session with PubMed. The 10 PubMed tools and services considered in this study can be divided into three functions: (1) information retrieval (Boolean Search, Limits, Related Articles, Author Links, MeSH), (2) information access (Publisher Link, LinkOut, Bookshelf ), and (3) information management (History, Send To, Email Alert). Participants were introduced to between six and 10 of these tools and services. The participants were asked to provide feedback on the value of each tool or service in terms of their information needs, which was ranked as positive, positive with emphasis, negative, or indifferent. Results The participants in this study expressed an interest in the three types of PubMed tools and services (information retrieval, access, and management), with less well-regarded tools including MeSH Database and Bookshelf. In terms of their comprehension of the research, the tools and services led the participants to reflect on their understanding as well as their critical reading and use of the research. There was universal support among the participants for greater access to complete articles, beyond the approximately 15% that are currently open access. The abstracts provided by PubMed were

  6. Professionel praksis i botilbud for mennesker med udviklingshæmning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engen, Mie

    I dag varetager man i Danmark hovedsageligt omsorgen for mennesker med udviklingshæmning, der har behov for hjælp og støtte på døgnbasis, i § 107/108 boformer oprettet efter Lov om Social Service og Almenboliglovens § 105. Formålet med den professionelle praksis i boformerne er at varetage disse ...

  7. Med-Ro Hybrid desalination as option to supply fresh water in BABEL Islands Province

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siti Alimah; Sudi Ariyanto; June Mellawati; Budiarto


    Med-Ro hybrid desalination systems are combining both thermal (Med) and membrane (Ro) desalination processes with power generation systems. This configuration has more economical and operational benefits in comparison with single desalination plant. Hybrid configurations are characterized by flexibility in operation, specific energy consumption (33.50 kWh/m 3 ) is lower than Med (36.54 kWh/m 3 ) and high plant availability. The objective of study is to analyze the Med-Ro hybrid desalination as an option to add supply fresh water in Babel Islands Province, in terms of technology and economy aspects. The result of study showed that adopting nuclear power plants as dual-purpose for power generation and producing fresh water is has economic competitiveness than fossil-fired generation plants. Med-Ro hybrid configuration, with feed Ro from heat rejection of Med system is suitable as fresh water supply add option because increase of Ro feed temperature will increase flux. Economic analysis of water cost are performed using the Deep-3.2. Water cost of hybrid Med-Ro desalination with energy of NPP (0.581 $/m ) is lower than that of Med water cost (0.752 $/m ) . Water cost of hybrid Med-Ro with energy of NPP (0.581 $/m ) is lower than that of water cost of energy with fossil-fired generation plants (0.720 $/m 3 ). (author)

  8. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper; Andersen, Kim Normann


    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne af en undersøgelse gennemført i juni måned 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive...... til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...

  9. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne for styrelser og statslige organisationer af en undersøgelse gennemført i sommeren 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en...... digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs....... uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Vi har også undersøgt besvarelse af e-mail, dels...

  10. Tværsektorielt samarbejde ved behandling af patienter med type 2-diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Lene; Røder, Michael E; Hansen, Ida H


    Hovedbudskaber • Sundhedsstyrelsen lægger vægt på tværsektorielt samarbejde omkring patienten med type 2-diabetes, men denne tankegang er dog ikke implementeret i det danske sundhedsvæsen • På organisatorisk niveau kan en stratificerings- og forløbsmodel give anvisninger til opgave- og...... udnyttelse af sundhedsvæsenets ressourcer samtidig med, at behandling af høj kvalitet fastholdes og udvikles for patienter med type 2-diabetes...

  11. MedRapid--medical community & business intelligence system. (United States)

    Finkeissen, E; Fuchs, H; Jakob, T; Wetter, T


    currently, it takes at least 6 months for researchers to communicate their results. This delay is caused (a) by partial lacks of machine support for both representation as well as communication and (b) by media breaks during the communication process. To make an integrated communication between researchers and practitioners possible, a general structure for medical content representation has been set up. The procedure for data entry and quality management has been generalized and implemented in a web-based authoring system. The MedRapid-system supports the medical experts in entering their knowledge into a database. Here, the level of detail is still below that of current medical guidelines representation. However, the symmetric structure for an area-wide medical knowledge representation is highly retrievable and thus can quickly be communicated into daily routine for the improvement of the treatment quality. In addition, other sources like journal articles and medical guidelines can be references within the MedRapid-system and thus be communicated into daily routine. The fundamental system for the representation of medical reference knowledge (from reference works/books) itself is not sufficient for the friction-less communication amongst medical staff. Rather, the process of (a) representing medical knowledge, (b) refereeing the represented knowledge, (c) communicating the represented knowledge, and (d) retrieving the represented knowledge has to be unified. MedRapid will soon support the whole process on one server system.

  12. Improving accuracy for identifying related PubMed queries by an integrated approach. (United States)

    Lu, Zhiyong; Wilbur, W John


    PubMed is the most widely used tool for searching biomedical literature online. As with many other online search tools, a user often types a series of multiple related queries before retrieving satisfactory results to fulfill a single information need. Meanwhile, it is also a common phenomenon to see a user type queries on unrelated topics in a single session. In order to study PubMed users' search strategies, it is necessary to be able to automatically separate unrelated queries and group together related queries. Here, we report a novel approach combining both lexical and contextual analyses for segmenting PubMed query sessions and identifying related queries and compare its performance with the previous approach based solely on concept mapping. We experimented with our integrated approach on sample data consisting of 1539 pairs of consecutive user queries in 351 user sessions. The prediction results of 1396 pairs agreed with the gold-standard annotations, achieving an overall accuracy of 90.7%. This demonstrates that our approach is significantly better than the previously published method. By applying this approach to a one day query log of PubMed, we found that a significant proportion of information needs involved more than one PubMed query, and that most of the consecutive queries for the same information need are lexically related. Finally, the proposed PubMed distance is shown to be an accurate and meaningful measure for determining the contextual similarity between biological terms. The integrated approach can play a critical role in handling real-world PubMed query log data as is demonstrated in our experiments.

  13. A functional portrait of Med7 and the mediator complex in Candida albicans. (United States)

    Tebbji, Faiza; Chen, Yaolin; Richard Albert, Julien; Gunsalus, Kearney T W; Kumamoto, Carol A; Nantel, André; Sellam, Adnane; Whiteway, Malcolm


    Mediator is a multi-subunit protein complex that regulates gene expression in eukaryotes by integrating physiological and developmental signals and transmitting them to the general RNA polymerase II machinery. We examined, in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans, a set of conditional alleles of genes encoding Mediator subunits of the head, middle, and tail modules that were found to be essential in the related ascomycete Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Intriguingly, while the Med4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 21 and 22 subunits were essential in both fungi, the structurally highly conserved Med7 subunit was apparently non-essential in C. albicans. While loss of CaMed7 did not lead to loss of viability under normal growth conditions, it dramatically influenced the pathogen's ability to grow in different carbon sources, to form hyphae and biofilms, and to colonize the gastrointestinal tracts of mice. We used epitope tagging and location profiling of the Med7 subunit to examine the distribution of the DNA sites bound by Mediator during growth in either the yeast or the hyphal form, two distinct morphologies characterized by different transcription profiles. We observed a core set of 200 genes bound by Med7 under both conditions; this core set is expanded moderately during yeast growth, but is expanded considerably during hyphal growth, supporting the idea that Mediator binding correlates with changes in transcriptional activity and that this binding is condition specific. Med7 bound not only in the promoter regions of active genes but also within coding regions and at the 3' ends of genes. By combining genome-wide location profiling, expression analyses and phenotyping, we have identified different Med7p-influenced regulons including genes related to glycolysis and the Filamentous Growth Regulator family. In the absence of Med7, the ribosomal regulon is de-repressed, suggesting Med7 is involved in central aspects of growth control.

  14. Health informatics research in Australia: retrospective analysis using PubMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kumara Mendis


    Discussion Australian HI publications in PubMed increased consistently throughout the period 1970-2005, which is on a par with world trends in HI publications. In Australia, most HI publications are in general medical journals. Lack of consistency in author names and failure to include the country name and even the state are the main obstacles to PubMed bibliometric analysis.

  15. Murværk opmuret med vådmørtler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Klavs Feilberg

    Vådmørtler benyttes i størstedelen af det murede nybyggeri. Egenskaberne af murværk opmuret med vådmørtel er i dag kun mangelfuldt dokumenteret. Denne rapport beskriver en metode til bedre dokumentation af de styrkemæssige egenskaber ved murværk opmuret med vådmørtel. Første del af rapporten genn...

  16. Kvalitative Interviews med D&I Censorer, Undervisere, Kandidater og Studerende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, Søsser; Lindegaard, Hanne


    Som en opfølgning på telefon surveys blev der i tredje fase af D&I evalueringen gennemført en række kvalitative interviews med udvalgte censorer, undervisere, kandidater og studerende. Formålet med de kvalitative interviews har været at undersøge om: - D&I studerende og kandidater gennem forløbet i...

  17. Hvad stiller vi op med samfundsneurosen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    Pædagogisk og socialt arbejde er som aldrig før udsat for evaluering, accountability, akkreditering m.v.  Det fjerner opmærksomheden fra kerneopgaven, at de professionelles ydelser forbedres. Forhistorien opridses kort, og klummen afrundes med at pege på tre mulige veje ud af samfundsneurosen: et...

  18. Solar-assisted MED treatment of Eskom power station waste water (United States)

    Roos, Thomas H.; Rogers, David E. C.; Gericke, Gerhard


    The comparative benefits of multi-effect distillation (MED) used in conjunction with Nano Filtration (NF), Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Eutectic Freeze Crystallization (EFC) are determined for waste water minimization for inland coal fired power stations for Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge (ZLED). A sequence of technologies is proposed to achieve maximal water recovery and brine concentration: NF - physico-chemical treatment - MED - EFC. The possibility of extending the concentration of RO reject arising from minewater treatment at the Lethabo power station with MED alone is evaluated with mineral formation modelling using the thermochemical modelling software Phreeq-C. It is shown that pretreatment is essential to extend the amount of water that can be recovered, and this can be beneficially supported by NF.

  19. Enabling multi-level relevance feedback on PubMed by integrating rank learning into DBMS. (United States)

    Yu, Hwanjo; Kim, Taehoon; Oh, Jinoh; Ko, Ilhwan; Kim, Sungchul; Han, Wook-Shin


    Finding relevant articles from PubMed is challenging because it is hard to express the user's specific intention in the given query interface, and a keyword query typically retrieves a large number of results. Researchers have applied machine learning techniques to find relevant articles by ranking the articles according to the learned relevance function. However, the process of learning and ranking is usually done offline without integrated with the keyword queries, and the users have to provide a large amount of training documents to get a reasonable learning accuracy. This paper proposes a novel multi-level relevance feedback system for PubMed, called RefMed, which supports both ad-hoc keyword queries and a multi-level relevance feedback in real time on PubMed. RefMed supports a multi-level relevance feedback by using the RankSVM as the learning method, and thus it achieves higher accuracy with less feedback. RefMed "tightly" integrates the RankSVM into RDBMS to support both keyword queries and the multi-level relevance feedback in real time; the tight coupling of the RankSVM and DBMS substantially improves the processing time. An efficient parameter selection method for the RankSVM is also proposed, which tunes the RankSVM parameter without performing validation. Thereby, RefMed achieves a high learning accuracy in real time without performing a validation process. RefMed is accessible at RefMed is the first multi-level relevance feedback system for PubMed, which achieves a high accuracy with less feedback. It effectively learns an accurate relevance function from the user's feedback and efficiently processes the function to return relevant articles in real time.

  20. PubMedPortable: A Framework for Supporting the Development of Text Mining Applications. (United States)

    Döring, Kersten; Grüning, Björn A; Telukunta, Kiran K; Thomas, Philippe; Günther, Stefan


    Information extraction from biomedical literature is continuously growing in scope and importance. Many tools exist that perform named entity recognition, e.g. of proteins, chemical compounds, and diseases. Furthermore, several approaches deal with the extraction of relations between identified entities. The BioCreative community supports these developments with yearly open challenges, which led to a standardised XML text annotation format called BioC. PubMed provides access to the largest open biomedical literature repository, but there is no unified way of connecting its data to natural language processing tools. Therefore, an appropriate data environment is needed as a basis to combine different software solutions and to develop customised text mining applications. PubMedPortable builds a relational database and a full text index on PubMed citations. It can be applied either to the complete PubMed data set or an arbitrary subset of downloaded PubMed XML files. The software provides the infrastructure to combine stand-alone applications by exporting different data formats, e.g. BioC. The presented workflows show how to use PubMedPortable to retrieve, store, and analyse a disease-specific data set. The provided use cases are well documented in the PubMedPortable wiki. The open-source software library is small, easy to use, and scalable to the user's system requirements. It is freely available for Linux on the web at and for other operating systems as a virtual container. The approach was tested extensively and applied successfully in several projects.

  1. AliBaba: PubMed as a graph. (United States)

    Plake, Conrad; Schiemann, Torsten; Pankalla, Marcus; Hakenberg, Jörg; Leser, Ulf


    The biomedical literature contains a wealth of information on associations between many different types of objects, such as protein-protein interactions, gene-disease associations and subcellular locations of proteins. When searching such information using conventional search engines, e.g. PubMed, users see the data only one-abstract at a time and 'hidden' in natural language text. AliBaba is an interactive tool for graphical summarization of search results. It parses the set of abstracts that fit a PubMed query and presents extracted information on biomedical objects and their relationships as a graphical network. AliBaba extracts associations between cells, diseases, drugs, proteins, species and tissues. Several filter options allow for a more focused search. Thus, researchers can grasp complex networks described in various articles at a glance.

  2. Validation of search filters for identifying pediatric studies in PubMed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leclercq, Edith; Leeflang, Mariska M. G.; van Dalen, Elvira C.; Kremer, Leontien C. M.


    To identify and validate PubMed search filters for retrieving studies including children and to develop a new pediatric search filter for PubMed. We developed 2 different datasets of studies to evaluate the performance of the identified pediatric search filters, expressed in terms of sensitivity,

  3. Trafikulykker med ældre bilister - litteraturundersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Siren, Anu Kristiina

    Andelen af ældre mennesker er i disse år hastigt stigende i de industrialiserede lande, herunder i Danmark. Som følge heraf vokser antallet af ældre bilister, og nutidens ældre forbliver aktive og mobile langt op i årene. Da mobilitet er en vigtig del af dagligdagen, skal transportsystemet blandt...... antal ældre trafikanter vil medføre flere sikkerhedsmæssige problemer. Tværtimod ser det ud, som om sikkerheden generelt vil øges i takt med det voksende antal ældre trafikanter. Denne positive udvikling er dog ikke ensbetydende med, at der ikke fortsat skal fokuseres på ældrevenlige løsninger i...

  4. Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI): Complete Flight Data Set (United States)

    Cheatwood, F. McNeil; Bose, Deepak; Karlgaard, Christopher D.; Kuhl, Christopher A.; Santos, Jose A.; Wright, Michael J.


    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) entry vehicle (EV) successfully entered the Mars atmosphere and landed the Curiosity rover safely on the surface of the planet in Gale crater on August 6, 2012. MSL carried the MSL Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) Instrumentation (MEDLI). MEDLI delivered the first in-depth understanding of the Mars entry environments and the response of the entry vehicle to those environments. MEDLI was comprised of three major subsystems: the Mars Entry Atmospheric Data System (MEADS), the MEDLI Integrated Sensor Plugs (MISP), and the Sensor Support Electronics (SSE). Ultimately, the entire MEDLI sensor suite consisting of both MEADS and MISP provided measurements that were used for trajectory reconstruction and engineering validation of aerodynamic, atmospheric, and thermal protection system (TPS) models in addition to Earth-based systems testing procedures. This report contains in-depth hardware descriptions, performance evaluation, and data information of the three MEDLI subsystems.

  5. Mediator MED23 regulates basal transcription in vivo via an interaction with P-TEFb. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Yao, Xiao; Huang, Yan; Hu, Xiangming; Liu, Runzhong; Hou, Dongming; Chen, Ruichuan; Wang, Gang


    The Mediator is a multi-subunit complex that transduces regulatory information from transcription regulators to the RNA polymerase II apparatus. Growing evidence suggests that Mediator plays roles in multiple stages of eukaryotic transcription, including elongation. However, the detailed mechanism by which Mediator regulates elongation remains elusive. In this study, we demonstrate that Mediator MED23 subunit controls a basal level of transcription by recruiting elongation factor P-TEFb, via an interaction with its CDK9 subunit. The mRNA level of Egr1, a MED23-controlled model gene, is reduced 4-5 fold in Med23 (-/-) ES cells under an unstimulated condition, but Med23-deficiency does not alter the occupancies of RNAP II, GTFs, Mediator complex, or activator ELK1 at the Egr1 promoter. Instead, Med23 depletion results in a significant decrease in P-TEFb and RNAP II (Ser2P) binding at the coding region, but no changes for several other elongation regulators, such as DSIF and NELF. ChIP-seq revealed that Med23-deficiency partially reduced the P-TEFb occupancy at a set of MED23-regulated gene promoters. Further, we demonstrate that MED23 interacts with CDK9 in vivo and in vitro. Collectively, these results provide the mechanistic insight into how Mediator promotes RNAP II into transcription elongation.

  6. The performances of standard and ResMed masks during bag-valve-mask ventilation. (United States)

    Lee, Hyoung Youn; Jeung, Kyung Woon; Lee, Byung Kook; Lee, Seung Joon; Jung, Yong Hun; Lee, Geo Sung; Min, Yong Il; Heo, Tag


    A tight mask seal is frequently difficult to obtain and maintain during single-rescuer bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation. The ResMed mask (Bella Vista, NSW, Australia) is a continuous-positive-airway-pressure mask (CM) designed for noninvasive ventilation. In this study, we compared the ventilation performances of a standard mask (SM) and a ResMed CM using a simulation manikin in an out-of-hospital single-rescuer BVM ventilation scenario. Thirty emergency medical technicians (EMTs) performed two 2-minute attempts to ventilate a simulation manikin using BVM ventilation, alternatively, with the SM or the ResMed CM in a randomized order. Ventilation parameters including tidal volume and peak airway pressure were measured using computer analysis software connected to the simulation manikin. Successful volume delivery was defined as delivery of 440-540 mL of tidal volume in accord with present cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines. BVM ventilation using the ResMed CM produced higher mean (± standard deviation) tidal volumes (452 ± 50 mL vs. 394 ± 113 mL, p = 0.014) and had a higher proportion of successful volume deliveries (65.3% vs. 26.7%, p < 0.001) than that using the SM. Peak airway pressure was higher in BVM ventilation using the ResMed CM (p = 0.035). Stomach insufflation did not occur during either method. Twenty-nine of the participants (96.7%) preferred BVM ventilation using the ResMed CM. BVM ventilations using ResMed CM resulted in a significantly higher proportion of successful volume deliveries meeting the currently recommended range of tidal volume. Clinical studies are needed to determine the value of the ResMed CM for BVM ventilation.

  7. Indsats for forældre til børn med ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Neubert, Katja


    Et nyt review, udarbejdet af forskergruppen omkring Morris Zwi, undersøger om interventionsprogrammer til forældre til børn med ADHD er effektive, når det gælder reducering af børnenes ADHD-relaterede adfærd og associerede problemer som eksempelvis indlæringsproblemer. Reviewet peger på, at en...... indsats til forældre til børn med ADHD kan have en gavnlig effekt på børnenes adfærd. Interventionen kan også være med til at sænke stressniveauet hos forældre til disse børn, og forbedre forældrenes selvtillid....

  8. CDAPubMed: a browser extension to retrieve EHR-based biomedical literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perez-Rey David


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Over the last few decades, the ever-increasing output of scientific publications has led to new challenges to keep up to date with the literature. In the biomedical area, this growth has introduced new requirements for professionals, e.g., physicians, who have to locate the exact papers that they need for their clinical and research work amongst a huge number of publications. Against this backdrop, novel information retrieval methods are even more necessary. While web search engines are widespread in many areas, facilitating access to all kinds of information, additional tools are required to automatically link information retrieved from these engines to specific biomedical applications. In the case of clinical environments, this also means considering aspects such as patient data security and confidentiality or structured contents, e.g., electronic health records (EHRs. In this scenario, we have developed a new tool to facilitate query building to retrieve scientific literature related to EHRs. Results We have developed CDAPubMed, an open-source web browser extension to integrate EHR features in biomedical literature retrieval approaches. Clinical users can use CDAPubMed to: (i load patient clinical documents, i.e., EHRs based on the Health Level 7-Clinical Document Architecture Standard (HL7-CDA, (ii identify relevant terms for scientific literature search in these documents, i.e., Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, automatically driven by the CDAPubMed configuration, which advanced users can optimize to adapt to each specific situation, and (iii generate and launch literature search queries to a major search engine, i.e., PubMed, to retrieve citations related to the EHR under examination. Conclusions CDAPubMed is a platform-independent tool designed to facilitate literature searching using keywords contained in specific EHRs. CDAPubMed is visually integrated, as an extension of a widespread web browser, within the standard

  9. Observing floods from space: Experience gained from COSMO-SkyMed observations (United States)

    Pierdicca, N.; Pulvirenti, L.; Chini, M.; Guerriero, L.; Candela, L.


    The COSMO-SkyMed mission offers a unique opportunity to obtain all weather radar images characterized by short revisit time, thus being useful for flood evolution mapping. The COSMO-SkyMed system has been activated several times in the last few years in occasion of flood events all over the world in order to provide very high resolution X-band SAR images useful for flood detection purposes. This paper discusses the major outcomes of the experience gained, within the framework of the OPERA Pilot Project funded by the Italian Space Agency, from using COSMO-SkyMed data for the purpose of near real time generation of flood maps. A review of the mechanisms which determine the imprints of the inundation on the radar images and of the fundamental simulation tools able to predict these imprints and help image interpretation is provided. The approach developed to process the data and to generate the flood maps is also summarized. Then, the paper illustrates the experience gained with COSMO-SkyMed by describing and discussing a number of significant examples. These examples demonstrate the potential of the COSMO-SkyMed system and the suitability of the approach developed for generating the final products, but they also highlight some critical aspects that require further investigations to improve the reliability of the flood maps.

  10. Børn med ADHD skaber øget konflikt om morgenen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Anne-Mette


    Dækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.ækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.

  11. The medical dictionary for regulatory activities (MedDRA). (United States)

    Brown, E G; Wood, L; Wood, S


    The International Conference on Harmonisation has agreed upon the structure and content of the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) version 2.0 which should become available in the early part of 1999. This medical terminology is intended for use in the pre- and postmarketing phases of the medicines regulatory process, covering diagnoses, symptoms and signs, adverse drug reactions and therapeutic indications, the names and qualitative results of investigations, surgical and medical procedures, and medical/social history. It can be used for recording adverse events and medical history in clinical trials, in the analysis and tabulations of data from these trials and in the expedited submission of safety data to government regulatory authorities, as well as in constructing standard product information and documentation for applications for marketing authorisation. After licensing of a medicine, it may be used in pharmacovigilance and is expected to be the preferred terminology for international electronic regulatory communication. MedDRA is a hierarchical terminology with 5 levels and is multiaxial: terms may exist in more than 1 vertical axis, providing specificity of terms for data entry and flexibility in data retrieval. Terms in MedDRA were derived from several sources including the WHO's adverse reaction terminology (WHO-ART), Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms (COSTART), International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 9 and ICD9-CM. It will be maintained, further developed and distributed by a Maintenance Support Services Organisation (MSSO). It is anticipated that using MedDRA will improve the quality of data captured on databases, support effective analysis by providing clinically relevant groupings of terms and facilitate electronic communication of data, although as a new tool, users will need to invest time in gaining expertise in its use.

  12. Retrieving clinical evidence: a comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar for quick clinical searches. (United States)

    Shariff, Salimah Z; Bejaimal, Shayna Ad; Sontrop, Jessica M; Iansavichus, Arthur V; Haynes, R Brian; Weir, Matthew A; Garg, Amit X


    Physicians frequently search PubMed for information to guide patient care. More recently, Google Scholar has gained popularity as another freely accessible bibliographic database. To compare the performance of searches in PubMed and Google Scholar. We surveyed nephrologists (kidney specialists) and provided each with a unique clinical question derived from 100 renal therapy systematic reviews. Each physician provided the search terms they would type into a bibliographic database to locate evidence to answer the clinical question. We executed each of these searches in PubMed and Google Scholar and compared results for the first 40 records retrieved (equivalent to 2 default search pages in PubMed). We evaluated the recall (proportion of relevant articles found) and precision (ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles) of the searches performed in PubMed and Google Scholar. Primary studies included in the systematic reviews served as the reference standard for relevant articles. We further documented whether relevant articles were available as free full-texts. Compared with PubMed, the average search in Google Scholar retrieved twice as many relevant articles (PubMed: 11%; Google Scholar: 22%; PGoogle Scholar: 8%; P=.07). Google Scholar provided significantly greater access to free full-text publications (PubMed: 5%; Google Scholar: 14%; PGoogle Scholar returns twice as many relevant articles as PubMed and provides greater access to free full-text articles.

  13. Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia (MED: A Rare Type of Skeletal Dysplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Imnul Islam


    Full Text Available Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED is a congenital disorder of skeletal development that primarily affects the ends of long bones, causing progressive joint and bone inflammation and short stature. Mutations in several genes are responsible for pathogenesis of this disease. We are reporting a case of MED who presented with the complaints of multiple swelling of the joints which was associated with pain during movement for last seven years. The patient had flexion deformity of all the affected joints along with restriction of movement. These were associated with kyphosis, pectus carnitum, knock-knee and short stature. Radiological findings were suggestive of MED. Counseling was done with the parents regarding the etiology, progression and outcome of the disease.DOI: BSMMU J 2012; 5(1:57-60 

  14. Arbetet med arbetsgivarvarumärkets attraktivitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie i tre företag om hur arbetet med "Employer branding" ser ut och implementeras i företag.


    Drugge, Marie; Bernelind, Diana


    Arbetet med att stärka ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes attraktivitet, både internt och externt, det alltmer välbekanta begreppet “Employer branding”, är ett vanligt förekommande koncept i dagens organisationer. Syftet med studien är att försöka ta reda på vad fenomenet “Employer branding” är och hur organisationer kan bedriva arbetet med att göra sitt arbetsgivarvarumärket attraktiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Tieto, COWI och Klarna AB är de företag som deltar i studien. Begreppen legitimitet o...

  15. Sjuksköterskors upplevelse vid vård av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom


    Hanna, Johansson; Frida, Zetterman


    Bakgrund Tidigare forskning visar att sjuksköterskor har förutfattade meningar om patienter med en stigmatiserande diagnos. Sjuksköterskor stigmatiserar och har negativa attityder som påverkar deras vård av dessa patienter. Individer med substansbrukssyndrom är en grupp som är särskilt utsatt för stigmatisering i samhället. Dessa individer påträffas inom samtliga specialiteter inom vården. Denna studie fokuserar därför på sjuksköterskors upplevelse av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom. Syfte...

  16. [Use of PubMed to improve evidence-based medicine in routine urological practice]. (United States)

    Rink, M; Kluth, L A; Shariat, S F; Chun, F K; Fisch, M; Dahm, P


    Applying evidence-based medicine in daily clinical practice is the basis of patient-centered medicine and knowledge of accurate literature acquisition skills is necessary for informed clinical decision-making. PubMed is an easy accessible, free bibliographic database comprising over 21 million citations from the medical field, life-science journals and online books. The article summarizes the effective use of PubMed in routine urological clinical practice based on a common case scenario. This article explains the simple use of PubMed to obtain the best search results with the highest evidence. Accurate knowledge about the use of PubMed in routine clinical practice can improve evidence-based medicine and also patient treatment.

  17. Enriching PubMed Related Article Search with Sentence Level Co-citations (United States)

    Tran, Nam; Alves, Pedro; Ma, Shuangge


    PubMed related article links identify closely related articles and enhance our ability to navigate the biomedical literature. They are derived by calculating the word similarity between two articles, relating articles with overlapping word content. In this paper, we propose to enrich PubMed with a new type of related article link based on citations within a single sentence (i.e. sentence level co-citations or SLCs). Using different similarity metrics, we demonstrated that articles linked by SLCs are highly related. We also showed that only half of SLCs are found among PubMed related article links. Additionally, we discuss how the citing sentence of an SLC explains the connection between two articles. PMID:20351935

  18. Forord til den danske udgave af bogen rådgivning og terapi med børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragh-Müller, Grethe


    En bog om rådgivning og terapi med børn med en integrativ indfaldsvinkel. Der tages udgangspunkt i forskellige teorier og metoder.......En bog om rådgivning og terapi med børn med en integrativ indfaldsvinkel. Der tages udgangspunkt i forskellige teorier og metoder....

  19. Historien med stort H endte i '89

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Revolution. Uffe Østergaard, Jean Monnet professor i europæisk historie på Copenhagen Business School, tager os med op, og betragter debatten om årsagerne til, og betydningen af, Murens fald i fugleperspektiv. Hvorfor var der ingen, der havde forudset begivenhederne?...

  20. Professor Nukem - et eksperiment med oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandvik, Kjetil; Thorhauge, Anne Mette


    Professor Nukem er resultatet af et forskningsprojekt om oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling der har form som et computerspil med tilhørende website, hvor brugeren interaktivt kan engagere sig i forskning omkring sociale og kulturelle aspekter ved computerspil. Professor Nukem kan spilles på...

  1. The Contrasting Role of the Mediator Subunit MED30 in the Progression of Bladder Cancer. (United States)

    Syring, Isabella; Weiten, Richard; Müller, Tim; Schmidt, Doris; Steiner, Susanne; Kristiansen, Glen; Müller, Stefan C; Ellinger, Jörg


    The Mediator complex is a key regulator of gene transcription, and several studies have demonstrated altered expression of particular subunits in diverse human diseases, especially cancer. To date, nothing is known about the role of MED30 in bladder cancer. We, therefore, performed an RNA expression and survival analysis of the subunit MED30 in 537 samples of bladder cancer by using the database cBioPortal. To validate these data on the protein level, we practiced immunohistochemical staining against MED30 on a tissue microarray containing 210 samples of all tumour stages and performed survival analyses. For functional analysis, the siRNA-mediated knockdown of MED30 was performed in the cell lines T24 and TCCSUP followed by proliferation, migration, and invasion assays. On the mRNA and protein levels, higher expression of MED30 is associated with better patient survival. In accordance with this, advanced T- and N-stages showed lower expression of MED30. In contrast, knockdown of MED30 led to reduction of the tumour parameters proliferation, migration, and invasion in the BCa cell lines. MED30 appears to be integrated in the progression of the urothelial tumour in the bladder. Copyright© 2017, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  2. Brand management og den refleksive forbruger - med semiotik som hjælpedisciplin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


      Kritisk eftertanke er et væsentligt træk ved den refleksive forbruger - ofte parret med en vis negativitet overfor et brand, en reklame eller forbrugerisme i al almindelighed. Den refleksive forbrugertype kommer til udtryk hos for eksempel en anti-branding guru som Naomi Klein og hendes...... bestseller bog "No Logo" eller i græsrodsbevægelsen Adbusters ( ), der efterhånden i mange år har udsendt et månedsmagasin med kritik af forbrugersamfundet og al dets reklame og branding. Disse anti-forbrugs og anti-branding bevægelser udspringer af, og er identifikationspunkter...... - den refleksive forbruger skal have noget, der kan "brande" ham som anderledes end alle mainstreamforbrugerne. Den refleksive forbruger er med andre ord en Feinschmecker og i lighed med - eller måske rettere i endnu højere grad end - alle andre forbrugere signalerer den refleksive forbruger sin...

  3. Use of scientific social networking to improve the research strategies of PubMed readers. (United States)

    Evdokimov, Pavel; Kudryavtsev, Alexey; Ilgisonis, Ekaterina; Ponomarenko, Elena; Lisitsa, Andrey


    Keeping up with journal articles on a daily basis is an important activity of scientists engaged in biomedical research. Usually, journal articles and papers in the field of biomedicine are accessed through the Medline/PubMed electronic library. In the process of navigating PubMed, researchers unknowingly generate user-specific reading profiles that can be shared within a social networking environment. This paper examines the structure of the social networking environment generated by PubMed users. A web browser plugin was developed to map [in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms] the reading patterns of individual PubMed users. We developed a scientific social network based on the personal research profiles of readers of biomedical articles. A browser plugin is used to record the digital object identifier or PubMed ID of web pages. Recorded items are posted on the activity feed and automatically mapped to PubMed abstract. Within the activity feed a user can trace back previously browsed articles and insert comments. By calculating the frequency with which specific MeSH occur, the research interests of PubMed users can be visually represented with a tag cloud. Finally, research profiles can be searched for matches between network users. A social networking environment was created using MeSH terms to map articles accessed through the Medline/PubMed online library system. In-network social communication is supported by the recommendation of articles and by matching users with similar scientific interests. The system is available at

  4. Mining PubMed for Biomarker-Disease Associations to Guide Discovery


    Jessen, Walter; Landschulz, Katherine; Turi, Thomas; Reams, Rachel


    Biomedical knowledge is growing exponentially; however, meta-knowledge around the data is often lacking. PubMed is a database comprising more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE and additional life science journals dating back to the 1950s. To explore the use and frequency of biomarkers across human disease, we mined PubMed for biomarker-disease associations. We then ranked the top 100 linked diseases by relevance and mapped them to medical subject headings (MeSH)...

  5. Selvforsyning med øko-mineraler og -vitaminer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sehested, Jakob; Jensen, Søren Krogh; Søegaard, Karen


    Forskere ved DJF har vist, at det er muligt at opnå et tilstrækkeligt indhold af vitaminer og mineraler i foderrationen til økologiske malkekøer ved at anvende hjemmedyrkede grovfodermidler med en høj andel af mineral- og vitaminrige, grønne fodermidler. Udgivelsesdato: oktober......Forskere ved DJF har vist, at det er muligt at opnå et tilstrækkeligt indhold af vitaminer og mineraler i foderrationen til økologiske malkekøer ved at anvende hjemmedyrkede grovfodermidler med en høj andel af mineral- og vitaminrige, grønne fodermidler. Udgivelsesdato: oktober...

  6. A search engine to access PubMed monolingual subsets: proof of concept and evaluation in French. (United States)

    Griffon, Nicolas; Schuers, Matthieu; Soualmia, Lina Fatima; Grosjean, Julien; Kerdelhué, Gaétan; Kergourlay, Ivan; Dahamna, Badisse; Darmoni, Stéfan Jacques


    PubMed contains numerous articles in languages other than English. However, existing solutions to access these articles in the language in which they were written remain unconvincing. The aim of this study was to propose a practical search engine, called Multilingual PubMed, which will permit access to a PubMed subset in 1 language and to evaluate the precision and coverage for the French version (Multilingual PubMed-French). To create this tool, translations of MeSH were enriched (eg, adding synonyms and translations in French) and integrated into a terminology portal. PubMed subsets in several European languages were also added to our database using a dedicated parser. The response time for the generic semantic search engine was evaluated for simple queries. BabelMeSH, Multilingual PubMed-French, and 3 different PubMed strategies were compared by searching for literature in French. Precision and coverage were measured for 20 randomly selected queries. The results were evaluated as relevant to title and abstract, the evaluator being blind to search strategy. More than 650,000 PubMed citations in French were integrated into the Multilingual PubMed-French information system. The response times were all below the threshold defined for usability (2 seconds). Two search strategies (Multilingual PubMed-French and 1 PubMed strategy) showed high precision (0.93 and 0.97, respectively), but coverage was 4 times higher for Multilingual PubMed-French. It is now possible to freely access biomedical literature using a practical search tool in French. This tool will be of particular interest for health professionals and other end users who do not read or query sufficiently in English. The information system is theoretically well suited to expand the approach to other European languages, such as German, Spanish, Norwegian, and Portuguese.

  7. Hinder för utomhusundervisning med fokus på årskurs 4-6


    Petersson, Essi; Carstensen, Linnea


    I den här studien har vi tagit fram de hinder som begränsar möjligheterna för utomhusundervisning för elever i grundskolan, med fokus på årskurs 4-6 och middle school. Syftet med studien var att synliggöra vilka hinder som kan stå i vägen för utomhusundervisning samt visa på behov av vidare forskning i området. Forskningsfrågan som vi har försökt svara på är: Vad utgör hinder för utomhusundervisning med elever i grundskolan, med fokus på årskurs 4-6 och middle school? Studien bygger på den pr...

  8. Fokus på fremme af livskvalitet og trivsel hos personer med demens gennem læringsmodel med musikterapi og Dementia Care Mapping som det fælles omdrejningspunkt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottesen, Aase Marie

    . Beskrivelse af den metode som er anvendt Metodisk er projektet tilrettelagt som et casestudie af et musikterapiforløb. I læringsmodellen tages afsæt i Tom Kitwoods teori og værdigrundlag om en personorienteret omsorg. Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) anvendes i læringsforløbet til at belyse de relationelle møder......, der opstår i musikterapien. Samtidig anvendes DCM som pædagogisk metode i feedbackprocessen med omsorgsgiverne, hvor der arbejdes på at give omsorgsgiverne redskaber til at bruge musik aktivt i deres interaktion med personer med demens i forskellige samværssituationer. Projektets teoretiske...

  9. Sydkorea: Teknologiske tigerspring med globale udfordringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Martin


    Sydkorea har gennemgået en utrolig udvikling fra u-land til førende i-land i løbet af få årtier. Helt centralt står den teknologiske eksport af elektronik, biler og skibsbyggeri i verdenseliten. Men på trods af de mange succeser er der også udfordringer. Denne analyse viser – med aktuelle eksempl...

  10. MedWatch Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — MedWatch alerts provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines and other biologics, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. The alerts...

  11. Quantity and quality assessment of randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice in PubMed. (United States)

    Shimada, Tatsuo; Takayama, Hisako; Nakamura, Yoshiki


    To find current high-quality evidence for orthodontic practice within a reasonable time, we tested the performance of a PubMed search. PubMed was searched using publication type randomized controlled trial and medical subject heading term "orthodontics" for articles published between 2003 and 2007. The PubMed search results were compared with those from a hand search of four orthodontic journals to determine the sensitivity of PubMed search. We evaluated the precision of the PubMed search result and assessed the quality of individual randomized controlled trials using the Jadad scale. Sensitivity and precision were 97.46% and 58.12%, respectively. In PubMed, of the 277 articles retrieved, 161 (58.12%) were randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice, and 115 of the 161 articles (71.42%) were published in four orthodontic journals: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, The Angle Orthodontist, the European Journal of Orthodontics, and the Journal of Orthodontics. Assessment by the Jadad scale revealed 60 high-quality randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice, of which 45 (75%) were published in these four journals. PubMed is a highly desirable search engine for evidence-based orthodontic practice. To stay current and get high-quality evidence, it is reasonable to look through four orthodontic journals: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, The Angle Orthodontist, the European Journal of Orthodontics, and the Journal of Orthodontics.

  12. PubMed Phrases, an open set of coherent phrases for searching biomedical literature (United States)

    Kim, Sun; Yeganova, Lana; Comeau, Donald C.; Wilbur, W. John; Lu, Zhiyong


    In biomedicine, key concepts are often expressed by multiple words (e.g., ‘zinc finger protein’). Previous work has shown treating a sequence of words as a meaningful unit, where applicable, is not only important for human understanding but also beneficial for automatic information seeking. Here we present a collection of PubMed® Phrases that are beneficial for information retrieval and human comprehension. We define these phrases as coherent chunks that are logically connected. To collect the phrase set, we apply the hypergeometric test to detect segments of consecutive terms that are likely to appear together in PubMed. These text segments are then filtered using the BM25 ranking function to ensure that they are beneficial from an information retrieval perspective. Thus, we obtain a set of 705,915 PubMed Phrases. We evaluate the quality of the set by investigating PubMed user click data and manually annotating a sample of 500 randomly selected noun phrases. We also analyze and discuss the usage of these PubMed Phrases in literature search. PMID:29893755

  13. Mediator MED23 Links Pigmentation and DNA Repair through the Transcription Factor MITF. (United States)

    Xia, Min; Chen, Kun; Yao, Xiao; Xu, Yichi; Yao, Jiaying; Yan, Jun; Shao, Zhen; Wang, Gang


    DNA repair is related to many physiological and pathological processes, including pigmentation. Little is known about the role of the transcriptional cofactor Mediator complex in DNA repair and pigmentation. Here, we demonstrate that Mediator MED23 plays an important role in coupling UV-induced DNA repair to pigmentation. The loss of Med23 specifically impairs the pigmentation process in melanocyte-lineage cells and in zebrafish. Med23 deficiency leads to enhanced nucleotide excision repair (NER) and less DNA damage following UV radiation because of the enhanced expression and recruitment of NER factors to chromatin for genomic stability. Integrative analyses of melanoma cells reveal that MED23 controls the expression of a melanocyte master regulator, Mitf, by modulating its distal enhancer activity, leading to opposing effects on pigmentation and DNA repair. Collectively, the Mediator MED23/MITF axis connects DNA repair to pigmentation, thus providing molecular insights into the DNA damage response and skin-related diseases. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Obamas opgør med Bush låser ham i dronekrig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrich, Philip Christian


    En helt central del af Obamas valgkamp i 2008 var et opgør med dele af Bush administrationens krig mod terror. Obama er dog blevet fanget i en kontroversiel dronepolitik på grund af hans manglende succes med de indenrigspolitiske aspekter af opgøret...

  15. Tracking Australian health and medical research expenditure with a PubMed bibliometric method. (United States)

    Mendis, Kumara; Bailey, Jannine; McLean, Rick


    To assess Australian health and medical research (HMR) investment returns by measuring the trends in HMR expenditure and PubMed publications by Australian authors. Bibliometric analysis collating Australian HMR expenditure reported by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and Australian HMR publications indexed in PubMed. Similar methods were applied to data from the United Kingdom and New Zealand. From financial year 2000/01 through 2011/12, HMR investment increased by 232% from $1.49 to $4.94 billion (current prices adjusted for inflation), while PubMed publications increased by 123% from 10,696 to 23,818. The average HMR investment required for a single PubMed publication rose by 49% from $139,304 in 2000/01 to $207,364 in 2011/12. Quality analyses showed an increase in systematic reviews, cohort studies and clinical trials, and a decrease in publications in PubMed's core clinical journal collection. Comparisons with New Zealand and the United Kingdom showed that Australia has had the greatest overall percentage increase in gross publication numbers and publications per capita. Our analyses confirm that increased HMR expenditure is associated with an increase in HMR publications in PubMed. Tracking HMR investment outcomes using this method could be useful for future policy and funding decisions at a federal and specific institution level. © 2015 Public Health Association of Australia.

  16. An automatic method to generate domain-specific investigator networks using PubMed abstracts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gwinn Marta


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Collaboration among investigators has become critical to scientific research. This includes ad hoc collaboration established through personal contacts as well as formal consortia established by funding agencies. Continued growth in online resources for scientific research and communication has promoted the development of highly networked research communities. Extending these networks globally requires identifying additional investigators in a given domain, profiling their research interests, and collecting current contact information. We present a novel strategy for building investigator networks dynamically and producing detailed investigator profiles using data available in PubMed abstracts. Results We developed a novel strategy to obtain detailed investigator information by automatically parsing the affiliation string in PubMed records. We illustrated the results by using a published literature database in human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit as a test case. Our parsing strategy extracted country information from 92.1% of the affiliation strings in a random sample of PubMed records and in 97.0% of HuGE records, with accuracies of 94.0% and 91.0%, respectively. Institution information was parsed from 91.3% of the general PubMed records (accuracy 86.8% and from 94.2% of HuGE PubMed records (accuracy 87.0. We demonstrated the application of our approach to dynamic creation of investigator networks by creating a prototype information system containing a large database of PubMed abstracts relevant to human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit, indexed using PubMed medical subject headings converted to Unified Medical Language System concepts. Our method was able to identify 70–90% of the investigators/collaborators in three different human genetics fields; it also successfully identified 9 of 10 genetics investigators within the PREBIC network, an existing preterm birth research network. Conclusion We successfully created a

  17. An automatic method to generate domain-specific investigator networks using PubMed abstracts (United States)

    Yu, Wei; Yesupriya, Ajay; Wulf, Anja; Qu, Junfeng; Gwinn, Marta; Khoury, Muin J


    Background Collaboration among investigators has become critical to scientific research. This includes ad hoc collaboration established through personal contacts as well as formal consortia established by funding agencies. Continued growth in online resources for scientific research and communication has promoted the development of highly networked research communities. Extending these networks globally requires identifying additional investigators in a given domain, profiling their research interests, and collecting current contact information. We present a novel strategy for building investigator networks dynamically and producing detailed investigator profiles using data available in PubMed abstracts. Results We developed a novel strategy to obtain detailed investigator information by automatically parsing the affiliation string in PubMed records. We illustrated the results by using a published literature database in human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit) as a test case. Our parsing strategy extracted country information from 92.1% of the affiliation strings in a random sample of PubMed records and in 97.0% of HuGE records, with accuracies of 94.0% and 91.0%, respectively. Institution information was parsed from 91.3% of the general PubMed records (accuracy 86.8%) and from 94.2% of HuGE PubMed records (accuracy 87.0). We demonstrated the application of our approach to dynamic creation of investigator networks by creating a prototype information system containing a large database of PubMed abstracts relevant to human genome epidemiology (HuGE Pub Lit), indexed using PubMed medical subject headings converted to Unified Medical Language System concepts. Our method was able to identify 70–90% of the investigators/collaborators in three different human genetics fields; it also successfully identified 9 of 10 genetics investigators within the PREBIC network, an existing preterm birth research network. Conclusion We successfully created a web-based prototype

  18. Bør det være strafbart at have sex med dyr?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Stine Billeschou; Greve, Vagn; Sandøe, Peter


    Artiklen opridser baggrunden for den standende diskussion om, hvorvidt der i Danmark bør være et generelt og absolut forbud mod menneskers seksuelle omgang med dyr. Indledningsvis gives et historisk overblik over udviklingen i den danske regulering af menneskers seksuelle omgang med dyr. Efterføl...

  19. MedEx: a medication information extraction system for clinical narratives (United States)

    Stenner, Shane P; Doan, Son; Johnson, Kevin B; Waitman, Lemuel R; Denny, Joshua C


    Medication information is one of the most important types of clinical data in electronic medical records. It is critical for healthcare safety and quality, as well as for clinical research that uses electronic medical record data. However, medication data are often recorded in clinical notes as free-text. As such, they are not accessible to other computerized applications that rely on coded data. We describe a new natural language processing system (MedEx), which extracts medication information from clinical notes. MedEx was initially developed using discharge summaries. An evaluation using a data set of 50 discharge summaries showed it performed well on identifying not only drug names (F-measure 93.2%), but also signature information, such as strength, route, and frequency, with F-measures of 94.5%, 93.9%, and 96.0% respectively. We then applied MedEx unchanged to outpatient clinic visit notes. It performed similarly with F-measures over 90% on a set of 25 clinic visit notes. PMID:20064797

  20. Mitigation of Volcanic Risk: The COSMO-SkyMed Contribution (United States)

    Sacco, Patrizia; Daraio, Maria Girolamo; Battagliere, Maria Libera; Coletta, Alessandro


    The Italian Space Agency (ASI) promotes Earth Observation (EO) applications related to themes such as the prediction, monitoring, management and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards. The approach generally followed is the development and demonstration of prototype services, using currently available data from space missions, in particular the COSMO-SkyMed (Constellation of Small Satellites for Mediterranean basin observation) mission, which represents the largest Italian investment in Space System for EO and thanks to which Italy plays a key role worldwide. Projects funded by ASI provide the convergence of various national industry expertise, research and institutional reference users. In this context a significant example is represented by the ASI Pilot Projects, recently concluded, dealing with various thematic, such as volcanoes. In this paper a special focus will be addressed to the volcanic risk management and the contribution provided in this field by COSMO-SkyMed satellite constellation during the last years. A comprehensive overview of the various national and international projects using COSMO-SkyMed data for the volcanic risk mitigation will be given, highlighting the Italian contribution provided worldwide in this operational framework.

  1. [Systematic literature search in PubMed : A short introduction]. (United States)

    Blümle, A; Lagrèze, W A; Motschall, E


    In order to identify current (and relevant) evidence for a specific clinical question within the unmanageable amount of information available, solid skills in performing a systematic literature search are essential. An efficient approach is to search a biomedical database containing relevant literature citations of study reports. The best known database is MEDLINE, which is searchable for free via the PubMed interface. In this article, we explain step by step how to perform a systematic literature search via PubMed by means of an example research question in the field of ophthalmology. First, we demonstrate how to translate the clinical problem into a well-framed and searchable research question, how to identify relevant search terms and how to conduct a text word search and a search with keywords in medical subject headings (MeSH) terms. We then show how to limit the number of search results if the search yields too many irrelevant hits and how to increase the number in the case of too few citations. Finally, we summarize all essential principles that guide a literature search via PubMed.

  2. Mediator Med23 deficiency enhances neural differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells through modulating BMP signaling. (United States)

    Zhu, Wanqu; Yao, Xiao; Liang, Yan; Liang, Dan; Song, Lu; Jing, Naihe; Li, Jinsong; Wang, Gang


    Unraveling the mechanisms underlying early neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is crucial to developing cell-based therapies of neurodegenerative diseases. Neural fate acquisition is proposed to be controlled by a 'default' mechanism, for which the molecular regulation is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the functional roles of Mediator Med23 in pluripotency and lineage commitment of murine ESCs. Unexpectedly, we found that, despite the largely unchanged pluripotency and self-renewal of ESCs, Med23 depletion rendered the cells prone to neural differentiation in different differentiation assays. Knockdown of two other Mediator subunits, Med1 and Med15, did not alter the neural differentiation of ESCs. Med15 knockdown selectively inhibited endoderm differentiation, suggesting the specificity of cell fate control by distinctive Mediator subunits. Gene profiling revealed that Med23 depletion attenuated BMP signaling in ESCs. Mechanistically, MED23 modulated Bmp4 expression by controlling the activity of ETS1, which is involved in Bmp4 promoter-enhancer communication. Interestingly, med23 knockdown in zebrafish embryos also enhanced neural development at early embryogenesis, which could be reversed by co-injection of bmp4 mRNA. Taken together, our study reveals an intrinsic, restrictive role of MED23 in early neural development, thus providing new molecular insights for neural fate determination. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  3. Die EBM-Datenbank DynaMed für PocketPC und Palm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dollfuß, Helmut


    Full Text Available DynaMed is a database for Evidence Based Medicine. Licencee can download a stand-alone version of this database onto their Personal Digital Assistant (PDA. Contents and aims of DynaMed will be introduced. Main features of the PDA-version will be presented and illustrated with screenshots.

  4. ProMED-mail: 22 years of digital surveillance of emerging infectious diseases. (United States)

    Carrion, Malwina; Madoff, Lawrence C


    ProMED-mail (ProMED) was launched in 1994 as an email service to identify unusual health events related to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and toxins affecting humans, animals and plants. It is used daily by public health leaders, government officials at all levels, physicians, veterinarians and other healthcare workers, researchers, private companies, journalists and the general public. Reports are produced and commentary provided by a global team of subject matter experts in a variety of fields including virology, parasitology, epidemiology, entomology, veterinary and plant disease specialists. ProMED operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has over 83 000 subscribers, representing every country in the world. Additionally, ProMED disseminates information via its website and through social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook as well as through RSS feeds. Over the last 22 years, it has been the first to report on numerous major and minor disease outbreaks including SARS, MERS, Ebola and the early spread of Zika. ProMED is transparent, apolitical, open to all and free of charge, making it an important and longstanding contributor to global health surveillance. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  5. A New Method for Weak Fault Feature Extraction Based on Improved MED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junlin Li


    Full Text Available Because of the characteristics of weak signal and strong noise, the low-speed vibration signal fault feature extraction has been a hot spot and difficult problem in the field of equipment fault diagnosis. Moreover, the traditional minimum entropy deconvolution (MED method has been proved to be used to detect such fault signals. The MED uses objective function method to design the filter coefficient, and the appropriate threshold value should be set in the calculation process to achieve the optimal iteration effect. It should be pointed out that the improper setting of the threshold will cause the target function to be recalculated, and the resulting error will eventually affect the distortion of the target function in the background of strong noise. This paper presents an improved MED based method of fault feature extraction from rolling bearing vibration signals that originate in high noise environments. The method uses the shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA, finds the set of optimal filter coefficients, and eventually avoids the artificial error influence of selecting threshold parameter. Therefore, the fault bearing under the two rotating speeds of 60 rpm and 70 rpm is selected for verification with typical low-speed fault bearing as the research object; the results show that SFLA-MED extracts more obvious bearings and has a higher signal-to-noise ratio than the prior MED method.

  6. Lærerens dilemma - mellem ideal og praksis: en virksomhedsteoretisk analyse af progressiv undervisning med it

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink

    Denne ph.d.-afhandling bidrager til det fagdidaktiske forskningsfelt inden for læreruddannelsen med viden om dansklæreres didaktiske praksis med it-understøttet progressiv undervisning i udskolingen. Afhandlingen leverer et svar på spørgsmålet om, hvordan progressiv undervisning med it i dansk ka...

  7. A novel mutation in MED12 causes FG syndrome (Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rump, P.; Niessen, R. C.; Verbruggen, K. T.; Brouwer, O. F.; de Raad, M.; Hordijk, R.

    Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome is a rare X-linked multiple congenital anomalies and intellectual disability disorder caused by the recurrent p.R961W mutation in the MED12 gene. Twenty-three affected males from 10 families with this mutation in the MED12 gene have been described so far. Here we report on a

  8. Erfaringer med Journal Club på modul 12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koustrup, Pia; Røge Aagaard, Lene


    I Ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, Aarhus Universitets Hospital, har vi i samarbejde med undervisere fra VIA University College udviklet og implementeret studieaktiviteten Journal Club. Studieaktiviteten afvikles indenfor rammerne af den kliniske studiemetode ”Seminar” og den planlagte studieaktivitet ...

  9. EU-retlige og forvaltningsretlige aspekter ved kommunernes tilsyn med taxiførere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Henning Fuglsang


    Afhandlingen gennemgår taxilovens krav til kommunernes tilsyn med førere af taxier, herunder særligt de eu-retlige og forvaltningsretlige problemer i dette tilsyn.......Afhandlingen gennemgår taxilovens krav til kommunernes tilsyn med førere af taxier, herunder særligt de eu-retlige og forvaltningsretlige problemer i dette tilsyn....

  10. Early Start Denver Model - intervention for de helt små børn med autisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Cecilia


    Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) er en autismespecifik interventionsmetode, som er udviklet til helt små børn med autisme (0-4 år). Metoden fokuserer på at styrke den tidlige kontakt og barnets motivation, og den arbejder målrettet med de socio-kommunikative forløbere for sprog og med den tidlige...

  11. Notat om arbejdet med innovation i Randers Kommune

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle; Agger Nielsen, Jeppe


    for innovation i Randers Kommune, herunder hvordan politikerne inddrages i innovationsprocessen, 5) Hvor tæt skal økonomi og innovationsdagsorden knyttes? 6) Hvordan er innovationsdagsordenen relateret til en overordnet strategi for Randers Kommune? og 7) selve organiseringen af innovationsprocessen. Notatet...... hovedpunkter er; 1) udarbejdelse af de gode innovationsspørgsmål, 2) dobbeltudfordringen med på den ene side at sikre daglig drift og på den anden side at arbejde innovativt, 3) top-down versus bottom-up processer, dvs. hvor meget skal innovationsprocesserne designes og styres? 4) den særlige kontekst......Dette notat udgør en erfaringsopsamling fra innovationsdag i Randers Kommune, d. 13. november 2012. Notatet fremhæver hovedpointerne fra interne og eksterne oplægsholdere og udpeger en række fokuspunkter/problemstillinger for arbejdet med innovation i Randers Kommune. De syv identificerede...

  12. Oncogenic exon 2 mutations in Mediator subunit MED12 disrupt allosteric activation of cyclin C-CDK8/19. (United States)

    Park, Min Ju; Shen, Hailian; Spaeth, Jason M; Tolvanen, Jaana H; Failor, Courtney; Knudtson, Jennifer F; McLaughlin, Jessica; Halder, Sunil K; Yang, Qiwei; Bulun, Serdar E; Al-Hendy, Ayman; Schenken, Robert S; Aaltonen, Lauri A; Boyer, Thomas G


    Somatic mutations in exon 2 of the RNA polymerase II transcriptional Mediator subunit MED12 occur at high frequency in uterine fibroids (UFs) and breast fibroepithelial tumors as well as recurrently, albeit less frequently, in malignant uterine leimyosarcomas, chronic lymphocytic leukemias, and colorectal cancers. Previously, we reported that UF-linked mutations in MED12 disrupt its ability to activate cyclin C (CycC)-dependent kinase 8 (CDK8) in Mediator, implicating impaired Mediator-associated CDK8 activity in the molecular pathogenesis of these clinically significant lesions. Notably, the CDK8 paralog CDK19 is also expressed in myometrium, and both CDK8 and CDK19 assemble into Mediator in a mutually exclusive manner, suggesting that CDK19 activity may also be germane to the pathogenesis of MED12 mutation-induced UFs. However, whether and how UF-linked mutations in MED12 affect CDK19 activation is unknown. Herein, we show that MED12 allosterically activates CDK19 and that UF-linked exon 2 mutations in MED12 disrupt its CDK19 stimulatory activity. Furthermore, we find that within the Mediator kinase module, MED13 directly binds to the MED12 C terminus, thereby suppressing an apparent UF mutation-induced conformational change in MED12 that otherwise disrupts its association with CycC-CDK8/19. Thus, in the presence of MED13, mutant MED12 can bind, but cannot activate, CycC-CDK8/19. These findings indicate that MED12 binding is necessary but not sufficient for CycC-CDK8/19 activation and reveal an additional step in the MED12-dependent activation process, one critically dependent on MED12 residues altered by UF-linked exon 2 mutations. These findings confirm that UF-linked mutations in MED12 disrupt composite Mediator-associated kinase activity and identify CDK8/19 as prospective therapeutic targets in UFs. © 2018 Park et al.

  13. MED1 independent activation of endogenous target genes by PPARα

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grøntved, Lars; Bugge, Anne K.; Roeder, Robert G.

    The mediator complex serves as a transcriptional co-activator complex by acting as a bridge between promoter-bound transcription factors and the preinitiation complex. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that nuclear receptors recruit the mediator complex through direct interaction with the ......The mediator complex serves as a transcriptional co-activator complex by acting as a bridge between promoter-bound transcription factors and the preinitiation complex. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that nuclear receptors recruit the mediator complex through direct interaction...... derived from TRAP220 KO mice. Interestingly, rescue experiments in confluent TRAP220 KO MEFs with different versions of MED1 indicate that the LXXLL motif is not necessary for PPARgamma mediated gene activation (Ge et al, MCB published online ahead of print 2007). By analogy, we show here that MED1...... is dispensable for PPARalpha transcriptional activity in proliferating but is necessary in confluent AML-12 cells and TRAP220 KO MEFs. Collectively this indicates that the PPARs might have adopted an alternative mediator recruitment mechanism that is dispensable of direct interaction with MED1 on endogenous...

  14. Disrupt dit Mindset og få succes med Big Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydén, Pernille; Ringberg, Torsten; Østergaard Jacobsen, Per

    Organisationer fokuserer i stigende grad på, hvordan de kan bruge Big Data strategisk. De investerer milliarder af kroner i denne ny teknologi, men værdien og afkastet viser sig tit at være begrænset. Sådanne udfordringer kan meget vel skyldes ledernes mindset, der begrænser hvordan organisationen...... bruger Big Data-teknologi til at styrke interaktionen og samspillet med kunder og andre interessenter. Det første skridt på vejen mod at få succes med Big Data er derfor at identificere og udfordre sit ledelsesmæssige mindset. I denne bog identificerer og diskuterer vi fire dominerende ledelsesmæssige...... mindset, der hver især fører til fire unikke Big Data strategier. Når ledere inden for samme team har forskellige mindset, kan det føre til manglende mental og organisatorisk alignment og problemer med at håndtere disruption. Da mindsets ofte er ubevidste, har vi udviklet en onlinetest, der hjælper dig og...

  15. Global surveillance of emerging diseases: the ProMED-mail perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John P. Woodall


    Full Text Available The Internet is changing the way global disease surveillance is conducted. Countries and international organizations are increasingly placing their outbreak reports on the Internet, which speeds up distribution and therefore prevention and control. The World Health Organization (WHO has recognized the value of nongovernmental organizations and the media in reporting outbreaks, which it then attempts to verify through its country offices. However, WHO and other official sources are constrained in their reporting by the need for bureaucratic clearance. ProMED-mail has no such constraints, and posts outbreak reports 7 days a week. It is moderated by infectious disease specialists who add relevant comments. Thus, ProMED-mail complements official sources and provides early warning of outbreaks. Its network is more than 20,000 people in over 150 countries, who place their computers and time at the network's disposal and report on outbreaks of which they have knowledge. Regions and countries could benefit from adopting the ProMED-mail approach to complement their own disease surveillance systems.

  16. 47 CFR 95.628 - MedRadio transmitters. (United States)


    ... bands, or at 403.65 MHz in the 402-405 MHz band. (3) MedRadio stations associated with medical body-worn... applicable to medical implant device operation in the 402-405 MHz band. (d) Authorized bandwidth. The... 401-406 MHz band must operate under the control of a monitoring system that incorporates a mechanism...

  17. Silencing SlMED18, tomato Mediator subunit 18 gene, restricts internode elongation and leaf expansion. (United States)

    Wang, Yunshu; Hu, Zongli; Zhang, Jianling; Yu, XiaoHui; Guo, Jun-E; Liang, Honglian; Liao, Changguang; Chen, Guoping


    Mediator complex, a conserved multi-protein, is necessary for controlling RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription in eukaryotes. Given little is known about them in tomato, a tomato Mediator subunit 18 gene was isolated and named SlMED18. To further explore the function of SlMED18, the transgenic tomato plants targeting SlMED18 by RNAi-mediated gene silencing were generated. The SlMED18-RNAi lines exhibited multiple developmental defects, including smaller size and slower growth rate of plant and significantly smaller compound leaves. The contents of endogenous bioactive GA 3 in SlMED18 silenced lines were slightly less than that in wild type. Furthermore, qRT-PCR analysis indicated that expression of gibberellins biosynthesis genes such as SlGACPS and SlGA20x2, auxin transport genes (PIN1, PIN4, LAX1 and LAX2) and several key regulators, KNOX1, KNOX2, PHAN and LANCEOLATE(LA), which involved in the leaf morphogenesis were significantly down-regulated in SlMED18-RNAi lines. These results illustrated that SlMED18 plays an essential role in regulating plant internode elongation and leaf expansion in tomato plants and it acts as a key positive regulator of gibberellins biosynthesis and signal transduction as well as auxin proper transport signalling. These findings are the basis for understanding the function of the individual Mediator subunits in tomato.

  18. MedAustron – Non-Clinical Research Opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schreiner, T.


    MedAustron is a synchrotron based light-ion beam therapy centre for cancer treatment as well as for clinical and non-clinical research, currently in the construction phase in Wiener Neustadt. Whilst the choice of basic machine parameters was driven by medical requirements, the accelerator complex design was also optimised to offer flexibility for research operation. The potential of the synchrotron is being exploited to increase the maximum proton energy far beyond the medical needs to up to 800 MeV, for experimental physics applications, mainly in the areas of proton scattering and detector research. The accelerator layout allows for the installation of up to four ion source-spectrometer units, to provide various ion types besides the clinical used protons and carbon ions. To decouple research and medical operation, a dedicated irradiation room for non-clinical research was included providing two isocentres for the installation of different experiments. This presentation provides a status overview over the whole project and highlights the non-clinical research opportunities at MedAustron. (author)

  19. Sundhedsfremmende natur for mennesker med bevægelseshandicap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stigsdotter, Ulrika K.; Gramkow, Marie C.; Lygum, Victoria L.

    Rapporten bygger på et forskningsprojekt, der er forankret i et partnerskab med Handicapidrættens Videnscenter, Danske Handicaporganisationer, Bevica Fonden og 15. Juni Fonden og ledes af forskergruppen Natur, Sundhed & Design på Københavns Universitet. Desuden deltager Statens Byggeforskningsins...

  20. Lineær programmering med Excel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lynggaard, Peter

    Publikationen giver en introduktion til faget "Lineær programmering". Formulering og løsning bygger på, at modellerne opstilles og løses i et Excel-regneark. Fremgangsmåden er forklaret trin for trin, således at hæftet kan bruges som selvstudiemateriale. Indholdsfortegnelse Generelt om styring og...... planlægning Lineær programmering Excel solveren Fortolkning af udskrifter Degeneration Excel tips Opgaver med løsninger...

  1. Validation of search filters for identifying pediatric studies in PubMed. (United States)

    Leclercq, Edith; Leeflang, Mariska M G; van Dalen, Elvira C; Kremer, Leontien C M


    To identify and validate PubMed search filters for retrieving studies including children and to develop a new pediatric search filter for PubMed. We developed 2 different datasets of studies to evaluate the performance of the identified pediatric search filters, expressed in terms of sensitivity, precision, specificity, accuracy, and number needed to read (NNR). An optimal search filter will have a high sensitivity and high precision with a low NNR. In addition to the PubMed Limits: All Child: 0-18 years filter (in May 2012 renamed to PubMed Filter Child: 0-18 years), 6 search filters for identifying studies including children were identified: 3 developed by Kastner et al, 1 developed by BestBets, one by the Child Health Field, and 1 by the Cochrane Childhood Cancer Group. Three search filters (Cochrane Childhood Cancer Group, Child Health Field, and BestBets) had the highest sensitivity (99.3%, 99.5%, and 99.3%, respectively) but a lower precision (64.5%, 68.4%, and 66.6% respectively) compared with the other search filters. Two Kastner search filters had a high precision (93.0% and 93.7%, respectively) but a low sensitivity (58.5% and 44.8%, respectively). They failed to identify many pediatric studies in our datasets. The search terms responsible for false-positive results in the reference dataset were determined. With these data, we developed a new search filter for identifying studies with children in PubMed with an optimal sensitivity (99.5%) and precision (69.0%). Search filters to identify studies including children either have a low sensitivity or a low precision with a high NNR. A new pediatric search filter with a high sensitivity and a low NNR has been developed. Copyright © 2013 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. 9 ikke-narkotikapolitiske faktorer med beskyttende indflydelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jourdan, Michael


    Sverige er verdensmester i lav prævalens. Det kan skyldes den førte narkotikapolitik. Men det kan i følge Tim Boekhut van Solinge også skyldes ikke narkotikapolitiske faktorer med beskyttende indflydelse. 9 sådanne præsenteres byggende på bogen: 'The Swedish System - an in-depth review and analysis...

  3. Tosprogede børns møde med metafiktion i en postmoderne billedbog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daugaard, Line Møller; Johansen, Martin Blok


    casestudium af tosprogede børns møde med en postmoderne billedbog med tydelige metafiktive træk. I vandringerne gennem bogen demonstrerer mange tosprogede børn en høj grad af litterær kompetence. De omgås bogens metafiktive træk med stor faglig sikkerhed og efterspørger bøger, som udfordrer dem og bryder med...... deres forventninger som læsere. På den baggrund opfordres der til, at postmoderne billedbøger udgør en del af tilbuddet til tosprogede børn. When teachers and school librarians choose picture books for bilingual children, they often base their choice on an evaluation of linguistic comprehensibility...... of the bilingual children demonstrate a high level of literary competence. They deal with the book’s metafictional features with great confidence and explicitly call for books which challenge them and break with their expectations as readers. Consequently, it is argued that postmodern picture books should be part...

  4. Med5(Nut1) and Med17(Srb4) Are Direct Targets of Mediator Histone H4 Tail Interactions (United States)

    Liu, Zhongle; Myers, Lawrence C.


    The Mediator complex transmits activation signals from DNA bound transcription factors to the core transcription machinery. In addition to its canonical role in transcriptional activation, recent studies have demonstrated that S. cerevisiae Mediator can interact directly with nucleosomes, and their histone tails. Mutations in Mediator subunits have shown that Mediator and certain chromatin structures mutually impact each other structurally and functionally in vivo. We have taken a UV photo cross-linking approach to further delineate the molecular basis of Mediator chromatin interactions and help determine whether the impact of certain Mediator mutants on chromatin is direct. Specifically, by using histone tail peptides substituted with an amino acid analog that is a UV activatible crosslinker, we have identified specific subunits within Mediator that participate in histone tail interactions. Using Mediator purified from mutant yeast strains we have evaluated the impact of these subunits on histone tail binding. This analysis has identified the Med5 subunit of Mediator as a target for histone tail interactions and suggests that the previously observed effect of med5 mutations on telomeric heterochromatin and silencing is direct. PMID:22693636

  5. Senior medical students' appraisal of CanMEDS competencies.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rademakers, J.; Rooy, N. de; Cate, O.T.J. ten


    CONTEXT: In 2003 the Dutch Central College of Medical Specialties presented guidelines for the modernisation of all medical specialty training programmes in the Netherlands. These guidelines are based to a large extent on the CanMEDS (Canadian Medical Education Directives for Specialists) 2000

  6. MED12 exon 2 mutations in phyllodes tumors of the breast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagasawa, Satoi; Maeda, Ichiro; Fukuda, Takayo; Wu, Wenwen; Hayami, Ryosuke; Kojima, Yasuyuki; Tsugawa, Ko-ichiro; Ohta, Tomohiko


    Exon 2 of MED12, a subunit of the transcriptional mediator complex, has been frequently mutated in uterine leiomyomas and breast fibroadenomas; however, it has been rarely mutated in other tumors. Although the mutations were also found in uterine leiomyosarcomas, the frequency was significantly lower than in uterine leiomyomas. Here, we examined the MED12 mutation in phyllodes tumors, another biphasic tumor with epithelial and stromal components related to breast fibroadenomas. Mutations in MED12 exon 2 were analyzed in nine fibroadenomas and eleven phyllodes tumors via Sanger sequencing. A panel of cancer- and sarcoma-related genes was also analyzed using Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing. Six mutations in fibroadenomas, including those previously reported (6/9, 67%), and five mutations in phyllodes tumors (5/11, 45%) were observed. Three mutations in the phyllodes tumors were missense mutations at Gly44, which is common in uterine leiomyomas and breast fibroadenomas. In addition, two deletion mutations (in-frame c.133-144del12 and loss of splice acceptor c.100-68-137del106) were observed in the phyllodes tumors. No other recurrent mutation was observed with next-generation sequencing. Frequent mutations in MED12 exon 2 in the phyllodes tumors suggest that it may share genetic etiology with uterine leiomyoma, a subgroup of uterine leiomyosarcomas and breast fibroadenoma

  7. Information architecture: study and analysis of data Public Medical base (PubMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Odete Máyra Mesquita Sales


    Full Text Available Objective. Based on principles proposed by Rosenfeld and Morville (2006, the present study examined the PubMed database interface, since a well-structured information architecture contributes to good usability in any digital environment. Method. The research development occurred through the use of literature techniques and empirical study on the analysis of information architecture based on organization, navigation, recommended labeling and search for Rosenfeld and Morville (2006 for the sake of usability base PubMed. For better understanding and description of these principles, we used the technique of content analysis. Results. The results showed that the database interface meets the criteria established by the elements of Information Architecture, such as organization based on hypertext structure, horizontal menu and local content divided into categories, identifying active links, global navigation , breadcrumb, textual labeling and iconographic and highlight the search engine. Conclusions. This research showed that the PubMed database interface is well structured, friendly and objective, with numerous possibilities of search and information retrieval. However, there is a need to adopt accessibility standards on this website, so that it reaches more efficiently its purpose of facilitating access to information organized and stored in the PubMed database.

  8. Et spørgsmål om ære?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liebmann, Louise Lund

    af æresrelateret vold, der udelukkende tager afsæt i etniske minoritetskvinders familiers kultur, foreslår afhandlingen at medtænke tiden og rummet, hvori voldsberetningen udsiges. For at muliggøre en sådan alternativ kontekstualisering er afhandlingsmaterialet indoptaget, struktureret og analyseret...

  9. Global surveillance of emerging diseases: the ProMED-mail perspective Vigilância global de doenças emergentes: a perspectiva da ProMED-mail

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John P. Woodall


    Full Text Available The Internet is changing the way global disease surveillance is conducted. Countries and international organizations are increasingly placing their outbreak reports on the Internet, which speeds up distribution and therefore prevention and control. The World Health Organization (WHO has recognized the value of nongovernmental organizations and the media in reporting outbreaks, which it then attempts to verify through its country offices. However, WHO and other official sources are constrained in their reporting by the need for bureaucratic clearance. ProMED-mail has no such constraints, and posts outbreak reports 7 days a week. It is moderated by infectious disease specialists who add relevant comments. Thus, ProMED-mail complements official sources and provides early warning of outbreaks. Its network is more than 20,000 people in over 150 countries, who place their computers and time at the network's disposal and report on outbreaks of which they have knowledge. Regions and countries could benefit from adopting the ProMED-mail approach to complement their own disease surveillance systems.A Internet está mudando a condução da vigilância global de doenças. Cada vez mais, os países e as organizações internacionais estão divulgando seus informes na Internet, o que acelera não apenas a distribuição desta informação, como também, consequentemente, a prevenção e controle das doenças. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS já reconheceu a importância das ONGs e da imprensa na notificação de surtos, que procura verificar posteriormente através de suas agências locais. Entretanto, a OMS e outras fontes oficiais sofrem restrições em seus relatórios pela obrigatoriedade da autorização burocrática, além de só publicarem informes nos dias úteis. A ProMED-mail não está sujeita a tais restrições. A rede é moderada por especialistas em doenças infecciosas, que acrescentam comentários relevantes. Assim, a ProMED

  10. [Limiting a Medline/PubMed query to the "best" articles using the JCR relative impact factor]. (United States)

    Avillach, P; Kerdelhué, G; Devos, P; Maisonneuve, H; Darmoni, S J


    Medline/PubMed is the most frequently used medical bibliographic research database. The aim of this study was to propose a new generic method to limit any Medline/PubMed query based on the relative impact factor and the A & B categories of the SIGAPS score. The entire PubMed corpus was used for the feasibility study, then ten frequent diseases in terms of PubMed indexing and the citations of four Nobel prize winners. The relative impact factor (RIF) was calculated by medical specialty defined in Journal Citation Reports. The two queries, which included all the journals in category A (or A OR B), were added to any Medline/PubMed query as a central point of the feasibility study. Limitation using the SIGAPS category A was larger than the when using the Core Clinical Journals (CCJ): 15.65% of PubMed corpus vs 8.64% for CCJ. The response time of this limit applied to the entire PubMed corpus was less than two seconds. For five diseases out of ten, limiting the citations with the RIF was more effective than with the CCJ. For the four Nobel prize winners, limiting the citations with the RIF was more effective than the CCJ. The feasibility study to apply a new filter based on the relative impact factor on any Medline/PubMed query was positive. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Kommunikation ved brug af mobile enheder med digital video i idræt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langagergaard Rødbro, Lise; Elbæk, Lars


    I artiklen redegøres kort for et projekt, som førte frem til en videoplatform, der er et bud på et ’lukket YouTube’, hvor video filmet med smartphone direkte kan uploades til, og med funktioner specifikt udviklet til skolens idrætsundervisning. Med afsæt i systemisk kommunikationsteori analyseres...... observations- og interviewda-ta for at belyse den kommunikation, der foregår ved brug af platformen. Senere diskuteres resultaterne ud fra kommunikationstrekanten, og der skitseres en model for videostøttet undervisning i idræt ud fra Batesons kommunikations- og læringsniveauer. Gennem analyser af platformens...

  12. Er nogle af de udfordrende aspekter af CanMEDS-rollerne valide uden for Canada? Undersøgelse af validiteten af vaesentlige elementer i CanMEDS-rollebeskrivelserne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringsted, Charlotte V; Hansen, Torben Lindskov; Davis, Deborah


    groups' evaluation of importance and confidence were evident. This study provides an outline of the validity of the CanMEDS roles in a non-Canadian setting. More research in how these aspects of competence are best taught across countries and specialties is needed. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Jun-11......A questionnaire survey among 8749 Danish physicians about how the CanMEDS roles apply in an international context. Response rate 42.8% (3,476). The mean rating of importance of competence was 4.2 (SD 0.6). Ratings of confidence increased from interns to specialists. Differences between specialty...

  13. Management of data from clinical trials using the ArchiMed system. (United States)

    Duftschmid, Georg; Gall, Walter; Eigenbauer, Ernst; Dorda, Wolfgang


    Clinical trials constitute a key source of medical research and are therefore conducted on a regular basis at university hospitals. The professional execution of trials requires, among other things, a repertoire of tools that support efficient data management. Tasks that are essential for efficient data management in clinical trials include the following: the design of the trial database, the design of electronic case report forms, recruiting patients, collection of data, and statistical analysis. The present article reports the manner in which these tasks are supported by the ArchiMed system at the University of Vienna and Graz Medical Schools. ArchiMed is customized for clinical end users, allowing them to autonomously manage their clinical trials without having to consult computer experts. An evaluation of the ArchiMed system in 12 trials recently conducted at the University of Vienna Medical School shows that the individual system functions can be usefully applied for data management in clinical trials.

  14. MET network in PubMed: a text-mined network visualization and curation system. (United States)

    Dai, Hong-Jie; Su, Chu-Hsien; Lai, Po-Ting; Huang, Ming-Siang; Jonnagaddala, Jitendra; Rose Jue, Toni; Rao, Shruti; Chou, Hui-Jou; Milacic, Marija; Singh, Onkar; Syed-Abdul, Shabbir; Hsu, Wen-Lian


    Metastasis is the dissemination of a cancer/tumor from one organ to another, and it is the most dangerous stage during cancer progression, causing more than 90% of cancer deaths. Improving the understanding of the complicated cellular mechanisms underlying metastasis requires investigations of the signaling pathways. To this end, we developed a METastasis (MET) network visualization and curation tool to assist metastasis researchers retrieve network information of interest while browsing through the large volume of studies in PubMed. MET can recognize relations among genes, cancers, tissues and organs of metastasis mentioned in the literature through text-mining techniques, and then produce a visualization of all mined relations in a metastasis network. To facilitate the curation process, MET is developed as a browser extension that allows curators to review and edit concepts and relations related to metastasis directly in PubMed. PubMed users can also view the metastatic networks integrated from the large collection of research papers directly through MET. For the BioCreative 2015 interactive track (IAT), a curation task was proposed to curate metastatic networks among PubMed abstracts. Six curators participated in the proposed task and a post-IAT task, curating 963 unique metastatic relations from 174 PubMed abstracts using MET.Database URL: © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  15. Inklusion i folkeskolen med musik og musikterapi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindvang, Charlotte


    I denne artikel sættes der fokus på nogle af de problemer og udfordringer som knytter sig til kravet om inklusion af børn med særlige behov i den almindelige folkeskole, og der argumenteres for at styrke anvendelsen af musik i forhold til at skabe fællesskab og optimere børnenes opmærksomhed og...

  16. Forsøg med 4 centralt belastede betonelementer samt 4 tilhørende betoncylindre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellegaard, Peter; Hansen, Lars Pilegaard

    Nærværende rapport indeholder beskrivelser og resultater for en række forsøg udført i Laboratoriet for Bærende Konstruktioner, Aalborg Universitet. Prøvelegemerne, som er nærmere beskrevet i kapitel 1, består af 4 betonelementer med en længde på 2600 mm og et tværsnitsareal på 400x120 mm. Element......Nærværende rapport indeholder beskrivelser og resultater for en række forsøg udført i Laboratoriet for Bærende Konstruktioner, Aalborg Universitet. Prøvelegemerne, som er nærmere beskrevet i kapitel 1, består af 4 betonelementer med en længde på 2600 mm og et tværsnitsareal på 400x120 mm....... Elementerne er belastet centralt med tryk, og de er forsynet med transportarmering. Til bestemmelse af betonens brudstyrke og arbejdskurve op til 75% af brudstyrken er der udført forsøg på 4betoncylindre med diameter 100 mm og højde 200 mm. Elementerne og cylinderne er fremstillet af Fårup Betonindustri A...

  17. COSMO-SkyMed and GIS applications (United States)

    Milillo, Pietro; Sole, Aurelia; Serio, Carmine


    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing have become key technology tools for the collection, storage and analysis of spatially referenced data. Industries that utilise these spatial technologies include agriculture, forestry, mining, market research as well as the environmental analysis . Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a coherent active sensor operating in the microwave band which exploits relative motion between antenna and target in order to obtain a finer spatial resolution in the flight direction exploiting the Doppler effect. SAR have wide applications in Remote Sensing such as cartography, surface deformation detection, forest cover mapping, urban planning, disasters monitoring , surveillance etc… The utilization of satellite remote sensing and GIS technology for this applications has proven to be a powerful and effective tool for environmental monitoring. Remote sensing techniques are often less costly and time-consuming for large geographic areas compared to conventional methods, moreover GIS technology provides a flexible environment for, analyzing and displaying digital data from various sources necessary for classification, change detection and database development. The aim of this work si to illustrate the potential of COSMO-SkyMed data and SAR applications in a GIS environment, in particular a demostration of the operational use of COSMO-SkyMed SAR data and GIS in real cases will be provided for what concern DEM validation, river basin estimation, flood mapping and landslide monitoring.

  18. Udvikling af antistoffer efter vaccination mod og podning med PRRSV

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonne Kristensen, Charlotte; Qvist Pawlowski, Mia; Thoning, Henrik

    konkludere, at det er muligt at vaccinere med begge PRRS vacciner på samme tid og opnå antistofsvar for begge typer PRRSV. Husk dog altid at give forskellige vacciner i hver sin side af nakken. Blodprøver fra grisene viste, at de havde dannet antistoffer og blev positive i ELISA-testen for PRRSV Type 1 21......-US samt IPT testene. Disse tests kan dog ikke skelne ”eksotiske” PRRSV subtyper fra de almindelige cirkulerende PRRSV subtyper i Danmark. Forsøget blev gennemført på Lindholm. Der indgik 66 grise fra en Blå SPF+Ap6+Ap12 besætning. Grisene blev ved ankomst fordelt i 4 grupper (VAC-T1, VAC-T2, VAC-T1T2 og...... NON-VAC): VAC-T1 blev vaccineret med Porcilis ® PRRS VET VAC-T2 blev vaccineret med Ingelvac ® PRRS VET VAC-T1T2 fik begge vacciner samtidig i hver sin side af nakken NON-VAC blev ikke vaccineret. Grisene blev gennem hele forsøget observeret dagligt. De fik taget temperatur den første uge efter...

  19. MED: a new non-supervised gene prediction algorithm for bacterial and archaeal genomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Yi-Fan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite a remarkable success in the computational prediction of genes in Bacteria and Archaea, a lack of comprehensive understanding of prokaryotic gene structures prevents from further elucidation of differences among genomes. It continues to be interesting to develop new ab initio algorithms which not only accurately predict genes, but also facilitate comparative studies of prokaryotic genomes. Results This paper describes a new prokaryotic genefinding algorithm based on a comprehensive statistical model of protein coding Open Reading Frames (ORFs and Translation Initiation Sites (TISs. The former is based on a linguistic "Entropy Density Profile" (EDP model of coding DNA sequence and the latter comprises several relevant features related to the translation initiation. They are combined to form a so-called Multivariate Entropy Distance (MED algorithm, MED 2.0, that incorporates several strategies in the iterative program. The iterations enable us to develop a non-supervised learning process and to obtain a set of genome-specific parameters for the gene structure, before making the prediction of genes. Conclusion Results of extensive tests show that MED 2.0 achieves a competitive high performance in the gene prediction for both 5' and 3' end matches, compared to the current best prokaryotic gene finders. The advantage of the MED 2.0 is particularly evident for GC-rich genomes and archaeal genomes. Furthermore, the genome-specific parameters given by MED 2.0 match with the current understanding of prokaryotic genomes and may serve as tools for comparative genomic studies. In particular, MED 2.0 is shown to reveal divergent translation initiation mechanisms in archaeal genomes while making a more accurate prediction of TISs compared to the existing gene finders and the current GenBank annotation.

  20. Cardiomyocyte-Specific Ablation of Med1 Subunit of the Mediator Complex Causes Lethal Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Mice. (United States)

    Jia, Yuzhi; Chang, Hsiang-Chun; Schipma, Matthew J; Liu, Jing; Shete, Varsha; Liu, Ning; Sato, Tatsuya; Thorp, Edward B; Barger, Philip M; Zhu, Yi-Jun; Viswakarma, Navin; Kanwar, Yashpal S; Ardehali, Hossein; Thimmapaya, Bayar; Reddy, Janardan K


    Mediator, an evolutionarily conserved multi-protein complex consisting of about 30 subunits, is a key component of the polymerase II mediated gene transcription. Germline deletion of the Mediator subunit 1 (Med1) of the Mediator in mice results in mid-gestational embryonic lethality with developmental impairment of multiple organs including heart. Here we show that cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of Med1 in mice (csMed1-/-) during late gestational and early postnatal development by intercrossing Med1fl/fl mice to α-MyHC-Cre transgenic mice results in lethality within 10 days after weaning due to dilated cardiomyopathy-related ventricular dilation and heart failure. The csMed1-/- mouse heart manifests mitochondrial damage, increased apoptosis and interstitial fibrosis. Global gene expression analysis revealed that loss of Med1 in heart down-regulates more than 200 genes including Acadm, Cacna1s, Atp2a2, Ryr2, Pde1c, Pln, PGC1α, and PGC1β that are critical for calcium signaling, cardiac muscle contraction, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor regulated energy metabolism. Many genes essential for oxidative phosphorylation and proper mitochondrial function such as genes coding for the succinate dehydrogenase subunits of the mitochondrial complex II are also down-regulated in csMed1-/- heart contributing to myocardial injury. Data also showed up-regulation of about 180 genes including Tgfb2, Ace, Atf3, Ctgf, Angpt14, Col9a2, Wisp2, Nppa, Nppb, and Actn1 that are linked to cardiac muscle contraction, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac fibrosis and myocardial injury. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cardiac specific deletion of Med1 in adult mice using tamoxifen-inducible Cre approach (TmcsMed1-/-), results in rapid development of cardiomyopathy and death within 4 weeks. We found that the key findings of the csMed1-/- studies described above are highly reproducible in TmcsMed1-/- mouse heart

  1. Medical dictionary MedDRA: Used in over 60 countries, among which is Montenegro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mugoša Snežana S.


    Full Text Available Introduction: Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA is a medical coding dictionary which is designed in order to be used by regulatory authorities, pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organizations and health care professionals, i.e. all participants in the system of medicines safety monitoring. Methods: This article describes process which is used for medical coding in clinical data management and, in brief, most commonly used medical dictionary MedDRA. The purpose of this paper is a modest contribution to easier and more successful understanding of the encoding process in clinical data management in the field of pharmacovigilance. Topic: MedDRA Development, structure, multi-axiality, availability of foreign languages, as well as common problems faced by medical coding expert while coding were presented. Conclusion: MedDRA has become the standard medical terminology for drug regulators and pharmaceutical companies in Montenegro. Training should be provided to all coders in order to achieve the optimum level of coding and to ensure that all the parameters for quality are achieved. Coding should be treated as one of the most important function in clinical research.

  2. Multi-lingual search engine to access PubMed monolingual subsets: a feasibility study. (United States)

    Darmoni, Stéfan J; Soualmia, Lina F; Griffon, Nicolas; Grosjean, Julien; Kerdelhué, Gaétan; Kergourlay, Ivan; Dahamna, Badisse


    PubMed contains many articles in languages other than English but it is difficult to find them using the English version of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Thesaurus. The aim of this work is to propose a tool allowing access to a PubMed subset in one language, and to evaluate its performance. Translations of MeSH were enriched and gathered in the information system. PubMed subsets in main European languages were also added in our database, using a dedicated parser. The CISMeF generic semantic search engine was evaluated on the response time for simple queries. MeSH descriptors are currently available in 11 languages in the information system. All the 654,000 PubMed citations in French were integrated into CISMeF database. None of the response times exceed the threshold defined for usability (2 seconds). It is now possible to freely access biomedical literature in French using a tool in French; health professionals and lay people with a low English language may find it useful. It will be expended to several European languages: German, Spanish, Norwegian and Portuguese.

  3. Pizza, Kattekilling og Bombebælte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Thomas Elkjer


    Religiøs og moralsk overlegenhed, opbygningen af en ny nation og vold som strategisk sprog er grundelementerne i det narrativ der har gjort Islamisk Stats propaganda og rekrutteringsbudskaber så effektfulde. Narrativet virker tiltrækkende på mange unge mennesker – herunder vesterlændinge. Ikke ku...

  4. Michael Drewett and Martin Cloonan (eds.), Popular Music Censorship in Africa, Ashgate Publishing, 2006, 228 p. ISBN:0754652912

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Annemette


    Anmeldelse i et førende engelsk musiketnologisk tidsskrift af en antologi om musikcensur i Afrika. Bogen bebeskriver en række forskellige forekomster af forbud, restriktioner og vold overfor musikere og kunstnere i Afrika, og anmeldelsen konkluderer, at bogen på trods af en del mangler i forhold ...

  5. På kant med naturen - om byøkologien og det åbne land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjerup Hansen, J.(red.); Hjortholt Madsen, S.(red.)

    Den erkendelse, at vores produktionsmåde og levevis i høj grad har bragt os på kant med naturen og på lidt længere sigt på kant med vort eget eksistensgrundlag, breder sig. En samfundsmæssig selvreflektion har allerede udmøntet sig i begreber som renere teknologi, byøkologi og bæredygtig adfærd. I...... tidens selvreflektion ligger, at vort forhold til naturen i høj grad er et "indre anliggende": Vi er selv natur, og det er vores egen måde at tænke og handle på i forhold til naturen, der har bragt os på kant med naturen - og os selv....

  6. Using data sources beyond PubMed has a modest impact on the results of systematic reviews of therapeutic interventions. (United States)

    Halladay, Christopher W; Trikalinos, Thomas A; Schmid, Ian T; Schmid, Christopher H; Dahabreh, Issa J


    Searching multiple sources when conducting systematic reviews is considered good practice. We aimed to investigate the impact of using sources beyond PubMed in systematic reviews of therapeutic interventions. We randomly selected 50 Cochrane reviews that searched the PubMed (or MEDLINE) and EMBASE databases and included a meta-analysis of ≥10 studies. We checked whether each eligible record in each review (n = 2,700) was retrievable in PubMed and EMBASE. For the first-listed meta-analysis of ≥10 studies in each review, we examined whether excluding studies not found in PubMed affected results. A median of one record per review was indexed in EMBASE but not in PubMed; a median of four records per review was not indexed in PubMed or EMBASE. Meta-analyses included a median of 13.5 studies; a median of zero studies per meta-analysis was indexed in EMBASE but not in PubMed; a median of one study per meta-analysis was not indexed in PubMed or EMBASE. Meta-analysis using only PubMed-indexed vs. all available studies led to a different conclusion in a single case (on the basis of conventional criteria for statistical significance). In meta-regression analyses, effects in PubMed- vs. non-PubMed-indexed studies were statistically significantly different in a single data set. For systematic reviews of the effects of therapeutic interventions, gains from searching sources beyond PubMed, and from searching EMBASE in particular are modest. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Opfølgende hjemmebesøg med video

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wentzer, Helle

    Denne publikation beskriver erfaringerne fra et udviklingsprojekt, hvor opfølgende hjemmebesøg kombineres med videokonference-teknologi. Projektet har bestået i at gennemføre et eksperiment, hvor video benyttes til at mediere samtalen mellem læge, hjemmesygeplejerske og den ældre medicinske patie...

  8. Fra interne udviklingsplaner til åben innovation med brug af Web 2.0 teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scupola, Ada; Sørensen, Flemming; Nicolajsen, Hanne Westh

    Abstrakt: Artiklen handler om brugerinddragelse i service innovation. Der er fokus på idéfasen kombineret med anvendelse af kommunikationsteknologi og i særdeleshed webblogmediet. Behov som kreativitet, heterogenitet, engagement med mere diskuteres. Der afrapporteres fra et eksperiment på Roskild...

  9. Folkeskolens opgaver overfor børn med forskellig social, etnisk og kultur baggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tireli, Üzeyir


    Med udgangspukt i en case om romapige fremhæves det, at skolen og lærerne stigmatiserer elever med en anden baggrund end etnisk dansk. Det betyder, at skolen i fremtiden står overfor en stor ligestillingsopgave, da prognoser tyder på øget indvandring. Der kan derfor let opstår øgede forskelle mel...

  10. Silencing MED1 sensitizes breast cancer cells to pure anti-estrogen fulvestrant in vitro and in vivo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lijiang Zhang

    Full Text Available Pure anti-estrogen fulvestrant has been shown to be a promising ER antagonist for locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of patients developed resistance to this type of endocrine therapy but the molecular mechanisms governing cellular responsiveness to this agent remain poorly understood. Here, we've reported that knockdown of estrogen receptor coactivator MED1 sensitized fulvestrant resistance breast cancer cells to fulvestrant treatment. We found that MED1 knockdown further promoted cell cycle arrest induced by fulvestrant. Using an orthotopic xenograft mouse model, we found that knockdown of MED1 significantly reduced tumor growth in mice. Importantly, knockdown of MED1 further potentiated tumor growth inhibition by fulvestrant. Mechanistic studies indicated that combination of fulvestrant treatment and MED1 knockdown is able to cooperatively inhibit the expression of ER target genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments further supported a role for MED1 in regulating the recruitment of RNA polymerase II and transcriptional corepressor HDAC1 on endogenous ER target gene promoter in the presence of fulvestrant. These results demonstrate a role for MED1 in mediating resistance to the pure anti-estrogen fulvestrant both in vitro and in vivo.

  11. Comparative study of MR imaging and X-ray in Med-anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Zhongkui; Long Liling; Song Yingru


    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of MRI and X-ray and to analyze MRI and X-ray characteristics in Med-anemia. Methods: MRI was performed in thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacral spine, pelvis, and superior femurs in 15 patients with pathologically proved Med-anemia with T 1 WI and T 2 WI. Seven of them were examined on X-ray. Twenty volunteers were examined on MR as control group. The authors analyzed the manifestations of MRI in the Med-anemia, including abnormality of signal intensity of bone marrow, T 1 value, vertebral alteration of size and shaped, spinal cord compression due to epidural extramedullary haematopoiesis, and compared with the findings of bone on X-ray. Results: In the control group, bone marrow showed an inhomogeneous iso-signal intensity with band-shaped, triangular or motley high signal intensity in the middle or back part of the vertebra, neck of the femur on T 1 WI and a homogeneous iso-signal intensity on T 2 WI in the vertebra, pelvis, and superior femur. All cases with Med-anemia had low homogenous signal intensity in the bone marrow of the vertebra, pelvis and superior femur on T 1 WI but had no alterations on T 2 WI. The spinal cord was constricted resulting from protruding crushed vertebra with bullet-like shape in 4 cases. The soft tissue masses, confirmed as extramedullary haematopoiesis by operation, were demonstrated in 4 cases. Among 7 cases with X-ray examinations, 2 cases showed normal on X-ray but abnormal bone marrow on MRI, another 5 cases demonstrated bone alteration including osteoporosis, widening of striations, enlargement of ribs and vertebras. T 1 value showed (897.4 +- 75.43) ms in the Med- anemia group and (401.5 +- 28.1) ms in the control group with significant statistical difference (P 1 WI; (2) MRI is useful in demonstrating the space occupying lesion due to vertebral deformity, enlargement of ribs and extramedullary haematopoiesis

  12. Med5(Nut1 and Med17(Srb4 are direct targets of mediator histone H4 tail interactions.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhongle Liu

    Full Text Available The Mediator complex transmits activation signals from DNA bound transcription factors to the core transcription machinery. In addition to its canonical role in transcriptional activation, recent studies have demonstrated that S. cerevisiae Mediator can interact directly with nucleosomes, and their histone tails. Mutations in Mediator subunits have shown that Mediator and certain chromatin structures mutually impact each other structurally and functionally in vivo. We have taken a UV photo cross-linking approach to further delineate the molecular basis of Mediator chromatin interactions and help determine whether the impact of certain Mediator mutants on chromatin is direct. Specifically, by using histone tail peptides substituted with an amino acid analog that is a UV activatible crosslinker, we have identified specific subunits within Mediator that participate in histone tail interactions. Using Mediator purified from mutant yeast strains we have evaluated the impact of these subunits on histone tail binding. This analysis has identified the Med5 subunit of Mediator as a target for histone tail interactions and suggests that the previously observed effect of med5 mutations on telomeric heterochromatin and silencing is direct.

  13. Med hjerne og hjerte - et aktionsforskningsprojekt om demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Helle Krogh; Rasmussen, Else Marie

    om værdier; individuelle interviews (8 pårørende og 3 frivillige); to kernekvalitetsundersøgelser (4 medarbejdere undersøgte kvaliteter og værdier ud fra D. Ofmans teori om kernekvaliteter); en kernekvalitetsundersøgelse i samarbejde med lederen; SWOT-analyser, udarbejdelse og analyse af...

  14. Aktiv online læring med E-tiviteter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, Maria Viftrup

    Designe e-tiviteter i vidensøgning og dertilhørende læringsobjekter. Udvikling af didaktikken ift blended learning., med anvendelse af Gilly Salmons E-tivities model som ramme for design af studieaktiviteter. Læringsprodukter hører under læringskoncepterne Undervisningsloop, Peer assessment og Fl...... Flipped classroom....

  15. Seawater desalination plant using nuclear heating reactor coupled with MED process

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A small size plant for seawater desalination using nuclear heating reactor coupled with MED process was developed by the Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, China. This seawater desalination plant was designed to supply potable water demand to some coastal location or island where both fresh water and energy source are severely lacking. It is also recommended as a demonstration and training facility for seawater desalination using nuclear energy. The design of small size of seawater desalination plant couples two proven technologies: Nuclear Heating Reactor (NHR) and Multi-Effect Destination (MED) process. The NHR design possesses intrinsic and passive safety features, which was demonstrated by the experiences of the project NHR-5. The intermediate circuit and steam circuit were designed as the safety barriers between the NHR reactor and MED desalination system. Within 10~200 MWt of the power range of the heating reactor, the desalination plant could provide 8000 to 150,000 m3/d of high quality potable water. The design concept and parameters, safety features and coupling scheme are presented.

  16. Seawater desalination plant using nuclear heating reactor coupled with MED process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Shaorong; Dong Duo; Zhang Dafang; Wang Xiuzhen


    A small size plant for seawater desalination using nuclear heating reactor coupled with MED process was developed by the Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, China. this seawater desalination plant was designed to supply potable water demand to some coastal location or island where both fresh water and energy source are severely lacking. It is also recommended as a demonstration and training facility for seawater desalination using nuclear energy. The design of small size of seawater desalination plant couples two proven technologies: Nuclear Heating Reactor (NHR) and Multi-Effect Destination (MED) process. The NHR design possesses intrinsic and passive safety features, which was demonstrated by the experiences of the project NHR-5. the intermediate circuit and steam circuit were designed as the safety barriers between the NHR reactor and MED desalination system. Within 10-200 MWt of the power range of the heating reactor, the desalination plant could provide 8000 to 150,000 m 3 /d of high quality potable water. The design concept and parameters, safety features and coupling scheme are presented

  17. LIVIVO: Neue Herausforderungen an das ZB MED-Suchportal für Lebenswissenschaften

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Poley, Christoph


    Full Text Available The German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED has a long track record providing search portals for life sciences. In 2015 LIVIVO was introduced as a new product, which database covers ZB MED’s entire range of subjects: medicine, health, nutrition, environment and agriculture.Initially LIVIVO’s development aimed at realizing a modern search engine combining the functionalities of the predecessor portals. An entirely new web interface was developed, driven by a highly improved usability and a responsive web design. LIVIVO has a great potential in providing search services based on more than 55 million metadata records. Current work of ZB MED focuses on automatic interfaces. Concurrently setting up ZB MED Knowledge Environment creates an indispensable data base for research work at .This article will address the current challenges of a scientific portal using the example of LIVIVO. It will outline the approaches to solutions and development lines.

  18. Manifest for en psykiatri med brugerrespekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Samskabelsesprojekt med psykiatribrugere og pårørende. Psykiatri Manifestet består af forskellige statements om psykiatrien som den opleves set fra brugerperspektiv, og visioner om hvor brugerne ønsker, den skal udvikle sig hen. Brugerne har reageret på Marianne Træbing Sechers invitation via hen...... hendes kontoer på Facebook, Twitter og LinkedIn, samt gennem nedenstående facebooksider og interesseorganisationer. Marianne er ansat som adjunkt på VIA University College og står for videreuddannelse, konsulentarbejde og forskning/udvikling på psykiatriområdet i tilknytning hertil....

  19. Leaving the Lecture Behind: Putting PubMed Instruction into the Hands of the Students. (United States)

    Turner, Rose L; M Ketchum, Andrea; Ratajeski, Melissa A; Wessel, Charles B


    This column describes the development of a one-shot PubMed instruction class for medical students at a health sciences library. Background information on the objective is presented and discussed in the context of educational practice literature. The new course design centers on a guided group method of instruction in order to integrate more active learning. Surveyed students reported that the method was an effective way to learn how to search PubMed and that they preferred it to a traditional lecture. Pros and cons of the method are offered for other health sciences libraries interested in presenting PubMed instruction in a similar manner.

  20. Musik og billeddannelse (GIM med PTSD-ramte flygtninge: Introduktion til tre single case-studier

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bolette Daniels Beck


    Full Text Available Mange flygtninge kommer fra kulturer med helt andre forestillinger og begreber om årsager til og forventninger om behandling af psykisk lidelse end man almindeligvis anvender i psykiatrien. F.eks. er psykisk lidelse i mange mellemøstlige kulturer forbundet med skam, og udtrykkes måske derfor snarere i form af fysisk smerte. For at et behandlingsforløb skal lykkes, er der behov for kulturel sensitivitet hos behandleren, når der skal samarbejdes med tolken, skabes et møde på tværs af kulturer samt etableres en fælles forståelse af behandlingens formål og proces.

  1. Hva med de gjenstridige dokumentene? Fagreferentrollen i spesialsamlinger

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Solveig Greve


    Full Text Available Spesialsamlinger er samlinger av ”gjenstridige dokumenter”, dvs. dokumenter som er sjeldne, unika eller upubliserte og derfor ofte er fysisk bundet til eierinstitusjonen. Det er typisk at slike samlinger mangler moderne standarder for metadata og felles nasjonale katalogiseringsverktøy. Eierinstitusjonene har et kulturansvar for bevaring og tilgjengeliggjøring av disse dokumentene overfor en bredere allmennhet enn et fagbiblioteks ”primærbrukere”. Fagreferentens oppgaver vil være preget av dette. Bevaring, sikring og produksjon av digitale fulltekstdokumenter er sentralt. Det er også typisk for slike samlinger at en har en betydelig backlog. Det vil være fagreferentens oppgave å løfte fram ukjent kildemateriale, gjennom digitaliseringsprosjekter og forskning. Fagreferentens viktigste oppgaver vil da være mer rettet mot samlingspleie og formidling av egne samlinger og mindre fokus på andre institusjoners samlinger. Slik vil også undervisningen av studentene bli preget av arkivpresntasjon av innhold og forelesninger om teoretiske og praktiske forhold knyttet til å arbeide med spesielle materialtyper og mindre til utvikling av vanlig informasjonskompetanse. Denne situasjonen vil forandre seg hvis/når institusjonene blir enige om utvekslingsformater og mengden av digitale fulltekstdokumenter øker. Utfordringene for spesialsamlinger vil også være fagreferentenes utfordringer; I en stadig mer elektronisk verden, kan arbeidet med de fysiske samlingene lett bli marginalisert, selv om nettopp den tekniske utviklingen kunne løse mange problemer for de gjenstridige dokumentene. Men slik prioritering krever store ressurser, høy kompetanse, engasjement og politisk gjennomslagskraft. Kostnadene er høye, og konkurrerer budsjettmessig med galopperende elektroniske utgifter for hele biblioteket. Spesialsamlingenes fagreferenter kan bli en minoritetsstemme i bibliotekenes moderniseringsprosess, til skade for bibliotekenes totale faglige

  2. Impact of PubMed search filters on the retrieval of evidence by physicians. (United States)

    Shariff, Salimah Z; Sontrop, Jessica M; Haynes, R Brian; Iansavichus, Arthur V; McKibbon, K Ann; Wilczynski, Nancy L; Weir, Matthew A; Speechley, Mark R; Thind, Amardeep; Garg, Amit X


    Physicians face challenges when searching PubMed for research evidence, and they may miss relevant articles while retrieving too many nonrelevant articles. We investigated whether the use of search filters in PubMed improves searching by physicians. We asked a random sample of Canadian nephrologists to answer unique clinical questions derived from 100 systematic reviews of renal therapy. Physicians provided the search terms that they would type into PubMed to locate articles to answer these questions. We entered the physician-provided search terms into PubMed and applied two types of search filters alone or in combination: a methods-based filter designed to identify high-quality studies about treatment (clinical queries "therapy") and a topic-based filter designed to identify studies with renal content. We evaluated the comprehensiveness (proportion of relevant articles found) and efficiency (ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles) of the filtered and nonfiltered searches. Primary studies included in the systematic reviews served as the reference standard for relevant articles. The average physician-provided search terms retrieved 46% of the relevant articles, while 6% of the retrieved articles were relevant (corrected) (the ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles was 1:16). The use of both filters together produced a marked improvement in efficiency, resulting in a ratio of relevant to nonrelevant articles of 1:5 (16 percentage point improvement; 99% confidence interval 9% to 22%; p PubMed search filters improves the efficiency of physician searches. Improved search performance may enhance the transfer of research into practice and improve patient care.

  3. Ledelsesretten - hvad skal vi stille op med den?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagh, Lone


    for ledelsesretten at træde ind som en kommunikerbar og legitim rammesætning i lederens praksis. Artiklen inddrager i sin analyse retssociologiske perspektiver i et moderne og postmoderne perspektiv og rundes af med en diskussion af de faldgruber, det kan indebære, når ledelsesrettens styringssprog skal omsættes til...

  4. Supplementary searches of PubMed to improve currency of MEDLINE and MEDLINE In-Process searches via Ovid. (United States)

    Duffy, Steven; de Kock, Shelley; Misso, Kate; Noake, Caro; Ross, Janine; Stirk, Lisa


    The research investigated whether conducting a supplementary search of PubMed in addition to the main MEDLINE (Ovid) search for a systematic review is worthwhile and to ascertain whether this PubMed search can be conducted quickly and if it retrieves unique, recently published, and ahead-of-print studies that are subsequently considered for inclusion in the final systematic review. Searches of PubMed were conducted after MEDLINE (Ovid) and MEDLINE In-Process (Ovid) searches had been completed for seven recent reviews. The searches were limited to records not in MEDLINE or MEDLINE In-Process (Ovid). Additional unique records were identified for all of the investigated reviews. Search strategies were adapted quickly to run in PubMed, and reviewer screening of the results was not time consuming. For each of the investigated reviews, studies were ordered for full screening; in six cases, studies retrieved from the supplementary PubMed searches were included in the final systematic review. Supplementary searching of PubMed for studies unavailable elsewhere is worthwhile and improves the currency of the systematic reviews.

  5. Læringslandskaber for elever med indlæringsvanskeligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Szulevicz, Thomas

    Baggrund Denne afhandling består af en empirisk undersøgelse af den pædagogiske praksis på Havredal Praktiske Landbrugsskole (HPL). HPL er en mesterlæreinspireret landbrugsuddannelse for unge elever mellem 16-25 år med indlæringsvanskeligheder. HPL fungerer som et moderne landbrug, der drives af...... elever og lærere i fællesskab. Der er 38 indskrevne elever på skolen, der dyrker 140 ha jord og har en besætning på 50 sortbrogede malkekøer i løsdriftsstald, 250 søer samt 10 heste. Elevernes uddannelse og læring er struktureret omkring deres deltagelse i landbrugsaktiviteterne på skolen. HPL er...... observationerne fandt sted i forskningsprojektets første 14 måneder. Herudover er der blevet foretaget kvalitative interviews med 12 elever fra HPL. Heraf blev de 7 af eleverne interviewet à 3 omgange. 7 lærere på HPL er blevet interviewet. Endelig er der blevet foretaget to videoobservationer af en elevs...

  6. 14 medisinplanter fra Burma med fokus på lakserende effekt : en litteraturstudie


    Phan, Cong Lap


    I denne masteroppgaven ble det sett på sammenhenger mellom vitenskapelige data som er tilgjengelige og bruken av 14 tradisjonelle medisinplanter, med fokus på lakserende effekt. Plantene er hentet fra Burma-samlingen som ble laget av Arnold Nordal i 1957-1961. Det ble først og fremst foretatt litteratursøk i databasene Scifinder Scholar 2007, Biological Abstract, ISI Web of Knowledge- Web of Science og PubMed. Søk på synonymnavn ble foretatt i plantedatabasene IPNI, ITIS og Tropicos....

  7. Quince años de MedUNAB

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Hérnandez Rey


    Full Text Available Para conmemorar los quince años de MedUNAB el comité estudiantil quiso escribir sobre el significado que tiene para cada uno de sus miembros pertenecer a ella. Es así como en este editorial recogemos las distintas experiencias que se han tenido, algunas de años, otras de meses. MedUNAB es una escuela editorial que hace posible que tres veces al año la comunidad académica de Latinoamérica cuente, tanto física como virtualmente, con una revista científica del área de la salud. Los miembros del comité estudiantil son seleccionados por el editor y por los integrantes con más antigüedad después de hacer un entrenamiento en el cual se aprenden las bases para el proceso editorial que va desde la recepción de los artículos, hasta cómo hacer llegar la revista a cada uno de ustedes en aulas de clase, congresos, simposios, charlas y consultorios, pasando por la evaluación de los escritos, basada en los estrictos parámetros internacionales, la búsqueda de revisores calificados, la corrección de estilo y la diagramación.

  8. Mediator subunit MED1 is a T3-dependent and T3-independent coactivator on the thyrotropin β gene promoter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsui, Keiji; Oda, Kasumi; Mizuta, Shumpei; Ishino, Ruri; Urahama, Norinaga; Hasegawa, Natsumi [Laboratory of Hematology, Division of Medical Biophysics, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, 7-10-2 Tomogaoka, Suma-ku, Kobe 654-0142 (Japan); Roeder, Robert G. [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065 (United States); Ito, Mitsuhiro, E-mail: [Laboratory of Hematology, Division of Medical Biophysics, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, 7-10-2 Tomogaoka, Suma-ku, Kobe 654-0142 (Japan); Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065 (United States); Department of Family and Community Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 654-0142 (Japan); Consolidated Research Institute for Advanced Science and Medical Care, Waseda University, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 159-8555 (Japan)


    Highlights: •MED1 is a bona fide T3-dependent coactivator on TSHB promoter. •Mice with LxxLL-mutant MED1 have attenuated TSHβ mRNA and thyroid hormone levels. •MED1 activates TSHB promoter T3-dependently in cultured cells. •T3-dependent MED1 action is enhanced when SRC1/SRC2 or HDAC2 is downregulated. •MED1 is also a T3-independent GATA2/Pit1 coactivator on TSHB promoter. -- Abstract: The MED1 subunit of the Mediator transcriptional coregulator complex is a nuclear receptor-specific coactivator. A negative feedback mechanism of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, or thyrotropin) expression in the thyrotroph in the presence of triiodothyronine (T3) is employed by liganded thyroid hormone receptor β (TRβ) on the TSHβ gene promoter, where conventional histone-modifying coactivators act as corepressors. We now provide evidence that MED1 is a ligand-dependent positive cofactor on this promoter. TSHβ gene transcription was attenuated in MED1 mutant mice in which the nuclear receptor-binding ability of MED1 was specifically disrupted. MED1 stimulated GATA2- and Pit1-mediated TSHβ gene promoter activity in a ligand-independent manner in cultured cells. MED1 also stimulated transcription from the TSHβ gene promoter in a T3-dependent manner. The transcription was further enhanced when the T3-dependent corepressors SRC1, SRC2, and HDAC2 were downregulated. Hence, MED1 is a T3-dependent and -independent coactivator on the TSHβ gene promoter.

  9. Udvikling af dialogisk kompetence hos børn med CI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammeyer, Jesper Herup; Carstensen, Susanne; Karlshøj, Bente


    Der er relativ god viden om børn med CI’s sproglige udvikling, hvad angår sproglyde og ord. Derimod er der i den internationale forskning kun beskrevet meget lidt om den del af den sproglige udvikling, som ligger ud over sætningsniveauet. Denne artikel beskriver nogle af de resultater, der er...... fremkommet ved et fire år langt følgestudie af tre førskolebørn med CI. Børnenes sproglige udvikling er observeret og analyseret i forhold til dialogiske kompetencer. Resultaterne peger på, at børnene udvikler gode talesproglige kompetencer i løbet af den fireårige periode, men at børnene har brug for støtte...

  10. Papillae formation on trichome cell walls requires the function of the mediator complex subunit Med25. (United States)

    Fornero, Christy; Suo, Bangxia; Zahde, Mais; Juveland, Katelyn; Kirik, Viktor


    Glassy Hair 1 (GLH1) gene that promotes papillae formation on trichome cell walls was identified as a subunit of the transcriptional mediator complex MED25. The MED25 gene is shown to be expressed in trichomes. The expression of the trichome development marker genes GLABRA2 (GL2) and Ethylene Receptor2 (ETR2) is not affected in the glh1 mutant. Presented data suggest that Arabidopsis MED25 mediator component is likely involved in the transcription of genes promoting papillae deposition in trichomes. The plant cell wall plays an important role in communication, defense, organization and support. The importance of each of these functions varies by cell type. Specialized cells, such as Arabidopsis trichomes, exhibit distinct cell wall characteristics including papillae. To better understand the molecular processes important for papillae deposition on the cell wall surface, we identified the GLASSY HAIR 1 (GLH1) gene, which is necessary for papillae formation. We found that a splice-site mutation in the component of the transcriptional mediator complex MED25 gene is responsible for the near papillae-less phenotype of the glh1 mutant. The MED25 gene is expressed in trichomes. Reporters for trichome developmental marker genes GLABRA2 (GL2) and Ethylene Receptor2 (ETR2) were not affected in the glh1 mutant. Collectively, the presented results show that MED25 is necessary for papillae formation on the cell wall surface of leaf trichomes and suggest that the Arabidopsis MED25 mediator component is likely involved in the transcription of a subset of genes that promote papillae deposition in trichomes.

  11. Debattens blinde øje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Maj


    Artiklen inddrager viden fra undersøgelser om, at vold og kriminalitet er mere udbredt blandt socialt udsatte grupper end andre grupper og debatterer på det grundlag en række politiske krav om højere straffe set i forhold til mulige virkninger af forebyggende indsatser i almene institutioner som ...

  12. Dichtung als Erfahrungsmetaphysik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Magnusson, Gisli

    Rilkeforskning. Fordi Rilke ikke – uden at gøre vold mod hans værk – kan fortolkes ud fra et traditionelt religiøst verdensbillede, har man fortolket ham som en antimetafysisk mo­dernist. Afhandlingen Dichtung als Erfahrungsmetaphysik. Esoterische und okkultistische Modernität bei R. M. Rilke argumenterer for...

  13. #GeriMedJC: The Twitter Complement to the Traditional-Format Geriatric Medicine Journal Club. (United States)

    Gardhouse, Amanda I; Budd, Laura; Yang, Seu Y C; Wong, Camilla L


    Twitter is a public microblogging platform that overcomes physical limitations and allows unrestricted participation beyond academic silos, enabling interactive discussions. Twitter-based journal clubs have demonstrated growth, sustainability, and worldwide communication, using a hashtag (#) to follow participation. This article describes the first year of #GeriMedJC, a monthly 1-hour live, 23-hour asynchronous Twitter-based complement to the traditional-format geriatric medicine journal club. The Twitter moderator tweets from the handle @GeriMedJC; encourages use of #GeriMedJC; and invites content experts, study authors, and followers to participate in critical appraisal of medical literature. Using the hashtag #GeriMedJC, tweets were categorized according to thematic content, relevance to the journal club, and authorship. Third-party analytical tools Symplur and Twitter Analytics were used for growth and effect metrics (number of followers, participants, tweets, retweets, replies, impressions). Qualitative analysis of follower and participant profiles was used to establish country of origin and occupation. A semistructured interview of postgraduate trainees was conducted to ascertain qualitative aspects of the experience. In the first year, @GeriMedJC has grown to 541 followers on six continents. Most followers were physicians (43%), two-thirds of which were geriatricians. Growth metrics increased over 12 months, with a mean of 121 tweets, 25 participants, and 105,831 impressions per journal club. Tweets were most often related to the article being appraised (87.5%) and ranged in thematic content from clinical practice (29%) to critical appraisal (24%) to medical education (20%). #GeriMedJC is a feasible example of using social media platforms such as Twitter to encourage international and interprofessional appraisal of medical literature. © 2017, Copyright the Authors Journal compilation © 2017, The American Geriatrics Society.

  14. Risk factors for bladder cancer: challenges of conducting a literature search using PubMed. (United States)

    Joshi, Ashish; Preslan, Elicia


    The objective of this study was to assess the risk factors for bladder cancer using PubMed articles from January 2000 to December 2009. The study also aimed to describe the challenges encountered in the methodology of a literature search for bladder cancer risk factors using PubMed. Twenty-six categories of risk factors for bladder cancer were identified using the National Cancer Institute Web site and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Web site. A total of 1,338 PubMed searches were run using the term "urinary bladder cancer" and a risk factor term (e.g., "cigarette smoking") and were screened to identify 260 articles for final analysis. The search strategy had an overall precision of 3.42 percent, relative recall of 12.64 percent, and an F-measure of 5.39 percent. Although search terms derived from MeSH had the highest overall precision and recall, the differences did not reach significance, which indicates that for generalized, free-text searches of the PubMed database, the searchers' own terms are generally as effective as MeSH terms.

  15. MedMon: securing medical devices through wireless monitoring and anomaly detection. (United States)

    Zhang, Meng; Raghunathan, Anand; Jha, Niraj K


    Rapid advances in personal healthcare systems based on implantable and wearable medical devices promise to greatly improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment for a range of medical conditions. However, the increasing programmability and wireless connectivity of medical devices also open up opportunities for malicious attackers. Unfortunately, implantable/wearable medical devices come with extreme size and power constraints, and unique usage models, making it infeasible to simply borrow conventional security solutions such as cryptography. We propose a general framework for securing medical devices based on wireless channel monitoring and anomaly detection. Our proposal is based on a medical security monitor (MedMon) that snoops on all the radio-frequency wireless communications to/from medical devices and uses multi-layered anomaly detection to identify potentially malicious transactions. Upon detection of a malicious transaction, MedMon takes appropriate response actions, which could range from passive (notifying the user) to active (jamming the packets so that they do not reach the medical device). A key benefit of MedMon is that it is applicable to existing medical devices that are in use by patients, with no hardware or software modifications to them. Consequently, it also leads to zero power overheads on these devices. We demonstrate the feasibility of our proposal by developing a prototype implementation for an insulin delivery system using off-the-shelf components (USRP software-defined radio). We evaluate its effectiveness under several attack scenarios. Our results show that MedMon can detect virtually all naive attacks and a large fraction of more sophisticated attacks, suggesting that it is an effective approach to enhancing the security of medical devices.

  16. Medical literature searches: a comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar. (United States)

    Nourbakhsh, Eva; Nugent, Rebecca; Wang, Helen; Cevik, Cihan; Nugent, Kenneth


    Medical literature searches provide critical information for clinicians. However, the best strategy for identifying relevant high-quality literature is unknown. We compared search results using PubMed and Google Scholar on four clinical questions and analysed these results with respect to article relevance and quality. Abstracts from the first 20 citations for each search were classified into three relevance categories. We used the weighted kappa statistic to analyse reviewer agreement and nonparametric rank tests to compare the number of citations for each article and the corresponding journals' impact factors. Reviewers ranked 67.6% of PubMed articles and 80% of Google Scholar articles as at least possibly relevant (P = 0.116) with high agreement (all kappa P-values PubMed searches and Google Scholar searches often identify different articles. In this study, Google Scholar articles were more likely to be classified as relevant, had higher numbers of citations and were published in higher impact factor journals. The identification of frequently cited articles using Google Scholar for searches probably has value for initial literature searches. © 2012 The authors. Health Information and Libraries Journal © 2012 Health Libraries Group.

  17. Dialysis search filters for PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and Embase databases. (United States)

    Iansavichus, Arthur V; Haynes, R Brian; Lee, Christopher W C; Wilczynski, Nancy L; McKibbon, Ann; Shariff, Salimah Z; Blake, Peter G; Lindsay, Robert M; Garg, Amit X


    Physicians frequently search bibliographic databases, such as MEDLINE via PubMed, for best evidence for patient care. The objective of this study was to develop and test search filters to help physicians efficiently retrieve literature related to dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) from all other articles indexed in PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and Embase. A diagnostic test assessment framework was used to develop and test robust dialysis filters. The reference standard was a manual review of the full texts of 22,992 articles from 39 journals to determine whether each article contained dialysis information. Next, 1,623,728 unique search filters were developed, and their ability to retrieve relevant articles was evaluated. The high-performance dialysis filters consisted of up to 65 search terms in combination. These terms included the words "dialy" (truncated), "uremic," "catheters," and "renal transplant wait list." These filters reached peak sensitivities of 98.6% and specificities of 98.5%. The filters' performance remained robust in an independent validation subset of articles. These empirically derived and validated high-performance search filters should enable physicians to effectively retrieve dialysis information from PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and Embase.

  18. Danske og svenske forbrugeres syn på e-handel med dagligvarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kornum, Niels


    , at det er vigtigt at få forbrugerne til at prøve ordningerne f.eks. viatilbud og/eller forskellige medlemsfordele for at motivere dem til at indgå i ordningen. Detviser to nye undersøgelser gennemført af forskere fra Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi,Handelshøjskolen i København i samarbejde med forskere......,dels at de bliver mindre afhængige af butikkernes åbningstider. De vigtigste ulemper set fraforbrugerside er dels at online handel er mindre spændende end køb i supermarkedet, delsat der er begrænset adgang til at se og føle på varerne før køb i online butikken. Det er dogforbrugere, der ikke har handlet på...... deresdagligvareindkøb online. En medvirkende årsag kan dog desuden være, at mangeforbrugere ikke har tilstrækkeligt med informationer til at kunne skønne omfanget af deomkostninger, som må bæres af online leverandøren i forbindelse med pakning,distribution mv. af dagligvarerne.Undersøgelsen viser, at et klart og...

  19. TeleMed: Wide-area, secure, collaborative object computing with Java and CORBA for healthcare

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forslund, D.W.; George, J.E.; Gavrilov, E.M.


    Distributed computing is becoming commonplace in a variety of industries with healthcare being a particularly important one for society. The authors describe the development and deployment of TeleMed in a few healthcare domains. TeleMed is a 100% Java distributed application build on CORBA and OMG standards enabling the collaboration on the treatment of chronically ill patients in a secure manner over the Internet. These standards enable other systems to work interoperably with TeleMed and provide transparent access to high performance distributed computing to the healthcare domain. The goal of wide scale integration of electronic medical records is a grand-challenge scale problem of global proportions with far-reaching social benefits.

  20. En integrativ terapeutisk anvendelse af sang med udgangspunkt i neuropsykologiske, psykofysiologiske og psykodynamiske teorier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    Hvordan kan terapeutiske forløb tilrettelægges så klienter med svære neurologiske forstyrrelser, fx mennesker med en demenssygdom, kan opnå en form for indsigt og terapeutisk forandring? Dette spørgsmål søges besvaret ved at beskrive anvendelsen af sang i den terapeutiske relation ud fra neuropsy...

  1. GenderMedDB: an interactive database of sex and gender-specific medical literature. (United States)

    Oertelt-Prigione, Sabine; Gohlke, Björn-Oliver; Dunkel, Mathias; Preissner, Robert; Regitz-Zagrosek, Vera


    Searches for sex and gender-specific publications are complicated by the absence of a specific algorithm within search engines and by the lack of adequate archives to collect the retrieved results. We previously addressed this issue by initiating the first systematic archive of medical literature containing sex and/or gender-specific analyses. This initial collection has now been greatly enlarged and re-organized as a free user-friendly database with multiple functions: GenderMedDB ( GenderMedDB retrieves the included publications from the PubMed database. Manuscripts containing sex and/or gender-specific analysis are continuously screened and the relevant findings organized systematically into disciplines and diseases. Publications are furthermore classified by research type, subject and participant numbers. More than 11,000 abstracts are currently included in the database, after screening more than 40,000 publications. The main functions of the database include searches by publication data or content analysis based on pre-defined classifications. In addition, registrants are enabled to upload relevant publications, access descriptive publication statistics and interact in an open user forum. Overall, GenderMedDB offers the advantages of a discipline-specific search engine as well as the functions of a participative tool for the gender medicine community.

  2. PubMed vs. HighWire Press: a head-to-head comparison of two medical literature search engines. (United States)

    Vanhecke, Thomas E; Barnes, Michael A; Zimmerman, Janet; Shoichet, Sandor


    PubMed and HighWire Press are both useful medical literature search engines available for free to anyone on the internet. We measured retrieval accuracy, number of results generated, retrieval speed, features and search tools on HighWire Press and PubMed using the quick search features of each. We found that using HighWire Press resulted in a higher likelihood of retrieving the desired article and higher number of search results than the same search on PubMed. PubMed was faster than HighWire Press in delivering search results regardless of search settings. There are considerable differences in search features between these two search engines.

  3. Der er faresignaler her - om ret og heuristik i det almindelige, kommunale tilsyn med børn og unge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Idamarie Leth


    KORT RESUME Kommunerne underlægges i stigende grad krav om at føre et aktivt og opsøgende tilsyn med børn og unge. Kravene fremgår af serviceloven med tilhørende forskrifter. Disse regler har sammenhæng med en række andre regler på det sociale og velfærdsretlige område i øvrigt, men også med forv...

  4. 1 Driftsøkonomi med planlegging 2 Wild reindeer of the Soviet Union

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sven Skjenneberg


    Full Text Available Ansgar J. Kosmo. 1986. "Driftsøkonomi med planlegging". Reindriftsadministrasjonen, Alta. 111s. (Foreligger i januaer 1986. Utgis i samarbeid med Samisk utdanningsråd.E.E. Syroechovskij (ed.. 1984. "Wild reindeer of the Soviet Union". English version by U.S. Department of Interior and National Science Foundation. Lectures presented at a research conference at Dudinka, Taimyr in 1975. 43 lectures , some also with direct importance for the reindeer husbandry.

  5. Kvalitetscirkler – at arbejde med kvalitet uden at gå i stå

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Ulla


    Artiklen omhandler en metode, kvalitetscirkler, til kvalitetssikring og -udvikling. Metoden er udsprunget fra Demings teori og anvendes til bottom-up udvikling. Den er afprøvet i pilotprojekt i ergoterapien på Sønderborg Sygehus med succes.......Artiklen omhandler en metode, kvalitetscirkler, til kvalitetssikring og -udvikling. Metoden er udsprunget fra Demings teori og anvendes til bottom-up udvikling. Den er afprøvet i pilotprojekt i ergoterapien på Sønderborg Sygehus med succes....

  6. Aktivistisk med forbehold? Danmark, EU og den amerikanske verdensorden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wivel, Anders


    I hvilken grad og hvordan kan dansk europapolitik tolkes som aktivistisk? Dansk europapolitik er karakteriseret ved stor kontinuitet med en kombination af pragmatisk interessevaretagelse og forsøg på dagsordensættende indflydelsesmaksimering på udvalgte værdipolitiske områder. Samtidig er europap...

  7. MED23-associated intellectual disability in a non-consanguineous family. (United States)

    Trehan, Aditi; Brady, Jacqueline M; Maduro, Valerie; Bone, William P; Huang, Yan; Golas, Gretchen A; Kane, Megan S; Lee, Paul R; Thurm, Audrey; Gropman, Andrea L; Paul, Scott M; Vezina, Gilbert; Markello, Thomas C; Gahl, William A; Boerkoel, Cornelius F; Tifft, Cynthia J


    Intellectual disability (ID) is a heterogeneous condition arising from a variety of environmental and genetic factors. Among these causes are defects in transcriptional regulators. Herein, we report on two brothers in a nonconsanguineous family with novel compound heterozygous, disease-segregating mutations (NM_015979.3: [3656A > G];[4006C > T], NP_057063.2: [H1219R];[R1336X]) in MED23. This gene encodes a subunit of the Mediator complex that modulates the expression of RNA polymerase II-dependent genes. These brothers, who had profound ID, spasticity, congenital heart disease, brain abnormalities, and atypical electroencephalography, represent the first case of MED23-associated ID in a non-consanguineous family. They also expand upon the clinical features previously reported for mutations in this gene. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Calculation of Metallization Resistivity and Thickness for MedAustron Kickers

    CERN Document Server

    Barnes, M J; Stadlbauer, T


    The MedAustron facility, to be built in Wiener Neustadt (Austria), will provide protons and ions for both cancer therapy and research [1]. Different types of kicker magnets will be used in the facility. The kicker magnets are outside machine vacuum: each kicker magnet has a ceramic beam chamber whose inner surface is metalized. The resistivity and thickness of the metallization are chosen such that the induced eddy currents, resulting from the pulsed kicker magnetic field, do not unduly affect the rise/fall times or homogeneity of the magnetic field. A comparison of an analytical calculation and measurement is reported for the effect of metallization of a ceramic chamber in an existing kicker system at CERN. Conclusions concerning the metallization of the ceramic chambers for the MedAustron kicker magnets are presented.

  9. The Mediator Complex MED15 Subunit Mediates Activation of Downstream Lipid-Related Genes by the WRINKLED1 Transcription Factor. (United States)

    Kim, Mi Jung; Jang, In-Cheol; Chua, Nam-Hai


    The Mediator complex is known to be a master coordinator of transcription by RNA polymerase II, and this complex is recruited by transcription factors (TFs) to target promoters for gene activation or repression. The plant-specific TF WRINKLED1 (WRI1) activates glycolysis-related and fatty acid biosynthetic genes during embryogenesis. However, no Mediator subunit has yet been identified that mediates WRI1 transcriptional activity. Promoter-β-glucuronidase fusion experiments showed that MEDIATOR15 (MED15) is expressed in the same cells in the embryo as WRI1. We found that the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) MED15 subunit of the Mediator complex interacts directly with WRI1 in the nucleus. Overexpression of MED15 or WRI1 increased transcript levels of WRI1 target genes involved in glycolysis and fatty acid biosynthesis; these genes were down-regulated in wild-type or WRI1-overexpressing plants by silencing of MED15 However, overexpression of MED15 in the wri1 mutant also increased transcript levels of WRI1 target genes, suggesting that MED15 also may act with other TFs to activate downstream lipid-related genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirmed the association of MED15 with six WRI1 target gene promoters. Additionally, silencing of MED15 resulted in reduced fatty acid content in seedlings and mature seeds, whereas MED15 overexpression increased fatty acid content in both developmental stages. Similar results were found in wri1 mutant and WRI1 overexpression lines. Together, our results indicate that the WRI1/MED15 complex transcriptionally regulates glycolysis-related and fatty acid biosynthetic genes during embryogenesis. © 2016 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

  10. MEditerranean Supersite Volcanoes (MED-SUV) project: from objectives to results (United States)

    Puglisi, Giuseppe; Spampinato, Letizia


    The MEditerranean Supersite Volcanoes (MED-SUV) was a FP7 3-year lasting project aimed at improving the assessment of volcanic hazards at two of the most active European volcanic areas - Campi Flegrei/Vesuvius and Mt. Etna. More than 3 million people are exposed to potential hazards in the two areas, and the geographic location of the volcanoes increases the number of people extending the impact to a wider region. MED-SUV worked on the (1) optimisation and integration of the existing and new monitoring systems, (2) understanding of volcanic processes, and on the (3) relationship between the scientific and end-user communities. MED-SUV fully exploited the unique multidisciplinary long-term in-situ datasets available for these volcanoes and integrated them with Earth observations. Technological developments and implemented algorithms allowed better constraint of pre-, sin- and post-eruptive phases. The wide range of styles and intensities of the volcanic phenomena observed at the targeted volcanoes - archetypes of 'closed' and 'open' conduit systems - observed by using the long-term multidisciplinary datasets, exceptionally upgraded the understanding of a variety of geo-hazards. Proper experiments and studies were carried out to advance the understanding of the volcanoes' internal structure and processes, and to recognise signals related to impending unrest/eruptive phases. Indeed, the hazard quantitative assessment benefitted from the outcomes of these studies and from their integration with cutting edge monitoring approaches, thus leading to step-changes in hazard awareness and preparedness, and leveraging the close relationship between scientists, SMEs, and end-users. Among the MED-SUV achievements, we can list the (i) implementation of a data policy compliant with the GEO Open Data Principles for ruling the exploitation and shared use of the project outcomes; (ii) MED-SUV e-infrastructure creation as test bed for designing an interoperable infrastructure to

  11. Discrepancies among Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed coverage of funding information in medical journal articles. (United States)

    Kokol, Peter; Vošner, Helena Blažun


    The overall aim of the present study was to compare the coverage of existing research funding information for articles indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed databases. The numbers of articles with funding information published in 2015 were identified in the three selected databases and compared using bibliometric analysis of a sample of twenty-eight prestigious medical journals. Frequency analysis of the number of articles with funding information showed statistically significant differences between Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed databases. The largest proportion of articles with funding information was found in Web of Science (29.0%), followed by PubMed (14.6%) and Scopus (7.7%). The results show that coverage of funding information differs significantly among Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed databases in a sample of the same medical journals. Moreover, we found that, currently, funding data in PubMed is more difficult to obtain and analyze compared with that in the other two databases.

  12. Med H.C. Andersen i Portugal år 1866

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skousbøll, Karin


    ankomst med diligence fra Spanien ind over fastlandet til Lissabon, men også rundt i byen, i omegnen og til havnebyen Setubal. Det indsamlede billedstof som underbygger teksten er dels historisk stof indhentet fra Det kg. Bibliotek o.a. kilder og dels fremskaffet fra Portugals arkiver og de respektive...

  13. Spilleregler i musikterapi med voksne - oversigter fra faglitteraturen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulla Holck


    Full Text Available Artiklen gennemgår udvalgt faglitteratur, der på et overordnet plan beskriver typer af spilleregler i musikterapi med (fortrinsvis voksne klientgrupper. Udgangspunktet er Priestleys anvendelse af begrebet, og hendes inddeling af spilleregler i forhold til forskellige teknikker gennemgås, efterfulgt af en præsentation af opdelinger lavet af henholdsvis Pedersen & Scheiby, Bruscia og Wigram. En af forskellene på opfattelsen af spillereglernes karakter og anvendelse handler om, hvorvidt spillereglerne udelukkende bør have et referentielt indhold med udgangspunkt i klientens psykiske materiale, eller om også rent musikalske (eller nonreferentiellespilleregler kan siges at have en terapeutisk effekt. Artiklens forfatter ser i stedet spørgsmålet i lyset af mange klienters behov for en gradvis introduktion til klinisk improvisation og inddrager i den sammenhæng litteratur om introduktion og assessment af bl.a. Wigram, Hannibal og Jensen. Artiklen er den første i en serie, hvis overordnede mål er at indsamle viden og erfaring om anvendelse af spilleregler i forhold til forskellige klientgrupper. Anden del omhandler udvikling af spilleregler i forhold til børneklientgrupper og findes i næste kapitel i dette årsskrift.

  14. Med Diet 4.0: the Mediterranean diet with four sustainable benefits. (United States)

    Dernini, S; Berry, E M; Serra-Majem, L; La Vecchia, C; Capone, R; Medina, F X; Aranceta-Bartrina, J; Belahsen, R; Burlingame, B; Calabrese, G; Corella, D; Donini, L M; Lairon, D; Meybeck, A; Pekcan, A G; Piscopo, S; Yngve, A; Trichopoulou, A


    To characterize the multiple dimensions and benefits of the Mediterranean diet as a sustainable diet, in order to revitalize this intangible food heritage at the country level; and to develop a multidimensional framework - the Med Diet 4.0 - in which four sustainability benefits of the Mediterranean diet are presented in parallel: major health and nutrition benefits, low environmental impacts and richness in biodiversity, high sociocultural food values, and positive local economic returns. A narrative review was applied at the country level to highlight the multiple sustainable benefits of the Mediterranean diet into a single multidimensional framework: the Med Diet 4.0. Setting/subjects We included studies published in English in peer-reviewed journals that contained data on the characterization of sustainable diets and of the Mediterranean diet. The methodological framework approach was finalized through a series of meetings, workshops and conferences where the framework was presented, discussed and ultimately refined. The Med Diet 4.0 provides a conceptual multidimensional framework to characterize the Mediterranean diet as a sustainable diet model, by applying principles of sustainability to the Mediterranean diet. By providing a broader understanding of the many sustainable benefits of the Mediterranean diet, the Med Diet 4.0 can contribute to the revitalization of the Mediterranean diet by improving its current perception not only as a healthy diet but also a sustainable lifestyle model, with country-specific and culturally appropriate variations. It also takes into account the identity and diversity of food cultures and systems, expressed within the notion of the Mediterranean diet, across the Mediterranean region and in other parts of the world. Further multidisciplinary studies are needed for the assessment of the sustainability of the Mediterranean diet to include these new dimensions.

  15. Vold i Arhus gennem to årtier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brink, Ole; Bitch, Oluf; Petersen, Klaus Kjaer


    , the latest in 1993-1994. The aim of this study was to update knowledge about the incidence and character of violence in Aarhus. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A dynamic cohort study was carried out in the period 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2000. Persons who arrived at the casualty wards or Institute of Forensic Medicine...... dropped to 4.6 victims/1000. This decrease in violence was particularly seen among 15-24-year-old males. The extent of violence against women remained unchanged in the years 1999-2000. Foreigners were significantly higher represented among the victims. The character and severity of the violence were...

  16. Musikbranschen i förändring : Artistens möjligheter med och utan skivbolag


    Järnström, Sofia Maria


    Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning artister kan nå en publik utan att ingå ett skivkontrakt och att klargöra för vilka kanaler som finns tillgäng-liga för självständig marknadsföring. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och jag kommer att fokusera på fyra intervjuer med personer inom branschen. Jag fokuserar på dessa frågor: 1) Hur kan en artist nå ut med sin musik, utan att ha ett skivbolag bakom sig som marknadsförare och distributör? 2) Vilka nya...

  17. PubMed-based quantitative analysis of biomedical publications in the SAARC countries: 1985-2009. (United States)

    Azim Majumder, Md Anwarul; Shaban, Sami F; Rahman, Sayeeda; Rahman, Nuzhat; Ahmed, Moslehuddin; Bin Abdulrahman, Khalid A; Islam, Ziauddin


    To conduct a geographical analysis of biomedical publications from the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries over the past 25 years (1985-2009) using the PubMed database. A qualitative study. Web-based search during September 2010. A data extraction program, developed by one of the authors (SFS), was used to extract the raw publication counts from the downloaded PubMed data. A search of PubMed was performed for all journals indexed by selecting the advanced search option and entering the country name in the 'affiliation' field. The publications were normalized by total population, adult illiteracy rate, gross domestic product (GDP), secondary school enrollment ratio and Internet usage rate. The number of PubMed-listed papers published by the SAARC countries over the last 25 years totalled 141,783, which is 1.1% of the total papers indexed by PubMed in the same period. India alone produced 90.5% of total publications generated by SAARC countries. The average number of papers published per year from 1985 to 2009 was 5671 and number of publication increased approximately 242-fold. Normalizing by the population (per million) and GDP (per billion), India (133, 27.6%) and Nepal (323, 37.3%) had the highest publications respectively. There was a marked imbalance among the SAARC countries in terms of biomedical research and publication. Because of huge population and the high disease burden, biomedical research and publication output should receive special attention to formulate health policies, re-orient medical education curricula, and alleviate diseases and poverty.

  18. Hvordan får man succes med Business Intelligence anvendt til data på danske universiteter?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaardboe, Rikke; Nyvang, Tom; Jensen, Erling

    brug, brugertilfredshed og individuel impact. 274 BI-brugere svarede på spørgeskemaet. Resultatet er at systemkvalitet og informationskvalitet er positiv og signifikant relateret til brugertilfredshed. Og brugertilfredsheden er positiv og signifikant med individual impact. Des højere systemkvalitet......, des mere bruger brugerne BI. Men brug af BI er ikke signifikant med individual impact. At den enkelte BI bruger oplever individual impact er ikke ensbetydende med organisatorisk impact. Derfor blev der gennemført 7 semi-strukturerede interviews. Formålet var at identificere den organisatoriske impact...

  19. Clinical safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL infusion pumps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diehn, Felix E.; Wood, Christopher P.; Watson, Robert E.; Hunt, Christopher H.; Mauck, William D.; Burke, Michelle M.


    Patients with implanted SynchroMed spinal infusion pumps (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) routinely undergo magnetic resonance imaging at our institution. In August 2008, Medtronic issued an urgent medical device correction report regarding several pumps. Because of the rare potential ''for a delay in the return of proper drug infusion'' and ''for a delay in the logging of motor stall events,'' ''a patient's pump must be interrogated after MRI exposure in order to confirm proper pump functionality.'' This is particularly important in patients receiving intrathecal baclofen, for whom a delay in return of proper pump infusion could lead to life-threatening baclofen withdrawal syndrome. The objective of this report is to present our experience and protocol of performing magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL pumps. We retrospectively reviewed records of 86 patients with implanted SynchroMed EL spinal infusion pumps who underwent 112 examinations on 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging scanners from September 1, 1998 to July 7, 2004. No SynchroMed EL pumps were damaged by magnetic resonance imaging, and the programmable settings remained unchanged in all patients. Our data suggest that SynchroMed EL pump malfunction is indeed rare after routine clinical 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging examinations. However, based on the Medtronic correction report, we perform pump interrogation before and after imaging. (orig.)

  20. MedTime: a temporal information extraction system for clinical narratives. (United States)

    Lin, Yu-Kai; Chen, Hsinchun; Brown, Randall A


    Temporal information extraction from clinical narratives is of critical importance to many clinical applications. We participated in the EVENT/TIMEX3 track of the 2012 i2b2 clinical temporal relations challenge, and presented our temporal information extraction system, MedTime. MedTime comprises a cascade of rule-based and machine-learning pattern recognition procedures. It achieved a micro-averaged f-measure of 0.88 in both the recognitions of clinical events and temporal expressions. We proposed and evaluated three time normalization strategies to normalize relative time expressions in clinical texts. The accuracy was 0.68 in normalizing temporal expressions of dates, times, durations, and frequencies. This study demonstrates and evaluates the integration of rule-based and machine-learning-based approaches for high performance temporal information extraction from clinical narratives. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. What time-lag for a retraction search on PubMed? (United States)

    Decullier, Evelyne; Huot, Laure; Maisonneuve, Hervé


    To investigate fraud and errors, scientists have studied cohorts of retraction notices. These researches have been performed using a PubMed search on publication type "retraction of publication" which retrieves the notices of the retractions. We assessed the stability of the indexation of retraction notices over a 15-month period and what was the time-lag to get stability. A search on notices of retraction issued in 2008 was repeated every 3 months during 15 months from February 2011. The first search resulted in 237 notices of retraction. Throughout the study period, 14 discrepancies with the initial search were observed (6%). We found that the number of retraction notices became stable 35 months after the retraction. The time-lag observed in this study has to be taken into account when performing a PubMed search.

  2. Copenhagen ITS: Forsøg med wifi-baseret positionering på H.C. Andersens Boulevard

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høeg, Per; Nielsen, Thomas Sick; Olsen, Allan


    I samarbejde med Københavns Kommune afprøvede CITS konsortiet potentialet i wifi-baseret positionering med en forsøgsstrækning på H.C. Andersens Boulevard i vintermånederne 2014-2015. Wifi-positioneringen giver et nyt datagrundlag for trafik og bylivsundersøgelser, herunder f.eks. et grundlag...

  3. PubMed Central Canada: Beyond an Open Access Repository? (United States)

    Nariani, Rajiv


    PubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada) represents a partnership between the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the National Research Council's Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI), and the National Library of Medicine of the US. The present study was done to gauge faculty awareness about the CIHR Policy on…

  4. Udstilling af børn og fostre med misdannelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Ion


    Artiklen beskriver baggrunden for etableringen af de første anatomiske samlinger og de første samlinger med teratologiske præparater i Sct. Petersborg og Berlin. Den Saxtorphske Samling på Medicinsk Museion indeholder den største samling af teratologiske præparater i Danmark, og bagrunden for sam...

  5. Digital audio recording of outpatient consultations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wolderslund, Maiken

    BAGGRUND Begreber som patientinvolvering og fælles beslutningstagning står i disse år højt på den sundhedspolitiske agenda. I bestræbelserne på at nå disse målsætninger, er kommunikationen mellem patient og sundhedspersonalet et helt centralt aspekt, som dog også kan volde problemer. For patiente...

  6. Methods and pitfalls in searching drug safety databases utilising the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). (United States)

    Brown, Elliot G


    The Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) is a unified standard terminology for recording and reporting adverse drug event data. Its introduction is widely seen as a significant improvement on the previous situation, where a multitude of terminologies of widely varying scope and quality were in use. However, there are some complexities that may cause difficulties, and these will form the focus for this paper. Two methods of searching MedDRA-coded databases are described: searching based on term selection from all of MedDRA and searching based on terms in the safety database. There are several potential traps for the unwary in safety searches. There may be multiple locations of relevant terms within a system organ class (SOC) and lack of recognition of appropriate group terms; the user may think that group terms are more inclusive than is the case. MedDRA may distribute terms relevant to one medical condition across several primary SOCs. If the database supports the MedDRA model, it is possible to perform multiaxial searching: while this may help find terms that might have been missed, it is still necessary to consider the entire contents of the SOCs to find all relevant terms and there are many instances of incomplete secondary linkages. It is important to adjust for multiaxiality if data are presented using primary and secondary locations. Other sources for errors in searching are non-intuitive placement and the selection of terms as preferred terms (PTs) that may not be widely recognised. Some MedDRA rules could also result in errors in data retrieval if the individual is unaware of these: in particular, the lack of multiaxial linkages for the Investigations SOC, Social circumstances SOC and Surgical and medical procedures SOC and the requirement that a PT may only be present under one High Level Term (HLT) and one High Level Group Term (HLGT) within any single SOC. Special Search Categories (collections of PTs assembled from various SOCs by

  7. Reconstitution of active human core Mediator complex reveals a critical role of the MED14 subunit. (United States)

    Cevher, Murat A; Shi, Yi; Li, Dan; Chait, Brian T; Malik, Sohail; Roeder, Robert G


    The evolutionarily conserved Mediator complex is a critical coactivator for RNA polymerase II (Pol II)-mediated transcription. Here we report the reconstitution of a functional 15-subunit human core Mediator complex and its characterization by functional assays and chemical cross-linking coupled to MS (CX-MS). Whereas the reconstituted head and middle modules can stably associate, basal and coactivator functions are acquired only after incorporation of MED14 into the bimodular complex. This results from a dramatically enhanced ability of MED14-containing complexes to associate with Pol II. Altogether, our analyses identify MED14 as both an architectural and a functional backbone of the Mediator complex. We further establish a conditional requirement for metazoan-specific MED26 that becomes evident in the presence of heterologous nuclear factors. This general approach paves the way for systematic dissection of the multiple layers of functionality associated with the Mediator complex.

  8. Competency-structured case discussion in the morning meeting: enhancing CanMEDS integration in daily practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hassan IS


    Full Text Available Imad Salah Hassan, Hadi Kuriry, Lina Al Ansari, Ali Al-Khathami, Mohammed Al Qahtani, Thari Al Anazi, Mahfooz Farooqui, Hamdan Al Jahdali Department of Medicine 1443, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abstract: Outcome-focused, competency-based educational curricula have become the norm in residency training programs. The Canadian Medical Education Directives for Specialists (CanMEDS framework is one example of such a curriculum. However, models for incorporating all the competencies in everyday clinical practice have been difficult to accomplish. In this manuscript, a CanMEDS, competency-structured, acute case discussion in a regular morning meeting was undertaken. All the diagnostic and therapeutic interventions were explicitly organized and discussed under their respective CanMEDS competency headings. Post exercise, the majority of residents felt that they were more competent in all the competencies and indicated their willingness to continue having similarly structured acute case discussions in the future. Keywords: CanMEDS roles, residents, morning meeting

  9. Characterization of the mechanism of drug-drug interactions from PubMed using MeSH terms. (United States)

    Lu, Yin; Figler, Bryan; Huang, Hong; Tu, Yi-Cheng; Wang, Ju; Cheng, Feng


    Identifying drug-drug interaction (DDI) is an important topic for the development of safe pharmaceutical drugs and for the optimization of multidrug regimens for complex diseases such as cancer and HIV. There have been about 150,000 publications on DDIs in PubMed, which is a great resource for DDI studies. In this paper, we introduced an automatic computational method for the systematic analysis of the mechanism of DDIs using MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms from PubMed literature. MeSH term is a controlled vocabulary thesaurus developed by the National Library of Medicine for indexing and annotating articles. Our method can effectively identify DDI-relevant MeSH terms such as drugs, proteins and phenomena with high accuracy. The connections among these MeSH terms were investigated by using co-occurrence heatmaps and social network analysis. Our approach can be used to visualize relationships of DDI terms, which has the potential to help users better understand DDIs. As the volume of PubMed records increases, our method for automatic analysis of DDIs from the PubMed database will become more accurate.

  10. The Mediator subunit MED23 couples H2B mono-ubiquitination to transcriptional control and cell fate determination. (United States)

    Yao, Xiao; Tang, Zhanyun; Fu, Xing; Yin, Jingwen; Liang, Yan; Li, Chonghui; Li, Huayun; Tian, Qing; Roeder, Robert G; Wang, Gang


    The Mediator complex orchestrates multiple transcription factors with the Pol II apparatus for precise transcriptional control. However, its interplay with the surrounding chromatin remains poorly understood. Here, we analyze differential histone modifications between WT and MED23(-/-) (KO) cells and identify H2B mono-ubiquitination at lysine 120 (H2Bub) as a MED23-dependent histone modification. Using tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry, we find that MED23 associates with the RNF20/40 complex, the enzyme for H2Bub, and show that this association is critical for the recruitment of RNF20/40 to chromatin. In a cell-free system, Mediator directly and substantially increases H2Bub on recombinant chromatin through its cooperation with RNF20/40 and the PAF complex. Integrative genome-wide analyses show that MED23 depletion specifically reduces H2Bub on a subset of MED23-controlled genes. Importantly, MED23-coupled H2Bub levels are oppositely regulated during myogenesis and lung carcinogenesis. In sum, these results establish a mechanistic link between the Mediator complex and a critical chromatin modification in coordinating transcription with cell growth and differentiation. © 2015 The Authors.

  11. The Web-based CanMEDS Resident Learning Portfolio Project (WEBCAM): how we got started. (United States)

    Glen, Peter; Balaa, Fady; Momoli, Franco; Martin, Louise; Found, Dorothy; Arnaout, Angel


    The CanMEDS framework is ubiquitous in Canadian postgraduate medical education; however, training programs do not have a universal method of assessing competence. We set out to develop a novel portfolio that allowed trainees to generate a longitudinal record of their training and development within the framework. The portfolio provided an objective means for the residency program director to document and evaluate resident progress within the CanMEDS roles.

  12. Experimental benchmarks and simulation of GAMMA-T for overcooling and undercooling transients in HTGRs coupled with MED desalination plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ho Sik; Kim, In Hun; NO, Hee Cheon; Jin, Hyung Gon


    Highlights: ► The GAMMA-T code was well validated through benchmark experiments. ► Based on the KAIST coupling scheme, the GTHTR300 + MED systems were made. ► Safety analysis was performed for overcooling and undercooling accidents. ► In all accidents, maximum peak fuel temperatures were well below than 1600 °C. ► In all accidents, the HTGR + MED system could be operated continuously. -- Abstracts: The nuclear desalination based on the high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) with gas turbomachinery and multi-effect distillation (MED) is attracting attention because the coupling system can utilize the waste heat of the nuclear power system for the MED desalination system. In previous work, KAIST proposed the new HTGR + MED coupling scheme, evaluated desalination performance, and performed cost analysis for the system. In this paper, in order to confirm the safety and the performance of the coupling system, we performed the transient analysis with GAMMA-T (GAs Multidimensional Multicomponent mixture Analysis–Turbomachinery) code for the KAIST HTGR + MED systems. The experimental benchmarks of GAMMA-T code were set up before the transient analysis for several accident scenarios. The GAMMA-T code was well validated against steady state and transient scenarios of the He–Water test loop such as changes in water mass flow rate and water inlet temperatures. Then, for transient analysis, the GTHTR300 was chosen as a reference plant. The GTHTR300 + MED systems were made, based on the KAIST HTGR + MED coupling scheme. Transient analysis was performed for three kinds of accidents scenarios: (1) loss of heat rejection through MED plant, (2) loss of heat rejection through heat sink, and (3) overcooling due to abnormal cold temperature of seawater. In all kinds of accident scenarios, maximum peak fuel temperatures were well below than the fuel failure criterion, 1600 °C and the GTHTR300 + MED system could be operated continuously and safely. Specially, in the

  13. Do language fluency and other socioeconomic factors influence the use of PubMed and MedlinePlus? (United States)

    Sheets, L; Gavino, A; Callaghan, F; Fontelo, P


    Increased usage of MedlinePlus by Spanish-speakers was observed after introduction of MedlinePlus in Spanish. This probably reflects increased usage of MEDLINE and PubMed by those with greater fluency in the language in which it is presented; but this has never been demonstrated in English speakers. Evidence that lack of English fluency deters international healthcare personnel from using PubMed could support the use of multi-language search tools like Babel-MeSH. This study aims to measure the effects of language fluency and other socioeconomic factors on PubMed MEDLINE and MedlinePlus access by international users. We retrospectively reviewed server pageviews of PubMed and MedlinePlus from various periods of time, and analyzed them against country statistics on language fluency, GDP, literacy rate, Internet usage, medical schools, and physicians per capita, to determine whether they were associated. We found fluency in English to be positively associated with pageviews of PubMed and MedlinePlus in countries with high literacy rates. Spanish was generally found to be positively associated with pageviews of MedlinePlus en Español. The other parameters also showed varying degrees of association with pageviews. After adjusting for the other factors investigated in this study, language fluency was a consistently significant predictor of the use of PubMed, MedlinePlus English and MedlinePlus en Español. This study may support the need for multi-language search tools and may increase access of health information resources from non-English speaking countries.

  14. Du er god nok! Litteraturstudie om tilrettelegging av mestring for elever med dysleksi.


    Loktu, Thea Amanda Hansen


    Bacheloroppgave, grunnskolelærerutdanning, 2017. Norsk: Temaet for oppgaven er mestring og dysleksi og omhandler hvorfor og til dels hvordan en særlig skal legge til rette for mestring hos elever med dysleksi. Oppgaven er fundert i både et samfunnsmessigperspektiv og et individperspektiv. Bacheloren søker å finne de momentene som påvirker læring for denne gruppen, med fokus på det helhetlige mennesket. Problemstillingen lyder slik: Hvorfor legge særlig til rette for mestring hos elever ...

  15. One Health – Transdisziplinarität bei ZB MED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seidlmayer, Eva


    Full Text Available By supporting disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the fields of medicine, health care, nutritional, environmental and agricultural sciences ZB MED enables an integrated view on human health. The poster focuses on approach as well as as the underlying concepts. Additionally, the poster presents services for transdisciplinary research in the life sciences.

  16. What does it offer? (United States)

    Woosley, Raymond L; Black, Kristin; Heise, C William; Romero, Klaus


    Since the 1990s, when numerous non-cardiac drugs were first recognized to have the potential to prolong the QT interval and cause torsades de pointes (TdP), clinicians, drug regulators, drug developers, and clinical investigators have become aware of the complexities of assessing evidence and determining TdP causality for the many drugs being marketed or under development. To facilitate better understanding, the Arizona Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics, known as AZCERT, has developed the website which includes QTdrugs, a listing of over 220 drugs placed in four risk categories based on their association with QT prolongation and TdP. Since the site was launched in 1999, it has become the single and most reliable source of information of its kind for patients, healthcare providers, and research scientists. Over 96,000 registered users rely on the QTdrugs database as their primary resource to inform their medication use, their prescribing or their clinical research into the impact of QT-prolonging drugs and drug-induced arrhythmias. The QTdrugs lists are increasingly used as the basis for clinical decision support systems in healthcare and for metrics of prescribing quality by healthcare insurers. A free smartphone app and an application program interface enable rapid and mobile access to the lists. Also, the CredibleMeds website offers numerous educational resources for patients, educators and healthcare providers that foster the safe use of medications. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. User needs analysis and usability assessment of DataMed - a biomedical data discovery index. (United States)

    Dixit, Ram; Rogith, Deevakar; Narayana, Vidya; Salimi, Mandana; Gururaj, Anupama; Ohno-Machado, Lucila; Xu, Hua; Johnson, Todd R


    To present user needs and usability evaluations of DataMed, a Data Discovery Index (DDI) that allows searching for biomedical data from multiple sources. We conducted 2 phases of user studies. Phase 1 was a user needs analysis conducted before the development of DataMed, consisting of interviews with researchers. Phase 2 involved iterative usability evaluations of DataMed prototypes. We analyzed data qualitatively to document researchers' information and user interface needs. Biomedical researchers' information needs in data discovery are complex, multidimensional, and shaped by their context, domain knowledge, and technical experience. User needs analyses validate the need for a DDI, while usability evaluations of DataMed show that even though aggregating metadata into a common search engine and applying traditional information retrieval tools are promising first steps, there remain challenges for DataMed due to incomplete metadata and the complexity of data discovery. Biomedical data poses distinct problems for search when compared to websites or publications. Making data available is not enough to facilitate biomedical data discovery: new retrieval techniques and user interfaces are necessary for dataset exploration. Consistent, complete, and high-quality metadata are vital to enable this process. While available data and researchers' information needs are complex and heterogeneous, a successful DDI must meet those needs and fit into the processes of biomedical researchers. Research directions include formalizing researchers' information needs, standardizing overviews of data to facilitate relevance judgments, implementing user interfaces for concept-based searching, and developing evaluation methods for open-ended discovery systems such as DDIs. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  18. Clinical safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL infusion pumps

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diehn, Felix E.; Wood, Christopher P.; Watson, Robert E.; Hunt, Christopher H. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Radiology, Rochester, MN (United States); Mauck, William D. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Anesthesiology, Rochester, MN (United States); Burke, Michelle M. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Rochester, MN (United States)


    Patients with implanted SynchroMed spinal infusion pumps (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) routinely undergo magnetic resonance imaging at our institution. In August 2008, Medtronic issued an urgent medical device correction report regarding several pumps. Because of the rare potential ''for a delay in the return of proper drug infusion'' and ''for a delay in the logging of motor stall events,'' ''a patient's pump must be interrogated after MRI exposure in order to confirm proper pump functionality.'' This is particularly important in patients receiving intrathecal baclofen, for whom a delay in return of proper pump infusion could lead to life-threatening baclofen withdrawal syndrome. The objective of this report is to present our experience and protocol of performing magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL pumps. We retrospectively reviewed records of 86 patients with implanted SynchroMed EL spinal infusion pumps who underwent 112 examinations on 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging scanners from September 1, 1998 to July 7, 2004. No SynchroMed EL pumps were damaged by magnetic resonance imaging, and the programmable settings remained unchanged in all patients. Our data suggest that SynchroMed EL pump malfunction is indeed rare after routine clinical 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging examinations. However, based on the Medtronic correction report, we perform pump interrogation before and after imaging. (orig.)

  19. MedHySol: Future federator project of massive production of solar hydrogen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahmah, Bouziane; Harouadi, Farid; Chader, Samira; Belhamel, Maiouf; M' Raoui, Abdelhamid; Abdeladim, Kamel [CDER, BP 62, Route de l' Observatoire, Bouzareah, Alger (Algeria); Benmoussa, H. [LESEI, Universite de Batna, Batna (Algeria); Cherigui, Adel Nasser [Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble I, BP 87, Saint-Martin-D' Heres 38400 (France); Etievant, Claude [CETH, Innov' valley Entreprises, 91460 Marcoussis (France)


    Mediterranean Hydrogen Solar (MedHySol) is a federator project for development of a massive hydrogen production starting from solar energy and its exportation within a framework of a Euro-Maghrebian Cooperation project for industrial and energetic needs in the Mediterranean basin. The proposal of this project is included in the Algiers Declaration's on Hydrogen from Renewable Origin following the organization of the first international workshop on hydrogen which was held in 2005. Algeria is the privileged site to receive the MedHySol platform. The objective of the first step of the project is to realize a technological platform allowing the evaluation of emergent technologies of hydrogen production from solar energy with a significant size (10-100 kW) and to maintain the development of energetic rupture technologies. The second step of the project is to implement the most effective and less expensive technologies to pilot great projects (1-1000 MW). In this article we present the potentialities and the feasibility of MedHySol, as well as the fundamental elements for a scientific and technical supervision of this great project. (author)

  20. Live-innspilling i studio med fokus på akustisk gitar og vokal


    Lamborg, Kristine; Larsen, Axel Wold


    vår bacheloroppgave foreligger det en teoretisk undersøkelse, samt tre live-innspillinger med artisten Robert Bergstrøm. Vårt mål, i tillegg til å spille inn disse låtene, var å undersøke hvilke faktorer som kunne være med på å påvirke en live-innspilling i studio. Vi kom frem til at små detaljer som for eksempel valg av plekter, justering av mikrofonplassering og slitasje på stemmebåndet kan påvirke en produksjon i stor grad. Videre kom vi frem til at kondensatormikrofoner tilfører et rik...

  1. Use of scientific social networking to improve the research strategies of PubMed readers


    Evdokimov, Pavel; Kudryavtsev, Alexey; Ilgisonis, Ekaterina; Ponomarenko, Elena; Lisitsa, Andrey


    Background Keeping up with journal articles on a daily basis is an important activity of scientists engaged in biomedical research. Usually, journal articles and papers in the field of biomedicine are accessed through the Medline/PubMed electronic library. In the process of navigating PubMed, researchers unknowingly generate user-specific reading profiles that can be shared within a social networking environment. This paper examines the structure of the social networking environment generated...

  2. Reconstitution of active human core Mediator complex reveals a pivotal role of the MED14 subunit (United States)

    Cevher, Murat A.; Shi, Yi; Li, Dan; Chait, Brian T.; Malik, Sohail; Roeder, Robert G.


    The evolutionarily conserved Mediator complex is a critical coactivator for RNA polymerase II (Pol II)-mediated transcription. Here, we report the reconstitution of a functional 15-subunit human core Mediator complex and its characterization by functional assays and chemical cross-linking coupled to mass spectrometry (CX-MS). Whereas the reconstituted head and middle modules can stably associate, only with incorporation of MED14 into the bi-modular complex does it acquire basal and coactivator functions. This results from a dramatically enhanced ability of MED14-containing complexes to associate with Pol II. Altogether, our analyses identify MED14 as both an architectural and a functional backbone of the Mediator complex. We further establish a conditional requirement for metazoan-specific MED26 that becomes evident in the presence of heterologous nuclear factors. This general approach paves the way for systematically dissecting the multiple layers of functionalities associated with the Mediator complex. PMID:25383669

  3. Hvem er mest fornøyd med samlivet? : samlivskvalitet blant samboere og gifte


    Wiik, Kenneth Aarskaug; Noack, Turid


    Artiklene i Samfunnsspeilet er tilgjengelige fra SSBs nettsider: Norge og Sverige er land der samboerskap har en lang historie, og der denne samlivsformen er mest utbredt. I dag er et av fire samliv her til lands samboerskap. Men også her er det forskjeller mellom samboere og gifte. Hvis vi sammenlikner samlivskvaliteten blant samboere og gifte, finner vi at unge samboere i alderen 25 til 35 år er minst fornøyd med samlivet sitt. Samboere med planer om å gifte seg me...

  4. Miljøoptimering af afvaskning ved tryk med vandfortyndbar flexotrykfarve

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Henrik Fred; Helweg, Christian; Pedersen, Anne Rathmann

    Rapporten beskriver praksis ved afvaskning af vandfortyndbare flexotrykfarver i emballageindustrien og anviser muligheder for indførelse af renere teknologi til reduktion af spildevandsbelastningen. Anbefalingerne omfatter a) udformning af farveværker med henblik på effektiv tømning af farve og e...

  5. Narrativ kostvejledning - en ny tilgang til diætisten, der styrker relationsdannelse og samarbejde med borgeren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Søren Tange


    I Oplægget præsenteres hovedresultater fra en artikel indsendt til tidsskriftet Topics in Clinical Nutrition1, der undersøger hvordan Narrativ kostvejledning (NK) kan styrke diætisters relationsdannelse og samarbejde med borgere med kroniske lidelser. Artiklen bygger på data indsamlet i forbindelse...

  6. The Tlo Proteins Are Stoichiometric Components of Candida albicans Mediator Anchored via the Med3 Subunit (United States)

    Zhang, Anda; Petrov, Kostadin O.; Hyun, Emily R.; Liu, Zhongle; Gerber, Scott A.


    The amplification of the TLO (for telomere-associated) genes in Candida albicans, compared to its less pathogenic, close relative Candida dubliniensis, suggests a role in virulence. Little, however, is known about the function of the Tlo proteins. We have purified the Mediator coactivator complex from C. albicans (caMediator) and found that Tlo proteins are a stoichiometric component of caMediator. Many members of the Tlo family are expressed, and each is a unique member of caMediator. Protein expression analysis of individual Tlo proteins, as well as the purification of tagged Tlo proteins, demonstrate that there is a large free population of Tlo proteins in addition to the Mediator-associated population. Coexpression and copurification of Tloα12 and caMed3 in Escherichia coli established a direct physical interaction between the two proteins. We have also made a C. albicans med3Δ/Δ strain and purified an intact Mediator from this strain. The analysis of the composition of the med3Δ Mediator shows that it lacks a Tlo subunit. Regarding Mediator function, the med3Δ/Δ strain serves as a substitute for the difficult-to-make tloΔ/Δ C. albicans strain. A potential role of the TLO and MED3 genes in virulence is supported by the inability of the med3Δ/Δ strain to form normal germ tubes. This study of caMediator structure provides initial clues to the mechanism of action of the Tlo genes and a platform for further mechanistic studies of caMediator's involvement in gene regulatory patterns that underlie pathogenesis. PMID:22562472

  7. Characterization of the mechanism of drug-drug interactions from PubMed using MeSH terms.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yin Lu

    Full Text Available Identifying drug-drug interaction (DDI is an important topic for the development of safe pharmaceutical drugs and for the optimization of multidrug regimens for complex diseases such as cancer and HIV. There have been about 150,000 publications on DDIs in PubMed, which is a great resource for DDI studies. In this paper, we introduced an automatic computational method for the systematic analysis of the mechanism of DDIs using MeSH (Medical Subject Headings terms from PubMed literature. MeSH term is a controlled vocabulary thesaurus developed by the National Library of Medicine for indexing and annotating articles. Our method can effectively identify DDI-relevant MeSH terms such as drugs, proteins and phenomena with high accuracy. The connections among these MeSH terms were investigated by using co-occurrence heatmaps and social network analysis. Our approach can be used to visualize relationships of DDI terms, which has the potential to help users better understand DDIs. As the volume of PubMed records increases, our method for automatic analysis of DDIs from the PubMed database will become more accurate.

  8. Græsensilage med forskellig snitlængde til drægtige og diegivende moderfår

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eilersen, Rie Jasmund; Arnesson, Annika; Nadeau, Elisabet


    Forsøget viste, at får med tvilling lam der gives 0,8 kg kraftfoder pr dag, under diegivningen æder 1,5 gange mere ensilage end under drægtigheden. Snitning af ensilagen til en partikellængde på 1,3 cm medførte ikke højere optagelse af ensilage ved separat fodring. Når ensilage med denne snitlængde...... indgik i fuldfoder havde fårene en 12% større daglig foderoptagelse efter læmning sammenlignet med separat fodertildeling....

  9. Bedre trafikuheldsdata: Danske erfaringer med brug af forskellige typer trafikuheldsdata

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette; Clemmensen, Mikkel Bøg; Janstrup, Kira Hyldekær

    bidraget til kvalitetssikring af projektets forskellige dele, og seniorforsker Mette Møller har været overordnet projektansvarlig. Stud. BEng Lars Finn Jensen og stud. BEng Niels Klindt Andersen har varetaget dataindsamling i forbindelse med rundspørgen blandt kommunerne. Vi vil gerne udtrykke en stor tak...

  10. MedWatch, the FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program (United States)

    ... Reporting Program MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it ... approved information that can help patients avoid serious adverse events. Potential Signals of Serious Risks/New Safety ...

  11. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor: Styrelser og statslige institutioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne for styrelser og statslige organisationer af en undersøgelse gennemført i sommeren 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en...... digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs....... uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Vi har også undersøgt besvarelse af e-mail, dels...

  12. Applications of medical wireless LAN systems (MedLAN)


    Banitsas, KA; Istepanian, RSH; Tachakra, S


    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Medical Marketing. The definitive publisher-authenticated version "Konstantinos A. Banitsas, R.S.H. Istepanian, Sapal Tachakra. Applications of medical Wireless LAN systems (MedLAN). Journal of Medical Marketing, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 January 2002 , pp. 136-142(7)" is available online at: In this paper the Wireless LAN (WLAN)...

  13. At Tage Liv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Henrik Hvenegaard


    Siden Hannah Arendts bog om den tyske nazi-forbryder Adolf Eichmann har vi lært, at ekstrem vold muliggøres af "dehumani­sering". Man bliver nødt til at klassificere personer som mindre eller anderledes end et menneske for at kunne påføre dem lidelse; således sætter gerningsmanden sig ud over...

  14. med andre ord. ”10 stadier i oversettelse av sangtekst”. Oversettelse av Stevie Wonder og Stephen Sondheim til norsk


    Iveland, Kari


    Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Utøving med fordypningsemne SAMMENDRAG AV OPPGAVEN --- Denne masteroppgaven er en del av en utøvende master og inneholder en analytisk og en praktisk del. Formålet er å finne en metode, et verktøy, for oversettelse av sangtekst, og å identifisere faktorer i språket som må tas hensyn til i oversettelse. Samlet viser den ulike språklige egenskaper som er med på å prege arbeidet med oversettelser av sangtekster. Med utgangspunkt i teorier om tolknin...

  15. How to improve your PubMed/MEDLINE searches: 3. advanced searching, MeSH and My NCBI. (United States)

    Fatehi, Farhad; Gray, Leonard C; Wootton, Richard


    Although the basic PubMed search is often helpful, the results may sometimes be non-specific. For more control over the search process you can use the Advanced Search Builder interface. This allows a targeted search in specific fields, with the convenience of being able to select the intended search field from a list. It also provides a history of your previous searches. The search history is useful to develop a complex search query by combining several previous searches using Boolean operators. For indexing the articles in MEDLINE, the NLM uses a controlled vocabulary system called MeSH. This standardised vocabulary solves the problem of authors, researchers and librarians who may use different terms for the same concept. To be efficient in a PubMed search, you should start by identifying the most appropriate MeSH terms and use them in your search where possible. My NCBI is a personal workspace facility available through PubMed and makes it possible to customise the PubMed interface. It provides various capabilities that can enhance your search performance.

  16. Tidlige brukere av alkohol – hvem er de? Kjennetegn ved ungdom som starter tidlig med alkohol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anders Grimsmo


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGDebutalder med alkoholrus er en sterk prediktor for senere alkoholbruk. I denne undersøkelsen har visammenliknet de som starter med alkohol tidlig og før det er kulturelt akseptert, med ungdommenesom begynner i konfirmasjonsalder og de som utsetter alkoholdebuten. Vi finner at gruppen sombegynner tidlig ikke bare bryter de lokale tradisjonene for alkoholkonsum, men er i opposisjon tilnormer og autoriteter generelt. Alkohol er et positivt symbol for gruppen og det å ruse seg et ritualesom gir mening i deres miljø. Hjemmet står i den sterkeste posisjonen til å kunne utsette ungdommensalkoholdebut. Vi skisserer hvilke implikasjoner dette bør ha for strategien i det forebyggende arbeidet.

  17. MED14 tethers mediator to the N-terminal domain of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and is required for full transcriptional activity and adipogenesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grøntved, Lars; Madsen, Maria S; Boergesen, Michael


    and proximal promoter of the PPARgamma target gene Fabp4 is also independent of MED1. Using a small interfering RNA (siRNA)-based approach, we identify MED14 as a novel critical Mediator component for PPARgamma-dependent transactivation, and we demonstrate that MED14 interacts directly with the N terminus...... of PPARgamma in a ligand-independent manner. Interestingly, MED14 knockdown does not affect the recruitment of PPARgamma, MED6, and MED8 to the Fabp4 enhancer but does reduce their occupancy of the Fabp4 proximal promoter. In agreement with the necessity of MED14 for PPARgamma transcriptional activity, we show...

  18. Studierejse angående økologisk æbleforskning i Europa med fokus på frugtkvalitet. Sommeren 2003


    Pedersen, Senior scientist Hanne Lindhard


    Ved statusrapporten for 2002 med ansøgning om forsættelse og udvidelse af projektet i 2003 blev der givet øget bevilling til WP2 med speciel fokus på frugtkvalitet. For at blive opdateret på igangværende forskningsaktiviteter i økologisk frugtproduktion med fokus på frugtkvalitet, blev der også bevilget rejsepenge til studie besøg på relevante forskningsinstitutioner i Europa i løbet af sommeren 2003. Der er som skrevet i ansøgningen foretaget besøg på følgende Forskningsinstitutioner i den n...

  19. Cochlear implantation with Pulsar Med El: a novel small incision technique. (United States)

    Cuda, D


    Although still widely implanted, Pulsar Med-El is rarely considered for small incision approach. Overall, 30 teen-age and adult patients were operated upon with a novel small incision (4-5 cm). Full insertion of the electrode array was achieved in all cases. No major intra-operative complications occurred. At follow-up, no flap-related complications and no migration of the receiver-stimulator were observed in the "device suture" (14 patients) or "no device suture" groups (16 patients). All patients are full-time users of the device. In conclusion, a small incision for the Pulsar Med-El cochlear implant is feasible, safe and reproducible. Ligature fixation of the device is not critical with this operation. Also with this device, in adult and teen-age patients, it is, therefore, possible to retain several typical advantages of small incision approaches.

  20. Er genomisk selektion en revolution af avlsarbejdet med mink?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berg, Peer


    Genomisk selektion udnytter, at den enkelte mink kan genotypes for tusindvis af genetiske markører. Et dyrs avlsværdi kan skønnes med ret stor sikkerhed på basis af en blod- eller hårprøve, hvor dyrets sæt af genetiske markører bestemmes. Det er altså ikke nødvendigt at registrere minkens egne eg...

  1. Factors affecting the loss of MED12-mutated leiomyoma cells during in vitro growth


    Bloch, Jeannine; Holzmann, Carsten; Koczan, Dirk; Helmke, Burkhard Maria; Bullerdiek, J?rn


    Uterine leiomyomas (UL) are the most prevalent symptomatic human tumors at all and somatic mutations of the gene encoding mediator subcomplex 12 (MED12) constitute the most frequent driver mutations in UL. Recently, a rapid loss of mutated cells during in vitro growth of UL-derived cell cultures was reported, resulting in doubts about the benefits of UL-derived cell cultures. To evaluate if the rapid loss of MED12-mutated cells in UL cell cultures depends on in vitro passaging, we set up cell...

  2. Public accessibility of biomedical articles from PubMed Central reduces journal readership--retrospective cohort analysis. (United States)

    Davis, Philip M


    Does PubMed Central--a government-run digital archive of biomedical articles--compete with scientific society journals? A longitudinal, retrospective cohort analysis of 13,223 articles (5999 treatment, 7224 control) published in 14 society-run biomedical research journals in nutrition, experimental biology, physiology, and radiology between February 2008 and January 2011 reveals a 21.4% reduction in full-text hypertext markup language (HTML) article downloads and a 13.8% reduction in portable document format (PDF) article downloads from the journals' websites when U.S. National Institutes of Health-sponsored articles (treatment) become freely available from the PubMed Central repository. In addition, the effect of PubMed Central on reducing PDF article downloads is increasing over time, growing at a rate of 1.6% per year. There was no longitudinal effect for full-text HTML downloads. While PubMed Central may be providing complementary access to readers traditionally underserved by scientific journals, the loss of article readership from the journal website may weaken the ability of the journal to build communities of interest around research papers, impede the communication of news and events to scientific society members and journal readers, and reduce the perceived value of the journal to institutional subscribers.

  3. Anmeldelse af Søren P. Krejler & Caroline Pontoppidan: Due diligence i praksis - med fokus på finansielle og juridiske forhold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    Artiklen anmelder det nævnte værk med særlig fokus på 1) forhold, der efterprøves ved due diligence, 2) afrapportering, 3) due diligence ved cross-border virksomhedskøb og 4) undersøgelsens sammenhæng med prisen på virksomheden.......Artiklen anmelder det nævnte værk med særlig fokus på 1) forhold, der efterprøves ved due diligence, 2) afrapportering, 3) due diligence ved cross-border virksomhedskøb og 4) undersøgelsens sammenhæng med prisen på virksomheden....

  4. PubMed search filters for the study of putative outdoor air pollution determinants of disease


    Curti, Stefania; Gori, Davide; Di Gregori, Valentina; Farioli, Andrea; Baldasseroni, Alberto; Fantini, Maria Pia; Christiani, David C; Violante, Francesco S; Mattioli, Stefano


    Objectives: Several PubMed search filters have been developed in contexts other than environmental. We aimed at identifying efficient PubMed search filters for the study of environmental determinants of diseases related to outdoor air pollution. Methods: We compiled a list of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and non-MeSH terms seeming pertinent to outdoor air pollutants exposure as determinants of diseases in the general population. We estimated proportions of potentially pertinent articles to...

  5. Kulturbankeprojekt med udlægning af blåmuslinger produceret på langline

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dolmer, Per; Christensen, Helle Torp; Christoffersen, Mads Ole

    Farm systemer, men pga isskader på anlæg var dette ikke muligt. I maj 2011 blev 75 tons kompensationsopdrættede muslinger fra Skive Fjord udlagt i et 300x100 m stort område på 10-11 meters vanddybde i en tæthed på 2,5 kg m-2. I forbindelse med afhøstning af muslingerne i Skive Fjord, transport til Horsens Fjord...... hydrodynamisk model og en økologisk model. Til modelarbejdet anvendes data fra 2011 og første halvår 2012, samt data for muslingers tilvækst, som er indsamlet under projektet. På baggrund af modelanalyser anbefales det at udlægningstætheden af muslinger i området ikke overskriver 400 individer m-2. Kortlægning...... på 4-5 meters dybde. Der er gennemført 14 punktdyk med dykkerobservationer og billedoptagelse, og der er gennemført en side scan kortlægning af området. Der er ikke observeret ålegræs i området. I forbindelse med projektet er projektets resultater formidlet til Fødevareministeriet og Miljøministeriet...

  6. Brug af alternativ isolering i forbindelse med renovering af ældre etageejendomme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Resume af rapport om praktiske erfaringer med brug af alternative isoleringsmaterialer i en renoveringsopgave, udarbejdet af Byfornyelse København m.fl. under Energistyrelsens udviklingsprogram "Miljø- og arbejdsmiljøvenlig isolering"...

  7. Der Wissenschaftskreislauf schließt sich: Publizieren bei einer Spezialbibliothek –ZB MED – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ursula Arning


    Full Text Available ZB MED versteht sich als Partner für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in den Lebenswissenschaften und unterstützt sie auf allen Stufen des Wissenschaftskreislaufs: ZB MED hilft beim Suchen und Finden der benötigten Fachliteratur und stellt sie bereit, anschließend bietet es die Plattform, auf der die Forschung aktuell, zeitnah, allen wissenschaftlichen Standards entsprechend (und kostengünstig zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. Diese Publikationen werden automatisch in das Discovery System LIVIVO aufgenommen. Die Bibliothek nimmt somit ihren Auftrag als Spezialbibliothek an und interpretiert ihn den aktuellen Strömungen entsprechend neu, indem sie sowohl die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der lebenswissenschaftlichen Fachgebiete bei jedem Schritt ihrer Forschung begleitet als auch die Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Bibliotheken mit einem umfassenden Beratungsangebot zu Open Access unterstützt. ZB MED is the partner for scientists in the life sciences, supporting them at all stages of the cycle of science. ZB MED assists in searching and finding the necessary secondary literature and provides this literature. Subsequently, ZB MED offers the scientists a platform for publishing their scientific researches promptly, up-to-date and in a cost-efficient way which meets all scientific standards. All these publications are automatically included in the discovery system LIVIVO. So, the library embraces its role as a specialist library and interprets it in a new way, in accordance with current trends: On the one hand, ZB MED accompanies the scientists working in the fields of life sciences at every step of their scientific research. On the other hand, it supports the work of librarians at other libraries with full advisory services in the area of open access.

  8. Ex-dagseffekten : Existerar överavkastningar på Stockholmsbörsen i samband med utdelningar?


    Bäckman, Jacob; Strand, Magnus


    Denna studie har undersökt huruvida det är möjligt att på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm generera systematiska överavkastningar i samband med att aktier börjar handlas exklusive rätt till utdelningar. Samtliga utdelningstillfällen har undersökts under perioden 2007-2011 vilket givit en total observationsmängd på 699 stycken tillfällen. Genom att ha tagit hänsyn till eventuella marknadsfluktueringar och vikta dessa med bolagets unika risk, i form av betatal, har resultaten även justerats för normalavkas...

  9. Are some of the challenging aspects of the CanMEDS roles valid outside Canada?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringsted, Charlotte; Hansen, Torben Lindskov; Davis, Deborah


    tasks within the roles. METHODS: We surveyed 8749 doctors within a defined region (eastern Denmark) via a single-issue, mailed questionnaire. Each of the 7 roles was represented by 3 questionnaire items to be rated for perceived importance and confidence in ability to perform the role. RESULTS......CONTEXT: Many countries have adopted the CanMEDS roles. However, there is limited information on how these apply in an international context and in different specialties. OBJECTIVES: To survey trainee and specialist ratings of the importance of the CanMEDS roles and perceived ability to perform...

  10. Analyse af forskningsmiljøerne med tilknytning til uddannelserne under Studienævnet for Humanistisk Informatik, 2010-2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Birger; Melchiorsen, Poul Meier


    Aalborg Universitet med en unik profil. Uddannelsens undervisere er som gruppe bredt engageret i forskning, og publicerer hyppigt via traditionelle humanistiske publikationskanaler suppleret med kanaler der ofte anvendes af mere tekniske videnskaber. Forskningsproduktionen og indhentning af BFI-point er...

  11. The SPYRAL HTN Global Clinical Trial Program: Rationale and design for studies of renal denervation in the absence (SPYRAL HTN OFF-MED) and presence (SPYRAL HTN ON-MED) of antihypertensive medications. (United States)

    Kandzari, David E; Kario, Kazuomi; Mahfoud, Felix; Cohen, Sidney A; Pilcher, Garrett; Pocock, Stuart; Townsend, Raymond; Weber, Michael A; Böhm, Michael


    Renal sympathetic activation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of hypertension, as demonstrated by high renal norepinephrine spillover into plasma of patients with essential hypertension. Renal denervation has demonstrated a significant reduction in blood pressure in unblinded studies of hypertensive patients. The SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial, the first prospective, masked, randomized study of renal denervation versus sham control, failed its primary efficacy end point and raised important questions around potentially confounding factors, such as drug changes and adherence, study population, and procedural methods. The SPYRAL HTN Global Clinical Trial Program is designed to address limitations associated with predicate studies and provide insight into the impact of pharmacotherapy on renal denervation efficacy. The 2 initial trials of the program focus on the effect of renal denervation using the Symplicity Spyral multielectrode renal denervation catheter in hypertensive patients in the absence (SPYRAL HTN OFF-MED) and presence (SPYRAL HTN ON-MED) of antihypertensive medications. The SPYRAL HTN ON-MED study requires patients to be treated with a consistent triple therapy antihypertensive regimen, whereas the SPYRAL HTN OFF-MED study includes a 3- to 4-week drug washout period followed by a 3-month efficacy and safety end point in the absence of antihypertensive medications. The studies will randomize patients with combined systolic-diastolic hypertension to renal denervation or sham procedure. Both studies allow renal denervation treatments in renal artery branches and accessories. These studies will inform the design of the second pivotal phase of the program, which will more definitively analyze the antihypertensive effect of renal denervation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Tradition og håb for dansk animationsfilm med brod

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kasper Østerholdt


    FEATURE. Fra Bennys satirisk samfundskritiske badekar til Morgenthalers konfronterende Princess. Dansk animationsfilm har siden 1960’erne, hvor ikoner som Jannik Hastrup og Flemming Quist Møller satte kursen med de første små kortfilm, markeret sig ved at ville mere end blot være kulørt og blød...

  13. Searching PubMed during a pandemic.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ole Norgaard

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The 2009 influenza A(H1N1 pandemic has generated thousands of articles and news items. However, finding relevant scientific articles in such rapidly developing health crises is a major challenge which, in turn, can affect decision-makers' ability to utilise up-to-date findings and ultimately shape public health interventions. This study set out to show the impact that the inconsistent naming of the pandemic can have on retrieving relevant scientific articles in PubMed/MEDLINE. METHODOLOGY: We first formulated a PubMed search algorithm covering different names of the influenza pandemic and simulated the results that it would have retrieved from weekly searches for relevant new records during the first 10 weeks of the pandemic. To assess the impact of failing to include every term in this search, we then conducted the same searches but omitted in turn "h1n1," "swine," "influenza" and "flu" from the search string, and compared the results to those for the full string. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: On average, our core search string identified 44.3 potentially relevant new records at the end of each week. Of these, we determined that an average of 27.8 records were relevant. When we excluded one term from the string, the percentage of records missed out of the total number of relevant records averaged 18.7% for omitting "h1n1," 13.6% for "swine," 17.5% for "influenza," and 20.6% for "flu." CONCLUSIONS: Due to inconsistent naming, while searching for scientific material about rapidly evolving situations such as the influenza A(H1N1 pandemic, there is a risk that one will miss relevant articles. To address this problem, the international scientific community should agree on nomenclature and the specific name to be used earlier, and the National Library of Medicine in the US could index potentially relevant materials faster and allow publishers to add alert tags to such materials.

  14. Construction and Initial Tests of the Electrostatic Septa for MedAustron

    CERN Document Server

    Borburgh, J; Boucly, C; Kramer, T; Prost, A; Dorda, U; Stadlbauer, T


    For the MedAustron facility under construction in Wiener Neustadt/Austria, two electrostatic septa are built in collaboration with CERN. These septa will be used for the multi-turn injection of protons and ions, as well as for the slow extraction from the synchrotron. The power supplies are designed to combine the required precision with the capability to cycle sufficiently fast to keep up with the machine cycle. The septa are being assembled at CERN. Initial tests have been done on the remote displacement system to validate its precision and communication protocol with the MedAustron control system. Subsequently the septa are tested for vacuum performance and then HV conditioned. The construction of the septa, the requirements of the power supplies and the high voltage circuit will be described. Results of the initial laboratory tests, prior to installation in the accelerator, will be given.

  15. Tracking Studies of the MedAustron HEBT

    CERN Document Server

    Schönauer, H


    The design of the HEBT, the High Energy Beam Transfer line of the MedAustron Hadron Therapy Centre is based on new concepts developed in the CERN PIMMS Study of the Nineties. One of those is the ‘bar-of-charge’, a very realistic description of the particularities of the horizontal phase space distribution of the slow-extracted beams. Tracking a distribution - produced by simulation of the slow extraction - from the electrostatic septum through the modules of the transfer line gives the sometimes rather particular phase space distributions and their projections at the monitors. Knowing the theoretical phase space distributions there is helpful in the interpretation of the profiles observed.

  16. Identifying nurse staffing research in Medline: development and testing of empirically derived search strategies with the PubMed interface. (United States)

    Simon, Michael; Hausner, Elke; Klaus, Susan F; Dunton, Nancy E


    The identification of health services research in databases such as PubMed/Medline is a cumbersome task. This task becomes even more difficult if the field of interest involves the use of diverse methods and data sources, as is the case with nurse staffing research. This type of research investigates the association between nurse staffing parameters and nursing and patient outcomes. A comprehensively developed search strategy may help identify nurse staffing research in PubMed/Medline. A set of relevant references in PubMed/Medline was identified by means of three systematic reviews. This development set was used to detect candidate free-text and MeSH terms. The frequency of these terms was compared to a random sample from PubMed/Medline in order to identify terms specific to nurse staffing research, which were then used to develop a sensitive, precise and balanced search strategy. To determine their precision, the newly developed search strategies were tested against a) the pool of relevant references extracted from the systematic reviews, b) a reference set identified from an electronic journal screening, and c) a sample from PubMed/Medline. Finally, all newly developed strategies were compared to PubMed's Health Services Research Queries (PubMed's HSR Queries). The sensitivities of the newly developed search strategies were almost 100% in all of the three test sets applied; precision ranged from 6.1% to 32.0%. PubMed's HSR queries were less sensitive (83.3% to 88.2%) than the new search strategies. Only minor differences in precision were found (5.0% to 32.0%). As with other literature on health services research, nurse staffing studies are difficult to identify in PubMed/Medline. Depending on the purpose of the search, researchers can choose between high sensitivity and retrieval of a large number of references or high precision, i.e. and an increased risk of missing relevant references, respectively. More standardized terminology (e.g. by consistent use of the

  17. Diagnosis checking of statistical analysis in RCTs indexed in PubMed. (United States)

    Lee, Paul H; Tse, Andy C Y


    Statistical analysis is essential for reporting of the results of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), as well as evaluating their effectiveness. However, the validity of a statistical analysis also depends on whether the assumptions of that analysis are valid. To review all RCTs published in journals indexed in PubMed during December 2014 to provide a complete picture of how RCTs handle assumptions of statistical analysis. We reviewed all RCTs published in December 2014 that appeared in journals indexed in PubMed using the Cochrane highly sensitive search strategy. The 2014 impact factors of the journals were used as proxies for their quality. The type of statistical analysis used and whether the assumptions of the analysis were tested were reviewed. In total, 451 papers were included. Of the 278 papers that reported a crude analysis for the primary outcomes, 31 (27·2%) reported whether the outcome was normally distributed. Of the 172 papers that reported an adjusted analysis for the primary outcomes, diagnosis checking was rarely conducted, with only 20%, 8·6% and 7% checked for generalized linear model, Cox proportional hazard model and multilevel model, respectively. Study characteristics (study type, drug trial, funding sources, journal type and endorsement of CONSORT guidelines) were not associated with the reporting of diagnosis checking. The diagnosis of statistical analyses in RCTs published in PubMed-indexed journals was usually absent. Journals should provide guidelines about the reporting of a diagnosis of assumptions. © 2017 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation.

  18. Involverende undervisning med web- og SMS-baseret Student Response Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, Christopher; Larsen, Søren

    underviseren kan stille spørgsmål til de studerende i undervisningslokalet og med det samme se, hvad de studerende har svaret. Den studerende svarer via sin mobiltelefon, tablet eller bærbare PC. Aktiviteter 1. Introduktion til SRS – pædagogikken og mulighederne 2. Cases på konkret brug af SRS fra SDU og KU 3...

  19. Folkeretlige problemstillinger i forbindelse med konflikten mellem Ukraine og Rusland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buhl, Kenneth Øhlenschlæger

    Konflikten mellem Ukraine og Rusland udgør en trussel mod den internationale retsorden og dermed også hele den europæiske orden. Med henblik på at give et grundlag for at forstå omfanget af dette aspekt af konflikten behandles her lovligheden af nogle af de handlinger, som har været konfliktens...

  20. Crowdsourcing Diagnosis for Patients With Undiagnosed Illnesses: An Evaluation of CrowdMed. (United States)

    Meyer, Ashley N D; Longhurst, Christopher A; Singh, Hardeep


    Despite visits to multiple physicians, many patients remain undiagnosed. A new online program, CrowdMed, aims to leverage the "wisdom of the crowd" by giving patients an opportunity to submit their cases and interact with case solvers to obtain diagnostic possibilities. To describe CrowdMed and provide an independent assessment of its impact. Patients submit their cases online to CrowdMed and case solvers sign up to help diagnose patients. Case solvers attempt to solve patients' diagnostic dilemmas and often have an interactive online discussion with patients, including an exchange of additional diagnostic details. At the end, patients receive detailed reports containing diagnostic suggestions to discuss with their physicians and fill out surveys about their outcomes. We independently analyzed data collected from cases between May 2013 and April 2015 to determine patient and case solver characteristics and case outcomes. During the study period, 397 cases were completed. These patients previously visited a median of 5 physicians, incurred a median of US $10,000 in medical expenses, spent a median of 50 hours researching their illnesses online, and had symptoms for a median of 2.6 years. During this period, 357 active case solvers participated, of which 37.9% (132/348) were male and 58.3% (208/357) worked or studied in the medical industry. About half (50.9%, 202/397) of patients were likely to recommend CrowdMed to a friend, 59.6% (233/391) reported that the process gave insights that led them closer to the correct diagnoses, 57% (52/92) reported estimated decreases in medical expenses, and 38% (29/77) reported estimated improvement in school or work productivity. Some patients with undiagnosed illnesses reported receiving helpful guidance from crowdsourcing their diagnoses during their difficult diagnostic journeys. However, further development and use of crowdsourcing methods to facilitate diagnosis requires long-term evaluation as well as validation to account

  1. MedAustron - Ion-Beam Therapy and Research Center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schreiner, Thomas; Seemann, Rolf


    MedAustron is a synchrotron-based light-ion beam therapy center for cancer treatment as well as for clinical and non-clinical research, currently in the commissioning phase in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. Recently, the first proton beam was transported successfully to one of the four irradiation rooms. Whilst the choice of basic machine parameters was driven by medical requirements, i.e. 60 MeV protons and 120 MeV/A to 400 MeV/A carbon ions, the accelerator complex design was also optimized to offer flexibility for research operation. The potential of the synchrotron is being exploited to increase the maximum proton energy far beyond the medical needs to up to 800 MeV, for experimental physics applications, mainly in the areas of proton scattering and detector research. The accelerator layout allows for the installation of up to four ion source-spectrometer units, to provide various ion types besides the clinical used protons and carbon ions. Besides experimental physics, the two main non-clinical research disciplines are medical radiation physics and radiation biology. To decouple research and medical operation, a dedicated irradiation room for non-clinical research was included providing the installation of different experiments. In addition, several labs have been equipped with appropriate devices for preparing and analyzing radio-biological samples. This presentation gives a status overview over the whole project and highlights the non-clinical research opportunities at MedAustron. (Author)

  2. Making and Executing Decisions for Safe and Independent Living (MED-SAIL): development and validation of a brief screening tool. (United States)

    Mills, Whitney L; Regev, Tziona; Kunik, Mark E; Wilson, Nancy L; Moye, Jennifer; McCullough, Laurence B; Naik, Aanand D


    Older adults prefer to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. The purpose of this article is to describe the development and preliminary validation of Making and Executing Decisions for Safe and Independent Living (MED-SAIL), a brief screening tool for capacity to live safely and independently in the community. Prospective preliminary validation study. Outpatient geriatrics clinic located in a community-based hospital. Forty-nine community-dwelling older adults referred to the clinic for a comprehensive capacity assessment. We examined internal consistency, criterion-based validity, concurrent validity, and accuracy of classification for MED-SAIL. The items included in MED-SAIL demonstrated internal consistency (5 items; α = 0.85). MED-SAIL was significantly correlated with the Independent Living Scales (r = 0.573, p ≤0.001) and instrumental activities of daily living (r = 0.440, p ≤0.01). The Mann-Whitney U test revealed significant differences between the no capacity and partial/full capacity classifications on MED-SAIL (U(48) = 60.5, Z = -0.38, p SAIL as a brief screening tool to identify older adults with impaired capacity for remaining safe and independent in their current living environment. MED-SAIL is useful tool for health and social service providers in the community for the purpose of referral for definitive capacity evaluation. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. Combining Semantic and Lexical Methods for Mapping MedDRA to VCM Icons. (United States)

    Lamy, Jean-Baptiste; Tsopra, Rosy


    VCM (Visualization of Concept in Medicine) is an iconic language that represents medical concepts, such as disorders, by icons. VCM has a formal semantics described by an ontology. The icons can be used in medical software for providing a visual summary or enriching texts. However, the use of VCM icons in user interfaces requires to map standard medical terminologies to VCM. Here, we present a method combining semantic and lexical approaches for mapping MedDRA to VCM. The method takes advantage of the hierarchical relations in MedDRA. It also analyzes the groups of lemmas in the term's labels, and relies on a manual mapping of these groups to the concepts in the VCM ontology. We evaluate the method on 50 terms. Finally, we discuss the method and suggest perspectives.

  4. Dr. med. – obsolet? Eine Querschnittserhebung zur Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz der medizinischen Doktorarbeit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heun, Xenia


    Full Text Available [english] Purpose: To obtain the German Medical Degree “” candidates are required to write a scientific thesis which is usually accomplished during Medical school education. This extra work load for the students amongst a lack of standardization and an M.D. awarded upon graduation in other European and Anglo-Saxon countries leads repeatedly to criticism of the German system. However, a systematic survey on the perception and acceptance of the German doctoral thesis among those affected is overdue.Methods: Using an online questionnaire, medical students as well as licensed doctors were asked for the status of their medical degree, their motivation, personal benefit, time and effort, scientific output, its meaningfulness and alternatives concerning their thesis. Patients were asked, how important they value their general practitioner’s title “Dr. med.”. The resulting data were evaluated performing basic statistic analyses.Results and Conclusions: The title “Dr. med.“ does not seem to be obsolete, but there is room for improvement. The scientific output is good and only a mere 15.1% of the candidates do not publish their results at all. Moreover, while at an early stage motivation, appreciation and recognition of personal benefits from the medical degree are considered as independent aspects, they merge to a general view at later stages. The current practice is considered most meaningful by the ones who have already finished their thesis. However, there are discrepancies between the expected and the actual length as well as the type of the thesis indicating that mentoring and educational advertising need improvement. As for the patients, their educational level seems to correlate with the significance attributed to the title “Dr. med.” held by their physician.

  5. Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses. (United States)

    Falagas, Matthew E; Pitsouni, Eleni I; Malietzis, George A; Pappas, Georgios


    The evolution of the electronic age has led to the development of numerous medical databases on the World Wide Web, offering search facilities on a particular subject and the ability to perform citation analysis. We compared the content coverage and practical utility of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The official Web pages of the databases were used to extract information on the range of journals covered, search facilities and restrictions, and update frequency. We used the example of a keyword search to evaluate the usefulness of these databases in biomedical information retrieval and a specific published article to evaluate their utility in performing citation analysis. All databases were practical in use and offered numerous search facilities. PubMed and Google Scholar are accessed for free. The keyword search with PubMed offers optimal update frequency and includes online early articles; other databases can rate articles by number of citations, as an index of importance. For citation analysis, Scopus offers about 20% more coverage than Web of Science, whereas Google Scholar offers results of inconsistent accuracy. PubMed remains an optimal tool in biomedical electronic research. Scopus covers a wider journal range, of help both in keyword searching and citation analysis, but it is currently limited to recent articles (published after 1995) compared with Web of Science. Google Scholar, as for the Web in general, can help in the retrieval of even the most obscure information but its use is marred by inadequate, less often updated, citation information.

  6. MED101: a laser-plasma simulation code. User guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodgers, P.A.; Rose, S.J.; Rogoyski, A.M.


    Complete details for running the 1-D laser-plasma simulation code MED101 are given including: an explanation of the input parameters, instructions for running on the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory IBM, Atlas Centre Cray X-MP and DEC VAX, and information on three new graphics packages. The code, based on the existing MEDUSA code, is capable of simulating a wide range of laser-produced plasma experiments including the calculation of X-ray laser gain. (author)

  7. Effects of coding dictionary on signal generation: a consideration of use of MedDRA compared with WHO-ART. (United States)

    Brown, Elliot G


    To support signal generation a terminology should facilitate recognition of medical conditions by using terms which represent unique concepts, providing appropriate, homogeneous grouping of related terms. It should allow intuitive or mathematical identification of adverse events reaching a threshold frequency or with disproportionate incidence, permit identification of important events which are commonly drug-related, and support recognition of new syndromes. It is probable that the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) preferred terms (PTs) or high level terms (HLTs) will be used to represent adverse events for the purposes of signal generation. A comparison with 315 WHO Adverse Reaction Terminology (WHO-ART) PTs showed that for about 72% of WHO-ART PTs, there were one or two corresponding MedDRA PTs. However, there were instances where there were many MedDRA PTs corresponding to single WHO-ART PTs. In many cases, MedDRA HLTs grouped large numbers of PTs and sometimes there could be problems when a single HLT comprises PTs which represent very different medical concepts, or conditions which differ greatly in their clinical importance. Further studies are needed to compare the way in which identical data sets coded with MedDRA and with other terminologies actually function in generating and exploring signals using the same methods of detection and evaluation.

  8. Zavedanje pomembnosti vertikalnega komuniciranja med nadrejenimi in podrejenimi v podjetju in vpliv na (ne) uspeh podjetja


    Bezjak, Mojca


    Vertikalno komuniciranje je dvosmerno komuniciranje - povraten proces.Predstavimo vertikalno komuniciranje med nadrejenimi in podrejenimi v podjetju in vpliv na uspeh podjetja.Predstavitev različnih vrst komuniciranja, vplivov komuniciranja na človeka. Opišemo povezanost vertikalnega komuniciranja,medsebojnih odnosov in uspeh podjetja. V empiričnem delu diplomskega projekta z odgovori na vprašanja, ki se navezujejo na vertikalno komuniciranje in medsebojne odnose med nadrejenimi in podrejenim...

  9. Bokföringslagens förändringar år 2016 : Med fokus på småföretag


    Häggblom, Caroline


    Från och med år 2016 ändrades bokföringslagen i Finland. Detta på grund av ett direktiv som Europaparlamentet tillsammans med rådet kom ut med år 2013. I och med denna ändring påverkas alla företag som är bokföringsskyldiga i något skede, vilket innebär att det är ett aktuellt och viktigt ämne att studera. I detta arbete förklaras grunderna i bokföring, vad bokföringslagen innehåller samt ändringarna som skett i lagen och konsekvenserna av dem. Informationen till förändringarna i bokföring...

  10. Med humanističnim in poklicnim izobraževanjem ali kaj terja od nas prihodnost

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Dušana Findeisen piše o razmerju med humanističnim in poklicnim izobraževanjem v prihodnosti. Ker kvalifikacij, ki bodo potrebne na trgu dela čez petnajst let, ni mogoče z gotovostjo predvideti, lahko razmišljamo predvsem o tem, kakšne ljudi bomo potrebovali: katere bodo bistvene zmožnosti, ki jih bo treba zajeti med cilje izobraževalnih programov mladih in odraslih. Med bistvenimi usposobljenostmi navaja obvladovanje miselnih procesov, zmožnost spo­razumevanja, usposobljenost za dejavno življenje v skupnosti , razmerje do okolja itd. Opozarja tudi na potrebo po drugačnih didaktičnih postopkih in drugačnem vrednotenju, da bi zagotovili uravnoteženost izobraževanja. Humanistično izobraževanje bo moralo prodreti tudi v ozko usposabljanje odraslih, saj podjetja ne potrebujejo samo dobrih strokovnjakov, temveč ljudi, ki so se zmožni prilagajati in se razvijati.

  11. A synergetic hybridization of adsorption cycle with the multi-effect distillation (MED)

    KAUST Repository

    Thu, K.; Kim, Youngdeuk; Amy, Gary L.; Chun, Wongee; Ng, Kim Choon


    Multi-effect distillation (MED) systems are proven and energy efficient thermally-driven desalination systems for handling harsh seawater feed in the Gulf region. The high cycle efficiency is markedly achieved by latent energy re-use with minimal

  12. PyBioMed: a python library for various molecular representations of chemicals, proteins and DNAs and their interactions. (United States)

    Dong, Jie; Yao, Zhi-Jiang; Zhang, Lin; Luo, Feijun; Lin, Qinlu; Lu, Ai-Ping; Chen, Alex F; Cao, Dong-Sheng


    With the increasing development of biotechnology and informatics technology, publicly available data in chemistry and biology are undergoing explosive growth. Such wealthy information in these data needs to be extracted and transformed to useful knowledge by various data mining methods. Considering the amazing rate at which data are accumulated in chemistry and biology fields, new tools that process and interpret large and complex interaction data are increasingly important. So far, there are no suitable toolkits that can effectively link the chemical and biological space in view of molecular representation. To further explore these complex data, an integrated toolkit for various molecular representation is urgently needed which could be easily integrated with data mining algorithms to start a full data analysis pipeline. Herein, the python library PyBioMed is presented, which comprises functionalities for online download for various molecular objects by providing different IDs, the pretreatment of molecular structures, the computation of various molecular descriptors for chemicals, proteins, DNAs and their interactions. PyBioMed is a feature-rich and highly customized python library used for the characterization of various complex chemical and biological molecules and interaction samples. The current version of PyBioMed could calculate 775 chemical descriptors and 19 kinds of chemical fingerprints, 9920 protein descriptors based on protein sequences, more than 6000 DNA descriptors from nucleotide sequences, and interaction descriptors from pairwise samples using three different combining strategies. Several examples and five real-life applications were provided to clearly guide the users how to use PyBioMed as an integral part of data analysis projects. By using PyBioMed, users are able to start a full pipelining from getting molecular data, pretreating molecules, molecular representation to constructing machine learning models conveniently. PyBioMed provides

  13. Flower Power: The Armoured Expert in the CanMEDS Competency Framework? (United States)

    Whitehead, Cynthia R.; Austin, Zubin; Hodges, Brian D.


    Competency frameworks based on roles definitions are currently being used extensively in health professions education internationally. One of the most successful and widely used models is the CanMEDS Roles Framework. The medical literature has raised questions about both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical application of outcomes-based…

  14. MedXViewer: an extensible web-enabled software package for medical imaging (United States)

    Looney, P. T.; Young, K. C.; Mackenzie, Alistair; Halling-Brown, Mark D.


    MedXViewer (Medical eXtensible Viewer) is an application designed to allow workstation-independent, PACS-less viewing and interaction with anonymised medical images (e.g. observer studies). The application was initially implemented for use in digital mammography and tomosynthesis but the flexible software design allows it to be easily extended to other imaging modalities. Regions of interest can be identified by a user and any associated information about a mark, an image or a study can be added. The questions and settings can be easily configured depending on the need of the research allowing both ROC and FROC studies to be performed. The extensible nature of the design allows for other functionality and hanging protocols to be available for each study. Panning, windowing, zooming and moving through slices are all available while modality-specific features can be easily enabled e.g. quadrant zooming in mammographic studies. MedXViewer can integrate with a web-based image database allowing results and images to be stored centrally. The software and images can be downloaded remotely from this centralised data-store. Alternatively, the software can run without a network connection where the images and results can be encrypted and stored locally on a machine or external drive. Due to the advanced workstation-style functionality, the simple deployment on heterogeneous systems over the internet without a requirement for administrative access and the ability to utilise a centralised database, MedXViewer has been used for running remote paper-less observer studies and is capable of providing a training infrastructure and co-ordinating remote collaborative viewing sessions (e.g. cancer reviews, interesting cases).

  15. Sensitivity and predictive value of 15 PubMed search strategies to answer clinical questions rated against full systematic reviews. (United States)

    Agoritsas, Thomas; Merglen, Arnaud; Courvoisier, Delphine S; Combescure, Christophe; Garin, Nicolas; Perrier, Arnaud; Perneger, Thomas V


    Clinicians perform searches in PubMed daily, but retrieving relevant studies is challenging due to the rapid expansion of medical knowledge. Little is known about the performance of search strategies when they are applied to answer specific clinical questions. To compare the performance of 15 PubMed search strategies in retrieving relevant clinical trials on therapeutic interventions. We used Cochrane systematic reviews to identify relevant trials for 30 clinical questions. Search terms were extracted from the abstract using a predefined procedure based on the population, interventions, comparison, outcomes (PICO) framework and combined into queries. We tested 15 search strategies that varied in their query (PIC or PICO), use of PubMed's Clinical Queries therapeutic filters (broad or narrow), search limits, and PubMed links to related articles. We assessed sensitivity (recall) and positive predictive value (precision) of each strategy on the first 2 PubMed pages (40 articles) and on the complete search output. The performance of the search strategies varied widely according to the clinical question. Unfiltered searches and those using the broad filter of Clinical Queries produced large outputs and retrieved few relevant articles within the first 2 pages, resulting in a median sensitivity of only 10%-25%. In contrast, all searches using the narrow filter performed significantly better, with a median sensitivity of about 50% (all P PubMed pages. These results can help clinicians apply effective strategies to answer their questions at the point of care.

  16. Europæisk Kerne Kompetenceramme for professionsuddannede der arbejder med ældre inden for social- og sundhedsområdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    . European Core Competences Framework til brug for professionsuddannede der arbejder med ældre inden for social- og sundhedsområdet er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem 26 universiteter og andre højere læreanstalter som en del af European Later Life Active Network (ELLAN). ELLANs Lifelong Learning Programme er...... mod en bedre kvalitet i de videregående professionsuddannelser, hvor de færdiguddannede kan arbejde med ydelser til ældre mennesker i social- og sundhedssektoren. Hovedresultatet er udarbejdelsen af European Core Competences Framework til brug for professionsuddannede der arbejder med ældre inden...... for hos professionelle, der arbejder med ældre mennesker ved at gennemføre et litteraturstudie, gennemføre kvalitative studier blandt de ældre i seks forskellige lande samt gennemføre kvantitative studier blandt professionelle. Disse forskningsprojekter dannede baggrunden for udvikling af European Core...

  17. Metal waste (Cu and Ni) prevention by SLM and MED

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van de Voorde, I.; Vander Linden, J.; De Ketelaere, R. F. [Chemical and Biochemical Research Centre KaHo Sint-Lieven (CBOK), Ghent (Belgium)


    Results of an investigation into implementing supported liquid membranes (SLM) and modified electrodialysis (MED) technology for the recovery of copper and nickel from electroplating effluents in order to prevent metal waste, are discussed. To date, the study of the influence of the individual parameters and their aggregate effect on mass transfer has been completed on laboratory scale equipment. The SLM pilot plant has also been tested extensively, confirming the feasibility of the technique for use with solutions containing up to 500 ppm of metal, as well as for use with other solutions with low metal concentrations originating in other than plating shops. A modified electrodialysis unit also has been designed and constructed using solid ion exchangers. Although development of the technique of electrolytic regeneration and simultaneous conditioning of solid ion exchangers has been successfully completed, the PARCOM 0.5 ppm level envisaged for the deionisation of nickel salts, has not been achieved. Development of the entire control system for SLM and more experiments for MED to replace the ion exchanger membranes, and the effective nickel ion exchanger, by one simple ceramic cell of variable porosity, are the next steps. 7 refs., 3 tabs.

  18. Velfærdsteknologi og læringsteknologi med MOOC som eksempel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik; Heilesen, Simon


    Kapitlet redegører for ‘Velfærdsteknologi’ i forhold til begrebet 'læringsteknologi’. Læringsteknologi bestemmes som velfærdsteknologi udfoldet inden for uddannelsessystemet. Ligesom velfærdsteknologi indføres læringsteknologi med multiple dagsordener, hvor hensigterne både er at tilskynde den læ...

  19. Lærernes vilkår gør det svært at lykkes med inklusion og differentieret undervisning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard-Sørensen, Lotte; Grumløse, Sine Penthin


    Debatindlæg i Skoleliv Politiken om sammenhængen mellem læreres vilkår for at arbejde inkluderende med særligt fokus på organisatoriske betingelser for samarbejde og fælles forberedelse med andre faggrupper....

  20. Abstract databases in nuclear medicine; New database for articles not indexed in PubMed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ugrinska, A.; Mustafa, B.


    Full text: Abstract databases available on Internet free of charge were searched for nuclear medicine contents. The only comprehensive database found was PubMed. Analysis of nuclear medicine journals included in PubMed was performed. PubMed contains 25 medical journals that contain the phrase 'nuclear medicine' in different languages in their title. Searching the Internet with the search engine 'Google' we have found four more peer-reviewed journals with the phrase 'nuclear medicine' in their title. In addition, we are fully aware that many articles related to nuclear medicine are published in national medical journals devoted to general medicine. For example in year 2000 colleagues from Institute of Pathophysiology and Nuclear Medicine, Skopje, Macedonia have published 10 articles out of which none could be found on PubMed. This suggested that a big amount of research work is not accessible for the people professionally involved in nuclear medicine. Therefore, we have created a database framework for abstracts that couldn't be found in PubMed. The database is organized in user-friendly manner. There are two main sections: 'post an abstract' and 'search for abstracts'. Authors of the articles are expected to submit their work in the section 'post an abstract'. During the submission process authors should fill the separate boxes with the Title in English, Title in original language, Country of origin, Journal name, Volume, Issue and Pages. Authors should choose up to five keywords from a drop-down menu. Authors are encouraged if the abstract is not published in English to translate it. The section 'search for abstract' is searchable according to Author, Keywords, and words and phrases incorporated in the English title. The abstract database currently resides on an MS Access back-end, with a front-end in ASP (Active Server Pages). In the future, we plan to migrate the database on a MS SQL Server, which should provide a faster and more reliable framework for hosting a

  1. Efficacy and Safety of MED2005, a Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate Formulation, in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Randomized Crossover Study. (United States)

    Ralph, David J; Eardley, Ian; Taubel, Jorg; Terrill, Paul; Holland, Tim


    Current treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) have some limitations. This study evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of MED2005, a 0.2% glyceryl trinitrate topical gel, formulated into an enhanced absorption topical delivery system (DermaSys), administered on demand, in the treatment of ED. This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase II crossover trial involved 232 men with ED (231 treated, 230 assessed for efficacy) and their partners. After a 4-week run-in period, patients were randomized to 1 of 2 treatment sequences, MED2005-placebo or placebo-MED2005. Each treatment was given for 4 weeks, separated by a 1-week washout interval. Efficacy was assessed by the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), the Sexual Encounter Profile, a Global Assessment Questionnaire (GAQ), and specific questions about the onset and offset of action and treatment preferences (patients and partners). The primary outcome measure was the IIEF erectile function domain (IIEF-EF) score. Other efficacy assessments were secondary outcomes. The mean baseline IIEF-EF score was 17.1 (SD = 5.7), and this increased to 19.6 (SD = 7.5) after MED2005 treatment and 18.5 (SD = 6.7) after placebo (P = .0132). Overall, 23.1% of patients showed a clinically relevant (≥4-point) increase in IIEF-EF scores after treatment with MED2005 only compared with 14.5% who responded after MED2005 and placebo, 14.0% who responded after placebo only, and 48.4% who did not respond after either treatment (P = .0272). MED2005 also was associated with significant improvements compared with placebo in the other IIEF domains, and this was consistent with patients' and partners' responses to the GAQ. For all assessments, significant effects of MED2005 were seen primarily in patients with mild ED. The start of erection was noticed within 5 and 10 minutes in 44.2% and 69.5%, respectively, of all intercourse attempts with MED2005. Patients and partners showed significant preferences for MED2005

  2. Krydsbestøvning? Videndeling med online and blended learning på Københavns Universitet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Christian Jacobsen


    Full Text Available På mange universiteter er online and blended learning (OBL blevet en populær måde at undervise flere studerende på en mere fleksibel, varieret og engageret måde end ved traditionel face-to-face undervisning. Undervisere og universitetsledelser er derfor interesserede i at udvikle former for e-læring, og OBL og andre innovative uddannelser er blevet et globaliseret konkurrenceparameter.  Med baggrund i en flerårig evaluering af underviseres udbytte af og erfaringer med OBL på Københavns Universitet undersøges, hvordan kendskabet til disse læreformer kan udbredes til alle fakulteter. Vi undersøger tillige, hvordan OBL kan videreudvikles, så læringseffekt og studenterengagement kan understøtte en e-lærings-kultur på Københavns Universitet. Artiklen er derfor todelt. Den første del undersøger erfaringer med videndeling og analyserer disse erfaringer ud fra begreber om praksisfælleskaber. Den anden del bruger SECI og Ba som forståelsesramme for fremtidig videndeling og organisationsudvikling på Københavns Universitet.

  3. Lyden Sker - et interview med Torben Ulrich og Søren Kjærgaard

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Thomas Bjørnsten


    Da musikeren, poeten og tennisspilleren Torben Ulrich i Seattle mødte jazzpianisten og komponisten Søren Kjærgaard udviklede det sig til en dybdegående udforskning af feltet mellem lyd og ord, stilhed og puls, rum og nærvær. Deres fælles bestræbelser kulminerede i foråret 2009 med det eksperiment......Da musikeren, poeten og tennisspilleren Torben Ulrich i Seattle mødte jazzpianisten og komponisten Søren Kjærgaard udviklede det sig til en dybdegående udforskning af feltet mellem lyd og ord, stilhed og puls, rum og nærvær. Deres fælles bestræbelser kulminerede i foråret 2009 med det...

  4. MedCast: a discussion support system for cooperative work (United States)

    Moreno, Ramon A.; Lima, Vinícius; Lopes, Isidro; Gutierrez, Marco A.


    The availability of low cost Internet connections and specialized hardware, like webcams and headsets, makes possible the development of solutions for remote collaborative work. These solutions can provide advantages compared to presential meetings, such as: availability of experts on remote locations; lower price compared to presential meetings; creation of online didactic material (e.g. video-classes); richer forms of interaction between participants. These technologies are particularly interesting for continent-sized countries where typically there is a short number of skilled people in remote areas. However, the application of these technologies in medical field represents a special challenge due to the more complex requirements of this area, such as: Provide confidentiality (patient de-identification) and integrity of patient data; Guarantee availability of the system; Guarantee authenticity of data and users; Provide simple and effective user interface; Be compliant with medical standards such as DICOM and HL7. In order to satisfy those requirements a prototype called MedCast is under development whose architecture allows the integration of the Hospital Information System (HIS) with a collaborative tool in compliance with the HIPAA rules. Some of the MedCast features are: videoconferencing, chat, recording of the sessions, sharing of documents and reports and still and dynamic images presentation. Its current version allows the remote discussion of clinical cases and the remote ECG evaluation.

  5. Nye didaktiske veje med mobile medier i voksenundervisningen af ordblinde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjedde, Lisa; Misfeldt, Morten; Levinsen, Karin


    afprøvet mobiltelefonen som læringsværktøj i dansk og matematik. I projekter om læring på arbejdspladsen har mobillæring tidligere vist sig at have potentiale for ordblinde og læsesvage. (Gjedde & Gredsted 2005, 2007). Der er bl.a. høstet erfaringer med mobil tale-til-tekst, der først blev udviklet i MELFO...

  6. Hvad er smag, og hvordan underviser man i og med smag?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvortrup, Lars; Wistoft, Karen


    Hvad er smag, og hvordan underviser man i smag som undervisningens genstand eller med smag som et virkemiddel i undervisningen? Det er denne artikels to hovedspørgsmål. Formålet er at præsentere det, der kaldes en smagsdidaktisk refleksionsteori, dvs. en teori der reflekterer over, hvordan man un...

  7. Mediator Recruitment to Heat Shock Genes Requires Dual Hsf1 Activation Domains and Mediator Tail Subunits Med15 and Med16* (United States)

    Kim, Sunyoung; Gross, David S.


    The evolutionarily conserved Mediator complex is central to the regulation of gene transcription in eukaryotes because it serves as a physical and functional interface between upstream regulators and the Pol II transcriptional machinery. Nonetheless, its role appears to be context-dependent, and the detailed mechanism by which it governs the expression of most genes remains unknown. Here we investigate Mediator involvement in HSP (heat shock protein) gene regulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that in response to thermal upshift, subunits representative of each of the four Mediator modules (Head, Middle, Tail, and Kinase) are rapidly, robustly, and selectively recruited to the promoter regions of HSP genes. Their residence is transient, returning to near-background levels within 90 min. Hsf1 (heat shock factor 1) plays a central role in recruiting Mediator, as indicated by the fact that truncation of either its N- or C-terminal activation domain significantly reduces Mediator occupancy, whereas removal of both activation domains abolishes it. Likewise, ablation of either of two Mediator Tail subunits, Med15 or Med16, reduces Mediator recruitment to HSP promoters, whereas deletion of both abolishes it. Accompanying the loss of Mediator, recruitment of RNA polymerase II is substantially diminished. Interestingly, Mediator antagonizes Hsf1 occupancy of non-induced promoters yet facilitates enhanced Hsf1 association with activated ones. Collectively, our observations indicate that Hsf1, via its dual activation domains, recruits holo-Mediator to HSP promoters in response to acute heat stress through cooperative physical and/or functional interactions with the Tail module. PMID:23447536

  8. Analysis of queries sent to PubMed at the point of care: Observation of search behaviour in a medical teaching hospital (United States)

    Hoogendam, Arjen; Stalenhoef, Anton FH; Robbé, Pieter F de Vries; Overbeke, A John PM


    Background The use of PubMed to answer daily medical care questions is limited because it is challenging to retrieve a small set of relevant articles and time is restricted. Knowing what aspects of queries are likely to retrieve relevant articles can increase the effectiveness of PubMed searches. The objectives of our study were to identify queries that are likely to retrieve relevant articles by relating PubMed search techniques and tools to the number of articles retrieved and the selection of articles for further reading. Methods This was a prospective observational study of queries regarding patient-related problems sent to PubMed by residents and internists in internal medicine working in an Academic Medical Centre. We analyzed queries, search results, query tools (Mesh, Limits, wildcards, operators), selection of abstract and full-text for further reading, using a portal that mimics PubMed. Results PubMed was used to solve 1121 patient-related problems, resulting in 3205 distinct queries. Abstracts were viewed in 999 (31%) of these queries, and in 126 (39%) of 321 queries using query tools. The average term count per query was 2.5. Abstracts were selected in more than 40% of queries using four or five terms, increasing to 63% if the use of four or five terms yielded 2–161 articles. Conclusion Queries sent to PubMed by physicians at our hospital during daily medical care contain fewer than three terms. Queries using four to five terms, retrieving less than 161 article titles, are most likely to result in abstract viewing. PubMed search tools are used infrequently by our population and are less effective than the use of four or five terms. Methods to facilitate the formulation of precise queries, using more relevant terms, should be the focus of education and research. PMID:18816391

  9. 60 kvinnor per dag undersoeks nu med vaerldsunikt digitalt mammografisystem fraan Sectra

    CERN Multimedia


    "Helsingborgs kvinnor faar kraftigt saenkt straaldos fraan mammografi60 kvinnor per dag undersoeks nu med vaerldsunikt digitalt mammografisystem fraan SectraSectras digitala mammografisystem, Sectra MicroDose Mammography, har nu passerat 1.500 undersoekta kvinnor inom Helsingborgs Lasaretts screeningprogram foer mammografi" (1 page).

  10. An in vivo requirement for the mediator subunit med14 in the maintenance of stem cell populations. (United States)

    Burrows, Jeffrey T A; Pearson, Bret J; Scott, Ian C


    The Mediator complex has recently been shown to be a key player in the maintenance of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. However, the in vivo consequences of loss of many Mediator subunits are unknown. We identified med14 as the gene affected in the zebrafish logelei (log) mutant, which displayed a morphological arrest by 2 days of development. Surprisingly, microarray analysis showed that transcription was not broadly affected in log mutants. Indeed, log cells transplanted into a wild-type environment were able to survive into adulthood. In planarians, RNAi knockdown demonstrated a requirement for med14 and many other Mediator components in adult stem cell maintenance and regeneration. Multiple stem/progenitor cell populations were observed to be reduced or absent in zebrafish med14 mutant embryos. Taken together, our results show a critical, evolutionarily conserved, in vivo function for Med14 (and Mediator) in stem cell maintenance, distinct from a general role in transcription. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Dokumenterede metoder i bostøtteindsatsen over for mennesker med psykiske lidelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amilon, Anna; Mehlsen, Line; Bengtsson, Steen

    , som kan bistå borgeren efter forløbets afslutning. Konklusion/resultater: Overordnet set viser evalueringen, at borgerne profiterer af CTI-indsatsen. Der sker en statistisk signifikant forbedring af CTI-gruppens mentale trivsel fra første måling til 9-måneders-målingen. Borgernes funktionsniveau er...... blevet målt på tre livsområder: arbejde/uddannelse, socialt liv og familieliv/hjemlige forpligtelser. Resultaterne viser, at borgerne udvikler sig signifikant i positiv retning (oplever færre begrænsninger) efter 9 måneders forløb sammenholdt med ved forløbets opstart. Derudover viser resultaterne fra....... Indsatsborgerne oplevede forbedret psykisk trivsel, forbedret funktionsevne samt fik et stærkere socialt netværk. Baggrund: Evalueringen af metoden Critical Time Intervention (CTI), er udarbejdet som led i satspuljeinitiativet ’Dokumenterede metoder i bostøtteindsatsen over for mennesker med psykiske lidelser...

  12. Enhancing search efficiency by means of a search filter for finding all studies on animal experimentation in PubMed. (United States)

    Hooijmans, Carlijn R; Tillema, Alice; Leenaars, Marlies; Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel


    Collecting and analysing all available literature before starting an animal experiment is important and it is indispensable when writing a systematic review (SR) of animal research. Writing such review prevents unnecessary duplication of animal studies and thus unnecessary animal use (Reduction). One of the factors currently impeding the production of 'high-quality' SRs in laboratory animal science is the fact that searching for all available literature concerning animal experimentation is rather difficult. In order to diminish these difficulties, we developed a search filter for PubMed to detect all publications concerning animal studies. This filter was compared with the method most frequently used, the PubMed Limit: Animals, and validated further by performing two PubMed topic searches. Our filter performs much better than the PubMed limit: it retrieves, on average, 7% more records. Other important advantages of our filter are that it also finds the most recent records and that it is easy to use. All in all, by using our search filter in PubMed, all available literature concerning animal studies on a specific topic can easily be found and assessed, which will help in increasing the scientific quality and thereby the ethical validity of animal experiments.

  13. Lederudvikling med mål og retning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brix, Jacob


    Altid et behov for udvikling Vi stopper aldrig med at udvikle os; og hvis vi gør, så fortsætter samfundet sin udvikling. At være leder i år 2010 er ikke det samme som at være leder i 1954, og ledelse i år 2025 er helt sikkert ikke det samme som ledelse i dag. Henry Mintzberg, en meget anerkendt...... canadisk organisations og ledelsesforsker, er kendt for at sige: "you can't create a leader in a classroom!" - som frit tolket betyder: man bliver ikke leder på skolebænken. Mintzberg mener at en rigtig leder først skabes, når vedkommende har praksiserfaring og derefter søger videreuddannelse. For én ting...

  14. Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, Marlene


    Centerleder og professor Marlene Wind insisterer i dagens Politiken i debatindlægget: "Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje'", at verdens ledere må stå fast ved de principper, der har været bærende for vores samfund siden anden verdenskrig. Domstolenes politiske uafhængighed, menneskeret...

  15. Forsøg med alternative legeringer til erstatning af blyholdige bronzer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tiedje, Niels; Broberg, Ole; Hansen, Jesper B

    Projektet omfatter et litteraturstudie, der skal have til formål, at give overblik over hvilke materia-ler, der kan komme på tale som erstatning for blyholdige bronzer. De fundne legeringer skal derefter analyseres med henblik på deres indflydelse på primært arbejds-miljøet i produktionskæden, men...

  16. PIE the search: searching PubMed literature for protein interaction information. (United States)

    Kim, Sun; Kwon, Dongseop; Shin, Soo-Yong; Wilbur, W John


    Finding protein-protein interaction (PPI) information from literature is challenging but an important issue. However, keyword search in PubMed(®) is often time consuming because it requires a series of actions that refine keywords and browse search results until it reaches a goal. Due to the rapid growth of biomedical literature, it has become more difficult for biologists and curators to locate PPI information quickly. Therefore, a tool for prioritizing PPI informative articles can be a useful assistant for finding this PPI-relevant information. PIE (Protein Interaction information Extraction) the search is a web service implementing a competition-winning approach utilizing word and syntactic analyses by machine learning techniques. For easy user access, PIE the search provides a PubMed-like search environment, but the output is the list of articles prioritized by PPI confidence scores. By obtaining PPI-related articles at high rank, researchers can more easily find the up-to-date PPI information, which cannot be found in manually curated PPI databases.

  17. Barns kommunikasjon med ulike typer kart - en progressiv tilnærming til kartlesing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trine Bjerva


    Full Text Available Utgangspunktet for denne studien er en erkjennelse av hvor vanskelig det kan være for barn å samhandle med det symbolske kartet. Hovedmålet for prosjektet var å utvikle sikrere viten om hvordan barn kommuniserer med ulike typer kart. Det er utarbeidet en modell (Bjerva, Græsli, & Sigurjónsson, 2010 som viser hvordan vi kan utvikle ferdigheten kartlesing hos barn. Vi har undersøkt 106 barn i alderen 3 til 12 år om hvordan de mestrer direkte representasjoner (detaljfoto og perspektiv representasjoner (håndtegnet skråkart. Forskningsdesignet har en økologisk tilnærming hvor datainnsamlingen har foregått i terrenget. Resultatene indikerer at selv små barn mestrer antatt kompliserte oppgaver når de blir presentert for enkle hjelpemidler.

  18. Hjemtagning af dialysebehandling til grønlandske patienter med kronisk nyresvigt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kronborg, Christian; Kjær, Trine; Bech, Mickael

    en periode på 10 år forventes at medføre ekstraomkostninger på ca. 13,9 millioner kroner sammenlignet med at lade patienterne behandle som nu på Rigshospitalet i København. Det vil altså sige en gennemsnitlig ekstraomkostning på ca. 4 millioner kroner om året. Estimatet er dog påvirkeligt at flere...

  19. Bliv en bedre investor med overblik over den globale økonomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Risager, Ole


    Fremgangen i den globale økonomi og de nye tiltag i euroområdet har fået optimismen til at spire på aktiemarkederne. Ole Risager, professor på CBS, giver dig her overblikket over, hvordan økonomien på verdensmarkedet ser ud lige nu, og hvordan du - med denne indsigt - placerer dine sparepenge bed...

  20. Konceptutveckling av ett nytt utomhusgym med träningsredskap för offentlig utemiljö


    Persson, Madeleine; Hammargren, Ellen


    I dagsläget är en stillasittande livsstil med inget eller endast litet inslag av fysisk aktivitet vanligt förekommande. Med sin slogan – Inspiring all generations – vill HAGS Aneby AB bjuda in alla generationer till fysisk aktivitet genom sina produkter inom lek, sport och fitness. Genom att styrka idén om utomhusgym kan den fysiska aktiviteten ökas – användare ska vilja använda utomhusgym och kunder ska vilja köpa in utomhusgym. Önskemålet är att skapa attraktiva platser som stödjer fysisk a...

  1. Bedømmelse af gruppearbejde i forbindelse med brug af Cooperative Learning som undervisningsmetode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Ejbye Schmidt


    Full Text Available Cooperative learning (CL er en undervisningsmetode, hvor læring foregår i små grupper (team, og interaktionen struktureres efter nøje gennemarbejdede principper. Jeg har igennem en årrække – og med succes – brugt CL i min undervisning på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. I denne artikel vil jeg beskrive det udviklingsarbejde, jeg har gjort med indførelse af CL, så der er en mere klar sammenhæng mellem læringsmål og undervisningsform, samt hvordan de studerende i denne sammenhæng bliver bedømt. Bedømmelsen gælder både deres faglige niveau, samt mere generelle ingeniørkompetencer.

  2. IAS 40 ur ett Nordenperspektiv : Jämförelse av regelverkets efterlevnad 2014 jämfört med 2009


    Wigge, Gunilla


    Börsnoterade bolag ska i sin koncernredovisning redovisa enligt IFRS och förvaltningsfastigheter skall redovisas enligt IAS 40 Förvaltningsfastigheter. Detta examensarbete undersöker hur Nordiska börsnoterade bolag tillämpar vissa punkter inom IAS 40 i 2014 års redovisning jämfört med 2009 års redovisning. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka skillnader mellan de granskade företagens redovisning 2014 och 2009, med utgångspunkten i en tidigare publicerad undersökning (Hedlund & Ersso...

  3. Combining PubMed knowledge and EHR data to develop a weighted bayesian network for pancreatic cancer prediction. (United States)

    Zhao, Di; Weng, Chunhua


    In this paper, we propose a novel method that combines PubMed knowledge and Electronic Health Records to develop a weighted Bayesian Network Inference (BNI) model for pancreatic cancer prediction. We selected 20 common risk factors associated with pancreatic cancer and used PubMed knowledge to weigh the risk factors. A keyword-based algorithm was developed to extract and classify PubMed abstracts into three categories that represented positive, negative, or neutral associations between each risk factor and pancreatic cancer. Then we designed a weighted BNI model by adding the normalized weights into a conventional BNI model. We used this model to extract the EHR values for patients with or without pancreatic cancer, which then enabled us to calculate the prior probabilities for the 20 risk factors in the BNI. The software iDiagnosis was designed to use this weighted BNI model for predicting pancreatic cancer. In an evaluation using a case-control dataset, the weighted BNI model significantly outperformed the conventional BNI and two other classifiers (k-Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine). We conclude that the weighted BNI using PubMed knowledge and EHR data shows remarkable accuracy improvement over existing representative methods for pancreatic cancer prediction. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Dose distribution and dosimetry parameters calculation of MED3633 Palladium-103 source in water phantom using MCNP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mowlavi, A. A.; Binesh, A.; Moslehitabar, H.


    Palladium-103 ( 103 Pd) is a brachytherapy source for cancer treatment. The Monte Carlo codes are usually applied for dose distribution and effect of shieldings. Monte Carlo calculation of dose distribution in water phantom due to a MED3633 103 Pd source is presented in this work. Materials and Methods: The dose distribution around the 10 3Pd Model MED3633 located in the center of 30*30*30 m 3 water phantom cube was calculated using MCNP code by the Monte Carlo method. The percentage depth dose variation along the different axis parallel and perpendicular to the source was also calculated. Then, the isodose curves for 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% percentage depth dose and dosimetry parameters of TG-43 protocol were determined. Results: The results show that the Monte Carlo Method could calculate dose deposition in high gradient region, near the source, accurately. The isodose curves and dosimetric characteristics obtained for MED3633 103 Pd source are in good agreement with published results. Conclusion: The isodose curves of the MED3633 103 Pd source have been derived form dose calculation by MCNP code. The calculated dosimetry parameters for the source agree quite well with their Monte Carlo calculated and experimental measurement values

  5. GeneView: a comprehensive semantic search engine for PubMed. (United States)

    Thomas, Philippe; Starlinger, Johannes; Vowinkel, Alexander; Arzt, Sebastian; Leser, Ulf


    Research results are primarily published in scientific literature and curation efforts cannot keep up with the rapid growth of published literature. The plethora of knowledge remains hidden in large text repositories like MEDLINE. Consequently, life scientists have to spend a great amount of time searching for specific information. The enormous ambiguity among most names of biomedical objects such as genes, chemicals and diseases often produces too large and unspecific search results. We present GeneView, a semantic search engine for biomedical knowledge. GeneView is built upon a comprehensively annotated version of PubMed abstracts and openly available PubMed Central full texts. This semi-structured representation of biomedical texts enables a number of features extending classical search engines. For instance, users may search for entities using unique database identifiers or they may rank documents by the number of specific mentions they contain. Annotation is performed by a multitude of state-of-the-art text-mining tools for recognizing mentions from 10 entity classes and for identifying protein-protein interactions. GeneView currently contains annotations for >194 million entities from 10 classes for ∼21 million citations with 271,000 full text bodies. GeneView can be searched at

  6. Udkantsdanmark: Avisernes (med)produktion af Nordjyllands territorielle stigma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pristed Nielsen, Helene; Christensen, Sascha


    Artiklen undersøger hvordan Region Nordjylland (NJ) beskrives i medierne og hvordan diskursen om Udkanten dominerer avisernes fremstilling af regionen . Baggrunden herfor er en interesse for social ulighed, og i denne sammenhæng Wacquants begreb om territorielt stigma (1996, 2007). Wacquant føjer...... stigma. I Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsens studie af italesættelsen af ’udkanten’ fra 1996-2011 ses fx en gennem de seneste år stigende anvendelse af termer som ’den rådne banan’ og ’Udkantsdanmark’ i medierne (Svendsen 2013: 12). Dette stigma forbindes med flere dele af Danmark (se bl.a. Arbejderbevægelsens...

  7. Et væksthus med lys og varme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birkelund, Regner


    sygeplejerskers 'hjemmelavede' uddannelsesmodel? Hvordan tager eksperimentet sig ud i lyset af Grundtvigs højskoletanker? Det konkluderes på disse spørgsmål, at der trods skarp kritik fra flere ortodokse højskolefolk var endog god 'grundtvigsk mening' i det, man foretog sig i Testrup. Med livsoplysning som et...... nytteløse er det nyttigste' i livsoplysningssammenhæng, fremholdes i denne forbindelse som en vigtig grundtvigsk pointe, og for at klargøre relationen mellem denne æstetiske dimension og livsoplysning er Løgstrups etik- og æstetikforståelse blevet inddraget. Der argumenteres for, at Løgstrups opfattelse af...

  8. Discovering biomedical semantic relations in PubMed queries for information retrieval and database curation. (United States)

    Huang, Chung-Chi; Lu, Zhiyong


    Identifying relevant papers from the literature is a common task in biocuration. Most current biomedical literature search systems primarily rely on matching user keywords. Semantic search, on the other hand, seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding the entities and contextual relations in user keywords. However, past research has mostly focused on semantically identifying biological entities (e.g. chemicals, diseases and genes) with little effort on discovering semantic relations. In this work, we aim to discover biomedical semantic relations in PubMed queries in an automated and unsupervised fashion. Specifically, we focus on extracting and understanding the contextual information (or context patterns) that is used by PubMed users to represent semantic relations between entities such as 'CHEMICAL-1 compared to CHEMICAL-2' With the advances in automatic named entity recognition, we first tag entities in PubMed queries and then use tagged entities as knowledge to recognize pattern semantics. More specifically, we transform PubMed queries into context patterns involving participating entities, which are subsequently projected to latent topics via latent semantic analysis (LSA) to avoid the data sparseness and specificity issues. Finally, we mine semantically similar contextual patterns or semantic relations based on LSA topic distributions. Our two separate evaluation experiments of chemical-chemical (CC) and chemical-disease (CD) relations show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms a baseline method, which simply measures pattern semantics by similarity in participating entities. The highest performance achieved by our approach is nearly 0.9 and 0.85 respectively for the CC and CD task when compared against the ground truth in terms of normalized discounted cumulative gain (nDCG), a standard measure of ranking quality. These results suggest that our approach can effectively identify and return related semantic patterns in a ranked order

  9. Udvidelsen af relationsfeltets didaktik – med religionsundervisningen som eksempel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovmand, Keld

    beskrive denne dobbeltbevægelse som en almen fagdidaktik (Nielsen 1998 [1994]) eller – med inspiration fra Klafki – en relationsfeltets didaktik (Nielsen 2012). Dobbeltblikket på didaktikken som et relationsfelt kan kvalificeres ved hjælp af de fire kriterier for indholdsvalg, som er udformet af Frede V...... specificere indhold (DuFour & Marzano 2011). Referencer DuFour, Richard & Marzano, Robert J. 2011: Leaders of learning. How district, school, and classroom leaders improve student achievement. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. Hattie, John 2009: Visible learning. A synthesis of over 800 meta...

  10. Delivery of Special Magnets for the MedAustron Project

    CERN Document Server

    Kramer, T; Barlow, R A; Barnes, MJ; Borburgh, J; Ducimetière, L; Fowler, T; Hourican, M; Mertens, V; Prost, A


    Ten different types of kickers, bumpers, and electrostatic and magnetic septa, along with certain power supplies and associated control system components, have been designed in a collaboration between CERN and MedAustron for an ion therapy centre in Wr. Neustadt (Austria). This paper focuses on the status of the special magnets work package and the improvements applied during the production. The design parameters are compared with data from measurements, hardware test and initial commissioning. The major factors contributing to the successful completion of the work package are highlighted.

  11. A muscle-specific knockout implicates nuclear receptor coactivator MED1 in the regulation of glucose and energy metabolism. (United States)

    Chen, Wei; Zhang, Xiaoting; Birsoy, Kivanc; Roeder, Robert G


    As conventional transcriptional factors that are activated in diverse signaling pathways, nuclear receptors play important roles in many physiological processes that include energy homeostasis. The MED1 subunit of the Mediator coactivator complex plays a broad role in nuclear receptor-mediated transcription by anchoring the Mediator complex to diverse promoter-bound nuclear receptors. Given the significant role of skeletal muscle, in part through the action of nuclear receptors, in glucose and fatty acid metabolism, we generated skeletal muscle-specific Med1 knockout mice. Importantly, these mice show enhanced insulin sensitivity and improved glucose tolerance as well as resistance to high-fat diet-induced obesity. Furthermore, the white muscle of these mice exhibits increased mitochondrial density and expression of genes specific to type I and type IIA fibers, indicating a fast-to-slow fiber switch, as well as markedly increased expression of the brown adipose tissue-specific UCP-1 and Cidea genes that are involved in respiratory uncoupling. These dramatic results implicate MED1 as a powerful suppressor in skeletal muscle of genetic programs implicated in energy expenditure and raise the significant possibility of therapeutical approaches for metabolic syndromes and muscle diseases through modulation of MED1-nuclear receptor interactions.

  12. PubMed and beyond: a survey of web tools for searching biomedical literature (United States)

    Lu, Zhiyong


    The past decade has witnessed the modern advances of high-throughput technology and rapid growth of research capacity in producing large-scale biological data, both of which were concomitant with an exponential growth of biomedical literature. This wealth of scholarly knowledge is of significant importance for researchers in making scientific discoveries and healthcare professionals in managing health-related matters. However, the acquisition of such information is becoming increasingly difficult due to its large volume and rapid growth. In response, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is continuously making changes to its PubMed Web service for improvement. Meanwhile, different entities have devoted themselves to developing Web tools for helping users quickly and efficiently search and retrieve relevant publications. These practices, together with maturity in the field of text mining, have led to an increase in the number and quality of various Web tools that provide comparable literature search service to PubMed. In this study, we review 28 such tools, highlight their respective innovations, compare them to the PubMed system and one another, and discuss directions for future development. Furthermore, we have built a website dedicated to tracking existing systems and future advances in the field of biomedical literature search. Taken together, our work serves information seekers in choosing tools for their needs and service providers and developers in keeping current in the field. Database URL: PMID:21245076

  13. PubMed and beyond: a survey of web tools for searching biomedical literature. (United States)

    Lu, Zhiyong


    The past decade has witnessed the modern advances of high-throughput technology and rapid growth of research capacity in producing large-scale biological data, both of which were concomitant with an exponential growth of biomedical literature. This wealth of scholarly knowledge is of significant importance for researchers in making scientific discoveries and healthcare professionals in managing health-related matters. However, the acquisition of such information is becoming increasingly difficult due to its large volume and rapid growth. In response, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is continuously making changes to its PubMed Web service for improvement. Meanwhile, different entities have devoted themselves to developing Web tools for helping users quickly and efficiently search and retrieve relevant publications. These practices, together with maturity in the field of text mining, have led to an increase in the number and quality of various Web tools that provide comparable literature search service to PubMed. In this study, we review 28 such tools, highlight their respective innovations, compare them to the PubMed system and one another, and discuss directions for future development. Furthermore, we have built a website dedicated to tracking existing systems and future advances in the field of biomedical literature search. Taken together, our work serves information seekers in choosing tools for their needs and service providers and developers in keeping current in the field. Database URL:

  14. Cell cultures in uterine leiomyomas: rapid disappearance of cells carrying MED12 mutations. (United States)

    Nadine Markowski, Dominique; Tadayyon, Mahboobeh; Bartnitzke, Sabine; Belge, Gazanfer; Maria Helmke, Burkhard; Bullerdiek, Jörn


    Uterine leiomyomas (UL) are the most frequent symptomatic human tumors. Nevertheless, their molecular pathogenesis is not yet fully understood. To learn more about the biology of these common neoplasms and their response to treatment, cell cultures derived from UL are a frequently used model system, but until recently appropriate genetic markers confirming their origin from the tumor cell population were lacking for most UL, i.e., those not displaying karyotypic abnormalities. The identification of MED12 mutations in the majority of UL makes it possible to trace the tumor cell population during in vitro passaging in the absence of cytogenetic abnormalities. The present study is addressing the in vitro survival of cells carrying MED12 mutations and its association with karyotypic alterations. The results challenge numerous in vitro studies into the biology and behavior of leiomyomas. Cells of one genetic subtype of UL, i.e., those with rearrangements of the high mobility AT-hook 2 protein gene (HMGA2), seem to be able to proliferate in vitro for many passages whereas tumor cells from the much more frequent MED12-mutated lesions barely survive even the first passages. Apparently, for the most frequent type of human UL no good in vitro model seems to exist because cells do not survive culturing. On the other hand, this inability may point to an Achilles' heel of this type of UL. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. The seven CanMEDS roles in postgraduate medical education should be revised

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malling, Bente Vigh; Sørensen, Jette Led; Mikines, Kári J


    The seven CanMEDS roles were adopted by the Danish reform in postgraduate medical education in 2004. The roles have become a natural part of defining specialist competence. However, the definition of the seven roles from 2000 might not be aligned with the perception of good medical practice anno...

  16. Rommet som den tredje pedagog - En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning - med fokus på estetisk virksomhet


    Krokstad, Inger Elisabeth


    Masteroppgaven «Rommet som den tredje pedagog i tre Reggio Emilia-inspirerte barnehager. En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning –med fokus på estetisk virksomhet» har til hensikt å bidra til økt kunnskap om estetisk virksomhet som er forbundet med Reggio Emilias tanke om rommet som den tredje pedagog. Avhandlingens problemstilling er: Hvilke mønster kan identifiseres i barnehagepedagogens forståelse av rommet som den tredje pedagog-med fokus på estetisk virksomhet? ...

  17. Assessing the scholar CanMEDS role in residents using critical appraisal techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aliya Kassam


    Full Text Available Background: In this brief report, we describe two ways in which we assessed the Scholar CanMEDS role using a method to measure residents’ ability to complete a critical appraisal.  These were incorporated into a modified OSCE format where two stations consisted of 1 critically appraising an article and 2 critiquing an abstract. Method: Residents were invited to participate in the CanMEDS In-Training Exam (CITE through the Office of Postgraduate Medical Education. Mean scores for the two Scholar stations were calculated using the number of correct responses out of 10. The global score represented the examiner’s overall impression of the resident’s knowledge and effort.  Correlations between scores are also presented between the two Scholar stations and a paired sample t-test comparing the global mean scores of the two stations was also performed. Results: Sixty-three of the 64 residents registered to complete the CanMEDS In-Training Exam including the two Scholar stations.  There were no significant differences between the global scores of the Scholar stations showing that the overall knowledge and effort of the residents was similar across both stations (3.8 vs. 3.5, p = 0.13.  The correlation between the total mean scores of both stations (inter-station reliability was also non-significant (r = 0.05, p = 0.67.  No significant differences between senior residents and junior residents were detected or between internal medicine residents and non-internal medicine residents. Conclusion: Further testing of these stations is needed and other novel ways of assessing the Scholar role competencies should also be investigated.

  18. On the COSMO-SkyMed Exploitation for Interferometric DEM Generation (United States)

    Teresa, C. M.; Raffaele, N.; Oscar, N. D.; Fabio, B.


    DEM products for Earth observation space-borne applications are being to play a role of increasing importance due to the new generation of high resolution sensors (both optical and SAR). These new sensors demand elevation data for processing and, on the other hand, they provide new possibilities for DEM generation. Till now, for what concerns interferometric DEM, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) has been the reference product for scientific applications all over the world. SRTM mission [1] had the challenging goal to meet the requirements for a homogeneous and reliable DEM fulfilling the DTED-2 specifications. However, new generation of high resolution sensors (including SAR) pose new requirements for elevation data in terms of vertical precision and spatial resolution. DEM are usually used as ancillary input in different processing steps as for instance geocoding and Differential SAR Interferometry. In this context, the recent SAR missions of DLR (TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X) and ASI (COSMO-SkyMed) can play a promising role thanks to their high resolution both in space and time. In particular, the present work investigates the potentialities of the COSMO/SkyMed (CSK) constellation for ground elevation measurement with particular attention devoted to the impact of the improved spatial resolution wrt the previous SAR sensors. The recent scientific works, [2] and [3], have shown the advantages of using CSK in the monitoring of terrain deformations caused by landslides, earthquakes, etc. On the other hand, thanks to the high spatial resolution, CSK appears to be very promising in monitoring man-made structures, such as buildings, bridges, railways and highways, thus enabling new potential applications (urban applications, precise DEM, etc.). We present results obtained by processing both SPOTLIGHT and STRIPMAP acquisitions through standard SAR Interferometry as well as multi-pass interferometry [4] with the aim of measuring ground elevation. Acknowledgments

  19. A bibliometric analysis of Australian general practice publications from 1980 to 2007 using PubMed. (United States)

    Mendis, Kumara; Kidd, Michael R; Schattner, Peter; Canalese, Joseph


    We analysed Australian general practice (GP) publications in PubMed from 1980 to 2007 to determine journals, authors, publication types, national health priority areas (NHPA) and compared the results with those from three specialties (public health, cardiology and medical informatics) and two countries (the UK and New Zealand). Australian GP publications were downloaded in MEDLINE format using PubMed queries and were written to a Microsoft Access database using a software application. Search Query Language and online PubMed queries were used for further analysis. There were 4777 publications from 1980 to 2007. Australian Family Physician (38.1%) and the Medical Journal of Australia (17.6%) contributed 55.7% of publications. Reviews (12.7%), letters (6.6%), clinical trials (6.5%) and systematic reviews (5%) were the main PubMed publication types. Thirty five percent of publications addressed National Health Priority Areas with material on mental health (13.7%), neoplasms (6.5%) and cardiovascular conditions (5.9%). The comparable numbers of publications for the three specialties were: public health - 80 911, cardiology - 15 130 and medical informatics - 3338; total country GP comparisons were: UK - 14 658 and New Zealand - 1111. Australian GP publications have shown an impressive growth from 1980 to 2007 with a 15-fold increase. This increase may be due in part to the actions of the Australian government over the past decade to financially support research in primary care, as well as the maturing of academic general practice. This analysis can assist governments, researchers, policy makers and others to target resources so that further developments can be encouraged, supported and monitored.

  20. Energetic, Exergetic, and Economic Analysis of MED-TVC Water Desalination Plant with and without Preheating

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nuri Eshoul


    Full Text Available Desalination is the sole proven technique that can provide the necessary fresh water in arid and semi-arid countries in sufficient quantities and meet the modern needs of a growing world population. Multi effect desalination with thermal vapour compression (MED-TVC is one of most common applications of thermal desalination technologies. The present paper presents a comprehensive thermodynamic model of a 24 million litres per day thermal desalination plant, using specialised software packages. The proposed model was validated against a real data set for a large-scale desalination plant, and showed good agreement. The performance of the MED-TVC unit was investigated using different loads, entrained vapour, seawater temperature, salinity and number of effects in two configurations. The first configuration was the MED-TVC unit without preheating system, and the second integrated the MED-TVC unit with a preheating system. The study confirmed that the thermo-compressor and its effects are the main sources of exergy destruction in these desalination plants, at about 40% and 35% respectively. The desalination plant performance with preheating mode performs well due to high feed water temperature leading to the production of more distillate water. The seawater salinity was proportional to the fuel exergy and minimum separation work. High seawater salinity results in high exergy efficiency, which is not the case with membrane technology. The plant performance of the proposed system was enhanced by using a large number of effects due to greater utilisation of energy input and higher generation level. From an economic perspective, both indicators show that using a preheating system is more economically attractive.

  1. Ainooson et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2012) 9(1):8 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Ainooson et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2012) ..... The authors are grateful for the technical assistance offered by Messrs Thomas Ansah, Gordon Darku and George Ofei of ... Miller, J. R. (2003). ... R. Watson and V. R. Preedy.

  2. The use of a medical dictionary for regulatory activities terminology (MedDRA) in prescription-event monitoring in Japan (J-PEM). (United States)

    Yokotsuka, M; Aoyama, M; Kubota, K


    The Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA) version 2.1 (V2.1) was released in March 1999 accompanied by the MedDRA/J V2.1J specifically for Japanese users. In prescription-event monitoring in Japan (J-PEM), we have employed the MedDRA/J for data entry, signal generation and event listing. In J-PEM, the lowest level terms (LLTs) in the MedDRA/J are used in data entry because the richness of LLTs is judged to be advantageous. A signal is generated normally at the preferred term (PT) level, but it has been found that various reporters describe the same event using descriptions that are potentially encoded by LLTs under different PTs. In addition, some PTs are considered too specific to generate the proper signal. In the system used in J-PEM, when an LLT is selected as a candidate to encode an event, another LLT under a different PT, if any, is displayed on the computer screen so that it may be coded instead of, or in addition to, the candidate LLT. The five-level structure of the MedDRA is used when listing events but some modification is required to generate a functional event list.

  3. Arbetsmöbel för ungdomar : Beskrivning av designprocessen i ett samarbete med IKEA


    Leckström, Anna


    Rapporten beskriver ett designprojekt, utfört som en del av examensarbetet på 15 HP, jag utfört som avgångsstudent på möbeldesignprogrammet vid Carl Malmsten Centrum för Träteknik & Design. Från Ronnie Runesson, produktutvecklare på IKEA of Sweden, fick jag ett uppdrag, ett reellt projekt att arbeta med. Projektet handlade om att ta fram ett koncept på en ny typ av arbetsmöbel för ungdomar i åldersgruppen 12 – 18 år. Målet med projektet var att, förutom att leverera ett fungerande koncept...

  4. Impact of Curricular Reforms on Educational Philosophy Courses in M.Ed Programmes (United States)

    Gafoor, K. Abdul; Remia, K. R.


    In the context of Vision of Teacher Education envisaged in National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, this study probes "Do M.Ed programmes provide for the prerequisites of educational philosophy for teacher educators?" and "whether the syllabi following credit and non credit pattern vary in their coverage of content of…

  5. Betydningen af en række faktorer for døvfødte børn med CI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsson, Steen; Larsen, Lena Bech


    Formålet med dette notat er ved hjælp af data fra SFI's undersøgelse af levevilkår for døvfødte børn med CI at belyse spørgsmålet om, hvad forskellige faktorer betyder for deres situation. Spørgsmålet er belyst ved at se på syv forhold, som repræsenterer forskellige sider af det resultat, som...... barnet har fået af CI-behandlingen. Vi belyser resultatet af behandlingen med spørgsmål, der giver vurderinger af: 1) barnets handicap, 2) barnets skolepræstationer, 3) barnets emotionelle forstyrrelser, 4) om barnet er en enspænder, 5) omfang af barnets besøg hos kammerater, 6) forældrenes bekymring...

  6. First Turkish Experience with the MicroMed DeBakey VAD®


    Kucukaksu, Deniz Suha; Sener, Erol; Undar, Akif; Noon, George P.; Tasdemir, Oguz


    Mechanical bridging to cardiac transplantation with a ventricular assist device may be a life-saving procedure for patients with end-stage heart failure. Here we report our 3 cases of patients implanted with the MicroMed DeBakey VA® (ventricular assist device). Three male patients, aged 37, 41, and 40, had end-stage left heart failure due to idiopathic cardiomyopathy and were listed for cardiac transplantation. They had progressive hemodynamic deterioration. Although Patient 1 underwent surge...

  7. PubFocus: semantic MEDLINE/PubMed citations analytics through integration of controlled biomedical dictionaries and ranking algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chuong Cheng-Ming


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Understanding research activity within any given biomedical field is important. Search outputs generated by MEDLINE/PubMed are not well classified and require lengthy manual citation analysis. Automation of citation analytics can be very useful and timesaving for both novices and experts. Results PubFocus web server automates analysis of MEDLINE/PubMed search queries by enriching them with two widely used human factor-based bibliometric indicators of publication quality: journal impact factor and volume of forward references. In addition to providing basic volumetric statistics, PubFocus also prioritizes citations and evaluates authors' impact on the field of search. PubFocus also analyses presence and occurrence of biomedical key terms within citations by utilizing controlled vocabularies. Conclusion We have developed citations' prioritisation algorithm based on journal impact factor, forward referencing volume, referencing dynamics, and author's contribution level. It can be applied either to the primary set of PubMed search results or to the subsets of these results identified through key terms from controlled biomedical vocabularies and ontologies. NCI (National Cancer Institute thesaurus and MGD (Mouse Genome Database mammalian gene orthology have been implemented for key terms analytics. PubFocus provides a scalable platform for the integration of multiple available ontology databases. PubFocus analytics can be adapted for input sources of biomedical citations other than PubMed.

  8. For eller imod vaccination? Om forældres beslutningstagen I forbindelse med Calmette-vaccination af deres nyfødte barn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo Pihl, Gitte

    Sygehus, Rigshospitalet og Hvidovre Hospital, fra oktober 2012 til november 2013. I alt 4184 familier blev randomiseret i Calmette-studiet. Ad formål 1: Før Calmette-studiets begyndelse blev fem fokusgrupper gennemført med formålet at undersøge forældres overvejelser, når de skal tage stilling til, om...... Kolding blev efterfølgende telefon-interviewet med en dansk valideret udgave af "The Decisional Conflict Scale" med det formål at undersøge, hvor trygge de var ved beslutningen og om socio-demografiske faktorer havde betydning for deres oplevelse af tvivl. Ad formål 3: Spørgsmål om forældres...... kvantitativ metode, idet der anvendes statistiske tests af socio-demografiske faktorers betydning for The Decisional Conflict Score, ligesom selve scoren opgøres statistisk. Formål 3 er undersøgt i et miks af statistiske opgørelser af svarene fra telefon-interview kombineret med uddybende perspektiver fra...

  9. Future Energy Benchmark for Desalination: is it Better to have a Power (electricity) Plant with ro or Med/msf? (United States)

    Shahzad, Muhammad Wakil; Ng, Kim Choon; Thu, Kyaw


    Power and desalination cogeneration plants are common in many water scared courtiers. Designers and planners for cogeneration face tough challenges in deciding the options:- Is it better to operate a power plant (PP) with the reverse osmosis (i.e., PP+RO) or the thermally-driven multi-effect distillation/multi-stage flashed (PP+MED/MSF) methods. From literature, the RO methods are known to be energy efficient whilst the MED/MSF are known to have excellent thermodynamic synergies as only low pressure and temperature steam are used. Not with-standing the challenges of severe feed seawater of the Gulf, such as the frequent harmful algae blooms (HABs) and high silt contents, this presentation presents a quantitative analyses using the exergy and energetic approaches in evaluating the performances of a real cogeneration plant that was recently proposed in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. We demonstrate that the process choice of PP+RO versus PP+MED depends on the inherent efficiencies of individual process method which is closely related to innovative process design. In this connection, a method of primary fuel cost apportionment for a co-generation plant with a MED desalination is presented. We show that an energy approach, that captures the quality of expanding steam, is a better method over the conventional work output (energetic) and the energy method seems to be over-penalizing a thermally-driven MED by as much as 22% in the operating cost of water.

  10. Future Energy Benchmark for Desalination: Is it Better to have a Power (Electricity) Plant With RO or MED/MSF?

    KAUST Repository

    Shahzad, Muhammad Wakil; Ng, Kim Choon; Thu, Kyaw


    Power and desalination cogeneration plants are common in many water scared courtiers. Designers and planners for cogeneration face tough challenges in deciding the options:- Is it better to operate a power plant (PP) with the reverse osmosis (i.e., PP+RO) or the thermally-driven multi-effect distillation/multi-stage flashed ( PP+MED/MSF) methods. From literature, the RO methods are known to be energy efficient whilst the MED/MSF are known to have excellent thermodynamic synergies as only low pressure and temperature steam are used. Not with-standing the challenges of severe feed seawater of the Gulf, such as the frequent harmful algae blooms (HABs) and high silt contents, this presentation presents a quantitative analyses using the exergy and energetic approaches in evaluating the performances of a real cogeneration plant that was recently proposed in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. We demonstrate that the process choice of PP+RO versus PP+MED depends on the inherent efficiencies of individual process method which is closely related to innovative process design. In this connection, a method of primary fuel cost apportionment for a co-generation plant with a MED desalination is presented. We show that an energy approach, that captures the quality of expanding steam, is a better method over the conventional work output (energetic) and the energy method seems to be over-penalizing a thermally-driven MED by as much as 22% in the operating cost of water.

  11. Future Energy Benchmark for Desalination: Is it Better to have a Power (Electricity) Plant With RO or MED/MSF?

    KAUST Repository

    Shahzad, Muhammad Wakil


    Power and desalination cogeneration plants are common in many water scared courtiers. Designers and planners for cogeneration face tough challenges in deciding the options:- Is it better to operate a power plant (PP) with the reverse osmosis (i.e., PP+RO) or the thermally-driven multi-effect distillation/multi-stage flashed ( PP+MED/MSF) methods. From literature, the RO methods are known to be energy efficient whilst the MED/MSF are known to have excellent thermodynamic synergies as only low pressure and temperature steam are used. Not with-standing the challenges of severe feed seawater of the Gulf, such as the frequent harmful algae blooms (HABs) and high silt contents, this presentation presents a quantitative analyses using the exergy and energetic approaches in evaluating the performances of a real cogeneration plant that was recently proposed in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. We demonstrate that the process choice of PP+RO versus PP+MED depends on the inherent efficiencies of individual process method which is closely related to innovative process design. In this connection, a method of primary fuel cost apportionment for a co-generation plant with a MED desalination is presented. We show that an energy approach, that captures the quality of expanding steam, is a better method over the conventional work output (energetic) and the energy method seems to be over-penalizing a thermally-driven MED by as much as 22% in the operating cost of water.

  12. Integrated and implicit : how residents learn CanMEDS roles by participating in practice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Renting, Nienke; Raat, A N Janet; Dornan, Tim; Wenger-Trayner, Etienne; van der Wal, Martha A; Borleffs, Jan C C; Gans, Rijk O B; Jaarsma, A Debbie C

    CONTEXT: Learning outcomes for residency training are defined in competency frameworks such as the CanMEDS framework, which ultimately aim to better prepare residents for their future tasks. Although residents' training relies heavily on learning through participation in the workplace under the

  13. Solution Structure of the N-Terminal Domain of Mediator Subunit MED26 and Molecular Characterization of Its Interaction with EAF1 and TAF7. (United States)

    Lens, Zoé; Cantrelle, François-Xavier; Peruzzini, Riccardo; Hanoulle, Xavier; Dewitte, Frédérique; Ferreira, Elisabeth; Baert, Jean-Luc; Monté, Didier; Aumercier, Marc; Villeret, Vincent; Verger, Alexis; Landrieu, Isabelle


    MED26 is a subunit of Mediator, a large complex central to the regulation of gene transcription by RNA Polymerase II. MED26 plays a role in the switch between the initiation and elongation phases of RNA Polymerase II-mediated transcription process. Regulation of these steps requires successive binding of MED26 N-terminal domain (NTD) to TATA-binding protein-associated factor 7 (TAF7) and Eleven-nineteen lysine-rich in leukemia-Associated Factor 1 (EAF1). In order to investigate the mechanism of regulation by MED26, MED26-NTD structure was solved by NMR, revealing a 4-helix bundle. EAF1 (239-268) and TAF7 (205-235) peptide interactions were both mapped to the same groove formed by H3 and H4 helices of MED26-NTD. Both interactions are characterized by dissociation constants in the 10-μM range. Further experiments revealed a folding-upon-binding mechanism that leads to the formation of EAF1 (N247-S260) and TAF7 (L214-S227) helices. Chemical shift perturbations and nuclear Overhauser enhancement contacts support the involvement of residues I222/F223 in anchoring TAF7 helix to a hydrophobic pocket of MED26-NTD, including residues L48, W80 and I84. In addition, Ala mutations of charged residues located in the C-terminal disordered part of TAF7 and EAF1 peptides affected the binding, with a loss of affinity characterized by a 10-time increase of dissociation constants. A structural model of MED26-NTD/TAF7 complex shows bi-partite components, combining ordered and disordered segments, as well as hydrophobic and electrostatic contributions to the binding. This study provides molecular detail that will help to decipher the mechanistic basis for the initiation to elongation switch-function mediated by MED26-NTD. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. On the EMSC and its roles in the Euro-Med region (United States)

    Bossu, R.; Godey, S.; Mazet-Roux, G.


    The Euro-Med seismological Centre (EMSC) is a scientific non-profit NGO created back in 1975 by the seismological community to collate data, make them available and provide earthquake information at a Euro-Med and global scales. The aim of this talk is to provide an overview of the EMSC's activities and its roles in the integration of the seismological community. Its first activity has been rapid earthquake information on its web site ( as well as earthquake notification services (SMS, email) for potentially damaging earthquakes. More recently, online macroseismic questionnaires were introduced in more than 20 different languages as well as tools to collect pictures of the earthquake's effects from the public. An innovative way to map the area where an earthquake was felt within 5 to 8 minutes of its occurrence was developed. It plots the geographical origin of the observed surges of traffic following felt events. This method is now being implemented in several other institutes. The Euro-Med seismological bulletin, which started in 1998, complements this service by offering a reference bulletin for the region. It significantly improved the data availability especially on the fringes of the region and the data collection is now comprehensive. Thanks to its 84 institutes from 55 different countries, EMSC offers a significant networking capacity and it plays a significant role in the integration of our community in close collaboration with ORFEUS, the second European organisation in seismology. It devotes significant efforts to improve collaboration especially towards Northern Africa and the Middle East. For example, it recently led an EC-project to improve coordination of the earthquake surveillance of the Western Mediterranean region and improve data exchanges. It contributes to the initiation of the NERIES project. It is involved, within this framework, in improving accelerometric data availability, developing rapid loss estimates and it it is in

  15. MedXViewer: providing a web-enabled workstation environment for collaborative and remote medical imaging viewing, perception studies and reader training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Looney, P.T.; Young, K.C.; Halling-Brown, M.D.


    MedXViewer (Medical extensible Viewer) has been developed to address the need for workstation-independent, picture archiving and communication system (PACS)-less viewing and interaction with anonymised medical images. The aim of this paper is to describe the design and features of MedXViewer as well as to introduce the new features available in the latest release (version 1.2). MedXViewer currently supports digital mammography and tomosynthesis. The flexible software design used to develop MedXViewer allows it to be easily extended to support other imaging modalities. Regions of interest can be drawn by a user, and any associated information about a mark, an image or a study can be added. The questions and settings can be easily configured depending on the need of the research allowing both ROC and FROC studies to be performed. Complex tree-like questions can be asked where a given answer presents the user to new questions. The hanging protocol can be specified for each study. Panning, windowing, zooming and moving through slices are all available while modality-specific features can be easily enabled, e.g. quadrant zooming in digital mammography and tomosynthesis studies. MedXViewer can integrate with a web-based image database OPTIMAM Medical Image Database allowing results and images to be stored centrally. The software can, alternatively, run without a network connection where the images and results can be encrypted and stored locally on a machine or external drive. MedXViewer has been used for running remote paper-less observer studies and is capable of providing a training infrastructure and coordinating remote collaborative viewing sessions. (authors)

  16. Social arv, ulighed og dagtilbuds betydning med henblik på mønsterbrydning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Bente

    i 120 dagtilbud. Programmet har udviklet innovative strategier for professionelles kompetenceudvikling, dvs. et kompetenceudviklingsprogram, der tilbyder deltagerne muligheder for selv at arbejde eksperimenterende med viden om kvalitetsudvikling i dagtilbud, samt værktøjer til at omsætte denne viden...... (uddannelse), og her planlægges innovative strategier for implementering gennem eksperimenter (i praksis). Antagelsen bag programmet er, at en længerevarende og dybtgående tilgang til professionel kompetenceudvikling med fokus på et innovativt perspektiv vil kunne føre til varige fornyelser i dagtilbud og...... undersøgelse af, om modellen for forandring og fornyelse opnår effekt. Resultater viser, at der opnås positive virkninger af professionelles kompetenceudvikling målt på implementering af nye innovative strategier i det pædagogiske arbejde. Teoretisk diskuteres resultaterne i lyset af en begrebsliggørelse om...

  17. Resveratrol modulates MED28 (Magicin/EG-1) expression and inhibits epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced migration in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. (United States)

    Lee, Ming-Fen; Pan, Min-Hsiung; Chiou, Yi-Siou; Cheng, An-Chin; Huang, Han


    Resveratrol and pterostilbene exhibit diverse biological activities. MED28, a subunit of the mammalian Mediator complex for transcription, was also identified as magicin, an actin cytoskeleton Grb2-associated protein, and as endothelial-derived gene (EG-1). Several tumors exhibit aberrant MED28 expression, whereas the underlying mechanism is unclear. Triple-negative breast cancers, often expressing epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR), are associated with metastasis and poor survival. The objective of this study is to compare the effect of resveratrol and pterostilbene and to investigate the role of MED28 in EGFR-overexpressing MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Pretreatment of resveratrol, but not pterostlbene, suppressed EGF-mediated migration and expression of MED28 and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 in MDA-MB-231 cells. Moreover, overexpression of MED28 increased migration, and the addition of EGF further enhanced migration. Our data indicate that resveratrol modulates the effect of MED28 on cellular migration, presumably through the EGFR/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway, in breast cancer cells.

  18. How to improve your PubMed/MEDLINE searches: 2. display settings, complex search queries and topic searching. (United States)

    Fatehi, Farhad; Gray, Leonard C; Wootton, Richard


    The way that PubMed results are displayed can be changed using the Display Settings drop-down menu in the result screen. There are three groups of options: Format, Items per page and Sort by, which allow a good deal of control. The results from several searches can be temporarily stored on the Clipboard. Records of interest can be selected on the results page using check boxes and can then be combined, for example to form a reference list. The Related Citations is a valuable feature of PubMed that can provide a set of similar articles when you have identified a record of interest among the results. You can easily search for RCTs or reviews using the appropriate filters or field tags. If you are interested in clinical articles, rather than basic science or health service research, then the Clinical Queries tool on the PubMed home page can be used to retrieve them.

  19. Approach to autism spectrum disorder: Using the new DSM-V diagnostic criteria and the CanMEDS-FM framework. (United States)

    Lee, Patrick F; Thomas, Roger E; Lee, Patricia A


    To review the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-V), and to develop an approach to managing ASD using the CanMEDS- Family Medicine (CanMEDS-FM) framework. The DSM-V from the American Psychiatric Association, published in May 2013, provides new diagnostic criteria for ASD. The College of Family Physicians of Canada's CanMEDS-FM framework provides a blueprint that can guide the complex management of ASD. We used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine the prevalence of ASD, and we used the comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis completed by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence for their guidelines on ASD to assess the evidence for more than 100 interventions. The prevalence of ASD was 1 in 88 in 2008 in the United States according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The ASD classification in the fourth edition of the DSM included autism, Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder, and childhood disintegrative disorder. The new DSM-V revision incorporates all these disorders into one ASD umbrella term with different severity levels. The management of ASD is complex and requires a multidisciplinary team effort and continuity of care. The CanMEDS-FM roles provide a framework for management. Family physicians are the key leaders of the multidisciplinary care team for ASD, and the CanMEDS-FM framework provides a comprehensive guide to help manage a child with ASD and to help the child's family. Copyright© the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

  20. Ein Modell zur nachhaltigen Qualitätssteigerung der medizinischen Ausbildung am Beispiel des chirurgischen Reformcurriculums HeiCuMed [A Model for Persistent Improvement of Medical Education as Illustrated by the Surgical Reform Curriculum HeiCuMed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kadmon, Guni


    Full Text Available [english] Background: Heidelberg Medical School underwent a major curricular change with the implementation of the reform curriculum HeiCuMed (Heidelberg Curriculum Medicinale in October 2001. It is based on rotational modules with daily cycles of interactive, case-based small-group seminars, PBL tutorials and training of sensomotor and communication skills. For surgical undergraduate training an organisational structure was developed that ensures continuity of medical teachers for student groups and enables their unimpaired engagement for defined periods of time while accounting for the daily clinical routine in a large surgery department of a university hospital. It includes obligatory didactic training, standardising teaching material on the basis of learning objectives and releasing teaching doctors from clinical duties for the duration of a module. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of the undergraduate surgical reform curriculum with that of the preceding traditional one as reflected by students' evaluations. Method: The present work analyses student evaluations of the undergraduate surgical training between 1999 and 2008 including three cohorts (~360 students each in the traditional curriculum and 13 cohorts (~150 students each in the reform curriculum. Results: The evaluation of the courses, their organisation, the teaching quality, and the subjective learning was significantly better in HeiCuMed than in the preceding traditional curriculum over the whole study period. Conclusion: A medical curriculum based on the implementation of interactive didactical methods is more important to successful teaching and the subjective gain of knowledge than knowledge transfer by traditional classroom teaching. The organisational strategy adopted in the surgical training of HeiCuMed has been successful in enabling the maintenance of a complex modern curriculum on a continuously high level within the framework of a busy surgical environment

  1. MED23-associated Intellectual Disability in a Non-consanguineous Family


    Trehan, Aditi; Brady, Jacqueline M.; Maduro, Valerie; Bone, William; Huang, Yan; Golas, Gretchen A.; Kane, Megan; Lee, Paul R.; Thurm, Audrey; Gropman, Andrea L.; Paul, Scott M.; Vezina, Gilbert; Markello, Thomas C.; Gahl, William A.; Boerkoel, Cornelius F.


    Intellectual disability (ID) is a heterogeneous condition arising from a variety of environmental and genetic factors. Among these causes are defects in transcriptional regulators. Herein, we report two brothers in a non-consanguineous family with novel compound heterozygous, disease-segregating mutations (NM_015979.3: [3656A>G];[4006C>T], NP_057063.2: [H1219R];[R1336X]) in MED23. This gene encodes a subunit of the Mediator complex that modulates the expression of RNA polymerase II-dependent ...

  2. COSMO-SkyMed Spotlight interometry over rural areas: the Slumgullion landslide in Colorado, USA (United States)

    Milillo, Pietro; Fielding, Eric J.; Schulz, William H.; Delbridge, Brent; Burgmann, Roland


    In the last 7 years, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data with resolution of better than a meter acquired by satellites in spotlight mode offered an unprecedented improvement in SAR interferometry (InSAR). Most attention has been focused on monitoring urban areas and man-made infrastructure exploiting geometric accuracy, stability, and phase fidelity of the spotlight mode. In this paper, we explore the potential application of the COSMO-SkyMed® Spotlight mode to rural areas where decorrelation is substantial and rapidly increases with time. We focus on the rapid repeat times of as short as one day possible with the COSMO-SkyMed® constellation. We further present a qualitative analysis of spotlight interferometry over the Slumgullion landslide in southwest Colorado, which moves at rates of more than 1 cm/day.

  3. Zaznana povezanost med komponentami zavarovalne storitve pri uporabnikih dopolnilnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja


    Šebjan, Urban


    V prispevku proučujemo odnose med komponentami storitve dopolnilno prostovoljno zdravstveno zavarovanje (DPZZ), ki jim uporabniki pripisujejo različno vlogo. Raziskovalni model s štirimi konstrukti (pomembnost kakovosti, dodatnih kritij, cenovnih popustov storitve dpzz in ugleda zavarovalnice) in indikatorjem pomembnost zavarovalne premije dpzz smo preverili z modeliranjem strukturnih enačb (SEM) na vzorcu 300 slovenskih uporabnikov storitve DPZZ. Ugotovili smo, da se pomen komponente storitv...

  4. Zaznana povezanost med komponentami zavarovalne storitve pri uporabnikih dopolnilnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja:


    Šebjan, Urban


    V prispevku proučujemo odnose med komponentami storitve dopolnilno prostovoljno zdravstveno zavarovanje (DPZZ), ki jim uporabniki pripisujejo različno vlogo. Raziskovalni model s štirimi konstrukti (pomembnost kakovosti, dodatnih kritij, cenovnih popustov storitve dpzz in ugleda zavarovalnice) in indikatorjem pomembnost zavarovalne premije dpzz smo preverili z modeliranjem strukturnih enačb (SEM) na vzorcu 300 slovenskih uporabnikov storitve DPZZ. Ugotovili smo, da se pomen komponente storitv...

  5. Ungdommers opplevelser med overdreven bruk av online-rollespillet World of Warcraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flaaten, Øivind; Torp, Steffen; Aarseth, Espen


    Ungdommers bruk av online-rollespill blir ofte problematisert (Falkner 2007). På bakgrunn av kvalitative intervjuer med ti ungdommer og fem pårørendekontakter beskrives i denne artikkelen ungdommenes opplevelser av online-spillet World of Warcraft (WoW). Denne pilotstudien gir en nyansert...... for konflikt og hjelpeløshet. Helsefremmende arbeid basert på dialog og tidlig intervensjon kan forhindre at online-spilladferd kommer ut av kontroll....

  6. Searching PubMed for a broad subject area: how effective are palliative care clinicians in finding the evidence in their field? (United States)

    Damarell, Raechel A; Tieman, Jennifer J


    Health professionals must be able to search competently for evidence to support practice. We sought to understand how palliative care clinicians construct searches for palliative care literature in PubMed, to quantify search efficacy in retrieving a set of relevant articles and to compare performance against a Palliative CareSearch Filter (PCSF). Included studies from palliative care systematic reviews formed a test set. Palliative care clinicians (n = 37) completed a search task using PubMed. Individual clinician searches were reconstructed in PubMed and combined with the test set to calculate retrieval sensitivity. PCSF performance in the test set was also determined. Many clinicians struggled to create useful searches. Twelve used a single search term, 17 narrowed the search inappropriately and 8 confused Boolean operators. The mean number of test set citations (n = 663) retrieved was 166 (SD = 188), or 25% although 76% of clinicians believed they would find more than 50% of the articles. Only 8 participants (22%) achieved this. Correlations between retrieval and PubMed confidence (r = 0.13) or frequency of use (r = -0.18) were weak. Many palliative care clinicians search PubMed ineffectively. Targeted skills training and PCSF promotion may improve evidence retrieval. © 2015 Health Libraries Group.

  7. The 11th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2012)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pitsillides, A.; Douligeris, C.; Vassiliou, V.; Heijenk, Geert; Cavalcante de Oliveira, J.

    Message from the General Chairs Welcome to the 2012 Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop in Ayia Napa, Cyprus. We are excited to host Med-Hoc-Net. As a major annual international workshop, following recent successful workshops in Sicily (2006), Corfu (2007), Palma de Mallorca (2008), Haifa

  8. SafeMed: Using pharmacy technicians in a novel role as community health workers to improve transitions of care. (United States)

    Bailey, James E; Surbhi, Satya; Bell, Paula C; Jones, Angel M; Rashed, Sahar; Ugwueke, Michael O


    To describe the design, implementation, and early experience of the SafeMed program, which uses certified pharmacy technicians in a novel expanded role as community health workers (CPhT-CHWs) to improve transitions of care. A large nonprofit health care system serving the major medically underserved areas and geographic hotspots for readmissions in Memphis, TN. The SafeMed program is a care transitions program with an emphasis on medication management designed to use low-cost health workers to improve transitions of care from hospital to home for superutilizing patients with multiple chronic conditions and polypharmacy. CPhT-CHWs were given primary responsibility for patient outreach after hospital discharge with the use of home visits and telephone follow-up. SafeMed program CPhT-CHWs served as pharmacist extenders, obtaining medication histories, assisting in medication reconciliation and identification of potential drug therapy problems (DTPs), and reinforcing medication education previously provided by the pharmacist per protocol. CPhT-CHW training included patient communication skills, motivational interviewing, medication history taking, teach-back techniques, drug disposal practices, and basic disease management. Some CPhT-CHWs experienced difficulties adjusting to an expanded scope of practice. Nonetheless, once the Tennessee Board of Pharmacy affirmed that envisioned SafeMed CPhT-CHW roles were consistent with Board rules, additional responsibilities were added for CPhT-CHWs to enhance their effectiveness. Patient outreach teams including CPhT-CHWs achieved increases in home visit and telephone follow-up rates and were successful in helping identify potential DTPs. The early experience of the SafeMed program demonstrates that CPhT-CHWs are well suited for novel expanded roles to improve care transitions for superutilizing populations. CPhT-CHWs can identify and report potential DTPs to the pharmacist to help target medication therapy management. Critical

  9. Timing System Solution for MedAustron; Real-time Event and Data Distribution Network

    CERN Document Server

    Štefanič, R; Dedič, J; Gutleber, J; Moser, R


    MedAustron is an ion beam research and therapy centre under construction in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The facility features a synchrotron particle accelerator for light ions. The timing system for this class of accelerators has been developed in close collaboration between MedAustron and Cosylab. Mitigating economical and technological risks, we have chosen a proven, widely used Micro Research Finland (MRF) timing equipment and redesigned its FPGA firmware, extending its high-logic services above transport layer, as required by machine specifics. We obtained a generic real-time broadcast network for coordinating actions of a compact, pulse-to-pulse modulation based particle accelerator. High-level services include support for virtual accelerators and a rich selection of event response mechanisms. The system uses a combination of a real-time link for downstream events and a non-real-time link for upstream messaging and non time-critical communication. It comes with National Instruments LabVI...

  10. Engineering evaluation of a formerly utilized MED/AEC site. Site A and Plot M, Palos Forest Preserve, Palos Park, Illinois

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This engineering evaluation report (EER) addresses one of these MED/AEC sites known as Site A/Plot M, located in Palos Park, Illinois. The EER describes in technical detail a number of options for remedial action that could be taken with respect to the contamination at Site A/Plot M and presents estimates of the costs associated with these options. A companion document, Environmental Analysis Report on a Formerly Utilized MED/AEC Site, Site A and Plot M, Palos Forest Preserve, Palos Park, Illinois (ANL/ES-79), has also been prepared. It describes in detail the existing site environment and evaluates the environmental impacts of the various remedial options discussed in this report. This EER contributes to a better understanding of the mitigation or resolution of environmental problems posed by the subject MED/AEC site and serves as a basis for determining whether or not remedial actions are warranted. The knowledge derived from the evaluation of a number of remedial options should be helpful in the final disposition of other MED/AEC sites located elsewhere

  11. Ma et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2016) 13(3):197-202 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Sulfur fumigation is one of the processing methods of Chinese medicinal ... them, the contents of 23 compounds in sulfur-fumigated Dangshen were much lower than that in air-dried Dangshen, such as ..... Asia-Pacific Tradit. Med.

  12. Flower power: the armoured expert in the CanMEDS competency framework? (United States)

    Whitehead, Cynthia R; Austin, Zubin; Hodges, Brian D


    Competency frameworks based on roles definitions are currently being used extensively in health professions education internationally. One of the most successful and widely used models is the CanMEDS Roles Framework. The medical literature has raised questions about both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical application of outcomes-based frameworks, however little empirical research has yet been done examining specific roles frameworks. This study examines the historical development of an important early roles framework, the Educating Future Physicians of Ontario (EFPO) roles, which were instrumental in the development of the CanMEDS roles. Prominent discourses related to roles development are examined using critical discourse analysis methodology. Exploration of discourses that emerged in the development of this particular set of roles definitions highlights the contextual and negotiated nature of roles construction. The discourses of threat and protection prevalent in the EFPO roles development offer insight into the visual construction of a centre of medical expertise surrounded by supporting roles (such as collaborator and manager). Non-medical expert roles may perhaps play the part of 'armour' for the authority of medical expertise under threat. This research suggests that it may not be accurate to consider roles as objective ideals. Effective training models may require explicit acknowledgement of the socially negotiated and contextual nature of roles definitions.

  13. Worldwide access to evidence-based mental health literature: how useful is PubMed in Anglo-Saxon and non-Anglo-Saxon countries? (United States)

    Morlino, Massimo; Polese, Daniela; Bruni, Andrea; Renato, Bellinello


    The aim of this study was to verify the presence of cultural variety among the psychiatric journals available on PubMed, the major online tool for accessing literature. Data for analysis were taken from a survey of the world psychiatric journals indexed in Index Medicus 1999 (IM), the alphabetical list used by PubMed, and from the mean impact factor (IF) values of the journals. Approximately 80% of international psychiatric literature available on PubMed is published in Anglo-Saxon countries, especially in the USA (59.8% of the total). The widespread use of the English language (94.9% of all the journals) further stresses the dominance of the Anglo-Saxon cultural model, as do the mean IF values of Anglo-Saxon journals compared to non-Anglo-Saxon publications (3.252 vs. 1.693; P=0.0079). The under-representation of non-Anglo-Saxon cultural models on PubMed plays a negative role for bringing about a truly multicultural literature in psychiatry.

  14. X-band COSMO-SkyMed wind field retrieval, with application to coastal circulation modeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Montuori


    Full Text Available In this paper, X-band COSMO-SkyMed© synthetic aperture radar (SAR wind field retrieval is investigated, and the obtained data are used to force a coastal ocean circulation model. The SAR data set consists of 60 X-band Level 1B Multi-Look Ground Detected ScanSAR Huge Region COSMO-SkyMed© SAR data, gathered in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea during the summer and winter seasons of 2010. The SAR-based wind vector field estimation is accomplished by resolving both the SAR-based wind speed and wind direction retrieval problems independently. The sea surface wind speed is retrieved by means of a SAR wind speed algorithm based on the azimuth cut-off procedure, while the sea surface wind direction is provided by means of a SAR wind direction algorithm based on the discrete wavelet transform multi-resolution analysis. The obtained wind fields are compared with ground truth data provided by both ASCAT scatterometer and ECMWF model wind fields. SAR-derived wind vector fields and ECMWF model wind data are used to construct a blended wind product regularly sampled in both space and time, which is then used to force a coastal circulation model of a southern Tyrrhenian coastal area to simulate wind-driven circulation processes. The modeling results show that X-band COSMO-SkyMed© SAR data can be valuable in providing effective wind fields for coastal circulation modeling.

  15. OpenGeneMed: a portable, flexible and customizable informatics hub for the coordination of next-generation sequencing studies in support of precision medicine trials. (United States)

    Palmisano, Alida; Zhao, Yingdong; Li, Ming-Chung; Polley, Eric C; Simon, Richard M


    Trials involving genomic-driven treatment selection require the coordination of many teams interacting with a great variety of information. The need of better informatics support to manage this complex set of operations motivated the creation of OpenGeneMed. OpenGeneMed is a stand-alone and customizable version of GeneMed (Zhao et al. GeneMed: an informatics hub for the coordination of next-generation sequencing studies that support precision oncology clinical trials. Cancer Inform 2015;14(Suppl 2):45), a web-based interface developed for the National Cancer Institute Molecular Profiling-based Assignment of Cancer Therapy (NCI-MPACT) clinical trial coordinated by the NIH. OpenGeneMed streamlines clinical trial management and it can be used by clinicians, lab personnel, statisticians and researchers as a communication hub. It automates the annotation of genomic variants identified by sequencing tumor DNA, classifies the actionable mutations according to customizable rules and facilitates quality control in reviewing variants. The system generates summarized reports with detected genomic alterations that a treatment review team can use for treatment assignment. OpenGeneMed allows collaboration to happen seamlessly along the clinical pipeline; it helps reduce errors made transferring data between groups and facilitates clear documentation along the pipeline. OpenGeneMed is distributed as a stand-alone virtual machine, ready for deployment and use from a web browser; its code is customizable to address specific needs of different clinical trials and research teams. Examples on how to change the code are provided in the technical documentation distributed with the virtual machine. In summary, OpenGeneMed offers an initial set of features inspired by our experience with GeneMed, a system that has been proven to be efficient and successful for coordinating the application of next-generation sequencing in the NCI-MPACT trial. Published by Oxford University Press 2016. This

  16. Cristina et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2014) 11(4):48 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Cristina et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2014) .... New data about the multiple therapeutic valences of this plant will complement the gathered knowledge about the ..... days, on sheep initially treated with 10, 5 and 2%, respectively tincture concentrations, no fed ticks were found, demonstrating the repellent.

  17. It-baseret inklusion af elever med udviklings- og opmærksomhedsproblemer i folkeskolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voldborg, Hanne; Sorensen, Elsebeth Korsgaard; De Lopez, Kristine M. Jensen

    med ADHD); Kristian Andreasen (spiludvikler og direktør i firmaet Kanda; udvikler af læringsspillet Runerod); Rune Gråbæk (pædagogisk konsulent, Ringsted kommune) samt Henrik Grum (pædagogisk leder, CSV Sydfyn; tidligere medarbejder på projektet). Projektledelsen og projektmedarbejderne vil derudover...

  18. Inferring gene and protein interactions using PubMed citations and consensus Bayesian networks. (United States)

    Deeter, Anthony; Dalman, Mark; Haddad, Joseph; Duan, Zhong-Hui


    The PubMed database offers an extensive set of publication data that can be useful, yet inherently complex to use without automated computational techniques. Data repositories such as the Genomic Data Commons (GDC) and the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) offer experimental data storage and retrieval as well as curated gene expression profiles. Genetic interaction databases, including Reactome and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, offer pathway and experiment data analysis using data curated from these publications and data repositories. We have created a method to generate and analyze consensus networks, inferring potential gene interactions, using large numbers of Bayesian networks generated by data mining publications in the PubMed database. Through the concept of network resolution, these consensus networks can be tailored to represent possible genetic interactions. We designed a set of experiments to confirm that our method is stable across variation in both sample and topological input sizes. Using gene product interactions from the KEGG pathway database and data mining PubMed publication abstracts, we verify that regardless of the network resolution or the inferred consensus network, our method is capable of inferring meaningful gene interactions through consensus Bayesian network generation with multiple, randomized topological orderings. Our method can not only confirm the existence of currently accepted interactions, but has the potential to hypothesize new ones as well. We show our method confirms the existence of known gene interactions such as JAK-STAT-PI3K-AKT-mTOR, infers novel gene interactions such as RAS- Bcl-2 and RAS-AKT, and found significant pathway-pathway interactions between the JAK-STAT signaling and Cardiac Muscle Contraction KEGG pathways.

  19. MED and PSACH COMP mutations affect chondrogenesis in chicken limb bud micromass cultures. (United States)

    Roman-Blas, J; Dion, A S; Seghatoleslami, M R; Giunta, K; Oca, P; Jimenez, S A; Williams, C J


    Mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) cause pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED). We studied the effects of over-expression of wild type and mutant COMP on early stages of chondrogenesis in chicken limb bud micromass cultures. Cells were transduced with RCAS virus harboring wild type or mutant (C328R, PSACH; T585R, MED) COMP cDNAs and cultured for 3, 4, and 5 days. The effect of COMP constructs on chondrogenesis was assessed by analyzing mRNA and protein expression of several COMP binding partners. Cell viability was assayed, and evaluation of apoptosis was performed by monitoring caspase 3 processing. Over-expression of COMP, and especially expression of COMP mutants, had a profound affect on the expression of syndecan 3 and tenascin C, early markers of chondrogenesis. Over-expression of COMP did not affect levels of type II collagen or matrilin-3; however, there were increases in type IX collagen expression and sulfated proteoglycan synthesis, particularly at day 5 of harvest. In contrast to cells over-expressing COMP, cells with mutant COMP showed reduction in type IX collagen expression and increased matrilin 3 expression. Finally, reduction in cell viability, and increased activity of caspase 3, at days 4 and 5, were observed in cultures expressing either wild type or mutant COMP. MED, and PSACH mutations, despite displaying phenotypic differences, demonstrated only subtle differences in their cellular viability and mRNA and protein expression of components of the extracellular matrix, including those that interact with COMP. These results suggest that COMP mutations, by disrupting normal interactions between COMP and its binding partners, significantly affect chondrogenesis. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  20. Answers to questions posed during daily patient care are more likely to be answered by UpToDate than PubMed.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogendam, A.; Stalenhoef, A.F.H.; Vries Robbe, P.F. de; Overbeke, A.J.P.M.


    BACKGROUND: UpToDate and PubMed are popular sources for medical information. Data regarding the efficiency of PubMed and UpToDate in daily medical care are lacking. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this observational study was to describe the percentage of answers retrieved by these information sources,