
Sample records for virksomhedernes overordnede strategier

  1. Epistemiske strategier i studieaktivitetsmodellen 09/2015 – 12/2016

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestbo, Michelle; Steenfeldt, Vibeke Østergaard; Helms, Niels Henrik


    Afrapportering af projektet Epistemiske strategier i studieaktivitetsmodellen. Rapporten er en afrapportering af projektet Epistemiske strategier i studieaktivitetsmodellen, som har udfoldet sig gennem en vifte bestående af seks delprojekter inden for to overordnede tematikker: de studerendes hv...

  2. Grå strækninger på det overordnede vejnet i det åbne land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Michael


    udviklet konkrete metoder til udpegning, analyse og udbedring af grå strækninger. I ph.d.-afhandlingen “Grå strækninger i det åbne land – Udvikling, anvendelse og vurdering af alvorlighedsbaseret metode til udpegning, analyse og udbedring af grå strækninger” er der derfor blevet formuleres en overordnet...... filosofi for det grå strækningsarbejde samtidig med, at der med fokus på udpegning udvikles metoder til udpegning, analyse og udbedring af grå strækninger på det overordnede vejnet i det åbne land. Formålet har specifikt været at udvikle metoder, som er både uheldsteoretisk velfunderede og anvendelige i...

  3. Argumentative strategies in French company brochures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Ellerup


    Afhandlingens overordnede formål er at gøre rede for, hvorledes forskellige persvasionsstrategier kommer sprogligt og retorisk til udtryk i franske præsentationsbrochurer. Den teoretiske ramme for analysen af disse strategier udgøres af argumentationsteorien, hvorunder tages udgangpunkt i to skol...

  4. Outsourcings økonomiske indflydelse på det danske samfund


    Øhrgaard, Amalie; Stisen, Josefine Linding; Svarrer, Olivia Lutz; Crillesen, Rasmus Grevit; Condrup, Mette Grube; Nielsen, Sebbe Hodal


    Dette projekt har til formål at belyse virksomhederne Novo Nordisk og Lundbecks motiver for outsourcing og hvilke konsekvenser det har for den danske samfundsøkonomi. Virksomhedernes forretningsmodeller analyseres ud fra Business Canvas modellen, for at kunne give indsigt i de bagvedliggende strategier, der er med til, at øge virksomhedernes vækst og konkurrenceevne. Med afsæt i analyserne af virksomhederne, udføres en Cost-benefit analyse, hvor Business Canvas modellens output sammenholdes m...

  5. Stakeholder analysis. Report no. 1: Companies' overall strategies and evaluation of the effect of quota regulation; Aktoeranalysen. Repport nr. 1: Virksomhedernes overordnede strategier og vurdering af betyningen af kvotereguleringen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The overall aim of the project was to determine what effect the energy policy introduced through the law on CO{sub 2}-quotas would have on the development the energy sector in Denmark. The energy policy is a market-based approach where the individual stakeholders choose how they will react within the boundaries of the allocated quotas. Options include the purchasing of quotas on the open market, investment in CDM/JI activities, the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives or fuel substitution. The focus of the study was on how the affected companies reacted to the implementation of a CO{sub 2}-quota. This was done by undertaking a series of interviews that resulted in a stakeholder analysis of companies encompassed by the CO2-quota law. A series of national consequences of the law on CO{sub 2}-quotas were then determined based on the stakeholder analysis. According to the results of the stakeholder analysis the following consequences were determined for the periods 2005-2007 and 2008-2012 as a result of quota regulation: 1) In the electricity sector no additional investments will be made in energy efficiency initiatives or fuel substitution projects than were already planned before quota regulation was introduced. 2) The heating sector will carry out isolated energy efficiency projects, but generally these are not socio-economically viable. 3) Industry will carry out isolated energy efficiency initiatives and renewable energy projects. Only 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will be reduced annually through these initiatives compared to the estimated annual shortfall of 8 13 million tonnes CO{sub 2}. The shortfall will be made up through the purchase of quotas on the open market. This study indicates, therefore, that quota regulation will make a limited contribution to further initiatives in energy efficiency and renewable energy. If further energy efficiency initiatives are desired it will be necessary to implement other regulatory incentives. With regards to the industrial sector the study shows that a quota price greater than EURO 7.5/tonne will result in energy efficiency initiatives being socio-economically feasible. Interviews with international concerns that own Danish companies indicated that quota regulation may, in the long-term, have a negative effect on foreign-owned companies in Denmark if these companies have stricter quotas than their competitors in the EU or if they are in competition with companies based outside the EU. In the short-term quota regulation could mean that there will be no expansion of production in Denmark. (au)

  6. Ledelse og Arbejdsmiljø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Per Langå


    Der har i de seneste decennier været en øget interesse for at fastholde medarbejdere gennem udvikling af arbejdet. Dette præger bl.a. retorikken omkring virksomheders strategi. I virksomhederne er der flere afdelinger, udvalg o. lign. der arbejder med dette. Særlig interessant i denne forbindelse...

  7. Risøs årsplan 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forskningscenter Risø, Roskilde


    I 2006 fortsættes implementering af den nye strategi: Risøs strategi - Effekt i Samfundet. Vi øger formålsorienteringen af Risøs forskning, vi sikrer en bedre koordinering på tværs af afdelingerne, og vi fremmer samling om store projekter med eksternfinansiering. Overordnede markante tiltag i 200...

  8. Hvad er psykologien bag stærke brands?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stasiak, Adam; Andersen, Lars Pynt


    Der findes ikke kun én, men flere typer af stærke brands. Denne artikel præsenterer 4 overordnede branding strategier, med hver deres rationale og bagvedliggende psykologi. Det er kendetegnende for disse 4 strategier, at de repræsenterer en bevægelse i marketing og branding, der går fra en snæver...

  9. Måling af virksomheders administrative byrder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langsted, Lars Bo


    Selskabsstyrelsen har offentliggjort rapporten: "Rapport om måling af virksomhedernes administrative byrder ved årsregnskabsloven og rapport om revisionshonorar for B-virksomheder."......Selskabsstyrelsen har offentliggjort rapporten: "Rapport om måling af virksomhedernes administrative byrder ved årsregnskabsloven og rapport om revisionshonorar for B-virksomheder."...

  10. Seks bud på nye landvindinger inden for talent management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holt Larsen, Henrik


    Ledelse. Udviklingen af talenter i virksomhederne - ikke bare til chefstillinger, men også specialister - fintunes i disse år. Her præsenteres ny viden på området.......Ledelse. Udviklingen af talenter i virksomhederne - ikke bare til chefstillinger, men også specialister - fintunes i disse år. Her præsenteres ny viden på området....

  11. Virksomhedernes opfattelse af arbejdsmarkedets "restgrupper"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Christian Albrekt


    Artiklen beskriver, hvorledes danske arbejdsgivere opfatter ældre ledige, ledige indvandrere og ledige med lang forudgående ledighed. Det teoretiske udgangspunkt er, at arbejdsmarkedets fundamentale informationsproblemer fører til brug af statistisk diskrimination og frygt for «lemons». Analyserne...

  12. Det kritiske interview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerg, Lars

    Bogen indkredser, hvad der gør et interview kritisk og udleder derfra det kritiske interviews overordnede mål og spilleregler.......Bogen indkredser, hvad der gør et interview kritisk og udleder derfra det kritiske interviews overordnede mål og spilleregler....

  13. Bliver big data til big business?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas


    Danmark har en digital infrastruktur, en registreringskultur og it-kompetente medarbejdere og kunder, som muliggør en førerposition, men kun hvis virksomhederne gør sig klar til næste big data-bølge.......Danmark har en digital infrastruktur, en registreringskultur og it-kompetente medarbejdere og kunder, som muliggør en førerposition, men kun hvis virksomhederne gør sig klar til næste big data-bølge....

  14. Ultrasmall transistor-based light sources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    With Jensen, Per Baunegaard; Tavares, Luciana; Kjelstrup-Hansen, Jakob

    Dette projekt fokuserer på at udvikle transistor baserede nanofiber lyskilder med det overordnede mål at udvikle effektive og nano skalerede flerfarvede lyskilder integreret on-chip.......Dette projekt fokuserer på at udvikle transistor baserede nanofiber lyskilder med det overordnede mål at udvikle effektive og nano skalerede flerfarvede lyskilder integreret on-chip....

  15. Højtuddannedes formidling nøgle til succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lene Ekholm


    Højtuddannedes evne til at formidle og omsætte svært tilgængeligt fagligt stof til noget, der kan anvendes i dagligdagen, har stor betydning for virksomhedernes succes, viser en ph.d.-afhandling af Lene Ekholm på geografi på RUC.......Højtuddannedes evne til at formidle og omsætte svært tilgængeligt fagligt stof til noget, der kan anvendes i dagligdagen, har stor betydning for virksomhedernes succes, viser en ph.d.-afhandling af Lene Ekholm på geografi på RUC....

  16. Hverdagslivet, sproget og kærligheden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Peter


    Anmelse af Toril Mois bog Ibsens modernisme. Bemærker bl.a. hvordan Mois brug af et begreb om modernisme er problematisk - og i uoverenstemmelse med den overordnede karakter af hendes tilgang til Ibsens dramatik. Udgivelsesdato: 30.10.06......Anmelse af Toril Mois bog Ibsens modernisme. Bemærker bl.a. hvordan Mois brug af et begreb om modernisme er problematisk - og i uoverenstemmelse med den overordnede karakter af hendes tilgang til Ibsens dramatik. Udgivelsesdato: 30.10.06...

  17. Det offentliges snævre syn på konkurrence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas


    Det er et mantra, men et stærkt funderet mantra, at velfungerende konkurrence på markeder er et godt fundament for virksomhedernes udvikling af deres konkurrenceevne - og dermed er konkurrence godt for velfærd og vækst....

  18. Drivers of Innovation: From Motivation for Ideation to Assessments and Market Reception of New Product Proposals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Marianne Harbo

    empirisk undersøgelse i en stor, multinational virksomhed peger på fire faktorer som værende særligt vigtige i forhold til at få medarbejdere til at engagere sig i den type arbejde: følelsen af præstation opnået gennem det at bidrage, anerkendelse fra kollegaer og overordnede i form af feedback og...... ledelsesinitiativer kan påvirke medarbejdernes motivation for at engagere sig i online idéskabelse. Del II lægger ud med at diskutere og illustrere, hvad produktinnovation er og hvad det ikke er. Dette indbefatter en undersøgelse af, hvordan og om udbredte definitioner på innovation matcher virksomheders overordnede...

  19. CRM i tredje potens er lige rundt om hjørnet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    Hvis virksomhederne ellers magter at favne teknologien, bliver det meget snart meget lettere at være borger og kunde. Det er masser af juridiske og etiske spørgsmål, javel, men det handler om at begejstre og bejle til kunden...

  20. Mellem lovregulering og frivillighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mailand, Mikkel

    Dette notat analyserer Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) og Virksomhedernes Sociale Engagement i tre lande. Herunder diskuteres rammebetingelsernes betydning herfor.  Diskussionen om frivillighed eller tvang er central i CSR-debatten. Analysen i notatet viser, at aktørerne i ingen af de tre...

  1. Comparison of performance of students' soft skills: HEI performance evaluation and Benchmarking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Henning P.; Roth, Eva

    Rapport vedrørende en sammenligning af studerendes og virksomheders indstilling til en række såkaldte soft skills færdigheder med henblik på at sikre at studerendes opfattelse af deres færdigheder svarer til virksomhedernes ønsker herom....

  2. Nedbrud og Omstilling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Erik Skov; Riis, Jens Ove; Sørensen, Brian Vejrum


    , markedsinformation og kapabiliteter, som er lokalt forankret i virksomhedens globale produktionsnetværk. Grundet skift i den globale arbejdsdeling og behovet for at opsøge nye muligheder, investeres der store summer i den globale rekonfigurering af virksomhedernes produktionsnetværk, hvilket skaber behovet...

  3. Spontane strategier i innovationsnetværk: materialitetens betydning for stabiliseringen af virtuelle verdner som professionelt kommunikationsmedie [Spontaneous strategies in innovation networks: The importance of materiality in stabilising virtual worlds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emil Husted


    Full Text Available Megen forskning har beskæftiget sig med, hvordan sociale og organisatoriske processer ændres, når de finder sted i virtuelle rum. Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i innovationsprocesser, hvor aktører forsøger at etablere virtuelle verdner som platform for professionel kommunikation, men i stedet for at fokusere på kommunikationsprocesser internt i virtuelle verdner vil artiklen stille spørgsmålstegn ved dikotomien mellem den fysiske og den virtuelle verden og undersøge materialitetens betydning for organiseringen af det virtuelle. Ved at anlægge et perspektiv inspireret af Aktør Netværks Teori vil artiklen argumentere for, at fysiske steder og objekter ikke blot fungerer som kontekst for innovationsprocesser, men tværtimod inddrages som strategiske ressourcer, der aktivt medskaber de virtuelle verdner. Empirisk funderes analysen i fem danske virksomheder og viser, hvordan virksomhederne benytter sig af fysiske steder og objekter som strategisk ressource i innovationsprocessen. Hermed bidrager artiklen til litteraturen omkring innovation inden for nye medier såsom virtuelle verdner.

  4. KU & Dansk Erhverv: Humanister og erhvervsliv i fælles front

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sommerlund, Julie; Riisgaard, Louise


    Humanister besidder relevant viden, som ofte først bliver anvendt i slutningen af virksomhedernes udviklingsproces, men den tilbøjelighed skal et nyt samarbejde gøre op med, skriver Julie Sommerlund, prodekan på Københavns Universitet, og Louise Riisgaard, chefkonsulent i Dansk Erhverv....

  5. Automation, Labor Productivity and Employment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kromann, Lene; Rose Skaksen, Jan; Sørensen, Anders

    CEBR fremlægger nu den første rapport i AIM-projektet. Rapporten viser, at der er gode muligheder for yderligere automation i en stor del af de danske fremstillingsvirksomheder. For i dag er gennemsnitligt kun omkring 30 % af virksomhedernes produktionsprocesser automatiserede. Navnlig procesområ...

  6. Kend dig selv - og dine omgivelser: Et værktøj for danske slagteriselskaber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Hans

    , at det ikke er tilstrækkeligt at analysere de traditionelle områder, men at det også er nødvendigt at se på udviklingen af de socialt konstruerede forståelser (bl.a. af virksomheden selv, dens kunder etc.), som opbygges i virksomhederne, og som ligger bag en virksomheds strukturer, produkter og...... omgivelser. Endvidere er tilgangen karakteriseret ved, at der i projektet hverken er søgt efter enkeltindividers opfattelser eller efter generelle sandheder, men efter de opfattelser og 'sandheder', som man udvikler i den enkelte virksomhed og i den enkelte sektor. De citater, der kommer fra interviewede...... personer i tilknytning til denne undersøgelse, og som er anført i denne rapport, skal ikke blot forstås som en subjektiv beskrivelse af produkterne, virksomhederne, markedet eller konkurrencesituationen osv., men derimod som en gengivelse af den måde ledelsen i den enkelte virksomhed - ud fra virksomhedens...

  7. Milliarder til forskel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egelyng, Henrik; Hansen, Henning Otte


    Danmarks andel af de 15 milliarder €, som ifølge EU kommissionen årligt skabes via EU-godkendte egnsmærker, reflekterer Danmarks beskedne placering i EU’s egnsmærkestatistik. Små og mellemstore fødevarevirksomheder i Danmark producerer en række lokale danske fødevarer - Bornholmersild......, Limfjordsøsters, Stevnskirsebær og Thy-Lam - som har egnsmærkepotentiale. En realisering af potentialerne vil fordre forskning og viden om virksomhedernes praksis i relation til egnsprodukter og rammevilkår for at opnå en række EU-beskyttede egnsmærker. Egnsmærkeundersøgelsen, som forfatterne har tilrettelagt......, vil kunne guide egnsmærke-kandidaterne ind på vejen mod en EU Beskyttet Geografisk Oprindelse (BGB), Oprindelses-betegnelse (BOB) eller Garanteret Traditionel Specialitet (GTS). Egnsmærkeundersøgelsen i samvirke med netværksaktiviteter vil kunne bringe virksomhederne længere ad den vej, som...

  8. Arbejdsmiljøseminarer som en metode til at skabe motivation, ansvar og ejerskab til sikkerhedsarbejdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Louise


    arbejdsmiljøseminarer som en ny metode til på en meningsfuld måde systematisk at involvere mellemlederne og de ansatte i virksomhedernes sikkerhedsarbejde og dermed potentielt at fremme deres motivation, ansvar og ejerskab til dette. Arbejdsmiljøseminarer tager udgangspunkt i de ansattes faglige ekspertise og...

  9. Danske virksomheders effektivitet og investering i forskning og udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dilling-Hansen, Mogens; Madsen, Erik Strøjer; Smith, Valdemar


    Et af virksomhedernes motiver til at investere i forskning og udviklinger er at forbedre produktiviteten. Denne velkendte sammenhæng er tidligere undersøgt på danske data, se Smith, Dilling-Hansen m.fl. (2000). Investeringer i forskning og udvikling opbygger en ikke-materiel kapital i virksomhede...

  10. Dialogue in Business Communication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anne Grethe Julius

    Dialog i Virksomhedskommunikation. Der præsenteres resultater fra en lingvistisk analyse, som fokuserer på brugen af ordet dialog i årsrapporter fra 2008 udsendt af tyske og danske kemiske virksomheder. Det undersøges bl.a. hvor vidt og hvordan virksomhederne præsenterer sig som dialogorienterede...

  11. Organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindkvist, Pia

    Du vil som læser få et indblik i, hvordan omgivelsernes ændrede krav til virksomhederne ændrer på organisations- og ledelsesteorien. Baggrunden for ”Organisation – videregående uddannelser” er, at give dig egenskaberne til at analysere og vurdere ledelsesmæssige og organisatoriske problemer...

  12. Rekruttering af udenlandsk arbejdskraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mailand, Mikkel

    -aktiviteter. Med en tæt virksomhedskontakt følger også branchekendskab, der kan være alfa og omega i forhold til at kunne agere proaktivt på virksomhedernes behov for international rekruttering. Uden for EURES-regi kunne de rekrutteringsinitiativer, som det norske og britiske sundhedssystem tidligere har taget...

  13. Målstyring af og frihedsgrader til de menneskelige ressourcer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kjeld


    bevaring af arbejdspladser. I den voluntaristiske tilgang til ledelse af personale bevæger virksomhederne sig i en ”sociologisk dualisme” mellem hårde og bløde tilgange. Strukturerne på arbejdsmarkedet og kulturelle forhold i samspillet mellem samfund og virksomhed i det danske samfund betyder, at begge...

  14. Heading for Sustainability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klemmensen, Børge


    Rækkevidden af virksomheders selvregulering med henblik på bæredygtig produktion. Offentlig regulering nødvendig, men sigtet må være at fremme virksomhedernes tagen ansvar for miljøvirkningerne af egen aktivitet.  Succes med dette vurderes som afgørende for implementeringen af bæredygtighedsstrat...

  15. 2018 bliver afgørende for tre danske erhvervsikoner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørholst, Henrik


    Klumme. LEGO, A.P. Møller og Novo Nordisk står alle overfor vigtige strategiske beslutninger i det nye år. Det vil sætte virksomhedernes topchefer på alvorlige prøver, og allerede nu tegner der sig et billede af, hvem der har de bedste kort på hånden....

  16. Er HR ude i tovene?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulfelt, Flemming


    HR: Er der behov for nytænkning i HR-land? Artikler i Harvard Business Review - bakket op af en dansk undersøgelse - konkluderer, at HR stadig mangler gennemslagskraft i virksomhederne. Er HR ude i tovene? ... For i undersøgelsen "Ny Dansk Ledelse" (maj 2015), som er baseret på danske lederes...

  17. Tax Governance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian


    Artiklen omhandler den økonomiske dimension af virksomheders ansvar (business responsibility) i relation til virksomhedens skatteforhold og de udfordringer denne agenda indebærer for en virksomhedsbestyrelse. Den overordnede pointe i nærværende artikel er, at virksomhedens skatteforhold i dag er ...

  18. Habitats Directive classification of Danish wetlands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygaard, Bettina; Ejrnæs, Rasmus; Baattrup-Pedersen, Annette

    EUs Habitatdirektiv blev vedtaget i 1992 med det overordnede formål at sikre den biologiske mangfoldighed i Europa. Direktivet forpligter medlemsstaterne til at sikre gunstig bevaringsstatus for de naturtyper og arter, der er opført på direktivets bilagslister. NOVANAs naturtypeprogram har til fo...

  19. Happy Cycling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geert Jensen, Birgitte; Nielsen, Tom


    og Interaktions Design, Aarhus Universitet under opgave teamet: ”Happy Cycling City – Aarhus”. Udfordringen i studieopgaven var at vise nye attraktive løsningsmuligheder i forhold til cyklens og cyklismens integration i byrum samt at påpege relationen mellem design og overordnede diskussioner af...

  20. Hverdagens snak og soapens samtalemønstre. En analytisk indkredsning af talegenrer i en dansk soap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    From, Unni


    Soapen er blevet belyst fra mange varierende vinkler. I denne artikel undersøges forholdet mellem et af genrens overordnede karakteristika, nemlig at der tales langt mere end der handles, og de måder der rent fakstisk tales på. Artiklen introducerer Bakhtins talegenrebegreb som inspirationskilde ...

  1. The Rise and Fall of Social Cohesion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Christian Albrekt

    Afhandlingens spørgsmål er, hvorfor tilliden mellem mennesker er faldende i USA og Storbritannien, mens den er stigende i Danmark og Sverige. Afhandlingens overordnede tema er således, hvordan social sammenhængskraft kan undergraves og opbygges. Afhandlingen giver en social konstruktivistisk fork...

  2. Praksisnær skoleudvikling og PLC som strategisk udviklingsaktør

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Ole; Bach, Anna


    I det følgende belyses, hvorledes PLC kan udvikles som strategisk udviklingsaktør og understøtte praksisnær skoleudvikling. Vi ønsker at belyse hvorledes Bekendtgørelsens overordnede intentioner kan få retning og rammer og dermed medvirke til, at hele det pædagogiske personale indgår i skoleudvik......I det følgende belyses, hvorledes PLC kan udvikles som strategisk udviklingsaktør og understøtte praksisnær skoleudvikling. Vi ønsker at belyse hvorledes Bekendtgørelsens overordnede intentioner kan få retning og rammer og dermed medvirke til, at hele det pædagogiske personale indgår i...... skoleudviklingen. I den forbindelse er det vores erfaring, at PLC kan spille en central rolle i forbindelse med den praksisnære og lokale skoleudvikling. Erfaringerne bygger især på udviklings- og forskningsprojekter fra kommunerne Kolding, København, Roskilde og Tårnby. Der har været tale om praksisnære...

  3. At skabe muligheder for god leg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karoff, Helle Skovbjerg


    Målet med denne artikel er at indskrive Børneringens legestafet i en generel udvikling i samfundet, hvor legen vinder indpas, men hvor børnene samtidig har brug for materialisering af regler og praktikker, blandt andet pga. nogle overordnede samfundsmæssige forandringer, der forskyder de betingel......Målet med denne artikel er at indskrive Børneringens legestafet i en generel udvikling i samfundet, hvor legen vinder indpas, men hvor børnene samtidig har brug for materialisering af regler og praktikker, blandt andet pga. nogle overordnede samfundsmæssige forandringer, der forskyder de...... betingelser, som legen før har været organiseret i forhold til. Desuden er målet med artiklen at pege på, at Børneringens legestafet ikke alene må vurderes i forhold til de pædagogiske kvaliteter, som åbenlyst er indsamlet i denne vitale samling af lege, men også har sin kvalitet i legens eget formål, der...

  4. Muligheder, trusler og forventninger i dansk fødevareindustri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graber-Lützhøft, Kimmie; Baker, Derek

    længere åbningstider og sælge flere "ready-to-eat" fødevarer, end de gør nu. Et flertal af virksomhederne forventer en stigning i udbredelsen af både økologi og GMO. Det er i høj grad små virksomheder, som forventer en stigning i andelen af økologi. Undersøgelsens eksporterende virksomheder er generelt...

  5. Håndbog i årsrapport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    (næsten alle) IAS standarder i børsnoterede selskaber fra 1.1. 2005 kom på plads, og visse lem-pelser af oplysningsforpligtelser i de lavere liggende regnskabsklasser gen-nemførtes. Hertil suppleres dette grundlag naturligt med danske regnskabs-vejledninger og IFRS-reguleringen. Det valgte overordnede...

  6. Inkluderende pædagogik - intentioner og virkelighedens verden: et mixed methods forskningsprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyssegaard, Camilla Brørup


    Bidraget gvier et indblik i ph.d.-afhandlingen "Inkluderende pædagogik - intentioner og virkelighedens verden: et mixed methods forskningsprojekt. Afhandlingen udgør en del af det strategiske program for velfærdsforskning, der vedrører specialundervisningsområdet. dens overordnede mål er at opnå...

  7. Finanskrisen var forudset

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grosen, Anders


    Kun de færreste har kunnet forudsige den aktuelle finanskrises omfang og overordnede karakteristika. Men som vi skal se i det følgende, har Yale-professoren Robert J. Shillers forudsigelse af krisen været forbavsende præcis. Det deprimerende er, at finanssystemets beslutningsdeltagere ikke tog ad...

  8. DUB-Projekt Morsø Kommune

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Britta

    Formålet med evalueringen er at dokumentere ændringer, som projektdeltagelsen har medført hos projektdeltagerne, lige som der skal udvikles anbefalinger i forhold til udvikling af god praksis for arbejdet med udsatte børn. De overordnede evalueringsspørgsmål, der bliver styrende for evalueringen,...

  9. Guide til effektiv læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elias, Stina Vrang; Holt Larsen, Henrik


    Hvordan bygger man bro mellem medarbejdernes individuelle kompetenceudvikling og hele virksomhedens læring og udvikling? Få indblik og inspiration i denne artikel om effektive læringsformer, der kan supplere de traditionelle kurser og uddannelser og gøre virksomhederne som helhed bedre til at lær....... Artiklen baserer sig på anbefalinger fra guiden ”Effektive læringsformer” udarbejdet af blandt andre tænketanken DEA....

  10. 'Knowing I Lov'd My Books'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schatz-Jakobsen, Claus


    Artiklen gennemgår de overordnede muligheder for filmatisering af skuespil og plæderer for at den britiske filminstruktør Peter Greenaways Prospero's Books (1991), som er en fri cinematisk fortolkning af Shakespeares The Tempest (1611), sætter en ny standard for Shakespeare-filmatiseringer og på en...

  11. Passion og (dis)engagement blandt unge i udskolingen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Maj Sofie

    Afhandlingen er baseret på et kvalitativt studie af 11 unge fra 9. klasse i Fryshuset i Stockholm... Det overordnede formål er at undersøge marginaliserende og overskridende bevægelser i relation til læring, tilblivelse og engagement for de unge i Fryshusets grundskole der har elevernes passioner...

  12. A Benchmarking Exercise for quality blended learning. A challenge for European Universities in the 21st century

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Comba, Valentina Elvira; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Landgren, Lena


    -xellence spørgsmålenene til de deltagende universiteters blended learning kontekst. Der gøres rede for indsamling af data og formulering af svar i kapitel fire, hvor der også reflekteres over udfordringerne og fordelene ved den valgte tilgang. Kapitel fem præsenterer benchmarking undersøgelsens overordnede konklusioner...

  13. Fremtidens forbrugere vil have det hele

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Asger


    Vi kan af gode grunde ikke vide, hvordan forbrugernes efterspørgsel efter svinekød vil udvikle sig i fremtiden, men vi kan med udgangspunkt i forskning give nogle kvalificerede og velunderbyggede ud på nogle overordnede udviklingstendenser - også kaldet megatrends - der vil præge markedet i det k...

  14. Pædagogisk teori & arkitektonisk form

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berg Nielsen, Kristian


    "Om Hertzbergers skoler kan det sammenfattende siges, at de både er i overensstemmelse med dette overordnede formål og med de intentioner, som ligger i Montessori-tænkningen. I forhold til dette pædagogiske program er arkitektens rolle den samme som ved andre typer af byggerier: making space...

  15. Læringsmål I literacyperspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bremholm, Jesper


    grundlæggende fagdidaktiske problem: faglig undervisning der ikke lever op til fagets overordnede (for)mål og dannelsesopgave. I artiklen argumenterer jeg for at literacy-perspektivet kan kaste lys over at denne umiddelbare modsætning i realiteten baserer sig på en fælles bagvedliggende problematik af en mere...

  16. Bestyrelse eller tilsynsråd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    Artiklen analyserer de juridiske konsekvenser af, at danske aktieselskaber nu vil kunne vælge en tostrenget ledelsesstruktur, hvor direktionen har både den daglige og den overordnede ledelse, mens et tilsynsråd udøver kontrol med direktionen samt antager og afskediger denne. Det søges fastlagt, h...

  17. Hjelmkamera som opmærksomhedsunderstøttende teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøhm, Mikkel; Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Peter; Nickelsen, Niels Christian


    Anvendelsen af en relativt simpel teknologi i form af et hjelmkamera kan understøtte og ændre opmærksomhed under og efter håndteringen af en operativ indsats. Hjelmkameraet er fastgjort til den overordnede leder fra brandvæsenet (indsatslederen). Gennem hjelmkameraet er det muligt at opnå indsigt...

  18. Revisionsklienters anvendelse af serviceleverandører

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjersgaard, Lisbeth; Kiertzner, Lars


    Artiklen præsenterer det overordnede indhold af den ajourførte ISA 402 om revisionsmæssige overvejelser ved revision af regnskaber for virk somheder, der anvender service-leverandører. Artiklen er opbygget efter de tre grundlæggende elementer i revisionsprocessen - planlægning, udførelse og rappo...

  19. Visuelle data og metoder i narrativ forskning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, Stine Thidemann; Nielsen, Helene Pristed


    I kapitlet giver vi eksempler på og diskuterer, hvordan forskellige former for visuelle data og metoder kan kombineres med en forskningsmæssig interesse i fortællinger eller narativer. Vi giver en kort indføring i nogle af de overordnede pointer og væsentlige skillelinjer, der kendetegner den vis...

  20. Big Data fra jord til bord

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Axel; Ersbøll, Bjarne Kjær; Riis, Mark Bernhard

    Danske landmænd og virksomhederne i fødevaresektoren har gode forudsætninger for at drage nytte af den rivende udvikling inden for indsamling og bearbejdning af data: • Danmark har en stærk fødevaresektor. Det skyldes bl.a., at alle dele af værdikæden arbejder tæt sammen. Fra primærproducenterne,....... Denne rapport viser, hvordan Big Data kan være ét af omdrejningspunkter......Danske landmænd og virksomhederne i fødevaresektoren har gode forudsætninger for at drage nytte af den rivende udvikling inden for indsamling og bearbejdning af data: • Danmark har en stærk fødevaresektor. Det skyldes bl.a., at alle dele af værdikæden arbejder tæt sammen. Fra primærproducenterne...... finde nye innovative veje til øget værdiskabelse. For eksempel gennem smartere måder at producere på, levere produkterne på eller at indarbejde større værdi i produkterne, så de kan sælges med større fortjeneste. • Dansk landbrug og hele værdikæden i fødevaresektoren producerer store mængder af data...

  1. Controlled release of environmentally friendly antifouling agents from marine coatings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Stefan Møller

    som antifouling agent er derfor en central del i dette arbejde. Det overordnede mål er at kunne evaluere antifouling effekten af en maling, der ved hjælp af to enzymer omdanner stivelse til hydrogenperoxid. I første kapitel vil der blive givet en introduktion til fouling, det marine miljø, og...

  2. Handlekraft i velfærdsledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Majgaard, Klaus

    offentlige topchefer og deres forsøg på at håndtere dette paradoks. På baggrund af chefernes praksisnære fortællinger gives en teoretisk beskrivelse af strategisk velfærdsledelse som en særlig metier. Deres praksis sættes både i forhold til den overordnede udvikling i statsformen og ledernes personlige...

  3. Transformation af nydelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ljungdalh, Anders Kruse


    Det overordnede emne for dette essay er de teknikker og praksisser som kan tages i anvendelse når mennesker skal eller vil forandre sin smag. Der fokuseres derfor ikke på selve den subjektive lyst, men derimod på det praktisk-tekniske arbejde det er at transformere måden at nyde på. Dette arbejde...

  4. Læring mellem elever

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Georgsen, Marianne; Davidsen, Jacob


    I denne rapport præsenteres resultater fra følgeforskningen til projektet Læring gennem Bevægelse, som er gennemført på Søndervangskolen i Hammel i perioden august 2009 - maj 2010. Projektet er gennemført i samspil mellem lærere, it-vejleder, elever og skolens ledelse. Projektets overordnede formål...

  5. Flerfagligt samarbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard-Sørensen, Lotte

    Denne artikel formidler indsigter fra et studium med fokus på specialskolernes rolle i forhold til at støtte udviklingen af inkluderende pædagogik og læringsmiljøer i skolen. Vores overordnede budskab er, at specialskolernes lærere har en viden og en række arbejdserfaringer, som kan indgå konstru...

  6. Velfærdslandskaber og fællesskaber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braae, Ellen Marie


    De danske efterkrigstids boligbebyggelser udgjorde en hjørnesten i realiseringen af velfærdsvisionen og den overordnede by- og landskabsplanlægning i efterkrigstiden. Den nye by var en horisontal by og – som det er min primære ambition at vise – en grøn og landskabelig by. Landskabet kom i Danmar...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjalager, Anne-Mette; Holt Larsen, Henrik; Znaider, Ruth

    Undersøgelsen tager temperaturen på Human Resource Management i Danmark. Der ses på brugen af HRM-redskaber og virkemidler, som generelt bliver bredere. HRM bliver i stigende grad et strategisk indsatsområde for virksomhederne. Undersøgelsen kortlægger endvidere faktorer omkring outsourcing af HR......-funktionen, incitamenter og personalegoder, etik, performance samt kønsproblematikker i HR-arbejdet. Cranet er en internationalt koordineret analyse, som afvikles parallelt i 40 lande....

  8. Grænser, barrierer og broer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nortvig, Anne Mette; Christiansen, René B.; Karlsen, Asgjerd Vea


    ledelsesmæssige muligheder for, at skoleklasser i grundskolen kan arbejde sammen og lære på tværs af de tre landes grænser. Nogle af de helt overordnede mål for projektet har således været at udvikle grænseoverskridende undervisningsmodeller i Norden, der kunne mindske de mentale og praktiske barrierer for en...

  9. Spilleregler anvendt i musikterapi i børnepsykiatrien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    depression. Det overordnede mål for musikterapien var at afdække og udvikle børnenes socio-kommunikative kompetencer samt deres fantasi- og følelsesmæssig indlevelsesevne på det pågældende tidspunkt af indlæggelsen. Til dette formål afprøvede og udviklede forfatteren en række spilleregler, der fokuserer på...

  10. An Intimate War. An Oral History of the Helmand Conflict, 1978-2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David


    Det overordnede indtryk er derfor også, at det er en særdeles informativ og velskrevet bog at læse, hvilket selvfølgelig udmønter sig i fem bånd. Det er et værdifuldt bidrag til både forskning og debat inden for Afghanistanområdet, og den kritiske og omfangsrige tilgang til emnet er beundringsvær...

  11. Food in Motion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreassen, Pernille

    Projektet 'Mad i bevægelse' er et treårigt projekt, som er udarbejdet af Kræftens Bekæmpelse og blev påbegyndt i 2005. Projektets overordnede formål har været at skabe mulighed for et sundere madvalg for børn og unge inden for idrætten, samt at stimulere udviklingen af en sundere madkultur i idræ...

  12. Windows 95 Beslutningsguide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Jens Otto


    Mange virksomheder der bruger pc'er står netop nu over for valget: Skal vi fortsætte med DOS/Windows 3.x som operativsystem, eller skal vi skifte til efterfølgeren Windows 95? Skal vi/kan vi skifte successivt, eller skal det være en "alt eller intet beslutning". Hvornår er det rigtige tidspunkt...... at skifte? Denne artikel vil forsøge at give en baggrundsviden om Windows 95, der kan hjælpe virksomhederne igennem denne beslutningsfase....

  13. Kriges politiske etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harste, Gorm


      I denne artikel vil jeg først forsøge at kontrastere Kants centrale klassisk analytik for militær intervention med nylige udviklinger, i hvad der måske kan vise sig at blive til den seneste revolution i militære strategier. Afslutningsvist vil jeg så forsøge at demonstrere nogle modeller for......, hvorledes magtanalysens realiteter forandrer sig i det samfund, der i dag må kaldes et verdenssamfund. Min overordnede pointe består i at udstille paradokset i forholdet mellem krig og etik ud fra Immanuel Kants teori om retfærdig krig (jus ad bellum). På den ene side må kriges politiske etik kun kunne...... også den danske deltagelse i Irakkrigen som eksempel og viser ud fra Kants kobling af etik, ret og forholdet mellem offentlighed, politik og krigsdeltagelse, at den danske beslutning om krigsdeltagelse såvel etisk som militærstrategisk set bør til offentlig høring. Udgivelsesdato: Oktober...

  14. Når HRM sparker døren ind til fremtiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holt Larsen, Henrik


    Vi er alt for beskedne of uambitiøse, når vi siger, hvad HRM kan bidrage med i fremtidens virksomheder. Mange af de generelle udfordringer, som virksomhederne står overfor, har nemlig en karakter, der gør det naturligt eller nødvendigt at sætte ind med HRM-professionalisme. Bolden ligger for vores...... fødder, så nu gælder det bare om at sparke. Artiklen beskriver nogle af de vigtigste udfordringer - og hvorfor HRM er et svar herpå....

  15. Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe - Danish Profile 2008

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duelund, Peter


    Profilen indeholder en samlet beskrivelse af dansk kulturpolitik til og med 2008 med hensyn til det historiske perspektiv og de kulturpolitiske instrumenter, kompetencer, beslutningerstruktur og administartive forhold, kulturpolitikkens overordnede mål og principper, temaer i den aktuelle kulturd...... kulturdebat, den væsentligste lovgivning på det kulturpolitiske område, kulturens financiering, kulturinstitutionerne og nye partnerskaber, kunststøtte og kulturvaner, væsentlige kulturpolitiske dokumenter og kulturportaler....

  16. Masterplan, plan B, bobler og spirer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Tom


    Artiklen introducerer en række begreber, der kan bruges til at forstå og tænke midlertidige byudvikling og inddragende byudvikling med. Samtidig giver artiklen en byhistorisk kontekst for arbejdet med midlertidighed i arkitekturen og bydannelsen. Artiklen er struktureret med udgangspunkt i to cen...... to centrale begrebspar: Masterplan vs. Plan B og Bobler vs. Spirer. De overordnede pointer og internationale tendenser eksemplificeres og diskuteres med en række eksempler fra planlægningen af Aarhus....

  17. Marine Harvest & WWF-Norge : et strategisk samarbeid for en bærekraftig fremtid


    Pirisi Guerreiro, Joao Nuno


    Denne oppgaven omhandler et studie av suksessfaktorer for samarbeid mellom ulike typer organisasjoner. Med den bakgrunn er følgende problemstilling formulert. Hvordan kan samarbeid mellom ulike organisasjoner som Marine Harvest og WWF bidra til tilfredsstillende positive resultater for begge organisasjonene? For å besvare det overordnede forskningsspørsmålet samt delspørsmål opplistet i kapittel 1.2, har oppgaven gått i dybden på samarbeidet mellom det kommersielle oppdrettsselskapet...

  18. Politiinnsats mot voldelig radikalisering og islamistisk ekstremisme : en sammenlignende studie av utvalgte danske, nederlandske og norske politiavdelinger


    LaForce, Ketil


    Master i politivitenskap. I denne elektroniske utgaven er forfatterens arbeidssted og "vedlegg 1" tatt ut. I dag utgjør islamistisk ekstremisme fra miljøer rotfestet i Europa en terrortrussel. Dette kalles ofte ”hjemmeavlet terrorisme”. Gjennom en voldelig radikalisering har det grodd frem ekstreme islamistiske miljøer i europeiske land, også nordiske. Denne studiens overordnede mål var å undersøke hvordan noen utvalgte politiavdelinger arbeidet for å forebygge og motvirke voldelig radikal...

  19. Machinima som kreativ praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frølunde, Lisbeth


    Video: Machinima som Kreativ Praksis. Videoen fortæller om de overordnede temaer i et forskningsprojekt der undersøgte nye former for online multimedie- og filmproduktion og fællesskaber med fokus på 'machinima' animation. Studiet af machinima var en del af et større dansk projekt og et nordisk f...... forskningprojekt om virtuelle verdener og teknologiudvikling, 2010-13. Videoen er præsenteret på Audiovisual Thinking nr. 7 under temaet: Den kreative økonomi....

  20. Empirical and theoretical aspects of the psychiatric diagnostic interview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Julie E Nordgaard


    studierne blev interviewene foretaget enten af ikke-klinikere eller også var det er ikke specificeret, hvem der havde foretaget interviewene. En række andre metodologiske problemer fremkom ved litteratur gennemgangen. I moderne psykiatri er de standardiserede strukturerede interviews blevet ”gold standard......) af to erfarne psykiatere. Denne diagnose var studiets ”gold standard”. Resultaterne viser, at det strukturerede interview havde lav sensitivitet men høj specificitet for skizofrenispektrum tilstande i denne patientgruppe af førstegangsindlagte patienter. Den overordnede, teoretisk og empirisk baseret...

  1. Gutters lesing på nett : lesing og motivasjon


    Sætersmoen, Margrethe


    Mastergradsoppgave i språk, kultur og digital kommunikasjon, Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Høgskolen i Hedmark, 2010 Norsk: Det overordnede temaet for min avhandling er ungdomsskolegutters motivasjon for lesing av digitale tekster. Mye av guttenes lesing på fritiden, foregår på skjerm. Hver dag leser de ut fra mange forskjellige motiv, likevel viser store leseundersøkelser som PISA og PIRLS at unge gutter leser mindre enn jenter, de leser dårligere enn jenter, og er mindre...

  2. Hvor kommer meninger fra? - en analyse af diskursiv praksis i forbindelse med bachelorvejledning og -skrivning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Hanne


    Læreruddannelsen er placeret i uddannelseshierarkiet som en både professions og akademisk orienteret uddannelse, hvis forvaltere er placeret uden direkte forbindelse med hverken skolepraksis eller akademisk praksis. Den overordnede diskursorden er i læreruddannelsen reguleret ud fra en orienterin...... artiklen på "at mene" i læreruddannelsens diskursive praksis, og der identificeres en problemstilling som drejer sig om hvordan en lærerstuderende / kommende lærers position skal forstås som etableret af de ord den studerende producerer i BA-opgaven....

  3. De største danske virksomheder er meget informative i rapporteringen til offentligheden om deres procedure til bekæmpelse af korruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Stig


    I undersøgelser gennemført af Transparency International Danmark i 2014 og 2016 af de største danske børsnoterede og ikke børsnoterede virksomheder viser det sig, at disse virksomheder er meget informative omkring deres procedure for at undgå korruption og bestikkelse samt i deres information om...... ejerforhold. Til gengæld er de store virksomhederne ikke særligt informative om deres omsætning og skattebetaling mv. fordelt på lande. Over tid viser de to undersøgelser, at de største danske virksomheder er blevet mere informative og sammenlignet med tilsvarende undersøgelser udført af Transparency...

  4. International Markedsføring på World Wide Web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rask, Morten; Buch, Niels Jakob


    Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i en gruppe af danske virksomheders anvendelse af World Wide Web til international markedsføring i en periode fra 1996 til 1998. Der identificeres tre interaktionstyper for virksomhedernes profil på Web, nemlig Brochuren, Håndbogen og Handelspladsen. Der reflekteres...... over de krav de enkelte interaktionstyper i forhold til automatisering, formalisering, integration og evaluering kunne kræve. Konklusionen bliver, at de tre interaktionstyper afspejler de udfordringer og muligheder, der er i anvendelsen af Web til markedsføring primært i et internationalt perspektiv......, men kan også bruges som input til nationale Web markedsføringsaktiviteter....

  5. CO2-afgifter: Beskeden regning til den energi-intensive industri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mikael Skou


    De store energi-intensive virksomheder i Europa har fordel af vidtrækkende undtagelser for de CO2- og energiafgifter som medlemslandene har indført. Bekymring for konkurrence-evnen har som regel været baggrunden for at give en særlig rabat til de største udledere. Størrelsen af rabatten og dermed...... den egentlige klima-regning til virksomhederne er imidlertid vanskelig at gennemskue. Med slutrapporten fra det store EU-projekt COMETR er det nu blevet muligt både at sætte tal på de reelle afgifter og at vurdere betydningen for konkurrence-evnen for erhvervene....

  6. Teatervaner og teaterstatistik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jarl, Stig


    frekvenser for oplevelse af teater og anden scenekunst, hvilket for det s.k. overordnede teaterbegreb (skuespil, opera, ballet/dans, musicals/teaterkoncert, dukketeater) giver et resultat på mellem 7 og 12 mio. (afhængigt af om man vælger det ene eller andet niveau af svarintervallerne). Dette resultat...... teateraktivitet, er det tilfældet for brugere af teater. Artiklen er baseret på et paper, som jeg har fremlagt på 6th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research – nccpr 2013 (København august 2013)....

  7. Flipped Learning fra et elevperspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmboe, Peter; Hachmann, Roland


    Antologi er et resultat af et toårigt udviklingsprojekt om Flipped Learning baseret på et samarbejde mellem IT-Center Fyn og Region Syddanmark. Bidraget her præsenterer en række overvejelser, vi har gjort os på baggrund af observationer af undervisning og interviews med elever i projektet. Vores...... overordnede undersøgelsesspørgsmål var: "Hvilke forhold i undervisning og læringsmiljø fremme hhv. begrænser elevens opfattelse af mening og fagligt udbytte i et Flipped Learning design?"....

  8. Demokratisk forum eller fallit: Valgkamp i den lokale avis set gennem en lingvistisk lup


    Frederiksen, Line


    Denne specialeafhandling undersøger indholdet af DAGBLADET Roskildes artikler om den kom-munale valgkamp i 1997, 2001 og 2005 i de tre dage før, under og efter valget. Formålet med un-dersøgelsen er at dokumentere, hvilke overordnede temaer, der ligger i teksterne og efterfølgende ridse de demokratiske konsekvenser af tematiseringen op i forhold til læserne af DAGBLADET. I dansk kontekst udgør undersøgelsesperioden, hvad Pippa Norris definerer som ’den postmo-derne fase’ i politisk kommunikat...

  9. Performance i Krise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørreklit, Hanne

    Scorecard got our management team on the same page, and has played an important role in our success thus far( Dieter Zetsche, President and CEO udtaler)."  Den 1. maj 2009 måtte Chrysler indgive sin konkursbegæring. Det er dog ikke kun praksis, der har advokeret nye målemodeller. Mange af de nye...... ikke har kunnet anticipere eller forhindre krisen, men har de mon ligefrem bidraget til krisen? Det konkluderes, at der i modellerne har været indbygget en logik, der har bidraget til en øget risiko og sårbarhed af virksomhederne. Slutteligt diskuteres i hvilken udstrækning, vi som forskere kan og skal...

  10. Cooperative Learning i voksenundervisningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahlgren, Bjarne

    Nationalt Center for Kompetenceudvikling har evalueret undervisningsmetoden Cooperative Learning i voksenundervisningen og dokumenteret positive effekter på oplevelsen af samarbejde og på lærere og kursisters engagement - men har ikke kunnet påvise systematiske positive effekter af metoden på...... kursisters frafald, fravær og karakterer. Projektet har afprøvet og videreudviklet den pædagogiske metode Cooperative Learning (CL) i en dansk virkelighed og mere specifikt i forhold til VUC'ernes nye kursistgrupper med det overordnede mål at øge gennemførslen markant og målbart ved at anvende og udvikle en...

  11. International policies and national action plans for health promotion and education for sustainable development in schools:tranformations and translations


    Madsen, Katrine Dahl; Nordin, Lone Lindegard; Simovska, Venka


    Målet med denne dokumentanalyse er at klarlægge de internationale og nationale politiske rammer, der er sat for arbejdet med sundhedsfremme og bæredygtig udvikling i grundskolen i Danmark i dag. Hensigten er at undersøge, hvor begreberne kommer fra, hvad skolerne er forpligtede på, fællestræk og forskelle på områderne og de vægtninger og tolkninger, der har fundet sted gennem tiden. Analysen har således to overordnede mål: 1) at belyse, hvordan sundhedsfremme og uddannelse for bæredygtig udvi...

  12. Arbejdsmiljø og arbejdsliv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    ofte negative konsekvenser for de ansatte i form af: stress, udbrændthed og forværret sundhedstilstand. Den overordnede påstand i denne bog er, at det er muligt at komme arbejdsmiljøproblemerne i forkøbet ved at fokusere på de menneskelige ressourcer i organisationen. For at skabe et positivt...... for arbejdsmiljøforskningen. Temaer der behandles inden for dette perspektiv er: Globalisering og arbejdsmiljø, samspillet mellem menneskearbejdet og dets arbejdsmiljøproblemer, sygefravær og arbejdsmiljø, arbejdsmiljøseminarer og motivation, arbejdsværdiorientering i arbejdsmiljø- og personalearbejde, dødens arbejde samt...

  13. Hvad karakteriserer et talent?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raalskov, Jesper


    Debatten i medierne har i stigende grad fokus på talentfulde medarbejdere - men hvad er talent egentlig? I den akademiske litteratur inden for Talent Management (TM) gives der mange forskellige bud på, hvordan man som virksomhed kan udvikle og lede talenter, men færre af feltets inputgivere...... forholder sig til, hvad den overordnede definition af talent er. Der ses i litteraturen divergerende opfattelser af, hvilke konkrete egenskaber (attributter) som definerer et talent. I denne artikel gives et bud på en konsensusskabende tilgang til talent, idet talent kan ses som; det du har gjort (fortid...

  14. Fair values ved første indregning i regnskabet?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thinggaard, Frank; Nilsson, Sven-Arne


    IASB har publiceret en diskussionsrapport, i hvilken mulige målegrundlag, der kan anvendes ved første indregning i regnskabet, bliver afvejet i forhold til hinanden. Rapporten konkluderer, at fair values så vidt muligt bør anvendes, såfremt disse værdier kan opgøres tilstrækkeligt pålideligt. I...... modsat fald skal virksomhederne vælge et målegrundlag som substitut for fair values, der kan opgøres pålideligt. Substituttet skal være mest mulig konsistent med fair values, og anvendes på en måde, som bedst muligt afspejler det, som en måling til fair value sigter efter (the fair value measurement...

  15. Europe, Russia and the Ukraine Crisis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rothuizen, Jeppe Damgaard; Pedersen, Jonas Gejl; Götz, Karl Elias Immanuel


    Da Institut for Statskundskab på Aarhus Universitet afholdt konferencen ”Europe, Russia and the Ukraine Crisis”, blev der præsenteret en række forskellige forklaringer på, hvorfor forholdet mellem Rusland og Vesten har udviklet sig, som det er tilfældet samt, hvordan Vesten fremadrettet på...... intelligent vis kan håndtere den store nabo mod øst. Således ønsker artiklen, udfra tre overordnede analyserammer, at belyse: (1) Hvad er de centrale årsager bag Ruslands adfærd i Ukraine? (2) Hvor farlig er Rusland? Skal Rusland betragtes som en revisionistisk eller en status quo-søgende aktør? (3) Hvordan...

  16. Interactive Control System, Intended Strategy, Implemented Strategy dan Emergent Strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tubagus Ismail


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between management control system (MCS and strategy formation processes, namely: intended strategy, emergent strategy and impelemented strategy. The focus of MCS in this study was interactive control system. The study was based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM as its multivariate analyses instrument. The samples were upper middle managers of manufacturing company in Banten Province, DKI Jakarta Province and West Java Province. AMOS Software 16 program is used as an additional instrument to resolve the problem in SEM modeling. The study found that interactive control system brought a positive and significant influence on Intended strategy; interactive control system brought a positive and significant influence on implemented strategy; interactive control system brought a positive and significant influence on emergent strategy. The limitation of this study is that our empirical model only used one way relationship between the process of strategy formation and interactive control system.

  17. Interactive Control System, Intended Strategy, Implemented Strategy dan Emergent Strategy


    Tubagus Ismail; Darjat Sudrajat


    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between management control system (MCS) and strategy formation processes, namely: intended strategy, emergent strategy and impelemented strategy. The focus of MCS in this study was interactive control system. The study was based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as its multivariate analyses instrument. The samples were upper middle managers of manufacturing company in Banten Province, DKI Jakarta Province and West Java Province. AM...

  18. BASIC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Pelle Guldborg; Schmidt, Karsten


    De sidste 10 år har vi været vidner til opkomsten af et nyt evidensbaseret policy paradigme, Behavioural Public Policy (BPP), der søger at integrere teoretiske og metodiske indsigter fra adfærdsvidenskaberne i offentlig politikudvikling. Arbejdet med BPP har dog båret præg af, at være usystematisk...... BPP. Tilgangen består dels af den overordnede proces-model BASIC og dels af et iboende framework, ABCD, der er en model for systematisk adfærdsanalyse, udvikling, test og implementering af adfærdsrettede løsningskoncepter. Den samlede model gør det muligt for forskere såvel som offentligt ansatte...

  19. Politisk kronik 2. halvår 2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bille, Lars


    Regeringens indgåelse af en aftale om en skattereform med Venstre og De Konservative frem for med Enhedslisten den 22. juni 2012 gav yderligere næring til den uenighed, der var i Socialistisk Folkeparti om partiets overordnede politiske linje. Uenigheden var blevet klart demonstreret op til...... partiets landsmøde i april 2012, hvor den nyvalgte landsledelse skulle vælge ny næstformand. Som det er sket så ofte før, er det ved næstformandsvalg, at partiinterne stridigheder kommer frem til overfladen, da det trods alt ikke er helt så dramatisk, som det er at tage et direkte formandsopgør. I sin...

  20. Subregional innovation – indikatorer til optimering af den erhvervsrettede innovationspolitik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Peter Stendahl; Graversen, Ebbe Krogh; Haase, Sanne Schioldann

    områder tilgodeses bedst muligt. Desuden kan en differentieret, subregional innovations-politik give erhvervslivet bedre udbytte end en samlet regional eller national innovationspolitik. Selvom Danmark er et lille land, er der store geografiske forskelle internt i landets erhvervsstruktur og i...... virksomhedernes innovationsaktiviteter. Som resultat af en udvidelse af den danske del af CIS 2006-undersøgelsen2 med ekstra virksomheder kan der gives en betydeligt mere nuanceret karak-teristik af virksomheder helt ned på subregionalt niveau. Analysen underbygger, at de innovations-politiske tiltag, der sættes......, lokal brug af resultaterne er nødvendig. Først gennemgås de valgte målepunkter. Det primære er en opdeling i praksis- og forsknings-orientering af virksomheders innovationstilgang, hvorved der identificeres fire grupper af innovationsaktive virksomheder. Det andet er korrektion af de anvendte...

  1. Global Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Peter Ping


    Global strategy differs from domestic strategy in terms of content and process as well as context and structure. The content of global strategy can contain five key elements, while the process of global strategy can have six major stages. These are expounded below. Global strategy is influenced...... by rich and complementary local contexts with diverse resource pools and game rules at the national level to form a broad ecosystem at the global level. Further, global strategy dictates the interaction or balance between different entry strategies at the levels of internal and external networks....

  2. Income generation strategy in the overall hierarchy of business strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.V. Shastun


    Full Text Available To comply with claims of a modern economy significantly increases the role of strategic revenue management in enterprises, and in the first place, strategic management of income generation. The concept of an income generation strategy is not disclosed in the scientific literature, in this connection in article describes and analyzes the main concepts which are similar in content to the category of income generation strategy of enterprises (strategy analysis of income, revenue strategy, development strategy of income. Defines the role and importance of income generation strategy in modern management practices and presented the author's definition of income generation strategy. In article considered income generation strategy a compared to financial strategy of the enterprise and proved the difference between them. Show the position of income generation strategy in the hierarchy of strategies of enterprises and spheres of influence at all levels of the company. Income generation strategy described as interlevel, components of which are elements of all the functional and resource strategies and established a direct and feedback between the income generation strategy and corporate, competitive, functional and resource strategy.

  3. Going Concern i revisionsprocessen [del 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Stig; Haraszuk, Anni


    Nærværende artikel er den første af to planlagte, der vil blive bragt i Revision & Regnskabsvæsen. Det er artiklernes overordnede ide at besvare følgende spørgsmål: Hvad er nøgleelementerne i god revisorskik anno 2012 i forhold til Going Concern vurdering i revisionsprocessen? Hvordan eksekveres...... god revisorskik i forhold til Going Concern i 2012 samt 2013 og fremadrettet? Hvem er nøgleinteressenterne og hvilken roller spiller de i udviklingen af god revisorskik, indenfor Going Concern i erklæringer med høj grad af sikkerhed? Hvordan kan revisionsvirksomhedens interne kvalitetsstyringssystem...... designes i forhold til Going Concern for at leve op til god revisorskik, samtidigt med at revisor skal drive en fornuftig forretning?...

  4. Price strategy and pricing strategy: terms and content identification


    Panasenko Tetyana


    The article is devoted to the terminology and content identification of seemingly identical concepts "price strategy" and "pricing strategy". The article contains evidence that the price strategy determines the direction, principles and procedure of implementing the company price policy and pricing strategy creates a set of rules and practical methods of price formation in accordance with the pricing strategy of the company.

  5. Price strategy and pricing strategy: terms and content identification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Panasenko Tetyana


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the terminology and content identification of seemingly identical concepts "price strategy" and "pricing strategy". The article contains evidence that the price strategy determines the direction, principles and procedure of implementing the company price policy and pricing strategy creates a set of rules and practical methods of price formation in accordance with the pricing strategy of the company.

  6. The relationship between Business Strategy, IT Strategy and Alignment Capability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Drs. A.J.G. Silvius


    Aligning business and IT strategy is a prominent area of concern. Organizations that successfully align their business strategy and their IT strategy, outperform their non-aligned peers (Chan et al., 1997). This chapter explores the relationship between business strategy, IT strategy and alignment

  7. Produktudvikling af fødevarer med Quality Function Deployment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, Anne C.


    Produktudvikling af fødevarer stiller stadig større krav til virksomhedernes kompetencer. QFD filosofien kan bidrage til at skabe en fælles forståelse af grundlaget for udvikling af nye produkter. Udgangspunktet er en forståelse af forbrugernes behov i relation til virksomhedens muligheder...... konkurrentprodukter. Efterfølgende faser handler om at generere forskellige mulige løsninger, inden der træffes valg af løsningsalternativ. Anvendelse af QFD modellen for produktudvikling betyder, at forbrugernes behov er centrale i hele produktudviklingsforløbet, samt at det udviklede produkt sigter mod at opfylde...... væsentlige identificerede behov set fra forbrugernes synspunkt. At virksomheden ser implementering af QFD som en investering, medarbejdernes commitment og målrettet projekt, er væsentlig for en succesfuld implementering af QFD til produktudvikling. QFD tankegangen illustreres med et eksempel på udvikling af...

  8. Appropriate strategies. (United States)

    Halty, M


    Technology strategies are concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of technology. Observation of less developed countries (LDCs) and international organizations shows that little attention is given to the development of a technology strategy. LDCs need to formulate a strategy of self-reliant technological development for the next decade. They should no longer be content to stand in a technologically dependent relationship to the developed countries. Such strategies must balance the ratio between investment in indigenous technologies and expenditure for foreign technology. The strategies change according to the level of industrialization achieved. The following considerations come into development of technology strategies: 1) determination of an appropriate balance among the accumulation, consumption, and distribution of technology; 2) the amount and level of government support; and 3) the balance between depth and breadth of technology to be encouraged.

  9. Strategy and space

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Per Anker


    in different periods and how these strategies can be related to the general conditions of the corporation. The strategic uncertainty of the corporation is investigated as a main determining factor for changes in space strategy based on theories of the relations between strategy and place. These theories......The article is based on results from a research project on space strategies and building values, which included a major case study of the development of facilities for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation over time. The focus is to identify, how different space strategies have been implemented...... include that corporations follows one of the three generic space strategies: Incrementalism, standardization, and value-based strategy. Among the conclusion are, that the space strategies mostly changes between incremental and value-based strategies, but one period of standardization was identified...


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    Shakhshir Ghassan


    Full Text Available The positioning strategy has suffered serious changes in the last few decades, being influenced by the rapid development of competition and the growing focus on specific traits belonging to the market, to the consumer or to the product. The purpose of this paper is to present the developments of theoretical positioning strategies and the orientation from more simple, product oriented strategies, to ones more oriented towards the client and with a briefer period of time. The world is moving in a much faster pace than in the past, thanks to communication development so companies are obliged to adopt more specific strategies in order for them to be effective. This essay represents a literary review presenting a documentary research within the scientific articles and strategy and positioning books. The paper begins with the analysis of company strategies and the marketing strategies in general. The first author to group the product positioning strategies is Porter with his three generic strategies. Following the development of brands and because of the lack of competitiveness in the simple generic positioning strategies, this paper has also presented the newer positioning strategies proposed by Kotler, Treacy & Wiersema, and also more complex ones such as Bowman's Strategy Clock and Blankson and Kalafatis positioning strategy based on the type of the consumer. The fast expansion of local brands in all categories has led to mistakes in positioning strategies, categories also presented in the current essay. The results of this study show that new positioning strategies are more and more based on the consumer and market segments and on the product specification - which have also evolved in the last decades. Adaptability to fast changes in the competitive market will represent the future positioning strategies.

  11. Manajemen Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata dengan Pendekatan Blue Ocean Strategy


    Muzha, Vianda Kushardianti


    Persaingan industri pariwisata di Indonesia saat ini sangatlah ketat, setiap daerah berlomba untuk menonjolkan keunikannya tersendiri. Dengan adanya persaingan yang sangat ketat tersebut, Kota Batu berusaha keluar dari persaingan (red ocean) dengan menciptkan inovasi baru melalui konsep Blue Ocean Strategy. Blue Ocean Strategy adalah istilah dalam ilmu manajemen strategi yang merujuk pada siasat untuk menciptakan pasar baru yang belum dipenuhi persaingan yang ketat. Blue Ocean Strategy pada d...

  12. Evaluation Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coto Chotto, Mayela; Wentzer, Helle; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone


    The paper presents an evaluation strategy based on deliberate ideals and principles of dialogue design. The evaluation strategy is based on experiential phenomenology taking the point of departure for design and evaluation processes in the experienced practitioners themselves. The article present...... the evaluation strategy and methodology of a research project Making Online Path to Enter new Markets, MOPEM. It is an EU-research project with partners from different Educational Institutions of Technology and Business in five European Countries.......The paper presents an evaluation strategy based on deliberate ideals and principles of dialogue design. The evaluation strategy is based on experiential phenomenology taking the point of departure for design and evaluation processes in the experienced practitioners themselves. The article presents...

  13. The Strategy Blueprint: A Strategy Process Computer-Aided Design Tool


    Aldea, Adina Ioana; Febriani, Tania Rizki; Daneva, Maya; Iacob, Maria Eugenia


    Strategy has always been a main concern of organizations because it dictates their direction, and therefore determines their success. Thus, organizations need to have adequate support to guide them through their strategy formulation process. The goal of this research is to develop a computer-based tool, known as ‘the Strategy Blueprint’, consisting of a combination of nine strategy techniques, which can help organizations define the most suitable strategy, based on the internal and external f...

  14. The concept of Ideal Strategy & its realization using White Ocean Mixed Strategy


    Sreeramana Aithal


    Strategic planning and decision making have an important role in organizational development and sustainability. Various types of strategies are used in strategic management such as Red ocean strategy, Blue ocean strategy, Green ocean strategy, Purple ocean strategy and Black ocean strategy. These strategies are used in organizations by top level executive managers for long-term organizational sustainability and to face or deviate from the competition. Based on organizational analy...

  15. Velfærds Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjeldsen, Lars Peter; Asmussen, Jørgen Bering

    I notatet DANMARK LØSNINGERNES LAND1 understreger regeringen vigtigheden af, at der sættes fokus på innovation. Sat lidt på spidsen er budskabet, at der skal satses på såvel innovation i virksomheder som i uddannelse, og at succes er ligefrem proportional med vidensinstitutionernes evne til...... samarbejde med det offentlige og virksomhederne. Det er ligeledes væsentligt at bemærke, at regeringen refererer til OECD’s Oslo-manuals definition af innovation, hvor innovation ”indebærer implementering af et nyt eller væsentligt forbedret produkt (vare eller tjenesteydelse), proces, markedsføringsmetode...... eller en væsentlig organisatorisk ændring”. Som læseren vil kunne iagttage i antologiens bidrag, lever rigtig mange af projekternes innovation op til denne definition. ANTOLOGIEN indledes med en artikel, der præsenterer og diskuterer forskellige tilgange til forståelsen af begrebet velfærdsinnovation....

  16. Strategy combination during execution of memory strategies in young and older adults. (United States)

    Hinault, Thomas; Lemaire, Patrick; Touron, Dayna


    The present study investigated whether people can combine two memory strategies to encode pairs of words more efficiently than with a single strategy, and age-related differences in such strategy combination. Young and older adults were asked to encode pairs of words (e.g., satellite-tunnel). For each item, participants were told to use either the interactive-imagery strategy (e.g., mentally visualising the two words and making them interact), the sentence-generation strategy (i.e., generate a sentence linking the two words), or with strategy combination (i.e., generating a sentence while mentally visualising it). Participants obtained better recall performance on items encoded with strategy combination than on items encoded with interactive-imagery or sentence-generation strategies. Moreover, we found age-related decline in such strategy combination. These findings have important implications to further our understanding of execution of memory strategies, and suggest that strategy combination occurs in a variety of cognitive domains.

  17. Strategy as Texts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Obed Madsen, Søren

    of the strategy into four categories. Second, the managers produce new texts based on the original strategy document by using four different ways of translation models. The study’s findings contribute to three areas. Firstly, it shows that translation is more than a sociological process. It is also...... a craftsmanship that requires knowledge and skills, which unfortunately seems to be overlooked in both the literature and in practice. Secondly, it shows that even though a strategy text is in singular, the translation makes strategy plural. Thirdly, the article proposes a way to open up the black box of what......This article shows empirically how managers translate a strategy plan at an individual level. By analysing how managers in three organizations translate strategies, it identifies that the translation happens in two steps: First, the managers decipher the strategy by coding the different parts...

  18. Pembajakan Produk: Problema, Strategi dan Antisipasi Strategi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anas Hidayat


    Full Text Available Pemakaian ‘merek’ dalam dunia perdagangan telah dilakukan sejak jaman Yunani kuno. Demikian pula peniruan atau pembajakan terhadap produk bermerek. Di abad pertengahan, ancaman sangsi terhadap pe¬langgaran penggunaan merek juga telah dilakukan, misalnya ancaman hukuman gantung bagi para pelaku pem¬bajakan.Di era bisnis modern, bisnis produk bajakan menjadi semakin merajalela dengan skala internasional. Kerjasama internasional antar Negara telah dilakukan dalam menggalang pemberantasan dengan menghasilkan produk-produk hukum penangkalnya. Demikian pula upaya pemerintah domestik masing-masing negara di dunia di bawah koordinasi WTO, telah dan sebagian masih dalam proses menerapkan hukum perlindungan HKI. Misal¬nya Indonesia mencanangkan pemberlakuan UU HKI sejak tahun 2000.Meskipun penelitian di bidang pembajakan produk sudah mulai mendapatkan apresiasi dari para ahli, namun penelitian yang dikaitkan dengan ilmu pemasaran masih tergolong baru, dan hasilnya masih bersifat spo¬radis, belum menemukan konsep teori yang kuat, baik penelitian pada sisi permintaan maupun sisi penawaran produk. Penelitian sisi penawaran memang lebih dahulu mendapatkan perhatian dari para ahli dengan meng¬indentifikasikan strategi masuk pasar para pembajak dan memformulasikan anti strategi pembajakan produk. Namun anti strategi pembajakan produk belum menunjukkan hasil yang efektif, jika dilihat dari kenyataan di lapa¬ngan bahwa pembajakan masih merajalela, terutama di pasar Asia (Callan 1998.Kata Kunci: Pembajakan produk, strategi pembajakan, strategi anti pembajakan

  19. Elevator Control Strategies


    Ceder, Frederick; Nordin, Alexandra


    The purpose of this essay is to investigate if it is eective to switch strategies for elevators during one day in an oce building. This essay describes some of the strategies in use today, followed by a comparison and analysis of two of the strategies described. We have also implemented optimizations to one of these strategies. From our test results we can conclude that our optimized strategy worked and produced better results on average waiting time and total traveling time than the two stra...

  20. Contemporary evolution strategies

    CERN Document Server

    Bäck, Thomas; Krause, Peter


    Evolution strategies have more than 50 years of history in the field of evolutionary computation. Since the early 1990s, many algorithmic variations of evolution strategies have been developed, characterized by the fact that they use the so-called derandomization concept for strategy parameter adaptation. Most importantly, the covariance matrix adaptation strategy (CMA-ES) and its successors are the key representatives of this group of contemporary evolution strategies. This book provides an overview of the key algorithm developments between 1990 and 2012, including brief descriptions of the a

  1. The concept of Ideal Strategy and its realization using White Ocean Mixed Strategy


    Aithal, Sreeramana


    Strategic planning and decision making have an important role in organizational development and sustainability. Various types of strategies are used in strategic management such as Red ocean strategy, Blue ocean strategy, Green ocean strategy, Purple ocean strategy and Black ocean strategy. These strategies are used in organizations by top level executive managers for long term organizational sustainability and to face or deviate from the competition. Based on the organizational analysis, it...

  2. Environmental strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zabkar, Vesna; Cater, Tomaz; Bajde, Domen


    perspective, appropriate environmental strategies in compliance with environmental requirements aim at building competitive advantages through sustainable development. There is no universal “green” strategy that would be appropriate for each company, regardless of its market requirements and competitive......Environmental issues and the inclusion of environmental strategies in strategic thinking is an interesting subject of investigation. In general, managerial practices organized along ecologically sound principles contribute to a more environmentally sustainable global economy. From the managerial...

  3. Strategies in PRholog

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    Besik Dundua


    Full Text Available PRholog is an experimental extension of logic programming with strategic conditional transformation rules, combining Prolog with Rholog calculus. The rules perform nondeterministic transformations on hedges. Queries may have several results that can be explored on backtracking. Strategies provide a control on rule applications in a declarative way. With strategy combinators, the user can construct more complex strategies from simpler ones. Matching with four different kinds of variables provides a flexible mechanism of selecting (subterms during execution. We give an overview on programming with strategies in PRholog and demonstrate how rewriting strategies can be expressed.

  4. Professorer, studenter og Om velfærdsstatens universitetspolitik 1950-1975

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Else

    og universiteternes bærende ideer om akademisk frihed. Professorerne repræsenterede universiteterne i de udvalg under Undervisningsministeriet, hvor linjerne for den fremtidige universitetspolitik blev diskuteret. De varetog de lærdomsmæssige interesser. Studenterne deltog efterhånden også i...... universiteterne kunne styrke de generelle udviklingstræk i den fremvoksende velfærdsstat. Polit.ernes påvirkning af universitetspolitikken skete diskret, men fik alligevel store konsekvenser. Bogen giver et grundigt indblik i, hvordan overordnede strømninger i velfærdsstaten blev bestemmende for udformningen af......"Professorer, studenter og Om velfærdsstatens universitetspolitik 1950-1975" undersøger magtkampene om de danske universiteter i perioden fra 1950'ernes begyndelse til midt i 1970'erne. Det var kampe, som udspillede sig mellem den fremvoksende velfærdsstats idealer om lighed og demokrati...

  5. Depressive patienters oplevelse af at modtage ECT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christine Damsbo

    Dette studie handler om, hvordan det opleves for den voksne depressive patient at gennemgå et ECT-behandlingsforløb (electroconvulsive therapy). Formålet med projektet er dels at undersøge, hvordan processen omkring ECT-behandlingen udspiller sig og dels at undersøge patienternes oplevelse......, reaktioner og tanker omkring ECT-behandlingen. Studiet bygger på den eksisterende viden om patienters oplevelse af ECT. Metoden er feltforskning med deltagende observation og etnografisk interview. Dette suppleres af to spørgeskemaer. Der blev inkluderet 8 patienter i undersøgelsen. Analysen udspringer af...... konstruktivistisk epistemiologisk vinkel. Ved en teoristyret analyse fremkom 2 overordnede temaer: Anspændthed og tryghed. Disse temaer blev behandlet i en procesorienteret forståelse af ECT-forløbet. Denne proces bestod af: Betingelser, interaktion og konsekvenser. Diskussionen er en kritisk diskussion af fund og...

  6. Working memory, strategy knowledge, and strategy instruction in children with reading disabilities. (United States)

    Swanson, H Lee; Kehler, Pam; Jerman, Olga


    Two experiments investigated the effects of strategy knowledge and strategy training on the working memory (WM) performance in children (ages 10-11) with and without reading disabilities (RD). Experiment 1 examined the relationship between strategy knowledge (stability of strategy choices) and WM performance as a function of initial, gain (cued), and maintenance conditions. WM performance was significantly improved for both groups under cued conditions; however, the performances of children with RD were inferior to those of children without RD across all memory conditions. Measures of WM capacity rather than strategy stability or processing efficiency best predicted reading comprehension performance. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of strategy training on WM performance by randomly assigning children to strategy instruction or control conditions. Significant improvements in WM performance occurred as a function of training conditions, but the residual WM differences between the reading groups remained. Although the results showed that stable strategy choices, cued performance, and strategy instruction significantly bolstered WM performance in children with RD, their overall WM performance, however, was constrained by capacity limitations.

  7. Strategy Scriptions: On sociomaterial devices staging strategy formulation European Management Journal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ole Uhrskov


    is making strategic choices, then chose a strategy and then making and action plan. Most project groups worked as expected, one group constituting a rare exception, as staging and the mobilisation of devices lead to unanticipated events, triggering extraordinary management activity. Our study shows......Strategy formulation can be viewed as an entanglement of social and material elements, developing sociomaterial strategy devices. Devices contribute to arranging and staging occasions of strategy formulation. The article investigates which arenas are staged for strategy formulation, which types...... of devices is purposely mobilised by management. and consultants. First, one central device, based on a balanced scorecard, is staging the managers as active strategists in a more traditional strategy workshop, with the employees as distanced spectators. Second, the employees are staged in an open space...

  8. Genesis nature of financial strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O.V. Pashchenko


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the study of the origin and history of the interpretation of the genesis of «strategy», «financial strategy», its elements and composite types. Scientists studied different views on the concept of strategy. Several specific positions founders of different approaches to define the strategy of schools operating strategies involved in the formulation and implementation of the concept of «strategy». Evaluation of different schools of strategies that deepened understanding of the industry and its strategy in the early stages of formation. Based on the works of various scholars studied by the author actually proposed interpretation of the concept strategy. The general industry and functional strategies which include the following strategies: innovation, resource, financial, production, marketing and human resources. Allocated financial strategy and its significant impact on other strategies. Author developed financial sector strategy and financial strategy of competitive enterprise. The importance of financial strategies under conditions of companies and the industry as a whole, as well as components of development of financial strategy. Deals with the factors that must be considered in the development and implementation of financial strategies. The systems analysis strategies and the impact on financial results, the estimation of their attractiveness and risk. Considered classification on the basis of financial strategies and sectoral orientation of the financial sector strategy based on company size, its form and noted the importance of this trait in systematizing strategies. The expediency of the financial strategy. Defined competitive advantage and efficiency of business and industry through the implementation of various financial strategies.

  9. Intermittent search strategies (United States)

    Bénichou, O.; Loverdo, C.; Moreau, M.; Voituriez, R.


    This review examines intermittent target search strategies, which combine phases of slow motion, allowing the searcher to detect the target, and phases of fast motion during which targets cannot be detected. It is first shown that intermittent search strategies are actually widely observed at various scales. At the macroscopic scale, this is, for example, the case of animals looking for food; at the microscopic scale, intermittent transport patterns are involved in a reaction pathway of DNA-binding proteins as well as in intracellular transport. Second, generic stochastic models are introduced, which show that intermittent strategies are efficient strategies that enable the minimization of search time. This suggests that the intrinsic efficiency of intermittent search strategies could justify their frequent observation in nature. Last, beyond these modeling aspects, it is proposed that intermittent strategies could also be used in a broader context to design and accelerate search processes.

  10. Precommitted Investment Strategy versus Time-Consistent Investment Strategy for a Dual Risk Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidong Zhang


    Full Text Available We are concerned with optimal investment strategy for a dual risk model. We assume that the company can invest into a risk-free asset and a risky asset. Short-selling and borrowing money are allowed. Due to lack of iterated-expectation property, the Bellman Optimization Principle does not hold. Thus we investigate the precommitted strategy and time-consistent strategy, respectively. We take three steps to derive the precommitted investment strategy. Furthermore, the time-consistent investment strategy is also obtained by solving the extended Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. We compare the precommitted strategy with time-consistent strategy and find that these different strategies have different advantages: the former can make value function maximized at the original time t=0 and the latter strategy is time-consistent for the whole time horizon. Finally, numerical analysis is presented for our results.

  11. Strategy Development in Organisations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Lene


    There exist certain ambiguities with the converging fields of information technology and organisational strategy development. The term "IT strategy" has evolved and reflects in some respects this confusion. This paper discusses some of the ambiguities and difficulties of the term "IT strategy......" as used in practice and literature. Emphasis is put on how the term is related to the problem, the organisation, the strategy process and the practical way of methodologically developing the strategy. Finally, alternative strategy developing perspectives are presented....

  12. The Relationship Between The Brand Strategy And Business Strategy


    Karaömer, Ahmed


    In this study the relationship between three companies brand strategies and business strategies were investigated based on Aaker’s view on brand architecture. The concept and its strategies are characterized by the driving roles brands possess. At the top of the spectrum, “House of Brands” allows the brands to have the entire driver role which decreases moving downwards on the spectrum, first comes “Endorsed Brands” where the master brand has a little driver role, followed by “Subbrands” wher...

  13. Digital Content Strategies


    Halbheer, Daniel; Stahl, Florian; Koenigsberg, Oded; Lehmann, Donald R


    This paper studies content strategies for online publishers of digital information goods. It examines sampling strategies and compares their performance to paid content and free content strategies. A sampling strategy, where some of the content is offered for free and consumers are charged for access to the rest, is known as a "metered model" in the newspaper industry. We analyze optimal decisions concerning the size of the sample and the price of the paid content when sampling serves the dua...

  14. Online Strategy Games. (United States)

    Dye, Bryan


    A strategy game is an online interactive game that requires thinking in order to be played at its best and whose winning strategy is not obvious. Provides information on strategy games that are written in Java or JavaScript and freely available on the web. (KHR)

  15. Political strategy, business strategy, and the academic medical center: linking theory and practice. (United States)

    Souba, W W; Weitekamp, M R; Mahon, J F


    The purpose of this paper is to link external political strategy theory to a specific health care setting-that of the academic medical center (AMC). Political strategy encompasses those activities undertaken by AMCs to acquire, develop, and use power (clout, influence, and credibility) to gain an advantage in situations of conflict. It should be differentiated from internal politics, a topic that will not be dealt with in this review. Political strategy should also be distinguished from but not divorced from competitive strategy. As political and social action can change the competitive landscape and the rules of competition, AMCs must become adept in issues management and stakeholder management. The focus on political strategy is a reflection of the enormous changes in the external environment that have impacted AMCs in recent years. These changes have often emerged out of political and social action and they impact significantly on the organization's more traditional business strategies. We suggest that a tighter alignment between political and business strategies in the future will help ensure organizational survival and success. This article reviews the literature and theory in corporate political strategy and illustrates the application of political strategy with examples of issues and problems faced by AMCs. Models of political strategy are well crafted, and this article concludes with succinct observations on the use of political strategies to enhance the business-based strategies of AMCs. Although the focus is on AMCs, the use of political strategies is applicable to any health care institution. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

  16. Strategies Against Poverty. (United States)

    Riessman, Frank

    The major antipoverty strategies of the 1960's are analyzed--the conflict model of Alinsky, the welfare crisis approach of Cloward and Piven, and the new careers viewpoint of Riessman and Pearl. The latter strategy is said to have a greater "multiplier effect" on poverty than other approaches. Discussed are such specific strategies in…

  17. Safety strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schultheiss, G.F.


    The basis for safety strategy in nuclear industry and especially nuclear power plants is the prevention of radioactivity release inside or outside of the technical installation. Therefore either technical or administrative measures are combined to a general strategy concept. This introduction will explain in more detail the following topics: - basic principles of safety - lines of assurance (LOA) - defense in depth - deterministic and probabilistic methods. This presentation is seen as an introduction to the more detailed discussion following in this course, nevertheless some selected examples will be used to illustrate the aspects of safety strategy development although they might be repeated later on. (orig.)

  18. Lithuanian Energy Strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valentukevichius, V.


    The First National Energy Strategy, outlining the principal provisions of the Government on the reconstruction and development of energy sector, was approved for a comparatively long period - until the year 2015. The Energy Law envisages that the energy strategy is approved by the Parliament and has to be revised every five year. This National Energy Strategy amended and specified the energy development trends defined in 1994. The recent positive developments and tendencies in Lithuania's economy called for the necessity to revise the strategies for the further development of the infra structural areas, especially the energy sector. The preparation of an updated National Energy Strategy was based on the overall forecasts for the development of the country, and also experience, which was gained by participation in the programmes and studies supported by European Union and PHARE, and also priorities indicated in the National Programme for Adoption of Acquis (NPAA programme). Formulation of the basic goals of the National Energy Strategy included requirements of the European Association Agreement, Energy Charter, and also principles and tendencies in the energy sector development of the member countries

  19. The advertising strategies

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YAKOUBI Mohamed Lamine


    We will try to demonstrate, through the display of the various advertising creation strategies and their evolution, how the advertising communication passed from of a vision or a strategy focused on the product, to a vision focused on the brand. The first advertising strategy that was applied by advertising agencies is the"Unique Selling Proposition";it focused only on the product advantages and its philosophy dominated the advertising world, throughout its various evolutions, till the nineties but this is without counting the introduction of the new advertising strategies that brought a more brand oriented philosophy to the ground.

  20. Non-oblivious Strategy Improvement (United States)

    Fearnley, John

    We study strategy improvement algorithms for mean-payoff and parity games. We describe a structural property of these games, and we show that these structures can affect the behaviour of strategy improvement. We show how awareness of these structures can be used to accelerate strategy improvement algorithms. We call our algorithms non-oblivious because they remember properties of the game that they have discovered in previous iterations. We show that non-oblivious strategy improvement algorithms perform well on examples that are known to be hard for oblivious strategy improvement. Hence, we argue that previous strategy improvement algorithms fail because they ignore the structural properties of the game that they are solving.


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    Rina Sulistiyani


    The research results are as follow: the learning experience to use imitation strategy which covers stages of imitation, research, development and  creation. This learning process is the result of interaction between personal and behavior factors, as well as the enabler and barriers. The owners of leather small industries which leave the imitation strategy and switch to innovation strategy are craftsmen who have an entrepreneurial spirit. they are able to balance entrepreneurial and business aspects.

  2. Export strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Thorbjørn; Koed Madsen, Tage


    It is argued here that traditional export strategy research (encompassing the study of internationalization processes and export performance) is characterized by weak theoretical foundations and could benefit from a reorientation towards a dynamic capabilities perspective (DCP). We seek to draw...... on insights from DCP in order to devise a theoretical basis that could enrich export strategy research. Although our development of DCP insights builds on previous work, it also adds a crucial distinction between knowledge stocks and informational architecture. Changes in architecture are of greater...... importance. Following this elaboration of the dynamic capabilities perspective, we outline some implications and guidelines for future export strategy research....

  3. Inertia in strategy switching transforms the strategy evolution. (United States)

    Zhang, Yanling; Fu, Feng; Wu, Te; Xie, Guangming; Wang, Long


    A recent experimental study [Traulsen et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 107, 2962 (2010)] shows that human strategy updating involves both direct payoff comparison and the cost of switching strategy, which is equivalent to inertia. However, it remains largely unclear how such a predisposed inertia affects 2 × 2 games in a well-mixed population of finite size. To address this issue, the "inertia bonus" (strategy switching cost) is added to the learner payoff in the Fermi process. We find how inertia quantitatively shapes the stationary distribution and that stochastic stability under inertia exhibits three regimes, with each covering seven regions in the plane spanned by two inertia parameters. We also obtain the extended "1/3" rule with inertia and the speed criterion with inertia; these two findings hold for a population above two. We illustrate the above results in the framework of the Prisoner's Dilemma game. As inertia varies, two intriguing stationary distributions emerge: the probability of coexistence state is maximized, or those of two full states are simultaneously peaked. Our results may provide useful insights into how the inertia of changing status quo acts on the strategy evolution and, in particular, the evolution of cooperation.

  4. Genesis nature of financial strategy


    O.V. Pashchenko


    The article is devoted to the study of the origin and history of the interpretation of the genesis of «strategy», «financial strategy», its elements and composite types. Scientists studied different views on the concept of strategy. Several specific positions founders of different approaches to define the strategy of schools operating strategies involved in the formulation and implementation of the concept of «strategy». Evaluation of different schools of strategies that deepened understandin...

  5. Creativity and Strategy Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Lene Tolstrup; Vidal, Rene Victor Valqui

    This paper focus on how creative thinking, processes and methods can support the strategy development and planning process in organisations. First, several fundamental concepts related to both strategy development and planning are stipulated. In addition, the concept of living organisation...... will be discussed as well as the interaction between strategy and creativity. Then, methodological ideas to support the strategy making process are presented enhancing the use of creative methods and tools. Finally, a case study related to the development of a strategy for organisational development using...... creativity tools is discussed....

  6. Discursive strategies of strategy in public organizations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lystbæk, Christian Tang; Holmgren, Jens; Friis, Ole Uhrskov

    In the last decades, private sector principles and policies have spread into public management. This has fuelled the growth of strategic practices in public service organizations. Although public service organizations typically do not exist in markets or have directs competitors, they tend...... conceptual structures in discourses of strategy in public management. Based on a focus group interview with six management consultants working in a municipality in Denmark, we identify two dimensions regarding how strategy making in public service organizations is given discursive legitimacy. One dimension...


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    Full Text Available Today the human resources are seen as a very valuable asset to achieve long-term performance. Today we understand that every employee is required to learn throughout life, so to acquire new knowledge, to process such knowledge and possibly disseminate expertise with other members of the organization. The theory on human resources in various organizations has changed over time; recommendations have become more numerous, but there is no consensus on the subject. In other words, the permanent change which defines the competitive environment of business remains a type of constant when analysing the efficiency of human resources within companies; inter-individual relations (formal and informal and the values to which each employee relates remains crucial for any theoretical construction in this area. Principles and strategies applied by organizations yesterday could prove their inefficiency today; human resource strategies in organizations today should include a separate subcomponent, we believe, i.e. knowledge management (KM strategy. This is because the competitive advantage obtained or maintained by the company depends today, in large proportion, on the type, quality and value of knowledge possessed by the organization. Therefore, organizational strategy and thus the strategy of acquisition, developing and rewarding of human resources (HR should take into account this reality from the global environment. Moreover, in the current knowledge-driven economy, organizations must know how to develop and implement knowledge-based strategies to drive measurable business results. The goal of this paper is to describe a potential relation between the overall company strategy, HR strategy and KM strategy.

  8. The social strategy cone: Towards a framework for evaluating social media strategies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Effing, Robin; Spil, Antonius A.M.


    Social media is growing rapidly. Providing both risks and opportunities for organizations as it does. The social strategy cone is developed for evaluating social media strategies. This framework comprises of seven key elements of social media strategies as based on a systematic literature review and

  9. Somatisk embryogense og kryopræservering af eg og bøg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    MMH Kristensen, Michel; Find, Jens; Krogstrup, Peter

    Somatisk embryogenese og kryopræservering af eg og bøg Traditionel vegetativ formering af eg og bøg er vanskeligt, dyrt og har ingen større praktisk anvendelse i skovbruget. Opbevaring af agern og bog i frøbanker erligeledesproblematiskidetspiringsevnenfalderdramatiskalleredeiløbetafdetoførsteåre......Somatisk embryogenese og kryopræservering af eg og bøg Traditionel vegetativ formering af eg og bøg er vanskeligt, dyrt og har ingen større praktisk anvendelse i skovbruget. Opbevaring af agern og bog i frøbanker...... holdbarheden er flere hundrede år. Arbejdet med eg og bøg er en del af et større projekt, Videreudvikling af bioteknologiske metoder, med henblik på forædling og opbevaring af plantegenetiske ressourcer for skovtræer i Danmark 2003- 2006. Det overordnede formål med projektet var at udvikle metoder til...

  10. Dannelsen af en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus hos psykologistuderende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feilberg, Casper

    Dannelsen af en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus hos psykologistuderende, Casper Feilberg Afhandlingen er en empirisk undersøgelse af psykologistuderendes tilegnelse af træk ved en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus ved psykologistudierne på Roskilde Universitet og Aalborg Universitet. Herved...... bidrager afhandlingen til den overordnede diskussion om, hvad målet med og kvalitet i en universitetsuddannelse skal forstås som. Som udgangspunkt for studiet af psykologistuderendes dannelsesprocesser indføres en analytisk distinktion mellem en psykologisk habitus (fænomen orienteret), og en videnskabelig...... habitus (teoretisk/metodisk). Herved tydeliggøres de studerendes dobbelte opgave der består i, at man må lære at trække på sin egen livsverden på en kvalificeret måde, når man skal forstå andre (psykologisk habitus), men at denne psykologiske sans for problemstillingen også må opkvalificeres via...

  11. Five types of organizational strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steensen, Elmer Fly


    Models in the strategy field defining the strategy concept emphasize schools of thought or strategy perspectives, but not how to define the idiosyncratic composition of an organization’s strategy content. Based on a literature review in which meanings have been attached to the concept, this paper...... presents a new model including five types of organizational strategy. The model emphasizes that key influencers may make heterogeneous contributions to an organization’s strategy and also that significant effects may result from interaction between types of strategy....

  12. Immediate response strategy and shift to place strategy in submerged T-maze. (United States)

    Asem, Judith S A; Holland, Peter C


    A considerable amount of research has demonstrated that animals can use different strategies when learning about, and navigating within, their environment. Since the influential research of Packard and McGaugh (1996), it has been widely accepted that, early in learning, rats use a flexible dorsal hippocampal-dependent place strategy. As learning progresses, they switch to a less effortful and more automatic dorsolateral caudate-dependent response strategy. However, supporting literature is dominated by the use of appetitively motivated tasks, using food reward. Because motivation often plays a crucial role in guiding learning, memory, and behavior, we examined spatial learning strategies of rats in an escape-motivated submerged T-maze. In Experiment 1, we observed rapid learning and the opposite pattern as that reported in appetitively motivated tasks. Rats exhibited a response strategy early in learning before switching to a place strategy, which persisted over extensive training. In Experiment 2, we replicated Packard and McGaugh's (1996) observations, using the apparatus and procedures as in Experiment 1, but with food reward instead of water escape. Mechanisms for, and implications of, this motivational modulation of spatial learning strategy are considered.

  13. Strategy Use and Strategy Choice in Fraction Magnitude Comparison (United States)

    Fazio, Lisa K.; DeWolf, Melissa; Siegler, Robert S.


    We examined, on a trial-by-trial basis, fraction magnitude comparison strategies of adults with more and less mathematical knowledge. College students with high mathematical proficiency used a large variety of strategies that were well tailored to the characteristics of the problems and that were guaranteed to yield correct performance if executed…

  14. Merajut Strategi dan “Merubahnya” Menjadi Aksi (Kajian Buku : “Strategy Maps” oleh Kaplan & Norton, dan Crafting And Executing Strategy oleh Thompson & Strickland)


    Rizal Rivai, Alimuddin


    Strategies are important for an organization. Basic framework in the study of management strategy is that the strategy is built base on the right and proper organization's situation and condition. However, empirically, it is failvery often in the implementation. That's why the execution strategy level requires the correct socialized, structured, and systematically process which is done in the right time. The strategy will be useful for a company if it isexecuted consistently by all management...

  15. Analytical strategies for phosphoproteomics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thingholm, Tine E; Jensen, Ole N; Larsen, Martin R


    sensitive and specific strategies. Today, most phosphoproteomic studies are conducted by mass spectrometric strategies in combination with phospho-specific enrichment methods. This review presents an overview of different analytical strategies for the characterization of phosphoproteins. Emphasis...

  16. Manufacturing knowledge management strategy


    Shaw , Duncan; Edwards , John


    Abstract The study sought to understand the components of knowledge management strategy from the perspective of staff in UK manufacturing organisations. To analyse this topic we took an empirical approach and collaborated with two manufacturing organisations. Our main finding centres on the key components of a knowledge management strategy, and the relationships between it and manufacturing strategy and corporate strategy. Other findings include: the nature of knowledge in manufact...

  17. Social network marketing strategy and SME strategy benefits


    Nobre, Helena; Silva, Daniela


    The study explored what benefits to small or medium-sized firms (SMEs) could be derived from the development of a social media marketing strategy. Results indicated that Facebook can facilitate communications between SME companies and customers, and can also be an important tool in creating brand recognition and broadening awareness. The importance of developing a thoughtfully designed strategy was cited, as SMEs often lack sophisticated marketing or business plans. The positive study results...

  18. Strategy as simple rules. (United States)

    Eisenhardt, K M; Sull, D N


    The success of Yahoo!, eBay, Enron, and other companies that have become adept at morphing to meet the demands of changing markets can't be explained using traditional thinking about competitive strategy. These companies have succeeded by pursuing constantly evolving strategies in market spaces that were considered unattractive according to traditional measures. In this article--the third in an HBR series by Kathleen Eisenhardt and Donald Sull on strategy in the new economy--the authors ask, what are the sources of competitive advantage in high-velocity markets? The secret, they say, is strategy as simple rules. The companies know that the greatest opportunities for competitive advantage lie in market confusion, but they recognize the need for a few crucial strategic processes and a few simple rules. In traditional strategy, advantage comes from exploiting resources or stable market positions. In strategy as simple rules, advantage comes from successfully seizing fleeting opportunities. Key strategic processes, such as product innovation, partnering, or spinout creation, place the company where the flow of opportunities is greatest. Simple rules then provide the guidelines within which managers can pursue such opportunities. Simple rules, which grow out of experience, fall into five broad categories: how- to rules, boundary conditions, priority rules, timing rules, and exit rules. Companies with simple-rules strategies must follow the rules religiously and avoid the temptation to change them too frequently. A consistent strategy helps managers sort through opportunities and gain short-term advantage by exploiting the attractive ones. In stable markets, managers rely on complicated strategies built on detailed predictions of the future. But when business is complicated, strategy should be simple.

  19. Geometric leaf placement strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenwick, J D; Temple, S W P; Clements, R W; Lawrence, G P; Mayles, H M O; Mayles, W P M


    Geometric leaf placement strategies for multileaf collimators (MLCs) typically involve the expansion of the beam's-eye-view contour of a target by a uniform MLC margin, followed by movement of the leaves until some point on each leaf end touches the expanded contour. Film-based dose-distribution measurements have been made to determine appropriate MLC margins-characterized through an index d 90 -for multileaves set using one particular strategy to straight lines lying at various angles to the direction of leaf travel. Simple trigonometric relationships exist between different geometric leaf placement strategies and are used to generalize the results of the film work into d 90 values for several different strategies. Measured d 90 values vary both with angle and leaf placement strategy. A model has been derived that explains and describes quite well the observed variations of d 90 with angle. The d 90 angular variations of the strategies studied differ substantially, and geometric and dosimetric reasoning suggests that the best strategy is the one with the least angular variation. Using this criterion, the best straightforwardly implementable strategy studied is a 'touch circle' approach for which semicircles are imagined to be inscribed within leaf ends, the leaves being moved until the semicircles just touch the expanded target outline

  20. Value oriented marketing strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stanković Ljiljana


    Full Text Available The complexity of business environment imposes the need for continuous change and reexamination of business marketing strategies of enterprises. Theory and practice of strategic management and marketing show that the activities of marketing, which are closely connected to corporate strategy, are the key drivers of growth. There is a positive correlation between competition intensity, marketing strategy and business performance of companies. Even though, managers of many companies don't see a clear connection between marketing strategy and business performance, numerous empirical research show that the companies which possess and efficiently use marketing resources and capabilities are more successful. In knowledge-based economics, the development of value oriented marketing strategies for all participants in the chain is a supposition of the survival, growth and development of companies. Competitive advantage is the essence of any strategy. Acquisition and maintenance of competitive advantage is more successful if the potentials for value creation are used efficiently. The paper examines the critical factors that influence alignment and transformation of marketing strategies in accordance with changes in value estimation. Superior value, is created in different network classes. Theory and practice researches create a reliable basis for the development of new concepts, marketing strategy business models that will contribute to competitive advantage of enterprises and the economy.

  1. Investigation the Relationship among Language Learning Strategies, English Self-Efficacy, and Explicit Strategy Instructions (United States)

    Yang, Pei-Ling; Wang, Ai-Ling


    The present study aims to investigate the relationship among EFL college learners' language learning strategies, English self-efficacy, and explicit strategy instruction from the perspectives of Social Cognitive Theory. Three constructs, namely language learning strategies, English learning self-efficacy, and explicit strategy instruction, were…

  2. Information transmission strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreau, A.


    The four propositions on which our radiation protection information transmission strategy is based are as follows: 1. Emotion exists. It rules our lives at work as well as at home, particularly when radiation safety is involved. Emotion is therefore the terrain for our strategy. 2. The basic emotion is that of fear. This must be recognized and accepted if we want to transmit objective information. The basis of our strategy is therefore listening. 3. A person cannot be divided into parts. The whole person is concerned about safety. We have to deal with that whole person. 4. To follow a strategy we need strategists. We must look at our own emotions and our own motivation before going into the field


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    Alexandru Lucian MIHAI


    Full Text Available In sport marketing, the word promotion covers a range of interrelated activities. All of these activities are designed to attract attention, stimulate the interest and awareness of consumers, and of course, encourage them to purchase a sport product. Promotion is about communicating with and educating consumers. The purpose of a sport promotional strategy is to build brand loyalty and product credibility, develop image, and position the brand. A promotional strategy is similar to a marketing strategy, but the promotional strategy seeks short-term objectives, both direct and indirect. Promotional objectives usually include increased sales, stimulate impulse buying, raise customer traffic, and present and reinforce image. It also provides information about products and services, publicizes new stores or websites, and creates and enhances customer satisfaction.

  4. Beyond "implementation strategies": classifying the full range of strategies used in implementation science and practice. (United States)

    Leeman, Jennifer; Birken, Sarah A; Powell, Byron J; Rohweder, Catherine; Shea, Christopher M


    Strategies are central to the National Institutes of Health's definition of implementation research as "the study of strategies to integrate evidence-based interventions into specific settings." Multiple scholars have proposed lists of the strategies used in implementation research and practice, which they increasingly are classifying under the single term "implementation strategies." We contend that classifying all strategies under a single term leads to confusion, impedes synthesis across studies, and limits advancement of the full range of strategies of importance to implementation. To address this concern, we offer a system for classifying implementation strategies that builds on Proctor and colleagues' (2013) reporting guidelines, which recommend that authors not only name and define their implementation strategies but also specify who enacted the strategy (i.e., the actor) and the level and determinants that were targeted (i.e., the action targets). We build on Wandersman and colleagues' Interactive Systems Framework to distinguish strategies based on whether they are enacted by actors functioning as part of a Delivery, Support, or Synthesis and Translation System. We build on Damschroder and colleague's Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to distinguish the levels that strategies target (intervention, inner setting, outer setting, individual, and process). We then draw on numerous resources to identify determinants, which are conceptualized as modifiable factors that prevent or enable the adoption and implementation of evidence-based interventions. Identifying actors and targets resulted in five conceptually distinct classes of implementation strategies: dissemination, implementation process, integration, capacity-building, and scale-up. In our descriptions of each class, we identify the level of the Interactive System Framework at which the strategy is enacted (actors), level and determinants targeted (action targets), and outcomes used to

  5. Non-oblivious Strategy Improvement


    Fearnley, John


    We study strategy improvement algorithms for mean-payoff and parity games. We describe a structural property of these games, and we show that these structures can affect the behaviour of strategy improvement. We show how awareness of these structures can be used to accelerate strategy improvement algorithms. We call our algorithms non-oblivious because they remember properties of the game that they have discovered in previous iterations. We show that non-oblivious strategy improvement algorit...

  6. Precommitted Investment Strategy versus Time-Consistent Investment Strategy for a General Risk Model with Diffusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidong Zhang


    Full Text Available We mainly study a general risk model and investigate the precommitted strategy and the time-consistent strategy under mean-variance criterion, respectively. A lagrange method is proposed to derive the precommitted investment strategy. Meanwhile from the game theoretical perspective, we find the time-consistent investment strategy by solving the extended Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. By comparing the precommitted strategy with the time-consistent strategy, we find that the company under the time-consistent strategy has to give up the better current utility in order to keep a consistent satisfaction over the whole time horizon. Furthermore, we theoretically and numerically provide the effect of the parameters on these two optimal strategies and the corresponding value functions.

  7. Tvorba strategie PR


    Novosadová, Petra


    This diploma thesis deals with the question of Public Relations strategy planning for a company operating in the field of providing travel services. The objective of this thesis is to create such a strategy based on primary and secondary data we have gathered. When doing so we consider the key areas first on theoretical grounds, and then apply them into practice. The outcome of this work is a tailored propsal of Public Relations strategy for a particular business.

  8. Interactive Strategy-Making

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Torben Juul


    This article outlines an interactive strategy-making model that combines central reasoning with ongoing learning from decentralised responses. The management literature often presents strategy as implementing an optimal plan identified through rational analysis and ascribes potential shortcomings...... to failed communication and execution of the planned actions. However, effective strategy-making comprises both central reasoning from forward-looking planning considerations and decentralised responses to emerging events as interacting elements in a dynamic adaptive system. The interaction between...



    Wijaya, Hari; Sirine, Hani


    To win the market competition, companies must have segmenting, targeting, positioning strategy and pricing strategy. This study aims to determine segmenting, targeting, positioning strategy as well as the company's pricing strategies on Kecap Blekok Company in Cilacap. Methods of data collection in this study using interviews and documentation. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed market segment of Kecap Blekok Company is the lower middle class, t...

  10. Black Ocean Strategy - A Probe into a New type of Strategy used for Organizational Success


    Sreeramana Aithal; Suresh KumarP. M.; Shailashree V. T.


    Strategic planning and decision making have an important role in organizational development and sustainability. Various types of strategies are used in strategic management such as Red ocean strategy, Blue ocean strategy, Green ocean strategy and Purple ocean strategy. These strategies are used in organizations by top level executive managers for long-term organizational sustainability and to face or deviate from the competition. Based on organizational analysis, it is observed that some of t...

  11. Strategy Only Matters A Bit: The role of Strategy in the High Performance Organization


    André de Waal


    Ever since Porter’s book Competitive Strategy (1980), developing a generic strategy and then executing this strategy well has been seen as the main source of competitive advantage for organizations. However, since the publication of Porter’s book the business environment has changed dramatically, giving rise to the questions: How important is strategy nowadays for an organization to become and stay successful? and Are the generic strategies of Porter still valid? To find answers on these ques...

  12. The Strategy Blueprint : A Strategy Process Computer-Aided Design Tool

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aldea, Adina Ioana; Febriani, Tania Rizki; Daneva, Maya; Iacob, Maria Eugenia


    Strategy has always been a main concern of organizations because it dictates their direction, and therefore determines their success. Thus, organizations need to have adequate support to guide them through their strategy formulation process. The goal of this research is to develop a computer-based



    Shakhshir Ghassan


    The positioning strategy has suffered serious changes in the last few decades, being influenced by the rapid development of competition and the growing focus on specific traits belonging to the market, to the consumer or to the product. The purpose of this paper is to present the developments of theoretical positioning strategies and the orientation from more simple, product oriented strategies, to ones more oriented towards the client and with a briefer period of time. The world is moving in...

  14. Strategies of inducing cooperation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deutsch, M.


    The results of the four experiments described in this paper are very consistent, and they can be summarized as follows: (1) The ''nonpunitive'' strategy was most effective in eliciting cooperative behavior from the subjects and, overall, resulted in the highest joint outcomes as well as the highest outcomes for the accomplice. (2) The effectiveness of the turn-the-other-cheek strategy was very much influenced by the competitiveness of the situation; the more competitive the incentives of the subjects, the more massively they exploited the accomplice who employed this strategy. (3) The punitive deterrent strategy elicited more agressive and self-protective, as well as less cooperative, behavior from the subjects than did the other strategies

  15. Price leadership strategy or branding strategy:an empirical test of indigenous Chinese exporters

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The effects of price leadership strategies and branding strategies on the export performance of indigenous Chinese exporters with a focus on developing country markets and developed country markets are examined based on the principles of strategy-environment co-alignment and marketing segmentation theory. Findings suggest that when focusing on developing country markets, the use of a branding strategy is more likely to enhance export performance. When focusing on developed country markets, neither the use o...

  16. Strategy as Projects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund Pedersen, Carsten; Ritter, Thomas; Andersen, Torben Juul

    This paper proposes the adoption of a project-based view to analyze strategy formation and strategic renewal over time. Projects are resource-committing, empirically-tracable investments, and as such, particularly suitable for the analysis of different manifestations of intended strategies as well...... as post-hoc manifestations of deviant, even rebellious, actions taken in opposition to the initial strategy announcement. The paper presents an analytical framework (a 5x2 matrix) of ten different project categories that together allows researchers to investigate how strategic renewal is realized through...... the enactment of different types of project initiatives throughout the organization. The developed framework is validated by two field studies that outline the robustness of the proposed matrix. In addition to the demonstration of the advantages of the framework, we discuss the limitations of the strategy-as-projects...

  17. Strategy Instruction in Mathematics. (United States)

    Goldman, Susan R.


    Experiments in strategy instruction for mathematics have been conducted using three models (direct instruction, self-instruction, and guided learning) applied to the tasks of computation and word problem solving. Results have implications for effective strategy instruction for learning disabled students. It is recommended that strategy instruction…

  18. Backbone amide linker strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shelton, Anne Pernille Tofteng; Jensen, Knud Jørgen


    In the backbone amide linker (BAL) strategy, the peptide is anchored not at the C-terminus but through a backbone amide, which leaves the C-terminal available for various modifications. This is thus a very general strategy for the introduction of C-terminal modifications. The BAL strategy...

  19. Same task, different strategies: how brain networks can be influenced by memory strategy. (United States)

    Sanfratello, Lori; Caprihan, Arvind; Stephen, Julia M; Knoefel, Janice E; Adair, John C; Qualls, Clifford; Lundy, S Laura; Aine, Cheryl J


    Previous functional neuroimaging studies demonstrated that different neural networks underlie different types of cognitive processing by engaging participants in particular tasks, such as verbal or spatial working memory (WM) tasks. However, we report here that even when a WM task is defined as verbal or spatial, different types of memory strategies may be used to complete it, with concomitant variations in brain activity. We developed a questionnaire to characterize the type of strategy used by individual members in a group of 28 young healthy participants (18-25 years) during a spatial WM task. A cluster analysis was performed to differentiate groups. We acquired functional magnetoencephalography and structural diffusion tensor imaging measures to characterize the brain networks associated with the use of different strategies. We found two types of strategies were used during the spatial WM task, a visuospatial and a verbal strategy, and brain regions and time courses of activation differed between participants who used each. Task performance also varied by type of strategy used with verbal strategies showing an advantage. In addition, performance on neuropsychological tests (indices from Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV, Rey Complex Figure Test) correlated significantly with fractional anisotropy measures for the visuospatial strategy group in white matter tracts implicated in other WM and attention studies. We conclude that differences in memory strategy can have a pronounced effect on the locations and timing of brain activation and that these differences need further investigation as a possible confounding factor for studies using group averaging as a means for summarizing results. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Processuel strategi i organisationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gylling, Martin


    on process theory and strategy, which in these years aims to move focus away from the dominance of designed strategy. I.e. an approach to practice understood as methodological individualism and pragmatic rationality (Chia & Holt 2009; Steyaert 2007; Stacey 2011; Hjorth 2012). Through recent poststructuralist...... currents in the field of processual strategy thinking and organisational entrepreneurship, for example Chia & Holt’s creation philosophical research in strategy without design and Steyaert’s (2007) thinking on the concept of entrepreneuring; the process theoretical thinking of entrepreneurship...

  1. Strategy and New Media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plesner, Ursula; Gulbrandsen, Ib Tunby


    Despite current attention to the materiality of organizations and the performative role of tools, devices, artefacts and objects in processes of strategy-making, the impact of new media has not been thoroughly conceptualized in the strategy literature. We argue that new media challenge core...... assumptions in strategy about control, boundaries and choice. To understand their constitutive effects and the implications for strategy-making, it is necessary to develop a research agenda oriented towards understanding technological affordances – but not only in local practices. Due to vital characteristics...

  2. Probability matching and strategy availability


    J. Koehler, Derek; Koehler, Derek J.; James, Greta


    Findings from two experiments indicate that probability matching in sequential choice arises from an asymmetry in strategy availability: The matching strategy comes readily to mind, whereas a superior alternative strategy, maximizing, does not. First, compared with the minority who spontaneously engage in maximizing, the majority of participants endorse maximizing as superior to matching in a direct comparison when both strategies are described. Second, when the maximizing strategy is brought...

  3. Implementasi Strategi Pemasaran Dengan Menggunakan Blue Ocean Strategy Pada Perusahaan Sosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darwis Agustriyana


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine, analyze and propose changes that can be done to address the problems raised in the formulation of the problem through the analysis of marketing strategies using the Blue Ocean Strategy. The method used is descriptive method. The results showed that the decline in product sales is due to several factors. These factors are in terms of the product itself, in terms of packaging, the destination cities in terms of product marketing as well as promotional and advertising products. Problems sales decline may be addressed by the Blue Ocean Strategy. The proposed factors described in the Strategy Canvas namely variety of nutrients and vitamins, originality, taste, and their slogan 'HEALTHY IS CHEAP' as a result of their product differentiation in the form of vegetable sausage.

  4. Employment strategy of the Russians

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    Vladimir Borisovich Toreev


    Full Text Available During the crisis it is especially important to choose a correct employment strategy. Every employee uses an employment strategy, as he/she selects the direction of long-term employment consciously or intuitively. The choice of strategy is determined by a number of factors shaping the person’s attitudes: health, character, upbringing, education, social environment, institutional environment. The employment strategies of the young people newly entering the labor market differ from lab our strategies of workers. Young people do not have such experience and can plan their life “from scratch”. The Soviet specialists, people who started their career in the planned economy, have their own features of employment strategies. The article describes employment strategies of the Russians

  5. Strategy Innovation with Employee Involvement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ole Uhrskov; Koch, Christian


    The purpose of this article is to investigate how employees can be involved in strategy innovation processes and how new strategy practices (new tools and procedures) are used to change strategy praxis in order to sustain value creation. In the strategizing actions, we found that even...... if the managers still dominate, some processes of direct involvement of employees occur, in particular when employees are asked to supplement overall strategic goals and when they directly shape several sub-strategies. Strategy practices found include strategy planning, an open space workshop and organised...... strategy projects. Especially the latter two are important in facilitating the employee involvement. The case, however, also exhibits enterprise-situated praxises related to unplanned events, like the mitigation of taboos....

  6. Evaluating Executive Strategies (Management Strategies and Teaching-Learning Strategies) of Graduate Curriculum: Case Study in Isfahan University (United States)

    Rahmanpour, Muhammad; Ahmadi, Mojtaba; Hatami, Mostafa; Mirzaee, Hamzeh


    The present study seeks to evaluate executive strategies in graduate Curriculum of Isfahan University from the point of view of management and teaching-learning strategies. This study is an applied survey. The population comprised BA students and faculty members of the University of Isfahan. In order to do so, 141 professors and 278 students were…

  7. Strategy of technology and innovation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Yeon Min


    This book introduces strategy of technology and innovation which includes design and development of strategy of technology, performance of strategy of technology and building and practice of strategy of development. The contents of this book are form of industrial innovation, act in strategy, advantage of technical innovation, new perspective of studying and innovation, alliance with competitor, cost of transmission and innovation, learning cycle of new product and power of consistency of product.

  8. q-Strategy spatial prisoner's dilemma game

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Zhi-Hua; Fan, Hong-Yi; Xu, Wen-Long; Yang, Han-Xin


    We generalize the usual two-strategy prisoner's dilemma game to a multi-strategy game, in which the strategy variable s is allowed to take q different fractional values lying between 0 and 1. The fractional-valued strategies signify that individuals are not absolutely cooperative or defective, instead they can adopt intermediate strategies. Simulation results on 1D and 2D lattices show that, compared with the binary strategy game, the multi-strategy game can sustain cooperation in more stringent defective environments. We give a comprehensive analysis of the distributions of the survived strategies and we compare pairwise the relative strength and weakness of different strategies. It turns out that some intermediate strategies survive the pure defection because they can reduce being exploited and at the same time benefit from the spatial reciprocity effect. Our work may shed some light on the intermediate behaviors in human society. -- Highlights: → We propose a q-strategy prisoner's dilemma game with intermediate strategies. → The intermediate strategies characterize the extent of cooperation or defection. → We implement the model in a structured population. → The intermediate strategies can promote cooperation.

  9. DOE groundwater protection strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lichtman, S.


    EH is developing a DOE-wide Groundwater Quality Protection Strategy to express DOE's commitment to the protection of groundwater quality at or near its facilities. This strategy responds to a September 1986 recommendation of the General Accounting Office. It builds on EPA's August 1984 Ground-Water Protection Strategy, which establishes a classification system designed to protect groundwater according to its value and vulnerability. The purposes of DOE's strategy are to highlight groundwater protection as part of current DOE programs and future Departmental planning, to guide DOE managers in developing site-specific groundwater protection practices where DOE has discretion, and to guide DOE's approach to negotiations with EPA/states where regulatory processes apply to groundwater protection at Departmental facilities. The strategy calls for the prevention of groundwater contamination and the cleanup of groundwater commensurate with its usefulness. It would require long-term groundwater protection with reliance on physical rather than institutional control methods. The strategy provides guidance on providing long-term protection of groundwater resources; standards for new remedial actions;guidance on establishing points of compliance; requirements for establishing classification review area; and general guidance on obtaining variances, where applicable, from regulatory requirements. It also outlines management tools to implement this strategy

  10. The office of strategy management. (United States)

    Kaplan, Robert S; Norton, David P


    There is a disconnect in most companies between strategy formulation and strategy execution. On average, 95% of a company's employees are unaware of, or do not understand, its strategy. If employees are unaware of the strategy, they surely cannot help the organization implement it effectively. It doesn't have to be like this. For the past 15 years, the authors have studied companies that achieved performance breakthroughs by adopting the Balanced Scorecard and its associated tools to help them better communicate strategy to their employees and to guide and monitor the execution of that strategy. Some companies, of course, have achieved better, longer-lasting improvements than others. The organizations that have managed to sustain their strategic focus have typically established a new corporate-level unit to oversee all activities related to strategy: an office of strategy management (OS M). The OSM, in effect, acts as the CEO's chief of staff. It coordinates an array of tasks: communicating corporate strategy; ensuring that enterprise-level plans are translated into the plans of the various units and departments; executing strategic initiatives to deliver on the grand design; aligning employees' plans for competency development with strategic objectives; and testing and adapting the strategy to stay abreast of the competition. The OSM does not do all the work, but it facilitates the processes so that strategy is executed in an integrated fashion across the enterprise. Although the companies that Kaplan and Norton studied use the Balanced Scorecard as the framework for their strategy management systems, the authors say the lessons of the OSM are applicable even to companies that do not use it.

  11. Typhoid fever vaccination strategies. (United States)

    Date, Kashmira A; Bentsi-Enchill, Adwoa; Marks, Florian; Fox, Kimberley


    Typhoid vaccination is an important component of typhoid fever prevention and control, and is recommended for public health programmatic use in both endemic and outbreak settings. We reviewed experiences with various vaccination strategies using the currently available typhoid vaccines (injectable Vi polysaccharide vaccine [ViPS], oral Ty21a vaccine, and injectable typhoid conjugate vaccine [TCV]). We assessed the rationale, acceptability, effectiveness, impact and implementation lessons of these strategies to inform effective typhoid vaccination strategies for the future. Vaccination strategies were categorized by vaccine disease control strategy (preemptive use for endemic disease or to prevent an outbreak, and reactive use for outbreak control) and vaccine delivery strategy (community-based routine, community-based campaign and school-based). Almost all public health typhoid vaccination programs used ViPS vaccine and have been in countries of Asia, with one example in the Pacific and one experience using the Ty21a vaccine in South America. All vaccination strategies were found to be acceptable, feasible and effective in the settings evaluated; evidence of impact, where available, was strongest in endemic settings and in the short- to medium-term. Vaccination was cost-effective in high-incidence but not low-incidence settings. Experience in disaster and outbreak settings remains limited. TCVs have recently become available and none are WHO-prequalified yet; no program experience with TCVs was found in published literature. Despite the demonstrated success of several typhoid vaccination strategies, typhoid vaccines remain underused. Implementation lessons should be applied to design optimal vaccination strategies using TCVs which have several anticipated advantages, such as potential for use in infant immunization programs and longer duration of protection, over the ViPS and Ty21a vaccines for typhoid prevention and control. Copyright © 2015. Published by

  12. Communication strategies in cosmetic surgery websites: an application of Taylor's six-segment message strategy wheel. (United States)

    Ahn, Ho-Young Anthony; Wu, Lei; Taylor, Ronald E


    Using Taylor's six-segment message strategy wheel as a theoretical framework, this study examines the communication approach (transmission or ritual) and message strategy (ego, social, sensory, routine, acute need, or ration) of cosmetic surgery websites. A content analysis revealed a fairly even division between transmission and ritual approaches. Ration strategy was the exclusive strategy in the websites adopting a transmission approach. No routine or acute need strategies were observed. Websites incorporating the ritual approach used ego, social, and sensory strategies. Human female models and natural objects were incorporated to deliver emotional persuasion. Implications for cosmetic surgery web marketers are discussed.

  13. Reproductive Strategy and Sexual Conflict Slow Life History Strategy Inihibts Negative Androcentrism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul R. Gladden


    Full Text Available Recent findings indicate that a slow Life History (LH strategy factor is associated with increased levels of Executive Functioning (EF, increased emotional intelligence, decreased levels of sexually coercive behaviors, and decreased levels of negative ethnocentrism. Based on these findings, as well as the generative theory, we predicted that slow LH strategy should inhibit negative androcentrism (bias against women. A sample of undergraduates responded to a battery of questionnaires measuring various facets of their LH Strategy, (e.g., sociosexual orientation, mating effort, mate-value, psychopathy, executive functioning, and emotional intelligence and various convergent measures of Negative Androcentrism. A structural model that the data fit well indicated a latent protective LH strategy trait predicted decreased negative androcentrism. This trait fully mediated the relationship between participant biological sex and androcentrism. We suggest that slow LH strategy may inhibit negative attitudes toward women because of relatively decreased intrasexual competition and intersexual conflict among slow LH strategists. DOI: 10.2458/azu_jmmss.v4i1.17774

  14. Listening strategies instruction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nogueroles López, Marta


    , who presented similar level of Spanish, needs, educational and cultural background, but did not receive such a training. The listening strategies instruction consisted in integrating the development of listening strategies into a regular course of Spanish as a foreign language. Data referring...

  15. Social strategies that work. (United States)

    Piskorski, Mikołaj Jan


    Although most companies have collected lots of friends and followers on social platforms such as Facebook, few have succeeded in generating profits there. That's because they merely port their digital strategies into social environments by broadcasting their commercial messages or seeking customer feedback. To succeed on social platforms, says Harvard Business School's Piskorski, businesses need to devise social strategies that are consistent with users' expectations and behavior in these venues--namely, people want to connect with other people, not with companies. The author defines successful social strategies as those that reduce costs or increase customers' willingness to pay by helping people establish or strengthen relationships through doing free work on a company's behalf. Citing successes at Zynga, eBay, American Express, and Yelp, Piskorski shows that social strategies can generate profits by helping people connect in exchange for tasks that benefit the company such as customer acquisition, marketing, and content creation. He lays out a systematic way to build a social strategy and shows how a major credit card company he advised used the method to roll out its own strategy.

  16. DOT strategies versus orbiter strategies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.J.


    The Dutch Open Telescope is a high-resolution solar imager coming on-line at La Palma. The definition of the DOT science niche, strategies, and requirements resemble Solar Orbiter considerations and deliberations. I discuss the latter in the light of the former, and claim that multi-line observation

  17. A belief-based evolutionarily stable strategy. (United States)

    Deng, Xinyang; Wang, Zhen; Liu, Qi; Deng, Yong; Mahadevan, Sankaran


    As an equilibrium refinement of the Nash equilibrium, evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is a key concept in evolutionary game theory and has attracted growing interest. An ESS can be either a pure strategy or a mixed strategy. Even though the randomness is allowed in mixed strategy, the selection probability of pure strategy in a mixed strategy may fluctuate due to the impact of many factors. The fluctuation can lead to more uncertainty. In this paper, such uncertainty involved in mixed strategy has been further taken into consideration: a belief strategy is proposed in terms of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. Furthermore, based on the proposed belief strategy, a belief-based ESS has been developed. The belief strategy and belief-based ESS can reduce to the mixed strategy and mixed ESS, which provide more realistic and powerful tools to describe interactions among agents. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. The performance challenge: a strategy for change, a strategy for implementation, 1991-1996. Le defi performance: une strategie de changement, une strategie d'implantation, 1991-1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    In the spring of 1990, Hydro-Quebec put into action a plan for change whose objective was to improve overall performance. To carry out this objective, a performance analysis of the company was prepared and strategies were recommended. The analysis showed that performance was unsatisfactory and that comparable companies whose performance has improved have integrated into a coherent system all the elements of management related to their mission, their culture, to the competence of their employees, and to their structures and systems. Hydro-Quebec then decided to adopt a strategy for change which was sufficiently global so that any measures taken for improvement would be integrated into a harmonious, coherent, and well-performing whole. This strategy is based on quality management: total satisfaction at least cost of all the needs of internal and external clients; mastery of work processes; employee mobilization; an orientation toward the customer; management as a function of facts; and respect for the person. To carry out the overall strategy, Hydro-Quebec has formed an action plan which clearly identifies the fields where action is necessary, the actions to be done, and the various stages needed to carry out these actions. Improvement teams are being integrated into this overall strategy. 4 figs.

  19. Strategy under uncertainty. (United States)

    Courtney, H; Kirkland, J; Viguerie, P


    At the heart of the traditional approach to strategy lies the assumption that by applying a set of powerful analytic tools, executives can predict the future of any business accurately enough to allow them to choose a clear strategic direction. But what happens when the environment is so uncertain that no amount of analysis will allow us to predict the future? What makes for a good strategy in highly uncertain business environments? The authors, consultants at McKinsey & Company, argue that uncertainty requires a new way of thinking about strategy. All too often, they say, executives take a binary view: either they underestimate uncertainty to come up with the forecasts required by their companies' planning or capital-budging processes, or they overestimate it, abandon all analysis, and go with their gut instinct. The authors outline a new approach that begins by making a crucial distinction among four discrete levels of uncertainty that any company might face. They then explain how a set of generic strategies--shaping the market, adapting to it, or reserving the right to play at a later time--can be used in each of the four levels. And they illustrate how these strategies can be implemented through a combination of three basic types of actions: big bets, options, and no-regrets moves. The framework can help managers determine which analytic tools can inform decision making under uncertainty--and which cannot. At a broader level, it offers executives a discipline for thinking rigorously and systematically about uncertainty and its implications for strategy.

  20. Outcomes of liver-first strategy and classical strategy for synchronous colorectal liver metastases in Sweden. (United States)

    Valdimarsson, Valentinus T; Syk, Ingvar; Lindell, Gert; Norén, Agneta; Isaksson, Bengt; Sandström, Per; Rizell, Magnus; Ardnor, Bjarne; Sturesson, Christian


    Patients with synchronous colorectal liver metastases (sCRLM) are increasingly operated with liver resection before resection of the primary cancer. The aim of this study was to compare outcomes in patients following the liver-first strategy and the classical strategy (resection of the bowel first) using prospectively registered data from two nationwide registries. Clinical, pathological and survival outcomes were compared between the liver-first strategy and the classical strategy (2008-2015). Overall survival was calculated. A total of 623 patients were identified, of which 246 were treated with the liver-first strategy and 377 with the classical strategy. The median follow-up was 40 months. Patients chosen for the classical strategy more often had T4 primary tumours (23% vs 14%, P = 0.012) and node-positive primaries (70 vs 61%, P = 0.015). The liver-first patients had a higher liver tumour burden score (4.1 (2.5-6.3) vs 3.6 (2.2-5.1), P = 0.003). No difference was seen in five-year overall survival between the groups (54% vs 49%, P = 0.344). A majority (59%) of patients with rectal cancer were treated with the liver-first strategy. The liver-first strategy is currently the dominant strategy for sCRLM in patients with rectal cancer in Sweden. No difference in overall survival was noted between strategies. Copyright © 2017 International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sorin-George TOMA


    Full Text Available Purpose – Our paper aims to present in short the theoretical foundation of the concepts of business strategy and creativity, and to highlight the relationship between them. Design/methodology/approach – Using the literature review, the study examined the conceptual framework of the notions of strategy, business strategy, and creativity. Also, it analysed the relationship between business strategy and creativity. Findings – The results confirm previous studies related to the beneficial impact of creativity on the business strategy of a company. As creativity has become an important input for a successful business strategy, companies are making significant efforts in order to bring creativity into play. Practical implications/originality/value – Business strategy and creativity are two interconnected concepts not only in theory, but also in practice. Also, creativity represents a fundamental asset of a successful company in turbulent times.

  2. Making strategy: learning by doing. (United States)

    Christensen, C M


    Companies find it difficult to change strategy for many reasons, but one stands out: strategic thinking is not a core managerial competence at most companies. Executives hone their capabilities by tackling problems over and over again. Changing strategy, however, is not usually a task that they face repeatedly. Once companies have found a strategy that works, they want to use it, not change it. Consequently, most managers do not develop a competence in strategic thinking. This Manager's Tool Kit presents a three-stage method executives can use to conceive and implement a creative and coherent strategy themselves. The first stage is to identify and map the driving forces that the company needs to address. The process of mapping provides strategy-making teams with visual representations of team members' assumptions, those pictures, in turn, enable managers to achieve consensus in determining the driving forces. Once a senior management team has formulated a new strategy, it must align the strategy with the company's resource-allocation process to make implementation possible. Senior management teams can translate their strategy into action by using aggregate project planning. And management teams that link strategy and innovation through that planning process will develop a competence in implementing strategic change. The author guides the reader through the three stages of strategy making by examining the case of a manufacturing company that was losing ground to competitors. After mapping the driving forces, the company's senior managers were able to devise a new strategy that allowed the business to maintain a competitive advantage in its industry.

  3. Strategi Pertumbuhan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM

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    Endi Sarwoko


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the strategies needed for SMEs to improve business performance. Research conducted on the owners of SMEs in Malang Regency as many as 50 SMEs. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, and data analysis using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results showed that the implementation of small and medium enterprise business growth strategy includes penetration strategy, market development, product development, and diversification strategy. A penetration strategy is a factor that plays a major role in improving the growth strategy. Another finding is that product development strategy is a strategy preferred by small and medium business owners by generating products or services with different characteristics from competitors, and utilizing technology to make production processes more efficient. A penetration strategy is the most important type of strategy for SMEs growth, but it is the most widely applied product development strategy. The implication of this research is that SMEs should begin to improve the implementation of penetration strategies to improve business performance by attracting old customers to buy more SMEs products.

  4. Decommissioning strategy selection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warnecke, E.


    At the end of their useful life nuclear facilities have to be decommissioned. The strategy selection on how to decommission a facility is a highly important decision at the very beginning of decommissioning planning. Basically, a facility may be subject to (a) immediate dismantling; (b) deferred dismantling after a period of ''safe enclosure'' or (c) entombment where a facility is turned into a near surface disposal facility. The first two strategies are normally applied. The third one may be accepted in countries without significant nuclear activities and hence without disposal facilities for radioactive waste. A large number of factors has to be taken into account when a decision on the decommissioning strategy is being made. Many of the factors cannot be quantified. They may be qualitative or subject to public opinion which may change with time. At present, a trend can be observed towards immediate dismantling of nuclear facilities, mainly because it is associated with less uncertainty, less local impact, a better public acceptance, and the availability of operational expertise and know how. A detailed evaluation of the various factors relevant to strategy selection and a few examples showing the situation regarding decommissioning strategy in a number of selected countries are presented in the following article. (orig.)

  5. Probability matching and strategy availability. (United States)

    Koehler, Derek J; James, Greta


    Findings from two experiments indicate that probability matching in sequential choice arises from an asymmetry in strategy availability: The matching strategy comes readily to mind, whereas a superior alternative strategy, maximizing, does not. First, compared with the minority who spontaneously engage in maximizing, the majority of participants endorse maximizing as superior to matching in a direct comparison when both strategies are described. Second, when the maximizing strategy is brought to their attention, more participants subsequently engage in maximizing. Third, matchers are more likely than maximizers to base decisions in other tasks on their initial intuitions, suggesting that they are more inclined to use a choice strategy that comes to mind quickly. These results indicate that a substantial subset of probability matchers are victims of "underthinking" rather than "overthinking": They fail to engage in sufficient deliberation to generate a superior alternative to the matching strategy that comes so readily to mind.


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    Arie Wibowo


    Full Text Available Promotion Strategy is the method that you use to promote the product. If we use the wrong promotion strategy, it will bring the disadvantage for the product and company. And on the contrary, if we are using the right promotion strategy, then it will bring the benefit for the product selling as did by Namaste Festival Event. This research was conducted in order to discover how promotion strategy of Namaste Festival Event to attract Yoga market by using promotion strategy theory. This research was guided by a qualitative approach with descriptive research in particular. The method being used was case study by conducting in-depth interviews. This research enabled the writer to discuss about the promotion strategy that being used by Namaste Festival event to increase the number of visitor. Therefore the researcher will able to get view on how PT Namaste Jaya Aditi as the organizer could run the promotion to get high number of visitor. After conducting an analysis, the main conclusion of this research is that the promotion strategy that been used by Namaste Festival organize is integrated several promotion activities such as online marketing, pre event road show, selling promotion, advertising (television and media printing & publicity. The result of this research is also said that promotion strategy that been use has an important role to attract visitor to participate in the event. Strategi Promosi adalah metode yang Anda gunakan untuk mempromosikan produk. Jika kita menggunakan strategi promosi yang salah, maka akan membawa kerugian bagi produk dan perusahaan. Dan sebaliknya, jika kita menggunakan strategi promosi yang tepat, maka akan membawa keuntungan bagi penjualan produk seperti yang dilakukan oleh Namaste Festival Event. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi promosi Namaste Festival Event untuk menarik pasar Yoga dengan menggunakan teori strategi promosi. Penelitian ini dipandu oleh pendekatan kualitatif dengan

  7. Materialedreven 3d digital formgivning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Flemming Tvede


    Formålet med forskningsprojektet er for det første at understøtte keramikeren i at arbejde eksperimenterende med digital formgivning, og for det andet at bidrage til en tværfaglig diskurs om brugen af digital formgivning. Forskningsprojektet fokuserer på 3d formgivning og derved på 3d digital...... formgivning og Rapid Prototyping (RP). RP er en fællesbetegnelse for en række af de teknikker, der muliggør at overføre den digitale form til 3d fysisk form. Forskningsprojektet koncentrerer sig om to overordnede forskningsspørgsmål. Det første handler om, hvordan viden og erfaring indenfor det keramiske...... fagområde kan blive udnyttet i forhold til 3d digital formgivning. Det andet handler om, hvad en sådan tilgang kan bidrage med, og hvordan den kan blive udnyttet i et dynamisk samspil med det keramiske materiale i formgivningen af 3d keramiske artefakter. Materialedreven formgivning er karakteriseret af en...

  8. MOOC-inspiration i e-læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anne Winther


    Artiklen omhandler et e-læringsforløb, hvori der forsøgsvis var indlagt MOOC-elementer. Forløbet er fra pædagoguddannelsen, UCSJ. Der redegøres for didaktiske overvejelser forud for forløbet og den konkrete forløbsudmøntning. Det teoretiske perspektiv er socialkonstruktionistisk, og undervisningen...... forstås som kommunikationssituationer med skabelse af sociale verdener. Refleksion hos de studerende fremhæves som undervisningens overordnede mål, og dette understreges som en betydende faktor i forhold til at tænke e-læringsudbuddet mere eller mindre MOOC-præget. Med dette perspektiv og ud fra...... underviser- og studerendes evalueringer peges der på betydningen for forskellige typer studerende af implementeringen af MOOC-elementer i den eksisterende e-læringsundervisning. Fokus er især på feedback, og der fremhæves både fordele og ulemper ved implementeringen, samtidig med at aspekter af...

  9. The pathway to an ADHD diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang Madsen, Kathrine

    Baggrund: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) er en adfærdsmæssig lidelse, som er karakteriseret ved uopmærksomhed, hyperaktivitet og impulsivitet. ADHD er en af de mest almindelige børnepsykiatriske lidelser med en prævalens på 3-5% blandt børn og unge. I de seneste årtier har vi set...... en stigning i forekomsten af børn og unge med en ADHD-diagnose. En stor geografisk spredning i forekomsten af diagnosen giver dog anledning til at undersøge, hvad der påvirker diagnosticeringen af ADHD. Formål: Det overordnede formål med denne ph.d-afhandling var at undersøge betydningen af...... strukturelle, samfundsmæssige, familiemæssige og individuelle faktorer for ADHD-diagnosen. Metode: De anvendte datakilder var nationale sundhedsregistre og den danske nationale fødselskohorte, Bedre Sundhed for Mor og Barn (BSMB). Følgende blev undersøgt ved hjælp af befolkningsbaserede observationelle studier...

  10. The Speeds of the Migrant Mongrel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moslund, Sten Pultz

    stadig bevarer hybriditet som et brugbart analytisk og epistemologisk begreb. For det første foreslår afhandlingen en overordnet differentiering af hybriditetsbegrebet. Den gør brug af Bakhtins ideer om organisk og tilsigtet hybriditet som en mulig måde, hvorpå vi kan tale om mere end én slags hybriditet...... heterogeniserende kræfter), som viser sig langt mere gangbare end hans statiske dikotomisering af heterogenitet versus homogenitet. Afhandlingen foreslår, at vi forstår organisk hybriditet som en variation af hybriditet, i hvilken en stærk centrifugal kraft af ensartethed, genereret af fælles fremstillings- eller...... diskontinuiteten og heterogenitetens centrifugale kræfter. I The Enigma of Arrival er de organiske hybridiseringsprocesser langt mere synlige på romanens overordnede udsigelsesniveau end i de to andre romaner, hvor disse synes kun at kunne læses i romanernes marginer og i sprogets dybere lag, under den...

  11. Inkludering av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn i NIF-organisert idrett

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mari Kristin Sisjord


    Full Text Available Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske og Paralympiske Komité (NIF har en uttalt målsetting om en åpen og inkluderende idrett. Hvordan kommer dette til uttrykk i den praktiske virksomheten? Denne artikkelen, som bygger på data fra en undersøkelse om likestilling og mangfold i den organiserte idretten (NIF, retter søkelyset mot arbeid med inklusjon av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn på ulike organisasjonsnivå i NIF: særforbund, idrettskretser og idrettslag. Datamaterialet er kvalitative intervju med representanter fra ulike organisasjonsnivå. Resultatene viser at NIFs overordnede politikk i varierende grad nedfelles i særforbundenes virksomhet, i idrettskretsene og i idrettslagene. Av særforbundene skiller Fotballforbundet og Klatreforbundet seg ut som aktive pådrivere i arbeidet med inkludering. Mange idrettslag oppfattet slike spørsmål som lite aktuelle i sitt rekrutteringsområde. Representanter for lag som hadde erfaring med inkludering og rekruttering av minoritetsungdom, tilkjennega varierte erfaringer og synspunkter.

  12. Strategy as a Virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Obed Madsen, Søren

    This article is based on virus theory (Røvik, 2007, 2011), and proposes to develop a framework that defines technology as a virus that penetrates the organism of an organization. The framework develops a new vocabulary, which can help in analyzing technologies and their negative effects on actors...... and organizations. In this paper, the virus theory is used to analyze a strategy process in an organization as an example of a technology. It shows how the strategy over time creates a memory loss, where the managers who are exposed to the virus forget their critique of the new strategy concept. The article also...... shows how resistant can be understood as being immune to a virus, since the strategy concepts bears resemblance to a former strategy concept. The article also argues that there should be more focus on the negative impacts of management tool and especially how organizations and managers are dealing...

  13. Communication Strategies in the Written Medium (United States)

    Xhaferi, Brikena


    The field of second language acquisition has distinguished between two types of strategies: learning strategies and communication strategies. Learning strategies deal with the receptive domain of intake, memory, storage, and recall. Communication strategies pertain to the employment of verbal and nonverbal mechanisms for the productive…

  14. Patterns of strategy development


    Bailey, Andy; Johnson, Gerry


    This paper builds on a multidimensional framework of strategy development to more clearly understand the processes by which strategy develops within organisations. It reports on a survey based research project which employs senior executives’ perceptions of the strategy development process in their organisations to examine how context specific configurations of dimensions explaining such processes can advance our understanding of strategic management. Six configurations are ide...

  15. Hemodialysis: stressors and coping strategies. (United States)

    Ahmad, Muayyad M; Al Nazly, Eman K


    End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is an irreversible and life-threatening condition. In Jordan, the number of ESRD patients treated with hemodialysis is on the rise. Identifying stressors and coping strategies used by patients with ESRD may help nurses and health care providers to gain a clearer understanding of the condition of these patients and thus institute effective care planning. The purpose of this study was to identify stressors perceived by Jordanian patients on hemodialysis, and the coping strategies used by them. A convenience sample of 131 Jordanian men and women was recruited from outpatients' dialysis units in four hospitals. Stressors perceived by participants on hemodialysis and the coping strategies were measured using Hemodialysis Stressor Scale, and Ways of Coping Scale-Revised. Findings showed that patients on hemodialysis psychosocial stressors scores mean was higher than the physiological stressors mean. Positive reappraisal coping strategy had the highest mean among the coping strategies and the lowest mean was accepting responsibility. Attention should be focused towards the psychosocial stressors of patients on hemodialysis and also helping patients utilize the coping strategies that help to alleviate the stressors. The most used coping strategy was positive reappraisal strategy which includes faith and prayer.

  16. Effects of age on navigation strategy. (United States)

    Rodgers, M Kirk; Sindone, Joseph A; Moffat, Scott D


    Age differences in navigation strategies have been demonstrated in animals, with aged animals more likely to prefer an egocentric (route) strategy and younger animals more likely to prefer an allocentric (place) strategy. Using a novel virtual Y-maze strategy assessment (vYSA), the present study demonstrated substantial age differences in strategy preference in humans. Older adults overwhelmingly preferred an egocentric strategy, while younger adults were equally distributed between egocentric and allocentric preference. A preference for allocentric strategy on the Y-maze strategy assessment was found to benefit performance on an independent assessment (virtual Morris water task) only in younger adults. These results establish baseline age differences in spatial strategies and suggest this may impact performance on other spatial navigation assessments. The results are interpreted within the framework of age differences in hippocampal structure and function. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Waste Management Strategy in The Netherlands. Part 2. Strategy Principles and Influencing Issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haverkate, B.R.W.


    This report reflects the Dutch input prepared in the framework of work package 2 of the EU thematic network COMPAS, which deals with the identification of alternative waste management strategies and issues influencing strategy selection in EU member states and their applicant countries. All elements that could have an effect in identifying alternative policies to manage (long-lived) radioactive wastes are addressed in this report. After a short introduction, in chapter 1, about some general issues influencing decision-making such as public acceptance, involvement, perception and (European) legislation, the considered disposal methods and disposal requirements are given in chapter 2. Chapter 3 of this report deals with the background topics of the current waste management strategy in The Netherlands. A detailed overview of (basic) strategy principles and their influencing issues is the subject of chapter 4. Issues considered include: safety and environmental impact; technical limitations; nuclear materials safeguards; monitoring and retrievability; ethical issues; public acceptance; (timing of) strategy development and implementation; and economical considerations. Relevant additional issues that could have an effect in identifying alternative waste management strategy are provided in appendices, including signed treaties (appendix B) and nuclear statutory regulations (appendix C)


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    Adi Permadi


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil industri kecil carica di Kabupaten Wonosobo serta untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan apa yang bisa digunakan. Variabel yang diteliti adalah profil industri yang meliputi sumber daya manusia, permodalan, teknologi, dan pemasaran. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil industri kecil carica di Kabupaten Wonosobo pada tahun 2014 ada 15 unit usaha. Ada beberapa prioritas strategi pengembangan yaang dilakukaan yaitu strategi SO dengan meningkatkan kualitas SDM, memanfaatkan tenaga kerja dari daerah sekitar, dan mengoptimalkan lokasi industri yang strategis. Strategi WO menyiapkan stok produk carica, mengoptimalkan produk carica, dan mengoptimalkan pelatihan dari dinas terkait. Strategi ST dengan meningkatkan kualitas ciri khas produk carica,peranan pemerintah dalam hal mengantisipasi bencana longsor di Dieng, dan melakukan inovasi produk carica. Strategi WT dengan meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial pengusaha, menaikkan harga jual produk carica, dan pada musim kemarau diganti dengan produk makanan komoditas Kabupaten Wonosobo. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, strategi yang diterapkan dalam kondisi ini adalah mendukung kebijakan yang agresif, yaitu industri kecil carica di Kabupaten Wonosobo dapat bersaing dengan produk olahan makanan jenis lainnya dari berbagai daerah dengan cara menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas produk carica yang dihasilkan.The purpose of this study to find out the profiles of carica industries in Wonosobo regency and to determine what is the development strategy can be used. The variables in this research belongs to human resources, capital, technology, and marketing. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis method and SWOT analysis. Based on the results of this study showed that small industrial profiles carica in Wonosobo regency in 2014 there were 15 business


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    Nina Sari An-nisa


    Full Text Available Livestock is one of the agricultural Subsectors, which has a strategic role in economic matters in Indonesia. However, livestock faces a lot of risks, which often cause loss for the livestock business agents, especially the breeders. This research aimed to analyze a development strategy on livestock insurance pilot project. The development of the strategy is important for a company in achieving its objectives. This research also aimed to analyze external and internal factors affecting the cattle insurance pilot project implementation and to analyze the company position so that the objectives of the company on cattle insurance pilot project implementation could be determined. Furthermore, this research aimed to design a strategy on the implementation of livestock insurance pilot project, and a case study was used as the research method. The result showed that there were some external and internal factors affecting the development of livestock insurance such as brand image and company performance. The position of the company in the development of livestock insurance is to hold and maintain its position by using the strategic recommendations i.e. market penetration and product development strategy. There are 8 alternative strategies for the development of cow insurance obtained based on the strategy analysis, and there is one suitable alternative strategy obtained by SWOT analysis. The priority strategy obtained in this research by QSPM analysis is given to companies as a recommendation to establish cooperation between companies and the ministry of agriculture to socialize the implementation of livestock insurance and good breeding practice. Keyword: development strategy, cow insurance, pilot project, PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia, QSPMABSTRAKPeternakan merupakan salah satu subsektor pertanian yang mempunyai peran strategis dalam perekonomian di Indonesia. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya subsektor peternakan menghadapi berbagai risiko yang tidak jarang

  20. Niche-specific cognitive strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hulgard, K.; Ratcliffe, J. M.


    Related species with different diets are predicted to rely on different cognitive strategies: those best suited for locating available and appropriate foods. Here we tested two predictions of the niche-specific cognitive strategies hypothesis in bats, which suggests that predatory species should...... the niche-specific cognitive strategies hypothesis and suggest that for gleaning and clutter-resistant aerial hawking bats, learning to associate shape with food interferes with subsequent spatial memory learning....

  1. Human Life History Strategies. (United States)

    Chua, Kristine J; Lukaszewski, Aaron W; Grant, DeMond M; Sng, Oliver


    Human life history (LH) strategies are theoretically regulated by developmental exposure to environmental cues that ancestrally predicted LH-relevant world states (e.g., risk of morbidity-mortality). Recent modeling work has raised the question of whether the association of childhood family factors with adult LH variation arises via (i) direct sampling of external environmental cues during development and/or (ii) calibration of LH strategies to internal somatic condition (i.e., health), which itself reflects exposure to variably favorable environments. The present research tested between these possibilities through three online surveys involving a total of over 26,000 participants. Participants completed questionnaires assessing components of self-reported environmental harshness (i.e., socioeconomic status, family neglect, and neighborhood crime), health status, and various LH-related psychological and behavioral phenotypes (e.g., mating strategies, paranoia, and anxiety), modeled as a unidimensional latent variable. Structural equation models suggested that exposure to harsh ecologies had direct effects on latent LH strategy as well as indirect effects on latent LH strategy mediated via health status. These findings suggest that human LH strategies may be calibrated to both external and internal cues and that such calibrational effects manifest in a wide range of psychological and behavioral phenotypes.

  2. Human Life History Strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristine J. Chua


    Full Text Available Human life history (LH strategies are theoretically regulated by developmental exposure to environmental cues that ancestrally predicted LH-relevant world states (e.g., risk of morbidity–mortality. Recent modeling work has raised the question of whether the association of childhood family factors with adult LH variation arises via (i direct sampling of external environmental cues during development and/or (ii calibration of LH strategies to internal somatic condition (i.e., health, which itself reflects exposure to variably favorable environments. The present research tested between these possibilities through three online surveys involving a total of over 26,000 participants. Participants completed questionnaires assessing components of self-reported environmental harshness (i.e., socioeconomic status, family neglect, and neighborhood crime, health status, and various LH-related psychological and behavioral phenotypes (e.g., mating strategies, paranoia, and anxiety, modeled as a unidimensional latent variable. Structural equation models suggested that exposure to harsh ecologies had direct effects on latent LH strategy as well as indirect effects on latent LH strategy mediated via health status. These findings suggest that human LH strategies may be calibrated to both external and internal cues and that such calibrational effects manifest in a wide range of psychological and behavioral phenotypes.



    SUCIU Titus


    In individual companies, price is one significant factor in achieving marketing success. In many purchase situations, price can be of great importance to customers. Marketers must establish pricing strategies that are compatible with the rest of the marketing mix. Management should decide whether to charge the same price to all similar buyers of identical quantities of a product (a one-price strategy) or to set different prices (a flexible price strategy). Many organizations, especially retai...

  4. Management strategies for business


    Alexander Sumets


    The paper aims to systematize business management strategies and identify their potential opportunities for the development of the competitive business advantages in transition economies. Characteristics of the features of modern business in developing countries (on the example of Ukraine) are given in the article in concise form. The relevance of the study of the relationship between strategy and business management is substantiated. Modern interpretations of the concepts of «strategy», «str...

  5. A belief-based evolutionarily stable strategy


    Deng, Xinyang; Wang, Zhen; Liu, Qi; Deng, Yong; Mahadevan, Sankaran


    As an equilibrium refinement of the Nash equilibrium, evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is a key concept in evolutionary game theory and has attracted growing interest. An ESS can be either a pure strategy or a mixed strategy. Even though the randomness is allowed in mixed strategy, the selection probability of pure strategy in a mixed strategy may fluctuate due to the impact of many factors. The fluctuation can lead to more uncertainty. In this paper, such uncertainty involved in mixed st...


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    Endah Utami


    Full Text Available Perusahaan Tenun Ikat Lestari Indah adalah perusahaan pembuatan kain dengan alat tenun bukan mesin. Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, perusahaan menghadapi berbagai kendala, diantaranya daya beli masyarakat menurun akibat situasi perekonomian yang tidak menentu serta persaingan harga yang tidak sehat antar pengrajin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan strategi perusahaan sesuai dengan kondisi internal dan eksternal perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis SWOT, I-E (Internal-External, dan QSPM (Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan posisi bisnis perusahaan berada pada posisi pertumbuhan, sehingga strategi yang dirumuskan adalah menghindari kehilangan profit dan penjualan. Dari hasil analisis QSPM (Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix diketahui strategi yang terpilih untuk strategi jangka pendek adalah menjalin hubungan baik dengan konsumen tetap , strategi jangka pendek-menengah adalah menjalin kerjasama dengan biro-biro perjalanan wisata, strategi jangka menengah adalah menetapkan tingkatan harga sesuai kualitas dan desain, dan strategi jangka panjang adalah memperluas jaringan pemasaran di dalam dan luar negeri.

  7. Survey of Poetry Reading Strategy as the Modern Tool to Identify Poetry Reading Strategies (United States)

    Ebrahimi, Shirin Shafiei; Zainal, Zaidah


    This study examines common strategies that English as a Foreign language (EFL) students employ when reading English poetry. To identify the strategies, a survey was designed for data collection from TESL students. The result shows that students significantly tend to use the strategies that require their creativity to construct new ideas in the…

  8. Porter's generic strategies, discontinuous environments, and performance: a longitudinal study of changing strategies in the hospital industry. (United States)

    Lamont, B T; Marlin, D; Hoffman, J J


    Changes in generic strategies in response to discontinuous environments have been relatively ignored in the management literature. This study reports an examination of the relationships between Porter's (1980) generic strategies, discontinuous environments, and performance. Archival data for 1984 and 1988 were collected for 172 acute care hospitals in Florida in order to test these relationships. To examine fully the performance impact of changes in strategy in a discontinuous environment, a longitudinal research design that identified a firm's strategy at two points in time, 1984 and 1988, was used. Results indicate that firms with a proper strategy environment fit performed the highest, firms that did not change their strategy had no change in performance, and firms that changed their strategy toward a proper strategy environment showed an increase in performance. Findings support the notion that hospitals with appropriate strategy-environment combinations will exhibit higher performance.

  9. Consolidating Social Media Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Munar, Ana Maria; Larson, Mia


    This study revisits and integrates the insights of recent studies on emergent social media strategies deployed by destination and event management organisations. In a comparative analysis Munar (2012) identified four generic approaches pursued by national tourism boards in the Nordic region, while...... Gyimóthy & Larson (2014) portrayed three digital value co-creation strategies deployed by festival social media. Both frameworks provided novel analytical typologies which identified a series of categories (mimetic, analytic, immersion, advertising and insourcing, crowdsourcing and community consolidation......). This paper discusses the complementary nature of these conceptual proposals and advances an integrated conceptual framework of social media strategies. Based on the empirical findings of a case study that revisits evolving digital and social media strategies of European DMOs this paper maps the dynamics...

  10. Enacting Governance through Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandtner, Christof; Höllerer, Markus A.; Meyer, Renate E.


    of strategy documents in city administration addresses these challenges. Our central claim is that strategy documents can be understood as a distinct discursive device through which local governments enact aspired governance configurations. We illustrate our argument empirically using two prominent examples...... that, while showing similar features and characteristics, are anchored in different administrative traditions and institutional frameworks: the city administrations of Sydney, Australia, and Vienna, Austria. The contribution of the paper is to show how strategy documents enact governance configurations...... along four core dimensions: the setting in space and time, the definition of the public, the framing of the res publica and legitimacy issues. Moreover, our comparative analysis of Sydney and Vienna gives evidence of differences in governance configurations enacted through strategy documents....

  11. Forces in strategy formation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steensen, Elmer Fly; Sanchez, Ron


    This chapter proposes that organizational strategy formation should be characterized theoretically as a process that is subject to several interacting forces, rather than represented by separate discrete decisionmodels or theoretic perspectives, as is commonly done in the strategic management...... literature. Based on an extensive review of relevant theory and empirical work in strategic decision-making, organizational change theory, cognitive and social psychology, and strategy processes, seven kinds of ''forces'' - rational, imposed, teleological, learning, political, heuristic, and social...... - are identified as interacting in and having significant influence on the strategy formation process. It is further argued that by applying a holistic ''forces-view'' of the significant and interacting influences on strategy formation, we can better understand the dynamics and challenges in managing the process...

  12. Strategy development marketing commercial enterprise


    Shatalov D. S.; Hamidova O. M.


    in the scientific article the necessity of development and implementation of marketing strategies in the activity of any commercial enterprise, we give a meaningful description of the concept of «marketing strategy» and develop requirements for the selection strategy of trade enterprise.

  13. Fault Management Design Strategies (United States)

    Day, John C.; Johnson, Stephen B.


    Development of dependable systems relies on the ability of the system to determine and respond to off-nominal system behavior. Specification and development of these fault management capabilities must be done in a structured and principled manner to improve our understanding of these systems, and to make significant gains in dependability (safety, reliability and availability). Prior work has described a fundamental taxonomy and theory of System Health Management (SHM), and of its operational subset, Fault Management (FM). This conceptual foundation provides a basis to develop framework to design and implement FM design strategies that protect mission objectives and account for system design limitations. Selection of an SHM strategy has implications for the functions required to perform the strategy, and it places constraints on the set of possible design solutions. The framework developed in this paper provides a rigorous and principled approach to classifying SHM strategies, as well as methods for determination and implementation of SHM strategies. An illustrative example is used to describe the application of the framework and the resulting benefits to system and FM design and dependability.

  14. US Strategy for Cyberspace

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Veazie, Arnold


    .... This strategic research paper analyzes the President's National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace to determine whether it effectively provides solutions for securing cyberspace. It concludes by proposing an alternative strategy for securing cyberspace.

  15. Waste Management Strategy in The Netherlands. Part 3. Strategy Selection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haverkate, B.R.W.


    This report reflects the Dutch input prepared in the framework of work package 3 of the EU thematic network COMPAS, which dealt with the evaluation and comparison of waste management strategies in EU member states and their applicant countries. Based on three generic decision trees the current strategy as well as the reason(s) for the selected options regarding radioactive waste management in The Netherlands is extensively described in this report. The trees are represented in terms of (numbered) decision nodes. Each node is discussed in the context of the Dutch situation, with relevant potential outcomes being highlighted where possible. After a short introduction (chapter 1) followed by a brief waste management policy overview (chapter 2), this approach is considered, in chapter 3, for: spent nuclear fuel and high level waste; low and intermediate level waste; disposal strategy

  16. Teaching Writing Strategies

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    Full Text Available Developing learners’ writing skills has been of concern for a long time in education. Students studying English in our educational institutions have been found to face problems mainly in writing, making them unable to cope with the institution’s literacy expectations. However, these students may be able to develop writing skills significantly with positive instructional attitudes towards the errors they make and awareness on the teachers’ part of learner problems. That is why they should improve classroom writing instruction to address the serious problem of students writing difficult. Teaching strategies has shown a dramatic effect on the quality of students’ writing. Strategy instruction involves explicitly and systematically teaching steps necessary to use strategies independently. The following table will explain the above ideas.

  17. Inspection Strategies for Concrete Bridges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Dalsgaard; Thoft-Christensen, Palle


    In this paper an optimal inspection strategy for concrete bridges based on periodic routine and detailed inspections is presented. The failure mode considered is corrosion of the reinforcement due to chlorides. A simple modelling of the corrosion and of the inspection strategy is presented....... The optimal inspection strategy is determined from an optimization problem, where the design variables are time intervals between detailed inspections and the concrete cover. The strategy is illustrated on a simple structure, namely a reinforced concrete beam....

  18. Involving Employees in Strategy innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ole Uhrskov; Koch, Christian


    Strategy as a practice and continuous innovation approaches are combined to conceptualise dilemmas of short versus long term and to analyse a case of employee participation as a particular example of strategy innovation. The case is a medium size textile company developing its strategy involving ...... and Balanced Score Card consultancy, an ‘open space’ workshop and organized strategy projects. Especially the latter two are important in facilitating the employee involvement. The case however also exhibit enterprise situated praxis’s like mitigation of taboos....

  19. A strategy model for management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ole Uhrskov; Holmgren, Jens; Eskildsen, Jacob Kjær


    Purpose: Developing a strategy model which explains what organisations should focus on in their strategy work, both in terms of the environment as well as how the strategy is implemented. In addition, the purpose is to demonstrate how this can influence and improve the organisations’ performance....

  20. Strategy for future seabed investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richards, A.F.; Murray, C.N.


    The status of seabed disposal studies and possible strategies for future development are reviewed. Background information for strategy development includes presentation of selected recommendations for future studies identified by the NEA/OECD Seabed Working Group, the Engineering Studies Task Group of the Seabed Working Group and the Subseabed Consortium. Inferences from these recommendations, and how sound scientifically based research, significant political perception and technological proof of concept may be related to strategies are considered as a prelude to strategy design. A proposed European strategy, complementary to the 1988 Subseabed Consortium strategy developed in the US, is to proceed to the technological proof of concept by emplacing one or more full-sized waste canisters containing non-radioactive, simulated heat-producing waste by a chosen deployment system. The latter could include the drilled, the penetrator or the pushed-in option. Emplaced canisters would be monitored for an extended period of time, and eventually retrieved for examination. International co-operation and co-ordination of all aspects is recommended. (author)

  1. Strategic Audit and Ownership Strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mike Franz Wahl


    Full Text Available In the new global economy, ownership has become a central issue for organizational performance. Ownership strategy is where corporate governance meets strategic management. Highlighting a knowledge gap in the field of corporate governance, the author is asking the central research question: “how to develop an ownership strategy?” The main purpose of this paper is to answer this original question and develop a better understanding about ownership strategies. Theoretically there is evidence to indicate that there is a link between strategic audit and ownership strategy. Analyzing firm cases from Estonia allows concluding that the strategic audit is useful for developing systemically ownership strategies, which in turn could be a realistic alternative for complete contracts. The use of strategic audits gives the business owner an opportunity to analyze his own actions and behavior, learning, managing knowledge, and finally clearly expressing his will in the form of an ownership strategy.

  2. Combustion strategy : United Kingdom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greenhalgh, D. [Heriot-Watt Univ., Edingburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom). School of Engineering and Physical Sciences


    The United Kingdom's combustion strategy was briefly presented. Government funding sources for universities were listed. The United Kingdom Research Councils that were listed included the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC); the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC); the Economic and Social Research Council; the Medical Research Council; the Natural Environment Research Council; and the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The EPSRC supported 65 grants worth 30.5 million pounds. The combustion industry was noted to be dominated by three main players of which one was by far the largest. The 3 key players were Rolls-Royce; Jaguar Land Rover; and Doosan Babcock. Industry and government involvement was also discussed for the BIS Technology Strategy Board, strategy technology areas, and strategy application areas.

  3. National Privacy Research Strategy (United States)

    Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, Executive Office of the President — On July 1, NITRD released the National Privacy Research Strategy. Research agencies across government participated in the development of the strategy, reviewing...

  4. Diagnostic Strategy in APR1400

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dongyoung; Kim, Jonghyun


    These features may bring out changes in operator tasks, changing the characteristics of tasks, or creating new tasks. Diagnostic strategy for identifying anomaly may be different especially in APR1400 from that in the analog control room due to the change of human-system interface, i.e. alarm system and display system. Since the first plant of APR1400 is being built at this moment, it is not known what strategies the operators will adopt in diagnosis tasks in the new operating environment. In this light, this paper aims at investigating operator's diagnostic strategies which are appropriate for APR1400. In order to collect data, several different approaches which are complementary are used to identify diagnostic strategies in the digital control room: analysis on audio/video recording of operation, observation in the simulator, and interview with the operators. The result shows that the digital control room introduces new strategies in the diagnosis, compared with the analog control room, and also changed the characteristics of strategies, mostly, by getting more support from the computerized system. This paper investigated how the digitalized control room may influence operator's diagnostic strategies. Several different approaches, i. e., audio/video record, observation of training, and the interview with operators, were used to gather information about the operator's behaviors. As a conclusion, this paper figured out that the digital control room introduces new strategies in the diagnosis, compared with the analog control room, and also changed the characteristics of the strategies, mostly, by getting more support from the computerized system. The operators interviewed also commented that the diagnosis in the APR1400 is quicker, more correct, and easier, compared with the analog control room

  5. from strategy formulation to strategy formation

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gerhard Louw;Abel Esterhuyse

    ultimately its weakness in accounting for the external environment in realised ..... implements and then controls a strategy that it deems appropriate to achieve an .... Every social system (such as the SANDF) seems to employ information ..... to favour rational analysis over this type of internal debate – in effect, it would.

  6. De Nederlandse cybersecurity strategie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luiijf, H.A.M.


    Recent werd de Nederlandse 'Nationale Cybersecurity Strategie: Slagkracht door samenwerking' openbaar gemaakt. Wat zijn de hoofdpunten van deze strategie en wat betekend dat voor de burgers, bedrijven, overheid, afnemers of leveranciers van informatie- en communicatie technologie?

  7. Theoretical Aspects of Enterprise Business Strategy Formation


    Valentinavičius, Stasys


    The paper presents interpretations of business strategy concept and analyses strategy planning and formation, models. The concept of business strategy is revised and formulated considering various authors approaches. Analysis of business strategy formation process – steps of development and management, selection of strategy type – is based on presented strategy planning models. The aspects of enterprise business and investment strategy formation, coordination and valuation are analysed. The s...

  8. [Health professionals facing hand hygiene improvement: state-of-the-art strategies versus extended strategies]. (United States)

    Herrera-Usagre, Manuel; Pérez-Pérez, Pastora; Vázquez-Vázquez, Marta; Santana-López, Vicente


    The hand hygiene (HH) is one of the preventive practices more .widely and effectively implemented in the control of healthcare associated infections. However, there are several barriers to compliance. To assess which strategy, state-of-the-art strategies (availability of alcohol-based preparations, posters, instructions and training) or extended strategies (feedbacks, formal and informal leadership), are seen as more effective to improve hand hygiene (HH) compliance. Analytical study using a self-completed questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization. 2,068 questionnaires, completed by healthcare professionals (HP) in Andalusia (Spain), were received from 2010 to 2012. Analytical technique: Structural equation modeling and multi group measurement invariance. Once the reliability of the proposed constructs was achieved (Cronbach α=0.73, 0.84, 0.70), it was found that those HP working in centers with the highest level of commitment with HH are those who see extended strategies as more effective (χ2=298.3, df=39, CFI=0.972, TLI=0.961, RMSEA=0.057, SRMR=0.028). Our results have shown that hospitals' HP, compared to primary care HP, see state-of-the-art strategies as more effective, as well as they give less importance to HH, meanwhile nurses, compared to physicians, see effective both strategies. HP contemplate the combination of state-of-the-art and extended strategies as an effective way to improve the HH compliance. In addition, extended strategies are considered more effective amongst the most "advanced" healthcare settings in terms of their commitment to HH. The results highlight the need for commitment at management, collective and individual level in order to maintain patient safety.

  9. Bulgarian energy strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The creation of a competitive energy market in Bulgaria is one of the top priorities in the government policy. To achieve this goal the following conditions are necessary: normalizing of the energy prices; financial healing; well working regulatory institutions and mechanisms; market rules and structures; appropriate legal framework. The main topics discussed in connection with the new energy strategy are: 1) General energy policy - competitive energetics; private investments and privatization; security of the energy supply, environment, energy efficiency; social protection and guarantees; 2) Sector policy - market regulation; licensing; effective use of the available power facilities; nuclear safety; 3) Gasification; 4) Heating; 5) Coal production. According to the strategy framework documents in the following aspects should be developed: integrated long-term plan 'Energetics-Environment'; price policy; market rules and structures; privatization strategies; healing programmes

  10. Power Subscription Strategy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    This document lays out the Bonneville Power Administration`s Power Subscription Strategy, a process that will enable the people of the Pacific Northwest to share the benefits of the Federal Columbia river Power System after 2001 while retaining those benefits within the region for future generations. The strategy also addresses how those who receive the benefits of the region`s low-cost federal power should share a corresponding measure of the risks. This strategy seeks to implement the subscription concept created by the Comprehensive Review in 1996 through contracts for the sale of power and the distribution of federal power benefits in the deregulated wholesale electricity market. The success of the subscription process is fundamental to BPA`s overall business purpose to provide public benefits to the Northwest through commercially successful businesses.

  11. Radioactive Waste Management Strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This strategy defines methods and means how collect, transport and bury radioactive waste safely. It includes low level radiation waste and high level radiation waste. In the strategy are foreseen main principles and ways of storage radioactive waste

  12. APL: a corporate strategy. (United States)

    Fox, J; Nyatanga, L; Ringer, C; Greaves, J


    This paper is based on, and summarises, papers read at the second annual international conference of Nurse Education Tomorrow held at the University of Durham (UK) September 1991. To this end this paper will offer: Some Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) definition and process as reflected in the literature available. A distinction will be made between APL and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) although the procedures and processes for assessing them will be shown to be the same. A brief outline of corporate strategy, as it applies to APL, will be given to form the basis for logical demonstration of how Derbyshire Institute of Health and Community Studies has employed such a corporate strategy. Insights developed and gained from APL research currently being undertaken through the college of nursing and midwifery will be used to inform the development and nature of corporate strategy. A flowchart of the operationalisation of the corporate strategy is offered as an integrative summary of how all the APL ideas have had a positive cumulative effect. The paper finishes by highlighting the possible strengths and limitations of APL corporate strategy.

  13. Operations Strategy with Paper Boats (United States)

    Sumukadas, Narendar


    When participants in introductory business courses encounter the term "operations strategy," it is not easy for them to appreciate what operations strategy is about, or how it fits with overall business strategy. This game breaks down highfalutin jargon into experiences that participants can readily relate to. While working in teams to make paper…

  14. Corporate political strategy: incorporating the management of public policy issues into hospital strategy. (United States)

    Bigelow, B; Arndt, M; Stone, M M


    Hospitals engage in a variety of strategies designed to anticipate, shape, and respond to public policy issues. This article describes corporate political strategy and argues for its need throughout a public policy issue's life cycle.

  15. Compositional Advantage and Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Xin

    advantage is redefined as the attractiveness of the composition of the producer’s offering in terms of scope and perceived value/price ratio. I identify five ways or basic compositional strategies to improve the value/price ratio. A firm may have an overall compositional strategy that is composed of some......In this paper, I first critique the composition-based view of Yadong Luo and John Child for understanding how resource-poor firms survive and thrive. To remedy the deficiencies in their perspective, I then propose a dynamic theory of compositional advantage and strategy. Here, the compositional...... or all of the five basic compositional strategies. I argue there are three indispensable key success factors for a composition-based competition, i.e., aspiration (ambition-position asymmetry), attitude (being ALERT), and action (turning asymmetry into advantage). I also discuss the particular relevance...

  16. Mining Social Entrepreneurship Strategies Using Topic Modeling. (United States)

    Chandra, Yanto; Jiang, Li Crystal; Wang, Cheng-Jun


    Despite the burgeoning research on social entrepreneurship (SE), SE strategies remain poorly understood. Drawing on extant research on the social activism and social change, empowerment and SE models, we explore, classify and validate the strategies used by 2,334 social entrepreneurs affiliated with the world's largest SE support organization, Ashoka. The results of the topic modeling of the social entrepreneurs' strategy profiles reveal that they employed a total of 39 change-making strategies that vary across resources (material versus symbolic strategies), specificity (general versus specific strategies), and mode of participation (mass versus elite participation strategies); they also vary across fields of practice and time. Finally, we identify six meta-SE strategies-a reduction from the 39 strategies-and identify four new meta-SE strategies (i.e., system reform, physical capital development, evidence-based practices, and prototyping) that have been overlooked in prior SE research. Our findings extend and deepen the research into SE strategies and offer a comprehensive model of SE strategies that advances theory, practice and policy making.

  17. Mining Social Entrepreneurship Strategies Using Topic Modeling.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanto Chandra

    Full Text Available Despite the burgeoning research on social entrepreneurship (SE, SE strategies remain poorly understood. Drawing on extant research on the social activism and social change, empowerment and SE models, we explore, classify and validate the strategies used by 2,334 social entrepreneurs affiliated with the world's largest SE support organization, Ashoka. The results of the topic modeling of the social entrepreneurs' strategy profiles reveal that they employed a total of 39 change-making strategies that vary across resources (material versus symbolic strategies, specificity (general versus specific strategies, and mode of participation (mass versus elite participation strategies; they also vary across fields of practice and time. Finally, we identify six meta-SE strategies-a reduction from the 39 strategies-and identify four new meta-SE strategies (i.e., system reform, physical capital development, evidence-based practices, and prototyping that have been overlooked in prior SE research. Our findings extend and deepen the research into SE strategies and offer a comprehensive model of SE strategies that advances theory, practice and policy making.

  18. Strategy as Performative Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kornberger, Martin; Clegg, Stewart


    is it based upon? And what are its power effects? Based on a detailed empirical analysis of the strategy-making process, the article charts how strategy rendered the city knowable and how performative effects of strategizing mobilized the public and legitimized outcomes of the process while silencing other...... (traditionally the domain of science) and values (the realm of politics); third, and consequently, that strategy is a sociopolitical practice that aims at mobilizing people, marshalling political will and legitimizing decisions. The article concludes with reflections on five practical implications of the study....

  19. Aligning with New Digital Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yeow, Adrian; Soh, Christina; Hansen, Rina


    Prior IS research has not fully addressed the aligning process in the highly dynamic context of digital strategy. To address this gap, we conduct a longitudinal analysis of a B2B company's journey to enact its B2C digital strategy, using the dynamic capabilities approach. We found...... that as an organization shifts towards a digital strategy, misalignments between the emergent strategy and resources give rise to tension. Our study resulted in the development of an aligning process model that is comprised of three phases (exploratory, building, and extending) and generalizable organizational aligning...... actions that form the organization's sensing, seizing, and transforming capacities. These aligning actions iteratively reconfigured organizational resources and refined strategy in order to respond to both changes in the environment and internal tensions. We also recognized that there are challenges...

  20. Marketing Strategy of a Company


    Koukalová, Barbora


    Předmětem mé diplomové práce „Návrh marketingové strategie pro firmu“ je analyzování marketingové strategie firmy Bábor Eurodance a návrh marketingové strategie na příští období. První část tvoří kapitoly, ve kterých jsou zachyceny různá teoretická východiska marketingu a postup tvorby marketingové strategie. Druhá část je zaměřena na podnik Bábor Eurodance, konkrétně na jeho současnou marketingovou strategii a vytvoření podkladů pro návrh nové marketingové strategie a třetí část obsahuje sam...

  1. Diagnostic Strategy in APR1400

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Dongyoung; Kim, Jonghyun [KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    These features may bring out changes in operator tasks, changing the characteristics of tasks, or creating new tasks. Diagnostic strategy for identifying anomaly may be different especially in APR1400 from that in the analog control room due to the change of human-system interface, i.e. alarm system and display system. Since the first plant of APR1400 is being built at this moment, it is not known what strategies the operators will adopt in diagnosis tasks in the new operating environment. In this light, this paper aims at investigating operator's diagnostic strategies which are appropriate for APR1400. In order to collect data, several different approaches which are complementary are used to identify diagnostic strategies in the digital control room: analysis on audio/video recording of operation, observation in the simulator, and interview with the operators. The result shows that the digital control room introduces new strategies in the diagnosis, compared with the analog control room, and also changed the characteristics of strategies, mostly, by getting more support from the computerized system. This paper investigated how the digitalized control room may influence operator's diagnostic strategies. Several different approaches, i. e., audio/video record, observation of training, and the interview with operators, were used to gather information about the operator's behaviors. As a conclusion, this paper figured out that the digital control room introduces new strategies in the diagnosis, compared with the analog control room, and also changed the characteristics of the strategies, mostly, by getting more support from the computerized system. The operators interviewed also commented that the diagnosis in the APR1400 is quicker, more correct, and easier, compared with the analog control room.

  2. Transportation energy strategy: Project {number_sign}5 of the Hawaii Energy Strategy Development Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study was prepared for the State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) as part of the Hawaii Energy Strategy program. Authority and responsibility for energy planning activities, such as the Hawaii Energy Strategy, rests with the State Energy Resources Coordinator, who is the Director of DBEDT. Hawaii Energy Strategy Study No. 5, Transportation Energy Strategy Development, was prepared to: collect and synthesize information on the present and future use of energy in Hawaii`s transportation sector, examine the potential of energy conservation to affect future energy demand; analyze the possibility of satisfying a portion of the state`s future transportation energy demand through alternative fuels; and recommend a program targeting energy use in the state`s transportation sector to help achieve state goals. The analyses and conclusions of this report should be assessed in relation to the other Hawaii Energy Strategy Studies in developing a comprehensive state energy program. 56 figs., 87 tabs.

  3. Reading Skills and Strategies: Assessing Primary School Students’ Awareness in L1 and EFL Strategy Use

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evdokimos Aivazoglou


    Full Text Available The present study was designed and conducted with the purpose to assess primary school students’ awareness in GL1 (Greek as first language and EFL (English as a foreign language strategy use and investigate the relations between the reported reading strategies use in first (L1 and foreign language (FL.  The sample (455 students attending the fifth and sixth grades of primary schools in Northern Greece was first categorized into skilled and less skilled L1 and EFL readers through screening reading comprehension tests, one in L1 and one in FL, before filling in the reading strategy questionnaires. The findings revealed participants’ preference for “problem solving” strategies, while “global strategies” coming next. Girls were proved to be more aware of their reading strategies use with the boys reporting a more frequent use in both languages. Also, skilled readers were found to use reading strategies more effectively, and appeared to be more flexible in transferring strategies from L1 to FL compared to less-skilled readers.

  4. Determining an optimal supply chain strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Intaher M. Ambe


    Full Text Available In today’s business environment, many companies want to become efficient and flexible, but have struggled, in part, because they have not been able to formulate optimal supply chain strategies. Often this is as a result of insufficient knowledge about the costs involved in maintaining supply chains and the impact of the supply chain on their operations. Hence, these companies find it difficult to manufacture at a competitive cost and respond quickly and reliably to market demand. Mismatched strategies are the root cause of the problems that plague supply chains, and supply-chain strategies based on a one-size-fits-all strategy often fail. The purpose of this article is to suggest instruments to determine an optimal supply chain strategy. This article, which is conceptual in nature, provides a review of current supply chain strategies and suggests a framework for determining an optimal strategy.

  5. Trophic strategies of unicellular plankton

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chakraborty, Subhendu; Nielsen, Lasse Tor; Andersen, Ken Haste


    . To this end, we develop and calibrate a trait-based model for unicellular planktonic organisms characterized by four traits: cell size and investments in phototrophy, nutrient uptake, and phagotrophy. We use the model to predict how optimal trophic strategies depend on cell size under various environmental...... unicellulars are colimited by organic carbon and nutrients, and only large photoautotrophs and smaller mixotrophs are nutrient limited; (2) trophic strategy is bottom-up selected by the environment, while optimal size is top-down selected by predation. The focus on cell size and trophic strategies facilitates......Unicellular plankton employ trophic strategies ranging from pure photoautotrophs over mixotrophy to obligate heterotrophs (phagotrophs), with cell sizes from 10-8 to 1 μg C. A full understanding of how trophic strategy and cell size depend on resource environment and predation is lacking...

  6. The notion of strategy in facility management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holzweber, Markus


    and components of strategy in Facility Management (FM). Since strategy refers to a complex network of thoughts, insights, experiences, expertise, and expectations that provide general guidance for management action, organizations must keep pace with the changing environment to increase market shares and business......Strategy implementation is critical for any type of organization. Strategy implementation is complex despite previous research describing mechanisms related to the construction of strategy and strategy use of organizations. In this article I attempt to fill this vacuity by examining strategy...... success. Based on a literature review, the findings of the study report a service-strategy classification grid. Such a service-strategy grid provides for a better understanding of the business environment. The study findings are intended to enhance business managers’ understandings of the issues behind FM...

  7. Practical manual for technology transfer strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heo, Jae Gwan


    This book deals with technical transfer strategy in the 21 century, management period of intellectual property, which includes value of invisible and intangible assets, core topic of management of intellectual property construction of virtuous cycle of intellectual and creative activity, and phase and building strategy of intellectual property management system. It also mentions building of useful patent portfolio and strategy with patent problems in business management strategy, case of patent management strategy of IBM in the Uited Sates and Fujitsu in Japan, and profit process using intellectual property outside of the company.

  8. Strategi Pemasaran Global di Pasar Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freddy Simbolon


    Full Text Available Globalization is a new challenge for companies in the implementation of marketing strategy. Due to globalization, companies are required to compete with world class companies that have large capital and higher quality products. Indonesia currently becomes the market target for global companies to enjoy huge profits, while the Indonesian companies lost the competition. This study aims to obtain global marketing strategy for Indonesian companies in Indonesian market. Research method used is descriptive analisys. Merger between adaptation of marketing strategies and standard marketing strategy is appropriate strategy in Indonesian market.

  9. Green product innovation strategy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Driessen, P.H.


    Over the last decades, companies have started to incorporate green issues in product innovation strategies. This dissertation studies green product innovation strategy, its antecedents and its outcomes. A three-stage approach is followed. In the first stage, the topic is explored and a preliminary

  10. Assessment of Language Learners' Strategies: Do They Prefer Learning or Acquisition Strategies? (United States)

    Altmisdort, Gonca


    The aim of this study is to evaluate learning and acquisition strategies used by second/foreign language learners. This study is a comparative investigation of learning and acquisition strategies of successful and less successful language learners. The main question of the study is to investigate if there is a relationship between the learners'…

  11. Cooperative strategies European perspectives

    CERN Document Server

    Killing, J Peter


    Cooperative Strategies: European Perspectives is one of three geographically targeted volumes in which the contributors present the most current research on topics such as advances in theories of cooperative strategies, the formation of cooperative alliances, the dynamics of partner relationships, and the role of information and knowledge in cooperative alliances. Blending conceptual insights with empirical analyses, the contributors highlight commonalities and differences across national, cultural, and trade zones. The chapters in this volume are anchored in a wide set of theoretical approaches, conceptual frameworks, and models, illustrating how rich the area of cooperative strategies is for scholarly inquiry.

  12. Evaluating the US Counter-ISIL Strategy (United States)


    strategy is actually addressing those critical capabilities and vulnerabilities. Finally, it explores alternative, whole-of-government strategies that...Counterterrorism Strategies as an Illustration. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation , 2009. Enduring Leadership in a Dynamic World. Quadrennial Diplomacy...Evaluating the US Counter-ISIL Strategy A Monograph by LTC Jason A. Curl U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army

  13. Crucial role of strategy updating for coexistence of strategies in interaction networks (United States)

    Zhang, Jianlei; Zhang, Chunyan; Cao, Ming; Weissing, Franz J.


    Network models are useful tools for studying the dynamics of social interactions in a structured population. After a round of interactions with the players in their local neighborhood, players update their strategy based on the comparison of their own payoff with the payoff of one of their neighbors. Here we show that the assumptions made on strategy updating are of crucial importance for the strategy dynamics. In the first step, we demonstrate that seemingly small deviations from the standard assumptions on updating have major implications for the evolutionary outcome of two cooperation games: cooperation can more easily persist in a Prisoner's Dilemma game, while it can go more easily extinct in a Snowdrift game. To explain these outcomes, we develop a general model for the updating of states in a network that allows us to derive conditions for the steady-state coexistence of states (or strategies). The analysis reveals that coexistence crucially depends on the number of agents consulted for updating. We conclude that updating rules are as important for evolution on a network as network structure and the nature of the interaction.

  14. Putting leadership back into strategy. (United States)

    Montgomery, Cynthia A


    In recent decades an infusion of economics has lent the study of strategy much needed theory and empirical evidence. Strategy consultants, armed with frameworks and techniques, have stepped forward to help managers analyze their industries and position their companies for strategic advantage. Strategy has come to be seen as an analytical problem to be solved. But, says Montgomery, the Timken Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, the benefits of this rigorous approach have attendant costs: Strategy has become a competitive game plan, separate from the company's larger sense of purpose. The CEO's unique role as arbiter and steward of strategy has been eclipsed. And an overemphasis on sustainable competitive advantage has obscured the importance of making strategy a dynamic tool for guiding the company's development over time. For any company, intelligent guidance requires a clear sense of purpose, of what makes the organization truly distinctive. Purpose, Montgomery says, serves as both a constraint on activity and a guide to behavior. Creativity and insight are key to forging a compelling organizational purpose; analysis alone will never suffice. As the CEO--properly a company's chief strategist--translates purpose into practice, he or she must remain open to the possibility that the purpose itself may need to change. Lou Gerstner did this in the 1990s, when he decided that IBM would evolve to focus on applying technology rather than on inventing it. So did Steve Jobs, when he rescued Apple from a poorly performing strategy and expanded the company into attractive new businesses. Watching over strategy day in and day out is the CEO's greatest opportunity to shape the firm as well as outwit the competition.


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    Full Text Available This study examines the strategy for the promotion of a daily newspaper Media Indonesia are being made to increase sales in 2015. The aim of this study is to investigate and provide an overview of: promotion strategy Media Indonesia daily newspaper in increasing sales in 2015.In this study, the author uses the theory advanced by According to Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong in his book marketing basics Volume I & II in which a promotional strategy there are things that include marketing communication, marketing mix, SWOT analysis, STP, promotion strategy , the purpose of promotion, promotion strategy planning, implementation of promotional strategies, elements of the promotional mix, sales promotion.The method used was the case study method and descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used through in-depth interviews and observation. The author presents an overview and description of the promotional strategy as it is obtained from the company.This study uses the planning and implementation process in conducting sales promotion strategies. Where in the promotion strategy planning, the first step is done by doing a SWOT analysis and competitor analysis and analyze STP from Media Indonesia. Later in the implementation of promotional strategies, sales promotion program is the most prioritized Media Indonesia in increasing sales in 2015 Studi ini mengkaji strategi untuk mempromosikan sebuah surat kabar harian Media Indonesia yang sedang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan penjualan pada tahun 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memberikan gambaran umum tentang: strategi promosi surat kabar harian Media Indonesia dalam meningkatkan penjualan di tahun 2015.In Penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Menurut Philip Kotler dan Gary Armstrong dalam buku dasar pemasarannya Volume I & II dimana strategi promosi ada hal-hal yang meliputi komunikasi pemasaran, bauran pemasaran, analisis SWOT, STP

  16. Learning With Repeated-Game Strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christos A. Ioannou


    Full Text Available We use the self-tuning Experience Weighted Attraction model with repeated-game strategies as a computer testbed to examine the relative frequency, speed of convergence and progression of a set of repeated-game strategies in four symmetric 2x2 games: Prisoner's Dilemma, Battle of the Sexes, Stag-Hunt, and Chicken. In the Prisoner's Dilemma game, we fi□nd that the strategy with the most occurrences is the Grim-Trigger. In the Battle of the Sexes game, a cooperative pair that alternates between the two pure-strategy Nash equilibria emerges as the one with the most occurrences. In the Stag-Hunt and Chicken games, the Win-Stay, Lose-Shift and Grim-Trigger strategies are the ones with the most occurrences. Overall, the pairs that converged quickly ended up at the cooperative outcomes, whereas the ones that were extremely slow to reach convergence ended up at non-cooperative outcomes.

  17. Measurable Strategies in Differential Games (United States)

    Ivanov, R. P.


    Nonlinear approach-evasion differential games are considered in which the initial data depend on the time. These games are investigated in the class of strategies that are functions of three variables, namely, the time, the phase variable, and the current value of the other player's control, and are measurable jointly with respect to the time and the phase variable. The ideas of the Pontryagin methods in differential games and Krasovskiĭ's ideas on extremal aiming are developed, and it is shown that measurable strategies have broad applicability. It is proved that measurable strategies are compatible with differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side, and general theorems on the existence of solving measurable strategies in approach-evasion problems are proved, along with some auxiliary assertions. It is shown that the saddle point condition in the small game ensures the existence of solving measurable strategies. An example is given. Bibliography: 14 titles.


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    Ştefan MATEI


    Full Text Available Marketing has proven to be very useful instrument in the wine industry, in fostering comprehensive, cohesive and effective strategies which wineries require to effectively compete in today’s almost saturated wine market. But within wine marketing, the promotion strategy, from our point of view, is the most important component of the winery that can ensure the success in the market or can shorten the life cycle of the product. This being said, the aim of the paper is twofold. Firstly, to determine and analyze the steps that are required to create a promotion strategy in the wine industry, by comparing different approaches. Secondly, to identify the instruments of the promotional mix that helps a winery to implement its promotional strategy. Bearing that in mind, the paper starts with some theoretical aspects regarding the promotion strategy and ends by providing a brief overview of the main findings.


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    Syahdan Syahdan


    Full Text Available This article explores the compensatory strategies used by two Indonesian children who experienced first language attrition when acquiring English in the English-speaking environment. They use compensatory strategies to compensate for their lack of competence in first language. They employ both interlingual strategies and discourse strategies when they have difficulties in communication. Interlingual strategies used are codeswitching and lexical borrowings and the discourse strategies are overt comments, appeal for assistance, and avoidance.


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    Full Text Available Corporations are at present operating in demanding and highly unsure periods, facing a mixture of increased macroeconomic need, competitive and capital market dangers, and in many cases, the prospect for significant technical and regulative gap. Throughout these demanding and highly unsure times, the corporations must pay particular attention to corporate strategy. In present times, corporate strategy must be perceived and used as a function of various fields, covers, and characters as well as a highly interactive system. For the corporation's strategy to become a competitive advantage is necessary to understand and also to integrate it in a holistic model to ensure sustainable progress of corporation activities under the optimum conditions of profitability. The model proposed in this paper is aimed at integrating the two strategic models, Hoshin Kanri and Integrated Strategy Model, as well as their consolidation with the principles of sound corporate governance set out by the OECD.

  1. Strategi Permintaan dalam Bahasa Jepang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Timur Sri Astami


    Full Text Available Request strategy in Japanese serves to present desires to hearer and speaker gets benefit from the request. Request strategy consists of bald on record, on record with positive politeness, on record with negative politeness, and off record. Research used qualitative descriptive approach. Data were gathered from Maya Koikeda’s Tokimeki Makkun comic book. Research, in the corpus of data, found bald on record strategy was a strategy without any strings attached. Then, on record with positive politeness was showed by the closeness and solidarity relationship. While on record with negative politeness was showed by minimizing load demand and apology, and off record with a vague ellipsis sentence. 

  2. Trend Definition or Holding Strategy: What Determines the Profitability of Candlestick Technical Trading Strategies?


    Tsung-Hsun Lu; Yi-Chi Chen; Yu-Chin Hsu


    We ask what determines the profitability of candlestick patterns. Is it the definition of trend and/or the holding strategy that one uses in candlestick charting analysis? To answer this, we conduct a systematic investigation by considering three definitions of trend and four holding strategies. Based on the DJIA components data, we find that eight three-day reversal patterns with a Caginalp-Laurent holding strategy are profitable after we account for data-snooping bias. We also find that our...

  3. Crude oil hedging: benchmarking price protection strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krapels, Edward N.; Pratt, Michael


    This report presents a review of hedging (protection against a loss) strategies in the crude oil futures and options markets. The introductory section of the report gives details of hedging instruments, and the purposes of hedging crude oil. Hedging strategies including pure futures strategies, pure options strategies, options combination strategies, exotic (Asian) options strategies, and insurance instruments are described. The West Texas intermediate (WTI) market depth, liquidity and hedging effectiveness are examined, and winners and losers, and energy consumers are considered. The appendix gives tables and charts summarising the outcomes of futures and options strategies under different market conditions and expectations. (UK)

  4. Management accounting in support of strategy - a strategy as practice perspective


    Pitcher, GS


    The term Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) was coined in the 1980's to both describe and encourage the development of accounting techniques that addressed strategic decision-making. This prompted the production of books and research papers into SMA techniques. However, there is very little research into how management accounting supports strategy making. Adopting the lens of strategy-as-practice and utilising a narrative research \\ud approach this developmental paper addresses the questio...

  5. Formasi Strategi Di Organisasi Profesional


    Jane, Orpha


    Strategy formation within every organization has a unique characteristics. Profes-sional organizations are an organization that contains number of individuals with aspecific competency and capability. Also its have a structure with a team of expertrather than technostructure. This type of organization, all the member of the organi-zations are involved in formulating the strategy. Top leader has a role as coordinatorin formulating and executing the strategy.

  6. Mining Social Entrepreneurship Strategies Using Topic Modeling (United States)


    Despite the burgeoning research on social entrepreneurship (SE), SE strategies remain poorly understood. Drawing on extant research on the social activism and social change, empowerment and SE models, we explore, classify and validate the strategies used by 2,334 social entrepreneurs affiliated with the world’s largest SE support organization, Ashoka. The results of the topic modeling of the social entrepreneurs’ strategy profiles reveal that they employed a total of 39 change-making strategies that vary across resources (material versus symbolic strategies), specificity (general versus specific strategies), and mode of participation (mass versus elite participation strategies); they also vary across fields of practice and time. Finally, we identify six meta-SE strategies―a reduction from the 39 strategies―and identify four new meta-SE strategies (i.e., system reform, physical capital development, evidence-based practices, and prototyping) that have been overlooked in prior SE research. Our findings extend and deepen the research into SE strategies and offer a comprehensive model of SE strategies that advances theory, practice and policy making. PMID:26998970

  7. Comparison of Value Generation Strategies Between Planned and Emerging Strategies: A Study Based on Games of Companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Paixão Garcez


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the economic results of the planned strategies compared to the emergent strategies in decision-making. The theoretical background emphasizes some aspects, like the strategy concept evolution throughout the time, the typology of strategies proposed by Mintzberg, the comparison between competition and cooperation, and the use of a business simulator as a tool for business research purposes. As a controlled experiment, the EGS simulator (Management Exercise Simulated allowed comparison of the economic results of the two decision-making situations. The findings show that when planned strategies were implemented without corrections, the value generated (expressed by the internal rate of return IRR = 1.51% was greater than in the case of adjusted emerging strategies in three periods (IRR= 1.40%. Comparing the two situations, it is possible to find a value added advantage of 7.86% in favor of the planned strategies, indicating the competition might be responsible for the value decreasing in real environment. Analyzing the performance degrees reached by the competitors, the ranking results show that there is no association between planned strategy and emerging strategies. Although the business simulators can be considered weak approximations for the business environment, the experiment contributed new evidence of the competition rise in oligopoly industries and a new methodological approach for studying this phenomenon.

  8. Links Between Business Strategy and Human Resource Management Strategy in U.S.-Based Japanese Subsidiaries: An Empirical Investigation


    Allan Blrd; Schon Beechler


    This study examines linkages between business strategy and human resource management (HRM) strategy in Japanese subsidiaries in the U.S. It investigates whether or not fit between a subsidiary's business strategy and its HRM strategy is associated with higher performance. The data show that subsidiaries with matched strategies performed better than unmatched ones in terms of HRM-related performance measures such as rates of promotion and turnover. Japanese subsidiaries with a business strateg...

  9. Strategies of Human Mating

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David M. Buss


    Full Text Available Modern humans have inherited the mating strategies that led to the success of their ancestors. These strategies include long-term mating, short-term mating, extra-pair mating, mate poaching, and mate guarding. This article presents empirical evidence supporting evolution-based hypotheses about the complexities of these mating strategies. Since men and women historically confronted different adaptive problems in the mating domain, the sexes differ profoundly in evolved strategic solutions. These differences include possessing different mate preferences, different desires for short-term mating, and differences in the triggers that evoke sexual jealousy. The study of human mating is one of the “success stories” of evolutionary psychology.

  10. Abnormal Returns and Contrarian Strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivana Dall'Agnol


    Full Text Available We test the hypothesis that strategies which are long on portfolios of looser stocks and short on portfolios of winner stocks generate abnormal returns in Brazil. This type of evidence for the US stock market was interpreted by The Bondt and Thaler (1985 as reflecting systematic evaluation mistakes caused by investors overreaction to news related to the firm performance. We found evidence of contrarian strategies profitability for horizons from 3 months to 3 years in a sample of stock returns from BOVESPA and SOMA from 1986 to 2000. The strategies are more profitable for shorter horizons. Therefore, there was no trace of the momentum effect found by Jagadeesh and Titman (1993 for the same horizons with US data. There are remaing unexplained positive returns for contrarian strategies after accounting for risk, size, and liquidity. We also found that the strategy profitability is reduced after the Real Plan, which suggests that the Brazilian stock market became more efficient after inflation stabilization.

  11. Human capital strategy: talent management. (United States)

    Nagra, Michael


    Large organizations, including the US Army Medical Department and the Army Nurse Corps, are people-based organizations. Consequently, effective and efficient management of the human capital within these organizations is a strategic goal for the leadership. Over time, the Department of Defense has used many different systems and strategies to manage people throughout their service life-cycle. The current system in use is called Human Capital Management. In the near future, the Army's human capital will be managed based on skills, knowledge, and behaviors through various measurement tools. This article elaborates the human capital management strategy within the Army Nurse Corps, which identifies, develops, and implements key talent management strategies under the umbrella of the Corps' human capital goals. The talent management strategy solutions are aligned under the Nurse Corps business strategy captured by the 2008 Army Nurse Corps Campaign Plan, and are implemented within the context of the culture and core values of the organization.

  12. A Synthesis of Language Learning Strategies: Current Issues, Problems and Claims Made in Learner Strategy Research (United States)

    Barjesteh, Hamed; Mukundan, Jayakaran; Vaseghi, Reza


    The current paper presented theoretical assumptions behind language learning strategies (LLS) and an overview of methods used to identify learners' strategies, first, and then summarized what have been reported from large number of descriptive studies of strategies by language learners. Moreover, the paper tried to present the variety of…

  13. Marketing Strategy for Merchant Shipbuilders (United States)


    1995 Ship Production Symposium Paper No. 26: Marketing Strategy for Merchant Shipbuilders U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY CARDEROCK DIVISION, NAVAL...Production Symposium Paper No. 26: Marketing Strategy for Merchant Shipbuilders 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6... Marketing Strategy for Merchant Shipbuilders Paul W. Stott (V), A&P Appledore international, U.K. ABSTRACT Much has been published over the years about

  14. Determinants of contractor pricing strategy


    Moses, O. Douglas


    This paper investigates pricing strategies used by major defense contractors. Two pricing strategies are identified and discussed: penetration, which calls for a relatively low initial price followed by little reduction in price over time, and skimming, which calls for a relatively high initial price coupled with greater reduction in price over time. It is argued that contractor pricing strategy will depend on features of the defense program under consideration and featur...

  15. A Taxonomy of Manufacturing Strategies


    Jeffrey G. Miller; Aleda V. Roth


    This paper describes the development and analysis of a numerical taxonomy of manufacturing strategies. The taxonomy was developed with standard methods of cluster analysis, and is based on the relative importance attached to eleven competitive capabilities defining the manufacturing task of 164 large American manufacturing business units. Three distinct clusters of manufacturing strategy groups were observed. Though there is an industry effect, all three manufacturing strategy types are obser...

  16. The processes of strategy development


    Bailey, Andy; Johnson, Gerry


    This paper is concerned with the processes by which strategy is developed within organisations. It builds on research into the nature of strategy development being undertaken within the Centre for Strategic Management and Organisational Change at Cranfield School of Management. Initially the process of strategy development is discussed, a number of explanations of the process are presented and an integrated framework is developed. This framework is subsequently used to illustra...

  17. Cloud computing strategies

    CERN Document Server

    Chorafas, Dimitris N


    A guide to managing cloud projects, Cloud Computing Strategies provides the understanding required to evaluate the technology and determine how it can be best applied to improve business and enhance your overall corporate strategy. Based on extensive research, it examines the opportunities and challenges that loom in the cloud. It explains exactly what cloud computing is, what it has to offer, and calls attention to the important issues management needs to consider before passing the point of no return regarding financial commitments.

  18. Dissemination Strategy Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Badger, Merete; Kjems, Jørgen; Farinetti, Laura

    This report describes the dissemination and exploitation strategy for project Virtual Campus Hub (EU FP7 contract RI-283746). The project duration is October 2011-13 and the dissemination and exploitation plan will be revised continuously during the project’s lifecycle.......This report describes the dissemination and exploitation strategy for project Virtual Campus Hub (EU FP7 contract RI-283746). The project duration is October 2011-13 and the dissemination and exploitation plan will be revised continuously during the project’s lifecycle....

  19. Memory strategies and ESL vocabulary acquisition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carisma Dreyer


    Full Text Available This article compares the effectiveness of three learning strategies (memory strategies for ESL vocabulary acquisition. Four intact ESL classes were divided into one control group and three treatment groups (keyword, semantic, and keyword-semantic. These Afrikaans-speaking standard 6 pupils then received 4 days of instruction. Both multiplechoice and cued-recall instruments were used to measure effects both 1 day and 9 days after instruction. The results indicated that for both the multiple-choice and cued-recall tests the combined keyword-semantic strategy differed statistically Significantly as well as practically significantly from the keyword method. The results, therefore, suggest that the combined keyword-semantic strategy increased retention above the other strategies. Hierdie artikel vergelyk die effektiwiteit van drie taalleerstrategiee (geheue strategiee vir die aanleer van woordeskat met mekaar. Vier intak Engels tweedetaal klasse is verdeel in een kontrole groep en drie eksperimentele groepe (sleutelwoord, semantiese en 'n kombinasie van die sleutelwoord-semantiese strategiee. 'n Groep Afrikaanssprekende standerd ses leerlinge het vir 'n tydperk van vier dae onderrig in elk van bogenoemde strategiee ontvang. Multikeuse en "cued-recall" instrumente is gebruik om die effek van onderrig beide een dag en nege dae na eksperimentering te bepaal. Die resultate het aangetoon dat die gekombineerde sleutelwoord-semantiese strategie statisties betekenisvol sowel as prakties betekenisvol van die sleutelwoord strategie en die kontrole groep verskil het. Dit wil dus voorkom asof die gekombineerde sleutelwoord-semantiese strategie die mees belowende strategie is ten opsigte van die retensie van woordeskat.

  20. Social Distancing Strategies against Disease Spreading (United States)

    Valdez, L. D.; Buono, C.; Macri, P. A.; Braunstein, L. A.


    The recurrent infectious diseases and their increasing impact on the society has promoted the study of strategies to slow down the epidemic spreading. In this review we outline the applications of percolation theory to describe strategies against epidemic spreading on complex networks. We give a general outlook of the relation between link percolation and the susceptible-infected-recovered model, and introduce the node void percolation process to describe the dilution of the network composed by healthy individual, i.e., the network that sustain the functionality of a society. Then, we survey two strategies: the quenched disorder strategy where an heterogeneous distribution of contact intensities is induced in society, and the intermittent social distancing strategy where health individuals are persuaded to avoid contact with their neighbors for intermittent periods of time. Using percolation tools, we show that both strategies may halt the epidemic spreading. Finally, we discuss the role of the transmissibility, i.e., the effective probability to transmit a disease, on the performance of the strategies to slow down the epidemic spreading.

  1. Comprehensive national energy strategy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This Comprehensive National Energy Strategy sets forth a set of five common sense goals for national energy policy: (1) improve the efficiency of the energy system, (2) ensure against energy disruptions, (3) promote energy production and use in ways that respect health and environmental values, (4) expand future energy choices, and (5) cooperate internationally on global issues. These goals are further elaborated by a series of objectives and strategies to illustrate how the goals will be achieved. Taken together, the goals, objectives, and strategies form a blueprint for the specific programs, projects, initiatives, investments, and other actions that will be developed and undertaken by the Federal Government, with significant emphasis on the importance of the scientific and technological advancements that will allow implementation of this Comprehensive National Energy Strategy. Moreover, the statutory requirement of regular submissions of national energy policy plans ensures that this framework can be modified to reflect evolving conditions, such as better knowledge of our surroundings, changes in energy markets, and advances in technology. This Strategy, then, should be thought of as a living document. Finally, this plan benefited from the comments and suggestions of numerous individuals and organizations, both inside and outside of government. The Summary of Public Comments, located at the end of this document, describes the public participation process and summarizes the comments that were received. 8 figs.

  2. Multimodal Strategies of Theorization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cartel, Melodie; Colombero, Sylvain; Boxenbaum, Eva

    This paper examines the role of multimodal strategies in processes of theorization. Empirically, we investigate the theorization process of a highly disruptive innovation in the history of architecture: reinforced concrete. Relying on archival data from a dominant French architectural journal from...... with well-known rhetorical strategies and develop a process model of theorization....

  3. Impact of Strategy Implementation on Performance of Generic Strategy: Evidence from Thailand

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayookapan Chaimankong


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to examine the strategic orientation in terms of Miles and Snow typologies of the firms in emerging country and investigate their implications on performance. Unlike previous research, this paper focuses the importance of strategy implementation to the performance implications of Miles and Snow typology. Data was collected from 111 key informants from firms in Thailand’s chemical industry using probability sampling. The one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA results showed that prospectors performed better than the other three strategic types, whereas reactors exhibited the lowest performance scores. While the success in strategy implementation is found to be a significant predictor of firm performance, the two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA results revealed that the success in strategy implementation did not alter the relationship between Miles and Snow strategic type and a firm’s performance. This finding suggests that the relationship between Miles and Snow strategic type and a firm’s performance may be universal, regardless of the location where the study is conducted. However, additional studies in other contexts are required before the conclusion can be made whether the strategic type performance relationship will be contingent on strategy implementation.

  4. Top-Management Decision Making and Strategies : An Approach to a Theory of Leadership-Initiated Strategies(General Contribution)


    藤田, 東久夫; Tokuo, FUJITA; 株式会社サトー; Sato Corporation


    The article clarifies the relationship between top-management decisions and strategies. Whereas prior theoretical treatments of top-management strategies are both logical and managerial, the author recognizes the ad hoc nature of top-management decisions, which rely upon intuition and inspiration, and proposes a theory of strategies that emerge through top-management leadership. This theory of leadership-initiated strategies sees a balance between leadership and management functions as essent...

  5. National strategy of nuclear power intellectual property

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bo Huaitao


    The IP strategy includes four strategic levels: international level, national level, industry level and enterprise level. The national nuclear power IP strategy is an industry level strategy, which is also one part of national IP strategy, permeating with the IP strategy of the international level and enterprise level mutually. Commencing from the angles of the national level and the industry level, the author tries to provide a reference for IP strategy by an initial study about IP strategy in nuclear power industry.. The author holds that independent innovation is at the root of strategic establishment; enterprise is the main body for strategic implementation; and evaluating index must be consummated in the strategic evaluation. (authors)

  6. Managing price risk - setting and implementing strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haines, D.


    The three hedging strategies for price risk management within the natural gas industry are described. The three strategies are: (1) speculative trader (characterized by 'trading for profit, i.e. small margin/large volumes); (2) price optimizer (the objective here is to outperform the market in the establishment of a price); and (3) strategic hedger( the characteristic concern in this strategy is to manage long-term company goals, i.e. balance sheet orientation). The strategies are not mutually exclusive, but overlapping areas can be the source of considerable confusion. Any firm can enter into more than one of these strategies. Integrated companies will adopt very different strategies for upstream versus downstream operations. Details of the three strategies are provided

  7. Energy policy, strategies for uncertainty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, P.L.; Surrey, A.J.


    The subject is dealt with in chapters, entitled: energy policy-objectives, strategies and policies; the 1967 fuel policy; problems of the optimising approach; the uncertain outlook; oil; coal; gas; electricity; the interdependence of the four fuel industries; energy policy for the future - the need for a long-term strategy; medium-term strategies and short-term policies; the organisational decisions of energy policy. Nuclear power is included in the subject matter. (U.K.)

  8. Marketingová strategie


    Novotná, Markéta


    The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyse and evaluate the marketing strategy of and recommend improvements of the current strategy. Theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with the basic concept of marketing and the definition of marketing process. Second chapter defines the process of marketing planning and the third chapter offers basic theoretical approaches for the formulation of product, pricing, promotional and distribution strategy, which are...

  9. Toolbox of teaching strategies in nurse education

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jie-hui Xu


    There are a variety of teaching strategies that instructors can use to improve student learning. It is of great importance to select appropriate teaching strategies in nurse education to make the training more appealing and more effective. In this article, ten teaching strategies will be introduced to help instructors learn how to involve the teaching strategy in the nurse education. If using these strategies well, students are more likely to memorize the information associated with the lesson. Selection of teaching strategies appropriately is of great importance for nurse educators to deliver high-quality education.

  10. The Search for Suitable Strategy: Threat-Based and Capabilities-Based Strategies in a Complex World (United States)


    the 1973 Arab-Israeli War show that the true path to suitable strategy is a measure of forethought and theoretical planning exercises to shape habits a measure of forethought and theoretical planning exercises to shape habits of thought and identify risks or shortcomings inherent in a chosen...political direction to the military instrument of power , while military strategy links military means to those 22 Oxford Dictionaries, s.v. “Strategy

  11. Pricing strategies for information goods

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Pricing strategies; information goods; bundling and versioning strategies; ... variety of industries including books, music, entertainment, gaming and education. ... Decision and Information Technologies Department, Robert H Smith School of ...

  12. National Strategies for Technological Innovation (United States)

    Rossini, Frederick; Bozeman, Barry


    Considers the implications of the technological innovation literature for possible national strategies for innovation. Sketches highly generalized innovation strategies for nations at various levels of technological development. (Author/IRT)

  13. Strategi i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Michael Jessen; Jenster, Per; Junghagen, Sven

    Præsentation af seks danske små og mellemstore virksomheder, som alle har været succesfulde inden for deres metier. Gennem en belysning af hver virksomheds strategiske situation og udviklingsinitiativer skabes et billede af hvorledes strategi praktiseres i disse virksomheder......Præsentation af seks danske små og mellemstore virksomheder, som alle har været succesfulde inden for deres metier. Gennem en belysning af hver virksomheds strategiske situation og udviklingsinitiativer skabes et billede af hvorledes strategi praktiseres i disse virksomheder...

  14. Resilient Grid Operational Strategies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pasqualini, Donatella [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Extreme weather-related disturbances, such as hurricanes, are a leading cause of grid outages historically. Although physical asset hardening is perhaps the most common way to mitigate the impacts of severe weather, operational strategies may be deployed to limit the extent of societal and economic losses associated with weather-related physical damage.1 The purpose of this study is to examine bulk power-system operational strategies that can be deployed to mitigate the impact of severe weather disruptions caused by hurricanes, thereby increasing grid resilience to maintain continuity of critical infrastructure during extreme weather. To estimate the impacts of resilient grid operational strategies, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) developed a framework for hurricane probabilistic risk analysis (PRA). The probabilistic nature of this framework allows us to estimate the probability distribution of likely impacts, as opposed to the worst-case impacts. The project scope does not include strategies that are not operations related, such as transmission system hardening (e.g., undergrounding, transmission tower reinforcement and substation flood protection) and solutions in the distribution network.

  15. q-Strategy spatial prisoner's dilemma game

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Zhi-Hua, E-mail: [Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 (China); Fan, Hong-Yi [Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 (China); Xu, Wen-Long [School of Computer Science and Technology, Beihang University, Beijing 100083 (China); Yang, Han-Xin [Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 (China)


    We generalize the usual two-strategy prisoner's dilemma game to a multi-strategy game, in which the strategy variable s is allowed to take q different fractional values lying between 0 and 1. The fractional-valued strategies signify that individuals are not absolutely cooperative or defective, instead they can adopt intermediate strategies. Simulation results on 1D and 2D lattices show that, compared with the binary strategy game, the multi-strategy game can sustain cooperation in more stringent defective environments. We give a comprehensive analysis of the distributions of the survived strategies and we compare pairwise the relative strength and weakness of different strategies. It turns out that some intermediate strategies survive the pure defection because they can reduce being exploited and at the same time benefit from the spatial reciprocity effect. Our work may shed some light on the intermediate behaviors in human society. -- Highlights: → We propose a q-strategy prisoner's dilemma game with intermediate strategies. → The intermediate strategies characterize the extent of cooperation or defection. → We implement the model in a structured population. → The intermediate strategies can promote cooperation.

  16. China's Maritime Strategy Peaceful Rise

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Horrell, Steven L


    .... As a result the global maritime environment will be key to this continental power's continued growth As a subset of maritime strategy China's naval strategy and accompanying People's Liberation Army...

  17. How to the development strategy of Serbia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Popov Đorđe


    Full Text Available Experiences, especially those countries that in their development have achieved results above average confirmed the need for preparing and implementation the development strategy for Serbia. Preparation of strategy requires an intellectual effort. It requires the collection, analysis and evaluation of a series of data and trends in the country and in the world. Before starting work on the strategy there is a need to formulate what can be considered as a strategy. Serbia has a total of 120 strategies. It could not be just each document, regardless of title ,is a strategy. Development of the strategy must be delegated to the experts who are not compromised with actively participation in the destruction of the Serbian economy in the past decade. The strategy should clearly define the desired model of the economy. The strategy must be focused on the primary goal: growing production and employment. Serbia must redeveloped the industry. Foreign investments are important, but they can not substitute investments from domestic sources. Quality education, production and quality and uncorrupted public administration are the basic prerequisites for the successful economic development.

  18. Operations Strategy in practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rytter, Niels Gorm; Koch, Christian; Boer, Harry


    In this paper, we describe and illustrate a new, action-based longitudinal case study approach, which aims at helping scholars narrow the gap between the theory and practice of Operations Strategy (OS). First, we elaborate on the need for new research methods for studying OS in practice. Then, we...... and disadvantages of the method. Finally, we draw conclusions on its potential for operations strategy and operations management studies.......In this paper, we describe and illustrate a new, action-based longitudinal case study approach, which aims at helping scholars narrow the gap between the theory and practice of Operations Strategy (OS). First, we elaborate on the need for new research methods for studying OS in practice. Then, we...

  19. Compositional Advantage and Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Xin

    In this paper, I first critique the composition-based view of Yadong Luo and John Child for understanding how resource-poor firms survive and thrive. To remedy the deficiencies in their perspective, I then propose a dynamic theory of compositional advantage and strategy. Here, the compositional...... advantage is redefined as the attractiveness of the composition of the producer’s offering in terms of scope and perceived value/price ratio. I identify five ways or basic compositional strategies to improve the value/price ratio. A firm may have an overall compositional strategy that is composed of some...... of the present theory to understanding Chinese firms. I conclude with managerial implications and suggestions for future research....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Fauzanul Hakim Abdurrahim


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study were to identify and review external and internal factors influencing Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Indonesia (BPBPI in achieving its vision and mission, to set up alternative development strategies in BPBPI and to formulate priority strategies for development of BPBPI. Descriptive analysis method were used in this study is. The analysis tools being used in this study were environmental analysis, internal factor evaluation, external factor evaluation, internal external matrix (IE, strengths weaknesses opportunities threats (SWOT and combination of analytical hierarchy process (AHP and SWOT. Using IE Matrix, the company were indicated to be in the position of Quadrant V, which is ‘hold and maintain’ position with general strategy is market penetration and product development. Based on the results of SWOT analysis, were identified six alternative strategies that can be recommended in the development BPBPI is (1 Market penetration strategy through development new products and improved distribution network, (2 Finding an alternative sources of new organic raw materials and cheap as well has a lots availability, (3 Improvement on BPBPI’s products promotional strategy through road show to consumers in periodical, (4 Strategy optimization experimental farm through planting excellence seeds, (5 Conducting strategic research to generating unique products and has a high value selling as well broad market, (6 Improve welfare expert for the creation of conducive working atmosphere. Priority strategy with highest total efficiency values (18,15% obtained from AWOT were conducting strategic research to generating unique products and has a high value selling as well broad market.Keywords: development strategy, BPBPI, AWOT, SWOTABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang Memengaruhi BPBPI dalam mencapai visi dan misinya, menyusun alternatif strategi pengembangan di BPBPI

  1. Satisfiability of ATL with strategy contexts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    François Laroussinie


    Full Text Available Various extensions of the temporal logic ATL have recently been introduced to express rich properties of multi-agent systems. Among these, ATLsc extends ATL with strategy contexts, while Strategy Logic has first-order quantification over strategies. There is a price to pay for the rich expressiveness of these logics: model-checking is non-elementary, and satisfiability is undecidable. We prove in this paper that satisfiability is decidable in several special cases. The most important one is when restricting to turn-based games. We prove that decidability also holds for concurrent games if the number of moves available to the agents is bounded. Finally, we prove that restricting strategy quantification to memoryless strategies brings back undecidability.

  2. Emotion regulation strategies in preschool children. (United States)

    Sala, Maria Nives; Pons, Francisco; Molina, Paola


    This study investigated the development of emotion regulation strategies as reflected in the narratives of children between the ages of 3 and 6 years. An experimental procedure based on story completion tasks was devised to elicit the emotion-related narratives of 69 preschool children. Coding of the narratives led to the observation of different emotion regulation strategies: Behavioural strategies, social support, and cognitive reappraisal. Several significant gender and age differences were identified in the use of these strategies. In addition, verbal skills, non-verbal intelligence, and emotion comprehension were found to be associated with use of the observed emotion regulation strategies, although only at specific ages. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.

  3. Voyager 2 Uranus targeting strategy (United States)

    Cesarone, R. J.; Gray, D. L.; Potts, C. L.; Francis, K.


    One of the major challenges involved in the Voyager 2 Uranus flyby is to deliver the spacecraft to an appropriate aimpoint at the optimum time, so as to maximize the science return of the mission, while yet keeping propellant expenditure low. An unusual targeting strategy has been devised to satisfy these requirements. Its complexity arises from the great distance of the planet Uranus and the limited performance capabilities of Voyager. This selected strategy is developed in relation to a set of candidate strategies, mission requirements and shifting science objectives. The analysis of these candidates is conducted via a Monte Carlo simulation, the results of which yield data for the comparative evaluation and eventual and selection of the actual targeting strategy to be employed.

  4. Institutional distance and local isomorphism strategy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Salomon, R.; Wu, Z.


    Firms face disadvantages when operating abroad. To overcome these disadvantages, foreign firms often adopt mitigating strategies. One such strategy is to imitate the practices of domestic firms (i.e., pursuing a strategy of local isomorphism). We understand little, however, about how firms vary in

  5. 48 CFR 34.004 - Acquisition strategy. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Acquisition strategy. 34... CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING MAJOR SYSTEM ACQUISITION General 34.004 Acquisition strategy. The program manager, as specified in agency procedures, shall develop an acquisition strategy tailored to the particular...

  6. 48 CFR 3034.004 - Acquisition strategy. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Acquisition strategy. 3034.004 Section 3034.004 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, HOMELAND... Acquisition strategy. See (HSAR) 48 CFR 3009.570 for policy applicable to acquisition strategies that consider...

  7. Strategieën van burgerinitiatieven


    Dam, van, R.I.; Salverda, I.E.; During, R.


    In dit onderzoek wordt verder ingegaan op de relatie burgerinitiatief en overheid, met een focus op strategieën. Net zoals de overheid zelf maken ook burgerinitiatieven gebruik van strategieën. De term strategie veronderstelt iets programmatisch wat doelen en middelen op eenduidige wijze aan elkaar verbindt. Burgerinitiatieven zijn uit op het realiseren van iets, op het beïnvloeden van hun omgeving om hun plan werkelijk te maken. In deze studie worden burgerinitiatieven geanalyseerd. Achteree...



    Jusuf ZEKIRI; Alexandru NEDELEA


    This paper is organized in three parts. A brief overview of the importance of strategies within companies, as well as literature review is presented along with traditional approaches on strategies for achieving competitive advantage, and new approaches for gaining a competitive advantage. The main objective of the paper is to outline and discuss the relevant issues and challenges from a theoretical viewpoint related with the possible strategy formulation of companies in order to achieve a com...

  9. Implementing marketing strategy (Part four). (United States)

    Dodson, D C; Dotson, M; McIlwain, T F; Young, D


    Every organization must monitor and evaluate the performance of its marketing strategies. The health care marketer must continually develop effective measures related to outcomes so that marketing efforts can be justified and garnish the support and resources they deserve. A major task for the marketing executive for the next decade is to develop marketing strategies and prove that those strategies are being met and that they help the health care organization carry out its objective to meet its mission.

  10. Strategy Assessment of Company ECOPOSTES


    Cortazar Sanabria, Javier Mauricio


    This thesis focuses on developing a research on the different types of strategies a company can implement depending on their situation and the various analyses that must be completed before making the strategy decision. External and internal environment methods are described together with the various forms of corporate restructure methods a company can use if needed. The whole process is followed step by step to provide a strategy assessment to company Ecopostes, a Colombian company focused o...

  11. Marketingová strategie Maxima pojišťovny


    Šafrová, Gabriela


    The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of marketing strategy of an insurance company Maxima pojišťovna, a.s. and its aim is to asses current strategy and to propose recommendations for its improvement. In the theoretical part of the thesis I describe how is a marketing strategy made and I also cover the content of distribution strategy, price strategy, product strategy and communication strategy. In the practical part I focus on the Maxima's marketing strategy and I describe its produ...

  12. National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Schwalm, Keith T


    ... of a national strategy for securing cyberspace. The approach explored the development of cyber technology strategies and programs related to the mission and roles of Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency...

  13. Entrepreneurial Barriers to Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elkjær, Jørgen Ravn


    En begrænsende faktor for strategisk ledelse er ofte iværksætterens uddannelse og erfaring, som efter en del forskningsbidrag synes at både fremme og hæmme bestemte strategie. Desuden kan der i hierarkier være en tendens til at opretholde de strategier, som blev dannet ved stiftelsen. Organisator...

  14. Introduction: Experimental Green Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peters, Terri


    Defining new ways in which archietcts are responding to the challenge of creating sustainable architecture , Experimental Green Strategies present a state of the art in applied ecological architectural research.......Defining new ways in which archietcts are responding to the challenge of creating sustainable architecture , Experimental Green Strategies present a state of the art in applied ecological architectural research....

  15. Strategies for Competitive Volleyball. (United States)

    Fraser, Stephen D.

    This book deals with strategies and team tactics involved in the game of volleyball. It is not intended to be an instructional book on how to execute the various skills required to play volleyball but instead endeavors to detail and explain basic tactics and strategies involved in volleyball team play. Each chapter deals with major areas of team…

  16. The Effects of Cost Leadership Strategy and Product Differentiation Strategy on the Performance of Firms


    Hashem Valipour; Hamid Birjandi; Samira Honarbakhsh


    This study empirically investigates the effects of business strategies on the relationship between financial leverage and the performance of firms. The research data is collected from 45 firms in the Tehran Security Exchange (TSE) during 2003-2010.The statistical technique is used to examine the assumption of multiple regressions. To test the assumptions, firms were divided into 2 groups: firms with cost leadership strategy and firms with product differentiation strategy. The results indicate...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kartika Nuswantara


    Full Text Available Recognizing our own learning strategies is an effective way to help ourselves to self evaluate for what we have done in our own learning. One among other factors leading to a successful learning is due to the effective learning strategies. However, not all learners are aware of what they have been doing in learning, or they even sometimes do not know how to learn. If this is the problem, learning strategy training can be very beneficial for the learners with this problem. Why should be through strategy training? The answer might lie on the fact that strategy is quite amenable to change, and by nature, teachable as well as learneable (Oxford, 1990. In addition, Nuswantara (2008 also found out that the successful learners (i.e. in learning English were triggered by the courage of using various learning strategies, the more varied the learners are willing to try out, the broader the chance for success. Training is the way that can be selected to present to the learners’ various strategies that they can choose and at the same time employ when learning is taken place. Moreover, by means of training, learners are made aware of the strategy, and they can mend their own strategy, as a result, they become more self - directed rather than dependent. This article attempts to frame out from the perspective of how to bring reading strategies that are applicable for handling various reading content texts to the learners, and present the result of a one-group experimental study. Thus, training is prepared for college learners who are inevitably deal with various English content textbooks and the final aim of the training is to improve learners’ study skills. Then, one group experimental study using correlated sample provides some evidences supporting the effectiveness of the training. Specifying on reading strategies, SQ3R that is joined with other learning strategies involving writing activity, annotating a text and paraphrasing/summarizing is exposed to

  18. Memory-n strategies of direct reciprocity. (United States)

    Hilbe, Christian; Martinez-Vaquero, Luis A; Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Nowak, Martin A


    Humans routinely use conditionally cooperative strategies when interacting in repeated social dilemmas. They are more likely to cooperate if others cooperated before, and are ready to retaliate if others defected. To capture the emergence of reciprocity, most previous models consider subjects who can only choose from a restricted set of representative strategies, or who react to the outcome of the very last round only. As players memorize more rounds, the dimension of the strategy space increases exponentially. This increasing computational complexity renders simulations for individuals with higher cognitive abilities infeasible, especially if multiplayer interactions are taken into account. Here, we take an axiomatic approach instead. We propose several properties that a robust cooperative strategy for a repeated multiplayer dilemma should have. These properties naturally lead to a unique class of cooperative strategies, which contains the classical Win-Stay Lose-Shift rule as a special case. A comprehensive numerical analysis for the prisoner's dilemma and for the public goods game suggests that strategies of this class readily evolve across various memory- n spaces. Our results reveal that successful strategies depend not only on how cooperative others were in the past but also on the respective context of cooperation.

  19. Oncological strategies for locally advanced rectal cancer with synchronous liver metastases, interval strategy versus rectum first strategy: a comparison of short-term outcomes. (United States)

    Salvador-Rosés, H; López-Ben, S; Casellas-Robert, M; Planellas, P; Gómez-Romeu, N; Farrés, R; Ramos, E; Codina-Cazador, A; Figueras, J


    The goal of treatment for patients with synchronous liver metastases (SLM) from rectal cancer is to achieve a complete resection of both tumor locations. For patients with symptomatic locally advanced rectal cancer with resectable SLM at diagnosis, our usual strategy has been the rectum first approach (RF). However, since 2014, we advocate for the interval approach (IS) that involves the administration of chemo-radiotherapy followed by the resection of the SLM in the interval of time between rectal cancer radiation and rectal surgery. From 2010 to 2016, 16 patients were treated according to this new strategy and 19 were treated according RF strategy. Data were collected prospectively and analyzed with an intention-to-treat perspective. Complete resection rate, duration of the treatment and morbi-mortality were the main outcomes. The complete resection rate in the IS was higher (100%, n = 16) compared to the RF (74%, n = 14, p = 0.049) and the duration of the strategy was shorter (6 vs. 9 months, respectively, p = 0.006). The incidence of severe complications after liver surgery was 14% (n = 2) in the RF and 0% in the IS (p = 1.000), and after rectal surgery was 24% (n = 4) and 12% (n = 2), respectively (p = 1.000). The IS is a feasible and safe strategy that procures higher level of complete resection rate in a shorter period of time compared to RF strategy.

  20. The Dialectical Nature of Business Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerding, Allan Næs; Rasmussen, Jørgen Gulddahl

    Based on a theoretical overview and empirical observations, the paper discusses a variety of concepts of strategy. The main argument is that even though the concepts of strategy mostly reflect the perception of science at the macro-sociological level, the research field of strategy seems keen on ...... on mixing paradigms. The paper arrives at the argument that contemporary scholarly activities may benefit from viewing strategy as a dialectical phenomenon in terms of a continuous transposition of managerial decision making situations....

  1. Modeling and Generating Strategy Games Mechanics


    Mahlmann, Tobias


    Strategy games are a popular genre of games with a long history, originatingfrom games like Chess or Go. The first strategy games were published as“Kriegspiele” (engl. wargames) in the late 18th century, intended for the education of young cadets. Since then strategy games were refined and transformed over two centuries into a medium of entertainment. Today’s computer strategy games have their roots in the board- and roleplaying games of the 20th century and enjoy great popularity. We use str...

  2. Knowledge Governance Strategies in Project-based Organizations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pemsel, Sofia; Müller, Ralf; Söderlund, Jonas


    Knowledge governance (KG) aims at strategically influencing knowledge processes by implementing governance mechanisms. Little is known about whether, how, or why such strategies differ among firms. We utilize a large-scale empirical study of 20 organizations to develop a typology of KG strategies...... in project-based organizations; we then explore how these strategies emerge and affect organizational knowledge processes. Six strategies are identified: Protector, Deliverer, Polisher, Explorer, Supporter, and Analyzer. This paper posits a multi-level categorization model to facilitate comparisons among KG...... strategies. We uncover three main drivers of organizations' chosen knowledge governance strategies-namely, attitudes about humans, knowledge, and knowledge control....

  3. An optimal tuning strategy for tidal turbines. (United States)

    Vennell, Ross


    Tuning wind and tidal turbines is critical to maximizing their power output. Adopting a wind turbine tuning strategy of maximizing the output at any given time is shown to be an extremely poor strategy for large arrays of tidal turbines in channels. This 'impatient-tuning strategy' results in far lower power output, much higher structural loads and greater environmental impacts due to flow reduction than an existing 'patient-tuning strategy' which maximizes the power output averaged over the tidal cycle. This paper presents a 'smart patient tuning strategy', which can increase array output by up to 35% over the existing strategy. This smart strategy forgoes some power generation early in the half tidal cycle in order to allow stronger flows to develop later in the cycle. It extracts enough power from these stronger flows to produce more power from the cycle as a whole than the existing strategy. Surprisingly, the smart strategy can often extract more power without increasing maximum structural loads on the turbines, while also maintaining stronger flows along the channel. This paper also shows that, counterintuitively, for some tuning strategies imposing a cap on turbine power output to limit loads can increase a turbine's average power output.

  4. Revealing the Effectivenesses of Communication Strategies (United States)

    Lin, Grace Hui Chin


    The purpose of this study is to report the history of communication strategy and highlight the importance of strategic competence. It provides the histories and characterizations of communication strategy. Besides, it presents from which perspectives these definitions of communication strategies were developed. Various earlier and latter…

  5. Developing Action Plans Based on Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carstensen, Peter H.; Vinter, Otto


    The authors have performed a thorough study of the change strategy literature that is the foundation for the 10 overall change strategies defined in ISO/IEC 33014. Then the authors identified eight aspects that should be considered when developing the concrete actions for executing the strategy....

  6. Pricing Strategies for CD-ROM Products. (United States)

    Rowley, J. E.


    Pricing strategies for subscriptions and licenses for CD-ROMs are different for single users and networks. The basic components of pricing strategies are charges for subscription, connect line, display/print, telecommunication, session rate, special commands, and special services. Highlights selected supplier pricing strategies for single users…

  7. The Motive--Strategy Congruence Model Revisited. (United States)

    Watkins, David; Hattie, John


    Research with 1,266 Australian secondary school students supports 2 propositions critical to the motive-strategy congruence model of J. B. Biggs (1985). Students tend to use learning strategies congruent with motivation for learning, and congruent motive-strategy combinations are associated with higher average school grades. (SLD)

  8. 48 CFR 234.004 - Acquisition strategy. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Acquisition strategy. 234..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING MAJOR SYSTEM ACQUISITION 234.004 Acquisition strategy. (1) See 209.570 for policy applicable to acquisition strategies that consider the use of lead system...

  9. Emergency response strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrilo, D.; Dias de la Cruz, F.


    In the present study is estimated, on the basis of a release category (PWR4) and several accident scenarios previously set up, the emergency response efficacy obtained in the application of different response strategies on each of the above mentioned scenarios. The studied strategies contemplate the following protective measures: evacuation, shelter and relocation. The radiological response has been obtained by means of CRAC2 (Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences) code, and calculated in terms of absorbed dose equivalent (Whole body and thyroid), as well as early and latent biological effects. (author)

  10. Optimizing decommissioning strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Passant, F.H.


    Many different approaches can be considered for achieving satisfactory decommissioning of nuclear installations. These can embrace several different engineering actions at several stages, with time variations between the stages. Multi-attribute analysis can be used to help in the decision making process and to establish the optimum strategy. It has been used in the Usa and the UK to help in selecting preferred sites for radioactive waste repositories, and also in UK to help with the choice of preferred sites for locating PWR stations, and in selecting optimum decommissioning strategies

  11. Department of Energy licensing strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frei, M.W.


    The Department of Energy (DOE) is authorized by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (Act) to site, design, construct, and operate mined geologic repositories for high-level radioactive wastes and is required to obtain licenses from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to achieve that mandate. To this end the DOE has developed a licensing approach which defines program strategies and which will facilitate and ease the licensing process. This paper will discuss the regulatory framework within which the repository program is conducted, the DOE licensing strategy, and the interactions between DOE and NRC in implementing the strategy. A licensing strategy is made necessary by the unique technical nature of the repository. Such a facility has never before been licensed; furthermore, the duration of isolation of waste demanded by the proposed EPA standard will require a degree of reliance on probabilistic performance assessment as proof of compliance that is a first of a kind for any industry. The licensing strategy is also made necessary by the complex interrelationships among the many involved governmental agencies and even within DOE itself, and because these relationships will change with time. Program activities which recognize these relationships are essential for implementing the Act. The guiding principle in this strategy is an overriding commitment to safeguarding public health and safety and to protecting the environment

  12. INL Vision and Strategy 2015

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pillai, Rekha Sukamar


    This Laboratory vision and strategy presents INL's vision and strategy for the Laboratory and is our introduction to a special place dedicated to improving our nation's energy security future.

  13. Differential use of learning strategies in first-year higher education: the impact of personality, academic motivation, and teaching strategies. (United States)

    Donche, Vincent; De Maeyer, Sven; Coertjens, Liesje; Van Daal, Tine; Van Petegem, Peter


    Although the evidence in support of the variability of students' learning strategies has expanded in recent years, less is known about the explanatory base of these individual differences in terms of the joint influences of personal and contextual characteristics. Previous studies have often investigated how student learning is associated with either personal or contextual factors. This study takes an integrative research perspective into account and examines the joint effects of personality, academic motivation, and teaching strategies on students' learning strategies in a same educational context in first-year higher education. In this study, 1,126 undergraduate students and 90 lecturers from eight professional bachelor programmes in a university college participated. Self-report measures were used to measure students' personality, academic motivation, and learning strategies. Students' processing and regulation strategies are mapped using the Inventory of Learning Styles. Key characteristics of more content-focused versus learning-focused teaching strategies were measured. Multivariate multi-level analysis was used to take the nested data structure and interrelatedness of learning strategies into account. Different personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism) and academic motivation (amotivation, autonomous, and controlled motivation) were found to be independently associated with student learning strategies. Besides these student characteristics, also teaching strategies were found to be directly associated with learning strategies. The study makes clear that the impact of teaching strategies on learning strategies in first-year higher education cannot be overlooked nor overinterpreted, due to the importance of students' personality and academic motivation which also partly explain why students learn the way they do. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.

  14. Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Third Edition (United States)

    Denzin, Norman K., Ed.; Lincoln, Yvonna S., Ed.


    "Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Third Edition," the second volume in the paperback version of "The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3rd Edition," consists of Part III of the handbook ("Strategies of Inquiry"). "Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Third Edition" presents the major tactics--historically, the research methods--that…

  15. Corporate Strategies in Global Investment Business

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetiana Frolova


    Full Text Available The article deals with topical issues of the development of corporate strategies for businesses. We proposed the classification and defined the ways to implement corporate strategies. We also analysed the current trends in the development of global corporate strategies mainly implemented through mergers and acquisitions.

  16. 24 CFR 954.103 - Housing strategy. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Housing strategy. 954.103 Section... INDIAN HOME PROGRAM Applying for Assistance § 954.103 Housing strategy. Grantees are not required to submit a housing strategy to receive HOME funds. However, the application must demonstrate how the...

  17. Communication: essential strategies for success. (United States)

    O'Connor, Mary


    This department highlights change management strategies that may be successful in strategically planning and executing organizational change initiatives. With the goal of presenting practical approaches helpful to nurse leaders advance organizational change, content includes evidence-based projects, tool, and resources that mobilize and sustain organizational change initiatives. In this article, the author discusses strategies for communication for change processes, whether large or small. Intentional planning and development of a communication strategy alongside, not as an afterthought, to change initiatives are essential.

  18. Marketing strategy of the selected company


    Vodstrčilová, Kateřina


    This bachelor thesis deals with the marketing strategy of the company Náš grunt, s.r.o., the operator of the farm food concept Náš grunt. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the marketing strategy of the company and to suggest possible improvements. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the marketing, the marketing process, the marketing strategy, the marketing mix and SWOT analysis. The practical part is based on the situation analysis and the marketing strategy of the company Náš...

  19. Adaptive strategies for cumulative cultural learning. (United States)

    Ehn, Micael; Laland, Kevin


    The demographic and ecological success of our species is frequently attributed to our capacity for cumulative culture. However, it is not yet known how humans combine social and asocial learning to generate effective strategies for learning in a cumulative cultural context. Here we explore how cumulative culture influences the relative merits of various pure and conditional learning strategies, including pure asocial and social learning, critical social learning, conditional social learning and individual refiner strategies. We replicate the Rogers' paradox in the cumulative setting. However, our analysis suggests that strategies that resolved Rogers' paradox in a non-cumulative setting may not necessarily evolve in a cumulative setting, thus different strategies will optimize cumulative and non-cumulative cultural learning. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Strategie modrého oceánu


    Reiman, Yuliya


    The subject of my bachelor's thesis is "Blue Ocean Strategy". The main goal of this work is to explain the problems of Blue Ocean Strategy, which is the actual trend in the market. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part describes what it is competitiveness, competitive advantage, Porter's five forces model and its competitive strategies further build on the Blue Ocean Strategy, value innovation, analytical tools and system framework of strategy and attributes that well-developed...

  1. Exit-strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørck, Line Lerche; Palm, Anne-Mette; Sys Møller-Andersen, Camilla

    different empirical sources. To develop and extend an "exit-prototype" about conditions of importance for moving beyond a gang/criminal position, we have analyzed documents (from newspapers and books), involved ex-gang members, social workers and experts as co-researchers in interviews, "gang......This paper is about exit-strategies, constructing a theoretical and empirical informed analysis of current societal conditions that influence motor cycle gangs such as Hells Angels or Bandidos and other ‘wild' youth' possibilities and limitations for moving beyond criminal activities. We especially...... focus on the involved communities in the current Danish gang-conflict, which escalated with deadly killings in 2008, and thereby became a so called "gang-war". We will start out presenting different practice notions of exit, and we will extend and discuss understandings of "exit-strategies" by analyzing...

  2. Study Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Camilla Kirketerp; Noer, Vibeke Røn

    and theory forms the basis of the research. Veterinary students have been followed through alternating learning contexts referring to both the scholastic academic classrooms and workplaces in commercial pig herds as well as to group work and game-based situations in a mandatory master course - ”the pig...... as a student´ and the process of professionalization. By maintaining the position of focusing upon the education as a situated and formative trajectory, the comparative analysis shows how students in profession-oriented educational settings manage the challenges of education and use study strategies......ID: 1277 / 22 SES 06 B: 2 22. Research in Higher Education Format of Presentation: Paper Alternative EERA Network: 19. Ethnography Topics: NW 22: Teaching, learning and assessment in higher education Keywords: Profession-oriented learning, study strategies, professionalisation processes...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Asep Fathur Rozi


    Pengembangan sumberdaya manusia dipengaruhi kualitas lembaga pendidikan. Kualitas lembaga pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh visi dan misi lembaga tersebut. Perumusan visi dan misi lembaga melibatkan stakeholder yang sudah di tentukan oleh lembaga. Faktor yang meny ebabkan mutu pendidikan kurang berhasil antara lain, strategi pendidikan yang bersifat input oriented dan pengelolaan pendidikan selama ini lebih bersifat macro-oriented. Setelah penyusunan visi dan misi, lembaga merumuskan rencana strategis. Strategi merupakan kebijakan penting dari lembaga sebagai patokan dalam pembuatan program kelembagaan. Usaha yang bisa dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan untuk meningkatkan mutu institusi, antara lain: menyiapkan pemimpin yang berkualitas, merumuskan visi dan misi dengan ciri khas yang hanya dimiliki oleh intitusi, merumuskan strategi dalam rangka mewujudkan tujuan institusi, meningkatkan kemampuan sumberdaya manusia, melakukan survei pasar, melengkapi sarana dan prasarana, manajemen keuangan, menjalin kerjasama dengan stakeholder, merawat konsistensi mutu.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tripitono Adi Prabowo


    Full Text Available The aim in this study was to determine the development strategy of the region Agropolitan Nganjuk by knowing the internal factors and external factors that exist in Nganjuk. The method used in this research is SWOT analysis to identify the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and challenges in the development of the area Agropolitan in Nganjuk so it can determine its development strategy. The results this study is the development strategy that can be used is divided into three stages: 1 Incubation, equating the vision of all stakeholders, 2 implementation, the implementation of development strategies that have been defined, 3 Exit Strategy, strategy development and renewal.

  5. Latent Class Analysis of Students' Mathematics Learning Strategies and the Relationship between Learning Strategy and Mathematical Literacy (United States)

    Lin, Su-Wei; Tai, Wen-Chun


    This study investigated how various mathematics learning strategies affect the mathematical literacy of students. The data for this study were obtained from the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data of Taiwan. The PISA learning strategy survey contains three types of learning strategies: elaboration, control, and…

  6. Learning Strategy Training in English Teaching (United States)

    Arulselvi, M. Evangelin


    The fundamental task of schools is to endow students with strategies, which enable them to elaborate, transform, contrast and critically rebuild knowledge, that develops strategic knowledge. Learning strategy is the specific action to make the students better in learning a second language. Learning Strategy Training is based on problems the…



    Pashkus N.A; Pashkus V.


    The article discusses the possibility of using active marketing strategies for promoting the results of university’s innovations. Benefits, that can be obtained by university through its strategy of breakthrough positioning explored

  8. PHA Corporate Strategy 2011-2015


    Public Health Agency


    The PHA Corporate Strategy has been developed with input from staff across the PHA and taking account of feedback from external stakeholders.� It is a high level document, setting out the direction for the PHA over the next few years, and will be supported by the annual PHA Corporate Business Plan, Directorate Business Plans and the Joint Commissioning Plan.� The Strategy was approved by the PHA board at the November 2011 board meeting.�The PHA Corporate strategy sets out the role, direction ...

  9. Pain Coping Strategies for Children with Arthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kim J. Rosenzweig


    Full Text Available Objective. To present information on pain management strategies for children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA. Methods. The second author developed a manual to present pain management strategies to children. The use of the manual was pilot-tested with a group of children with JIA. Telephone interviews were used to gather information on implementation of pain management strategies. Results. Children were able to implement the pain management strategies. Children reported a reduction in daily pain experiences related to JIA when using the pain management strategies. Conclusions. The pain management strategies were successful as an adjunctive intervention for short-term pain management. Pain symptoms related to JIA can severely limit children's participation in daily activities. Further study on how children use pain management strategies to improve their involvement in daily activities will provide useful clinical information.

  10. 21 CFR 7.42 - Recall strategy. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Recall strategy. 7.42 Section 7.42 Food and Drugs....42 Recall strategy. (a) General. (1) A recall strategy that takes into account the following factors... in the market-place. (v) Continued availability of essential products. (2) The Food and Drug...

  11. 29 CFR 42.6 - Enforcement strategy. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Enforcement strategy. 42.6 Section 42.6 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT § 42.6 Enforcement strategy. (a) Each Regional Farm Labor... enforcement strategy for each protective statute pursuant to § 42.20(c)(3). The National Committee shall...

  12. Management strategies for fibromyalgia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Le Marshall KF


    Full Text Available Kim Francis Le Marshall, Geoffrey Owen LittlejohnDepartments of Rheumatology and Medicine, Monash Medical Centre and Monash University, Victoria, AustraliaDate of preparation: 14 June 2011Clinical question: What are the effective, evidence-based strategies available for the management of fibromyalgia?Conclusion: There are a number of management strategies available with robust evidence to support their use in clinical practice.Definition: Fibromyalgia is a complex pain syndrome characterized by widespread, chronic muscular pain and tenderness, disordered sleep, emotional distress, cognitive disturbance, and fatigue. Its prevalence is estimated to be 3%–5% in the population and higher yet in patients with comorbid rheumatic diseases.Level of evidence: Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials (RCTs.Search sources: PubMed, Cochrane Library, manual searchConsumer summary: Key messages for patients and clinicians are:1. There are many effective pharmacological management strategies available for fibromyalgia.2. A nonpharmacological, multicomponent approach utilizing education, aerobic exercise, psychological therapy, and other strategies is also effective for fibromyalgia.3. Despite the significant and, at times, disabling physical and psychological symptoms, fibromyalgia can be a manageable condition with a potentially good outcome.Keywords: fibromyalgia, pain, treatment, management, evidence 

  13. Sensemaking Strategies for Ethical Decision-making. (United States)

    Caughron, Jay J; Antes, Alison L; Stenmark, Cheryl K; Thiel, Chaise E; Wang, Xiaoqian; Mumford, Michael D


    The current study uses a sensemaking model and thinking strategies identified in earlier research to examine ethical decision-making. Using a sample of 163 undergraduates, a low fidelity simulation approach is used to study the effects personal involvement (in causing the problem and personal involvement in experiencing the outcomes of the problem) could have on the use of cognitive reasoning strategies that have been shown to promote ethical decision-making. A mediated model is presented which suggests that environmental factors influence reasoning strategies, reasoning strategies influence sensemaking, and sensemaking in turn influences ethical decision-making. Findings were mixed but generally supported the hypothesized model. Interestingly, framing the outcomes of ethically charged situations in terms of more global organizational outcomes rather than personal outcomes was found to promote the use of pro-ethical cognitive reasoning strategies.

  14. Iranian EFL Learner’s Communication Strategies:

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atefe Sobhani


    Full Text Available Email has become a widespread medium of communication between students and their instructors, however; there is a limited amount of research on instructional role and uses of email in academic context. The present study investigated the communication strategies in email messages sent by Iranian EFL students to their male instructors in relation to their socioeconomic status (such as family income and education level. Moreover, the relationships between communication strategies and gender were examined. Email message sent by male and female students to their male instructors during the academic year 2012-2013 were analyzed for communication strategies (requesting, negotiating, reporting, social. The results of quantitative and qualitative statistics revealed that there were significant relationships between communication strategies and participants’ socioeconomic status. In addition, there were significant relationships between communication strategies and gender.

  15. Value Positions in E-government strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, John Stouby; Reinwald, Anja Kaldahl; Skorve, Espen


    by value positions deeply enshrined in the traditions of public administration. We present a theory directed con-tent analysis of value positions in the national e-government strategy for Denmark published for the first time in 1994 and latest in 2016. Our comparison of the value positions in the two e......-government strategies show consistency over time when looking at the ideals of professionalism, service, and efficiency. While the least dominant ideal of engagement, has declined. The 22-year timespan separating the development of these two strategies had major technological advances, but little transformational...... impact on Danish e-government strategies in their general value positions. We discuss how our findings contribute to previous research on values in e-government and have practical implications for working with e-government strategies....

  16. Greenhouse gas strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Because the overall effects of climate change will likely be more pronounced in the North than in other parts of the country, the Government of the Northwest Territories considers it imperative to support global and local actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Government support is manifested through a coordinating role played by senior government representatives in the development of the NWT Greenhouse Gas Strategy, and by participation on a multi-party working committee to identify and coordinate northern actions and to contribute a northern perspective to Canada's National Climate Change Implementation Strategy. This document outlines the NWT Government's goals and objectives regarding greenhouse gas emission reduction actions. These will include efforts to enhance awareness and understanding; demonstrate leadership by putting the Government's own house in order; encouraging action across sectors; promote technology development and innovation; invest in knowledge and building the foundation for informed future decisions. The strategy also outlines the challenges peculiar to the NWT, such as the high per person carbon dioxide emissions compared to the national average (30 tonnes per person per year as opposed to the national average of 21 tonnes per person per year) and the increasing economic activity in the Territories, most of which are resource-based and therefore energy-intensive. Appendices which form part of the greenhouse gas strategy document, provide details of the potential climate change impact in the NWT, a detailed explanation of the proposed measures, an emission forecast to 2004 from industrial processes, fuel combustion and incineration, and a statement of the official position of the Government of the NWT on climate change

  17. Gazprom: Russia's strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lizin, A.M.; Zeisler, N.


    Seventeen years after the splitting up of the Soviet empire, Russia is looking again for huge international ambitions. Its main advantage in this power search will is its energy resources. Production area, but also transit area between Asia, central Asia, Caucasus and Europe, Russia is an inevitable partner and wishes to take advantage of this strategic position. Gazprom, the hugest gas company in the world, is totally under the control of the government. Therefore, the Kremlin has made gas its main political and diplomatic weapon. Such an energetic imperialisms has strong economical and political consequences on the rest of Europe as illustrated by the recent Ukrainian crisis. The reconstruction of an energy empire similar to the one of the hottest days of the cold war worries also the USA. This study is a collective work carried out by students of the Sciences Po school of Paris in the framework of the 'international organizations' seminar given by by A.M Lizin, president of the Belgium senate and chairwoman of the human rights commission of the organization for European security and cooperation. Content: Gazprom's international strategy, Gazprom: an omnipotent gas company, Gazprom's international strategy at the service of the Russian foreign policy, Gazprom's energy stake and strategies, Gazprom and Armenia, Gazprom and Azerbaijan, Gazprom and Belgium, Gazprom and Bielorussia, Gazprom and Iberia, French position in energy stakes and in front of Gazprom, Gazprom's difficulties in Hungary, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in front of Gazprom, Gazprom and the US strategy. (J.S.)

  18. Pozitioning Strategies Used in Strategic Marketing


    Ionel Dumitru


    The consumer’s perception of the marketing company’s activities is represented by the positioning strategy. The positioning process consists of approaching the market’s segments in different ways, with deferent’s offer, using three fundamentals strategies: strengthen the current company position, competition free segments identification and repositioning the competition using an aggressive marketing strategy.

  19. Strategies for Sustainable Energy Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Niels I


    The paper analyses international strategies for establishing a sustainable energy development. Proposals are given for mitigation of global warming.......The paper analyses international strategies for establishing a sustainable energy development. Proposals are given for mitigation of global warming....

  20. Market strategies for climate change

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kolk, A.; Pinkse, J.M.


    The issue of climate change has attracted increasing business attention in the past decade. Whereas companies initially aimed primarily at influencing the policy debate, corporate strategies increasingly include economic responses. Existing classifications for climate change strategies however still

  1. BWR control blade replacement strategies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kennard, M W [Stoller Nuclear Fuel, NAC International, Pleasantville, NY (United States); Harbottle, J E [Stoller Nuclear Fuel, NAC International, Thornbury, Bristol (United Kingdom)


    The reactivity control elements in a BWR, the control blades, perform three significant functions: provide shutdown margin during normal and accident operating conditions; provide overall core reactivity control; and provide axial power shaping control. As such, the blades are exposed to the core's neutron flux, resulting in irradiation of blade structural and absorber materials. Since the absorber depletes with time (if B{sub 4}C is used, it also swells) and the structural components undergo various degradation mechanisms (e.g., embrittlement, corrosion), the blades have limits on their operational lifetimes. Consequently, BWR utilities have implemented strategies that aim to maximize blade lifetimes while balancing operational costs, such as extending a refuelling outage to shuffle high exposure blades. This paper examines the blade replacement strategies used by BWR utilities operating in US, Europe and Asia by assembling information related to: the utility's specific blade replacement strategy; the impact the newer blade designs and changes in core operating mode were having on those strategies; the mechanical and nuclear limits that determined those strategies; the methods employed to ensure that lifetime limits were not exceeded during operation; and blade designs used (current and replacement blades). (author)

  2. BWR control blade replacement strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kennard, M.W.; Harbottle, J.E.


    The reactivity control elements in a BWR, the control blades, perform three significant functions: provide shutdown margin during normal and accident operating conditions; provide overall core reactivity control; and provide axial power shaping control. As such, the blades are exposed to the core's neutron flux, resulting in irradiation of blade structural and absorber materials. Since the absorber depletes with time (if B 4 C is used, it also swells) and the structural components undergo various degradation mechanisms (e.g., embrittlement, corrosion), the blades have limits on their operational lifetimes. Consequently, BWR utilities have implemented strategies that aim to maximize blade lifetimes while balancing operational costs, such as extending a refuelling outage to shuffle high exposure blades. This paper examines the blade replacement strategies used by BWR utilities operating in US, Europe and Asia by assembling information related to: the utility's specific blade replacement strategy; the impact the newer blade designs and changes in core operating mode were having on those strategies; the mechanical and nuclear limits that determined those strategies; the methods employed to ensure that lifetime limits were not exceeded during operation; and blade designs used (current and replacement blades). (author)

  3. Strategy Of Translating Gadget Brochure

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    Deny Kusuma


    Full Text Available The title of this writing is strategy of translating gadget brochure. There were two problems discussed in this thesis, namely (1 terms found in the gadget manual book and its equivalence in Indonesia, (2 strategies applied in translating gadget brochure. Based on the analysis result, it was found that the terms and its equivalent words found in the gadget brochure were classified based on: 1 simple words or compound words and terminology forming phrase. 2 words category found are: noun and verb. The recommended pattern to determine the equivalent word was pure borrowing strategy, not adaptation borrowing strategy. The adaptation borrowing in this context was related to the spellings, the pronunciation or sound adaptation in the TL rather than adaptation for the cultural substitutes that conceptually mismatches with the standardized terminology in the SL. In addition, the result of the analysis that there were seven strategies found in gadget brochure, they were translation by more general word (Superordinate, translation by a more neutral/expressive word, translation by cultural substitution, translation by using loan word or loan word plus explanation, translation by paraphrase using related word, translation by omission and translation by illustration.

  4. Strategies of Legitimacy Through Social Media: The Networked Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Castelló, Itziar; Etter, Michael; Nielsen, Finn Årup


    the concept of a networked legitimacy strategy. With this strategy, legitimacy is gained through participation in non-hierarchical open platforms and the co-construction of agendas. We explore the organizational transition needed to yield this new legitimacy approach. We argue that, in this context......How can corporations develop legitimacy when coping with stakeholders who have multiple, often conflicting sustainable development (SD) agendas? We address this question by conducting an in-depth longitudinal case study of a corporation's stakeholder engagement in social media and propose......, legitimacy gains may increase when firms are able to reduce the control over the engagements and relate non-hierarchically with their publics. We contribute to the extant literature on political corporate social responsibility and legitimacy by providing an understanding of a new context for engagement...


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    Nur Afni Evalia


    Full Text Available Aren is a type of palm that has a highly potential economic value. Lareh Sago Sub-district is the largest producer in the District of Lima Puluh Kota; however, it is only processed to produce wine and molded sugar. This study aimed to formulate a strategy for the sugar palm sugar agro-industrial development in Lareh Sagohalaban. The research method was a case study in the form of quantitative descriptive, and the data were processed using IFE/EFE, SWOT and AHP. The values obtained from IFE and EFE matrixes were 2.646 and 2.298 respectively. From the SWOT analysis, alternative strategies were obtained, namely, SO Strategy: Strengthening the R & D to develop market-based sugar processing for commercial scale and diversification of palm downstream products; WO Strategy: Improving upstream subsystem to develop nursery based on palm local seed varieties and providing institutional assistance; ST Strategy: Determining agro-technopark for palm industrialization, providing assistance in the form of appropriate packaging technology accordance with the standards, and WT Strategy: increasing commitment and cooperation among stakeholders in strengthening palm agro-industry, increasing marketing and promotion for the expansion and sanction policy for any company selling Aren in the form of wine. From the result of AHP analysis, the determinant factors in developing the business include Technology (0.439, the Government as the actor (0.577, and product diversification as the strategy (0.388.Keyword: Aren (palm, cluster- agro technopark, IFE/EFE matrixes, SWOT analysis, AHPABSTRAKAren (Arenga pinnata Merr adalah jenis palma yang memiliki potensi nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Kecamatan Lareh sago halaban merupakan penghasil Aren terbesar di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, namun dalam pengolahannya masih mengolah menjadi gula cetak dan lebih banyak dalam bentuk tuak. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan strategi pengembangan agroindustri gula semut aren di Kecamatan

  6. The power of strategy metaphors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lystbæk, Christian Tang; Holmgren, Jens


    and post-structuralism. The paper reports on an action research study of a strategy workshop with the strategic team of a Human Resource Management Department in a Danish Municipality. It identifies two structural dimensions and four generic spatial metaphors were identified. Thus, the paper shows......This paper explores the power of spatial metaphors in strategy making. I seek to unfold a conception of the power of spatial metaphors in strategy making that stresses their creative and critical capacity as well as their constraints on strategic thinking. In order to identify the power of spatial...

  7. Second Language Learners' Perceptions of Listening Strategy Instruction (United States)

    Siegel, Joseph


    Much research regarding listening strategies has focused on assembling lists of reported strategies and gaining better understanding of differences in strategy usage between less- and more-skilled listeners. Less attention has been given to how the accumulating knowledge based on listening strategies informs listening strategy instruction as…

  8. Reading Comprehension Strategies

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    Unal Ulker


    Full Text Available The academic success of the university students greatly depends on the mastery of an academic reading skill. However, students as well as teachers, take the learning of this skill for granted, as they tend to presuppose that reading skill is acquired as a part of their secondary education. As a result, most first-year students employ non university strategies to read academic texts, which leads to a surface approach to reading and prevents students from a better understanding of the material. This paper will discuss the strategies that involve students in taking a deep approach to reading academic texts.

  9. The Impact of a Strategies-Based Instruction on Iranian EAP Students’ Reading Strategy Use: Developing Strategic EAP Readers

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    Seyyed Hossein Kashef


    Full Text Available Underperformance of students in EAP reading comprehension has been an issue of concern for teachers, syllabus designers, and curriculum developers in general and for EAP practitioners in particular. In spite of the fact that considerable efforts have been made to improve reading comprehension of students through strategies instruction over past decades, EAP students however have not benefited much from learning strategies. Thus, this study intended to investigate the impact of a Strategies-Based Instruction (SBI on undergraduate students’ reading strategy use in an EAP context. Taking an instructional model from strategies taxonomy of Oxford (1990; 2001, it was assumed that in contrast to conventional EAP reading methods, SBI would be more effective in encouraging reading strategy use and as a result developing reading comprehension of EAP students through encouraging the use of effective strategies and skills. To do so, 80 freshman undergraduate students were chosen as the participants of this study who were in two intact classes. After administration of a pre-test, treatment (22 sessions, 2 sessions per week, and a post-test, the collected data was analyzed using t-test to examine the effect of the proposed method of instruction. The results of the analysis showed that the teaching intervention had a significant effect on students’ reading strategy use. The findings have implications for teachers encouraging effective reading comprehension instruction through the use of strategies in EAP teaching contexts.

  10. Hawaii energy strategy report, October 1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is a report on the Hawaii Energy Strategy Program. The topics of the report include the a description of the program including an overview, objectives, policy statement and purpose and objectives; energy strategy policy development; energy strategy projects; current energy situation; modeling Hawaii`s energy future; energy forecasts; reducing energy demand; scenario assessment, and recommendations.

  11. Assessment of strategy formulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Acur, Nuran; Englyst, Linda


    of the success criteria through face-to-face interviews with 46 managers, workshops involving 40 managers, and two in-depth case studies. The success criteria have been slightly modified due to the empirical results, to yield the assessment tool. Findings – The resulting assessment tool integrates three generic...... approaches to strategy assessment, namely the goal-centred, comparative and improvement approaches, as found in the literature. Furthermore, it encompasses three phases of strategy formulation processes: strategic thinking, strategic planning and embedding of strategy. The tool reflects that the different......, but cases and managerial perceptions indicate that the need for accurate and detailed plans might be overrated in the literature, as implementation relies heavily on continuous improvement and empowerment. Concerning embedding, key aspects relate both to the goal-centred and improvement approaches, while...

  12. Developing a glocalisation strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hollensen, Svend; Schimmelpfennig, Christian


    while exploiting the benefits of global integration. The challenge is to balance the local knowledge with global reach. In the case of Persil Abaya Shampoo (for the Middle East market) and Persil Black Gel (for the European market), Henkel chose a strategy that successfully benefitted from...... markets and used Persil Abayas’ particular significance in the Arab world to its advantage. The results document that it has been possible for Henkel’s Persil to gain competitive advantages in terms of higher market shares, with the ‘glocalisation strategy’ in the (Middle East) liquid detergent market.......The glocalisation strategy strives to achieve the slogan, ‘think globally but act locally’, through dynamic interdependence between headquarters and subsidiaries and/or local intermediaries around the world. Companies following such a strategy coordinate their efforts, ensuring local flexibility...

  13. The Role of Metacognitive Reading Strategies, Metacognitive Study and Learning Strategies, and Behavioral Study and Learning Strategies in Predicting Academic Success in Students With and Without a History of Reading Difficulties. (United States)

    Chevalier, Thérèse M; Parrila, Rauno; Ritchie, Krista C; Deacon, S Hélène


    We examined the self-reported use of reading, study, and learning strategies in university students with a history of reading difficulties (HRD; n = 77) and with no history of reading difficulties (NRD; n = 295). We examined both between-groups differences in strategy use and strategy use as a predictive measure of academic success. Participants completed online questionnaires regarding reading history and strategy use. GPA and frequency of use of academic support services were also obtained for all students. University students with HRD reported a different profile of strategy use than their NRD peers, and self-reported strategy use was differentially predictive of GPA for students with HRD and NRD. For students with HRD, the use of metacognitive reading strategies and the use of study aids predicted academic success. Implications for university student services providers are discussed. © Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2015.

  14. A normative model for assessing competitive strategy

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    Ungerer, Gerard David


    Full Text Available The hyper-competitive nature of e-business has raised the need for a generic way to appraise the merit of a developed business strategy. Although progress has been made in the domain of strategy evaluation, the established literature differs over the ‘tests’ that a strategy must pass to be considered well-constructed. This paper therefore investigates the existing strategy-evaluation literature to propose a more integrated and comprehensive normative strategic assessment that can be used to evaluate and refine a business’ s competitive strategy , adding to its robustness and survivability.

  15. A Positive Diagnostic Strategy Is Noninferior to a Strategy of Exclusion for Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Begtrup, Luise M; Engsbro, Anne Line; Kjeldsen, Jens


    . No cases of inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, or celiac disease were found. CONCLUSIONS: In diagnosing IBS in primary care, use of a positive diagnostic strategy is noninferior to using a strategy of exclusion with regard to the patients' HRQOL. Our findings support the current guideline......BACKGROUND & AIMS: Guidelines recommend a positive strategy based on symptom criteria to diagnose patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We conducted a randomized noninferiority trial to determine whether a positive diagnostic strategy is noninferior to a strategy of exclusion, with regard...... year between groups (on the basis of the Short Form 36 health survey, physical component summary, and noninferiority margin of 3 points). Secondary outcomes were change in gastrointestinal symptoms, satisfaction with management, and use of resources. Findings of diagnostic misclassification were...

  16. Gameplay marketing strategies as audience cooptation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reinhard, CarrieLynn D.


    Case studies of marketing strategies are illustrated that utilize some gaming structure and rules that encourage play(ing). In this paper, these strategies are referred to as "gameplay marketing". It is argued that these strategies have been inspired by established modes of gaming and can be found...... in at least four general types. The case studies discussed are four campaigns that represent these types: two television series, Leverage and Heroes, and two films, Cloverfield and The Dark Knight. The purpose of such gameplay marketing strategies appears to be to provoke viral marketing by creating buzz from...

  17. Towards resilient cities. Comparing approaches/strategies

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    Angela Colucci


    Full Text Available The term “resilience” is used in many disciplines with different meanings. We will adopt the ecological concept of resilience, which epitomises the capacity of a system to adapt itself in response to the action of a force, achieving a state of equilibrium different from the original (White, 2011. Since the end of the last century, with a significant increase over the last few years, resilience has featured as key concept in many technical, political papers and documents, and appears in many researches. Of all this recent and varied range of literature, our focus is on those texts that combine resilience with strategies, processes and models for resilient cities, communities and regions. Starting from the resilience strategies developed as response for risks mitigation, the paper thus explores other approaches and experiences on cities resilience that have been conducted: the aim is to compare and identify innovation in the planning process towards risks mitigation. In this paper we present a summary of the initial survey stage of our research, with three main aims: understanding the approaches to resilience developed so far and identifying which aspects these approaches share (or not;understanding which strategies are being proposed for resilient regions, cities or social-ecological systems;understanding whether proposed resilience strategies involve innovations in urban and regional development disciplines. The aim is to understand whether the proposed concept of resilience, or rather strategies, constitute progress and contribute to innovation in the areas of urban planning and design in relation to risk mitigation. Three main families of literature have been identified from the recent literature promoting resilience as a key strategy. The first aim of the research is to understand which particular concept and which aspects of resilience are used, which resilience strategies are proposed, how the term ‘city’ is defined and interpreted

  18. The Impact of Listening Strategy Training on the Meta-Cognitive Listening Strategies Awareness of Different Learner Types (United States)

    Zarrabi, Fatemeh


    The present study investigated the effectiveness of listening strategy instruction on the metacognitive listening strategies awareness of different EFL learner types (LTs). To achieve this goal, 150 EFL students took part in the study and were taught based on a guided lesson plan regarding listening strategies and a pre-test/post-test design was…

  19. Exploitative and Deceptive Resource Acquisition Strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joshua J. Reynolds


    Full Text Available Life history strategy (LHS and life history contingencies (LHCs should theoretically influence the use of exploitative and deceptive resource acquisition strategies. However, little research has been done in this area. The purpose of the present work was to create measures of exploitative strategies and test the predictions of life history theory. Pilot studies developed and validated a behavioral measure of cheating called the Dot Game. The role of individual LHS and LHCs (manipulated via validated story primes on cheating was investigated in Study 1. Studies 2a through 2c were conducted to develop and validate a self-report measure called the Exploitative and Deceptive Resource Acquisition Strategy Scale (EDRASS. Finally, Study 3 investigated life history and EDRASS. Results indicated that while LHS influences exploitative strategies, life history contingences had little effect. Implications of these findings are discussed.

  20. Business strategies within the knowledge economy context

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    Prof. Ph.D. Gheorghe Popescu


    Full Text Available Competitive strategies in the fast-changing information economy are distinct from strategiesin more traditional sectors of the economy.Today, the reason the entity must consider their intangible asset is because it supports and gives coherenceto the strategy itself, and if strategically exploited can be a source of sustainable competitive advantagethrough time.Strategy deals not just with the unpredictable but also with the unknowable. Consequently, the essenceof strategy is to build a posture that is so strong, but in the same time, potentially flexible in selectiveways that the organization can achieve its goals despite the unforeseeable ways external forces may actuallyinteract when the time comes. The essence of strategy formulation is to deal with competitors. However,goal development is an integral part of strategy formulation.

  1. From the Lisbon Strategy to EUROPE 2020

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundvall, Bengt-Åke; Lorenz, Edward


    This article compares the Lisbon Strategy and the EUROPE 2020 Strategy. It demonstrates while none of the two strategies are sufficient as support for the monetary integration and the Euro-collaboration....


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ashwin ARAVINDAKSHAN; Roland T. RUST; Katherine N. LEMON; Valerie A. ZEITHAML


    The article presents an overview of the literature on customer equity and how customer equity provides an opportunity for marketers to make marketing strategy financially accountable.Traditionally, Return on Investment (ROI) models have been used to evaluate the financial expenditures required by the strategies as well as the financial returns gained by them. However in addition to requiring lengthy longitudinal data, these models also have the disadvantage of not evaluating the effect of the strategies on a firm's customer equity. The dominance of customer-centered thinking over product-centered thinking calls for a shift from product-based strategies to customer-based strategies. Hence, it is important to evaluate a firm's marketing strategies in terms of the drivers of its customer equity. The article summarizes a unified strategic framework that enables competing marketing strategy options to be traded off on the basis of projected financial return, which is operationalized as the change in a firm's customer equity relative to the incremental expenditure necessary to produce the change.

  3. Evolutionary stability of mixed strategies on graphs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yan; Liu, Xinsheng; Claussen, Jens Christian


    Up to the present time, the study of evolutionary dynamics mostly focused on pure strategy games in finite discrete strategy space, either in well-mixed or structured populations. In this paper, we study mixed strategy games in continuous strategy space on graphs of degree k . Each player is arranged on a vertex of the graph. The edges denote the interaction between two individuals. In the limit of weak selection, we first derive the payoff functions of two mixed strategies under three different updating rules, named birth–death, death–birth and imitation. Then we obtain the conditions for a strategy being a continuously stable strategy (CSS), and we also confirm that the equilibrium distribution corresponding to the CSS is neighborhood attracting and strongly uninvadable. Finally, we apply our theory to the prisoner’s dilemma and the snowdrift game to obtain possible CSS. Simulations are performed for the two special games and the results are well consistent with the conclusions we made. (paper)

  4. Hexavalent Chromium Minimization Strategy (United States)


    Logistics 4 Initiative - DoD Hexavalent Chromium Minimization Non- Chrome Primer IIEXAVAJ ENT CHRO:M I~UMI CHROMIUM (VII Oil CrfVli.J CANCEfl HAnRD CD...Management Office of the Secretary of Defense Hexavalent Chromium Minimization Strategy Report Documentation Page Form ApprovedOMB No. 0704-0188...00-2011 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Hexavalent Chromium Minimization Strategy 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6

  5. Management strategies for fibromyalgia


    Le Marshall KF; Littlejohn GO


    Kim Francis Le Marshall, Geoffrey Owen LittlejohnDepartments of Rheumatology and Medicine, Monash Medical Centre and Monash University, Victoria, AustraliaDate of preparation: 14 June 2011Clinical question: What are the effective, evidence-based strategies available for the management of fibromyalgia?Conclusion: There are a number of management strategies available with robust evidence to support their use in clinical practice.Definition: Fibromyalgia is a complex pain syndrome characterized ...

  6. Strategies in digital marketing




    The present paper deals with digital marketing. The approach into discussion is the strategies met with the concept mentioned above. Within the actual socio-economic context, the electronic equipments offer on one hand new and innovative methods for products promoting and, on the other hand new challenges for the consumers. Thus, we analysed different and major types of strategies, which have a great impact on the digital marketing.

  7. Marketingová strategie penzionu


    Fišerová, Markéta


    This bachelor thesis deals with suggestion of marketing strategy for particular business subject. First part concentrates on marketing strategy, marketing of services, marketing mix and tourism together with accommodation sector. In the second part of thesis is effected description of the pension and its marketing mix, internal and external analysis and resulting SWOT analysis. Marketing research is another source for creation suggestion. Final part summarises all pieces of knowledge and pres...

  8. Motivational Strategies in Medical English Classroom

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    TIAN Jun-ying


    Objective:To explore strategies to motivate students in the classroom of Medical English. Methods:The motivational strategies applied in medical English classroom including defining course goals early in the semester, appropriate teacher behavior, creating real context and giving helpful and frequent Feedback were recommended. Results & Conclusion: The motivational strategies make a positive impact on students’motivation in medical English classroom.

  9. Sequentially optimized reconstruction strategy: A meta-strategy for perimetry testing.

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    Şerife Seda Kucur

    Full Text Available Perimetry testing is an automated method to measure visual function and is heavily used for diagnosing ophthalmic and neurological conditions. Its working principle is to sequentially query a subject about perceived light using different brightness levels at different visual field locations. At a given location, this query-patient-feedback process is expected to converge at a perceived sensitivity, such that a shown stimulus intensity is observed and reported 50% of the time. Given this inherently time-intensive and noisy process, fast testing strategies are necessary in order to measure existing regions more effectively and reliably. In this work, we present a novel meta-strategy which relies on the correlative nature of visual field locations in order to strongly reduce the necessary number of locations that need to be examined. To do this, we sequentially determine locations that most effectively reduce visual field estimation errors in an initial training phase. We then exploit these locations at examination time and show that our approach can easily be combined with existing perceived sensitivity estimation schemes to speed up the examinations. Compared to state-of-the-art strategies, our approach shows marked performance gains with a better accuracy-speed trade-off regime for both mixed and sub-populations.

  10. Hospital survival strategies for the 1980s. (United States)

    Bonney, R S


    Survival strategies for hospitals and hospital pharmacy departments are presented, and one hospital's development into a health-services system is described. Financial and competitive pressures are forcing institutions to develop new strategies for survival. The primary institutional strategy is diversification--both horizontal and vertical. Diversification can assist in the hospital's growth, increase its asset and revenue bases, and lead to the development of a health-care delivery system. Marketing to physicians and developing information systems are also critical strategies under a prospective payment system. Institutions will need to know the cost of providing care for specific diagnosis-related groups. Strategies must be employed to develop incentives to reduce inpatient acute-care services and to increase productivity. Physicians should be involved in all of the institutional strategies. Strategies for the pharmacy department are basically the same. Pharmacy departments should develop programs to reduce drug use (especially antibiotic use) and information systems that show the actual cost of providing services by diagnosis. The major corporate restructuring and diversification efforts of one hospital are described. The future of hospitals and pharmacy departments will depend on the successful application of the strategies discussed.

  11. Effectiveness of business strategies in Brazilian textile industry

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    Paulo César de Sousa Batista


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This research analyses how the interaction between strategy capabilities, strategy types, strategy formulation quality and implementation capability affect organizational performance in Brazilian textiles companies. This article proposes and tests a conceptual framework, using a structural equation modeling of a set of 211 valid questionnaires on Brazilian textiles firms. The results support links between focus strategy and marketing capabilities, and between cost leadership strategy and management capabilities. However, the relationship between technologic capabilities and differentiation strategy was not statistically significant. The existence of an inter-relationship between generic strategies of focus, cost leadership and differentiation indicates the use of combined strategies. Concerning the firms' financial performance, the results show that management capability and market performance have a statistically significant relationship with financial performance.

  12. Language Learning Strategies: Classification and Pedagogical Implication

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    Ag. Bambang Setiyadi


    Full Text Available Many studies have been conducted to explore language learning strategies (Rubin, 1975, Naiman et . al ., 1978; Fillmore, 1979; O'Malley et . al ., 1985 and 1990; Politzer and Groarty, 1985; Prokop, 1989; Oxford, 1990; and Wenden, 1991. In the current study a total of 79 university students participating in a 3 month English course participated. This study attempted to explore what language learning strategies successful learners used and to what extent the strategies contributed to success in learning English in Indonesia . Factor analyses, accounting for 62.1 %, 56.0 %, 41.1 %, and 43.5 % of the varience of speaking, listening, reading and writing measures in the language learning strategy questionnaire, suggested that the questionnaire constituted three constructs. The three constructs were named metacognitive strategies, deep level cognitive and surface level cognitive strategies. Regression analyses, performed using scales based on these factors revealed significant main effects for the use of the language learning strategies in learning English, constituting 43 % of the varience in the posttest English achievement scores. An analysis of varience of the gain scores of the highest, middle, and the lowest groups of performers suggested a greater use of metacognitive strategies among successful learners and a greater use of surface level cognitive strategies among unsuccessful learners. Implications for the classroom and future research are also discussed.

  13. The indirect strategies of internationalization of companies

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    Đorđević Momčilo


    Full Text Available The subject of this work are, as mentioned in the title, the indirect strategies of internationalization of companies. The first part talks about the new business environment, the factors that lead to changes and their implications. It is at the same time the business context, which must be taken into consideration that determines the success of companies in the new business environment. In this paper, the emphasis is on company business in international markets, and the selection of appropriate strategies of internationalization, which will be responsible for this new business environment. There are many reasons that are discussed in this paper, and would rather indicate that partners from different countries to accept different strategies, rather than opting for a strategy of export, or a strategy of direct investments abroad. The dynamic technical and technological development, and its universal impact, among other relevant factors, put in the first place the importance of different strategies which is achieved through technology transfer, knowledge and experience whereby the exports, as a classic strategy of involvement in international trade, becomes significantly more difficult. Also, the internationalization of enterprises through direct investment abroad, involves many difficulties related to fitting in a foreign enterprise environment, and a high risk strategy. In addition, there is still a large number of countries do not allow wholly owned foreign enterprises. The paper discusses the value of various indirect internationalization strategy, which may be useful for those domestic companies that are in front of problem the choice of acceptable strategies of internationalization.

  14. Logistics Sourcing Strategies in Supply Chain Design


    Liu, Liwen


    A company's logistics sourcing strategy determines whether it structures and organizeslogistics within the company or company group or integrates logistics upstream and downstreamin the supply chain. First, three different types of logistics sourcing strategies in supply chaindesign are described and the theoretical background for the development of these strategies,including both transaction cost theory and network theory, is analyzed. Two special casesabout logistics sourcing strategy decis...


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    Valentyn Khokhlov


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to investigate the different strategies for portfolio rebalanc-ing (buy-and-hold, constant weights, and constant-proportion portfolio insurance (CPPI suggested by Perold and Sharpe in a reallife environment using the actual market data and considering trans-action costs. Methodology. Exchange-traded funds were used to represent asset classes, and actual market prices in 2007-2015 for the ETFs used to conduct the research. The Monte-Carlo simulations were used to generate 400 portfolios over 3 different time horizons in order to get a representative sample. Two actual fee structures were used from the leading U.S. brokerage firms. Results of the portfolio dynamics research show outperformance of CPPI over other strategies on holding periods over 36 months, and on shorter time horizons CPPI and constant weights strategies clearly dominate over buyand- hold strategy. Contrary to the previous conclusions by Perold and Sharpe, there was no definite link between the stock market dynamics or volatility and the preferred strategy. We also see that after a bull market period the CPPI portfolio allocation shifts to 100% equity. The portfolio turnover is typically higher and much more dispersed for CPPI strategy than for constant weights strategy. We also found a strong negative correlation between the CPPI portfolio turnover and the initial equity allocation, whereas for constant weights strategy the turnover is higher at 50% allocation to both stocks and bonds. Practical implications. The strategy choice is shown to be more a matter of the holding period; CPPI seems the best choice over longer periods. Contrary to the widespread perception, our research shows that brokerage fees has not had a material influence on the simulated portfolio performance and, thus, should not be a factor for choosing a strategy. Originality/value. Unlike previous studies in this area that focused on analytical derivation based on sample statistics

  16. [Problem-solving strategies and marital satisfaction]. (United States)

    Kriegelewicz, Olga


    This study investigated the relation between problem-solving strategies in the marital conflict and marital satisfaction. Four problem-solving strategies (Dialogue, Loyalty, Escalation of conflict and Withdrawal) were measured by the Problem-Solving Strategies Inventory, in two versions: self-report and report of partners' perceived behaviour. This measure refers to the concept of Rusbult, Johnson and Morrow, and meets high standards of reliability (alpha Cronbach from alpha = 0.78 to alpha = 0.94) and validity. Marital satisfaction was measured by Marriage Success Scale. The sample was composed of 147 marital couples. The study revealed that satisfied couples, in comparison with non-satisfied couples, tend to use constructive problem-solving strategies (Dialogue and Loyalty). They rarely use destructive strategies like Escalation of conflict or Withdrawal. Dialogue is the strategy connected with satisfaction in a most positive manner. These might be very important guidelines to couples' psychotherapy. Loyalty to oneself is a significant positive predictor of male satisfaction is also own Loyalty. The study shows that constructive attitudes are the most significant predictors of marriage satisfaction. It is therefore worth concentrating mostly on them in the psychotherapeutic process instead of eliminating destructive attitudes.

  17. Inflation Protected Investment Strategies

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    Mirco Mahlstedt


    Full Text Available In this paper, a dynamic inflation-protected investment strategy is presented, which is based on traditional asset classes and Markov-switching models. Different stock market, as well as inflation regimes are identified, and within those regimes, the inflation hedging potential of stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities and gold are investigated. Within each regime, we determine optimal investment portfolios driven by the investment idea of protection from losses due to changing inflation if inflation is rising or high, but decoupling the performance from inflation if inflation is low. The results clearly indicate that these asset classes behave differently in different stock market and inflation regimes. Whereas in the long-run, we agree with the general opinion in the literature that stocks and bonds are a suitable hedge against inflation, we observe for short time horizons that the hedging potential of each asset class, especially of real estate and commodities, depend strongly on the state of the current market environment. Thus, our approach provides a possible explanation for different statements in the literature regarding the inflation hedging properties of these asset classes. A dynamic inflation-protected investment strategy is developed, which combines inflation protection and upside potential. This strategy outperforms standard buy-and-hold strategies, as well as the well-known 1 N -portfolio.

  18. NASA science communications strategy (United States)


    In 1994, the Clinton Administration issued a report, 'Science in the National Interest', which identified new national science goals. Two of the five goals are related to science communications: produce the finest scientists and engineers for the 21st century, and raise scientific and technological literacy of all Americans. In addition to the guidance and goals set forth by the Administration, NASA has been mandated by Congress under the 1958 Space Act to 'provide for the widest practicable and appropriate dissemination concerning its activities and the results thereof'. In addition to addressing eight Goals and Plans which resulted from a January 1994 meeting between NASA and members of the broader scientific, education, and communications community on the Public Communication of NASA's Science, the Science Communications Working Group (SCWG) took a comprehensive look at the way the Agency communicates its science to ensure that any changes the Agency made were long-term improvements. The SCWG developed a Science Communications Strategy for NASA and a plan to implement the Strategy. This report outlines a strategy from which effective science communications programs can be developed and implemented across the agency. Guiding principles and strategic themes for the strategy are provided, with numerous recommendations for improvement discussed within the respective themes of leadership, coordination, integration, participation, leveraging, and evaluation.

  19. The strategy curve. A method for representing and interpreting generator bidding strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucas, N.; Taylor, P.


    The pool is the novel trading arrangement at the heart of the privatized electricity market in England and Wales. This central role in the new system makes it crucial that it is seen to function efficiently. Unfortunately, it is governed by a set of complex rules, which leads to a lack of transparency, and this makes monitoring of its operation difficult. This paper seeks to provide a method for illuminating one aspect of the pool, that of generator bidding behaviour. We introduce the concept of a strategy curve, which is a concise device for representing generator bidding strategies. This curve has the appealing characteristic of directly revealing any deviation in the bid price of a genset from the costs of generating electricity. After a brief discussion about what constitutes price and cost in this context we present a number of strategy curves for different days and provide some interpretation of their form, based in part on our earlier work with game theory. (author)

  20. Selective hedging strategies for oil stockpiling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yun, Won-Cheol


    As a feasible option for improving the economics and operational efficiency of stockpiling by public agency, this study suggests simple selective hedging strategies using forward contracts. The main advantage of these selective hedging strategies over the previous ones is not to predict future spot prices, but to utilize the sign and magnitude of basis easily available to the public. Using the weekly spot and forward prices of West Texas Intermediate for the period of October 1997-August 2002, this study adopts an ex ante out-of-sample analysis to examine selective hedging performances compared to no-hedge and minimum-variance routine hedging strategies. To some extent, selective hedging strategies dominate the traditional routine hedging strategy, but do not improve upon the expected returns of no-hedge case, which is mainly due to the data characteristics of out-of-sample period used in this analysis

  1. OPEC's strategies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wirl, Franz [Vienna Univ. (Austria). Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics


    This paper investigates rationale explanations of OPEC's strategies. Accounting for market characteristics in particular the sluggishness of demand and supply allows to explain price jumps as rational OPEC strategies from a narrow economic perspective (up and down) as well as from political objectives (at least up) due to the political payoff from standing up against the 'West'. Although the temptation to accrue this political payoff was and remains high, the narrow economic profit motive coupled with an imperfect cooperation among OPEC members explains past price volatility and high prices much better than the usual reference to political events. A more specific prediction is that OPEC will switch back to setting prices since the current quantity strategy encourages oil importing countries to appropriate rents in particular in connection with the need to mitigate global warming. (orig.)

  2. Marketing strategy of company


    Václavíková, Petra


    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu marketingové strategie pro internetový obchod Na základě shromážděných teoretických východisek a analýzy současného stavu firmy byla navržena marketingová strategie, která má zajistit vyšší počet uskutečněných objednávek. V praktické části jsou zhodnoceny analýzy a sestaveny návrhy a doporučení, které by měly zajistit nárůst prodeje a stálých zákazníků. The thesis deals with the proposition of marketing strategy for the Int...

  3. Apology Strategies of Iranian ESL Students

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    Haleh Parsa


    Full Text Available The main focus of this study, which is of the most important and most frequent speech acts used in multicultural settings, is the speech act of apology. It probes native Persian-speaking ESL university students’ apology and non-apology strategies based on Cohen and Olshtain’s (1981 frame work to evince variations ascribed to gender, mother tongue, and culture. The results of this survey reveal that Iranian male and female respondents use different percentages of apology and non-apology strategies. Considering significance levels, in general, except for a few strategies, there is no statistically significant difference between the groups considering the number and type of strategies used.

  4. Strategy Guideline: High Performance Residential Lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holton, J.


    The Strategy Guideline: High Performance Residential Lighting has been developed to provide a tool for the understanding and application of high performance lighting in the home. The high performance lighting strategies featured in this guide are drawn from recent advances in commercial lighting for application to typical spaces found in residential buildings. This guide offers strategies to greatly reduce lighting energy use through the application of high quality fluorescent and light emitting diode (LED) technologies. It is important to note that these strategies not only save energy in the home but also serve to satisfy the homeowner's expectations for high quality lighting.

  5. The WHO-ITU national eHealth strategy toolkit as an effective approach to national strategy development and implementation. (United States)

    Hamilton, Clayton


    With few exceptions, national eHealth strategies are the pivotal tools upon which the launch or refocusing of national eHealth programmes is hinged. The process of their development obviates cross-sector ministerial commitment led by the Ministry of Health. Yet countries often grapple with the task of strategy development and best efforts frequently fail to address strategic components of eHealth key to ensure successful implementation and stakeholder engagement. This can result in strategies that are narrowly focused, with an overemphasis placed on achieving technical outcomes. Without a clear link to a broader vision of health system development and a firm commitment from partners, the ability of a strategy to shape development of a national eHealth framework will be undermined and crucial momentum for implementation will be lost. WHO and ITU have sought to address this issue through the development of the National eHealth Strategy Toolkit that provides a basis for the components and processes to be considered in a strategy development or refocusing exercise. We look at this toolkit and highlight those areas which the countries should consider in formulating their national eHealth strategy.


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    Emanoil MUSCALU


    Full Text Available The field of human resources requires the presence and action of several categories of persons and managerial structures interested in the quality of human resources and the activities developed by them. Besides managers and employees there are also the shareholders, the unions, the customers, the different national or local agencies, the local community, etc., with major interests regarding decisions in the human resources area. In order to harmonize their activities and achieve an optimal perspective within the evolution of Human Resource Management, special attention is paid to the strategy of human resources management. According to many specialists, strategies in the field of Human Resource Management show, in the first place, that personnel function adopts a broader perspective and a more dynamic view of human resources, which enables its full integration within the other functions of the organization. In the second place, strategies in the field of Human Resource Management designate the assembly of long term objectives concerning human resources, the main modalities of achieving them and the necessary resources which guarantee that the organization’s structure, value and culture as well as the utilization of its personnel contribute to fulfilling the general objectives of the organization. Therefore, we approached in this paper the problems of grounding and elaborating the Human Resource Management strategy, and we outlined their specific traits, as these are necessary aspects in order to emphasise at the end of our paper the correlation between the strategy in the field of Human Resource Management and the general strategy of the organization. Taking into account specialists and practitioners’ increased interest in knowing, substantiating and implementing strategies in the area of Human Resource Management, we consider that the aspects presented in this paper are modern issues and a starting pointing in solving the great problems of

  7. Estradiol does not influence strategy choice but place strategy choice is associated with increased cell proliferation in the hippocampus of female rats. (United States)

    Rummel, Julia; Epp, Jonathan R; Galea, Liisa A M


    Adult neurogenesis occurs in the hippocampus of most mammals. While the function of adult hippocampal neurogenesis is not known, there is a relationship between neurogenesis and hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. Ovarian hormones can influence learning and memory and strategy choice. In competitive memory tasks, higher levels of estradiol shift female rats towards the use of the place strategy. Previous studies using a cue-competition paradigm find that 36% of male rats will use a hippocampus-dependent place strategy and place strategy users had lower levels of cell proliferation in the hippocampus. Here, we used the same paradigm to test whether endogenous or exogenous ovarian hormones influence strategy choice in the cue-competition paradigm and whether cell proliferation was related to strategy choice. We tested ovariectomized estradiol-treated (10 microg of estradiol benzoate) or sham-operated female rats on alternating blocks of hippocampus-dependent and hippocampus-independent versions of the Morris water task. Rats were then given a probe session with the platform visible and in a novel location. Preferred strategy was classified as place strategy (hippocampus-dependent) if they swam to the old platform location or cue strategy (hippocampus-independent) if they swam to the visible platform. All groups showed a preference for the cue strategy. However, proestrous rats were more likely to be place strategy users than rats not in proestrus. Female place strategy users had increased cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus compared to cue strategy users. Our study suggests that 78% of female rats chose the cue strategy instead of the place strategy. In summary the present results suggest that estradiol does not shift strategy use in this paradigm and that cell proliferation is related to strategy use with greater cell proliferation seen in place strategy users in female rats. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.





    Organizational structure and competitive strategy play an important role in gaining competitive advantage and improving organizational performance. The objective of this paper is to examine how organizational structure and strategy affects firm performance within a sample of 92 Romanian firms. The data used in this study was collected through a questionnaire used to quantify the three variables of interest: organizational performance, strategy and structure.

  9. Comparative Analysis of Competitive Strategy Implementation


    Maina A. S. Waweru


    This paper presents research findings on Competitive Strategy Implementation which compared the levels of strategy implementation achieved by different generic strategy groups, comprising firms inclined towards low cost leadership, differentiation or dual strategic advantage. The study sought to determine the preferences for use of implementation armaments and compared how such armaments related to the level of implementation achieved. Respondents comprised 71 top executives from 59 companies...

  10. The Society of Radiographers' research strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reeves, Pauline; Wright, Caroline; Shelley, Susan; Williams, Pat


    A research strategy for the Radiography (London 1995) profession was approved by the Council of the Society and College of Radiographers at the end of 2001.This paper discusses the formulation of that strategy, including the factors that lay behind its development. The recommendations of the strategy are then addressed one by one, together with a review as to their implementation by the College's Research Group

  11. Social Media Cocreation Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Larson, Mia


    This paper explores how social media becomes a part of integrated marketing communications of festival organizations. The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize the co-creation of festival experiences online by comparing managerial strategies and communicative patterns of three large....... Based on the empirical findings, we propose an analytical framework to improve our understanding of the management of social media communications, offering three distinct value co-creation strategies in a festival context....

  12. Strategy Formation in an Adhocracy. (United States)

    Mintzberg, Henry; McHugh, Alexandra


    This paper identifies and tracks the strategies pursued by a single-project organization, the National Film Board, across almost four decades of its history. Findings focus on three themes: the emergent nature of the organization's strategies, its cycles of behavior, and the organization's quest for "adhocracy." (TE)

  13. Marketingová strategie firmy Quelle


    Procházková, Monika


    This bachelor thesis is about the marketing strategy in the Quelle company. It analysis it's strategy, working of the whole marketing department, it's negatives and positives, to which I'm trying to find any solution. It is based on the situation analysis and the SWOT analysis.

  14. Not all coping strategies are created equal: a mixed methods study exploring physicians' self reported coping strategies

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    Wallace Jean E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Physicians experience workplace stress and draw on different coping strategies. The primary goal of this paper is to use interview data to explore physicians' self reported coping strategies. In addition, questionnaire data is utilized to explore the degree to which the coping strategies are used and are associated with feelings of emotional exhaustion, a key symptom of burnout. Methods This mixed methods study explores factors related to physician wellness within a large health region in Western Canada. This paper focuses on the coping strategies that physicians use in response to work-related stress. The qualitative component explores physicians' self reported coping strategies through open ended interviews of 42 physicians representing diverse medical specialties and settings (91% response rate. The major themes extracted from the qualitative interviews were used to construct 12 survey items that were included in the comprehensive quantitative questionnaire. Questionnaires were sent to all eligible physicians in the health region with 1178 completed surveys (40% response rate. Questionnaire items were used to measure how often physicians draw on the various coping strategies. Feelings of burnout were also measured in the survey by 5 items from the Emotional Exhaustion subscale of the revised Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results Major themes identified from the interviews include coping strategies used at work (e.g., working through stress, talking with co-workers, taking a time out, using humor and after work (e.g., exercise, quiet time, spending time with family. Analysis of the questionnaire data showed three often used workplace coping strategies were positively correlated with feeling emotionally exhausted (i.e., keeping stress to oneself (r = .23, concentrating on what to do next (r = .16, and going on as if nothing happened (r = .07. Some less often used workplace coping strategies (e.g., taking a time out and all

  15. Strategy as Mutually Contingent Choice

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    Neil Martin


    Full Text Available Thomas Schelling’s The Strategy of Conflict carries significant behavioral implications which have been overlooked by economic readers. I argue that these implications are central to Schelling’s vision of game theory, that they fit well with recent advances in experimental psychology and behavioral economics, and provide a comprehensive framework that can inform research on strategy. In my view, Schelling develops a non-mathematical approach to strategy which anticipates on Gigerenzer and Selten’s “ecological rationality” program. This approach maps the processes involved in strategic reasoning and highlights their reliance on the particular information structure of interactive social environments. Building on this approach, I model strategy as a heuristic form of reasoning that governs the way in which individuals search for and provide cues in situations of mutually contingent choice. I conclude by examining how the reference to ecological rationality can help clarify Schelling’s contribution to game theory and outline potential avenues of research into strategic reasoning and interaction.

  16. Corporate Strategy an Evolutionary Review (United States)

    Fellman, Philip V.

    As Richard Rumelt indicates in his book, "Fundamental Issues in Strategy: A Research Agenda", corporate strategy is a relatively recent discipline. While pioneers in the field like B.H. Liddell Hart and Bruce Henderson (later to found the Boston Consulting Group and creator of the famous BCG Growth-Share Matrix) began their research during the Second World War, the modern field of business strategy as an academic discipline, taught in schools and colleges of business emerged rather later. Rumelt provides an interesting chronicle in the introduction to his volume by noting that historically corporate strategy, even when taught as a capstone course, was not really an organized discipline. Typically, depending on the school's location and resources, the course would either be taught by the senior most professor in the department or by an outside lecturer from industry. The agenda tended to be very much instructor specific and idiosyncratic rather than drawing in any systematized fashion upon the subject matter of an organized discipline.

  17. Sustainable development strategy formation for business corporations

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    L. A. Zaporozhtseva


    Full Text Available The article explains the concept of the company sustainable development strategy based on its economic security level, which includes the economic security concept loss threat control; and the concept of company sustainable development based on the fact, that the company in a developed market should not only "defend", but also ensure its development. After it implementation of decomposition is applied to the system of strategic economic security through a balanced scorecard, which allows translating the mission and vision into a set of operational goals and targets. The main components of strategic economic security provision are: business processes, finance, contractors and staff; based on the state which economic security level is determined as: high, normal, low or critical. After that, the strategic prospects are set, i.e. transition from the lowest to the highest economic security level takes place, passing the economic security fields. In order to do this, certain company development strategy is selected, the mechanism for its implementation is being worked out. At the same time, company sustainable development strategy is identified in the case of a growth strategy use, which implies a transition from endogenous development strategy to introductive or introspective development strategy with further access to multi-integral development strategy. If there is inverse relationship, one can not speak of any sustainable development strategy. Besides, development, implementation and use of monitoring for the design process of the company's development strategy taking into account its economic security level acquires great importance.

  18. The Effect of a Course Management System (CMS)-Supported Strategy Instruction on EFL Reading Comprehension and Strategy Use (United States)

    Tsai, Yea-Ru; Talley, Paul C.


    This paper reports on the effect of a Moodle-supported strategy instruction on both reading comprehension and strategy use among EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. Specific reading strategy training was first integrated into a Moodle system, which included reading exercises on problem identification, monitoring comprehension,…

  19. Assessment of two BWR accident management strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hodge, S.A.; Petek, M.


    Candidate mitigative strategies for management of in-vessel events during the late phase (after core degradation has occurred) of postulated BWR severe accidents were considered at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) during 1990. The identification of new strategies was subject to the constraint that they should, to the maximum extent possible, make use of the existing equipment and water resources of the BWR facilities and not require major equipment modifications or additions. As a result of this effort, two of these candidate strategies were recommended for additional assessment. The first is a strategy for containment flooding to maintain the core and structural debris within the reactor vessel in the event that vessel injection cannot be restored to terminate a severe accident sequence. The second strategy pertains to the opposite case, for which vessel injection would be restored after control blade melting had begun; its purpose is to provide an injection source of borated water at the concentration necessary to preclude criticality upon recovering a damaged BWR core. Assessments of these two strategies have been performed during 1991 under the auspices of the Detailed Assessment of BWR In-Vessel Strategies Program. This paper provides a discussion of the motivation for and purpose of these strategies and the potential for their success. 33 refs., 9 figs

  20. Sex differences in navigation strategy and efficiency. (United States)

    Boone, Alexander P; Gong, Xinyi; Hegarty, Mary


    Research on human navigation has indicated that males and females differ in self-reported navigation strategy as well as objective measures of navigation efficiency. In two experiments, we investigated sex differences in navigation strategy and efficiency using an objective measure of strategy, the dual-solution paradigm (DSP; Marchette, Bakker, & Shelton, 2011). Although navigation by shortcuts and learned routes were the primary strategies used in both experiments, as in previous research on the DSP, individuals also utilized route reversals and sometimes found the goal location as a result of wandering. Importantly, sex differences were found in measures of both route selection and navigation efficiency. In particular, males were more likely to take shortcuts and reached their goal location faster than females, while females were more likely to follow learned routes and wander. Self-report measures of strategy were only weakly correlated with objective measures of strategy, casting doubt on their usefulness. This research indicates that the sex difference in navigation efficiency is large, and only partially related to an individual's navigation strategy as measured by the dual-solution paradigm.


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    Yasser Al-Shboul


    Full Text Available This study investigates congratulation strategies used by Jordanian EFL postgraduate students. It also investigates the types of positive politeness strategies in the congratulation speech act. Data were collected using an adopted version of discourse completion test (DCT by Dastjerdi and Nasri (2013. Data were encoded and analyzed based on the taxonomy of congratulation strategy proposed by Elwood (2004. Furthermore, data were analyzed based on a modified version of positive politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987. Findings revealed that the most frequently used strategies of congratulation were illocutionary force indicating devise (IFID, offer of good wishes, and expression of happiness. Regarding the positive politeness strategies, findings revealed that the most frequently used strategies by the participants were giving gift to listener, exaggeration, and ingroup identity marker. The study concludes with a discussion of important directions for future research such as including more participants with different social background. The results are expected to be useful information in cross-cultural comparison studies and other related areas.

  2. Quantitative learning strategies based on word networks (United States)

    Zhao, Yue-Tian-Yi; Jia, Zi-Yang; Tang, Yong; Xiong, Jason Jie; Zhang, Yi-Cheng


    Learning English requires a considerable effort, but the way that vocabulary is introduced in textbooks is not optimized for learning efficiency. With the increasing population of English learners, learning process optimization will have significant impact and improvement towards English learning and teaching. The recent developments of big data analysis and complex network science provide additional opportunities to design and further investigate the strategies in English learning. In this paper, quantitative English learning strategies based on word network and word usage information are proposed. The strategies integrate the words frequency with topological structural information. By analyzing the influence of connected learned words, the learning weights for the unlearned words and dynamically updating of the network are studied and analyzed. The results suggest that quantitative strategies significantly improve learning efficiency while maintaining effectiveness. Especially, the optimized-weight-first strategy and segmented strategies outperform other strategies. The results provide opportunities for researchers and practitioners to reconsider the way of English teaching and designing vocabularies quantitatively by balancing the efficiency and learning costs based on the word network.

  3. Summary: analysis of alternative FBR development strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burnham, J.B.


    This report summarizes the comparative evaluation of alternative strategies for the development of the commercial fast breeder reactor (FBR) in the United States. For planning purposes, a range of possible FBR development paths called strategies were selected for evaluation. These strategies, designed to be technically and economically feasible, were expressed in terms of the timing and nature of facilities/research and development programs required to reach full power operation of the first commercial FBR. Four of the seven strategies resulted in a large (1457 MWe) FBR as an end point, the other three in a 1000-MWe plant. Probability distributions were calculated for total strategy costs and time to completion. For the seven strategies analyzed, the costs (discounted 1980 dollars) ranged from $1.8 billion to $4.9 billion; the completion times ranged from 24 to 55 years

  4. Business model or strategy: which comes first?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Jesper Deleuran; Lueg, Rainer; Mayanja, Remmy


    There is an ongoing debate on how the concepts of strategy and business models relate to each other. Specifically, it is a puzzle whether business models determine strategies, or whether strategies precede business models (Seddon et al., 2004). Based on recent conceptual considerations (Cavalcante...... et al., 2011), the authors attempt to solve this puzzle by considering their mutual influence at different stages of the company’s business lifecycle. For that, the auhors use Scandinavian Software Company (SSC) as a case study. The initial idea of a business model is shown to shape SSC’s strategy...... in the birth phase. It is then argued that this relationship changed as SSC entered its growth phase and met competition, and the product market strategy determined the change in the business model. The researchers contribute to the currently underexplored dynamic relationship of business models and strategies...

  5. Taiwanese EFL Learners' Perceived Use of Online Reading Strategies (United States)

    Chen, Lisa Wen Chun


    Reading strategies are beneficial to learners' reading comprehension. The strategies can be divided into different categories, such as global reading strategies, problem solving strategies and support strategies. Most previous studies investigated the importance of reading strategies in the paper-based reading. However, relatively few studies…


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    Arasy Aalimudin


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is measurement strategy achievement of public education office of surabaya city using Balanced Scorecard as a measurement tool based on financial perspective, internal business process perspective, customer perspective, and learning and growth perspective. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative by using the method of observation and interview and then analyzed by giving an overview of the performance of the strategy undertaken and explain systematically. The stages of the analysis include weighting performance to measure the number of indexes, which consists of Major Performance Indicator Achievement Index (IKU, Strategic Target Value (NSS, Performance Perspective Value (NKP, Unit Performance Value (NKU. Based on the achievement of strategy using balanced scorecard on the strategy used by Surabaya Education Department in improving the quality of education in Surabaya has been achieved well this is indicated by the achievement of Unit Performance Value of 102.31% which means it has met the target set 100%. Keyword :Strategy Achievement, Balanced Scorecard, Performance


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    Nurdin Nurdin


    Full Text Available Samalona Island is one of the tourist destinations in Makassar. Therefore it needs an effective strategy for the tourism development by empowering local communities.The research aims were identifying and analyzing potency and tourist attraction, community participation and formulate development strategies.This research applied theory of tourism area life cycle, theory of planning and theory of participation. The data were collected by documentation studies, observation and in–depth interviews.Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method and matrix SWOT.The results suggested that Samalona Island is very feasible to be developing as a community-based tourism destination with the natural and socio-cultural potencies.The development of those obstacles are by applied strategies are as follows; strategy of strength–opportunity (S–O with development strategy of tourism destination and development strategy of tourism attraction, strategy of strength–threat (S–T with improvement strategy of environmental quality, development strategy of sustainable tourism, strategy of weakness–opportunity (W–O with promotion strategy of tourism destination, whereas strategy of weakness–threat (W–T with development strategy of human resources and development strategy of institutional and management of destination.

  8. Teaching Strategies for Specialized Ensembles. (United States)

    Teaching Music, 1999


    Provides a strategy, from the book "Strategies for Teaching Specialized Ensembles," that addresses Standard 9A of the National Standards for Music Education. Explains that students will identify and describe the musical and historical characteristics of the classical era in music they perform and in audio examples. (CMK)

  9. Risk evaluation of accident management strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dingman, S.; Camp, A.


    The use of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) methods to evaluate accident management strategies in nuclear power plants discussed in this paper. The PRA framework allows an integrated evaluation to be performed to give the full implications of a particular strategy. The methodology is demonstrated for a particular accident management strategy, intentional depressurization of the reactor coolant system to avoid containment pressurization during the ejection of molten debris at vessel breach

  10. Sensory marketing strategies. Case study: Oltenia


    Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU; Mihail-Cristian DIŢOIU; Nicolae TEODORESCU; Lucian-Florin ONIŞOR; Ion PÂRGARU


    From the perspective of the tourist, sensory marketing strategies may result in an experience improvement which leads, in time, to acquiring a positive destination image, and, from the perspective of the destination, to furthering its harmonious development. Even though it appears that sensory marketing strategies can be considered as alternatives for marketing strategies, they actually are complementary, and their objective (increasing product quality by “turning to the beginning”, where per...

  11. Effectiveness of business strategies in Brazilian textile industry


    Batista, Paulo César de Sousa; Lisboa, João Veríssimo de Oliveira; Augusto, Mário Gomes; Almeida, Fátima Evaneide Barbosa de


    ABSTRACT This research analyses how the interaction between strategy capabilities, strategy types, strategy formulation quality and implementation capability affect organizational performance in Brazilian textiles companies. This article proposes and tests a conceptual framework, using a structural equation modeling of a set of 211 valid questionnaires on Brazilian textiles firms. The results support links between focus strategy and marketing capabilities, and between cost leadership strategy...

  12. Editorial: Sales Strategy (2010

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    Chris McPhee


    Full Text Available The editorial theme for this issue of the OSBR is Sales Strategy. While "marketing" is everything a company does to build interest in its offers, "sales" consists of converting these offers into cash. By "sales strategy," we refer to all sales planning and process development activities leading up to the actual selling of a product or service. In his recent blog post at MaRS Discovery District, Mark Zimmerman answered a question he is frequently asked by the founders of startups: "How do we find a good sales person?" In short, his answer is "Don't." This is not meant as a slight to sales professionals, but rather, Zimmerman is advocating that companies should not equate having sales professionals to having a sales strategy. Sales professionals have a critical role to play in a company's success, but they are being given an impossible task if asked to sell something that has not been validated with customers. Zimmerman explains that sales professionals should be hired only once a company has validated that the value proposition resonates with customers and that the sales model will be effective. This lesson also applies to established companies, where existing sales staff require this same foundation to be effective. So how does a company determine whether its value proposition resonates with customers? The answer, of course, is to talk to customers. In the OSBR and elsewhere, the need for early customer input is a dominant theme in recent discussions of product development, marketing, and now sales strategy. By talking to customers, listening to how they describe their needs, and interpreting how their needs could be met, a value proposition can tested and refined. It is far more efficient and effective to iteratively refine a value proposition before attempting to sell than to attempt a salvage operation in response to slumping sales. Customer input is also a critical ingredient in developing an effective sales strategy. In this issue of the

  13. Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Perceived Use of Online Reading Strategies


    Lisa Wen Chun Chen


    Reading strategies are beneficial to learners’ reading comprehension. The strategies can be divided into different categories, such as global reading strategies, problem solving strategies and support strategies. Most previous studies investigated the importance of reading strategies in the paper-based reading. However, relatively few studies examined online reading strategies and their effects on reading comprehension. Online reading materials are important sources for EFL stu...

  14. Strategy over operation: neural activation in subtraction and multiplication during fact retrieval and procedural strategy use in children. (United States)

    Polspoel, Brecht; Peters, Lien; Vandermosten, Maaike; De Smedt, Bert


    Arithmetic development is characterized by strategy shifts between procedural strategy use and fact retrieval. This study is the first to explicitly investigate children's neural activation associated with the use of these different strategies. Participants were 26 typically developing 4th graders (9- to 10-year-olds), who, in a behavioral session, were asked to verbally report on a trial-by-trial basis how they had solved 100 subtraction and multiplication items. These items were subsequently presented during functional magnetic resonance imaging. An event-related design allowed us to analyze the brain responses during retrieval and procedural trials, based on the children's verbal reports. During procedural strategy use, and more specifically for the decomposition of operands strategy, activation increases were observed in the inferior and superior parietal lobes (intraparietal sulci), inferior to superior frontal gyri, bilateral areas in the occipital lobe, and insular cortex. For retrieval, in comparison to procedural strategy use, we observed increased activity in the bilateral angular and supramarginal gyri, left middle to inferior temporal gyrus, right superior temporal gyrus, and superior medial frontal gyrus. No neural differences were found between the two operations under study. These results are the first in children to provide direct evidence for alternate neural activation when different arithmetic strategies are used and further unravel that previously found effects of operation on brain activity reflect differences in arithmetic strategy use. Hum Brain Mapp 38:4657-4670, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Effective Strategy-Making in Multinational Subsidiaries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Torben Juul; Andersson, Ulf; Palmié, Maximilian

    for global efficiencies and autonomy for effective local responses. Strategic guidance from headquarters frames subsidiary decisions in line with corporate priorities and distributed decision power coupled with informal exchange of information facilitates strategic responses in tune with local market......We outline commonalities between studies of subsidiary decentralization and autonomous strategy-making in the international business and strategic management fields. This suggests that corporate headquarters should engage in strategy-making processes that provide a combination of formal direction...... requirements. We identify some important nuances in the integration-responsiveness conundrum supported by an empirical study of 351 multinational subsidiaries. We discuss the implications for multinational strategy practice and suggest future research venues to investigate strategy-making in multinational...

  16. Quantum evolutionary stable strategies of 2-player, 2-strategy symmetric games

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Z.W.


    Quantum evolutionary stable strategies (ESSs) of games are considered as stable solutions to population games on molecular level. The distributive diagram of 2-player, 2-strategy (2 x 2) symmetric games is brought out to get a convenient way of looking for their quantum ESSs. It is found that transpositions, related to the parameters in classical payoff and those of initial quantum states, may occur when games are quantized. Conditions for transpositions are given in two tables. One can easily find quantum ESSs of a 2 x 2 symmetric game according to its transposition. This paper also draws an overall outline of NEs and ESSs of this kind of game.

  17. Strategi Pembelajaran Tanpa Kekerasan


    Idrus, Muhammad


    This paper will discuss learning strategy models which put student as subject of learning. Teacher is expected to take an advantage in using those models to reduce violence in education circumstance. As found in researches and mass media, violence in education circumstances, which is performed by teachers or students, still become high concerns among parents, teachers, and students themselves. One such thing that may cause this violence is learning and teaching approach or strategy by which t...

  18. Marketing Strategy for Kukaneko


    Kämpjärvi, Tiina


    The topic of this thesis was to create a realistic marketing strategy for Kukaneko that sells Finnish sustainable fashion in Lahti. The company had no comprehensive marketing strategy in its use which why this thesis was written. Both secondary and primary research was used to carry out the research. The secondary data was gathered from books, scholarly journals and internet sources. Qualitative data was gathered in co-operation with the owner of the case company through an interview...

  19. Requirements of modernization strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heinbuch, R.


    Instrumentation and control contributed a major share to the current level of safety, economic efficiency, and availability of the German nuclear power plants. German NPPs occupy a top position in this respect at international level, but novel instrumentation and digital control technology alone will not guarantee further enhancements. Therefore, the owner/operators established carefully devised maintenance and modernization strategies in order to safeguard their NPPs top position in the long run. The German NPPs are the most thoroughly automated plants of the world. In addition to the sweeping modernization strategies recommended by the plant manufacturers, based on computer-supported control, alternative modernization strategies have been considered in the evaluation process. This approach provides for room for maneuvre, for manufacturers as well as managers responsible for risk and cost optimization, which is a major task in view of the changing regulatory framework in the electricity market. (orig./CB) [de

  20. Spent nuclear fuel sampling strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergmann, D.W.


    This report proposes a strategy for sampling the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) stored in the 105-K Basins (105-K East and 105-K West). This strategy will support decisions concerning the path forward SNF disposition efforts in the following areas: (1) SNF isolation activities such as repackaging/overpacking to a newly constructed staging facility; (2) conditioning processes for fuel stabilization; and (3) interim storage options. This strategy was developed without following the Data Quality Objective (DQO) methodology. It is, however, intended to augment the SNF project DQOS. The SNF sampling is derived by evaluating the current storage condition of the SNF and the factors that effected SNF corrosion/degradation

  1. Strategies for a competitive nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvarez, J. M.; Rebollo, L.


    In the new framework of electricity generation, Nuclear Power Plants are operated by the electric utilities based on the competition required by an increasingly deregulated and liberalized market so that there is frequently a competition between the strategies of innovation and standardisation. On one had, innovation promotes the use of new technologies, products and/or processes locking for a reduction of costs based on the increase of the operating margins, while, on the other hand, standardisation promotes the use of well known and consolidated technologies, products and/or processes looking for getting the maximum benefit from the accumulated previous operating experience. In order to evaluate the standardisation versus the innovation an analysis of risks and opportunities of each of these strategies applied to the industry of the nuclear fuel has been suggested. As a results of it, a combined strategy innovation + standardisation based on the integration of both basic strategies in a complementary mode, has been suggested, the disadvantages of each of these strategies being compensated with the advantages of the other one. in this way, the total risk is minimized, the global opportunities are maximized and the main overall objective of getting the maximum benefit of the combination of both strategies looking for a competitive nuclear fuel is guaranteed. (Author)

  2. Learning Strategy Instruction Innovation Configuration (United States)

    Schumaker, Jean B.


    One way of helping students with learning disabilities and other struggling students to be independent life-long learners is to teach them how to use learning strategies in efficient ways. Learning strategy instruction can provide students the opportunity to succeed in today's schools and meet rigorous standards, transforming ineffective learners…

  3. Principles of marketing: Setting goals and marketing strategies


    Marjanova Jovanov, Tamara


    Presented material to the students: 6.1. The mission of the organization and corporate goals 6.2. Marketing goals 6.3. Classification of marketing strategies 6.4. Generic marketing strategies regarding the wanted competitive advantage. 6.5. Competitive strategies in relation to the competitors and in relation to the environment. 6.6. Growth strategies or investment (intensive growth and integration / diversification) and maintenance strategies or divest (maintenance, harvest...

  4. Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Normalising Reduction Strategies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ketema, J.; Simonsen, Jakob Grue


    We study normalising reduction strategies for infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems (iCRSs). We prove that all fair, outermost-fair, and needed-fair strategies are normalising for orthogonal, fully-extended iCRSs. These facts properly generalise a number of results on normalising strategies in

  5. Routine development of objectively derived search strategies

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    Hausner Elke


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Over the past few years, information retrieval has become more and more professionalized, and information specialists are considered full members of a research team conducting systematic reviews. Research groups preparing systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines have been the driving force in the development of search strategies, but open questions remain regarding the transparency of the development process and the available resources. An empirically guided approach to the development of a search strategy provides a way to increase transparency and efficiency. Methods Our aim in this paper is to describe the empirically guided development process for search strategies as applied by the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, or "IQWiG". This strategy consists of the following steps: generation of a test set, as well as the development, validation and standardized documentation of the search strategy. Results We illustrate our approach by means of an example, that is, a search for literature on brachytherapy in patients with prostate cancer. For this purpose, a test set was generated, including a total of 38 references from 3 systematic reviews. The development set for the generation of the strategy included 25 references. After application of textual analytic procedures, a strategy was developed that included all references in the development set. To test the search strategy on an independent set of references, the remaining 13 references in the test set (the validation set were used. The validation set was also completely identified. Discussion Our conclusion is that an objectively derived approach similar to that used in search filter development is a feasible way to develop and validate reliable search strategies. Besides creating high-quality strategies, the widespread application of this approach will result in a

  6. A normative model for assessing competitive strategy


    Ungerer, Gerard David; Cayzer, Steve


    The hyper-competitive nature of e-business has raised the need for a generic way to appraise the merit of a developed business strategy. Although progress has been made in the domain of strategy evaluation, the established literature differs over the ‘tests’ that a strategy must pass to be considered well-constructed. This paper therefore investigates the existing strategy-evaluation literature to propose a more integrated and comprehensive normative strategic assessment that can be used to e...

  7. A Strategy Modelling Technique for Financial Services


    Heinrich, Bernd; Winter, Robert


    Strategy planning processes often suffer from a lack of conceptual models that can be used to represent business strategies in a structured and standardized form. If natural language is replaced by an at least semi-formal model, the completeness, consistency, and clarity of strategy descriptions can be drastically improved. A strategy modelling technique is proposed that is based on an analysis of modelling requirements, a discussion of related work and a critical analysis of generic approach...

  8. Implementing acquisition strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montgomery, G. K.


    The objective of this paper is to address some of the strategies necessary to effect a successful asset or corporate acquisition. Understanding the corporate objective, the full potential of the asset, the specific strategies to be employed, the value of time, and most importantly the interaction of all these are crucial, for missed steps are likely to result in missed opportunities. The amount of factual information that can be obtained and utilized in a timely fashion is the largest single hurdle to the capture of value in the asset or corporate acquisition. Fact, familiarity and experience are key in this context. The importance of the due diligence process prior to title or data transfer cannot be overemphasized. Some of the most important assets acquired in a merger may be the people. To maximize effectiveness, it is essential to merge both existing staff and those that came with the new acquisition as soon as possible. By thinking together as a unit, knowledge and experience can be applied to realize the potential of the asset. Hence team building is one of the challenges, doing it quickly is usually the most effective. Developing new directions for the new enlarged company by combining the strengths of the old and the new creates more value, as well as a more efficient operation. Equally important to maximizing the potential of the new acquisition is the maintenance of the momentum generated by the need to grow that gave the impetus to acquiring new assets in the first place. In brief, the right mix of vision, facts and perceptions, quick enactment of the post-close strategies and keeping the momentum alive, are the principal ingredients of a focused strategy





    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has got three components: economic responsibility of shareholders, corporate environmental responsibility, corporate responsibility of the society. Each component of the CSR has its own features, according to which adequate individual behaviour is established. Knowing these features is very important in CSR strategy development.

  10. Intersections between strategy and business models


    磯村 和人


    This paper explores the relationship between strategy and business models. I review major researches on strategy and business models to provide a viewpoint to consider the intersections between them. The theory of strategy shifts the focus from visible competitive advantage to its internal managerial resources. The concept of business models has been discussed because a business model is considered to be a combination of internal and external business processes; it clarifies how to effectivel...

  11. Pengembangan Identitas Organisasi Sebagai Strategi Bisnis


    Prasetyo, Yan Wahid; Himam, Fathul


    This research aimed to explore how an organizational identity was used as business strategy for private TV station. Qualitative approach with traditional grounded theory was used as research design. The data were collected through observation, interview and document analysis. The study found that organizational identity can be useful as business strategy to gain market positioning. This research also emphasized a model of identity development that can be used as business strategy. Keyword...


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    Savelyeva Irina Petrovna


    Full Text Available The purpose of the article is to develop an original approach to the formation of a marketing strategy of commercialization of innovations. The existing views on the process of creating marketing strategies were examined and classified and the algorithm of building marketing strategies for the processes commercialization of innovations was offered. The results can be used by industrial companies and in the educational process of marketing, strategic marketing and innovation management disciplines.

  13. Strategi Pembelajaran Biologi Berbasis Kompetensi dan Konservasi

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    Saiful Ridlo


    Full Text Available AbstrakPembelajaran melibatkan interaksi dosen, mahasiswa, dan sumber belajar. Interaksi antara ketiganya membutuhkan strategi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan strategi pembelajaran biologi di Jurusan Biologi Unnes yang telah berkomitmen mengaplikasikan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi dan konservasi dengan ciri pendekatan jelajah alam sekitar (JAS. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Informannya dosen dan mahasiswa yang mengajar dan belajar biologi umum, mikrobiologi, dan taksonomi hewan. Data yang diperoleh berupa deskripsi kegiatan belajar mengajar dan lesson study.  Data-data dianalisis kemudian dinarasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran biologi dengan pendekatan berpusat pada siswa yang dikhususkan pada kegiatan penjelajahan alam sekitar dapat dilakukan menggunakan strategi yang berbasis pada cara belajar siswa aktif dan kooperatif. Strategi-strategi tersebut adalah pembelajaran kontekstual, pembelajaran partisipatif, dan pembelajaran inkuiri. AbstractLearning involves the interaction of lecturer, students, and learning resources. The interaction between them requires a learning strategy. This research aims to generate learning strategies of biology in the Department of Biology Unnes which has committed to apply the competence- and conservation-based curriculum of features the environmental exploration (JAS approach. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach. The informants are the faculty members and the students who, respectively, teach and learn biology, microbiology, and animal taxonomy subjects. The data obtained were in the form of description of learning activities and lesson studies. The data were then analyzed narratively. The results showed that the student-centered learning of environmental exploration may be conducted using active- and cooperative-based strategies. Examples of these strategies are contextual learning, participatory learning, and inquiry learning.


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    Liem Ferryanto


    Full Text Available Innovation is the way of life of any institution to profitably sustain its life. It starts with empathy, the ability to reach outside of ourselves and walk in someone else’s shoes, and optimal implementation of the newly advanced technology. Innovation shows its results through continuously hard working efforts known as "10 Thousand Hours Rule". As world uncertainty creates complexity we, instead of predicting, should therefore anticipate the future by creating and managing real options on contingent projects or elements of alternative optimal strategies. This should reflect into our portfolio strategy. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Inovasi merupakan darah bagi suatu institusi untuk bisa hidup berkelanjutan serta menguntungkan. Inovasi berupa penemuan baru secara sistematis yang berawal dari empati, kemampuan untuk melihat dunia melalui mata orang lain, dan pemanfaatan secara optimal kemajuan teknologi yang ada. Inovasi baru menghasilkan buahnya melalui kerja keras, yaitu dengan mengikuti “Aturan 10 Ribu Jam” secara berkesinambungan. Ketidakpastian, interaksi, keterbatasan dan degradasi menciptakan kompleksitas tentang kebutuhan dan solusi di masa depan. Oleh sebab itu daripada meramalkan risiko yang bakal terjadi, kita sebaiknya memasang strategi berupa skenario untuk mereduksi akibat dari risiko masa depan yang tidak kita mengerti. Skenario ini dapat diperoleh lewat penciptaan dan penanganan beberapa pilihan nyata atas semua proyek antisipatif yang ada. Kata kunci: Inovasi, ketidakpastian dan kompleksitas, aturan 10 ribu jam, paradoks strategi, peta jalan, empati, kerja berkesinambungan.

  15. Nuclear fuel strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rippon, S.


    The paper reports on two international meetings on nuclear fuel strategies, one organised by the World Nuclear Fuel Market in Seville (Spain) October 1988, and the other organised by the American and European nuclear societies in Washington (U.S.A.) November 1988. At the Washington meeting a description was given of the uranium supply and demand market, whereas free trade in uranium was considered in Seville. Considerable concern was expressed at both meetings on the effect on the uranium and enrichment services market of very low prices for spot deals being offered by China and the Soviet Union. Excess enrichment capacity, the procurement policies of the USA and other countries, and fuel cycle strategies, were also discussed. (U.K.)

  16. Language Learning Strategies of EFL College Students

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    Dewi Furwana


    Full Text Available The objectives of the research were (1 to investigate the most dominant language learning strategies (LLS used by sixth semester students of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty at UIN Alauddin Makassar and (2 to find out the differences of using LLS between high achieving students and low achieving students. The result of the quantitative data through questionnaire showed that (1 metacognitive strategies was the most dominant LLS used, and (2 the high achieving students used metacognitive strategies with the highest preference and low achieving students used compensation strategies with the highest preference. The result of the qualitative data through think aloud showed that (1 the most dominant LLS employed by students were listening music, utilizing time for practicing and self-evaluating, (2 the most dominant LLS used by high achieving students were utilizing time for practicing, practicing English together and self-evaluating, whereas the most dominant LLS used by low achieving students were listening music, asking friend and selecting topic. The data were collected through documentation used to classify high achieving students and low achieving students based on their grade point average. It is concluded that the most dominant language learning strategies employed by students was metacognitive strategies. High achieving students employed different strategy than low achieving students. High achieving students used learning strategies more frequently than low achieving students.

  17. Decommissioning strategies for facilities using radioactive material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The planning for the decommissioning of facilities that have used radioactive material is similar in many respects to other typical engineering projects. However, decommissioning differs because it involves equipment and materials that are radioactive and therefore have to be handled and controlled appropriately. The project management principles are the same. As with all engineering projects, the desired end state of the project must be known before the work begins and there are a number of strategies that can be used to reach this end state. The selection of the appropriate strategy to be used to decommission a facility can vary depending on a number of factors. No two facilities are exactly the same and their locations and conditions can result in different strategies being considered acceptable. The factors that are considered cover a wide range of topics from purely technical issues to social and economic issues. Each factor alone may not have a substantial impact on which strategy to select, but their combination could lead to the selection of the preferred or best strategy for a particular facility. This Safety Report identifies the factors that are normally considered when deciding on the most appropriate strategy to select for a particular facility. It describes the impact that each factor can have on the strategy selection and also how the factors in combination can be used to select an optimum strategy

  18. Strategie vstupu na zahraniční trh


    Kalista, Pavel


    This thesis is focusing on problem of choosing the right foreign market for international expansion of a small company. It's main part is about setting the right foreign market entry strategy, that comprises of internationalization strategy, market entry mode strategy and international management strategy. On the basis of this strategy were set the criteria for evaluating target market's potential, and they were also immediately used in analysis of two pre-chosen markets.

  19. ATL with strategy contexts: Expressiveness and Model Checking.


    Da Costa , Arnaud; Laroussinie , François; Markey , Nicolas


    We study the alternating-time temporal logics ATL and ATL* extended with strategy contexts: these make agents commit to their strategies during the evaluation of formulas, contrary to plain ATL and ATL* where strategy quantifiers reset previously selected strategies. We illustrate the important expressive power of strategy contexts by proving that they make the extended logics, namely ATLsc and ATLsc*, equally expressive: any formula in ATLsc* can be translated into an equivalent, linear-...

  20. Cell-Based Strategies for Meniscus Tissue Engineering (United States)

    Niu, Wei; Guo, Weimin; Han, Shufeng; Zhu, Yun; Liu, Shuyun; Guo, Quanyi


    Meniscus injuries remain a significant challenge due to the poor healing potential of the inner avascular zone. Following a series of studies and clinical trials, tissue engineering is considered a promising prospect for meniscus repair and regeneration. As one of the key factors in tissue engineering, cells are believed to be highly beneficial in generating bionic meniscus structures to replace injured ones in patients. Therefore, cell-based strategies for meniscus tissue engineering play a fundamental role in meniscal regeneration. According to current studies, the main cell-based strategies for meniscus tissue engineering are single cell type strategies; cell coculture strategies also were applied to meniscus tissue engineering. Likewise, on the one side, the zonal recapitulation strategies based on mimicking meniscal differing cells and internal architectures have received wide attentions. On the other side, cell self-assembling strategies without any scaffolds may be a better way to build a bionic meniscus. In this review, we primarily discuss cell seeds for meniscus tissue engineering and their application strategies. We also discuss recent advances and achievements in meniscus repair experiments that further improve our understanding of meniscus tissue engineering. PMID:27274735

  1. Reading Test-taking Strategies in General Training IELTS

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    Vahede Nosrati


    Full Text Available The significance of gaining a better understanding of how test-taking strategies are used has been recognized by researchers. Considering this fact, this study aimed at investigating the test-taking strategies which were employed by IELTS candidates in reading comprehension test. Besides, it tried to take into account the differences among strategies used for different tasks. In order to gather data, two instruments were employed: the think-aloud protocol, and an IELTS reading test. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted qualitatively by the researcher. The findings indicated that candidates employed 15 different strategies which were categorized in 3 stages, pre-reading, reading, and post-reading stages. Furthermore, it was revealed that test-takers used certain strategies differently, depending on the type of the task. The findings provide a better understanding of strategy use among IELTS candidates and help teachers to improve their approaches toward teaching and learning goals. Keywords: Test-taking Strategy, Test-taker, Reading Comprehension, Language Learning Strategy, IELTS


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    Respati Wulandari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan melihat strategi yang digunakan pada Convenience Store di Indonesia dengan mengambil 7-Eleven sebagai sumber field study dengan metode orientasi pasar. Pengaruh lifestyle menjadi indikator penunjang dalam perkembangan 7-Eleven ddengan menerapkan beberapa strategi yang mengena di market Indonesia, terutama bagi kalangan muda dimana diketahui memiliki indikasi terpenting dalam siklus lifestyle di Indonesia. Tujuan tercapai dengan mengetahui penerapan strategi yang digunakan sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam menjalankan strategi bisnis pada Convenience Store

  3. Energy security strategy and nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toichi, Tsutomu; Shibata, Masaharu; Uchiyama, Yoji; Suzuki, Tatsujiro; Yamazaki, Kazuo


    This special edition of 'Energy security strategy and nuclear power' is abstracts of the 27 th Policy Recommendations 'The Establishment of an International Energy Security System' by the Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc on May 18 th , 2006. It consists of five papers: Energy security trend in the world and Japan strategy by Tsutomu Toichi, Establishment of energy strategy supporting Japan as the focus on energy security by Masaharu Shibata, World pays attention to Japan nuclear power policy and nuclear fuel cycle by Yoji Uchiyama, Part of nuclear power in the energy security - the basic approach and future problems by Tatsujiro Suzuki, and Drawing up the energy strategy focused on the national interests - a demand for the next government by Kazuo Yamazaki. (S.Y.)

  4. 40 CFR 123.46 - Individual control strategies. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 21 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Individual control strategies. 123.46... PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Transfer of Information and Permit Review § 123.46 Individual control strategies. (a..., approval, and implementation an individual control strategy for each point source identified by the State...

  5. Marketingová strategie ve vybrané organizaci


    Krejčová, Kamila


    The main objective of my bachelor's thesis "Marketing strategy in the company ZFP akademie, a. s." is the analyses of marketing strategy of the company ZFP akademie, a.s. and its product portfolio. Than I make its marketing strategy clear and show the future possible development.

  6. 48 CFR 307.104-70 - Acquisition strategy. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Acquisition strategy. 307... AND ACQUISITION PLANNING ACQUISITION PLANNING Acquisition Planning 307.104-70 Acquisition strategy... designated by the HHS CIO, DASFMP, the CAO, or the cognizant HCA) shall prepare an acquisition strategy using...

  7. The notion of strategy in facility management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holzweber, Markus

    Based on a literature review, the findings of the study report a service-strategy classification grid. Such a service-strategy grid provides for a better understanding of the business environment. The study findings are intended to enhance business managers’ understandings of the issues behind FM...... strategy....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iryna Stankovska


    Full Text Available The article explores the use of  аdministrative instruments in implementing functional strategies competitiveness management. Due to providing strategic financial management competitiveness the use of administrative levers of control in the formulation and implementation of financial strategies were investigated. System of financial policies forming by individual policies of  general financial strategy, which is an administrative levers of influence on implementation strategies, was proposed. Structure strategic alternatives of financial and investment strategy implementation based on the decomposition and decision tree was formed. To select strategic alternatives, to identify strategic gaps and evaluate deviations from specified target markers in the implementation of financial policies using GAP-analysis that is a tool of management analysis was proposed. Key words: functional strategy, financial strategy, competitiveness management, financial policy, administrative instruments, GAP-analysis.

  9. Summarizing background report for Energy Strategy 2025

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Danish Government's long-term energy strategy follows up on the political agreement of 29 March 2004. The energy strategy is a coherent formulation of the Government's long-term energy policy. The pivotal point for the energy strategy is liberalized energy markets and market based tools for obtaining goals such as efficiency, security of supply and environment. The focus is increasingly on the substantial business potential within development of new and more efficient energy technology, in which Denmark takes up several globally strong positions. Furthermore, transportation energy consumption has been included directly in an energy strategy for the first time. At the same time as the energy strategy is presented, a summarizing background report from the Danish Energy Agency with facts, analyses and evaluations is published, as well as a report from that summarizes the system responsibilities' input to that part of the energy strategy that deals with power infrastructure. (BA)

  10. The strategies of mass screen culture


    Vorozheikin Yevhen Petrovich


    The article deals with strategies of mass screen culture aimed at manipulation with images of death and violence. The author highlights the main ways of implementation of these strategies, their relationship with contemporary cultural trends. Also the article observes negative consequences of such strategy as screen “anesthesia” of human feelings through transformation of images of death and violence in a way of exception of moral evaluation of the act of violence and death deprivation in met...

  11. National Drug Control Strategy, 2011 (United States)

    Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2011


    In May of 2010, President Obama released the Administration's inaugural "National Drug Control Strategy". Based on the premise that drug use and its consequences pose a threat not just to public safety, but also to public health, the 2010 "Strategy" represented the first comprehensive rebalancing of Federal drug control policy in the nearly 40…

  12. Math Fact Strategies Research Project (United States)

    Boso, Annie


    An action research project was conducted in order to determine effective math fact strategies for first graders. The traditional way of teaching math facts included using timed tests and flashcards, with most students counting on their fingers or a number line. Six new research-based strategies were taught and analyzed to decide which methods…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Artis Artis


    Full Text Available Living man in interrelates society. Relationship among human being done by gets communication so man one by another one mutually understand and influence regard for the benefit, it that always been practiced by Public Relations( liaison in a governance and also firm institute to reach to the effect which ices. The institute of Public Relations declares for,”Public Relations is overall effort which be passed off by design and berkesenambungan in order to creates and pet keenness and mutual understanding among an organization with whole its member “. In this case, Public Relations in give distribution on manajement's strategy there is two: First, Doing task as part of Public Relations's strategy and involvement in comprehensive process and gives benefit for management an organization. Both of, Public Relations gets role in management strategy in bring off activity to reach to the effect good one gets internal character and also external one correspond to that desirable by good institute on level governance and firm.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Markova V.


    Full Text Available Smartphones global market is one of the most dynamically developing markets that can be characterized by high level of competition. The growth of smartphones homogeneity, which is a reduction in difference between technical and functional parameters of smartphones produced by various manufacturers, can be considered the market’s specific feature. The unique situation of high-tech product homogeneity in a fast-growing market is scantily described in specialized literature. The article shows changeability of smartphones global market leaders and explains that the key success factor in such a mature market is marketing. Based on secondary information, marketing strategies of long standing market leader in sales Samsung and overtaking Apple companies are determined as well as strategies of contenders for leadership - Chinese companies Huawei and Lenovo. It is shown on Lenovo case that inexplicit positioning leads to a loss of the growing market share due to offensive marketing strategies of other Chinese companies. The research results broaden the knowledge of methodical potential of marketing strategies in companies’ activities in competitive markets of homogeneous high-tech products.

  15. Managing Conflict: 50 Strategies for School Leaders (United States)

    Edmonson, Stacey; Combs, Julie; Harris, Sandra


    This book offers 50 easy-to-read strategies for managing conflicts in your school involving students, parents, and teachers. Individually, these strategies provide specific insights into conflict resolution, reduction, and management. As a whole, the 50 strategies provide a comprehensive method to lead constructive change in your school. With…

  16. Strategy-driven talent management a leadership imperative

    CERN Document Server

    Silzer, Rob


    A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Praise for Strategy-Driven Talent Management ""Silzer and Dowell''s Strategy-Driven Talent Management provides a comprehensive overview of the different elements of the best talent management processes used in organizations today. This is a valuable resource for leaders and managers, HR practitioners and anyone involved in developing leadership talent.""-Ed Lawler, Professor, School of Business, University of Southern California ""Talent is the key to successful execution of a winning business strategy. Strategy-Driven T

  17. Livelihood strategies and dynamics in rural Cambodia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jiao, Xi; Pouliot, Mariéve; Walelign, Solomon Zena


    This paper addresses one of the major challenges in rural livelihood analysis to quantitatively examine the dynamics of household livelihood strategies. It investigates the interactions between livelihood assets, activities, and outcomes, and captures the dynamics of long-term changes......, for latent class cluster analysis and regression estimation. In this paper, livelihood strategies are quantified based on allocation of available resources, which overcomes the limitations of income-based analysis. Our study identifies five household livelihood strategies pursued in the study areas...... and their underlying factors. The study aims to identify the classification of rural livelihood strategies, their transitions and factors influencing these processes and changes. We employ the dynamic livelihood strategy framework, and use panel data for 2008 and 2012 covering 464 households in 15 villages in Cambodia...

  18. A critical evaluation of the STRATEGY project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howard, B.J.; Liland, A.; Beresford, N.A.


    The STRATEGY project (sustainable restoration and long-term management of contaminated rural, urban and industrial ecosystems; addressed the need for a holistic decision framework for the selection of optimal remediation strategies for long-term sustainable management...... of contaminated areas in Western Europe. The project considered both technical and social aspects of implementing restoration strategies for urban and rural environments. The importance of considering socially relevant objectives in addition to the dose reduction was emphasised. A critical evaluation was carried...... out on 101 selected countermeasures, (including rural waste disposal options), a model was developed to aid optimising countermeasure strategies and a method of carrying out participatory decision-making suggested. The outputs of the project are described and critically evaluated....

  19. A critical evaluation of the strategy project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howard, B. J.; Liland, A.; Beresford, N. A.; Andersson, K. G.; Cox, G.; Gil, J. M.; Hunt, J.; Nisbet, A.; Oughton, D. H.; Voigt, G.


    The STRATEGY project (sustainable restoration and long-term management of contaminated rural, urban and industrial ecosystems; addressed the need for a holistic decision framework for the selection of optimal remediation strategies for long-term sustainable management of contaminated areas in Western Europe. The project considered both technical and social aspects of implementing restoration strategies for urban and rural environments. The importance of considering socially relevant objectives in addition to the dose reduction was emphasised. A critical evaluation was carried out on 101 selected countermeasures, (including rural waste disposal options), a model was developed to aid optimising countermeasure strategies and a method of carrying out participatory decision-making suggested. The outputs of the project are described and critically evaluated. (authors)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Husaini Usman


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep strategi kepemimpinan pembelajaran. Perbedaan pembelajaran di SMK dengan SMA membawa konsekuensi strategi kepemimpinan pembelajaran yang berbeda pula. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis grounded theory. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipasi, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, dan anggota komite sekolahsecara snowball. Orang kunci dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah. Objek penelitian adalah pelaku, konsep, tempat, dan kegiatan. Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan kriteria kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, dan komfirmabilitas. Langkah-langkah dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah model Lichman (2011. Penelitian menemukan bahwa strategi kepemimpinan pembelajaran adalah: keteladanan, pembelajaran di kelas dan luar kelas, kultur sekolah, dan penguatan. Kata Kunci: strategi, kepemimpinan pembelajaran, implementasi kurikulum 2013 THE STRATEGY OF INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TOWARD THE IMPEMENTATION OF CURRICULUM 2013 Abstract: Theresearch was aim to find the strategy concept of instructional leadership. Different between VHS and HS learning bring coonsequency different of strategy of instructional too. The research used was qualitative with grounded theory type. Research instrument is the researchers ourself. Data collecting technique were used deep-interview, participation observation, and documentation. Reseach subjects areprincipal, vice principals, and school committee members with snowball. Key informan is principal. Research objects are: persons, concept, place, and activities. Verification of data was done by credibility, transferability, dependability, and comfirmability criteria. Stage and data analysis were used the Lichman model (2011. The research findings that the strategy of instructional leaderships are