
Sample records for varieties marino gran

  1. Libro rojo de los invertebrados marinos de Colombia.



    La fauna de invertebrados marinos continúa recibiendo menos atención que la de los terrestres y de agua dulce, como un reflejo de sus amplios Rangel 1995, Chaves y Arango 1998). En el mar Caribe, el país cuenta con 1600 km de costa y en el océano Pacífico con 1300 km, en donde se encuentra una gran diversidad de ecosistemas marinos y costeros como los arrecifes coralinos, manglares y bosques de transición, sistemas de playas y acantilados, estuarios, deltas y lagunas costeras, lechos de pasto...

  2. Medidas para la protección del medio marino en la región del Gran Caribe por daños ocasionados por la industria mar adentro

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    María Carolina Romero Lares


    Full Text Available Los derrames recientes de hidrocarburos en plataformas petroleras mar adentro han puesto de relieve la necesidad de desarrollar regímenes de responsabilidad e indemnización por daños ocasionados por actividades de exploración y explota - ción en los fondos marinos sujetos a la jurisdicción nacional. En la actualidad no existe ningún convenio internacional que aborde el tema, y la comunidad internacional se ha inclinado a favor del desarrollo de instrumentos regionales o bilaterales. La región del Gran Caribe se caracteriza por poseer un frágil ecosistema ma - rino, que se encuentra amenazado por el riesgo de contaminación de petróleo producto de actividades de extracción en el lecho marino. Pese a ello, el único convenio regional para la protección y preservación del mar Caribe, conocido como Convenio de Cartagena, solo incluye principios generales sobre responsabilidad por actividades en los fondos marinos, sin desarrollar hasta la fecha los protocolos o acuerdos que garanticen su aplicación. Este estudio realiza una descripción y comparación de los esfuerzos llevados a cabo en el plano internacional y regional para desarrollar estas reglas y sugiere tres opciones para al - canzar un marco legal eficiente, exhaustivo y uniforme que garantice la pronta y adecuada indemnización de las víctimas y la reparación de todos los daños.

  3. Clasificación del clutter marino utilizando redes neuronales artificiales

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    Argel Gonzalez Padilla


    Full Text Available La detección de radar bajo la acción del clutter marino es un problema actual. La efectividad de esta detección puede ser mejorada o aún optimizada si el comportamiento estadístico de los parámetros de las señales dispersadas por la superficie del mar (clutter marino es conocida. En el presente trabajo, la mayoría de los modelos estadísticos del clutter marino bajo diferentes condiciones es dada y se logra en un solo documento de manera sintética agrupar un gran volumen de información, difícil de encontrar, y en muchos casos, de interpretar. La mayor contribución investigativa de este trabajo es la presentación de los fundamentos de un sistema auto adaptativo  para la detección de blancos de radar, basado en el reconocimiento de diferentes distribuciones que modelan las mediciones de amplituddelclutter marino, obtenida en un intervalo de tiempo dado. Realizando una clasificación más fina al especificar el rango de valores que toman los parámetros de la distribución, para el intervalo de tiempo que se analiza. Este sistema fue simulado satisfactoriamente utilizando redes neuronales.Los resultados revelaron que se puede realizar de forma efectiva el reconocimiento de distribuciones de mediciones de amplitud del clutter marino y de los parámetros de la distribución.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hernandez, Edgardo A; Lopez, JL; Piquet, Anouk M-T; Buma, Anita; MacCormack, Walter


    En las aguas oceánicas el bacterioplancton marino representan la mayor parte de la biomasa (Granéli y col. 2004), juega un papel clave en el ciclo de nutrientes y constituye un factor importante en el flujo de carbono (Ducklow, 2000). Además en las regiones templadas y polares son fundamentales para

  5. San Marino. (United States)


    San Marino, an independent republic located in north central Italy, in 1983 had a population of 22,206 growing at an annual rate of .9%. The literacy rate is 97% and the infant mortality rate is 9.6/1000. The terrain is mountainous and the climate is moderate. According to local tradition, San Marino was founded by a Christian stonecutter in the 4th century A.D. as a refuge against religious persecution. Its recorded history began in the 9th century, and it has survived assaults on its independence by the papacy, the Malatesta lords of Rimini, Cesare Borgia, Napoleon, and Mussolini. An 1862 treaty with the newly formed Kingdom of Italy has been periodically renewed and amended. The present government is an alliance between the socialists and communists. San Marino has had its own statutes and governmental institutions since the 11th century. Legislative authority at present is vested in a 60-member unicameral parliament. Executive authority is exercised by the 11-member Congress of State, the members of which head the various administrative departments of the goverment. The posts are divided among the parties which form the coalition government. Judicial authority is partly exercised by Italian magistrates in civil and criminal cases. San Marino's policies are tied to Italy's and political organizations and labor unions active in Italy are also active in San Marino. Since World War II, there has been intense rivalry between 2 political coalitions, the Popular Alliance composed of the Christian Democratic Party and the Independent Social Democratic Party, and the Liberty Committee, coalition of the Communist Party and the Socialist Party. San Marino's gross domestic product was $137 million and its per capita income was $6290 in 1980. The principal economic activities are farming and livestock raising, along with some light manufacturing. Foreign transactions are dominated by tourism. The government derives most of its revenue from the sale of postage stamps to

  6. Universidad para Todos Curso Mamíferos marinos Parte 1


    Baisre, J.; Blanco, M.; Cruz, D.; Expósito, Y.; García, G.; Guevara, C.; López, N.; López, R.; Montolio, M.; Salabarría, D.; Sánchez, L.; Sánchez, L.; Serrano, M. de los A.


    Los orígenes, la distribución y la adaptación al medio son explicados de forma científico popular. Se caracterizan a todas las especies que conforman los mamíferos marinos agrupadas según su orden: (Carnívora) Osos polares y nutrias marinas lobos marinos, focas, morsas y elefantes marinos; (Cetácea) Ballenas verdaderas o ballenas con barbas y finalmente el orden (Sirenia) Manatíes y dugón. Son también abordados los varamientos y avistamientos de mamíferos marinos.

  7. Bibliografía sobre organismos, ambientes y procesos marinos y atmosféricos en Bahía Culebra, Pacífico norte, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (1922-2012

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Bahía Culebra se locoaliza en la parte norte de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Es una región de afloramiento estacional, rica en ambientes y organismos marinos, y además, la zona de mayor desarrollo turístico del país. En este trabajo compilo y analizo una lista de 182 publicaciones en revista científcas y 23 tesis, informes y libros sobre organismos, ambientes y procesos marinos y atmosféricos en Bahía Culebra o donde se menciona la Bahía, se presentan y analizan. La gran mayoría de los trabajos, empezando en 1922 con la descripción de un poliqueto, son sobre biodiversidad y ecología. Faltan trabajos sobre algunos ambientes de la bahía, por ejemplo, el bentos de los fondos blandos, y grupos de organismos, por ejemplo, sobre gusanos planos de vida libre. Faltan investigaciones sobre pesquería y manejo de los organismos y ambientes marinos de la Bahía.

  8. Diseño y optimización de liposomas para un uso como sistema de suministro de nutrientes a larvas de peces marinos.


    Monroig Marzá, Óscar


    RESUMEN Las deficiencias nutricionales de las presas vivas usadas como primer alimento exógeno en el cultivo de larvas de peces marinos hacen necesaria la suplementación de las dietas con nutrientes que satisfagan los requerimientos de las larvas. Los liposomas constituyen una herramienta con gran potencial ya que pueden formularse con nutrientes hidrosolubles disueltos en su fase acuosa y liposolubles inmersos en el ambiente lipofílico entre las cadenas de ácidos grasos de los fosfolípido...

  9. Rasgos sedimentológicos de los fondos marinos de Maspalomas (Gran Canaria

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    Constatino Criado Hernández


    Full Text Available En el transcurso de Ia expedición oceanográfica 132/2 del ES Poseidón dirigida por el profesor Dr. H. Klug (Grographisches Institut der Universitat Kiel, Alemania, se realizo un muestreo de los sedimentos superficiales en la plataforma continental comprendida entre la Playa de San Agustin y la Playa la Mujer. Se presentan aquí los resultados de los análisis granulométricos y carbométricos obtenidos sobre las muestras recogidas.During the oceanographical survey 132/2 (ES Poseidón leadered by the Dr. H. Klug (Grographisches Institut der Universitat Kiel, Germany were sampled surficial sediments from the continental shelf of Gran Canaria, between Playa San Agustín and Playa de la Mujer. We present the results of grain size and carbonate analysis got from the samples.

  10. Curso Mamiferos Marinos



    Una vez más, el espacio de Universidad para Todos brinda conocimientos acerca del mundo que nos rodea y en particular del mar, las costas y sus maravillosos recursos naturales. Prestigiosos especialistas de instituciones nacionales, nuevamente, han respondido con entusiasmo para aportar sus experiencias, con ello popularizan su quehacer científico y fomentan la conciencia y las conductas para proteger y conservar el medio ambiente. En esta ocasión, los mamíferos marinos, presentes en...

  11. Atlas de fitoplancton marino.


    Amaya, Oscar; Alvarado, Yaneth; Chávez, Isaias; Ruíz, Gerrado; Lopez, Douglas


    En El Salvador existe un fenómeno natural que afecta a las costas marítimas que son los fitoplancton; mediante el cual se expone el Atlas de fitoplancton marino que contiene 100 p. con imágenes, mapas, etc., con el fin de dar a conocer más de 200 especies de fitoplancton identificada hasta el momento, algunos son tóxicas, inocuas y nocivas.

  12. Bioprospection of marine microorganisms: potential and challenges for Argentina Bioprospección de microorganismos marinos: potencialidades y desafíos para Argentina

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    Hebe M Dionisi


    Full Text Available The marine environments of Argentina have a remarkable extension, as well as high biological productivity and biodiversity of both macro- and microorganisms. Despite having a great potential for biotechnological applications, the microorganisms inhabiting these ecosystems remain mostly unexplored and unexploited. In this review, we study the research topics and the interactions among Argentinean laboratories, by analyzing current articles published on biotechnology-related marine microbiology by researchers of this country. In addition, we identify the challenges and opportunities for Argentina to take advantage of the genetic potential of its marine microorganisms. Finally, we suggest possible actions that could improve the development of this research field, as well as the utilization of this knowledge to solve societal needs.El medio ambiente marino de la Argentina tiene una notable extensión, como así también una alta productividad biológica y biodiversidad de macro y microorganismos. A pesar de presentar un gran potencial para aplicaciones biotecnológicas, los microorganismos que habitan estos ecosistemas permanecen mayormente inexplorados y sus propiedades aún no explotadas. En este trabajo de revisión, estudiamos los temas de investigación y las interacciones entre grupos de investigación argentinos, por medio del análisis de los artículos publicados hasta el momento en temáticas relacionadas con la aplicación biotecnológica de microorganismos marinos. Además, identificamos los desafíos y las oportunidades para que la Argentina tome ventaja del potencial genético de sus microorganismos marinos. Por último, sugerimos posibles acciones que podrían mejorar el desarrollo de este campo de estudio, como así también la utilización de este conocimiento para resolver las necesidades de la sociedad.

  13. La Ley de Protección del Medio Marino: hacia la gobernanza marítima


    Ortiz García, Mercè


    Este trabajo tiene como objeto dar a conocer la Ley 41/2010, de 29 de diciembre, de Protección del Medio Marino, fruto de la transposición de la Directiva Marco sobre la Estrategia Marina, que ha sido, además, aprobada en calidad de legislación básica en el Estado español en materia ambiental. Dicha Ley viene a dotar al espacio marino español de un marco regulador integrador muy ambicioso, pues, por una parte, persigue la gestión de todos los sectores marítimos respetando el ecosistema marino...

  14. Medidas para la protección del medio marino en la región del Gran Caribe por daños ocasionados por la industria mar adentro


    María Carolina Romero Lares


    Los derrames recientes de hidrocarburos en plataformas petroleras mar adentro han puesto de relieve la necesidad de desarrollar regímenes de responsabilidad e indemnización por daños ocasionados por actividades de exploración y explota - ción en los fondos marinos sujetos a la jurisdicción nacional. En la actualidad no existe ningún convenio internacional que aborde el tema, y la comunidad internacional se ha inclinado a favor del desarrollo de instrumentos regionales o bilat...

  15. Estado del Medio Ambiente Marino y Costero del Pacífico Sudeste.


    Andrade V., Héctor; Guitiérres S., Sixto; Andrade C., Héctor


    El presente documento contiene los antecedentes sistematizados sobre el Estado del Medio Ambiente Marino Costero del Pacífico Sudeste en base a los informes nacionales de consultoría elaborados entre 2011 y 2012 en Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Chile y cuya finalidad fue establecer un estado actualizado del medio marino a nivel regional, en el marco del Programa CONPACSE III de la Comisión Permanente de Pacífico Sur. Los principales contaminantes presentes en las aguas marinas costeras de...

  16. Il matrimonio same sex nella Repubblica di San Marino?

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    Luca Iannaccone


    Full Text Available Contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Premessa – 2. La questione del matrimonio tra persone dello stesso sesso in Italia: brevi cenni circa lo stato del dibattito nella giurisprudenza - 3. Il matrimonio same sex nella Repubblica di San Marino?

  17. Nuevos registros de hongos marinos en el litoral sur de Guantánamo, Cuba


    Samón Legrá, E.; Enríquez Lavandera, D.


    Por primera vez se realizó la identificación de hongos marinos filamentosos aislados en cuatro playas del litoral sur de la provincia de Guantánamo, Cuba. Para el aislamiento de los hongos se empleó el método indirecto de incubación de sustratos vegetales en cámara húmeda. Se describieron 25 especies de hongos marinos: 18 ascomicetes, seis hongos mitospóricos y un basidiomiceto. De las especies descritas, seis constituyen nuevos registros para el país. Con estos resultados, el número total de...





    Una de las principales hipótesis genético poblacionales en el ambiente marino establece que invertebrados marinos con fases larvales de gran duración se encontrarían distribuidos en rangos geográficos más extensos, tendrían la capacidad de dispersar a may 211p.

  19. Adrian Marino and the intellectual travel journal as an expression of revolutionary freedom

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    Rodica FRENŢIU


    Full Text Available Seen as a logical continuation of the author’s preoccupations for comparative literature, the travel journal becomes a journal of ideas in Adrian Marino’s case, by trying not only to explain the formation of a certain type of personality, but also to transcribe/redact a chronicle of social and political history. Adrian Marino’s journal of ideas firstly emphasizes an „individual” reality, but also bears deeper „universal” signification, as it militates for humanism and liberal democracy, for actual convergence of world cultures. The present study (Adrian Marino and the intellectual travel journal as an expression of revolutionary freedom proposes an investigation attempting to prove that Adrian Marino eventually suggests a personal dialogue with the world and especially with Europe, audaciously trying to concur at substantiating a modern Romanian conscience.

  20. Bioactivos marinos en el tratamiento del cáncer

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    Miguel David Fernández Pérez


    Full Text Available El ambiente marino representa una fuente promisoria de compuestos con potencial terapéutico, pero sólo una pequeña fracción de los mismos ha sido estudiada para fines de actividad biológica. La calidad nutritiva de las algas marinas, junto al alto contenido de compuestos bioactivos con efecto saludable, son otras razones importantes para aumentar su consumo. En el mundo, y específicamente en Cuba, el cáncer muestra una tendencia ascendente. Todo lo anterior constituyó motivación para la realización de esta revisión bibliográfica en busca de actualizar información sobre las potencialidades de los productos marinos en el tratamiento del cáncer. Algas, esponjas, bacterias, peces, babosa de mar, entre otros, han mostrado actividad antiproliferativa frente a melanoma, carcinoma nasofaríngeo, laríngeo, de pulmón, mamario, cervicouterino, de colon, de riñón, enfermedad de Hopkins y algunos tipos de leucemia. La versatilidad de actividades biológicas mostrada por las moléculas aisladas, aunado con el metabolismo secundario tan poco estudiado en estos organismos, los convierte en una fuente importante de investigación.

  1. Vertebrados marinos del neógeno del suroeste de la Península Ibérica


    Toscano Grande, Antonio


    Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el estudio de los vertebrados marinos presentes en las formaciones del Mioceno y Plioceno del SO de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir en la provincia de Huelva, sus aspectos evolutivos e implicaciones paleoecológicas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten definir con mayor resolución la evolución de los ecosistemas litorales y marinos del SO de la Península Ibérica durante el Neógeno superior. Durante esta época, las dos principales vías de comunicación entre el océano Atlánti...

  2. Estudio de enriquecimiento nutricional de dos especies de Leones marinos (Otaria flavescens y Zalophus californianus) en Aquanatura (Benidorm)


    Llorens García, Inés


    El enriquecimiento ambiental es un método de reducir el estrés y los comportamientos inadecuados de animales en cautiverio, ayudando a su vez a aumentar el bienestar de estos. En este trabajo se pretende realizar un estudio de enriquecimiento nutricional de dos leones marinos de California (Zalophus Californianus) y dos leones marinos de la Patagonia (Otaria flavescens). Así, se ha estudiado el comportamiento de los cuatro individuos sobre un dispensador de alimento nuevo para ellos, midiendo...

  3. Efecto del hidróxido de calcio sobre comunidades de nemátodos marinos


    Cornejo, Mare


    Efecto del Hidróxido de Calcio sobre comunidades de nemátodos marinos El hidróxido de calcio es un compuesto químico utilizado para neutralizar la acidez del suelo e incrementar la alcalinidad total y la dureza total de los estanques de acuicultura pobremente tamponados.

  4. Crean 'antimateria' en gran cantidad

    CERN Multimedia

    Macedo, C


    "Como si se tratara de una historia de ciencia ficcion, un grupo de cientificos del Laboratorio Europeo de Fisica de Particulas (CERN), en Ginebra, anuncio que produjo por primera vez una gran cantidad de antimateria de hidrogeno, lo que representa un gran paso para entender la formacion del Universo" (1 page).

  5. Efecto de la Artemia enriquecida con distintas emulsiones comerciales sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo esquelético de larvas de lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858)


    Özcan, Filiz


    Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos. VI Máster Internacional en Acuicultura. Trabajo presentado como requisito parcial para la obtención del Título de Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos, otorgado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), el Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM), y el Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos de Zaragoza (CIHEAM) Las malformaciones esqueléticas y problemas pigmentarios son uno de los mayores problemas de la pr...

  6. Estado del conocimiento de la durofagia en el registro fósil: interacción depredador-presa en moluscos marinos (Clases Gastropoda y Bivalvia

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    Catalina Gómez-Espinosa


    Full Text Available La depredación como un mecanismo evolutivo, de diversificación y biomineralización es un tópico de gran interés. Un tipo específico de depredación es la durofagia que se define como el hábito alimenticio de los animales que consumen organismos con un esqueleto duro mineralizado, ya sea concha o exoesqueleto. Los moluscos representan una fuente muy importante para examinar la depredación durófaga en el registro fósil debido a su distribución mundial, abundancia, buena preservación y a que habitan en una gran variedad de ambientes. En este trabajo se revisa el número de artículos publicados en revistas de circulación internacional que se enfocan en el tema de la durofagia y que tienen como potenciales presas a gasterópodos y bivalvos marinos fósiles. Se recuperaron y revisaron 101 artículos sobre este tema, enfocados en seis tipos de evidencia: perforación, reparación y fragmentación de la concha, mordidas, “punctures” y coprolitos. La mayoría de los ejemplos correspondieron a moluscos del Cenozoico. En general hay más registros en la zona tropical. Durante el Paleozoico, la mayoría de las veces, no se identificó el potencial depredador; esta tendencia continuó en el Mesozoico pero se reconoció la depredación de gasterópodos y bivalvos por parte de gasterópodos carnívoros, artrópodos, peces y reptiles. Durante el Cenozoico dominó la depredación por parte de gasterópodos natícidos y murícidos y se reconoció también la depredación por parte de ar trópodos, peces y mamíferos.

  7. Características del ambiente marino frente a la costa peruana


    Morón Antonio, Octavio


    El ambiente marino frente al Perú es modificado considerablemente por eventos transcendentes de características opuestas: El Niño y La Niña, los mismos que se presentan alternadamente, con diferente intensidad y duración. La temperatura presenta sus máximos y mínimos valores en verano e invierno, respectivamente;ambos E:xtremos dela salinidad se registran en el verano; los nutrientes presentan sus mínimos valores en verano y máximos en el invierno, intensificándose el afloramiento. Frente...

  8. Sistema de indicadores para una gestión sostenible del turismo en las zonas marino-costeras de Guatemala


    Ruiz Ordóñez, Jorge Alberto


    Programa de doctorado: Turismo integral, interculturalidad y desarrollo sostenible [ES] El presente trabajo de investigación propone un sistema de indicadores para una gestión sostenible del turismo en las zonas marino-costeras de Guatemala.

  9. [Tryggve Gran--the first Norwegian heroic pilot]. (United States)

    Albretsen, C S


    Tryggve Gran grew up in an affluent family in Bergen, Norway. The German emperor, William II, often visited the families of his friends. Gran became a good skier, hence well prepared for Robert Scott's second expedition to the Antartic in 1910. Gran deeply regretted the Scott-Amundsen competition, and was cut off from the team heading for the South Pole. In 1913, Gran trained in England and France as an air pilot. On 30 July 1914 he became the first pilot to cross the North Sea from Scotland to Norway. He joined the Royal Air Force in 1916 under the pseudonym of Teddy Grant, passing himself off as a Canadian, and received the Military Cross for distinguished war service. During the Second World War, Gran was a member of Quisling's pro-German National Party. A commemorative stamp was issued in 1944 on the 30th anniversary of his North Sea flight, and a meeting held in his honour with Quisling and German officers present. In this article, the author discusses some psychological aspects of Tryggve Gran's choice of tasks and of his politics. Gran lost his father when he was only five and when he was 11 he was sent off to a pension in Switzerland for a year. Strongly ambivalent feelings from the oedipal period and from the latency may later have been released through hazardous activities, certainly with self-destructive aspects. His membership in Quisling's party might be seen in this context.

  10. Developments at the Gran Sasso laboratory

    CERN Multimedia


    The INFN Laboratory at Gran Sasso is a sanctuary for neutrinos. Located 963 metres over the sea level, it is protected by the 1400 metres of the rock of Gran Sasso mountain, next to the road tunnel of the same name, 120 km from Rome in Italy. It was from this underground location, ideal for receiving a high-energy neutrino beam from CERN, that first sprang the idea for the CNGS (CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso) project. However, an accident which occurred in one of the Laboratory's three experimental halls last August resulted in its temporary closure, leaving a question mark over the project's future. Today, following a legal ruling, certain scientific activities are now starting up again. Angelo Scribano, the vice-president of INFN, takes stock of the situation. "After a difficult year, it seems that an air of optimism is back in the INFN laboratories at Gran Sasso. On 17th June 2003, the competent court of the city of Teramo agreed to certain scientific activities starting up again in Hall C as requested b...

  11. Biodiversidad íctica de praderas de pasto marino de la costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela

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    Luis Alejandro Ariza A


    Full Text Available Los pastos marinos son ecosistemas costeros de alta productividad, con gran diversidad y abundancia de peces, la cual es aprovechada por pescadores artesanales. En este estudio se analizó la estructura comunitaria íctica de praderas de Thalassia testudinum en Manzanillo (M y La Brea (LB, costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela. También, se realizaron muestreos mensuales (11-2006 al 10-2007, con la utilización de una red playera. Se capturaron 34 810 organismos agrupados en 13 órdenes, 36 familias y 83 especies. En ambas zonas, el número de especies fue similar, aunque el número de organismos vario, y se encontró para M un total de 55 especies y 13 210 organismos y para LB 58 especies y 21 600 organismos. Las especies más abundantes y de mayor biomasa en el área muestreada fueron: Nicholsina usta, Haemulon boschmae, H. steindachneri, Harengula jaguana, Halichoeres bivittatus y Hemiramphus brasiliensis. Los visitantes ocasionales fue el componente comunitario más frecuente con 59%, los cíclicos y los residentes permanentes obtuvieron 22 y 19%, respectivamente. En M la H’n fue de 1.71±0.64bits/ind; entretanto en LB fue 1.95±0.51bits/ind. Los valores de la diversidad estuvieron relacionados directamente con la equitabilidad e inversamente con la dominancia. Los bajos valores del índice de similaridad, entre localidades permite establecer que estas comunidades ícticas son disimiles, debido quizás a la estructuración de cada pradera de Thalassia y a la conectividad con otros sistemas.

  12. Bibliografía sobre organismos, ambientes y procesos marinos y atmosféricos en Bahía Culebra, Pacífico norte, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (1922-2012 Bibliography on marine organisms, environments, and oceanographic and atmospheric processes in Bahía Culebra, north Pacific, Costa Rica (1922-2012

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Bahía Culebra se locoaliza en la parte norte de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Es una región de afloramiento estacional, rica en ambientes y organismos marinos, y además, la zona de mayor desarrollo turístico del país. En este trabajo compilo y analizo una lista de 182 publicaciones en revista científcas y 23 tesis, informes y libros sobre organismos, ambientes y procesos marinos y atmosféricos en Bahía Culebra o donde se menciona la Bahía, se presentan y analizan. La gran mayoría de los trabajos, empezando en 1922 con la descripción de un poliqueto, son sobre biodiversidad y ecología. Faltan trabajos sobre algunos ambientes de la bahía, por ejemplo, el bentos de los fondos blandos, y grupos de organismos, por ejemplo, sobre gusanos planos de vida libre. Faltan investigaciones sobre pesquería y manejo de los organismos y ambientes marinos de la Bahía.Bibliography on marine organisms, environments, and oceanographic and atmospheric processes in Bahía Culebra, north Pacific, Costa Rica (1922-2012. Bahía Culebra is located on the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It is a seasonal upwelling area, rich in marine ecosystems and organisms, and the main tourist development area in the country. Here, I compiled and analyzed a list of 182 publications in scientific journals, and 23 thesis, reports and books in which marine organisms, environments and marine and atmospheric processes from Bahía Culebra or in which the Bay are mentioned is presented and analyzed. The majority of the publications, starting with a paper from 1922 on a polychaete worm, are on biodiversity and ecology. The are no publications on some environments, for example the benthonic fauna of soft bottoms, or on some taxa, for example, flat worms. More work is needed on fisheries and management of the organisms and environments of Bahía Culebra.

  13. 2 Hoteles en Almería - Gran Hotel Almería –Alcazaba Gran Hotel

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    Cassinello, F.


    Full Text Available This article describes the above two hotels, one of which is a town hotel, namely the «Gran Hotel Almería », and the other a touristic hotel situated near the beach and close to sporting facilities. Both hotels are of 1. A classification, and have been carefully designed; they have basic characteristics that are common to both, but have many secondary features that are specific of each, depending on their emplacement and use.En este artículo se describen dos instalaciones hoteleras: una, de carácter urbano, «Gran Hotel Almería»; otra, eminentemente deportiva y de playa, «Alcazaba Gran Hotel». Ambos edificios son de categoría cuatro estrellas y se han estudiado cuidadosamente, plasmando características básicas y fundamentales comunes, pero con detalles distintivos que las diferencian, en función de su emplazamiento y utilización.

  14. CNGS: Opening the way to Gran Sasso

    CERN Multimedia


    The excavation and concreting of the underground structures of the CNGS (CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso) project has just been completed. The way to Gran Sasso is now open and, to mark the occasion, we are publishing a special two-part Bulletin report on the CNGS project. The first part, which appears this week, covers the facility which will allow a beam of neutrinos to be sent from CERN to INFN's underground laboratory at Gran Sasso in Italy in 2006. The second part, to appear in next week's issue, will feature the two CNGS experiments, OPERA and ICARUS.

  15. Internet de las cosas y la ingeniería de sistemas: un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Presentación de la conferencia "Internet de las cosas y la ingeniería de sistemas: un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad" impartida en las IV Jornadas Informáticas UTE, celebradas el 15 y 16 de junio de 2017 y organizadas por la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Quito, Ecuador).

  16. Enfermería extrahospitalaria: Actuación en las lesiones por animales marinos.


    Carmona Simarro, J.V.; Villalba Lizandra, N.


    Año tras año, durante los veranos, comprobamos cómo la incidencia de lesiones por la acción de los animales marinos ha sido significativa en toda la costa Mediterránea, asociada al aumento de la temperatura. La mejoría en la calidad de las aguas de las playas, el buen tiempo y el turismo han provocado que prácticamente durante los meses de julio, agosto y septiembre, éstas hayan estado casi llenas, lo que ha provocado una incidencia mayor de lesiones por los animales marin...

  17. Agreement between the Republic of San Marino and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document reproduces the text of the Agreement (and the Protocol thereto) concluded between the Republic of San Marino and the IAEA for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The Agreement was signed in Vienna on 3 March 1995 and in San Marino on 7 September 1998. It entered into force on 15 September 1998. The Protocol entered into force on the same date

  18. Estudio fenotípico comparativo de consorcios microbianos con actividad quitinolítica de sedimentos marinos y rizósfera

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    Débora Alvarado


    Full Text Available Se colectaron 4 muestras de sedimentos tanto del fondo como de la orilla de la playa «Marbella», Callao y 4 muestras de tierra agrícola a nivel de rizósfera obtenidas de un viñedo de la localidad de «Grocio Prado» en la Provincia de Chincha, Ica. Se determinó la densidad poblacional de microorganismos heterotróficos con actividad quitinolítica presentes en estos ambientes, y se describió sus principales características fenotípicas. Para la cuantificación de las poblaciones se empleó el método del Número Más Probable (NMP. Los tubos con crecimiento positivo fueron sembrados en placas con Agar Quitina Granulada y Agar Quitina Coloidal que fueron incubadas a temperatura ambiental hasta por dos semanas. Con las colonias desarrolladas se realizaron las pruebas de Oxidación/Fermentación de Glucosa, Oxidasa, Catalasa, motilidad, presencia de flagelo, capacidad tintoreal al GRAM, producción de esporas y actividad quitinolítica semicuantitativa. Se elaboraron fenogramas con el programa NTSYS v.1,7. La mayor densidad de bacterias quitinolíticas fue encontrada en la rizósfera alcanzando niveles ³1,6 x 105 en tanto que en sedimentos marinos la densidad osciló entre 2,2 x 102 a 1,6 x 104 NMP/g. Luego del análisis de agrupamiento de los fenotipos mostrados por los consorcios estudiados, se encontró que presentaban características distintivas, exhibiendo ambas una gran diversidad fenotípica.

  19. Susceptibilidad in vitro a los medicamentos anti-tuberculosos de aislados de cepas del complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis obtenidos a partir de lobos marinos

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    Amelia Bernardelli


    Full Text Available Se han hallado cepas de micobacterias aisladas de lobos marinos del Atlántico sur y pertenecen al complejo de Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Los animales se recibieron en las instalaciones del Oceanario Mundo Marino y fueron tratados apropiadamente para su recuperación con la terapia convencional, cuidados intensivos y suplemento alimentario pero no se observó mejoría en su estado general. Se practicaron necropsias en todos los animales y se observaron lesiones extensas compatibles con tuberculosis en pulmones, hígado, bazo y ganglios linfáticos. Para la identificación de las micobacterias, se realizaron pruebas bioquímicas y técnicas de biología molecular con la sonda IS6110. Además, se identificaron todas las cepas como pertenecientes al complejo M. tuberculosis mediante el equipo LCx M. tuberculosis Assay (Abbott Laboratories. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar in vitro la sensibilidad de las cepas patrón BCG, H37Rv (M. tuberculosis y AN5 (Mycobacterium bovis y la de las siete aisladas de lobos marinos a isoniacida, rifampicina, estreptomicina y etambutol. La concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM de las drogas antituberculosas se llevó a cabo con el equipo Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT, BD, Argentina y la microdilución con el ensayo colorimétrico con bromuro de 3-(4-5 dimetiltiazol-2-2,5 difeniltetrazolio. Todos los aislamientos y las cepas de referencia BCG y AN5 se inhibieron con valores CIM de los de H37Rv con buena concordancia entre los resultados obtenidos con ambas técnicas. Los hallazgos permiten sugerir que podrían ser una importante ayuda terapéutica en los lobos marinos con diagnóstico de tuberculosis y evaluar el posible papel sanitario en la prevención y transmisión de la tuberculosis de los animales a los humanos y el trabajo en conjunto.

  20. Gran Sasso, laboratorio sigillato

    CERN Multimedia

    Di Giorgio, Claudia


    The authorities closed half of the Gran Sasso Centre and the experiments were stopped yesterday after faults were discovered in the security system in one of the three halls of the Laboratory (1 page)

  1. Action of the surge in the stability of the marine bed in the sounding of Campeche, Mexico; Accion del oleaje en la estabilidad del lecho marino en la sonda de Campeche, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendoza Baldwin, E.G.; Silva Casarin, R. [Instituto de Ingenieria, UNAM, (Mexico); Salazar Carrillo, E.E. [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (Mexico)


    Among the phenomena that must be taken into account while designing and constructing coastal structures, the wave-induced soil response has become a very important issue. One reason for this growing interest is that many structures have been reportedly failed because of seabed instability rather than design or construction deficiencies. In this paper we present the application to Sonda de Campeche, Mexico of an analytical model for a porous seabed of finite thickness, h, subject a 3D short crested wave system. This exact solution gives explicit expressions for the pore pressure and effective stresses under. [Spanish] La seguridad de las actividades relacionadas con el litoral depende, en gran medida, del correcto funcionamiento de las estructuras de operacion y proteccion, el diseno de las cuales, a su vez, requiere de un conocimiento lo mas completo posible, tanto de las solicitaciones como del comportamiento del entorno en el que seran construidas. Como respuesta a dichas necesidades, en este trabajo se presenta la aplicacion de un modelo en tres dimensiones con el que se puede representar la respuesta del lecho marino, considerando la existencia de un estrato poroso de espesor finito ante la accion de un sistema de ondas progresivas de cresta corta, el cual es de especial utilidad para el diseno y tendido de lineas submarinas. Dentro de las bondades del modelo se cuenta con la posibilidad de varias las condiciones del tipo de suelo (cohesivo, arenoso o mixto), grado de saturacion, angulo de incidencia del oleaje y espesor del estrato poroso. El modelo tridimensional es alimentado con datos de oleaje y tipo de suelo de la bahia de Campeche, Mexico, con los que se analizan las distribuciones verticales de los esfuerzos y la presion de poro inducidos. Finalmente, se realiza un estudio de inestabilidad del lecho marino para la misma bahia, comparando los resultados del modelo con los de sondeos en campo.

  2. State of emergency declared for Gran Sasso

    CERN Multimedia


    "On June 27th the Council of Ministers has declared the state of socioeconomic and environmental emergency in the territory of L'Aquila and Teramo, the provinces involved in the safety of the Gran Sasso system. The measure includes the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratories, the high-way tunnels, the environment in general and water in particular" (1 page).

  3. Moluscos marinos de la Isla de Gorgona (Costa del Pacífico colombiano)


    Cosel, R.v.


    Se listan 319 especies de moluscos marinos ya recolectados por varias personas y expediciones científicas en la Isla Gorgona (Litoral Pacífico de Colombia, provincia zoogeográfica panameña). 209 especies (65.5%) se encuentran desde México hasta el Ecuador o Perú, 21 especies (6.6%) desde Centroamérica hasta el Ecuador o Perú y 4 especies (1.3%) desde Gorgona (límite norte) hasta el Ecuador o Perú. Para 42 especies (13.2%), Gorgona forma el límite sur de distribución, otras 14 e...

  4. Estudio de actinomicetos marinos aislados de la costa central del Perú y su actividad antibacteriana frente a Staphylococcus aureus Meticilina Resistentes y Enterococcus faecalis Vancomicina Resistentes Study of marine actinomycetes isolated from the central coast of Peru and their antibacterial activity against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecalis

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    Jorge León


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar el potencial antimicrobiano de actinomicetos marinos frente a cepas S. aureus meticilino-resistentes (MRSA y E. faecalis vancomicina-resistentes (VRE. Materiales y métodos. En dos medios de cultivo se sembraron 29 cepas de actinomicetos aislados de sedimento marino. Se evaluó la capacidad inhibitoria mediante pruebas de antagonismo in vitro para MRSA y VRE. Se procesó los extractos orgánicos de tres actinomicetos seleccionados para determinar la Concentración Mínima Inhibitoria (CMI del compuesto activo. Resultados. La mayoría de los actinomicetos aislados correspondieron a un grupo homogéneo de blanco-grisáceos (62% con buen nivel de crecimiento en agar marino. Los porcentajes inhibitorios fueron superiores a 85% para ambos patógenos con halos de inhibición mayores a 69 y 78 mm de diámetro para MRSA y VRE respectivamente. Los extractos diclorometánicos de tres de los actinomicetos aislados (I-400A, B1-T61, M10-77 mostraron gran potencial inhibitorio de ambos patógenos, siendo M10-77 la cepa de actinomiceto de mayor actividad antibiótica frente a S. aureus ATCC 43300 resistente a meticilina y E. faecalis ATCC 51299 resistente a vancomicina con una Concentración Mínima Inhibitoria (CMI de 7,9 y 31,7 μg/ mL respectivamente. El análisis filogenético de la cepa M10- 77 presenta un 99% de similaridad con la especie marina Streptomyces erythrogriseus. Conclusiones. El sedimento marino de la costa central del Perú es fuente promisorio de cepas de actinomicetos con gran capacidad de producir compuestos bioactivos capaces de inhibir patógenos tipificados como multidrogo-resistentes tales como S. aureus meticilino resistentes y E. faecalis vancomicina resistentes.Objectives. To determine the antimicrobial potential of marine actinomycetes against drug-resistant pathogens represented by strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE. Materials and

  5. “Imperfetto perfettismo”: le riforme costituzionali nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra. Intervista a Giuseppe Carlo Marino

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    Giuseppe Carlo Marino


    Full Text Available In the interview sent to Diacronie. Studi di Storia contemporanea on 18th August 2016, the historian Giuseppe Carlo Marino recalls the basic aspects of the italian political contemporary history by focusing on the institutional dynamics that have to do with the changes of the power structure from the liberal up to the republican period, by contextualizing the latest changes of the italian constitution within the most general global, social, economic and political dynamics.

  6. ¿Cuál es el valor del patrimonio marino de un área arrecifal protegida? El contexto del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano

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    Adriana Isabel Gutiérrez-Castro


    Full Text Available El arrecife coralino aporta beneficios estéticos, económicos y ecosistémicos, aunque raramente se reconoce el valor patrimonial asignado por las poblaciones dependientes. Este caso de estudio analiza dos destinos internacionales de buceo en Parques Marinos del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano, donde este patrimonio marino se gestiona parcialmente en participación, sin parámetros de referencia sobre valor. Aplicando Valoración Contingente, se determinó el valor asignado localmente al arrecife. Sin aseverar que las estrategias de conservación han permeado al poblador, un 98% de entrevistados manifestó disposición al financiamiento parcial de acciones a favor del arrecife. Los principales valores del arrecife son el turístico per se, y los valores intangibles como son la propia existencia y el bienestar que de ellos se puede heredar. Se discuten implicaciones dada la creciente demanda por este ecosistema.

  7. Modelo geoestadístico y geotécnico de la generación de emanaciones de hidrocarburos en el fondo marino de la Sonda de Campeche, México


    Galván-García, E; Auvinet-Guichard, G


    Este artículo presenta un modelo de la formación de emanaciones de hidrocarburos en el fondo marino del Campo Cantarell en la Sonda de Campeche. El análisis se llevó a cabo recurriendo a la geoestadística y la geotecnia. Con la geoestadística, se estimó el espesor del estrato de suelo blando que constituye el fondo marino y se evaluó la variación espacial de las características físicas y mecánicas del suelo. Se encontró que la resistencia al corte del suelo se comporta como un "ruido blanco" ...

  8. Gran Torino

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    Manuel Gárate


    Full Text Available Las obra del ex-rudo del cine de los 70’ y 80’ no nos deja de sorprender por su sensibilidad y mirada crítica sobre la sociedad norteamericana actual. Clint Eastwood parece seguir actuando de sí mismo; siempre un duro, pero ya anciano, con achaques, dolores y tantas heridas en el cuerpo y en el alma que sólo cabe esperar su redención ante el indefectible paso del tiempo y los golpes de la vida. “Gran Torino” sigue la ruta trazada de “Million Dollar Baby” (2004 o incluso de aquel inolvidable...


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    Carmen Ruíz Huamán


    Full Text Available Durante el 2012, el Laboratorio de Cultivos Marinos obtuvo bacterias aisladas de los cultivos de microalgas. Se trabajó 60 colonias de los cultivos. Se confrontó una a una las colonias aisladas del cultivo de microalgas con las bacterias patógenas tipo ATCC, estas fueron: Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Aeromona hydrophila, Lactococcus garviaceae y Vibrio herveyi. Solo una bacteria tuvo interacción antagónica ya que formó el halo de inhibición.

  10. The Actaeon Myth according to G. Bruno and G. B. Marino

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    Patrizia Farinelli


    Full Text Available The paper examines how the classical myth of Actaeon was adopted in the post-Renaissance period by two anti-Classicist authors, Bruno and Marino, whose approaches to the myth differ despite their common rejection of the Classicist aesthetic paradigm. In one of the sonnets making up Giordano Bruno’s dialogue De gli eroici furori (1585, the Actaeon myth is invested with a new, philosophical meaning, and used to represent a new gnoseological concept. An idyll, on the other hand, included in Giovan Battista Marino’s La Sampogna collection (1620, displays a tendency to hyperliterariness and a taste for surprise effects, proposing a version of the myth which admits a metatextual interpretation. The present study compares each author’s writing practice to their respective poetological positions and analyses it in the light of intertextual references.

  11. Solapamiento trófico entre el lobo marino de un pelo Otaria flavescens y la pesquería de arrastre demersal del golfo San Matías, Patagonia, Argentina Trophic overlap between the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens and the demersal trawl fishery in San Matías Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina

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    María Alejandra Romero


    Full Text Available A nivel internacional, paralelo a la declinación y al colapso de pesquerías de gran escala, surgió un interés creciente por el estudio de las interacciones entre mamíferos marinos y pesquerías. El golfo San Matías (Patagonia, Argentina es considerado un ecosistema pesquero independiente de las aguas de la Plataforma Continental Argentina, con condiciones oceanográficas y biológicas particulares. La condición de sistema semi-cerrado podría generar escenarios particulares para la interacción entre la flota pesquera de arrastre de fondo y la población de lobos marinos de un pelo Otaria flavescens. En el presente trabajo se caracterizó la dieta del predador y la composición de las capturas pesqueras a fin de evaluar el solapamiento trófico entre ambos componentes. A partir de este análisis y la comparación de las tallas de las presas consumidas, se encontró que la posibilidad de una interacción competitiva entre la flota pesquera y los lobos marinos, a partir de la utilización de recursos similares, sería baja en el ecosistema del golfo San Matías.As world fisheries began to decline and massive collapses were observed, the competition between marine mammals and fisheries became an issue of growing concern. San Matías Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina is considered to be a fishery ecosystem independent of the Argentine Continental Shelf waters, with particular oceanographic and biological properties. As a semi-enclosed ecosystem, this gulf may generate particular scenarios for interactions between the demersal trawl fishery fleet and the population of South American sea lions Otaria flavescens. In this paper, the diet of the top predator and the composition of fishery catches were characterized in order to assess the trophic overlap between these two components. This analysis and a comparison of the sizes of prey consumed revealed a low probability of competition for similar resources between the fishing fleet and the marine mammals

  12. Killer whales attack on South American sea lion associated with a fishing vessel: predator and prey tactics Ataque de orcas a un lobo marino sudamericano asociado a un barco pesquero: tácticas del predador y la presa

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    M. Florencia Grandi


    Full Text Available Interactions between killer whales and sea lions are widely known. This work describes the predator-prey behaviour of killer whales and South American sea lion associated with a trawling fishery. In Argentina the predatory behaviours of killer whales and anti-predatory behaviours of South American sea lions have been described from costal based observations, but predator-prey behaviour of these species is poorly known at open waters. Here we describe a killer whale group attack on an individual sea lion, using a video recorded from a trawling vessel and an interview of the ship captain. This predator-prey behaviour represents an example of the complexity of interactions between marine mammals and fisheries along the Patagonian coast.Las interacciones entre orcas y lobos marinos son ampliamente conocidas. Este trabajo describe el comportamiento predador-presa entre orcas y un lobo marino sudamericano asociados a un barco pesquero de arrastre. Particularmente en Argentina el comportamiento predatorio de las orcas y el anti-predatorio de los lobos marinos comunes fueron descriptos mediante observaciones costeras, pero se sabe poco sobre el comportamiento de estas especies en aguas abiertas. En este trabajo, a partir de un video grabado desde un barco de pesca arrastrero, junto con la entrevista del capitán del barco, se describe cómo un grupo de orcas ataca a un lobo marino Sudamericano. Este comportamiento predador-presa representa un ejemplo sobre la complejidad de las interacciones entre mamíferos marinos y las pesquerías a lo largo de la costa patagónica.

  13. Cariotipo y regiones organizadoras del nucleolo del pez sapo marino Halobatrachus didactylus (Schneider, 1801) (Pisces: Batrachoididae)


    Palazón, J. L.; Nirchio, M.; Sarasquete, C.


    Se estudió el cariotipo convencional (Giemsa) y las Regiones Organizadoras del Nucleolo (NOR) en el pez sapo marino Halobatrachus didactylus. El número diploide de cromosomas 2n = 46 estuvo compuesto de 8 elementos metacéntricos, 12 submetacéntricos y 26 acrocéntricos (NF = 66). No fueron observados cromosomas sexuales heteromórficos en esta especie. Los cromosomas metacéntricos fueron fácilmente clasificados como pares homólogos según su morfología y la relación longitud del brazo largo/long...

  14. Uso de marcas convencionales en un país con escasa experiencia en marcación de peces marinos

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    Marcelo Pérez


    Full Text Available La utilización del marcado mediante distintas técnicas ha sido reconocida como un valioso medio para estudiar distintos aspectos poblacionales de especies de peces marinos. El Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP de Argentina, diseñó una actividad para la utilización de la técnica de marcado y recaptura mediante marcas convencionales en un tiburón demersal-bentónico "gatuzo" (Mustelus schmitti, para establecer desplazamientos de la especie en el Ecosistema Costero Argentino Uruguayo. Se estableció el uso de marcas convencionales principalmente por ser un método económico, utilizado en tiburones en todo el mundo, aunque dependiente de la actividad de la flota comercial. Entre noviembre de 2010 y diciembre de 2011, se marcaron 2471 ejemplares mayores de 50 cm de longitud total, mediante marcas tipo DART. Hasta diciembre de 2012 se recuperaron 42 marcas (1,70%. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir, discutir y analizar algunos problemas asociados a la marcación y recuperación de marcas convencionales en Argentina, país casi sin experiencia en esta técnica en peces marinos, mediante la aplicación a esta especie de tiburón.

  15. Incidencia de parásitos y bacterias del genero vibrio en el cultivo de camarón marino desarrollados en cooperativas camaroneras del municipio de Jiquilisco, departamento de Usulután


    Orellana de Granados, Claudia Marisol; Ayala Mestanza, Oscar Antonio


    Resumen En El Salvador el 59.3% del camarón marino de la especie Litopenaeus vannamei se produce en la Bahía de Jiquilisco, departamento de Usulután, el cultivo tiene una duración de 60 a 90 días y el peso de cosecha oscila entre 7 y 12 gramos. El bajo crecimiento y las altas mortalidades son problemas que preocupan a este sector productivo. Por esta razón la Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA-FEPADE a través de la carrera de Gestión Integral de Recursos Marino Costeros, desarrolló una...

  16. The MACRO detector at Gran Sasso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ambrosio, M.; Antolini, R.; Assiro, R.; Auriemma, G.; Bakari, D.; Baldini, A.; Barbarino, G.C.; Barbarito, E.; Barish, B.C.; Battistoni, G.; Becherini, Y.; Bellotti, R.; Bemporad, C.; Bernardini, P.; Bilokon, H.; Bisi, V.; Bloise, C.; Bottazzi, E.; Bower, C.; Brigida, M.; Bussino, S.; Cafagna, F.; Calicchio, M.; Campana, D.; Candela, A.; Carboni, M.; Cecchini, S.; Cei, F.; Ceres, A.; Chiarella, V.; Choudhary, B.C.; Coutu, S.; Cozzi, M.; Creti, P.; De Cataldo, G.; Esposti, L.D.L. Degli; Dekhissi, H.; Marzo, C. De; Mitri, I. De; Derkaoui, J.; Vincenzi, M. De; Credico, A. Di; Ferdinando, D. Di; Diotallevi, R.; Erriquez, O.; Favuzzi, C.; Forti, C.; Fusco, P.; Gebhard, M.; Giacomelli, G.; Giacomelli, R.; Giannini, G.; Giglietto, N.; Giorgini, M.; Giuliani, R.; Goretti, M.; Grassi, M.; Grau, H.; Gray, L.; Grillo, A.; Guarino, F.; Gustavino, C.; Habig, A.; Hanson, J.; Hanson, K.; Hawthorne, A.; Heinz, R.; Hong, J.T.; Iarocci, E.; Katsavounidis, E.; Katsavounidis, I.; Kearns, E.; Kim, H.; Kyriazopoulou, S.; Lamanna, E.; Lane, C.; Leone, A.; Levin, D.S.; Lipari, P.; Liu, G.; Liu, R.; Longley, N.P.; Longo, M.J.; Loparco, F.; Maaroufi, F.; Mancarella, G.; Mandrioli, G.; Manzoor, S.; Marrelli, V.; Margiotta, A.; Marini, A.; Martello, D.; Marzari-Chiesa, A.; Mazziotta, M.N.; Michael, D.G.; Mikheyev, S.; Miller, L.; Monacelli, P.; Mongelli, M.; Montaruli, T.; Monteno, M.; Mossbarger, L.; Mufson, S.; Musser, J.; Nicolo, D.; Nolty, R.; Okada, C.; Orsini, M.; Orth, C.; Osteria, G.; Ouchrif, M.; Palamara, O.; Parlati, S.; Patera, V.; Patrizii, L.; Pazzi, R.; Peck, C.W.; Pellizzoni, G.; Perchiazzi, M.; Perrone, L.; Petrakis, J.; Petrera, S.; Pignatano, N.; Pinto, C.; Pistilli, P.; Popa, V.; Raino, A.; Reynoldson, J.; Ronga, F.; Rrhioua, A.; Sacchetti, A.; Saggese, P.; Satriano, C.; Satta, L.; Scapparone, E.; Scholberg, K.; Sciubba, A.; Serra, P.; Sioli, M.; Sirri, G.; Sitta, M.; Sondergaard, S.; Spinelli, P.; Spinetti, M.; Spurio, M.; Stalio, S.; Steinberg, R.; Stone, J.L.; Sulak, L.R.; Surdo, A.; Tarle, G.; Togo, V.; Vakili, M.; Valieri, C.; Walter, C.W.; Webb, R.; Zaccheo, N.


    MACRO was an experiment that ran in the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso from 1988 to 2000. Its principal goal was to observe magnetic monopoles or set significantly lower experimental flux limits than had been previously available in the velocity range from about β=10 -4 to unity. In addition it made a variety of other observations. Examples are: setting flux limits on other so far unobserved particles such as nuclei and lightly ionizing particles, searching for WIMP annihilations in the Earth and the Sun and for neutrino bursts from stellar collapses in or near our Galaxy, and making measurements relevant to high energy muon and neutrino astronomy and of the flux of up-going muons as a function of nadir angle showing evidence for neutrino oscillations. The apparatus consisted of three principal types of detectors: liquid scintillator counters, limited streamer tubes, and nuclear track etch detectors. In addition, over part of its area it contained a transition radiation detector. The general design philosophy emphasized redundancy and complementarity. This paper describes the technical aspects of the complete MACRO detector, its operational performance, and the techniques used to calibrate it and verify its proper operation. It supplements a previously published paper which described the first portion of the detector that was built and operated

  17. Adrian Marino and the Ideea of Freedom. A Necesary Reevaluation and Challenge

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    Ionuţ COSTEA


    Full Text Available The study aims to highlight a turn in Marino Adrian's intellectual identity. This change wasconfirmed in memorialistic feature texts (dialogues, memories printed after the events of December1989 and it is seen at some program writings, which are militant in order to define a new Romanianculture, based on a real dialog with the West, animated by a critical spirit, being original andoriented through fundamental writings, synthesis and encyclopedias. If at cultural level, Marinoasserted his desire to build a new culture, at social level he believed in building up a civil society,dominated by the values of democracy and of human rights. In this context, Marino’s interest movesfrom the criticism and literary theory to the history of ideas and ideologies, in order to define aliberal culture necessary to the deep modernization and Europeanization of the Post communistRomania.1

  18. Ground Breaking for the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso Project

    CERN Document Server


    At 11:45 on 12 October, the Director General dug the first earth for the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso Project. Left to right: Professor A. Bettini, Director of the Gran Sasso laboratory, Mme M.-G. Philippe, sous-prefet of Gex, and L. Maiani, Director General of CERN.

  19. Distribution and size of benthic marine habitats in Dominica, Lesser Antilles

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    Sascha Claus Christoff Steiner


    Full Text Available Los ambientes béntico-marinos de Dominica, Antillas Menores, incluyen 1 814.7ha y cerca del 90% de la costa. Este es el primer trabajo sobre el tamaño y distribución de los ambientes costeros sublitorales y sus comunidades epibénticas. Los pastos marinos constituyeron el ambiente más extenso, con 265ha. Los arrecifes coralinos presentaron una cobertura de 72.2ha. Ambos tipos de ambientes se encontraron principalmente en la costa oeste y norte, regiones con la mayor diversidad de ambientes marinos. Las áreas rocosas (911.5ha dominaron las costas este y sur de la isla, y junto con las áreas arenosas (566ha constituyeron el 81% de los ambientes bénticos. La distribución de pastos marinos, que incluyeron cuatro especies nativas y una invasiva, no se pudo corroborar con los pocos informes previos. La cobertura béntica de los arrecifes coralinos de Dominica fue mucho menor que las 7 000ha que se habían reportado previamente. Estas discrepancias ilustran la ventaja de los estudios ambientales basados en trabajo de campo y la compilación sistemática de datos ambientales, especialmente en casos como Dominica donde por lo angosto de la plataforma insular, los ambientes marinos sublitorales quedan muy cerca de los centros urbanos. Se demuestra que técnicas simples pueden ser utilizadas a gran escala alrededor de una isla para realizar inventarios de los recursos marino-costeros, mediante mapas y repositorios públicos de datos para usos futuros, que permiten el desarrollo de medidas de conservación efectivas.

  20. First results from the MACRO experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giacomelli, G.; Bellotti, R.; Cafagna, F.; Calicchio, M.; De Cataldo, G.; De Marzo, C.; Erriquez, E.; Favuzzi, C.; Giglietto, N.; Nappi, E.; Spinelli, P.; Cechini, S.; Fabbri, M.; Mandrioli, G.; Matteuzzi, P.; Pal, B.; Patrizii, L.; Predieri, F.; Sanzani, G.L.; Serra, P.; Spurio, M.; Sini, G.P.; Togo, V.; Ahlen, S.P.; Ficenec, D.; Hazen, E.; Klein, S.; Levin, D.; Marin, A.; Stone, J.L.; Sulak, L.R.; Worstell, W.; Barish, B.; Coutu, S.; Hong, J.T.; Liu, G.; Peck, C.; Solie, D.; Steele, J.; Lane, C.; Steinberg, R.; Battistoni, G.; Bilokon, H.; Bloise, C.; Campana, P.; Chiarella, V.; Forti, C.; Grillo, A.; Iarocci, E.; Marini, A.; Patera, V.; Reynoldson, J.; Ronga, F.; Satta, L.; Spinetti, M.; Valente, V.; Bower, C.; Heinz, R.; Mufson, S.; Petrakis, J.; Monacelli, P.; Reale, A.; Bernardini, P.; Mancarella, G.; Barbarino, G.C.; Fiore, M.; Baldini, A.; Bemporad, C.; Flaminio, V.; Giannini, G.; Grassi, M.; Pazzi, R.; Auriemma, G.; De Vincenzi, M.; Iori, M.; Lamanna, E.; Lipari, P.; Martellotti, G.; Petrera, S.; Petrillo, L.; Rosa, G.; Sciubba, A.; Severi, M.; Green, P.; Webb, R.; Bisi, V.; Giubellino, P.; Marzari-Chiesa, A.; Masera, M.; Monteno, M.; Ramello, L.


    The first physics results obtained with the MACRO detector in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory are reported. Results were also obtained in conjunction with the EAS-TOP detector located on top of the Gran Sasso mountain. (orig.)

  1. Gran Sasso, laboratori fermi per inquinamento

    CERN Multimedia

    Arachi, Alessandra


    An experimental hall at the Gran Sasso laboratory has been closed by the Courts after a river was found contaminated. The institute decided to close all the installations in order to protect the health of citizens (1 page)

  2. GRAN SASSO: Enriched germanium in action

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Two large crystals of carefully enriched germanium, one weighing 1 kilogram and the other 2.9 kilograms, and worth many millions of dollars, are being carefully monitored in the Italian Gran Sasso Laboratory in the continuing search for neutrinoless double beta decay.

  3. GRAN SASSO: Enriched germanium in action

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Two large crystals of carefully enriched germanium, one weighing 1 kilogram and the other 2.9 kilograms, and worth many millions of dollars, are being carefully monitored in the Italian Gran Sasso Laboratory in the continuing search for neutrinoless double beta decay

  4. TBT e imposex en Galicia: los efectos de un disruptor endocrino en poblaciones de gasterópodos marinos


    R. Barreiro; M. Quintela; J. M. Ruiz


    En este artículo se resume la experiencia de nuestro grupo de investigación en el campo de los efectos de un disruptor endocrino androgenizante (el tributilo de estaño, más conocido como TBT por su abreviatura del inglés tributyltin) en gasterópodos marinos del litoral gallego. Nuestras investigaciones sobre este tema comenzaron en 1996 y continúan en la actualidad. Después de una breve introducción sobre qué es el TBT y su problemática, se resumen los principales hallazgos conseguid...


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    Massimo Ragnedda


    Full Text Available Gran hermano y rizoma son metáforas cada vez más utilizadas cuando se habla de Internet. En la red estamos continuamente monitorizados: se recogen y catalogan datos e información como si se tratase de un cyberpanopticón: de ahí la metáfora del gran hermano electrónico. La red siente la necesidad de imponer un control cuyo objetivo es uniformar el comportamiento de los usuarios. Pero Internet es, además, una estructura rizomática difícilmente encajable en modelos rígidos. Internet rechaza, por su propia naturaleza, la centralización del poder en beneficio de la autogestión. ¿Cómo pueden coexistir un sistema de vigilancia tipo gran hermano con las características rizomáticas de la red? Estas este artículo se analizan ambas metáforas y se busca una síntesis de ambos conceptos.

  6. Uso de marcas convencionales en un país con escasa experiencia en marcación de peces marinos


    Pérez,Marcelo; Braccini,Matías; Cousseau,M. Berta


    La utilización del marcado mediante distintas técnicas ha sido reconocida como un valioso medio para estudiar distintos aspectos poblacionales de especies de peces marinos. El Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) de Argentina, diseñó una actividad para la utilización de la técnica de marcado y recaptura mediante marcas convencionales en un tiburón demersal-bentónico "gatuzo" (Mustelus schmitti), para establecer desplazamientos de la especie en el Ecosistema Coste...

  7. Laboratorio Gran Sasso : riprendono le attività

    CERN Multimedia


    Tests have begun again in the Gran Sasso Laboratory after it's recent closure due to river contamination : some improvements have been made, such as insulation, and testing of water systems and storage areas (1 paragraph)

  8. An overview of interactions among oceanography, marine ecosystems, climatic and human disruptions along the eastern margins of the Pacific Ocean Una visión general de las interacciones entre la oceanografía, los ecosistemas marinos y las disrupciones climáticas y antrópicas en los márgenes este del Océano Pacífico

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    Full Text Available Physical processes, biotic processes and human activities all act to shape marine ecosystems. Future management of these valuable ecosystems requires an integrative approach that takes into account complicated organismal interactions, oceanographic processes that span large scales of time and space, and how anthropogenic effects interact with the natural environment. The temperate west coasts of North and South America represent a unique opportunity for comparison, as many of the same oceanographic processes, particularly upwelling, occur off both coasts. Additionally, a number of marine ecosystems in both areas have surprising parallels. Here we present an overview of the oceanographic processes that dominate the coastlines, and give examples of ecosystems and the effects that oceanography, human activities and their interaction have on the communitiesLos procesos físicos y biológicos y las actividades humanas determinan los ecosistemas marinos. El manejo futuro de estos valiosos ecosistemas requiere de una aproximación integrativa que considere las complejas interacciones entre individuos, los procesos oceanográficos que se desarrollan a gran escala espacial y temporal, y la interacción de los efectos antropogénicos con el medio ambiente. Las costas templadas del oeste de Norteamérica y Sudamérica representan una oportunidad única para efectuar comparaciones ya que muchos procesos oceanográficos, particularmente la surgencia costera, ocurren en ambas costas. Adicionalmente, numerosos ecosistemas marinos en ambas áreas presentan sorprendentes paralelos. La presente revisión ofrece una visión general de los procesos oceanográficos dominantes en ambas costas y ofrece ejemplos de ecosistemas y los efectos que la oceanografía, las actividades humanas y las interacciones entre individuos tienen sobre las comunidades marinas

  9. El Gran Catharro de 1580 ¿gripe o pertussis?

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    Camaño Puig, Ramón


    Full Text Available The gran Catharro (1580 is considered the first influenza epidemic. The analysis of various testimonies of the time may offer some doubts about whether or not it was so; and data strongly support that it was a pertussis epidemic.

    El Gran Catharro (1580 es considerado como la primera epidemia de gripe. El análisis conjunto de los datos contenidos en diferentes testimonios, suscita dudas respecto a que se tratara de una epidemia de gripe y apoyan la posibilidad de que se tratara de una de tos ferina.

  10. Ground breaking for the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso Project

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    Photo 06: Le Directeur général, L. Maiani, a donné le premier coup de pelleteuse pour le projet Neutrinos du CERN vers le Gran Sasso Photo 08 : Le Professeur L. Maiani, aux commandes de la pelleteuse Photo 18 : G.à dr.: Le Professeur A. Bettini, Directeur du Laboratoire Gran Sasso, Mme M.-G. Philippe, sous-prefet de Gex et le Professeur L. Maiani, Directeur général du CERN

  11. Evaluación de las Consecuencias de la Nueva Regulación de la OMI sobre Combustibles Marinos


    Manuel López, Francisco de


    El 10 de octubre de 2008 la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) firmó una modificación al Anexo VI del convenio MARPOL 73/78, por la que estableció una reducción progresiva de las emisiones de óxidos de azufre (SOx) procedentes de los buques, una reducción adicional de las emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx), así como límites en las emisiones de dióxido de Carbono (CO2) procedentes de los motores marinos y causantes de problemas medioambientales como la lluvia ácida y efecto invernad...

  12. Low background Ge spectrometry at Gran Sasso underground laboratories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preusse, W.; Bucci, C.; Arpesella, C.


    Under the shelter of 1400 m limestone rock the Gran Sasso underground laboratories in the Apennines (110 km north-east of Rome at a turn-off inside the Gran Sasso motorway tunnel) were designed for running large experiments in the field of neutrino, particle and astrophysics by international collaborations. These experiments have in common the basic requirement to be capable to detect very rare events like e.g. neutrino interactions and double beta decays. Due to this their permanent demands for selecting radiopure materials have led to the equipping of a Ge detector laboratory - at present with 6 large detectors. (orig./DG)

  13. Low background Ge spectrometry at Gran Sasso underground laboratories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Preusse, W [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Lab. Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (Italy); Bucci, C [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Lab. Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (Italy); Arpesella, C [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Lab. Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (Italy)


    Under the shelter of 1400 m limestone rock the Gran Sasso underground laboratories in the Apennines (110 km north-east of Rome at a turn-off inside the Gran Sasso motorway tunnel) were designed for running large experiments in the field of neutrino, particle and astrophysics by international collaborations. These experiments have in common the basic requirement to be capable to detect very rare events like e.g. neutrino interactions and double beta decays. Due to this their permanent demands for selecting radiopure materials have led to the equipping of a Ge detector laboratory - at present with 6 large detectors. (orig./DG)

  14. Potential foraging and aggregation zones of the Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata (Testudines: Cheloniidae), near Marino Ballena National Park, Costa Rica


    Bonilla Salazar, Adrian; Brenes Arias, Oscar


    Groups of hawksbill sea turtles have been observed over the years, close to the coast of the Marino Ballena National Park. For this reason, in February 2015, we monitored its coast to identify aggregation sites. Turtle size estimates, and identification, were done by direct observation by the divers and from the boat. From February to December 2015, fourteen monitor records per sampling point were done and 41 turtles were recorded. They were 30cm - 80cm long and 59% of the individuals aggrega...

  15. Potential foraging and aggregation zones of the Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata (Testudines: Cheloniidae), in Marino Ballena National Park, Costa Rica


    Bonilla-Salazar, Adrián; Brenes Arias, Oscar


    AbstractGroups of hawksbill sea turtles have been observed over the years, close to the coast of the Marino Ballena National Park. For this reason, in February 2015, we monitored its coast to identify aggregation sites. Turtle size estimates, and identification, were done by direct observation by the divers and from the boat. From February to December 2015, fourteen monitor records per sampling point were done and 41 turtles were recorded. They were 30cm - 80cm long and 59% of the individuals...

  16. Hydrogeological impact on Gran Sasso tunnels; Impatto idrogeologico delle gallerie autostradali del Gran Sasso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Massoli Novelli, R. [Societa' Italiana di Geologia Ambientale, Rome (Italy); Petitta, M. [Rome Univ., Rome (Italy). Dipt. Scienze della Terra


    In 1970-1980 two highway tunnels, 10.150 km long, were bored in the Gran Sasso mountain, at an elevation of 900 m. a.s.l. the tunnels have a rectilinear axis trending SW-NE and they pass about 2 km SE of Corno Grande (2912 m.), the highest peak in the entire Apennines chain. Both tunnels intercepted the regional aquifer in the central part of the massif, with a maximum discharge, during the first year of boring, of about 3m{sup 3}/s. Actually the discharge from the tunnels is about 1,2 m{sup 3}/s on the northern side and about 0,5 m{sup 3}/s on the southern one. Both discharges are mainly used to provide neighbouring towns with drinking water. In 1994 it was begun monitoring monthly the southern springs. The Vera spring data (1994-1996) show a very steady regime and a mean discharge of about 1m{sup 3}/s, considerably less than the pre-tunnels mean discharge value (1,8 m{sup 3}/s). On the contrary, the data about the springs located at an inferior elevation (Tirino Valley) show that tunnels produced on lower springs a minor impact. The impact of rainfall diminishing during recent years is considered. About the third tunnel project to serve the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory, it must be considered that the new tunnel will be excavated in a dried zone, up the two existent tunnels. Moreover it is necessary to avoid the actual, very dangerous access to the INFN Lab inside one of the highway tunnels. [Italian] Il massiccio del Gran Sasso (Abruzzo) occupa un'area di circa 800 kmq e presenta con il Corno Grande un'altitudine massima di m. 2912. La necessita' di collegare Roma e il versante tirrenico dell'Appennino con il versante Adriatico (Teramo) e' stato assicurato dalla strada statale N. 80 che dall'Aquila conduceva a Teramo, attraverso una serie di dorsali e di vette che descrivono un ampio arco di circa 40 km, in direzine E-W e poi N-S. La strada era soggetta a imponenti nevicate e gelate. Una soluzione poteva essere rappresentata da un

  17. Entre lapas: primera valoración de los restos de origen marino del yacimiento holoceno de J3 (Hondarribia, País Vasco

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    Full Text Available Uno de los yacimientos prehistóricos más importantes documentados en la Sierra de Jaizkibel es J3. Situado a tan solo 200 m de la costa, en este abrigo se han excavado diferentes niveles arqueológicos datados a comienzos del Holoceno (Mesolítico. En los niveles B, C, D y F se documentaron enormes acumulaciones de conchas, lo que hace que el yacimiento sea considerado como un “conchero” estratificado. Calculamos que, en el sondeo realizado (ca. 1,5 m2, el número de restos podría alcanzar el medio millón. En este artículo presentamos los primeros datos sobre la explotación de recursos marinos procedentes de J3. Se ha estudiado una muestra del yacimiento. En los cuatro niveles la composición arqueofaunística es similar. Los restos más abundantes son las conchas de gasterópodos (casi exclusivamente lapas, Phorcus lineatus. También hay evidencias de crustáceos (placas de percebes y de balanos, de equinodermos (erizos y de peces (espáridos. La presencia de estos restos arqueofaunísticos en J3 indica que los grupos humanos marisqueaban diferentes animales marinos en la zona intermareal cercana al yacimiento.

  18. Distribution and abundance of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens (Carnivora: Otariidae along the central coast off Chile Distribución y abundancia del lobo marino común Otaria flavescens (Carnivora: Otariidae en la costa de Chile central

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    Full Text Available The onshore distribution and abundance of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens along the central Chilean coast was estimated during the period January-February 2007. Additionally, changes in population abundance during the period 1970-2007 were examined. Population surveys were based on photographs taken from boats or aircraft. A total of 16301 sea lions (CI = 16209-16375 were counted in 33 colonies (6 breeding and 27 non-breeding sites. After correction to account for the proportion of individuals at sea and for pups not seen at the time of the survey, the mean estimated abundance was 18179 (95 % CI = 17777-18851 sea lions. Population trend analysis showed that from 1970 to 1985, South American sea lions showed a positive increase of approximately 2.1 % yr-1. Nevertheless, between 1985 and 1997 and between 1997 and 2007, the estimated number of sea lions showed a stable or slightly negative trend of 0.4 ± 0.1 % yr-1and 0.5 ± 0.1 % yr-1, respectively. We suggest that the overexploitation and decline of the principal fisheries in Central Chile could adversely impact the abundance and distribution of the South American sea lion in the study area.Se estimó la distribución y la abundancia poblacional del lobo marino común Otaria flavescens en la costa de Chile central durante los meses de enero y febrero de 2007. Adicionalmente, se analizaron los cambios en la abundancia de esta especie durante el período 1970-2007. Los censos poblacionales se basaron en fotografías tomadas desde embarcaciones menores o desde avionetas. Se contabilizaron un total de 16301 lobos marinos (IC = 16209-16375 en 33 colonias (6 reproductivas y 27 no reproductivas. Después de corregir por la proporción de animales en el agua y por crías no registradas al momento del censo, se estimó una abundancia promedio de 18179 (95 % CI = 17777-18851 lobos marinos en el área de estudio. El análisis de tendencia poblacional presentó que desde 1970 a 1985 la

  19. Atmospheric corrosion in Gran Canaria specifically meteorological and pollution conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, J.E.G.; Valles, M.L.; Mirza R, J.C.


    Carbon steel, copper, zinc and aluminium samples were exposed in different sizes with known ambient parameters in Gran Canaria Island and atmospheric corrosion was investigated. Weight-loss measurements used to determine corrosion damage were complemented with metallographic and XP S determination in order to characterize the structure and morphology of surface corrosion products. The ambient aggressiveness could be well evaluated from meteorological and pollution data. All atmospheric corrosion and environmental data were statistically processed for establishing general corrosion damage functions for carbon steel, copper, aluminium and zinc in terms of Gran Canaria extreme meteorological and pollution parameters. (Author)

  20. Evaluación Rápida del Ecosistema Marino Desarrollado en la Zona de Carga de la Planta Pampa Melchorita de Perú LNG.


    Chamorro, Alan; Contreras, Christian; Raschio, Giancarlo


    La Planta Pampa Melchorita de Perú LNG se establece sobre un ecosistema costero árido el cual limita por el oeste con un acantilado rocoso y cuyas condiciones ambientales corresponden a un ecosistema marino con playas, un litoral rocoso y una zona pelágica; las tres sub-unidades han sufrido modificaciones físicas, donde estas modificaciones podrían haber generado variaciones en la biodiversidad local. El principal objetivo del presente estudio es describir las principales características b...

  1. Gran Sasso National Laboratory: Outreach and communication activities (United States)

    Antolini, R.; Di Giovanni, A.; Galeota, M.; Sebastiani, S.


    Due to its fascinating structures, the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) offers huge opportunities for communication and outreach activities conceived for students and general public. A great effort is devoted to the organisation of the "OPEN DAY", in which the scientific staff of Gran Sasso introduces non expert people to the main relevant research topics of the laboratory through interactive demonstrations and particle detectors. In particular, a portable cosmic rays telescope has been realized: the detector is used by LNGS team in pubblic events as well as to promote the scientific activities of the Laboratory. In order to point out the importance of the scientific culture for young people, LNGS is involved in the organisation of several training courses for students and teachers focused on the improvement of the knowledge on modern physics topics. Since May 2008 is operating in Teramo the "Galileium", an interactive museum for physics and astrophysics.





    La presente tesi ha avuto l’obiettivo di illustrare i rapporti tra l’Albania e la Gran Bretagna nel decennio tra il 1940 al 1950. Il lavoro viene svolto basandosi su tre momenti; a) l’ingresso dell’Albania nell’ottica della politica estera della Gran Bretagna e l’invio delle missioni militari britanniche in Albania. b) La fine della Guerra collocò l’Albania dall’altra parte della cortina di ferro rispetto ai britannici causando il peggioramento dei rapporti tra i due governi dopo gli...

  3. DUBNA-GRAN SASSO: Satellite computer link

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In April a 64 kbit/s computer communication link was set up between the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna (Russia) and Gran Sasso (Italy) Laboratories via nearby ground satellite stations using the INTELSAT V satellite. Previously the international community of Dubna's experimentalists and theorists (high energy physics, condensed matter physics, low energy nuclear and neutron physics, accelerator and applied nuclear physics) had no effective computer links with scientific centres worldwide

  4. El oficio de los neveros en Gran Canaria en el siglo XVIII

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    Salvador Miranda Calderin


    Full Text Available A finales del s. XVII el Cabildo Catedral de Canarias, con sede en la capital de Gran Canaria, construyó en la cumbre de la Isla dos pozos de nieve. Allí la recogían y conservaban hasta que era transportada en verano a la ciudad. Las libras de nieve se vendieron en la «nevería» ubicada en la trasera de la Catedral desde 1694 hasta 1866. En este artículo estudiamos el oficio de nevero en Gran Canaria, que había sido olvidado por completo, sus salarios, alimentación y especialidades en el s. XVIII.At the end of XVIIIth century the Canary Cathedral Chapter, settled in Gran Canaria Island capital, built, up in the mountains, two snow wells. Workers collected the snow and filled the wells until it was transported, in summer time, from the top of the island (1.949 meters to the city. Snow pounds were sold in the back of the Cathedral from 1694 to 1866. In this article we study the «neveros» job (snow workers in Gran Canaria, that it had been completely forgotten nowdays, their salaries, food and specialities in XVIIIth century.

  5. Actividad antimicrobiana de bacterias ácido lácticas aisladas de invertebrados marinos de la costa del Chubut (Patagonia – Argentina

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    Parada Romina


    Full Text Available Se estudió la actividad antagonista de cepas de bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL aisladas de invertebrados marinos de la costa del Chubut. Dentro de los 92 aislamientos, 22 exhibieron actividad, de las cuales 3 cepas se clasificaron como Lactobacillus y 19 como Enterococcus. En todos los casos, después de la neutralización con NaOH y tratamiento térmico, la actividad inhibitoria del sobrenadante libre de células de las cepas estudiadas permaneció activa. El tratamiento con lisozima y catalasa no afectó la actividad antimicrobiana; sin embargo la actividad enzimática de la tripsina abolió la acción inhibitoria de los sobrenadantes, confirmando la naturaleza proteica de los compuestos activos. Las actividades contra Listeria inocua ATCC 33090 logradas por cepas de Enterococcus variaron entre 640 y 163.840 unidades arbitrarias/mililitro (AU/ml, mientras que las cepas de Lactobacillus exhibieron actividades entre 20 y 40 AU/ml. Las cepas E. mundtii 278Pe, E. hirae 463Me y E. hirae 471Me exhibieron las actividades inhibitorias más altas contra un amplio espectro de bacterias patógenas y/o contaminantes de alimentos. A pesar de la amplia información disponible sobre estos microorganismos, existen pocos estudios de BAL aisladas a partir de invertebrados de origen marino. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio sugieren que esta fuente puede contribuir al hallazgo de nuevas bacteriocinas con potencial uso en la industria alimentaria.

  6. GRAN SASSO: Reaching the parts that accelerators cannot reach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    With most of the current experiments at Italy's Gran Sasso Laboratory now well underway, a workshop held earlier this year looked to the future. Gran Sasso was established in the late 1980s to study low rate processes where the laboratory's 1400 metre rock overburden and low natural radioactivity provide an ideal environment. Since then, it has become a major research centre, hosting several international collaborations. The workshop devoted half a day each to four key areas of underground physics, and clearly showed how the non-accelerator approach complements today's accelerator physics achievements. Solar neutrino physics is one of Gran Sasso's main activities, with the Gallex detector half filling one of the laboratory's three experimental halls. Gallex has already made important measurements of the solar neutrino flux, providing first evidence for the proton-proton fusion mechanism which is the solar powerhouse. The next generation experiment, Borexino, will go one step further, measuring the energy distribution of solar neutrinos as well as their flux. The experiment will also be sensitive to neutrino oscillations through its ability to pick out muon and tau neutrinos. Borexino uses boron instead of gallium as the active medium, and is currently in the trial phase. Benchmarking tests with the counter test facility (CTF) have already demonstrated the experiment's feasibility, paving the way for full scale construction. Further ideas for future detectors based on several different active media were also discussed, and a proposal for a helium TPC detector, HELLAZ, was presented. With a threshold of around 240 keV, comparable to that of Gallex and Borexino, HELLAZ would give another handle on neutrinos from the proton-proton reaction, the most abundant source of solar neutrinos. Neutrinoless double beta decay, dark matter searches, and certain low rate processes in nuclear physics all require the quiet, low radiation surroundings

  7. Las remesas indianas en Gran Canaria en el primer cuarto del siglo XVII

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    Full Text Available El estudio de las remesas indianas, del dinero que bien en efectivo o en joyas afluía a la isla de Gran Canaria procedente del continente americano, ha sido un problema que ha preocupado en gran medida a los historiadores canarios. Sin embargo, su análisis siempre ha resultado problemático, por varias razones.

  8. Dos visiones del espacio marino como modernidad. Entre la poesía de Rubén Darío y la pintura de Joaquín Sorolla

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    Acereda, Alberto


    Full Text Available The representation of the marine space in Hispanic fin-de-siècle allows us to establish some comments to carry out a new reading of the difficult concept of modernity. The present article studies two visions of the marine space as modernity. On the one hand, the paintings by the Spaniard Joaquin Sorolla present the marine space as a locus amoenus, and as a place for enjoyment where art becomes an economic object. On the other hand, the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío intented to create an art opposed to materialism, and he gave us a vision of the ocean linked to a metaphysical meditation of existential tones. Darío was familiar with Joaquin Sorolla's paintings and he even wrote short essays on them. This particular aspect allows us to prove in a clearer way the differences in their visions about modernity and art.La representación del espacio marino en el fin de siglo hispánico permite establecer algunas consideraciones que favorecen una nueva lectura sobre el difícil concepto de modernidad. El presente artículo estudia dos visiones del espacio marino como modernidad. Por un lado, la pintura del español Joaquín Sorolla percibe el espacio marino como locus amoenus y marco de diversión por el que el arte se convierte en un objeto económico. Por otro lado, el poeta nicaragüense Ruben Darío aspiró a un arte opuesto al materialismo y planteó una visión del mar ligada a una reflexión metafísica de signo existencial. Darío conoció la pintura de Joaquín Sorolla y hasta en algún caso realizó breves comentarios de ella. Esta particularidad nos permite probar de manera más clara las diferencias en sus visiones sobre la modernidad y el arte.

  9. The Gran Sasso underground laboratories (measurements of rock radioactivity and neutron fluxes)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellotti, E.; Buraschi, M.; Fiorini, E.; Liguori, C.


    The authors report on measurements of rock radioactivity and neutron flux performed in the Gran Sasso underground laboratories of the INFN in Italy. The Gran Sasso' Laboratories of the INFN are located underground, in galleries which have been excavated under the Gran Sasso mountain range. The minimum rock thickness covering the laboratories is about 1400 m of rock of average density 2.8 g cm/sup -3/, corresponding to a thickness of some 4000 m of water equivalent. The laboratories are located at about 1000 m above sea level. The main destination of these laboratories is to shelter very huge particle detectors which shall detect extremely rare nuclear events of extraordinary interest for particle physics as well as for astrophysics and cosmology. In these laboratories, the radiation background is expected to be extremely low, which is the main condition for performing the proposed experiments

  10. Seroprevalence of Coxiella burnetii in domestic ruminants in Gran Canaria Island, Spain. (United States)

    Rodríguez, N F; Carranza, C; Bolaños, M; Pérez-Arellano, J L; Gutierrez, C


    Coxiella burnetii is the causative agent of Q fever, a zoonosis with worldwide occurrence. In the Canary Islands, the overall seroprevalence in humans has been estimated to be 21.5%. Gran Canaria island concentrates the highest ruminant population in the archipelago and the prevalence of the human infection is 23.5%. To evaluate the seroprevalence in livestock and the affected areas in Gran Canaria island, a total of 1249 ruminants were randomly selected for this study (733 goats, 369 sheep and 147 cattle). The samples were evaluated using an indirect ELISA Kit. The results showed seroprevalences of 60.4%, 31.7% and 12.2% in goats, sheep and cattle, respectively. Based on these results, Q fever could be considered as endemic in Gran Canaria island. Sanitary measures should be taken at the farm level to minimize the risk of exposure of C. burnetii to humans.

  11. Spatial Tourist and Functional Diversity on the Volcanic Island of Gran Canaria (United States)

    Gonda-Soroczyńska, Eleonora; Olczyk, Hanna


    The conducted research is focused on spatial, functional and landscape diversity, the existing tourist potential and the possibilities for further development of a small, volcanic island of Gran Canaria. The discussed island was compared against other islands of the Canarian archipelago (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Tenerife, La Palma, El Hierro). Similarly to the remaining Canary Islands, the economy of Gran Canaria is predominantly based on tourism (approx. 4,5-5,0 million tourists visit the Canary Island annually and approx. 2,8 million come to Gran Canaria). Additionally, Puerto de la Luz transhipment centre in Las Palmas plays a very important role because of the goods imported from overseas. It is one of the largest ports in Spain (it reloads almost 2 million containers per year) also being an important Atlantic refuelling station. Apart from tourism, an important role is played here by agriculture, primarily the cultivation of bananas and tomatoes, which represent the most significant export good of the archipelago. The conducted spatial research showed an extensive diversity. This situation is, to a great extent, influenced by the climate. The northern part is cooler and dominated by agriculture, whereas the southern one is much warmer and characterized by a well-developed tourism infrastructure. Site inspections performed out along the outer contour of the island resembling a circle. Numerous architectural and urban sketches, urban analyses and photographic documentation were made. Community surveys were carried out. For a researcher, it was extremely interesting to answer the questions whether Gran Canaria is different from the other Canary Islands, especially in the functional and landscape context, and if so what exactly these differences consist of. What is Gran Canaria in particular characterized by and what kind of role it plays in the economic sector of Spain?

  12. Cocolitóforos en sedimentos marinos frente a la entrada occidental del Estrecho de Magallanes (53°S revelan cambios en la productividad durante los últimos 30.000 años

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    Gloria E Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un nuevo registro de producción exportada de cocolitóforos (cocolitos durante los últimos 30.000 años, basado en el estudio de un testigo de sedimento marino obtenido frente a la entrada occidental del Estrecho de Magallanes (testigo MD07-3128; 53°S, 75°W. Este testigo reveló la presencia de una asociación compuesta por trece taxones de cocolitóforos dominada por Gephyrocapsa "small" (representando en promedio >80% de la asociación total y acompañada, en menor proporción (1-10%, por dos morfotipos de Emiliania huxleyi, Coccolithus pelagicus y Calcidiscus leptoporus. La concentración de cocolitos se correlacionó positivamente con el contenido de CaCO3 (P 30% y la abundancia de cocolitos (~10(9 cocolitos g-1 sedimento seco coincidieron con periodos relativamente cálidos (e.g., el Holoceno. Se hallaron marcadas diferencias al comparar estos datos con el registro de cocolitos de Saavedra-Pellitero et al. (2011 para el sitio ODP 1233 a los 41°S: en el sitio ODP 1233 la producción de cocolitóforos fue máxima durante el Último Máximo Glacial en respuesta a la advección hacia el norte de las aguas ricas en macronutrientes de la corriente Circumpolar Antártica. En contraste, el sitio MD07-3128 experimentó al mismo tiempo una baja en productividad de cocolitóforos probablemente relacionada al efecto negativo ejercido por un alto aporte de material terrígeno y agua de deshielo proveniente del gran casquete de hielo patagónico.

  13. Gran method for end point anticipation in monosegmented flow titration

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    Aquino Emerson V


    Full Text Available An automatic potentiometric monosegmented flow titration procedure based on Gran linearisation approach has been developed. The controlling program can estimate the end point of the titration after the addition of three or four aliquots of titrant. Alternatively, the end point can be determined by the second derivative procedure. In this case, additional volumes of titrant are added until the vicinity of the end point and three points before and after the stoichiometric point are used for end point calculation. The performance of the system was assessed by the determination of chloride in isotonic beverages and parenteral solutions. The system employs a tubular Ag2S/AgCl indicator electrode. A typical titration, performed according to the IUPAC definition, requires only 60 mL of sample and about the same volume of titrant (AgNO3 solution. A complete titration can be carried out in 1 - 5 min. The accuracy and precision (relative standard deviation of ten replicates are 2% and 1% for the Gran and 1% and 0.5% for the Gran/derivative end point determination procedures, respectively. The proposed system reduces the time to perform a titration, ensuring low sample and reagent consumption, and full automatic sampling and titrant addition in a calibration-free titration protocol.

  14. Los ecosistemas marinos y costeros.

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    Comité Editorial Gestión y Ambiente


    Full Text Available Apreciado lector. Como lo habíamos anunciado, este número de la Revista Gestión y Ambiente centra su atención en los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales y el último número del año 2008 se referirá a los ecosistemas marinos y costeros. El agua es un recurso esencial para los seres vivos; se compone de hidrógeno y de oxígeno, contiene gases y nutrientes, partículas suspendidas vivas y no vivas, y físicamente, es permeada por la luz y el calor. Sólo una parte pequeña del agua del planeta es dulce. Los ríos, lagos y ciénagas del paisaje terrestre son ecosistemas donde interactúan lo vivo y lo no- vivo; y a través del agua, se mueve la materia y fluye la energía. Lo vivo está influido por el agua, pero, a su vez. el agua también lo esta por lo vivo. El agua dulce está en riesgo por la actividad del hombre quien la requiere, la usa, la contamina y la descontamina. Por ello, el conocimiento de los ambientes acuáticos es fundamental. En esta perspectiva, el agua dulce requiere ser estudiada para su aprovechamiento sostenible. Sin embargo, los niveles actuales de contaminación hacen indispensable no sólo su estudio hidrológico- biológico- ecológico, sino también el análisis de la cantidad de agua, su calidad y los procesos de saneamiento. Es igualmente fundamental la gestión del recurso hídrico, teniendo en cuenta los aspectos humanos, económicos y socio- ambientales. Por lo anterior las ciencias naturales, las ingenierías sanitaria y ambiental, y las ciencias sociales deben unir esfuerzos para estudiar los ecosistemas acuáticos con miras a su sostenibilidad, uso, reuso y protección. Además, como temas complementarios, la Revista entrega artículos que amplían temas tratados en números anteriores: • La contaminación atmosférica, con los resultados de dos investigaciones desarrollados en el Area Metropolitana del Valle de Aburra, y • La problemática de los riesgos con un

  15. Composición del plancton en la Puntilla Santa Elena durante agosto 2002 (Ecuador)


    Torres, G.; Calderón, G.; Franco, V.; Cedeño, E.; Calderón, T.; Salazar, E.


    Esta investigación comprende los estudios del fitoplancton-zooplancton-ictioplancton, realizados en tres sitios de la Península Santa Elena durante agosto 2002, área designada para la proyección de "Arrecife Artificial de las Fuerzas Militares del Ecuador": un avión, barco y tanque de guerra, estructuras artificiales consideradas como basura chatarra (de gran tamaño), que serían recicladas para la bio-exploración artificiales hacia la seguridad de los recursos marinos del Ecuador. En el Estud...

  16. Ribeiro's typology, genomes, and Spanish colonialism, as viewed from Gran Canaria and Colombia

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    Maria Cátira Bortolini


    Full Text Available Four biallelic and six multiallelic Y-chromosome polymorphisms were investigated in 59 Gran Canarian, 60 North African Berber and 46 Spanish subjects. These new data were merged with equivalent literature information to obtain the parental Y-chrosomomal contribution in Gran Canarians, Colombians, and Venezuelans. The results were then compared, for Gran Canarians and Colombians, to those derived from autosomal and mtDNA. In both groups, the Spanish Y-chromosome contribution was much more marked than that estimated using mtDNA. This analysis showed a usual trend in the Spanish Colonial history, characterized by a demographic collapse of the aboriginal population, but with considerable introgression of genes through native women. In accordance to D. Ribeiro's typology for peoples subjected to Colonialism, the Y-chromosomes of these admixed populations are classified as transplanted, their mtDNA as witness, and their autosome sets as new.

  17. Nuevas evidencias de restos de mamíferos marinos en el Magdaleniense: los datos de la Cueva de Las Caldas (Asturias, España).


    Corchón-Rodríguez, María Soledad; Álvarez-Fernández, Esteban


    En este artículo se estudian, desde el punto de vista tecnológico, los objetos de adorno-colgantes realizados en dientes de mamíferos marinos (foca, cachalote, calderón) procedentes de los niveles del Magdaleniense medio de la Cueva de Las Caldas. También se hace una revisión de otras evidencias arqueológicas de estos animales en contextos arqueológicos y se discuten las relaciones costa-interior de los grupos de cazadores recolectores en el territorio europeo en el Paleolítico.

  18. Nuevas evidencias de restos de mamíferos marinos en el Magdaleniense: los datos de la Cueva de Las Caldas (Asturias, España.

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    Corchón-Rodríguez, María Soledad


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudian, desde el punto de vista tecnológico, los objetos de adorno-colgantes realizados en dientes de mamíferos marinos (foca, cachalote, calderón procedentes de los niveles del Magdaleniense medio de la Cueva de Las Caldas. También se hace una revisión de otras evidencias arqueológicas de estos animales en contextos arqueológicos y se discuten las relaciones costa-interior de los grupos de cazadores recolectores en el territorio europeo en el Paleolítico.

  19. Registro fósil precuaternario de tetrápodos en los Pirineos occidentales

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    Ana Berreteaga


    Full Text Available El estudio de los niveles fosilíferos continentales y marinos del Cretácico Superior y del Terciario de la Región Vasco-Cantabrica (Sinclinorio Subcantábrico y cuencas surpirenaicas adyacentes (Cuenca de Pamplona, Sector Noroccidental de la Depresión del Ebro ha puesto de manifiesto su potencial paleontológico en restos fósiles de vertebrados. Algunos de estos yacimientos son de gran relevancia en el Cretácico final de Europa, incluyendo nuevas especies de tortugas, escamosos, cocodrilos, dinosaurios y mamíferos. En la misma cantera del yacimiento alavés de Zambrana, compuesta principalmente por reptiles y mamíferos, es de gran interés paleontológico y contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de las faunas del Eoceno superior de la Península Ibérica. En Zambrana se ha reconocido hasta la fecha varias nuevas especies de perisodáctilos ecuoideos. En el Neogeno, se han descubierto nuevas localidades del Mioceno (Rambliense, Aragoniense en las Bardenas Reales de Navarra y otras áreas colindantes de la Cuenca del Ebro, que han proporcionado restos de anfibios, escamosos, tortugas, cocodrilos, aves y varios grupos de mamíferos. Por otro lado, una notable variedad de icnofacies de aves y mamíferos ha sido hallada en diferentes afloramientos de los potentes depósitos marinos litorales (Eoceno superior y continentales (Oligoceno-Mioceno inferior de la Alta Navarra.

  20. “La posición de la Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba ante la crisis de 1929 a 1933: su reflejo en la revista La Gran Logia”

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    Haens Beltrán Alonso


    Full Text Available La Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba, principal organismo simbólico de la masonería cubana sufrió durante los años 1929-1933 la grave crisis que afectó a la sociedad cubana. El presente trabajo aborda el posicionamiento de este gobierno masónico ante la situación política, utilizando como fuente fundamental los planteamientos vertidos en su órgano de prensa oficial la revista La Gran Logia. Se parte de la premisa de que la masonería no es una institución política, pero que su funcionamiento la obliga a adoptar una posición ante los problemas que la afectan. ¿Cuál fue la posición de la Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba sobre la crisis imperante? ¿Cómo expresó su posición sin violar los preceptos masónicos de no discutir sobre política? Estas son las preguntas que en este trabajo se pretenden responder.

  1. Bahía El Ferrol, Chimbote, Perú: una visión integral de sus recursos marinos vivos y su ambiente. 2001-2005


    Tresierra, Alvaro; García Nolazco, Víctor; Huerto Rengifo, Mario; Berrú Paz, Pedro; Reyes Andrade, Daysi; Cervantes Renjifo, Carlos


    Se describe la morfometria, batimetría y sedimentología de la Bahía El Ferrol, además de las características físicas, químicas y biológicas de sus masas de agua. Se hace una descripción de las fuentes y niveles de contaminación producida por el vertimiento de las aguas de diferente uso. Se mencionan las especies que sustentan la pesca artesanal e industrial, además de los instrumentos y áreas de pesca y los bancos naturales de invertebrados marinos. Los tonelajes de desembarques artesanales ...

  2. Contribución a la identificación y caracterización de pescados frescos y conservados, mediante Electroforesis sobre gel de Poliacrilamida


    Álvarez Vega, Elvira


    La importancia del pescado como alimento es conocida desde tiempos primitivos. Todo este progreso no es suficiente dado la gran importancia que tiene el pescado en la alimentación humana, y la gente en lo sucesivo deberá comer más pescado, pues solamente el 1% de lo que hoy día sirve de alimento en el mundo es de origen marino. Los conocimientos actuales sobre necesidades proteicas, han sido un problema largamente estudiado por la FAO, estableciéndose como cantidad proteica necesaria: 1 gr/Kg...

  3. Caracterización ambiental de la zona de alimentación de tortugas marinas en el litoral del municipio de Guasave, Sinaloa.


    Graciano Obeso, Adalid


    Las áreas marinas protegidas (AMPs) son herramientas de conservación muy relevantes para la protección de ecosistemas y para contribuir a generar un uso adecuado de los recursos naturales. La zona marino costera del municipio de Guasave se encuentra ubicada en la región sur del Golfo de California en un área de surgencias costeras estacionales y en la que ocurren una gran cantidad de especies de importancia comercial así como de interés para la conservación. Estudios previos han caracterizado...

  4. Obtención de energía a partir de las corrientes marinas


    Echeverría Cabodevilla, Álvaro


    El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar la viabilidad de una granja de energía hidrocinética en los territorios marinos españoles. Como se puede observar en el desarrollo del estudio, el resultado es negativo. En España no existe una gran zona que pueda ser utilizada para crear una granja de energía hidrocinética. La energía hidrocinética es aquella que utiliza la energía cinética del agua marina para obtener electricidad, principalmente los movimientos de agua de las corrientes ma...

  5. Variabilidad espacial y temporal de la abundancia del erizo de mar Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck, 1816) en el Golfo de Batabanó, Cuba


    Capetillo, N.; Lopeztegui, A.; Betanzos, A.; Hernández, R.


    Dada la importancia ecológica que tiene el erizo de mar Lytechinus variegatus y por formar parte de la dieta natural de muchos organismos marinos, entre los cuales se encuentran algunas especies de gran interés comercial, se realizó un estudio para describir las variaciones espaciales y temporales de la abundancia de sus poblaciones en el Golfo de Batabanó. La región fue dividida en dos sectores de estudio: Este (E) y Oeste (W) y se ubicaron 13 estaciones en las que se midió la sa...

  6. Diseño de una metodología para la gestión sostenible de los recursos en áreas marinas protegidas


    Garcia Aranda, Cesar; Molina Garcia, Agustin; Gonzalez San Martin, M. Blanca


    La nueva Política Marina Integrada de la Unión Europea (UE) tiene como objetivo general la optimización y sostenibilidad de la explotación del mar. En este contexto, la figura de las Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMPs) se plantea como un valioso instrumento para avanzar en la ordenación y gestión sostenible de los recursos marinos, permitiendo una gran variedad de alternativas en función del objetivo de conservación, el nivel de protección y las diferentes posibilidades de aprovechamiento de...

  7. Estructura trófica de los copépodos pelágicos en el Océano Pacifico Oriental Tropical


    López Ibarra, Gladis Angélica


    Gran parte de la productividad secundaria marina es aportada por los copépodos, estos destacan dentro del zooplancton marino por su diversidad y abundancia, puede llegar a constituir un 80 % de la biomasa zooplanctonica. Probablemente el principal papel ecológico de esta comunidad es la transferencia de energía entre los niveles tróficos primarios y los sucesivos en las redes tróficas. En este estudio se analizó la estructura trófica de la comunidad de copépodos pelágicos en el Océano Pacifi...

  8. Influencia lunar en cultivos, animales y ser humano


    Mera Andrade, Rafael; Artieda Rojas, Jorge; Muñoz Espinoza, Manolo; Romero Viamonte, Katherine


    Los saberes ancestrales son la base para solucionar problemas de manera sencilla. La luna, desde tiempos pasados se ha mostrado como un indicador de afectaciones tanto en el suelo, los animales de distintas regiones y el hombre. La influencia lunar tiene un gran efecto en la pecuaria, debido a que los animales dependen de la luminosidad para alimentarse o salvaguardar su vida, las fases lunares tienen un efecto positivo en la ganadería y en los animales marinos ya que benefician algunos aspec...

  9. A new proton spill from CERN to Gran Sasso

    CERN Document Server

    CERN Bulletin


    Since 21 October, CERN has been sending a new type of neutrino beam to Gran Sasso. The new configuration is intended to allow the experiments to define the departure time of the neutrinos more accurately and thus check the previous results obtained using the nominal beam configuration.   The CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso (CNGS) beam no longer operates using the standard beam time structure. Instead, a new type of proton pulse is being produced by CERN’s accelerators and sent to the graphite target to generate neutrinos. “We are now producing extremely short beam pulses,” explains Edda Gschwendtner, the physicist in charge of the CNGS secondary beam. “During a CNGS cycle we now have a LHC type bunched beam with four bunches, each about 2 ns long. Each bunch contains more than 2.5 x 1011 protons; bunches are spaced by 500 ns. In total, this makes about 1012 protons on target for each extraction from the SPS.” The CNGS beam was originally designed to m...

  10. New xenophytes from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain, with emphasis on naturalized and (potentially invasive species

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    Verloove, F.


    Full Text Available Trabajos recientes de campo en Gran Canaria han facilitado el descubrimiento de nuevas localidades para plantas vasculares no nativas. Agave attenuata, Antigonon leptopus, Atriplex nummularia, Cascabela thevetia, Cenchrus echinatus, Cuscuta campestris, Diplachne fusca subsp. uninervia, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Dysphania anthelmintica (hasta ahora confundida con D. ambrosioides, Eclipta prostrata, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Fagopyrum esculentum, Gossypium barbadense, Lablab purpureus, Lemna minuta, Opuntia leucotricha, Passiflora edulis, Pennisetum glaucum, Phaseolus acutifolius, Pluchea carolinensis, Prosopis juliflora, Salvia microphylla, Schinus terebinthifolius, Senna spectabilis, Solanum chrysotrichum, Tecoma stans, Tipuana tipu, Urochloa mutica, U. plantaginea y Washingtonia se citan por primera vez para las Islas Canarias, mientras que Alopecurus myosuroides, Amaranthus blitoides, Bothriochloa ischaemum var. songarica, Cardamine flexuosa subsp. debilis, Heliotropium curassavicum, Leonotis nepetifolia, Medicago lupulina, Parkinsonia aculeata, Physalis peruviana, Phytolacca americana y Turnera ulmifolia son nuevas para la flora de la isla de Gran Canaria. Finalmente, se confirma la presencia de Paspalum vaginatum, P. distichum y Cortaderia selloana en Gran Canaria.Trabajos recientes de campo en Gran Canaria han facilitado el descubrimiento de nuevas localidades para plantas vasculares no nativas. Agave attenuata, Antigonon leptopus, Atriplex nummularia, Cascabela thevetia, Cenchrus echinatus, Cuscuta campestris, Diplachne fusca subsp. uninervia, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Dysphania anthelmintica (hasta ahora confundida con D. ambrosioides, Eclipta prostrata, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Fagopyrum esculentum, Gossypium barbadense, Lablab purpureus, Lemna minuta, Opuntia leucotricha, Passiflora edulis, Pennisetum glaucum, Phaseolus acutifolius, Pluchea carolinensis, Prosopis juliflora, Salvia microphylla, Schinus terebinthifolius, Senna spectabilis, Solanum

  11. Theoretical considerations and a simple method for measuring alkalinity and acidity in low-pH waters by gran titration (United States)

    Barringer, J.L.; Johnsson, P.A.


    Titrations for alkalinity and acidity using the technique described by Gran (1952, Determination of the equivalence point in potentiometric titrations, Part II: The Analyst, v. 77, p. 661-671) have been employed in the analysis of low-pH natural waters. This report includes a synopsis of the theory and calculations associated with Gran's technique and presents a simple and inexpensive method for performing alkalinity and acidity determinations. However, potential sources of error introduced by the chemical character of some waters may limit the utility of Gran's technique. Therefore, the cost- and time-efficient method for performing alkalinity and acidity determinations described in this report is useful for exploring the suitability of Gran's technique in studies of water chemistry.

  12. Mongol histories at the center of Christianity. Het‘um of Korykos and his first readers in Avignon: Marino Sanudo and Paolino of Venice

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    Irene Bueno


    Full Text Available Presenting Mongol history from an Armenian perspective, Het‘um of Korykos’ Flor des estoires de la terre d’Orient (1307 introduced to Western audiences previously unknown information about the history, geography, and ethnography of Asia, and it rapidly gained enormous popularity. This article analyzes the first circulation of this text, which took place in the culturally dynamic and lively space of the papal court of Avignon. Under the stimulus of Venetian authors related to the curia, such as Marino Sanudo and Paolino of Venice, the Flor met significant interpretative shifts, crossing different contexts of reception and textual genres and making use of historical writings in new ways.

  13. Gran Colombia黄金公司三季度黄金产量公布

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Gran Colombia黄金公司(Gran Colombia Gold Corp.)日前发布报告显示,2016年3季度公司生产黄金39,111盎司(约合1.22吨),同比增长14%;2016年1-3季度公司累计生产黄金108,829盎司(约合3.38吨),



    Martha Prieto; Fabio Castaño; Juan Sierra; Priscila Logato; Julián Botero


    El mesocosmos representa una excelente alternativa para incrementar la calidad y supervivencia de las larvas, dado que proporciona a estas, gran cantidad y variedad de presas pequeñas (nauplios) de excelente perfil bromatológico en cuanto al contenido de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados y aminoácidos se refiere. Los copépodos cultivados en conjunto con diferentes especies de microalgas, rotíferos y otros microorganismos en sistemas de mesocosmos, son importantes porque ellos son una de la fuente...


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    Full Text Available Los habitantes de las poblaciones costeras colombianas, la de El Valle, en el Pacífico, y la de Sapzurro, en el Darién (Caribe, poseen un conocimiento ecológico sobre los ecosistemas marinos y costeros que resulta de su relación permanente con el mar, a través de la pesca y la navegación. El mar constituye una fuente de alimentos y de recursos económicos, pero también es el ámbito donde se forja la personalidad masculina. El conocimiento preciso de los manglares, los corales, los arrecifes rocosos, las playas y los caladeros de pesca se ha visto enriquecido a través del diálogo entre los habitantes locales e investigadores en el campo de la biología de la conservación. Sin embargo, aún existen tensiones con dichos investigadores y con las autoridades ambientales. El artículo sugiere que el estudio del conocimiento ecológico local puede ser un punto de partida para sostener un diálogo más horizontal entre las autoridades ambientales, los investigadores y las poblaciones cuya subsistencia depende de la pesca.

  16. Gran minería y conflictos socioambientales : el caso del distrito de Espinar, Cusco


    Huamaní Paccaya, Wilber


    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Ecología Aplicada Uno de los problemas que enfrenta Espinar es la presencia de conflictos relacionados con la actividad expansiva de la gran minería. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer y determinar las causas-implicancias y las relaciones de los conflictos socio-ambientales de la gran minería en Espinar (1980- 2013). Para ello, primero se recopiló información sobre la historia de la minería, se identificó y se ca...

  17. Modernidad y posmodernidad en El gran señor de Enrique Rosas Paravicino

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    Miguel Arribasplata Cabanillas


    Full Text Available En la novela El Gran Señor de Enrique Rosas Paravicino hay una confluencia de pasado histórico y presente conflictivo, donde el fervor religioso cumple un papel de nucleo integrador. En la sociedad andina ficcionalizada aparece una novedosa galería de tipos sociales, como corresponde a un país, como Perú, en pugna por integrar la modernidad con la tradición cultural. Los Andes se constituyen en el gran escenario de una épica popular, con todo el colorido de sus gentes y el paisaje de su cultura. Todo se mueve en torno a un rasgo que es predominante en la novela: el desplazamiento humano en torno a una devoción en plena Cordillera Oriental: el Cristo de la Nieve Resplandeciente. Aquí el sincretismo religioso da lugar a la presencia de personajes involucrados en el mito, la magia y la tradición oral, a la par que asoman los cambios sociales y políticos impulsados por otros actores embarcados en proyectos mundanos, acordes con ese otro gran mito: el progreso colectivo, en perspectiva al desarrollo nacional.

  18. Analysis of the Gran Desierto, Pinacte Region, Sonora, Mexico, via shuttle imaging radar (United States)

    Greeley, R.; Christensen, P. R.; Mchone, J. F.; Asmerom, Y.; Zimbelman, J. R.


    The radar discriminability of geolian features and their geological setting as imaged by the SIR-A experiment is examined. The Gran Desierto and Pincate volcanio field of Sonora, Mexico was used to analyze the radar characteristics of the interplay of aeolian features and volcano terrain. The area in the Gran Desierto covers 4000 sq. km. and contains sand dunes of several forms. The Pincate volcanio field covers more than 2.000 sq. km. and consists primarily of basaltic lavas. Margins of the field, especially on the western and northern sides, include several maar and maar-like craters; thus obtaining information on their radar characteristics for comparison with impact craters.

  19. Componentes de tecnologías para la pesca (instrumentos Traful en ambientes lacustres y boscosos andinos norpatagónicos, Argentina

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    Alberto Enrique Pérez


    Full Text Available La funcionalidad de los Instrumentos Traful es incierta luego de 70 años de su descripción. A partir de su diseño morfológico, el contexto ambiental y arqueológico asociado, postulamos que son parte de un “instrumento compuesto” especializado en la pesca. Si bien presentan características singulares en el contexto lacustre y rivereño del interior de la Patagonia noroccidental argentina, se asemejan en cuestiones básicas a los pesos de líneas marinos de gran distribución magallánica.

  20. La investigación y la exploración submarina


    Díaz del Río, Víctor


    Existe una creciente necesidad por conocer en detalle la naturaleza del fondo marino y la dinámica de la vida submarina (hábitats). La Oceanografía consume una gran cantidad de recursos económicos que podrían reducirse si la tecnología de prospección permitiera adquirir datos in situ y transmitirlos de forma automática en “tiempo real”. El desarrollo de las tecnologías de prospección exige equipamientos de adquisición de datos de alta y muy alta resolución, principalmente los de imagen y acús...

  1. Aplicación de marcadores genéticos en la conservación de taxones vegetales insulares amenazados: géneros "Crambe" L. (sect. "Dendrocrambe" DC.) y "Ruta" L.


    Soto Medina, Moisés E.


    Programa de doctorado: Ecología y gestión de los recursos vivos marinos. En port.: Jardín Botánico Canario "Viera y Clavijo" En esta tesis doctoral se ha estudiado la variabilidad genética y su estructuración mediante el análisis de 12 loci isoenzimáticos en las especies vegetales endémicas de Gran Canaria del género Crambe (C. pritzelii y C. tamadabensis), y las relaciones resultantes del análisis filogenético y filogeográfico de las secuencias de 4 regiones del ADN plastidial en las e...

  2. Adsorción de iones Ni(II) sobre una arcilla bentonítica peletizada


    Carlos Mejía Miranda; Dionisio Laverde; Verónica Avella; Darío Yesid Peña Ballesteros


    La presencia de iones metálicos en aguas residuales genera un efecto tóxico para ecosistemas marinos y la salud pública. Las arcillas son materiales naturales con alta capacidad de adsorción y de bajo costo, viables para su implementación a nivel a industrial para la remoción de iones metálicos. Su implementación está limitada al desarrollo de alternativas para la utilización de estas arcillas a gran escala y en procesos continuos. La peletización de las arcillas permite su utilización en col...

  3. Autógrafos de Cristobal Colón: Ensayo de Análisis Grafológico de su Escritura

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    Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available Absolutamente el único mapa o dibujo topográfico que resta de Colón. De este marino, que toda su vida confeccionó mapas, que de modo seguro tuvo que haber dibujado las derrotas de sus viajes, que se sabe que regaló un gran mapa a Isabel, solo queda este pedazo de papel (hoy en el Archivo de la Casa de Alba, en Madrid, "misteriosamente adquirido por la Duquesa de Alba", según Thacher (I, p. 477, quien lo reproduce en (III, p. 8 9 y dice : "Evidentemente dibujado en enero de 1493.

  4. Lista de poliquetos sedentarios hallados en el Perú

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    Juan Tarazona B.


    Full Text Available La elaboración de listas de los diferentes grupos zoológicos posee gran valor, ya que constituyen la base para futuros estudios zoogeográficos y ecológicos. Tales listas tienen especial importancia en los países de esta parte del Pacífico, donde son muy escasas. En nuestro medio se han realizado algunos avances de este tipo con respecto a los moluscos y crustáceos, pero ninguno con respecto a poliquetos, que conjuntamente con los anteriores, constituyen los grupos más importantes del ecosistema marino.

  5. Guía de buenas prácticas para la gestión de escapes en la acuicultura marina. Vol II. Mitigación


    Izquierdo-Gomez, David; Fernandez-Jover, Damian; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo; Toledo-Guedes, Kilian; Arechavala-Lopez, Pablo; Forcada, Aitor; Valle-Pérez, Carlos


    Desde que el cultivo a gran escala de salmón (Salmo salar) en mar abierto comenzó́ en Noruega en el último tercio del siglo pasado, los escapes siempre han supuesto uno de los mayores problemas, tanto para las empresas como para el ecosistema marino. Siendo, en todos los casos, las pérdidas por escapes uno de los principales desafíos en el proceso de producción. Desde un punto de vista medioambiental, una vez que los peces escapan de las jaulas se convierten en un elemento más del ecosistema ...

  6. Contaminación de alimentos marinos por cadmio en Lima, 2015

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    Gloria Marín Vallejos


    Full Text Available Los objetivos fueron determinar las concentraciones de cadmio en ocho especies de alimentos marinos y comparar con los valores máximos permitidos según la Comisión de la Unión Europea en su Reglamento (CE Nº 1881/2006 y su modificatoria Reglamento (UE N° 488/2014. La investigación fue de carácter descriptivo, trasversal. Las muestras fueron de 100 g de cada ejemplar de pescado en tres oportunidades; los ejemplares fueron: jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi, langostinos (Penaeus vannamei, conchas abanico (Argopecten purpuratus, conchas blancas (Semele sp, choros (Aulacomya ater, almejas (Gari solida, machas (Mesonesma donacium y pota (Dosidicus gigas recolectadas al azar en el terminal pesquero de Villa María del Triunfo, provenientes del litoral de la región Lima, sub área 3: Chorrillos – Islas Pachacámac. El proceso de análisis se realizó por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. Como resultados de los promedios de las concentraciones de cadmio tenemos: en pescados, jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi fue 0,35 mg/kg peso fresco; en crustáceos, langostino (Penaeus vannamei fue 0,42 mg/kg peso fresco; en moluscos bivalvos tenemos conchas blancas (Semele sp, conchas abanico (Argopecten purpuratus, choros (Aulacomya ater, machas (Mesonesma donacium y almejas (Gari solida fueron 0,82 – 0,83 – 1,00 – 1,28 y 1,39 mg/kg peso fresco respectivamente. Con este estudio se concluyó que las concentraciones de cadmio en pescados, en moluscos bivalvos y cefalópodos superan los límites permitidos, pero en crustáceos no superan estos límites.

  7. Chronology of the cave interior sediments at Gran Dolina archaeological site, Atapuerca (Spain) (United States)

    Parés, J. M.; Álvarez, C.; Sier, M.; Moreno, D.; Duval, M.; Woodhead, J. D.; Ortega, A. I.; Campaña, I.; Rosell, J.; Bermúdez de Castro, J. M.; Carbonell, E.


    The so-called "Gran Dolina site" (Atapuerca mountain range, N Spain) is a karstic cavity filled by sediments during the Pleistocene, some of which contain a rich ensemble of archaeological and paleontological records. These sediments have contributed significantly to our understanding of early human dispersal in Europe but, in contrast, older, interior facies deposits have received much less of attention. The stratigraphy of Gran Dolina reveals an abrupt sedimentary change of interior to entrance facies from bottom to top, reflecting a significant paleoenvironmental change that promoted the accumulation of sediments transported from the vicinity of the cave by water or "en masse". Since the major magnetic polarity reversal known as the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary (0.78 Ma) was detected within the TD7 unit in the middle of the stratigraphic section, we carried out a new combined paleomagnetic, radiometric (U-Pb), and electron spin resonance (ESR) dating study of the lower part of the sequence in order to constrain the chronology of the interior facies at Gran Dolina. U-Pb analysis of speleothems did not produce age information as the samples proved to be extremely unradiogenic. The magnetic stratigraphy of the cave interior sediments reveals a dominant reverse magnetic polarity, coherent with a Matuyama age, and interrupted by a normal polarity magnetozone interpreted as the Jaramillo Subchron (1.0-1.1 Ma). ESR ages on quartz grains from the upper part of the interior facies sediments are coherent with such an interpretation. We conclude that the fluvial deposits (interior facies) that constitute the cave floor began accumulating before 1.2 Ma. The development of large cave entrances at Gran Dolina occurred shortly after the Jaramillo Subchron but before ca 900 ka ago.

  8. Distribution and importance of the family anacardiaceae timber in The Gran Chaco of Argentina

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    Claudia Verónica Luna


    Full Text Available The Gran Chaco is the second green support continent presents an alarming loss of biodiversity, on the other hand, the short-termconservation of such valuable species as are the representatives of the family Anacardiaceae, are uncertain, in spite be invaluable participation in native forest ecosystems, lack of resource management for years has put at risk many species, moving to integrate the IUCN Red List (International Union for Conservation of Nature. This work, through an extensive literature review, aims to reassess the use and importance of the Anacardiaceae family components that are widely distributed in the Gran Chaco Argentino.

  9. La Gran Colombia de la Gran Bretaña: la importancia del lugar en la producción de imágenes nacionales, 1819 - 1830

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    Lina del Castillo


    Full Text Available Este ensayo examina el caso de las imágenes producidas sobre la Gran Colombia (1819-1830 en Londres como parte de los esfuerzos por ganar reconocimiento para la nueva república en el exterior. Demuestra cómo los deseos territoriales y políticos de los líderes pro-independentistas (que a su vez no estuvieron de acuerdo en cuanto a qué forma debería tener la república en la práctica fueron además restringidos por los intereses imperiales de la Gran Bretaña. Por lo tanto, la geopolítica y los intereses diplomáticos jugaron un papel primordial a la hora de determinar la manera como se representó la extensión de la Gran Colombia durante este periodo en Londres. El considerar los materiales visuales y geográficos producidos dentro de este complejo contexto transnacional nos ayudará a entender aspectos poco examinados por los estudiosos de la historia de la ciencia y de la cultura visual sobre América a principios del siglo XIX. Al resaltar cuán complejas y provisionales fueron aquellas imágenes, el ensayo esclarece las negociaciones domésticas e internacionales que se dieron en torno a lo que debería significar una República de Colombia. Menos importante fue el codificar la república cartográficamente como un país Independiente, de y para ciudadanos, que el crear un territorio civilizado, unificado políticamente, y rico en recursos minerales de cara a los poderes imperiales internacionales que, durante este periodo, estaban en pleno proceso de reconfiguración de sus ámbitos de influencia y dominio.

  10. Origin and status of the Gran Sasso INFN Laboratory (United States)

    Votano, Lucia


    The Gran Sasso National Laboratory of INFN (LNGS) is the largest underground laboratory for astroparticle physics in the world. Located in Italy between the cities of L'Aquila and Teramo, 120 km far from Rome, is a research infrastructure mainly dedicated to astroparticle and neutrino physics. It offers the most advanced underground facility in terms of dimensions, complexity and completeness of its infrastructures. LNGS is one of the four national laboratories run by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). The scientific program at LNGS is mainly focused on astroparticle, particle and nuclear physics. The laboratory presently hosts many experiments as well as R&D activities, including world-leading research in the fields of solar neutrinos, accelerator neutrinos (CNGS neutrino beam from CERN to Gran Sasso), dark matter (DM), neutrinoless double beta decay (2β0ν) and nuclear cross-section of astrophysical interest. Associate sciences like earth physics, biology and fundamental physics complement the activities. The laboratory is operated as an international science facility and hosts experiments whose scientific merit is assessed by an international advisory Scientific Committee. A review of the main experiments carried out at LNGS will be given, together with the most recent and relevant scientific results achieved.

  11. Lessons after 3 years of running GENIUS-TF in Gran Sasso

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    Krivosheina, I V; Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H V [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, PO 10 39 80, D-69029 Heidelberg (Germany)


    After operation of GENIUS-TF over 3 years with finally six naked Ge detectors (15 kg) in liquid nitrogen in Gran Sasso, we realize serious problems for realization of a full-size GENIUS-like experiment: (i) background from {sup 222}Rn diffusing into the setup, on a level far beyond the expectation. (ii) Limited long-term stability of naked detectors in liquid nitrogen. None of the six detectors is running after 3 years with the nominal high voltage. Three of the six detectors do not work at all any more. The HDMS (Heidelberg Dark Matter Search) setup at LNGS, operates the first enriched {sup 73}Ge detector worldwide, and looks for spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon coupling at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory. The results (85.48 kg d) improve the best present existing limits on the WIMP-neutron spin-dependent cross-section (obtained from {sup 129}Xe) for low WIMP masses (Klapdor-Kleingrothaus et al 2005 Phys. Lett. B 609 226-31)

  12. New records on the Abruzzo brown bear range, particularly on Gran Sasso and Laga Mountains / Osservazioni sull'areale dell'orso marsicano, con particolare riferimento al Gran Sasso e ai Monti della Laga

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    Marco Bologna


    Full Text Available Abstract New records of Abruzzo brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus in some mountain massifs of Central Apennines (Laga, Gran Sasso, Velino, Sirente and Northern Molise are reported. These records are discussed in relation to the recent dispersion of the relictual population, and the probable recolonization of some areas where the brown bear went out in the last two centuries. Riassunto Viene brevemente discusso il fenomeno di dispersione e ricolonizzazione di aree montane centro-appenniniche da parte dell'orso bruno marsicano. Tra i nuovi reperti, particolarmente significativi sono quelli più settentrionali, relativi ai Monti della Laga ed al Gran Sasso, dove la specie era estinta da circa duecento anni.

  13. The Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition in Cova Gran (Catalunya, Spain) and the extinction of Neanderthals in the Iberian Peninsula. (United States)

    Martínez-Moreno, Jorge; Mora, Rafael; de la Torre, Ignacio


    The excavations carried out in Cova Gran de Santa Linya (Southeastern PrePyrenees, Catalunya, Spain) have unearthed a new archaeological sequence attributable to the Middle Palaeoloithic/Upper Palaeolithic (MP/UP) transition. This article presents data on the stratigraphy, archaeology, and (14)C AMS dates of three Early Upper Palaeolithic and four Late Middle Palaeolithic levels excavated in Cova Gran. All these archaeological levels fall within the 34-32 ka time span, the temporal frame in which major events of Neanderthal extinction took place. The earliest Early Upper Palaeolithic (497D) and the latest Middle Palaeolithic (S1B) levels in Cova Gran are separated by a sterile gap and permit pinpointing the time period in which the Mousterian disappeared from Northeastern Spain. Technological differences between the Early Upper Palaeolithic and Late Middle Palaeolithic industries in Cova Gran support a cultural rupture between the two periods. A series of 12 (14)C AMS dates prompts reflections on the validity of reconstructions based on radiocarbon data. Thus, results from excavations in Cova Gran lead us to discuss the scenarios relating the MP/UP transition in the Iberian Peninsula, a region considered a refuge of late Neanderthal populations. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Mundo perdido, paraíso encontrado: lugar, identidad y producción en la Gran Sabana, Venezuela

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    Luis Fernando Angosto Ferrández


    Full Text Available Durante el siglo xx afloraron en la Gran Sabana las bases de una producción inserta en el sistema capitalista, pero aún hoy parte de sus habitantes ancestrales, indígenas pemón, mantienen una economía de subsistencia notablemente autónoma. Este trabajo examina, por una parte, cómo las narrativas exotizantes de lugar e identidad construidas en torno a la Gran Sabana y sus habitantes han contribuido a consolidar una reduccionista polarización analítica de esferas “indígenas” y “no-indígenas”; por otra parte, identifica focos materiales de diversificación estructural entre los pobladores de la Gran Sabana más allá de esas esferas, y reclama atención para dichos focos en la búsqueda de soluciones a los conflictos en la región.

  15. Trent'anni di Gran Sasso = Thirty years of Gran Sasso volume in onore di Antonino Zichichi = a volume in honour of Antonino Zichichi

    CERN Document Server


    This volume - in honour of Antonino Zichichi - is a collection of papers that have appeared in various journals, proceedings and books published by the Italian Physical Society over the last few decades about the Gran Sasso National Laboratory. The articles reproduced in the book come from Il Nuovo Saggiatore, Il Nuovo Cimento and from the Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" of Varenna. A few other relevant articles from special volumes have been included for the sake of completeness.

  16. Cultivo de microalgas Isochrysis galbana y Nannochloropsis sp. para alimentación de larvas de peces marinos

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    María Fernanda Pereira Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available En la producción de alimento vivo, representado principalmente por microalgas, se buscan nuevas técnicas de medios de cultivo sustituyendo las fórmulas tradicionales en aras de reducir costos. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se usó un medio no convencional (fertilizantes industriales para producir las microalgas Isochrysis galbana y Nannochloropsis sp. en cultivos estáticos, y se alcanzaron densidades de 7,5 × 106 cel mL–1 de Nannochloropsis sp. en 1000 L y 0,265 × 106 cel mL–1 de I. galbana en 250 L. Hubo un crecimiento exponencial, que se alcanzó entre los tres y los ocho días, en que se duplicaron las densidades iniciales. Se sugiere cosechar en lapsos cortos (hasta cuatro días, debido a la proliferación de contaminantes y la disminución de la calidad de las células con el tiempo. Se concluye que el medio diseñado para el enriquecimiento del cultivo es una alternativa viable para la producción de las microalgas que permite satisfacer la demanda alimenticia en el levante de larvas de peces marinos.

  17. El ácido estearidónico: un ácido graso omega-3 de origen vegetal con gran potencialidad en salud y nutrición


    Rincón, Miguel Ángel; Valenzuela, Rodrigo; Valenzuela, Alfonso


    Los beneficios para la salud de los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados omega-3 eicosapentaenoico (20:5,EPA) y docosahexaenoico (22:6, DHA) son ampliamente conocidos y están disponibles principalmente en alimentos de origen marino como el pescado. Sin embargo, en función de las recomendaciones internacionales acerca del consumo de pescado, éste es muy reducido en muchos países, incluido Chile. Por ello, la industria de alimentos está mostrando un interés creciente por el ácido estearidónico (18:4, ...

  18. Estudios de impacto ambiental en viaductos de gran longitud


    Moya Matute, David


    El contenido de esta tesina forma parte de un proyecto concedido por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia en el año 2006 y coordinado entre el Departamento de Ingeniería de la Construcción de la UPC y el Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la UCLM. El objeto de dicho proyecto de investigación es el estudio de la optimización de viaductos de gran longitud desde distintas vertientes, como son: estructural, plazo de ejecución, impacto ambiental, seguridad y salud, costes globales, et...

  19. Purificación parcial y caracterización de una sustancia antimicrobiana producida por Alteromonas sp. de origen marino

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    Jorge León


    Full Text Available Un miembro del género Alteromonas sp. (cepa N22.C, aislado del neuston marino y productor de sustancias que inhiben el crecimiento de ictiopatógenos fue caracterizado fenotípicamente mediante pruebas morfológicas, fisiológicas y bioquímicas convencionales. Para determinar la naturaleza quí- mica de la sustancia inhibitoria, extractos crudos de sobrenadantes de cultivos fueron precipitados con concentraciones crecientes de Sulfato de Amonio hasta el 70% y filtrados a través de columnas de Sephadex G-25. Ensayos con Dodecil Sulfato de Sodio-electroforesis en Geles de Poliacrilamida (SDS– PAGE revelaron que la sustancia antimicrobiana es un compuesto proteináceo con una masa molecular de aproximadamente 34000 Da, que carece de residuos de azúcares asociados. Otros ensayos realizados con extractos crudos y fracciones semipurificadas de la cepa de Alteromonas sp. N22.C mostraron un amplio espectro de actividad antibiótica contra cepas de bacterias patógenas de peces, moluscos y crustáceos.

  20. Geomorphology and hydrochemistry of 12 Alpine lakes in the Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy

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    Full Text Available Twelve Alpine lakes located in the Gran Paradiso National Park, in the western Italian Alps, were sampled during the ice free period in 2008 and analysed for the main morphological, chemical and physical variables in relation to the characteristics of their watershed, with the aim to create a reference database for present and future ecological studies and to support conservation politics with scientific data. The results highlighted that weathering process and direct precipitation input are the main factors determining the hydrochemistry of the studied lakes; moreover the morphological characteristics highly affects the physical properties of the lakes starting from stratification process. The acidification status, the atmospheric input of N compounds and the supply of nutrients were considered in detail. The studied lakes seem to be well preserved by acidification risk. Comparing data from Gran Paradiso National Park with data from European mountain regions ranging in N deposition rates, allows to consider long range anthropogenic impact: the detection of relative low Total Nitrogen (TN concentration is not necessarily a synonym of a soft impact of long range pollutants, being the final nitrogen concentration dependent from retention process, closely related to catchment characteristics, besides N deposition rates; moreover the dominance of Inorganic Nitrogen (IN on Organic Nitrogen (ON highlights that the lakes are interested by N deposition and probably by long range transport of pollutants produced in the urbanized area surrounding the massif. However the Gran Paradiso National Park area is by far less affected by atmospheric pollutants than other Alpine regions, as the Central Alps. Total Phosphorus (TP concentration in Gran Paradiso lakes (1-13 μg L-1, mean level = 4 μg L-1 is an index of oligotrophic and ultraoligotrophic conditions and according to Redfield's ratio phosphorus is mainly the phytoplankton growth limiting element

  1. The CERN neutrino beam to Gran Sasso (NGS). Conceptual technical design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elsener, K [ed.; Acquistapace, G; Baldy, J L; Ball, A E; Bonnal, P; Buhler-Broglin, M; Carminati, F; Cennini, E; Ereditato, A; Falaleev, V; Faugeras, P; Ferrari, A; Foa, L; Fortuna, G; Genand, R; Grant, A L; Henny, L; Hilaire, A; Huebner, K; Inigo-Golfin, J; Kissler, K H; Lopez-Hernandez, L A; Maugain, J M; Mayoud, M; Migliozzi, P; Missiaen, D; Palladino, V; Papadopoulos, I M; Peraire, S; Pietropaolo, F; Rangod, S; Revol, J P; Roche, J; Sala, P; Sanelli, C; Stevenson, G R; Tomat, B; Tsesmelis, E; Valbuena, R; Vincke, H; Weisse, E; Wilhelmsson, M


    The conceptual design of a new neutrino facility at CERN is presented. Starting with 400 GeV/c protons from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), a neutrino beam is produced which is directed towards the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy, 732 km away from CERN, where large, complex detectors will allow long-baseline experiments searching for neutrino oscillation phenomena to be performed. (orig.)

  2. The CERN neutrino beam to Gran Sasso (NGS). Conceptual technical design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elsener, K.; Acquistapace, G.; Baldy, J.L.; Ball, A.E.; Bonnal, P.; Buhler-Broglin, M.; Carminati, F.; Cennini, E.; Ereditato, A.; Falaleev, V.; Faugeras, P.; Ferrari, A.; Foa, L.; Fortuna, G.; Genand, R.; Grant, A.L.; Henny, L.; Hilaire, A.; Huebner, K.; Inigo-Golfin, J.; Kissler, K.H.; Lopez-Hernandez, L.A.; Maugain, J.M.; Mayoud, M.; Migliozzi, P.; Missiaen, D.; Palladino, V.; Papadopoulos, I.M.; Peraire, S.; Pietropaolo, F.; Rangod, S.; Revol, J.P.; Roche, J.; Sala, P.; Sanelli, C.; Stevenson, G.R.; Tomat, B.; Tsesmelis, E.; Valbuena, R.; Vincke, H.; Weisse, E.; Wilhelmsson, M.


    The conceptual design of a new neutrino facility at CERN is presented. Starting with 400 GeV/c protons from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), a neutrino beam is produced which is directed towards the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy, 732 km away from CERN, where large, complex detectors will allow long-baseline experiments searching for neutrino oscillation phenomena to be performed. (orig.)

  3. Bases de conocimiento multilíngües para el procesamiento semántico a gran escala


    Cuadros Oller, Montserrat; Rigau Claramunt, German


    Este artículo presenta el resultado del estudio de un amplio conjunto de bases de conocimiento multilingües actualmente disponibles que pueden ser de interés para un gran número de tareas de procesamiento semántico a gran escala. El estudio incluye una amplia gama de recursos derivados de forma manual y automática para el inglés y castellano. Con ello pretendemos mostrar una imagen clara de su estado actual. Para establecer una comparación justa y neutral, la calidad de cada recurso se ha eva...

  4. The occurrence of mycoplasmas in the lungs of swine in Gran Canaria (Spain)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Assuncao, P.; De la Fe, C.; Kokotovic, Branko


    The study was conducted to investigate the mycoplasmal flora in the lungs of pigs with enzootic pneumonia at Gran Canaria (Spain). From 54 pneumonic lungs collected at an abattoir, 85 isolates were cultivated. On the basis of cultural and biochemical characteristics, the isolates were preliminarily...

  5. The Gran Sasso muon puzzle

    CERN Document Server

    Fernandez-Martinez, Enrique


    We carry out a time-series analysis of the combined data from three experiments measuring the cosmic muon flux at the Gran Sasso laboratory, at a depth of 3800 m.w.e. These data, taken by the MACRO, LVD and Borexino experiments, span a period of over 20 years, and correspond to muons with a threshold energy, at sea level, of around 1.3 TeV. We compare the best-fit period and phase of the full muon data set with the combined DAMA/NaI and DAMA/LIBRA data, which spans the same time period, as a test of the hypothesis that the cosmic ray muon flux is responsible for the annual modulation detected by DAMA. We find in the muon data a large-amplitude fluctuation with a period of around one year, and a phase that is incompatible with that of the DAMA modulation at 5.2 sigmas. Aside from this annual variation, the muon data also contains a further significant modulation with a period between 10 and 11 years and a power well above the 99.9% C.L threshold for noise, whose phase corresponds well with the solar cycle: a s...

  6. The definition of the western boundary of the Guarani Aquifer System (Gran Chaco, Argentina): technical or conventional; Definicion del limite occidental del Sistema Acuifero Guarani (Gran Chaco, Argentina): tecnico o convencional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodello, E. A.; Veroslavsky, G.


    Unlike the eastern, northern and southern borders of the Guarani aquifer system (GAS), which extends beneath considerable regions of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, the western boundary, within the Gran Chaco, has no clear hydrogeologic definition that can be recognized at either the surface or subsurface. For this reason, the precise location of the aquifer in this area is open to many different possibilities, depending upon the factors or interests involved. Thus technical specialists have proposed locations that include or exclude, according to their own criteria, large sections of the Argentine Gran Chaco, the management and use of which, from an administrative point of view, imply diverse economic consequences. The Lomadas de Otumpa, located near the border between the Santiago del Estero and Chaco provinces, are gently sloping hills, rising to a height of no more than 110 m above the wide expanse of surrounding plains comprising the Gran Chaco. They trend NNE and are 200 km long and from 20 to 80 km in width, reflecting the presence of the regional Otumpa alignment. The Lomadas de Otumpa are clearly defined at the surface and thus they allow a geographical boundary to be imposed on the GAS sequences according to: i) their notable structural features at the surface, and ii) the close matching of the thinning and/or absence of the associated sedimentary record underground. Because the definition of the limits of the GAS has an influence on its evaluation, management, use and conservation, both at a technical and administrative level, it is of great importance to ascertain its hydrogeologic boundaries. (Author)

  7. Interfaces cerebro-máquina, un gran paso hacia la Inteligencia Artificial

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    Jesús Cortés


    Full Text Available Dentro de la Neurociencia Computacional, la Neuro-ingeniería desarrolla sistemas de comunicación entre una máquina y alguna parte del sistema nervioso. Sin lugar a dudas, estos sistemas constituyen un gran reto científico, ingenieril y ético. Sin embargo, su correcto funcionamiento todavía plantea muchos problemas.

  8. El poblamiento en la comarca suroccidental de Gran Canaria


    Lozano Mas, María Yazmina


    [ES] Este es un resumen representativo de un ambicioso trabajo de investigación que intenta ahondar en los aspectos metodológicos de la demografía histórica y el conocimiento de los aspectos históricos que rodean al poblamiento histórico de un territorio montañoso. El caso de la comarca suroccidental de Gran Canaria reúne una serie de connotaciones sobre las características y comportamientos de la población y sus distintas formas de apropiación del espacio. Ello tiene su traslación a la actua...

  9. Striking resilience of an island endemic bird to a severe perturbation: the case of the Gran Canaria blue chaffinch


    Moreno, Á. C.; Carrascal, Luis M.; Delgado, A.; Suárez, V.; Seoane, J.


    [ES] Striking resilience of an island–endemic bird to a severe perturbation: the case of the Gran Canaria blue chaffinch. Evidence regarding population trends of endangered species in special protection areas and their recovery ability from catastrophic disturbances is scarce. We assessed the population trend of the Gran Canaria blue chaffinch (Fringilla polatzeki), a habitat specialist endemic to the pine forest of Inagua in the Canary Islands, following a devastating wildfire in July 2007. ...

  10. Allelopathic Effect of Dodder on Different Varieties of Lucerne and Bird’s Foot-Trefoil

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    Valcheva Ekaterina


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of cold aqueous extracts, both fresh and dry biomass of dodder (Cuscuta epithymum L. on lucerne (Medicago sativa L. and bird’s foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.. Four different varieties of lucerne “Pleven 6”, “Dara”, “Roly”, “Multifoliolate” and bird’s foot-trefoil (“Gran San Gabriele”, “Leo”, “Local population 1”, “Local population 2” were studied in order to find some varieties with allelopathic tolerance. Ex-situ experiment was carried out as follows: 100 seeds of each variety were put in Petri dishes between filter paper, both cold extracts of parasitic weed biomass were pipetted at a ratio of 1:20 as against the seed mass and then were placed in a thermostat-operated device at a temperature of 22 ± 2°С. Distilled water was used as a control. Percentage inhibition, Index of tolerance and Index of plant development were calculated for assessment of the allelopathic effect of dodder on the early seedling growth, biomass synthesis and initial development of experimental varieties. As a whole, dry weed biomass was found as more toxic for the tested plants than the fresh one. Medicago sativa var. multifoliolate and Lotus corniculatus var. Local population 1 and Local population 2 showed a significant tolerance to the allelopathic influence of Cuscuta epithymum in all studied concentrations of aqueous extract of fresh weed biomass (25, 50 and 100 g l−1 and medium tolerance to aqueous extract of dry weed biomass (concentrations of 25 and 50 g l−1.


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    Jaime Eraso López


    Full Text Available


    Jaime Eraso López

    A la edad de 99 años, falleció la semana pasada en Bogotá el Académico y maestro de la medicina Dr. Hernando Groot Liévano conocido por ser un científico e investigador de talla continental, por lo que la comunidad nacional e internacional han lamentado profundamente este aciago acontecimiento. Como su labor de investigador estuvo ligada al departamento de Nariño cuando permaneció dos meses en la ciudad de Pasto en 1939 con el fin de descubrir la causa de una epidemia que mató a más de 8.000 personas en la zona del Guáitara, en compañía de otros tres médicos que se desplazaron desde Bogotá, mientras se desempeñaba como Jefe del Laboratorio de Salud Pública el Dr. Luis Eduardo Martínez, es justo rendirle un homenaje póstumo que permita, además, trazar en pocas líneas la semblanza de su incomparable trayectoria.

    La epidemia a la que me referí, de carácter infecciosa, fue el resultado de la acción de una bacteria llamada Bartonella, de ahí el nombre de bartonelosis o enfermedad de Carrión, que se expande a través de un mosquito transmisor y produce la destrucción de los glóbulos rojos de la sangre conllevando a la aparición de una anemia severa y a la ulterior muerte. Su descubrimiento tuvo lugar en Sandoná cuando se logró identificar la bacteria bajo el lente del microscopio; bacteria parecida al parásito del paludismo.

    Hace 7 años nos visitó nuevamente el Dr. Groot y durante su magistral conferencia detalló los hallazgos de su investigación con gran dominio del tema, cualidad propia de una inteligencia superior, sin olvidar los nombres de cada uno de los médicos de la época. Aquel evento fue ocasión para que los académicos pastusos le hiciéramos entrega de una hermosa placa a madera condecorativa de agradecimiento por su amor a Nariño y como muestra de su gran calidad humana, cuando se

  12. L'esperienza della Grande Guerra nell'autobiografia femminile in Gran Bretagna


    Porzio, Barbara


    Il presente lavoro è incentrato sull’analisi delle autobiografie femminili della prima guerra mondiale pubblicate in Gran Bretagna negli anni Trenta del secolo scorso. Nell’introduzione, dopo una breve riflessione di carattere teorico e metodologico sul genere autobiografico ed alcune considerazioni sul contesto storico-culturale in cui nacquero tali opere, viene rintracciata una griglia di argomentazioni retoriche ricorrenti che se da un lato non consentono di ipotizzare l’esistenza di un so...

  13. Estudio socioecómico de la reserva de la biosfera de Gran Canaria: propuestas de actuación

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    Silvia Sobral García


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el análisis de la Reserva de la Biosfera de la isla de Gran Canaria, espacio de gran valor natural y paisajístico pero afectado de serios problemas económico-demográficos debido al estancamiento poblacional y al proceso de abandono de las actividades tradicionales. Frente a esto se plantean programas centrados en solucionar los principales déficit que afectan a la zona para poder cumplir con los compromisos de desarrollo sostenible que conlleva este reconocimiento internacional.

  14. (Re)Bordering the Civic Imaginary: Rhetoric, Hybridity, and Citizenship in "La Gran Marcha" (United States)

    Cisneros, Josue David


    Though the drive to limit US citizenship often takes shape through the symbolic and material exclusion of "aliens," immigrants also engage in rhetorical struggles over the limits of the US civic imaginary. This essay examines one such challenge to the bordering logics of US citizenship--"La Gran Marcha", one of the largest…

  15. Monopole, astrophysics and cosmic ray observatory at Gran Sasso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demarzo, C.; Enriquez, O.; Giglietto, N.


    A new large area detector, MACRO was approved for installation at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. The detector will be dedicated to the study of naturally penetrating radiation deep underground. It is designed with the general philosophy of covering the largest possible area with a detector having both sufficient built-in redundancy and use of complementary techniques to study very rare phenomena. The detector capabilities will include monopole investigations significantly below the Parker bound; astrophysics studies of very high energy gamma ray and neutrino point sources; cosmic ray measurements of single and multimuons; and the general observation of rare new forms of matter in the cosmic rays

  16. Monopole, astrophysics and cosmic ray observatory at Gran Sasso (United States)

    Demarzo, C.; Enriquez, O.; Giglietto, N.; Posa, F.; Attolini, M.; Baldetti, F.; Giacomelli, G.; Grianti, F.; Margiotta, A.; Serra, P.


    A new large area detector, MACRO was approved for installation at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. The detector will be dedicated to the study of naturally penetrating radiation deep underground. It is designed with the general philosophy of covering the largest possible area with a detector having both sufficient built-in redundancy and use of complementary techniques to study very rare phenomena. The detector capabilities will include monopole investigations significantly below the Parker bound; astrophysics studies of very high energy gamma ray and neutrino point sources; cosmic ray measurements of single and multimuons; and the general observation of rare new forms of matter in the cosmic rays.

  17. Determinación de indicadores para la calidad de agua, sedimentos y suelos, marinos y costeros en puertos colombianos

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    Quintero Rendón Luz A.


    Full Text Available Los puertos, debido al uso de los espacios costeros y como consecuencia de las actividades inherentes a su función, están alterando las condiciones naturales de la calidad de aguas, sedimentos y suelos. Las zonas portuarias generalmente compartidas con otro tipo de actividades como la pesca, la recreación, entre otras, son receptoras de descargas de los sistemas de tratamiento de agua residual de efluentes industriales, efluentes domésticos, o aguas de escorrentía, bien sea por emisiones puntuales o difusas. Esta es una propuesta de rediseño de las variables que han venido monitoreándose por mucho tiempo en los puertos colombianos, y está encaminada al establecimiento de una nueva y amplia oferta de variables que contienen información muy relevante para definir las características físicas, químicas y microbiológicas de los cuerpos de agua, sedimentos marinos y suelos a monitorear en zonas portuarias, con el fin de mejorar la gestión y disminuir los riesgos asociados a la calidad ambiental, generados por la actividad.

  18. ¿Por qué Gran Bretaña? (Revolución Industrial y Primera Globalización)


    Monedero Rivera, Juan


    ¿Por qué la Revolución Industrial surge en Gran Bretaña? ¿Qué papel desempeñó la economía británica durante la primera globalización? Estos procesos históricos han sido objeto de estudio durante décadas y a día de hoy aún podemos observar sus consecuencias. Este proyecto analizará, otorgando una especial importancia al papel del comercio internacional, las causas que llevaron a Gran Bretaña a ser el líder de la economía mundial durante los períodos estudiados. Se analizarán ambos procesos por...

  19. Human impacts quantification on the coastal landforms of Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands) (United States)

    Ferrer-Valero, Nicolás; Hernández-Calvento, Luis; Hernández-Cordero, Antonio I.


    The coastal areas of the Canary Islands are particularly sensitive to changes, both from a natural perspective and for their potential socio-economic implications. In this paper, the state of conservation of an insular coast is approached from a geomorphological point of view, considering recent changes induced by urban and tourism development. The analysis is applied to the coast of Gran Canaria, a small Atlantic island of volcanic origin, subject to a high degree of human pressure on its coastal areas, especially in recent decades. Currently, much of the economic activity of Gran Canaria is linked to mass tourism, associated with climatic and geomorphological features of the coast. This work is addressed through detailed mapping of coastal landforms across the island (256 km perimeter), corresponding to the period before the urban and tourism development (late 19th century for the island's capital, mid-20th century for the rest of the island) and today. The comparison between the coastal geomorphology before and after the urban and tourism development was established through four categories of human impacts, related to their conservation state: unaltered, altered, semi-destroyed and extinct. The results indicate that 43% of coastal landforms have been affected by human impacts, while 57% remain unaltered. The most affected are sedimentary landforms, namely coastal dunes, palaeo-dunes, beaches and wetlands. Geodiversity loss was also evaluated by applying two diversity indices. The coastal geodiversity loss by total or partial destruction of landforms is estimated at - 15.2%, according to Shannon index (H‧), while it increases to - 32.1% according to an index proposed in this paper. We conclude that the transformations of the coast of Gran Canaria induced by urban and tourism development have heavily affected the most singular coastal landforms (dunes, palaeo-dunes and wetlands), reducing significantly its geodiversity.

  20. Large-band seismic characterization of the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (United States)

    Acernese, F.; Canonico, R.; De Rosa, R.; Giordano, G.; Romano, R.; Barone, F.


    In this paper we present the scientific data recorded by tunable mechanical monolithic horizontal seismometers located in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the INFN, within thermally insulating enclosures onto concrete slabs connected to the bedrock. The main goals of this long-term large-band measurements are for the seismic characterization of the site in the frequency band 10-6÷10Hz and the acquisition of all the relevant information for the optimization of the sensors.

  1. Consideraciones en torno a los sistemas productivos de las sociedades prehistóricas canarias: los modelos de Tenerife y Gran Canaria

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    Javier Velasco Vázquez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analizan diversos aspectos de los sistemas productivos aborígenes de Tenerife y Gran Canaria y su incidencia en la organización socioeconómica de ambas formaciones.In this paper we aim to analyse some aspects about aborigine productive systems of Tenerife and Gran Canaria and their incidence in the socioeconomic organisation of these communities.

  2. Birationally rigid varieties. I. Fano varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pukhlikov, A V


    The theory of birational rigidity of rationally connected varieties generalises the classical rationality problem. This paper gives a survey of the current state of this theory and traces its history from Noether's theorem and the Lueroth problem to the latest results on the birational superrigidity of higher-dimensional Fano varieties. The main components of the method of maximal singularities are considered.

  3. La Gran Logia Bonaerense y su preocupación por la educación: Una de las fuentes del rito nacional español

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    Gabriel Darrigran Algaba


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende exponer una primera aproximación al proyecto pedagógico de una asociación masónica argentina poco conocida, surgida en un momento del siglo XIX de gran influencia del positivismo científico. La Gran Logia Bonaerense, uno de los productos de una ciudad planificada para ser una “ciudad modelo”, que desde su creación buscó posicionarse como una alta casa de estudios, instruyendo a la clase obrera y a la media burguesía. Asimismo, se demuestra cómo, a través de las redes masónicas atlánticas, sus doctrinas lograron influir en España y cambiar parte de la estructura de la Gran Logia Simbólica Española y ser una de las fuentes del rito del Gran Oriente Ibérico.

  4. La cultura gastronómica p'urhépecha como un gran activo turístico en Michoacán

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    Marco Antoniox Serrato García


    Full Text Available En México existe un gran número comunidades indígenas de origen prehispánico. En el estado de Michoacán, el cual posee una gran riqueza cultural, destaca la cultura p'urhépecha. Por la misma riqueza que posee el estado, gran parte de su economía se basa en el turismo tanto nacional como internacional. Por esta razón se realizó una serie de estudios para aprovechar en una mayor medida esta situación, teniendo como resultado la puesta en acción del evento denominado "Encuentro de cocina tradicional de Michoacán" que se ha venido realizando cada año desde el 2004. En este artículo se muestra la justifi cación de dichos estudios, así como las primeras conclusiones de los mismos y los resultados del evento gastronómico.

  5. Guía para la identificación de mamíferos y reptiles marinos de Panamá : Material práctico para la identificación de las principales especies avistadas en Panamá.



    Los mamíferos y reptiles marinos, a pesar de ser relativamente frecuentes en nuestras aguas, son animales poco conocidos por el público en general. Esto es debido a que viven en un ambiente tridimensional al cual la mayoría de las personas sólo tiene acceso brevemente y sólo desde la superficie. La habilidad de identificar estos animales a menudo se considera el primer paso para apreciar y comprender la importancia de su conservación. Es también la clave para mejorar nuestro conocimiento acer...

  6. Neutrino astrophysics with the MACRO detector in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ronga, F.


    We present the results of a search for neutrino emission from celestial objects and of a search for coincidences with gamma ray bursts. We have computed flux limits for WIMPS coming from the center of the Earth and of the Sun. For this search we used 605 upward-going muons produced by neutrino interactions in the rock below the MACRO detector in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory. (orig.)


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    Full Text Available This paper provides new data on strontium isotope stratigraphy applied to the Miocene heterozoan shelfal carbonates of the S. Marino Fm. (Marecchia Valley, northern Apennines. Sr isotopic analyses were carried out on oyster shells, bryozoans and bulk-rocks from the lower-middle carbonate portion of the section. In the upper part of the succession that shows evidence of detrital influx,87Sr/86Sr analyses were performed on foraminifera tests, separating planktonic and benthic forms. Results were compared with calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic data from the same levels, in order to test the reliability of Sr dating in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediments. Mean ages obtained from oysters range between 16.9 Ma and 16.3 Ma. Very similar results are obtained using bryozoans (16.5 Ma to 16.1 Ma and bulk-rocks (16.8 Ma to 16.2 Ma. These results allow to better constrain the age of the massive carbonate shelf, referable to the upper Burdigalian. In the upper carbonate-siliciclastic portion of the shelf, numerical ages obtained from planktonic and benthic foraminifera are in good agreement with nannofossil biozones (mean ages respectively around 15.3 Ma and 14.5 Ma although they display wide confidence intervals. These wide age uncertainties depend on the slow rate of change of marine 87Sr/86Sr through time that characterizes the interval between ~15 and ~13.5 Ma.

  8. La Gran Vía y la arquitectura española contemporánea

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    Jesús López Díaz


    Full Text Available El centenario de la Gran Vía madrileña se ha convertido en la oportunidad de conocer con mayor detalle la mayoría de los elementos más significativos, desde el punto de vista de la arquitectura, que jalonan esta arteria, producto de la última gran reforma interior acometida en la ciudad de Madrid. En apenas veinte años, se yerguen los últimos ejemplos de la arquitectura ecléctica historicista, para pasar de un salto como pocas veces en nuestra historiografía arquitectónica, a la construcción del posiblemente mejor ejemplo de arquitectura racionalista, el Edificio Capitol, acompañado de algunos destellos de arquitectura moderna que, tras el traumático paréntesis de la Guerra Civil y la primera posguerra, se verán acompañados por elementos singulares de una arquitectura en búsqueda de un camino sin sentido, promovida por el final de una generación de arquitectos. Esta sensación de aceleración y freno se liga a algunos de los nombres más destacados de la arquitectura española de los primeros dos tercios del siglo XX: Palacios, Anasagasti, Gutiérrez Soto, Fernández-Shaw, Muguruza, Feduchi o Eced entre otros. Este artículo pretende analizar el papel jugado por la Gran Vía madrileña en cuanto a escenario de transformación de nuestra arquitectura contemporánea, así como su papel de faro hasta el despegar que se produce con los nuevos arquitectos cuyo talento es reconocido desde finales de los años 50 hasta nuestros días. El nuevo lenguaje arquitectónico surgido en las décadas de los años veinte y treinta, y mostrado como en pocos entornos en la Gran Vía, se liga necesariamente a elementos de transformación social, económica y cultural que se traducen en nuevas necesidades y nuevas tipologías edificatorias, en nuevos usos derivados de demandas y transformaciones que cambian nuestra Historia contemporánea, acompañado de un nuevo lenguaje arquitectónico, que por un breve momento, nos situó a la par de las nuevas

  9. Gran Torino's Hmong Lead Bee Vang on Film, Race, and Masculinity: Conversations with Louisa Schein

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    Louisa Schein


    Full Text Available Bee Vang, of Minneapolis, played the Hmong lead Thao Vang Lor in Clint Eastwood's 2008 Gran Torino. He was sixteen when he shot the film and had no acting training. For 27 days on location in urban Detroit he played before a Hollywood crew opposite an icon of the filmindustry doing multiple takes of each scene and camera angle. The shoot was full of unexpected twists and turns some of which he recounts in these interchanges with Hmong media expert Louisa Schein of the Departments of Anthropology and Women's and Gender Studies at Rutgers University. Over several conversations, condensed here, Vang and Schein talk about Gran Torino, about acting and film critique, about immigrants and stereotypes, about masculinity and sexuality, and about Vang's vision for what needs to change to address problems of race and inequality in and beyond media worlds.

  10. Measurement of the decoherence function with the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahlen, S.; Ambrosio, M.; Antolini, R.; Auriemma, G.; Baldini, A.; Barbarino, G.C.; Barish, B.C.; Battistoni, G.; Bellotti, R.; Bemporad, C.; Bernardini, P.; Bilokon, H.; Bisi, V.; Bloise, C.; Bussino, S.; Cafagna, F.; Calicchio, M.; Campana, D.; Campana, P.; Carboni, M.; Cecchini, S.; Cei, F.; Chiarella, V.; Chiera, C.; Cobis, A.; Cormack, R.; Corona, A.; Coutu, S.; DeCataldo, G.; Dekhussi, H.; DeMarzo, C.; De Vincenzi, M.; Di Credico, A.; Diehl, E.; Erriquez, O.; Favuzzi, C.; Ficenec, D.; Forti, C.; Foti, L.; Fusco, P.; Giacomelli, G.; Giannini, G.; Giglietto, N.; Giubellino, P.; Grassi, M.; Green, P.; Grillo, A.; Guarino, F.; Gustavino, C.; Habig, A.; Heinz, R.; Hong, J.T.; Iarocci, E.; Katsavounidis, E.; Kearns, E.; Klein, S.; Kyriazopoulou, S.; Lamanna, E.; Lane, C.; Lee, C.; Levin, D.S.; Lipari, P.; Liu, G.; Liu, R.; Longo, M.J.; Ludlam, G.; Mancarella, G.; Mandrioli, G.; Margiotta-Neri, A.; Marin, A.; Marini, A.; Martello, D.; Marzari Chiesa, A.; Masera, M.; Matteuzzi, P.; Michael, D.G.; Miller, L.; Monacelli, P.; Monteno, M.; Mufson, S.; Musser, J.; Nutter, S.; Okada, C.; Osteria, G.; Palamara, O.; Parlati, S.; Patera, V.; Patrizii, L.; Pazzi, R.; Peck, C.W.; Petrakis, J.; Petrera, S.; Pignatano, N.D.; Pistilli, P.; Predieri, F.; Ramello, L.; Reynoldson, J.; Ronga, F.; Rosa, G.; Satriano, C.; Satta, L.; Scapparone, E.; Scholberg, K.; Sciubba, A.; Serra Lugaresi, P.; Severi, M.; Sitta, M.; Spinelli, P.; Spinetti, M.; Spurio, M.; Steele, J.; Steinberg, R.; Stone, J.L.; Sulak, L.R.; Surdo, A.; Tarle, G.; Togo, V.; Valente, V.; Walter, C.W.; Webb, R.; Worstell, W.


    A measurement of the underground muon decoherence function has been performed using the multiple muon events collected by the MACRO detector at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory. A detector-independent analysis is presented for different zenith regions and rock depths; this allows direct comparison with any model of hadronic interactions. The measured decoherence function is compared with the predictions of a Monte Carlo simulation based on data taken by recent collider experiments

  11. Development of spatially diverse and complex dune-field patterns: Gran Desierto Dune Field, Sonora, Mexico (United States)

    Beveridge, C.; Kocurek, G.; Ewing, R.C.; Lancaster, N.; Morthekai, P.; Singhvi, A.K.; Mahan, S.A.


    The pattern of dunes within the Gran Desierto of Sonora, Mexico, is both spatially diverse and complex. Identification of the pattern components from remote-sensing images, combined with statistical analysis of their measured parameters demonstrate that the composite pattern consists of separate populations of simple dune patterns. Age-bracketing by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) indicates that the simple patterns represent relatively short-lived aeolian constructional events since ???25 ka. The simple dune patterns consist of: (i) late Pleistocene relict linear dunes; (ii) degraded crescentic dunes formed at ???12 ka; (iii) early Holocene western crescentic dunes; (iv) eastern crescentic dunes emplaced at ???7 ka; and (v) star dunes formed during the last 3 ka. Recognition of the simple patterns and their ages allows for the geomorphic backstripping of the composite pattern. Palaeowind reconstructions, based upon the rule of gross bedform-normal transport, are largely in agreement with regional proxy data. The sediment state over time for the Gran Desierto is one in which the sediment supply for aeolian constructional events is derived from previously stored sediment (Ancestral Colorado River sediment), and contemporaneous influx from the lower Colorado River valley and coastal influx from the Bahia del Adair inlet. Aeolian constructional events are triggered by climatic shifts to greater aridity, changes in the wind regime, and the development of a sediment supply. The rate of geomorphic change within the Gran Desierto is significantly greater than the rate of subsidence and burial of the accumulation surface upon which it rests. ?? 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation 2006 International Association of Sedimentologists.

  12. Striking resilience of an island endemic bird to a severe perturbation: the case of the Gran Canaria blue chaffinch


    Moreno, A. C.; Carrascal, L. M.; Delgado, A.; Suárez, V.; Seoane, J.


    Marcada resiliencia de una especie de ave insular endémica después de una perturbación intensa: el caso del pinzón azul de Gran Canaria Son pocos los datos disponibles sobre la tendencia demográfica de las especies en peligro de extinción en zonas de protección especial y su capacidad de recuperarse de perturbaciones catastróficas. Se estudia la tendencia demográfica del pinzón azul de Gran Canaria (Fringilla polatzeki), un especialista de hábitat endémico de las Islas Canarias, restrin...

  13. La Supervivencia del Gran Periodismo Financiero

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    Calvo Gutiérrez, Elvira


    Full Text Available En español: Tradicionalmente, el periodismo económico internacional ha tenido en los grupos anglosajones Dow Jones (EE.UU. y Pearson (Gran Bretaña, editores de The Wall Street y Financial Times respectivamente, sus grandes referentes mundiales. Sin embargo, el nuevo siglo ha traído enormes convulsiones al sector de las que no se han librado ni los periódicos de élite ni las grandes agencias especializadas en información económica como Reuters, Thomson o Bloomberg. A la batalla en Internet, se suman la expansión del poder informativo económico y los cambios de mentalidad tanto de las empresas como de las audiencias. Todo ello ha derivado en una guerra encarnizada, protagonizada por los grandes líderes que, con más de un siglo de tradición algunos, han sido objeto de ventas o fusiones, operaciones financieras imprescindibles para poder adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la trayectoria del gran periodismo económico, con especial dedicación a dos frentes: uno, conocer cómo se están posicionando estos periódicos de élite en la red; otro, la disyuntiva entre continuar siendo un periodismo de calidad, riguroso, cosmopolita y caro de mantener, o cambiar hacia un periodismo ideológico, truculento o amarillista que, como en otras especialidades, también se ha extendido entre el periodismo financiero. In english: Traditionally, the economic international journalism has had in the Anglo-Saxon groups Dow Jones (USA and Pearson (Great Britain, publishers of The Wall Street and Financial Times respectively, his big world models. Nevertheless, the new century has brought enormous convulsions to the sector, to the newspapaers of elite and big agencies specialized in economic information as Reuters, Thomson or Bloomberg. To the battle in Internet, there add the expansion of the informative economic power and the changes of mentality of the companies and of the audiences. All this has derived in a fierce


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    L. Marcelli


    Full Text Available Nel presente lavoro si espongono i risultati della prima parte diuno studio sul terremoto del Gran Sasso d'Italia avvenuto il 5 settembre10.50. Si riportano le notizie macrosismiche, e viene tracciatala rete delle isosiste. Calcolata la magnitudo, l'energia, l'epicentro incoordinate ortogonali e geografiche, le velocità delle Pg, Pn, Sg, Sncon le relative dromocrone, il tempo origine,

  15. Estratigrafía y paleontología del Cenozoico marino del Gran Bajo y Salinas del Gualicho, Argentina, y descripción de 17 especies nuevas Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the marine Cenozoic from the Gran Bajo and Salinas del Gualicho , Argentina and description of 17 new species

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    Valeria A Reichler


    Full Text Available La estratigrafía de la Formación Gran Bajo del Gualicho se presenta con mayor detalle, proponiéndose los nuevos Miembros Saladar y Arrióla, precisando la sucesión faunística integrada por 35 géneros y 41 especies, de las cuales 17 son nuevas y se describen en este estudio: Anadara australis sp. nov., Cubitostrea delrioi sp. nov, Amusium rorii sp. nov., Zygochlamys rizzoloi sp. nov,Pododesmus (Monia atlántica sp. nov, Tawera canalei sp. nov.,Dosinia (Dosinia salarensis sp. nov, 'Spirocolpus' adapicis sp. nov, Torcula magna sp. nov,Magnatica hansi sp. nov., Eudo-lium lissiei sp. nov, Sconsia magdai sp. nov., Chicoreus (Chicoreus guadalupei sp. nov, Penion patagonensis sp. nov, Mitra (Fusimitra carlosi sp. nov, Austroimbricaria brugnii sp. nov. y Polystira cingula sp. nov. El reconocimiento de la Asociación de Moluscos NVG (Nodipecten sp.-Venericor abasolensis-Glycymerita camaronesia sitúa al Membro Saladar nov. en el Moceno Temprano alto-Mioceno Medio bajo y lo correlaciona con la sección superior de la Formación Chenque y con los estratos portadores de Venericor de las formaciones Gaiman y Vaca Mahuida. La fauna de este miembro constituye una evidencia más respecto a la diferenciación en franjas climáticas postulada para Patagonia a partir del Oligoceno Tardío-Mioceno Temprano. En el Miembro Arrióla nov., la asociación recuperada indica probablemente la biozona de Aequipecten paranensis y su relación estratigráfica con la Formación Puerto Madryn del Moceno Tardío bajo, extendiendo el área abarcada por la Provincia Valdesiana hasta las Salinas del Gualicho. La fauna del Miembro Saladar presenta mayor afinidad con las que integran las formaciones Monte León y Chenque, mientras que la del Miembro Arrióla es más afín con las de las formaciones Puerto Madryn y Paraná. Las formaciones chilenas Navidad y Guadal presentan respectivamente el 30% y el 10% de los géneros en común con la fauna del Miembro Saladar

  16. Grupos de poder, familia e Iglesia en Gran Canaria en el Siglo XVII: el clero femenino


    Alemán Ruiz, Esteban


    [ES] Estudio del clero regular femenino en la isla de Gran Canaria en el siglo XVII, desde la perspectiva de las estrategias familiares y de los grupos de poder de la sociedad isleña en aquella centuria.

  17. Determination of free acid in U(VI)-Al(III) solution by Gran plot titration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suh, Moo Yul; Lee, Chang Heon; Sohn, Se Chul; Kim, Jung Suk; Kim, Won Ho; Eom, Tae Yoon


    The determination method of free acid in spent U-Al nuclear fuel solutions by Gran plot titration was described. Effect of U(VI) and Al(III) on the alkalimetric titration of nitric acid was investigation in oxalate complexing media as well as in noncomplexing media. Positive biases were observed in both titration media when the end-point was estimated by the Gran plot method. It was found that the cause of the bias was U(VI) in the oxalate complexing media, but Al(III) in the noncomplexing media. The relative error was less than 1% in the titration of 0.1 M HNO 3 at a U(VI):Al(III):H + mole ratio of up to 2:12:1 as long as the pH of the oxalate titration media was sustained to be below 5.0 at the beginning of titration. The method was successfully applied to the determination of nitric acid in a solution of HANARO reactor fuel with U:Al mole ratio of 1:6

  18. Vertical muon intensity measured with MACRO at the Gran Sasso laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ambrosio, M.; Antolini, R.; Auriemma, G.; Baker, R.; Baldini, A.; Barbarino, G.C.; Barish, B.C.; Battistoni, G.; Bellotti, R.; Bemporad, C.; Bernardini, P.; Bilokon, H.; Bisi, V.; Bloise, C.; Bower, C.; Bussino, S.; Cafagna, F.; Calicchio, M.; Campana, D.; Carboni, M.; Castellano, M.; Cecchini, S.; Cei, F.; Celio, P.; Chiarella, V.; Corona, A.; Coutu, S.; De Cataldo, G.; Dekhissi, H.; De Marzo, C.; De Mitri, I.; De Vincenzi, M.; Di Credico, A.; Erriquez, O.; Favuzzi, C.; Forti, C.; Fusco, P.; Giacomelli, G.; Giannini, G.; Giglietto, N.; Grassi, M.; Grillo, A.; Guarino, F.; Guarnaccia, P.; Gustavino, C.; Habig, A.; Hanson, K.; Hawthorne, A.; Heinz, R.; Hong, J.T.; Iarocci, E.; Katsavounidis, E.; Kearns, E.; Kyriazopoulou, S.; Lamanna, E.; Lane, C.; Levin, D.S.; Lipari, P.; Liu, R.; Longley, N.P.; Longo, M.J.; Lu, Y.; Ludlam, G.; Mancarella, G.; Mandrioli, G.; Margiotta-Neri, A.; Marini, A.; Martello, D.; Marzari-Chiesa, A.; Mazziotta, M.N.; Michael, D.G.; Mikheyev, S.; Miller, L.; Mittelbrunn, M.; Monacelli, P.; Montaruli, T.; Monteno, M.; Mufson, S.; Musser, J.; Nicolo, D.; Nolty, R.; Okada, C.; Orth, C.; Osteria, G.; Palamara, O.; Parlati, S.; Patera, V.; Patrizii, L.; Pazzi, R.; Peck, C.W.; Petrera, S.; Pignatano, N.D.; Pistilli, P.; Popa, V.; Raino, A.; Reynoldson, J.; Ronga, F.; Sanzgiri, A.; Sartogo, F.; Satriano, C.; Satta, L.; Scapparone, E.; Scholberg, K.; Sciubba, A.; Serra-Lugaresi, P.; Severi, M.; Sitta, M.; Spinelli, P.; Spinetti, M.; Spurio, M.; Steinberg, R.; Stone, J.L.; Sulak, L.R.; Surdo, A.; Tarle, G.; Tassoni, F.; Togo, V.; Valente, V.; Walter, C.W.; Webb, R.


    The vertical underground muon intensity has been measured in the slant depth range 3200--7000 hg cm -2 (standard rock) with the completed lower part of the MACRO detector at the Gran Sasso laboratory, using a large sample of data. These observations are used to compute the surface muon flux and the primary ''all-nucleon'' spectrum. An analysis of systematic uncertainties introduced by the interaction models in the atmosphere and the underground propagation of muons is presented. A comparison of our results with published data is also presented

  19. Una manera de nombrar el deseo en Toda esa gran verdad


    List Reyes, Mauricio


    Este artículo analiza la novela Toda esa gran verdad (2006) del mexicano Eduardo Montagner. El artículo centra su atención en el tema de la sexualidad, particularmente la del personaje principal. La idea es reflexionar acerca de formas disidentes de la sexualidad que rompen con las maneras normativas y que son sancionadas socialmente. En este caso en particular, unas botas de hule son el centro de la atención de un joven de una comunidad rural que dice estar enamorado del dueño de dicho calza...

  20. Operation and performance of the ICARUS-T600 cryogenic plant at Gran Sasso underground Laboratory

    CERN Document Server

    Antonello, M.; Baibussinov, B.; Boffelli, F.; Bubak, A.; Calligarich, E.; Canci, N.; Centro, S.; Cesana, A.; Cieślik, K.; Cline, D.B.; Cocco, A.G.; Dabrowska, A.; Dermenev, A.; Disdier, J.M.; Falcone, A.; Farnese, C.; Fava, A.; Ferrari, A.; Gibin, D.; Gninenko, S.; Guglielmi, A.; Haranczyk, M.; Holeczek, J.; Ivashkin, A.; Kirsanov, M.; Kisiel, J.; Kochanek, I.; Lagoda, J.; Mania, S.; Menegolli, A.; Meng, G.; Montanari, C.; Otwinowski, S.; Picchi, P.; Pietropaolo, F.; Plonski, P.; Rappoldi, A.; Raselli, G.L.; Rossella, M.; Rubbia, C.; Sala, P.R.; Scaramelli, A.; Segreto, E.; Sergiampietri, F.; Stefan, D.; Sulej, R.; Szarska, M.; Terrani, M.; Torti, M.; Varanini, F.; Ventura, S.; Vignoli, C.; Wang, H.G.; Yang, X.; Zalewska, A.; Zani, A.; Zaremba, K.


    ICARUS T600 liquid argon time projection chamber is the first large mass electronic detector of a new generation able to combine the imaging capabilities of the old bubble chambers with the excellent calorimetric energy measurement. After the three months demonstration run on surface in Pavia during 2001, the T600 cryogenic plant was significantly revised, in terms of reliability and safety, in view of its long-term operation in an underground environment. The T600 detector was activated in Hall B of the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory during Spring 2010, where it was operated without interruption for about three years, taking data exposed to the CERN to Gran Sasso long baseline neutrino beam and cosmic rays. In this paper the T600 cryogenic plant is described in detail together with the commissioning procedures that lead to the successful operation of the detector shortly after the end of the filling with liquid Argon. Overall plant performance and stability during the long-term underground operation are discusse...

  1. Distribución en gran escala de los cúmulos globulares en Fornax (United States)

    Ostrov, P. G.

    Para analizar los cúmulos globulares azules y rojos de NGC 1399 asociados con NGC 1399 en particular, o si los cúmulos azules representaban un sistema asociado con el cúmulo de Fornax en general, se obtuvieron imágenes CCD de gran formato con el telescopio de 4m del CTIO, en las bandas C y T1. Se describe el método empleado y lo encontrado.

  2. Diseño de indicadores urbanos de sustentabilidad. El caso del Gran San Juan en Argentina.

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    Nora Elsa Nacif


    Full Text Available Este trabajo surge de un proyecto de investigación en curso, cuya finalidad principal es contribuir al desarrollo urbano sustentable de la ciudad de Gran San Juan, entendiendo por tal, al desarrollo que considera como ejes del mismo a la equidad social, la eficiencia económica y la preservación del ambiente, a través del estudio de un cuerpo de indicadores urbanos como herramientas de monitoreo permanente y dinámico. La consideración de la sustentabilidad en Gran San Juan, es un imperativo ineludible por su carácter de “ciudad oasis de zona sísmica”, lo que implica preservar su condición de ciudad intermedia. En este marco, se sigue un esquema metodológico que ordena el trabajo en etapas generales de exploración de antecedentes e información obtenida como trabajo de campo, procesamiento y georeferenciación de resultados, para posteriormente formular lineamientos a ser considerados en planes de ordenamiento territorial. Hasta el momento los resultados obtenidos dentro de la línea investigativa, incluyen el desarrollo de un sistema de indicadores estructurado y articulado en base a tres subsistemas que se corresponden con los aspectos: Físico espacial, Socio cultural y Ambiental, que contienen a los diversos indicadores de sustentabilidad. Además de la aplicación de los indicadores del subsistema físico espacial para evaluar algunos sectores urbanos del Gran San Juan, considerados “críticos”. 

  3. Fábrica para Frigo-Canarias, S.A. en Jinamar (Teide Gran Canaria – España

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    López Díaz, Luis


    Full Text Available This building is situated in Janamar (Telde, Las Palmas in Gran Canaria and to accomplish it the valuable experiences have been utilised that Frigo has collected from its other important factories, foreseeing possible enlargements, rational organization of the operational cycle and easy checking of the whole system of ducts. It has offices, wardrobes and staff diningroom, separate W.C.'s for ladies and gentlemen, fabrication zone, storage, maturation tanks, freezers, cold storage rooms, loading piers, etc. Mention should be made of the hyperbolic paraboloids of reinforced concrete that cover the storage house for cartonnage, for raw material and the big central bay as well as the steam kettle room in the shape of a revolving hyperboloid and glass cover.Este edificio está situado en Jinamar (Telde, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, y para su organización se han recogido las valiosas experiencias que Frigo ha deducido de sus otras fábricas importantes, previendo posibles ampliaciones, organización racional del ciclo operativo y comodidad de control de todas las canalizaciones. Dispone de oficinas, vestuarios y comedor de empleados, aseos para ambos sexos, zona de fabricación, almacenes, tanques de maduración, congeladores, cámaras frigoríficas, muelles de carga, etc. Son de destacar los paraboloides hiperbólicos de hormigón armado que cubren el almacén de cartonaje, el de materias primas y la gran nave central, así como la cámara de calderas de vapor con forma de hiperboloide de revolución y cubierta de cristal.

  4. Emilio Duhart: Seminario del Gran Santiago -1957. Precisiones del Proyecto Urbano

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    Cristián Berríos Flores


    En el año 1957 se realiza en Chile el “Seminario del Gran Santiago”, donde se convoca a diversos especialistas para abordar ampliamente los problemas urbanos que se estaban suscitando en la capital. Entre los expositores se encuentra el arquitecto Emilio Duhart Harosteguy, quien realiza un detallado análisis y propuestas urbanas para Santiago. Se puede detectar a priori una directa influencia de los principios de la arquitectura moderna en su exposición, pero también una cierta autonomía intelectual al momento de proponer estructuras urbanas sobre el espacio público.

  5. Perfil psicológico del paciente gran quemado: prevalencia psicopatológica y variables asociadas

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    E. Gallach-Solano


    Full Text Available La Unidad de Grandes Quemados del Hospital La Fe de Valencia (España atiende al año aproximadamente 1.600 urgencias por quemaduras. El paciente gran quemado constituye un gran reto para los profesionales sanitarios por las implicaciones biopsicosociales que requiere su abordaje: atención médica para su supervivencia, atención psicológica por el importante riesgo de sufrir alteraciones, asistencia rehabilitadora y fisioterapéutica destinada a su activación funcional y atención social. Realizamos un estudio observacional caso-control transversal de carácter descriptivo, con pacientes hospitalizados en nuestra Unidad de Grandes Quemados con trastornos mentales previos. El objetivo general fue determinar y describir las características sociodemográficas, tipología del trauma sufrido, características y topografía de las quemaduras y la comorbilidad con trastornos mentales previos del paciente gran quemado. El 19,8% de estos pacientes presentó trastornos relacionados con el espectro ansioso, psicótico, del ánimo, tóxicos y alcohol, de la personalidad y alteraciones cognitivas previos a la lesión. Los que menor prevalencia parecen tener son los del espectro psicótico y los trastornos asociados al consumo de alcohol y tóxicos. No aparecieron diferencias significativas entre ninguna de las variables sociodemográficas y clínicas, salvo sexo, edad y grupo de convivencia. Los resultados de nuestro estudio reflejan que en este tipo de pacientes podrían estar directamente implicados diferentes trastornos psiquiátricos. Es importante considerar que la propia quemadura también puede generar trastornos psicológicos. Por ello las intervenciones psicológicas precoces y la determinación en este tipo de pacientes son imprescindibles elementos que permitan conseguir un buen ajuste adaptativo.

  6. Rodados bioerosionados en depósitos marinos holocenos del estuario de Bahía Blanca, Argentina: consideraciones paleoambientales y procedencia

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    Jorge O Spagnuolo


    Full Text Available En la costa norte del estuario de Bahía Blanca, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, se presentan cordones litorales compuestos por arena conchilífera y elevada proporción de rodados de origen sedimentario. Muchos de estos clastos muestran importantes signos de bieorosión. La procedencia de este material se vincula con las extensas plataformas de abrasión presentes al este del estuario (costas de Pehuén Co. Se determinaron dos icnofacies: la icnofacies de Trypanites integrada por Gastrochaenolites, Maeandropolydora, Trypanites, Gnathichnus y Radulichnus, propia de sustratos duros y la icnofacies de Skolithos representada por galerías de Ophiomorpha desarrollada en sustratos blandos. Ambas, caracterizan un ambiente litoral somero. Durante la transgresión holocena, los sustratos costeros se vieron afectados por el avance marino y los fragmentos erosionados fueron transportados por deriva litoral hacia el interior del estuario. Finalmente, eventos de tormenta depositaron en los cordones litorales el material con signos de bioerosión. En la actualidad, muchos de estos rodados que presentan gradación en tamaño hacia el interior del estuario, se hallan en tránsito en las playas por deriva litoral este-oeste.

  7. Gran Malvina. Una mirada a la experiencia bélica desde los testimonios de sus oficiales

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    Federico Lorenz


    Full Text Available En 1982, las fuerzas argentinas fueron derrotadas por Gran Bretaña en una guerra por las Islas Malvinas, en la que pelearon en pésimas condiciones, agravadas por el escenario hostil del archipiélago. El fracaso en esta conflagración, decidida y librada por la dictadura militar que gobernaba en Argentina desde 1976, dio lugar a un proceso que culminó con la restauración democrática. Se analizan las características de la experiencia bélica en Malvinas, a partir de un fondo documental producido a pocos días de la derrota. Este fondo está constituido por las declaraciones juradas de los oficiales argentinos acerca de su actuación en la guerra. Se estudian los testimonios escritos de oficiales que sirvieron en la Isla Gran Malvina, la segunda de las dos mayores que componen el archipiélago.

  8. Métodos respetuosos con el medio ambiente para la producción de grafeno a gran escala


    J. I. Paredes; S. Villar-Rodil; M. J. Fernández-Merino; L. Guardia; A. Martínez-Alonso; J. M. D. Tascón


    Para alcanzar una explotación generalizada del grafeno en aplicaciones tecnológicas es requisito indispensable la existencia de métodos eficaces y baratos para la preparación y manipulación de este material a gran escala.

  9. Upgrading of automobile shredder residue via innovative granulation process 'ReGran'. (United States)

    Holthaus, Philip; Kappes, Moritz; Krumm, Wolfgang


    Stricter regulatory requirements concerning end-of-life vehicles and rising disposal costs necessitate new ways for automobile shredder residue utilisation. The shredder granulate and fibres, produced by the VW-SICON-Process, have a high energy content of more than 20 MJ kg -1 , which makes energy recovery an interesting possibility. Shredder fibres have a low bulk density of 60 kg m -3 , which prevents efficient storing and utilisation as a refuse-derived fuel. By mixing fibres with plastic-rich shredder granulate and heating the mixture, defined granules can be produced. With this 'ReGran' process, the bulk density can be enhanced by a factor of seven by embedding shredder fibres in the partially melted plastic mass. A minimum of 26-33 wt% granulate is necessary to create enough melted plastic. The process temperature should be between 240 °C and 250 °C to assure fast melting while preventing extensive outgassing. A rotational frequency of the mixing tool of 1000 r min -1 during heating and mixing ensures a homogenous composition of the granules. During cooling, lower rotational frequencies generate bigger granules with particles sizes of up to 60 mm at 300 r min -1 . To keep outgassing to a minimum, it is suggested to melt shredder granulate first and then add shredder fibres. Adding coal, wood or tyre fluff as a third component reduces chlorine levels to less than 1 wt%. The best results can be achieved with tyre fluff. In combination with the VW-SICON-Process, ReGran produces a solid recovered fuel or 'design fuel' tailored to the requirements of specific thermal processes.

  10. Análisis del mercado de productos derivados de créditos/acciones antes y durante la Gran Recesión


    Frigola Alcalde, Hector


    La crisis que empezó el año 2007 se ha convertido en la mayor recesión desde la Gran Depresión de los años 1930, una crisis que muchos especialistas han bautizado con el nombre de Gran Recesión. Este trabajo estudia las causas que han llevado al mercado de capital a semejante colapso global, analizando tres aspectos clave en el desarrollo de la crisis: los Credit Default Swaps (CDS), la titularización y las estrategias de un hedge fund, Topaz, que utilizaba un modelo cuantitativo para la valo...

  11. Porfirio Díaz y la “Gran Dieta Simbólica”: ¿La masonería mexicana bajo control?

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    Rogelio Aragón


    Full Text Available Las fuentes más consultadas para la historia de la masonería en México durante el período conocido como"Porfiriato" apuntan a que fue, precisamente, el presidente Porfirio Díaz el artífice de la unificación de lamasonería bajo la llamada "Gran Dieta Simbólica". Sin embargo, el intercambio epistolar entre el generalDíaz y Ermilio Cantón -que más bien fue monólogo epistolar de este último-, dirigente de facto de la GranDieta, apunta en una dirección distinta. El presente artículo contrapone la información proporcionada por lasfuentes bibliográficas con la correspondencia del presidente.


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    Luis Hermosilla


    Full Text Available En este ensayo se analiza el repertorio de recursos satíricos empleados por Eduardo Barrios en Gran Señor y rajadiablos en la confección de un relato humorístico que socava la percepción ideológica que privilegiaba la fama del apellido y del linaje peninsular como signos hegemónicos del estatus aristocrático. Mediante la caricaturización literaria de las cadenas emblemáticas asociadas al fuero de los Casaquemada y el escudo de armas de los antepasados de los Valverde, Eduardo Barrios pone de relieve la persistencia ideológica, en algunos sectores de la sociedad chilena representada en la novela, de un sistema anacrónico de diferenciación social incompatible con el nuevo ideario democrático impulsado con el advenimiento de la república.This essay analyses the array of satirical resources employed by Eduardo Barrios in his Gran Señor y rajadiablos (GreatLordandHellRaiser to create a humoristic narration undermining the ideological perception that favored the Peninsular last name and lineage as hegemonic signs of aristocratic status. Through a literary caricature-like representation of the emblematic chains related to the Casaquemada court of justice and the Valverde predecessors' coat of arms, Barrios satirizes the persistence of an anachronic ideology of social differentiation held by some sectors of the Chilean society represented in this novel. Such ideology becomes incompatible with the new democratic ideals brought along by the emerging Republic.

  13. Predicting Gran alkalinity and calcium concentrations in river waters over a national scale using a novel modification to the G-BASH model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cresser, Malcolm S.; Ahmed, Nayan; Smart, Richard P.; Arowolo, Toyin; Calver, Louise J.; Chapman, Pippa J.


    Monthly stream water calcium and Gran alkalinity concentration data from 11 sub-catchments of the Nether Beck in the English Lake District have been used to appraise the transferability of the Scottish, River Dee-based G-BASH model. Readily available riparian zone geochemistry and flow paths were used initially to predict minimum and mean stream water concentrations at the Nether Beck, based on calibration equations from the River Dee catchment data. Predicted values significantly exceeded observed values. Differences in runoff between the two areas, leading to a dilution effect in the Nether Beck, explained most of the difference between observed and predicted values. Greater acid deposition in the Lake District also reduced stream water Gran alkalinity concentrations in that area. If regional differences in precipitation, evapotranspiration and pollutant deposition are incorporated into the model, it may then be used reliably to predict catchment susceptibility to acidification over a wide regional (national) scale. - A modified G-BASH model predicts calcium and Gran alkalinity in streams at a national scale, taking account of regional deposition and climatic variations

  14. Epidemiological survey of zoonotic helminths in feral cats in Gran Canaria island (Macaronesian archipelago-Spain). (United States)

    Rodríguez-Ponce, Eligia; González, Jorge F; Conde de Felipe, Magnolia; Hernández, Julia N; Raduan Jaber, J


    The presence of zoonotic parasites in feral cats have been widely considered all over the world. In Gran Canaria (Macaronesian archipelago, Canary Islands, Spain) the number of feral cats has grown out of control in urban and rural areas. 48 of Felis catus captured in different Gran Canaria areas were studied. Animals were necropsied and several organs were systematically examined in order to collect and identify macroscopic parasites. In addition, coprological tests were done in 28 cats. There were no statistically significant differences in the prevalence rate among sex, age or capture area, showing an overall prevalence of helminths of 77.1%. The most common tapeworms were Dipylidium caninum (64.6%) and Taenia taeniaeformis (31.3%), followed by the nematodes Toxocara cati (20.8%), Ancylostoma tubaeforme (18.8%), Aelurostrongylusabstrusus (10.4%) and Trichuris vulpis (2.08%). We also find several eggs of Alaria alata in the small intestine of one cat (2.08%), being the first description of this trematode in cats in the Canary Islands. Aproximatelly, 40% of the studied cats harboured more than one parasite. High rates of zoonotic species found in these animals suggest the need of controling parasitic infections and preventive measures against them.

  15. Flag varieties, toric varieties, and suspensions: Three instances of infinite transitivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arzhantsev, Ivan V; Zaidenberg, M G; Kuyumzhiyan, Karine G


    We say that a group G acts infinitely transitively on a set X if for every m element of N the induced diagonal action of G is transitive on the cartesian mth power X m backslash Δ with the diagonals removed. We describe three classes of affine algebraic varieties such that their automorphism groups act infinitely transitively on their smooth loci. The first class consists of normal affine cones over flag varieties, the second of nondegenerate affine toric varieties, and the third of iterated suspensions over affine varieties with infinitely transitive automorphism groups. Bibliography: 42 titles.

  16. Una mirada retrospectiva desde el museo escuela del CEP Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. // A retrospective look at the school museum of the CEP Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

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    Antonio S. Almeida Aguiar


    Full Text Available (ES El Museo Escuela del Centro de Profesores, se encuentra en las Palmas de Gran Canaria cuyo nombre toma el centro perteneciente a la red de Centros del Profesorado del Gobierno de Canarias. Este espacio recrea tal como era una clase de la época de Franco con materiales, libros y muebles cedidos por diferentes escuelas en su mayoría rurales. También se proyecta un video con imágenes y fotos de escuelas desde 1920 hasta 1970, y costumbre canarias de los CER. Herramienta pedagógica que, en un principio, se puso a disposición del alumnado y profesorado de ámbito no universitario para el estudio e investigación de nuestra Historia de la Educación, mediante la exposición material, documental y testimonial. // (EN The school museum is in the Teacher Training Centre in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria. This institution belongs to the Canary Islands Government’s Teacher Training Centre net. This space shows us how it was a classroom during Franco’s government: with materials, books and furniture that were given up from different schools, most of them rural schools. Also, there is a video projection with pictures in it of schools from 1920 to 1970 and the customs of the CER (Rural Education Centers in the Canary Islands. In the beginning this pedagogical tool was available for students and teachers who did not belong to the university environment. Its objective was the study and research of the history of education by documentary, material and testimonial exhibition.

  17. Determination of the distribution of shallow-water seagrass and drift algae communities with acoustic seafloor discrimination

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    B Riegl


    Full Text Available The spatial distribution of seagrass and algae communities can be difficult to determine in large,shallow lagoon systems where high turbidity prevents the use of optical methods like aerial photography or satellite imagery.Further complications can arise when algae are not permanently attached to the substratum and drift with tides and currents.A study using acoustic seafloor discrimination was conducted in the Indian River Lagoon (Florida,USAto determine the extent of drift algae and seagrass.Acoustic surveys using the QTC View V system based on 50 and 200 kHz transducers were conducted near Sebastian Inlet.Results indicate that areas of seagrass can be identified,and are mixed with a high abundance of drift algae.Nearest-neighbor extrapolation was used to fill in spaces between survey lines and thus obtain spatially cohesive maps.These maps were then ground-truthed using data from towed video and compared using confusion matrices.The maps showed a high level of agreement (60%with the actual distribution of algae,however some confusion existed between bare sand and algae as well as seagrass.La distribución espacial de comunidades de pastos marinos y algas puede ser difícil de determinar en sistema lagunares grandes y someros donde la alta turbidez no permite el uso de métodos ópticos,como fotografías aéreas e imágenes satelitales. Complicaciones adicionales pueden surgir cuando las algas no están adheridas permanentemente al sustrato y derivan con las mareas y corrientes.Se realizó un estudio utilizando discriminación acústica del fondo marino en el Indian River Lagoon (Florida,EUA para determinar la cantidad de algas y pastos que derivan. Se realizaron sondeos acústicos en el Sebastian Inlet con el sistema QTC View V y transductores de 50 y 200 kHz.Las áreas de pastos marinos pudieron ser identificadas,y están mezcladas con una gran cantidad de algas a la deriva.Se rellenó los espacios sin datos con extrapolaciones basadas en la

  18. Predimensionamiento de la estructura perimetral de un gran depósito de agua


    Liria Montañés, José; Sainz Borda, José Ángel


    RESUMEN. Una de las obras más características del proyecto de abastecimientos de aguas a poblaciones son los depósitos, cuyos elementos estructurales deben diseñarse atendiendo a su estabilidad y a una optimización de su costo, proceso muy influenciado por el terreno. La pared perimetral tiene gran importancia es este diseño, y a su estudio se dedica este artículo, que ofrece ábacos de aplicación inmediata al predimensionamiento de este tipo de estructuras.

  19. Geographical Variation of Deltamethrin Susceptibility of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Argentina With Emphasis on a Resistant Focus in the Gran Chaco. (United States)

    Fronza, G; Toloza, A C; Picollo, M I; Spillmann, C; Mougabure-Cueto, G A


    Chagas disease is one of the most important parasitic infections in Latin America. The main vector of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi in America is Triatoma infestans, a blood-sucking triatomine bug who is widely distributed in the Gran Chaco ecoregion. Control programs in endemic countries are focused in the elimination of triatomine vectors with pyrethroid insecticides. However, chemical control has failed in the Gran Chaco over the last two decades because of several factors. Previous studies have reported the evolution of different levels of resistance to deltamethrin in Tri. infestans Recently, very high resistance has been found in the central area of the Argentine Gran Chaco. However, the origin and the extension of this remarkably resistant focus remain unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the geographical variation of deltamethrin susceptibility of Tri. infestans in different endemic provinces of Argentina, with emphasis in the center of the Argentine Gran Chaco ecoregion where this main vector has not been reduced. Populations of Mendoza, San Juan, Santiago del Estero, and Tucumán provinces were all susceptible. Resistant populations were only detected in the province of Chaco, where a mosaic resistant focus was described at the Güemes Department. It was characterized into three pyrethroid resistance categories: susceptible, low, and highly resistant populations. We found the populations with the highest resistance levels to deltamethrin, with resistant ratios over 1000. © The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  20. Una manera de nombrar el deseo en Toda esa gran verdad

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    Mauricio List


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la novela Toda esa gran verdad (2006 del mexicano Eduardo Montagner. El artículo centra su atención en el tema de la sexualidad, particularmente la del personaje principal. La idea es reflexionar acerca de formas disidentes de la sexualidad que rompen con las maneras normativas y que son sancionadas socialmente. En este caso en particular, unas botas de hule son el centro de la atención de un joven de una comunidad rural que dice estar enamorado del dueño de dicho calzado. Él va aprendiendo que un sujeto fetichista requiere de su objeto para disfrutar del placer erótico.

  1. Proyecto básico de infraestructuras hidráulicas urbanas en la Urbanización Gran Godella, Godella (Valencia): Red de abastecimiento.




    [ES] La Urbanización Gran Godella es un sector urbanizable de nuevo desarrollo ubicado en el Término Municipal de Godella (Valencia) y con una superficie total de 239.531,96 m2. El objeto del presente proyecto es el diseño de la red de abastecimiento de agua para la Urbanización Gran Godella. Se debe abastecer a 1.186 viviendas, un centro comercial, un edificio de oficinas y un colegio de 500 plazas, además del riego de 38.982 m2 de jardines y el sistema contra incendios. Se diseña u...

  2. Historia de la investigación marino-costera en Bahía Culebra, Pacífico Norte, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Bahía Culebra está ubicada en la costa Pacífica norte de Costa Rica en una región de afloramiento estacional. En este trabajo presento la historia de la investigación marina en Bahía Culebra, para sintetizar lo que se ha hecho y resaltar lo que falta por investigar. Los organismos marinos de Bahía Culebra se empezaron a estudiar en la década de 1920 y muy intensamente en la década de 1930 con las expediciones de la Fundación Allan Hancock y de la Sociedad Zoológica de Nueva York. La mayor parte de la investigación marina se ha realizado desde la década de 1980 por investigadores y estudiantes del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Los ecosistemas mejor estudiados son las comunidades y arrecifes coralinos, seguido por las investigaciones sobre zooplancton. Se han publicado registros de 577 especies marinas en Bahía Culebra y se le suman 20 especies más con las publicadas en este Suplemento. Aún así, todavía falta estudiar varios ecosistemas y grupos de organismos. Es imperativo realizar esfuerzo para proteger y conservar los ecosistemas y biodiversidad marina de Bahía Culebra.

  3. La utilización diferencial del espacio urbano en el sector de Arenales. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    Silvia Sobral García


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el análisis de los usos urbanos registrados en el barrio de Arenales, uno de los sectores más representativos de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. En este sentido, se ofrece un ejemplo de cómo utilizar de forma más racional el suelo,  de acuerdo a las características morfológicas y urbanas del área y al papel que juega dentro de la ciudad.This article deals with the analysis of the urban uses in the area of Arenales which is one of the most representative districts in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and it seeks to suggest a more rational land use according to the morphologic and urban features of the area in question and to the role it plays in this town.

  4. 77 FR 47522 - Special Local Regulation; Port Huron Offshore Gran Prix, St. Clair River; Port Huron, MI (United States)


    ... 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks. This rule is not an economically significant rule and does not create an environmental risk to health or risk to safety that may...-AA08 Special Local Regulation; Port Huron Offshore Gran Prix, St. Clair River; Port Huron, MI AGENCY...

  5. Tidal tilts observations in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iafolla, V.; Nozzoli, S.; Milyukov, V.


    A new tilt meter, based on the technology for building a space-borne high-sensitivity accelerometer and manufactured at IFSI/CNR, has a been operating during several years in the INFN Gran Sasso underground laboratory. The results of the analysis of a three-year data set, processed with the program package ETERNA, to estimate earth tidal parameters are reported. For the best series of data (1998) tide measurement accuracies are: 0.5-1% for the M 2 (lunar principal) amplitude and 3-4% for the O 1 (lunar declination) amplitude. The tilt meter installed at a depth of 1400 m shows no clear evidence of meteorological effects. Observed tidal parameters are compared with theoretical tidal parameters predicted for a non-hydrostatic inelastic Earth model and demonstrate good agreement for the M 2 component. Due to the high accuracy of the tidal components prediction (better than 1%) tidal measurements were used to estimate the long-term stability of the instrument response

  6. La Restauración del Templo I “Gran Jaguar” de Tikal (Guatemala)


    Gaspar Muñoz Cosme


    La ciudad maya de Tikal, que alcanzó su máximo explendor en los siglos VII y VIII de nuestra era, ha sido declarada por la UNESCO Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad en 1979 y Monumento Universal en 1986. El Templo I de Tikal, tambien conocido con el nombre de Templo del “Gran Jaguar”, constituye hoy en día el emblema de esta ciudad maya de Guatemala. Gaspar Muñoz Cosme, arquitecto, explica los interesantes trabajos de restauración de este Templo I, desarrollados entre 1992 y 1996, planteando...

  7. My American Uncle, America Cries Uncle, and Other Fantastic Tales from France: Iegor Gran's Jeanne d'Arc fait tic-tac

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    Carolyn A. Durham


    Full Text Available Ella Shohat and Robert Stam's proposal that beliefs about nations often crystallize in the form of stories could serve as both summary and generative matrix for Jeanne d'Arc fait tic-tac . In keeping with a number of recent fictional works united by the attempt to understand French and American cultures in a comparative context, the first part of Iegor Gran's clever 2005 novel consists of eleven stories whose common focus on the danger represented by American culture for French national identity makes the second part of the novel, in which France declares war and invades the United States, almost inevitable. In the opening section of Jeanne d'Arc , Gran both rewrites the traditional folktale for a self-reflective postmodern age and revises and satirizes the conventions of fantastic literature. The primary comic strategy of the second half of the novel, constructed as a parody of the current American conflict in Iraq, pays homage to the most recent source of tension between the United States and France. Throughout the novel Gran caricatures French chauvinism and insularity as much as he mocks American arrogance and consumerism, and the metaphorical demise of the "oncle d’Amérique,” the specifically French version of the American dream, continually reminds us of the sheer power and pleasure of narrative.

  8. La industria del Gran La Plata según el último Censo Nacional Económico

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    Diego Arturi


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el sector industrial del Gran La Plata en base a información del último Censo Nacional Económico (CNE 2004/2005. En una primer parte se identifican las principales características del sector industrial a escala nacional en los períodos neoliberal y posconvertibilidad, a partir de bibliografía especializada y análisis de series estadísticas e informes técnicos. En una segunda parte se analiza el sector industrial del Gran La Plata en base a entrevistas a informantes calificados y a los datos censales según cantidad de establecimientos, puestos de trabajo ocupados, rama de actividad, tamaño de los locales industriales, productividad y especialización industrial de los municipios; asimismo se realiza una aproximación a niveles de intensidad tecnológica por rama. A partir de este análisis se pueden destacar las siguientes conclusiones: predominio de las micro y pequeñas empresas, productividad superior al promedio nacional, escaso aporte de las ramas de alta intensidad tecnológica y ausencia de especialización que impide definir un perfil industrial marcado.

  9. Gran colector bajo el Danubio en Linz – Austria

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available The mission of this huge under-river sewer is to carry the waste water from the left bank of the Danube to the other side of the river where a large sewage treatment plant is being constructed. In order to carry out its 375 m in length and 2.4 m inside diameter, where several drain pipes and ducts for remote heating and supply of electric power are housed, a system of pressure propulsion has been sed. This system is based on a series of hydraulic presses, which gradually insert into the ground the prefabricated reinforced concrete tubular elements, 3 m in length, which form the sewer. The work on the aforementioned sewer is completed with a pumping well located on the left bank and originated by the difference in level between the connections of the respective sewers on each side of the river — as well as a collection well, situated on the right bank, which links up with the main sewer of the treatment plant. Both wells are built with reinforced concrete.La misión de este gran colector subfluvial es la de conducir las aguas residuales procedentes de la orilla izquierda del Danubio al otro lado del río, en donde se está construyendo una gran planta depuradora. Para la realización de sus 373 m de longitud y 2,40 m de diámetro interior, donde se albergan diversas tuberías de desagüe y conductos para calefacción a distancia y suministro de energía eléctrica, se ha empleado un sistema de propulsión a presión. Dicho sistema se basa en una serie de prensas hidráulicas, que van introduciendo en el terreno los elementos tubulares prefabricados de hormigón armado, de 3 m de longitud, que constituyen el colector. Los trabajos del citado colector se completan con un pozo de bombeo —situado en la orilla izquierda y originada por la diferencia de nivel existente entre las acometidas de los respectivos colectores de ambos lados del río— y otro de recogida, emplazado en la orilla derecha, que enlaza con el colector principal de la

  10. Proveïment de QoS en xarxes de paquets òptiques per a entorns d'àrea metropolitana i de gran abast


    Careglio, Davide


    El gran crecimiento y expansión de Internet en los últimos años, con el consecuente incremento de usuarios y tráfico, ha hecho que aumente la necesidad de ancho de banda en las redes de telecomunicación actuales. El desafío de la futura generación de redes de telecomunicación punta a pasar de la simple transmisión de señales ópticas de gran capacidad a efectivamente conmutar y gestionar esta cantidad de datos en el domino óptico. Estas funcionalidades, actualmente realizadas por componentes e...

  11. The Plio-Quaternary Volcanic Evolution of Gran Canaria Based on new Unspiked K-Ar ages and Magnetostratigraphy (United States)

    Guillou, H.; Carracedo, J.; Perez Torrado, F.


    The combined use of radioisotopic dating, magnetostratigraphy and field geology is a powerful tool to provide reliable chronological frameworks of volcanic edifices. This approach has been used to investigate the last two stages of the volcanic evolution of Gran Canaria. Fifty samples were dated using the unspiked K-Ar method and had their magnetic polarity measured both in the field and in laboratory. Ages were compared to their stratigraphic positions and magnetic polarities before accepting their validity. The unspiked K-Ar chronology constrains the timing of lateral collapses, eruption rates and the contemporaneity of different volcano-magmatic stages at Gran Canaria. Our new data set modifies significantly the previous chronological framework of Gran Canaria, especially between 4 and 2.8 Ma. Based on these new ages, we can bracket the age of the multiple lateral collapses of the Roque Nublo stratovolcano flanks between 3.5 and 3.1 Ma .This time interval corresponds to a main period of volcanic quiescence. Calculated eruptive rates during the stratovolcano edification are about 0.1 km3/kyr which is significantly lower than the published estimates. The dating also reveals that the two main last stages are not separated by a major time gap, but that the early stages of the rift forming eruption and the vanishing activity of the Roque Nublo strato-volcano were contemporaneous for at least 600 kyrs. These results support that our combined approach provides a rapid first-pass and reliable geochronology. Nevertheless, this chronology can be amplified and made more precise where necessary through detailed Ar-Ar incremental-heating methods. Samples which should be investigated using this method are the oldest and youngest K-Ar dated flows of each volcanic stage, and samples from stratigraphic sections that hold potential to study the behaviour of the earth's magnetic field during reversals (Gauss-Gilbert transition, Olduvai and Reunion events).

  12. Ecological impact of transhumance on the trophic state of alpine lakes in Gran Paradiso National Park

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    Tiberti R.


    Full Text Available Transhumance – the summer transfer of livestock to highland pastures – is a traditional practice in the European Alps and is considered an integral part of the mountain ecosystem. Mountain lakes are generally oligotrophic systems and are particularly sensitive to the nutrient input caused by livestock. The aim of the present study was to quantify the impact of livestock grazing on the trophic state of high-altitude lakes in an area where transhumance is a traditional practice (Gran Paradiso National Park, Western Italian Alps, taking into account its dual value of ecosystem component and potential threat to lakes’ trophic status. The impact of flocks and herds grazing was estimated on sensitive parameters related to the trophic state of alpine lakes: water transparency, nutrient content, bacterial load and chlorophyll-a concentration. Transhumance produced a significant increase in the trophic state of lakes with high grazing pressure, but little or no effect was found at soft-impacted lakes. Even though heavy-impacted lakes represent a minority of the studied lakes (three out of twenty, we indicated conservation measures such as fencing, wastewater treatment and livestock exclosure to be tested in Gran Paradiso National Park.


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    Marilet Cazañas-Rivero


    Full Text Available

    Teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo de la industria turística y la necesidad de la excelencia competitiva, se concibe este trabajo en el Hotel “Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga” con el objetivo central de diseñar un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad que permita la mejora del proceso de Alojamiento en este Hotel. Después de un diagnóstico inicial se demostró la necesidad de realizar cambios significativos en la instalación, donde existen dificultades en cuanto a la gestión de la calidad adecuada a las características del Hotel, en el cual no se toman acciones que permitan resolver dichas deficiencias. Se elaboró un procedimiento para el diseño del Sistema de gestión de la Calidad en el Hotel “Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga”. El diseño del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en el área de Alojamiento brinda a la dirección del Hotel el estado actual de la calidad de los servicios en esta área, mediante la aplicación de las técnicas utilizadas y ofrece las estrategias a seguir para lograr un mejor servicio.


    Taking into account the development of the tourist industry and the necessity of the competitive excellence it is conceived this work in the “Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga” Hotel, focusing in the design of a Quality Management System that allows the improvement of the process of Accommodation in this Hotel. After an initial diagnosis, it was demonstrated the necessity of carrying out significant changes in the facilities. There are some difficulties regarding quality management suited to the characteristics of the Hotel in which actions that allow solving these deficiencies are not carried out. It was elaborated a procedure for the design of the Quality Management System in the “Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga” Hotel. The design of the Quality Management System in the Accommodation area provides the Hotel management with the current state of service quality in this area by means of the

  14. Plataformas elevadoras para trabajar en árboles frutales de gran tamaño.


    Gil Sierra, Jacinto


    Una de las tendencias en la fruticultura desde hace muchos años es la reducción del tamaño de los árboles. plantándolos en marcos más estrechos. Sin embargo, sigue habiendo huertos con frutales de gran tamaño, como son los tradicionales en los valles de los ríos aragoneses. La única posibilidad de alcanzar la copa de los árboles grandes es recurrir a escaleras o al uso de plataformas elevadoras. En este artículo se analizan las distintas posibilidades de uso de dichas plataformas, sus caracte...

  15. Computing Tropical Varieties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Speyer, D.; Jensen, Anders Nedergaard; Bogart, T.


    The tropical variety of a d-dimensional prime ideal in a polynomial ring with complex coefficients is a pure d-dimensional polyhedral fan. This fan is shown to be connected in codimension one. We present algorithmic tools for computing the tropical variety, and we discuss our implementation...

  16. Gerda: A new 76Ge Double Beta Decay Experiment at Gran Sasso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simgen, Hardy


    In the new 76 Ge double beta decay experiment Gerda [I. Abt et al., arXiv hep-ex/0404039; Gerda proposal, to be submitted to the Gran Sasso scientific committee] bare diodes of enriched 76 Ge will be operated in highly pure liquid nitrogen or argon. The goal is to reduce the background around Q ββ =2039 keV below 10 -3 counts/(kg-bar keV-bar y). With presently available diodes from the Igex and HdMs experiments the current evidence for neutrinoless double beta decay [H.-V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, et al., Mod. Phys. Lett. A16 (2001) 2409ff] can unambigously be checked within one year of measurement

  17. Cytotaxonomic investigations in some Angiosperms collected in the Valley of Aosta and in the National Park « Gran Paradiso »

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gadella, Th.W.J.; Kliphuis, E.


    The chromosome number of 53 species of Angiosperms, occurring in the Valley of Aosta and in the National Park « Gran Paradise » was determined. Some notes on the taxonomy of some species are presented in this paper.

  18. The CUORE and CUORE-0 experiments at Gran Sasso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giachero A.


    Full Text Available The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE is an experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ in 130Te and other rare processes. CUORE is a cryogenic detector composed of 988 TeO2 bolometers for a total mass of about 741 kg. The detector is being constructed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy, where it will start taking data in 2015. If the target background of 0.01 counts/(keV·kg·y will be reached, in five years of data taking CUORE will have an half life sensitivity around 1 × 1026 y at 90% C.L. As a first step towards CUORE a smaller experiment CUORE-0, constructed to test and demonstrate the performances expected for CUORE, has been assembled and is running. The detector is a single tower of 52 CUORE-like bolometers that started taking data in spring 2013. The status and perspectives of CUORE will be discussed, and the first CUORE-0 data will be presented.

  19. The CUORE and CUORE-0 experiments at Gran Sasso (United States)

    Giachero, A.; Artusa, D. R.; Avignone, F. T.; Azzolini, O.; Balata, M.; Banks, T. I.; Bari, G.; Beeman, J.; Bellini, F.; Bersani, A.; Biassoni, M.; Brofferio, C.; Bucci, C.; Cai, X. Z.; Camacho, A.; Caminata, A.; Canonica, L.; Cao, X. G.; Capelli, S.; Cappelli, L.; Carbone, L.; Cardani, L.; Casali, N.; Cassina, L.; Chiesa, D.; Chott, N.; Clemenza, M.; Copello, S.; Cosmelli, C.; Cremonesi, O.; Creswick, R. J.; Cushman, J. S.; Dafinei, I.; Dally, A.; Datskov, V.; Dell'Oro, S.; Deninno, M. M.; Di Domizio, S.; di Vacri, M. L.; Drobizhev, A.; Ejzak, L.; Fang, D. Q.; Farach, H. A.; Faverzani, M.; Fernandes, G.; Ferri, E.; Ferroni, F.; Fiorini, E.; Franceschi, M. A.; Freedman, S. J.; Fujikawa, B. K.; Gironi, L.; Giuliani, A.; Gorla, P.; Gotti, C.; Gutierrez, T. D.; Haller, E. E.; Han, K.; Heeger, K. M.; Hennings-Yeomans, R.; Hickerson, K. P.; Huang, H. Z.; Kadel, R.; Kazkaz, K.; Keppel, G.; Kolomensky, Yu. G.; Li, Y. L.; Ligi, C.; Lim, K. E.; Liu, X.; Ma, Y. G.; Maiano, C.; Maino, M.; Martinez, M.; Maruyama, R. H.; Mei, Y.; Moggi, N.; Morganti, S.; Napolitano, T.; Nastasi, M.; Nisi, S.; Nones, C.; Norman, E. B.; Nucciotti, A.; O'Donnell, T.; Orio, F.; Orlandi, D.; Ouellet, J. L.; Pagliarone, C. E.; Pallavicini, M.; Pattavina, L.; Pavan, M.; Pedretti, M.; Pessina, G.; Pettinacci, V.; Piperno, G.; Pira, C.; Pirro, S.; Pozzi, S.; Previtali, E.; Rampazzo, V.; Rosenfeld, C.; Rusconi, C.; Sala, E.; Sangiorgio, S.; Scielzo, N. D.; Sisti, M.; Smith, A. R.; Taffarello, L.; Tenconi, M.; Terranova, F.; Tian, W. D.; Tomei, C.; Trentalange, S.; Ventura, G.; Vignati, M.; Wang, B. S.; Wang, H. W.; Wielgus, L.; Wilson, J.; Winslow, L. A.; Wise, T.; Woodcraft, A.; Zanotti, L.; Zarra, C.; Zhang, G. Q.; Zhu, B. X.; Zucchelli, S.


    The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is an experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) in 130Te and other rare processes. CUORE is a cryogenic detector composed of 988 TeO2 bolometers for a total mass of about 741 kg. The detector is being constructed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy, where it will start taking data in 2015. If the target background of 0.01 counts/(keV·kg·y) will be reached, in five years of data taking CUORE will have an half life sensitivity around 1 × 1026 y at 90% C.L. As a first step towards CUORE a smaller experiment CUORE-0, constructed to test and demonstrate the performances expected for CUORE, has been assembled and is running. The detector is a single tower of 52 CUORE-like bolometers that started taking data in spring 2013. The status and perspectives of CUORE will be discussed, and the first CUORE-0 data will be presented.


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    helber de jesús barbosa barbosa


    Full Text Available La investigación se desarrolló con el fin de implementar una metodología que permitiera la realización de ensayos de interacciones alelopáticas entre corales y esponjas, minimizando la interacción física provocada por el uso de dispositivos que producen roce y efecto abrasivo sobre los pólipos del coral. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de preformulación utilizando polímeros con características mucoadhesivas sobre mucus que recubre los pólipos de coral, con el fin de obtener un gel, incorporando en las formulaciones  un extracto de la esponja Cliona delitrix. Se caracterizaron propiedades reológicas como extensibilidad y adherencia, así como la capacidad mucoadhesiva de las formulaciones propuestas. Estas  mostraron una  buena estabilidad física frente a las condiciones del medio marino tanto in vitro como in situ. De igual manera, se diseñó un dispositivo que facilitó la aplicación del gel sobre la superficie de los corales por parte de los buzos en el arrecife coralino. Finalmente se estudió el comportamiento de liberación al medio acuoso simulado del gel con el extracto de la esponja objeto de estudio

  1. Contractions of affine spherical varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arzhantsev, I V


    The language of filtrations and contractions is used to describe the class of G-varieties obtainable as the total spaces of the construction of contraction applied to affine spherical varieties, which is well-known in invariant theory. These varieties are local models for arbitrary affine G-varieties of complexity 1 with a one-dimensional categorical quotient. As examples, reductive algebraic semigroups and three-dimensional SL 2 -varieties are considered

  2. Varieties of English. (United States)

    Brook, G. L.

    The English language is not a monolithic entity but an amalgam of many different varieties that can be associated respectively with groups of speakers, with individuals, and with the occasion. Among such varieties are slang, regional and class dialects, the language of children, and the language used by public speakers, journalists, lawyers,…

  3. La casa linda de los habitantes del mar


    Depestre, Leonardo


    Se describe el funcionamiento del Acuario Nacional de Cuba, enfatizando en la atención a los mamíferos marinos que se exhiben (focas y leones marinos), así como también aquellos que forman parte de las actividades didáctico recreativas como son los delfines y los lobos marinos.

  4. Comportamiento de la corrosión de aleaciones de magnesio AZ31-B en ambiente marino, modificadas por el proceso de fricción-agitación Corrosion behavior in marine environment of magnesium alloy AZ31-B welded by friction-agitation process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willian Aperador Chaparro


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se estudia el comportamiento de la corrosión de la aleación de magnesio AZ31-B en ambiente marino simulado, modificada mediante el proceso de fricción-agitación (PFA, con el fin de determinar el efecto de las variables del proceso, velocidad de rotación y velocidad de avance. Se llevaron a cabo análisis mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica y curvas de polarización potencio-dinámicas (Tafel. Adicionalmente, se determinó la microestructura en las zonas del cordón de soldadura a través de metalografía óptica. Finalmente, se analizaron los productos de corrosión formados en la superficie de las muestras por medio del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM equipado con el analizador químico por EDS. Se observó que una relación de velocidad de avance/velocidad de rotación mayor produce menor velocidad de corrosión y con ello mayor resistencia a la corrosión en medios salinos, al parecer relacionados con el gran tamaño de grano en la zona agitada, que corresponde a más entrada de calor.The corrosion behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy modified by friction stir processing (FSP was studied in simulated marine environment, in order to determine the effect of process variables rotation speed and travel speed. The corrosion analysis was carried upon by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization curves (Tafel, metallographic analysis of the welded zones was done by optical microscopy and the chemical analysis of the corrosion products were done by using scanning electron microscope (SEM, equipped with EDS analyzer. It was observed that the increase of the rate rotation speed/travel speed of the process produces a decrease in the corrosion rate and the corresponding increase of the corrosion resistance in marine environment, apparently related to the higher grain size found in the stir zone, corresponding to a higher heat input.

  5. Mercado metropolitano de trabajo y desigualdades sociales en el Gran Santiago: ¿Una ciudad dual?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos A. de Mattos


    Full Text Available Los cambios estructurales en los mercados metropolitanos de trabajo bajo los procesos de reestructuración-informacionalización-globalización, se han situado como un tema central para el estudio de la transformación de las ciudades durante las últimas décadas. Desde esta perspectiva, el presente trabajo analiza los impactos que los procesos de modernización capitalista en Chile han tenido sobre su mercado de trabajo y sobre la evolución de la distribución del ingreso, y sobre esta base, observa sus efectos sobre la estructuración socio-territorial del Gran Santiago, discutiendo especialmente la pertinencia de la tesis de la dualización para este caso particular. Para ello, en una primera parte se esbozan los rasgos fundamentales de esta tesis, se analizan los fundamentos con los que ha sido presentada y las causas que se le atribuyen. En la segunda parte se revisan las principales transformaciones producidas en esta fase de modernización capitalista en Chile, y la evolución de las desigualdades sociales y la segregación urbana en el Gran Santiago a la luz de las transformaciones producidas en su mercado de trabajo. En la tercera y última parte, se plantea la discusión sobre la aplicabilidad de la tesis de la dualización al caso chileno

  6. ¡Hola! Me llamo Arminda... ¿y tú? A global communication project for Gran Canaria’s Archaeological Heritage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Gloria Rodríguez Santana


    Full Text Available The opening of the Museum and Archaeological Park of Cueva Pintada (Gáldar, Gran Canaria was the culmination of the recovery of one of the most remarkable sites of the pre-Hispanic culture in the Canary Islands (Spain. A great part of the exhibition revolves around the figure of Arminda, a historical character that lived in the site during the late 15th Century. This character has also become the main figure in the different activities designed for children and families, such as tales, puppet shows, workshops, etc., in which this Canarian girl plays a central role. The project exposed in this paper is the work of an interdisciplinary team that has transformed Arminda into a loyal ally to transmit the contents linked to the pre-Hispanic period in Gran Canaria and especially to create a motivating environment for the public, able to transform the museum into a space for sharing, thinking and enjoying History.

  7. The Milano-Gran Sasso double beta decay experiment: toward a 20-crystal array

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alessandrello, A.; Brofferio, C.; Bucci, C.; Cremonesi, O.; Fiorini, E.; Giuliani, A.; Nucciotti, A.; Pavan, M.; Pessina, G.; Previtali, E.; Zanotti, L.


    TeO 2 thermal detectors are being used by the Milano group to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 130 Te. An upper limit for neutrinoless decay half life of 2.1 x 10 22 yr at 90% CL obtained with a 334 g TeO 2 detector has been previously reported. To improve the sensitivity of the experiment an array of twenty 340 g TeO 2 crystals will be realised in the next future. As a first step toward the realisation of that experiment a 4 crystal detector has been tested in the Gran Sasso refrigerator. Detector performances, data acquisition and analysis are discussed. (orig.)

  8. Contribución al estudio de los túneles ferroviarios de gran longitud


    Beltrán Montero, Alberto


    En las últimas décadas estamos viviendo un fenómeno de expansión de las líneas ferroviarias de alta velocidad en todo el mundo. Los exigentes trazados de este tipo de líneas obligan a construir túneles de gran longitud y a grandes profundidades para poder atravesar los sistemas montañosos más importantes. La construcción de túneles de más de 20 kilómetros de longitud con coberteras superiores a los 1.000 metros, sigue siendo, a pesar del elevado número de proyectos de grandes túneles ejec...

  9. The helminth community of the skink Chalcides sexlineatus from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). (United States)

    Roca, V; Carretero, M A; Jorge, F; Perera, A; Ferrero, A; Rodríguez-Reina, S


    A survey of the gastrointestinal helminth communities of a population of Chalcides sexlineatus Steindachner, a small skink endemic to Gran Canaria island (Canary Archipelago, Spain), was conducted to determine the prevalence, abundance and species diversity of intestinal parasites in these reptiles. Only three parasite species were found, one cestode, Oochoristica agamae Baylis, 1919 and two nematodes, Parapharyngodon micipsae (Seurat, 1917) and Pharyngodonidae gen. sp. Helminth infracommunities of C. sexlineatus showed low values of abundance and species richness and diversity, being more similar to the helminth community of Tarentola boettgeri boettgeri (Steindachner) rather than those of Gallotia stehlini (Schenkel), both syntopic with the sampled host.

  10. Isotopic patterns in silicic ignimbrites and lava flows of the Mogan and lower Fataga Formations, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cousens, B.L.; Tilton, G.R.; Spera, F.J.


    We report the Sr, Pb, and Nd isotopic composition of thirty-six intercalated extracaldera silicic ignimbrites and basaltic lavas of the Miocene Hogarzales, Mogan, and Fataga Formations, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. The aims are to constrain petrogenetic models for the silicic volcanics, and determine mantle source characteristics and temporal variations between 14.2 and ≅ 12.1 Ma. Feldspars from the extracaldera silicic ignimbrites are identical in isotopic composition to coeval extracaldera basaltic lavas, supporting a fractional crystallization model for the evolved lavas from parental Hogarzales basalts. 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios range from 0.70306 to 0.70341, 206 Pb/ 204 Pb from 19.32 to 19.90, 207 Pb/ 204 Pb from 15.56 to 15.65, and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb from 38.82 to 39.65. 143 Nd/ 144 Nd ratios are nearly constant at 0.512913±15. The source of Gran Canaria magmas is heterogeneous on small scales of both time and distance. Isotope-isotope and isotope-incompatible element plots suggest mixing between well-mixed, slightly enriched mantle (similar to PREMA as defined by Zindler and Hart) and the HIMU mantle component. The proportion of HIMU component (low 87 Sr/ 86 Sr, high 206 Pb/ 204 Pb) increases upsection. Stratigraphic patterns in major, trace element, and isotopic compositions may be explained by the influx of a geochemically distinct ''Fataga'' magma into the Tejeda magma chamber, which mixed with and/or finally completely displaced existing ''Lower Mogan'' magmas. Alternatively, mixing of these two end members could occur in the mantle, prior to injection into the chamber. There is no evidence of lithospheric/asthenospheric contamination in the late-stage shield magmas on Gran Canaria. (orig.)

  11. Editorial

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    Comité Editorial Comité Editorial Comité Editorial


    Full Text Available Luego del número sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales, la revista plantea varios aspectos de la problemática de los ecosistemas marinos y costeros, con especial énfasis en ambientes de estuarios, donde se presenta una alta variabilidad espacial y temporal en los factores físicos y químicos asociados a los aportes fluctuantes de agua dulce y al régimen de mareas. A pesar de la gran variabilidad en la salinidad, las áreas de estuarios constituyen hábitats temporales o permanentes de especies de peces e invertebrados muy importantes para la vida y la pesca en la zona costera. Un número importante de especies marinas permanecen en los estuarios desde las fases tempranas de desarrollo hasta la edad pre- adulta, debido a que encuentran allá gran disponibilidad de alimento y protección contra los depredadores marinos. En consecuencia, la oferta pesquera de especies costeras depende de la calidad de estos ambientes. La mayoría de las investigaciones que se entregan se han desarrollado en los golfos de Morrosquillo y de Urabá, inclusive, en algunos casos, aprovechando la misma infraestructura para adelantar trabajos diferentes pero complementarios; las demás se han realizado en las costas del Pacífico y del Atlántico. Además de los artículos correspondientes al tema central, la Revista ofrece un trabajo que se refiere a la enseñanza de los sistemas de información geográfica y otro que pone en práctica estos SIG para estimar la biodiversidad y la estructura de los bosques tropicales; dos estudios que tratan problemáticas ambientales urbanas; y un artículo sobre la evaluación ambiental de la construcción española. El primer número del año 2009 tratará, como tema central, la ciudad latino- americana a través del espacio- tiempo. Esperamos sus aportes con resultados de investigaciones o con reflexiones en torno al tema.

  12. Historia natural de la oclusión aguda de gran arteria de la circulación cerebral anterior : serie clínica de 120 pacientes.


    Hernández Pérez, María


    : Para estudiar la historia natural del ictus isquémico por oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior se seleccionó una muestra prospectiva de pacientes con ictus agudo que no recibieron terapias de reperfusión en los que se confirmó una oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior mediante Dúplex transcraneal. El 74% de los pacientes tuvo mal pronóstico. Los pacientes con oclusión de la a.carótida interna terminal y de la a.cerebral media proximal tuvieron peor pronóstico funciona...

  13. Oceanic Loading and Local Distortions at the Baksan, Russia, and Gran Sasso, Italy, Strain Stations (United States)

    Milyukov, V. K.; Amoruso, A.; Crescentini, L.; Mironov, A. P.; Myasnikov, A. V.; Lagutkina, A. V.


    Reliable use of strain data in geophysical studies requires their preliminary correction for ocean loading and various local distortions. These effects, in turn, can be estimated from the tidal records which are contributed by solid and oceanic loading. In this work, we estimate the oceanic tidal loading at two European strain stations (Baksan, Russia, and Gran Sasso, Italy) by analyzing the results obtained with the different Earth and ocean models. The influence of local distortions on the strain measurements at the two stations is estimated.

  14. España en el norte de África. El caso de las islas Chafarinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Verdú Baeza


    Full Text Available Los distintos territorios españoles en el Norte de África, persistentemente reclamados por Marruecos, presentan características específicas que ponen de manifiesto su gran vulnerabilidad como ha quedado patente en las últimas crisis de inmigración ilegal. Salvo Ceuta y Melilla, citadas expresamente en la Constitución, sus títulos y naturaleza jurídica han de reafirmarse caso por caso y es muy poca la legislación que determina claramente su aplicación a estos territorios. En el caso de las Islas Chafarinas, la aplicación de la normativa ambiental europea en un espacio terrestre y marino protegido proporciona una oportunidad valiosa y única de cooperación internacional con Marruecos que podría ampliarse en relación con la coordinación del control de los flujos migratorios

  15. Reconstructing Holocene vegetation on the island of Gran Canaria before and after human colonization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Nascimento, Lea; Nogué, Sandra; Criado, Constantino


    , 400 years before the earliest archaeological evidence of human presence in the island (c. 1900 cal. yr BP). Our data show an increased frequency of fires at that time, coinciding with the decline of palms and the increase of grasses, indicating that humans were present and were transforming vegetation......, thus showing that the demise of Gran Canaria’s forest began at an early point in the prehistoric occupation of the island. In the following centuries, there were no signs of forest recovery. Pollen from cultivated cereals became significant, implying the introduction of agriculture in the site, by 1800...

  16. The origin of high silicon content in potentially medicinal groundwater of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain. Modelling of chemical water-rock interactions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dobrzyński, Dariusz


    Full Text Available Groundwater of Gran Canaria (Canary Island, Spain have been appreciated and used as an element of health tourism since the 19th Century. This activity was abandoned in the second half of 20th Century when springs disappeared due to groundwater drawdown. The chemistry of groundwater from 19 intakes in volcanic rocks of the north part of Gran Canaria was studied by applying geochemical modelling for quantifying processes responsible for high Si concentrations.Studied groundwater has temperature of 16.3°C–25.5°C, pH of 4.40–7.40, and usually HCO3-(Cl-Mg-Ca-Na hydrochemical types. At near-neutral pH, fresh groundwater usually has 0.1-0.3 mM of Si. In studied groundwater Si concentrations are 0.42 to 1.82 mM, and show positive correlation with ionic strength and temperature. Volcanic bedrocks consist of, generally, easily reactive silicate minerals. Weathering is not supported by low rainfall; however, it shall be intensified by high influx of salts from marine aerosols and lithogenic carbon dioxide into groundwater. Geochemical modelling has found water-mineral reactions which reflect properly diversity of bedrock mineralogy. Based on those chemical reactions, contributions of particular silicate minerals to the pool of silicon dissolved in groundwater were calculated. Understanding the processes responsible for water chemistry might help in proper management and protection of groundwater.The Si-rich waters might be found in numerous places of Gran Canaria in all volcanic rocks. Silicic acid is the only form of silicon which is biologically available, and is regarded as a component which provides balneotherapeutic benefits. Many studies have showed beneficial and essential aspects of silicon in humans. Studied groundwater from Gran Canaria has an unexploited balneotherapeutic potential, and due to very high Si contents they seem to be ideal for testing the health benefits of such waters to humans. Hydrogeochemical methods, including

  17. Un acontecimiento social: deporte y educación física en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (1844-1914)


    Almeida Aguiar, Antonio S.


    Programa de Doctorado: Evaluación y asesoramiento en el desarrollo de la calidad educativa En este trabajo trataremos de acercarnos a las condiciones sociales que hicieron posible la incorporación de la educación física y el deporte a la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  18. El chocolate antes de la Gran Guerra: una perspectiva desde los sistemas abiertos

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    Oscar M. Granados


    Full Text Available Este artículo evalúa la transformación del consumo global de chocolate en el periodo previo a la Gran Guerra (1870-1914. La investigación revela que el consumo de chocolate, más allá de una relación causal del mejoramiento en el ingreso y la búsqueda de un mejor estatus social, emergió de una interacción continua de diversos elementos como la innovación chocolatera, el emprendimiento, el comercio, la banca, la economía política y la política imperial. Por lo tanto, el consumo de chocolate funcionó como un sistema abierto.

  19. El intento de integración de Santo Domingo a la Gran Colombia (1821-1822

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    Germán A. de la Reza


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza los factores que influyeron en la decisión del “Estado de Hayti español” de integrarse a la Gran Colombia durante su breve existencia política de diciembre de 1821 a febrero de 1822. Los resultados de la investigación ponen de relieve la complejidad de la estrategia dominicana y agregan a las hipótesis vigentes la importancia de la convocatoria unionista y la identidad de la república fundada por Simón Bolívar en 1819.

  20. The commissioning instrument for the Gran Telescopio Canarias: made in Mexico (United States)

    Cuevas, Salvador; Sánchez, Beatriz; Bringas, Vicente; Espejo, Carlos; Flores, Rubén; Chapa, Oscar; Lara, Gerardo; Chavoya, Armando; Anguiano, Gustavo; Arciniega, Sadot; Dorantes, Ariel; Gonzalez, José L.; Montoya, Juan M.; Toral, Rafael; Hernández, Hugo; Nava, Roberto; Devaney, Nicolas; Castro, Javier; Cavaller, Luis; Farah, Alejandro; Godoy, Javier; Cobos, Francisco; Tejada, Carlos; Garfias, Fernando


    In March 2004 was accepted in the site of Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) in La Palma Island, Spain, the Commissioning Instrument (CI) for the GTC. During the GTC integration phase, the CI will be a diagnostic tool for performance verification. The CI features four operation modes-imaging, pupil imaging, Curvature Wave-front sensing (WFS), and high resolution Shack-Hartmann WFS. This instrument was built by the Instituto de Astronomia UNAM in Mexico City and the Centro de Ingenieria y Desarrollo Industrial (CIDESI) in Queretaro, Qro under a GRANTECAN contract after an international public bid. Some optical components were built by Centro de Investigaciones en Optica (CIO) in Leon Gto and the biggest mechanical parts were manufactured by Vatech in Morelia Mich. In this paper we made a general description of the CI and we relate how this instrument, build under international standards, was entirely made in Mexico.

  1. On singularities of lattice varieties


    Mukherjee, Himadri


    Toric varieties associated with distributive lattices arise as a fibre of a flat degeneration of a Schubert variety in a minuscule. The singular locus of these varieties has been studied by various authors. In this article we prove that the number of diamonds incident on a lattice point $\\a$ in a product of chain lattices is more than or equal to the codimension of the lattice. Using this we also show that the lattice varieties associated with product of chain lattices is smooth.

  2. Violence in paradise: Cranial trauma in the prehispanic population of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). (United States)

    Delgado-Darias, Teresa; Alberto-Barroso, Verónica; Velasco-Vázquez, Javier


    This paper addresses the prevalence and pattern of physical violence in the prehispanic society of Gran Canaria and discusses its link with the social structure and insular context in which that people lived. 347 prehispanic crania from Guayadeque Ravine (575-1415 AD) have been examined in order to determine the frequency, types, location, and timing of trauma. Craniofacial injuries are present in 27.4% of the crania examined. Only 2% display perimortem trauma. Most of the injuries (84.3%) correspond to depressed blunt force trauma, with an ellipsoidal or circular shape. Most of these are in the anterior aspect of the cranium. Males are significantly more affected than females. The aboriginal population of Gran Canaria show a high frequency of traumatic injuries to the skull compared to other archaeological groups. Their frequent location in the anterior aspect suggests regular face-to-face confrontations. However, the lethal injuries typically occurring in large-scale combat are scarce. Practices such as ritualized combat, mentioned in ethnohistorical sources, would help to channel and mitigate inter-group conflict. The predominance of depressed blunt force trauma is in accordance with the weapons used by those populations: hand-thrown stones, clubs and sticks. The higher frequency in males indicates that they took part in direct violence more than females did. The hierarchical organization of their society may have led to frequent situations of conflict. The insular nature of a territory barely 1,500 m 2 in size was a determining factor in competition for access to food resources, especially at times of climate crises or population growth. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Magnetochronology and stratigraphy at Gran Dolina section, Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). (United States)

    Parés, J M; Pérez-González, A


    The Atapuerca Site (Burgos, N. Spain) is an extensive archaeological site which has yielded numerous human fossil remains. The Gran Dolina section, one of the open-air excavations and subject of this study, consists of a sedimentary infilling of 18 m thickness in a gallery originated by karstification of the host Cretaceous limestones. In this paper we present new stratigraphic and paleomagnetic evidence for the age and the sedimentary environment of the karst infilling where the archaeological site is located. Paleomagnetic dating places the hominids (Aurora stratum) in the Matuyama reversed Chron, hence before 780 ka. We also report evidence for a short normal polarity event at the bottom of the section that we speculate as being Jaramillo or Kamikatsura. The early and well-constrained date of the Atapuerca archaeological site, its location in the cul-de-sac we know as Europe, its stratigraphic context, the abundant fossil remains and the stone tool industry make it one of the most important localities for the question of the earliest human occupation in Europe. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

  4. Lucerne varieties for continuous grazing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søegaard, Karen


    severe grazing with heifers in two cutting/grazing managements. Two new varieties, Verbena and Camporegio, and an older variety Luzelle were established in 2009 in pure stands and in two different mixtures with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Camporegio had the lowest yield, the lowest competitive...... strength, the lowest plant density in spring, and the density was most reduced during grazing. The results could not confirm significant differences between the new and the older varieties. The results for Luzelle were generally between Verbena and Camporegio. The varieties did not differ in herbage...

  5. Complex Algebraic Varieties

    CERN Document Server

    Peternell, Thomas; Schneider, Michael; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf


    The Bayreuth meeting on "Complex Algebraic Varieties" focussed on the classification of algebraic varieties and topics such as vector bundles, Hodge theory and hermitian differential geometry. Most of the articles in this volume are closely related to talks given at the conference: all are original, fully refereed research articles. CONTENTS: A. Beauville: Annulation du H(1) pour les fibres en droites plats.- M. Beltrametti, A.J. Sommese, J.A. Wisniewski: Results on varieties with many lines and their applications to adjunction theory.- G. Bohnhorst, H. Spindler: The stability of certain vector bundles on P(n) .- F. Catanese, F. Tovena: Vector bundles, linear systems and extensions of (1).- O. Debarre: Vers uns stratification de l'espace des modules des varietes abeliennes principalement polarisees.- J.P. Demailly: Singular hermitian metrics on positive line bundles.- T. Fujita: On adjoint bundles of ample vector bundles.- Y. Kawamata: Moderate degenerations of algebraic surfaces.- U. Persson: Genus two fibra...

  6. Balón hidrostático de gran diámetro en coledocolitiasis Large hydrostatic ballon for choledocolithiasis

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    J. Espinel


    Full Text Available Objetivo: valorar la eficacia y seguridad de la dilatación hidrostática con balones de gran diámetro en el tratamiento de la coledocolitiasis en pacientes con factores que dificultan o hacen peligrosa la extracción, por las características de los cálculos o de la anatomía peripapilar. Diseño: prospectivo. Pacientes: estudio que incluye 22 pacientes a los que se realizó dilatación hidrostática de la papila con balones de gran diámetro entre junio de 2005 y abril de 2006 por presentar cálculos de gran tamaño, múltiples, colédoco distal afilado, papila peri-/intradiverticular, esfinterotomía previa o Billroth-II. Se emplearon dilatadores CRE de esófago, píloro y colon (Boston Scientific Corporation de diámetros entre 12 y 20 mm. Resultados: se consiguió la extracción de los cálculos en una sesión en todos los pacientes (100%. La mayor parte de las exploraciones (73% no requirieron tiempos prolongados para la extracción. No hubo complicaciones. Se detectó hiperamilasemia en el 18% de los pacientes. Conclusiones: la dilatación hidrostática de la papila con balones de gran diámetro es una técnica sencilla, eficaz y segura en la extracción de cálculos difíciles de la vía biliar, sin incrementar el tiempo de la exploración, ni las complicaciones, reduciendo la necesidad de litotricia. Son necesarios estudios adicionales para definir la utilidad de esta técnica.Aim: to assess the efficacy and safety of hydrostatic dilatation with large balloons for the treatment of choledocolithiasis in patients with difficult or risky extraction due to stone characteristics or peripapillary anatomy. Design: prospective. Patients: this study included 22 patients in whom a hydrostatic dilatation of the papilla with large balloons was performed between June 2005 and April 2006. Patients had multiple large stones, tapered distal common bile duct, peri-/intradiverticular papilla, previous sphincterotomy, or Billroth-II surgery. Esophageal

  7. The GENIUS-Test-Facility and the HDMS Detector in Gran Sasso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H.V.; Krivosheina, I.V.


    The first four naked high purity Germanium detectors (10 kg) were installed successfully in liquid nitrogen in the GENIUS-Test-Facility (GENIUS-TF) in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory on May 5, 2003. This is the first time ever that this novel technique aiming at extreme background reduction in search for rare decays is going to be tested underground. First results on the background are presented. The GENIUS-TF experiment, aims to search for the annual modulation of the Dark Matter signal using 40 kg of naked-Ge detectors in liquid nitrogen. It should be able to confirm the DAMA result within two or three years of measuring time. HDMS (Heidelberg Dark Matter Search) is the only experiment worldwide, operating an enriched 73 Ge detector and is looking for spin-dependent WIMP-neutron interactions. Results for the measurement Febr. 2001 - July 2003 are presented. They improve the best existing present limits for low WIMP masses

  8. The GENIUS-Test-Facility and the HDMS Detector in Gran Sasso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H.V. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, P.O. Box 10 39 80, D-69029 Heidelberg (Germany)]. E-mail:; Krivosheina, I.V. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, P.O. Box 10 39 80, D-69029 Heidelberg (Germany)


    The first four naked high purity Germanium detectors (10 kg) were installed successfully in liquid nitrogen in the GENIUS-Test-Facility (GENIUS-TF) in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory on May 5, 2003. This is the first time ever that this novel technique aiming at extreme background reduction in search for rare decays is going to be tested underground. First results on the background are presented. The GENIUS-TF experiment, aims to search for the annual modulation of the Dark Matter signal using 40 kg of naked-Ge detectors in liquid nitrogen. It should be able to confirm the DAMA result within two or three years of measuring time. HDMS (Heidelberg Dark Matter Search) is the only experiment worldwide, operating an enriched {sup 73}Ge detector and is looking for spin-dependent WIMP-neutron interactions. Results for the measurement Febr. 2001 - July 2003 are presented. They improve the best existing present limits for low WIMP masses.


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    Reyes Orlando


    Full Text Available Los mogotes de la Gran Meseta de Guantánamo están constituidos por calizas durasde la Formación Charco Redondo. La temperatura del aire varía entre 22 y 240C yllueve de 1 200 a 1 400 mm al año. Mediante la metodología de la Escuela Zurich- Montpellier se describe un nuevo orden, Coccothrinaci leonis - Guapiretaliarufescentis, con su alianza Coccothrinaci leonis - Guapirion rufescentis y tresasociaciones. Bactrio cubensis - Podocarpodetum ekmanii y Phyllantho epiphyllanthi- Tabebuietum myrtifoliae que se establecen en la parte superior de los mogotes y laasociación Pileo fruticulosae - Thelypteridetum alatae en fragmentos verticales, lasdos primeras tienen una bien desarrollada estera radical donde se produce el reciclajede nutrientes de este ecosistema

  10. La Restauración del Templo I “Gran Jaguar” de Tikal (Guatemala

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    Gaspar Muñoz Cosme


    Full Text Available La ciudad maya de Tikal, que alcanzó su máximo explendor en los siglos VII y VIII de nuestra era, ha sido declarada por la UNESCO Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad en 1979 y Monumento Universal en 1986. El Templo I de Tikal, tambien conocido con el nombre de Templo del “Gran Jaguar”, constituye hoy en día el emblema de esta ciudad maya de Guatemala. Gaspar Muñoz Cosme, arquitecto, explica los interesantes trabajos de restauración de este Templo I, desarrollados entre 1992 y 1996, planteando en las conclusiones los costosos problemas de conservación propios de estas arquitecturas, y los objetivos que debe contemplar un programa restaurador.

  11. Complex multi-projective variety and entanglement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heydari, Hoshang; Bjoerk, Gunnar


    In this paper, we will show that a vanishing generalized concurrence of a separable state can be seen as an algebraic variety called the Segre variety. This variety defines a quadric space which gives a geometric picture of separable states. For pure, bi- and three-partite states the variety equals the generalized concurrence. Moreover, we generalize the Segre variety to a general multipartite state by relating to a quadric space defined by two-by-two subdeterminants

  12. El empleo del yeso en Gran Bretaña

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    Foster, N.


    Full Text Available Not availableSección l.-Introducción Resume brevemente la historia del yeso en Gran Bretaña, yacimientos y demanda de este producto después de la guerra. Sección Il.-Tipos de yeso Describe los diferentes tipos y grados de densidad, ligeros premezclados y sus usos principales. Se comparan las características de los yesos de acabado. También se introducen los yesos para paredes delgadas. Sección lll.-Especificaciones para enlucidos Se resumen, en forma de tabla, sistemas convenientes de enlucidos de yeso para distintos soportes. Se indican las propiedades de los soportes que influencian en la elección de la especificación. También se muestran las especificaciones de recubrimientos intermedios y de acabado, teniendo en cuenta el tipo de soporte. Asimismo se incluyen especificaciones para una sola capa para fondos adecuados. Sección IV.-Revoco de hormigón denso Se examinan los factores que afectan la adherencia del yeso para alisar hormigón denso, así como los resultados del trabajo experimental y las investigaciones «in situ» dirigidas por la «Building Research Station». Además, se indican medidas para mejorar la adherencia del yeso al hormigón.

  13. Los mamíferos marinos en la costa central de Oaxaca Marine mammals along the central coast of Oaxaca

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    Juan Meraz


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de conocer las especies de mamíferos marinos que se encuentran en la costa central de Oaxaca, se elaboró un listado comentando las características de los registros obtenidos. Se incluyeron las observaciones hechas a lo largo de 30 recorridos por mar, entre junio de 1999 y enero de 2004, realizadas entre las bahías de Huatulco y la playa de La Escobilla. Adicionalmente se incluyeron registros de animales varados, así como observaciones realizadas desde la costa. Se presentan comentarios sobre el registro de 8 especies en la zona, incluyendo las localidades y fechas de los avistamientos. Stenella attenuata es la especie más abundante, y la zona de Zipolite-Isla Roca Blanca la localidad con el mayor número de avistamientos. Dado el crecimiento turístico del lugar, es importante contar con este tipo de registros ya que es poco lo que se sabe sobre estas especies en esta porción de la costa oaxaqueña.With the aim of documenting the species of marine mammals that occur along the central coast of Oaxaca, a list with the characteristics of the records was elaborated based on observations made throughout 30 surveys from Huatulco Bays to La Escobilla beach between June 1999 and January 2004. Additional records from stranded animals are included, as well observations from the coast. Comments on 8 species are presented, including localities and dates of sightings. Stenella attenuata is the most abundant species. Zipolite-Roca Blanca island was the locality with the highest number of sightings. This records are important to promote conservation due growth of tourism in the area, given that Oaxaca coast is poorly known regarding marine mammals.

  14. Long-term climate record inferred from early-middle Pleistocene amphibian and squamate reptile assemblages at the Gran Dolina Cave, Atapuerca, Spain. (United States)

    Blain, Hugues-Alexandre; Bailon, Salvador; Cuenca-Bescós, Gloria; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Bermúdez de Castro, José Maria; Carbonell, Eudald


    The Gran Dolina cave site is famous for having delivered some of the oldest hominin remains of Western Europe (Homo antecessor, ca. 960 ka). Moreover, the evidence of lithic industries throughout the long vertical section suggests occupation on the part of hominins from the latest early Pleistocene (levels TD3/4, TD5, and TD6) to the late middle Pleistocene (level TD10). The Gran Dolina Sondeo Sur (TDS) has furnished a great number of small-vertebrate remains; among them some 40,000 bones are attributed to amphibians and squamates. Although they do not differ specifically from the extant herpetofauna of the Iberian Peninsula, the overlap of their current distribution areas (= mutual climatic range method) in Spain can provide mean annual temperatures (MAT), the mean temperatures of the coldest (MTC) and warmest (MTW) months, and mean annual precipitation (MAP) estimations for each sub-level, and their change can be studied throughout the sequence. Results from the squamate and amphibian study indicate that during hominin occupation the MAT (10-13 degrees C) was always slightly warmer than at present in the vicinity of the Gran Dolina Cave, and the MAP (800-1000mm) was greater than today in the Burgos area. Climatic differences between "glacial" and "interglacial" phases are poorly marked. Summer temperatures (MTW) show stronger oscillations than winter temperatures (MTC), but seasonality remains almost unchanged throughout the sequence. These results are compared with those for large mammals, small mammals, and pollen analysis, giving a scenario for the palaeoclimatic conditions that occurred during the early to middle Pleistocene in Atapuerca, and hence a scenario for the hominins that once lived in the Sierra de Atapuerca.

  15. Novosadski golozrni, a spring oat variety

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    Pržulj Novo


    Full Text Available The naked oat variety Novosadski golozrni was developed from a cross between the variety Adam and a spring-type naked oat line from Canada. The variety is early, medium tall, with excellent resistance to lodging. The yield of Novosadski golozrni is 30-40% lower than that of the hulled standard and it is to the largest measure dependent on the interaction variety x year x location. The variety has high contents of proteins and fats (19.2% DM and 6.2% DM, respectively and a low cellulose content (2.8% DM. .


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    Carmen Elena Usuga Osorio


    Full Text Available Bajo condiciones de invernadero (ubicado en el municipio de Bello - Antioquia (Colombia se evaluó el efecto independiente y combinado de los factores: tipo de inóculo de Hongos Micorriza Arbuscular (HMA, fertilización y aplicación de materia orgánica sobre el porcentaje de asociación de HMA en plantas de banano (Musa AAA cv. Gran Enano, así como en la acumulación de materia seca foliar y radical. Dentro del factor tipo de inóculo, se evaluaron inóculos nativos, de agroecosistemas bananeros y ecosistemas naturales del Urabá (Antioquia-Colombia, uno comercial y la especie Acaulospora morrowiae; con respecto a la fertilización se probó la mitad, completa y dos veces la dosis de la fertilización recomendada de acuerdo al análisis de suelo y a los requerimientos de la planta, y cada uno de estos factores con y sin la aplicación de materia orgánica; como testigos se usaron, la no aplicación del respectivo factor. Se usó como material vegetal plantas de banano micropropagadas del grupo Cavendish cv. Gran Enano (AAA. El sustrato utilizado para el crecimiento de las plantas de banano se compuso de suelo y arena en relación 70/30 v/v. El suelo se obtuvo de la granja experimental de Augura, ubicado en el municipio de Carepa en la región de Urabá. Los resultados encontrados, muestran que los factores que más incidieron en la asociación así como en la acumulación de biomasa en toda la planta son la micorrización y la adición de materia orgánica. Los resultados, también muestran un comportamiento positivo respecto al uso de inóculos nativos de agroecosistemas bananeros, con bajas aplicaciones de fertilizantes.The effects of independent an combined factors such as inoculum type, fertilization and organic matter application on the percentage of association of ‘H.M.A’ in banana plants (Musa AAA cv. ‘Gran Enano’, and on the accumulation of leaves and rrots material, were evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Natives samples

  17. Invertebrados Fósiles del Paleozoico de Sonora, México

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    Francisco Javier Cuen Romero


    Full Text Available A través de los fósiles es posible conocer la vida en el pasado geológico. La vida se originó en el mar hace 3700 Ma, siendo formas muy sencillas atribuibles a algas e invertebrados como las medusas; las primeras formas complejas se originaron a inicios del Paleozoico hace 541 Ma. El Paleozoico se divide en seis periodos: Cámbrico, Ordovícico, Silúrico, Devónico, Carbonífero y Pérmico; los cuales se caracterizan por una gran biodiversidad y abundancia de invertebrados. En Sonora se conocen diversas localidades con fósiles marinos del Paleozoico, destacando la presencia de poríferos, celenterados, braquiópodos, briozoarios, moluscos, artrópodos y equinodermos. El Paleozoico termina hace 252 Ma con la mayor extinción conocida en la historia de la biosfera, culminando con el 95% de las especies marinas.

  18. The hope of the universe: Bolivarianism in the era of Gran Venezuela (1974-1983

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    Tomás Straka


    Full Text Available This work reviews Venezuelan Bolivarianism and its relationship with the political discourses and projects during what has been called “Gran Venezuela” (Great Venezuela, 1974- 1983. During this period, Venezuela enjoyed a combination of two decades of democratic stability and high oil prices, becoming an exceptionally prosperous, free and peaceful country in Latin-America. In this context, democratic governments used political Bolivarian historicism in order to legitimize their apparent success as proof that they were complying with the vision set out by Simón Bolívar, traditionally associated with conservative thought and dictatorship. It also used Bolivarianism to project its status as an emerging power in the Third World.

  19. Propuesta de metodología de diseño, observación y cálculo de redes topográficas para la construcción de túneles de gran longitud para ferrocarriles de alta velocidad


    Velasco Gomez, Jesus


    En los últimos años se han venido realizando proyectos de túneles de gran longitud para ferrocarriles de alta velocidad de gran importancia tanto en España como en el resto del Mundo, no existiendo una metodología que comprenda toda las actuaciones que hay que llevar a cabo dentro del campo de la geodesia y topografía a la hora de ejecutar un proyecto de esta envergadura. Existen además proyectos futuros en los que se tienen que construir túneles de gran longitud. La finalidad de esta pr...

  20. Distribución de cangrejos ermitaños (Anomura: Paguroidea en el mar Caribe colombiano

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    Bibian Martínez Campos


    Full Text Available Los cangrejos ermitaños son un grupo representativo de la fauna marina del Caribe colombiano, además, son importantes en el mantenimiento del equilibrio dinámico, en los ecosistemas por sus interacciones ecológicas y también por el impacto en la estabilidad de las redes tróficas. Sus patrones de distribución se identificaron mediante análisis multivariados de clasificación y ordenación espacial, se usaron registros históricos desde 1916 hasta el 2006. Los resultados indican diferencias por profundidad entre la fauna costera y la del talud continental y diferencias en la distribución latitudinal, en donde se encontraron tres grupos: Noreste, Centro y Suroeste, sustentados por diferencias en la composición faunística. Con base en los mapas de ecosistemas marinos de Colombia, se determinó que los principales factores que afectan su distribución son la influencia del talud Caribaná (profundidad, la temperatura de las masas de agua, las praderas de pastos marinos de la Guajira y las condiciones particulares de las ecorregiones Archipiélagos coralinos y Darién. Se identificó la distribución mundial de las especies colombianas y su afinidad geográfica, y se encontró mayor afinidad con el Atlántico norte y las Antillas que con el Atlántico sur y el Golfo de México, asimismo, las subprovincias geográficas que incluyen a Colombia son zonas de transición dentro de la subprovincias septentrionales y australes del Gran Caribe

  1. Press Advertising – Varieties and Sub-Varieties. Methods of Promoting the Press


    Mikosz, Joanna


    In the text entitled “Press advertising – varieties and sub-varieties. Methods of promoting the press”, the author discusses press advertising, which is a fast developing mass-media phenomenon. Modernity has granted press advertising a high quality of print and paper, as well as Infinite possibilities of combining various promotional forms with the press. The author argues that press advertising is one of the best ways in which a company can communicate with the market. Its advantage is, abov...

  2. Physico-chemical characteristics of olive fruits of Turkish varieties from the province of Hatay.

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    Arslan, D.


    Full Text Available The olive fruits of four different Turkish varieties (Kargaburun, Erkence, Halhalı and Saurani from the province of Hatay which were harvested on three different occasions have been analyzed in order to determine the effects of both the nature of the cultivar and the time of harvest. Analyses of some physical properties were carried out such as fruit and pit weight, size, moisture and oil contents and instrumental color index along with some chemical properties such as individual phenolic compounds, total phenolics, DPPH radical scavenging activity and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity and fatty acid composition. For all the varieties studied, oleuropein was the most abundant phenolic substance ranging from 41.39-159.73 mg/kg, for which the Saurani variety had the highest level. Saurani and Kargaburun varieties were found to possess characteristic phenolic profiles: Saurani for its high amount of oleuropein and Kargaburun for its high level of H-tyrosol. These two varieties had higher Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacities as well. Citric and succinic acids were the main organic acids determined in the olive fruits. The level of total phenolics in the olive fruits declined rapidly with a later harvest date. A general decreasing trend was also observed in the saturated fatty acid (palmitic and stearic acids concentrations of the olive oils with later harvest dates in the four varieties studied.

    Aceitunas de cuatro variedades diferentes de la provincia de Hatay en Turquía (Kargaburun, Erkence, Halhalı y Saurani fueron recogidas en tres periodos diferentes y analizadas con el fin de determinar los efectos tanto de la naturaleza de la variedad como del tiempo de la cosecha. Se llevaron a cabo las determinaciones analíticas de algunos parámetros físicos (número y peso de frutos, dimensiones, humedad, contenido de aceite e índice instrumental de color de los frutos y químicos (compuestos fenólicos individuales, fenoles totales

  3. Teatro Nacional de Londres Gran Bretaña

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    Lasdun, Denys


    Full Text Available The building located by the Thames, near Waterloo Bridge, houses three theatres: the Olivier, the Lyttelton and the Cottesloe, each provided with all facilities required, such as actors' dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, offices, costuming and wigs stores, ample lobbies, restaurants, bars, car park and other amenities. The entire structure is reinforced concrete throughout the building and the outside walls of this important complex are also a whitish concrete. The two stage towers stand out gracefully from the ample, step terraced lower body creating shadowed areas and visual facets of great beauty visible from the not too distant City: the River and Waterloo Bridge at one side, and St. Paul's Cathedral at the other.

    Situado en las orillas del Támesis y junto al puente de Waterloo comprende tres teatros: Olivier, Lyttelton y Cottesloe dotados de todos los servicios auxiliares necesarios, tales como camerinos, salas de ensayo, despachos, almacenes de vestuarios, pelucas, etc.; amplios vestíbulos, restaurantes, bares, y aparcamientos de automóviles. Toda la estructura resistente es de hormigón armado y la fisonomía exterior del importante complejo es igualmente de hormigón blanquecino. Las dos torres de escenarios destacan airosamente de la parte baja, amplía y con terrazas escalonadas, que crean zonas de sombra y facetas plásticas, de gran belleza, de cara a la ciudad, más o menos próxima: el río y el puente por un lado y la Catedral de San Pablo por otro.

  4. El Confital (Gran Canaria: una prospección etnográfica

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    Paulo González


    Full Text Available Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación sobre movimientos sociales en las Islas Canarias aun en realización. Desde una perspectiva política y relacional indaga en el proceso de desalojo que se encuentran viviendo algunos grupos categorizados como poblaciones marginales de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. El desplazamiento y reubicación de los grupos estigmatizados es derivado de las actividades especulativas relacionadas con elementos macrosociales como es el turismo, factor preponderante en la economía del archipiélago. De esta forma este estudio analiza las relaciones de poder articulando las representaciones sociales de los grupos con los discursos y prácticas de los mismos. Así mismo, el estudio diacrónico permite reconstruir las trayectorias sociales de los individuos y del barrio como miembro social activo, más concretamente en las movilizaciones sociales que éste ha generado. Este es un estudio etnográfico que implementa técnicas combinadas de entrevistas semidirigidas y observación participante.

  5. Saharan dust and the impact on adult and elderly allergic patients: the effect of threshold values in the northern sector of Gran Canaria, Spain. (United States)

    Menéndez, Inmaculada; Derbyshire, Edward; Carrillo, Teresa; Caballero, Elena; Engelbrecht, Johann P; Romero, Lidia E; Mayer, Pablo L; Rodríguez de Castro, Felipe; Mangas, José


    Gran Canaria Island is frequently impacted by Saharan dust, a health hazard of particular concern to the island population and health agencies. Airborne mineral dust has the severest impact on the higher age groups of the population, and those with respiratory conditions; despite that, on average, the ambient particulate matter (PM) concentrations fall within international PM guidelines. During 2010 and 2011, an epidemiological survey, in parallel with an air quality study, was conducted at the Dr Negrín hospital in Gran Canaria. This included the quarterly monitoring of outpatients and recording of emergency patients with respiratory diseases, together with the measurement of aerosol, meteorological, and PM-related air quality levels. The finer more toxic particles were collected with PM 2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) aerosol samplers. The filter samples were gravimetrically and chemically analyzed for their elemental, water-soluble ions, carbon, and mineralogical contents. Individual particle morphology was measured by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Statistical analysis of the chemical and clinical data included the analysis of variance and calculation of Spearman correlation coefficients. No statistically significant relations were found between the allergic control group, the emergency room admissions, pulmonary conditions, medication, and elevated Saharan dust levels. However, changing environmental conditions, such as an increase in humidity or a reduction in ambient air temperature made a significant difference to the outcomes recorded on the health statements of the allergic and respiratory illness groups of the Gran Canary population.

  6. Variabilidad genética del robalo común Centropomus undecimalis (Perciformes: Centropomidae en ambiente marino y ribereño interconectados

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    Ulises Hernández-Vidal


    Full Text Available El robalo común Centropomus undecimalis habita en áreas ribereñas y marinas del sur del Golfo de México donde es sujeto a explotación intensiva. Aunque la identificación de las poblaciones de peces representa una valiosa herramienta para el manejo de las poblaciones silvestres, no hay información disponible para identificar genéticamente las poblaciones de peces de esta especie en la región. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación genética entre C. undecimalis capturado en ambiente marino y dulceacuícola del Golfo de México y río San Pedro. Muestras de tejido muscular de 79 individuos fueron obtenidas en áreas separadas por más de 300km. El genotipo de cada individuo fue determinado usando siete pares de cebadores microsatélites. Cinco cebadores amplificaron eficientemente presentando entre seis y 28 alelos por locus. Altos niveles de heterocigosidad se observaron en las muestras de ambos ambientes. Se observó desviación del equilibrio HW debido a exceso de heterocigotos. Los valores de diferenciación genética indican ausencia de estructuración poblacional F ST (0.0075 y R ST (0.016, p=0.051 y similitud en las frecuencias alélicas definidas por el índice de Nei (0.805. Los datos mostraron elevado flujo genético debido al número de migrantes (Nm=18.7. Estos resultados sugieren que los individuos en estos ambientes provienen de la misma población genética. La información obtenida en este estudio, por lo tanto contribuirá con elementos que pueden ser considerados en el desarrollo de programas de manejo y protección de las poblaciones de peces silvestres.

  7. 7 CFR 51.2112 - Mixed varieties. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Mixed varieties. 51.2112 Section 51.2112 Agriculture... FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND OTHER PRODUCTS 1,2 (INSPECTION, CERTIFICATION, AND STANDARDS) United States Standards for Grades of Shelled Almonds Mixed Varieties § 51.2112 Mixed varieties. Any lot of shelled...

  8. Characterisation of Tmmmian Local Sorghmn Varieties

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Many local varieties of sorghum grown in Tanzania have not been characterised in terms of their end uses. This study was conducted to characterise 14 such varieties. Three improved varieties commonly grown in this country were includedfor comparison. Physical analyses that included 100-grain weight, percent dehulling ...

  9. Juan Bautista Say en los planes de estudio de economía política de la naciente Gran Colombia

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    Emmanuel Borgucci


    Full Text Available Los procesos de independencia tanto de la América septentrional y meridional tuvieron como banderas de lucha su rechazo a las políticas económicas provenientes de tanto de España como de Inglaterra. Este trabajo intenta mostrar que la introducción de un autor como Jean-Baptiste Say responde al intento de los libertadores, al menos de la Gran Colombia, de introducir una literatura que representase, desde el punto de vista económico, las ideas liberales y republicanas. Se concluye que quienes promovieron el proceso de independencia, al menos de la Gran Colombia, de manera apresurada o no, dentro del ordenamiento académico conocido como Plan de Estudios de 1826, el estudio de autores basados en los principios del liberalismo económico y en especial de Jean-Baptiste Say por la facilidad de exposición de sus ideas relacionadas más por su forma de exposición, sus ideas en torno a la propiedad, de los impuestos y la deuda publica que por sus aportes en teoría del valor o su teoría de los mercados.

  10. The flow of harmonic applications of a compact variety on a bordered variety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yunmei; Musina, R.


    If M is a compact riemannian variety and C a riemannian variety closed to border, a weak harmonic application μ:M→C is defined as being a solution of a differential inclusion. We present a theorem of existence and partial regularity for the weak solution of the evolution inclusion for harmonic applications. This solution converges to a weak harmonic application when the time tends appropriately to infinity. 10 refs

  11. Pure homology of algebraic varieties


    Weber, Andrzej


    We show that for a complete complex algebraic variety the pure component of homology coincides with the image of intersection homology. Therefore pure homology is topologically invariant. To obtain slightly more general results we introduce "image homology" for noncomplete varieties.

  12. Leptospira interrogans en una población canina del Gran Buenos Aires: variables asociadas con la seropositividad


    Rubel Diana; Seijo Alfredo; Cernigoi Beatriz; Viale Alberto; Wisnivesky-Colli Cristina


    Se determinó la seroprevalencia de leptospirosis en una población canina suburbana con el objeto de analizar la asociación entre distintas variables individuales y ambientales y la seropositividad a leptospirosis. El estudio, de diseño transversal, se llevó a cabo durante julio de 1992 en un barrio del Gran Buenos Aires en el que viven unos 9 500 habitantes y una población canina de unos 2 000 animales. Se estudió una muestra aleatoria de 223 perros, de cada uno de los cuales se obtuvo una mu...

  13. Curves and Abelian varieties

    CERN Document Server

    Alexeev, Valery; Clemens, C Herbert; Beauville, Arnaud


    This book is devoted to recent progress in the study of curves and abelian varieties. It discusses both classical aspects of this deep and beautiful subject as well as two important new developments, tropical geometry and the theory of log schemes. In addition to original research articles, this book contains three surveys devoted to singularities of theta divisors, of compactified Jacobians of singular curves, and of "strange duality" among moduli spaces of vector bundles on algebraic varieties.

  14. 2017 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials (United States)

    In the USDA Sugarcane Research Unit’s sugarcane variety program, promising experimental varieties are assigned permanent numbers three years after selection in the seedling stage. Varieties where both the cross and selection were done in Houma were assigned a prefix of “Ho”. Varieties where a cross...

  15. Abordaje biauricular transeptal superior en el tratamiento quirúrgico del mixoma auricular izquierdo de gran tamaño

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    Salvador Torregrosa


    Full Text Available Evitar la fragmentación del tejido mixoide durante el acto quirúrgico y resecar todo el espesor del septo interauricular con implantación tumoral son las dos claves para evitar las graves complicaciones de embolia peroperatoria y recidiva postoperatoria en el tratamiento quirúrgico del mixoma auricular izquierdo. La vía transeptal superior nos ha permitido, en tres pacientes, la extirpación en bloque de mixomas de gran tamaño con facilidad y sin complicaciones.

  16. Tropical varieties, maps and gossip

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frenk, B.J.


    Tropical geometry is a relatively new field of mathematics that studies the tropicalization map: a map that assigns a certain type of polyhedral complex, called a tropical variety, to an embedded algebraic variety. In a sense, it translates algebraic geometric statements into combinatorial ones. An

  17. Long term seismic noise acquisition and analysis with tunable monolithic horizontal sensors at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (United States)

    Acernese, F.; Canonico, R.; De Rosa, R.; Giordano, G.; Romano, R.; Barone, F.


    In this paper we present the scientific data recorded by tunable mechanical monolithic horizontal seismometers located in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the INFN, within thermally insulating enclosures onto concrete slabs connected to the bedrock. The main goals of this long term test are a preliminary seismic characterization of the site in the frequency band 10-7÷1Hz and the acquisition of all the relevant information for the optimization of the sensors.

  18. 7 CFR 932.7 - Variety group 2. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Variety group 2. 932.7 Section 932.7 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing Agreements... Regulating Handling Definitions § 932.7 Variety group 2. Variety group 2 means the following varieties and...

  19. 7 CFR 932.6 - Variety group 1. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Variety group 1. 932.6 Section 932.6 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing Agreements... Regulating Handling Definitions § 932.6 Variety group 1. Variety group 1 means the following varieties and...

  20. Growth of some varieties of Lie superalgebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaicev, M V; Mishchenko, S P


    We study numerical characteristics of varieties of Lie superalgebras and, in particular, the growth of codimensions. An example of an insoluble variety of almost polynomial growth is constructed. We prove that the exponent of this variety is equal to three and calculate the growth exponents for two earlier known soluble varieties

  1. Processing quality of NS soybean varieties

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    Đorđević Vuk


    Full Text Available Current NS soybean varieties are of satisfactory technological quality, and also significant technological diversity. Varieties Triumf and Venera possess higher oil content. Variety Sava has a balanced oil and protein content, and can be used for obtaining different soy products. Variety Rubin has the highest protein content and is suitable for new high protein products. Estimated processing value is a good parameter to describe the processing quality of soybeans. Based on several years and spatial analysis, it is possible to separate the geographic regions with prevailing favourable conditions for obtaining higher protein or oil content.


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    Magdaléna Lacko - Bartošová


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional compounds (fat, sugars, crude protein, soluble fiber, ash and starch of four emmer wheat varieties grown under the conditions of organic farming system. The experiment was established on Scientific Research base Dolná Malanta, near Nitra in Slovakia during 2010 – 2011 and 2011 – 2012 growing seasons. Nutritional parameters, except crude protein content, were not influenced by the variety and weather conditions. Agnone variety had the highest content of fat, crude protein and starch but the lowest content of soluble dietary fiber. The lowest values of fat, crude protein had Molise sel Colli variety; Farvento variety had the lowest sugars and starch content. Emmer wheat as ancient wheat has a unique composition in secondary components, such as starch, which may play a role as functional food ingredients.

  3. Maize variety and method of production (United States)

    Pauly, Markus; Hake, Sarah; Kraemer, Florian J


    The disclosure relates to a maize plant, seed, variety, and hybrid. More specifically, the disclosure relates to a maize plant containing a Cal-1 allele, whose expression results in increased cell wall-derived glucan content in the maize plant. The disclosure also relates to crossing inbreds, varieties, and hybrids containing the Cal-1 allele to produce novel types and varieties of maize plants.

  4. Gran propiedad y productividad agrícola en el campo del sur de España

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    Martín Martín, Victor O.


    Full Text Available The agrarian sector continues being very important in the Spanish regions of Andalusia and Estremadura. The strategies of the great property have organized and organize the agrarian dominant systems in both regions. We try to relate the above mentioned strategies to the scanty productivity of the agriculture of the South of Spain. The hypothesis is to demonstrate that the productive capacities of Andalusia and Estremadura are underdeveloped and that the combination of the agriculture industrialized and the new sustainable agriculture are diminishing furthermore her productivity. The great owner, the laborer "tied" to the land and the stagnation of the work strengths are three ingredients that explain the lag of the South of Spain.

    El sector agrario sigue siendo muy importante en las regiones españolas de Andalucía y Extremadura. Las estrategias de la gran propiedad han organizado y organizan los sistemas agrarios dominantes en ambas regiones. Intentamos relacionar dichas estrategias con la escasa productividad de la agricultura del Sur de España. La hipótesis de partida es demostrar que las capacidades productivas de Andalucía y Extremadura están subdesarrolladas y, además, que la combinación de la agricultura industrializada con la que incorpora los nuevos planteamientos de la agricultura sostenible están disminuyendo aún más su productividad. El gran propietario como “señorito”, el jornalero “atado” a la tierra y el estancamiento de las fuerzas productivas son los tres ingredientes que explican el atraso del sur de España.

  5. El feminismo y el pacifismo en tiempos de la Gran Guerra europea (1914-19181

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    María Himelda Ramírez


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone una reinterpretación de los cambios en la vida de las mujeres durante las movilizaciones de la Gran Guerra europea (1914-1918, desde la perspectiva de las redefiniciones de las relaciones de género. Se realiza un recorrido por una selección de historiografía feminista, por fragmentos de la historia crítica de la familia y por datos biográficos y autobiográficos de activistas de los movimientos sufragistas y pacifistas. Se aprecian las reacciones de adhesión de las mujeres a la causa beligerante suscitadas por el patriotismo, su solidaridad con los combatientes sobrevivientes y con sus familias, así como sus críticas pacifistas al militarismo.

  6. Yield performance of brassica varieties under rainfed condition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, M.Z.U.; Wahla, A.J.; Waqar, M.Q.


    A field study was conducted to evaluate crop growth and seed yield performance of Brassica varieties under Rainfed conditions. The varieties, included in the study, were BSA, Zafar-2000, Pakola, Con.1, Con.2, Abaseen, Rainbow, SPS-5, Bard-1, and KJ-119. KJ-119 (2500.0 KG/HA) among Brassica juncea L. varieties and Abaseen (2425.9 kg/ha) among Brassica napusL. Varieties produced with maximum seed yield as compared to rest of varieties. Significantly, minimum seed yield was observed in check variety BSA. The significant difference in seed yield of Brassica varieties, Abaseen and KJ 119, was attributed to improve yield components over other varieties. Maximum pods per plant and seeds per pod led these varieties to attain maximum yield. Inspite of weather variations existence during years 2007-09,the same varieties produced with maximum seed yield. (author)

  7. Marine phytoplankton diversity : new insights from sampling-standardized data and species-accumulation curves


    Rodríguez Ramos, Tamara


    La principal hipótesis de esta Tesis es que los métodos de muestreo convencionales dan lugar a sesgos sustanciales en la estimación de la riqueza de especies del fitoplancton marino, que han sido ignorados en el pasado dando lugar a importantes alteraciones en nuestra percepción de los patrones de diversidad del fitoplancton marino. Nuestro objetivo fundamental es el de revisar los patrones de diversidad del fitoplancton marino en el océano superficial después de corregir las estimas de rique...

  8. Radionuclides in the Arctic Ocean: tracing sea ice origin, drifting and interception of atmospheric fluxes


    Cámara Mor, Patricia


    El Océano Ártico está caracterizado por la presencia de una cobertura de hielo marino, cuya extensión varía entre verano e invierno. El hielo marino incorpora material particulado y especies químicas asociadas (nutrientes, metales, contaminantes, etc.) durante su formación en las plataformas continentales. A lo largo de su ciclo de vida, diversos procesos físicos, químicos y biológicos determinan la concentración tanto de sedimentos del hielo marino (SIS) como de las especies químicas atrapad...

  9. Vivienda unifamiliar - Londres - Gran Bretaña

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    Guest, John


    Full Text Available This home, designed by the architect himself as his place of residence with his wife and two children, is sited in a large garden belonging to the former home of the family, situated in an area relatively close to the center of London. The program of the dwelling, which includes: five bedrooms, bathrooms, playroom for children, living room, dining room, kitchen and music room, is resolved in two floors and a semibasement. The house is basically oriented towards the rear garden, in order to integrate the garden areas into the interior spaces, which is achieved by means of large terraces and Windows. Other characteristics of this construction are the luminosity —achieved by means of glass facades and an adequate selection of the covering materials—, the low maintenance costs and the abundance of space, which tend to counteract the negative effects of the large city ¡n which it is immersed.

    Esta vivienda, diseñada por el propio arquitecto para vivir en ella con su mujer y sus dos hijos, se encuentra emplazada en un amplio jardín perteneciente al antiguo hogar de la familia, situado en una zona relativamente próxima al centro de Londres. El programa de la vivienda, que comprende: cinco dormitorios, cuartos de baño, sala de juego para niños, salón, comedor, cocina y sala de música, está resuelto en dos plantas y un semisótano. La casa se ha orientado fundamentalmente hacia el jardín posterior, con el fin de integrar sus zonas verdes en los espacios interiores, lo que se consigue mediante amplias terrazas y ventanales. Otras características de esta construcción son la luminosidad —obtenida mediante el acristalamiento de las fachadas y una adecuada elección de los materiales de revestimiento—, los bajos costos de mantenimiento y la abundancia de espacio, que tienden a contrarrestar los efectos negativos de la gran ciudad en la que se halla inmersa.

  10. Participación ciudadana y territorio en el Gran Buenos Aires

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    Adriana Rofman


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se interesa por la cuestión de la relación entre la sociedad civil y el Estado en localidades periféricas de ciudades metropolitanas, desde un enfoque que articula dimensiones de análisis sociopolíticas y socioterritoriales. Para ello, se analizan los datos obtenidos en un estudio sobre experiencias de vinculación de organizaciones de la sociedad con el Estado en localidades del Gran Buenos Aires, aplicado a 60 asociaciones de la región. Los resultados ponen en evidencia que en estos espacios coexisten modalidades diversas de relación, que se distinguen por su contenido político y estructura territorial. A partir de la identificación de los rasgos principales de la matriz sociopolítica y territorial de interacción, esta investigación se ha propuesto poner en cuestión las aproximaciones normativas que sostienen las construcciones teóricas sobre la sociedad civil y la participación ciudadana, a la vez que poner en evidencia la importancia que asumen los factores territoriales en la configuración de los procesos sociopolíticos.

  11. Transferencia de recursos alimentarios entre diferentes ambientes del ecosistema marino Transfer of food resources among different environments in the marine ecosystem

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    Full Text Available Por décadas los ecólogos han centrado sus estudios en interacciones que involucran elementos de un mismo sistema, poniendo poco énfasis en aquellas que involucran elementos de ambientes aledaños. Estudios desarrollados en los últimos años han vuelto a llamar la atención respecto de la frecuencia con la que ocurre transferencia de energía (en la forma de nutrientes o alimento entre sistemas, ambientes y/o hábitats ecológicos, y las consecuencias de estos aportes energéticos a nivel poblacional o comunitario a distintas escalas espaciales y temporales en los sistemas involucrados. En la presente revisión se describen las vías de transferencia de energía más comunes de observar en el ecosistema marino, poniendo especial énfasis en el flujo de recursos tróficos (i.e., algas a la deriva y detritus desde bosques de macroalgas pardas submareales hacia ambientes intermareales en los sistemas templadosFor decades ecologists have focused their studies in interactions among elements of the same system, putting low emphasis in those that involve elements of border environments. Studies carried out in the last years have called the attention respect the frequent ocurrence of energy transfer (as nutrients or food among ecological systems, environments and/or habitats, and the consequences of these energy contributions at population or community levels and at different spatial and temporal scales. In this review the ways of energy transfer more commonly observed in the marine ecosystem are described. The flow of trophic resources (i.e., drift algae and detritus from subtidal kelps to intertidal environments in template systems, are emphasized

  12. Adubação nitrogenada de sorgo granífero consorciado com capim em sistema de plantio direto

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    Gustavo Pavan Mateus


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do manejo da adubação nitrogenada sobre a cultura do sorgo granífero, cultivado solteiro e em consócio com capim-marandu e capim-mombaça, e determinar a produtividade de matéria seca das forrageiras, nos anos agrícolas 2003/2004 e 2004/2005, em plantio direto. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 3x5, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de três sistemas de cultivo de sorgo granífero (solteiro e consorciado com capim-marandu ou capim-mombaça, na linha de semeadura e cinco manejos de adubação nitrogenada: 30-70; 70-30; 50-50; 100-0; e 0-100 kg ha-1 de N, quantidades aplicadas na semeadura e na cobertura, respectivamente. O cultivo consorciado não afetou a nutrição nem a produtividade de grãos de sorgo. Apenas no primeiro ano de cultivo, o parcelamento 50-50 kg ha-1 de N proporcionou maior produtividade de grãos. O manejo da palhada interferiu no estabelecimento do sorgo no segundo ano de cultivo, e diminuiu a produtividade de grãos. As maiores doses de N aplicadas em cobertura elevaram a produtividade de matéria seca do capim-marandu e, as aplicadas em semeadura, a elevaram no capim-mombaça.

  13. Análisis del comportamiento de los viajeros del transporte interurbano en la isla de Gran Canaria


    Cristóbal Betancor, Teresa


    Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI) [ES] En este trabajo se hace uso de técnicas de Inteligencia de Negocio y Minería de Datos para la extracción de conocimiento útil para la empresa concesionaria del servicio de transporte interurbano de la isla de Gran Canaria. El objetivo ha sido encontrar un patrón que permita predecir la cantidad de viajeros que querrán ir de un punto a otro de red de transporte en un momento dado. Para ello se ...

  14. Characterization of Foliage Mutants for Plant Variety Registration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Affrida Abu Hassan; Shuhaimi Shamsuddin; Zaiton Ahmad


    Breeding for new plant varieties requires a substantial investment in terms of skill, labour, material resources and financing. Thus, registration of new plant variety is important to ensure return of revenue and protection of the breeder's right. Before a new variety is registered, it has to comply certain requirements under Plant Variety Protection Act. One of the most important requirements is, the new species/variety must be morphologically distinguishable from existing plant varieties. This paper discusses detailed leaf characteristics of 4 foliage mutants produced by Malaysian Nuclear Agency as part of the requirement for new variety registration. (author)

  15. Sensibility of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar+ implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Huanhu; Jing Hua; Ma Aiping; Kang Xiuli; Yang Liping; Huang Mingjing; Ma Buzhou; Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan


    The sensibility of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + implantation was studied. The results showed that the survival rate of 21 wheat varieties (strains) at the dose of 6 x 10 16 Ar + /cm 2 could be divided into five groups: surplus sensitive varieties (strains), sensitive varieties (strains), transitional varieties (strains), obtuse varieties (strains) and surplus obtuse varieties (strains). The sensibility of wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + injection is high-moisture-fertility wheat varieties (strains) > medium-moisture-fertility wheat varieties (strains) > dry land wheat varieties (strains). The study has provided theoretical basis in induced mutation medial lethal dose of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + implantation. (authors)

  16. First 10 kg of naked germanium detectors installed in liquid nitrogen in GENIUS Test-Facility in GRAN-SASSO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H.V. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany)


    The GENIUS Test Facility has come into operation in Gran Sasso on May 5, 2003 with its first ten kg of naked Ge detectors in liquid nitrogen. This is the first time that this novel technique for extreme background reduction in search for rare decays is applied under the background conditions of an underground laboratory. GENIUS-TF has the potential to check the DAMA evidence for cold dark matter by modulation, and possibly, to improve the accuracy of the recently observed first signal for neutrinoless double beta decay. (orig.)

  17. First 10 kg of naked germanium detectors installed in liquid nitrogen in GENIUS Test-Facility in GRAN-SASSO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H.V.


    The GENIUS Test Facility has come into operation in Gran Sasso on May 5, 2003 with its first ten kg of naked Ge detectors in liquid nitrogen. This is the first time that this novel technique for extreme background reduction in search for rare decays is applied under the background conditions of an underground laboratory. GENIUS-TF has the potential to check the DAMA evidence for cold dark matter by modulation, and possibly, to improve the accuracy of the recently observed first signal for neutrinoless double beta decay. (orig.)

  18. Una gran novela de América: el estilo en "La Serpiente de oro" de Ciro Alegría

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    Liubov Lapshina


    Full Text Available "La Serpiente de Oro", que consta de XIX capítulos con carácter de novelas independientes pero unidas por un protagonista principal (el impetuoso Marañón deriva su titulo de este río, precisamente denominado "La Serpiente de Oro". El sujeto del libro está dedicado a los balseros, cuya vida, llena de riesgos, depende de la gran arteria fluvial. Los acontecimientos principales de la novela se desarrollan en el Calemar, uno de sus valles.

  19. Una nueva relación urbana para el Gran Concepción: Proyecto de Transporte Intermodal Biovías

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    Hugo Campos Miranda


    El presente artículo presenta dicho proceso aplicado al Gran Concepción y de sus resultados surgió el Sistema Integrado de Transportes, Biovías, cuya primera etapa se encontrará ejecutada y en operación a fines del 2005. Se trata de la intervención, en el ámbito del transporte urbano, más integral y ambiciosa en la historia de las regiones de nuestro país.

  20. Batimetría, salinidad, temperatura y oxígeno disuelto en aguas del Parque Nacional Marino Ballena, Pacífico, Costa Rica

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    Juan José Alvarado


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio sobre la batimetría del PNMB y del comportamiento de la temperatura, salinidad, oxígeno disuelto y porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno entre setiembre 2003 y abril 2005. El parque posee una profundidad promedio de 14.97± 9.11m y una profundidad máxima detectada de 37.33m. La sección interna de la bahía es poco profunda, no alcanzando más de 20m de profundidad, mientras que en la parte externa la pendiente es más pronunciada, alcanzando rápidamente los 37 m. A lo largo del estudio, los valores promedio superficiales de salinidad fueron de 29.1±4.3‰, de temperatura 29.7±1.3ºC, de concentración de oxígeno disuelto 6.7±1.3mg/l, y del porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno 115.6±22.1%. Entre las estaciones interna y externa solo se observaron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la salinidad y la temperatura por profundidad, como producto de la época lluviosa. Los valores más bajos de salinidad y temperatura se observaron para la época lluviosa y los más altos en la época seca, mientras que los valores de oxígeno disuelto y porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno presentaron un incremento continuo a través del tiempo. La similitud entre las estaciones y el hecho de haber encontrado diferencias significativas solamente entre la salinidad y la temperatura en cuanto a la profundidad, hacen pensar que a lo largo del tiempo las aguas del parque se comportan de manera muy similar y que es una zona muy dinámica y homogénea con corrientes lo suficientemente fuertes para mezclar la columna de agua del parque. El PNMB es una zona muy productiva debido a los altos valores de saturación de oxígeno observados a lo largo del tiempo (120%. Esto hace pensar que existen condiciones apropiadas para el desarrollo del fitoplancton, zooplancton y otros grupos tróficos.Batimetry, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxigen water of the Marino Ballena National Park, Pacific, Costa Rica. Between September 2003 and April

  1. Storage Potential of Local Brazilian Pine Seed Varieties

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    Cristhyane Garcia Araldi


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Brazilian pine seeds (Araucaria angustifolia are recalcitrant, and there are no studies evaluating the longevity of their different varieties. Our objective was to evaluate the capacity of different varieties of Brazilian pine seeds to maintain their physiological quality during storage. Seeds of the varieties: sancti josephi (I, angustifolia (II, caiova (III and indehiscens (IV were collected from two populations located in Santa Catarina, and stored under laboratory conditions and in a cold room for 90 days. On average, freshly harvested seeds showed 88% viability, and varieties II and III maintained the greatest viability (with the greatest vigor for variety II after 90 days in storage. Varieties I and II maintained their pre-germinative metabolism for a longer period than the other varieties during storage. Therefore, seeds from the angustifolia variety (II have higher storage potential than the other varieties, maintaining approximately 61% viability at 90 days of storage.

  2. Flower volatiles, crop varieties and bee responses.

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    Björn K Klatt

    Full Text Available Pollination contributes to an estimated one third of global food production, through both the improvement of the yield and the quality of crops. Volatile compounds emitted by crop flowers mediate plant-pollinator interactions, but differences between crop varieties are still little explored. We investigated whether the visitation of crop flowers is determined by variety-specific flower volatiles using strawberry varieties (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne and how this affects the pollination services of the wild bee Osmia bicornis L. Flower volatile compounds of three strawberry varieties were measured via headspace collection. Gas chromatography showed that the three strawberry varieties produced the same volatile compounds but with quantitative differences of the total amount of volatiles and between distinct compounds. Electroantennographic recordings showed that inexperienced females of Osmia bicornis had higher antennal responses to all volatile compounds than to controls of air and paraffin oil, however responses differed between compounds. The variety Sonata was found to emit a total higher level of volatiles and also higher levels of most of the compounds that evoked antennal responses compared with the other varieties Honeoye and Darselect. Sonata also received more flower visits from Osmia bicornis females under field conditions, compared with Honeoye. Our results suggest that differences in the emission of flower volatile compounds among strawberry varieties mediate their attractiveness to females of Osmia bicornis. Since quality and quantity of marketable fruits depend on optimal pollination, a better understanding of the role of flower volatiles in crop production is required and should be considered more closely in crop-variety breeding.

  3. Yield and competition in barley variety mixtures

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    Kari Jokinen


    Full Text Available Competition between spring barley varieties and yield performance of two-, three and four-variety mixtures were studied in two replacement series field experiments. In the first experiment, repeated in three successive years (1983 —85 the components were the six-row varieties Agneta, Arra, Hja-673 and Porno. In the second experiment (1984, including two nitrogen doses (50 and 100 kgN/ha, both six-row (Agneta, Pomo and two-row (Ida, Kustaa varieties were used. Arra in the first and Agneta in the second experiment were the most competitive varieties. The results suggested that the fast growth of Arra at the beginning promoted its competitive ability. Increase in available nitrogen usually strengthened the competitiveness of Agneta. The observed competitive differences between varieties were not related to the earliness of a variety, neither to the morphological characters (two- and six-row varieties nor to the grain yield of a variety grown alone. The competitive ability was not always a stable character, the dominant suppression relationship varying from one environment to another (e.g. growing season, nitrogen dose. The observed overyielding was not statistically significant. The ratio of actual to expected yield and the relative yield total of several mixtures exceeded slightly one. As a conclusion, the yield advantage of mixtures was marginal. As a rule, the mixtures were not more stable than monocultures as determined by the coefficient of variation. However, the yield of some mixtures varied less than the yield of the most stable monoculture.

  4. Morphoagrobiological properties and productivity of new soft winter wheat varieties under the conditions of Kirovohrad variety testing station

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    О. Л. Уліч


    Full Text Available Purpose. To study morphoagrobiological and adaptive properties, level of yielding capacity of recently registered soft winter wheat varieties of various ecological groups under agroecological conditions of Kirovohrad variety testing station. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, analytical procedure and statistical evaluation. Results. It was established that the yield level of is a key composite indicator of genotype adaptation to agroecological growing conditions. Experimental data indicate significant deviations of yield depending on the genotype and the year of study. During three years of experiments, yield depending of the variety ranged from 4.26 to 9.71 t/ha, such varieties as ‘CN Kombin’, ‘Estivus’, ‘Tradytsiia odeska’, ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Lil’ and ‘Fabius’ had higher yields. In case of dry weather conditions and unfavorable agro-ecological factors, the following varieties as ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Veteran’, ‘Lil’, ‘Tsentylivka’, ‘Fabius’, ‘Patras’, ‘Montrei’ have demonstrated good adaptive properties. Their yield has decreased by 9,2–19,0%, while in the varieties ‘Mahistral’, ‘Poltavka’, ‘Harantiia odeska’ and ‘Pokrova’ – by 34.4, 42.4, 45.2 and 50.6% accordingly. Conclusions. Investigated soft winter wheat varieties differ in morphoagrobiological characteristics, productivity, height, maturation period, adaptability as well as economic and agronomic value. According to the complex of such indices as productivity, agronomic characters and properties as well as adaptability, in the microzone of Kirovohrad variety testing station it is advisable to grow varie­ties ‘CN Kombi’, ‘Pokrova’, ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Veteran’ and ‘Lil’.

  5. Proposal to the Gran Sasso Laboratory for a dark matter search using cryogenic detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, S.; Colling, P.; Ferger, P.; Frank, M.; Gebauer, H.J.; Nagel, U.; Nucciotti, A.; Proebst, F.; Rulofs, A.; Seidel, W.; Stodolsky, L.; Feilitzsch, F. v.; Forster, G.; Hallatschek, K.; Kellner, E.


    We request space and support from the Gran Sasso Laboratory for an experiment searching for dark matter WIMPs using cryogenic detectors. Our experiment is complementary to other dark matter searches in that it extends the sensitivity for WIMPs to the mass range below 10 GeV and that different target materials can be used within the same setup. The proposed experiment uses in the first stage a detector consisting of 1 kg of sapphire with a threshold of 0.5 keV and a resolution of 0.2 keV at 1 keV. The detector would be run at a temperature of 15-30 mK within a low-background setup. The first stage could be installed in 1995. The proposed setup allows for future expansion of the detector to 10-100 kg without major changes. (orig.)

  6. Las configuraciones sociales de la crianza en barrios populares del Gran Buenos Aires

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    Laura Santillán


    Full Text Available En este artículo propongo una exploración antropológica sobre la crianza y la educación infantil en contextos de desigualdad social. El interés es discutir una serie de supuestos que suelen limitar las prácticas educativas de los sectores subalternos a "pautas tradicionales" y "privativas del mundo familiar". Sin embargo, en las iniciativas domésticas sobre la crianza y el cuidado infantil que analizo, intervienen actores esperables para ello y también un conjunto de sujetos e instituciones no formalizadas pero que se tornan relevantes en la cotidianeidad de los territorios de pertenencia de los niños y niñas. Para el análisis me basaré en las entrevistas y en los registros de tipo etnográfico que llevé a cabo en asentamientos ubicados en la zona norte del Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  7. Export Variety and Country Productivity


    Feenstra, Robert; Looi Kee, Hiau


    The authors study the link between export product variety and country productivity based on data from 34 industrial and developing countries, from 1982 to 1997. They measure export product variety by the share of U.S. imports on the set of goods exported by each sampled country relative to the world. It is a theoretically sound index which is consistent with within-country GDP maximization...

  8. Acrylamide in potato crisps prepared from 20 UK-grown varieties: Effects of variety and tuber storage time (United States)

    Elmore, J. Stephen; Briddon, Adrian; Dodson, Andrew T.; Muttucumaru, Nira; Halford, Nigel G.; Mottram, Donald S.


    Twenty varieties of field-grown potato were stored for 2 months and 6 months at 8 °C. Mean acrylamide contents in crisps prepared from all varieties at both storage times ranged from 131 μg/kg in Verdi to 5360 μg/kg in Pentland Dell. In contrast to previous studies, the longer storage period did not affect acrylamide formation significantly for most varieties, the exceptions being Innovator, where acrylamide formation increased, and Saturna, where it decreased. Four of the five varieties designated as suitable for crisping produced crisps with acrylamide levels below the European Commission indicative value of 1000 μg/kg (Saturna, Lady Rosetta, Lady Claire, and Verdi); the exception was Hermes. Two varieties more often used for French fries, Markies and Fontane, also produced crisps with less than 1000 μg/kg acrylamide. Correlations between acrylamide, its precursors and crisp colour are described, and the implications of the results for production of potato crisps are discussed. PMID:25842300

  9. [CH4 emission features of leading super-rice varieties and their relationships with the varieties growth characteristics in Yangtze Delta of China]. (United States)

    Yan, Xiao-Jun; Wang, Li-Li; Jiang, Yu; Deng, Ai-Xing; Tian, Yun-Lu; Zhang, Wei-Jian


    A pot experiment was conducted to study the CH4 emission features of fourteen leading super-rice varieties (six Japonica rice varieties and eight Indica hybrid rice varieties) and their relationships with the varieties growth characteristics in Yangtze Delta. Two distinct peaks of CH4 emission were detected during the entire growth period of the varieties, one peak occurred at full-tillering stage, and the other appeared at booting stage. The average total CH4 emission of Japonica rice varieties was 37.6% higher than that of the Indica hybrid rice varieties (Price types occurred at the post-anthesis phase. For all the varieties, there was a significant positive correlation between the total CH4 emission and the maximum leaf area, but the correlations between the CH4 emission and the other growth characteristics varied with variety type. The total CH4 emission of Japonica rice varieties had a significant positive correlation with plant height, while the correlations between the total CH4 emission of Indica hybrid rice varieties and their plant height were not significant. The total CH4 emission of Indica hybrid rice varieties had significant negative correlations with the total aboveground biomass, grain yield, and harvest index, but the correlations were not significant for Japonica rice varieties. The lower CH4 emission of Indica hybrid rice varieties was likely due to their significantly higher root biomass, as compared with Japonica rice varieties.

  10. Consumptive qualities of different potato varieties

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    М. М. Фурдига


    Full Text Available Purpose. To summarize results of studying consumptive qualities of different varieties of potato and define basic characteristics which allow to subsume them under specific economic categories. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, summarizing, analytical approach. Results. Potato varieties entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable to dissemination in Ukraine and new ones especially to be bred at the Institute of Potato Growing of NAAS were studied during the period of 2005–2016 for such basic economic characters as consumptive quality of tubers, content of starch, dry matters, protein, sugar, vitamins, carotenoids and mineral substances as well as aminoacids, color of flesh, suitability for industrial manufacturing of potato products and for purpose of technology. Attention was paid to the good prospects to use varie­ties with purple, blue and red potato tuber flesh with high antioxidant capacity. Potato varieties with above cha­racteristics and their complex combination were defined and described. The requirements of processing industry for potato as a raw material for manufacturing of potato food were given. Conclusions. The major criterion for consumptive qualities of a potato variety and correspondingly division for the commercial use is consumptive quality of tubers, especially content of essential nutrients and their favorable combination, improved taste and cooking quality, high antioxidant capacity, suitability for potato products manufacturing and use for purpose of technology. Potato varieties can be divided for economic purposes into edible, suitable for potato products manufacturing, technical and multipurpose ones.

  11. J0815+4729: A Chemically Primitive Dwarf Star in the Galactic Halo Observed with Gran Telescopio Canarias (United States)

    Aguado, David S.; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Rebolo, Rafael


    We report the discovery of the carbon-rich hyper metal-poor unevolved star J0815+4729. This dwarf star was selected from SDSS/BOSS as a metal-poor candidate and follow-up spectroscopic observations at medium resolution were obtained with the Intermediate dispersion Spectrograph and Imaging System (ISIS) at William Herschel Telescope and the Optical System for Imaging and low-intermediate-Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy (OSIRIS) at Gran Telescopio de Canarias. We use the FERRE code to derive the main stellar parameters, {T}{eff}=6215+/- 82 K, and {log}g=4.7+/- 0.5, an upper limit to the metallicity of [Fe/H] ≤ ‑5.8, and a carbon abundance of [C/Fe] ≥ +5.0, while [α /{Fe}]=0.4 is assumed. The metallicity upper limit is based on the Ca II K line, which at the resolving power of the OSIRIS spectrograph cannot be resolved from possible interstellar calcium. The star could be the most iron-poor unevolved star known and also be among the ones with the largest overabundances of carbon. High-resolution spectroscopy of J0815+4729 will certainly help to derive other important elemental abundances, possibly providing new fundamental constraints on the early stages of the universe, the formation of the first stars, and the properties of the first supernovae. Based on observations made with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), installed in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, on the island of La Palma. Program ID GTC90-15B and the Discretionary Director Time GTC03-16ADDT and also based on observations made with the William Herschel Telescope (WHT).

  12. 2016 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials (United States)

    In the Sugarcane Research Unit’s sugarcane variety program, promising experimental varieties are assigned permanent “HoCP” or “Ho” numbers three years after selection in the seedling stage. These varieties are then planted in replicated yield trials at USDA’s Ardoyne Farm in Schriever and at the LS...

  13. Birationally rigid varieties

    CERN Document Server

    Pukhlikov, Aleksandr


    Birational rigidity is a striking and mysterious phenomenon in higher-dimensional algebraic geometry. It turns out that certain natural families of algebraic varieties (for example, three-dimensional quartics) belong to the same classification type as the projective space but have radically different birational geometric properties. In particular, they admit no non-trivial birational self-maps and cannot be fibred into rational varieties by a rational map. The origins of the theory of birational rigidity are in the work of Max Noether and Fano; however, it was only in 1970 that Iskovskikh and Manin proved birational superrigidity of quartic three-folds. This book gives a systematic exposition of, and a comprehensive introduction to, the theory of birational rigidity, presenting in a uniform way, ideas, techniques, and results that so far could only be found in journal papers. The recent rapid progress in birational geometry and the widening interaction with the neighboring areas generate the growing interest ...

  14. Susceptibility to deltamethrin of wild and domestic populations of Triatoma infestans of the Gran Chaco and the Inter-Andean Valleys of Bolivia. (United States)

    Gomez, Marinely Bustamante; D'Avila, Grasielle Caldas Pessoa; Orellana, Ana Lineth Garcia; Cortez, Mirko Rojas; Rosa, Aline Cristine Luiz; Noireau, François; Diotaiuti, Liléia Gonçalves


    The persistence of Triatoma infestans and the continuous transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Inter-Andean Valleys and in the Gran Chaco of Bolivia are of great significance. Coincidentally, it is in these regions the reach of the vector control strategies is limited, and reports of T. infestans resistance to insecticides, including in wild populations, have been issued. This study aims to characterize the susceptibility to deltamethrin of wild and domestic populations of T. infestans from Bolivia, in order to better understand the extent of this relevant problem. Susceptibility to deltamethrin was assessed in nine, wild and domestic, populations of T. infestans from the Gran Chaco and the Inter-Andean Valleys of Bolivia. Serial dilutions of deltamethrin in acetone (0.2 μL) were topically applied in first instar nymphs (F1, five days old, fasting, weight 1.2 ± 0.2 mg). Dose response results were analyzed with PROBIT version 2, determining the lethal doses, slope and resistance ratios (RR). Qualitative tests were also performed. Three wild T. infestans dark morph samples of Chaco from the Santa Cruz Department were susceptible to deltamethrin with RR50 of Bolivia are less susceptible.

  15. Morphism of Varieties

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Nagaraj, D. S. (IMSc, Chennai)


    Nov 20, 2011 ... a notion of nearness of points in the set is defined. The maps are set maps .... of same degree. X6 + 17X is a degree 6 polynomial in one variable. ..... My current area of research is to study of morphisms of varieties: Given two ...

  16. The variety of complete pairs of zero-dimensional subschemes of length 2 of a smooth three-dimensional variety is singular

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Timofeeva, N V


    Equations are obtained that are satisfied by the vectors of the tangent space to the variety X 22 of complete pairs of zero-dimensional subschemes of length 2 of a smooth three-dimensional projective algebraic variety at the most special point of the variety X 22 . It is proved that the system of equations obtained is complete and the variety X 22 is singular

  17. Definite Article Usage across Varieties of English (United States)

    Wahid, Ridwan


    This paper seeks to explore the extent of definite article usage variation in several varieties of English based on a classification of its usage types. An annotation scheme based on Hawkins and Prince was developed for this purpose. Using matching corpus data representing Inner Circle varieties and Outer Circle varieties, analysis was made on…

  18. Isozyme Analysis on Different Varieties of Sugarcane

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    Johnson M.


    Full Text Available Isozymic and protein diversity among five sugarcane varieties viz., Co 6304, Co 85019, Co 8371, Co 89003 and Co 91010 were studied to understand the varietal interrelationship and to identify the biochemical marker for the disease resistance and stress tolerance. The standard technique of vertical gel electrophoresis PAGE was employed for size separation of isozymes. The gel was stained with different staining solutions for different isozyme systems viz. peroxidase, esterase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and proteins. Rf values of the banding profiles, similarity index and variation between the varieties were analysed. Among the four enzyme systems, peroxidase profile reveals the difference between the disease resistant / susceptible and abiotic stress tolerant / non tolerant varieties. The two isoperoxidase bands with Rf values 0.62 and 0.66 showed their presence in disease resistant and abiotic tolerant varieties. The presence of two marker bands (0.62, 0.66 of resistant and stress tolerant varieties suggest that the variety Co 6304 may also be resistant to smut, wilt and moderately resistant to red rot and tolerant to drought.

  19. Biochemical characterization of Tunisian grapevine varieties

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    Ferjani Ben Abdallah


    The study of GPI, PGM, AAT and peroxydase isozyme banding patterns in combination with berry colour has led to establish a classification of the 61 autochton varieties into 37 groups including 26 varieties definitely differentiated through the results of this biochemical study.

  20. 7 CFR 51.348 - One variety. (United States)


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS UNDER THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT OF 1946... Standards for Grades of Apples for Processing Definitions § 51.348 One variety. One variety within the...

  1. Biofortified varieties released under HarvestPlus

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Chapter 5: Annex 1 - Biofortified varieties released under HarvestPlus (as of December 2016). Crop. Micronutrient. Country. Variety. Year of Release. Origin. Type. Baseline. (ppm). Target increment. (ppm). Increment. (ppm). % Target. Increment. (ppm). Micronutrient. Content. (ppm). 11940. BRRI dhan64. 2014. BRRI. Boro.

  2. La Gran Guerra y sus impactos locales. Rosario, Argentina 1914-1920

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    Cecilia M. Pascual


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el impacto de la Gran Guerra en la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina. Releva sus impactos económicos y los significados que se les asignaron. Analiza las formas en que los actores sociales intentaron hacer frente a los efectos críticos del conflicto mundial: encarecimiento de los productos primarios, desabastecimiento y desocupación. En este campo resultan importantes la producción de ferias francas, la construcción de mercados municipales y el abasto directo de productos primarios por parte del municipio. Ante la dimensión y duración del paro, las autoridades comenzaron a tejer nuevas estrategias para intervenir sobre este fenómeno. Se observa una transición de unas estrategias gubernamentales basadas en la represión y la segregación a otras emparentadas con la asistencia y la ayuda social. Si bien estas nuevas herramientas de intervención no tendieron a perdurar y manifestaron su carácter coyuntural y paliativo, una vez superada la crisis, hacia mediados de los años 1920, organizaron el debate sobre la producción de nuevas políticas municipales y del reformismo local.

  3. Breeding of new rice varieties by gamma-rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toda, Masayuki


    The breeding procedure for and the agronomic characteristics of some new rice varieties are reported. The seeds of the non-waxy variety ''Toyonishiki'' were exposed to 20 kR of gamma-ray. Two out of 20,000 panicles produced on these plants had waxy grain, and one of these brought forth a new commercial variety, ''Miyuki-mochi''. The yield of the new variety was reduced by 8% as compared with the original variety, but the heading date, culm length, panicle length and the number of panicles of the new variety were almost the same as those of the original variety. If compared with the old leading waxy variety, ''Shinano-mochi'', ''Miyuki-mochi'' is superior in yield by 15% and has high resistance to lodging and to rice blast. Seven other rice varieties were irradiated to obtain waxy mutants, and the frequency of R 1 panicles carrying waxy grains was found to be 1/10,000. There was marked difference in the 1,000 grain weight of these mutants relative to those of the respective original varieties and in amylose content among the waxy mutant strains. A new Saka-mai variety (for Sake brewing), ''Miyamanishiki'', was obtained from ''Takanenishiki'' (30 kR exposure of dry seeds). The most important character for Saka-mai is to have white-core grains. An experiment with several rice varieties showed that the frequency of white core grains was about 0.15% in the control and about 0.21% in the R 1 plants after irradiation. A desirable large grain strain, ''Shinho No. 12'', from ''Todorokiwase'', and a desirable mutant strain suitable as feed for domestic animals, ''Shinho No. 38'', from ''Toyonishiki'' were also obtained by gamma-ray irradiation. (Kaihara, S.)

  4. ¿Estás nervioso? Las elecciones desde una villa del Gran Buenos Aires

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    María Cecilia Ferraudi Curto


    Full Text Available En este artículo pretendo explorar la política en el Gran Buenos Aires a partir de un análisis de las elecciones legislativas de 2009 desde mi etnografía en una villa de La Matanza en proceso de urbanización. A partir de allí, intentaré dar cuenta de una serie de perspectivas que quedan opacadas en los análisis centrados en procesos electorales. Mientras éstos enfocan hacia las estrategias de campaña de los candidatos y los entramados políticos desde los cuales construyen apoyos para explicar los resultados electorales (o intentar predecirlos, el punto central de este artículo consiste en mostrar cómo las elecciones se imponen y son apropiadas localmente a partir de una perspectiva centrada en la urbanización de la villa.

  5. Incidència i consequències de les caigudes en les persones grans que viuen a la comunitat


    Salvà, Antoni


    ANTECEDENTS I OBJECTIUS: Avaluar la incidència de les caigudes en funció dels factors sociodemogràfics i de salut, i determinar llurs conseqüències físiques, psicològiques i socials. Desenvolupar una nova eina d'avaluació del factor de risc amb l'objectiu d'assolir una intervenció preventiva multifactorial. METODOLOGIA: Estudi poblacional prospectiu, que inclou una cohort representativa de 448 persones grans, de 65 anys o més, que viuen a la ciutat de Mataró (Espanya). Hem fet una avaluació b...

  6. My American Uncle, America Cries Uncle, and Other Fantastic Tales from France: Iegor Gran's Jeanne d'Arc fait tic-tac


    Carolyn A. Durham


    Ella Shohat and Robert Stam's proposal that beliefs about nations often crystallize in the form of stories could serve as both summary and generative matrix for Jeanne d'Arc fait tic-tac . In keeping with a number of recent fictional works united by the attempt to understand French and American cultures in a comparative context, the first part of Iegor Gran's clever 2005 novel consists of eleven stories whose common focus on the danger represented by American culture for French national iden...

  7. Use of PIXE techniques for food variety differentiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alayande, S.O.; Osinkolu, G.A.; Makinde, W.; Ogundele, T.


    Various foods come with varieties; each presents its own uniqueness in term of beneficial nutrients. Differentiation of these varieties will assist to obtain optimum benefit from their consumption, hence PIXE technique was used to differentiate known cowpea varieties in South-west Nigeria. Local names for the varieties were alayin nla, alayin wewe, mala, drum and sakata. The technique detected six major elements (Mg, K, Ca, P, S and CI) and several trace elements (AI, Fe, Ni, Cu, Mn, Sr, Si, Rb and Ti). The concentration of beneficial elements in the varieties differ and comparison with recommended daily allowance value shows consumption of some of the variety is sufficient. This research work will guide health workers in their recommendation of cowpea for nutritional deficiency.

  8. Radionuclide accumulation peculiarities demonstrated by vegetable varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kruk, A.V.; Goncharenko, G.G.; Kilchevsky, A.V.


    This study focused on ecological and genetic aspects of radionuclide accumulation demonstrated by a number of vegetable varieties. The researches resulted in determining the cabbage varieties which were characterised by the minimal level of radionuclide accumulation. It was shown that the above varieties manifested the relation between radionuclide accumulation and morphobiological characteristics such as vegetation period duration and yield criteria. The study specified the genotypes with high ecological stability as regards to radionuclide accumulation: 'Beloruskaya 85' cabbage and 'Dokhodny' tomato showed the best response to Cs 137, while 'Beloruskaya 85', 'Rusinovka', 'Amager 611' cabbage varieties and 'Sprint' tomato showed the minimal level of Sr 90 accumulation. (authors)

  9. The underground seismic array of Gran Sasso (UNDERSEIS), central Italy (United States)

    Scarpa, R.; Muscente, R.; Tronca, F.; Fischione, C.; Rotella, P.; Abril, M.; Alguacil, G.; Martini, M.; de Cesare, W.


    Since early May, 2002, a small aperture seismic array has been installed in the underground Physics Laboratories of Gran Sasso, located near seismic active faults of central Apennines, Italy. This array is presently composed by 21 three-component short period seismic stations (Mark L4C-3D), with average distance 90 m and semi-circular aperture of 400 m x 600 m. It is intersecting a main seismogenic fault where the presence of slow earthquakes has been recently detected through two wide band geodetic laser interferometers. The underground Laboratories are shielded by a limestone rock layer having 1400 m thickness. Each seismometer is linked, through a 24 bits A/D board, to a set of 6 industrial PC via a serial RS-485 standard. The six PC transmit data to a server through an ethernet network. Time syncronization is provided by a Master Oscillator controlled by an atomic clock. Earthworm package is used for data selection and transmission. High quality data have been recorded since May 2002, including local and regional earthquakes. In particular the 31 October, 2002, Molise (Mw=5.8 earthquake) and its aftershocks have been recorded at this array. Array techniques such as polarisation and frequency-slowness analyses with the MUSIC noise algorithm indicate the high performance of this array, as compared to the national seismic network, for identifying the basic source parameters for earthquakes located at distance of few hundreds of km.

  10. New NS varieties of six-rowed winter barley

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    Pržulj Novo


    Full Text Available The paper describes the characteristics of several new NS varieties of winter six-rowed barley released in Serbia between 2004 and 2007. These are Somborac, Ozren, Javor, Novosadski 773, Sremac and Leotar. In the official variety trials in the country, all six of these varieties outyielded the check variety, and the margins were as follows: Somborac - 3.4%, Ozren - 5.0%, Javor - 7.3%, Novosadski 773 - 3.4%, Sremac - 7.4%, and Leotar - 7.2%. Yield levels in absolute terms depended on the variety as well as year. All six-rowed NS varieties headed earlier than the check and had better resistance to lodging than the check has. The test weight of the new varieties was 70.2-73.8 kg/hl and the 1000-grain weight 33.4-50.2 g. The cellulose content was 4.4-4.8%, the fat content 1.4%, and the protein content 13.3-14.6%. The high variability of the new NS varieties of winter six-rowed barley makes it possible to choose the most suitable genotype for each barley-growing area in the country. .

  11. Quiver representations and quiver varieties

    CERN Document Server

    Jr, Alexander Kirillov


    This book is an introduction to the theory of quiver representations and quiver varieties, starting with basic definitions and ending with Nakajima's work on quiver varieties and the geometric realization of Kac-Moody Lie algebras. The first part of the book is devoted to the classical theory of quivers of finite type. Here the exposition is mostly self-contained and all important proofs are presented in detail. The second part contains the more recent topics of quiver theory that are related to quivers of infinite type: Coxeter functor, tame and wild quivers, McKay correspondence, and representations of Euclidean quivers. In the third part, topics related to geometric aspects of quiver theory are discussed, such as quiver varieties, Hilbert schemes, and the geometric realization of Kac-Moody algebras. Here some of the more technical proofs are omitted; instead only the statements and some ideas of the proofs are given, and the reader is referred to original papers for details. The exposition in the book requ...

  12. Less adaption of newly approved variety Basmati 515 among aromatic basmati rice varieties in Kallar Tract of Punjab, Pakistan

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    Muhammad Tahir Latif


    Full Text Available A field survey was conducted after harvesting of rice crop 2016 to identify the reasons for less adaption of aromatic rice variety Basmati 515. The rice growers adopting rice-wheat cropping pattern in kallar tract were included in population of research study. Thirty male farmers from each selected district making a total of 180 respondent farmers were interviewed by convenience sampling method. The survey findings showed that the aromatic rice variety Basmati 515 was cultivated on only 2.7% rice area while maximum area (47.3% was under Super basmati variety. The comparison of Basmati 515 was made with Super basmati and PS 2 due to comparatively more cultivated area and declared yield potential of these varieties. Overall the farmers were applying under dosed phosphorus fertilizer (DAP as 0.25, 0.20 and 0.22 bag ha-1 respectively for basmati 515, super basmati and PS-2 varieties. The descriptive analysis showed that the less adaptability of basmati 515 was due to less yield and more attacks of borer (11%, BLB (10% and leaf roller (3.25% in comparison to other aromatic and fine rice varieties. Similarly maximum lodging (16% was recorded on basmati 515. Maximum yield was estimated for PS 2 variety (4.7 t ha-1 followed by super basmati (4.0 t ha-1 and basmati 515 (3.78 t ha-1. The market price of super basmati was still higher due to its natural aroma, long & thin grain and export demand. The research institutes should focus for development of new aromatic high yielding and more qualitative rice varieties to increase the rice production and export.

  13. Classification of rank 2 cluster varieties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mandel, Travis

    We classify rank 2 cluster varieties (those whose corresponding skew-form has rank 2) according to the deformation type of a generic fiber U of their X-spaces, as defined by Fock and Goncharov. Our approach is based on the work of Gross, Hacking, and Keel for cluster varieties and log Calabi...

  14. Desarrollo urbano e inundaciones en la ciudad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria(1869-2000

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    Pablo Máyer Suárez


    Full Text Available En la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria los episodios de lluvia facilitan la manifes-tación de riesgos geomorfológicos. El de las inundaciones constituye uno de los más impor-tantes y ha estado presente desde los orígenes de esta ciudad. Las peculiares característicasdel medio físico, tanto desde el punto de vista topográfico como desde el geológico-geomor-fológico; las distintas formas de ocupación del espacio, con áreas de crecimiento planificadasy otras de crecimiento espontáneo, y las diversas intervenciones en áreas consolidadas, quepotencian o agravan estas inundaciones, hacen de esta ciudad una amalgama en la que el aná-lisis de las causas de las inundaciones resulta un proceso complejo

  15. Early Pliocene fishes (Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes) from Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Betancort, J.F.; Lomoschitz, A.; Meco, J.


    Fossil fish teeth are contained in marine deposits dated at ca 4.8 Ma found on the islands of Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). These islands, situated in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre, can be considered a mid-way stopover point between the Caribbean Sea, with the Central American Seaway about to close in this epoch, and the Mediterranean, in the first stage of its post-Messinian Gibraltar Seaway period. Accordingly, there existed extensive pantropical communication, particularly for nektonic animals capable of travelling large distances. In this paper, we present a number of fossil fishes, most of which are identified for the first time on the basis of their teeth: the Chondrichthyes species Carcharocles megalodon, Parotodus benedeni, Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Isurus oxyrinchus, Carcharias cf. acutissima, Carcharhinus cf. leucas, Carcharhinus cf. priscus, Galeocerdo cf. aduncus, and the Osteichthyes species Archosargus cinctus, Labrodon pavimentatum, and Diodon scillae. Coincidences are observed between these ichthyofauna and specimens found in the Azores Islands, the Pacific coast of America and the Mediterranean Sea. (Author)

  16. Early Pliocene fishes (Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes from Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain

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    J. F. Betancort


    Full Text Available Fossil fish teeth are contained in marine deposits dated at ca 4.8 Ma found on the islands of Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain. These islands, situated in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre, can be considered a mid-way stopover point between the Caribbean Sea, with the Central American Seaway about to close in this epoch, and the Mediterranean, in the first stage of its post-Messinian Gibraltar Seaway period. Accordingly, there existed extensive pantropical communication, particularly for nektonic animals capable of travelling large distances. In this paper, we present a number of fossil fishes, most of which are identified for the first time on the basis of their teeth: the Chondrichthyes species Carcharocles megalodon, Parotodus benedeni, Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Isurus oxyrinchus, Carcharias cf. acutissima, Carcharhinus cf. leucas, Carcharhinus cf. priscus, Galeocerdo cf. aduncus, and the Osteichthyes species Archosargus cinctus, Labrodon pavimentatum, and Diodon scillae. Coincidences are observed between these ichthyofauna and specimens found in the Azores Islands, the Pacific coast of America and the Mediterranean Sea.

  17. Officially released mutant varieties in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, L.; Van Zanten, L.; Shu, Q.Y.; Maluszynski, M.


    The use of mutation techniques for crop improvement in China has a long and well-established tradition of more than 50 years. As the result of intensive research in many institutes dealing with application of nuclear technologies more than 620 cultivars of 44 crop species have been released. Numerous mutant varieties have been grown on a large scale bringing significant economic impact, sustaining crop production and greatly contributing to increase of food production also in stress prone areas of the country. However, there is still missing information not only on the number of mutant varieties released in particular crop species but also on mutagens applied, selection approaches and on the use of mutants in cross breeding. Numerous Chinese scientists collected and systematized this information. Results of their work were often published in local scientific journals in the Chinese language and as such were unavailable to breeders from other countries. Having this in mind, we requested Dr. Liu Luxiang, the Director of the Department of Plant Mutation Breeding and Genetics, Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing to help us in finding as much information as possible on mutant varieties officially released in China. The data has been collected in close collaboration with his colleagues from various institutions all over the country and then evaluated, edited and prepared for publication by our team responsible for the FAO/IAEA Database of Officially Released Mutant Varieties. We would like to thank all Chinese colleagues who contributed to this list of Chinese mutant varieties. We hope that this publication will stimulate plant breeders in China to collect more information on released mutant varieties and especially on the use of mutated genes in cross breeding. (author)

  18. Linear codes associated to determinantal varieties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beelen, Peter; Ghorpade, Sudhir R.; Hasan, Sartaj Ul


    We consider a class of linear codes associated to projective algebraic varieties defined by the vanishing of minors of a fixed size of a generic matrix. It is seen that the resulting code has only a small number of distinct weights. The case of varieties defined by the vanishing of 2×2 minors is ...

  19. The ICARUS T600 Liquid Argon Detector Operation in the Underground Gran Sasso Laboratory

    CERN Document Server

    Vignoli, C


    The ICARUS T600 Module is the largest liquid argon detector (760 t LAr mass) ever realized to study neutrino oscill ations and matter stability in the deep underground Gran Sasso Laboratory. One of t he key elements for the detector performance is the liquid argon purity: residual electronegative compounds in argon have to be kept as low as 0.1 part s per billion all over the detector run. The T600 Module design was finalized by the ICARUS Collaboration after years of R&D studies that brought to the viable and scalable industrial solutions necessary for sized experiments with severe safety prescriptions for the underground operation . We present the T600 Module successful commissioning and the 3-years efficient, stable and continuous operation with extraordinary LAr purity, high performance and zero dead time data taking . This result demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of activation and long-term run in safe conditions of sized cryogenic detectors even in a confined underground location and r...

  20. Contrasting recruitment seasonality of sea urchin species in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic

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    Full Text Available Despite sea-urchins can play an important role affecting the community structure of subtidal bottoms, factors controlling the dynamics of sea-urchin populations are still poorly understood. We assessed the seasonal variation in recruitment of three sea-urchin species (Diadema africanum, Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula at Gran Canaria Island (eastern Atlantic via monthly deployment of artificial collectors throughout an entire annual cycle on each of four adjacent habitat patches (seagrasses, sandy patches, ‘urchin-grazed’ barrens and macroalgal-dominated beds within a shallow coastal landscape. Paracentrotus lividus and A. lixula had exclusively one main recruitment peak in late winter-spring. Diadema africanum recruitment was also seasonal, but recruits appeared in late summer-autumn, particularly on ‘urchin-grazed’ barrens with large abundances of adult conspecifics. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated non-overlapping seasonal recruitment patterns of the less abundant species (P. lividus and A. lixula with the most conspicuous species (D. africanum in the study area.

  1. Precios inflexibles y la gran depresión Inflexible prices and the great depression

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    Lee Frederick S.


    Full Text Available Este articulo expone la teoria y la tesis de precios administrados de Gardiner Means, analiza sus efectos sobre la gran depresion y presenta las criticas y propuestas de los defensores de la teoria neoclasica. Revisa empiricamente la propuesta de Means y señala sus limitaciones y verdaderos alcances. Por ultimo, muestra que si la tesis Means y las propuestas Keynesianas se hubiesen unido en 1940, la sintesis resultante habria dado lugar a una teoria coherente, con solidos funadamentos empiricos, alternativa a la teoria neoclasica tradicional.This article presents Gardiner Means' theory and thesis of administeredprices, analyzes their effects on the Great Depression, andpresents the critiques and proposals of the defenders of Neoclassical Theory. It reviews Means' proposal empirically, and indicates its limitations as well as its real significance. Finally, it shows thatif the Means thesis and Keynesian proposals had been joined togetherin 1940, the resulting synthesis would have provided a coherent alternative to traditional Neoclassical Theory with solid empirical foundations.


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    Marcela Soto C.


    Full Text Available Este trabajo obedece a la necesidad de conocer los patrones de movilidad cotidiana universitaria desde los lugares de residencia hacia el campus universitario y como estos han ido cambiando debido a la creciente infl uencia en las dinámicas de cambio del contexto urbano metropolitano del Gran Valparaíso. Estas dinámicas de cambios se caracterizan por desequilibrios funcionales al interior de la estructura metropolitana, y a un incremento sustantivo en la accesibilidad global producto de programas de inversión en infraestructura vial en sus principales corredores de transporte, llevando a desarrollos urbanos desiguales y crecientes. Estos cambios vistos desde una comunidad móvil específica como es el habitante universitario, nos permite visualizar nuevas tendencias de movilidad, asociadas a un modelo más centrífugo que "externaliza" crecientemente la residencia de los alumnos hacia el contexto urbano metropolitano, cuyas consecuencias sociales y urbano-ambientales pretende develar la investigación.

  3. El suelo urbano y los asentamientos informales en el gran resistencia. 1. Chaco, Argentina

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    María Cristina Magnano


    Full Text Available En el artículo se describe un creciente proceso de ocupaciones ilegales de terrenos por parte de familias sin hogar en Gran Resistencia del Chaco, Argentina. Luego la ocupación es seguida por gestiones legislativas que traspasan al Estado la responsabilidad de expropiar en beneficio de las familias ocupantes. La realidad demuestra que este último no ejecuta sus compromisos legales por carencia de recursos, con el agravante que los precarios presupuestos habitacionales locales no sólo son disminuidos, sino que en los últimos años se han suprimido varios, dejando sin atención necesidades urgentes de las familias sin casa. Los autores concluyen el artículo proponiendo un temario a debatir públicamente en torno las situaciones más críticas, urgentes y de interés local con la participación de todos los sectores vigentes de la institucionalidad.

  4. El poder de la Gran Distribución en el sistema agroalimentario actual. El caso de los lácteos en chile

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    Sandra Ríos Núnez


    Full Text Available La Gran Distribución (GD es un agente central de los modernos sistemas agroalimentarios. Esta importancia creciente se observa claramente en América Latina y, particularmente, en Chile, donde la GD concentra más de 60% de las ventas de alimentos y productos del hogar. Se trata, además, de un sector oligopolizado. En Chile, dos grupos distribuidores concentran cerca de 65% de las ventas de esos establecimientos. Así, la concentración da a los grupos distribuidores un poder de mercado que cada día choca más con el de las grandes industrias agroalimentarias. En el caso de los lácteos en Chile la pugna puede verse claramente. Su presencia ha sido esencial para explicar muchos de los cambios productivos y logísticos que se dieron en la producción de leche en los últimos años. El artículo analiza el rol de la Gran Distribución dentro del sector lácteo en Chile; se expone, por medio de una investigación empírica, la posición de poder que el sector tiene sobre los otros componentes del sistema agroalimentario.

  5. De la modernización a la "Gran Sociedad": continuidades y cambios en el Trabajo Social en el Reino Unido

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    Iain Ferguson


    trabajadores sociales fueron excluidos de gran parte de las iniciativas del Nuevo Laborismo para combatir la pobreza, tales como: el programa Sure Start para los niños y las familias y las diversas iniciativas del New Deal (Jordan y Jordan, 2001. En este contexto el actual partido conservador, con Cameron como primer ministro, ha insistido, en que la existencia en el Reino Unido de un egoísmo creciente, el individualismo y el aumento de los niveles de desigualdad no se deben —apunta— a las políticas neoliberales aplicadas por los gobiernos conservadores y por el Nuevo Laborismo en los últimos treinta años, sino a la existencia de un «Gran Estado», sobre todo entre 1997 y 2010. En el nuevo laborismo: «se da una preocupante paradoja y es que con el crecimiento reciente del Estado con su efecto en la responsabilidad personal y social, ha promovido en lugar de solidaridad social, egoísmo e individualismo» (Cameron, 2009. Frente al «Gran Estado», al Big State, Cameron ha contrapuesto la idea de la «Gran Sociedad», la Big Society, cuyo objetivo es «quitarle el poder a los políticos y dárselo a la gente». En esta perspectiva se alinean algunos destacados académicos de Trabajo Social que normalmente no simpatizan con las políticas conservadoras, en particular, Bill Jordan (Jordan, 2011. En un artículo reciente, Jordan ha interpretado la idea de Gran Sociedad sobre todo como una respuesta al enfoque gestor que el Nuevo Laborismo había atribuido al Trabajo Social y considera que ofrece a la profesión una oportunidad para volver a conectar con la perspectiva moral (en lugar de la tecnocrática. Aunque la crítica a la filosofía tecnocrática del Nuevo Laborismo es un elemento del discurso de la Gran Sociedad, sin embargo es un error, verlo como el principal elemento. Lo que le preocupa más bien a Cameron son aquellos que se encuentran en el extremo opuesto de la sociedad que, ya sea por la edad, discapacidad o desempleo, dependen en mayor o menor grado del

  6. The Varieties of Good Design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ylirisku, Salu; Arvola, Mattias


    This chapter explores the philosopher and logician Georg Henrik von Wright’s metaethical treatise of the varieties of goodness in the context of design. von Wright investigated the use of notion of ‘good’ in language, and he identified six kinds of goodness: namely utilitarian goodness, instrumen......This chapter explores the philosopher and logician Georg Henrik von Wright’s metaethical treatise of the varieties of goodness in the context of design. von Wright investigated the use of notion of ‘good’ in language, and he identified six kinds of goodness: namely utilitarian goodness...

  7. Semi-dwarf rice varieties in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Semi-dwarf rice varieties are grown extensively in California and are beginning to be adopted in the northern United States. Their background is varied. Some derive their semi-dwarf status from Asian ancestors. Use has been made of TN-1, IR8, IR659-10-8-3 and IR1318 (containing TN1). Other semi-dwarfs in California derive their short stature from induced mutants. The principal parent is Calrose 76 derived from an induced mutation in Calrose (released in 1976). The first US semi-dwarf variety was LA 110, developed at the Rice Experiment Station at Crowley, Louisiana from a cross TN-I x M4 (from Sri Lanka) released in 1974. The next group of semidwarf varieties was developed in cooperation between the California Coop. Rice Research Foundation, The California Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA Agric. Research Service. These are listed. Semidwarf long grain varieties were developed in Texas: Bellemont (1981) and Lemont (1983), both using IR659-10-8-3 as source of semidwarf culm. Two other long grain varieties Leah (1982) and Toro-2 (1984) released by the Rice Research Station in Crowley, Louisiana, derive their short stature form C19902, a line developed at Crowley, but still reaching a height of 89-94 cm. There are other short statured varieties in the US which are not truly semidwarfs, such as Bond and Newbonnet in Arkansas, Skybonnet and Pecos in Texas. The general trend is towards shorter varieties. Calrose 76 and M7 are being replaced. M-201 and L-202 are the shortest and have excellent lodging resistance. Their background is IR8 or TN1. Too short varieties like Bellemont may have seedling emergence problems. The area of cultivated varieties can only be estimated based upon seed production. According to such estimates, total rice area in California 1984 was 184,100 ha, of which 178,100 (ca. 97%) were under semidwarf varieties. The total rice area in the US 1984 was 1.139,000 ha, of which 249,500 ha or 21,9% were under semidwarf varieties. The rice

  8. Photoinhibition in common atlantic macroalgae measured on site in Gran Canaria (United States)

    Häder, D.-P.; Porst, M.; Lebert, M.


    The photosynthetic quantum yield was analysed in four common atlantic macroalgae, the Rhodophytes Gelidium arbuscula and Halopithys incurvus and the Phaeophytes Halopteris scoparia and Lobophora variegata in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands at their growth site. The fluorescence parameters were measured using a portable pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer (PAM 2000) instrument and a diving PAM under water without removing the thalli from their growth sites. Solar radiation was monitored continuously above and under water during the whole experimental period using two three-channel dosimeters (European light dosimeter network; ELDONET) (Real Time Computer, Möhrendorf, Germany). These instruments measure solar radiation in three wavelength ranges, ultraviolet (UV)-A, UV-B and photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). In all four algae the effective photosynthetic quantum yield decreased significantly from the optimal values measured after dark adaptation due to exposure to 15 min solar radiation, but at least partially recovered subsequently in the shade within several hours. Increasing the exposure period to 30 min intensified the photoinhibition. In some algae no recovery was observed after this treatment and in others no significant recovery could be detected. Exposure to unfiltered solar radiation caused a significantly higher photoinhibition than PAR-only radiation or PAR plus UV-A. A substantial inhibition was found in all algae at their growth sites in the water column when the sun was at high angles, as measured with the diving PAM.

  9. Adoption of Improved Potato Varieties in Nepal

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    Samaya Gairhe


    Full Text Available Nepal is one of the top twenty countries where potato contributes substantially for the human diet. Enhancing adoption of improved potato varieties could impact on farmer’s income, household food and nutritional security. As such, using a multistage sampling procedure, a study was conducted to assess the determinants of improved potato varieties adoption in Nepal covering 180 samples in four districts, two in hills and two in Tarai region. The study revealed that; Kavre and Bardiya districts in the hills and Tarai, respectively, were dominated by improved potato varieties adoption. On the other hand, Dhankuta and Jhapa in the hills and Tarai, respectively, were dominated by local potato varieties adoption. The informal seed sources followed by agro-vet and market were the major sources for improved varietal adoption. Farmers’ accesses to training and formal seed sources were important factor determining improved potato varietal adoption. However, households with larger farm size were less likely to allocate more area for improved potato varieties as many of farmers were reluctant to take potato cultivation as agri-business and still follow subsistence farming. Potato R&D programs, therefore, need to strengthen formal seed system to enhance access to quality potato seeds and build producer’s capacity through regular training and exposer visits in order to improve adoption of improved potato varieties in Nepal.

  10. DNA Fingerprinting of Olive Varieties by Microsatellite Markers

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    Dunja Bandelj


    Full Text Available Microsatellites combine several features of an ultimate molecular marker and they are used increasingly in various plant genetic studies and applications. In this work we report on the utilisation of fourteen previously developed olive microsatellite markers for the identification and differentiation of a set of nineteen olive varieties. All analysed microsatellite markers revealed a high level of polymorphism that allowed unique genotyping of the examined varieties. Ninety-six alleles were detected at all 14 loci, which multiplied into a large number of observed genotypes, giving high discrimination value for varietal identification. A minimum number of three microsatellite markers was chosen for the rapid and unambiguous varietal identification of nineteen olive varieties and only two markers were sufficient for differentiation of five local varieties. DNA fingerprints of olive cultivars by means of microsatellites provided meaningful data, which can be extended by additional olive varieties or new microsatellites and used for accurate inter-laboratory comparison. The data obtained can be used for the varietal survey and construction of a database of all olive varieties grown in Slovenia providing also additional genetic information on the agronomic and quality characteristics of the olive varieties.

  11. Evaluación de minerales alumino silicatos de Norte de Santander para fabricar piezas cerámicas de gran formato


    Sandra Milena Rozo-Rincón; Jorge Sánchez-Molina; John Freddy Gelves-Díaz


    Se dan a conocer los resultados de la influencia del feldespato al ser mezclado con arcilla del área metropolitana de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia), en relación con las principales variables que son tenidas en cuenta a la hora de fabricar un producto cerámico tradicional de gran formato mediante técnica de conformado por extrusión. Los materiales empleados fueron arcillas provenientes de las formaciones León y Guayabo, y el feldespato del municipio de Sardinata, los cuales fueron estu...

  12. Migración y selectividad : estudio comparativo de zonas metropolitanas de gran atracción migratoria : Puerto Vallarta y Tijuana


    Serna Enciso, Teresita de Jesús


    La localización de ciertos asentamientos humanos en lugares geográficos especiales como las fronteras territoriales y las costas marítimas, ha convertido a diversos poblados en grandes polos de atracción económica y migratoria. En este trabajo de investigación se muestra un estudio descriptivo y comparativo de la migración reciente hacia dos polos de gran atracción: la zona metropolitana de Puerto Vallarta y la zona metropolitana de Tijuana. De manera muy particular, se presenta el análisis d...


    Widom, Cathy Spatz


    There is an implicit assumption of homogeneity across violent behaviors and offenders in the criminology literature. Arguing against this assumption, I draw on three distinct literatures [child abuse and neglect (CAN) and violence, violence and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and CAN and PTSD] to provide a rationale for an examination of varieties of violent behaviors. I use data from my prospective cohort design study of the long-term consequences of CAN to define three varieties of violent offenders using age of documented cases of CAN, onset of PTSD, and first violent arrest in a temporally correct manner [CAN → to violence, CAN → PTSD → violence (PTSD first), and CAN → violence → PTSD (violence first)], and a fourth variety, violence only. The results illustrate meaningful heterogeneity in violent behavior and different developmental patterns and characteristics. There are three major implications: First, programs and policies that target violence need to recognize the heterogeneity and move away from a "one-size-fits-all" approach. Second, violence prevention policies and programs that target abused and neglected children are warranted, given the prominent role of CAN in the backgrounds of these violent offenders. Third, criminologists and others interested in violence need to attend to the role of PTSD, which is present in about one fifth (21 percent) of these violent offenders, and not relegate the study of these offenders to the psychiatric and psychological literatures.




    There is an implicit assumption of homogeneity across violent behaviors and offenders in the criminology literature. Arguing against this assumption, I draw on three distinct literatures [child abuse and neglect (CAN) and violence, violence and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and CAN and PTSD] to provide a rationale for an examination of varieties of violent behaviors. I use data from my prospective cohort design study of the long-term consequences of CAN to define three varieties of violent offenders using age of documented cases of CAN, onset of PTSD, and first violent arrest in a temporally correct manner [CAN → to violence, CAN → PTSD → violence (PTSD first), and CAN → violence → PTSD (violence first)], and a fourth variety, violence only. The results illustrate meaningful heterogeneity in violent behavior and different developmental patterns and characteristics. There are three major implications: First, programs and policies that target violence need to recognize the heterogeneity and move away from a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Second, violence prevention policies and programs that target abused and neglected children are warranted, given the prominent role of CAN in the backgrounds of these violent offenders. Third, criminologists and others interested in violence need to attend to the role of PTSD, which is present in about one fifth (21 percent) of these violent offenders, and not relegate the study of these offenders to the psychiatric and psychological literatures. PMID:25505799

  15. El Chicamocha: Río del Vino de Gran Altura

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    Marco Quijano Rico


    Full Text Available Nuestro proyecto de viticultura tropical de calidad se inició en la Loma de Puntalarga, en el Valle del Sol en 1982. Los viñedos están situados a gran altura entre los 2400 y los 2600 metros, en terrenos inclinados, consuelos de buena vocación vitícola, bastante brillo solar, calor diurno, frío nocturno y déficit hídrico; condiciones necesarias para producir uvas de alta calidad para vinificación. El cultivo se viene extendiendo desde los años noventa por diversos lugares. En este proceso el río Chicamocha parece ejercer un efecto similar al de otros ríos del vino. Entre los ríos más representativos del hábitat tradicional de las variedades cultivadas en la región, Riesling blanca y Pinot noir, están respectivamente el Rin en Alemania y el Saona en Francia. La distribución geográfica del desarrollo vitícola sigue la dirección del curso del río Chicamocha y prácticamente recubre a la de en claves poblacionales que influenciaba el centro religioso de Sogamoso, antes de la llegada de los españoles en 1537. Algo similar sucede con la distribución de cepas descendientes de la variedad Mission, probablemente introducida por jesuitas a Firavitoba en el siglo XVII. Parece que estos fenómenos podrían relacionarse en menor o mayor grado con la historia geológica regional, en particular la del río Chicamocha. Su conocimiento puede proporcionar valiosas claves sobre los fundamentos del “terroir” y contribuir a acrecentar el carisma, asentado en la calidad, que ya revela el vino regional.

  16. Quiver Varieties and Branching

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    Hiraku Nakajima


    Full Text Available Braverman and Finkelberg recently proposed the geometric Satake correspondence for the affine Kac-Moody group Gaff [Braverman A., Finkelberg M., arXiv:0711.2083]. They conjecture that intersection cohomology sheaves on the Uhlenbeck compactification of the framed moduli space of Gcpt-instantons on $R^4/Z_r$ correspond to weight spaces of representations of the Langlands dual group $G_{aff}^{vee}$ at level $r$. When $G = SL(l$, the Uhlenbeck compactification is the quiver variety of type $sl(r_{aff}$, and their conjecture follows from the author's earlier result and I. Frenkel's level-rank duality. They further introduce a convolution diagram which conjecturally gives the tensor product multiplicity [Braverman A., Finkelberg M., Private communication, 2008]. In this paper, we develop the theory for the branching in quiver varieties and check this conjecture for $G = SL(l$.

  17. Karyotype Analysis of Gazania rigens Varieties

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    Jiashi Zeng


    Full Text Available For studying species origin, systematic evolution and phylogenetic relationship of Gazania rigens, four different G. rigens varieties, with different flower colors, were subjected to chromosome karyotype analysis. The somatic chromosome number in three varieties ‘Hongwen’, ‘Xingbai’ and ‘Richu’ was 2n = 10, while in ‘Zhongguo Xunzhangju’ it was 2n = 20. We speculate that the cardinal number of chromosomes in G. rigens plants is x = 5, in which case ‘Zhongguo Xunzhangju’ is a tetraploid. The karyotype formulae of ‘Hongwen’, ‘Xingbai’ and ‘Richu’ were 2n = 8m + 2sm, 2n = 8m  + 2sm and 2n = 10m respectively. The karyotype formula of ‘Zhongguo Xunzhangju’ was 2n = 18m + 2sm. The asymmetrical karyotype coefficients of the four G. rigens varieties ranged from 53.80% to 58.84%. Only ‘Richu’ had a ‘1A’ karyotype, while the others were relatively symmetric ‘2A’. Karyotype analysis indicates that the three introduced varieties have a close genetic relationship.

  18. Muusikamaailm : Gran Teatre del Liceu taassünd. Orkestrikonverents Tokyos ja vietnami helilooja Phan. Konkursid Kölnis ja Düsseldorfis. Suri fado-lauljatar Amalia Rodrigues / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Barcelonas avas 7. okt. taas uksed Gran Teatre del Liceu, mis hävis tulekahjus 1994.a., teatri hooaja kavast, esinejatest. Jaapanis Tokyos toimunud Aasia maade orkestrikonverentsist. Kölni rahvusvahelise viiuldajate konkursi võitjatest, noorte muusikute nüüdismuusikaansamblite võistlusest Düsseldorfis. A.Rodrigues" lauljategevusest

  19. Agronomic evaluation of sweetpotato varieties | Shigwedha | African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    African Crop Science Journal. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS ... Varieties Excel, Kemb 10 and Nemanete were also highly promising. Varieties 1986-12-4, ... Key Words: Ipomea batatas, marketable yields, Namibia RÉSUMÉ Le projet de ...

  20. New spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’

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    О. А. Демидов


    Full Text Available Purpose. To create new competitive spring wheat varieties. Methods. Field study, laboratory test. Results. Based on the competitive variety trial, bread spring wheat line ‘Lutescens 07-26’ has been selected due to high values of such traits as resistance to fungal diseases, grain qua­lity(protein content accounted for 15.0%, 1000 kernel weight (44.6 g productivity (3.92 t/ha and lodging resistance (9 points. In 2011, it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Panianka’ variety. Durum spring wheat line ‘Leukurum 08-11’ was characterized by a number of positive traits: quite a high productivity (3.05 t/ha, short stem (79 cm, resistance to fungal diseases and lodging(9 points, and in 2011 it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Diana’ variety. According to the results of the State variety testing in 2012–2014, spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’ in 2015 were put on the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. Conclusions. For farms in Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine, bread and durum spring wheat varieties were bred by V. M.Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine that demonstrated rather high potential of productivity and adaptability to stress conditions. This goes to prove that cultivation of domestic spring wheat varieties will promote formation of high and quality grain yields.

  1. Biodiversidad íctica de praderas de pasto marino de la costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela Ichthyc biodiversity of seagrass meadows from the Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela

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    Luis Alejandro Ariza A


    Full Text Available Los pastos marinos son ecosistemas costeros de alta productividad, con gran diversidad y abundancia de peces, la cual es aprovechada por pescadores artesanales. En este estudio se analizó la estructura comunitaria íctica de praderas de Thalassia testudinum en Manzanillo (M y La Brea (LB, costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela. También, se realizaron muestreos mensuales (11-2006 al 10-2007, con la utilización de una red playera. Se capturaron 34 810 organismos agrupados en 13 órdenes, 36 familias y 83 especies. En ambas zonas, el número de especies fue similar, aunque el número de organismos vario, y se encontró para M un total de 55 especies y 13 210 organismos y para LB 58 especies y 21 600 organismos. Las especies más abundantes y de mayor biomasa en el área muestreada fueron: Nicholsina usta, Haemulon boschmae, H. steindachneri, Harengula jaguana, Halichoeres bivittatus y Hemiramphus brasiliensis. Los visitantes ocasionales fue el componente comunitario más frecuente con 59%, los cíclicos y los residentes permanentes obtuvieron 22 y 19%, respectivamente. En M la H’n fue de 1.71±0.64bits/ind; entretanto en LB fue 1.95±0.51bits/ind. Los valores de la diversidad estuvieron relacionados directamente con la equitabilidad e inversamente con la dominancia. Los bajos valores del índice de similaridad, entre localidades permite establecer que estas comunidades ícticas son disimiles, debido quizás a la estructuración de cada pradera de Thalassia y a la conectividad con otros sistemas.Ichthyc biodiversity of seagrass meadows from the Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf , Venezuela. Seagrasses are highly productive coastal ecosystems with a high diversity and abundance of fishes, very important to support artisanal fisheries. We analyzed the fish community structure of Thalassia testudinum in the communities of Manzanillo (M and La Brea (LB, Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela. Samples were taken monthly (Nov. 2006-Oct

  2. Cluster X-varieties, amalgamation, and Poisson-Lie groups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fock, V. V.; Goncharov, A. B.


    In this paper, starting from a split semisimple real Lie group G with trivial center, we define a family of varieties with additional structures. We describe them as cluster χ-varieties, as defined in [FG2]. In particular they are Poisson varieties. We define canonical Poisson maps of these varie...

  3. Estimation of adaptive of bread spring wheat varieties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    В. А. Власенко


    Full Text Available For estimation of adaptive of varieties it is offered to use the aggregate of estimations of stability and plasticity in the integrated index - rating of adaptive of varieties. The high rating of adaptive on the parameters of productivity have the varieties Elegia myronivska, Kolektyvna 3, Etud and Suita.

  4. Demografía de Caulerpa paspaloides var. Wudermannii (Bryopsidales: Caulerpaceae en la zona costera de Campeche, México

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    Sergio Armando Fuentes


    Full Text Available La vegetación subacuática de Los Petenes, Campeche, México, se destaca por su gran diversidad florística, compuesto por una gran variedad de pastos marinos y varias especies del género Caulerpa sp. Caulerpa es un género de relevancia ecológica, con especies como la Caulerpa taxifolia, que es invasiva en el Mediterráneo, con un impacto negativo en varias plantas sub-acuáticas nativas, pero poco se sabe acerca de la demografía y la dinámica poblacional de las especies de Caulerpa y su contribución a las redes alimenticias. El objetivo general es conocer la demografía de Caulerpa sp., por medio del número de estolones, frondas completas e incompletas, el diámetro de los estolones y la biomasa. El estudio se realizó en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Los Petenes, en Campeche, México. La Vegetación Acuática Sumergida (VAS en la Biosfera de los Petenes está constituida por poblaciones tanto monoespecíficas como mixtas de las especies de pastos marinos Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii y Syringodium filiforme. Aunque las especies de algas clorófitas, feofitas y rodófitas son elementos fundamentales de la VAS, destacan por su cobertura y abundancia las especies de Caulerpa. En mayo y junio del 2010, hubo diferencias significativas de la cantidad de estolones, su diámetro, frondas completas e incompletas y el tamaño de los estolones como el de los ejes erectos. En el 2010 el valor de la tasa finita de crecimiento poblacional (l fue de 2.38±0.15 con el método de las marcas y con el de la biomasa 1.20±0.13 y en el 2011 los valores fueron de 1.80±0.36 con las marcas y de 1.35±0.15 con la biomasa. Los resultados indican que la población está creciendo, pero es controlada por factores bióticos y abióticos. A pesar de que no se detecta la especie como una amenaza aparente, sugerimos que se continúen estos estudios demográficos sobre C. paspaloides var. wurdemannii e incluso de otras especies del mismo género. No solo

  5. Apricot Breeding Studies and New Varieties in Turkey

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    Bayram Murat Asma


    Full Text Available Apricot, with high contents of vitamin A and dietary fiber, is one of most popular summer fruit with its attractive color, flavor and aroma. Losses caused by late spring frosts, poor adaptation to different climatic conditions, short serving time of fresh apricot to the market, Sharka and Monilia diseases effect on fruits are the main problems of apricot production. In addition, due mainly to rapid change in consumer preferences, the demand for new varieties with different color, size, flavor and aroma is increased. A significant part of the apricot breeding program is concentrated in the northern hemisphere with leading countries of USA (74 varieties and France (70 varieties. Meanwhile, only 11 varieties were registered in Turkey. Seven of these varieties (Alata Yıldızı, Çağataybey, Çağrıbey, Dr. Kaşka, Şahinbey, Dilbay and Eylül were bred with crossbreeding techniques and others with selection methods. Alkaya suits to both drying and fresh consumption. Eylül and Mihralibey are late ripening varieties, and others are early or mid-season ripening varieties. In this paper, apricot breeding studies in Turkey are discussed considering their contents and breeding methods, and results of those studies were summarized.

  6. Interpretación socioambiental (ISA, herramienta para la gestión del uso público en las áreas protegidas. Estudio de caso: Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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    Olga García Hernández


    Full Text Available El Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, como muchas otras Áreas Protegidas del todo el mundo, está siendo objeto de una visitación sin precedentes. Ante este escenario, las comunidades aledañas son incorporadas en las iniciativas turísticas de base natural, como parte de la estrategia de aplicación del enfoque ecosistémico. Pero la realidad es mucho más compleja que esta simple fórmula de participación. ¿Están preparadas estas poblaciones para tal labor? ¿Pueden los guías locales despertar cierto interés por la conservación en un Tour? A través de la práctica de la investigación-acción, el tour de anidamiento de la tortuga baula (Demorchelys coriácea fue objeto de análisis de forma participativa con los agentes turísticos. El proceso indagatorio se realizó bajo el prisma de la Interpretación Socioambiental, como herramienta para la gestión del uso público en zonas de especial protección. El estudio reveló su efectividad así como el papel clave que representan las comunidades locales en este tipo de iniciativas.

  7. Interpretación socioambiental (ISA, herramienta para la gestión del uso público en las áreas protegidas. Estudio de caso: Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Lucía Hernández


    Full Text Available El Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, como muchas otras Áreas Protegidas del todo el mundo, está siendo objeto de una visitación sin precedentes. Ante este escenario, las comunidades aledañas son incorporadas en las iniciativas turísticas de base natural, como parte de la estrategia de aplicación del enfoque ecosistémico. Pero la realidad es mucho más compleja que esta simple fórmula de participación. ¿Están preparadas estas poblaciones para tal labor? ¿Pueden los guías locales despertar cierto interés por la conservación en un Tour? A través de la práctica de la investigación-acción, el tour de anidamiento de la tortuga baula (Demorchelys coriácea fue objeto de análisis de forma participativa con los agentes turísticos. El proceso indagatorio se realizó bajo el prisma de la Interpretación Socioambiental, como herramienta para la gestión del uso público en zonas de especial protección. El estudio reveló su efectividad así como el papel clave que representan las comunidades locales en este tipo de iniciativas.

  8. Efectos a corto plazo de la contaminación atmosférica sobre la mortalidad: resultados del proyecto EMECAM en el gran Bilbao

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    Cambra Contín Koldo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Los objetivos de este estudio han sido evaluar los efectos a corto plazo de la contaminación atmosférica por dióxido de azufre (SO2, partículas, dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2 y humos negros en la mortalidad diaria en el Gran Bilbao. MÉTODOS: Se ha seguido la metodología del proyecto EMECAM. RESULTADOS: Los incrementos de PST, tanto en valores máximos horarios como medios diarios, se asocian significativamente con la mortalidad por todas las causas, por causa circulatoria y en mayores de 70 años. No se han observado diferencias por semestres. Los aumentos en los niveles medios de NO2 se asocian a aumentos de mortalidad por causa respiratoria en todo el período y en período cálido y en mayores de 70 años en el semestre frío. CONCLUSIONES: Los niveles actuales de partículas en suspensión en el Gran Bilbao están asociados con aumentos significativos en la mortalidad. Las asociaciones encontradas entre NO2 y las muertes por causa respiratoria, muy altas principalmente en el período cálido, requieren investigaciones adicionales que valoren su independencia.

  9. Skill Variety, Innovation and New Business Formation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    S.J.A. Hessels (Jolanda); U. Brixy (Udo); W.A. Naudé (Wim); T. Gries (Thomas)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ We extend Lazear’s theory of skills variety and entrepreneurship in three directions. First, we provide a theoretical framework linking new business creation with an entrepreneur’s skill variety. Second, in this model we allow for both generalists and specialists to

  10. The Varieties of Ignorance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nottelmann, Nikolaj


    This chapter discusses varieties of ignorance divided according to kind (what the subject is ignorant of), degree, and order (e.g. ignorance of ignorance equals second-order ignorance). It provides analyses of notions such as factual ignorance, erotetic ignorance (ignorance of answers to question...

  11. Evaluation of Tolerance in Sugarbeet Varieties to Dodder

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    F Fallahpour


    Full Text Available Dodder is an obligate parasite of many plant families and among dodder species Cuscuta campestris has the most diverse around the world. Extensive infestation to dodder recently has been reported in some sugerbeet production regions of Khorasan provinces. So, in this study greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to test and charachterize the tolerance of commercial sugarbeet varieties to C. campestris. A completely randomized design with five replications and a randomized complete block design with three replications were used for the greenhouse and field experiments, respectively. Treatments were five common varieties of sugarbeet included Castille, Paulina, Brigitta, Flores and Laetitia with dodder infestation and control treatments (sugarbeet varieties without infestation. Traits measured were shoot and root dry weight of sugerbeet, dry weight of dodder, the number of houstorium on shoot of sugerbeet, growth percentage of dodder and sugerbeet. The results indicated that varieties showed different levels of tolerance to dodder infection. The variety of Flores had the most percentage of shoot and root dry weight and Paulina with 13.48% of root dry weight and 31.96% of shoot dry weight compared to control showed the least tolerance. Whereas the number of houstorium and dodder dry weight had the most and the least amount in Castille and Flores, respectively. In this experiment Flores variety exhibited tolerance to dodder and Castille was known as susceptible variety.

  12. 7 CFR 201.26 - Kind, variety, and hybrid. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Kind, variety, and hybrid. 201.26 Section 201.26... REGULATIONS Labeling Vegetable Seeds § 201.26 Kind, variety, and hybrid. The label shall bear the name of each... kind or variety named on the label is “hybrid” seed, it shall be so designated on the label. If two or...

  13. Monopole search below the Parker limit with the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso (United States)

    Tarle, G.


    The MACRO detector approved for the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory in Italy will be the first capable of performing a definitive search for super-massive grand unified theory (GUT) monopoles at a level significantly below the Parker flux limit of 10 to the minus 15th power square centimeters Sr(-1) 5(-1). GUT monopoles will move at very low velocities (V approx. 0.001 c) relative to the Earth and a multifaceted detection technique is required to assume their unambiguous identification. Calculations of scintillator response to slow monopoles and measurements of scintillation efficiency for low energy protons have shown that bare monopoles and electrically charged monopoles moving at velocities as low as 5 x .0001 c will produce detectable scintillation signals. The time-of-flight between two thick (25 cm) liquid scintillation layers separated by 4.3m will be used in conjunction with waveform digitization of signals of extended duration in each thick scintillator to provide a redundant signature for slow penetrating particles. Limited streamer tubes filled with He and n-pentane will detect bare monopoles with velocities as low as 1 x 0.0001 c by exploiting monopole induced level mixing and the Penning effect.

  14. Contribution of bioanthropology to the reconstruction of prehistoric productive processes. The external auditory exostoses in the prehispanic population of Gran Canaria

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    Velasco Vázquez, Javier


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is an approach to the role of bioanthropological studies in the reconstruction of the productive processes of past societies. This objective is obtained starting from the survey and valuation of the prevalence of bone exostoses in the auditory canal among the prehistoric inhabitants of Gran Canaria. The auditory exostose is a bone wound well documented through clinical and experimental studies, closely related to the exposure of the auditory canal to cold water. The estimation of this bone anomaly among the analysed population, leads to the definition of outstanding territorial variations in the economic strategies of these human groups.

    En el presente trabajo se pretende abordar el papel de los estudios bioantropológicos en la reconstrucción de los procesos productivos de las sociedades del pasado. Esta finalidad es perseguida a partir del examen y valoración de la prevalencia de exostosis óseas en el canal auditivo en la población prehistórica de Gran Canaria. Las exostosis auditivas constituyen una lesión ósea, bien documentada en trabajos experimentales y clínicos, estrechamente relacionada con la exposición del canal auditivo al agua fría. La estimación de esta anormalidad ósea en el conjunto poblacional analizado permite la definición de importantes variaciones territoriales en las estrategias económicas emprendidas por estos grupos humanos.

  15. Officially released mutant varieties - the FAO/IAEA Database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maluszynski, M.; Nichterlein, K.; Zanten, L. van; Ahloowalia, B.S.


    In the approximately 70 year-old history of induced mutations, there are many examples on the development of new and valuable alteration in plant characters significantly contributing to increased yield potential of specific crops. However, knowledge on the success of induced mutations in crop improvement among geneticists and breeders is usually limited to species of their interest. The present paper contains a comprehensive list of officially released mutant varieties, based on information from plant breeders. The number of mutant varieties officially released and recorded in the FAO/IAEA Mutant Varieties Database before the end of 2000 is 2,252. Almost half of these varieties have been released during the last 15 years. Considering a significant delay in the dissemination of information on newly released varieties and difficulties in the collection of such data, there has been a renaissance in the use of mutation techniques in crop improvement. At the demand of geneticists, plant breeders, and more recently molecular geneticists, for information on released mutant varieties of specific crops, the MVD was transferred to the web site of the FAO/IAEA Joint Division. The MVD will be available on our web pages early in 2001. (author)

  16. Laura: Soybean variety lacking Kunitz trypsin inhibitor

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    Srebrić Mirjana


    Full Text Available Grain of conventional soybean varieties requires heat processing to break down trypsin inhibitor's activity before using as food or animal feed. At the same time, protein denaturation and other qualitative changes occur in soybean grain, especially if the temperature of heating is not controlled. Two types of trypsin inhibitor were found in soybean grain the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor and the Bowman-Birk inhibitor. Mature grain of soybean Laura is lacking Kunitz trypsin inhibitor. Grain yield of variety Laura is equal to high yielding varieties from the maturity group I, where it belongs. Lacking of Kunitz-trypsin inhibitor makes soybean grain suitable for direct feeding in adult non ruminant animals without previous thermal processing. Grain of variety Laura can be processed for a shorter period of time than conventional soybeans. This way we save energy, and preserve valuable nutritional composition of soybean grain, which is of interest in industrial processing.

  17. Pórfiro granítico Mojotoro (Salta): ¿Una cúpula intrusiva o un dique en el ciclo pampeano?


    A.J. Toselli; R.N. Alonso


    El pórfiro granítico Mojotoro, constituye la cúpula de un plutón epizonal, emplazado en un área geológica bien conocida, de la Formación Puncoviscana, en las inmediaciones de la ciudad de Salta (24º47´44,9"S - 65º21´35,9"W, 1.304 m s.n.m.). Sin bien se carece de determinaciones geocronológicas, los caracteres geológicos regionales y situación estratigráfica de no alcanzar los niveles del Grupo Mesón, sugieren edades pampeanas, correspondientes a la orogenia tilcárica. Los caracteres petrográf...

  18. Carbonaceous material in fine particulate matter (PM10) of urban areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brocco, Domenico; Leonardi, Vittorio; Maso; Marco; Prignani, Patrizia


    Total carbon (TC), elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) in the fine particulate matter (PM10) were measured in the urban areas of Rome and Marino (Castelli Romani) by means a thermal method with a non-dispersive infrared detector (NDIR). The results showed that carbonaceous material constitutes 30-40% of the total aerosols in Rome and about 20% in Marino [it

  19. Product variety and the demographic transition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guzmán, Ricardo Andrés; Weisdorf, Jacob Louis


    Why does the rate of population growth decline in the face of economic growth? We show that growing product variety may induce a permanent reduction in the demand for children and a continuous rise in income and consumption.......Why does the rate of population growth decline in the face of economic growth? We show that growing product variety may induce a permanent reduction in the demand for children and a continuous rise in income and consumption....

  20. Product Variety and the Demographic Transition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guzmán, Ricardo Andrés; Weisdorf, Jacob Louis

    Why does the rate of population growth decline in the face of economic growth? We show that growing product variety may induce a permanent reduction in the demand for children and a continuous rise in income and consumption.......Why does the rate of population growth decline in the face of economic growth? We show that growing product variety may induce a permanent reduction in the demand for children and a continuous rise in income and consumption....

  1. Sustainable management of the Gran Chaco of South America: Ecological promise and economic constraints

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bucher, E.H.; Huszar, P.C.


    The vast plain known as the Gran Chaco is a natural region of more than 1--3 million square kilometers, the second largest natural biome in south America, with only the Amazon region being larger. It extends over parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and, marginally, Brazil. The original landscape of the region was mostly a park land with patches of hardwoods intermingled with grasslands. Increasing human encroachment, largely by poor campesinos, with associated overgrazing, excessive timber harvesting, charcoal production and over-exploitation of wildlife, is transforming the region into a dense and unproductive shrub land and is contributing to increasing rural poverty. A management system for the sustainable use of the Chaco has been developed based on a multiple-species ranching system that includes beef, timber, charcoal and wildlife production. An evaluation of the management system finds that it is capable of protecting and enhancing the resource base, while providing higher economic returns in a sustainable manner. However, high initial costs, as well as a divergence between the best interests of campersinos and society, jeopardize the feasibility of the managed system.

  2. The slow control system of the GERDA double beta decay experiment at Gran Sasso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brugnera, R; Garfagnini, A; Gigante, G; Hemmer, S; Zinato, D; Costa, F; Lippi, I; Michelotto, M; Ur, C


    GERDA is an experiment designed and built to study double beta decays of 76 Ge. It is currently in operation at the Gran Sasso underground laboratories (LNGS). A custom slow control system has been designed to monitor and control all the critical parameters for the proper functioning of the experiment. The main sub-components of the experiment (Cryostat, Clean Room, Water Tank, electronic crates and temperatures, High Voltage Systems, Radon Monitor and Source Insertion System) are constantly monitored by several distributed clients which write acquired data to a relational database (PostgreSQL). The latter allows to maintain a history of the whole experiment and, performing correlation between different and independent components, is useful to debug possible system malfunctions. The system is complemented by a Web server, a lightweight and efficient interface to the user on shifts and to the on-call experts, and by a dedicated Alarm dispatcher which distributes the errors generated by the components to the users allowing to react in short time. The whole project has been built around open source and custom software.

  3. Tensor product varieties and crystals. GL case


    Malkin, Anton


    The role of Spaltenstein varieties in the tensor product for GL is explained. In particular a direct (non-combinatorial) proof of the fact that the number of irreducible components of a Spaltenstein variety is equal to a Littlewood-Richardson coefficient (i.e. certain tensor product multiplicity) is obtained.

  4. The quarry and workshop of Barranco Cardones (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands: Basalt quern production using stone tools

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yurena Naranjo-Mayor


    This paper analyses the operational sequence, that is, the different phases of the extraction and fashioning techniques of basalt rotary querns based on the recent finds of two quarries located near the coast (Cardones and Cebolla and a quern manufacturing workshop (Cave 36, Arucas Municipality in a ravine about 600 m inland. Traditionally it was thought that the Pre-European population of Gran Canaria fashioned their querns from naturally detached volcanic surface blocks collected in ravines or along the coast. This supposition was based on the idea that the early Canarians were not capable of extracting blocks from bedrock with stone tools. This notion, however, has been proven wrong by the circular extraction negatives on the quarry faces and by finds of stone fashioning tools in the workshop.

  5. Universidad de Leeds - Gran Bretaña

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    Chamberlin, -


    ón exclusivamente peatonal, liberándola de la distorsión del tráfico rodado y proporcionándole el grado de tranquilidad y recogimiento necesarios a su función. El gran «campus» se ve aquí subdividido en distintos núcleos ajardinados de dimensión más humana, enlazados entre sí, y en torno a cada uno de los cuales se agrupa una arquitectura homogénea y al tiempo variada, que rompe con el monolitismo convencional.

  6. Cytomorphological studies of two mulberry varieties (Moraceae ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Two mulberry varieties, namely, S34 and Tr-10 were selected for cytomorphological studies. Stomatal frequency, somatic chromosome number, ploidy level and meiotic behaviour were studied for these varieties. S34 is diploid with 2n=28 and Tr-10 is triploid with 2n=42 chromosomes. Meiosis was irregular. Various ...

  7. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, July 21-24, 2015) (United States)

    Nunes, Miguel Baptista, Ed.; McPherson, Maggie, Ed.


    These proceedings contain the papers of the International Conference e-Learning 2015, which was organised by the International Association for Development of the Information and Society and is part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, July 21-24, 2015). The e-Learning 2015…

  8. Gamma-rays irradiation of greenwood cuttings cherry varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Georgiev, V.


    Results are reported of irradiation of greenwood cuttings of the sweet cherry grafted varieties Napoleon, Drogans Gelbe and Ryzhdavishka Belvitsa, performed at 2500 R. The treated buds have been treated on rootstocks in a nursery and trees have been raised from the grafts in a planting. Different teratological alterations were observed in shoots of most trees developed from treated buds such as fasciations, bi-, tre-, and tetra-furcation as well as branchlets with a pseudodichotomical ramification. Several forms, having a very good fruit bearing and lower strength of growth than the initial varieties, were selected. A large number of slightly growing mutagenous forms were established of the Drogans Gelbe variety. Their fruits do not differ substantially from those of the initial varieties. (author)

  9. Biotechnology of olive fermentation of ‘Galega' Portuguese variety

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oliveira, Manuela


    Full Text Available ‘Galega' is the main Portuguese olive variety providing the greatest percentage of table olive production from homemade and industrial methods. In this work a better understanding of the fermentation involved in both methods is intended. Yeasts and lactic acid bacteria (LAB constitute the microflora acting in olive fermentation, with Pichia membranaefaciens being the dominant yeast specie present throughout the process. LAB develop their activity mainly along the second fermentation stage where Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus pentosus were isolated and identified, as well as Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Pediococcus pentosaceus. Results of a chemical analysis have shown the effectiveness of both homemade and industrial fermentation methods. Nevertheless, the chemical composition of the brines from homemade samples was more similar than those from the industrial ones. Remarkable differences were found in the phenolic compound profile mainly on the final fermentation stage. The amount of volatile compounds has enhanced on the same phase in both methods and some differences were found between them. Sensorial analysis has shown the best results obtained through the homemade method.La variedad de aceitunas más importante en Portugal es la ‘Galega', que representa un gran porcentaje de la producción de aceitunas de mesa portuguesas por métodos caseros ó industriales. La fermentación se produce por una compleja flora microbiana, principalmente levaduras y bacterias del ácido láctico (LAB, siendo la especie Pichia membranaefaciens la que domina en todo el proceso. Las LAB desarrollan su actividad a lo largo de la segunda fase de la fermentación, en donde Lactobacillus plantarum y Lactobacillus pentosus fueran aislados y identificados, así como Leuconostoc pentosaceus. Los resultados de los análisis químicos muestran la mejor eficiencia del método casero. Además, la composición química de la salmuera es más parecida

  10. Mercado metropolitano de trabajo y desigualdades sociales en el Gran Santiago: ¿Una ciudad dual?

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    Carlos A. de Mattos


    Full Text Available Los cambios estructurales en los mercados metropolitanos de trabajo bajo los procesos de reestructuración-informacionalización-globalización, se han situado como un tema central para el estudio de la transformación de las ciudades durante las últimas décadas. Desde esta perspectiva, el presente trabajo analiza los impactos que los procesos de modernización capitalista en Chile han tenido sobre su mercado de trabajo y sobre la evolución de la distribución del ingreso, y sobre esta base, observa sus efectos sobre la estructuración socio-territorial del Gran Santiago, discutiendo especialmente la pertinencia de la tesis de la dualización para este caso particular. Para ello, en una primera parte se esbozan los rasgos fundamentales de esta tesis, se analizan los fundamentos con los que ha sido presentada y las causas que se le atribuyen. En la segunda parte se revisan las principales transformaciones producidas en esta fase de modernización capitalista en Chile, y la evolución de las desigualdades sociales y la segregación urbana en el Gran Santiago a la luz de las transformaciones producidas en su mercado de trabajo. En la tercera y última parte, se plantea la discusión sobre la aplicabilidad de la tesis de la dualización al caso chilenoStructural changes in metropolitan labour markets under the process of reestructutration-informationalization-globalization, had become a central issue for the study of the transformation of the cities during the last decades. According to this perspective, this article analizes the impacts that the capitalist modernization in Chile has had on their labor market and the evolution of income distribution, and upon this base, observes their effects on socio-territorial estructuration of the Great Santiago, specially discussing the pertinence of the dualization theory for this particular case. For that, main characteristics of this theory are drawn; at the same time, the basis with that has been

  11. Transparency, price-dependent demand and product variety


    Gu, Yiquan; Wenzel, Tobias


    This paper revisits the relationship between transparency on the consumer side and product variety as analyzed in Schultz (2009). We identify two welfare effects of transparency. More transparency decreases price-cost margins which is beneficial forwelfare. On the other hand, more transparency reduces variety which can be positive or negative for welfare. Overall, more transparency is always welfareimproving.

  12. Second Language Learners' Attitudes towards English Varieties (United States)

    Zhang, Weimin; Hu, Guiling


    This pilot project investigates second language (L2) learners' attitudes towards three varieties of English: American (AmE), British (BrE) and Australian (AuE). A 69-word passage spoken by a female speaker of each variety was used. Participants were 30 Chinese students pursuing Masters or Doctoral degrees in the United States, who listened to each…

  13. [Identification of Dendrobium varieties by infrared spectroscopy]. (United States)

    Liu, Fei; Wang, Yuan-Zhong; Yang, Chun-Yan; Jin, Hang


    The difference of Dendrobium varieties were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The infrared spectra of 206 stems from 30 Dendrobium varieties were obtained, and showed that polysaccharides, especially fiber, were the main components in Dendrobium plants. FTIR combined with Wilks' Lambda stepwise discriminative analysis was used to identify Dendrobium varieties. The effects of spectral range and number of training samples on the discrimination results were also analysed. Two hundred eighty seven variables in the spectral range of 1 800-1 250 cm(-1) were studied, and showed that the return discrimination is 100% correct when the training samples number of each species was 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively, whereas for the remaining samples the correct rates of identification were equal to 79.4%, 91.3%, 93.0%, 98.2%, and 100%, respectively. The same discriminative analyses on five different training samples in the spectral range of 1 800-1 500, 1 500-1 250, 1 250-600, 1 250-950 and 950-650 cm(-1) were compared, which showed that the variables in the range of 1 800-1 250, 1 800-1 500 and 950-600 cm(-1) were more suitable for variety identification, and one can obtain the satisfactory result for discriminative analysis when the training sample is more than 3. Our results indicate that FTIR combined with stepwise discriminative analysis is an effective way to distinguish different Dendrobium varieties.

  14. Restoration of contaminated soils; Restauracion de suelos contaminados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miranda J, Jose Eduardo


    A great variety of techniques are used for the restoration of contaminated soils. The contamination is present by both organic and inorganic pollutants. Environmental conditions and soil characteristics should take into account in order to implement a remedial technique. The bioremediation technologies are showed as help to remove a variety of soil contaminants. (author) [Spanish] Una gran variedad de tecnicas son utilizadas para la restauracion de suelos contaminados. La contaminacion se presenta tanto por contaminantes organicos como inorganicos. Las condiciones ambientales y caracteristicas del suelo se deben de tomar en cuenta para poder implementar una tecnica remediadora. Las tecnologias de biorremediacion son mostradas como ayuda para remover una gran variedad de contaminantes del suelo. (autor)

  15. Performance of spring barley varieties and variety mixtures as affected by manure application and their order in an organic crop rotation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Askegaard, Margrethe; Thomsen, Ingrid Kaag; Berntsen, Jørgen


    In order to obtain a high and stable yield of organic spring barley, production should be optimized according to the specific environment. To test the performance of spring barley varieties under varying cropping conditions, a field experiment was carried out in 2003 and 2004 in a six-field mixed...... with low manure input than others, variety mixtures that give a robust and stable organic production may potentially be developed....... organic crop rotation. We investigated the choice of variety, the order in a rotation, and the application of manure (slurry and farmyard manure; 0 to 120 total-N ha−1) on grain yields of six selected varieties with different characteristics grown in either pure stands or in two spring barley mixtures...

  16. Genetic diversity and identification of variety-specific AFLP markers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In all the fenugreek varieties, a total of 25 variety-specific AFLP markers were found. Phylogenetic trees among 5 plant varieties were constructed based on Nei's coefficient standard genetic distances using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) method. For RAPD and AFLP analysis, Gujarat Methi-1 ...

  17. The provision of convenience and variety by the market

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bronnenberg, B.J.J.A.M.


    Consumers commonly face purchasing costs, e.g., travel- or wait-time, that are fixed to quantity but increase with variety. This article investigates the impact of such costs on the demand and supply of variety. Purchasing costs limit demand for variety like prices limit demand for quantity. When

  18. Variety Gains and the Extensive Margin of Trade


    Mohler, Lukas


    Findings from the literature suggest that previous estimates of the variety gains from trade are too small because of the imprecise measurement of the imported variety set under the Armington assumption. In this contribution, I use results from the literature on multi-product firms to obtain variety gain estimates that account for the entry and exit of firms as well as for product turnover within firms and find that welfare gains increase by a factor of 2.5 compared to the baseline Armington ...

  19. Genetic resources of autochthonous fruit species and varieties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keserović Zoran


    Full Text Available The paper describes the plentitude of genetic resources of indigenous varieties of fruit species and their importance for further development of fruit growing, especially from the aspect of breeding new varieties resistant to pathogens and abiotic stress conditions (frost, drought, sunburns, etc.. Economic significance and importance in the human nutrition, as a raw or processed fruitage, were stated as well. Based on the unique biodiversity, the Balkan Peninsula can be considered as a secondary center of divergence for a large number of fruit species, such as Malus x domestica, Malus sylvestris, Pyrus communis, Prunus cerasifera, P. persica, P. armeniaca, P. fruticosa, P. amygdalus, P. nana, Juglans regia, Corilus colurna, Corilus avellana, Castanea sativa, Fragaria vesca, Cornus mas. The old indigenous and domesticated varieties and natural populations of fruit species on the Balkan Peninsula have never been the subject of comprehensive research work on their collecting and studying. Serbia has no national scientific institution that takes care of genetic resources. Nowadays, the issue of preserving genetic resources is of great importance because, due to the intensification and modernization of plant production, many local populations have disappeared or are reduced to a small number of biotypes. The varieties with huge genetic and breeding value have disappeared forever without any possibility of their return. By importing high quality fruit varieties, we imported many diseases and various pests as well. New varieties intended for intensive cultivation require the application of expensive growing technologies. The systematic scientific work on the study of wild fruit species and autochthonous varieties is of the great interest for fruit science and practice in the future. The establishment of in situ collections with the aim to preserve valuable genetic material is mandatory. In the following period, indigenous and domesticated varieties

  20. Polyphenol profiles of French cider apple varieties (Malus domestica sp.). (United States)

    Sanoner, P; Guyot, S; Marnet, N; Molle, D; Drilleau, J P


    The cortex of 14 French apple varieties (12 cider and 2 juice varieties), one English cider variety, and one dessert apple (i.e., Golden Delicious) were studied for their polyphenol composition. Total polyphenols were assayed by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, and the precise polyphenolic composition (monomeric catechins, proanthocyanidins, hydroxycinnamic acids, and dihydrochalcones) was obtained by HPLC following thiolysis. ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS analyses showed that chlorogenic acid and p-coumaroylquinic acid were methylated under the conditions of thiolysis. Depending on the variety, the global polyphenol concentration varied from 1 to 7 g per kilogram of fresh cortex. Cider varieties globally showed a higher polyphenol concentration than the dessert apple Golden Delicious, bitter varieties being the more concentrated. The proportion of the polyphenol classes varied greatly from one cultivar to another. For all varieties, procyanidins were always the predominant class. They were mainly constituted of (-)-epicatechin units with a small proportion of (+)-catechin as a terminal unit. The average degree of polymerization ranged between 4.2 and 7.5 depending upon the variety with an exception for the sharp varieties Guillevic and Avrolles which showed significant concentrations of procyanidins with DPn of 40 and 50, respectively.

  1. Drought tolerant wheat varieties developed through mutation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In search for higher yielding drought tolerant wheat varieties, one of the Kenyan high yielding variety 'Pasa' was irradiated with gamma rays (at 150, 200, and 250gy) in 1997 so as to induce variability and select for drought tolerance. Six mutants ((KM10, KM14, KM15, KM18, KM20 and KM21) were selected at M4 for their ...

  2. Japonica rice variety Yangfujing 7 bred by mutation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Zhentian; Chen Xiulan; Han Yuepeng; Wang Jinrong; Yang Hefeng; Wang Jianhua


    A japonica variety, Yangfujing 7, which possessing high yield potential, good quality and disease resistance was developed through cross breeding combined mutation breeding. The variety met the needs of agricultural environment in Jiangsu province. (authors)

  3. Which variety is free? Discerning the impact of product variety in the process industry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trattner, Alexandria Lee; Hvam, Lars; Herbert-Hansen, Zaza Nadja Lee

    In the pursuit of mass customization, it is a great challenge for companies to maintain mass production efficiencies while producing a wide range of prod-ucts. This poses an even a greater challenge to process industry manufactur-ing systems which are built for high volume, low variety operations...... and which are sensitive to changes in process parameters. Many studies have been performed to quantify the impact of product variety on the efficiency of automotive assembly processes, but little work has been done to address pro-cess manufacturing systems. This study aims to determine the effects of in......-dividual product features on machine productivity at a process industry manufacturer. A lasso regression model is developed and tested using actual product and process level data from a stone wool manufacturer in central Eu-rope. Results show that product features are less correlated to machine effi-ciency than...

  4. Breeding for Quality Protein Maize (QPM Varieties: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliane N. Tandzi


    Full Text Available The nutritional evaluation of quality protein maize (QPM in feeding trials has proved its nutritional superiority over non-QPM varieties for human and livestock consumption. The present paper reviews some of the most recent achievements in development of QPM varieties using both conventional and molecular breeding under stressed and non-stressed environments. It is evident that numerous QPM varieties have been developed and released around the world over the past few decades. While the review points out some gaps in information or research efforts, challenges associated with adoption QPM varieties are highlighted and suggestions to overcome them are presented. The adoption of released varieties and challenges facing QPM production at the farmer level are also mentioned. Several breeding methods have been conventionally used to develop QPM varieties in stressed (drought, low soil nitrogen, resistance to grey leaf spot, Turcicum leaf blight, ear rot, and Striga and non-stressed environments. At least three genetic loci have been found to be implicated in controlling the levels of a protein synthesis factor correlated with lysine. They have been mapped on chromosomes 2, 4, and 7. While the use of molecular approaches will improve the efficiency and speed of variety development, the cost implications might limit the use of these technologies in the developing world. More emphasis should be given to breeding QPM for tolerance to environmental stresses, such as low soil pH, heat, and combined heat and drought stress. The post-harvest attack of QPM grains should also be considered. The adoption of QPM genotypes by farmers has been found to be limited mainly due to the minimal collaboration between maize breeders, farmers, agricultural extension workers, and other relevant stakeholders, as well as the need for isolating QPM varieties from normal maize. Therefore, there is need to use participatory plant breeding (PPB and/or participatory variety

  5. Potential of mutation breeding in improving Indonesian local rice varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important cereal crops for human nutrition, this species can be divided into sub-species i.e. Indica and Japonica. Japonica sub-species consists of Temprate and Tropical Japonica (it is called as Javanica) groups. Mostly Javanica group originated from Indonesia, the people mentioned as Indonesian local varieties, it was covering more than 8000 varieties. This paper aims is to discuss the potential of mutation breeding, success stories and on going activities improved genetically the local rice varieties. Indonesian local varieties have been tested naturally for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses so that they become useful collections of genetic resources. They usually adapted well toa specific environment where they grow largely, having good aroma and eating quality, but they have some weakness such very long growth duration, susceptible to lodging, unresponsive to fertilizer, and low yield. Seed multiplication is usually conducted by collecting seeds from farmer's fields so that the seed quality, especially for seeds purity level is very low. Improvements of seed quality is usually conducted through purification of exciting varieties, then, the result is released as a new variety. Other ways, some new varieties were improved through mutation breeding, for example, an early maturing mutant variety of Pandan Putri derived from irradiated Pandan Wangi variety from Cianjur area. The success story to reduce harvest age of Pandan Wangi variety through mutation breeding, it was triggers other local governments to use nuclear technology in improving agronomic traits of their local rice varieties, without altered another good characters. (author)

  6. Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Adoption of Sunflower Varieties in Sindh

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    Ghulam Ali Jariko (Corresponding Author


    Full Text Available This research study is based on primary data collection from sunflower growers to assess the socioeconomic factors that are affecting the adoption of sunflower varieties in Sindh.Data samples have been selected from two districts; Badin and Thatta, as these districts are considered main sunflower growing areas in Sindh. The results reveal that Sunflower growers are using Hybrid varieties i.e. 43 percent planted Hysun-33, 29 percent Hysun-38 and 28 percent Hysun-37 varieties. The finding of research using multinomial logistic regression suggests that farm size and level of education significantly affected the adoption of sunflower varieties. These factors are statistically significant at p<0.05. Theother variables such as tenancy status and source of income are not statistically significant in the adoption of sunflower varieties in Sindh.

  7. Topology of quasi-projective varieties and Lefschetz theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eyral, Christophe


    This paper surveys Lefschetz's theory on the topology of non-singular complex projective varieties. It also includes the more recent generalizations to (singular) quasi-projective varieties, and a discussion on some related questions which are still open. (author)

  8. El Viaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Martínez Sanz


    Full Text Available Las exploraciones hidrográficas y geográficas siempre han sido necesarias para Inglaterra,muy consciente de su condición insular. El marino Robert Fitz Roy participa en dos de ellas incorporando a Charles Darwin en la segunda, quien a los 22 años era bachiller en Teología, Filosofía y Artes en Cambridge. Además se había preparado en geología e historia natural.Gran observador y capaz de llegar a conclusiones generales desde los detalles visibles. Ése viaje duró casi 5 años, tanto por mar como por las exploraciones por tierra que efectúo Darwin. Reconoció el bosque húmedo, los glaciares y fue testigo de erupciones volcánicas, maremotos y terremotos. En las Islas Galápagos hizo sus observaciones zoológicas que dieron base a sus postulados sobre el origen de las especies y la supervivencia de las más aptas. De vuelta en Inglaterra sus observaciones serán maduradas por él y sus seguidores, por décadas, tarea que continúa en la actualidad.

  9. Péndulos astronómicos y cronómetros marinos de la armada: el observatorio de San Fernando y los antecedentes del patrón nacional de tiempo (1753-1957

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González González, Francisco José


    Full Text Available This article is a brief review on the precision clocks in use by the Spanish Navy during the XVIII, XIX and XX centuries. It deals with the introduction in Spain of marine chronometers needed for the application of the new techniques of astronomical navigation and also, with the evolution of the methods for time keeping and determination by astronomical pendulum clocks. Both facts placed the Navy and its Observatory in a good starting position for future activity in the field of the scientific study of time in our country.

    Este artículo presenta un breve estudio sobre los relojes de precisión usados por la Armada española durante los siglos XVIII, XIX y XX. Se trata, por una parte, sobre la introducción en España de los cronómetros marinos, necesarios para la aplicación de las nuevas técnicas de navegación astronómica. Se estudia, además, la evolución del sistema de determinación y conservación de la hora mediante péndulos astronómicos, origen del servicio horario del Observatorio de San Femando. Ambas vertientes sitúan a la Marina, y a su Observatorio, en un lugar preferente en los trabajos relacionados con el cómputo científico del tiempo en nuestro país.

  10. Lessons from empirical studies in product and service variety management.

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    Andrew C.L. Lyons


    Full Text Available For many years, a trend for businesses has been to increase market segmentation and extend product and service-variety offerings in order to provid more choice for customers and gain a competitive advantags. However, there have been relatively few variety-related, empirical studies that have been undertaken. In this research, two empirical studies are presented that address the impact of product and service variety on business and business function performance. In the first (service-variety study, the focus concerns the relationship between service provision offered by UK-based, third-party logistics (3PL providers and the operational and financial performance of those providers. Here, the results of a large survey identify the  most important services offered by 3PLs and the most important aspects of 3PL operational performance. Also, the research suggests that the range of service variety offered by 3PLs does not directly influence the 3PLs’ financial performance. The second (product-variety study presents the findings from an analysis of data from 163 manufacturing plants where the impact of product variety on the performance of five business functions is examined. An increase in product variety was found to influence business functions differently depending on the combination of customisation and variety offered to customers

  11. Narcotráfico, violencia y crisis social en el Caribe insular colombiano: El caso de la isla de San Andrés en el contexto del Gran Caribe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Mantilla


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar un diagnóstico preliminar de la magnitud del tráfico de drogas, sus dinámicas, modalidades, y las condiciones sociales y económicas que favorecen el desarrollo de este negocio ilegal en la isla de San Andrés (Colombia. El análisis se desarrolla, no obstante, en el marco de la condición histórica y natural de “zona de tránsito” de drogas, armas y otros recursos ilegales, que se le atribuye a la región del Gran Caribe, entendida como un continuo geográfico, histórico y cultural en el que se observan patrones comunes en materia de amenazas a la seguridad, la geopolítica de las relaciones con Estados Unidos y los efectos sociales y económicos derivados del flagelo del narcotráfico. En este sentido, el caso de la isla de San Andrés (Colombia se examina más como parte de la dinámica insular gran caribeña que como parte de las tendencias propias del negocio en la Colombia continental, lo que permite, sin embargo, establecer las conexiones entre ambos espacios regionales - el insular y el continental - y, a la vez, evaluar el impacto regional del fenómeno a partir de las conexiones ilegales que desde el archipiélago se establecen con algunos países vecinos del Gran Caribe. Finalmente, se sostiene la hipótesis de que el fenómeno del narcotráfico se instala en la isla como resultado de factores geohistóricos, culturales y socioeconómicos que en conjunto han determinado la participación activa de distintos sectores de la sociedad en este negocio ilegal.

  12. Chromosome characterization of two varieties of Mangifera indica L.¹

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    Neiva Izabel Pierozzi


    Full Text Available Chromosome studies were performed in two varieties of Mangifera indica L. (mango, 'IAC-140 Espadona' and in its progenitor 'Espada Stahl'. Both varieties showed 2n=40 chromosomes though the karyotype formulae were 8m + 10sm + 2sm s for 'Stahl' and 7m + 11sm + 2sm s for 'IAC-140'. The varieties showed moderate karyotype asymmetry which was estimated according to four different indices. Both varieties exhibited three chromosome pairs with silver impregnation after NOR-banding. The number of nucleoli within interphase cells varied from one, the commonest, to eight. The nucleolus persistent phenomenon was observed in more than 22% of metaphase cells of both varieties, seeing that in 'Stahl', up to two nucleoli were evidenced. This variety also showed one nucleolus in several anaphase cells. The studies were suitable for evidencing diversity at chromosomal level between these two varieties.

  13. Cucumis sativus L, Nasim variety

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... practice for reducing water consumption and improving product quality. ... Since cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L, Nasim variety) is considered as the main and ... to a significant yield increase (P<0.001), while MAD of 50% had the least yield.

  14. Quantifying intrinsic quality of commercial varieties of Basmati rice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sagar, M.A.; Salim, M.; Siddiqui, H.


    Twelve quality-trait of five commercial varieties of Basmati rice viz: Basmati 370, Basmati 385, Basmati 198, Basmati 6129 and Super Basmati, were determined according to standard methods. Under existing conditions, it is very difficult to assess overall quality of Basmati rice-varieties, because if a variety is superior in one quality trait, it is inferior in another quality trait, to some other Basmati rice variety, which creates confusion. In order to determine the overall quality-status, we have made an effort to quantify the various quality-traits. Each quality-trait has been allotted a score, in terms of its importance, and the overall status of each variety is computed. Based on our estimation, Super Basmati is of highest quality (98.21%), followed by Basmati 6129 (96.46%), Basmati 370 (95.59%), Basmati 385 (95.26%) and Basmati 198 (92.95%). (author)

  15. Performance of different pearl millet varieties under rainfed conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akmal, M.; Naeem, M.; Nasim, S.; Shakoor, A.


    A replicated field trial consisting of nine varieties including C-47 as a check was conducted during kharif 1989. Significant differences were observed in grain yield, stover yield, days to 50% flowering and plant height among the varieties. Y-84 produced the highest grain yield of 1666 kg/ha followed by DB-V (1611 kg/ha) and MP-155 (1500 kg/ha). Y-84 and MH-285 each produced the highest stover yield of 12.22 t/ha. MP-201 was the earliest variety to 50% flowering (54 days), while DBR-III was the tallest variety having a plant height of 219 cm. The check variety C-47 produced a grain yield of 722 kg/ha, with a stover yield of 6.11 t/ha, it flowered in 77 days and was 212 cm tall.(author)

  16. Symbiotic N fixation of several soybean varieties and mutants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soertini, G.; Hendratno


    Symbiotic N fixation of several soybean varieties and mutants. Research activities comprising of three experiments were carried out to screen several soybean varieties and mutants for symbiotic N fixation potential. The first two experiments involved screening of seven rhizobium strains/isolate for effective N fixation. Depending on the medium used, plant response to strains was different. In sterile medium, rhizobium strain USDA 136, 142 and TAL 102 showed a high nitrogen fixation potential. In soil only rhizobium strain USDA 110 had better performance and proved to be competitive to the native strains. Nitrogen-15 dilution method was used to screen nitrogen fixing ability of several soybean varieties and mutants. Guntur variety showed a better response to high dose of N fertilizer without disturbance in its fixing ability. This variety then was considered good to be introduced in the cropping system. (author). 8 refs

  17. 77 FR 43821 - Records Governing Off-the-Record Communications (United States)


    ...-515-000 7-9-12 Michael Mojica \\2\\. 3. CP08-6-000 7-11-12 David J. Devine. 4. CP11-161-000 7-13-12...\\ Email record. \\6\\ Hons. Robert P. Casey, Jr. and Tom Marino. Dated: July 20, 2012. Nathaniel J. Davis... \\5\\. 3. P-2458-000 6-27-12 Hon. Michael H. Michaud. 4. CP11-161-000 6-27-12 Hon. Tom Marino. 5. P...

  18. The sequestering of Italian Baroque: Botelho and Padre Spada hidden translation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuri Brunello


    Full Text Available Música do Parnasso is a lyrical collection published in 1705 by Manuel Botelho de Oliveira. Speaking of modern Italy, Botelho characterized it – in his dedicatory – as a renewed Greece. The Italian poet Marino emerges within Botelho preferences: Marino is quoted several times directly and indirectly by the Brazilian literate. However, this knowledge was mediated by a little-known manual of an Italian ecclesiastic, Padre Giambattista Spada.

  19. Somatic embryogenesis of East Kalimantan local upland rice varieties (United States)

    Nurhasanah; Ramitha; Supriyanto, B.; Sunaryo, W.


    Somatic embryogenesis is the formation, growth and development of embryos from somatic cells. Somatic embryo induction is one of the in vitro plant propagation techniques that is very important for plant developmental purposes. Four local upland rice varieties of East Kalimantan, Mayas Pancing, Gedagai, Siam and Serai, were used in this study. A total of 200 explants (mature rice grains) for each varieties were inoculated on MS solid medium supplemented with 1 mg L-1 2,4 Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and 0.5 mg L-1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP). The results showed that response of each variety differed to embryosomatic induction, indicated by callus induction rate and callus quality, in terms of callus color and structure. The fastest callus formation was sobserved in Gedagai variety (8 days) while Mayas Pancing (13 days) was the latest one. The rate of callus induction varied from 60 to 98.5 %, and Serai variety has the highest callus induction rate. The highest friable callus structure was found in Siam variety (89.1%) and the lowest was in Gedagai (62.5%). Callus color was dominated by the yellowish-white (transparent) on all varieties tested. Most of the callus was potential as embryogenic callus characterized from the nodular and globular of friable callus structure and its yellowish-white color.

  20. Estudio comparativo de las características físico-químicas del aceite de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis l., aceite de oliva (Olea europaea y aceite crudo de pescado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz María Paucar-Menacho


    Full Text Available Los aceites vegetales tales como el aceite de sacha inchi (ASI y oliva (AO contienen ácidos grasos mono-insaturados (omega-9 y poliinsaturados (omega-6, y pequeñas cantidades de omega-3. Por el contrario, los aceites de origen marino como el aceite crudo de pescado (ACP se caracterizan por su alto contenido en omega-3. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar y comparar las características físico-químicas de estos tres aceites a fin de establecer cuál es el mejor para el uso alimentario. El Índice de acidez, índice de refracción y densidad relativa se determinó por métodos oficiales AOAC, y el tiempo de vida útil por el método Rancimat, a tres temperaturas (100 °C; 120 °C y 150 °C, extrapolando los resultados a 25 °C.Los resultados obtenidos en la caracterización fisicoquímica indican que estos aceites son significativamente diferentes. Los índices de acidez en % de ácido oleico fueron de 1,08, 1,14 y 1,561 para ASI, AO y ACP respectivamente. Los índices de refracción (20 °C fueron 1,475, 1,469 y 1,481 para ASI, AO y ACP respectivamente, la densidad relativa fue 0,9283, 0,9152 y 0,9308 para ASI, AO y ACP respectivamente. La vida útil para ASI, AO y ACP fue de 93, 137 y 2 días respectivamente. La composición de ácidos grasos tanto en los aceites de origen vegetal y marino además de su vida útil, imparte gran importancia desde el punto de vista nutricional, ya que están contenidos significativamente en los aceites estudiados. Los resultados indican la importancia de este tipo de aceites en la alimentación humana.

  1. Comparison of bloat potential between a variety of soft-red versus a variety of hard-red winter wheat forage. (United States)

    Akins, M S; Kegley, E B; Coffey, K P; Caldwell, J D; Lusby, K S; Moore, J C; Coblentz, W K


    Some aspects of wheat pasture bloat have been researched extensively, but few studies have evaluated the effect of wheat type or variety on bloat. Eight Gelbvieh x Angus ruminally cannulated heifers (515 +/- 49 kg of BW) and 48 Angus heifers (238 +/- 12 kg of BW) grazed 1-ha pastures of hard-red or soft-red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to evaluate the effect of wheat variety on bloat potential. In Exp. 1, cattle grazed from November 11 to 22 and from November 26 to December 7, 2006, in a crossover design. In Exp. 2, cattle were shrunk for 20 h and then grazed from December 19 to 20, 2006, and from January 19 to 20, 2007. In both experiments, bloat was scored at 1000 and 1600 h daily. Rumen samples were collected at 0600, 1200, and 1800 h during each of the last 2 d of each period in Exp. 1 and during both days of each period of Exp. 2. Rumen samples were evaluated for pH, foam production and strength, and viscosity. In Exp. 1, cannulated heifers grazing soft-red had a greater (P bloat (21.9 vs. 5.6%) than those grazing hard-red winter wheat, but bloat incidence was low (2.1%) for the stocker cattle, with no difference between hard-red and soft-red winter wheat (P = 0.52). Viscosity of the rumen fluid was affected (P = 0.03) by the wheat variety x time interaction, with soft-red at 1200 and 1800 h being more viscous than soft-red at 0600 h and hard-red at all times. Foam strength, as determined by bubbling CO(2) gas through rumen fluid, had a wheat variety x time interaction (P = 0.02) with both wheat varieties similar at 0600 h but soft-red having greater foam strength at 1200 and 1800 h. In Exp. 2, no bloat was observed, and no differences between wheat varieties were observed for any of the rumen foam measures. Therefore, for these 2 varieties, the soft-red winter wheat had a greater bloat potential than the hard-red winter wheat based on results from the cannulated heifers, but no differences were observed in the frequency of bloat in stocker cattle. In

  2. A large area transition radiation detector to measure the energy of muons in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbarito, E.; Bellotti, R.; Cafagna, F.; Castellano, M.; De Cataldo, G.; De Marzo, C.; Favuzzi, C.; Fusco, P.; Giglietto, N.; Guarnaccia, P.; Mazziotta, M.N.; Mongelli, M.; Montaruli, T.; Perchiazzi, M.; Raino, A.; Sacchetti, A.; Spinelli, P.


    We have designed and built a transition radiation detector of 36 m 2 area in order to measure the residual energy of muons penetrating in the Gran Sasso cosmic ray underground laboratory up to the TeV region. It consists of three adjacent modules, each of 2x6 m 2 area. Polystyrene square tubes, filled with a argon-carbon dioxide gas mixture, and polyethylene foam layers are used as proportional detectors and radiators respectively. We cover such a large surface with only 960 channels that provide adequate energy resolution and particle tracking for the astroparticle physics items to investigate. The detector has been calibrated using a reduced size prototype in a test beam. Results from one module exposed to cosmic rays at sea level are shown. (orig.)

  3. Las crisis bancarias y el sistema monetario internacional en la Gran Depresión y en la actualidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richhild Moessner


    Full Text Available Identificamos las semejanzas y las diferencias en la escala y la naturaleza de las crisis bancarias de 2008-2009 y de la Gran Depresión, y analizamos las diferencias en la respuesta de política a las dos crisis a la luz de los sistemas monetarios internacionales predominantes. Encontramos que la escala de la crisis bancaria, medida por la reducción internacional del endeudamiento de corto plazo y de los depósitos bancarios totales, fue menor en 2008-2009 que en 1931. Sin embargo, la provisión de liquidez del banco central fue mayor en el contexto de tasas de cambio flexibles de 2008-2009 que en 1931, cuando estaba limitada en muchos países por el patrón oro.

  4. Yantarnaya is a new variety of fodder winter rye

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bezgodov A.V.


    Full Text Available the article has evaluation of four years observation of the prospective varieties of winter rye Yantarnaya in comparison with the standard in the nursery of the competitive variety trial of the Ural Scientific Research Institute for Agriculture in Yekaterinburg and the results of a two year test in the system of FGBU «Gossortkomissiya». A winter rye is widely used for bread baking mainly. This culture has resistance from negative environmental factors. The main cause of limited use of a winter rye grain for forage is high content water-soluble pentosans over 1.5%. They reduce availability of nutrients to an organism. Creation of varieties with low content of water-soluble pentosans is the rational solution of increase in use of parts of grain of a winter rye in forage production. Together with VIR, a variety with the required characteristics was transferred to the state grade testing. The observation took place in 2013–2017, with contrasts on the weather conditions. According to FGBU «Gossorgkomissiya», the variety has high potential productivity and significantly exceeds same low pentosan variety in the yield.

  5. Oil Characteristics of Four Palestinian Olive Varieties. (United States)

    Lodolini, Enrico Maria; Polverigiani, Serena; Ali, Saed; Mutawea, Mohammed; Qutub, Mayyada; Arabasi, Taysir; Pierini, Fabio; Abed, Mohammed; Neri, Davide


    Olive oil represents an important source of income for Palestinian farmers in local, national and international markets. Sometimes, olive oil produced in local climatic conditions, does not achieve the International Olive Council (IOC) trade standards so that international markets are precluded. The oil chemical composition and sensory profile of four Palestinian olive varieties (Nabali Baladi, Nabali Mohassan, Souri and K18) were characterized in 2010 throughout an in situ evaluation. Most of the physicchemical characteristics and the fatty acid composition of the varieties met the International Olive Council trade standards (IOC-TS) for extra virgin olive oils. Values of K 270 for Nabali Baladi and linolenic acid for Souri slightly exceeded the limit. Eicosanoic acid exceeded the IOC-TS limits in the oils of all considered varieties. Among the sterols, the Δ-7-stigmastenol resulted too high for Nabali Baladi and Souri. Sensory profile for the tested varieties showed a reminiscence of tomato or artichoke and light to medium bitter and pungent sensations. Results represent an important baseline reference for further studies about oil composition and quality of the main Palestinian olive germplasm and provide indication of potential critical points to be controlled in order to ensure the full achievement of IOC-TS and access international markets.

  6. Breeding of a new special rice variety Hangxiangnuo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Hanqin; Pang Dajian; Fan Zhilan; Liu Chuanguang; Li Chen; Chen Jianyou


    A new special rice variety Hangxiangnuo was bred by several generation selections of the progeny of the rice variety Nanfengnuo which was carried by the spacecraft Shenzhou No 4. Hangxiangnuo was permitted to release by the Crop Examination and Approval Committee of Guangdong Province in January, 2009. Compared with its parent variety Nanfengnuo, Hangxiangnuo has better resistance to blast, greater length-width ratio of grain, more panicles per plant, filled grains per panicle and fragrance. The efficiency of space mutation breeding and the generation at which mutant traits become homozygous were also discussed in the paper. (authors)

  7. A toric varieties approach to geometrical structure of multi partite states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heydari, Hoshang


    We investigate the geometrical structures of multipartite states based on construction of toric varieties. In particular, we describe pure quantum systems in terms of affine toric varieties and projective embedding of these varieties in complex projective spaces. We show that a quantum system can be corresponds to a toric variety of a fan which is constructed by gluing together affine toric varieties of polytopes. Moreover, we show that the projective toric varieties are the spaces of separable multipartite quantum states. The construction is a generalization of the complex multi-projective Segre variety. Our construction suggests a systematic way of looking at the structures of multipartite quantum systems.

  8. Covered by lines and Conic connected varieties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex Massarenti


    Full Text Available We study some properties of an embedded variety covered by lines and give a numerical criterion ensuring the existence of a singular conic through two of its general points. We show that our criterion is sharp. Conic-connected, covered by lines, QEL, LQEL, prime Fano, defective, and dual defective varieties are closely related. We study some relations between the above mentioned classes of objects using basic results by Ein and Zak.

  9. Representations of fundamental groups of algebraic varieties

    CERN Document Server

    Zuo, Kang


    Using harmonic maps, non-linear PDE and techniques from algebraic geometry this book enables the reader to study the relation between fundamental groups and algebraic geometry invariants of algebraic varieties. The reader should have a basic knowledge of algebraic geometry and non-linear analysis. This book can form the basis for graduate level seminars in the area of topology of algebraic varieties. It also contains present new techniques for researchers working in this area.

  10. The Role of Variety Recognition in Japanese University Students' Attitudes towards English Speech Varieties (United States)

    McKenzie, Robert M.


    Language attitude studies have tended to assume that informants who listen to and evaluate speech stimuli are able to identify with consistent accuracy the varieties of English in question. However, misidentification could reduce the validity of any results obtained, particularly when it involves the evaluations of non-native English-speaking…

  11. Classification and salt tolerance analysis of barley varieties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Katerji, N.; Hoorn, van J.W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Fares, C.; Ceccarelli, S.; Grando, S.; Oweis, T.


    Six varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare), five of which were provided by ICARDA, were tested in a green house experiment for their salt tolerance. Afterwards the ICARDA variety Melusine, selected from this experiment for its combination of high yield and salt tolerance, was compared in a lysimeter

  12. New Developments in Forage Varieties (United States)

    Forage crops harvested for hay or haylage or grazed support dairy, beef, sheep and horse production. Additional livestock production from reduced forage acreage supports the need for forage variety improvement. The Consortium for Alfalfa Improvement is a partnership model of government, private no...

  13. Chemical compositions and glycemic responses to banana varieties. (United States)

    Hettiaratchi, U P K; Ekanayake, S; Welihinda, J


    Chemical compositions and glycemic indices of four varieties of banana (Musa spp.) (kolikuttu-Silk AAB, embul-Mysore AAB, anamalu-Gros Michel AAA, seeni kesel-Pisang Awak ABB) were determined. Silk, Gros Michel, Pisang Awak and Mysore contained the highest percentages of starch (14%), sucrose (38%), free glucose (29%) and fructose (58%) as a percentage of the total available carbohydrate content respectively. Total dietary fiber contents of four varieties ranged from 2.7 to 5.3%. Glycemic indices of Silk, Mysore, Gros Michel and Pisang Awak were 61 ± 5, 61 ± 6, 67 ± 7, 69 ± 9 and can be categorized as low against white bread as the standard. A single banana of the four varieties elicited a low glycemic load. Thus, consumption of a banana from any of these varieties can be recommended as a snack for healthy or diabetic patients who are under dietary management or pharmacological drugs to regulate blood glucose responses in between meals.

  14. Relative Importance of Common Bean Attributes and Variety ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The work assessed the relative importance of production and consumption attributes of different wealth groups of households and tested the effect of attribute preference and that of other factors on common bean variety demand in the drought areas of Eastern Kenya. Variety demand was conceptualized within the ...

  15. The Euclidean distance degree of an algebraic variety

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Draisma, J.; Horobet, E.; Ottaviani, G.; Sturmfels, B.; Thomas, R.R.


    The nearest point map of a real algebraic variety with respect to Euclidean distance is an algebraic function. For instance, for varieties of low rank matrices, the Eckart-Young Theorem states that this map is given by the singular value decomposition. This article develops a theory of such nearest

  16. The Euclidean distance degree of an algebraic variety

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Draisma, J.; Horobet, E.; Ottaviani, G.; Sturmfels, B.; Thomas, R.R.

    The nearest point map of a real algebraic variety with respect to Euclidean distance is an algebraic function. For instance, for varieties of low-rank matrices, the Eckart–Young Theorem states that this map is given by the singular value decomposition. This article develops a theory of such nearest

  17. Agronomic performance of introduced banana varieties in lowlands ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Most of Rwandan banana cultivars are low-yielding and susceptible to pests and diseases. High yielding and pest/disease resistant varieties have been obtained in advanced breeding centers recently. Introduction, evaluation and adoption of such varieties by local producers may be one of the options to boost yields.

  18. Fermat varieties and the periods of some hypersurfaces

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Looijenga, Eduard


    The variety of all smooth hypersurfaces of given degree and dimension has the Fermat hypersurface as a natural base point. In order to study the period map for such varieties, we first determine the integral polarized Hodge structure of the primitive cohomology of a Fermat hypersurface (as a module

  19. Understanding the Relationship Between Food Variety, Food Intake, and Energy Balance. (United States)

    Raynor, Hollie A; Vadiveloo, Maya


    In accordance with US dietary guidance, incorporating variety into the diet can align with energy balance, though greater food variety in some categories may make energy balance more challenging. Thus, experimental and epidemiologic evidence is summarized on the relationship between food variety, food and energy intake, and energy balance. Lab-based, experimental research consistently demonstrates that greater variety within foods or sensory characteristics of food increases food and energy intake within an eating occasion. Epidemiologic evidence is less consistent, potentially driven by differing methodologies, particularly in defining and measuring food variety. Moreover, the effect of variety on energy balance appears to be moderated by food energy density. Integrating insights from experimental and epidemiologic research are essential for strengthening food variety guidance including developing evidence-based definitions of food variety, understanding moderators of the relationship, and developing practical guidance interpretable to consumers.

  20. Persistencia y cambio de las unidades de producción hortícola en el Cinturón Verde del Gran Rosario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Propersi


    Full Text Available The horticulture production units in the Green Belt of Gran Rosario appeared in a space traditionally used to the exportable agricultural production. Presents since the XIXth century in the area, they were growing in function of the demographic growth to the first half of 1970 approximately, when the international prices paid for the soya made this leguminous a great competitor for land. The increasing of agricultural production implied an excessive pressure over the natural environment of the rural spaces, like an alteration of the working and living conditions of the people related to this territory. This work wonders about the modifications that happened in the local social horticultural structure in the last thirty years.Las unidades de producción hortícola del Cinturón Verde del Gran Rosario surgen en un espacio tradicionalmente priorizado para la producción agropecuaria exportable. Presentes desde el siglo XIX en el área, fueron incrementándose en función del crecimiento demográfico hasta aproximadamente mediados de la década de 1970, cuando los precios internacionales pagados por la soja convirtieron a esta leguminosa en una ventajosa competidora por tierra. El incremento de la producción agrícola implicó una presión excesiva sobre el entorno natural de los espacios rurales, como una alteración de las condiciones de trabajo y de vida de las personas vinculadas a este territorio. Este trabajo indaga las modificaciones ocurridas en la estructura social hortícola zonal en los últimos 30 años.

  1. Add Variety of Production Typewriting (United States)

    Clippinger, Dorinda A.


    To encourage and motivate students and to provide variety in the advanced typewriting class, the following suggestions are offered: have the introduction to production lessons on tape, teach desk organization, have students maintain carbon copy files, dictate instructions, and keep a typewriting reference manual. (AG)

  2. El gran milagro... Todavía=The Great Miracle… As Yet

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    Paquita Suárez Coalla


    Full Text Available Resumen Este texto plantea una reflexión personal sobre las múltiples contradicciones y desafíos que la institución y la experiencia de la maternidad plantean a las mujeres, considerando un contexto muy específico: la academia norteamericana, a la que llegué como inmigrante privilegiada desde España. Si la práctica de la co-maternidad aparece en ciertos discursos como garante de la solidaridad entre las mujeres, otros factores como la raza, la clase o las puras circunstancias individuales, modulan nuestras vidas como mujeres, trabajadoras y madres. En cualquier caso, en nuestras sociedades desarrolladas e hiper-competitivas, solo gracias a las redes de apoyo formales o informales entre mujeres y a una voluntad decidida de involucrare en la crianza de l@s hij@s por parte de nuestras parejas garantiza que la experiencia de ser madres pueda ser vivida como un gran milagro.   Abstract This text proposes a personal reflection on the multiple contradictions and challenges that the institution and the experience of motherhood pose to women, considering a very specific context: the American academy, to which I arrived as a (privileged immigrant from Spain. If the practice of co-motherhood appears in certain contexts as a guarantee of solidarity among women, other factors such as race, class or purely individual circumstances modulate our lives as women, workers and mothers. In any case, in our developed and hyper-competitive societies, it is only thanks to formal or informal networks of support between women and a clear will on the part of our partners that allows us to live the experience of motherhood as a great miracle.

  3. Popularization of groundnut varieties through BARC-UASD collaboration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Madhusudan, K.; Nadaf, H.L.; Hanchinal, R.R.; Krishna Naik, L.; Motagi, B.N.; Biradar Patil, N.K.; Hunje, Ravi; D'Souza, S.F.; Badigannavar, A.M.


    To boost the productivity of groundnut, farmers need to have an access to improved seeds of the right variety, at the right time, at the right place, at an affordable price. The awareness and benefits of the improved varieties and quality seeds of groundnut was carried out by carefully planned co-ordinated educational systems such as field trials, demonstrations, field days, training farmers, interface meetings through the well established network of the University and mass media promotional tools. The BARC-UASD collaboration led to the popularization of BARC groundnut varieties like TAG-24, TG-26, TPG-41 and TDG-39 among the farming community of north Karnataka. (author)

  4. Biological Aspects of Disposal of Radioactive Wastes in Marine Environments; Aspects Biologiques de l'Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs dans le Milieu Marin; 0411 0418 041e 041b 041e 0413 0418 0427 0414 ; Aspectos Biologicos de la Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos en Medios Marinos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chipman, Walter A. [United States Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (United States)


    des eaux le long du littoral. (author) [Spanish] Al evacuar desechos radiactivos en las aguas de mar, es preciso tener en cuenta la acumulacion de radiactividad por la fauna y la flora marinas. Tal acumulacion por los organismos marinos que el hombre consume como alimento podrian influir en el aprovechamiento o abundancia de esos organismos. Como actividad cooperativa de la U.S. Atomic Energy Comission y del U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, se estan llevando a cabo en Beaufort (North Carolina) estudios de laboratorio sobre la acumulacion, por el plancton marino, los invertebrados benticos y diversas especies de peces marinos, de una serie de radionuclidos presentes en diferentes desechos, asi como sobre los efectos biologicos que en dichos organismos ejerce la acumulacion de radiactividad. Estas investigaciones contribuyen a facilitar datos esenciales para la elaboracion de metodos de evacuacion de desechos y para asegurar la navegacion sin riesgos por las aguas costeras de buques propulsados por energia nuclear. Son asimismo utiles para el establecimiento de programas de monitoraje destinados a descubrir y evaluar los riesgos derivados de la contaminacion accidental de las aguas interiores. (author) [Russian] Udalenie radioaktivnyh othodov v morja mozhet vyzvat' skoplenie radioaktivnyh veshhestv vo vseh morskih organizmah. Takoe skoplenie radioaktivnyh veshhestv v organizmah, pitajushhihsja iskljuchitel'no produktami morja, mozhet otrazit'sja na vozmozhnosti ih ispol'zovanija i na ih prigodnosti. Laboratornye issledovanija skoplenija vazhnyh radioaktivnyh izotopov iz razlichnyh othodov, obnaruzhennyh v morskom planktone, v bespozvonochnyh zhivotnyh morskogo dna i v razlichnyh vidah morskoj ryby, i biologicheskogo vozdejstvija nakoplennyh radioaktivnyh veshhestv na jeti organizmy v nastojashhee vremja provodjatsja v Boforte, Severnaja Karolina, v porjadke sotrudnichestva mezhdu Komissiej po atomnoj jenergii SShA i Bjuro torgovogo rybolovstva SShA. Blagodarja jetim

  5. Trade and Variety in a Model of Endogenous Product Differentiation


    Oliver Lorz; Matthias Wrede


    This paper sets up a model of endogenous product differentiation to analyze the variety effects of international trade. In our model multi-product firms decide not only about the number of varieties they supply but also about the degree of horizontal differentiation between these varieties. Firms can raise the degree of differentiation by investing variety-specific fixed costs. In this setting, we analyze how trade integration, i.e. an increase in market size, influences the number of firms i...

  6. Intensity of panicle malformation in mango (mangifera indica L.) varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hafiz, I.A.; Abbasi, N.A.; Anwar, R.; Chatha, Z.A.


    Mango germplasm comprising of forty three varieties was evaluated for the level of the panicle malformation disease intensity. The intensity varied significantly among the genotypes. Out tested varieties four were tolerant, 27 were moderately tolerant, five were moderately susceptible while seven were recorded highly susceptible to malformation. Disease incidence frequency was highest in Lab-e-Mashooq (68.70 %) followed by G.M. Wala (64.28 %) and lowest in Sensation (7.20%) and Gulab Khas (7.8 %). The lowest affected varieties may be used for incorporating their tolerance in the other commercial varieties through breeding program. The incidence rate was higher (38.69%) in six commercial varieties under Central Punjab ecological conditions than that of (26.70%) in the Southern (Multan) region. However, the tolerance in genotypes seems specific to ecological regions and the growers of the highly susceptible varieties should be very careful and regular in carrying the control measures. (author)

  7. Flag varieties an interplay of geometry, combinatorics, and representation theory

    CERN Document Server

    Lakshmibai, V


    Flag varieties are important geometric objects and their study involves an interplay of geometry, combinatorics, and representation theory. This book is detailed account of this interplay. In the area of representation theory, the book presents a discussion of complex semisimple Lie algebras and of semisimple algebraic groups; in addition, the representation theory of symmetric groups is also discussed. In the area of algebraic geometry, the book gives a detailed account of the Grassmannian varieties, flag varieties, and their Schubert subvarieties. Because of the connections with root systems, many of the geometric results admit elegant combinatorial description, a typical example being the description of the singular locus of a Schubert variety. This is shown to be a consequence of standard monomial theory (abbreviated SMT). Thus the book includes SMT and some important applications - singular loci of Schubert varieties, toric degenerations of Schubert varieties, and the relationship between Schubert variet...

  8. Physiological responses to salinity in solanum lycopersicum l. varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amador, B.M.; Montiel, L.G.H.; Perez, J.J.R.; Puente, E.O.R.


    Worldwide over 30% of irrigated and 7% of rainfed agriculture has been limited by salinity stress. Tolerance of crops to salinity varies and negatively affects agricultural productivity. Despite the plethora of information on NaCl tolerance mechanisms, it is still not completely elucidated. The purpose of this research was to determine NaCl tolerance of eight tomato varieties (Tropic, Feroz, Ace, Super Rio Grande, Yaqui, Missouri, Vita and Floradade) by evaluating their physiological traits. These varieties were exposed to salinity stress by the addition of NaCl (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM). The physiological variables measured were stomatal conductance, water potential, chlorophyll a, b, total, indirect chlorophyll content, leaf temperature, transpiration and relative water content. The results showed differences in tolerance between varieties in terms of NaCl concentrations and there was interaction between varieties * NaCl in the majority of physiological variables. Symptoms of NaCl stress in the tomato plants were leaf wilting, desiccation, necrosis, and death. All measured variables decreased as salinity increased, except for relative water content and leaf temperature, values of both these variables increased with higher concentrations of NaCl. Physiological traits may be used as an effective means for screening for salinity tolerance in tomato varieties. Amongst the tomato varieties evaluated were Missouri the most tolerant, and Rio Grande the least tolerant. The results indicate that the varieties best tolerant to NaCl conditions from most to least tolerant in successive orderare: Missouri, followed by Ace, Yaqui, Tropic, Floradade, Feroz, Vita and Rio Grande. (author)

  9. Varieties of capitalism in crisis?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruff, Ian; Horn, Laura


    In this introduction to the special issue, we provide a brief overview of the two distinct but connected meanings of the phrase ‘varieties of capitalism in crisis’: (1) the crisis of empirical political economies under conditions of capitalist diversity; and (2) the crisis of the institutionalist...

  10. Glycaemic indices of different varieties of rice grown in Sri Lanka. (United States)

    Hettiarachchi, P; Jiffry, M T; Jansz, E R; Wickramasinghe, A R; Fernando, D J


    Varieties of red raw rice are widely believed to have a better nutritional quality. The physiological effects of consuming different varieties of rice may not be so. The glycaemic index has been developed as an indicator of the physiological effect of foods. It is the glycaemic response of a 50 g carbohydrate portion of food expressed as a percentage of that of a standard. The objective of this study was to determine the glycaemic indices of different varieties of rice grown in Sri Lanka. Digestible carbohydrate content of 11 varieties of rice flour and bread were determined. Fasting blood samples followed by half-hourly samples for two hours were drawn after giving portions of either cooked rice or bread containing 50 g carbohydrate each. Fibre mill in Gampaha district. Twenty-two fibre mill workers aged between 25 and 50 years. The area under the blood glucose curve (AUC) for varieties of rice for a subject was calculated. Average AUC of 3 values for bread were calculated. Glycaemic index of each variety of rice was determined from the above variables. Glycaemic indices of varieties of rice differ. The glycaemic indices of varieties of red raw rice varied between 56 and 73 and the variety Bg 350 had the lowest glycaemic index. There was no significant difference between mean glycaemic index of varieties of white raw and some varieties of red raw rice (p = 0.2). Parboiled varieties of red raw rice had a significantly lower glycaemic index than white raw rice (p = 0.04) and some of the red raw rice (p = 0.005). The glycaemic index cannot be predicted from the colour of the rice grain. Red parboiled varieties of rice and Bg 350 can be recommended for patients with diabetes.

  11. Preliminary evaluation of improved banana varieties in Mozambique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Banana (Musa spp.) production in Mozambique is largely confined to the Cavendish variety that is eaten as a dessert. On the other hand, banana is a staple food crop in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The introduction of a range of high yielding and disease resistant cooking and dessert varieties in Mozambique ...

  12. Genetic characterization of different pakistani date palm varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhtar, W.; Rashid, A.; Mahmood, T.


    Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is the oldest cultivated fruit tree and it has a great socioeconomic and nutritional value. Breeding programs and conservation rely on genetic characterization and diversity in gene pool. Its genetic diversity has not been focused more in Pakistan yet, therefore the present study aimed at the evaluation of genetic relationship based on chloroplast ribosomal protein gene (rps14). Rps14 gene was amplified and sequenced from selected varieties. Phylogram illustrated over all genetic distance of 0.001 representing close genetic relationship of selected P. dactylifera varieties. Pairwise distance was calculated for rps14 gene and very low genetic diversity values were observed ranging 0.003-0.017. Estimates of average evolutionary divergence of overall sequence pairs and nucleotide diversity were again found very low with 0.008 and 0.007 respectively. Sequences were analyzed by MEGA6, which revealed Pathri, Dhaddy, Makhi and Khudrawi as recent varieties. On the basis of rps14 genetic makeup, it can be suggested that Pakistani date palm varieties show very high degree of similarity. (author)

  13. Lectures on Hilbert modular varieties and modular forms

    CERN Document Server

    Goren, Eyal Z


    This book is devoted to certain aspects of the theory of p-adic Hilbert modular forms and moduli spaces of abelian varieties with real multiplication. The theory of p-adic modular forms is presented first in the elliptic case, introducing the reader to key ideas of N. M. Katz and J.-P. Serre. It is re-interpreted from a geometric point of view, which is developed to present the rudiments of a similar theory for Hilbert modular forms. The theory of moduli spaces of abelian varieties with real multiplication is presented first very explicitly over the complex numbers. Aspects of the general theory are then exposed, in particular, local deformation theory of abelian varieties in positive characteristic. The arithmetic of p-adic Hilbert modular forms and the geometry of moduli spaces of abelian varieties are related. This relation is used to study q-expansions of Hilbert modular forms, on the one hand, and stratifications of moduli spaces on the other hand. The book is addressed to graduate students and non-exper...


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    Pablo Máyer Suárez


    Full Text Available El sur de Gran Canaria ha sido intensamente transformado por las instalaciones turísticas que, desde 1962, se han realizado. Entre las consecuencias ambientales de este proceso destacan las inundaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si existe relación entre las implantaciones turísticas y el incremento, en las últimas décadas, de los daños producidos por las inundaciones. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis diacrónico entre 1962 y la actualidad, comparando la evolución entre los episodios de lluvia intensa y los problemas generados. Los resultados señalan que el reciente incremento de los perjuicios, derivados de las inundaciones, se explica por la forma en que se han realizado los crecimientos urbanos y las infraestructuras turísticas a ellos asociados.

  15. Determination of boron as boric acid by automatic potentiometric titration using Gran plots [in pressurized water reactor coolant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Midgley, D.; Gatford, C.


    Boron in PWR primary coolant and related waters may be determined as boric acid by titration with sodium hydroxide, using a glass electrode as a pH indicator. Earlier work has shown that this analysis can conveniently be carried out automatically with adequate precision and accuracy for routine use, although bias became apparent at the lowest concentrations tested. The latest titrators enable the titration data to be transformed mathematically to give two linear segments, before and after the end-point (Gran plots). The results are as precise as those from other titration methods (in which the end-point is found from the point of inflexion of a plot of pH against volume of titrant), but the bias at low concentrations is much reduced. This is achieved without extra time or involvement of the operator. (author)

  16. Postponed variety creation: case study in consumer electronics retail

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Appelqvist, Patrik; Gubi, Ebbe


    Purpose – Postponement is known as a way to reduce risk and inventories while still providing high product variety and acceptable response times. The paper is a case study that uses simulation for quantifying these benefits for a consumer electronics company. Design/methodology/approach – Improve......Purpose – Postponement is known as a way to reduce risk and inventories while still providing high product variety and acceptable response times. The paper is a case study that uses simulation for quantifying these benefits for a consumer electronics company. Design...... is beneficial in retail. Findings – In the case company, shop inventory is necessary for high-volume and low-variety products. Postponing variety creation to shops has the potential to decrease inventories for these products by 40-80 per cent. The benefits of postponement depend on delivery speed requirement......, product value, product variety and shop size. Research limitations/implications – Many contributions on postponement have been conceptual. This study contains a quantitative test. The study considers both the spatial dimension (where) and the temporal dimension (when) of postponement. Practical...

  17. Postponed variety creation: case study in consumer electronics retail

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Appelqvist, Patrik; Gubi, Ebbe


    Purpose – Postponement is known as a way to reduce risk and inventories while still providing high product variety and acceptable response times. The paper is a case study that uses simulation for quantifying these benefits for a consumer electronics company. Design/methodology/approach – Improve......Purpose – Postponement is known as a way to reduce risk and inventories while still providing high product variety and acceptable response times. The paper is a case study that uses simulation for quantifying these benefits for a consumer electronics company. Design...... is beneficial in retail. Findings – In the case company, shop inventory is necessary for high-volume and low-variety products. Postponing variety creation to shops has the potential to decrease inventories for these products by 40-80 per cent. The benefits of postponement depend on delivery speed requirement......, product value, product variety and shop size. Research limitations/implications – Many contributions on postponement have been conceptual. This study contains a quantitative test. The study considers both the spatial dimension (where) and the temporal dimension (when) of postponement. Practical...

  18. Interacción bacteria-microalga en el ambiente marino y uso potencial en acuicultura Microalgae and bacteria interaction in the aquatic environment and their potential use in aquaculture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como objetivo revisar el conocimiento generado sobre el rol que juegan las interacciones bacteria-microalga en ambientes marinos y dulceacuícolas, definiendo las posibles aplicaciones que puede tener el conocimiento de estas interacciones en el manejo de las aguas costeras y sistemas acuícolas. Los antecedentes proporcionados en este análisis permiten sugerir que bacterias y/o microalgas, constituyen una alternativa para el control de proliferaciones de bacterias y fitoplancton causantes de efectos dañinos en ambientes naturales y sistemas cerrados de cultivo. Además, las interacciones específicas entre bacteria-microalga permitiría la optimización de sistemas productivos en la industria acuícola. Sin embargo, los mecanismos de estas interacciones son pobremente entendidos. Futuras investigaciones debieran ser dirigidas a comprender el modo de acción de las interacciones bacteria-microalga a nivel molecularThe objective of this survey is to review the knowledge generated with respect to the role of bacteria-microalgae interaction play in marine and fresh environments, and to define the possible application of these microorganisms on the management of costal water and aquaculture systems. This review proposes that bacteria and/or microalgae are an alternative to control the proliferation of bacteria and phytoplankton that cause damages in natural environments or in closed culture systems. Also, the knowledge of specific interactions between bacteria and microalgae will allow the optimization of productive systems in aquaculture. However, until date the mechanisms involved in these interactions are poorly understood. Therefore, future investigations should be directed towards understanding the mode of action of such interactions at a molecular level

  19. Leaf morphology and anatomy of varieties of Turnera diffusa var ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results: The leaves of diffusa variety were twice as large as those of the aphrodisiaca variety, whereas papillose glandular trichomes were observed with greater density in the aphrodisiaca variety than those on diffusa leaves where unicellular trichomes were the ones observed in greater density. The leaves of both ...

  20. Response of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) varieties to NPK ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pot and field experiments were conducted to determine the response of three okra varieties to four NPK fertilizers. The okra varieties; V35 (in the pot experiment and Clemson spineless in the field trial), Jokoso, and Sologo formed the main plot treatments and four NPK fertilizer rates: no fertilizer (control), 30 +15 +15, 60 +30 ...

  1. Participatory consumer evaluation of twelve sweetpotato varieties in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 15, 2010 ... evaluation of preferred sweetpotato varieties for consumption. However ... zones (AEZs) for two seasons in 2005, the Long Rains (LR) and .... 5. 0. 16.6. 0. 0. Educational Level. Below primary. 15. 0. 72.7. 4.5. 15. 0 ... the farmers using a cocoa beverage as this was accepted in the ... of the last tasted variety.

  2. Substituição parcial do milho por sorgo granífero na alimentação de matrizes suínas primíparas durante a lactação

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    F.R.C. Moreira


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o efeito da substituição parcial do milho por sorgo granífero na dieta de matrizes suínas híbridas durante as fases de lactação e pós-desmame. Foram utilizadas 25 fêmeas, distribuídas em três tratamentos, com porcentagens crescentes de sorgo granífero - 0%, 25% e 50% - em substituição ao milho. Os animais foram avaliados durante as fases de lactação e pós-desmame, tendo sido mensurados o peso vivo (PV e a espessura de toucinho (ET ao parto, ao oitavo, 16º e 25º dias de lactação - desmame. Nesses momentos, foram realizadas colheitas de amostras de leite para análise bioquímica. As leitegadas foram pesadas no mesmo intervalo de tempo. No estro pós-desmame (RE, determinou-se o intervalo estro-cobertura (dias, PV e ET. Quanto às fêmeas, não ocorreram efeitos sobre o PV e a ET. Quanto ao número e ao peso dos leitões, as fêmeas do grupo controle apresentaram maior número de leitões nascidos vivos. O GPD dos leitões foi maior nas leitegadas dos tratamentos com 50% de sorgo. Não houve diferença para as análises do leite. No RE, não ocorreram efeitos. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o sorgo granífero pode substituir o milho em até 50% na dieta de fêmeas suínas durante lactação, sem comprometer os parâmetros produtivos e reprodutivos.

  3. Caracterización de rellenos fisurales por desequilibrios isotópicos de series radiactivas naturales. El caso del batolito granítico de El Berrocal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernández Benítez, A.


    Full Text Available The isotopic ratios obtained for geological materials from the granitic batholith of El Berrocal show values very close to equilibrium, like in a geochemically closed system, for the fresh granitic rock. The fracture fillings studied present values with a disequilibrium between radionuclides. This is due to the existance in the system of mobilization/retention phenomena for these elements. The fracture fillings have been sequentially leached and the results show that Uranium is preferently bound to the adsorbed and iron-rich phases. Thorium, with a lower geochemical mobility, is related mainly to the residual or detritical phases.Las relaciones isotópicas obtenidas en materiales del batolito granítico de El Berrocal muestran valores cercanos al equilibrio propios de un sistema geoquímicamente estable para la roca granítica sin alterar, mientras que en los rellenos fisurales se observan desequilibrios isotópicos que indican fenómenos actuales de movilización/retención de estos radisótopos. Los rellenos se han sometido a una lixiviación secuencial donde se observa que el uranio está asociado preferentemente a las fases adsorbidas y ricas en oxi-hidróxidos de hierro, mientras que el torio se moviliza con mayor dificultad y está asociado a la fase residual del relleno.

  4. Seed priming improves salinity tolerance of wheat varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jamal, Y.; Shafi, M.; Arif, M.


    To evaluate the response of wheat varieties to seed priming and salinity, an experiment was conducted in completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications at Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE), KPK Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan. The performance of 6 wheat varieties (Tatara-96, Ghaznavi-98, Fakhri Sarhad, Bakhtawar-92, Pirsabaq-2004 and Auqab-2000) at two seed conditions (primed with 30 mM NaCl and un primed) under four salinity levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 mM) was studied. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that salinity, seed priming and varieties had significantly (P= 0.05) affected shoot fresh weight plant/sup -1/ shoot dry weight plant/sup -1/, shoot Na/sup +/ contents (mg g/sup -1/ dry weight), shoot K/sup +/ contents (mg g/sup -1/ dry weight) and shoot K/sup +/Na/sup +/ ratio. Maximum shoot fresh weight plant/sup -1/ (7.71 g), shoot dry weight plant/sup -1/ (1.68 g), shoot K/sup +/ contents (1.39 mg g/sup -1/ dry weight) and shoot K/sup +/ Na/sup +/ratio (1.45) were recorded from Bakhtawar-92 as compared with other varieties. Highest shoot Na/sup +/ contents (1.43 mg g/sup -1/ dry weight) were recorded from Auqab-2000 when compared with other varieties. All parameters were enhanced with seed priming except shoot Na/sup +/ contents, which reduced significantly (p= 0.05) with seed priming. (author)

  5. Fat-soluble bioactive components in colored rice varieties. (United States)

    Minatel, Igor Otavio; Han, Sang-Ik; Aldini, Giancarlo; Colzani, Mara; Matthan, Nirupa R; Correa, Camila Renata; Fecchio, Denise; Yeum, Kyung-Jin


    Bioactive components in rice vary depending on the variety and growing condition. Fat-soluble components such as γ-oryzanol, tocopherols, tocotrienols, carotenoids, and fatty acids were analyzed in brown, sugary brown, red, and black rice varieties using established high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and GC methodologies. In addition, these colored rice varieties were further analyzed using a high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) (LTQ-Orbitrap XL) to identify the [M-H](-) ions of γ-oryzanol, ranging from m/z 573.3949 to 617.4211. The highest content of tocopherols (α-, 1.5; γ-, 0.5 mg/100 g) and carotenoids (lutein 244; trans-β carotene 25 μg/100 g) were observed in black rice; tocotrienols (α-, 0.07; γ-, 0.14 mg/100 g) in red rice, and γ-oryzanol (115 mg/100 g) in sugary brown rice. In all colored rice varieties, the major fatty acids were palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1n-9), and linoleic (18:2n-6) acids. When the γ-oryzanol components were further analyzed by LC-MS/MS, 3, 10, 8, and 8 triterpene alcohols or sterol ferulates were identified in brown, sugary brown, red, and black rice varieties, respectively. Such structural identification can lead to the elucidation of biological function of each component at the molecular level. Consumption of colored rice rich in beneficial bioactive compounds may be a useful dietary strategy for achieving optimal health.

  6. Generating new varieties of shrubs for landscapes in Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaiton Ahmad; Affrida Abu Hassan; Shuhaimi Shamsudin; Norimah Yusof; Shakinah Salleh


    This project which was funded by National Landscape Department was aimed at generating new varieties of shrubs suitable for landscapes in Malaysia. Three species of shrubs commonly used in Malaysian landscapes (hibiscus, canna and turnera) were selected for generating new varieties through mutagenesis techniques using gamma rays and ion beams. The main objective was to produce new varieties with desired characters, such as longer bloom period, unique and prominent petal colors and larger flower size. Through this project, several potential mutants have been identified such as turnera with longer bloom period, canna with new flower colors and hibiscus with different flower form. These mutants are currently undergoing field screening at Serdang to analyze their genetic stability, and will be registered as new varieties with Department of Agriculture before being transferred to end-users. (author)

  7. Is variety a spice of (an active) life?: perceived variety, exercise behavior, and the mediating role of autonomous motivation. (United States)

    Sylvester, Benjamin D; Standage, Martyn; Ark, Tavinder K; Sweet, Shane N; Crocker, Peter R; Zumbo, Bruno D; Beauchamp, Mark R


    In this study, we examined whether perceived variety in exercise prospectively predicts unique variance in exercise behavior when examined alongside satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs (for competence, relatedness, and autonomy) embedded within self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2002), through the mediating role of autonomous and controlled motivation. A convenience sample of community adults (N = 363) completed online questionnaires twice over a 6-week period. The results of structural equation modeling showed perceived variety and satisfaction of the needs for competence and relatedness to be unique indirect positive predictors of exercise behavior (through autonomous motivation) 6 weeks later. In addition, satisfaction of the need for autonomy was found to negatively predict controlled motivation. Perceived variety in exercise complemented satisfaction of the needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy in predicting motivation and (indirectly) exercise behavior, and may act as a salient mechanism in the prediction of autonomous motivation and behavior in exercise settings.

  8. Evaluation of the Potentials of Some Cassava Varieties in Nigeria for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Suitability of four cassava varieties (98/2101, 98/0505, TME 419, and TMS 4(2) 1425) for ethanol production was investigated. The total starch and amylose contents of variety 98/2101 were higher than those of the other three varieties. Variety 98/2101 also gave the highest ethanol productivity and yield. This was followed ...

  9. Land-use policies and corporate investments in agriculture in the Gran Chaco and Chiquitano (United States)

    le Polain de Waroux, Yann; Garrett, Rachael D.; Heilmayr, Robert; Lambin, Eric F.


    Growing demand for agricultural commodities is causing the expansion of agricultural frontiers onto native vegetation worldwide. Agribusiness companies linking these frontiers to distant spaces of consumption through global commodity chains increasingly make zero-deforestation pledges. However, production and land conversion are often carried out by less-visible local and regional actors that are mobile and responsive to new agricultural expansion opportunities and legal constraints on land use. With more stringent deforestation regulations in some countries, we ask whether their movements are determined partly by differences in land-use policies, resulting in “deforestation havens.” We analyze the determinants of investment decisions by agricultural companies in the Gran Chaco and Chiquitano, a region that has become the new deforestation “hot spot” in South America. We test whether companies seek out less-regulated forest areas for new agricultural investments. Based on interviews with 82 companies totaling 2.5 Mha of properties, we show that, in addition to proximity to current investments and the availability of cheap forestland, lower deforestation regulations attract investments by companies that tend to clear more forest, mostly cattle ranching operations, and that lower enforcement attracts all companies. Avoiding deforestation leakage requires harmonizing deforestation regulations across regions and commodities and promoting sustainable intensification in cattle ranching. PMID:27035995

  10. Land-use policies and corporate investments in agriculture in the Gran Chaco and Chiquitano. (United States)

    le Polain de Waroux, Yann; Garrett, Rachael D; Heilmayr, Robert; Lambin, Eric F


    Growing demand for agricultural commodities is causing the expansion of agricultural frontiers onto native vegetation worldwide. Agribusiness companies linking these frontiers to distant spaces of consumption through global commodity chains increasingly make zero-deforestation pledges. However, production and land conversion are often carried out by less-visible local and regional actors that are mobile and responsive to new agricultural expansion opportunities and legal constraints on land use. With more stringent deforestation regulations in some countries, we ask whether their movements are determined partly by differences in land-use policies, resulting in "deforestation havens." We analyze the determinants of investment decisions by agricultural companies in the Gran Chaco and Chiquitano, a region that has become the new deforestation "hot spot" in South America. We test whether companies seek out less-regulated forest areas for new agricultural investments. Based on interviews with 82 companies totaling 2.5 Mha of properties, we show that, in addition to proximity to current investments and the availability of cheap forestland, lower deforestation regulations attract investments by companies that tend to clear more forest, mostly cattle ranching operations, and that lower enforcement attracts all companies. Avoiding deforestation leakage requires harmonizing deforestation regulations across regions and commodities and promoting sustainable intensification in cattle ranching.

  11. Labor conflict, general strikes and dynamics of trade union organizations in the Gran La Plata 1969-1972

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agustín Nava


    Full Text Available This paper is inscribed within studies on the history of the labor movement during the years '60 and '70 in Argentina and aims to analyze the cycle of general strikes and labor conflictivity that took place more specifically between the years 1969-1972 on a particular region: the Gran La Plata. Through a qualitative and quantitative analysis we will approach the dynamics of general strikes and their impact on our study region, as a kind of struggle that allows us to analyze the different tendencies and forms assumed by the conflict, the degrees of unity within the labor movement, the dynamics of trade unions, alliances with other social forces and the relationship with the state. Therefore, this article contributes to study not only certain specific dynamics of labor conflictivity in our study region, but also the more general cycle of social protest and political radicalization that took place in Argentina during the sixties and seventies

  12. Agronomic performance of old soybean variety 'Altona' derived mutants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hodosne, K.G.; Heszky, L.E.


    An induced mutation program has been initiated at the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding to develop early maturing cultivars with good yielding capacity. Some new mutants have been produced by irradiation of variety Altona with 60 Co gamma rays. Ten years of breeding resulted in two new mutant varieties named 'Noventa' and 'Gate 511'. The present study deals with agronomic performance of these mutants. Registered soybean varieties Altona and 'McCall' as well as Altona derived mutants (Gate 511 and Noventa) have been compared

  13. Weed suppression ability of spring barley varieties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Svend


    , Grit. Ranking varietal responses to weed competition in terms of grain yield loss corresponded well to ranking weed dry matter produced in crop weed mixtures. There was no correspondence between the varietal grain yields in pure stands and their competitiveness, suggesting that breeding to optimize...... both yielding and competitive ability may be possible. Non-linear regression models were fitted to canopy height and light interception data for each variety in all three years. The canopy height model provided a precise description of development and maximum canopy height of the varieties. A light...

  14. Phosphorus response in two varieties of cotton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Mahendra; Bhandari, D K; Kumar, Vinod [Haryana Agricultural Univ., Hissar (India)


    Phosphorus requirements of cotton varieties H-14 and J-34 were studied on seirozem soils of Hissar under greenhouse conditions. The dry matter yield of both the varieties increased significantly upto 120 kg/ha P after which dry matter yield decreased. Total P uptake also increased with the addition of P. The highest utilization of fertilizer P by H-14 and J-34 was observed at 240 kg and 120 kg/ha levels of applied P, respectively. H-14 utilized more native P than J-34 at all levels of P application.

  15. Status of the GERDA Experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Brugnera


    Full Text Available The Germanium Detector Array (Gerda is a low background experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS of the INFN designed to search for the rare neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ of 76Ge. In its first phase, high purity germanium diodes inherited from the former Heidelberg-Moscow and Igex experiments are operated “bare” and immersed in liquid argon, with an overall background environment of 10−2 cts/(keV·kg·yr, a factor of ten better than its predecessors. Measurements on two-neutrino double beta decay (2νββ giving T1/22ν=(1.88±0.10×1021 yr and recently published background model and pulse shape performances of the detectors are discussed in the paper. A new result on 0νββ has been recently published with a half-life limit on 0νββ decay T1/20ν>2.1×1025 yr (90% C.L.. A second phase of the experiment is scheduled to start during the year 2014, after a major upgrade shutdown. Thanks to the increased detector mass with new designed diodes and to the introduction of liquid argon instrumentation techniques, the experiment aims to reduce further the expected background to about 10−3 cts/(keV·kg·yr and to improve the 0νββ sensitivity to about T1/20ν>1.5×1026 yr (90% C.L..

  16. Origen de la gran industria en la comarca del Campo de Gibraltar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María José Foncubierta Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Cuando en la década de los sesenta se pusieron en marcha los Planes Nacionales de Desarrollo, la comarca del Campo de Gibraltar vivía una situación de pobreza y de analfabetismo, caracterizada por la servidumbre de su población al uso militar de gran parte de su territorio, y a la presencia de la colonia británica de Gibraltar. La calificación como Zona de Preferente Localización Industrial, hizo que en el Arco de la Bahía de Algeciras se instalara un conjunto de grandes empresas que han transformado sensiblemente la comarca, en términos de empleo, económicos e incluso de cualificación de los ciudadanos. Palabras-clave: Grandes industrias, Campo de Gibraltar, Planes de Desarrollo, Bahía de Algeciras.___________________________ABSTRACT:When in the sixties are launched the National Development Plans, in order to avoid regional imbalance, the region of Campo de Gibraltar suffered a socio-economic situation of poverty and illiteracy, which was characterized by the easement to military use of its territory, and the presence of the British colony of Gibraltar. Its classification as Industrial Location Preferred Zone was the cause of a set of large companies to be installed at the Bay of Algeciras, which have significantly transformed the situation in this area, in terms of employment, economy, and even their people´s qualification.Keywords: Large industries, Campo de Gibraltar, Development Plans, Bay of Algeciras

  17. c-fans and Newton polyhedra of algebraic varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazarnovskii, B Ya


    To every algebraic subvariety of a complex torus there corresponds a Euclidean geometric object called a c-fan. This correspondence determines an intersection theory for algebraic varieties. c-fans form a graded commutative algebra with visually defined operations. The c-fans of algebraic varieties lie in the subring of rational c-fans. It seems that other subrings may be used to construct an intersection theory for other categories of analytic varieties. We discover a relation between an old problem in the theory of convex bodies (the so-called Minkowski problem) and the ring of c-fans. This enables us to define a correspondence that sends any algebraic curve to a convex polyhedron in the space of characters of the torus

  18. Improved Phytophthora resistance in commercial chickpea (Cicer arietinum) varieties negatively impacts symbiotic gene signalling and symbiotic potential in some varieties. (United States)

    Plett, Jonathan M; Plett, Krista L; Bithell, Sean L; Mitchell, Chris; Moore, Kevin; Powell, Jeff R; Anderson, Ian C


    Breeding disease-resistant varieties is one of the most effective and economical means to combat soilborne diseases in pulse crops. Commonalities between pathogenic and mutualistic microbe colonization strategies, however, raises the concern that reduced susceptibility to pathogens may simultaneously reduce colonization by beneficial microbes. We investigate here the degree of overlap in the transcriptional response of the Phytophthora medicaginis susceptible chickpea variety 'Sonali' to the early colonization stages of either Phytophthora, rhizobial bacteria or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. From a total of 6476 genes differentially expressed in Sonali roots during colonization by any of the microbes tested, 10.2% were regulated in a similar manner regardless of whether it was the pathogenic oomycete or a mutualistic microbe colonizing the roots. Of these genes, 49.7% were oppositely regulated under the same conditions in the moderately Phytophthora resistant chickpea variety 'PBA HatTrick'. Chickpea varieties with improved resistance to Phytophthora also displayed lower colonization by rhizobial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi leading to an increased reliance on N and P from soil. Together, our results suggest that marker-based breeding in crops such as chickpea should be further investigated such that plant disease resistance can be tailored to a specific pathogen without affecting mutualistic plant:microbe interactions. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Comparative water relation of three varieties of Hibiscus cannabinus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 17, 2011 ... Choosing the proper variety with the most growth rate and biomass content is a ... plants of each varieties were cultivated in completely randomized design under .... The interaction of CO2 and temperatures with water.

  20. Impacto de "El Niño 1997-98" sobre el asentamiento larval de algunos invertebrados marinos bentónicos de bahía Independencia, Pisco -Perú

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    Elmer Ramos


    Full Text Available Se evaluó mensualmente los cambios y la magnitud del impacto de "El Niño" (EN, sobre el mecanismo del asentamiento larval de algunos invertebrados marinos bentónicos, en sustratos artificiales filamentosos (fibra nylon, entre enero 1996 y julio 1998, en una estación fija, a 10m de profundidad, situada en el lado oriental de la Isla Independencia, en Bahía Independencia, Durante 1996, en la fase fría "La Niña" (LN, el número de especies presentó un pico en abril y la densidad en junio. En la fase cálida EN 199798, la densidad total y el número de especies, presentaron un primer pico en marzo de 1997, luego, un segundo pico, en febrero y julio de 1998, respectivamente. Un primer grupo de especies que intensificó su asentamiento durante la fase fría LN 1996, estuvo constituido por el bivalvo Hiatella solida, el turbelario Notoplana sp. y el gastrópodo Caecum chilense. El segundo grupo intensificó su asentamiento en la etapa temprana de la fase cálida EN 1997-98, Y lo formaron el braquiópodo Discinisca lamel/osa, el equinodermo Ophíactís kr6yerí y bivalvos de la Familia Mytllidae, Un tercer grupo, mostró una intensificación del asentamiento larval, en la etapa tardía de la fase cálida EN 1997-98, a inicios de 1998, y fue formado por el bivalvo Argopecten purpuratus y un gastrópodo turriforme. La aparición de larvas recién asentadas de especies tropicales, como el bivalvo Ptería stema y el gastrópodo Epitoníum sp., tuvo lugar en la etapa tardía de la fase cálida EN 1997-98.

  1. Record of Carcharocles megalodon in the Eastern Guadalquivir Basin (Upper Miocene, South Spain

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    Reolid, M.


    Full Text Available Tortonian diatomites of the San Felix Quarry (Porcuna, in the Eastern Guadalquivir Basin, have given isolated marine vertebrate remains that include a large shark tooth (123.96 mm from apex to the baseline of the root. The large size of the crown height (92.2 mm, the triangular shape, the broad serrated crown, the convex lingual face and flat labial face, and the robust, thick angled root determine that this specimen corresponds to Carcharocles megalodon. The symmetry with low slant shows it to be an upper anterior tooth. The total length estimated from the tooth crown height is calculated by means of different methods, and comparison is made with Carcharodon carcharias. The final inferred total length of around 11 m classifies this specimen in the upper size range of the known C. megalodon specimens. The palaeogeography of the Guadalquivir Basin close to the North Betic Strait, which connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, favoured the interaction of the cold nutrient-rich Atlantic waters with warmer Mediterranean waters. The presence of diatomites indicates potential upwelling currents in this context, as well as high productivity favouring the presence of large vertebrates such as mysticetid whales, pinnipeds and small sharks (Isurus. These large vertebrates recorded in the Eastern Guadalquivir Basin were potential prey of C. megalodon.Las diatomitas tortonienses de la antigua Cantera de San Félix (Porcuna, Jaén, en el sector oriental de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, han proporcionado restos aislados de vertebrados marinos entre los que destaca un gran diente de tiburón (123.96 mm desde el ápice hasta la línea basal de la raiz. La altura de la corona (92.2 mm, su forma triangular con bordes aserrados, la presencia de una cara lingual convexa y una labial plana, conjuntamente con la raíz angulosa y robusta, permiten determinar que este diente perteneció a un ejemplar de Carcharocles megalodon. La alta simetría de la pieza

  2. Promising mutant varieties of groundnut evolved through gamma irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinha, P.K.; Rahman, H.


    The Chotanagpur plateau region of Bihar is the main potential area for groundnut cultivation in the State. Var. AK 12-24 - an early, bunch type - has been the predominant variety under cultivation. Because of special nature of soil and rainfall pattern of this area, it is desirable to evolve a variety with early to mid-early maturity and bunch habit, but with improved yield potential over the ruling var. AK 12-24. Two bold podded mutants BP 1 and BP 2 were obtained throuo.h gamma irradiation of var 41-C which is a late maturing variety (135-140 days), spreading in habit and with medium kernel and pod size, whereas the mutant varieties have early (110-115 days for BP 1) to mid-early (115-120 days for BP 2) maturity, bunch habit and bold kernel and pods (HKW 55-60 gm for BP 1 and 60-66 gms for BP 2). Both have 20-25% higher yield potential over AK 12-24. The results of 3 years' yield evaluation trials at Kanke and one year minikit trials at different locations in Bihar show that BP 1 and BP 2 have significantly outyielded the check AK 12-24 and were at par with each other. Both varieties -because of their bold seededness - come under HPS type and have good export market. These varieties have now been released by the Rajendra Agricultural University as Sonya Bold 1 and Sonya Bold 2 for cultivation in Bihar. (author)

  3. Pseudoterranova cattani sp. nov. (Ascaridoidea: Anisakidae, a parasite of the South American sea lion Otaria byronia De Blainville from Chile Pseudoterranova cattani sp. nov. (Ascaridoidea: Anisakidae, un parásito del lobo marino común Otaria byronia De Blainville en Chile

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    Full Text Available The parasitic nematode Pseudoterranova cattani sp. nov. is described from the stomach of the South American sea lion Otaria byronia De Blainville, sampled along the coastline off central-south Chile, between 1980 and 1997. The adult and larvae of this species have been previously reported in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean as Phocanema decipiens Myers. Major differences with species from the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific are based on the body size, number, distance and size of caudal pillaeSe describe al nemátodo parásito Pseudoterranova cattani sp. nov. encontrado en el estómago del lobo marino común Otaria byronia De Blainville, en muestras tomadas entre 1980 y 1997, a lo largo de la costa del centro-sur de Chile. Las larvas y adultos de esta especie han sido registrados en el océano Pacífico sudoriental como Phocanema decipiens Myers. Las principales diferencias con las especies del Atlántico norte y del Pacífico noroccidental se basan en el tamaño corporal y en el número, tamaño, distancia y proporciones de las papilas caudales

  4. Condiciones de vida y fragmentación socio-espacial en el aglomerado Gran San Miguel de Tucumán (Noroeste Argentino

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    Paula Boldrini Peralta


    Full Text Available El noroeste de Argentina (NOA es el territorio donde la pobreza alcanza las condiciones más críticas y la calidad de vida registra los estándares más bajos. El aglomerado Gran San Miguel de Tucumán (GSMT constituye la ciudad cabecera de la región. Concentra niveles significativos de privación sin ocupar la situación más desfavorable, manifestando procesos de fragmentación socio-espacial a partir del sostenimiento y la agudización de las desigualdades entre sus habitantes. El objetivo es caracterizar y analizar las condiciones de vida del aglomerado GSMT a principios del siglo XXI. Para esto se utiliza el índice sintético de condiciones de vida urbano (que combina el índice de privación material de los hogares y el índice de calidad de vida urbano para detectar aquellas variables que inciden en el territorio y que generan las mejores y peores situaciones socio-espaciales del aglomerado, identificando sus características particulares. Northwestern Argentina (NOA is the territory where poverty reaches the most critical conditions and quality of life has the lowest standards. The agglomerate Gran San Miguel de Tucumán (GSMT is the main city in the region. It concentrate significant levels of privation but not the most unfavorable situation, showing processes of socio-spatial fragmentation and growing inequalities among its habitants. The objective is to characterize and analyze the living conditions of the agglomerate GSMT in the early twenty-first century. Using the syntheticalrating of urban living conditions (combiningthe material privation rating of households with the rating of urban life quality recognizing variables that affect the territory and generate the best and worst case scenarios in socio-spatial situations of the agglomerate, identifying their main characteristics.

  5. La Psicología Social Comunitaria en procesos de reubicación masiva: una experiencia de la Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela

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    Luis Fernando Giuliani


    Full Text Available La Psicología Social Comunitaria cuenta con un sostenido desarrollo  teórico y metodológico que representa un gran potencial de aplicabilidad en la solución de diversos problemas sociales y en el desarrollo de las comunidades.  Por su parte, el contexto venezolano actual, donde casi todas las políticas públicas implican un alto nivel de protagonismo de la organización y la participación comunitaria, es sumamente propicio para que las ciencias sociales en general y, la Psicología Social Comunitaria en particular, integren sus aportes. En función de estos planteamientos, en el presente trabajo presentamos una experiencia realizada en el marco de la Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela, política pública impulsada por el estado venezolano que asume una perspectiva comunitaria y participativa. La experiencia en cuestión se desarrolló entre diciembre del 2013 y diciembre del 2014 y estuvo adscripta al Gobierno del Distrito Capital, en Caracas, Venezuela. Tuvo como eje central el desarrollo e implementación de un Enfoque Comunitario Integral destinado a servir de orientación al trabajo que realizaron los equipos con las poblaciones ubicadas en los nuevos urbanismos construidos por el estado. El diseño e implementación del Enfoque, integró buena parte de las propuestas teórico -  conceptuales de la Psicología Comunitaria.   Palabras clave: vivienda, comunidad, organización, participación, políticas públicas.

  6. Metodología de diseño, observación y cálculo de redes geodésicas exteriores para túneles de gran longitud

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    Velasco, J.


    Full Text Available The realization of long railway tunnels has acquired a great interest in recent years. In Spain it is necessary to address projects of this nature, but ther is no corresponding methodological framework supporting them. The tunnel observational and working geometrical properties, make that former methodologies used may be unuseful in this case: the observation of the exterior and interior geodetical networks of the tunnel is different in nature. Conditions of visibility in the interior of the tunnels, regardless of the geometry, are not the most advantageous for observation due to the production system and the natural conditions of the tunnels. Errors increase as the drilling of the tunnel progresses, as it becomes problematical to perform continuous verifications along the itinerary itself. Moreover, inherent tunnel movements due to active geodynamics must also be considered. Therefore patterns for geodetic and topographic observations have to be reviewed when very long tunnels are constructed.La realización de túneles de gran longitud para ferrocarriles ha adquirido un gran auge en los últimos años. En España se han abordado proyectos de estas características, no existiendo para su ejecución una metodología completa y contrastada de actuación. Las características geométricas, de observación y de trabajo en túneles hace que las metodologías que se aplican en otros proyectos de ingeniería no sean aplicables por las siguientes causas: separación de las redes exteriores e interiores de los túneles debido a la diferente naturaleza de los observables, geometría en el interior siempre desfavorable a los requerimientos de observación clásica, mala visibilidad dentro del túnel, aumento de errores conforme avanza la perforación, y movimientos propios del túnel durante su ejecución por la propia geodinámica activa. Los patrones de observación geodésica usados deben revisarse cuando se ejecutan túneles de gran longitud. Este

  7. Estudio de la presencia de peligros (aflatoxinas) y fraudes (uso no declarado de cereal transgénico) en el gofio producido en Gran Canaria


    Collado Perera, Miguel Ángel; Millán de Larriva, Rafael; Sanjuán Velázquez, Esther


    [ES] Todavía hoy, los cereales son en gran medida el alimento más importante de la humanidad. En las Islas Canarias existe un alimento muy típico elaborado a base de cereales tostados y molidos conocido como gofio, que ya era consumido por los primeros habitantes de las islas. Se considera como un alimento seguro por su baja humedad y por alcanzar temperaturas de 130ºC durante su elaboración. Sin embargo, puede contener sustancias tóxicas conocidas como micotoxinas y, por otro lado, es posibl...

  8. Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Selected Rice Varieties

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Physical and chemical properties of nine rice varieties grown and processed in Ebonyi .... Therefore, one tonne of a slender variety of rice will need more storage space than the ..... during washing and boiling of milled rice Starch 36:386-390.


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    A. G. Besedin


    Full Text Available The early-ripening variety of garden pea ‘Kudesnik 2’ was proposed for State Commission for variety trial in 2015 and regarded to be used in the canning industry. The variety was bred at Krymsk Experimental Plant Breeding Station and considered to be used for continued conveyor-like production for further processing technology at canned-food production enterprises.

  10. Factores que influyen en la diversidad de la dieta de las familias campesinas de las comunidades de San Clemente y Jesús del Gran Poder en la sierra norte del Ecuador.


    Boada Molina, Laura Gabriela


    La presente investigación se basa en el estudio de la diversidad en la dieta de las familias campesinas de la Sierra Norte del Ecuador, específicamente en las comunidades de Jesús del Gran Poder en la Provincia del Carchi y de San Clemente en la Provincia de Imbabura.

  11. Situación laboral de los jóvenes en el Gran Resistencia y Corrientes, Argentina, en el período 2010-2013

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    Pablo Barbetti


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un estudio descriptivo del comportamiento del mercado laboral de los jóvenes en los aglomerados urbanos Gran Resistencia y Corrientes durante el período 2010 – 2013. Se basa en el análisis de algunas de las principales variables relacionadas con la problemática socioeducativa y laboral de los jóvenes, para lo cual se ha tomado como fuente de datos secundarios la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares del INDEC correspondientes a los 4° trimestres de los años mencionados.

  12. El patrimonio rupestre de Gran Canaria. Los grabados de la Montaña de Las Vacas (Aldea de San Nicolás

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    Ernesto Martín Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se presentan varias estaciones rupestres inéditas para la investigación, localizadas en el curso de los trabajos arqueológicos llevados a cabo en la Montaña de Hogarzales (Aldea de San Nicolás, Gran Canaria en torno a la explotación de la obsidiana por las comunidades prehistóricas de la isla.One presents rock art unpublished stations for the investigation, located in the course of the archaeological works led to end in Hogarzales's mountain (Village of San Nicolas, Great Canary concerning the exploitation of the obsidian for the prehistoric communities of the island.

  13. Adelic divisors on arithmetic varieties

    CERN Document Server

    Moriwaki, Atsushi


    In this article, the author generalizes several fundamental results for arithmetic divisors, such as the continuity of the volume function, the generalized Hodge index theorem, Fujita's approximation theorem for arithmetic divisors, Zariski decompositions for arithmetic divisors on arithmetic surfaces and a special case of Dirichlet's unit theorem on arithmetic varieties, to the case of the adelic arithmetic divisors.

  14. La mujer directiva en la gran empresa española: perfil, competencias y estilos de dirección

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    María José Charlo Molina, Ph.D


    Full Text Available La escasa presencia de mujeres directivas en la gran empresa española evidencia una fuerte segregación de género del mercado de trabajo, independiente del nivel formativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar el perfil y estilos de dirección de las altas ejecutivas españolas, a partir de la realización de un cuestionario y de su tratamiento estadístico usando el análisis factorial. El marco teórico lo proporcionan la gestión de la diversidad y las teorías sobre paradigmas de liderazgo en la empresa. A la luz de las mismas se tratará de comprobar si existe congruencia entre el rol de género y el rol organizativo, para proponer un nuevo paradigma que minimice los efectos negativos de las posibles incongruencias.

  15. La mujer directiva en la gran empresa española: perfil, competencias y estilos de dirección

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    Full Text Available La escasa presencia de mujeres directivas en la gran empresa española evidencia una fuerte segregación de género del mercado de trabajo, independiente del nivel formativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar el perfil y estilos de dirección de las altas ejecutivas españolas, a partir de la realización de un cuestionario y de su tratamiento estadístico usando el análisis factorial. El marco teórico lo proporcionan la gestión de la diversidad y las teorías sobre paradigmas de liderazgo en la empresa. A la luz de las mismas se tratará de comprobar si existe congruencia entre el rol de género y el rol organizativo, para proponer un nuevo paradigma que minimice los efectos negativos de las posibles incongruencias.

  16. Different Aluminum Tolerance among Indica, Japonica and Hybrid Rice Varieties

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    Shu Chang


    Full Text Available Hydroponic cultures were conducted to compare the aluminum (Al tolerance among different rice (Oryza sativa L. varieties, including indica, japonica and their hybrids. The results showed that the root growth of rice plant was inhibited in different degrees among Al treated varieties. The Al tolerance observed through relative root elongation indicated that five japonica varieties including Longjing 9, Dharial, LGC 1, Ribenyou and Koshihikari were relatively more tolerant than indica varieties. Most indica varieties in this study, such as Aus 373 and 9311 (awnless, were sensitive to Al toxicity. The Al tolerance of most progenies from japonica × indica or indica × japonica crosses was constantly consistent with indica parents. The differences of Al tolerance among Longjing 9 (japonica, Yangdao 6 (indica and Wuyunjing 7 (japonica were studied. Biomass and the malondial-dehyde content of Yangdao 6 under Al exposure decreased and increased, respectively, while there was no significant effect on those of Longjing 9 and Wuyunjing 7. Remarkable reduction of root activities was observed in all these three rice varieties. Significantly higher Al content in roots was found in Yangdao 6 compared to Longjing 9 or Wuyunjing 7.

  17. Proposal for the Identification of Barley Varieties Based on the Genotypes for 2 Hordein and 39 Isoenzym Loci of 47 Reference Varieties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, G.; Johansen, Hanne Bay


    Fifty-nine spring and 7 winter barley varieties in lsquoThe Danish List of Varieties of Agricultural Crops, 1983/84rsquo were examined for variation at 39 isoenzyme and two hordein loci. Twenty-three isoenzyme loci had one allele only, and 16 loci had from two to five alleles. One hordein locus had...

  18. Phenotypic Changes in Different Spinach Varieties Grown and Selected under Organic Conditions

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    Nicolas Schermann


    Full Text Available Organic and low-input agriculture needs flexible varieties that can buffer environmental stress and adapt to the needs of farmers. We implemented an experiment to investigate the evolutionary capacities of a sample of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. population varieties for a number of phenotypic traits. Three farmers cultivated, selected and multiplied one or several populations over two years on their farms. The third year, the versions of the varieties cultivated and selected by the different farmers were compared to the original seed lots they had been given. After two cycles of cultivation and on-farm mass selection, all the observed varieties showed significant phenotypic changes (differences between the original version and the version cultivated by farmers for morphological and phenological traits. When the divergence among versions within varieties was studied, the results show that the varieties conserved their identity, except for one variety, which evolved in such a way that it may now be considered two different varieties. The heterogeneity of the population varieties was assessed in comparison with a commercial F1 hybrid used as control, and we found no specific differences in phenotypic diversity between the hybrid and population varieties. The phenotypic changes shown by the population varieties in response to on-farm cultivation and selection could be useful for the development of specific adaptation. These results call into question the current European seed legislation and the requirements of phenotypic stability for conservation varieties.

  19. Variety and economic development : conceptual issues and measurement problems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frenken, K.; Saviotti, P.P.; Trommetter, M.; Cantner, U.; Hanusch, H.; Klepper, S.


    For any evolutionary theory of economic development, the understanding of the determinants of variety and its effects on economic systems is of central importance. On the one hand, increasing returns tend to standardize technologies thus reducing product variety. On the other hand, the resulting

  20. Genetics applied to the constitution new varieties of plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stamigna, Carla; Chiaretti, Emiliano; Chiaretti, Domenico


    The genetic improvement of plants intended to create new varieties, as well as the study of principles and techniques to get them to answer for the real needs of farmers. This process requires advanced agricultural techniques to obtain a continuous and progressive increase crop productivity and higher profitability the processes employed in agriculture. Enea continues to recognize new plant varieties in collaboration with the company ISEAAGROSERVICE seed, which in the past it has been the one that has more commercialized the Croesus wheat, a variety of durum wheat obtained at the laboratories of the Center Casaccia Research in the early 70s. [it