
Sample records for viljandi order castle

  1. Archaeological investigations at the late iron age settlement site of Huntaugu and at the castle of teutonic order in Viljandi / Arvi Haak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haak, Arvi


    Huntaugu mäel paiknenud lühiajalistest väikestest asustusüksustest. Viljandi ordulinnuse eeslinnuse hoovialal 14. saj. keskel toimunud muudatustest, kaevamistest esimese eeslinnuse alal, varisenud konvendihoone müüridest, leiumaterjali kirjeldus

  2. District heating rehabilitation project. Viljandi - Estonia. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The main objective of the project has been to assist Viljandi Municipality with the rehabilitation of their district heating system, and thereby to support the positive development of the district heating system in Viljandi to a more energy efficient and rational system and to achieve a significantly decrease in the pollution from the production of heat energy in Viljandi. The project has also included technical assistance to Viljandi DH company, in order to make them capable of operation and maintaining of the new substations, and also training of the local operational staff for operation of the complete district heating system. Viljandi is a county and is centrally located in Estonia, which makes Viljandi very suitable as recipient for a demonstration project. One important objective was the projects significantly positive environmental impact in reduction of the generated emissions of CO 2 , NO x and SO 2 , as the project includes installation of more efficient energy systems and supply of heat from the 2 existing district heating plants (both are partly fired with wood chips) instead of heating by very old and worn-out coal fired boilers and inexpedient designed substations with the present operational conditions. (EG)

  3. District heating rehabilitation project. Viljandi - Estonia. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The main objective of the project has been to assist Viljandi Municipality with the rehabilitation of their district heating system, and thereby to support the positive development of the district heating system in Viljandi to a more energy efficient and rational system and to achieve a significantly decrease in the pollution from the production of heat energy in Viljandi. The project has also included technical assistance to Viljandi DH company, in order to make them capable of operation and maintaining of the new substations, and also training of the local operational staff for operation of the complete district heating system. Viljandi is a county and is centrally located in Estonia, which makes Viljandi very suitable as recipient for a demonstration project. One important objective was the projects significantly positive environmental impact in reduction of the generated emissions of CO{sub 2}, NO{sub x} and SO{sub 2}, as the project includes installation of more efficient energy systems and supply of heat from the 2 existing district heating plants (both are partly fired with wood chips) instead of heating by very old and worn-out coal fired boilers and inexpedient designed substations with the present operational conditions. (EG)

  4. Viljandi laululava = Viljandi festival arena

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi laululava Talli tänav 2, valminud 2013. Arhitektid Ott Kadarik, Mihkel Tüür, Tanel Trepp (Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid OÜ), insenerid Tõnu Peipman, Viljar Sepp (IB Printsiip OÜ). Eesti Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali aastapreemia 2014

  5. Investigation of late iron age occupation layers in Viljandi castle park / Heiki Valk, Eve Rannamäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Heiki, 1959-


    Tõenäoliselt kuulub uuritav leiumaterjal 11.- 12. sajandisse. Sel perioodil kasutati Viljandissamaaegselt nii kedra- kui käsitsikeraamikat. Leitud loomaluude hulgas on märkimisväärnselt suur osakaal kopraluudel. Vaatamata säilinud kultuurkihi väiksusele võimaldavad kaevamistulemused väita, et Viljandi muinaslinnuse vahetus läheduses, teiselpool vallikraavina toiminud looduslikku uhtorgu paiknes noorema rauaaja asula

  6. 6. juulini on Viljandi Kondase keskuses...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Mare Hundi koostatud ja kujundatud näitus "Fotograaf Jaan Riet ja Viljandi", mis tutvustab J. Rieti ja tema perekonna fotograafiaalast tegevust, nende Karl Burmani projekteeritud juugendlikku elumaja-ateljeed Viljandis ning abikaasa Maria Rieti rajatud dendroparki

  7. Viljandi sõudeelling = Viljandi Rowing Slipway / Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutso, Margit, 1966-


    Viljandis Ranna pst. 13 asuva sõudeellingu arhitektuursest lahendusest. Arhitektid Lauri Saar, Toomas Paaver, Indrek Järve (Paik Arhitektid OÜ), kaasautorid Jaak-Adam Looveer, Tõnu Laanemäe. Žürii liige Kalle Komissarov žürii hinnangust kultuurkapitali aastapreemiale esitatud ehitisele

  8. Viljandi Riigigümnaasium = Viljandi Upper Secondary School

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi Riigigümnaasiumi uus hoone Hariduse tänav 2, valminud 2013. Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali arhitektuuripreemia 2013 ja Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali renoveerimispreemia 2013. Arhitektid Maarja Kask, Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke, Andro Mänd, Margus Tamm (Salto Arhitektid), Eva Laarmann. Sisearhitektid Pille Lausmäe, Kristina Roots, Kerli Lepp. Muinsuskaitse eritingimused Mart Siilivask

  9. Viljandi kirurgid küsisid tööd ja raha / Malle Toomiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toomiste, Malle, 1963-


    Viljandi haiglas toimunud ümarlauast, kus arutati haigla lisarahastamist. Arvamust avaldab Viljandi abilinnapea Helmen Kütt, parlamendiliige Helir-Valdor Seeder ja Viljandi maavanema esindaja Tõnis Korts. Vt. samas: DRG mõju Viljandi haiglas. Diagramm: Operatsioonide jagunemine Viljandi haiglas 2001-2004

  10. Valmiera kunstnikud Viljandis / Guna Kalnaca

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalnaca, Guna


    Valmiera kunsti päevadest Viljandis, kus osalevad 5 professionaalset kunstnikku Valmierast : Dace Bluma-portselan, Vineta Dzervite-graafika, Antra Galzons-maalid, Janis Galzons-maalid, Andris Varpa-skulptuurid. Kunstnike loomingu lühitutvustus.

  11. Uudised : Kultuuriministeeriumis. Bellmani laulud Viljandi Linnakapellilt. Esiettekanne TAMilt / Reet Weidebaum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Weidebaum, Reet


    15. dets. kultuuriministeeriumis toimunud koosolekul arutati muusika salvestamise ja plaadistamise probleeme. 12. dets. Viljandis ja 13. dets. Raplas toimunud Viljandi Linnakapelli kontsertidest, kus esitati rootsi 18. saj. muusikat. TAMi jõulukontserdite sarjast, kus esitatakse A. Kruusimäe "Missa adventus"

  12. "Sakala" ajalehetoimetus uues majas Viljandis = Sakala Newspaper Editorial Office in Viljandi / Eve Rohtla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rohtla, Eve, 1961-


    "Sakala" peatoimetaja projekti kinnitamisest ja valminud hoonest Viljandis Tartu t. 8a. Autor Margus Maiste. Arhitektuur: KOKO Arhitektid. Sisekujundus: Liis Lindvere, Raili Paling. Konstruktor Väino Taidur (RV Projekt). Valmis: 2006. 4 värv. välis- ja 5 sisevaadet. I ja III korruse plaanid

  13. Viljandis tuleb imeline kohtumine / Linda Järve

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järve, Linda, 1946-


    8.-22. juulinì01 toimub Eestis 10. Euroopa Laste Teatrikohtumine (EDERED - European Drama Encounter), mis toob kohale 180 last koos juhendajatega 18 riigist. Samal ajal on koos ka EDERED-i peaassamblee. Kahenädalase, peamiselt Viljandis aset leidva kohtumise korraldavad Eesti Harrastusteatrite Liit, haridusministeerium ja Viljandi linnavalitsus. EDERED loodi 1985. a, pärast 4 aastat varem toimunud esimest laste teatrikohtumist, kus osalesid 12-14-aastased lapsed. Hiljem lisandusid EDERED-i ürituste hulka ka noorte teatrikohtumised, kus osalejad on 16-20-aastased. EDERED-i kohtumistel kasutatakse mitmesuguseid teatriõpetuse meetodeid, toimub loov koostöö laste ja õpetajate vahel

  14. Viljandi paugutab kolme esietendusega / Andres Keil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keil, Andres, 1974-


    Janusz Glowacki "Fortinbras jõi end täis" Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatrikunsti eriala 6. lennu esituses, lavastaja Kalju Komissarov ja Sven Heiberg ; Ott Aardami "Börs ja börsitar" ja Henrik Ibseni "Nora/Maja", lavastaja Helen Rekkor

  15. Atraktiivne kontor Viljandis - Leviehituse büroo = An attractive office in Viljandi - Leviehitus's office

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandis Leola t. 49 asuva Leviehituse büroo sisekujundus. Sisearhitekt Tambet Pedak. Vastuvõtuleti, laedetailid, nõupidamistelauad ja köögimööbli on T. Pedaku jooniste järgi valmistanud Jaan Sild Wako Värkstoast. Sisearhitektist, tema tähtsamad tööd. Plaan, 8 värv. vaadet, foto T. Pedakust

  16. Viljandi lossimägedes kõrgub Johan Laidoneri ratsamonument / Vello Jaska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaska, Vello, 1949-


    22. juunil avati Viljandi lossimäe nõlvale püstitatud kindral Johan laidoneri ratsamonument. Avamisel viibisid ka president Arnold Rüütel, peaminister Juhan Parts, kaitseminister Margus Hanson, kaitseväe juhataja Tarmo Kõuts, Viljandi linnapea Malle Vahtra ja Kindral Johan laidoneri seltsi esimees Trivimi Velliste, sõjaväeatasheed ja paljud teised ametlikud isikud. Kommenteerib Kindral Johan laidoneri Seltsi rajaja ja auesimees Rein Randveer

  17. Viljandi Muuseum näitab kirjatud paradiisi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Õigeusu kirikutekstiili näitus Viljandi Muuseumi näitusetoas. Koostas Sirje Säär ja kujundas Inga Heamägi. Näidatakse sõnas, pildis ja esemete kujul õigeusu vaimulike liturgilisi rõivaid ja liturgia juurde kuuluvaid tekstiile

  18. Brick castles of Panemune regional park: Aspects of regeneration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inga Genytė


    Full Text Available The regeneration of brick castles of Panemunė Regional Park in Lithuania was influenced by the political, economic, and social environment. The motives of their regeneration was the function of state border defence, installation of fortifications for the occupation of new lands, function of defence of the state internal and transit trade routes, function of the protection of noblemen’s property, and the function of strengthening of the territorial control. Two characteristic castle development tendencies were revealed: one witnessed further development under local construction traditions, while another reflected the examples of the European construction. The architecture of castles was shaped by the military tactics, development of military technique, local terrain, the wellbeing of the castle owners, their hierarchical role and demands, construction traditions, and the development of construction technology. The architectural forms varied from dungeon to palace. The changing social demands encouraged the choice of new solutions for castle regeneration in order to increase the comfort level conditions and cost-effectiveness of the premises.

  19. Castles at War

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    April 29th-30th 2013, its topic was "Castles at War" in particular during the period AD 1000–1660. For the last 20 years, archaeological and historic research has dealt with many aspects of castles, their function as a noble family's seat, their role each as an administrative unit's centre...

  20. Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia tudengid lajatasid kolme tükiga / Andres Keil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keil, Andres, 1974-


    Janusz Glowacki "Fortinbras jõi end täis" Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatrikunsti eriala 6. lennu esituses, lavastaja Kalju Komissarov ja Sven Heiberg ; Ott Aardami "Börs ja börsitar" ja Henrik Ibseni "Nora/Maja", lavastaja Helen Rekkor

  1. The lost castle of Count Rodrigo Gonzalez

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ehrlich, Michael


    Full Text Available This article suggests that a castle called Toron built in 1137 by Count Rodrigo of Lara, and granted to the Templar Order was in Summil, where remains of a Crusader castles are still visible (ca. 25 km from Ascalon, in south west Israel. This opinion opposes a consensual view that the castle built by Count Rodrigo was in Latrun, midway between Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. This identifi cation is based on names’ similarity and on the universal opinion that Latrun was a Templar castle. In this article it is demonstrated that the geographic setting of Summil fi ts the Count’s castle, whereas Latrun does not; that Toron was a common name in the Crusader Kingdom; and, moreover, it is not certain that Latrun was a Templar castle. The article also suggest that there was a village near the castle, called Casale Sancti Salvatoris, and also discusses Frankish fortifi cation and settlement policy during the twelfth century.Este artículo sugiere que un castillo llamado Toron, construido el año 1137 por el conde Rodrigo González de Lara, y que fue luego otorgado a la orden del Temple, estaba en Summil, donde todavía permanecen las ruinas de un castillo de los cruzados (a unos 25 km de Ascalon, en el sudoeste de Israel. Esta opinión se contrapone a la tesis general que sostiene que el castillo construido por el conde estuvo situado en Latrun, a medio camino entre Tel-Aviv y Jerusalén. Una identificación basada en la similitud de nombres y en la común opinión que Latrun era un castillo templario. En este estudio se demuestra que la ubicación geográfica de Summil encaja con la del castillo del conde, mientras que Latrun no lo hace; que Toron fue un nombre habitual en el reino cruzado y que, por otra parte, no es cierto que Latrun fuera un castillo templario. Se sugiere también que cerca del castillo de Summil existía un pueblo llamado casale Sancti Salvatoris, analizándose asimismo la política de fortificación y colonización llevada a cabo por

  2. Uudised : Kitarrifestival Viljandis. Al Gore'i "Ebamugav tõde" ooperiks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    23.-27. septembrini Viljandis toimuvast Eesti esimesest improvisatsioonilise kitarri festivalist. Milaano ooperiteatri La Scala esindajad andsid teada, et itaalia heliloojalt Giorgio Battistellilt on tellitud USA endise asepresidendi Al Gore'i keskkonnateemalisel Oscariga pärjatud filmil rajanev ooper (valmiva teosega on plaanis avada La Scala 2011. aasta hooaeg)

  3. Teatrõ Viljandi i Valmierõ obmenivajutsja gastrolnõmi spektakljami

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi teater Ugala ja sõpruslinna Valmiera Draamateater annavad aprillis vastastikku külalisetendusi. 1. apr. etendab Ugala teater Valmiera teatris Ott Aardami näidendit "Börs ja Börsitar" ja Valmiera Draamateater mängib 8. apr. Ugalas Andrus Kivirähki näidendit "Eesti matus"

  4. Evoliution of Castle Palaces in Lithuanian Renaissance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inga Genytė


    Full Text Available The article author examines the problem of architecture history associated with the evolution of castle palaces in the current territory of Lithuania in the Lithuanian Renaissance period. The article is based on research papers thematically close to the publication, other literature and archive documents. After prehistory review of castle palaces at a theoretical level and clarifying the conditions for their occurrence, significant development trends of castle palaces during the Renaissance period in current Lithuania territory is revealed. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Italian, Flemish and Flanders Renaissance reached Lithuania and merged with the local tradition; in the light of the Lithuanian Renaissance castle palaces reached their prosperity period in Lithuania. Castle palaces were distinguished by the diversity of their structural and architectural forms, relatively meaningful connection between function and artistic expression and a sustainable link with the components of environment.Article in Lithuanian

  5. New data about the besieging constructions from 1223 in Viljandi / Heiki Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Heiki, 1959-


    Viljandis jätkusid kaevamised Lossimägedes, kus varasemad kaevamised lubasid oletada Muinas- ja keskaja piirimaadelt pärinevat kindlustatud ülikumõisat. Oletatust kitsam mäeplatoo seab kahtluse alla hüpoteesi siseõuega muinasmõisast või linnustalust

  6. Sicilian Castles and Coastal Towers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kirk Scott


    Full Text Available While much attention has been paid to the development of castles as the hallmark architectural symbol of the Middle Ages, less attention has been given to the changes in European defensive strategies that occurred between the 15th and 17th centuries. It was at this time when the modern nations of Europe began to take form, as sea-based trade between distant nations took precedence over land-based trade routes. This paper examines how this transformation manifested in the defensive structures of Sicily, Italy, where the hilltop castles of the Middle Ages gradually gave way to a more cohesive network of coastal towers around the island. Putting this transition in its historical context, presenting an anthropological model from which to view this transition, and using geospatial methods to track these changes, the results of this study indicate that as defensive towers began to dominate the Sicilian coast around the 16th century, their command over the environment was no greater than that of the feudal castles which were still in use. Yet, unlike the castles of feudal lords, these towers represented an island-wide system of defense and the beginning of an adherence to a more centralized power structure then seen previously.

  7. The Verrès Castle Access Project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tito Berti Nulli


    solution is constituted by a vertical lift and an horizontal corridor thought the mountain. This alternative in fact minimize the environmental and landscape impacts. The main entrance to the access structure in located in the valley near the Evançon torrent banks: the entrance space has been designed as an covered and inviting atrium. The gallery path is 80m long and is interrupted by a central hall that divides the long corridor into two segments. In the central hall a tourist information point and Verrès Castle history exhibition are located. After the second corridor segment the lift waiting room is positioned. The vertical lift has a 15 person capacity and a journey time of 1 minute and 30 seconds. In the hypothesis that the two sides of the lift cabin are made by transparent glass, the project propose to install light projection on the rock. The lift entrance near the castle is characterized by a minimal design in order to contrast with the castle strong structure.

  8. Juubeli-Pöff alustas eile laulvast revolutsioonist / Andris Feldmanis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmanis, Andris, 1982-


    Vene Teatris avati 10. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival esilinastusega James Tusty ja Maureen Castle Tusty dokumentaalfilmist Eestist "Laulev revolutsioon" ("Singing Revolution"). Lühiülevaade festivali filmiprogrammidest, üritustest ja toimumispaikadest (peale Tallinna veel Tartu, Narva, Viljandi, Jõhvi ja Kärdla)

  9. Power, Domination and Kafka’s Castle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yücel Karadaş


    its decision have no rational ground.Until the end of the novel, the plot of the novel’s effect on the readers is like that. However, with the dialogues in the last pages, it is seen that behind all the details,the meaningless officiality, domination and the decisions of bureaucracy, there is a fiction that unite and rasyonalize all these factors. The reader that get bored from nonsenses and details throughout the novel, with these dialogues,realize that all these nonsenses and details have an order and they serve büreaucratic mechanism which symbolise with the Castle

  10. Viljandi ilusamad ja inetumad uusehitised võhikute pilgu läbi / Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiiler, Gert


    Viimase kümne aasta uusehitisi Viljandis hindavad Meelis Atonen, Jaan Tammsalu, Anu Raud, Erge Hanschmidt, Priit Aule ja sisearhitekt Hannes Praks. Ilusaimaks tunnistati Mainori keskus ja Linna Auto maja. Konkurentsis viimane oli bussijaama hoone. Lisaks Gert Kiileri "Hoone ilu sõltub paljudest nüanssidest"

  11. Aktiivne kunstisuvi : Pärnu ja Viljandi pakuvad suvitajale elektrilist mõtteainet / Ragne Nukk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nukk, Ragne, 1984-


    Rahvusvaheline näitus "Mees, naine ja elekter" Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseumis 11. septembrini 2011. Kolm näitust Viljandi Kondase Keskuses: serbia naivisti Mile Davidovici näitus, Mats Õuna aktifotode näitus, inglise 18. ja 19. saj. karikatuuride näitus

  12. PÖFF saabub laulu ja revolutsiooniga / Jaanus Kulli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kulli, Jaanus, 1955-


    Kümnenda Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali avamisel esilinastub täna James Tusty ja Maureen Castle Tusty dokumentaalfilm Eestist "Laulev revolutsioon" ("Singing Revolution"). Lühiülevaade festivali filmiprogrammidest, üritustest ja toimumispaikadest (peale Tallinna veel Tartu, Narva, Viljandi, Jõhvi ja Kärdla)

  13. Consolidated Automated System for Time and Labor Entry(CASTLE) - (United States)

    Department of Transportation — CASTLE manages a full range of Human Resources time and attendance collections for DOT employees. To accomplish this CASTLE stores and maintains HR-related personnel...

  14. Internal Indpendent Assessment Report - CASTLE-PX SQA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Whitney, D. M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Dancy, L. L. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Pope, V. L. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    This IIA assessed the flow down of institutional 830 Software Quality Assurance requirements through three required document templates to the CASTLE-PX software effort and the implementation of those SQA requirements. The templates flow down the DOE O 414.1D consensus standard requirements for Safety Software. This assessment did not include the flow down of NAP-24, Weapon Quality Policy, requirements. The assessment focused on the CASTLE-PX project’s software development and release processes. It did not assess Pantex’s acceptance or usage of the software. The assessment resulted in 3 Deficiencies, 5 Observations, 1 Recommendation, and 3 Strengths. Overall the CASTLE-PX team demonstrated it values quality and has worked to integrate quality practices into its software development processes. Improvement in documentation will enhance their SQA implementation.

  15. The measures of the castle San Felice a Cancello

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Rossi


    Full Text Available  Geometric logic characterizes the function and standard structure of the castles built under Frederick II: a square form with four square towers inserted at the summit. Any changes made have been few and slight, all intended to optimize the adaption of the structure to the site. However, the Matinale Castle in San Felice a Cancello, province of Caserta, in the region of Campania, represents an innovative exception. The study of the ruins confirms a rather singular guiding principle: the position and shape of the foundations of the towers allowed them to halve the number of the inevitable sectors used for flank defence. This solution anticipates by more than two centuries the advent of the bastion, the key element of the trace italienne or star fort. In order to fully comprehend this sophisticated concept, unique of its type, for a restoration was made aware of the critical survey.

  16. The Castle Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tom Anderson; David Culler; James Demmel; Jerry Feldman; Susan Graham; Paul Hilfinger; Katherine Yelick


    The goal of the Castle project was to provide a parallel programming environment that enables the construction of high performance applications that run portably across many platforms. The authors approach was to design and implement a multilayered architecture, with higher levels building on lower ones to ensure portability, but with care taken not to introduce abstractions that sacrifice performance.

  17. The historical and touristic analysis of Pniv castle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. O. Lysyi


    Full Text Available The goal to perform the historical and tourism analysis of a little-known Pniv castle, which is located near Nadvirna town in Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine, has been set by the author of the article. The analysis has been made on the basis of use of four descriptive characteristics: natural and geographical; historical and cultural; infrastructural; informational. The natural and geographical group includes the morphological features of the monument’s construction; the hydrological characteristics of the territory; location near the objects of the natural reserve fund; presence of the complex of handmade recreational forests near the castle, landscaped parks or gardens; aggregate indicators of natural and geographical location of the castle. The historical and cultural component is described by the degree of physical preservation; the level of historical significance; the degree of cultural value, the indicator of architectural and stylistic value; the availability of saved elements from historic defensive systems. The infrastructural group contains the description of the transport accessibility; the availability of accommodation facilities; food establishments, museum institutions, specialized souvenir shops and stalls. Finally, the informational part consists of the castle’s integration to tourism routes; the organization of touristic promotional campaigns, exhibitions and fairs; the availability of informational and advertising data; the coverage rank in scientific tourism profiles and the availability of touristic information on the Internet. Consequently, the historical and touristic analysis has showed that Pniv castle has high recreational potential, which is generated through the combination of unique elements of natural and geographical localization (combined type of landscape and the specific historical and cultural features of the object (original architectural style of the defensive system. At the same time problematic aspects

  18. Application of instrumental neutron activation analysis to study ceramic fragments from Damascus Castle site, Syria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakraji, E.H.


    Thirty-three archaeological ceramic fragment samples from Damascus Castle archaeological site, Damascus city, Syria, were analyzed using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). 36 elements were determined. These elemental concentrations have been processed using two multivariate statistical methods, cluster and factor analysis in order to determine similarities and correlation between the various samples. Factor analysis confirms that 84.8% of the ceramics samples classified by cluster analysis are correctly classified by cluster analysis. The results provided persuasive evidence that Castle pottery used at least four different clay sources. Moreover, by means of systematic local analysis it will be clear whether these sources are local or not. (author)

  19. Isolation and Identification of Phototrophic Microorganisms from Rudkhan Castle as a Biodeteriorating Agent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Parisa Mohammadi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Phototrophic microorganisms are the first residents of different surfaces of ancient buildings’ walls. These organisms can expand to provide the colonization of other microorganisms and to form microbial biofilms. During biofilm growth, acids and metabolites production bore the substratum and cause surfaces damages. Rudkan Castle, the historic monument located in Gilan province, an area with a humid climate has an appropriate surfaces to grow these microorganisms. Materials and methods: In this study, morphological identification of algae and cyanobacteria which was isolated from different areas of the brick walls of Castle has been investigated. Samples were taken from 24 different areas of Castle walls and were aseptically cultured into Blue Green Medium (BGM and Bolds Basal Medium (BBM, and colonies were observed using light microscopy. Results: The dominant organisms which were isolated and identified, were Cladophora, Trentepohlia, Klebsormidium, Trebouxia, Pleurastrum, Chlorococcum as chlorophyta order and Scytonema, Tolypothrix, Leptolyngbya, Plectolyngbya, Phormidium, Gloeocapsa, Microcoleus, Nostoc as a cyanobacteria order. Discussion and conclusion: As expected, diversity of a large number of cyanobacteria and algae phototrophs was isolated. Diversity of organisms on the surface of monuments depends on many factors, including the weather condition such as moisture, the amount of radiation absorbed by the surface, temperature of area, the materials used in the monuments, the biological acceptance of surface and presence of variety of organisms in the soil surface and the air on. Study of destructive factors is the first step toward the protection and restoration of ancient monuments.

  20. Vertebral Artery Dissection in a Bouncy Castle Injury: Case Report and Literature Review. (United States)

    Ripa, Valeria; Urakov, Timur M; Jernigan, Sarah C


    There is an increased rate of injuries associated with activities on bouncy castles. The purpose of this article was to describe the case of a 6-year-old boy who sustained a brain infarct as a consequence of a left posterior inferior cerebellar artery dissection due to improper landing in a bouncy castle and who required a suboccipital craniotomy. The second goal was to outline the literature review regarding cervical trauma related to trampoline or bouncy castle accidents in pediatric populations. Based on the described case and reviewed studies, bouncy castle or any other activity resulting in hyperflexion or hyperextension of the neck should be carefully evaluated for cervical spine fractures and vascular injuries. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  1. Dwelling towers of Czech castles

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Durdík, Tomáš


    Roč. 63, - (2009), s. 139-150 ISSN 1875-2896. [Meeting of Europa Nostra Scientific Council /44./. Kilkenny, 27.09.2008-02.10.2008] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : castle * castellology * dwelling tower * donjon * keep * medieval archaeology * architecture * Bohemia * Middle Ages Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  2. Archaeological investigations at the town wall of Viljandi and the construction site Tartu street 8A / Arvi Haak, Priit Lätti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haak, Arvi, 1978-


    Linnamüüri väljapuhastamisest Viljandi raekoja taga. Järelvalvetöödega Tartu tänaval selgus, et keskaegne kiht uuritaval alal puudus (või polnud tekkinud), kultuurkiht sisaldas 18. ja 19. saj. leide

  3. Frombork Castle and Nicolas Copernicus (United States)

    Kogure, Tomokazu


    Nicolas Copernicus spent his last half life at Frombork Castle in Poland, where he wrote "On the Revolution of the Celestial Bodies." The author visited Frombork and had a strong impression by his great personality in late Renaissance, not only in astronomy, but also in activities in a wide field of economical, political affaires, renovation of currency.

  4. The King Tapestries at Kronborg Castle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reindel, Ulrik


    In the 1580s, Frederik II (Danish-Norwegian king, reigned 1559-1588) had the Great Hall at Kronborg Castle, Elsinore, furnished with 43 tapestries portraying no fewer than 100 Danish kings. The tapestries were arranged chronologically, beginning with King Dan, the mythological founder of the king...

  5. The reconstruction of Amerongen Castle (1673-1685

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruud Meischke


    Full Text Available The proceedings during the reconstruction of Amerongen castle in the years 1673-1685 were exceptionally well-documented thanks to the extensive correspondence of the client Godert Adriaan van Reede with his wife Margaretha Turnor, his son, his secretary and his friend Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, and thanks to some well-preserved reports and drawings of the building contractor Hendrick Schut. From the start the client had probably formed a idea of his new castle; its design, however, was supervised by Schut, who was also the building contractor and master carpenter of the work, assisted by the master mason Cornelis van Rietvelt and the stone mason Jan Prang. In February 1673 the castle was set fire to by French troops and completely destroyed. From September 1673 Van Reede himself was in the Netherlands for a few years and could therefore prepare the reconstruction in person and supervise the start of the work. First it was mostly a matter of clearing rubble and chiselling off all the still usable bricks. In spite of permanent financial problems he succeeded in keeping up the pace. In the autumn of 1676, two years after the commencement of the work, the shell of the building was completed. While the interior was worked at in stages during the subsequent years, from 1679 the stable building and the two staff residences were also erected on the outer bailey. With the placing of the marble chimneys in the large hall in 1685 the work was largely completed. Although the old foundations were used for the reconstruction, a completely new building, with a new plan was created, to some extent based on the example of The Hague Mauritshuis. Instead of a complex of four wings around an inner courtyard, a closed three-nave building block was constructed. This switch to a completely different type of house fits in with a wider tradition in the development of castle architecture in the Province of Utrecht in the seventeenth century. The history of

  6. The hill forts and castle mounds in Lithuania: interaction between geodiversity and human-shaped landscape (United States)

    Skridlaite, Grazina; Guobyte, Rimante; Satkunas, Jonas


    Lithuania is famous for its abundant, picturesque hill forts and castle mounds of natural origin. In Lithuania as well as in whole Europe the fortified hills were used as the society dwelling place since the beginning of the Late Bronze Age. Their importance increased when Livonian and Teutonic Orders directed a series of military campaigns against Lithuania with the aim of expansion of Christianity in the region at the end of 1st millennium AD, and they were intensively used till the beginning of the 15th c. when most of them were burned down during fights with the Orders or just abandoned due to the changing political and economical situation. What types of the geodiversity were used for fortified dwellings? The choice in a particular area depended on a variety of geomorphology left behind the retreating ice sheets. High spots dominating their surroundings were of prime interest. In E and SE Lithuania, the Baltic Upland hills marking the eastern margin of the last Weichselian glacier hosted numerous fortified settlements from the end of 2nd millennium BC to the Medieval Ages (Narkunai, Velikuskes etc). In W Lithuania, plateau-like hills of the insular Samogitian Upland had been repeatedly fortified from the beginning of 1st millennium AD to the 14th century (Satrija, Medvegalis etc). Chains of hill forts and castle mounds feature the slopes of glaciofluvial valleys of Nemunas, Neris and other rivers where the slopes were dissected by affluent rivulets and ravines and transformed into isolated, well protected hills (Kernave, Punia, Veliuona etc). Peninsulas and headlands formed by the erosion of fluvial and lacustrine deposits were used in the lowlands, e.g. in central and N Lithuania (Paberze, Mezotne etc). How much the landscape was modified for defense purposes? Long-term erosion and overgrowing vegetation damaged the former fortified sites, however some remains and the archeological excavations allowed their reconstruction. The fortified Bronze Age settlements

  7. Kazimierz Pospieszny, Domus Malbork. Zamek krzyżacki w typie regularnym [Domus Malbork. Castle of the Teutonic Order of a regular type] (Monografie Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika


    Raczkowski, Juliusz


    Kazimierz Pospieszny, Domus Malbork. Zamek krzyżacki w typie regularnym [Domus Malbork. Castle of the Teutonic Order of a regular type] (Monografie Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2014, 336 pp., 283 black-and-white figures., 30 coloured figures, ISBN: 978-83-231-3084-0

  8. Accessibility of tourist sites to persons with disability: the case of Cape Coast and Elmina Castles in Ghana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorreta Offei


    Full Text Available The term accessibility is used in the context of providing equal opportunity to enter into an environment. Much is not known about the accessibility of tourist sites such as castles and forts to people with disabilities. This study sought to examine the accessibility of the Cape Coast and Elmina Castles to people with disabilities through a qualitative approach which involved in-depth interviews and photovoice to collect data. The study revealed that the castles are inaccessible. Though ramps, spacious pathways and handrails in washrooms existed, there was however, no mutual relation between the design of the castles and the concept of accessibility as defined by the Disability Act. The creation of awareness on the rights of the disabled to participate in the tour of castles can perhaps draw the attention of local government authorities and other relevant stakeholders to effect the necessary changes.

  9. Environmental assessment of metal exposure to corals living in Castle Harbour, Bermuda (United States)

    Prouty, N.G.; Goodkin, N.F.; Jones, R.; Lamborg, C.H.; Storlazzi, C.D.; Hughen, K.A.


    Environmental contamination in Castle Harbour, Bermuda, has been linked to the dissolution and leaching of contaminants from the adjacent marine landfill. This study expands the evidence for environmental impact of leachate from the landfill by quantitatively demonstrating elevated metal uptake over the last 30 years in corals growing in Castle Harbour. Coral Pb/Ca, Zn/Ca and Mn/Ca ratios and total Hg concentrations are elevated relative to an adjacent control site in John Smith's Bay. The temporal variability in the Castle Harbour coral records suggests that while the landfill has increased in size over the last 35 years, the dominant input of metals is through periodic leaching of contaminants from the municipal landfill and surrounding sediment. Elevated contaminants in the surrounding sediment suggest that resuspension is an important transport medium for transferring heavy metals to corals. Increased winds, particularly during the 1990s, were accompanied by higher coral metal composition at Castle Harbour. Coupled with wind-induced resuspension, interannual changes in sea level within the Harbour can lead to increased bioavailability of sediment-bound metals and subsequent coral metal assimilation. At John Smith's Bay, large scale convective mixing may be driving interannual metal variability in the coral record rather than impacts from land-based activities. Results from this study provide important insights into the coupling of natural variability and anthropogenic input of contaminants to the nearshore environment.

  10. Diana Wynne Jones’s Howl’s Moving Castle (1986) or the Story of a New Mythology


    Seda Yavaş


    Diana Wynne Jones’s Howl’s Moving Castle (1986) or The Story of a New Mythology Abstract  This paper focuses upon Diana Wynne Jones’s 1986 fantasy novel Howl’s Moving Castle, part of the trilogy including Castle in the Air (1990) and House of Many Ways (2008). Taking place in a utopian land, the story creates a new mythology built upon magic, objects coming to life, no space boundaries and the search for eternal life and the perfect human. As a consequence, the paper will deal with th...

  11. The capture of the Marienwerder Castle, or where the Teutonic Order’s expansion to the East was stopped


    Vytenis Almonaitis


    The capture of the Marienwerder Castle, or where the Teutonic Order’s expansion to the East was stopped This paper analyzes the construction, features, and significance of the Marienwerder castle, and its capture by Lithuanian forces in 1384. Located in what is now Kaunas, the castle represented the furthest eastern point of the Teutonic Order’s penetration into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. As the sparse historiography on it suggests, the event seems to have been overlooked by contempora...

  12. Coding Theory and Applications : 4th International Castle Meeting

    CERN Document Server

    Malonek, Paula; Vettori, Paolo


    The topics covered in this book, written by researchers at the forefront of their field, represent some of the most relevant research areas in modern coding theory: codes and combinatorial structures, algebraic geometric codes, group codes, quantum codes, convolutional codes, network coding and cryptography. The book includes a survey paper on the interconnections of coding theory with constrained systems, written by an invited speaker, as well as 37 cutting-edge research communications presented at the 4th International Castle Meeting on Coding Theory and Applications (4ICMCTA), held at the Castle of Palmela in September 2014. The event’s scientific program consisted of four invited talks and 39 regular talks by authors from 24 different countries. This conference provided an ideal opportunity for communicating new results, exchanging ideas, strengthening international cooperation, and introducing young researchers into the coding theory community.

  13. The Torre de los Secretos in the context of Baena Castle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Manuel López Osorio


    Full Text Available The text addresses the structural consolidation carried out on the Torre de los Secretos of Baena Castle (Cordoba, as part of the restoration works planned for the castle complex. The intervention began with a comprehensive preliminary study that made it possible to glean rigorous knowledge of the materials and traditional building methods. The structural consolidation of this fabric, a mixture of masonry and rammed earth, was performed by means of a simple timber mesh system that remained concealed once the works were completed. The works also included the repair of the walls, showing the greatest possible respect for the existing materials and conserving the original textures and shapes.

  14. Solar energy system demonstration project at Wilmington Swim School, New Castle, Delaware (United States)


    A solar energy system located at the Wilmington Swim School, New Castle, Delaware is described. The system was designed for a 40 percent heating and a 30 percent hot water solar contribution serving the heat loads in the following order: space heat - new addition, domestic water - entire facility, and pool heating - entire facility. On a cost basis for 2920 hours of operation, the heat reclaimed would cost $969.66 annually if provided by gas at 3.79 per million Btu's. At 5.5 centers per kwh, heat recovery costs of $481.80 percent a net savings of $487.86 annually.

  15. Solar energy heating system design package for a single-family residence at New Castle, Pennsylvania

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The design of a solar heating and hot water system for the New Castle Redevelopment Authority's single-family dwelling located at New Castle, Pennsylvania is described. Documentation submitted by the contractor for Government review of plans, specifications, cost trade studies and verification status for approval to commit the system to fabrication is presented. Also included are system integration drawings, major subsystems drawings, and architect's specifications and plans.

  16. Ringling School of Art and Design Builds a CASTLE. (United States)

    Morse, Yvonne; Davis, Wendy


    Describes the development and installation of the Computer Automated Software for the Total Library Environment System (CASTLE), which uses a microcomputer to automate operations of small academic library in six main areas: circulation, online catalog, inventory and file maintenance, audiovisual equipment, accounting, and information and…

  17. Dynamics and conceptual model of the Rossena castle landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy) (United States)

    Chelli, A.; Mandrone, G.; Ruffini, A.; Truffelli, G.


    In the Northern Apennines there are many historical villages and castles, which are of great value and represent a cultural heritage of great importance. Their presence within a territory greatly affected by landslide hazards creates, in many circumstances, the need to solve problems of land management and to act for the preservation of historical monuments. This paper describe an interesting landslide, failed during the night of 28 February 2004, that involved the village of Rossena: the failure damaged the village (Fig. 1), the road and the fields down to the stream but, fortunately, the castle just upslope the village was not involved at all. The 10th century massive castle of Rossena stands on the top of a cliff at about 500 m a.s.l., on the border between the provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia, and it is surrounded by a small ancient village. The castle of Rossena is the best preserved stronghold of the Longobard times, enlarged and reinforced in the tenth century and partially rebuilt by Bonifacio, the father of Matilda of Canossa (the Vice-Queen of Italy and probably the most important woman in the Middle Ages) as a defensive structure guarding the Enza Valley. In addition, at Conossa, very close to Rossena, there was the meeting between Pope Gregory VII and the Emperor of Germany Henry IV, during the historical event known as "fight for the investitures". For these reasons, the area of Rossena is one of the most relevant from a historical point of view in the entire western part of the Emilia Romagna Region and it also has a high value as a geosite (Coratza et al., 2004).

  18. Christian IV's Winter Room and Studiolo at Rosenborg Castle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wadum, Jørgen


    An account of the creation of the highly decorated ensemble forming the Winter Room and the Writing Room, Christian 4s private quarters at Rosenborg Castle. Art historical, technical analysis reveals new evidence on the working practice of Danish and Antwerp artists and craftsmen in the first...

  19. Carcinoma Showing Thymus-Like Differentiation (CASTLE of Thyroid: A Case Report and Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leong-Perng Chan


    Full Text Available Carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation (CASTLE is a rare malignant neoplasm that occurs in the thyroid gland, or head and neck. This tumor arises from either ectopic thymus tissue or remnants of branchial pouches, which retain the potential to differentiate along the thymus line. Clinical presentation and imaging can be consistent with a malignant lesion such as thyroid cancer or thymic carcinoma. Immunohistochemical staining with CD5 can differentiate CASTLE from other malignant thyroid neoplasms. A 54-year-old male had initially presented with a painless, left neck mass for 3 months. He underwent left thyroid lobectomy via a median sternotomy approach. Carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation was the final histopathologic diagnosis. After 36 months of follow-up, no evidence of recurrence was observed. A median sternotomy is an excellent approach for CASTLE with anterior mediastinum involvement. Complete resection is important to improve the long-term survival rate and the locoregional recurrence rate.

  20. Dynamics and conceptual model of the Rossena castle landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Chelli


    Full Text Available In the Northern Apennines there are many historical villages and castles, which are of great value and represent a cultural heritage of great importance. Their presence within a territory greatly affected by landslide hazards creates, in many circumstances, the need to solve problems of land management and to act for the preservation of historical monuments. This paper describe an interesting landslide, failed during the night of 28 February 2004, that involved the village of Rossena: the failure damaged the village (Fig. 1, the road and the fields down to the stream but, fortunately, the castle just upslope the village was not involved at all. The 10th century massive castle of Rossena stands on the top of a cliff at about 500 m a.s.l., on the border between the provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia, and it is surrounded by a small ancient village. The castle of Rossena is the best preserved stronghold of the Longobard times, enlarged and reinforced in the tenth century and partially rebuilt by Bonifacio, the father of Matilda of Canossa (the Vice-Queen of Italy and probably the most important woman in the Middle Ages as a defensive structure guarding the Enza Valley. In addition, at Conossa, very close to Rossena, there was the meeting between Pope Gregory VII and the Emperor of Germany Henry IV, during the historical event known as 'fight for the investitures'. For these reasons, the area of Rossena is one of the most relevant from a historical point of view in the entire western part of the Emilia Romagna Region and it also has a high value as a geosite (Coratza et al., 2004.  

  1. Hydrology of Alkali Creek and Castle Valley Ridge coal-lease tracts, central Utah, and potential effects of coal mining (United States)

    Seiler, R.L.; Baskin, R.L.


    The Alkali Creek coal-lease tract includes about 2,150 acres in the Book Cliffs coal field in central Utah, and the Castle Valley Ridge coal-lease tract includes about 3,360 acres in the Wasatch Plateau coal field, also in central Utah. Both the Alkali Creek and Castle Valley Ridge coal-lease tracts are near areas where coal is currently (1987) mined by underground methods from the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation. The Alkali Creek and Castle Valley Ridge areas have intermittent streams in which flow after snowmelt runoff is locally sustained into midsummer by springflow. The only perennial stream is South Fork Corner Canyon Creek in the Castle Valley Ridge area. Peak flow in both areas generally is from snowmelt runoff; however, peak flow from thunderstorm runoff in the Alkali Creek area can exceed that from snowmelt runoff. Estimated annual source-area sediment yield was 0.5 acre-ft/sq mi in the Alkali Creek lease tract and it was 0.3 acre-ft/sq mi in the Castle Valley Ridge lease tract. Groundwater in the Alkali Creek area occurs in perched aquifers in the Flagstaff Limestone and in other formations above the coal-bearing Blackhawk Formation. The principal source of recharge to the aquifers is snowmelt on outcrops. Faults may be major conduits and control the movement of groundwater. Groundwater discharges at formation contacts, between zones of differing permeability within a formation, near faults and into mines. Water sampled from 13 springs in the Alkali Creek area contained dissolved solids at concentrations ranging from 273 to 5,210 mg/L. Water sampled from 17 springs in the Castle Valley Ridge area contained dissolved solids at concentrations ranging from 208 to 579 mg/L. The composition of water from a recently abandoned part of an active mine the Wasatch Plateau closely resembles that of water discharging from a nearby mine that has been abandoned for more than 30 years. Mining of the Alkali Creek and Castle Valley Ridge coal-lease tracts likely will

  2. The capture of the Marienwerder Castle, or where the Teutonic Order’s expansion to the East was stopped

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vytenis Almonaitis


    Full Text Available The capture of the Marienwerder Castle, or where the Teutonic Order’s expansion to the East was stopped This paper analyzes the construction, features, and significance of the Marienwerder castle, and its capture by Lithuanian forces in 1384. Located in what is now Kaunas, the castle represented the furthest eastern point of the Teutonic Order’s penetration into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. As the sparse historiography on it suggests, the event seems to have been overlooked by contemporary historians. In fact, this castle of the Teutonic Order was not just an ordinary fortress, but a mighty stronghold. A detailed analysis of primary sources allows classifying the capture of Marienwerder as a major event in the war between the Order and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as well as one of the major victories scored by the latter. It may be concluded that the Teutonic Order’s expansion to the east, which had been started from Torun, was then stopped at Kaunas.   Zajęcie zamku Marienwerder albo gdzie zakończyła się ekspansja zakonu krzyżackiego na wschód W artykule analizowane są budowa, znaczenie i zajęcie w 1384 r. zamku zakonu krzyżackiego Marienwerder, który mieścił się na terytorium miasta Kowna. Był to najbardziej wysunięty na wschód zamek krzyżacki, który najgłębiej wchodził w terytorium Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Skromna historiografia świadczy o tym, że został on zapomniany przez współczesnych historyków. A jednak mowa jest tu nie o zwykłej rezydencji zakonu, a o potężnej twierdzy. Szczegółowa analiza źródeł pierwotnych pozwala uważać zajęcie zamku Marienwerder za jedno z najważniejszych wydarzeń w wojnie między zakonem krzyżackim a Wielkim Księstwem Litewskim, jak również jednym z największych zwycięstw tego ostatniego. Można również twierdzić, że ekspansja zakonu na wschód, rozpoczęta od Torunia, zakończyła się na Kownie.

  3. St. George at Prague Castle and Perseus: an Impossible Encounter?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bažant, Jan


    Roč. 19, 1/2 (2015), s. 189-201 ISSN 1212-5865 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Bellerophon * St. George * iconography * Prague Castle * classical tradition Subject RIV: AB - History

  4. Gothic green glazed tile from Malbork Castle: Multi-analytical study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Svorová Pawełkowicz, S.; Rohanová, D.; Svora, Petr


    Roč. 5, č. 1 (2017), č. článku 27. ISSN 2050-7445 Institutional support: RVO:61388980 Keywords : Antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) * Green glazed tile * Malbork Castle * Medieval technology * Opacifiers * Silica-lead glaze Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry OBOR OECD: Inorganic and nuclear chemistry

  5. Maria Spławska-Korczak, Zamek krzyżacki w Świeciu. Próba rekonstrukcji zamku wysokiego w średniowieczu [The Teutonic Order’s Castle in Schwetz. An attempt at reconstructing the High Castle in the Middle Ages], Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK ...


    Kwiatkowski, Krzyszof


    Maria Spławska-Korczak, Zamek krzyżacki w Świeciu. Próba rekonstrukcji zamku wysokiego w średniowieczu [ The Teutonic Order’s Castle in Schwetz. An attempt at reconstructing the High Castle in the Middle Ages ], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2014, 222 pp. + 70 illustrations, ISBN: 978-83-231-3247-9

  6. Uncovering Lost Danish Castles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Bo Nissen

    Facing turbulence, strife and civil war in 14th century Denmark, local elites erected a large number of castles and fortifications. But many of these were destroyed in the – often very violent – process of reestablishing central authority towards the end of the century, and in 1396 Queen Margrethe...... to a pilot study. Cooperation between disciplines is crucial in extracting knowledge from what little is left for each, and archaeologists, historians, name scholars and geophysicists even had help from moles unearthing brick material! Results and new challenges will be the subject of this presentation......, with emphasis on the toponomastic studies. The analyzed place-name material falls into two categories: 1) Names of the fortifications – or the ruins – themselves and 2) Names in the surroundings indicating their presence. Most often the names, especially in the latter category, have been recorded 3-500 years...

  7. Bathymetric map and area/capacity table for Castle Lake, Washington (United States)

    Mosbrucker, Adam R.; Spicer, Kurt R.


    The May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens produced a 2.5-cubic-kilometer debris avalanche that dammed South Fork Castle Creek, causing Castle Lake to form behind a 20-meter-tall blockage. Risk of a catastrophic breach of the newly impounded lake led to outlet channel stabilization work, aggressive monitoring programs, mapping efforts, and blockage stability studies. Despite relatively large uncertainty, early mapping efforts adequately supported several lake breakout models, but have limited applicability to current lake monitoring and hazard assessment. Here, we present the results of a bathymetric survey conducted in August 2012 with the purpose of (1) verifying previous volume estimates, (2) computing an area/capacity table, and (3) producing a bathymetric map. Our survey found seasonal lake volume ranges between 21.0 and 22.6 million cubic meters with a fundamental vertical accuracy representing 0.88 million cubic meters. Lake surface area ranges between 1.13 and 1.16 square kilometers. Relationships developed by our results allow the computation of lake volume from near real-time lake elevation measurements or from remotely sensed imagery.

  8. Chemical constituents in the Peedee and Castle Hayne aquifers: Porters Neck area, New Hanover County, North Carolina (United States)

    Roberts, T.L.; Harris, W.B.


    Concerns about overuse and potential contamination of major aquifers in the southeastern part of North Carolina resulted in the initiation of a subsurface water quality study in February 2001. The focus of this study was to examine variations in nutrients (NO3-, TRP, SO42- Cl-, NH4+) and total dissolved Fe in the Cretaceous Peedee and Tertiary Castle Hayne Limestone aquifers of northeastern New Hanover County. Water samples were collected monthly for one year from sixteen wells located in the Porters Neck area (west of the Intracoastal Waterway and south of Futch Creek) and four springs located on the south side of Futch Creek. Variations in selective nutrient concentrations were measured between and within each aquifer. Concentrations of NH4+ and Fe increased in the Peedee sandstone aquifer during the warmer summer and early fall months. In late summer to early fall, Fe, NO 3-, NH4+, and TRP concentrations in the Castle Hayne Limestone aquifer were significantly higher than in the spring and winter months. Chloride and SO 42- concentrations for the Castle Hayne Limestone aquifer both increased during the warmer months, probably as a result of saltwater intrusion. Factors considered for nutrient and Fe variance include: temperature variation, anaerobic conditions, subsurface stratigraphy/structure, recharge locations, site location and surface fertilization. The shallower Castle Hayne Limestone aquifer showed seasonal variability in the study area, whereas the Peedee sandstone aquifer showed little to no seasonal variability. Increases in NO3- and TRP lagged slightly behind periods of high fertilization and were more prevalent down-dip of a major golf course. Nutrient content and seasonal variation of Futch Creek springs indicated that they originate from the Castle Hayne Limestone aquifer.

  9. Trip attraction rates of shopping centers in Northern New Castle County, Delaware. (United States)


    This report presents the trip attraction rates of the shopping centers in Northern New : Castle County in Delaware. The study aims to provide an alternative to ITE Trip : Generation Manual (1997) for computing the trip attraction of shopping centers ...

  10. Restorian of outdoor plaster pavement floors in a medieval Czech castle

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Slížková, Zuzana; Drdácký, Miloš


    Roč. 14, č. 3 (2008), s. 81-98 ISSN 1355-6207 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/06/1609 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20710524 Keywords : floor plaster * metakaoline modified mortar * medieval castle rampart * non-standard testing Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  11. Hubungan Kadar Ft4 Dengan Kejadian Tirotoksikosis berdasarkan Penilaian Indeks New Castle Padawanita Dewasa di Daerah Ekses Yodium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harsa Rusda


    Full Text Available AbstrakTirotoksikosis merupakan manifestasi klinis yang terjadi akibat peningkatan kadar hormon tiroid dalam darah. Kelebihan yodium merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya tirotoksikosis. Ini ditandai dengan hasil pemeriksaan kadar Ekskresi Yodium Urin (EYU > 199 μg/L. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar FT4 dengan kejadian tirotoksikosis berdasarkan penilaian indeks New Castle pada wanita dewasa di daerah ekses yodium. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan secara Cross Sectional Study terhadap 37 wanita dewasa menggunakan metoda total sampling di Nagari Koto Salak, Kecamatan Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya yang merupakan daerah ekses yodium (median EYU 323,5 μg/L. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan penilaian Indeks New Castle dan pengambilan darah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar FT4 dalam serum. Hasil: Analisis univariat didapatkan jumlah penduduk wanita dewasa dengan kadar FT4 meningkat sebanyak 14 persen dan nilai rata-rata 1,71 ng/dl. Penilaian indeks New Castle dalam kategori doubtful 16 persen dan tidak ditemukan penduduk yang termasuk dalam kategori toxic. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Chi-square, didapatkan p value=1. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar FT4 dalam serum dengan kejadian tirotoksikosis pada wanita dewasa di derah ekses yodium. Saran: Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan mengenai asupan yodium kepada masyarakat dan diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan kepada pemerintah dalam mengambil kebijakan terhadap pemberian kapsul yodium serta melakukan kontrol kadar EYU secara teratur dan berkala.Kata kunci: FT4, tirotoksikosis, indeks New Castle, wanita, ekses yodium, tiroidAbstractThyrotoxicosis is a clinical manifestation that occurs due to elevated levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Iodine excess is one of the causes of thyrotoxicosis. This is indicated by the results of urine iodine excretion levels (EYU

  12. Terminal (Mis)diagnosis and the Physician–Patient Relationship in LM Montgomery’s The Blue Castle (United States)


    LM Montgomery’s The Blue Castle was first published in 1926, yet contains many insights into medical practice that remain relevant today. The protagonist, Valancy, mistakenly receives a terminal diagnosis in a letter from her physician, who has sent her a note intended for another patient. Her interactions with the physician raise issues that are still relevant in contemporary medical education and practice, primarily the importance of effective communication in the physician–patient relationship, especially in the context of diagnosing terminal illness and handling a diagnostic error. The Blue Castle offers a useful starting point for debate and discussion in medical education about these topics. PMID:20473640

  13. Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Montezuma Castle National Monument (United States)

    Schmidt, Cecilia A.; Drost, Charles A.; Halvorson, William Lee


    Executive Summary We summarize past inventory efforts for vascular plants and vertebrates at Montezuma Castle National Monument (NM) in Arizona. We used data from previous research to compile complete species lists for the monument and to assess inventory completeness. There have been 784 species recorded at Montezuma Castle NM, of which 85 (11%) are non-native. In each taxon-specific chapter we highlight areas of resources that contributed to species richness or unique species for the monument. Of particular importance are Montezuma Well and Beaver and Wet Beaver creeks and the surrounding riparian vegetation, which are responsible for the monument having one of the highest numbers of bird species in the Sonoran Desert Network of park units. Beaver Creek is also home to populations of federally-listed fish species of concern. Other important resources include the cliffs along the creeks and around Montezuma Well (for cliff and cave roosting bats). Based on the review of past studies, we believe the inventory for most taxa is nearly complete, though some rare or elusive species will be added with additional survey effort. We recommend additional inventory, monitoring and research studies.

  14. Et in Arcadia Ego: El Mausoleo de Castle Howard

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Teresa Muñoz


    Full Text Available


    Todas las construcciones que pueblan el jardín de Castle Howard de una forma aparentemente azarosa, colocadas siempre sobre  pequeñas colinas, transmiten la sensación de ser objetos permanentemente observados, más que de ser ellos mismos  lugares de observación del territorio circundante. Son más receptores de la mirada que origen de ella y esta situación es especialmente relevante en el caso del mausoleo de  Hawksmoor, algo más que un pabellón o un hito en el paisaje, ya que es la culminación de un itinerario que recorre todas ellas y el contrapunto a la casa principal. El mausoleo es el edificio  más habitado y también el más cualificado desde el punto de vista espacial, el más cerrado y al mismo tiempo el más vacío,  el más inaccesible y el más cercano. Esta construcción circular puede ser contemplada con emoción desde la lejanía, pero  también invita a aproximarse a sus límites, hasta sentir casi físicamente la vitalidad de quien habita en el interior de esa  jaula de piedra, y que habitará allí para siempre recordándonos que, como afirmaba Erwin Panofsky, la muerte es el auténtico
    sujeto de la existencia en el paisaje arcádico.

    Palabras clave

    Castle Howard, paisaje, mausoleo, Hawksmoor, arcadia, muerte, Panofsky


    All buildings that populate the garden of Castle Howard in a seemingly random, always placed on small hills, convey the feeling of being constantly observed objects, rather than being themselves observation sites surrounding territory. They are  more the gaze receptors than its origin, and this is particularly relevant in the case of the mausoleum of Hawksmoor, more  than a pavilion or a landmark in the landscape as it is the culmination of an itinerary that covers all of them and the counterpoint to the main house. The mausoleum is the building most inhabited and the most qualified from the

  15. Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali aastapreemia 2014 Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid Tondiraba jäähalli, Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituudi ja Viljandi laululava eest = The Endowment for Architecture's Annual Award 2014 Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid for the Tondira

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kadarik, Ott, 1976-


    Tondiraba jäähalli, Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituudi ja Viljandi laululava valmimisprotsessist. Karli Luige kommentaar Kultuurkapitali arhitektuuri sihtkapitali aastapreemia laureaadi valimisest

  16. Whose Castle is it Anyway? : Local/Global Negotiations of a Shakespearean Location

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Refskou Anne Sophie


    Full Text Available Kronborg Castle in the Danish town of Elsinore is a location strongly associated with Shakespeare thanks to the setting of Hamlet. It is a place where fiction currently eclipses history, at least in the context of a cultural tourist industry where Shakespeare’s name is worth a great deal more than Danish national heritage sites. Indeed, Kronborg is now widely marketed as ‘Hamlet’s Castle’ and the town of Elsinore has acquired the suffix ‘Home of Hamlet’. This article examines the signifiers implied in the naming and renaming of Kronborg as a Shakespearean location, while also looking at its unique international Shakespearean performance tradition, which spans two centuries. It describes how the identity of the castle has been shaped by its Shakespearean connection against the backdrop of changing ideologies in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and poses questions as to how this identity may continue to develop within the current contexts of renewed nationalism in Europe and the world.

  17. A Greek physician's portrait in Windsor Castle. (United States)

    Bartsocas, Christos S


    To the visitor to Windsor Castle, the Thomas Lawrence portraits in the Waterloo Chamber represent the most important contributors to the military defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, by British, Prussian, Russian and Austrian forces at the Battle of Waterloo. Nevertheless, only few individuals realise that a Greek physician, Count Ioannis Capodistrias, a native of the island of Corfu, stands among these leading personalities as a diplomat, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, who contributed remarkably to European unity in the early nineteenth century and as a statesman ('Governor' of Greece) with a tragic end to his life, after establishing a Greek State practically from ruins.

  18. A Study of the Curriculum and Contents in American Progressive Education : Focusing on Castle Kindergarten and Nursery School in Hawaii


    塩路, 晶子


    This study aims to show the features of American progressive kindergarten in the early 20th century, through analyzing the curriculum and contents of Henry and Dorothy Castle Memorial Kindergarten and Nursery School in Hawaii. This kindergarten was established by Mary Castle at Honolulu in 1899 and influenced from John Dewey. And in 1927, the nursery school was established because educating younger children was important. Children could select the subject matter based on their own interest. A...

  19. Destroy The Castle: A 3D Magic Carpet-like Game


    Ondrčková, Simona


    Title: Destroy the Castle: A 3D Magic Carpet-like Game Author: Simona Ondrčková Department: Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Supervisor: Mgr. Pavel Ježek, Ph.D., Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Abstract: The goal of the thesis is to create a computer game based on a game called Magic Carpet. The game has two main interesting aspects from the programming point of view: artificial intelligence and an editor. The artificial intelligence uses different approaches ...


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    O. E. C. Prizeman


    Full Text Available Caerphilly Castle (1268-70 is the first concentric castle in Britain and the second largest in the UK. The dramatic inclination of its ruinous south west tower has been noted since 1539. Comparing data from historical surveys and a terrestrial laser scan undertaken in 2015, this paper seeks to review evidence for the long-term stability of the tower. Digital documentation and archival research by architects is collated to provide data for structural analysis by engineers. A terrestrial laser scan was used to create a detailed three dimensional finite element model to enable structural analysis of the current shape of the tower made by tetrahedral elements. An automated strategy has been implemented for the transformation of the complex three dimensional point cloud into a three dimensional finite element model. Numerical analysis has been carried out aiming at understanding the main structural weaknesses of the tower in its present condition. Comparisons of four sets of data: 1539, 1830, 1870 and 2015 enabled us to determine change albeit between very different methods of measurement.

  1. CASTLE3D - A Computer Aided System for Labelling Archaeological Excavations in 3D (United States)

    Houshiar, H.; Borrmann, D.; Elseberg, J.; Nüchter, A.; Näth, F.; Winkler, S.


    Documentation of archaeological excavation sites with conventional methods and tools such as hand drawings, measuring tape and archaeological notes is time consuming. This process is prone to human errors and the quality of the documentation depends on the qualification of the archaeologist on site. Use of modern technology and methods in 3D surveying and 3D robotics facilitate and improve this process. Computer-aided systems and databases improve the documentation quality and increase the speed of data acquisition. 3D laser scanning is the state of the art in modelling archaeological excavation sites, historical sites and even entire cities or landscapes. Modern laser scanners are capable of data acquisition of up to 1 million points per second. This provides a very detailed 3D point cloud of the environment. 3D point clouds and 3D models of an excavation site provide a better representation of the environment for the archaeologist and for documentation. The point cloud can be used both for further studies on the excavation and for the presentation of results. This paper introduces a Computer aided system for labelling archaeological excavations in 3D (CASTLE3D). Consisting of a set of tools for recording and georeferencing the 3D data from an excavation site, CASTLE3D is a novel documentation approach in industrial archaeology. It provides a 2D and 3D visualisation of the data and an easy-to-use interface that enables the archaeologist to select regions of interest and to interact with the data in both representations. The 2D visualisation and a 3D orthogonal view of the data provide cuts of the environment that resemble the traditional hand drawings. The 3D perspective view gives a realistic view of the environment. CASTLE3D is designed as an easy-to-use on-site semantic mapping tool for archaeologists. Each project contains a predefined set of semantic information that can be used to label findings in the data. Multiple regions of interest can be joined under

  2. Archaeological investigations in medieval Viljandi the castle and its surroundings / Arvi Haak, Riina Juurik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haak, Arvi


    Kaevamistest ordulinnuses, uuringutest III eeslinnusel (Esimesel Kirsimäel) peavärava piirkonnas, järelevalvetöödest linnusest lääne poole jääval alal, uuringutest Tartu tänav 28A ja 30 kruntidel. Keraamikaleidude põhjal tekkis asustus Tartu tänav 30 piirkonnas 14. sajandi teisel poolel või veelgi varem

  3. The ''Amsterdam Castle'': A case study of wiggle matching and the proper calibration curve

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Plicht, J; Jansma, E|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/074965255; Kars, H


    We have performed a high-precision 14C wiggle-matching study on two oak beams from the "Castle of Amsterdam". These beams are also dated by dendrochronology. Our two dating methods can only be made consistent using the recommended calibration curve (1986) instead of the revised one (1993).

  4. 76 FR 75543 - Castle Creek Hydroelectric Project; Notice of Preliminary Permit Application Accepted for Filing... (United States)


    ... Hydroelectric Project; Notice of Preliminary Permit Application Accepted for Filing and Soliciting Comments... (FPA), proposing to study the feasibility of the Castle Creek Hydroelectric Project to be located on... be located adjacent to the original hydroelectric plant, with a single shaft Pelton turbine...

  5. Environmental Impact Statement. Disposal and Reuse of Castle Air Force Base, California (United States)


    rendering infectious waste noninfectious and disposable as nonhazardous waste 3-74 Castle AFB Disposal and Reuse FEIS * Discharge to the sewage system if...American Indians Volume 8: California, Robert F. Heizer , ed., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Wedel, W.R., 1941. Arrha 3ological Investigations at...Undeswrable substances rendering something unfit for use Continental Control Area The arspace of the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columb.ia and

  6. St George the dragon-slayer at Prague Castle - the eternal pilgrim without a home?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Benešovská, Klára


    Roč. 55, č. 1 (2007), s. 28-39 ISSN 0049-5123 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : Gothic bronze sculpture * St George the dragon -slayer * Martin and George of Cluj * Prague Castle Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  7. Harry Pye postkaart Londonist : Elevant ja Kindlus = Harry Pye's Postcard from London : The Elephant & Castle / Harry Pye

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pye, Harry, 1973-


    Londoni kirjanik ja kunstnik Harry Pye Lõuna-Londoni linnaosast Elephant & Castle, mille võlu ta avastab koos sõpradega linnaosast näituse jaoks fotosid tehes. Fotod eksponeeritakse grupinäitusel "Tõeline elu"

  8. Application of geophysical methods to investigation of old castle, especially of the moat; Joshi no chosa ni okeru butsuri tansa no tekiyo (horiato no tansa)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, A; Karube, F; Kobayashi, M; Toge, M [OYO Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    An explanation is made about the application of geophysical methods to the investigation of the ruins of old castles especially of their moats. Techniques currently in use for exploration of the ruins of castles are mainly underground radar exploration and electric exploration. The underground radar method sends electromagnetic waves through the ground and receives the reflection for a high-precision exploration of the layers shallow in the ground. Therefore, this method is suitable for probing the ruins of castles relatively shallow in the flat land, hills, and mountains. The electric method (resistivity image method) do the probing by use of the two-electrode arrangement, performs inverse analysis on the basis of the obtained data for the determination of the underground resistivity distribution, and displays the distribution in an image easy to read. This method, when there is a great separation between the two electrodes, explores relatively deep into the ground. Thanks to this feature, this method is effective in probing relatively wide and deep ruins of moats, that is, the ruins of moats of castles built in later years, especially of those then filled with water. 2 refs., 5 figs.

  9. German Castles, Customs and Culture: Introducing a New Approach to the Undergraduate Culture Course (United States)

    Lalande, John F., II


    Courses on the culture of the German-speaking world (GSW) have long dotted the landscape of undergraduate course offerings at North American colleges and universities. The primary purpose of this article is to share information about a new kind of undergraduate culture course that uses castles as a vehicle for introducing students to past and…

  10. A reading of calvino’s The castle of crossed destinies as a machine-text

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    Otávio Guimarães Tavares


    Full Text Available This text has the objective of analising the compositinal processo of Italo Calvino’s work The Castle of Crossed Destinies as a machine-text, as a textual production that, through restrictions to the creative process, lends combinatorial procedures from tarot cards and mechanical processes as a means of expanding compositional possibilities.

  11. State of the Crown of the continent ecosystem : Flathead/Castle Transboundary Bioregion (draft)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Konrad, E.; Peck, B.; Stewart, A.; Stewart, C.


    This state of the ecosystem report describes the ecological composition of the Flathead/Castle Transboundary bioregion, including human activity. The ecosystem (which does not follow political boundaries) extends from western Alberta, eastern British Columbia and Montana. The region encompasses 5088 square km. and occupies two watersheds of the greater Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. Ecological components of the North Fork of the Flathead and of the Castle Drainage including such ecological processes as fire and disease, vegetation, species, wildlife, the aquatic environment, and a century of human activity in the two regions are described. Forestry practices, petroleum extraction, mining, recreational activities, land development, ranching practices, and road development in the two regions are reviewed, along with ecosystem-wide trends. The advantages of ecosystem based management integrated with human based management practices was demonstrated by describing the Rocky Mountain Grizzly Bear Planning Committee`s work . The Committee consists of representatives of wildlife agencies of Montana, BC, Alberta and Canadian and US federal government agencies who share responsibility for jointly mapping grizzly habitat, grizzly mortality sinks, pooling data on mortalities to ensure that the regional grizzly bear population is managed as one population regardless of political boundaries. 221 refs., tabs., figs.

  12. Новый корпус средней школы, Вильянди = Extension of Viljandi Secondary School / Михкель Кару

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Кару, Михкель, 1983-


    Viljandi Riigigümnaasiumi uuest hoonest. Arhitektid Maarja Kask, Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke, Andro Mänd, Margus Tamm (Salto Arhitektid), sisekujunduse autor Pille Lausmäe. Vana maja fassaadi renoveerimisprojekti autor Eva Laarmann

  13. Castle Creek known geothermal resource area: an environmental analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spencer, S.G.; Russell, B.F. (eds.)


    The Castle Creek known geothermal resource area (KGRA) is part of the large Bruneau-Grand View thermal anomaly in southwestern Idaho. The KGRA is located in the driest area of Idaho and annual precipitation averages 230 mm. The potential of subsidence and slope failure is high in sediments of the Glenns Ferry Formation and Idaho Group found in the KGRA. A major concern is the potential impact of geothermal development on the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area which overlaps the KGRA. Any significant economic growth in Owyhee County may strain the ability of the limited health facilities in the county. The Idaho Archaeological survey has located 46 archaeological sites within the KGRA.

  14. Massacre of Canadian Army Medical Corps personnel after the sinking of HMHS Llandovery Castle and the evolution of modern war crime jurisprudence. (United States)

    Doucet, Jay; Haley, Gregory; McAlister, Vivian


    Events after the sinking of the hospital ship Llandovery Castle on June 27, 1918, by the German submarine U-86 outraged Canadians. Survivors aboard a single life raft gave evidence that many of the 234 souls lost had made it to lifeboats but were rammed and shot by the submarine. Many of those who died were nurses. Three German officers were charged with war crimes after the war. The submarine's captain evaded capture. The remaining two officers' defence that they were following the captain's orders failed and they were convicted. This ruling was used as a precedent to dismiss similar claims at the war crime trials after the Second World War. It is also the basis of the order given to members of modern militaries, including the Canadian Armed Forces, that it is illegal to carry out an illegal order.

  15. From ivory tower to castle: how scientists are helping their local communities through solving crime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baylor, V.M.


    C.A.S.T.L.E. ( Centre for applied science and technology for law enforcement) was established in 1995 to use the resources within Oak Ridge to help local, state and federal law enforcement personnel solve crimes. It included several functions, which will be described in more detail below, casework support, short term feasibility tasks, technical advice and assistance to operations. As a further result of the CASTLE program and similar efforts at DOE laboratories throughout the U.S., the Department of Energy committed in May 1998 to a memorandum of understanding with the departments of treasury and Justice which covers a crime-fighting partnership initiative. Under this partnership, DOE charter is to provide preeminent science and technology that can be applied to the mitigation of crime and criminal activities through the establishment of collaborative partnerships between the DOE laboratories and the law enforcement and forensic sciences communities. One of the chief goals is to facilitate the flow of technologies produced through the partnership to law enforcement agencies at the state and local level. (N.C.)

  16. In pursuit of the heritage and place synergy: the environmental impact of Panemunė Castle as a heritage property and entirety of values. A study


    Vaida Ščiglienė; Vaida Almonaitytė-Navickienė; Kristina Daubarytė; Ieva Kuizinienė, Angelė Čepėnaitė; Angelė Čepėnaitė


    The study on Panemunė Castle examined this heritage object in an entirety of its values and their impact on the environment, with a possibility of their synergism for the benefit of the place. It found the contemporary national heritage protection framework failing to grant equal attention to elements constituting the multifaceted worth of the castle as a property, inclusive of the social, cultural, artistic values, the engagement of local communities, the important role of cultural tourism a...

  17. Cost-effectiveness analysis of lopinavir/ritonavir and atazanavir+ritonavir regimens in the CASTLE study. (United States)

    Simpson, Kit N; Rajagopalan, Rukmini; Dietz, Birgitta


    The purpose of the study was to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis comparing lopinavir with ritonavir (LPV/r) and atazanavir plus ritonavir (ATV+RTV) for antiretroviral-naïve patients with a baseline CD4+ T-cell distribution and total cholesterol (TC) profile as reported in the CASTLE study. This decision analysis study used a previously published Markov model of HIV disease, incorporating coronary heart disease (CHD) events to compare the short- and long-term budget impacts and CHD consequences expected for the two regimens. Patients were assumed to have a baseline CHD risk of 4.6% (based on demographic data) and it was also assumed that 50% of the population in the CASTLE study were smokers. The CHD risk differences (based on percent of patients with TC >240 mg/dL) in favor of ATV+RTV resulted in an average improvement in life expectancy of 0.031 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) (11 days), and an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $1,409,734/QALY. Use of the LPV/r regimen saved $24,518 and $36,651 at 5 and 10 years, respectively, with lifetime cost savings estimated at $38,490. A sensitivity analysis using a cohort of all smokers on antihypertensive medication estimated an average improvement in life expectancy of 31 quality-adjusted days in favor of ATV+RTV, and a cost-effectiveness ratio of $520,861/QALY: a ratio that is still above the acceptable limit within the US. The use of an LPV/r-based regimen in antiretroviral-naïve patients with a baseline CHD risk similar to patients in the CASTLE study appears to be a more cost-effective use of resources compared with an ATV+RTV-based regimen. The very small added CHD risk predicted by LPV/r treatment is more than offset by the substantial short- and long-term cost savings expected with the use of LPV/r in antiretroviral-naïve individuals with average to moderately elevated CHD risk.

  18. Radon concentrations inside castles and other ancient buildings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malanca, A.; Pessina, V.; Dallara, G.


    Sixty-two measurements of Rn-222 concentrations were made in 24 castles and 13 ancient buildings in 30 different places situated in the provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia (Northern Italy). The method used was that of activated carbon canisters which were placed in selected settings for at least 48 h in the period staring from December 1990 to May 1991. It was possible to determine the amount of radon in each canister via its daughters gamma emitters counted by Nal(Tl) and Ge(I) detectors. The mean radon concentrations were 72 Bq m -3 (arithmetic mean) and 49 Bq m -3 (geometric mean), a good deal higher than the values obtained from measurements carried out in modern dwellings in the same area; 30 Bq m -3 (arithmetic mean) and 19 Bq m -3 (geometric mean). (author). 20 refs., 2 figs., 6 tabs

  19. In pursuit of the heritage and place synergy: the environmental impact of Panemunė Castle as a heritage property and entirety of values. A study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vaida Ščiglienė


    Full Text Available The study on Panemunė Castle examined this heritage object in an entirety of its values and their impact on the environment, with a possibility of their synergism for the benefit of the place. It found the contemporary national heritage protection framework failing to grant equal attention to elements constituting the multifaceted worth of the castle as a property, inclusive of the social, cultural, artistic values, the engagement of local communities, the important role of cultural tourism and the image of the place, and economic efficiency. The analysis of the different facets one by one and collectively has brought to the conclusion that the social, cultural, artistic and economic values of Panemunė Castle as a heritage property influence their environment, but are not experienced as a powerful driving force of the contemporary heritage protection. The process remains fragmented, sporadic and underdeveloped, with its elements failing to achieve synergism for the place.

  20. The archetypal criticism of "Hooshroba Castle" story

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jalil Moshydy


    .“Universal archetypes are the collective unconscious and are inherited from our ancestors” (Cuddon, 1380: 39. The basic fact of life archetype such as birth, growing up, love, family and tribal life, death the same concepts as the archetype known myths. Elements such as death and rebirth, hero's journey, an old wise man, anima and animus, shadow. The archetypal criticism based on inter-textuality to look at the literature and a relationship based on dialogue among literary works have been written based on archetypes believes. "Zat os-Sovar Castle" storyis one of the most mysterious talesof Masnavi and it is more mysteriously unfinished. Checking archetypal story of "Zat os-Sovar Castle"shows that archetype in this story has a special place. The story begins with the heroes of the adventure trip which is known archetypes. The old wise man in the form of three characters, namely the father, the old man will appear enlightened and king China. King of China's daughter the owner image of the beautiful castle, man is a manifestation of the female psyche Anima they say. Shadow of the dark side of the human psyche and the origin of evil traits, in the second brother to be seen and adverse effects on the soul leaves his. Mask or persona archetype also is seen in the behavior of the king of China When unaware that his show and the secret are their spiritual brothers. The loss of brothers and another brother replacing the frequently happens in the story, reminiscent of the archetype of death and rebirth is and in the end, according to the story's elements and characters, the myth of the creation of the first man to be seen. By analyzing this archetype can be hidden concepts in this part of the Masnavi and realized similar literary works and the benefit.

  1. Study of a unique 16th century Antwerp majolica floor in the Rameyenhof castle's chapel by means of X-ray fluorescence and portable Raman analytical instrumentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van de Voorde, Lien, E-mail: [Ghent University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, X-Ray Microspectroscopy and Imaging Research Group, Krijgslaan 281 S12, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); Vandevijvere, Melissa [Ghent University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, X-Ray Microspectroscopy and Imaging Research Group, Krijgslaan 281 S12, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); University of Antwerp, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Conservation Studies, Centre for Conservation Research (CCR), Blindestraat 9, 2000 Antwerp (Belgium); University of Antwerp, Department of Chemistry, X-ray and Instrumentation Lab (AXI2L), Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Vekemans, Bart [Ghent University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, X-Ray Microspectroscopy and Imaging Research Group, Krijgslaan 281 S12, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); Van Pevenage, Jolien [Ghent University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Raman Spectroscopy Research Group, Krijgslaan 281 S12, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); Caen, Joost [University of Antwerp, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Conservation Studies, Centre for Conservation Research (CCR), Blindestraat 9, 2000 Antwerp (Belgium); Vandenabeele, Peter [Ghent University, Department of Archaeology, Archaeometry Research Group, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); Van Espen, Piet [University of Antwerp, Department of Chemistry, X-ray and Instrumentation Lab (AXI2L), Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Vincze, Laszlo [Ghent University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, X-Ray Microspectroscopy and Imaging Research Group, Krijgslaan 281 S12, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)


    The most unique and only known 16th century Antwerp majolica tile floor in Belgium is situated in a tower of the Rameyenhof castle (Gestel, Belgium). This exceptional work of art has recently been investigated in situ by using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Raman spectroscopy in order to study the material characteristics. This study reports on the result of the analyses based on the novel combination of non-destructive and portable instrumentation, including a handheld XRF spectrometer for obtaining elemental information and a mobile Raman spectrometer for retrieving structural and molecular information on the floor tiles in the Rameyenhof castle and on a second, similar medallion, which is stored in the Rubens House museum in Antwerp (Belgium). The investigated material, majolica, is a type of ceramic, which fascinated many people and potters throughout history by its beauty and colourful appearance. In this study the characteristic major/minor and trace element signature of 16th century Antwerp majolica is determined and the pigments used for the colourful paintings present on the floor are identified. Furthermore, based on the elemental fingerprint of the white glaze, and in particular on the presence of zinc in the tiles – an element that was not used for making 16th century majolica – valuable information about the originality of the chapel floor and the two central medallions is acquired. - Highlights: • In situ, non-destructive investigation of a unique Antwerp majolica floor • Multi-methodological approach: make use of a mobile Raman and X-ray spectrometer • Obtaining information about layered structure of Antwerp majolica • The used pigments in the majolica floor in Rameyenhof castle are characterized. • The verification of the authenticity of the floor and two central medallions are performed.

  2. Quasi-Bodies and Kafka’s Castle in Sion Sono’s Crime Noir Guilty of Romance (2011

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    Kuo Chia-wen


    Full Text Available Sion Sono’s Guilty of Romance (Koi no tsumi, 2011 was adapted from an actual crime in Tokyo’s love hotel: an educated woman (a prostitute at night was found decapitated and her limbs were re-assembled with a sex-doll. Sono renders this through his cinematic narrative blurring the distinction between true crime and fictional sin like Rancière’s idea that everything is a narrative dissipating the opposition between “fact and fiction,” and “quasi-body” becomes a product of human literarity while an imaginary collective body is formed to fill the fracture in-between. In Sono’s story, the victim is a literature professor tormented by an incestuous desire for her father, whose favorite book is Kafka’s Castle. Thus she compares the love-hotel district where she turns loose at night as a castle of lusts. Here the narrative becomes a collective body that puppeteers human “quasi-bodies” in a Kafkaesque spatio-temporal aporia, and time’s spatialized horizontally with the germs of desire spread like a contagion on a Deleuzian “plane of immanence.”

  3. New Plants at Prague Castle and Hradčany in the Early Modern Period. A History of Selected Species

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Beneš, J.; Čulíková, Věra; Kosňovská, J.; Frolík, Jan; Matiášek, Josef


    Roč. 3, č. 1 (2012), s. 103-114 ISSN 1804-848X Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : Prague Castle * Early Modern Period * archaeobotany Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  4. Hydrogeology, hydraulic characteristics, and water-quality conditions in the surficial, Castle Hayne and Peedee aquifers of the greater New Hanover County area, North Carolina, 2012-13 (United States)

    McSwain, Kristen Bukowski; Gurley, Laura N.; Antolino, Dominick J.


    A major issue facing the greater New Hanover County, North Carolina, area is the increased demand for drinking water resources as a result of rapid growth. The principal sources of freshwater supply in the greater New Hanover County area are withdrawals of surface water from the Cape Fear River and groundwater from the underlying Castle Hayne and Peedee aquifers. Industrial, mining, irrigation, and aquaculture groundwater withdrawals increasingly compete with public-supply utilities for freshwater resources. Future population growth and economic expansion will require increased dependence on high-quality sources of fresh groundwater. An evaluation of the hydrogeology and water-quality conditions in the surficial, Castle Hayne, and Peedee aquifers was conducted in New Hanover, eastern Brunswick, and southern Pender Counties, North Carolina. A hydrogeologic framework was delineated by using a description of the geologic and hydrogeologic units that compose aquifers and their confining units. Current and historic water-level, water-quality, and water-isotope data were used to approximate the present boundary between freshwater and brackish water in the study area. Water-level data collected during August–September 2012 and March 2013 in the Castle Hayne aquifer show that recharge areas with the highest groundwater altitudes are located in central New Hanover County, and the lowest are located in a discharge area along the Atlantic Ocean. Between 1964 and 2012, groundwater levels in the Castle Hayne aquifer in central New Hanover County have rebounded by about 10 feet, but in the Pages Creek area groundwater levels declined in excess of 20 feet. In the Peedee aquifer, the August–September 2012 groundwater levels were affected by industrial withdrawals in north-central New Hanover County. Groundwater levels in the Peedee aquifer declined more than 20 feet between 1964 and 2012 in northeastern New Hanover County because of increased withdrawals. Vertical gradients

  5. Assessment of the environmental value of the Zichy Castle Park in Voivodeni, Romania – Brief description

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    Kovács Lóránt


    Full Text Available The Zichy Castle from Vajdaszentiväny (Voievodeni is located in Mure§ County, central Romania, south-west from the town of Reghin. Its constniction in classical baroque style dates back to the beginning of the X\\TH Century. The archaeological findings from the area show that Vajdaszentiväny was already populated in the Copper Age. The findings of gray dishes from the III and IV centuries were considered by Dr. Protase as indigenous Daco-Roman relics. The Roman presence here was demonstrated by residues of the hewn-stone road along the Maros River. After the Roman Age, several other populations (Goths, Slavonic peoples. Darghins and Huns settled down here. The feudal Hungarian state occupied this area around the XI Century. Several streams, terraces and old cemetery ruins demonstrate tliat the Hungarians used the region for protective purposes. The first mitten records of Vajdaszentiväny date back to 1332, when die Papal documents (Sacerdos de Sancto Johanne mention the settlement for the first time. In 1366. the name of the village was Märton-Szent-Ivän. and dunng the centuries it belonged to several old and noble families and dynasties as szentiväni Szekely. monoszlai Losonczi. Szakäcsi. the Bänffy and Dezsöfi, the Szentiväni, Butkai, Balog, Kecseti, Kerelöi, Szengyeli, Dengelegi, Fodor, vajdaszentivänyi Földväri, Koka, Piski, Järai or Järai Felsöjärai Abafäja. During the first half of the 19* Century, among former Hungarians noble owners of the village, the following can be mentioned: Count Sämuel Kemeny, Albert Horvath, Budai, Szocs (Käroly es Mihäly and Duke Löwenthäl. Later on, the village of Vajdaszentiväny became famous because of its castle, later named the “Zichy Castle,” but also because of its citizens as preservers of folk music, folk dance and folk tales.


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    P. Delis


    Full Text Available Textured three dimensional models are currently the one of the standard methods of representing the results of photogrammetric works. A realistic 3D model combines the geometrical relations between the structure’s elements with realistic textures of each of its elements. Data used to create 3D models of structures can be derived from many different sources. The most commonly used tool for documentation purposes, is a digital camera and nowadays terrestrial laser scanning (TLS. Integration of data acquired from different sources allows modelling and visualization of 3D models historical structures. Additional aspect of data integration is possibility of complementing of missing points for example in point clouds. The paper shows the possibility of integrating data from terrestrial laser scanning with digital imagery and an analysis of the accuracy of the presented methods. The paper describes results obtained from raw data consisting of a point cloud measured using terrestrial laser scanning acquired from a Leica ScanStation2 and digital imagery taken using a Kodak DCS Pro 14N camera. The studied structure is the ruins of the Ilza castle in Poland.

  7. Pengembangan Game Castle Defense “Jagaraga” pada Platform Android

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    Wiliem Indy


    Full Text Available Video game merupakan permainan dalam bentuk digital dan melakukan pengolahan pengubahan gambar. Game dengan judul “Jagaraga” merupakan game dengan genre Castle Defense dengan tema fantasy Bali dan penyisipan cerita Puputan Jagaraga. Cerita dalam permainan merupakan gabungan cerita fiksi dan beberapa kejadian atau event sejarah yang terjadi di Jagaraga. Pengembangan game memanfaatkan beberapa metode. Pergerakan animasi menggunakan pembuatan Kurva Bezier. Artificial Intelegent musuh dalam permainan memanfaatkan metode forward chaining yang sederhana dan penggunaan metode skala likert untuk format form penilaian game untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan pengembangan game. Pengembangan game pada penelitian ini sudah mencapai tahap yang memuaskan. Hasil perhitungan form penilaian, jumlah responden sebanyak 23 orang menyatakan aspek grafis bertemakan pasukan Bali mencapai nilai 88.70% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Aspek cerita permainan yang menceritakan Puputan Jagaraga juga mendapat respon yang sangat positif dengan nilai 86.96% yang juga termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Kata kunci: Jagaraga, Forward Chaining, Bezier, skala Likert

  8. Beyond the Theme of The Castle%论《城堡》的主题意蕴

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Many argue that The Castle is the most important novel of Franz Kafka,an outstanding novel that can be interpreted in many possibilities. It can be,interestingly,enlightening in terms of our understanding of ourselves and the surrounding world if this work of literary creation is interpreted together with the life of the mod-ern people. In The Castle,K,the hero makes a lot of efforts to enter the castle. By analyzing his attempts and their effect,we can feel the same feelings of human beings facing true life ! misfortune,misery,helplessness and a sense of loss ! on the one hand. But beyond these feelings,we also discovery tenacity in misfortune,per-sistence in misery,undauntedness in helplessness and fortitude in time of loss. These discoveries help lift our un-derstanding of life to a higher level.%不少人认为《城堡》是弗朗茨·卡夫卡最为重要的小说,也是一部具有多种理解和阐释之可能性的杰出作品。将作为文学创作的小说与现代人的现实处境相联系,通过对《城堡》中的主人公K为了进入城堡所作的种种尝试、努力及其效果进行分析和思考,不仅可以感受和见出与人类的真实生活密切相关的不幸、悲哀、无助与失落,同时还能体味到与之相连的另一面:不幸中的坚守、悲哀中的执着、无助中的不屈、失落中的刚毅,从而促使人们走向关于人生境遇的更深一层体验与解读,获得如何面对自身以及世界的一种真正富有意义的认识和启示。

  9. The Historical Destiny of the Romanovs in the Evolution of the Tobolsk Prison Castle

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    Olga N. Naumenko


    Full Text Available The penetration of European standards and norms in the life of Russian society, their influence on the culture, the legislation and administrative traditions, – these questions remain relevant over 300 years, since the beginning of the Europeanization of Russia by Peter I. The most important problem lies in the degree of adoption of the European experience, its relevance and adaptation to the Russian conditions. The question of penetration of the western norms into education, science, a family and other spheres which successfully functioned and were reproduced on a powerful internal resource of the Russian traditional culture is relevant too. The article is based on archival materials. It discusses the experience of the Russian emperors to reform Tobolsk prison castle in accordance with the European and Russian samples, and the results of this policy. The author draws attention to the pattern that emerged over 200 years: the attempt even a partial introduction to the prison castle European humanist values necessarily accompanied by a crisis of Imperial power and ended with its collapse in 1917. A return to the inquisitorial part of the prison and the rejection of the humane treatment of prisoners entailed the stabilization of the government. The author analyzes the causes of this phenomenon, comparing the cultural-historical conditions for prison reform in Russia and Europe, as well as differences in socio-economic and political development. The article also presents new data on the history of the exile of the Romanovs to Siberia in 1601 and 1918.

  10. The “Mayor” and “Real” castles of the town of Calatayud in 1371 in the light of two inventories of the Royal Archive

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    Álvaro Cantos Carnicer


    Full Text Available The text shows the study of two interesting inventories mentioning the objects of two castles (“Mayor” and “Real” of Calatayud (Aragon, carried out in 1371. Firstly, the original text in Catalan of the Archive of the Crown of Aragon has been transcribed. The work is focused on the elements of armour, arms and artillery machines; the nature and function of every object have been researched, comparing, as far as possible, with other contemporary sources; the terminology has also been analysed and some evident Aragonese words have been found. This work has allowed to know the different elements existing in the castles, establishing their specificity, state and lacks, sometimes not easily explicable, as in the case of the crossbows. The meticulous description of the artillery machines is absolutely exceptional.

  11. Isotope Tracer Methods for Investigations Of Nitrogen Deficiency In Castle Lake, California

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Axler, R.P.; Goldman, C.R.


    Castle Lake is a subalpine lake located in northern California. Thermal stratification is well developed soon after ice-thaw and persists until fall overturn. The epilimnion during the major portion of the growing season (mid-June to mid-September) is characterized by relatively constant temperature and depth (19±3°C, 5±2m respectively), high transparency (η = 0.21 m -1 ), low phytoplankton productivity (∼3 mg C m -3 hr -1 at midday), and low levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (≲5 μg N 1 -1 ) and phosphorus (≲1 μg P 1 -1 ). Nitrogen-fixing algae are not present in the water column and nutrient inputs derived from precipitation and surface inflow are generally negligible by early July

  12. Asian Martial Art Exhibitions at the Swiss Castle of Morges

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    Nicolae Gothard Bialokur


    Full Text Available This article reports on two unique cultural exhibitions (2005 and 2007 held in Morges, Switzerland. The main theme for these exhibitions was Asian martial arts with a focus on those from Japan, including presentations by notable masters in aikido, karate, judo, kyudo, iaido, kenjutsu, jodo, juttejutsu, kusarigamajutsu, naginatajutsu, tameshigiri, and kendo. On exhibit were artifacts from Morges Castle museum collections as well as numerous ancient objects borrowed specifically for these exhibitions from other Swiss museums and private collections. There was also a lecture on Japanese sword collecting and care, and presentations of Japanese dance, flower arranging (ikebana, the art of tea (châ no yu, châdo, paper folding (origami, traditional kimono dress, and detailed demonstrations on the manufacture of bladed weapons. Text and photography were arranged to record these events for this article, showing how excellent organization and cooperation can introduce high-quality martial traditions to the public.

  13. William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse astronomy and the castle in nineteenth-century Ireland

    CERN Document Server

    Mollan, R Charles


    This is a revealing account of the family life and achievements of the Third Earl of Rosse, a hereditary peer and resident landlord at Birr Castle, County Offaly, in nineteenth-century Ireland, before, during and after the devastating famine of the 1840s. He was a remarkable engineer, who built enormous telescopes in the cloudy middle of Ireland. The book gives details, in an attractive non-technical style which requires no previous scientific knowledge, of his engineering initiatives and the astronomical results, but also reveals much more about the man and his contributions - locally in the

  14. Sophie's Defense Mechanism in Her Struggle to Break the Curse in Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle


    Perwita, Ratnanggana Ausiyyah Mustika


    The experience that young people get has an effect to their personality and their problem solving. This is why older people tend to be more mature than the young people. In Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle, the main character has a development in her personality through experiences. Her experiences lead her to how she solves her problems while she unconsciously uses defense mechanism. In this case, in this study will be analyzed the characteristic of the main character, Sophie, when sh...

  15. Preliminary Results on Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Loki's Castle Arctic Vents and Host Sediments (United States)

    Barriga, Fernando; Carvalho, Carlos; Inês Cruz, M.; Dias, Ágata; Fonseca, Rita; Relvas, Jorge; Pedersen, Rolf


    The Loki's Castle hydrothermal vent field was discovered in the summer of 2008, during a cruise led by the Centre of Geobiology of the University of Bergen, integrated in the H2Deep Project (Eurocores, ESF). Loki's Castle is the northernmost hydrothermal vent field discovered to date. It is located at the junction between the Mohns Ridge and the South Knipovich Ridge, in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, at almost 74°N. This junction shows unique features and apparently there is no transform fault to accommodate the deformation generated by the bending of the rift valley from WSW-ENE to almost N-S. The Knipovich Rigde, being a complex structure, is an ultra-slow spreading ridge, with an effective spreading rate of only ~ 6 mm/y. It is partly masked by a substantial cover of glacial and post-glacial sediments, estimated to be between 12 and 20 ky old, derived from the nearby Bear Island fan, to the East of the ridge. The Loki's Castle vent site is composed of several active, over 10 m tall chimneys, producing up to 320°C fluid, at the top of a very large sulphide mound, which is estimated to be around 200 m in diameter. About a dozen gravity cores were obtained in the overall area. From these we collected nearly 200 subsamples. Eh and pH were measured in all subsamples. The Portuguese component of the H2Deep project is aimed at characterizing, chemically and mineralogically, the sulphide chimneys and the collected sediments around the vents (up to 5 meters long gravity cores). These studies are aimed at understanding the ore-forming system, and its implications for submarine mineral exploration, as well as the relation of the microbial population with the hydrothermal component of sediments. Here we present an overview of preliminary data on the mineralogical assemblage found in the analyzed sediments and chimneys. The identification of the different mineral phases was obtained through petrographic observations of polished thin sections under the microscope (with both

  16. Hydrology of the Ferron sandstone aquifer and effects of proposed surface-coal mining in Castle Valley, Utah, with sections on stratigraphy and leaching of overburden (United States)

    Lines, Gregory C.; Morrissey, Daniel J.; Ryer, Thomas A.; Fuller, Richard H.


    Coal in the Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale of Cretaceous age has traditionally been mined by underground techniques in the Emery Coal Field in the southern end of Castle Valley in east-central Utah. However, approximately 99 million tons are recoverable by surface mining. Ground water in the Ferron is the sole source of supply for the town of Emery, but the aquifer is essentially untapped outside the Emery area.The Ferron Sandstone Member crops out along the eastern edge of Castle Valley and generally dips 2 ? to 10 ? to the northwest. Sandstones in the Ferron are enclosed between relatively impermeable shale in the Tununk and Blue Gate Members of the Mancos Shale. Along the outcrop, the Ferron ranges in thickness from about 80 feet in the northern part of Castle Valley to 850 feet in the southern part. The Ferron also generally thickens in the subsurface downdip from the outcrop. Records from wells and test holes indicate that the full thickness of the Ferron is saturated with water in most areas downdip from the outcrop area.Tests in the Emery area indicate that transmissivity of the Ferron sandstone aquifer ranges from about 200 to 700 feet squared per day where the Ferron is fully saturated. Aquifer transmissivity is greatest near the Paradise Valley-Joes Valley fault system where permeability has been increased by fracturing. Storage coefficient ranges from about 10 .6 to 10 -3 where the Ferron sandstone aquifer is confined and probably averages 5 x 10-2 where it is unconfined.


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    J. Cardenal


    Full Text Available The province of Jaen (Southern Spain has one of the largest concentrations of medieval fortresses of all Europe. Moreover ancient Iberian settlements located in oppida (fortified villages and dated at VI-IV BC also are outstanding examples of historical heritage landmarks in the region. Most of these places are being restored or under documentation analysis to prevent their progressive deterioration. These places have several geometric characteristics in common, such as isolated locations, elongated shapes, largemedium size objects (in the order of tens to few hundred of meters, architectural features with vertical development (such as masonry or rammed earth walls, towers, gates, battlements, etc or without it (walls, buildings or paths layouts at ground level. The object size, the required level of details and accuracy (of the order of some few cm and both vertical and horizontal features imply that present UAS techniques can be advantageously used with respect to conventional aerial and terrestrial photogrammetric techniques. Vertical stereoscopic and oblique convergent UAS photogrammetric networks combined with processing techniques based on Structure from Motion (SfM algorithms allow detailed low cost 2D/3D products. The proper selection of the UAS, camera, image acquisition mode (stop and/or cruising, the network and the processing software will determine the quality of final products and their usefulness in metric documentation, 3D modelization or museology. The efficiency of the use of UAS has been analyzed in several selected examples in Jaen (Burgalimar and Berrueco castles, Xth and XIIIth centuries, respectively, and the Iberian Puente Tablas oppidum, Vth-IVth centuries BC.

  18. Aasta noore tiitli pälvis üle saja muusiku / Andra Kütt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kütt, Andra


    Viljandi Aasta noore preemiale kandideerinud 11 noorest ja noortekollektiivist. Preemia otsustati anda Viljandi Noorte Sümfooniaorkestrile suurepärase kontserttegevuse eest Viljandis ja mujal Eestis.

  19. Signal frequency distribution and natural-time analyses from acoustic emission monitoring of an arched structure in the Castle of Racconigi

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    G. Niccolini


    Full Text Available The stability of an arch as a structural element in the thermal bath of King Charles Albert (Carlo Alberto in the Royal Castle of Racconigi (on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997 was assessed by the acoustic emission (AE monitoring technique with application of classical inversion methods to recorded AE data. First, damage source location by means of triangulation techniques and signal frequency analysis were carried out. Then, the recently introduced method of natural-time analysis was preliminarily applied to the AE time series in order to reveal a possible entrance point to a critical state of the monitored structural element. Finally, possible influence of the local seismic and microseismic activity on the stability of the monitored structure was investigated. The criterion for selecting relevant earthquakes was based on the estimation of the size of earthquake preparation zones. The presented results suggest the use of the AE technique as a tool for detecting both ongoing structural damage processes and microseismic activity during preparation stages of seismic events.

  20. Signal frequency distribution and natural-time analyses from acoustic emission monitoring of an arched structure in the Castle of Racconigi (United States)

    Niccolini, Gianni; Manuello, Amedeo; Marchis, Elena; Carpinteri, Alberto


    The stability of an arch as a structural element in the thermal bath of King Charles Albert (Carlo Alberto) in the Royal Castle of Racconigi (on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997) was assessed by the acoustic emission (AE) monitoring technique with application of classical inversion methods to recorded AE data. First, damage source location by means of triangulation techniques and signal frequency analysis were carried out. Then, the recently introduced method of natural-time analysis was preliminarily applied to the AE time series in order to reveal a possible entrance point to a critical state of the monitored structural element. Finally, possible influence of the local seismic and microseismic activity on the stability of the monitored structure was investigated. The criterion for selecting relevant earthquakes was based on the estimation of the size of earthquake preparation zones. The presented results suggest the use of the AE technique as a tool for detecting both ongoing structural damage processes and microseismic activity during preparation stages of seismic events.

  1. Historical underway surface temperature data collected aboard the ship Skelton Castle on a voyage from England to India, 28 February 1800 to 3 June 1800 (NODC Accession 0095925) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Underway surface air temperature and sea water temperature were collected aboard the Skelton Castle while in route from England to Bombay India as part of the East...

  2. Penalobo "Castle Rocks" - First approach to valuing this geoforms. (United States)

    Pinharandas, Carlos; Nobre, José; Gomes, Ana


    The village of Penalobo, located in the municipality of Sabugal (Portugal) is characterized by hercynian granites with interesting geological features, including pegmatite veins and quartz crystals with exotic forms, and presents some steep slopes and plateaus. From the mountainous configuration highlight some more pronounced elevations called "Castle Rocks". Such structures are composed by granites, which present greater fracturing at the top, which leads to the formation of large granite blocks. In less fractured zones it is possible to observe small folds. An excavation existing in one of those elevations allows us to observe a basic rock outcropping with clusters of crystals mottled with circular shape, which are indicative of the presence of late fluid during crystallization. In the zone of contact with the enclosing granite, there are small folds caused by magma intrusion. Those evidences led us to hypothesize that the peaks observed in the area of Penalobo village were due to the intrusion on basic magma. All this framework and geological environment becomes an asset for the scientific, educational and economic development of the region. On the other hand, it has a vital importance in the context of a strategy of forming a geological park, in the point of view of tourism, research and interpretation.

  3. Mineralogy and Acid-Extractable Geochemistry from the Loki's Castle Hydrothermal Field, Norwegian Sea at 74 degrees N (South Knipovich Ridge) (United States)

    Barriga, F. J.; Fonseca, R.; Dias, S.; Cruz, I.; Carvalho, C.; Relvas, J. M.; Pedersen, R.


    The Loki’s Castle hydrothermal vent field was discovered in the summer of 2008 during a cruise led by the Centre of Geobiology of the University of Bergen, integrated in the H2Deep Project (Eurocores, ESF; see Pedersen et al., 2010, AGU Fall Meeting, Session OS26). Fresh volcanic glasses analyzed by EPMA are basalts. The vent site is composed of several active, over 10 m tall chimneys, producing up to 320 C fluid, at the top of a very large sulfide mound (estimated diameter 200 m). Mineralogy: The main sulfide assemblage in chimneys consists of sphalerite (Sp), pyrite (Py) and pyrrhotite, with lesser chalcopyrite (Ccp). Sulphide-poor selected samples collected at the base of chimneys are mostly composed of anhydrite (Anh), gypsum and talc (Tlc). Association of quartz, anhydrite, gypsum and barite were also found in some of the samples. The sulphide-poor samples from the base of the chimneys denote seawater interaction with the hydrothermal fluid and consequent decrease in temperature, precipitating sulfates. Sphalerite compositions are Zn(0.61-0.70)Fe(0.39-0.30)S. The variations in Fe content are consistent with those of hot, reduced hydrothermal fluids. The observed sulfide assemblage is consistent with the temperature of 320C measured in Loki’s Castle vents. Compositional zonation in sphalerites suggests different pulses of activity of the hydrothermal system, with higher contents of Zn in the center of the crystals. Geochemistry: Here we report preliminary data part of a major analytical task of sequential extraction of metals from sediments in the vicinity of Loki’s Castle, in an attempt to detect correlations with microbial populations and/or subseafloor mineralized intervals. The abundances of Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Zn, Fe, Mn and Co in sediments were determined by aqua regia extraction on subsamples from 7 gravity cores. Several anomalous intervals were sampled, in which Cu<707ppm, Ni shows many weak peaks (<50ppm), Cr shows 6 peaks (<121ppm), Zn shows 4 well

  4. Subaqueous volcanism in the Etnean area: evidence for hydromagmatic activity and regional uplift inferred from the Castle Rock of Acicastello (United States)

    Corsaro, R. A.; Cristofolini, R.


    The subalkaline rocks outcropping at the Acicastello Castle Rock, Catania, Sicily, and on its abrasion platforms, are related to the oldest Etnean volcanism (500-300 ka; [Gillot, P.Y., Kieffer, G., Romano, R., 1994. The evolution of Mount Etna in the light of potassium-argon dating. Acta Vulcanol. 5, 81-87.]). Here, submarine lavas with pillows closely packed onto each other are associated with heterogeneous and poorly sorted volcaniclastic breccia levels with sub-vertical sharp boundaries. The present-day attitude was previously interpreted as due to a local tilt [Di Re, M., 1963. Hyaloclastites and pillow-lavas of Acicastello (Mt. Etna). Bull. Volcanol. 25, 281-284.; Kieffer, G., 1985. Evolution structurale et dynamique d'un grand volcan polygenique: stades d'edification et activitè actuelle de l'Etna (Sicile). Clermont Ferrand IIDoctorat Etat Tesi, Clermont Ferrand II.], or to the seaward sliding of the entire eastern Etnean flank [Borgia, A., Ferrari, L., Pasquarè, G., 1992. Importance of gravitational spreading in the tectonic and volcanic evolution of Mount Etna. Nature 357, 231-235.], on the assumption of originally horizontal boundaries. On the contrary, our observations do not match the hypothesis of a significantly tilted succession and lead us to conclude that, apart from the strong regional uplift, the present Castle Rock exposure did not suffer any substantial change of its attitude.

  5. Adolescent growth: genes, hormones and the peer group. Proceedings of the 20th Aschauer Soiree, held at Glücksburg castle, Germany, 15th to 17th November 2013

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hermanussen, M.; Meitinger, T.; Veldhuis, J.D.; Low, M.J.; Pfäffle, R.; Staub, K.; Panczak, R.; Groth, D.; Brabec, Marek; von Salisch, M.; Loh, C.P.A.; Tassenaar, V.; Scheffler, C.; Mumm, R.; Godina, E.; Lehmann, A.; Tutkuviene, J.; Gervockaite, S.; Nierop, A.F.M; Holmgren, A.; Assmann, C.; van Buuren, S.; Koziel, S.; Zadzinska, E.; Varela-Silva, I.; Vignerová, J.; Salama, E.; El-Shabrawi, M.; Huijic, A.; Satake, T.; Bogin, B.


    Roč. 11, č. 3 (2014), s. 341-353 ISSN 1565-4753. [Aschauer Soiree /20./. Glücksburg castle, 15.11.2014-17.11.2013] Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : special statistics * Markov random field Subject RIV: FG - Pediatrics

  6. Omapärased lubadused tekitasid küsimusi / Marko Suurmägi, Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurmägi, Marko, 1975-


    Valik Viljandi linna puudutavatest valimislubadustest koos kandideerijate Tarmo Looduse (Isamaaliit), Andres Nuut (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond), Kalle Jents (Reformierakond), Mart Salumäe (Kodune Viljandi), Hillar Sein (Ettevõtlik Viljandi), Karl Õmblus (Keskerakond), Valentine Alvre (Kristlik Rahvapartei) ja Rahvaliidu kommentaaridega. Tabel: Lubadused

  7. 70 aastat järvelinna filmilindilt vaadatuna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Juubelit tähistav Viljandi sai kaks reklaamfilmi : "Euroopa suurepärased turismikohad, meie varjatud aarded" ja "Pärimuse katel Viljandis". Ka varem valminud vaatefilmidest "Viljandimaa Ancient Beat" (2006) ja "Järvelinn Viljandi" (1983). Sissejuhattus teemasse, Gert Kiileri repliik "Filmid ühte kokku!" lk. 2

  8. Temperature profiles from MBT casts from the CASTLE ROCK from Ocean Weather Station C (OWS-C) in the North Atlantic Ocean 1964-07-01 to 1964-08-06 (NODC Accession 6400054) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bathythermograph data were collected from the CASTLE ROCK within a 1-mile radius of Ocean Weather Station C (5245N 0350W) and in transit. Data were collected by the...

  9. Aztec castles and the dP3 quiver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leoni, Megan; Musiker, Gregg; Neel, Seth; Turner, Paxton


    Bipartite, periodic, planar graphs known as brane tilings can be associated to a large class of quivers. This paper will explore new algebraic properties of the well-studied del Pezzo 3 (dP3) quiver and geometric properties of its corresponding brane tiling. In particular, a factorization formula for the cluster variables arising from a large class of mutation sequences (called τ-mutation sequences) is proven; this factorization also gives a recursion on the cluster variables produced by such sequences. We can realize these sequences as walks in a triangular lattice using a correspondence between the generators of the affine symmetric group A 2 -tilde and the mutations which generate τ-mutation sequences. Using this bijection, we obtain explicit formulae for the cluster that corresponds to a specific alcove in the lattice. With this lattice visualization in mind, we then express each cluster variable produced in a τ-mutation sequence as the sum of weighted perfect matchings of a new family of subgraphs of the dP3 brane tiling, which we call Aztec castles. Our main result generalizes previous work on a certain mutation sequence on the dP3 quiver in Zhang (2012 Cluster Variables and Perfect Matchings of Subgraphs of the dP3 Lattice, and forms part of the emerging story in combinatorics and theoretical high energy physics relating cluster variables to subgraphs of the associated brane tiling. This article is part of a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical devoted to ‘Cluster algebras in mathematical physics’. (paper)

  10. Temperature profiles from MBT casts from the CASTLE ROCK from Ocean Weather Station C (OWS-C) in the North Atlantic Ocean from 1967-05-20 to 1967-06-17 (NODC Accession 6700230) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bathythermograph data were collected from the CASTLE ROCK within a 1-mile radius of Ocean Weather Station C (5245N 0350W) and in transit. Data were collected by the...

  11. Temperature profiles from MBT casts from the CASTLE ROCK from Ocean Weather Station D (OWS-D) in the North Atlantic Ocean from 1967-02-22 to 1967-03-21 (NODC Accession 6700148) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bathythermograph data were collected from the CASTLE ROCK within a 1-mile radius of Ocean Weather Station D (4400N 04100W) and in transit. Data were collected by the...

  12. Reaction to Crisis in Gothic Romance: Radcliffe’s The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tadej Braček


    Full Text Available Gothic romances were primarily women’s domain. This is proven by the fact that from the end of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century more than fifty female authors wrote Gothic romances. In the first part the paper depicts the emergence of romances, clarifies the notion of the Gothic and explains the theory of Gothic romances. The second part focuses on Ann Radcliffe’s first novel, The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. This section analyses in what way men and women react to crises. It concludes that reactions are primarily based not on sex but on the benevolence and malevolence of literary characters. The former react with higher intensity on the physical level (passing out, becoming ill and the latter react vehemently in emotional sense towards their rivals. The originality of the article lies in the systematic analysis of characters’ responses to crisis and in the study of atypical features of this Gothic novel.

  13. Pilot study on indoor climate investigation and computer simulation in historical museum building: Amerongen Castle, the Netherlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raha Sulaiman


    Full Text Available The indoor climate is one of the most important factors contributing to climate-induced damage to the building materials and cultural collections of a monumental building. The Dutch monumental building - Amerongen Castle, and the collections housed in it show severe deterioration caused by inappropriate historical indoor environment. Assessments of the indoor climate, especially on the room temperature and relative humidity, are necessary to analyze the causes and impacts of climate change. As the building was flooded in year 1993 and 1996, extra attention is paid to investigate the effects of flooding to it. This pilot study was aimed to identify the buildup linkages between the known past, historical data on indoor environment and indoor climate performance in the building through simulation based-prediction. This paper focuses on the methodology of indoor climate investigation from the past to the current situation. A hypothesis was developed on backcasting-based prediction simulation which can be used to identify the accepted historical indoor climate where during those times there probably was no damage to the building and the collection. A simulation method based on heat, air and moisture transport is used with the HAMBase program. The computer model representing the Grand Salon of Amerongen Castle was calibrated by comparing real measurements to simulation results. It shows that the differences were only to the minimum of -1.8C and maximum of 3.2C. The data for the historical outdoor weather files was obtained by interpolating outdoor ancient climatology constructed by MATLAB. Based on archival research, indoor thermal history was gathered as input for the profiles used in simulation. Further, the calibrated computer model can be used to simulate past indoor climate and investigate the process of the deterioration of the room and the collections mainly due to the fluctuation of indoor temperature and relative humidity. At the end

  14. Raman spectroscopy of gemstones on the necklaces from ancient graves at the Castle of Devin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregor, M.; Vanco, L.; Kadlecikova, M.; Breza, J.


    The subjects of Raman and X-ray analyses were the beads from two necklaces found in ancient graves from the 11'"t"h and 12"t"h centuries at the Castle of Devin. One of the necklaces, consisting of 23 beads, was found in tomb 12/1980. Inside the grave, an incomplete skeleton of a woman was found, oriented in the west - east direction. The skull, shoulder blades and lower limbs were preserved in good condition. The grave contained a rich inventory: a silver ear-ring at the left side of the skull, a necklace between the shoulder blades and a ring on the right side at the height of the right hand. The other necklace, consisting of six stones, was found in grave 145/1985 in which, similarly like in the first grave, a woman's skeleton was discovered. The stones were found below the mandible. All beads are drilled through axially. (authors)

  15. Festival "Ruhrpott" toob Viljandisse dzässi ja tantsu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Saksamaa Nordrhein-Westfafleni liidumaa kultuurifestivali "Ruhrpott" raames Viljandis 10. aprillil pubis Liverpool toimuvast kontserdist ja 11. aprillil Viljandi kultuuriakadeemias toimuvast tantsuetendusest "Blue Elephant"

  16. Building Castles Together: A sustainable collaboration as a perpetual work-in-progress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Vazquez Jacobus


    Full Text Available The Building Castles Together project is a multidisciplinary collaboration between the University of Southern Maine at Lewiston-Auburn College and Sandcastle Clinical and Educational Services that aims to build solidarity and resilience in vulnerable young children, their families and their community. This article explores how the partnership exemplifies five key areas impacting the sustainability of community-university collaborations. 1 Mutuality and reciprocity are foundational elements in establishing trust and ensuring project relevance to both organisations. 2 Interdisciplinarity and diversity are constructs related to the core mission of both the University and Sandcastle. The multiple perspectives offer a range of holistic strategies for addressing complex social problems, but also create the potential for misunderstandings between disciplines and organisations. 3 Community integration at multiple levels is critical to the partnership’s sustainability as well as to achievement of its ideals. 4 Dynamic interaction is an evolutionary process, both internal and external to both organisations, that impacts their relative contributions and necessitates flexibility in planning and outcomes. 5 Asset enhancement describes the potential to increase capacity, but also the concern for overextension and resource exhaustion. We conclude that sustainability in university-community partnerships is not a goal in itself, but an ongoing process, and an attribute of a partnership based on common principles, continuous input and constant change. Keywords Community-university partnership, sustainability, diversity, vulnerable youth

  17. PÖFF kasvatab meeskonda / Tiina Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Tiina, 1949-


    9. mail sõlmisid Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia ja Tallinna Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival Viljandis koostöölepingu, mille alusel hakkavad akadeemia tudengid tegema PÖFF-il õppepraktikat

  18. Microalgae on dimension stone of a medieval castle in Thuringia (United States)

    Hallmann, C.; Stannek, L.; Fritzlar, D.; Hoppert, M.


    Phototrophic microorganisms are important primary producers on hard rock substrata as well as on building facades. These eukaryotic microalgae and cyanobacteria, along with lichens, have also been recognized as important factors for rock weathering and stone decay. The rock substratum itself mostly provides extreme environmental conditions. Composition and diversity of sub-aeric phototrophic microbial communities is up to now poorly understood. Here we present a comparative study addressing the composition of algal biofilms on sandstone substrata based on the analysis of rDNA clone libraries from environmental samples and enrichment cultures. From a W-exposed, shaded wall area of a medieval castle ruin (Burg Gleichen, Thuringia, Germany cf. Hallmann et al., 2011), green algae like Prasiococcus, Prasiola and Elliptochloris could be retrieved. A ESE, sun-exposed wall section was colonized mainly by Apatococcus, Phyllosiphon and the lichen alga Trebouxia and Myrmecia. Accordingly, cyanobacterial communities show clear differences between both wall areas: the sun exposed area was dominated by Synechococcus-like organisms while on the W-exposed area cyanobacteria were almost absent. Just a few species, in particular Stichococcus-related strains, are ubiquitous in both areas. It is obvious that, apart from few generalists, different species colonize the wall areas that are situated in close vicinity, but provide different microclimatic conditions. These differences are discussed in view of biogenic weathering phenomena: certain microalgal species colonize crusts and scales along fracture planes and may contribute to rapid detachment and turnover of dimension stone surfaces. Hallmann, C., Fritzlar, D., Stannek, L., Hoppert, M. (2011) Ascomycete fungi on dimension stone of the "Burg Gleichen", Thuringia. Env. Earth Sci. 63, 1713-1722.

  19. PÖFF kasvatab meeskonda / Tiina Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Tiina, 1949-


    9. mail sõlmisid Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia ja Tallinna Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival Viljandis koostöölepingu, mille põhjal hakkavad akadeemia kultuurikorralduse ja teatrikunsti visuaaltehnoloogia tudengid tegema PÖFF-il õppepraktikat

  20. Noore Tantsu festival ei kavatse tänavugi talveunne suikuda / Silvia Soro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soro, Silvia


    Suvine Noore Tantsu festival Viljandis toimub 7.-12. juulil 2008. Tartu ülikooli Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia mustas saalis sel sügisel toimuvatest nüüdistantsuetendustest. Lisaks tutvustus "Uus suvi juba silme ees"

  1. Viljandisse jõuavad pimedate ööde filmid / Kristiina Vaarik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarik, Kristiina


    Tallinna VIII Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali raames Viljandi kinos Rubiin 3.-9. detsembrini näidatavate filmide tutvustus. Viljandis on projektijuht Kalvi Kants. Filmidele loeb peale sünkroontõlke Sven Heiberg

  2. Kui ei istu, siis pole vaja ka püsti tõusta / Heiki Raudla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudla, Heiki, 1949-


    Pedagoogist ja vaimulikust August Osvald Westrén-Dollist (1882-1961). Õpetas usuõpetust ja ladina keelt Viljandi Maagümnaasiumis, Viljandi Haridusseltsi Tütarlaste Gümnaasiumis ja kohalikus Saksa Gümnaasiumis

  3. Fotopäev tõi kultuurimaja rahvast täis / Liisi Seil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seil, Liisi, 1971-


    Viljandi fotograafide vabatahtliku ühenduse korraldatud fotopäev Viljandi kultuurimajas. Loetletud ühenduse liikmed. Loengud, töötuba ja fotovõistlus "Portree - emotsioon". Võistluse võitis Andri Allas. Teisi auhinnasaajaid. Kalle Tõnumaa arvamus

  4. Castle-palace of “La Calahorra”, Granada: influence of climatic and architectural factors in differential deterioration of their stone masonries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guardia, J. J.


    Full Text Available The castle-palace of La Calahorra is a historical building (6th century with a dual-function. The exterior is a castle-fortress of late-medieval style, built with rubbles and rough ashlars of a crystalline limestone of great hardness and strength. The interior is a Renaissance palace, made of micritic limestone and dolomitic sandstone ashlars, both stone materials are porous, soft and low strength. The entire building has an orangey colored due to an iron patina that stains its stone masonries as a result of wind action. There is a differential deterioration among its external and internal, depending on the type of stone used factories, the rainwater and wind action and the building defects detected. While the exterior stone is in good state of conservation, the interior stones shows some important deterioration processes , mainly the micritic limestone present in the ornamental and decorative areas of the central courtyard.El castillo-palacio de La Calahorra es un edificio histórico (s. XVI con una doble funcionalidad. El exterior es un castillo-fortaleza de estilo tardo-medieval, construido con mampuestos y sillarejos de una caliza cristalina de gran dureza y resistencia. El interior es un palacio renacentista, hecho con sillares de caliza micrítica y arenisca dolomítica, ambos materiales pétreos son porosos, blandos y poco resistentes. Todo el edificio tiene una tonalidad anaranjada debido a la pátina de hierro que tiñe sus fábricas y que es consecuencia de la acción del viento. Existe un deterioro diferencial entre sus fábricas externas e internas, según el tipo de piedra empleado, la acción del agua de lluvia y el viento, y los defectos constructivos detectados. Mientras que la piedra exterior está en buen estado de conservación, las interiores sufren importantes procesos de deterioro, principalmente la caliza micrítica presente en las zonas ornamentales y decorativas del patio central.

  5. Tudengijazz '06. VKA ja Eesti Kontsert teevad koostööd

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Festivalist Tudengijazz '06 14.-18. veebr.Viljandis, Tartus ja Tallinnas. TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia (VKA) ja Eesti Kontsert sõlmisid koostöölepingu võimaldamaks VKA tudengite praktikate ja täiendõppe läbiviimist Eesti Kontserdi kontserdimajades

  6. Õpetajad olid enam-vähem ühed-samad, kuigi koolis käinud olen kolmel ajal / Moja Konno ; üles kirjutanud Ülo Alo Võsar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Konno, Moja


    Ülo Alo Võsari poolt üles kirjutatud lugu Moja Konno õpingutest alguses Viljandi Eesti Haridusseltsi Tütarlastegümnaasiumis, mis riigikorra muutudes pärast 1940. aastat oli sunnitud vahetama nime Carl Robert Jakobsoni nim. Viljandi 1. Keskkooliks

  7. Näitus ühendab erineva vaimumaailmaga inimesi / Helgi Kaldma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldma, Helgi, 1933-2011


    Rahvusvaheline autsaiderkunstnike näitus "Kunst ühendab" Viljandis Kondase keskuses. Esindatud on päevakeskused Singel ja Vinger, Viljandi Keldristuudio, Tallinna internaatkool, Võisiku hooldekodu, Peterburi psühhiaatriahaigla kunstistuudio ja Moskva organisatsioon Uued Võimalused. Korraldas Viljandimaa Singel juhataja Linda Luhse

  8. Tartu- ja Viljandimaa 2025 : Nobeli preemia, tuumajaam ja laevaühendus Peterburiga / Rein Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sikk, Rein, 1961-


    Milline võiks olla elu peaga Eestis ehk Tartu ja Viljandi maakondades aastal 2025? Kas Võrtsjärve veerde tuleb tuumajaam? Kas Tartust saab laevaga Peterburi? Kas Viljandi folk püsib või kaob? Kas Salvest murrab Hiina turule? Küsimustele vastasid 14 asjatundjat

  9. "Business Castle" gates


    Ivanova, Polina


    In times of globalization world faces serious social and environmental challenges, ranging from an ageing population to climate change mitigation. In order to address such complex challenges modern society need to contribute. And business is one of the most powerful sectors of it after government and media. Interestingly, companies effect on consumers and consumers have huge influence on companies, as well. Apart from creating economic welfare, enterprises have to face new challenges and ...

  10. Löök ajalehega ja seejärel kallistus / Tea Raidsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raidsalu, Tea


    Viljandis kogunes eile kamp noori, kes nüpeldasid üksteist rullikeeratud ajalehega ning hetke pärast embasid. Tallinna ülikooli sotsiaalteaduste tudeng Erki Kaikkonen selgitas, et aktsioon kannab nimetust flash mob ning eesmärk oli katsetada, kuidas niisugune omalaadne sotsiaalse suhtlemise vorm töötaks Viljandis

  11. Näitus pakub vaadet eri maailmadesse / Tiina Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Tiina, 1949-


    Omapärane rahvusvaheline kunstinäitus Viljandis Kondase keskuses. Psühhiaatrilistele patsientidele tuge pakkuva ühingu Singel juhi Linda Luhse kutsel on oma tööd Viljandisse toonud Kashtshenko-nimelise Peterburi 1. Psühhiaatriahaigla kunstistuudio. Lisaks on väljas Viljandi kunstiharrastajate tööd

  12. Muusika / DJ Pickney Tiger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DJ Pickney Tiger, pseud., 1970-


    Kontsertidest: ansamblid Haydamaky ja Svjata Vatra 14. nov. Tallinnas Amigos ja 15. nov.Viljandis Pärimusmuusika Aidas, 11. nov. Anzori Barkalaja ja Silver Sepp Viljandis Pärimusmuusika Aidas, üritustest Roll & Bass, Rock ja Roll 29. nov. Tartus, Jõulujazz 29. nov. -16. dets., Tricky 20. nov. Tallinnas Rock Cafés

  13. Das Palatium in Seligenstadt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Atzbach, Rainer


    The town of Seligenstadt (Hessen) developped from a small market close to Eginhard's famous church and cloister into an imperial town of the Staufer kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire. The king erected one of the first unfortified castles in Europe in order to control his town.......The town of Seligenstadt (Hessen) developped from a small market close to Eginhard's famous church and cloister into an imperial town of the Staufer kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire. The king erected one of the first unfortified castles in Europe in order to control his town....

  14. Giessen international workshop on interactions of exocrine and endocrine pancreatic diseases. Castle of Rauischholzhausen of the Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany. March 18-19, 2005. (United States)

    Andren-Sandberg, Ake; Hardt, Philip D


    The 'Giessen International Workshop on Interactions of Exocrine and Endocrine Pancreatic Diseases' was held on March 18-19, 2005 at the Castle of Rauischolzhausen, Giessen University, Germany. About 50 international clinicians and researchers attended the workshop. It was structured into three sessions: A: Pancreatic Autoimmunity - Interaction Between Exocrine and Endocrine Tissue; B: Diabetes Mellitus - Possible Implications of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency; C: Chronic Pancreatitis - Update on Prevalence, Understanding and Pathophysiological Concepts. Several new aspects of pancreatic diseases were discussed, including new classifications of pancreatitis, new insights into prevalence, pathophysiology and new therapeutical considerations. The meeting resulted in more cooperation and a number of new concepts for clinical study which will provide data for future developments.

  15. Architectural Modelling of Alternatives for Verification of New Interventions on the Example of the Romanesque Palace at Spiš Castle in Slovakia (United States)

    Gregorová, Jana; Kalesný, František; Polomová, Beata; Vojteková, Eva


    The article presents the results of the first phase of the research project SK-VEGA 1/0951/16 on using transparent and translucent structures in historical buildings. The team of researchers from the Faculty of Architecture SUT Bratislava introduces possibilities of using lightweight roofs on the model example of a dominant medieval ruin (Romanesque Palace, Spiš Castle, UNESCO site). Architectural 3D-modelling of alternatives gains new methodical importance in conditions, when in real practice only safeguarding conservation approaches are preferred. Research based on design serves as a tool for decision-making on further restoration approaches to a specific cultural heritage object. The selected Romanesque Palace of the Spiš Castle has passed through many structural periods. The interior doesn’t exist and the perimeter walls create a raised landscape landmark. Romanesque, gothic and renaissance periods were identifiable. It would be possible to reconstruct these periods partially hypothetically on the basis of saved archive materials. Inner structures and the roofing of the palace were in individual historical periods changed. Exact frame models of a new roofing were created on the principle of hypothetical reconstruction: from the indication of the medieval form, renaissance form until contemporary new forms respecting the present day horizontal palace’s topping. The aim of the first stage of the research was to present a few architectural alternatives of the roof structure refilling according to the given cultural heritage determinants and structural possibilities. We introduce 12 solutions in graphic and text, which present architectural models of a new roofing, covering the interior by transparent structure based on glass panels and translucent structures based on a textile membrane. We achieve a new space for new functional use of the palace by means of various ways of physical enclosing. On the other side, we work with alternatives of the perimeter wall

  16. A study on the applicability of the ecosystem model on water quality prediction in urban river outer moats of Yedo Castle, Nihonbashi River (United States)

    Kakinuma, Daiki; Tsushima, Yuki; Ohdaira, Kazunori; Yamada, Tadashi


    The objective of the study is to elucidate the waterside environment in the outer moats of Yedo Castle and the downstream of Nihonbashi River in Tokyo. Scince integrated sewage system has been installed in the area around the outer moats of Yedo Castle and the Nihon River basin, when rainfall exceeds more than the sewage treatment capacity, overflowed untreated wastewater is released into the moats and the river. Because the moats is a closed water body, pollutants are deposited to the bottom without outflowing. While reeking offensive odors due to the decomposition, blue-green algae outbreaks affected by the residence time and eluted nutrient causes problems. Scince the Nihonbashi River is a typical tidal river in urban area, the water pollution problems in the river is complicated. This study clarified the characteristics of the water quality in terms of dissolved oxygen saturation through on-site observations. In particular, dissolved oxygen saturation in summer, it is clarified that variations from a supersaturated state due to the variations of horizontal insolation intensity and water temperature up to hypoxic water conditions in the moats. According to previous studies on the water quality of Nihonbashi River, it is clarified that there are three types of variations of dissolved oxygen which desided by rainfall scale. The mean value of dissolved oxygen saturation of all layers has decreased by about 20% at the spring tide after dredging, then it recoveres gradually and become the value before dredging during about a year. Further more, in places where sewage inflows, it is important to developed a ecosystem medel and the applicability of the model. 9 variables including cell quota (intracellular nutrients of phytoplankton) of phosphorus and nitrogen with considerring the nitrification of ammonia nitrogen are used in the model. This model can grasp the sections (such as oxygen production by photosynthesis of phytoplankton, oxygen consumption by respiration of

  17. Eesti arhitektuuriuudised / Aale Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Aale


    "Eesti betoonehitis 2006" preemia saanud Hindrek Kesleri projekteeritud Luku-Experdi maja Tartu maanteel (Büroo AB Zero), Aasa külalistemajaks Raivo Mändmaa poolt renoveeritud vana maja Viljandis, skulptor Jass Kaselaane kavandite järgi valminud maasikad Viljandi linnas, mis tähistavad teed Paul Kondase keskusesse, põhumaja Nina külas

  18. Tudengiteatrite vaim ja vaev : üliõpilasteater peaks olema julgem: pole ju midagi kaotada, võita aga on palju / Rait Avestik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Avestik, Rait, 1974-


    17.-19. veebr. Viljandis toimunud üliõpilasteatrite festivalist, millest võtsid osa Tartu Üliõpilasteater : S. Kane "Puhastatud", lavastaja Kalev Kudu ; TÜ Pärnu kolledži üliõpilasteater K-äng2 : kohvikuprogramm "Maailma lõpus on kohvik" ; TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia üliõpilased (mitte näitlejasuuna õppurid) : lavaline kompositsioon "Actus interruptus" ; Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli T-teater : Kurt Wonneguti "Õnne sünnipäevaks, Wanda June!", lavastaja Tamur Tohver ning Tallinna Ülikooli Tudengiteater : John Boynton Priestley "Nad tulid linna", lavastaja Juta Terali. Eraldi vaadeldakse TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia 3. kursuse näitekunsti tudengite tööd : Dario Fo "Müsteerium Buff", lavastaja Peeter Raudsepp

  19. Investigation of original bricks from Ventspils castle for the purpose of restorations of medieval brick masonry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bajare, D.; Shvinka, V.


    This paper mainly tries to characterize Middle Age brick taken from Ventspils Castle (13-17th century). To this aim, the following techniques were applied: visual inspection, X-ray diffraction, mercury porosimetry, physical laboratory tests (water absorption, density, open porosity, saturation coefficient, Mage's index) and chemical analysis. The medieval bricks are still in good condition, any visible damages were not recognized in the course of visual inspection. According to the results of chemical analysis, three types of bricks made from different clays in different centuries were used. According to X-ray diffraction analysis data no one type of medieval bricks contains illite. So sintering temperature of the medieval bricks studied was higher than 900 deg C. The secondary calcite was formed in the structure of bricks from lime mortars under influence of water migration during several centuries. All medieval bricks studied are porous - open porosity of them amounts to 26-30 %. 14-15th century bricks have inclusions of chamotte additive, which makes the bricks less durable to soluble salts and frost, and of organic additive, that imparts the higher porosity. Mage's index for all medieval is less than 0.55, but saturation coefficient is close to 0,78 and it means that these bricks are not enough durable to soluble salts and frost

  20. Tantsides Jamaicat vallutamas / Anu Sööt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sööt, Anu, 1957-


    Rahvusvahelisest lastetantsu konverentsist "Dance and the Child International Conference" Jamaica pealinnas Kingstonis, kus osales Eestist 11 tantsuhuvilist, nende õpetaja ja koreograaf Elo Unt ning projektijuht Jane Miller-Pärnamägi Eesti Tantsuagentuurist. Lisaks Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia õppejõud Anu Sööt ja Äli Leijen ning Tallinna Ülikooli koreograafia osakonna õppejõud ja Viljandi huvikooli õpetaja Eve Noormets

  1. Retracted: Addition of a single methyl group to a small molecule sodium channel inhibitor introduces a new mode of gating modulation, by L Wang, SG Zellmer, DM Printzenhoff and NA Castle. British Journal of Pharmacology, volume 172(20): 4905-4918, published in October 2015; DOI 10.1111/bph.13259. (United States)


    The above article, published by the British Journal of Pharmacology in October 2015 (, has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the journal Editor in Chief and John Wiley & Sons Limited. The retraction has been agreed owing to the discovery of errors in the chemical structure of the synthetic compounds generated. The corrected structure is now available in the article PF-06526290 can both enhance and inhibit conduction through voltage gated sodium channels by L Wang, SG Zellmer, DM Printzenhoff and NA Castle, 2018, Reference Wang L, Zellmer SG, Printzenhoff DM, Castle NA (2015). Addition of a single methyl group to a small molecule sodium channel inhibitor introduces a new mode of gating modulation. Br J Pharmacol 172: 4905-4918. © 2018 The British Pharmacological Society.

  2. Eestist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vabariigi aastapäeva tähistamisest Põlvamaal, intervjuu Miliza Korjuse tütrega, Anne Veski on Venemaal endiselt populaarne, kuhu panna laulma J. Carreras, lätlased domineerisid Valga klaveriansamblite festivalil, Rein Rannapi kontserdi järelkajad Järvamaal ja Virumaal, Viruma orkestritest,Avo Tamme laulud, mitmest huvitavast muusikust maakondades, Saaremaa folkloristide ettevõtmistest ja rahvapilliõpetusest lastele Viljandis, kitarristidest-muuikutest ja Viljandi kontseriuudiseid

  3. Tunnustatakse õpetajaid / Anu Mõttus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mõttus, Anu


    Vabariigi Presidendi Kultuurirahastu hariduspreemiad pälvisid Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasiumi matemaatikaõpetaja ning Riikliku Eksami- ja Kvalifikatsioonikeskuse üldhariduse õppekavade ja eksamite osakonna matemaatika peaspetsialist Helgi Uudelepp (50 000 krooni), Tallinna Reaalkooli füüsikaõpetaja Mart Kuurme (30 000 krooni) ja Viljandi C. R. Jakobsoni Gümnaasiumi kunstiõpetaja ning Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia õppejõud Rein Grünbach (20 000 krooni)

  4. Praostkondade uudised : Viljandi. Põltsamaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    10.-11. aug. Helme kogudust külastanud norra koori Lillebergkvartetten kontserdist Taageperas Helme valla hooldekodus. 15. aug. Helme Maarja koguduses peetud maarjapäeval saatis koguduse laule Tõrva puhkpilliorkester. Põltsamaa kogudus külastas 14.-18. aug. sõpruskogudusi Soomes, andes barokkmuusika kontserdi

  5. Nové trendy ve využívání kulturních památek na příkladu Hrádku u Nechanic


    Dobřenská, Lucie


    This Master thesis focuses on trends in utilization of castles and chateaus accessible to public within tourism and further applies the acquired knowledge to the Hrádek u Nechanic chateau. In order to reach the objective, a combination of primary and secondary research has been employed. The first part of the thesis (chapters 1--3) deals with general trends in tourism, cultural tourism, utilization of castles and chateaus in general and, in particular, it identifies the main qualitative and q...

  6. Archaeological investigations at the Toolse order castle / Tõnno Jonuks, Kahrut Eller

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jonuks, Tõnno


    2006. aasta uuringud Toolse ordulinnuses keskendusid kõige hilisemale ehitusjärgule - idapoolsele väravatornile. Väravahoone-eelsest perioodist, väravahoone perioodist, uusaegsest perioodist ja kaasaegsest perioodist

  7. Book reviews / Carolina Pihelgas, Peeter Helme and Jan Kaus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pihelgas, Carolina, 1986-


    Arvustus: Sommer, Lauri. Kunagi: 2008-2015. Räestu [Võrumaa] : Tiivaalune, 2015 ; Rooste, Jürge. Ideaalne abikaasa. Saarde ; Pärnu : [Jumalikud Ilmutused], 2015 ; Ruitlane, Olavi. Vee peal. Tallinn : ZA/UM, 2015 ; Riismaa, Kaur. Pühamägi. Tallinn : Verb, 2015 ; Riismaa, Kaur. Pimeda mehe aiad. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2015 ; Raud, Rein. Täiusliku lause surm. Tallinn : Mustvalge Kirjastus, 2015 ; Matsin, Paavo. Gogoli disko. Viljandi : Lepp ja Nagel, 2015 ; Lennuk, Urmas. Ükskord Eestimaal. Viljandi : Ugala Teater, 2015

  8. Uudised : Muusikakonkurss. No stress. M&3. Tsensuur. Tähtpäev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia korraldatud muusikakonkursist "Muusikatriaad" 8.-10. märtsini Viljandis. Eesti plaadifirma Kuurortrecords andis 1. märtsil välja uue kogumikalbumi "Music From the Land and from near the Sea: Far-away Sound from Estonia, Latvia and Iceland". Kuurortrecordsi esindaja Kaido Kirikmäe esineb oma duoga Hea Rannik 4. märtsil Reykjavikis. Trahvid tõusust ebasündsate sõnavõttude eest. Rulers of Deep (M. Meri, P. Julm) tähistab 5. tegutsemisaastat

  9. Les peintures murales de la chapelle du château de Montreuil-Bellay / The Murals of the Chapel of Montreuil-Bellay Castle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Gras


    Full Text Available The castle of Montreuil-Bellay was rebuilt by Guillaume d’Harcourt († 1487 and his wife Yolande de Laval († 1487. It contains in one of the chapels a rare testimony of murals dating from the last quarter of the fifteenth century in the Loire Valley, in France. Based on a widespread iconography, images however respond to specific expectations of the owners. Several complementary readings can be made in the representation of the six saints painted in the chapel. Individual devotions combine collective concerns of several members of the Harcourt and Laval families. Also, this short introduction on the murals also leads us to take a new look at the painter in charge of it. The artist, who was familiar with Flemish painting innovations during the fifteenth century. He probably can be identified with Coppin Delf. From an artistic standpoint, the murals of Montreuil-Bellay put on display an entanglement of different influences and iconographic sources. Indeed, they emphasize the extent and complexity in artistic transfers away from political divisions or distant geographical areas.

  10. Historical events associated with fallout from Bravo Shot-Operation castle and 25 y of medical findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cronkite, E.P.; Conard, R.A.; Bond, V.P. [Brookhaven National Labs., Upton, NY (United States)


    The events prior to Bravo Shot-Operation Castle that led to a decision not to evacuate the Marshallese prior to testing the thermonuclear bombs are presented as are the actions taken after the fallout incident in evacuating the exposed Marshallese and the military personnel. The initial medical effects (findings during first 6 wk after exposure) are briefly described and are followed by description of long term effects, namely, induction of one case or fatal acute myeloid leukemia and a large number of thyroid tumors (benign and malignant) in addition to hypothyroidism in adults and children and two cases of cretinism. The hypothyroidism and cretinism responded well to administration of oral thyroxine. During the first 25 y, there was also much unrest and political agitation initiated by exposed and unexposed Marshallese who were very unhappy as a result of relocation and inability to return to their homelands and feeling that all illness and deaths were due to the mysterious radiation, which they understandably did not understand. The difficulties in part were ameliorated by financial aid from the U.S. Congress. In view of one of us (EPC), no one agency or person in the U.S. Government was willing to take the responsibility for care of the Marshallese and its financing. The exposed and non-exposed Marshallese had their lifestyle changed, some of their homelands made uninhabitable for several years and could aptly be called {open_quotes}nuclear nomads,{close_quotes} an expression coined by others. 14 refs., 3 tabs.

  11. The Castle of Benifallim, Alicante: an initial interpretation from an archaeological point of view | El Castillo de Benifallim, Alicante: una aproximación desde la arqueología

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Débora Marcela Kiss


    Full Text Available This article is an initial study of a medieval fortress, the Castle of Benifallim, in Alicante. Our strategy of analysis includes different ways aproaches: from the architectural study through Archaeology of Architecture, to the analysis of its relationship with its surroundings through Landscape Archaeology. | El presente artículo constituye un primer acercamiento al estudio de una fortificación medieval, el Castillo de Benifallim, situado en la provincia de Alicante. Nuestra estrategia de análisis aborda el conocimiento del yacimiento desde diferentes niveles de aproximación, partiendo del estudio del objeto arquitectónico, mediante la arqueología de la arquitectura para arribar finalmente al análisis de las relaciones que se establecen con su entorno de implantación, la arqueología del paisaje.

  12. Novel barite chimneys at the Loki´s Castle Vent Field shed light on key factors shaping microbial communities and functions in hydrothermal systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ida Helene eSteen


    Full Text Available In order to fully understand the cycling of elements in hydrothermal systems it is critical to understand intra-field variations in geochemical and microbiological processes in both focused, high-temperature and diffuse, low-temperature areas. To reveal important causes and effects of this variation, we performed an extensive chemical and microbiological characterization of a low-temperature venting area in the Loki’s Castle Vent Field (LCVF. This area, located at the flank of the large sulfide mound, is characterized by numerous chimney-like barite (BaSO4 structures (≤ 1m high covered with white cotton-like microbial mats. Results from geochemical analyses, microscopy (FISH, SEM, 16S rRNA gene amplicon-sequencing and metatranscriptomics were compared to results from previous analyses of biofilms growing on black smoker chimneys at LCVF. Based on our results, we constructed a conceptual model involving the geochemistry and microbiology in the LCVF. The model suggests that CH4 and H2S are important electron donors for microorganisms in both high-temperature and low-temperature areas, whereas the utilization of H2 seems restricted to high-temperature areas. This further implies that sub-seafloor processes can affect energy-landscapes, elemental cycling, and the metabolic activity of primary producers on the seafloor. In the cotton-like microbial mats on top of the active barite chimneys, a unique network of single cells of Epsilonproteobacteria interconnected by threads of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS was seen, differing significantly from the long filamentous Sulfurovum filaments observed in biofilms on the black smokers. This network also induced nucleation of barite crystals and is suggested to play an essential role in the formation of the microbial mats and the chimneys. Furthermore, it illustrates variations in how different genera of Epsilonproteobacteria colonize and position cells in different vent fluid mixing zones within

  13. Hydrogeologic framework, hydrology, and refined conceptual model of groundwater flow for Coastal Plain aquifers at the Standard Chlorine of Delaware, Inc. Superfund Site, New Castle County, Delaware, 2005-12 (United States)

    Brayton, Michael J.; Cruz, Roberto M.; Myers, Luke; Degnan, James R.; Raffensperger, Jeff P.


    From 1966 to 2002, activities at the Standard Chlorine of Delaware chemical facility in New Castle County, Delaware resulted in the contamination of groundwater, soils, and wetland sediment. In 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 3, and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control began a multi-year investigation of the hydrogeologic framework and hydrology of the confined aquifer system. The goals of the ongoing study at the site (the Potomac Aquifer Study) are to determine the hydraulic connection between the Columbia and Potomac aquifers, determine the direction of groundwater flow in the Potomac aquifer, and identify factors affecting the fate of contaminated groundwater. This report describes progress made towards these goals based on available data collected through September 2012.

  14. Implications of diapir-derived detritus and gypsic paleosols in Lower Triassic strata near the Castle Valley salt wall, Paradox Basin, Utah (United States)

    Lawton, Timothy F.; Buck, Brenda J.


    Gypsum-bearing growth strata and sedimentary facies of the Moenkopi Formation on the crest and NE flank of the Castle Valley salt wall in the Paradox Basin record salt rise, evaporite exposure, and salt-withdrawal subsidence during the Early Triassic. Detrital gypsum and dolomite clasts derived from the middle Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation were deposited in strata within a few kilometers of the salt wall and indicate that salt rise rates roughly balanced sediment accumulation, resulting in long-term exposure of mobile evaporite. Deposition took place primarily in flood-basin or inland sabkha settings that alternated between shallow subaqueous and subaerial conditions in a hyperarid climate. Matrix-supported and clast-supported conglomerates with gypsum fragments represent debris-flow deposits and reworked debris-flow deposits, respectively, interbedded with flood-basin sandstone and siltstone during development of diapiric topography. Mudstone-rich flood-basin deposits with numerous stage I to III gypsic paleosols capped by eolian gypsum sand sheets accumulated during waning salt-withdrawal subsidence. Association of detrital gypsum, eolian gypsum, and gypsic paleosols suggests that the salt wall provided a common source for gypsum in the surrounding strata. This study documents a previously unrecognized salt weld with associated growth strata containing diapir-derived detritus and gypsic palesols that can be used to interpret halokinesis.

  15. Ze stavebního vývoje hradu ve Strakonicích

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kašička, F.; Nechvátal, Bořivoj


    Roč. 39, č. 2 (2014), s. 519-537 ISSN 0231-5823 Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : landowner's church * Charon's obol * Order of St. John * castle * prior * joint seat of religious and secular authority Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  16. Королёвский замок Нялаб во владении потомков молдавского воеводы Саса / Korolevo Castle of Nyalab in possession of descendants of Moldavian Voivode Szasz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igori Prohnenko


    Full Text Available The sons of Voivode Szasz moved to Hungary after Bohdan had possessed a position of Moldavian Voivode in 1359 and started an open conflict with Hungarian Crown. As a kind of reimbursement, they have possessed high positions here and became the owners of extensive property. Within a short period of time they have taken possession of Kővár, Beltek, Erdőd domains as well as property in Máramaros. They became one of the most influential nobles of Hungary. They had received pro honore Nyalab domain with the center in the castle of Korolevo from the king Louis in 70s of the 14th century and governed it as the Counts of Ugocsa County. After Balk's death the castle had to be returned to the king. However, descendants of Moldavian nobles had refused to leave fortifications and started property disputes among themselves.

  17. D Recording and Modelling of Middle-Age Fortress in Dense Vegetation Environment (United States)

    Koehl, M.; Courtois, Y.; Guillemin, S.


    The Schwartzenbourg castle is a Middle-Ages fortress which was built in 1261. It is situated above the valley of Munster in Alsace, France. It was mainly used as a fortified place and a jail. In the early 15th century, the structure has deteriorated. Even after some repairs, it fell into ruins during the Thirty Years' war (1618-1648) and stayed uninhabited. During World War I, the German army used the place as a vantage point and also built a blockhouse inside the ruins. Nowadays, the ruins are gradually collapsing and the remains of the old walls are completely covered by thick plants. The goal of this project was to create a 3D-model of the site before closing its access, which became too dangerous for people. This modelling is divided into two elements: on one hand, a digital terrain model (DTM) of the site in order to replace the castle and to analyze the background of its original environment; on the other hand, a 3D modelling of the ruins of the castle invaded by the vegetation. Indeed, the main difficulty of the measurement is obviously the dense vegetation which hides the castle. Held back for years outside the castle, it has now become an integral part of the ruins. This vegetation is finally today usually the first threat of heritage buildings. After a preliminary inspection of the site as well as difficulties of the project, the first step consisted of the survey of the whole environment of the site. We will therefore describe the different phases of the survey with the initial implementation of a georeferenced network on site. We will present the terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) surveys, then complementary surveys carried out by aerial photogrammetry. To be implemented, we had to wait for an advanced autumn in order to have as few leaves on trees as possible. The major step of processing of point clouds described in this paper is then the extraction of a DTM by using techniques to pass through the vegetation, or better to segment the points into


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Koehl


    Full Text Available The Schwartzenbourg castle is a Middle-Ages fortress which was built in 1261. It is situated above the valley of Munster in Alsace, France. It was mainly used as a fortified place and a jail. In the early 15th century, the structure has deteriorated. Even after some repairs, it fell into ruins during the Thirty Years’ war (1618-1648 and stayed uninhabited. During World War I, the German army used the place as a vantage point and also built a blockhouse inside the ruins. Nowadays, the ruins are gradually collapsing and the remains of the old walls are completely covered by thick plants. The goal of this project was to create a 3D-model of the site before closing its access, which became too dangerous for people. This modelling is divided into two elements: on one hand, a digital terrain model (DTM of the site in order to replace the castle and to analyze the background of its original environment; on the other hand, a 3D modelling of the ruins of the castle invaded by the vegetation. Indeed, the main difficulty of the measurement is obviously the dense vegetation which hides the castle. Held back for years outside the castle, it has now become an integral part of the ruins. This vegetation is finally today usually the first threat of heritage buildings. After a preliminary inspection of the site as well as difficulties of the project, the first step consisted of the survey of the whole environment of the site. We will therefore describe the different phases of the survey with the initial implementation of a georeferenced network on site. We will present the terrestrial laser scanning (TLS surveys, then complementary surveys carried out by aerial photogrammetry. To be implemented, we had to wait for an advanced autumn in order to have as few leaves on trees as possible. The major step of processing of point clouds described in this paper is then the extraction of a DTM by using techniques to pass through the vegetation, or better to segment the

  19. Efficiency calibration and coincidence summing correction for large arrays of NaI(Tl) detectors in soccer-ball and castle geometries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anil Kumar, G.; Mazumdar, I.; Gothe, D.A.


    Efficiency calibration and coincidence summing correction have been performed for two large arrays of NaI(Tl) detectors in two different configurations. They are, a compact array of 32 conical detectors of pentagonal and hexagonal shapes in soccer-ball geometry and an array of 14 straight hexagonal NaI(Tl) detectors in castle geometry. Both of these arrays provide a large solid angle of detection, leading to considerable coincidence summing of gamma rays. The present work aims to understand the effect of coincidence summing of gamma rays while determining the energy dependence of efficiencies of these two arrays. We have carried out extensive GEANT4 simulations with radio-nuclides that decay with a two-step cascade, considering both arrays in their realistic geometries. The absolute efficiencies have been simulated for gamma energies from 700 to 2800 keV using four different double-photon emitters, namely, 60 Co, 46 Sc, 94 Nb and 24 Na. The efficiencies so obtained have been corrected for coincidence summing using the method proposed by Vidmar et al. . The simulations have also been carried out for the same energies assuming mono-energetic point sources, for comparison. Experimental measurements have also been carried out using calibrated point sources of 137 Cs and 60 Co. The simulated and the experimental results are found to be in good agreement. This demonstrates the reliability of the correction method for efficiency calibration of two large arrays in very different configurations.

  20. Efficiency calibration and coincidence summing correction for large arrays of NaI(Tl) detectors in soccer-ball and castle geometries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anil Kumar, G., E-mail: anilg@tifr.res.i [Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400005 (India); Mazumdar, I.; Gothe, D.A. [Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400005 (India)


    Efficiency calibration and coincidence summing correction have been performed for two large arrays of NaI(Tl) detectors in two different configurations. They are, a compact array of 32 conical detectors of pentagonal and hexagonal shapes in soccer-ball geometry and an array of 14 straight hexagonal NaI(Tl) detectors in castle geometry. Both of these arrays provide a large solid angle of detection, leading to considerable coincidence summing of gamma rays. The present work aims to understand the effect of coincidence summing of gamma rays while determining the energy dependence of efficiencies of these two arrays. We have carried out extensive GEANT4 simulations with radio-nuclides that decay with a two-step cascade, considering both arrays in their realistic geometries. The absolute efficiencies have been simulated for gamma energies from 700 to 2800 keV using four different double-photon emitters, namely, {sup 60}Co, {sup 46}Sc, {sup 94}Nb and {sup 24}Na. The efficiencies so obtained have been corrected for coincidence summing using the method proposed by Vidmar et al. . The simulations have also been carried out for the same energies assuming mono-energetic point sources, for comparison. Experimental measurements have also been carried out using calibrated point sources of {sup 137}Cs and {sup 60}Co. The simulated and the experimental results are found to be in good agreement. This demonstrates the reliability of the correction method for efficiency calibration of two large arrays in very different configurations.

  1. Možnosti a meze využití zámku Lobkovice


    Velátová, Barbora


    The thesis analyzes the current status of the castle Lobkovice in tourism. The theoretical part contains the introduction to the tourism and cultural tourism. Subsequently, the work focuses on tourist area Mělnicko and castle Lobkovice. It provides a detailed analysis of the castle, including its development, current status and the offer. Thesis seeks an objective assessment of the situation of the castle, its pros and cons. The work also includes a SWOT analysis. The fundamental part is devo...

  2. 2006. aasta arhitektuurikonkursid / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Toodud ka 2006. a. konkursside tulemused: Eesti Rahva Muuseumi uus hoone, Tartu Ida t. lastead, Kiviõli linnaväljak, Tartu Lutsu t. korterelamu fassaadilahendus, Paide spordihall, Pärnu piirivalvekordoni hoone, Tartu Rebase t. kortermajade kompleks, Viljandi Maagümnaasiumi juurdeehitus, Veneetsia X arhitektuuribiennaali Eesti kuraatorinäitus, betoonehitis 2005, Estonia Seltsi vana teatrimaja asukoha tähistamine, TTÜ uus raamatukogu, Maakri kvartali arhitektuurikonkursi I etapp, Viljandi Uku t. 1A Lidli kauplusehoone ja südalinna kvartali detailplaneering, Pärnu jõeäärse keskuse ideeplaneering, Karksi-Nuia keskväljak ja roheala, terasehitis 2006, Edela-Eesti loodus- ja keskkonnahariduskeskuse ehk ökomaja eskiisprojekt, puitehitis 2006

  3. Viljandi Vana kalmistu kuulsused / Kadi Sassi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sassi, Kadi


    Kunstnik F. B. Dörbeck (1799-1835), kunstnik G. Mooste (1885-1957), kunstnik V. Ormisson (1892-1941), kunstnik P. Kondas (1900-1985), kirjanik Fr. Kuhlbars (1841-1924), kirjanik A. Rennit (1860-1936), lavastaja ja näitleja H. Gleser (1893-1932), tantsija I. Urbel (1900-1983), fotograaf J. Riet (1873-1952), skulptor A. L. Weizenberg (1837-1921), professor Fr. Dryer (1879-1934)

  4. Kuni 26. XI on Viljandi Linnagaleriis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Klaasikunstnike Ühenduse aastanäitus "Katkised asjad". Osalevad 22 eesti kunstnikku (loetletud), Mika Kato Jaapanist, Robert Tannahill Kanadast, Marta Gibiete, Barbala Gulbe ja Inita Emane Lätist. Näituse on koostanud Kati Kerstna ja Maret Sarapu

  5. Balletistuudio tuli Itaaliast tagasi väärt kogemusega / Katrin Hommik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hommik, Katrin


    Viljandi Jakobsoni gümnaasiumi balletistuudio saavutas Itaalias Spoletos rahvusvahelistel võistlustel finaalikoha. Balletistuudio osalemisest Põhja-Itaalias toimunud tantsufestivalil "Festival Internazionale della danza di Contemporanea"

  6. Kino taandub uhke kultuurikompleksi ees / Anzori Barkalaja, Tonio Tamra ; interv. Rannar Raba

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barkalaja, Anzori, 1968-


    Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia direktor ja haldusdirektor selgitavad oma plaane seoses Rubiini kino asemele kavandatava kultuurikompleksiga, kuhu leiavad koha lavakunstide eriala tudengid, kohvik, kinosaal ja loomemajanduse inkubatsioonikeskus

  7. Erivajadus ei takistanud saamast diplomiga raamatukoguhoidjaks / Aliine Matisen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matisen, Aliine


    Õppimisest Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemias, hiljem Tartu Ülikooli Ühiskonnateaduste Instituudi haridus- ja sotsiaalteaduskonnas (raamatukogunduse ja infokeskkondade eriala viidi Viljandist Tartusse üle)

  8. Ann tuleb Rakverest Võrru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Võru kultuurimajas Kannel etendub 17. aprillil Rakvere teatri noortelavastus "Kuidas elad? ...Ann?!" Aidi Valliku jutustuse põhjal. Lavastaja Sven Heiberg. Mängivad ka Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatritudengid

  9. Teater vajab ellujäämiseks värsket dramaturgiat / Jane Rasch ; vahendanud Eva-Liisa Linder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rasch, Jane


    Taani teatriteadlane Jane Rasch õpetas 10.-14. augustini 2009 Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemias toimunud draamakirjutuskursusel "Ideedest näidendi stsenaariumini". Ka näitekirjanike koolitamisest Taanis jt. Põhjamaades

  10. Prantsuse koreograaf rändab ajas ja ruumis / Carmen Kõrvek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrvek, Carmen


    C. Filmoni juhendamisel esietenduvast Viljandi Kultuurikolledzhi ja Põhja-Savo Rakenduskõrgkooli ühisprojektist "Rännakud ajas ja ruumis". Projektis osalevad eesti ja soome tantsu- ja muusikatudengid

  11. Persona grata : Raido Mägi / intervjueerinud Anu Sööt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mägi, Raido


    Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia kontaktimprovisatsiooni tantsuõpetajast Raido Mägist, kes sai eesti tantsu-uuendaja Gerd Neggo stipendiumi. Tema teest tantsu juurde, eeskujudest, kontaktimprovisatsioonist, õpetamisest ja õpilastest

  12. 80 aastat tagasi : Detsember 1928. 2 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Viljandi Koidu koori kontserdil Viljandi Jaani kirikus esitati muusikat Beethovenist Tobiase ja Türnpuni, 16. dets. Pärnu Eliisabeti kirikus hiljuti ülesseatud oreli heaks esinesid Ph. Lorenzsonn orelil ja H. Anderson tshellol ning tütarlaste gümnaasiumi laulukoor, Rakvere kirikus kandis kohalik kirikukoor ette Händeli oratooriumi "Messias" (solistideks Paula Brehm-Jürgenson, H. Kubu ja Karl Viitol, orelil Enn Võrk), 13. dets. toimus konsistooriumis liturgilise, agenda ja vaimuliku muusika komisjoni koosolek (kirikumuusikute kursuse kavaga esines August Topman), Tartu Ülikooli kiriku lauluseltsi Cantate Domino segakoor ja naiskoor esinesid jumalateenistustel Ülikooli kirikus, 13. dets. suri Tartu Jaani koguduse ja Saksa Meestelaulu Seltsi koorijuht Herman Johan Nikolai von Andrae

  13. Recent advances in anisotropy of magnetic remanence: New software and practical examples

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Chadima, Martin

    -, special issue (2012), s. 59-60 ISSN 1335-2806. [Castle meeting New Trends in Geomagnetism : Paleo, rock and environmental magnetism/13./. 17.06.2012-23.06.2012, Zvolen] Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : magnetic susceptibility * anisotropy * anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility Subject RIV: DE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography

  14. Tudengid alustavad ametit klassikaga / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus, 1969-


    30. jaanuaril esietendub TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia lavakunstide osakonna 8. lennu ehk Von Krahli kursuse esimene diplomitöö, "Kuningas Lear", lavastaja Peeter Jalakas. Von Krahli kursuse nimekiri

  15. Muusikat mõistusega inimesele ئ saatjaks Robert Frippi vaim / Immo Mihkelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mihkelson, Immo, 1959-


    25. oktoobril Rock Cafes, 26. oktoobril Tartu Jaani kirikus ja 27. oktoobril Viljandi kultuurimajas toimuvast kontserdist minifestivali Ultra Jazz raames. Intervjuu kontsertidel esineva laulja Toyah Willcox'iga

  16. Esimesed tsirkuse külastajad pettusid / Helgi Kaldma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldma, Helgi, 1933-2011


    Hansa Circus esines Viljandi turuplatsil etendusega "Idamaine muinasjutt". Probleemide tõttu piiriületamisel, ei näidatud väljakuulutatud eksootilisi loomartiste. Tsirkuse direktor lubas lisaetendusi

  17. Kirikus kõlab Arvo Pärdi muusika

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi Jaani kirikus 9. aprillil toimuvast ansambli Voces Musicales kontserdist, ettekandmisele tuleb Arvo Pärdi muusikasse kirjutatud Jeesuse kannatuslugu "Passio" (tekst Johannese evangeeliumist), mis valminud 1982 aastal

  18. Öeksanda märtsi tegevuskunstifestival

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Non-profit-tegevuskunstiüritus Viljandis. Toimuvad performanceid mõisa ja lauluväljaku piirkonnas, kontsert ja performanceid "Ugala" keldrisaalis. Kilpkonna galeriis avatakse isikukultuslik näitus,

  19. Von Krahli kursus: meie jaoks ei eksisteeri sellist mõistet nagu "peab" / Keiu Virro ; kommenteerinud Juhan Ulfsak, Anni Ojanen ja Jaanika Juhanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virro, Keiu, 1987-


    Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia etenduskunstide osakonna 8. lennust, 15 üliõpilase arvamusi üksteisest. Kommenteerivad "Idioodid" lavastaja Juhan Ulfsak, dramaturg Anni Ojanen ja etenduskunstide osakonna juhataja Jaanika Juhanson

  20. Treff tähistab sünnipäeva enneolematu kavaga / Vahur Keller ; intervjueerinud Heili Sibrits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keller, Vahur, 1976-


    Etenduskunstide festivali Treff kunstilise juhi Vahur Kelleri mõtteid 28. maist 1. juunini Tallinnas ja 25.-27. maini Viljandis toimuvast Eesti Nukuteatri korraldatud rahvusvahelisest festivalist "Tallinn Treff"

  1. Noorte teatritrupp pääses festivalile / Kristiina Vaarik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarik, Kristiina


    Kooliteatrite festivali žürii valis Viljandis teatritrupi Children of Aunt Rabbit ja Kadri Noormetsa kirjutatud "Antropofoobia" esinema Tartusse teatrifestivalile "Draama", mis toimub 1.-8. septembrini 2007

  2. Kas eelistate ülikoolis kirjalikke või suulisi eksameid? / Hannele Känd, Kadri Inselberg, Tajo Oja, Maarja Mänd

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia kultuurikorralduse 2. aasta, ajakirjanduse ja suhtekorralduse 1. aasta, riigiteaduste 3. aasta ja teatriteaduse magistriõppe 1. aasta üliõpilased

  3. Black box avatakse tantsuga / Aime Jõgi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgi, Aime, 1958-


    Viljandi Kultuurikolledzhi musta lae, seinte ja põrandaga saal avatakse 23. sept. Eesti Suvetantsu Kompanii etendusega "Ehitusplats! Hoia sissepääs vaba!", lavastanud Berliini koreograaf Thomas Lehmen

  4. Linnaehitusest ja -kindlustustest Eestis uusajal / Rein Zobel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zobel, Rein, 1928-2012


    Tallinna, Tartu, Narva, Pärnu, Kuressaare ja väikelinnade (Paide, Haapsalu, Rakvere, Viljandi) linnaehitusest ja -kindlustustest uusajal. 18. sajandil rajatud uuest kindluslinnast Paldiskist. Bibliograafia lk. 443-444

  5. Loki's Castle: Discovery and geology of a black smoker vent field at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (United States)

    Pedersen, R.; Thorseth, I. H.; Lilley, M. D.; Barriga, F. J.; Früh-Green, G.; Nakamura, K.


    Previous attempts to locate hydrothermal vent fields and unravel the nature of venting at the ultraslow spreading and magma starved parts of the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge (AMOR) have been unsuccessful. A black smoker vent field was eventually discovered at the Mohns-Knipovich bend at 73.5°N in 2008, and the field was revisited in 2009 and 2010. The Loki’s Castle vent field is located on the crest of an axial volcanic ridge that is bordered by a tectonic terrain dominated by core complexes to the NW, and a ridge flank that is buried by sediments from the Bear Island Fan to the SE. Fluid compositions are anomalous to other basalt-hosted fields and indicate interactions with sediments at depths. The vent field is associated with an unusually large hydrothermal deposit, which documents that extensive venting occurs at ultraslow spreading ridges despite the strongly reduced magmatic heat budget. ROV surveys have shown that venting occurs in two areas separated by around 100 m. Micro-bathymetry acquired by a Hugin AUV documents that two 20-30 tall mounds that coalesce at the base have developed around the vent sites. The micro-bathymetry also shows that the venting is located above two normal faults that define the NW margin of a rift that runs along the crest of the volcano. The black smoker fluids reach 317 °C, with an end-member SiO2 content of 16 mmol/kg. End-member chlorinity is around 85% of seawater suggesting that the fluids have phase-separated at depth. The fluid compositions indicate that the rock-water reactions occur around 2 km below the seafloor. The crustal thickness is estimated to be 4 +/- 0.5 km in the area. Whereas the depth of the reaction zone is comparable with faster spreading ridges, the fraction of crust cooled convectively by hydrothermal circulation is two times that of vent fields at ridges with normal crustal thickness.

  6. 77 FR 60089 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware, New Jersey, and... (United States)


    ... Producers Council, et al. v. EPA, 559 F.3d 512 (DC Cir. 2009). As a result of this challenge, the U.S. Court... 2010 value status \\3\\ Delaware New Castle........ 10-003-1003 * 31.6 23.2 24.3 26 Max quarter. Delaware New Castle........ 10-003-1007 28.1 * 20.6 27.5 25 Max quarter. Delaware New Castle........ 10-003...

  7. Ai, nad torkasid mind keelega! / Anneli Saro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saro, Anneli, 1968-


    Dario Fo "Müsterium buff" Tartu Sadamateatris Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatrikunsti õppetooli kolmanda kursuse ehk kuuenda lennu tudengite esituses. Näitemängu on lavastanud Peeter Raudsepp. Esietendus 25. apr

  8. Quator Ixi keelpillikvartett sulatab nüüdismuusika jzz'iga ühte / Mari Hiiemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemäe, Mari


    Prantsuse keelpilliansamblist Quator Ixi (kontserdid 30. sept. Jõhvi kontserdimajas, 1. okt. Pärnu raekojas, 2. okt. Viljandi kultuurimajas, 3. okt. Tartu Vanemuises ja 4. okt. Tallinnas Kanuti Gildi saalis)

  9. Mõrva võimalikkusest raamatukogus / Epp Raudsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudsepp, Epp


    Viljandi Linnaraamatukogu huvijuhi Vilja Rebase korraldatud üritusest, kus tutvustati noortele krimikirjanduse žanrit läbi mõrvamüsteeriumi, mis lavastati Agatha Christie jutustuse "Kollane iiris" ainetel

  10. Näitused / Mari Sobolev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobolev, Mari, 1968-


    Vaal-galerii: Peeter Laurits "Taeva Atlas" (gigitaaltehnoloogias kollaazhid); Sammas-galerii: "Maailma nägu"; Tartu Kunstimaja: "Viljandi kunstipäevad Tartus"; Estonia Talveaed: Mall Mets&Erika Pedak "Due Canzoni" (vaibakunst).

  11. Ossuzhdjonnõje snjali film o samihh sebe / Andrei Babin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babin, Andrei


    Viljandi noortevangla neli kinnipeetavat noormeest tegid vangla kasvatustöö organisaatori Sergei Drõgini ja filmirežissööri Andrei Tantsõrevi juhendamisel filmi vangla elust "Peegeldus" ("Otrazhenije")

  12. OmaMood / Laidi Sergejeva ; kommenteerivad Ave Matsin, Liina Laaneoja, Lee Reinula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sergejeva, Laidi


    Moeetendusel OmaMood esitlevad TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia rahvusliku tekstiili eriala üliõpilased oma lõputöid ning erinevad tekstiilikunstnikud ja moeloojad tutvustavad pärimuslike sugemetega rõivakollektsioone

  13. Hingelised kriminaalid / Vaapo Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Vaapo, 1945-


    Raamatututvustus: Ränik, Valeria. Ajast väljas. Viljandi : Ajaleht "Sakala", 1994. Kallas, Aino. Pärjapunuja. Tallinn : Eesti Raamat, 1994. Wallace, Edgar. Kuldne iidol ; Kolme tamme saladus. Tallinn : Perioodika, 1994

  14. Matkasõudmine Eestis / Raimo Pull

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pull, Raimo


    Viljandi Sõudeklubile kuuluvatest spetsiaalsetest matkasõudepaatidest ning 2012. aasta juulis toimunud sõudematkast Virtsu - Kesselaid - Muhu - Orissaare - Pikma - Triigi -Külaküla - Kassari - Sääre - Vormsi - Matsalu - Virtsu

  15. Muusikalist külakosti Saksamaalt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Teltowi Andrease koguduse koori ja kammerorkestri Camerata Potsdam kontsertidest Viljandi Jaani kirikus 20. mail, Pärnu Eliisabeti kirikus 21. mail, Põltsamaa kirikus 22. mail ja Kolga-Jaani kirikus 23. mail

  16. Advendikontsert Bachi muusikaga. Folk ja pärimusmuusika Vanemuises / Jaanika Juhanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juhanson, Jaanika, 1977-


    Eelinfo 12. dets. Adamson-Ericu muuseumis toimuvast kontserdist sarjas "Bach - 250 aastat surmast". Viljandi pärimusmuusika festival korraldab 12. dets. Vanemuise kontserdimajas kontserdi "Meel unus mägede taha"

  17. Noored tantsivad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Noorte koreograafide sarja "Hypekas" raames etendatakse 25. okt. Kanuti Gildi saalis Triin Reemanni teost "Hea kuudis" (Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia diplomilavastus) ja Tallinna Ülikooli tudengi Vootele Vaheri lavastust "Penis of yourself"

  18. Contrasting Nature of Magnetic Anomalies over Thin Sections Made out of Barrandien’s Basaltic Rocks Points to their Origin

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kletetschka, Günther; Pruner, Petr; Schnabl, Petr; Šifnerová, Kristýna

    -, special issue (2012), s. 69-70 ISSN 1335-2806. [Castle meeting New Trends in Geomagnetism : Paleo, rock and environmental magnetism/13./. 17.06.2012-23.06.2012, Zvolen] R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP210/10/2351 Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : magnetic anomalies * thin sections * volcanic rocks Subject RIV: DE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography

  19. A carcinoma showing thymus-like elements of the thyroid arising in close association with solid cell nests: evidence for a precursor lesion? (United States)

    Yerly, Stéphane; Lobrinus, Johannes-Alexander; Bongiovanni, Massimo; Becker, Minerva; Zare, Maryam; Granger, Perrine; Pusztaszeri, Marc


    Carcinoma showing thymus-like elements (CASTLE) is a rare malignant neoplasm of the thyroid gland, morphologically and immunohistologically similar to a thymic carcinoma, whose histogenesis is still debated. Hypotheses include an origin from ectopic thymic tissue, vestige of the thymopharyngeal duct, or branchial pouch remnants from which solid cell nests (SC-nests) originate. The diagnosis of CASTLE may be treacherous due to its rarity and its propensity to mimic other poorly differentiated tumors such as squamous cell carcinoma. We present a case of CASTLE in a 58-year-old man initially diagnosed as a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma both on fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and on biopsy, arising in close association with SC-nests. A thorough literature review, with special emphasis on its diagnosis and histogenesis of CASTLE, was also conducted. Magnetic resonance images revealed a 4.0-cm cervical mass on the left side of the trachea, involving the lateral middle/inferior portion of the left lobe of the thyroid gland. FNAC was performed with a diagnosis of "malignant cells, consistent with squamous cell carcinoma." A histological evaluation of the resected specimen revealed a malignant proliferation of cells, focally exhibiting a squamoid appearance, which were immunopositive for CD5 and p63. A diagnosis of CASTLE was made. The tumor was located in direct continuity with SC-Nests, and the cell morphology of both the SC-nests and CASTLE was very similar with merging. Moreover, the immunohistochemical expression profiles of most markers useful in the diagnosis of CASTLE were identical in the SC-nests. The inclusion of CASTLE in the differential diagnosis of poorly differentiated tumors of the thyroid region and the use of ancillary studies are essential to diagnose this rare entity associated with a relatively favorable prognosis. The close association of CASTLE with SC-nests opens the way to a new scenario for studies of its histogenesis.

  20. Lähme, naised / Tiina Kuuler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuuler, Tiina, 1969-


    Muusikasündmustest: Volbriöö peod 30. apr. Tallinnas, Tõrvas, Tartus ja Rakveres, ansambli Köök, ETV tütarlastekoori ja G. Otsa nim. Tallinna Muusikakooli bigbändi kontsert 29. apr. Viljandis Pärimusmuusika Aidas, löökpillimuusika 25. apr. Viljandis Pärimusmuusika Aidas, ürituses "Cabaret Derrida" 25. apr. Tallinnas Kultuurikatlas ja 30. apr. Tartus Sadamateatris, Anne Veski soolokontsert 1. mail Tallinna Linnahallis, kontsert "Anarhy in the Est 2008" 1. mail Tartus, Tshellokvartett C-JAM 26. apr. Vihterpalu mõisas, öölaulupidu 28. apr. Tartu kevadpäevade raames Kassitoome nõlvadel, No Smoking Orchestra 26. apr. Tallinnas Club Von Überblingenis, löökpillimängijate showgrupp 25. apr. Pärnu kontserdimajas ja 26. apr. Vanemuise kontserdimajas

  1. Esimene erialane täienduskoolitus toimus sada aastat tagasi / Krista Talvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvi, Krista, 1948-


    18. aprillil 2013 tähistati TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemias seminariga "Koolitajalt koolitajale" 100. aasta möödumist erialase täienduskoolituse algusest ning ERÜ koolituse toimkonna 25. aastapäeva

  2. Briti karikatuuri kuldaeg Kondase Keskuses

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Briti kunstnike William Hogarthi ja John Kay karikatuuride näitus Kondase Keskuses Viljandis 16. veebruarist 17. aprillini 2011. Eksponeeritavad tööd kuuluvad ameerika kultuuriloolase Rolan Paul Firnhaberi kogusse

  3. Grand Hotel prijutil hudozhnikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Raadioajakirjanik Lea Veelmaa lindistas "Kunstikanali" 2004. a. esimese saate Grand Hotel Viljandis. Saatekülaliseks oli maalikunstnik Andres Tolts. Toltsi kaheksa akrüülmaali on eksponeeritud hotelli fuajees ja restoranis

  4. opeNBaroque / Anneli Remme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remme, Anneli, 1968-


    Avatud muusika festivalist 31. jaan.-9. veebr. Estonia kontserdisaalis, Vanemuise kontserdimajas, Niguliste kirikus, Tallinna raekojas, Räpina rahvamajas, Viljandi kultuurimajas, Põltsamaa kultuurikeskuses ja Pärnu Agape keskuses. Kunstiline juht Andres Mustonen

  5. Kaks Molière'i tõlgendust ehk "Tartuffe'i" kiituseks ja "Ihnuri" laituseks / Gitta Nazarova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nazarova, Gitta


    Viljandi Kultuurikolledži teatrikateedri II lennu diplomietendus Molière' i "Tartuffe ", lavastaja Kalju Komissarov ja Eesti Muusikaakadeemia Kõrgema Lavakunstikooli XIX lennu diplomietendus Molière' i "Ihnur", lavastaja Ingo Normet

  6. Raamat Hüpist aitab rahutuid lapsi mõista / Maret Lina ; interv. Liisi Seil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lina, Maret


    Viljandi maagümnaasiumi sotsiaalpedagoog Maret Lina esitles hiljuti raamatut "Minu armas Hüpi", milles ta jagab kogemusi hüperaktiivse lapse kasvatamisest. Vestlus autoriga. Kommenteerib Eesti Lastefondi juhataja Sirje Grossmann-Loot

  7. Motoorse võimekuse näitajad tantsuüliõpilastel / Inna Sulg, Mati Pääsuke, Jaan Ereline, Helena Gapejeva ; Helena Gapeyeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uuringust, milles Viljandi Kultuurikolledzi tantsueriala 19-22a. naisüliõpilaste motoorset võimekust võrreldi Tartu Ülikooli kehakultuuriteaduskonna liikumis- ja sporditeaduste eriala naisüliõpilaste motoorse võimekusega

  8. Konverents avardas osalejate silmaringi / Liis Lukk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lukk, Liis


    Viljandis peeti 26. märtsil rakendusteatriteemalist konverentsi "Teater kogukonna hüvanguks" ettekannete, töötubade ja etendustega, kus peakülaline Allan Owens korraldas protsessidraama töötoa.

  9. Raju rokk ja rütmikas pop / Signe Sillasoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sillasoo, Signe


    Festivalist "Rabarock" 12.-13. juunil Järvakandis, erinevates Eesti linnades toimuvast kontserdituurist "Noored on hukas", kus esinemas Tanel Padar & The Sun ja Singer Vinger, kontserdil Viljandis 17. juunil esinevad Dingo, Smilers ja Traffic

  10. Francesco Scavetta segab kunstivorme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Noore Tantsu festival jätkab Viljandis oma pooleli jäänud projekti "Kaasaegse tantsu lava". Alustab Dance Company WEE Norrast lavastusega "Z, I love you honey bunny", koreograafia autor Francesco Scavetta

  11. Kilplased tulevad sünnilinna / Kaile Kabun

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kabun, Kaile


    Papa Kreutzwaldi Õueteatris Lauluisa muuseumi õuel esietendub 7. juulil Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia kuuenda lennu teatritudengite lusti- ja laulumäng "Kilplased" F. R. Kreutzwaldi juttude ainetel (lavastaja Katri Aaslav-Tepandi)

  12. Õppejõud sai tõlkeluulepreemia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia õppejõud Ilmar Lehtpere ja poetess Kristiina Ehin võitsid Poetry Book Society tõlkeluule preemia eesti- ja inglisekeelse kogu "The scent of your shadow = Sinu varju lõhn" eest

  13. Tartu ülikool tahab ehitada linna serva Veerikusse teaduslinnaku / Mirko Ojakivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojakivi, Mirko


    Tartus Maarjamõisa ja Viljandi maantee ringtee vahelisele ligi 20 ha maa-alale plaanitakse ehitada mitu õppe- ja teadushoonet, ühiselamu, konverentsikeskus, hostel, lasteaed, vabaaja- ja spordikeskus. Keemiahoone ehitamist alustatakse veel sel aastal

  14. Neli kontserti, mis liigutasid folgil kuulajaid / Maria Uuetoa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uuetoa, Maria


    Kontsertidest Viljandi pärimusmuusikafestivali raames: setu noormeeste ansambel Klapp 24. juulil Kultrahoovis, Svjata Vatra 25. juulil Saku telgis, Vägilased Kirsimäel, Fernardo Stern ja Alejandro Soto 27. juulil Kaevumäel

  15. Рождение манифеста о независимости Эстонии / Аго Паюр

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Паюр, Аго, 1962-


    1918. aasta iseseisvusmanifesti koostamise ajast, teksti autoritest, manifesti väljakuulutamise katsetest, manifesti väljakuulutamisest Pärnus, Viljandis, Tallinnas, Paides, Rakveres ja mujal, manifesti teksti trükkimisest. Lisatud manifesti tekst vene keeles

  16. Õpetajate palk kütab endiselt kirgi / Liisi Seil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seil, Liisi, 1971-


    Viljandimaa lasteaiajuhatajate, koolidirektorite ja õppealajuhatajate kohtumisel tõusis eredalt päevakorda pedagoogide palgata puhkuse teema. Eriarvamustele jäid Eesti Haridustöötajate Liidu esimees Sven Rondik ja Viljandi linnapea Kalle Jents

  17. Action-teater on musi / Andres Noormets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Noormets, Andres, 1963-


    Lühike intervjuu action-teatriga kümmekond aastat tegelenud näitleja ja lavastajaga (improvisatsiooniline, füüsiline teatritreening ja etendamismeetod), mida tutvustab Viljandi Noore Tantsu festivali raames Eestis viibiv Ruth Zaporah

  18. Kui Euroopa ongi teistsugune / Mihkel Mutt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutt, Mihkel, 1953-


    Viljandi Kultuurikolledži teatrikateedri diplomietendusest 'Spoon River' (Edgar Lee Mastersi "Spoon Riveri koolnud" järgi dramat. ja lav. Jaanus Rohumaa) ning Sven Holmi 'Schumanni öö' Eesti Draamateatris, lavastaja Eva Jorgensen Taanist

  19. Suvekino pakub tummfilmi "Tartüff Live !" ja kontserti / Kristiina Vaarik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarik, Kristiina


    8. septembril näidatakse Viljandi kultuurimaja hoovis saksa tummfilmi klassikasse kuuluvat Fr.W. Murnau filmi "Tartüff" (1925), mida saadab kohapeal Ardo Ran Varrese originaalmuusika "Tartüff live" ARV Ensemble esituses

  20. Kommunikatsioonijuht saab aidata arsti ja patsienti / Eda Amur, Anneli Bogens, Svea Talving, Krista Valdvee ; intervjueerinud Küllike Heide

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Meditsiinivaldkonna kommunikatsiooniga seotud küsimuste ja probleemide üle arutlevad nelja haigla kommunikatsioonijuhid: Eda Amur Pärnu haiglast, Anneli Bogens Ida-Viru keskhaiglast, Svea Talving Ida-Tallinna keskhaiglast ning Krista Valdvee Viljandi haiglast

  1. Social innovation, education and training

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, John


    Paperer ligger på Katarsis projektets hjemmeside New Castle University., GURU (Global Urban Research Unit)......Paperer ligger på Katarsis projektets hjemmeside New Castle University., GURU (Global Urban Research Unit)...

  2. Kuidas suhtute erakooli? / Andrus Kuusmann, Rein Rebane, Tiiu Kuurme ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Tartu erakooli nõukogu esimees Andrus Kuusmann, Rocca al Mare Kooli AS-i juhataja Rein Rebane, TLÜ õppejõud Tiiu Kuurme, Viljandi Waldorfkooli õpetaja Sulev Ojap ja TLÜ õppejõud Tõnu Ploompuu

  3. Lõbusalt üllatav / Christel Karits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karits, Christel, 1966-


    Taani löökpillimängijate shõugrupi esinemistest 22. apr. Viljandi Pärimusmuusika Aidas, 23. apr. Jõhvi kontserdimajas, 24. apr. Tallinnas Estonia kontserdisaalis, 25. apr. Pärnu kontserdimajas ja 26. apr. VAnemuise kontserdimajas

  4. Aitame Väikemõisa lapsi!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ajakiri Kroonika, reisifirma Horizon Travel ja popbändi Vanilla Ninja liider Piret Järvis kutsuvad üles aitama Viljandi lähedal asuvat Väikemõisa lastekodu, kus kasvab 36 pisikest vanemliku hoolitsuseta last

  5. Aitame Väikemõisa lastekodu!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kroonika, Horizon Traveli ja Piret Järvise heategevusprojektist "Aitame lapsed muusika juurde" (jõulupeol 20. dets. Viljandi Kultuuriakademia muusikamajas teevad kaasa Dave Benton ja JZ Belle, esitusel Ülo Kriguli muusikaga jõulumuinasjutt "Uskumatu seiklus")

  6. Last värskeid näitlejaid ja lavastajaid - Pärnusse ja mujale / interv. Merit Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Jutuajamine Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatrikunsti VI lennu näitlejate ja lavastajate Jaanus Mehikase, Jaanika Juhansoni, Kati Kivitari, Priit Loogi, Triin Lepiku, Liis Laigna, Kaili Vidase, Sven Heibergi, Sten Karpovi ja Veljo Reinikuga

  7. Anneli Remme soovitab : Kuninganna Mary elu ja surm / Anneli Remme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remme, Anneli, 1968-


    Kontserdisarja "Hingemuusika" teist kontserti raamivad Henry Purcelli teosed, millest esimene on loodud kuninganna Mary sünnipäevaks, viimane matusetseremooniaks. Barokkansambli Corelli Consort esituses 26., 27., ja 28. apr. Viljandi, Tartu ja Tallinna kirikutes

  8. Siil-udus-strateegia ehk kuidas määramatus keskkonnas koju jõuda / Jüri Sakkeus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sakkeus, Jüri


    Strateegilisest planeerimisest muutlikus keskkonnas kirjeldab London Business Schooli professor Donald N. Sull. Ärikeskkonna arengu jälgimiseks kasutatavast PEST analüüsist. Jätkusuutlikust arengust Viljandi Metall näitel. Lisad. Graafik. Skeemid

  9. Sügismoes seguneb klassika vimkadega / Eve Rohtla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rohtla, Eve, 1961-


    Ivo Nikkolo kaubamärki kandvat sügis-talvist kollektsiooni esitleti lioni'te naisteklubi salongiõhtul Viljandis. Disainer Eve Hanson kollektsiooni moeknihvidest. Ivo Nikkolo kollektsiooni disainib, toodab ja turustab osaühing Zik Zak

  10. Pärimusmuusika akadeemiasse / Celia Roose, Tuulikki Bartosik ; küsitlenud Ia Remmel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roose, Celia


    Intervjuu Võru Muusikakooli direktori Celia Roosega ja akordionimängija Tuulikki Bartosikuga pärimusmuusika osakonna rajamise ideest ja põhjustest Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemiasse, mis seni on olnud vaid Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemias

  11. Te olete nii lollid, nii lollid, nii lollid - TÜ VKA eelkäijad Nõukogude Liidus / Kata Maria Saluri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saluri, Kata Maria


    Autor käsitleb Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia vastuolulist rolli suhetes Nõukogude Liiduga. Ühest küljest pidanuks kool ette valmistama kommunistlikke kultuuritöötajaid, teisalt toimus õpetajate ja õpilaste hulgas vaikiv vastupanuliikumine valitsevale ideoloogiale

  12. Põlvas tuli esitusele Andre Laine 29 tantsu / Mati Määrits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Määrits, Mati, 1958-


    Põlva Kultuuri- ja Huvikeskuses sai näha Põlvamaa Koolitantsu maakondlikku eelvooru. 52st tantsust 29 tantsu autor on Andre Laine. Kommenteerib ka Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia lavakunstide osakonna tantsukunsti õppejõud Kai Valtna

  13. Mida arvavad koolist õppejõud väljastpoolt akadeemiat? / Tiiu Reimo, Kaie Holm, Malle Ermel, Tiiu Valm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TLÜ Infoteaduste Instituudi direktori Tiiu Reimo, Tallinna Keskraamatukogu direktori Kaie Holmi, Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu direktori kt Malle Ermeli ja kirjastuse TEA toimetuse juhataja Tiiu Valmi arvamused infoteaduse ja raamatukogunduse alase õppe korraldusest Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemias

  14. Effects of certain burning treatments on veld condition in Giant's ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of certain burning treatments on veld condition in Giant's Castle Game Reserve. ... Keywords: above-ground standing crop; basal cover; burning; composition change; giant's castle game reserve; natal ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  15. Suurimad rõõmuhetked on proovides / Ingo Normet ; intervjueerinud Tiina Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Normet, Ingo, 1946-


    Ugalas peatselt publiku ette jõudva Kay Pollaki näidendi "Nii nagu taevas" lavastaja Ingo Normetiga näidendist, lavastaja osast loo valmimisel, tööst lavakunstikooli õppejõu ja juhatajana, teatriõppest Viljandis

  16. Uued tulijad tutvustavad end diplomilavastustega / Ülle Jantson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jantson, Ülle


    Janusz Glowacki "Fortinbras jõi end täis" Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatrikunsti eriala 6. lennu esituses (lavastaja Kalju Komissarov ja Sven Heiberg) ja Anton Tshehhovi "Kolm õde" Endla küünis (lavastaja-koreograaf Oleg Titov)

  17. Paul Pinna ja Theodor Altermann täna Assauwe teatris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    20. dets. kell 17 toimub Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseumis noorteõhtu, näha saab Th. Altermanni ja P. Pinnat. Etenduse toob vaatajateni Assauwe teater. Noorteõhtu on koostanud Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia lavastaja eriala tudeng H. Rekkor

  18. Teater

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    20. dets. kell 17 toimub Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseumis noorteõhtu, näha saab Th. Altermanni ja P. Pinnat. Etenduse toob vaatajateni Assauwe teater. Noorteõhtu on koostanud Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia lavastaja eriala tudeng H. Rekkor

  19. India ja Lääne kultuur ühendavad käed

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Suvetuurist "Indian experience" (peakorraldajaks DJ ja muusik Kaido Kirikmäe), mis toimub 6. juunil Viljandi kultuurikolledzhis, 7. juunil Pärnu Sütevaka humanitaargümnaasiumi hoovil, 8. juunil Haapsalu kõlakojas ning 9. juunil Tallinnas

  20. Kuidas saada hakkama õpilaskoduta? / Ülle Luisk, Toomas Mitt, Aivar Part ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastasid: Viljandi gümnaasiumi direktor Ülle Luisk, Tõstamaa keskkooli direktor Toomas Mitt, Rakvere gümnaasiumi direktor Aivar Part, Tartu kutsehariduskeskuse direktor Andrus Kompus, Võru Kreutzwaldi gümnaasiumi direktor Katrin Martinfeld

  1. Milliste tunnetega võtsite vastu teate tähtajatu töölepingu kehtestamisest direktoritele? / Pruul, Raimu; Soopa, Aavo; Koppelmann, Elmu; Eiche, Heili; Peters, Silja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Häädemeeste Keskkooli direktor Raimu Pruul, Viljandi Maagümnaasiumi direktor Aavo Soopa, Tapa Gümnaasiumi direktor Elmu Koppelmann, Lohusuu Põhikooli direktor Heili Eiche ning Põltsamaa vallavalitsuse haridus- ja kultuurinõunik Silja Peters

  2. Uued õppekavad ja rahvusvaheline akrediteerimine / Mai Põldaas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldaas, Mai, 1970-


    Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemias tekib 2008. aasta sügisest võimalus spetsialiseeruda informatsiooni korraldamisele veebikeskkonnas, infotööle laste ja noortega ning raamatukaubandusele. Ettevalmistamisel on magistriõpe. Eesti infoteaduste õppekavasid ootab ees rahvusvaheline akrediteerimine

  3. Suuskadel gaasipliidist kuni nudistist rulluisutajani / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus, 1969-


    PÖFFi animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" ja Nukufilmi 50. juubeli külaline on Bristolis asuva kuulsa Aardman Studio asutajaid ja režissöör Peter Lord. Viljandis näidatakse stuudio eriprogrammi 30. nov

  4. Kasetoht annab ainest ka teadustööks / Ave Matsin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matsin, Ave, 1973-


    Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia rahvusliku käsitöö osakonna pärandtehnoloogia magistrant Andres Rattassepp valis oma magistritöö teemaks tohutöö. Üks tema juhendajaid on doktorikraadiga tohutöömeister Vladimir Jarish

  5. Eesti Jazziliit alustab kontserdihooaega

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Villu Veski kvarteti kontserdist 14. sept. Tallinnas NO-teatris, džässihooaja alustamisest Tartu ülikooli kohvikus, Viljandis Liverpooli pubis, Rakvere teatrikohvikus, Pärnus Endla teatri kohvikus ja Kuressaares Jazz Del Mari džässiklubis

  6. Education as Seance: Specters, Spirits, and the Expansion of Memory (United States)

    Ruitenberg, Claudia


    In this essay I propose that education be conceived as seance: a place where ghosts are summoned in order that we may come to (speaking) terms with them. Against the backdrop of my own summoning of the ghosts haunting my childhood visits to a nearby castle, I draw on the work of Jacques Derrida to provide a theoretical rationale for the importance…

  7. Püüd kaevuda vaataja alateadvusse / Karin Saarepuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saarepuu, Karin


    Lahatakse installatiivset keskkonnaprojekti "X arvab, et ta on Y, aga tegelikult on Z" Viljandis Kilpkonna galeriis, mis on Rotermanni soolalaos toimuva näituse nn. visiitkaart. Autoriteks on Marko Mäetamm ning Lucy Harrison ja Pete Nevin Suurbritanniast

  8. Linnapea autasustas tublisid arvutajaid / Liisi Seil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seil, Liisi, 1971-


    Viljandi linnapea Kalle Jents võttis vastu August Maramaa nimelise matemaatikaülesannete lahendamise võistluse võitjad, nende õpetajad ja võistluse korraldajad. Eriauhinna pälvis Carl Robert Jakobsoni nim. Gümnaasiumi õpilane Siim-Ilmar Nopri

  9. Sven Heiberg lahkub Viljandist õnnelikumana, kui siia tuli / Sven Heiberg ; interv. Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heiberg, Sven


    Tartu ülikooli Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia näitlejatudengite kuues kursus toob lavale diplomietenduse Janusz Glowacki "Fortinbras jõi end täis", lavastajad Kalju Komissarov ja Sven Heiberg. Noor lavastaja räägib kultuuriakadeemias õppimisest ja Viljandist

  10. Ärge võtke kasumit elujõu arvelt! / Anzori Barkalaja ; küsitlenud Sulev Oll

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barkalaja, Anzori, 1968-


    Intervjuu Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia direktori Anzori Barkalajaga, kelle sõnul ei tohiks riik inimeselt, kes oma südamelähedast tööd niikuinii teeksid, elujõudu varastada ega nende arvelt kasumit võtta

  11. Vaimude keel / Anzori Barkalaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barkalaja, Anzori, 1968-


    Šamanismist, ka šamanismi seosest kunstiga, eriti performance'iga. 11.-17. VIII Viljandi Kultuurikolledžis Rahvusvahelise Šamanismiuurimise Ühingu VI konverents, põhiteemadeks "Uued lähenemisviisid Põhja šamanismile" ja "Šamanism valdkondadevahelisel taustal".

  12. Eestimaa turismitöökoda MATKAMIKS 2004

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Turismiseminarist "Kultuur turismis. Turism kultuuris", kus turismist ja kultuurist rääkisid Riigikogu liige Imre Sooäär, EHRL juhatuse esimees Tarmo Sumberg, ajaloolane Lauri Vahtre, lavastaja Katri Kaasik-Aaslav ning Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia rektor Anzori Barkalaja

  13. Homme algab Eesti festivalisuvi / Priit Pruul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pruul, Priit


    Suvel Eestis toimuvatest muusikafestivalidest Rabarock 2006, Maailmaküla (muusikafestival), Hard Rock Laager 2006 (vabaõhufestival), Juu Jääb 2006 (retromuusikafestival), Sun Dance Music Festival, Plink Plonk (sõltumatu muusika festival), Viljandi pärimusmuusika festival 2006

  14. Galerii tahab endale kesklinna villa osta / Mehis Pärnamets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärnamets, Mehis


    Kaitseliidule kuuluv villa Doll Viljandis läheb augustis korraldataval oksjonil enampakkumisele. Majas näitusi korraldanud Noore Linna galerii soovib hoonet osta. Kommenteerivad major Ülar Vomm ja ärimees Tiit Maisa. Mõlemad pooldavad maja kasutamist kultuuriobjektina

  15. Muusika

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Anna-Liisa Bezrodny III preemia võidust rahvusvahelisel viiuldajate konkursil, 8. märtsil algavast Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia suurüritusest muusikatriaad 2005, Erkki-Sven Tüüri "Passion" ettekandest Sydneys, Eesti Richard Wagneri Ühingu korraldatavast kontserdist Estonia talveaias

  16. Roman Toi kaks suurt armastust : muusika ja Eesti / Elle Puusaag ; foto: V. Sarapuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Puusaag, Elle, 1945-2017


    Toronto Eesti Maja kristallsaalis toimunud pidulikust õhtust 5. detsembril: maestro Roman Toi mälestusteraamatu esitlusest. Rets. rmt.: Toi, Roman. Kaunimad laulud pühendan sull' : Roman Toi mälestused/toimetaja Tiina Sarv. Toronto : Viljandi : T. Sarv, 2007

  17. Loodus, keskkond ja inimene põhikooliõpilaste teadvuses / Illar Leuhin, Jaanus Uibu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leuhin, Illar


    2003. a. Tartu Raatuse Gümnaasiumis, Viljandi Paalalinna Gümnaasiumis ja Lähte Ühisgümnaasiumis läbi viidud küsitlusest, mille eesmärgiks oli uurida Eesti põhikooliõpilaste suhtumist loodusesse, keskkonda ja inimesse

  18. Uudised : TÜ akadeemilise naiskoori turnee. Siiri Sisaski poole-elu kontserdisari. Depeche Mode'i Euroopa tuur algab Tallinnast. The Manhattan Transfer tuleb Eestisse / Ingrid Peek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peek, Ingrid


    TÜAN annab kaks kontserti Bonnis. S. Sisaski autorikontsertidest 30.apr.-5. maini Pärnus, Tallinnas, Viljandis, Rakveres ja Pärnus. Ans. Depeche Mode esineb 28. aug. Tallinna Lauluväljakul. Ans. Manhattan Transfer esineb 20. juulil Pärnus

  19. Kultuuriakadeemias lavastub ökomuusikal / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus


    Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia mustas saalis etendub second-hand-muusikal "Pinipulst, kassiraisk ja latsõtükk", mis on Kadri Karu butafoori-dekoraatori eriala lõputöö. Lavastus toetub täies mahus second-hand-filosoofiale ning teostuslikust seisukohast propageerib ökobutafooriat

  20. From town to heritage conservation area / Lilian Hansar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hansar, Lilian, 1949-


    Linnaehituslike struktuuride muutused Eesti väikelinnades 13.-20. sajandil. Esimene vanalinna kaitsetsoon moodustati Eestis 1966. a. Tallinnas, 1973. a. võeti riikliku kaitse alla Lihula, Haapsalu, Kuressaare, Paide, Pärnu, Rakvere, Tartu, Viljandi, Võru ja 1995. a. Valga ajalooline keskus

  1. Ugala naerutab publikut Kaevumäel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5. juunil esietendub Viljandi Kaevumäel Taago Tubina lavastatud Mati Undi komöödia "Charley tädi" ja 19. juunil Ugala tiigi kaldal Kalju Komissarovi lavastatud Bertolt Brechti rahvatükk "Härra Punttila ja tema sulane Matti"

  2. Vilma lõpetab leivateo / Marko Suurmägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurmägi, Marko, 1975-


    Vilma emafirma Kalev Chocolate Factory juhatuse liikme Mait Nilsoni sõnul jagab Kalev jahutoodete tegemise Jõhvi ja Viljandi ettevõtte vahel nii, et leiba ja saia hakatakse küpsetama Jõhvis ning Viljandisse koondub tortide, kookide ja jahusegude valmistamine. Lisa: Ajalugu

  3. Iskusstvo iz-za bolnitshnoi stenõ / Svetlana Karabut

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karabut, Svetlana


    Autsaiderite kunsti näitus "Kunst ühendab" Viljandis Ugala teatri fuajees. Näidatakse eesti taastuskeskuste Singel ja Vinger ning Peterburi psühhiaatriahaigla kunstistuudio töid. Kommenteerib Linda Luhse. Intervjuu Peterburi haigla kunstistuudio juhendajate Tatjana ja Vladimir Barsukovidega

  4. [Sõltumatu Tantsu Ühenduse poolt korraldatud sarjast "Premiere"] / Evelin Lagle ; küsinud Tambet Kaugema

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lagle, Evelin, 1986-


    Uutele koreograafidele pühendatud sarja "Premiere" programmis osalevad tantsulavastustega neli tantsukunstnikku Eestist - Tallinna Ülikooli lõpetanud Svetlana Grigorjeva, Turu Kunstiakadeemia lõpetanud Kaisa Selde, Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia lõpetanud Kristina-Maria Heinsalu ja Tallinna Ülikooli lõpetanud Christin Lunts

  5. Pärnu muuseumis näeb vammuseid ja pesu / Karin Klaus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Klaus, Karin


    Näitus "Meie vammus" Pärnu Muuseumis, koostaja Ülli Kont. Viljandi Muuseumi rändnäitus "Need" Pärnu Muuseumis, koostajad Tiina Jürgen, Ebe-Triin Arros, Lüüli Kiik, Herki Helves. Näitused on avatud 12. septembrini

  6. Uudised : Kaheksas "Credo". RAM alustab hooaega. šoti naistrio Eestis. Kingitus operetisõpradele / Joosep Sang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sang, Joosep


    Tallinnas toimuvast VIII rahvusvahelisest õigeusu vaimuliku muusika festivalist "Credo". RAM esineb 23. ja 26. sept. kavaga "Päikese- ja kuuvarjutuse palvelaul". šoti trio esineb Tallinnas ja Tartus ning annab õpitoa Viljandis. 12. sept. esitleti Estonia talveaias K. Karaski CD-plaati "Bajadeer"

  7. Veekeskuse rajamine muutus kahtlaseks / Marko Suurmägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurmägi, Marko, 1975-


    Viljandi veekeskuse rajamiseks korraldatud vähempakkumisel osales viis firmat ning nende pakkumised jäid 4 ja 62 miljoni krooni vahele. Linnavalitsus lootis veekeskuse valmis saada 27 miljoni krooni eest. Diagramm: Veekeskuse hind. Arvamust avaldab Facio Ehituse turundusdirektor Ülo Older

  8. Inimroti askeldused elegantses paberlabürindis / Silvia Soro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soro, Silvia


    27. nov. esietendus Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia black box'is Tallinna Ülikooli koreograafi-lavastaja eriala magistrandi H. Ehrenbuschi ja Kunstiakadeemia graafika eriala magistrantide J. Samma, A. Teeääre ja K. Ehala (paberlõige, lavakujundus) koostöös sündinud lavastus "!"

  9. Riigi haldusterritoriaalse jaotuse Gordioni sõlm / Janno Reiljan, Aivo Ülper

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Janno, 1951-2018


    Analüüsitakse Eesti riigi haldusterritoriaalse jaotuse teoreetilisi, poliitilisi ja korralduslikke aluseid, tehakse võrdlusi Põhjamaadega ning sellest lähtuvalt pakutakse välja suund sisulise lahenduse otsimiseks. Omavalitsusüksuste suuruse empiiriline analüüs toetub Viljandi maakonna andmetele.

  10. Ugala toob publiku ette kaks suvelavastust

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5. juunil esietendub Viljandi Kaevumäel Taago Tubina lavastatud Walter Brandon-Thomase motiividel kirjutatud Mati Undi näidend "Charley tädi" ja 19. juunil Ugala tiigi kaldal Kalju Komissarovi lavastatud Bertolt Brechti "Härra Punttila ja tema sulane Matti"

  11. Punase koolimaja saamisloost ning ajast enne ja pärast seda / Aavo Soopa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soopa, Aavo


    Viljandi Maagümnaasiumi 120. aastapäeval meenutatakse G.M. Schmidti eraõppeasutust ja selle järglase Liivimaa Maagümnaasiumi sündi ja tegevust : ka Riia arhitekti R. Häuseri projekteeritud kahekorruselisest punasest tellismajast, mis valmis 1877.a.

  12. Viis näitust haaravad eri aastasadu / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus, 1969-


    Viljandi uue kunsti muuseumis avati fotograaf Ain Kimberi aktinäitus "Igavene teema", Johann Christoph Brotze pärandit tutvustav näitus, Belgia fotokunstniku Patavoli "Taevariik", Valgevene kunstniku Valeri Slauki litograafiad ning kunstitudengite Eva Järve ja Liis Dvorjanski kineetilised heinakuhjad

  13. Raamatukogus on üleval plakatinäitus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Üleeuroopalise plakativõistluse "Breaking Stereotypes" (Murdes stereotüüpe) paremate tööde näitus Viljandi linnaraamatukogus. Konkursi võitis poola üliõpilase Aleksandra Woldanska plakat "Together". Eestist osales võistlusel kümme tööd

  14. Carcinoma showing thymus-like elements of the thyroid gland: report of three cases including one case with breast cancer history. (United States)

    Zhang, Guanjun; Liu, Xi; Huang, Wei; Li, Xiaofeng; Johnstone, Marianne; Deng, Yuan; Ke, Yongqiang; Nunes, Quentin M; Wang, Hongyan; Wang, Yili; Zhang, Xuebin


    Carcinoma showing thymus-like elements (CASTLE) is a rare malignant tumor of the thyroid or adjacent neck soft tissues, whose histogenesis is still debated. It may resemble other primary or metastatic poorly differentiated tumors histologically and the differential diagnosis is crucial for CASTLE has a better prognosis. However, CASTLE as a second primary tumor has not been reported in the literature. We report three cases of thyroid CASTLE, including a unique tumor following breast-conserving surgery for early-stage breast invasive carcinoma. There were two female and one male. All three tumors were located in the right lobe of the thyroid, and one tumor showed extension into the surrounding soft tissue. Histologically, all tumors showed expansive growth and consisted of cords, nests or sheets of epithelial cells divided into irregularly shaped lobules by fibrous connective tissue with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Focal squamous differentiation resembling Hassall's corpuscles were observed. All cases stained positively for CD5, CD117, high molecular weight cytokeratin, cytokeratin, P63, carcinoembryonic antigen and epithelial membrane antigen. Positive staining for Bcl-2 in two cases and chromogranin A in one case was noted. Ki-67 expression ranged from 15 to 25%. Thyroid transcription factor and CD3 were negative. There was no evidence of recurrent or metastatic disease at following surgery. These features demonstrated CASTLE may arise from branchial pouch remnants, the thyroid solid cell nests. CASTLE is a rare entity, awareness of its occurrence as a second primary tumor is important to avoid overtreatment because it is associated with a favorable prognosis.

  15. Mis tuleb

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseumis Uno Roosvaldi maalide ja graafika näitus "Mõttes Kihnus", Heino Lillepuu kollaazhide näitus "Kõik naised on inglid". Tartu Mänguasjamuuseumis jõuluehete näitus. Rahvusraamatukogu fuajees Andy Horneri näitus "Terra Borealis". Eesti Rahva Muuseumis näitus "Põhjamaine tunnetus", mis tutvustab Sleipneri stipendiumi saanud noorte kunstnike valiktöid. Iisaku muuseumis jõulupostkaartide näitus. Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseumis näitus "Klaashelmed maailma rahvaste kultuuris" (suur osa helmeist ja helmetikandeist on Torben Sode kogust). Rottermanni soolalaos näitus "Kodu, kallis kodu". Viljandi muuseumis on väljas EKA nahakunsti osakonna tööd aastaist 1917-2004 "Mälu ja mäng", Eesti lapitööseltsi näitus, Viljandi maagümnaasiumi kunstistuudio näitus "Jõulusokk". Eesti Meremuuseumis näitus"Klaas, fajanss ja portselan uppunud laevadelt"

  16. High-resolution hydro- and geo-stratigraphy at Atlantic Coastal Plain drillhole CR-622 (Strat 8) (United States)

    Wrege, B.M.; Isely, J.J.


    We interpret borehole geophysical logs in conjunction with lithology developed from continuous core to produce high-resolution hydro- and geo-stratigraphic profiles for the drillhole CR-622 (Strat 8) in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina. The resulting hydrologic and stratigraphic columns show a generalized relation between hydrologic and geologic units. Fresh-water aquifers encountered are the surficial, Yorktown, Pungo River and Castle Hayne. Geologic units present are of the middle and upper Tertiary and Quaternary periods, these are the Castle Hayne (Eocene), Pungo River (Miocene), Yorktown (Pliocene), James City and Flanner Beach (Pleistocene), and the topsoil (Holocene). The River Bend Formation (Oligocene) is missing as a distinct unit between the Pungo River Formation and the Castle Hayne Formation. The confining unit underlying the Yorktown Aquifer corresponds to the Yorktown Geologic Unit. The remaining hydrologic units and geologic units are hydrologically transitional and non-coincident. The lower Pungo River Formation serves as the confining unit for the Castle Hayne Aquifer, rather than the River Bend Aquifer, and separates the Pungo River Aquifer from the upper Castle Hayne Aquifer. All geologic formations were bound by unconformities. All aquifers were confined by the anticipated hydrologic units. We conclude that CR-622 (Strat 8) represents a normal sequence in the Atlantic Coastal Plain.

  17. 1. V kell 19 algab Tartu Sadamateatris...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartu Kõrgema Kunstikooli tekstiiliosakonna korraldatud üritus "Projekt: Mood-Performance-Tants". Esineb Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia tantsutrupp Jaanika Müürsepa juhendamisel. Baby Universali moeetendusel esinevad Maru, Kätlin Kängsepp, Liisi Eesmaa, Jaanika Terasmaa, Ieva Veita, Ilze Adumane jt. Muusikat teevad Kiwa, King-Bit, Fabrique jt.

  18. Kirjakunstinäitus rändab

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi kirjakunstiklubi Mary seitsme aasta tööde rändnäitus alustas Jakobsoni koolis. Klubi juhataja Mary Mauring. Väljapanekut kujundasid Kadri Papagoi, Kairi Ritson, Tiiu Väli, Aita Leemet ja Ants Tõnisalu, kes on ka paljude tööde autorid

  19. Hollywoodi sõltumatud filmid sünnivad salaja / Priit Jürjens ; interv. Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürjens, Priit, 1976-


    Intervjuu Viljandis sündinud ja USAs elava režissööriga (Brad Jurjens) tema esimese täispika mängufilmi "Pangarööv" ("The Bank Job") valmimise puhul. P. Jürjens on ka filmi stsenarist, produtsent ja üks peaosalisi

  20. Young performance artist experimenting in youth work / Irene Hütsi, Kai Valtna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hütsi, Irene


    MIMO projekt 2010-2013: 2011. ja 2012. a. Eesti linnades toimunud rahvusvahelise muusikaloome alase koolitus- ja noorteprojekti MIMO (Moving in! Moving on!) raames toimunust. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia töötubadest, mida viisid läbi akadeemia tudengid Eesti väikelinnade koolides ja noortekeskustes

  1. Raamatukogud kujundavad suhtumist / Maire Killar ; Priit Kasepalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Killar, Maire


    Pimedate punktkirja looja Louis Braille 200. sünniaastapäeva tähistati ka Eestis. Eesti Pimedate Raamatukogus oli 26. septembrist 31. oktoobrini avatud näitus "Raamatud sõrmedele ja kõrvadele", Viljandi Linnaraamatukogus toimus 7. oktoobril nägemispuudega lugejate konverents

  2. Juhmus ei tunne mingeid maakonnapiire / Kadri Karu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karu, Kadri


    Papa Kreutzwaldi Õueteatris Lauluisa muuseumi õuel juulis etendunud Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia kuuenda lennu teatritudengite lusti- ja laulumäng "Kilplased" F. R. Kreutzwaldi juttude ainetel, lavastaja Katri Aaslav-Tepandi. Kaheksa näitlejatudengit räägivad Kilplastest ja Rändteatri teekonnast

  3. Akadeemia kuues lend mängib "Kilplasi"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Papa Kreutzwaldi Õueteatris Lauluisa muuseumi õuel esietendub 7. juulil Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia kuuenda lennu teatritudengite lusti- ja laulumäng "Kilplased" F. R. Kreutzwaldi juttude ainetel, lavastaja Katri Aaslav-Tepandi. Edasi rännatakse koos Rändteatriga mööda Eestimaad

  4. Kunstiaasta / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Stockholmis Moderna Museeti ja Helsingis "Kiasma" avamisest, avanäitustest. "Kiasma" avanäituse, Rauma biennaali, Viljandi "Kiriküüdi" teemadest. Inessa Josingu valimisest "Manifestale". Nimetatud Eestis näidatud arvestataval tasemel rahvusvahelisi näitusi, konverentse. Kunstnike erialaliitude suurüritustest jm.

  5. Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut = University of Tartu Institute of Physics

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituudi hoone Tartus Viljandi mnt. 43, valminud 2014. Arhitektid Ott Kadarik, Mihkel Tüür, Kadri Tamme (Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid OÜ), Villem Tomiste (Stuudio Tallinn), insener Hugo Olak (AS Tari). Eesti Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali aastapreemia 2014

  6. Documentation and evaluation of slope instabilities and other geological phenomena in the Geopark Bohemian Paradise (Czech Republic) (United States)

    Krejčí, Oldřich; Krejčí, Vladimíra; Švábenická, Lilian; Hartvich, Filip


    from the Neolithic period to the early Bronze Age (3000 to 1700 BC) almost continuously until the mid-15th century. Precise topographic maps of the rugged sandstone terrain and steep rock slopes do not exist. Our detailed 3D block model is based on the results of detailed geodetic survey of the situation within the rock castle and on laser trigonometry data. The area was further explored by air methods LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging). Results of the LIDAR photos interpretation was used to clarify the extent of landslides in the environment of the rock city. In 1990, regular measurement of relative movements broken sandstone towers started in order to confirm or refute the current activity of slope movements. The acquired LIDAR data confirmed the continuous slope movements at an average rate of up to 2 mm/ year.

  7. Uus näitlejapõlvkond endale armu ei anna / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia lavakunstikooli XXV lennu bakalaureuselavastus "Jumala narride Vennaskond" Tallinna Linnateatris. Lavastaja Elmo Nüganen, autor Peter Barnes. Juhan Ulfsaki lavastusest "Idioodid" Lars von Trieri samanimelise filmi järgi Von Krahli teatris. Mängivad TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia teatrikunsti 8. lennu Von Krahli kursuslased

  8. Siim Nestor soovitab : lack of Eoins / Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nestor, Siim, 1974-


    Väikefirma Seksound annab sel nädalavahetusel välja Viljandi indiebändi Lack of Eoins esikplaadi "Echo Group" (plaadiesitlused 11. dets. Tallinnas Von Krahlis ja 12. dets. Tartus Genialistide klubis, esinevad ka Ans. Andur ja Popidiot, plaate keerutavad Hannes Praks ja Taavi Laatsit)

  9. Ratastoolis Villu Urban mõõtis kaldteid / Villu Urban ; interv. Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Urban, Villu


    Intervjuu ratastooliklubi liikme Villu Urbaniga, kes on alates maikuust kaardistanud liikumispuudega inimeste võimalusi pääseda Viljandis avalikesse hoonetesse. Linnal oleks vaja võtta tööle inimene, kes projektid üle vaataks ja jälgiks, kas ligipääsud on olemas

  10. Ekspert : Pärnul tuleks jutustada oma lugu / Anu Jürisson, Karin Klaus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürisson, Anu, 1977-


    Rahvusvahelise kultuuriturismi konverentsist Pärnus ja kultuurianalüütik doktor Dragan Klaici soovitustest ning nägemusest omanäolise Pärnu kultuurielu elavdamiseks. Ants Johanson rääkis Viljandi folkmuusika festivali korraldamisest, külalised Tuula Rintala-Gardin ja Mikael Ahlerup ka teemaparkide loomisest

  11. Student insight into the MIMO project's process, outcomes and feedback in Estonia / Ebe Link, Liis Luumberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Link, Ebe


    MIMO projekt 2010-2013: 2011. ja 2012. a. Eesti linnades toimunud rahvusvahelise muusikaloome alase koolitus- ja noorteprojekti MIMO (Moving in! Moving on!) raames toimunust. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia tudengite töötubadest Eesti väikelinnade koolides ja noortekeskustes. Noorte poolt antud tagasisidest töötubadele

  12. Reflection of teaching : a way to learn from practice / Anu Sööt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sööt, Anu


    MIMO projekt 2010-2013: 2011. ja 2012. a. Eesti linnades toimunud rahvusvahelise muusikaloome alase koolitus- ja noorteprojekti MIMO (Moving in! Moving on!) raames toimunust. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia tudengite töötubadest Eesti väikelinnade koolides ja noortekeskustes. Tudengite poolt antud tagasiside töötubades kogetule

  13. Ajalehe Sakala omanäolised tööruumid = The Sakala newspaper's unique offices

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandis Tartu t. 8A asuvate ajalehe Sakala tööruumide sisekujundus. Sisearhitektid Liis Lindvere ja Raili Paling (KOKO Arhitektid OÜ). Sisearhitektidest, nende tähtsamad tööd. III ja IV korruse plaan, 7 värv. vaadet, foto L. Lindverest ja R. Palingust

  14. Muusika / DJ Pickney Tiger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DJ Pickney Tiger, pseud., 1970-


    Kontsertidest: Tricky 20. nov. Tallinnas Rock Cafés, folgiüritusest Pärimusmuusika Lõikuspidu 10. ja 11.okt. Viljandis Pärimusmuusika Aidas, Krakauers Klezmer Band 27. okt. Tallinnas Vene teatris, DJ General Levy 18. okt. Tallinnas, maailmamuusika festival Musicport' 08 17.-19. okt. Inglismaal Brightonis

  15. 76 FR 59361 - Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations (United States)


    ... Castle Maps are available for inspection at 32535 Bowie Street, White Castle, LA 70788. Le Flore County.... Unincorporated Areas of Le Flore County. At the downstream side None +490 of U.S. Route 59. Caston Creek... City of Poteau, downstream of Kansas Unincorporated Areas City Southern Railroad. of Le Flore County...

  16. Burgenherrschaft ohne Mythos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Atzbach, Rainer

    This ebook gives a brief and comprehensive overview on the history of castles in Central Europe between the 8th and the 16th century.......This ebook gives a brief and comprehensive overview on the history of castles in Central Europe between the 8th and the 16th century....

  17. PÖFFil näeb Sheridani, von Trieri ja vendade Coenite uusi filme / Jaanus Noormets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Noormets, Jaanus


    Pimedate Ööde VII filmifestival toimub 28. novembrist 7. detsembrini Tallinnas, Tartus ja Viljandis. Festivali avab Morten Tyldumi mängufilm "Buddy" ja lõpetab iirlase Jim Sheridani "Ameerikas" ("In America"). Mõlemad režissöörid tulevad ka ise festivalile. Ka festivali teistest filmidest ja programmidest

  18. Tants Tõrvaaugu ümber / Lii Sammler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sammler, Lii, 1963-


    Järvamaal asuvast Tõrvaaugu jahilossist, mille laskis 1914. a. ehitada Kabala mõisnik parun Victor von Taube. Kuni 1930. aastani oli majas Rassi algkool, 1944.-1946. a. kasutas jahilossi Viljandi vangla. 1999. a. ostis jahilossi ära Eesti Skautide Ühing. Hoone on ennistatud skaudilaagri teenindusmajaks. 15 ill

  19. Kursi koolkond näitab oma töid biennaaliaegses Veneetsias / Priit Pangsepp ; interv. Tiina Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pangsepp, Priit


    Viljandi kunstniku Priit Pangsepaga Kursi koolkonna 20. aastapäeva tähistavast kunstinäitusest Galleria d'Arte III Millennios Veneetsias. Maale näitavad Priit Pangsepp, Ilmar Kruusamäe, Peeter Allik, Albert Gulk ja Priit Pajos. Näitus ei esinda biennaaliaegses Veneetsias Eestit vaid Kursi koolkonda

  20. Maailmarändur vaimustus eesti folkloorist / Rein Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sikk, Rein, 1961-


    Inglise tantsuõpetajast Chris Davisest, kes on käinud Viljandi pärimusmuusika festivalil, meeste rahvatantsupeol Rakveres ja mujal Eestis ning peab eestlasi maailma parimateks vaimuvara hoidjateks. Chris Davis õpetab inglise rahvatantse oma kodumaal ja nüüd ka Eestis ning liitus kaerajaani Euroopasse viimise kampaaniaga

  1. Eesti esinaivisti 100. sünniaastapäev / Tiiu Männiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Männiste, Tiiu, 1959-


    Paul Kondase 100. sünniaastapäeva puhul tema maalide näitus Viljandi kunstisaalis. Avamisel demonstreeris Mark Soosaar oma filmi "Pühapäevamaalijad". Kilpkonna galeriis näitusel "Veel naiviste" Joan (?Joann) Sõstra (1913-1992) (puuskulptuurid), Osvald Raba (1909-1996) ja Arnold Vihmandi (1912) looming.

  2. Ühepäevaliblika lend üle valgete laikude / Sven Karja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karja, Sven, 1968-


    Teatrikriitika olukorrast - kiirtempo, esietenduse põhjal arvustamine, väikelinnateatrite keskmised lavastused jäävad kajastuseta. Vaadeldakse hooaja kolme "mahavaikitud " lavastust - Akos Kertészi "Lesed" Eili Neuhausi lavastuses Rakvere Teatris, Mario Fratti "Ohver" Madis Kalmeti lavastuses Pärnu Endlas ja David Williamsoni "Sõbrad ja raha" Viljandi Ugalas.

  3. Ramalina intermedia in Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Segal, S.


    The lichen Ramalina intermedia Del. apud Lamy was found near Apeldoorn on a decayed wall of an old castle in the possession of the Royal family. The wall, rising up from the castle moat, dates from the 16th century, but remained covered with soil for several centuries after the moat had been filled

  4. Kikilipsu pidused päevad / Mari Hiiemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemäe, Mari


    Ansamblist Rock Hotel, tema 30. sünnipäeva tähistamise juubelikontsertidest 14. okt. Pärnu Endla teatris, 15. okt. Rakvere Teatris, 16. okt. Viljandi Pärimusmuusika Aidas, 17. okt. Paide kultuurikeskuses, 18. okt. Võru kultuurimajas Kannel, 19. okt. Vanemuise väikeses majas ja 20. okt. Vene Teatris

  5. Uus kunst ootab vaatajaid augusti lõpuni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseumi kollektsiooni esitlus "Sünnitus" Viljandis. Vaadata on Yoko Ono, Kalev Mark Kostabi, Edward Lucie-Smithi, Martin Garcia Rivera, Leonhard Lapini, Peeter Lauritsa, Enn Põldroosi jt. teosed. Reedeti on loomepäevad. 18. augustil näitab oma töid ja kõneleb Mark Soosaar

  6. Eesti tudengid disainisid päästjatele erivarustuse / Raivo Murde

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Murde, Raivo


    Eesti Kunstiakadeemia tootedisaini tudengid mõtlesid välja erivarustuse maavärina ja üleujutuste piirkonnas töötavatele päästjatele, aga ka kannatanutele. Projekti juhendaja: Heikki Zoova. Vesti disainisid Klaarika Sinimeri, Kertu Rattasepp ja Merle Visak. Viljandi ettevõte Galvi-Linda on valmis neid tooteid tootma

  7. Tantsufestival Momentum 2008 : Alatskivi lossi tunded, mõtted, emotsioonid / Reet Kruup

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruup, Reet


    25.-27. aprillini Alatskivi Kaunite Kunstide Kuu raames toimunud tantsufestivalist Momentum 2008. Festivalil osalesid Alatskivi vallas tegutsevate tantsurühmade kõrval ka tantsuteater Tee Kuubis, kontakttantsurühmitus Kontakt Tartust ja Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia lavakunstide osakonna tudengid, kes esitasid improvisatsioonilise tantsuetenduse "Alatskivi lossi tunded, mõtted, emotsioonid..."

  8. Kuues lend / Rait Avestik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Avestik, Rait, 1974-


    Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi kultruuriakadeemia teatrikunsti VI lennu diplomilavastused: Dario Fo "Müsterium buff", lavastaja Peeter Raudsepp; Anton Tshehhovi "Kolm õde", lavastaja-koreograaf Oleg Titov; Janusz Glowacki "Fortinbras jõi end täis", lavastajad Kalju Komissaarov ja Sven Heiberg. Lühidalt uutest diplomeeritud lavastajatest - Jaanika Juhanson ja Kati Kivitar

  9. Järjekordne võit Viljandisse / Mart Reitel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reitel, Mart


    Internetilehekülgede koostamise võistlusest "Europe@t School Internet Award Scheme", 2003.a. võistluse teemaks oli "Planet Europe". Esikoha ja peapreemia võitis projekt "Travels with Pippi through Planet Europe", mille koostasid Viljandi Paalalinna Gümnaasiumi, Katowice VI Üldhariduslütseumi (Poola) ja Vrbovici Keskkooli (Horvaatia) õpilased

  10. Multi-analytical characterization of archaeological ceramics. A case study from the Sforza Castle (Milano, Italy). (United States)

    Barberini, V.; Maspero, F.; Galimberti, L.; Fusi, N.


    The aim of this work was the characterization, using several analytical techniques, of a sample of ancient pottery found during archaeological excavations in the 14th century's Sforza Castle in Milano. The use of a multi-analytical approach is well established in the study of archaeological materials (e.g. Tite et al. 1984, Ribechini et al. 2008). The chemical composition of the sample was determined with X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The chemical composition is: SiO2 61.3(±3)%, Al2O3 22.5(±2)%, Fe2O3 7.19(±6)%, K2O 3.85(±1)%, MgO 1.6(±1)%, Na2O 1.6(±4)% (probably overestimated), TiO2 1.02(±2)%, CaO 0.93(±1)%, MnO 0.15(±1)% and P2O5 0.06(±2)%. The K2O content, important when dealing with TL dating, was determined also with atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The K2O content determined with atomic absorption is 3.86(±3)%, in agreement with X-ray fluorescence analysis. The mineralogical composition of the sample was determined with X-ray powder diffraction: quartz 59.6(±1) wt%, mica 37.8(±3) wt% and feldspar (plagioclase) 2.6(±2) wt%. The sample homogeneity was assessed with X-ray computerised tomography (CT), which is a very powerful non-destructive analysis tool for 3D characterization (Sèguin, 1991). CT images show differences in materials with different X-ray absorption (mainly depending on different densities) and 3D reconstruction has many interesting archaeological applications (e.g. study of sealed jars). CT images of the studied sample showed the presence of angular fragments (probably quartz) few millimetres wide immersed in a fine grained matrix. Moreover, before and after the CT analysis, some ceramic powder was sampled to perform thermoluminescence analysis (TL, the powder used for this analysis can not be recovered). It was thus possible to evaluate the dose absorbed by the material due the X-ray irradiation. The dose absorbed after 3 hours of irradiation, the time needed for a complete scan of a 7 x 5 x 1 cm, is about 100 Gy, which

  11. Multiscale Interactive Communication: Inside and Outside Thun Castle (United States)

    Massari, G. A.; Luce, F.; Pellegatta, C.


    The applications of informatics to architecture have become, for professionals, a great tool for managing analytical phases and project activities but also, for the general public, new ways of communication that may relate directly present, past and future facts. Museums in historic buildings, their installations and the recent experiences of eco-museums located throughout the territory provide a privileged experimentation field for technical and digital representation. On the one hand, the safeguarding and the functional adaptation of buildings use 3D computer graphics models that are real spatially related databases: in them are ordered, viewed and interpreted the results of archival, artistic-historical, diagnostic, technological-structural studies and the assumption and feasibility of interventions. On the other hand, the disclosure of things and knowledge linked to collective memory relies on interactive maps and hypertext systems that provide access to authentic virtual museums; a sort of multimedia extension of the exhibition hall is produced to an architectural scale, but at landscape scale the result is an instrument of cultural development so far unpublished: works that are separated in direct perception find in a zenith view of the map a synthetic relation, related both to spatial parameters and temporal interpretations.

  12. Kontsert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia tudengite etnomuusika kontserdist "Eesti ja handi unustatud viisid" 2. dets., Miina Härma Gümnaasiumi kooride kontserdist "Valge klaver" 6. dets., puhkpilliorkestri Popsid kontserdist 8. dets. ja TÜ Kammerkoori kontserdist 9. dets. TÜ aulas. Max Bruchi oratooriumi "Mooses" esitusest 2. dets. ja Pepe Justicia flamenkogrupi esinemisest 7. sept. Vanemuise Kontserdimajas

  13. Wiedemanni fond 10 / Jüri Valge, Piret Järvela, Liivi Heinla, Aili Kiin ; intervjueerinud Külliki Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eraalgatuslik Wiedemanni fond toetab nii eesti keele õpilasuurimusi kui ka ülikooliõpinguid, sh magistri- ja doktoriõpet. Küsimustele vastavad Wiedemanni fondi 2015. aasta stipendiaadid, eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetajad Piret Järvela Tallinna reaalkoolist, Liivi Heinla Kadrina keskkoolist ja Aili Kiin Viljandi gümnaasiumist. Küsitles Külliki Kask

  14. "Aasta betoonehitis 2015" ülejäänud nominendid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Jõhvi riigigümnaasium, Maxima logistikakeskus, Võru riigigümnaasium, Rakvere Tark Maja, Viljandi krematoorium-tavandisaal, Marsi tänava korterelamud Tallinnas Tondil, Kultuurikatel Tallinnas, Kentmanni tn 6 elu- ja ärihoone Tallinnas, Kehärata rongitunneli kaarelemendid Helsingi lennujaama all, Kroodi viaduktid Loo-Maardu teelõigul, ühepereelamu Põldmarja 12 Tartus

  15. Остальные номинанты на премию "Лучшее бетонное строение 2015"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Jõhvi riigigümnaasium, Maxima logistikakeskus, Võru riigigümnaasium, Rakvere Tark Maja, Viljandi krematoorium-tavandisaal, Marsi tänava korterelamud Tallinnas Tondil, Kultuurikatel Tallinnas, Kentmanni tn 6 elu- ja ärihoone Tallinnas, Kehärata rongitunneli kaarelemendid Helsingi lennujaama all, Kroodi viaduktid Loo-Maardu teelõigul, ühepereelamu Põldmarja 12 Tartus

  16. Barokkmuusika festival toob Pärnusse sufi muusika / Silja Joon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Joon, Silja, 1966-


    XVIII barokkmuusika festivalist (kunstiline juht ja korraldaja Andres Mustonen) 1.-11. veebr. Tallinnas, Tartus, Pärnus, Jõhvis ja Viljandis. Kontsertidest: Risto Joost, Robert Staak ja Ene Salumäe 6. veebr. Pärnu raekoja saalis, Inglise vokaalansambel The Clerks Group 8. veebr. ja sufi muusika kontsert 11. veebr. Pärnu kontserdimajas, esinejatest

  17. Hullud häirivad veekeskuses kodanlasi / Kairi Prints

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prints, Kairi


    Peter Weissi "Jean-Paul Marat' tagakiusamine ja tapmine Charentoni varjupaiga näitetrupi esituses härra de Sade'i juhtimisel". Lavastus sündis grupitööna Teatrilabori egiidi all, juhendajad Peeter Raudsepp ja Kati Kivitar. Osades Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia VII lennu näitlejatudengid. Esietendus 3. apr. Viru Inni veekeskuses

  18. Open Source Software Projects Needing Security Investments (United States)


    modtls, BouncyCastle, gpg, otr, axolotl. 7. Static analyzers: Clang, Frama-C. 8. Nginx. 9. OpenVPN . It was noted that the funding model may be OpenSSL, where consulting funds the company. It was also noted that OpenVPN needs to correctly use OpenSSL in order to be secure, so focusing on...Dovecot 4. Other high-impact network services: OpenSSH, OpenVPN , BIND, ISC DHCP, University of Delaware NTPD 5. Core infrastructure data parsers

  19. A quantitative comparison of moldic and vuggy porosity structure in karst aquifers using image and geospatial analysis (United States)

    Culpepper, A. R.; Manda, A. K.


    Limestone aquifers are vital sources of groundwater for domestic and industrial use throughout the world. To sustain rising population throughout the southeastern United States, aquifers are increasingly exploited to provide the populace clean and reliable water resources. The moldic Castle Hayne and the vuggy Biscayne aquifer systems are two highly productive aquifers that provide critical water resources to millions of citizens in eastern North Carolina and southeastern Florida, respectively. In order to better understand karst aquifers and evaluate the potential for contaminant transport, detailed investigation of 2D porosity and pore geometry using image and geospatial analysis were undertaken. The objective of this study is to compare and contrast the porosity structure of moldic and vuggy karst aquifers by quantifying 2D porosity and pore geometry from images of slabbed core samples and optical televiewer images. Televiewer images and images of painted core samples from the Spring Garden Member of the Castle Hayne aquifer and Miami Limestone Formation of the Biscayne aquifer were acquired for analysis of porosity structure. The procedure for converting images of slabbed core and televiewer images to a GIS useable format consisted of rectification, calibration, image enhancement, classification, recoding and filtering. In GIS, raster or vector formats were used to assess pore attributes (e.g., area and perimeter) and structure. Preliminary results show that both pore area and perimeter for the Spring Garden Member of the Castle Hayne and Miami Limestone Formation of the Biscayne aquifers can be described by exponential distributions. In both sets of slabbed core images the relatively small pores have the highest occurrence, whereas larger pores occur less frequently. However, the moldic Spring Garden Member of the Castle Hayne aquifer has larger pore sizes derived from cores images than the vuggy Miami Limestone Formation of Biscayne aquifer. Total porosity

  20. Mozart Purtse linnuses

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kontsertite eeltutvustus. Tallinna Keelpillikvartett 14. nov. Purtse linnuses, NYYD-muusikute kontserdist Viljandi Jaani kirikus 14. nov., Inglismaa külalismuusikute Jamie Waltoni ja Daniel Grimwoodi kontserdist Tartu ülikooli aulas 16 ja 17. nov. Tallinnas Mustpeade majas 17.nov. ja Jüri Leiteni-Andres Uibo duo kontserdist Vanemuise kontserdimajas 15.nov ja 18.nov. Nigulistes

  1. Tulevikuteatri nimel, nüri järjekindlusega - edasi ! / Katrin Nielsen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nielsen, Katrin


    2001. a. 20. märts oli esimene aasta, mil ülemaailmsesse organisatsiooni ASSITEJ kuuluvad laste- ja noorteteatrid tähistasid lasteteatrite päeva. Eesti ASSITEJsse (asutatud 1992. a.) kuuluvad VAT Teater, Narva Teater Ilmarine, Jõhvi teatrid Tuuleveski ja Lepatriinu, Tartu Minerva, Tallinna Reel, Viljandi Nukuteater ning rida üksikliikmeid. Eesti keskuse tulevikuplaanidest

  2. Oodatav tsensuuri moment on osa kunstilisest teostusest / Tiiu Leis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leis, Tiiu


    Viljandis toimunud kunstipäevade "Kiriküüt" raames Pärnu-Ikla-Tartu-Tallinna maanteel valminud "Maantee näituse", kus pärnakaist esinevad Andrus Joonas, Sütevaka Andres, Taave Tuutmaa, Kadri Alesmaa, filmile (teost. Jasper Zoova) jäädvustamiseks korraldatud bussireisist ja intsidendist graffiti'ga kaetud bussi pärast.

  3. Pilt ja heli koos räägivad artisti kohta palju / Ove Musting ; intervjueerinud Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Musting, Ove


    Intervjuu režissööri ja produtsendi Ove Mustinguga, kelle uut lühimängufilmi "Kallis sõber, Sind austan" näidatakse 4. veebruaril 2010 Viljandi klubis Puhas Kuld. Räägitakse ka filmis üht peaosa kehastavast Jaan Pehkist alias Orelipoisist, kelle uue albumi "Õnn" esitluskontsert samas toimub

  4. Koorielu / Tiia Penjam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Penjam, Tiia, 1955-


    6. ja 7. IV Pärnus toimunud Mart Saare 120. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud VII Eesti kammerkooride festivalist. Tartu meeskoor Gaudeamus andis 14. IV kontserdi Riia toomkirikus. TÜ kammerkoor ja Vaasa üliõpilaskoor annavad Viljandis ühiskontserdi. Eesti Naislaulu Seltsi juhatus korraldas teabepäeva naiskooride esinaistele ja koorivanematele

  5. Uuslavastused Ugalas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    28. märtsil esietendub Viljandi kultuurikolledzhi tudengite esituses Molièreì "Tartuffe". Lav. K. Komissarov. 27. märtsil esietendub K. Teemuski "Kullaketrajad". 30. märtsist kuni 1. aprillini annab Ugalas külalisetendusi Oberhauseni teater Saksamaalt. Mängitakse G. Kreisleri "Täna õhtul : Lola Blau" ja G. Ravicchio ning N. DÌntrona "Robinson & Crusoe"

  6. 2013. aasta preemiate žürii kommentaar = Comments from 2013 annual prize panel of judges / Mait Väljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väljas, Mait


    Eesti kultuurkapitali aastapreemia 2013 Tartu Ülikooli Narva Kolledžile. Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali arhitektuuripreemia Viljandi Riigigümnaasiumile, arhitektuuri eripreemia Kukemõisa karjamõisale, sisearhitektuuripreemia Tallinna Ülikooli BFMi õppehoonele, maastikuarhitektuuripreemia Eesti Ajaloomuuseumi väliekspositsioonile "Klooga laager ja holokaust", innovatsioonipreemia Passion House moodulmajale, arhitektuurialase tegevuse preemia Triin Ojarile ja disainipreemia Matti Õunapuule roller Stigo eest

  7. Sajand eesti arhitektuuris - eneseotsingud 1920-1930 / Siim Sultson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sultson, Siim


    E. Habermanni ja H. Johansoni Riigikogu hoone ja ridamajad Kolde puiesteel, A. Perna projekteeritud ärimees Ivan Jegorovi maja Tallinnas Raekoja platsil, K. Burmani Pangapalee Viljandis, E. Habermanni paarismajad Kohtla-Järvel Siidisuka asulas, H. Johansoni ja E. Jacoby Advendi kirik Mere puiesteel ja eramud Tallinnas, A. Nürnbergi, E. von Wolffeldti ja O. Siinmaa supelusasutused Pärnus

  8. Muusika / DJ Pickney Tiger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DJ Pickney Tiger, pseud., 1970-


    Kontsertidest: rootsi rockansamblid Backyard Babies ja Bullet 10. dets. Tallinnas klubis Tapper, Tanel Padari ja The Sun heliplaadi "Here Comes The Sun" esitluskontsedid, Alina Rostovskaya & Jazzmobile 4. dets. Tallinnas Lindakivi kultuurikeskuses ja 5. dets. NO99 Jazziklubis, Dessert Time ja Gine Anderssen 8. dets. Viljandi Pärimusmuusika Aidas, inglise punkansambel Sham 69 4. dets. Pärnus Mai keskuse Rockiklubis

  9. Tegelikult olid pahad ju luterlased / Anti Selart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selart, Anti, 1973-


    Arvustus: Fabricius, Dionysius. Dionysius Fabriciuse, Viljandi kiriku praosti Liivimaa ajaloo lühiülevaade neljas osas aastast tuhat ükssada viiskümmend kaheksa kuni aastani 1610 = Dionysii Fabricii, Praepositi pontificii Felinensis, Livonicae historiae compendiosa series in quatuor digesta partes ab anno millesimo centesimo quinquagesimo octavo usque ad annum MDCX. [Tartu] : Johannes Esto Ühing, 2010

  10. Fellin Furniture - disainitud kasutamiseks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viljandis asuvast mööbliettevõttest Fellinn Furniture ja seal valmistatavast mööblist. Kollektsiooni algsed loojad on disainerid Sixten Heidmets ja Sirli Ehari. Disainis on kasutatud elemente, mis võimaldavad toodete väljanägemist kergesti muuta ja hõlpsasti ruumis paigutada. Valmistatakse ka uusi tooteid, mille disainimisele on kaasa aidanud kogu Fellin Furniture meeskond

  11. Tarptautinė konferencija "Biblioteka: informacija ir žinios kiekvienam" / Viktorija Pukėnaitė, Žydrė Vėtienė

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pukėnaitė, Viktorija


    Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühingu esindus osales 27.-28. aprillini Vilniuse parlamendis toimunud rahvusvahelisel konverentsil „Raamatukogu: teave ja teadmised kõigile“. Juuresolevatel fotodel Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühingu juhatuse esinaine Katre Riisalu ja Viljandi Linnaraamatukogu töötaja Veronika Raudsepp Linnupuu. Nr. 6 juttu Tallinna Keskraamatukogu esindaja Angelica Õunapuu ja Tartu Ülikooli esindaja Mai Põldaasa ettekannetest

  12. Wiiralt plaadiümbrisel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmus progerockansambli King Krimsoni praeguse trummari Pat Mastelotto ja Saksa multiinstrumentalisti Markus Reuteri kahemehebändi Tuner kolmas album "Müüt", mis on salvestatud möödunud aasta oktoobris Tallinnas, Tartus ja Viljandis Jazzkaare kontsertidel. Plaadi ümbrise kujunduses on baski päritolu disainer Ritxi Ostariz kasutanud mitmeid Eduard Wiiralti tuntud töid Kumu kogudest

  13. Tudengid mängivad Tallinna veekeskuses / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus, 1969-


    Teatrilabori ja Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia ühistöös valminud 7. lennu näitlejatudengite diplomilavastusest "Jean-Paul Marat' tagakiusamine ja tapmine Charentoni varjupaiga näitetrupi ettekandes härra de Sade'i juhtimisel". Saksa autori Peter Weissi näidendi lavastas Kati Kivitar. Juhendas õppejõud Peeter Raudsepp. Etendub Tallinnas Viru Inn veekeskuses

  14. Miks õpite eesti koolis ja kui hästi olete seal toime tulnud? / Daniil Savitski, Débora Brotous Alcázar, Maria Fessai, Julianna Vasilišin...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Tallinna 32. Keskkooli 11. klassi õpilane Daniil Savitski, Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasiumi 9. klassi õpilane Débora Brotous Alcázar, Tartu Descartes'i Lütseumi 12. klassi õpilane Maria Fessai, Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasiumi 3. klassi õpilane Maria Dolores Pérez Toribios ja Viljandi Paalalinna Gümnaasiumi 11. klassi õpilane Julianna Vasilišin

  15. Täna algavad "Noortebänd 2007" eelvoorud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Konkursi "Noortebänd 2007".piirkondlikest eelvoorudest: 8. veebr. Tallinnas Von Krahlis, 16. veebr. Tartu Sõbramajas, 23. veebr. Viljandi kultuurimajas, 1. märtsil Tallinnas Club Privés ja finaal 16. märtsil Tallinnas klubis Hollywood. Eelvoorude ja finaali lugusid saab kuulata ja hinnata ZEN-i kodulehel, info:

  16. Ökokunst Viljandi "Kiriküüdil" / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Lõppes seitsmes ökoteemaline "Kiriküüt". Ürituse organiseerijate eesotsas on pikemalt olnud Tiiu Männiste ja Mari Sobolev. Jakobsoni kuju juures kandsid kirikuõpetaja Mart Salumäe ja "Ugala" direktor Jaak Allik ette rühmituse VSN performance'i "Mulgi näide". Ökoloogiast

  17. 7. X avati Viljandis Kondase keskuses litograafianäitus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Litograafiakeskuse korraldatud näitusel tutvustatakse litograafiatehnikat ja selle ajaloolist arengut. Väljas on Pärnus 5.-25. IX Eesti I litograafiasümpoosioni raames toimunud näitustel "Old Stars" ja "Young Generation" eksponeeritud eesti graafikute litotehnikas teosed ning näituse koostajate Jaak Visnapi ja Kadri Alesmaa looming

  18. The Sommersdorf mummies-An interdisciplinary investigation on human remains from a 17th-19th century aristocratic crypt in southern Germany. (United States)

    Alterauge, Amelie; Kellinghaus, Manuel; Jackowski, Christian; Shved, Natallia; Rühli, Frank; Maixner, Frank; Zink, Albert; Rosendahl, Wilfried; Lösch, Sandra


    Sommersdorf Castle (Bavaria, Germany) is a medieval castle complex which has been inhabited by the aristocratic family von Crailsheim. The deceased were entombed in a crypt located in the parapets underneath the castle's church, resulting in mummification of the bodies. Based on the family chronicle and oral history, identities have been ascribed to the mummies. The aim of the study is therefore to test the accuracy of the historical records in comparison to archaeological, anthropological and genetic data. Today, the crypt houses eleven wooden coffins from the 17th to 19th century AD. In ten of these, mummified and scattered human remains were found. Archive records were studied in order to identify names, ancestry, titles, occupation, date of birth and death, and place of interment of the individuals. The coffins were visually inspected and dated by typo-chronology, and the mummified and scattered skeletal remains were subjected to a physical anthropological examination. In total, the crypt contains the remains of a minimum number of nine individuals, among them three adult males, five adult females and one infant. A detailed scientific examination, including prior conservation, ancient DNA analyses, and computed tomography (CT), was performed on five mummies. By means of the CT data age at death, sex, body height, pathologies, and anatomical variants were investigated. CT analysis further showed that the bodies were naturally mummified. Mitochondrial DNA analyses revealed that the tested individuals are not maternally related. In addition, health, living conditions and circumstances of death of the entombed individuals could be highlighted. Being confronted with the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of each methodological approach, probable identification was achieved in two cases.

  19. The Antiaircraft Journal. Volume 92, Number 4, July-August 1949 (United States)


    in Pittsburgh, Union- town, Johnstown, Altoona, Greensburg, Butler, New Castle, Sharon and Erie. Propaganda broadcasts began, adding to the panic and...Altoona, Johnstown, \\Vashington, Beaver Falls, New Castle, Sharon , Butler, and DuBois. Others blew up tele- phone exchanges, power stations and bridges. 1...5.00 Omaha Beachhead fWD Historical) .. _ . _. _ ’" 1.75 Purple Heart Valrey ( Bourke -White) 3.00 Saint lo (Official) 1.25 Salerno (Official) 60 The

  20. Viljandi mõisa aida kohandamine Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskuseks = Renovation of the Viljandi manor's storehouse into the Estonian Traditional Music Centre / Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutso, Margit, 1966-


    Hoone arhitektuuriajaloolised eritingimused koostas Anne Lass, arhitekt on Raivo Mämdmaa, sisearhitekt Kersti Leinbock, konstruktor Hans Priks, sepiste autor Heigo Jelle. Hoonel on klaasist juurdeehitis. Žürii hinnang kultuurkapitali aastapreemiale esitatud sisekujundusele

  1. Order Aggressiveness and Order Book Dynamics


    Anthony D. Hall; Nikolaus Hautsch


    In this paper, we study the determinants of order aggressiveness and traders' order submission strategy in an open limit order book market. Using order book data from the Australian Stock Exchange, we model traders' aggressiveness in market trading, limit order trading as well as in order cancellations on both sides of the market using a six-dimensional autoregressive intensity model. The information revealed by the open order book plays an important role in explaining the degree of order agg...

  2. Dal castrum altomedievale al restauro settecentesco: storia e archeologia del castello di Sorrivoli (Roncofreddo - FC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fiorini, Andrea


    Full Text Available The methods and tools used to determine the history of construction and building techniques of the castle of Sorrivoli (Roncofreddo - FC are here described. This is a research project carried out within a study coordinated by the teaching of Medieval Archaeology (University of Bologna, which has the purpose of conducting a census of all the medieval castles in Romagna. There is certain news from the tenth century concerning the castle to be studied. However, the investigations have shown that the standing preserved structures must be dated from the fourteenth century onwards. The system of photogrammetric survey of the walls and the technique of threedimensional modelling of the structures are here described. An extended part of this paper is also devoted to results of stratigraphic, typological, geological, metrological and comparative mensio-cronological analysis.No disponible

  3. Order aggressiveness and order book dynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hall, Anthony D.; Hautsch, Nikolaus


    In this paper, we study the determinants of order aggressiveness and traders’ order submission strategy in an open limit order book market. Applying an order classification scheme, we model the most aggressive market orders, limit orders as well as cancellations on both sides of the market...... employing a six-dimensional autoregressive conditional intensity model. Using order book data from the Australian Stock Exchange, we find that market depth, the queued volume, the bid-ask spread, recent volatility, as well as recent changes in both the order flow and the price play an important role...... in explaining the determinants of order aggressiveness. Overall, our empirical results broadly confirm theoretical predictions on limit order book trading. However, we also find evidence for behavior that can be attributed to particular liquidity and volatility effects...

  4. Limerick, City and County



    Postcard. Colour drawings of maps of Limerick city and county and Foynes - transatlantic air base flying boat, Dromore Castle, Glenstal Abbey, Ardagh Chalice, Askeaton; the Abbey, Gate Loge Adare Manor, Newcastlewest, King John's Castle, St. Mary's Cathedral (Church of Ireland), The Old Custom House, The Hunt Museum, The Old Mill and Bridge croom, The Coll (de Valera) Cottage Buree, Town Gate Kilmallock, Lough Gur Interpretive Centre, Hospital Ancient hostelry and The Treaty Stone. Copyright ...

  5. Kadriorg laristab / Karoliina Vasli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vasli, Karoliina


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves kutsus majandusteemalises läkituses videoportaalis YouTube üles kulude kärpimisele. Presidendi kantselei maksis töötajatele peaaegu 700 000 krooni preemiat. Arvamust avaldavad Riigikogu rahanduskomisjoni esimees Jürgen Ligi, Viljandi aktsiaseltsi Kolmeks tegevjuht Leho Haldna ja Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliidu juht Harri Taliga. Vt. ka repliik lk. 10: Uudam, Laur. Kadrioru preemiasadu

  6. Süvamuusika suvi 1998 lööb esmakordselt üle Eesti poptuurid : Tippkülaline on sajandi juhthelilooja Krzysztos Penderecki / Heili Vaus-Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaus-Tamm, Heili, 1961-


    Suvemuusikaürituste loetelu ja toimumise ajad : Niguliste suvemuusika. Kaarli kiriku festival. Haapsalu vanamuusikafestival'98. David Oistrahhi festival. Pärnu Ooper. Seitsme linna muusika. Tartu Jazz' 98. Summertime-Pärnu. Mustjala muusikafestival. Viljandi pärimusmuusika festival'98. Tallinna orelifestival. Rapla Kirikumuusika Festival. Pärnu raemuusika festival. Kuressaare IV kammermuusikapäevad. Tallinna suvemuusika festival. Tamula järvemuusika 1998. Sangaste lossi stiilipidu

  7. Loits skandaalitses gaalal. Sparks Rabarockil. Pärimusmuusika Ait

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pärnu Kontserdimajas Eesti muusikaauhindade galal üle astunud rockansambel Loits röövis koostöös kultuskirjaniku Sven Kivisildnikuga aasta metal/punk-artisti auhinna, mis pidi minema industrial-metal-artistile Finish Me Off. Ameerika bänd Sparks 14. juunil Järvakandis Rabarockil. Viljandis Tasuja pst.6 avati Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskuse uus kodu - Pärimusmuusika Ait

  8. Kas õpetajad on teie kaudu tööd otsinud? / Natalija Gansen, Merit Laan, Ilmar Kütt... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad: Eesti töötukassa Tallinna ja Harjumaa osakonna teenusekonsultant Natalija Gansen, Eesti töötukassa Viljandimaa osakonna juhataja Merit Laan, Viljandi maavalitsuse haridus- ja sotsiaalosakonna juhataja Ilmar Kütt, CV-Online Estonia OÜ värbamisspetsialist Ivika Born, Lääne-Viru maavalitsuse haridus- ja sotsiaalosakonna vanemspetsialist Tiina Halling ja Valga maavalitsuse haridus- ja kultuuritalituse juhataja Kalle Vister

  9. Uuskasutus ja kompromissid / Triin Talk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talk, Triin


    Ajalooliste hoonete kasutuses hoidmisest, neile uue funktsiooni andmisest. Vana-Võidu mõisa karjakastellist, mis kohandati Viljandi Kutseõppekeskuse õppehooneks. OÜ Paalakalda korrastatud Pajusi mõisa kuivatist. Väimela mõisa lauta rajatud Võrumaa Kutsehariduskeskuse puidutöötlemise ja mööblitootmise kompetentsikeskusest. Mooste mõisa meiereisse rajatud tervisekeskusest. Olustvere mõisakompleksi meiereisse rajatud Olustvere Teenindus- ja Maamajanduskooli meemajast

  10. Me võime liigutada tooli / Kristina Pai

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pai, Kristina, 1967-


    Põhja- ja Baltimaade raamatukoguhoidjate kohtumisest 2013. aasta septembris Helsingis jagasid muljeid Toila raamatukogu juhataja Lea Rand, Viljandi Linnaraamatukogu lugemissaalide juhataja Veronika Raudsepp-Linnupuu, Lääne Maakonna Keskraamatukogu direktor Ilme Sepp, Võrumaa Keskraamatukogu direktor Inga Kuljus, ERÜ esimees Katre Riisalu, Tallinna Keskraamatukogu direktor Kaie Holm, Tartu Linnaraamatukogu spetsialist Maia Tammjärv, Lääne-Virumaa Keskraamatukogu direktor Kaili Õunapuu-Seidelberg

  11. 80 aastat tagasi : Veebruar 1927 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Kultuuri- ja muusikasündmustest: ajaloolisest üritusest 20. veebr. Estonia Kontserdisaalis, Palamuse kiriku uue kella pühitsemisest 20. veebr., Mozarti "Reekviemi" ettekandest Estonia kontserdisaalis, Tallinna Kaarli Lauluseltsi korralisest peakoosolekust 7. veebr., kontserdist Kaarli kirikus (esinesid organist Paul Pressnikoff, laulja Tenno Vironi ja tšellist Raimond Bööcke), kontserdist Viljandi Jaani kirikus (esinesid bassilaulja Hans Siimer ja organist Elmar Rossman)

  12. Screening for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (United States)

    Dr. Philip Castle is a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y., USA and the CEO and Co-Founder of the Global Coalition Against Cervical Cancer (Arlington, VA, USA). He is also a Visiting Professor at the Cancer Institute/Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College in Beijing, P.R. China and was Honorary Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Previously, Dr. Castle was the Chief Scientific Officer of the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) (2011-2). He was a Senior, Tenured Investigator (2010-11) and Tenure-Track Investigator (2003-10) in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) at the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI). He received his Ph.D. in Biophysics in 1995 and M.P.H. in Epidemiology in 2000 from the Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Castle regularly participates in the development of national and international guidelines for cervical cancer prevention. Dr. Castle serves as a consultant for several countries, including Nicaragua, Norway, and Australia, on the development of national cervical cancer prevention programs and is participating in/consulting on pilot/demonstration projects in El Salvador and Botswana. He was recently a member of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection and Prevention (NBCCEDP) Advisory Committee. Dr. Castle is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP). He serves as steering committee member of the American Society for Clinical Oncology’s Cervical Cancer Resource Stratified Secondary Prevention Guideline Panel. For his work in cervical cancer prevention, Dr. Castle has received (1) An EUROGIN Distinguished Service Award (2006); (2) a NIH Merit Award for introduction of HPV testing into low-resource settings in the U.S. (2007); (3) a

  13. Identification, Characterization and Clinical Development of the New Generation of Breast Cancer Susceptibility Alleles (United States)


    Nature. 446: 316-319. Ip SC et al (2008). Identification of Holliday junction resolvases from humans and yeast . Nature, 456: 357-361. Kwon JS...A. Brady, N. Bradshaw, C. Brewer , G. Brice, B. Bullman, J. Campbell, B. Castle, R. Cetnarsryj, C. Chapman, C. Chu, N. Coates, T. Cole, R. Davidson...A. Brady, N. Bradshaw, C. Brewer , G. Brice, B. Bullman, J. Campbell, B. Castle, R. Cetnarsryj, C. Chapman, C. Chu, N. Coates, T. Cole, R. Davidson, A

  14. Staircases, Towers, and Castles (United States)

    Kara, Melike; Eames, Cheryl L.; Miller, Amanda L.; Chieu, Annie


    The very nature of algebra concerns the generalization of patterns (Lee 1996). Patterning activities that are geometric in nature can serve as powerful contexts that engage students in algebraic thinking and visually support them in constructing a variety of generalizations and justifications (e.g., Healy and Hoyles 1999; Lannin 2005). In this…

  15. An estimate by two methods of thyroid absorbed doses due to BRAVO fallout in several Northern Marshall Islands. (United States)

    Musolino, S V; Greenhouse, N A; Hull, A P


    Estimates of the thyroid absorbed doses due to fallout originating from the 1 March 1954 BRAVO thermonuclear test on Bikini Atoll have been made for several inhabited locations in the Northern Marshall Islands. Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik and Ailinginae Atolls were also inhabited on 1 March 1954, where retrospective thyroid absorbed doses have previously been reconstructed. The current estimates are based primarily on external exposure data, which were recorded shortly after each nuclear test in the Castle Series, and secondarily on soil concentrations of 137Cs in samples collected in 1978 and 1988, along with aerial monitoring done in 1978. The external exposures and 137Cs soil concentrations were representative of the atmospheric transport and deposition patterns of the entire Castle Series tests and show that the BRAVO test was the major contributor to fallout exposure during the Castle series and other test series which were carried out in the Marshall Islands. These data have been used as surrogates for fission product radioiodines and telluriums in order to estimate the range of thyroid absorbed doses that may have occurred throughout the Marshall Islands. Dosimetry based on these two sets of estimates agreed within a factor of 4 at the locations where BRAVO was the dominant contributor to the total exposure and deposition. Both methods indicate that thyroid absorbed doses in the range of 1 Gy (100 rad) may have been incurred in some of the northern locations, whereas the doses at southern locations did not significantly exceed levels comparable to those from worldwide fallout. The results of these estimates indicate that a systematic medical survey for thyroid disease should be conducted, and that a more definitive dose reconstruction should be made for all the populated atolls and islands in the Northern Marshall Islands beyond Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik and Ailinginae, which were significantly contaminated by BRAVO fallout.

  16. An estimate by two methods of thyroid absorbed doses due to BRAVO fallout in several northern Marshall Islands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musolino, S.V.; Hull, A.P.; Greenhouse, N.A.


    Estimates of the thyroid absorbed doses due to fallout originating from the 1 March 1954 BRAVO thermonuclear test on Bikini Atoll have been made for several inhabited locations in the Northern Marshall Islands. Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik and Ailinginae Atolls were also inhabited on 1 March 1954, where retrospective thyroid absorbed doses have previously been reconstructed. Current estimates are based primarily on external exposure data, which were recorded shortly after each nuclear test in the Castle Series, and secondarily on soil concentrations of 137 Cs in samples collected in 1978 and 1988, along with aerial monitoring done in 1978. External exposures and 137 Cs Soil concentrations were representative of the atmospheric transport and deposition patterns of the entire Castle Series tests and show that the BRAVO test was the major contributor to fallout exposure during the Castle series and other test series which were carried out in the Marshall Islands. These data have been used as surrogates for fission product radioiodines and telluriums in order to estimate the range of thyroid absorbed doses that may have occurred throughout the Marshall Islands. Dosimetry based on these two sets of estimates agreed within a factor of 4 at the locations where BRAVO was the dominant contributor to the total exposure and deposition. Both methods indicate that thyroid absorbed doses in the range of 1 Gy (100 rad) may have been incurred in some of the northern locations, whereas the doses at southern locations did not significantly exceed levels comparable to those from worldwide fallout. The results of these estimates indicate that a systematic medical survey for thyroid disease should be conducted, and that a more definitive dose reconstruction should be made for all the populated atolls and islands in the Northern Marshall Islands beyond Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik and Ailinginae, which were significantly contaminated by BRAVO fallout. 30 refs., 2 figs., 10 tabs

  17. Bastions of Mechanism, Castles Built on Sand: A Critique of Schooling from an Ecological Perspective (United States)

    Steen, Sandy


    The realization of the goals of environmental education may involve a critique and transformation of the dominant model of schooling. Specifically, a greater emphasis on second-order change is necessary in order to address the mechanistic structures and dynamics of schooling that may frustrate environmental education. Several of the mechanistic…

  18. Default settings of computerized physician order entry system order sets drive ordering habits. (United States)

    Olson, Jordan; Hollenbeak, Christopher; Donaldson, Keri; Abendroth, Thomas; Castellani, William


    Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems are quickly becoming ubiquitous, and groups of orders ("order sets") to allow for easy order input are a common feature. This provides a streamlined mechanism to view, modify, and place groups of related orders. This often serves as an electronic equivalent of a specialty requisition. A characteristic, of these order sets is that specific orders can be predetermined to be "preselected" or "defaulted-on" whenever the order set is used while others are "optional" or "defaulted-off" (though there is typically the option is to "deselect" defaulted-on tests in a given situation). While it seems intuitive that the defaults in an order set are often accepted, additional study is required to understand the impact of these "default" settings in an order set on ordering habits. This study set out to quantify the effect of changing the default settings of an order set. For quality improvement purposes, order sets dealing with transfusions were recently reviewed and modified to improve monitoring of outcome. Initially, the order for posttransfusion hematocrits and platelet count had the default setting changed from "optional" to "preselected." The default settings for platelet count was later changed back to "optional," allowing for a natural experiment to study the effect of the default selections of an order set on clinician ordering habits. Posttransfusion hematocrit values were ordered for 8.3% of red cell transfusions when the default order set selection was "off" and for 57.4% of transfusions when the default selection was "preselected" (P default order set selection was "optional," increased to 59.4% when the default was changed to "preselected" (P default selection was returned to "optional." The posttransfusion platelet count rates during the two "optional" periods: 7.0% versus 7.5% - were not statistically different (P = 0.620). Default settings in CPOE order sets can significantly influence physician selection of

  19. Marketing středověkého hradu ve 21. století


    Mendlová, Hana


    This master's thesis deals with marketing of the historical monument, specifically private castle Horní hrad. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to theoretical background as marketing, marketing mix of historical monuments and enterprise in the field of culture. The practical part deals with past and present of Horní hrad castle. Afterwards the thesis analyses the elements of marketing mix. Based on the information from this part of the thesis and information from mar...

  20. High radiofrequency radiation at Stockholm Old Town: An exposimeter study including the Royal Castle, Supreme Court, three major squares and the Swedish Parliament (United States)

    Hardell, Lennart; Carlberg, Michael; Koppel, Tarmo; Hedendahl, Lena


    Exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation was classified as a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer at WHO in 2011. The exposure pattern is changing due to the rapid development of technology. Outdoor RF radiation level was measured during five tours in Stockholm Old Town in April, 2016 using the EME Spy 200 exposimeter with 20 predefined frequencies. The results were based on 10,437 samples in total. The mean level of the total RF radiation was 4,293 µW/m2 (0.4293 µW/cm2). The highest mean levels were obtained for global system for mobile communications (GSM) + universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) 900 downlink and long-term evolution (LTE) 2600 downlink (1,558 and 1,265 µW/m2, respectively). The town squares displayed highest total mean levels, with the example of Järntorget square with 24,277 µW/m2 (min 257, max 173,302 µW/m2). These results were in large contrast to areas with lowest total exposure, such as the Supreme Court, with a mean level of 404 µW/m2 (min 20.4, max 4,088 µW/m2). In addition, measurements in the streets surrounding the Royal Castle were lower than the total for the Old Town, with a mean of 756 µW/m2 (min 0.3, max 50,967 µW/m2). The BioInitiative 2012 Report defined the scientific benchmark for possible health risks as 30–60 µW/m2. Our results of outdoor RF radiation exposure at Stockholm Old Town are significantly above that level. The mean exposure level at Järntorget square was 405-fold higher than 60 µW/m2. Our results were below the reference level on 10,000,000 µW/m2 established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which, however, are less credible, as they do not take non-thermal effects into consideration and are not based on sound scientific evaluation. Our highest measured mean level at Järntorget was 0.24% of the ICNIRP level. A number of studies have found adverse, non-thermal (no measurable temperature

  1. High radiofrequency radiation at Stockholm Old Town: An exposimeter study including the Royal Castle, Supreme Court, three major squares and the Swedish Parliament. (United States)

    Hardell, Lennart; Carlberg, Michael; Koppel, Tarmo; Hedendahl, Lena


    Exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation was classified as a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer at WHO in 2011. The exposure pattern is changing due to the rapid development of technology. Outdoor RF radiation level was measured during five tours in Stockholm Old Town in April, 2016 using the EME Spy 200 exposimeter with 20 predefined frequencies. The results were based on 10,437 samples in total. The mean level of the total RF radiation was 4,293 µW/m 2 (0.4293 µW/cm 2 ). The highest mean levels were obtained for global system for mobile communications (GSM) + universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) 900 downlink and long-term evolution (LTE) 2600 downlink (1,558 and 1,265 µW/m 2 , respectively). The town squares displayed highest total mean levels, with the example of Järntorget square with 24,277 µW/m 2 (min 257, max 173,302 µW/m 2 ). These results were in large contrast to areas with lowest total exposure, such as the Supreme Court, with a mean level of 404 µW/m 2 (min 20.4, max 4,088 µW/m 2 ). In addition, measurements in the streets surrounding the Royal Castle were lower than the total for the Old Town, with a mean of 756 µW/m 2 (min 0.3, max 50,967 µW/m 2 ). The BioInitiative 2012 Report defined the scientific benchmark for possible health risks as 30-60 µW/m 2 . Our results of outdoor RF radiation exposure at Stockholm Old Town are significantly above that level. The mean exposure level at Järntorget square was 405-fold higher than 60 µW/m 2 . Our results were below the reference level on 10,000,000 µW/m 2 established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which, however, are less credible, as they do not take non-thermal effects into consideration and are not based on sound scientific evaluation. Our highest measured mean level at Järntorget was 0.24% of the ICNIRP level. A number of studies have found adverse, non-thermal (no measurable

  2. Maalikunstnike Liidu aastanäituste sari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    "Nature morte" 2.-30. VI Kohtla-Järve Põlevkivimuuseumis (L. Sillak). "Chart" Tallinna Hobusepea galeriis 9. VII-4. VIII (E. Kard). "Lõuna-Eesti maastikud" Viljandi Linnagaleriis 7. VIII-12. IX (J. Elken). "Hiiu märk" Kärdla kultuurikeskuse galeriis 12. VII-17. VIII (A. Koort). "Ma olen käinud New Yorgis" Pärnu Linnagaleriis 11. XII 2003-4. I 2004 (E. Kasemets). Registreerimise tähtajad

  3. Eesti Maalikunstnike Liidu aastanäituste sari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    "Nature morte" 2.-30. VI Kohtla-Järve Põlevkivimuuseumis (kuraator Lauri Sillak). "Chart" Tallinna Hobusepea galeriis 9. VII-4. VIII (Elin Kard). "Lõuna-Eesti maastikud" Viljandi Linnagaleriis 7. VIII-12. IX (Jaan Elken). "Hiiu märk" Kärdla kultuurikeskuse galeriis 12. VII-17. VIII (Andres Koort). "Ma olen käinud New Yorgis" Pärnu Linnagaleriis 11. XII 2003-4. I 2004 (Erki Kasemets). Registreerimise tähtajad

  4. Uudised : Ilmub eesti kammermuusika album. RAM ja Jaan-Eik Tulve. TÜ naiskoor 55 / Joosep Sang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sang, Joosep


    ER poolt välja antud eesti kammermuusika albumist "Significatio", mille esitlus toimub 17. märtsil Assauwe tornis. 11. märtsil Pärnus ja 15. märtsil Viljandis toimunud RAMi kontsertidest, juhatas J.-E. Tulve. 4. märtsil alustas TÜ naiskoor oma 55. sünnipäevale pühendatud kontserdiseeriat. Ilmus ka naiskoori esimene CD-plaat "Tähemõrsja", millel V. Tormise naiskoorimuusika

  5. Teater

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    20. märtsil tähistas rahvusvaheline laste- ja noorteteatreid ühendav organisatsioon ASSITEJ ülemaailmset laste- ja noorteteatrite päeva. ASSITEJ Eesti Keskus ühendab kuut professionaalset eesti- ja venekeelset lasteteatrit (VAT Teater, Jõhvi Tuuleveski, Narva teater Ilmarine, Eesti Riiklik Nukuteater, Viljandi Nukuteater). 25.-29. III külastab ASSITEJ Eesti delegatsioon koosseisus K. Nielsen ja A. Toikka Walesi rahvusvahelist laste- ja noorteteatrite festivali "Opening Doors"

  6. Tartu maalikoolkonna entusiastlik väljendus (1962-1985) / Krista Sõster

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sõster, Krista


    Vaadeldakse Tartu professionaalsete maalikunstnike veidi tähelepanuta jäänud monumentaalteoseid. Detailsemalt on kirjeldatud Lagle Israeli merekividest mosaiikpannoosid "Eestlaste muistne tähistaevas" (1962-1964) Tõravere observatooriumis ja "Viljandi ürgorg" (1968-1982) EPA-s, Ilmar Malini pannood "Strata vitae" (1970-1973) Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituudis ja "Lehed ajas" (1983) Tartu Postimehe toimetuses, Elmar Kitse segatehnikas sgrafiitopannood (1965) restoranis "Tarvas" ning ukraina kunstnik V. Tovtini mosaiikseina (1974) Tartu katseremonditehases

  7. Uued elamupiirkonnad / Lee Taal, Gea Velthut

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taal, Lee


    Lühiinfot: projektijuht, valmis elamud, infrastruktuur, arhitektuurne kontseptsioon, ehitajad, arhitektid jm. Maarjamäe elamupiirkond (AB Harmin, AB Urbel ja Peil, Alver Trummal Arhitektid), Vabaõhukooli tee asum (Künnapu & Padrik), Lepiku küla Kloostrimetsas /Lepiku Kinnisvarahooldus), Raudalu asum Viljandi mnt. ääres (R-Konsult, I. Raud), Kodu 2001 (Nordprojekt, Jaak Kruusmägi), Tiskre Haaberstis (Arhitektuuribüroo Alis), Randvere tee (Nordprojekt), Veskimöldre (Koot ja Koot).

  8. Islandi "Valgete ööde pulmad" avavad Rubiinis Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus, 1969-


    Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali filmiprogramm avatakse Viljandis Islandi filmiga "Valgete ööde pulmad", režissöör Baltasar Kormakur. Veel saab näha Albaania režissööri Besnik Bisha filmi "Mao Tse Tung", belgia noortefilmi "Ben X", režissöör Nic Baltazar ja Brasiilia muusikalist draamat "Vaata vaid!" ("O Pai O"), režissöör Monique Gardenberg

  9. Raamatukogunduse õpetamine Tartus / Krista Lepik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lepik, Krista, 1979-


    Muutustest, mis on infokorralduse, kuid eeskätt just raamatukogunduse õpetamisel pärast Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia infohariduse osakonna kolimist Tartusse. Näiteks on alus pandud oma nn digilaborile, kus infokorralduse üliõpilastel on võimalik kohapeal praktiseerida digiteerimisega seotud protsesse. Loodud on SAMM ehk sotsiaalse analüüsi meetodite ja metodoloogia õpibaas, mis on üliõpilaste uurimistööd toetav keskkond

  10. Kultuurisuvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Muusikasündmuste kava: 1. juuni-31. aug. Nargen Festival, 15.-16. juuni festival Rabarock, 16.-23. juuni Suure-Jaani muusikafestival, 29. juuni-1. juuli X Noorte laulu- ja tantsupidu "Ilmapuu lävel", 6. juuli-9.aug. festival "Klaaspärlimäng", 26.-28. juuli Kuressaare Ooperipäevad, 26.-29. juuli XV Viljandi Pärimusmuusike Festival, 10.-18. aug. Leigo Järvemuusika, 10.-19. aug. Brigitta Festival

  11. Põlvkondade triloogia Von Krahli teatris / Hedi-Liis Toome

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toome, Hedi-Liis


    Von Krahli teatri lavastustest: William Shakespeare "Kuningas Lear", mängib Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia 8. lend, lavastaja Peeter Jalakas (esietendus 30. jaan. 2010); "The End" - autorid, lavastajad ja näitlejad: Mari Abel, Tiina Tauraite, Riina Maidre, Erki Laur, Taavi Eelmaa, Juhan Ulfsak (esietendus 19. märts 2010); "Mehed lumes" Peter Freucheni jutustuse "Olavi lugu" ainetel lavastanud Mart Koldits ja Kristjan Sarv, kes ka ise mängivad (17. aprill 2010)

  12. The Relation of Heart and Mind in The Asian Societies Reasoning heart: The Case of Yunus Emre




    This article, considers thatthe relation of heart and mind in the Asian Societies. Theheart as the center of ıntuition and the mind as the emperor of the castle of body. YunusEmre describes the heart as “the throne of God” whereas he refers to heart as the center ofthe Divine Light, mysteries, the wisdom and knowledge. Whereas the mind is the emperorof the castle of body, the heart is like a treasure between the mind and the body. Thistreasure opens up with the power of love. When the heart i...

  13. Control device intended for a gamma radiation measuring instrument

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This invention concerns a monitoring device for a gamma radiation measuring instrument or radiation meter, in which the radiation to be measured brings about, inter alia, the ionisation of a gas and the generation of current pulses. The dial of this meter is generally calibrated in roentgens per hour, i.e. in radiation rate units. This instrument of very simple design is remarkable for its operating reliability. Preferably placed at the inlet to a radioactive area, it enables every user of a ratemeter to check, over the entire measuring range of this instrument, its proper operation prior to entering the area. To this effect, the monitoring device in question has a thick wall lead castle, having an internal cavity in which is mounted a radioactive source delivering a gamma radiation with given constant characteristics, through a measurement window closed by a calibrated plug. Lead doors articulated on the castle can be superimposed on this window to bring about a given attenuation of the radiation coming from the source and delivered to the exterior of the castle [fr

  14. Kui vana on kunstnik? / Anneli Porri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Porri, Anneli, 1980-


    Rahvusvahelise kunstihariduse konverentsi "InSea on Sea" raames Kunstiakadeemia galeriis Karin Laansoo kureeritud Tallinna Kunstikooli õpilaste tööde näitus "MÄRKmed", Draakoni galeriis Mari Sobolevi kureeritud Viljandi Maagümnaasiumi kunstistuudio näitus "Sisseastumiseksam maailma", rahvusraamatukogus Anneli Porri kureeritud näitus "Kokkuvõte" EKA tänavuste lõpetajate töödest ja näitus "Leitud tagahoovist", Kullo galeriis rahvusvaheline näitus "Dialoog erinevuste vahel"

  15. Rock'n'roll'i hotellipidaja / Ants Johanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Johanson, Ants, 1962-


    Ansamblist Rock Hotel (ansambli 30. sünnipäeva tähistamise juubelikontsertdid toimuvad 14. okt. Pärnu Endla teatris, 15. okt. Rakvere Teatris, 16. okt. Viljandi Pärimusmuusika Aidas, 17. okt. Paide kultuurikeskuses, 18. okt. Võru kultuurimajas Kannel, 19. okt. Vanemuise väikeses majas ja 20. okt. Vene Teatris, 9. okt. toimub Tallinnas Viru Keskuse kaupluses Rahva Raamat mälestusteraamatu "Aeg meid muutnud on? - Rock-Hotel 30" esitlus)

  16. 27. ja 28. IX toimus Narvas VII Eesti muuseumide näituste festival ja seminar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    I koha pälvis ERMi ja Adamson-Ericu muuseumi koostööprojekt "Viinapuuväät. Maasikakiri II" (kontseptsiooni ja haridusprogrammi autorid Vaike Reemann, Ülle Kruus, Kersti Koll ja Kai Tuvik, kujundaja Denes Farkas, monteerija Vahur Puik), II - Tartu Kunstimuuseumi näitus "Muuseum muuseumis" (kontseptsiooni autorid ja teostajad Ahti Seppet, Hannes Varblane), III - Viljandi muuseumi näitus "Rõõmud lumel ja jääl" (idee autor Herki Helves)

  17. Ott Puuraid 100 / Mart Kalm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalm, Mart, 1961-


    23. IV 2004. a. tähistati Viljandis kauaaegse linna peaarhitekti Ott Puuraiu (1904-1986) 100. sünniaastapäeva. Esinesid Mart Kalm, Ülo Stöör ja arhitekti tütar Meeli Roosalu. Kondase keskuses avati O. Puuraiu projektide näitus, mille koostas tema lapselaps, arhitekt Priit Roosalu, kes oli ka kataloogi koostanud. Näituse koostamisel olid abiks Anne Lass ja Tarmo Maiste. O Puuraiu elust ja loomingust

  18. Kuidas tähistame TÜ 375. aastapäeva? / Varje Sootak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sootak, Varje, 1946-


    TÜ 375. aastapäeva tähistamise ürituste seas ka kontserdid: 5. okt. Vanemuise kontserdimajas "Kuningas Gustavi gala" (esinevad ülikoori esinduskoorid koos Vanemuise Sümfooniaorkestriga ja Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia kultuurikollektiivid, sh. muusikud), 6. okt. AthenasTRÜ ansamblid Rajacas, Rentaablus, Meedium ja Fix, 3. sept. Raekoja platsil uue kooliaasta alguse kontsert, 5. okt. üliõpilasmajas heategevuskontsert, sept. lõpus esitavad ülikoolide koorid Tallinnas ja Pärnus Carl Orffi lavakantaadi "Carmina BUrana"

  19. Repeated detection of European bat lyssavirus type 2 in dead bats found at a single roost site in the UK. (United States)

    Banyard, Ashley C; Johnson, N; Voller, K; Hicks, D; Nunez, A; Hartley, M; Fooks, A R


    In August 2007, European bat lyssavirus type 2 (EBLV-2) was isolated from a Daubenton's bat found at Stokesay Castle. In September 2008, another bat from the same vicinity of Stokesay Castle also tested positive for EBLV-2. This is the first occurrence of repeated detection of EBLV-2 from a single site. Here, we report the detection of low levels of viral RNA in various bat organs by qRT-PCR and detection of viral antigen by immunohistochemistry. We also report sequence data from both cases and compare data with those derived from other EBLV-2 isolations in the UK.

  20. Ordered particles versus ordered pointers in the hybrid ordered plasma simulation (HOPS) code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, D.V.; Shumaker, D.E.


    From a computational standpoint, particle simulation calculations for plasmas have not adapted well to the transitions from scalar to vector processing nor from serial to parallel environments. They have suffered from inordinate and excessive accessing of computer memory and have been hobbled by relatively inefficient gather-scatter constructs resulting from the use of indirect indexing. Lastly, the many-to-one mapping characteristic of the deposition phase has made it difficult to perform this in parallel. The authors' code sorts and reorders the particles in a spatial order. This allows them to greatly reduce the memory references, to run in directly indexed vector mode, and to employ domain decomposition to achieve parallelization. The field model solves pre-maxwell equations by interatively implicit methods. The OSOP (Ordered Storage Ordered Processing) version of HOPS keeps the particle tables ordered by rebuilding them after each particle pushing phase. Alternatively, the RSOP (Random Storage Ordered Processing) version keeps a table of pointers ordered by rebuilding them. Although OSOP is somewhat faster than RSOP in tests on vector-parallel machines, it is not clear this advantage will carry over to massively parallel computers


    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security — Basemap datasets comprise six of the seven FGDC themes of geospatial data that are used by most GIS applications (Note: the seventh framework theme, orthographic...

  2. Certified higher-order recursive path ordering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koprowski, A.; Pfenning, F.


    The paper reports on a formalization of a proof of wellfoundedness of the higher-order recursive path ordering (HORPO) in the proof checker Coq. The development is axiom-free and fully constructive. Three substantive parts that could be used also in other developments are the formalizations of the

  3. Warehouse order-picking process. Order-picker routing problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. V. Korobkov


    Full Text Available This article continues “Warehouse order-picking process” cycle and describes order-picker routing sub-problem of a warehouse order-picking process. It draws analogies between the orderpickers’ routing problem and traveling salesman’s problem, shows differences between the standard problem statement of a traveling salesman and routing problem of warehouse orderpickers, and gives the particular Steiner’s problem statement of a traveling salesman.Warehouse layout with a typical order is represented by a graph, with some its vertices corresponding to mandatory order-picker’s visits and some other ones being noncompulsory. The paper describes an optimal Ratliff-Rosenthal algorithm to solve order-picker’s routing problem for the single-block warehouses, i.e. warehouses with only two crossing aisles, defines seven equivalent classes of partial routing sub-graphs and five transitions used to have an optimal routing sub-graph of a order-picker. An extension of optimal Ratliff-Rosenthal order-picker routing algorithm for multi-block warehouses is presented and also reasons for using the routing heuristics instead of exact optimal algorithms are given. The paper offers algorithmic description of the following seven routing heuristics: S-shaped, return, midpoint, largest gap, aisle-by-aisle, composite, and combined as well as modification of combined heuristics. The comparison of orderpicker routing heuristics for one- and two-block warehouses is to be described in the next article of the “Warehouse order-picking process” cycle.

  4. Villa Dollis sündis uus galerii / Aime Jõgi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgi, Aime, 1958-


    Pille Jüriso ja Jaanus Samma tööde näitus "Purskkaev ja rõdu" Noore Linna Galeriis Viljandis. Kunstnike siidimaalid ja graafikatööd on saanud inspiratsiooni Euroopa linnade tänava- ja pargivaadetest. Galerii asub Villa Dollis Jakobsoni tänav 8. Galerii juhid Kadri Hallik ja Antti Mäss näituste korraldamisest uues galeriis. Villa Dollist. Hoone kohta kommentaar Mehis Bornilt ja toimetajaveerg "Pärl ootab uut sündi" lk.2

  5. IKEA toob miljardi krooni eest tellimusi aastas / Liis Kängsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kängsepp, Liis, 1981-


    Mööbli- ja sisustuskontsern IKEA tellib Eesti tootjatelt allhanget umbes miljardi krooni eest aastas. Lisa: Wendre on suurim võitja; Eesti mööblitootjad tegid IKEAga koostööd juba stagnaajal; Kevadel algab koostöö Viljandi väikseima padjategijaga; Eestis valmistatud õue- ja teeküünlad jõuavad kodudesse üle maailma; Üle veerandi IKEA salvrättidest tuleb Kehrast. Vt. samas: Sirje Rank. IKEA jätkab jõudsalt kaubamajaketi laiendamist

  6. Mis tuleb

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    12. III avatakse Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseumi rohelises saalis Raine A. Sahrmani fotonäitus "Looduse värvid". Tartu, Tallinna ja Pärnu niplispitsi tegijate tööde näitus Tartumaa muuseumis kuni 15. III, 8. III töötuba, juhendab Angelika Nöps. 24. III avatakse Iisaku muuseumis põllenäitus, mille eksponaadid on pärit muuseumi kogudest ja eraisikutelt. 26. III avatakse Viljandi muuseumis näitus Hilja Rieti postkaartidest

  7. Karksi Peetri kirik tähistab sünnipäevi / Helika Gustavson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gustavson, Helika


    Karksi Peetri kirikus tähistatakse 30. mail 160 aasta möödumist oreli pühitsemisest, juulis või augustis 200 aastat oreliehitaja Ernst Carl Kessleri sünnist ja 8. aug. 145 aastat tema surmast, 3. sept. saab kirikuhoone 230aastaseks. Tähtpäevi tähistatakse väikese kontsertide ja ettekannete sarjaga. Taani organistist Hans Christian Heinist (kontserdid 30. mail KArksi Peetri kirikus, 31. mail Viljandi Pauluse kirikus ja 1. juunil Kõpu kirikus)

  8. ‘I can touch him now’: Harry Potter as a Gothic Narrative of Trauma and Homoerotic Sexual Abuse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Sanna


    Forbidden Forest inhabited by many dangerous and lethal creatures in The Philosopher’s Stone; the mysterious and hidden chamber under the Hogwarts castle within which a frightening and monstrous horror resides in The Chamber of Secrets; the low and narrow secret passages leading out of the castle in The Prisoner of Azkaban; the dark and overgrown graveyard in The Goblet of Fire; the labyrinthic corridors of the Department of Mysteries in The Order of the Phoenix, full of rooms which are actually laboratories where dangerous experiments unknown to the community at large take place; and the frightening cave containing a lake which hides an army of zombies in The Half-Blood Prince. As Anne Hiebert Alton has recognized, the use of such Gothic elements “leads to an atmosphere that tends to be frightening” and thus further stimulates suspense in the reader (203. For example, the tunnel under the castle – a location which itself has been the proper setting for Gothic narratives since Horace Walpole’s 1764 The Castle of Otranto – leading Harry and Ron to the Chamber of Secrets in the second volume of the series is depicted as

  9. Order Quantity Distributions in Make-to-Order Manufacturing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Poul Svante; Nielsen, Peter


    and control with a special emphasis on the make-to-order environment is presented. A methodological framework for analyzing the behavior of orders and investigate the validity of the assumptions is given. Furthermore, an analytical approach to identify the horizon needed for aggregating orders to achieve...

  10. Order information and free recall: evaluating the item-order hypothesis. (United States)

    Mulligan, Neil W; Lozito, Jeffrey P


    The item-order hypothesis proposes that order information plays an important role in recall from long-term memory, and it is commonly used to account for the moderating effects of experimental design in memory research. Recent research (Engelkamp, Jahn, & Seiler, 2003; McDaniel, DeLosh, & Merritt, 2000) raises questions about the assumptions underlying the item-order hypothesis. Four experiments tested these assumptions by examining the relationship between free recall and order memory for lists of varying length (8, 16, or 24 unrelated words or pictures). Some groups were given standard free-recall instructions, other groups were explicitly instructed to use order information in free recall, and other groups were given free-recall tests intermixed with tests of order memory (order reconstruction). The results for short lists were consistent with the assumptions of the item-order account. For intermediate-length lists, explicit order instructions and intermixed order tests made recall more reliant on order information, but under standard conditions, order information played little role in recall. For long lists, there was little evidence that order information contributed to recall. In sum, the assumptions of the item-order account held for short lists, received mixed support with intermediate lists, and received no support for longer lists.

  11. Order-sorted Algebraic Specifications with Higher-order Functions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haxthausen, Anne Elisabeth


    This paper gives a proposal for how order-sorted algebraic specification languages can be extended with higher-order functions. The approach taken is a generalisation to the order-sorted case of an approach given by Mller, Tarlecki and Wirsing for the many-sorted case. The main idea in the proposal...

  12. Wetting transitions: First order or second order

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teletzke, G.F.; Scriven, L.E.; Davis, H.T.


    A generalization of Sullivan's recently proposed theory of the equilibrium contact angle, the angle at which a fluid interface meets a solid surface, is investigated. The generalized theory admits either a first-order or second-order transition from a nonzero contact angle to perfect wetting as a critical point is approached, in contrast to Sullivan's original theory, which predicts only a second-order transition. The predictions of this computationally convenient theory are in qualitative agreement with a more rigorous theory to be presented in a future publication

  13. Physics in Edinburgh: From Napier's Bones to Higgs's Boson (United States)

    Henry, John

    Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since 1437 and by any standards is a beautiful city. It makes an immediate impact upon the visitor because major aspects of its history are there for all to see in the general arrangement of the city, and in its buildings. The Castle, sitting on the prominent summit of one of the volcanic plugs that dominate the topography of the city, is a constant focus for the eye of the wandering tourist. From the Castle Esplanade a downward-sloping road running eastward forms the spine of the Old Town. This road is known to tourists as the Royal Mile, but it actually consists of three parts with separate names: the Lawnmarket, the High Street, and the Canongate. The eastern end of the Canongate culminates at the ruined Holyrood Abbey (granted a Royal Charter in 1124) and the adjacent Palace of Holyrood House, the principal residence of the Scottish monarch since the fifteenth century (although rumored to be the least favorite of the present queen’s residences), and now the new Scottish Parliament building (officially opened in 2004). It is a Royal Mile, then, because it stretches from Castle to Palace.

  14. Collector at the Crossroads. Jan Działyński and the Kórnik Collection of Works of Art in the Second Half of the 19th Century: An Exhibition between the Romantic Spirit of Patriotism and a Modern Scientific Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kłudkiewicz, Kamila


    Full Text Available In the second half of the 19th century, a tendency for a scientific approach to collecting became visible in Europe. Collectors established contacts with art experts and art researchers in order to assemble works of high class. A Polish aristocrat, Jan Działyński, presented a collection of works of art in a specially prepared castle room of his family estate in Kórnik. The exhibition of his collection bears features characteristic for a systematic and scientific approach to collecting; nevertheless, certain elements still testify to inspiration in Romantic collecting of national tokens, popular at the beginning of the 19thcentury in Poland.

  15. Ordered delinquency: the "effects" of birth order on delinquency. (United States)

    Cundiff, Patrick R


    Juvenile delinquency has long been associated with birth order in popular culture. While images of the middle child acting out for attention or the rebellious youngest child readily spring to mind, little research has attempted to explain why. Drawing from Adlerian birth order theory and Sulloway's born-to-rebel hypothesis, I examine the relationship between birth order and a variety of delinquent outcomes during adolescence. Following some recent research on birth order and intelligence, I use new methods that allow for the examination of between-individual and within-family differences to better address the potential spurious relationship. My findings suggest that contrary to popular belief, the relationship between birth order and delinquency is spurious. Specifically, I find that birth order effects on delinquency are spurious and largely products of the analytic methods used in previous tests of the relationship. The implications of this finding are discussed.

  16. Castles in the Air: Vision and Narrativity in Julien Green's Minuit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Ziegler


    Full Text Available One feature of Julien Green's 1936 novel Minuit is its examination ofthe problematical relationship between narrative discourse and its receiver. In the text, various characters act as narrators who order and assign a temporal structure to real or fictive events and rely on a narratee's receptivity to discover the meaning intended. In view of the attention accorded in the text to the process of story-telling, one may conclude that Green intended his work to interrogate the nature of its own narrativity. In addition, Green's character, the enigmatic Edme, is a mystic by reason of language, evoking through speech in himself and in others a glimpse of ineffable "truths." In him is resolved the apparently insoluble conflict between religious seeker and narrator-esthete, thus legitimizing the work of the novelist Green, "a mystic who never ceased to repress the language of the poet." What remains to be answered is whether Edme emerges as a simple illusionist-charlatan or whether he is given the role of a narrator who can speak a metaphysical language. The argument of this essay is that rehabilitating what for Green is the epistemological function of narrative does not depend on designating as real or unreal the world to which narrative alludes, but on establishing a pact between the receiver and sender of a message whose truth is irrelevant.

  17. Aggressive Orders and the Resiliency of a Limit Order Market

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Degryse, H.A.; de Jong, F.C.J.M.; van Ravenswaaij, M.; Wuyts, G.


    We analyze the resiliency of a pure limit order market for large and small capitalization stocks as well as stocks with different tick sizes.We explore the issue of resiliency by investigating the order flow around aggressive orders that move prices.The impact of aggressive orders is gauged in three

  18. First-order inflation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolb, E.W.


    In the original proposal, inflation occurred in the process of a strongly first-order phase transition. This model was soon demonstrated to be fatally flawed. Subsequent models for inflation involved phase transitions that were second-order, or perhaps weakly first-order; some even involved no phase transition at all. Recently the possibility of inflation during a strongly first-order phase transition has been reviewed. In this talk I will discuss some models for first-order inflation, and emphasize unique signatures that result if inflation is realized in a first-order transition. Before discussing first-order inflation, I will briefly review some of the history of inflation to demonstrate how first-order inflation differs from other models. (orig.)

  19. First-order inflation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolb, E.W.; Chicago Univ., IL


    In the original proposal, inflation occurred in the process of a strongly first-order phase transition. This model was soon demonstrated to be fatally flawed. Subsequent models for inflation involved phase transitions that were second-order, or perhaps weakly first-order; some even involved no phase transition at all. Recently the possibility of inflation during a strongly first-order phase transition has been revived. In this talk I will discuss some models for first-order inflation, and emphasize unique signatures that result in inflation is realized in a first-order transition. Before discussing first-order inflation, I will briefly review some of the history of inflation to demonstrate how first-order inflation differs from other models. 58 refs., 3 figs

  20. Saaremaa Fond turgutab õppureid / Aare Laine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laine, Aare, 1951-


    Saaremaa Fond andis kõrgkoolides häid õpitulemusi näidanud ja pere kõrvalt õppivatele tudengitele üle aastastipendiumid. Õppiva pere stipendium: Viljandi kultuuriakadeemias rahvuslikku käsitööd õppiv Alliki Oidekivi, Tallinna ülikoolis 2. kursusel kutsepedagoogikat õppiv Ahti Paju ning Tallinna ülikoolis magistriõppes haridustehnoloogiat õppiv Irena Sink. Peeter Palu nimeline stipendium: Eesti mereakadeemia tüürimehe eriala 2. kursuse tudengile Ott Kuusele. Tallinna Sadama nimelise stipendium: mereakadeemias tüürimehe eriala õppiv Dmitri Mišin

  1. Plaadid / Kaur Garshnek, Maris Meiesaar, Tiiu Laks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Kaur, 1983-


    Uutest heliplaatidest Holst Singers ja Stephen Layton, Stephen "Rockferry", Queens Of Stone Age "Era Vulgaris Tour Edition", "Crystal Castles", Operator Please "Yes Yes Vindictive", Morcheeba "Dive Deep"

  2. Attempt to generalize fractional-order electric elements to complex-order ones (United States)

    Si, Gangquan; Diao, Lijie; Zhu, Jianwei; Lei, Yuhang; Zhang, Yanbin


    The complex derivative {D}α +/- {{j}β }, with α, β \\in R+ is a generalization of the concept of integer derivative, where α=1, β=0. Fractional-order electric elements and circuits are becoming more and more attractive. In this paper, the complex-order electric elements concept is proposed for the first time, and the complex-order elements are modeled and analyzed. Some interesting phenomena are found that the real part of the order affects the phase of output signal, and the imaginary part affects the amplitude for both the complex-order capacitor and complex-order memristor. More interesting is that the complex-order capacitor can do well at the time of fitting electrochemistry impedance spectra. The complex-order memristor is also analyzed. The area inside the hysteresis loops increases with the increasing of the imaginary part of the order and decreases with the increasing of the real part. Some complex case of complex-order memristors hysteresis loops are analyzed at last, whose loop has touching points beyond the origin of the coordinate system.

  3. Introductory Overview of Stone Heritages in Japan (United States)

    Kato, Hirokazu; Oikawa, Teruki; Fujita, Masayo; Yokoyama, Shunji


    As one contribution to 'Global Heritage Stone Resources' (GHSR), some stone heritages in Japan, which are nominated in the interim list, are briefly introduced. The geology of Japanese Islands where are the one of the most active areas in the history of the Earth, is very complicated. Therefore Japanese Islands consist of various kinds of minerals and rocks. Some of them were used to make stone implements and accessories. Japanese people also used to the best possible advantage to built tombstone, gate, pavement ,and the basement and wall of the large building such as temples, shrines, castles and modern buildings. 1. Stone Heritages of Pre-historical age: In the late Pleistocene and the early Holocene, ancient Japanese used obsidian cooled rapidly from rhyolitic make small implements and accessories. For example, Shirataki, Hokkaido (north island) is the largest place producing obsidian in Japan where Paleolithic people made arrowhead, knives and so on. Another example, Jade yielded in Itoigawa City, Japan Sea coast of central Japan, was made in the metamorphic rock about five hundred million years ago. Itoigawa area is only one place where jade is abundantly produced in Japan. Ancient people had been already collected and processed to ornaments although it is very hard and traded in wide area more than several thousand years ago. 2. Stone Heritages of Historical age: 2.1 Archaeological remains: In the Kofun (old mound) period (250 to 538 AD), stone burial chambers were used for old mounds to preserve against the putrefaction and to protect from the theft. For example, Ishibutai Kofun ("ishi" means "stone" and "butai" means "stage") in Nara old capital city, southwest Japan, is the largest known megalithic structure made of granite in Japan. 2.2 Stone walls of some typical castles Stones used is because of not only the rich reserves of rocks but also restriction of transportation. Osaka (second biggest city) castle, are composed of Cretaceous granite

  4. Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Bolognesi


    Full Text Available The combined use of high-resolution digital images taken from ground as well as from RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems have significantly increased the potential of close range digital photogrammetry applications in Cultural Heritage surveying and modeling. It is in fact possible, thanks to SfM (Structure from Motion, to simultaneously process great numbers of aerial and terrestrial images for the production of a dense point cloud of an object. In order to analyze the accuracy of results, we started numerous tests based on the comparison between 3D digital models of a monumental complex realized by the integration of aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry and an accurate TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanner reference model of the same object. A lot of digital images of a renaissance castle, assumed as test site, have been taken both by ground level and by RPAS at different distances and flight altitudes and with different flight patterns. As first step of the experimentation, the images were previously processed with Agisoft PhotoScan, one of the most popular photogrammetric software. The comparison between the photogrammetric DSM of the monument and a TLS reference one was carried out by evaluating the average deviation between the points belonging to the two entities, both globally and locally, on individual façades and architectural elements (sections and particular. In this paper the results of the first test are presented. A good agreement between photogrammetric and TLS digital models of the castle is pointed out.

  5. Ordering within Moral Orders to Manage Classroom Trouble (United States)

    Doherty, Catherine; McGregor, Rowena; Shield, Paul


    This paper demonstrates how classroom trouble warranting teacher intervention can stem from transgressions in different layers of the complex moral order regulating classroom interactions. The paper builds from Durkheim's treatment of schooling as the institution responsible for the inculcation of a shared moral order, Bernstein's distinction…

  6. Ordered Delinquency: The “Effects” of Birth Order On Delinquency (United States)

    Cundiff, Patrick R.


    Juvenile delinquency has long been associated with birth order in popular culture. While images of the middle child acting out for attention or the rebellious youngest child readily spring to mind, little research has attempted to explain why. Drawing from Adlerian birth order theory and Sulloway's born to rebel hypothesis I examine the relationship between birth order and a variety of delinquent outcomes during adolescence. Following some recent research on birth order and intelligence, I use new methods that allow for the examination of both between-individual and within-family differences to better address the potential spurious relationship. My findings suggest that contrary to popular belief the relationship between birth order and delinquency is spurious. Specifically, I find that birth order effects on delinquency are spurious and largely products of the analytic methods used in previous tests of the relationship. The implications of this finding are discussed. PMID:23719623

  7. Talvest ärkav Cotswold / Virve Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Virve


    Ülevaade Kesk-Inglismaa silmapaistvatest aedadest: Sudeley Castle Garden, Burton House Garden, Batsford Arboretum & Garden Center, Sezincote Garden, Westbury Court Garden, Painswick Rococo Garden, Misarden Park Garden, Misarden Nursery

  8. Competition for order flow and smart order routing systems


    Foucault, Thierry; Menkveld, Albert


    We study changes in liquidity following the introduction of a new electronic limit order market when, prior to its introduction, trading is centralized in a single limit order market. We also study how automation of routing decisions and trading fees affect the relative liquidity of rival markets. The theoretical analysis yields three main predictions: (i) consolidated depth is larger in the multiple limit order markets environment, (ii) consolidated bid-ask spread is smaller in the multiple ...

  9. Limit-order book resiliency after effective market orders: spread, depth and intensity (United States)

    Xu, Hai-Chuan; Chen, Wei; Xiong, Xiong; Zhang, Wei; Zhou, Wei-Xing; Stanley, H. Eugene


    In order-driven markets, limit-order book (LOB) resiliency is an important microscopic indicator of market quality when the order book is hit by a liquidity shock and plays an essential role in the design of optimal submission strategies of large orders. However, the evolutionary behavior of LOB resilience around liquidity shocks is not well understood empirically. Using order flow data sets of Chinese stocks, we quantify and compare the LOB dynamics characterized by the bid-ask spread, the LOB depth and the order intensity surrounding effective market orders with different aggressiveness. We find that traders are more likely to submit effective market orders when the spreads are relatively low, the same-side depth is high, and the opposite-side depth is low. Such phenomenon is especially significant when the initial spread is 1 tick. Although the resiliency patterns show obvious diversity after different types of market orders, the spread and depth can return to the sample average within 20 best limit updates. The price resiliency behavior is dominant following aggressive market buy orders, while the price continuation behavior is dominant following less-aggressive market sell orders. Moreover, the resiliency stimulus of buy-sell shock is asymmetrical. The intensities of limit sell orders after market buy orders’ shock are always higher than the intensities of limit buy orders after market sell orders’ shock. The resiliency behavior of spread and depth is linked to limit order intensity.

  10. 77 FR 35424 - National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions (United States)


    ..., 12000376 COLORADO Huerfano County Montoya Ranch, 19176 CO 69, Farisita, 12000377 DELAWARE New Castle County... KANSAS Butler County Gish, Amos H., Building, 317 S. Main, Eldorado, 12000383 Dickinson County Gordon...

  11. Natural History of HPV and Cervical Cancer

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Dr. Phil Castle, an intramural research scientist at the National Institutes of Health, talks about the natural history of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, and cervical cancer and other anogenital cancers.

  12. Maaleht soovitab : Superstaarid esinevad Taskus. Monkist "Saaremaa valsini". Muusikapidu pärimusmuusika keskuses. Suvelõpupidu Marina külas. Hortus Musicus esineb Väravatornis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    18. sept. esinevad Tartus Tasku moe- ja vaba aja keskuses telekonkursil Eesti otsib Superstaari osalenud Jana Kask ja Arno Suislep ning saate "Kaks takti ette" võitja Margus Vaher. 18. sept. toimub Tallinna Kunstihoones kitarristide Tiit Pauluse ja Jaak Sooääre uue CD esitluskontsert. 19. sept. toimub Viljandi pärimusmuusika keskuses maailmamuusika-pidu. Suvelõpupeol 20. sept. Saarde vallas Grossi järve ääres Marina külas esinevad Virve Köster ja Audru Jõelaevanduse Punt. 20. sept. Tallinnas Väravatornis esineb vanamuusikaansambel Hortus Musicus

  13. Suvi tulvil festivale

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Suvel toimuvate musikafestivalide tutvustus: Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg (muusikafestival), Pärnu rahvusvaheline ooperimuusika festival 2005, Juu Jääb 2005 (retromuusikafestival), Suure-Jaani muusikapäevad 2005, Mravinski Festival 2005, Seitsme linna muusika 2005, Hiiumaa kammermuusikapäevad 2005, Saaremaa suvemuusikafestival 2005, David Oistrahhi festival 2005, Klaaspärlimäng (festival) 2005, Rapla kirikumuusika XIII festival 2005, Kuressaare ooperipäevad 2005, Pärnu ooperipäevad 2005, Tallinna XIX orelifestival, Haapsalu XII viiulimängud 2005, Viljandi vanamuusikafestival 2005, Kuressaare kammermuusikapäevad 2005, Haapsalu vanamuusikafestival 2005, Võru Muusikapäevad 2005

  14. Suvefestivalid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2006. aasta suvel toimuvatest muusikaüritustest: Heliloojatele Kappidele pühendatud IX Suure-Jaani Muusikafestival, Nissi suvemuusika, Seitsme Linna muusika, Klaaspärlimäng, Pärnu ooperipäevad 2006, Tallinna XX orelifestival, Mravinski Festival 2006, Andrew Lloyd Webberi galaõhtu, Juu Jääb 2006 (retromuusikafestival), David Oistrahhi festival 2006, Hiiumaa VIII kammermuusikapäevad 2006, Viljandi vanamuusikafestival 2006, Rapla kirikumuusika XIV festival 2006, Haapsalu XIII keelpillimuusika festival, Kuressaare ooperipäevad 2006, Birgitta festival 2006, Võru Vaskpillipäevad 2006, Tallinna Kammermuusika festival 2006

  15. Elukestva õppe strateegia / Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurak, Raivo


    Haridusministeeriumi eestvõttel on alustatud diskussioone Eestile elukestva õppe strateegia koostamiseks. Moodustatud komisjonis on juhtiv koht on koolitusfirmade assotsiatsiooni Andras juhatuse esimehel prof. T. Märjal ja prof. Ü. Vooglaiul. Komisjoni koosseisu kuuluvad veel: Eesti Vabaharidusliidu juhatuse esimees I. Eesmaa, Kõrgema Kommertskooli õppetoolijuhataja T. Elenurm, TPÜ akadeemiline prorektor L. Jõgi, Mainori Majanduskooli rektor P. Kross, haridusministeeriumi täiskasvanuhariduse talituse juhataja T. Ots, koolitusfirma Invicta juhatuse esimees M. Pärjamäe, Rocca al Mare Kooli juhataja H. Tamjärv, Viljandi Kultuurikolledži prof. R. Valgma jt.

  16. A Study of Osona's Medieval Castles


    Pessarrodona Silvestre, Laura


    Since ancient times, humans have been fascinated with past cultures. Unlike other material culture, getting hold of the architectural legacy of past civilizations is often difficult, as buildings have been demolished, build upon, repurposed or consumed by nature. Moreover, restoring the few historical buildings that have survived the passage of time is often an arduous and extremely expensive process. Computer- generated imagery offers a cost-effective alternative to look back at the past. Th...

  17. Hotel "Nagoya Castle", Japón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takenaka Komuten, Co. Ltd.


    Full Text Available This hotel has 254 rooms, of which 138 are single and 99 double bed rooms, and 9 rooms have twin beds. There are also 5 suites and 5 bedrooms in the Japanese style. It can accommodate in all 370 persons. Among its special facilities the following are noteworthy. A large dining hall, with room for 3 000 guests, this being the largest banquet hall in central Japan; a beautiful open air pool; a magnificent garden; and a parking site with space for 400 cars.Este hotel consta de 254 habitaciones, de ellas: 138 individuales, 99 dobles con una cama, 9 dobles con dos camas, 5 suites y 3 habitaciones ambientadas al estilo japonés. Tiene capacidad de alojamiento para 370 personas. Entre sus instalaciones especiales figuran: un gran salón de banquetes —para 3.000 comensales—, que es el mayor del Japón central; una bella piscina al aire libre; un magnífico jardín; y un estacionamiento con capacidad para aparcar 400 turismos.

  18. How many bricks in a castle?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clow, J.C.


    Although Congress' intent in enacting the Oil Prevention Act was close to the mark, the events surrounding the Exxon Valdez spill (and several others) drove legislators to construct a law which, itself, often runs aground, spilling quasi-regulatory language and requirements into an already complex sea of laws and regulations. This has caused more than minor difficulties among the Federal and state governments, industry, concerned citizens, and environmental groups. Areas of concern include: worst case discharge definitions; certificates of financial responsibility; natural resource damage assessments and non-use values; lack of Federal preemption; redundant regulatory requirements occasioned by overlapping areas of jurisdiction and turf concerns among the Federal and state spill response regulators; and lack of a mandate for regulators to use risk assessments and cost benefit analyses in developing economically feasible spill response regulations. Other problem areas exist, but it is not the intent of this paper to cast stones into the existing rainbow slick of regulations. What's done is done, and now there is a second wave of bricks in the air that must be addressed; these relate to hazardous substances and hazardous materials emergency response (E/R)

  19. OPERATION CASTLE. Radiological Safety. Volume 1 (United States)


    soil around ground zero and to fall-out. e. Pollcwing the detonation, personnel entering shot areas will be exposed to beta particles and gamma...rays coining from induced neutron activity in the soil and any fission products which might have been deposited on the ground. There may also be a...Oceanography, La Jolla, California; Health Diviaion, USL , Los Alaraos, and the laboratory record! of Task Unit 7* It is folt that this study may be

  20. Patterns of order processing : a study of the formalization of the ordering process in order-driven manufacturing companies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Welker, Geertruida Annigje


    It is essential for many order-driven manufacturing companies to be able to respond quickly to changing customer demand. In this respect, the ordering process plays a central role, as coordination between demand and production takes places within this process. The ordering process must contribute to

  1. Archeologický výzkum na hradě Lichnici (k.ú. Podhradí) v roce 2004

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Frolík, Jan


    Roč. 10, - (2006), s. 363-372 ISSN 1211-6831 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : castle * Middle Ages * Chrudim region * stonewall Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  2. Fractional-order devices

    CERN Document Server

    Biswas, Karabi; Caponetto, Riccardo; Mendes Lopes, António; Tenreiro Machado, José António


    This book focuses on two specific areas related to fractional order systems – the realization of physical devices characterized by non-integer order impedance, usually called fractional-order elements (FOEs); and the characterization of vegetable tissues via electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) – and provides readers with new tools for designing new types of integrated circuits. The majority of the book addresses FOEs. The interest in these topics is related to the need to produce “analogue” electronic devices characterized by non-integer order impedance, and to the characterization of natural phenomena, which are systems with memory or aftereffects and for which the fractional-order calculus tool is the ideal choice for analysis. FOEs represent the building blocks for designing and realizing analogue integrated electronic circuits, which the authors believe hold the potential for a wealth of mass-market applications. The freedom to choose either an integer- or non-integer-order analogue integrator...

  3. Eesti juurtega ameeriklane teeb filmi laulvast revolutsioonist / Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laev, Sigrid


    James Tusty ja tema abikaasa Maureen Castle teevad oma firmaga Mountain View Productions dokumentaalfilmi Eesti taasiseseisvumisest. Ameeriklaste kõrval on Eestist kaasprodutsendiks Artur Talvik. Filmi eelarve on üle 4 miljoni krooni

  4. Co je kostel? K počátkům šlechtických sídel českého středověku

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Laval, Filip


    Roč. 68, č. 1 (2016), s. 47-90 ISSN 0323-1267 Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : castle * church * castellum * tower * clan * familia * nobility * prince * king Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  5. Evropský zámek a jeho výzkum

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Muchka, Ivan


    Roč. 69, č. 3 (2009), s. 175-178 ISSN 1210-5538 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : architecture * castle * Great Britain Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture , Cultural Heritage

  6. Pyloanalytické výsledky ze zaniklé studny Jiřského náměstí Pražského hradu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jankovská, Vlasta


    Roč. 64, č. 3 (2012), s. 503-507 ISSN 0323-1267 Institutional support: RVO:67985939 Keywords : pollen analysis and non-pollen-palynomorphs analysis * Prague castle * Middle Ages Subject RIV: EF - Botanics

  7. A comparison of zero-order, first-order, and Monod biotransformation models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bekins, B.A.; Warren, E.; Godsy, E.M.


    Under some conditions, a first-order kinetic model is a poor representation of biodegradation in contaminated aquifers. Although it is well known that the assumption of first-order kinetics is valid only when substrate concentration, S, is much less than the half-saturation constant, K S , this assumption is often made without verification of this condition. The authors present a formal error analysis showing that the relative error in the first-order approximation is S/K S and in the zero-order approximation the error is K S /S. They then examine the problems that arise when the first-order approximation is used outside the range for which it is valid. A series of numerical simulations comparing results of first- and zero-order rate approximations to Monod kinetics for a real data set illustrates that if concentrations observed in the field are higher than K S , it may be better to model degradation using a zero-order rate expression. Compared with Monod kinetics, extrapolation of a first-order rate to lower concentrations under-predicts the biotransformation potential, while extrapolation to higher concentrations may grossly over-predict the transformation rate. A summary of solubilities and Monod parameters for aerobic benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) degradation shows that the a priori assumption of first-order degradation kinetics at sites contaminated with these compounds is not valid. In particular, out of six published values of K S for toluene, only one is greater than 2 mg/L, indicating that when toluene is present in concentrations greater than about a part per million, the assumption of first-order kinetics may be invalid. Finally, the authors apply an existing analytical solution for steady-state one-dimensional advective transport with Monod degradation kinetics to a field data set

  8. The Application Of Open-Source And Free Photogrammetric Software For The Purposes Of Cultural Heritage Documentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bartoš Karol


    Full Text Available The documentation of cultural heritage is an essential part of appropriate care of historical monuments, representing a part of our history. At present, it represents the current issue, for which considerable funds are being spent, as well as for the documentation of immovable historical monuments in a form of castle ruins, among the others. Non-contact surveying technologies - terrestrial laser scanning and digital photogrammetry belong to the most commonly used technologies, by which suitable documentation can be obtained, however their use may be very costly. In recent years, various types of software products and web services based on the SfM (or MVS method and developed as open-source software, or as a freely available and free service, relying on the basic principles of photogrammetry and computer vision, have started to get into the spotlight. By using the services and software, acquired digital images of a given object can be processed into a point cloud, serving directly as a final output or as a basis for further processing. The aim of this paper, based on images of various objects of the Slanec castle ruins obtained by the DSLR Pentax K5, is to assess the suitability of different types of open-source and free software and free web services and their reliability in terms of surface reconstruction and photo-texture quality for the purposes of castle ruins documentation.

  9. High-Order Hamilton's Principle and the Hamilton's Principle of High-Order Lagrangian Function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Hongxia; Ma Shanjun


    In this paper, based on the theorem of the high-order velocity energy, integration and variation principle, the high-order Hamilton's principle of general holonomic systems is given. Then, three-order Lagrangian equations and four-order Lagrangian equations are obtained from the high-order Hamilton's principle. Finally, the Hamilton's principle of high-order Lagrangian function is given.

  10. Kuninglikud interjöörid / Kadri Palk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Palk, Kadri


    Lühidalt Stockholmi kuningalossist (kroonisaal, salong, kuninglik ja külaliste magamistuba) ja kuninglikule suguvõsale kuulunud Sundbyholmi maamõisast (Castle, Manor House), mis sobib era- ja konverentsituristile. 10 värv. ill

  11. Tkanice z pohřebních šatů jedné z českých královen zhotovená technikou tkaní na destičkách

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bravermanová, M.; Březinová, Helena


    Roč. 39, č. 1 (2014), s. 299-313 ISSN 0231-5823 Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : Prague Castle * Middle Ages * archaeological fabrics * border * lace * board weaving Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  12. Nové poznatky a otázky nad hrádkem Rohy u Skřinářova, okr. Zďár n. S.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Unger, J.; Velek, J.; Kirchner, Karel; Zduba, J.


    Roč. 69, č. 3 (2017), s. 252-258 ISSN 0323-2581 Institutional support: RVO:68145535 Keywords : Moravia * middle ages * castle * colonization * mining Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: Antropology, ethnology

  13. Nonlinear feedback synchronisation control between fractional-order and integer-order chaotic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jia Li-Xin; Dai Hao; Hui Meng


    This paper focuses on the synchronisation between fractional-order and integer-order chaotic systems. Based on Lyapunov stability theory and numerical differentiation, a nonlinear feedback controller is obtained to achieve the synchronisation between fractional-order and integer-order chaotic systems. Numerical simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of this method

  14. Značky na dnech keramických nádob ze Staré Boleslavi

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Varadzin, Ladislav


    Roč. 59, č. 1 (2007), s. 53-79 ISSN 0323-1267 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : maker's marks * early medieval * courts * castle * distribution Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  15. La tecnologia laser scanning per la valutazione statica delle strutture storiche

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filiberto Chiabrando


    timbers roof of the large sloping Baroque roofs, both belonging to the seventeenth century Castle of Valentino in Turin; the latest is the reinforced concrete vault of the Paraboloid of Casale Monferrato (AL.

  16. Wüstehubové. Ďáblovo plémě nebo tvůrcové kulturní krajiny?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kouřil, Pavel; Wihoda, M.


    Roč. 50, č. 3 (2001), s. 205-217 ISSN 0323-0678 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z8001916 Keywords : Moravia, Silesia * colonisation * castles and material culture Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  17. Vyhodnocení rostlinných makrozbytků z hradu Bánova ("Banoue Castrum")

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Gardelková-Vrtelová, A.; Látková, Michaela


    Roč. 4, prosinec (2014), s. 25-33 ISSN 1805-1154 Institutional support: RVO:68081758 Keywords : Eastern Moravia * Bánov * castle * macro-remains * archaeobotany analysis * high medieval age Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  18. Operon Gene Order Is Optimized for Ordered Protein Complex Assembly (United States)

    Wells, Jonathan N.; Bergendahl, L. Therese; Marsh, Joseph A.


    Summary The assembly of heteromeric protein complexes is an inherently stochastic process in which multiple genes are expressed separately into proteins, which must then somehow find each other within the cell. Here, we considered one of the ways by which prokaryotic organisms have attempted to maximize the efficiency of protein complex assembly: the organization of subunit-encoding genes into operons. Using structure-based assembly predictions, we show that operon gene order has been optimized to match the order in which protein subunits assemble. Exceptions to this are almost entirely highly expressed proteins for which assembly is less stochastic and for which precisely ordered translation offers less benefit. Overall, these results show that ordered protein complex assembly pathways are of significant biological importance and represent a major evolutionary constraint on operon gene organization. PMID:26804901

  19. Fractional-order adaptive fault estimation for a class of nonlinear fractional-order systems

    KAUST Repository

    N'Doye, Ibrahima; Laleg-Kirati, Taous-Meriem


    This paper studies the problem of fractional-order adaptive fault estimation for a class of fractional-order Lipschitz nonlinear systems using fractional-order adaptive fault observer. Sufficient conditions for the asymptotical convergence of the fractional-order state estimation error, the conventional integer-order and the fractional-order faults estimation error are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) formulation by introducing a continuous frequency distributed equivalent model and using an indirect Lyapunov approach where the fractional-order α belongs to 0 < α < 1. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.

  20. Fractional-order adaptive fault estimation for a class of nonlinear fractional-order systems

    KAUST Repository

    N'Doye, Ibrahima


    This paper studies the problem of fractional-order adaptive fault estimation for a class of fractional-order Lipschitz nonlinear systems using fractional-order adaptive fault observer. Sufficient conditions for the asymptotical convergence of the fractional-order state estimation error, the conventional integer-order and the fractional-order faults estimation error are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) formulation by introducing a continuous frequency distributed equivalent model and using an indirect Lyapunov approach where the fractional-order α belongs to 0 < α < 1. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.

  1. New heating plant for the Wartburg: Exciting task. Neue Heizanlage fuer die Wartburg: Aufregende Aufgabe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stens, H


    The obsolete boiler plant of the Wartburg with its open fireplaces and self-constructed gas lances has been replaced by a modern gas-firing plant at instigation and sponsorship of the Ruhrgas AG. Due to the location of the castle the replacement of the plant presented a big problem which could only be solved by opening the foundation wall of the castle restaurant, by a working platform hanging in mid-air over a steep slope as well as by using a 7,5 t crane. The new plant consists of two boilers with a capacity of 430 and 850 kW, a modern electronic control system with automatic temperature control, two indirectly heated domestic water heaters, a new distribution system as well as thermostatic valves at the about 350 radiators. (BWI).

  2. 78 FR 18769 - Establishment of the First State National Monument (United States)


    ... New Castle Court House built in 1732. To gain access to the Atlantic Ocean for his new Quaker Colony... the same as when he purchased them: farm fields and forest predominate, dotted with old farmsteads...

  3. Proceedings "… Towards Resilient Honey Bees …"

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dooremalen, van C.A.; Zweep, A.


    The Research Roadmap is a co-creation by Bees@wur and the Dutch government, and the (inter)national researchers participating in the workshop Resilient Honey bees 23-24 November 2015, Castle Hoekelum, Bennekom, The Netherlands

  4. Rostlinné zbytky ze zaniklé studny. Svědci historie Jiřského náměstí na Pražském hradu ve 13. století

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Čulíková, Věra


    Roč. 64, č. 3 (2012), s. 479-502 ISSN 0323-1267 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : archaeobotany * Middle Ages * Prague Castle * carpological analysis * well Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  5. Proměny restaurování keramických nálezů v čase

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Svobodová, Ljuba; Kloužková, A.


    Roč. 2016, - (2016), s. 110-115 ISSN 1805-0050 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP13-34374P Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : restoration * ceramics * Prague Castle Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  6. Der Umgang mit den beschlagnahmten Kunstwerken aus Schlössern des ehemaligen Herrscherhauses Habsburg-Lothringen. Ein Dilemma für die junge Tschechoslowakische Republik nach 1918

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Uhlíková, Kristina


    Roč. 70, 1/2 (2016), s. 232-245 ISSN 0029-9626 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : Archduke Franz Ferdinand d´Este * history of monument preservation * castles Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  7. Bemerkungen zur einer Zeichnung der nordböhmischen Burg Krupka (Rosenberg) in den Sammlungen des LWL-Landesmuseums in Münster

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Durdík, Tomáš


    Roč. 53, č. 1 (2012), s. 54-55 ISSN 0007-6201 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : castle * castellology * architecture * Krupka * Rosenberg * Bohemia * Middle Ages Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  8. Photoinduced ultrafast charge-order melting: Charge-order inversion and nonthermal effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veenendaal, Michel van


    The effect of photoexcitation is studied for a system with checkerboard charge order induced by displacements of ligands around a metal site. The motion of the ligands is treated classically and the electronic charges are simplified to two-level molecular bond charges. The calculations are done for a checkerboard charge-ordered system with about 100 000 ligand oscillators coupled to a fixed-temperature bath. The initial photoexcitation is followed by a rapid decrease in the charge-order parameter within 50–100 femtoseconds while leaving the correlation length almost unchanged. Depending on the fluence, a complete melting of the charge order occurs in less than a picosecond. While for low fluences, the system returns to its original state, for full melting, it recovers to its broken-symmetry state leading to an inversion of the charge order. Finally, for small long-range interactions, recovery can be slow due to domain formation.

  9. The Royal Summer Palace, Ferdinand I and Anne

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dobalová, Sylva


    Roč. 7, č. 2 (2015), s. 162-175 ISSN 1804-1132 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : Anne of Jagiello * Prague Castle * Ferdinand I of Habsburg * olive tree * dynasticism Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  10. Dokumentaalfilm "Laulev revolutsioon" tähistab vabadust / Kalev Vilgats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vilgats, Kalev


    Dokumentalistide James Tusty ja Maureen Castle Tusty Eesti taasiseseisvumisest kõnelevast dokumentaalfilmist kui suurepärasest Eesti tutvustajast maailmale kirjutab oma koduleheküljel USA uuringute firma Media Research Center president L. Brent Bozell III. Refereering

  11. Soubor kachlů z hradu a zámku Bechyně

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Durdík, Tomáš; Pavlík, Č.


    Roč. 11, - (2008), s. 483-494 ISSN 1211-6831 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : castle * castellology * stove tile * Bechyně * medieval archaeology * Middle Ages * Bohemia Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  12. Revize mladších stavebních fází kostela Panny Marie na Pražském hradě/Hradčanech

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Maříková-Kubková, Jana; Herichová, Iva


    Roč. 33, č. 2 (2017), s. 74-93 ISSN 0231-6056 Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : Early Middle Ages * Prague Castle * Church of the Virgin Mary Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: Archaeology

  13. Maaleht soovitab : Anu Tali dirigeerib Vanemuises "Toscat". Vivaldi, Casanova ja Veneetsia. "Uinuv kaunitar" Vanemuises. Andrew Lloyd Webberi juubelikontserdid. Pärimusmuusika lõiluspidu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    27. sept. juhatab Anu Tali Vanemuise teatris Mikk Mikiveri lavastatud ja Ervin Õunapuu taastatud Puccini ooperilavastust "Tosca". Barokkansambel Corelli Consort ja Raivo Järvi esitavad kava "Vivaldi, Casanova ja Veneetsia" 15. okt. Maardu mõisa muusikasalongis, 18. okt. Pärnus sarjas "Café Grand muusikasalong" ja 19. okt. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia majas sarjas "Toompea muusikasalong". Vanemuisees esietendub 4. okt. Pjotr Tshaikovski ballett "Uinuv kaunitar". Tallinnas Saku Suurhallis toimuvad 18. okt. briti muusikalihelilooja Andrew Lloyd Webberi 60. sünnipäevale pühendatud juubelikontserdid. Viljandi Pärimusmuusika Aidas peetakse 10.-11. okt. "Pärimusmuusika lõikuspidu"

  14. Milliseid erialaseid teadmisi ja oskusi olete kasutanud oma praeguses ametis? : vastavad infoteaduse eriala vilistlased / interv. Hela Ojasaar, Margot Mahlapuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vastavad: EV Presidendi Kantselei direktori asetäitja, üldosakonna juhataja Riina Roomet, Mahtra Talurahvamuuseumi direktor Tiia-Helle Schmitte, EBS-i raamatukogu juhataja Eda Pihu, Euroopa Liidu asjade komisjoni nõunik (Riigikogu) Külli Kask, Kultuuriministeeriumi raamatukogunõunik Meeli Veskus, Võrumaa Keskraamatukogu direktor Inga Kuljus, Lääne Maakonna Keskraamatukogu direktor Ilme Sepp, Riigiarhiivi direktor Marge Tiidus, kirjastuse Pilgrim juht Tiina Ristimets, Tallinna Keskraamatukogu direktor Kaie Holm, Eesti ENIC/NARIC Keskuse infospetsialist Liia Tüür, Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu direktor Tiiu Valm, Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu teenindusdirektor Mare-Nelli Ilus, Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia raamatukogunduse ja infoteaduste osakonna juhataja Ilmar Vaaro

  15. Rupture and Continuity : how history and memory are represented on the stage / Luule Epner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Epner, Luule, 1953-


    Vaadeldakse ajalooteadvuse ja kollektiivse mälu kajastamist Eesti näidendites ja teatrilaval 1990ndatel aastatel ja 21. sajandi algul. Aluseks võetud Paul-Erik Rummo näidend "Valguse põik" (Viljandi Kultuurikolledzh 1993, lav. Lembit Peterson ja Ugala 1993, lav. Andres Noormets), Madis Kõivu "Tali" Oskar Lutsu ainetel (Vanemuine 1996, lav. Raivo Adlas) ja Mati Undi "Täna õhtul kell kuus viskame lutsu" samuti Lutsu ainetel (Eesti Draamateater 1988), Madis Kõivu "Stseene saja-aastasest sõjast" (Eesti Draamateater 1998, lav. Mikk Mikiver) ja Andrus Kivirähki "Helesinine vagun" (Ugala 2003, lav. Taago Tubin). Viited lk. 195-196

  16. Morrissey

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Laulja Morrissey kontserdist tuuri "Tour of Refusal" raames 4. juulil Tallinnas Rock Cafés, "IV Tallinna Kitarrifestivalist" 15.-20. juunil Mustpeade Majas, "Birgitta festivalist" 13.-23. augustil Pirita kloostris, rockmuusikafestivalist "Lelle Alternatiiv" 10.-12. juulil, "Tabasalu Jazz Festist" Rannamõisa kirikus ja Tabasalu keskväljakul 26.-27. juunil, muusikafestivalist "Klaaspärlimäng" Tartus ja Vormsil 16.-26. juulil, "VIII Eesti Noorte Heliloojate Festivalist" Tartu Jaani kirikus 4.-7. juunil, muusikafestivalist "Kumu ÖÖ" KUMUs 5. juunil, festivalist "Viru Folk" Käsmus 7.-9. augustil, "XVII Viljandi Pärimusmuusika Festivalist" 23.-26. juulil

  17. Multiscale high-order/low-order (HOLO) algorithms and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chacón, L.; Chen, G.; Knoll, D.A.; Newman, C.; Park, H.; Taitano, W.; Willert, J.A.; Womeldorff, G.


    We review the state of the art in the formulation, implementation, and performance of so-called high-order/low-order (HOLO) algorithms for challenging multiscale problems. HOLO algorithms attempt to couple one or several high-complexity physical models (the high-order model, HO) with low-complexity ones (the low-order model, LO). The primary goal of HOLO algorithms is to achieve nonlinear convergence between HO and LO components while minimizing memory footprint and managing the computational complexity in a practical manner. Key to the HOLO approach is the use of the LO representations to address temporal stiffness, effectively accelerating the convergence of the HO/LO coupled system. The HOLO approach is broadly underpinned by the concept of nonlinear elimination, which enables segregation of the HO and LO components in ways that can effectively use heterogeneous architectures. The accuracy and efficiency benefits of HOLO algorithms are demonstrated with specific applications to radiation transport, gas dynamics, plasmas (both Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations), and ocean modeling. Across this broad application spectrum, HOLO algorithms achieve significant accuracy improvements at a fraction of the cost compared to conventional approaches. It follows that HOLO algorithms hold significant potential for high-fidelity system scale multiscale simulations leveraging exascale computing.

  18. Multiscale high-order/low-order (HOLO) algorithms and applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chacón, L., E-mail: [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States); Chen, G.; Knoll, D.A.; Newman, C.; Park, H.; Taitano, W. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States); Willert, J.A. [Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA 22311 (United States); Womeldorff, G. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States)


    We review the state of the art in the formulation, implementation, and performance of so-called high-order/low-order (HOLO) algorithms for challenging multiscale problems. HOLO algorithms attempt to couple one or several high-complexity physical models (the high-order model, HO) with low-complexity ones (the low-order model, LO). The primary goal of HOLO algorithms is to achieve nonlinear convergence between HO and LO components while minimizing memory footprint and managing the computational complexity in a practical manner. Key to the HOLO approach is the use of the LO representations to address temporal stiffness, effectively accelerating the convergence of the HO/LO coupled system. The HOLO approach is broadly underpinned by the concept of nonlinear elimination, which enables segregation of the HO and LO components in ways that can effectively use heterogeneous architectures. The accuracy and efficiency benefits of HOLO algorithms are demonstrated with specific applications to radiation transport, gas dynamics, plasmas (both Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations), and ocean modeling. Across this broad application spectrum, HOLO algorithms achieve significant accuracy improvements at a fraction of the cost compared to conventional approaches. It follows that HOLO algorithms hold significant potential for high-fidelity system scale multiscale simulations leveraging exascale computing.

  19. 17 CFR 201.141 - Orders and decisions: Service of orders instituting proceedings and other orders and decisions. (United States)


    ... on each person named in the order as a party. The Secretary may direct an interested division to... securities dealer, investment adviser, investment company or transfer agent by sending a copy of the order... in a foreign country. Notice of a proceeding to a person in a foreign country may be made by any...

  20. 77 FR 5693 - Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures... (United States)


    ... Takeoff Minimums and ODPs are available online free of charge. Visit to register... Houston, TX, Ellington Field, TACAN RWY 35L, Orig Effective 8 MAR 2012 Wilmington, DE, New Castle, ILS OR...

  1. A la découverte du CERN et du château de Voltaire

    CERN Multimedia


    The Lions Club, Bellegarde Pays de Gex, organised a visit to CERN and to Voltaire's castle for the delegates of the Lions de Charente and the winners of a scientific competition organized by them (1/2 page).

  2. Vysunuté opevnění Hrádku u Trhových Svinů (okres České Budějovice)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Durdík, Tomáš; Kovář, D.


    Roč. 2016, č. 13 (2016), s. 111-118 ISSN 1211-6831 EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 2011-1023/OO1-001 Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : castles * fortification * Middle Ages Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  3. Prazdniki i budni "Tjomnõhh notshei" / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    10. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival avatakse esilinastusega : James Tusty ja Maureen Castle Tusty dokumentaalfilm Eestist "Laulev revolutsioon" ("Singing Revolution"). Lühiülevaade festivali filmiprogrammidest, üritustest ja Venemaa filmidest, mida festivalil näha saab

  4. 77 FR 7231 - Public Notice for Release of Aeronautical Property at New Castle Airport (ILG), New Castle, DE (United States)


    ...), has proposed the extension of Taxiway ``H'' and the development of an approximate thirty-eight (38... and allow for the extension of Taxiway ``H'' and future development, 0.610 +/- acres of Old Churchman... for review, by appointment, at the Airport Manager's office: Stephen Williams, Airport Executive...

  5. Access is mainly a second-order process: SDT models whether phenomenally (first-order) conscious states are accessed by reflectively (second-order) conscious processes. (United States)

    Snodgrass, Michael; Kalaida, Natasha; Winer, E Samuel


    Access can either be first-order or second-order. First order access concerns whether contents achieve representation in phenomenal consciousness at all; second-order access concerns whether phenomenally conscious contents are selected for metacognitive, higher order processing by reflective consciousness. When the optional and flexible nature of second-order access is kept in mind, there remain strong reasons to believe that exclusion failure can indeed isolate phenomenally conscious stimuli that are not so accessed. Irvine's [Irvine, E. (2009). Signal detection theory, the exclusion failure paradigm and weak consciousness-Evidence for the access/phenomenal distinction? Consciousness and Cognition.] partial access argument fails because exclusion failure is indeed due to lack of second-order access, not insufficient phenomenally conscious information. Further, the enable account conforms with both qualitative differences and subjective report, and is simpler than the endow account. Finally, although first-order access may be a distinct and important process, second-order access arguably reflects the core meaning of access generally.

  6. Phase transition type change in order-order and order-disorder transformations of LaH2+c-like superstoichiometric dihydrides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ratishvili, I.G.


    Phase transformations in metal-hydrogen systems associated with the ordering processes in the subsystem of interstitial hydrogen atoms are considered. It is shown that in a particular class of superstoichiometric rare-earth dihydrides, where the ordering subsystem is characterized by two long-range-order parameters η 1 , η 2 and the energy parameter p 0 (1) (p) ≤ c ≤ c 0 (2) (p), it becomes discontinuous outside of this region. Dependence of critical concentrations c 0 (1) and c 0 (2) upon the energy parameter p is deduced. It is shown, as well, that there exists a second sequence of critical concentrations, c 1 (1) (p) and c 1 (2) (p), denoting the boundaries between the regions of continuous and discontinuous order-disorder transformations. (orig.)

  7. Counterbalancing for Serial Order Carryover Effects in Experimental Condition Orders (United States)

    Brooks, Joseph L.


    Reactions of neural, psychological, and social systems are rarely, if ever, independent of previous inputs and states. The potential for serial order carryover effects from one condition to the next in a sequence of experimental trials makes counterbalancing of condition order an essential part of experimental design. Here, a method is proposed…

  8. Waltzing between Order and Ordering - a Social Practice Perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Brian Vejrum; Boer, Harry


    Organisations are often depicted as strategic intention seeking entities creating strategic objects that form pockets of order in uncertain environments. This design-based view of strategic development is challenged in this paper. The paper illustrates that organisations in building dynamic capab...... change. We find that potentially stabilising objects are underutilised as part of the ongoing ordering process, because they are generally treated as fixed objects rather than as common ground for negotiation and thus dynamic capabilities. ...

  9. Ordering dynamics of microscopic models with nonconserved order parameter of continuous symmetry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Z.; Mouritsen, Ole G.; Zuckermann, Martin J.


    crystals. For both models, which have a nonconserved order parameter, it is found that the linear scale, R(t), of the evolving order, following quenches to below the transition temperature, grows at late times in an effectively algebraic fashion, R(t)∼tn, with exponent values which are strongly temperature......Numerical Monte Carlo temperature-quenching experiments have been performed on two three-dimensional classical lattice models with continuous ordering symmetry: the Lebwohl-Lasher model [Phys. Rev. A 6, 426 (1972)] and the ferromagnetic isotropic Heisenberg model. Both models describe a transition...... from a disordered phase to an orientationally ordered phase of continuous symmetry. The Lebwohl-Lasher model accounts for the orientational ordering properties of the nematic-isotropic transition in liquid crystals and the Heisenberg model for the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition in magnetic...

  10. Experimental demonstration of fractional-order oscillators of orders 2.6 and 2.7

    KAUST Repository

    Elwakil, A.S.; Agambayev, Agamyrat; Allagui, A.; Salama, Khaled N.


    The purpose of this work is to provide an experimental demonstration for the development of sinusoidal oscillations in a fractional-order Hartley-like oscillator. Solid-state fractional-order electric double-layer capacitors were first fabricated using graphene-percolated P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) composite structure, and then characterized by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The devices exhibit the fractional orders of 0.6 and 0.74 respectively (using the model Zc=Rs+1/(jω)αCα), with the corresponding pseudocapacitances of approximately 93nFsec−0.4 and 1.5nFsec−0.26 over the frequency range 200kHz–6MHz (Rs < 15Ω). Then, we verified using these fractional-order devices integrated in a Hartley-like circuit that the fractional-order oscillatory behaviors are of orders 2.6 and 2.74.

  11. Experimental demonstration of fractional-order oscillators of orders 2.6 and 2.7

    KAUST Repository

    Elwakil, A.S.


    The purpose of this work is to provide an experimental demonstration for the development of sinusoidal oscillations in a fractional-order Hartley-like oscillator. Solid-state fractional-order electric double-layer capacitors were first fabricated using graphene-percolated P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) composite structure, and then characterized by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The devices exhibit the fractional orders of 0.6 and 0.74 respectively (using the model Zc=Rs+1/(jω)αCα), with the corresponding pseudocapacitances of approximately 93nFsec−0.4 and 1.5nFsec−0.26 over the frequency range 200kHz–6MHz (Rs < 15Ω). Then, we verified using these fractional-order devices integrated in a Hartley-like circuit that the fractional-order oscillatory behaviors are of orders 2.6 and 2.74.

  12. Archaeological Excavations at Musumägi hill in Viljandi / Riina Rammo, Martti Veldi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rammo, Riina


    Erinevate kultuurkihtide leiumaterjalist, nendes esinenud loomaluudest ja keraamikast. Musta kultuurkihi võib dateerida viikingiaega ja pruun kiht annab tunnistust inimtegevusest mäel veel hilisrauaajal.

  13. Zur Entwicklung der Grenze im mährisch-österreichischen Grenzgebiet während des 11.–12. Jahrhunderts und zur Rolle der Befestigung von Nikolsburg/Mikulov

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Balcárková, A.; Kalhous, David; Eichert, S.


    Roč. 32, č. 2016 (2017), s. 37-72 ISSN 1011-0062 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA15-22658S Keywords : Late Hillford period * pottery * borders * dendrochronology * castles Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: Archaeology

  14. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 15, 2017 ... building type (frame, shear wall, etc. and overall dimensions but .... castling on short frames, since total height of this mini model is ...... Akash R.Joshi, Seismic analysis: static and dynamic method of analysis, PhD Thesis,.

  15. Vývoj raně novověké kuchyňské a stolní keramiky v Čechách na základě souborů z Pražského hradu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Blažková, Gabriela


    Roč. 104, prosinec (2013), s. 183-230 ISSN 0031-0506 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP13-34374P Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : Early Modern period * pottery * Prague Castle * Prague Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  16. Bezradnost nad uměleckými konfiskáty z majetku bývalé rakousko-uherské panovnické rodiny

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Uhlíková, Kristina


    Roč. 74, č. 4 (2014), s. 283-292 ISSN 1210-5538 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : Habsburg-Lorraine castles * history of heritage care * Josef Polák * Konopiště Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  17. Comparison of third-order plasma wave echoes with ballistic second-order plasma wave echoes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leppert, H.D.; Schuelter, H.; Wiesemann, K.


    The apparent dispersion of third-order plasma wave echoes observed in a high frequency plasma is compared with that of simultaneously observed ballistic second-order echoes. Amplitude and wavelength of third-order echoes are found to be always smaller than those of second-order echoes, however, the dispersion curves of both types of echoes are very similar. These observations are in qualitative agreement with calculations of special ballistic third-order echoes. The ballistic nature of the observed third-order echoes may, therefore, be concluded from these measurements. (author)

  18. Predicting inpatient clinical order patterns with probabilistic topic models vs conventional order sets. (United States)

    Chen, Jonathan H; Goldstein, Mary K; Asch, Steven M; Mackey, Lester; Altman, Russ B


    Build probabilistic topic model representations of hospital admissions processes and compare the ability of such models to predict clinical order patterns as compared to preconstructed order sets. The authors evaluated the first 24 hours of structured electronic health record data for > 10 K inpatients. Drawing an analogy between structured items (e.g., clinical orders) to words in a text document, the authors performed latent Dirichlet allocation probabilistic topic modeling. These topic models use initial clinical information to predict clinical orders for a separate validation set of > 4 K patients. The authors evaluated these topic model-based predictions vs existing human-authored order sets by area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, precision, and recall for subsequent clinical orders. Existing order sets predict clinical orders used within 24 hours with area under the receiver operating characteristic curve 0.81, precision 16%, and recall 35%. This can be improved to 0.90, 24%, and 47% ( P  sets tend to provide nonspecific, process-oriented aid, with usability limitations impairing more precise, patient-focused support. Algorithmic summarization has the potential to breach this usability barrier by automatically inferring patient context, but with potential tradeoffs in interpretability. Probabilistic topic modeling provides an automated approach to detect thematic trends in patient care and generate decision support content. A potential use case finds related clinical orders for decision support. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association.

  19. Order in Chaos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Bertel Teilfeldt; Olsen, Asmus Leth


    Ballot order effects are well documented in established democracies, but less so in fragile post-conflict settings. We test for the presence of ballot order effects in the 2010 parliamentary election in Afghanistan. Turning out for the 2010 election was a potentially life-threatening endeavor for...

  20. Control and Synchronization of the Fractional-Order Lorenz Chaotic System via Fractional-Order Derivative

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ping Zhou


    Full Text Available The unstable equilibrium points of the fractional-order Lorenz chaotic system can be controlled via fractional-order derivative, and chaos synchronization for the fractional-order Lorenz chaotic system can be achieved via fractional-order derivative. The control and synchronization technique, based on stability theory of fractional-order systems, is simple and theoretically rigorous. The numerical simulations demonstrate the validity and feasibility of the proposed method.